Книги / Новеллы и ранобэ / Переводы фанфиков / Гарри Поттер
Год выпуска: 2022
Количество глав: 442
Выпуск: завершён
График публикации бесплатных глав: по 1 главы каждые 5 дня в 14 часов 0 минут
Жанры: боевик повседневность приключения сверхъестественное фанфик фэнтези
Тэги: гарри поттер
Фэндом: Harry Potter / Гарри Поттер
See the wizarding war from the perspective of the participants –
Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, a second-year professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts in Harry Potter, gained the memory of the plot.
And successfully broke the legendary position curse and was re-elected.
Do not follow the plot development of the original work, be rigorous, do not wash and do not black, and have a normal orientation
See how a young professor teaches and educates people, and goes through baptism to become a true backbone of the Order of the Phoenix
The new book “Dragon Slayer Who Guards the World” has begun to be uploaded. It is an adventure story of the second generation of the protagonist.