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HP: Система Короля Демонов

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Краткое содержание

Путешествуя по миру Гарри Поттера, Уэйн пробуждает Систему

Короля Демонов. Эта система вознаграждает его за создание хаоса и

нарушение школьных правил, что приводит к периоду

беспрецедентной оживленности в Хогвартсе.

Дамблдор признает: «Каждый студент должен нарушить несколько

правил в своей жизни, но Уэйн... пожалуйста, постарайтесь

проявлять некоторую сдержанность».

МакГонагалл добавляет: «Я всегда считала близнецов Уизли

смелыми, но я никогда не ожидала, что Уэйн превзойдет их в


Снейп восклицает: «Азкабан! Он заслуживает того, чтобы его

отправили прямо в Азкабан!»

Волан-де-Морт заявляет: «Забудьте о Детях Пророчества. Мое

единственное желание — убить Уэйна Лоуренса! Прямо сейчас!»

Уэйн беспомощно разводит руки и объясняет: «Я просто выполняю

системные миссии!!»


Оригинальное китайское название:- 霍格沃茨:求求你快毕业吧

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Chapter 28: 28. Transfiguration


A group of Hufflepuff girls were ready to take action, but they had not

yet made up their minds.

As the class approached, it felt like Professor McGonagall would be

arriving soon.

To ensure they didn't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Hannah

gathered Bones, Juliet, and several other girls together, each holding

snacks in their hands.

"Damn it," Wayne exclaimed, his eyes widening.

"Miranda," he questioned, "where did you get the catnip?"

At that moment, the tabby cat, surrounded by the girls, suddenly

showcased a human smile, jumped back, and transformed back into the

serious appearance of Professor McGonagall.

"Miss Abbott, Miss Livingston," Professor McGonagall's voice

reprimanded, "do not engage in reckless behavior in the magical world,

especially when you cannot identify the creature in front of you."

Professor McGonagall glanced at the catnip, her mouth twitching without

a trace.

"He truly is a Hufflepuff student," she muttered, "always able to acquire

the most peculiar plants."

"M-Mc, Professor McGonagall," the frightened little witches stuttered.

"Alright, class is about to begin," Professor McGonagall announced.

"Please return to your seats."

The girls quickly scurried back to their seats, relieved expressions mixed

with lingering fear.

Even the other students who had been watching the excitement were

startled and sat upright, waiting for the class to begin.

This was a trick Professor McGonagall often used. When young wizards

entered the school, she would transform into her Animagus form to scare

them, establishing her authority. And it always worked.

Soon, the class bell rang, and Professor McGonagall transitioned into

teaching mode.

"Transfiguration is the most dangerous and complex magic you will learn

at Hogwarts," she began.

"If anyone dare misbehave in my class, I will dismiss them and they will

never step foot in this room again."

Professor McGonagall's authoritative aura filled the room, silencing

everyone. Even Malfoy and his two followers shrunk in their seats.

On the podium, McGonagall waved her hand, and the blackboard filled

with dense text, displaying the well-known Gamp Transformation Laws of

the magical world.

These laws were the foundation, the ironclad rules, of all transfiguration.

It was essential for every student to commit this knowledge to memory

before starting their studies to avoid any irreversible harm.

As the students took notes, Wayne did the same, but selectively. He

already possessed a wealth of knowledge, so he saw no need to waste ink.

When they finished writing, McGonagall pulled out her wand and tapped

the table, instantly transforming it into a pig.

This display immediately captured the little wizards' attention, their

previously bored expressions transforming into ones of excitement and

anticipation. As a seasoned professor with decades of teaching

experience, McGonagall's exceptional teaching ability is beyond question,

and he knows exactly what young wizards desire most.

Each individual was given a match. The objective of this class, or perhaps

even the entire month's class, is to transform the match into a needle.

Transfiguration is categorized based on difficulty, ranging from simple to

challenging: inanimate objects transforming into other inanimate objects,

living beings transforming into inanimate objects, inanimate objects

transforming into living beings, and living beings transforming into other

living beings.

As one delves further into the past, the disparity in difficulty increases.

Well, even the initial class left everyone perplexed.

Hannah nearly shattered the toothpick with her wand, but there was no

alteration in her toothpick.

Her deskmate Susan fared much better. Within five minutes, she

successfully turned the match... into green.

"Change, change, change for me!"

Malfoy clenched his teeth and filled the barrel with wands.


A firework burst forth from the top, nearly exploding his table.

"Mr. Malfoy, I specifically instructed you to concentrate; anger serves no


McGonagall furrowed her brow and admonished, "Due to your

recklessness, Slytherin house will have one point deducted."

"Yes, Professor, I understand." Malfoy, too afraid to provoke her further,

fetched another match.

"This is too difficult." Toby caused his match to flash with a silvery light.

At first, he believed it was a success, but soon realized the match had not

changed at all.

"It's alright, just focus on the match. Don't concern yourself with the

consequences of success or failure."

Wayne mentioned this nonchalantly and, with a flick of his wand,

transformed the match into a silver needle, thick at one end and slender

at the other.

The thicker end also boasted intricate patterns.

As McGonagall passed by, she was taken aback and delighted by his


"Fantastic, Mr. Lawrence!"

This skill alone is something many young wizards struggle to accomplish

in a whole semester.

She gazed at Wayne with admiration, saying, "You possess great talent in

transfiguration. Keep up the excellent work, Mr. Lawrence. Five points to


"Thank you, professor," Wayne obediently expressed his gratitude.

Both Toby and Norman, seated at the front desk, regarded Wayne as a


"Aren't you the one who claimed to have no prior exposure to magic?

How did you achieve success so quickly?"


Confidently, Wayne responded, "I had a preview of it when I was bored

during summer vacation. What's the issue?"

Toby muttered, "Who seriously previews in their free time? This truly

reflects a lack of faith in the professor's teaching abilities!"

Alright, alright, you may continue speaking.

Numerous students also stared at Wayne with envy, particularly those

from Slytherin, who were even more resentful.

What they couldn't accomplish with their pureblood status had been

achieved by a mere Muggle wizard.

Indeed, it was nothing short of humiliating.

What a shame. Until the end of class, no student succeeded in changing

the shape of the match, nor did the material change at all.

However, Wayne's success surprised Professor McGonagall so much that

she exempted him from Transfiguration homework for the week.

This made Toby and Norman's eyes turn red, but it didn't deter them

from their job.

After class, Wayne hurried to the cafeteria with his schoolbag in hand,

making him an anomaly compared to his usual unhurried self. Lost in

thought about ways to make money, he walked towards the canteen with

his head lowered.

Following his routine from the previous night, he discovered how much

pocket money the young wizards had. With their wallets at their fullest at

the start of the school year, it was only a matter of time before they spent

a lot of money.

Wayne realized he needed to act quickly. However, due to his absorbed

thoughts and lowered head, Wayne didn't notice a girl approaching him

around the corner, causing them to collide. "Ouch!" The sound of

collision startled Wayne. "Sorry, are you okay?"



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Chapter 29: 29. Ravenclaw Is

Great If they Can Gather Seven


The black-haired girl stumbled in front of Wayne, rubbing her forehead

and revealing her beautiful and delicate face.

"It's okay, just a little pain in my forehead," she reassured him.

"Sorry, I was thinking about the problem and didn't look at the road,"

Wayne apologized.

Despite being the future demon king, Wayne was also at fault.

Without waiting for the girl to speak, he extended his fingers and

whispered, "Healed as before!"

A warm sensation enveloped her forehead, and the girl noticed that the

pain had vanished. Looking in the mirror beside her, she saw that the

redness and swelling had disappeared as well.

"Using a healing spell without a wand, you're incredibly powerful!" she

exclaimed, looking at Wayne with excitement. "My name is Cho Chang,

what's yours?"

"Wayne, Wayne Lawrence," he replied.

Cho Chang, Wayne observed. She was different from what he had seen in

movies and TV shows.

"I just remembered, you're the hater from yesterday!" Cho suddenly


Wayne smiled and nodded. "Yes, if I had known there were so many

beauties in Ravenclaw, I might as well have joined them."

He knew how to say nice things, thought Cho. His praise made her feel a

little shy but also happy.

With their newfound closeness, the two walked towards the auditorium,

engaging in lively conversation.

Just as the two left, a soft hum could be heard from the other side of the

door. Hermione, who had just finished her herbal medicine class,

witnessed the entire exchange.

She recalled Wayne's attitude when they first met and couldn't help

feeling uncomfortable for some reason.


"The Quidditch trials will start next week, and I'm not sure if I'll be

selected," Wayne shared.

Wayne and Cho continued their pleasant conversation. The only

difference between them was that Cho was so intelligent that Wayne

couldn't help but think he should have joined Ravenclaw instead of


However, Wayne believed that intelligence wasn't exclusive to

Ravenclaw. Professors like McGonagall and Dumbledore, who belonged

to other houses, were just as smart.

Of course, Wayne had one evaluation in mind that he didn't voice out


That's why Wayne believed that Ravenclaw's so-called intelligence was

often just self-righteous cleverness or calculating shrewdness.

Let's take a look at what Ravenclaw graduates are doing.

In this semester's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Quirrell was

manipulated into becoming a jinchūriki by the remnants of Voldemort

with just a few words.

The next semester featured Lockhart, a complete fraud.

Barty Crouch might have been an elite wizard and one of the most

capable officials at the Ministry of Magic, but he had secretly freed little

Barty from Azkaban for a brief moment, leading to a series of subsequent

disasters. Looking at it this way, most Ravenclaw individuals are just

slightly clever and have completely missed the point. Wayne couldn't

express these thoughts to Cho. Otherwise, the girl, who is still smiling

sweetly, will instantly lose her temper.

She was heard expressing concern about Quidditch tryouts. Wayne

offered reassurance: "Don't worry, Cedric said it would be great if the

Ravenclaw Quidditch team could gather seven people. If you sign up,

you'll be selected."

Ravenclaw is full of contrasting personalities, and many of them aren't

enthusiastic about participating in group activities. Cedric's statement is

objectively correct. Cho's face darkened.


"That Hufflepuff seeker who's number one in the third year?"

"Thank you for your encouragement. I'm going to train. I'll play against

Hufflepuff next time!"

Cho was so excited that her competitive spirit was fully ignited. The

position she originally wanted to compete for was the seeker, and she

secretly practiced at home all summer.

As long as she gets selected, she'll catch the Golden Snitch for sure when

competing against Hufflepuff. She wants Cedric to see the consequences

of underestimating Ravenclaw. Wayne smiled as he watched the girl


[The host sows discord and destroys the relationship between the

two houses, reward points +50]


Fortunately, this system has such a chatty owner. Otherwise, it would

have to be uninstalled.

What do they mean by sowing discord? He was just paraphrasing Cedric's

words without exaggeration.

Besides, isn't it normal to talk trash before a game?

He hasn't said anything particularly harsh yet.

For example, Fred spilled a secret on the train yesterday.

The Quidditch matches with Ravenclaw take a long time, why...

There are seven players, five of whom are girls, and both batsmen are


Apart from playing Quidditch, where else would you have the

opportunity to have so many girls play with you or even chase after you?

When he said this, not only the twins but also Cedric showed a

mischievous smile, thoroughly enjoying it.


In the afternoon, there were two spells classes in a row. Professor

Flitwick stood on a tall stack of books and called roll. When he read

"Harry Potter," he screamed excitedly and fell off the books.

It took him a while to compose himself and start the first spells lesson.

Magic spells are the foundation of everything. Learning magic spells not

only allows you to master the spells themselves but also enhances your

ability to learn other spells and develop your understanding of magic.

That's why Harry was able to quickly master the disarming spell and

armor spell after being introduced to them. Once you have a solid

foundation, you will be able to learn other spells much faster.

"Today we will be learning the most basic spell, the lighting spell. It is

very simple. The spell is called Lumos..."


"What's wrong? Who upset you?"

Wayne was still sitting with Hermione, but she didn't give him a friendly


Noticing Wayne sitting down, she turned her face away without saying a


It was clear from her expression that she was unhappy and wanted


Wayne thought about it and realized that it wasn't because of what

happened in the History of Magic class. Hermione wasn't that sensitive.

So what could it be?

"Don't talk to me during class, Mr. Lawrence!"

Ah, so Mr. Lawrence had been shouting and was the culprit.

Wayne couldn't figure out what had upset the little witch, but he didn't

have experience in appeasing girls, so he handled it with indifference.

As Professor Flitwick allowed everyone to practice freely, the classroom

suddenly became noisy.

Chants and incantations could be heard on and off.

Wayne raised his wand and whispered,




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Chapter 30: 30. The Explosive

Genius Is So Terrifying

As Professor Flitwick said, the lighting spell is very basic.

After learning the spells and gestures, along with some tips mentioned by

Flitwick, the young wizards quickly got started.

The classroom was lit with flickering stars. To make the light more

visible, the professor thoughtfully closed the curtains.

A bright light appeared at the tip of Wayne's wand, with moderate

brightness and a stable source.

Unlike the other young wizards whose lights flickered, Wayne's was


"Very good, Mr. Lawrence, two points for Hufflepuff," Professor Flitwick

praised him as he approached.

Wayne didn't show too much excitement.

After all, the lighting spell is quite simple and can be mastered with

practice. Flitwick merely added two points to show his encouragement

because Wayne's light was large, round, and durable.

Hermione glanced sideways, raised her head, snorted coldly, and recited

the spell.

The tip of her wand lit up, but it wasn't as big as Wayne's. The light was

too bright and somewhat dazzling.

When the young witch tried to lower the brightness, she lost control of

the spell and it dissipated.


Wayne found her funny and accidentally laughed out loud.

"Why are you laughing? You're more skilled than me," Hermione

snapped, and then cast the lighting spell again.

Unfortunately, her performance this time was even worse. The wand only

lit up once and then stopped responding.

"You have to have a calm mind to achieve stable output," Wayne pointed

out. "So, Miss Granger, can you tell me why I made you angry?"

Hermione said sourly, "No matter what I do, go find your senior


Wayne's head was filled with questions.

First of all, even if he and Cho exchanged a few words, Hermione could

see them, but no one else could.

Secondly... what does the young witch mean by her tone? We have no

connection yet.

"No..." Hermione also realized there was something wrong with her tone

and quickly explained, "When we first met, you tried to cheat me out of

money, but you treated that Ravenclaw..."

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about!" Wayne looked

around and noticed that Professor Flitwick had walked away, feeling

relieved. "Am I trying to cheat you? I'm doing a good deed."

"Knowledge is priceless. I only spent two Sickles and read books for a

week. You can tell me whether you're making a profit or not."

"It's quite profitable." Hermione nodded subconsciously.

But something still feels off.

"That's alright. Just because you love learning so much, I reluctantly lent

you the book."

"I can guarantee that if Cho asks to borrow a book, I won't give it to her."

There was yet another round of deception, and Hermione unknowingly

smiled, completely unaware that Wayne began to call Cho by her first


Throughout the class, the young wizards were practicing magic, and

Toby approached Wayne distressed.

"Wayne, is there a way to stabilize the light? It's almost blinding me, like

a police car's light."

"How can I explain it..." Wayne pondered for a moment, then said, "Just

imagine that you're holding a torch instead of a wand, and focus on that


Toby returned to his seat, deep in thought.

"What did Wayne say?" Norman asked.

Their only issue is that the lights keep flashing, one resembling a police

car and the other an ambulance.

"Wayne said to imagine you're holding a torch instead of a wand and to


"Then let me give it a try." Norman nodded, raised his wand high, and

exclaimed powerfully, "Lumos!"


Light appeared, but it was in the form of fire.

The flame snake spewed out, startling Professor Flitwick, who quickly

summoned water to extinguish it.


Wayne was amazed. His roommate was indeed extraordinary. He chanted

the lighting spell but come out the fire spell.

If this were a battle, Norman would be a valuable asset to the people.

"Mr. Sherlock, what Mr. Lawrence said is correct, but don't get too

excited. Remember, you're holding a torch, not throwing it out."

Professor Flitwick explained, still shocked from the scare earlier, but

relieved that the wand was held upright.

If he had to chat with Madam Pomfrey in the infrmary again, he knew

he'd be in trouble.

After a few more reminders, Professor Flitwick continued patrolling the

classroom, helping the young wizards master the magic spell.

He initially thought Norman had taken it too far, but little did he know

that even more powerful magic was to come.

"Mr. Finnigan, please loosen your grip. Your wand is about to break."

"There should be a pause when reciting the incantation, Lumos~~.

Remember the rhythm."

No wonder Professor Flitwick had won the title of Hogwarts' most

popular professor for sixteen consecutive years.

He was patient, had a good temperament, and gave students countless

internship opportunities. It was no wonder everyone liked him so much.

Seamus, who had been nervous earlier, became more relaxed under

Flitwick's comforting words.

He raised his head confidently, and the wand in his hand turned into a

baton, drawing a graceful arc.

His desk mate, Neville, looked at him expectantly, and Flitwick also gave

an encouraging look.


Wayne frowned, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

Was this the explosive genius?

Wayne and Hermione were seated at the same table as Norman and

Toby. Wayne's anxiety grew as he heard Seamus begin to recite the spell.


"Get down!"Wayne impulsively pulled Hermione, causing the restless

little witch to throw herself into his arms.

Simultaneously, a loud booming sound reverberated through the magic

classroom, accompanied by a powerful explosion.

Over a dozen young witches screamed in terror, their eardrums rattled by

the blast.

Seamus and Neville, the two individuals at the epicenter of the explosion,

now sported charred faces and afro-like hair. Professor Flitwick, however,

managed to escape unscathed thanks to his small stature, a fortunate

circumstance indeed.

Due to his proximity to the explosion, the professor's hearing was

temporarily impaired.

"Hiccup~!" Seamus belched, blowing out two smoke rings. Ignorant of

his condition, his eyes shone brightly.

"Professor, did you see it? It lit up just now!"

"What did you say?!" Professor Flitwick inquired loudly.

"I said it lit up!"

Flitwick's foot stumbled, nearly causing him to fall.

"That's excellent news, just avoid repeating it!"



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Chapter 31: 31. Disappointing

Defense Against The Dark Arts


"Are you okay?"

Wayne helped the shocked Hermione up and asked with concern.

"No, it's okay." Hermione shook her head, looking at Seamus with fear in

her eyes.

Magic is too dangerous!

No, that's not right.

It's not magic that's dangerous, it's Seamus.

She has practiced so many spells at home, and she has never had such an

accident. At most, the spell failed and had no effect.

Hermione said seriously, "Let's stay away from Seamus from now on. I

don't want to end up lying down in the school infirmary."

Wayne smiled and nodded. He saw that Professor Flitwick had arranged

for Seamus and Neville to practice in the corner of the classroom, just to

avoid them accidentally injuring others.

Fortunately, Seamus is still just a young wizard and his magical power is

far from powerful.

The effect just now was just a bluff, and the actual damage was not

much. Everyone was just shocked and quickly recovered.

After class, Hermione had forgotten that she was still angry with Wayne

just now and happily invited him to the library to do homework together.

Wayne was self-effacing. The two of them walked to the library and

immediately fell silent after entering the door.

The librarian, Mrs. Pince, is a woman with a bad temper who loves books

and despises noisy students.

If anyone made her angry, she would wave a feather duster and chase

them away.

Wayne felt that she was most likely a squib, and her obsession with

books stemmed from the treasures they contained.

Hermione took out a Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook and started

writing a paper, while Wayne chose a "Zenas Duel Manual" and started

reading it.

Zenas was the most famous dueling master at the beginning of the last

century. He once set a record of thirty-eight consecutive undefeated

battles and dominated the front page for a week.

What made him truly unique was that he achieved such accomplishments

solely relying on simple spells, without mastering any advanced magic.

The book also included the accounts of several of his battles. Wayne read

it and learned some useful tips.

Hogwarts is a vast treasure for everyone.

But not everyone has the ability or energy to obtain it.

Several professors, not to mention the four heads of houses, possess real

talent, and their guidance will undoubtedly be beneficial.

Even if you go to Snape to ask questions, he may be a bit spiteful, but he

will still answer your queries.

The library is also a treasure trove. It holds the accumulated knowledge

of the castle over thousands of years. Students have seven years to better

themselves, but how many take advantage of this opportunity?

Therefore, Hogwarts is truly magical. It offers both a joyful education for

all and an elite education for the ambitious. Whether it's a dragon or an

insect, it solely depends on your thoughts.

Wayne is dissatisfied with the size of the restricted area, which takes up

one-third of the entire library.

Initially, it wasn't as big, but Dumbledore gradually expanded it to what

it is now after the events involving Voldemort.

Even magical spells like the Patronus Charm are reserved for the

forbidden book area.

Old Dumbles, I can buy this magic at Flourishes and Blotts Bookstore!


The new semester is off to a good start, and the new students are slowly

adjusting to school life.

For the majority of courses, everyone is quite content.

Undoubtedly, Charms is the favorite course among the young wizards.

The professor is approachable and spends a significant amount of time in

class demonstrating magic with his wand.

Transfiguration class is also enjoyable, but Professor McGonagall is quite

strict, which leaves the young wizards slightly intimidated, fearing point

deductions for their academy.

Furthermore, the transfiguration technique is overly challenging. After

two transfiguration classes, many people's hands feel numb, yet no

progress has been made.

The match remained unchanged, with no sign of the needle.

A clever young wizard from Ravenclaw brought a needle to class and

successfully deducted ten points from his academy.

Many people now feel that silver needles resemble long and thin objects,

with obvious needle holes.

Additionally, the Hufflepuff students also enjoy their dean's classes.

In the first week, their task was to replace ginger root, a material used for

making magic potions and scabies potions, as well as intelligence


When Professor Sprout mentioned that this item sold for five pieces and a

galleon in Diagon Alley, Wayne and other young wizards from Muggle

families were shocked.

"Don't be so surprised, kids," Sprout explained with a smile. "The ginger

you know is indeed used, but the value-added potions and fertilizers used

in the growing process are highly valuable."

"That's why it's so expensive."

"What kind of fertilizer?" Wayne curiously inquired.

"The excrement of the Moon-Crazy Beast," Professor Sprout replied,

pulling out a box filled with silver particles.

"Moon-Crazy Beast feces are highly fertile and can enhance the efficacy of

medicine. However, it can only be used if it's fresh and properly


Wayne nodded and made a note.

Most of the books he had read focused on potion making and material

selection, so he hadn't grasped the basics of planting and maintaining

these raw materials.

He was a bit surprised. Herbalism was a course taught by his dean, yet he

was uninterested in it.

Upon returning, I'll quickly read a few more books on herbal medicine to

catch up on my lessons. Other than the other courses, the little wizards

aren't too enthusiastic about it.

For example, in astronomy, you have to climb the tower at around 10

p.m. on Wednesday and hold a telescope to look at the stars.

It sounds very romantic, but it's too late, and many little wizards are

already yawning sleepily.

After returning home, I have to write a ten-inch astronomical observation

record, which feels like torture.

Not to mention the history of magic, every word from Cuthbert Binns is

like a hypnotic spell, and no one except Hermione can resist it.

The story of wizards being worshiped as gods in the early days is very

interesting, and you can understand it by reading the book yourself.

But when it comes out of Cuthbert Binns' mouth, it becomes boring


Everyone considers History of Magic a good opportunity to catch up on

sleep because Cuthbert Binns never interferes with the students'

activities. As long as we don't cause trouble by jumping up, we can do


Also, Defense Against the Dark Arts is a huge disappointment.

Quirrell stutters, so how can he teach well?

There were even rumors that Quirrell was asked to cry by a young


Most people didn't take it seriously, but as the story spread wider and

wider, people even knew the name of the little wizard.

Now, they can't help but not believe it.

The name Wayne Lawrence has once again caught everyone's attention.



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Chapter 32: 32. Wayne: Harry,

Don’t Look At Snape.

Friday morning, the Hufflepuff freshmen finally attended their first

Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

The classroom was located in a corner on the third floor. When the first

little wizard arrived, he hesitated before confirming that he was in the

right place and then walked in.

The classroom was very dark with only one small window, which was

still closed, and it was filled with an indescribable strange smell. Wayne

arrived and frowned unconsciously. Just as he was about to open the

window, Quirrell arrived.

"Don't... don't open it, that's fine, that's fine," Quirrell said.

"Professor, I'm here for class, not to absorb toxic gases," Wayne said

unhappily, with some little wizards already laughing.

But they quickly covered their mouths.

They were not afraid of being discovered and blamed by the professor,

but rather because after Quirrell came in, there was a strong smell of

garlic, which made the smell in the classroom even worse.

"I, I encountered... a resurrected zombie in the Black State. I was cursed

and couldn't breathe," Quirrell explained stammeringly, pointing to the

scarf on his head.

"This, this is a gift from the king of a tribe... the prince."

Resurrected zombie?

Many little wizards became interested.

The name of the resurrected zombie, also known as the Inferius, is well-

known in the magic world. It is a mysterious religious product.

Every resurrected zombie is a living dead, a walking corpse without

consciousness or a soul. Their attack power is not strong, but they have

various uses. They are a necessary sacrifice for black wizards to practice

dark magic.

"Professor, how did you subdue the resurrected zombie?" Justin raised his

hand and asked.

"This, this has nothing to do with this class," Quirrell avoided answering,

"Turn the textbook to the third page. Today we will learn how to avoid


"No, professor, just tell us about your experience," Hannah asked again,

but Quirrell ignored her and started to lecture vaguely.

How to say...

Worse than Cuthbert Binns.

Although Cuthbert Binns talks very monotonously, at least his

pronunciation is clear enough to be used as a bedtime story.

But Quirrell was stammering, couldn't read coherently, and made it

impossible to fall asleep. The smell in this room also didn't help.

Suddenly, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class that everyone had been

looking forward to turned into a two-hour torture.

Wayne raised his hand.

"classmate Lawrence, do you have any questions?" Quirrell asked.

"Professor, there is indeed a problem, and it is a big problem," Wayne

stood up. "I understand Cuthbert Binns reading the textbook, but if you

just read the textbook, what are we learning about Defense Against the

Dark Arts?"

"When we encounter Kappa, are we going to smash them to death with

our textbooks?"

"For defense against the dark arts, of course, you need to learn spells. Can

you tell me how to use the repel spell?"

His words received strong support from the students, and everyone was

talking about it.

Quirrell was frightened and explained stumblingly that he wanted

everyone to gain more knowledge and would teach them spells.

He did teach.

After enduring for an hour, Quirrell wrote the spell to repel the curse on

the blackboard.

Then it was over.

Wayne said again, "Professor, please demonstrate it to us again."

Quirrell hesitated for a long time and declined because it was too


Everyone was even more dissatisfied. What danger could a repelling spell


Seeing that the situation was out of control, Quirrell squeezed out a few

tears from his twinkling eyes, hugged the textbook, and ran away,

leaving behind a bunch of dumbfounded little wizards.

Wayne was also confused.

He just wanted to earn some points, so why did he make people cry?

It has been almost a week since Wayne came to school. On the one hand,

Wayne is familiar with the school, but on the other hand, he has not

found a suitable opportunity to earn points.

The other professors all deserved his respect, and he couldn't do anything

to intentionally cause trouble for the sake of points.

Only Quirrell, this guy is deliberately showing off, is Voldemort's

Jinchuuriki, and Wayne doesn't feel any guilt at all when he bullies him.

In just one class, he had already scored more than 100 points.

Just when Wayne was planning to keep up his efforts and earn 200 points

to rest.

Who would have thought that Quirrell's endurance was so poor that he

actually ran away?

Who can I talk to to explain this?

There are no secrets in Hogwarts. What happened in the classroom

spread immediately. The first people to know were the other two houses

in the first year.

"Did you make Professor Quirrell cry?"

During lunch, Wayne was pulled to the Gryffindor table by Hermione and

asked curiously.

"No, what happened to these two people?"

Hermione didn't answer. Wayne looked next to her. Harry and Neville

both had dull eyes and numb expressions, looking like they had been

played badly.

"Don't mention it!"

Ronald put down his knife and fork angrily. "In Potions class just now,

Snape was chasing Harry like a swallow-tailed dog. He asked a lot of

questions about something he hadn't learned yet. In the end, Harry

couldn't answer, and he deducted two points from us."

"Granger's hands are raised to the ceiling. He can't see yet. Is he blind?!"

Hermione gave him an unhappy look.

What do you mean by raising it to the ceiling and calling her a long-

armed monster?

It turns out I was in Potions class...

Wayne wasn't surprised at all now. Instead, he was surprised that Snape

only deducted two points from them, which was too few."I have a way to

protect you from being targeted," Wayne proposed. Wayne pondered for

a moment and replied.

Harry's eyelids twitched, and he involuntarily glanced over.

"Coach, I want to learn," Harry said.

"Ahem," Wayne feigned wisdom. "Did you keep staring at Snape when he

asked you a question?"

Harry nodded sharply.

This is a master. He even knows this.

"That's your fault," Wayne shook his head. "Think about it, when you

dislike someone and they look at you, clearly showing their disbelief,

what will happen to you?"

Harry contemplated, "I'll become angrier and angrier."

Wayne clapped his hands and said, "Exactly. Next time you encounter

this situation, just lower your head and sincerely admit your mistake.

Even if the professor gets mad again, there's nothing you can do about it.

After all, having such a good attitude is a great advantage."

Harry's eyes brightened, and he gratefully said, "Thank you, Wayne. I

don't know what I would have done otherwise."

"You're welcome," Wayne smiled warmly. "Remember, never look at


After saying that, when the system prompted an increase of 50 points, he

drifted away.



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Chapter 33: 33. Thank You Snape

For Sending Me The Big Melon.

Watching Wayne walk further and further away, Hermione felt a growing

sense of suspicion. She always had a feeling that there was something

shady about him, but without any evidence, she felt compelled to keep

her head down and continue eating.

With no classes in the afternoon, Hermione planned to spend the time in

the library completing all her homework. She would then devote the

weekend to preparing for the next round of assignments.

Hermione's academic prowess had been on full display throughout the

week, earning Gryffindor points in nearly every class except Potions.

However, despite her success, she couldn't shake the anxiety caused by


Although the two of them seemed similar in their behavior during class,

Hermione knew that Wayne was hiding a lot of things. In Transfiguration

class, for example, she could only manage to slightly change the color

and texture of the matches, while Wayne succeeded on his first attempt

according to Professor McGonagall's feedback.

Hermione attributed her success to hard work and a good memory, but

she wondered how Wayne managed to perform so well. Whenever they

were in the library together, she noticed that he only read miscellaneous

books and often sneaked away to play wizard chess and engage in other

distractions. He seemed more relaxed than Harry and Ronald.

Hermione once caught Wayne performing an advanced healing spell on

Cho Chang, a skill that many adult wizards struggled with. This level of

talent left Hermione feeling a mix of admiration and despair, as she knew

she would have to work even harder to keep up with him.

Wayne's ability to hide his true potential only further frustrates

Hermione. If he were aware of her thoughts, he would surely accuse her

of making unfounded assumptions. Little did she know, Wayne had his

secrets and insecurities.

Upon arriving at Hogwarts, Wayne hadn't given much thought to striving

for personal growth. The wizarding world was relatively peaceful, and

the professors typically favored those with exceptional talents. Perhaps

his laid-back attitude stemmed from the belief that any student with

similar abilities could easily excel, including Hermione.

Hermione briefly considered seeking help from a professor to level the

playing field, but she dismissed the idea. Wayne, completely unaware of

Hermione's thoughts, made his way to the Potions classroom in the

basement after lunch.

Having spent a week at Hogwarts, the young wizards were beginning to

familiarize themselves with the teachers. One professor, Snape, stood out

as particularly "unique." As the clock neared 12:50, the classroom filled

with Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students. Everyone maintained a hushed

silence, casting occasional glances at the door.

Wayne sat at the same table as Hannah, feeling relatively nonchalant

about the upcoming class. Since he neither had the surname Potter nor

was a Gryffindor student, Snape had no reason to target him.

Snape walked into the classroom door exactly at one o'clock without

missing a beat.

He strode in so fast that he stirred up a breeze, causing his robe to float

up like a walking bat spirit.

"Put away that useless wand." Snape's voice was low and magnetic, but it

gave people a cold feeling. The little wizards obeyed obediently.

Like Professor Flitwick, Snape took out the roster and started roll call.

Every little wizard who was called would respond quickly and cautiously,

for fear of being scolded for being too late.

"A precise sense of time is an essential foundation for brewing potions.

I'm very happy that no one was late."

Snape said slowly, obviously happy, but more than one person saw

disappointment in his eyes.

"You are here to learn the precise science and art of potion-making, and

since there is no foolish waving of wands, many of you will not believe it

is magic."

"I don't expect you to truly understand the beauty of the slowly

simmering cauldron emitting white smoke and wafting outbursts of

fragrance. You won't truly understand the liquid flowing into people's

blood vessels, the kind that makes people's hearts wander and their wills

blur. Wonderful magic... I can teach you how to increase your reputation,

brew glory, and even prevent death!"

This is a very contagious opening statement, and many people are

already fascinated and looking forward to it.

Wayne secretly pouted when Snape wasn't paying attention.

The speech is indeed good. I would call his speech ability second in the

wizarding world, second only to Grindelwald.

Brew glory and stop death.

I don't know, I thought Snape was going to teach them how to make the

magic stone.

If death can be prevented, then why not save Lily?

Well, I can't say this. If he did, he could guarantee that he would receive

the green light from the tip of Snape's wand in the next second.

"Lawrence!" Snape said suddenly.

Wayne was stunned for a moment but subconsciously stood up.

"If I were to make an herbicide, what else would I need besides lionfish

spine powder and Flobber caterpillar slime?"

"Hoklap Juice, sir."

"How many ways are there to make the rejuvenation agent?"

"Three types: extraction, boiling, and grinding into powder."

"I need a bezoar, where will you find it?"

"The cow's stomach, but now there are a lot of cultivated artifacts."

"Procedures for Porcupine Quill Treatment with Scabies Potion."

"Cut it into a length of three centimeters and make a slit diagonally every

one centimeter."

"Tsk." Snape stopped asking. "It seems that compared to Mr. Potter, you

are indeed more worthy of your reputation."

The other little wizards were stunned. They understood every word these

two people said.

But together...

"What are you looking at me doing? Can't you see it on my face? Quickly

take notes!" Snape suddenly burst out, and the students hurriedly began

taking notes.

"You too, do you want me to ask you to sit down?"

"You're welcome, Professor." Wayne curled his lips and sat down.

Who knows why Snape suddenly became angry and called his name?

And it wasn't random, it must have been specifically for him.

Those questions earlier were beyond the scope. They were not what first-

year students needed to learn at all. They were planned.

What Wayne didn't know was that Snape had heard from Professor

McGonagall about Wayne's talent - the ability to summon a Patronus with

a wand.

This magic held special meaning to Snape, so he naturally remembered

Wayne's name.

Today's test was just a spontaneous decision, I wanted to make things

difficult for Wayne and deduct some points for Hufflepuff.

Thanks to Wayne and Cedric's outstanding performance, Hufflepuff's

score now exceeds that of Slytherin.

To his regret, Wayne passed the test.

Why can't he be like stupid Potter?

Glancing at Wayne, who had a neutral expression, Snape waved his hand,

and the process for making a potion to treat scabies appeared on the


"The materials are in the closet. Work in pairs. If I find out who is

wasting materials... I will make them eat the extra materials."

All the young wizards shuddered.



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Chapter 34: 34. Hufflepuff Does

Not Raise Idlers

Snape transformed into a giant bat and wandered around the classroom.

No one knew which classmate he would appear behind next.

"Bones, do you have something wrong with your eyes? Can't you see the

large letters on the viper fangs? Why do you have boar teeth?"

"Smile, Carter. Why are you laughing? What do you mean by grinding it

into powder? Your powder is as big as a pea."

Hannah, who was in Wayne's group, shook her body and silently

processed the venomous snake fang powder.

"Ms. Brown, I suggest you send a letter home and bring back the brain

you left at home before class."

"I wrote it very clearly. Add the Flobber caterpillar slime. You put the

whole worm in. Do you think you're cooking?"

"Tsk, what's the difference between cooking and brewing?" Wayne

muttered after hearing this.

Aren't they just processing ingredients now?

Put the ingredients into the pot in order, turn the heat from high to low,

and finally turn it back to high to reduce the juice.

Once the pot of freshly baked green slime is done, you're finished!

"Hannah, what are you doing? Don't let go!"

Wayne quickly stopped Hannah from adding ingredients to the pot.

"What are you doing?"

"Porcupine quills." The witch with braided hair innocently said, her eyes

untouched by knowledge.

Wayne was frustrated: "Porcupine quills are the last step. They have to be

added when the potion is almost finished. It's too early."

"Besides, they weren't cut into three centimeters as promised... Do you

have three millimeters here?"

The dark brown porcupine quills on the brass tray resembled foam.

Wayne somewhat understood why Snape had such a bad temper.

Dealing with students like this every day made it difficult to stay in a

good mood.

"Huh?" Hannah's mouth dropped open as she quickly looked at the

blackboard and found that it indeed said three centimeters. Her face

turned pale.

"What should I do, Wayne? I only took this piece of material."

Remembering Snape's earlier warning that the waste materials must be

consumed, Hannah looked at Wayne with teary eyes.

"Help me, Wayne. I don't want to be poisoned."

Wayne sighed, "Keep brewing the potion. Keep an eye on the professor

for me and let me know when he's far away."

He no longer dared to let Hannah continue, so he took all the materials

to his side for processing.

Snape continued to lecture, his words not incorrect.

It wasn't until Snape reached the other side of the classroom that Hannah

quickly informed Wayne.

Wayne looked up and noticed that Snape had his back turned, so he

immediately took out his wand.

"Porcupine quills are flying!"Several porcupine quills flew out of the

closet and landed in front of Wayne, narrowly missing the little wizard's


Everyone was too busy brewing medicine to notice what was happening.

If Snape suspected something, he abruptly turned around but found

nothing unusual. He then resumed lecturing Toby and Norman.

"That's so cool!" Hannah exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

"This is a flying curse. You need to be in fifth grade to learn it."

"You can still learn it with practice."

"I don't have time for that," Hannah replied, shaking her head and

flicking her braid. "I also need to go to the kitchen and learn how to cook

from the House Elves. They know so much."

Hannah had mentioned that her dream was to take over her family's

Leaky Cauldron and update the menu, which hadn't changed in centuries.

So, whenever you have free time, go to the kitchen and learn about each

elf's specialties.

It's safe to say that Hufflepuff doesn't tolerate idleness.

The little wizard had a lot to do besides studying diligently.

At the end of class, apart from Wayne and Hannah's group, which Snape

was satisfied with, only Lisa Dupin from Ravenclaw and Padma Patil

gave him satisfactory work.

Padma Patil, an Indian-born high-caste Brahmin girl, had a younger

sister, Parvati, who was in Gryffindor.

It was rare for twin sisters like them to be sorted into different houses.

"Finally, it's over."

Wayne stretched comfortably as he walked out of the potions classroom.

After a week of classes, there would be a two-day break.

Oh, and some papers added up to dozens of inches in length, covering

various subjects.

Thinking about this, Wayne frowned and walked towards the auditorium.

Although these assignments were easy to write, they were still time-


If he had the time, he would rather take a walk by the Black Lake and

familiarize himself with the Hogwarts grounds, which would be more

meaningful than writing these simple assignments.

"Wayne, I was just about to look for you."

As they entered the auditorium, Cedric suddenly appeared and patted

Wayne on the shoulder.

"What's up?"

"It's not me, it's the twins who are looking for you." Cedric held his book

tightly, and Wayne glanced at it. It was a textbook for Care of Magical


As they walked toward the long table, Wayne asked, "What did they


"I'm not sure. They said they would come find you in the common room

after dinner, but they didn't mention anything else."

"Okay, I understand," Wayne replied with a nod.

At seven o'clock, a classmate approached Wayne while he was playing

wizard chess with Cedric and informed him that the twins were outside.

"I'll go with you. What if they try to play another prank?" Cedric seized

the opportunity to push on the chessboard and said with loyalty.

If Wayne hadn't had only two soldiers and a queen left on the chessboard,

he might have almost believed it.

When I arrived outside the common room, I saw two rather happy faces.

Fred or George jokingly remarked, "Hey, Wayne, why did you bring a


"He came here on his own accord, not called by me." Wayne shrugged.

"What do you want from me?"

Since the twins were tricked by him twice before, they had been very

busy this week. Wayne had just finished copying the profiles of famous

alumni and couldn't wait to deliver them to his door again.

Wayne was also a little curious about what the twins were planning.

"We're here to invite you," George said. "But since Cedric is here too, let's

go together."

"How about taking a stroll around campus together tomorrow?"

"You say that as if I bought the quill and got the parchment as a gift. It's

too cheap," Cedric looked at them disdainfully.

"Besides, what is there to see at school?"

Fred raised his eyebrows slightly. "Aren't you curious about the fourth-

floor corridor?"



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Chapter 35: 35. Night Tour

The corridor on the fourth floor is off-limits to young wizards, as per

Dumbledore's orders when the school year starts.

But human nature is such that the more something is forbidden and

repeatedly ordered against, the more eager we are to engage with it.

Ever since the first day of school, students have been filled with curiosity

about the forbidden corridor, and many have already taken matters into

their own hands.

Unfortunately, the outcomes have been tragic.

The professors anticipated this and now there are daily patrols in the

corridor. The students who are caught face the consequences of losing

five points or, in the worst cases, being placed in solitary confinement.

The current list of casualties contains dozens of names, with half of them

being Gryffindors.

As a result, Gryffindor's score column is still empty one week into the

school year.

Cedric looked at the twins in shock and asked, "Are you two crazy? Derek

is still cleaning the bathroom every night, and he comes back smelling


George spread his hands and replied, "No, we are perfectly sober. Please

don't doubt our expertise in late-night adventures."

Cedric's voice rose an octave as he retorted, "Or reckless mischief?"

Fred matter-of-factly responded, "During the day, there are too many

people. We have to move at night."

"We have already done our homework. Filch will be guarding the

corridor tomorrow night. He's easy to handle."

"Why did you involve me?" Wayne asked curiously. "I don't think I need

to be part of this, do I?"

"Of course you do, just as a precaution," the twins said in unison. "If

something goes wrong, we need someone to have our backs."

"At that point, as long as we outrun you, we'll be perfectly safe."

"Wayne, are you afraid? If you are, you can decline."

The twins seamlessly exchanged one sentence after another, showcasing

their excellent teamwork.

This conspiracy was concocted by the twins.

They didn't have malicious intentions, but if Wayne were to get caught, it

would be because of his shortcomings and not the fault of others.

Wayne understood this, so he agreed without hesitation.

The twins achieved their objective and walked away arm-in-arm, with

smiles on their faces. Cedric glanced at Wayne and asked, "Are you


"Of course, we already agreed, didn't we?"

"It would be awful if you were caught. You might be the next one

cleaning the bathroom."

Wayne nonchalantly replied, "As long as we don't get caught, everything

will be fine. Are you coming?"

"I am."

"In that case, stop rambling and go play another game."


On his first weekend at Hogwarts, Wayne slept in and didn't wake up

until around nine o'clock.

There is currently no breakfast in the auditorium. If it were at another

college, the students would only be able to eat some snacks to satisfy

their hunger and would have to wait until noon for a full meal.

But who is Wayne?


Is it possible to stay hungry while guarding the kitchen?

As the elves bowed respectfully, he walked out of the kitchen with two

tuna sandwiches, made his way out of the castle, and sat casually on the

lawn near the Black Lake to eat breakfast.

Students on the lawn were chatting and walking in groups of two or


Not far away, cheers could be heard from the Quidditch pitch, but it was

unclear which academy was practicing.

While eating, Wayne also checked his system panel.

There were no changes in the other attributes. He had more than 500

points in the points column, with over 400 points earned this week.

He had been quite lazy this week, earning some of those points by

tricking the twins and making things difficult for Quirrel.

The rest of the points came from casting a spell on his roommate every

night before bed. He started with five points at a time and now did two

points at a time.

It's estimated that there will be fewer and fewer points.

The speed is too slow.

But he's going on a night trip tonight and doesn't know how many points

he can earn.

After dinner, Wayne went to the library again and borrowed a copy of

"Insight on Black Magic: How to Protect Yourself Safely."

Hermione was also spotted there, hidden behind a thick book.

Wayne watched her with fascination as she read and left without

disturbing her.

In the afternoon, he walked around the entire castle again, trying out all

the stairs in the main area. Gradually, he developed a three-dimensional

map in his mind.

Many people forget the rules of the stairs for various reasons before

graduation. Wayne keenly noticed that there seemed to be a lot of

business opportunities here.

Combining some previous inspirations, he already had an idea.

What he lacks now is technical ability.

He still needs to earn more points for lottery draws, preferably drawing

some knowledge related to alchemy.

"Wayne, aren't you doing your homework?"

Seeing Wayne returning like an old man, the two roommates raised

questioning eyebrows.

"Why are you so anxious? Isn't there still another day?"

"And I don't have to do Transfiguration homework. Professor McGonagall

exempted me from it."

"You're lucky to have talent." Toby was extremely envious. The

transfiguration work was a full six inches...

The two of them wrote until evening and only finished half of their

homework. Wayne looked at his almost-asleep roommates and took out

his wand. He was afraid that if he went out, the two guys wouldn't be

able to find anyone when they woke up. They might expose him by

yelling when he went out.

It would be better to add layers of insurance.


Um, no, I misread it.

"Sleep peacefully."

When the light from the hypnotic spell faded, nothing had changed for

the two of them. As long as there was no external influence, they could

sleep peacefully until dawn.

Cedric was already waiting for him in the common room.

"Let's go."

The model student was a little excited. He had gone out at night before,

but this was the first time for so many people to be together. Not to

mention going to a restricted area that the principal had sternly warned


It's so exciting!

Wayne's behavior was much more normal, no different from a regular

outing. "Calm down, what if Filch is alerted."

"Where should we meet?"

"Fred and George are probably in the trophy room on the second floor."

"Let's go."

The two walked out of the barrel door and arrived on the first floor.

The moment he stepped onto the first floor, Wayne's system sent a

notification tone.

[Host's night outing violates school rules, points +20, and an

additional +5 for every hour it lasts]

Wayne's lips curved into a slight smile.

Isn't this already expected?

From now on, if he goes out for a walk every night and earns 20 points,

it's like giving them away for free. He has been a good student for a

week, what a loss.

Seeing Wayne suddenly smile, Cedric was a little confused, but he still

reminded him in a low voice:

"Walk softly, Filch's cat ears are very sensitive."



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Chapter 36: 36. The Strange First

Two Defense Against The Dark

Arts Professors

"You're still a wizard. Can you use magic to solve the problem?"

Wayne sneered, then cast a Quietus spell on both himself and Cedric.

Cedric felt the sound of his footsteps couldn't be heard.

Excitedly, Cedric asked, "Where did you learn this spell?"

"From a book called 'Thirty Practical Spells' at Flourish and Blotts Book


"I'll buy a copy during my vacation."


They walked quickly and soon arrived at the trophy display room.

As expected, the twins had been waiting for a while. They were in the

corner with a map in their hands.

When Wayne and Cedric approached, George quietly put the map in his


"We know it's early, but the plan has changed and we have to postpone it

for now."

Cedric frowned with suspicion. "What are you two up to?"

"This time it's not our fault." Fred sighed helplessly and explained, "It was

Lee. He was curious about owl pet food and tasted it twice. He's been in

the school infirmary office since this morning."

"Madam Pomfrey gave him some medicine, but he's still a little dizzy.

We'll let him lie down for another half hour."

Wayne and Cedric started to sweat.

Is this Gryffindor? Why is he so brave?

What's more outrageous is that someone who's almost dying is still

thinking about going on a night tour. They can't have this kind of spirit.

"Are you sure he'll recover?" Wayne asked, not wanting to spend the

whole night there.

"Don't worry, Lee is fine. He's just a little disoriented." Fred waved his

hand casually and asked curiously, "Wayne, did you make Professor

Quirrell cry?"

There are no secrets in Hogwarts. After spreading throughout the

afternoon and day, almost all the teachers and students in the school now

know about the 'little conflict' between Quirrell and Wayne.

Even Professor Sprout called Wayne over during lunch and gave him a

few words of advice.

"I know you're a good boy, Lawrence. Professor Quirrell is just overly

nervous and needs some time."

Wayne felt helpless.

"What do you mean I made him cry? I just wanted him to cover up the

spell. I never expected him to collapse."

"Be kind to our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Fred patted

Wayne on the shoulder. "You'll only have him for this year."

"Maybe he was just wary of vampires." Cedric, with his honest nature,

was still defending Quirrell. "He encountered a vampire in Romania

during the summer vacation and seemed scared."

"No matter the reason, Quirrell won't be around after this semester."

George shrugged.

"The reality is, no one can last in this position for one year."Wayne

became interested. "Can you tell me about the previous Defense Against

the Dark Arts professor?"

He knew that this position was cursed by Voldemort, and he was aware

of the fate that befell several subsequent professors. However, he didn't

understand why the previous professors left.

Lee Jordan hadn't arrived yet, so the two of them began discussing the

tragic experiences of the first two Defense Against the Dark Arts


"When we first started at school, the Defense Against the Dark Arts

professor was Olivier Knight. He was a kind-looking old man."

"But after Easter, the Ministry's hit men suddenly came to Hogwarts with

a wanted poster."

"Professor Olivier had a bad habit - alcoholism. He drank too much that

time and seriously injured the then Minister of Magic."

"Due to health reasons, Millicent Barnold couldn't be re-elected, which is

why the current minister was appointed."

Cedric nodded in agreement. "My father said the same thing. He also

mentioned that Barnold scolds Professor Olivier every day at home."

Wayne was shocked. The implications of this were astounding. A

professor had beaten the Minister of Magic into early retirement. If

Voldemort knew about this, he would surely find it amusing.

"What about last year's professor?" Wayne asked again.

At that moment, the expressions on the faces of the twins and Cedric

became extremely strange, as if they were struggling to share something


"Last year's professor, Montella Clift, was a friend of Headmaster

Dumbledore," Cedric explained slowly.

"What did he do?"

"No, he didn't assault the Minister of Magic, nor was he a dark wizard..."

George shook his head, trying to suppress a giggle, but eventually failing.

"Clift suffered from severe mental illness. It was only before the final

exam that he accidentally left his St. Mungo diagnosis certificate in the

classroom, and Charlie happened to find it."

Cedric continued, "The school was in turmoil at the time. A mentally ill

person had been teaching for a whole year, and no one noticed."

"The doctors at St. Mungo's are just as crazy. They searched all over the

UK and even went to neighboring France, but they never expected him to

be at Hogwarts."

As he spoke, Cedric couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Wayne could already envision the chaos of the situation.

"But why did Dumbledore allow him to teach?" Wayne asked, confused.

"Who knows? Perhaps no one else wanted the position. Even with his

mental illness, having him teach was still better than canceling the class,"

George replied indifferently.

"Regardless, these two professors were much better than Quirrell. At least

they taught us some useful things."

"Even though Clift was a psychopath, he hadn't forgotten how to use


"I don't understand Quirrell's intentions. Muggle Studies is being taught

effectively, so why does he have to come here to meet his demise?"

Everyone unanimously agreed that the Defense Against the Dark Arts

professor was always a temporary fixture. It was hard to believe that

Quirrell, who had been teaching for many years, didn't realize this.

This could only be attributed to a lack of belief in the existence of true


Suddenly, a loud crash echoed from upstairs, startling everyone present.

Fred immediately sprang to his feet. "It must be Lee, he's diverting Filch's


Sure enough, seconds later, they heard Filch's enraged voice.

"You've caused another mess! I'm going to apprehend you and throw you

into solitary confinement for a year!"

The sound of Filch's fury grew louder, indicating that he was getting

closer to their location.

"Let's not waste any time. We don't know how much longer Lee can

distract him. And be cautious of Mrs. Norris."

With that, the twins rushed out of the room, with Wayne and Cedric

following closely behind.



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Chapter 37: 37. Three-Headed

Dog Fluffy, Wayne’s Magic Show

In the silent corridor, four people crept up the stairs.

Every time Fred passed a corner, he would poke his head out to see if

Mrs. Norris was there, then let the other three follow.

Every time Wayne passes a place, the system will sound a prompt sound

on time and earn points.

However, these rewards are one-time only and are only available for the

first time in the night travel state.

By the time they reached the fourth floor, several people could already

smell the odor of large dung eggs.

Wayne covered his nose in disgust and said, "Can't you choose a method

that won't harm both sides?"

"This is the simplest and most effective," Fred said as he walked. "Filch

has mysophobia. If he can't catch anyone, he will clean up the large

excrement before returning, giving us more time."

Cedric marveled, saying, "You're experienced."

It seems Cedric still has a lot to learn on the night tour.

Don't think that Hufflepuff only produces honest kids. All the

mischievous kids in this grade are pretty much the same. It's just that the

environment and background can influence a person.

This makes Hufflepuff students appear more well-behaved than students

from other colleges.

The group quickly reached their destination, the end of the corridor on

the fourth floor.

"Originally, there was supposed to be a corridor here, but it has been

turned into a door this semester," Cedric said, and the twins nodded.

They were all very familiar with the main areas of the castle.

"Do you want to go in? What if there is danger like Dumbledore said?"

the honest man asked nervously.

Fred replied contemptuously, "What are you afraid of? This is a school. Is

the principal going to catch a giant monster and come after us?"

As he spoke, he turned the door handle, but the door was still locked.

"The Alohomora spell opens it," Cedric remembered, and his body was

very honest.

Cedric acted faster than anyone else and was the first to take out his

wand and cast the unlocking spell.

"What do you think will be inside?"

"I don't know, but there must be something valuable, a powerful spell, a

treasure map? Anything is possible... Damn it!" Fred exclaimed, cutting

himself off as he saw what was inside.

At the same time, he understood why Dumbledore had issued such a

stern warning.

After unlocking the door, they discovered it led to another corridor, not a


A dog was sitting there, glaring at them with six eyes.

If purely considering the numbers, Wayne and his team still had the

advantage with eight against six. But the dog was so enormous that it

occupied the entire space from floor to ceiling. It boasted three heads,

each displaying a fierce expression. Sticky saliva dripped from the

corners of its mouth, and a fishy odor assailed the senses.

"Good grief...is that a three-headed dog?" Cedric groaned.

If there were a fence or some sort of protective barrier separating him

from the three-headed dog, Cedric would be feeling quite relieved at the

moment. After all, it's not every day one encounters a three-headed dog

in the British Isles. They are typically found in Greek regions.

But now, Cedric could feel the warm, repugnant breath of the dog hitting

his face.

Just submit it straight away.

How could he find any happiness in this situation?

George spun around with determination, attempting to open the recently

closed door, but the three-headed dog moved faster and let out a

menacing roar, raising its heads.

George was so frightened that he broke the door handle!

"Protective armor!" Cedric shouted.

An invisible wall materialized between the four individuals and the

three-headed dog. The dog's head sustained a serious injury due to the

collision and it retreated a few meters, yelping in pain.

However, this minor damage didn't have much effect on the thick-

skinned three-headed dog, and it quickly recovered, shaking its head to

reset itself.

"Why are you all just standing there?" Wayne yelled. "Hurry up, fix the

door lock, and run!"

"Oops, right, right!"

The other three finally snapped out of their daze, frantically raising their

hands to cast the repair spell.

However, due to their nerves, they failed several times in their attempts.

Wayne couldn't be bothered with them. After studying magic for so long,

he had come here specifically to find a suitable target to practice his

skills on.


"Repel quickly!"

Brilliant rays of light shot out from Wayne's wand, striking the three-

headed dog. The space was too confined for the massive dog to dodge.


A stunning spell hit the dog's left head, rendering it unconscious.

Both Cedric and George were dumbfounded. They completely forgot that

Cedric had fixed the doorknob. Instead, they watched in a trance-like

state as Wayne relentlessly battered the dog's head.

They were familiar with most of the magic they had learned, but their

spells were quite effective against humans. However, using them against

a three-headed dog with physical and magical defenses was about as

useful as tickling it.

Wayne was a bit twisted!

Cedric, sharp-eyed as ever, noticed a trapdoor in the space where the

three-headed dog had retreated.

What could be down there?

Although curiosity gnawed at him, Cedric knew it wasn't the time to

explore and decipher. So, he swiftly opened the door.

"Wayne, run! Filch will be here soon!"

"Is this the end?"

Now it was Wayne who felt a lingering sense of incompleteness.

However, since the three of them were already waiting for him outside,

he resorted to using a cutting spell, leaving deep scratches on the floor as

a warning to the three-headed dog, before running out himself.

Once the door was closed, the beast's roar faded away, and everyone let

out a collective sigh of relief.

Afterward, he stared at Wayne as if he were a monster.

Feeling their gaze upon him, Wayne couldn't help but cross his arms


"What are you all staring at?" he questioned.

George looked at the young man and asked, "Are you an old monster who

transformed into a child and came to Hogwarts to relive your childhood?"

Wayne's frustration was evident as he replied, "Your imagination is as

unique as Rita Skeeter's."

"That reporter from the Daily Prophet? My mom said she was a joke, she

even called Dumbledore an old lunatic."

"I simply work harder than you do and possess countless more talents,"

Wayne retorted, gesturing and drawing a universe with his fingertips.

"Alright, let's head back to the corridor and return to our respective


"Why the hurry?" Fred shook his head. "I was scared just now and need

some sweets to recover."

"I'll go find Lee and we can have supper together before heading back."



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Chapter 38: 38. Talent And Hard

Work, The Irritable Snape

The last three found Lee Jordan in armor on the fifth floor.

"Filch went crazy. He chased me from the fourth floor to the eighth floor.

I jumped into a secret passage and went back to the sixth floor. But he

caught up again."

Excitedly eating a sandwich in the kitchen, Lee Jordan said, "Escaping

from Filch is as challenging as surviving a sword fight."

Thoughtfully, the elf prepared a large round table filled with food and

drinks for several people.

After finishing his sandwich, Lee Jordan expressed his worry, saying, "I

always feel like Filch might know it was me. What if he comes after me

in the future?"

Fred provided comfort, saying, "It's not just a possibility, it's a certainty.

You're the only black man in the school, and you have a reputation for

dishonesty. Filch knows it's you."

"Damn it," Lee Jordan angrily replied, trembling with anger. "Are you two

trying to trick me?"

"Don't worry," Cedric consoled him after drinking a glass of lemon juice.

"As long as he doesn't catch you in the act or have evidence, he has no

right to punish you."

Fred curled his lips disdainfully and said, "It's ridiculous that Lee has

been following us for so many years and still doesn't know these rules."

"It's because I followed you that I've been imprisoned so many times," Lee

replied angrily, then asked the question he was most concerned about.

"What's in that corridor? Did you see it?"

The group became energetic in discussing this topic.

"Let me tell you...you won't believe it,".

"Three-headed dog? Trap door?" Lee exclaimed.

Then they looked at Wayne, who had been showing off his food, and

asked, "Did Wayne defeat the three-headed dog?"

"Correction," Wayne interjected. "I didn't defeat it, just stopped it for a


"That's why we stopped you," Cedric interrupted. "Based on your

determination, you won't stop until you beat the three-headed dog to


George spoke with envy, "How did you become so skilled in magic?"

"Compared to you, I was a failure in first grade."

"Now we're equals," Fred complained, not even sparing himself. "With

just a few moves, he could turn the four of us into Muggles."

Cedric's mouth twitched. He wondered why he was even part of their

group if they were going to make fun of themselves like that.

Was it embarrassing to be at the top of his grade?

"Do you have any tips?" Cedric couldn't help but ask.

"I really can't teach you," Wayne shook his head. "Magic is an innate

talent that requires exploration, but it's difficult to improve."

"If you want to become stronger, aside from learning more magic spells,

you must have a deeper understanding of magic."It's not that he's fooling

a few people, it's just the fact.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald's strength was created by a combination of

nurture and nature. While they were in school, they showcased their

extraordinary talents. Only through hard work were they able to achieve

such daunting accomplishments. Talent serves as the foundation for this.

It is only through possessing a strong foundation and putting in the effort

that one can see results. The most obvious example of this is Hermione.

During Harry's time at school, he was often preoccupied with playing

around and would act recklessly when faced with adversity. Meanwhile,

Hermione had already mastered numerous magic spells. However, after

receiving some advice from Lupin, Harry's magical abilities surpassed

Hermione's by his third year and continued to grow further apart. This

demonstrates a talent gap between the two.

Although Cedric possessed good talent, it was only good relative to

regular individuals. According to the grading system, his overall

evaluation was a B-level. However, due to his above-average work ethic,

he was able to secure his position at the top of his grade. The twins, on

the other hand, were even worse, as their focus was more on having fun

rather than studying.

"I just hate geniuses like you," Fred sneered.

No further discussion was made on the matter, and everyone redirected

their attention to finishing supper. Half an hour later, Wayne and the

others left the kitchen and returned to their homes. However, after seeing

Cedric enter the dormitory, Wayne ventured back out of the common

room. He had already checked the fourth-floor corridor and earned fifty

points. Tonight, he had accumulated over a hundred points by exploring.

However, Wayne wasn't simply trying to earn more points. He wanted to

visit the restricted section of the library and search for the books he


At Flourish and Blotts, he had purchased a book called "Elementary

Alchemy," which was the alchemy textbook used at the Beauxbatons

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Beauxbatons was at the forefront of

alchemy due to Nicolas Flamel, and young wizards could choose alchemy

as an elective starting in their third year. At Hogwarts, only those who

passed the OWLs exam were eligible. However, no matter how advanced

the book was, it couldn't be mass-produced. Alchemy was a subject with

a high entry requirement and was not suitable for widespread teaching.

Wayne could only try his luck in the forbidden section of the library to

see if he could find what he needed.

As he returned to the second floor, Dumbledore and Snape had already

arrived in the fourth-floor corridor. Observing the seemingly unchanged

oak door, Snape placed his wand on the handle and examined it. Then he

spoke sadly.

"It appears that your warning had no effect at all, Dumbledore."

"That's to be expected, Severus," Dumbledore replied nonchalantly. He

didn't take offense when someone disregarded his warning. His tone was

as if he were chatting with a friend about his mischievous grandson."Shut

up!" Snape snapped irritably, cutting him off. "As you grow older, you

shouldn't constantly dwell on the past. Wasn't that a pleasant experience?

They deserve to be expelled!"

"And that little wizard who broke in here should be fired!"

"It's not that serious yet," Dumbledore replied, blinking as he extracted

the key and opened the oak door.

"Let's first assess how far they've gotten."

Snape derisively snorted and hesitated to enter first.

The dim-witted dog only recognized Hagrid and Dumbledore. Anyone

else who appeared before him would be attacked.

After Dumbledore stepped inside, Snape followed closely behind.

The three-headed dog appeared ready to lash out, but upon seeing the

familiar white beard, it immediately lay down, its three tongues hanging

out as it whimpered.

"This is..." Snape's eyes narrowed.

The wand emitted a bright light, revealing clear wounds on the three-

headed dog.

Dumbledore stated significantly, "It appears our little wizard is truly




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Chapter 39: 39. Wayne: I'm

Hufflepuff, How Could I Lie To


"I have discovered that you possess a unique ability to take something

very negative and transform it into something positive."

Snape, relying on Dumbledore's intimidating presence, examined the

wounds on the three-headed dog before speaking sarcastically.

"Someone who can bring a three-headed dog to such a state of injury

might very well be the next Dark Lord. Are you still in the mood to praise

this individual?"

"If you hadn't informed me that it was a student who broke in, I would

have thought it was Quirrell..."

Surprise flickered in Snape's eyes. He had just been discussing Quirrell's

issues with Dumbledore in his office when a portrait burst in, informing

them that another young wizard had broken into the forbidden area and

that Filch had been lured away.

The two of them came together.

"I don't believe so." Dumbledore maintained his smile. "Tom..."

"Don't mention that name!"

Snape trembled all over as if he had encountered something incredibly


"Alright." Dumbledore sounded a bit resigned. "Severus, if you truly want

to defeat the Dark Lord, you must learn to face him; at the very least,

treat him as an ordinary person."

"Ordinary person?" Snape sneered.

In the entire world, you are the only one who has the confidence to claim

that the Dark Lord is just an ordinary person.

Oh, perhaps there is one more, the elder at Nurmengard.

"Let's return to the topic at hand." Dumbledore's eyes gleamed, and his

expression grew more serious.

"The emergence of the Dark Lord was accompanied by a multitude of

accidents and a chain of poor choices that led him down his current


As he spoke of Voldemort, Dumbledore couldn't help but let out a sigh. "If

only I had been able to influence him properly from the beginning,

maybe the subsequent events wouldn't have unfolded."

Snape scoffed at Dumbledore's perspective. "Some people are inherently

wicked. If you possessed the capability, you should have eliminated him

while he was still in school!"

"I haven't killed anyone in eighty-two years..." Sadness flitted through

Dumbledore's eyes.

"Don't dwell on the past any longer. Who is this young wizard? Don't

pretend you don't know. You have spies all over the castle."

Snape knew very well that, despite his usual aloofness, there was no

secret within Hogwarts that Dumbledore didn't know.

The same held for Quirrell; that fool thought he was concealing it


But the moment he appeared, not only Dumbledore, but Snape himself

could sense the foul and repugnant odor.

There had to have been contact with that person!

"I truly don't know," Dumbledore pondered for a moment. "I merely have

a rough idea, but it would be irresponsible to jump to conclusions."

"Hmph, just protect them."

Without uttering another word, Snape was too uninterested to spend any

more time with him. He left behind two bottles of healing potion and

strode away, his robes billowing after him.

In the corridor, only Dumbledore remained, using healing spells to mend

the three-headed dog's injuries."Wayne Lawrence, what a terrifying


Snape was right when he said that the entire castle was under

Dumbledore's watchful eye. He was referring to the omnipresent


Each portrait was intended, at the time of its creation, to serve the

current principal.

The actions of the four will certainly not be overlooked. Although

Dumbledore didn't know the specific situation upon entering the room,

he was well aware of the abilities of the other three.

Only Wayne, the young wizard who had just entered school, held the

right answer.

Perhaps he should divert his attention and focus more on other

exceptional students.


The following day.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Wayne yawned and went to the bathroom

to freshen up, put on a clean robe, and finally fully woke up.

He had been exhausted from his work in the forbidden book section the

previous day. Wayne only realized it was time to leave once he heard the

rooster's crow on campus.

This is where the real treasure lies.

Any book placed in the restricted book area must possess its unique

qualities or dangers.

For instance, the book "Alchemy Soul: Equivalent Exchange" that Wayne

had been reading contained many hazardous methods of item refinement,

some even risking death.

It was still too early for him to be reading this and his knowledge was


Without conducting extensive experiments, recklessly refining high-level

alchemical items would certainly be unwise.

However, Wayne did not come away empty-handed; it was safe to say

that the trip was worth it.

Finding an owl from the school, Wayne quickly wrote down the names

and quantities of a large amount of materials, stuffed dozens of galleons

into his pouch, and sent the owl off to Diagon Alley.

After completing these tasks, he went to the kitchen to have breakfast,

then left the castle and headed towards the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

In September, the Scottish Highlands were already quite chilly. Today

was a cloudy day, with heavy humidity. The thick fog concealed the

castle, with only the spire visible in the distance.

Following the path along the Black Lake, Wayne walked through the

grass and arrived at a small cabin on the outskirts of the Forbidden


To be honest, it couldn't be considered small; at least the door was

already three or four meters high. The style was very crude, giving the

impression that it had been built quickly by a child.

Before Wayne could get any closer, a black dog beside the cabin barked.

Soon, muffled complaints could be heard from inside the house.

"Ya Ya, is there another little wizard heading for the Forbidden Forest?

Stop him immediately!"

Then chaos ensued.

Wayne activated his talent for communicating with animals, and his cries

instantly transformed into submissive whimpers.

This was a little trick he had discovered. The talent only took effect when

he demonstrated a desire to approach these animals.

"Little wizard, you must stay away from here. The Forbidden Forest is a

place you are not allowed to go."

Hagrid finally emerged, with messy hair and a tangled beard, giving him

a disheveled appearance. Standing at a height of almost three meters and

with a body width of two meters, he resembled a little giant.

"Hello, my name is Wayne Lawrence. I have no intentions of entering the

Forbidden Forest. I came here to find you."

Wayne smiled innocently and continued to stroke the dog's head


"You're looking for me? Don't try any tricks, I won't be fooled."

Hagrid remained cautious. Little wizards often resorted to deceit to gain

access to the Forbidden Forest.

He called out to Yaya, "Yaya, come here quickly!"

To his surprise, his dog seemed oblivious and continued sitting

obediently, allowing Wayne to play with him.

"Indeed, I require your assistance. I forgot to mention, I am a first-year

student in Hufflepuff."

"I am Hufflepuff. I have no reason to deceive you."



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Chapter 40: 40 And You My

Friend, You Are The Real Rich


Hufflepuff has a role in the British magical world that can be compared

to the chastity arch in ancient society.

When it comes to Hufflepuff, some may describe them as stupid, slow to

react, and with average academic performance. However, if you accuse

them of cheating, lying, nine out of ten people will condemn you.

This is the mark of loyalty.

The Hufflepuff loyalty is highly valued by individuals like Hagrid.

"Come in," Hagrid said.

Hagrid opened the door and Wayne walked in, releasing Yaya from his

grip despite Yaya's disapproving gaze.

The bonfire in the fireplace burned brightly, filling the room with

warmth. Although there was a small stool in the room, there was no

table, but Wayne didn't mind and sat on the stool directly.

Hagrid was sitting on his bed.

"Um... Lawrence, what did you need to see me about?" Hagrid asked.

"Just call me Wayne." Wayne made up an excuse: "I heard Harry talk

about you. He said you are a very good and enthusiastic person. So when

I have a problem, you're the first person I think of."

Wayne wasn't afraid of Hagrid and his conversation with Harry. While

Harry did mention Hagrid, he didn't say too much. With Harry's mindset,

even if Hagrid hadn't been mentioned, Wayne could have fooled him into

thinking he had forgotten.

The hybrid giant showed an embarrassed smile upon hearing Wayne's

compliments and Harry's mention of him to his friends. It made him very


His previously business-like attitude suddenly became enthusiastic.

The giant stood up and went to the fireplace, bringing back a thirty-inch

iron plate and a cloth bag. The bag opened, and numerous candies spilled


"Eat some candy and try my salt-crust strudel. I made it this morning,"

Hagrid said.

Wayne picked up the candy with a smile but didn't express gratitude for

the cake. It looked harder than bricks.

"Do you need my help? But I won't help you if it breaks the school rules,"

Hagrid warned, rubbing his hands.

"Of course not. I just need some materials to make some potions," Wayne

reassured, waving his hand and discreetly spitting out the candy. It was

too sweet.

"That's a relief," Hagrid exclaimed, slapping his chest loudly. "What do

you need? I'll get it for you if I can."

"That's great," Wayne said happily, expressing his needs.

Bird feathers, hippogriff feathers, unicorn hairs, Tebo warthog bones.

"That's it," Hagrid confirmed. "Any specific quantity or just a small


"Well, a small amount will do. It's just for practice," Wayne replied,

casually glancing at Hagrid."It would be great if we could obtain the

venom of the Acromantula," Hagrid suggested with a frown. "I have all

the other ingredients, but I currently don't have the Acromantula venom.

However, when I go to Hogsmeade another day, I will help you find it."

"Go ahead and eat first, I'll go to the cellar and gather the remaining

ingredients," Hagrid responded.

Wayne was taken aback when he caught sight of Hagrid's massive frame

as he left the room.

Hagrid's recent actions came across as more genuine than Wayne had

anticipated. Hagrid had just claimed that he would search for the

Acromantula venom in Hogsmeade, but it seemed like he was pretending.

Perhaps, he didn't want Wayne to know about the dangerous creatures

lurking in the Forbidden Forest.

This bit of cunning on Hagrid's part slightly altered Wayne's perception of


This situation served as a reminder for everyone that they shouldn't

underestimate Hagrid and should adjust their expectations accordingly.

About ten minutes later, Hagrid returned, carrying a large sack with him.

"See if these are enough. If they aren't, I can go to the Forbidden Forest

and gather more," Hagrid offered.

Wayne took the sack from Hagrid, opened it, and fell silent immediately.

It was filled to the brim with a mishmash of feathers, bones, and hairs,

appearing more like trash than anything else.

The snow-white hairs were balled up, and Wayne immediately

recognized them as unicorn hairs. Wizards with some common sense

understood the value of such items.

The highest quality unicorn hairs could be sold for five galleons each for

wand-making purposes. Even the lower quality feathers had their uses in

beauty potions. A sack containing a dozen hairs would go for around ten


There must have been dozens of sacks filled with Hagrid's collection of

unicorn hairs.

Together with the other items, this large sack alone was worth several

hundred galleons, if not more.

Wayne couldn't help but see Hagrid in a new light. This was a true

wealthy individual!

"Is this not enough?" Hagrid scratched his head in distress upon observing

Wayne's lack of response. "Well, if that's the case, I'll have to search the

Forbidden Forest for more."

"No, no, this is more than enough for me to practice," Wayne hurriedly

assured him.

The bounty he had received far exceeded his expectations and would last

him well beyond Christmas.

"Thank you so much, Hagrid," Wayne expressed his gratitude.

The giant smiled appreciatively. "No problem at all. If you ever need

anything in the future, just come find me. I have no use for these things."

Hagrid's statement wasn't unfounded, as Wayne had just witnessed him

with a blanket made entirely of unicorn hairs.

What a waste of natural resources!

Determined to maintain a positive relationship with his supplier of raw

materials, Wayne took out the gifts he had prepared in advance.

"The house-elves mentioned that you also take care of the school's

vegetable garden. These potions are meant to ward off garden goblins

and act as insecticides. Please accept them."

"Excellent!" Hagrid responded happily.

Hagrid's eyes lit up, "Those goblins and vixens are annoying me to death.

You are such a big help, Wayne."

"We are friends, right?"

All of a sudden, the hybrid giant was so moved that he burst into tears.


Thanks to Hagrid's kindness, Wayne left the cabin carrying the sack and

rock cakes.

Walking back to the Hufflepuff common room, Cedric happened to be

watering the plants when he noticed Wayne with his large bag.

"Did you go for a robbery?"

Wayne's expression remained unchanged: "No, I just chatted with my

friends and received some souvenirs as gifts."

"What souvenir?"

"Here, take this cake." Wayne handed over the box containing the cakes

and continued walking back to the dormitory.

When I opened the box, I saw that it was indeed a stuffed cake, and it

was still steaming.

As a Hufflepuff, Cedric took a bite without hesitation.

"Ouch! My teeth!"



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Chapter 41: 41. Come Quickly!

Potter And Malfoy Are Fighting!

It's another new week at Hogwarts, and the atmosphere is noticeably

more lively compared to the first week. Immediately after class on

Monday, an announcement was posted on the notice board in the hall,

stating that Quidditch player selection and first-year flying lessons would

begin this week.

When it comes to flying, it's an instinct for human beings to long for the

sky. While ordinary people conquer the sky with airplanes, wizards rely

on broomsticks. And of course, there's the flying carpet. However, the

sale of flying carpets has been banned in Europe, and not many wizards

are interested in them. Flying carpets tend to be unstable and difficult to

maintain as they are made of fur and quickly become dirty with use.

Additionally, there have been safety concerns due to shortcuts taken by

Middle Eastern manufacturers. Therefore, flying carpets are not popular

among wizards.

In short, Quidditch has suddenly become the number one trending topic

at Hogwarts. Everywhere you go, you can hear little wizards discussing

broomsticks and Quidditch. One wizard boasts about making money by

riding a helicopter that frightened Muggles, describing it as something

with a spinning head. Malfoy shares his own story multiple times, each

time with a different ending, but always emphasizing his impressive

flying skills in avoiding danger.

The other little wizards also have their fair share of stories and

knowledge about Quidditch, easily explaining various Quidditch action

terms. Their confidence makes it seem like anyone could do the same.

Even the teachers join in the fun. Professor McGonagall challenges the

little wizards in her class to turn pencils into quaffles. Unfortunately,

only Hermione succeeds in transforming the pencil into a piece of

cowhide, which angers her and leads to her breaking the pencil in half

after class. However, she realizes she'll need the pencil in the next class

and uses a repair spell to fix it.

In Charms class, Professor Flitwick introduces a new spell called the

Acceleration Charm. He explains that broomsticks are engraved with a

solidified acceleration spell, and the higher the level of the spell, the

better the conductivity, resulting in faster acceleration. Nimbus Company

has been constantly iterating the basic acceleration spell, which is their

top secret. Professor Flitwick suggests that if someone can develop a

more advanced acceleration spell, they could potentially start their own

broomstick company.

The little wizards get excited at the idea and wave their wands, but the

snail on the table doesn't react at all. At that moment, Hermione

discreetly pokes Wayne in the waist and asks what he's been up to lately.

Hermione had not seen Wayne outside of class in the past two days. Even

during lunch, he was nowhere to be found at Hufflepuff's table.

Wayne yawned, saying, "I'm ready to get down to business, I'm almost


Hermione regarded him warily and asked, "Business? What else are you


"You'll find out when the time comes," Wayne replied, casting an

acceleration spell. His snail immediately revved up its turbine engine,

surpassing Hermione's snail and reaching the finish line first.

"Want to earn some pocket money?" Wayne raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Of course I do, I have a lot of books I want to buy," Hermione said


"Then do me a favor in the next two days, and I'll give you 30% of the

money you earn."

Hermione looked at him suspiciously and questioned, "Isn't it something

that goes against the school rules?"

"It's confidential, but it doesn't violate the school rules," Wayne assured


"Huh, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," the little witch

snorted angrily, ignoring Wayne for the rest of the class.

However, as they left the classroom, Hermione hesitated and said,

"Malfoy has been saying bad things about you lately."

Wayne was taken aback and waved his hand dismissively, saying, "I'm

busy and don't have time to talk to him. You don't need to pay any

attention to him. Let Harry deal with him."

"What do you mean by 'deal with him'?" Harry also walked out of the

classroom and was slightly confused when he heard his name.

"I meant you can figuratively bite Malfoy," Wayne clarified.

"Don't disgust me," Harry showed a disgusted expression. "But if I could

punch him, I would be very happy."


Malfoy was talking about him behind his back, and Wayne already knew

about it.

For Hufflepuff, wizards are the most important. They are everywhere,

and Malfoy doesn't keep his words hidden. Naturally, the little badger

hears them and tells Wayne.

After learning the whole story, Wayne simply laughed it off.

Being envied is a sign of talent. Wayne's performance was even more

outstanding than Hermione's. In just one week, he had become a genius

known to all first-year students.

Of course, Malfoy and the purebloods couldn't stand it.

They didn't say much, they just suggested that Wayne should study hard

and study in advance to please the professor.

But when it comes to Quidditch, a sport that only purebloods have been

exposed to since childhood, Wayne's true colors will be revealed.

It's just petty jealousy.

If Wayne gets upset over such a trivial matter, how will he handle more

serious challenges in the future?

Thursday arrived before they knew it.

Wayne didn't have any classes in the afternoon and was hiding in his

room, making props to sell. Suddenly, Toby and Norman burst into the

room, looking like they were about to eat.

"Something big happened!"

Wayne listened attentively but continued working on his props without


"Longbottom broke his wrist, and Potter and Malfoy had a conflict during

flying lessons. Taking advantage of Mrs. Hooch's absence, they chased

each other on broomsticks in the sky, and they were inseparable!"

Is this word used here?

Wayne twitched his lips, feeling sad for Toby's English proficiency.

Toby was still gushing, "You don't know, Potter flew so well. He played a

trick on Malfoy, but unfortunately, Professor McGonagall saw it, and he

will probably be in bad luck."

"I can't say for sure," Wayne said casually. "Maybe the professor saw how

well he flew and specially approved Harry to join the Quidditch team.

Didn't their Seeker graduate last year?"

"We are first graders," Norman reminded. "First graders are not allowed

to join the Quidditch team."

"Actually, yes," Wayne put the parchment away and looked at the two of

them. "In 1853, Coleman Fleming joined the school team in the first


"Well, I can't tell you," Norman said, sounding a little depressed. "What

I'm most worried about now is whether I will fall to the ground like

Longbottom tomorrow. A broken wrist is a trivial matter, but if my neck

is broken, I will be finished."

"Don't worry," Wayne patted his shoulder comfortingly. "If it's broken, we

will go to the infirmary to see you."

Norman: "..."

The two were just about to sit down and read some books about

Quidditch when another excited shout came from outside the door:

"Come on! Potter and Malfoy are fighting in the Great Hall!"



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Chapter 42: 42. The Worrying

Teaching Level At Hogwarts

Eating melon is always the First driving force in solving human


With a roar, the entire Hufflepuff dormitory stirred up, and everyone

rushed out. There were even a few little wizards who came out in their


At this time, Hufflepuff's advantage was once again reflected. They lived

in the basement, and the auditorium was just above. It didn't take long to

reach the battlefield.

There were many people gathered together in the auditorium, and Wayne

found a gap and squeezed in.

Inside, there was a lively fight. Malfoy and Harry rolled into a ball, and

their wands fell to the ground casually, but no one paid attention to


Wayne discovered that there was nothing wrong with Toby's use of

adjectives. Aren't the two of them in a perfect relationship?

Harry 'stroked' Malfoy's hair and Malfoy 'pinched' his ears.

He also sent a cordial greeting to the other party.

Brother Draco's two young followers, Crabbe and Goyle, wanted to help

but were stopped by other Gryffindor students and severely reprimanded.

"What do you want to do? This is a sacred duel!"

"Is it honorable for a pure-blood family to bully the minority with more?"

The two of them together were only about the same size as the troll.

They thought it made sense when they heard it, and they stopped

helping. Like other little snakes and little lions, they were there to cheer

for their boss.

Finally, Professor McGonagall arrived, and the little wizards gathered

around immediately dispersed and hid to watch the excitement.

After witnessing this shocking scene, Professor McGonagall almost


"Potter! Malfoy!"

At this time, the two finally reluctantly let go, but their eyes still looked

at each other lovingly, and they also exchanged heated words about the

women in each other's family tree.

"How dare you!" McGonagall was like an angry lion at this time, and

Harry and Draco lowered their heads tremblingly.

"This is only the second week of school! You guys are fighting in the

auditorium in front of so many people!"

"Points deducted! Thirty points for each house!"

"Stand in solitary confinement!"

Ronald couldn't help but defend Harry: "Professor, it's Malfoy..."

"I didn't ask you, Mr. Weasley. No reason is an excuse for them to fight in


McGonagall silenced Ronald with one look.

At this moment, Snape received the news and rushed over. His expression

was so gloomy that he could drip water, and he looked at Malfoy angrily.

If the person fighting Potter was not a student from his academy, he

would torture Potter to death in this round.

"Come to my office at seven o'clock in the evening to dispose of the toad's

body. When it is done, the confinement will end."Snape decided to

confine someone, and Professor McGonagall did not object.

After the commotion had settled, everyone dispersed and Wayne found


"What's going on? Why were they fighting?"

Hermione shook her head. "I don't know. I was in the library and came

here with someone else."

Even the brightest students can't resist being curious.

Just in time, the twins approached, laughing. They had asked Ronald for


"We found out that Malfoy believed Harry had been expelled, so he

taunted him and called him Scarhead. They started arguing after that."

"That's it?" Wayne raised an eyebrow. He was expecting something


"It's finally over... it's been a nightmare."

On Friday afternoon, after two potions lessons, Toby looked like he

would survive.

In class just now, Snape scolded him for not disposing of feces properly.

Snape also deducted five points.

Seeing that the house score difference between Hufflepuff and Slytherin

had reached 80 points, Snape began to put in more effort.

Points would be deducted for putting in the medicinal materials at the

wrong time.

Points would be deducted if the crucible temperature wasn't sufficient.

Points would be deducted for failing to clean the workbench.

After one class, Hufflepuff had lost over ten points.

"Why doesn't Professor Sprout favor us?" Hannah, walking next to Wayne,

asked with confusion.

"That's favoritism." Susan Bones reminded her in a low voice. "Every

weekend, Professor Sprout asks students from our house to help in the


"I give out a few extra points usually."

"Extra points aren't enough." Hannah hummed thoughtfully. "We should

learn from Professor Snape and deduct all the points from the other

houses. Then we'll be number one."

Wayne glanced at her.

Girl, you have the potential to be an assassin.

The Hufflepuffs and the Ravenclaws left the castle and went to the lawn

for flying lessons.

Even though Neville broke his wrist yesterday, everyone was still


No one thinks they're dumber than Neville, except maybe in herbology

class, where most people can't see Neville's potential as a wizard.

They didn't have to wait long before Mrs. Hooch arrived, controlling

several large frames filled with broomsticks with her wand.

Her expression was extremely serious, as if she had been greatly

disturbed by yesterday's incident.

The teaching staff at Hogwarts is quite diverse. There are good teachers

like Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout, and Professor Flitwick.

And then there are potion masters like Snape, who is incredibly skilled

but has a mouth like a poisonous snake. There is also a teacher similar to

Trelawney, who is essentially useless except when utilizing his skills.

It can only be described as a chaotic dance involving demons.

Mrs. Hooch is also unqualified as a teacher.

When facing the students who flew into the sky without permission, all

she could do was yell and then wait for them to fall, sending them to the

infirmary for treatment.

At this level, he can only serve as a referee.

However, today Mrs. Hooch has learned her lesson.

Following the same steps as before, she allows the little wizards to

summon their brooms and waits for the brooms to jump into their hands.

Wayne succeeded on his first attempt, while others struggled, jumping on

their brooms and tumbling to the ground.

If you shout a few more times, the broom will impatiently pat them


It took over ten minutes for everyone to successfully grasp their brooms.

Immediately after, Mrs. Hooch instructed everyone to set their brooms

down and begin coaching one at a time.

Though progress is slow, at least it is significantly safer.

What reassured her was that despite everyone's generally poor talent,

they showed no signs of losing control.

Finally, it is Wayne's turn.



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Chapter 43: 43. Meeting Cho

Chang Again, Harry Wants To

Duel With Malfoy?

Wayne didn't do anything wrong and honestly followed the steps taught

by Hooch as he flew.

He is a person who cherishes his life. The broomsticks in the school are

all antiques from thirty or forty years ago. Who knows if they will fall


Flying at a lower altitude is safer. If something happens, you can react


Contrary to my expectations, riding on the broomstick did not cause

discomfort, like wind blowing on my buttocks. Instead, it felt like a soft,

invisible cushion.

It's not as uncomfortable as I thought it would be to watch.

Due to their age, these broomsticks are not very fast, but the freedom of

flying in the sky and changing directions according to one's thoughts feels


Wayne flew for a while without any problems. Mrs. Hooch was relieved

and started guiding the next person.

Gradually, more little wizards filled the sky. Most of them flew at a low

altitude, never leaving the ground.

It's not as powerful as they claimed.

Wayne's two roommates, who were novices and had never touched a

broomstick, pretended to fly by running back and forth with broomsticks

clamped between their legs.

Ravenclaw's Lisa Turpin accidentally slipped off her broomstick,

knocking out a few more hairs from her already sparse tail.

Wayne became more proficient as he flew, gradually ascending to higher


From up high, he saw a girl looking at him with a smile.

Wayne descended and approached the girl.

"Cho, why are you here?" he asked.

The girl was Cho Chang from Ravenclaw. Another girl stood next to her,

watching Cho and Wayne curiously with an ambiguous expression.

"I don't have classes in the afternoon, so I'm taking a walk with Marietta,"

Cho explained with a generous smile, revealing two cute dimples.

"This is your first flying lesson. It seems you have a lot of talent. Maybe

you can join the Quidditch team in the future."

"By the way, I forgot to introduce you," Cho continued.

She extended her hand to the girl beside her and said, "This is Marietta

Edgecombe, my good friend."

Wayne nodded and greeted, "Hello, I'm Wayne Lawrence, a freshman at


Marietta's name rang a bell. In the original book, Marietta betrays Harry

and Dumbledore's army and informs Umbridge, resulting in Dumbledore

being driven away.

From Harry's and God's perspective, Marietta was seen as acting

dishonestly and becoming a complete traitor.

But if you think about it, what would you do if you were in Marietta's


Both of her parents work in the Ministry of Magic, and Umbridge used

this as blackmail. How can a girl who is not yet of age bear this burden?

It can only be said that perspectives and attitudes toward things differ.

Wayne didn't hold any negative feelings towards Marietta."I know you,

the little genius in first grade," Marietta said with a smile. "Professor

Flitwick said there must be something wrong with the Sorting Hat. A

smart little wizard like you should come to Ravenclaw."

Wayne was speechless and said, "According to Professor Flitwick, Percy

Weasley, Cedric, and even Granger are going to Ravenclaw. The other

professors will give him trouble by then."

All three of them laughed.

Then he looked at Cho again: "Quidditch selection should have started.

How about it? Did you pass it?"

When it came to Quidditch, Cho immediately became excited.

"Passed! I was selected as Ravenclaw's seeker, and I'm still the starter!"

"Congratulations then. Please be merciful next time you meet Hufflepuff."

Cho pursed her lips and chuckled: "No way, I will catch the Golden


The two chatted for a while, but they were still in class, and Wayne

couldn't leave so blatantly.

"Don't look, everyone has gone away." Cho's eyes were still on the boy's

back, Marietta joked

"Okay, so the most handsome guy in first grade hooked up so quickly.

Tell me how you met."

Cho rolled her eyes at her friend angrily, wondering why her words were

so unpleasant.

But the image of Wayne casting a spell without a wand for the first time

they met appeared in her mind.

"Wayne, who is that? So beautiful." Toby and Norman put down their

brooms and came over.

Many girls nearby pricked up their ears, eager for gossip.

"It's none of your business. Hurry up and train. I don't know why I

thought you two were free-roaming chickens."

Their heads drooped.

They seemed to have absolutely no talent for flying and even picked up

brooms secretly by themselves.

Mrs. Hooch tried several times, but she just shook her head and let them


Wayne ignored his two lively roommates and continued riding his broom.

"What? Malfoy wants to duel you?" Ron looked at Harry in surprise in the

Gryffindor lounge.

"Keep your voice down." Harry quickly looked around and breathed a

sigh of relief when no one noticed them.

"What does a wizard duel look like?" Harry asked nervously. "He also

asked me to bring an assistant. What is this?"

"An assistant." Ron stuffed a Bibi multi-flavor bean into his mouth, and

his face wrinkled.

Damn, it tastes like carrots.

"If either you or Malfoy fall, the assistants will step up until neither side

can fight."

"I guess Malfoy's assistant is either Crabbe or Goyle."

Harry felt a little confused and asked quickly, "Ron, can you be my


"Of course. I've wanted to teach Malfoy a lesson for a long time." Ron also

became excited.

"We haven't mastered much magic. The most we can do is make the other

side have a little nosebleed. Then we'll still have to rely on our fists."

"That's it..."The two of them discussed a countermeasure. Ronald was

stronger than Harry. When the time came, Harry would be responsible

for holding down Malfoy, and Ronald would be responsible for defeating


Regardless of Crabbe or Goyle, this technique was one Harry learned

from Dudley. In a fight, he had to restrain one person and defeat them.

"When is your duel?" Ronald finally asked.

"Next Friday, in the Trophy display room on the second floor."

Both of them have been confined lately, so the time can only be

postponed. However, Harry thinks it's not bad because he can use this

week to learn some magic.

"It's cool that it's at night," Ronald said with excitement. He was not only

looking forward to beating Malfoy but also taking a nighttime tour of the

castle. He had been thinking about it for a while.

Unbeknownst to the two of them, Hermione, who was engrossed in her

homework nearby, overheard the entire conversation and pursed her lips.



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Chapter 44: 44 The Shock Brought

By The Phoenix!

In the blink of an eye, it's Monday again.

Early in the morning, the young wizards came to the cafeteria to eat.

Harry looked a little tired. He hadn't gotten much rest over the weekend

because he joined the Quidditch team.

Throughout the day, he was pulled by Wood for training, and he was

kept in solitary confinement at night.

Now, the person Harry hates most is Snape, followed by Malfoy.

Even Dudley had to line up behind these two.

Suddenly, the doors of the auditorium opened, and there was a chaotic

and noisy sound as if hundreds of birds were flapping their wings.

The young wizards were used to this, so they quickly filled their bowls

with vegetables and shielded them in front of them.

Soon, a flock of owls flew in, throwing letters and packages into the arms

of their recipients or nearby bowls of soup, leaving a mess.

The twins secretly hid their packages, which were the big shit eggs and

nosebleed nougats they bought at Zonko's Joke Shop. They must not be

seen by Professor McGonagall.

Harry also picked up today's Daily Prophet and read it.


At that moment, a bird song appeared out of thin air, causing the owls to

startle. Two of them that were flying in the sky fell directly into the soup.

Everyone looked up, trying to find the source of the sound.

A flash of fire suddenly appeared in mid-air, and then a flying phoenix

emerged from the flames, carrying two packages at its feet.

Under everyone's stunned gaze, the phoenix landed next to Wayne and

placed down the packages.

"What is this...?" Cedric, who had been discussing the illustrious history

of Charlie Cannon with Wayne, couldn't even speak anymore.

"Huh? These are the packages I bought. What's wrong?" Wayne slowly

placed the packages at his feet.

"No!" Cedric finally regained his composure and said, "The focus isn't on

the packages; the focus is on this... this phoenix!"

Seeing the phoenix perched on Wayne's shoulder, preening its feathers,

Cedric couldn't contain his excitement any longer.

"Why would a phoenix deliver packages to you?" he asked a question that

all the new students of the young wizards wanted to know. Professor

Sprout, who was in the guest seat and wanted breakfast, and Kettleburn,

who was teaching the Care of Magical Creatures class, hurried over.

Especially Kettleburn, who only had half a leg left, and used magic to

float his chair over.

Gazing at the phoenix with admiration, Kettleburn said, "Look at her,

how beautiful she is!"

"Beautiful?" Wayne raised an eyebrow and reached out to touch the

phoenix's head.

Compared to when it first hatched, the appearance of the phoenix had

changed dramatically. It had grown orange-red feathers with a hint of

green at the tips.

It did look much better. Compared to beauty, Wayne honestly thinks that

his bird is just average, better than the ones in Pokémon.

Far from being beautiful.

As if sensing his master's dislike, Fox chirped in dissatisfaction and gently

pecked Wayne's cheek, almost playfully.

When it was born, its owner thought it was just a Shoebill bird, but now

that it has grown a bit, it has the resemblance of a legendary Pokémon.

Yet, its owner is still not satisfied.

What more do you want from me?

Do you have to transform into a human to satisfy your debt of gratitude?

"Mr. Lawrence, who is this phoenix?" Professor Sprout asked after

observing for a moment.

"Fox found me a few days after I received the admission notice. We got

along quite well, so he followed me." Wayne made up an excuse on the

spot, unconcerned whether or not anyone would believe it.

"Getting along?"

Upon hearing his half-hearted reply, Cedric's eyes turned red, and the

other young wizards were equally unimpressed.

Hermione stared at him from beside the long Gryffindor table. If the

professor hadn't been there, she would have rushed over to get a closer


This is a phoenix!

Since this century, people have only known the existence of two

phoenixes. One is Dumbledore's pet, Fawkes. The other is Sparky, the

mascot of the Moutohora Macaws Quidditch team. Wayne's Phoenix is

the third one.

A young wizard who has just started school with a phoenix as a pet?

Malfoy was incredibly jealous, to the point where he almost clenched his

teeth in frustration. His favorite magical creature is the fire dragon, but

that doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate the phoenix. This rare, noble

magical creature would be perfect for the Malfoy family.

For a moment, Malfoy considered asking Wayne to sell him the phoenix.

However, he knew better than to think that Wayne would never agree.

After hearing Wayne's explanation, Professor Sprout also wanted to ask a

question, but the words got stuck in her throat and she decided against it.

She wanted to ask Wayne, "Is your real last name Dumbledore?" Anyone

who knew anything would know that the Phoenix appears to the

Dumbledore family in times of need. Wayne's description matched the

traits associated with the Dumbledore family.

Just as the auditorium fell into an eerie silence, another crisp cry broke

the stillness. However, this cry did not come from the Fox, but from

another phoenix.

Sensing the presence of another member of its kind, Fawkes pursued it.

He didn't come as a bird but in the form of a man, bringing Dumbledore

along with him.

Old Dumble must not have woken up yet. He was still wearing pajamas

and a comical nightcap on his head.

Many young wizards burst into laughter upon seeing Dumbledore's cute

pajamas, adorned with drawings of velvet and goblins.

"Fawkes, what's the matter? It seems urgent."Dumbledore clearly didn't

understand the situation and still seemed a little confused.

Ignoring him, Fawkes flew over to Wayne and hovered in front of him,

while Fox also flew up, flames still burning on its body.

Happily, Fawkes shouted and lowered its head on its initiative.

Wayne could sense that Fox's blood was even nobler than Fawkes. Even

in its infancy, he felt the need to show respect.

"It's incredible," Dumbledore exclaimed, awakening to the spectacle of

the two phoenixes with deep surprise in his eyes.

"Mr. Lawrence, is he your pet?" he asked.

"Of course," Wayne confirmed.

"While first-year wizards are only allowed to bring toads, mice, and owls

as pets," Dumbledore continued.

"The Fox serves a similar role to an owl, delivering messages. It should

not violate any school rules."

Silence followed.

Cedric's expression hardened; his fist clenched.

"You have such arrogance, you could easily be taken down!"



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Chapter 45: 45 Dumbledore’s

Afternoon Tea Invitation

Even Dumbledore initially found Wayne's magical brain circuitry

shocking. After a while, he smiled and said, "This school rule was

originally established to prevent students from getting into trouble if they

cannot restrain their pets."

Dumbledore responded, "You and your... Fox? That's your name, right?

The relationship is very good, and phoenixes are kind-hearted and highly

intelligent magical creatures. I won't deduct points from you for this."

Relieved, Wayne replied, "That's good."

Dumbledore glanced at his clothes and jokingly asked, "It would be too

rude to chat with you dressed like this. Would you like to have a cup of

afternoon tea with me, a nagging old man? We can meet after you finish


Surprised by Dumbledore's invitation, Wayne agreed.

"My pleasure," Wayne said, making Dumbledore very happy.

Dumbledore then informed Wayne, "The password is Cockroach Pile, and

the principal's office is on the eighth floor."

Afterward, Dumbledore prepared to leave.

Meanwhile, the two phoenixes, Fox and Fawkes, flew out of the castle

and disappeared while they were talking. Wayne was excited to spend

time with Fox.

After spending so much time alone, Wayne finally had a companion.

Dumbledore could understand Fawkes' excitement.

Wayne decided to return his package to the dormitory and go to class.

Just as he was about to leave, Snape's gloomy voice interrupted, 'Wait a

minute, Lawrence.' Snape had silently joined them in the auditorium,

observing silently from the side.

Upon seeing Snape calling Wayne, the young wizards surrounding him,

eager for more information about the Fox, quickly scattered. Cedric gave

Wayne a look, seeking his blessings, before hurrying away.

Wayne glanced disdainfully at Cedric before turning his attention to

Snape. "Professor, what's the matter?"

Curious about the packages in Wayne's hand, Snape lowered his head to

inspect them. One package was square, and the other was slender.

Wayne explained truthfully, "Some materials, and a broomstick."

Snape was shocked. Could this be from Hufflepuff? Is Wayne truly this


Having expected countless excuses from Wayne, Snape was surprised that

he simply admitted it. He began to doubt Wayne once again. Could this

be a flying broomstick?

"Do open both; I want to check." Snape requested.

"As a professor, it is my responsibility to ensure that students do not

bring dangerous items into the castle." Snape decided to inspect the

packages first.

Wayne, unable to do anything, told the truth and Snape still insisted on

watching. Without wasting time, Wayne opened both packages.

In the square box, there was a stack of magic ink, various types of

parchment, and several bottles of magic potions. In the rectangular box,

just as he had claimed, there was a flying broomstick. It was the latest

customized version of the Nimbus 2000, with Wayne's name engraved on

it and emitting light while flying. The customized version had the same

specifications as the regular one but at nearly double the price.

In any case, Cedric's eyes turned red once again. The twins, observing

from a distance, jumped up excitedly.

"Nimbus 2000! Wayne bought a Nimbus 2000!"

"Merlin's beard, where did he get so much money?"

Hermione frowned, somewhat displeased. Why did Wayne spend money

impulsively again?

"Lawrence..." Snape took a deep breath and spoke after inspecting, "You

should be aware that the school does not permit first-year wizards to

bring broomsticks to school, correct?"

"I know," Wayne said matter-of-factly.

"It is clearly stated in the admission notice."

"Then you knowingly broke the rule." Snape sneered. "How many points

should I deduct from you? But..." Before Snape could finish his sentence,

Wayne interjected, "Professor." The young man looked at him quizzically.

"Where did this broomstick come from?" Snape furrowed his brow.

"It was sent by your phoenix. Don't tell me it doesn't belong to you. Your

name is engraved on it."

"It is mine," Wayne replied, repacking the package.

"As you mentioned, it was sent by Phoenix, and I did not bring it to


"So, which school rule did I violate?" Snape was momentarily speechless,

and the young wizards who were observing became hopeful.

Quite clever. The school only stated that broomsticks were not allowed to

be brought to school, but it did not consider having an owl deliver it as a

violation of the rule, right? Many first-year students were already

preparing to write letters home.

Snape grew angry. "Enough talk! If you defy a professor, Hufflepuff will

lose five points!" Simultaneously, Wayne's mind system emitted a prompt

sound at the perfect moment.

[The host deducts points from Hufflepuff and gains +25 points.]

Wayne's pupils dilated slightly. This was the first time he deducted points

from Hufflepuff, and the ratio was the same as the galleon-earning ratio.

Two hundred points would be deducted, equivalent to a ten-game series.

In an instant, Wayne's eyes changed when he looked at Snape.

Snape thought Wayne was scared, and the corners of his mouth slightly

raised, revealing a rare smile.

"Of course...if you are willing to share some materials on the Phoenix

with me, I can cancel the punishment just now."

Yes, Snape had his eye on Wayne's bird.

The reason why he came here specifically to find trouble was to obtain

some materials from Phoenix.

Phoenix's tears, feathers, and even blood are the main materials for

refining many high-level magic potions. It can be said that the phoenix's

body is full of treasures.

As a potion master, seeing a phoenix was no different than seeing a pig.

It's a pity that Fawkes doesn't care about him, and Dumbledore won't go

against the wishes of his pets.

Now Wayne suddenly reveals that he also has a phoenix.

Where else could Snape sit?

"Professor..." Wayne looked at him expectantly.

"You agree?" Old Bat smiled.

Wayne shrugged, "No, I think the points you deducted are too few. I don't

feel it."


No, you are sick!



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Chapter 46: 46. Hermione: I Want

To See Your Bird

Angrily, Snape deducted another fifteen points from Hufflepuff and

stormed off. Wayne was left looking dissatisfied.

Show off your spirit of deducting points from Gryffindor. You only

deducted so much, who are you looking down on?

Surrounded by a group of Hufflepuffs, Wayne returned to their common

room. The amount of information this morning was truly astonishing.

First, the Phoenix appeared, and then Wayne bought a Nimbus 2000. For

Quidditch players, the Nimbus 2000 was their dream broomstick.

As for Snape deducting points from Wayne, is this a thing?

The only houses that truly compete for the Academy Cup every year are

Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Slytherin competes for the glory of pure blood, Gryffindor competes for

their reputation, and they must not lose to the Slytherins.

Ravenclaw will fight for it if there's hope, but won't put too much energy

into it. Most people focus on their affairs and let the collective honor take

its course. This is also reflected in the Quidditch game.

The Hufflepuffs, however, always maintain a nonchalant attitude.

What School cup? If we don't create it, what does it have to do with us?

Do you want points deducted? Just be quiet. To show my sadness, I will

eat three more bowls later, okay?

This attitude makes Wayne's life very comfortable. He can do whatever

he wants without anyone gossiping behind his back or isolating him.

If he had been assigned to Gryffindor, he would have started to be

criticized by now.

"Come on, take a look," Cedric begged, hugging Wayne's leg as class time


Wayne trembled and kicked Cedric away, throwing the box.

"Go away quickly, don't disgust me."

"Gently, this is the Nimbus 2000!" Cedric exclaimed, ecstatically taking

the box, surrounded by a group of Quidditch players whose eyes were

almost watering.

After stowing the materials in the dormitory, Wayne hurried to the

History of Magic classroom, purposely avoiding the group of perverts on

the way out.

He didn't know what their first class was. Weren't they afraid of being



In the History of Magic class, Cuthbert Binns performed his usual

hypnotic spell and fell half asleep in less than ten minutes.

Wayne reluctantly listened as Binns talked about the significant impact

wizards had on Muggle's history.

For instance, during the ancient Han Dynasty, the wizard Liu Xiu

disguised himself as a Muggle and successfully prolonged the life of the

dynasty for over two hundred years.

What Liu Xiu excelled at was refining the Felix Felicis also called "Liquid

Luck". He took the elixir before every battle, ensuring good luck.

The most exaggerated moment was when he drank a pint of Felix Felicis

and burped with satisfaction afterward.

Then, the enemy was killed by meteorites falling from the sky. From that

point on, everyone also respected him as the Great Magister Liu Xiu.

Pull, pull.

Wayne woke up from his sleep when he felt his sleeve being pulled. "Has

class ended?"

Hermione quickly held Wayne down as he stood up and whispered, "Class

isn't over yet."

Wayne angrily slapped her hand away. "Then what did you tell me to


Hermione's face turned slightly red and she coyly said, "I...I...I want to

touch your bird."

Wayne looked at her in shock, as if he couldn't believe his ears. "What did

you say?"

"I want to touch your bird," the little witch looked at Wayne pitifully.

"Just for a moment, I will be very gentle and won't hurt her."

Now it was Wayne's turn to feel embarrassed. "Now...now?"

Although his bird wasn't very useful at the moment, it was good to

expose her to the world beforehand. Alas, Hermione had to make that

request during class. He also had to use magic to block other people's


"Of course not," the little witch rolled her eyes. "How can I touch him in

class? Even if Cuthbert Binns is a ghost, we can't bully him like this."

Wayne followed her lead. "You let me know the time, and I'll do it."

Hermione thought for a moment. "You are going to have afternoon tea

with Principal Dumbledore, so after dinner, there is still a lot of time

before curfew."

"No problem," Wayne agreed. "I'll find you wherever I can."

"On the lawn," Hermione added.


Wayne's body trembled.

Hermione then said, "By the way, what does Fox like to eat? I'll prepare

some snacks for him."

The young man looked at her in disbelief. "Are you talking about Fox?"

"Otherwise?" Hermione gave him a strange look. "Do you have other


"Haha, I won't show it to you," Wayne laughed.


In the afternoon spells class, Wayne brilliantly completed the Slowing

Charm, earning back half of the twenty points he had lost in the morning.

Professor Flitwick looked at Wayne's departing figure and sighed.

Some people are simply born different from others and destined to be the

protagonist, like Dumbledore or the Slytherin student who once won the

Special Contribution Award. Wayne was gradually revealing similar


Not to mention the fact that a little wizard could have a phoenix as a pet,

Wayne's magical talent alone made him particularly jealous. No spell

could trouble him. To test Wayne's talent, Flitwick taught him a spell of

his creation. After reading it, Wayne mastered the slowing spell in just

two attempts.

Why was such a talented wizard assigned to Hufflepuff?

Wayne was unaware of Flitwick's resentment as he had already reached

the eighth floor.

The principal's office was guarded by a gargoyle. When he saw Wayne,

he asked lazily:


"Pile of cockroaches."

"Ugh~!" The gargoyle made a face of disgust and turned to open the


"Every time I hear this password, I feel uncomfortable for a long time.

Please tell Dumbledore to change it quickly. Opening the door every day

is just too unpleasant."

"Let me suggest something. How about changing it to a scarab?"

"Get out! That's just... yuck!"

"You have no sense of propriety, young wizard. You should be ashamed!"



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Chapter 47: 47. Group Fight In

The Principal’s Office

After teasing the gargoyle, Wayne felt much better and walked into the

passage happily. Inside, there was a spiral staircase that automatically

transported Wayne to a closed door. This door had a brass knocker in the

shape of a griffin's head.

Wayne could sense powerful magic fluctuations from the door knocker,

recognizing it as a valuable magical item. If a wizard tried to force their

way through the wooden door, it would transform into a brass griffon

that would attack. This monster was very powerful, ranked at level 5X,

comparable to a fire dragon.

Hogwarts had a rich heritage, which impressed Wayne. He briefly

considered taking the door knocker for himself but knew he couldn't

make alchemy items of that caliber. Wayne reminisced about Cedric

stroking the Nimbus 2000 as he played with the door knocker before

pushing the door open.

Inside the principal's office, Wayne saw a luxurious round room with a

high ceiling and excellent lighting. The warm afternoon sunlight

streamed through the room, casting a faint glow on the gems. Wayne

muttered to himself about the extravagant lighting compared to other

areas of Hogwarts that used oil lamps and candles.

Dumbledore was absent from the room, so Wayne settled into a

comfortable chair and surveyed the office. The most prominent feature

was the extensive collection of books, covering almost half of the walls

and reaching up to the ceiling. A spiral staircase stood next to the

bookshelves for easy access.

On the other half of the wall hung portraits, making Wayne feel like he

was being watched. However, when he turned to face them, the portraits

remained motionless like Muggle paintings. Near the desk, Wayne

noticed a stone round basin on a high stool, recognizing it as the

Pensieve, a precious tool for storing and reproducing memories.

Wayne couldn't help but feel the desire to take everything in the room

home with him. On the opposite side of the desk, a floor-to-ceiling mirror

stood, mostly covered in velvet cloth. Only the bracket and a small

portion of the mirror surface were visible. Suddenly, a sharp voice caught

Wayne's attention, and he turned to see a portrait come to life.

The portrait, an old man with a goatee and silver-green robe, called out

to Wayne, curious about his fascination with the mirror. The nameplate

below the portrait introduces him as "Phineas Nigellus Black


Wayne shook his head. "It's covered, how could I possibly know what it


"Humph, I don't know," Phineas muttered, stroking his goatee with an

expression of extreme disgust.

"That's the Mirror of Erised. Do you know what the Mirror of Erised is?"

Wayne gave a listening look.

"It can show you your most urgent and strongest desires deep in your

heart. Do you want to know what you want most at this time?"

Phineas said seductively, "Go and try it. Dumbledore has been looking at

the mirror until dawn every day recently, and he is almost obsessed."

"Not interested," Wayne waved his hand and sat back in his seat, bored.

"I want everything now, and nothing else matters. It's all in vain."

These words were not meant to deceive Phineas, but instead, they were a

true reflection of Wayne.

He was interested in everything, but his emotions were not very strong.

Because Wayne knew that sooner or later, he would get what he wanted.

He was filled with confidence.

Phineas was taken aback by Wayne's reaction.

"No, you didn't even look at it, so how dare you talk nonsense here?"

Wayne glanced at him. "No wonder you are the most unpopular principal

in the school's history. Regardless of everything else, you still care about

whether I can look in the mirror?"

"You deserve to be scolded for all the things you've done, even after your


There was a brief silence in the room, followed by shocking laughter.

The principal's who had been pretending to be dead finally couldn't hold

it in any longer, and they all burst out laughing.

A principal with a big nose even pointed at Phineas. "Black, you've had a

day like this. You were scolded by a student!"

A chubby-looking woman clapped her hands and applauded. "As expected

of our Hufflepuff little wizard, he knows who he is!"

"Don't laugh! Don't laugh!" Phineas jumped angrily. "Damn little wizard,

if I were still alive, I would fire you immediately!"

"Then come back to life," Wayne spread his hands, with thoughts of

earning points prompting in his mind.

Good guy, do you get points for criticizing the former principal?

And that's a good thing.

Phineas was furious at his attitude.

"You brats! You Hufflepuff idiots! You'll be chefs and salespeople for the

rest of your lives!"

It's over now.

Phineas' remarks offended all the Hufflepuff principals.

A grumpy principal couldn't help themselves and disappeared from their

photo frame, reappearing in Phineas's photo frame in the blink of an eye.

They raised their fist and hit Phineas on the nose.

Not to be outdone, the other Hufflepuff principals rushed over to start a

righteous gang fight.

Phineas screamed repeatedly, while the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw

headmasters cheered, and the Slytherin headmaster chose not to get

involved. Although everyone hailed from Slytherin, Phineas possessed

such a foul mouth that he managed to offend almost everyone within a

mere century.

Wayne witnessed the principals engaged in a brawl and wore a smile,

occasionally nodding in approval.

Indeed, the mage's demise involved close combat, completely

disregarding the use of a wand.

Just as Wayne's enthusiasm peaked, the door to the principal's office

swung open.

Dumbledore entered and was taken aback by the chaotic scene. He then

noticed the undisturbed Wayne with a knowing smile.

"Seems I arrived at an inappropriate time?"

"No, Principal," Wayne shook his head. "You've arrived at the perfect


"If you had arrived any later, Principal Phineas would have met his




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Chapter 48: 48. The Confrontation

Between The Old Fox And The

Little Fox

The current owner of the office arrived, and the portraits of past

principals also quickened their movements. One of them struck Phineas

before returning to his photo frame and continuing to play dead.

Phineas, on the other hand, likely felt embarrassed and vanished from the

frame, probably running to the ancestral Black house and hiding.

"Please have a seat, Mr. Lawrence." Dumbledore motioned for Wayne to

sit across from him. "Would you like something to drink? Black tea, green

tea, hot cocoa?"

Wayne was not polite in his response. "Just black tea."

Dumbledore agreed with a nod and happily added, "I also quite enjoy

black tea. Bathilda recently gave me some Ceylon black tea. Sadly, both

Minerva and Filius prefer lemon tea and have never shared their stash."

Dumbledore tapped the table with his wand, summoning a beautifully

shaped teapot and teacup onto the table.

The teapot gently floated up, pouring tea for both of them automatically.

"What about dessert? I recommend trying the cockroach pile,"

Dumbledore suggested, presenting a silver dinner plate. Wayne's

expression changed upon seeing it.

The plate was brimming with cockroaches, still scuttling about like the

chocolate frogs.

Dumbledore picked one up, placed it in his mouth, and closed his eyes in


How explosive it is.

Wayne's expression shifted. "Headmaster, do you happen to have any

sandwiches and macarons?"


Although Wayne showed no interest in the cockroach pile, Dumbledore

still waved his wand and conjured up several sandwiches and colorful


"I believe the appearance of dessert isn't important. What matters is its

sugar content," Dumbledore remarked, blinking. "Are you sure you don't

want some?"

Wayne remained silent. "Actually, according to research conducted by

Muggle scientists, visually appealing food can also increase people's


"Headmaster, would you prefer to eat chocolate-shaped feces or feces-

shaped chocolates?"

Dumbledore was taken aback. "Must we eat that?"

He had to admit, both of Wayne's suggestions were repulsive.

"Of course." Now it was Wayne's turn to laugh.

"You're the boss."

Dumbledore also smiled, relishing the novelty of a student joking with


He could sense that Wayne was genuinely at ease, treating him as an

ordinary old man.

As Wayne took a sip of the Ceylon black tea, his mouth filled with a

floral aroma.

Compared to traditional oriental black tea, Ceylon black tea boasted a

deeper color and a rich floral aroma, yet lacked the unique sweetness and

fragrance of tea.

Each has its merits and drawbacks; it simply boils down to personal taste.

As Dumbledore had mentioned that morning, most of the conversation

between him and Wayne revolved around the Phoenix.

Apart from asking Wayne how he met the Fox at the beginning, the rest

of it was Dumbledore imparting some breeding experience.

Wayne patiently wrote it all down. After the so-called localization of the

system, Fox also possessed some of the abilities of a Phoenix in this

world, such as healing injuries with tears and disembodiment.

Wayne took the opportunity to make his request to keep Fox in the

Forbidden Forest, and Dumbledore readily agreed, stating that Wayne

had plenty of time to play with his pets unlike an old man like himself

who had nothing to do. Wayne inwardly groaned at Dumbledore's


After talking about Phoenix, Dumbledore began talking about wool socks

again, stating that when it comes to protecting one's feet, wool socks

were the most considerate choice. Dumbledore mentioned that he used to

be dismissive of them but now couldn't put them down.

He joked that no old man could refuse to receive a pair of woolen socks

as a Christmas gift, but everyone seemed to think he preferred books.

Wayne sarcastically called out to the Ministry of Magic, asking if they

would ignore someone asking for a bribe from the little wizard. Wayne

laughed and promised that the Old Bee would be satisfied with

Christmas, but he knew that Old Bee didn't like wool socks, but the

meaning behind them.

In the UK, woolen socks represented family ties. Despite Dumbledore

being the greatest white wizard of the century, he couldn't undo the

mistakes he made in his youth, and the pain he experienced and the

imprisonment of someone in Nurmengard continued to torment him.

Wayne realized it was already past five o'clock and was about to stand up

and say goodbye, planning to return to the auditorium to eat some food

that would fill his stomach.

However, Dumbledore stopped him and handed him a piece of

parchment, which turned out to be an approval note for the restricted

book section. Typically, an approval note for the restricted book section

would have specific titles, but the one Dumbledore gave Wayne was

time-limited and had no restrictions on what books he could borrow,

valid until Christmas. Dumbledore reminded Wayne to ensure adequate

sleep and take appropriate night trips, stating that this was his reward for

showing mercy to the three-headed dog.

Wayne thanked Dumbledore for the note, not feeling embarrassed about

being caught violating school rules, and mentioned that he also didn't

think it was good to go to the restricted book area at night due to the

lack of lighting and his near-sightedness.

Dumbledore's smile faltered as he observed the situation.

This young wizard always approaches card games with practicality,

unlike others who often seem lost when caught in a mistake. It was

perplexing that it was now Wayne's turn as if he was not the one

responsible for the error.

After Wayne left, a sense of calm returned to the principal's office.

However, this tranquility was short-lived as the previous generation of

principals once again became active.

Fusco, with his prominent nose, expressed his delight, saying, "This

young fellow is quite intriguing, definitely not fitting for Hufflepuff."

"He should be sorted into Gryffindor!" another principal exclaimed.

Principal Dilys argued back, "Why not Ravenclaw? This young one must

have been aware that his actions couldn't be concealed from the


"With such astute perception, who else but the eagle-clad Ravenclaw is a

better fit?" another principal added.

"What nonsense!" Rossiter, the Hufflepuff principal, angrily threw an

apple towards Fusco's picture frame. "We at Hufflepuff are still capable of

nurturing exceptional talents!"

Dumbledore, choosing not to engage in the quarrels amongst the

headmasters, gazed at the untouched velvet cloth and let out a wistful


"I never anticipated...it seems this might as well be a child..."



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Chapter 49: 49. Reject Conspiracy

Theories, Harmonious Hufflepuff

Leaving the Headmaster's office, Wayne had no fear that all of his actions

would be noticed by Dumbledore.

Among the various conjectures in the past life, many regard Dumbledore

as a heinous conspiracy party. But in fact, most of this conclusion is


If Dumbledore is that kind of ruthless character, he will die if he doesn't

develop according to his ideas.

Tom will not have a future as the Dark Lord. He was promoted by Old

Bee as early as Hogwarts.

Perhaps Dumbledore had changed after what happened to Voldemort, but

the principle he always adhered to was guidance.

He believes that as long as he gives his students more care and education,

he will not make the same mistakes again.

Even if Malfoy had the idea of killing him, Dumbledore would try to

change him and awaken the good thoughts in his heart.

Wayne is far from being that bad.

He went to the forbidden book area to read books, and all he read were

about white magic, alchemy, or potions.

There must be a lot of dangerous information in it, but it's nothing

compared to real black magic.

Who made Old Dumble so ruthless that even medicines like Polyjuice

Potion were placed in the restricted book section?

It's not entirely Wayne's fault.

It's all Tom's fault, oh no, Voldemort!

Back in the dormitory, Wayne was going to sort out the materials he

bought from Diagon Alley into categories, put them away, and put them

into a small bag that had been cast with a traceless stretching spell.

It wasn't that he wasn't worried that his two roommates would steal it,

but he was worried that they would think there was something to eat in

it and accidentally eat it, which would cause big trouble.

As soon as he returned to the locker room, he saw Cedric still holding the

broom and looking at it.

Cedric also saw him and reluctantly returned the Nimbus 2000 to Wayne.

"As expected of Nimbus 2000, the workmanship and texture are truly

amazing, but I just don't know how it will work."

"You didn't try?" Wayne took the broom and looked at him doubtfully.

Cedric shook his head, "Didn't I tell you everything? Let's just take a


"This is your new broom. I don't dare to try it. If it breaks, I can't even

afford it."

Wayne patted him on the shoulder happily, "You look down on yourself

so much. Just because you are the only son of the Diggory family, you

are still worth the money."

There was a burst of laughter in the lounge. Many people in Hufflepuff

have parents who work in the Ministry of Magic, so they naturally know

how precious Mr. Amos is to his son.

Cedric blushed and punched Wayne's arm angrily.

"Go, go, don't tease me here."

"Okay." Under Cedric's confused gaze, Wayne threw the broom to Diggory

again."I'll lend it to you for two days so you can get familiar with it, and

I'll let you use it for the Quidditch match."

Before Cedric could respond, Quidditch captain Whateley was quick to

speak up. "Seriously, Wayne?"

Cedric, being the Seeker, would greatly increase their chances of winning

the Academy Cup if given a Nimbus Two Thousand!

Wayne said casually. "Harry has joined Gryffindor's Quidditch team, and

Professor McGonagall has also given him a Nimbus 2000."

"What?!" Whateley was shocked, then something suddenly clicked in his


"I wonder why that old chap Wood has been so ecstatic lately like he's

won 10 Galleons. He must be doing some secret training."

"This is so unfair!" Cedric gripped the broom tightly and started to shed


There was another round of laughter, and Wayne found it amusing as

well. He enjoyed this harmonious atmosphere. Compared to other houses,

Hufflepuff felt more like home to him and he felt at ease here.

However, the broomstick he planned to lend Cedric wasn't this custom-

made model. Wayne was going to buy another one and directly donate it

to Hufflepuff Academy. He wasn't going to be taken advantage of like

Malfoy and donate six handfuls of brooms, but he was willing to give one

to the academy. Money couldn't buy it, but it made him happy. He would

deduct points from Hufflepuff in various ways in the future, even if no

one cared, Wayne couldn't help but consider it as compensation in


After receiving permission, Cedric didn't even eat. He picked up his bag

and hurried out of the lounge to go to the Quidditch pitch and give it a

try. Several team members and the curious young wizard followed along.

Wayne headed to the dining hall to have something to eat and was

planning to find Hermione. As soon as he entered, he drew a lot of

attention. By now, all the teachers and students in the school knew that

Wayne had a pet phoenix and had taken advantage of the school rules to

purchase a Nimbus Two Thousand. Regardless of which aspect, it was

extremely enviable.

At the guest of honor seat, Snape cut off a piece of steak and bit into it as

if he were chewing Wayne. This kid would rather have points deducted

than make a deal with him. It was so irritating. Second only to Potter!

"Wayne..." A soft voice came from behind, and Wayne set down his

utensils and turned around.

"What's the matter, Cho?" With many people going to the Quidditch pitch

to check out the brooms, there were plenty of empty seats at the

Hufflepuff table. Cho simply sat next to Wayne, her eyes filled with


"I heard... you have a phoenix and bought a Nimbus 2000?" She arrived

late in the morning and had only heard people talking about it but hadn't

seen the specifics.

"That's right."

"It's true," Cho's eyes widened slightly. "I thought it was just a rumor."

"I picked up the phoenix and bought the broom after taking flying

lessons," Wayne said with a smile.

"I have one more confidential message for you. I lent my broom to


"Huh?!" Cho was initially shocked, and then her mouth bulged,

resembling a small pufferfish. "Are you bullying me?"

As Cho joined the Quidditch team, her family rewarded her with a

Sweeping Seven Stars, which was a good broom. However, it was still not

as advanced as the Nimbus 2000.

"How can you call it bullying? I'm simply helping my college," Wayne

defended himself.

"Hmph," Cho snorted angrily. "If you join the Quidditch team next year, I

will become a beater and knock you off the broom."

"Then I'll just have to wait," Wayne shrugged.

He wasn't particularly interested in Quidditch; he simply bought the

broom to enjoy the feeling of flying. Cho's wish might come true.

"What about your bird? Can I see it?" Cho blinked. He had never seen a

real phoenix in his life.

"I'm not sure where I'm keeping it. I'll invite you over later. Hermione

also wants to see it."

"How about both of you come together?"




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Chapter 50: 50. The Bankrupt

Beggar’s Version Of The

Marauder’s Map

Hermione was already staring at the Hufflepuff table.

She snorted angrily upon seeing Wayne and Cho talking and laughing.

The little witch immediately stood up when Wayne stood up and waved

to her.

The two girls followed him to the black lake, leaving the castle behind.

Wayne introduced the two of them.

"This is Hermione Granger, the new Gryffindor this year. You can also

call her Miss Know-it-all."

"This is Cho Chang, Ravenclaw's second-year senior and the most

outstanding female seeker in the school."

Both girls rolled their eyes.

How can you introduce others like this?

Hermione even angrily pinched Wayne's arm.

This nickname was given to her by Snape. Hermione originally hated it,

but now hearing Wayne say it would be even more annoying.

With a common target to attack, Hermione and Cho shared a mutual

dislike and soon got to know each other.

Wayne then had a thought in his mind and summoned Fox over.

Since the Fox hatched, there has been a vague connection between the

two. They could sense it at any time, even if they were far apart.

The fire exploded and Fox flew out of it. And it wasn't over yet, because

Fawks, who had been following since morning, also flew out.

The two girls' eyes gleamed, and they couldn't help but want to get


Although Wayne thought Fox was average-looking, in the eyes of Cho

and Hermione, he was very beautiful.

Especially with his beautiful and soft feathers, exuding a faint light.

The whole bird looked full of sanctity.

Fawks was a little worse. It seemed to be on the verge of nirvana. The

luster of its feathers was a little dull, but it was still full of vitality.

"Where did you go to play?" Wayne ruffled Fox's feathers and asked


Two birds chirped twice.

"Unicorn?" Wayne's eyes lit up.

"How many are there?"

"Chirp! Chirp!"

"Just three, that's not bad."

Wayne nodded and made up his mind to go take a look when he had


He was also a fan of unicorns. Pure creatures that appear in various


Seeing Hermione and Cho still standing there without moving, Wayne

waved his hand. "Come here, Fox is easy to get along with, but don't

touch his crown."

After receiving his permission and seeing that Fox had no intention of

objecting, the two women came forward to take a closer look and took

out the snacks they had just prepared.

Wayne also took out some white leaves and ash snake eggs from his


"Hey, Phoenix likes to eat healing herbs and fire-attribute materials."

This was given by Dumbledore just now, it was a timely gift.

Both Fox and Fawks obediently ate. Cho and Hermione carefully reached

out and stroked Fox's feathers.

He happily narrowed his eyes.

It was warm and comfortable."By the way, Dumbledore has allowed you

to live in the Forbidden Forest," Wayne told Fox.

"If you want to play, be careful and remember to treat others' injuries,"

Wayne warned.

The fun he talks about is naturally killing monsters and upgrading.

However, the Forbidden Forest also has its food chain. If Fox acts too

wantonly, it will destroy the balance inside.

"Chirp! Chirp!"

Fox raised his head proudly and waved its wings twice, as if to say, "You

can rest assured if I do it."

Wayne was speechless, hoping that there wouldn't be any trouble.

"Wayne, why does Fox have a crown on his head but Fawks doesn't?"

Hermione suddenly asked.

"Because my Phoenix is the king, Fawks is not," Wayne replied.


"You'll know soon."


The two birds flew away contentedly after eating and drinking, and

Hermione and Cho also had their fill.

At this time, Hermione asked, "You said you had something to do with

me during class, tell me now."

Cho looked at the two of them and said, "Then I'll leave first."

"No," Wayne waved his hand, "Even if you don't come today, I will still

ask for your help."

Cho became interested, "How else can I help you?"

In her eyes, Wayne has outstanding talent. He has mastered wandless

spellcasting, and he bought Nimbus 2000 in the first grade, so he is not

short on money.

She really couldn't think of anything Wayne needed her help with.

Wayne took out two pieces of thick parchment from his bag and handed

one to Hermione and one to Cho.

"I plan to start a small business. Hufflepuff doesn't need to worry, but

other houses will need help."

"What's this?"

There is nothing written on the parchment, but the decorative patterns

and designs are very beautiful.

The edge of Hermione's parchment was golden red, and two majestic

lions were painted on the opposite corners of the parchment.

The autumn one had azure patterns, and the animals had turned into

soaring eagles.

"Click with your wands."

The two women did as he asked, and a ball of ink suddenly appeared on

the originally blank parchment, spreading quickly and turning into a


"Is this a map of Hogwarts Castle?" Hermione looked at him in surprise.

"Yes, but this is more than just a map. As long as you are in the castle,

you can observe your position and the real-time movement of the stairs,"

Wayne explained.

Cho's curiosity was also aroused, "Is it really that magical?"

Wayne shrugged, "Why don't you find out if you try it?"

The three returned to the castle again, and sure enough, everyone had a

mark on the map.

Wayne is a badger, Hermione is a lion, and Cho is an eagle.

As they moved, their icons moved too.

When they came to the stairs, Hermione checked and found that the

running pattern of the stairs was the same as what was shown on the

map. Even as they approached the treacherous staircase, a reminder on

the map cautioned against running or stepping forcefully.

"That's incredible," Cho exclaimed, turning to Wayne. "Did you create


"Of course," Wayne replied, a hint of pride in his voice. "I've been

studying it for over a week."

Cho applauded in agreement. "Wayne, you're amazing. With this map, I'll

never be late again."

Hermione fell silent. She had been studying diligently during this period,

trying to keep up with Wayne. But as she looked at the map, a sense of

despair washed over her. How could she ever hope to catch up with

someone so exceptional?



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Chapter 51: 51. Cho, You Don’t

Want Your Academy To Lose To

Hufflepuff, Right?

With a sense of curiosity, Cho and Hermione walked up and down the

stairs, even startling Filch. However, since they were merely taking a

normal walk without violating any school rules, Filch could only

suspiciously follow them for a while before reluctantly leaving.

What surprised Cho and Hermione even more was that whenever Filch

appeared in the corridor, a marker would appear on the map.

"How is this possible?" Cho asked in surprise.

"It's a combination of marking magic, tracking, dynamic visualization,

and some potions knowledge," Wayne explained.

"You put a curse on Filch?" Hermione frowned.

"Don't say it like that," Wayne replied, raising his hands. "I didn't invade

his privacy. I noticed that his name only appeared in the corridor or


In reality, Filch had limited areas to oversee due to his lack of academic


Wayne drew inspiration from the Marauder's Map to create his version,

although the production method was slightly different. Although he

didn't know the exact principle of the Marauder's Map, he had studied it

extensively and had a general understanding.

Wayne couldn't help but admire Harry's father and Sirius.

"While they may not have had the best behavior in school, their talent

was undeniable," Wayne said.

The Marauder's Map was essentially a contract. The creators had likely

discovered the magical core of Hogwarts or the Book of Acceptance.

Every student who graduates leaves their mark on the map.

However, Wayne was a newcomer to the magical world and couldn't

accomplish such a feat. His version of the Marauder's Map used a

combination of tracking spells and marking magic to display information

on the map in real-time.

Although Cho was a Ravenclaw, she wasn't particularly interested in

these matters. It was Hermione who eagerly questioned Wayne for a long

time. Eventually, she gave up when she realized she couldn't comprehend

it any further.

"So, you're selling this map?" the young witch asked, engrossed in

examining the map.

"Yes, and there are three types available," Wayne replied, pulling out a

few more maps from his pocket. Hermione and Cho stared at the

seemingly bottomless pocket. It was clear that some form of extension

spell had been cast.

From snacks to maps, Wayne seemingly had an endless supply of items in

his pocket.

Both young witches had their suspicions about the extension spell but

didn't voice them, choosing instead to listen to Wayne's explanation.

"The regular version only has map functions and displays the movement

rules of the stairs."

"The pro version offers positioning and route planning, allowing you to

find the quickest route to your destination."

"Regarding the version you currently have, it is the Promax version. It

includes the functions mentioned earlier, and most importantly, it also

includes the positioning of Filch and Mrs. Norris."

Hermione opened her mouth slightly.

There are so many tricks that can be played with this map.

How extensive is Wayne's knowledge about it?

The two of them tested the other two versions separately. As Wayne

explained, the pro version only requires clicking the wand on the

destination to plan the route, which is very convenient.

Aside from the functions, the three maps also have different appearances.

The regular version is simply plain parchment paper, albeit slightly


The pro version displays the logos of each college and has beautiful


As for the Promax, Wayne meticulously made it himself, utilizing his

painting skills, resulting in a high-end and elegant appearance.

"Is there a more advanced version?"

"Of course." Wayne rubbed his hands together and smiled excitedly, "The

next level is the customized version for VIP customers. Is Miss Granger


"Uh." Hermione paused, observing Wayne's reaction, and asked

hesitantly, "What are the prices of these maps?"

"The regular version is five Sickles, the pro version is one galleon, and the

Promax...ten galleons."

"So expensive?" Hermione couldn't help but exclaim, feeling a bit abrupt.

She quickly added, "The regular version is not expensive, but the other


"I think it's worth it," Cho suddenly chimed in, "If I were to exchange one

galleon for a map like this, I might hesitate, but I would still buy it in the


"Why?" Hermione was a little confused, "You're already in your second

year, you should have memorized all the routes, right?"

"It's not that simple." Cho smiled bitterly, "In fact, I was late twice last

week. The rules regarding the school stairs are really difficult to

remember. If you're not careful, you end up going in the wrong direction.

It's truly exhausting."

"Is it that challenging?" Miss Granger still had some doubts.

Wayne looked at her speechless.

Did she think that anyone has a memory as exceptional as hers?

Not to mention Cho, even the senior students frequently take the wrong

paths, and some still can't navigate correctly even after graduation.

"Alright, since you both think so..." Hermione reluctantly agreed, "How

can we assist you?"

"It's quite simple," Wayne smiled and explained, "Tomorrow during class,

go with your friends or roommates. Use the map to navigate and let them

witness the functions firsthand."

"If they ask, you can explain."

"For each copy sold, I can give you 30% of the profits."

"I don't want your money," Cho declined, shaking his head, "You asked

me for help. If I accept money, it would feel like an employment


"It's just a simple task. Leave it to me."

Hermione also spoke earnestly, "It's just a minor matter."

"When the promotion is over, I will return the map to you."

"Don't refuse so quickly," Wayne comforted them. "This is a collaboration,

and it's only natural to share. Hermione, you should understand the

principle of distributing work."

"As for Cho, you're the only Ravenclaw student I know. Without your

help, my map would have sold for at least one-third less. So you can take

the money without worry."

Cho still wanted to decline, but Wayne suddenly covered her mouth. He

had a smirk on his face as he spoke softly, "Cho, you wouldn't want your

academy to be outdone by Hufflepuff, would you? Promise me, and you

can make your own money and exchange it for a light wheel worth two


As Cho looked at Wayne's flawless handsome face up close, her heart

couldn't help but race, and a blush spread across her cheeks.

On the sidelines, Hermione was about to explode. "What are you doing!"



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Chapter 52: 52. Celia Mystery

Shop Is Open!

Wayne ultimately achieved his goal.

Both of them agreed on the shared ratio and returned to the dormitory

with the map.

This guy is so terrible; he keeps tempting them with their weaknesses.

Cho wanted to obtain a better broom through her efforts, and Hermione

also desired to purchase more books.

Unfortunately, the library only allowed borrowing one book at a time,

and some books had to be queued up for borrowing, which didn't meet

Hermione's needs.

Despite this, they still fell for Wayne's temptation.

Of course, there was no need to return these two maps. They were

Wayne's gifts for their participation.

In her busy schedule, Hermione initially wanted to tell Wayne about

Harry's duel with Malfoy and seek his opinion, but she forgot about it.

With plenty of distractions like swords and music in front of them, who

has time to attend to a troublesome kid?

The next day arrived.

It was rare for Hermione to wake up early.

On weekdays, Hermione would wake up at half past six every day,

freshen up, and read in the common room for an hour before eating.

This kind of behavior is only matched by Percy among the Gryffindors.

To promote the map today, she stayed in bed, waiting for everyone to

wake up and take action together.

Her roommates didn't pay any attention to Hermione's abnormal

behavior. It was normal for her to sleep in.

After finishing breakfast, the group of people headed towards their first

class, Charms. The classroom was on the fourth floor, and the stairs had

two different running patterns. One had to observe for a while to

determine which one was being used that day.

Hermione knew her chance had come.

"No need to observe; I have a simpler way," she said.

Hermione coughed slightly, catching the attention of Parvati Patil and

Lavender Brown.

"What do you mean?" they asked sincerely.

The young witch then took out the map and tapped it with her wand,

causing the map to appear. She then clicked on the icon for the Charms


"Look, you can take the next staircase directly. Number 03 will lead us to

a nearby area."

Her roommates were captivated by this magical scene and gathered

around to get a closer look.

"Wow, the movement patterns of the stairs are just like in reality."

"Hermione, where did you get this map from?"

"Wayne made it. Look..."

Hermione was very eloquent and managed to explain all the advantages

of the map in just a few words.

Now Parvati and the others found it even more intriguing and decided to

test the map by going up the stairs with Hermione as their guide.

Since it was breakfast time, the corridor was filled with young wizards.

Seeing their peculiar behavior, others became curious and approached


It wasn't until class was about to begin that Hermione rushed a few

roommates to the Charms classroom. Since Hermione came with her

roommate today, Wayne couldn't sit at the same table with her. He went

to the other side of the classroom with his roommate Toby instead.

In class, Flitwick taught the repair spell that the students would be

practicing that day and allowed them to practice it freely.

Taking this opportunity, Harry and Ronald intentionally threw a broken

wooden stick at Hermione's feet and approached her.

Harry asked softly, "Hermione, does Wayne have another map like this?"

Neville, who was sitting at the front table, turned around and looked at

Hermione hopefully. He had difficulty getting up and was often late for


Especially Neville, no one at Hogwarts needed a map more than him. The

little chubby man looked at Hermione as if she were his savior.

Hermione replied, "Yes, I bought this one."

Neville exclaimed excitedly, "That's great! I won't be late anymore."

"The only condition is that you remember to bring a map when you go

out," Ronald complained, asking the question he was most concerned

about: "How much does a map cost?"

"Ten galleons," Hermione replied.

Ronald's voice suddenly became louder, and half of the classroom heard

it. "Ten galleons?!"

Professor Flitwick noticed the commotion and approached them.

"Gentlemen, we are in class now. If you want to chat, please wait until

break time. Weasley, what happened just now?"

"No, it's nothing," Ronald panicked, lowering his head. However, Flitwick

had already seen the map that Hermione had taken out.

Looking sternly at Ronald, Hermione apologized, "Sorry Professor, we

won't talk about anything else."

"Just be more attentive next time," Flitwick nodded. "But can you explain

to me what this is?"

As Hermione proudly explained, Flitwick's eyes lit up.

"Tracking spells, marking spells, and even hiding spells, solidifying runes,

and anti-theft spells. What a brilliant idea."

"Miss Granger, you're saying this is Mr. Lawrence's work?"

"Yes, professor."

"Okay, that's fantastic." There was relief and regret in Flitwick's eyes.

Why would a talented wizard like Mr. Lawrence be in Hufflepuff?

"Just for this map, I would also award Hufflepuff 20 points. I can't believe

that a first-year student made this."

Excitedly, Flitwick went over to Wayne to discuss the magic spells used

on the map, leaving Harry and Ronald stunned.

Neville also admired Wayne greatly and planned to buy a map after class.

Ten galleons was a fair price, and Neville had enough money.

Although Neville's grandmother was very strict with him, she was also

kind. For example, she had given him a very advanced alchemical prop,

the memory ball.

At noon, as soon as Wayne entered the auditorium and sat down,

students from all houses approached him, making a lot of noise and

asking about the map. Most of them are junior wizards, but there are also

some senior students.

Cho's promotion method differed from Hermione's. During the Ravenclaw

break, she took it out directly and showed it to everyone. After class was

over just now, she even demonstrated the function of marking Filch. Now

more people are tempted.

This is especially true for senior students, as there are no Hogwarts

students who do not go out at night.

The curfew starts at nine o'clock in the evening.

Using maps can greatly improve security.

Wayne didn't expect the effect to be so good. Surrounded by students, he

could only shout, "Don't worry, everyone! The noon time is too short, and

I don't have enough maps with me. If you need them, come to the side

hall next to the auditorium after afternoon classes to ensure we have

enough supplies!"

After hearing what Wayne said, they left with satisfaction.

At this time, Cedric came over, smirked, and said, "Father, please make it

cheaper. Ten galleon is a big deal."

"Get lost!"


At four o'clock in the afternoon, the side hall in front of the freshmen

branch had transformed its appearance, and a huge banner was floating

in the air.

[Celia Mystery Shop Grand Opening!]

[Our slogan is: Today is another day full of expectations!]

Although no one understood the meaning of this slogan, everyone still

paid the money and received their goods.

Most people choose the ordinary version of the maps, as it is sufficient

with just the stair trajectory.

However, Wayne, before selling the maps, mentioned that he was not

skilled in the craft and that the magic on the maps would only last for

one school year. It will expire next semester.

Indeed, one may not excel in their studies, but it is also important to reap

sustainable benefits.

This calculated rate of loss was intentional on Wayne's part. If he hadn't

considered the limited funds of the young wizard's wallet, the maps

would have become a consumable item that goes bad every month.

Wayne is responsible for delivering the goods, Cho collects the money,

and Hermione handles the accounting.

After more than an hour of work, no one came to buy a map.

"Quick, let's tally up the money," Hermione exclaimed.

Excitedly, Hermione exclaimed, "I have been counting, and we have a

total of one hundred and twenty galleons and 650 Sickles."

"Wayne, you're amazing! You made so much money in just one

afternoon!" Cho looked at Wayne with admiration. Her annual pocket

money was only twenty galleons, which was about the same amount her

parents earned in a month.

"That's not how the expenses were accounted for," Wayne corrected, not

as pleased as the two women.

"I have been working on these maps diligently for a week. The materials

cost money too. More importantly, in the future, fewer people will buy

our maps."

"You're right," Hermione agreed, acknowledging the truth of Wayne's

words. However, she still felt elated. Looking at the account, she


"The Slytherins haven't bought many yet. They must be wealthy."

Out of the maps sold, only six were bought by Slytherins. And all of them

purchased the premium version. Apart from them, only two other people

bought the most expensive version.

One was Harry and the other was Neville.

After making a lot of money from the Slytherins, Hermione started to

think that they weren't so bad after all.

For affluent, pure-blooded wizards, money was not a concern. Standing

out and highlighting the difference in their status was what they sought.

"Come on, let's share the money."

Wayne waved his hand and led the two young witches into an abandoned

classroom. More than a hundred Galleons and hundreds of Sickles were

poured onto the table, glittering with gold and silver and dazzling their


"Six hundred and fifty Sickles, let's convert it into 40 galleons. It's easy to

calculate. That makes a total of one hundred and sixty galleons. Come on,

let's keep twenty-four each," Wayne said, quickly doing the math and

pushing a handful of gold coins towards the two little witches.

"Is it appropriate to take so much?" Cho hesitated. "I feel like I didn't

contribute much."

"This is what we agreed upon earlier, and we can't go back on it," Wayne

replied, refusing to debate and stuffed the money into their pockets.

"There will be more products in the future, and I'll need your help when

the time comes. I can't handle it all by myself."

Wayne didn't care about the money; his points were calculated based on

the selling price of the items. Every galleon the little witch spent earned

him five points.

Seeing his determined attitude, Cho and Hermione looked at each other

and had no choice but to agree.

In the Slytherin lounge, freshman Blaise Zabini was showing off a newly

purchased map.

"Did you see this? This map shows Filch's location. Why is that stupid

squib wandering around the third floor like a headless fly?"

A group of students gathered around him, finding it very interesting.

"Zabini, where did you get it?"

"Bought it from Lawrence," Zabini proudly replied. "It wasn't expensive,

only ten galleons."

"It's not expensive," the others confirmed.

It was unclear whether they genuinely believed it was inexpensive or if

they were just pretending. Even if they did think it was expensive, they

couldn't show it. They had to uphold the glory of purebloods.


Malfoy snorted with envy and jealousy as he watched Zabini being

surrounded by the crowd. He believed Zabini deserved that kind of


Malfoy, the unseen prefect of the first years, muttered and cursed, "What

the hell, didn't you just spend some money?"

"It's that Lawrence again," he replied.

Unlike his simple dislike for Harry, Malfoy held pure contempt and

jealousy towards Wayne. Despite being a mudblood, Wayne was much

smarter than a pureblood like him and was praised by the professors

every day.

The questionable map created by Wayne had once again become the

topic of discussion among the students. Even the young heir of the

Malfoy family didn't receive much attention.

"Let's go!" Malfoy stood up angrily.

Crabbe asked blankly, "Where are we going?"

"We're going to Lawrence to buy a map!"

The Slytherin lounge, like Hufflepuff, was in the basement, but they were

closer to the Black Lake. To reach the Hufflepuff lounge, one had to go

through the auditorium and then go down again.

Before curfew, Malfoy wanted to buy a map. Although he didn't want to

give money to Wayne, he felt compelled to have what others had.

Otherwise, what if others perceived the Malfoy family as being inferior?

Malfoy located a Hufflepuff student and asked him to fetch Wayne. He

waited with his two followers until Wayne appeared.

Wayne happened to be engaged in conversation with Cedric in the

lounge. Cedric found the manifestation spell on the map intriguing, as it

differed greatly from what he had previously learned. Wayne had

discovered an improved version of the spell in the forbidden book area

and generously shared it with Cedric.

"Malfoy, do you have an issue with me?" Wayne asked.

"Um," Malfoy hesitated.

Though Malfoy was slender and raised his chin, he was unfortunately

shorter than Wayne, forcing him to look up at him.

"Do you still have the maps you sell? Give me the most expensive one

available in the country," Malfoy demanded.

"The Promax version?" Wayne clarified.

Malfoy impatiently waved his hand. "It's the one that can mark Filch's

whereabouts. Hurry up."

"Yes, of course. Just wait here while I retrieve it," Wayne replied.

Wayne returned to the lounge and came back with the map five minutes


Upon seeing the map, Malfoy decided he didn't want to engage in any

further conversation with Wayne. He simply paid the money and

prepared to leave.

At that moment, Wayne sneered from behind, stating, "The Malfoy family

is nothing special. They can only possess the same things as everyone




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Chapter 53: 53. Malfoy: This Is

What A Noble Should Be Like!

Fool A Working Man

"What do you mean, Lawrence?" Malfoy turned around, able to hear

Wayne's voice even though it wasn't overly loud or quiet. The eleven-

year-old boy had a cold expression on his face as he asked, "Are you

trying to provoke my Malfoy family?"

Wayne remained unaffected, spreading his hands out and saying, "Am I

not telling the truth?"

"I thought a big customer was here, but instead I ended up buying this

ordinary map. I got excited for nothing."

"Ordinary?" Malfoy looked at the parchment in his hand, feeling

somewhat confused. The map had an exquisite python pattern and green

lace with hints of gold. It was sprinkled with gold powder. Wasn't this the

most expensive version? Did he accidentally buy the wrong one?

"Lawrence, what do you mean?" Malfoy asked again. "Do you have

something better?"

"Of course," Wayne replied, causing surprise to cross his face. "The

twenty-eight pure-blood families are the nobles among wizards. Shouldn't

the things they use be customized? After all, as a Muggle noble,

everything in my home is specially made."

"Isn't that what you're doing?" Malfoy said anxiously. "Our Malfoy family

is noble, so of course we use the best. My dad's cane was specially made

by a master alchemist."

Malfoy felt a slight sense of shame when he realized that while most of

his items were top-notch, they weren't custom-made. He hated being

compared to this Muggle.

"Lawrence, don't just speak without thinking," Malfoy retorted, shaking

the map in his hand angrily. "You didn't tell me there was a custom

version. How much does it cost? I want it."

"Oh, it seems I misunderstood," Wayne said, showing an appropriately

apologetic smile.

"I do have custom models here, and they are tailored to customers' needs.

Different grades use different materials."

Wayne smiled happily, saying, "You can have it for a hundred galleons."

Malfoy nearly jumped up in excitement. "Why are you waiting? Go get


"Listen to me first about the materials, and then you can make your

judgment," Wayne instructed, asking Malfoy to calm down before starting

his sales pitch. "The top grade uses dragon skin instead of sheepskin, and

the ink used in the map is high-quality squid king ink. It won't change

color and also gives off a faint poisonous gas. The map will also have the

crest of the Malfoy family and the logo of Slytherin tattooed on it, all

made with the finest unicorn hairs."

Finally, Wayne asked, "Do you still think it's expensive?"

"It's too cheap," Malfoy replied unconsciously before quickly realizing his

mistake. "No, it's not expensive. It's very reasonable. Don't just raise the


"We are all nobles. I am a Muggle noble, and you are a wizard noble."

Wayne said arrogantly. Malfoy felt at ease with this kind of performance.

"This is the style I want! I want the top map. Here is a deposit of fifty

galleons," Malfoy confidently stated as he handed over the money. He

had spent a lot before, and what he had on hand was no longer enough.

He didn't want Wayne to know, or else he would face another

humiliating slap. He planned to use the deposit as an excuse and write

home all night to ask for money from his mother, Narcissa.

To Malfoy's surprise, Wayne had no intention of taking the deposit.

Instead, he looked at him angrily and said, "What do you mean? A

deposit is required for transactions between nobles. You are insulting me!

Take the money and come to me for the map in two days!"

Without waiting for Malfoy to respond, Wayne turned around and

knocked on the barrel a few times before returning to the lounge. Malfoy

realized that Wayne was genuinely angry. Goyle, seeing that Wayne

didn't even take the money, felt happy and said, "Master Malfoy, do you

think this man is stupid? No wonder he was assigned a job."

"Shut up!" Malfoy angrily interrupted Goyle and suppressed his next

words with a warning look. "What do you know? This is a transaction

between nobles. Don't judge Lawrence with your ordinary thoughts! Is it

possible that the Malfoy family would waste these hundred galleons?"

Malfoy had been completely deceived, and Wayne's remarks about the

nobility had deeply affected him. With the reputation of the Malfoy

family, Wayne could be trusted. How could someone like Goyle, a fool,

understand this secret? Disgusted, Malfoy looked at the two idiots and


He realized that calling Wayne a mudblood was too harsh. Even Muggle

nobles were nobles and should not be insulted. He made up his mind to

call him Lawrence from now on.

In the lounge, Wayne was nearly cramping from laughter. Cedric stood

by, his mind blank. "So, you used this rhetoric to sell the map for a

hundred galleons?" Cedric asked, trying to comprehend the situation.

When Wayne returned just now, he casually asked why Malfoy had come

to see him.

However, after hearing Wayne's story, Cedric felt like his entire

worldview had crumbled.

Are there such stupid people in the world?

Cedric said speechlessly, "Don't laugh. You didn't even ask for a deposit.

Aren't you afraid that he'll regret it later?"

"You still don't understand what Malfoy wants."

Reluctantly suppressing his smile, Wayne sadly shook his head and

looked at him.

"You still haven't grasped that those purebloods don't care about money,

or small amounts at least. What they value is uniqueness and the feeling

of superiority over others. Believe it or not, the spiel I just gave you

would fool even old Malfoy."

"I don't believe it," Cedric said harshly. "There isn't a wizard in the world

who doesn't see money as money."

"Then let's make a wager."

"Just bet."

Cedric took the bait and made a bet with Wayne.

If the deal ends up going through, he'll jump onto Hufflepuff's dining

room table and twerk dance. If it doesn't work out, Wayne will have to

do something in return.

Wayne has already earned over a hundred galleons, and there will be

significant income in the future.

With that much money, how many Charlie Cannon peripherals can he


"Cedric," Wayne suddenly said. "Do you want to learn how to make


Cedric was stunned for a moment and asked, "What do you mean? You

want to teach me?"

"Whether you want to learn or not, if you do, I'll teach you."

"No, it's true," Cedric said with surprise. "Wayne, aren't you afraid that I'll

start selling maps once I learn?"

"Could you?" Wayne asked.

"Of course not," Cedric shook his head.

Although he and Wayne are good friends now, even if they weren't,

Cedric wouldn't do anything to steal someone's business.

"There are conditions for teaching you," Wayne stated his intention. "If

you learn how to make maps, you'll work for me, and you'll receive 20%

of each map's earnings.

Wayne's previous stock was running low, especially the most basic maps,

which were almost sold out. He would have to stay up late tonight to


Practicing a lot can indeed enhance your alchemy skills, but too much

repetition is pointless.

Regardless, Wayne has now mastered all of the magic spells and

alchemical principles used to make maps, so making more maps would

simply be a waste of time.

Instead of doing that, it's better to outsource it step by step so that he can

freely learn other types of magic.

His goal is to earn points, not money.

He can simply go to Gringotts and exchange this little money for some

gold. Originally, Wayne intended to ask Hermione for help, but she had

recently started at the school and was nowhere near meeting his

requirements. Considering this, Cedric seemed like a better option. As for

whether Cedric would learn to turn against others, Wayne had many

ideas in his mind, and the map was just a testing method. If Cedric did it,

he would only end up losing more.

When Cedric heard Wayne's request, he agreed without hesitation.

Twenty percent might not sound like much, but over a school year, it

would add up to dozens of galleons, much more than Cedric's pocket

money. Most importantly, Cedric valued the opportunity to learn from

Wayne. He now fully realizes that the young wizard in front of him is

skilled and more powerful than he was when he first entered school.

"Then let me check your background first," Wayne said, asking a few

questions to test Cedric. After the questions and answers, Wayne nodded.

"Something, but not much," Wayne said, observing Cedric who had a

puzzled expression.

Wayne thought as he took out the parchment, wrote down the spells

Cedric needed to learn, and handed it to him. "You learn these spells first

and leave the rest of the work to me. Is that okay?" Wayne asked. After a

glance at the spells, Cedric nodded and said, "Just give me a week, and

I'll have it done."

"Okay, you need to hurry up. If everyone has a copy when the time

comes, it will be useless even if you learn it," Wayne warned. Cedric's

face fell as he replied, "I'll try my best. You don't know, Whateley has

gone crazy. The original twice-a-week training has turned into five times

a week. I can't take it anymore." Wayne waved his hand dismissively and

said, "You'll figure it out."

In the following days, although the business wasn't as hot as the first day,

Wayne still managed to sell a good number of maps every day. Malfoy's

attitude towards Wayne had improved significantly since that night, and

he even nodded in approval. As soon as the money arrived from home, it

was promptly delivered. Of course, Wayne didn't disappoint. The map,

made of dragon skin, was exquisite and had features like anti-peeping

and anti-theft. Malfoy, who had been a bit hesitant, now felt that the

money was well spent. Wayne couldn't help but show off in front of other


Wayne wished he had done this because, as a result of this free tap, he

received five more customized versions and over ten Promax versions, all

from Slytherin.

Wayne wanted to split the money between Hermione and Cho, but they

wanted nothing to do with it.

Being able to sell it is all thanks to Wayne's ability and has nothing to do

with them at all.

Wayne no longer forced himself.

When Cedric saw this transaction with his own eyes, his face looked like

he was constipated.

With a dark face, he jumped up onto Hufflepuff's long table and started

posing, twisting his butt, and all the little wizards were stunned.

Professor Sprout couldn't stand it anymore and locked him up for two

days to fertilize the plants in the greenhouse.

Like everyone else, Wayne burst into laughter under Cedric's sad and

indignant gaze.

It's week 5. Wayne received a letter from an owl while he was having


He opened the envelope curiously:

[Wayne, I have recently found a lot of materials you need. We can come

and have a cup of afternoon tea together tomorrow. Of course, it would

be great if you are willing to bring Phoenix with you.]

Seeing that Hagrid was the sender, Wayne also smiled.

This wasn't an invitation for him. It was an invitation for Fox.

However, Wayne didn't intend to refuse. He had indeed used a lot of

materials in his recent practice of making props, so he could just get

some more.

Feeling that someone was staring at him, Wayne looked up.

Snape, who was sitting at the guest table, wasn't eating either and just

looked at Wayne.

He had made several insinuations in the past few days, just to get some

Phoenix information from Wayne.

As a result, this brat couldn't make any progress, and after deducting his

points a few times, Wayne became even happier.

No, he must be sick!

Snape was displeased, so how come there were still young wizards who

weren't afraid of having points deducted as punishment and were even

looking forward to it?

In the afternoon potions class, Snape 'tentatively' deducted 15 points

from Wayne.

Hufflepuff's little wizard was already used to strange things.

Now many students knew that Snape hated Harry the most, followed by


The two of them didn't know when their feud started, but every day

Snape would find some reason to deduct points from Wayne.

Just deduct them, the House Cup wasn't interesting, and there was no

such thing as being at the bottom. After all, there was Gryffindor.

When he saw Wayne smiling like a flower, Snape finally gave up.

"Lawrence, why don't you hand over those materials to me?"

"Did you use them all to make those stupid maps?"

After class, Snape spoke to Wayne, leaving him alone.

Wayne's act of selling maps couldn't be hidden from the professor at all.

In addition to Professor Flitwick's praise, other teachers also praised him

(because they didn't know Filch's whereabouts).

These days, fewer and fewer students are late. Even if they were late, it

had nothing to do with getting lost.

This also saved the professors a lot of worry.

Therefore, Snape recently deducted points from Wayne, and other

professors added them back to Wayne.

Over and over again, the amount added was much more than the amount


"Professor." Wayne smiled shyly. "I have collected a lot of materials

recently, including tears, feathers, and feces."

Snape's breathing became a little heavier.

They were all good stuff.

"It's useless for you to keep it, and it would be a waste of money if you

sell it. Leave it to me, and I can give you a share of the refined potion."

"And you won't have points deducted for the next two months."

Snape was good at teaching.



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Chapter 54: 54. Transaction With

Snape, Preparation For Lottery

Frankly speaking, Snape was an incredible potion master. He

meticulously refined potions that were highly sought after by the outside

world, guaranteeing top-notch quality and standards. However, Wayne

desired more recognition from Snape.

"Professor, what are your thoughts on my potion talent?" Wayne asked.

Snape nodded slightly, his tone tainted with disdain. "I can just about

acknowledge it. It's much better than those imbeciles."

For Snape to utter such words meant that it was a great compliment.

Lately, he had been trying various strategies to find fault with Wayne,

but the young student had flawlessly followed the precise potion-making

procedures left by Snape. Wayne even deviated from the book's

guidelines when necessary, contrasting with others who blindly adhered

to the text as absolute truth.

Wayne was not angered by Snape's comments. After all, his potion talent

was rated A+, while Snape's expertise was undoubtedly of an S or even

higher level. Even Voldemort relied on Snape to refine certain potions,

underscoring just how exceptional he was.

Wayne grinned and took a step back, wary of any oil droplets that may

fall from Snape's hair. "Professor, I have fully grasped all the recent

material covered in class. Even the first and second-year textbooks pose

no challenge. I feel my talent is being wasted."

"Do you wish to receive tutoring?" Snape instinctively wanted to decline.

Teaching kept Snape extremely busy each day. With ten classes spanning

from first-year to fifth-year, and only two classes left for the sixth and

seventh years once the Ordinary Wizarding Levels exam was passed,

Snape had very little personal time. Additionally, he was responsible for

monitoring Quirrell on Dumbledore's behalf.

However, the allure of those materials was hard to resist.

Particularly the Phoenix Tears. When used alone, it was the ultimate

healing medicine. If Snape could refine it into a magical potion, it would

have the power to save lives, even from the brink of death.

Snape had once requested some from Dumbledore, but the phoenix had

refused to shed any tears. What more could he do?

"First, show me the materials you've gathered," Snape demanded.

Unable to resist the temptation any longer, Snape wanted to examine the

goods firsthand before making a decision.

Wayne was already prepared. He reached into his pants pocket and

fumbled around for a while before producing a dragon skin bag.

Snape gave him a deep, appraising look.

The Traceless Stretching Spell wasn't particularly difficult, but it still

posed a challenge for exceptional students who were on the brink of

graduating. Snape himself had mastered it by his third year, casting it


However, Wayne had only been attending school for more than a month.

Wayne emptied the contents of the dragon skin bag onto a nearby


There were a few feathers, a delicate crystal bottle filled with a liquid,

and a transparent jar containing feces. Picking up the feather, Snape

smiled with satisfaction as he felt the abundant magic and the slight heat

emanating from it.

However, his satisfaction quickly faded when he saw the small amount of

liquid in the crystal bottle.

"Why is there so little?" he asked with disappointment.

The corner of Wayne's mouth twitched. "Professor, this is a lot. It's all I

managed to collect this week, and I didn't leave any for myself. How

much more do you want?"

Snape asked tentatively, "A pint?"

Wayne rolled his eyes. "Are you kidding? A pint of Phoenix tears? These

are tears, not saliva!"

Realizing he may have been too demanding, Snape changed his mind.

"Fine. Give me another bottle with the same amount, and I'll tutor you for

a month."

"No, a year," Wayne insisted.

"A year?" Snape sneered. "How dare you say that? Do you know how

much potion companies pay to have me instruct their pharmacists?"

"Well, how much does it cost to buy Phoenix tears then?"

"Maximum of two months, that's it."

"Until Easter," Wayne countered.

After a lot of back-and-forth, they finally agreed on a time before

Christmas for Wayne's lessons every Tuesday night. Wayne would also

provide Snape with two more bottles of the same amount of Phoenix


Satisfied with the deal, Wayne left happily.

For Neville and Harry, Snape was undoubtedly a terrible teacher. His

constant verbal humiliation and strained relationships made it impossible

for them to focus in class.

But Wayne was undeterred. Every time Snape pointed out his mistakes,

Wayne understood it to be a crucial lesson, and he quickly improved.

The time before Christmas was enough for him to learn a great deal.

His only regret was that his potion talent was somewhat lacking.

While an A+ talent was typically enough, Wayne, who had experienced

SS-level talent when learning spells and various white magic, knew there

was a significant gap.

"System, open the panel," Wayne said, ignoring the other attributes and

scrolling to the bottom.

[Points: 6508]

Wayne sighed.

He owed much of his point growth to the Slytherin students who bought

the map. Without them, his progress would not have been as fast.

At least half of the points were earned from those Slytherin students. Oh,

and Snape deducting points from him recently also contributed


The rest were obtained through Wayne's mischievous acts and violations

of school rules.

Most of these points came from Quirrell's class, which had become

Wayne's favorite. No class came close to it.

Assuming nothing changed, the more than one hundred points he earned

in each class would surely make him smile triumphantly.

He planned to use all his points that evening, hoping for something good.

Initially, Wayne had considered buying a bottle of Felixir and drinking it

before drawing a lottery. However, the system had warned him that luck

was pure and not affected by any external forces.

With that in mind, Wayne abandoned the idea. Wayne wasted a

significant amount of time bargaining with Snape, so he decided to skip

going back to the common room and went straight to the Great Hall to


As I approached, I noticed Harry and Malfoy standing at the door,

resembling two door gods, hesitant to enter, exchanging affectionate

looks from a distance of two meters.

Ronald fiercely glared at Malfoy's two followers.

Tensions were high and sparks seemed to fly.

"What are you doing?" Wayne asked curiously, snapping a few people out

of their daze.

"It's nothing, Lawrence," Malfoy replied, nodding at Wayne. He then

whispered in Harry's ear before leaving, "Don't be so scared that you wet

your pants and don't dare to come."

Although Malfoy's voice was barely a whisper, Wayne's keen hearing

picked it up clearly, and he felt a pang in his heart.

Is this a duel?

No, it wasn't a duel. Wayne remembered that Malfoy had tricked Harry

and the others before, so he decided not to join in and instead informed


"Wayne, can you believe Malfoy acknowledged you?" Harry asked,

withdrawing his gaze from Malfoy's departing figure, looking surprised.

Not only Harry, but Ronald also chimed in with a complaint, "Malfoy

thinks he's too good for anyone who isn't pure-blood. Did his eyes fall out


"Maybe because you bought my map, it was a nice gesture to say hello,"

Wayne waved off the comment. He continued, "What were you two

talking about just now? It seemed like things were getting heated."

"Nothing!" Harry and Ronald said simultaneously, exchanging glances.

Harry quickly added, "He was just mocking my scar again, and I gave

him a piece of my mind. You know how arrogant Malfoy can be."

"Alright, I'll go ahead and eat then," Wayne replied nonchalantly, bidding

them farewell and leaving.

Not paying much attention to these trivial matters, Wayne contemplated

mentioning Malfoy's possible tricks and warning Harry and Ronald to be


However, he decided against it.

If Harry had taken the initiative to bring it up, Wayne would have

certainly mentioned it and urged them to be careful.

But if Harry didn't bring it up, Wayne could only hope for the best.

The auditorium is bustling with excitement as tomorrow marks the day

were Young wizards in third grade and above are eagerly anticipating

their trip to Hogsmeade, the only village in the UK exclusively inhabited

by wizards. Though not as lively as Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade is a unique

and charming place, boasting attractions like the famous Three


Cedric spots Wayne entering the auditorium and asks if there is anything

he needs for tomorrow's outing. Wayne replies in a hushed tone, "Buy me

some ink and supplies from Zuko's Joke Shop." These items are on Filch's

list and should not be brought up too loudly.

Understanding the need for discretion, Cedric lowers his voice and asks,

"What do you want? Should I make a list for you?" Wayne responds, "No,

just buy two of the same."

Cedric, surprised, questions, "Why so many? Are you trying to outwit

Filch?" Wayne rolls his eyes and explains, "I need them for research. Don't

you think I'm like Fred and George?"

Wayne taps his wand on the table and whispers, "I need a cup of black

tea." Instantly, a steaming cup of black tea appears before him. The

products at Zuko's Joke Shop include magical potions and alchemy props,

and Wayne is eager to learn more.

Cedric promises to do his best to secure the items discreetly, wary of

being caught with so much merchandise. He then asks, "How's your

progress with spell learning?" Wayne responds, "It's almost done. I've got

a good grasp of it."

Wayne offers to teach Cedric how to create maps on Sunday. Cedric

agrees, and they continue their conversation over food.

During their meal, Wayne notices Hermione sitting at the Gryffindor

table, engrossed in a pile of books. After finishing, Wayne approaches her

and invites her to join him for afternoon tea at Hagrid's place the next

day. Hermione considers her schedule and concludes that she can finish

her homework in the morning and still have time for tea.

Thus, she agrees and asks, "What time should we go?" Wayne suggests,

"Let's meet at two o'clock. You can do your homework in the morning,

and I'll head there after copying mine at noon." Hermione playfully slaps

him on the arm and retorts, "I won't lend you my homework. I'll do it


Wayne casually remarks, "Oh, by the way, you should learn the armor

spell on your own." Hermione's face blushes with frustration as she

exclaims, "How can you go back on your word? We all agreed on it


Knowing he's teasing her, Wayne smirks and says, "I just changed my

mind. Can't I?" Hermione scolds him, stating firmly, "No!"

"I won't teach anymore unless you give me the homework to copy,"

Wayne muttered rebelliously. Hermione clenched her teeth in frustration,

but there was nothing she could do about it, so she reluctantly gave in.

If it were anyone else, Hermione wouldn't have willingly handed over her

homework just to avoid learning new spells. But Wayne, well, he seemed

to already know everything that was taught in class, so why not just copy

from him?

Satisfied with his advantage, Wayne left the Gryffindor table with a

smirk, brushing off Hermione's objections. He headed over to the

Ravenclaw table next door.

Since Wayne had called her, Cho couldn't be left behind. Unfortunately,

she had Quidditch training in the afternoon and couldn't join him right


Wayne looked surprised. "Isn't tomorrow Hogsmeade day? Why are we

still training?" he questioned. Cho was equally perplexed. "The captain

said that they would only be gone for the morning and then return for

training in the afternoon," she explained.

"Well, go ahead then," Wayne replied, looking at her pityingly. His desire

to join the Quidditch team grew even stronger. He was too busy breaking

school rules to make time for training.

Cho eagerly requested, "If you find something delicious, remember to

save some for me." Wayne smiled and nodded, but deep down, he cursed

the situation. If only Hagrid had something delicious to share, he

thought, he would use Quirrell's head as a chamber pot for the troll.

"Ah, sneeze!" Quirrell, who was sitting at the guest of honor table,

suddenly sneezed. He sheepishly smiled at Professor Sprout sitting beside

him. Flitwick expressed concern, "Professor Quirrell, the weather has

gotten colder recently. Please take care of yourself." Quirrell responded

timidly, causing Flitwick to sigh inwardly.

Quirrell wasn't always like this. He had come to Hogwarts as a young and

promising professor, considered an outstanding graduate. However,

teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts seemed to have changed him

completely. He stumbled over his words and lacked his previous courage.

No one was capable of making Wayne shed a tear. He sauntered towards

the Slytherin dormitory, ready to embark on more mischievous


Malfoy was accompanied by his two lackeys.

"Draco, are you going to duel with Potter tonight?" Goyle asked.

Malfoy said fiercely, "Go and see if I don't teach you a lesson!"

Crabbe scratched his head in confusion, "But didn't you say before that

you were going to complain to Filch and deduct points from Gryffindor?"

"You're stupid!" Malfoy patted Crabbe on the head. "Now Gryffindor only

has a dozen points in total, so what's the use of deducting a few points?"

"Besides," Malfoy raised his chin, "I am the heir of the Malfoy family.

Since I proposed a duel, it doesn't matter if I don't go."

"This is unbecoming of an aristocrat!"

"How can a bastard who grew up in a Muggle family be my opponent?"

He talked a lot, but the two of them didn't understand. They just asked

him who he planned to take as his assistant.

In the end, Malfoy chose the stronger Crabbe to go with him.

You won't suffer any loss in close combat.

Wayne didn't know that Malfoy had also changed because of his


The traitorous temperament is still there, but when it comes to the so-

called family honor, it's like a different person.

The original idea of tricking Harry also disappeared. This time the two of

them wanted to have a real fight.

But even if he knew, it was just for fun.

After chatting with Cho for a while, Wayne saw Cho's friend looking for

her, said hello, and returned to the common room.

Toby and Norman were playing wizard chess, and the dormitory was


Wayne went to the bathroom to take a shower and washed his face three

times. Then, he clicked on the lottery page of the system.

"System, lottery, let's try our luck with ten games in a row."



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Chapter 55: 55. Manaflow Band,

Shield Of Aegis, Dynamic


Ten black cards appeared in Wayne's thoughts, each glowing with its


There were six white cards, three blue cards, and one purple card.

White cards offered basic rewards, such as galleon and various potion

materials. These were easily obtainable in the market, so Wayne ignored


The three blue cards contained magic spells: armor protection,

thunderbolt explosions, and flying spells. Wayne had already mastered

these spells and had a deep understanding of them.

Upon examining the panel, Wayne found that he had reached the

advanced level in all three spells. The only level higher than this was the

master level.

However, reaching the master level did not mean the spell was at its

limit. For example, Harry was able to defeat Voldemort using only one

Expelliarmus spell, and he used it with greater power than anyone else.

The path of magic had no limits.

Lastly, there was the purple card. As the purple light dissipated, Wayne

read its content and found it strange.

The card was called [Talent Witchcraft: Manaflow Band]. Wayne

wondered if this was a skill from League of Legends.

He read the skill introduction and discovered that the Manaflow Band

was a passive talent in the Witchcraft system. It permanently increased

the total amount of magic power and the recovery speed of magic power

whenever a kind of magic reached an advanced level.

Wayne was delighted by this discovery. In the magic world, there was no

known way to improve one's magic power. It could only grow naturally

with age and time, depending on talent.

Wayne's magic talent was SS level, and his current magic level was no

less than that of most seventh graders who were about to graduate.

However, who wouldn't want to have unlimited firepower?

After merging his talents, Wayne felt an instant improvement in his

magic power. While the gains from the Manaflow Band would not

continue to expand as more magic reached advanced levels, it had

unlimited potential.

Realizing the benefit of this card, Wayne eagerly shouted, "Keep drawing

cards!" There are ten cards again. This time, the purple reward is the

Imperius Curse, one of the three unforgivable curses.

The third round drew an extremely powerful defensive spell, the Shield

of Aegis.

According to ancient Greek mythology, Zeus had a shield made from the

fur of the goat Amalthea. This shield, created by Hephaestus, the god of

fire, not only possessed the divine power of Zeus but also incorporated

the head of the snake demon Medusa at a later stage.

Zeus gave this shield to Athena when she was born, and she carried it

while conquering all directions.

Given that this spell borrows its name from mythology, its power

shouldn't be underestimated.

Regular armor can defend against most magic spells but not the killing

curse. If the opponent's magic power is too strong, it will send the caster


However, the Shield of Aegis can even protect against the killing curse.

As long as the caster has sufficient magic power, they will be invincible.

With this spell, Wayne's safety is guaranteed.

The fourth round received the weather spell, which allowed them to

command wind, rain, and thunder.

The fifth round received an advanced magic potion formula, the thinking

potion. This potion can increase thinking speed and brain activity.

Wayne's face looked grim.

"I can only withdraw with a guaranteed guarantee."

He was only 60 units short of the guaranteed withdrawal amount. He

drew one card during the summer vacation and two after starting school

just for fun.

This happened nearly a hundred times.

"System, continue to draw ten times in a row."

A golden light filled the entire screen and then faded. Among the nine

remaining cards, two were purple and three were blue.

Wayne couldn't wait to open the golden card.

[Congratulations, host! You have received the high-level reward of

Observation Haki. After localized modifications, it has been

optimized into: dynamic perception.]

[Dynamic Perception: You can detect the aura of surrounding

creatures, and your observation abilities are greatly enhanced. Once

mastered, you can even predict the future for a short time.]

It's neither a powerful spell nor a template that can enhance your talent.

Instead, it is an auxiliary ability. However, Wayne believes that it is no

worse than the advanced template.

A wizard duel is not as simple as standing still and casting spells.

Avoiding or countering the enemy's spells relies on experience and

reflexes. With dynamic perception, Wayne can anticipate the enemy's

every move and detect even the slightest movements. Even Voldemort,

who is impervious to magic spells, is still vulnerable. If you can't defeat

him, could you still wear him down?

By closing your eyes and attuning to dynamic perception, you can gain

information about your surroundings. This is a status magic similar to the

Light Body Spell. It doesn't consume much magic power, but it is quite

difficult to learn. Thanks to systematic training, Wayne's proficiency in

this magic has reached the intermediate level. However, to advance

further, he must practice diligently on his own.

Using dynamic perception, Wayne can sense the wind's direction outside

the skylight and hear the bustling sounds of over a hundred students in

the common room. He can even see the flapping wings of a mosquito on

Toby's suitcase. His vision, hearing, insight, and sixth sense are all

enhanced. In this magical world where most wizards need to recite spells

to cast them, his observational ability is akin to predicting the future.

"Sweet!" Wayne murmured, filled with joy and craziness. Only then did

he remember that several other cards had not been opened. Two of them

are purple, one containing a bottle of Felix Felicis and the other

containing a black magic fire spell. After sixty draws, his strength has

greatly improved. He has advanced several magic spells to higher levels

and the Manaflow Band has been passively activated, significantly

increasing his total magical power. In addition to learning advanced

magic, he has also learned several black magic spells and the Shield of

Aegis, expanding his repertoire. With the final addition of dynamic

perception, Wayne is eager to test his newfound strength.

As he pondered, he thought of the perfect testing ground.

—Gryffindor dormitory.

It was already half past eleven at night. Hearing Seamus and Dean's

snores, Harry opened his eyes and asked softly, "Ronald, are you asleep?"

Ronald's voice responded along with the sound of changing clothes, "Of

course not. I've been thinking about how to deal with Malfoy later."

"How about punching him in the nose before his spell takes effect?" Harry


Ronald chuckled, "Why not give him a hard kick down there?"

"You're so ruthless. Old Malfoy will surely retaliate and hurt you."Harry

and the other person changed clothes before quietly going to the lounge.

The lounge, usually lively, was now unusually quiet, with only the

crackle of the fireplace breaking the silence. Since no one was in the

lounge, Harry and the other person breathed a sigh of relief and left.

They were startled when they saw Neville huddled in a corner. He

seemed to be retracting but stopped when he saw who it was.

"Oh, thank goodness! Did you notice I wasn't in the dormitory and come

looking for me?" Neville said.

"I forgot the password to the lounge and got locked out," he continued.

This revelation shocked Harry and the other person.

"Sorry, we didn't notice," Harry replied. "The password is 'pig's nose,' but

you can't use it now." He pointed to the empty picture frame, indicating

that the portrait was absent.

"What do we do?" Neville asked anxiously.

"Come with us," the other person, Ronald, said. If Malfoy had two

followers, they might need Neville as backup.

Although they doubted Neville's magical abilities, he could at least serve

as a human shield.

Confused, Neville asked, "Where are we going?"

"It's too late to explain. You'll be late if you don't leave now," Harry

rushed, grabbing Neville's arm and leading him downstairs.

Along the way, Neville's mouth dropped open in disbelief when he

learned they were going to duel.

"This goes against school rules! I can't let you do this. You'll be expelled!"

Neville protested.

Harry didn't expect this outburst from the usually honest and plain

Neville. Suddenly recalling something he heard Wayne say to Hermione,

Harry cleared his throat.

"Neville, you don't want your grandma to find out you can't even

remember the password, do you?"

Reluctantly, Neville followed them, scared of the consequences with his


When they arrived at the trophy room, Malfoy and Crabbe were already

waiting. Malfoy's expression changed slightly when he saw that there

were three of them.

"Potter, you're not adhering to Duel ethics, and you agreed to only bring

one assistant!"

Harry, who was walking briskly, took two rough breaths and explained,

"Neville is the person I met on the road, and Ronald is assisting me."

Upon hearing this, Malfoy's expression softened significantly.

The atmosphere grew even more tense, and both men drew their wands.

"The Duel can only be Started if I shout '321,' do you understand?"

Due to Ronald's recent reading on dueling, he was familiar with the

process and temporarily acted as the host.


As soon as the number left Ronald's lips, he couldn't contain himself any


Harry and Malfoy both twitched, raising their wands and aiming at each

other, as if they had a telepathic connection.

"The front teeth match the stick!"

"Grinning and cheering!"

Both of them engaged in an exceptionally lengthy duel.

Suddenly, Malfoy's front teeth protruded past his lips and reached his

neck. Harry burst into uncontrollable laughter, unable to even stand up

straight, let alone continue the incantation.

But their magical power was insufficient, causing the spell's effect to fade

away in less than a minute.

Harry was the first to return to normal. Before Malfoy could recover, he

swung his wand and charged forward, ruthlessly targeting his vulnerable



Malfoy cried out in both pain and pleasure, accidentally knocking his

head against Harry's chin, resulting in a bitten tongue.

The scene descended into chaos, with the magic duel coming to an end

and a fierce physical battle ensuing.

Fearing that Harry would be at a disadvantage, Ronald seized the

opportunity to kick Malfoy twice. Crabbe witnessed this and joined in the


Crabbe's strength was double that of Ronald's, which was advantageous

for him.

Later, Neville, in tears, rushed to help, but Crabbe's weight prevented

him from getting up.

The five individuals struggled together, their screams blending into a

cacophony. It was impossible to discern whose tears were mingled with


Suddenly, Filch's voice echoed through the air.

"Who's there?!"

Hearing the sound, the five individuals all trembled in unison.

Harry quickly removed his hand from Malfoy's mouth and stumbled to

his feet.

"Ronald! Neville, run! Filch is here!"

At that moment, Malfoy, unconcerned with the consequences of his

actions, pushed open the door and bolted out.

Two groups of people raced up and down the stairs. Filch shouted:

"Stop running! I've seen your faces. Cease now and seek mercy!"

No one paid him any attention. Filch hesitated for a moment before

pursuing them up the stairs.

The individuals running downward were either Slytherins or Hufflepuffs.

The basement was too close, and Filch worried they would reach the

lounge before he caught up. But if you want to go to the tower, the road

in between will be long.

Naturally, the three Harrys also knew that Filch was coming toward

them, so they rushed forward and found a random classroom to hide in.

The house leaked, and it rained all night. Unexpectedly, I randomly

picked a classroom and bumped into Pippi.

At this time, Peeves was scribbling on the gangster paper. When he saw

the three little wizards, he threw the chalk away in excitement.

"Look what I saw, three little first graders who didn't sleep and wandered


"Please," Harry begged. "Filch is looking for us, please keep your voice


"This is for your good, um, you know?" Peeves said mischievously. "If I go

to find Filch, what punishment will you receive?"

"Get away!" Ronald pushed him fiercely and got into trouble.

"Students don't sleep!" Peeves yelled, trying to lure Filch over. The three

of them ran out of the classroom again, running wildly and hitting a


"It's over! The door is locked!" Ronald said desperately.

"Do you know any magic spells? Open it quickly!"

"Unlocking spell, but I don't know how to do it."

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and the noise from Peeves

made the three of them more and more frightened and desperate.

Neville was already fantasizing about what he would do after being

expelled. It seems like a good idea to plant flowers and raise grass at


Ronald was unwilling to twist the handle frantically, trying to break the


With a click, the door opened.

"Come in quickly!" Harry roared, and the three of them rushed in,

hearing a helpless voice in their ears.

"I said, you just go out at night. Do you want to wake up the professor by

making such a big noise?"

"No, we just..." Harry answered subconsciously before realizing the


Why are there people here?

And the voice is so familiar!

"Wayne? Why are you here?"

"I couldn't sleep at night, so I came out to eat." Wayne walked out of the

darkness, and Harry and the three of them opened their eyes wide.

Not because of Ronald, but because...

"Wayne! Watch out for what's behind you!"

Behind Wayne, a huge three-headed dog was looking at them eagerly.

Neville was about to pee.

"Don't worry, fluffy has had enough activity today." Wayne snapped his

fingers, and the surrounding area lit up instantly.

He looked at the trio of idiots with a confused look on his face.

I haven't even learned the lock-picking spell. Without Hermione, we are

indeed two useless men.



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Chapter 56: 56. The Obedient

Three-Headed Dog, Miss

Hermione’s Massage Service

"What...what the hell is going on?"

The trio felt their legs go weak as they looked at the enormous three-

headed dog.

Why are there such ferocious monsters in the school?

Harry seemed to have thought of something for his escape route but lost

his voice: "This is the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor?!"

Wayne nodded and said, "Yes, what the hell did you do? Everyone's noses

are bruised and their faces are swollen."

Ronald swallowed and whispered, "Wayne, can you go out and talk about

it? This dog behind you..."

"Filch is still wandering around outside, let's talk here," Wayne said as he

reached out and rubbed the dog's head. The three-headed dog obediently

lay down, making it easier for Wayne.

"Look, Fluffy is very obedient."

Hearing his praise, the three-headed dog purred, and the fear in Harry's

and the others' hearts dissipated a little.

Thinking of Filch outside, Harry complained, "Forget it, Malfoy and I

made an appointment for a midnight duel, and just as we were fighting,

Filch showed up. What bad luck."

Wayne was a little surprised and said, "Malfoy went there? No, I mean,

you dueled with Malfoy?" The situation had changed significantly.

Hermione hadn't acted with them, Malfoy didn't cheat and had a genuine

fight with Harry.

From the looks of it, it wasn't a physical fight.

He didn't seem to have done much to interfere, but why were things

becoming increasingly strange?

All was revealed, and Harry didn't hold back, telling the whole story.

Neville was deeply moved when he heard that this conflict was caused by

his memory ball.

"Wayne, why are you here and why is there a dog..."

Wayne got straight to the point and said, "I learned a few new spells, so I

came to try them out on Fluffy, and the outcomes have been pretty

good." The dog shuddered.

Not only were they good, but if they continued, Fluffy's head would be

blown to pieces.

It was exactly what Wayne had said.

This time, he came here to find a Fluffy to test the effect and strength

improvement of the lottery he had just won.

At first, Wayne seemed to have the advantage, but it was only on the


He caused only superficial injuries to Fluffy at best.

This time, to allow the three-headed dog to fulfill its function, he even

used the Traceless Stretching Spell to temporarily expand the corridor


When Fluffy saw his enemy, he angrily rushed forward.

Then he was beaten by Wayne and ran away holding his head.

With the improvement of magic power, the improvement of spell level,

and the assistance of dynamic sense, Wayne had become significantly

stronger in just two weeks. He didn't use black magic at all; he simply

blessed himself with the Shield of Aegis, so the three-headed dog had no

connection to him.

The power of various attack spells is significantly greater. Even ordinary

flocks of birds can cause damage to the three-headed dog.

After achieving his goal, Wayne was generous. He showed no intention of

sneaking into the trap door and instead fed the three-headed dog some

Motla rat jerky.

With his activated magical animal affinity talent, the three-headed dog

quickly transformed into a pug.

He said it so effortlessly that Harry and the others were nearly


Do you need such a terrifying monster to test the magic spell?

The three of them are all fools. They have no idea how powerful the

three-headed dog is, but simply by its ferocious appearance and size, they

know better than to mess with it.

Ronald laughed awkwardly. "You're truly carefree."

"What's that?" Harry asked curiously after discovering the trap door

hidden under the three-headed dog.

"Roar!" The three-headed dog growled warily, and Wayne reassured him,

"Okay, we won't go in. They're just curious."

After saying that, he looked at Harry again. "I don't know what's inside,

but Fluffy's mission is to guard this thing. If you ask him again, he'll treat

you as an intruder."

Harry shook his head vigorously. "Forget I asked."

Despite his words, Harry's curiosity only grew stronger, and even Ronald

and Neville gave the trap door secret glances.

Wayne secretly shook his head. These Gryffindor kids are so curious.

He took out a map and saw that Filch's marker had moved to the sixth


"Filch isn't around. I have to leave. Where are you all?"

Harry breathed a sigh of relief. "We're heading back too. Hopefully, the

Fat Lady is back from her walk."

"Thanks for today, Wayne."

"No problem."

After expressing gratitude once more, Harry and the others tip-toed

upstairs. At the same time, they scolded themselves for their stupidity in

forgetting to bring a map on their nighttime adventure.

Wayne turned around and removed the Traceless Stretching Spell, bid

farewell to Fluffy, and left.

The school auditorium appeared particularly deserted on Saturday.

Some people had gone to Hogsmeade early, while others were still


Wayne met up with Hermione and Cho at around nine o'clock and went

to the library to do homework together.

Of course, Hermione and Cho did their homework while Wayne read.

Mrs. Pince only glanced at them and then ignored them.

After writing for a while, Cho grew bored. She wasn't a top student like

Hermione, and her interest in learning was average.

The girl tugged on Wayne's sleeve and asked softly, "How is Fox doing

lately? I haven't seen in several days."Wayne put down the "Advanced

Potion Making" book in his hand and seemed a bit strange.

"It should be fine, right? Let's not talk about you, I haven't seen him in a

long time either."

Cho rolled her eyes and replied, "That's a phoenix. If someone else has

one and is offering it as a treasure, why would you be so careless?"

"Well, it's not that I don't care, it's just that I made Fox angry that day..."

"What happened?"

As the two were talking, even Hermione couldn't resist leaning in closer.

Thanks to the barrier spell, Mrs. Pince could see their gestures, but

couldn't hear their voices, so she either kept one eye open or closed.

Wayne said, somewhat embarrassed, "Well... I noticed how curious

everyone was about the Phoenix, so I thought I could take pictures for a

fee, one galleon per photo."

"But Fox didn't agree, so he angrily ran into the Forbidden Forest and

hasn't returned for the past few days."

Cho stared at him like he was a monster, and it took him a while to

realize it.

"Wayne, you're obsessed with money. You can come up with any idea,"

Hermione said, pinching him angrily.

"This is a phoenix, not a monkey in the zoo!" she added.

"Ahem, it's not easy for me to support my family," Wayne replied,

spreading his hands helplessly. "She requires a lot of herbs for every

meal, and I can hardly afford it."

"That can't be like this," Cho said, after thinking for a while. "Why don't I

use my share of money to buy food for Fox?"

Not to be outdone, Hermione chimed in, "My share too!"

Recently, they had sold a lot of maps, leaving them with over a hundred

galleons in hand, making them relatively wealthy.

But Wayne knew this little money was Only enough to feed Fox for a few


Since the phoenix wasn't fully grown yet, it required a lot of energy. This

week alone, Wayne had spent two hundred galleons on food expenses.

After hearing how expensive it was to raise a phoenix, both of them were


After having lunch in the Great Hall, Cho left for Quidditch team

training, while Hermione and Wayne found a classroom.

Reluctantly, Hermione handed her assignment to Wayne, requesting,

"Copy it quickly."

The little witch was unhappy. She never thought that one day she would

be helping him do something unethical.

Wayne took it with a smile and produced a stack of parchment and a sky-

blue quill.

Under Hermione's shocked gaze, the quill moved on its own, effortlessly

copying her homework.

"What kind of quill is this? Why can it write my homework on its own?"

Hermione asked, amazed.

Wayne leaned back comfortably in his chair and explained, "It's my latest

invention, the Manuscript Cleaning Quill."

"It's used to copy homework without any trace. Even the teachers won't

find any problems," he boasted.

"Really? I don't believe it," Hermione said, doubtfully examining the lines

of words written by the quill and comparing them with her homework.

She realized that the pen wasn't just copying word for word; it had

transformed some sentences. They looked different, but the meaning

remained the same.

Professor McGonagall had left a full page of text, and the quill copied it

all in just five minutes.

Hermione read through the entire article. If she hadn't seen it with her

own eyes, she wouldn't have believed it was copied from her paper.

"Do you want one?" Wayne asked, pulling out an identical pen and

waving it in front of Hermione's eyes.

"I don't need it," Hermione replied, raising her chin proudly. "I will never

copy other people's homework."

"What about these?" Wayne magically produced a handful of quills.

"This one is a Dictation Quill. It accurately records what you say," Wayne

explained. "And this one is a Grammar Correction Quill. It corrects

grammatical errors in articles."

"This is a copying quill. It can be used to copy books without missing a


"This is a magical quill...it can expand a hundred words to a thousand

with a certain amount of water."


Hermione gulped.

Unlike the previous quills for homework, these are incredibly useful.

She wanted every single one of them so badly!

"Do you want it?" Wayne asked, his voice like a big bad wolf enticing a

little white rabbit.

Hermione nodded eagerly.

Wayne's lips curled up slightly as he casually said, "Oops, my shoulders

and arms are sore from practicing the spell last night... If only there was

someone who could..."

Hermione gritted her teeth secretly, obediently stood up, went behind

Wayne, placed her little hands on his shoulders, and began to gently

massage them.

Wayne visibly relaxed.

Even though Hermione wasn't a professional, her hands didn't have much


But having a cute little loli massage you was mentally soothing enough.

"Is this okay?"

"How much longer? This is taking forever."

"My hands are getting sore."

"Hang on, it'll soon be better."

Half an hour later.

Wayne finally released the already frail Hermione and handed her one of

the quills.


After receiving the item, Hermione was so furious that she bit Wayne's


Seeing the smug expression on his face, she reluctantly let go with her

little tiger teeth.

"Let's see if you dare to boss me around in the future."

"Miss Granger, you're taking revenge for my favor." Wayne rubbed his

shoulders. Hermione, with her sharp teeth and sharp tongue, truly caused

him a bit of pain!

"Why can't I understand what you're talking about?"

Quickly pocketing the quill, Hermione picked up her homework and

skipped out of the classroom.

"I'll go put away the books, and we'll meet at the castle gate shortly!"

"There will come a time when you'll fall into my hands."

Wayne watched the little witch's retreating figure and muttered to


At two o'clock sharp, the two of them arrived on time at Hagrid's hut.

To their surprise, they were not the only guests.

Harry and Ron were already there.

The injuries on their faces had not yet healed. Ron had one eye bigger

than the other, while Harry had black and blue eye sockets, along with

wounds at the corners of his mouth.

Hermione had been preoccupied with maps and homework recently,

completely forgetting about Harry's duel with Malfoy.

Upon seeing their bruises and swollen faces, she thought for a moment

and angrily exclaimed, "You went and dueled Malfoy!"

"How many points will Gryffindor lose if you get caught? Professor

McGonagall will be furious!"

The more Hermione spoke, the angrier she became. Ron couldn't help but


"Isn't it true that he didn't get caught? Besides, Malfoy has gone and we

didn't go. We still don't know how he will laugh at Gryffindor by then."

He was quite loyal and didn't confess what happened to Wayne


Hermione wanted to say something more, but Hagrid stepped in to

smooth things over.

"Okay, since he hasn't been discovered, let him pass. The Malfoy family

has always been very annoying. Ronald, you should know that."

"That's right." Ronald nodded in agreement.

Somehow, they always met the Malfoy family every time they went back

to Diagon Alley, and his father and Malfoy Sr. often fought, and the two

didn't like each other.

Just like Harry and Malfoy.

After Hagrid's interruption, Hermione couldn't say anything.

She could only take a sip of tea.

At this time, Hagrid handed Wayne a snakeskin bag. It was bulging and

much bigger than the last time.

"Wayne, look at it. Everything inside is missing. Just tell me what's


Wayne was not polite and opened it directly to take a look. Most of them

were animal fur, as well as several bottles of condensation.

The most valuable thing was the Acromantula's venom, and Hagrid gave

him a full pint.

"That's enough, thank you Hagrid."

The half-giant scratched his head in embarrassment: "No need to be

polite to me, that..."

Wayne knew what he wanted, and with a thought, he summoned the Fox.

With her appearance, the temperature in the room rose a lot. Hagrid

swayed excitedly and wanted to touch it, but Fox avoided it in disgust

and landed on Hermione's shoulder.

he is still angry with the owner, so don't go and talk to Wayne.

Harry and Ronald were also observing Fox.

"Is this your phoenix?" Ronald said excitedly.

"Yes, his name is Fox"

"It's really nice to watch."

Harry nodded in agreement.

Hermione glanced at Wayne proudly and took out two basil leaves from

her pocket. They were left over from herbology class and she had kept

them until now.

Fox didn't like such a small space, so he stayed for a while and then made

peace with Wayne after he took out fresh food. He rubbed his cheek

affectionately and left.

The whole process took less than fifteen minutes.

But this also made Hagrid quite satisfied, and he enthusiastically brought

out cakes and candies to entertain everyone.

There is also the signature rock cake.

Several people invariably ignored the pies and focused on eating candies

and cakes.

Although the chocolate cake is too sweet, it is much better than the

tooth-breaking rock pie.

While chatting, Harry and Ronald also silently agreed not to mention

what they saw and heard last night.

Hermione was too scary for the two of them. If she knew that she and

others not only dueled with Malfoy but also broke into the restricted area

specified by Dumbledore, they would not be able to live in peace today.

Harry nudged Wayne, who was eating rock cake with relish and felt a

little numb.

"Wayne, are your teeth made of iron? Are they so hard that you can bite

through them?"

While Hagrid went to heat tea, Harry looked at Wayne in shock. At this

time, Wayne was holding a piece of cake and eating it deliciously.

"I used a softening charm."

Wayne said matter-of-factly: "Would you like to try it? It's quite


As he spoke, he lightly touched the pie with his hand, and the crust

suddenly became much softer.

Harry: "..."

Sure enough, I am a waste.

He couldn't help but pick up a piece and taste it.

"It's really good."

"By the way, I recently invented some new gadgets, do you want to buy


"What is it?" Harry became interested.

Under Hermione's murderous gaze, Wayne took out his prototype quill.



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Chapter 57: 57. Harry, The Heir,

Gives Snape Shampoo

After gaining an understanding of the various uses of several quills, Harry

became excited and purchased the Scribing Quill and the Nonsense Quill

without hesitation.

"I'll take two," Harry said.

"What is your biggest fear when writing a thesis?" someone asked.

"Isn't it just figuring out how to turn a sentence in your head into a

complete article?" Harry replied.

These quills have been incredibly helpful, Harry thought.

Wayne's price wasn't expensive, as it was only two Galleons per stick.

Without hesitation, Harry handed over eight Galleons and completed the


Ronald, standing to the side, was already getting ready.

Like Harry, Ronald was an average student, neither particularly good nor


The most annoying thing is having to do homework every day after class.

With these two pens, I can save so much time to play wizard chess!

It's a shame that Ronald is poor. He only receives a few Sickles as pocket

money for the entire semester. Buying a quill is out of the question for

him, let alone a map.

Harry noticed his friend's embarrassment and whispered, "You don't have

to buy it. I can lend it to you when the time comes."

"Thank you," Ronald gratefully replied.

Wayne also looked happy with the results.

Quill pens are stationery items that wear out easily. In a semester, a

young wizard usually goes through thousands of quill pens.

If two people used the quill, it would be used up even faster, forcing

Harry to come back to Wayne to buy more.

As for whether Harry could afford it, Wayne wasn't worried at all.

In addition to being a savior, Harry would also have an equally

impressive title in the future - heir to the ancient family!

The Potter family is ancient and wealthy, with a substantial amount of

money in the treasury, but nothing out of the ordinary.

After Sirius's death, Harry would inherit the Black family's wealth. The

Black family is one of the wealthiest among the Sacred Twenty-Eight,

even wealthier than Malfoy.

If Harry could spend money on a Firebolt without batting an eye, it's

clear he had deep pockets.

Then there's Snape - despite Snape's dislike for him, Harry is Lily's child.

Snape's final wealth also belongs to Harry.

The wealth of a potions master can accumulate is unimaginable.

With three rich inheritances, there was no doubt that Harry would

become a wealthy man in the wizarding world.

Harry happily shared interesting stories about his Quidditch training,

oblivious to Wayne's eyes already fixed on him like a big fat sheep.

"George and Fred are annoying Wood. They're like two human bludgers,"

Harry recounted.

Hermione, although not fully understanding Quidditch, still spoke

earnestly, "Harry, you must win the House Cup. Our score is far behind

the other houses."

Winning the Quidditch House Cup would add 150 points to their house.

And that's why Hermione was so invested.

Harry's expression fell. "I'll try my best, but after all, I'm only in my first

year..."Then he immediately became angry again: "It's all Snape's fault. I

don't know how I provoked him. He stares at me every day and deducts


Hagrid, who was originally smiling, looked a little unnatural: "Harry,

Snape is your professor after all, so you still have to show respect."

"I'm telling the truth!" Harry said stubbornly. "He deducted thirty points

from me in Potions class last week!"

Harry looked at Wayne again and complained: "Wayne, the method you

taught me doesn't work. I lowered my head and didn't look at him, but

Snape seemed even angrier."

"Tell me about the specific situation," Wayne said, becoming more


Harry gave a summary with a grimace.

Originally, Snape would find trouble in every class. Every time someone

stared at him unconvinced, Snape would make a few sarcastic remarks

and move on.

During the last Potions lesson, Harry suddenly remembered the method

Wayne taught him.

So no matter how much Snape picked on him, he kept his head down and

boiled the potion.

As a result, Snape deducted twenty points for disrespecting the professor

and later deducted ten points from Neville.

After listening to this, Wayne's stomach was almost cramped with

laughter, but he still maintained a thoughtful expression.

"Nonsense, Harry's rarest thing is those eyes that are the same as Lily's. It

would be strange if he doesn't get angry if you don't look at him," Wayne


"It's not easy, Harry..." Wayne pondered and said, "It seems that Snape

does have some issues with you."

"Otherwise, you can give him some gifts at Christmas to improve the

relationship. After all, Potions class will last until at least the fifth grade.

Harry thought this was true when he heard it, "Then what should I give


"How about giving him shampoo."

Wayne came up with an idea, "Look at his oily head, it must have been a

long time since he washed his hair, so giving him some shampoo would

be appropriate."

"Will it be effective?" Harry asked doubtfully. "He is a professor, so he can

surely afford shampoo."

"A master of potions, it's normal to be informal," Wayne laughed. "Maybe

he forgot or is too lazy to buy it.

"Just buy the best one, the one with the longest brand name."

"When Snape sees how sincere you are, he won't bother you, but he

probably won't cause trouble for you either."

Hagrid chimed in.

"The best shampoo in the wizarding world... it's Potter shampoo."

"That's the product on which the Potter family made their fortune, but

Harry's grandfather already sold the shampoo formula and exchanged it

for a large sum of gold."

"It has nothing to do with them now."

Hagrid scratched his head, feeling a little strange, but he couldn't

pinpoint what was wrong.

If he can't figure it out, he won't think about it.

Wayne, Harry's friend and a kind and reliable Hufflepuff, finds it hard to

resist his friends.

Hagrid smiled and brought over freshly baked cookies and hot tea. An

hour later, several little wizards walked out of the hut, rubbing their

already bloated bellies.

"There's no need to eat dinner now," Ronald yawned.

"Harry, do you want to play wizard chess for a while? One candy

wrapper per game."

"OK." The two said hello to Wayne and left.

Their relationship with Hermione was not very good, especially Ronald,

who felt that Hermione was too rigid and nosy. Girls tend to be mentally

more mature than boys, and puberty comes earlier.

Hermione also didn't like these two naughty classmates, feeling it was too


"Want to go back to the castle?" Wayne asked.

Hermione thought for a while and replied, "Let's take a walk. I'm also full

and want to do some exercise."

Wayne did his best to accommodate her. The two strolled along the Black

Lake, with the water sparkling and the autumn wind wrinkling and

rippling. Now and then, fish jumped out of the water, only to be

swallowed by the Grindylow Monster. A gust of wind blew by, but Wayne

was unaffected. His robes were thermostatic, but Hermione tightened her

clothes. As October approached, the temperature in the Scottish

Highlands had already dropped below ten degrees.

Wayne gently cast a thermostatic spell on Hermione, instantly making

the little witch feel much better.

"Why do you have so many spells, Wayne?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Study and practice more, and you'll become skilled at it," Wayne replied

casually, causing Hermione to curl her lips quietly.

Hermione had also been teaching herself spells in private, but her

progress was rather slow. Simple spells could be mastered quickly, but

the more difficult ones required time and study.

To avoid being hit again, Hermione gazed at the black lake and

whispered, "I read in a book that there's an entire tribe of fishmen living

in the black lake, but I'm not sure if it's true."

"It's true," Wayne confirmed, throwing a stone that floated momentarily

before sinking into the lake. "You can catch glimpses of them through the

window in the Slytherin common room."

"But those mermaids are so ugly," Wayne sighed, shaking his head. "They

have nothing in common with the legendary mermaids."

Sneering, Hermione crossed her arms and challenged, "What will you do

if they are mermaids?"

Wayne chuckled and replied, "Then I wouldn't mind having another pet."

"Humph!" Hermione pinched Wayne and turned to leave.

"Why are you pinching me for no reason?" Wayne protested.

"Leave me alone!"

"Come on," an exasperated Wayne said, "Don't be so unreasonable."

"Well, if you don't accept it," the little witch provocatively said, "I just

can't stand your daydreaming. If you have the ability, go ahead and catch

a mermaid to raise as a pet."

"What if I could catch?" Wayne raised an eyebrow.

"If you can catch... I'll do whatever you want," Hermione replied, pausing

briefly. She remembered reading in "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find

Them" that mermaids didn't exist in the world. Confidently, she

immediately made a bet.

"Okay, let's see," Wayne agreed. "If I don't find a mermaid before

graduation, I'll agree to one condition."

"It's a deal!"

The two happily high-fived each other in victory.

Meanwhile, in the lounge, Cedric and the others had returned from


Spotting Wayne, Cedric handed him a glass of butterbeer. He then

whispered, "The items you asked me to buy are in the dormitory. I'll

bring them to you later."

Wayne nodded, indicating that he was in no rush.

Cedric also handed over some candies from Honeydukes Candy Shop.

"Where will you teach me how to make maps tomorrow?" Cedric


"Just find a classroom. The Hall is too crowded," Wayne suggested.

Munching on a piece of milk fudge, Wayne abandoned the idea of going

to the cafeteria to eat. The Hufflepuff students had brought back snacks

from Hogsmeade and eagerly shared some with him, as they were known

to be food enthusiasts. Then, when given the opportunity, he pulled out

his quill and began his sales pitch.

The price of two galleons for a stick may seem expensive, but it pales in

comparison to the many scumbags in Hufflepuff.

With tears in her eyes, Hannah once again took out two galleons and

purchased a nonsensical quill.

In less than a month since starting school, the little girl had visibly

gained weight, with more than half of her pocket money being spent on

desserts and snacks.

Wayne couldn't bear to see this and couldn't help but persuade her,

saying, "Hannah, why don't you buy a manuscript quill?"

"No," the little girl replied, her nose twitching. "Anyway, no one will let

me copy their homework."

"I can lend it to you," Wayne offered.

"Then...how about another one?" Hannah reluctantly took out two more

galleons from her meager savings and handed them over to Wayne.

Cedric looked at him as if he had seen a ghost.

Doesn't your conscience bother you?

This wave of sales had brought in over a hundred galleons, leaving

Wayne quite satisfied.

He planned to speak with Malfoy about how the esteemed Master Malfoy

could benefit from this regular version. He had even prepared high-end

customized models, such as those made with Griffon feathers, and priced

them reasonably.

Just ten galleons.


In the morning, Wayne wanted to teach Cedric how to make maps, so the

two found a vacant classroom on the second floor. Wayne took out the

parchment and special ink and began to explain.

The most basic version is not difficult. Use special ink to draw a map and

mark the code corresponding to each staircase to synchronize the

operation of the stairs in Hogwarts in real-time.

All Cedric needed was the Marking Charm, and the hidden spell to

unlock it. After scraping a few maps, he mastered it.

Then there's the pro version. The difficulty has increased. The main

problem is that the real-time position of the little wizard is revealed. It

requires a very special tracking spell and a magic tandem spell to let the

little wizard's magic power and the sheepskin paper make connections. In

a week, Cedric could only barely master it, and the success rate was very


There was no other way, so Wayne could only transform into a charms

professor and start explaining some techniques for casting spells.

Boom! Boom! Boom! There was a sudden knock on the classroom door.

Cedric's hand shook and the spell failed again.

"Who?" he asked. He opened the door angrily and saw two people smiling

outside. "Why are you here?"

"Of course, I'm here to see Wayne," one of them replied.

Cedric let them in, still confused. "How did you know Wayne was here?"

"No comment."

"This is Twins's biggest secret," the other person added.

George Fred walked up to Wayne and showed a flattering smile. "Master

Lawrence, how was your weekend? If you feel too lonely, we can

introduce you to two beauties in Gryffindor."

Wayne shivered and pushed them away in disgust. "Stay away from me.

If you have something to say, don't disgust me."

The twins looked at each other and said in unison, "Wayne, can you teach

us how to make those quills?"

Fred added, "It's not free, just tell me how much it will cost, and we'll get

it for you even if you're hungry."

Cedric rolled his eyes and said, "Food is free in school."

"Get out of here!" George hammered him and looked at Wayne


Yesterday in the common room, they happened to see Harry writing

papers with a quill, and they were shocked.

The twins felt that making these things was so interesting as if they had

suddenly found the meaning of life. After asking, it turned out to be

Wayne's handiwork again, and they were completely convinced. They

didn't even understand the principle of the map, so they developed new


The twins, who could no longer hold themselves back, came over with a

roar after a night of ideological struggle. The academic barriers in the

magic world are not serious, but when it comes to making money, it

becomes a secret. If they weren't too curious, they wouldn't do such a

reckless thing. I have decided that no matter what conditions Wayne

offers, as long as they can meet them, they will agree.

Fred and George's expressions were sincere and serious, something

Wayne had never seen from either of them before.

He pondered for a moment and said, "It's not impossible to teach you. I

am currently teaching Cedric how to make maps."

The two of them looked at Cedric, who was eating melon as if they were

implying that they wouldn't have called me if they had something good

going on.

Cedric quickly added, "Look at what I'm doing, I also work for Wayne."

"That's right," Wayne nodded. "I provide the materials and technology,

and he is responsible for production and sales, but he only gets 20%."

"If you can accept those conditions, I can also teach you."

"Oh, right."

Just as the two were about to agree, Wayne interrupted again, saying, "I

also want one more thing – the map in your hand."

Fred was surprised. "How do you know?"

That map was the biggest secret the two of them had discovered this

semester. They hadn't studied it thoroughly yet. Why would Wayne know

about it?

"During the last visit to the Trophy room, you were too slow," Wayne

smiled. He was very interested in the Marauder's Map.

In Harry's hand, it was just a map, mostly used to hide from Filch.

But in Wayne's hands, it was excellent research material, and its value

was incomparable.

"So, bring it to me!"

The twins huddled together and whispered for a long time, and finally

said, "We agree, but can you let us use it for a while? We haven't fully

memorized the secret passage yet."

Wayne was also in good spirits. "No problem, just give it to me after


Only Cedric looked confused. "What on earth are you talking about?"



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Chapter 58: 58. The Secret Of The

Marauder's Map, The Room Of


Now that Wayne had pointed them out, the Twins stopped hiding and

took out a parchment map.

Fred cleared his throat and pointed his wand at the parchment.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

The ink on the originally blank map stretched like threads and quickly

assembled into a map.

Unlike Wayne's map, this one covered a much wider scope, including the

entire castle, the outside lawn, the Quidditch pitch, and a small part of

the Forbidden Forest.

Wayne's map only covered the teaching building area of the castle, which

was considerably smaller.

The most amazing thing was that the map was densely packed with

names, some clustered together and others moving.

Cedric stared. "Where did this come from?"

"Wayne, did you create a more advanced version?"

"I don't have the ability for that." Wayne took the map, and in just a

moment, he discovered contract magic, a significant amount of tracking

magic, and magic related to names.

Wayne became deeply suspicious. Was the Marauder's Map created by

Sirius and the others when they were in school?

He wondered how these students had managed to create such an

incredible thing.

"Shadowless and invisible."

Wayne took out his wand and cast an invisibility spell on himself.

Suddenly, Wayne's name disappeared from the map, leaving only the

names of the Weasley brothers and Cedric displayed in the room.

"Can it still do that?" Fred asked in surprise, looking at the scene.

George explained to Cedric, "Fred and I were put in solitary confinement

by Filch, and while cleaning, we found this in his drawer."

"It took a lot of effort to solve the mystery."

Fred interrupted, "George almost threw this parchment away, but

thankfully he didn't."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Wayne studied the map for a while but couldn't find Peter Pettigrew's

name on it, so he returned it to the twins.

Well, it was not surprising. Peter Pettigrew was also one of the creators

of the map and given his timid temperament, he likely used spells to hide

his information.

Fred carefully put away the map. Although they could still use it for a

few months, they needed to quickly record all the secret passages in


Since Wayne agreed to help them, he decided to start teaching alongside


He sent Cedric to start making a map, while he talked to the twins about

selling quills.

Both of them were social butterflies and had friends in every house

except Slytherin.

Wayne didn't want to invest too much energy into the business, and

Hermione and Cho weren't particularly interested either.

The timing was perfect for the twins to join.

In the original world, the Weasley Joke Shop was thriving under their

management, proving that they had a knack for business as well. As long

as one item is sold, he will give the twins 10% of the share. If they make

it themselves, they will give 20%.

Fred and George didn't have a problem with that either.

If it's something that interests you, no matter how naughty or

mischievous you are, you can still make the effort to learn it.

The twins are enthusiastic about making prank props or interesting magic

items, and they listen more attentively than in class.

If Professor McGonagall saw it, she would probably confine them in


After saying the spell, Wayne took out some ordinary feathers and

handed them, as well as some potions that provided magical power.

Only feathers soaked in the potion will become special materials that can

be used to make magic quills.

By noon, the three of them were unwilling to leave, but Wayne had to go.

"What are you going to do?" Cedric asked.

"I promised Hermione that I would teach her the Shield Charm this


"Oh~" George exclaimed strangely. "It turns out to be Miss Know-It-All."

Cedric smiled slyly. "Tsk... Wayne, you started early enough."

Wayne wasn't angry and looked at them with a half-smile. "There are

only so many students in the entire Hogwarts, and your future wife will

likely be chosen from here."

"If you don't mind, you can wait until seventh grade."

"Wait until your future wife becomes the ex-girlfriend of many people

before you start, that way she will have more experience."

After saying that, Wayne went out, leaving the three of them staring.


Cedric gasped.

"That makes sense."

This kind of situation does exist, and there are quite a lot of examples.

For example, the girlfriend of Whateley, the captain of the Quidditch

team, is the ex-girlfriend of the sixth-grade prefect, and the ex-girlfriend

of the sixth-grade prefect is the ex-girlfriend of a prefect in Ravenclaw.

The beginning of school every year is like a transfer period. Today this

girlfriend will change, and tomorrow the other one will change.

Cedric shivered.

No, he has to learn from Wayne's training since he was young.

Fred and George also felt sad, but now they were focused on making

props. After complaining for a while, they started practicing magic spells


In the afternoon, after taking a nap, Wayne waited for Hermione at the

door of the Gryffindor lounge, pulled her, and went down to the tower.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a fun place," Wayne said mysteriously.

Hermione was a little confused. "Aren't you going to teach me the Shield

Charm? Where are you going?"

"You'll know if you follow me."

Wayne took Hermione straight to the Seventh floor, and the two of them

didn't let go of each other's hands along the way.

Hermione bit her lip.

This is the first time. Why does Wayne always like to hold her hand while

walking? Is he afraid that she will get lost?

By now she was somewhat used to it. After aimlessly exploring the

Seventh floor, the two eventually located the tapestry, Barnabas, a

wizard, foolishly attempted to teach the troll ballet.

This painting has graced the school since its inception, witnessing the

recurring brutality inflicted upon Barnabas by numerous trolls spanning

over millennia.

The deep-seated animosity between the artist behind this portrait and

Barnabas remains a mystery to me.

Once they confirmed its presence, Wayne anxiously paced back and forth

three times near the opposite wall, lost in silent contemplation.

"I desperately need a designated place to practice my spells."

When Wayne passed by for the third time, a smooth door appeared on

the wall with a handle.

Wayne didn't hesitate. He pulled Hermione open the door and walked in.

"What is this place?"

There is no light source in the room, but it is almost as bright as the

outside world. The space is large and filled with puppets and targets.

Hermione looked around in surprise at the room and its furnishings.

"This is the Room of Requirement," Wayne observed his surroundings.

But unlike Hermione, he wanted to see something deeper.

Unfortunately, his strength was not enough, and his knowledge was too

limited. After observing for a long time, he still couldn't identify the


He could only determine that the Room of Requirement was similar to

the Sorting Hat, and also had some Legilimency abilities.

"As long as you silently recite your needs and walk back and forth three

times like I just did, this room will transform to meet your desires."

"But if someone is already inside, the Room of Requirement won't appear

unless your needs are the same."

"So powerful? I want to try it too." Hermione's eyes lit up as she pulled

Wayne out of the room to try it for herself.

When they stepped out, the smooth door immediately disappeared.

Hermione imitated Wayne and walked back and forth three times. As

expected, the door reappeared and she pushed it open. It revealed rows

of bookshelves, filled with loose books.

Hermione picked up a book to read, but Wayne quickly stopped her:

"There will be plenty of time to read books in the future. Today, we

agreed to focus on learning spells."

"Okay." Hermione reluctantly put the book back, and they transformed

the Room of Requirement back to its original state.

"Wayne," Hermione looked at him curiously, "How did you discover the

Room of Requirement?"

"At night, while exploring," Wayne said matter-of-factly. "Didn't I tell you

before, this castle has many secrets. You can't fully explore its wonders

by just attending classes."

Hermione pondered this, suddenly feeling eager to give it a try.

"Okay, Teacher Lawrence's class has started."

Wayne pretended to cough twice and even changed his glasses, which

made Hermione burst into laughter.

"Miss Granger, please listen attentively, or the teacher will punish you."

Hermione blushed slightly. "How dare you!"

Wayne stopped teasing her. He knew that she would gradually become

more comfortable and less sensitive in the future.

The Shield Charm is a common protective spell in the magic world. It

forms an invisible barrier around the body, resisting most attacking

spells, and even rebounding them.

Although this is the most common protective spell, it doesn't mean that

the Shield Charm is easy to master. Many employees of the Ministry of

Magic have not mastered the use of this spell, and proficiency in the

Shield Charm is one of the most important aspects of the Auror


According to an Auror autobiography that Wayne read, the minimum

standard for assessing an Auror is the ability to cast the Shield Charm


After all, if you can't even protect yourself, how can you expect an Auror

to capture a dark wizard?

"There's a spell you should know, Protego."

When reciting the incantation, "te" must be pronounced with an accent,

and the connection with "go" must be close.

Wayne summarized the techniques for Hermione in great detail:

"Remember, when chanting a spell, your wrist must be raised, and the

wand should be held vertically to the body."

As he spoke, he demonstrated the most standard movements.

"At the same time, you need to concentrate in your mind and imagine

that there is an indestructible shield in front of you."

"The defensive power of the Shield Charm is not only related to magical

power but also to the strength of your will."

"Magic is idealistic. Will and imagination play a big role. Don't imagine it

with Muggle thinking. This shield must be magical and miraculous."

Wayne was speaking eloquently, and Hermione's head continued to nod,

memorizing all the key points he mentioned.

"Come on, give it a try yourself."

After Wayne finished speaking, he asked the little witch to perform the

actual operation.

Hermione was exceptionally talented when it came to learning spells.

Wayne had only taught her once, but she had memorized all the key

points and followed the instructions meticulously when casting spells.

In less than an hour, she was able to use the spell, although Wayne

noticed that the Shield Charm was dry, numb, and misshapen.

He couldn't help but sense an urge to play a game.

Unfortunately, something went wrong during one round.


The sound of a deflating balloon echoed loudly in the silent room,

startling Wayne.

Is this a Shield Charm or a balloon charm? It felt like it would break with

the slightest touch.

Hermione's face filled with anger, and she hesitated as she spoke: "I just

learned this, so... it'll be fine in the future."

Wayne said nothing.

Although there was a new and unskilled relationship at play here, the

fundamental reason was... the lack of sufficient magic power.

It's not without reason that those families insist on pure blood.

Most pure-blood wizards possess much more magic power than a pure

Muggle like Hermione.

For instance, Malfoy and Harry.

If they had Hermione's learning talent, their magic would undoubtedly

support a complete Shield Charm.

"What are you thinking about?" Hermione cautiously asked, thinking that

her performance had disappointed Wayne.

"It's nothing." Wayne came back to his senses and saw the little witch

with her mouth pursed, looking like she was about to cry. He smiled and

comforted her: "You did pretty well. It's not your fault."

"In a year or two, once your magic power increases, mastering the Shield

Charm will come naturally to you."

Hermione didn't respond, and Wayne took the opportunity to gently rub

her furry head, a relieved expression on his face.

He had wanted to do this for a long time, but their previous relationship

wasn't enough, and there hadn't been a suitable opportunity.

Now was the perfect moment to take advantage.

As expected, Hermione didn't show any sign of disgust. She even leaned

forward slightly, getting closer to Wayne.

"What should we do now?" the little witch asked in frustration. "I have

such little magic power, what kind of magic can I learn?"

"It's not low, it's just at a normal level," Wayne corrected. "Typically,

young wizards can only master the Shield Charm in the fifth or sixth


Hermione looked up, curious. "And what about you?"

"I learned it before I even went to school," Wayne replied, gently pushing

Hermione away with an invisible barrier.

Not only did he cast spells silently without a wand, but he also displayed

exceptional control over magic spells.

"How's that? Am I impressive?" Wayne raised an eyebrow and proudly


This made Hermione furious. She was already feeling sad, and Wayne

was rubbing salt into her wounds."It's not fair! We are all Muggle-born,

why are you so talented?" she exclaimed.

Wayne pondered silently in his mind, explaining the reason for his


He possessed an exceptional talent for black magic defense at an SS+

level, a rarity even when comparing ancient and modern times.

Although the system did not provide specific ratings for other characters,

Wayne estimated that legendary figures like Gryffindor, Slytherin, and

even Merlin could reach the SS level. Even Old Dumble couldn't achieve

such prowess.

Through the combination of his natural talent and the aid of card

drawing, Wayne had mastered the Shield Charm to an advanced level,

making it effortless to utilize.

Since Hermione couldn't currently learn the Shield Charm, Wayne

focused on teaching her other spells, like the practical and

straightforward Disarming Spell.

This particular spell consumed minimal magic power, flew swiftly, and

proved extremely challenging to defend against.

Without their wands, most wizards were defenseless, just like Muggles.

Wayne beckoned, causing a nearby wooden man to float over, carrying

various items.

"First, focus on improving the success rate of the spell. Remember to

control the direction the enemy's wand flies in when disarmed. Then,

work on your aim and, finally, the speed and distance of your casting."

Wayne arranged the training regimen for Hermione and sat down,

engrossed in a book.

While reading, he contemplated the possibility of acquiring items that

could enhance Hermione's magical abilities. However, he decided it was

best to wait until she matured and wouldn't be able to escape his care.

In the Room of Requirement, Hermione continued chanting the spell

without pause.

She held her breath and exerted herself, determined to prove to Wayne

that she was capable beyond mere memorization.

The sound of her voice grew hoarse as the afternoon progressed, and

Hermione finally stopped when she could no longer summon magic from

her fatigued body.

Wayne retrieved a vial of concentration potion and handed it to her.

"Drink this and get a good night's sleep. Otherwise, you might struggle to

wake up tomorrow."

He provided further advice, "When you practice privately, don't exert

yourself as intensely as you did today. Remember to reserve some magic

power for yourself, understand?"

Hermione felt a warmth in her heart as she listened to Wayne's caring

words. Her smile bloomed like a radiant flower as she carefully cradled

the potion.

"He may be a bit wicked, but he's considerate," she thought.

Wayne chuckled and reached out to affectionately ruffle the young

witch's head once more.

So soft!



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Chapter 59: 59. The Shock That

Phoenix Brought To Snape, And

Voldemort’s Covetousness

Back in the common room, Wayne noticed something was amiss.

Many people were seated in the room, but the atmosphere was unusually

quiet and everyone seemed deep in thought.

Wayne sat in the vacant chair next to Cedric and asked with curiosity,

"What's going on here?" Cedric looked perplexed and replied, "Your two

roommates asked two questions that no one could answer."

Wayne was taken aback and said, "Everyone is pondering."

Wayne found it hard to believe since His two roommates were as good as

each other, and Snape praised Toby as an idiot on the same level as


"Toby, what on earth did you ask?" Wayne inquired.

Toby looked up at Wayne with a serious expression and asked, "Do you

think laxatives are still effective after they expire?" Norman also chimed

in, "If you drink and ride a broomstick, is that considered drunk driving?"

Wayne responded incredulously, "You two should be transferred to the

hospital. Hufflepuff can no longer handle you. Hurry up and cause

mischief in Ravenclaw."

The following week, Harry and Ronald entered the auditorium looking


They hadn't fully healed from their injuries and both sported black eyes

and bumps on their heads. When other students asked what happened,

they claimed they had fallen down the stairs. However, no one believed

falling down the stairs could cause such injuries. As fate would have it,

Malfoy, who was eating, looked up at Harry as he walked by, and their

eyes met. "Snort!" they both exclaimed simultaneously.

Malfoy, looking worse for wear with his disheveled blond hair and

obvious bruises around his mouth, grinned menacingly, ready to taunt


Unexpectedly, Harry laughed first. "Hahaha, Malfoy, why is one of your

teeth missing?" Ronald also joined in on the laughter, and the two of

them openly mocked Malfoy, visibly changing his expression.

Gritting his teeth, Malfoy slurred his words, "Potter, do you want to fight

again?" That evening, Malfoy discovered that one of his teeth had been

accidentally knocked out by the fool Crabbe. He was so angry he almost

burst a blood vessel.

Today, Harry reopened his wound. If it weren't for Wayne rescuing him

and Ronald on Friday night, they would have been in serious trouble. The

best-case scenario would be getting caught by Filch, but the worst...It was

likely used as rations for the three-headed dog, with one portion for each

head, so there was no need to grab it.

"Coward." Malfoy snorted and turned his head to eat, ignoring Harry's

lack of response.

Just as Harry was about to taunt back, a familiar annoying voice came

from behind him.

"Potter, don't Gryffindors have their place to eat?"

"No, Professor," Harry forced himself to stay calm, turning around. "I was

just saying hello to my classmates."

Upon seeing the injury on Harry's face, Snape narrowed his eyes and

remained silent for a couple of seconds before speaking.

"For deceiving the professor, Gryffindor will have five points deducted."

With that, Snape floated away, moving like a giant bat during the day.

Harry looked at his back with disgust.

"Sometimes I feel like I've stolen his girlfriend and he hates me so much,"

Harry said.

"You two are more than 20 years apart," Ronald mercilessly complained.

"Your dad is the one who stole his girlfriend."

"Okay, let's go eat," Harry said.

Harry nodded and was about to return to the long Gryffindor table with

Ronald when he accidentally caught sight of Wayne approaching the

guest of honor seat to speak to Snape, who had just sat down.

"Professor, here are the materials you requested," Wayne said, handing

over a paper bag with a pained expression.

To obtain these tears, Wayne had to discard all the kind words he had

spoken to Fox the previous day, and it took him two small bottles to

collect them.

If Snape dared to hide his incompetence, Wayne promised himself to give

him a potion containing Umbridge's hair!


In an almost blurred movement, Snape swiftly put the items away before

Wayne could react, even offering a rare smile.

Over the weekend, Snape had already used the materials provided by

Wayne with surprisingly good results.

Especially the rebirth potion he had refined, which included tears of the

phoenix, had produced some changes that he couldn't even comprehend.

After a weekend of research, Snape was convinced that Wayne's phoenix

was different.

Like Fawkes, its tears had a strong healing effect, but only for healing


But Wayne's phoenix...

Snape wasn't entirely sure because the time frame was too short.

But based on the existing information, Fox's tears contained incredible


Even individuals without injuries experienced an increase in lifespan and

could even return to youth after using them.

What on earth did this mean?

It was essentially a high-end version of the Philosopher's Stone!

No, the Philosopher's Stone was nothing more than garbage.

It could only grant eternal life but couldn't prevent aging.

Now Nicholas would probably have a heart attack even if he sneezed. But

if you rely on the tears of the phoenix, you will not only live forever, but

you will also be able to maintain your body's peak function indefinitely.

Snape no longer dared to use the two bottles of tears freely.

He believed that none of the potion formulas he knew were deserving of

these tears.

"Come to my office tomorrow night," Snape said weakly, prompting a

displeased look from Wayne.

However, all eyes were now fixed on them, the honored guests captivated

by their conversation.

Even Professor McGonagall found it hard to believe when she saw Snape


"Lawrence, what were you and Professor Snape discussing?"

As the dean, Sprout was the most qualified to ask, and she had no

intention of hiding it.

"Um, Dean, I think my potions skills are too poor, and I want Professor

Snape to give me some make-up lessons."

Wayne lowered his head and said sheepishly: "I just gave the professor

some class materials."

As he spoke, he also took out a jar of Fox's excrement to make fertilizer

for his dean and gave each to Professor Flitwick and Professor

McGonagall a feather.

Professor Sprout laughed so much that she didn't know how fertile

Phoenix's feces were. This was the first time she used it.

Immediately, she looked at Wayne, and her eyes became gentler. "Then

you're welcome. If you need any plants in the future, you can come to me

and get them."

A young wizard who is talented, studious, and disobedient is rare.

There was Cedric in the third grade, and there was Wayne in the first


Sprout seems to be able to see that an era of Hufflepuff is coming.

After receiving the gift, they naturally had to do some work. McGonagall

and Flitwick also smiled and told Wayne that he could come to them if

he encountered any problems during the study process.

"Mr. Lawrence..." Dumbledore, who had been silent all this time, spoke

up and sighed in frustration.

"You will never forget this old man like me..."

Wayne was startled, "Professor, don't you already have Fawks? Do you

still need these materials?"

"Of course." Dumbledore blinked. "Every phoenix is unique, not to

mention yours is called 'Fox'?"

Recently, Fawks and Fox often went to Old Dumble's place to eat and

drink. Even Snape could find something unusual, let alone him?

It's a pity that Dumbledore is not an expert in the field of magical

animals. He can only sense the power and difference of Fox from a

magical perspective and cannot gather more effective information.

But it doesn't matter; he has already written to an old friend and asked

the expert to give some advice.

The principal openly asked for a bribe, so it was hard for Wayne to


He took out another feather and handed it to Dumbledore.

The old man rubbed it carefully for a moment, felt the warmth in his

hands, and put it away with a smile. He planned to send it to his old

friend later.

Feeling that there were still eyes on him, Wayne turned his head and

raised a playful smile on his lips.

"Why, Professor Quirrell also wants some materials?"

Quirrell waved his hands in panic: "No, no, I... I'm just curious.

"Can, can you let me see your phoenix?"

"Of course..." Under Quirrell's expectant gaze, Wayne made a sharp turn.


"Professor, if you teach us some useful spells in the next class, I will call

Fox back. What do you think?"Except for McGonagall, who frowned

slightly, none of the other teachers reacted to Wayne teasing a professor

so recklessly.

Quirrell indeed did such a poor job that all the young wizards had many

complaints against him. No one else can blame him.

The teachers were also disgusted with the Defense Against the Dark Arts

professor, who had an unpleasant smell all day long.

Faced with Wayne's harassment, Quirrell just stammered and said, "I'll do

my best," without providing any guarantee.

Dumbledore tilted his head slightly, and his eyes were not visible in the

reflective mirror.

On the fourth floor, in Quirrell's office.

After breakfast, Quirrell did not have morning classes and went directly

to his office.

Only a few of the young wizards he encountered greeted him, and they

all looked at him with disdain and disgust.

In response, Quirrell always lowered his head and did not react.

He closed the door and locked it.

Quirrell took out his wand once again and cast several trap and warning

spells. Then, he stood in front of a floor-to-ceiling mirror and removed

the turban that all the young wizards were curious about.

A face appeared on the back of his head.

What a face it was.

It was gray and fierce, with a perpetually pained expression.

Just looking at it could make a child cry.

This was the tail sealed within the jinchuriki's body...well, it was


Wayne would be shocked if he were here.

Although he was ugly, at least he had a nose. Who knows what will

happen in the future?


Quirrell knelt on the ground respectfully, allowing Voldemort's face to

bask in the sunlight.

"Idiot, you can't even handle a first-year wizard. Why would I choose a

useless person like you?"

Voldemort's curses were sporadic and sounded very weak, but Quirrell

still trembled in fear and softly defended himself,

"Master...Master, I can't help it. If I show too much enthusiasm,

Dumbledore will suspect something is wrong with me."

Voldemort sneered, "You think Dumbledore doesn't know that you are


Quirrell was shocked, "What? Then why hasn't he..."

"Why haven't we exposed you and gotten rid of you?" Voldemort

questioned with great malice in his voice.

"I know Dumbledore is aware of my presence."

"Dumbledore knows that I know that he knows that I..."

The presence.

"I know too..."

"This is a balance, a game between me and him, but Dumbledore would

have never imagined that I, a lonely ghost, would have the audacity to go

to Hogwarts in person."

"In his eyes, I'm sure you are just a poor individual who I enchanted."

Quirrell also stopped trembling and flatteringly said, "No, master, I have

changed from darkness to light. Only after following you did I realize

how hypocritical Dumbledore is."

"Then prove your worth! I don't need useless trash," Voldemort scolded.

"I need the tears of a phoenix, particularly Lawrence's phoenix,"

Voldemort exclaimed, aware of his weakened state and recognizing that

he could only replenish his power through the use of obscure practices

and wicked rituals.

And one of those things includes Phoenix tears and even blood.

That damn little first-year wizard was relentlessly tormenting his servants

every day, and even he couldn't stand to hear some of the things he said.

What does it mean to pretend to be a teacher?

"Master, I will do my best," Quirrell quickly expressed his loyalty. "I will

obtain the Phoenix Tears for you and assist you in regaining your


Speaking of this, he hesitated. "Master, Snape used to be your

subordinate. Why didn't you allow me to seek his help?"

"Snape?" Voldemort's voice was faint.

"He is indeed much better and smarter than you."

Quirrell lowered his head in shame.

However, I still couldn't completely convince myself.

Voldemort continued, "But it is precisely because he is too good and

outstanding that I cannot reveal myself to him at this time."

"Ten years have passed... I am no longer the Dark Lord I once was. Will a

Slytherin as ambitious as him still be willing to acknowledge me as his


"If he betrays you..." Quirrell's eyes flashed with cruelty. "Then I will kill


"It doesn't matter if you sacrifice your life, but if my existence is exposed,

even if you die ten thousand times, it won't be enough!"

Voldemort said coldly, "I'll give you a week. If you still can't handle that

little wizard, you know the consequences."

After saying that, Voldemort closed his eyes and rested.

The power he has accumulated is too weak. Each word he utters further

depletes his life force.

Quirrell gently raised his wand again, his eyes glinting with coldness.

Wayne Lawrence...

"Wayne, please stop bullying Professor Quirrell," Hermione warned in a

hushed voice during History of Magic class.

"He is our teacher after all..."

Wayne yawned and casually asked, "Then, Miss Granger, what have you

learned from this teacher?"

After hesitating for a long time, Hermione finally found a reason.

"About warding off vampires?"

"Haha, you know how to make me happy."

Wayne smiled but said, "You might as well learn how to deal with

vampires from me. There's no tuition fee, and you only need to give me a

half-hour massage."

"You're going to regret it." The young witch lightly patted him and didn't

bring up the matter of Quirrell again.

In reality, Hermione didn't like the useless Quirrell, and her

admonishment to Wayne stemmed from her respect for teachers as a


Secretly, Hermione had written several complaint letters to Dumbledore.

There were stories about Quirrell, stories about Cuthbert Binns, and even

stories about astronomy classes that were affecting students' sleep.

But Dumbledore only responded to Hermione with a letter, telling her

that she could take a nap during astronomy class since it would be

pointless anyway.

The young witch was infuriated.

On the podium, Cuthbert Binns continued with his monotonous lecturing.

Today, he was discussing the various feats of wizards who assisted

different city-states in conquering Persia during the ancient Greek period.

What should have been a magnificent epic became mundane under his


Wayne's eyes grew thoughtful as he pondered Quirrell's recent behavior.

It seems that he has other plans for Fox.

What does Voldemort want?



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Chapter 60: 60. Professor

McGonagall’s Test, The Shock Of

Multiple Transfiguration

Wayne had little interest in Dumbledore's painstaking plan to raise a

savior. However, that didn't mean he wasn't interested in Voldemort.

Specifically, Wayne wanted to know about Horcruxes and how to make


The production of Horcruxes involves extremely advanced black magic. It

allows you to hide a part of your soul in objects, granting you

immortality as long as that part of your soul exists.

The inventor of this magic is Herpo the Foul, the most famous dark

wizard in history. From ancient Greece, Herpo existed hundreds of years

after the invincible Andros. He was one of the earliest known Dark

wizards and his work left a lasting impression in dark magic during the

20th century. Herpo sufficiently achieved notoriety, earning the epithet

of "the Foul" by his fellow wizards. He even experimented with hatching

basilisks and transforming magical animals to form an evil army.

Herpo is also the earliest known Parseltongue as if he was born with the

seed of evil. Most of the black magic and curses that have been passed

down are related to him.

The more advanced the black magic, the more evil the method of using


Making a Horcrux requires enduring the pain of having your soul torn

apart and killing living people as sacrifices in an evil ritual.

While it has its shortcomings, it is a means of achieving immortality,

even more advanced than the philosopher stone. It shares similarities

with lich phylacteries but cannot regenerate. If you want to be reborn

with the help of a Horcrux, you must use other methods.

Wayne did not start thinking about immortality at a young age; he simply

wanted to study the mysteries of the soul.

In the wizarding world, the existence of the soul is known, and the

legend of death has always intrigued wizards. Ghosts are seen as beings

between life and death, adding to the allure of various secrets that tempt

Wayne's curiosity.

As the end-of-class bell rang, the little wizards woke up from their

daydreams and left the classroom, rubbing their sleepy eyes.

Walking to the cafeteria with Hermione, Wayne asked softly, "You have

Herbology class this afternoon, right?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Could you help me go to Hagrid's hut after class? I need him to assist in

collecting some materials as much as possible."George and Fred were just

beginners, and they wasted a lot of materials.

Wayne didn't mind asking Hagrid to traverse the forbidden forest a few

times to gather everything they needed. As for what to exchange with

Hagrid, he can prepare some growth potion and insect repellent potion,

which will be used in Hagrid's vegetable garden.

Hermione readily agreed, and the two discussed what had happened

earlier that morning.

"Are you going to find Snape for tutoring?" Hermione asked.

"That's right," Wayne replied. "Snape's skill level isn't apparent in class at

all. It took a lot of effort for him to agree to give me lessons before


"You have to pay him for it," Hermione pointed out. Wayne chuckled.

"Aren't you afraid that he will take advantage of the opportunity and

deduct points from Hufflepuff?"

Wayne stared at Hermione with a deadpan expression. "When have you

ever seen Hufflepuff care about scores?"

Hermione opened her mouth but couldn't find the words to refute.

The overall feeling of Hufflepuff is... too laid-back.

If they want to add points, they add points. If they want to deduct points,

they deduct points. As long as they can pass their homework, they'll just

relax if it's too late.

Even the professors have no control over this group of little badgers who

have already entered retirement life ahead of schedule.

At least they are better than the noisy Gryffindor lions who not only keep

themselves busy all day but also cause trouble for others.

Hermione suddenly felt regretful. Would it have been better if she had

been assigned to Hufflepuff? She didn't have a good relationship with her

other roommates in the dormitory. But she had to consider the fact that

the Sorting Hat didn't even give her the option of Hufflepuff at that time.

Hermione could only regard it as a fantasy.

After the Transfiguration class ended in the afternoon, Wayne planned to

go to the library to borrow another book but was stopped by Professor


Once all the other students had left and only the two of them remained,

Professor McGonagall spoke up: "Lawrence, I know you have mastered all

the content in class, but I want to ensure everyone is progressing."

Wayne was taken aback. He had been feeling anxious, thinking that

Harry's purchased quill had been discovered.

But when he learned that wasn't the case, Wayne quickly shook his head

and said, "Professor, please teach as you see fit. Don't worry about me."

Professor McGonagall nodded slightly, a smile appearing on her normally

serious face."From the moment we first met, I knew you were not just an

ordinary young wizard, and I didn't receive any letters from you during

the summer break."

Wayne responded, "I didn't want to disturb your vacation. Besides, I

haven't encountered any problems."

"In that case, would you mind showing me your true abilities?"

McGonagall stated her reason for keeping Wayne.

McGonagall wanted to see how far Wayne, who had often seemed

lackadaisical, had truly mastered the art of Transfiguration.

After all, this young student had succeeded at everything in the class

from the very beginning, and not even she could find any faults.

To prevent Wayne from hiding his clumsiness, McGonagall also gave him

a special reward.

"If you can surprise me, I will exempt you from Transfiguration

homework this semester," McGonagall said.

Wayne's eyes lit up and he asked, "Are you serious?"

"Of course," replied Professor McGonagall, with a slight curl of her lips.

"But my expectations are very high."

"I understand, Professor," Wayne said.

Wayne felt encouraged, as this was a transfiguration task.

Aside from Snape's potions homework, Professor McGonagall assigned

the most homework, mostly in the form of papers.

Even with a know-it-all lady and a manuscript-cleaning quill, it was still

a bit troublesome.

Wayne took out his wand and lightly tapped the podium, Transfigured it

into an old pig, and making a grunting sound.

This was the same move that Professor McGonagall did during his first

class."Professor, is this acceptable?"

McGonagall's expression remained unchanged, though slightly

disappointed. "That's it?" she asked.

"The Transfiguration of dead things into living things, while excellent,

doesn't surprise me," McGonagall responded.

"A lot of third graders can do it," McGonagall replied casually.

McGonagall had silently acknowledged to herself that she was very

satisfied. She was just pretending not to care.

Wayne had been too relaxed earlier, so this level of difficulty didn't

showcase his true abilities. That's why McGonagall suppressed her desire

to praise him and wanted to see how far he could go. She still wasn't


Wayne scratched his head, unaware that Professor McGonagall had

tricked him. He waved his magic wand and Transfigured the old pig back

into an ox.

Finally, McGonagall reacted slightly. "Multiple Transfiguration?" she


Transfiguration spells are divided into different levels of difficulty,

ranging from transforming dead things into other dead things, living

things into dead things, dead things into living things, and living things

into living things. However, this is just the basic division. The mysteries

of transfiguration at Hogwarts go far beyond that.

The multiple Transfiguration Wayne had just demonstrated were one of

the more advanced research directions, which included controlling

deformed creatures, deforming multiple items simultaneously, and

extending the duration of the Transfiguration. Only true masters of

Transfiguration could achieve remarkable feats in these areas, such as

Professor McGonagall herself or Dumbledore.

Multiple Transfiguration involves transforming an already Transfigured

item. With each additional Transfiguration, the difficulty increases

exponentially. Wayne had performed a double Transfiguration, which

even most upperclassmen couldn't do.

McGonagall withheld comment and tentatively asked, "Can we

continue?"Wayne nodded and Transfigured the ox into a python, and

then into a goshawk. Under McGonagall's increasingly numb eyes, the

goshawk landed on the ground and turned into a lion, which then twisted

and Transfigured into a honey badger.

"Professor, is this okay? This is the most I can do," Wayne said, appearing

to struggle to maintain the Transfiguration. The honey badger's

appearance was slightly distorted, with one big ear and one small ear,

and its eyes squeezed together. It wasn't very successful.

He seemed to be at his limit, and in reality, he was.

If it hadn't been for the guidance from the blue card, which provided

some Transfiguration experience, Wayne wouldn't have been able to

achieve this level. However, with the help of those experiences, he could

still undergo multiple Transfiguration.

"Lawrence..." Professor McGonagall sighed. "I must admit, you have truly

surprised me. No, one could even say you have shocked me."

It is unprecedented for McGonagall to witness a first-year person achieve

such remarkable accomplishments in the art of transfiguration, let alone

teach a wizard of such a young age. Perhaps Dumbledore could have

achieved something similar in his time.

Unfortunately, there is a several-decade age difference between them

entering school, and McGonagall has never had the opportunity to

witness Dumbledore's charm during his school days.

"So, what did you just promise me?" Wayne asked expectantly.

McGonagall glanced at him with a half-smile. "The final test is to

transform all the tables and chairs in the classroom into different

animals. If you succeed, I will consider you to have passed."

Upon hearing this, Wayne waved his magic wand continuously without

saying a word, turning the entire classroom into a zoo filled with various

birds and animals.

"Alright, you don't need to submit any homework for this

semester."McGonagall was also in high spirits and granted Wayne the

privileges she had promised.

Wayne burst into laughter immediately. If he were to tell Hermione

about this, she would be incredibly jealous. However, that wouldn't be

right, as the little witch adored doing homework. If she were not allowed

to do homework, she would likely be unhappy.

"Lawrence," McGonagall suddenly said. "I would like to invite you to join

my Transfiguration Club."

"Oh, maybe you don't know what it is?"McGonagall remembered that

Wayne was a first-year student and proceeded to explain:

"This is a private club that I founded. Most of the students in it have a

high level of transfiguration skills."

"We will choose one night a week or half a day on the weekend to

communicate and share our experiences."

"Professor, is this necessary?" Wayne dryly laughed. "With my level...

how can I possibly communicate with them?"Wayne already has too

many tasks to complete each day, including developing new magical

props, visiting the restricted section at night to expand his knowledge,

tutoring Hermione, and spending time with Cho. As an unskilled time

management expert, he is already overwhelmed.

You see, he has been enrolled for quite some time and has yet to visit the

Forbidden Forest, a place he has always wanted to explore.

"I don't have the time to join any clubs."Professor McGonagall paused for

half a minute to collect her thoughts before wearily waving her hand and

dismissing their conversation.

"Just forget that I mentioned it, Lawrence."

"Honesty is a virtue... but I hope you won't be quite so outspoken in the

future."Wayne smiled sweetly. "I'll be more mindful, professor."

Bowing slightly, he exited the classroom.

Professor McGonagall glanced around the chaotic classroom.

Waving his magic wand, he restored everything to its original state. He

looked at the tables and chairs, muttering to himself."Six-fold

Transfiguration, Transfiguring dozens of items at once. How could

someone with such talent be in Hufflepuff?"

Unfortunately, throughout Hogwarts' history, some people were expelled,

some were imprisoned in Azkaban, and some even died.

But no one transferred to another House.

McGonagall wanted to do something and remove Wayne from Hufflepuff.

After hesitating at the door for a moment, McGonagall walked towards

Flitwick's office on the sixth floor.

She felt uncomfortable and needed to find someone to share her pain


The next morning, while the young wizards enjoyed breakfast, owls

appeared on time, delivering their packages.

An owl struggled to land in front of Wayne, leaving a large package

before giving him a sad look.

Wayne understood the owl's message, so he took out some special pet

food and let the round-faced chicken enjoy breakfast.

Hermione had gone to see Hagrid the day before, and he would deliver

the items today.

Indeed, this friend could be relied upon.

Then, a phoenix emerged from the flames.

It was Fox, carrying another package.

The appearance of the phoenix naturally caught the attention of

everyone, and some even gasped in awe.

They were amazed. Even Dumbledore wouldn't use a phoenix as a

postman, yet this young wizard was so fortunate.

Words couldn't express their astonishment."What did you buy this time?"

Cedric asked curiously from two seats away."Just a few books," Wayne


When he opened the package, there were only three books inside, just as

he had said."Detailed Explanation of Ancient Runes"

"Ancient Runic Dictionary"

"How to Use a Dictionary"

"Runes?" a senior student exclaimed in surprise. "Wayne, you can't take

that elective until the third year. It's too early for you to buy it

now."Runes, also known as ancient magic patterns or symbols, are

magical characters.

Before specific curses had established procedures, many wizards used

runes for performing magic. Some Muggles even used rune information to

deceive and perform fake magic tricks.

Students can choose electives after their third year at Hogwarts.

However, few students opt for ancient runes as an elective, usually giving

it up after passing the OWLs exam in the fifth year.

It is a difficult subject with very limited practical use."I'm a little

interested in this aspect," Wayne replied simply. "You can read about it in

the history of magic class, so at least you don't have to sleep."There was a

burst of laughter around, and the senior who had just asked the question

said speechlessly, "There's something wrong with the Sorting Hat. You

should be sorted into Ravenclaw."

"Nonsense!" Wayne responded. He was serious and pointed to the three

large sandwiches on his plate. "No one is more qualified to be in

Hufflepuff than me."The senior stopped talking and gave a thumbs up.

"You are awesome!"

Um? After Wayne put the book away, he suddenly felt like someone had

been watching him. He raised his head and saw his dean, Professor

Sprout, and Professor Flitwick, and Quirrell all looking at him as the

guest of honor.

Seeing that Wayne was aware of their presence, Quirrell quickly looked

away and started eating breakfast, while the other two professors did not

shy away from their gaze at all. They even smiled kindly at Wayne.

But Wayne felt confused in his heart. What happened to these two

people? It wasn't until after the Charms class ended that Wayne was left

alone by the professors again that he understood the source of the

problem."Lawrence," Flitwick looked up at him kindly. "I heard from

Minerva that you performed six Transfigurations yesterday. Today, I also

want to test your abilities, but the conditions are the same. As long as

you satisfy me, you won't have to complete the Charms homework for

this school year."



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Chapter 61: 61. Potions Tutorial,

A Chance Encounter In The

Restricted Book Zone

Half an hour later, Wayne walked out of the Charms classroom, feeling

slightly tired. He couldn't help but think that Professor Flitwick was

asking too much. The spells he required and the level of proficiency

expected were ridiculously high as if he were competing with Professor


Feeling dissatisfied, Wayne heard a voice. "Lawrence, your talent has

been wasted for too long. Why haven't you learned the Blocking Curse?"

It was Professor Flitwick, who informed Wayne that he was exempt from

homework but had to master this spell before Halloween.

Wayne almost tripped. This spell was typically taught to sixth and

seventh graders, making it extremely biased. It was only normal that he

hadn't learned it. However, to avoid additional homework, Wayne

reluctantly agreed.

A similar scene unfolded in the herbal medicine class. Professor Sprout

was pleased with Wayne's ability to remember so many herbs and their

habits. However, homework was still assigned. Given that the herbal

medicine class had very few written assignments, practical exercises were

emphasized more.

When Hermione learned about Wayne's experiences that day, she felt a

mix of envy and loneliness. Seeing the determination in her eyes, Wayne

understood that Hermione was determined to excel even more.

As night fell, the Hufflepuff Lounge bustled with energy. Students eagerly

shared their homework and contributed to each other's mischief.

However, when Wayne entered, there was a momentary silence. The

other students watched him, recognizing his bravery in going to Snape's

place for extra lessons. This continued until just before Christmas, and

everyone respected Wayne for his dedication.

Attending Potions class alone was torturous enough. The gloomy

environment, Snape's caustic remarks, and the unpleasant smell of the

potions made it one of the most hated classes for young wizards. To make

matters worse, Wayne voluntarily went for extra lessons, causing concern

among his peers about his mental state.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the office, Snape, absorbed in reading a newspaper, heard a knock on

the door without looking up. "Enter!" he said.

Wayne pushed open the door and entered Snape's office, settling into the

only unoccupied chair. He remained silent, observing the room's

furnishings as Snape continued reading. Despite its large size, Snape's

office had limited space for activities due to the abundance of windows

and cabinets.

There were various bottles and jars placed on the table, containing all

sorts of things. There were even a few eyeballs. The broken arm was

soaked in the solution, which looked particularly eerie.

But in Wayne's eyes, this is all money! He quickly noted down the prices:

- Lacewings: six galleons each

- Pufferfish eyes: four galleons each

- African tree snake skin: thirty galleons for a small section

- The horn of a horned beast: one hundred and fifty galleons, but still

worth it.

No Potions Master is poor, and Wayne has the same idea as he had in the

principal's office - to steal from Snape's special storage room for storing

various materials. Maybe there are even better things in there. If he could

rob that place, he probably wouldn't be short of materials for the next

few years.

"If I lose something, I'll be the first to find you,"

"Lawrence, put away those greedy eyes," Snape's voice interrupted.

"You're here to take classes, not to buy goods."

Snape's cold voice suddenly came from behind them. At some point, he

had put away the newspaper and was now standing next to Wayne,

quietly observing. "Professor, you've misunderstood me," Wayne calmly

replied. "I'm Hufflepuff. Why would I come to steal your things?"

"But do you sell African tree snakeskin? I've written several letters to

Diagon Alley, but they never have it in stock," Snape asked with interest.

Snape took a breath, then returned to normal. "Want it? Give me Phoenix

Tears in exchange."

"Forget it," Wayne shook his head. "Fox is my partner and my first pet.

How can a mere African tree snake skin compare to his tears?"

"You'll have to pay more!"

Snape was taken aback by this sudden change in perspective. But then,

he was deeply surprised when Wayne replied

"Lawrence, please decide on a price."

For many wizards, Galleons are a necessity second only to their wand,

but for the truly powerful, it's just a number. Those precious treasures

cannot be bought with Galleons. Such as the Three Deathly Hallows, the

Philosopher's Stone, and the Pensieve. Another example is the tears of the

Fox in Wayne's hand, which perhaps to Snape, even the Three Sacred

Artifacts were not as valuable as Ho-Oh's tears.

"It's too vulgar to talk about money," Wayne shook his head. "You're my

professor, how can I accept money from you?"

"I don't want more. I'll split the potion refined with Phoenix tears into

30-70," Wayne proposed.

"Thirty percent?" Snape frowned. "No, that's too much. I'll give you 20%

at most."

"Professor," Wayne kindly reminded. "Seventy percent is mine."

Snape's face turned green with anger. How could he accept taking only

30%? It would be like begging for food!

"Don't waste time," Snape abruptly changed the subject to avoid being

tempted to curse Wayne further. "Let me first find out what the potion

level of Hufflepuff's little genius is."

Several other professors took turns testing Wayne, and of course, Snape

knew about it. However, Snape didn't mean to be too shocked.

Who is no longer a genius? He was highly skilled in magic during his

school years, even dabbling in dark arts.

Wayne confidently answered Snape's question.

In terms of purely theoretical knowledge, Wayne possesses a memory

palace and is well-versed in the sources and properties of various

materials. He also has a knack for memorizing different potion-brewing


After questioning for over ten minutes, Snape voiced his assessment:

"I can only study diligently but lack original thinking."

"The content in textbooks is outdated. If you rely solely on them, your

accomplishments in life will be limited."

Faced with Snape's cynicism, Wayne secretly raised his middle finger.

Sooner or later, one day I will take advantage of you.

Waving his broad sleeves, Snape summoned a blackboard on which the

detailed process of making the potion was written.

"You can take the materials yourself, but you can only take one portion."

"In two hours, I want to see the complete picture of the medicine."

"If it can't be finished..."

Snape sneered and sat back down to read the magazine without finishing

his sentence.

Wayne twitched the corner of his mouth after reading the content on the


The hate potion is a magic potion that brings out the worst in the person

who takes it. It is the opposite of the love potion.

He had seen this potion from Advanced Potion Making. According to the

classification, it was something that only grades six or seven should


The cooking process is very complicated. It not only requires strict

material handling but, most importantly, it also requires the use of a

wand for stirring.

While stirring, release the right amount of magic.

The right amount, a small amount, a certain amount.

Can't we use quantifiers more accurately?

Did Snape deliberately use a difficult potion to persuade him to defeat


Resisting the urge to take out his wand and exchange spells with Snape,

Wayne went to get the materials honestly.

Salamander blood, griffin powder, dragon liver, and nettles.

Following Snape's steps, Wayne began to process the materials step by

step. To avoid making mistakes, he even turned the wand into a ruler,

accurate to the millimeter.

This made Snape take a high look.

In his mind, potions should be such a discipline that is both rigorous and

creative, full of charm.

The prerequisite for being creative is to start to have your ideas after

thoroughly learning what people with abilities above you teach you.

Wayne was a bit at odds with him, but he also knew what was best for


Isn't this what a true Slytherin should have?

Obey the strong, desire strength, and become stronger.

Snape's heart ached when he thought of the pure-blooded little wizards in

his academy who thought highly of themselves but had little real ability.

"The liquid will appear light blue, and the dragon liver can be added only

after the bubbles disappear."

Hearing the reminder, Wayne immediately stopped his hand, waited until

the last bubble completely disappeared, then decisively put in the dragon

liver and boiled it.

After two hours, the brewing of the potion of hatred came to its final


With Snape's reminders and corrections from time to time, there were no

mistakes in the previous work, but now it was just the final step.

Mix with the right amount of magic.

The medicinal properties of various materials are combined with magical

power to create the finished product. This step is known to be the most

difficult. The amount of magic power added and the speed of stirring

with the wand are determined by experience. Wayne must carefully

control the process, finding a balance between too fast and too slow,

relying on his intuition to operate.

Suddenly, there was a loud boom! A line of red smoke exploded and

quickly spread, filling the entire office. Snape frowned and waved his

wand, casting a spell to disperse the smoke. Wayne halted his


At this point, the potion of hatred had turned a dark red color,

resembling blood, which did not bode well. Snape approached to inspect

it and even inserted his wand, expressing his dissatisfaction. "Failed!" he

exclaimed. "You had no issues with the previous steps. Why did you need

to add so much magic power at the end?" he questioned.

"It can only be considered barely acceptable," Snape replied. He believed

that what Snape considered excessive magic power might be the right

amount for him and vice versa. "If you allow me to brew it again, I will

certainly do better," he added.

Expressing his disgust, Wayne shook his head and said, "Oh, too much

magic power is never a good thing." Hearing his words, Snape's anger

surged, and he gritted his teeth as he uttered two words: "Class


Kicked out of the classroom, Wayne walked through the quiet corridor.

Instead of heading straight to the lounge, he made his way to the library

on the second floor. Snape had just mentioned the names of several

books and the potions needed for the next class. Wayne recalled that two

of those books were located in the restricted section of the library.

Old Dumble was truly remarkable. Placing books that could be obtained

elsewhere in the restricted section was quite a testament to his abilities.

As he reached the library's entrance, Wayne paused. Was there someone

inside? He had wandered around at night on numerous occasions,

encountering small wizards engaged in various activities throughout the

castle. Some went to the kitchen, others visited the fifth floor to admire

the armor statues, and a few even sneaked to the tower to engage in

secret rendezvous. However, it was the first time he had encountered a

young wizard wandering in the library at night.

Casting a silencing charm on the door, Wayne pushed it open and walked

in, wanting to see which academy had a young wizard who was so eager

to learn.

"Fred, George?" Wayne shouted in surprise when he saw the two figures

sneaking around in the forbidden book area.

The twins jumped up in fright upon hearing someone call their names.

Just as he was about to run away, Fred asked tentatively, "Wayne?".

Wayne lifted the disillusionment spell, revealing himself as if someone

had walked out of the bookshelf.

"My heart almost jumped out of my chest just now. Next time, can you

lift the disillusionment spell before speaking?" George said, clutching his


Realizing that Wayne had even mastered the Disillusionment Curse, Fred

looked at him in surprise. "Wait a minute, you even mastered the

Disillusionment Curse?!"

Wayne tilted his head and asked innocently, "Is it difficult?"

The twins fell silent, realizing that Wayne wouldn't understand their


How could Twins never try this magical skill of traveling at night? They

had spent a full two months learning the Disillusionment Charm in the

second grade but later gave up because it was too difficult.

"Why did you two think of a night out in the library?" Wayne crossed his

arms and asked doubtfully.

"It's not because you said those cursed books are in the forbidden book

area that we came here," Fred replied. He then took out a bulging money

bag from his robe pocket and handed it to Wayne, saying, "But you came

at the right time. This is the profit from selling the quills. A total of 300

galleons. We took 30 galleons ourselves, and there were 270 galleons in

it. Take it away quickly. We don't dare to put so much money in the

dormitory for fear of something going wrong."

"Sold so quickly?" Wayne took the bag in surprise. "It's only been two

days, and you've sold one hundred and fifty quills?"

A proud smile appeared on George's face. "We are the Weasley twins, so

it is easy for us to do this kind of thing."

Fred also had a mischievous smile on his face. "Even Percy was tricked by

us into spending a semester's pocket money and bought two copying


"Percy has that much pocket money?" Wayne asked, surprised.

"He is a model student, first in the grade, and the bonus and pocket

money given by mother will be much larger," Fred explained. "But it's

probably about the same. Percy's face was as black as a troll at that time."

The two of them continued to chat, making Wayne laugh.

These two people are qualified businessmen, even their brothers will not

be spared.

After telling them that he would take out some more quills tomorrow and

pointing out a few books that would be helpful to them, Wayne went to

find his goal.

At one o'clock in the morning, the twins couldn't hold it any longer, so

they greeted Wayne and left the library. Another hour passed, and Wayne

also left. He had already transcribed the contents of several books onto

parchment using a copy quill, allowing him to read them at a leisurely

pace later on.

Unfortunately, the library's books were enchanted and couldn't be copied

directly with a copy spell. This limitation didn't bother Wayne because it

made his copy quills more valuable. For example, Percy had spent a few

galleons on a book, but Wayne's quill could copy more than a dozen

books, which is why Percy begrudgingly bought two. With his roommates

sound asleep back in the dormitory, Wayne used a silencing spell to block

Toby's snoring, then washed up and laid down on his bed.

The points he had earned in the magical card game had increased to over

2,000, and considering he didn't plan on keeping the point, he decided to

spend out right away.

In the tenth round, there was only one purple card, but the reward was

worth it – a purple alchemy experience book. Upon using it, Wayne was

flooded with images of alchemical experiments, as if he had experienced

them firsthand.

After ten minutes, the images stopped and transformed into memories in

his mind, resolving some of the problems that had been troubling him.

Wayne felt a surge of excitement; it seemed like he was having a

particularly lucky day.

The following ten cards confirmed his luck, with two purple cards in that

batch. The first one contained an advanced magic spell that could

immediately stop any curse and end all curses. The second card granted

him a skill of the other world.



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Chapter 62: 62. Silent Fear,

Teaching Peeves A Lesson, Biting


T/N: Hey everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to take a moment to apologize for

the recent delay in uploading chapters. Unfortunately, I had a little

accident - slipped in the shower and hit my head pretty hard. It knocked

me out of commission for a few days, but I'm happy to report that I'm

feeling much better now.

I want you to know that I'm fully committed to this project and to

providing you with regular updates. Your support means the world to

me, and I'm eager to get back on track.

Thank you for your understanding, and I promise to make it up to you

with consistent updates moving forward.

Take care,


[Silent Fear: Scarecrow Federico's signature skill releases a psychic

shockwave, which can make the enemy see the most terrifying scene in

their minds.]

Magic that directly affects the mind or even the soul is relatively rare in

the wizarding world. Most of it is categorized as black magic, such as the

three Unforgivable Curses, which are closely related to the soul.

If classified according to its nature, Silent Fear should also be categorized

as black magic. Its most notable feature is its invisibility and

instantaneous effect, which cannot be blocked by any curse. This fact

delights Wayne. However, it does have its shortcomings. The power of

the fear spell is not controlled by the caster; it is determined by the

enemy's willpower. If the enemy is truly fearless, then this magic won't

have any effect. At most, it can only harass and upset the enemy. But if

the enemy is a coward or lacks mental strength, it will be incredibly

effective. This magic can make them lose their resistance and be

susceptible to attack.


With his gains, Wayne happily tucked himself into bed and soon fell

asleep. Eleven or twelve years old is the age when the body grows, and

although the system has optimized Wayne's body, he still needs sleep.

The next morning, Wayne didn't wake up until half past eight. His

roommates were even more outrageous; if he hadn't woken them up, they

would have slept until noon. Wayne went to the cafeteria and gave the

promised quills to the twins, urging them to speed up their learning so

they could make their magic quills. He quickly ate breakfast and headed

towards the Greenhouse. As he passed through the atrium garden and

approached the greenhouse on the east side of the castle, Wayne noticed

that the little wizards were all blocking the door and clanking sounds

were coming from inside.

"What happened?" Wayne asked Susan Bones, who was in front of him.

"Wayne, there you are. Peeves is causing chaos in the greenhouse,

throwing all the shovels and buckets on the floor. Everyone is afraid to

go in, so we came on behalf of the dean to resolve the situation," Susan

said with concern.

Wayne pushed through the crowd and arrived at the door. Sure enough,

Peeves was holding a shovel and hitting the iron bucket like a Quaffle.

The loud clanking sound made many little wizards cover their ears.

Unlike ordinary ghosts, Peeves is an extremely unique existence. It can

even be argued that he is not a real ghost. All ghosts were formed by

wizards before their death, as a result of their nostalgia for the world and

various mysterious reasons. They were all once human beings.

On the other hand, Peeves has existed since the school's inception and

was born alongside Hogwarts Castle. He has no prototype character in his


One notable difference about Peeves is that he can touch entities, which

is not something other ghosts can do.

Technically speaking, Peeves is not much a ghost as he is a special spirit

formed by the mischievous thoughts of the young wizards residing in the


While Peeves was enjoying himself, he suddenly felt a chill in the air, as

if he were being targeted by Bloody Baron.

Peeves became frightened and quickly looked around for Bloody Baron,

but instead, he only saw a young wizard who appeared to be interested

in him.

Peeves, the usual culprit for casting disdainful glances at young wizards,

found himself in an awkward role reversal today, becoming the target of

those very looks. It was as if the universe decided to play a practical joke

on the mischievous poltergeist, leaving him fuming and flustered in equal


"Hey! Kid, what do you think you're looking at?" Peeves exclaimed,

putting his hands on his hips. The hat on his head shook, which was

quite comical.

"My name is not 'Hey,' it's Wayne…" Wayne replied.

"Peeves, if you continue misbehaving, do you believe I will bring Bloody

Baron here?"

Upon hearing Bloody Baron's name, Peeves became genuinely scared.

However, after taking a look at Wayne's school uniform, he regained his


"You little Hufflepuff wizard, Bloody Baron has no connection with you."

"If you dare to scare Uncle Peeves, just wait and see what I'll do to you!"

With that, Peeves flew up with an iron bucket filled with fertilizer,

preparing to land next to Wayne and give him a scare.

However, he knew there were limits to his actions. If he were to pour

fertilizer on the young wizard, Dumbledore would surely intervene.

Wayne, seeing Peeves's intentions, also took out his wand, prepared to

teach Peeves a lesson.

Suddenly, a spell he had practiced the previous night came to mind, and

he decided to try it out.

In an instant, Peeves froze, his smirk disappearing. He broke out in a cold

sweat and let out a scream.

It was unclear what scene Peeves witnessed that frightened him to such

an extent, especially considering his usual fearlessness.

Once the effect had worn off, Peeves's demeanor towards Wayne had

completely changed.

"Was that your doing?" Peeves asked.

"Yes," Wayne admitted, "Do you want to try again?"

As he spoke, Wayne pretended to wave his wand once more.

This terrified Peeves so much that he immediately dropped what he was

holding and fled through the ceiling.

The young wizards from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff cheered, and Padma

Patil's eyes sparkled as she looked at Wayne with fascination.

With such a handsome and powerful young wizard, she was eager to

befriend Wayne.

After drinking, it becomes a family.

Just when everyone was happy, Professor Sprout also arrived. After

learning what had happened, he happily patted Wayne on the shoulder.

He also added ten points to Hufflepuff.

However, Peeves had made a mess of the greenhouse. Originally, the

lesson was supposed to involve the young wizards fertilizing the evening

primrose and pruning the leaves.

Now I have to change my plan.

Sprout pondered for a moment, then led everyone to the neighboring No.

3 greenhouse.

At the door, she issued a somewhat serious reminder:

"The plants here were prepared for third-year students and can be

somewhat dangerous. Everyone, please remember that once we enter the

greenhouse, you must have my permission before touching anything."

Upon hearing this stern warning, the young wizards obediently nodded.

Sprout felt much more relieved.

Luckily, there were no Gryffindor students in this class; otherwise, she

would not have dared to bring those energetic little lions into

Greenhouse No. 3.

Everyone obediently followed Sprout into the greenhouse.

Then, a wave of exclamations filled the air.

"What is this?!"

"It looks so scary!"

In the field closest to the gate, there was a row of strange light yellow

plants. After the students entered, their mouths opened and closed,

revealing sharp teeth.

"Biting cabbage, stay away from them, children." Sprout cautioned, "Their

teeth are so sharp that they can even pierce the skin of a fire dragon."

Some of the young wizards were frightened and their faces turned pale.

This was exactly the effect Sprout wanted.

The magical world is full of dangerous plants, and it can be very

dangerous if you are too curious about everything.

She led everyone to the innermost row of vegetable plots

and held up a jar of plants.

"Does anyone know what this is?"

In Wayne's class, he was more active than the other students and

immediately raised his hand when Sprout asked a question.

"Lawrence, please tell me." Sprout called him up cooperatively.

"Sneezeweed is a poisonous plant that can easily cause encephalitis and

make people reckless and impatient. It is the main material for making

potions and sneezing powder."

"Very good, excellent explanation." Sprout awarded two points to


"I hope everyone remembers what Mr. Lawrence said. This grass is

poisonous. Don't mistake it for coriander and add it to food randomly..."

Hannah calmly retracted her hand from the sneezeweed, pretending as if

nothing happened.

Sprout knows the behaviors of the young wizards well, and her first

reaction upon seeing the plant is to put it in her mouth.

Usually, there's no risk, she simply turns a blind eye.

Just go along with it and let the mischievous badger have a taste.

But sneezeweed is different. It is more dangerous and can easily harm the


Sprout didn't want to see a bunch of giggling badgers.

To ensure safety, Sprout went into detail and repeated the precautions.

Then the students were instructed to use tools to loosen the soil of the

sneezeweed, apply fertilizer, and use liquid to speed up its growth.

Some of the grown materials will be given to Snape for use as teaching

materials in Potions class.

The rest will be sold to the shops in Diagon Alley to generate funds for

the school.

Sprout specifically assigned Wayne to watch over Hannah, so they

formed a team and he could keep an eye on the biggest foodie in the


Wayne's face twitched as he looked at drool overflowing from the corner

of Hannah's mouth.

Wake up, Hannah.

This is not edible.

During this class, Wayne was very alert. It wasn't until Professor Sprout

instructed everyone to put their tools away at the end of class that he

took his eyes off Hannah.

Once everyone had left, Wayne was left alone again.

"What seems to be the problem, Lawrence?" Wayne looked at his dean,

hopeful. "I need biting cabbage seeds from you, Professor. I want to brew

a batch of steel potions."

Biting cabbage seeds are also used as a medicinal herb. The steel potion

can temporarily make the wizard's body as hard as steel. Biting cabbage

is a key ingredient.

"Really?" Sprout replied. "Do you want to grow biting cabbage yourself?"

"No, Professor, Even if I wanted to grow biting cabbage, my dormitory

doesn't get enough sunlight," Wayne explained.

Sprout agreed, noting that biting cabbage requires ample sunlight and

humidity, neither of which is available in the Hufflepuff dormitory.

After Wayne assured Sprout that he wouldn't grow his biting cabbage,

she handed him a bag of seeds. She trusted the honesty of Hufflepuff


Leaving the greenhouse, Wayne immediately divided the biting cabbage

seeds into two parts. One part would be used for brewing the steel

potions, and the other part, of course, would be used for planting.

But Wayne, being an honest Hufflepuff, was determined to keep his

promise to Sprout. So, he decided to seek out Hagrid.

"The biting cabbage is a very dangerous plant, Lawrence," Hagrid

declared upon hearing Wayne's request.

Inside Hagrid's cabin, Wayne corrected him, saying, "I only gave you the

seeds, Hagrid. You gave me the ripe, chewy cabbage."

Hagrid looked at him puzzled, asking, "What's the difference?"

"Of course, there's a difference," Wayne explained earnestly. "I didn't take

part in the actual planting, so I didn't break any school rules."

Hagrid remained hesitant, insisting that he wouldn't agree to the request.

Wayne decided to use his ultimate tactic. "Hagrid, you wouldn't want to

be unable to see Fox anymore, would you?"

Hagrid paused for a moment, contemplating the statement. Still, he

maintained his initial stance.

His fondness lay with powerful magical creatures like dragons and

phoenixes. A biting cabbage wouldn't be enough to impress him.

If Wayne were able to produce a dragon or a Whomping Willow, then

maybe Hagrid would reconsider. But biting cabbage alone wouldn't sway


Wayne pondered for a moment before taking decisive action. "Hagrid,

you don't want me to start fighting with Fluffy every day, do you?"

The hybrid giant was taken aback. "How do you even know Fluffy?"

"Didn't we cross paths in the fourth-floor corridor? We've interacted on

two occasions and we got along quite well."

Wayne blinked his eyes. "If you won't assist me, don't expect my help if

your dog ever gets kidnapped."

At this point, Hagrid became genuinely frightened. He understood

Wayne's deep connection with animals. Whenever Wayne appeared,

Hagrid's dog, Yaya, would completely forget about him as the owner and

instead, would eagerly follow Wayne, wagging its tail.

The thought of Wayne petting Yaya, while Fluffy basked in the joy

displayed on the dog's face, left Hagrid feeling despondent.

Hagrid whimpered, "No!"

In the end, he agreed to Wayne's request and planted biting cabbage on

the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

If it is planted in a vegetable field when the biting cabbage grows up, it is

estimated that other vegetables in the field will be cleaned, and those

steel-like teeth are not meant for use.

Fortunately, Hagrid also has a piece of cultivated land in the Forbidden

Forest. The area is not large. It is enough to plant a dozen biting cabbage


After burying the seed, Hagrid wiped the sweat from his head.

"I still don't know why you grow this stuff. It tastes terrible."

Wayne looked at the fertile land that had been turned over and nodded

with satisfaction.

The season is not right now, but it doesn't matter. The world of magic

does not talk about science.

With the magic potion, this batch of biting cabbage will mature in two or

three months next year.

He can also gain a group of thugs.

Hearing Hagrid's doubts, Wayne said without looking back:

"I'm a Hufflepuff. Is there anything wrong with liking farming?"

In the next few days, Wayne prepared many potions to speed up growth

and went to the edge of the Forbidden Forest to water the fields in the

afternoons when he was free.

Hagrid also turned a blind eye to Wayne's intrusion into the Forbidden


The two of them are now in cahoots.

Wayne also asked Hagrid if he could get a batch of moon-crazy beast

excrement to use as fertilizer, and Hagrid agreed.

There is indeed a tribe of moon-crazy beasts in the Forbidden Forest. It's

just some feces, so it's not a difficult task for him.

It's Friday again in the blink of an eye.

Quirrell walked into the classroom.

There was no student in the first three rows of the classroom because no

one could stand the smell of garlic on Quirrell's body.

Quirrell didn't care about this either, silently opened the book and said in

a stammering voice:

"Today... today... we are going to learn the classification of... magic


"Charms are divided into... curses, jinxes, and spells.



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Chapter 63: 63. The Devil Rises

And The Little Badgers Rebel!

Quirrell struggled to read the contents of the book.

The little wizards have become accustomed to his poor performance.

According to Quirrell himself, he was cursed by several dark creatures at

the same time, so he had to spend a lot of energy fighting against the

curse. Although everyone sympathizes with him, they still feel helpless.

Defense Against the Dark Arts was supposed to be the most exciting

course, but now it has become like this. Many people have already begun

to Sleep, read extracurricular books, or do homework in other subjects.

Regardless of Quirrell, the professor would keep reading the textbook

until the bell rang, as long as no one interrupted him. Perhaps the only

good thing is that he never checks his homework. Wayne's arm rested on

the table, supporting his chin, somewhat worried. Maybe Quirrell no

longer cares about being targeted, or maybe he has repeated a single

behavior too many times. Recently, Wayne has been able to gain fewer

and fewer points by deliberately making things difficult for Quirrell in


It's not even as much as going out for a night out. But with such a good

score-boosting machine in front of him, Wayne felt uncomfortable if he

didn't make good use of it. Seeing that no one was paying attention in

class, Wayne breathed a sigh of relief and decided in his mind.

"Professor," Wayne said directly without raising his hand. This is very

rude, but if you raise your hand, Quirrell will just treat it as invisible.

"Professor," Wayne shouted again, and Quirrell reluctantly stopped


"Again, what's the problem, Mr. Lawrence?" All the students looked

refreshed. It was fun to watch.

"Do you still remember our agreement?" Wayne asked politely, "As long

as you teach me a powerful spell in this class, I will give you a vial of

Phoenix Tears." The little wizards let out bursts of exclamations. Tears of

the Phoenix! That's a good thing and can be sold for a lot of money.

"This...this..." Quirrell was a little moved; he still remembered

Voldemort's request. "Don't agree to him, it will expose you, idiot!"

Voldemort's snort sounded in Quirrell's mind. Once Wayne's temptation is

successful, what will the other little wizards think? If you don't give good

things, you won't teach magic spells? It would be strange if they didn't

explode. Even if you want Phoenix's tears, you can't do it this way. After

hearing the master's order, Quirrell also said, "You, you are still at the

age where you are laying the foundation, there is no benefit in learning

powerful spells too early." Wayne was reluctant, "But I heard from senior

students that you didn't teach any magic in their classes."

The students burst into laughter, and both inside and outside the

classroom, the atmosphere was filled with joy.

Wayne finally mocked, "Professor, did you buy this position? No wonder

Cedric told me that the food at Hogwarts is much better this year."

Cedric, who was weeding the devil's ivy in the greenhouse, sneezed and

suddenly woke up the devil's ivy. The vines entangled him from all

directions, and it took him a long time to break free. He was puzzled and

asked, "Weird, why do I suddenly want to sneeze?"

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Quirrell was angry for

the first time and deducted five points from Hufflepuff.

Wayne achieved his goal and no longer struggled. After class, his

roommate, Norman, found Wayne in the crowd with confusion and

asked, "Why do you seem to be in a bad mood today?"

"It doesn't matter," Wayne shook his head. "I just think it's a waste of time

to have such a professor. What do you think we can learn this year?"

Hearing Wayne's words, Norman also felt sad. So far, he has only learned

a repelling spell through self-study, and what is taught in class is

completely useless. Many young wizards around them also showed


A girl from Ravenclaw comforted Wayne and said, "You don't have to

worry too much. I heard that the Defense Against the Dark Arts position

is cursed. No one has ever been able to work in it for a full year."

"One year..." Wayne said regretfully, "Hogwarts only lasts seven years, so

one year will be wasted. We'll be fine, but the fifth and seventh-grade

seniors must have suffered a great loss."

After saying that, Wayne left feeling lonely. His words quickly spread

among several colleges. As he said, the fifth and seventh graders were

miserable. The examiners of OWLs and NEWTs don't care about what

your professor is like. They will only assess according to the requirements

of the Ministry of Magic, so now the seniors are overwhelmed and can

only rely on self-study and talent. But so what? They could only curse a

few words behind their backs and continue studying hard.

Night falls, and tomorrow is the weekend, so Hufflepuff's common room

is particularly busy. Wayne held his wand to his throat and cast an

amplifying spell, gaining the attention of everyone in the lounge.

"What's wrong with you, Wayne?" Cedric asked strangely, not knowing

why he was acting so crazy.

"Don't interrupt," Wayne glared at him and took out a piece of parchment

from his pocket.

"You know how much it costs to buy a loaf of bread... I'm sorry, I got the

wrong paper."Thunderous laughter erupted in the lounge, causing his two

roommates to laugh uncontrollably.

This sudden outburst piqued the curiosity of those around, who

wondered what Wayne had in mind.

As Wayne took out the second piece of parchment, a hush fell over the

room, filling it with complete silence.

Everyone's eyes are on him.

"Dear Hufflepuff classmates and seniors."

"I assume everyone understands the significance of Defense Against the

Dark Arts."

"We have the greatest principal in the world, the most powerful wizard of

this century."

"We have the most challenging yet highly skilled Transfiguration


"We have the kindest and gentlest herbalist serving as our professor of

herbal medicine."

"We also have a patient Professor of Charmss, who has won several duels


"Of course, we also have a Potions professor who, despite having a sharp

tongue and overlooking personal hygiene, is undeniably talented."

"However, we are lacking a competent Defense Against the Dark Arts

professor who is willing to teach us real magic."

The smiles slowly vanished from the faces of the Hufflepuff students.

Cedric's eyes widened, and he attempted to stop Wayne from speaking

further, but Wayne, with a determined look, pushed him back into his


Wayne continued his passionate speech:

"Now, we are living in the darkest period in Hogwarts' history, and we

are about to waste a year."

"During this year, we won't learn anything useful in Defense Against the

Dark Arts class, and it won't aid us effectively in passing the graduation


"I understand that we should respect our professors."

"But our needs should also be taken into consideration!"

"We've been in school for a month now, and I can only imagine how

much magic everyone will have learned after our first year."

"But I know our enemy has arrived."

"He will tarnish Hogwarts' reputation in everyone's hearts, and he will

ruin the peaceful campus that Headmaster Dumbledore created."

"I...must do something!"

Wayne displayed a heroic expression. "The reason I'm taking up your

time today is simply to let you know that if the principal fires me, I will

miss all of you."

Upon hearing the possibility of Wayne being expelled, Hannah couldn't

help but stand up.

"Wayne, what are you planning to do?"

"I am going to write a formal report to the principal about Professor

Quirrell's inaction. Even if I fail, Quirrell will face consequences."

Wayne wore a bitter smile. "By then, perhaps we'll have a new and

competent professor."

"Wayne, don't do it." The Hufflepuff students were moved by Wayne's


"We can also study on our own. It might be a bit slower, but we can still

learn something."

The young man displayed a disgusted expression.

"How many self-taught students are there in Hufflepuff?"

Everyone was taken aback.

The Hufflepuff students usually paid attention during class, but after

class...only a few would study.

Mostly, it was random."Don't worry about me!" Wayne blew his nose.

"Tomorrow morning, I will send a report letter to the principal's office!"

After saying that, he turned around walked into the men's dormitory

passage, and went back to the house.

A bunch of little badgers were left looking at each other. No one wanted

Wayne to be fired, but they couldn't persuade him.

Cedric gritted his teeth and said, "I'll write a report letter too!"

"With Wayne alone, the principal will be very angry, so I have to help

him share some of the burden. The tradition of Hufflepuff is unity." After

hearing Cedric's method, everyone nodded.

Susan Burns said loudly: "Count me in too! My aunt works at the Ministry

of Magic, I can talk to her too."

"Count me in too!"

"And I!"

Almost everyone started to respond, took out parchment and quills, and

wrote a report letter.

Wayne, who was lying on the door and eavesdropping on the goings-on,

showed a knowing smile.

Early the next morning, all the little badgers were waiting for Wayne to

appear in the lounge. Surrounded by his two roommates, Wayne finally

walked out of the dormitory. Everyone held new envelopes in their

hands. Shocking cheers erupted in the lounge, and then everyone rushed

out of the common room.

They did not go to their favorite dining hall but walked directly upstairs.

Hundreds of little wizards formed a small torrent. The other college

students who saw them were stunned and didn't understand what was


Harry, who had just come downstairs, also met Wayne and others.

Ronald shivered.

"Why do I feel cold?"

Harry ignored Ronald's complaints and asked in confusion: "What are you

going to do?"

"Look at this direction...is it going to the eighth floor?"

"What's on the eighth floor?" Ronald asked.

Harry thought for a long time and finally took out the map and said with

certainty: "The principal's room!"

"Wayne, is this the way?"

"How do we get the letter to the principal?"

When they arrived on the eighth floor, everyone suddenly became

nervous, and their original aggressiveness turned into caution.

They walked very quietly, just like walking at night.

Wayne shook his head.

"No, the principal's office has its mailbox. We can just put the letter in the


The little badgers breathed a sigh of relief when they heard what he said.

As they arrived at the door of the principal's office, they noticed the

familiar gargoyle.

Perhaps it was because Wayne's arrival was sensed that the gargoyle

suddenly woke up from its closed-eye sleep.

"Huh? It's you, kid. Why are you here so early? Dumbledore probably

hasn't gotten up yet," the gargoyle said.

"The password has been changed. It's Sherbet Lemon. Say it quickly so I

can open the door for you," the gargoyle instructed.

The little wizard behind Wayne left everyone in disbelief.

This guard is truly dedicated to his duty.

I was worried that Wayne wouldn't remember the password, so I

reminded him specifically.

At this moment, the gargoyle stone beast noticed that there were many

people following behind it and asked in confusion, "What are they here

for? I can only decide to let you in, not others."

"No need," Wayne waved his hand. "I'm not here to see the principal, I

wrote him a letter. Please hand it to him for me."

"That's it," the gargoyle stone beast opened its mouth. "Then let him in. I

will remind him later if he enters through the front door."

Wayne didn't hesitate and put the letter directly into the gargoyle's


"Is this the mailbox?" Cedric tugged on Wayne's clothes and whispered in

his ear.

"Yes, put your letter in too. After doing so, we can go have dinner,"

Wayne replied.

With courage, Cedric also threw his letter into the stone beast's mouth.

"Eh? You also have a letter for Dumbledore?" the Gargoyle exclaimed.

"Wait, what are you doing!" Gargoyle panicked.

"No, hurry up, stop it," Gargoyle urged.

"It's going to be full!" Gargoyle exclaimed.

"Don't be so rough! Be gentle!" Gargoyle pleaded.

Finally, as the last little wizard stuffed their letter into the gargoyle's

mouth, it swallowed all the letters with tears in its eyes.

My belly is visibly bigger, the gargoyle thought.

"Thank you for your hard work," Wayne patted the gargoyle's head. "Be

sure to remind the principal."

After saying that, Wayne ran away with the little badgers.

Everyone had an abnormal blush on their faces.

It was so exciting.

In the history of Hogwarts, there has never been such a grand occasion

where a whole school of young wizards collectively complained against a


They are about to be recorded in history!

It's a big deal!

There are no secrets in Hogwarts. In less than a day, news spread like a

whirlwind throughout the school that all Hufflepuffs complained about


When everyone first heard this shocking news, their initial reaction was


But since every Hufflepuff student said so, and many people saw them

walking toward the upper floors in the morning, the whole school


Hufflepuff has always been the most low-key college, never causing

trouble, and other colleges will not provoke them. The sense of existence

is extremely faint.

Even parents educate their children by saying that if they don't have any

notable qualities, they will be sorted into Hufflepuff.

But this time, Hufflepuff did something significant that made Gryffindor

envious, Slytherin laugh, and Ravenclaw take notice.

It was dinner time.

The atmosphere in the auditorium was incredibly strange.

Only a few teachers were present to honor the special guest.

The seats of Professors Dumbledore, Snape, and Quirrell were all empty.

Sprout was so restless that she held her knife and fork backward.

"Pomona," Professor McGonagall sighed, hesitated for a moment, and

then said, "You should have stopped them."

Professor Sprout helplessly set down her utensils. "Do you think I didn't

want to?"

"The problem is... I only found out this afternoon."

Professor McGonagall's eyelids flickered in shock. "They didn't inform you

about something so significant?"

She couldn't believe that Hufflepuff was capable of such a thing.

If it had been Gryffindor, she wouldn't have been as surprised.

Well, what Professor McGonagall didn't know was that upon learning of

the accomplishments of the badgers, the lion cubs also took action.

How could Hufflepuff be so exclusive about something so public?

In one afternoon, the gargoyle had nearly a hundred more complaint

letters from Gryffindors in its belly.

Of course, McGonagall was unaware of this at the moment.

She quickly asked Sprout, "What's going on? Who caused this?"

On the side, Professor Flitwick also gave a concerned look.

Sprout smiled bitterly. "It's Mr. Lawrence."

The two professors were stunned.


Were the first-year students already this audacious?

At Hufflepuff's long table, Wayne was surrounded by a group of people,

including Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors.

The Weasley twins were even more deferential.

"Wayne, this is so cool! We never imagined we could play like this!"


A figure forcefully made their way through the crowd, went up to Wayne,

and pulled him away without any explanation.


Cedric whispered.

"Not the Gryffindor one, this is... Ravenclaw's new Seeker?"



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Chapter 64: 64. Wayne: I

Recommend Snape As Defense

Against The Dark Arts Professor!


Cho pressed Wayne against the oak door of the castle, displaying such

unexpected strength that even Wayne was taken aback.

"Are you crazy, Wayne?"

Contrary to her usual gentleness, Cho now resembled a cat with bristling

hair, anger, and impatience written all over her face.

"Why do you need to be in the spotlight? Even if you're reporting, you

can do it alone."

"Why involve others?"

Cho was genuinely infuriated. She was angry at Wayne's recklessness.

Once things get serious, the nature of the issue changes in the eyes of

those in authority.

Even if Wayne was right and had his reasons, inciting others would

disrupt harmony and stability, without considering the bigger picture.

What would Dumbledore think of Wayne then?

Wayne could see the tear in Cho's eyes.

My heart trembled.

Without a word, Wayne raised his arm, and a fallen leaf transformed into

a tissue, gently wiping the corners of Cho's eyes.

The young man's intimate gesture caused Cho's face to blush slightly, but

she quickly composed herself.

"Don't interrupt. What should we do now?"

Wayne smiled. "Don't worry, Cho."

"I understand your concerns, but I wouldn't do this if it were a different


He looked up and gazed at the tower in the night.

"But the current headmaster is Dumbledore, and he won't be angry."

In this world, Wayne is the second person to know Dumbledore. The first

one is imprisoned in Nurmengard Tower.

Confident as he was, Cho was at a loss for words. She looked around and

then asked:

"Where's Hermione? Something this big happened, and she didn't get

angry with you?"

"Why would she?" Wayne smiled bitterly and rubbed his waist with his

hand. "It took me a whole class to get Miss Granger to calm down."

"It still hurts now."

Observing Wayne's movement, Cho chuckled. Just as she was about to

scold him, fire suddenly materialized in the air.

This time, it wasn't the fox that flew in, but Fawkes, Dumbledore's


Fawkes circled before landing on Wayne's shoulder.


"You said the principal is looking for me?" Wayne nodded and glanced at

a slightly pale Cho, offering reassurance:

"Don't worry, I'll come back as soon as I can. Nothing will happen."

The principal's office.

The massive desk was already covered in various envelopes.

Dumbledore held a letter, thoroughly engrossed in reading it.

"It claims that I accepted money from Quirrell as a gift to make him the

Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"What a shame, old man. I haven't stooped to such a level yet."Snape,

who was sitting on the other side, sarcastically said, "If 600 galleons can

make you change your mind, I can fill your office with gold galleons at

any time."

To be honest, Snape was somewhat happy now. He had been applying for

the Defense Against the Dark Arts position for years, and with Harry's

arrival this year, the urgency increased. However, Dumbledore gave it to

Quirrell. Well, now the young wizards below were going to rebel!

"Sorry, Severus," Dumbledore read one letter and opened another, "Your

Defense Against the Dark Arts skills are equally excellent, but the Potions

class at Hogwarts needs you more. Well, this letter explains it. Quirrell

deceived me somehow, but why a love potion?"

Dumbledore put down the letter and showed a relieved smile, "I'm glad

no one sent an angry letter. My old bones can't handle the volume."

"Don't tell me this is all that's available," Snape interrupted irritably. He

always felt tired after long conversations with Dumbledore that never

seemed to get to the point.

"What are you planning to do about it?" Dumbledore looked confused.

"What do you mean, who to deal with?" Snape raised his voice, "Of

course, it's Wayne Lawrence! Didn't you hear what that fat monk said?"

"With his incitement and his terrifying magical talent, are you not afraid

he will become the next..."

Snape took a deep breath, "The next Voldemort?"

The portrait, which had been pretending to be dead, suddenly came to

life. Phineas Black even shouted, "That's right! I support Snape!"

"You dare to complain about the professor and incite so many people to

act with him."

"This is a deception!"

"Expelled! He must be expelled!"

"If this were my time as principal, I would have expelled all the


The red-nosed Principal Hufflepuff couldn't take it anymore and jumped

into Phineas' portrait, throwing a punch.

"Shut up, you idiot!"

The daily beatings of Phineas began.

To avoid further disturbance, Dumbledore waved his hand and the red

curtains covered all the portraits, silencing the annoying shouts once and

for all.

"Severus," Dumbledore placed his hands together on the table and leaned

forward slightly, making a series of intimidating movements that took

Snape's breath away. "Don't view our student with malice. He is only a

first-year wizard."

"Do you still see him as an ordinary first-year student?" Snape looked at

Dumbledore in disbelief.

"Don't you see his talent? He's mastered multiple transformations,

possesses magic skills that are sufficient for graduation, and even his

potions are at the level of NEWTs. And that Celia shop that Laurence was

tinkering with made thousands of Galleons from my students!"

Snape became very excited, "If he's just an ordinary first-year wizard,

what does that make Potter, a preschooler?"

"I'm delighted that the school has produced such a talented young

wizard," Dumbledore remarked, rubbing his temples. Snape always

sensed that the old man took every opportunity to indirectly criticize


"You're correct. Mr. Lawrence is truly remarkable. He possesses more

talent than Tom," Snape agreed.

"But comparing the two is a crude analogy," he added.

Dumbledore carefully examined Snape before responding, "Mr. Lawrence

may have been born into a Muggle family, but they hold a prominent

position among Muggles. He has a bright and lively personality, and..."

Snape's mind wandered back to his investigation of Wayne's activities

during elementary school.

Dumbledore struggled to find a positive adjective and eventually settled

on, "A very fulfilling childhood."

"His family background and intelligence will prevent him from following

in Tom's footsteps," Snape concluded.

"Furthermore, Mr. Lawrence's popularity extends across all the houses,

contradicting Tom's pure-blood ideology."

"To be honest, I must admit that I'm a little envious of his popularity,"

Dumbledore confessed.

Snape remained silent, but his expression softened.

The office fell into a momentary silence, and Snape was the first to break


"What will you do? Just pretend nothing happened?"

"How is that possible?" Dumbledore looked at Snape with surprise,

gesturing to the stack of complaint letters on the table. "We've never

received this many complaints in the history of Hogwarts. After this

incident, I could go from being the greatest principal to the most

notorious, even surpassing Phineas."

"Yes, I have to handle it carefully," Dumbledore replied.

"Of course," he added, suddenly smiling. "But before dealing with

Quirrell, I need to ask the person involved for advice. Fawks, can you

help me bring Mr. Lawrence here?"

The scene remained the same in the principal's office, although Snape

was now gone and Wayne sat in his place.

Wayne had a wide smile across his face that he couldn't hide.

The reason was simple - the notifications in his mind were off the charts.

This wave of events had made him a lot of money.

"Mr. Lawrence, you seem quite happy," Dumbledore said curiously.

"Of course," Wayne replied with a shy smile. "Seeing that you're not

angry, principal means my punishment shouldn't be too severe. My

classmates are innocent too. They supported me. Please don't punish


Dumbledore looked at the boy sitting across from him, relief in his eyes.

"Mr. Lawrence, you are a true Hufflepuff, and I'm glad the Sorting Hat

saw the spark in you."

The Sorting Hat, still on the high stool, wanted to say something.

I don't see how he belongs in Hufflepuff at all. I was fooled.

Most importantly, the young wizard hadn't received the care tools he was


But let's move on!

"But I think you misunderstood," Dumbledore reassured. "I have no

intention of punishing you or the other students."

"On the contrary, I want to sincerely apologize to all of you. Because of

my negligence, everyone's magical progress has been delayed."

"I came here to ask for your opinion."

"My opinion?" Wayne said in surprise. "Professor, my opinions are all in

the letter."

"Either Professor Quirrell teaches useful spells in class, or we find a new

Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"But..." Dumbledore frowned, feeling a bit embarrassed. "The semester

has already started, and it would be difficult to change teachers so


"Professor," Wayne interrupted smoothly. "I've heard about the curse on

Defense Against the Dark Arts. You have people die... Well, I mean the

class is very challenging."

"But the school year has already begun. If you change teachers from

Christmas, find a substitute, and only teach for half a year, the curse will

not take effect, right?"

Noticing Dumbledore's expression, Wayne continued to strike while the

iron was hot. "If it doesn't work, you can find a teacher from the school to

take over."

"I recommend Professor Snape..."

"Stop, stop, stop."

Dumbledore quickly grabbed Wayne and said, "Professor Snape has

already worked hard enough, and it is unrealistic to ask him to take over

the class."

Old Dumble felt a cold sweat in his heart.

This is to send his right-hand man away directly.

The same goes for these two people. One of them disliked the little

wizard and wanted to punish the other in some way.

The other one was even more ruthless and directly made him a professor

of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

There is a saying now circulating in the British wizarding world.

If you hate someone, recommend that they teach Defense Against the

Dark Arts at Hogwarts.

"Okay, Mr. Lawrence." Dumbledore said softly. "Thank you for the

suggestion you just made, it was a great inspiration to me.

"But firing a teacher is not a simple matter and requires the approval of

the board of directors."

"Usually teachers in this position leave voluntarily."

Wayne's mouth twitched slightly.

Automatic resignation... what a novel way.

"I will have a good chat with Quirrell before deciding which approach to


"For your unity and courage, I will add fifty points to Hufflepuff."

Dumbledore comforted Wayne for a moment and then let him leave.

Wayne stepped out of the principal's office, and Snape pushed open an

invisible door, walking out with a terrifyingly gloomy expression.

He had overheard their conversation just now.

Although he also wanted to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor,

Wayne was not here to help him achieve his wish.

This kid...

After leaving the office, Wayne descended the stairs quickly. Cho was still

waiting for news from him in the auditorium.

The auditorium was still packed at this time. Everyone already knew that

Wayne had been taken away by Phoenix, and they were anxiously

awaiting his return.

As soon as he entered the room, Wayne was met with countless pairs of

eyes. The hall fell silent, and even the professors couldn't help but be


Wayne didn't hold back; he grinned widely and delivered the words

everyone had been eager to hear:

"Professor Dumbledore has assured us that he will take our opinions into

consideration and has granted Hufflepuff fifty points!"


Thunderous applause and excited cheers filled the auditorium. It felt as if

even the stars on the ceiling trembled.

Everyone embraced their classmates joyfully.

Finally free of worry, Cho smiled at Wayne.

Hermione let out a soft snort, closed her thick book, and turned to leave.

Unaware that the books were turned upside down, she didn't bat an eye.

"That's so awesome!" Ronald's hands turned red from clapping so hard.

He looked at Wayne, who was surrounded by the Hufflepuffs, and


"So, turns out reporting is effective!"

"Harry, let's file a complaint against Snape!"

"Get rid of that old bat, and our lives will be easier!"

When the other Gryffindors heard Ronald's words, their eyes lit up.


If complaining about Quirrell worked, then why not complain about

Snape? He favors Slytherin every day and even deducts points from


If Snape is gone, don't we have a chance to win the House Cup?

Not only Harry, but the other Gryffindors were also eager to give it a try.

They planned to replicate what the Hufflepuffs did and fill the gargoyles

at the entrance to the headmaster's office tomorrow morning.

With so many people surrounding Wayne, it was difficult for him to


He could only briefly speak with Cho and arrange to meet at the Black

Lake after class tomorrow, but he was stopped by his two roommates and

brought back to the common room.

Not only did Wayne avoid punishment for his actions today, but he also

earned fifty points for the students, which warranted a celebration.

As a Hufflepuff, celebrating came naturally.

Right next door was the kitchen.

Several senior students went inside and ordered a variety of snacks and

cakes. They also asked the house elf to fetch some butterbeer.

"Here's to you, Wayne!"

Pierre, the seventh-year prefect, raised his glass and clinked it with


"Professor Dumbledore wouldn't have said that if you weren't so brave."

"Finally, we can be rid of...that imposter Professor Quirrell!"Pierre's face

flushed with excitement, and Wayne, although smiling and agreeing,

lacked confidence in driving Quirrell away. Was it really necessary to

sacrifice a whole year of the young wizards' Defense Against the Dark

Arts course or to observe Voldemort's movements right under their

noses? Dumbledore's choice seemed obvious, and it aligned with what he

had previously said about doing whatever was necessary for the greater


However, Wayne chose not to spoil everyone's interest by speaking out.

Perhaps in the future, Quirrell would need to make some changes, as

even Dumbledore may not be able to convince the public without them.

The celebration continued until eleven o'clock, at which point everyone

dispersed. Wayne also returned to the dormitory where Toby and

Norman eagerly asked about his conversation with Dumbledore.

Wayne didn't hold back about recommending Snape for the role of

Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Toby, speaking seriously, said, "Wayne, how could you do this?"Norman

expressed his dissatisfaction as well, saying, "Professor Snape can't be a

substitute professor; he must attend the entire semester!" Wayne

suggested that they all write a joint letter next semester to recommend

Snape as the permanent professor.

Wayne, taken aback, responds, "You guys are relentless..."



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Chapter 65: 65. The Lion Seeking

Death, A Major System Event, The

Confrontation Between The Black

And White Devils

In the dead of night, the two roommates were full of energy and kept

discussing until very late.

How can I convince Snape to take over the Defense Against the Dark Arts


After pondering about seven or eight possibilities, I was finally able to

sleep contentedly.

Only then did Wayne have time to check the reminder that had been

nagging at him all day.

After the little badgers handed over the letter, several prompts appeared

on the system panel.

["It has been detected that the host is showing signs of chaos,

allowing Hogwarts to experience a sense of joy. The event is now


["Ding! The large-scale event 'The Power of the Badger' has been set

up. The final reward will be based on the impact and outcome of the


["Ding! The chain mission 'Evil Professor' is now open, and rewards

will be based on Quirrell's misery.]

[Note: 'The Power of Badger' is the first major event after the system

upgrade. The final reward is ten times the critical hit. Please

continue to work hard and bring excitement to the dull world.]

Wayne has experienced similar major events in the system before, and

most of his previous points were earned through them.

Not only are the point rewards generous but there are also final event


Especially this time, the system generously offered ten times the critical

hit, and the reward was undoubtedly impressive.

Unfortunately, Wayne knew that Quirrell would most likely not leave

Hogwarts, which would reduce the reward.

Those who are content will always be happy.

Thoughts of regret briefly crossed Wayne's mind and quickly disappeared.

He has already earned a lot of points with the ten times the critical hit


The second mission was similar to the previous free one, but Wayne still

had to put in effort to make it more miserable.

I glanced at the points on the panel.

Things have not yet settled, and the event rewards have not been

generated, but in just one day, the points have increased by more than


And it is foreseeable that the impact is still ongoing, and there will be

another wave tomorrow.

Wayne decided to hold onto the points for now and wait until everything

was settled before spending them.

Indeed, as Wayne expected, the effects of the incident were still


His actions were like flipping a strange switch.

In the morning, the Gryffindor seats were almost empty, and Quirrell did

not appear in the Great Hall.

It was said that he had taken sick leave.

Snape confidently led two Defense Against the Dark Arts classes in the

morning and was later invited to the principal's office along with

Professor McGonagall.

Half an hour later, the two of them emerged with unpleasant expressions.

Professor McGonagall took a small bottle of potion from his robe pocket

and poured it into his mouth.

"Professor Snape, do you need it?" She asked.

"This is what Pomfrey prepared for me. I drink some when I feel my heart

and heartbeat racing," McGonagall replied.

"Thanks, no need," Snape decisively refused. "If you can control those

daring idiots, it will be more effective than any potion."

After saying that, Snape walked away.

Professor McGonagall gritted her teeth in anger, not because of Snape,

but because of those idiots in her House. They didn't just report Snape,

but the whole college!

Seeing the letters from Dumbledore, McGonagall wanted to find a crack

in the ground to crawl into.

Can Snape and Quirrell be compared? Not to mention, Snape is the

youngest dean in Slytherin's history and has good relations with many

pure-blood families. Can Hogwarts find another potions professor to

compete with him, based on their skills alone?

It's completely different from Professor Quirrell, who has no real

materials and can only read books.

For these reasons, despite knowing that Snape is biased towards his

college, the other professors don't take it seriously.

So when the Gryffindor students reported him, they hit a brick wall.

There weren't many points to begin with, but Snape deducted a

whopping 66 points.

Why the even number of points? Because Gryffindor only had that many

points, and Snape left five to spare McGonagall some dignity.

Well, there's Potter's Potions class coming up the day after tomorrow, so

it seems like those five points won't last.

Seeing the almost empty scoreboard, the Gryffindor students wanted to


"Don't you dare laugh!" Hermione angrily pinched Wayne. She felt like he

was enjoying her misfortune.

If it weren't for Wayne's mistake in the beginning, the Gryffindor

wouldn't have reported them too.

This guy is just the worst kind of troublemaker.

"Hey, hey, calm down," Wayne dodged her delicate and smooth hands.

No matter how beautiful they were, they still hurt when they pinched.

"I'm just happy for you," Wayne defended himself.

"It's all over anyways. If you don't have desires, you'll be strong. Even if

Snape wants to target you, he can't do anything, right?"

Wayne was spouting nonsense, but to his surprise, someone believed him.

The Weasley twins' eyes lit up, and they exchanged a strange laugh.

"Looks like we're free, George."

"Ah, now you can show off your skills, Fred."

Hermione was left dumbfounded.

What kind of college did she get assigned to?

No matter what they did, trouble always seemed to find them first! On

the fourth floor, in the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, Quirrell

trembled on the ground, emitting shrill screams and moans from beneath

the soundproof barrier.

"Master, Mercy," he pleaded.

"Please forgive me this time. I followed your arrangements and

deliberately hid my clumsiness!"

"Who would have thought that Lawrence would be so audacious and dare

to bring so many people to report me!"

Quirrell despised Wayne intensely at that moment.

If it hadn't been for him, he wouldn't have been punished by the Dark

Lord. He wouldn't be in this situation, like a rat on the run, too afraid to

go anywhere, and forced to hide in the office to avoid drawing attention.

"Are you implying that you blame me?" Voldemort's murderous voice

resonated in Quirrell's mind.

"No, Master," Quirrell quickly defended himself.

"It's all Lawrence's fault! That damn mud blood ruined your plan!"

"I only witnessed your incompetence," Voldemort's face twisted in anger

as Quirrell felt a surge of pain throughout his body and screamed again.

The pain lingered for a while before subsiding, leaving Quirrell's clothes

drenched in sweat.

"I don't care how you do it, obtain dragon's blood, mandrake juice, and

venom from the Winged Demon for me as quickly as possible."

"What do you intend to do with them?"

"Hmph, Dumbledore will surely come after you, and I need to hide even

deeper to avoid his detection. I would never leave Hogwarts. I must

obtain the Philosopher's Stone."

Upon receiving the order, Quirrell didn't dare to delay and promptly left

the school through the fireplace in his office.

After spending all his savings and robbing several dark wizards in

Knockturn Alley, he barely scraped together enough money to buy all the

materials Voldemort needed.

The next day, Quirrell returned to Hogwarts.

Not long after, there was a knock on his office door, and Snape's voice

came through, "Quirrell, I know you're in there and Dumbledore wants to

see you." Standing at the door, Snape had a playful expression on his

face, eager to see how Quirrell would handle the situation.

Would the truth be exposed?

Two minutes later, Quirrell calmly walked out of his office. "Let's go,

Professor Snape."

Seeing Quirrell's state, Snape frowned slightly and asked, "Didn't you say

you had a cold?"

"Thank you for your concern, but I bought some medicine yesterday and

I'm much better now," Quirrell replied.

Snape looked at him pitifully. "If you ever need potions in the future, just

come to me. They're free."

"No need, I can take care of it myself," Quirrell thought, cursing inwardly.

Who knows what Snape would add to any medicine he gave him, like

truth serum?

Ever since the beginning of the school year, Snape had been closely

monitoring Quirrell's actions, yet he still hadn't discovered the specific

situation on the fourth floor.

That's why he had been scolded countless times by Voldemort.

Quirrell also loathed Snape, second only to Wayne.

The two made their way to the eighth floor, gathered the necessary

people, and Snape departed.

The gargoyle stone beast had been given instructions in advance to open

the passage without requiring a password.

Forced to remain calm, Quirrell clenched his fists and entered.

"Quirinus, glad to see your cold has cleared up," Dumbledore greeted, just

as friendly as ever. But Quirrell was already on high alert.

This was his first personal interaction with Dumbledore since successfully

applying for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position.

To be honest, he was a little scared.

What if Dumbledore suddenly turned hostile and incapacitated him?

Even Voldemort's Jinchuuriki, in his current state, wouldn't stand a

chance against this white-bearded old man.

"I took the medicine twice, Professor, and I feel much better," Quirrell

replied softly, deliberately avoiding direct eye contact.

Dumbledore nodded. "I'm glad to hear that."

"You must have heard about recent events, right?" Dumbledore asked.

"I'm aware of everything," Quirrell responded, using the method

Voldemort had taught him. "The curse from ghouls and vampires is

constantly affecting my mind. Sometimes my reactions are slower. I

apologize for the impact this may have had on the students."

Dumbledore followed Quirrell's lead and asked, "What do you plan to


"The curse from dark creatures is indeed challenging to deal with, even

for me," Dumbledore admitted, proceeding with caution."I understand

your situation and sympathize with it, but we cannot delay the students'

Defense Against the Dark Arts..."

"Quirinus, I suggest that you take some time to recover."

Dumbledore poured a cup of hot tea for Quirrell. "Other professors can

take turns teaching, so it will continue for a while. You can come back

when you have fully recovered."

Quirrell heard the implied message.

"If things don't improve, you won't need to continue teaching."

Quirrell forced a smile, cursing Wayne silently. "Professor, I think it's

better not to use it. I am safe within Hogwarts."

"You know, I've been avoiding those guys."

"As for the issue of classes, please don't worry. I will certainly do my best

to help the students."


Dumbledore's expression suddenly became much more serious as he

looked at Quirrell. "Are you sure?"

"If there are any more complaints, your departure will not be very


"I am sure," Quirrell reassured. "But I still need some assistance to

suppress the curse."

Dumbledore was indifferent. "What do you need, Snape's potion?"

"No, I require the tears of a phoenix."

Silence fell in the office, and neither of them spoke anymore. Only Fawks

shouted twice in dissatisfaction.

Quirrell was feeling nervous.

Everything he said had been taught by Voldemort.

To ensure that he could stay at Hogwarts, Voldemort had already fought


Isn't it Defense Against the Dark Arts?

I teach it myself!

Since being denied this position, Voldemort has been resentful and held a

strong hatred for Dumbledore.

Now it could be seen as a different way to achieve his dream.

Using the curse as an excuse, Voldemort planned to make it seem like

Quirrell had changed, thus dispelling Dumbledore's suspicions. The only

problem was the energy consumption.

Although he could control Quirrell's body movements, he couldn't do it

for long.

Voldemort planned to trick Dumbledore into using Phoenix Tears as a

response to an emergency, and then go to the Forbidden Forest to find

unicorns and use their blood to restore his strength.

Compared to white magic, black magic worked faster and was more in

line with Voldemort's desires.

To completely hide himself, Voldemort had fallen into a deep sleep

before coming here.

Now Quirrell was extremely nervous, wondering whether Dumbledore

would agree to this condition.

"Well, for the sake of your body, I have no choice but to give in to

Fawks," Dumbledore finally spoke, then walked to the phoenix and

stroked its feathers.

Although Fawks was dissatisfied, he still squeezed out a small bottle of


Then he angrily pointed his rear end at Old Dumble and flew out of the

window to play with Fox.

It was foreseeable that Fawks would not give his master a good look


Quirrell, who was in tears, left happily and promised that after one more

day of rest, normal classes would begin.

Not long after, Snape came again.

"What did you see?"

"Many and very few." Dumbledore turned into the Riddler.

"Quirrell asked for a bottle of Phoenix Tears, or rather, this was what

Tom asked for."

Snape's expression changed, and his body twisted unnaturally.

"Then you gave it to him?"

"I gave it." A wise light flashed in Dumbledore's eyes. "If I didn't give it,

he would take more drastic methods to achieve his goal."

"Instead of asking Quirrell to do something we don't know about, let me

help him."

"At least we still have the situation under control."

"Can't you just arrest the person?" Snape clasped his hands irritably. "If

you give me a bottle of truth serum, I guarantee he will tell you


"The results are as important as the process, Severus."

Dumbledore swept away the tea that Quirrell had left untouched.

"You can't completely kill Tom. Even capturing Quirrell would just make

him hide again.

"I'm getting old and new people have to step up."In Dumbledore's eyes,

Tom and Quirrell are merely tools to sharpen Harry and Wayne - like a


Dumbledore aims to ensure that the whetstone isn't too harsh to harm the


Dumbledore didn't plan to create a trio; he simply wanted Harry to have

more friends and allies.

This way, Harry would have someone to rely on when he eventually

faced Voldemort.

Wayne is the ideal candidate in Dumbledore's opinion.

If Wayne becomes a Gryffindor, things will be much simpler.

Unfortunately, Wayne seems to possess more Hufflepuff qualities.

Snape clearly understood what Dumbledore expected from Harry. He

didn't want Harry to be involved in the conflict, but he had no power to

prevent it.

Dumbledore's decisions are no different from Voldemort's decisions.

After observing Snape's concerned expression, Dumbledore chuckled and

reassured him,

"Severus, don't overthink it. Tomorrow, I'll trouble you with the Defense

Against the Dark Arts class. Let's see what surprises Quirrell has in store."



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Chapter 66: 66. The Power Of The

Heart, Bursting With Luck!

Legendary Talent!

The final decision regarding Quirrell was quickly passed from the deans

to the prefects of each house, who then informed the other young


This was seen as a way to give everyone an explanation. Many people

were disappointed that Quirrell was not fired, but Dumbledore also

announced Quirrell's assurance and reasons, so there was no further


To this day, Dumbledore's words still hold sway over the young wizards,

as he is widely regarded as the most powerful white wizard in the world.

Wayne, who was in a Transfiguration class, maintained a calm expression

as he waved his wand, turning the apple on the table into a teacup.

Receiving a good evaluation was already a positive outcome, considering

the severity of the event. If Quirrell had been fired or died, his evaluation

would have been even higher. Wayne had gained a total of nearly 4,000

points from this incident, including the previous points, which was close

to half of the guarantee. He didn't immediately claim the final ten-fold

critical strike reward; he planned to wait until it was quiet at night and

find a safe place to claim without causing any commotion.

During Professor McGonagall's lesson, Wayne leaned against Hermione's

ear and whispered, his warm breath brushing against her fair face. He

told her to go to the Room of Requirement that night and update him on

her recent study progress.

Wayne had noticed her unusual behavior and knew it was because she

was worried about him. Wayne intended to find a quiet moment in the

night to address their relationship and at least calm Hermione down.

Blushing, Hermione asked what time they should meet. Wayne instructed

her to come at 10:30 pm but warned her not to come too early due to

curfew restrictions. Hermione expressed concern about getting caught,

but Wayne assured her that it was unlikely since Gryffindor's tower was

nearby and Filch was more accustomed to patrolling the fourth floor. In

the end, Hermione didn't refuse, indicating that her boundaries had

gradually been eroded.

Rather than following school rules, she preferred to study with Wayne. It

was late at night in the Room of Requirement. Hermione was much

better at using the disarming spell compared to the weekend. However, it

still lacked power.

"Expelliarmus!" she exclaimed as a ray of red light hit Wayne's wrist,

causing the wand to fly away. But in the blink of an eye, Wayne

effortlessly retrieved the wand. Hermione felt embarrassed by her lack of

skill. "Your power is too weak," Wayne observed, immediately identifying

her problem. "When casting a spell, whether it's on a person or an object,

treat it as a real enemy every time. Learn from Harry, who is talented in

combat and commits wholeheartedly." The Sorting Hat had

recommended Harry to enter the Snake House not just because of

Voldemort's influence. Wayne believed that, besides being impulsive,

Harry had the temperament that suited Slytherin. Hermione attempted to

dispute Wayne's claim by mentioning her own experiences, but Wayne

didn't buy into it.

Frustrated, she requested clarification from Wayne. However, he

dismissed her concerns and decided to demonstrate. Wayne summoned a

puppet and flawlessly cast the disarming spell, causing the puppet to

explode into pieces. Hermione was astonished, wondering if Wayne had

used a different spell than he had chanted. Wayne didn't bother with the

specifics, instead asking Hermione if she understood the lesson.

Hermione, having witnessed the change, comprehended the concept.

Encouraged by Wayne, she tried it herself. Imagining the puppet as the

thief who had stolen her book, she unleashed a powerful disarming spell,

pushing the puppet backward and even making the teapot in its hand fly

toward her at great speed. Wayne applauded her success, emphasizing

that concentration and emotions were essential in spell casting.

"The combination of these three elements, along with ongoing

simplification, is the standard process for learning most forms of magic."

In this visionary realm, the power of wizards is not fixed; even ordinary

wizards can exhibit extraordinary strength when the circumstances align.

Consider Molly Weasley, for instance. Is she truly objectively stronger

than Bella?

The answer is no.

As Voldemort's right-hand assistant, Bella possesses formidable power.

However, when it came to protecting her family, Molly unleashed a

devastating spell that wiped out Bella completely.

Hermione nodded joyfully as she found herself standing in front of the


She resumed her training, and her progress was undeniably evident. After

another thirty minutes, Wayne voluntarily put a stop to the session and

escorted Hermione, who still had unfinished business, back to her

sleeping quarters.

After seeing Hermione off at the Fat Lady's portrait, Wayne made his way

back to the Room of Requirement.

"System, accept the rewards from the recent event."

[A gift package is being opened... Congratulations, host! You have

obtained the legendary talent, the Thunder Lord's decree!]

A simple red stone talisman materialized out of thin air, rotating and

flying towards Wayne's forehead.




The dark sky was filled with ominous dark clouds, gathering menacingly

over the castle.


A bolt of lightning tore through the world, followed by relentless thunder

that was both deafening and monotonous.

The loud noise startled many young wizards from their slumber.

Confused and unaware of what had just occurred, Hermione too leapt out

of bed shortly after lying down.

Principal's office.

The window was wide open, and Dumbledore stood gazing out at the

tumultuous scene.

The thunder continued to rumble, and intermittent flashes of lightning

illuminated the oppressive night sky.

This situation was far too abnormal and did not seem to be of natural


"Fawkes, has any Thunderbird arrived at Hogwarts as a guest?"

Dumbledore questioned.

As a spirit of the avian realm, Fawkes the phoenix possessed the ability to

sense the presence of other winged creatures. He perched upon

Dumbledore's shoulder and cocked his head.


"Could it be..." Dumbledore trailed off softly.

Sensing no magical energy emanating from the thunder, he first

dismissed the possibility of human interference.

After much contemplation, Dumbledore found no solution. He simply

shrugged off the peculiar natural phenomenon.

The room overflowed with inquiries.

Wayne closed his eyes, causing the ancient runes to vanish as his body

levitated, emitting a red glow.

The red electric arcs snaked their way around his body like miniature


Wayne absorbed the vast amount of information conveyed by the runes.

The Thunderlord's decree.

It had a name.


Fully intertwined with the runes, Wayne established a direct link with


Not only did his thunder and lightning magic greatly enhance, but he

also gained the ability to infuse other spells with their power.

Under the electrifying stimulus, even his physical form grew stronger.

One could say that he now held dominion over thunder and lightning.

With a simple wave of his hand, a thunderous explosion shattered several

stone puppets.

This talent was undeniably formidable.

Wayne finally opened his eyes.

"System is this the reward for the Legendary Lottery"

[The basic reward entails a 97% chance of obtaining a purple-

quality item and a 3% chance of acquiring a gold-quality item.]

[The host possesses astonishing luck. The original reward was the

golden talent Thunderbird Bloodline, but thanks to amplification, it

has transformed into the legendary Thunder Lord's Decree.]

Upon reading the system's explanation, Wayne couldn't help but feel


I am destined for greatness!

He then glanced at his current status panel.

[Host: Wayne Lawrence

Magic: SS+

Charm: SS

Defense against Dark Arts (White Magic): SSS

Dark magic: S

Transfiguration: S+

Potion-making: A+

Alchemy: A]

Special talents: Memory Palace, Natural Holy Spirit (the power of

the patron saint is greatly enhanced, and defense against black

magic is strengthened), wandless spellcasting (it is easier to master

wandless spellcasting skills, and the power of wandless spellcasting

is improved), Thunder Lord's Decree (controls all things Thunder,

thunder spells are more powerful and can be attached to other

magic spells).

Manaflow Band, dynamic perception.

[Comprehensive evaluation: ss+, legendary, one step away from


Compared to before, a small level has upgraded Wayne's magical talent,

and his defense against black magic (white magic) has jumped to the SSS

level. Even his black magic has reached the S level. Unfortunately, the

overall evaluation is still stuck at ss+, but Wayne is not too

disappointed. The higher the talent level, the larger the gap becomes.

This is what they call "sometimes the gap between people is bigger than

that between humans and dogs".

"The system only evaluates talent, but not strength?"

After a moment, the system beeped.

[The strength attribute panel is generated. We remind you that the

measurement of strength in the magic world is uncertain, and the

evaluation provided by the system is only for reference.]

[In a real wizard battle, anything can happen.]

As the voice faded, Wayne's strength panel appeared in front of his eyes.

[Host: Wayne Lawrence

Magic: 0.8

Mastered spells: Shattering Curse, Shield of Aegis, Disarming Curse,

Patronus Charm, Unforgivable Curse...(omitted)

Strength evaluation: Professor level (full talents)/Elite Auror level

(normal strength)]

[System strength classification: student, adult wizard, elite wizard,

Auror, elite Auror, professor, archmage, legend, myth]

Wayne has no doubts and believes this evaluation is fair. The two talents

of dynamic perception and Thunder Lord still have a significant impact

on actual combat. With his current physical fitness, even a few professors

in the college can't touch him because his magic spells simply can't hit.

The only thing that frustrates him is this magic power measurement.

What on earth does 0.8 mean? Is he like a magical version of Kakashi?

What a shame!

The next day, the little wizards were still discussing the lightning and

thunder that occurred late last night.

"There must be a thunderbird passing by," a Hufflepuff student said

confidently. "I once went to Arizona in the United States with my

grandfather, and the valley there was the same as the thunder and

lightning last night."

"I heard that Dumbledore is practicing magic," another young wizard had

a different opinion.

A Ravenclaw retorted, "Impossible, how could there be such a terrifying

weather spell?"

"Maybe it's some other powerful magic..."

Wayne listened to their discussion and silently drank his oatmeal, with

no intention of participating.

After hearing what happened last night, he knew that it was most likely

his fault. Unexpectedly, hiding in the Room of Requirement triggered

strange phenomena in the outside world. It seems that he must be more

careful when drawing cards in the future, as he has to go there every

time to draw.

Thinking back to his recklessness in drawing cards in the dormitory,

Wayne felt lucky. Fortunately, he didn't get the talent of Thunder Lord's

Decree. Otherwise, he would have to send Toby and Norman into

oblivion. His two roommates, on the other hand, looked confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Did it thunder last night?"

Justin Finch-Fletchley looked at Toby doubtfully. "Didn't you hear that?"

"No," Toby said blankly. "It was dawn when I woke up. I didn't know

anything about thunder and lightning."

Norman also echoed, "Me too, I didn't feel it at all. How about you,


"I did see it, but it disappeared after a while, and I went back to sleep."

Wayne buried his head lower. To let his two roommates sleep more

soundly, he added two drops of Draught of Living Death, which is a

powerful sleeping potion, to their bedtime drinks. There is no difference

between falling asleep and dying when taking this potion. However,

Wayne controlled the dosage, and two drops gave Norman and Toby just

eight hours of sleep.

As the class approached, they stopped discussing it. The little wizards

went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom on the third floor.

Coincidentally, this was the class Quirrell attended before being reported,

and it was also their class when he returned from sick leave this time.

Many people were looking at Wayne. If Wayne is still not satisfied, will

he continue to complain?

Wayne, who was sitting by the window in the classroom, said helplessly,

"Don't look at me, I won't deliberately cause trouble for the professor."

"Hehe," Hannah smiled happily. "Wayne, if you still want to complain,

you must gather everyone."

Everyone nodded in unison. Feelings are addictive.

The school bell rang and Quirrell walked in, looking no different from

usual, wearing the same wide turban and smelling of garlic. This

disappointed the little wizards, and the classroom became slightly noisy.

"Since the class is already in session, don't discuss irrelevant matters,"

Quirrell said, shocking everyone by not stuttering and instead raising his

head to address the students.

"I'm sorry to have delayed everyone's time for a month due to my health,

but with Dumbledore's help, I feel better now. Let the class begin." The

classroom fell silent, as everyone noticed that Quirrell was different.

Wayne also sat up slightly and looked at him carefully.

Quirrell rarely opened the curtains, letting the sunlight shine into the

room, and said in a calm voice, "If you want to learn Defense Against the

Dark Arts, you must understand why we need to learn this type of

magic." One student asked, "Is it for defense?" Quirrell responded, "Yes

and no. Learn Defense Against the Dark Arts and you can use magic to

protect yourself from dark wizards and black magic, but essentially, it's

an offensive discipline." He tapped his wand on the blackboard, and three

words appeared: "Defense, counterattack, defeat the enemy." In just a few

words, Quirrell's captivating speech attracted all the students. Wayne

knew that Quirrell could never possess such an ability.

Then, the person giving the lecture could only be...Tom!



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Chapter 67: 67: Voldemort’s

Personal Disciple

Quirrell's mind has become delirious due to Voldemort's presence, so

allowing him to come to class would risk exposure.

To stay at Hogwarts, Voldemort spent a significant amount of money.

Although he is currently only giving lectures, he has not used any

magical powers.

However, for a remnant soul who struggled to speak even a few words,

this was still a heavy burden.

Normally, when nothing is happening, Voldemort remains in a deep sleep

to conserve energy.

Fortunately, Quirrell's small treasury was emptied by Voldemort in

exchange for valuable materials, including Phoenix Tears given by


This allowed Voldemort to regain some strength, so it shouldn't be a

problem for him to survive this period of time.

"Defense is the foundation of everything."

Quirrell, or Voldemort, sets an example by putting effort and passion into

his teachings. Since he is the one giving the lecture, he cannot afford to

be careless.

If word gets around, wouldn't it mean losing the Dark Lord's reputation?

Staying true to Quirrell's character as much as possible, Voldemort

presented a lot of genuine materials.

"Survival is the most important thing to consider when facing danger.

Defense doesn't solely rely on using magic spells to counter the enemy's


"Evading, even escaping, is part of the defense."

"Mr. Lawrence..." Quirrell suddenly called Wayne's name and asked, "If a

dark wizard confronts you, what would be the most appropriate course of


Wayne calmly stood up and replied, "Analyze the opponent's intentions,

assess the difference in strength, and if necessary, give it everything

you've got in a fight."

Voldemort's eyes showed a flicker of admiration.

He hated Wayne because it was Wayne who had pushed him to the point

where he had to risk being in the front office.

However, he would not deny someone's talent because of personal


Only by acknowledging the strength of one's enemies and defeating them

can one demonstrate their extraordinary abilities.

Voldemort did the same.

He did not hesitate to acknowledge Potter's exceptional abilities, even

going so far as to call him the Boy Who Lived.

Just to prove it.

He believed he could defeat the so-called chosen one and break free from

the chains of fate.

Although he ultimately failed...

Because he did not know the extent of Wayne's abilities, from

Voldemort's perspective, Wayne was nowhere near the level of a

formidable opponent. However, this did not hinder his appreciation: of

reason, talent, resources, and charm.

Everything was top-notch.

There was a trace of his former demeanor.

"That's correct, Mr. Lawrence." Quirrell asked Wayne to take his seat

again. "Before engaging in a fight, it is crucial to understand why you are


"To survive, to defeat the enemy, or..."

The corners of Voldemort's mouth lifted slightly but quickly vanished,

and he stopped speaking.

Wayne looked at the young wizards who were completely captivated by

what Voldemort had said and felt a strange mix of emotions.

But one thing is for sure, Dumbledore's vision is indeed poor.

With this level of teaching, my application for Defense Against the Dark

Arts was rejected.

The things Voldemort talked about did not contain any specific magical

knowledge, but they were extremely crucial. It can't be compared to

simply learning a few magic spells.

The purpose is to develop students' basic understanding of Defense

Against the Dark Arts and even the use of black magic.

Tall buildings rise from the ground, and with a strong mentality and

spirit, whatever you do will be twice as effective with half the effort.

Just as Wayne taught Hermione, focused thinking and a clear purpose

greatly improved the success rate of spell casting.

Very well said...

No wonder so many people followed Voldemort back then, even he


"The definition of defense is clear: battle is inevitable, so we must gain

the initiative and suppress the enemy."

"Having the initiative, you can advance or retreat. If you advance, you

can subdue the enemy. If you retreat, you can protect yourself."

"If you want to suppress the enemy, you must rely not only on powerful

magic but also on wisdom and experience. With one look or movement,

you can observe the enemy's intentions and the magic he is preparing to


The lecture abruptly stopped when the bell rang.

Voldemort drank water calmly and assigned homework.

"A two-foot treatise on how to stay calm in battle and judge the enemy's

movements through movement. Class is over."

The little wizards woke up from a dream, and there was thunderous

applause from the podium. Their excited shouts were enough to lift the

ceiling and could be heard in classrooms far away.


"Professor, is this your true level?"

Everyone was so happy that there was no magic spell in the whole class,

but they learned something more precious than a magic spell.

The only thing that makes them sad is the two feet of paper. Are you sure

this isn't killing them? That's 60 centimeters!

They walked out of the classroom still unfinished, and some students

were already looking forward to the next Defense Against the Dark Arts


"Mr. Lawrence, please stay."

Wayne was walking among the crowd but was suddenly stopped.

The little badgers thought that because of the previous complaint,

Quirrell was going to settle a score with Wayne, so they protected him.

This is a good lesson, but the little badgers will never abandon their


"Don't get me wrong," Quirrell also guessed what they were thinking. "I

just have something I want to talk to Lawrence about."

Wayne also advised, "It's okay, Professor Quirrell won't do anything to

me."He said this, but the magic wand was already in his hand, hidden

inside the wide-sleeved robe, and the dynamic perception was quietly


When Voldemort dares to take action, he will react immediately.

Wayne would approach an old man with limited health cautiously, but he

would never be afraid.

After hearing what Wayne said, everyone had no option but to leave.

Soon, only Wayne and Quirrell remained in the classroom.

"Lawrence, although I didn't teach specific spells in this class, it can be

said to be somewhat satisfactory."

Quirrell's attitude was very gentle. "I wonder if you could provide me

with some phoenix tears. My curse is not fully healed yet."

"Professor, how about teaching me the magic spell in the next class?"

Wayne said, smiling.


Sooner or later, I will kill you one day!

Voldemort cursed inwardly, but his expression remained unchanged as he

pulled out a piece of paper.

"This is a magic I discovered while exploring the ruins. It's so powerful

that even I haven't mastered it myself. Do you think it's enough?"

Wayne took the paper and examined it.

[Thundernet, made of lightning threads woven into a net, can not

only effectively control the enemy but also has considerable

lethality when touched.]

If you feel really sleepy, just use the pillow.

I drew Lord Thunder's decree last night, and now Voldemort has sent me

a thunder spell.

Wayne smiled and stored the spell away.

"Thank you, Professor."

Before diving into learning it, Wayne decided to have Dumbledore

inspect the spell first. He couldn't be too cautious, considering what tricks

Voldemort might have up his sleeve.

While the spell seemed fine at first glance, Wayne couldn't be sure of the

hidden traps Voldemort may have set. Though Voldemort's strength has

diminished, his magical abilities still surpass Wayne's.

Grateful for the benefits, Wayne gave the tears.

Quirrell quickly took the tears, worried that Wayne might change his

mind. But his expression soon changed.

"Aren't these tears from your phoenix?"

"No." Wayne happily replied, "My phoenix has been suffering from

trachoma and can't shed tears."

"These are tears from a Fawkes. They both belong to the Phoenix family.

There shouldn't be much difference, right?"

From the beginning, Wayne never intended to give Voldemort the fox's

tears. He didn't want to make it too easy for tears to flow.

Damn it, why didn't you mention your phoenix's recent illness?

Voldemort gritted his teeth, almost unable to resist pulling out his wand

and giving Wayne a hard time.

"Professor," Wayne observed, "you don't seem satisfied."

"Why don't you return the tears to me, and when Fox recovers, I'll collect

some for you."

"No...no need." Voldemort took a deep breath. If he returned them now,

who knows how long Wayne would postpone it? It might be too late for

even the fox's tears to fall.

"Let's leave it like this for now. If your phoenix gets better, we can trade

then. I have other high-level magic to offer."

Voldemort had no choice but to continue tempting Wayne, and he

nodded in agreement.

Not in a hurry to leave, Wayne asked a few more questions.

How can I miss this opportunity to take full advantage while Voldemort

is here?

Fifteen minutes later, with a sense of satisfaction, Wayne left the Defense

Against the Dark Arts classroom and headed to the auditorium to have

some dinner.

As he sat down, words appeared on the plate out of thin air.

"Lawrence, would you mind joining a lonely old man for tea? I'll be

waiting for you in the office after class."After Wayne read it twice, the

handwriting slowly disappeared as if it had never been there. Looking up,

Dumbledore, the guest of honor, winked mischievously at him. Wayne

understood and nodded gently.

"I don't know what kind of medicine old Dumble sells, it's so mysterious,"

Wayne thought to himself. However, he agreed with Dumbledore

anyway. Originally, he had planned to take Cho and Hermione to the

edge of the Forbidden Forest to see the biting cabbage, but this time he

had to postpone it for a while.

After eating and chatting with the two girls, they were envious of

Wayne's special privilege of having afternoon tea with the principal. Only

Wayne and no one else had experienced such an honor.

"You just think too highly of Dumbledore," Wayne smiled, trying to calm

the girls down. "He is just a lively old man."

Cho rolled her eyes. After all, Dumbledore was a great wizard who

appeared in various textbooks and historical records. He was considered

the greatest white wizard of the century. How could anyone treat him


In the afternoon, they had a Potions class. Snape, with a gloomy face,

arranged the content of the lesson. Despite Gryffindor's score being

cleared in the morning, Snape's anger had not completely subsided. Every

time he saw Wayne, he couldn't help but think of what this kid had said

to Dumbledore in the Headmaster's Office.

"The materials are placed in the wrong order, five points will be deducted

from Hufflepuff!" Snape announced. Wayne nonchalantly mentioned

something about Toad Bile and Puff Down switching places. He wished

Snape would be more cruel and deduct hundreds of points from him,

considering deductions as bonus points.

"Lawrence," Snape's voice addressed him. Only the two of them could

hear. "You gave Fox tears to Quirrell?"

Wayne blinked innocently and replied, "Fox recently got trachoma, so I

gave him Fawkes."

Snape couldn't help but burst into laughter. Hannah, who overheard this,

was taken aback and looked at him in surprise.

"Now pay attention to what I'm doing, I'm setting up a crucible!" Snape

said, suddenly changing his expression. "Lawrence, watch your bottle,

five points from Hufflepuff!"

Snape's mood switched quickly as he scolded Wayne and then walked

away to another part of the classroom. Hannah was speechless, and

Wayne quickly comforted her before raising his middle finger at Snape's


After deducting 20 points, Wayne wasted no time and went straight to

the eighth floor.

The principal's office.


Before the command was finished, the gargoyle stone beast gave way to

the passage:

"Go away quickly, go away quickly, I don't want to see you."

"I almost died from the letter two days ago!"

Wayne smiled, patted the gargoyle's head, and walked into the office.

A dessert tower had been placed on the desk, and the exquisite tea cups

were steaming.


Wayne was not polite and sat directly opposite Dumbledore. He said

hello, took a bite of the cheesecake, and drank a sip of black tea. It felt

very comfortable.

Dumbledore's eyes were full of smiles as he watched Wayne enjoy the


He also enjoyed the feeling of getting along with students.

However, everyone seemed to respect him a little too much and acted

reserved in his presence.

Only Wayne truly saw him as an ordinary old man.

After having a piece of cake and a cup of black tea, Wayne felt re-


"Professor, why did you ask me to come?"

He knew in his heart that this was not just a simple afternoon tea.

"Oh, by the way." Wayne slapped his head and said belatedly: "Please

excuse my forgetfulness. This morning, Professor Quirrell gave me a spell

that I can't understand. Can you help me with it?"

"Shall I take a look?"

Wayne made up an excuse, as he didn't want Dumbledore to realize

something was wrong with Quirrell.

Upon hearing this, Dumbledore straightened up and examined the spell

recorded on the parchment.

About ten minutes later, he suddenly picked up his wand and chanted a



A small thunder net appeared in mid-air and quickly dissipated.

Dumbledore then smiled and handed the parchment back to Wayne.

"There's nothing wrong with this spell."

"It's a good spell. Thunder spells are quite rare. Quirrell must have

discovered it in some ruins."

"With your talent, you can learn it quickly."

Dumbledore proceeded to explain his understanding of the spell and

shared some techniques with Wayne.

Wayne listened attentively, amazed by the amount of knowledge

Dumbledore possessed. He quickly grasped many tricks and techniques in

such a short time.

Wayne successfully cast the spell in no time.

To keep it as his secret weapon, he deliberately suppressed Lord

Thunder's decree.

Even with this constraint, it was enough to impress Dumbledore.

"Mr. Lawrence, you are the most outstanding student I have ever seen,

and perhaps the most outstanding student this school has ever had."

Dumbledore had used this statement to evaluate Voldemort before, but in

Wayne's presence, Voldemort seemed overshadowed.

"Professor, you flatter me." Wayne shyly bowed his head. "At least

compared to you, I am far behind."

When it came to white magic, Wayne was confident that his talent

surpassed even Old Dumble's.

But when it came to black magic...The old man in front of him is not just

a wizard skilled in white magic; he is equally proficient in black magic.

He is recognized as the master of dark magic by the first Dark Lord,


After a business exchange, Wayne took advantage of Dumbledore's good

mood to ask him many questions.

In the morning, Voldemort tutored me, and in the afternoon, Dumbledore

provided some guidance.

With two teachers of such high caliber, Wayne absorbed their knowledge

and experience like a hungry sponge.

After a thorough session, he remembered that Hermione and Cho were

still waiting for him, so he steered the conversation back on track.

"Is that so?" Dumbledore talked about the reason he asked Wayne to


"You had given me some of Fox's feathers before, which were very

different from Fawke's own."

"I'm not an expert on magical beasts, so I sent one to an old friend of


"He has extensive research on magical animals and can be called the


"I received a reply from him today. He was equally surprised and asked

me to deliver a letter to you."

Dumbledore placed the letter in front of Wayne after narrating the story.

Even without mentioning his name, Wayne could guess who the old

friend was.

The Pokémon Master.


An expert in magical animals, a legend from Hufflepuff Academy, and the

man despised by the first Dark Lord.

Newt Scamander!



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Chapter 68: 68. Newt’s Letter,

Unexpected Surprise

Speaking of Newt, his name is one of the most familiar to all young

wizards, not just those in Hufflepuff but also students from other houses

as well. The book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" has become

one of the best-selling books in the world of wizardry. It is not only the

designated book for magical beast courses in all magic schools but also a

popular bedtime reading for many young wizards. Newt's research has

had a profound impact on the entire magical world.

Before Newt, magical animals existed, but no one had ever proposed the

concept of protection. Bit by bit, through his research, he delved into

various parts of the world, saving endangered magical animals and

making the world more colorful. Creatures like the poison horned beast,

horned camel beast, soundless bird, and poisonous leopard, which were

almost extinct at the time, were able to reproduce their offspring with

Newt's help, and their populations gradually grew.

Many of the magical animals in the Forbidden Forest were sent by Newt

later on. In Hufflepuff, Newt is the idol of almost all the students. He has

added another badge of honor to Hufflepuff, as they are not only good at

herbalism and food magic, but also skilled in dealing with magical

animals. Moreover, Newt played a crucial role during the Wizarding War.

Alongside Grindelwald and Dumbledore, he is one of the most famous

wizards. Newt thwarted Grindelwald's plots several times and is one of

the people he hates the most. He is the epitome of a protagonist.

In the final battle, Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald, while Newt

returned to the United States and settled in New York with Auror Tina,

where they remain to this day. Wayne did not hesitate and opened the

letter in front of Dumbledore, reading it aloud.

"To Mr. Wayne Lawrence:

Hello, I'm Newt Scamander, a former Hufflepuff. I'm glad that a genius

like you has appeared in the school. I have always firmly believed that

Hufflepuff is the most perfect school. A few days ago, I received feathers

and some excrement from Dumbledore. What I find incredible is that

your phoenix is so special, even more so than Fawkes...

(A bunch of academic speeches follow.)

If possible, could you please provide me with some research materials?

Also, I will be returning to Europe during summer vacation. Would you

be lucky enough to visit me?

Your loyal Hufflepuff senior,

Newt Scamander."

The letter was quite long, filled with Newt's deep curiosity about the fox

and numerous caring instructions for taking care of the phoenix. It was

impossible to tell that this was a letter written by a real social worker.

"Professor," Wayne looked up.

"How should I reply to Senior Newt?"

Dumbledore's smile froze for a moment.

Although there is nothing wrong with calling him that, he is indeed your

senior in theory. But Newt is almost a hundred years old...

Dumbledore took out a piece of parchment, wrote Newt's address on it,

and left a mark with his wand.

"Just send the letter to this address. Remember to leave this mark;

otherwise, Newt won't receive it."

"He is quite introverted. He is afraid that book fans will come to visit

him. Oh, and some old friends also miss him."

Old friend...

It must have been the group of acolytes under Grindelwald back then.

Wayne cursed.

After putting away the letters and parchment, Wayne and Dumbledore

said goodbye and left the principal's office, heading to the library.

Cho and Hermione were waiting for him there, doing some homework.

When the three of them walked out of the castle, Hermione asked

casually, "What did you and Dumbledore talk about?"

Wayne told the truth, "It's nothing. Newt Scamander wrote me a letter

and asked Dumbledore to deliver it."

"Oh," Hermione responded subconsciously.

He immediately stopped. Scamander...such a familiar last name.


Her eyes widened. "Newt Scamander? The Scamander who wrote

'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'?"

"Yes, that's him." Wayne looked at her doubtfully, not understanding why

Hermione had such a big reaction.

Cho was also surprised. "Newt Scamander wrote to you?"

"That's the author of 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'!"

Hermione screamed, holding Wayne's finger in excitement. "What does

the letter say? Why does he know you? Can you get me a signature?"

This look is no different from a star-chasing Muggle.

After being pestered with so many questions, Wayne simply took out the

letter and showed it to the two of them.

There is nothing shameful about it.

When she saw that Newt said he was coming to visit Wayne, Hermione

was so excited that her face turned red, and Cho didn't give in too much.

Only then did Wayne realize how high Newt was in the wizarding world.

"Wayne, can I come and see Mr. Scamander when he comes?" Hermione

asked expectantly.

Cho didn't say anything, but her beautiful eyes were staring at the boy.

"No problem." Wayne agreed. "I will write to Newt and let you know

when the specific date is set."

The two women cheered in unison.

The three of them walked to Hagrid's farmland on the edge of the

Forbidden Forest.

After a period of growth and ripening with a magic potion, the biting

cabbage has barely grown into its mature shape.

But they looked particularly peaceful. Wayne broke open a biting

cabbage and looked at it and found that their teeth hadn't grown out yet.

"Wayne, why are you growing biting cabbage?" Hermione was too lazy to

care about his violation of school rules. Wayne is much smarter than her,

and even if he breaks school rules, he won't leave any clues.

Now Hermione has gradually become a qualified Gryffindor.

If you haven't been caught, you haven't violated it.

"First, I want to taste it, and second, I want to use it against the enemy."

"When the time comes and a dozen biting cabbages are thrown out, the

enemy will not be able to escape."

Hermione looked unconcerned: "This is Hogwarts, the safest place in the


"With Dumbledore here, there won't be any enemies."

"You have to be careful and don't hurt yourself."

Wayne opened his mouth.

The safest place...

Well, I hope you can still say this after everything happens.

As Professor Sprout's proud disciple, and with a brand that goes deep into

his soul, Wayne is also very talented in Herbology.

With two little witches, they loosened the soil, fertilized the biting

cabbage, and finally cast a spell to drive away the beasts, and then the

work was completed.

"You just brought us here to work as free labor," Cho complained, wiping

the sweat from his forehead.

Hermione, her robe dirty from farming, turned into a little cat with dirt

on her face.

"Don't say that," Wayne smiled. "I'll give you some biting cabbage as a


"I don't want it," Cho responded.

"I don't want it either," Hermione added.

Both women were a little disgusted. Biting cabbage was ugly and fierce,

and only Wayne liked it.

Wayne asked again, "What do you want?"

Hermione thought for a while. "Just a few bottles of the potion from last

time. I think it's quite useful."

"What potion?" Cho became curious.

"It's just an ordinary refreshing potion. I gave it to her after teaching her

the magic spell that time."

"You're still teaching Hermione spells?" Cho looked at him dissatisfied.

"Why don't you teach me?"

Wayne shrugged. "You usually have to participate in Quidditch training,

and you are already very tired."

Cho still refused. "I don't care, I still want to participate."

Wayne had no choice but to agree.

Having received their benefit, Hermione and Cho let Wayne go.

It was late at night.

Sitting at his desk, Wayne was writing a letter to Newt.

He was also very interested in this senior, who was essentially the Harry

Potter of the previous era.

Moreover, the other party's professionalism in the field of magical

animals was worthy of his admiration.

The most important thing is... Wayne had taken a liking to Newt's box.

He had indeed mastered the Traceless Stretching Spell and had even

practiced it to an advanced level. Several pockets were no smaller than

this summer house.

However, if he wanted to make a box that could be carried around the

Forbidden Forest, there were still many differences.

Newt's box was not just a traceless stretching spell. It involved various

alchemical issues such as space fixation and magic power conversion. It

was an extremely clever alchemical product.

That was Scamander's unique heritage, a secret not passed down from a

pure-blood family.

Newt's brother had become the head of the Auror Office at a young age.

Even though Newt had been expelled from school, his mastery of magic

was not weak and he had been able to defeat Grindelwald in two ways.

The reason he was not included in the ranks of the twenty-eight sacred

families was purely due to personal grudges.

According to rumors, Newt did not have a good relationship with

Cantankerus Nott, who wrote the "Pure Blood Directory," and he was

very disgusted with the other person's behavior of cheering for the pure-

blood family.

That's why he had been deliberately excluded.

Wayne couldn't make this kind of suitcase for the time being, so he

planned to trade one with Newt.

The worst that could happen was sacrificing the Fox's appearance.

However, he will not mention it right away. Instead, he plans to write a

letter to establish a closer connection with him before eventually

deceiving him.

During Christmas, Wayne plans to go to the United States, so just let him

know when he comes to visit.

Not specifically for Newt, Wayne had other things to deal with.

This year is very special. A shocking event will happen on Christmas Day.

A huge thing will collapse, and countless people will eat it with their

mouths full of oil.

Even after entering the magical world, Wayne would not give up on the

wealth at his fingertips.

He has also recently written to his uncle Humphrey and made some


Just wait until the time comes to join this gluttonous feast.

Time has entered October, and it has suddenly become much faster.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

With the temperature dropping, the young wizards gradually lose their

enthusiasm and prepare to enter a state of hibernation.

However, the professors didn't care about this and suddenly increased the


During the first month of school, the focus is for students to adapt and

transition from their summer vacation, so the pace of progress in many

courses is not rapid.

When October comes, professors start to get more intense.

In the Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall severely scolded the

little wizards who couldn't even turn toothpicks into needles and gave

them separate homework.

Ronald was on the verge of tears.

The other little wizards were not too relaxed. With a preliminary concept

of magic, Professor McGonagall began to let everyone transform from

living things to dead things.

Resisting their disgust at earthworms, the little wizards waved their

magic wands.

There are no specific requirements, as long as it becomes a dead thing, it

will be considered a success.

With a green face, Hermione asked Professor McGonagall to apply for a

mouse. She would rather double the difficulty than face earthworms.

The same trend applies to most of the other courses. The assignments

given by the professors are becoming progressively more challenging,

and the young wizards are overwhelmed.

Wayne became the object of everyone's envy as he was granted

exemption from Charms, Transfiguration, and Potions homework.

Some young wizards also tried to negotiate terms with several professors,

and Flitwick announced the terms with a smile.

If anyone succeeds in completing half of what Wayne did, they will be

exempt from homework this year.

Unfortunately, no one succeeded.

Professor McGonagall's condition is quite simple, just like her first class:

turning the podium into a fat pig.

As for Snape...

No one is willing to risk their life to negotiate with Snape.

Not even the Slytherin snakes dared.

Many people have secretly asked Wayne how he managed to convince

Snape not to collect homework from him.

He always claimed that his talent impressed the professor and there was

no need to waste any more time.

Few people believed him, unaware that Snape disliked Harry as much as


He only revealed the truth when Hermione and Cho, the two witches,


"I gave another bottle of Fox's tears."

"You bribed the professor?!" Hermione exclaimed.

"That's how the world works," Wayne said, patting her shoulder before

walking away.

There's more homework, but it has its benefits for Wayne.

Firstly, he doesn't have to write most of the time. While others are busy

catching up with their homework, he can sit back and enjoy cakes and

desserts, doubling his pleasure.

Additionally, Celia's store has been thriving lately, with people coming in

every day to buy various quills.

The latest quills are made by Fred and George, who have gotten the hang

of it, but the quality is poor and they only sell for a galleon.

However, Fred and George couldn't resist spending a lot of money at

Zuko's joke shop.

With Wayne's newly added refreshing potions, sleeping potions, and a

series of other products, the young wizard's wallet has taken a hit.

On this day, Wayne was having dinner in the auditorium, listening to

Cedric complain about Quirrell across from them.

"I don't know if he's gone mad or if the world has changed. I have to

write two-foot-long papers every week. I barely have time to practice


Cedric was not the only one burdened with such crazy amounts of

homework due to Quirrell.

Sometimes, Wayne wondered if Voldemort was punishing them with

twice the amount of homework because he was tortured by it during his

time at school.

The homework from Quirrell's class was worth the weight of three other

classes combined.

But because Voldemort was such a brilliant teacher, he managed to

captivate all the students in the seventh grade of the school.

So everyone just complained without reacting too fiercely.

The only downside was that Quirrell claimed to still suffer from severe

brain damage due to a curse, leading to occasional seizures.

So sometimes, even when he said something nice, he would suddenly fall

ill, just as submissive as before.

Everyone hoped to face Normal Quirrell in class instead of psychotic


"You can buy two crappy quills," Wayne reminded Cedric.

"You won't even let me buy anything?" Cedric protested.

"I would rather break my hand than save money to buy a Nimbus 2001


Business has been good lately, and Cedric and the twins have earned a lot

of money. He immediately set his sights on the new broomstick that will

be released next year.

Because he had hope, he became even more reluctant to spend money

than before. He only bought things for Wayne when they went to

Hogsmeade, never treating himself.

Wayne saw this miser and said nothing more.

While the two were chatting and joking, there was suddenly a

commotion at Ravenclaw's long table, and some people hurriedly walked


However, they didn't pay attention and continued their conversation

about disguise-related matters.

After a while, the Ravenclaws who had left returned.

Soon, the cause of the commotion reached Hufflepuff.

Wayne's expression changed...



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Chapter 69: 69. The Unicorn’s

Request For Help

Cho was injured during Ravenclaw's Quidditch training just now.

There was no malicious injury, and no one was targeting Cho. She fell off

the broomstick while flying at full speed while attempting a difficult

move. The injury is quite serious, and she has been sent to the school

doctor's office.

"I'll go take a look first, and you can go back to the lounge by yourself."

After assessing the situation, Wayne spoke to Cedric and hurried to the

school doctor's office. Cedric shook his head while watching Wayne's

back. "Tsk, this is the most beautiful girl in the second grade..."

Ever since Wayne's comment, Cedric has also started to develop romantic

feelings and wants to find a girlfriend quickly to avoid having to assume

more responsibilities in the future. It's unfortunate that after a long

search, he hasn't found anyone who caught his eye. Ravenclaw does

indeed have a few attractive senior students, but they are already taken.

On the other hand, Wayne... Forget it, Cedric thinks to himself, it's too

annoying to dwell on it. Cedric taps the table with his wand in

frustration. "Give me a glass of lemon juice."

Second floor, infirmary. After a series of examinations, Madam Pomfrey

takes out a bottle of potion with an unfamiliar scent and administers it to

Cho. She then instructs Cho to lie down and get some rest. Addressing the

group of concerned onlookers, Madam Pomfrey reassures them, "The

problem is not serious. Cho has three broken ribs, and a broken wrist,

and the rest are minor skin injuries. She just needs to take the medicine

and stay in the school doctor's office for a few days."

In the Muggle world, Cho's injuries would be considered quite severe, but

in the wizarding world, as long as they are not irreversible injuries

caused by magic, they are not a major concern. Bones can regenerate if

they are broken.

Ravenclaw's captain, Roger Davies, breathes a sigh of relief. However,

Madam Pomfrey's next statement causes a stir of excitement among the

group. "But with so many broken bones, Cho should avoid engaging in

strenuous exercise for the next two months."

"But the Quidditch match is scheduled to start next month!" Roger Davies

blurted out. Cho is currently the only seeker in the team, as last year's

seeker has graduated. If they don't find a replacement soon, Ravenclaw

will have to prepare for the next school year in advance.

Madam Pomfrey glares at Roger with annoyance. "What's more

important, her body or Quidditch?" She adds, "Considering her condition,

she is susceptible to secondary injuries that could have long-term effects.

I have been telling Dumbledore for some time now that such dangerous

activities should be banned." She finishes her statement with a complaint

about Dumbledore.

She strongly opposes any behavior that could harm the little wizard.

Flying lessons and Quidditch are the top priorities.

The little wizards were trained like quails. Although they were

unconvinced, no one dared to challenge it.

Madam Pomfrey holds authority in the school infirmary. Even when the

principal visits, she maintains her dominance. No one dares to undermine


"Okay, everyone, don't crowd around here. The patient needs to rest!"

Pomfrey yelled, allowing only two young wizards to stay with him.

"But you can't stay for too long; you have to leave after half an hour."

Cho's eyes were red, clearly indicating that she had been crying.

Not because of my injury, but because of the next competition.

I'm almost overwhelmed with sadness.

Marietta comforted her, "Cho, we just missed one game. We still have a


There will only be two Quidditch matches at Hogwarts in November,

with the remaining matches in March and June.

The team with the most total points by the end will win the

championship for this school year.

Marietta's comforting words didn't have much effect.

Cho knows that every game is crucial.

If we lose by a large margin in the first game, it will be difficult to catch

up later.

The girl said nothing, and Marietta had nothing to do but stay by her side


At that moment, a figure sneaked in.

Seeing his presence, several people were surprised, and even Cho, who

was still upset, finally spoke.

"Wayne, why are you here?"

"I heard the news that you were injured, so I came to check on you."

Wayne nodded at Marietta and the other blonde girl, moved some chairs,

and sat down.

"How did you get in?" Marietta couldn't help but ask. "Didn't Madam

Pomfrey stop you?"

"I used the Disillusionment Charm. Madam Pomfrey didn't see me,"

Wayne explained. Seeing the girl's pale face, he couldn't help but blame

her. "It's just training. Why are you pushing yourself so hard?"

"I..." Cho felt a bit hurt, but she also knew it was her problem.

Recently, she had a cold, which affected her energy and focus. In the

past, the action that caused her injury could have been completed.

"It seems like we're a bit unnecessary here." Noting the state of the two of

them, the blonde girl teased with a smile. Marietta also chimed in, "Cho

didn't want to talk to us before, but she started talking as soon as Wayne


The girl blushed and turned away. Wayne was thick-skinned and ignored

the teasing. Instead, he asked, "What should I call you, senior?"

"Penelope Clearwater, just call me Penny." The blonde girl extended her

hand generously and shook Wayne's hand."You don't need an

introduction, Wayne Lawrence. You are the genius of Hufflepuff and the

owner of the Phoenix. I heard your name a long time ago."

"Professor McGonagall regrets that you didn't agree to her invitation to

the Transfiguration Club."

"There is also the Celia store, but it cost me a lot of money."


Wayne knew that this senior girl in Ravenclaw was very popular and

likely to become a prefect next year.

She had exquisite facial features and beautiful blond hair.

She also joined Professor McGonagall's club, which shows that his

magical talent is not bad.

She is not only beautiful but also talented.

After a quick introduction, Penelope took Marietta away, leaving Wayne

and Cho alone.

"What did Madam Pomfrey say?" Wayne asked, noticing the pain on Cho's


Cho replied dejectedly, "I won't be able to participate in the Quidditch

match next month."

"Do you want to play?" Wayne asked again.

"What's the point of thinking about it," Cho said bitterly. "It's already like

this, just focus on recovering and try to be problem-free by March."

"Forget it, I'll help you this time," Wayne decided, speaking seriously.

"But you need to be careful in the future. If you get injured again, I won't

take care of you."

Cho was a little confused, but then a flash of fire appeared in the sky and

the Fox was summoned.


"Fox, use the sacred fire," Wayne ordered.

In response to the command, white flames appeared on Fox's body and

one of them flew out, landing on Cho, who was unable to move.

To Cho's surprise, there was no burning sensation. The hospital gown

didn't catch fire, and the flames merged into her body.

Her broken ribs and wrists began healing rapidly.

In less than a minute, Cho no longer felt any pain. She sat up straight,

amazed by the sudden strength in her body.

"Am I okay?" she asked in disbelief.

"Why is there so much noise? The patient needs to rest!" Madam Pomfrey

heard the commotion and rushed over to the room next door.

Seeing Cho sitting up, Pomfrey became even more angry. "Lie down

immediately. It will take two days for your bones to fully heal."

"No, Madam," Cho panicked, waving her hands. "I feel fine."

"How is that possible?" Pomfrey started to say, but then she noticed the

presence of the Fox in the sky and saw Cho's hands moving freely. She

felt uncertain.

"Did you do this, Lawrence?" Pomfrey asked. There was only one young

wizard who raised phoenixes, so Pomfrey knew it could only be Wayne.

Wayne humbly replied, "Fox's abilities have nothing to do with me."

The Fox raised its head proudly, displaying its immense power.

Though still too young for resurrection, the Fox had no trouble healing

minor injuries like fractures.

Pomfrey examined Cho skeptically, working for a while with a look of

disbelief on her face.

"It's actually improving... Is the Phoenix's healing ability that strong?" She

had witnessed Dumbledore's Fawkes save people before, but it had never

been this effective.

Based on her examination, Cho seemed to be completely healed, as if the

injury had never occurred.

"Madam, can I leave the hospital?" Cho asked hopefully.

"No," Pomfrey flatly refused, glancing suspiciously at Fox.

Stay one more night, and I will release you from the hospital unless there

are any complications.

Staying for an additional night is not a big deal. Cho's main concern is

whether she can participate in the game next month.

Without answering, Madam Pomfrey simply instructed Wayne to keep his

voice down and not stay too long, then left the infirmary.

However, Cho's attitude was already evident.

"Wayne, thank you!"

As soon as Madam Pomfrey was out of sight, Cho hugged Wayne

excitedly and expressed her gratitude.

"It's so soft, but a little small..." Wayne murmured as he felt Cho's body.

Even in their current positions, Cho could still hear Wayne's voice no

matter how quietly he spoke.

His face immediately turned red.

Not from embarrassment, but from anger!


"Ah!" Wayne realized his mistake and quickly explained, "I mean, you

have a promising future ahead of you and plenty of room for growth."

"I...I'm only twelve years old, but I can mature." Cho's voice was thin and

weak as she tried to restore her dignity.

The atmosphere in the school doctor's office suddenly became more


Cho looked up at Wayne's straight nose, bright eyes, and long eyelashes.

For some reason, her breathing became labored.

Observing the blush on the girl's face, Wayne also felt a flutter in his


Her eyes, like tranquil water, contained a hint of moisture, urging him to

hold her closer.

Despite their silence, both of them knew what was about to happen.

The girl closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembling, and Wayne slowly

leaned in to kiss her.


The door to the school doctor's office swung open.

"Cho, I heard you were injured. You're...not dead..." Hermione's eyes

grew increasingly complex as she saw the two embracing each other.


"Wayne, how is Cho Chang doing?" Cedric asked casually when he saw

Wayne return to the lounge.

"It's nothing serious. She'll be fine with just two more days of rest."

"Then why do you have such a strange expression?" Cedric looked at his

friend, rubbing his chin suspiciously.

"I feel a bit sorry, but also a bit...indecent."

"Pity indeed." Wayne sighed. "It would have been nice if Hermione had

come a bit later."

Cedric looked confused.

What does Hermione have to do with this?

Could it be that she was also injured?

Late at night, inside the Room of Requirement, Wayne has forgotten

about the beauty of the school's doctor's office.

"Just let nature take its course. Not being able to eat something today

doesn't mean you won't have a chance to eat it in the future. He still has

plenty of time. The top priority now is to improve his strength."

In the system's evaluation, he was already comparable to a professor at

full combat power, but that was only because of his talent. The amount

of time he has been exposed to magic is too short and his foundation is

not strong enough. He is too young and his total magic power is not

sufficient. These are the problems Wayne is faced with.

The title of professor sounds very strong, but in reality, Dumbledore,

Voldemort, Grindelwald, and other wizards are on a completely different

level. There is no one above them, and all other beings are below them.

The gap is truly too large.

Wayne shows no sign of complacency. Time is short, so he needs to work

hard to make up for it. Talent only represents potential and an upper

limit. If he doesn't convert it into real strength, it's just a mirror.

With the Manaflow Band, Wayne can increase his magic power by

practicing other magic spells to advanced levels. Therefore, his recent

training focus is to practice as many spells as possible that are still at the

intermediate level.

The results are quite good. In the past half month, he has practiced five

or six magic spells to an advanced level. In the system's evaluation, his

magic score has changed from 0.8 to 0.9.

"Split into pieces!"

The blue light spell hit the steel plate, splitting it into more than a dozen

pieces, and Wayne's magic power increased slightly. This means that his

Split Spell has also reached a high level.

Just as Wayne was about to leave the Room of Requirement, his heart

started racing when he heard the Fox's call.

In the familiar firelight, the Fox flew out and screamed hurriedly.

"A unicorn is about to give birth. Do you need my help?"

Wayne understood what she meant and didn't hesitate.

"Where is it? Take me there."

Grabbing Wayne's hair, the Fox started to apparate again.

The next second, the two of them appeared in the Forbidden Forest.

[The host explores the depths of the Forbidden Forest for the first

time. Reward points +50]

Wayne didn't pay attention to the beep in his head but focused his gaze

on the foot of a tree. A magical animal with a pure white body and a

spiral horn on its head was lying there. It had a big belly, clearly

indicating that it was the unicorn about to give birth, as mentioned by


The Fox flew to the top of the unicorn and sprinkled sacred flames to

relieve her pain.


The unicorn let out a weak neigh, as if expressing its thanks.

"No, how can I help?" Wayne felt a little lost, as he had never learned

how to deliver a baby.

It would be better if Newt were here.

Soon, Wayne understood why Fox called him over.

There was a rustling sound in the dense jungle, and a faint light suddenly

appeared in the darkness, densely packed.

After the rustling sound, a large number of spiders surrounded him from

the trees and the ground.

These spiders are nearly one meter tall, with eight eyes and eight slender

legs. Under the eyes are huge poisonous pincers and long fangs.

With such distinctive features, Wayne recognized the origin of these

spiders at a glance. They were Acromantula, a 5X level magical creature,

the same level as the fire dragon.

A single Acromantula is far inferior to a fire dragon. However, spiders

reproduce very quickly, with a clutch hatching in six to eight weeks. The

terrifying numbers are matched by the incredibly lethal venom. This

makes many wizards rather encounter a fire dragon than see an


It's fine for the fire dragons to hide in their lairs, but the Acromantula...

can eat people!

These Acromantulas did not launch an attack, but instead surrounded the

area in an orderly manner, staring at Wayne and the unicorn with eager

eyes. The most primitive desire to eat was just around the corner.

Suddenly, these spiders made way for a passage, and an Acromantula

larger than a house crawled over.

"Jiejiejie... In addition to the unicorns, I didn't expect to meet little


"It seems that this meal can be added to the menu."



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Chapter 70: 70. Killing! A

Provocation From The Centaurs!

The unicorn was in the midst of giving birth at a critical moment. Fear

flashed in her eyes upon seeing the many Acromantulas, but her body

remained immobile.


As the Fox cried out, the flames surrounding her grew even brighter,

causing several Acromantulas to step back.

The Fox had also sensed the danger beforehand. With his strength, he

might have been able to repel the Acromantulas, but he couldn't divert

his attention from protecting the unicorn.

That's why I called the owner over - to help.

Fire is what spiders fear the most.

A cold snort resonated from the gigantic spider's mouth, halting its


"Little wizard, if you're looking to blame someone, blame your own bad


The voice of the Acromantula was especially aged, resembling that of an

elderly man on the brink of death. "Although I made a promise to

someone not to eat humans again, my descendants have no such


"Who told you to break Dumbledore's rules and enter the Forbidden


Wayne lifted his eyes slightly, and the wand silently appeared in his


"You must be Aragog, correct?"

"You know me?" Aragog, the colossal spider, appeared slightly taken


"I'm a friend of Hagrid."

"Hagrid's friend..." Aragog pondered for a moment before eventually

taking a step back.

"Even as Hagrid's friend, I can't help you."

"You've brought this upon yourself, and no one can save you."

"I believe you've misunderstood." Wayne shook his head. "I only wanted

to say..."

"For Hagrid's sake, leave now, and I will spare your life and that of your



Aragog laughed furiously. "Has Hogwarts now introduced a course on

teaching people to lie?"

"I want to see how you can spare us!"

All the Acromantulas clicked menacingly, encircling them. This terrifying

sight would be enough to frighten someone with arachnophobia to their


The eyes of the thousands of Acromantulas emanated a green glow,

representing their hunger for food.

"The venom, the tentacles, the spider legs, even the webbing."

Wayne raised his wand and suddenly smiled. "I've just realized that the

Acromantula is a treasure trove.

Aragog's voice turned icy cold upon hearing Wayne's remark.

"Kill him for me!"


Countless strands of spider silk shot out from the Acromantula's mouth.

These strands were exceedingly sticky, making it incredibly difficult to

escape once ensnared.

Spider silk and clumps were the most effective tools for spiders to hunt!

"The flames are raging!"

A fiery ball materialized from the tip of the wand, rapidly expanding

before exploding with a resounding boom.

A ring of fire centered around Wayne and spread in all directions. Upon

contact with the flames, all the spider silk turned to ash.

The Acromantulas at the forefront emitted piercing screams once they

encountered the flames, and soon the smell of burning filled the air.

Not only did this fail to scare away the spiders, but it made them more

ferocious. Spiders are cruel predators who even feed on the bodies of

their kind, yet Wayne is aiding them in finding food.

Spider silk loses its effectiveness against flames, but spiders still have

venom. The highly corrosive venom produces a sizzling sound as it hits

the ground, filling the air with poisonous smoke.

Wayne puts on the Shield of Aegis for himself and looks at the unicorn

being protected by the Fox. With the Fox present, these toxins cannot

harm them. Wayne points and softly utters a command.


The wrath of thunder descends from the sky, bombarding the

Acromantula's body relentlessly, some of it striking the surface of the

flames, creating sparks and lightning along the way.

Wayne even gives this combo a name: FieryThunder!

Holding the shield, Wayne wields his wand and charges into the swarm

of spiders. He cries out powerful incantations:

"Shattered to pieces!"

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

"All petrified!"


Colorful magical spells erupt from the tip of Wayne's wand as thunder

resonates in the sky. Accompanied by howls, the Acromantulas fall apart.

With his heightened senses, Wayne is able to avoid spider silk and venom

even in the darkness.

"Damn it, how can a mere student wizard be so powerful!" Aragog backs

away and curses, "Stop! Stop!"

"We will release you and the unicorn. Just stop!" Aragog's heart aches, as

these spiders are like his children. Despite having thousands of offspring

in his life, seeing a wizard slaughter his own children before him pains

him deeply.

"You still don't understand the situation, Aragog." Wayne casts another

explosive spell, creating a deep pit in the ground that clears the nearby

spiders. He sneers, "Now it's not a matter of you allowing me to go, but

whether I allow you to go!"


The giant web formed by the electric arc falls, illuminating the night sky

with a blue light. The spiders that come into contact with the power grid

are dismembered by the strong current and scattered on the ground.

Their hardened shells and sticky silk prove futile against the thunderous


"I surrender! Little wizard, how can you release us?" Aragog begs,

enduring the pain. It is not completely out of the power grid's attack

range, and one of its legs is severed.



On the bloody battlefield, the sound of a whimpering creature could be

clearly heard.

Wayne's offensive pace slowed down and he turned around to see a ten-

year-old unicorn lying in front of its mother, nursing.

The unicorn mother lovingly nuzzled the little unicorn.

Witnessing this heartwarming scene, Wayne's murderous intention faded


Aragog the Spider, sensing Wayne's weakened emotions, took advantage

of the situation:

"Little wizard, this is entirely my fault, but you have also killed many of

my descendants."

"For Hagrid's sake, please let us go. If you return to the Forbidden Forest

in the future, we promise not to cause any trouble for you."

"I won't seek revenge on a unicorn either."

Within minutes, hundreds of dead Acromantulas surrounded them, but

Wayne remained unscathed.

Aragog knew that given enough time, this young wizard would annihilate

all the spiders.

"Is that all?" Wayne scoffed. "You wanted to eat me when I was small,

and now you want to run away because you can't handle it."

"There's nothing good about that."

With a snap of his fingers, another thunderbolt struck, killing the nearby


Wayne then extended his hand, causing a thunderous net to envelop the

entire area. While the spacing between the silk threads was wider, it

would still be impossible for an Acromantula to pass through without

losing multiple limbs.

Dividing Aragog into 180 pieces wouldn't be a problem at all.

"What do you really want?"

Wayne approached the unicorn, causing the remaining spiders to flee in


According to legend, only pure girls were allowed to approach and touch

unicorns. They were considered to be a pure-hearted species.

But Wayne had a natural ability to befriend animals. He had just

protected two unicorns, and the unicorn mother showed no objection to

his approach, even calling out to him fondly.

Watching the little creature enjoying its meal, Wayne smiled and gently

stroked its still-damp body.

To be honest, the newborn creature wasn't particularly attractive, but

once its fur grew, it would surely be a cute creature.

After completing these actions, Wayne stood up and looked at Aragog.

"Even for Hagrid's sake, you have to pay a price if you want to survive."

With that, he used his transformation spell to turn a nearby broken tree

into a barrel, one meter in height and half a meter in diameter.

"Fill this barrel with your venom, and you'll be free to go."

"Venom?!" Aragog couldn't believe his ears.

Are you insane the venom of Acromantulas is the essence of their entire

bodies, not saliva. That you can vomit as much as you want.

"You have no right to bargain."

Wayne stretched out his hand again, and the vines on the ground

suddenly flew up, tightly binding Aragog's body and pulling him into the


No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free.

"If you don't fill this bucket for me today, I will personally extract your

poison sac and take it myself."

"You have to figure it out on your own."

After saying that, Wayne removed the mine net.

He wasn't afraid that the other Acromantulas would seize the opportunity

to escape. As long as Aragog was under control, these spiders wouldn't

have the courage.

Controlling such a large Acromantula consumed a lot of magical power.

Combined with the fact that he still maintained the Shield of Aegis,

Wayne could save a significant amount of energy.

"I promise you."

"But you must keep your promise. Once this barrel is full, you will let me

and my children go."

Feeling Wayne's rising intent to kill, Aragog finally gave in.

The older one gets, the more they fear death.

This applies to spiders as well.

Aragog had lived for fifty years, and his eyes had severe cataracts, but he

still wanted to keep living. He didn't want to die at the hands of this

young wizard.

"I'm a Hufflepuff. How could I lie to you?" Wayne said without hesitation.

Aragog was astonished.

He had assumed that such a cruel little wizard would be from Slytherin,

or perhaps one of the Gryffindor healers.


Does your headmaster know that you're so heartless?

Being stronger than anyone else, Aragog could only cling to Hufflepuff's

reputation in hope.

He made a series of strange calls, and the other Acromantulas took

action. Then, a strange scene unfolded. Hundreds of Acromantulas lined

up in two orderly rows. One by one, they climbed onto the barrel,

squeezed out the venom, and fell weakly to the ground. Afterward, they

crawled away to make room for the spiders behind them.

Losing the venom would mean losing the essence of the encounter. It

would be strange not to be exhausted. Wayne's lips curled up slightly.

Acromantula venom is one of the most expensive materials in the

wizarding world. A pint of it sells for up to one hundred galleons, despite

there being no market for it.

Not only is it a necessary ingredient for high-level magic potions such as

blessings potions and intelligence enhancers, but it can also act as a

catalyst to improve the quality of other potions.

Even Snape only had one can of this precious substance. Wayne took a

second look, and Snape put it away as if guarding against thieves. "You're

stingy," Wayne commented.

Wayne's big wooden barrel can hold thirty to fifty pints. With it, he won't

have to worry about running out for at least a year or two. After all, the

Forbidden Forest is Hogwarts' territory. As a future successor and the

school's pride, it's only fair for him to charge a protection fee, right?

The Acromantulas were milking the cows diligently, so Wayne didn't pay

them much attention. Instead, he focused on the unicorn. The little

unicorn obediently fell asleep after eating and drinking enough. Aside

from its stunning appearance, it also emitted a holy aura. Its breath made

Wayne feel extremely comfortable. The unicorn also seemed fond of him,

rubbing its big head against him.

While the Barrell With venom was already less than half-filled, there

weren't many spiders left. Aragog, who was hanging on the tree, kept

shouting and ordering the other spiders to squeeze out more venom.

Wayne knew he would have to make up the rest by himself.

Rustle! Rustle! The once tranquil forest became turbulent again.

Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves came from the darkness in the

distance. Wayne turned on his heightened perception, alert for any

danger. "Hunter! Get out of this land!" a strong voice commanded. Fox,

ready to take flight angrily, was calmed by Wayne.

Soon, a dozen centaurs jumped over the bushes and landed in front of

Wayne. They were both male and female, very tall, and held bows and

arrows. They exuded an immense power. But when they saw the remains

of spiders scattered across the burnt ground and the scene of the

remaining Acromantulas lining up to extract venom, they were all


Upon seeing Wayne and the unicorn beside him, the leader immediately

raised his bow and arrow, pointing it directly at him.

"Hunter, release the unicorn!" the leader demanded.

Wayne was taken aback. "Are you blind? Have you ever seen a hunter as

young as me?"

"Furthermore, don't you recognize my school uniform?"

Although he was relatively tall for a first-year student, he was still just a


Not even 1.7 meters tall!

"Wizards are cunning. Who knows if you've used Polyjuice Potion to

disguise yourself as a dark wizard sneaking in as a young wizard?"

The vigilant leader scanned his surroundings, hands trembling at the

sight of scattered corpses. Coldly, he stated, "If you wish to hunt the

Acromantula, I won't interfere, but the unicorn must be released."

Aragog, who had been anticipating a showdown between the two sides,

was almost so enraged that he could have vomited blood.

What does this mean?

Are we spiders destined to die together?

Do the Spiders not have Animal rights?

Wayne's expression suddenly turned cold. "What should I do? Do I need

your permission?"

While Wayne was usually kind and got along well with his classmates,

treating them with respect and joking around, it was all based on his


His system was the Demon King System.

Therefore, he was also a devil!

Now, a group of centaurs, who weren't even human, still aimed their

bows and arrows at him, even after he revealed his identity.

This ignited Wayne's anger.

The thunderclouds in the sky gathered again, creating a heavy


Several centaurs nervously tapped their hooves, but their bows and

arrows remained fixed on Wayne, showing no sign of backing down.

"Release the unicorn and leave this forest. This is not where you belong!"

the leader warned. As he spoke, his bowstring was fully drawn.

"A group of magical creatures living under someone else's roof, do they

truly see themselves as masters?" Wayne sneered, flicking his wand and

causing the bows and arrows to undergo a shocking transformation.

To the astonishment of the centaurs, their bows and arrows morphed into

pythons hungry for prey. The serpents tightly coiled around their arms,

their bloody mouths clamping down on their necks.

Uproar ensued as the centaurs struggled to free themselves from the

snakes' grasp, but the more they fought, the tighter the constriction


The sharp fangs pierced their necks, causing them to scream in agony.

Upon witnessing this scene, Aragog's seven legs, which had been

struggling quietly, instinctively came to a halt. Did you mention that you

were a Hufflepuff? I wouldn't hesitate to give you a bucket of

Acromantula venom every year!



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Chapter 71: 71. Make A Fortune,

Jealous Snape

Amidst the miserable screams, the centaurs fell to the ground one after


Although Wayne didn't kill them, it appeared that they were bleeding

heavily. However, considering the centaur's physique, it was only an

ordinary injury.

After all, it's just an ordinary python in disguise, and it doesn't possess

any strong venom.

Suddenly, the mother unicorn began to neigh, and Wayne probably

understood what she meant.

"Do you want me to release them?"

The unicorn nodded, its clear and innocent eyes devoid of impurity.

The unicorn barked a few more times, and with his instincts, Wayne

probably understood what she wanted to convey.

It likely meant that she used to have a good relationship with the

centaurs ' tribe, and they would share some of the fruits and vegetables

they cultivated with her.

We are all friends. Let's stop fighting. Nobody needs to die this way.

"It's okay to let them go..."

Wayne gently stroked the unicorn's slender neck, "But you have to let me

play with you in the future."

The unicorn blinked in confusion.

Even if it wasn't expressed, Wayne knew it wouldn't refuse him if he

searched for it in the future.

Reading the unicorn's expression, Wayne suddenly felt guilty, realizing

that his thoughts were too complicated.

The animal world is that simple. If you are kind to it, it will treat you

well in every possible way.

Even Aragog, the Acromantula, was the same. Hagrid held a special place

in his heart.

For Hagrid's sake, Aragog had forsaken his cannibalistic tendencies for

fifty years.

As for ordering other Acromantulas to attack him earlier, it was merely

their animal instincts at work and didn't affect Wayne's ability to see

Aragog's good qualities.

"I'll give you some respect."

After Wayne finished speaking, the pythons that were still battling the

centaurs transformed into ropes and temporarily restrained them.

"Go talk to them, or I'll have to fight them again once I untie them."

Upon hearing Wayne's command, the unicorn supported the sleeping

baby with its head, placed it in Wayne's arms, and walked over.

After saying in a series of neighs, the centaurs ceased their struggles.

Wayne then untied the ropes.

Clutching the wound on his neck, the leading centaur stumbled to his feet

and approached Wayne, his human-like upper body slightly inclined.

"I apologize for misunderstanding you, little pony."

"My name is Lacy. Please forgive our impulsive actions. When we saw

Hestia beside you, we thought you had captured her."

"Wayne Lawrence." Wayne introduced himself casually. "Hestia? Is that

your name?"

He directed the last sentence to the unicorn.


"Okay, then I'll call you Hestia from now on."

After saying that, Wayne furrowed his brow again. "Who told you to stop,

Aragog? Don't you want the poisonous axiom?"Aragog was shocked and

quickly ordered the remaining Acromantulas to continue milking for


Be careful not to anger this malevolent star.

Watching the Acromantula continue to extract venom, Wayne nodded

with satisfaction.

"Lacy, right? You're the leader of the centaurs?"

"No," Lacy shook his head, "among centaurs, we are all equal. There is no

so-called leader. I am merely the captain of the patrol team. During

patrols, my authority takes precedence."

"I'm not interested in your hierarchy," Wayne waved his hand, "as long as

what you say works."

"Although I spared you today, it's not without a cost."

"Did you see what happened to the Acromantula?" Wayne pointed at the


"The venom is the price to pay because they angered me, so... what are

you willing to offer to appease my anger?"

Wayne observed the centaurs gathering together leisurely.

Following the principle of plucking geese' feathers, even foxes leave

behind droppings when they pass by, let alone these intelligent centaurs


They must have a significant amount of valuable items.

"Don't agree, Lacy!"

An enraged centaur with black hair and a beard bellowed, "A centaur will

never be a slave, you wicked little wizard! You can never make us



Before he finished speaking, Wayne raised his hand and cast a spell. A

red light blasted the centaur away, disappearing into the darkness.


Lacy had no opportunity to intervene and could only witness his

companion vanish before his eyes.

"You've gone too far, little pony!"

Lacy exclaimed in anger, "Aren't you afraid I'll tell Dumbledore?"

"Dumbledore?" Wayne's shining black eyes exuded coldness, "Even if you

take this matter to the Ministry of Magic, I will be justified."

"I may be breaking school rules, but what about you, pointing bows and

arrows at underage wizards? Which side do you think Dumbledore will


"As for that insolent centaur, I'm only teaching him a lesson."

"Prisoners should understand their position and use their mouths to plead

for mercy, not to scream."

"Furthermore, call me by my name. I'm human, not a horse. Stop calling

me a pony."

Lacy was left speechless after hearing these words. Ultimately, they acted

rashly and mistakenly assumed Wayne was a poacher without fully

understanding the situation.

"What do you want?" Lacy lowered her head in frustration and asked:

"Human gold and jewels have no value to centaurs; we do not collect


"Who needs those worthless things?" Wayne impatiently waved his hand.

He lacked everything except money.

When the Galleons are gone, he would continue selling gold bricks.

"I heard that horse people excel not only in prophecy, and archery but

also in herbal medicine."

"Bring some herbs, and this matter will be resolved. You measure the

specific quantity yourself. If it's less..."

Wayne sneered twice, saying, "Then don't blame me for visiting your


Lacy immediately felt relieved when she realized that Wayne just needed


The Forbidden Forest is the home of the centaur people, making it easy

to collect herbs.

"No problem, please wait a moment, I will go back and bring it over,"

Lacy responded.

"A centaurs can pull as much as they want, and they will go back with

you," Wayne assured, showing no fear that the centaurs would fail to


The centaurs are all unified in purpose, and when they make a promise,

they always keep it.

Seeing Wayne's trust, Lacy looked at him with respect.

Bowing once again, Wayne ordered the other centaurs to follow him.

Looking in the direction they were heading, they should start by

searching for Bain, who was just blasted away.

Wayne involuntarily yawned.

After struggling for so long, Wayne checked the time and realized it was

almost two o'clock in the morning.

Luckily, it was the weekend, so he could sleep in tomorrow.

The Acromantulas lined up cautiously to be milked. However, after all

the spiders were exhausted, the barrels were only about one-fifth full.

Wayne smiled a half-hearted smile and said, "Aragog, what do you say?"

"No!" Aragog replied stubbornly.

"We can fill it up!" Wayne insisted.

"I still have venom left, count me in!" Aragog's legs were numb from

being suspended.

Wayne clicked his tongue, and the vines instantly released their hold.

Aragog fell to the ground and took a while to get back up.

He had almost drained himself of the poison, but he could still fill up the

last fifth.

Aragog collapsed on the ground, saying, "No more, really not a drop left."

"Okay, now get out of here," Wayne said, waving his hand, and shooing

people away like flies.

Not only was Aragog not angry, but he was also grateful that Wayne

could keep his promise and let them live.

As for the idea of seeking revenge in the future, it doesn't cross Aragog's

mind at all.

Considering Wayne's age, he will only grow stronger as time goes by. It's

a blessing not to cause trouble for his tribe.

Aragog has decided to move when he returns! The further away from

where the unicorn lives, the better, to avoid encountering this evil star in

the future.

Unfortunately, Aragog didn't know that he and his descendants had

become Wayne's designated suppliers. They would inevitably have future

opportunities to deal with him.

After they left, the centaurs left and returned not long after. This time, it

wasn't just the dozen or so people who came before, but several more,

each carrying bundles of herbs on their backs. The leading centaur put

down the herbs and walked up to Wayne.

"Hello, I'm Firenze," the centaur introduced himself.

Wayne nodded, impressed by this name. Firenze would become the

Prophecy Professor at Hogwarts in the future.

"The Mars is very bright tonight. I warned Lacy and the others to be

careful, but unfortunately, they didn't take my advice to heart," Firenze


"I'm sorry for this completely unnecessary conflict and for Bane's

rudeness," Lacy said, remorseful.

Most of the horse people rely on astrology for divination, and Mars often

represents war and disaster.

"It's okay. If we don't fight, we won't get to know each other," Wayne


After Wayne saw the number and types of herbs clearly, he couldn't

remember the unpleasantness from earlier and talked to Firenze with a


After exchanging a few words, all the centaurs put down the herbs.

Firenze thanked Wayne again for showing mercy, nodded to Hestia, and

led the rest of the tribe away.

"Woo~" It was time to part ways.

Hestia called softly, and Wayne rubbed her head, saying, "Okay, you're

very tired just after giving birth. Go back and rest."

With her big eyes showing reluctance, Hestia carried the baby on her

back, turned back step by step, and finally disappeared into the darkness.

"Fox, take me back," Wayne said.

"After returning to the Forbidden Forest, please stay with Hestia for the

time being," Wayne replied.

"Chirp!" Fox regained his composure as the firelight flickered.

The next morning, Wayne went to see Cho once again. The little witch

blushed when she saw him.

After Madam Pomfrey checked, she determined that Cho was fine and

released her from the hospital so she could participate in Quidditch


Cho thanked Wayne repeatedly for his help. But this time, there was no


"Speaking of which, does this count as my rival?" Wayne suddenly

laughed and joked, "Don't forget, Ravenclaw's opponent in the November

game is Hufflepuff."


Cho rolled her eyes. "Even if you say that, I won't be merciful."

Wayne nodded in agreement. "Don't be merciful. I'm afraid you'll come

crying to me after losing so miserably."

"You're the only one who cries," Cho said. "I'm not the kind of girl who

cries when something happens..."

"Oh?" Wayne drawled. "I don't know who it was yesterday. When I came

over, those eyes were red..."

"Oh, stop talking!" Cho blushed and chased Wayne.

Soon, the sound of two people chasing each other was heard in the


Fortunately, Filch and his Mrs. Norris were not on the second floor;

otherwise, they would have been detained.

Cho's lightning-fast healing caused quite a stir in Ravenclaw.

Many of them had heard Madam Pomfrey's diagnosis yesterday, but Cho

was discharged from the hospital after just one night.

Not only that, but she could also participate in the Quidditch match next


Faced with everyone's inquiries, Cho just smiled and said that Madam

Pomfrey had used some special medicine for her.

"It is a very precious special medicine, which is why I can recover so


This is what Pomfrey taught Cho to say, to protect Wayne and not reveal

the secret of Phoenix.

Needless to say, the professors at Hogwarts are quite qualified when it

comes to caring for young wizards.

This is one of the reasons why Wayne doesn't mind revealing some of his

secrets at school.

Overall, the wizarding world is relatively peaceful, excluding

uncertainties brought by the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Hogwarts is indeed a pure land.

He didn't have to worry about his wealth being coveted by Dumbledore

and the four Heads of House.

And others...

What kind of stinky fish or shrimp deserved to worry him?

If you pissed him off, you could directly use a missile to coax him.

Don't forget, in addition to being a wizard, he is also noble!

However, the arrival of autumn is certainly a joy, but one thing that

worries Wayne is that the atmosphere between him, Cho, and Hermione

is a little weird.

In the past, the three of them often acted together, and Cho and

Hermione would even go to the library to do homework together when

Wayne was away.

The relationship between the two is very good.

But since that night, there have been very few scenes of Hermione and

Cho being present at the same time. Even if Wayne forcibly pulls them

together, the two rarely speak.

It's quite normal when you're alone.

Wayne didn't have much to do about it.

He's been very busy lately.

During the day, he had to develop new products for the Celia store while

others were doing their homework. At night, he practiced spells and

browsed books in the restricted area.

Occasionally, he had to visit Hestia and bring her and the little unicorn

some food.

Time management was already stretched.

It was another Tuesday night when Wayne came to Snape's office as

usual. The difference this time was that Wayne, not Snape, specified the

potion he wanted to brew.

"You want to brew an intelligence enhancer?" Snape frowned, not

because Wayne lacked the skills, but because he was concerned about the

materials required for the potion.

The scarab beetle, ginger root, and armadillo bile were common

ingredients, but Wayne also had acromantula venom and rune snake skin,

which were precious and in short supply.

"Professor, I have rune snakeskin and Acromantula venom here," Wayne

said, presenting the materials.

Snape's eyes widened when he saw a gallon of Acromantula venom.

"Lawrence, where did you get so much venom? And this snakeskin is at

least fifty years old!"

"Bought from Diagon Allay, Professor," Wayne replied with a bright


Snape glanced at him disapprovingly. He had a cooperative relationship

with the pharmacies in Diagon Alley, and he always received advance

notification when precious materials arrived at the store.

Ignoring Wayne's nonsense, Snape asked, "Are you selling them?"

Wayne slammed a gold brick on the table and raised his eyebrows. "Do

you think I'm short of money?"

Their relationship was peculiar. Snape was Wayne's teacher and even

tutored him individually, but Wayne also enjoyed tricking Snape and

seeing him deflated.

"Hmph! What a waste of materials!" Snape gritted his teeth but still

prepared the recipe for the intelligence enhancer.

A high-level potion like this couldn't be brewed in just two hours. When

Wayne arrived, he left the cauldron in Snape's office and went out.

Looking at the steaming golden liquid, Snape felt a pang of envy. How

did Wayne always manage to get his hands on such valuable things?

The next day, Wayne struggled to crawl out of his warm quilt. The

weather was growing colder, and snow was in the forecast.

As usual, he woke up his two roommates, washed himself, and then went

to the auditorium to eat breakfast.

When he entered the auditorium, he hesitated in his steps.

The entire auditorium was filled with the delightful aroma of pumpkins,

and the conversations among the young wizards all revolved around

Halloween, which was fast approaching.



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Chapter 72: 72. The Expanding

Pumpkin, Hermione's Outbreak

Wayne was feeling quite emotional.

Before he knew it, he had been living in Hogwarts for nearly two months.

Once people become busy, time passes very quickly.

The two months he had spent at Hogwarts were the most fulfilling he had

ever experienced, and it was far more interesting than attending a

Muggle school.

Perhaps due to the upcoming holiday, starting this week, the professors'

classes were more or less related to Halloween.

In Transfiguration class...

Professor McGonagall handed each student a mouse and instructed the

young wizards to transform it into a pumpkin.

Wayne looked at his mouse, which appeared very wilted, and nudged

Ronald, who was sitting in front of him, with his wand.

"Is something wrong, Wayne?" Ronald turned around in confusion.

"I feel like my mouse isn't very clever. Why don't you let me borrow


"Scabbers is a pet, not a prop." Ronald immediately became anxious.

"Plus, Scabbers is still in the dormitory. I didn't bring him along."

"I see." Wayne felt a little disappointed. "How about you lend him to me

next time and let me rent him? One Sickle per day."

Ronald was truly tempted after hearing such a high price.

One day's worth of Sickle was nearly equivalent to two Galleons in a


Undoubtedly, this was a huge sum of money for him.

But after considering his affection for Scabbers, Ronald still declined, his

face filled with sorrow.

Harry asked with doubt, "Wayne, why are you so interested in Scabbers?"

Wayne replied matter-of-factly, "The usual lifespan of a mouse is one to

three years. Scabbers have lived for more than ten years. Of course, I

want to study such a long-lived mouse."


Harry also noticed a blind spot.

Not only did Wayne fail to mention it, but he also didn't even realize it.

How could Scabbers have survived so well?

Sensing the curiosity in his friend's eyes, Ronald quickly defended,

"Scabbers is a wizard's pet. How can he be compared to an ordinary


Harry shrugged, "But as you said, he is just an ordinary mouse without

any magical blood."

"Well..." Ronald didn't know what to say.

"Perhaps Percy fed him some magical potion? You know, Scabbers used

to be Percy's pet."

"Forget it, I won't push you if you don't want to." Wayne said casually.

"But you can come to me if you ever need money in the future, and

remember to bring your rat."

After saying that, he began playing with his wilted mouse.


Herbology class.

This week's herbology lesson was not held in the greenhouse.

Braving the cold wind, Professor Sprout led the young wizards to Hagrid's


It was a pumpkin field. The pumpkins on the vines were ripe for picking.

Each vine had two or three pumpkins, and they glistened golden.

The young wizards' task was not only to pick the pumpkins but also to

make the already large pumpkins even bigger.

Professor Sprout retrieved bottles of potions from the large basket she

had brought and instructed each young wizard to take one.

"This is a swelling potion that can change the size of pumpkins."

"It should be noted that it must be dropped in the center of the melon

base so that it can expand evenly, and be sure not to drop too much."

"After adding one drop, wait until the swelling is over before adding

another drop."

Professor Sprout warned, "In the last class, there was a little Gryffindor

wizard who poured half a bottle of swelling potion on the pumpkin. The

two little wizards were almost crushed to death. You must be careful."

There was a low laugh in the vegetable patch.

Anything in the hands of Gryffindor will always lead to strange

developments, and they are used to it.

Wayne opened the bottle and put it between his nose to smell it. His face

turned a little dark.

"What's wrong?" Hannah, who was drooling over the pumpkin, noticed

Wayne's change and wiped the drool from her mouth, asking.

"Nothing, I just think the potion is of good quality." Wayne forced a


Can it be bad? He did this with his own hands.

He wondered why Snape suddenly asked him to brew a very simple

swelling potion that day. He was treating him as cheap labor.

Wayne silently made another note for Snape in the notebook.

He has always exploited others, but he didn't expect to be exploited by


Sooner or later, he will have to be hung up on the street lights.

As the class was about to end, the vegetable patch was already crowded

with pumpkins. Each pumpkin was two or three times larger than before,

as big as a millstone.

Although pumpkins that have been treated with swelling potion can still

be eaten, the taste will be very poor and they will not be satisfying.

Fortunately, these pumpkins are only used as Halloween decorations and

will not end up in the little wizard's belly.

Well, maybe Hannah can't help but try it.

Professor Sprout gave Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff five points each because

no one was causing trouble in class.

That's the power of the control group.

With the Gryffindor jade in front, it becomes a plus.

"Mr. Lawrence, please stay for a while."

Sprout called out to Wayne in the crowd.

"Professor, is something wrong?"

"Help me send these pumpkins to the storage room." With that, Sprout

controlled half of the pumpkins to float.

Wayne followed suit and controlled the other half of the pumpkins

without even taking out his wand.

"Perfect levitation spell, plus ten points for Hufflepuff." Professor Sprout

smiled very happily. "This is for Flitwick."

Recently, Wayne has stopped answering questions in class, or even if he

does answer them, the professors will not give him extra points easily.

Because when professors see Wayne, they always feel like a graduate

coming back to take first-year courses.

If you give him extra points, it will be weird.Professor Sprout also sought

an opportunity to make it up to Wayne. There was no way she couldn't

grow just a few pumpkins.

After placing the pumpkin in the storage room, Wayne bid farewell to his

dean, had a casual lunch, and headed to the Potions classroom.

The previous good mood had vanished, and Snape seemed to always

dampen everyone's spirits when they were at their happiest.

None of the professors had homework this Halloween weekend, and even

Quidditch practice was canceled.

He was the only one who left three papers after class, corresponding to

the main potions he had previously learned.

Although Wayne didn't have to write, Snape still assigned him a task -

ensuring that all Hufflepuff wizards' papers passed with flying colors.

The moment Snape saw Wayne take out his wand, he swiftly floated

away like a bat.

The last day of October was Halloween.

When Wayne woke up early in the morning, the smell of roasting

pumpkins in the corridor was stronger, and the ghosts were more active

than usual.

In the Hufflepuff common room, the fat monk gave an impromptu

speech, urging the young wizards to join the church and have faith in the

all-powerful God. Unfortunately, no one was interested.

In Charm's class, Professor Flitwick proposed that they could begin

making objects fly.

After witnessing him levitate Neville's toads around the classroom, the

students were eager to see more.

One student conjured a feather, and the young wizards waved their

wands and muttered incantations.

"Wayne, what are you working on?" Hermione successfully controlled the

feather, causing it to float in the air for a few seconds before contentedly

putting it away and letting it slowly descend.

Only then did she notice that Wayne, who was seated next to her, wasn't

practicing magic but writing a letter.

"Oh, my robes are a bit too small. I'm going to order two more sets from

Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions"

"Do you need help? If you're unsure of your size, the store can send you a

set of magic measuring tools. Just send them back with the payment."

The ages of eleven and twelve are the years when growth spurts occur.

In the two months since starting school, Wayne had grown three

centimeters, causing his robes to become too short.

"I don't need help," Wayne replied. Hermione lectured him like a

responsible housekeeper, "You'll just need to buy new robes in two

months, so why not order a larger size? It will save you money."

"Sigh." Wayne finished writing his final request, returned the letter to his

pocket, and shook his head in regret.

"After all, I'm so poor that I only have money and no place to spend it

here at Hogwarts. Are you trying to deprive me of even this bit of


Hermione was momentarily speechless.

Only then did she remember Wayne's true identity.

This mischievous individual had only mentioned the death of his parents

when they first met, failing to mention that he was a Earl!

If they were in the Muggle world, Hermione would respectfully refer to

Wayne as "Lord" whenever she saw him."Just show off," the little witch

snapped, ignoring Wayne with evident anger.

After hearing that Ronald kept chanting the wrong spell, he reminded

him a little irritably, "It's wing-GAR-dee-um leh-vee-OH-sa, make the 'gar'

nice and long."

After being pointed out numerous mistakes, Ronald became angry and

said, "Since you're so smart, come and try it!"

Hermione, without any politeness, rolled up her sleeves, revealing her

white wrists. She waved them as Flitwick had taught her and confidently

exclaimed, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

Her feathers rose from the table, steadily and quickly, hovering four

inches above Hermione's head.

"Oh, well done," Professor Flitwick exclaimed happily. "Look, Miss

Granger has succeeded! Five points for Gryffindor!"

Ronald remained silent for the rest of the class.

Ronald's mood was extremely bad when Seamus set his feathers on fire as

a sign of the end of class.

"No wonder everyone can't stand her," Ronald complained to Harry.

"She's a nightmare."

Harry noticed Hermione nearby from the corner of his eye, and Ronald

quickly hushed him, saying, "Don't Hermione and Wayne have a good

relationship? They're both geniuses."

"There's a difference between geniuses," Ronald continued, seeking an

argument. "Wayne is more talented than Hermione, but he has never

been as domineering as her."

"Look at Wayne's popularity. Even Malfoy would take the initiative to say

hello to him!"

"But what about Hermione? She always looks down on me!"

Is it because you're too short? Harry silently thought to himself, but he

had given up on trying to save Ronald.

There was no hope; he just had to wait for Ronald to calm down.

However, what Harry didn't expect was for Ronald to continue ranting

nonsensically on their way to their next class.

"No wonder I rarely see Wayne and Hermione together recently. He's

always with that second-year Ravenclaw."

"What's her name? Cho Chang, right?"

"She's so gentle."

Harry subconsciously nodded in agreement.


An angry voice reached their ears.

Ronald felt like the world was spinning as he suddenly flew up and was

hung upside down on a pillar in the courtyard.

Hermione, with her hair flying, was seething with anger. "Ronald

Weasley, is there any point in talking about others behind their backs?

You should really learn from your three brothers! What are the most

basic manners of a person?"

After saying that, Hermione stormed away angrily, and Harry was too

frightened to move.

He had never seen Hermione so angry before.

The scene caused a major commotion in the garden between the

buildings. Students passing by looked on in shock. But when they saw

Ronald's embarrassed appearance, many people couldn't help laughing.

"It's actually a silent spell. Isn't that first-year Granger just now?"

"It's her. What kind of spell is this? I've never seen it before."

"Today's little wizards are really awesome. There's Lawrence in the first

grade, and then there's Granger."

"Would you like to go to the library together? I also want to learn this

spell and have some skills."

Ronald's face turned as red as a monkey's butt after so many people

pointed and laughed at him.

Harry wanted to put him down but couldn't touch Ronald and couldn't

counter the curse.

Three full minutes later, after the spell expired, Ronald fell down, and

Harry hurriedly held him up.

"Ronald, are you okay?"

Ronald, who felt too embarrassed to face anyone, pushed Harry away and

fled the garden in a panic.

Night soon arrived.

As darkness fell, the castle's decorations took on a new look.

The auditorium was filled with colorful Halloween items. The once starlit

ceiling had been replaced with a ghostly smiling face, and thousands of

bats fluttered on the walls and ceiling.

Countless dark clouds loomed over the dining table.

The brass candlesticks had been replaced with pumpkins enchanted to

levitate. Dim candlelight flickered through the carved eyes and mouths of

the pumpkins.

Instead of being scary, they actually looked quite cute.

Dumbledore waved his wand radiantly and without saying a word, the

golden plate was filled with delicacies, as bountiful as the opening


All kinds of roast chicken, lamb chops, steaks, and pork knuckles were


Hufflepuff's little badgers cheered and eagerly grabbed at the plate.

Normally, the school never let anyone go hungry and provided plenty of

meat and vegetables, but it was never as diverse as it is today.

Wayne also received a whole chicken, two large pieces of grilled ribs, and

a generous serving of beans.

Before starting to eat, he glanced at the long Gryffindor table and noticed

Hermione sitting there with a steak on her plate, so he paid it no mind.

Quirrell wanted to cause trouble tonight, but it had nothing to do with

Wayne, so it was just for show.

As long as Hermione wasn't in danger.

As if understanding, Hermione also raised her head and met Wayne's


The boy flashed her a big smile, but the young witch rolled her eyes,

leaving Wayne a little confused.

How had he annoyed Hermione again?

Cho also spotted Wayne at the nearby long table, smiled, and raised her

wine glass filled with juice to toast. The two congratulated each other

from a distance.

Hermione was even more irritated.

She struggled to cut her steak with her knife and fork, tearing it into

small pieces.

Harry, who was not far away, swallowed his saliva and cautiously said,

"Hey, Hermione."


"Um... have you seen Ronald?" Harry hadn't been able to find Ronald all

afternoon, not even in Herbology class."How do I know where he is?"

Hermione sarcastically asked, "Maybe he's in the library, finally learning

some basic manners."

Neville, mouth full of food, overheard their conversation and abruptly

looked up. "I saw him in the second-floor bathroom not long ago," he

said, "but he looked upset. Did something happen?"

"Nothing," Harry said with a dry laugh, deciding to find his good friend

after dinner.

The atmosphere in the auditorium was full of harmony, with wizards'

laughter echoing throughout.

Professor Flitwick had drawn a bat on his wizard hat, which was now


Professor Sprout had applied red camouflage to her face.

Even Professor McGonagall, in a rare moment, raised her wine glass and

proposed a toast to Professor Barbling, the Ancient Runes professor.

The only person who seemed determined to spoil the atmosphere was

Snape, who retained his cold expression and showed no interest in

Halloween whatsoever.

Just as everyone was reveling in the festive spirit, the door swung open,

and Quirrell rushed into the auditorium, his face filled with horror.



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Chapter 73: 73. Water Prison

Technique, You Are All My Wings

"Troll! In the dungeons!"

"I thought you ought to know." Quirrell, after speaking this alarming

news, collapsed to the floor unconscious.

Wayne reacted by rolling his eyes, jumping on a chair, and yelling for

everyone to run away from the troll. In the process, he accidentally

stepped on Quirrell's head, causing him pain.

Quirrell, pretending to be dazed and with Voldemort speaking through

him, shouted in frustration. Dumbledore, trying to restore order, fired off

fireworks from his wand. He then instructed the prefects to lead the

students back to their dormitories. Wayne and others realized that

Quirrell had been repeatedly stepped on and called for help.

However, Quirrell insisted that he was fine and urged everyone to leave

the dangerous area.

As they were leaving, some students wondered how the giant monster

had entered the school undetected.

Wayne and Hermione questioned this as well. Hermione informed Wayne

that Ron was still in the bathroom and unaware of the troll situation.

She, Harry, and Wayne hurriedly made their way towards the bathroom

to rescue Ron.

As they walked, Hermione remorsefully explained the entire situation. If

she hadn't provoked Ronald to embarrass himself, he wouldn't have spent

the entire afternoon hiding, too afraid to interact with anyone or even

put himself in danger.

"It's not entirely your fault," Wayne reassured Hermione. He couldn't

believe that this mischievous kid dared to spread gossip about him.

Suddenly, Wayne grabbed both Hermione and Harry and quickly hid

behind a nearby statue. They could hear hurried footsteps approaching. It

was Snape. He walked through the corridor, passed several onlookers,

and rushed up the stairs.

"What is he up to?" Harry whispered. "He's headed towards the fourth

floor. Where are the other professors?"

"Let's not dwell on it. Professors can do whatever they want. Let's go find

Ronald," Wayne urged, and the three of them resumed their journey.

As they turned a corner, Wayne immediately wrinkled his nose and his

eyes began to water.

The stench was unbearable. It was worse than the smelliest potion, and

he could even see a green mist hovering in the air.

He quickly turned off his sense of smell and felt some relief. Wayne had

finally realized the limitations of his heightened senses. One giant

monster had nearly knocked him out. If there were a dozen more, he

would have fled without hesitation.

Hermione and Harry also covered their noses, while a low grunting sound

and heavy footsteps grew closer. A twelve-foot-tall behemoth emerged

from around the corner and walked into the bathroom, followed by the

screams of boys.

"That's Ronald!" Harry's expression changed, and he immediately

recognized his friend's voice. He ran towards the bathroom.

Wayne raised his hand, causing Harry to float in the air, his short legs


"You and Hermione stay here, and don't cause any trouble!" Wayne

shouted, striding towards the bathroom.

The door had been smashed, revealing the scene inside. Ronald was

cowering in the corner, his wand broken into two pieces and discarded

on the floor.

Step by step, the giant monster advanced, wielding a massive wooden

club. Wayne lifted his palm slightly, causing the wooden root in the

troll's hand to float up and strike it on the head.

Crack!"Ho-ho!" The club shattered, and the giant spun around to look

behind it.

Wayne was speechless.

Wasn't this creature supposed to faint when struck with a club? Why

didn't that happen? Phew! Two faucets burst open, and a torrent of water

gushed out. Under Wayne's control, the water transformed into a massive

wave, submerging the giant monster and suspending it in mid-air.

Hermione and Harry were also present at this moment. They were so

shocked by the sight of the giant monster trapped in the water prison, yet

unable to free itself, that they couldn't find their voices.

"Ronald!" Wayne called out.

Wayne managed to control the water prison with one hand, while quickly

casting a spell to soak his head with the other hand. He silently cursed

himself for being foolish and only just remembered to use a spell to

neutralize the smell.

Upon hearing Wayne's reminder, Ronald snapped out of his daze and

stumbled over to Harry's side.

The clear water washed away the filth from the troll's body, turning it

murky and accentuating the foul smell of the bathroom.

Except for Wayne, the three of them held their noses tightly, looking at

the bubbles on Wayne's head with envy, secretly vowing to learn that

spell in the future.

After a couple of minutes, the giant's struggles began to weaken, until it

eventually stopped moving altogether.

"Did it drown?" Harry whispered.

"Let's stay in the water a little longer, but be careful," Hermione advised


Wayne agreed and kept the giant monster trapped in the water prison.

The monster's tough skin and thick flesh made it more resistant to attacks

compared to the Acromantula and the Centaur. That's why Wayne chose

the water prison as a means of torturing the monster to death.

Additionally, he wanted the troll to be killed cleanly, as he found it too


Feeling proud of his decision, Wayne's thoughts were interrupted by the

sound of loud footsteps in the corridor. Hermione and the three of them

turned around to see Professor McGonagall rushing into the toilet,

followed closely by Snape and Quirrell.

"Oh my God!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed, "What on earth are you

doing?!"Inside the water prison, the giant monster peacefully slept while

the three little wizards looked at Wayne, unsure of how to explain the


Snape's face was gloomy and he limped. When he saw the water prison,

his eyes narrowed.

As Wayne smiled and greeted Professor McGonagall, Snape casually

glanced at him.

Quirrell also entered the toilet. He took one look at the troll and let out a

weak sob. Sitting on a toilet, he tightly clutched his clothes to wipe away

his tears.

"Professor Quirrell," Wayne reminded, "If you need to use the toilet, this

might not be the most convenient place."Quirrell hesitated, and then he

cried even louder.

"You can stop, Lawrence," Snape said solemnly. "Do you plan on

drowning this giant monster?"Hearing Snape's words, Wayne dispelled

the magic, causing the giant monster to thud to the ground.

"I need an explanation! What do you think you're doing?!" Professor

McGonagall demanded, her anger evident. Harry had never seen her so


Unexplainably, Hermione's angry face flashed through Harry's mind.

"I think it's obvious..." Snape sneered, "Genius Lawrence wanted to prove

his strength, so he recruited his little girlfriend and two followers to

cause mischief with the troll."Hermione couldn't help but feel pleased

with Snape's comment.

Harry and Ron were furious. Who were these followers? They were just

Wayne's friends! Wayne didn't take it seriously but still smiled. "Professor

Snape, you have such a way with words, but unfortunately, it's wasted on

you."Snape's face twisted in disgust.

"Professor McGonagall," Hermione lowered her head, her voice low, "This

is all my fault because..."

"No!" Ron interrupted, "They all came to find me. I was running around

and accidentally came across the troll. Thankfully, Wayne and the others

saved me."Naturally, Professor McGonagall wasn't quick to believe such

an excuse. She sensed that there were hidden details they weren't


However, when she saw Ron's determined eyes, McGonagall considered,

"Mr. Weasley, I will deduct five points from Gryffindor for your

recklessness."Snape let out a dissatisfied snort, saying, "Professor

McGonagall, here..."Halfway through his words, he noticed Wayne

quietly raise a finger, prompting Snape to quickly make a three sign.

Wayne then held out another finger.

Snape adjusted his tone and stated, "Most of them are students from your

college, so I won't comment."McGonagall looked at him in surprise. Just

moments ago, she had believed that Snape thought the punishment was

not harsh enough. However, since Snape voiced no objection, the

punishment stopped there.McGonagall didn't want to pour salt on the few

points left in his academy.

"As for you, Mr. Lawrence, for your bravery and kindness, Hufflepuff

adds twenty points."

"Okay, let's rest soon, shall we? The students are still over there planning

the Halloween dinner."Wayne exchanged a look with Snape and led

Harry and the others out of the toilet.

Before leaving, Ronald, feeling distressed, picked up the broken wand in

two pieces, intending to return and mend it with magic tape. Hermione

continued to tightly hold onto Wayne's hand, leaving the boy feeling

helpless as he followed them to the Gryffindor Tower.

Halfway there, Hermione suddenly said, "Sorry, Ronald, I was too

impulsive this afternoon. I apologize to you."

"You were the one who helped me correct my mistake just now. Thank

you."After saying that, she bowed formally to Ronald, leaving him feeling


"No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have said those harsh words. The spells you

taught were all correct. I cared too much about appearances."

"And by the way, Wayne probably likes you more than Ravenclaw's Cho

Chang."Hermione blushed, and Wayne slapped Ronald on the head in


"Shut up! Why are you always gossiping about me?"Having just witnessed

Wayne suffocate the troll, Ronald felt ashamed and looked down.

"I was wrong, Wayne."

"Now that this matter is resolved, it will be forgotten from now on, and

no one should mention it again."Wayne swiftly settled the matter, and no

one had any objections.

Glancing at the wand in Ronald's hand, Wayne asked, "What do you plan

to do with the wand?"

Ronald smiled bitterly. "I'll just keep using it. If I tell my mother, she'll

send me a Howler."Hermione was about to speak but was interrupted by


"In that case, I'll lend you the money now, and you don't have to repay

me. However, you'll have to take care of my astronomy and history of

magic assignments this semester. Consider the money as payment. What

do you think?"Ronald nodded eagerly and agreed. He knew that a wand

cost seven galleons, and the homework for two subjects wasn't

overwhelming. He could finish it in the time it took to play a few games

of wizard chess, and he had already earned a lot of money.

"Thank you, Wayne," Ronald said gratefully."You're welcome," Wayne

replied. The four of them continued walking towards the tower.

Arriving in front of the Fat Lady's portrait, Ronald and Harry entered

first. Hermione seemed to have something to say to Wayne and was left

alone. She lowered her head and played with her fingers, speaking


"Don't worry about what Ronald said about Cho just now... you... don't

worry, he is just talking nonsense."Wayne smiled and ruffled her hair. "I

know, I'm only in first grade and I haven't thought about those messy

things at all."

"But is there no problem between you and Cho? You two haven't spoken

for a long time."

"Of course not." Hermione defended herself awkwardly, "I've just been

really busy lately."

"The day after tomorrow, I made plans with Cho to go to the library


"I'll take you there," Wayne offered.

He didn't care whether Hermione had actually made plans with Cho

beforehand, or if she was trying to make it up to her later. As long as

they didn't drift apart and cause unnecessary complications, he was


"Thank you for today," Hermione said, hugging Wayne.

The scent of the shower gel mixed with milk filled his senses, but their

interaction was too short-lived. Before he could fully savor it, Hermione

spoke the password and hurriedly entered the Gryffindor common room.

Wayne narrowed his eyes and whispered to himself, "Ah... sweet-smelling

and soft loli."

In the principal's office, Snape limped and took a seat in front of


"It's currently quiet on the fourth floor, and Quirrell hasn't passed

through," Snape reported.

"Thank you for your hard work, Severus. Is your leg injury okay? Do you

need to see Madam Pomfrey?" Dumbledore asked with concern.

"You don't have to worry about it, I can handle it myself," Snape replied,

taking out a small crystal bottle with a distressed expression.

Carefully, he dripped two drops onto the bloody wound, immediately

standing up to avoid using too much.

A miracle occurred. As soon as the droplets touched the wound, it rapidly

healed and disappeared within seconds.

Dumbledore observed this scene curiously. "Are these tears from a Fox?

The effect is indeed much stronger than a Fawke's."

"This is just the most basic application," Snape said, his expression

complicated. "You have no idea what these tears represent."Dumbledore

leaned in, intrigued. "What is it?"

"It's hope."Snape tightened his grip on the bottle and solemnly put it


"You should know what happened in the bathroom, right?" Dumbledore

nodded and replied, "Not long after Minerva left, Mr. Lawrence used a

very beautiful water prison." Snape deliberately added, "Wandless


Dumbledore chuckled and Snape asked, "Are you scared?" Dumbledore

chuckled again and responded, "Don't test me again, Severus. I have the

utmost confidence in Mr. Lawrence from beginning to end. There's

something you don't know. Maybe I can help you dispel those doubts."

Snape raised his eyebrow, "Mr. Lawrence regards the forbidden book area

as his second bedroom, but he has little interest in books about black

magic." Dumbledore then stated, "He's not going to be the next Dark


"Since you think so highly of him, then Proph-" Dumbledore's smile

gradually disappeared and he fell into silence. After a long time, he said,

"This is Harry's destiny, and no one can replace him." Dumbledore added,

"And I can only provide some help as much as possible."



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Chapter 74: 74. Snape: This Boy

Has The Appearance Of A Demon

King, And He Will Give Voldemort

Another Blow.

Facing Dumbledore's cryptic hint, Snape found it difficult to breathe. It

felt as though he had just emerged from the water only to be forced back


Destiny and prophecy filled his mind, along with an overwhelming sense

of self-blame. Lily, Harry's mother, how did she die? The answer was

clear - because Snape had revealed the prophecy to the Dark Lord.

There were two families at stake - Harry's and Neville's. In the end,

Voldemort's choice was obvious. Snape's heart ached with pain. He was

the one who had killed Lily.

Snape had two main motivations that supported his survival. First, to

completely vanquish the Dark Lord, seeking vengeance for Lily and

seeking redemption for his sins. Second, to protect those eyes, referring

to Harry's famous green eyes. With these two goals in mind, Snape was

willing to die.

And Dumbledore, knowing Snape's thoughts, despite Snape's questionable

actions and moral character, had placed the utmost trust in him. In the

face of greater interests, factors such as right and wrong, good and evil,

faded into insignificance.

Walking out of the principal's office in despair, Snape bumped into

Wayne, who had just descended from the Gryffindor Tower. To Snape's

surprise, Wayne's previously depressed expression was gone.

"Professor, it's not curfew time yet," Wayne reminded.

Snape confronted Wayne, resulting in five points being deducted from

Hufflepuff. While it partially lifted Snape's spirits, he couldn't help but

feel disappointed that Wayne didn't seem to care about the points.

Perhaps Hufflepuff, as a whole, didn't truly value scores, which

diminished Snape's satisfaction.

Wayne, playfully glancing at Snape's torn trouser legs stained with blood,

teased, "Did you get chased by a dog? The esteemed Headmaster of

Slytherin can't handle a three-headed dog? How about I teach you some

magic spells for self-defense?"

Snape's smile froze, and he carefully observed Wayne. "Have you been to

the fourth-floor corridor?"

"Don't make baseless accusations," Wayne responded innocently, raising

his hands. "I am a law-abiding student. How could I defy the principal's


Ignoring Wayne's nonsense, Snape walked ahead, all while his mind

hatched a plan. He suspected that Wayne was the one who had

previously wounded the three-headed dog so badly. What a little

monster. Looking at Wayne, Snape couldn't help but see him as a

rising...demon king. In the eyes of Snape, anyone coming out of Slytherin

was seen as a potential Dark Lord, while anyone from Gryffindor was

seen as a future hero or savior. But what about Hufflepuff? The two of

them stopped communicating until they reached the fork on the first

floor. Wayne was going back to the dormitory toward the cafeteria, while

Snape was heading to the potions office.


Snape couldn't bear it any longer and purposely coughed twice,

extending two fingers to make his meaning clear.

Wayne suddenly realized, "Sorry, Professor, I almost forgot."

As he said that, he took out a dragon skin bag and searched through it for

a long time before finally retrieving two small finger-sized pocket glass


"These contain Acromantula venom, Professor. It's what I promised you


Snape looked incredulous.

The two bottles combined were not even enough for an ounce!

Wayne innocently forced the two small glass bottles into Snape's hands.

"Just confirm if these are the two bottles."

"But what I meant..."

What he wanted was the large bottle Wayne had previously shown him!

"Oh, what are you doing? Just two bottles, don't be so stingy. Goodbye,


Wayne swiftly left.

Snape was stunned for a while, anger building up inside him.

"Lawrence, you fool!"

There were no secrets at Hogwarts, especially among those involved in

the incident. Ronald had five older brothers who were remarkable, and a

younger sister who the entire family adored. As the sixth child, he wasn't

taken seriously. Despite his above-average academic performance and the

attention garnered by his best friend, Mr. Savior, Hermione, Ronald had

become somewhat transparent. So, when presented with an opportunity

to make his mark, Ronald wouldn't miss it. However, he still had some

sense of decency and narrated the story mostly based on facts, excluding

the part about him being trapped in the bathroom.

The next day, the entire school knew.

Gryffindors weren't creators of gossip; they were spreaders. The Weasley

twins waited specifically for Wayne at the entrance of the auditorium.

The moment he stepped through the doors, they magically released a

shower of petals into the sky and cheered, "Here comes the hero who

defeated the trolls!" Thunderous applause erupted from the Gryffindor

table. The young wizard had singled out the troll and become the hero

who saved the school. This kind of notoriety was beloved by the young


Wayne blushed because the truth had died. Everyone in the auditorium,

including the professors at the guest table, was now looking at him.

Wayne glared hard at Ronald, who was standing next to Harry, and then

said to the twins, "Let's discuss it, clean up Ronald, and I'll give you a

bottle of thinking potion."

"What are you talking about?" George looked angry. "Ronald is our

younger brother!"

"Two bottles!" Wayne quickly increased the price.

"Deal," Fred responded quickly. "How mature do you want it to be?"

"Just take care of it yourself, don't kill anyone."

"It's your turn!"

The twins were gone, but Hufflepuff's little badgers came around again.

None of them knew what had happened yesterday; they only knew that

Wayne had come back later. They kept asking questions here and there.

"The Water Prison Spell?" Cedric thought for a while. "I have heard of

this spell. It is a very advanced magic that requires extremely high levels

of transformation and magic skills."

"Ah, once you can triple transform, you can use this magic spell," Wayne

said casually. "You are the first in the third grade, it must be very easy

for you."

Cedric turned green. Is this even human speech? It is a triple

transformation. He has just barely mastered the transformation of living

things into living things now, and it is still too early for double


What surprised Wayne was that Quirrell had been seriously injured and

his head was almost crushed last night, but he still insisted on coming to

class today, although he had changed his turban.

I don't know if Voldemort has passed away.

The little wizards did not come to the usual classroom but were taken to

another larger classroom on the third floor.

"Today... today you can freely practice meditation, concentration, and the

body-fixing mantra."

After stammering, Quirrell just sat aside and closed his eyes to rest.

It seems that today Quirrell is the nervous one, not the confident one.

However, in the practical class, the little wizards were able to cast spells

at will, which made them even happier.

"Professor Quirrell, are you alive?" Wayne came to Quirrell's side and

asked with concern.

Quirrell opened his eyes and forced a smile. "No, it's nothing serious."

"How is your phoenix doing lately? Is the trachoma cured?"

"Not yet." Wayne shook his head regretfully and changed the topic. "But I

have collected a lot of Fawke's tears. Do you need them?"

"Of course," Quirrell gritted his teeth secretly but still did not refuse.

No matter how small a mosquito's legs are, they are still flesh. Voldemort

can hardly hold on during the intense classes recently.

"Then what magic spell did you use in exchange?" Wayne waved a small

bottle in front of Quirrell's eyes. Quirrell hesitated, and at that moment,

Voldemort woke up and took over his body.

"How about the Fire Spell?" Voldemort still whispered in Quirrell's tone,

attempting to persuade Wayne. "Don't be afraid. Although fire is

considered black magic, it is essentially just flame."

He tempted Wayne further, saying, "If you had used the Fire Spell last

night, the troll would have been burned to ashes long ago. Why waste so

much magic power? What kind of water prison did you use?"

Voldemort was curious to see how Dumbledore would react if Wayne was

bewitched and transformed into a dark wizard. He believed that Wayne

showed extraordinary talent and could be valuable under his influence.

He used to possess power, but since Wayne crushed it underfoot

yesterday, he had been treated like a mere carpet by the young wizard.

Now all he wanted was to eliminate this nuisance.

"Fire," Wayne replied coldly, causing Voldemort's heart to sink. Was

Lawrence repulsed by black magic? How did Voldemort manage to

corrupt him?

Wayne furrowed his brows in displeasure and said, "Professor, do you

honestly think I would stoop to using such a low-level spell like Fire?

There are at least ten books in the forbidden section that document more

impressive fire spells. Your lack of sincerity is disappointing."

Voldemort took a deep breath and started to question his life choices.

Fire was an extremely potent black magic attack, requiring less magic

power and granting a wide attack range. Yet, even this was subject to


"What do you want then?" Voldemort asked helplessly.

"The last Mind Net was good," Wayne replied casually, playing with his

fingers. "If not, thunder magic will do. Any other lost magic would


Voldemort pondered for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Come

see me after class."

Satisfied with the agreement, Wayne left contentedly. At the end of the

class, Volde handed him a piece of parchment.

"Here are some insights I have on continuous casting. It should be

helpful, right?" Volde said.

There is no fixed casting time for magic spells, but if the same spell is

cast repeatedly, one's stamina may diminish, resulting in spell failure.

It's somewhat similar to exerting great effort, then declining, and finally

exhausting oneself.

Wayne accepted the parchment, intending to review it later. He also

remembered that he had given Quirrell Phoenix tears.

Wayne was not one to be careless in important matters. He understood

Dumbledore's nature very well, knowing that when he saw a potential

"shining point," he would be quite lenient.

Voldemort stared at Wayne's departing figure coldly, holding the small

bottle of Phoenix tears.

Nobody had ever been able to blackmail him twice in a row.

After acquiring the Philosopher's Stone and being revived, his first task

would be to kill Harry and then Wayne Lawrence.

And Dumbledore...

He could beat him to death.

In the afternoon, as the last Potions class came to a close, Wayne briskly

made his way to the principal's office, with Snape keeping a close eye.

Fortunately, Dumbledore happened to be inside.

"Professor, I have some questions about continuous casting," Wayne said,

using the same phrasing as before, and proceeded to list the skills taught

by Voldemort, eagerly waiting for the old man's response.

Dumbledore, being an experienced man, quickly surmised the source.

"Professor Quirrell taught you?" he inquired.

Wayne happily replied, "Yes, I traded Fawke's tears for his teachings."

Fawkes, who was perched on his stand, seemed displeased with the

situation. It flew down and pecked Wayne's hair, creating a messy ball of


"Oh, what are you doing, Fawkes? If you cause trouble again, I won't let

Fox play with you."

Reluctantly, Fawkes released Wayne after understanding his threat.

Dumbledore continued to smile. "Professor Quirrell is truly an

exceptional Ravenclaw student, and his insights into continuous spell

casting are unique."

"However, please release Fawkes. He is about to reach nirvana, but he

doesn't have enough tears for you."

Wayne understood Dumbledore's meaning.

There is no problem with this transaction. It is better to avoid Quirrell in

the future.

Wayne decisively agreed.

After the boy left, Dumbledore gently stroked Fawkes' feathers and

sighed. "What a clever little wizard."

In the library, Hermione and Cho sat in the corner, completing their


When I get tired of writing, I'll whisper for a bit, as long as Mrs. Pince

doesn't hear me.

After the troll incident, Hermione took the initiative to reconcile with

Cho. They didn't explicitly discuss it, but their relationship returned to


Softly, Hermione asked, "Cho, did Wayne tell you what he plans to do


"No." Cho shook her head. "It's a mystery. He only told me to leave the

tower promptly at ten o'clock."

Hermione's heart also began to itch, joining in the condemnation of a

certain boy.


Night fell, ten o'clock.

Wayne first went to the Gryffindor Tower to find Hermione, then

proceeded to the Ravenclaw Tower to locate Cho.

"Where are we going?"

"The Forbidden Forest."

"Isn't it dangerous?" Hermione rubbed her arm. "The book says the

Forbidden Forest is filled with dangerous magical creatures."

"Don't worry." Wayne reassured her. "I promise not to harm them."

The young witch opened her mouth.

No, I mean the magical creatures are the dangerous ones!

But in the end, curiosity overcame fear. Hermione had been longing to

explore the mysterious Forbidden Forest for quite some time.

Moreover, with Wayne by their side, even trolls can be easily defeated, so

the Forbidden Forest shouldn't pose much of a danger.

Wayne chose not to apparate using Fox but instead planned to take a

stroll through the Forbidden Forest.

"Follow me."

The three of them arrived at a blank picture frame on the third floor.

Wayne retrieved his wand and lightly pointed it at the frame.

Suddenly, a door handle grew directly from the picture frame. Opening it

revealed a dark passageway.

"Come on."

Wayne led the way, his wand casting a guiding light for the two young


By the time they emerged, they had arrived at the owl hut.

To the west lay Hagrid's hut, and to the east was the Quidditch pitch.

"We need to avoid Hagrid's cabin." Wayne reminded them, and Cho and

Hermione nodded excitedly.

This was their first time venturing out of the castle at night. When they

turned back and gazed at the castle under the serene night sky, it was

adorned with mottled lights, creating a quiet and peaceful ambiance.

The two of them followed closely behind Wayne. The lights were still on

in Hagrid's cabin, and they could catch a glimpse of his enormous figure

through the window, seemingly cooking something.

To prevent being discovered, Wayne spared no effort in using his powers

to put any passing creature to sleep, even a tooth.

Finally, the three of them entered the Forbidden Forest. Hermione, full of

curiosity, asked Wayne, "Where are we heading?"

Wayne remained silent, refusing to reveal their destination. "Just follow

me," he replied cryptically.

The full moon hung high in the sky, and along their way, they

encountered various enchanted creatures—cats, Bowtruckles, Fire Crabs,

Silent Birds, and Hawklaps.

The unicorns resided in a secluded area deep within the Forbidden

Forest. To move faster, Wayne used the Light Body technique on all three

of them, enabling them to travel quickly as if they were flying.

As they arrived at an open field with only two hills in sight, Hermione

suddenly pointed towards the right hill. "Look, something is emerging

from there!"

Wayne, realizing the significance of the full moon, swiftly pulled them

into hiding and cast the Disappearance Charm.

"Tonight is the night of the full moon, we are in luck," Wayne whispered.

At that moment, a horde of tiny creatures emerged from a cave on the


These creatures had round heads, large eyes, long necks, and four short


Both Cho and Hermione were captivated. "How adorable!" they

exclaimed simultaneously.



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Chapter 75: 75. Big-Eyed Cute

Moon-Crazy Beast, You Deserve

To Make Money

"This is the Moon Crazy Beast," Wayne pointed out, drawing attention to

the identities of these cute creatures.

I silently added in my mind.

This little thing looks unique, resembling a small alpaca. Especially those

unusually large eyes, which are inexplicably cute.

Cho and Hermione couldn't help but have the urge to rush forward, but

fortunately, Wayne held them back. "Don't worry, if we are discovered,

these moon-crazy beasts will all run away."

The Moon Crazy Beast is a very shy magical animal. It only emerges from

its lair to bask in the moonlight on full moon nights. They quickly flee

when disturbed.

"Take a look first, they are going to dance soon," Wayne comforted the

two women in a low voice.

On the open ground, the big-eyed cute beasts raised their heads, and

their hind legs began to swing irregularly, jumping up and down.

Hermione and Cho watched without blinking, their attention fully

focused on the Moon-Crazy Beasts.

Gradually, little silver stars appeared around them, falling with the wind.

"It's so beautiful," Cho sighed.

Wayne re. "Those silver things are the feces of the Moon-Crazy Beast."

"It's fascinating. It's the first creature that dances and... I've heard it also

has courting intentions."

The smiles on the two witches' faces faded, and they turned to Wayne

with numb eyes. Wayne was baffled. "Look, it's all written in Fantastic

Beasts and Where to Find Them."

Cho's little hands grasped onto his waist, and Hermione playfully hit

Wayne twice in annoyance. "I know you're right about everything, but

could you be more mindful of the occasion next time? What kind of

atmosphere is this... is it really appropriate?"

However, they only pretended to be angry, barely touching Wayne. So he

just tolerated it, determined to write it down in a small notebook for

future revenge.

A quarter of an hour later, the silver brilliance gradually disappeared,

and the crazy beasts stopped dancing. "Just wait for me," Wayne said,

giving instructions. He lifted his phantom spell and walked towards the

moon-crazy beasts, activating his magical animal affinity talent.

Moon-Crazy Beast screamed in fear upon seeing a sudden appearance but

sensing Wayne's animal affinity, it did not run away. "Easy, easy," Wayne

soothed. "Relax, I'm just here to make friends."As he spoke, Wayne also

plucked some dandelions, though they were a bit dry since it wasn't

flowering season. Yet, they still caught the attention of the Moon-Crazy


Out of the dozen or so Moon-Crazy Beasts, two were particularly bold.

They cautiously approached Wayne, but seeing that he made no

threatening moves, they began eating with confidence. Once the others

noticed this, they followed suit, and in an instant, Wayne found himself

surrounded by these adorable creatures.

Reaching out, Wayne touched their heads, enjoying how their long necks

stretched and contracted. It was a delightful sight. Cho and Hermione,

who had been hiding nearby, looked on with envy.

"Come on," Wayne called to them, not forgetting about his friends. He

waved them over, assuring them, "Don't be afraid. They are my friends

and won't harm you." With this initial trust established, the Moon-Crazy

Beasts allowed the two women to approach.

By the time the dandelions had been eaten, the three of them had their

fill of interacting with the beasts. Aware of the limited time they had,

Wayne took hold of the reluctant Hermione and Cho, and they continued

their rush into the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Before departing, Wayne took a moment to collect the Moon-Crazy

Beast's droppings, intending to use them as fertilizer for the biting


Near a small stream, they found a fertile grassland devoid of small

animals. Hermione felt confused, but Wayne reassured her by curling his

thumb and index finger to his mouth and whistling.


In the darkness, a faintly fluorescent white figure came rushing towards

them. Its speed was so fast that Hermione and Cho couldn't make out

what it was. The white light reached Wayne, causing them to take two

steps back in fright.


Fox also flew over from not far away, attempting to land on Wayne's

shoulders but realizing it was too big and settling on a nearby tree


Compared to Fox, this newcomer was twice as big.

"This is..." Hermione trembled as she spoke, her eyes widening. "A


The creature resembled a white horse, with a spiral horn on its forehead.

It emitted a pure and sacred aura, and its snow-white coat remained


All these distinct features revealed the identity of this magnificent being

before them.

"Hestia, why were you running so fast? What if Diana had fallen?" Wayne

gently touched Hestia's slender neck, scolding her softly.

Diana was the name Wayne had given the baby unicorn.

The name came from ancient Roman mythology and represented the

moon goddess. In ancient Greece, she could also be called Artemis.

The image of a light shining upon Diana had left a lasting impression on

Wayne, which inspired him to christen her with that name.

Unicorns grow quite swiftly. In just over half a month, Diana had grown

a beautiful mane and was able to walk on her own.

She was small and incredibly adorable.

The hair is always golden but turns silvery white when they reach


After holding Diana in his arms and lifting her, Wayne said, "Hermione

and Cho are my friends. I brought them here to see you today."

The two little witches were too excited to speak. They looked eagerly at

Wayne and Hestia, unsure of where to put their hands.

Trusting Wayne, Hestia no longer felt wary of the two women.

Unicorn is even better than Wayne at judging a girl's purity.

She walked gently towards them, slightly lowering her head and bending

her legs forward. This gesture, similar to a hippogriff's behavior, was a

signal of friendship.

Unfortunately, neither Cho nor Hermione had taken the Care of Magical

Creatures class. Wayne could only remind them, "Hestia has recognized

you; treat us as friends."

Hermione and Cho exchanged looks, their eyes filled with joy.

Unicorns may not be the strongest creatures, with a danger rating of only

4X. However, their significance surpasses that of many powerful magical

creatures, especially for girls. Given the choice between a unicorn and a

fire dragon, girls would choose the unicorn without hesitation.

The Fox, who is the master's favorite cub, was unhappy. "Okay, you're so

old that you're even jealous of a child," Wayne criticized, as Diana

blinked with a worried expression.


Master, do you want to see what you are talking about?

I'm not even half a year old yet!

But Wayne was just talking. He still had to take care of his birds. He put

Diana on the ground and asked her to go play with her mother. Then he

took out the prepared herbs from his pocket and gave Fox a feast.

Wayne now carries around five or six dragonskin bags with the Invisible

Stretch Charm cast on them, containing everything. Just the ingredients

prepared for the Fox and the Unicorn filled a bag completely and cost a

lot of money.

To be honest, Wayne doesn't know how powerful Fox is now. There is no

specific grade classification, but it's certainly far from its heyday. For Fox,

his role at this stage is to act as a taxi and part-time as a wet nurse to

provide treatment. After arriving, his job is to help Wayne and the people

around him become immortal. As a mythical beast, the Fox has such

strength. What Voldemort was searching for, Wayne already had it before

he entered the magical world. I have to say, this is very cruel to Tom.

Wayne walked up to the two women who had already established a

relationship with Hestia and were able to have simple contact. Cho held

Diana while Hermione turned her wand into a comb to comb Hestia's

hair. "Ah! So soft and comfortable!" exclaimed Hermione. "Ah, so fluffy

and fun," said Wayne.

You touch my horse and I'll touch your head.

"Shall we go?"

After checking the time, it was already close to two in the morning.

Hermione and Cho both started to yawn and were reluctant to leave.

Wayne was also helpless. It's not like we'll never see each other again

after today, so we don't have to work so hard. "Take tomorrow off, and

I'll bring you back the day after tomorrow." After hearing Wayne's

promise, the two stood up and said goodbye to the two unicorns.

Watching them disappear into the dense bushes, the three of them

walked towards the castle.

"There are even unicorns in the Forbidden Forest," Hermione murmured.

"Are they just Hestia and Diana?"

"No," Wayne shook his head. "I asked Hestia. There are about a dozen

unicorns in the Forbidden Forest, but they are not social animals. Instead,

they like to live separately."

"How did you find them?" Cho asked curiously. "It was Fox who

discovered them. I often come here to see them, and I became familiar

with them after going back and forth." Wayne did not tell the real

situation, as it involved killing and thrilling experiences. Telling them

would only make them worried and angry, so he simply didn't say

anything. Fortunately, the two women did not continue to ask any more

questions. After walking out of the Forbidden Forest and approaching the

secret passage, Hermione suddenly burst out laughing.

Feeling Cho and Wayne's confused expressions, she quickly waved her

hand and explained, "I just remembered that only pure girls are allowed

to approach unicorns, but Wayne..." Hermione laughed again, and even

Cho joined in, looking at Wayne teasingly, hoping to see a deflated and

depressed expression from him.

To their surprise, Wayne not only wasn't annoyed but nodded

thoughtfully. "You're right, I should talk to Dumbledore and request to

move into the girls' dormitory."

"You wouldn't dare!" the two girls shouted simultaneously, expressing

their displeasure.

"But isn't that what you said? I think it makes sense," Wayne replied.

"Big pervert!" Hermione pushed Wayne angrily. "Go back to bed, I'm so

sleepy." Cho also rolled her eyes at him.

The three of them then returned to the school, emerging from the blank

frame once again.

Coincidentally, Mrs. Norris locked her gaze onto them as they appeared.

This caused Hermione and Cho's faces to turn pale with fright.

"What should I do? Filch will catch me!" Hermione worried.

"Don't be afraid, Mrs. Norris won't betray us, right?" Wayne knelt down

and gently rubbed Mrs. Norris's head.

Mrs. Norris, a Norwegian forest cat with larger ears and thicker fur than

other cats, had a soft and pleasant feel when brushed. "Meow~!"

"How did you do it?" Hermione was surprised again when she saw this


Mrs. Norris would only get close to Filch and wouldn't even let the little

wizard feed her, let alone touch her.

"I'm a Hufflepuff. I have a good relationship with animals. It's normal,"

Wayne explained.

Rolling her eyes, Hermione couldn't believe that Wayne was claiming to

be a Hufflepuff. He was the least Hufflepuff-like person she had ever


After seeing a unicorn once, the two young witches became completely

fascinated by the beautiful creature.

Even though it was against school rules, Wayne felt compelled to visit

Hestia and her daughter in the Forbidden Forest every two days, and also

see the Fox.

The other students at the school were also excited about this.

Next weekend, the Quidditch match would officially begin.

As the most popular sport in the wizarding world, Quidditch was always

highly anticipated.

In the first week, the competition was between Slytherin and Gryffindor,

which only added to the intensity.

Even the professors were involved.

To Oliver Wood's frustration, Snape granted Slytherin three days' use of

the Quidditch pitch, preventing Gryffindor from practicing.

Helplessly, Oliver could only watch as Marcus Flint, the Slytherin

captain, leisurely played with his team.

Just as the twins had said, Flint was simply the son of the troll and a

template for Crabbe's future.

Within the castle, the atmosphere became tense, and each Quidditch

team member was accompanied by several classmates for protection.

At least they didn't bother anyone other than the Weasley brothers.

In order to ensure the food was safe to eat, all team members had to let

someone else take a bite before continuing to eat.

Wayne was stunned by this requirement.

"Is it necessary to be so cautious?" he asked.

"You're still too young," Cedric replied, patting Wayne on the shoulder

like a seasoned veteran. "Last semester, Whateley missed the Slytherin

match because of food poisoning."

"Damn it." Wayne couldn't help but curse. "That's so outrageous. Why

didn't you ask the professor?"

"Why didn't you notice it?" Cedric sighed helplessly. "But there was no

evidence, and Snape vouched for them, so we had to let it go."

"Tsk." Wayne looked at Snape, the guest of honor, with contempt.

Snape felt Wayne's eyes on him and felt a bit confused.

No, I haven't settled the score with you yet. Why are you looking like


I'll make you regret it on Tuesday night.

Snape groaned, already thinking about which potion he would use to

make Wayne's life difficult next week.

"Cedric, I have a task for you," Wayne said.

Although he was puzzled by the Slytherin team's quality, Galleon was

innocent and deserved to be earned.

He whispered in Cedric's ear for a long time. Cedric's expression became

more and more strange, and finally, he said:

"Wayne, you've earned the money."On Saturday, the restaurant was filled

with the enticing smell of grilled sausages as the weather remained sunny

but cold.

Everyone was eagerly anticipating the Quidditch match, although it

couldn't last too long as it would drive people crazy.

The longest-recorded Quidditch match in history lasted for three months.

Eventually, both teams' players went crazy and gave up on catching the

Golden Snitch.

Interestingly, there were several pregnant women in the audience who

had actually given birth during the match.

While Hogwarts has condensed this record significantly, it still stands at a

duration of ten days.

During that time, the audience had to wait until they had a chance to

come and watch the match.

Regrettably, the most exciting moment of the match, the capture of the

Golden Snitch, occurred in the early morning when no audience was

present and everyone was asleep.

By eleven o'clock, nearly all the teachers and students of the school had

gathered at the Quidditch stadium stands. Many students had even

brought telescopes, as the seats were positioned over ten meters above

the ground.

Slytherin and Gryffindor students were fervently cheering for their

respective houses, while Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students were merely

observing the festivities.

Suddenly, a loud bang filled the air, and a colossal burst of green smoke

appeared. Within the smoke, a python and a lion made of smoke

materialized, with the python swallowing the lion in one massive bite.

The Slytherin students erupted into boisterous cheers as if they had

already won.

The smoke lingered for quite some time, hovering above the heads of the

Gryffindor students, adding to the pressure.

Ronald expressed his discontent, asking why they hadn't prepared a

similar spectacle.

Hermione, however, rolled her eyes upon hearing his complaint,

responding, "Because we don't have a Budget!"



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Chapter 76: 76. Playing On The

Field, Fighting Off The Field, The

Most Lively Quidditch Match In


Although Gryffindor had also prepared a cheering banner, it looked

rather shabby.

Seamus, the explosive genius, contributed an old bed sheet and painted it

into a huge banner that said "Potter must win," and also drew a little lion.

Then Hermione helped add magic to make the characters on the banner

shine in different colors.

Other houses just used magic fireworks to form a few letters, and then

they disappeared in a flash.

Unlike the Slytherin side, where various gorgeous banners were spliced

together with the names of the team members, the iconic snake eye

resembled something majestic that had come alive.

In terms of cheering, Gryffindor lost miserably this time in comparison.

"Hermione, what does this have to do with money?" Ronald asked with


Hermione curled her lips and helplessly told the truth:

"Wayne sold these things to Slytherin."

"What?!" Ronald's voice rose in surprise. "Why would Wayne want to help


"I can understand if the opponent is Ravenclaw, after all, Cho Chang is on

their team, but that's Slytherin!"

Hermione clenched her fists.

Since the troll incident, she and Ronald had become friends, but no

matter the time, Ronald's negative comments could easily break through

her defenses.

It's truly Gale who whispers, silences and hits hard.

Many people overheard Hermione and Ronald's conversation and

immediately showed angry expressions.

Hermione quickly explained, "Slytherin bought this from the Celia shop.

It cost hundreds of galleons. It wasn't free help."

"If you have money, you can buy it. Wayne isn't targeting anyone. He

wants everyone's galleons."

Hermione felt a tightness in her chest.

After hearing such a high price, the little lions were speechless.

A few hundred galleons... Such a large sum of money. If they could afford

it, they would have sold it to Slytherin too, right?

Hermione took it all in and watched with cold eyes.

She suddenly remembered Wayne's assessment of Gryffindor and felt that

it was extremely accurate.

Blindly obedient, radical, and too easily influenced and swayed.

If Professor McGonagall hadn't been the Head of Gryffindor and

Dumbledore wasn't a Gryffindor, she would have regretted her choice.

The Slytherin side opposite them turned into a sea of joy, and Malfoy was

as happy as a grinning ferret.

He had made a lot of money from those hundreds of galleons.

Do those poor lions have that kind of money?

Looking at the ball in his hand, Malfoy became even more excited. When

the game begins, he will have an even bigger surprise for Potter.

Time is up.

Players from both teams walked out of the locker rooms, through the

tunnel, and entered the crowded stadium.

Wayne's heart also swelled.

This is the charm of sports events. It's hard not to be caught up in the

fanatical atmosphere at the scene.

As a referee, Ms. Hooch also wore windproof glasses.

Standing in the middle of the court, she issued a warning: "I hope

everyone will play fairly and pay attention to their fouls."

Marcus Flint smiled nonchalantly.


Ms. Hooch blew the silver whistle, and players from both teams soared

into the sky, cheering even more enthusiastically.


Another large cloud of smoke exploded, and the whole place erupted in

laughter. Harry unconsciously glanced over and saw the words "Potter

stinky shit" squirming in the Slytherin stands, eventually forming Harry's

tearful expression.

Malfoy smiled happily beneath the words. When he saw Harry looking

over, he grinned widely and made a motion of slitting his throat.

In the Hufflepuff stands, Cedric twitched the corner of his mouth and

nudged Wayne.

"Don't you have a good relationship with Potter?"

Wayne nodded. "We're pretty good friends, so he won't mind me making

some money off of him, right?"

"At worst, I'll give him a few sickles."

"How much did Malfoy bet?"

"Twenty galleons."

Cedric was completely convinced.

Fortunately, Gryffindor wasn't defenseless; they also had the best eighth

player off the court.

Lee Jordan, a commentator, sarcastically remarked:

"We've all witnessed the Slytherins' fear of Potter and how they have to

resort to dirty tricks like this off the court..."

"Jordan!" Professor McGonagall disapprovingly reminded from the side.

"Oh, alright, who gave us an overly impartial dean? Let's get back to the

game itself."

"Alia Spinnett takes the ball. She's a talent spotted by Wood's keen eye.

Oh, look at how stunning her blonde hair is..."

"Jordan!" Professor McGonagall said angrily. "This is a Quidditch match,

not a beauty pageant!"

"Talk about the game, not the girls!"

Professor McGonagall is the most enthusiastic Quidditch fan, and she

dislikes others discussing irrelevant topics during the match.

After being warned twice in a row, Lee Jordan calmed down and

dutifully explained the game, but he still subconsciously favored


Only then did Wayne notice that all three Gryffindor Chasers were

fearless women.

Slytherin's beaters were true advocates for equal rights and showed no

mercy at all.

He picked up his broomstick and hit the Quaffle towards Katie Bell with

all his might.

There's nothing good about Slytherin's beaters.

"Oh! Angelina! The ball's in! Gryffindor scores!"The cheers of the young

lions echoed through the cold air as several little wizards used their

wands to send fireworks soaring into the sky in celebration. Marcus Flint,

wearing a sullen expression, flew over to the rest of his team members

and muttered something. From that point on, the game took a turn for

the worse, becoming extremely brutal. Slytherin, leveraging their

physical advantage, started aggressively hitting both the ball and their

opponents, resulting in the score quickly tilting to thirty to one. "This is

downright dirty," Wayne commented.

Cedric nodded in agreement.

"It depends on Potter. If he can get the Golden Snitch before others are

knocked unconscious, Gryffindor can still win."

In the field, Harry was also aware of this problem. He kept raising his

height, trying to get a wider field of view to find the Golden Snitch.

Just after he dodged a Bludger, something unexpected happened. His

broomstick suddenly shook horribly, and Harry almost fell off.

What followed was a series of dangerous moves, as if the broom was

trying to throw him off.

There were exclamations of surprise from the stands because they saw

Harry rolling around like a sloth, with all four limbs hugging the broom.

"What's going on?" Ronald was worried.

Hermione snatched Hagrid's telescope away, not looking at Harry, but

looking for something in the stands opposite.

"What are you looking at?" Ronald asked.

"It's Snape. He's doing something." Hermione handed Ronald the

telescope, and Ronald looked over.

Sure enough, he saw Snape in the stands opposite, eyes fixed on Harry

and mumbling something.

"What should we do?" Ronald was a little confused when something


"Don't worry about it, just look at me."

After Hermione finished speaking, she disappeared. She struggled to

squeeze through the crowd and moved towards the opposite side as

quickly as possible.

"Hermione!" Wayne saw the little witch and pulled her out of the crowd.

"Wayne." The little witch said anxiously, "Help me, Snape is casting a

spell on Harry's broom."

Hermione said without thinking when she saw Wayne. This is also a sign

of her trust in Wayne.

Wayne glanced at it, but what he saw was not Snape but Quirell.

"Don't be impatient yet."

Wayne comforted Hermione, but the situation on the field for Gryffindor

was not optimistic.

In order to ensure that Harry would not fall to his death, the twins

wanted to follow him, but they were thrown away every time they got


Without containment, other Slytherin players became more unscrupulous,

and Wood was already bruised and bruised.

As soon as Wayne rolled his eyes, Hufflepuff's stand was close to


He was at the very edge again, separated by a few people were the

Slytherin people, and then there was the teacher's desk.

He suddenly slapped his thigh and said angrily:

"Dirty! So dirty! Is Slytherin playing ball or hitting someone?"

"Lawrence, what are you talking about?"

The little Slytherin wizard looked at him displeased.

"Aren't you allowed to talk about the dirty beating?" Wayne challenged.

"Your troll captain almost put the stick into Wood's mouth."

Many little badgers nodded in agreement.

No one wants to play Quidditch with a Slytherin. They will do whatever

it takes to win.

"This is a game with Gryffindors, it's none of your business."

"Idiot! The Academy Cup is not a single-game format. Every point is

crucial. Why do you care about me?" Hufflepuff's little badgers continued

to nod.

Another Slytherin couldn't help but say, "You damn Mudblood..."

"Parkinson, watch your mouth!" Cedric stood up abruptly and rushed to


"Wayne is my friend!" Robert Parkinson, a fifth-year prefect in Slytherin

and Pansy Parkinson's brother. "Cedric, Marcus will teach you a lesson

during the game." Parkinson pushed Cedric away while glaring at him.

He wanted to say something, but a huge fist hit him in the face. "You

bully Harry Potter on the court, and you dare to hit Cedric off the court.

Do you think there is no one in our Badger Yard?" Parkinson's nose began

to bleed, his face twisting horribly as the bridge of his nose seemed

broken from the hit.

"Wayne," Cedric tried to explain that he was merely pushed, not beaten.

But Wayne had already taken action, making it impossible for him to

speak up for Parkinson.

"You mudblood! How dare you hit me? Do you know who my dad is?!"

Parkinson held his nose, tears streaming down his face from the pain.

"You don't even know who your father is, go back and ask your mother!"

Wayne replied, slapping Parkinson once again. This stirred up a fight

among them. The other little Slytherin snakes rushed to help Parkinson,

and Cedric and the other little badgers couldn't just stand there and

watch. They joined the fray, resulting in a sudden group fight.

Hermione was stunned.

"Didn't you say to save Harry?"

"Why did the fight suddenly start?"


Wayne punched again and broke another student's nose. Jordan quickly

noticed the situation and raised his voice.

"What happened?"

"The kind Hufflepuff suddenly got into a fight with the dirty Slytherin!"

"Oh! Nice left hook!"

"Lawrence knocked down another one! He is a god! He is the God of


"No one can stop him! Fighting is so exciting!"

Jordan was so excited that he almost jumped up and cheered loudly for

Hufflepuff, while Professor McGonagall almost passed out from anger.

"Stop! Stop it, what are you doing!"

No one listened to her because they were all slapped on the head.

Screams continued to come from the stands of the two colleges. Even the

players on the Quidditch field were dumbfounded and suspended in mid-

air, forgetting they were still playing.

Hufflepuff has the advantage, if not for any other reason than because

they have more people!

The Slytherin students are less than two-thirds the number of Hufflepuff

students, and almost every boy has to face beatings from two Hufflepuff


Plus Wayne, he is like a god of war as Lee said.

Fighting all the way from south to north, specifically hitting the bridge of

the nose, and then adding a kick to ensure combat effectiveness.

Soon he went deep into the enemy camp and approached the teachers'



Wayne had gone crazy, and Crabbe stopped him.

Before he could figure out what was going on, he was knocked

unconscious by the brick Wayne had turned into with his magic wand.

Seeing such a ferocious Wayne, Malfoy's legs were shaking, "You, you

have beaten Crabbe, so you can't beat me!"

"Lawrence, I didn't scold you."

"Of course, Malfoy, you are my friend." Wayne smiled brightly, his white

teeth shining in the sun.

"Lend it to your follower."

After saying that, without waiting for Malfoy to agree, he picked up the

unconscious Crabbe and threw him toward the stands.


Quirrell, who was concentrating on chanting a spell, was knocked upside

down and his turban almost fell off. He quickly cast a spell to straighten

the turban.

Harry, who had been struggling with the broom, finally returned to

normal and saw the Golden Snitch!

Snape also breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned and turned his head to

the side.

Why is it so noisy?

"Stop! Stop it all!"

"All petrified!"

"All petrified!"

Panting, McGonagall finally arrived at the scene of the battle. She

shouted a few times, but when she saw that no one listened, she had no

choice but to use magic.

Snape also helped sullenly.

All the boys in their college were beaten to the ground!

"Potter! He's swooping!"

"Wayne! He picked up the brick! Oh, that's Snape in front of him!"

"What a pity, why not smash it?!"

Lee Jordan tried his best to explain, his eyes were about to pop out, and

he was unwilling to let go of either side.

Harry rolled and landed on the ground as if he were vomiting, and

something fell out of his mouth. It was the Golden Snitch.


Wayne knocked Parkinson unconscious with a brick, causing his head to

bleed, and he raised his hands with a smile.


A Ravenclaw with a camera captured this world-famous moment.

The whole place was silent...



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Chapter 77: 77. The Dean Who

Protects His Shortcomings Makes

Hufflepuff Great Again!

Gryffindor emerged as the victorious team in the first Quidditch match of

the school year, defeating Slytherin with a score of 160 to 40. However,

despite the victory, there was no celebration. Everyone's attention was

drawn to another more exciting event that took place just fifteen minutes

after Harry caught the Golden Snitch - a lively gathering in the principal's


The principal's office was filled with excitement and an animated

discussion amongst Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall, Sprout, and Wayne.

The portraits of past principals on the walls mirrored the lively

atmosphere. No one pretended to sleep; instead, they were all eagerly


"Dewente! Your memory is exceptional. Is this the biggest accident in the

school's history?" the bearded principal roared, nearly falling out of the

picture frame due to his excitement.

Principal Derwent pondered for a moment and nodded slowly. "That's

true. Since I established the school doctor's office, the beds have never

been completely filled."

"Boy, you did a great job!" exclaimed the bearded principal, modest

Wayne. "I only knocked out twelve people; my friends helped with the


Snape let out a heavy snort. "Dumbledore, what else is there to say? He

has already admitted it. He should face severe punishment and be

imprisoned for a whole year!"

"Snape!" Phineas disapproved. "How long are you going to act like this?

Where has all your previous attack power gone? Slytherin was

completely humiliated! We need to Expell Him!"

Snape's face darkened. "I am the Head of Slytherin, you outdated old guy!

Shut up!"

Concerns arose regarding Wayne's dismissal and how he would find the

Fox's tears and other materials. Even if Dumbledore wanted to fire

Wayne, they needed to intercede on his behalf.

"You!" Phineas exclaimed, frustrated.

"Okay, Phineas," Dumbledore interrupted, waving his hand to lower the

curtain and silence the voices in the frame.

The old man rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a headache creep in. He had

just taken a nap and missed the game, but now so many things had


"Mr. Lawrence, I believe you are not an impulsive person..." Dumbledore

began, but his voice gradually faded away.

Wayne blinked three times, waiting for Dumbledore to continue. The old

man seemed tired.

"Can you tell me why?" several deans asked in unison, looking at Wayne.

After the fight ended, the professors hurriedly took the injured to the

school infirmary and then sought out Dumbledore with Wayne. However,

they were unaware of the full story behind what had transpired.

"Well, because I'm a Quidditch enthusiast and witnessed Slytherin's dirty

playing style..." Wayne started to explain.

"Ahem!" Snape interrupted Wayne with a heavy cough and a menacing

look. Wayne's expression remained unchanged, but he still changed his

adjective: "A rather rough style of play, with a few curses.

"Then Parkinson called me a mudblood."

Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout let out exclamations. Snape's

fists clenched tightly under his robes, and a sharp look flashed in his


Even Dumbledore's expression changed from calm to cold.

"This is indeed an excessive title..."

"Excessive?" Sprout looked at him in disbelief. "This is an insult! How

could Parkinson say such dirty words!"

"Dumbledore, can the pain caused to Lawrence by these words be offset

by being always excessive?"

Wayne had never seen his dean angry before, but he had seen it today.

The typically peaceful-faced fat witch transformed into a short-haired

lion with a full beard and hair, glaring at Dumbledore.

Only when I looked at Wayne, I felt a little distressed.

Wayne is her favorite student. He has the kindness of a Hufflepuff, but

also has an edge that most Hufflepuffs don't have.

Coupled with talent, Sprout believes that Hufflepuff will be proud of

Wayne in the future.

However, her favorite student was insulted just now!

"Pompona, I understand how you feel, but I worded it inappropriately."

When an honest man gets angry, even Dumbledore has to avoid the edge

for a while and admit his mistakes humbly:

"No matter what, 50 points will be deducted from Slytherin for this."

"One hundred percent! Plus one month of confinement, the tasks will be

assigned by me!" Sprout announced mercilessly. Wayne loved his dean to


He raised his eyebrows and looked at Snape.

Speak, you speak.

"I agree, one month is too short, it's better to wait until before Christmas."

Snape's face was as dark as water, and he tightened his robe tightly:

He directly agreed with Sprout's decision without any objection.

If it had been for any other reason, Snape wouldn't have backed down

even if there was a quarrel.

But the word mudblood...

He never wants to hear it again!

"But" took his own student flag first, and then Snape pointed the finger at


"This is ultimately a conflict between the two of you, why did it evolve

into the subsequent... fight."

"I don't know either, Professor." Wayne looked very innocent and spread

his hands. "Cedric stood up for me, and Parkinson pushed my friend away

rudely and unreasonably."

"Of course I couldn't back down, so I hit him."

"Then the students from your college rushed up. Naturally, my friends

couldn't see me suffering, so they also came up to help.

"I had no choice but to fight back."

After Wayne finished speaking, he thought thoughtfully, "So, it doesn't

seem like it's my fault?"

"But you struck too hard," Professor McGonagall quickly pointed out,

finding the loophole. "Ten people have broken noses, eight people have

minor concussions, and poor Professor Quirrell was accidentally injured

by you."

"I'm sorry, Professor," Wayne stood up and bowed slightly. After

expressing his sincere apology, he straightened up and looked at

Professor McGonagall. "But I really don't think I did anything too

extreme. At least, I didn't even use magic. If I had pulled out my wand...

they would be even worse off."

Professor McGonagall was left speechless.

Sprout looked at his baby with admiration.

"Okay, today's responsibility is clear." In order to avoid Wayne being

punished, Sprout took the initiative and said, "The fault is Parkinson's.

But Lawrence accidentally injured Professor Quirrell after all."

"Just a deduction of 180 points," Professor McGonagall announced. The

Hufflepuff tradition continues, students don't care about grades, and

neither does the dean.

When she opened her mouth, her anger was evident. "Then

confinement..." McGonagall wanted to say something else, but she felt

that this punishment was too light. McGonagall does not hate Wayne, on

the contrary, she admires him very much, but because of this, the

punishment must be more severe. This is a strict teacher's unique way of

protecting her beloved students.

"Forget about the confinement," Sprout chimed in cheerfully. "He

shouldn't waste so much time on manual labor."

"No!" Snape suddenly interjected. "There is still one person who has not

been punished, Cedric."

"It was he who forcibly stood up for Lawrence, which led to the

subsequent incident. Cedric could not participate in the next Quidditch

match, or even appear in the stadium!"

Sprout thought for a moment and reluctantly agreed. Slytherin suffered a

big loss this time, so just let them go.

After the discussion, the group turned to Dumbledore, who had remained

silent. Dumbledore smiled bitterly, "You have finished discussing it, what

do you want me to do?"

"Just do it."

"Severus, go and help Poppy (Madam Pomfrey). She may not have

enough potions..."

Next, nothing happened to Wayne. He was asked out of the principal's

office, and many Hufflepuff badgers were guarding the door. Although

Hufflepuff has a numerical advantage, there is no way he won't get

injured in a fight. Many people were honored, but they didn't care much.

They only cared about the punishment Wayne was about to face. Upon

seeing Wayne coming out, a lot of people gathered around him, including

Cedric, Toby, Norman, Hannah, and Bones.

Wayne quickly shared the results and told everyone not to worry

anymore. Everyone was very happy when they heard that it was just a

deduction of points. If they were not afraid of being heard by the

professors inside, they would have started cheering. Wayne patted Cedric

on the shoulder and apologized for making him miss a Quidditch

competition. Cedric shook his head indifferently and replied, "What the

hell, Professor Sprout probably agreed because he didn't want to

embarrass Professor Snape."

"Does the academy still have a backup seeker?" Wayne asked. Cedric

sighed slightly and said, "No, let's just give in this time. Fortunately, we

are facing Ravenclaw, so we can't lose too much."

"Don't say this nonsense," Wayne joked, "If Cho hears this, she will

definitely settle the score with you."

"How can she know if you don't tell her?" Cedric angrily hit him on the

shoulder. Wayne smiled but said nothing.

A group of people returned to the common room forcefully. They didn't

say anything but started partying right away. Wayne summoned the Fox

and used her pure white holy flames to heal all the skin injuries suffered

by the little badgers. Seeing that everyone was curious about Fox, he

didn't let Fox leave. However, he didn't allow anyone to touch him either.

Even if Wayne agreed, Fox's arrogance wouldn't allow it. Besides, Wayne

wouldn't do that.

Instead, he let everyone take a closer look at Fox and appreciate his

charm. This was a pleasant surprise for most little badgers who liked

magical animals. After learning that Fox liked herbal medicine, a bunch

of people rushed excitedly into the dormitory and brought out their

collections, which contained all kinds of things. The little badgers and the

Fox indulged in a feast, bringing happiness to everyone.

Hufflepuff has never been so proud. Slytherins, who call themselves pure-

blood noble house and look down on Hufflepuff, will think twice after

today. Wayne also sighed. In the wizarding world, before reaching a

certain level of strength, numbers indeed play an important advantage.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Weasley family is

impoverished, yet they are still considered one of the Sacred Twenty-

Eight. Who would dare to look down upon them?

Not for any other reason, but simply because they can give birth.

When Ginny came of age, several other people also got married, bringing

the total number of wizards in the family to twenty.

Who can withstand it?

Are you going to let Malfoy, a ninth-generation single, take over?

Even if he had the courage to do so, he wouldn't dare!


Choosing Hufflepuff is the best choice!

Wayne held up the cup filled with juice and shouted:

"Make Hufflepuff Great Again!"

The little badgers also got excited, raising their glasses and following


"Make Hufflepuff Great Again!"

Late at night, Wayne was lying in bed.

While Hufflepuff was celebrating, Wayne did not forget to let Hermione

and Cho know that he was fine.

I almost couldn't come back when I went to the Gryffindor lounge.

The little lions are crazy; as long as you beat up Slytherin, you are our

good friend.

Harry also knew that Wayne created such chaos just to help him, and he

was extremely moved.

I also made plans with Wayne to go to Hagrid's cabin tomorrow.

In reality, this is not the case at all.

On one hand, it was indeed to help Hermione, but on the other hand,

Wayne had long wanted to deal with these Slytherins.

Didn't those jealous pure-bloods think he didn't know how many bad

things they said about him behind his back?

If they couldn't compete with his talent, they would resort to slandering

him, hiding behind their bloodline status and bit*hing like a Karen.

Do you really think Wayne doesn't have a temper?

Those who were knocked unconscious by him today and had their nose

bones broken were all people he knew had criticized him behind his

back, or criticized Cho and Hermione because of his relationship. Wayne

didn't know if there were any fish that slipped through the net, but once

he found out, he would never be able to escape.

[The big event is being settled...]

The system beep sounded at the right time, and Wayne wasn't surprised.

This time, he can be considered to have created the largest group fight in

the history of Hogwarts. It's strange that there isn't a critical hit reward.

[Big Event——Crush the arrogance of pure blood, event and


[Reward: Points + 3500, ten major event gift packs.]

The points were 3,500 points. Adding in the previous points, it suddenly

reached over 5,000 points. Wayne had his points withdrawn not long

after his last complaint against Quirrell. There were a total of fifty draws,

and no gold rewards came out, but some purple rewards did. This time,

after drawing over 5,000 points, there will be another guaranteed


"System, open the big event gift package."

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the meditation

technique (gold).]

Wayne sat up straight. Meditation? As the information flowed into his

mind, he also understood the reward he had drawn. Through meditation,

the quality of mental power can be purified and the total amount can be

increased. Very practical.

Unlike many worlds, spiritual power in this world is not equal to magic

power; it is purely based on talent. People with strong spirits may not

necessarily have a lot of magic power, and people with a weak spirit may

have endless magic power that they can't waste. But this doesn't mean

that mental power is useless. Wands, spells, and gestures—these three

points are actually designed to help the wizard concentrate and smoothly

guide the body to use magic to complete the spell. So once you get used

to it and your mental power is strong enough and concentrated, you can

cast spells without a wand. As long as Wayne keeps practicing, he will

learn spells and improve his proficiency much faster.

The second benefit is spiritual defense. Mind-reading magic like

Legilimency has a lot to do with mental power. The stronger the mental

power, the stronger Occlumency will be. In his conversation with

Dumbledore, Wayne never used Occlumency. It's not that he doesn't want

to use it, but his level of Occlumency is not high, and it's easy to see

abnormalities. This would reduce Dumbledore's trust in him. So before,

Wayne was walking a tightrope, and Dumbledore's character wasn't that

despicable. This old man wouldn't doubt his students easily, let alone use

Legilimency at every turn. It will be fine from now on. With meditation,

Wayne feels instantly refreshed. The Occlumency proficiency on the

panel also jumps directly from intermediate to advanced. Advanced

Occlumency shouldn't be so easy to detect.

Taking advantage of his good luck, Wayne chose to start the lottery

without hesitation. A burst of light flashed as the card shattered. In the

first forty draws, Wayne obtained Vulcan's Path, Magic Flame Protection,

Apparition, All Curses End, and Fierce Fire. They are all relatively

practical spells. It also put an end to all of Wayne's curses, upgraded the

Fire Curse to a high level, and increased the total amount of magic

power. For the last ten consecutive rounds, golden flashes of light arrived

as promised. With anticipation, Wayne smashed the card...



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Chapter 78: 78. Master Alchemist

Paracelsus! The Arrogance Of A


[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained an S-level character


[Phillipus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim (1493

—1541), more commonly known as Paracelsus, was a wizard and

alchemist about whom very little is known. In addition to his work on

alchemy, he made significant contributions to the field of medicine,

having been a notable physician. Paracelsus's bold theories challenged

medieval thought. Paracelsus was credited with the discovery of


[Character: Paracelsus

Magic: A+

Charm: S

Defense Against the Dark Arts: A+

Black Magic: B

Transfiguration: S

Potion: SS

Alchemy: SS

Special talents:

- Elemental Affinity: Increases the power of elemental magic.

- Master Inspiration: Probability of being triggered during alchemy

and potion-making. Improves potion quality, enhances formulas,

and may lead to new creations.

Comprehensive evaluation: S]

(Note: The system's comprehensive evaluation is mainly based on

direct combat power, with potion-making and alchemy accounting

for a lower proportion.)

Wayne's eyebrows almost flew up.

Without hesitation, he integrated Paracelsus's template card directly.

His original A-level potion and alchemy talents were already considered

genius among students. However, compared to true geniuses like Snape,

they seemed lackluster. Every time he attended a class, he faced ridicule

from the bat-like professor several times.

Currently, Paracelsus's other talents weren't useful to him, but his potion-

making and alchemy talents alone were comparable to SS-level

templates. In any world, those skilled in alchemy and crafting held high

status, even if they weren't physically strong. Moreover, his other talent

levels weren't low; only these two were holding him back.

The fusion of the template card didn't cause any abnormalities, and

Wayne felt no changes in his body. However, when he recalled Snape's

lecture on purification potion from the previous week, numerous novel

ideas flooded his mind. He also noticed many details in his refining


To test the effect of his talent, he skipped sleep and headed straight to

the Room of Requirement. Snape had mentioned some problems in his

refining process, and Wayne even improved the formulas of two potions

to reduce costs.

SS-level talent was truly terrifying. Looking back at the gadgets he'd

previously refined, Wayne could spot numerous flaws. These inspirations

and ideas didn't emerge out of thin air; they were based on the

knowledge and experience he'd mastered.

He realized that he still needed to study diligently to fully utilize his

talent. The system had provided him with unlimited possibilities and

some shortcuts, but the path ahead lay at Wayne's feet. If he didn't tread

it, even the system couldn't save him.

Wayne had a clear understanding of this and knew exactly what he


After a sleepless night, Wayne emerged from the Room of Requirement at

eight in the morning. Knowing he would later visit Hagrid's cabin with

Harry, he forwent the idea of catching up on sleep, opting instead to

ingest a bottle of uplifting potion, instantly energizing himself.

"Lawrence?" a female voice called from behind Wayne.

Turning, Wayne greeted with a smile, "Senior Penelope, good morning."

"How did you come downstairs?" The blond senior walked beside Wayne,


"I came to find George and Fred," Wayne explained smoothly. "Turns out,

they hadn't woken up yet, so I came down on my own."

"Those mischievous brothers?" Penelope nodded, recently pursued by

Gryffindor Prefect Percy.

However, her interaction with the twins stemmed not from Percy, but

from Wayne's Celia store. Penelope had purchased many useful quills

from the twins.

Enviously, she remarked, "What other new products do you have?"

"We are indeed preparing to launch some new products," Wayne admitted

openly. "But considering everyone's tight budgets, it's best to wait until

after Christmas."

"Pfft!" Penelope chuckled, covering her mouth. "You're honest."

Wayne winked, "Of course, I'm an honest Hufflepuff."

Penelope laughed even more heartily.

Her maturity surpassed that of Hermione and Cho. Despite not being an

adult, she exuded her charm.

As they strolled towards the auditorium, Penelope expressed, "I wish I

had your talent. I could earn a lot of Galleons by crafting props."

Wayne understood her sentiment. "Senior, are you short of money?"

"Not exactly," Penelope shook her head. "Unlike you, I'm a pure-blood. I

receive a fixed amount of Galleons annually."

"Life is comfortable, but many of the robes and books I desire require

additional funds."

Wayne acknowledged the reality without judgment.

After fulfilling basic needs, people often pursue entertainment. Money,

inevitably, remains a recurring topic.

"Perhaps I can assist you, Senior" Wayne offered gently, a faint smile on

his lips. "But I believe you won't accept my help without giving

something in return."

"If you have any ideas that require funding, or if there's a way I can assist

you, feel free to approach me."

With those words, they reached the auditorium entrance. Wayne bid

farewell politely before heading to Hufflepuff.

Penelope watched his departure, impressed.

This speech... was truly Slytherin-like.

Inside the auditorium, Wayne's entrance garnered attention.

Gryffindor greeted warmly, Ravenclaw observed curiously, and

Hufflepuff welcomed him with open arms.

"Wayne, where've you been so early? Come, have a grilled sausage."

"I've got hot spring eggs here."

Seated, several Hufflepuffs generously filled his plate.

After expressing gratitude, Wayne glanced at the Slytherin table and

chuckled involuntarily.

It lay empty save for a dozen girls.

Seeing Wayne's smile, the other Hufflepuffs laughed along.

Their laughter, like a sharp blade, pierced the proud hearts of Slytherins.

Pansy Parkinson, one of Malfoy's followers, angrily sliced sausages, her

utensils scraping against the plate as though aimed at Wayne.

Pansy interpreted Wayne's glance as fear.

"Just you wait, Lawrence!"

"The Parkinson family won't let you off!"

Furious, the witch threatened.

Many Slytherins, including Pansy, had written home, intending to

pressure Dumbledore into expelling Wayne.

Especially Robert Parkinson, the worst affected, is now hospitalized and

facing further confinement.

However, their plan overlooked one crucial factor—Hogwarts belonged

to Dumbledore.

As long as he remained headmaster, no one could influence the school's


In his office, dozens of owls arrived with letters, many marked in red.

Dumbledore waved his wand, turning them to black smoke and ash,

dispersing them out the window.

The remaining letters mostly comprised complaints.

Slytherin's parents demanded Wayne's expulsion, enraged by their

children's injuries.

Yet, amidst the complaints were letters in Wayne's defense.

Prewett, Abbott, McMillan, Bones, Cedric, Philip...

Dumbledore was astounded.

He realized the powerful connections that had rallied around Wayne.

But there was no concern in the old man's heart, only relief.

Regardless of Wayne's house, some mischievous thoughts were to be


But Wayne was a Hufflepuff.

There was a joke in the wizarding world, albeit

with some truth: Slytherins were political criminals, Gryffindors were

violent criminals, Ravenclaws were economic criminals... and


Sorry, Hufflepuffs hadn't made it to Azkaban yet.

Mostly known for being diligent and reliable.

Wayne, still en route to Hagrid's hut, remained oblivious to Dumbledore's


Even if he knew, he'd likely just smile disdainfully.

Perhaps, that was the arrogance of a Gryffindor.

"Come in, it's freezing out there."

Knocking on Hagrid's door, the giant hybrid welcomed them inside


"Hello, I'm Cho Chang," Cho introduced herself on her first visit.

"Don't stand there, you're Wayne's friend, you're my friend," Hagrid


After seating themselves on stools Hagrid had crafted, the group began

discussing the events of the previous day. Hagrid scolded Wayne for his

impulsiveness, suggesting he should have reported the incident to

Dumbledore instead of taking matters into his own hands.

But Wayne brushed off the reprimand, attributing his actions to

heightened emotions.

"No," Harry interjected, visibly moved. "You all came to help me. Without

you, I'd have been in trouble with Snape."

Grateful, Wayne gave Harry a thumbs-up, appreciating the diversion

from Snape's wrath.

"What's Snape got to do with it?" Hagrid scratched his head, unaware of

the previous day's events.

"Hermione and I witnessed it," Ron interjected. "Snape kept focusing on

Harry's broomstick and muttering a spell."

"Oh?" Cho gasped in surprise, just learning of the incident.

"Is that true?"

Harry, embarrassed, admitted, "I heard Ron and Hermione discussing it."

"It must be him," Hermione affirmed. "The disturbance began when Snape

was distracted, and Harry remained unharmed."

"I doubt he expected you to catch the Golden Snitch so quickly."

"Exactly!" Wayne nodded, taking the opportunity to criticize Snape.

"Snape's true colors are showing."

Unconvinced, Hagrid expressed his disbelief. "But Snape's a professor and

Dumbledore trusts him. He wouldn't do something like that."

"Yesterday, we all saw Snape casting a spell," Hermione argued, her

opinion of Snape soured.

Quietly observing, Cho found herself intrigued by Gryffindor's curiosity.

Amidst the numerous professors and Dumbledore, first-year students

were already discussing school secrets and suspicions about a respected

staff member.

"Enough!" Hagrid interrupted the debate. "You should all give it a rest.

Snape won't betray Dumbledore's trust."

As the conversation shifted, Harry dropped a bombshell: Snape had been

spotted on the fourth floor on Halloween, likely attempting theft through


Hagrid's reaction was immediate, setting down the teapot with a thud,

stunning everyone.

Curious, Harry pressed for details, eager to uncover the mystery.

But Hagrid refused to divulge more, emphasizing Dumbledore's trust in


As for Snape, Hagrid dismissed the accusations, defending the professor's


Despite Hermione's suspicions, Wayne and Harry shared a knowing


Wayne sighed, realizing his teammate had inadvertently revealed

sensitive information.

And thus, their conversation continued, tinged with curiosity and

guarded secrets.



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Chapter 79: 79. Slytherin’s

Revenge, Sneak Attack

Hagrid, realizing he had made a mistake, turned completely silent for the

rest of the time.

Harry asked for what he wanted without being pushy.

After sitting for another half hour, a few people got up and left.

Before leaving, Wayne gave Hagrid some moon-crazy beast excrement

and asked him to help fertilize the biting cabbage.

"Wayne, you went to the Forbidden Forest?!"

The feces of the Moon-Crazy Beast must be collected that night and

preserved using special means.

So, not only did Wayne go to the Forbidden Forest, but he also went

during a night tour.

Hagrid's eyes welled up with tears.

Just after driving away a pair of twins, another Wayne appeared.

He is so difficult!

Hermione and Cho exchanged a glance, their blushes fading.

"Don't be angry, Hagrid." Wayne stood on tiptoes and patted the giant

hybrid on the Arm. "The animals in the Forbidden Forest are friendly and

have valuable treasures."

"If I don't tell, and you don't tell, who will know that I went to the

Forbidden Forest?"

"But..." The giant hybrid tried to say something but was interrupted by

Wayne who activated his skill.

"Hagrid...you don't want others to know about Aragog, right?"

The giant hybrid's eyes widened and he couldn't say anything as he

looked at Wayne, who still wore a gentle smile.

"What is Aragog?" Cho asked softly on the way back.

Wayne pondered for two seconds. "A good man provides me with many


"Liar." Cho couldn't believe it. If he was truly a good person, why would

Hagrid be so nervous, and why didn't he question Wayne's visit to the

Forbidden Forest?

"I swear on Hufflepuff's name that I'm not lying." Wayne made a solemn


Of course, he wasn't lying, he was simply emphasizing the positive

aspects of Aragog.

This showcases the true kindness of a Hufflepuff.

Seeing how earnest Wayne was, Cho didn't dwell on the matter.

The two turned to chatting about the upcoming Quidditch game.

Next week is the game between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Although

Cedric's suspension has greatly increased Ravenclaw's chances of

winning, Cho regrets this. What she wants is a fair game, not a victory

based on the other team's lack of key players.

Wayne thoughtfully mused, "Maybe our academy has some great


"Don't joke around."

Cho nonchalantly replied, "Isaias has already stated that Hufflepuff has

no substitute Seeker at all."

"Well, I guess we'll find out."

Several people gathered at the castle gate to say their goodbyes.

Ronald was going to Diagon Alley with Professor McGonagall in the

afternoon to buy a wand, and he was very excited. Hermione and Harry

planned to visit the library to learn about Nicolas Flamel.

Wayne would not interfere in Hermione's friendship. She seemed

concerned about the Philosopher's Stone, so Wayne decided to let her

have fun. Back in the common room, Wayne found Whateley, the

Hufflepuff Quidditch captain. Whateley was holding an assignment that

he had borrowed from Ravenclaw's girlfriend and was using a manuscript

quill to reference it. Wayne got straight to the point, asking if the team

had a backup Seeker. Whateley reassured him, thinking Wayne felt guilty

about Cedric's punishment. Wayne clarified that he wanted to substitute

as a Seeker. Whateley was surprised and asked about Wayne's flying

skills. Wayne humbly responded that his skills were not bad and were

comparable to Harry's. He explained that flying required talent,

mentality, and physical fitness, all of which he possessed. Serving as a

temporary substitute wouldn't be a problem. Wayne felt responsible for

Cedric's suspension and wanted to make up for the consequences. He was

also curious to see Cho's reaction when he suddenly stood in front of her

as his opponent. Whateley became excited and suggested they try it that

afternoon, no matter if Wayne was better than Potter or Kreizer. Kreizer,

who was playing wizard chess nearby, jokingly complained about

Whateley forcing Wayne to be a substitute.

The Slytherin lounge, on the other hand, was silent and somber. Slytherin

students sat quietly, wrapped in bandages, nursing their injuries. One

senior student, his head covered in bandages, expressed his desire for

revenge against a mudblood and claimed that Slytherin would be

punished. Others echoed his sentiment, vowing not to let themselves be

hit without consequences. They warned each other to maintain control to

avoid further repercussions."Yes, Dumbledore is particularly fond of

mixed-bloods and mudbloods, and has long forgotten the glory of pure-


"Try to avoid being directly discovered by the professor, so that you can

have an excuse to leave."

As a pure-blood descendant, not to mention talented from a mental

standpoint, Slytherin is indeed much more mature than several other


They are taught ambition and glory from the moment they enter school,

and instructed to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

Under the influence of this culture, many capable individuals have


A conspiracy against Wayne was quickly formed.

Due to rumors about Wayne in the past, the younger students were


The main actions are carried out by sixth and seventh-year seniors.

Soon, Monday arrived.

In the auditorium, Snape, who had been missing for two days, finally

appeared, casting a look at Wayne that could almost preserve him in


Snape had spent the past two days helping Madam Pomfrey brew the

healing potion and was nearly exhausted.

Wayne bears the responsibility for all of this!

Why not hold Robert down and beat him to death alone? No one else

scolded you.

Wayne pretended not to notice the Potions Professor's stare and

mindlessly ate scrambled eggs.

He liked this method a lot. Putting butter in the pan, heating it, adding

the eggs, stirring in the milk, continuing to stir until the eggs are finally

cooked, and sprinkling some black pepper.

Eggs prepared this way have a dense, smooth, and tender texture.

He enjoyed the sweet and sour taste and would add some tomato sauce to

enhance the flavor.

It is often said that the British Empire is a culinary desert, but there are

still some good highlights.

After finishing breakfast, Wayne called Hermione, and they walked to the

History of Magic classroom. Several Slytherins who had been observing

Wayne's movements looked slightly moved and quietly followed him.

Wayne paused briefly, then pretended not to notice anything and

continued walking. Hermione was oblivious, complaining to Wayne

about wasting the weekend. She flipped through several books but

couldn't find any news about Nicolas, which hindered her progress in

preparing for next month's homework. Yes, next month. If Toby and

Norman, who were just starting to study for this semester's final exams,

heard this, they would surely feel ashamed.

Wayne dealt with the situation perfunctorily, using his dynamic

perception talent to observe the movements around them. As they

reached the third floor, the corridor became less crowded. Laughter and

voices came from around the corner. Two boys were playfully chasing

each other in their direction. Hermione frowned, but she still moved

closer to Wayne to make space. Wayne continued walking unconsciously.

Just as they were about to pass each other, the two boys suddenly turned

hostile. They quickly drew their wands and chanted a spell. "Petrificus

Totalus!" "Expulso!" Hermione was frightened by this sudden turn of

events. The spells were cast rapidly and came towards them in no time.

It was then that Wayne calmly said, "Protego" (armor protection). An

invisible barrier formed in front of them, reflecting the spells and hitting

their casters. One person immediately fainted and fell to the ground,

while the other froze in terror, unable to move. But it wasn't over yet.

The closed door of a nearby teacher's office suddenly swung open, and

two more people cast a spell simultaneously at Wayne. "Expelliarmus!" A

cold expression crossed Wayne's face. He wasn't angry due to the

successive sneak attacks. He just wondered if it was intentional or simply

a lack of skill. These were things to consider after capturing them.

Spreading his fingers, Wayne pushed his palm forward, completely

suppressing the two red spells. The student who launched the attack

struggled to hold onto their wand, but both spells were eventually

overpowered, and flew backward in front of the immense surge of

magical power. Hermione suddenly snapped back to reality and let out a

scream so intense that it made Wayne uneasy.

"Wayne! They're coming for you!" she exclaimed.

"I can see Miss Granger," Wayne said, helplessly rubbing the young

witch's head. "I've already taken care of everyone, and now you decide to

mention this? Isn't it a bit late?"

Hermione hung her head low, her face burning with embarrassment. She

knew her performance earlier had been terrible. She felt foolish for

freezing up in the face of danger, forgetting to dodge or defend herself

with spells.

"It's a normal reaction," Wayne reassured her. However, he resolved to

help Hermione gain more practical experience in the future. He believed

that courage and determination were just as important as physical

strength for a fighter, much like Harry.

As the two people who had been knocked down struggled to get up and

escape, Wayne extended his arm to grab them but then hesitated,

ultimately deciding to restrain them instead. They knelt before him

without resistance.

Several students, including confused onlookers from different houses and

Slytherin students, arrived at the empty corridor. Their faces were

darkened with disappointment at the failure of their plan.

"Hermione, you should go to class," Wayne told her.

"No, I'm going to inform Professor McGonagall about their attack on you

in the corridor!" Hermione insisted, shaking her head vigorously, her

anger evident.

"No need. The professor will find out soon enough," Wayne comforted the

fiery-haired witch before turning his attention back to the captives on the


"Recover quickly," he advised the student who had been hit with a coma

spell. The student swiftly regained consciousness and joined the others in

kneeling before Wayne.

"Lawrence, let them go!" one of the onlooking Slytherins said gloomily.

"Go away," Wayne motioned dismissively. "You didn't lift a finger today,

so it's laughable for you to even consider getting involved."

The student gritted his teeth but ultimately refrained from taking any

direct action. All four attempted sneak attacks had failed, and he knew he

stood no chance against Wayne alone.

Slytherins were known for seeking revenge, but they were also adept at


"Travers, Rozier, Selwyn, Knott," Wayne named each person one by one,

finally resting his gaze on Selwyn. The disarming spell Selwyn had cast

on Hermione earlier had not gone unnoticed.

Legilimency was activated, and the two only locked eyes for a moment

before Wayne discerned his inner thoughts. Wayne looked at him with


"You dare to sneak attack me, even though you can barely bend a magic

spell?" Wayne sneered.

That's right...

This guy didn't do it intentionally; it was just a fluke...

Encountering such an idiot, Wayne couldn't help but feel a sense of


"If you can't match up to others, then you should be willing to admit

defeat." Wayne waved his hand, and all four of them were suspended

from the ceiling.

"You're welcome to sneak attack me at any time, but if you dare to attack

my friends, I will publish an article in the Daily Prophet exposing you

and your actions for an entire month." Wayne smiled gleefully as if he

was looking forward to that day. "Do you think other members of your

pure-blood family would be ashamed to be associated with you?"

"Lawrence!" Selwyn cursed. "You're so vicious! My spell just missed!"

He was so anxious that he almost cried.

If this matter ends up in the newspapers, our family's reputation will be

completely ruined.

The sixth-grade student didn't dare to cause trouble for the first-year

students, but instead, he bullied his friends. Rumor has it that his father

would break his legs.

And it's the kind of injury that can't be healed!

The other Slytherins also wore cold expressions, looking at Wayne as if

he were the devil himself.

Even though these families aren't very clean behind the scenes and resort

to bullying weaker individuals, they still dare to act shamelessly in


Wayne's actions were like a splash of cold water in a boiling cauldron.

"I believe you did it unintentionally," Wayne said seriously, which made

Selwyn feel relieved and somewhat touched.

He understands me!

"I'm glad you're up for the challenge, and I welcome your sneak attacks

anytime," Wayne also gestured to the other Slytherins. "The same goes for

all of you. Feel free to take action."

The scene fell silent.

After waiting for a while, more and more people were drawn to the

commotion, but still, no Slytherin stepped forward. Wayne, feeling bored,

took Hermione to class.

The four hanging individuals grew anxious.

"Lawrence, please let us down!"

Wayne waved his hand without looking back. "Sorry, I haven't learned

how to break the curse. You'll have to come down on your own after

hanging there for a while."

After saying that, the two disappeared around the corner, leaving the

four Slytherins in tears.

The other Slytherins attempted to help them down but predictably failed.

Until Snape approached.

"What happened?"

Seeing the four hanging people, an unknown anger surged in Snape's


He waved his wand and lifted the spell, finally freeing Selwyn and the


"It was Lawrence!" Rozier said bitterly. "He's the one who hung us up!"

Snape's face twisted in an expression of disgust.

"He attacked you? Why?"

Damn it, wasn't this what James Potter had done to him back then?

Snape was almost furious!

Travers avoided eye contact, but under Snape's intense gaze, he could

only tell the truth bluntly.

"Yes... we wanted to seek revenge on him, but we failed."

Snape's vision darkened.

A bunch of imbeciles!



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Chapter 80: 80. After Beating The

Younger One, The Older One


History of Magic class

Today, we will be learning about the fantasy history that has been shaped

by both humans and magical animals.

Unfortunately, Cuthbert Binns was neither engaging nor captivating in

his teaching. As a result, half of the class fell asleep, and the other half

were left daydreaming. Even Miss Granger, who usually paid close

attention during lectures, couldn't resist her restlessness and struggled to


"Wayne..." she gently pulled on Wayne's robe and whispered, "Is it alright

to leave those people hanging?"

"Do you think Snape will give you any trouble?"

"He tends to protect his favorites."

Hermione held Wayne's hand tightly, feeling a mixture of fear and

unease, yet chose not to let go.

Wayne nodded with satisfaction, noticing a small improvement in


"Have you ever seen me lose? Snape's tactics are nothing more than using

his sharp tongue, deducting points, or assigning detention."

"It was the Slytherin students who instigated the conflict this time, and

my House is not one to back down."

Reminds me of the time when Professor Sprout displayed her authority in

front of Dumbledore.

Wayne couldn't help but smile.

What a sense of security.

As the news of the incident in the corridor spread, the Hufflepuff students

grew more furious.

Dean Sprout was livid.

A few older students from the fifth and sixth years had ambushed the

first-year newcomers, displaying their shamelessness.

"Don't worry, Wayne. We will help you seek revenge!"

Patrick, the seventh-year male prefect, clenched his fists as he spoke, and

the rest of the students around him nodded in agreement.

After the altercation on the Quidditch field, the Hufflepuff students

seemed to have awakened a newfound fierceness.

Do you rely on fighting to solve your problems?

"You mustn't instigate anything," Wayne quickly advised. "Additionally,

be cautious and avoid acting alone. It's best to work together with a

group of people."

"In case the Slytherins attempt to cause trouble for you, we can

outnumber them and give them a taste of their own medicine."

"I'm afraid I won't let them succeed!" Cedric said indignantly. "I learned

some dueling skills from my father over the summer, but I'm worried I

won't be able to apply them effectively."

"Don't go looking for trouble!" Wayne scolded, patting Cedric's head. "We

Hufflepuffs are known for our kindness, so let's not initiate any

unnecessary conflicts."

"This is a grudge between me and Slytherin. We shouldn't make things

difficult for Dean."

Upon hearing this, the little badgers looked at Wayne with admiration.

"What a nice person!"

To avoid causing trouble for the college and the dean, he would rather

face the entire Slytherin College alone.


They want to protect kind-hearted Wayne!

Confused by the little badger suddenly catching fire for no reason, Wayne

felt a little dizzy.

No, he is trying to stop the fight, not start one!

In the afternoon, the whole school was in chaos.

Compared to the Slytherins who initiated the sneak attack, the little

badgers were much more capable. They would brandish their wands in

front of someone, only to act puzzled and throw away the spell before

running off.

And the spells they used weren't too powerful.

Their front teeth were like sticks, their mouths grinning as they spat out


These prankish curses taught people a lesson without causing harm.

Wayne's provocation had made the Slytherins equally angry.

Usually, Slytherin fights against Gryffindor, but Hufflepuff can step in at

any time.

They seek revenge!

They must take severe revenge!

In just one afternoon and during dinner time, Wayne was attacked four

or five times.

Not surprising.

There were also several Slytherin students hiding in the corridors and on

the ceilings of the classrooms.

Professor McGonagall was almost driven to madness. The scores of both

colleges were dropping at an alarming rate.

When it was time for dinner, a funny scene unfolded on the scoreboard.

The Ravenclaws burst into laughter.

There were only a few gemstones left representing the other three

houses, with Ravenclaw standing out.

This year's Academy Cup seemed to be guaranteed for them.

Although he didn't care too much, who doesn't appreciate some free


In the seat of honor, Snape's face was as dark as water: "Sprout, take care

of the students in your college, and don't mistake our tolerance for


He had become Hufflepuff's disciplinary officer, searching the castle for

students cursed by other little badgers and hung up by Wayne.

Although there were some unlucky little badgers, their numbers were


Simply because they followed Wayne's "teachings."

Never act alone, always in pairs, at the very least.

They had learned from Slytherin's experience.

The senior students looked after the juniors, and the juniors would seek

out crowded places when they saw the seniors.

After a guerrilla war, Slytherin suffered heavy losses and Hufflepuff

emerged victorious.

This fully proved the truth that there is strength in numbers.

Professor Sprout also had a worried expression after hearing Snape's


Although Hufflepuff had the advantage now, it was Slytherin who had

initiated the conflict after all. Your students seem to be seeking trouble

first. This tone implies that you blame the good kids in our college.

Without delay, despite the camaraderie between colleagues, she

interrupted and stated, "My students are excelling. Professor Snape

should provide additional lessons to his students."

"The fifth and sixth-grade students cannot triumph over a new student. If

news of this spreads, you, as the dean, will be held responsible."

Attempting to ease the tension, the wise old man, Flitwick, attempted to

reconcile, but Snape had already breached the defenses. He scoffed in

anger, rose abruptly, and departed.

Even in this circumstance, Professor Sprout did not forget to deliver

another blow. "I neglected to mention, Professor Snape, there are some

issues with the making of these particular batches of wolf-shaped aconite

and mantle grass, and less than half the amount has been produced."

Snape tensed up, then quickened his pace, mentally cursing Sprout for

her lack of integrity in their professional dealings.

It truly became an obstacle for him!

You see, Sprout's herb greenhouse is Snape's supplier. He uses the

materials for his purposes and provides them to students for classroom


The bulk of the materials is produced and sold within the college.

If we were to purchase them from an outside source, even with the

support of twelve school directors and donations from the Ministry of

Magic, they could not sustain such a significant demand.

This is merely a student conflict, and Sprout is utilizing this tactic to deal

with Snape.

This has greatly unsettled Snape, but there is nothing he can do about it.

What is happening in this world?

Could it be possible that Hufflepuff is defeating Slytherin?

"Pomona..." Flitwick smiled bitterly. "There's no need to go to this extent,


"We are all colleagues. It's not good to have too much tension."

"I understand, Filius." Sprout returned to his usual kindness when dealing

with others. "I'm just making him uncomfortable for a few days. It won't

delay the students' Potions class."

"Who asked him to bully Lawrence? Do you think Hufflepuff has no


Sprout snorted lightly and changed the topic on her own.

The day passed quickly, yet the storm still did not subside. Professor

McGonagall's suppression only made everyone's actions more subtle.

Throughout the day, Wayne defeated more than a dozen people. There

were also a few familiar faces from yesterday.

He was impressed by their perseverance and tenacity, so he decided to

increase the intensity. Not only did he hang it on the ceiling, but he also

included several jinxes for free.

At night, Cedric stopped Wayne as he tried to leave the lounge.

"Are you still going to Snape's class?"

"Why wouldn't I go?" Wayne was surprised. "I've even paid the tuition."

"What if he retaliates against you?" Cedric advised. "Why not reconsider?

If you have any questions, you can ask everyone. Many people have good

grades in Potions class."

"Yes, Wayne, Snape will take the opportunity to avenge his students."

"What if he casts a spell on you?"

"Let's not go."

The other Hufflepuffs also expressed their concern and advised Wayne.

"Don't worry, everyone." Wayne comforted them. "Although Snape is

unreasonable, doesn't pay attention to personal hygiene, and his words

are worse than the sound of a mandrake, he is still a professor. I don't

think he would take action against a little wizard like me."

Wayne's potion skills had improved rapidly in the past two days, and he

had been looking forward to showing off to Snape and seeing his shocked

expression. How could he not go?

"But..." Cedric wanted to say something else, but Wayne had already

seized the opportunity to slip out, leaving Cedric with no choice but to

give up.

Around eight o'clock, Wayne arrived at Snape's office confidently. He

didn't even knock on the door, but simply pushed it open and walked in.

Unusually, Snape wasn't engrossed in a newspaper as he usually was.

Instead, he looked directly at Wayne.

"You came."

"I'm here."

"You shouldn't have come."

"But I've paid all the tuition fees." Wayne looked at him with disbelief.

"Are you trying to default on the bill?"

Snape choked and took a long time to regain his composure.

"What are you going to teach me today?" Wayne went to the console he

usually used and noticed there was no material on it, which confused


Snape slowly stood up and positioned his hands horizontally on either

side. The lockers, operating tables, and various debris in the classroom

quickly disappeared, and the space suddenly expanded. In an instant, the

office was empty, resembling the size of a football field.

"Today's class is not Potions, but Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Snape's mouth twitched slightly, a playful look on his face.

"Are you skilled in combat? Use the magic spell I created to hang my

students on the wall."

"Lawrence, I have yet to ask you, where did you learn to hang the

Dangling Jinx?"

Snape examined Wayne intently. In his day, Dangling Jinx was popular,

and Snape took pride in it. However, as more people were imprisoned in

Azkaban, it lost its charm.

Those who can master this spell are either former Death Eaters or part of

James Potter's group.

"You can come up with such a simple spell just by thinking about it. Do

you need someone else to teach you?"

Occlumency was silently activated, and Wayne fearlessly locked eyes

with Snape.

There's nothing wrong with his statement. Even if he doesn't receive the

Dangling Jinx through the system rewards, he can easily use it based on

his talent.

"It was Slytherin who opened my eyes to the younger generation."

"Bitingly sarcastic."

Hearing his masterpiece belittled, Snape's expression briefly flashed

anger, but he couldn't deny that Wayne had the ability.


The wand appeared in his hand.

"Lawrence, this will be a free dueling lesson for you."

Holding the wand, Snape's aura also subtly changed. The change, from

the previous gloomy state, suddenly became upright.

"Professor, are you sure you want to fight me?" Wayne also smiled

playfully. "If you lose to me, will your dignity be ruined?"

He glanced at his panel.

[Host: Wayne Lawrence

Magic: 1.3

Has mastered the spells: Shattering Curse, Chain Lightning, Shield of

Aegis, Disarming Curse, Patronus Charm, Fiendfyre...(omitted)

Strength evaluation: Professor level (all talents fully activated)]

In terms of magic, Wayne has surpassed Snape. Even though it was only

0.3, Snape was not an ordinary person. The magic power in his body was

at least several times that of an ordinary adult wizard. In terms of

strength evaluation and normal strength, he has also reached the

professor level. When his talents are fully activated, he is still at the

professor level, but he will be much stronger. After all, the division of

power in the magical world is too blurry, and the painting style of the

three Dumbledores is not that of the world at all. This is why everyone

fears and respects Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and the Dark Lord. These

three people are no longer wizards who can be dealt with by a small

team of Aurors. Wayne is unsure about his current strength positioning.

Snape's intervention came at the right time. He is not an ordinary

professor. If he is not hurt by love, maybe there will be a third Dark Lord

in the magic world.

"Crazy brat..." Snape, who was always ready to fight, was indifferent to

Wayne's provocation. He must deal with this brat today.

"That's as you wish." Wayne also took out his wand. "You should know

the etiquette of dueling, Lawrence. Come on, bow." Snape bowed slowly,

and Wayne did the same. Their movements were almost synchronized.

The moment they stood up, their wands were quickly aimed at each

other. Snape's casting speed was slightly slower, which was intentional.

He felt that it was a bit too low-priced to fight against a first-grade kid in

a duel. Even though he was facing Wayne Lawrence, a genius who, in

Dumbledore's words, was not inferior to Voldemort. Snape, who had

enough time to wait for a counterspell, saw Wayne's ferocious smile, the

familiar swing of the wand, and the emerald green light. The original

calmness disappeared and turned into a numb scalp.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Wayne frantically shouted a spell that made everyone in the wizarding

world fearful!


Snape went crazy and summoned a python at top speed to firmly protect

himself. The Killing Curse cannot be protected by the Iron Armor Curse

and can only be blocked by physical objects. This python came out as a

substitute for death. He never dreamed that Wayne wanted to go to

Azkaban to further his studies. Do you think you are the Dark Lord?!

Boom! Boom!

Snape, who was about to go all out to subdue Wayne, froze in place. The

python used as a human shield did not die. The green curse hit it and

turned into fireworks and exploded.



"Professor, why are you so nervous?" Wayne showed an innocent smile.

"I'm a Hufflepuff, how could I attack my professor with the Unforgivable

Curse? I was just trying to liven up the atmosphere."

Snape went completely crazy, with red areas in his eyes. Powerful magic

burst out from the tip of his wand, and in an instant, it turned into three

spells and struck Wayne.

"No one can save you today!




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Chapter 81: 81. All Curses Come

To An End! Are You Willing To Be

My Loyal Friends?

Snape immediately exploded with frustration upon realizing he had been


The three curses came at Wayne in no particular order.

Silent spells were cast multiple times, with faster flying speeds than

ordinary spells.

These skills alone are proof enough of Snape's strength.

Wayne, under dynamic perception, lightly flicked his wand, firing three

spells in a row that blasted a small hole into the floor of the office.

"Tsk, such power, Professor, and here I am, still just a child!" Wayne

sarcastically remarked as he fired off two more spells from his wand. He

stood tall and straight, fully embracing a fighting stance that exuded a

powerful sense of oppression.

Snape's face slightly changed as he activated his magic power, waving his

robe and using the armor charm to block the two spells.

"Only Dumbledore would treat you like a child!" Snape retorted. "In my

eyes, you are a monster!"

Snape extended his hand, and a closet flew towards Wayne from a


Wayne clenched his fist, causing the fast-flying closet to break apart. The

pieces of wood weakly hit their armor spells and fell to the ground.

"Expelliarmus!" Wayne shouted, as two red rays of light collided in the

air, producing a resounding noise. Continuous flashes of electric light

filled the air, and a standoff ensued.

Commonly known as opposing waves, the situation perplexed Snape. He

had to exert all his efforts to ensure his magic remained dominant.

"Professor, show me more power!" Wayne challenged, stepping forward.

The balance of victory started to tilt in his favor as their magic continued

to clash.

Even though Wayne had the same magic level as Snape, his disarming

proficiency was nearly equal. However, thanks to his natural talent, his

spell-casting power surpassed Snape's.

Hissing sounds echoed as the wood on the ground morphed into multiple

pythons. One python disrupted the spell wave and disintegrated into


The other pythons maneuvered and slithered past.

Wayne raised his wand high, performing a graceful arc akin to that of a


In sync with his movements, thunderous nets crackling with electricity

descended from the sky.

The office became a battleground, with magic spells colliding and

creating various deep craters.

The roars of wild beasts could occasionally be heard.

Powerful magic emanated from both combatants, causing their robes to

billow without any breeze.

Snape had completely lost his initial sense of superiority, now viewing

Wayne as an evenly-matched opponent. Excluding black magic and some

powerful offensive spells, he couldn't defeat this kid quickly.

On Wayne's side, he had also concealed hundreds of millions of cards. He

chose not to use Lord Thunder's decree, and he retained only a few of the

spells he excelled in.

What Wayne wanted to determine was the extent of his normal strength.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three blazing fireballs shot out from Snape's wand, but Wayne's magic

diverted them, causing sparks to scatter across the sky.

Snape clenched his fist and blew on it, causing the flames to condense

and transform into a huge, three-headed python.

"I was terrified. I thought you were going to unleash powerful fire,

Professor." Wayne smiled and cast a few spells, first pushing the flame

snake back, and then enveloping it in a golden brilliance.

"Finite! (All curses are finished)"

Have you finally mastered all the incantations?!

Snape was stunned.

"All Curses Are Finished" was an advanced version of the Curse of

Stopping, capable of extinguishing even fierce fires. It was the most

powerful terminating curse, but it typically required several wizards

working together to perform, making it extremely difficult. Only

individuals with strong magical abilities could wield it alone.

The once arrogant giant flame snake was suppressed and ultimately


A touch of peculiar blue light flickered in Wayne's black onyx pupils.

"Speechless fear!"

He activated silent mental magic, causing Snape's hand, which he had

just raised, to freeze.

Images of the day he visited Godric's Hollow and discovered Lily amidst

the ruins appeared before Wayne's eyes.


Tears unconsciously streamed down Snape's face, and he let out a heart-

wrenching cry. However, as the most formidable double agent, he soon

realized that this was Wayne's attack.

Summoning his strong willpower, he fought to break free.

But in a duel between experts, even being stunned for a second could be

a fatal mistake.

By the time he regained consciousness, Wayne had already approached


"Armor protection!"

"Lumos flash!"


Ten minutes later.

Snape held a cold water towel over his right eye, gazing at Wayne with

his other eye.

"You're a wizard, not a troll!"

"Who told you that you could use your fists in a duel?"

"This is a foul! I don't accept it!"


His excitement triggered pain from his wound, causing Snape to grimace.

Wayne sat on the soft sofa, relishing the sight before him.

The outcome was already clear: first-year freshman Wayne had defeated

the esteemed half-blood prince, Professor Snape.

However, Snape couldn't help but feel that he had lost unfairly.

Wayne had suddenly unleashed a freezing arrow, employing invisible and

unseen mental magic to launch a sneak attack, and only managed to

break free due to his unwavering willpower. With his rich experience, he

didn't hesitate to cast an armor spell on himself to prepare for the

impending attack. Once again, Snape was taken by surprise. Wayne,

however, unleashed an incredibly powerful lightning spell. The sudden

burst of bright light nearly blinded Snape, causing the armor spell to

form at a slower pace. On top of that, Wayne managed to land a punch

on Snape.

To sum it up, there's no need to debate about martial ethics.

"Professor..." Wayne smiled as he noticed Snape's panda eyes. "You're a

Slytherin who would do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. Why

can't you understand such a simple truth?"

"As long as I can win, I could handle having a wand in one hand and a

sword in the other," Wayne continued. "That's what Gryffindor

represented back then. He was hailed as the greatest duelist of his time."

"The Sorting Hat must be blind," Snape sneered, as he waved his wand to

restore the office to its original state. He then took out a bottle of potion

and poured it on his eyes sarcastically remarking, "Ms. Helga would be

ashamed if she knew that someone like you could be in Hufflepuff."

Wayne became unhappy and questioned Snape's choice of words. "Why

attack me personally when losing isn't an option for you?"


Snape couldn't resist him, so he chose not to say anything and took out

several bottles of potions to reduce the swelling in his eyes. Soon, the

results were seen. However, there is still a circle of bruises left, and it

seems that it will not get better today. After some tossing, he sat back

down opposite Wayne. The atmosphere is slightly dull, with neither of

them starting the conversation first. Snape was still calming his inner

thoughts. It wasn't until today that he had an intuitive feeling for Wayne's

talent, or more accurately, his strength.

It would be disrespectful to evaluate a wizard who can fight him to this

point based on talent. Wayne Lawrence, a newcomer to the wizarding

world, is already a real powerhouse. Snape was sure that even

Voldemort, who had also just entered the wizarding world, had not

shown such abnormal strength as Wayne. This kid... Could it be that he is

the reincarnation of Merlin?

Wayne, too, was deep in thought, reviewing the previous confrontation

with Snape and looking for his own problems. Many factors contributed

to his victory. First, Snape had a lot of inconvenient black magic that he

had not revealed, such as his signature Shadowless Blade. Second, Wayne

took advantage of Silent Fear, catching Snape off guard. If they were to

fight again and Snape was prepared, it would not have the same effect as

before. After all, it will hurt a little the first time, but you will get used to

it later. At that time, they can only rely on hard power to win. Wayne

realized that he seemed to have relied too much on magic. There could

have been more clever ways to resolve the enemy's spell, but he chose

the most direct and forceful approach. It was a little reckless. Wayne

listed out his shortcomings and it took him a while to come to his senses.

"Professor," Wayne called out. "Huh?" Snape looked up and met the

young man's gentle and shy smile. Damn it. Did he have a problem with

his eye being punched out? Lawrence can be shy? "There is a Quote that

'It is better to make friends than to make enemies'. I have no conflicts

with the students of your college. Let's end this matter this time. The

principal will be unhappy if it continues." Wayne didn't know what Old

Bee had been busy with these two days. Professor McGonagall was the

one responsible for punishing him, but Wayne also knows that enough is

enough. Professors will be greatly relieved when naughty students

become wise once in a while. A sensible child may be naughty once in a

while, but it will always be remembered and become an indelible stain.

This truth was quickly understood after Wayne became the 'Devil King'.

Everything must be done in a measured way. The school and Dumbledore

will never forget his 'sacrifice'. Even Snape looked at him with surprise

and asked, "You really think so?"

"Of course," Wayne replied, transforming into a well-behaved and

sensible boy. "I also have some Slytherin friends, and I can't let them get

caught in the middle."

Snape's eyelids twitched.

He had also heard a little bit about the Celia shop that Wayne was

working on.

Especially the products sold to Little Snakes are all labeled as privately

customized and exclusive for nobles. The price can only be imagined.

"That's for the best," Snape said, slowly tightening his robes.

No matter what Wayne's intentions were in proposing reconciliation, it

was the best outcome for the Slytherin students. They wouldn't stand a

chance against Wayne.

Snape seemed to be able to see Wayne's future at Hogwarts. He glanced

at the clock on the wall and abruptly stood up.

"Come with me," Snape instructed.

"Is this the Slytherin common room?" Wayne asked, following Snape as

they entered the room.

Wayne took in the snake-shaped walls, seats, and even the statues that

acted as doors. The Slytherin Common Room was located at the bottom

of the Black Lake. Legend has it that it used to be a dungeon for prisoners

before the school was established.

Wayne's first impression of the room was that it was cold. The lounge

area was enormous, much like the Hufflepuff common room. Although

the fireplace was burning brightly, the overall green and cool colors

made it feel chilly.

Wayne couldn't help but wonder why Slytherin chose a dungeon as their

students' dormitory in the first place.

Suddenly, the few young wizards in the lounge jumped up and

respectfully greeted the arrival of Snape their dean, Lawrence's presence

just behind him causing confusion and disbelief due to the bruises on his


Snape, remaining calm, gave specific orders to two students named

Malins and Daphne, instructing them to fetch the male and female

prefects, respectively. Following Snape's instructions, the two students

hurried to the men's and women's dormitories, and soon thereafter, six

prefects from three grades appeared, followed by many of their

classmates. Upon seeing Wayne, they glared at him, and some even

wanted to mock him due to Snape's presence. Snape silenced the crowd

with a cold look, and they dared not resist in the presence of their own


Among the crowd of students, Malfoy looked on curiously, pondering the

reason behind Snape bringing Wayne to the lounge. Surveying the room,

Snape spoke slowly and announced, "It's time for the chaos to end. We

are Slytherins, not Gryffindors. Don't waste your time and energy on

meaningless matters. I brought Lawrence here to put a stop to this

ridiculous commotion."

Snape indicated for the six prefects to step forward while the rest of the

students backed away, creating space for their confrontation. He

declared, "You six are Lawrence's opponents. Whether you win or lose,

everything ends here." These words widened the eyes of the six prefects

in surprise. Snape looked at them sideways and asked, "What, don't you

have confidence in yourselves?" One of the prefects responded, "No,

Professor, we will definitely defend the honor of Slytherin!" Snape

remained indifferent and said, "I hope so. The rest of you should stay


In reality, Snape knew well that even if the number of prefects doubled,

they would still be no match for Wayne. However, that was his intention.

Slytherins were accustomed to obeying the strongest. Unless you

completely defeat them, there will be countless conspiracies and tricks

waiting for you in the future. It was how Voldemort earned respect and

awe in the past. Snape wanted Wayne to come and resolve the problem

once and for all.

As the other Slytherin students moved to the edge of the wall, silently

cheering for their prefects, they knew that these prefects were now the

highest combat power in Slytherin. Unlike other schools where prefects

were appointed by the school, Slytherin's prefects were elected by the

students through duels. They were undoubtedly the strongest group of

people in their grade. Although Wayne had defeated many of the lesser

Slytherins in the past few days, he had yet to face any of the prefects.

Only Selwyn, Nott, and Travers had some trepidation within them. After

all, when Wayne had defeated them, he hadn't even needed to draw his

wand. Could a few prefects really succeed? The six Snakes gazed at

Wayne, who still wore a warm smile, but with a cold expression on his

lips. Following Snape's orders, various light spells filled the common

room. One minute later, Snape, with twitching eyelids, glanced at the six

prefects who were hanging from the ceiling. The room was silent, apart

from the snakes.

Wayne slowly retrieved his wand and looked at Snape, asking, "Professor,

is this acceptable?"

Snape snorted coldly, although he had prepared for this situation he still

felt a little unsettled. He waved his wand and released the prefects, then

asked, "Are you now satisfied?"

"Submit it, accept it, Lawrence. Slytherin students will no longer trouble

you and other Hufflepuffs," said Daniel Avery, the seventh-grade prefect

and president of the student council. He no longer looked at Wayne with

hostility, but rather awe.

"I merely took advantage of some talents," Wayne modestly replied. "You

are all the future backbone of the wizarding world. Today, I specifically

asked Professor Snape to resolve this misunderstanding. After all...I'm a

Hufflepuff and I enjoy making friends. When I was sorted into this house,

the Sorting Hat told me about the advantages of Hufflepuff - having loyal


With a friendly smile, Wayne slowly extended his palm and asked,

"Would you...be willing to be my most loyal friends?"

Snape's mouth twitched as he struggled to express the emotions in his

heart. Does this sentence capture his understanding? Sorting Hat, you

bring so much harm to people!



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Chapter 82: 82. Friends Come To

Buy My Goods, Dumbledore’s


Faced with Wayne's kindness, the Slytherin students looked at each other.

I don't know if it's just their imagination. Wayne Lawrence's words

always sound strange. The atmosphere fell into a brief silence.

Wayne was still smiling, but the curve of his mouth slowly diminished.

Finally, someone stood up and broke the deadlock.

"Certainly!" Malfoy pushed through the crowd and shook hands with

Wayne, wearing a smile on his face.

"The Malfoy family will never refuse the good intentions of other nobles."

The Malfoy family always makes the right choice in times of crisis.

The strength that Wayne displayed just now was enough to make Malfoy,

who prioritizes his own interests, overlook the issue of blood.

To be honest, the two ancestors might have had some sort of friendship

before. In the eleventh century, the first Malfoy, Armand Malfoy, went to

England with William the Conqueror, made magical contributions, and

obtained the title of Wiltshire, an excellent fiefdom. The Lawrence family

is also an old family that came from Normandy with William the

Conqueror. Speaking of which, they were all colleagues back then.

Wayne's smile became enthusiastic again. This group of people was so

disrespectful that they almost reached for their magic wands just now.

With Malfoy leading the way, others stepped forward one by one and

formed a friendship with Wayne. Even the prefects who had just been

defeated by him completely forgot about their previous animosity and

were all smiling. Maybe some people still feel contempt for Wayne

because of his background, but they will never show it.

Without someone to take the lead, purebloods will only look down on

those half-bloods or Muggles who have no background or strength. The

education they have received since childhood emphasizes lineage and


Did you think that no one else could have discovered Voldemort's

parentage back then? Many families may know better than Voldemort

himself, but they all feign ignorance. Because Voldemort is strong enough

and doesn't need any historical background; he is his background. Wayne

Lawrence has also demonstrated these qualities in the eyes of these little


"Since we are all friends, I also have a gift for you!" Wayne waved his

hand to summon a long table and took out various potions, decorations,

and a large number of quills from his robe pockets.

"For the sake of my friend, all products in the Celia store are discounted

at 10%! This is an intelligence enhancer that can increase thinking speed

and make learning spells more efficient."

"This is an invigorating potion. One bottle will keep you awake for two

days and you will be full of energy."

Under Snape's stunned gaze, a friendly exchange instantly turned into a

large-scale sales pitch for Wayne.

"Lawrence, are you selling this ring?"

A blond girl looked at the exquisite silver ring that Wayne took out and

asked with a slightly red face:

Wayne enthusiastically introduced, "Greengrass, you have such a good

eye. This is my latest work."

"It's a Ring of Protection! When you are in danger, the ring can trigger

the armor spell on its own, and it can activate it three times."

Daphne Greengrass, Wayne's classmate and the female prefect called by

Snape, was stunned.

Wayne glanced subconsciously at Snape's disapproving face.

Before Wayne could think too much, waves of exclamations from the

onlooking students interrupted him.

"Is it true that it can activate the armor charm three times, Lawrence?"

Self-protection objects are rare in the magical world because few people

are proficient in alchemy, let alone capable of creating such high-level


Anyone who possesses such a treasure would proudly show it off.

Wayne wasted no time, picked up another pendant, made it float in the

air, and cast the petrification spell continuously.

The armor spell was cast three times, successfully blocking the

petrification spell nearly ten times before finally failing and breaking the


Seeing the live demonstration, no one doubted it anymore.

Even the Slytherin students who were not interested in potions and quills

started to show interest.

Upon seeing the few decorations, Selwyn suddenly became interested.

"Lawrence, no, Wayne, I want one. How much does it cost?"

"It's two hundred Galleons, but with a 10% discount, it's 180 Galleons."

Wayne said the price with a smile, causing some embarrassment in the


This price was still expensive for many of them.

There were only a few wealthy purebloods present and others who relied

on selling their ancestral property to survive.

Daphne didn't hesitate when she heard the price. She turned around and

went back to the dormitory to get the money, clearly also coming from a

wealthy background.

One of Wayne's customized maps was bought by her.

Malfoy also happily placed an order and promised to have his family

send the money tomorrow.

Wayne happily delivered the goods first and praised Malfoy, granting him

a great deal of face.

The atmosphere became even livelier than before.

Snape looked at the scene in front of him in a daze. Pay the money with

one hand and deliver the goods with the other.

Although it was a simple transaction, to him, it felt like a payment for


Thirty minutes later, Wayne trailed behind Snape as they exited the

Slytherin common room, his face beaming with joy.

I can't even close my mouth.

Four defensive items were sold for 720 Galleons, but the system only

accounted for three because Malfoy is going to pay tomorrow.

Several other items were also sold, amounting to hundreds of galleons.

"Lawrence, did you make those protective props yourself?" Snape

suddenly inquired from his seat in front.

"Yes," Wayne replied without hesitation. "There have been significant

advancements in alchemy research recently, so I created a device."

"That's impressive…" Snape's lips twitched involuntarily.

There are no more than ten individuals in the entire UK capable of such


He's not one to downplay his abilities, it seems.

I'm finally starting to gain some recognition.

"Can you sell me one?" Snape asked, his tone stiff.

Wayne raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Professor, may I ask why you need


When he referred to it as a device, he wasn't being modest.

The armor spell on those protective props is only at a normal level. When

translated to the system level, it becomes intermediate.

If struck by a slightly powerful spell, it will shatter, posing a risk to the


However, it's sufficient for students.

But for wizards of their and Snape's caliber, it would be easier to simply

wave their wands and deflect the spell.

"Don't worry about it," Snape's discomfort was evident on his face. "I just

want to gauge your abilities."

"Alright," Wayne shrugged and tossed a silver ring to Snape.

"Five hundred galleons."

"How much?" Snape looked at him in shock.

"What we just got was a student discount," Wayne shrugged. This is the

original price. You can't get points by selling to Snape, so of course, it's a

bit more expensive.

"I'll give it to you tomorrow." Snape didn't want to see this handsome face

that needed a beating anymore, so he left without saying a word.

Wayne curled his lips disdainfully.

After that, he also walked towards Hufflepuff's lounge.

The next day.

"Lawrence, Morning."

"Lawrence, would you like to go to class together later?"

"Thanks, Greengrass, Hannah and I have made an appointment."

Early in the morning, Wayne arrived at the auditorium. When he passed

by the long Slytherin table, most people greeted him kindly. Except, a

brother and sister from the Parkinson family, has a gloomy face.

Seeing their enthusiasm, other students in the auditorium were stunned.

I once suspected that I was hallucinating.

"George, are those snakes cast under the Imperius Curse?"

"Maybe a love potion, Fred."

The twins looked at each other, both seeing the other's confusion.

Let alone them, even the little badgers are confused.

Before leaving the lounge, Wayne told everyone that the conflict between

him and Slytherin had been completely resolved.

After that, we were all friends.

They believed that the conflict was resolved. Wayne came back very late

yesterday, perhaps to discuss the matter with Snape again.

But how is it possible to become friends?

But now they feel that they are still shallow.

"How did you do it?" Whateley sat next to Wayne and asked doubtfully.

"Isn't making friends what Hufflepuff is good at?"

Wayne said calmly, "I reasoned with them and got approval from most

people, so we became friends."

Cedric, who was eavesdropping on the side, had a complex expression on

his face.

If Slytherins were reasonable people, they wouldn't be so hated.

Wayne was not telling the truth.

In fact, not only the little badgers were curious about what happened, but

also other college students.

Yesterday the fight was in full swing, but today it's just a bit of a


Let the melon-eating masses like them be caught off guard.

But Wayne insisted on saying this to death, and it didn't change even

when Hermione and Cho asked.

This has also become one of the mysteries of this semester.

And the Slytherin students are also grateful to Wayne.

In their minds, Wayne could have told the actual situation last night to

enhance his reputation.

One person can easily win against six prefects. If it were them, they

would never be so low-key. But Wayne didn't do this, which made the

Slytherins treat him more friendly.

Ronald couldn't help complaining. If he hadn't seen that the Hufflepuff

logo in front of Wayne had not changed, he would have thought that

Wayne had been transferred to another house.

Principal's office.

Dumbledore and Snape drank hot tea.

"I was only gone for two days and so many things happened in the


Dumbledore looked a little tired. He was already one hundred and ten

years old this year, but the things he needed to worry about did not

diminish at all. On the contrary, it has become more and more since this


"Where have you been?" Snape asked directly. There was no politeness

between him and Dumbledore.

"Eastern Europe, the situation there has been very turbulent recently, and

Keynes asked me to stabilize the situation."

Keynes is the name of the current president of the International

Federation of Wizards.

It's a pity that Snape didn't care about the outside world. He asked: "You

can leave with such peace of mind. Aren't you afraid that Quirrell will

take the opportunity..."

"With you and Minerva here, I feel completely at ease," Dumbledore said

with a smile. "You did a good job. Although there were some minor

frictions between the children, weren't they resolved properly in the


"A small friction?" Snape repeated unintelligibly. "That's indeed what you

would say."

"It's just a little bit away, from those pure-blood families barge into


"No, they won't."

Dumbledore's voice was calm but revealed strong confidence. "I have

visited the Parkinson family and had a pleasant chat. They also gave me

some pairs of wool socks before I left. At least I won't be short of socks

next year."

Snape's hand playing with the tea lid shook.

The Parkinson family should have something to say about this kind of


He looked at Dumbledore and said, "I'm surprised you went to such

lengths for Lawrence."

"Not only because of Mr. Lawrence," Dumbledore replied.

Feeling the warmth brought by the tea, Dumbledore spoke slowly, "Every

student is worth my efforts. Additionally, I do not like others interfering

with the existing rules of Hogwarts."

The old man's eyes suddenly became glazed over, and his expression

filled with relief. "But it seems I wasted my time. Mr. Lawrence handled

the matter very well and prevented the situation from escalating into a

confrontation between the two houses. Instead, he turned enemies into


"Only Hufflepuff," he thought of a former student, his smile growing

wider. "Only Hufflepuff can do this."

"Because they are kind," Dumbledore added. "It's like a lubricant that can

unite all parties."

Snape, after racking his brain for a long time, couldn't find any evidence

to prove Wayne's kindness. "This little guy in first grade deceived all the

teachers and students in the school!"

Snape felt that he was the person who knew Wayne best in the school.

But why did the same actions lead to different interpretations in the eyes

of different people? Snape only saw Wayne's reckless behavior, but

Dumbledore and other professors saw his sensible and well-behaved

nature. What's going on in this world? Could it be...that he is the one

with the problem? Snape fell into deep self-doubt.

It was Saturday again. Two consecutive weeks of Quidditch made the

atmosphere on campus extremely lively. Before eleven o'clock, the

students gathered and walked towards the Quidditch pitch. The cold

wave from Greenland couldn't dampen their enthusiasm.

Last week's game was full of excitement. The broom was out of control,

there was a fight on the field, a conflict in the college, and a professor got

injured. Each incident had been the topic of conversation throughout the


Today, the two teams facing each other were Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

There was no conflict between the two houses, but the match seemed a

bit dull. However, since Cedric was suspended, Ravenclaw's players saw

hope of winning and their morale was high.

In response, the wise Eagles gave a pre-match analysis. "Although

Hufflepuff has the largest number of students, Quidditch has never been a

game of numbers."

"Even if I gave you a Seeker, Ravenclaw would still not emerge

victorious," Hufflepuff argued. "Before you catch the Golden Snitch, we

will be ahead by more than 150 points."

The exchange fueled tension between the two sides. Suddenly, brilliant

magical fireworks bloomed over the Quidditch pitch, forming the

Hufflepuff logo and the words "Must Win."

Dumbledore looked at it with a smile and said to Professor McGonagall

beside him, "I still remember when you were a key player for Gryffindor.

Back then, I wasn't the headmaster, just the dean."

Recalling past events, Professor McGonagall couldn't help but smile. "Yes,

you saw me injured at that time and beat the head of Slytherin."

Listening to the two old men reminiscing, Snape curled his lips in disdain

and quietly moved away from them.

It was approaching eleven o'clock. Players from both teams walked out of

the changing room one after another. Cho, who was initially nervous

because of her first competition, was surprised to see a familiar smiling


"Wayne? Why is it you?"



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Chapter 83: 83. Spreading Dog

Food On The Court

Wayne looked serious. "I heard that you are very arrogant, Miss Cho. I

am here to punish you."

Cho smacked the young man angrily. "You didn't tell me that you joined

the Quidditch team, and you deliberately stayed until today to scare me,


"This is a surprise for you," Wayne corrected, then added. "I'm

Hufflepuff's secret weapon, and even she doesn't know about it."

Suddenly, the girl smiled even happier.

It's not the scarcity but the inequality. If she didn't know, but Hermione

knew, Cho would probably feel uncomfortable now.

The two didn't look like rivals at all. They walked out of the tunnel,

talking and laughing.

The rest of the Quidditch players looked at each other in confusion.

Whateley and Ravenclaw's captain, Isaias, both smiled bitterly.

"Young Master and Miss, we are going for a competition, not a date,

okay? Even if it's just a superficial effort, you two should just pretend."

With Wayne and Cho interrupting like this, the smell of gunpowder

before the game immediately disappeared.

Whateley reached out and said, "Let's work together."

Isaias reached out and shook his hand.

"Come on!"

Commentary desk.

Lee Jordan began to explain passionately. Today, Professor McGonagall is

not around, and he feels more relaxed.

"We saw that the players from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff have already


"Oh! This is it!"

"Oh my God!"

Lee rubbed his eyes and shouted even more excitedly, "That's Wayne

Lawrence. After Harry Potter, another First-grade freshman has joined

the Quidditch team!"

Except for some of the little badgers who knew about it, most people

were extremely surprised.

After being surprised, he applauded without hesitation. Even the

Slytherin students cheered for Wayne.

Toby and Norman unfurled a huge banner to cheer for their roommates.

The Gryffindor Stand.

After Hermione saw Wayne clearly, she cursed first, then smiled and

clapped as hard as she could.

She looked at the two useless men beside her with some dissatisfaction.

"Have you not eaten? Applaud louder."

Harry and Ron both shuddered. Did Hermione want them to slap their

palms together?

But thinking about their future homework, the two of them obediently

increased their efforts, not daring to stop even if their hands turned red.

When all the players arrived, flew into the sky, and surrounded Mrs.

Hooch, Lee Jordan's voice came again.

"We see that Lawrence plays the same position as a seeker, just like

Potter. I wonder if he is also a flying genius?"

"I look forward to Hufflepuff Boxing Champion bringing you exciting


The expressions on the faces of the Slytherins, who were originally

smiling, froze, and they cast unkind glances at the commentary table.

You kid won't pick up any of the pots, right?

Wayne's mouth also twitched. Hufflepuff Boxing Champion?

What the hell is it called?

Not as handsome as Hufflepuff's fierce tiger.

When the whistle fell, all the balls flew into the sky.

"Game start!"

Lee Jordan shouted: "Hufflepuff's Whateley grabbed the Quaffle and

started flying at high speed.

"He is the captain of Hufflepuff, look at the broom under his crotch, it's

Nimbus 2000!"

"It seems the rumors are true! Lawrence not only bought a Nimbus 2000

for himself but also gave one to the college."

"Roger Davis stepped forward to intercept but was dodged! Irina took

over, can she succeed? Well... Well, what a beautiful girl, Hufflepuff


Wayne flew higher than the others. He was not in a hurry to find the

Golden Snitch but just stayed in the audience for a while.

He found that what Cedric usually said was true.

Being able to gather seven people to start a competition is the biggest

victory for Ravenclaw.

Except for the two boys, Captain Isaias and Whateley, who looked

decent, the other girls' tactical qualities were... hard to describe.

The female batter named Caridi failed to hit the bludger three times in a

row but was almost kicked off the broom.

"Which girl are you looking at?"

Cho suddenly flew over, his eyes a little unkind.

Wayne said without changing his expression: "Everyone, I have to say,

the girl from Ravenclaw is indeed beautiful.

The little witch's mouth immediately bulged.

Even though Cho was usually calm, she would also become a little

jealous after hearing Wayne's praises for others.

But in the next sentence, Cho immediately beamed.

"But the most beautiful girl is with me."

"Don't think that if you say something nice, I will let you go." Cho

suppressed the joy in her heart and became inexplicably arrogant.

Wayne laughed and joked: "I should say this, the honey trap does not

affect me."

"I'm going to catch the Golden Snitch. Come after me. I'll let you go if I

catch you."

Before he finished speaking, Wayne's broom shot out like an arrow from

the bowstring. Cho shouted cunningly and also urged the broom to chase

after him.

The sudden acceleration of the two attracted Lee Jordan's attention.

"Both seekers accelerated at the same time. Did they both discover the

Golden Snitch?"

"No, it's not."

"They were just chasing and fighting..."

"What's with this damn feeling of fullness? I didn't eat much in the



In the Gryffindor stands, Ronald and Harry were almost hugging each

other and shivering.

They looked at Hermione in horror as her whole body exuded black

energy. She had been like this ever since Cho approached Wayne. After

Lee Jordan finished speaking, both of them were terrified to the point of


"We can see that Lawrence's flying skills are on par with Harry's, and

Ravenclaw's Cho Chang is equally extraordinary. They make a perfect


As Lee Jordan finished speaking, a sudden wave of fear washed over him,

as if he were being stared at by something terrifying. Instinctively, he

looked down towards the lower stands. Nearly half of the girls were

staring at him with lifeless eyes as if they wanted to auction him off.

Lee Jordan's scalp tingled and he suddenly became serious. Ignoring the

double flight between Wayne and Cho, he focused on analyzing the


The score began to widen, quickly reaching eighty to twenty. Cho had

given up on chasing Wayne and was now in search of the Golden Snitch,

but to no avail.

"It's almost over," Wayne muttered. There was no need to make the score

too lopsided.

Ravenclaw had more female students than male, while Hufflepuff had

more male students than female.

Wayne, without resorting to using his dynamic perception, relied solely

on his observation skills to locate the Golden Snitch. He had no intention

of using magic to cheat in a school game. After all, he, Lawrence, was not

a despicable person.

Buzz... The faint buzzing sound passed by, but Wayne caught it. He

continuously adjusted his position, and the sound grew clearer and

clearer. He realized that the Golden Snitch was hovering above a ring in


Pretending to be unaware of anything, Wayne flew around the court.

When he got close, he suddenly accelerated.

At the same time, Cho, who was also paying attention to Wayne's

movements, noticed something and started sprinting.

"Seekers from both sides sprinted again! This time it wasn't a false shot,

they discovered the Golden Snitch!"

"Quick! Too fast!"

"Lawrence catches the Snitch, game over."

The final score was 230 to 30, and Hufflepuff won the game.

When Wayne raised his arms and enjoyed the cheers of the audience, Cho

finally flew in front of him.

"You win."

"Keep working hard next time," Wayne comforted and touched Cho's


Different from Hermione's fluffy look, Cho's black hair was exceptionally

smooth, and the single ponytail made the girl look less fragile and more

heroic than usual.

"I will try my best to beat you next time."

Having seen Wayne's flying skills, Cho didn't dare to think that she could


"Your opponent will not be me next time," Wayne shook his head,

"Cedric's suspension is only for one game. I'm just here to make a cameo."

"Oh well."

Cho was a little disappointed, but she also knew that Wayne was busy

every day and Quidditch was not important to the boy.

After landing on the ground, other Hufflepuff players gathered around


"Wayne, you're great!" Whateley said excitedly. They won a lot of points

this time and felt more confident when facing Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Wayne smiled and asked, "How about Cedric?"

"Well, it's hard to say," Whateley was embarrassed for a while. Cedric,

who rushed over to celebrate with them, heard Wayne's words and

shouted, "Are you trying to steal my Seeker position?"

Everyone laughed, and it was obvious that Cedric was panicking.

"It depends on your performance in the future," Wayne did not refute but

raised his eyebrows. "If the scrap rate of the maps you make is higher

than 10%, I will ask Whateley to replace you."

After saying that, ignoring Cedric's jumping around, Wayne found Mrs.


"Madam, can I keep this Golden Snitch?"

"Of course," Mrs. Hooch readily agreed and praised Wayne.

Catching the Golden Snitch for the first time is indeed worth keeping as a


After Wayne thanked her, he returned to Hufflepuff's team.

Although they lost the game, there was no conflict between Ravenclaw

and Hufflepuff. Both sides remained relatively calm.

On the other hand, Hermione had a small quarrel with Wayne for two

days, but they reconciled on the third day.

It wasn't Wayne who convinced her to come back, though.

Hermione realized that when she wasn't by Wayne's side, other girls

would approach him.

One of those girls was Daphne Greengrass from Slytherin.

This made Hermione realize that she was taking advantage of her enemy.

Feeling foolish, Hermione pinched Wayne twice symbolically and they

patched things up.

The two Quidditch games during the school year were over, and

suddenly it was December.

When Wayne woke up on the first weekend of December, he noticed a

change in the world outside.

The ground was covered in white snow, and the lake was frozen.

Not sure what to do, Wayne decided to go outside.

Hogwarts Castle had transformed into a winter wonderland, covered in

ice and snow.

Despite the cold weather, many students were gathering outside for the

first time this year.

The snowfall was heavy.

Feeling more at ease, Wayne returned to the common room, borrowed

fishing gear from Hannah, who was reading a cookbook, and asked the

house elves in the kitchen for some food to use as bait.

Although he had never fished in the Black Lake before, Wayne often saw

other students setting up stalls there.

Most of these students were from Hufflepuff.

Before setting off, he went to Hermione and Cho to ask if they wanted to

join him, and waited for their response.

The two girls bundled up in warm coats, scarves, and gloves, resembling

rag dolls.

When they arrived at the Black Lake, Wayne chose a spot and started to

show off his fishing knowledge to the girls.

The girls were not idle either. Hermione brought out a thick book, while

Cho brought yarn and tools.

She is going to knit a scarf for Wayne as a Christmas gift.

Although Hermione was a little moved, she tried a few times and gave up

decisively when she found that she had no talent in this area.

"You haven't given up on finding Nicolas Flamel yet?" Wayne glanced at

the title of the book.

"Outstanding Wizards of the Twenty-First World"

"Of course not." Hermione's face turned slightly red and she turned her

head to defend herself:

"It's just extracurricular reading, just read it casually."

Wayne smiled, not exposing her.

He had already said that he knew who Nicolas Flamel was, but Hermione

refused to let him tell her, saying that she wanted to test her strength to

pursue the truth.

Wayne had no choice but to lean on her.

Afraid that the two of them would be frozen, he released a constant

temperature spell to dispel the cold air around them.

The magic spell is just right so that it does not affect the vicinity of the

ice surface and will not cause the risk of the ice melting.

Compared to before, Wayne is becoming more and more comfortable

with magic.

Half an hour later, there were four more fish in the tube he brought, all

weighing about four pounds.

Wayne was going to take these fish to the Forbidden Forest and feed

them to Hestia and the others.

Unicorns are not vegetarian animals.

Two snowballs hit Wayne, but he didn't move at all. The snowballs

seemed to hit an invisible wall and returned the same way, followed by

two identical screams of pain.


Only then did Hermione and Cho notice what was happening and turn


The Weasley twins came over, covering their foreheads, and complained:

"Wayne, do you have eyes in your back?"

He signaled the two of them to stop talking because the fish float was


After catching another fish, Wayne threw it into the bucket and then

looked at the two of them.

"I don't have eyes behind my back, but I can feel the bad thoughts in both

of you from across the castle."

"Bragging!" The twins said in unison and then laughed.

"Fred, what should we do? There is no way our prank will succeed!"

"It doesn't matter George, we still have time, we can always beat Wayne

once before graduation."

Hermione rolled her cute little eyes.

She didn't know where the twins came from so many happy things and

laughed so happily every day.

George got down to business: "Wayne, we came here to ask you, are you

going to stay in school this Christmas?"

"Mom and Dad are going to Romania to see Charlie, and we are all


"Want me to take you somewhere interesting?" At the end of his sentence,

George winked at Wayne.

"I'll have a chance in the future." Wayne shook his head.

"I'm going to the United States this Christmas, and I'll probably be back

when school starts."

"Okay." Although the twins were a little regretful, they didn't say

anything more.

Before leaving, Fred whispered to Wayne that they had memorized all of

the Marauder's Map and could give it to him anytime if they wanted.

"What are you going to America for? Vacation?" Hermione raised her

little face and looked at the boy.

Wayne nodded, "That's right, I'll pay a visit to Uncle Newt by the way."



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