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Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: One_Piece Я владею громом и молнией1

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One Piece: Я владею громом и


Аниме и комиксы

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(18 оценок)

Краткое содержание

Юноша с Земли случайно оказался в королевстве пиратов, где он

участвовал в битвах и рисковал среди бурных морей.

В этом мире не существовало ни легендарной системы, ни

несравненной магии — только громовой плод, дарованная ему сила.

В ту эпоху Четыре Императора все еще плавали на одном корабле, а

неуловимому One Piece еще предстояло утвердить свое господство

над морями.

Морским пехотинцем командовали два чрезвычайно

могущественных адмирала.

Теперь я, Альберт Николас, клянусь вписать свое имя в анналы

истории, распространив его повсюду по бескрайним просторам этого


Примечание автора [Дайте мне свои камни силы, и я дам вам главы.

Кстати, я оставлю этот LN бесплатным, так что не беспокойтесь]

Я перевожу этот замечательный LN.

Оригинальное название этой серии:


пожалуйста, поддержите оригинального автора

Общая аудитория

Dangerous world

In the uncharted waters of Hachinosu in the New World, a colossal ship

drifted amid the tumultuous storms and waves of the vast sea.

"Captain, a pirate vessel spotted ahead!"

The cabin door flung open violently, inundating the room with stormy

sea water as a towering 'little giant' approached the person seated in the


Confronting the towering figure seated across from him, the man, bare-

chested with fierce dragons tattooed from his arms to shoulders, lazily

removed the newspaper covering his face. His youthful visage, with black

hair and sleepy eyes, appeared to be around sixteen or seventeen years

old. It was difficult to fathom how such a young lad could command a

giant over six meters tall so effortlessly.

Scratching his head, the young man set down the newspaper and

yawned, "Vista, how many times do I have to repeat myself? Whenever

we enter the waters of Hachinosu, unless we encounter those fellows, if

other pirate ships dare provoke us, we'll sink them outright. While we

must stay vigilant both at sea and on land, there's no need to be overly

tense. Come find me if you encounter formidable adversaries."

With that, he covered his face with the newspaper once more.


Upon hearing this, Vista turned and rallied the crew to prepare for battle.

In this region, skirmishes were a daily occurrence, and even the denizens

of the deep could taste the blood of pirates with bounties exceeding a

hundred million.

As Vista, the 'little giant,' departed, a sigh of resignation emanated from

beneath the newspaper.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Cannon fire resounded outside.

"Ah, I truly dread being marooned on an island with those monsters."

Contemplating the formidable adversaries akin to monsters, Nicholas felt

a pang of anxiety. If he had a choice, he would certainly avoid setting

foot on such perilous shores.

"Why, why did I find myself in the realm of pirates... and the most

ludicrous part is that it's amidst this tumultuous era."

This was the era of the Pirate King, not the era following the Pirate King,

Roger, but the era preceding him.

In this turbulent epoch, powerful individuals rose to prominence, and

survival for the weak was a luxury. Indeed, it was an era where even the

Celestial Dragons could meet their demise.

Albert Nicholas, at the age of sixteen, was a member of the Rocks pirates

combat personnel and captain of the Seventh Division.

He harbored no desire to bear such a perilous title.

In the realm of the Pirate King, amid such perilous times, he knew that

soon, Roger and his companions, Garp and the rest, would disband this


Fourteen years prior to his traversal into this world, he had grasped one

fundamental truth: in this world, might was right. Initially, he aimed to

bolster his strength and not emerge until he could fell a powerhouse

equivalent to the Four Emperors with a single blow.

However, on his fourteenth birthday, intending to snare a nearby sea

king to sate his hunger, he stumbled upon a certain infamous captain.

Not only did that captain pilfer his meal, but he also dragged him from

his tranquil life ashore into the merciless sea.

Subsequently, he bore witness to the bloodiest spectacle since becoming a

pirate, with hundreds congregating to battle while a cadre of unruly

individuals revelled and caroused.

Only the ten left standing possessed the merit to become apprentice crew

members. Fortunately, Nicholas, endowed with the Thunder Fruit ability,

survived the fray and was selected by Rocks to become an apprentice

aboard the Sabre of Xebec.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The cannons continued their barrage, rousing Nicholas from his reverie.

It appeared that the adversary this time was quite formidable, but

Nicholas understood. In the New World, lacking strength meant one

would likely be consigned to Impel Down or sunk by the Navy before

even traversing its waters.

Nicholas retrieved a bottle of wine from the drawer and uncorked it with

his thumb.

Glug, glug, glug, he imbibed deeply.

Though his physique could not rival those monsters, compared to

ordinary individuals, he could be deemed monstrous. His vitality surged,

and he had no qualms about succumbing to alcoholic liver problems.


The cabin shuddered, and the candle on the captain's desk flickered.


In the ensuing moment, a resounding battle cry erupted.

"So resilient over there?"

Nicholas's countenance shifted as he seized a two-meter-long katana

adorned with blood-red patterns from the side, and in an instant, it

vanished from the cabin.


The storm unleashed its fury, causing the pirate vessel to sway beneath

the deluge.

Amidst the churning waves, a ship bearing a skull flag clashed with

another vessel.

On the deck, two factions of pirates clashed with weapons brandished.


Vista, wielding a shield in his left hand and an axe in his right, cleaved

through a pirate obstructing his path before calling out to Nicholas,

"Captain, the opposing faction is the Blood Funeral Pirate Group, led by

the renowned Gorbachev."

Nicholas discerned it clearly.

Among the adversaries stood a colossal figure, at least four meters tall,

sporting a waist drum and wielding a double-sided axe as towering as

himself. With each rhythmic beat of the drum, the opposing pirates

seemed to be infused with a bloodthirsty fervor. Though their might

paled in comparison to Nicholas's faction, they relied on their audacious

combat style to momentarily subdue Vista and his comrades.

Vista dispatched several adversaries with a single swing, yet the opposing

faction seemed to cast aside fear, continuing their reckless assault.

"Annihilate them all and claim the ship! Whoever seizes the spoils aboard

shall possess them!"

Gorbachev slammed the ground with his axe's handle, bellowing.

Observing the morale rekindling on the opposing side, Nicholas gazed

skyward and remarked, "If not for the drenching rain, storms would truly

be delightful weather. But..."

"Listen to the thunder's roar, Thunderfall!"

Nicholas's command reverberated, as azure lightning crackled around

him, emitting a crackling resonance.

An imperceptible aura enveloped all present; even those embroiled in

battle felt a prickling sensation on their skin. Gorbachev, amidst his

buffing ritual, detected the atmospheric shift keenly.

Almost instinctively evading, hundreds of colossal lightning bolts

descended from the heavens, transforming the deck into a thunderous


The air seemed to stagnate for a heartbeat, before the lightning

dissipated, as if the preceding spectacle were a mirage.

Hiss... Hiss...

With the lightning's retreat, sporadic electrical currents danced over the

bodies of charred corpses strewn across the deck, serving as a stark

reminder that the preceding events were no illusion.

A faint tang of ozone permeated the air.

It was the scent of oxygen decomposing under the influence of electric

currents, emitting an ozone aroma.


"Lord Vista, behold!"

A pirate's cry ensued as Gorbachev, captain of the Blood Funeral Pirate

Group with a bounty of 130 million, crashed heavily onto the deck.

"Fear not. The captain's might is unparalleled. Swiftly clear the deck of

corpses, lest LinLin witness the aftermath. Also, gather the spoils from the

rival ship."

With those words, Vista proceeded towards the cabin.

At the mention of LinLin, the pirates on deck recalled something

unpleasant, their countenances shifting as they hastened to tidy the



"Captain, we've arrived at Hachinosu."

Nicholas, who was dozing off, was awakened by the loud voice of


"We've arrived, huh."


Nicholas, having received a definite reply, also stood up and stretched his

body. Instantly, he became sharp and alert. Showing weakness in

Hachinosu was always the worst option. Skirmishes among pirates

frequently occurred here. If you showed cowardice, you'd either end up

dead or fish food.

This place gathered the most lawless individuals on the entire sea. Even

someone like Nicholas could end up in a fight here. After all, there were

always some reckless individuals who wanted to step on the bodies of

established figures to climb the ranks. Of course, this was also the

quickest way to make a name for oneself on the seas.

"You all, hoist the flag for me and bring the ship closer!"

With Nicholas's command, a flag was raised, and the entire ship began to

move towards the harbor of the island.

This was the stronghold of the sea hegemon, Rocks.

On the shore, hundreds of pirate ships of various shapes had gathered,

and fierce and arrogant pirates constantly disembarked from their ships.

In almost every newly arrived pirate group, there were dozens of young

people, excited or arrogant, constantly surveying their surroundings.

Their eyes revealed various emotions.

There was anticipation...

There was anxiety...

There was ambition...

There was madness...

But there was no fear.

And without exception, all these people were here to join Rocks, to

become a member of the Sabre of Xebek.

Although Rocks had strong subordinates like Golden Lion, Whitebeard,

Charlotte Linlin, Captain John, and others, the relationship between the

two sides was more like that of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. While they

were nominally subordinates, both sides had their own influence. They

usually operated separately and only gathered for major actions or events

like today.

However, these pirates full of ambition or dreams probably couldn't

imagine that for the powerful pirates on the island, today was a

performance full of blood and revelry.

And to please them with death and blood were these lovely fellows

dreaming of making a name for themselves on the seas.

"That guy is so arrogant, where is he from?"

Some sharp-eyed pirates quickly noticed Nicholas and his group landing

and curiously asked their companions.

"Damn it, keep your voice down, do you want to die!? If you want to die,

don't bring us along."

The pirate beside him, following his gaze to Nicholas, hurriedly covered

his mouth, his expression one of fear.

"Cough, are you trying to suffocate me? Is there a need to be so nervous?

He's just a kid."

After the pirate with his hand over his mouth forcefully removed his

companion's hand, he greedily breathed in the air.

"That guy is the captain of the seventh team of the Rocks Pirates. What

do you think?"

Upon hearing this, the pirate who spoke earlier also looked frightened.

After all, on this island, killing was commonplace. A figure like the team

captain could easily kill them. Not to mention the team captain to whom

their pirate group belonged; even their own captain probably wouldn't

stand up for them.

On the other side of the island's shore, a man with a large halberd, a

golden big wave on his head, and a white beard with crescent-shaped

curves upward on his face, wearing a captain's hat, and a massive white

windbreaker, led hundreds of crew members towards the castle in the

center of the island.

Almost all the pirate groups they encountered along the way instinctively

made way when they encountered this team. After all, this man was the

famous Whitebeard, Edward Newgate, who shook the New World!

Although this man had a decent personality, once he was offended or

hurt his crew members, there was only one path: death. That was why

many pirates wanted to join Whitebeard's side. Once they entered

Whitebeard's crew, they gained protection.Of course, the rules on

Whitebeard's ship were like thick shackles for many ambitious people.

In short, it was a ship suitable for slackers to go to.

Before the central castle, which resembled a skull on the island, the two

groups met.

"La la la la..."

"Nick, didn't expect to see you here."

The man who would later be known as the strongest man in the world,

Whitebeard, was currently the captain of the Rocks Pirate Group's first


"When the captain speaks, how could I not come? I don't want to be

chased around the world by a strong, terrifying lunatic, do I?"

Nicholas grinned provocatively at Whitebeard. "Aren't you worried about

the captain's pursuit as well? Don't pretend, it's embarrassing."

The crew members behind Whitebeard glared angrily at Nicholas upon

hearing his words. Many of them even took out weapons and shouted


"Do you know who you're talking to?"

"If you don't believe it, our captain will kill you with one slash!"

"If you're sensible, kneel down and apologize to our captain!"


It seemed that with more people speaking up, many seemed indignant,

and it seemed like they could erupt into a fight at any moment.

Facing Nicholas's words, Whitebeard stretched out his palm to signal his

crew members to quiet down. As his subordinates quieted down,

Whitebeard's aura unconsciously spread out. Even bystanders nearby

could feel the air becoming heavy.

"Kid, it's been a long time. Your attitude is getting bigger, huh!?"

Whitebeard looked at Nicholas with interest. Among the Rocks Pirate

Group, Nicholas was someone he was quite interested in. This person had

never indiscriminately killed civilians since joining the Rocks Pirate

Group. Many of the battles he engaged in were in the mix, but pirates

were synonymous with plunder and violence.

And the number of pirates killed by this guy wasn't small.

"It's not that I have a big attitude, it's just the truth. Old White, although

your individual strength is indeed strong, strong enough to single-

handedly pull a bunch of waste to sit in the position of the first team

captain, you also know that people whose strength can't keep up in this

sea will only become a burden."

Nicholas said calmly, seemingly unafraid of Whitebeard. Of course, he

had the confidence. Although he couldn't confront Whitebeard head-on,

Whitebeard couldn't stop him from leaving either.

"Gu Ra ra ra, they're not burdens, they're my lovely subordinates!"

After a moment of silence, Whitebeard suddenly laughed heartily.

"Hmm?" At this moment Something caught Nicholas's attention

"A troublesome guy is coming. I'll leave first. I hope you can protect your

lovely subordinates."

After Nicholas finished speaking, he said to his subordinates behind him,

"Everyone, enter the castle immediately!"

Almost as soon as Nicholas and his men entered the castle, a whistling

sound suddenly came from the distant sky, and a pirate ship shaped like

a roaring lion's head appeared in the sky above Hachinosu.

"Jie Ha ha ha ha, Whitebeard, long time no see."

With a hearty laugh, a flying slash hundreds of meters long flew directly

towards Whitebeard and his men.

The clash of titans loomed, as Whitebeard braced himself to confront the

impending onslaught with characteristic resolve.

"Gu ra ra ra, what a warm way to greet, Golden Lion."

Facing the flying slash, Whitebeard placed his halberd directly on the

ground, and then the white aura flowed rapidly on his fist, directly

wrapping his fist and smashing it towards the slash.

Legends of the sea

Listening to the continuous roaring outside, Nicholas reluctantly used his

pinky finger to clean his ears. He estimated that many of the unfortunate

newcomers outside would disappear under the confrontation of the top

strongmen in the sea this time.

"Hey, little Nicholas, long time no see. Let sister see if you've grown up."

As Nicholas walked towards the interior of the castle, a big beauty with a

cigarette in her mouth and neat short hair suddenly appeared in front of


"Sister Shakky, we really aren't suitable."

Nicholas looked at the woman in front of him with a helpless expression.

Although this woman had not yet teamed up with someone Who coated

ship with bubbles at sabaody, who knows if the two of them are together


He didn't want to be remembered by a certain someone. After all, even in

the New World, the Oro Jackson is one of the few terrifying crew capable

of facing the Rox Pirates, and their captain's mind isn't all that sharp.

Nicholas believed that if the hearty captain knew that his vice-captain's

sweetheart had been kidnapped, he would definitely come looking for


"Tsk, I thought little Nicholas had gone out for a trip to become a real

man, but it turns out he's still so immature. It's like two years ago, still a

shy kid."

The woman took a deep drag on her cigarette, then blew smoke towards

Nicholas' cheek before uninterestingly handing him the half-smoked


All Nicholas could do was smile. After all, the woman in front of him

could be considered one of his few bonds in the Rox Pirates, as she

controlled all the intelligence sources and had helped Nicholas several


Just then, the castle beneath their feet suddenly shook.

"Are those idiots fighting again?"


Shakky struck a match, lit her cigarette, listened to the noisy sounds

outside, and the deafening roar, her brow furrowing involuntarily.

Obviously, for someone who relied on her brains for a living, those brutes

were not likable at all. Even the culture of the Rox Pirates was worthless

in Shakky's eyes.

"Yeah, Whitebeard and Gold Lion are at it again. I guess they won't be

able to determine the outcome for a while."

Nicholas listened to the roaring outside and, seemingly reminded of

something, asked Shakky in front of him, "By the way, Shakky, did you

find any news about Alchemy from the investigation I asked you about

last time?"


Shakky blew a smoke ring and leaned back comfortably.

"Kid, you're so interested in Alchemy. Do you also believe in the legend

of immortality?"


Nicholas didn't answer after hearing this but laughed first.

"Since you've chosen this sea, whether it's treasure, secret treasures,

secret realms, All Blue, and all kinds of legends, aren't they what I'm


"What an interesting kid."

Saying that, Shakky took out a rolled-up map from her chest and threw it

directly to Nicholas.

Then she walked towards the interior of the castle. "Little Nicholas,

although there's no specific news about Alchemy based on the

information I've gathered, that island seems to have been swallowed by

some huge sea creature. Now only a small half-remnant remains there. If

you're interested, you can go and take a look. Also, come to my room

tonight. Sister has something to ask you."

As her voice gradually faded, Shakky's figure disappeared around the

corner of the corridor.

"Hehehe, seems like you've heard some amazing news."

"Didn't expect Shakky to have such unique tastes."

"Wow, the little guy's expression is so scary."

With the voices, three figures appeared. One of them wore a kimono and

could be described as having delicate features, smooth skin, charming

eyes, and a smile like a spring breeze, which would not be an

exaggeration according to the description in "One Piece."

Beside her was a woman with short golden hair, wearing a leopard-print

coat and a red hat, and a middle-aged man in a kimono. However, what

was strange was that his hands were always hidden in the wide sleeves,

as if he didn't want others to see them.

"Three boring guys, I hope you can survive until next time we meet. After

all, the captain's ambitions have been getting bigger and bigger lately.

Don't die carelessly."

After saying that, Nicholas led Vista and the figure cloaked in a cape

behind him towards the second floor of the castle. As for the other guys

under his command, they weren't qualified to go to the second floor.

After bidding farewell to the three boring guys, Nicholas also arrived at

the second floor of the castle. This was where the core strength of the

entire Rox Pirates lay.

"XAhahahaha, Nicholas, didn't expect you to come so late this time. This

speed doesn't quite match all your abilities, does it?"

A man about two meters tall, with his hair flying behind him, exuding a

domineering aura, was sitting in the center of the throne, drinking from a

bottle of wine. Beside him were several cool-looking beauties, one

massaging him while the others licked the wine dripping down with their


"I encountered an interesting guy on the way, delayed me for a while."

Saying that, Nicholas walked towards a seat with a '7' marked on the

back, while Vista and the cloaked figure stood silently on both sides

behind him.

"Oh, what interesting guy? Tell me about it."

Sitting next to Nicholas, a man wearing a captain's coat and drinking

from a bottle of wine asked curiously.

"It seems to be some kind of Encouragement Fruit user. Although his

strength isn't much, the enhancement effect on his subordinates is

significant. Many small fry with bounties of a million, under the

influence of the fruit, can at least unleash several times their strength.

And most importantly, under the influence of the fruit, those people don't

even know what fear is. Captain John, this fruit seems quite suitable for

you, given that you have quite a few pirates under you."

Nicholas said with some regret. In the Rox Pirates, it wasn't just about

individual strength. If you have a large ship group of over ten thousand

under you, you can also gain a good position within the Rox Pirates

internally. After all, even if it's a ten thousand-strong small fry, as long as

they are armed, they can be a good batch of cannon fodder.

Of course, the strength of the pirate who can command a ten-thousand-

strong ship group is naturally not weak, and John, the captain, represents

that. The pirates under his command largely constitute the bottom battle

force of the Rox Pirates.

Hearing Nicholas' words, Captain John seemed to sober up a bit, and

even stood up abruptly from his chair due to his haste.


"Hey hey hey, I'm just saying that I crushed a small fry who dared to

offend me. Do you need to be so nervous, Captain John? Or do you want

to fight me?"

Nicholas propped his feet on the table in front of him and said



"John, looks like you're really unlucky."

Sitting beside him, a man of similar height to Vista, with a long beard,

and a silver-armored knight-like figure, both burst into laughter, not

aimed at Nicholas, but at Captain John.

Clash of Conqurers

"Wang Zhi, are you trying to fight me?"

Captain John looked angrily at the two men beside him. It was apparent

that Gorbachov, whom he had originally favored, and who could even

enhance the strength of his subordinates, had been lost just like that,

which made him quite unhappy.


Wang Zhi, indifferent, took a sip from the wine bottle and then slammed

it on the table. He then adjusted his neck and looked down at Captain

John, saying, "Captain John, my body hasn't had any exercise for a long

time. I wonder how many small fries you intend to send for my sword to

have a feast."

After releasing the killing intent without reservation, the others in the

room seemed not to feel Wang Zhi's killing intent, continuing to eat and

drink as if nothing had happened.

"Hehehe, it's quite lively here. Wang Zhi, I just saw the Golden Lion and

Whitebeard fighting fiercely outside. Are you going to fight Captain John

too? It's really interesting. How about considering having a child with

me, Wang Zhi?"

A giantess, eight meters tall, walked in, looking like the Amazon woman

among pirates.

"Hehehe, I'd rather not. I don't want to end up like those unlucky souls

fed to your toy."

Wang Zhi laughed heartily, but there was a hint of fear in his tone as he

looked at the big beauty in front of him.

"Linlin is back. Did you get that thing?"

Sitting in the main seat, Rocks looked at his subordinate captains

fighting, completely unconcerned, and asked directly for the information

he wanted to know.

Upon hearing Rocks's words, Charlotte Linlin also appeared more serious.

She said, "We attacked the fleet guarding the Celestial Dragons, but

unfortunately, there were several CP0 agents accompanying the guard,

and in the end, that guy managed to escape."

As the target person escaped, a terrifying aura suddenly emanated from

Rocks's body. Even his hair and clothes moved without wind.



The serving girls beside him all rolled their eyes and fainted, seemingly

causing a chain reaction as many people in the castle also fainted. Those

who didn't faint were either lying on the ground or leaning against the

wall, as if an invisible force was compelling them to submit.

Facing the oncoming aura, Charlotte Linlin also released her own

Haoshoku Haki. Black lightning crackled between the clash of the two

auras. Meanwhile, Wang Zhi and the person wrapped in silver armor

seemed not to have noticed this scene at all and continued to drink

calmly, while Captain John gripped the table so hard that cracks

appeared due to his excessive strength.

Nicholas looked at the cloaked figure floating beside him and held her

hand, allowing her to sit beside him. At the same time, a force field

quietly enveloped him and Vista.

"Whitebeard, you're really strong. Lion's Roar - Land Roll!"

The Golden Lion took a puff of his cigar, floated in the air, and stepped

forward suddenly. A domineering aura spread everywhere, and the

ground around Whitebeard began to stir as if an enraged beast was about

to emerge. Massive waves of earth transformed into multiple lion heads

and rolled towards Whitebeard.

Facing the hundreds of meters high waves of earth and the roaring lion

heads, it was like the end of the world.

Whitebeard grinned.

"Gurarararara... Now, this is what I call a real fight."

Then, with a sudden burst of muscular force, his naginata was

surrounded by a white sphere at the tip. Accompanied by a piercing roar,

he slashed at the roaring lions before him.


For a moment, there was only a deafening roar!

When the roar subsided, the Golden Lion floated in the air, wielding the

Yoru, while Whitebeard held the naginata with one hand. The two locked


Suddenly, both looked towards the center of the island, where two

familiar auras were spreading rapidly.

Almost simultaneously, the two emitted powerful auras.

The collision of the four invisible auras created a storm of destruction.

The clash between heaven and earth made the atmosphere unbearable,

constantly roaring under the pressure.



The entire sky seemed to be affected, and what was once a clear sky was

now covered by dark clouds. Terrifying black and red thunder

continuously roared, and the supreme wills clashed as if they were

tangible, causing the clouds to churn endlessly.

The entire sky split open at some point, revealing a massive vortex

surrounded by dark clouds and black-red thunder, slowly rotating.

The surrounding sea also churned violently due to the atmospheric

phenomena, with endless monstrous waves crashing. Ships in the port

could only drift with the waves, and the entire island of Hachinosu

seemed to be trembling under the unbearable pressure.

Many pirates, even those with considerable strength, looked pale with

cold sweat on their foreheads as they observed the sources of the

emanating auras.

Even those with weaker strength were directly blown away by the

pressure from the clash of these kings. In the area of tens of thousands of

meters centered around the castle resembling a skull, only a few dozen

people could stand.

"It's... it's terrifying!"

"Is this the clash of Haoshoku Haki?"

Many pirates who had recently joined the crew looked at this terrifying

scene, their teeth chattering. Looking at the apocalyptic scene in the sky,

they felt as if their minds were blank.

The disparity between these powerhouses was beyond description; it was

difficult to imagine whether they still had the qualification to stand if

these figures unleashed their full power.

"Hahaha, wonderful, wonderful, is this the gathering place of the

strongest in the sea? It's truly exhilarating!"

Unlike the pirates around who were struggling under the pressure of the

aura, a young man with two long horns on his head, long hair, and

carrying a wolf's fang club appeared extremely excited under this

pressure—in other words, his mental state seemed somewhat abnormal.

"Kid, that's why I warned you about your arrogance earlier. There are

many people here who can easily kill you. Even if your monstrous body

and vitality haven't fully grown yet, in the eyes of the top powerhouses of

the sea, you can still be easily erased.

So if you want to grow, then show your potential in the upcoming Bloody


A petite figure, wearing a chef's uniform and a chef's hat, teased a baby

in her arms while speaking to the somewhat crazy young man beside her.

"Bloody Feast? I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Cough, cough."

Just as the clash of auras in the castle became more intense, a sudden

cough interrupted.

Upon hearing this voice, Rocks's aura suddenly disappeared, and he

smiled at the entrance, "It's Shakky."

Unlike the fighters under his command, Rocks respected Shakky, who

was responsible for intelligence gathering. After all, those brainless guys

could be dealt with by his fists alone, but he didn't want to easily offend

the intelligence, financial, and logistical support in the crew.

"I say, Captain, although I know there are many wielders of Haoshoku

Haki on board, it doesn't have to be like this. Do you know how much we

lost in just a while ago? I bet we'll have to recruit another bunch of idiots


"Hahaha, sorry, sorry, won't happen again next time."

Rocks scratched his head apologetically, showing no trace of the

overwhelming aura he had just emitted.

"Linlin, since you didn't bring back the target, what about the


"We did get some intelligence. It seems that the Celestial Dragons are

planning something. They have been collecting rare metals from around

the world lately."

Sitting in her seat, Charlotte Linlin picked up a piece of cake and stuffed

it into her mouth, seemingly unaffected by what had just happened.

Clashing like beasts

"Precious metals, huh? What do those idiots want to do? It's really giving

me a headache. But let's start the banquet anyway!" Rocks exclaimed.

With that said, Rocks walked towards the castle's exterior while

addressing Charlotte Linlin, who was enjoying dessert, "Linlin, let's get

the long loaves ready. Today is going to be a wild celebration. We must

keep the food and wine flowing!"

"Haha, of course, the long loaves are already in preparation!" Charlotte

Linlin said, grabbing a piece of mousse cake and stuffing it into her



"Hey, kid, you seem pretty cocky," Kaido was approached as soon as he

descended from the Big Mom Pirates' ship.

They eyed him with malicious intent, assessing the newcomer before


Facing their provocations, Kaido remained expressionless. He gripped his

kanabo tightly with one hand, then suddenly exerted force with his feet,

swiftly passing through the group of pirates. As he came to a halt, a

violent explosion erupted behind him, leaving nothing but severed limbs

on the ground.

"Weaklings," he remarked, lifting his kanabo and heading towards the

island's interior. The woman had mentioned that the strongest gathered

there, and that was his purpose for coming.

"Wow, such speed, such terrifying strength..."

"This kid is definitely not ordinary. I wonder where Charlotte Linlin

found him."

"Another interesting character joins the fray. This year's Blood Feast

seems particularly intriguing."

Surrounding pirates couldn't help but comment as Kaido departed.

"Captain Rocks and the others are coming out...!!"

At that moment, a thunderous cheer erupted from the central part of the


"The recruitment screening is about to begin. Everyone, revel to your

heart's content!"

As the announcement reverberated throughout the island, the entire

place erupted into excitement.

Soon, Rocks and his executives arrived at the platform for the selection

process. Each one sat in their designated seat, looking down at the pirates


"Firstly... Welcome to Hachinosu!"

Rocks' voice drowned out the tens of thousands of voices in the arena.

Then his gaze fell upon the pirates in the center of the field. A grin

spread across his face, a crazed expression evident.

"Since you've made it here, it means you've passed the initial screening,

recognized by the captains under me. But to truly join the Rocks family,

mere acceptance isn't enough. So, from among you, only ten will emerge

victorious in the end."

"No matter what means or methods you employ, as long as you're among

the ten survivors, you've succeeded! A friendly reminder: aspiring

members of the Rocks Pirates must be prepared. Failure or fleeing will be

considered an act of enmity against the Rocks Pirates and will be met

with immediate termination! Now, put on your show. Hahaha!"

With Rocks' maniacal laughter, except for a few uninformed souls, all the

new recruits remained vigilant, eyeing those around them as enemies

from this moment forth!

For those unaware, panic and fear filled their eyes.

In their minds, they screamed, "What the hell!"

Recruits hadn't been informed during recruitment that joining the Rocks

Pirates would involve such a brutal assessment. Choosing ten from a

thousand meant death for the rest!

To prevent anyone from fleeing due to fear and dulling the festivities,

Golden Lion Shiki activated his Devil Fruit power, conjuring massive

earthen walls around the arena, entrapping everyone within.

Uninformed pirates were even more horrified by this turn of events.

Among the crowd, many powerful and confident pirates remained


To them, this was a rare opportunity. If they could catch the attention of

Rocks and the others, their fame on the high seas would be assured.

To further incite the recruits and add color to the feast, Rocks explicitly

stated that there were no restrictions on methods. Nicolas could already

foresee the brutal battles to come.

"Hahaha, this is getting interesting. Let me kick off this wild party!" With

a thunderous roar, Kaido began indiscriminately attacking those around


"Is this guy crazy!?"

"Damn, another lunatic! What rotten luck!"

The sudden onslaught sent unlucky souls flying like cannonballs into the

crowd, sparking chaos.

But after the brief commotion, the air was filled with the sounds of

combat: clashes of swords, shields, and axes, gunfire and cannon smoke,

roars of Zoan users, frequent explosions, and colorful smoke rising, all

evidence of the unrestrained methods employed by the 'actors' in this

grand spectacle.


Bang bang...!

Figures darted across the arena, clubs and blades swung, each strike

claiming several lives.

Pirates who had been fighting a moment ago now lay as headless corpses

on the ground.

Even amidst the melee, pirates seemed to notice the beastly figure. They

instinctively kept their distance.

With a gunshot, a bullet struck Kaido's head, creating a burst of blood.

Just as everyone thought the monster would perish, Kaido turned to look

at a sniper standing several hundred meters away, who still wore a smirk

from their successful shot.

Then, he swung his kanabo towards the sniper. With a tremendous roar,

the kanabo tore through everything in its path, piercing through all

obstacles and finally skewering the sniper.

After dealing with the assailant, Kaido tilted his head, twirling his index

and middle fingers on his right hand. A bullet appeared between them.

After dispatching a pirate nearby, Kaido's face lit up with a bloodthirsty

grin, resembling a wild beast.

This scene stunned both the pirates on the field and caught the attention

of Rocks and the others.

"Haha, such an interesting kid. Reminds me of the first time I saw Linlin,"

Rocks remarked, watching the performance below.

"Tch, another freaky brat?" Shiki sneered.

"Gulalalala, seems like the seas are getting filled with more monsters,"

Whitebeard said, raising a jug of alcohol to his lips.


Nicholas did not join the discussion with the Rocks's crew. Instead, he

carefully observed the stage below.

For Nicholas, although the Rocks Pirates' selection process was brutal, it

had to be said that the people selected were absolutely strong, which was

also the reason why the Rocks Pirates dominated the sea.

So Nicholas didn't mind taking the opportunity to recruit some

subordinates before the Rocks Pirates disbanded.

As the fighting below progressed, some small fries had already been

cleared out. Originally, there were thousands of people on the battlefield,

but now only a hundred remained standing, almost all of them injured.

Even though they were just small fry, as long as they didn't collapse in

the face of death, their counterattacks were troublesome.

"Is this all the strength you have? You scum!"

In the center of the field, Kaido leaned on his club and looked

disdainfully at the pirates still standing around him. Even though his

body was covered in cuts, bullet wounds, poison, and blood, no one

dared to approach recklessly.

The reason why no one dared to approach was because of the terrifying

nature of his body. The wounds from the battle were healing at a visible

rate, and even the bullet hole in his head had healed!

In terms of recovery, it was even more exaggerated than that of a Zoan

Devil Fruit user.

Meanwhile, in the field, someone couldn't hold back any longer. Their

body suddenly expanded, fur grew wildly all over, muscles kept moving,

and their figure began to rise. With a roar, they transformed into a

humanoid lion.

With sturdy limbs and sharp claws tens of centimeters long, like short

daggers, swinging a tail, they exuded a powerful beastly aura, stirring up

the surrounding dust, imposing and majestic!

"Is he a Zoan Devil Fruit user?"

Charlotte Linlin curiously observed the appearance of the half-animal

person on the field.

"It should be the Zoan-type, Cat-Cat Fruit, Garfield Form. It seems like

he's developed it quite well."

Shakky blew out smoke rings and commented lightly.

"Zoan types can enhance defense, speed, attack power, and recovery. It's

just that we don't know if he's a match for that weird kid. After all, some

people's talents are no less than some Devil Fruit abilities."

Captain John, pouring another sip of alcohol, said drunkenly. Obviously,

he was not in a good mood since the tool he favored was gone.

With the Zoan-type ability user transforming on the field, it immediately

attracted a lot of attention.

It's important to note that Devil Fruits, the treasures of the sea, were

priceless. Even the most worthless could be auctioned for over 100

million berries. Not everyone could afford to eat Devil Fruits, and some

people might never know what a Devil Fruit was in their lifetime.

But one thing was certain: as long as you ate a Devil Fruit, you could

immediately possess power beyond ordinary people.

This was an important shortcut to gaining power and changing one's

destiny. Counting a new Zoan Dog-Dog Fruit, Dachshund Form, two Devil

Fruit users had already appeared.

However, the Dachshund Fruit user had already been torn in half by that

weird kid. It was unknown how strong this other Garfield Cat user was.

"Kid, I'm going to tear you apart!"

In the field, the Garfield Cat hybrid looked down at Kaido, a sharp claw

pointing at him, his fierce and cruel face making people shudder like a

wild beast.

Facing the provocation, Kaido didn't flinch. Instead, he felt his muscles

tingling with excitement. Fight, kill, and then become stronger. Wasn't

this what he was pursuing?

His choice was indeed correct! Only in a crew like Rocks could he

encounter many strong opponents and make progress.

"I hope you can make me even more delighted."

After Kaido finished speaking, his bloodthirsty eyes stared at the

opponent as if he were the king of beasts seeing his prey.

"Hehehe, then I'll fulfill your wish. I'll make you die in agony!"

With a piercing scream from the Garfield Cat hybrid, the muscles on his

legs tightened, and his massive figure almost flew out at a speed invisible

to the naked eye, sharper than a dagger. Like lightning, he struck directly

at Kaido's throat, obviously aiming to kill with one blow.

Facing the attack, Kaido didn't evade. Instead, he clenched his fist with

his right hand at the first moment, not dodging, just facing it head-on.

With a tremendous collision, cracks appeared in the ground beneath their

feet, and the Garfield Cat hybrid froze in mid-air, while Kaido remained


Then, accompanied by a sinister smile, the huge Garfield Cat hybrid was

directly sent flying.


The sound of breaking through the air came suddenly. Just as the

Garfield Cat hybrid was puzzled, Kaido suddenly appeared above him.

Then, he bent his legs, and his knees aimed at the opponent's chest, a

blow that even a Zoan-type ability user's life force probably couldn't


However, the Cat-Cat Fruit, Garfield Form, not only brought

enhancements to strength, speed, attack, and defense but also brought

the reaction speed of a cat. Almost as soon as Kaido's killer move

appeared, the airborne Garfield Cat hybrid wrapped his tail around

Kaido, then exerted force to avoid Kaido's attack, and immediately turned

around. His five-fingered claws, sharp as sickles, aimed at Kaido's chest.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. When the two figures

appeared again, Kaido's chest had five bloody wounds, and the Garfield

Cat hybrid was half kneeling on the ground, his left hand covering his

right arm, which was bleeding heavily.

His original right arm was now lying between him and Kaido.

Almost at the moment he succeeded in his attack, that guy used both

hands to break his arm with a hard clap.

At this point, the eyes of this user had lost their madness long ago,

replaced by a touch of fear. After becoming an ability user, he had almost

never suffered such a big loss. With just his Devil Fruit ability, he had

already overwhelmed ninety percent of the pirates. But the guy in front

of him surpassed him in speed, attack, physical strength, and recovery.

He even suspected that the guy was a ferocious beast in human skin.

"Is this not enough? I haven't had enough fun yet!"

As he spoke, Kaido crossed a distance of more than ten meters in the

blink of an eye, appearing in front of the half-kneeling Garfield Cat

hybrid. A left hook, stirring the sound of breaking through the air, was

directed at the ferocious head. If this punch hit, it would definitely be


But just as Kaido was about to finish off another ability user, a blood-red

scythe flew from a distance and blocked Kaido's attack.


Seeing someone intervening, Kaido smiled, his face showing excitement.

He didn't fear battles; the more threatening the battle, the more excited

he became.

The Garfield Cat hybrid also looked at the person who intervened, a

middle-aged man wearing cowboy clothes, a cowboy hat on his head, and

two scythe weapons hanging from his waist. One of the scythes had just

blocked Kaido's attack.

"Western Reaper, Death, Blood-Red Scythe, Fast Scythe Unmatched,

Gothik Gotic, I owe you a favor!"

"Don't misunderstand, I'm not trying to save you. I just don't want to be

the only one facing this terrifying guy in the end. After all, that big guy

said that even if ten people are there, it's not guaranteed that all ten will

survive. Do you all agree with me?"

As Gothik spoke, he looked around at the people. Most of them were

injured to some extent. If Kaido wanted to kill them all, given his

terrifying strength so far, there was indeed a big problem.

"That's right!"

"Kill that guy first, and then let's settle our lives!"

"If that's the case, then..."


Before Gothik finished speaking, he heard a gunshot, and then this pirate,

who also had a slight reputation among pirates, had a blood hole in his

forehead. Obviously, he was shot dead.

As everyone searched for the shooter, Nicholas smiled as he looked at a

pile of corpses near the edge of the field.

"This level of Observation Haki is interesting."

Stir a big vat with a toothpick?

As the gunshot rang out, the situation once again became chaotic.

Although the proposal to team up to take down Kaido from Gothik was

dead, the others still chose to join forces. After all, Kaido's pressure on

them was immense.

However, facing the united front against him, Kaido remained



Kaido moved. Accompanied by a loud noise, Kaido's right foot heavily

stomped the ground. The solid ground instantly shattered, and Kaido's

figure rushed towards the crowd in an instant. The people, who were on

guard against the sniper who had killed Gothik earlier, were obviously

caught off guard.

With lightning speed, he charged towards the half-beast form of Garfield,

whose arm had already been severed, raising his wolf-tooth club high in

his hand, tearing through the air as he aimed to smash Garfield's head.

For pirates, there was no mercy in the face of the strong. The weak did

not decide their fate before the strong.

Faced with Kaido's lethal blow, Garfield, in his half-beast form, hurriedly

raised his remaining arm to defend himself. With a loud roar, a massive

dust cloud rose from the impact between the two, and then Garfield's

huge figure was sent flying backward from the smoke.

And in the process of being thrown back, his fur gradually retracted into

his body, and all the cat features on his body disappeared, quickly

returning to his pre-transformation state. He crashed heavily into the

wall, covered in blood, eyes rolled back, clearly completely unconscious

from the previous attack, unable even to maintain his abilities.

As the smoke cleared, a figure wielding a wolf-tooth club emerged. Apart

from some dust on his body, he seemed completely unharmed.

Facing this demon-like man, the faces of the remaining opponents were

very ugly. They realized that the opponent's defense and physicality were

quite terrifying.

"Tun tun tun."

After taking a swig from the jug at his waist and spitting out the blood in

his mouth, Kaido provocatively beckoned to his opponents.

Facing Kaido's actions, many people subconsciously took two steps back.

Obviously, Kaido's beast-like fighting style and terrifying physique had

shattered the morale of these people.

And facing the somewhat intimidated crowd,

Kaido was also a little impatient.

He was already a bit tired of this level of fighting.


Under the continuous attacks, the remaining people scattered and fled.

Each of Kaido's attacks could take the life of a pirate.


The ground shook, and Kaido disappeared from where he was standing.

The next second, his wolf-tooth club smashed into the ground, and a pool

of dark red blood slowly overflowed from beneath the wolf-tooth club.

After propping the blood-stained wolf-tooth club on his shoulder, Kaido,

who was already a little drunk, looked at the few enemies left on the


Although there were not far from ten people, there were still more than

twenty people scattered around the field. As for the battlefield at this

moment, it was filled with blood and flames everywhere. Even the

ground had been completely dyed red with blood, and the small red

bloodstreams slowly gathered into a river from the piles of corpses.

Kaido glanced at the remaining people and then sat directly on a pile of

corpses. For him, although the remaining people were not as strong as

him, knowing that they were not his opponents, they all acted like

slippery eels, cunning.

Seeing Kaido sitting there drinking wine, the surviving members also

distanced themselves from the people around them. After all, there were

only ten spots available to stay alive. The monster in the center of the

field had already occupied one, which meant that there were only nine

spots left.

It seemed that the performers below were slackening their performance.

Shiki once again activated his ability, and the wall with a huge lion's

head began to slowly squeeze toward the center.

"If it can't be ended in ten minutes, then all of you will die together!


With Shiki's mad laughter, the pirates watching this bloody performance

also erupted in cheers like a tidal wave. They felt no sympathy for the

killings among their kind; all they could feel was the fervor and madness

surging in their bodies.

Only such killings, such bloodshed, could be worthy of the Bloody Feast

unique to the Rocks Pirates!

As the dull collision sounded, watching the wall that began to

continuously devour the corpses at the edge of the field, the faces of the

few remaining people on the field changed. Obviously, if they couldn't

meet Shiki's requirements in ten minutes, they would also become part of

the wall.

"It seems that there's no room for hiding anymore!"

A pirate suddenly looked helplessly at the crazy members of the Rocks

Pirates around him, as well as the powerful individuals sitting on thrones

on the high platform, and smiled bitterly.

Facing the inexplicable words of this pirate, the surrounding pirates

obviously didn't understand what he meant.

And just as the pirates around them watched Kaido in the center of the

field warily, the clothes of this pirate suddenly exploded, and a hole with

a diameter of more than thirty meters appeared on the ground around

him. Caught off guard, several pirates died instantly.

But this was just the beginning. As the explosion dissipated, a man

wearing a white shirt with a seagull pattern appeared in the center of the


"Oh, interesting, it's the Navy."

"Captain, it seems like you've caught the attention of the Navy."

"This is going to be fun. I wonder what surprises this Navy officer will

bring us?"

"Hahaha, who brought this Navy gentleman?"

With Charlotte Linlin's words, standing behind a group of division

captains, the captains of the pirate group whose reputation could scare

many children suddenly sweated profusely.

The participants of this Blood Feast were selected by them, and now a

Navy officer appeared. Wasn't this a joke?

"Oh, do you want to run? It seems you know something. Stay..."

Just as a pirate captain was about to sneak away, a voice suddenly came

from behind him.

With this death-like voice, a dark space descended in an instant, and

Charlotte Linlin's over eight-meter-tall figure slowly emerged from the

shadows like a death god.

"Or life!"

Faced with the immense spiritual pressure, all the pirate captain felt was

endless fear.

"It seems you've made a choice!"

As Charlotte Linlin's words fell, a giant palm grabbed the pirate captain

behind her. Then, a humanoid shadow was grabbed from the pirate's

head and swallowed into Charlotte Linlin's mouth, as if she was not

satisfied, she even licked her lips.

"What an interesting ability, hahaha."

Rocks laughed heartily at the scene.

While Shiki and the others were more or less wary, after all, soul abilities

were quite tricky. Fortunately, as long as they didn't instill fear in

Charlotte Linlin, this move was basically useless. In terms of individual

strength, there were really not many people in this group who were


"Mamama Nicholas, are you looking at me with that kind of gaze? It

really hurts my feelings."

Charlotte Linlin looked at Nicholas with an exaggerated height of over

eight meters and a peak over one meter in diameter. Among these

monsters, he could be considered a dwarf.

"Sorry, I feel like we're really not compatible. After all, the models don't

match, and my little arms and legs really can't handle you... Why don't

you try Whitebeard? You two should be about the same."

For this giantess in the world of pirate kings, Nicholas knew he couldn't

handle it, after all, he wasn't a rubber fruit ability user. Did he have to

stir a big vat with a toothpick?

Hearing Nicholas's words, Whitebeard directly spewed out a mouthful of


"Kid, do you want to die?"

Even because of anger, his momentum pressed down mercilessly on


"Hey, calm down, I'm just making a suggestion."

Nicholas waved his hand casually, his tone obviously insincere.

"Hahaha, I also think Nicholas makes sense. After all, Linlin just lost her

husband. You two becoming a family isn't a bad idea. Who knows, maybe

you'll give birth to some monsters! Hahaha!"

On the side, Shiki couldn't contain his laughter, obviously pleased with

Nicholas's words. Anything that made Whitebeard uncomfortable would

make him, Shiki, very happy.

"Shiki! Do you want to die!?"

Linlin was angry before Whitebeard even spoke, after all, some things

were her taboos.

"Come on, if I'm scared of you guys! I'm the Golden Lion!"

Golden Lion Shiki also directly drew out his Sword, and the golden hair

behind him floated with his momentum, making him look like an angry


Almost at the moment when the several captains were tense on stage,

many members of the Rocks Pirates had already secretly begun to

prepare to run away. If these people fought, they would be in danger,

after all, these monsters' casual AOE attacks could take them out.

Taking action

The atmosphere enveloping the viewing platform exuded an eerie sense

of foreboding, compelling Rocks to intervene sharply: "That's enough,

watch the performance!"

Rocks's directive diffused the tension among the crowd, teetering on the

edge of erupting into violence. In the pirate world, strength dictated

authority, and Rocks happened to possess the mightiest fist.

"But seriously, Newgate, I think Nicholas is right," Rocks chuckled,

seemingly entertained by something. As he spoke, he affectionately

patted the head of the beauty beside him, soothing her, while he savored

a sip of the nearby wine.

In the arena, as the space dwindled and the undercover Marine emerged

from hiding, only fourteen individuals remained alive. It was worth

noting that those who dared infiltrate Rocks's pirate faction were

genuinely skilled; few pirates could contend with them alone.

Now, in the field, the Marine, alongside Kaido and the remaining twelve,

staked out their territories, facing off against each other.

At that juncture, Kaido, seated upon a corpse, vigorously shook a wine

jug, though visibly empty. Dismissing the jug carelessly, Kaido rose

unsteadily, brandishing his club.

"Hiccup! You lot aren't finished yet? Seems I'll have to deal with you all

before I can enjoy another drink! Hiccup!" Kaido, inebriated, aimed his

blood-stained club at the others.

"Hey, even though my cover is blown, these folks don't seem to regard me

much. If I can dispatch such perilous individuals before I meet my end,

thenTast has upheld the tenets of Fleet admiral Kong's training!" With

survival odds dwindling, Tast resolved. With his declaration, his arms

were instantly cloaked in Armament Haki.

Then, propelled by a sudden burst of force, he vanished in an instant.

"Where is he? He's airborne!" The other survivors, prompted by the

pirates, gazed skyward, witnessing the Marine traversing the air, defying


"You sea scum, meet your end! Rankyaku!" Tast's declaration heralded a

flurry of blue light blades,emanating from his rapidly kicking feet,

targeting the twelve pirates below.

With manic laughter, Tast assaulted relentlessly, evidently intending to

clear the field before confronting Kaido alone.

Boom! Dust clouds billowed, the ground cracked, and mud bullets flew.

"It's not over! Fist of Meteor!" Tast's right fist, shrouded in Armament

Haki, bore down fiercely amidst the lingering smoke!

"Ahh~" Agonizing cries echoed, signifying the Vice Admiral's

overwhelming strength, unbearable for the remaining twelve pirates.

Coughing, Tast knelt, his Armament Haki-clad fist piercing a pirate's

corpse and sinking into the ground, causing the earth within a ten-meter

radius to subside. After extracting his bloodied arm and wiping his nose,

Tast rose, glaring coldly at Kaido.

Dealing with Kaido would define his legacy.

Pirates, inherently ruthless, regarded Tast with indifference. Nonetheless,

his demise was imminent.

"Marine, Armament Haki, intriguing," Kaido's slurred voice resonated,

laden with murderous intent palpable to Tast.

The onlookers, initially stunned, erupted into fervent cheers. After all,

this spectacle—Vice Admiral versus Pirate Monster Blood Feast—was the

excitement they craved. Some hastened to place bets on the ultimate


Tast remained silent, fixating coldly on Kaido.

"Whoever you are, your end approaches!" Tast, resigned to his fate, grew

increasingly ferocious. For individuals of his caliber, fighting to the death

unleashed terrifying power.

Mud splattered as Tast propelled forward, even swifter than before.

Yet, faced with the charging Marine Vice Admiral, Kaido, seemingly

undeterred and partially intoxicated, grasped his club, readying to strike.

Coincidentally or not, Kaido's swing intersected flawlessly with Tast's


Witnessing this, Tast's pupils constricted. Time seemed to warp, and his

dynamic vision peaked, discerning bone fragments and flesh adhering to

the enlarging club.

In the pivotal moment, Tast crossed his Armament Haki-clad arms before


Bang! Tast hurtled even faster, crashing to the ground with a plop,

spewing blood. Even his Armament Haki-clad arm twisted irregularly,

testament to the earlier blow.

As danger loomed, Tast's brain scrambled with warning signals. Yet,

before he could raise his shattered arm, a bullet pierced his forehead.

Blood gushed, obscuring his vision, as he glimpsed a figure, drenched in

blood, emerging amidst the compressed walls.

Watching his fallen adversary, Simon found no respite. Rolling away

hastily, he narrowly avoided a massive club, its handle protruding from

the ground.

"You dared to meddle in my duel!" Tast's demise sobered Kaido. He

recognized the hidden threat and acted decisively.

Facing the looming menace, Simon's countenance soured. Initially

deceived, he maneuvered covertly, disrupting alliances among pirates.

His stratagem—bide time until ten remained, then eliminate the weakest

—unraveled. An undercover Marine, seemingly a vice admiral,

vanquished the remaining pirates.

As indifference pervaded the onlookers, Simon discerned his fate.

Gambling on the pirates' reaction post-Marine's demise, he realized their


As he raised his sniper rifle, intending to meet his end, a blue lightning

bolt materialized. The horned man, endowed with Herculean speed, was


"Shiki, cease your ability, the competetion has ended" Nicholas

commanded, retracting his foot calmly.

Kaido's defeat

"Hehe, it's over, isn't it? That kid seems quite unwilling."

With Shiki's words, Kaido, who had been kicked away, rushed back

again, swinging his club fiercely towards Nicholas. Obviously, he

intended to smash this guy into pulp.

"Thunder Bagua!"

With Kaido's roar, the club carried an unstoppable momentum!


But with a muffled sound, Kaido was blasted away.

After a brief silence, the surrounding pirates erupted into frenzied cheers.

Some even started betting, although the odds were a bit outrageous, one

to a hundred!

"Hahaha, that kid seems familiar to me, his name is Kaido, right? He was

the one they said was a monster in the New World last time!"

"But boss, why are you all betting on that guy named Nicholas to win?"

"He's new?"


"Give me all the money you have, we'll split the winnings seventy-thirty."

"Boss, here's the money. Can you tell me now?"

"That guy is the captain of the Seventh Division, just like Whitebeard and

the others, a real monster! Is Kaido out of his mind trying to defeat him?"

At the same time, on the grandstand, Rocks, Whitebeard, Golden Lion,

and others watched calmly as Kaido was blasted away.

"Hahaha, just as I expected."

Rocks laughed wildly, obviously satisfied with the scene.

"That guy doesn't seem to use Devil Fruit abilities? His growth rate is

really terrifying."

Whitebeard, as a strong figure of his level, could notice details that

ordinary pirates couldn't.

"It seems Nicholas is using the Stance from the Navy's Rokushiki, but it's

a waste not to use Devil Fruit powers and focus on martial arts."

Shiki scoffed, believing that both Haki and martial arts were

supplementary to Devil Fruit abilities. The strong figures in Rocks's pirate

group, for example, had all developed their Devil Fruits to the extreme. If

Nicholas developed his Thunder Fruit to its fullest, he would definitely be

among the top tier on the sea.

"But Shiki, you can't underestimate martial arts. When mastered, they are

as powerful as Devil Fruit abilities. Both Roger and the Navy's Garp are

tough opponents."

Wang Zhi interjected.

Meanwhile, in the arena, Nicholas and Kaido clashed again. Despite

Kaido's fierce attacks, Nicholas seemed to evade effortlessly, like a

slippery eel, infuriating Kaido.

"You, are you just going to keep dodging like a rat!?"

Facing Nicholas, who was even slipperier than an eel, Kaido went



When Nicholas reappeared, he was standing on Kaido's club, looking

down at him. "Is that it?"

Just two simple words, but they carried a deeply insulting tone.

The cacophony around them fell silent, many pirates watching Nicholas

in awe. While many were confident in facing someone like Kaido, they

couldn't match Nicholas's calmness against Kaido's attacks.

No wonder Rocks's pirate group was called the "Monster Concentration

Camp" of the sea.

Kaido stared at Nicholas, his face filled with rage.

But for him, if one blow didn't work, he'd try another.

"Kid, looks like you're pretty strong."

Kaido grinned wickedly, his upper body covered in Armament Haki. "You

better not die easily next!"

His massive arm clenched into a fist, aiming at Nicholas.

As Nicholas dodged using Shave, Kaido's club, imbued with thunderous

power, swung towards him.

"Kid, your weird martial art relies on airflow generated by attacks to

dodge, right? But what will you do when surrounded by chaotic


"Simple, I won't dodge!"

As Nicholas's voice fell, his right arm, covered in black-purple Armament

Haki, with blue electric currents, struck out like flowing clouds and

flowing water!


With a sound of metal clashing, even the air vibrated. A shockwave

rippled out from the center where they stood.

Then, a scene that shocked all the pirates appeared: Kaido's club visibly

bent into a '7' shape from the center.

The club then snapped in half, while Nicholas's fist, without stopping,

solidly struck Kaido's face.

Blood sprayed from Kaido's mouth and nose, even a tooth flew out with

the blood.

After landing a blow, Nicholas didn't stop. He appeared around Kaido

like lightning, leaving afterimages due to his incredible speed.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Kaido's massive body swayed like a leaf in a gale.

He didn't have a chance to resist, even though his body was covered in

Armament Haki, he was still beaten badly, pitiful to behold.

When he hit the ground, he lost consciousness completely.

From being punched by Kaido to hitting the ground, in just two seconds,

he endured tons of damage.

With Kaido's fall, the surrounding pirates erupted into loud cheers.

And just as Kaido, who had fallen, tried to stand again, his eyes still

rolled back, indicating he hadn't regained consciousness.

"Is it the body's instinctive fighting? What a terrifying guy."

Nicholas didn't show much interest in Kaido, who lost consciousness but

stood up again. After all, Kaido hadn't eaten that fruit yet, his strength

was far inferior to later times.

At the moment of everyone's astonishment, Nicholas had already casually

walked up to Kaido and using his foot pressed Kaido head into the


This time, he wouldn't get a chance to stand up again.

The strongest?

"Hahaha, what an interesting performance. Let the feast continue!"

After Nicholas brought Simon back to the stands, Charlotte Linlin also

had her men take Kaido back to her pirate ship. After all, he was

someone she had high hopes for, so she couldn't just give up on him like


Following Rocks's words, Shiki activated his abilities, covering the

battleground that had just been like a battlefield with soil. The pirates on

it began reveling, oblivious to the fact that just moments ago, thousands

of lives had been lost under their feet.

Nicholas watched calmly as the pirates below celebrated and Rocks,

Golden Lion, and others around him also were laughing.

For him, he hadn't fully understood the depths of this world's waters yet,

which made him feel a sense of crisis.

After joining Rocks's pirate group, he learned about Rocks's terror.

He couldn't understand what had happened in the Battle of God Valley.

What could have caused the powerful Rocks pirate group to disintegrate?

He acknowledged the strength of figures like Roger and Garp, but he

found it hard to believe that just those two could defeat Rocks together.

At this point, figures like Golden Lion Shiki, Whitebeard Edward

Newgate, Charlotte Linlin, Captain John, and Silver Ax were all at their

peak. Even though they were only together for mutual benefits, the fact

that they could break at God Valley, and that there was no news of it

afterward, was simply absurd.

"Nicholas, in your previous battles, did you use the Rokushiki techniques

of the Marines, such as Soru(Shave) and Geppo(moon walk)?"

As Nicholas pondered, Rocks curiously stared at him.

To be honest, Rocks's curiosity was solely due to the fact that, like others,

he couldn't understand why Nicholas, who already had powerful Devil

Fruit abilities, would spend time learning martial arts, swordsmanship,

and even some miscellaneous things.

In their eyes, such behavior was somewhat of a waste of talent.

"Yes, I used the Rokushiki techniques like Soru and Geppo, which I

acquired as spoils during the attack on G9. However, the methods of

Shigan and Tekkai were missing."

Nicholas replied without hesitation, regardless of possibly angering


After all, with his understanding of Rocks, he knew this man was quite


He also knew what his subordinates thought, but his confidence in his

own strength made him indifferent to it.

There was nothing else—unrivaled strength was the source of his

confidence. To him, his subordinates were more like a gathering of strong

people he had brought together to overthrow the World Government.

Therefore, figures like Golden Lion Shiki, Whitebeard, or Charlotte Linlin

were not threats to him.

Because he was "The World's Strongest" Rocks D. Xebec!

There were no wrong names, only wrong titles.

"Nicholas, the New World belongs to the strong. The weak have no place

on this stage, and the Rocks pirate group is among the best. Therefore,

being too weak is easy to be eliminated."

"No need to worry about that, Captain. But speaking of which, Captain, I

heard that your bounty from the World Government has increased again.

Don't let yourself get killed one day!"

Sure enough, after hearing Nicholas's answer, Rocks didn't get angry.

Instead, he laughed and said, "If those guys really have that kind of

confidence, then bring it on. If I get killed, it just means I'm not strong

enough! But at least for now, I haven't met anyone who can take my life!"

"I hope so."

Nicholas glanced at Rocks and said.

He was desperately enhancing his strength, learning various martial arts

systems just to increase his trump cards in the Battle of God Valley.

"Captain, I have a question for you."

Nicholas seemed to think of something and looked at Rocks with a

strange expression.

"Hmm? What question? Let's hear it."

Rocks also showed an interested look.

For Nicholas, the position of Rocks's other crew members in his heart was

obviously different. After all, he was forcibly brought onto the ship at

first, and after boarding, he not only quickly adapted to life on the sea

but also absorbed various combat skills and cultivation experiences like a

crazy sponge.

"Captain, everyone in the world says you are the strongest..."

Nicholas said seriously, "So, Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Charlotte Linlin,

Wang Zhi, can they kill you if they join forces?"

Nicholas used the word "kill" instead of "defeat".

Nicholas knew Rocks was strong, but he wanted to know how strong this

former era's sea overlord, even with a group of strong people gathered

under him to overthrow the World Government and become the king of

the world, How did he die!

As Nicholas asked this question, Shiki, Newgate, and others around also

put down their wine. They also wanted to know how strong Rocks really

was. Although they were not opponents of Rocks's one-on-one, they still

wanted to know if they could take down Rocks if they teamed up.

"Do you all want to know?" Rocks looked at Whitebeard and the others,

and a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.

A terrifying and suffocating pressure swept out from Rocks, enveloping

everyone in the Rocks pirate group.

The weakest among them, like Bacon, were trembling shitless.

Whitebeard and the others drank calmly, but their aura was also

emanating, showing their intentions clearly.

After all, Rocks had cast his shadow over them for too long. Although

they were more like in a cooperative relationship, they knew deep down

in their heart, they were subordinates, and a person with the

domineering presence like conqueror would never want to stay beneath

others forever!

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter if I tell you the answer to this question!"

With Rocks's mad laughter, a thick dark veil appeared behind him, and

claws and fangs kept appearing. "If it's a fight to the death, you will all

die! While I may win, I will also suffer serious injuries. That's the answer

to this question."

After hearing this, Whitebeard and Golden Lion Shiki looked at each

other, their eyes showing a trace of coldness.

Obviously, the answer was somewhat unexpected. Although they were

not opponents of Rocks one-on-one, they didn't expect that even if they

teamed up, they still wouldn't be able to defeat this guy. How strong was

this monster?

"Captain, since you are so strong, why don't you attack Mary Geoise?

With your ability, you should be able to stir things up there easily, right?"

Nicholas asked curiously, trying to get more information from Rocks.

When Mary Geoise was mentioned, Rocks's expression changed visibly,

although it was quickly concealed. But Nicholas, with his terrifying

Observation Haki, saw the fleeting fear in Rocks's eyes.

What was he afraid of?


Charlotte Linlin Pirates, in a cabin.

Kaido was wrapped in bandages all over his body like a dumpling.

At this moment, Kaido was staring blankly at the ceiling, replaying the

scenes of the previous battle in his mind.

It must be said that those who can become Emperors in the future are

never ordinary people. Kaido continuously simulates the scenes of

fighting with Nicholas in his mind and thinks about ways to counter

Nicholas's attacks.

"Kaido, how about it? I didn't deceive you, right? The Charlotte Linlin

Pirates have many strong members!"

Just as Kaido was once again being punched by Nicholas in his

imagination, a clear female voice comes from outside the cabin. Then the

cabin door is pushed open rudely, and Charlotte Linlin, over eight meters

tall, walks into the cabin, followed by Streusen, the second in command

and head chef of the Big Mom Pirates.

"Are you here to mock me?"

Kaido, seeing Charlotte Linlin's arrival, shakes off the bandages on him

and sits up from the bed.

"I won't lose to that guy next time!"

Kaido says fiercely. For him, losing a battle is not terrifying as long as he

kills the opponent in the end. Only the one who survives is the ultimate


"Mama... mama, Kaido."

Charlotte Linlin looks down at Kaido and says with a sinister smile, "Are

you overly confident in your own strength? Do you know that the reason

you can survive to a large extent is because of me? Otherwise, with

Nicholas's true strength, do you think you can survive? Did those playful

fights give you a false impression?"

"Playful fights? Are you saying that guy never used his true strength

while fighting me?"

Kaido's eyes widen in astonishment upon hearing this.

"Of course not. Nicholas ate the Rumble-Rumble Fruit, the lightning man.

If he really used his fruit ability, even with your terrifying body and

recovery, you wouldn't be able to withstand it. After all, in the captain's

eyes, that guy is a terrifying monster who can rival or even surpass

Whitebeard and Golden Lion in the future! I really want to get his genes."

It seems that Charlotte Linlin has thought of something. She can't help

but lick her flaming red lips.

"After all, the prey you can't get is the most tempting."

"However, Kaido, strive to become stronger. When your strength reaches

a level that satisfies me, I don't mind helping you find a Devil Fruit

suitable for you. After all, the gift from the Devil's Treasure in the sea is

enough to help a strong person break through to a whole new level.

Alright, I won't disturb you. I'm going to rest."

After saying this, Charlotte Linlin walks out of Kaido's room with her

enchanting steps.

At Nicholas's Pirate Crew base, Nicholas sneaks out holding his cherished


Just as he leaves the captain's cabin, a cold voice sounds, "Nicholas,

where are you going so late?"

"Oh, it's Stussy. Um, that..." Nicholas waves the wine in his hand, "Isn't

this the intelligence you asked Charlotte to gather last time? I'm going to

thank her. I've had Vista prepare the materials you need. There's even an

Animal Zoan user among them, which should provide you with a lot of


Nicholas does not wait for Stussy's response and slips away.

Dressed as a vampire, Stussy watches Nicholas disappear around the

corner, muttering "Idiot" under her breath, then heads towards the lowest

level of the ship.

After arriving at Shakky's residence, upon stating his identity, Nicholas

encounters no obstacles and soon sees Shakky.

It's worth mentioning that Shakky, who retired to open Shakky's Rip-off

Bar, now has the demeanor of a bar owner. The entire residence has been

turned into a bar, and Shakky is leaning on the bar with her left elbow,

cigarette in her right hand.

Seeing Nicholas come in, a smile appears on her face.

"Little Nicholas is surprisingly punctual."

"Haha, because it's Shakky inviting, I must be on time."

Nicholas laughs a few times and then looks around cautiously. "Shakky, is

it safe here?"

They must be careful about what they are about to discuss as it could

causetrouble if it got out.

Shakky flicks the ash from her cigarette, teasing, "If i don't have the

ability to even handle this, I would've been killed long ago. How could I

have survived until now? But little Nicholas, are you peering into my

heart? You'll have to take responsibility if you do."

Shakky glances at Nicholas with a half-smile.

"Haha, how could it be."

Nicholas laughs off Shakky's teasing, then sits on one of the chairs by the

bar and places the wine he brought on the counter, saying, "This is what I

got at the auction in Sabaody. It's hard to find good stuff like this on the

market now."

"Binks's wine, indeed a good find. Then I won't be polite."

Shakky smiles and places the wine from the counter onto the shelf behind

her. If anyone knowledgeable were there, they would notice many

famous wines inside.

After putting the wine away, Shakky doesn't speak but rather looks at

Nicholas with interest.

"Shakky, don't look at me like that, I'll get embarrassed."

Nicholas shamelessly says.

"Hehe, little Nicholas, do you really want to leave the Rocks Pirates? You

should know that once you leave the Rocks Pirates, you'll face that

lunatic's crazy revenge."

Shakky takes a drag of her cigarette, exhaling smoke slowly, her eyes

fixed on Nicholas.

Nicholas meets Shakky's gaze.

He seriously nods.

"It seems like little Nicholas is confident in evading that lunatic's pursuit.

Can you tell me about your trump card?"

Shakky is even more curious now. It can be said that if it weren't for

fearing the powerful and crazy Rocks, people like Whitebeard and Gold

Lion would have left the Rocks Pirates long ago.

"Is there even a trump card? As for evading the captain's pursuit, it's

simple. I just need to kill him."

Nicholas says calmly.

Hearing this, Shakky is clearly stunned, and even the cigarette between

her fingers is almost burned out before she reacts.

"Nicholas, you should know about the captain's terrifying strength. Why

do you think he can be killed? What force on this sea can kill him?"

Shakky's brows furrow deeper. As the head of the sea's intelligence

network, she considers herself second only to the World Government. So

she knows the horror of this man very well. She can hardly imagine what

could defeat or even kill him. After all, if there was something like that,

the Sabre of xebec wouldn't have been active until now, even forcing the

Navy to avoid entering the New World at one point!

Nicholas puts his index finger to his lips, signaling for silence. Then, he

shakes the empty wine glass in his hand, clearly indicating something.

Seeing this, Shakky gives Nicholas a glare, then turns around and starts

to select from the liquor shelf.

Within seconds, a dozen bottles of fine wine are placed on the counter.


After filling Nicholas's wine glass again, Shakky looked at Nicholas and

asked, "Can you talk now?"

After Nicholas emptied the wine glass again, he let out a hearty belch and

then looked at Shakky, saying, "This is just my speculation, Shakky. You

should know that I am very interested in many of the legends of the sea,

but according to the information I have gathered, the history between

seven hundred and eight hundred years ago has disappeared. We don't

know exactly what happened, but the World Government should have

done something to completely conceal this period of history.

The Elbaf Giants should have some understanding of this history, given

their lifespan, but considering that the Giants have never really

interacted with the outside world, they don't know much either. So the

answer to the question should lie with the Celestial Dragons."

"Those parasites again?"

Shakky murmured to herself.

The Celestial Dragons are the descendants of the twenty kings who

established the World Government 800 years ago. Apart from the

Nefertari family, who chose to go to Alabasta, the rest of them all chose

to reign over the Red Soil Continent and establish the World Noble on

Mary Geoise, claiming to be the "descendants of the creators" and even

calling themselves gods.

They are protected by the Marines and CP0, enjoying all privileges, and

have always been arrogant and disdainful. They view people of other

races as slaves and even consider it an insult to breathe the same air as


In fact, Shakky also has some speculations about the power of the

Celestial Dragons. It is hard to imagine how they managed to make the

World Government and even the Marines submit to them, especially

considering how they treat Marines and World Government officials as if

they were nothing more than watchdogs. Even Admirals are considered

merely people with some status in their eyes.

And these arrogant Celestial Dragons still reign supreme over all the

races of the world to this day, which can only mean that they wield

absolutely terrifying power.

"Are you saying that the captain might be killed by the Celestial


Shakky asked with a furrowed brow.

Nicholas waved his hand, "Who knows, but I don't think the captain can

do what Joy Boy failed to do back then, even if the captain is hailed as

the strongest of this era. No one knows exactly what Joy Boy knew at the

time, but it is certain that Joy Boy failed.

So, Shakky, I need to consider the future of my comrades."

After that, the two continued to talk until late into the night before

Nicholas left Shakky's residence.

Under the blazing sun, Nicholas was practicing swordsmanship by the sea

on Beehive Island. The long sword in his hand sliced through the air,

giving off a chilling sensation.

Sixteen-year-old Nicholas wasn't as tall as the celebrities of the pirate

world, standing at only about 1.7 meters. Perhaps he might grow a few

centimeters taller in the future, but he probably won't reach the towering

heights of two or three meters, especially since he doesn't have Giant


However, despite not having the imposing physique of Whitebeard and

others, the perfect muscular contours still conveyed a sense of strength.

As he continued to feel the sensations from his hands, Nicholas heard

Vista's voice.

Vista looked somewhat strange, just informing Nicholas that Rocks had a

mission for them.

Don't think joining the Rocks Pirates is a good thing. Many things that

Rocks couldn't be bothered to do were simply delegated to the


"What mission?"

After sheathing his long sword, Nicholas asked.

"Not a difficult mission, it's about a king from a small country in the New

World who attacked the representative sent by the pirate crew to collect

tributes. Rocks wants us to exterminate the royal family of that country

to send a message to others."

"A king from a small country, is he that powerful?"

Nicholas was surprised to hear this. While many countries in the New

World are formidable, some even having military strength to rival top-

tier pirate crews, it's rare to see someone openly defy the will of Rocks,

especially a king.

"Who knows, maybe he's lost his mind, anyway, there are a few people

every year who don't think straight."

Vista said emotionlessly.

Three days later, at the dock of Taji Island in the New World, a group of

busy workers suddenly saw a ship appearing in the distance, and

Nicholas finally saw the target island.

"Vista, let's greet them first."

"Yes, Captain."

After Vista finished speaking, he turned and arranged for the pirates

under his to prepare for bombardment.

"Captain, isn't our mission just to destroy the royal family of this island?"

Simon looked at the pirates on deck starting to load cannonballs and

asked nervously.

"Simon, you're still so naive. You should know that the islands that can

survive in the New World are not like those weak ones in the Four Blues.

Let your Observation Haki 'see' what they have prepared to welcome us."

Nicholas looked at the distant dock and chuckled.

As Nicholas predicted, soldiers began to appear in large numbers on the

dock and on the towers along the coast, and cannons were aimed at them

one after another.

After ten minutes, the harbor was in chaos with flames everywhere, and

Nicholas stepped onto the dock.

It must be said that in the face of absolute strength, all resistance appears

feeble and powerless.

"You guys, you'll all meet a bad end."

A heavily injured soldier leaned against a pile of scattered goods, looking

at Nicholas with hatred.


Nicholas just nodded and walked directly towards the castle in the center

of the island. As for the soldier behind him, Vista approached and ended

his life with a single axe blow.

With his crew dealing with the remnants of resistance, Nicholas,

accompanied by Stussy, Vista, and Simon, walked through the streets.

The once bustling streets now seemed silent, and even the food on the

roadside stalls still carried warmth.

After receiving a string of grilled squid handed over by Stussy, Nicholas

tasted it. It must be said that although the taste was acceptable, it was

still not comparable to the taste of Sea Kings. Additionally, the energy

provided was inferior to that of Sea Kings as well.

Perhaps due to the peculiarities of the pirate world, as strength increases,

so does the appetite. At first, Nicholas could fill his stomach, but as his

strength increased, only consuming large amounts of food could make

him feel satiated.

This was also why he wanted to defeat a Near Sea King on his fourteenth

birthday—to satisfy his craving.

"Captain, we're here."


In front of Nicholas, there stood a castle towering like those in Western

fantasy novels, surrounded by massive walls several tens of meters high.

It's hard to imagine how such a small island managed to build such a

huge castle.

"This castle must have a history of thousands of years."

As Stussy gazed at the castle full of historical aura, a loud rumble echoed.

Then Vista put away his axe and grinned at Nicholas, "Captain, the door

is open."

"Then let's go in and see what gives the king of this country such


Then Nicholas took the lead and stepped into the split castle gate.

Inside the castle, it was eerily silent, as if everyone had vanished into

thin air before Nicholas and his crew arrived.

Candles, large and numerous, illuminated the dimly lit castle, brightening

it as if it were daytime.

In the spacious hall of the castle, on either side stood guards, either

armored models or real individuals. At the end of the hall was a grand

staircase, above which was a huge throne. In front of the throne knelt

hundreds of armored guards, weapons in hand.

And seated upon that massive throne was a figure clad in heavy armor,

holding a sword in both hands. He was none other than Tajji Bais, who

had ordered the envoy of the Rocks Pirates, sent as tribute, to be slain,

and he was the only king of the Tajji royal family in this generation!

Nicholas walked steadily, reaching the hall, and gazed at the person

sitting on the throne.

The person above the throne, perhaps due to Nicholas and his crew's

intrusion, raised his head.

"Oh... Rocks Pirates, Captain Nicholas, I didn't expect Rocks to send you.

I thought that guy would only send some of his subordinate pirate crews."

Tajji Bais spoke calmly, seemingly unsurprised by Nicholas's arrival.

"You don't seem surprised at all?"

Nicholas looked at Bais, who sat on the throne, and spoke.

"Of course not surprised, it just skipped some steps. In the original plan,

we were supposed kill Rocks's envoy first, then step by step lure out

higher combat power of the Rocks Pirates."

Bais paused after speaking, then glanced at Nicholas and said, "But I

didn't expect it would be you coming. It's a bit troublesome for me."

"I didn't want to come either, but there's no choice. That guy specifically

asked me to come. But I'm curious, what gave you the courage to

provoke that monster?"

Nicholas was genuinely curious. After all, Rocks's reputation in the New

World was immense. Though he demanded tribute from many islands in

the New World, it still fell short of the celestial gold demanded by the

Celestial Dragons. Moreover, in the New World, as long as tribute was

paid to Rocks, protection from the Rocks Pirates could be obtained.

This was the survival method of many countries in the New World,

exchanging money and goods with powerful pirate crews for their

protection. Just like the Whitebeard Pirates needing to maintain so many

pirates, the protection fees collected within the territory were the main

source of income, while the plundered loot was just the tip of the iceberg.

Nicholas couldn't understand why the World Government would risk the

wrath of the Sabre of Xebec to punish countries that didn't pay celestial


Why would Bais, risking retaliation from Rocks, do something that posed

harm to his own country?

Hearing this, a strange gleam flashed in Bais's eyes. Then, emotionlessly,

he said, "Haha, kid, perhaps you're underestimating the World

Government's power. And as for resisting the Rocks Pirates, isn't it an

interesting thing to do!?"

Saying so, Bais stood up, clenched his fist towards the front, "My soldiers,

let them witness your terror!"

Instantly, the hundreds of armored guards kneeling before Bais all tapped

their chests in unison with their left hands and bowed their heads, "We

pledge to defend the king's honor to the death!"


While Nicholas and his crew were inside the castle, a dense white mist

suddenly enveloped the entire Tajji Island, spreading rapidly towards the

entire island, seeming to engulf the entire island in no time.

"Ha... ha..."

In the foggy alleys of the Tajji Island slums, a little girl ran in panic, her

face pale, looking back in fear as if something terrifying was chasing her.


Due to not paying attention, she stumbled over a protruding stone and

fell helplessly to the ground.

But seemingly without considering the pain that came over her, the little

girl just looked at her body in panic, relieved to find no bleeding, and let

out a long breath.

Suddenly, footsteps came from behind, leaping on the rooftops.

The little girl's face was full of fear, then she looked at the garbage can

nearby, filled with various rubbish emitting a strong stench.

Without any hesitation, she threw herself into the garbage can,

continuously moving deeper into it. Soon, the various odors emanating

from the garbage covered her entire slender body.


Accompanied by the sound of footsteps moving away.

After a while, when there were no other sounds around, the little girl,

Katie, cautiously poked her head out of the trash can, looked around,

made sure there was no one, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

This was her chance to take out what she had in her arms. It was a

tattered cloth bag containing several moldy bread pieces.

"I'll bring food back for them."

Thinking of someone important, Katie encouraged herself repeatedly.

After all, whether it was the dense fog that made it almost impossible to

see a meter ahead or the terrifying scene she had witnessed while looking

for food earlier, it all gave her a bad feeling. She wanted to hurry back

home and bring the food to her family.

Looking at the somewhat moldy bread in front of her, Katie swallowed

her saliva.

"With this food, everyone will definitely survive. They must eat

something, or they will die."

Then she carefully put away the tattered bag, tucked it into her arms.

Just as Katie crawled out of the trash can and was about to run towards

home, a loud rumbling came from the direction of the castle where King

Bais of Tajji Island resided.

This sound caused Katie to slow down her pace. She had thought the

gunfire from the port before was caused by another group of pirates. Tajji

Island had encountered pirates before. But now, even the safest place on

the island was in conflict. Didn't that mean the pirates had successfully

breached the defenses on the dock?

Thinking of the various rumors she had heard before about pirates, Katie

became even more anxious. Although there was no treasure in her house,

facing the bloodthirsty pirates meant danger for her family!

At this moment, Katie had no idea that even if she went back to face the

danger with her family, as a child, she would be of little use.

Unknown enemy

TaJi Island, within the massive stone castle.

At this moment, this castle, which has stood for thousands of years, lies

in ruins, with fires burning everywhere and the sounds of fighting

echoing constantly.

"Monsters, monsters!"

"What on earth are these creatures?"

"Hey, Jil, where are you biting? I'm Old Bidden!"

It can be said that the revelation of King Bias's trump card has caused

huge trouble for the pirates brought by Nicholas.

Let's rewind to a short while ago.

As King Bias's words fell, the hundreds of armored soldiers began to

rapidly transform, much to the surprise of Nicholas and others.

Their arms became muscular, and their hands, originally holding swords,

turned into claws with sharp talons. Human faces were no longer visible,

replaced by wolf heads with jagged fangs and saliva constantly flowing

from their mouths.

With the transformation into werewolves, the speed and strength of these

people increased significantly, and anyone bitten by them would also

undergo the same transformation.

Before long, the pirates brought by Nicholas suffered heavy casualties,

with only a few strong pirates escaping death.

Facing a werewolf rushing towards him, Nicholas directly slashed it in

half with one stroke, then looked through the gap in the body towards

King Bias, who was in front of the throne, and smiled.

"So, is this your reliance?"

After Nicholas finished speaking, he gripped his long sword with both

hands and activated the "Thunder Discharge" with tiny lightning

traversing through his body, causing his entire figure to appear as after-

images fragmented in various corners of the hall.

Almost all the pirates and guards who turned into werewolves had not

reacted yet, feeling numbness first, then coldness, and finally a violent

pain, before losing consciousness completely.

After cutting the last werewolf into pieces, Nicholas shook off the blood

from his sword. Meanwhile, the hall had turned into a hellish scene, with

blood splattering everywhere and the floor littered with limbs and


Clap! Clap! Clap!

Faced with the hellish scene before them, everyone had little reaction.

After all, they had seen or done scenes bloodier than this.

"The captain of the 700 million bounty, the seventh division captain of

the Rocks Pirates, truly possesses terrifying strength!"

Facing the dead and wounded underlings, King Bias seemed to feel no

remorse at all, as if those who died were inconsequential, rather than

knights who had followed his family for generations.


Just as Nicholas was about to directly deal with King Bias in front of him,

a wolf howl suddenly came from a distance, seeming to trigger a chain

reaction. Wolf howls echoed all over the island at the same time.

Amidst the continuous howling, many werewolves ran out of the castle,

judging from the tattered clothes on them; they should have been former

castle staff.

King Bias's eyes suddenly turned bloodshot, and then he took out a green

syringe and injected it directly into his neck. Under the gaze of Nicholas

and others, King Bias transformed into a terrifying werewolf over ten

meters tall.


With an angry roar, a shockwave erupted from King Bias's mouth at a

visible speed, making the surrounding hall even more dilapidated.

Watching the werewolf-transformed King Bias, Nicholas silently grinned,

then picked up his long sword and charged forward.

Meanwhile, Vista held his massive shield in front, protecting Simon and

Stussy behind him.

"Idiot, two minutes."

Stussy, squatting on the ground studying the werewolf's corpse, said

without looking up to Vista.

"No problem!"

After saying that, Vista swung his axe and sent a pouncing werewolf


"Hey, what's going on, can you guys not talk like solving riddles? My

brain isn't enough, I can't understand!"

After shooting a werewolf flying into the air, Simon looked confused.

Since the Blood Banquet ended, he and Kaido naturally became trainees

of the Sabre of Xebec, but after witnessing the cold-blooded cruelty of the

Rocks Pirates, facing Nicholas's invitation, he chose to join Nicholas's

Seventh Division without hesitation. After all, compared to the unknown

Rockss, Nicholas, who saved his life, seemed more reliable.

However, after boarding the ship, he realized that the ordinary pirates on

Nicholas's ship were completely different from the recognized

companions of Nicholas. Like now, ordinary pirates, no matter how many

die, it doesn't matter. Besides Nicholas, the other two core members on

the ship, Vista and Stussy, are also strange fellows.

After rushing towards King Bias, Nicholas first shattered a werewolf

leaping at him with a sword, then kicked another werewolf next to him

directly away, and then chopped towards the werewolf-transformed King


Facing Nicholas's attack, King Bias did not retreat at all. It seemed that

after transforming into a werewolf, he only had the instinct and savagery

of battle left. The sharp claws, like long knives, collided with Nicholas's

long sword. When the long sword and claws touched, numerous sparks

flew out. Nicholas's sword was very sharp, but facing the sharp claws

covered with Armament Haki, it was not easy to cut them off. It seemed

that with the transformation into a werewolf, the opponent's Armament

Haki level had also increased.

Just as the two sides were deadlocked, a hint of cunning flashed in King

Bias's eyes. Then, his huge wolf head suddenly opened its bloody mouth

and bit towards Nicholas.

Nicholas seemed to have not reacted in time and was bitten on his side.

"Hey, the captain is about to be bitten."

Simon, watching the battlefield between Nicholas and King Bias in the

distance, said to Vista under his feet. Yes, he was standing on Vista's

head, using him as a sniper platform.

"Don't worry, the captain won't die so easily."

Vista said in a muffled voice, but his tone was full of confidence in

Nicholas's strength.

As Vista's words fell, it was clearly visible that the half of Nicholas's body

bitten began to emit dazzling lightning, and cracking sounds came from

the air. With a loud explosion, smoke billowed from King Bias's mouth,

and half of his face had disappeared, with some remaining flesh and

blood hanging on his face, emitting a burnt smell, and exposed bones

visible to the naked eye.

Meanwhile, Nicholas, with a flash of lightning, appeared unscathed ten

meters away from King Bias.

"The terrifying Color of Observation, Elementization in advance, huh? It's

indeed a troublesome ability."

King Bias's eyes, looking at Nicholas, were filled with more fear.

Just as Nicholas was about to speak, a sense of crisis suddenly came from

the side. This is Nicholas's Color of Observation, enhanced by the Goro

Goro no Mi's ability, the sixth sense, which can be said to never be


At the moment when the sense of crisis appeared, Nicholas made the

fastest action to block with his sword. With a clang, a bullet emitting the

breath of Sea Stone slid off the black blade.

Then, in Nicholas's perception, a ship quickly sailed away in the distance.

"Tch, they're escaping so fast." Nicholas said disdainfully.

Then he looked towards King Bias in front of him.

"You're not King Bias, are you?"

"Oh, you found out."

Werewolf King Bias looked at Nicholas and smiled, but with his blood-

stained face revealing his bones, he looked particularly eerie.

"I'm indeed not King Bias. As for my true identity, of course, I can't tell

you. Enjoy what's coming next."

As his words fell, a confused voice came out of King Bias's mouth.

"What's going on, how did I become like this!?"

King Bias, looking at the mess of the hall and the monster werewolves,

was filled with panic, especially when he realized that his perspective

seemed a bit different. When he looked down and found that he had also

turned into a monster, he was even more overwhelmed.


"It's truly sad, isn't it? Being controlled and knowing nothing about it?"

Nicholas showed no sympathy at all for the kneeling King Bias. In the

sea, if one's strength isn't formidable enough, they don't even qualify as

pawns. At most, they are expendable cannon fodder.

"Nicholas! Did you do all this!?" Under immense stress, King Bias, who

had regained his composure, seemed on the verge of losing control again.

Nicholas didn't bother to explain. He simply cleaved him in half with a

single stroke and then walked toward the door. After all, with the

constant howling of wolves all over the island, it was evident that the

island was now infested with these creatures.

Just as Nicholas took a few steps, he suddenly felt something and turned

around to find King Bias, now in two pieces, reaching out to grab his

trouser leg. Meeting Nicholas's gaze, King Bias struggled to speak.

"Lord Nicholas, please save me and my people. I can give you all the

wealth accumulated by the royal family!" After saying this, King Bias spat

out a mouthful of blood and looked at Nicholas expectantly.

"I really don't understand you kings. You didn't care about the lives of

your subjects when you were in power, but when you're about to die, you

want to be a good ruler. How boring." Nicholas didn't look back and

walked in the direction of Stussy and the others. All that was left behind

was the massive body of King Bias, lying prostrate on the ground.

"Stussy, any results yet?" Nicholas looked at the colorful mushroom-

covered wolf corpses in front of Stussy, asking nonchalantly. Meanwhile,

Vista, intrigued, was playing with the wolf corpses on the ground, clearly

curious about how they could change from humans to another species so

quickly. Only Simon, watching his two companions, felt that his breakfast

might be wasted today.

"Almost," Stussy answered without lifting her head. When Vista, the big

fool, asked how long it would take for results, she had said two minutes.

Thus, she had to deliver the results within that time frame. Time was

running out, and she couldn't afford to waste any.

Seeing this, Nicholas, who knew Stussy's temperament, didn't say much

more. He instructed the pirates, who were heavily wounded, "Go get your

loot. Take as much as you can, but don't think of being greedy with what

needs to be turned in. And of course, you can try not turning it in and see

if you can dodge the lightning above your heads."

With that, he waved his hand, indicating that his pirates could plunder

the castle. After all, being a pirate meant looting, and this was also a way

to make his men contribute during the battle.

"Nicholas, things seem to be getting complicated." As the pirates scattered

to plunder, Stussy stood up from the ground. Her calm tone didn't reveal

any sense of complication.

"These people seem to be infected by something, likely the ability of a

Devil Fruit. Their forms have changed with the infection. Their cells can

regenerate rapidly, except against silver, which prevents their

extraordinary regeneration ability. In other words, the only advantage of

silver weapons lies in their ability to cause wounds that are nearly

impossible to heal," Stussy explained calmly.

"Oh, this is terrifying. Can you not talk about such terrifying things so

casually?" Simon was wiping the sea prism stone bullet that Nicholas had

blocked earlier, as it was quite rare. However, upon hearing Stussy's

words, he was stunned. If what Stussy said was true, it would be very

easy to destroy the island, even the world.

"Doesn't this ability have any limitations?" Nicholas asked in a deep

voice, as if such a bug-like ability could change the landscape of the

pirate world.

Just like when facing Monkey D. Luffy, Kaido, But their abilities are weak

compared to monsters like luffy or Kaido .

Such as Kaido. Using Flame Cloud to support Onigashima, experienced

significant reductions in his ability, as maintaining the ability of a Devil

Fruit requires a considerable amount of stamina.

"Well, these monsters won't produce new ones even if they reach a

certain number after being infected. Their strength will change

significantly over time. The later they are infected, the weaker they will

be. This may be limited by the strength of the source mother. Even if

they are weak, dealing with ordinary people is straightforward, and once

killed, new monsters will take their place, maintaining a certain number,"

Stussy provided a brief overview to Nicholas.

"So, is this island finished?" Simon immediately looked at Nicholas and

said, "Captain, let's run."

"Are they really infected?" Nicholas squinted his eyes. From King Bias and

his guards turning into werewolves to the appearance of werewolves

dressed in castle staff clothing, he had this feeling.

It seemed that the person who caused all this was not simple. With the

appearance of the thick fog on the island and the sniper shots that

reached far distances, there were now three strong opponents.

"Stussy, do you have a solution?" Nicholas looked at the disappearing fog

outside and the slaughter that filled the island, asking.

"Yes, although this infection is derived from the ability of a Devil Fruit,

it's ultimately just an infectious disease. As long as we can develop a

vaccine, it can be resolved. However, it will take time, probably about

ten minutes."

"Okay, let's wait ten minutes then," Nicholas turned around and crossed

over the corpse of King Bias, sitting on the throne.

Meanwhile, on a large ship several sea miles away from Taji Island, three

mysterious figures wearing strange masks and draped in oversized white

clothes gathered in a cabin.

"I didn't expect it to be Nicholas. What bad luck."

"Yeah, if it were Wang Zhi or John, this plan might have succeeded. After

all, it continuously produces troops at the cost of an island."

"What's the use of saying this now? But how should we report back about

this incident? After all, although Taji Island isn't a large island, it's still a

medium-sized one in the New World. Someone has to take responsibility

for its destruction."

"It doesn't matter. This time it's an issue of intelligence failure, which has

nothing to do with us."

"Sigh, I thought we could rest after this mission, but it seems I was

expecting too much."

"Haha, rest? Who knows what Rocks wants to do now. He has already

encountered so many dangerous people. I guess we'll have a tough battle



"Users with abilities... can really be troublesome."

Nicholas found himself somewhat troubled as well. The Devil Fruit

abilities in the world of pirates were sometimes too outrageous. Even for

the strong ones, if they weren't careful, they could get into quite a mess.

Some abilities were almost invincible. Natural and animal types were

relatively easier to deal with, but some superhuman abilities were just

unbelievably overpowered.

As Nicholas lay on his throne, pondering whether to seize the

opportunity to have Shakky help him gather a Devil Fruit compendium,

his 'vision' suddenly caught an interesting scene.

A frail little girl was cautiously weaving through dirty, dilapidated alleys.

It seemed she was aware of the monsters roaming the city and

deliberately disguised herself with various garbage and sewer sludge to

confuse their senses.

Nicholas followed the girl through complex alleys, across commercial

streets, and into a narrow alley. Eventually, he saw the girl stop in front

of a wall.

After looking around vigilantly and confirming no one was there, she

struggled to move a stone.

With the stone moved, a small hole appeared beneath the wall.

After entering the hole, the girl laboriously replaced the stone.

In Nicholas's 'observation', the girl, familiar with the dark cave, moved

downwards as if it were a familiar path she had taken countless times.

"Urban 'cave dwellers,' huh? Quite interesting."

Watching the girl's destination, Nicholas showed a keen interest.

He thought many events in his previous life were unbelievable, but in the

pirate world, what he saw surpassed the incredibility of his past world.

After all, at least that world had some order. In this world ruled by

strength, the life of the lower class was incredibly harsh.

Soon, the girl passed through the long darkness and came across an

underground factory emitting continuous black smoke in front of her.

Seemingly completely separated from the world above, the people here

were unaware of what was happening on the surface.

The huge factory emitted black smoke, even darkening the ceiling of the

underground world, with a man-made black canopy, leaving the entire

underground space without any light except for the light from the


The girl cautiously ran towards a rock face where numerous caves were

visible, many of them containing life forms with extremely weak life

forces, lying inside without even a table or any other furniture, only a

dirty bed.

The girl hugged her bundle tightly and looked around vigilantly. She

knew that the creatures here were more terrifying than those outside, so

when she entered one of the caves:

"Mom, Dad!"

The girl exclaimed hastily.

Inside the cave, a pair of thin men and women lay on tattered bedding,

showing signs of not having eaten for a long time, their emaciation


The man weakly reached out and touched the girl's head, saying weakly,

"Katie, Mom is asleep, be quiet, don't wake her up."


The girl looked at her peacefully sleeping mother and hesitated to speak.

Then, seeming to remember something, she quickly took out the bundle

from her arms and, after unfolding it, said to the man lying down, "Dad,

food. If you don't eat soon, you'll end up like Uncle Gik next door, taken

away for recycling."

Seeing the slightly moldy bread in the bundle, the man's face showed a

gentle smile. He touched the girl's head affectionately and said softly,

"Katie, eat. And when Dad falls asleep, you must find a way to leave here.

Dad knows that with Katie's intelligence, you can definitely do it."

After speaking, the man glanced at his peacefully sleeping wife.

Sometimes death was a relief for those like them, refugees on the high



With a soft sound, the man's hand fell weakly to the ground.

And Katie seemed to realize something. She hurriedly stuffed the slightly

moldy bread from the bundle into the man's mouth, but no matter how

she stuffed it, the man seemed unable to chew.

Watching her motionless parents, Katie stopped her actions, tears

streaming down her face.

With a soft sound, when Katie turned her head, she suddenly found a

strange man beside her. His face was not as pale and numb as the others

here, and his body was obviously very healthy, and his clothes were


"Sometimes, human life is so fragile. Life itself has no meaning, but in the

process of living, you may find interesting things. So, are you willing to

board my ship?"

Actually, Nicholas couldn't save the man in front of him. Because his life

flame had long been on the verge of extinguishing at any moment, which

is to say, his life potential had been drained by long-term overwork.

Hearing the strange man in front of her saying strange words, Katie

wiped away her tears and said, "Can you save my parents?"

"I can't do it now, but maybe in the future."

Nicholas spoke.

"Okay, then I'll join you."

"I'm Albert Nicholas. From today on, I will be your captain."

"I'm Katie Remy-Ness. From today on, I will follow Captain Albert

Nicholas and become the most loyal follower of the captain!"

Katie looked at her peacefully sleeping parents, wiped away her tears,

and tried to act like a little adult.

Nicholas took out a candy from his pocket, tore open the packaging, and

handed it to her, "It's very sweet. Would you like to try it?"

Very fragrant...

Extremely fragrant.

Katie looked at the white candy emitting a strong fragrance in Nicholas's

hand, and swallowed her saliva reluctantly.

"Eat it, my future chef."

Nicholas handed Stussy's homemade candy to her lips, and Katie couldn't

resist licking it lightly. Just this lick made her feel an unprecedented

happiness. Was this the taste of candy?

"Let's go, it's time to calculate. Stussy and the others should have finished

by now."

Saying that, Nicholas planned to get up and walk outside.

Katie followed Nicholas blankly. Obviously, in her consciousness now,

Nicholas would be the one she followed.

When she saw the guards patrolling in uniform and armor, Katie pulled

Nicholas's clothes corner to signal him to hide, because in Katie's

consciousness, these armored guards were the masters of this

underground world.

With several lightning bolts appearing out of thin air, the entire patrol

guard fell to the ground.

"Oh, by the way, how did you get here?"


After a moment, Katie reacted and recounted how they arrived.

In Katie's words, they were refugees at sea. As for refugees, they were

people who couldn't afford to pay taxes. They were deprived of their

identities and could only wander at sea. People like them were often the

favorite prey of some slave traders.

Katie's parents saw the recruitment notice from the Taji royal family and

came here. They originally intended to find a job and settle down, but

they didn't expect that after the Taji royal family gathered them from the

dock, they were brought here directly, followed by endless labor.

As for Katie, because she was too young, she escaped a calamity.

Katie also found the secret passage to the world above in her wandering.

"So, this is the legendary human battery. After being used up, it's

scrapped, isn't it? It's really the cheapest labor to the extreme."

Meeting of top marine executives

The headquarters of the Navy, Marineford,an emergency meeting is being


The meeting includes many figures familiar to Nicholas, as well as many

Navy commanders he hasn't encountered before.

Among them are the young Navy Vice Admirals, Sengoku, Iron Fist Garp,

Black Arm Zephyr, and a beautiful and slender Navy staff officer named


These four individuals are contemporaries in the Navy and are

considered the most outstanding Navy commanders of their generation,

even being identified as the successors to the next generation of Navy


At this time, the Navy headquarters has only one Admiral, who is Kong,

the future supreme commander of the World Government's armed forces.

The other two Navy Admirals, one is stationed at the G1 Branch in the

New World, while the other is sweeping through pirates in the New

World. It's more like waiting on the outskirts of the Mary Geoise area for

pirates venturing out of this unpredictable sea to fall into the net. They

also stand by to support G1 at any time. After all, it's quite inadequate to

have only one Admiral stationed at the G1 Branch against the Rocks


Therefore, the Navy headquarters only has Admiral Kong on duty.

As for the Navy Marshal of this generation, he was killed by the stubborn

Rocks several years ago, a battle that solidified Rocks' reputation as the

strongest and most ruthless pirate in the world.

The Navy Marshal led the Buster Call, with two Admirals assisting, in a

fierce battle with the Rocks Pirates in a certain sea area of the New

World. The two Admirals were intercepted by Whitebeard and Golden

Lion respectively, while the remaining Navy forces were blocked by other

members of the Rocks Pirates and affiliated pirate groups.

That battle could be described as a heavy loss for the Navy, with the

Navy Marshal being killed in a direct confrontation with Rocks. If it

weren't for the timely support from the Navy and the World Government,

the other two Admirals might have been left in that sea area.

Because of that battle, Rocks' name resounded throughout the world,

even weakening the influence of the World Government and the Navy in

the New World. The World Government deliberately issued a policy.

That is, it's crucial for the Navy Marshal to remain at the Navy

headquarters and not to venture into the New World without the World

Government's orders!

After all, news of a Navy Marshal's death has shaken the prestige of the

World Government. If it were to happen again, the Navy and even the

World Government would lose all credibility in this vast sea.

Even the haughty Celestial Dragons regard the New World and the

increasingly turbulent sea as a fierce beast, reluctant to leave the

sanctuary of Mary Geoise easily.

For them, the presence of Navy, World Government, and Celestial Dragon

security forces in Mary Geoise provides relative safety. However, once

outside, they are truly vulnerable to attacks.

For those pirates, crossing paths with the Celestial Dragons means death,

but they can always flee to the New World to seek refuge under Rocks,

the man known as the enemy of the world.

At this moment, Kong looked at the news that just came from the New

World with a worried expression and sighed, "The Rocks Pirates' actions

are getting bolder. They've even begun to engage with various factions.

The situation is becoming increasingly grim. G7 and G11 have also been

captured by pirate groups led by Charlotte Linlin and captain John

respectively. What are your thoughts, everyone? Please speak up."

"Admiral Kong, I wanted to ask when we'll receive reinforcements?. With

the Rocks Pirates' actions increasing, our personnel and logistics are

getting strained," Tsuru asked Kong, as a candidate for the next Chief of

Staff of the Navy. Currently, the Navy headquarters has deliberately

delegated some authority to Tsuru.

"The headquarters informed us that it will take some time for the World

Government to discuss. Of course, we all know that this is just a stalling

tactic. For now, I will temporarily assume the position of Navy Marshal

on behalf of the headquarters. This appointment is not public yet, as they

cannot afford another blow of losing a Navy Marshal.

As for supplies and personnel, the World Government has stated that

there are no restrictions. There's no limit on our military spending,

recruitment, and losses," Kong said, chuckling sarcastically afterward.

Naturally, the Navy is a crucial asset for the World Government to

counter Rocks, so resources are readily available.

After Kong finished speaking, he looked at Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr, Tsuru,

and others. These individuals will soon assume the positions of Navy

Admirals and Navy Staff Officers.

With the abilities of Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr, and others, they are fully

capable of becoming Navy Admirals.

The reason they haven't become Navy Admirals yet is simply because the

number of Navy Admirals is sufficient.

However, Navy Admiral positions should open up soon.

Garp noticed the solemn expressions of others in the meeting room and

casually said, "Since those parasites have opened up the supply of

resources, can I get three years of free doughnuts?"

Seeing Garp's nonchalant attitude and disrespectful demeanor, Kong

slammed the table and shouted, "Garp, show some respect! We're facing

the Rocks Pirates, not ordinary pirates! Whether it's Whitebeard or

Golden Lion, they are not easy opponents! If we're not careful, we'll end

up dead!"

Despite hearing Kong's serious tone, Garp remained indifferent and

stuffed a handful of crackers into his mouth, laughing carelessly, "Dead?

Haven't we made the decision to join the Navy from the day we enlisted?

What does death matter for maintaining peace on the seas? We're all

going to die eventually. Isn't that right, Sengoku?"

As Garp spoke, crumbs sprayed out of his mouth, leaving Sengoku

looking annoyed.

"Garp! Be serious, and no more bringing food to the meeting room!" Kong

looked at his favorite Navy disciple, Garp, feeling a headache. If things

go as expected, Garp will become one of the strongest Navy Admirals in


Then he turned to Zephyr, Sengoku, and Tsuru. Obviously, Kong no

longer holds high hopes for Garp's behavior.

"I personally think the threat posed by the Rocks Pirates is too great.

Their top-tier strength even surpasses that of the Navy," Zephyr said,

adjusting the Goldenen wire glasses on his nose seriously.

"If we let this pirate group go unchecked, it will seriously endanger world

security. So I believe we must eliminate them before they do anything

more dangerous," Sengoku added.

"But the Rocks Pirates' strength is comparable, if not superior, to that of

the Navy headquarters. And whether it's intelligence from CP or our

Navy's intelligence system, Rocks has been recently making contact with

some dangerous individuals. Once a real battle breaks out and those

monsters join in, victory may not be ours. Unless the World Government

dispatches top-tier forces to assist, our entire Navy may collapse. So the

current issue lies with the intentions of the World Government," Tsuru

expressed after sharing her opinion. The communication between Kong

and the World Government is quite close within the Navy.

"The World Government is still deliberating," Kong said tactfully.

Upon hearing this, silence fell in the meeting room.

Garp poured the remaining crackers into his mouth, the sound echoing in

the room.

However, this time, Kong didn't mind. After all, the actions of the World

Government indeed left people speechless.

"Heh, it seems those guys' suspicions are quite heavy," Zephyr chuckled

and didn't say anything more.

Tsuru also took out several wanted posters and placed them on the table.

"Take a look, everyone. Apart from the Rocks Pirates, another group of

pirates has emerged in the past two years and is gaining momentum on

the seas. Their strength can even be said to be second only to the Rocks


She analyzed this pirate group and felt that their threat was no less than

that of the Rocks Pirates. After all, the Rocks Pirates were essentially

gathered together by Rocks' powerful strength, but this Roger Pirates

group's cohesion was evidently incomparable to that of the Rocks Pirates.

The Oro Jackson

"Oh, the pirate crew that even you, Tsuru, treat so seriously seems to be

another troublesome bunch, huh? What are they called?"

Although Tsuru is a Vice Admiral in the Navy, just like her nickname

"Steel Bone," she excels more in combat. As for administrative matters,

they are usually handled by her subordinates. Moreover, with the mess

caused by the Rocks Pirates, she hasn't had time to pay attention to other

pirate crews at sea.

"They're called the Roger Pirates, a rapidly growing pirate crew. They

have strong officers on board, and they follow an elite path.

Apart from the captain, there are two individuals we need to focus on,

namely Rayleigh and Gaban. From what we gather, their strength is

currently on par with Navy Vice Admirals. Additionally, they have a

group of powerful combatants. According to intelligence, they have

clashed with both Whitebeard's crew and the Golden Lion Pirates, who

are under Rocks, but the battles were evenly matched."

Vice Admiral Tsuru honestly conveyed the intelligence.

After careful consideration, Kong nodded. "Indeed, they seem like a tricky

bunch. However, we currently don't have the spare resources or

manpower to deal with this pirate crew. The Rocks Pirates are our most

pressing concern now. As for the Roger Pirates, Tsuru, have the staff at

the headquarters focus on them. We'll deal with them after we've dealt

with the Rocks Pirates."

Upon hearing Kong's words, the young and beautiful Vice Admiral Tsuru

frowned slightly. However, she didn't say much because everything Kong

said was true. But thinking about the intelligence on the Roger Pirates,

she couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

She believed that the Roger Pirates were no less a threat than the Rocks

Pirates. However, one was a future threat while the other was a threat

already looming. She knew which one took priority.

What could she do? She couldn't do much. She couldn't expect herself, a

civilian official, to wield a sword and confront those monsters head-on.

Meanwhile, Garp heard about the Roger Pirates, and his eyes flashed

with a complex expression.

A few years ago, when he went to the East Blue to see his son, he

encountered the Roger Pirates. Back then, the Roger Pirates were just a

small group. They even had a drink together after a fight.

He didn't expect that guy to become famous now, just as he said when

they drank together. He had started to make a name for himself on the


While the Navy was in a meeting, Nicholas and others on Taji Island

were having their discussions.

"Who's this, Captain?" Simon asked curiously, looking at Katie behind


"She's going to be our chef from now on," Nicholas replied.

Upon hearing Nicholas' words, Simon smiled kindly at Katie.

Beside them, Stussy stood up and looked at Katie, who was holding onto

Nicholas' sleeve.

"Katie, let me introduce you. This is Stussy, that's Simon, and the big guy

is Vista."

"Stussy, Simon, Vista, Hello" Katie greeted timidly.

"Stussy, is it done?" Nicholas asked Stussy.

"Yes, it's done."

Stussy then went to a window in the castle, took off her gloves, revealing

her pure white hands. With a gust of wind, a purple smoke flew out from

Stussy's hand and quickly spread to every corner of the island.

The werewolves, who were wreaking havoc on the island, fell to the

ground after inhaling the purple smoke and slowly turned into a pile of

liquid emitting a strange odor under the sunlight.

Almost at the moment when these werewolves disappeared, one of the

three mysterious figures on the ship suddenly looked towards Taji Island,

obviously in disbelief.

The next day, Nicholas and his crew began to sail back.

As for the ravaged Taji Island, it had nothing to do with them. After all,

indirectly saving their lives was already a big deal.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, as the pirates on the lookout observed

through their telescopes, they suddenly spotted a black dot in the


"There's a ship appearing at three o'clock! They've also spotted us and are

heading towards us!"

Nicholas, who was watching Vista exercise on the deck, swiftly moved.

When he appeared again, he was already on the lookout tower.

At this moment, the pirates on the lookout finally saw clearly the flag on

the sails and the distinctive figurehead of the ship approaching from the

stern. Especially when they saw the person standing on the bow, their

pupils contracted.

Then, a cry of surprise rang out suddenly.

"That flag! It's—"

"The Oro Jackson!!"

Upon hearing this distinctive ship name, Nicholas took the telescope from

the pirate next to him, and the once distant black dot suddenly became


On the undulating waves, a pirate ship with red sails was sailing swiftly

towards Nicholas' location.

A red skull flag rushed into their sight, with two curly mustaches clearly

indicating the identity of the ship.

The Oro Jackson!

Nicholas' expression turned grave as he looked at the ship.

Through the telescope, the first thing that caught his eye was a man

sitting cross-legged at the bow, wearing a red captain's coat and a yellow

spotted headband. He had a mustache, and it seemed like he noticed

Nicholas' gaze, grinning widely.


Nicholas felt a shock, then took a deep breath.

"Do you want my treasure? If you want it, you can have it all! Go find it!

I've put everything I own in that place!!"

This last sentence, uttered before his death, drove the world into madness

and prompted countless people to venture into the sea, heralding the era

of pirates.

Looking back, a man with short golden hair, standing straight with a

smile on his face, came into view.

The Dark King! Silvers Rayleigh!

Scopper Gaban!


"Everyone, be on high alert! Hoist the sails, change course, and retreat at

full speed!"

Eight large letters resounded throughout the ship, stunning everyone.

Immediately, the pirates on the ship began to bustle about.

As for tangling with Roger, if it were just Nicholas alone, he wouldn't

mind engaging in a battle with the Pirate King himself. After all, even the

Rocks Pirates couldn't stop him if he wanted to leave. But now, he wasn't

alone; he had his comrades.

And this wasn't a story with over a thousand episodes, where deaths

could be counted on two hands; this was the real world.

He didn't believe that the other side would show mercy in a fight.

Standing at the bow, Nicholas' eyes were sharp as he stared at the

growing black dot behind them.

Pirate King Roger!

The Oro Jackson was sailing very fast, seemingly not intending to let

them go.

After all, in the New World, they had been chased by the Rocks Pirates

more than once. Now that they had the chance to vent their frustrations

on a pirate crew under Rocks, why would they let it go so easily?

"Oh? Interesting, that pirate ship is accelerating. It seems they intend to

flee without a fight."

Rayleigh chuckled, his eyes showing curiosity.

"The captain of the Seventh Division, Nicholas, is indeed an interesting

person," Gaban said, taking a swig from his bottle. It could be said that

encountering the main force pirate crew under Rocks, both sides were

basically in for a fight, so it was the first time they had seen someone run

without fighting.

"Rayleigh, they're about to attack. Get everyone ready!"

Rayleigh, noticing the approaching threat, immediately prepared his

crew for battle.

Sitting cross-legged at the bow of the ship, Roger suddenly dropped his

smile, his expression subtly changing. He stared intently at the faint blue

glow emanating from the stern of the approaching pirate ship, a

sensation of unease gripping him.

Kamu Sari

On Nicholas's pirate ship, a group of pirates nervously watched the red-

sailed ship behind them, which was getting closer.

Their foreheads were sweating, but there was not a trace of fear on their

faces. After all, when they embarked on the sea, death was just a matter

of time for them.

"Are you all afraid?" Suddenly, a loud shout came from the deck.

It was Stussy's shout. They were not unfamiliar with the pirate group

behind them, having seen other pirate groups under Rocks's command in


Although the battles were evenly matched, Rocks's pirates usually

suffered heavy losses, especially when facing Roger's elite crew.

However, nobody replied immediately. After a brief moment, a childish

voice spoke up.

"Not afraid!"

Seeing Katie's determined face, Stussy smiled and ruffled her hair.

Although Nicholas also aimed for the elite route, in Stussy's eyes, to

become the ruler of the sea, one must have a massive force. The pirates'

behavior disappointed her because without a common resolve to face

death, they were just passengers on the ship, not true companions.

"Simon, your Observation Haki is quite talented."

At the stern, Nicholas stood on the railing, watching the approaching Oro

Jackson without looking back, with Simon and Vista behind him.

"Now, I'll teach you how to use Observation Haki for long-range attacks."

Without waiting for Simon's response, Nicholas's voice came again. It

seemed he had seen the future Pirate King in the distance, as a smile

appeared on his lips.

Then, he took out a metal sphere from his pocket.

Staring ahead at Oro Jackson, which was getting closer to their group,

the light in Nicholas's eyes became sharper.

"Believe me, what happens next will be unforgettable!"

At the same time, on Oro Jackson.

"Hey, Captain, are you kidding? At this distance, even that guy from the

Golden Lion wouldn't pose much of a threat to us, right?"

Fishman Sunbell scratched his fish head, unable to understand why the

captain suddenly became so serious. He couldn't forget how the captain

had reacted when the Golden Lion had dropped a small island on them

from the sky.

"Sunbell, the captain surely has his reasons. Don't you remember last


Nodding, Nozdon patted Sunbell's shoulder.

At almost the same instant, a sense of foreboding gripped everyone in

Roger's crew. All of their expressions turned serious.

In the silent sea, the sense of threat emanating from the rear of the

fleeing pirate ship was palpable.

"What a terrifying guy!"

Gaban put the bottle on his waist, his voice serious and focused. Even

Roger and Rayleigh could only vaguely perceive what was in the light,

but they couldn't grasp it with their Observation Haki.


He unsheathed Ace, and then, armed with Busoshoku Haki, he said with

a solemn expression, "Here it comes!"

"What is... that?"

With a hint of confusion, a loud explosion!

In just an instant, a dazzling attack tore through the air with unparalleled

momentum, cutting through the sea with such speed that it left a trench!

Even Roger and Rayleigh could only vaguely perceive what was in the

light, but they couldn't grasp it with their Observation Haki.

"Kamu sari!"

Roger brandished his huge sword toward Nicholas's direction, speaking



Meanwhile, on Nicholas's ship.

Watching the incoming cannonballs, Nicholas said to Vista, "Let's play

with them. Also, prepare the barrel bombs. We're ready to retreat at any


"All gun positions, be ready! Open fire on the sides!"

Vista's roar echoed throughout the ship.

With the ship's trajectory, pirates on Nicholas's ship ignited the fuses and

fired cannons from the side.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the blink of an eye, with the sharp smell of gunpowder and the sharp

whistling through the air, cannonballs traced parabolas and whizzed

toward the enemy ship.


Sitting cross-legged at the bow, Roger watched the incoming cannonballs

with interest, unmoving.



Behind him, with a burst of air, Rayleigh, Gaban, and others jumped up,

intercepting all the cannonballs in mid-air. The explosions resonated

around the pirate ship.

Rayleigh's dark secret

However, Nicholas wasn't so lucky. Many crew members were lost on

Taji Island earlier, and now there weren't enough people on the ship.

In terms of high-end combat power, they were no match for the Roger

Pirates. So, despite blocking some cannonballs, a few still hit the ship's

hull, and even two unfortunate souls were directly killed by one

cannonball each.

"Continue the bombardment!"

After deflecting a cannonball aimed at Katie and Stussy with his shield,

Vista shouted loudly at the pirates on the ship.

Soon, another round of cannon fire erupted.

However, the result remained the same. Faced with the mighty Roger

Pirates, ordinary cannon attacks were completely ineffective.

After exchanging dozens of waves of cannonballs, the sea was shrouded

in white mist, yet the Roger Pirates remained unscathed.

On the other hand, Nicholas's ship had already been hit in more than a

dozen places, resulting in numerous casualties.

"They're still three hundred meters away!"

As the lookout pirate spoke, the pirates on Nicholas's ship moved faster.

They knew very well what it meant to engage in direct combat with such

a powerful pirate crew.

Just as the pirates on the lookout were about to continue observing, they

suddenly felt a piercing sensation in their forehead. However, it was only

momentary, and then their consciousness dissipated, and the person fell

directly from the lookout.

"Give me a cannonball!"

At that moment, Vista suddenly spoke up.

The pirates nearby heard his words without any hesitation and brought

over a box of cannonballs.

Vista picked up a cannonball with five fingers, felt its weight in his hand,

and then his eyes flashed with sharpness.

Under the gaze of the surrounding pirates, he used the power of his waist

to gently rotate his body, then gripped the cannonball with his right



The muscles in his arm bulged, and the sound of friction from his

shoulder joint was clearly audible.

Suddenly, Vista let out a roar, and the cannonball in his hand flew

towards the distant Roger Pirates.

For some people on the open sea, the power of a cannon sometimes paled

in comparison to the power of a cannonball thrown by hand.


A huge explosion resounded less than thirty meters in front of the Roger

Pirates, and some fragments even splashed onto the ship.

"Oh, the power of the cannonballs has increased."

A swordsman sheathed his long sword and rubbed his nose.

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

In an instant, several black cannonballs turned into streaks of light,

accompanied by whistling sounds, continuously bombarding the Oro


"Rayleigh, don't let these cannonballs damage the ship. Tom said he'd

charge extra if we need maintenance again!"

Roger still sat at the bow of the ship, shouting at Rayleigh who was

fishing on the deck.

"Haha, then give me the wine you got last time, and I'll take care of the

ship's maintenance in the future!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As Rayleigh's figure disappeared and then reappeared in mid-air, leaving

behind only continuous explosions.

"Rayleigh, did you already drink my wine?"

Ignoring the explosions, Roger asked Rayleigh the question he cared

about most now. After all, based on his understanding of Rayleigh, if he

mentioned conditions, he had probably already done something about it.

"Cough, it's not just me, Gaban also had some."

Rayleigh ruthlessly exposed Gaban, who was diligently defending nearby.

"Hey, Rayleigh, didn't you say the captain gave it to you?"

In mid-air, one of the three men in gold, silver, and bronze faces gave

Rayleigh incredulous looks.

Just as the three were joking around, the situation changed again.

"What is that?!"

"So terrifying!"

"Is it thundering?"

Many people stared at the sky in shock. The once clear sky was now

covered in dark clouds, with huge lightning bolts appearing

intermittently. Within these dark clouds, a terrifying monster stuck out

its head, and its body could be vaguely seen wandering within the

clouds. After roaring, it charged straight towards the Oro Jackson.

"Don't let it hit our ship!"

Roger shouted loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Rayleigh and Gaban leaped into action,

swords unsheathed and axes swinging, covered in invisible Haki that

enhanced their defense and attack power. Even their bodies were covered

in Haki, as if they had been coated with a magical membrane.

Besides capturing the flow of natural elements, Haki was mainly used to

enhance one's defense and attack power.

In the world of pirates, many physical monsters paired with Haki were

like war machines.


The two figures holding a long sword and double axes directly entered

the mouth of the Thunder Dragon.


At that moment, the air seemed to freeze.


A tremendously loud explosion echoed through the sky. The scattered

lightning seemed like the roar of the heavens, and in the blink of an eye,

a huge shockwave swept over a hundred meters, causing splashes of

water to fly everywhere.

The residual force of the lightning swept in all directions, causing a slight

numbness in the bodies of the people nearby.

"Oh my god!"

Simon's pupils contracted in fear. He had witnessed Nicholas disappear

and then the Thunder Dragon appear.


Footsteps sounded as Rayleigh and Gaban descended from the sky. When

they stood on the deck, their eyes became somewhat serious as they

watched the slowly moving thunderclouds.

"What a terrifying guy."

Roger looked at Nicholas's figure on the deck and said.

"But coming alone to our ship, isn't that a bit too confident?"

Rayleigh looked up at Nicholas and smiled, with a sharp gleam in his

eyes as he spoke.

Although he acknowledged Nicholas's terrifying strength, he believed

that even Whitebeard or the Golden Lion wouldn't dare to be so arrogant

in front of the Roger Pirates.

"I have no ill intentions. Otherwise, things wouldn't be like this now. Of

course, if you have any ideas, then I have nothing to say. It just shows

that the Roger Pirates' tolerance is only this much."

Nicholas shrugged casually.

"Haha, interesting guy."

Roger laughed and leaped to Nicholas's side.

"Aren't you and Captain Rocks, thinking of overthrowing the World

Government? How come you still have time to wander around?"

Roger said nonchalantly.

"Ah, circumstances. After all, I'm not as powerful as Captain Roger. I can

still be active in the New World's waters even after repeatedly refusing

Captain Rocks's invitations. By the way, you should be approaching the

end of the Grand Line soon, right?"

Nicholas sat down cross-legged and asked casually.

Hearing Nicholas's words, Roger and Rayleigh exchanged glances, both

showing a hint of shock. After all, this matter was known only to them.

"How did you know?"

"He told me."

Nicholas pointed directly at Rayleigh.

A sharp light flashed in Rayleigh's eyes, and he said coldly, "Kid, don't

talk nonsense!"

For pirates, revealing the location and purpose of their pirate crew was a

big problem. Whether it was known by their opponents or the Marines, it

posed a huge threat.

"Didn't you go to Sister Shakky and even offer your body and soul to beg

her to help collect various information about the end of the world in


Listening to Nicholas's retort, Rayleigh was speechless.

While Roger and Gaban looked at Rayleigh as if they had heard some

earth-shattering news.

Seeing the gaze of his comrades, Rayleigh quickly said, "It's not like what

this brat said, you guys listen to me explain!"


"Hahaha, I didn't expect you, Rayleigh, to also be in the spring of love. I

must have been negligent as the captain for not noticing this," Roger

jovially remarked as he wrapped his arm around Rayleigh and laughed.

"Hey, have you gone crazy or something?" Rayleigh felt annoyed and

embarrassed by Roger's embarrassing words and the crew's gossiping


At this moment, he was in his prime, a dashing and handsome wanderer

of the seas, not as thick-skinned as he would become in later years.

"Since we're all friends of Rayleigh, let's have a banquet together!" With

Roger's words, the Oro Jackson changed course and headed towards the

nearest island, and Nicholas signalled for his pirate crew to follow suit.

In the New World's waters, there was naturally no calm sea, even in what

was considered the weakest sea, the East Blue. The ocean was quite

dangerous for ordinary people and weak pirates alike.

Even warships embedded with Sea Prism Stone only reduced the chance

of being noticed by Sea Kings in calm waters. Moreover, it was difficult

for pirates to obtain Sea Prism Stone and the technology to process it, so

they would often be attacked by Sea Kings. After all, pirate ships were

like perfect prey for Sea Kings in terms of size and shape.

As relations eased, the people on the Oro Jackson became more


Pirates on the sea could basically be divided into two categories: those

filled with ambition like Rocks, and those like Roger, driven by dreams,

freedom, and the enjoyment of adventure.

The former were dangerous, while the latter could easily become friends.

Nicholas sat at the bow of the ship, with Roger and Rayleigh sitting

beside him.

As for Gaban, he had transformed into a kitchen god, preparing the

ingredients needed for the banquet. After all, for Gaban, chopping people

and chopping vegetables were no different; they were all forms of


"Kiddo, how's Shakky doing lately?" Rayleigh looked into the distance

and casually asked.

"How could she be doing? She's helping Rocks out, unpaid, and she's been

harassed by Cipher Pol and the Marines from time to time. After all,

Sister Shakky is quite charming."

As a female pirate who hadn't undergone the same facial changes as

other pirate beauties in the future, Shakky's appearance in her youth was

still quite striking.

By the way, there's a newcomer named Kaido recently. He seems

particularly interested in Sister Shakky, and most importantly, he seems

to have a thing going on with Linlin. If I hadn't intervened, that kid

would have probably made a move long ago."

Nicholas didn't mind giving Kaido some tough training during this time.

After all, the path to becoming the world's strongest creature was paved

with beatings.

Upon hearing Nicholas's words, Rayleigh's aura burst forth, and the

killing intent emanating from him seemed to affect reality, creating

illusions. In the depths of his mind, Nicholas seemed to see a giant king

of the underworld standing behind Rayleigh, hundreds of meters tall.

The previously cheerful Roger Pirates fell silent as Rayleigh's aura

erupted. After all, while Rayleigh was usually easygoing, because of their

less-than-serious captain, he was undoubtedly the most dignified person

on the Oro Jackson.

"What's going on? Is there an enemy attack? Rayleigh!?" Gaban, wearing

an apron and holding two sharp axes, rushed out of the kitchen.

"It's fine, just carry on with what you were doing." Rayleigh smiled at

everyone and said, and the aura he emitted gradually dissipated into the


"Kid, are you telling the truth?" Rayleigh looked into Nicholas's eyes and

asked seriously.

"Yeah, I am." Nicholas nodded repeatedly.

Seeing that Nicholas didn't seem to be lying, Rayleigh lowered his head

and repeatedly pushed his thumb against the hilt of his sword, drawing

and sheathing it.

"Kaido, huh? I'll remember that." Upon hearing Rayleigh's words,

Nicholas's face lit up with a brilliant smile.

Ah, that's more like it.

"But these days won't last long." Nicholas picked up a bottle of wine

nearby and finished it in one gulp before casually tossing the empty

bottle into the sea.

"What do you mean?" Rayleigh quickly caught onto the meaning behind

Nicholas's words and asked.

As for Roger, after listening to the gossip for a while, he had already sat

down and dozed off.


"It's simple. We, the people gathered by Rocks, have ambitions you

should be aware of. Rocks has made preparations, and it's about to begin.

Otherwise, why do you think you haven't run into any trouble for so

long?" Nicholas propped himself up on the deck with both hands and

gazed at the sky, speaking lightly.

The reason he wanted to contact Roger was to give himself and his crew

some hope of surviving the upcoming major event. After all, the

upcoming Battle of God Valley, or other conflicts happening

simultaneously in different locations, were likely to be quite intense.

Even top-tier fighters could perish in this conflict.

Although Nicholas didn't know why Roger's pirate crew appeared at God

Valley, and even chose to ally with the likes ofGarp, there was no doubt

that Roger's crew wasn't present from the beginning. They probably

joined the conflict towards the later stages, becoming the final straw that

broke Rocks's pirate crew.

"I see. It seems that the sea will soon become restless." With Rayleigh's

words, bubbles suddenly appeared on the calm sea surface, followed by a

massive shadow rapidly approaching the Oro Jackson from below the



The sea seemed to explode, and a colossal creature leaped out of the

water, creating huge splashes. Then, a mouth big enough to easily

swallow the Oro Jackson whole came straight towards them.

The massive shadow even obscured the entire ship.

"Sea... Sea King! It's huge, I wonder if it's edible." Roger, noticing the

commotion, glanced at the gigantic Sea King with calmness.

After traveling across the seas for so many years, Roger had seen his fair

share of Sea Kings. Moreover, as a strong individual, he needed a

considerable amount of energy every day, and Sea Kings were part of the

natural diet.

Besides, compared to those creatures thousands of meters deep in the

ocean, these Sea Kings weren't that big.

"Wow, such a massive water splash!" Nicholas exclaimed as he looked at

the massive water splash.

At this moment, Roger on the deck stood up, then swung his sword.


A massive golden slash cut across the deck and slashed through the Sea

King's body.

The Sea King, which had just used Water Splash, stiffened in mid-air,

then split into two halves and crashed onto the sea surface, turning the

surrounding waters into a pool of blood.

"Quick, gather some meat for the banquet. After collecting it, we'll leave

immediately. This much blood will likely attract a bunch of big guys."

Rayleigh looked at the Sea King floating on the sea surface and couldn't

help shaking his head.

Banquet 2

After the two pirate ships faded into the distance, vanishing beyond the

horizon, the tranquil surface of the sea began to stir with an eerie

commotion. From the murky depths arose massive, shadowy forms,

shrouded in darkness, drawn by the scent of death lingering in the water.

These colossal silhouettes, like sinister guardians of the abyss, converged

upon the lifeless form of the sea king, tearing into its flesh with relentless


As the ships charted their course across the expanse of the ocean,

Nicholas, stationed on the deck, caught sight of a distant spectacle

unfolding on the horizon. An island, veiled in mist, loomed into view, its

contours blurred yet intriguingly distinct against the azure sky. Two

towering horns adorned its crown, one imposing and the other

diminutive, casting an eerie resemblance to the skull of a mammoth

rhinoceros. Strangely, these colossal horns, devoid of verdant life, jutted

skyward, fashioned only from rugged rock formations that stood sentinel

over the isle.

Drawing nearer to the enigmatic landmass, the two pirate vessels sought

refuge in a sheltered bay, dropping anchor amidst the tranquility of the

island's embrace. As Nicholas and his crew ventured inland, they beheld

a spectacle that defied belief, their eyes widening in wonder and

disbelief. Before them sprawled a vast circular lake, encircled by verdant

grasslands teeming with life. Majestic creatures, reminiscent of ancient

legends, quenched their thirst at the water's edge, their elongated necks

and robust frames evoking an aura of primordial majesty.

"These... Brontosaurs?" Stussy gasped in astonishment, her voice tinged

with incredulity, her scholarly demeanor momentarily forgotten amidst

the breathtaking sight.

"The sea is a realm of boundless wonders," Roger remarked with a hearty

laugh, his eyes sparkling with the thrill of discovery and adventure.

"Let us explore further. I recall a delectable delicacy that resides here,"

Roger continued, his anticipation palpable as saliva pooled at the corners

of his mouth.

Meanwhile, Rayleigh and his comrades set about the preparations for an

impromptu feast, unloading crates of wine and provisions from the ship's


Undeterred by the imposing presence of the Brontosaurs, Stussy

approached the majestic creatures, her curiosity piqued by their

remarkable resurgence. Yet, her scholarly musings were met with a stern

warning from one of the colossal beasts, its low rumble echoing a silent


Undeterred, Stussy persisted in her pursuit of knowledge, inching closer

to the towering creatures in defiance of their silent rebuke. Yet, as she

ventured too close, a warning bellow from one of the Brontosaurs

brought her perilously close to danger's edge.


As the tension mounted, suddenly a new threat emerged from the dense

foliage surrounding the grasslands, the air alive with the ominous hum of

impending danger. A tide of insects, vibrant and iridescent, poured forth

from the depths of the forest, their kaleidoscopic hues a harbinger of


"Ah, bad luck. We've encountered a swarm of bugs," Roger remarked,

surprised by the sight, though his crew seemed less astonished,

apparently accustomed to such occurrences.

The insects rushing out of the forest varied greatly in species, but they all

shared one common trait: their vibrant colors.

In the natural world, brightly colored insects often carried potent toxins,

and these bugs, combined with the unpredictability of the One Piece

world, were undoubtedly poisonous, and highly toxic at that.

With a wave of insects descending upon them, Nicholas summoned forth

a crackling barrier of lightning, its sizzling tendrils repelling the

relentless onslaught. Yet, even as the Thunder Net crackled with volatile

energy, the insects pressed on undaunted, their relentless advance

undeterred by the searing embrace of Nicholas's defense.

With crackling sounds, the insects that touched the Thunder Net were

instantly charred.

But even so, the insects, seemingly insane, continued to rush forward.

Quickly, a thick layer of bug carcasses piled up at the bottom of the net.

Meanwhile, Stussy, covering her nose, stood before the net, carefully

observing the poisonous insects.

Some of the insects were still releasing their venom, creating a colorful

poisonous mist in front of the net.

Seeing this, Roger and the others returned, watching the scene with


Nicholas, feeling somewhat annoyed by the situation, waved his hand


"Thunder Wall!"

As Nicholas spoke, the Thunder Net before him transformed into a wall

of lightning, pushing back against the swarm of bugs.

Crack! Crack! The Thunder Wall swept through the swarm, turning the

bugs into ashes.

"Ah, what a find! These bugs are rich in protein, and they taste just like

crispy chicken," exclaimed Gaban, squatting on the pile of bugs, picking

and eating.

"Hey, Gaban, you sneaky eater!" Roger exclaimed, rushing over to

compete for bugs with Gaban.

Then, the feast continued, with the main dish being not only roasted

meat and wine but also many juicy and flavorful bugs, expertly prepared

by Gaban, the self-proclaimed entomologist.


Guys please tell me if you prefer this type of descriptive imagery or do

you prefer the normal writing of the previous chapter. For example -

This island had two enormous horns, one large and one small, giving it

the appearance of a gigantic rhinoceros skull. Moreover, these two

horns, for some reason, were completely bare of vegetation, consisting

only of rocks, standing tall on the island. That paragraph was turned

into - An island, veiled in mist, loomed into view, its contours blurred

yet intriguingly distinct against the azure sky. Two towering horns

adorned its crown, one imposing and the other diminutive, casting an

eerie resemblance to the skull of a mammoth rhinoceros. Strangely,

these colossal horns, devoid of verdant life, jutted skyward, fashioned

only from rugged rock formations that stood sentinel over the isle.

An ending adventure

When the moon reached its zenith, Nicholas and Roger's pirate crew

found themselves immersed in revelry, hosting a rare feast that added a

welcome break to the otherwise monotonous life of sailing for Roger's


"Haha! Nicholas, my brother, are you talking to fishes?" Roger, with both

hands on the shoulders of Rayleigh and Gaban, cheerfully exclaimed,

giant wine glasses in hand.

"Burp~" After a hearty gulp of wine, Nicholas looked at Roger and the

others, remarking, "Who's talking to fish? I'm just enjoying." Saying this,

he hoisted a wine glass as sizable as his head.

With a thud, they drank vigorously, even turning their glasses upside

down after finishing, signifying the complete consumption of their drinks.

"Excellent capacity for drinking."

"Now the captain is under pressure."

Roger's pirate crew cheered. "Now it's my turn." Roger wasted no time in

downing his wine, seizing the opportunity to showcase his drinking

prowess. "Nicholas, it's your turn." As Roger uttered these words, a sharp

gaze suddenly fixed on him. Glancing around, he discovered the stare

emanated from the person beside Nicholas, clad in a cloak, donning a

crow doctor mask, and enveloped in a protective suit from head to toe.

"Captain, you've imbibed quite a bit," Stussy calmly stated, her eyes

focused on Nicholas.

Upon hearing Stussy's words, Nicholas, who was about to boast,

reluctantly set down his wine glass. Observing that Nicholas had no

intention of continuing, Stussy rose and made her way toward the ship.

"Stussy, the grilled meat is delicious. Take some back to the ship and


Nicholas cut a piece of grilled meat, wrapped it, and handed it to Stussy.

He then had Vista escort her back to the ship.

Once Nicholas left, Rayleigh inquired curiously, "Nicholas, since the party

began, I've been curious. Why isn't that girl joining everyone else for the

meal? Is it because Gaban's cooking isn't to her liking?"

"Hey, Rayleigh, if you have an issue with it, feel free to take over the

kitchen from now on!" Gaban, engrossed in roasting insects, suddenly

flared up.

"Ah, Stussy, she prefers not to dine with everyone. Let's continue the

festivities," Nicholas said with a laugh.

In a New World sea area.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The thunderous explosions echoed, painting the entire night sky in a

crimson red glow. The sea, once shimmering under the moonlight, now

transformed into a fiery expanse.

"Captain, change course; they've blocked the path ahead."

A group of pirates, firing cannons, loudly communicated with the captain

on the deck.

The captain, standing at the bow, wore a solemn expression as he gazed

ahead at a massive array of warships forming a vast, fan-shaped

encirclement. Despair filled his heart.

"I never anticipated the Navy showing up here, and there are nearly a

hundred warships!?"

Facing the large fleet of warships ahead, the captain's heart trembled. He

knew they couldn't be the target. His strength was insufficient to provoke

such a sizable Navy fleet.

The last time the Navy executed such a significant move was probably

when they besieged the Rocks Pirates.

"How's it going? Can the Den Den Mushi connect?"

The captain didn't speak but anxiously inquired with his crew. Faced

with such a large fleet, they knew escape was futile.

Moreover, the Navy's substantial mobilization suggested a hidden

agenda. They couldn't allow the pirates to escape, prompting the captain

to relay news of the Navy's large fleet at the last possible moment,

seeking retribution.

"Reporting to Vice Admiral Sengoku! The encirclement of the pirate

group ahead is complete."

A naval officer respectfully reported to Sengoku, engrossed in studying

the sea chart in the flagship cabin.

"Has the information been sealed off? Our actions this time must not be


"Before they detect us, the information blockade has been implemented.

Their Den Den Mushi can't transmit any messages."

"Good. Notify all ships to obliterate them outright. Not a single fish

should escape the net!"


With Sengoku's directive, the distant sound of dense cannon fire was

immediately heard.

Ahead at sea, a deep roar reverberated, followed by several sharp slashes

and varied attacks directed towards the source of the roar.

Evidently, this was a clash between high-caliber forces.

Soon, the roar faded, and the Navy fleet gradually vanished like

phantoms in the distance, leaving behind only a burning pirate ship

sinking in place—a testament to the one-sided massacre that occurred


"Sengoku, what are the odds of success for this plan?"

In the Navy flagship's captain's cabin, the elegant Tsuru, adorned in a

Navy uniform and a cloak bearing the word "Justice," inquired of

Sengoku, who was studying the map.

"How can there be certainty? Once the war erupts, the course of events

becomes unpredictable. Especially in this kind of large-scale

confrontation among top-tier forces, any shift on any battlefield can tip

the balance of the entire conflict. All we can do is analyze potential

scenarios as thoroughly as possible and devise corresponding


Sengoku sighed as he diverted his gaze from the map adorned with

wanted posters and contacts from different factions.

Naval battles differ from kingdom wars. Success isn't determined by troop

numbers or superior equipment. It hinges on which side boasts more top-

tier fighters, capable of single-handedly challenging a kingdom. Given

enough time, these fighters can easily dismantle large kingdoms on

significant islands.

"Now, all we can do is hope that Garp and the others follow our planned

route, and that the World Government can handle those formidable


With Sengoku's words, the sky above suddenly erupted in a thunderous

explosion. Dark clouds gathered, and the sea surged with strong winds,

transforming the once-calm sea into a tumultuous expanse of waves. The

atmosphere became tense, forewarning the profound impact of the

impending events.

"So, your next destination is Lodestar Island?"

Nicholas looked at Roger, curiosity in his eyes.

"Yes, that will be our final journey in this sea. But since it's an unexplored

island, we plan to replenish our supplies and prepare ourselves

thoroughly before heading there. We are approaching the end of the

world!" Roger declared grandly.

Whether it was the effect of imbibing too much wine or reminiscing

about the journey with the crew and the myriad events that unfolded,

Roger took a sip of wine. He then turned around and knelt down in front

of all the members of the Roger Pirates, expressing his gratitude

earnestly, "Thank you all for accompanying me this far! I will always

cherish your kindness!"

Rayleigh, Gaban, and others simultaneously raised their wine glasses.

Clearly, this concluding journey held extraordinary significance for them.

Observing this scene, Nicholas couldn't help but think, "Aren't you all

getting emotional a bit too soon?"


Two days later, on an expansive base situated on an island within the

New World, a bustling crowd had gathered. Pirate ships continuously

arrived, their distinct flags fluttering in the wind, representing various

pirate crews from far and wide.

During this time, the island's surroundings no longer bore the marks of

ferocious beasts. The WorldPirates had diligently purged the area nearby,

while the mere presence of the newcomers on the island emitted an aura

that unsettled the original rulers of these lands.

Amidst the vibrant chaos of the gathering, conversations ebbed and

flowed like the tides of the sea, blending with the clinking of glasses and

hearty laughter. Each word spoken held promises of alliances and secrets

shared under the moonlit sky.

"Ah, it's been a while, hasn't it? Heard you raided a town recently.

Must've bagged quite the loot, eh?" The jovial banter intermingled with

the salty air.

"Haha, you bet! My crew and I feasted like kings. Life on the open seas

can get stuffy. I've got a few hand-picked individuals on board. Shall I

send them your way tonight?" The exchanges resonated with the spirit of

camaraderie and shared exploits.

"Much obliged. By the way, I've got my sights on a convoy of merchant

ships and already charted their course. But we're short on manpower.

Care to join forces?" The negotiations carried with them the weight of

ambition and opportunity.

"Your Devil Fruit power is just the run-of-the-mill Animal-type. Asking for

20 million berries seems a tad excessive, doesn't it?" The competitive

edge seeped into every offer and counteroffer.

"Hey, mate, this is a sea gem we're talking about! Twenty million berries

is nothing. Your current bounty barely matches the value of this fruit. But

if you consume it, your worth would instantly double, wouldn't it?" The

allure of power and riches danced in the air like fireflies in the night.

Just like many pirate crews aligning with the Rocks Pirates, Waldo, under

his command, led not only the WorldPirates directly but also a significant

number of New World pirate crews.

Yet, the motley crew assembled by Waldo over the past few years was

mostly a mismatched bunch, not quite up to par. Even Rocks, known for

his prowess, would likely balk at the prospect of having them as allies.

Sometimes, problematic teammates proved more dreadful than

formidable adversaries.

These individuals, summoned by Waldo, served not only to exchange

goods and information but also to bolster his influence in the region.

"After all, an army of over ten thousand still carries considerable weight.

These chips undoubtedly give us the upper hand in negotiations with

Rocks Pirates down the line."

"Waldo, must we truly cooperate with Rocks? He gives off an air of


A dwarf sporting a Viking horn pirate hat, an oddity amidst the throng of

pirates, expressed concern.

At the center of the banquet, Waldo, upon hearing this, responded

somewhat impatiently, "Friend, this is a rare opportunity. Plus, we're not

obligated to collaborate. We'll play it by ear. Once Rocks gains

momentum, we'll strike at the World Government and the Marines. If

Rocks falters, we'll seize the moment and claim what's left behind."

In terms of age, Waldo belonged to the same era as Rocks, Whitebeard,

and Roger, a decade senior to BIG MOM. Yet, he wasn't in the same

league as the Rocks Pirates, teeming with formidable fighters, or the

elite-centric Roger Pirates.

Initially, he and his brother Byojack set out to explore the seas and seek

freedom. However, upon stumbling upon the Moa-Moa Fruit, capable of

enhancing speed, strength, size, and weight, along with power came

ambition. Their quest for freedom evolved into a quest for absolute


Their motto transformed into "destroy everything in our path." Navy

warships, formidable pirates, innocent civilians—everything fell prey to

their destructive rampage, earning Waldo the moniker "The World's



Byojack appeared poised to voice further concerns.

"That's enough. Follow my lead, and together, we'll ascend to the

pinnacle of the seas," Waldo retorted coldly.


"Yes, all affiliated pirate crews have assembled. The targeted individuals

are also present. Moreover, due to the rushed launch, our second-in-

command, Byojack, seems to have caught wind of something.

Rest assured, we remain undetected. The poison procured earlier has

been disseminated. We can proceed with the assault once the banquet


"Excellent work."

"Captain, as per the plan, weren't we supposed to neutralize the threat of

Rocks before moving against the WorldPirates and the other crews? Why

the haste?"

"You need not worry about that."

"Understood, Captain."

Listening to the respectful tone of his subordinate over the Den Den

Mushi, the individual on the other end was in high spirits. "In fact, I'll tell

you. This fellow's actions reek of arrogance, posing a destabilizing

influence. In the clash with Rocks Pirates, we must ensure such

destabilizing factors are neutralized. Upon our return, your merit will

surely secure your promotion."

With these words, he terminated the Den Den Mushi call, reaching for

another nearby.

"Inform Vice Admiral Garp that we're ready to launch a full-scale assault

in two hours. Our CP department will coordinate."

"Captain, all members of the affiliated pirate crews have congregated."

A tall Fishman entered the WorldPirates' base, reporting to Waldo.

"Are they all present? Then let the festivities begin, hahaha!"

Waldo's excitement was palpable, envisioning the day he'd reign over the


As Waldo followed the Fishman out, Byojack, diminutive in stature,

turned to Gairam beside him. If Waldo represented the brawn of their

ship, then Byojack was undoubtedly its brains. Many of the WorldPirates'

strategies stemmed from him, the brains behind the might.

"Gairam, I sense something amiss."

Gairam regarded Byojack. If Waldo embodied the WorldPirates' power,

then Byojack epitomized its intellect. Often, the WorldPirates' maneuvers

were concocted by this unassuming but formidable strategist.

"Byojack, are you being overly cautious? This is our stronghold, with

several pirate crews gathered. Even the Marines wouldn't dare to assault

us rashly, would they?"

Gairam sought to assuage Byojack's apprehensions.

"No, I sense impending trouble, as though an unfavourable turn of events

looms on the horizon."

Byojack's concerns persisted despite Gairam's reassurances, his brow

furrowing deeper.

"Gairam, utilize your ability to carve a concealed passageway leading

directly to the sea from here. Summon Sebastian and Nightin as well. It's

better to err on the side of caution."

After deliberating for a moment, Byojack instructed Gairam.

"Very well, it won't take much effort. But must we place the exit beneath

the sea's surface?"

For Gairam, creating a secret passage wasn't overly taxing due to his

Devil Fruit ability. However, as a Devil Fruit user, he preferred to limit

his exposure to the sea, a realm loathed by Devil Fruit wielders.

"The exit must lie below the sea's surface. You and Sebastian shall

proceed together. With the Fishmen's affinity for the sea, construct a

breakable wall at the end."

Meanwhile, Waldo remained oblivious to the temporary disappearance of

several key members of his crew. Presently, he reveled in wine with the

pirates surrounding him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A barrage of cannon fire shattered the tranquility of the banquet,

drawing everyone's attention to the source.

Waldo, too, ascended to the highest vantage point, his gaze fixated on the

direction of the cannon fire, pupils contracting sharply. In the distance, a

multitude of warships materialized on the sea's surface. The recent

bombardment targeted the WorldPirates and other crews' vessels.

As the pirates prepared to retaliate, individuals began collapsing, a wave

of paralysis sweeping through the gathering.

Even Waldo, known for his iron resolve, discerned the conspiracy

unfolding before them.

"Waldo, pleased with our gift?"

At that moment, a figure emerged from the shadows, wearing a sly grin

as he advanced towards Waldo.

The WorldPirates surrounding Waldo fell into an uneasy silence. This



In the piercing gaze of Waldo and his cohorts, a pirate sporting a Viking

horn hat materialized from the throng, his countenance bearing a

disdainful sneer aimed directly at Waldo.

"I didn't reckon you'd stoop so low as to be a spy," Waldo retorted, his

tone growing frigid as he addressed the core member of his own pirate

crew. Betrayals and treachery were commonplace in the cutthroat world

of piracy; for these denizens of the sea, such betrayals were as routine as


Yet, when betrayal festered within his own crew, especially by one he

had trusted, the fury that ignited within Waldo was beyond measure.

"However, to be intercepted by a mere Navy at this juncture—should I

brand you ignorant or fearless?" Waldo questioned, his voice laced with


Despite being poisoned, Waldo and other top-tier pirates possessed bodies

akin to fortresses. Even if a toxin lethal to ordinary folk invaded their

systems, they could stave off its effects temporarily with their

superhuman physical attributes.

Much like Whitebeard during the Summit War, who, despite grievous

injuries, retained his combat prowess, fending off scores of Marines and

even the unscathed Blackbeard thereafter. Such displays underscored

why the titans of the sea were dubbed monsters.

While Waldo acknowledged that the present moment warranted retreat,

knowing that once they secured a safe haven, Nightin, his trusted

subordinate, would concoct an antidote using his exceptional

pharmacological expertise, the sight of the traitor responsible for their

predicament exacerbated his simmering ire.

Who did this scoundrel think he was dealing with?

Did he truly believe Waldo's moniker, the World Destroyer, to be a mere


"Hey, what do you take us for!?"

"Despite my dire poisoning, dispatching you is as simple as swatting a fly.

Surrender the antidote obediently, and perhaps we'll expedite your


"Indeed, hand it over!"

The surrounding pirates, those still capable of mustering their strength,

began to arm themselves, fixing their menacing glares upon the Navy

spy. Though they knew the Navy would soon clear the surrounding

hurdles and converge upon their location, they also knew that failure to

detoxify before the Navy's arrival would leave them with only one

recourse: death.


The Navy spy, clad in the horned hat, regarded the pirates, initially

puzzled, then erupted into laughter. "We're not affiliated with those Navy

lackeys. Moreover, who in their right mind carries an antidote on their

person after poisoning others?"

The spy's words sent a shiver down the spines of the surrounding pirates

as they surveyed their fallen comrades, the agonizing pain coursing

through their bodies plunging them into despair.

"Ha! Since we're all headed for the abyss, brothers, let's make it count!

Taking down one will be a victory, two a triumph!"

"Agreed! With over ten thousand soldiers at our disposal, even in our

demise, we shall paint the World Government's lackeys a vibrant hue!"

"Enough! Poison poses no threat to us!"

Waldo then instructed one of his nearby pirates, "Quick, summon


Waldo's confidence wasn't born of arrogance; rather, it stemmed from his

unwavering trust in Nightin's medical prowess.

However, unbeknownst to Waldo as he issued the command, the pirate

who received it, upon casting a glance at the traitor lurking behind

Waldo, curled his lips into a smirk before producing a pistol from his


Almost in tandem with the pirate's draw, several of Waldo's comrades

also brandished their weapons, launching a surprise assault against


Bang! Bang! Bang!

A hail of gunfire reverberated through the air, inflicting several wounds

upon Waldo. His rage, nearly uncontainable, erupted. To be betrayed by

those he trusted was a wound deeper than any physical injury.

Confronted with the botched ambush, the assailants swiftly rallied

around the pirate who instigated the betrayal. Faced with a behemoth

like Waldo, engaging in a war of attrition was futile; the prudent choice

was to withdraw posthaste following the foiled ambush.

"Waldo, we've been duped. The Navy has us encircled. We must retreat at


At this juncture, Byojack's urgent voice resounded, accompanied by the

arrival of Sebastian, Nightin, and Gairam, three high-ranking members of

the World Pirates.

Witnessing the tableau, Byojack's countenance darkened. After all, those

treacherous figures donning horned hats were indisputably the backbone

of the World Pirates. Now beset by internal and external threats, their

predicament was dire.

As the clandestine passage neared completion, the tumult outside reached

their ears. Initially dismissed as yet another Navy siege, the situation had

spiraled into a premeditated conspiracy against them.

"It seems swiftness is our ally!"

Waldo declared, casting a steely gaze upon the traitors.

"Waldo, let's not dally. Our foremost priority is breaking through the

encirclement and allowing Nightin to concoct the antidote. Failure to act

swiftly risks inviting the wrath of the main Marine force!"

Byojack urged anxiously.

"Brother, must you cower so readily? If we allow these traitors to live,

how can we navigate the seas henceforth? And what power does the

Navy hold over me? I am Waldo, the World Destroyer!"

"Hey, you're the World Destroyer, huh? Well, you've saved me quite some


At that moment, a nonchalant voice emanated from the forest.

"Who goes there!?"

Waldo bellowed, seizing a stone and hurling it in the direction of the


"Momo-Momo: Hundredfold Shotgun!"

The shattered stone, propelled a hundredfold, sliced through the air with

a resounding swish, hurtling toward the forest where the voice


Ding! Ding! Ding!

The stones, akin to the force of cannon fire, collided within the forest,

followed by the emergence of a figure clad in Navy regalia and a cloak of

justice, striding forth unscathed.

Observing the Navy insignia adorning the figure, Waldo's countenance

darkened instantaneously. His assault had failed to breach the formidable



Spotting the newcomer, Byojack's cry rang out as though he had glimpsed

a specter, urgently calling out to Waldo.

"That's Vice Admiral Garp!"

The revelation sent a chill down Waldo's spine. Garp's renown still

commanded reverence among the pirates of the New World. Those who

disregarded such legends either met their demise or languished in


"Garp, you say!? If death beckons, I shall gladly oblige!"

With his declaration echoing, Waldo drew his blade from its scabbard. In

a sprint toward Garp, Waldo's blade expanded a hundredfold in the blink

of an eye, hurtling toward Garp with lightning speed.

As Waldo closed the distance, a voice boomed forth.

"Momo-Momo: Hundredfold Slash!"

Witnessing the titanic, Haki-infused sword hurtling toward him, the

surrounding pirates felt a surge of exhilaration.

Such monstrous strength, such devastating momentum—it was no

wonder their captain bore the moniker, the World Destroyer!

Yet, their jubilation was short-lived.

For Garp, with a mere lift of his hand, seized the hundred-meter-long

blade, crashing it into the earth with titanic force. The ground beneath

Waldo quaked violently, fissures webbing outward like spider silk while

the surrounding trees crumbled into dust.

"Are you jesting? That Navy halted Waldo's onslaught with but one


The speaking pirate's exultation turned to apprehension. With Waldo at

the helm, they had entertained hopes of repelling the Navy's assault. Yet

now, it seemed the Navy had dispatched a genuine juggernaut, and they

were in dire straits.

Such thoughts pervaded the hearts of all who bore witness to this


"This level of power, while formidable, hinges solely on Devil Fruit


With Garp's right hand gripping the blade, he smashed it into the ground

with crushing force.

Waldo's pupils constricted sharply. Without opportunity for defense, he

could only shroud his vital points with Armament Haki, yet still, he was

sent hurtling into the earth with brutal force.


The surface trembled violently as Waldo's form crashed down. Cracks

fissured through the earth around him, and the trees shattered into


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