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One Piece: Луффи разоблачен

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Краткое содержание

В 1520 году по лунному календарю Луффи отправился в

путешествие к морю!

Роджера уже давно казнили, и на морях царил порядок, а флот

комфортно отдыхал в своих штабах.

Но затем внезапная прямая трансляция потрясла весь мир!

Названы десять самых выдающихся сражений!

Топ-10: Гекко Мория против Кошмарного Луффи!

Топ-8: Жестокая схватка с леопардовым Луччи, сражающимся за



Топ-6: Достойный противник, Дофламинго Нового Света!


Топ-3: эпическое столкновение Paramount War!


Благодаря этому открытию все стали свидетелями замечательного

роста и увеличения силы Луффи.

Даже ВМФ начал осознавать надвигающуюся опасность!

От первоначального презрения и презрения их чувства постепенно

сменились страхом и восхищением.

Может ли это быть будущий Ёнко?

Нет, это будущее... король!!!


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Chapter 141 : Gear 4!

Red-haired pirates!

"Conqueror Haki..."

"The potential of a king?"

Upon witnessing this scene, Shanks's face broke into a smile.

"Not bad, Luffy. It seems I didn't make a mistake in my judgment."

The future king of the sea might not necessarily possess the Conqueror

Haki, but having it signifies the potential for success. This alone is a clear

sign that Luffy is stepping into the realm of the powerful.

Throughout their journey, Shanks and the entire Red-Haired pirate crew

had witnessed Luffy's growth. Seeing him now exhibit the Conqueror

Haki, the excitement among them was beyond words.

Whitebeard Pirates!

"Is the king's will starting to manifest..."

"Ace, your little brother is improving."

"It seems he might surpass you soon."

Whitebeard smiled, teasing Ace. Surprisingly, Ace didn't react with anger

but extreme joy.

"If Luffy can surpass me, then as an older brother, I..."

"But I'll be happy."

Marine Headquarters!

"Conqueror Haki?"

"He can actually contend with Doflamingo's Conqueror Haki?"

Everyone in the conference hall was stunned at this moment.

They didn't expect Luffy to display such power with the Conqueror Haki

for the first time in front of everyone. For now, it appears that Luffy's

proficiency in both Armament Haki and strength is on par, if not stronger

than Doflamingo!

Even the Conqueror Haki showed no weakness.

It's worth noting that Doflamingo is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea,

a notorious figure known throughout the entire sea. Luffy, though having

gained some fame during his adventures, is still considered a rookie

compared to many others.

He's labeled as a supernova for a reason.

Yet, here he is, competing with Doflamingo in a Haki battle without

falling behind, a fact that is truly astonishing!

Garp couldn't help but rejoice at this turn of events, and even Sengoku,

Kizaru, Aokiji, and others were taken aback.

But Doflamingo, his expression was noticeably grim.

Throughout the battle, he realized he hadn't managed to crush the Straw

Hat kid.

This was a blow to his pride.

However, if we talk about the person with the darkest thoughts on the

scene, that would undoubtedly be Admiral Akainu!

His gaze was fixed on the image of Luffy, his fists tightly clenched.

"The Haki of the Conqueror... the potential to become a king?"

"He not only aspires to be the Pirate King but poses a threat to the safety

of the entire world."

"A person like him is becoming an increasingly significant threat."

In that moment, a decision formed in Admiral Akainu's heart.

Regardless of Luffy's intimidating background—his grandfather being a

Marine hero, his father leading the Revolutionary Army, and even his

two brothers being renowned figures—he must be eliminated!

Considering Luffy's rapid growth and the formidable strength he

currently displayed, it surpassed even Akainu's expectations.

If allowed to roam freely, there was a fear that in the future, Luffy would

become an uncontrollable force.

[The clash of Luffy and Doflamingo's Conqueror's Haki even caused the

sky to darken slightly when they collided!]

[The Dressrosa citizens, witnessing this scene, were undoubtedly


[Luffy stared down Doflamingo with determination, declaring, "I will

defeat you!"]

[With that, he unleashed his power once again!]

[In an instant, he shattered Doflamingo's Conqueror's Haki and delivered

a powerful kick!]

[Under the impact, Doflamingo once again coughed up blood.]

[Luffy continued his assault, unleashing a barrage of rubber punches on


[Doflamingo's frustration boiled over, and he seized an opportunity to

kick Luffy away.]

[On the sidelines, Trebol seized the chance to immobilize Luffy with his

sticky mucus...]

[In that moment, Luffy seemed helpless...]

[Fortunately, despite his injuries, Law still had the strength to utilize his


[Activating the abilities of the Ope Ope no Mi, he summoned a severed

arm to slash Trebol down!]

[Realizing he had no strength left to fight, Trebol resorted to detonating

his own mucus in a final act of desperation...]

[He resolved to face death alongside Luffy and Law!]

[In that critical moment, a deafening explosion echoed throughout the

upper levels of the palace...]

[Fortunately, Luffy, in his second gear mode, exhibited incredible speed,

carrying Law to the field of sunflower flowers!]

[He then entrusted Law to Cavendish, who had just arrived. Dealing with

him swiftly, Cavendish departed with the gravely injured and dying


[As for himself, he took it upon himself to bring down Doflamingo!]

[Once Luffy was gone...]

[Law implored Cavendish to release him!]

[Because witnessing Doflamingo's downfall was his lifelong aspiration!]

[Even if it meant facing death, he wouldn't hesitate!]

[Cavendish understood Law's intentions and, as a man, accorded Law the

utmost respect!]

[Gently placing Law down, he then seated himself in front of him!]

"Luffy entrusted me with your protection. In that case, I'll never put you

in harm's way!"

"I'll stand by your side and witness this battle together!"

"If you fall, I'll be the one to fall before you!"

[In this moment, Law smiled...]

[Luffy not only won over Law but also earned the respect of Cavendish,

another Supernova!]


He also won the hearts of countless spectators watching the live

broadcast screen...

Throughout the journey, everyone witnessed Luffy's unwavering


Regardless of the formidable adversaries or the challenges he faced, he

never retreated. This time was no different...

Even in the face of the formidable foe, Doflamingo!

Repeatedly, he stopped to save Dressrosa. His actions were for the people

of this kingdom...

This not only moved the people of Dressrosa but touched numerous


[As time passed...]

[The birdcage continued to tighten, gradually destroying half of


[Luffy was running out of time; if he couldn't defeat Doflamingo in


[The birdcage would remain, and Dressrosa would be entirely


[In the present moment...]

[Both Luffy and Doflamingo were utterly exhausted!]

[After enduring a series of powerful attacks from Law, Doflamingo, even

if he managed to stand, was severely injured.]

[Luffy, too, had suffered numerous injuries throughout the prolonged


[If not for the resilient properties of the rubber fruit enduring the

onslaught, he might not have endured!]

[The two exchanged blows in the sea of fire, neither giving an inch!]

[Considering Luffy as a mere pirate with only two years at sea, yet

ruining decades of his family's legacy, fueled Doflamingo's intense


[In this moment, he unleashed his full power, holding nothing back to

vanquish Luffy!]

[The terrifying potential of the awakened String-String Fruit was vividly

demonstrated in this intense encounter...]

Everything around turned into lines, constantly attacking Luffy!

If Doflamingo was merely playing around with everyone before, now he


Truly moved to kill, and the attack is incredibly fierce!

"Gear Third, Grizzly Bear!"

Luffy doesn't dare to be careless; his attack is covered with armament


His two arms transform into massive fists, blasting towards Doflamingo!

However, the flexible Doflamingo skillfully dodges the attack...

Doflamingo is not only razor-sharp with his lines but also exceptionally

fast, making it challenging to land a hit!

After an intense battle...

Luffy has utilized nearly all the moves in his arsenal, yet he still can't

deal any effective damage to Doflamingo.

The balance of the battle seems to be gradually shifting in Doflamingo's


What's more terrifying is the birdcage, shrinking smaller and smaller,

plunging the entire Dressrosa into chaos!

Doflamingo looks at Luffy mockingly.

"In less than an hour, Dressrosa will be completely destroyed!"

"Even within half an hour, victims of the birdcage will emerge."

"Let me guess, who will it be?"

"Old people, children, women, or... your partner?"

Observing Doflamingo's mocking expression, Luffy gasps, his face filled

with anger.

"You, who toys with lives at will!"

"I won't let anyone die!"

"I will defeat you with my own hands!!!"

Hearing this, Doflamingo bursts into laughter, loud and mocking.

"You truly don't understand your limits, and now, you've exhausted all

your moves."

"What else do you have to compete with me?"

Luffy falls silent...

The moment he raises his head again, determination flashes in his eyes.

"No, I have another move..."

"This is what I've realized in two years of training, and this time, it's up to

it to defeat you!"

"Gear 4... Activate!"

As soon as the words fall, Luffy once again bursts out in white steam!

The intensity far surpasses the second gear mode, almost covering Luffy's

entire body!

When the smoke clears, the transformation is revealed!

Luffy, at this moment, is completely different from his previous self!

His upper body has become extremely robust, limbs wrapped in dark red

haki, even with black lines on the shoulders!

White smoke surrounds his body, and his legs bounce continuously in


His expression turns angrier, even a bit hideous!

In essence, Luffy at this moment exudes oppression!

This is his new form, an evolution from the second gear, surpassing even

the Gear Third...

Gear 4!!!


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Chapter 142 : Crushing


"Gear 4!?"

In this moment, I witnessed Luffy's new transformation in the image.

All around the world, the audience was left in awe...

As early as the previous live broadcast, they had already glimpsed Luffy's

Elephant Gun.

For each of them, it was sufficient to bestow upon him a tremendous

boost in combat power! This was the ability of the relentless evolution of

Luffy's Gum-Gum Fruit...

It made everyone realize that a seemingly ordinary rubber fruit could

wield such astonishing power!

Yet, nobody anticipated...

Two years later, he had actually unveiled a new form!

Gear 4!

Simply from its appearance, one could sense the overwhelming might it

brought! Luffy in this state was undoubtedly stronger!

In this moment of shock for everyone, countless expectations also brewed

for the upcoming battle.

They yearned to know...

How formidable would Luffy be in Gear 4?

And could he stand up against the formidable Doflamingo? Would the

tide of this battle undergo a radical shift? This sentiment extended to

many influential figures in the maritime world...

[The Gear 4 is the culmination of Luffy's two years of focus.]

[Battling against monstrous beasts to gain new insights!]

[Resulting in the refinement of the Gum-Gum Fruit ability, acquiring a

new form...]

[Unlike the second and third gears, the Gear 4 not only enhances internal

pressure but also infuses Haki!]

[This state is achieved through the fusion of Haki and Gum-Gum Fruit


[Under the Gear 4, both speed and strength see a significant boost!]

[Its power surpasses even that of the Third Gear!]

[However, the consequences are equally significant...]

[The Gear 4 can only be sustained for a few minutes, and once it

subsides, it cannot be used for a prolonged period!]

[In a critical situation like today, where Haki is essential for confronting

the enemy, its failure could prove fatal.]

[Knowing these consequences forced Luffy to activate the Gear 4 in a

desperate gamble!]

[Yet, within the time frame of the Gear 4, defeating Doflamingo seemed


[Failure, then, would be inevitable!]

[This is the Catch!]

[However, faced with Luffy's new mode...]

[Doflamingo couldn't help but mock.]

["What's with this appearance? Looks like a clown, doesn't it?"]

"It's laughable, you hopping around like a fool..."

"What good does it do to bounce around?"

[Observing Doflamingo's scornful expression, Luffy responded calmly:]

"This will render you powerless to retaliate!"

[Having spoken, Luffy didn't afford Doflamingo a chance to retort.

Instead, he compressed his fists and legs...]

[After gathering enough strength, Luffy suddenly charged towards


[In this moment, he is as fearsome as a humanoid missile!]

["Gomu Gomu no Kong Gun!"]


[In an instant, an immense power surged forth. Even though Doflamingo

swiftly enveloped himself in Haki, he was still sent flying, akin to a siege

cannon bursting through...]

[Along the trajectory, Doflamingo's body crashed through one building

after another, finally slamming heavily onto the ground beneath the


[This strike sent him hurtling for thousands of meters!]

[The sheer horror of its power was evident...]

Revolutionary Army Headquarters!

Betty exclaimed, "This power... It's simply terrifying!"

The commanders of the five major armies were all profoundly shocked!

Seeing Doflamingo's figure being pummeled in the image, they

involuntarily gulped, including Crow, who wasn't known for words, and

spoke at this moment...

"The chief's son, has he truly grown to this extent?"

"The force of this punch, I fear, would instantly gravely injure me if it

landed on my body!"

The others nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

Luffy's power was simply too outrageous... or rather, his Gear 4 was too


This was just one punch, showcasing such formidable might!

Wouldn't it instantly crumble hundreds of meters of ground if it landed?

Originally, optimism for Luffy's chances in this battle was scarce... but

now, it changed in an instant.

If Luffy could maintain this terrifying combat power consistently...

It seemed that even if another Shichibukai arrived, it would have to be

suppressed and defeated, right?

Even Dragon... was somewhat astonished by his son's performance.


"Is this the power you've gained by continuously evolving the Gomu

Gomu no Mi?"

"It appears... to be very formidable."

Watching the tide turn in the battle, he naturally felt joy.

But what pleased him even more was Luffy's continuous growth and

ascent to strength! Becoming the preeminent force on these seas...

[Simultaneously, the cage continued to contract!]

[As Dressrosa dwindled in size, countless citizens momentarily

abandoned resistance.]

[However, spurred on by King Riku, they rallied!]

[Rushing toward the city center...]

[Because, at this very moment, Luffy was still fighting for them. How

could they give up?]

[Solon, French, and others did not stand idly by.]

[They discovered that although Doflamingo's strings were sharp and

could cut through everything, they couldn't sever Sea-Prism Stone!]

[So, they collected all the Sea-Prism Stone-made items in the city.]

[Braving the birdcage, using sheer force, attempting to slow down its

converging speed...]

[More and more people joined the effort!]

[At this point, it was no longer just the battle between Luffy and


[It had become a battle for all of them!]

[Meanwhile, on the other side, Law's severed arm was promptly healed

by the little Dwarves princess.]

[As someone who had consumed the Healing Fruit, she could mend all



[Doflamingo, who had been sent flying by Luffy's punch, slowly rose from

the wreckage and smoke with great effort.]

[He spat out blood...]

[Luffy's punch surpassed all the previous damage combined!]

[At this moment, he no longer dared to underestimate Luffy's Gear 4...]

[As he looked up, he suddenly witnessed Luffy... actually flying in mid-


[Yes, that's right, flying!]

[This surprised Doflamingo; he hadn't heard of it—rubber fruits could


[It turns out that, in Gear 4 mode, Luffy utilizes his own elasticity to soar

in mid-air...]

[Seeing this, Doflamingo took the initiative to attack...]

[After all, he didn't want to experience another punch like the one


[Several sharp lines shot out from his hand, aiming for Luffy!]

[However, even in mid-air, Luffy was incredibly flexible and managed to

dodge effortlessly!]

[Doflamingo, shocked, prepared for another attack...]

[Luffy's figure vanished!]

[In his heart, a foreboding feeling suddenly arose...]

[When he looked back again, Luffy had somehow appeared above him!]

["Rubber... Rhino Howitzer!"]

[Luffy's legs contracted, gathering immense power, and he delivered a

direct kick to Doflamingo's face!]


[As expected, Doflamingo was sent sideways once again, resembling a


[Along the way, numerous buildings were damaged, and the momentum

didn't waver!]

[This time, kicked and sent flying thousands of meters, he crashed into

the distant ruins.]

[Luffy rebounded and bounded toward Minggo's position...]

"What an incredible power!"

Even the Whitebeard Pirates, including Whitebeard, one of the Four

Emperors, couldn't help but marvel.

"To beat Doflamingo to the point of having no chance to fight back!"

"It seems Luffy's newly developed Gear 4 mode..."

"It's a perfect match for Luffy's fighting style!"

As many crew members heard this, they nodded in agreement!

"The Gear 4 mode is truly worthy, developed after the second and third

gears, with terrifying power!"

"It even has the added ability to fly, almost too incredible!"

"I never thought rubber fruits could be developed to such terrifying


"Truly, this power is extraordinary..."

Everyone sighed in succession, astounded by the horror of Luffy's Gear 4!

The battle now seemed overwhelmingly in Luffy's favor.

Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords, crushed to the ground by Luffy!

Luffy in the Gear 4 mode, whether in strength, speed, combat power, or

sheer dominance!

It was almost beyond comprehension! Only...

It seemed the elasticity was a bit too much; he could only bounce when


It looked amusing...

However, compared to combat effectiveness, these were trivial matters!

As long as victory was achieved, what's a little bounce?

[The battle rages on...]

[Doflamingo, kicked once more, rises from the ruins.]

[Though he wears sunglasses, his anger is palpable to anyone!]

[This time, he's truly furious...]

"Just a rubber man. Do you really think you can defeat me?"

[Doflamingo roared, and in an instant, countless lines surged out like a


[And in that moment, Luffy in the Gear 4 mode bounced his way towards



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Chapter 143 : Luffy, Time Out!

Although Luffy bounced and strolled around, his movements had an

amusing touch.

However, this sight wasn't entertaining at all in the eyes of Doflamingo.

Having taken consecutive hits from the Ape King Gun and the Rhinoceros

Cannon, no one understood the terrifying might of Gear 4 better than



Without daring to offer any support, the moment Doflamingo made a

move, numerous Strings intertwined, attempting to intercept Luffy on the

spot, but...

Luffy simply raised his hand, causing the initially robust Strings to


This formidable power once again astonished Doflamingo.

Unable to avoid it any longer, Doflamingo found himself forced into a

confrontation with Luffy.

He pushed his Armament Haki to the limit.

Yet, after only a few exchanges, he realized...

It seemed his Armament Haki wasn't as formidable as Luffy's?

In this Haki contest, he had already fallen into a disadvantage.


Doflamingo attempted to speak, but then...

"Rubber Snake Cannon!"

Luffy retracted his fist, aimed at Doflamingo, and unleashed a punch.

Doflamingo had long been on guard, using the silk String to evade.

However, in the next second, a surprising scene unfolded.

The fist that had passed by him inexplicably changed direction, hitting

him directly from behind.

Instantly, Doflamingo was sent flying upside down, landing on the

ground once again.

Little did he know that the Gear 4 mode was crafted by Luffy during

battles with colossal, monster-like beasts.

All his moves were natural imitations of the attack methods of those


The Snake Cannon, in particular, simulated a snake, tracking the enemy

relentlessly once targeted.

Doflamingo, rising from the blow, attempted to strike again, unaware of

the intricacies behind Luffy's techniques.

[However, the next moment, Luffy fired the Great Snake Cannon again!]

[Having suffered a loss, he did not dare to let his guard down, and

constantly jumped around, trying to avoid the attack.]

[Even for this reason, I did not hesitate to use lines to hook the

surrounding houses and go towards the sky.]

[But Luffy's arm is really like a snake, constantly changing direction in

the air with Mingge's direction!]

[It's so fast, it's just a blink of an eye!]

[The Great Snake Cannon extends hundreds of meters long, and every

time it grows, it also makes its power even higher!]

[When this punch slammed into Doflamingo's face, the power of this

punch was far better than the previous punch!]

[Directly punched him and crashed dozens of buildings again!]

[Directly disappeared, even the shadow cannot be seen, can only see the

dust and sound along the way…]

Navy headquarters!


"Garp, your grandson's strength has actually become so strong?"

"The combat power he is showing now is almost like two compared to


Sengoku looked at the sky and couldn't help but be a little shocked.

When Garp heard this, he laughed heartily!


"Of course, you don't look at whose grandson it is!"

When Sengoku heard this, he glanced at it with disdain, "Does Luffy's

becoming stronger have anything to do with you?"

"But I have to say that his power in these four modes is really


"Doflamingo was actually beaten like two fools!"

"I'm afraid if it's turned on when you hit Moria."

"Moria can't even carry a punch…"

The few words of the Sengoku suddenly made the faces of the two people

present instantly darken.

Naturally, it was Moria and Doflamingo faces.

Moria was okay, even if he was initially worried about being defeated by


But after seeing one battle after another and one enemy after another

stronger than him, he was also relieved…

You don't lose unjustly!

At least, there are so many people like themselves… But Doflamingo was

very upset.

He has absolute confidence in his strength, even if he can't compare with

those top bigwigs.

But in the face of a fledgling pirate like Luffy, he should have been

captured, but now…

I was actually pressed to the ground and rubbed? This is simply a shame!

Under the anger, his hands were crunching! If it weren't for the fact that

this is the headquarters of the Navy, I'm afraid it will all be on the spot!

Smashed everything you can see…

[This punch really hurt Doflamingo…]

[The internal organs that were originally stitched with Strings were torn

under this blow]

[Doflamingo understands that he must not continue to fight Luffy in close

combat, otherwise he will hang up sooner or later!]

[At the same time, he also sensed the weakness of Gear 4…]

[Although the Gear 4 mode is strong, he should not be able to maintain

this mode for long.]

[As long as you can drag out time, then it is time for you to win!]

[Thinking of this, Doflamingo smiled!]

["Straw Hat Kid, let you see the true power of the fruit awakening"]

[He stitches his re-broken internal organs with Strings.]

[While patting the ground with one hand, the power of the String fruit is

brought to the extreme!]

[At this moment, everything on the ground, rocks, including houses...]

[All turned into white lines, endlessly, rushing towards Luffy who rushed

over! ] ]

[These countless lines made Luffy unable to get close for a while! ] ]

[Can only keep dodging…]

Ghost Island!

Kaido looked at what Doflamingo's actions did and couldn't help but


"The ability of the fruit after it awaken!"

"Sure enough, don't underestimate it…"

Although in his heart, he could not see the strength of Doflamingo.

He can't look at the garbage fruit of the Paramecia fruit type…

But it has to be said!

The fruit awakening is indeed very terrifying!

Even the String fruit that had no effect in his eyes, after awakening.

It will also exert the power against the sky!

The power under the awakening of the fruit and the power under the

normal state are completely two concepts!

Even if Luffy has the upper hand in the battle now, he still doesn't think

he can win.

As the Four Emperors, he also saw that Luffy's Gear 4 mode was time-

limited, as long as Doflamingo dragged over…

Then, the straw hat kid will lose!

The power of fruit awakening is not easy to deal with…

[Under the entanglement of countless lines, Luffy has always been

resisted! ] ]

[At the moment, he is anxious, because no one knows better than him

how much time he has left in the fourth gear mode. ] ]

[You must take down Doflamingo as fast as possible!] ]

[Luffy chose to use the most barbaric way and directly rampage the

shield into it! ] ]

[He released his Armanent Haki to the extreme! ] ]

[Constantly the limbs turned black, and even the head turned black! ] ]

[Luffy withstood countless lines and came to Doflamingo's face


["Rubber… Lion rocket launcher! "]

[Luffy clenched his hands into tiger claws, and after a burst of

compression… Burst out with amazing explosive power! ]

[This power is far more violent than the previous ape king gun and the

big snake cannon! ] ]

[In an instant, Doflamingo has disappeared in place…]

[Under the push of huge power, he is simply more shell than a

cannonball! ] ]

[In less than a second, dozens of buildings were shattered! ] ]

[Even so, it has not completely offset this force…"

[It wasn't until it hit the huge rock wall behind and knocked it out of a

shocking huge spider web crack that it barely stopped! ] ]

[At this moment, countless people who saw this scene were stunned…]

[This is the first time they have seen Doflamingo beaten into this tragic

situation! ] ]

[In the face of Luffy, there was no way to fight back, and he was beaten

and embedded in the rock wall…]

[Even at this moment, it seems that Doflamingo has lost the slightest bit

of strength. ] ]

[It appears as if you've suffered a complete defeat...]

[However, Law is acutely aware that Doflamingo hasn't been


[The expansive birdcage that blankets the sky remains intact!]

[Luffy sensed that the Gear 4 mode was on the brink of failure. To

conclusively defeat Doflamingo, he summoned enough strength for

another daring charge!]

[Just one punch!]

[Doflamingo... Must be defeated!]


[Just as Luffy was on the verge of reaching Doflamingo, an overwhelming

wave of weakness surged through his body!]

[The Gear 4 mode had reached its limit and was abruptly disengaged...]

[Luffy plummeted to the ground, and the consequences of the Gear 4

mode manifested at that moment.]

[He not only lost access to his Haki, but his body had deteriorated to the


[He lacked the strength to even move...]

[Yet, what intensified the dire situation was the fact that at this critical


[Doflamingo, embedded in the rock wall, exploited this brief respite.]

[Utilizing his Devil Fruit powers, he rapidly mended all the internal

injuries inflicted on his body!]

[And once more... he rose to his feet!]

Observing Luffy sprawled on the ground, his face smeared with blood,

Doflamingo flashed a malevolent grin.]

"Finally giving in, Straw Hat Kid!"]

"Been enduring your onslaught for so long!"]

"If that's the case, then next..."]

"It's my turn..."]

At this juncture, the global audience witnessing this spectacle was in

utter shock!

Countless individuals were gripped with terror to an unimaginable


They couldn't fathom how a battle on the verge of victory just moments

ago could suddenly devolve into such a predicament!

Now, not only could Luffy not topple Doflamingo and conclude the



He himself was plunged into an enormous crisis!

What lies ahead for Luffy, and the entirety of Dressrosa... What course of

action will they take!?


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Chapter 144 : Ace's Killer?

[Luffy fell weakly to the ground...]

[The countless civilians who were still cheering moments ago now

panicked once again!]

[Observing Doflamingo's slow approach, they scattered, fleeing for their



[A fighter from the arena, who had been present earlier, rushed to Luffy's

side and inquired anxiously]

["Straw Hat Kid, what's wrong with you?"]

[Luffy, with the last ounce of strength, responded, "After using Gear 4, I

can only fight after ten minutes. If I endure that, I can fight again."]

[Hearing this, the concerned fighter asked earnestly, "So, if we help you

survive these ten minutes, you can defeat Doflamingo?"]

[Luffy slumped in the fighter's arms and weakly nodded...]


[Don Chinjaos face showed determination, as if he had made a crucial


["In that case, we'll help you endure these ten minutes!"]

["During that time, it's up to us!"]

"If Doflamingo wants to kill you, he'll have to step over my corpse!"]

[In that moment, numerous fighters from the arena began to converge!]

[Hundreds of individuals formed a human wall, shielding Luffy's body...]

[No fear showed on their faces; they stood resolute before the advancing


[Meanwhile, the fighter carrying Luffy sprinted toward the rear...]

[He was prepared to fight for Luffy for the next ten minutes!]

[Only by doing so could they defeat Doflamingo!]

[Their actions aimed to save all of Dressrosa...]

At this juncture, viewers of the live broadcast were also gripped with


They never expected the arena fighters to confront their deepest fears in

order to aid Luffy!

They were willing to use their bodies as shields for Luffy, just to secure

these crucial ten minutes!

Everything Luffy had done for Dressrosa became apparent to everyone in

that moment, earning their trust!

For the first time, viewers felt that ten minutes was an agonizingly long


Could these people...

Truly endure against the enraged Doflamingo for the entire duration?

[Just as Luffy was being carried away...]


[Burgess, a member of the Blackbeard Pirates, made a dramatic


["Straw hat boy, you stole my Flame-Flame Fruit!"]

["Well then, give me your Gum-Gum Fruit, hahaha..."]

[Burgess exuded confidence in defeating Luffy, knowing he could no

longer move!]

[But in the next moment...]

["Luffy, don't make a move!"]

[Sabo emerged, intervening at a crucial moment to halt Burgess's


[Gazing at Sabo before him, Burgess reached the pinnacle of fury!]

[The Flame Fruit, meant for his own consumption, slipped away due to

the individual standing in front of him...]

[Being a long-time resident of Dressrosa, Burgess naturally comprehends

the current dynamics between Sabo and Luffy, even managing a sneer.]

["Heard you, Fire Fist Ace, and Straw Hat Kid are sworn brothers?"]

["A shame, you weren't as prompt in aiding Fire Fist Ace when he fell to

the Marine as you are now!"]

["Honestly, the three of you as brothers pose a greater challenge!"]

["Our Blackbeard Pirates exerted considerable effort to defeat Fire Fist

Ace and hand him over to the Marine!"]

["Even our captain nearly perished, but luckily, Fire Fist Ace is no


[Hearing Burgess's words, Sabo's once composed visage erupted in


[His deepest regret centers around Ace's absence when he needed it the


[Now, the perpetrator responsible for Ace's demise stands before him!]

[I must personally expel this malevolence to avenge Ace!]

As the live broadcast unfolds...

Upon hearing Burgess's revelation, shock reverberates throughout the

world. What in the world?

The truth behind Fire Fist Ace's demise... How could this be?

Though the conversation between the two leaves much to speculation, it's

evident that Ace's demise resulted from two main culprits—the

Blackbeard Pirates and the Marine!

Even more shocking is the revelation that the primary culprit is none

other than Blackbeard—Marshall D. Teach! However, viewers find

themselves dumbfounded once again...

Teach... Wasn't he a member of the Whitebeard Pirates? How could he

have killed Ace, his comrade?

What is happening here!?

While the global audience remains perplexed, no one is more informed

than the members of the Whitebeard Pirates...

In this moment, Teach is no longer one of them, having murdered his

comrades and seized the Dark Devil Fruit!

He has committed the gravest offense within the Whitebeard ranks!

However, this news is yet to disseminate worldwide...

Whitebeard Pirates!

"Marshall... Teach!"

"It's really you!!!"

Seated on his throne, Whitebeard wears a hideous expression!

In an instant, his overwhelming conqueror's haki sweeps across the sky,

causing it to change hues!

The once serene sea now roils and churns!

And it's not just Whitebeard who seethes with rage!

Onboard the entire ship, from Marco and Vista to Jozu and the other

captains, down to the countless foot soldiers, there is not a single

individual who isn't consumed by anger!

Before the emergence of the ominous Flame Fruit hinting at Ace's demise,

everyone was perplexed by the unfolding events!

Now, the answer has been unequivocally revealed!

Unexpectedly, it was a scheme orchestrated by Teach and the Marine!

Not too long ago, Teach betrayed his captain, seizing the fruit and

making a run for it.

Before they could give chase, an unexpected twist unfolded...

The live broadcast screen unveiled that he had launched another assault

on Ace in the future!

This time, it was exclusively targeting captain-level figures, particularly

the beloved Ace.

The collective fury among the onlookers was palpable, and the desire for

retribution was intense.

Though their animosity towards the Marine was not diminished, the two

factions were now at odds.

If they could capture and dispatch Ace, they could deal with their anger

later; after all, they were pirates and the Marine were their adversaries.

However, the shocking betrayal by Teach, a former comrade, handing

Ace over to the Marine, was seen as excessively cruel and despicable.

Whitebeard rose to his feet!

"So, you formed the Blackbeard Pirates after your escape?"

"Teach... I will relentlessly unleash all my might to pursue you."

"I will ensure your existence on this sea is devoid of any hope!"

As the father figure of the entire Whitebeard crew, he treated everyone

fairly, but Ace held a special place in his heart.

Not only was Ace his "son," but he was also a departed friend with

Roger's blood running through his veins.

Hence, Whitebeard wouldn't permit anyone to take Ace's life. The

bloodline of Roger, his only link to the past, must not be extinguished.

Yet, compared to the rage brewing within the entire Whitebeard crew,

Ace remained surprisingly composed.

Despite furrowing his brows, he didn't let his emotions run wild.

"Is it because of Teach that I met my end?"

"It seems he not only conceals his ambitions but also his true strength..."

...The Red-haired Pirates!

Shanks, too, was aware of Ace's true identity as the sole bloodline of the

old captain, keeping a watchful eye on Ace while observing Luffy.

Learning about the complexity surrounding Ace's death, Shanks'

expression darkened.

"Teach, a familiar name and face!"

Shanks traced the scar at the corner of his eye.

This scar, a memento from Teach, reminded him that appearances could

be deceiving.

No one understood better than Shanks the ambitions and strength Teach,

who appeared honest on the surface, concealed.

"I never expected that you, with hidden strength, would surpass Ace."

"It's truly surprising..."

"Lurking within the Whitebeard Pirates for so many years, all for a fruit?"

"But I suspect someone will be even angrier than me, won't they?"

"Next, you'll face ceaseless pursuit and retaliation..."

...Water 7!

Luffy's eyes widened, fixated on the sky screen. Finally, he learned the

identity of Ace's killer: the Marine and Blackbeard Teach!

"Ace, I won't let your death go unanswered!"

"This Blackbeard guy, I'll take him down with my own hands!"

Luffy gritted his teeth, suppressing the anger welling up within him.

Besides his crewmates, his family was the most important to him.

The news of Ace's death deeply saddened him, and he couldn't fathom

the pain he would endure if it became a reality.

Determined to end the agony of losing his brother, he resolved to train

harder and become stronger.

Even more formidable than what was broadcasted live!

"Ace... No matter who aims to take you down!"

"Whether it's the Marine or Blackbeard, I'll knock them off!"

"You won't die, not on my watch!!!"


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Chapter 145 : 10 Minutes!

Marine Headquarters!

At this very moment, Garp also discovered the true cause of Ace's death,

leaving him utterly stunned.

Though lacking most details, he could glean a rough picture from the

exchange between the two...

Blackbeard betrays his comrades, escapes, and the pseudo-captain Ace,

finds himself captured!

Yet, in the clash with Blackbeard, he was defeated, taken alive, and

ultimately delivered to Marine Headquarters for execution!

Even Burgess's words hinted at it.

The day Ace faced Marine execution drew forth numerous formidable


Contemplating it, given Ace's identity, there were countless who sought

his salvation!

At the very least, the Whitebeard Pirates were among them. Not to

mention Luffy, and considering the Marine's extensive information

network, they were well aware, even if news of Blackbeard's betrayal

hadn't fully spread.

What neither Sengoku nor Garp could fathom was that Blackbeard Teach

had caused such a profound stir in the future!

Not only did he possess the strength to vanquish Fire Fist Ace, but he also

seemed to have formed a remarkably powerful pirate crew!

Garp's eyes widened, "Ace killed... by the Marine?"

Upon learning of Ace's demise, he had entertained numerous possibilities,

yet this had not been among them!

As a member of the Marine and Ace's grandfather by association, could it

be that his own hands had dealt the fatal blow?

In this moment, Garp's heart trembled.

He began to contemplate how he'd react witnessing Ace's execution.

Although Ace wasn't his biological grandson, over so many years, he had

been as much family as Luffy.

They were all kin...

Logically, as a Marine Hero, he was diametrically opposed to pirates.

Such a union was inconceivable!

If Ace truly faced execution at Marine Headquarters, he would never be

able to quell the internal turmoil.

The weight of justice behind him was just too burdensome! However, in

the face of his family's execution, could he genuinely remain indifferent?

At this moment, Garp was unsure, unable to fathom such a scenario!

Sengoku, his old partner, observed Garp's internal conflict and extended a

comforting hand, patting his back.

As for the others present...

Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, and the Marines.

There were also Mihawk, Hancock, Jinbei, Doflamingo, and other

Shichibukai... Each was taken aback by the truth behind Ace's death!

The captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' second division, Fire Fist Ace, had

met his demise at the hands of the Marine!

It was beyond imagination...

Observing all the pirates as malevolent, Admiral Akainu, harboring a

wish for their demise, grinned with contentment.

Jinbei found himself the most astonished, given his amicable relations

with the Whitebeard Pirates, particularly his close friendship with Ace.

Yet, the most profound reaction undoubtedly came from Doflamingo.

Upon witnessing the unfolding events, a smile broke across his face, as a

weight on his heart finally lifted.

It seemed the demise of Fire Fist Ace truly had no connection to him.

He reasoned with himself, asserting that Ace's fate was unrelated to his

own, and he questioned how he could be implicated in Ace's demise.

The emotional ties were rooted in their respective pirates crew and the

tumultuous relationship with the Marine.

At most, he happened to possess the Mera Mera no Mi.

In light of this, even if he were to step out now, Whitebeard had no

justifiable cause to pursue him, right?

With this realization, Doflamingo's mood lightened considerably.

Of course, a more significant reason existed — the broadcast displayed

Luffy, in his Gear 4 mode, weakened and vulnerable!

Ten minutes presented ample time for him to... end him.

This battle needed to conclude with his triumph.

[Burgess's provocation fueled Sabo's fury to the extreme!]

[No nonsense, just action!]

[However, even with Burgess's strength, he couldn't confront Sabo


[Let alone Sabo, who had consumed the Mera Mera no Mi, boosting his

strength once more!]

[Burgess displayed true courage...]

[His raw power proved ineffective against Sabo!]

[Faced with elementalization, his attacks had no effect!]

["Fire Fist!"]

[A punch fueled by rage, unleashing a torrent of flames in an instant!]

[Burgess was nearly charred outright, escaping just in time; otherwise, he

might have met his end here...]


[Doflamingo was incensed to the extreme!]

[Luffy, aided by these fighters, evaded rapidly, leaving no one in his


["Since you enjoy running, I'll compel you to reveal yourself


[With those words, Donquixote Doflamingo shook the skybound


[Instantaneously, the closing speed of the birdcage escalated!]

[Despite the valiant efforts of Soldier-san and the others, resistance

proved futile...]

[Yet, no one relinquished hope. Under the rallying cries of King Riku,

Usopp, and others...]

[Even the entire kingdom's civilians gathered at the cage, contributing

their strength...]

[And, astonishingly, even the Marine joined the fray!]

[Among them, naturally includes the admiral… Fujitora!]

[Even Zoro slashed at the cage net.]

["The old man is willing to make a little effort…"]

[At this moment, the entire population of Dressrosa joined forces to resist

the birdcage!]

[And Doflamingo has also defeated almost all the fighters in his way!]

[Covered in blood and sporting a cruel smile, he declared,]

"Do you think you can resist the contraction of the birdcage through

sheer force alone?"

"In less than a minute, the birdcage will be completely shrunk to its

utmost limit!"

"At that point, the entirety of Dressrosa will cease to exist!"

"Straw Hat Kid, you… will die too!"

Countless spectators witnessed this scene, their faces displaying extreme


Why does Doflamingo possess such overwhelming power?

Even with the combined strength of so many people, his thread fruit's

birdcage continues to advance!

The edge is so sharp; when it contracts to its extreme, will everyone be

cut off one by one?

There's less than a minute left; can Luffy really overcome this?

Is Doflamingo truly invincible? At this moment, myriad emotions swirled

in the hearts of countless viewers.

Excitement, anger, reluctance, or… anxiety!

Any person with a sense of justice knows, after watching the entire live

broadcast, Doflamingo's actions are exceedingly wicked!

Although Luffy and his crew are pirates, they're here to save the entire


Defeating Doflamingo is the only way to save everyone in the kingdom!

Countless spectators shouted at the screen.

"Straw hat boy, stand up!"

"Yes, stand up and bring down Doflamingo!"

"Save the whole Dressrosa; now you are the hope of all!"

Even though they understand that their shouted words are futile because

Luffy can't hear them in the live broadcast, the atmosphere is charged,

and everyone can't help but be swept up in their inner excitement!

As the scene unfolds, Doflamingo advances toward Luffy…

Rebecca sprang into action; she needed to buy the last bit of time for


However, given her strength, how could she contend with Doflamingo?

Even under the influence of the String-String Fruit, Rebecca found herself

unable to restrain the swing of her knife towards the injured Violet...

With Violet, seriously wounded and immobile, on the brink of death

beneath Rebecca's blade!

In this critical moment...

Luffy, absent for ten minutes, finally reappeared!

The instant he materialized, he swiftly lifted the strings controlling

Rebecca, saving them both.


"It seems things have been restored..."

"But you're still incredibly weakened, and defeating me is impossible!"

"What's more, the Birdcage will close in less than a minute!"

"Do you think you can defeat me in that time?"

With a wild laugh, Doflamingo was convinced of his victory; he believed

he stood at the pinnacle.

Yet, Luffy remained resolute, speaking earnestly!

"In that case..."

"Then, in a minute, I'll knock you down!"

In the next moment, Doflamingo took the initiative, sending countless

strings sweeping towards Luffy!

Naturally, Luffy resisted them all with his Armament Haki!

But like relentless waves, countless strings surged again, enclosing Luffy!



The endless lines exploded, and Luffy activated it once more... Gear


He leaped into the air and continuously charged his fist!

"Doflamingo, I told you that you'd be knocked down by my own hands!"

"Rubber... Great Ape King Gun!"

In this moment, it was far more terrifying than the Ape King Gun, as well

as the Lion Rocket Cannon and other more dreadful moves...

It emerged.


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Chapter 146 : Doflamingo


"What a formidable punch!"

Zoro couldn't help but marvel as he witnessed Luffy's moves in the

picture! From Sanji to Robin, Usopp, and everyone else, they were all


As early as when Luffy switched to Gear 4, he had already left them in


No one had anticipated that Luffy would possess such an overwhelming

battle mode!

The combat prowess he displayed now far exceeded the audacity he

showed when facing CP9 on Enies Lobby!

And this technique, the Great Ape King Gun...

It surpassed the previous Ape King Gun, Great Snake Cannon, and Lion

Cannon by a significant margin.

Whether it was Zoro or Franky, they all believed that attempting to block

this punch now would likely result in severe injury, if not death!

Meanwhile, Luffy sat at the forefront, his eyes brimming with longing.

It was evident that he yearned for the strength he aspired to attain in the


["The Great Ape King Gun is currently Luffy's most potent move in the

fourth gear!]]

[Gathering all his power into this punch, it possesses unparalleled

destructive force...]

[And faced with such a dire situation, Doflamingo didn't smirk; his

madness was vividly on display!]]

["Straw hat boy, let's see how powerful your punch truly is!"]

[In an instant, Doflamingo pushed his Devil Fruit powers to the limit!]]

[Endless threads started converging, forming a massive cobweb right in

front of him!]]

[He aimed to counter Luffy's punch!]]

[But what's crucial is not just that...]

[Doflamingo not only utilized his own threads to form a colossal


[Countless black lines stemmed from it!]]

[These black lines appeared sharp and incredibly hard, resembling actual

spider claws!]]

[A myriad of such lines surged towards Luffy...]

[At that very moment, Luffy's fist also exploded forth!]]

[The terrifying power that swept through everything was fully


[The collision of the black lines and Luffy's fist created an instantaneous


[A formidable energy wave rippled in all directions!]]

[Even those hundreds of kilometers away could feel it distinctly.]

[At this moment, everyone in Dressrosa is fixated on the unfolding


[While fear grips their hearts, a fervent prayer emanates from within...]

[Prayers echo, hoping Luffy will conquer Doflamingo and liberate


[Everyone!! ]

In reality...

It's not solely Dressrosa's populace praying for Luffy's triumph right now!

Across the globe, those engrossed in the live broadcast share in the

collective hope.

At least half of them silently wish for Luffy's victory!

Now, the clash has reached its zenith...

Both contenders unleash their ultimate might, and the outcome pivots on

this decisive maneuver!

Ultimately, will it be Luffy's triumph...

Or Doflamingo's success?

Nerves are at an all-time high, the spectators gripped by the unfolding


["Doflamingo!! "]

[Luffy's visage contorts with rage, his roars reverberating! ] ]

[The resounding voice echoes across the entire kingdom...]

[Despite his battered form, a singular goal fuels his heart, that is..."

[Defeating Doflamingo and rescuing Dressrosa!] ]

[Finally! ]

[No matter how relentless Doflamingo's taunts, no matter how grueling

the struggle! ] ]

[Amidst Luffy's final, all-encompassing burst of power...]

[Countless threads shatter, breaking apart at this critical juncture! ] ]

[With no more barriers, Luffy, propelled by an unyielding force, delivers

a devastating blow to Doflamingo's face! ] ]

[At this moment, Doflamingo's expression remains etched in shock! ] ]

[Even behind his sunglasses, the incredulity is unmistakable]

[Yet, now, it's too late!] ]

[Under the overwhelming might of the Great Ape King Spear, Doflamingo

is instantly driven into the ground! ] ]

[The colossal power, not fully unleashed, relentlessly pounds him, body

and ground becoming one in a chaotic onslaught! ] ]

[Amidst a thunderous roar and billowing dust...]

[A solitary, blood-stained pair of sunglasses rests above the ground. ]

[These sunglasses belong to Doflamingo, but as for the man himself...]

[He lies unconscious, felled by Luffy's decisive punch! ] ]

[This marks the definitive conclusion of the battle! ] ]

[With Luffy emerging triumphant, Doflamingo defeated and


[Through Violet's ability, the entire populace of Dressrosa witnesses this

spectacle. ] ]

[At this point, an overwhelming shock envelopes everyone.] ]

[As disbelief spread, Doflamingo was truly defeated!]

[The one responsible for his defeat was none other than the Straw Hat

kid, Luffy!]


[Violet, Rebecca, and the others couldn't contain their tears; all of them

lived under Doflamingo's shadow.]

[Now, thanks to Luffy's intervention, they found complete salvation!]

[In this moment, Luffy, unperturbed, captured the hearts of two

prominent beauties...]

[The entire Dressrosa crowd, after a brief silence, erupted into

thunderous cheers!]

[Everyone echoed Luffy's name and hailed the entire Straw Hat Pirates!]

[The birdcage that had encircled the kingdom began to slowly dissipate

at this very moment.]

[In the hearts of everyone present, it wasn't just the birdcage that was


[It also marked the end of the dark era dominated by Doflamingo,


[Dressrosa would now embark on a new journey, transforming into a

kingdom filled with love!]

Simultaneously, across the world!

The entire world shook!

Marine Headquarters!


"Doflamingo lost..."

In the Marine conference room, everyone, except Garp, was stunned.

A profound shock enveloped their hearts at this moment.

Despite the twists and turns in the previous battles, there was never a

doubt that Doflamingo would emerge victorious!

This was due to the clear understanding within the Seven Warlords of the

Sea and the three Admirals regarding Doflamingo's strength!

However, it was beyond their expectations... Ultimately, it was Luffy who

emerged victorious!

Doflamingo... truly defeated!

This outcome shocked countless individuals to the core, plunging them

into deep disbelief...

At the forefront, Garp was jubilant!

"Hahaha... Luffy, you lad, well done!"

"I never expected this grandson to become this powerful!"

"Hahaha, splendid..."

"It brings back memories of my youth, hahaha..."

Normally, one would expect the Marine to maintain their composure,

especially during the meeting, given their emphasis on image!

Yet, Garp refrained from voicing his thoughts because... he too was


At this moment, he remained engrossed in the conclusion where Luffy

effortlessly brought down Doflamingo with a single punch.

It must be acknowledged that whether it be Sengoku as a Marine

marshal, Aokiji or Kizaru who are Admirals, or Hancock and Mihawk of

the Shichibukai, all were petrified by Luffy's Gear 4—or more precisely,

intimidated by the sheer might of his final move, the Great Ape King


Such a formidable force, it seemed that no individual present dared to

confront it single-handedly!

In this moment of realization, they came to understand...

The straw hat kid, who had recently set sail and battled with tens of

millions of Berry pirates, had rapidly ascended in power.

In the blink of an eye...

How had he become so overwhelmingly potent?

Moreover, he had now earned the right to stand alongside everyone

present. As for Doflamingo, seated at the table, his countenance had

grown exceedingly grim.

The fury within him had reached an unparalleled intensity!

"Straw Hat Kid..."

"Monkey D. Luffy..."

Even now, he struggled to accept that he had been defeated by such an

individual. The rage within Doflamingo surged. At this moment, he was...

inclined towards the desire to kill!

Within the Whitebeard Pirates:

"Luffy emerged victorious!?"

Ace was the first to exclaim, his entire being illuminated with joy!

As Luffy's older brother, no one was more jubilant than him at this

moment! He was well-acquainted with Doflamingo's strength and

understood the formidable adversary Luffy faced.

Although he had unwavering faith in his brother from the start, there was

still an inevitable concern.

However, all anxieties dissipated in an instant! Only boundless joy


The rest of the Whitebeard crew, including Marco, Jozu, Vista, and

numerous other divsion captains, were equally astonished.

Initially, they hadn't held much hope for Luffy, even considering his

relation to Ace.

After all, they were well aware of the caliber of the adversary Luffy


This was Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

His strength was beyond comparison to Moria's...

Yet, Luffy, through his actions, had delivered a resounding slap to their


"Gear 4..."

"Great Ape King Gun..."

"Ace's brother, are they already this formidable?"

Everyone, in disbelief, marveled at Luffy's strength...

Displaying immense pride as Luffy's brother, Ace wore an expression of

profound satisfaction on his face. Although everyone was already aware

of his relationship with Luffy, at this moment, he couldn't resist shouting

that sentiment once more...

"Luffy, he's my brother!"

"I'm proud of him!"


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Chapter 147 : Reaction!

Red-Haired Pirates!


At this moment, the entire Red-Haired Pirate crew was ablaze!

Unbelievable! Luffy... he actually did it!

He defeated Doflamingo!

"Luffy is truly formidable. He took down another Warlord of the Sea!"

"Yeah, it's hard to believe that the little brat from back then has grown so


"The Gum-Gum Fruit is incredibly mastered in his hands, and now there

are four gears!"

"These four gears are really powerful; I can barely keep up!"

"After defeating Doflamingo, Luffy is bound to make a name for himself

again, right?"


Countless members of the Red-Haired Pirate crew sighed emotionally,

laughter echoing through the air.

Being a relatively small force among the major factions, there were few

who desired Luffy's victory the most.

They were naturally elated to witness such an outcome.

After all, many elders in the crew had longstanding connections with


Even Usopp, being the son of Yasopp, could be considered one of the

most devoted to the Straw Hat Pirates.

Of course, the person happiest at that moment was undoubtedly Shanks.

"Luffy, I always knew you had it in you!"

"As one who inherited Roger's will, I'll witness it with my own eyes..."

"Embark on the path of the true king!"

Shanks smiled, stood up, and laughed, raising his wine glass.

"Here's to Luffy's victory!"

"Now, it's time to celebrate!"

The entire scene erupted in cheers, everyone immersed in the festivities.

On Onigashima.

Kaido's colossal figure couldn't help but tremble.

A thick rage spread across his entire face!


"Doflamingo was defeated by this kid?"

"He's just trash, utterly useless."

He rose, unleashing his overwhelming aura, shattering everything around


Countless subordinates below trembled, frozen in fear.

Kaido's anger grew, uncontrollable and seething. His fury stemmed from

the fact that he and Doflamingo had been collaborating. They needed to

procure numerous artificial Devil Fruits from him, not to mention their

involvement in various underground activities. More crucially, Kaido

placed great importance on rewards from quiz question!

The rewards had been granted on several occasions before, each offering

the chance for enhanced abilities, limb recovery, healing of severe

injuries, and an improvement in Haki. Any one of these was an

extraordinary experience!

He had been hungry for it for a long time!

If one could casually obtain any of these, their strength would

undoubtedly be significantly enhanced!

Now, Whitebeard, one of the four emperor, had fully recovered from all

his injuries and returned to his peak form! Meanwhile, Shanks had been

reborn with a healed broken arm, restoring his complete strength. The

power of these two formidable individuals at his level had been greatly

enhanced. If he failed to secure a reward, wouldn't he be left far behind?

No way!

Absolutely not!

Originally, he had pinned his hopes on this moment. In the eyes of Kaido,

facing a newcomer pirate like Luffy, Doflamingo, one of the Seven

Warlords of the Sea, should have been an easy task!

But now...

He had actually lost?

Lost the opportunity to gain rewards once again!

How could he not be furious?

How could he not be enraged?

"Detestable, wretched luck!!"

Kaido's roar echoed throughout the Onigashima, striking terror into

countless hearts!

Doflamingo was defeated, and the eyepiece knocked off by Luffy's punch

lay on the ground.

In response to this, Big Mom and her sons and daughters were equally

shocked. They stood there, dumbfounded, each processing the turn of


Especially Big Mom; her eyes were on the verge of popping out.

"Garp's grandson, has he grown so rapidly?"

"Even considering the time on the live broadcast screen..."

"It's only been a little over two years, and he has already defeated so

many formidable enemies in succession?"

"What an astonishing rate of growth!"

"I'm starting to feel a bit threatened."

Although Big Mom was shocked, this feeling was fleeting. Soon, beneath

the cake, she completely dismissed the past. After all, in her perspective,

regardless of how strong Luffy had become, it was impossible for him to

contend with her as one of the Four Emperors.


She had no connection with Luffy. How could there be any association?

No matter how he grew, he wouldn't interfere with her. Naturally, she

didn't need to concern herself too much.

And below, Katakuri, at this moment, gazed up at Luffy's figure in the


But there was a gleam in his eyes because the faster Luffy grew and the

stronger he became.

The more he embraced the desire to fight!

"Now you're truly getting stronger and stronger..."

"Compared to Enies Lobby, Dressrosa was a walk in the park!"

"Not only did he unlock another layer of his Devil Fruit ability, but he

also mastered the Haki!"

"I truly hope..."

"In the near future, I can joyfully face you in battle!"

Revolutionary Army Headquarters!


"Luffy won, Luffy won!"

Countless revolutionary troops were ecstatic at this moment!

They already knew Luffy was the son of their leader, Dragon.

So naturally, their bias was all in favor of Luffy's victory!

Moreover, defeating Doflamingo would greatly benefit the future actions

of the entire Revolutionary Army!

Witnessing Doflamingo's defeat, the entire Revolutionary Army was

naturally thrilled!

Even the commanders of the five major armies were in disbelief at this

exciting moment.

"The leader's son is truly incredible, defeating such a formidable enemy!"

"This surpasses all expectations; what a shock!"

"Yes, I had my doubts before, but now I see how short-sighted I was!"

"Luffy has brought us numerous surprises; if only he were not a pirate,

but a comrade in our Revolutionary Army."

Including Sabo, they all fell silent at the same time, wearing satisfied

smiles. Even though he still didn't recall the memories from the past,

after watching the live broadcast, he had learned.

Luffy and Ace were his sworn brothers!

So no matter what, he would always support them!


"Even though I haven't remembered our past memories yet."

"But seeing you rush towards me, tears streaming down your face, I'm

sure we must have shared an incredible bond!"

"I'm genuinely happy for you, witnessing you triumph over the enemy..."

"After I've finished dealing with matters here, I'll come to you!"

Water 7!

"Franky, how much longer until the ship is repaired?"

Luffy asked, looking weary.

During this period, aside from the live broadcast, he was genuinely


Franky raised his face covered in grease, wearing an irritated expression!

"Quit slacking off and talking! It'll take a maximum of three days, and

then you can set sail!"

Luffy looked weakened again, "Still three days? You guys are really


This time, not only Franky but everyone involved in shipbuilding turned

their heads!

Sanji, Nami, Usopp, and others all scolded Luffy!

"You, be quiet!"

Coincidentally, at this moment, the live broadcast screen also reached its


Luffy activated Gear Fourth, unleashing a massive Ape King Gun that

brought an end to Doflamingo. The entirety of Dressrosa was saved, and

a collective gasp of awe escaped from onlookers at the sight.

Then, the cheers erupted!

Even though it was just a glimpse into the future, witnessing the group

triumph over a formidable foe once again was exhilarating!

The Doflamingo family, those imposing cadres, were defeated by


The joy and excitement were palpable!

Luffy, with a contented smile, patted his straw hat, radiating warmth.

Simultaneously, across the world, people were caught in the shock and

excitement of Luffy's victory over Doflamingo!

In the sky, there was a moment of silence in the scene...

And then, the playback began!

"The news of Doflamingo's defeat spread like wildfire throughout


"In the midst of this fierce battle..."

"Luffy emerges victorious!!"


At this very moment, the cheers of countless civilians erupted, shaking

the heavens.

King Riku couldn't hold back hot tears, reminiscing about the day

Doflamingo had arrived.

Dressrosa, once shrouded in darkness, now bathed in light.

"The darkness has finally been dispelled!"

"Everyone firmly believes that light and hope will once again grace this


"The Straw Hats have become the heroes of Dressrosa!"

Countless people celebrated their victory.

And at this very moment, Admiral Fujitora appeared with thousands of

navy forces...


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Chapter 148 : Straw Hat Grand


Marine Headquarters!

At this critical moment, an air of disbelief lingered among everyone...

Yet, as Fujitora's figure came into view, a collective gaze fixated upon


Even Akainu, who harbored the strongest desire for Luffy and his crew's

demise, allowed a fleeting smile to grace his countenance.

"Are you intending to apprehend the Straw Hats?"

"Fujitora, while not a fully accredited admiral, remains true to his duties

as a Marine."

"Noteworthy is the fact that he hasn't forsaken his Marine obligations!"

"Indeed, with the Straw Hats currently worn out from their battle, it's the

ideal moment to seize them!"

Akainu couldn't conceal the elation within his heart. As an Admiral

himself, the Straw Hats and their allies would unquestionably stand their

ground if he chose to make a move – an opportune situation indeed.

[This led those under King Riku to believe that Fujitora sought to capture

Luffy and his crew!]

[Having just vanquished Doflamingo on their behalf, witnessing them

captured unjustly was inconceivable!]

[Suddenly, a human barrier materialized before the Straw Hats.]

[Their stance conveyed an unspoken threat: Any attempt by the Marine

to arrest them would be met with immediate resistance!]

[Yet, Fujitora simply stood before the assembly, his words deliberate.]

"Doflamingo, as the Warlord of the Seas, was sheltered by the World


"For years, Dressrosa lived in his shadow, gripped by fear."

"The Marine could not intervene; it fell upon the Straw Hats to save you!"

"Such a responsibility, traditionally ours as the Marine, now rests upon

the shoulders of pirates..."

"The shame runs deep!"

"Today, on behalf of the entire Marine, I extend my apologies to you!"

[Here stood Admiral Fujitora, the epitome of the Marine's might,

kneeling on the ground!]

[Head bowed low, his posture reflected utmost humility!]

[Even the entire Marine behind him followed suit, a collective apology

echoing across Dressrosa!]

This spectacle left the entire world dumbfounded!

No one had anticipated such audacity from Fujitora.

In their eyes, it wasn't an act of disgrace but rather the embodiment of a

strong individual's mindset.

In this moment, the name Fujitora etched itself into the memories of

countless individuals...

However, at Marine Headquarters, an explosion of incredulity ensued!

Akainu, in his fury, slammed his hand onto the adjacent table, shattering

it into fragments!

"What in the world is he doing?"

"Bowing to civilians?"

"As an admiral, he's tarnishing the Marine's reputation!"

The more Akainu pondered, the angrier he became, his body even

trembling with fury!

In his view, even if Fujitora doesn't capture the Straw Hats and their

gang, fine, but to actually kneel?

Isn't that ridiculous?

If he were in front of him, he'd have to unleash a major attack on him!

However, the other two admirals didn't share Akainu's disdain. Kizaru,

stroking their chins, said, "Fujitora... What an intriguing person!"

Aokiji pondered for a moment. "If one can be flexible and just, the

Marine's future would be brighter."

Even the two leaders, Garp and Sengoku, were slightly surprised by

Fujitora's actions.

"The more I watch this guy, the more I like him!"

Garp laughed heartily, his mood lightened.

On the other hand, Sengoku furrowed his brows initially, but after a

while, he sighed, a smile appearing on his face.

Fujitora's behavior was, in Sengoku's eyes, a blow to the Marine's


After all, admirals represent the pinnacle of the Marine's combat power,

and here was one not offering apologies, let alone bowing to countless


However, what truly pleased Sengoku was that, despite the loss of face,

Fujitora's actions weren't a disgrace!

At least, Fujitora cared for civilians, acknowledged his mistakes, and held

justice in his heart—qualities befitting a true admiral!

If the Marine had more individuals like him, it would bring good fortune

not just to the Marine, but to the entire world!

[In the subsequent scenes, Fujitora not only kneels to apologize.]

[Even more, as the den den mushi and Marine higher-ups begin to scold,

all in the name of justice!]

[Although it's unclear who is on the other end of the line.]

[But judging from Fujitora's performance, it's no ordinary person.]

[Presumably, the other party's leader is furious!]

[The Marine reinforcements arrived, and it was uncertain whether they

came for Doflamingo or Luffy.]

[What's even more astonishing is the presence of Sengoku and Tsuru

among them!]

[These two individuals are formidable veteran forces, creating a moment

of surprise among the members stationed at the Marine headquarters.]


"The old man might make an appearance?"

"But it seems like... the old man isn't a Marine marshal?"

"Otherwise, he wouldn't have recklessly set out to sea!"

"That guy scolding Fujitora isn't old man; that's a relief, a relief indeed..."

Upon hearing these comments, Aokiji and Kizaru behind couldn't help

but feel a sense of embarrassment.

They had thought Sengoku was concerned about who would take the

Fleet Admiral's position. They were relieved that the matter, despite

Sengoku's apparent seriousness, sometime he also reflected Mr. Garp's

characteristic personality.

[After exchanging a few pleasantries]

[Fujitora also explained why he aided the Straw Hats.]

"Because I enjoy taking risks, and I only watch the dice!"

"Previously, it was always a roll of the dice that led to assisting the Straw

Hats, but now,"

"It's the arrest of Straw Hat Luffy!"

[In response to this twist of fate,]

[Fujitora rose, rallying all the Marine forces to begin preparations for the

arrest of Straw Hat Luffy!]

[However, after several days of recuperation, Luffy, under Chopper's

healing, was nearly back to full strength.]

[Bartolomeo, Cavendish, and many other formidable individuals also lent

their strength to help Luffy and his comrades escape.]

[During this period, Luffy even played a role in mending the strained

relationship between Rebecca and Kyros, reuniting the father and


[Last Minute]

[Fujitora finally displayed the strength befitting a general, gathering the

sky fragments into a massive sphere!]

[If it were to descend... it could potentially obliterate half of Dressrosa!]

[But, at this critical juncture,]

[The entire population of Dressrosa surged forward!]

[Ostensibly, they appeared to be assisting the Marine in capturing Luffy,

but in reality...]

[Everyone's faces were adorned with smiles!]

[Though Fujitora was visually impaired, he possessed a superhuman

ability to sense emotions, detecting only excitement and joy in the hearts

of those pursuing them, with no trace of animosity!]

"They're... Help the Straw Hats escape!"

"Due to the intervention of countless civilians, and to prevent casualties,

Fujitora's meteorite hesitated to fall naturally!"

"He had to witness Luffy and his crew leave like this."

"Not only did he refrain from taking action, but even the entire Marine

remained still, with rare appearances!"

Fujitora's usually stern face suddenly displayed a warm smile.

"To be supported and loved by all these people, I really want to see what

the Straw Hat kid looks like."

"Probably a very warm face, right?"

"He's pretending!"

"He's acting!"

"Admiral Fujitora is blatantly putting on a show; he doesn't want to harm

the Straw Hat at all!"

"He just wants to let them go!!"

Akainu was furious, and his excitement reached its peak.

Sengoku impatiently waved his hand.

"Sakazuki, you need to be quiet; it's too noisy!"

"It's affecting my enjoyment of the live broadcast."

Akainu's entire face turned green!

Why did it seem like nobody cared if the Straw Hats were caught?

At this moment, he really wanted to ask if they were even part of the


"Finally, Luffy and the others escaped from Dressrosa!"

"They eluded the 'Marine Siege' and regrouped at sea with Cavendish and


"Initially, everyone planned to bid farewell, but..."

"In front of Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Franky, and others!"

"The formidable individuals led by Cavendish, Bartolomeo, and others

formed a line and made an astonishing gesture!"

Bartolomeo stood up and respectfully said:


"We, the seven of us, volunteer to follow Luffy-Senpai!"

"At any time, we are willing to be the spear and shield of Luffy-Senpai!"

"Willing to block everything, follow Luffy-Senpai; everything is because

we are impressed by Luffy-Senpai, repaying this kindness!"

"A total of 5,600 people request the honor of having a drink with us as


"From today onward, lead us under your command!"

"Become members of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet!!"

Thunderous applause!

At this moment...

The world shook once more!

A total of more than 5,600 people joined the Straw Hat Grand Fleet!?

It's horrible!!


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Chapter 149 : The Four Emperors

Pirates are the next enemy?!

["Luffy-Senpai, I'll wait for seven individuals to willingly join your


["Henceforth, become the spear and shield of the Straw Hat Pirates!"]

["No matter where we are, as long as Luffy-Senpai gives the order, I'll

rush to follow Luffy-Senpai!"]

[At this moment, the seven raised the wine in unison.]

[They are Team Captain Cavendish, Captain of the Second Team

Bartolomeo, Captain of the Third Team Lao Cai, Captain of the Fourth

Team Edio, Captain of the Fifth Team Leo of the Tontatta Tribe.]

[And the Captain of the Sixth Team, Hajrudin of the Giant Race, and the

final Captain of the Seventh Team, Olumbus of the Super Large Ship


[All members have reached an astonishing number, surpassing 5,600!]

[Among them, there are fifty-six members from the Barto Club, seventy-

five from the Beautiful Pirates, and a thousand from the Eight Treasures

Water Army.]

[Additionally, a fighting alliance formed by four long-armed and long-

legged families and a two-hundred-strong villain.]

[Five-member Giant Pirate Regiment and a 4,300-strong Adventure Ship


[Under the representation of Bartolomeo and Cavendish, everyone raised

their glasses!]

[Voluntarily joining the Straw Hat Pirates to become their affiliated


[Jointly establishing the Straw Hat Grand Fleet!]

[Faced with this situation, Chopper, Usopp, and Franky behind Luffy

were astonished!]

[Because each of these seven individuals is an incredibly powerful force!]

[Not only Cavendish and Lao Cai but any one of them could be a

formidable pirate at sea!]

[Yet now, they willingly joined Luffy and the others?]

[This is enough to make Luffy and the crew a renowned superpower

upon entering the New World!]

[More than 5,600 strong.]

[Perhaps only the Four Emperors Pirate Groups can boast of such a

tremendous numerical advantage.]

[However, in response to everyone's self-recommendation, Captain Luffy

stood up.]

[Originally, with his personality, he wouldn't agree to everyone


[However, Zoro behind him, whether understanding Luffy's character and

intending to agree directly or just being thirsty and wanting to finish the


[He directly downs the sake, symbolizing acceptance.]

[Bartolomeo and the others, seeing Zoro drink, naturally followed suit!]

[They directly lift their glasses and take a sip, sealing their inclusion

under the Straw Hat Pirates!]

[The Straw Hat Grand Fleet, established at this moment.]

With the live sky screen playing!

Right now!

All around the globe, audiences were left in awe. Never had they

envisioned the unfolding events to take such a turn?

Luffy and his crew not only vanquished Doflamingo, one of the Seven

Warlords of the Sea, but they also rescued the entire Kingdom of


Furthermore, the formidable figures renowned in the Dressrosa Kingdom

have willingly come under their command!

Becoming Luffy's sworn allies!?

Yet, in the eyes of many, it was during this battle, whether it was Luffy or

every member of the Straw Hat Pirates, they put in relentless effort to

overcome their formidable adversary!

They showcased their allure to the fullest.

Their victory over Doflamingo not only symbolized triumph but also

served as a covert rescue mission for the people of Dressrosa!

Naturally, including the seven individuals before them, they too must

have been captivated by Luffy's charisma, choosing willingly to join him

and become his comrades!

If, in the future, Luffy indeed ascends to the position of the Pirate King.

Even among the Four Emperors!

Their decisions today would undoubtedly yield boundless advantages for

their future selves...


It wasn't just the countless viewers who were taken aback.

Even many powerful factions on the sea were shaken by this!

Whitebeard Pirates!

Observing the Straw Hat Pirates, originally comprising about ten

members, suddenly gaining numerous new allies!

AStraw Hat Grand Fleet boasting more than 5,600 individuals took form!

The entire Whitebeard crew, including Whitebeard himself, reveled in joy

and merriment!

Of course, the one most overjoyed was none other than Ace!

He gazed at the sky, a sense of relief adorning his face!

"Luffy, my brother... #..."

"At this moment, you have truly assumed the mantle of the future king of

the sea!"

"I anticipate witnessing your continuous growth in the days to come!"

"I'm sure, by that time, you will surpass me without a doubt."

Red-haired pirates!

Shanks too cast his gaze toward the sky, wearing a smile on his face.

While sipping from his wine, he mumbled, "Luffy is becoming more and

more like a formidable man!"

"He conquered this group of people through the sheer force of his

personality charm."

"Presumably, in the future, these individuals might become his right-hand

men. I wish him success in ascending to the throne!"

"I'm really looking forward to that day."

Revolutionary Army Headquarters!

The commanders of the five major armies, including Dragon, were


They never expected that in the blink of an eye, the Straw Hat Pirates

would evolve into such a formidable force?

More than 5,600 individuals, even when compared to the Four Emperors

Pirate Group, they wouldn't be outmatched!

Such a vast fleet of ships is a rare sight at sea!

"It's incredible, so many people at once..."

"Yes, and what's more important is that each captain of the seven teams

in the Straw Hat Grand Fleet has the potential to become a notorious


"This group of people voluntarily joined the Straw Hat Pirates and

became Luffy's comrades. It truly surprised me."

"Worthy of the chief's son, their style is exactly like the chief's, though it

has caught many by surprise."

As the force hoping for Luffy's continual growth, they are naturally

overjoyed to witness this.

Including Sabo, even Dragon is currently wearing a smile!

Among the three forces mentioned earlier, all are pleased to witness the

establishment of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.

However, the most significant reaction comes from the Navy


At the Navy Headquarters, Garp naturally wore a smile.

After all, witnessing his grandson's growing strength brings immense joy.

Not only did Luffy defeat Doflamingo, a formidable enemy, but he also

gained many new allies.

There is nothing more satisfying!

Although Sengoku is a Navy Fleet Admiral and is generally opposed to

pirates, Luffy is his junior. He remains silent but feels joy in his heart.

The most enthusiastic reaction came from Admiral Akainu!

At this moment, his face turned extremely dark!

"The Straw Hat Pirates were already an extremely dangerous pirate


"They pose a significant threat to the safety of the entire sea!"

"Now, their power has surged once again..."

"This group must be apprehended!"

"They cannot be allowed to act recklessly at sea!"

"I will personally capture the Straw Hat Pirates..."

However, almost everyone present ignored his words.

Most were still immersed in the shock of the situation.

Even Doflamingo, tucked away in a corner, had an extremely dark

expression and was suppressing his anger.

If it weren't for the presence of so many Navy personnel and powerful

individuals, he would have gone mad and attacked everyone on the


When everyone was still reeling from the shock of the establishment of

the Straw Hat Pirate Crew, the spectacle in the sky had not yet

concluded. The scene unfolded slowly.

[With the assistance of the entire population of Dressrosa, as well as

Bartolomeo and other large ships allied with the Straw Hats.]

[Luffy and his crew finally eluded the pursuit of the navy and

successfully returned to the sea!]

[Of course,]

[After the entire incident was resolved, Dressrosa once again saw the


[King Riku reclaimed the throne and ruled over the entirety of


[Of course, they didn't forget the kindness shown by Luffy and the


[Now, Dressrosa lay in ruins due to Doflamingo's destruction, and the

task at hand was to rebuild the kingdom!]

[In addition to restoring Dressrosa's original appearance, three sculptures

were erected in the very heart of the kingdom!]

[For everyone in the kingdom to admire day and night!]

[One of them perpetually honored the hero of the kingdom, Kyros!]

"[The next] defeated Sugar and restored hope."

×Savior" Usopp!]

[And the sculpture positioned between the two, at the most significant

spot, depicted Luffy...]

[Yet, unlike Luffy's usual appearance, this sculpture portrayed Luffy in

disguise as Lucy, appearing in the arena.]

[The reason for this decision was to avoid attracting the attention of the


[After all, if a pirate is established as an idol to worship in a kingdom, it

might lead to some trouble.]

[But by establishing it in the form of Lucy, no one would know that he is


[Not that it mattered, as the entire population of Dressrosa was aware

that Lucy was Luffy!]

[Luffy's heroic image persisted in everyone's hearts!]

[Simultaneously, on the other side]

[Due to the necessity of escorting Caesar to escape Doflamingo's pursuit,]

[Nami, Brook, and Sanji had taken Caesar to a faraway area from


[And there, they stumbled upon an even more significant trouble!]

[No less threatening than Doflamingo, a member of the Four Emperors,]

[They encountered a formidable foe—the Big Mom Pirates, a subgroup of

the Four Emperors Pirate Group!]

[Nami and Brook were nearly petrified!]

[They never anticipated encountering the powerhouse of the Four

Emperors at sea!]

[After intense efforts to evade the pursuit of the Four Emperors Pirates,]

[They arrived at a mysterious island!]

[However, here, they faced a surprise attack once again...]

[Fortunately, Sanji appeared in time, swiftly incapacitating them!]

[Yet, observant Sanji noticed that the symbols on these attackers

belonged to the Four Emperors Pirate Group!]

[And they were distinct from the previous Big Mom pirates!]

[They belonged to... The world's mightiest creature, the pirate group of

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts!]

With the emergence of these live streams!

The global audience... Erupted once again!

Even the powerful factions at sea shared the same sentiment!

They never fathomed that Nami, Sanji, and the others...

Would unexpectedly confront both the Big Mom pirates and the Hundred

Beast Pirates—pursuers from two Four Emperors powerhouses?

You see, the Four Emperors level beings aren't dispatched casually!

And when they are, it doesn't mean that the pursuers are the sole targets!

Now, the Straw Hat Pirates are not just facing the pursuit of one Four

Emperors Pirate Group but two!

Such a situation is so rare that Aurora contemplated, and everyone


Could it be that the next adversaries for the Straw Hat pirates be

powerhouses, the Four Emperors!?


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Chapter 150.1 : Bounty!

When they considered this possibility, a collective shock reverberated

through everyone's hearts!

Indeed, the Four Emperors Pirate Crew stands worlds apart from the

Seven Warlords!

They epitomize the utmost strength among the seafaring marauders!

Within the quartet of emperors, each possesses the power to upend the

very fabric of the world, and at this very moment...

The Straw Hats found themselves in the crosshairs not of just one, but

two factions within the Four Emperors Pirates.

A truly dreadful predicament!

For the first time in many years, news broke that someone would become

the target of not just one but two Four Emperors Pirate Crews!

At this juncture, numerous viewers worldwide couldn't help but harbor

deep concerns for the well-being of the Straw Hats.

Surveying the trajectory of this unfolding narrative...

It appears that after defeating the Straw Hat Pirates will be confronting

none other than the Four Emperors Pirates...

In Onigashima and across Whole Cake Island!

Kaido and Big Mom, the two emperors, were left dumbfounded!

Even they hadn't foreseen a connection between their future selves and

the Straw Hats.

And to dispatch their own subordinates to hunt them down?

Under normal circumstances...

One might remain indifferent to the background of the Straw Hat crew,

be it Kaido or Big Mom.

After all, despite Luffy and his crew conquering two Warlords

successively on their journey...

They faced formidable foes such as Enel, the god of Skypiea, and CP9,

yet, to the emperors, these were but mere trivialities!

Because they represented the pinnacle of combat prowess on the seas,

second only to the navy!

No matter how potent Luffy and his comrades grew, they couldn't rival

the emperors themselves.

However, now they were witness to the live Sky screen, and thus, they

were well aware that Luffy not only exhibited rapid growth.

His background wielded immense influence!

Let alone Luffy's two brothers, who, no matter how formidable, paled in

comparison to the Four Emperors.

What intrigued them most were Luffy's father and grandfather!...

The Marine hero, Garp!

The leader of the revolutionary army, Dragon!

Moreover, it seemed the connections between Luffy and the two

emperors, Whitebeard and Shanks, were not as simple as they appeared!

Ace, the captain of the Whitebeard's second division, stood as Luffy's

elder brother!

The Whitebeard, who treasures family above all else, would naturally be

optimistic about Luffy!

If anything were to happen to Luffy, and Ace wanted to come, I'm afraid

the entire Whitebeard pirate Crew would rally to help!

Furthermore, Shanks dares to openly challenge Admiral Akainu for Luffy!

It implies that he is also one of the people supporting Luffy...

Even during this time, Big Mom and Kaido noticed a detail.

The straw hat worn by the Straw Hat Kid seems to be the same straw hat

that Shanks once wore!

Or rather... It was once the Straw Hat of Pirate King Roger, the hat he


Shanks daring to entrust such an important item to Luffy suggests that

their relationship runs deeper than anyone could imagine!

The background of Straw Hat Kid Luffy is simply terrifying to the


It seems that powerful figures from all sea forces are connected to him!

The Navy, Revolutionary Army, Four Emperors...

Facing one alone, maybe Kaido and Big Mom wouldn't have any


But facing two, it might become a little difficult...

Fortunately, the two can also join forces!

But at the moment, it's a total of four!

And Luffy's two family members represent the two superpowers of the

Navy and the Revolutionary Army!

There's no doubt that such a terrifying existence, whether Kaido or Big

Mom, recognizes.

If something were to happen to Luffy at their hands, even the mighty

Four Emperors would have to pay an extremely heavy price!

For a while, contemplating this, even the arrogant Kaido, seated in the

hall at this moment, fell silent. Big Mom did the same, even putting down

her cake.

They only hope that in the future scenario, even if Luffy truly intersects

with them.

But he must not perish by their hands; otherwise, they would get into

unnecessary massive trouble.

Not good.

[Legendary Battle Rank Seventh, now the ranking is complete!]

[Next, after the announcement of this world, the bounty changes for all

members of the Straw Hat Pirates will be revealed!]

With this announcement echoing through the sky!

At this moment, it once again captured everyone's attention.

After all, there's no one who wouldn't pay attention to the bounty

changes of Luffy and the others.

This also signifies how much of a threat they pose in the eyes of world


All eyes were fixed on the sky.

Soon, the live screen resumed playing.

[Luffy, the bounty has risen to... 500 million Berries!]

[Zoro, the bounty has risen to 320 million Berries!]

[Usopp, the bounty has risen to... 200 million Berries!]

[Sanji, the bounty has risen to... 177 million Berries!]

[Robin, the bounty has risen to... 130 million Berries!]

[Franky, the bounty has risen to... 94 million Berries!]

[Brook, the bounty has risen to... 83 million Berries!]

[Nami, the bounty has risen to... 66 million Berries!]

[Chopper, the bounty has risen to 100 Berries!]


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Chapter 150.2 : Angry Garp!

With the announcement of the Straw Hats' bounties, the excitement

among everyone reached a boiling point!

Captain Luffy's bounty skyrocketed to a staggering 500 million!

It was truly terrifying!

500 million bounty!

Surpassing even some of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

But considering that he defeated two Warlords consecutively, it was only

fitting that his bounty would rise to such an extent!

If it weren't for Moria being deliberately concealed by the World

Government, his bounty might have been even higher!

The same applied to Enel. The World Government and the entire world

are oblivious to what the Straw Hats did on the deserted island.

Otherwise, their bounties would have surged once again!

Apart from Luffy as the captain, whose bounty reached a whopping 500

million, what shocked everyone even more was that even Zoro's bounty

reached the terrifying sum of 320 million Berries!

Usopp also hit the 200 million mark!

Robin's bounty exceeded 100 million!

And Sanji was no exception. As for the others, they were almost on the

brink of reaching hundreds of millions of Berries!

In this moment, the Straw Hat Pirates individually possessed enough

bounties to become super sea outlaws dominating their respective areas!

Such bounty changes were simply terrifying!


There seemed to be a very peculiar presence among them!

Chopper's bounty... How could it be a mere hundred Berries?

It was simply a fraction of others' bounties!

The World Government might be underestimating him too much; it was

downright ridiculous!

Simultaneously, after receiving their bounty updates following the

Dressrosa incident, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Franky, Nami, Robin, and Usopp,

among others, all wore excited smiles on their faces!

As pirates, changes in bounties also indicated an increase in their


The perception of their threat by the World Government had once again

elevated to a higher level!

Chopper was also gazing at the sky with anticipation, hoping for a

substantial improvement in his bounty!

Yearning to shake off the status of being perceived as the Straw Hat

Pirates' pet in everyone's eyes!

Yet, upon seeing his bounty, Chopper was dumbfounded. At that

moment, Usopp approached, patting him on the shoulder and consoling,

"It's okay, Chopper. Your bounty has doubled. Be content; some of us

don't even have twice the bounty!"

Sanji took a puff of his cigarette, "Yes, but it's doubled!"

Chopper was immediately incensed!

"It's doubled, from fifty times to one hundred!"

"What's the difference between this and not going up!?"

"Emotions in their eyes, still no different from waste, woo-woo..."

Suddenly, Chopper burst into tears and cried on the spot.

This also elicited laughter from Luffy, Zoro, and others behind him!

"Okay, okay, Chopper, don't cry anymore. There are still plenty of

opportunities in the future. Perhaps your bounty will become even higher

down the line?"

"Yes, perhaps it will reach a thousand Baileys with a hundred Baileys!"

"But that's ten times more!"


At this moment, everyone laughed even louder!

And Chopper cried even louder.

At the same time, at the headquarters of the Navy!

Akainu stepped directly in front of Sengoku, unable to contain himself

any longer!

"Marshal, the Straw Hat kid must die. You can see for yourself; he's

growing much faster than any of us imagined!"

"Now, he has formed a Straw Hat Grand Fleet of 5,600 people, and upon

entering the New World, he poses a significant threat to the entire


"If we don't deal with him now, he might become an even more

formidable pirate that will shake the seas!"

"We must arrest him before he grows any further!"

"Even... Kill him!"

Before Sengoku could speak, Garp on the side suddenly erupted in anger!

He had been happy, immersed in the joy of his grandson's rising bounty,

but he didn't expect Akainu to suggest killing his grandson.

It seemed to happen far too often!

No matter how good his temper was, he couldn't take it any longer!

"Sakazuki, I advise you to think before you speak. Don't forget, I'm still

standing right here!"

Obviously, Akainu was also determined to kill Luffy.

Even when faced with Garp, his expression didn't change in the slightest!

"Vice Admiral Garp, despite your seniority, remember that you are a

member of the Navy!"

"And in terms of position, I outrank you; I am an Admiral!"

"Even if Luffy is your grandson, if he appears to pose a threat to the

entire world as a pirate, then he must be stopped!"

Garp's face darkened suddenly.

"Using your position and status to pressure me?"

"Sakazuki, it seems there's nothing more to say between us..."

As the words fell, Garp struck without warning!

In an instant, his fist, as large as a sandbag, smashed directly into the

face of Akainu!

The enormous force sent him flying upside down!

The entire wall behind the conference room shattered!

No one expected this turn of events!

Including Akainu himself, Garp had actually taken action without a


Fueled by anger, Akainu immediately stood up and retaliated!


The power of terrifying magma was unleashed in that moment!

Dyeing the entire room in shades of red.


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Chapter 151 : Garp Vs Akainu!

In an instant!

Countless molten magma coalesced in the hands of Akainu!

Swiftly elongating, it transformed directly into an exceedingly long arm

of molten magma!

The velocity was pushed to the extreme, hurtling towards Garp!

Not only did the magma emit intense heat, but it also enveloped a vast


Should an ordinary person be struck by this move, survival would be

doubtful, let alone escaping serious injury!

But who is Garp?

Hailed as a Marine hero, could his strength be lacking?

In a flash, Armament Haki cloaked Garp's fists.

He delivered a punch, and the immense force dispersed all of Akainu's


Following that, Garp raised his fists, witnessing Akainu's ambush

acolossal force charging forth, compelling Akainu to immediately employ

Armament Haki for defense.

Nevertheless, even with that, Garp's powerful punch sent Akainu flying

and broke through more than a dozen walls in succession, finally

crashing heavily toward the exterior.

The two plummeted into the navy headquarters' base...

At this moment, not to mention the likes of Sengoku, Shichibukai, and

others in the conference room.

Countless navy personnel in the entire Marine base, Marine soldiers, were

left dumbfounded. The Marine hero Garp was actually engaging in

combat with Admiral Akainu?

What on earth is happening!?

The two are still at each other's throats!

Garp's iron fists continued to swing forward!

No flashy maneuvers or terrifying techniques.

Simply fists covered in Armament Haki swinging incessantly, each punch

a blow to the flesh!

With formidable power, Akainu found himself somewhat hard-pressed for

a moment.

Even with the aid of the Magma Fruit, he was pushed on the defensive,

but of course, being a Marine admiral, Akainu was by no means weak!

While wielding Armament Haki with both hands, he also utilized the

Magma Fruit's ability to summon numerous torrents of magma toward


In just a few exchanges, most of the Marine base lay in ruins due to the

two's attacks, with the aftermath sweeping in all directions!

Numerous individuals were sent flying in this moment, inside the

conference hall...

Sengoku, Kizaru, Aokiji, Mihawk, and Hancock were utterly


Gazing at the partially destroyed conference hall, they stood in shock.

No one foresaw that the two would suddenly engage in combat without

the slightest warning!

And their battle was so intense, especially for those in the Shichibukai;

their shock was even greater!

One of the combatants is the Marine hero Garp, a powerhouse who has

pushed Gol D. Roger into a corner several times!

The other is renowned as the mightiest Sakazuki among the three current

navy admirals!

The damage caused by their casual exchanges is simply unimaginable...

Observing the destruction wrought by the two, even the devastation

depicted from Luffy and Doflamingo's clash seemed trivial!

Sengoku was in a state of panic!

As a fleet admiral, shouldn't there be a discussion before two

powerhouses go at it like this?

Especially within the navy headquarters!?

It's as if they're deliberately disregarding authority!

Instantly, he rushed out...

Yet, he knew all too well the might of Garp and Sakazuki!

Given their current anger, if he were to intervene, serious injuries might

befall him as well!

Therefore, he dared not make any bold moves. In an instant, he assumed

the Great Buddha Form using his Devil Fruit power!

Sengoku transformed into a golden Buddha, his colossal form descending

in front of everyone, forcibly separating Akainu and Garp with a single


"You two, is it because I, the Fleet Admiral, don't exist!?"

"Cease this at once..."

It must be acknowledged that despite Akainu and Garp being infuriated,

Sengoku handled the situation quite diplomatically, momentarily halting

their brawl.

And at this moment, due to his intervention, the area suffered another

round of significant damage!

Countless cracks and collapses manifested across the ground, leaving the

surrounding Marine forces bewildered once again. What had transpired?

Even the marshal had entered the fray! And at this very moment, the live

broadcast's sound tube resonated in the sky once more.

[Start now, initiate a global call!]

[During this period, you can chat privately with one person or make

global calls!]

[Limited time is 10 minutes!]

As the voice echoed, just like before, a phone call materialized in the

hands of all the influential figures. This naturally included Sengoku Garp,

Shanks, and others. Though both Garp and Akainu had been halted by

Sengoku, the animosity between the two had not subsided.

Akainu was the first to speak!

[Vice-Admiral Garp, although you are my senior, if you've been

protecting Luffy, a pirate, don't blame me for being unkind!]

As the phone bug activated, Akainu's words reached everyone's ears.

Meanwhile, powerful individuals worldwide, such as Whitebeard,

Dragon, Shanks, Kaido, and Big Mom, were left in astonishment.

What was happening? Akainu was seemingly hostile to Garp, a prominent

figure in the Navy? Had the two engaged in a fight? The excitement was


Garp sneered in response: "Haven't you already started? Don't talk so

much nonsense!"

"Next, watch the old man's fists, I'll beat you until your parents don't

recognize you!"

These words solidified the certainty of many influential figures. The two

had indeed clashed, and the intensity of their confrontation was


Sengoku expressed his anger: "Do you two really not respect me? As the

marshal, do I not have any authority left?"

"Look at the mess you've created! The conference hall and the Marine

base are in ruins because of you!"

"One is a Marine hero, and the other is an Admiral. Can't you behave like

adults? It's simply disgraceful!"

Akainu immediately retorted: "Marshal, as a pirate, Straw Hat is growing

too fast. He must be captured, or even killed!"

Garp retorted back, "You dare to say that, kid? It seems I haven't beaten

you enough. Come at me again!"

Garp's fist, covered in black armed color domineering, was poised to

strike Akainu once more, who, unfazed, manifested magma on his body,

ready for another round.

Sengoku grew even more furious. In his big Buddha form, he condensed a

shockwave in his hands, ready to intervene forcefully and put an end to

the conflict.

"I said to stop and then fool around. If you two don't cease, you're no

longer fit for the Navy!"

The quarrel among the three spread globally through the phone, leaving

figures like Kaido and Big Mom thoroughly entertained. They relished the

chaos at the Marine headquarters, while Whitebeard, Shanks, and Dragon

wore uneasy expressions. And so, the tension escalated.


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Chapter 152 : Forces Behind


It appears that, at this juncture...

The Navy headquarters finds itself in a dilemma due to Luffy's


Even without being present, one can surmise a thing or two!

It's likely that Admiral Akainu is aiming to eliminate Luffy, and Garp,

being Luffy's grandfather, naturally vehemently opposes it!

Thus, a confrontation ensues between the two. The characters of Akainu

and Garp are well-known—they both exhibit intense rivalry and strictly

adhere to absolute justice!

Observing Luffy on the Sky Live screen, his growth is rapid, and his

strength continues to surge.

The notion of wanting to eliminate him is not unfounded—it's a normal


However, Luffy's grandfather is still there!

How could he stand by and watch Luffy be killed?

Now that the two are locked in battle, it seems they are destined for a

lengthy struggle...

Unexpectedly, this conflict has escalated quite rapidly!

Even Sengoku, who holds the position of Fleet Admiral, is in a state of


At this critical moment, the voice of Shanks resonates:

["Sakazuki, please show some restraint. Don't harm Luffy; after all, he

and I share a connection."]

Hearing this, Akainu, stationed at the Navy headquarters, is momentarily

taken aback!

Perhaps, in the past, he might have considered showing some deference.

Yet, now, he refuses even to acknowledge Garp's authority and yet

concedes to a pirate's plea?

Does he think this is a joke?

Just as he is about to reprimand Shanks over the communication device,

another voice interjects...

This voice, akin to Shanks, belongs to one of the Four Emperors of the


["I never expected to communicate with you in this manner, but... If the

Navy indeed moves against Luffy!"]

["As he is Ace's younger brother, I won't stand idly by, much less "]

["It seems the debt from Ace's death, ultimately at the hands of your

navy, remains unsettled! "]

With these words, the entire world trembles!

In addition to Shanks, Whitebeard has also become involved?

Two of the Four Emperors!

Two colossal powers of the sea!

While the Navy might possess a slim chance of victory against them, it

would undoubtedly result in unimaginable losses for the entire Navy


And the assertion made by Whitebeard holds no doubt.

After all, it's common knowledge, as revealed in the live broadcast, that

although Blackbeard is the primary reason for Ace's demise, in the end, it

was the Navy that executed Ace.

Under normal circumstances, Whitebeard wouldn't typically confront the

Navy to settle any scores. However, if a conflict were to arise between

the Navy and others, Whitebeard wouldn't remain passive. He would

seize the opportunity to settle the score with the Navy.

Even if Ace were not currently deceased, his eventual demise seemed

inevitable given his character. It was anticipated that Whitebeard would

take action in such a scenario.

Just when everyone assumed that the situation would escalate to this

extent and wouldn't progress any further, another voice echoed through

the Den Den Mushi.

"Sakazuki, it seems you've forgotten my earlier warning..."

The voice belonged to the leader of the Revolutionary Army—Dragon.

He's also Luffy's father and Garp's son.

"If you dare to harm Luffy, I assure you... the World Government will

once again experience the terror of the Revolutionary Army!"

"Even if I can't completely topple you, the strength of the Revolutionary

Army is more than enough to inflict severe damage on the entire Naval


"I advise you to consider the consequences carefully. Otherwise, facing

the wrath of the Revolutionary Army is a price you, as a Navy Admiral,

cannot afford."

The Revolutionary Army is now involved, making the situation much

more significant.

This time, the stakes are exceptionally high. If the Navy takes action

against Luffy, it's not just the two Four Emperors, Shanks and

Whitebeard, they have to contend with. They would also face the might

of the Revolutionary Army. The entire Naval Headquarters might be


The shock extends beyond the confines of the immediate situation. Even

the high-ranking officials at the Navy Headquarters are visibly disturbed.

Ignoring the threats posed by Shanks and Whitebeard might be possible,

but neglecting the entire Revolutionary Army is out of the question. The

Revolutionary Army is a much larger and more formidable organization

than the Four Emperors.

If anything were to happen to Luffy, given Dragon's character, he would

undoubtedly carry out his promises. The world would plunge into chaos.

While the current strength of the Revolutionary Army might not be

sufficient to overthrow the entire World Government, it could deal a

substantial blow and make the World Government feel the threat it poses.

At this moment, all Navy officers realize the magnitude of the forces

backing Luffy. Akainu, despite his intense hatred and determination to

eliminate Luffy, is not oblivious to the potential consequences. He may be

fueled by his vendetta, but he's not foolish enough to ignore the gravity

of the situation.

Naturally, if he were to truly end Luffy's life, given the stature of the Four

Emperors and Dragon, they would undoubtedly follow through on their


The repercussions could be beyond imagination when the moment



Even though reluctance filled his heart, the desire to eliminate Luffy was


Yet, he had to restrain the anger within him at this moment.

At the very least...

He couldn't openly execute Luffy as a naval admiral!

That would undoubtedly lead to immense chaos!

However, perhaps... there were alternative ways to end Luffy!

He didn't have to carry it out personally!

As long as Luffy could evade this threat, the more individuals eager to

save him, the greater the advantage for the entire world, and the heavier

the burden on Admiral Sakazuki's conscience!

He must be dealt with before Luffy matures!

Countless naval officers remained silent...

Even Sengoku, serving as a Fleet Admiral, felt the gravity of the situation

because, at this point, things had escalated tremendously!

He wasn't afraid of the Revolutionary Army or the Four Emperors Pirates'

threats, but the prospect of a full-scale war troubled him if matters

spiraled out of control.

What kind of peril would it pose to the entire populace of the seas and

the kingdoms?

Furthermore, he didn't wish for Luffy to meet his end at the hands of


Despite Luffy being a pirate, he remained a junior in his eyes.

An honest and kind individual, though his identity conflicted with that of

the Navy.

Presently, there were three significant figures—Shanks, Whitebeard, and

Dragon—assuring Luffy's safety!

And with Garp here...

Sengoku couldn't help but feel a twinge of relief in his heart!

Thank goodness, for this might enable him to genuinely intervene against



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Chapter 153 : Brother's Talk!

Due to Luffy, Garp and Akainu clashed!

Even the Four Emperors and the Revolutionary Army got tangled up in

this mess!

Though these factions haven't crossed paths yet, there's no denying the

tension in the air!

In the face of this turmoil, Luffy, as the main character, would typically

be astonished. Given his nature, he wouldn't just sit back; he'd definitely

have something to say!

However, he remains unusually quiet.

Simply because he didn't pay much attention to the matter at that time.

But at the start of the call, he directly reached out to his two brothers,

Ace and Sabo. None of the three brothers paid any heed to this incident.

They were all connected on a single line, happily chatting away!

After all, this marks the first phone call between the three brothers since

'Sabo's' death!

Had it not been for the live broadcast, neither Luffy nor Ace would be

aware that Sabo is still alive!

Sabo himself wouldn't know that he has two brothers!

So, at this moment, the trio couldn't care less about anything else.

In a single line of contact, after not seeing each other for several years,

there were naturally countless things to share.

"Sabo, how have you been all these years?"

"Sabo, do you remember the pact we made as kids? I'm bound to become

the Pirate King!"

"Sabo, I'm thriving in the Whitebeard Pirates. Next time we meet, let's hit

the bars like we did as kids!"

"Sabo, heard you stuck with Luffy's dad and now you're in the

Revolutionary Army. How's life been these past years?"

"Ah, don't worry about us; both Luffy and I are doing splendidly with a

dependable crew!"

"Hahaha, truly, I can't wait for our next reunion!"

Luffy, Sabo, and Ace poured out their thoughts through the phone bug.

In this moment, whether it's Ace in the Whitebeard Pirates, Luffy in the

Water 7, or Sabo at the Revolutionary Army headquarters...

Although they haven't physically met, the three conveyed their

sentiments through words, sharing satisfied smiles.

Even though Sabo hasn't fully regained his memory, he knows well that

Luffy and Ace are his brothers!

They are the people who matter most to him in the world!

They are his most cherished companions. As the three privately chatted,

the outside world's phone bug was completely silent.

In the joy of reunion, there existed pure silence between the brothers.

Though they haven't seen each other in years, the three have countless

thoughts they wish to share.

Yet, the ten minutes passed swiftly!

[The ten-minute call has ended!]

[Now the global phone bugs will be recovered]

As this announcement rang out, the phone bugs held by various sea

powers suddenly vanished. Sabo gazed at the sky, a smile playing on his

lips as he mused to himself.

"I eagerly await the day I can reclaim all my memories!"

"I believe Luffy and Ace, concealed deep within my mind, will be the

most cherished aspects of my life..."

Whitebeard Pirates!

Ace also wore a joyful expression...

"Sabo is alive and well in this world. This is the best news I've heard in


"My brother, I look forward to the day we reunite."

Simultaneously, in the Water 7, Luffy's face beamed with satisfaction!

"Ace, Sabo, I'll become the Pirate King for sure!"

"Even then, across the world, you'll hear about it!"

"I'll prove that what I said as a child will undoubtedly come true!"

Zoro, Sanji, Nami, and the others behind Luffy all smiled upon witnessing

their captain's joy.

It seemed their captain was in high spirits...

As the global airtime concluded!

Including the phone bugs held by Sengoku, Garp, and others at the Navy

Headquarters, they naturally disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, the naval base lay in ruins due to the clash between

Garp and Akainu. Most of it was obliterated.

But under Sengoku's intervention, much of the animosity between the

two had dissipated, and they refrained from further action.


Garp continued to glare at Akainu, and from his expression, one couldn't

help but question his restraint.

If Akainu persisted and sought to end Luffy's life, Garp would not hesitate

to throw punches and intervene once more!

Fortunately, after passing by Garp, figures like Whitebeard, Shanks,

Dragon, and other formidable individuals took turns cautioning him.

Akainu wasn't foolish either. He understood that persisting in his course,

killing Straw Hat Luffy, would undoubtedly plunge the entire sea into


At that point, handling such a situation might be beyond the capabilities

of someone like him.

So, if Luffy was to be eliminated, it couldn't be done directly by him!

Or at the very least, it must not be known that he was directly


In Akainu's mind, a plan was formed, and Luffy had already been added

to the list of must-eliminate targets!

This wasn't solely due to his extraordinary potential for growth but more

importantly, his influential background!

Even now, not fully matured, Luffy already had a multitude of powerful

individuals striving to protect him.

If he indeed possessed the potential to become a future king, these allies

would only strengthen their support!

At that point, facing another encounter with the Straw Hat Kid, it would

only bring more trouble. So, regardless of the circumstances, the Straw

Hat Boy must meet his end!

As for the method to eliminate Akainu, a subtle smile crept onto his lips.

This sea is fraught with perils. If, during an adventure, the Straw Hat Boy

were to meet his demise, it would be considered ordinary, a non-issue.

Even if Garp, Dragon, Whitebeard, and others were aware, regardless of

their rage, they couldn't intervene.

Not to mention the entire navy!

Moreover, if he interpreted it correctly earlier, the Straw Hats are about

to confront formidable opponents.

It appears to be the Yonko Pirates!

And there are two of them!!!

As for the might of Kaido and Big Mom, no one comprehends it better

than Akainu. Even though Luffy has vanquished numerous foes, he can

never contend with the Four Emperors!

And there are still two of them...

Perhaps in this conflict, he would taste an unparalleled defeat!

Or even... meet his end right then and there!

If that were the case, he wouldn't need to strain his mind pondering over

how to eliminate him. Contemplating this, Akainu suddenly felt


He wished to witness the upcoming broadcast as soon as possible. The

farce at the Navy Headquarters had concluded.

Everyone had also gathered in the conference hall.

However, due to the clash between Garp and Akainu, a massive breach

had formed in the conference hall!

It seemed like there was no wall at all, giving it a somewhat dilapidated


At this moment, Doflamingo, who had been crouched in the corner and

mostly silent, spoke slowly, "Everyone, I've spent a considerable time at

the Navy Headquarters, and it appears that..."

"You haven't resolved your own matters adequately, so in that case, allow

me to withdraw first and return to my own territory!"

Hearing this, whether it was Akainu, Garp, Sengoku, the Shichibukai, or

others, they were all slightly taken aback.

Doflamingo wants to depart from the Navy Headquarters and return to


He hadn't encountered significant issues before, but due to a recent

defeat, he seemed eager to leave promptly. Was he planning to follow the

precedent set by Enel and CP9? Could he not act against Luffy?!


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Chapter 154 : Rewards!

Doflamingo observed the focused gazes of everyone in the room. A

momentary pause hung in the air, as if he could sense their thoughts for

the first time. Slowly spreading his hands, he spoke with deliberate


"Don't misunderstand me; I wouldn't dare lay a finger on Straw Hat!"

"After all, Vice General Garp just showcased the repercussions of harming

his own grandson!"

"I have no desire to face his iron fist!"

"Nor do I wish to be pursued by the Revolutionary Army and the Four


"Even if he defeats me and razes all my assets, it's merely a setback for

the future!"

"Hasn't happened yet, has it? Everything can still be averted!"

Honestly, it was nearly impossible for Doflamingo not to harbor

resentment towards Luffy. After all, Luffy had dismantled Dressrosa, a

plan he had meticulously crafted for over a decade!

However, had Luffy been an ordinary newcomer without a formidable

background, Doflamingo would have spared no expense, dispatching all

family elites to eliminate the threat before it grew.

Yet, Luffy's lineage was undeniably formidable—his elder brother and his

two other siblings were forces to be reckoned with. Moreover, he had the

favor of two Four Emperors, Shanks and Whitebeard. Touching him was

tantamount to courting death!

Although the events in the live broadcast were still unfolding, the entire

world had witnessed Dressrosa's conspiracy. It wouldn't bode well for


At this moment, Doflamingo comprehended that staying in Dressrosa was

untenable. His aim was to swiftly return and relocate all his assets,

avoiding any future clashes with Luffy that could result in catastrophic


Upon hearing Doflamingo's words, Sengoku spoke with a grave

expression, "Previously, your illicit dealings went unnoticed due to your

status as a Shichibukai. However, now, Doflamingo, you will be held

accountable by the World Government!"

"Even as a Shichibukai, I owe an explanation to the common people of

the world for this!"

Doflamingo responded with a sinister smile, "Rest assured, I'll discuss

these matters with the higher-ups of the World Government in due


"I'm sure they'll provide a satisfactory resolution..."

With those words, Doflamingo departed without a backward glance. Yet,

as he left, a malevolent smile crept onto his face—a smile infused with

deep-seated resentment and malice.

"I may not openly act against the Straw Hat boy, but that doesn't mean I

won't strike from the shadows!"

As long as figures like Garp, Shanks, and Dragon remain unaware that

they were responsible, wouldn't everything be fine?

Since you've provoked this conflict yourself, don't even consider sparing

your life!

At worst, after transferring the illicit operations, it's still possible to

handle things discreetly!

In Doflamingo's mind, Luffy has been removed from the hit list!

Regardless of the formidable forces backing him, the Straw Hats sail

alone in the sea!

If he were to eliminate them, would there be any concrete evidence

against him?

And after Doflamingo departed, Sengoku's expression appeared somewhat


Because he is aware that Doflamingo possesses something significant

enough to compel the World Government to cooperate willingly!

With such a connection, even if his illicit operations are exposed through

live broadcasts, audiences worldwide would be astounded!

But it is presumed that the World Government's final decision... will

inevitably be to shield Doflamingo!

This so-called ideal solution is nothing more than a facade!

However, Garp on the side remained unfazed.

"Don't worry, it won't be long before Doflamingo steps down completely."

Hearing this, Sengoku couldn't help but be slightly surprised, "Why?"

Garp sneered…

"Do you think I'd believe his lies?"

"Given Luffy's provocation, he'd never refrain from seeking revenge,

based on his character!"

"If he genuinely carries out what he claims and willingly relinquishes his

disgraceful deeds!"

"If things quiet down a bit from now on, perhaps everything will be


"But if he dares to actively pursue Luffy, I believe my grandson will beat

the living daylights out of him, just like the live broadcast!"

"After all, Luffy... has matured!"

Hearing this, Sengoku sensed something amiss because he knew well that

though Garp may not appear serious most of the time, he surprisingly

displayed wisdom in confronting significant issues!

Luffy inherited this trait from Garp, and the two grandfather and

grandson are remarkably similar!

Moreover, what Garp said is indeed quite reasonable. If the World

Government fails to punish Doflamingo, then Luffy, as a pirate, should

take matters into his own hands!

This is also quite fitting. Consequently, Sengoku was anticipating

Doflamingo taking the initiative to provoke Luffy.

After Doflamingo's departure, the remaining Warlords, including Moria,

Tyrant Bear, Mihawk, Hancock, and others, also began preparing to

depart and return to their respective territories.

After all, they have spent enough time at the Navy Headquarters. They

cannot linger here indefinitely, can they?

Moreover, the entire conference hall lay in ruins.

The Navy Headquarters itself became chaotic due to the battle between

two supremely powerful warriors.

For outsiders like them, staying here seemed incongruous, so returning to

their own territories was more comfortable.

Naturally, Sengoku had no objections to this. Soon, the Warlords and

others left the Navy Headquarters. Simultaneously, the sky's live

broadcast screen once again featured new content!

[The live broadcast has concluded, and the Q&A results along with the

list of winners are up next!]

[The correct choice is option 3: Luffy vanquished Doflamingo, saving all

of Dressrosa!]

[Hats off to Garp, Zoro, Sanji, and Franky for nailing the correct answer!]

[Now, let's unveil the prizes for our champions.]

As the live broadcast screen flickers to life... this very moment!

Once again, the gaze of the entire world is fixated!

Even the leaders of numerous factions can't help but pay attention.

After all, the quiz rewards are irresistibly enticing for them!

The anticipation reaches its zenith!

The previous rewards were progressively more extraordinary!

What unimaginable prizes await the victors in this round?

[Congratulations to Garp for claiming the prize – elevating his Armament

Haki to the pinnacle and attaining the title of the world's strongest

Armament Haki user!]

[Hats off to Zoro for mastering the Three Sword Style, unlocking its

ultimate secret – the Grand Thousand Worlds within the Three Thousand


[Kudos to Sanji, whose kicking prowess has soared, acquiring the Demon

Wind Kick technique! A shining achievement.]

[A round of applause for Franky, whose mechanical form has evolved

into Super Franky!]

As the echoes of the live broadcast slowly fade away at this very


The entire world is left in awe!


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Chapter 155 : Face the Four


"What kind of terrifying reward is this? It's simply too enticing, too


It represents the pinnacle of Armanent Haki, the world's ultimate strength

—the secret of the three-sword style, mechanically evolved. It's a

significant enhancement to one's own power!

In this moment, countless powerhouses, and even numerous formidable

figures at sea, found themselves captivated by the sheer beauty of these

rewards, almost driven mad!

Some were even envious, yearning to seize these rewards for themselves,

solely because these rewards... were irresistibly tempting!

Simultaneously, they felt regret. Why didn't they choose their answers

more carefully at the outset? Why didn't they opt for the correct path?

They could have been among the victorious now!

Regret lingered.

At the same time as the rewards were distributed, the victors underwent

a transformative experience...

Navy Headquarters!

Garp, upon discovering his victory, couldn't contain his excitement! It

wasn't the rewards that thrilled him; he wasn't particularly interested in

those things.

What truly mattered was that he had guessed the correct answer!

Witnessing his grandson triumph over Doflamingo in battle was the real

source of his joy!

The next moment, his body radiated a golden light and vanished. The

entire instance seemed fleeting, as if it had never occurred!

However, there was a tangible enhancement in haki, and only the user

himself could fathom it.

So, aside from Garp, no one comprehended the extent of his haki's

newfound power.

Yet, Sengoku, Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu wore expressions of


They distinctly heard that Garp's Armanent Haki had undergone a

significant improvement!

It now stood as the mightiest force in the world—Armanent haki!

In the world, irrespective of any faction or power's might, they paled in

comparison to Garp in terms of Armanent Haki!

Garp's renowned iron fists were formidable, owed largely to his

Armament haki!

Formerly terrifying with his Armanent Haki, Garp's promotion had

elevated him to the epitome of Armanent haki mastery.

How much more formidable would his fists become?

Especially Akainu, whose face turned green. In their earlier clash, Garp

alone could suppress him. Now, with enhanced strength, would he be

even more overpowering?

Sengoku was speechless...

He'd attempted to claim the reward numerous times, yet missed it every


Why was Garp so fortunate? It happened two or three times, right?

"You guys are unbelievably lucky. I'm afraid I won't stand a chance

against you now!" Kizaru lazily remarked, rubbing his chin.

"Mr. Garp, your Armanent Haki was already the highest in the entire

navy, and now it's been elevated. The magnitude of its terror is beyond

imagination!" Aokiji added seriously, "The world's most potent armed

force, haki—it's disheartening just to hear about it."

Simultaneously, in the Water 7!"

Zoro, Sanji, and Franky.

At this pivotal moment, a golden light radiated from their bodies!

Subsequently, a warm current coursed through them, and they vanished

without a trace. Zoro and Sanji's alterations were discreet, not overly


Given their enhanced strength and mastery of formidable techniques, the

changes in their abilities were subtle but profound.

However, Franky's transformation was nothing short of astonishing!

He remained in his initial state, having already undergone a mechanical

metamorphosis. His weaponry and equipment remained basic and


Originally, any further evolution would have required two years of

dedicated training post-war.

Yet, due to the rewards he received, a miraculous change occurred in an


His entire form assumed the appearance he had in Dressrosa—Franky's

evolved version emerged spontaneously.

Not only did he exude a more formidable presence, but his arsenal also

gained greater potency. It became more diverse and formidable.

This spectacle left all members of the Straw Hat Pirates in awe, utterly


Zoro's strength surged once again, nearly reaching Luffy's level.

Despite Sanji and Franky starting their sea adventures with relatively

weak abilities, the rewards swiftly compensated for their shortcomings.

Viewers worldwide, as well as numerous forces at sea, were undoubtedly

envious at this moment!

The rewards obtained by Garp, Zoro, Sanji, and the others stirred envy

among onlookers.

Those who witnessed the images knew the tremendous power Sauron's

technique wielded in the world!

A colossal rock giant could be effortlessly cleaved with a single sword

stroke—an unparalleled display of true swordsmanship!

Possessing such a skill would undoubtedly elevate its wielder to even

greater heights of terror!

Franky and Sanji, too, experienced a significant boost in strength. It

marked an unmistakable leap forward!

Most astonishing of all was the revelation about Garp's power!

As a naval hero, Garp's reputation hinged on his ability to awe the entire

world with his iron fists!

Now, having ascended to the pinnacle of strength, he wielded the most

potent form of Armament Haki!

An unprecedented level of power!

The concept of the world's mightiest Armanent Haki was unfathomable.

With this newfound strength, coupled with his renowned iron fists, Garp

had become a figure of extreme terror!

This level of power was beyond anyone's imagination...

[The distribution of rewards is now complete!]

[Congratulations to Monkey D Luffy for receiving the reward]

[Observation Haki elevated to its zenith!]

[Acquired Armament Haki!]

[Obtained Conqueror's Haki!]

In this moment, astonishment rippled through the entire world once


Hold on, did this good guy just unexpectedly unleash three shades of

dominating power?

The reward is unbelievably generous!?

This is practically designed to make people green with envy!

Simultaneously, Luffy too, bathed in a golden glow, effortlessly grasped

three forms of Haki in the blink of an eye!

What's most fearsome is that his Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki)

has been elevated to unparalleled heights!

Combine that with Busoshoku (Armanent Haki) and Haoshoku

(Conqueror Haki)...

In this instant, his power has surged once more!

Surpassing even the spectacle witnessed in Dressrosa!

Yet, just as everyone was transitioning from shock to envy due to the

reward, another revelation on the live broadcast screen confronted them,

delivering news that would redefine the meaning of true astonishment!

[Next, the upcoming pinnacle clash will be broadcast live!]

[Top 6: Whole Cake Island, contending with three Sweet Commanders in

a bloody confrontation!]

[Live transmission to commence in ten minutes; viewers, please be


As the announcement echoed, the entire world trembled in response!

Whole Cake Island?

Four Emperors?

Sweet Commanders?

Three Sweet Commanders?

For heaven's sake, countless viewers felt a tingling numbness all over!

The next adversaries for the Straw Hat Pirates happen to be... the Big

Mom Pirates!!!


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Chapter 156 : Dumbfounded Big


At this juncture, the entire world quivered!

No one anticipated that the next adversaries for the Straw Hats would be

none other than Big Mom Pirates!?

Recall the recent live broadcast revisiting the Dressrosa incident; there

was a faint hint that Sanji and company encountered the Big Mom Pirates

successively, and Kaido was behind Doflamingo.

This leaves little room for speculation about whether the Straw Hat

Pirates will be entangled with two Yonko crews.

Initially, it was presumed that, at worst, they would only incur the

pursuit of two of the Four Emperors.

Faced with this predicament, the Straw Hat Pirates were expected to

retreat initially.

To bide their time until their strength grew sufficient to confront them


After all, Luffy and the crew's current power level is insufficient to

contend with Yonko!

To everyone's surprise, instead of making a getaway, the Straw Hats

engaged in combat with Big Mom Pirates. Merely by scrutinizing the live

broadcast's title, it was evident that Luffy and his cohorts initiated this

clash. Go figure!

Across the entire sea, everyone knows the formidable nature of the Big

Mom Pirates!

Indeed, the aura of the Four Emperors has permeated the global


Not only the Navy, pirates, and revolutionary army, but even civilians

from numerous kingdoms worldwide are aware that these territories fall

under Big Mom's domain!

And the trio of Sweet Commanders stands as the most potent figures

among the Big Mom Pirates!

Each one possesses strength equivalent to a veteran Shichibukai!

They even transcend Shichibukai levels!

Could it be that Luffy and his crew not only infiltrated the Whole Cake

Island but directly confronted Big Mom as well?

Did they square off against the three mightiest Sweet Commanders within

Big Mom Pirates?

So, what was the outcome of this clash...?

Was it triumph or defeat?

At this moment, myriad viewers were both astounded and gripped by

intense curiosity!

This sentiment extended to countless maritime factions and numerous

influential figures, echoing within the Navy Headquarters!


"Big Mom Pirates?"

"Luffy took on the Four Emperors!?"

Initially overjoyed after witnessing his grandson triumph over

Doflamingo and receiving accolades, Garp now found himself

dumbfounded upon glimpsing Luffy's subsequent battle.

As a member of the Navy, he was acutely aware of the overwhelming

might of the Big Mom Pirates, one of the Four Emperors!

To be acknowledged as one of the four Emperors of the sea...

The might of Big Mom is undeniably formidable!

She is, without a doubt, a monstrous existence!

Even for him, the assertion that he could restrain and defeat her is only

made with caution, never with the certainty of a 100% victory.

And now, his grandson exhibits such power, venturing directly into

someone else's territory for a confrontation?

In this moment, Garp finds himself torn between praising Luffy for his

bravery and... wondering if he's losing his mind!

Witnessing this, Sengoku, after a prolonged stupor, gives Garp a thumbs


"Your grandson... is incredibly brave!"

As for the three Sweet Commanders behind them, they are left


Whether Kizaru or Aokiji, both are astounded.

They are well aware of the formidable might of the Big Mom Pirates. It's


Even if Big Mom is momentarily set aside, the strength of her three Sweet

Commanders is unparalleled!

Can the Straw Hats truly contend with them?

On the other hand, while Akainu maintains a calm facade, if there were

no one present at this moment, his face would likely burst into laughter!

He thinks to himself... Are they truly Big Mom Pirates?

Or Big Mom!?

These Straw Hat youngsters are truly courting death!

Did they believe that by defeating Doflamingo and Moria, they could

genuinely challenge the Four Emperors?

It's nothing short of a delusion!

Given their strength, venturing into the Grand Line would only lead to

one outcome!

That is, death!!

Akainu relishes this moment.

If, in the future, Straw Hat were to meet his demise at the hands of Big

Mom and others, his petty wish would be fulfilled!

Henceforth, the menace of the Straw Hat Pirate Ship would cease to


No matter how distressed and angered Garp, Whitebeard, Dragon,

Shanks, and others might be, they won't implicate him!

Previously, he pondered on how to clandestinely handle the Straw Hats,

but now...

He eagerly anticipates it!

It's truly exhilarating...

The Red-haired Pirates!

The entire Red-haired Pirates were in the midst of a celebratory feast and


However, as they witnessed the impending announcement following the

battle, a collective gasp swept through everyone!

An air of disbelief seized the onlookers, each of them gazing at the sky in

stunned silence.

Even Shanks was not exempt!

"Luffy intends to venture into Whole Cake Island?"

"This kid is quite audacious..."

"How does he plan to accomplish that?"

As a Yonko, Shanks possesses an acute awareness of the formidable

nature of Yonko-level entities!

Having crossed paths with Big Mom on multiple occasions, albeit without

unleashing his full strength, Shanks is well-acquainted with her

exceptional power.

Her three Sweet Commanders are also formidable in their own right...

No matter how rapidly Luffy and his comrades progress and triumph over

numerous formidable adversaries, they remain a considerable distance

from confronting Yonko directly or engaging in combat on the level of

Yonko clashes!

Thus, upon learning that Luffy and his companions are about to face Big

Mom as their next adversary, an indescribable shock reverberates

through their hearts! It's not a lack of trust in Luffy on Shanks' part;

rather, it's an acknowledgment of Big Mom's sheer might!

At this moment, Shanks is no longer concerned with whether Luffy will

emerge victorious or defeated in this battle.

What matters most to him is that Luffy manages to survive against the

Four Emperors – that, in itself, constitutes the optimal outcome!

Whole Cake Island!

The entire island is dumbfounded by the forthcoming live broadcast.

However, the most astounded party is undeniably Big Mom, who is one

of the central figures—or, in other words, Big Mom!

"Straw Hat boy..."

"Venturing into Whole Cake Island?"

Big Mom was left speechless...

They even momentarily forgot to continue indulging in the cake they


Even the three Sweet Commanders and other prominent figures nearby

were similarly captivated...

All eyes fixated on the sky, as if grappling with the incredulity of the


Big Mom's countenance shifted, ultimately morphing into one of fury!

She never anticipated that the Straw Hat boy would dare encroach upon

her territory!

"Straw Hat, Garp's grandson..."

"I thought defeating two Shichibukai and dismantling a World

Government espionage network..."

"Would suffice in elevating your stature enough to challenge my


"To actually dare set foot in my domain..."

"You must be grossly underestimating the Four Emperors!?"

Fueled by rage, Big Mom rose abruptly!

Her aura instantaneously intensified to an overwhelming degree!

The entire world quivered in response!

Witnesses' expressions morphed, their understanding crystal clear.

Big Mom was unmistakably incensed...


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Chapter 157 : Sanji’s true


Whitebeard Pirates!

Upon realizing that their next formidable opponent was Big Mom in the

upcoming battle, both the numerous divison captains on the ship and

Whitebeard himself were taken aback!

Little did they know that Luffy's next adversary would be none other than

one of the Yonko?

The response from the Whitebeard crew mirrored that of the Red-Haired

Pirates almost exactly!

Whitebeard, now counted among the Four Emperors, was well-

acquainted with the other three emperors. He also knew Big Mom's

terrifying combat prowess.

How could Luffy be challenging Big Mom?

On the contrary, Ace, Luffy's elder brother, wore a panicked expression.

Even the joy of defeating Doflamingo had dissipated in this moment!

"What's happened to Luffy? Why would he go to a place like Whole Cake


"Right now, he doesn't have the strength to contend with the Four

Emperors... "

Ace was visibly distressed.

Yet, Whitebeard gently reassured him and said,"Even though Charlotte

Linlin is incredibly powerful, Luffy has just ventured into her territory."

"The outcome remains uncertain, so don't be anxious; let's observe


"Besides, the live broadcast will provide us with answers. Don't worry,


Upon hearing this, Ace's initially restless mood eased somewhat.

After all, this is merely a live broadcast.

Even if he's anxious now, it won't change anything!

Now all they can do is keep an eye on the Revolutionary Army


Naturally, the Revolutionary Army had a significant reaction.

The commanders of the five armies, including Long and Sabo, wore

expressions of deep shock!

"Charlotte Linlin, one of the Yonko!"

"Her bounty is even more terrifying—4.388 billion Berries!"

"Even though Luffy's bounty has now reached 500 million, making him a

renowned pirate, he pales in comparison to Charlotte Linlin!"

"If he ventures into all nations like this, isn't he seeking death?"

At this moment, even the countless Revolutionary Army cadres who

leaned towards Luffy didn't believe he would defeat Big Mom in the

upcoming battle. The reason lies in the fact that, no matter how powerful

Luffy's previous enemies were, none surpassed him, and there were

always people waiting to support him.

The hope for victory still lingers, but the upcoming adversary is none

other than Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors!

The gap is simply insurmountable!

Even with the intervention of the Revolutionary Army and others on the

battlefield, victory against Big Mom is far from guaranteed!

Luffy's group consists of just over ten members—how can they possibly

contend with Big Mom?

Such a confrontation is akin to trying to crack an egg with another egg

against a solid rock!

Whether it's Dragon or Sabo, they can't fathom why Luffy... chose to

venture to all nations.


Initially, Kaido was distressed due to Doflamingo's defeat. The likelihood

of establishing a future artificial Devil Fruit deal with him seemed bleak.

At this moment, upon witnessing the live broadcast of the upcoming

battle, he laughed!


"Is Charlotte Lingling the next foe of the Straw Hats?"

"How intriguing..."

"From this point forward, there may be no Straw Hat Pirates left in these


In an unknown sea area!

Doflamingo, on his way from the Navy Headquarters to Dressrosa,

contemplated how to assassinate Luffy and his group.

Yet, while sailing, he caught a glimpse of the live broadcast on the sky



Doflamingo was slightly taken aback to learn that Luffy and others would

face Big Mom as their next adversary!

An evil smile appeared on his face adorned with sunglasses.

"It seems I won't need to seek revenge on you, Straw Hat Boy..."

"How dare you willingly provoke the Four Emperors by venturing into

the Whole Cake Island!"

"Charlotte Linlin is on a different level than someone like me!"

"What a bold group of individuals, hehehehe..."

Doflamingo covered his face with one hand, his laughter growing wider

and louder.

The audacious and unsettling laughter reverberated throughout the sea.

Water 7!

People around the world witnessed the live broadcast.

They were all astounded by the impending battle!

After all, no one anticipated that the Straw Hats' next adversary would be

one of the Four Emperors!

She stands as the most formidable presence among pirates today!

The shock was palpable, even in Water 7!

At this moment, the completion of Thousand Sunny is drawing near.

As a result, everyone, less anxious now, gathered to rest. However, upon

learning about their next adversary, everyone was uniformly stupefied!

Even though they hadn't encountered Charlotte Linlin, her reputation

preceded her. Not only is she one of the Four Emperors, but also a

notorious pirate with an exceedingly cruel temperament!

Their next adversary would be her?


At this moment, whether it's Robin, Zoro, Sanji, or Franky—

Their faces were etched with horror!

Even Chopper and Usopp, typically the most timid, nearly fainted, their

faces drained of color. Only Luffy gazed blankly at the sky, wearing an

expression of profound contemplation.

"Where is Whole Cake Island...?"

"Who is Big Mom?"

"Is she more powerful than Enel and Doflamingo?"


Upon hearing this, the Straw Hats suddenly exclaimed!

Are you kidding? You don't even know Big Mom?

Even the Four Emperors don't know who they are, and you turn out to be


Is their captain a fool?

At the same time, as the whole world is still immersed in shock, the ten-

minute rest time has arrived!

The sixth peak battle officially begins!

The sky live broadcast screen also begins to play slowly!

[At the beginning of the scene, Sanji and some members of the Big Mom

Pirates were walking together.]

[When viewers around the world first saw this scene, they were still a

little confused.]

[Why does it seem like the Straw Hats' chef is quite familiar with the Big

Mom Pirates?]

[but soon]

[The next plot tells everyone the answer!]

[It turns out that Sanji led Nami, Chopper, Brook, and others to Zou]

[They happened to encounter the Beast Pirates who were about to leave,

and later on, they also rescued the dying Mink tribe.]

[Not long after, Sanji and others encountered Big Mom's Flame Tank


[after a conflict…]

[Nami was even taken as a hostage!]

[In this way, Sanji is threatened to go to Whole Cake Island and attend a

tea party with Charlotte Linlin!]

[And during this period]

[Sanji's true identity was also revealed!]

[It turns out that Sanji's full name is Vinsmoke Sanji!]

[They are the royal family from North Blue who once controlled the

entire North Blue with force!]

[It is the most powerful force in the North Sea!]

[And Sanji is the third son of the Vinsmoke family!]

[The reason for letting him go to Charlotte Linlin's tea party]

[It's because the Vinsmoke family is preparing to marry into the Charlotte


[The child chosen by both parties is Sanji, the third son of Vinsmoke!]

[and the thirty-fifth daughter of the Charlotte family, Pudding, as these

live broadcasts emerge!

Countless viewers and even countless forces around the world!

They were all shocked!

They never expected that Black Leg Sanji of the Straw Hat Pirates... had

such an origin?

He turned out to be a member of the North Blue royal family!

And also married into the Big Mom Pirates?


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Chapter 158 : Rescue Sanji!!

The Red-Haired Pirates!

"Luffy's companion... is actually the prince of the Vinsmoke family?"

Shanks gazed at the sky and muttered to himself.

Though not entirely shocked, an expression of disbelief lingered on his


In essence, this revelation applied to most of the entire Red-Haired Pirate


Over the years, having journeyed across the world and explored various

seas, they had acquired extensive knowledge of each sea area. The

Vinsmoke family, once a powerful force in the North Blue, was certainly

no stranger to them.

Residing in the North Blue, the Vinsmoke family, led by an eighty-year-

old Vinsmoke Judge, was shrouded in mystery regarding the true number

of its members.

Despite lacking specific territories, the Vinsmoke family wielded

dominion over the entire North Blue through sheer force. Remarkably,

they were the only family acknowledged as royalty without possessing

any physical territory.

With the privilege to participate in the World Conference and garnering

respect from the world government, the Vinsmoke family commanded a

level of authority that was previously unbeknownst to the Red-Haired


The revelation that Sanji was not only a member but also a prince of the

Vinsmoke family was truly explosive!

While Sanji's background may not rival Luffy's, in the grand scheme of

the sea, it was undeniably formidable—akin to a hidden city!

As the construction of the Thousand Sunny was completed, the crew

geared up for their journey to find Brook. However, at this juncture, as

the celestial image unfolded across the sky, bewilderment swept through

the crew once more.

Luffy, ever spontaneous, exclaimed first, "Sanji, you're the one appearing

on the screen!"

Nami and Robin were equally astonished, "Sanji is a prince?"

Chopper, Usopp, and the others shared in the shock.

Never had they fathomed that their ship's chef carried such an illustrious


The crew was awestruck, with a hint of envy flickering in their eyes.

Yet, as they observed Sanji, they noticed his countenance was far from

content. His face bore a mix of conflict and, perhaps, anger.

His teeth clenched, and his hands trembled, revealing a deep-seated

unease stemming from his intimate knowledge of the Vinsmoke family,

an understanding that surpassed that of his companions.

Though born into the family, he harbored no affection for them.

Even the memories of that family are torment for him and nightmares.

[The Reason Behind the Vinsmoke Family's Union with the Charlotte


[The primary objective is to leverage the might of the Big Mom Pirates to

reclaim dominion over the entire North Sea!]

[To reinstate the absolute supremacy of the Vinsmoke family!]

[Thus, Sanji became a casualty of a familial alliance!]

[Naturally, Sanji, harboring no affection for the Vinsmoke family, would

vehemently oppose.]

[The sole reason he attended Big Mom's tea party was to prevent Big

Mom from unleashing her wrath upon the entire Straw Hat Pirates.]

[Once the tea party concludes, his plan is to depart immediately and

rejoin the Straw Hat Pirates.]

[He didn't care not for marriage or such matters!]

[However, at this moment, Sanji and his team are nowhere near Luffy's


[Thus, Luffy remains oblivious to Sanji's true sentiments.]

[Upon learning that Sanji has been captured and taken to Big Mom's

Whole Cake Island, Luffy immediately grows incensed!]

[In his view, Big Mom, as one of the Four Emperors, aims to forcefully

separate him from his comrades!]

[Whether it's Luffy, Nami, Zoro, and others, they are all indispensable


[Luffy swiftly decides, wearing a grave expression,]

["I will go to Whole Cake Island and rescue Sanji!"]

["Whether the adversary is a Yonko, I won't become the Pirate King

unless I defeat them! "]

["I must confront the Four Emperors sooner or later, so why delay? This

time, I must go!"]

[Though Nami and the others are shocked by Luffy's decision, they voice

no objections.]

[They share Luffy's conviction that Sanji is an incredibly important


[Even if the adversary is a Four Emperor, they won't back down!]

[So, Luffy and his companions set sail on the Thousand Sunny!]

[Setting a course directly for the territory of Whole Cake Island...]

With the broadcast of this live transmission, everyone now understands

why Luffy fought with the Big Mom Pirates after defeating Doflamingo!

And why he ventured into Big Mom's territory, Whole Cake Island!

It appears he was endeavoring to rescue his comrade!

Though everyone comprehends the circumstances, in their hearts, they

still harbor doubt that Luffy will confront the might of the Four


After all, the power dynamics are vastly uneven... facing Big Mom alone

is daunting, not to mention her cadre.

Even Luffy might find it challenging.

This expedition is undoubtedly perilous...

The Whitebeard Pirates!

"Luffy, did you embark on this journey for Sanji?"

"I never anticipated that your comrade held such significance."

"But this time... the peril far surpasses your previous adventures!"

Ace uttered slowly, gazing at the sky.

As Luffy's brother harbored an endless worry in his eyes at this moment.

He comprehended the terrifying might of Big Mom.

Given Luffy's strength, he would never match up to her excitement...

However, upon reflection, if I were in Luffy's shoes and Big Mom had

forcibly abducted my comrades, intending to marry them, I doubt I'd idly

stand by.

No, I'd lead a charge to free them, even if it meant taking her down!

At this moment, all he could do was pray for his younger brother.

That he emerges unscathed from this battle!

And that he successfully rescues his comrades.


[Led by the Mink tribe, Luffy and the others made a beeline for the

territories of Whole Cake Island!]

[Numerous islands, each named after delectable foods and desserts,

dotted the surroundings...]

[Even the mundane—houses, clothes, and floors—everything manifested

as delectable treats!]

[Attire woven from confectionery fabrics adorned the residents!]

[Sea surrounding the islands brimmed with never-ending streams of

juice; even the seawater was edible.]

[This place stood apart from the rest of the world, a veritable haven for

cakes and desserts!]

[Every visible thing composed of scrumptious edibles!]

[And herein lies...]

[Whole Cake Island!]


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Chapter 159 : Jinbei Joins Straw

Hat Pirates?

The peculiarity of Whole Cake Island left audiences worldwide in awe!

Indeed, if they hadn't witnessed it firsthand, they wouldn't have been

able to fathom... that nations were composed of an endless array of

cakes, desserts, and beverages!

Such a place proved to be a paradise for food enthusiasts!

Though everyone was already aware that Big Mom, one of the four

emperors, had a penchant for desserts and cakes, they never anticipated

her affection to extend so far as to make her own territory out of these


It's simply unbelievable...

[Luffy and his friends ventured into the Whole Cake Island.]

[Soon enough, he grasped the situation at hand!]

[The Whole Cake Island is a fantastical nation constructed by Big Mom!]

[Here, people of all races coexist harmoniously!]

[And they're free to indulge in any and every dessert imaginable!]

[It appears that under Big Mom's leadership, this place is a breathtaking


[However, the reality paints a different picture]

[The splendor of these nations is built upon Big Mom's cruelty towards

other regions!]

[Constructing a nation made of cakes requires vast resources!]

[And these resources were seized by her pirate crew from kingdoms and

islands across the world!]

[Even Whole Cake Island, despite its enchanting appearance.]

[In truth, everyone lives under Big Mom's harsh rule!]

[Including the tea party with its seemingly beautiful name; its true

purpose is merely to satiate Big Mom's appetite!]

[The advent of the tea party signals the plunder and exploitation of

countless islands and places by the Big Mom Pirates!]

[In essence...]

[The allure of these nations arises from Big Mom pillaging other


[Much like Dressrosa, hailed as the kingdom of love and toys, it appears

exceptionally beautiful to outsiders!]

[However, if you unveil any corner, you'll discover an incredible darkness

lurking within.]

While the image may be fleeting, the disclosed information is enough to

shock everyone!

Previously, envy stemmed from a world filled with chocolates, cakes, and


Even those who harbored the desire to visit were stunned at this


A cold sweat instantly drenched everyone back. Is this Whole Cake


Is this the hidden truth behind Whole Cake Island?

All the delights are merely plundered from elsewhere!

Exploiting others' pain to construct your own paradise!

Indeed, a pirate will always remain a pirate!

Even as one of the four emperors, he stands as the most ruthless figure

among pirates!

Though it is common knowledge that Luffy is still incapable of taking

down the four emperors.

Yet, there's a collective hope that Luffy can indeed perform a miracle.

Just as in the past with Sky Island, Enies Lobby, and Dressrosa!

To conquer Big Mom and rescue the entire world!

Liberate all sea areas and islands oppressed by the Big Mom Pirates.

[Just when nations seemed to be at their best]

[A loud noise echoed on the cake island in the center!]

[All eyes turned toward the source of the sound]

[At that moment, the Big Mom rose abruptly, her massive frame

wreaking havoc around her!]

[She devoured houses and ground made of cakes and candies, only to

regurgitate them!]

[A relentless spree of destruction...]

[Witnessing this, the entire populace of Whole Cake Island, along with

the Big Mom's sons and daughters, panicked.]

[They knew well that this was the onset of the Big Mom's bulimia!]

[Bulimia is Big Mom's major flaw!]

[Every bout of bulimia compels her to crave a specific food insanely!]

[Failure to consume it sends her into a frenzy!]

[Wrecking everything in pursuit of that taste!]

[Until everything that can be destroyed is obliterated...]

[This is the world's greatest fear – the entire Cake Island trembles before


[In such a situation, even if her son attempts to intervene, he risks being

killed by her own hands!]

[And so, Big Mom rampantly destroyed Cake Island]

[In a matter of minutes, a significant portion of the town succumbed to

her colossal rampage!]

[No one could halt her; the sole solution was to prepare the food she


[At this very moment, the kitchen worked feverishly to concoct the Big

Mom's desired meal...]

[Finally, after what seemed like an eternity!]

[The meal is at last prepared!]

[And who delivers it? None other than Jinbei, one of the Shichibukai!]

[Jinbei swiftly fed it to Big Mom at an astonishing pace!]

[Eventually, savoring the delicacy, Big Mom displayed a contented


[In an instant, her bulimia was vanquished, and she sat on the ground,

lost in contemplation...]

[In this moment, she basks in the afterglow of delightful memories. Even

the recent act of taking her son's life seems inconsequential.]

[Given her numerous sons and daughters, numbering in the dozens,

losing one or two holds little significance to her!]

[In her eyes, only delectable cuisine matters!]

[The rest is of secondary importance.]

The onlookers were once again taken aback!

They hadn't anticipated Big Mom could be so formidable.

She even has a vulnerability like bulimia!

And post its emergence, the destructive power is so formidable that even

her own son could be slain before her eyes?

What astonished everyone further was the revelation of Big Mom's

numerous sons and daughters.

Dozens of them?

No wonder rumors abound that her pirate crew is predominantly

comprised of her own kin!

It appears to be true. Simultaneously surprising was the presence of

Jinbei, one of the Shichibukai, within Big Mom's territory!

And judging by appearances, the connection is intricate!

Countless commoners may be perplexed as to why Jinbei frequents

different nations, but the notable figures in the sea—Shanks, Whitebeard,

and the Marines—are well aware.

Many islands in the sea are divided up among the four emperors,

enjoying their protection.

In return, inhabitants of these protected havens must adhere to the

directives of the emperors.

It's a mutual exchange of interests!

Maybe this is the case for Jinbei and the Fishman Island he belongs to.

However, a puzzling revelation surfaced...

Hasn't Fish-Man Island always been the refuge of the Whitebeard Pirates?

Why is Jinbei now turning to Whole Cake Island?

Could it be that the future Fishman Island has broken away from the

Whitebeard Pirates' influence and aligned itself with the Big Mom


But before anyone could delve deeper into these thoughts, the next

moment brought a scene that left everyone in shock…

[At this moment, after successfully treating his Big Mom's bulimia, Jinbei

looked at her with sincerity.]

[The smile on his Big Mom's face slowly faded as she discerned Jinbei's

purpose for coming here.]

["Jinbei, judging by the seriousness on your face, are you going to bring

up that matter again?"]

Everyone was taken aback upon hearing this!

Bringing up that matter again?

What could instantly enrage the Big Mom?

But soon!

The ensuing scene provided the answer!

[Jinbei, with unwavering determination, nodded and declared, "That's


["This time, when I came here, I made up my mind completely!"]

["To sever ties with the entire Big Mom Pirates' protection and withdraw

from Whole Cake Island!"]

["Because I…"]

["Am joining the Straw Hat Pirates!!!"]


These words were like thunder reverberating through the ground!

They sent shockwaves across the entire world, captivating all the viewers

watching the live broadcast!

Even the numerous influential figures at sea were astounded!


Jinbei is going to join... the Straw Hat Pirates?

What kind of twist is this!?


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Chapter 160 : Will Whitebeard die

in the future?!

At this critical moment!

The actions taken by Jinbei have drawn the attention of countless

onlookers across the seas!

Even the most formidable figures... are left in astonishment!

It's common knowledge that Jinbei holds the esteemed position of one of

the Seven Warlords under the jurisdiction of the World Government!

He leads the Sun Pirates, a group hailing from Fishman Island!

Given the ongoing power struggle within the seas, it's imperative for Fish-

Man Island to be safeguarded by individuals of Yonko-level prowess!

Owing to his close ties with Whitebeard, Jinbei naturally falls under the

protection of the Whitebeard Pirates!

This strategic alliance serves the purpose of warding off any external

forces attempting to encroach upon Fishman Island.

By doing so, it mitigates the potential conflicts that could plunge Fish-

Man Island into war. However, as this situation unfolds, skepticism


Isn't Jinbei and Fishman Island... under the guardianship of the

Whitebeard Pirates?

Why has he suddenly surfaced in Big Mom's Whole Cake Island?

Considering his explicit declaration of withdrawing from the Big Mom

Pirates' protection, it implies a significant shift.

Now, he stands as part of the Big Mom Pirates!

The entire Big Mom Pirates extend their protection to Fish-Man Island.

What could be the explanation?

Could it be that, in the changing landscape of the future, the Whitebeard

Pirates will no longer ensure the safety of Fishman Island?

Or perhaps there's a dispute between Fishman Island and the Whitebeard

Pirates that led to their separation?

This perplexing scenario fuels speculation about Jinbei and Fishman

Island seeking the protection of the new Four Emperors, sparking varied

opinions among countless viewers and pirates.

Yet, those intimately acquainted with Whitebeard understand that such a

situation would never arise!

The fishmen harbor a deep-seated resentment toward humans!

But within their hearts, there exists an unwavering admiration for a

particular human hero!

That hero is none other than Whitebeard!

From Jinbei to every fishman, there exists a profound respect for


Whitebeard, as one of the Four Emperors, not only shields them but also

refrains from any exploitation for personal gain.

His actions are entirely altruistic!

Whitebeard has, through his charisma, earned the reverence of all

fishmen, ensuring that the people of Fish-Man Island will forever remain

steadfast in their loyalty to him!

But now, in the future, they find themselves under the banner of the Big

Mom Pirates. There is only one explanation!

Even Whitebeard lacks the strength to protect them!

The only plausible explanation is...

"Whitebeard is dead!?"

When this notion crossed the minds of many influential figures, their

expressions changed abruptly!

Individuals such as Shanks, Kaido, Big Mom, Garp, Sengoku, and Dragon

found it utterly unbelievable.

Despite Whitebeard's advanced age and frailty, suffering from serious

ailments, has he truly passed away in just a few years?

Consider this – if one of the four emperors were to perish, it would

undoubtedly send shockwaves through the entire maritime world!

And Whitebeard, known as the strongest man globally, only amplifies the


The Whitebeard Pirates' influence stretches even wider, surpassing the

other three Yonko pirate groups!

Should Whitebeard fall, the entire Whitebeard Pirates would inevitably

disband. Although it's challenging to accept, this explanation stands as

the most rational at present.

Otherwise, how could Jinbei and Fishman Island, who hold Whitebeard

in high regard, end up under Big Mom's control in the future? Shanks,

Kaido, Sengoku, and others couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

Despite Whitebeard being their adversary, a target to capture, it must be

acknowledged that, as a pirate, Whitebeard contributes to maintaining

peace in the seas in a unique way.

Without him, the maritime crisis is bound to escalate suddenly!

However, figures like Kaido and Big Mom couldn't help but feel a twinge

of joy!

Whitebeard has always been their most significant obstacle!

If Whitebeard were to fall, it would yield numerous benefits for their

pirate groups!

Not only could they claim numerous territories, but they would also

eliminate a formidable competitor!

The scene shifts to the Whitebeard Pirates at this moment!

Simultaneously, many Whitebeard Pirates' captains and crew members

find themselves in a state of panic.

Because they, too, entertained the possibility!

In the future, Whitebeard might... be no more!

No one could fathom it, and many outright refused to accept this reality!

Including Ace, everyone's expressions underwent a drastic change. Only

the elderly man seated in the center narrowed his eyes slightly and gazed

at the sky without uttering a word. His thoughts remained inscrutable.

It wasn't until much later that he spoke slowly,

"Why the worry?"

"I'm not dead yet!"

"What's more, now I owe it to Luffy."

"In the first-place quiz, I won a reward and cured all my diseases!"

"Now that my strength and physical condition have reached their peak, it

is almost impossible for me to die!"

"This is just a glimpse of the future; I am different now…"

After Whitebeard uttered these words, it was as if he injected everyone

with a surge of determination. Many crew members on the ship also

regained their composure!

Yes, now that father's physical condition and strength have returned to

their peak, it won't be easy for him to meet his end!

Even if the live broadcast hints that Whitebeard is likely to perish in the

future, it's merely a glimpse of what may come!

It can still be changed!

Although the anxiety in everyone's hearts subsided a bit—be it Ace,

Marco, Jozi, or Bista and others.

They all silently pledged to themselves that they and others would

undoubtedly protect their father and prevent his demise!

Regardless of the circumstances, whether facing enemies or succumbing

to illness, it shall never be allowed!

Meanwhile, Whitebeard silently gazed at the sky, sensing premonitions in

his heart.

In the future, not only Ace will die, but he may also meet his end...

Perhaps there's a certain connection between his death and Ace's demise!

Could it be... is it also because of Teach?

Although he didn't understand why, he had such a premonition in his


Now that he knew all this and his strength had returned to its peak!

If he doesn't allow these events to unfold, Ace will never die!

And he will steadfastly protect the Whitebeard Pirates!

[At this moment…]

[The screen continued to play, but the conversation between Jinbei and

Big Mom did not proceed.]

[Instead, the scene shifted, and we returned to Sanji.]

[Sanji, at this moment, had been taken back to the Vinsmoke family by

his sister Reiju.]

[However, returning to this family reignited the memories of his painful

childhood for Sanji!]

[So, whether it was for his so-called brothers or his father,]

[He harbored no positive feelings!]

[His face plainly expressed his desire to sever ties with the Vinsmoke


[This also infuriated Judge, the head of the Vinsmoke family and Sanji's


[He candidly stated that Sanji's destiny was to sacrifice for the family and

marry into the Big Mom Pirates, bringing immense benefits to the


[But, of course, Sanji refused!]

[He held no affection for his family, let alone sacrificing himself for the

so-called family!]

[His dream was to sail the seas with the Straw Hat Pirates, seeking the

ocean of dreams!]

[However, this idea was mercilessly mocked by his father!]

[He even unabashedly declared that as a prince, working as a cook for a

pirate group was highly embarrassing!]

[The two exchanged heated words!]

[In the end, a fierce altercation ensued]


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Chapter 161 : Sanji’s Difficulties!!

[Sanji and his father clashed while everyone watched!]

[Even though the entire Vinsmoke family donned high-tech battle suits to

boost their combat prowess!]

[However, Sanji's years of hard work had transformed him into someone

unrecognizable from his past self...]

[So, even with Judge in a battle suit, he still couldn't match Sanji's


[Reiju and Sanji's other siblings were stunned witnessing this scene.]

[They never expected the once perceived worthless individual to become

so formidable after all these years.]

[It was simply unbelievable.]

[Witnessing Sanji's fury unleash the Devil's Wind Kick!]

[On the brink of defeating his father...]

[However, in the next moment, numerous soldiers, following Judge's

orders, stood between them!]

[He intended to use these soldiers as a living shield...]

[Sanji was well aware that these soldiers were enhanced warriors

courtesy of the Vinsmoke family's advanced technology!]

[Devoid of emotion, their eyes conveyed only obedience.]

[Yet... they were still human beings!]

[So, he found himself immobilized, unable to act for a while.]

[Seizing this opportunity, Judge thrust a spear through, forcefully

knocking Sanji to the ground!]

[At this juncture, Sanji was defeated.]

[But it wasn't a defeat by his father; it was a consequence of his own


[Following his defeat, Sanji was handcuffed...]

[These handcuffs concealed a bomb. Should Sanji defy orders and

attempt an escape,]

[They would automatically detonate, risking the destruction of his


[As a chef, Sanji valued his hands more than his life!]

[Judge's actions amounted to a life-threatening ultimatum!]

[Even for this reason, Judge threatened the Straw Hat Pirates. If Sanji

resisted, he vowed to use his full power to eliminate the Straw Hat


[In this dire situation, Sanji, under multiple threats, reluctantly complied

with his father's commands.]

Upon witnessing this scene, countless viewers were furious!

How could any father treat his son in such a manner?

In a supposedly fair and just competition, resorting to such underhanded

tactics—placing a bomb-laden bracelet to prevent his son's escape?

Was this truly a family?

Was he genuinely Sanji's father?

At this moment, countless viewers finally comprehended why Sanji

harbored such disdain for everything associated with the Vinsmoke

family from the very beginning.

He displayed such aversion towards everyone, undoubtedly because he

was already aware of the kind of people the Vinsmoke family truly were.

Emotion was conspicuously absent.

Cruelty beyond measure!

In their gaze, only self-interest existed; familial warmth was nonexistent.

Even Luffy and his companions in the Water 7 came to understand Sanji's

family through the images presented.

At this juncture, none envied Sanji for his princely status.

On the contrary, sympathy welled up for Sanji; growing up in such a

family was undeniably sorrowful.

[Sanji is now irrevocably bound to the Vinsmoke family]

[Next, he is destined to marry the Big Mom's daughter following a tea


[At this point, the two families will seal the marital alliance]

[Simultaneously, Luffy and his crew delve deeper into the territories of

diverse nations.]

[After traversing several small islands, they arrive at an enigmatic jungle.

[The peculiar nature of this jungle lies in everything on the island—

animals and plants alike—seeming animated!]

[Countless plants bear human features on their faces!]

[Features such as eyes and mouths, but what's even more disconcerting


[Here, they chance upon Sanji!]

[Without a moment's hesitation, Luffy and the others give chase to Sanji


[Yet, this Sanji appears oblivious to them, running wild in the jungle like

a beast.]

[As they pursue, they encounter a second Sanji, a third Sanji, and even a

fourth Sanji!]

[Both Luffy and Nami are left dumbfounded!]

[However, a sight that unsettles them even more unfolds…]

[Not only do numerous Sanjis populate the forest, but a second Luffy and

a second Nami also materialize…]

[Witnessing this scene, Luffy is gripped by a paralyzing numbness!]

[Nami, too, discerns that something is amiss; this island is profoundly


[Nami decisively opts to guide Luffy and Chopper away from the island

without a second thought!]

[Yet, regardless of their efforts, they meander around the island, unable

to locate an exit!]

[And they cross paths with the Big Mom's daughter.]

[Through conversation with her, Nami, Luffy, and others finally grasp]

[The reason behind the island's peculiarity and the apparition of Nami,

Sanji, and Luffy look-alikes.]

[It transpires that these phenomena stem from Big Mom's powers and her

Devil Fruit ability, the Soul Fruit!]

[Her arrival was prompted by Big Mom's directive to teach Luffy and his

crew a lesson!]

[In fact, from the moment Luffy and others entered the Whole Cake


[They had fallen under Big Mom's watchful eye!]

[Big Mom was privy to every move made by Luffy and his crew!]

[Upon hearing this, Luffy seethed with anger.]

[He didn't come here to tread in circles; he came to take Sanji with me!]

[Consequently, he struck without hesitation…]

[However, the enigmatic properties of the Mirror Fruit rendered Luffy

powerless in the short term!]

[Precisely at that moment]

[A new adversary emerges!]

[His appearance elucidates, to both Luffy and Nami,]

[This individual's strength is staggeringly formidable!]

[Even Charlotte Brûlée, a user of the Mirror Fruit, found it somewhat

incredulous. Big Mom actually dispatched him?]

[Because the approaching figure is none other than the top-ranking

member of the Big Mom Pirates in the vast realm of Whole Cake Island.

[Also, the mightiest force in combat]

[The Three e!!!]

"Unexpectedly, the moment Luffy stepped into the Whole Cake Island, he

found himself face to face with the one of the Sweet Commanders!"

"It looks like he's in for some trouble ahead!"

"The Three Sweet Commanders are a trio comprising the mightiest

individuals among Big Mom's many children!"

"No matter which one he encounters, their strength should not be


Red-haired pirates Shanks and several other high-ranking members gazed

at the unfolding scene in the sky. A hint of seriousness lingered on their

faces, expressing concern for Luffy...


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Chapter 162 : Cracker!

Just because he is one of the Four Emperors!

Therefore, Shanks possesses extensive knowledge about the Big Mom

Pirates, who are also part of the Four Emperors.

As the most formidable member of the Big Mom Pirates, the reputation of

the Four Sweet Commanders is renowned throughout!

Initially, Shanks and the others believed that Luffy and his companions

would gather before facing such a formidable enemy, causing a

commotion among nations.

However, they never anticipated encountering the Four Sweet

Commanders immediately upon setting foot in the territory of the


It seems this adventure is destined to be far from ordinary!

If Luffy cannot defeat the adversary before him, he may not even get a

chance to see Sanji's face.

This might mark the end of their journey across all nations...

[The individual who has arrived is one of the sweet stars]

[Minister of Biscuits, Charlotte Cracker!]

[As the tenth son of the Charlotte family, he possesses the ability to

control biscuits]

[His bounty at sea has reached a staggering 860 million!]

[Nearly double Luffy's current bounty of 500 million!]

[As Luffy gazed upon his massive figure, something unprecedented

occurred in his eyes since arriving at the Whole Cake Island.]

[Confronting the imposing presence of a formidable foe for the first time,

Luffy's combat intuition warned him of this man's terrifying strength!]

[Without hesitation, Luffy immediately assumed a fighting stance.]

["This guy is incredibly strong...]

[Nami, Chopper, please step back and let me handle him!"]

[Hearing Luffy's words, Nami and Chopper wasted no time in stepping


[Brook also willingly left the island upon witnessing Cracker's arrival.]

[He knows Cracker is one of the Three Sweet Commanders]

[Now that Cracker has appeared, there's no longer a need for him here!]

[At this moment, Luffy and the towering Cracker faced each other!]

[A war is on the brink of eruption]

Witnessing the celestial spectacle above, numerous onlookers found

themselves utterly astounded.

Little did they anticipate that Luffy would encounter the Three Sweet

Commanders immediately upon entering the Whole Cake Island! And

among them, none other than Charlotte Crackler!

Even viewers from distant corners of the globe were familiar with him.

After all, he was a notorious super pirate boasting an 860 million beli

bounty. As one of the three most distinguished among Auntie's myriad

offspring, he held a pivotal role across all nations.

Despite Crackler's seemingly jolly appearance, with a square physique

towering like a giant biscuit, no one dared underestimate him at this

moment. His status as one of the three Sweet Commanders left no doubt

—Cracker's strength was unparalleled within the entire Big Mom Pirates.

As sighs echoed through the audience, the scene in the sky continued to


[Luffy and Cracker locked eyes, and without hesitation, initiated an


[The instant Luffy set eyes on Cracker, he materialized in front of him!]

[A rubbery fist shot forth with unmatched force!]

[However, the blow landed on Cracker's biscuit armor.]

[Yet, it proved utterly ineffective!]

[Not a single tremor could be induced!]

["Is this biscuit really that resilient?"]

[Luffy couldn't help but exclaim upon witnessing this.]

[Simultaneously, Cracker grinned...]

[Raising the long sword in his hand, he thrust it towards Luffy!]

[Mockingly, he spoke to Luffy while jabbing,]

[ "My cookies can be as hard as I desire!]

[Your fists can't penetrate my biscuit armor!]

[And my pretzel sword is even more extraordinary!]

[Meet your demise with a smile on my sword!"]

[Cracker surged directly at Luffy, initiating his signature move: pretzel


[In an instant, the six swords in his grasp began spinning at a dizzying


[They were imbued with an armament haki, rendering them pitch black.]

[Then, with incredible speed, the blades thrust forward!]

[Fortunately, Luffy's reflexes were quick, allowing him to leap away and

evade the impending attack.]

[However, the ground bore the brunt of the high-speed rotating sword,

exploding on impact....]

[Surveying the shockingly damaged terrain, Luffy couldn't help but wipe

the sweat from his brow. Fortunately, he managed to dodge it; otherwise,

that strike could have inflicted serious injury!]

[Yet, when Cracker heard this, a peculiar smile played across his

seemingly naive face.]

["Oh, really?"]

["Do you believe that by keeping your distance, my sword won't find


["You're too naive!"]

[Cracker elevated the six long swords in his hands, setting them into a

rapid spin.]

[In fact, a spiral of sword attack emanated directly from the tip of each


[The sword attack hurtled toward Luffy at alarming speed....]

[In that moment, Luffy showed no reaction. Confronted with the

imminent sword attack, he had no choice but to activate the Armanent

Haki instantly!]

[He crossed his arms in front of his chest, yet still underestimated the

force behind the sword attack.]

[A resounding crash echoed!]

[Luffy was forcefully propelled backward by the sword attack, crashing

heavily into the ground behind him....]

Witnessing this scene, many onlookers at sea couldn't help but be


Though the battle had just commenced and was in its early stages, the

spectators could already discern that Cracker truly lived up to his

reputation as one of the three Sweet Commanders!

This level strength was undeniably formidable!

While Luffy had undeniably grown stronger, surpassing his past self

depicted in the original narrative, he found no advantage in the initial

clashes with Cracker!

Truly befitting his bounty of over 800 million!

As the paramount combat force within the Yonko's forces, Cracker's

arrival inflicted a pressure upon Luffy far more daunting than any

previous adversary!

At this juncture, countless viewers began to fret...

Luffy had just set foot into the Whole Cake Island and encountered such a

formidable foe.

What steps should he take next?

How would he confront subsequent adversaries?

What strategies should be employed to rescue Sanji...


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Chapter 163 : Gear Four


[At this instant, Luffy was taken aback…]

[Cracker's strength surpassed his expectations by far!]

[Could it be that being unable to see Sanji's face meant being blocked like


[Contemplating this, Luffy grew furious and leapt into the air instantly!]

["Giant...rubber gun!"]

[In the blink of an eye, Luffy's fist expanded immensely, transforming

into a colossal force!]

[Furthermore, this fist was cloaked in a layer of black Armament Haki!]

[Granting Luffy's punch an unparalleled and terrifying might.]

[Such a formidable punch would be enough to obliterate a hill!]

[Yet, when it landed on Cracker, it had no effect whatsoever, as feeble as

a cotton fist!]

[This left Luffy utterly bewildered. He harbored absolute confidence in

his own strength and Gear Third.]

[Yet, he couldn't inflict harm on Cracker now?]

[This marked the first instance of such a predicament in all his battles


[Could Cracker's biscuits be this tough?]

[Just as Luffy stood flabbergasted, Cracker's counterattack ensued.]

[A forceful punch drove him down, and in an instant, Luffy found himself

firmly pinned beneath!]

[Crashing into the ground once more]

[This spectacle dumbfounded Nami and Chopper, who observed from a

short distance. Wasn't Cracker covered in cookies?]

[Why were these biscuits so unyielding? Were they still biscuits?]

[Certainly not stone! ?]

[This marked the first time we, and others, witnessed Luffy in such a

disadvantaged state in a strength duel.]

[Surprisingly, not even the giant pistol in third-gear mode could connect

with the opponent at all…]

Not to mention Nami and Chopper's shock at this very moment.

Even now, numerous viewers tuned into the live broadcast shared the


None could fathom why the cookies in Cracker's arsenal were so


Consider this: people who've witnessed several live broadcasts of Luffy's


Everyone is well aware of the formidable might Luffy commands!

And in second and third gear modes, the combat effectiveness boost is

well understood!

Even if it doesn't finish off the adversary, it should at least allow Luffy to

engage forcefully!

However, before Cracker, Luffy found himself pressed to the ground,

futile in all his attempts!

Every form of attack proved ineffective against the adversary's

impenetrable defense!

It's quite possible... this marks a first in Luffy's history!

At this moment, no one dared to underestimate the Biscuit Fruit any


Despite its appetizing name, the unfolding reality revealed a terror far

beyond expectations!

This realization solidified in the minds of countless spectators.

In this world, there are no worthless Devil Fruits, only ones yet to reach

their full potential!

From Luffy's rubber fruit to Doflamingo's string fruit, and now Cracker's

biscuit fruit, each exhibited tremendous power. The unfolding scene


[Luffy, unwavering in his belief in justice, despite being knocked to the

ground, persevered in rising to his feet.]

[Activating his second gear, he charged at Cracker once more!]

["I refuse to believe your biscuits are tougher than my fists!"]

[Luffy bellowed as he unleashed a flurry of wild punches!]

[Beneath the onslaught of the powerful rubber machine gun fire, Luffy's

fists blurred into indistinct afterimages, impossible to discern clearly!]

[Despite the tremendous force, the resulting upheaval enveloped the

surroundings in a cloud of dust!]

[Yet, when the dust settled, Luffy's assault came to a sudden halt.]

[Cracker's form remained unscathed!]

[The grin on his sincere face seemed to taunt Luffy...]

[In this moment, whether it was Luffy, Nami, or Chopper standing behind


[All were left in a state of shock, pondering the nature of these biscuits.]

[Why were they so unyieldingly tough?]

[A feeling of helplessness gripped Nami's heart.]

[Luffy had exerted his full strength in second gear, yet failed to break

through the formidable cookies.]


[Luffy, with many flaws but one unyielding trait!]

[Refused to surrender easily!]

[Leaping into the air once more, he unleashed his third gear!]

[This time, employing some of his most potent techniques in his

formidable status.]

[Rubber Giant Tomahawk!]

[Witness Luffy's feet ascending, rapidly enlarging!]

[Enveloped in Haki, he brought them down with a forceful stomp!]

[The ensuing impact was nothing short of terrifying!]

[Post-execution, Luffy didn't immediately check for Cracker's injuries!]

[Instead, he unleashed a series of even more potent moves in his third

gear mode!]

[In this instance, Luffy became a relentless tempest of attacks!]

[The battleground lay utterly ravaged.]

[Countless fractures marred the once-intact ground!]

The entire island trembled, as if in the grip of an earthquake, but when

the dust settled, and Luffy halted his assault, Cracker stood unscathed.

In the moment of Luffy's astonishment, Cracker's six swords slashed

forward once more!

In an instant, Luffy found himself stabbed again and sent flying!

Cracker regarded Luffy with a mocking expression, "Give up. You can't

defeat me at all."

"I'm well aware that your true purpose in coming here is to rescue your

so-called comrades," Cracker continued with disdain. "But understand, his

true identity is the prince of the Vinsmoke family."

"Marrying someone from our family is the most suitable choice," he

declared arrogantly.

"A person of his noble stature is beyond the reach of you lowly pirates.

Leave now! You're not even worthy of laying eyes on him."

"I'm afraid that even if he were to see you, he'd have a strong dislike for

your lot," Cracker sneered.

Hearing this, Luffy, already somewhat angered, flared up even more. His

deepest disdain was reserved for those who insulted his friends.

According to Cracker, Sanji had been painted as an ungrateful and

arrogant individual, akin to a Celestial Dragon. This was absolutely

intolerable for Luffy.

"Not only will I defeat you, but I'll also make you take back those words

with a punch to your mouth!" Luffy declared vehemently.

Luffy rose once more, his face filled with unwavering determination,

accompanied by a burning rage.

"Fourth gear... activate!"


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Chapter 164 : Ape King's Gun!

["Fourth gear... unleash!"]

[In an instant, Luffy transformed into Bouncing Man once again!]

[His physique became remarkably robust, and the dominating black

armament covered his limbs like fierce lines!]

[At this juncture, Luffy's entire momentum underwent a complete


[Witnessing this spectacle, Cracker was taken aback for a moment.]


All the viewers tuned into the live broadcast were instantly filled with


"Here it comes! Luffy is in fourth gear mode!"

"This is the technique that took down Doflamingo. I've finally witnessed

it again!"

"Cracker's biscuit body is finally about to crumble!"

"No doubt about it, this mode is so potent that it's bound to reverse the


Countless spectators were brimming with anticipation for the impending


Simply because they had firsthand experience of the fearsome might

Luffy wields in fourth gear mode!

As formidable as Doflamingo, who incessantly faced attacks while in the

awakened fruit state. Pressed and pummeled!

A single punch could send him careening from the east to the west of


Such power was sure to pulverize Cracker's resilient body, no matter how

tough it appeared!

[And indeed, the reality matched the expectations of countless viewers...]

[Activating the fourth gear, Luffy's legs transformed into jets, propelling

him furiously into the sky!]

[Then, he vigorously charged up his fists]

["Ape King Gun!!!"]

[At the sight of this, Cracker was immediately astonished!]

[Even though he had never clashed with Luffy in Gear 4, he could gauge

the potency of this move solely from its momentum!]

[Thus, he didn't dare to grow overly confident. In an instant, he erected

myriad biscuits, forming a shield in front of him!]

[Nevertheless, he still underestimated the force behind Luffy's punch...]


[A resounding crash echoed, marking the moment the fist made impact!]

[The cacophony of shattering biscuit shields echoed around Keliqia,

heralding an outpouring of immense power!]

[Their collective impact struck Cracker with overwhelming force!]

[This formidable energy propelled him backward, obliterating numerous

trees in its wake!]

[At least hundreds of them]

[After carving a dreadful ravine into the ground, he forcibly brought

himself to a halt.]

[Yet, the moment Cracker rose, Luffy surged forward once more!]

["Great Ape King Gun!!‖!"]

[This time, Luffy unleashed even more formidable techniques, elevating

his strength to unprecedented levels!]

[He had no intention of affording Cracker the slightest opportunity to

retaliate; he aimed to capitalize on his triumph and dispatch him


[And everything unfolded precisely as Luffy desired!]

[The tremendous might of the Great Ape King's Gun, coupled with

relentless counterattacks from the just-recovered Cracker, left no room

for reprieve]

[This colossal and potent fist struck Cracker squarely in the face!]

[This time, he did not soar through the air again]

[Due to the sheer, staggering force, Cracker disintegrated into fragments,

denied even the chance to be propelled away!]

[Witness Cracker's biscuit form crumbling inch by inch, with his upper

body reduced to mere debris!]

[Only half of his body remained, standing motionless.]

[Blood spewed from his mouth and every wound, a sight cruel beyond


[In this moment, all anthropomorphic trees and animals in the forest

were shaken to the core!]

[Lord Cracker, one of the three great dessert generals, met his demise in

such a manner!]

[How could this be…]

Countless onlookers were left dumbfounded at the spectacle... but soon!

The crowd erupted in thunderous cheers!

Luffy emerges victorious!?

He vanquished Cracker, triumphing over the General!

True to form, Luffy lived up to the expectations of his fourth gear mode!

The power he displayed was utterly terrifying!!!

Countless individuals were elated, despite the initial challenges of the


However, I must say, everything took a turn when Luffy unleashed his

fourth gear mode!

It almost felt like the battle concluded too swiftly...

Regardless, winning is what matters most!

This victory affirms that Luffy has conquered his first formidable

adversary, enabling him to venture deeper into the Grand Line!

Perhaps we can locate Sanji and rescue him successfully...

The events in the illustration will undoubtedly elicit reactions from many

formidable figures!

Marine Headquarters!

"Did you defeat Cracker?"

At that moment, Garp's eyes gleamed while he stood at the forefront!

A smile suddenly broke on his previously anxious face!

He had been concerned ever since Luffy entered the Grand Line. After all,

this time his grandson faced an adversary among the Yonko, one of the

Sweet Commanders!

Even with the scene unfolding...

Garp never expected Luffy's first adversary to be one of the three

powerful Sweet Commanders!

Whether it was the bounty or Cracker's strength, they surpassed even


This heightened Garp's worries from the beginning. However, when he

witnessed Luffy shattering Cracker's armor in fourth gear mode!

In that moment, all the worries in Garp's heart vanished!

It appears... his grandson has grown remarkably over the years!

He has become so formidable that he could defeat a top-ranking member

of the Yonko's crew!

At this moment, Garp felt immense satisfaction. However, standing

nearby, Sengoku fell into deep thought.

"It seems I recall something about this pirate named Cracker among the

three Sweet Commanders. He's quite unique!"

Garp was intrigued, "What do you mean?"

Sengoku explained slowly, "It's been over ten years since I received the

bounty for Katakuri."

"His appearance hasn't changed at all, as if he always looked the same!"

"Some within the Marine Headquarters suspect that the image he presents

to the world may not be his true form."

Garp frowned upon hearing this.

Could it be that... what Luffy destroyed wasn't Cracker's real body?

Whole Cake Island!

Big Mom, the three Sweet Commanders, and all the people from various

nations are closely following the scene!

After all, they are the focal point of this live broadcast; how could they

not be attentive?

But when they witnessed Luffy's sudden punch shattering Cracker to

pieces... not a single person present panicked!

Some even wore mocking smiles, especially Cracker, who stood below

and said in a teasing tone, "Impressive! This Straw Hat boy actually

managed this!"

"But if he knew, he would've tried to smash it..."

"It was just one of my biscuits!"

"How would he feel?"

The scene continued to unfold.

[With Cracker's massive body shattered by Luffy's punch!]

[Countless trees and animals were stunned!]

[Nami and Chopper, who were behind, wore expressions of joy and

almost jumped with excitement!]

[Then, the next moment.]

[A horrifying scene unfolded!]

[From the half-shattered remains of Katakuri, a figure emerged again!]

[Before Luffy could react, the figure slashed with a sword!]

[Blood flowed instantly]


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Chapter 165 : Sanji is completely


["What's going on here?"]

[Luffy, battered from the battle, hastily retreated. At this crucial


[he finally glimpsed the person concealed within the colossal biscuit!]

[It appeared that a tall man with purple hair had been covertly nestled

within the expansive biscuit body.]

[Both Luffy and Nami were left stupefied at this revelation.]

["What's happening here?]

[Why is there a person concealed within another person's body?]

[So, this is the true form of Cracker's abilities!]

[The figure displayed to everyone, even during Luffy's earlier clashes

with him...]

[They were merely biscuit soldiers conjured by Cracker using his Devil


[Cracker, with a wry smile, revealed everything to Luffy and the others.]

[Mockingly, he declared, "Feeling hopeless, Straw Hat?]

[The opponents you struggled against were mere random creations of my

cookie soldiers!]

[I could effortlessly generate hundreds more like them!]

[Yet, you dare take pride in defeating my cookie soldiers. After all these

years, no one has witnessed my true form!]

[Even the images on the Navy bounty orders depict me as nothing more

than a biscuit soldier!]

[Feel the despair, Straw Hat!"]

[Upon finishing his words, Cracker clapped his hands, and there was a

momentary pause!]

[Before him, cookie combatants materialized one after another!]

[These biscuit soldiers were identical to those Luffy had previously


[Hundreds of them stood in formation, creating an overwhelming


[At this juncture, both Luffy and Nami were utterly astounded.]

[Nami, in particular, turned pale, grappling with a sense of despair in her


[A single cookie soldier had already consumed so much of Luffy's


[Now, faced with numerous soldiers, how could he possibly prevail?]

[Could this be...]

[The true might of the Big Mom Pirates' top-ranking commanders, the

three Sweet Commanders?]

Simultaneously, viewers worldwide were equally taken aback!

Never had they fathomed that it wasn't Cracker himself battling Luffy all


How could this be?

In essence, Luffy had been contending with a deceptive strategy,

expending considerable effort!

Even activating his most formidable mode, he had only overcome a

creation of Cracker's in Gear 4!

The atmosphere became truly terrifying, and countless viewers were now

realizing the extent of it.

Cracker's power was so overwhelming that even seasoned sea bosses were

as astonished as the countless viewers.

The revelation of Cracker's true form was shocking—far from the bloated,

honest appearance, he was immense. His true identity concealed among

the cookie soldiers was both bizarre and formidable.

[Luffy's shock lasted only a moment before he spoke with determination.]

["I will rescue Sanji, no matter what it takes!"]

["If I could defeat you once, I can defeat you again!"]

["Summon as many of these things as you want; I'll crush them all before

your eyes!"]

Upon finishing his words, Luffy, in Gear 4 mode, impulsively rushed

forward without hesitation.

[It must be acknowledged; the first time crushing cookie soldiers was a

learning experience for Luffy.]

[Subsequently, Luffy became increasingly adept, employing powerful

moves like the Great Ape King Gun and the Lion Rocket Launcher with

every action.]

[One by one, he smashed through all the cookie soldiers in a short span.]

[Yet, there was no hint of panic on Cracker's face.]

[Regardless of how many Biscuit Soldiers were shattered, as long as the

raw materials were on the ground, he could restore them effortlessly.]

[Casually patting, Cracker resurrected all the cookie soldiers that Luffy

had just crushed.]

[Luffy, now completely frenzied, relentlessly threw punch after punch

without pause.]

[The tremendous force caused the land to tremble intensely.]

[Yet, with each clap from Cracker, the cookie soldiers revived one after


[The battle fell into an unending loop.]

[No matter how Luffy smashed the Biscuit Soldiers, his speed couldn't

match Cracker's ability to restore them.]

[Inevitably, if this persisted, Luffy would exhaust his strength and face


On an unknown island!

At this very moment, Doflamingo was still en route back to Dressrosa.

However, during this journey, he remained attentive to the images

unfolding in the sky!

"This ability is just too tricky!"

"Is this the might of the Big Mom Pirates?"

"Is this the prowess of the three commanders?"

"That damned straw hat kid, taste the bitterness of true despair!"

Doflamingo wore a sinister grin, hoping for Luffy's demise at the hands of


In this way, he could finally satiate the hatred burning within him.

He took in a sharp breath, unable to contain his anticipation. He yearned

to witness Luffy's impending demise.

[The screen resumes playback]

[Cracker continued applauding, and the cookie soldiers resurrected one

after another!]

[This caused Luffy to rapidly deplete his physical strength during the

protracted battle!]

[The velocity of his punches dwindled, and the speed of crushing the

cookie soldiers slowed.]

[However, Cracker persistently manufactured more cookie soldiers.

Gradually, Luffy could no longer endure!]

[In the blink of an eye, they found themselves surrounded by an army of

countless cookie soldiers.]

[Yet, at the rear, Nami devised a strategy to combat the cookie soldiers!]

[Since they're biscuits, regardless of their hardness, their essence is still

that of a biscuit.]

[What happens when biscuits encounter water?]


[Within the Vinsmoke family, despite Sanji's father wielding the Straw

Hats as leverage]

[and attaching a bomb bracelet to him, Sanji refused to abandon his

escape plan.]

[At any given opportunity, he would flee without a second thought.]

[However, what Judge revealed next was enough to shatter his resolve!]

[Perhaps sensing Sanji's unwavering determination, Judge produced a


[The person depicted was his mentor and benefactor, the restaurant on

the sea...

Zeff's photograph!]

[Sanji was utterly stunned]


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Chapter 166 : Gear 4 Tank


[Judge declared, "If you dare to escape, Vinsmoke family will hunt him


[Sanji had no doubts about Judge's threat. If they were only pursuing

Luffy and the others, perhaps he wouldn't be as concerned.]

[But Zeff was a different matter.]

[If the entire Sea Restaurant was truly a target for the Vinsmoke family!]

[Then he would undoubtedly meet an unmarked grave!]

[Faced with numerous threats, Sanji became utterly despondent. He

realized that escape was no longer an option....]

[The only way out was to comply with the Vinsmoke family's wishes and

marry into the Big Mom Pirates!]

[As the light in his eyes dimmed, it signified that Sanji was now

completely under the control of his father, Judge, subjected to various

methods and threats!]

[It wasn't that Sanji didn't want to break free, but he had too many


[Whether it was the Straw Hat Crew or the Sea Restaurant!]

[He couldn't risk putting them in danger]

[Perhaps, this was his inevitable fate...]

At this moment, viewers worldwide were infuriated!

"Damn it, this is so messed up!"

"Exactly, this Vinsmoke patriarch is despicable, using Sanji's loved ones

to manipulate him?"

"I feel so sorry for Sanji. He's so pitiful, cursed with such a heartless


"I just want to give him a hug and never mock him again..."

"Sanji seems noble, but in reality, he's a tragic figure...."

After witnessing Sanji's plight, countless viewers sympathized with him,

acknowledging the difficulty of escaping from his family and finding a

new home at the Sea Restaurant.

And to have discovered life companions like the Straw Hat Crew!

Yet, now, Judge was exploiting these crucial relationships to control


It was utterly disgraceful!

Watching it all unfold, everyone's disdain for the entire Vinsmoke family


Sea Restaurant!

Zeff and all the restaurant staff naturally observed the unfolding drama.

At this moment, many were left in shock.

Zeff, with tears in his eyes, whispered to himself,

"Sanji, are you enduring this because you fear for my life in their hands?"

"What a foolish lad; I'd rather perish than see you caged!"

"Your destiny need not be so confined;..."

"Embrace freedom and discover that sea of dreams!"

"Poor boy..."

In this moment, Zeff felt a mix of joy and sorrow.

He had long considered Sanji as his own kin.

If, indeed, it was he who obstructed Sanji's path to liberty,

He would willingly face death. Tears welled up among the countless staff

of the sea restaurant.

They grasped that Sanji wasn't anxious about the Straw Hat Pirates'


For Luffy and the others possessed the strength to stand against the

Vinsmoke family and even the formidable Big Mom Pirates.

Even if combat wasn't feasible, escape was an option.

His current demeanor was for the sake of the entire sea restaurant.

For his own life and the lives of others, the scene unfolded once more!

[As the clash between Luffy and Cracker intensified,]

[Nami, positioned at the rear, wasn't merely a spectator.]

[Suddenly, she conceived a notion of Cracker's vulnerability!]

[As a biscuit fruit user, he would assuredly fear water!]

[Without hesitation, Nami produced the weather stick and summoned

thunder clouds.]

[As the raindrops descended, the revelation held true!]

[Cracker, summoned, and his incredibly firm biscuit soldiers significantly

slowed down!]

[Their own hardness diminished substantially.]

[Simultaneously, Luffy engaged in ceaseless combat, depleting his

stamina rapidly and growing ravenous!]

[Suddenly, it occurred to him that if these were biscuit soldiers, as

biscuits, they must be edible!]

[Thus, he struck and devoured a biscuit soldier in one bite...]

[As anticipated!]

[Not only were these cookies edible, but they were also delicious!]

[Luffy consumed the rain-soaked biscuit soldiers!]

[Eating a cookie soldier was far easier than breaking one before!]

[This sight left Cracker, not far away, utterly dumbfounded...]

[He had no idea that his biscuits could be soaked and consumed?]

[Luffy proceeded to devour cookies voraciously, not only to vanquish

foes but also to replenish his own strength!]

[In the blink of an eye, Luffy had consumed four or five cookie soldiers!]

[At this critical moment, Cracker finally began to panic, but soon, anger

overtook his expression!]

["Since you enjoy feasting so much, I'll let you gorge yourself all at


[After uttering those words, Cracker continued clapping his hands,

summoning cookie soldiers one after another before his eyes!]

[His strategy was simple: if Luffy wanted to eat, he would let him indulge

until he couldn't anymore!]

[Let's see if Luffy eats more or summons more forces himself!]

[Perhaps, in the end, he might choke on his excessive appetite!]

[After all, how much can an ordinary person consume?]

[My biscuit soldiers are so substantial; no matter how generous the

portion, it's impossible for someone to finish a dozen or so!]

[However, it became apparent...]

[Cracker underestimated Luffy's insatiable appetite...]

[More than a hundred biscuit soldiers were devoured by Luffy one after

the other!]

[As Luffy consumed more and more, his stomach swelled, reaching the

point of near explosion!]

[Yet, time and again, he somehow managed to endure.]

[Cracker was dumbfounded. His hands felt numb; could he still eat


[Damn, this monster!]

[He couldn't fathom why an ordinary person could eat so voraciously?]

[If the Biscuit Soldiers are crushed by Luffy, the raw materials remain on

the ground, and I can effortlessly resurrect them.]

[But if the biscuits are eaten by Luffy,]

[It signifies a loss of raw materials. To summon them again, I'd have to

expend energy!]

[For so long, I've summoned hundreds of biscuit soldiers, all steadily

sapping my physical strength!]

[If this continues, Luffy might be strangled to death before long.]

[I will be utterly exhausted.]

And the battle scenes astonished audiences worldwide!

Because they realized the battle was gradually straying from the expected


It was unfolding in an unexpected direction!

By the way... Luffy's obsession with eating cookies had reached an

unprecedented level, but how was he still able to eat?

Observing the images, he had ballooned into a spherical mass.

Luffy was nearly transformed into a giant. Numerous onlookers couldn't

help but worry that he might burst!

[As Luffy devoured more and more, he expanded uncontrollably.]

[Gradually, he couldn't ingest any more. He was so distended that he

couldn't move at all, his body swollen to the extreme!]

[Witnessing this spectacle, Cracker grinned.]

["If you feed me a bit more, I can still summon you!]

[Despite Cracker's fatigue, he discerned that Luffy couldn't eat any


[Therefore, he plotted to seize victory, mustering his last reserves to

summon hundreds of biscuit soldiers, aiming to eliminate Luffy in one

fell swoop!]

[Yet, in the next instant]

[Luffy, stretched to the brink and almost inarticulate, activated the Gear

4 in this peculiar state!]

[Furthermore, he unveiled his own new mode]

["Gear 4... tank form!!!"]


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Chapter 167 : Cracker Defeated?

[At this moment, Luffy was extremely bloated!]

[Even in the Gear 4 mode, most of his body is covered in Armanent


[Still weird]

[But at the same time, in this state, Luffy's physical defense at sea, or his

own flexibility,]

[have doubled again, and this is what Luffy newly developed based on

the Gear 4 mode.]

[Tank form!]

[This scene once again made Cracker look dumbfounded not far away.]

"Tank form?"

In the Whitebeard Pirates, countless people stared at the sky with their

mouths open.

At this moment, they were shocked by Luffy!

Mainly, this was not just a shock to one thing, but a shock to many

things, such as Luffy's extraordinary appetite. Are they so big?

You know, the biscuit soldiers made by crackers are several times bigger

than normal people!

Even if they can be eaten, it is impossible to finish them with the amount

of food of ordinary people. Even if they can, they are still a big eater. He

not only ate one, but also hundreds of them!

Darling, just looking at them made me full. Everyone couldn't imagine

how they could finish so many biscuit soldiers! It was probably the only

way to eat the rubber fruit. , only the extremely elastic Luffy could do it.

What's more important is...

Luffy is so full, but he can still come up with new ideas and develop new


For a time, countless people were shocked and impressed.

"Ace, your brother's fighting talent... is really high!"

"Yes, not only did he crack the cookies of the chocolate bar and eat them,

but he also developed a new model."

"Defeating an enemy by eating something is simply unheard of."

"I'm impressed, it's really amazing."

As many captains sighed, Ace also had a wry smile.

He also didn't expect that Luffy's battle would develop in such a strange


But speaking of Cracker's Cookies It is extremely hard. It is estimated that

ordinary people cannot break through his defense. Even the third level of

Luffy's huge power cannot break it, which is enough to show how strong

it is.

Fortunately, Luffy's partner, Nami, is smart and thought of it. Using water

to soften the biscuits, otherwise this battle would probably become more

difficult. Luffy ate the soaked biscuits to consume Cracker's cookie

soldiers, which is something ordinary people would never think of. I

guess even

Cracker himself was Unexpectedly, his fruit ability became Luffy's food.

It's so edible!

However, as long as he can win, that's the best!

Ace gazed up at the sky with anticipation. In this transformed state, Luffy

had entered Tank Mode!

But just how formidable was this new mode?

The Crackers today were nearing exhaustion, having continuously

summoned legions of cookie soldiers, pushing their physical limits.

"Luffy, can you defeat him?"

[Although facing Luffy, Cracker acted incredulous.]

[But soon, he regained his composure!]

"That's just a bluff; you can't even walk after eating so much!"

"I don't believe you have any room to resist!"

[With those words, Cracker summoned all his cookie soldiers without


[They charged toward Luffy.]

[He brandished the pretzel in his hand, determined to vanquish Luffy


[Observing this, Nami displayed a hint of concern on her face.]

[She was unaware of the capabilities of Luffy's new mode. Now that he

struggled to even cross a road, could he still fight?]

[However, confronted by Cracker's onslaught and a multitude of cookie


[Luffy, with a body resembling a ball, stood his ground, not budging an


[It wasn't that he didn't want to evade, but...]

[There was no way to evade!]

[I can't move at all now; how can I dodge?]

[Yet, Luffy had his own strategy against Cracker's assault...]

[I witnessed the approach of Crackers.]

[The formidable attack struck Luffy head-on!]

[Not just from Cracker but also the onslaught of numerous cookie


[However, upon contact with Luffy, it became evident that something

was amiss with Cracker...]

[In the past, my sword was unstoppable. Regardless of Luffy's toughness,

he always feared sharp weapons.]

[But this time... I exerted all my strength but failed to cut him?]

[More importantly, the elasticity seemed... far more formidable than


[Indeed, this was the power of Luffy's Gear 4 mode - Tank Form...]

[His own elasticity was significantly enhanced, rendering him immune to

the sharp weapons he once feared the most!]

[The crucial point was...]

[It could absorb enemy attacks, storing them as impact before unleashing


[In other words, Cracker and the attack power of his cookie soldiers were

absorbed by Luffy at that moment!]

[Now was the time to unleash those accumulated forces!]

[As Luffy's body swayed, the elastic rubber pulled everything in its


[Even the biscuit soldiers were firmly drawn in!]

[And the more it absorbed, the tighter the grip!]

[This terrified Cracker to the core.]

"What's happening here!?"

[He struggled frenziedly, but escape was impossible. He could only be

drawn tighter by Luffy!]


[After amassing enough strength, Luffy unleashed the accumulated


[Gomu Gomu no Cannonball!!!]


[In that instant, an overwhelming power surged forth!]

[This power wasn't just from the absorbed strength of Cracker and the


[Luffy, having devoured an enormous amount of food, converted it into

his own formidable energy!]

[Under the impact of this tremendous force, countless biscuit soldiers]

[were instantly obliterated, and everything crumbled to pieces...]

[As for Cracker, blood gushed from his mouth and nose, leaving him

disoriented to the extreme!]

[Propelled by this force, he soared through the air towards the Ten

Thousand Kingdoms at the speed of a cannonball!]

[In this moment, Crackle truly lived up to the name of Luffy's move.]

[Like a cannon, he was launched into the sky, meeting no resistance


[He traversed at least several thousand meters like this!]

[Over buildings and small islands, he flew, not sparing even Cake Island

on his way!]

[After demolishing ordinary townhouses and carving a gaping trench into

the ground]

[He then crashed heavily, his eyes rolling back, and his body covered in


[Completely unconscious]


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Chapter 168 : Straw Hat Boy has

become so strong?!

[As Luffy dealt the final blow to Cracker, the impact sent him hurtling

straight into Cake Island!]

[Upon crashing heavily to the ground, he lost consciousness completely.]

[In that moment, the residents of Cake Island and numerous children of

the island's inhabitants gathered around to witness the scene.]

[Among the onlookers, the realization struck: the person lying on the

ground was none other than Cracker!]

[Shock and disbelief rippled through the crowd!]

[For they, more than anyone else, understood Cracker's esteemed status

among the nations.]

[He wasn't just one of the Three Sweet Commanders!]

[He was the cherished brother in everyone's hearts and the mightiest

figure among the common people across all countries!]

[Yet, here he lay... defeated?]

[His appearance, still reflecting the brutal struggle, added to the


[In this moment, the collective shock defied expression.]

[Could it be that other Yonko Pirates had invaded Whole Cake Island to

assault their territory?]

["How could my brother end up like this? Who could defeat him?"]

["Who in the world could accomplish such a feat?"]

["I recall this morning; my brother was dispatched to the Temptation

Forest to halt the Straw Hats!"]

["What! It was the Straw Hats who managed to defeat him?"]

[The revelation intensified the shock among the onlookers!]

[They couldn't fathom that Cracker, considered nearly invincible, had

fallen to the Straw Hats.]

[While Luffy had previously defeated Doflamingo, a Shichibukai whose

reputation resonated across the seas, he was, in the eyes of many, just an

average contender.]

[Despite the fact that Doflamingo might be stronger than most, he and

others were part of the Yonko Pirates!]

[Thus, they doubted Luffy's capability to defeat Cracker.]

[Yet, the stark reality unfolded before them.]

[Panic and fury gripped the crowd simultaneously!]

["Dispatch everyone to the Temptation Forest immediately! Capture the

Straw Hats!"]

[In an instant, Cake Island was under the highest state of alert!]

[Countless pirates affiliated with the Big Mom Pirate Group were

mobilized in rapid succession.]

As Luffy triumphed over Cracker, not to mention the numerous offspring

of Big Mom, shock rippled through people from Whole Cake Island.

Even in this very moment!

Countless viewers worldwide, tuned in to the live broadcast, found

themselves captivated!

The might of the crackers and the seemingly insurmountable biscuits had

plunged people into despair!

Even Luffy, in his second and third gear modes, found the challenge


Only in his fourth gear could he barely inflict damage upon it.

Yet, in a surprising turn, Nami, with her clever ingenuity, managed to

soak all the cookies in water!

Luffy, displaying an extraordinary talent for devouring, consumed all the

cookies, transforming into a new tank-like form. And just like that, he

reversed the situation, sending Cracker flying!

The impact... was it too overwhelming?

Soaring from the small island in the east to the one in the west, perhaps

it could span the entire Dressrosa?

It traveled even farther than when he defeated Doflamingo!

This power was simply terrifying!

Even at this very moment, countless maritime leaders were astonished by

Luffy's feat, and even the Navy Headquarters was taken aback!

"Garp, your grandson has grown stronger!"

"The potency of this move is truly astonishing!"

Warring States exclaimed in surprise.

Garp grinned, thoroughly excited.

"Well done, Luffy, that's how you fight!"

The two admirals, Kizaru and Aokiji, were also slightly stunned by Luffy's

victory over Cracker.

However, Akainu, wearing a slightly grim expression, did not anticipate

that the Straw Hat Kid would defeat Sweet Commanders as formidable as


It seemed that his growth rate surpassed expectations! There was no

room for delay!

An opportunity to eliminate him in the uncharted sea must be seized!

At this moment, Doflamingo was approaching Dressrosa.

Continuing to watch the live broadcast in the sky, he witnessed Cracker

being sent flying by Luffy, unconscious on the ground. The smile on his

face had vanished, replaced by a sinister expression. He hadn't

anticipated that Luffy, after experiencing Dressrosa, would become even


Even the three esteemed generals were defeated!

Doflamingo keenly sensed it.

Had Luffy used this form against him, a single move would have sufficed!

There would be no need for an extended struggle like at Krick Stand,

depleting physical strength to the point of unconsciousness!

Although the Straw Hat boy was growing stronger, a sinister smile

reappeared on Doflamingo's face.

"So, you defeated a Cracker?"

"Remember, Cracker is the weakest among the Sweet Commanders!"

"Above him, there's a brother and sister!"

"Straw Hat, overcoming even Cracker is challenging..."

"How do you plan to face the other two?"

"In any case, you'll meet your end in the Four Emperors' territory, and

escape is impossible!"

"I will quietly observe the next scene."

"Straw Hat Boy, I will witness your demise at the hands of the Four

Emperors with my own eyes.…"

Whole Cake Island!

"Impossible, it can't be!"

"This is absolutely unbelievable!"

"This must be a hoax!"

Cracker examined himself in the image, defeated by Luffy!

His entire demeanor became extremely infuriated!

He couldn't fathom accepting defeat.

How could he, a fledgling pirate, be defeated by Luffy?

This live broadcast must be a forgery!

Even Big Mom sitting at the top seemed visibly displeased at the


After all, Cracker was one of her most esteemed subordinates!

To be vanquished in such a manner?

It was an utter disgrace for the Four Emperors!

"Straw Hat has become this formidable?"

"It's beyond my predictions…"

As she uttered these words, Big Mom's countenance revealed visible


At this juncture, Katakuri, standing beside Cracker, said to him, "It's not

surprising that he could defeat you; Straw Hat has the potential to

become a formidable individual!"

"Initially, you had an opportunity to triumph over him, but from the

start, you should not have underestimated the enemy!"

"This laid the groundwork for your subsequent defeat!"

Hearing this, though infuriated, Cracker dared not contradict.

After all, Katakuri was his brother and surpassed him in strength!

He wasn't wrong. He... did underestimate the enemy from the outset.

Observing the Straw Hat Boy, he discerned his weaknesses and ultimately

defeated himself.

Had he exerted his full effort from the beginning, the outcome would

have been vastly different!

In the end, after harboring his frustration for a long time, he could only

reiterate what he had always said:

"If I encounter him again, I will never lose. I'll subject him to severe


Katakuri showed no disdain. Instead, he gazed at Luffy's figure in the sky.

A hint of anticipation flickered in his eyes.

"Straw Hat, I'm eager to face you in battle!"

"I wonder if you'll be able to overcome the numerous adversaries

awaiting you in the Four Seas!"

"Confront me once more…"


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Chapter 169 : Sanji beats Luffy!!

Luffy had successfully defeated one of the three Sweet Commanders,

Cracker, sending shockwaves throughout the world as viewers watched

the live broadcast .

Undoubtedly, this victory was a colossal achievement, considering

Crackle's status as one of the top three combat powers within the Big

Mom Pirates.

The fact that Luffy could overcome such a formidable opponent hinted at

a significant increase in his strength since the Dressrosa incident.

However, despite the surprise and awe from the audience, even those

pirates familiar with Big Mom harbored a disliking for Luffy in their

hearts. They knew that, on this journey spanning all nations, he would

undoubtedly face severe repercussions. After all, Big Mom was an

exceedingly cruel individual.

The news of Cracker's defeat would not sit well with Big Mom,

potentially resulting in furious reactions and dire consequences. Big

Mom's ruthless nature knew no bounds, and as everyone processed the

shocking events, the sky continued to unfold the story slowly.

[After defeating Cracker]

[Luffy had expended so much energy that his unique body absorbed all

the biscuits in his stomach.]

[Thus, he restored to his normal size.]

[Despite conquering such a formidable foe, Luffy emerged victorious,]

[But the toll was evident - he lay on the ground, too weak to move.]

[Nevertheless, even in his weakened state, he continued to proclaim,]

["We must find Sanji. We cannot allow him to marry Big Mom's daughter.

We have to rescue our partners!"]

[Henceforth, the responsibility of the journey fell upon Nami.]

[After all, Chopper and the others were still trapped in Brulee's mirror


[Thus, Nami utilized Big Mom's life card to]

[Command the living trees in the forest, coaxing them to aid Luffy and

her in standing up.]

[They headed towards the Vinsmoke family.]

[Meanwhile, on another path]

[As Sanji, fully under his father's control, abandoned any thoughts of


[The entire Vinsmoke family prepared to depart for Cake Island.]

[While attending the tea party, they aimed to expedite Sanji's wedding to

Big Mom's daughter.]

[All of this in exchange for formidable power to conquer the North Sea!]

[Shortly after,]

[Luffy and Nami, filled with excitement, caught sight of the Vinsmoke

family's carriage!]

[Immediately, their excitement reached its peak!]

[Finally, they had arrived at Cake Island just in time to find Sanji!]

[With Sanji willing to follow him, they could escape the clutches of Big


[All their companions would return to the open sea!]

[However, upon seeing Sanji, their expectations were shattered.]

[Luffy rushed to the carriage, joyfully exclaiming to Sanji,]

["Sanji, I'm here to save you; let's go quickly!"]

However, Sanji remained remarkably indifferent. He rose abruptly,

casting a condescending gaze upon Luffy.

Then, a swift kick!

In an instant, Luffy resembled a kite with its string severed, crashing

heavily onto the grass.

Simultaneously, the Vinsmoke family's carriage came to a halt.

Nami stared at Sanji in disbelief, questioning sharply, "What are you

doing? Why are you fighting Luffy?"

Luffy lifted his head, shock evident in his eyes. "Sanji, why are you

kicking me? Come with me quickly, I'm here to save you!"

Despite Nami's and Luffy's pleas, Sanji maintained an indifferent


"Why should I go with you?"

"I am the prince of the Vinsmoke family, adorned with endless glory and


"You bunch of lowly pirates, do you truly believe I want to be with you?"

"Leave now; you are not worthy of approaching me at all!"

Upon hearing this, Nami and Luffy froze, struck by the words like


Including this very moment!

The viewers watching the live broadcast were equally excited.

Upon witnessing the entire live broadcast, many people grasped why

Sanji took such actions. They understood that Sanji deliberately did this!

His aim was for Luffy and Nami to give up and retreat swiftly. After all,

at this moment, he was completely under the control of the Vinsmoke


Failure to comply would result in harm to his benefactor, the destruction

of the entire sea restaurant, and the entire Straw Hat Pirates being

hunted by both the Vinsmoke family and the Big Mom Pirates.

Furthermore, he would be obligated to attend the tea party for the


Thus, in order to prompt Luffy to relinquish his pursuit, Sanji uttered

these cold words.

Nevertheless, there were those who couldn't comprehend!

They believed that regardless of how dire the circumstances, there must

be a solution.

How could one speak so outrageously to their comrade?

After all, Luffy had undergone tremendous hardships to defeat Cracker.

Upon reaching this point, instead of leading his friends, he received a

powerful kick!

How disheartening!

Sanji was behaving worse than a beast!

In summary, the viewers of the live broadcast at this moment were

almost evenly divided into two groups.

One group comprehended Sanji.

The other sympathized with Luffy. Meanwhile, the sky live broadcast

continued to unfold!

[Faced with Sanji's cold and mocking words, Luffy was momentarily


[Then, he smiled once more and said, "Sanji, stop joking and come with


[Sanji spoke coldly, "Who are you trying to deceive?"]]

["You filthy pirate, if I don't take action, do you really think I'm playing

around with you?"]

[After uttering those words, Sanji sprang into action once again!]

[Without hesitation, he unleashed his ultimate move, the Diable Jamble!]

[Flames swirled around his feet as he delivered a powerful kick to Luffy!]

[The immense force sent Luffy flying once more!]

[He crashed hard onto the ground, bearing numerous wounds on his


["Will you leave or not?"]

[Luffy rose with a determined expression on his face!]

["No, what you just said must be against your will!"]

[Sanji shook his head, opting for actions to convince Luffy to retreat

rather than words!]

[Once again, he employed the Diable Jamble, delivering consecutive

kicks to Luffy!]

[The power behind each kick grew, rendering Luffy unable to retaliate.]

[Watching from a distance, Nami couldn't believe her eyes; she was

utterly shocked.]

[On the opposing side, members of the Vinsmoke family observed with

amusement, finding the situation intriguing.]

[Sanji relentlessly kicked Luffy until he reverted to his human form,

covered in blood.]

[Sanji asked Luffy once more, "Will you leave or not?"]]

[Despite the multitude of kicks and injuries, Luffy remained steadfast in

his decision!]

[He reaffirmed, "I said I won't leave!"]]

["No matter how fiercely you attack me, I won't fight back!"]]

[Hearing this, Sanji became infuriated.]

[Perhaps it was the frustration of dealing with Luffy's stubborn nature or

remorse for his actions toward his comrades.]

[Sanji leaped into the air, his body spinning wildly, and the force on his

feet intensifying!]

[He intended to use this kick to end Luffy completely.]

["In that case, let's have a fight!"]]

["I will use my strongest attack. If you don't resist, you will die!"]]

[Luffy stood there silently, watching Sanji spin in the sky.]

["I told you, I won't retaliate!"]]

["I would never lay a hand on my comrade!"]]

["Very well, then prepare to die!"]]

[At that moment, Sanji struck with terrifying power, landing a kick on

Luffy's head.]


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Chapter 170 : I can’t become the

Pirate King without you!

The sight that unfolded before everyone's eyes left them in utter disbelief!

The image depicted the scene vividly.

Sanji's spinning kick in mid-air left no room for error!

He put all his strength into it, making it an all-out kick!

But delivering such a kick could shatter even rocks into pieces, right?

Luffy, having just faced Cracker, was physically drained. If he didn't

evade, could he endure it?

Facing the possibility of being hit by Sanji's kick, he might drop dead on

the spot, right?

Nobody doubted the potency of Sanji's kick, yet they couldn't fathom him

mercilessly targeting Luffy's head.

They had undergone countless adventures together.

Comrades who entrusted their lives to one another!

How could Sanji bring himself to actually execute the kick?

It must be a mere act, intended to intimidate Luffy.

Surely, at the last moment, Sanji would cease the attack if Luffy didn't


That's what everyone believed!

However, the subsequent events unfolded, slapping everyone in the face.

[Sanji descended from the sky, flames engulfing his feet ominously!]

[Bearing unimaginable power!]

[Confronted by Sanji's imminent head-kick, Luffy stood there with

unwavering determination, unmoving!]

[Simply glaring at him!]

[At last, Sanji's attack ensued!]

[Yet, the anticipated scene didn't materialize.]

[In the final moment, Sanji struck Luffy's head with unbridled force!]


[A resounding noise echoed as everything within a hundred meters of the

ground where Luffy stood crumbled!]

[The power of this kick was enough to induce terror!]

[Instantly, blood started trickling from Luffy's mouth and nose. He rolled

his eyes and collapsed heavily to the ground.]


[In the not-so-distant Vinsmoke family carriage, Judge, along with Sanji's

brothers and sisters, witnessed the might of Sanji's kick.]

[Everyone couldn't help but be slightly taken aback, and then spoke with

a teasing tone.]

["It's truly a staggering kick, and a good way to sever this pointless


["Seems like Sanji finally understands the art of sacrifice for his family!"]


[But Nami, who stood behind Luffy, was utterly dumbfounded...]

[She couldn't fathom that Sanji had actually delivered such a kick!]

[Originally, she shared the same anticipation as all the viewers]

[She was convinced Sanji would stop at the last moment!]

[But what unfolded before my eyes was stark reality]

[Witnessing Luffy collapse, bloodied on the ground, Nami almost


[Zoro, Brook, and others were occupied with their respective tasks,

leaving only her and Chopper following Luffy…]

[So, she bore witness to Luffy's tribulations along the journey]

[Enduring countless hardships to see Sanji, to save Sanji]

[Luffy faced life-threatening challenges against Cracker!]

[Yet, meeting Sanji resulted in this...]

[It's absolutely bone-chilling.]

[After the profound shock and disbelief, anger surged forth!]

[Nami was genuinely furious. She approached and halted Sanji, who was

about to depart!]

[With a resounding slap across his face]

["You don't deserve everything Luffy has done for you!"]

["Henceforth, you're no longer our comrade!"]

[Having declared that, Nami turned away, heading to attend to Luffy.]

[Even though Sanji received a slap and endured Nami's scolding]

[His expression remained unchanged as he turned back to the carriage.]

[As the carriage set into motion, the creaking sound echoed once more...]

[Upon hearing this sound, Luffy, previously unconscious and battered,

miraculously stirred!]

[Though beaten to a pulp, covered in blood, and utterly drained, he

bellowed towards Sanji]

["Sanji, I know everything you said is a lie!"]

["No matter what, I'll be waiting for you to return!"]

["If you don't come back, I'll wait forever..."]

["Because I'll only eat the food you cook!"]

[Inside the carriage, Sanji was utterly dumbfounded by this revelation.]

[At that moment, Luffy's voice reached him once again]

["I wouldn't be able to become the Pirate King without you cooking for


[Hearing this, Sanji couldn't contain himself any longer...]

[He covered his face with his hands, yet the unhidden sorrow lingered on

his face.]

[Tears streamed down from the corners of his eyes]

[In that instant, he reminisced about every shared moment with Luffy

and the others.]

[From the sea restaurant to here]

[Why don't I love these friends?]

[Why don't I want to go back to the sea and be free?]

[However, there is no going back!]

[For the Restaurant on the Sea, for the Straw Hats, for my companions,

and for my own hands.]

[He must marry Big Mom's daughter and complete the marriage between

the Vinsmoke family and the Big Mom Pirates....]

this moment!

The audience at sea was once again shocked!

As before, the emotions of the entire audience were almost divided into

two groups.

They understand Sanji and know that he did all this just to persuade

Luffy to retreat.

Let him stop insisting on saving himself.

They also understand Sanji's difficulties. After all, if they put themselves

in Sanji's shoes, they would do the same thing.

However, the other group supported Luffy and cursed Sanji angrily!

In their opinion, Sanji is worse than a beast!

He actually treated his partner so cruelly!?

You know, Luffy went through a lot of hardships to save him!

The result was this!

If he were Sanji, he would return to his friends even if he had to lose his


As for the sea restaurant, the worst possible thing is to go back and let

them all escape.

Could it be that the Vinsmoke family and the Big Mom Pirates would find

them one by one and kill them?

For freedom and companionship, what does a pair of hands mean?

As long as you can be with your friends, that's good!

What's more, you fight with your feet, you're afraid of a ball!

Naturally, Luffy and others in the Water 7 also saw the scene in the sky.

Everyone fell into silence at this moment...


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Chapter 171 : Smoothie!!

Sanji stood quietly, cigarette in hand, his heart in turmoil.

"I don't know what to say... I don't know if what I am doing is right or


Nami, on the contrary, was animated despite knowing the reason and

Sanji's struggles.

Unable to contain herself, she looked directly at Sanji and scolded, "You

actually attacked Luffy. Did you make a mistake?"

Usopp, Chopper, and others joined Nami in scolding Sanji.

Conversely, Zoro, Robin, Franky, and the rest observed Sanji in silence,

understanding and respecting the choice he made. Luffy, sitting in front,

maintained a calm expression even after witnessing the scene.

Despite the accusations, he wasn't angry. Luffy had seen Sanji on the

carriage, heard his words, and shed tears, proving the authenticity of

Sanji's feelings.

Luffy turned to Sanji, saying emotionally, "Your kick is so powerful; you

are worthy of Sanji! But, Sanji, no matter what, you are my partner! I

will help you defeat the Vinsmoke family and Big Mom, so you don't

have to worry!"

"I can't become the Pirate King without you; I can't even become the

Pirate King without any of my friends here. Only with you all by my side

can I achieve my goals!"

Sanji, and the rest of the crew, were stunned for a moment. Sanji's

cigarette-holding hand didn't even shake. After a brief silence, the entire

crew burst into laughter.

Their captain, seemingly unreliable and silly, had just proven to be the

best captain in everyone's heart.

[Simultaneously, the picture continued to play]

[Due to Luffy defeating Crackerk, the entire world was on high alert!]

[Big Mom was completely Minkious and sent out an angry army.]

[This army consisted entirely of Big Mom's other children, excluding the

Sweet Commanders!]

[Though not Sweet Commanders, they were powerful ministers of Whole

Cake Island with bounties almost reaching hundreds of millions!]

[And besides...]

[The army also comprised thousands of soul soldiers!]

[These were armies created by Big Mom using her soul to obey her


[Similar to the anthropomorphic tree animals on Temptation Island]

[The entire angry army was terrifying, both in terms of numbers and


[This kind of power could only be found on this sea, except for the navy

and the Four Emperors.]

[Against any force, they could push it!]

This is the horror of the Big Mom Pirates!

This is also the terrifying aspect of the Yonko Pirates.

Soon, they arrived at Luffy's location.

Due to the unilateral agreement he made with Sanji, Luffy refused to

leave, even as he sensed the approaching angry army!

He would rather face these adversaries to the death than retreat!

Soon, Luffy found himself in battle with the angry army.

Initially, Luffy stubbornly resisted, with Nami supporting him.

However, the two of them couldn't overcome the entire angry army!

Among them were numerous ministers from various nations. While their

strength may not match that of Sweet Commanders like Cracker, they

were far from weak.

Moreover, Luffy had just endured a bloody confrontation and suffered a

violent beating from Sanji.

How could he possibly defeat them?

Thus, it was no surprise that, despite Luffy's valiant efforts, knocking

many foes away, he and Nami were captured alive by the angry army

and taken back.

They were directly imprisoned in a book cage.

Witnessing this scene, countless viewers had complex expressions.

To be honest, if Luffy hadn't been violently beaten by Sanji, given his

strength, he likely wouldn't have surrendered so easily.

Minkthermore, if it weren't for the supposed agreement with Sanji, Luffy

would never have remained still without attempting to escape.

Viewers simultaneously loved and hated Luffy.

What they loved was his commitment to his partners, even in the face of

such a terrifying enemy.

He showed no hesitation, a testament to his extremely stubborn


At this critical moment, he chose to wait for Sanji where he was.

Now, both of them were captured alive, apprehended before they could

wreak havoc on the world.

The question now was, how would the story unfold?

At the same time, on the other side...

Brook sneaked into Cake Island with Pedro, a Mink tribe member,

reaching the outside of Big Mom's treasure house!

Their goal: to acquire the Red Poneglyphof the Big Mom Pirates!

However, a large group of Big Mom Pirates cadres occupied the area at

that moment.

Two figures stood out the most.

One was Baron Dandan of the Ashaga clan, an effective leader of the Big

Mom Pirates, with a bounty exceeding 400 million!

The other was the one who truly left Brook and Pedro breathless.

She was one of the three Sweet Commanders...

Charlotte Smoothie!

Smoothie, Big Mom's thirty-fifth child, a half-blood of the Foot-Clan, held

the title of Minister of Juice.

She was nearly the strongest among all of Big Mom's daughters!

[He is also one of the three strongest among all the children, otherwise

he would not be qualified to be a three-star general!]

[Regardless of her prestige and strength among Whole Cake Island, she is

far more terrifying than Cracker...]

[The bounty has reached 932 million Berries, almost reaching 1 billion!]

[Smoothie just sat quietly in the treasure house, guarding everything


[As if they knew someone would come to steal the Poneglyph, they did

not leave even a step.]

[Seeing this scene, both Brook and Pedro broke out in a cold sweat.]

[There are not only cadres from Whole Cake Island here but also three

Sweet Commanders. Now we are in trouble. How can we get the Red

Poneglyph ?]

[At last...]

[After some discussion, the two decided to use Pedro as bait to lure away

Smoothie and the others!]

[And Brook sneaked in to steal the Red Poneglyph !]

[In the following time, the plan was implemented as expected.]

[Everything seemed so smooth, and Brook arrived in front of the Red


[However, what none of them expected was that at this moment...]

[Big Mom arrived and stepped in there...]


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Chapter 172 : Big Mom Vs Brook!!

Water 7!

Upon witnessing the scene, panic immediately seized Luffy, Zoro, and the

rest of the crew!

"Is Brook really that bold? Facing off with Big Mom herself!"

"I thought Luffy had enough courage to go against the Three Sweet

Commanders, but he's taken it up a notch, directly attacking the enemy's


"He's up against a Yonko. He won't survive, will he?"

"No, he's already dead. Just a skeleton…"

Anxiety spread among the crew as Brook had not yet boarded the ship.

However, they were somewhat familiar with him through previous live


Brook's strength held up against smaller foes, but facing an emperor-level

figure, he might not stand a chance.

At this critical moment, Luffy and Sanji were occupied elsewhere, unable

to come to Brook's aid.

"If he encounters Big Mom, does he stand a chance of survival?"

"Not to mention there's a Sweet Commanders and numerous cadres with

Big Mom. Wouldn't Brook be done for before we even rescue him?"

Usopp couldn't help but voice his concern. Nami swiftly silenced him

with a punch.

"Shut your mouth, Usopp!"

Usopp, with tears in his eyes, muttered, "Florian Triangle sail!"

Meanwhile, Moria had returned to his territory, immediately ordering an

evacuation. He had no intention of encountering Luffy, fearing the

consequences of crossing paths with the now stronger Straw Hat.

The top priority was to change their location, avoiding any potential

encounters with Luffy.

"This guy can even contend with the Four Emperors. Provoking him

means certain death."

Moria just wanted to be left alone, enjoying some shadows, without

risking his life. Before leaving, however, he remembered something.

"It seems... another friend of the Straw Hats had their shadow taken by

me and is trapped in the dark sea."

"And those whose shadows were taken are all in the dark forest."

"Perhaps... I should let them all go?"

"To prevent the Straw Hat Boy from paying me a visit..."

Moria pondered, realizing these captives were of little use to him.

It might be better to release them, especially Brook. If he remains, Straw

Hat Boy will undoubtedly come looking for him as a comrade.

Unable to defeat Luffy, Moria's decision was made. Yet, as he considered

his options, he caught a live broadcast in the sky: Luffy and Nami

captured by the Chess Soldiers!

Moria rejoiced!

"The Four Emperors are truly formidable!"

"Her cadres alone managed to capture the Straw Hat boy!"

"What if all the Straw Hats perish at Big Mom's hands?"

"Then I won't have to lift a finger?"

"I won't need to release his friends?"

With these thoughts, Moria couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction.

He prepared to carefully watch the unfolding events before deciding

whether to flee or stay put.

[At the same time...]

[As the Big Mom drew nearer, she forcefully swung open the doors to the

treasure house!]

[All of a sudden...]

[Brook found himself directly facing the enraged Big Mom within

Poneglyph Room!]

Oh, sugar cubes!

Witnessing this moment, numerous onlookers felt their hearts clench.

The Big Mom really caught him!

Many had anticipated Brook making a swift escape from the treasure

house before Big Mom's arrival.

Turns out, we were overthinking it...

This is the Yonko!

Among the Straw Hats, Brook's combat prowess doesn't stand out much.

How could he possibly contend with the Big Mom?

There's a good chance he'll be pulverized in an instant, right?

["Where did this little thief come from?... "]

[Upon spotting Brook, the Big Mom's chubby face contorted into a

ferocious expression!]

[Beside her, three soul creations turned sinister together.]

[They were Zeus with the thunder cloud, Prometheus with the fireball,

and Napoleon with the triangular pirate hat!]

[These three Homies were crafted by the Big Mom using her own soul.]

[Not only were they entirely loyal to her, but they also harbored

unimaginable power.]

[At that moment, thunderclouds and flames began swirling within the

treasure house!]

[A formidable force began to emanate!]

[Coupled with the Big Mom's fierce and colossal visage, the atmosphere

was undeniably oppressive...]

[If ordinary folks witnessed this spectacle, they'd likely be scared out of

their wits instantly.]

[Yet, Brook stood his ground, gazing at the Big Mom as if ready to face

her head-on!]

[There wasn't a hint of fear towards death or the Big Mom's imposing


[This momentarily caught the Big Mom off guard...]

[This guy isn't afraid at all?]

[This notion provoked the Big Mom, causing her presence to become

even more terrifying!]

[The unique power of the Four Emperors began manifesting at this



He's done for!

Brook is a goner! Countless spectators were taken aback witnessing this


While they were impressed by Brook's fearless stance in front of the Big

Mom, the looming question remained - could he survive?

With Sanji completely betrayed, Luffy and Nami ensnared once again,

and Chopper and the rest still trapped in the mirror world...

As for Zoro and the others, they were scattered across different locations,

unable to intervene.

If this persists, who can come to Luffy's rescue?

Observing this scenario, Garp and Sengoku from the Navy Headquarters

couldn't help but sigh.

"Though each of Luffy's companions is usually more exasperating than

the last, they do pull through in critical moments!"

"Facing off against Charlotte Linlin with such audacity is quite


Garp nodded, "That girl Nami isn't too shabby either. She didn't flee alone

before the Chess Soldiers arrived!"

"It appears that Luffy is surrounded by a group of exceptional

companions, which pleases me greatly. Despite the high praise for Luffy's

comrades from both of them, they harbor doubts about Brook's ability to

confront Big Mom.

However, there's a silver lining; they reckon he probably won't meet his

demise. Big Mom has a peculiar penchant for collecting eccentric beings,

and given Brook's skeletal form, he might just be to her liking. Thus,

there's a good chance he'll be spared. As long as he avoids death, he

stands a shot at survival.

Meanwhile, Akainu, positioned in the background, stares intently at the

sky. In his perspective, even the Straw Hat Kid hasn't met his demise yet,

but now that he's incarcerated, he poses no threat.

Considering Big Mom's unpredictable temperament, there might come a

day when he has to eliminate her. And as for Brook, being Straw Hat's

partner, he's deemed deserving of death. Let him be the first to meet his

end! The option of eliminating one's partner is indeed a viable one...

Simultaneously, the sky unfolds another chapter!

[Confronted by Brook's unflinching gaze, the Big Mom acts swiftly

without hesitation!]

[In an instant, the two engage in a fierce battle]

[And concurrently…]

[Pudding, set to wed Sanji, reveals his true identity!]

[The truth about the marriage between Big Mom and the Vinsmoke

family is laid bare at this moment…]"


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Chapter 173 : Jinbe Rescues?

[Brook confronts Big Mom, and a clash ensues!]

[Naturally, given Brook's strength, he stands no chance against Big


[Even though he puts up a valiant effort, the outcome is inevitable]

[With Prometheus and Zeus unleashing fire and thunder continuously!]

[Brook finds refuge within the treasure room!]

[However, when Big Mom takes matters into her own hands, she delivers

a powerful punch to his face]

[The formidable and mysterious force knocks Brook unconscious


[She lifts the unconscious Brook, and Big Mom appears visibly


[After all, skeletal beings like Brook are exceedingly rare!]

[Now she has added another rare item to her collection]

[In the midst of overwhelming emotions, Big Mom is not only happy but

also unveils a shocking revelation!]

[Hardly anyone in the world can decipher the contents of the Red


[Once unraveled, it could potentially lead to the location of the One

Piece, the same place Roger reached.]

[Hence, despite the Four Emperors and numerous prominent figures

possessing Red Poneglyphs, they remain unable to decode the


[But Big Mom can...]

[To be precise, it's her own daughter!]

[That's Pudding, who is on the verge of marrying Sanji!]

[Pudding is a hybrid of the Three-Eyed Tribe. Once the third eye on her

forehead awakens, she can harness incredible power!]

[Maybe she can decipher the Red Poneglyph]

[Then, I can use the Red Poneglyph to obtain the information]

[And reach that dream location]

Big Mom's strength astonishes everyone!

While it was anticipated that she could defeat Brook, no one expected it

to happen with just a single punch!

Brook loses consciousness completely, and the strength displayed is truly


Having both physical prowess and these peculiar powers, she is truly

deserving of the title Yonko!

Big Mom's words immediately send shockwaves throughout the entire


Countless civilians are aware that the Great Pirate Age commenced due

to the treasure left by Roger, the Pirate King!

It is the destination everyone dreams of and aspires to reach.

Yet, until now, no one has succeeded. Even the formidable figures of the

seas are now exchanging uncertain glances. The Three-Eyed Tribe has

always been an enigmatic race.

It is rumored that upon awakening, members of the Three-Eyed Tribe can

attain unimaginable power, but the nature of this power remains


Could it be possible... Big Mom knows?

Unexpectedly, her daughter hails from the Three-Eyed Tribe.

Once again, this revelation leaves many in awe of Big Mom's diverse

tastes, as her children hail from various races.

When her daughter awakens, will she be capable of deciphering the

words on the stone tablet?

While we still can't verify the authenticity of this situation, one thing is

certain – if it concerns a place visited by Roger, it's bound to be news that

will shock the world!

If Big Mom is granted permission to go there...

I fear the entire world will descend into chaos!

Considering Big Mom's exceptionally cruel nature, even if the other four

emperors were to visit, it would be preferable to her going. If she truly

discovers the location of the treasure, it may not bode well.

[Simultaneously, Big Mom's true intentions are unveiled!]

[Her marriage to the Vinsmoke family wasn't for solidifying ties between

the two clans.]

[It wasn't solely to leverage the power of the Germa Legion!]

[Instead, her goal is to exterminate everyone in the Vinsmoke family to

pilfer the advanced technology of the Vinsmoke lineage!]

[To harness it for herself!!!]

[After all, why rely on others when you can generate power on your


[And all of this was disclosed by Big Mom's daughter, Pudding, who was

set to marry Sanji.]

[Pudding abducted Sanji's sister, Reiju.]

[As a possessor of the Memory Fruit ability, she can sever Reiju's


[That's why she unabashedly uttered these words in front of Reiju!]

[It turns out her innocent and gentle demeanor was nothing but a


[Her true nature is exceedingly malevolent!]

[And all of this was accidentally overheard by Sanji, who was concealed

outside the window.]

[In that moment, he began to question his life...]

[For the first time he opened his heart, only to be deceived like this?]

[Even though Reiju learned the true motives of the Charlotte family, her

memory was also erased by Pudding.]

[Later, Pudding feigned hypocrisy once more and returned her.]

[Everything seemed unfamiliar, but Sanji comprehended it all.]

[After Reiju regained consciousness, she had forgotten everything.]

[Yet Sanji divulged the truth, and Reiju placed deep trust in her brother.]

[After all, she is the only one in the Vinsmoke family who cares for


[Then the two confessed to each other, and Reiju felt that even if the

Vinsmoke family was utterly destroyed, it didn't matter!]

[As long as Reiju lives well.]

[However, Sanji believes that regardless, they are still his family and

living beings!]

[They shouldn't lose their identity so easily; they must be saved!]

[Reiju also revealed the truth to Sanji once more.]

[It turned out the explosive bracelet on his hand had already been

discarded by himself, and it was merely a useless ornament!]

[Upon hearing this, Sanji was suddenly stunned.]

After witnessing the image in the sky, numerous onlookers were left in a

state of profound confusion.

The emotionally detached Vinsmoke family, intending to harness Big

Mom's power, found themselves ensnared unwittingly?

Big Mom proved to be the most enigmatic character. She harbored a

desire to eliminate all members of the Vinsmoke family during the


Many believed that stripping the Vinsmoke family of their high-tech

power was a fitting consequence, a deserved retribution!

Indeed, everyone in the Vinsmoke family seemed devoid of emotions,

except for Sanji's sister, Reiju!

A family of this nature deserved condemnation!

Pudding's exceptional acting skills left everyone astonished.

Without witnessing this scene, it would have been unimaginable for them

to conceive that the once gentle Pudding could wear such a menacing


And she belonged to the three-eyed clan!

Simultaneously, nobody anticipated that the Explosive bracelet in Sanji's

hand was a clever counterfeit!

As it turns out, Reiju is genuinely benevolent and has been looking out

for Sanji from the beginning!

It appears that she, alongside Sanji, is the sole possessor of emotions in

the Wenslock family!

For a brief moment, many formed a favorable opinion of Reiju...

However, it must be acknowledged that the plot seems to be unfolding in

a highly captivating direction.…

[Meanwhile, on the other side!]

[With Luffy and Nami imprisoned in the book cage, escape seems


[Even the Minister of Cream of Whole Cake Island was ready to torture

them to extract information about the others.]

[Yet, just as he was about to harm Nami and Luffy…]

[A figure emerged!]

[A single punch from him sent the formidable Butter Minister sprawling,


[Upon seeing the newcomer... both Luffy and Nami were pleasantly



[However, they were both taken aback by Jinbei's presence...]

[Isn't he part of the Big Mom Pirates? Why would he lend assistance?]

[Doesn't this equate to openly betraying Big Mom?]

[But Jinbei remained indifferent]

["I have made my choice, even if it means betraying her, it doesn't


["I am not a stranger myself!"]

["Last time, you saved the entire Fish-Man Island!"]

["Luffy, it's my turn to save you this time…]"


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Chapter 174 : Alliance of


In this scene, Jinbei's words conveyed a crucial message.

Did Luffy really save the entire Fish-Man Island?

It appears that, beyond the scenes witnessed by others, Luffy and his

crew embarked on extraordinarily unique adventures!

Now, everyone comprehended why Jinbei chose to aid Luffy.

Back at the start, when he declared to Big Mom his intention to quit and

join the Straw Hat Pirates...

While the events that unfolded between Big Mom and Jinbei remain

unknown, contemplating it, Jinbei must have faced unimaginable

challenges before reuniting with Luffy!

Evidently, he had already been deeply moved by Luffy's charisma!

I must admit, witnessing Jinbei's arrival!

His imposing figure instilled a profound sense of security in everyone...

and Jinbei's words further affirmed Whitebeard and others' convictions.

There would be significant upheaval on Fish-Man Island in the future;

otherwise, the peril of near-annihilation wouldn't loom as he mentioned!

Luffy's arrival had not only resolved the crisis on Fish-Man Island but also

left Whitebeard slightly concerned. If he and his crew were present, they

would ensure that Whitebeard's protection of Fish-Man Island wouldn't

be compromised.

What lay ahead for the Whitebeard Pirates?

And what crises awaited Fish-Man Island?

These questions intensified Whitebeard's curiosity and worry.

Yet, how can one predict the future? For now, all they could do was hope

the live broadcast would unveil the answers.

[With Jinbei's assistance, Luffy and Nami successfully escaped their



[Luffy promptly stirred up chaos within the castle!]

[Shouting Sanji's name, he relentlessly fought off the pirates attempting

to impede him!]

[At this moment... total pandemonium reigns!]

[And Luffy truly began causing a ruckus upon entering the Whole Cake


[The reason he sought Sanji here, even at the cost of revealing his

identity, was singular!]

[To find Sanji and alert him to Big Mom's plot for a forced marriage!]

[Because Luffy was aware that Big Mom's marriage proposal was a

complete sham—they intended to exterminate the entire Vinsmoke


[Sanji included.]

[Finally, after a brief search, Luffy located Sanji's room.]

[Although Sanji was absent, his sister Reiju was there.]

[Through Reiju, Luffy discovered that Sanji had long been aware of Big

Mom's scheme.]

[Content, he left, planning to return to their agreed meeting place and

await Sanji's return.]

[Meanwhile, Reiju watched Luffy's departing figure with intensely mixed


[It seems... her brother has led a fulfilling life outside these years!]

[Having a companion willing to risk their life to deliver crucial news

made Reiju momentarily elated.]


"Complete idiot!!!"

On Whole Cake Island, Big Mom sits amidst a mound of desserts, seething

with rage!

Even the endless array of delectable treats surrounding her fails to quell

her anger.

Had it not been for witnessing the scene, she would never have expected

so many flaws in the tea party plan.

Luffy, who was finally captured, not only managed to escape but also

exposed the details of the planned scheme.

How could a mere straw hat kid wreak such havoc in her vast territory?


Unstoppable, and it's disgraceful!

This is the shame of being one of the Four Emperors!

Big Mom angrily exclaims, "What a bunch of rubbish! Is there no one

capable enough to put my mind at ease?"

As her anger intensifies, even her eyes turn red!

In response, Prometheus and Zeus, her companions, radiate a fearsome


All the ministers of the nations standing below are shocked at this

moment, paralyzed with fear.

Even the three Sweet Commanders and others, including the Big Mom

Pirates, have changed expressions and dare not make a move.

[Luffy returns to the location where Sanji beat him]

[When I said I'd wait for him here, I meant it!]

[Meanwhile, many pirates who had been chasing from Cake Island also


[By now, Luffy is a bit exhausted after all the chaos and consecutive


[Regardless, he fights on, and the battle resumes...]

[Simultaneously, Sanji, learning the news, rushes over.]

[Countless members of the Big Mom Pirates lie unconscious here—Luffy's


[Under a rock, he finds Luffy...]

[After consuming the bento brought by Sanji, Luffy is revitalized, full of


[Despite their recent unpleasant altercation, and Sanji harboring guilt,

Luffy doesn't hold it against him.]

[On the contrary, he heaps praises on Sanji's cooking skills, bringing tears

to Sanji's eyes.]

[Sanji urges Luffy to escape, emphasizing the invincibility of the Big

Mom Pirates.]

[Luffy, upon hearing this, stands up resolutely.]

["No, what about the Yonko?"]

["As long as my partner is in danger, I'll fight them off!"]

["And, if I don't defeat her... I'll never become the Pirate King!"]

Navy Headquarters!

"A good boy should possess this kind of courage!"

"Smiles and grudges are exchanged between partners when they meet!"

"Just a mere Yonko; defeat him, and you shall become the Pirate King!"

The scene in the sky thrilled Garp as he witnessed it.

He cheered loudly for his grandson!

However, he momentarily forgot about the presence of figures like

Warring States and Admirals beside him.

Even if he hadn't forgotten, he probably wouldn't have cared. Whether it

was Sengoku, Akainu, Kizaru, or Aokiji, all of them stared at Garp with

bewilderment, black lines forming on their faces as they observed Garp's


"Damn it, you're a Marine!"

"He aspires to be the Pirate King!"

"Why are you so excited?"

"Do you think your grandson will become the Fleet Admiral of the Navy?"

"I don't know. I thought you were an undercover agent planted here."

[Sanji was once again impressed by Luffy's courage!]

[There's no need for many words between partners; just regroup!]

[Simultaneously, Jinbei, located on Cake Island, made a call.]

[This time, it's not just the Straw Hats aiming to strike Whole Cake Island

and defeat Big Mom!]

[In addition to them... there is also a powerful supernova!]

[Capone Bege!]

[After some communication with Jinbei, it's certain that Sun]

[The two forces immediately hit it off and plan to temporarily join forces

to confront Big Mom!]

[The designated time and place are during the tea party!]

[At this moment, there are only a few hours left before the tea party


[All Big Mom's children and family officials are arriving. They include

ministers from Whole Cake Island!]

[Similarly, formidable characters like the Three Sweet Commanders,

among whom the most terrifying is naturally]



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Chapter 175 : Future Prediction!

Needless to say, those tuned into the live broadcast are well aware of

Capone Bege's identity.

Much like Luffy and his counterparts, he stands as a Supernova, a

notorious figure in this wicked era!

His strength is truly formidable, boasting a staggering bounty of 350

million berries!

As the leader of the Flame Tank Pirates and a possessor of the Fortress

Fruit ability, Capone Bege is aligned with the formidable Big Mom


Initially perceived as completely loyal to Big Mom, especially given their

role in bringing Sanji to this place, it's a surprise that this youngster turns

out to be a rebel!

However, this twist of fate turns out to be in their favor!

This time, Luffy isn't facing the challenge alone. Taking on Big Mom, a

truly fearsome presence among the Four Emperors, without most of the

Straw Hat Pirates' crew would be a hopeless endeavor.

Enter Capone Bege, another extremely evil Supernova; though the odds

of victory are slim, they improve significantly with his involvement.

[As the scene unfolds, the tea party draws near.

[During this period, a strategic alliance is formed among key players,

including Capone Bege and Luffy! ]

[A detailed battle plan is carefully discussed...]

[As the captain responsible for tea party security, Capone Bege has the

freedom to come and go as he pleases.]

[Luffy and his crew hide within his body, courtesy of his Castle Fruit


[Their objective is to destroy Big Mom's cherished photograph...]

[This will incite her to a fit of despair, allowing them to unleash a

devastating poison gas bomb created by Caesar!]

[The plan, though intricate, must be flawlessly executed within a matter

of seconds.]

[Soon, the tea party... will officially commence!]

[The venue, adorned beautifully, welcomes dignitaries from around the


[Even forces closely tied to the Whole Cake Island send representatives to

partake in the tea party!]

[Hovering over the tea party, the entire world]

[All the high-ranking members of the Big Mom Pirates are in attendance,

exuding an oppressive aura!]

[Regardless, they are the Yonko Pirates, and even a mere gesture from

them can resonate across countless seas and pirate factions!]

[For any given bounty, the reward could easily climb into the hundreds

of millions, if not more!]

The Red-Haired Pirates!

As Shanks and Beckman watched the live broadcast on the Sky at this

moment, their expressions betrayed a sense of unease.

For they both understood... the imminent danger that Luffy was about to


Even with the alliance of a supernova like Capone Bege, they felt it futile,

given the overwhelming might of the Big Mom Pirates!

The sheer number of formidable subordinates under Big Mom, excluding

her, was staggering – from countless ministers to the audacious offspring.

Undoubtedly, the trio of Sweet Commanders stood out as the most

formidable. Though Luffy had managed to defeat Cracker, luck had

played a substantial role.

If Nami hadn't uncovered the weakness, if Luffy couldn't consume it, and

if Cracker hadn't underestimated his opponent, victory would have been


And that was just Cracker, considered the weakest among the three Sweet

Commanders, a far cry from the prowess of the other two.

Even the Red-Haired Pirates, including Shanks and Beckman, leaned

cautiously towards Luffy's potential triumph.

But they couldn't deny the immense challenge ahead. Relying solely on

Luffy, Capone Bege, and Jinbe's strength, how could they overcome a

gathering filled with top-tier cadres from across the globe?

However, all they could do now was watch in silence. The answers could

only unfold in the scenes that followed…

[At the tea party, ministers from every corner of the world had


[These were none other than the offspring of Big Mom.]

[Among them, formidable powerhouses emerged one after another.]

[This left Capone Bege uneasy, but the person truly unsettling him was...]


[The man stood as the mightiest among the three Sweet Commanders

and, indeed, the pinnacle of strength within the entire Big Mom Pirates!]

[Whether among Big Mom's many offspring or across Whole Cake Island,

his power was unimaginably intimidating, admired by countless.]

[His strength surpassed the billion-bounty mark, marking him as the most


[Adding to the trouble was his eerily perceptive Observation Haki...]

[His haki's ability to glimpse into the future was awe-inspiring, and it had

been evident even before the tea party commenced.]

[Katakuri flawlessly predicted and thwarted a minor mishap before it

could unfold.]

[Capone Bege couldn't help but break into a cold sweat at the sight.]

[In this mission to assassinate Big Mom, all other cadres seemed trivial,

with the man before him being the real menace.]

[His Observation Haki, if utilized beforehand, could jeopardize the


[And that was the gravest concern!]

Katakuri's power not only instilled fear in Capone Bege but also left

countless viewers and bosses astonished.

Is he truly the mightiest leader among the Big Mom Pirates?

Just by observing his aura, one can discern that he is far from ordinary.

A super pirate with a bounty exceeding one billion!

He likely boasts the highest bounty among the Big Mom Pirates, second

only to Big Mom herself!

His observation haki has reached abnormal levels!

The ability to foresee the future is downright terrifying...

With him present, Luffy and his companions' plans are doomed to fail...

[Soon, the tea party is set to commence!]

[Each person harbors their own schemes]

[Capone Bege awaits Sanji's move, planning to assassinate Big Mom!]

[Big Mom anticipates her daughter's actions, aiming to kill Sanji and

subsequently annihilate the entire Vinsmoke family!]

[Only Judge of the Vinsmoke family and his emotionless sons]

[Remain oblivious!]

[Reiju is already aware of everything but is indifferent. The fate of the

Vinsmoke family is of no concern to her.]

[Finally, as time ticks away, Sanji and Pudding's wedding officially


[However, in this very moment, Katakuri rises from his seat and positions

himself in front of Big Mom!]

[Curious, Big Mom asks: "What's the matter?"]

[Katakuri's expression darkens, and he calmly declares,]

["I've glimpsed the future... Events are unfolding in an uncontrollable



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Chapter 176 : Ruining Wedding!

[Katakuri's Observation Haki is truly astonishing!]

[Even before Bege and Luffy made their move, he had already foreseen

every detail of the next few moments!]

[Just as expected!]

[As Sanji and Brook took their positions, Big Mom's crew opened fire.]

[Everyone sprang into action!]

[The members of the Vinsmoke family were instantly immobilized by the

Candy Minister's sweets!]

[Meanwhile, Bege utilized his abilities to facilitate Luffy's escape from his


[But it wasn't just one Luffy; it was a multitude of them!]

[This sight left countless onlookers utterly dumbfounded!]

[It turns out, Luffy had devised this strategy in advance, leveraging the

powers of the Mirror Fruit user!]

[Amidst the chaos,]

[Luffy charged straight at Big Mom, shattering the photo frame before

her with a single slap!]

[In that moment, Big Mom was stunned...]

[This was her most cherished possession, the most precious memory of

her life, now shattered before her eyes?]

[She let out a deafening roar, laced with sheer dominance!]

[The sheer force of it caused those with weaker constitutions to faint on

the spot, even forcing Katakuri and others to stand firm, unable to


[Everything around them - glass, tables, chairs, ground, trees...]

[All were obliterated and shattered amidst Big Mom's frenzied


[This was the might of a Yonko, the terror of Charlotte Linlin!]

The Whitebeard Pirates!

"Truly befitting of a Yonko, such terrifying power!"

"My ears are ringing just thinking about it, it was that intense!"

"Wow, Luffy's courage is astounding, daring to challenge Big Mom like


"Darling, it's too much to handle..."

Countless crew members voiced their awe while observing the spectacle.

Even Whitebeard himself.

He gazed at the sky, witnessing the aftermath of Big Mom's roar.

It left the surroundings desolate, a sight that gave him pause.

"He truly is a force of nature. After all these years...,"

"Charlotte Linlin's destructive power remains undiminished!"

When it came to Big Mom, Whitebeard was intimately acquainted.

After all, he had once sailed alongside her and Kaido in the Rocks Pirates.

Though separated by many years, in a strict sense, we were once


Even if our relationship was rocky, sailing on the same ship meant we

knew each other inside out.

Now, confusion reigns among many, including Marco.

Who was taken by Luffy? And what's with the torn photograph?

Why does it bring such sadness and fury upon Big Mom?

Everyone's bewildered. How can someone as ruthless as Big Mom be

moved by a mere photo?

This perplexing affair leaves everyone scratching their heads.

Even Whitebeard, who once sailed with Big Mom, couldn't fully grasp it,

only catching fragments of the story.

All he knew was that Big Mom wielded unmatched destructive power in

her youth, earning the ire of the entire giant family.

Only the figure in the photograph showed Big Mom kindness and


Yet, investigations later revealed the figure to be a child abductor...

His tenderness towards Big Mom was a sham.

Naturally, this revelation would only surface decades later.

Regardless, whether Big Mom chooses to believe it or not is


But it's undeniable that the people in that photo were the only light in

Big Mom's childhood... and this fact puzzles Big Mom greatly, despite her

prowess as a wielder of the Soul Fruit.

Ironically, the one with the Soul Fruit ability was the person in the photo.

But in a twist of fate, the individual vanished after Big Mom's


And Big Mom... gained the power of the Soul Fruit!

The mystery behind this... remains unsolved to this day! However, what's

certain is that the person in the photo is confirmed deceased, and Big

Mom cherishes it as her most precious memory. As for the relationship

between them,

Whitebeard remains oblivious. He has no desire to delve into their

personal affairs.

His only concern is learning swiftly what transpired on Fish-Man Island

and with the Whitebeard Pirates in the future world.

Meanwhile, the scene unfolds:

[At this moment, Big Mom is consumed by grief]

[Under this immense sorrow, her monstrous physique momentarily


[And now, countless subordinates are immobilized by Big Mom's

harrowing screams.]

["We can only hold our ground and free ourselves!"]

[Bege and the others are already prepared!]

[They've preemptively inserted earplugs, minimizing the impact of Big

Mom's voice!]

[And now is the prime moment to act!]

[So, they produced a firearm.]

[This is Caesar's specially crafted super poisonous gas bomb. Even a slight

exposure would cause skin ulcers and death in ordinary people!]

[However, aware that Big Mom was dubbed a monster, they intentionally

prepared three this time!]

[All for the sole purpose of complete annihilation!]


[As Bege squeezed the trigger, three gas bombs hurtled towards Big Mom

in an instant!]

[In this moment, many ministers led by Katakuri...]

[But powerless to shield them, forced to witness helplessly...]

This scene stirred excitement among audiences worldwide!

Could it be possible that...

Big Mom could be vanquished just like this?

In her current state of mourning, she's completely off guard!

If Bege's three gas bombs can truly obliterate her in one fell swoop, then

there'll be one less Yonko in the world!

Such a monumental event!

Did he actually allow his comrades to witness it?

Damn it...

[Three gas bombs soared straight toward Big Mom!]

[However, what's unforeseen is that despite her lack of caution, Big

Mom's wailing grows louder and louder!]

[Within her colossal cry, powerful shockwaves sweep in all directions!]

[She even intercepts three missiles midway!]

[This sight dumbfounds Bege and the others...]

[They had envisioned all possible outcomes, except for this one...]

[Meanwhile, Katakuri also springs into action]

[Utilizing the abilities of his Mochi Mochi Fruit, he conjures numerous

mochi balls.]

[And distributes them to all the comrades nearby, sealing their ears to

shield against Big Mom's voice.]

[Now is the moment to deal with these turncoats and adversaries]

[As they face Katakuri before them, accompanied by the furious stares of

many senior officers of the Big Mom Pirates.]

[At this juncture, Bege and the others are nearly petrified with fear.]


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Chapter 177 : Berserk Big Mom!


Kaido surveyed the scene before him, a faint smile playing on his lips...

"Planning to take down Charlotte Linlin with just three poison gas


"These individuals are terribly naive..."

"If you seek to vanquish the Four Emperors, such methods alone won't


"Such naive, ignorant lads..."

From start to finish, Kaido harbored no illusions that Bege, Luffy, and

their comrades could defeat Big Mom. After all, they were all Yonko, and

he, more than anyone, understood Big Mom's might.

Could someone dubbed the "Natural Disaster" be felled so easily, when he

himself was evenly matched with her?

Unless the world had gone mad. Meanwhile, viewers worldwide

witnessing this scene were left in shock!

Never had they anticipated that those three gas bombs wouldn't even

come close to the formidable woman.

Instead, they were repelled by her overwhelming force!

Indeed, Yonko weren't to be dispatched so effortlessly.

As viewers grappled with this realization, panic began to grip them. How

could Luffy and the others, along with Bege and his crew, escape?

Just as doubt clouded the minds of all spectators...

The sky scene unfolded once more...

[Katakuri and numerous other cadres from various nations snapped back

to reality at Big Mom's voice.]

[They advanced towards the crowd.]

[In that moment, Bege was nearly petrified with fear!]

[Without a moment's hesitation, he ushered everyone away, fleeing

towards safety.]

[Their original plan, to dispatch Big Mom and utilize the mirror world for

escape, lay in shambles.]

[Yet, despite the plan's failure, an escape remained plausible.]

[All they needed was to reach Caesar's held mirror within mere seconds,

and freedom would be theirs.]

[They'd emerge unscathed.]

[However, a dramatic twist unfolded...]

[Just as everyone neared Caesar's mirror...]

[Big Mom's terrifying sonic waves shattered the mirror!]

[At this critical juncture, Bege and his companions found themselves

utterly bewildered.]

[Big Mom is unbelievably powerful, isn't she?]

[Bege's nerves turned icy as he watched Katakuri and the others

advancing step by step.]

[There's no choice but to resort to our last resort!]

[As a user of the Fortress Fruit ability, he still has one final ace up his


["Behemoth mode!!!"]

[Suddenly, Bege transformed into a colossal castle, towering over the

landscape in an instant!]

[And within the fortress, a myriad of cannons and artillery extended


[Raining down direct fire on the advancing cadre from all nations!]

[Naturally, Luffy and his crew sought refuge within the fortress!]

[Under the onslaught of relentless firepower, Katakuri and the others

were momentarily driven back!]

[But Bege alone understands that this suppression is only temporary!]

[Waiting for them to regroup could spell disaster.]

[Escape is the only option now!]

[Only Caesar, with his levitation ability, can carry himself out of here.]

[Then Luffy and the others can follow suit, escaping unscathed.]

[But before that, someone must stay behind to thwart the relentless


[Just as uncertainty gripped everyone, the Vinsmoke family, led by

Judge, stepped forward.]

[Having been saved by Sanji moments earlier, they now fully submit.]

[The idea of them ruling over North Blue with Big Mom's power is merely

wishful thinking!]

[Big Mom true intention from the start was to eliminate themselves and

seize the family's advanced technology!]

[Thus, to repay Luffy and his crew for their kindness, they volunteer to

stay and hold off Big Mom and her forces!]

[At this pivotal moment, Judge rallies his three sons and daughter.]

[Activating the Germa combat form without hesitation!]

[They charge forth without a backward glance.]

This display elicits excitement from the onlookers outside!

Truly, the transformation of Germa is impressive!

It appears that the Vinsmoke family is not beyond redemption.

At least in their final hour, they choose to stand in solidarity with Sanji

and his allies.

Everyone heard rumors of the Vinsmoke family's powerful high-tech

suits, but seeing them in action is another thing entirely.

This time, we're privileged to witness, countless marine bosses included.

They are also intrigued by the combat prowess of the Vinsmoke family.

They can't help but gaze skyward, eager for what unfolds next!

[At this moment, Judge and his cohorts don their combat gear.]

[Their mightiest abilities unleashed in full force!]

[The Vinsmoke family's advanced technology does not disappoint.]

[As they charge into battle, they showcase their formidable might!]

[In the blink of an eye, the entire cadre of all nations found themselves


[Even the awakening aunt was temporarily restrained by Sanji's two


[This display of prowess instilled hope in Luffy, Bege, and the others.]

"Not sufficient!"

"Though the Vinsmoke family's combat prowess isn't negligible,"

"But relying solely on it to confront Big Mom won't suffice!"

The Red-Haired Pirates present...

Shanks gazed skyward, his countenance grave.

He understood the transient nature of the current conflict.

Perhaps it was merely because Big Mom, Katakuri, and others weren't

acquainted with the Vinsmoke family's combat style.

That's why they swiftly gained the upper hand.

Had they become accustomed, the tide of battle would have turned in an


And Luffy and the others' escape plan would have crumbled...

[As expected, it didn't take long before Big Mom went berserk and


[With just a couple of moves, Sanji's siblings were rendered


[Even Judge found himself flattened.]

[The Vinsmoke family's advanced technology is impressive, no doubt, but

it falters against forces of nature like Big Mom!]

[Big Mom even began pummeling Castle-form Bege, causing him to spew

blood incessantly.]

[Even amidst her taunts, she could only watch Luffy and his crew tremble

in fear!]

[Who is Luffy?]

[Naturally, he couldn't abide such mockery, thus he charged forth!]

[This startled everyone. Was he truly prepared to take on Big Mom?]

[Luffy may be impetuous, but he's not foolish!]

[He's well aware of Big Mom's unfathomable strength.]

[So, without hesitation, he activated his Fourth Gear mode!]

[Then he unleashed his mightiest attack...the Great Ape King Gun!]

[This punch, brimming with terrifying force, collided with Big Mom


[Big Mom even extended an arm, opting to engage Luffy with pure

physical prowess...]

[In that instant, a wave of sheer power rippled outward!]

[The resulting shockwaves caused the entire island to tremble].


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Chapter 178 : Ikoku Sovereignty!

The sight in the sky undoubtedly sent shockwaves rippling across the

entire world once again!

No one could fathom that Luffy would charge out at such a perilous


And not only that, he also engaged in a fierce clash with Big Mom!

Witnessing the overwhelming momentum in the scene, though separated

merely by an image, it felt as though the events were unfolding right

before their eyes!

It was simply staggering to the extreme!

Everyone admired Luffy's courage; he displayed true bravery!

Confronted with a formidable opponent like the Empress, he dove in

without a hint of fear.

However, this also heightened everyone's realization of just how

formidable... the Four Emperors truly were.

In his fourth gear mode, Luffy unleashed a full-force strike. Yet, Big Mom

blocked such a terrifying blow with such ease?

And it seemed effortless!

It was utterly chilling, even for the Navy Headquarters!

The likes of Sengoku, Garp, and others naturally observed the unfolding


Upon witnessing this spectacle, they couldn't help but sigh...

"I've long known that Charlotte Linlin's physical prowess is terrifying to

the extreme."

"Now, it appears that it's not an exaggeration at all. Her strength...

surpasses that of ordinary giants, doesn't it?"

Garp nodded slightly, wearing a worried expression.

"As much as I wish for Luffy's victory, I have to admit..."

"With his current strength, he's nowhere near ready to take on Charlotte

Linlin in combat. Fleeing is the prudent choice."

"Directly engaging... wouldn't be wise!"

Garp shook his head slowly, clearly consumed by extreme concern.

Sengoku could only offer a comforting pat on the shoulder, but the three

admirals and the others behind them had varied reactions. Aokiji

appeared pensive, as if contemplating something.

Kizaru remained his usual laid-back self, appearing shocked, yet not

entirely surprised.

Akainu's lips curled slightly, his gaze expectant. In his mind, if the Straw

Hat boy chose to flee directly, perhaps there would still be a glimmer of

hope for survival. But to dare confront Big Mom head-on?

Inviting death!

If he were to be crushed by Big Mom, he would only fulfill his own wish!

[The aftermath of Luffy's clash with Big Mom sent everything around

them scattering.]

[In that moment, Luffy exerted every ounce of his strength!]

[Yet, Big Mom remained remarkably composed, relying solely on sheer

physical prowess.]

[She held Luffy firmly in his grip, rendering him incapable of advancing.]

[With a mocking smirk, she tBig Momed,]

["Straw Hat, do you see the chasm between us?"]

["You stand no chance against me. Surrender!"]

[However, Luffy's response was resolute, his voice ringing out loud and


["No, I will defeat you one day!"]

["Not just you, but Kaido too. Only by defeating you can I claim the title

of Pirate King!"]

["Pirate King?"]

At Luffy's words, Big Mom burst into laughter!

With a surge of strength, she sent Luffy hurtling away!

Just as she prepared to deliver a fatal blow to everyone with a single


Seizing the opportunity from their earlier confrontation, Sanji and the

others managed to rescue everyone from the Vinsmoke family.

They retreated back to the transformed castle!

And Luffy and company followed suit.

With Caesar's assistance, they soared into the sky and set off into the


They were on the brink of escape, yet Big Mom remained unperturbed.

It turned out that this space was enveloped within the mirror world,

leaving them with no means of escape at all!


[Right now!!!]

[Suddenly, the entire towering cake structure erupted into a violent


[The catalyst behind this explosion]

[Was a box pilfered from Fish-Man Island earlier, packed to the brim

with explosives.]

[Yet, unknowingly, Big Mom had retrieved it, sealing Luffy's fate in a

twist of fate.]

[With the deafening blast, the colossal cake tower crumbled instantly!]

[Luffy and his companions made a swift escape, bidding farewell to Bege

as they set their sights on finding the Thousand Sunny and traversing the

vast seas.]

The sight of Luffy's successful getaway sparked jubilation among the


Realistically, given Luffy's current prowess, confronting Big Mom head-on

and fleeing was a futile endeavor. The prospect of a showdown between

Luffy, Big Mom, and their respective allies was a foregone conclusion.

The odds were heavily stacked against them.

Merely daring to stir trouble in the Four Emperors' territory was

audacious enough.

Escape was their only recourse!

Though fraught with challenges, it was unequivocally the wisest course

of action!

But evidently, the spectators underestimated the capabilities of the

formidable Big Mom!

[While the massive explosion threw Big Mom and her countless offspring

into disarray temporarily,]

[It also triggered her insatiable hunger pangs.]

[In a frenzy, she descended into a ravenous madness, fixated on a

particular craving!]

[To avert Big Mom's rampage and safeguard the sanctity of Whole Cake

Island, the Candy Minister, as the eldest son, resorted to deception.]

[He falsely claimed that the desired delicacy was in the company of Luffy

and his cohorts!]

[Subsequently, the frenzied Big Mom set her sights on Luffy and his


[Driven by an insatiable appetite, she surged forth, her senses dulled but

her might, defense, agility, and aura of intimidation heightened!]

[Summoning Zeus to trample her foes, she relentlessly pursued Luffy and

his companions,]

[With Prometheus, in the guise of a blazing sphere, by her side.]

[Meanwhile, the Napoleon wheel above her head transformed into a

formidable blade, poised for battle.]

[In her frenzied state, her eyes ablaze with madness, she struck fear into

the hearts of all who beheld her!]

[In no time, she caught up with Luffy and his fleeing entourage!]

[After catching sight of Big Mom, their fear escalated, urging them to

sprint even faster...]

[But how could Big Mom allow their escape so easily?]

[Driven by insatiable hunger, she only yearns to swiftly dispose of Luffy

and his comrades and savor the delicacies she craves!]

[Thus, devoid of any restraint, she unleashed her full force without


["Perish, Straw Hats!"]

[With her sword held high, Big Mom delivered a devastating blow...]

["Ikoku Sovereignty!!!"]

[In that moment, a terrifying slash tore through the air!]

[Its dread-filled momentum threatened to obliterate everything in its



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Chapter 179 : Zeus??

In the depths of the Temptation forest,

Big Mom loomed atop Zeus, her colossal figure casting an oppressive


"Behold the might of a powerhouse!!!" she roared.

With a swift motion, her sword cleaved through the air, unleashing a

shockwave of immense power.

The energy surged forth, its reach expansive, its speed formidable, its

force akin to an explosive eruption.

Within a radius spanning thousands of meters, anything caught in its

path was instantly reduced to naught but dust and void.

The once lush temptation forest now lay ravaged by the devastating force

of her blade...

The spectacle of Big Mom's strike sent shockwaves reverberating across

the world!

Such terror!

"Is this the prowess of the Four Emperors?"

"Unfathomable! One stroke lays waste to all!"

"How can we hope to overcome such a foe?"

"Oh dear, I fear I may wet myself!"

Witnesses trembled in disbelief, their minds reeling...

At the Navy Headquarters,

Garp's countenance grew grim. Even against such a fearsome assault, he

knew he must stand firm, giving his all to fend it off unscathed.

It's premature for Luffy to confront such a peril!

How will he endure this trial? While Garp fretted, Akainu lurked in the

shadows, his anticipation mounting.

The mightier Big Mom's blade, the more fervent his zeal!

Indeed, that's it!

Slay the Straw Hats with one fell swoop!

Better yet, exterminate them outright!

Hahaha, at the Revolutionary Army Headquarters,

"A catastrophe..."

"An insurmountable challenge..."

Sabo, Betty, Ivankov, Dragon, and their comrades gazed skyward,

Their expressions are a tumult of conflicting emotions. They all wished

for Luffy's victory along with Garp and Ace.

None championed Luffy more fiercely than they, yet... no matter their

allegiance, reality must be faced.

Who is this Big Mom?

She is a Yonko, and even after all this time, her presence strikes deep.

The shockwaves she sends are still as potent as ever!

An adversary even the Revolutionary Army must steel itself against.

For Luffy and his allies to believe they can contend with her and a mere

handful of others alone is sheer folly.

Previously, Big Mom underestimated them, sending only a fraction of her

forces to apprehend them... thus granting Luffy and his crew an opening.

But now, driven by insatiable hunger, Big Mom unleashes her full wrath!

Facing her would be a daunting task for even the most seasoned of


Luffy and the others are in grave danger!

They can't keep fighting endlessly, and running is no longer an option!

Under the raging thunderclouds of Zeus, Nami pushed her speed to its


If this continues, even if Luffy and the rest make it to the boat, they'll be

pursued by Big Mom, who's soaring through the air!

What should we do now? The situation seems dire. Both Dragon and

Sabo are deeply concerned.

The Whitebeard Pirates!


Ace's worried cry pierced the air.

But at this moment, he was helpless, forced to watch as events unfolded,

filling him with unbearable anxiety!

Faced with this situation, almost everyone knew that there was no way

they could confront Big Mom.

Especially considering she's currently in the throes of her insatiable

hunger, driving her to madness!

If Luffy isn't taken down, she'll never relent!

In response, Marco, Vista, and the others could only offer words of

comfort to Ace, urging him not to worry for now.

But how could he not worry, seeing his brother in such peril?

In the midst of this crisis!

The scene in the sky continued to unfold...

[The might of Big Mom's is truly terrifying!]

[Fortunately, Luffy and the others managed to evade, narrowly escaping

the worst!]

[Yet still, a deep chasm lies ahead...]

[The Nami and her crew are left dumbfounded by the immense power on


[Is this the strength of the Four Emperors?]

[It's utterly outrageous!]

[As Big Mom draws near, Nami panics.]

[If things continue like this, she'll catch up to them any moment! They

can't afford to sit idly by!]

[And so...]

[Nami employs her Clima-Tact to unleash a barrage of electric orbs.]

[Her intention: to obstruct the vision of Big Mom's steed, Thundercloud


[But what she didn't anticipate...]

[Was Zeus's penchant for devouring such delicacies!]

[Ignoring Big Mom's commands, he changes course, sending her tumbling

from the sky.]

[What's more, Zeus is a voracious eater!]

[Driven by his desire for the electrifying treat, he makes a beeline for


This scene is utterly ridiculous!

Oh my goodness!

Zeus blatantly betrayed Big Mom?

And got kidnapped by Nami?

I never imagined things would unfold like this!

Seems like food is the only thing on that guy's mind!

But that's okay.

Without Zeus, Big Mom can't zip around at high speeds anymore.

That means Luffy and his crew won't be able to catch up.

It was expected that this crisis would end like this!

No matter how furious Big Mom gets, she can't catch up to Luffy, so it's

not a big deal!

Furthermore... everyone witnessed the power of Thundercloud Zeus


If Nami can harness that power, it'll perfectly align with her strategy of

using celestial phenomena for attacks.

That'll definitely boost their strength significantly!

At this moment, whether it's Garp, Whitebeard, Ace, Shanks, Dragon,

Sabo, and the others,

They couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, feeling the weight lifted

off their chests!

But what comes next,

Sends their hearts, just relaxed, into tension once more!

[Luffy and the others managed to evade Big Mom's pursuit, but...]

[Not far away, aboard the Thousand Sunny, another group of individuals


[They had been transported there through the powers of the Mirror


[They had been lying in wait on the ship in advance.]

[Senior members of Big Mom Pirates!]

[Among them, one figure stands out the most!]

[And he is...]

[One of the Sweet Commanders, the mightiest warrior within the Big

Mom Pirates!]



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Chapter 180 : Pedro Sacrifice!

The Red-Haired Pirates!

As Luffy and his crew managed to outsmart Zeus, many of their fellow

crewmates breathed a collective sigh of relief, thinking they had finally

evaded Big Mom's relentless pursuit.

However, their respite was short-lived. Before they could even catch their

breath, they found themselves confronted by a gathering of ministers

from Whole Cake Island aboard the Thousand Sunny.

To their dismay, these ministers were none other than elite members of

the Big Mom Pirates, boasting bounties as high as 100 million berries


The tension skyrocketed when Katakuri, often hailed as the second-in-

command of the Big Mom Pirates, appeared among them, sending shivers

down everyone's spine.

"It seems Luffy and the others are far from out of danger," remarked one

crewmate. "The powers of the Mirror-Mirror Fruit have created obstacles

for them even before they arrived!"

"And Katakuri, they say he's unbeatable. Can Luffy and the others really

stand a chance?" another crewmate pondered.

"Katakuri's strength is formidable enough to take on not just the

Shichibukai, but most of them single-handedly!" someone added.

"But Luffy and the crew haven't arrived yet, only a few of them,"

observed another.

Shanks and Beckman exchanged grim looks, fully aware that Luffy and

his crew were walking into a perilous situation. With Katakuri and his

allies ahead and Big Mom's forces hot on their heels, the odds seemed

overwhelmingly against them.

Meanwhile, in the Water 7, the Straw Hat Pirates and their allies watched

in awe as the events unfolded. All people present were stunned by the

audacity of their future selves, who dared to challenge the Four Emperors


Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Robin, Nami, Usopp, Chopper, and the rest couldn't

believe their eyes. "We... We actually stirred up trouble in the Thousand

Sunny! Who would've thought?" Nami exclaimed.

Usopp and Chopper, the more timid among them, couldn't help but shed

tears at the sheer terror of facing Big Mom head-on.

"It's beyond terrifying! Can we even defeat someone like that?" Usopp


Zoro, however, seemed intrigued. "A formidable opponent like this

promises an exhilarating challenge!"

"But... where were we during all of this?" Franky and Robin exchanged

confused glances. Despite watching the live broadcast for so long, they

couldn't recall their own whereabouts.

Despite their confusion, everyone was captivated by Big Mom's terrifying

display of strength, while Katakuri and his cohorts trembled at the

thought of facing off against Luffy once more.

After all, if defeating just one Cracker required such effort and nearly cost

Luffy his life, how could they possibly handle the onslaught of enemies

awaiting them now?

Even though his future self and others... Their strength is much greater


But they're no match for the Four Emperors!

Even Robin and Zoro, usually composed, were taken aback by the might

of Big Mom and her numerous cadre from Whole Cake Island.

They couldn't help but feel beads of sweat forming on their foreheads as

they followed Nami and the others. Luffy, at the forefront, felt a sense of

worry and fear, though it didn't show on his face. Instead, he seemed

extremely thrilled!


"Big Mom is really formidable."

"But I'll definitely defeat her. I will become the Pirate King!"

"The adventures ahead are truly exhilarating!"


Luffy's jubilant demeanor starkly contrasted with the fearful and

frustrated expressions of Nami, Usopp, and the rest.

[After a frantic pursuit]

[Luffy and his crew finally managed to evade Big Mom's relentless


[They headed straight for the Thousand Sunny]

[But upon boarding, they were met with despair]

[For the ship was swarmed with pirates from all corners of the globe!]

[They were being transported here continuously via the Mirror Fruit's


[What's even more dBig Moming is the presence of two individuals, the

Minister of Candy and Katakuri!]

[It goes without saying, both of them are high-ranking members of the

Big Mom Pirates, and exceedingly formidable!]

[For a while, Luffy and his crew found themselves in a fierce struggle...]

[However, the outcome of the battle was anything but smooth, especially

against Katakuri and the Minister of Candy.]

[Even the unending hordes of pirates proved difficult to handle.]

[This delay allowed Big Mom to reach the Thousand Sunny despite

traveling on foot.]

[What's more terrifying is that the Minister of Candy has consumed the

Candy Fruit.]

[He employs its unique abilities to generate countless candies.]

[These candies bind the Thousand Sunny tightly to the sea surface,

hindering its escape!]

[After all, even utilizing the wind cannon requires breaking free from the

candy's hold!]

[At this moment, the Straw Hats find themselves in grave peril!]

[With Katakuri and countless pirates aboard the ship, and]

[Big Mom relentlessly assaulting the Thousand Sunny's hull from


[If this persists, it won't be long before...]

[Luffy and his crew meet their end here!]

[Observing this dire situation, Pedro, a member of the Mink tribe,

suddenly recalled memories of his past.]

[He had encountered Roger in his youth, and Roger had imparted to him

then that everyone has a chance to make a difference!]

[And in that moment, he saw his opportunity to make a stand...]

[Having traveled to countless countries, faced Big Mom and others, and

having had fifty years of his life stolen by the Soul Fruit,]

[He realized that even if he escaped today, his remaining years would be


[Instead of fleeing, why not illuminate his final moments here!]

[To aid Luffy and the others in escaping Big Mom's pursuit,]

[With this thought, Pedro rose to his feet.]

["Perhaps this is my final voyage!"]

["It's my turn... the time is now!"]

[Pedro charged forward without hesitation...]

[He didn't expect to defeat Big Mom, but he aimed to use his last breath

to take down the Candy Minister!]

[To render his candies useless, freeing the Thousand Sunny from any


[And to ensure the successful escape of Luffy's comrades.]

[He was seen seizing the Candy Minister and tearing off his clothes!]

[It was revealed that he had strapped explosives around his waist!]

[And with a flick of his lighter...]


[A thunderous explosion tore through the air. No matter how formidable

the Candy Minister was, he was not impervious to such a devastating


[Thus, as he fell...]

[The candies generated by his ability vanished into thin air!]

[In that moment, Nami successfully activated the Wind Cannon!]

[Even as Big Mom clung to the stern of the ship, under the force of this

tremendous impact,]

[She was thrown off!]

[The Thousand Sunny soared into the sky, leaving Big Mom and her

cohorts behind!]

[However, on the ship at that instant...]

[A formidable challenge still remained!]

[That challenge was Katakuri, who had yet to make a move!]


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Chapter 181 : No Retreat?

At this pivotal moment of Pedro's sacrifice, viewers from all around the

world tuned in to the live broadcast.

Their emotions surged. Though the scene was fleeting, it felt eternal to


The sky live screen unfurled before them, painting vivid vignettes of

Pedro's journey, his encounters with Roger from his childhood lingering

in memory.

Roger's casual remark echoed through time... "Everyone has their

moment to shine!"

For Pedro, this became his life's mission.

In this moment of reckoning, Pedro, who had been lost for so long,

finally found his moment to shine.

Risking life and limb to vanquish the Candy Minister and liberate the

pirate crew from their chains, Pedro's valor and selflessness resonated

deeply with viewers worldwide, including luminaries like Whitebeard,

Garp, Sengoku, Shanks, and others.

In this moment, Pedro stood as a paragon of courage.

Though his strength may have seemed modest to some, his willingness to

sacrifice everything earned universal respect.

Even Akainu, perennially critical of the Straw Hats, couldn't help but

admire Pedro, a member of the Mink Tribe. To him, Pedro embodied the

essence of a true warrior.

In Water 7, Luffy and his companions were transfixed by Pedro's resolve

to ensure their escape at any cost.

Though they had never met Pedro, they had journeyed with him through

the vicissitudes of the world, holding him dear as a friend.

As Pedro laid down his life to secure their freedom, a profound unease

settled upon them. Big Mom's power loomed overwhelming, rendering

them helpless.

They lacked the strength to challenge her directly.

Only through Pedro's sacrifice could they hope to escape.

In this moment, their vulnerability stared back at them, a reminder of the

world's harsh truths—weakness, the primal sin.

To protect their comrades and confront their adversaries, strength was


A somber silence descended, even upon those like Nami, Usopp, and

others who had once been boisterous. Tears welled in many eyes.

Luffy's trademark grin vanished, replaced by a steely resolve tinged with


With fists clenched, he rose to his feet.

His gaze fixed upon Big Mom's imposing form, he declared with

unwavering determination,

"I will defeat her..."

"I will honor Pedro's sacrifice!"

"I will not let any of my nakama perish before me!"

In this moment, the scene unfolded, a testament to courage, sacrifice, and

the unbreakable bonds of camaraderie.

[Even as everyone took advantage of the wind to flee the Whole Cake

Island area...]

[Back on the sea, thousands of meters away!]

[Yet, the crisis remains unresolved!]

[For aboard the ship lurks a formidable foe!]

[None other than one of the three Sweet Commanders, the pinnacle of



[Throughout, he has remained inert, having foreseen every potential


[With Pedro's explosion beyond his control, the Straw Hats' escape was


[Thus, he opts to confront them himself, aboard the ship!]

[Katakuri harbors absolute confidence in his own might.]

[Perhaps Luffy, Nami, and the others are unaware of the sheer terror

before them!]

[But Jinbei, having traveled alongside him, comprehends Katakuri's

power to the fullest.]

Fishman Island!

Jinbei has since returned from the Navy Headquarters to Fish-Man Island.

Observing the Straw Hats' flight from Cake Island, yet witnessing

Katakuri's lingering presence aboard the ship, his expression shifts.

In due course, he will gain deeper insights into Katakuri's prowess upon

his inevitable joining of the Big Mom Pirates.

Despite not yet affiliating with Big Mom Pirates, Jinbei has encountered

Big Mom herself!

And with her, one of the three Sweet Commanders, Katakuri!

The magnitude of Katakuri's strength defies description!

As the most esteemed brother and revered powerhouse among all,


He stands as the mightiest force within the Big Mom pirate crew, second

only to Big Mom herself!

The Big Mom Pirates are reputedly invincible, their Sweet Commanders

unwavering pillars of strength!

To be frank, despite Luffy and his crew's significant growth, they pale in

comparison to Big Mom!

They are simply not equipped to challenge her!

However, if we're to be exacting, Luffy at this juncture...

Luffy was utterly outmatched against Katakuri! The gaping differences in

their bounties, popularity, and strength made it evident.

Even if Luffy managed to defeat one of Big Mom's three Sweet

Commanders, there was still an insurmountable gap between them. In a

hypothetical battle between Katakuri and Luffy, it seemed unlikely they

would exchange more than a handful of blows.

Katakuri effortlessly subdued one of the three Sweet Commanders,

Cracker, demonstrating the vast chasm in their abilities. From Jinbei's

perspective, taking on Katakuri was beyond the capabilities of the Straw

Hat crew at their current level. Indeed, even I felt a pang of inadequacy.

[Katakuri stood with his arms crossed, casting a formidable presence over

everyone on the boat.]

[His imposing stature alone weighed heavily on the crew.]

[Brook and Chopper rushed in, only to be swiftly knocked down by

Katakuri's powerful punches.]

[Even Sanji found himself expelled by Katakuri's force.]

[Their attacks seemed futile against Katakuri's evasive maneuvers.]

[His overwhelming dominance seemed to dictate the future.]

[Even Luffy's barrage of rubbery punches failed to land a blow.]

[Without intervention, Katakuri would single-handedly dismantle the

Straw Hat crew.]

[But then, a sudden turn of events...]

[Brûlée, wielder of the Mirror Fruit and Katakuri's sister, emerged

halfway from a mirror.]

[Katakuri's heart raced; he had foreseen this possibility, but it was too


[Brûlée's initial intent was merely to inquire if assistance was needed...]

[However, seizing the opportunity, the cunning Luffy took action!]

[Luffy seized Katakuri with one hand and Brûlée with the other, dragging

them both into the mirror!]

[On the other side awaited a vast expanse of the world...]

[Arriving in the Thousand Sunny, Luffy swiftly shattered the mirror

behind him with a single punch!]

[Thus, Katakuri and his companions were stranded, while the Straw Hats


[Of course, this action also sealed Luffy's own retreat.]

[Determined to hold off Katakuri alone and buy time for Nami and the

others to escape...]

[Observing Luffy's unwavering resolve, Jinbei couldn't help but smile.]

["He's even closed off his own exit."]

["That's what it means to be a captain, isn't it?"]


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Chapter 182 : Strongest Enemy!

The Whitebeard Pirates!

The entire Whitebeard crew was stunned by Luffy's actions.

Had they not anticipated that Luffy would venture alone into the mirror

world with Katakuri?

And to top it off, he shattered the mirror, clearly intending to hold

Katakuri back by himself.

By breaking the mirror, he not only severed their only means of escape

but also placed himself in grave peril.

He had effectively cornered himself with no exit strategy. Yet, amidst the

shock, Whitebeard couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration.

With a hint of relief, he remarked, "That's the mark of a true captain..."

"The Straw Hat boy has the makings of a captain!"

"He understood that if Katakuri couldn't be dealt with, his crew wouldn't

stand a chance of getting away!"

"Even in the face of danger, he prioritizes the safety of his crew."

"Ace, take note..."

"Your brother..."

"He truly possesses the potential to claim the title of Pirate King!"

Under normal circumstances, Ace would have been overjoyed to hear

Whitebeard's praise. But now, all he felt was worry.

He watched helplessly as Luffy endangered himself, unable to lend a


His heart raced with anxiety.

"Luffy, you're too reckless!"

Despite his fretting, Ace could do nothing but wait anxiously, hoping for

a miracle.

He prayed silently that Luffy would somehow prevail – if not defeat

Katakuri, then at least escape his clutches.

[Meanwhile, as Luffy dragged Katakuri into the mirror world, news

spread to all corners.]

[For now, the Straw Hat Pirates were out of immediate danger.]

[But they weren't out of the woods yet.]

[They remained within the perilous waters of the Totto Land, with Big

Mom's crew in hot pursuit.]

[They had to shake off their pursuers before they could breathe easy.]

[And in the mirror world, Luffy faced off against Katakuri.]

[Though Katakuri admired Luffy's leadership, he couldn't ignore the

threat he posed.]

[If left unchecked, Luffy could spell disaster for the world and the Big

Mom Pirates alike.]

["What a shame. Even if you're holding me back, you could be fighting

for a chance to escape with your crew!"]

["But you'll be stuck here forever. Cherish these final moments, Straw


["I'll be the one to end you!"]

[With those words, Katakuri acted without hesitation!]

[Luffy countered directly.]

["I'm a man who's going to be the Pirate King. There's no way I'm going

down to you here!"]

[With that declaration, he charged straight at Katakuri!]

[Their fists collided in a fierce clash, creating a powerful shockwave!]

[However, despite Luffy's strength, he couldn't match Katakuri.]

[With just one blow, Luffy was sent flying.]

[Undeterred, Luffy rushed forward again.]

[But the outcome remained the same. No matter how many times Luffy

charged, Katakuri easily knocked him away!]

[There was no room for a comeback!]

["Is this all you've got? Straw Hat, you're too weak to even pose a


[Katakuri wasn't mocking him; he genuinely believed Luffy was lacking

in strength!]

[He began to question whether he had been wrong in acknowledging

Luffy's strength even slightly.]

[Luffy, known for his resilience, couldn't bear being belittled and grew


["I'll beat you, just watch!"]

[In an instant, Luffy activated Gear Second!]

[He knew he had to boost his strength to take down Katakuri!]

[With Gear Second, Luffy's speed surged, but no matter how fast he

moved, he couldn't land a hit on Katakuri.]

[Katakuri's Observation Haki was so advanced that he could predict

Luffy's every move, effortlessly dodging and striking back.]

[Another punch sent Luffy hurtling away.]

[After several failed attempts, Luffy realized Gear Second wasn't enough

to defeat his opponent!]

[So, despite the risks, he activated Gear Third, determined to overpower

his adversary with sheer force!]


[The outcome remains unchanged.]

[Luffy unleashed the Ape King Gun, hurtling forward with a colossal fist

enshrouded in haki.]

[In an instant, Katakuri mirrored Luffy's actions.]

[Transforming into countless mochi tendrils, he coalesced them into an

even grander fist, suffused with his dominant will.]

[Their fists collided with tremendous force.]

[Clearly, Katakuri's blow was larger and more formidable!]

[Luffy was sent flying, thrown off balance.]

[Responding swiftly, Luffy initiated his Rubber Machine Gun barrage,

echoed in kind by Katakuri.]

[In a mere instant, Katakuri replicated Luffy's movements, his mochi

arms multiplying exponentially.]

[Each arm wielded with dominance, hurtling towards Luffy.]

[Due to his extraordinary observation, Luffy not only failed to land a hit

but found himself struck repeatedly by Katakuri's onslaught.]

[The battle had scarcely begun, yet less than a minute in,]

[Luffy lay battered on the ground, bloodied and immobilized.]

[Gazing upon Katakuri, the gulf between them seemed insurmountable.]

[Injuries had sapped his strength, leaving him nearly unable to rise.]

[Yet Katakuri remained unscathed, a stark reminder of the chasm that

separated them.]

[Even in clashes against Enel, Moria, Lucci, Doflamingo, and others,]

[Luffy had never felt so utterly powerless!]

Audiences worldwide watched in awe as the scenes unfolded before


For Katakuri's might surpassed all expectations!

His strength was unparalleled, rendering Luffy in such a pitiful state for

the first time!

From the pinnacle of the tenth battle to the current struggle at sixth.

No matter the adversary, Luffy always managed to find a way, even when

initially suppressed.

But this time, hope seemed distant, if not nonexistent!

Whether employing second or third gear,

Luffy couldn't land a blow on Katakuri, who mirrored his every move


To face such an opponent, identical in technique, was disheartening!

Could this be the most formidable foe Luffy had ever faced?

How could he hope to overcome such a challenge?


Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters.


Chapter 183 : Secret!

At this pivotal moment, all eyes were glued to the live broadcast, their

concern for Luffy palpable.

The tension was palpable among viewers, including prominent figures

like Garp from the Navy Headquarters, Dragon from the Revolutionary

Army, Sabo, and others.

Even members of the Whitebeard Pirates, like Ace, and the Red-Haired

Pirates were captivated by the unfolding events.

The sheer power displayed by Katakuri sent shivers down their spines.

As the battle unfolded in a direction unfavorable to Luffy, collective sighs

echoed among the spectators.

Katakuri's prowess truly lived up to his reputation as the first mate of the

Big Mom Pirates. His strength was nothing short of terrifying.

Witnessing Luffy's plight, pinned to the ground and overpowered, left

everyone feeling helpless.

Despite Luffy's valiant efforts, even his Second and Third Gears proved

futile against Katakuri's might.

Was victory truly out of reach now?

Initially, it was thought that Luffy would only face despair in the face of

Big Mom, but now, even against Katakuri, he seemed devoid of any


With the mirror world shattered, escape seemed impossible for Luffy, and

defeating Katakuri appeared equally unattainable.

Would Luffy once again find himself imprisoned?

Those who held Luffy dear gritted their teeth and clenched their fists in


They were particularly distraught.

[In the following scene, the one-sided nature of the battle between Luffy

and Katakuri was replayed.]

[From start to finish, Luffy found himself relentlessly battered by

Katakuri, devoid of any opportunity to retaliate.]

[His resilience was admirable, but it was not enough to pique Katakuri's

interest in the battle.]

[Katakuri, in an act of casual disdain, conjured a plethora of mochi balls,

ensnaring Luffy within a massive one.]

["You've interrupted my afternoon tea. Now, it's time for dessert,"

Katakuri declared, his tone dripping with condescension.]

["Drown in these mochi balls to your heart's content."]

[With those words, a retinue of chefs swiftly attended to Katakuri,

bringing forth his afternoon tea and desserts.]

[It was Katakuri's ritual to indulge in these delights every afternoon, the

one time he allowed himself to unwind.]

[Given his immense exertions and affinity for mochi, sugar was a

necessary supplement.]

[Additionally, Katakuri harbored a peculiar quirk—he never allowed

anyone to witness his enjoyment of afternoon tea.]

[Thus, he fashioned a cozy abode out of mochi, where he could savor his

tea in solitude.]

[As Katakuri indulged in his afternoon tea...]

[Luffy had already broken free from the sticky rice ball restraining him!]

[With a swift third strike, he shattered the glutinous rice structure crafted

by Katakuri!]

[In that instant!]

[A classic scene unfolds once more...]

[Katakuri maintained his usual composed demeanor.]

[Within his doughy abode, he unwrapped the scarf that never left his

neck, revealing a set of formidable fangs.]

[Seated on the floor, legs crossed, he savored his afternoon tea with a

contented expression.]

[This sight left the three chefs beside me utterly flabbergasted.]

[Could this truly be the man rumored never to have been knocked


[Who would have thought that the illustrious Katakuri-sama would

present himself in such a manner?]

[And at that moment, Katakuri himself reacted...]

[His visage flushed instantly with indignation!]

[Never had he fathomed that outsiders would witness his indulgence in

afternoon tea!]

[Enraged, he dispatched three chefs with a single blow!]

[For anyone who beheld his true countenance was doomed!]

[Finally, his gaze fell upon Luffy, brimming with a fury never seen


At that moment, spectators worldwide were left dumbfounded.

Who could have imagined that Katakuri, known for his icy demeanor,

would be so amusing while partaking in afternoon tea?

His expression mirrored the satisfaction of a child relishing their favorite


Such a stark contrast to his usual cold facade, and his mouth was truly


No wonder he kept it concealed beneath a scarf! Even the titans of the

sea were taken aback. The incongruity was staggering!

Meanwhile, Big Mom and her crew observed the sky live screen.

The revelation of Katakuri's appearance in that scene left everyone


Even Big Mom shares the sentiment!

Throughout his life, Katakuri has presented himself as the epitome of

coldness, power, and sternness, especially in front of his siblings.

Never once has he faltered, never once has he tasted defeat—such is the

legend of Katakuri!

Who would have imagined that he'd find himself in such a situation,

reclining on the ground with crossed legs, indulging in afternoon tea?

It's quite comical... Many of the siblings were taken aback, some even

couldn't help but burst into laughter!

However, their mirth was short-lived as they quickly realized the gravity

of the situation and stifled their amusement.

Yet, there were still a few who struggled to contain their laughter, their

efforts only making the scene even more amusing!

Meanwhile, Katakuri's countenance was twisted in utter disgust... turning

a shade of green!

It was an exact replica of the illustration!

Never did he anticipate Luffy would unveil such a trivial detail amidst

their intense battle.

In that illustration, only three chefs caught a glimpse of his unguarded

moment, and they met their demise by his hands.

But now, not only had his siblings witnessed it, but the entire world as


To think... his carefully crafted image, meticulously maintained over the

years, had crumbled before his eyes!

In this moment of despair, he couldn't help but question the very essence

of his existence.

[Exposed, Katakuri unleashed his full might in an instant!]

[He launched a relentless assault on Luffy!]

[An endless barrage of mochi balls erupted from his hands!]

[Countless arms materialized, coated in dark Haki, hurtling towards


[For a moment, Luffy was sent reeling, coughing up blood!]

[Yet, Luffy possesses more than just resilience; his fighting prowess is

unparalleled, his growth unparalleled!]

[The beatings he endured were not in vain!]

[He deciphered Katakuri's secret...]

[And in that moment, fueled by newfound understanding and


[Luffy, for the first time in their battle, evaded Katakuri's onslaught!]

[Even Katakuri himself was momentarily stunned by this turn of events]


Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters.


Chapter 184 : Sulong


[Luffy's capacity for learning is astonishing.]

[Perhaps his aptitude for combat is simply too formidable!]

[Despite being repeatedly bested by Katakuri, he evolved during the


[Through experience, he's honed his mastery over his own Conqueror's


[After enduring countless clashes, he faced the enemy's assault for the

first time, deftly evading it with a Observation Haki.]

[Katakuri couldn't help but be momentarily taken aback, but swiftly, fury

overtook him once more!]

[His punches came faster and fiercer, relentlessly assailing Luffy.]

[And Luffy, empowered by an intensified manifestation of Haki, began to

counter while eluding his adversary's blows!]

[Now, it was Katakuri's turn to suffer a blow!]

[Luffy's strike was devastating, connecting with Katakuri's visage,

propelling him backward.]

[Instantly, he began spewing crimson!]

[Seizing the moment of triumph, Luffy promptly activated Gear Third,

unleashing a barrage of potent techniques!]

[Suddenly, the tide of battle shifted once more!]

[Enraged, Katakuri was thrown off balance!]

[The earlier advantage dissipated, and he found himself on the receiving

end of Luffy's onslaught.]

The reversal of fortunes left countless spectators astounded.

This battle was truly riveting!

So much so that it surpassed all expectations...

Initially, it seemed Luffy would be decisively outmatched from start to


Yet, who could have foreseen that Luffy would evolve amidst adversity,

with such remarkable results!

He actually inflicted direct harm upon Katakuri!

The audience erupted in excitement!

Indeed, Luffy is undeniably Luffy!

A man who time and again defies the odds, crafting miracles!

Truly exhilarating!

Navy Headquarters!

As Garp beheld the scene captured in the image, a semblance of relief

washed over his tense heart, prompting a faint smile to grace his features.

"This lad is truly cut from the same cloth as me!"

"His prowess in battle is alarmingly formidable!"

"I've no cause for concern whatsoever!"


Witnessing Garp's reaction, the Warring States couldn't help but feel a

flush of embarrassment.

"Don't think I didn't notice, you were on edge just moments ago!"

Caught off guard by the observation, Garp sheepishly lowered his gaze,

offering no further retort, only a smile.

Sengoku, once again rolling his eyes at their banter, couldn't help but

express his own astonishment. In this moment, even the seasoned navy

marshal found himself taken aback.

The astonishing talent exhibited by Luffy, the very words he uttered,

showcased a level of aptitude rarely witnessed within the entirety of the

navy headquarters.

The ability to glean knowledge from battle and swiftly improve, directly

enhancing one's mastery of Haki—such individuals were a rarity.

Indeed, Garp's assessment was spot-on.

Young Luffy had undoubtedly inherited the family's exceptional talent

through three generations.

In terms of both strength and aptitude, each successive member proved

superior to the last. Truly remarkable.

[As Katakuri and Luffy engaged in combat,]

[Sanji, at the behest of Pudding, accompanied her back to Whole Cake


[Their mission: to craft a cake capable of curing Big Mom's bulimia.]

[For if her affliction persisted, the consequences would be dire.]

[The designated cake-maker had succumbed to the chaos prior, leaving

Sanji, the chef, to shoulder this weighty task...]

[And Sanji did not disappoint. With a mere whiff of the desired aroma,

he discerned precisely the ingredients required.]

[Drawing upon his expertise and recollection, he set to work...]

[Meanwhile, Nami, Jinbe, Chopper, and their companions continued

their frantic escape aboard the Thousand Sunny.]

[Pursued relentlessly by an assortment of pirate crews from across the


[Luffy's absence weighed heavily on them, leaving Jinbei at the helm,

unable to shake off his concern.]

[With only the strength of Nami, Brook, and the others, they stood no

chance against the relentless pursuers trailing behind them.]

[In moments of crisis, night descended.]

[It was then that Carrot, typically submissive and somewhat frail, gazed

thoughtfully at the sky.]

["As darkness falls, will the moon reveal itself?"]

[Nami and the others were puzzled by these cryptic words.]

[But as darkness swallowed them whole,]

[A radiant moon illuminated the sky!]

[Carrot, standing at the ship's highest point, gazed skyward.]

[And in that moment, a profound transformation overtook her!]

[Her hair surged in length, while her fur underwent a rapid


[In an instant, a monumental change occurred!]

[Adorned in white, with eyes ablaze in crimson, her demeanor turned


[If Carrot once exuded a girl-next-door charm,]

[Now, she emanated the aura of a ruthless nocturnal predator!]

[Nami and the others were left speechless at the sight.]

[Witnessing Carrot's blitz, she dashed forth with unparalleled speed!]

[She reached the pursuing ship, swiftly incapacitating countless pirates

with her claws alone!]

[In this moment, Carrot's combat prowess defied belief!]

[In mere moments, she decimated an entire pirate crew!]

[Single-handedly halting the majority of their pursuers in their tracks,]

[Relieving a great burden from Nami and the others.]

[Naturally, Nami and her companions were dumbfounded.]

[What had caused Carrot's sudden and drastic transformation?]

[And how had her combat capabilities surged to such terrifying heights

once more?]

[The difference in appearance is striking.]

[At that moment, Jinbei, well-versed in such matters, offered an


["This is unique to the Mink Tribe... the Sulong Transformation !"]

"Sulong Transformation ?"

Many members of the Whitebeard Pirates were left dumbfounded.

Carrot's transformation had left them utterly astonished!

Her two states, day and night, were like night and day themselves!

In terms of both strength and appearance, her transformation was truly


It seemed that Carrot's combat prowess in this moment surpassed her

usual capabilities tenfold!

Alone, she had managed to halt numerous pursuing soldiers and even

high-ranking officers from Big Mom Pirates! It was nothing short of

terrifying, yet it left many perplexed!

If she possessed such strength and form, why had she not revealed it

sooner? And what exactly was the Sulong Transformation ...?


Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters.


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