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Участвует в 12 переводах

Babes in the Darkling Woods 3. NIGHTMARE OF REALITY / Детки в темных лесах. Книга 3
10 / 0 26 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 0

Stella has it all — looks, intelligence and an undergraduate place at Cambridge, not to mention Gemini, her fervent admirer at Oxford. Stella and Gemini, the two babes of the story, come increasingly under the influence of a rather impressive psycho-therapeutist whose groundbreaking theories capture their imaginations. But when tragedy strikes t...

состояние перевода: В работе

последняя активность: 14.07.2024 10:04

Der Trinker / Пьяница
30 / 0 75 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 0

Ганс Фаллада начал писать роман в 1944 году, когда был заключен в психиатрическую лечебницу для преступников за покушение на убийство своей жены. Роман автобиографичен, в форме дневника, и рассказывает историю человека, находящегося во власти алкоголя. Берил Бейнбридж назвала это «одновременно шокирующим и оригинальным». Фаллада написал рукопись...

состояние перевода: Перерыв

последняя активность: 14.07.2024 18:04

The Sun and the Star / Солнце и Звезда
53 / 0 366 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 0

состояние перевода: В работе

последняя активность: 14.07.2024 06:35

жанры: фэнтези

фэндом: Percy Jackson / Перси Джексон

Babes in the Darkling Woods 2. STELLA HAS TIME TO THINK THINGS OVER / Детки в темных лесах. Книга 2
12 / 0 114 5 / 2 5 / 1 0 0

Stella has it all — looks, intelligence and an undergraduate place at Cambridge, not to mention Gemini, her fervent admirer at Oxford. Stella and Gemini, the two babes of the story, come increasingly under the influence of a rather impressive psycho-therapeutist whose groundbreaking theories capture their imaginations. But when tragedy strikes t...

состояние перевода: В работе

последняя активность: 22.06.2024 16:23

Lost Diaries / Утерянные дневники
16 / 0 52 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 0

Maurice Baring brings historical figures and beloved fictional characters to life through their intimate diary entries in this book. Experience the thoughts and emotions of George Washington, Sherlock Holmes, Harriet Shelley, and many others as they recount their extraordinary lives and encounters. From the political intrigues of ancient Rome to...

состояние перевода: Перерыв

последняя активность: 26.02.2024 07:26

Clayhanger / Семейство Клэйхангер
17 / 0 153 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 0

Arnold Bennett (1867-1931) was a British writer. He went to work for his father but was unhappy working for his father and earning very little money. The theme of parental miserliness occurs in his works. At 21 he went to London to clerk for a solicitor. He then began working for a magazine called Women. When he noticed the poor material being s...

состояние перевода: Завершён

последняя активность: 6.12.2023 13:44

Mrs. Spring Fragrance / Миссис Весенний Аромат
18 / 0 58 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 0

Among the first works of fiction in English by a North American writer of Asian descent, the stories collected in Mrs. Spring Fragrance present a complex and sympathetic picture of life in American Chinese communities in the early twentieth century. Far’s seemingly simple stories of family life reveal the tensions created by cultural assimilatio...

состояние перевода: Перерыв

последняя активность: 30.06.2023 11:03

Strand Magazine / Журнал Стренд
33 / 0 369 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 0

состояние перевода: Перерыв

последняя активность: 23.04.2023 19:23

Nanette: An Aside / Нанетта
1 / 0 8 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 0

As they are soon to leave America, Nanette tells Madame Traduttori she does not want to leave because she has fallen in love with Signor Luongo, who wants to marry her. He will not let her travel around the world, which she does with Madame. A little while later, Madame says she agrees to let her go on with her new life. The story of Nanette is ...

состояние перевода: Завершён

последняя активность: 9.02.2023 19:34

A Little Book for Christmas / Маленькая книжечка на Рождество
5 / 0 19 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 0

Every member of the family will find here something suited to his years and fancy. A story for little girls, one for boy scouts, a story for grown-ups, a word of advice about giving, a meditation and some personal reminiscences of Christmas in Kansas make up the volume. The book is attractively gotten up making a fit setting for the stories, whi...

состояние перевода: Перерыв

последняя активность: 7.02.2023 09:07

Christmas Every Day and Other Stories / Рождество каждый день и другие истории
5 / 0 9 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 0

состояние перевода: Перерыв

последняя активность: 19.01.2023 14:55

My Miscellanies (Volume I) / Мои сборники (Том I)
16 / 0 142 0 / 0 0 / 0 0 0

'Talk Stoppers' (HW, 25 October 1856). Humorous essay about enemies to the art of conversation.  'A Journey in Search of Nothing' (HW, 5 September 1857). Reflections on the difficulty of enforced idleness.'A Queen's Revenge' (HW, 15 August 1857). Historical account of the murder at Fontainebleu in 1657 of the Marquis Monaldeschi at the instigati...

состояние перевода: Перерыв

последняя активность: 30.10.2022 18:04

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