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Forcefully disassimilation

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Zhou Qingchen clenches teeth ruth­lessly, fac­ing the Yun Che's vi­sion, he trem­bling that from is un­able to stop haunches three points of un­yield­ing force­fully: „God Ter­ri­tory all realms, all re­gards the Lower Realm life is the lowly ants, ex­tin­guish­ing such as shears worth­lessly. Au­di­ence only my Eter­nal Sky, em­peror only my Royal Fa­ther, never slaugh­ters any in­no­cent Lower Realm life! If there is a bit­ter ex­pe­ri­ence, will also make con­tri­bu­tion in­sur­ance of it pro­tect­ing.”

„Your na­tive land...... that named Blue Pole Star Lower Realm planet, my Royal Fa­ther does not ex­tin­guish, its de­struc­tion, is Moon God Em­peror. My Royal Fa­ther aims, al­ways only then your!”

Changes in­di­vid­ual, may ap­pre­ci­ate the Zhou Qingchen ex­pres­sion and his look at this mo­ment very much.

If there is an ob­server, will de­cide will sigh woe­fully not in­dig­na­tion for him. How be­cause of re­gard­less of Yun Che and Eter­nal Sky God Realm griev­ances, Zhou Qingchen is a through and through in­no­cent per­son. He has never made any­thing, has par­tic­i­pated in any­thing, he is only the Zhou Xuzi son.

In­no­cent with sor­row­ful...... is the same on such as Yun Che all fam­ily mem­bers!

„Said well, very good that said.” Yun Che lifts the hand, pat­ted the head of Zhou Qingchen: „This spo­ken lan­guage, also be­moan the state of the uni­verse and pity the fate of mankind ‚bear­ing’, re­ally re­sem­bles with Old Dog Eter­nal Sky. I in the past, then be­cause of these, but sub­dues, re­spects to him ex­tremely. Es­pe­cially his ‚kind-heart­ed­ness’ and ‚com­mit­ment’, I once think that is East­ern God Ter­ri­tory most sa­cred, most in­de­struc­tible thing, tch tch......”

„Yun Che!” Qianye Ying'er opens the mouth sud­denly, the tone is bad: „How must han­dle him, hur­ries to begin. Do not waste the time in waste body!”

„......” The Zhou Qingchen eye pupil trem­bles fiercely, the dif­fi­cult rev­o­lu­tions head, the cor­ner of the eye touches the Qianye Ying'er lit­tle sil­hou­ettes re­luc­tantly: „God­dess, you......”

„Waste? He is solemn Eter­nal Sky Crown Prince.” Yun Che smiles to look at Zhou Qingchen. He can be un­yield­ing under one­self hate pupil light as be­fore, but Qianye Ying'er a few words, al­most crushed his in the eyes all bright lights un­ex­pect­edly all of a sud­den.

„Snort!” Qianye Ying'er coldly one, never re­views shoots a look at Zhou Qingchen, even if: „Be­sides Eter­nal Sky Crown Prince this sta­tus, what he is also? Moon God Crown Prince of his Moon God Realm that tragic death was in­fe­rior, good and evil that Yue Xu­ange also am­bi­tion has the method, but this per­son...... the son of old dog, naive stu­pid, but also thinks one­self in­fal­li­ble aloof from worldly af­fairs un­com­mon puppy for­get it/that's all.”

„......” Zhou Qingchen whole body fierce in a flash, com­plex­ion split sec­ond be­comes pal­lid, tracks down the vi­sion of her sil­hou­ette to be­come a pol­lu­tion vig­or­ously, clutches the tight heart all of a sud­den as if in bloomed the in­nu­mer­able fis­sures.

„Must turn into the dark hell per­son as a oath God Realm, un­ex­pect­edly with such goods waste so many lips and tongue.” Qianye Ying'er coldly laughed: „Your style only this that's all?”

Yun Che stares at her one eyes: „A your day does not punc­ture my sev­eral dead!”

„Op­por­tu­nity that you de­liver.” The Qianye Ying'er brow sinks: „Zhu Liu and Tai Yin die, that side Eter­nal Sky will have a sen­sa­tion, here can­not stay for a long time again, hur­ries to solve him!”

„......” Is lis­ten­ing to the di­a­logue of two peo­ple...... par­tic­u­larly the Qianye Ying'er words, Zhou Qingchen both eyes, and even the Soul bright light seems like bru­tally routed, he de­cides there, the dou­ble pupil changes col­ors, is un­able to say a word.

Yun Che's hand ac­cord­ing to the head of Zhou Qingchen, said slowly: „Brother Qingchen, a per­son, if be­comes Devil, with­out mak­ing any­thing, can­not ap­pear­ance/allow world the evil heresy. Re­mem­bered you say well words, this whole life do not for­get!”


In the Zhou Qingchen brain rum­bled, con­scious­ness thor­ough col­lapse, faints.

„Pre­pares how to han­dle him?” Qianye Ying'er spoke thought­lessly asked.

Yun Che has not spo­ken, his palm lifts, the five fin­gers sep­a­rate, one group of in­com­pa­ra­bly pro­found black glow con­dense in the palm, in a twin­kling, the ray fast tar­nish of sur­round­ings world, such as the night is near sud­denly.

Dark­ness Ever­last­ing? Qianye Ying'er trans­fers the eye...... to toss about small Zhou Qingchen, why can use the strength of Dark­ness Ever­last­ing?

More­over the rev­o­lu­tion of Yun Che body strength eter­nally, even she feels a more and more grave con­stric­tion. Ob­vi­ously, the strength of this Dark­ness Ever­last­ing is not but at fin­ger­tips is, but is sev­eral goes all-out.

After sev­eral breaths, the dark­ness has cov­ered the Yun Che whole per­son com­pletely, a sur­round­ings dozens li (0.5 km) light was al­most also swal­lowed com­pletely.

At this time, Yun Che's palm fi­nally du­pli­cate, brings black glow that eter­nally bit the world, the pres­sure turned round in the chest of Zhou Qingchen, the dark­ness that un­folded swal­lowed him im­me­di­ately com­pletely.

In the Qianye Ying'er heart flashes through puz­zled. By the Yun Che pre­sent strength, 10,000 meth­ods will not leave be­hind Zhou Qingchen de­struc­tion a wee bit resid­u­als, with­out the rea­son so big fee/spent flus­tered bites him in the dark­ness.

But im­me­di­ately, she de­tected sud­denly, this bru­tally bites in Ini­tial Stage Di­vine Lord the dark­ness that ex­tin­guishes suf­fi­ciently, the body of Zhou Qingchen ac­tu­ally re­turns safe and sound, even/in­clud­ing his power had not been swal­lowed.

Then dark strength from Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror, if un­ex­pect­edly the in­nu­mer­able say/way dark brooks, in the body of in­flow Zhou Qingchen slowly, in­te­grate his body, the blood bone, merid­i­ans, Pro­found Vein, the five in­ter­nal or­gans and soul......

His power and con­scious­ness as if want to strug­gle the re­sis­tance, but, his strength far weak in Yun Che, but Dark­ness Ever­last­ing is Devil Em­peror plane/level devil art, in ad­di­tion he is the co­matose con­di­tion, his strug­gling lowly can­not with­stand, in an in­stant, all will of strength and re­sis­tance strug­gling, by dark com­pletely en­gulfed.

could it be that is......

He...... is turn­ing into Devil Zhou Qingchen!?

Qianye Ying'er looks the in­stant star­tled color.

Lat­ter as if made by heaven is Devil nat­u­rally is not the achiev­able mat­ter. Under the ex­treme neg­a­tiv­ity in­flu­ence, or ex­tremely pure dark blood­line will as­sim­i­late with, but after , as if made by heaven demon. The for­mer lit­tle ap­pears ex­tremely, lat­ter...... not to men­tion this kind of Pri­mor­dial devil blood in North­ern God Ter­ri­tory few such as ex­tremely rare, with hos­til­ity of God Realm to Devil, the nor­mal per­son will not ac­cept it­self to be­come Devil.

But in ad­di­tion, ver­ti­cal by the Qianye Ying'er cog­ni­tion, never hears has had what way a per­son force­fully dis­as­sim­i­la­tion to be Devil.

She be­comes Devil, was re­fin­ing drop of Devil Em­peror's blood. But this also com­pletes under her ini­tia­tive will, if she does not hope, Yun Che wants to give her re­fin­ing un­able force­fully.

But pre­sent Zhou Qingchen, he un­ex­pect­edly in pas­sive...... was changed to Devil by Yun Che!?

Dark­ness Ever­last­ing, un­ex­pect­edly also this fear­ful abil­ity!?

The weak­ness of Zhou Qingchen is rel­a­tively speak­ing, his cul­ti­va­tion base after all is Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm In­ter­me­di­ate Stage. Dis­as­sim­i­la­tion In­ter­me­di­ate Stage Di­vine Sov­er­eign pro­found strength, by the strength of Yun Che cur­rent Dark­ness Ever­last­ing is not an easy mat­ter, but that dis­tor­tion pleased makes his eye pupil en­large, the fin­ger is trem­bling.


After half quar­ter, dark sud­denly col­lapse, light at ex­tremely quick speed again du­pli­cate under.

The dark­ness was scat­tered, only has Zhou Qingchen...... his body to twine light black light, ap­pear and dis­ap­pear from time to time.

But, this wipes black glow is not the at­tach­ment, but orig­i­nates from his body, his Pro­found Vein...... and even his Soul!

Be­cause he cul­ti­vates life­time pro­found strength, by Yun Che by Dark­ness Ever­last­ing, hav­ing been forced the dis­as­sim­i­la­tion to be­come dark pro­found strength!

Dark­ness Ever­last­ing, same should not exist with Evil God's Se­cret Arts in pre­sent world the strength of counter world, it, is the ter­ri­fy­ing abil­ity of unique cog­ni­tive bound­ary Yun Che's body shows.

Does not know that many time the fear­ful­ness of hav­ing wit­nessed Dark­ness Ever­last­ing, Qianye Ying'er after short star­tled, pour­ing is not so shock­ing, but stared at Yun Che some lit­tle time, sud­denly a flow­ery lips check, re­veals one wrapped in a shroud of ob­scu­rity thin smile: „Re­ally is vir­u­lent, is worth prais­ing.”

Right, vir­u­lent.

...... Solemn Eter­nal Sky Crown Prince turned into Devil Zhou Qingchen!

To Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror,...... she can­not find out to Eter­nal Sky Realm com­pared with this more vir­u­lent method!

She even can­not imag­ine Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror to see one­self most cher­ish , after is the wife lives the only one son who be­comes Devil, will pre­sent the what kind of splen­did re­sponse.

Yun Che grasps the stu­por Zhou Qingchen, pro­found ark that in loses be­fore Qu Hui re­leases him di­rectly.

„Brother Qingchen, be­lieves that you will cer­tainly enjoy your fol­low­ing life.” The Yun Che happy ex­pres­sion is light, the palm pushes, pro­found ark had stim­u­lated to move­ment by pro­found en­ergy force­fully, flies to the dis­tant place.

pro­found ark had just now been en­graved the where­abouts by Qu Hui, does not have/leave the ac­ci­den­tal/sur­prised words, should be sep­a­rated from God Realm of Ab­solute Be­gin­ning, flies back to Eter­nal Sky God Realm.

Yun Che hopes that very much his home­ward jour­ney leaves what ac­ci­den­tal/sur­prised.

„Old Dog Eter­nal Sky, en­joys me to give your largest pre­sent well!”

Looks at pro­found ark to fly from the field of vi­sion silently, Yun Che slowly low nan: „All, just started.”

Qianye Ying'er ar­rives at his body side, said: „Stays here, re­turns to North Ter­ri­tory?”

If is not re­lated to Ab­solute Be­gin­ning Di­vine Fruit, he and Qianye Ying'er will not make them­selves ex­pose. At the pre­sent Di­vine Fruit suc­ceeds in ob­tain­ing, makes God Realm of Ab­solute Be­gin­ning may not keep the place.

With­out a doubt, a long time, Eter­nal Sky God Realm will then search for God Realm of Ab­solute Be­gin­ning to­gether with all realms surely full power.

If turns over to North­ern God Ter­ri­tory, must face the threat of Plun­dered Soul and Plun­dered Soul liangs Great King Realm.

„Re­turns to North Ter­ri­tory.” Yun Che al­most not hes­i­tates: „Be­fore time, but now...... was sim­i­lar!”

„Oh?” Qianye Ying'er faint smile: „Be­cause of Sav­age World Pel­let?”

Now, Sav­age Di­vine Pith and Ab­solute Be­gin­ning Di­vine Fruit all al­ready in hand, but the record and leg­endary „Sav­age World Pel­let”, is then built up by these two.

„Sav­age World Pel­let” came from the record of Pri­mor­dial Era of the Gods. At that time, the world hu­man­i­ties think that ex­isted loses the record its im­pos­si­ble to ap­pear in the god in the pre­sent world.

But, suc­cess­fully re­fin­ing up Sav­age World Pel­let from Eter­nal Sky Great An­ces­tor, and draws sup­port from it to reach the sky in a sin­gle bound, after to lead Eter­nal Sky Realm also be­comes bends down world King Realm, it then be­came all pro­found prac­ti­tioner, and even King Realm end­less longs , the thing of mir­a­cle ac­tu­ally never dares to ex­pect truly.

Be­cause of re­gard­less of Sav­age Di­vine Pith, is Ab­solute Be­gin­ning Di­vine Fruit, its one is be­stowed by heaven, let alone its two.

If, Sav­age World Pel­let re­ally has in the leg­end like that mys­te­ri­ous, that......

„Oth­er­wise?” Yun Che un­emo­tional ques­tion.

„You prob­a­bly happy too early.” Qianye Ying'er said: „Ab­solute Be­gin­ning Di­vine Fruit in my hand, your ac­tu­ally point does not care now prob­a­bly, are you so as­sured I to give back to you?”

Yun Che looks at her one eyes, said: „That wild world pill, had your half, you do not need to use such in­fe­rior method.”

„......” Qianye Ying'er fierce rev­o­lu­tions eye, the pupil light frames in­stantly, said: „You may know, Sav­age World Pel­let is what kind of di­vine item! Will you be will­ing to give me half? When you I am Zhou Qingchen that kind of naive idiot!”

„In the Wood Spirit Royal Fam­ily mem­ory, has the record about Sav­age World Pel­let.” Yun Che ex­pres­sion as be­fore light: „Shen Xi had also once men­tioned in me spe­cially. There­fore I the un­der­stand­ing Sav­age World Pel­let, should also prob­a­bly by far in you.”

Qianye Ying'er: „......”

„My Heav­enly Poi­son Poi­son Spirit, she knows com­pletely re­fines the Sav­age World Pel­let method. With the aid of Sky Poi­son Pearl the strength of tem­pered, Sav­age World Pel­let that will soon pre­sent in my hands, ab­solutely not once may com­pare in that the God Realm his­tory pre­sents. Even if only half, its Di­vine Power will also be by far it!”

„What's the big deal?” Qianye Ying'er beau­ti­ful eyes nar­rows the eyes: „No one can re­sist the se­duc­tion of Sav­age World Pel­let. Es­pe­cially has a dream is think­ing you of re­venge. I do not be­lieve you will give me half!”

„As my tool, you do not have the qual­i­fi­ca­tions of ques­tion!” Yun Che voice/sound slightly cold: „More­over, you for­got a mat­ter prob­a­bly.”

„My pro­found strength after erupt­ing may be a wor­thy op­po­nent Di­vine Lord Realm, but my Pro­found Vein, even­tu­ally is only Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm, now ba­si­cally im­pos­si­ble can with­stand the Sav­age World Pel­let ef­fi­cacy, but you ac­tu­ally.”

„This time re­turns to North­ern God Ter­ri­tory, I pre­pares to look for that leg­end di­rectly ‚Devil Em­press’ co­op­er­a­tion.” The Yun Che vi­sion flashes: „To have enough safe­guard and ‚chip’, I am best now, is the only way, then pro­motes your cul­ti­va­tion base...... you to feel by Sav­age World Pel­let force­fully?”

Qianye Ying'er and Yun Che look­ing at each other, mo­ment, she said slowly: „You have pre­vi­ously been re­strain­ing by force my pro­found strength restora­tion, feared is I am sep­a­rated from your con­trol. If my cul­ti­va­tion base sur­passed you, you did not fear that...... I butchered you back­hand­edly!”

„That is be­fore.” The Yun Che su­per­fi­cial lift­ing hand, palm black glow flashes, Qianye Ying'er body sud­denly has the black fog, aura also for it pan­icked and dis­or­derly: „As my re­fin­ing devil blood, cul­ti­vates Dark­ness Ever­last­ing human fur­nace, under the strength of my pre­sent Dark­ness Ever­last­ing, you re­ally thinks that...... your also pos­si­bly is sep­a­rated from my con­trol?”

„,” Qianye Ying'er very light smil­ing, said: „I think you will at least lose one's tem­per...... are re­ally dis­ap­point­ing sense­less gam­bling. Your ex­cuse is very good, more­over seems like me also to have no lee­way that the choice and strives.”

Her del­i­cate hands turn, Ab­solute Be­gin­ning Di­vine Fruit had been clamped in in fin­ger/refer by her, is re­leas­ing star light of dif­fer­ence.

But she has not lost it to Yun Che, but is jade-like fin­ger gath­ers to­gether, grasps it in the hand, in the fore­heads floats off the one deep doubts: „Sav­age Di­vine Pith also on for­get it/that's all. This Di­vine Fruit...... can come also too eas­ily.”



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