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Готовый перевод Трансформация / Transformation: Глава 2.

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‘Mum, Dad, good luck in Foggy Albion!’ Yaroslav whispered. That very moment he saw him. Though, all the inhabitants of the Earth, wherever they were, saw him. It was a huge figure of an elf with a beautiful face that showed disgust. He was dressed in rich and extraordinary clothes and looked as if he had come off the screens of a fantasy blockbuster.

‘Mere nobodies!’ the titan shouted, ‘You forfeit all to the rights to this world, and your defective civilization and wildlife will go through the Transformation. Listen! I'm not going to repeat! If you survive and preserve your sanity, you’ll become the property of the Great Governor Ellir the White Branch. The two-legged property must reach the nearest Transport Portal, which will appear after the Transformation, and proceed to the regional distributor. There each of you will have the opportunity to serve the Great Governor of the Blue Planet in one way or another. Those people, who dare oppose the power of the Great, will become a game for future hunting as well as all modified.’

Yaroslav seemed the light flashed for an instant and faded, and he saw the end of the world. The teenager stood alone at the observation deck, all people: men, women, children were lying around like the cut grass. Planes were falling from the sky with a loud roar.

‘Mum, Dad…’

Yaroslav did not remember how long he was standing there with eyes full of tears: for few moments, several minutes or eternity. A powerful explosion, which was heard behind him, brought him to life. He was knocked down and stunned. The wreckage of a huge liner tumbled on the track near the terminal.

There was smoke and flying ash everywhere, something was flashing in front of Yar's eyes. The guy, without paying attention to it, rushed to the lying people. Jumping from one to another Yar realized that they were all alive, but unconscious. Two airport security guards were lying nearby, they were in full equipment: everyone had a Kalashnikov rifle, a gun and a bullet-proof vest. Yaroslav tried to make an emergency call, but failed as his phone was disconnected, the guards’ radios showed no signs of life, too. Yar looked around.

‘Jesus, what is this?’

The guy noticed a slender girl, probably his age, she was holding an iPhone in her hand. The teenager took a couple steps in her direction and saw that she was very pretty. He’d love to go to the club with such a beautiful girl, and his friends would have envied him. Her face was peaceful, as if she was sleeping.

‘Her phone’s died, too, like everything else around me, and maybe all over the world,’ Yar thought, ‘Damn!’ He adjusted the young girl's skirt, put a bag under her head and felt the pulse, as they have been taught at school. Her hand was warm and the pulse was normal.

‘Was a new a weapon of mass destruction applied? Maybe it has cut down electricity and created hallucinations.’

The girl jerked so much that Yar jumped in surprise. He saw that her skin became darker, the blouse and the skirt burst at the seams. She started to shake and bend. Yar rushed to the security guards. Loud words, blows on the face, and pulling the collar did not lead them to life.

‘Shit,’ Yar swore, turning to what used to be a girl. There was almost nothing left of the delicate pretty girl. It was a quite formed monster from the movie ‘Alien’ or something like that — something terrible with black chitinous sheen.

The monster snarled hundreds of crooked fangs and hissed like a punctured tire of a truck.

‘Hey, hey, I did not touch you, I just held your hand, and nothing else! Here’s your phone, see. I’ll put it here. Everything’s safe and sound. Don’t be nervous!’

Only God knows how he could grab the Kalashnikov rifle so quickly and, most importantly, accurately. Yaroslav fired point-blank and the creature's head burst into fragments like a pumpkin, splashing the guy with strange liquid and blood. Well if only it. Yar finally noticed the flickering in the eyes, shook his head, and focused…

A transparent panel appeared in front of him, as if calibrated, and it flared:


The Global Blue World achievement: helot ????? made the first hunt

Completed achievement: the First Hunter


Unique ability: Shadow

Two unique skills

500 points of chaos

Title: the First Hunter

500 gold

Choice and Distribution:


The guy was shocked as he could not understand what was going on. He cursed aloud. He felt emotional shakes inside. Almost intuitively, without thinking it over, he made his choice. The only wish was to get rid of the table as fast as possible.

“I’ll deal with it late, if I survive", he thought.

Yar realized at that moment, that he started to take it easier as if he had shifted off a load of anxiety. He got some new feelings as never before. The sense of vision and smell improved in a strange way and became excellent. Even the glasses were taken and thrown away. "What’s going on with me?" Yaroslav thought in surprise.

Suddenly Yar felt a premonition of danger coming from behind, he barely managed to escape by rolling to the left. An abdominous monster landed on the place where he had just stood, knocking sparks out of the concrete with its claws. . Yar shooted from the knee in three short bursts into the skull and killed the monster, not even allowing it to turn around. One more lying monster began jerking. Yar breathed hardly while disarming one of the security guards from ammunition.

Now his armoury contained a submachine gun, a handgun and a decent amount of ammunition for them.

It was no time to wait, and waisting time was life-threatening. He looked around and with a horror realised that there were a lot of shaking creatures around who had started to transforme. He shot down two other monsters rushing to him with the jumps. Without hesitation Yar hopped the parapet, jumped down to the roof of one of the buses delivered the passengers on the routes and sprinted to the standing far ahead planes. He was surprised of his own swagger. The nearest plane was a huge Airbus A380. It was a franky luck that this giant recently arrived to St. Petersburg -

passengers have already left the Airbus, but one bow with a ladder was opened.

He almost got the target, but stopped and looked around. The whole crowd of creatures raced after him at a distance of approximately five hundred meters. It was the creepiest thing he had ever seen. The running guy finally realized that the world in which he had been living before did not exist any more, and he had to do all possible to survive in a new one. And he would try as never before. Under the fuselage, near the closed cargo hatch there was a train of trolleys for luggage transportation and behind it he saw…

Inside of the fugitive everything turned to ice. There were few creatures tearing either one of themselves or people. And they also saw Yaroslav simultaneously raising its bloodied snouts.


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