Читать Секретные файлы любви / Secret files of love: {Пикник} 1 глава :: Tl.Rulate.ru - новеллы и ранобэ читать онлайн
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×Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов, так как модераторы установили для него статус «идёт перевод»

Готовый перевод Секретные файлы любви / Secret files of love: {Пикник} 1 глава


Morning. Everyone is still sleeping. Only Kinito didn’t sleep, he couldn’t sleep at all last night because of the thoughts that were daring him... {09:33} – {°•~On Kinito’s behalf~•°} I lay quietly on my bed, I was all lazy today. .. It’s good that the player hasn’t come to me yet... But then I heard a knock on the door... And I didn’t want to get up... Okay, I’ll go and have a look... {~•°End of the story of Kinito’s face°•~ }

{Kinitka}~ Who else came there?.. They won’t let me lie down any longer...

He muttered to himself as he approached the door. He opened the door and there were his friends - Sam and Jate.

{Jaytik}~ Hello! We have some offer here! Do you want to have a picnic? But without the player, he finds himself at work...

{Kinitka} {Thoughts}= Hmmm... I don’t even know what to answer...

After thinking a little, Kinito agreed

{Samchik}~ Then at 12:30 near the fountain!

{Kinitka}~ Okay...

He answered sleepily, saying goodbye to his friends and going to wash up and have breakfast.

{Kinitka}~ What time is it?.. 10:05? I see, okay...

He washed his face and went to breakfast {11:30}. Kinito got ready and started taking all the goodies he could take with him.

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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