Читать Fairy Tail: Start Awakening Devouring Magic / Хвост Фей: Начало пробуждения пожирающей магии: Глава 6 :: Tl.Rulate.ru - новеллы и ранобэ читать онлайн
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Готовый перевод Fairy Tail: Start Awakening Devouring Magic / Хвост Фей: Начало пробуждения пожирающей магии: Глава 6

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At this moment in the town.

As Fang Heng finished speaking, his right hand began to gather a large amount of magic power, and then he stepped hard on the ground, and the ground shattered with a crack. Then he rushed out like a cannonball and shouted:

"Come on, Tevarin, let me see your strength."

"The Fire Dragon King's Collapse Fist!"

At this moment, the dragon power gathered in his right hand hit Tevarin's body with one punch.

With a loud bang,

Tevarin's huge body, like a mountain, was blown away. It hit a house not far away, and a low rumbling sound was heard. After it knocked down three or four houses in succession, Tevarin's huge body finally stopped.

Then he saw Tevarin stabilize his body in the ruins, slowly stood up, and roared at Fang Heng:

"You little brat, you didn't even tell me before the fight and actually attacked me by surprise, you have no martial ethics!!!"

"Let me show you the consequences of offending me."After saying that, he quickly rushed to Fang Heng.

On the other side, Fang Heng opened fire at full power and began to deal with Tevarin's attack. Flames were flying, and every punch and kick carried great power.

The ground of the town could no longer withstand the huge pressure and gradually broke apart.

Seeing this, Fang Heng was worried that the people in the town would continue to be affected, so he grabbed Tevarin with both hands and then rushed to the sky to fight.

Bang bang bang

In the sky, huge waves caused by the explosion came one after another, and the aftermath of the battle quickly broke through the white clouds in the sky.

This is a battle between strong and strong, and the aftermath of the battle between the two can only match the full force of the weak. The battle between the two was fierce and fast. In just a few tens of seconds, they had already bombarded each other with hundreds of moves.

Whether it was physical combat or magic bombardment, they were all used by the two.

Such a terrifying power is simply not a level that ordinary magicians can intervene.

"The Fire Dragon King's Elbow!"

With one blow from Fang Heng, Tevarin was forced to move away.

He knew very well that the battle with Tevarin had already been won or lost. After so many high-intensity fights, most of the magic power in his and Tevarin's bodies had already been consumed.

And he had not used the Devouring Magic from the beginning to the end, just to test his own strength.

Now Fang Heng and his own strength have a clear understanding, so he needs to end this battle as soon as possible.

So he shouted to Tevarin in the distance:

"Tewarin, admit defeat, you are no match for me. If you admit defeat now, don't worry, I won't kill you."

Hearing this, Tewarin roared at Fang Heng in anger:

"Don't be so arrogant, human. You are just a little bit powerful. In the next move, I will show you the difference between us."

After saying this, Tevarin began to gather a lot of wind dragon power in his body and gradually formed a crescent-shaped wind blade in his hand. Most of Tevarin's magic power was concentrated in it, and its power should not be underestimated.

"Come on, brat, let me show you the unique skills of my Wind Dragon clan."

""Wind Dragon Secret Technique: Kamaitachi's Crescent Moon!" As soon as the words fell, the Wind Dragon King swung the trick in his hand towards Fang Heng in the distance. A crescent moon began to grow larger and larger, sweeping away quickly.

Fang Heng, with his hands clasped in front of his chest, looked calmly at the attack coming towards him.

As the attack distance got closer and closer, he gradually lowered his hands and quickly gathered devouring magic in his hands.

With a bang,

Fang Heng placed his hands on his chest and firmly grasped the crescent moon released by Tevarin. With a sizzling sound, the sleeves between Fang Heng's hands that were holding the crescent moon were all torn to pieces by the impact force released by this trick. However, he himself did not suffer any damage.

He looked at the secret technique released by Tevarin in his hand, and then grinned at Tevarin and said:

"I just happened to be hungry. Thanks to the big brother on the list for sending me a rocket. Then I will eat without hesitation!"

Crack, crack, crack.

Fang Heng opened his mouth and began to put the crescent moon in his hand into his mouth little by little and slowly began to gnaw it.

Tevarin, who was watching Fang Heng's actions from a distance, was shocked to the point of being speechless. A storm was set off in his heart.

Ah? Ah?|ʘᗝʘ|, what's going on? Although dragons can devour each other's magic power, that is only limited to dragons of the same attributes.

What's going on with Fang Heng now? He's not a dragon, but he can devour magic power! Even if you can devour, I just watched you use fire magic, and now you swallow my wind magic power.

Are you human? Are you human?

However, Tevarin was shocked only for a moment, and he quickly perked up.

Since you can devour magic, I'll replenish my magic power too. Thinking of this, Tevarin opened his mouth wide, ready to devour the surrounding wind magic power.

On the other side, Fang Heng had just replenished his magic power, and now seeing what Tevarin did, how could he not know what he was going to do.

"Still want to eat? Look, I'll overturn the table for you." As soon as he finished speaking, he began to circulate the dragon power in his body. Soon, Fang Heng's stomach expanded rapidly like a balloon, and a large amount of fire magic power gathered.

""The roar of the Fire Dragon King! Take it!"

With a loud bang, he hit Tevarin head-on."You sneak attack me again, despicable human." After saying this, Tevarin fell down like a kite with a broken string.

Fang Heng, who saw this scene, put away his magic and fell down as well.


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