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Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Новий Документ Microsoft Office Word (3)

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Адреса змісту:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14137715/1/Odyssey-of-a-




Гарри Поттер


Одиссея мага часть 3



Часть III Одиссеи Мага. Эпоха после Грин-де-Вальда. Аттикус Сейр,

перевоплощенная душа, решила нести судьбу всего Магического

рода на своих плечах. Бремя, которое тяготит его душу за все, что

должно быть сделано. И это бремя он намерен нести до самых звезд.

Беспощадный, решительный SI-OC. Fem Riddle. Кроссовер Pre-Halo.


Художественная литература M

- Английский - Фантастика/Фэнтези - Том Р. младший, OC, Николас

Ф., Перенель Ф. - Главы: 39 - Слов: 655 808 - Отзывов:


- Избранных: 1 816 - Подписчиков: 1 880 - Обновлено:

01.01.2024, 01:46:57

- Опубликовано:

17.09.2022, 21:18:31

- Статус: Завершено - id: 14137715

1. Chapter 66

Hello All, welcome back to the story!

This is the beginning of the last arc before we hit Halo canon.

Just as Arc 2 had tonal differences in the story, so will Arc 3.

This Arc will be far less combative and will involve a lot more

intrigue than in the previous arcs which will present its own

challenges writing wise.

It will also be truer to the world building elements in the literal

sense as Illos and the universe at large is slowly revealed to you

guys and there will be more science fiction involved in this Arc

along with philosophical questions and moral decisions that may or

may not be right (or wrong).

Without further adieu, please enjoy the post and let me know what

you think!

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next three chapters are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117 where we are now on the

third final Arc of the story .

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

24th of June 1952

Fortie POV

"Oof" he said as tumbled onto the grass, almost falling flat on his face

after jumping down higher than he had ever before.

It was a record, he knew for sure!

A scraping noise above drew his attentions and he snapped back to

attention, his eyes wide at the loudness of the noise, knowing that his

brother was going to wake everyone up!

He quickly got back up to his feet and faced towards the second floor of

their home "Gaius, careful! You're going to wake everyone up!" he

whispered, hissing the words more than saying them.

His brother seemed to hear him as the scraping noise of the chair

disappeared and his brother's head popped out of the window and began

to climb out of the window very slowly.

He took the chance to look around whilst his brother took his time. It

was a little dark, the huuuge round lights that were as bright as the sun

was during the summer time were now very dim, almost so dim that he

couldn't see very far ahead of him.

They were always this dim when it was bed time.

He could see in the distance some of the lights were on in the buildings

though, probably trying do all kinds of nice things!

He grew impatient, turned around and whispered again "Hurry!" he didn't

want to get caught, not like the last time!

"Ok, ok" his friend said grumpily as he turned around, hanging on to the

side of the building.

He looked hesitant, fearful, in the dim morning lights and Fortie knew his

brother needed some courage "Come on Gaius, it's not that far, it only

looks far!"

It didn't seem to convince him and Fortie was fed up, his face scrunching

"Fine, I'll go alone!" he said petulantly, a little louder than he really

should have but he didn't care and he turned around, stomping away.

He heard a thud and swiveled around and saw his brother groan on the

floor. He beamed widely at his brother as he ran to him and picked him

up from under the armpits "I knew you could do it" he whispered


"My knees hurt" Gaius complained miserably whilst he hobbled along as

distance between themselves and their home grew.

"It'll be fine" he waved the concerns of his brother away as he patted him

on the back "Just think what we will be able to tell the others in class

tomorrow!" he whispered excitedly, the lights around the home fading

away as they continued to walk away from their home onto the very

quiet street.

That caused Gaius to smile, he could see faintly "I hope it'll be worth it"

his brother muttered a little worried "I don't want mama to be angry at us

for nothing" but he waved it away.

"Mama Lysa won't be too angry. She'll only make us do boring chores

which are not that bad!" he said easily. It would be worth it too!

"Yeah" his brother agreed "Mama doesn't make us do terrible things when

we've been too naughty, not like Ms Kelly."

Fortie nodded furiously as he remembered Appia tell them what Ms Kelly

did to Flavius and the others when they broke the rules.

"Our mama is the best" Fortie said resolutely. He felt a little bad that he

was out past bedtime but this was a mission! An adventure!

She'd love to hear about it too, he was sure of it!

"Much better than their mama" Gaius agreed eagerly as the fading lights

of their home no longer offered any more light than the dim lights that

hung in the sky.

"When can we use our lights?" Gaius asked and he glanced at the dark

face of his brother and knew he was likely biting his lip in concern. He

did that a lot.

"When we're a little down the hill, not that far now" he told his brother,

taking his arm and walked a little quicker.

Their home was on a hill overlooking the buildings on the far side with

the biggest Mountain in all of Illos behind their home. But the biggest

buildings were the best ones to see! They were like four really tall ones

with the tallest building much much bigger and it was also where he


They were all very similar, buildings that had gaps in the middle and

were almost like separate building but squashed together. Sometimes,

these buildings had like a small light in the middle and they became like


The Teacher showed them a picture of the city once it would be finished

– he said that it was only a third complete! – and it looked really nice!

Apparently it would be finished by the time they were eleven or twelve

which was a long time from now, almost double the ages they were now!

They were all like little islands with two big rings of water separating

them with lots and lots of little water rings and water roads.

He hadn't been there before, until today!

Their home was not far from the first big ring of water, like maybe forty

minutes walking or an hour if they were slow like some of the others.

Their home was on a hill with other homes that were also on hills not far

from them. The hills were like big bubbles pressed together, all with

streets that snaked around that became one big street with lots of green

trees and plants of all kinds of colours and even purple flowers that lit up

when you touched it! And they went downhill into the street that led to

their school and also to the big bridge that connected to the tallest

building in all of Illos!

There was no one else on their hill just like with the other homes and

they had all kinds of things. They had a football field, hoopball, and

many other fun things!

The other homes were the same but their hill was nicer, even mama agree

and she does not lie!

Their school was kind of far, it took almost half an hour walking but it

was OK! Their classmates had to do it too and they had all kinds of fun

especially when they played games on their way to school!

Like catching others in a game of tag and lighting up their purple flowers

that they'd pick from the side of the streets!

A lot of their games were really fun.

They just had to make sure they weren't late because no one wanted to

get on Teacher's bad side! He remembered the last time they were late

and he had vowed never to do it again! He had to stay in for like the

entire weekend just to finish his homework!

"OK, we can use the lights now" he whispered to his brother as they

walked downhill, far from any houses.

"OK" his brother said quickly and they both raised one of their hands

"Light!" they said almost in unison and their hands began to glow though

Gaius' was far brighter than his own.

"Gaius!" he hissed out, pulling on his shirt "Remember the breathing

trick!" he told his brother as he looked around him, hoping that no one

saw the bright light.

His brother eventually got it under control and now both of their lights

were only little but enough to make sure they could see where they were


"Sorry, I forgot" his brother mumbled.

"It's OK, we only learnt last week anyway" he shrugged. It wasn't very

difficult but his brother seemed to have a bit of a problem doing these

kinds of things.

He had trouble with levitating before then too. He wasn't the only one, a

few of their siblings and classmates had an issue too at first but they did

manage to do it after a little while.

Not like him though, he was good at getting things on the first go!

After a long while, they arrived, finally, at the foot of the slope onto the

street that would lead to the Bridge, past their school and it would be

their biggest challenge yet!

They'd been there before, after school, but they never dared to go on it! It

would take an age to pass and if they were caught by one of the Elders,

they would be in a world of trouble!

But today they would be able to do it! Mama was away visiting other

mamas and they could cross the Bridge without being worried about it

taking an age! They could sneak past any Elders, he was sure of it!

They walked past their school quietly and sneakily and they finally got to

the Bridge, oohing and aahing as they stared the dark buildings that were

all like squished together into one big one. They were so so tall too! Much

taller than they looked like from school!

There were a few lights on, even the one that he'd seen a lot of Elders go


Julia said that it was there were all Elders went to smooch each other.

He scrunched his nose.

He didn't really know what it meant, only that Julia said that she heard

the older girls from the Pandrosion Institute talked about smooching a lot

but she never explained what it really meant. Maybe it was like a daring


Anyway, they had to be careful and make sure no one saw them!

"Do you really think he'll be there?" his brother whispered as they turned

off their lights and walked sneakily through the main street after having

crossed the first section of the bridge, trying to hug the buildings as they

crossed one side of the street into the darker side.

"Yes" he said to his brother, his eyes brimming with excitement "Fausta

said she heard one of the Elders say that he always sat in the park by the

main building after flying down from Mount Celestis! Every night! So

that means he be there now too!

"I hope so" his brother muttered concerned but he paid it no mind.

He would be there, he knew he would be!

All their lives they heard about him, the man who built all there was to

see in Illos, even Mount Celestis itself with only his lady friend!

He was really impressed when heard that he built Mount Celestis! He'd

seen the Faceless Ones – Golems – working once on a small building and

that took a few days to finish.

If he did the same with Mount Celestis then it must have taken forever!

Mount Celestis was the tallest mountain ever and the top was almost

higher than the metal walls! One day he'd fly to the top on a skymobile

or maybe even fly without one like he was said to do all the time!

They finally managed to walk past the buildings, almost having been

caught by one of the Elders who had been walking on the other side of

the street but they were clever and made sure to stick around by the

walls and shadows where they could hide if they needed to!

They were past the second part of the bridge and now the tallest building

in all of Illos was in front of them and they marvelled at it.

"Wooow" his brother whispered in awe and he agreed.

Even in the dim lights of the orbs it was amazing to see the waterfalls and

the glittering stones that made it look like they were out of gold. It was

all so big and pretty.

They stepped onto the railings as they came across a set of stairs and they

saw that it led to a park nearby and they excitedly ran down the stairs,

their lights now off as the street lights were bright enough.

The streets were very quiet, it had been a long time now since they had

seen another Elder. Teacher had explained once that Illos didn't have

many people yet but every year more and more were making it their


He didn't know a lot of Elders, but he did learn to recognise the ones that

seemed really new! They looked funny with strange robes, nothing like

the normal clothes that everyone else wore!

A lot of the older students from Pandrosion Institute who came from the

Outside stayed in Illos after finishing school. They were apparently from

families who he personally invited to their homes, to come and learn and

even make Illos their home!

Teacher said sometimes they said no and he couldn't understand why!

He'd seen the Holos of the Outside, it was so dirty!

They finally arrived by the gates of the big park and they walked through

it, the path led them through dimly lit areas.

"What's that?" his brother said and he turned to him. His brother's eyes

were squinted and he looked at where he was looking and saw strange

lights that seemed to be dancing.

"It must be him!" Fortie exclaimed excitedly and he ran towards it.

"Fortie, wait!" his brother cried out but it was too late. Fortie didn't really

what he'd do when he'd see his hero but that was OK, he'd think of

something! He was always good at thinking of something to do!

He was off the path that snaked around the park and into the bushes and

trees, weaving his way through them, hopping and jumping over roots

and thorny bushes.

The lights grew brighter, the whizzing and twisting lights grew more

obvious and his eyes goggled as he came to a dead stop, his mouth open

in wonder.

Thousands, maybe even millions of lights danced in a very strange way but

it didn't make it any more pretty. They were aglow, their colours a mix of

golds and silvers and he couldn't help but stare in wonder.

They seemed to dance around the trees and in them as well, like when he

and his siblings danced during Beltane in front of a camp fire.

His brother breathed heavily as he slumped over, holding his knees.

"Fire-bees" he said with a slight struggle and Fortie looked at his brother

with wide eyes.

"You sure?" he said in wonder before he looked again at the lights.

"Yes, I saw them in a Holo in the school Library" his brother answered,

his voice now stabler though it wasn't hard to hear he was also really

impressed by what they were seeing.

"Your brother is right" he heard a deep voice and they both jumped.

"Aarrghh" his brother squeaked out, clutching his arm as he did so. Fortie

didn't mind, he was also holding onto his brother as they swivelled

around like a whip and their eyes nearly popped out of their heads.

"Y-Yy-you're…" his brother stammered which was better than what he

could manage right now!

It was him!

He wasn't looking at them but was looking at the fire-bees instead. His

arms were behind his back and he looked very relaxed.

He was dressed like the other Elders but slightly darker. His hair was

very long, like a girl's but he wouldn't say that to him!

"They're Japanese Fire-bees from the Hokkaido region. An endangered

magical species. Well done child for recognising what they were." He

turned his head towards them, a kind smile on his face. His brother

flushed embarrassed but he knew his brother was very happy to hear it

from him!

He felt a little jealous but it didn't occupy his mind too much as he

couldn't help but be drawn to his eyes that seemed to be glowing like the


They were very purple and even the small drops of green were very green!

"You're far from your home, children" he said calmly with a raised

eyebrow, one that reminded him a lot of mama when she was expecting

an answer from them.

"I-I-I…" his brother stammered again and he elbowed his brother slightly

and his brother's mouth audibly clamped shut. His brother was really

smart, he knew a lot but he was really bad at explaining stuff, especially

when they needed to get out of trouble!

He turned around and met his hero's gaze and he slinked into himself, his

feet shuffling awkwardly as he grew more and more nervous.

"We wanted to meet you!" he blurted out suddenly, unable to come up

with something else to say.

"Really?" he said with his eyebrows raised.

"Yes" he nodded rapidly "We heard that you always came to this park

every night and we thought we could meet you!"

"Yes!" his brother piped up, seemingly finding the strength to speak

coherently "We heard from Fausta who heard from the Elders that you

were always here!"

"And you decided to leave your home, in the middle of the night, cross

the Bridge completely, somehow find your way here in this park hours

later all because of a rumour that could be wrong?" He said with a raised


"…yes?" his brother said in a small, subdued voice.

"Well it wasn't wrong! You're here!" Fortie said brightly.

The man looked at him for a moment and finally nodded "That is true

enough. Doesn't mean it was a good idea." He said with a look that he'd

seen mama give sometimes "You could have been hurt or lost."

He shook his head rapidly "We're fine, we know how to be careful!" he

denied. "We're really good at finding our way!" it hadn't been all that

difficult at all! All the lights in the distance helped them to avoid where

not to go!

"It seems so" the man said a little dryly, a small smile on his face before

he glanced at them both "Well you have now met me…now what?" he

asked curiously.

The brothers glanced at each other, before they looked at the man

blankly. Fortie wasn't really sure what to say until his eyes brightened


"Can you really fly? Can you teach us how to fly too?" he said quickly,

words burst out of his mouth in quick fashion.

He really wanted to fly like him!

The man said nothing for a moment until he thought he'd seen him

almost smile "Is that why you came to find me? To learn how to fly?" he

asked them.

"Do we need a better reason?" Fortie retorted without thinking, his eyes

wide at what he said to his hero.

"Fortie!" his brother said in a furious whisper, his brother's eyes wide in

terror at his cheekiness.

Though it seemed like it wasn't something that made the man angry since

he began to laugh.

He stopped laughing as he looked at them with a smile on his face "I

suppose not. Flying is an understandable reason to break the rules like

you have done tonight" the man said to them. "And to answer your

questions…" the man said and their eyes boggled when he began to hover

slightly, his eyes glowing more brightly as his hair began to sway like it

was breezy but it wasn't breezy at all!


"That is so…! Teach us, teach us please!" the brothers spoke over each

other as they looked at their hero with uncontained excitement,

something that seemed to make the man smile a little wider before he set

back onto the ground.

"Yes I can fly" the man said with a humorous voice "But no, I will not

teach you how to fly" the man told them with a smile still on his face.

"B-but why?" his brother exclaimed in dismay.

"Beside the fact that you broke a lot of rules to get here?" the man

pointedly said to them, quieting them down "For one, it is a difficult

thing to learn, one that would many years for you to be able to do"

"We're really good at magic!" Fortie said defensively "Look!" he said as he

brought his hands out. "Light!" he said and his hands began to glow

before he scrunched his face up a little, and the glow began to become

bright until a light began to form in front of his hands, an orb much like

the lights that illuminated all of Illos during winter.

"See!" Fortie exclaimed "We were only shown how to make light last

week and I did this all by myself" he said proudly.

His brother also showed what he could do, and though he couldn't yet

make an orb like he could, his light was also really good!

"See, we are really good at learning magic. We can learn how to fly easily

too" Fortie said after he let the light go out, staring challengingly at his


The man only smiled in the wake of his stare and suddenly asked "What

are your names?"

"I-I'm Gaius Volusenus of clan Hardy" his brother said nervously "And this

is my brother Ju-"

"Fortie" he said sharply, sending a glare at his brother. He didn't want his

hero to know his girlie name.

"Fortie?" the man asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Fortie" he said firmly.

"My brother doesn't like his first name, not ever since he was teased

about it." His brother said much to his annoyance. "It's because it is very

similar t-" he elbowed his brother.

"oof" his brother said pained.

"Don't be so mean to your brother" the man said disapprovingly and he

looked down. He didn't mean to be mean to his brother, he was his best

friend! It was just he really hated his first name.

Fortie was much better!

"So you chose the name Fortie for yourself?" his hero asked him. He

looked up and met his gaze and nodded rapidly

"It's my surname shortened!" he answered brightly. He liked his surname,

it was different to everyone else's!

"I won't tell that either" he said slyly. "Not until you teach us how to fly!"

The man looked amused at that and looked at his brother who

suspiciously looked down and Fortie smiled widely at his brother for not

telling on him!

"I see" he said with a small smile.

"How old are you?" the man asked.

"Seven!" Fortie answered immediately

"Seven, almost eight" his brother said.

"Very young. I'm impressed." he said appraisingly and Fortie felt a deep

swell of pride.

"Just as I'm sure you'll be grounded for just as long when I take you back

home." The man said and Fortie felt like a pin pricked his balloon from

the way his stomach dropped.

"What?!" his brother said in a panic.

The man chuckled as he looked at them with a look that reminded him of

when mama looked like she thought they did a stupid thing but he didn't

think what they did was stupid at all!

It was brave and clever!

"Did you think you could break so many rules without a punishment to

suit it?" the man said.

"But…but..but grounded?!" his brother stammered before he snapped his

head towards Fortie "You said that we would only have to do homework!"

he said accusingly, pointing his finger at him.

"Hey, don't blame me!" Fortie said defensively before he looked at his

hero, his eyes entreating "You don't have to teach us how to fly, sir" he

said nervously "I think that is punishment enough?" he said with a weak


Their hero's lips seemed to twitch before he slightly widened his arms,

the palms of his hands facing upward "Come on, let's get you back." He

said as they began rise in the air much to their shock.

They were flailing as they lost control over their bodies, the ground

looking more and more distance

"Fortie we're flying!" his brother said in fearful but excited shock before he

also began to rise and they shot up in the air, and he laughed, brightly!

His brother was wailing slightly at the growing distance they were from

the ground but to him, it was the greatest thing ever!

They rose and rose and rose until everything was so small except for the

tallest building which looked even bigger up on high. His eyes were wide

with wonder, the whistling winds didn't bother him.

It was so so amazing, to see everything even if it was still very dark! The

lights of the buildings, the lights of the dim orbs that were up so high in

the sky, it still allowed him to see a lot!

He outstretched his arms like a bird as they flew past the first ring, then

the second ring and then finally began to head towards their home,

everything ending so much quicker than he wanted. It took them hours to

meet their hero but they were almost home in what felt like only


They began to go down, the hill their home stood on came into view, the

door of the house open, lights all brightly on and his stomach dropped

when he realised their mama was standing outside the door.

'Oops' he thought miserably, knowing that they could be grounded for



A smile crept on his face.


It was worth all the punishment he'd get! He glanced at his brother who

looked a little green and laughed. He was sure Gaius would feel the same


Especially when their siblings and the others were told! They'd be so

jealous! They met their hero and they went flying with him!

They landed in front of their mother with only a slight stumble but they

didn't have any time to relax.

"GAIUS VOLUSENUS HARDY" his mother growled out as she stomped

towards them.

He blanched at her tone, knowing that they were in it and he tried to

distract her from using his full name but it was to no avail.

"JULIUS FORTENCHO HARDY" she growled out, her eyes showing a

fury that made him gulp.

"I don't know what you were thinking" she harshly as she seized both of

their shoulders, causing them to yelp at the firm grip. She looked down at

him and he blanched under her gaze "I know it was your idea" she said in

a furious tone before she rounded up on Gaius "And you! You should

know better than to cater to your brother's foolhardiness!" she said

angrily and he could see his brother shaking in unshed tears in his eyes.

Now he really felt bad. Gaius didn't like upsetting mother too much, he

didn't either but Gaius was too nice like that "It was-"

"Quiet, Julius" his mother said sternly.

"Fortie" he mumbled under his breath but remained quiet when the growl


She twisted them around

"Thank you, My Lord, for bringing them back home." She said to Lord

Sayre gratefully who only inclined his head to her.

She tightened her grip on his shoulder, startling him "And what do you

say, boys?" she asked with a tight smile, her eyes still showing anger.

"Thank you Lord Sayre" they mumbled at the same time, their eyes fixed

on the ground.

"Your welcome" the man said and Fortie thought he could hear a smile in

the man's voice so he looked up and saw him stepping closer to them and

bent down to them so they were on eye level with each other.

"Despite the…unwise" Lord Sayre said with an amused smile, something

that Fortie couldn't help but sheepishly smile in return to "way we have

met, I am pleased to have met such bright children such as yourself

though I have to say you should spare your mother from worrying so

much" Lord Sayre said with an expectant look.

They looked at their mother and saw that she was still angry but also

upset "We're sorry mama. We won't do this again" they promised to their

mother and she softened a little bit.

"I'm glad but it doesn't get you out of being grounded for three months"

she said sternly.

Three months?! He bit his tongue as the urge to protest was almost too


"It may seem harsh" Lord Sayre spoke up again, drawing their attentions

"But it is a fair one. You could have gotten hurt and then imagine how

bad your mother would have felt"

Fortie looked down.

"Go inside boys, I will need to speak with Lord Sayre for a moment" she

said, pushing them towards the open door "If you do anything other than

head straight to bed…" she said warningly and they nodded rapidly

before they turned towards the door.

Fortie stopped even as Gaius ran towards the door and he turned, his

gaze on Lord Sayre "Thank you for showing me what it's like to fly!" he

said with a bright smile before a determination set in him.

"I will also learn how to do it, no matter how long it takes!" he vowed as

much as he could. It was amazing, to fly like a bird.

No matter how long it took, even if it took forever, he would fly just like

Lord Sayre!

"Julius!" His mother said sternly, her expression thunderous. He gulped

and all confidence fled him.

'Time to go' he thought to himself as he turned but before he could ran out

of hearing range, he heard Lord Sayre speak, words that he would carry

for the rest of his life and live by.

"I expected as much, Mr Fortencho. I expect many great things from you."

It was a start of a journey that other children, many centuries in the

future, would aspire to replicate or surpass.


25th of June 1952 - Illos

Lyra Silamontaine POV

She hummed along to the song, her dancing feet swaying her as she

waved her wand in fluid wide motions. The sizzling pans rose in the air

before she flicked her wand and the three different types of pancakes

were launched in the air before they landed on the opposite side into the

buttered pans.

A satisfied smile grew on her face before she began to sing along to the

music as she danced in the towel she wore.

A few minutes after she heard the deliberate footsteps and her eyes

sparkled with delight as she turned around with a wide grin on her face

as plates topped with different flavoured pancakes circled around her.

"HomeStead, play Snare the Thistles" she said quickly as she got into a

dancing stance as the song she chose began to play which was a more…

appropriate song for what she wanted to do.

Lyra began to sway, to dance, slowly, as the music began to build. Her

arms travelled up and her arms moved just as her body did.

She arrived by the kitchen hall dressed in a nightgown her light olive

skin shone radiantly as the morning rays hit her skin just the right way.

Her eyes wide as she took turns at staring at a dancing Lyra and the

floating food.

Lyra began to dance a little more…risqué with plates of pancakes floating

around her like she was the centre of their universe, her eyes sparkling in

amused delight at the sight of her love looking slightly befuddled and


"What are you doing?" Amelie said with a laughing gawp of an

expression, her sharp incisors bared in a stupefied smile as the music

began turn a lot more…spicy.

"Dancing" Lyra said with a widening grin as she shrugged, ever edging

closer to Amelie with a hop in her step and her hips moving in what she

thought was very sexy.

"I'm not sure you are" Amelie said a laugh in her voice as she walked

down the little steps that connected the kitchen to the rest of the ground

floor of their home.

Lyra flicked her wand and the plates flew towards the table before she

twirled her wand above her head and her towel turned into a silken dress

that had a long tail which began to circle around Lyra and Amelie,

bringing them ever closer, her hips moving ever more seductively as she

sought to ensnare Amelie.

Amelie's eyes began to shine with more than a little interest as the dress

that hugged Lyra's body clung onto her like a gift wrapped present and

Amelie's eyes seemed to shine more and more as time passed, as if she

wanted to strip her bare from the way her eyes grew more intense.

"Are you saying that my sexy, sexy moves aren't working?" Lyra said with

a beguiling smile as her eyebrows wiggled at Amelie. They finally were

close enough to touch and she shivered as the cold touch of Amelie's

hands which began to roam over her body.

"I didn't say that…" Amelie said seductively as twirled Lyra around with

inhuman speed, causing her to gasp as she was turned around with

Amelie behind her and her lips on her neck, slow tending kisses trailing

across her neck as she gyrated against Amelie.

"My, my…" Lyra whispered with a moan, her eyes closed "I didn't realise

you were interested in another kind of meal…" she said as she snaked her

head around and was greeted with Amelie's face, her red brown eyes

were as bright as a hallowed sunset.

Her lips twisted in a sharp smile, one that failed to hide her sharp

incisors, the gleam in her eyes seeming far more predatory than lustful

"How could I resist…" she said with a whisper as she brought her lips

closer "When you danced so so sexily…" she said with a teasing lilt in her

voice as their lips were almost touching.

Lyra's smile widened into a grin as she stuck out her tongue, licking

Amelie's lips not unlike a smothering wet tongue of a canine. Amelie

leaned back in surprise before she narrowed her eyes into slits

"Naughty…" she said in a low growl, one that sent shivers down Lyra's

spine as her eyes danced with delight.

She backed away, slowly, as Amelie stared her down with hunger in her

eyes. She didn't get far as Amelie inhumanely got right in front of her,

her hands roaming all around her as she plastered kiss after kiss on her

bare skin as her silk dress fell off her body.

It was at that moment, the most inconsiderate moment that a snitch like

device beeped and Amelie stilled, her lips still planted on Lyra's body

though unmoving until she snatched the snitch with a blur of movement

out of the air.

Lyra shook her head clear of the daze and saw Amelie wear a serious

expression as she opened up her palm, the snitch sitting in the centre of

her hand until it began to emit a holograph message with a raven

forming…a raven that seemed to fly around in a pattern… that almost

looked like the infinity symbol.

"Black Bird Blowback" the raven crowed, once, then once more before it

seemed to explode and the snitch fizzled out in Amelie's hand.

Amelie looked up and Lyra recognised that look, much to her displeasure.

Lyra's face set in a grim expression. "You only just got back" she said with

displeasure as she flicked her wand, her silken dress wrapping around


"I know…" Amelie said apologetically. "But it's…"

"Yes…I know…" Lyra cut her off tiresomely as she walked around Amelie

and sat at the dining table and grabbed a plate of pancakes and dug in.

Duty called and Amelie would always do her duty.

Amelie sat across her and Lyra pointedly didn't look at her. "They could

have waited until after we got lucky" Lyra groused as she stabbed at her


Amelie laughed at that and said "Who says that we still can't do that?"

she posed to Lyra who glanced up at her. Amelie raised her brow


Lyra pursed her lips and after a moment nodded "Fine but first I will

finish this banana cheesecake flavoured pancakes" she said in an

imperious tone.

"As my queen commands…" Amelie said in a soft animalistic growl which

only sparked up that arousal within her.

She ate her pancakes very quickly at that point.

Hours later…

They walked out of their home, onto the smooth pavement stone with

arms locked. Their home was on the 'beach front' of the first ring of water

facing Mount Celestis. It was a grand vision to see on a morning, stepping

down the steps of their home only to be greeted by an imperious, snow

topped mountain.

A blurring motion she noticed in the corner of her eyes drew her

attentions and looked up into that direction. A few skymobiles were

going fast…faster than she thought was allowed and she'd been proven

right as one of the Pursuer Drones chased after the skymobiles.

She shook her head exasperated. 'Idiots' she thought to herself. She knew

it was likely a few too excited idiots taking the skymobiles on a 'joy ride'

all because it was different and new.

"Remember to vote in the first ever elections!" she heard someone holler and

she glanced towards the man who stood on the podium with his wand on

his throat.

"History will be made come November with the first Representatives of Illos

chosen by its citizens so don't forget to come to the Assembly hall and cast

your vote!" she heard him holler in the distance and saw that he was

attracting quite a crowd.

"I doubt anyone has forgotten, not when he's reminding people despite it

being almost half a year away" Amelie said dryly and Lyra smiled as she

looked at her.

"True but you can forgive his excitement" she said easily. "I admit I'm

quite excited myself to vote."

After all, it would be the first time the citizens of Illos would get to cast

their vote picking their Representative.

Amelie looked at her curiously before she nodded with a huff "Same…I

just hope that Smith-Rowe isn't our borough's Representative" she

muttered to herself.

Lyra laughed "You just dislike because he ruined your flower pots with

his experiment"

Amelie looked at her with displeasure shining through her face "There

was no reason for him to try that experiment away from the Labs! There

is a reason why we have Labs in the first place!"

Lyra shook her head with mirth painted across her face. "You can't be

petty Amelie, you know that he's the kind of character that listens to the

people he'd represent." She tapped Amelie's arm "You know he'd do a

great job…better than that sleaze ball Rowan" Lyra said with a scowl.

Amelie sighed "I know…It was just my most successful nurturing yet and

I haven't been able to get nearly as good crop of flowers like last time"

she groused.

Amelie continued to complain though she tuned it out a little as she

thought on the coming elections.

It had been something that many people had wanted, ever since Lord

Sayre had ironically sold them on the idea of a Representative Council

and finally, after almost two years, the first Council would be voted into


The people of Illos were still very few, only roughly nine thousand

people but almost everyone wanted it to be established, if only to help

Lord Sayre with the functions of running their home.

He would still be largely in charge but the minutiae of Illos would be

dealt by the Representative Council leaving Lord Sayre to deal with the

pressing issues…namely the ever reaching search conducted by the ICW

which tasked itself to find them.

Most people were very concerned with how the Magical World would

react once they knew of Illos, especially after the way they had attacked

Lord Sayre and his family before they left Magical Britain.

Yes, she agreed, it was better for Lord Sayre to focus on that issue and

leave the running of Illos to the Representatives.

A little while later, they came across some of their neighbours who

greeted them, most of them recent graduates of the Seshet Institute of

Science and Magic or graduates of the Pandrosion Institute, people who

were still awed by the marvel that was Illos.

Lyra smiled humorously "Merlin, some of them still have that dazed look

despite being here for months" she exclaimed "We were never this bad!"

she said to Amelie who began to giggle slightly.

"Really…" Amelie said sceptically, her brow raised questioningly "I

remember things quite differently…to the point that I'm quite sure you

were much worse than these young ones were" she glanced at Lyra slyly

"You were not unlike a child in Parisian Chocatia, hopped up on the

special chocolate frogs"

Lyra drew back from Amelie, offense written on her face "That is not

true!" she exclaimed, causing Amelie to giggle even louder.

"Oh, it is so true!" Amelie said with a haltering breath as she smiled at

Lyra "c'était si Glorieux" she said with ridiculous gestures "You couldn't

stop asking questions with crazy eyes!" she made a mimicking gesture as

she flailed her head around from side to side "Where does this go, how

was this made, how deep does this go" Amelie rattled off in what she

assumed was an attempt to mock her Kentish accent "I can even

remember that rather curious incident in the Lonis Forests…"

Lyra's hands clasped onto Amelie's mouth with panicked eyes when a

couple of people were within hearing distance. "Alright, Alright, you win,

I was as excited as these kids are" she groused.

Amelie peeled Lyra's hands off of her mouth, showing off a sharp grin

before she hooked her arm around Lyra's arm and they continued to walk

"It was kind of adorable, I have to admit" Amelie said a little softer, her

eyes glancing at Lyra with love her eyes.

Lyra couldn't help but smiled as she brought Amelie's hand to her lips

and kissed it gently before they continued their walk along the waters.

She smiled contently as they walked in silence, in each other's company

until her mind inevitably went back to the message Amelie had received.

"When do you leave?" she asked with a glance at Amelie as they walked

along the pathway that overlooked the clear blue waters.

Amelie raised her arm, the silver armband came to life with lights. She

seemed to tapped on it and frowned slightly before she looked up and

glanced at Lyra for a brief moment before she looked away.

"In nine hours." She said to Lyra though she kept her eyes firmly at the


"So soon…" Lyra murmured with a sigh. She knew better than to ask for

how long.

'As long as it takes…' she would say…what she would always say.

She hated it when she left each time, even after all of these years.

She knew it was ridiculous, knowing that Amelie likely was one of the

strongest beings around but she couldn't help feel so…protective over

her…especially after what it took to return her mind to a semblance of

what it was before she was…changed.

Rebuilding Amelie's psyche had taken more than eight months with

another eleven needed for her to acclimate herself to her new…vampiric

hybrid nature whilst all the same dealing with the traumatic experiences

she'd suffered at the hands of Grindelwald and those who had

experimented on her.

Amelie had grown stronger all for it and it was a miracle, really, that she

was as well adjusted as she was, despite the horrors she's experienced.

But…she knew Amelie was still damaged in many ways, in ways that she

did not think she'd ever truly heal completely from.

One of the things that had always attracted her to Amelie had been her

strong sense of justice even if it had infuriated her when she had always

argued for humanely bringing back monsters to be judged for their crimes

rather than killing them in battle and without mercy.

Something that had been warped in the aftermath of her ordeal. She still

believed in justice…in never becoming the very monsters that had nearly

destroyed her but…

She no longer held an ounce of mercy for enemies.

Enemies of Lyra, enemies of Amelie and…enemies of Lord Sayre and that

of Illos.

Lord Sayre had been the person who had personally rebuilt her psyche,

and he knew intimately the trauma she'd experienced having experienced

it just as Amelie experienced it all over again as they rebuilt her mind.

He knew her better than Lyra did…he likely even knew Amelie better

than she herself did. He stopped her from going on a murderous rampage

when she had fallen into one of her conditioned states, states that had to

be carved out of her mind, states that were programmed instructions that

been seared into her mind by Grindelwald and De Galle.

She shivered at the thought of the violation Amelie had suffered and she

knew Amelie was stronger than she would have ever been.

As a consequence of his actions, it created a bond between Amelie and

Lord Sayre, one that forever gave Lord Sayre her unconditional loyalty.

A loyalty that went far far deeper than the one that Lyra held for Lord


It was that loyalty after she'd recovered, that inspired her to decide she to

enlist in the Illosian Guards though her unique attributes, her inhuman

speeds, her abilities to almost go completely unnoticed at night and her

reflexes that even exceeded Lord Sayre's reflexes, marked her as a perfect

candidate for a special branch within the O.I., the Office of Intelligence,

the department that Parelius Parkinson headed and the same office she

was part of herself.

A special branch she knew little off despite her seniority within the O.I.

and one that Amelie never told her about.

She had an idea of what it was though…of what it entailed and it left her

afraid for Amelie.

It seemed like she noticed her heightened emotions, her acute senses, her

nose was able to sense the slight changes in pheromones whilst her ears

likely heard the slight change in heartbeats.

She met Lyra's gaze as she pulled her in a little closer "I'll be fine" Amelie

soothed, her blood red eyes that were tinged with browns bore down at


Lyra smiled "I know" she said as she stroked the cheek of her lover.

"Just…" she sighed breathlessly "Don't lose yourself, alright?" she said

with a fixed smile, her memories of a tense Amelie had sprung in her


She'd been high wrung, almost feral in some ways when she'd returned. It

had taken a few days for her to relax back to normal. It didn't help that

Amelie wasn't allowed to speak of it.

"I won't" she promised as she leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.

"Good" she said with a sigh before she glanced away from Amelie.

Though they worked in the same Office, she knew they both did very

different things.

Her own work in the O.I. was focused on surveillance on those who

already were brought into the secret of Illos and to ensure the recruited

individuals from SIMS or other places continued to have a presence of

some kind in the magical world.

The ICW and the Ministries would notice the disappearance of highly

capable wizards and witches and the last thing they needed was the ICW

to keep an even closer eye on SIMS.

For the moment most graduates of SIMS had to alternate working in

Ireland or in MACUSA in order to keep up appearances.

It was a tiresome job, arranging it all and it was becoming ever clearer

that the secret would not hold for more than a few years from now.

The network of people who knew…the near obsession the ICW had with

finding Lord Sayre and their people…

She only hoped that by that time they were ready.

Amelie likely worked on that…to ensure that they were as protected as

possible until the time of Reveal had arrived.

She knew that it likely involved clandestine actions…likely murder but

she also knew that Amelie would not kill innocents.


She thought as she glanced around, her eyes falling on the three Solar

Orbs that hung in the sky before she looked into the horizon…

What she also knew was that Amelie would do anything to protect what

she held dear and there were exactly three things she cared about.

That single mindedness was dangerous and, unfortunately, it was

something that Amelie did not understand, not truly. Her nature allowed

her to feel emotions since she'd retained her soul but…

She was still a predator at her core, one that could only truly care for a

few things, things and people she considered hers.

And, a creeping thought in her mind voiced out, perhaps that was why

she was the best for dealing with enemies that sought to harm Illos in

one way or another.


26th of June 1952 - Illos

Jennifer Pierce POV

She leaned against the pillar, her eyes focused on Lord Sayre who

entertained a large group of four year olds with Mount Celestis in the

background. The mountain laid north and north east of the city with

much of the lands between the mountain and the city reserved for

primary educational institutions and residential homes away from the

city proper.

She wasn't here often, this side of the city, as it was the residential zone

mostly occupied by families and vassal houses sworn to Lord Sayre


It was almost a town onto itself now with the bulk of the population

living here though she expected that to change in the next decade or so

as the younger generation grew up and accepted one of the many

positions available in Illos, opting to reside in the city proper.

She watched with a slight smile as the children of such different

backgrounds play and laugh together unknowing of the kind of prejudice

that plagued outside of the high walls of Illos.

Many of these children were orphans from the third world, some even

from the communist countries, that were saved from a very young age

with some having been less than a year old.

These children had been adopted by childless mothers who loved them as

their own and grew to large families, sometimes even a dozen children

were adopted by a single mother, with children who could hail ethnically

from Papa New Guinea to Uruguay to Vietnam to Eritrea to even from


She watched the intermingled children with a curious gaze.

It was a strange thing to see, orphaned children descended likely from

squibs mingling with children of pureblood or half-blood origin without

any issue, a possibility that seemed to be unlikely if this had been

anywhere in Europe.

The likelihood of lifelong friendship despite all of their different

backgrounds seemed high by the time they'd all graduate from the

Pandrosion Institute.

It gave her hope that perhaps the Magical World was not fated to cling

onto self-destructive notions, that change was possible and that it just

needed the right people.

Her eyes darkened, her lips tightened as her mind returned to a time of

lost opportunities, a time of betrayal, one which aggrieved her – and

many others – on his behalf.

This…This could have been Britain but instead they rejected his ideas, his

compassion and his words as they clung ever tighter on notions of the

past, on power and obsession of purity rather than a golden age for all of

magicalkind regardless of where you came from.


Not everyone rejected him, not everyone forgot who he was and what he'd

done for them and when Lord left Magical Britain, infamously, he was not


Thousands of magicals and their families also left with him after he'd

declared he'd find a place where 'greed would not triumph over prosperity

for all'.

Hedge witches and wizards, common purebloods and half-bloods, even

some Noble families all across Britain and Ireland left their home of

centuries and came to Illos with everything they had, all because they

had seen the effort he'd put in to make their lives better.

Tax reductions of farm homesteads of hedge witches and wizards which

often stymied them heavily, social programs that alleviated the financial

strains poor pureblood families had been under, funded out of Lord own


People noticed his efforts, his attempts and for the first time they'd seen

someone care for them and that goodwill was what caused many of them

to keep faith in Lord Sayre and join him in exile.

The magical raised were not the only ones that decided to join him either

as many muggleborns and squibs who worked for Lord Sayre decided to

join him.

It had been a shock to the Ministry that so many people could choose to

leave their home nations but it shouldn't have been.

They had forgotten the kind of man Lord Sayre could be, the kind of man

that could draw people from all walks of life to him through his

authoritative presence, his entreating words…though…perhaps it was

wrong to say they had forgotten and righter to say they chose to ignore it

because of their spiteful and fearful arrogance

He reminded them of exactly how much people had faith in him as over

four thousand people left the isles to destinations unknown to the

Magical World even to this day.

She watched he sat perched on a small rock, surrounded by children

whilst he weaved a wondrous tale, one spun with animate creations,

animate gestures and an animate performance, Chinese Serpent Dragons

swam around the giggling children, joyous and captivated by the magic

and by the story itself.

Jennifer couldn't help but smile at the sight, the way the children

responded to him and how he in turn responded to them.

They knew nothing of who he was, the things he was capable of…

unaware of the simple fact that he and his wife built the very earth they

walked on with nothing but magic.

And he seemed to relish in that obscurity, teaching them as he played

with them, spinning a wild tale as he made dragons dance around the


It reminded her of when he'd taught her at Hogwarts, when he made

magic seem so much fun with little effort.

He'd make a wonderful father she mused to herself.

"Wonderful isn't it?" she heard someone say next to her. She turned to the

voice and saw it was the children's teacher, Ms Florence.

She looked like she was in her mid-thirties with light brown hair and

light blue eyes yet she likely was in her late forties perhaps early fifties

from the way her eyes seemed to shine with patience that only came with

age and experience.

Ms Florence smiled at her kindly before she looked back at the children

"Though I'd say it's more of a wonder they've behaved for so long." She

said in a smile in her voice.

"I suppose that's his draw" Jennifer said with a fond smile before she also

looked at the children. Even children seemed to be captivated by him.

"Yes, Lord Sayre does have that quality about him. So does Lady

Slytherin-Sayre" Ms Florence commented idly, her subtle eyes glancing at


Jennifer remained quiet to that, preferring to watch Lord Sayre continue

his tale, a tale he narrated and enthused in Latin whilst he entertained

them with the conjurations.

"Are they already proficient in Latin?" she asked the older woman.

"They are well within the expected bands of proficiency for their age

group" Ms Florence confirmed "Most of the children also speak it as their

first language so they tend to be a little better at it"

"The Clan Families?" she guessed and Ms Florence nodded.

The Clan Families were what most migrants to Illos had taken to call the

orphans that were raised by single mothers. The children would take the

names of their mother as their clan name to honour them.

"Yes, the Clan Families though from what I have been able to tell from

the other parents, the languages spoken at home at the more…traditional

families…tends to now be a mixture of English and Latin"

"It's a little the same back in the City" she admitted. It was something she

was beginning to notice…a lot more Latin creeped in – more than the

Latin that was already in the English Language that is – in daily

conversations and she knew it would only increase.

Lord Sayre wanted Latin to become everyone's first language mostly

because of how their modern spells were cast in bastard Latin.

To speak the language in which they cast their magic in theory would

allow them better connection to magic itself, a notion that several

research findings supported.

And she was seeing perhaps some of that truth play out right before her.

She watched as children began to deliberately change the colours of the

dragons, making it into a game where battles were fought on who could

change what the longest. Some precocious children were able to change

the colour of conjured dragons with a variety of colours and shapes.

She marvelled at their abilities at wandless magic at this tender age. She

remembered all too well when they'd spent over a week trying to learn

how to perform that feat in their first year with a wand.

She glanced at the older woman "Does it ever surprise you?" she asked of

the teacher. "That these children are able to do what many others would

find near impossible for adults?"

The woman shifted slightly, her head tilted slightly towards Jennifer

though she kept a careful watch over the excited children.

"Not as much as it should have" Ms Florence admitted "Though what

really surprises me is how effortless it seems" she said with a soft laugh

"At least to them and the other children raised in Illos" She said with a


"Really?" Jennifer asked curiously. "It's not just this class?" There were six

different primary schools, capped at 20 children per class group with two

or three class groups in each age group.

They attended primary from the age of four to ten and from what she

saw, there were at least plans to expand the class groups per school and

to increase the number of schools in the next six to ten years as the

population of Illos grew.

The older woman glanced at Jennifer and nodded "Really, it's almost

completely across the board, at least those that have magic." The older

woman said musingly "I never expected the simplicity of what the

children were being taught about magic could cause near universal

success in nearly all of the children despite it being clear some are more

talented than others."

Jennifer looked on thoughtfully on that. The Seshet Institute of Magic

made many strides towards understanding magic and she'd gone to

several seminars on the nature of Magic when Lord Sayre or Perenelle

Flamel or other guest speakers would speak of their understandings of


Much of it hinted towards wandless magic being the final destination for

all of magicalkind, Lord Sayre's famous feats of wandless magic was seen

as proof of it.

She peered at the children.

Perhaps that era was nearer by than any of them thought.

"Though I'm not overly surprised that it's working as well as it is" Jennifer

glanced at the older woman and saw she held a small smile, that almost

seemed proud. "Lord Sayre always did have a keen understanding of

magic, even as a small child no older than the ones he is entertaining


Jennifer's eyebrows rose. "You knew him as a child?" she asked in


The older woman laughed gently as she spied at Jennifer "I knew him

since he was born. I was the Governess of the Sayre household after all."

She told Jennifer before she looked back at the children.

She hadn't expected that at all.

"What was he like?" she asked, intense curiosity burning within her.

The older woman thought it over, seeming to mull over on how to


She seemed to settle on something "Precocious." She said finally "It was

apparent even then that he'd do something great though I never

expected" she glanced upwards, her eyes staring towards the Mountain

top "this." She finished.

She doubted many would have expected anything like this let alone think

it was even possible. She'd seen the outside surface of Illos, hanging over

a swathe of land and water, silver grey metal seemingly stretching

endlessly into the distance.

Magic truly was infinitely capable of anything.

Speaking of magic…

"What about the children that don't have…" Jennifer trailed off for a

moment "magic? How are they in class?" she knew that magic wasn't the

only thing that was taught at all levels of education within Illos but she

wondered how things were.

There weren't many squib children but there were still a few.

"The Dormants?" Ms Florence kindly said before she let a light frown

cross her face as she seemed to ponder the question "Things are certainly

better than they could be" she said finally after a moment of pause. "It's

not easy on them to be…different to others but there are efforts made to

ensure that they feel included. Just because they cannot do active magic

does not mean they aren't magical."

"The children are taught very early that everyone in Illos is Illosian, that

everyone belongs here including the Dormant Magicals. The fact that

Illosian law makes it very clear the consequences of mistreating children

has made families from the British Isles and elsewhere careful in ensuring

they do not ostracise their children." Ms Florence paused for a moment.

"Habits ingrained from an early age are difficult to overcome but it is

slowly changing, especially given that many Dormants are exceeding in

branches like Runes and Arithmancy. Plus, it does help that families now

understand that the chances of having magical grandchildren is

exceedingly high since blood doesn't change." she finished.

Jennifer nodded.

The research that had been posted in that infamous book had specified it

as much. That squibs…Dormants, had nearly just as much magic in their

blood as magicals.

Some of the research that was being conducted on Illos was geared

towards curing the defective 'genetic strands' that disabled magic from

manifesting outward.

It was perhaps twenty minutes later that Lord Sayre was finished, much

to the dismay of the children yet they seemed happy enough when one of

them extracted a promise from him to visit them again.

He walked up to her and his expression shifted into one of command

"Shall we?" he said gesturing towards the door and she nodded. "I take it

they've arrived?" he asked her.

"Yes sir, they have. They'll be waiting on us at the High Assembly

Chamber soon." She told him and he only hummed in response,

seemingly deep in thought as they walked out.

It was not surprising to see him thinking deeply on it, on the coming

talks. It was an important day for Illos, one that would begin its

connection with the rest of the Magical World.

What did surprise her was why he took continued to take the time to visit

schools every now and then, even now when he had an important

meeting to prepare for.

He hadn't spent much time at all preparing for this meeting as far as she

knew and it was something that had concerned her.

It must have been apparent on her face as he spoke up "You're concerned"

he simply stated, the smooth surface of his face unwrinkled and set in a

way that almost seemed to appear as if he were judging her.

It startled her but she quickly regained composure as they walked

through the halls of the primary school and her lips came undone "I am. I

just thought…this visit could have been done after rather than now" She

said, her words carrying obvious questions.

"You think that I should have prepared more?" he asked with a knowing


She almost withdrew into herself, knowing the faux pas she committed.

Who was she to judge him! She chastised herself.

"I could have prepared like you think I should have" he said finally and

before she could fumble words out of her big mouth he continued

"It is an important day for our people after all, one that would prepare us

back into the wider world with allies at our backs" he said in a musing

tone as he placed his arms behind his back.

"Perhaps I should have spent hours, days, weeks secluded and working

away at the proposals that would bind them to our home" he said in a

musing tone as he looked at her, his striking eyes seemed to bore through

her for a brief moment.

"But…" he said his voice slightly trailing off as his eyes drifted away from

her face as they continued to walk towards the exit of the school.

"In this instance, I'm quite certain such preparation was and is not

needed" He said in a patient tone, one that was without reproach as he

glanced at her, sharpened lips stretched as he stared at her with a soul

stripping gaze, one that she could help but meet despite the intensity of

his gaze.

"Trade or deals are not what will seal this alliance, not at this moment.

No…It is reaching an understanding that will permit or destroy whatever

future theirs and our people will have together. Trade and so on comes

after but first…first what is needed is to understand if the potential of

commonality exists between our peoples." He paused for a moment

before he continued "This meeting is to find that out, I suspect, for them

as well as for us." He said before a silence seemed to stretch as he looked

away from her.

She sucked in a silent breath as she thought on it. "A fact finding


He hummed in agreement "Something like that" he said though there was

much more left unspoken, she knew but she didn't pry this time not when

her mind was preoccupied with a curious thought.

She wondered if coming to this school meant more to him...as if it was a

reminder of what Illos represented. Perhaps it was that kind of

commonality he was seeking to establish with the delegates…

Equals amongst many…

Soon enough, they were out of the school, one that had plenty of Grecian

influence, open to the environment, lots of ornate pillars with roofs that

were angled just the right way that allowed for much of the light from

the Sun Orbs to pass through the building.

They walked down the stairs as they exited the main doors to the school

and Lord Sayre spoke up "You brought the Mercury." he said with a

curious lilt to his voice.

She faltered in her step a little as she looked to him "I did. I thought you

might want to take a scenic route rather than a portkey especially since

we have a little time to spare as Parkinson is taking them on a small

tour." She said a little nervously as he gazed at her "But I have one on me

if-" he raised his hand.

"The Mercury is fine" he said with a slight smile before he looked away

from her towards the Skymobile "Once a while I do quite enjoy riding

one, especially as Celestis City grows" he said with approval in his voice,

one that she couldn't help but smile in response to.

The city was beautiful to behold, especially from above.

There were only a few ways to travel quickly in Illos proper –

Skymobiles, Restricted Portkeys that only the Office of Transportation

could create and through the Gate Network that was still in its infancy.

Apparition was impossible under the complex interwoven wards of Illos

which only had very few ports that allowed such travel.

There were plans to allow apparition to work in the wilder regions of

Illos but that was a few years down the line. Floo Travel was banned for

the foreseeable future, likely until the research project paid any


They treaded down from the final step and towards the Skymobile.

The white silver Skymobile was sleek with curves that grew from the

flatter front of the vehicle. It was graceful, the way the curves grew in a

formless, lineless way, like it was grown from a single seed. The windows

were nearly made out of a single transparent plane of flexible glass that

wrapped itself around the midsection of the Skymobile, alchemically

made glass that did not shatter or break.

There were no wheels, not like any muggle car and instead had long oval

shaped forms almost slot shaped, one on either side, that stretched nearly

the length of the Skymobile. It was mostly for aesthetic needs as much of

the magical enchantments that made it possible was inscribed within the

craft itself.

From what she knew, it was very likely that was how it was


She flicked out her wand and the tip lit up a dim glow before the doors

facing them opened up.

They got in the back of the Skymobile, the spatially expanded back

carriage was big enough to fit twelve individuals when it looked like it

could carry no more than four and she pressed the tip of her wand on the

slot by her side of the carriage.

The Skymobile began to ascend and flew at a steady pace towards their

destination, the mental directions she'd given through her magic was all

it needed.

It was kind of like how low level intelligence was enchanted in objects

like the Sorting Hat of Hogwarts.

They banked slightly as the Skymobile shifted towards the heart of the

city, towards the main tower. She stared out of the window, gazing down

on Celestis City.

Even now, even as incomplete as it stood, it was a jewel unlike anything

she'd seen before. Silver white stoned buildings untarnished, unblemished,

rose amongst a ringed sea of clear blue waters that held an unnatural

purity. Golden statues of winged magical creatures topped the domed

buildings and pillars that dotted the skyline of the city as dozens of

waterfalls fell silently all around the central part of the city.

It was a shame that there were not enough people to populate the city

though that would come, with time.

There were only nine thousand or so citizens of Illos with half of the

population younger than eighteen. Most of those thousands resided in the

residential zone just outside the city whilst most of the younger adults

without families resided in the First South Western Arc Sector in

apartments and homes that were by the Main Tower which was for the

most part complete.

More and more were coming, some of them graduates from the Seshet

Institute of Magic and Science, though the requisites were stringent and

firm just as the requirements of citizenry was.

Oaths were required, special oaths that bound family lines to the ideals

that were fostered in Illos and they had to turn away many people

including a number of families when they'd refused after obtaining oaths

of silences.

There would be no exception. She believed in the dream that Illos

represented and the oaths made sure that they were kept to it.

It helped that most of the newcomers were children found in the muggle

world, more than a half each year being orphans under the age of five

with most tending to be under the age of two, who could be taught the

ways of Illos without the ingrained stigma of either the muggle or

magical world that would have to be whittled away.

It had been a shock for her to learn a few years ago that even children

that young could have accidental magic and that Lord Sayre could find

incidents of accidental magic anywhere in the muggle world.

She hadn't been sure what to think of that, only that it unsettled her

knowing that Illos could find any magical that resided in unwarded


She learnt soon enough though that it was for the best.

She'd learnt over the years about the unmonitored regions where

effectively there was little done to monitor the integrity of the Statute of

Secrecy and where many children fell to the cracks.

She'd been told by some of the Illosian Guards that some of the older

children they'd gone to see if they were safe had been nearly been killed

because of their magic.

And sometimes…sometimes they were too late.

It was not always like that. There were endeavours and opportunities for

accepting parents of magical children to move into the West and the

majority took them yet it wasn't a huge majority.

Many of Lord Sayre's muggle companies were huge successes, his

shipping, manufacturing and technology companies based in the US,

Canada and Australia were amongst the leaders of their industries in

their respective countries.

After the parents and children signed tight magically bound Non-

Disclosure Agreements, once they were informed and accepting of magic,

they were granted an opportunity to move to their favoured destination

with their children offered a multitude of educational opportunities with

the Pandrosion Institute as an option.

Once the parents had been told of what the Pandrosion Institute and the

opportunity it presented after visiting Illos, something that truly sold

them on the wonder of magic, most of their children enrolled there once

they were ten years of age.

She couldn't blame them, not after having seen the school. Hogwarts

would always have a majesty to it, an old presence that was humbling,

but the Pandrosion Institute?

It was a marvel of a school.

Unfortunately, there were some parents that refused the opportunities

provided and worse, refused the opportunity it represented for their

children because of religion and/or cultural stigma.

At this stage, things would become difficult.

Untrained magical children were a danger to all yet they could not be

forced to learn it. Many of these children opted to follow their parents'

wishes and would subsequently be obliviated along with their parents

before their magic was bound and left in peace.

It was a difficult thing to do, to deny a child their rightful inheritance

that they truly did not understand rejecting at such a tender age but it

was their and their parents' choice.

Some had to be rescued from their parents, children who bore the

hallmarks of abuse and later confirmed after investigation. These children

flourished in a caring environment after exiting a toxic one and were

often those who become truly immersed in the Illosian society that was

beginning to form.

A few of these children had to be carefully handled, needing to see mind

healers on a weekly basis to ensure they were not a danger to themselves

and to others but eventually they also adapted to their new homes.

They passed the second ring of water and the Main Tower was growing

ever larger in view and they began descending towards the landing pad

by the main entrance though not before passing by what she thought was

likely the most beautiful building in all of Illos, one that enticed many

parents to send their children there.

She must have smiled unconsciously as Lord Sayre began to chuckle next

to her and she turned to him and saw him look at her with a hint of

amusement in his vibrant eyes.

"I feel the same way when I see her too." He said before glancing towards

the building and she followed suit.

Made out of crystalline stones, nestled in between a rising skyline of a

growing, beautiful city, the Pandrosion Institute shone like a beacon, as if

it was an enticing oasis amidst the taller and bigger buildings that

surrounded the school.

A building that seemed to have been carved out of a single block of

crystalline like stone that had spiralling towers, arching bridges and an

angular domed central building that spoke of prestige and where resided a

nurturing presence of magic within the halls of the school that could be

felt on the very surface of the skin.

The subjects that were taught at the school were incredibly diverse and

rich, muggle sciences, muggle and magical philosophies, art, mathematics

and of course a wide array of magical branches, all of which made the

school likely the best secondary school in the world.

The professors were all those who had at least studied one subject at

Seshet Institute of Magic and Science and had honed their skills after

learning from memory crystals taken from highly successful professors

from prestigious private schools in Britain and the US.

The Pandrosion Institute simply outshone Hogwarts in her opinion, a feat

she never thought possible.

"Emily really outdid herself when she built it" he said with a fond slant in

his tone and she only nodded in agreement. Lady Slytherin-Sayre had

succeeded outshining her ancestor's achievements. Not that it wasn't

evident anyway with what she did with Illos or the many achievements

she was known for in the Magical World.

They landed not long after they passed by the Institute and walked into

the central hallway of the Main Tower.

It was an imposing building, one that could be seen for miles away. Only

Mount Celestis was taller and larger.

The Illosian guards stood to attention as they saluted Lord Sayre and he

nodded to them as they passed through the high and wide pathway that

was flanked with imposing pillars that were connected to pillars on the

opposite side with arched stones that marked out the high ceilings.

The Main Tower was the very heart of Illos, all of its governing functions

were centred here.

The Offices of Responsibility, those like the Office of Transportation,

Office of Justice, Office of Economics, Office of Education, Office of

Environment and so on were all responsible of different functions within

Illos. All employees of their respective Offices had to be specifically

trained in the roles they took on. Overseers headed the respective Offices

and were elected every seven years by those qualified in their fields

which ensured that the person in charge was competent, had

interpersonal skills and knew the position wasn't their own personal


There were not many people who could immediately fill the position

given the stringent requirements of competency and so they had to learn

whilst they were in the role once they were determined to be capable of


It helped that Knowledge and Memory Crystals were able to transfer a

wealth of knowledge to the user though they still were required to

exercise their minds to ensure they understood what they had received in

the form of formal assessments.

Dual Masteries were required to be achieved, one that was focused in

being disciplined in both muggle and magical branches relevant to your

position like for example Herbology and Agriculture for a position in the

Office of Agriculture.

Hedge witches and wizards who came from a farming background

predominantly filled those positions and most thrived in those positions

with the magical and technological aid that was given.

They worked with the Offices of Environment, Magical Innovation and

Technology to build the agricultural sectors that was located several

miles from Celestis City with green house buildings that were spatially

expanded at least a dozen times.

These were what fed Illos, tens of thousands of acres of farmland that

grew hundreds of vegetables and fruits whilst it also kept livestock and

their feed contained in several dozen buildings that occupied little land.

The Office of Environment were responsible for ecological balance hence

why they worked with Agriculture but they were also responsible for the

weather system, maintaining and improving upon the enchantments that

covered all of Illos, the enchantments that mimicked seasonal changes in

temperatures, that created the circulation of breezes, ones that would

circulate fresh air and also allow seeds from plants and trees to be carried

in a controlled fashion to specific destinations through a complex array of

fabricated air currents.

She'd worked somewhat on it, courtesy in her own speciality in Charms

thanks to her apprenticeship with Professor Fawley before later studying

meteorology at SIMS though her talents lied more in her attention to


It was why she was working as a coordinator under the supervision of the

High Council with the various different groups that were working on


From building the agricultural sectors that were centred several miles

south from Celestis City to building kilometre wide habitat domes for the

muggle and magical creatures with the Offices of Animal Welfare,

Technology and M.I. at and along the Rim of Illos that were going be

spacially expanded almost thirty fold to building the Technology and

Magic Centre five miles west from the city where most of the research

facilities of state sponsored projects would be located.

It was a huge undertaking one that kept her on her toes and required her

to know, intimately, all the different projects that were happening, a

daunting prospect.

Yet, she still managed to…manage and over the last couple of years, now,

at the age 26, she was one most senior individuals in Illos, a place of

wonder and awe that she'd dreamed about when she'd been introduced to


Not bad for muggleborn lass.

They walked through the restricted section of the Main Tower, one that

was separate from the way to the Offices of Responsibility, escorted

through by the few patrolling Illosian Guards as people came and went

passing them by though not before bowing their heads, as always, to Lord


They arrived at the central plaza that led to elevators to the three

different Council Assemblies; The Representative Council, The Magical

Council and the High Council.

The Representative Council, the legislative body of government that

represented the electorate, created laws and oversaw the government via

hearings and inquiries was located on the eleventh floor of this

monolithic building.

It would be elected for the first time come November and she was quite

excited about it.

The Magical Council represented sentient magical races and served to

ensure the rights of each race whilst also ensuring that relations between

the races were at least amicable. Whilst the Representative Council was

not intended to for humans alone, it was obvious that population wise,

magical humans were far more numerous than others and so the Magical

Council was a check to ensure radical ideas did not permeate through


For the moment, this Council was not active, simply for the fact that

there were only humans – and elves – based in Illos at this moment.

The High Council was the final council and the one that was responsible

for the direction of the nation, an overarching direction that ensured that

the Representative Council was limited in political power by holding it

accountable if they deviate from the Constitution or the Spirit that

governed Illos.

This Council was headed Lord Sayre and his wife, some said it was akin

to a royal court and in truth, in many ways, it was not wrong.

Illos belonged Lord Sayre and his wife by law and by act. Land had to be

purchased from the High Council and whilst homes were permanently

transferred without fee to citizens at present, the land they stood on still

belonged to Lord Sayre and Lady Slytherin-Sayre and were simply 'leased'

for the duration of their lifespan.

It was a contentious point but one she did not think would change for the

foreseeable future despite Chancellor Sandra Saunders' arguments.

They arrived at the elevator that led to the High Council Assembly

Chambers and after the wards verified who they were, the doors opened

and they stepped into it.

It was a little heady, even after all these years, to see how magic was

integrated into the very structures of everything in Illos.

The elevator, with a soundless, near perfect movement, began its ascend.

"How are people finding the news of the coming talks?" Lord Sayre broke

the silence, almost startling her.

She peered at him and saw him gazing at her with a curious expression

on her face.

She frowned a little as she thought on it. Her role as coordinator allowed

her interaction with many other departments, especially when the

Representative Council only had a few members at this moment.

Eventually the High Council was meant to only be involved from a

distance rather than intimately like it was now.

"Well…" she began as she sorted out what to say "Most are hopeful that

the talks succeed." She said as she looked at him "But I think many are

unsure about whether we're ready yet to be interacting with the rest of

the Magical World." Her frowned deepened a little.

She didn't disagree with the general sentiment either though she

suspected that people were a little fearful what might happen if they

should discover the treasure that was Illos when they were still so few.

The loyalty and faith in Lord Sayre and his wife was total, she knew that,

but many people were unsure if even he with all of his powers could

protect their home against the rest of the Magical World should they

finally find Illos.

It all stemmed from the events that led to Lord Sayre's departure of

Magical Britain.

After Spencer-Moon had been voted out of office in late 1944, the

Ministry under Minister Norton over time had grown combative, hostile

even to Lord Sayre and his Party with support from the Traditionalist and

Progressive factions.

For the first year after the defeat of Grindelwald, Lord Sayre had

insurmountable influence in Magical Britain, using his position and

untouchable status that came with defeating Grindelwald to campaign for

better rights and protections for the more forgotten parts of magical

society with little resistance, something that many Lords within the

Wizengamot resented and it reflected as Minister Norton had been

elected with heavy backing from the McKinnon and Black alliance.

Relations between the Ministry and Lord Sayre and his allies begun to

worsen after The Truth about The Returnees and the Lie of being Muggle

Borne was released, written by Lord Sayre and Lady Slytherin-Sayre in

1945, something that highly divided magical society to the point that it

was banned in many European countries, Magical Britain included later

in 1949.

He'd been accused of destabilising Magical Britain and with the economic

grip the Sayre family held on Magical Britain, the envious Lords of the

Wizengamot had started to fear him for more than just his magical power

especially after the very noticeable popularity he had with the common

people of Magical Britain.

Comparisons were whispered that he was like Grindelwald, seeking to

destroy the Magical World with radical ideas, something that

unfortunately a significant portion of the public seemed to believe

despite everything he had done for them.

A betrayal of their champion, someone they had professed to have seen as

their hero yet the moment they heard rumours that ran contrary to

everything they knew of him, they latched onto it anyway, choosing to

believe the lies the very nobles that intended to ensure they were kept as

powerless and as divided as possible instead of someone who had sought

to better their lives.

At the beginning it had not been so. The public had adored him and seen

him not unlike a messiah.

Lord Sayre had been seen as an engine of change, his companies acted as

his long reaching hands as new sectors centred on new forms of services,

entertainment and magical goods were created, sectors that Sayre

Corporation and its subsidiaries dominated on both sides of the Atlantic.

It made the Sayre family even wealthier than they were and even more

popular as goods such as Mirror Phones and Reader Tablets – basic

versions of the Uni-Library Tablets that encompassed entire libraries of

magical and scientific knowledge available to Illosian Citizens – became

staple goods to have in magical households.

Entertainment products such as creative board games such as Monopoly

and Battle Brooms brought a new dimension to entertainment outside of

wizarding chess though never to the scale that M-Vision managed to

touch every facet of magical society.

M-Vision allowed you to watch Vratsa Vultures play live in the Bulgarian

Quidditch League or Newt Scamander speak about magical creatures in

documentaries or even watch the news all in the comforts of your home

for a paltry sum of three galleons a month.

All of this contributed to a growing block of alliances that stretched

beyond the shores of Magical Britain and wished to curtail if not halt

completely the growing influence of the Sayre family that ate away at

their power and social structures.

A block of alliances that denigrated his accomplishments little by little at

first, comments made by officials that in isolated situations were nothing

to pay attention to yet it grew and grew in volume…and in vitriol.

It continued to grow in strength and in power and by late 1946 they

begun to act more blatantly when the Ministry nationalised several key

companies such as the Daily Prophet proclaiming that companies such as

the newspaper were needed to be owned by the public despite the fact

that the Ministry was very much not representative of the public at all.

Yet it was a lie that the public believed in and would not be the last they

chose to believe.

Eventually, the political climate turned against Lord Sayre so much that

laws had been passed in early 1948 across several European nations that

blacklisted Lord Sayre's companies before banning his innovations from

their shores – later copying them – with seemingly full support of the

ICW which was beginning to exert its influence against the Sayre family.

The ICW had grown more powerful in the wake of Grindelwald's defeat,

gripping tighter on Europe in vacuum of power that was left behind and

seemed to have it out against Lord Sayre with the pressure they exerted

against him.

MACUSA, in the wake of the tyranny at the hands of the ICW decided to

withdraw from its organisation though it kept itself signed onto the

Statute of Secrecy.

They would find natural allies in MACUSA once it became time to reveal

Illos to the world but for now it was better it remained ignorant to their

existence given that MACUSA was in a precarious situation that did not

need further exacerbation.

There had been a few attacks on Lord Sayre's family at that point though

the responses that given in response ensured that violent attacks would

only result in violent retribution even if they could not prove it was him.

She'd heard some tongues waggle that indicated that it had been likely a

test of some sort, to see how he would react if things grew out of control.

They very nearly tried to arrest him anyway though they wisely had

thought better of it yet it did not stop them from taking further actions,

actions that they would come to regret later.

With the forces that were arrayed against him, despite the support he

held from places like France, Ireland and MACUSA and somewhat in

Britain itself, it seemed clear that conflict might be inevitable.

Thankfully it never got to that stage, not when Lord Sayre had reminded

the world who exactly he was and what he was capable of when he

apparated directly into the Italian Magical Senate and subdued every

single Lord and Lady within its chamber with nothing but the sheer

strength of his magic just as they debated confiscating several magical

creature reserves that the Sayre family owned.

She allowed herself a satisfied feeling to pass through her at the thought

of those traitorous idiots who owed their very freedom because of Lord

Sayre begging at his feet.

He reminded them that he was an Archmage, an archmage that defeated

the man who had brought Europe to his knees.

No longer did he speak softly, no longer did he hide behind words of

peace and entreating words of unity.

He began to speak a language they understood…a language they seemed

to have forgotten that he spoke fluently even if he did so reluctantly.

That single act drastically cooled the aggressive and political action

against Lord Sayre and he managed to broker a deal with Magical Britain

that severed his family's connection to the lands of Magical Britain and

all that came with it.

In all of this, Lady Slytherin-Sayre had remained largely unspoken about

or acted against, somehow having managed to remain neutral in the

conflict between several Ministries and Lord Sayre despite her marriage

to him.

Personally, she thought it was because of her alliances with several

influential Houses such as House Lestrange, House Nott, House

Greengrass, House Prince and so on, houses that were Traditionalists

historically yet allied themselves in a new neutral faction separate from

Grey Faction that was known as the Ouroboros faction, one that did not

alienate the ministry and largely kept themselves out of the bitter feud

between Lord Sayre and the Ministry.

Those Houses were important to the Ministry and though Lord Sayre had

key allies himself, he had never allied with most of them officially, not in

the way other powerful Houses had.

It was something that likely all but sealed his erosion of support within

the Wizengamot and though many saw her lack of support for him in

politics as also another betrayal, it was not something that was discussed,

at least in public.

In truth, it confused many people, this lack of support when she was

heavily involved in Illos itself and she was quite aware that many people

had all kinds of conspiracy theories about it all. She even kind of agreed

with some of them.

In the end, he relinquished all of his political powers in Magical Britain,

his family's ancestral rights and had given an expressive oath that he

would not return to Britain in exchange the British Ministry never acting

against his family in any form or capacity. It was a controversial decision

and one that eventually would bite them in their traitorous behinds given

what had come next.

When Lord Sayre and his family left the British Isles, thousands of

magicals and all of his wealth in Europe left with him, before it could be

'detained' by a belligerent ICW and as a consequence, it ended up causing

a recession that the Magical Europe still had not been able to get out of

years later.

Her lips twitched with amusement as she recalled the flabbergasted

headlines of when Magical Reserves all across the world were destroyed

with every single magical creature in those reserves having vanished into

thin air practically overnight.

The former workers that were left behind, those who could not be trusted

to come to Illos, were all obliviated of what had happened leaving

behind a mystery as to how it was achieved.

To this day there was still a huge potion ingredient shortage which only

added to the economic woes of most of Europe with the exception largely

of Ireland and France who had backed Lord Sayre for the most part.

It was telling that those two nations were the only European countries

that were relatively unscathed compared to most other nations.

Last she heard, those other Ministries had blamed him for the recession

though the public had started to turn against the governments, believing

that their troubles had started because they had chased him away.

It was a hypocrisy that beggared belief when those same people had

turned against him so easily, allowing the Ministries and the ICW the

freedom to act as they did so readily with their tacit support, all because

they choose to believe that lies that Lord Sayre was destroying their

society with his 'radical' beliefs.

Amidst such tense relations with the Magical World, many Illosians were

right to worry about the consequences of re-entering the magical world

before they were ready.

"I understand" Lord Sayre enthused to her with a quirk of the lips before

he glanced away from her "It is a concern that I also hold but I feel we

are ready to at least dip a toe in the sea" he said with a guileful smile

forming on his face "There are many reasons as to why we should not

seclude ourselves away from the world…"

The elevator dinged as it arrived and the doors opened, showing the

reverent entrance hall of the High Assembly Chambers.

"One of them is showing exactly what they have missed out on and that

starts today in this small but significant step" he said to her with dancing

emerald embers that shone in a sea of violet fire, his smile sharpening

with precise calculation before he turned away and walked out into the

entrance hall with measured steps.

His footsteps echoed as he walked towards the heavy laden twin doors

that opened and she watched as saw through the open doors silver white

stoned walls and floor seemed to glow in the rays of light that passed

through the forty-foot-long window that overlooked Celestis City.

She remained in the elevator and did not follow since she was not privy

to the High Council, and watched his figure grow distant until the doors

closed behind him.

The elevator doors closed and began to descend, her mind fixed on what

he said. She had faith in him, had done so ever since he told her the truth

about her prospects in the magical world in that fateful meeting in the

Hog's Head in 1940.

He'd repaid it time and again and she wouldn't break faith now or ever.

The elevator doors opened and she saw the delegation being led by

Parelius Parkinson and a few Illosian Guards.

There were four delegates there with him, wearing formal wizarding

robes though with an Asiatic accent to them.

She walked around them and they passed by her, Parkinson spared her a

glance before returning to his conversation with the Japanese. She

noticed one of them was familiar though she wasn't sure if she recognised


No matter, she mused.

The Japanese were a safe bet to introduce to Illos especially if the

rumours were true that Lord Sayre had saved hundreds of Japanese

families from the atomic bombs that had been dropped in Hiroshima and

Nagasaki back in 1945.

Working as closely as she did with Lord Sayre for the past few years, she

was well aware of his meticulous scheming and playing on the honour

culture of the Japanese was not something he would be averse to.

One might think it would make her dislike him but far from it…

In all her time in the Magical World outside of Illos, she'd never felt at

home…she'd never been allowed to feel at home.


Things were different and she had felt like she belonged from the moment

she arrived.

"For Illos, anything and everything must be done to protect it" she said

softly to no one in particular, her eyes hardened into immutable,

immovable shards of blue stone.

It was something she and many others believed.


26th of June 1952 – Bosnia

Amelie Cantona POV


Her bastard sword passed through the neck of the last survivor, his head

toppling onto the ground. With a jerk of her arm, the blood splattered off

of her sword.

She glanced over her shoulder and saw the bodies in the hallway of the

compound that had been left behind in the wake of her attack.

Whimpering sounds drew her attentions and she looked at the girls,

dozens of girls that were penned in a large cage that was unfit for even

animals let alone people.

She strode forward, her silver black armour shimmered in the dim lights

that illuminated the room they were in.

The mission had been to investigate several Norwegian Ministry officials

that were making noises of finding where Lord Sayre was 'hiding' and to

bring him to justice for the economic 'terrorism' he did.

Normally they would not pay much attention to such statements but

when it was coming from officials that were heavily involved in the

growing radicalisation of Magical Europe…

The Counter Intelligence branch of the O.I. specialised in such matters.

They were tasked of ensuring that they knew all that there was to know

about the important players in Ministries around the world and were

tasked with what she believed was one of the most important duties she'd

ever have;

Ensuring the secrecy of Illos was maintained for as long as possible.

It was becoming harder and harder to achieve, not least because the ICW

was becoming aware that Lord Sayre still operated in the muggle world

despite their efforts.

Most of Lord Sayre's operations in the British Isles were ceased when

they'd left save for a few muggle companies that had little to no

discernible connection to his family but there were still more than a few

links remaining that tied him to the companies that had taken root in the

United States.

Thankfully the events that lead to Lord Sayre's banishment from Europe,

the same events that the ICW helped orchestrate, were exactly what

would delay them from finding pertinent information.

MACUSA had withdrawn from the ICW some years ago by President Clito-

Beauclerc as a result of the actions they'd taken against the Sayre family,

a family she was a part of and a family that MACUSA backed to the hilt

especially when Lady Sophia Sayre-McDowell married a member of one

of the other Founder families.

This had delayed the ICW from figuring out that the links between the

muggle companies and the growing squib workers that permeated

through those companies and whose children studied in Illos.

But it would not remain the case in the future. It was why there was a

growing contingent with C.I. that believed it was too risky to continue to

operate as they have done despite the stringent magical contracts that

kept Illos' secret.

She shook her head, dismissing that train of thought and returned to the

situation at hand.

Their investigation led to one thing or another until they had come across

this trafficking ring that funnelled its wealth into the coffers of these

officials who also used the wealth to promote blood purity within


She had thought they had been destroyed completely but it seemed like

there were still some elements that were all too keen to continue the

depravity that Lord Sayre had tasked his people to eradicate years ago.

In the early years after the war, most criminal organisations that had

flourished during the Grindelwald era had been for the most part been

eradicated by former members of the Knights of Mimpost, liberating

hundreds of slaves, many often being exotic sex slaves.

They had earned an infamous moniker…the Hounds of Death, one that to

this day inspired fear much to their satisfaction.

There was even a pub in Illos named The Knightly Hounds as a tribute to

their infamous moniker.

The ICW had placed a bounty on them, offering quarter of a million

galleons on their heads though they never been able to collect for

obvious reasons.

The ICW had not cared about these criminal organisations, not when they

stayed within the confines of the Statute and were protected by high

ranked Ministry Officials in the countries these criminal organisations

had operated in. The only reason they'd intervened is because they had to

when corrupt officials were assassinated and almost a hundred wizards

turned up dead.

It was concerning that another organisation had picked up the pieces

they'd worked hard to shatter and disperse into the wind and perhaps

another example like this was needed to be made.

Unfortunately, she didn't think it would stick not when hardly anyone

cared in the magical world. That was quite fine in her eyes though…after

all, she was all too happy to wet her blade in their blood.

With inhuman speed she cut the chains on the door with her bastard

sword, its inherent magical nature cut through whatever enchantments

that had been placed with ease.

The girls cried out in fear and she returned her sword in her scabbard

before she touched her helmet underneath her chin, the liquid metal

flowing away from her head until it receded down to her shoulders,

revealing her face.

"I'm here to help" she said in French, her tone soft and gentle as the eyes

of most of the girls widened with surprise, understanding dawning on

their terrified faces.

The silver blond hair of the girls was an obvious giveaway of their


They tended to be most often victims of trafficking with the rare few

Sirens as another magical species that was highly desirable to wealthy

patrons to own.

"You will take us…home?" one of the older girls said in with hesitation as

she stepped forward. Amelie inclined her head.

"I will." She raised her arm, tapping rapidly on the arm interface. She

glanced up "Which colony are you from" her eyes darted to some of the

braver girls who were approaching her.

Not long after they were all outside, waiting on their pickup. Portkeys

could have done the trick but even to this day, the magical nets that

permeated throughout Europe were all still at their highest alertness

despite it being almost ten years since the war ended.

It would leave a trace…a trace that they were not interested in leaving


The girls exclaimed in shock and they huddled together closer as a large

object descended down from the sky.

It was a large silver grey ship with acutely angled wings that made it

seem like it was an overgrown diving Hawk in shape.

The ship settled down in front of them and its doors opened and a couple

of her comrades began to walk down the slope.

One of them walked the women into the bowel of the ship whilst the

other walked up to her.

"The bodies more or less intact?" Leonard Husserl inquired. She glanced

at him for a moment before she nodded. He was a dark haired man with

brown green eyes. He had an American lilt to his Germanic accent, a

remnant of his time spent in the States when he'd been rescued from the

concentration camps a decade or so ago.

"They are though most of them are missing an appendage or two. Some

heads" she said with a shrug. She never quite knew why Lord Sayre

wanted bodies recovered from their missions.

"That's fine" Husserl dismissed before he raised his arm and a Holo

Interface sprang into existence. He tapped away with his hand and

several enchanted drones flew out and into the building, towards the

bodies that she'd left behind.

"How did it go in Norway?" she asked of her colleague. He paused for a

moment before he looked at her.

"The mission was completed." He told her and she narrowed her eyes in

response which he understood.

He pursed his lips "The intel proved right though I have to say he almost

had me fooled" he said with a frown.

She tilted her head quizzically and he expanded "As you know, the man

was someone who preached for blood equality in public yet the evidence

that we got specified that he was a hard core purist supporter with links

to ICW factions that are intent on finding us. But…" he trailed off as a

troubled expression fell on his face.

"I found nothing at his home" he said with a sigh and he peered at her

from the corner of his eyes "And you know I'm thorough."

She thought on it for a moment. They'd found this place and by extension

Mr Vestergaard through spying on well known Norwegian Purists. Could

it be Vestergaard was set up and their intel was bad?

"Did you try Legillimency?" she queried and he nodded.

"I did but he was better than I expected which is why I'm off the belief

that perhaps my initial thoughts were wrong." He told her and she

nodded, more relaxed at this revelation.

"He could have kept all the pertinent information stored in his mind." she

surmised and he smiled grimly as he inclined his head.

"My thoughts too…still…I have to say that we would have never

expected Vestergaard to be as involved in this had it not been for the

evidence those officials had" he said with a frown "It's…unprecedented."

"Unusually competent" she agreed and he scoffed but nodded in


"Means we'll have to improve. Especially when this is the kind of man

who in theory, based on his public records, could have been a staunch

ally of Illos." Husserl said grimly and Amelie's eyes darkened at the


The thought that such a man that could conceal his nature having

anything to do with Illos caused the inner predator within her to rouse in

furious rage.

"Goes to show that not all is what it seems at times." Husserl said with a

shrug as the drones arrived with the bodies shrunk to a 20th of their

original size levitated in a beam of light.

"Anyway, time to drop off those ladies and to debrief at base" Husserl

said with a clap of the hands and the drones raced towards the bay of the

ship and he followed suit.

She took a moment to look behind her, her eyes intent on the compound.

What Husserl said about the deception Vestergaard played…

She narrowed her eyes. Husserl was right about one thing.

They'd have to improve lest they let a Trojan Horse through the gates of

their city.


2. Chapter 67

Hello All, welcome back to the story!

Thanks for the reviews, I enjoyed reading them! There are a few

criticisms about decisions Atticus made (from a traditional moral

standpoint, definitely wrong and actually cruel) but I wouldn't

necessarily judge without knowing how it ends.

When it comes to your questions guys...aaggh, I probably won't

answer them, not if you're asking about certain things in the story.

I don't want to spoil anything - even if it appears obvious and a

simple answer, it may not actually be - which would diminish the

story and your experience.

However...please speculate (and criticise if you like) to your hearts

content. I love reading them. The more the merrier!

Oh and one of the comments mentioned about having difficulty

imagining some of the descriptions I'm making - I've used images

and representations to aid in the storytelling on what-must-not-be-

mentioned (Boombox117 page) so I have made the images of last

last chapters of Arc 2 and the beginnning of Arc 3 available there so

you can go there and see it if you like (includes representations of

Atticus, Emily and Illos)

Without further adieu, please enjoy the post and let me know what

you think!

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next three chapters are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117 where we are now on the

third final Arc of the story .

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7


26th of June 1952 – Core of Illos

Alice POV

She stood on the auxiliary transport, one that was akin to a draisine,

ferrying her across the vast subterranean facility on hard light rails that

crossed across the chasm.

A chasm that existed within the centre of Illos, carved out of solid nickel

core before its walls were transfigured, transmuted into metres thick

crystallised cooling stone that glistened under the humming lights of the

energised structures that lay within the heart of the worldship.

Thousands of kilometres of conduits permeated the space within the

chasm, flush against the crystalline stoned walls and on kilometre high

stilts that had a multitude of levels on which conduits ran on, connecting

one collection of machineries and systems on one side to the systems and

structures on the other, each performing separate functions yet intimately


She glanced around, her eyes zooming into one of the levitating

organisms that was at a conduit junction, familiarising itself with the

operation of one aspect of the machineries of the Core Room.

One of them was headed her way, slowly descending down to her.

They were fragile looking organisms that had sextuple arm like

appendages that bore similarities with octopodidae with the difference

being that they had eight finger like extensions to the end of their

appendages that were more flexible and longer than simian fingers.

Their faces were elongated with a small round mouth that had small

ridged circular teeth and six set of eyes with the upper set being optical

tentacles, capable of extruding and rotating around. Its body was

translucent with its bones in full display, a consequence of the extremely

thin skin and miniscule musculature.

They had thin wing membranes that formed from the joints at the mid

section of their backs that protruded far from the main body. It bore a

vague similarity to winged seeds. The organism was kept aloft in the

same aerodynamic principles that humming birds worked in, the wings

and complex vortices working together to create a low pressure lift

system as the wings moved forward and backward.

Their species did not have a name, Lady Emily had not cared to but Alice

liked to call them the Seelie, after the Scottish folklore of benevolent fae.

They had been created by Lady Emily, borne out of one of her more

successful experiments in the creation of sentient 'magical' creatures

based on the Atlantean Archives.

Instead of the archaic use of human or animal sacrifice for 'flesh crafting',

the golems that Creator Atticus made were instead used as a base to see if

it was an able substitute for creating new life.

Most ended up in failures, some much worse than others but the Seelie,

even if it was different than intended, was a success despite Lady Emily's

displeasure at her creations especially given their inability to use any

form of neurophysical energy.

The intent of the 'flesh crafting' had been to create a new form of simian

winged creature that was closer in size to humans instead of like the

Fairies, Pixies or Doxies.

However, the golems were simulacrums, neurophysical machinery

without sapient intelligence or biological form and no amounts of

compensation had been able to counter it from what she had been told

without introducing biological materials though that had proven to be

insufficient as well, at least from what was intended to be created.

They were warped into a kind of magi-biological being that were

extremely lightweight to the point that it took little exertion of force for

it take itself afloat and bore behavioural characteristics that marked it

little better than a fly – at first.

That said…an unexpected benefit was that they were practically logic

machines. Where a fly might seek to feed itself and proliferate, the Seelie

instead seek to understand and maintain, a behavioural anomaly that was

unaccounted for but in hindsight should have been expected, at least to a

small degree given the predictable unpredictability of 'magic' along

certain lines.

The base from which they had been formed had after all been from

golems programmed to maintain and build things and it seemed like the

'flesh crafting' took that route.

They also were intelligent, of a type, one that was a different form of

intelligence than the humans and other animals she's been around. They

could understand and be reasoned with, within a certain framework.

They were all rationality and logic without a semblance of biological

instinct or emotion.

They were capable of procreation though it was more akin to replication,

not unlike single celled organisms splitting into two as a way to

proliferate. They seemed to do it only if they came to the conclusion that

there were too few to carry out their instructions. They hadn't done so for

the last few years, seemingly having judged just under two hundred was


One of them flew towards her and extended its tendril that was split from

the tip. She extended out her arm that held out a crystalline computer

tablet "These are your new instructions."

The Seelie took the tablet and connected itself to the tablet, its computer

like brain processing it far faster than any other biological organism she

was aware of. The Seelie, after a few moments turned its optical tentacle

eyes at her, making a complex silent motion with them.

She nodded "Yes, you can take the bulk of the other Seelie to begin

building the new facility." The Seelie made another motion and she

nodded again "You may reroute underutilised conduits to connect it to

the power infrastructure as long as it does not affect the rest of the

network." The Seelie made a gesture she understood as the equivalent of

a nod.

"Housing has already been built by the Elves at the topside for you and

the others so you may commence immediately." She told the being and

the Seelie beat its wings in the distinctive slow manner, rising and

turning away from her.

The Seelie had no understanding of social interactions or 'niceties'. She

liked that about them.

The Seelie would build that facility faster than any golems or Elves could

manage with zero incidents or errors only needing minimal machinery

and tools. With the secrecy still in effect with regards to the inherited

Ancient Human knowledge and their technology, Creator Atticus decided

to limit the use of the automated building facilities topside and on the

hull of the worldship.

It slowed down the completion of the Core significantly, integration of

the systems, devices and structures built within Illos took three years

longer than expected, having only been completed eight months ago. The

impulse thrusters and the accompanying support systems were still many

years from completion though with the Seelie it was expected that they

would recover from the delay quicker though it would still be years

behind schedule.

The initial estimation given by the Progenitor Moira had been optimistic,

especially given several rounds of amendments had to be made in order

to allow for future expansion and improvements.

If only the Seelie had been created at the beginning, it would likely have

been completed on schedule.

Yes, the Seelie were a benefit to Illos and to Creator Atticus in particular

who wanted a steady but accelerated progression along the technological

path without the people being 'gifted' the technology without

understanding it or having developed the wisdom for it.

Much of the technology that was present in Illos was a result of her own,

Creator Atticus' and Lady Emily's collaboration, to create very primitive

analogues of Ancient Humanity technology that were combined with

'magical' elements to…not necessarily hide the technology but rather

provide a basis, a template from which to expand on, something that was

ongoing at present though at a slower pace than what was wanted.

This part of the overarching plan was where the Seelie would come in.

Eventually the Seelie would be integrated within Illosian society and

help the mages 'develop' basic ideas and theories that would later be

confirmed in experiments and independent scientifc verification and

continue from there.

It was one of the harder concepts for her to understand about humans.


It was a concept that was alien to her core programming. She may have

been given many human characteristics and the ability to emote but it

did not mean she was human.

For her, understanding came from knowledge and applicability came

from understanding.

But for humans…they needed far more than knowledge or

understanding, at least according to Creator Atticus.

Humans were not logical beings even if they used the principle. They

seemed to need time and experience to develop the critical human

characteristic that was wisdom…the ability to judge with reason and in

moderation against desire and instinct.

The desire to misuse technology and the instinct to use it in passion or


She'd discussed this aspect, this necessity in biological intelligence with

Sparkly Dawn and he offered no useful insights though he concurred with

Creator Atticus' assessment when it came to slow introduction of


It was peculiar, the fact that Creator Atticus could hold his own species

under such a negative light that he found them unable to use the gifts

that his progenitors left behind responsibly yet he used it without issue


Perhaps she should not find it as peculiar, given the division and the

disappointment his species could provide. She had witnessed it herself

when the people he had saved from a bleak future from had turned

against him.

He might have purposefully induced such division in his species as part

of the Plan but nonetheless the ease with which it could be done

provided enough evidence that they had not matured socially, culturally

or intellectually to be able to handle such power if they were so easily


This very act, the refusal to 'gift' knowledge to such…volatile peoples was

likely an example of the kind of wisdom he'd hope to eventually see in

his people.

At times she wondered if Creator Atticus had ever considered himself to

be like the rest of his species.

Perhaps he never did because he never was, she considered to herself.

He seemed to understand the universe in ways none of his people seemed

to be able to, not even Lady Emily. She tilted her head curiously. In many

ways she nor Sparkly Dawn understood the strange relationship between

the neurophysical quantum field and organic life.

While the neurophysical field permeated the cosmos and was similar to

the other fields that governed the classical universe, it was…illogical.

Where instead of a physical excitement was necessary to cause a reaction,

in the neurophysical field, it was conscious excitement that caused

reactions, effects and results. Will and Intent acted onto the field, causing

tangible consequences that altered the fabric of reality. Other magical

Beings, even if most were not sapient, were able to impact onto the

neurophysical field just as ably as humans did, their form of intent and

desire enough to create a reaction onto the neurophysical field.

What the Atlanteans had been able to accomplish with the creation of

nearly every magical being on Earth was impressive, the ability to create

beings that could tangibly affect the neurophysical field in ways the

Atlanteans themselves had desired.

She would not have expected the Ancient Humans to have been capable

of it even if they had access to the knowledge, not when it required them

to be capable of manipulating neurophysical energy to the extent the

Atlanteans, and in time the rest of the Illosians, had been able to.

All of these species operated at different frequencies within the

neurophysical field, each of them capable or limited to reality altering

aspects that is unique to their species. Humans were capable of more,

likely as a result of their greater consciousness and unique genetic

makeup but were still constrained to a specific set of frequencies.

All of these beings held a unique relationship to the neurophysical field

even if nearly all of them did not understand it, may it be tangible or


She understood the tangible relationships that existed, the observations

she's made over the years had helped with that just as her own

understandings of how to create patterns that would manipulate the

neurophysical energies to the shapes and effects she intended to cause

but when it came to the more…spiritual aspects of it, she was unable to

understand even with the form she took.

She glanced at her herself, eying her body intently. Her skin was a dull

silver grey colour hidden behind mostly a simple beige summer dress

made out of very refined cotton. She grabbed her black hair and let the

silicon strands fall between her fingers.

Creator Atticus had made this body for her so she could interact with the

universe in the same way he did if she so wished to do so.

And she did.

Most of her perceptions were as close to 'human' as possible but it did

little to bridge the gap between herself and the rest of her Creator's

species though she wasn't particularly interested in doing that beyond for

seeing if it was possible.

Something she was coming to a conclusion that it was not possible at all.

Just as the Seelie could only be interacted with in a certain framework,

humans were the same.

After spending a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a second on that

consideration, she dismissed that code of thinking and returned to the

task at hand as she neared the centre of the Core.

At the exact locational centre of the chasm, a locational centre that was

in line with the convergent point of Illos itself, there hung the slipspace

drive, an arrowed shaped structure 3.2 kilometres long which was

upright with the converging tip facing downward.

It used small crystals that were quantum engineered crystalline devices,

not unlike the crystalline storage device that hosted her consciousness in

her present android body, that would modulate the worldship's passage

through the higher dimensions of slipspace.

The Forerunners used similar principles though their crystals were

several orders of magnitude better than that of Ancient Humanity.

This drive would be able to create a rupture between normal space and

slipspace, a set of eleven 'non-dimensions' that existed above the

perceptible dimensions to humanity, that being the three spatial

dimensions and the temporal dimension.

Physics changed for the matter that moved from normal space into

slipstream space, effectively allowing faster than light travel without

relativistic side-effects.

Fascinating as it was to think about, Slipspace Physics was not why she

was here today.

Cascades of coherent, high energy photons were emitted through the air,

generating visible vertical rails of light that was connected to the draisine

she stood atop on.

The horizontal hard light rails blinked out and the draisine began to

descend towards her target below.

She looked down, towards the very bottom of the Core chamber.

She was here for another reason even if it was tangentially related.

A massive luminous sphere, alight with pulsing energy lay connected to a

vast system of machinery, all of which sat at the base of the cavernous


A Vacuum Energy Reactor.

She quizzically tilted her head, a human characteristic she picked up

from her Creator.

If the conduits could be likened in biological terms as arteries, the

machineries as proteins that carry out certain instructions and functions,

then what was below was the very heart of Illos.

A heart that pumped out massive amounts of energy, fed from the

disequilibrium caused between a pocket dimension separate from normal

space-time and the universe itself.

It was fascinating physics, she mused, impossible for human minds to

grasp its complete beauty, even the Ancient Humans needed Servitors to

aid them with the mathematics.

The Ancient Humans only made less than a dozen of the reactors and

only three had been operational by the time the Shaping Sickness


Not because it was inferior to their anti-matter or fusion reactors.

It generated several orders of magnitude greater energy output without

needing fuel but it also required a significant fraction of that energy to

power the gravitic and electro-magnetic containment fields that stabilised

and restricted energy flow from the pocket dimension into the reactor


The initiation phase of the reactor worked on a similar principle to

slipspace drives but instead of creating ruptures to slipstream space, it

instead ruptured into shunspace, a dimension outside of conventional

space that, if the rupture was stabilised, took properties of the classical

universe in the localised shunspace.

The size of the pocket dimension depended on the size of the rupture and

energy output was directly proportional to that size. The containment

fields had the ability to 'collapse' the pocket dimension into itself,

severing it from normal space, through utilisation of all of the energy

flow to cause a cosmic resonance that closed the rupture.

The initial energy release in the Vacuum Energy Reactor was enough to

power three Class One worlds for six months – Class One worlds being the

Ancient Humanity terminology for Ecumenopolis, cities that were world

spanning and covered every inch of the planetary body.

A huge amount of energy release that was wrought out of exploitation of

classical physics.

The classical universe gets its properties from quantum fields, fields that

dictate to particles how to behave, how to interact with each other and

with the classical dimensional plane of the universe.

Her eyes fell on the hard light rails that was guiding her downwards.

Light…light is a product created by excitements within the

electromagnetic field, a process that creates radiation that most life

perceive and understand as light.

There were fields for every particle of matter within the classical universe

that have their own rules and these particles can be divided in three

categories; Lermiyesh, Qalmiyesh and Bolmiyesh.

Lermiyesh and Qalmiyesh were the 'matter particles' which consist of all

of the things that can be classically be observed within the universe with

Qalmiyesh being the nuclear family of particles that makes up the nuclei

of atoms.

Together, Lermiyesh and Qalmiyesh were made by 'matter fields' whilst

Bolmiyesh were made by 'force fields', fields that instruct particles how to


There were four classical forces that were part of the classical universe's

set of rules; Electro-Magnetism, Gravity, the strong and weak Nuclear


Each Particle uses a certain set of forces to interact with other particles.

And every Particle, like everything else in the universe, wanted to be at

the lowest energy level state, towards stability, a ground state that is

completely stable and has a little energy as possible.

For Particles, this state is referred to as the Vacuum State.

All particles within the classical universe have reached their vacuum

state excepting for one; the Heriyeshi Field.

The field that was responsible for giving particles their mass, all of laws

and rules within the classical universe were dependent on this field and…

This quantum field was also the last quantum field that has not yet

reached its vacuum state. It was metastable, appearing to be stable

though it was capable of changing to a more stable state, to a lower

energy level than at which it was currently at.

That meant the Heriyeshi field has a lot of potential energy waiting to be

released if it was to crash into the lower energy state.

That is what has been induced within the pocket dimension contained

within the centre of the sphere where the physics matched the classical


The Heriyeshi field was 'sparked' into crashing into the lower energy

state, reaching its vacuum state, and the potential energy release would

cascade and push the space around it over the barrier as well which

releases more potential energy which push more space over the barrier

which releases more potential energy and so on and on.

A huge amount of energy release that would annihilate all matter that

came across it – and it did so, in the constrained pocket dimension.

This energy however was finite and only lasted for less than thirty-seven


The two kilometre cylindrical structures that were either side of the

Vacuum Energy Reactor were Energy Storage Modules, modules that

were able to store all of the initial energy release.

There were several factors smaller than the modules that had been

located on Charum Hakkor, the last place that utilised Vacuum Energy

Reactors. It had powered all of its defensive systems for thousands of

years and was partially responsible for ensuring the Siege had lasted as

long as it did when they had been cut off from all support and supplies

for over half a century.

What enabled the smaller size was the application of space expansion

runes that increased storage capacity by a factor of twenty, which

enabled them store all of the initial energy release at 87% full capacity.

This stored energy would be enough to power Illos for six hundred and

ten years at the current consumption rate.

But it was not needed for that purpose, no, the energy demand of Illos

was and would be fulfilled by the smaller but constant power generation

that followed after that initial energy release even if at present it was still

far in excess of what was currently consumed.

Entropy was the measure of 'specialness' of the arrangement of a system

of particles, higher entropy meaning a more disordered arrangement with

a lower entropy being the inverse.

The universe tended towards disorder and so a highly unusual

arrangement will decay over time.

Most power generation utilise and harness that decay of order by a

differential of entropy states, such as using the difference in temperature

and pressure of the interior chamber of a piston and the temperature and

pressure of the exterior chamber that houses the piston to extract work.

In principle that is similar to how the Reactor would function, the

extraction of work from the vacuum energy differential that existed

between the pocket dimension and the classical universe.

The Heriyeshi field is responsible for giving particles their mass in the

current meta state that it is in. All of the rules and laws that bind the

classical universe is dependent on this rule, all that is known and

understood is dependent on this constant.


This changes once the Heriyeshi field reaches its vacuum state, all

classical physics is rendered obsolete, defunct.

Constants observed in the classical universe no longer apply in the pocket

dimension, the forces that rule the universe have changed and, more

importantly, the vacuum energy within the pocket dimension has

changed its constant energy density.

And it is this change in constant energy density that allows for the

immense energy extraction.

Normal space and the altered pocket dimension are both in perfect

equilibrium in their own isolated systems but when they are bridged,

there is an introduction of disequilibrium in both systems.

The vacuum energy density within the pocket dimension is several orders

of magnitude greater than the vacuum energy density within normal

space and it is in this tendency to move towards equilibrium where

massive amounts of energy can be extracted from the vacuum energy of

the pocket dimension.

Energy is extracted in this movement towards equilibrium in similar

principles to how energy is extracted from pressure differentials from

combustion engines.

The rate in which the Reactor was producing power was in excess of

what it was needed and most of the power was directed towards

At the rate it could produce power, it would be able to sustain Illos that

had a population of 750 million people and averaged energy

consumption of 1,200 kWh a month without impacting the operation of

the rest of the technological infrastructure that resided within the Core,

including the Slipspace Drive, the Shield Generators and the Hub – the

successor to the Facility that had housed everything Ancient Humanity

managed to save prior to their extinction.

At present it was only generating a mere fraction of its full potential, the

gravitic and electromagnetic fields restricted energy flow accordingly,

using most of that energy creation in the process. When it was time to

utilise more of the energy into power generation, those fields would be

'loosened', allowing more energy to flow, controlled and precise.

The Energy Storage Modules partly functioned as, effectively, emergency

backup that would strengthened the containment fields should the

primary, secondary and tertiary failsafe mechanisms fail.

At present, the Reactor was generating more than what was needed, with

that excess power being stored in a multitude of similar Energy Storage

Modules but in this instance, they would be used for something else.

The draisine passed down through a chute below the level the Vacuum

Energy Reactor resided, a chute that ran for several hundred metres

deeper. This was newly bored, this chute, and, as she entered the bottom

most sublevel she was greeted with the sight of many more structures.

It had taken years, years of learning high level energy physics, physics

that Ancient Humans had spent hundreds of thousands of years in

mapping out and refining, before this had been possible.

Physics she had understood easily enough, given the nature of her

existence as an artificial intelligence, but for Creator Atticus, it was a

long and arduous process that took over ten years with nearly that same

amount of time spent within the Time Room.

There were no shortcuts such as memory or knowledge crystals and she

doubted he would make any, not after the struggle he'd gone through

understanding as much of it as possible. She didn't expect many others to

be able to grasp it as much as he did either.

The draisine stopped and opened, allowing her to step onto the platform

it docked on and began to walk towards her destination.

She walked past the circular miniature Energy Storage Modules. They

were capable of holding less but their numbers were higher. At present

they were only at around half capacity. By the time the facility was

ready, the Convertor primed and running, all of it would be emptied.

She past them by and continued on her journey.

Long dark grey structures that shone with bright and furious glowing

orange lines that greeted her, structures that held within them a unique

form of plasma energy that would be used as a medium, a medium that

would fulfil a goal of her Creator's that he'd long wished to reach.

Her footsteps echoed in the discordant chamber as she walked towards

the central structure, a structure that shone the brightest orange and

where the control mechanisms lay.

She walked through the opening passage way, her eyes glancing

curiously at the machines that would modulate the capacitive energy

before sending into the Convertor. She continued walking towards her

final destination and eventually she arrived, having walked through a


She stopped, finally, in front of a glowing orange white light in a room

that was much smaller than what had been built around it.

The large triangular symbol that contained several triangles within itself

was a Runic creation, one made entirely by Creator Atticus and Lady


Runes manipulated neurophysical energy to create effects that were

manifested by the symbolism that was ascribed to their runic symbol.

In every magical society that uses runes, dead languages and/or writing

scripts were used as a means to fix the meanings of the runes as over time

words and languages can change meaning, something that naturally

would have disastrous results if those symbols were used when their

meanings had changed.

Runes were able to do what they did because of a metaphysical

manifestation, one borne out of collective understanding of what each

rune meant, that was within the neurophysical energy field that

permeated the universe.

They were not certain if such manifestation was local or universal, if such

manifestation existed at every point in space due to the nature of the

neurophysical field, it was something they would have to thoroughly

investigate at a future date – perhaps even ask Lady Anne Sayre to

conduct tests given she was in Space with Progenitor Moira at present,

but in any case it meant that there was a logic to the creation of runes.

One that could be replicated with only a handful of people who knew the

language, the meanings of its letterings and the power they held. It hadn't

been as simple as that otherwise anything could be turned to what is

known as Runic magic but in the end it could be surmised as that.

It was enough for metaphysical manifestation to occur within the

neurophysical field and as long as it remained known, the language and

its meanings would remain extant in the universe.

There was a reason as to why this 'dead' language was created. Many of

the existing dead languages that were used in Runic magic were

primitive, the concepts, the ideas and terminologies they knew were


At present, runes had to be creatively fitted with each other to create

effects that otherwise would not be possible, such the 'programming' of

golems that required several Runic languages to be combined for it to

function in any useful degree.

And so, Creator Atticus with Lady Emily created their own Runic

Language, one that would, in time, be disseminated in the populace

within the next couple of decades.

The runic symbol in front of her was one of the most esoteric runes

within the language, its meaning representing



A Higher Perspective

Over a decade of high level physics yielded an understanding of what

Neurophysical Energy was to Creator Atticus in relation to other forms of


An understanding that resulted in this highly…spiritual ascription being

used to achieve energy conversion from one form into neurophysical


It was peculiar that for all of the advanced technology available, it was

this, singular, almost insignificant seeming symbol that would allow for

perhaps the greatest achievement in any human civilisation to be


The ability to convert any form of energy to Neurophysical Energy…

otherwise known as'magic'.

They were not certain if they would actually produce more neurophysical

energy but rather create a concentration of neurophysical energy at this

specific location that would reduce neurophysical energy somewhere else

in the universe by converting some of its energy into classical forms of


This was born out of the notion that the neurophysical field may well be

a constant, that the use of, for example, elemental 'magic', where 'magic'

is turned into fire or water, is compensated elsewhere in the universe

whereby energy from the sun or a black hole is turned into neurophysical

energy, keeping its energy levels a constant even if there are higher

concentrations in certain locations.

It may explain, somewhat, why there were higher concentrations of

neurophysical energy on Earth and much less in space or at lifeless

planetary bodies such as the Moon or Mars.

The Neurophysical field was irrevocably linked to life but it was also

constant even if its distribution was uneven.

It was a concern that their actions may result in decreasing neurophysical

energy on Earth itself as a way to balance scales but it was doubtful.

She got to the console and began running a diagnostics program "It'll be

curious to see what the conversation ratio will be" she mused aloud,

another habit she picked up from Creator Atticus.

She shook her head, a pointless act but one she liked doing and got back

to her task.

It was peculiar that all of this stemmed from a singular obsession of her

creator, one that this creation would allow to happen…

To create as much Mithril as was possible

A metallic element that defied logic, capable of existing in two different

states, liquid and solid, at the same time with mere expression of

conscious thought changing its present state.

It was solidified Neurophysical Energy in its purest form and its

applications were endless.

The Precursors had likely used something very similar to build their Star

Roads that connected entire star systems together across the galaxy, their

Orbital Arches that stretched beyond into the vastness of space, all of

their artefacts and megastructures made out of indestructible filaments

that stood the test of time for billions of years.

She glanced at the bright orange hue that shone through the crystalline

glass that was affixed to the wall where the device was located behind.

She wondered at times if perhaps he also lacked the purported wisdom

he wished of his people given his obsession with walking the path the

Precursors might have once walked before they became the Precursors

billions of years ago.

It was a moot point, in truth.

Even if he made mistakes with disastrous consequences, she would be

there to help fix it.

After all…

He was her creator and it was what she was created for.


23th of June 1952

Credence Aurilius (Credence Barebones/Aurilius Dumbledore) POV

He sat against the edge of the desk, his hands resting flatly on the

surface, his eyes intently trailing across the Lecture Hall which had every

seat filled.

The Lecture Hall was different from typical classrooms; it was not unlike

a theatre hall with seats that were two floors up and was along the

circumference of the room in a half circle facing towards a wide spaced

central floor where his desk and blackboard stood at the very back.

The central floor had a platform, one that could be seen from any seat,

that was used for demonstration or practice.

Even if it was not quite part of the main syllabus, it was after all still a

Defence Mastery class and would have some demonstration even if it was

limited in the use of magic.

"Welcome" he began once the watch on his wrist chimed that it was time

to start and the room began to quieten almost immediately "to Strategy in

Combat." He waved his wand and chalk letterings of the name of the

class appeared on the blackboard.

"Despite this being an optional class that is not requisite for your Defence

Mastery, I'm pleased to see all of you still chose to attend" Credence

allowed a small smirk to form on his face "Even with knowing you won't

get to wave your wand around" he said to a smattering of chuckles

He raised his wand and the words underneath the title of the class began

to form

'To fight your opponent in a protracted battle is anything but excellence but

rather proves one to be wasteful and dangerous to others'

"This point has been reiterated several times during your first year of this

Mastery program and in this class that point will be reiterated several

times more." He intoned to his students as began to pace gently across

the front of his desk.

"Many of you have aspirations of entering the duelling circuit whilst

others have the aspirations to become Aurors or Hit Wizards in your

home nations yet in all those professions what will always mark the

difference between good duellists and fighters is the ability to break your

enemy's resistance with as little effort as possible." He said calmly though

his voice was serious, commanding and had hints of warning in his tone.

"It is not magical strength, it is not the volume of deadly and powerful

spells that you know marks out the skill of an individual but rather,

instead, the shortness of the battle instead." He glanced at his students

hoping to drive the point through with his stare.

"Strategy is key to any prospective fighter. The most important asset you

have is not your wand, not the strength of your magic but rather your

judgement, your ability to out-plan and out-think the opponent facing you."

He paused meaningfully as he let his words sink into his class, his eyes

roving across the room.

"In this class, we will be analysing how to approach situations, how to

avoid situations and how to even defeat your enemy without having to

fight at all." He allowed a small smile to form on face "Though that will

be a tad harder to pull off, I admit" he said with a chuckle. "Nonetheless,

all of that will be broached in this class and though you may not use

magic overly in this class, its principles and teachings may well save your

lives should you find yourself in a disadvantaged situation"

Several hands went up and he picked one of them out "Will this also

include how to work together to defeat Dark Lords? Like Grindelwald?"

the woman eagerly asked.

His face darkened, as if all light had been snuffed out of his soul.

"No." he said simply, his voice as cold as an arctic breeze as he stared

down the student. "I will only say one thing on the topic of Dark Lords of

Grindelwald's calibre. Avoid fighting them at all costs." He said with heavy

severity and, with penetrating eyes, he looked at every student

"There is a reason why, throughout history, it took an Archmage to defeat

an Archmage and unless you're one yourself, you'll at best be left

incapacitated in short order and at worst given a fate worse than death."

He said with ominous undertones to his words and it seemed to have

worked as all other hands dropped.

"Now" he said finally after a moment's of uneasy silence and weaved his

wand around and begin the lecture "Ludwig Von Hosenheim once said…"

Two and a half hours later he left his classroom and proceeded to walk

through the halls of the Sheshet Institute of Magic and Science. He

nodded and smiled at the students that walked past him though his

attentions were elsewhere.

Almost half way through his 'prison sentence' now. He could scarcely

believe how things had changed since that fateful day he battled against


He allowed a small soft smile to come across his face as he walked down

the steps that lead to a small outcrop of buildings built adjacent to the

Institute itself.

He was now a world renowned Professor with Masteries in Defence, in

Dark Arts and in Combat Magic, colleagues if not friends with other

renowned professors who'd written many of the books he'd read in his


It was a stark difference to how he'd been viewed for so many years, as

an assassin in the dark who was an 'abomination' of nature given his

stable obscurus nature. An abomination who was Grindelwald's personal

attack dog he sent after his enemies, a duty that Credence had accepted

more often than not.

It was undeserved, this dramatic shift in public perception, he knew.

He did terrible things during his time with Grindelwald, things that he

knew would damn him should the afterlife exist but he had found his

way of penance by teaching those people how to survive and how to be

better than he was.

It was true, his very soul resonated with that belief and that is what he

told the ICW when they 'changed' their stance and offered to pardon him

in exchange of him joining the ICW on a salary that was nearly ten times

more than what he was paid here which was already excellent.

Even if he did not believe his job to be what he needed to do to make up

for the crimes he'd committed, he'd still refuse the ICW.

He had not forgotten the betrayal by the ICW when they told him they

would not hold themselves to the agreement that had been marked out,

eager to point out that the conditions of the agreement had not been met

with when he defeated Grindelwald.

The bitterness of that betrayal that had once threatened to consume him

so long ago may have been washed away but its vestiges would long


He shook his head. Anyway, he knew why they wanted him to join, it

was obvious to anyone with a smidgen of sense.

Powerful wizards, especially those who had fought with distinction had

been specifically recruited by the ICW in the aftermath of the war. Even

those whom had fought for Grindelwald had their sentences commuted as

long as they fought for the ICW banners.

At one point it looked as if another war may well happen only a few

short years after the Grindelwald war…against the very man who

defeated him.

Luckily for them all, cooler heads prevailed as several Ministries

demanded a peaceful solution lest it escalate into something none of them

wanted and eventually a solution of a sort was reached, one that led to

his exile, an exile that was joined thousands of others, something he

knew worried many people in power who had profited from that family's

downfall in Europe.

He knew of the rumours…of the whispers that persisted he was training

his army to take revenge. If they had known him at all, they would have

known he would not have left in the first place if he sought revenge.

In any case, it had been a miserable affair, one that left him guilty that he

had not been able to help when he'd done much for him.

He remembered his last conversation with him, when he told him that

things would turn out alright.

He hoped so and he hoped that he was at peace.

He shook his head, remembering the poisonous offer the ICW had given


As if he would turn against the man who aided him in his greatest desire.


He was done going against his morality and his sense of right and wrong.

Especially when it came to those who had come to see as friends.

A little while later he walked down the steps towards the buildings that

were built on land extracted from the sea as he glanced at the familiar

colours of the sunset.

When the war ended, SIMS had grown tremendously in size as people

from everywhere wanted to attend the school that the Flamels were in

charge of, the school that he built with them.

All over people sent applications to SIMS, to the point that they had to

refuse over 60% of the applications despite meeting the requirements.

He arrived at his destination, a small building where a crowd of people

stood by for the same reason he was there.

"Professor" some of them greeted whilst others nodded to him before

proceeding to wait.

Soon enough the bell rang and a small smile crept on his face. "One…

two…three…" he counted down and soon enough a stampede headed

towards them.

Bobbing heads pulling oversized bags rushed towards the crowd of

people as they chattered excitedly with their fellow pint sized friends.

"Papa!" he heard the familiar childish voice and his head swivelled

towards the voice. His smile widened as his eyes softened.

She ran towards him, her long wavy black hair swaying left and right as

she ran.

She crashed into him "Ooof" he breathed out exaggeratingly, staggering

backwards as he did so. "You almost made me fall" he said dramatically

as he looked down at his daughter.

She giggled as she looked up, her face cutely twisting up at his dramatics

"Stop pretending Papa" she said as she raised her arms imperiously and


He arched an eyebrow at this act "You almost made me fall and now you

want me to give you a lift?" he asked of his daughter.

"Yes!" she exclaimed emphatically, her wide black eyes staring up at him

"Please…?" she pleaded as she practically hopped on her feet, using those

weapons she called as eyes to bend him to her will.

He was a Defence Master with specialities in the Dark Arts yet as soon as

he was confronted by his adorable five year old daughter, he was putty

and useless.

"Alright" he said with a chuckle as he lifted her much to her joy and


"Thanks Papa!" she said delighted as he set her on his shoulders and she

clung onto his hair.

"So tell me, my naughty Nora" he began with a smile but she cut him off,

knowing she would do so.

"I'm not naughty, I'm good!" she protested "I even won the spelling bee

today!" she said triumphantly as she fumbled inside of her pocket before

she waved it, a golden star, victoriously in his face "See!"

"Well done" he praised as he took the golden star from her hand. "Your

mother will be very happy" he told her and she began her long tale of

how she was the bestest in class as they went on their journey home.

They arrived at their spacious apartment home in a secluded part of the

Institute, one reserved for families of professors and researchers, and

with a loud yell Nora signalled their arrival

"Mama!" she shouted as he lifted her back onto the ground and just as he

set her down, she ran into the home, leaving him behind. "I have

something to shooow you!" she shouted happily.

His lips twitched as he shook his head "Where does she get the energy?"

he wondered aloud before he broke into soft chuckles and followed his

daughter towards her mother.

He walked through the living room, then towards the kitchen and was

met with his daughter regaling the story of how she won the spelling bee

to her mother.

Her mother who seemed bemused by the vivid and boisterous

explanation she was gifted with.

"…and then we had to spell tortoise. E" Nora spelled out confidently and

with a proud look on her face, one that shifted away as smugness

overtook her. "David didn't know how to get it right at all" she said

happily and he could see Nagini struggling not to laugh at their

daughter's delight of getting one over her 'rival'.

"OK, little championne" Nagini said as she led Nora out of the kitchen,

their gaze meeting as she did so. Nagini rolled her eyes amusedly and he

mouthed to her 'so like you' and she stuck out her tongue childishly before

she looked down to their daughter.

"Time for a bath and then dinner." Nagini said and Nora whined but

Nagini cut her off "You'll get an extra serving of Mousse if you behave."

Nora stopped her fussing and she eyed Nagini with a look she most

definitely inherited from Nagini

"Three cups of Mousse? One extra for winning the bee and 'nother for

being extra good?" Nora asked innocently with those weaponised eyes.

Nagini laughed out loud and grabbed Nora and tickled her.

"So so espiègle, you are" Nagini said amongst laughter of their daughter as

she led her away to the bathroom.

Hours later, after they had dinner and after they put Nora to bed, they

were sitting in the living room.

The fire crackled softly in the background as he sat in his chair, reading

and marking a few papers from his students.

Nagini hummed softly, breaking him out of his thoughts and he glanced

up from behind his glasses.

He smiled softly as he watched her perched over a crossword puzzle, the

end of the pencil in her mouth as she frowned in consternation.

"Trouble?" he voiced out, drawing her away from the crossword puzzle

she was having difficulties with.

She looked at him and sighed despondently as she leaned back on the

soft, crumbling as she did so. "Yes…" she said defeated. "I can't seem to

think on what it might be."

He set aside the papers and his quill and walked up towards her and sat

down next to her. She leaned against him until her head was placed

against his chest as he picked up the crossword puzzle.

He frowned as he stared at it for a moment. "I'm sorry dear, my Russian is

at best terrible" he said as he looked at the Cyrillic words and letters.

She'd gotten so good at crossword puzzles that French and English

puzzles didn't stimulate her anymore.

She'd expanded towards German, Russian and even Dutch though she

called it Flemish German which he hoped she wouldn't repeat to any

Dutch people.

"It's fine" she dismissed as she pulled him back onto the sofa, pinning him

back as she rested against his shoulder and chest as she sprawled herself


"I'll get it tomorrow when I'm fresh" she said in a tired voice as he played

with her hair, letting her silken soft hair fall between his fingers.

"Long day?" he questioned softly as he moved to stroke her hair gently.

She hummed affirmatively "Yes…" she said with a sigh "Most of them

won't turn out to be Animagi, not in the conventional way" she said in

disappointment as she moved her head onto his lap and closed her eyes

in a tired fashion.

He thought that over for a little while before he responded "Shouldn't

that be fine?" he asked her carefully. "At least they become Animagi,


"It is fine but it is also not fine." she said crinkling her face even as her

eyes laid closed. "The new way is not representative of their inner animal.

At best they can turn into the animal group of what they could have

become had they been more disciplined and capable. It is disappointing"

She said in distaste, the familiar compliant voiced out to him.

The Transfiguration department at the Seshet Institute of Magic and

Science, SIMS, had managed to find out an easier, safer way to become

animagi. A discovery amongst many other discoveries though that one

was attention grabbing.

The method was not publicised but it was available for anyone who

enrolled at SIMS, something that contributed to number of applicants to

the school.

Unfortunately, however, the method was very imprecise when it came to

connecting to their inner animal.

Animagi was purported to be representative of animal form of who you

were and this method almost…butchered that aspect. It was through

disassembling the arithmancy of animal shifting of a certain tribe in

North America and what the Flamels had learnt of the curse that once

afflicted Nagini that this method of animagi was found though that was

the extent of what he knew.

"I'll just have to try harder to get them to reach their inner animal" she

said with a sigh.

"I'm sure you'll get them to wait and try harder." He soothed her and she

hummed in a pleased tone at his comment.

The Flamels with his help figured out the origin of Nagini's curse and had

changed the curse into something else, something that no longer could be

considered a curse.

The origin of Nagini's curse came from a failed ritual that attempted to

bind Nagini's ancestor to the form of a Boa constrictor. The motivations

would forever remain unknown, much of what Nagini knew was only

hearsay passed down the generations but it was probably because of a

slight the castor had felt.

The ritual lacked the preciseness and power to change Nagini's ancestor

but it did have the strength to eventually turn all of her blood,

eventually, into Boa constrictors permanently.

It had been tied to life force and as women of Nagini's blood aged, the

curse would grow stronger as life force waned.

What they had done to the curse was turn it inside out and instead of it

being a curse that eventually permanently turned them into serpents, it

became a bloodline gift, one that would forever allow those of Nagini's

bloodline to become Boa constrictor animagi.

Curiously they would always understand parseltongue even in human

form though they could not speak it unless they were in their animagi


The day they turned the curse into a gift was still the second most

happiest day he'd ever had, only slightly behind the day he'd held his

new born daughter in his arms.

"What?" she asked quizzically startling him out of his thoughts. He gazed

down and say her staring at him. "You had a goofy smile on your face."

She said softly, studying him intently.

He only smiled softly at her, brushing her silken hair behind her ear.

"Nothing. Just…" he said as he trailed the back of his hand softly across

her cheek "Life is good." He whispered to her and she closed her eyes

with a pleased smile on her face as she hummed contently.


Life was good.


Shinji Hirohito POV

He walked silently through the halls of the Seiwa Genio estate, the home

of the patriarch of the clan that had, until almost seven years ago, been

the Emperor's voice in Magical Japan.

His eyes drifted to his left, giving a glancing look at his escorts as he

treads on the raised ground of the estate, his silent footsteps accompanied

by another few sets of footsteps that were as silent as his own.

They were clad in traditional clothing, their arms free and hanging by the

sides of their body, their body relaxed and primed to attack at a

moment's notice.

He looked away, directly ahead, his thoughts returning to why he was

here. The sliding doors were all closed and gave the long hallway he was

walking through a strange sense of foreboding.

In the wake of Japan's defeat to the Americans, the Emperor had almost

been indicted as a war criminal by the foreign non-magicals but they had

been…persuaded not to by the American Douglas MacArthur.

A persuasion the magical clans helped along.


It seemed it did them little good, to aid the Emperor.

A few weeks after the Emperor surrendered to the foreigners, he had

called upon Ieyasu Seiwa Genio, the present patriarch of the clan, to the

Imperial court.

He had not received him warmly.

He seemed to hold the magical families of Japan responsible, at least in

part, for the Empire's destruction.

Before the war broke out in Europe, they had negotiated an alliance with

Grindelwald and with Hitler, one that would tie both sets of worlds

together in the coming conflict even if both sides had desired different

conclusions to the war.

Grindelwald used Hitler as a medium for his eventual plans of setting up

a new world order in Europe whilst the magical families of Japan wanted

to return to the fold in Japanese society without the Statute of Secrecy

active, influencing the Empire as they once done so in the many centuries

before the 18th Century.

The Emperor had blamed them for not providing enough support whilst

at the same time claiming the alliance with the Germans were what

destroyed the Empire, an alliance they had initially negotiated on Japan's

behalf, one that would split the world into two; Asia ruled by Japan with

Europe, Africa and the Middle East belonging to Germany though in

reality it would have been Grindelwald eventually.

Given the embargoes that had been levied against Japan by the Western

non-magicals, embargoes that choked it of vital resources it needed, war

would have been inevitable even if it should not have taken in the form

that it did.

It had not been this alliance, defunct as it may have been, that destroyed

any of the dreams of the Japanese elites, no, what had put Japan in this

situation was the rash, reckless decision to attack Pearl Harbour that did

that though such arguments had not been made and would not be made

to the Emperor.

The emperor had retracted the titles and rights the Geiwa Genio clan had

been granted when the Statue had been enacted, to act as the voice and

representation of the Chrysanthemum Throne in Magical Japan, an insult

that had wide repercussions in their world.

The Seiwa Genio clan were not just the Emperor's voice, there were

amongst the oldest branches of Houses descendent from the Imperial

House of Japan. They ruled effectively as Shoguns of Magical Japan even

if they had a Ministry.

Given what their people had done on behalf of the Emperor in China,

waging war against the Chinese mages whilst at the same time sweeping

entire towns and villages in Manchuria of any form of life with no mercy

and with no honour in defiance to the harshest laws that bound the

Magical World, it was a grave insult that all of the ruling families of

Magical Japan felt slighted by.

How could they not?

There were few societies in the magical world that retained their loyalty

to their monarch and those that did only paid lip service to their


Not the magical families of Japan. No, they'd proven their loyalties

countless times yet once more it was in vain.

There were still bloodlines in Magical Japan that could trace their loyalty

millennia back to Jimmu himself, a man who united the constant feuding

kingdoms of Honshu into a singular Kingdom, later became a dynasty

that united all of Japan.

When clans feuded and controlled the Chrysanthemum throne through

regency and concubines, the magical families had remained loyal to the

Throne and aided the Emperor every time one of them had asked of


Unfortunately, it had become a practice to deliberately make the

Emperor ignorant and from finding out he had magical subjects and to

limit their influence and strength within Magical Japan with the Fujiwara

clan having been the most successful in that method over the centuries.

Only during the Sengoku era, had they regained much of their lost

influence over the centuries and their loyalty to the Emperor richly

rewarded though it was at a cost.

Magical clans were pitted against each other as each supported different

Daimyos or were Daimyos themselves just as the Seiwa Genio clan had

been. The blood shed during that era had weakened Magical Japan as the

population was reduced but it had been worth for their kind given the

influence they had won at the end.

When the Sengoku era had ended, they had gained power within Japan

unlike any other era yet once more they had lost what they had rightfully

won with great degree of bloodshed when the Statute of Secrecy had

been forced onto them, the eventual cause that would lead them to this

present situation.

A situation where all of what their clans, their ancestors had fought for…

was lost, the emperor having decided in November 1945 to effectively cut

all ties with Magical Japan with his dismissal of Ieyasu Seiwa Genio and

choosing to leave the position vacant, a deliberate message that spoke

volumes of how much Magical Japan mattered to the Emperor.

A humiliation that he knew burned deep in the hearts of many. He had

heard utterings from the younger members of his clan that questioned

why they had even been loyal to the Chrysanthemum Throne given his

nature as a muggle.

He arrived at the sliding door he was being led to, a servant who stood

by bowed to him before gesturing towards the door.

Hirahito spared the servant no further attention and he slid open the

washi screen and stepped into the room with slow fluid steps. Ieyasu-

sama was seated in front of a raised matted flooring and he walked

towards him.

He sunk to the tatami floor to and sat on his legs opposite his host who

was in the midst of watching water boil in a kettle above a small fire that

was beside him with the utensils of the tea ceremony carefully arraigned

in the most appropriate and precise fashion.

"Ieyasu-sama" Hirahito intoned respectfully as he bowed deeply, so

deeply that his head hovered but a few inches from the ground.

Though the Hirahito clan was noble and old themselves, they did not

compare to the Seiwa Genio.

The Seiwa Genio clan were descendant from the Minamoto clan, just as

the Hirahito clan was but they were also direct descendants of one of the

sons of Emperor Tenji himself, before it became forbidden for male heirs

of the throne to marry witches in the 7th century.

Had history been different, they might have become the Imperial House

of Magical Japan.

"Shinji-san" Ieyasu began, his voice soft but held commanding strength

that came with his heritage and he raised his head, stopping his bow.

Ieyasu-sama was a small elderly man with grey white hair and wrinkled

skin though still dignified. He was a hundred and ninety eight years old

and has been leading his clan – and Magical Japan – for more than a

century. He was synonymous with modern Magical Japan.

Ieyasu-sama lifted the kettle from the fire and placed it on a small mat

with patience and precision. He picked up a black towel, laid it across his

hands and picked up the kettle before pouring it in the black tea bowl.

Hirahito watched in silence, his attentions fully focused on the ceremony

as Ieyasu-sama performed it with expected beauty and discipline.

The tea bowl was emptied of the boiling water before a white towel was

picked up and the tea bowl cleaned with tranquil calm, each movement

done with Zen discipline.

The tea ceremony remained significant in Japan, something that was

popularised during the Sengoku era. Today, such ceremonies were done

to honour guests and…and to prepare oneself and their guests for

difficult conversations.

He glanced to his left and saw a scroll hanging on the wall, a scroll that

had a poem that fitted with the season of summer. A poem that spoke of

fleeting days.

Ieyasu-sama finished drying the tea bowl and he began to prepare the

Macha tea, lifting out the powdered tea from the tea jar with a bamboo

tea spoon he knew was crafted by a famous 14th Century Seiwa Genio


Finally, after the fourth spoon of powdered tea, he set the spoon aside

back in its designated location though not before it was hit against the

rim of the tea bowl, to flick away any errant water but also to

deliberately enhance the ceremony with its sound.

Not a single part of the ceremony is left by chance, all of it was prepared

and planned for before, from the location of the utensils, to the sounds

that was created, everything.

The hovering presence of death and the ever reminders of senseless

destruction had made the tea ceremony one of the most significant and

valued pass times, its Zen principles allowed the individual to isolate

himself from the overwhelming reality for brief moments, allowing him

to the time and tranquillity he'd need to meet the challenges set before


The tea is stirred with precise motions and Ieyasu-sama turned the most

beautiful surface of the tea bowl towards him before he set it beside him.

The state of mind prescribed as the goal of the tea ceremony were

harmony, respect, purity and stillness. Difficult states to attain in this

frenzied world, especially in these troubled times but nonetheless a

sublime preparation for difficult situations.

Hirahito leaned forward, remaining seated as he did so and grabbed the

bowl of tea with both hands. He set the tea down in front of him

underneath a silken cloth before setting himself right again in his seat.

He picked up the tea with a prepared black silk cloth, halfway in the air

and then bowed to his host before sitting straight upright and drank the


It was prepared to perfection, the lively taste of the small amounts of

zesty infusions of citrus added to the fresh taste of the macha tea, a

freshness that was purifying.

"How is the tea?" Ieyasu-sama asked in a tranquil voice.

Hirahito bowed deeply once more, his hands that held the tea bowl

outstretched in front of him "Perfection" he said in a reverent tone before

he was upright again and drank the rest of his tea and set the tea bowl

aside, back on the silken cloth.

Ieyasu-sama looked pleased and bowed his head slightly to Hirahito

before a serious expression crossed his face, marking the end of the


"I received an interesting invitation" Ieyasu-sama mused aloud once the

ceremony was over, his black eyes intently staring at Hirahito "A former

comrade of yours, one that is as famous as he is infamous."

"Atticus Sayre-san" Hirahito stated surprised, the lack of noble title

sounding strange on his tongue before a thoughtful expression crossed his


"An invitation?" he questioned.

Ieyasu-sama hummed affirmatively. "Just an invitation though I doubt it

is just to meet him at wherever he has disappeared to."

"You believe that he might call in the debt we owe him?" Hirahito said


Ieyasu eyed him before he spoke "It is possible though I have a suspicion

that what may be asked may not be a simple thing."

"You fear that he might ask for aid against the ICW." Hirahito surmised. It

was a concern he also had.

It was not as if relations couldn't get any worse with the ICW but it was a

conflict that they did not need nor want.

Magical Japan was not popular with the ICW and the rest of the magical

world, not after the Chinese Confederation of Magicals had brought proof

of their acts in China, proof that incontrovertibly proved their

dishonourable acts in Manchuria and their acts against the CCM.

Their wrongful acts against the CCM had soured relations with most

nations in Asia as fears of a repeat of what happened to Magical Korea

seemed to come back to life.

The other nations believed they were a belligerent, intent on dominating

the rest of Asia like what had happened many centuries ago and which

ended in the destruction of most of Korea's native magicals.

It was not true and most of their acts against the Chinese mages were

simply to ensure they did not interfere in Manchuria, going out of their

way to ensure they did not kill any magicals but it seemed to have been

for naught as relationships with the rest of Asia withered away only

deepening the economic strain on Magical Japan as a result of the

penalties the ICW levied on them as 'punishment' for their crimes.

A punishment that was opportunistic rather than it being righteous, one

that continued to refill the coffers of the ICW that had become empty in

the wake of the war in Europe and something they seized upon by

levying heavy penalties on them for their acts against the non-magicals in


The penalties were something they could not get out of, not when the

consequences of their acts in Manchuria was still felt at present even if

most member states of the ICW did not care for the death of the non-


The Chinese Communist Party was removing much of the magical

population of China out of their native home regions and cities, even

going as far as destroying entire magical villages in their quest of

consolidation of power and misguided retribution.

The ICW was intervening, using large amounts of resources to obliviate

and preserve the Statute of Secrecy but it would take time given the

population of China and the pervasiveness of the Communist party in


Thankfully the Chinese Mages had managed to secure an embargo of

outgoing information out of China so it would only be a matter of time

before the Statute was preserved.

Such good news would do little to improve Japan's standing or their

tattered reputation.

And if they were caught consorting with an enemy the ICW had

personally seen to hound out of his homeland…

"Perhaps" Ieyasu said, seemingly meaning more than what he had said.

"Nonetheless, I intend accept his invitation and I will be sending you and

three other delegates to represent Magical Japan."

Hirahito's eyes widened before he bowed once more "I am unworthy to

represent Magical Japan, Ieyasu-sama"

"You are more than worthy, Shinzo-san. Your actions in the war regained

some of the honour of Japan lost in the duplicity of Grindelwald and you

did our people a great service by ensuring the evacuation of hundreds of

families out of Hiroshima and Nagasaki before the foreign non-magicals

destroyed the cities with their bombs." Ieyasu-sama said in a calming


The praise swelled Hirahito's heart with pride.

Hirahito raised his head and looked at Ieyasu "I accept the mission,


Ieyasu nodded approvingly. "Good. You may negotiate with Sayre-san

within a certain limit which will be defined with the delegates you'll

meet shortly."

Hirahito hesitated for a moment before he asked "Is alliance on the table?

Or the pretences of one?" Hirahito asked.

Ieyasu-sama eyed him in a way that beckoned Hirahito to continued

"What I mean is…" Hirahito sighed slightly disliking what he was

suggesting "We know that the ICW is keen on obtaining his whereabouts."

He met Ieyasu-sama's gaze "We could relay whatever information we

obtain to the ICW in exchange for the elimination of the remaining


It was dishonourable, he knew especially given they owed a debt to

Atticus Sayre but the prosperity of Magical Japan came before honour.

Ieyasu-sama remained silent for a moment until he glanced up, meeting

Hirahito's gaze.

"When he visited Japan six years ago with his wife, they left an

impression" Ieyasu-sama said, his voice calm "An impression that marked

him and his wife as two people who are amongst the very rare." Ieyasu-

sama said, his eyes looking past Hirahito as he seemed to recollect the

meetings he had with them. "Two people who are and will be so

consequential that they will likely have eras named after them"

He'd heard that they'd met up with Ieyasus-sama though he did not know

what they might have consisted. They must have left an incredible

impression on him if he was saying such things about them.

Ieyasu-sama continued "Before that point I had heard many things about

the man's capabilities…"

Ieyasu-sama stared at Hirahito for a moment "Seen the kind of strength he

holds and the once a millennium talent he is." Ieyasu said calmly, his

eyes slightly distant, likely recalling the moment he'd seen some of the

memories Hirahito had been able to provide him of Sayre's capabilities.

"And I had seen and heard his ability to inspire and draw people to

himself through charisma, kindness and by being veracious, all of which

eventually convinced thousands of magicals to leave with him over

choosing the safety of what they knew." Ieyasu-sama said, his voice

tranquil as he paused for a brief second.

"Conversely…I had also been kept apprised of the notions that he is also

ambitious, aiming to bring forth his version of the world through any

means necessary without respect and consideration of the wishes of

others. That he is the same as the man he defeated who had wished to

bring ruin to our world only to reforge it his image." Ieyasu-sama paused

again, a light frown adorned on his face.

"From the meetings I had with him, he is most certainly one and the

same." Ieyasu raised the bamboo tea spoon, balancing it on his index


"He is a man who rightly earned the adulation of the Magical World and

he is also a man the Magical World rightfully should fear." The tea spoon

began to lean to one, almost seeming as it would fall before Ieyasu-sama

balanced it again though it began to lean in the other side.

"And his wife…" he stared at the tea spoon. "His wife is as dangerous, if

not more so than the man himself." Ieyasu-sama said, his voice losing a

sense of its tranquillity.

He looked up from the tea spoon and met Hirahito's gaze. "To double

cross such a man of duality, a man tied to destiny itself is to invite ruin."

Hirahito bowed his head in acceptance. He did not expect Ieyasu-sama to

be anything other than wise though…he wondered internally at what the

elderly man said.

Tied to destiny…?

Did Ieyasu-sama also believe Sayre was a Seer?

It was a conclusion that he knew many had reached, himself included

and likely contributed to ICW's behaviour towards the man.

Seers of significant talent were rarely left alone and when someone of

Sayre's calibre had such talents…

Ieyasu-sama continued "Conversely…an alliance with this man of duality"

drawing his attentions as Ieyasu-sama paused momentarily as the tea

spoon was perilously unbalanced

"Is not to be considered lightly." The tea spoon fell onto the matted floor.

Ieyasu black eyes grew harder, sterner "Especially when it means joining

in an alliance with his wife who is equally once a millennium talent and

is far more ambitious and far less innocent in her intentions."

"You don't believe the break is true?" Hirahito questioned Ieyasu-sama.

He didn't believe it either, not really. In truth he did not understand

much of what had transpired in Europe in his absence.

It seemed…sudden, the way it had all fallen apart for Atticus Sayre.

The way the Ministries had acted, the way the ICW had intervened…the

man he had known would never have allowed it to happen and likely

would have fought a war against them all and won.

And from what he heard of Lady Slytherin and her influence in British

Politics, he doubted she would have let it transpire without a fight. Yet

she did and emerged all the more stronger for it.

The thoughts of her betraying Sayre had crept into his mind more than

once in order to gain power, something that many seemed to think is

what happened, but he did not think Sayre could have been blind enough

to let her do it.


Love did make even the wisest of men become blind and stupid.

Ieyasu-sama only smiled though there was something in his expression

"Two bodies, same heart" he only said, his voice certain, as if he was

speaking about the certainty of the sun rising at dawn.

"I see." Hirahito said with raised eyebrows wondering what the deception

of the Sayre-Slytherin clan meant.

"You may not agree to an alliance but you must not deny one either."

Ieyasu-sama looked at him keenly, bringing them back to the topic.

"What transpired in his native land is far from obvious, Shinji-san"

Ieyasu-sama intoned, his old eyes seemed to bore into him. "You have

fought with him and you have interacted with the man more than any

other from amongst our people. You are best suited to determine if he

and his plans are of benefit to Japan."

Ieyasu-sama poured himself and Hirahito a bowl of tea and gestured

Hirahito to drink as he lifted his own bowl.

"If we're lucky, he'll fall to the side we wish him to fall and that version

of the man is one that we could call ally if not friend." Ieyasu-sama

hummed pleasantly as he drank his tea before he continued, eying

Hirahito intently "It is likely something he will wish for, having started

the beginnings of this alliance back when he gave you the information to

save hundreds of our people"

Hirahito nodded grimly. It didn't surprise him Ieyasu-sama thought so.

"What if he falls to the other side?" 'What if he is exactly like Grindelwald

instead of a herald of great change for the better'

Ieyasu-sama spoke with grim undertones "In such a case, I fear he may be

much worse than what the ICW fears him to be with a woman at his back

who would be all too willing to scorch the very earth in order achieve

their goals." Ieyasu-sama finally concluded and he left not after, his mind

wracked with what had been discussed.

Days later, they took the restricted portkey that had been supplied from

the Japanese Ministry's Port of International Departure and with a long

twisting journey, they arrived at their destination.

He kept the surprise off of his face as he glanced around. It was

enormous, this…plaza.

The plaza was made out of silver grey polished stone that were pristine,

tall square pillars held up a domed roof that had several arched windows

that let in all of the light that illuminated the place.

He could see several booths that seemed reminiscent of fireplaces –

though there were a few that had strange black stone rings – likely

destination ports for international floo travel yet it was quite obvious that

it was not operational which didn't surprise him.

In front of them were half a dozen people, the man most familiar to him

was dressed in strange clothing that was very different to the robes that

most other peoples wore in western magical society. It was minimalistic,

beige in colour with black linings down the side though he wasn't sure

what it was made out of it. It seemed to be soft though what he knew of

Parelius Parkinson it was likely capable of protecting against the majority

of the darkest cutting curses around.

The other five however…

They wore a strange silver white armour that he'd only seen once before,

years after the war. It seemed like he managed to improve upon it given

that it seemed like liquid metal.

It likely was incredibly spell resistant and he doubted they'd be able to

overpower them if Sayre had trained them as well as he had the Knights

of Mimpost.

It made him re-evaluate what the purpose of this…terminal was,

especially given that there was no other sign of people.

« Impressive. » Shinzo Takenaka voiced out in Japanese as their

welcoming party began to approach them. « It is more respectable than

the many Ministry buildings we've been to before. »

« The lack of excessive use of gold and distasteful statues is certainly a

surprise » Sukene Aya enthused « I had not expected such humility from

Westerners »

« Do not expect him to be the same as the other Europeans » Hirahito

warned his countrymen. « He is far from...typical » he told them,

memories of the man's prowess in magic and his ability to draw swathes

of men towards him playing at the forefronts of his mind.

« And it is that oddity that led to his exile from his homeland. » Taneko

Ozutsuki reminded him needlessly

« Do not let your history with the man blind you. » Taneko Ozutsuki, the

eldest man amongst them said calmly « We are only here to find out how

we can honour a debt our people owe him but that does not mean we

stand with him. There can be no alliance with him so long as he is

hunted by powerful factions. »

They were here far more than just to settle a debt he thought to himself.

Ieyasu-sama had not divulged to the other delegates what he might be

open to should Sayre prove to be much more.

They fell silent as their welcoming party approached them.

"Welcome" Parelius Parkinson began in his classic monotone voice "to

Belva Hallos Port Terminal" as he bowed his head slightly and looked at

Hirahito for a while longer before he looked to the other delegates. "I am

Parelius Parkinson and I will be escorting you to your meeting with Lord


The other delegates glanced at each other, thinking the same thing.

Atticus Sayre had given up his noble titles when he'd relinquished his

family ties to the British Isles.

If they were calling him Lord Sayre without him being a noble


Surely that could only mean that it was an honorific, one that was gifted.

One that held meaning in the magical world and given the way he had

departed from the wider world with thousands of magicals…

The tense posture of his fellow delegates was understandable.

"…I see." Hirahito spoke up and inclined his head towards Parkinson

respectfully. "It is good to see you again, Parkinson-san."

Parkinson's expression didn't change though he nodded "Likewise. It's

been a few years" he simply stated though there was a hint of curiosity in

his voice.

It was likely Parkinson was curious how much influence he'd gained

when he'd returned to Japan seven years ago.

Before he'd left, he'd remained in Europe for a number of years after the

war and had continued to build relationships with those he had fought

alongside with, with families such as the House of Delacour.

Something that had proven vital once he'd hastily returned to Japan,

armed with news that saved hundreds of his fellow magicals and

eventually caused him to rise to prominence within society and with him,

his clan. The relationships he'd built with European nobility had resulted

in trade to flourish, much of it through clan Hirahito.

"It has." Hirahito acknowledged before he gestured to his fellow


"The delegates with me today are Takenaka Shinzo-san, of the clan

Takenaka, Aya Sukene-san of the clan Aya and finally Ozutsuki Taneko-

san of the clan Ozutsuki." Hirahito introduced to Parkinson.

Parkinson nodded to each delegate before his gaze met with Hirahito

again "I will be taking you on a short tour of Illos before we meet with

Lord Sayre." He paused for a moment as his eyes fell to their hands before

flickering to theirs.

"You may keep your wands but they must be kept holstered." Parkinson

said once more in his emotionless voice before he spoke again "Any

aggressive action will be dealt with without mercy" he said, this time

hints of menace were clear to hear.

Before any of the other delegates could speak up, he agreed "Yes, we

agree" he said with a glance to the others "We will not wield our wands

unless threatened." He said, his eyes demanding agreement from his

fellow delegates who gave affirmative nods even if they were unhappy.

He met Parkinson gaze who only stared for a moment before he nodded

slightly, agreeing to the terms.

"Please follow me" Parkinson said as he turned on his heels and walked

forward. He and the other delegates followed, the…guards seemingly in

standard formation either side and behind them.

He internally frowned for a brief second.


He had never heard of that name before.

The communication from representatives of Atticus Sayre had…hinted

towards a new home but never named the place. The invitation had

been…vague and offered little information as to what might be expected.

"You said you'll take us on a tour?" Sukene Aya questioned.

Parkinson glanced at the man and nodded "Yes. Lord Sayre will take an

hour or so before he is ready to meet with you and so it's been decided to

take you on a…short tour" he said before facing the front.

They eventually reached a wide set of stairs that lead towards the wide

exit doors. The sounds of wind whistling were obvious to hear and he

allowed a small frown to form on his face.

They descended down the set of stairs and walked through the exits and

his eyes widened, only widening more and more as they stepped towards

the windy surroundings, his head swivelling from one side to another as

he took everything in.

He walked further ahead, past Parkinson towards the very ledge.

« This is…» Shinzo Takenaka exclaimed from behind him, in an

astonished breath.

It was an expression of shock that they all felt.

His eyes glanced over the ledge before looking at the sides of this building

they were stood upon.

"W-Where are we?" Shinzo Takenaka asked in bewilderment, having

joined him at the ledge.

"At Belva Hallos Port Terminal." Parkinson supplied calmly, drawing

Hirahito's attention away from the scenery before him. Parkinson had

that same glint of amusement in his eyes when he had gotten

Longbottom with something.

Taneko Ozutsuki spoke up next "You said you'd take us on a tour of

Illos…" Taneko said with a tight voice, his eyes flittering between

Parkinson and the surrounding landscape "What is exactly is Illos?" he

finally asked, his voice grave, devoid of levity as he stared at the


From where they stood, in what seemed to be several kilometres up from

the ground, they could see the entirety of the land before them.

Greenery and forestry dotted the hilly rocky lands with rich green plains

interspersed between those lands, rivers snaked in great numbers with a

large body of water to the east. There were buildings, few they may be,

all around the lush lands they could see. In the distance they could see

tall buildings that suggested that it might be the primary settlement.

At the very end of where they could see, there stood a mountain that

even from this distance could be seen, its snow capped top stood

imperiously amongst the smaller outcrop of mountains that seemed to

curve around.

Curving along the contours of something he could not explain, did not

know how to explain.

He looked behind him, back towards the building from where they'd

walked out and his eyes drifted upward.

Grey silver metal greeted his eyes, higher and more daunting than he

could have imagined.

All around them, the same grey silver metal was there, like an ever

present poltergeist that lingered and gnawed at your senses and sanity. It

enveloped the place they were at utterly and completely.

The connotations that it represented…

"Illos is the home of thousands of magicals, ourselves included" Parkinson

answered, his voice calm before his eyes seemed bore to into Taneko

"Built by Lord Sayre and his wife themselves." He added, his eyes

assessing as the news dawned on them all, confirming his own suspicions.

« Impossible » Sukene Aya whispered disbelieving eyes wide at the


« No people could have built this so soon, let alone two individual people

» Shinzo Takenaka denied.

"What do you mean built?" Taneko Ozutsuki asked, his voice somewhat

terse. "You can't mean to suggest that this…" he gestured towards the

lands below them. "Is artificial."

Parkinson's eyes were alight with something that Hirahito could not

recognise "I wouldn't say artificial but rather magically built."

"Is this is a spatially expanded location?" Shinzo Takenaka asked.

Parkinson's eyes flickered to him "No. All that you see is all land that has

not been expanded in any capacity" Parkinson said and turned from him,

signalling his end of answering questions on the technicalities of this…


He knew to believe the words of their…hosts at face value was foolish but

he did not see the point of them lying about this if only for the fact they

were expelling a lot of effort to show this place off. There was value and

power in truth.

Hirahito glanced at Taneko and met his eyes, grim communication

passing through them.

This was unlike anything they could have expected. Throughout history

there had been plenty of magical lands though rarely had they ever

created such as this if they were telling the truth.

The only one that came to mind was the legend of Queen Himiko, the

ancient monarch of the now lost kingdom of Yamatai. She was rumoured

to have built the island of Yamatai and it had taken decades of war, a

war his ancestors had been a part of, to defeat her.

It was claimed she could control the weather and was capable of

generating great storms that could wash away entire landmasses with her

overwhelming shamanistic powers. Only through the combined powers of

legendary heroes of the age had she been defeated and even then the

island of Yamatai had been lost in the wake of her defeat, forever lost to

the world through a form of magic that to this day was unknown.

It was a terrifying notion that Sayre was capable of replicating such a feat

and from the scale of this place…

He may well have surpassed Himiko as he stared at the three orbs of light

that hung in the air.

Where were they? He wondered.

If this place was in and among the world, then where was it? Surely some

monitoring branch of Ministries around the world, if not the ICW itself

would have known if thousands of square kilometres went missing.

He took the opportunity to glance around and paid more attention to the

other things that were present on this…platform.

"This isn't just a portkey and floo terminal is it?" he asked of his former

comrade as he glanced at the strange vehicles that were vaguely

reminiscent of the air vehicles the military commanded during the war.

"No, it is not" Parkinson confirmed "It is the terminal for all inbound –

and outbound – journeys. In a number of ways." Parkinson raised his arm

and tapped onto his forearm.

"We'll be taking a skymobile to travel" Parkinson informed them and one

of the vehicles began to levitate before it moved towards them.

It was black in colour and seemed to have been formed out of one block

of metal with the way it seemed to be seamless.

It settled in front of them and Parkinson gestured them to get in.

They stepped into the vehicle and saw that it was expanded several

times, giving them ample space. It could a dozen more people.

« An enchanted air vehicle » Shinzo Takenaka murmured before he

glanced at Hirahito « The Emperor had once asked of us to create such

things for him but we told him that it would not be possible »

« Of course we told him that » Sukene Aya said in a scornful tone « It is

well within our means to have done so but there was little to be gained

from doing so. It had been a wise decision not to do, especially after the

penalties the ICW had levied onto the German Ministry once they'd

discovered what exactly Grindelwald had been doing for the German

non-magicals. »

« Yes, the penalties the ICW had levied onto us was already great as a

consequence of our actions in China. It would have been crippling had

we gone through with enchanting non-magicals equipment and

discovered» Taneko Ozutsuki mused to them as the 'skymobile' lifted into

the air.

"This…skymobile is an enchanted muggle vehicle?" Hirahito questioned.

Parkinson had been watching their conversation though Hirahito doubted

he understood. They had defensive enchantments woven into their

clothing that included defence against translation spells. One would need

to speak Japanese to understand them.

Of course that did not mean they would say anything overt or damning

even if they did not believe anyone would understand.

"No." Parkinson simply said before expanding "It is built entirely by

magicals. It is as magical as a broom though it does incorporate non-

magical technology."

They remained silent as they flew over the lush lands of this…Illos and

the few buildings that the dotted the pristine lands below them. It

reminded him of the countryside of Japan, though it was far more

untarnished and unblemished by human settlement. To think this might

have been created…

« It is concerning. » Taneko Ozutsuki, who said next to him, said in a soft

whisper, loud enough for only him to hear as he stared out of the

window. « If what he said was true. »

« It is likely untrue for the alternative is too daunting to consider…that

they might be the modern incarnation of Izinagi and Izinami » Sukene

Aya said in an uncharacteristically concerned tone, one that hinted that

he most likely did believe they made this…place.

Hirahito didn't bother answering as he stared at the encroaching city.

It was mesmerising, the tall silver white stoned buildings that shone

brightly under the artificial lights, glittering like jewels that were topped

with golden statues on the roofs of many domed buildings and pillars.

Clear blue waters of unnatural purity ringed the city as dozens of

waterfalls cascaded down.

It was a wonderfully built city even if it was unfinished, a city that he

knew no other could rival it, certainly not any muggle cities.

Their kind never had the population to ever seclude themselves away

from non-magicals to build an entire city, towns of a few thousand were

at most the highest he'd heard off and to see it now…

« It seems they reserved the gold for their city » Sukene Aya murmured.

"This city…" Taneko Ozutsuki began, his countenance stilted "It is

incomplete though what has been built suggests tens of thousands of

people." He said staring at Parkinson, the obvious question in his words.

Parkinson allowed a facetious smile to cut across his face before he

nodded "Celestis is built in anticipation for the population Illos will reach

in the coming decades." He told them, the intent of his words were clear.


A name that meant Heavenly in Latin.

He glanced at Taneko and knew that he also understood before he

glanced away, his eyes falling on the main building that towered over the

rest of the buildings. It was massive, a true citadel that stood imperiously

over the rest of the city.


This ciy…this Illos was not built suddenly as a result of aggression to him

and his family.


His eyes widened, a memory sprang to the forefront of his mind.

"Above all else, I value creation." Sayre raised his hand and a crystalline

structure began to form. Hirahito hid his surprise carefully at this casual

display of wandless magic.

"Magic allows for many impossible things to be possible, magic allows for

wonders to be created" The crystalline form changed into a miniature city with

tall spiral towers.

"It is my passion to create things that will last until the ends of time, or at least

as close to it." With a wave, Sayre vanished the crystalline city and turned to

Hirahito, his eyes meeting Hirahito's.

"He planned this from the very start…" he whispered, loud enough for

most of them to hear and he caught the gaze of Parkinson whose lips

curled, his eyes flashing with satisfaction.

"He is Lord of Illos." Hirahito simply stated, his words filled with startling


"He is." Parkinson confirmed with a sharp smile. "He is Lord Atticus

Markus Sayre, Lord of Illos and its people"

The air vehicle was deathly silent, the full depth of what Parkinson had

said being contemplated by all of the delegates.

Both he and Ieyasu-sama had…suspected that Sayre might have gone

away to build a place somewhere but they had not expected this, at most

believing he might have built a settlement somewhere in the world yet

this spoke of grander plans, greater plans.

A city built that could house tens of thousands, a land that could house


Tens of thousands if not millions of magicals…

He glanced at the delegates and they all understood their mission

suddenly became far more important.

They landed not long after and the tour they went on, short as it turned

out to be, revealed much.

The people he'd seen dressed the same way as Parkinson, few as they

might have been for a place such as this, all looked to them with

suspicious eyes, as if they were a threat to their homes.

It seemed as if the wider Magical World's treatment of Sayre had created

a siege like mentality, one where they were all fighting together against

an enemy outside of the walls of their castle.

A mentality that would foster a closeness that would be hard to break.

How much of it was natural…how much of it deliberate? He wondered.

He knew that Atticus Sayre was far more calculating than most would

ever realise…his wife even more so. The times he'd spent with him and

Lady Slytherin had told him enough even if he was far from their inner


They had kept contact during his stay in France after the war, often

meeting and discussing various philosophical and historical accounts,

occasions that he'd looked forward to.

It was rare for foreigners to be interested in the cultures of others and it

seemed like both husband and wife were interested all of them.

The Sayres had visited Japan, among many other countries, after the war

and had left a certain impression on them all.

One that had stuck to his mind was the eagerness to understand what

made Japan…Japan. The interest now seemed to mean…more.

Hirahito had always known that Atticus Sayre was a dangerous man,

beyond simply his strength in magic. He had known it from the very

moment he'd seen broken men at Genelum suddenly come back to life

with but a few words from Sayre as he enthralled them all with the

words he spoke, the way he spoke them, all of it contributed to swathes

of broken men fighting against the men who had tormenting them, all of

them in his name.

It was now clear he was far more dangerous than he had ever imagined.

Perhaps the ICW was right to fear his influence…

The 'Main Tower' was imposing and the insides of it was even grander.

The insides of the Tower had high and wide pathways flanked by

intricate etched pillars that arched to meet with a domed ceiling.

« Whoever designed this place deserves their weight in silver several

times over » Sukene Aya said with a straight face and it was a reaction

that they all understood. It was a magnificently designed building.

Parkinson briefly explained that the building was effectively the

equivalent of a Ministry building though he did not explain if it was the

equivalent of a Ministry.

It was not like he had to, not with what they had learned so far.

These people had all of the tools they needed…land, the wealth of the

Sayres and a population even if it was small…for now.

They knew what they were seeing…what they were witness to.

There were guards that walked the halls, not wearing the same kind of

armour their…escorts had on but walked in a way that proved them to be

similarly trained.

They walked passed a woman he didn't quite recognise and entered the

'elevator', some kind of machine that took them up without having to

walk up the stairs.

A few minutes later they arrived at their destination, the halls they

walked in was fit for a palace.

"I will now take you to the High Assembly Chamber to Lord Sayre. He

will be there with Chancellor Saunders, a member of the High Council."

Parkinson told them.

"High Council?" Taneko Ozutsuki questioned, not as surprised as they

might have been before they arrived at Illos as they walked through the

halls "Is this what governs Illos?"

Parkinson glanced at Taneko but said nothing before he looked straight

ahead, leaving them all slightly miffed though no less ponderous.

They walked through heavy laden twin doors and what they were

greeted by only confirmed that this was no ordinary meeting hall though

that was not what caught his eyes.

At the very end of the room, in front of a twenty five metre long window,

he sat there on a chair that resembled far closer to a throne next to empty

similar chair.

It seemed as if Ieyasu-sama was right after all about the two.

Hirahito was reminded once more of his ethereal presence as he looked

upon Sayre's purple green glowing eyes that swirled with restrained

power, his pale skin contrasting heavily with his long pitch black hair as

he sat there, gazing intently at them from his throne like chair.

Now aged twenty eight or twenty nine years, Atticus Sayre looked like he

had grown into his power. That magnetic presence he bore that drew so

many people in and also incited hateful fear in envious hearts, seemed to

have grown in magnitude.

He looked a Ruler

He glanced to his other side and a woman sat there next to him, like this

Chancellor Saunders and he took the opportunity to look at the chambers

with greater attention.

The chamber was a dome made out silver white stone not unlike the rest

of the city though that was the similarities ended. It shone in the direct

light of the three orbs, seemingly aglow in some kind of reaction that

none of them knew.

What was jarring was that there were no other seats available and he

glanced at Taneko Ozutsuki from the corner of his eyes who seemed grim

in his expression.

It seemed like he also understood. It was insulting to make them stand

for this meeting and it was reminiscent of the tales from delegates who'd

gone to the Chinese Emperor.

Parkinson moved forward and bowed from the hip towards Sayre "My

Lord, I present to you the Japanese delegates" he turned slightly towards

them "From the right, Takenaka Shinzo, of the clan Takenaka, Aya

Sukene of the clan Aya, Ozutsuki Taneko of the clan Ozutsuki and on the

far left, of course, Hirahito Shinji of the clan Hirahito." Parkinson said

with perfect Japanese accentuation, something that was not lost to anyone

in the delegation party.

"Besides Lord Sayre is Chancellor Saunders, member of the High Council"

Parkinson introduced her to the delegates.

Hirahito stepped forward and bowed, shallower yet still a bow "Lord

Sayre" he began before he was back upright and bowed slightly towards

the woman "Chancellor Saunders" he said respectfully before gazing back

at Sayre "Thank you for extending this invitation to Magical Japan to


Saunders bowed her head deeply towards him and he met Sayre's gaze

who bowed his head towards him, a shallow bow but a respectful bow


It was not one of equals but one that signalled his respect towards


Taneko Ozutsuki and then the others also stepped forward and bowed

slightly towards Sayre and the woman as they also extended gratitude for

the invitation.

Sayre's gaze at the other delegates was penetrating, one that seemed to

be able to unravel them at the seams, lasting for a merciful short few

seconds before he bowed his head slightly, a gesture that didn't fail to

register with any of them.

"Welcome to Illos." He intoned, his voice held qualities of timelessness "It

is an honour to welcome you to our home." He added before raising his

hand and the very ground shifted, liquefying and morphed to form a

convex table with four seats that were opposite Sayre and Saunders.

"Please…sit" Sayre said with an expression that was unchanging and his

tone was far from suggestive.

Hirahito took the initiative and sat in one of the seats and then the others

did too.

"My Lord" Parkinson said once more, bowing as he did so and turned on

his heels and left though the guards remained and moved to the far edges

of the room.

He wondered why given that Sayre would never need their aid to deal

with them, not after what he'd seen the man do in the war.

Water and tea appeared on the table with a pop and Chancellor Saunders

spoke up "If you would like any further food or drink, simply ask for it

and it will appear." She paused momentarily before she continued "In

English or Japanese, it won't matter."

Hirahito smiled though it was far from sincere. "We thank you,


She smiled and it was warm though he wasn't sure if it was genuine or

not with the way things had gone so far.

Taneko took the cup of tea and drank some of it before he spoke up "Illos

is impressive" he said as he set down his tea "May we inquire how it came

to be, before we delve into the matters of this invitation?"

Chancellor Saunders glanced at Sayre who only nodded to her and she

began the tale of how Illos came to be.

He listened to the tale, for it was most certainly a tale, that spoke of

creation and years of building the place with hard work. It held no real

substance that hinted where it might be and what building actually


It was impressive how little substance there was in a tale that lasted over

a quarter of an hour.

"Thank you for the explanation. It was…informative" Taneko said with an

incline of the head.

Chancellor Saunders smiled "You're welcome" she enthused, clearly

knowing that the tale was far from informative.

"If I may ask, is Illos your personal demesne or is a nation?" Sukene asked

what they all wanted to know.

"Illos is a nation." Sayre answered before continuing "I may be Lord of

Illos but it is not a dictatorship. The people of Illos have a voice…an

equal voice without prejudice or discrimination as I have always wished


"And how do they…express this voice?" Shinzo asked curiously "Through


Sayre inclined his head affirmatively "Through elections. The first of

which will be held later this year."

"And your role?" Hirahito asked carefully, not wanting to seem as if he

was pressing.

Sayre smiled and it was one of mild amusement "To sit back and let the

people govern themselves. Ruling never quite interested me."

'Somehow I doubt that somewhat, old friend' Hirahito thought to himself.

Sayre's eyes glinted for a brief second "Leaves me to occupy myself with

more important things. There is much to do in Illos after all."

A brief silence fell as they digested that. His words could be interpreted

in several ways though one thing he knew for sure was that Illos was

Atticus Sayre and Atticus Sayre was Illos.

He realised that now. It likely had been ever since the place had been a

mere idea when he'd shown him that crystalline conjuration in the war.

Sukene cleared his throat and spoke up "The Japanese Ministry, while

being elated to receive this invitation to come meet with you" Sukene

said meeting the gazes of their hosts as he began delving into questioning

into why exactly they were here "is unsure why you extended this

invitation, an invitation that held little content as to what might be


Sayre inclined his head before his hands entwined together, leaning back

in his chair, his eyes never losing their discomforting glow "We shall get

right to the heart of the matter then." He said, his voice calm though far

from easy as he continued "As I am sure you are all aware, my…break

from Magical Britain and in lesser degree Magical Europe was far from


Hirahito nodded "Yes." He said before glancing at the others before

continuing "We have heard of your…exile though how it relates to this

invitation escapes us." He pointed out.

Chancellor Saunders leaned in and spoke up "It relates because we have

certain…commonalities." She said in a light smile which didn't reach her

eyes, one that turned as her lips thinned before she spoke again "Japan

has lost nearly all of its trade with the rest of Asia as a consequence of

your peoples actions in China." She glanced at him "Only because of

Hirahito's relationships in Europe, which provided new markets for your

goods, has prevented economic collapse as a result of the combined

economic penalties and loss of trade."

Taneko narrowed his eyes at her "A temporary setback. We're already

rebuilding our relationships with our neighbours and soon enough we'll

be back where we should be."

Hirahito said nothing to that though he nodded in agreement despite it

not being quite the truth. Whilst most of Magical Japan's actions were

constrained in China, it was not missed by the rest of Asia.

Whilst the magical populations in Asia was largely concentrated in China,

India, Japan and Australia, there were still a significant number of

magical nations in Asia even if their population was small.

Their economic ties they had built up with these nations had been mostly

one sided where these Asian nations imported their goods and educated

themselves at Mahoutokoro but as Australia grew in prominence, they

became a rival to them just as China and India and competed in similar


Unfortunately, with their dishonourable actions exposed and all that

came with it, resulted in them losing the bulk of their trade to Australia,

something they knew could not have been accomplished without

assistance from the ICW.

She began to smile and it was far from warm "Is that so?" she mused

aloud as her eyes sharpened "Last I heard the Malay Ministry of Magic

rebuffed your attempts of rekindling trade agreements and the Samoan

Alliance of Mages similarly refused your approaches."

Sukene intervened "Yet we have also re-established trade agreements

with Vietnamese Ministry and the Laos Commune." Sukene said his eyes

boring into Saunders "As my colleague said, it will only be a matter of

time. The ICW's interference will not last." Sukene leaned forward, his

eyes meeting Saunder's gaze "Not if we continue to comply with the

ICW's demands." He said, his meanings obvious to their hosts.

'You fool…' Hirahito thought angrily though before he could soothe any

ruffled feathers, Sayre spoke up.

"Comply with the ICW's demand?" he repeated as he looked at Sukene with

a surreptitious smile "Interesting" he mused aloud, his voice holding

qualities of mockery as he glanced away from Sukene's gaze.

"I had thought Japan had greater integrity than that." He said with

vicious delight, poking at their pride as he looked back at Sukene, a

curling smile adorned on his face as his eyes began to glow with ominous

undertones "Perhaps you lost it at the same time you lost your honour

after what your people did in Manchuria." Hirahito looked to Sukene and

saw he was barely controlling his anger.

They were in trouble…deep trouble as he began to exudes oceans of

magic. Hirahito tried to rise from his seat to stop this from escalating any

further but he found he could not get up from his seat.

The air pressure began to rise, Sayre's eyes shone brightly as he remained

affixed onto Sukene.

"Lord Sayre…" Hirahito tried but as cut off as Sayre did not relent as he


"I hear you were personally there too" he said, his voice deeper and the air

grew heavy with magic, his hair beginning to lift as his body began to

exude wisps of turbulent purple green magic. He leaned forward as he

spoke "Rumoured to have been involved in the decimation in several

fishing villages" his voice was now akin to a rumbling storm even if he

spoke calmly.

The magic in the room was now oppressive, suffocating physically and

mentally, as if all light and cheer was evaporated from the air. "To come

here and make such…insinuations…" Sayre's voice though calm was

deathly, oozing menace and a kind of retribution that sowed terror into

one's soul.

"My Lord…" Saunders' soft feminine voice spoke up and moments later,

just like that, the pressure receded away.

He glanced at Sukene and saw him visibly draw heavy breaths as the

room returned to normal.

"How dare you treat us like that" Shinzo exclaimed angrily though fear was

apparent in his eyes as he shot up from his seat and palmed his wand but

as soon as he did that, the masked guards sprang to life and surrounded


He had not pointed his wand at Sayre though whether or not it was

because of wisdom or fear he did not know for certain.

"Shinzo-san…sit down" Taneko said carefully as he gestured towards

Shinzo's seat. Shinzo looked at the guards warily before he turned to

Sayre and visibly withdrew into himself as he saw Sayre's cold expression

and sat back down.

Taneko turned to Sayre who was expressionless though that hard glint

was obvious to see. Taneko bowed his head "I apologise for any…

miscommunication. My colleague misspoke" he said as he threw a harsh

glare at Sukene was still gathering himself.

Sukene stiffened under Taneko's gaze but turned to Sayre and bowed his

head stiffly "I apologise for any slights. Taneko-sama is correct, I merely


Sayre stared at Sukene for a while before nodded slightly and sat back in

his chair. Thankfully Saunders moved them along.

"While that was…unpleasant" Saunders said diplomatically, drawing a

upturned lip from Shinzo whilst Taneko stared at Sayre with scrutinising

eyes "There is truth to Lord Sayre's words." Her expression shifted to one

of coolness "What was done in Manchuria was abominable and though

the ICW has levied penalties against you for the wrong reasons, your

people deserve punishment for the crimes against humanity"

"We know" Taneko interjected before Sukene or Shinzo could make

things worse. "It is why we keen to rectify our mistakes by aiding the

CCM with their current plight."

"Assistance they refused" Saunders pointed out mildly.

Taneko grimaced but nodded "Yes." He admitted.

"Despised by most nations in Asia, scorned by the ICW and dismissed by

the rest of the Magical World" Saunders stated as if it were a matter of

fact and in truth…it was not far off. Whilst his own trade alliances

limited the economic decline and international isolation, it was still far

from the powerful position they had been prior to the war.

Something Sayre and Saunders knew and wanted to capitalise on.

"And it is this…commonality you seek to establish with us?" Hirahito

spoke up, his voice soft and questioning.

Sayre turned to him, his vibrant eyes boring into him like a smelting fire

"Yes." He said, his tone betraying nothing. "Despite my reservation…" he

glanced at Saunders before he locked eyes with Hirahito for a moment

before looking to the others. "Our circumstances present an opportunity

for both our peoples"

"We are in a similar situation." He leaned forward, his eyes were now

cold and examining "The ICW has been overreaching. We know it and

you know it. The penalties that have been levied onto you are all but

opportunistic and they went out of their way to make it so that you're

isolated in the international stage."

Hirahito spoke up "And this is where you come in?" he questioned before

he continued "To offer us trade where others would deny us?"

Sayre met his gaze and gave Hirahito his undivided attention. "Nothing

so simple."

He said, his voice smooth and honeycombed with intrigue "What I'm

offering you is a chance to regain much of you lost in the war. Your

honour, your integrity…" he glanced at Sukene "Your prestige" he looked

back at Hirahito.

"And how would you do that?" Taneko interjected, his tone sharp "Your…

nation as impressive as it is, wherever it may be, is unknown. What could

you offer to us that could change our standing in the Magical World?"

Sayre only smiled and it was foreboding "The opportunity to form an

organisation with likeminded nations, those who see what is wrong with

the ICW and want to try form something better"

Sayre leaned forward, his eyes displaying a disturbing turbulence of

barely restrained magic. "An organisation that will form closer ties to its

fellow member nations through trade, cooperation in magical innovation

and through cultural exchange. One that will give you the opportunity to

revitalise Magical Japan as a core member of an organisation that could

achieve great things."

Shinzo shook his head "Do you know what you're asking?" he said in a

disbelieving tone "You're not just suggesting to break with the ICW,

something that can be done even if it isn't easy, you're suggesting

creating a direct rival to it"

"Am I?" Sayre said with a entreating smile that far from innocent "The

ICW's mandate is to maintain the Statute of Secrecy. There is nothing in

their mandate that suggests that they are meant to be a political and

economic union they pretend to be"

His smile fell off as he grew serious "Even if they have twisted their

mandate into fashioning themselves into an empire with vassals under its

banner, able to dictate with whom one can have relations with, with

whom they can trade with."

Hirahito narrowed his eyes slightly 'He was beginning to sound like

Grindelwald' he thought grimly to himself.

Somehow it seemed Sayre knew what he was thinking as his next words

were "Suggesting the creation of a different organisation does not make

me an incarnation of Grindelwald, it merely makes me opportunistic." He

said as he turned to Hirahito "I am not robbing people of choice." Sayre

said firmly "Only those who wish to join will be considered. Only those

nations who value the same principles and ideals may join."

A few moments passed before Shinzo asked "What principles and ideals?"

"Principles of respect and integrity, ideals that value magic and life."

Sayre met Shinzo's gaze "Though your people have erred, you have before

held such principles and ideals. As I said, it is an opportunity to regain

what you have lost."

Taneko decides to speak up "As interesting as you may have said is

nonetheless it does nothing to distract us from the fact that it will be

viewed as a rival to the ICW." Taneko shook his head "What you're asking

for is something that cannot considered lightly."

"And we understand that." Saunders spoke up as she gestured

accommodatingly to him. "We are not suggesting you have to agree now,

of course not." She allowed a small smile to form. "And before you decide

against it, we have plenty to show you what Illos would have to offer in

this cooperation, things you would never be able to get or even dream of


"If you're concerned about the debt you owe me" Sayre continued

"Consider it paid off by coming to this meeting. The only thing I ask is

that you stay a little longer and consider what we have offer." He


Hirahito glanced at the others.

They looked amongst themselves and Hirahito knew that despite the…

tense situation that had occurred, they were very interested in hearing


Hirahito decided to speak for them all. "Very well." He said not knowing

the course he'd set for himself and his people with two simple words.

3. Chapter 68

Hello All, welcome back to the story!

Thanks for the reviews, I enjoyed reading them!

I don't want to spoil anything - even if it appears obvious and a

simple answer, it may not actually be - which would diminish the

story and your experience.

However...please speculate (and criticise if you like) to your hearts

content. I love reading them. The more the merrier!

Without further adieu, please enjoy the post and let me know what

you think!

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next three chapters are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117 where we are now on the

third final Arc of the story .

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

29th of October 1952 – Pandrosion Institute, Illos

Chancellor Sandra Saunders POV

She walked the halls of Pandrosion Institute, the darkness outside the

striking halls of the school doing little to falter its majesty. It was late

Wednesday night and there were few people walking its halls, the only

ones that might be in the school would be the students in their dorms,

students who resided outside of Illos during the breaks, the Professors or

the residential graduates who were apprenticing with the Professors.

"You're certain he's there?" Sandra asked her companion. It wasn't

uncommon to find him here from time to time but it was uncharacteristic

of him to not attend a meeting, an important meeting at that, without

letting them know.

Parkinson turned her and quirked a brow in response.


Of course a spymaster would know where he would be.

Probably knew what everyone had for dinner too.

She sighed "Out of all the meetings to skip, he had to do it today."

Parkinson eyed her curiously "Are the terms so troubling?" he asked her.

She glanced at him for a moment before shaking her head "Not so much

troubling but rather…unexpected." She said musingly for a second before


"Nothing too concerning or bad for us…not necessarily" she said with a

light frown. It had been a surprise to be sure, just as this final condition


In the months since the meeting with the delegation they'd been

somewhat…difficult and she was sure that they would continue to be. Yet

they weren't and in fact had reversed their decisions on some of the terms

they'd outright rejected before.

She wasn't sure what to think of it but she knew it had to do with this…


Parkinson hummed for a moment. "Do you want me to look into it?" he

asked her with a tilt of the head "Nothing too pervasive of course."

She thought on it for a minute or so before shaking her head "Not yet.

We'll see what he thinks or knows" she told him and he nodded his

acceptance before they continued to walk in silence.

They arrived at the doors and walked in. They were at the top of the

lecture hall though the voices of the two at the front of the lecture hall

carried through the air with deliberate ease.

She looked down at the pair who were by the black board, a board that

was filled with markings she faintly recognised.

She glanced to her right and saw a few older students, likely graduates

who were Mastery students, seated together a few rows down from the


"-an't see the reconciliation between this…predictive system and magic

when it comes to divination, my Lord" she heard the accented woman at

the bottom say. She took a moment to look her over and saw it was a

relatively young woman, likely between her mid twenties and thirties.

She frowned for a moment before she turned to Parkinson "I'm going to

speak to those students." Parkinson nodded before he returned his

attentions at the two debating people at the front as she began to walk

over to the students.

"Traditional Seers see the future as Magic decrees, seeing the possible and

likely route the future may take and Prophets" the woman continued,

pausing as she wrote on the board "Prophets decree prophesies,

prophesised events that are unavoidable if the conditions arise and serve

as a fixed point in time" the woman said with a heavy accent.

"All of this, the possibility of seeing the future itself is possible because

magic is rooted in the very structures of the universe. It is the same,

though on a much lesser scale, for all other forms of minor divination,

scrying, tarot cards, leaf reading, all of it, is only possible because we are

capable of tapping into those streams of magic that are tied to everything

that is and ever will be, streams of magic that allow us few gifted with

the talent glimpses into the future even if it is often without certain

direction or sense. What you're suggesting…"

Sandra got to the few students as she walked down the stairs to where

they were seated "How long have they been like this?"

The students disengaged from listening in on the conversation and were

startled when they recognised. "Madam Chancellor!" they said a little

alarmed as they started fumbling and made motions to stand up but she

waved them off.

"It's fine, let's not get hung up on ceremony" she smiled at the students

before she asked again "So, how long have they been talking with each


The students looked at each other a little lost before one answered "I

think over a couple of hours now."

Her eyebrows raised "Really?" she glanced at the two below. Hmm.

Maybe she should wait a little longer before she interrupted them.

"Yes." The other student spoke up next "At first it had just been about

new divination techniques that the Professor was showing him but then

they got into possibilities of using Arithmancy primarily to divine the


The other laughed a little awkwardly "I think I'll spend a lot of time

trying to figure out what they're talking about" the student admitted.

"After a long nap I think" he murmured tiredly before he seemed to

remember who he was speaking to and looked a little abashed to her


Sandra smiled at the students "Go." She jerked her head towards the

doors. "You can catch up with the Professor in the morning." She told


The other student wanted to protest but she gave a pointed look which

halted any beginnings of protestations. They gathered their books and

made their way to the exits.

"-not possible! Random chaos prevents such predictability from being

possible and it is only through magic – which is eternal and timeless! –

that we are able to glimpse the future! To suggest that we could possibly

divine the future using arithmancy by deconstructing the flow of coming

history itself…" the woman trailed off.

Sandra was struck with what she was saying as she sat down, a frown

adorning her face.

'Deconstruct the flow of coming history?' she wondered to herself but she

was soon distracted by the continuation of the conversation.

"Visions and Prophesy have always been the most reliable forms of

divining the future and even then they have their flaws as they rely on

individuals to act as agents of Lady Magic to bring about the Seen future

or prophesised event." The woman said with a shake of the head

"Magic acts as an invisible hand to bring about her preferred future and

this is the acknowledged view of most Divination experts." The woman

stared at him for a moment

"Using Arithmancy circumvents that train of thought completely, makes

the belief that there is a Will of Magic that guides us invalid if we're able

to using this new form of Arithmancy to divine the path that is before

us." The woman sighed as she brushed her hair behind her ears as she

turned to stare at the writings on the board "It seems impossible to make

sense of Chaos without the Will of Lady Magic." She finished with a

strange tone.

"I wouldn't quite say the belief that there is a Will of Magic would

become invalid rather…less mystified and also not necessarily impacted

by this predictive method." He returned to the woman before seeming to

pause for a moment, seemingly considering how to answer.

"What is chaos but perturbations with amplified effects within a complex

system?" she heard him answer a few moments after.

He didn't move, not a single gesture was made when a dim glowing ball

of light emerged between himself and the professor before more orbs

were created, much smaller than the central ball of light.

Atticus created the solar system. She glanced to her left and saw

Parkinson come down and sat a few seats apart from her.

Parkinson had an intense expression on his face, one that

uncharacteristically thoughtful as he stared at the two debating people.

She turned to them as well and listened in.

"To accurately model a system, you need to define its parameters, its

initial conditions and what perturbations exist that can alter its expected

results" he said to the woman.

A radiant line sprang from one of the orbs that orbited the model sun

which followed its orbital path. "We can predict where planets will be

centuries in advance with a very high accuracy with Arithmancy alone.

But what happens when you add another variable to the system? An

external variable?" he asked of the woman as another object began to

race towards to the planet and almost brushed against it. It caused an

effect, the radiant line that marked out the orbit began to change, subtly

but change it did.

"The system changes." The woman answered "And that only proves my

point! Arithmancy cannot reconcile the randomness that exists in the

universe let alone predict events that might occur in the world with

millions of chaotic elements that are individuals"

Sandra's eyes widened at the statement. They were discussing how to

predict events?

"Of course not, not completely" he agreed.

"Even in a macroscale system as such as a solar system, eventually minor

perturbations do add up to cause change to the system. But what if you

could define the system down to the very microscale?" he asked her.

"You're talking about Quantum Mechanics, the very topic that's been

giving those eggheads of yours minor strokes?" she asked with a hint of

laughter in her voice.

There was a tone of humour in tone as he spoke "The very same though

only as an example when it comes to factoring the minor and seemingly

inconsequential variables and random changes. The mundanes have been

making progress but I suspect we'll do it better and quicker. Now," he

paused as the conjuration shifted away and began to form into the

universe as they now had been able to see thanks to one of the recent

breakthroughs made by the Office of Magical Innovation and Technology.

"What if I said it was possible to arithmantically define the system down

to the very miniscule, factoring in all debilitating effects such as

variables, randomness, all of which can and will cause perturbations in

the flow of events? What if I said similarly you can use this method to

scale up usefully, ensuring that you could account for any such

perturbations individuals could cause and correct it accordingly?" Lord

Sayre posed to the woman.

"I'd say impossible!" the woman exclaimed as she began to pace, her head

bowed seemingly deep in mind bending thought.

"What you're suggesting…!" she said with a shake of the head.

"How would you account for the randomness that exist that is a person's

free will?" she asked him "A single individual can destabilise the desired

future with a single decision, a single decision that can cause waves of

cascading disruption that leads to thousands, millions of other individuals

to also contribute to make that desired future impossible to manifest."

She said with an animate wave of the hands.

"And if what you say is true, that there exists an infinite multiverse where

any and all random events manifest themselves no matter how

improbable or impossible, to plot the course of a desired future seems as

unfeasible as it is incalculable!" she said animatedly.

Atticus seemed to smile given the tone of his voice "And you would be

right to say that plotting the course of a desired future is unfeasible – at

least with a hundred percent accuracy and without corrections" Atticus

paused meaningfully now, the conjuration shifting again and in its place

a river in a rocky landscape took its place.

"In any reality, there will always be a butterfly effect, one where the

same events that play out differently will result in consequences and

results that are tied to the difference between the realities." He said to

her before continuing

"Even a miniscule change on a massive scale will have effects that can

snowball into a larger consequence. A hurricane on earth will not have

much of a measurable effect on the Earth's gravitational pull on Jupiter

nor does it matter much who wins the Quidditch International League."

Lord Sayre stopped for a moment as he stared at the river for a second

before continuing.

"But…" he said, stressing the word as he resumed "said hurricane still has

an effect even if it is miniscule, just as that Quidditch game matters in

some way or form. In the case of the hurricane, the non-uniform

distribution of the Earth's mass will still have an effect on the force that is

exerted on Mars or Jupiter and that minor, near inconsequential effect

can later on, perhaps centuries, perhaps millennia or eons, yield a result

that can trace back its roots to that single hurricane which set off a series

of events that affected things on a solar scale" He turned to the woman.

"What I take that to mean is that even in the absence of intelligence and

'free will', the universe and its events cannot be predicted indefinitely far

into the future. Adding intelligence only exacerbates the problem…but it

also simultaneously eases it." He said with a pause as a rock rolled down

the rocky landscape, diverting the river as it settled in the river.

"…As an agent, I can be unpredictable like any individual but I can also

force events to happen as is useful to us." A conjured miniature figure

was created and removed the stone and then it shifted again, resetting

the blocked river only for the figure to add more stones to the river.

"It is possible for us to move rivers, to move mountains, even eventually

whole planets to bring about the path that is preferred for our people" he

said to the woman and it sent chills down her spine with the level of

assuredness he spoke with.

"We know that from an observational standpoint that individuals are

often highly unpredictable in their specific actions but…in a statistical

sense, they are less so" he told the woman.

"You cannot know for certain when you go to the toilet but it can be

proactively influenced." The conjuration shifted to a trickling waterfall

"Thinking and seeing the flow of water can alter the path you were going

to take, and just by conjuring this, I am able to hasten your body's need

to relief itself"

"Ah, that is a cheat! Taking advantage of my pregnant condition like

that!" she said with a playful scowl.

Atticus smiled "My apologies" he said charmingly with a grin in his voice

that was not apologetic at all. "Shall I pause or…?"

She shook her head "I can control myself and I'm quite intent on

disproving you, at least on needing the washroom at this moment" she

said teasingly with heavier accent than before.

Atticus smile increased for a moment before he grew serious "Very well.

In this example, I mean to show that despite the unpredictability of

humanity under most circumstances, actions and decisions can still be

influenced. As unpredictable as human actions might be individually,

moment by moment, they tend to average out."

"What do you mean?" the woman said as she swivelled around, her blond

locks swaying as she stared the shifting form of the conjuration.

It began to resemble a mundane city.

"Fascinating…" Parkinson muttered and she turned to him. "It seems like

he is trying draw a pattern that is independent from magic." Parkinson


"A pattern?" Sandra said with a frown. "Deconstructing the flow of coming

history…" she said aloud "Predicting events…" she trailed off again for a


"Yes." Parkinson said to her, turning to her for the first time. "Divination

for the most part is interpreting the signals magic grants us. Some can do

it naturally and others learn how to do it but in both instances, they tend

to be on a minor scale." He glanced at the two below for a brief moment

before continuing "What they are discussing is predicting events –

possibly all events – to come without needing to interpret the signals at all."

Her eyes widened "But that's…" she said in wonder. 'Is that even


"Yes." Parkinson said once more, thoughtful than ever "And impossible at

present, especially given the amount of information and everything else

you'd need to make it a workable method" Parkinson said with a deep

frown "The things you'd need to be able to factor in for it even

remotely…" Parkinson's frown melted away and his eyes seemed to light

up with an understanding that he seemed to have reached and turned his

gaze back to the conversation below before she could ask, an intense

expression sporting his face.

She turned towards the same direction.

"…I do not know what you or others will have for breakfast tomorrow

but if we look at the sales grocery shops make as a whole, we can make

some fairly accurate predictions at how many people, for instance, will

have bacon and eggs or muesli." He said to the pregnant woman.

"The bigger the sample, the more accurate our prediction becomes. If we

only use a sample of only ten people, our accuracy will be low but if we

use a city of a hundred thousand and estimate ten thousand of them will

have bacon and eggs and in the end nine thousand eight hundred do, we

can say that we were fairly accurate." Atticus lectured as the conjuration

changed to suit the explanation with thousands of small figures.

He continued "As my sample size increases, my accuracy increases, to the

point for example things like the behaviour of a gas sample composed of

trillions of individual and unpredictable molecules can be predicted with

incredible accuracy at least for some aspects of that sample's behaviour. I

will actually be more accurate the bigger the sample, in direct

contradiction of the notion that there are more things and complex

interactions involved. Many complex chaotic systems, as they scale up in

complexity and in size, can begin to show emergent patterns that can

make them easier to model"

"Statistics…Statistics would be the base of your formulation of

behavioural patterns and future events" The woman said after a moment

of realisation. "But to even create a workable model…" she headily

exclaimed, a sense of wonder and understanding of the magnitude crept

in her voice. "Is that even possible?" she said with a deep frown on her

face "I can't even imagine the kinds of Arithmantic calculations and

expressions needed to formulate such predictions."

"Statistics would not be the only base." He said as the conjuration ended.

Lord Sayre turned to her "But for the sake of simplicity, yes. As for the

arithmantic calculations necessary, it will be something that addressed in

time once you've defined the system in its entirety. We're already making

significant headway with improving Magi-Comp by several hundred

factors." He told her before continuing

"With an excruciatingly precisely defined model as possible, one that has

factored in the very miniscule, even to the irrelevant like the

probabilities of what type of food is eaten for breakfast, the time

distribution of when people take their lunch breaks, all of it, all of that

randomness, all of that unpredictability will be washed away into

averages and patterns once it is scaled up, once the sample size reaches a

certain threshold population and could be used to predict the flow of

magical history." Atticus said passionately.

"With this use of Arithmancy, a new form of divination independent from

the visions and prophesies interpreted from Magic would be possible and

would allow us to predict the course of history with a degree of

accuracy." He paused for a moment as he glanced at the blackboard.

"With visions we see the most likely future near future, one that Magic

herself seems to favour. But with this as a tool…we could have greater

degree of input as to what kind of future comes to pass and see further

too" He said.

Sandra almost slumped in her chair. What they were talking about…


"Naturally there will be rocks, interferences and disturbances that can

alter the desired path but this can be accounted for and corrected…

returning history back on the path we want" he finished.

"That is…" Sandra said with wide eyes as she sat up, finally having

digested the information. "That can't be possible?" she turned to

Parkinson whose expression was incredibly thoughtful.

"Why not?" Parkinson voiced out as he turned to her. "Though I see many

issues with the form of divination, one that depends on a sufficiently

large population, something that we've never been, not to mention the

factor that magic has."

"However, saying that" Parkinson continued "I can see it being possible to

even factor that…after all" Parkinson turned away from her "magic acts

on our will and our will…well, that is far from being so different from

the mundanes, magic or not. We all have the same base desires even if the

flavour is different."

Sandra frowned at though her thoughts were interrupted as the Professor

spoke again

"This will always have several fatal flaws" the woman said as she flicked

her wand, vanishing the conjuration "One of them being that it relies on

the civilisation being stagnant, insofar that all magical and technological

advancement is halted in its entirety." The professor paused as she wrote

on the board an expression Sandra didn't recognise.

"Magic will always be a disrupting element, one that will always alter the

dynamics of society, seriously disrupting society and in time so will

technology and whatever symbiosis Illos finds between the two. We

cannot predict the coming of advancements that can profoundly alter the

course of human history." She began pacing slightly before she swivelled

around, her eyes wide as she stared Lord Sayre.

"That is why you want a reconciliation between this possible use of

Arithmancy with Divination, isn't it?" she questioned him intently. "You

want to make sense of the limitations and haziness that can exist with

Visions with…this…and also to factor in these unknown advancements

with glimpses provided by Magic creating some kind of symbiotic fusion

that practically gives us the roadmap of the possible futures?" the

professor exclaimed in wonder and was brimming with excitement.

Atticus only smiled and inclined his head in acknowledgement. "Yes. The

information by visions, at times, can only be understood after the fact

which can be too late to halt whatever has been set in motion which is

problematic to say the least if it is an unfavourable future. It is this lack

of key points in time that I wish to map out, the points that are effectively

nodal points in history and open up entire roads of possibilities." Atticus

paused for a moment as he glanced at the blackboard.

"Though in some ways…I'm also thinking long term, longer than anyone

since Phemonoe has managed to see." He said as he stared at the

calculations on the blackboard.

"Predicting the course of human history decades, centuries down the line

in this way alone is not going to be accurate, not when we have magic

and when magic itself can interfere to derail the predicted path of our

people." Atticus said to the woman.

The professor stared at him for a moment before speaking "You already

surmised all the issues I spoke off." She simply stated, a curious

expression on her face.

"Yes." Lord Sayre simply said though there was a strange tone to his voice

which disappeared as he continued "If we're able to create a unified

divination system that combines the largely mundane divining method

with the magical ones, we should be able to glimpse further and more

accurately into the future and many of the probabilistic paths that are

open to us…paths that we could ensure to narrow down to an ideal few

so that the prosperity of our people and our descendants is as long as

possible." He said with a glance to Professor's belly.

"It could change everything if it worked" the professor said after a while

as she rubbed her belly. She gazed up at Atticus "You know as well as I

do that changing outcomes has often proven to be too difficult." She

turned to the blackboard "This…this could really change everything…if it

is possible"

She turned back at Atticus, seemingly having gained a bounce in her step

as she spoke "There are a lot of problems to solve" she stated matter-of-


Atticus inclined his head "I know." Sandra could hear the smile in his


"It probably wouldn't even remotely be possible for decades to come" the

professor further added, her eyes flickering between the blackboard and


"I know" Atticus said once more.

The professor was silent for a moment as she stared at Atticus for several

minutes. "And you just want to reconcile divination and this model, no…

not to reconcile…not really…you want to fit Visions and Prophecies into

this theoretical model to generate a more accurate prediction of the

future and change it for the better if needed?"

Sandra saw Atticus nod and decided then to stand up and make her way


Atticus spoke up as he turned to the blackboard "I think it's worth trying

at the very least. We have a great many challenges coming our way, short

term and long term. A bright future grows smaller as time goes on if

we're unable to meet those challenges fully informed and ready. A

symbiotic method may well give us what we need for a lasting peace. On

its own, this Predictive History Method would falter even if we managed

to somehow account for the perturbations caused by free will, Magic and


Lord Sayre stared at the board "If we consider a thousand year long plan,

let's assume every century or so there is a crucial moment or decision

that can destroy the plan if the wrong action is taken."

The board became clean with Lord Sayre moving and numbers in white

chalk began to form on the blackboard "Each correction planned ahead of

time to counteract this disturbance will be pretty accurate in a large scale

system, say it will be 90% to keep it simple. Each time we through the

dice, the correction will have a 90% chance of succeeding. The second

correction there is only 90% of 90% chance of succeeding which is 81%.

Do this until the tenth correction, you will have a 34.9% chance of

achieving the plan, a two to one chance."

"But with visions…" the professor trailed off for a moment "With visions

we'd able to increase that chance of success each time at the moment the

disturbance threatens to upend the preferred future."

"Yes." Atticus said with an incline of the head.

"What about the morality of such a system?" Sandra said as she reached

the final steps of the lecture hall.

They turned to her, the professor seemed a little startled but Atticus

seemed unsurprised.

"What you're speaking of is highly unethical" Sandra said with a deep


"Madam High Chancellor" the Professor bowed her head and Sandra

acknowledged it, even if it was brief.

Atticus turned to her, a kind smile on his gentle expression. "Only if you

think it is done at an individual level." He said before continuing "which

it isn't. What we're speaking off is at a civilisation scale, far from the

individual level that would make it manipulative."

"How so?" Sandra asked sceptically "Would this not plan the course of

people's lives even if it is on such a large scale? Even make people's

decisions for them, removing free will?"

He shook his head before his eyes met her gaze "No. It would only map

out the future and even then it would be on a large scale. Any corrections

made to the course of history would likely be miniscule and would not

infringe on the individual's free will." He paused for a moment as he met

Sandra's gaze.

"Any corrections made is unlikely be at a single individual level and the

system would not work down to the specific individual. Such a thing

could never be possible even if you had all the time of the universe to

compute it." He told her and quirked an eyebrow as well "Besides, to be

that controlling is far from what a healthy civilisation should aspire to."

He said to her pointedly.

Sandra frowned before she nodded. She knew that above all he wished

Illos to be a success onto its own and did much to elevate people to

positions of power where they could make decisions, educated decisions,

without needing micromanagement.

It would have been contrary to all of their planning and what Illos was

meant to be if he wanted to be that controlling.


It didn't sit easy with her.

He continued "Every decision you make, every single thought you have,

has an effect that changes the very present and future. An infinite

variable that might have recognisable patterns to the decisions you make

but nonetheless a variable that cannot be predicted with any sort of great

degree of accuracy." He paused for a brief second as Parkinson also

reached the ground floor of the lecture hall.

"It is only because of the size of the population that the human chaotic

system can be modelled with any degree of accuracy, even if it is easy to

perturb and sensitive to the butterfly effect." Atticus tilted his head as he

turned around glancing at the blackboard.

"With a fusion of this Predictive History and Divination, it becomes

possible to recognise the pitfalls that can break civilisations, that can

descend our civilisation into stagnation and demise. That is ultimately

what this would be for, to see where we are going wrong and what we

can do to correct it. A stable civilisation that continues to grow and

prosper would be the only goal of this system" his voice declined to a

contemplative tone.

"The potential of abuse though…" Sandra trailed off.

He turned to her, a grim expression on his face and nodded "The

potential of abuse huge. But then…" he smiled at her knowingly "Isn't that

the case with everything and more so with us magicals where we have

literal power at our fingertips?"

She had to concede to that…even more so when Atticus could probably

reign down destruction onto the world that only Merlin or the Wizards

who inspired the tales of the Four Horsemen could ever have managed.


It sat uneasily with her, the idea that history could be predicted before it

became…well history.

Sandra shook her head "No one deserves such a power."

"Yet do I not have a similar power, power I use every day to the good of

Illos and our people?" Lord Sayre posed to her, an apologetic expression

on his face.

Sandra frowned "Yes but that is different and also I can trust you" she said

firmly as she stared at the blackboard for a moment.

She knew he had incredible Seeing abilities, abilities that allowed him to

see years into the future but as far as she understood it was nowhere near

the scale they were talking about and it was only from his perspective.

This could potentially see centuries into the future.

She wasn't even sure she could trust herself with this.

"But this…to this scale?" She questioned as she turned towards him.

"No one can truly be trusted with anything of this scale." She stated, her

eyes intently studying him.

"At present it is only theoretical" the Professor interjected as she waved

towards the blackboard "The Arithmancy on the board is only

expressional not calculative."

She turned to Atticus before she looked to her and Parkinson and her

silvery blue eyes met Sandra's gaze

"To create such a predictive model would take decades and new forms of

Arithmancy that would boggle the mind." She shook her head. "Magi-

Comps are great tools but even they would not be able to run the

calculations needed for this, not at present. And then to figure out a way

to combine visions with this model?" The professor only laughed

joyously, the prospect of the difficult challenge seemingly exciting her.

"We're not even close to bringing it to life, Madam Chancellor" the

professor said as she looked Sandra, an unreadable glint in her eyes as

she faded away from the people surrounding her for a moment.

Sandra looked at Atticus from the corner of her eyes. She knew him all

too well that this wasn't a random conversation.

They'll have to talk about it after.

She turned the Professor, whose name escaped her. She was a pretty

woman, her silvery blue eyes certainly drew attentions and her light olive

skin and blonde hairs framed her petit body excellently. And she was also

heavily pregnant as she glanced at the woman's belly which was obscured

by her Losi, the name of the style of clothes they wore.

She must be a recent addition, she mused. Or perhaps she was just too

busy to keep track of all the newcomers.

"Professor…" Sandra began and the professor jolted out of her

absentminded expression and met Sandra's gaze with a bright smile.

"Hypatia Agoralos" she said with a widening smile as she stuck out her


Ah…so that accent was Greek then.

"Sandra Saunders" she said as she took the offered hand.

"I know" Hypatia said with a beaming smile "High Chancellor of Illos, the

very first one! I'm honoured to meet you!"

She quickly introduced herself to Parkinson too whose stoic expression

didn't seem to impact her cheerful mood at all.

Sandra's smile widened despite herself. "Thank you as am I. I don't quite

recognise you." She said with a curious hint in her tone.

"Ah!" Hypatia said excitedly. "That's because I've only been here for about

four months." She turned to Lord Sayre "I didn't come through the usual

ways of migration, I think." She said with a musical laugh in her voice.

Sandra sent a curious glance at him and Lord Sayre's lips curled slightly,

his eyes shining with a hint of mischief in them. "I heard about a prodigy

in Divination from Athens." He only offered to them as an explanation.

"And before I could work full time at the Olympicus, I get this strange

letter" she said with a bit of mirth in her voice "that piqued my interest

and lo and behold, I'm introduced to the most wanted man in the world –

and wasn't that a surprise! – and then told me what Illos was, promising

me this and that and I couldn't resist when he offered to show me Illos!"

She stopped for a moment, looking slightly abashed

"Not the greatest idea in hindsight, I know!" She peered at Atticus "Given

your reputation and all that is said about you, half claiming you to be the

Saviour and the other a danger, I shouldn't have been so eager but

sometimes you just know it's the right thing to do, you know?" She said

brightly, her eyes wide and mesmerising.

"It helped that Lord Sayre described Illos as the most magical place ever

and once I was here I found out it was better than he described" Her eyes

shone brilliantly

"When he made the offer to stay and teach, I could not refuse!" She

practically jumped in exhilaration as a fond exuberated expression

crossed her face.

Sandra's eyebrows almost raised passed her hairline before she rounded

up at Atticus with a pointed look who only smiled at her and shrugged in


They'd be having words later. She thought he'd stopped inviting people

without running them through the right procedures.

"Well…" she said as she turned back to Professor Agoralos "Welcome to

Illos and I suspect I'll be working with you at some point in the future if

you decide to make this your permanent home" she said before she gave

a mild glare at Atticus.

He'd better have enacted the same oaths everyone else was on.

"Oh, don't worry." The professor waved away. "I don't see anything other

than Illos in my future" she said matter-of-factly.

Sandra blinked a moment. Right…

She turned to Lord Sayre who only smiled a little wider.

"I see…" she said slowly. So that's why he went personally to invite her


"Might be different for little Pandora though" she said rubbing her belly.

She glanced down at the woman's stomach "Oh healers have confirmed

that it's a girl?" she asked curiously, hiding her mild jealousy. She looked

about four to five months pregnant. Derek and her had decided to wait

for a couple of decades, deciding that their jobs were too important at

present to interrupt it with raising children.

"No, I just know" she shrugged as she hopped on her feet and turned to

Lord Sayre "I think I definitely need to use the washroom now" she said

with a laugh as she turned around and walked with a quick pace away

before twirling around and bowed her head "If I don't see you in the next

day or so, I'm sure I'll see you at the Samhain ceremony! Goodnight all!"

she said cheerfully as she practically ran away.

Sandra watched the woman go before turning her gaze to Atticus with a

raised eyebrow.

His lips twitched at her expression before he decided to explain "She is

incredibly talented in Divination, better than I am in many ways."

"Really?" Sandra said with supreme surprise. Parkinson's eyes flashed

with intrigue and interest.

He hummed as he stared at the doors from which she exited "Yes. She

isn't as Far Seeing as I am but she has the potential to exceed me if I

teach her in the new techniques." For a moment it seemed like his eyes

gleamed in anticipation.

As much anticipation he felt, she felt just as much dread. She didn't think

it was a good thing if there were more like Atticus.

Not everyone could be as benign as he was.

"Is that why you decided to tell her about this new divining method?"

Parkinson asked curiously.

Atticus nodded.

"You already know it's possible, don't you?" Sandra asked with a

scrutinising gaze.

He turned to her "Somewhat." He said after a moment.

Sandra stayed silent, absorbing what he said until she narrowed her eyes

"You wanted us to hear your conversation as well."

Atticus smiled and inclined his head "I did Sandra." He said with a warm

tone "I wanted you to know about it from the start."

Sandra's lips pursed for a moment. She wasn't surprised that he informed

them like this. Over the past near decade, he'd changed…becoming more

mysterious and yet more open at the same time.

His abilities to See had grown to frightening levels to the point she wasn't

sure what was scarier…his ability to See much of the future or his

strength in magic that seemed limitless.

His lips thinned for a brief moment "If I'm right and it is possible, it'll

likely be one of the most important Offices for a very long time to come."

"You want to establish something for this, don't you?" she asked him with

a hint of resignation.

She knew him too well not to know that he wouldn't orchestrate all this

without a purpose. She wasn't comfortable with it though…it seemed too

dangerous no matter how useful it could be in the future.

"Yes." He simply answered, confirming it. He met her gaze, his expression

slowly softening as he spoke further "And by the time it is possible, we

will have a structure in place to remove abuse." He said to her mostly,

alleviating some of the concerns she had.

He turned to Parkinson before flickering his eyes back at her "It's not as if

we don't have capable people amongst us to ensure such a thing." He said

with a mild smile as his eyes shone with amusement.

She scoffed as she shook her head. "Flatterer." She said with a sigh.

Her lawful mind tingled and she looked up at Atticus with a stern gaze

"We cannot judge others before they commit any crimes."

"Of course not" Atticus tilted his head "That would be against the

principles of Illos but what we can do is remove the conditions, if

possible, that allow for such issues in the first place."

"It's somewhat relieving." Parkinson said in a musing tone as he stared

intently at Atticus "That you're thinking about methods to incorporate

preventative methods that are not solely reliant on you into the fabric of

Illos." Parkinson peered at Atticus with an introspective gaze.

She could agree with that.

Much of Illos depended on Atticus – from education, to law, to building,

to even child rearing! It was staggering how involved he was in

everything even if he was stepping off the pedal somewhat nowadays.

She didn't begrudge him all of that, not at all.

He is The Lord of Illos after all. All they could see still belonged to him

and his wife and likely would remain like that for a very long time.

In a way, it was comforting he was willing to relinquish a lot of the

control he held for the benefit of Illos. It reminded her that he was still at

heart that dreamy boy that revealed to her and her husband his plans.

Illos would always come first.

"My visions are powerful and I see much but I also don't see everything."

He allowed a small almost self-deprecating smile to form "Not that I wish

to be All-Seeing." He turned serious once more as he continued.

"I want to ensure that we don't miss anything, any chances that may

present themselves whereby we save ourselves from circumstances that

could cause the demise of all that we've built and continue to build"

Atticus said with a determined expression and power in his voice, one

that made her stand straighter.

"Like preventing the rise of a Dark Lord by ensuring they don't have an

opportunity to have a reason to rise in the first place?" Parkinson mused

aloud and Atticus nodded.

"Just so." He turned to Sandra "That is one of the greatest concerns I

have. With our powers, we are effectively near godlike beings. We are

nearly limitless in our capabilities and as we improve our civilisation, so

will our capabilities and understanding. Should another one with my kind

of potential rise to decide to become a Dark Lord…" he trailed off, his

insinuations clear.

She sighed for a moment before as she grabbed the bridge of her nose.

When he said it like that…

It was going to be a headache writing the codified oaths that would bind

this future department.

After a moment Parkinson spoke up "I take Dark Lords and the like are

the main instigators of this…research?" Parkinson posed to Atticus.

Atticus' expression shifted "Somewhat though Dark Lords are far from the

most concerning problem that we might face at present" he said much to

her concern.

"What then?" Sandra questioned intently. As Chancellor, she was involved

in the oversight of all facets of Illos including security and wouldn't

change in the upcoming elections. The Representative Council was the

legislative body of the government but they were not the complete

executive body of Illos even if they did some aspects of it.

Oversight was what the High Council was for and the Chief Representative,

the chosen Representative from the Council of Representatives, would sit

amongst the High Council on the behalf of the wishes of the public and

the Council of Representatives.

The High Council did not make local decisions nor the laws but could

veto such matters if it is found to be in breach of the Constitution she

helped write with Atticus, his wife and several other people.

In matters of Office direction, such as making changes in Education, such

decisions would have to be brought to the High Council and justification

provided for the changes.

Such a structure was intent on ensuring the overarching direction of Illos

was never changed without the input of the High Council who were

effectively Guardians of the State.

"Dark Lords we can deal with. They are an easy target after all. What isn't

easy are the people behind the scenes, powerful people who are moving

pieces across the board against us from the shadows even in this moment

in time." Atticus' expression darkened "It's not an issue right now, perhaps

not for years to come but eventually they will be."

"Do you know who they are?" Sandra asked with a frown.

Atticus shook his head "I don't." A flicker of frustration cut across his face

"I only know that they are referred to as Men of Symbols" he told them.

Parkinson's eyes widened. "M.O.S." he said with an uncharacteristic hint

of surprise in his voice.

Atticus only nodded.

"Mos…?" Sandra parroted with a frown.

Parkinson turned to Sandra "They're a legend amongst the ICW. I've

heard them referenced as the Unspeakables amongst the Unspeakables"

Parkinson narrowed his eyes as he looked past Sandra "I heard about

them during my stint as a bounty hunter from a few ICW enforcers. I

seem to recall once hearing that the organisation might be older than the

ICW itself" He pursed his lips, turning to Atticus

"I'll look into what I can dig out."

"Please do." Atticus said before pausing for a moment.

"I'm hopeful this possible system may be eventually pick up such noise in

the background and we can root it out before it can become an infection.

I have a feeling that our issues with the Magical World stems directly

from them and I'd rather Illos isn't blindsided by things like this in the

future." He finished with a nod before turning to Sandra

"Can I depend on you to begin on drafting the codification?" he asked of


She didn't respond for a moment before she met his gaze "I will do it. I

want to make sure we have checks and balances in place if this…method

ends up becoming a reality"

Atticus offered her a smile "Good. I don't expect the research to begin for

several years to come, I don't think." He paused for a moment glancing

into the distance before he continued as he turned to her, seemingly

regaining focus "Actually, you should spend some time with Professor

Agoralos. It will do you some good to understand her."

Sandra digested that for a moment and she was about to nod until a

curious thought entered her mind "You're planning for her to head this

new Office, aren't you?"

Atticus turned to her and nodded with a small smile. "Don't tell her

though. It is after all quite a number of years away."

"But she's…a little eccentric." Sandra said with a frown "Not really the

type to be heading organisations." True she was basing it on the short

exchange they had but still…

He only smiled as a mirthful gleam entered his eyes "If you think she's

eccentric, wait until you meet a few more like her. Hypatia is practically

mild." He said with a knowing tone, seemingly genuinely exciting him as

he spoke of the prospect of others more eccentric than the professor.

Parkinson interjected, turning the conversation to another point "Those

two students overheard much of what discussed."

He hummed "I know. They're fine. They'll be some of her first protégés."

He dismissed cavalierly "They'll do good work" he tagged on which made

her eye twitch.

"Will this method allow more like you to sprout into existence?" Sandra

said long-sufferingly. Professor Agoralos might end up like him but she

really hoped she'd be the only one.

Atticus' lips twitched "Not quite. You're quite safe from being overrun by

Mostly-Knowing people" he said with an amused tone.

"Good. I think the universe can't handle many more beings such as

yourself." Sandra said with a shake of the head.

She turned serious as she met his gaze "We've received news from the

Japanese Delegates." She told him flatly.

He tilted his head in curiosity "And?" he questioned, his full attentions on


She let no emotions leak out as she explained "The trade agreements

we've reached are favourable" To say they were favourable was an


Illos had little need of anything and while it wasn't a problem, it did

make things a little stale. To be become a trading nation would do much

to rejuvenate the people especially given that there were many things

that they could offer and not just finished products either.

While the Japanese delegation were incredibly impressed with much of

Illos, they were particularly impressed and interested in the yield of

magical plants and crops Illos was able to produce.

With the loss of their trade agreements in Asia and most of the Magical

World, Magical Japan were depleting much of their potion ingredient

stock. They reversed some of their decisions that hampered an agreement

and now it was likely they'd become a major importer of their ingredients

should they get over the final hurdle.

One of the things they had done prior to their full settlement in Illos was

to obtain every known specimen of magical plants and grow it all here

which hadn't been an easy feat at all.

Magical plants were highly attuned to the locations they originated and

the rarest plants needed specific conditions to bloom, conditions that

they managed to replicate with their greenhouses through a combination

of magic and science.

"But?" Atticus prodded.

She sighed "Any talk about forming a political and economic organisation

independent from the ICW and its members cannot be continued along

with signing the trading treaties until we meet their one fixed condition."

She said as she met his gaze.

She suspected he probably knew.

Atticus' eyes narrowed but after a moment, he looked away, seemingly

lost in thought. After a while he spoke up "Ieyasu Seiwa Genio wants to

come here to talk to me personally."

"He does." She confirmed.

A small smile formed on his face even as he continued to look away. "It'll

be years since I've seen the old man." He said with what sounded like

almost a hint of respect in his tone.

He turned to her and nodded "Set it up. Let them dictate when. It doesn't


Atticus turned to Parkinson. "It will be time to speak with MACUSA soon.

Make sure we have the latest information available when we approach

them." He said with an expressionless face.

That'll be an interesting meeting, Sandra mused.

Quite the family reunion if President Clito-Beauclerc is still head of state

by the time everything is set up.

Speaking of family…

"Shall I contact your sister as well?" Parkinson asked intently.

Atticus remained silent for a moment. "No." He met Parkinson's

unflinching gaze. "I'll speak with her myself." He said in a tone that brook

no further conversation on that topic.

Parkinson bowed "My Lord." He intoned and Atticus turned to her again.

"Similarly it'll be time to approach France in the next year or two."

Atticus' eyes were gleaming with anticipation before it faded away just as

fast it appeared "We're not ready to be known to the wider Magical World

but the time is fast approaching."

"I need you to liaise with Parelius" he nodded to Parkinson "And come up

with a phasing plan to shift most of the people we have out in the world

into Illos. That'll reduce the chances of the ICW chancing on us before

we're ready. The risk has been getting too high."

She nodded.

She'd also talk with Derek about the Dormants and muggleborns – first

generation magicals she corrected herself – who were working all across

the world in Atticus' Mundane companies. Many of those first generation

magicals were British who had left the Isles a few years ago when it

became untenable to stay any longer.

She didn't think it would take much to convince them to move to Illos

given that some of them had already seen the place. The others would be

easily convinced given that Atticus had only gained in reputation

amongst them.

"What about New Zealand?" Sandra questioned.

"Nothing will change for New Zealand. The operations there will remain

running likely until the last moment" Atticus told her.

"Very well." She said after a moment. The families that had a magical

child and agreed to move were often sent to America, Canada or

Australia, places that Atticus' mundane companies held a significant

presence in. But New Zealand was different…special.

The country since its inception had a limited Ministry which had been to

their benefit. Slowly over the course of a short few years they managed

to effectively turn the Ministry into an extension of Illos.

Most Dormant families that were trustworthy were sent there now and

many of the overseas students came from New Zealand. These families

were also more integrated into magical society which was on purpose. In

time, they intended to take in all of those families into Illos. She'd speak

with the Minister about accelerating the timeline on some of the plans.

"The time of taking it easy has come an end" Atticus said with a thin

smile, his purple green eyes as hard as glittering gemstones.

"Sooner than we realise we'll be on the central stage" Atticus said before

he turned towards the doors and proceeded to walk away from them, his

steps echoing in the hall.

"And when the curtains fall, my old friends, we must rise to the occasion"

He finished as he opened and walked out the doors.


29th of October 1952 – Wizengamot Chambers

Rasmussen Lestrange POV

He stood up as Chief Warlock Ollerton arrived and waited as the Chief

Warlock took his seat. Ollerton banged his gavel.

"I call this session of the Wizengamot to order. My Lords and Ladies,

please be seated." And he took his seat just as the others did.

"I welcome you all on this auspicious day…" he tuned out the ceremonial

speech of the Chief Warlock and refocusing only when the agenda was

listed out by the scribe.

He glanced at Lord Prince who sat on his right for a moment. Lord Prince

gave no outward expression except for allowing a knowing glint to be

seen in his eyes.

It seemed the rumours had been right he thought musingly.

The Minister was intent on circumventing tradition and open up with the

trial instead of the normal proceedings.

The accused man, Jack Coulson was brought into the chambers with a

spectrum of reactions though anticipation, irrelevant if it was

disapproving or not, was shared by all.

He sat in his seat in the middle tier of the Wizengamot, lazily gazing

down at the man accused in today's trial, hiding his interest in what was

about to happen.

"This trial is a farce." The Lord Blackthorne whispered in the short

interlude before the trial would begin, the hate in his voice clear to hear.

He glanced around and saw him looking around the chambers with

clenched teeth.

Lestrange set his hard eyes on the man at the blatant show of emotion.

Despite years of lordly training, he was still found…wanting when it came

to being the Lord his House demanded him to be.

The bad muggle blood towered over what meagre noble blood the 'Lord'

Blackthorne had.

"When hasn't this place been a farce, Michael?" 'Lord' Eveningshade said,

his facial expression not changing from the stoic expression he wore.

Another squib descendant that found himself fortunate enough to carry the

blood of a storied family and carry enough vestiges of family magic to be

chosen as Lord Eveningshade.

Rasmussen almost scoffed. And yet they were the better bunch of a poor

lot and fortunately for His Lady, they were also the ones who had the

'ancestral rights' to the permanent seats they now occupied.

There might have been more than six dozen squib descendants of extinct

'noble' bloodlines but only two were of any true value with eight having

been from noble families that once had a Noble Elected seat but lost it in

the wake of their family's 'extinction'.

As such, out of hundreds of squib descendants, there were only two were

of any particular value and they sat above him next His Lady.

Even after all of these years they knew not how privileged they were that

she had taken them under her protection.


Well, it would have been a certainty that they would have been right

there in the same place that man currently sat, awaiting 'judgement' from

the Lords and Ladies of the Wizengamot and that was if they were lucky.

After all…even if they were his 'allies', he could barely stand the presence

of mudbloods of a 'higher rank' than himself and he knew the majority of

the true Lords felt the same.

"We all know this is just another hunt to remove more troublesome"

Eveningshade allowed his lips to sharpen in a hidden sneer "pieces of the

board whilst at the same time rob them of what is rightfully theirs."

"I don't know why we're allowing this to hap-" Blackthorne's voice had

threatened to rise but a carefully placed hand stopped him from voicing

out any further.

His eyes travelled from the long delicate hands that were on

Blackthorne's arm to the person it belonged to.

She was dressed in the most resplendent Wizengamot dress robes but that

was not caught your eyes…no, what caught your attentions were her

entire being.

Her long black silken hair was free and fell passed her shoulders, her pale

skin resembled closer to marble with how pristine it was, how unmarred

it was. Her delicate features did nothing to hide the strength and power

she radiated.

Her eyes did not falter away from looking down at the man who sat with

his counsel at the front in today's court proceedings.

"Now it is not the time…" she said, her words were spoken quietly but

impossible to be unheard. She broke from her gaze and set her engulfing

eyes upon Blackthorne "Nor the place." Blackthorne looked chastised and

apologetic before he bowed his head and looked away.

Even if she was still only in her mid-twenties, she radiated the kind of

authority that wizened old mages could only aspire to achieve. It was

that same authority that managed to create the powerful political block

that was the Ouroboros faction.

His Vasilissa was nothing but perfection.

Even now, he was in awe of her, especially with the way things were falling

into place.

If Sayre was unrivalled in magic, she was unrivalled in politics.

Despite all the problems Magical Britain faced, and because of whom it

faced, you would have thought she was vulnerable, to be targeted for the

actions of her husband.

Yet, it was far from the case.

From the moment she married Sayre, she remained completely separate

from his ambitions, her keeping her family name was certain proof of

that, forming her own political group that leaned Traditionalist but

where it differed was its central ideals laid in Education and Magical


She created orphanages – her measures of inviting orphaned children

from the Continent contributed significantly in limiting the population

decline – revamped the magical schools in Wales, Scotland and England

entirely without governmental funding and she created free preschools

for ages four to eleven funded out of her own pockets that focused on

magical history, culture and theory along with preparing the students for

Hogwarts where they would receive scholarships.

Her own academic successes rivalled that of Sayre when she became the

second person in history to obtain at least two masteries before the age of

nineteen and her duelling skills were put into display when she won the

International Duelling Competition three times in a row at the age of

seventeen, eighteen and nineteen.

During the growing conflict between Sayre, the Ministry and its

Wizengamot allies, she remained neutral, offering no support to either

side only asking in the public forum for moderation and peace as the

conflict spiralled out of control.

The International Magical Press, a readership that exceeded that of the

Daily Prophet even now despite the Daily Prophet being owned by the

Ministry, followed her neutrality and did little to comment on the

growing political crisis.

Many questions that arose, questions that should have been problematic

for his Vasilissa, were sidestepped and diffused away. Questions that

touched on the topic of their lack of unity were explained away by

separating away unity in marriage from unity of politics, a point the

public had accepted. In truth, there as little they would not accept, not

with the way the public had taken to his Vasilissa.

Publicly, she was the perfect symbol of what an Heir of the Founders

should be like.

She was powerful, focused on education as well as on the wellbeing of

the coming generation and she funded many institutions dedicated to

cultural heritage, from the Arts to a National Museum that showcased

artefacts that belonged wizards and witches of note, such as the Slytherin

Locket. Helga Hufflepuff's Cup and the Ravenclaw Diadem, all of which

had catapulted her as an equal treasure to the public as those trinkets



Well, he thought musingly to himself as he sat back in his chair, his eyes

glancing towards the Traditionalist faction.

While nearly all the heirs who'd sworn their loyalty did not sit in their

family seats yet, they still held significant influence on their Heads of


Not that she needed it all that much once they had met her in private. Any

prospects of involving her in their conflict with Sayre died not long after

they'd spoken with her.

Sayre had cast a long shadow but many had found that she could cast an

equally long one should she desire and many knew she would not

relinquish her position, not after publicly stating she would continue her

ancestor's work in Britain for a long time to come.

He did not know what the agreements were reached at the end, rumours

amongst her faithful were rife but he did know that she'd been important

in facilitating the deal that led to Sayre's exile and prevented all-out civil

war that could have escalated to another global conflict with the way the

ICW and its puppets were involving themselves in their affairs.

His attentions drifted back to Minister Lowe, elected this year after

Norton's replacement had been ousted due to poor performance, rose

from his seat.

"Honoured Members of the Wizengamot" Lowe said in his gravelly voice

"today we have all convened to preside over a trial that has been long

time coming" Lowe gazed across the Chambers before his eyes settled on

the man below who was fearful but nonetheless radiated hatred and

contempt for the people in the chamber.

"One that will get to the bottom of the truth of the heinous act that was

committed and that Mr Coulson is accused of performing!" The Minister

said with a furious flourish before he continued pompously

"Normally, the threshold for the alleged crime committed would not have

yielded a Wixen Court however, Honourable Lords and Ladies, we are

presented with a crime that threatens the very stability of our nation, one

that follows a slew of similar crimes that aims to weaken the very threads

that keep our nation together" Lowe spoke passionately.

Rasmussen leaned forward from his chair, his eyes intently staring at the


Lowe had circumvented the standard procedures once again and used his

executive authority to force it through into the Wixen Court, the highest

judicial body of Magical Britain.

He wondered if it was a scheme made with the Traditionalists.

Unlikely, he mused to himself. It wasn't Lord Black's style to drag it out in

such a dramatic fashion. It was likely Lowe's idea and execution with

tacit approval from the Traditionalists at most.

He glanced at Lord Black. He sat stiffly, his posture exuded nothing short

of utmost control as he watched the Minister's performance with an

impassive face.

Besides Arcturus Black were Selwyn, Parkinson, Avery and Shafiq, a

powerful block of five Most Ancient and Most Noble Houses

On the other side of the Chambers were the Progressives who had their

own powerful block of Most Ancient and Most Noble Houses in

Longbottom, Prewett, Bones, Abbott and Potter.

Despite McKinnon's lesser rank as an Ancient and Most Noble House, he

had led the Progressives for over two decades yet the decline of the

Progressive's influence had led to him being replaced by Fleamont Potter,

a man who seemed most likely to reign in the increasing power of the

Traditionalist faction.

Both faction had a collection of Noble Elected Houses though the

Traditionalist had a slight majority in their favour as they managed to

corral independents to their faction, likely because of Lord Black whose

influence could not go unrecognised.

It helped that when the Sayres…departed and gave up their ancestral

rights, another six Noble Elected seats opened up – though surprisingly

the McDowell seat was left intact even if it was held by an abstaining

proxy – when Ancient Houses such as Merek, Garrick and Carson left

with the Sayres.

That allowed the Traditionalist – with the significant aid of the former

Minister Norton – to get their sycophants seats in the Wizengamot with

five out of six all ending up joining the Traditionalist faction.

It was a contributing factor to McKinnon losing his leadership position in

the Progressives given the huge blow it represented.

With the growing influence of the Traditionalists, the independent seats

were pressured in joining a side in the growing political chasm that was

forming in the wake of the worst economic recession that gripped the

country since records began.

The independents were now the smallest they've ever been, most of the

remaining deciding to survive under the leadership of the Most Ancient

and Most Noble House of Fawley who managed to get them organised in

a small but vote swinging faction that could protect itself from pressure

from any of the sides.

The Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Ollivander was one of the

few remaining true independents.

And the last faction…the last faction was his own, the Ouroboros Faction

under Lady Slytherin's leadership which had Greengrass, Blackthorne,

Eveningshade and Nott and Carrow who had defected from the

Traditionalist faction when their heirs convinced them to.

Six Most Ancient and Most Noble Houses were a powerful voice with a

small but wealthy group of Noble Elected Houses forming its core and it

had shown during the Sayre Crisis.

The Sayre Crisis…

An understated naming of a period that to this day still left its lingering

touch on society. A touch that felt withering to most of the nobles and a

touch that left the regretful commoners longing for more.

He glanced at the infamous Sayre seat that was left unoccupied.

The magic within the Chamber imbued by Merlin himself would not be

so easily violated. That seat would remain there until the end of time and

it cast an ominous shadow over the Wizengamot and what Sayre

represented to its members.

His mind cast back as he delved into his memories.

Sayre had remodelled the entire economy to his family's whim, creating

sectors and new forms of business nearly on a weekly basis.

It was genius, and in the end perhaps foolish, the way he ruthlessly

upended centuries of economic makeup, breaking the gears that turned

the economy of Magical Britain.

Scores of influential families were losing money, indirectly, to his

inventions that gobbled up huge amount of market share as bespoke

stores and shops found themselves with far less foot traffic than before as

other interests and comparative products replaced centuries old

'traditional' products and goods.

If it had been just that, things might have worked out but Sayre had

different ideas.

He'd used his incredible popularity, which continued to rise as he

brought to the average magical a way to see the Magical World in their

very living rooms with his M-Vision product, to campaign and advocate

for laws to be repealed and putting forth laws that were intended – at

least according to most nobles – to claw away power from the nobility

and the Ministry.

That had been the signal to most of the elder Lords and Ladies that Sayre

had no intention of playing by the rules that had been established for

centuries upon centuries.

The Wizengamot protected its own and Sayre…Sayre had no interest in

protecting them

Sayre had grown too powerful, his defeat of the most powerful Dark Lord

in centuries, his status as a Sayre and his ability to gather legions of

followers had all combined to form a looming dragon intent on

devouring the carefully constructed power structure that ruled the Isles

for centuries whole in a just a few swallows.

He had already begun with the economy and his extreme speeches in the

Wizengamot were a death knell to any hopes they might have had about

his intentions.

That realisation had been the turning point in their growing resentment,

a realisation that sparked the fuel into an explosive despise and more

importantly…burning fear.

In truth, the fear they held that their power would be destroyed was an

understandable one.

The War on the continent had done a huge number on purebloods with a

death toll that reached in the five figures and decimated entire ancient

bloodlines and, as a consequence, many of the Ministries that had been

gutted by Grindelwald and his followers, new 'democratic' government –

in reality it was little better than oligarchy – had been instituted that

removed much of the political privilege the nobility had by the ICW.

Only Greece, Italy, Portugal, Norway and Sweden retained their

Wizengamot parallels as of today when before nearly all of Central and

Western Europe had the nobility dictating policy and their nations.

To go the way of most European nations…

One of the secret covenants that bound the nobility of Magical Britain

was that to jeopardise one of them was to jeopardise all of them.

And Sayre…

Sayre was threatening them all

It had been fascinating to watch, the decline of an unconquerable hero at

the hands of the people he had saved.

The fears that the nobles held, regardless if they were progressives or

traditionalists, were solidified into unbreakable diamonds when The Truth

about The Returnees and the Lie of being Muggle Borne came out.

A book that forever altered the dynamics of Magical Society across the

world no matter how much they tried to restore things back to the way

they were by banning the book.

A book whose very existence cracked the screen of superiority his fellow

purebloods had and later shattered as mudbloods gained access to the

vaults and treasures of long dead ancient lines all because one critical


They had Family Magic.

Nearly all families worth their salt tied their legacy to family magic if all

main line and branch clans were extinct, legacies that could only be

reactivated on having the blood and magic of the family line.

Magic through centuries, through millennia, was shaped and formed into

an encompassing nature that was family magic. It created a bond through

blood and magic between family members and often resulted in the

manifestation of certain characteristics, affinities and traits unique to that


However weak their family magic may have been, however diluted it was,

nonetheless it was undeniable that mudbloods held access to the most

revered aspect in magical society.

Just as it was undeniable they had family magic, it was undeniable what

they represented.

A threat to the very foundation the social order was constructed on.

To say it made unlikely allies was understating it.

McKinnon, who at the time had barely retained control over the

Progressives faction following the Dumbledore Debacle, joined in complete

arms with the Blacks to combat the rising threat they came to see as the


Oswald Carlinger, Heir of the Noble House of Carlinger, stated that he'd

heard that McKinnon, Prewett and MacMillan tried to talk to Lord Sayre

in private, to press him to slow down the 'destabilising' reforms he was

championing but it had been to no avail and so the Progressive-

Traditionalist alliance for the first time since the founding of the

Wizengamot was born, aimed to remove Lord Sayre from power at all


Individual whispers began to gain in strength, a disharmonious melody

that came together, louder and stronger, forming blades of wind that

began into the thick, seemingly impervious scales of the looming dragon

until it was no longer whispers but rather howling voices that sunk deep

into its flesh and made the unconquerable seem far more surmountable.

And eventually…they managed to do what they set out to do at all costs,

no matter how heavy.

'And the cost was heavy indeed' he mused to himself inwardly.

His eyes sported across the Chamber, his eyes trailing across the faces of

the men and women who sat in their House seats.

They were old, most of them were over seventy years of age with a

sizable number well over a hundred and fifty.

Would they have chosen differently then, if they knew the consequences

of their actions?

The economy was still broken, a pale shadow of what it had once been in

1930, let alone the height of prosperity that was reached in 1945.

When the Sayres left, they took their preposterous wealth, a wealth that

at the time had climbed to 21% of the total wealth of the country.

In 1945 the cost of a vial of Pepper-Up had been exactly one galleon.

Now that same vial costs twelve galleons and its ingredients were just as

costly. A far cry of when it had been twenty-three at the height of the

crisis but it was still a steep problem.

At that time, the cost of living had also become untenable in Britain and

had the Ministry not enacted emergency protocols that severely infringed

on the Statute of Secrecy, Magical Britain would have descended into


No one had considered that the Sayres would do this nor what it would

result in. It seemed though Sayre had been exiled, he had the last laugh.

Whilst Britain was the most affected by this exile, it was by no means the

only nation.

The Sayres had held significant wealth in many of the Magical World's

banks and bar the ones in France and MACUSA, had all of that wealth

withdrawn from the banks, instigating an economic crisis that piled onto

the unrest that still existed in the aftermath of the Grindelwald War.

No one had been safe from the consequences, not even those who sat in

this chamber. His own wealth was far from what it was before yet he was

comfortably better off than most.

Poverty was still too high as was unemployment, assets had barely

recovered forty percent of their pre-1948 levels, the Ministry was in a

mountain of debt and businesses that managed to survive were barely

turning a profit. The Ministry tried – and continued to try – to reignite

the economy but the shock that resulted from the economic recession was

just too debilitating for it to be solved in the short term.

The measures the Wizengamot had passed had been promising, at least at

face value and perhaps the measures of the Wizengamot could have

worked had it not been for the population decline that seemed impossible

to stop without drastic actions.

In 1945, there was a population of roughly 32,000 people. In 1952, the

population was under 24,000 and still falling.

In just seven years, the population declined by twenty-five percent, a loss

that put Magical Britain on par to some of the worst struck countries

during the Grindelwald war.

Though only half of the eight thousand left with Sayre, the other half left

to seek greener pastures in the Colonies or left because the reactionary

measures taken by the Ministry that infringed on their lives and


And even if many of those that left because of those measures were

mudbloods, a sizeable number were still young half-bloods and poorer

purebloods who took offense at finding themselves being forced into

taking critical but hard and low paying jobs that had been left vacated

due to the people who left with Sayre.

When Sayre left, he took, along with his wealth, most of the hedge

witches and wizards, people no one in these chambers would spare a

thought for yet were as vital to Magical Britain as Hogwarts was.

When the muggle war had been going on and rations had been in full

swing limiting the food supply available, the farmsteads of the hedge

witches and wizards had been forced to sell at the same rate the Ministry

normally purchased from the muggle world. Such an act put those

families in dire straits as the exchange rate effectively gotten them

eighty-five percent less than what they used to get for the same harvest


Sayre had campaigned on their behalf, even financed them from his own

coffers and in return, after the deal was struck and he was exiled, they

had been all too happy to leave with him and sold their lands off to

House Greengrass.

There were many such acts of generosity, of kindness made to struggling

people – struggling people who did important if menial jobs – who were

in the end convinced that they were better off with Sayre than they were

remaining in the Isles.

An opinion that more and more commoners were beginning to think as

the Ministry showed its incompetence and inability to deal with the

problems that mired the country.

The population decline, the high inflation, the loss of labour in important

industries, the civil unrest that continued to burble below the surface of

Magical Society, all of it continued unabated with no end in sight, no

matter how successful the knock off inventions based on Sayre's products


Even after the destruction of Sayre's political power in Magical Britain,

the shadow of the consequences of the actions against Sayre still cast a

large shadow over the Isles, one that seemed to continue its growth,

slowly unravelling Magical Society down to its very bones and this trial…

This trial would only hasten it.

The Minister turned away from addressing the Chamber and gazed down

at Coulson with a harsh glare "Mr Coulson" The Minister said with a

scowl in his voice "was fortunate enough to inherit the wealth of the

Ancient House of Cavil, a wealth that put him on par with the wealthiest

of nobles sitting here!" He said to the Lords and Ladies of the chamber as

he turned around, flailing his right arm aggressively.

"And yet, you might wonder, My Lords, My Ladies, what has been done

with the wealth that members of House Cavil laboriously gathered over

centuries when they were a part of our community?" He asked as he

peered over his box towards the nobles "Do you think it has been used to

invest in British business to help the economy grow?" Low shook his head

fervently as he raised his index finger

"It has not, My Lords, My Ladies." Lowe said with a disappointed tone

before he perked up dramatically as he spoke once more to the chamber

"You might then wonder, and you would be right to, has he instead

decided to use it fund his own enterprises?"

Minister Lowe stared down at Mr Coulson with an angered expression

"And once more it is not what Mr Coulson chose to do. No…instead of

being a productive member of society, he instead chose to be subversive!"

Minister Lowe said loudly with a furious consternated expression.

"Choosing to use the wealth of a storied family to fund a radical

movement!" Minister Lowe said rousingly and the chamber murmured

amongst themselves as disdainful looks were sent Coulson's way.

"The Isonomian Movement, My Lords, My Ladies, is a far from just an

angry collection of people" Minister Lowe shook his head "Some amongst

us here today may state that they are but a minor group amongst many

but that is not true. None of the other groups threatens the very stability

of our nation the way this movement does, with what they are

advocating for and Mr Coulson's donation is far from innocent." The

Minister said passionately to the chamber before he straightened up and


"You may wonder what it has to do with the charges that are levied

against Mr Coulson and why his trial has been moved before the Wixen

Court." Minister Low stated to the Chamber.

"It is true that the violation of the restrictions set in the Galleon

Transference Act of 1949 should have only yielded at most a fine in the

Magistrates' Court but there is more to this…donation, My Lords, My

Ladies and I have incontrovertible proof that connects Mr Coulson" The

Minister spat out "is personally involved in an insidious, elaborate

scheme to that is intent on overthrowing the very institutions that preside

within these chambers today!" The Minster shouted out and the volume

in the chamber increased.

So he was going in that route then was he? Rasmussen mused to himself.

To take a case from the Magistrates' Court to the Wixen Court was quite

the leap and was one that hardly ever happened. There were three courts

of Magical Britain; the Magistrates Court, the Principal Court and the

Wixen Court.

The Magistrates court dealt with the majority of the criminal offences up

and settled civil disputes between families when one or both parties

desired an impartial outcome by a panel of oath sworn magistrates.

Ironically this lesser court was also the most impartial and least

vulnerable to corruption and bribery.

The Principal Court dealt with the more serious crimes such as murder

and use of banned magicks. This Court was presided by a judge and jury

though they were primarily Ministry officials. It was also the court that

primarily dealt with appeals and restitutions from the Ministry.

The Wixen Court however was the most senior of Courts and involved in

dealing with the most serious of crimes and issues tending to be of

national significance.

These tended to be things such as Line Theft, Line Extermination, Gross

Violation of the Statute of Secrecy and of course Disrupting the National


It seemed that Lowe was entirely intent on having Coulson charged with

Disrupting the National Peace…something that was historically used to

persecute wizards and witches that followed and aided Dark Lords. Words

such as treason may be used but ultimately it was this that people were

charged with.

Rasmussen couldn't help but find it wildly amusing, the lengths those like

Lowe would go in protecting their own hides through using stolen wealth

to make a dent in the glaring budget deficit that existed.

Even once they succeeded in getting Coulson convicted, summarily

executed and his wealth seized, it would do little but plaster over the

cracks. Eventually the public would see Lowe lied about the things he'd

promised when nothing changed in the next year or so and at that

point…well, they'd see how much patience the public had left.

Chief Warlock Ollerton banged his gavel "Order!" the room quieted down

once more.

Ollerton sent a look at the Minister "You may have taken the role of

Prosecutor for this trial but I will remind you that you are skirting the

line with your statements." The Chief Warlock warned the Minister. "Any

further such outburst will have you noted in breach of decorum."

The Minister gave a stiff nod to the Chief Warlock and cast his gaze back

at the Chamber "You must ask yourselves, My Lords, My Ladies…it is a

donation today but what about tomorrow?" His voice reduced down in

volume as he trailed his eyes across the chamber

"Tomorrow when the Isonomian Movement and others such like it, have

a war chest filled enough to bring into reality what they only speak in

hushed words now?" He posed to the chamber and Rasmussen could see

that the Minster's words were having an effect – at least on those who

were not read into this...performance.

"That is why I have brought this case before you, My Lords, My Ladies.

Not because of a minor crime, not because of whom had committed it"

Minister Lowe said pointedly to the Progressives faction "But rather for

what it represents." The Minister drew himself up "He is here today

because of treason, My Lords, My Ladies, and it is not an easy accusation

to make, I know" he said with a raised hand as murmurs rose in the

public gallery even as those seated in the chamber remained silent.

The Isonomian Movement was real, just as there were a few others like it

though what made it different from others was that it was a movement

that largely had mudbloods, half bloods and squibs in its organisation,

were known to campaign for the repeal of the harsh laws that had been

levied against them after The Truth about the The Returnees and the Lie of

being Muggle Borne had come out.

They were far from what Minister Lowe was insinuating they were and it

was distracting of what the true goal of this trial was.

"But it is made because of the very nature of what the people Mr Coulson

donated to represent. We have placed arrest warrants on these

subversives and in time they will be caught but all of that will be in vain

if we do not put men like Mr Coulson to task!" the Minister said

passionately to the crowd.

Lowe continued for several more minutes, pomp and deluge streamed out

of the man's mouth at an impressive rate.

He could stare with bemusement at the Minister that somehow managed

to spew such impressive fearmongering nonsense.

The man was middle aged and was shorter than average. Where he made

up in physical stature was his ability to make people listen, whether they

wanted to or not, a dangerous skill that made him someone to be wary


Especially given the company the Noble House of Lowe usually kept.

They had a seat amongst the Noble Elected though they were

independent, for the most part.

In many ways you could consider this trial to be a showing of where

House Lowe's allegiances laid. They were a family were certain pureblood

sentiments and this trial was not the first of its kind.

It was not surprising that farcical trials however amusing they may be,

were happening at a faster rate given the leanings the Minister and his

House had.

The Traditionalists under Lord Black capitalised on the waning influence

of Progressives and managed to sway the Independents to vote in line

with them resulting in Lowe taking the Ministership.

Finally, the Minister ended his opening statement and sat down.

"The Chair recognises Lord Fleamont Potter" Chief Warlock Ollerton

intoned as Potter rose from his seat.

In the Wixen Court, the Lords and Ladies of the Wizengamot were the

'jury' yet they were also permitted to speak in the trial itself to raise

questions and to offer rebuttals.

"Once more" Lord Potter began, his tone flinty as a harsh countenance

crossed his face "our judicial system is abused. What should be a minor

crime brought before a panel of judges is instead elevated into a major

crime." Lord Potter's lips drew to a thin line

"I do not fail to understand why it is we sit here given the…nature" Lord

Potter rounded towards the Minister with a scathing look "of the case

itself, one that seems to be disturbingly similar to the sixteen other such

cases brought before the Principal Courts during the Minister's short

seven month's reign as Minister." Lord Potter said with narrowed eyes.

Rasmussen inwardly smiled as he leaned forward. It was going to be


Lord Potter had come informed. In the past half year or so, there had been

a systematic persecution of mudbloods, mudbloods who had inherited

sizable wealth but had been astute enough to remain invisible – until


During the immediate economic crisis, stringent laws had been passed

that prevented any withdrawal over a certain amount – something the

goblins surprisingly agreed with – and as such, anyone who had a fortune

would find it nearly impossible to leave with all their wealth, not after

the Goblins had enchanted Gringotts to prevent any space expansion

charms or runes from working within the Vaults.

That meant that wealthy mudbloods had to remain in Britain if they ever

wished to enjoy their inheritance.

The Ministry was now fully focused on capitalising on it by taking nearly

all if not most of their wealth on trumped up charges.

"But to claim treason?" Lord Potter questioned disbelieving "This is seven

steps too far and you know it. Minister Lowe, when will this crusade end?"

Lord Potter said to the chamber as much as he said it to the Minster.

"Instead of dealing with the chronic problems that the country faces, you

continue the legacy of the former Minister Norton." This garnered

murmurs of agreement amongst the crowd in the public gallery.

In the past year or so, public's anger was slowly shifted away from the

Sayres despite the Daily Prophet's best attempts and instead the public

had largely begun blaming Norton for the economic problems that

Magical Britain faced.

He'd been ousted less than a year after Sayre's exile and his successor

hadn't even lasted a full term before Minister Lowe was elected.

"A legacy that we still suffer from to this day as the economy continues to

not recover, as unemployment remains high and unresolved, as the cost of

living remains indefensibly obscene!" Lord Potter's voice was furious by the

time he arrived at the end of his sentence and the crowd voiced their

agreement even more. "Stop this crusade and actually attend to matters

that are crying out to be dealt with! What you're doing is doing nothing

but harm on an already hurting society" Lord Potter said with a scathing

tone before he sat down, his arms crossed and his head shaking in


The Minister stood up to answer after being allowed to by the Chief

Warlock "There is no crusade and I protest such unwarranted accusations!"

The Minister cried outraged and jeers and hollers rang in the Chambers

until the Chief Warlock managed to restore order.

The Minister spoke again, an angered expression on his face flashed

before he schooled it "My cabinet since the day I was elected has been

prudently working to grow the economy! In the past seven months the

economy has grown for the first time since before the crisis has hit!"

"Aye, with Blood Money" Lord Longbottom, the Grindelwald war veteran

shouted out and the Chief Warlock amidst cheers from the Progressives

banged his gavel.

"Order! I will have order!" the Chief Warlock bellowed out and the

chamber silenced.

"Lord Longbottom" the Chief Warlock intoned gravely "Refrain from

shouting across the chamber. Do it again and I will hold you in contempt"

the Chief Warlock warned.

Lord Longbottom dismissively nodded his acceptance before flashing the

Minister a gruelling smile.

Rasmussen looked on amused.

"They're quite intent on derailing the trial" Lord Prince mused. He turned

to the man who sat next to him as Lord Carrow spoke up next.

"It's in their best interest to do so. The last thing they want is Lowe to see

out his full term as Minister" Lord Carrow, the elderly statesman said.

The old man's eyes glimmered with cold amusement "Not that his

chances of actually seeing it out were that high in the first place. That

Ministership is a poisoned chalice."

Rasmussen agreed.

Years had passed since the economic crisis and there is still no horizon in

sight of a better tomorrow. The public still remembered the prosperous

times and as each day passed, longing increased and anger rose.

"Does it even matter if Lowe gets booted out before his term is up?"

Blackthorne said with a scowl in his voice. "The Traditionalists would just

get another one of their cronies in the seat."

"Not if we actually voted for once." Eveningshade murmured and

Rasmussen kept his silence even if it proved difficult.

"Don't be a fool." Lord Prince glanced towards Eveningshade even as his

expression was stoic. "I know it must be hard, Lord Eveningshade" Lord

Prince said with a disdainful tone, one that enraged Eveningshade "But

not even you are so blind to see that there is little advantage at present to

involve ourselves in the unstable cauldron that is before us."

"An unstable cauldron that we can stabilise" Eveningshade rebutted "How

does it help that we allow these people" Eveningshade spat out "ruin this

country even more than it already is? Not to mention the insipid

treatment they enforce on squib-descendants! Things are worse than they

have ever been!" He said with a shake of the head.

"And now they are stepping things up by putting forth fraudulent charges

that are little more than a way to use people as scapegoats as they rob

them blind. If they keep going, they're going to make what they're

accusing Coulson of into a reality." Eveningshade said with hard eyes that

promised he'd be involved in bringing about that reality.

"Careful now…those are words that can easily see you down there in the

same seat as Coulson" Lord Prince warned with narrowed eyes.

"Not with the support I'll have from my people" Eveningshade said with

gritted teeth.

"What people?" Lord Nott said musingly as he turned to Eveningshade

"Your people" Lord Nott said in a mocking voice as he stared directly at

Eveningshade with unblinking eyes "Are far from the numbers they used

to be. They're also far less capable than the ones who had the good sense

to leave years ago." Lord Nott said with a glimmer of amusement in his

eyes before it went away and a sheen of coldness replaced it.

"The hardship they face is…unfortunate but they are not the only ones

who face it and ultimately they number less than two thousand out of a

population of twenty-four thousand. Their problems are not important and

neither is your indignation towards their irrelevancy."

Eveningshade looked outraged with the way his eyes widened but before

he could retort, their Vasilissa spoke up.

"Enough." She said, her voice cracking like a whip that silenced anyone

who might have attempted to speak. Had the one-way silence ward not

been active, a ward that allowed coalitions to speak freely without

concern of being overheard, Rasmussen had no doubt that even the

farthest away seat would have heard her.

She turned to them, her near black eyes set sternly towards them "I will

not have you bicker amongst yourselves like children" she said, her tone

non-negotiable "There will be time to discuss" she said as her eyes

flickered towards Eveningshade who looked down in submission before

flickering to Lord Nott who met her gaze unflinchingly "the concerns any

of you might have in tomorrow's meeting." she said and her tone was

final on that subject.

No one disagreed with her.

"And Lord Eveningshade?" his Vasilissa said in a soft tone, one that was as

dangerous as it was entreating. Eveningshade looked up and met her gaze

though he was hesitant to.

"Yes, my Lady?" Eveningshade asked warily.

"You may be tempted to veer away from the agreed plan and I can

understand that." She said, pausing for a moment, a pause that somehow

felt heavier than it should be. Her eyes were set upon Eveningshade in a

way that seemed as if she was staring down into his very soul.

"After all, you may feel obliged to vote with your conscience, to think

that it is the right thing to do and say 'damn the consequences' regardless

of what they may be" She leaned forward and her eyes began to glow

dimly in the well-lit chamber even as her face remained expressionless

and it only increased its frightful intensity.

Eveningshade swallowed harshly even if he managed to keep his

composure "I-I won't, my Lady. I won't veer away from the plan."

Her expressionless face finally broke and a razor sharp smile, a small one

but sharp smile nonetheless, formed. "I know." She said calmly. "I know I

can depend on you, Lord Eveningshade." She said with an incline of the


"After all, you know better than to surprise me." She finished as her eyes

flickered away from Eveningshade in a way that seemed to dismiss him.

She leaned back in her seat and her expressionless face returned.

Rasmussen allowed an amused tug of the lips to form before he returned

his attentions back at the trial.

The trial continued apace, the defence had done admirably and had it

been an objective court he would have won. In truth, had there not been

a ban on brewing expensive potions that were vital for health or injury,

perhaps he may even have been able to win despite the rigged state of

affairs with the aid of Veritaserum.

Much of what the Minister said was little more than fearmongering and

the witness he had brought forth was his only 'proof' of treasonous


"You may now cast your votes" Chief Warlock Ollerton said.

The process of voting was simply. Within each seat there an enchanted

orb that registered the person's vote. Abstain, aye or nay.

A slew of orbs went up, flickering one colour or another as people voted.

An unbroken sea of green, aye, went up in the Traditionalist camp and

the same happen in the Independents.

The Progressives showed their disjointedness as more than a few green

stars radiated amongst a red canvas. It would not have mattered even if

they had been wholly united but it sent a clear message of the internal

problems they had.

Their own faction, Ouroboros was an unyielding grey as they abstained,

something that surprised no one in the chambers.

For years, they'd abstained from voting on sensitive divisive matters even

if it proved disadvantageous to their cause.

But Rome was not built in a day and it was not yet time to tear down the

decrepit shacks of houses that stood in its place.

Finally, one of the clerks shot a spell which tallied the votes; 69%.

"Mr Coulson" The Chief Warlock spoke up gravely as the crowd and

chamber quieted down to a hush and then silence.

"You have been found guilty by the majority of Wizengamot for

Disrupting the National Peace and such you have been sentenced to

death via the Veil. May Magic have mercy on your soul" The Chief

Warlock banged his gavel.

Cheers and jeers coalesced from amongst the nobles and the crowd in the

public gallery.

"You think this is justice?!" Coulson raged out over the noisy chambers as

his face contorted in a hateful expression, his head swivelling around

rapidly as he glared at the Wizengamot, particularly towards the

Traditionalist side.

"That you continue to get away with what you're doing?" The Aurors

quickly grabbed him by the arms. "One day, one day you will get what

you deserve! Robbing and killing innocent people because you despise the

fact that we have you loathingly think we should not have!" Coulson

raged as he struggled against the Aurors, his eyes wild with hate. "Our

blood and magic is just as SPECIAL as yours is, you INBRED FUCKS and

one day you will get your dues, you BASTA-" he was cut off, silenced as he

was dragged away amongst claps and jeers.

Rasmussen glanced at the public gallery. He could see Coulson's words

had an effect with some and they probably weren't just mudbloods either.

Another shack has fallen apart.

How many more, he wondered, until everything fell apart?

The session ended and he met with his Vasilissa with the other senior

members of Ouroboros outside the doors of the Wizengamot. Blackthorne

and Eveningshade were upset, that was far too easy to see.

They had to be reined in, he darkly mused to himself as he caught

Blackthorne glare hatefully at a smug Lord Avery. It would not do for

them to jeopardise all that their Vasilissa was working for even if they

knew nothing of it.

"What time shall we meet?" Lord Prince inquired.

"We will meet at Slytherin Manor at ten in the morning." Lady Slytherin

said calmly before her eyes fell upon Blackthorne and Eveningshade "Do

not give any of them the opportunity to capitalise from your volatile

state." She said with a fixed look.

"We wouldn't" Blackthorne said defensively.

"Wouldn't you?" Lord Nott said musingly "If they came to you now, said

just the right thing…would you not make an error in judgment that not

even Lady Slytherin can defend you from?" Lord Nott posed in a drawl.

His Vasilissa sent a look at Nott who dipped his head "My apologies, my

Lady. It had to be said given the way they seem so eager to throw away

all the hard work you've done to protect them from the realities of life."

"Are you suggesting we're ungrateful?" Blackthorne asked harshly.

Lord Nott only countered with a tilted head and a small smile that said


The hairs of his body stood at mast as an air constricting pressure

descended on them all. They all turned stiff as they turned to her.

Her expression was unchanged yet her eyes glowed impossibly black, her

posture was the same yet now she radiated intimidation.

"My Lady." Rasmussen said with a struggle as he bowed his head.

She turned to Blackthorne and then Eveningshade and she spoke "Do not

leave your homes until it's time to convene. You'll need a clear head for

what we're to discuss tomorrow." She said and it was clear that it was a


"Yes, My Lady" "My Lady" Eveningshade and Blackthorne bowed their

heads and left.

His Vasilissa watched them go departs towards the elevators that led to

the Floo before her eyes flickered to Lord Nott. "Your disdain of them is

turning into a problem."

Lord Nott said nothing for a moment until he responded. "They are a

problem." He said as he met her gaze unflinchingly "Not because they are

mudbloods but because they lack control."

Lord Carrow scoffed "Obvious to anyone" he muttered "Especially to

Avery and the others."

"You could always school them, Lord Nott?" Rasmussen said with a wry

smile, one that did not amuse Lord Nott at all.

"That is an excellent idea, Rasmussen." She said with a gleam in her eyes

as she turned to Lord Nott who was visibly surprised. "Oh?" she said with

a tilted head as a far from innocent look crossed her face "You don't think

it's a good idea?" Her expression changed and it was as cold as the

vicious freezing air of the Arctic.

"Then perhaps you should refrain from antagonising them lest you find

yourself teaching them the control they lack." She said with a fixed gaze.

Lord Nott was expressionless for a moment before he nodded "Of course

my Lady." He said with a tilt of the head.

Soon enough they all separated until he was left with his Vasilissa who he

was walking with to the Floo stations where she'd take a Floo to

Hogwarts. While she had Slytherin Manor built on the ancient Slytherin

lands, she lived in the castle most of the time given that she recently

became Deputy Headmistress when Michais Fawley retired.

"Are you still planning on going to the theatres?" she questioned as she

stopped before the Floo and turned to him with a curious look in her


"I am." He told her and she smiled.

"Good." She said as she turned around and grabbed a handful of floo

powder. "I hear tickets were all sold out." She said as she threw floo

powder into the fire. "I'm sure you'll find it interesting" she said with a

curl of the lips as she disappeared in a swirl of fire.

A few hours later he walked through the more luxurious parts of Diagon

Alley until he neared his destination.

He waded past the line that queued up at the front of the Nine Realms

Theatre and flashed his Lordship ring at the guards who bowed as they

let him through. He paid none of them any mind as he walked the steps

towards his private box, one that belonged to House Lestrange.

House Lestrange…

A few short years after he'd come of age, his great uncle had passed in his

sleep and finally allowed him to gain the headship of House Lestrange

and all that came with it.

He drank of his firewhiskey as he brought it to his lips.

His great uncle had never truly cared for any of his extended family, and,

in truth, he didn't either.

Still, he had been chosen heir to the Lestrange family, the black sheep his

family had all underestimated and discarded, too late to realise the

changes that he'd undergone during his time at Hogwarts.

As he brought his glass to his lips, he allowed a blood curling smile to

form as a savage gleam entered his eyes.

It was ironic that he'd been alienated in the family for so long and yet he

was the only male Lestrange alive now given the tragic fluke of an accident

that resulted in most of his cousins dying at the fiery jaws of a rampaging

Swedish Short Snout.

He savoured the taste of the firewhiskey as the curtains opened and a

cover of dark grey, near black smoke erupted onto the stage.

The deaths of his cousins were orchestrated as much as it was to fulfil his

desires as it was necessary for his Vasilissa.

His smile wore off as a hard glint entered his eyes.

There could be no betrayal from House Lestrange against his Vasilissa and

House Black could have won his cousins over with the promise of


Rolling drums swept into the theatre jolting audience into rapt attention

as the sounds seemed to wash away the dark grey smoke as figures in

loose cloth appeared from the smoke.

The enchantments of the theatre were masterfully done, allowing the

illusion that the stage was larger than it was, had a depth greater than it

had with the way the stage was moving the landscape along as the

figures walked, moved.

It was dark though silhouettes of trees were easily discernible indicating

they were in a forest. As they walked, it was easy to spot their tired, slow

gaits as they moved through the dark of night.

Moonlight shone through the trees and cleared much of the darkness


There were about twenty people, half of them wore tunics, mantles and

loose pantaloons that all seemed to be of the same cloth whilst they had

ornamental bracelets and torcs made out of twisted golden wires. They

also had primitive weapon, most of the figures had weapons had spears

with what seemed to be an iron spearhead with runic symbols etched on

its surface mounted on a wooden shaft.

Beyond what was clearly warriors, there were women and children

though what caught the eye were the men dressed in druid garments and

the long staff they wielded.

They were all worse for wear, they were wretched and miserable, their

cloths seemed ragged and falling apart, their tired motions were

impossible to miss.

"Father, father, where will we go?" one of the children cried out as he

tugged at his father's tunic.

The Father picked up his child and held him dear.

"I don't know Son, we will go wherever Avalonia may lead us" the Father

whispered to his son and he continued to walk with his son in his arms.

Wolves howled in the deep of the forest, frightening the people – and the

audience – and a little girl cried out

"Mother, mother, can we go home?" she begged and the Mother crouched

down and hugged her child.

"We cannot home, my child, for we have been forsaken and chased out. We

must find elsewhere to call home" the Mother said tearfully to her daughter

as she stood back up and took her daughter's hand and continued to walk


The wind howled as the tired, wretched people marched on under the

light of the moon, until the howling wind slowed and twisted into

whistling winds, whistling winds that began to sound like whispering


"Heart...Heart…Heart…" the wind seemed to whistle and one of the taller

druids stopped, the rest of the clan seemingly unable to hear the words

spoken by the wind.

The druid faced towards the moon, his staff raised high in the air.

"Oooh Avalonia, how could 'tis happen?!" the aged voice of the druid cried


"Why have you forsaken us, oh great mother! What have we done to earn the

attentions of the Ravenous Romans who have hounded us out of our homes,

out of our lands! Oooh Avalonia, please tell me what we have done wrong!"

The aged druid seemed to beseech upon their deity.

The whistling winds were eerily silent and the aged druid collapsed onto

his knees, seemingly having lost the will to continue on.

"Oooh Avalonia, do not forsake us any further! Tell me what we must do,

where we must go! We beg you, oh great mother, take us back into your

bosom!" The druid cried out, his voice ever more fragile.

His head slumped as the whistling winds whistled no more, the silence

seemed to break the aged druid as his head bowed with his hands clasped

tightly onto the staff.

It seemed he had given up, left alone in the dark forest, his clan having

continued on without him.

A wolf began to howl in the distance, then another and then three more,

their voraciousness was apparent in their howls, their hunger clear to

hear for all, much to the audience despondency and fear.


The howls stopped and frightful yapping replaced once greedy and

menacing howls and the head of the druid looked up and gasped.

The face of the moon seemed to change, gaining features slowly but with

an inevitability. The moon seemed to grow larger and larger until it

seemed to loom over the druid and the audience and it began to change

form, no longer round but thinning and thinning until it formed into an

ethereal woman, silver of hair and in a glowing white dress. Her eyes

were pure white light, no pupils or irises could be seen.

She floated down from the sky until she was before the druid.

The druid bowed his head, touching the forest earth "Oh Avalonia, you

bless me with your presence!" The druid cried out reverently.

"Stand…" the wind whistled. A kind expression was on the goddess' face

"Stand, you are one of my Children…" the wind whistled once more.

The druid stood up, leaning on his staff as he did so "Oooh great mother,

you have done this old man a great favour by coming to me but I must ask,

why now, why not before, before we were chased away by the treacherous

Romans?" The Druid begged of the goddess as the staff fell to the ground

as druid's hands came together in a pleading gesture.

The goddess' expression changed slightly, morphing into a saddened

smile and spoke through the whistling winds once more "'Tis is so written,

'tis must be" she told the druid and the druid cried out.

"Oooh great mother, Goddess of the Avalonians, is there nothing that can be

done? They will not cease, their hunger for our lands and our blood is

unending, ooh great mother, I beg you, save us!" The druid begged of the


The goddess did nothing for a few moments before the silver haired

goddess looked up and reached out into the star-filled sky. She plucked

star after star from the sky until there were hundreds of them floating in

the air before her.

She brought her hands together and the stars began to clump together

one after the other and a bright light that was blinding struck before it

dimmed away and revealed a glowing sword to the druid and to the


The goddess stretched out her hand to ground and a broken branch rose

before it was filed away into a scabbard with beautiful carvings and what

seemed to be runes on the surfaces.

The goddess turned her attentions to the druid and the sword sheathed

within the scabbard and floated before the druid.

The wind began to howl furiously, dangerously before it settled into a

whispering whistle "I have heard the pleas of My Children, I have Chosen.

Go to the Heart of Avalonia, the lands of where my Champion amongst My

Children shall be.

Take this sword to Him. He will lead you to a better tomorrow for those who

hold Avalonia true to their Hearts will surely follow him."

"Oh great mother, I shall go where you decree and take this sword to your

Chosen, the Chosen amongst our people!" The druid said in exaltation as he

plucked the sword from the air, wonder and awe on his expression. He

looked back at the goddess

"I will tell all I come across to go to the Heart of Avalonia and follow the great

mother's Chosen!" The druid paused for a moment, scratching his long

white beard.

"How will I know who the Chosen, oh great mother?" The druid asked

"Only my Champion may take the sword from its scabbard and wield it. No

others are worthy" The winds whistled before she rose back into the sky

and changed back into the moon, leaving the druid alone with the sword

and the quest given to him by the goddess of Avalonia.

The druid picked up his staff and ran. He ran and ran until he caught up

with the rest of his clan and told them of what he experienced.

The clan's hopes and spirits were lifted as they marvelled at the

intricately made scabbard and one by one each of them tried to take out

the sword but it proved to be impossible.

They became convinced and their tired motions gained a freshness to

them as they resolved themselves to head to where their goddess directed

them to go, to go to the Champion who would save their people.

The clan met other clans and each time they were told what their

goddess told them to do and each time they tried to take the sword out of

the scabbard but found it impossible.

The story continued as more and more people were given word of what

their goddess had instructed and made their way towards the heartlands

of Avalonia.

The play somehow managed to conjure a depth that boggled the mind as

the landscape showed a horizon with rolling hills and lush fields with

thousands of makeshift huts that signified the sheer scale of the number

of people around.

The play continued and moved onto chiefs of different clans arguing and

cursing each other.

They mocked one another and they fought against each other as none of

them had been able to pull the sword from the scabbard and they

proclaimed that the druid lied for they exclaimed that any of them were

worthy of a sword crafted by their goddess.

Things continued to worsen as old feuds rose to the surface even in the

wake of annihilation and death, unable to see sense and reason with their

sight misted with a red fog of anger and pride.

Hubris and arrogance threatened to escalate things into all out war

between the clans, forgetting the reason why they had even gathered.

Their goddess was a distant memory as things were about to boil over


Until a young chieftain who lived on these lands arrived to stop a duel, a

chieftain none of them had given the time of day. He looked around and

arrived at the centre.

"Why are we fighting amongst each other, when we should be helping one

another?" the young chieftain exclaimed loudly as the other chiefs quieted

down, their expression far from warm as they seemed to question why

this irrelevant young chieftain from tiny lands in the centre of Avalonia

was speaking amongst his betters.

"Have we not got enough enemies to fight already, ooh brothers? Are we so

poisoned by our misery, so consumed by resentment, jealously and anger that

we cannot see we are the same more than we are different? Do we not call

Avalonia, our home and our mother?!" The young man cried out

questioningly to the elder chiefs who begrudgingly nodded.

"Then are we not kin for all share the same great mother? The mother whom

we suckled from the teat, the mother who nourished us, fed us, cared for us?!"

The young man's passion and fervour grew, charging the atmosphere

with his electric presence.

"Aye" the chiefs spoke up though still uncertain.

"All of us, all our peoples have been driven from their homes, from their lands

where their fathers rest, where their father's father rest!

We have been bullied, we have been harried – we have been killed! – we have

been chased out of the lands we have called home and yet instead of our

shared struggle bringing us closer, it threatens to tear us apart!

My brothers, sons of our great mother, where is your fury, where is your rage,

where is your Heart when our people cry out for their leaders of men to save

from the Ravenous Romans, to save them from the despair and bitterness that

is creeping in their souls as Avalonia is ripped away from their flesh?

Do not give into to mindless envy, to heartless resentment, my brothers, and

rise above it, rise above the despair and the misery and come together as our

mother wishes us to be! Let us FIGHT together" The chieftains were all

roaring their agreement by now as the young man walked towards the

stone table where the sword in its scabbard rested.

"Let us FIGHT for the love we all bear our great mother, let us FIGHT for the

liberty, the hopes, the wishes of ALL OF OUR PEOPLE" the chieftains roared

once more as he neared the scabbard that seemed to begin glowing.

"Let us RISE together for if we do not we will surely fall apart alone! We are

of Avalonia!" The young man shouted as he reached the scabbard. He

took the hilt of the sword and placed his other hand on the mid rift of the

scabbard "Within all of us is Avalonia, within all of us is a shard of our great

mother's divinity for we are her children. Let us unite for if united none can

stand in our way, oooh brothers!" He slid the scabbard of the sword and the

glowing sword rose in the air.

The chieftains roared and roared and they called out the young man's

name again and again. "Are you with me, oooh brothers?!"

The roar that followed was deafening and the act ended as the curtain

drew once more.

The play continued on, war and death played out on stage just as

triumph and bittersweet victory did.

Rasmussen glanced around at the full theatre, his eyes surveying all

around him.

Stories…stories were as old as humanity itself. The legacy of entire peoples

are in stories, stories that are turned into myths and myths that turned

into stories.

Most stories that people cherish and are inspired by were those that

contained the strongest inclinations of a people. Inclinations such as

nobility, strength, honour, triumph over hardship and enemies.

Characteristics of a classic Hero, something that the peoples of Britain

have been enamoured with since time immemorial.

Magical Britain cherished the story of the Hero, the hero who rose up and

defeated the wicked evil that terrorised the lands and its people. King

Arthur, Merlin, the Peverell Brothers, all of those heroes were

cornerstones of what it means to be the perfect Briton.

They were revered because they embody greatness, the root and soul of

the greatness of men and of nation, people who have by their actions

become the very spiritual centre of Britain.

The myths, the stories, they are a faith, a passion and it did not matter if

it is a reality.

After all, faith never relied on truth.

Rasmussen brought the glass to his lips and drank the last remaining

firewhiskey in one swig and gave the play his full attentions once more.

The play continued as victories continued to be won over and over again

until the Romans were driven back to Londinium where they were on

their last legs, a tiny fearful and tired army remained where before they

seemed endless.

Yet, even as the Champion of Avalonia had led them victory again and

again, all was not well. Chieftains that had proclaimed him leader were

now unhappy how much he seemed to be loved by their tribes and clans

more than the chieftains themselves.

They grew fearful and then hateful as the Champion of Avalonia

continued to lead them to victory until they were a few days' march from

the gates of Londinium, where they would finally crush the remaining

Romans and take back their lands.

They began to conspire, to persuade others that he was a cheat, that the

sword granted him powers that anyone could have wielded if only they

had the sword.

The audience cried out in dismay as they watched on helplessly, grim

and despondent as they realised what would happen to the Hero of the


The chieftains whispered that he would turn the sword on them once the

war was finished, that he would betray them. That it was better to betray

him first before he could do it to them.

More and more chieftains began to believe the poisonous words until it

spread to the army of tribesmen itself.

It came to a head a day before they were to embark on the final moment

that would result in completing their liberation of their lands.

The Champion of Avalonia was taken from his bed in the morning and

thrown into the ground before all the men and women who had once

called him leader, their angry, jealous and hateful gazes set upon him.

The Champion was confused at this, questioning what they were doing

and one strode forward and stabbed him in the belly. He gasped as the

man stepped away, his dagger wet with blood.

The Champion touched his belly and his hands were warm with his

blood. He felt another sharp pain in his back and saw someone he had

called friends stick his spear into his back.

More and more came forward and more and more stabbed him with

daggers, with swords and with spears. A druid came forth, the same old

man who had brought the Sword to central Avalonia and hit him on the

back causing him to gasp with pain.

He staggered on his bare feet, his clothes red and wet with blood.

He was leaking blood all the while he walked towards the large boulder

that was near the centre of the camp. He stuck out his hand and the

sword materialised as he fell to his knees.

He was breathing raggedly, only minutes away from death. He turned to

those he had called kin and for whom he fought for.

"Oh my brothers, oh my sisters. Children of our great mother. I do not blame

you for this betrayal, for this unnatural murder.

It is in all of us, this evil.

This evil that turned fear into anger, this evil that twisted anger into hate. Oh,

brothers and sisters, I do not blame you for my murder.

You have murdered me because you did not believe in the good that is in this


You chose not to believe in the promise of a better future for all of us, your

once kind and gentle hearts turned cynical and that cynical heart blinded you

away from the happiness that could have bloomed for us all and the way to

freedom and beauty is now hidden away." The Champion cried out feebly

before his head was bowed.

"One day, one day another man will come to free our people from the

barricades that cage up the good that is in all of our hearts, barricades made

of greed, of hate, of fear and intolerance!

Again and again this will happen until you, my brothers, my sisters, begin to

believe you deserve a good world, a just world free from the poisons that

decay our souls, the rot that infests our minds and on that day, my brothers,

my sisters…

And on that day, when your children's children' s children begin to believe, a

better future will arise when her Champion once more wields the sword she

crafted to protect her Children and on that day…

On that day, Avalonia will smile down on your Souls knowing that the cycle is

broken and you chose to believe in her Champion, following him into the

promised future."

The young man who sat on the boulder surrounded by weeping, regretful

people, stood up, his blood seeping into the boulder.

"And this sword…this sword of our great mother…Excalibur..." The

audience gasped audibly at the name "Will one day be wielded by a man

who once saved our great mother's children when the time comes to once more

come to the rescue of his brothers and sisters from great peril" The young

man raised the sword and with a yell, the sword disappeared.

The young man crumpled onto the ground and died amongst a sea of

weeping people.

The play continued with the Romans finding out the man they called the

Son of the Goddess was killed by treachery and soon fell upon the

disorganised Celtic tribesmen.

The Romans won and killed many of the Celtics, scattering the remaining

people in the same way their broken spirit were scattered in the wake of

the battle.

One of the chieftains, the last of his people wept to the Moon. "Ooh great

mother, forgive us for what we have done! We were weak and we fell prey to

the evil of men! Ooh great mother, do not forsake us!" the chieftain cried out

but the winds remained silent and the ever showing face of the Moon

turned away.

It was then that dark grey smoke began to fill the stage and the sounds of

the weeping chieftain swallowed whole by the smoke.

The last scene of the play twisted the stage into a small outcrop of

forestry before a lake came into view through the dense forest and the

stage twisted around to look directly downwards.

The lake was crystal clear, its depths shown by the illuminating rays of

the moon and in the faint light, you could see the Excalibur laying on the

bottom of the lake.

"'Tis a tale of sorrow and broken promise, of a better tomorrow and a lost


He tuned out the closing monologue as he sat back in his chair, nursing

his empty glass of firewhiskey, staring at the silent audience. Some wore

stricken expression, some worried and others were confused, no doubt

about the fact that it was not a heroic tale, where the hero is triumphant

and gets the woman.

His Vasilissa had outdone herself. It will take some time before people

will realise the danger of this play.

A creeping smile broke on his face.

What happens when the myth crumbles?

When the story of the conquering Hero is instead replaced by a story of a

Hero who had risen up to defeat the evil was instead betrayed and

defeated by the evil of men?

A story that was rooted in reality, one that they had all bore witness to?

The fate of the clans in the wake of the Romans would not be missed by

everyone and some may draw parallels to their present ill fortune.

A whisper here…a whisper there…

Twisted truths will remind people of what happened, of what could have


They'll see what had been promised and what they had gotten instead.

They won't blame themselves…no…people never liked to blame

themselves for their actions.

Instead, they'll turn towards the 'true culprits'. And what they'll see…

They'll see a broken monolith in the deceitful Ministry, one riddled with

rampant corruption, nepotism and incompetence.

Unrest will turn into anger and anger will lead to revolution…

And who would be there for them to latch onto?

He smiles, his eyes glittered as the scattered applause rang around him.

His Vasilissa had slumbered long enough and soon…

Soon Magical Britain would be fall before the great serpent and then the

looming dragon they cast away would come and blot out the stars.

4. Chapter 69

Hello All, welcome back to the story!

Thanks for the reviews, I enjoyed reading them!

That said, do you guys want to answer them more often?

Without further adieu, please enjoy the post and let me know what

you think!

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next three chapters are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

30th of October 1952 – London

Christopher Cameron POV

He stood up as the doors opened. Johnston followed suit whilst Underhill

trailed after, the miserable expression he wore only deepened.

The secretary stepped forward "He will see you now"

He shared a glance with Johnston before he proceeded to walk towards

the open doors.

The office was a spacious one, one that held cabinets of books that filled

two entire walls. He'd been here often enough but he'd never seen any

inklings that any of those books had ever been moved.

He glanced towards the office desk where their boss sat behind. He was

an indistinct man with horse rimmed glasses and a neatly maintained

moustache. The one thing that marked him as someone of note was the

way his eyes gazed at you, a keen cold intellect that couldn't be hidden

away by a pair of glasses.

"Take a seat" their boss, Mr Smith, said in an indifferent tone and they

did as he bid.

Mr Smith's unsettling eyes trailed over them.

Mr Smith was a 'muggle' the magicals would say, one that headed the M-

Division of the Secret Intelligence Service.

He glanced at Underhill. It brought him satisfaction, the way it grated on

Underhill that he was left powerless and at the mercy of those he

considered less than human.

He'd been assigned to 'look after' the royal family by the British Ministry

of Magic when in reality he was little more than a Obliviator with the

mandate to ensure that the Royal Family did not proverbially rocked the


Underhill had not known when the British Ministry of Magic had turned

from subordinate to the Crown to instead treasonous, only that as far as

they were concerned they were an autonomous government not beholden

to muggles.

He'd been subdued not long after his assignment and forced to take an

oath of silence and later a binding oath of allegiance on the pain of death

which the man naturally took.

At present, he was their only pureblood member and the only one

capable of navigating the Magical World without the attention that might

have been levied on any of the others.

"I have…news from Her Majesty." Mr Smith said with a piercing gaze,

one that Underhill looked away from.

"She's deeply unhappy with the continued state of affairs in the Magical

World" Mr Smith placed his hands onto the deeply in a delicate fluid

motion as he continued to stare at them without an expression of


His eyes flickered towards the watch the man wore. Some of the

eggheads at the Research Division managed to figure out a way to

register when someone was under the influence of the mental magic. The

watch had a small red light that would flash to signify if someone who


At present they did not have the knowledge to block the mind arts but

recognising was more than half the job.

It was one of the first tasks assigned to the research team by the late


"About what exactly?" Underhill couldn't help but ask. Smith's eyes

snapped towards him.

"For one, the fourteen dozen missing cases this year alone is on the top of

her list that is making her unhappy." Smith said ruthlessly with cold eyes.

Underhill looked away again "That doesn't mean it's related to us."

Smith smiled thinly, his smile reminded Cameron of a serpent eying its

prey…minus the whole tongue thing.

"That might have been the case had we not been able to find trace

apparition signatures near the sight of where they were last seen." Smith

said coolly.

That silenced Underhill and Smith turned to him and Johnston.

"What does Her Majesty want us to do?" Johnston asked, sitting straight

in his chair.

"Her Majesty recognises that the Crown authority over Magical Britain

was long since been forgotten by your folk" Smith said with narrowed


Cameron clenched his teeth but said nothing. Smith didn't like any of

them and hadn't from the moment he'd learned about magic.

It only worsened when he discovered some of the things that purebloods

had done and took it out on them in barbed comments.

It was only because of people himself and Johnston that even allowed the

government to be able to defend itself against them.

"Her Majesty also recognises that at present there is little to be done

without direct intervention which is not feasible in this moment in time"

Smith said pausing deliberately.

'In this moment in time…'

"However, the recent injustices against Her Majesty's citizens with the

farces they called trials along with the blatant kidnappings of normal

women" Smith thinned his lips as his eyes cooled to an arctic coldness "It

is clear that something needs to be done."

They sat up straighter at that as his eyes shone with interest.

He hated Magical Britain and what it did to him. When they told him he

was magical, he had dreamed so big and it only had grown when he

learned fantastical creatures like Dragons, Unicorns and even Phoenixes


Yet it was all torn away when he realised that he was viewed as

subhuman in the eyes of the elite, that his opportunities were at best a

cleaner no matter how well he excelled in his classes.

The constant harassment he faced, the times he spent in the infirmary at

the hands of those who relished in dealing out pain against people who

they could have arrested if they fought back…

It turned his dreams into nightmares and he left that world as soon as he


The war against Grindelwald opened up his eyes to the consequences

these people had on the wider world, the evil they sponsored and

allowed to flourish.

Not even in the normal world was he safe from them, not after he'd

learned what they'd do to him if he violated their 'laws'.

They denied him a place in the Magical World and they denied him a

place in the normal world when they threatened anyone who joined the

army with jail time with soul sucking demons.

When he'd been approached by the spooks, he'd taken their offer with

glee, especially when they'd told him that he'd be in service of His


"We are ready to carry Her Majesty's will" Johnston said with a fervour.

Smith turned to him and allowed a thin smile to form. "Good." Smith said

back in his chair. "We do not have currently the manpower, mundane

or…supernatural." He said with thinned lips "to take control of the

Ministry but we do have an opportunity in the recent unrest" Smith

glanced at Underhill.

"Her Majesty commands" Underhill straightened up and faced Smith with

a loathsome stare "That we are to aid the oppressed groups in anything

they need against the Ministry"

Cameron's eyes widened "You want us to help and fund the prospective


Smith smiled and it was an ugly one "Liberators, Mr Cameron. That is who

we are helping. We will need time before we are ready to act against the

Ministry and the coming conflict will give us an excuse to intervene when

it inevitably spills over to our side of the world."

Cameron sat back in his chair, his mind whirling on what he heard.

"They'll fight you…all of them" Underhill said shocked.

Smith stared at Underhill "Not the nobles with whom most of the power

lies. Not when the Oaths of Allegiance is tied to their very notion of

Nobility" Smith said with a terrifying smile.

Oaths of Allegiance were tied to the titles and positions people – and

families – held. They were oath sworn to obey their liege and the

penalties for violating their allegiance could be as severe as losing their


It was perfect in limiting the scale of the conflict. The power those

purebloods hoarded was limited to very few families and it would be used

against them. Anyone who sat within the Wizengamot was beholden to

this Oath of Allegiance, the magic within the chamber demanded it.

Underhill looked sick as he seemed to realise how much of his world

could be destroyed.

"Are you not concerned what the ICW might do to you?" Underhill asked.

He blinked. That's right the ICW would doubtlessly intervene.

Smith shook his head "The British Ministry is beholden to the Crown and

the treaties it signed with it. They have violated beyond measure time

and again." His eyes turned sharp as they set on Underhill "We will not

break the Statute of Secrecy, not when we're acting under the auspices of

the Crown."

"They might not see it that way" Johnston murmured, his expression

tinged with concern.

Smith nodded "That is why we will be acting quickly when the time

comes and set up a new Ministry in line with our constitution."

Underhill seat creaked and Cameron glanced at the man "You can't do

that! Our world is ancient! You can't just destroy a governance that dates

back to the times of Merlin!" He said angrily before tagging on "To the

times of King Arthur!"

Smith's expression shifted ever so minutely. "Then perhaps your folk

should have not been so treasonous against the Crown." He said coldly.

Underhill lost all fight, knowing that he could nothing in this situation

despite all that he might want to. He was oathbound, bound by his very

life to obey the will of the Crown.

Smith opened up a drawer and slapped three dossiers on the table. "These

will be your instructions and your targets." Smith said as he pressed a

button under the desk.

The doors opened and it was clear they were being dismissed. "Read it.

Thoroughly." He picked up a thick stack of documents. He looked at them

"We will meet again in two days where you will meet your assigned

teams." He finished and then looked down and started reading.

Underhill was the first to pick the dossier and left brusquely. Johnston

was next and he was last.

He clenched tightly onto the dossier as he walked out of the office.

He may not the way Smith operated, or his opinions but he knew that

this was the right thing to do.

There were too many things wrong with the magical world and they were

on the right path to fix it. Even if it that meant they would be controlled

by those many of them deemed as less than animals.

They had their chance.


30th of October 1952 – Illos

Perenelle Flamel POV

"Ah, Jacqueline!" Perry enthused after she swallowed her bite in delight,

one that was mired in fond remembrance.

She met the gaze of the blue eyed woman "The veal just melts in my

mouth, and the white wine lingers on pleasantly. Is it your own recipe?"

she asked her current host knowing full well it was far from the case.

Jacqueline smiled joyously but shook her head "No. Maman taught me

how to do it" she said in fondness. "She told me that it was old family

recipe, one that she was taught by my paternal grandmother who herself

was taught by her mother-in-law." Jacqueline's lips twitched in amused

remembrance. "I always found it funny that the men of my father's line

always wanted their wives know how to make their non-traditional

variant of Zurcher Geschnetzeles" she said with a wistful tone as she met

Perry's gaze.

It may have been years since she had lost most of her family in the war

but time dulled the loss only so much.

She smiled with a saddened tint to it which Jacqueline noticed and

acknowledged with the way her eyes shone.

"You never told us that" Jacqueline's fourteen-year-old daughter, Louise

said in surprise, breaking Jacqueline from her wistfulness.

Jacqueline smiled at her daughter "The opportunity never arose. Besides"

Jacqueline's face morphed into an unimpressed look "For all of your

talents in potions, you have never shown even the slightest bit of interest

in anything related to the kitchen." She arched an eyebrow at her


Louise looked a little bit embarrassed "It's just not that interesting to me"

she confessed though she didn't convince anyone at all with her

expression, an expression that should hints of petulance and


Her twin brother, Maximillian laughed "Probably good for all of us she

isn't interested in cooking at all." He peered at her with a taunting smile

"The last thing we want is her interested in the kitchen if we want the

house to remain standing!"

Perenelle inwardly smiled at that. From what she's heard, Louise was an

able brewer but she was quite accident prone.

She kicked him under the table "Ow!"

"Louise!" Gerald, her father, scolded.

"Sorry, Papa" Louise said a little subdued but not enough to prevent her

from sending a fierce glare at her brother who did a poor job to hide the

cheeky satisfaction he felt at the sight of his chastised sister.

Gerald faced her and Nicolas "My apologies for the poor manners of my

children." He said with a glance at his children before meeting their gaze

again, a hint of exasperated annoyance "They're a lot more…rowdy…

than they used to be."

The children looked a little offended at that description but said nothing

to their defence after another look from their father.

Nicolas chuckled at the drama "Do not fret, it's quite alright" Nicolas said

with a warm smile, one that she ill saw give to anyone other than herself.

"They're teenagers and they are only doing what teenagers do. Why, I

remember when I was their age, I got myself and my cousin in a spot of

bother during a wedding" Nicolas said with a fond smile.

She rolled her eyes "A spot of bother?" she mimicked with a raised

eyebrow "Is that what you're calling it?" she said with a straight face.

Nicolas had the decency to look a little embarrassed as she continued the

tale he so tastefully brought up "Nicky here" she began with an

exasperated tone "Had the bright idea to spike the wine with a concoction

he invented."

The teens eyes' widened at that, their expression marking their keen

interest in the tale.

She smiled inwardly as she continued as she put on a disappointed look

as she turned to Nicolas "At that time he wasn't quite the alchemist he is

now" she said as the corners of her lips ticked up ever so slightly "Really,

he was barely even a competent brewer" she said to the listening group.

"Really?" Maximillian asked in great surprise as he turned to Nicolas.

"Oh yes, I was terrible at brewing! It requires a kind of patience I didn't

have at your age. I had plenty of the insanity needed to be an alchemist

and a skilled potioneer but little of the patience needed for it to pull off

until years later." Nicolas turned to Louise and smiled at her.

Nicolas was embellishing quite a bit for the benefit of Louise. At her age

he'd already been considered one of the brightest of his generation

particularly in Chemistry, Potions and Alchemy.

"If what I'm hearing about your frequent potion accidents is true then

we've got a budding alchemist in you" he said with a nod, one that Louise

positively glowed at the praise before Nicolas continued in a

conspiratorially whisper that was heard by all "Of course I don't

recommend you trying out your experiments in the house." He glanced at

Perenelle unsubtly "If you're like me, you'll likely blow up a part of it" he

said with a wink, one that made Louise laugh.

"Father, I want to move to the other room on the other side of the house"

Maximillian deadpanned much to Perenelle's amusement.

"No." Gerald said with a straight face before turning to Louise who was

visibly encouraged by Nicolas' praise "You may not brew in the house"

Louise looked downcast "but…if you're really interested in further

practicing potions…" Gerald said with a look to Nicolas before returning

his gaze to his daughter who brightened up considerably "and

alchemy...then we can sign you up for the weekend classes." He finished

much to the joy of the girl.

She practically exuded excitement and delight but she managed to

comport herself quite ably "Thank you papa! I will do my best!" she said

with much excitement.

Gerald nodded and it was clear he was happy for his daughter.

Jacqueline spoke up next "You were telling us about Nicolas' misdeeds?"

Jacqueline asked with a coy half smile, one that she couldn't help but


"Ah yes…" and so for the next ten minutes she regaled them about the

story that ended up with a groom who'd gone missing that only turned up

two days later, a father-in-law who slept with the horses in his birthday

suit and an uncle who hung from a rope tied to his ankles from a

chestnut tree. Of course there were far more scandalous parts of the story

but they were not for such young ears.

It was an hour later, dinner finished and merriment had, that both she

and Nicolas were walked over to the front door by Jacqueline

"It was great seeing you again…Grandmother, Grandfather" Jacqueline

said with a soft, nervous smile.

Nicolas stepped forward and gave the woman a dear hug before he

unclasped himself from her, smiling warmly at the woman. "And it was

wonderful to see you and your family doing so well."

Nicolas stepped back and she stepped forth, grabbing her hands once she

was near. "It brightens my life to know you and your children are

thriving. If you need anything, just ask and we shall do what we can."

She told Jacqueline.

Jacqueline smiled and nodded "We will." She promised and they turned

towards the open front door.

They walked down the steps of the home onto the unblemished pavement

stone. "I'm glad they are doing well" Nicolas mused aloud.

She hummed in agreement as they walked towards the bridge.

When Jacqueline Ricard and her family arrived at SIMS, she'd been so

tempted to acknowledge their familial relations, the last traceable

descendants of her sole daughter and child.

Only when they'd made the move to Illos did she think it was safe

enough to approach them. It had been a bittersweet moment when she'd

told Gerald and Jacqueline, one that surprised them greatly. They had

found it strange that they'd been rescued by Atticus personally and now

they knew why.

Only Gerald and Jacqueline knew but in time so would the children.

They walked by the streets that overlooked the waters before they took a

turn inward away from the waters. They'd been here a few days now, the

first time in over a year and it was riveting to see some of very noticeable


The Ricard family lived by the first ring of residence, one that was by the

bridge that connected to the other residential rings and the Main Tower.

'Main Tower…'

She'd have to speak to Atticus about getting the name changed into

something more suitable, a name that truly honoured it for the

magnificent building it was.

The Main Tower towered over the skyline and the trees like a lighthouse

on the darkest of nights, atop of a jagged cliff that rose high above the

turbulent waters.

And yet, it did not take away the beauty of the city around it, not at all.

Silver white stoned buildings rose amongst a ringed sea of clear blue

waters that held an unnatural purity. Golden statues of winged magical

creatures topped the domed buildings and pillars that dotted the skyline

of the city as dozens of waterfalls fell silently all around the central part

of the city.

"For all that I am disappointed with them, they do know how to build a

wonderful place" Nicolas said with a sigh as he brought her arm closer to

him as they continued to walk towards the bridge in locked step.

Over the years, there was a strain between Atticus and Nicolas, stemming

from Nicolas' disapproval over the way Atticus was going about bringing

change in the Magical World.

He'd cautioned Atticus time and again, to be more patient, to be more

agreeable yet each time Atticus refused to consider to do it, believing

that drastic change was needed.

After Atticus left Magical Britain, the only times they'd seen him was

when they visited Illos though on those occasions, they never touched on

the kind of topics that strained their relationship.

She sighed, her eyes wandering to her surroundings.

The neighbourhood they were walking through was idyllic, one that just

hummed serenity as evergreen trees dotted each side of the street, nestled

in between the front porches of magical silver white stoned houses that

held the faintest traces of magic, each of the occupied homes brimming

with the unique traces of their occupants' magic.

Crystone – the name given to the silver white stone - was made with that

in mind though it was a stone that wasn't as magically conductive as

most commonly wardstones around.

Instead, where it took centuries to build this kind of resonance with

magic of occupants seeping into the ordinary stones of manors, castles

and cottages, it took no time at all to do it here in Illos.

The stone was deeply magical and almost all houses and apartments were

like this, uniform perhaps in appearance but dissimilar in magic once

they were occupied.

"Not just a place" Perenelle said quietly as she looked at the crowd that

were gathering by a platform where there were several people standing

on it.

There were banners like 'Vote for Smith-Rowe!' and 'Smith-Rowe will row on

your behalf!' affixed onto the platform, a platform that was flanked by the

larger waterfalls that fell from the Main Tower.

"Yes" Nicolas agreed easily enough "It heartens me to know that at least

they don't intend to hoard power"

"That was never his intention" she said with a glance at her husband. He

was deeply unhappy with the state of the world, especially Europe.

"Perhaps not hoard but they certainly wish to dominate." He said with a

deep frown "For all of what Illos is and promises to be, I fear that what

it'll take for to flourish means the destruction of all that we have known."

He sighed once more, a kind of weariness coming across his face that he

only allowed to appear in her presence.

He'd always been concerned about the lengths they'd go to achieve their

goals and in truth she knew that he was right to be concerned.

They may not be waging war like Grindelwald may have but she knew

that for their ambitions to come to fruition it required a unified society or

at least the nearest thing to it.

And neither of them were blind to the happenings in Europe…where in

the cold background, all across Europe, the social fabric was being torn

away as sides were being formed in the wake of post Grindelwald


Former ICW temporary Protectorates were closer to civil war than they

were to stability as the political system and laws put into place was were

slowly being disintegrated away.

Noble families regained much of the power they once enjoyed turning it

an oligarchic mess of a system that paid lip service to the ICW who were

intent to ignore it as long as violations of the Statute and of other

demands were not made.

The ICW's reconstruction efforts of the Ministries had been poorly done,

their attentions had been split away towards the happenings in Britain

and in the end opted to sweep much of the crimes committed under the

rug in order to hasten the transition from House systems to a

representative system.

Atticus may have been a focus of theirs, perhaps even the main one, but

galleons also talked and it was something the ICW was in dire need from

after the losses they'd suffered against Grindelwald.

Many families known to have aided in the suppression of families that

did not back Grindelwald had gone largely unpunished and the frictions

that now spawned from such actions ate away at the social cohesion.

Laws that brought equality amongst sentient beings were under

continuous attack and it seemed like sooner than later things would go

back to the way they were except it would take a far bloodier route to get

there again now that many had found themselves protective over their

new rights.

"But is all that we have known really all that should be?" she asked

quietly of her husband. He tilted his ear towards her as they walked. She

continued "An existence that is forever tipped on a knife's edge, waiting

to be pushed off to one side only for another to drag it back to the

precarious position it once was?"

"And is destroying the knife in its entirety an acceptable compromise?"

Nicolas returned, gazing intently at her.

"Perhaps it is, perhaps it is time for the knife to go and a hammer to take

its place" She said quietly, a soft sigh on her breath. She met Nicolas

gaze. "With all that we know, now, of what is out there" she said with a

tipped head towards the heavens "the wonders, the horrors…do you truly

think the societies that we have are able to endure if anything like those

civilisations comes our way?" she asked him with an intense gaze.

When she had learned who Moira truly was, where she came from…

Wonder and amazement had soon enough been replaced by a deep

concern that settled uncomfortably in her belly. She understood war, at

least she thought she did.

The scales her people had lived in, had fought wars in…

It horrified her and even more so when she discovered the other horrors

that had wiped out the first iteration of humanity.

For as old as she was, not much had ever truly surprised her until that

day of revelation, a day that reminded her that there was so much more

to existence than she had ever known.

Not much of Moira's people survived, only a ship and a database of

knowledge, knowledge that was left in the custodianship of her

descendant, to whom she given the keys to the very stars.

Illos promised to be more than a home for magicals. It would be the first,

or perhaps the last, to set away towards distant worlds where they could

grow and flourish into the wider universe…

A universe that could be far harsher and far deadlier than anything they

could conceive happening here on 'Erda Tyrene'.

"I don't." Nicolas said with a heaviness that marked the seriousness of

their conversation. Nicolas smiled a brittle bitter smile "I sometimes

wonder if what we learnt that day wasn't so much enlightening as it was

damning. That despite our differences between our branch of humanity

and Moira's branch, separated by hundreds of thousands of years, we are

forever capable of committing great horrors, even if the scale is different"

Her eyes were set on Nicolas for a long few moments.

When they'd learned who Moira was and what Atticus' true goal was for

their kind, for all of Magical Kind, she finally understood that part of him

that was always melancholic in a certain way…as if he was carrying the

weight of the entire world on his shoulders.

She remembered when he'd taken them to space, he once asked why they

had to remain bound to the Earth, telling them that they had more

options available than they'd ever dreamt.

Even then he'd been building up to this, a plan that would decades to run

its course.

A plan they suspected could only culminate in bringing ruin to much of

the ancient covenants that bound the magical world and in its place…she

stared at the gossiping crowd before them as they neared the gathering


Illos was idyllic and as it matured, she could see it becoming what the

myths had proclaimed Atlantis to be. A world of magic and wonder,

equal prosperity for all under the cloak of genuine peace.

Yet to expand it to the rest of the Magical world was a heavy price to

pay, one that would be steeped in the blood and corpses of the Old World

if Emily and Atticus had their way.

It was disconcerting that she was as accepting as she was of what she

suspected they were doing, even if she knew not the details of it. Perhaps

she was just tired of the same issues plaguing their societies, the same

arguments about blood and magic that induced crippling stagnation as

time marched away.

She'd liked Atticus from the moment she'd seen him on that fateful day in

Alexandria and she became his supporter on the day he'd taken them up

to space.

He'd always had…something about him that was different. He stood out,

beyond simply his academics or his magic.

He was a non-romantic romantic, one that was dreamed and dreamed,

able to pull others in his sphere through his sheer charisma and

hopefulness. He'd shone like a beacon above a stormy sea, bright and

furious, a hazy dream that wished for itself to become reality.

Yet after the war, he'd seemed to have lost that 'specialness' about him…

no that wasn't the right way to describe it. It was more like he'd…realised

something, something that turned that hazy dream into sobering reality,

one that was markedly different from the utopian reality had been

wished for.

She had understood part of the reason for this change when she learnt of

the Ancient Humans, of their extinction and the legacy Moira imparted

onto Atticus, a hefty responsibility for anyone but one he had taken on

nonetheless despite the back-breaking weight it levied upon him.

She'd known he had a darker element to his being, a pragmatism that

would not let anything get in the way of his dreams becoming reality.

Something that was only exacerbated by whatever happened to him in

the war and they were now seeing the beginning of its blossoming fruit in

the wider magical world.

Part of her thought it was fair…after the way that he'd been treated by

the ICW and Magical Britain, for closing down the options to either fight

or to leave even if they suspected it was part of their plan to destabilise

much of Europe.

Another part of her thought what they were doing was too far, borne out

of their cynicism of human nature and what they'd experienced…though

could she say they were wrong?

She'd lived for a long time, over six hundred years. She'd seen much over

the course of her life, the wonders of human ingenuity and the horrors of

human violence, whether it was muggle or magical it mattered not.

Was what they were doing what it would take to break out of that cycle?

A break that allowed for things to be reset, stronger and hardier in the

form of that of Illos and others like it?

To ensure survival of their kind and their brethren amidst a hostile and

terrifying universe?

Nicolas spoke up again, staring at the happy crowd "I can understand

why they feel the need to tear it all down but the cost…" he sighed


"We do not know for certain if they intend to tear down anything." She

reminded him.

He turned to her with an unamused look and she continued "I agree that

they're likely involved in some of the destabilising elements but that does

not mean everything is their fault. The stirrings of supremacists in

Norway, talks of common cause between the Central European Ministries,

the civil unrests between peoples…"

"Yes, yes" Nicolas conceded a little unhappily before he peered at

Perenelle "Perhaps I am being too paranoid and attributing faults where

there exists none" he sighed before he continued

"But you can't deny it is likely they are involved, quite heavily too given

the pattern in Magical Britain. We knew that he was butting heads with

the Noble families on both sides on purpose and the economic disaster he

left behind is just as calculated" He pinched his face "The way things are

devolving…things are setting themselves up for them to come in and

swoop to the rescue, rescuing them from the very situation they might

have helped engineer"

She remained silent for a moment until she spoke again "Is it truly the

situation they engineered or is it more that they are letting things happen

with minimal influence?" she asked him.

He pondered it over and she continued "Are they really so responsible for

the hard-headedness of these nobles that are deadly intent on securing

their power and wealth to the detriment of all others?"

After all, they were not Gods. People were responsible for their own

actions. Atticus and Emily may take advantage of the chaos left behind

but that didn't make them responsible, at least entirely, for the

wickedness in the hearts of men.

"No." he said after a moment. "They aren't. But that doesn't mean that it is

right." He muttered.

"No." she agreed "It isn't right." She stroked his arm "Yet it cannot escape

your notice that we felt safe enough to acknowledge our daughter's

legacy here in Illos when elsewhere we'd always fear for their safety.

Surely that means that something is right?"

He sighed long-sufferingly "Fine woman. I can understand shades of grey"

He glared at her for a moment "Even if its nearer to black than it is to

white" he muttered under his breath.

She shook her head as she tapped his hand "I think you need to have an

honest conversation with him."

"Will he have an honest conversation with me?" He returned with a raised


She smiled at him "He will. He values you. More than you think." That

was also true. He would not have confided in them with the secrets he

and his family held otherwise.

She'd often talked with him when she'd visited him in Britain, just for a


It had felt right to do so when his mother left with Moira to go off into

the deep of space.

She'd learnt much about him during those days, and from Emily, when

she'd talked with them individually and also when they were together.

Atticus had a softness to him that not many saw, that he didn't allow

anyone to see that spoke of his good nature that was often overshadowed

by his sense of pragmatism and his sense of duty.

It was a softness that he managed to retain even after the war, however

jaded it might have been. He cared deeply, for those who had won him

over and for the future of the magical world.

The responsibility that was levied onto his shoulders, that he'd taken on,

weighed on him and she knew that in addition to the Visions he'd seen,

guided his actions, both small and large.

Often she wondered how much his Visions played a hand in what he did,

like the high chances of Exposure happening decades into the future.

She knew he had frequent visions from a very young age yet it seemed to

have transformed into something…more in the years since the war. That

had been clear from their conversations when the things he'd predicted

had come true.

It was as if he had a finger on the pulse of time itself, able to discern the

future with startlingly accuracy.

They had always kept an eye on brilliant magicals to see how they

developed, to see if they were a danger or an outlier that would do great

things for the magical world.

Atticus had proved to be both sides of the coin, seemingly balanced on

the edge of the coin. Emily…Emily was more the former than she was the

latter but she leaned onto Atticus' coin, her nature held subdued by the

love afforded to her by Atticus.

"Maybe I will" Nicolas grumbled.

She smiled at Nicolas and they

"Good." She said with a tap of his arm.

They arrived at the back of the gathering crowd and waited for the

prospective Representative to begin speaking which he did less than five

minutes later.

"I thank you all for coming here today to hear me speak." Smith-Rowe

said with a large smile as he chuckled good-naturedly "I would not have

blamed you if you'd chosen to stay home after hearing me so often over

the past few months but I promise you it'll be the last time you'll hear me

speak on a platform like this again – at least until the next election!"

Smith-Rowe said a toothy smile.

That garnered a few chuckles from the crowd.

"Charismatic" she said musingly.

Nicolas hummed "A budding politician, for sure" as Smith-Rowe gathered

a few more chuckles as he continued to charm the crowd.

"But you're not here to today to hear me speak about that, no, you're here

to listen to what I am mean to do once I am your Representative" Smith-

Rowe said with a pause "You know what I stand for and you know the

gratitude and loyalty I hold, as I know many of you hold, for Lady and

Lord Sayre for bringing us to Illos and given us a bright future that none

of us could have otherwise have dreamt off!" That had gotten many

cheers and it was a half minute later before he could speak again

"And as much as Lord and Lady Sayre have given us, I wish to do the

same in a small but meaningful way by bringing your concerns to the

Council of Representatives, to advocate on your behalf and to champion

the causes you believe are right and I will do so with vigorous rigor!"

Smith-Rowe said with full of energy and the crowd cheered in response.

"Ah, the power of delivering speeches in a compelling way." Nicolas said

with a sigh "Looks he'll be around for some time." He said as he glanced

at the roused crowd.

She shook her head. "Behave." She said admonishingly. "You've been

moody all day." She said disapprovingly before she scrutinised him


"I've not been moody." He said a little defensively and she eyed him with

narrowed eyes before she realised why. Of course he was missing that

damnable thing. He always got like this when he went without it for

longer than a few days.

"Did you forget your pipe again?" She asked with a hint of amusement in

her tone. He only got this moody when he felt the 'call of inspiration' and

would reach for his pipe each time.

He visibly was annoyed as he sighed "I did." He said defeated. "I could

make another but it'll take too long for me to synthesize a new batch" he

said almost petulantly.

It took a week to make the tobacco substitute that her husband loved

smoking once in a while. It was a strange mix of psychedelics and

calming elements that Nicolas used to 'stir up the creature juices that

were trapped in his mind'.

She was irritated at the fact that worked so well. It was an unpleasant

smell she could do without. Many of his inventions were done mere days

after he had 'stirred' his mind.

She'd tried it once. Never again. She quite liked her grip on sanity.

"It would have been so useful now! Some of the things they're

researching!" he said with wonder and more than a little bit of envy in

his voice "The things we could do with some of the equipment they


She raised her eyebrow at her husband "You could always decide to stay

a little while. SIMS will be fine without us."

"Bah!" Nicolas exclaimed as he shook his head "The ICW would circle

around the school if we're gone for any extended period of time." He said

in a peeved tone as he peered at her "You know they're tightening on

what can be taught in schools now and SIMS is increasingly under

pressure to conform to ICW standards."

She grimaced. She did know.

The ICW seemed to have given up direct control of Ministries in return

for nominal control over certain things and increasing their authority

over domestic laws.

The ICW had increased their authority in the Magical World and amongst

it was their increasing interference in the matters of Education.

Durmstrang already was pressured in accepting a Professor of the Dark

Arts that limited the extent of what was taught in that class.

SIMS was not a traditional school and as of this present it was the only

school of its kind and she knew that the ICW was pressing the Irish

Ministry hard on having it conform to its standards.

"Well, in that case stop your moody snit if there is nothing to be done

about it. Come on, at this rate we'll be late to the meeting" she said in a

no-nonsense tone and he acquiesced.

Not long after, they arrived at the High Council Assembly Chambers and

saw that they were the last to arrive.

Atticus was sat in his chair whilst on his other side sat Sandra, the High


On the other side, next to the empty seat that was reserved for Emily, sat

Eldric Carson, the Director of the Treasury who was responsible for

balancing the budget and collaborating with the Overseer of the Office of


Next to him were Silas Merek, the Director of the State who was liaised

with the Overseers of Justice, Agriculture, Environment and so on.

The last person on that side was Sassa Habe, a female shaman from the

Dahomey region of Africa who Atticus and Emily had met during their

world tour in 1944 and '45. She coordinated with the different spiritual

sects that were present in Illos.

Habe had white markings on the left side of her face whilst her hair was

braided with colourful bands weaved into her hair. Habe was a beautiful

young woman but she was far from harmless given that she was directly

descendant from the famous Vodun shamans and the few times she'd

spoken to the woman had given her the impression that their Arts had

not died during the Statute Wars.

The other person on the High Council was Walter Bishop, Director of the

Offices of Technology and Magical Innovation. Walter Bishop was

perhaps one of the very few who rivalled both Atticus and Emily in this

current generation when it came to intellect.

Both herself and Nicolas were not members of the High Council, they

were in Illos far too infrequently for that to work however when they

were around, Atticus did invite them to sit in as 'advisors'.

Not many batted an eye to that, not only because they were the famous

Flamels but also because it was well known in Illos of their own

contributions to the world ship. They'd been involved in the shaping of

the landscape and some of the rarest magical plants came from their

hidden greenhouses around the world.

People expected them to become members in the future and in truth it

was a given that they'd sit on the High Council should they permanently


It was something she was considering becoming sooner than later with

the way Illos was developing.

SIMS had need of her and Nicolas at present but that would not be the

case in the future.

"Apologies for the delay, we were talking a lovely stroll through the city"

Nicolas said enthusiastically as he pulled out a chair for her. She sat

down and thanked him.

"You've arrived just in time anyway" Sandra said with a warm smile, one

that she returned.

She had met Sandra a few months before Illos had begun taking form and

in the years since she'd had gotten to like the young woman. Ambitious

but with a heart of gold, intelligent but conscientious, kind but most

certainly not a pushover.

Her liking of the woman only grew when she learnt the young woman

could out-swear even the filthiest of sailors when she was drunk and

playing poker with a deadly intensity.

To this day, the memories of those poker nights during the early days

when they were on the barren earth of Illos was one of her favourite

ones, especially when she and Nicolas had gotten in a scuffle when he'd

insulted one of her favourite authors.

"Now" Sandra said as she schooled her face as she began the meeting.

The next half hour was spent on talking about the proposition the Office

of Environment put forth with regards to the large swathe of unused

lands that were rocky and hilly.

The idea was to harvest volcanic soil and replace the top soil on the

rocky hilly lands to make them more fertile for certain types of plants. At

present those lands were more akin to the Welsh countryside which while

pretty served no long term use.

Bishop added to the conversation about perhaps finding a way to

artificially replenish the soil which would be needed if they were set on

creating a dynamic ecosystem with rain and winter temperatures – even

if it was set to be exceedingly mild.

The project was approved and was set to be completed in the next couple

of years.

After that, the meeting ranged to the discussion of the experiments

conducted by the Office of Agriculture with regards to more nutritious

food and better tasting food to the discussion of the future of the Council

of Representatives.

At present there were only nine thousand five hundred and eighty-three

citizens of Illos but only just under four and a half thousand were eligible

to vote. Not to mention there were only at present four boroughs that

were populated with the rest still awaiting people to arrive.

The Representatives each would represent a borough – later to be

expanded as the city and the rest of Illos was expanded – but for now

there were would be three Representatives per borough which later,

when the next borough was opened up, would move to represent that

borough until the individuals have taken up their Citizenship Oath after

two years at which point they could choose to replace or keep their


In the few days she's been here, word of the incoming four thousand or

so people had often been spoken about. The largest influx of people in

one go yet.

With the four thousand or so people set to arrive in the next few months

as vetting proceedings were accelerated, the increased number of

Representatives per borough would be kept until the population enough

to fill twenty boroughs.

The city would be capable of hosting just under hundred thousand people

with housing already completed for just under half that. The lands

surrounding the city would be turned into suburban housings set for

larger families that wished to more open space than a city environment.

"Now that we've concluded on that topic" Sandra began as she looked

around the table "One of our squadrons that dealt with the trafficking

situation has been contacted by one of the Veela colonies in Bulgaria."

"This is one of the main colonies that rehabilitated the freed women?"

Atticus inquired curiously.

Sandra nodded gravely "Yes. They wish to speak to the leader of the

rescuers after one of our agents" Sandra's lips tightened "made a comment

about there being a community out there where they would be treated as


"I see…" Atticus said with a certain tone and it was clear he wasn't too

pleased with this agent's actions.

She decided to interject and turned to Sandra "How many are in this

colony?" she questioned.

"About two hundred or so I believe. More if you also consider the other

colonies they're allied with in the other countries." Sandra informed


"It would be a good opportunity to introduce some other magical beings

into Illos other than just wizards, witches and squibs." Nicolas

commented, drawing attention to himself.

"I agree" Sassa Habe said. "With the growing industrialisation in much of

the world, there are many sentient magical beings under threat from both

the muggles and the magicals." Habe turned to Atticus "They can be the

first before we extend our hand to many others."

Merek spoke up "It would be good to have the Magical Council starting.

The framework exists but it lacks obvious input from other magical


"This agent…" Atticus spoke up after a moment, setting his gaze onto

Sandra "Does he or she have reports on this colony? On their character?"

Sandra nodded slowly. "He does. I have read it and they would fit in well

with Illos."

Atticus nodded before turning towards Walter Bishop "Director Bishop,

do you think the Office of Magical Innovation can come up with an

accessory that can inhibit the effects of Veela allure that they can


Bishop frowned at the question "Tentatively…yes." He said with a

deepening frown before he met Atticus' gaze. "As you know, it is inherent

in their magic, their allure. It is a manifestation of pheromones combined

with mental magic that attracts…attention not unlike compulsion and

other more invasive Legillimency techniques."

Atticus remained silent for a moment before he spoke again "I know

however I suspect you can use the same principles of accessories that

protect against the Mind Arts."

Bishop nodded "We can – it was my initial thought." Bishop paused for a

moment "Give us a few weeks and we'll come up with something." He

halted once more "Though we'll likely get there quicker if we could have

a Veela help us with it."

Atticus turned to the High Chancellor "Let our…agent speak with the

colony again and that it is true." He paused for the moment before he

fixed a gaze on her "He may initiate Tier 1 introduction proceedings with


Sandra nodded affirmatively and Atticus continued "Once they do submit

the request to move here, he is to ensure they understand that it is

contingent on them accepting that their allure is required to be controlled

in the public sphere."

"They may take offense" Nicolas pointed out.

Atticus turned to meet his gaze.

"They could" Atticus agreed easily enough before he turned serious, his

purple green eyes firm as he expanded "However the negative effects of

uncontrolled mental magicks such as allure has on social cohesion

necessitate such actions. Simply because it is a natural ability because of

their race does not mean they are not beholden to the same laws that

governs other inborn abilities or types of magicks that affect people's

judgement unwillingly."

Nicolas seemed to accept that.

"That brings us to the next point." Atticus said as he sat back in his chair,

his distinctive eyes trailing across the room as he laid out his hand on the

armrest. "As most of you know, we've begun phasing our people around

the world back into Illos given the…intensity of the ICWs search for us."

He paused meaningfully as Atticus allowed that to settle in the room.

"This will last likely three years perhaps even longer." He told them all.

"Is the ICW that much of a threat?" Nicolas asked with a frown.

She could understand why he was asking that question.

Atticus' prowess in magic had only grown to incredible proportions in the

years since his defeat of Grindelwald, much of it stemming from his

changed understanding of magic.

There was little that was a threat to him. Though she supposed in this

instance the ICW were a different threat.

A threat to the home he built and to the people who called it home.

Even then, she wondered if the knowledge Moira had left behind could

not protect it completely from the wrath of the ICW.

She did not know the full extent of the technology or knowledge that

Moira left behind to Atticus but she knew that it was orders of magnitude

greater than the muggles even with their nuclear technology given that

Moira's people were capable of things she had thought impossible.

She looked around the table. There were not many that would know of

the knowledge Atticus sat upon and perhaps only Sandra really knew.

Atticus desired his people to develop their own ideas, their own

inventions and analogues without using the knowledge as a crutch. As far

as she could tell, it was proving to be a wise decision given the leaps and

bounds the knowledge base of Illos was getting to.

Many SIMS graduates had only improved, not only scientifically but also

magically with the research and development that was undertaken at


The weather system for one was an ingenious fusion of magical and

technological innovation that culminated in a piece of beauty, the way

things were put together.

Atticus answered Nicolas' question "They are. They've sent out numerous

warrants on people that originally left with me and have been spotted in

countries where the ICW presence is strong. None of them committed any

crimes that would yield such actions. For the moment, we are too young

to be able to deal with the sustained attention of the ICW"

Carson interjected "Our negotiations with the Japanese and future

negotiations with other Ministries will be unaffected?"

Atticus inclined his head "Yes. We will proceed with our negotiations and

likely signing of trade treaties with the Japanese as will all other trade


Atticus looked around the room as he continued "With us reducing our

footprint in the wider world and the influx of four thousand people in the

next few months, I have decided to also accelerate proceedings of

inviting more people to Illos." Atticus looked to Sandra and she nodded

as she took over.

"We have begun speaking with the parents of day students who work for

Lord Sayre's companies about moving permanently to Illos just as we

have extended this invite to other magicals and Dormants working in the

mundane world." Sandra said to them.

Sandra looked to Walter Bishop "With the aid of memory crystals and the

Offices of Technology, Economics and Agriculture, we will offer training

to these parents and Dormants in their chosen fields and speed up some

of the non-magical development in Illos just as we'll offer opportunities

to the Magicals."

"However, they are not the only people we're inviting." Atticus said with

a nod. He turned to Habe "During mine and Emily's trip around the

world, we've had the pleasure of meeting many tribes and clans – some of

whom have children attending Pandrosion – and with Habe's help"

Atticus said with a small nod to which Habe smiled and inclined her head

"We'll be inviting them to move here to Illos."

"Do you have an estimate of how many people?" Merek asked intently.

"At present, that number is roughly ten to twenty thousand. Possibly

thirty thousand." Atticus told them much to Perenelle's surprise. "It won't

be in one go. People will be phased in slowly over the next few years.

Initially I had intended our complete isolation to last only a few years but

we'll need more time to integrate people into Illos."

Sandra nodded at that "Given that it will be a highly diverse group of

people, ensuring that people settle in nicely is paramount before we let

ourselves known to the wider world."

Atticus looked to Merek "We'll need to ensure smooth transition into

Illos. I believe you have already completed the introductory package to

the imminent arrivals?"

"I have" Merek confirmed "Given that almost all hail from European

magical families, most of them being from the Eastern European and

Balkan regions, I have catered it specifically to them." Merek paused for a

moment as he met Atticus' gaze.

"I'll modify it for a wider…audience." Merek said with an incline of the


"How did you convince so many families to come?" Nicolas interjected


Atticus looked to Nicolas "Our people were not just in the world to deal

with the criminal underground – often enough it was to help

communities brought to ruin back to their feet when their Ministries

were gutted and their subsequent replacement seized by the surviving

and free Grindelwaldites that the ICW looked away from."

He leaned forward as he continued "Suffice to say, they were not going to

get help to rebuilt their broken communities and we stepped in. Since

then, we've built a great relationship with their people and when we

approached them to move to Illos most of the communities agreed

despite…the unsavoury attacks on my character" Atticus said with an

amused glint in his eyes "Actions speak louder than words and they

remember it was my people who helped them when others did not."

Nicolas said nothing but nodded in response.

"Still" Atticus continued as he looked to Merek "Most of them are from

conservative magical communities so I expect some…cohesion issues in

the immediate future."

"We have factored that in" Merek nodded "The Illosian Guard are aware

and will be ready." Merek confirmed.


The meeting then went on for a few more hours, the meeting ending on

the upcoming elections and the preparations that were being made for

the opening of Chamber of Representatives and its departments.

After that meeting ended, she, Sandra, Nicolas and Atticus remained

behind and moved to one of the other rooms.

They spent a little while talking as evening fell before topic shifted into

more relaxed topics and wine began to flow.

"Ah so you've finally visited the Knightly Hounds then?" Sandra asked as

she passed Perenelle a glass of wine before giving Nicolas one too.

"Yes, a charming place" She said before she took a sip of the wine "Hmm,

wonderful! Has a zesty aftertaste to it" she said with a pleasantly

surprised note in her voice.

"That is good" Nicolas said approvingly before taking another sip.

"I know" Sandra said almost gushingly as she sat next to Perry "Some of

the wines the Fanglost family are making are truly divine."

"Really?" She asked curiously.

"Really." Atticus said as he walked into the room bearing a couple of

glasses of wines. In his right hand, he had Domaine de Clito and in the

other a branding she didn't recognise.

"The Fanglost family are giving the Clito-Beauclerc wines a run for their

money. Here" he said as the corks of both wine bottles slowly uncorked


Eight glasses materialised in the air as he let go of the glasses and poured

in four glasses with each type of wine.

She took each glass and tasted each one. She was very familiar with

Domaine de Clito, the effect of mulberry and blackcurrant flavoured cigar

smoke that emanated ever so slightly from the mouth was a guilty

pleasure of hers.

"Is this a 1786 bottle?" She asked as she looked up to Atticus. Atticus

smiled and inclined his head

"It is." His smile widened a little, boyish and full of teasing charm "It

helps to be family."

"I understand why you compare them to the Clito-Beauclercs!" Nicolas

said enthusiastically. She turned to him and saw him drink of the more

merlot coloured wine that was different from the currant red of Domaine

De Clito.

"You can taste the blood orange in the wine but it is far from

overpowering and the magical effect!" Nicolas laughed before he peered

at her with a mischievous smile and slightly red face.

"Try it dear" he urged and she narrowed her eyes at him before she set

them on the others.

Sandra held up her hands "I promise, Perenelle, the wine is fine." She said

though Sandra never had a true poker face. She'd learnt that years ago.

Nevertheless, she did try it and her eyes widened as a flash hit her.

She clamped her teeth shut and she glared fiercely at the other occupants

in the room despite the pleasant feelings that still surged within her.

"That…was…unexpected." She said in a slow, quiet tone that had

undertones of danger in them.

Atticus had the decency to look abashed though the hints of mischief

were clear to see in his eyes.

"Pay up!" Nicolas exclaimed as he faced Sandra "I told you Perry would

not lose composure"

Sandra almost pouted and grumpily went into her pocket and put a few

galleons in Nicolas' outstretched hand.

Nicolas looked triumphantly which he lost quickly when he met her gaze.

He withdrew within himself a little when a sheepish, mildly ashamed

expression crossed his face.

"Nicolas, I think we've outstayed our welcome" Atticus said carefully.

"Quite." She said with narrowed eyes. She wasn't exactly angry but she

wasn't too pleased by being surprised as she was, however...nice it was.

Nicolas jumped up from his seat "I quite agree, my boy." He said in a


Atticus' expression was one of bemused "Come, let's give the ladies a

moment to catch up. The view of Illos in my apartment is quite excellent

at this time of day."

Soon enough they were left alone and she fixed Sandra with a pointed


"Yes" Sandra said with twitching lips, her eyes sparkling in amusement,

seemingly understanding her unasked question "When I first tried it, I too

was surprised and far less dignified as you were." She said with a bout of


Perenelle's expression changed "Oh?" she asked curiously.

"Well…you see, I tried this wine – which I should point out is highly

restricted in public – during one of the after events during the Magical

Innovation Expo…"


30th of October 1952 – Illos

Nicolas Flamel POV

"Firewhiskey?" Atticus inquired, his head glancing back for a moment as

he walked into Atticus' office in his apartment.

"Please." Nicolas said as he followed suit.

Atticus gestured towards a seat by the window and he took his seat. The

view was marvellous. He could see far into the distance even in the

dimming dusk light, the rolling hills, the lust forests and the inland sea

that stretched far into the horizon.

There were a number of isolated buildings he recognised, such as the

ecology buildings that were home to a number of magical creatures that

had once been on reserves.

As far as he knew, the plan was to release some of the more benign

magical creatures into the larger ecosystem of Illos.

"Tweenie!" Atticus called out and with a pop, an exquisitely dressed elf


"Yes, My Lord?" The elf said with perfect enunciation.

"Bring two glass of Firewhiskey and have two plates of sandwiches ready

for us" Atticus told the elf and the elf bowed.

"Yes My Lord." And the elf popped away whilst two glasses of firewhiskey

floated in the air before them.

Atticus took the glass and sat down next to Nicolas.

"Wonderful view" Nicolas said as he stared at the view before him.

"I agree." Atticus said easily as he took a sip of firewhiskey and crossed

his legs as he leaned back in his chair. Nicolas glanced at him.

He looked at ease, a man comfortable in his skin and in his purpose. Even

at rest, Nicolas could feel the bottomless pit of magic that churned

underneath his skin, waiting eagerly to rise at the slightest of urging.

It was as if he was a source of magic itself, the way from the edges of

perception, now that he was this close to him, reality seemed to bend

ever so slightly around his being.

Atticus had once said that he'd come to an understanding of what magic

was, at least to him, resonating with it on a level that he did not

completely understand.

At twenty-eight years of age, Atticus had reached an understanding that

not even he had the pleasure of gaining.

He once told him that magicals were merely akin to the oxygen that red

blood cells carried to where they needed to go through the veins of a vast

infinite being, that magicals were merely how magic propagated itself

through life, allowed to access it from and in the great infinite web of

energy that universal in scope.

It was in line with many beliefs of ancient cultures, the idea of magic

being this great contributor to life and that magic itself was sentient of a


Atticus' explanations were almost…religious in a way, one that was

teeming with scientific terminologies that expanded on the research

Nicolas and some of his assistants conducted with regards to universal

leylines, leylines that crisscrossed the universe.

From what he understood, Atticus had been opened up to the full breadth

of magic, a state of existence that Nicolas had difficulty understanding

and was more than a little envious about.

The things he must see!

Yet a thought never left his mind that his ability to see the universe in

this scale along with his Seeing abilities had taken something from him…

He wondered at times if this state of being had simultaneously dulled his

sense of humanity and at the same time made him more empathetic yet

disconnected from the miniscule.

Illos, the future of magical kind, all of it was large scale, intended to

affected the maximum number of lives without consideration of the few.

It was logical, to create a unified magical world especially given what he

knew now about the dangers that existed in the Void.


"Nicolas" Atticus said his name with a lingering questioning tone and as

Atticus met his gaze, Nicolas couldn't help but wonder how far the boy

he'd met in Alexandria had come.

At times he wondered if that brilliant boy still existed in the powerful

man that he saw now…a man whose actions would reverberate

"You are troubled." Atticus added, his eyes observing intently.

"I am." Nicolas admitted.

He peered at the young man with scrutinising eyes "Have you kept up

much with the happenings in Magical Europe?"

"I am aware." Atticus confirmed "Just as I am aware of the happenings in

China or South America" he said with a tilted head, his purple eyes with

green flecks boring into his own.

Nicolas smiled grimly as he met Atticus' gaze with steady eyes "I doubt

you're just as involved there though as you are in Europe." He said,

driving the conversation directly towards where he wanted it to go.

When Atticus crashed much of the economy of Britain and much of

Europe, his concerns had grown substantially.

Even now, years later, the situation had not improved but rather

devolved at a remarkably fast rate. The ICW, for all its belligerence and

interference did do the right thing in setting up a semblance of fair

governance in the countries that it had occupied.

To see it all ripped away as fast as it did was not natural and it spoke of

manipulation, manipulation that he suspected was in part done by

Atticus and Emily.

It was perhaps unfair, and likely paranoid but he could not help it, not

when he knew that they intended to take all of Magicalkind to distant


He accepted such an outcome, he even wished for it to happen. They

would need to if it is proven that they were not alone in the universe.


It mattered how it was done and in what shape such an eventuality would


At present things were becoming as bad as it was at the dawn of the 19th

Century when paranoia in Ministries led to the slaughter of thousands of

magicals, magical beings and creatures to preserve the Statute of Secrecy.

Dark Wizards had rampaged throughout Europe in that century, hidden

in the shadows of Muggle wars that rampaged through Europe, and

forced harsh laws and harsh measures that had only been repealed in the

early part of the 20th Century.

To see the same problems happening once more during an era where

upkeeping the Statute of Secrecy was going to be difficult with how much

the muggles were progressing…

Atticus raised an eyebrow at him "You hold me responsible for the

devolving situation? You must think highly of me if you think my reach

extends that far." His eyebrow fell and his eyes dimmed in luminosity "Or

perhaps it's more the case that you think of me so lowly."

"You always did surpass any expectations I may hold of you" He said

whilst turning his head towards the view, purposefully avoiding

explaining which opinion he held of Atticus though it was little more

than an empty attempt given that he did think highly of the boy.

He'd seen the boy do wonders, he was on top of such wonder now,

however he was not blind to the boy's faults in the decade or so he'd

known him.

He even regarded the young man as a dear friend, the immediate years

since the war had been some of the best he'd had in centuries. Magical

innovation, theory, knowledge all of it was reaching newer and greater


And it was a double edged sword. The more time he spent around

Atticus, the more he came to understand who he was becoming.

Atticus was a man of passion with a drive derived from what seemed to

be ordained by providence, someone who would bring into reality

whatever he set his eyes upon, no matter how difficult it was…no matter

how morally dubious it was.

He had often wondered if it was a curse that Atticus had been gifted his

incredible Seeing abilities, a curse that stripped the boy from the

addictive dreamful nature he had once so positively exuded and now…

Moments passed until Atticus spoke up. "Am I involved?" Atticus said

rhetorically, his voice was low yet the litany

"Yes" Atticus said simply, the one letter word spoken with pristine calm

that belied the hefty weight that was attached to it.

Nicolas turned to him his eyes latching onto Atticus' own as the young

man continued "It was through my unyielding position on what our

world should be like that allowed for this to be happening so quickly. I

do bear some guilt in that regard. However, I am not involved through

active or even inactive interference, no that is entirely on them."

Atticus turned to him "I tried, perhaps too aggressively but I did try to

shift the direction away towards an egalitarian society but it was

rejected, almost violently as you well remember" a note of curtness was in

his tone and Nicolas hummed for a moment.

"Did you truly?" Nicolas returned to Atticus, his frown heavy "Or did you

instead choose to hammer your ideals through the minds of others

uncaring of the consequences of such actions would yield?" He asked

pointedly as he shook his head.

Over the years, he'd avoided talking to him about his...political battles,

knowing that it would do little but some of the reports he was hearing

happening on the continent had worn him down.

Perhaps it was because he'd seen so many orphans walk the halls of SIMS,

orphans that lost their parents because of the Grindelwald war and the

immediate chaos that didn't end until nearly a year later.

He'd lived over half a millennia and was no stranger to war however he'd

often avoided regions enflamed with war and had not seen much of the

consequences as he had during his tenure at SIMS. He truly wanted to

avoid another such devastating conflict if he had the ability to do so.

"Yes, I did try to hammer my ideals through" Atticus admitted easily

enough "And my failures do weigh on me for not being able to get

through the majority yet that does not mean whatever is happening in

Europe is my fault." Atticus thinned his lip as he stared at Nicolas.

"My attempts to convince others ended when they exiled me." Atticus


"Say that I believe you" Nicolas said to him, just before the momentary

silence that suffused the space between turned uncomfortable "You can't

deny that the state of the world is an advantage to you, for this to


"And what exactly is to our advantage?" Atticus asked almost tiredly,

weary but harsh eyes boring into Nicolas "For our people to tear each

other apart?" He shook his head "It is the last thing I want." He narrowed

his eyes at Nicolas.

"Where is this coming from?" He asked intently. "I know you've always

been...sceptical when it came to my power and perhaps even my

motivations but it was never like this. Speak your mind, Nicolas. It's

about time you do so."

Nicolas pursed his lips before he brought the glass to his lips. He waited a

moment before taking a sip of the firewhiskey and turned towards


"I know that you've an overreaching plan for the Magical World, the truth

of Moira's mission makes that very obvious. Even when you first brought

us to Space, the very idea of Illos requires a Magical World very different

from what it is now." Nicolas paused as he glanced away towards the

view before them.

"I have accepted the eventuality, as has Perenelle, of a unified Magical

World that is strong enough to survive the horrors that exist out there in

the universe." Nicolas said with a heavy note in his voice.

They'd been told of who Moira was and who her people were under an

oath. He understood the reasoning, for it redefined the notion of what it

was to be human.

Yet he couldn't help but lament that he could not share what he knew

with more people. He could have convinced many people of the futility,

of the pointlessness of their ignorant and dangerous ideologies.

"However…" Nicolas said as he straightened out, meeting the full gaze of


"I am disappointed at the callousness of your actions, actions that have

wreaked havoc onto the magical world that is now brimming with

supremacists with attitudes and beliefs that are just as poisonous as

Grindelwald's was. We both know that your actions and your words have

had a diametric effect that have set the grounds for conflict to happen

once more in Europe, no matter if you're actively involved or not."

Nicolas said heavily, waving lazily towards the view.

"I do not blame you for everything" Nicolas said with a wry smile as he

met Atticus' impassive gaze "I do not hold you completely responsible for

what is transpiring –"

"However you do hold me responsible at least in part" Atticus finished for


Atticus turned away from Nicolas' eagle eyed gaze and faced the view as

he brought the glass of firewhiskey to his lips.

"I didn't realise you held such contempt for me, Nicolas" Atticus finally

said, breaking the silence that threatened to become suffocating. "To

believe me responsible for the faults of others…"

"I do not hold contempt for you, my boy" Nicolas denied with a shake of

the head "Far from it."

Atticus turned to him "Oh?" he said with narrowed eyes, his voice filled

with dreadful patience even as his eyes could not hide his rising ire.

"Explain to me, then, what other understanding could be reached when

you say 'Callousness of my actions'" Atticus pointed out with unflinching

eyes, eyes that were starting to glow dimly.

"I expected more from you." Nicolas told the young man. It was true, he

did expect much more from him. "You had the opportunity to elevate

yourself what Merlin was for the Magical World but you threw it away,

preferring to alienate everyone away with your radical ideas." Nicolas

shook his head in dismay.

Atticus had the world at his feet, the ICW had been little more than

annoyance at that time that could have easily been neutralised. The only

thing that Atticus had to do was be more diplomatic, bend away from his

views but he'd refused and their heritage book only made things worse at

a time that needed calm leadership.

Atticus scoffed and it was derisive "Merlin was far from what he is

portrayed now. Should he have lived in this era, he would have been

deemed a muggle lover with how he ensured magicals were beholden to

the Norman King William not to mention likely even viewed as a Dark

Lord with the way he altered the very existence of a magical race as he

did with the Goblins."

Atticus shook his head "You're holding me to impossible standards and

you're holding me responsible for things I may have been a cause of but

not the sole cause." He set his eyes again on Nicolas.

"Am I a contributing factor to the issues plaguing Europe? In some ways

yes." Atticus said, his voice stoic even as his eyes bored down at Nicolas

"Hard not to come to that conclusion when I induced an economic crisis

that is still felt today when I retracted my family's wealth and perhaps I

did enjoy doing it at the same time." Atticus leaned forward, his hand

letting go of the firewhiskey which floated in the air, his eyes a turbulent

storm of magic as he continued

"However that was my right when they exiled me out of my ancestral

home and had plans to confiscate it all on a lie. I am not responsible for

their overreaction at the fact that magic does not come from nothing, I

am not responsible for the unrest that has its roots from the noble

families' intent on grabbing power at the cost of others." Atticus took a

deep breath as he fell in his chair, grabbing his drink as he did so.

"I'm not stirring the unrest, Nicolas. I tried to lead them towards a better

future, away from the problems that have dogged our people for

centuries." He glanced towards Nicolas with a weary gaze.

"I had hoped to alleviate the differences within our people with the

heritage book and all it did was exacerbate the situation." Atticus shook

his head before he gazed out of the window.

Atticus had always been steadfast in his beliefs, believing his way

forward was the best way. It was what created a rift between them.

Nicolas believed that a steady progression was needed whereas Atticus

believed the jump was needed now citing that the world would not wait

for magicals to catch up at their own leisure.

Atticus had been too radical in his beliefs that would have overturned

centuries, millennia of civilizational development. Political,

philosophical, economic, social, cultural, technological and magical, all

of these things he'd been quoted as requiring an overhaul to bring

Magical Society to a new age befitting their ancestors, something that

had been widely and aggressively rejected.

Magical Britain – or rather the Ministry and Wizengamot – had rejected

his beliefs just as many others across the Magical World did. He'd made it

astoundingly easy to lose the heavy favour he'd won at a huge cost when

those in power understood what it meant for their own statuses.

A part of him didn't understand why he'd do so when the softer, slower

approach could have paid so much more dividends.

"Had you consulted me, I could have told you then and there what their

reaction would be" Nicolas said grimly.

Atticus turned to him, his eyes darkened to a deep purple "Could you

have told me then that I should expect savage hunts to take place to kill

all cast out squibs?"

Nicolas said nothing to that. He'd been aghast to hear that news filtering

into him. Squibs had often enough been killed yet it was far from the

scale that had been happening in recent years.

"I might have listened then." Atticus said, his words were fleeting as a

bitter smile formed on his face "After all, it seemed it was all for nought


Nicolas frowned "What do you mean?"

"I had hoped to prevent another Dark Lord to rise on the back of blood

purism ideologies yet all I See now is an inevitability." Atticus said, his

hand traipsing across his face.

Nicolas sat back in his chair, his frown deepening "I have heard nothing

so far" he stated.

"The groundwork is being set as we speak. I do not know who the

Archmage will be, that is not clear but eventually one will rise to take the

mantle of what is being built today." Atticus said much to Nicolas'


"How long?" Nicolas asked tiredly. He wasn't sure if he believed Atticus'

words but he knew that the young man had powerful Seeing abilities.

"I'm not sure. A few decades perhaps. Longer if we're lucky." Atticus

gazed away "Time is fluid."

"And are you going to do anything about it?" Nicolas questioned and

Atticus narrowed his eyes.

"You've accused me of actively causing the unrest in Europe, chastised me

for letting things happen as they are and then you ask me if I am going to

do anything to stop the result of their idiocy?" Atticus asked


He shrugged his shoulders as he brought the glass to his lips, glancing at

Atticus "Yes." He said unashamedly, bringing a level of levity into the

room that it had been bereft of.

Atticus' expression was unchanged before he looked slightly exasperated

and drank of his firewhiskey in one large gulp.

He said nothing for a little while, content to stare out of the window.

"They hounded me out and I'm content to let them suffer for it by their

own hands." Atticus finally said, still looking out of the window.

"You're willing to let another Dark Lord wreak havoc?" Nicolas asked

deeply concerned.

Atticus turned to Nicolas "Would they learn?" Atticus said quietly "Would

they understand another Dark Lord rose because of the structures in place

allowed it too easily?" Atticus shook his head "Even in South America,

where there are powerful dark wizards who rule entire regions outside of

Ministerial and ICW jurisdiction, there is almost no large scale conflict

that so frequently happens in Europe." Atticus paused for a moment.

"No. They will not learn." Atticus said with in a strange tone, one that

bordered on reluctant acceptance.

"I've washed my hands off of them" Atticus said with a tone of finality

before he snapped his gaze back at Nicolas.

"I'm content in watching Illos grow and ensuring sensible peoples and

governments are able to leave with us when it is time for Exodus,

whenever it may happen."

Nicolas said nothing for a little while. He supposed he'd gotten his

answers. He wasn't sure if he believed Atticus wholeheartedly but he did

think that Atticus was telling the truth, at least about washing his hands

off of them.

"And Emily?" Nicolas asked curiously.

"What about her?" Atticus asked with observing eyes.

"Has she washed her hands off of Magical Britain and Europe?" Nicolas


"Not as much as I have" Atticus admitted "She's focused on her family's


"Hogwarts." Nicolas said and Atticus nodded.

She'd distanced herself politically from Atticus despite their marriage and

it seemed to have worked for her given how well she'd done in Magical

Britain Atticus' absence. Part of it stemmed, he suspected, from her

interference in the tensions that threatened to boil over into conflict

resulting in Atticus leaving.

She remained politically uninvolved, at least publically, and was held in

a high regard with her actions towards the common folk when she

revitalised much of Hogsmeade. She'd rose into becoming Deputy

Headmistress and was slated to take over from Headmaster Dippet when

he retired in the coming years.

"She's loathed to abandon it especially given how much effort she's given

in bringing it back up the ranking amongst the Great Schools." Atticus

said with a fond smile.

"I see." Nicolas said slowly. He doubted Emily remained in Britain solely

for Hogwarts.

Atticus gazed at Nicolas "Any more pointed questions you'd like to ask?"

he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Nicolas sipped on his firewhiskey before glancing at Atticus "Plenty. How

long do you have?" he asked in a flippant tone.

Atticus rolled his eyes at him "Old man, I have plenty of time though I'm

not sure you do" he said peering at Nicolas with inquisitive eyes "You

look about sixty or so years of age." His lips turned into a half smile "Are

you sure you wouldn't fall asleep mid sentence?"

Nicolas snapped his head back offended "I do not look sixty years of age."

He said as he conjured a mirror and touched his face. There were little to

no wrinkles on him at present.

Atticus chuckled "The fact that you had to check says enough. You

haven't taken the elixir in a little while, have you?"

"No, we haven't. We wanted to age up a little." Nicolas told him. The age

they were at depended on the volume of elixir they took. The higher the

dosage, the younger they'd be. If they took the maximum dosage, they'd

be restored to the age they were when they first took the first dose.

Unfortunately, they also aged at a faster rate, courtesy of their

diminished life force that was only somewhat replenished with the elixir

of life.

"You know that there are better ways to keep young." Atticus commented


Nicolas looked at him, his eyes inspecting the young man "No doubt"

Nicolas agreed. He knew of several other ways that didn't require a

constant dose however given what it took to make their Stone…

Both he and Perry long agreed that they would not seek any other form

of immortality, not after the cost at which it had come. It was part of

their penance.

"Any you wish to share with me?" Nicolas asked with a wry smile.

Atticus reciprocated "I'll share if you share." He said with bemusement.

Nicolas laughed "In that case, I'll stick with my way" he said as he looked

at Atticus "Just as I'm sure you'll stick with yours, hmm?"

Atticus only smiled as he shook his head. "Speaking of sharing, have you

read the paper on the effects of rituals on the body on a genetic level one

of your former students has written?" Atticus asked and Nicolas' eyes lit


"Not yet! I glanced through the Illosian Research Journal and found the

entry on the paper. From what I have read, it's absolutely fascinating

work" Nicolas said elated.

"It truly is" Atticus agreed, just as excited to speak about the topic "I'll

have someone send a copy to you where you're saying." Nicolas nodded

in gratitude and Atticus continued with a gleam in his eyes "Some of the

theories he's come up with are things that not even I had considered."

"William Bell always had a mind for biology" Nicolas mused. "Back at

SIMS he'd even managed to deconstruct the Anatolian Chimera down to

its base."

"Really?" Atticus said surprised "I didn't think that was even possible

given there at least three similar strands of animal part of the Chimera

make up. How did he get around in getting accurate assessment given the

false positive analysing charms would give out?"

Nicolas smiled as he leaned forward. If there anything that eased both

their nerves, it was their love of magical research.

"Well, he worked out this fascinating Arithmancy expression…"


30th of October 1952 – Slytherin Manor, Slytherin Castle Grounds

Abraxas Malfoy POV

"Welcome, Heir Malfoy" the oddly dressed elf said with a bow. "Please

head towards the ballroom, my Lady is expecting you"

Abraxas paid the elf no mind and walked through the halls of the

Slytherin Manor.

There were no tapestries nor any portraits, just rich dark green stones

with silver snake embroideries that moved and twisted in the surface of

the stones, their gazes that followed him were as unnerving now as it had

been the first time he'd been here.

He arrived at the entrance of the ballroom and his eyes flickered across

the room.

At the centre of the ballroom there was a long table where there were

already a number of people seated but that was not what grasped his

gaze, no…

She was seated on a high chair at the head of the table and the

Ouroboros crest, one of a silver snake eating its own tail, hung behind


She'd always been beautiful yet in the years since she left Hogwarts, she'd

only grown in beauty that dived into the realms of the divine, something

that lured poor fools into a false sense of ease.

It was a thin mask that hid the depths of power that lied beneath her

porcelain skin just as it hid the unrivalled mind that could twist even the

most devout son to murder his family all to gain her favour with the

simplest of words uttered to them, words that enthralled just as ably any

compulsion magic could.

His expression shifted ever so slightly as he walked towards them, an

impassive cool expression was worn on his face.

Her arm was resting on the armrest as she spoke to Lestrange and

Rockwood, who were seating on her left side. Her long silken black hair

caught the light in the room making it seem as if it was shimmering

drawing ones' attention to her like a moth to a flame.

Her eyes snapped to him, her dark blue eyes seemed to sear into his very

being yet he continued walking towards his seat.

Eyes fell upon him, many of whom belonged to his fellow Slytherins.

There were nearly a dozen people here yet he knew there were still

another dozen and a half to come.

He arrived at his seat before he sat down, he bowed towards her "My

Lady" he said with deep respect.

"Heir Malfoy" her voice was calm, nearing on soft yet all it did was raise

the hairs of the back of his neck.

He met her gaze and was drawn to her eyes that seemed to twist with

power, power that could be felt through the intimidating presence she

exuded as if it was her natural state.

It likely was from what he knew she was capable of magically.

"Please, Heir Malfoy, take a seat." She stated and he inclined his head.

He took his seat, the third seat on the right hand side of the table. He met

the gaze of Rockwood who nodded respectfully before he returned it.

Much had changed in the years since he'd seen her and Sayre create

though one thing had never changed…

He glanced at Lady Slytherin and met her gaze, the blue in her eyes

disappeared as if they had never been there, her lips curled, nearly

unnoticeably as the glow of her eyes turned impossibly black.

He was sworn to Lady Slytherin and to her cause.

And may whatever deities existed have mercy on the souls of those who

crossed her…

For she lacks any for her enemies.


31st of October 1952 – The Facility, Core of Illos

Alice POV

She walked alongside her creator, trays of bodies suspended in

suspension charms and suspended animation technology.

"Have we harvested all we could from them?" Her Creator asked her as he

glanced with indifferent eyes at the hundreds of corpses.

"We have. Most of the bodies were sent here in time for us to harvest

their reproductive DNA." Alice told him. He nodded and she continued

"Their blood has also been harvested though given that cloning seems to

be…unfeasible as of present, I'm unsure what the purpose is?" Alice said

in a curious tone.

They'd found out that cloning magical humans was possible but they

would all, without fault, be unable to utilise neurophysical energy.

The first part of the project had been to map out the genetic strands

responsible for neurophysical energy manipulation and they managed to

map that out in its totality.

It was rather curious…how homogenous the DNA sequences were from

one person to another. There was limited genetic variation that allowed

for neurophysical energy manipulation with every single individual

having the near exact sequences that allowed energy manipulation to be


It was a problem she had not yet solved…to determine the source of this

single ancestor that managed to access neurophysical energy.

She suspected this…evolution to be far from natural.

The second part of the project involved in experimenting with wizarding


The donors were the criminals that had their bodies were sent to Illos,

most of which were dated back during the purging of the criminal

underworld in Europe and Asia, criminals that were deeply involved in

the human, beings and animal trafficking and slave industries.

Out of the hundred and twenty they cloned, none of them were successes,

even if they were grown in artificial wombs they were failures. Testing

had shown they only carried a small fraction of the DNA sequences that

were indicative of magical abilities, somehow it seemed that the cloning

method was not capable of ensuring zero degradation despite the

advanced technology was used.

Her Creator had posited that magic needed more than just a biological

component, referencing towards the Trinity…the mind, the body and the

soul. That magic was as much part of the soul as it was part of the blood.

The combination of the mind – consciousness, body – life, and the soul –

spirituality, allowed for a 'magical core' to manifest.

Magicals according to her Creator had the same access and the same kind

of potential but each individual had different capacities for magic. The

'magical core' reflected this notion of capacity.

Rituals enhanced the capacity of the body to deal with greater access to

the Neurophysical field of energy and exercising the 'magical core' did

the same though on a limited scale.

If Life and Neurophysical Energy were as entwined as her Creator

thought it was, then the mother had just as much a critical component in

the manifestation of magic in their offspring as the Trinity did.

Their life fuelled the growth of a new life, something that was more than

just simple biology.

This was what he attributed to be likely the case as to the degradation of

the DNA sequences.

"The purpose is related Sigma-Beta zero zero three four simulations" Her

Creator told her. Her eyes widened. She knew, in part, what the

simulations were but not what they were related to.

Her Creator had said told her it would be a surprise.

Her Creator turned to her as he came to a stop, turning towards her, his

vibrant eyes shining with anticipation "And what did those simulations

yield?" Her Creator questioned, his eyes lit up with triumphant


"Hundred percent success." Alice said promptly and her Creator nodded

with a victorious smile.

"I don't understand though" she said with furrowed brows as she tilted

her head curiously "How is the vitalisation of broken DNA sequences

related to the harvested blood?"

Her Creator's lips curled as he gazed past her. "Those broken DNA

sequences were from squibs – or Dormants as they're called now." His

eyes returned to hers.

"I understand now" she said, her eyes wide.

Her Creator smiled at her, his expression brimming with triumph "We

may not be able to create new magicals through technology but we can

alter Dormants to manifest magic instead. In hindsight, it makes sense

that while we cannot create new magicals scientifically we can instead fix

the DNA deficiencies in Dormants." He paused for a moment before he

gazed at her again.

"After all, they have everything else. They have consciousness, they have

a soul and I have observed them to have what I call a 'magical core',

simply they don't have the necessary keys to access it, something that can

be rectified with this treatment."

"It's fascinating" Alice said with a curiosity in her voice "The way the

DNA sequences degrade through any kind of artificial reproduction yet

vitalisation through this method is possible" Cloning, artificial wombs,

even a combination of the two only resulted failures upon failures of

their stated goals.

Yet biology could facilitate what technology could not. Her Creator said

that Life fuelled the growth of new life, stating that there was more to it

than just biology at work.

She may not understand, not like her Creator could, the way the universe

and neurophysical energy was intrinsically tied, but she did learn to trust

her Creator's instincts. He seemed to have an uncanny ability to come to

conclusions that she'd never reach.

Even amongst his kind she doubted there were any like him that could

jump from one thread to a disconnected thread as ably as he could.

"I'm not surprised we can only correct what already exists" Her Creator

said musingly before turned around and began walking towards the

terminal at the end of the mortuary. He activated the main console and

began to play out the simulation.

He glanced at her as she arrived next to him "I suspected it when Moira

said that her people were unable to enhance the genes responsible for

their people having limited access to Neurophysical Energy." He said as

he returned his attentions to the simulation.

"After all, we did have some idea of how unsuccessful we might be with

our endeavours. There is a reason why any rituals that changed one

lifeform into another required living beings in the first place. Even the…

Seelie are not true living beings. They're a complex creation of magic and

matter but they are not unlike insect drones. Ancient magical cultures all

around the world understood that Life was more than the sum of its parts

and they were right to believe so."

"You truly believe the superstitions of ancient societies?" Alice asked with

a quirk of the brow.

Her Creator smiled at her "Those ancient societies may seem primitive

but their thinking was not. Our lengthy lifespan, at least relative to the

mundane humans, allows us far more time to consider things and to

experiment. Without oversight from governments, organisations and so

on, things got pretty gruesome with some of these ancient trailblazers"

Her Creator said as his expression twisted into a grimace.

"Like the early Aztecs" Her Creator added.

Ah…the Aztecs. A fascinating archaic civilisation that were able to twist

Neurophysical Energy in utterly fascinating ways.

One of them was the creation of the Tlaheulpuchi through 'blood magic'

that was a result of the Aztec Emperor Huey Tlatoani demanding of his

mage priests to change his wife into a woman that never lost its beauty

even as she aged.

The consequence of that creation resulted in the creation of the – now

extinct – Tlahuelpuchi, shapeshifting vampiric race of females that fed on

the life of young infants to maintain their youth. During the day they

were said to be beautiful and human but during the night, they'd leave

and transform into small hideous creatures that went out to hunt and

feed on infants.

"Much of their experiments, however gruesome it may have been, built

up an ocean of knowledge where if you parse through their texts you

might find hidden insights." Her Creator paused for a second as he

seemed lost in thought for a moment.

"It was actually from one of those ancient cultures that I got to this idea

of using harvested DNA to fill in the gaps in the broken DNA sequences

in Dormants.

During my trip with Emily to India, we visited the sites of an ancient

civilisation in the Ganges Valley. With a bit of help of the Ancient Human

satellites, we found an ancient tomb that was as warded as well as any

ancient Egyptian Priest's tomb." He glanced at her with a soft smile, one

that accompanied a hint of mischief in his eyes

"I'll spare you details of the adventures, especially the traps we

encountered in that place" he lost the mischief and one of seriousness

replaced it "but suffice it to say, it was worth it. Thankfully we could

translate it all easily enough given that it was a local dialect that hadn't

changed too much linguistically and what we had found was mostly a

cache of texts on healing." Her Creator turned back towards the completed

simulation that pinged.

"It seemed our dead mage was a healer of sorts, one that specialised in

blood magic. He was a practitioner of Buddhism, from what we could

surmise, and found the idea of using life to heal life fascinating and

seemed to have dedicated his entire life on it." Her Creator seemed to

smile fondly at that idea.

He had idiosyncrasies like that…like respecting hard dedication to a

cause or a belief or an 'art'.

He continued "Amongst his texts we found one in particular that sparked

this idea within me…the text on how to use blood of kin to heal magical

diseases." His eyes lost all warmth and were now a vibrant storm of

swirling energy. "What he discovered was profound. He did not truly

understand, I don't think, what he actually discovered. Most magical

diseases need to be fought off by the individual's magic and some even

are fuelled by the individual's magic." He turned to her, the familiar

intense gaze of fascination and passion were clear to see.

"What his ritual did was use blood and magic of the relative to heal the

individual through a complex yet simple arrangement that connected the

relative to the sick individual magically and through lifeforce tripling

maybe even quadrupling the chances of the individual flushing out the


She tilted her head curiously "and how did you jump from this to

vitalising Dormant genes into fully 'magical' genes?"

His eyes gleamed "They are related because just as the blood of kin can

help fight off a magical disease, so can the blood of others help to fill the

gaps that they missing within their genetics. I wondered for a long time

how to go about fixing the Dormant situation." His expression broke into

a frown.

"At first I thought a ritual might be needed in a similar vein to that

healing ritual but it is impractical." He shook his head "From the early

calculations, I'd need to far more than just blood for it to work."

"Whereas with this method…" Alice said in a trail which he picked up

with a nod.

"With this method, it only takes ingesting a potion and ten minutes in the

Bio-Bolic Bed." He said with a broadening smile. A Bio-Bolic Bed was

their translation of what the Ancient Humans called their device that

enhanced humans on a genetic level.

The extracted 'magical' genes of the donor blood would be the input into

the device and through complicated genetic manipulation that was done

at the same time would infuse the donor cells into the host.

She had not known it was going to be a potion that would be the second

input. She'd created the simulation with the donor genes whilst he

modified it for this exact purpose.

"I see." She said with a frown as she tilted her head curiously "And what

does this potion do exactly?"

"As the Bed infuses the donor genes into the host, the potion will 'prime'

the body to accept the changes that are being induced into the body. As

soon as the body has been altered, its capacity for magic will change. The

potion also has a strong healing component to it, one that is mixed with

the same DNA as the donor genes inputted into the Bed. The bed, thanks

to our capability to transform other forms of energy into magic, will

generate a volume of magical energy that the body can draw from."

Atticus said with a pause, a light frown marring his face.

"There is a chance that the body might be burnt out by the influx of

magic into a starved 'magical core' and the potion is meant to mitigate

that in combination with the capabilities of the Bed to keep the host

alive" He paused in his explanation as he turned back to the simulation

"Changes of failure otherwise are too high."

"So in theory the host should survive a hundred percent of the time?"

Alice asked

"In theory" Her Creator agreed. "Whether or not that will be the case…I'm

not sure. Genetic variations from one person to another can be

significant, at least in this context. Not to mention with the infusion of

the donor genes the host will have some elements of the donor's

affinities…" He frowned for a moment "Possibly even more." He finished

and began to swipe at the touchless console.

"I see." She said ponderously. After a moment she spoke up "Will you

change the plans with the Dormants now that we have this solution?"

He stopped and turned to her, a studying expression worn on his face

"Yes." He paused for a moment as he frowned "With the Academies for

the Dormants that we funded all across world, we can now take them in

instead of waiting for them to marry and have magical children and then

take them in." He pursed his lips as he seemed to think it over though she

knew better.

It was the kind of expression he had when he was delving into the

streams of time. It was fascinating to watch him grow more and more

able in this ability of his.

He looked up and peered at her "This outcome will need to managed

carefully." He narrowed his eyes "It has paths that are exceptionally

vulnerable. I will speak with Sandra about meeting with parents who

have Dormant children though I will first test this method on the adults

working for my family's companies."

"You could test it on the adult Dormants out in the fringes of the world?"

Alice suggested to her Creator.

Her Creator shook his head. "If you mean the Dormants under our

influence, no, their purpose, for now, is to raise the children on the

tertiary path."

She nodded "Shall I send a message to Derek Saunders to profile his most

trusted Dormants?" she asked with a curious tilt of the head.

Her Creator smiled at her "Please do. Let him know that it needs to be

done in the utmost discretion." She nodded and sent away a message to

Derek Saunders to his Magi-Comp.

"We'll also have to start evaluating candidates from the Academies as

soon as possible." He looked to the ceiling, his eyes cloudy as he seemed

to be deep in thought. He looked away and back at her "We will include

them amongst the first to be turned into fully magicals."

She noted it down and filed it away.

The Academies were headed by the former 'golems' that her Creator had

originally created. Over the years they managed to create a form of

limited artificial intelligence in form of humans.

These Limited Artificial Intelligences, LAIs, were transfigured into the

distinct ethnic group of the Dormants that attended the Academy. They

were specialists in their specific field, whether it may be history, science

or mathematics, and taught all of these children.

They were directed to teach these children to their best of abilities but

also to ensure they were taught towards a certain path, a path that would

significantly increase the possibility of these children being suitable for


She was connected to them in a limited degree and was kept informed of

the most promising prospects.

She played out the scenarios in her mind and she had come to the

conclusion that he knew that this…elevation from Dormants to Magicals

was possible long before the simulation had suggested success.

Her Creator was far reaching with his multi-threaded plans that

converged to the same point and she liked to compare him to a spider

weaving his web on a hanging branch over a lake where mosquitos laid

their eggs, waiting and waiting until it became time for them to mature

and fly into his web.

She eyed him curiously "Should this not mean we no longer need the

populations from Europe? There are over ten million Dormants around

the world and we have over eighty thousand students and graduates in

Academies. We can now select the best candidates to populate Illos. With

those candidates and the incoming influx of the last cycle of children, we

have enough of a stable population that will be wholly committed to the


His eyes widened slightly and he frowned, deeply. "True…" he said

slowly before his eyes sharpened "But how many of those ten million will

be suitable? Many of them will be over forty years of age and certain in

their ways? How many of them and even the younger ones will be

extremely religious and reject any notion of magic?" His lips thinned as

he shook his head.

"Beliefs that could be adjusted just as is done with Dormants raising the

tertiary group that will soon will be inbound" she countered.

"Those Dormants are not expected to survive the conflicts in their home

regions so we will not deal with the consequences of such manipulation.

No, such mental manipulation can only be reserved for those not

belonging to Illos" Her Creator said with a tone of finality.

"As such, they will have the same problems as the purebloods. They have

their own cultures, their own beliefs. If too many of them come at the

same time, the risk of muddying the burgeoning magic centric spirituality

is too high. With the children and teenagers in Academies being taught in

a secular setting with subtle direction towards the kind of thinking that

meshes well with Illos, they are far more capable of integrating into


"Yet Lady Emily and yourself, Creator, are intent on inviting just as

debilitating individuals from the magical world. Are you not concerned

that you're risking Illos with their discriminatory beliefs?" She asked her


He smiled at her and it was far from kind. "Who said we'll be inviting

them into Illos?"

She frowned "But isn't that the purpose of the destabilisation?"

He shook his head "No, Alice. That is not our final goal."

She looked at him curiously "I don't understand." She said honestly. "Why

involve yourself with them if you don't intend to bring them to Illos?"

His smile was now kind as he closed the gap between them. He was a

head and a half taller than her physical form. He brushed the silicone

filaments aside and behind her head.

"I know. But on this, you don't need to understand. Not completely." He

said kindly to her.

"You know your purpose, do you not?" Her Creator asked her.

It was a conversation that happened minutes after she'd awoken, an age

to her that she used to acclimatise on the state of her existence. She'd

known mere fractions of a millisecond of what she was but he'd spoken to

her about what she was to him

"Yes, I do. I am here to assist you, work with you, be your unwavering

supporter." Alice answered.

She is his greatest ally, his closest confidante and he treated her like it.

"I am not unlike you, Alice." Her creator said with a sad smile as he gazed

past her.

"As I grow ever abler in traversing Living Time, the more I see, the more I

know that I am far from an accident."

She tilted her head as she processed that. "You were made for a purpose

like I was."

"Yes. Moira had alluded to it but I'm not sure she knows the scale of what

is involved" He said distracted, lost in his thoughts.

"If you were made for a purpose, then what is it?" Alice asked curiously.

"To be the shepherd of my kind and those like it" Her creator said. "That

is my purpose as far as I can understand" he said in a trailing tone as he

glanced away from her, once more retreating into his mind.

"The universe is far from being a clock without a craftsman…" he said in

a whispering tone.

"And that means all of your kind…including the destabilising elements."

Alice summarised.

Her Creator turned to her, meeting her gaze before he inclined his head.

"Just so. And I'm working towards it, just as Emily is…in her own way."

"Acknowledged" Alice said with a nod of the head.

"Good." Her Creator said with a smile. "I think this success also helps with

the problem with our primary group."

"The orphans without enough suitable mothers to raise them?" Alice

asked with the quirk of the head.

Her Creator nodded. "With this success of vitalising Dormant broken

sequences into active magical genes, we can now expand our pool of

suitable mothers, perhaps even parents willing to raise infants in return

for magic" her Creator paused for a moment "of course that is in addition

to taking loyalty and vassalage oaths."

"You intend to vassalage newly made magicals?" Alice questioned.

"Not all of them but certainly many of them. We'll have to see the scope

of how 'magical' they will become. I suspect that the younger one is when

undergoing the process, the greater the success is purely because of

magical maturities. Of course we won't test that out until we're certain it

is a success" Her Creator answered.

"With the expected drastic population increase, this method will ensure

Illos remains under mine and Emily's influence and direction." Her

Creator paused momentarily before continuing "The Citizenship Oath

does its job to keep the peace but it cannot ensure the prevention of

creeping corruption and radical ideas not in line with the constitution

into our home. In this way, we can keep control with a distant hand." Her

Creator finished.

"I understand. Shall I generate profiles on the ideal individuals?" Alice


Her Creator smiled "As if you hadn't already." He said amused.

Alice smiled back. "I have. There are seven hundred and eight individuals

marked as 'ideal' candidates that score high in each criteria set."

"Good. We still have over a year before the primary group hit age two

and three so arrange for close up investigation of these individuals. Focus

on those who score high on the malleability scale." Her Creator directed


"Yes, Creator Atticus. I will do so."

Her Creator nodded to her before returning to the console.

"What do you wish to do with the bodies?" Alice queried and he stopped.

He turned around, a frown on his face.

He took a few moments to answer "Burn them and spread their ashes

over the plains. In death they served Illos even if in life they were little

more than vermin."

"And the clones?" Alice asked.

"The children?" Her Creator asked with a hum and to which she nodded.

He remained silent for a moment "We'll arrange for them to be placed in

homes in the United States." He paused for a second as he set his gaze on

her "Exclude them from the Tidal Wave plan."

Alice curiously tilted her head and nodded "It will be done Creator. But-"

"Why?" he cut her off. "The simulations we ran on their evolutionary

development showed them incredibly unlikely to develop magical

abilities, correct?" he asked her intently.

She nodded "Simulations show 1.65 times ten to the power of minus nine

percent capability of developing abilities to harness Neurophysical

Energy though simulations hint that they have potential of greater

physical strengths in their future."

Her Creator smiled as he nodded "It is for that reason why I wish for

them to merge with the larger mundane population. Perhaps one day

evolution will branch out into another form of humanity and I'm curious

to see, if I live that long, where it may lead them."

She nodded "I will gather information on the most suitable homes" she

said and she turned around. Drones began to descend from the ports in

the ceiling and one by one, the drones picked up the deceased bodies

before taking them to incinerator.


31st of October 1952 – United Kingdom, Midlands

Jason Harrison POV

He walked on the poorly lit wet cobblestoned streets of Leicester, his

hands in his trench coat towards the dingy pub on the corner of street.

He wasn't sure if this was the right way to go, if he should not just leave

like the others did.

Perhaps it was the wisest, perhaps it was the best course of action but…

He was an Englishman, this was his home, his father's home, his father's

father's home.

His father had fought in the Great War, his father before him had been in

the navy. All of them had fought for this country and he knew he could

not let it go.

They refused to allow him to fight in what they now called the Second

World War and now they threatened to allow him to live in his own


He clenched his teeth. It was perhaps not the wisest action but

sometimes…sometimes when they step over the line one too many times,

war…war was inevitable.

He pressed his hand against the broken door of the pub and walked in,

the smell of stale beer and smoke assaulted him as soon as he stepped in.

He glanced around, the barman cleaning one of the glasses with a towel

rag spotted him, recognised him and nodded to him. He returned it as he

glanced towards the other occupants of the pub and there were three

dozen people there in this abandoned part of grey England.

They turned around, their appraising gaze felt upon him until one of

them decided to walk towards him.

He had black hair and stubble, a worn face that looked older than it

might be though what stood out were his unflinching blue eyes, eyes that

he recognised in his father when he'd come back from the Great War.

This was a man that knew suffering.

"Welcome…" The man said as he closed the distance as he stuck out his

hand, his unflinching eyes never faring away from his own. "Mr


Jason took the hand "Aye…Jason Harrison." He confirmed as they let go.

The man smiled "Nice to meet you, Jason. I've been told that you might

be coming."

Jason glanced around, noticing that some were speaking and others were

paying attention to their conversation.

He returned his gaze back to the man "Michael said that you guys doing

something worthwhile."

The man's smiled widened as his eyes grew darker "Yes…we are…

brother. Welcome…" He turned around and waved his arm towards the

rest of the men in the pub who turned to face them, most of their

expression hard whilst others nodded.

"To the Revolution" he said as he turned back to Jason, the man's eyes

promising everything that he had hoped this meeting might have been.

And for the first time for as long as he could remember, Jason smiled.

5. Chapter 70

Hello All, welcome back to the story!

Without further adieu, please enjoy the post and let me know what

you think!

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next three chapters are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

30th of October 1952 – Slytherin Manor, Slytherin Castle Grounds

Abraxas Malfoy POV

"Welcome, My Lords and Ladies" Lady Slytherin began, a tiny smile

forming on her deceptively angelic face, one that sent shivers down his –

and probably everyone else's too – spine, all whilst her cold eyes swept

across the room, drawing in all of their undivided attention.

He sat up straighter, just as most others did, after she spoke and the wave

of magic that enacted the secrecy enchantments took effect.

He spared a glance around the room, taking in the sight of who was


Amongst two dozen and a half people present, the Heirs of Houses of

Bletchley, Carlinger, Carrow, Crouch, Nott, Ollerton, Prince, Rockwood

and Travers were all present as were Lords Carrow, Greengrass,

Lestrange, Nott and Prince.

People of importance, those who had earned the right to be considered in

her inner and outer circles.

Unfortunately, so were Blackthorne and Eveningshade though their…

attendance…was more related to the fortune of the meagre blood in their

blood than their talent.

Whilst the people present represented the majority of the power and

wealth they held within Magical Britain, it was not the full attendance of

members within the Ouroboros faction.


That would have needed this ballroom to be expanded by several factors

to fit in all those that were members.

Ouroboros was seen by most as a political faction within the Wizengamot

but it was much more than that.

A large fraction of heirs of traditionalist families had kept their faith in

Lady Slytherin upon graduating from Hogwarts and further sworn oaths

to her once they were proven to be trustworthy enough to be told of her


Ouroboros was seen as a political and economic faction but it had greater

ideas, ideas and a cause that were befitting of the noble families and the

magic in their blood.


It was only the very starting point.

In the years since the war, Lady Slytherin had begun working in a way

that he had not understood, not then.

In the aftermath of witnessing them bring a mountain sized rock from the

depths of the void, and then proceed to fashion a new Atlantis as if it was

nothing but a fist sized clump of clay, he believed they'd use that

insurmountable nightmarish power to sweep aside all opposition and

break the world under their boot.

But no…

They had other plans.

Lord Sayre's suffocating domination, the threat of his existence and more

importantly his ideas were a smokescreen, a façade to obfuscate and to

draw attention to himself whilst his Lady operated in the background,

slithering in the high grass under the shade thrown by Sayre's presence.

Lord Saye's exile and subsequent actions that crashed the economy

should have been what that led to her downfall given she was his wife

yet instead she emerged from that political and social quagmire smelling

fresher than the scalp of a new born baby.

He'd been given a lesson in those months on social manipulation and

political manoeuvring.

Her philanthropic contributions, the creation of orphanages that took war

orphans all across Europe along with the mudbloods and half bloods of

Britain, the revamping of magical schools in Wales, Scotland and England

with her own funds, the creation of free preschools for all children

regardless of their social class, the funding of arts and museums…

All of it raised the public perception of her into near sainthood, a modern

version of the Founders and the International Magical Press only pressed

that point forward in acute fashion building a solid foundation from

which monuments could stand and survive any storm cast their way.

Her alliances made with the Lords of Houses Prince, Carrow, Nott,

Lestrange and others – hidden for now – had come from witnessing, from

feeling that oppressive, dark seductive power that left them suffocating,

clawing at their throats and at their chest as her magic compacted,

crushed the atmosphere with the depths of it, depths that had only grown

in volume and in intensity over the years…

A true Dark Archmage Slytherin not seen since Salazar Slytherin himself

Suffice it to say…

Loyalty was won and alliances formed, one that tied those Houses to

House Slytherin and were brought into her confidence and told of her


All of that would not have shielded her from the scorn that was destined

to come her way as a consequence of Lord Sayre's 'fall' from power or his

deliberate crashing of the economy later, no…

The Wizengamot was the power in the land, the public were little more

than a large herd that only needed to be assured of stability and safety as

they had not the capacity for anything more.

And it was Wizengamot members hurt most by the actions of Lord Sayre.

They had the power and motivation to set in plans in motion to cast her

down just as they had planned to do to the rest of the Sayres.


One meeting with Minister Norton, Lord McKinnon and Lord Black in

1946 was enough to dissuade them from taking that route and to exclude

her from their plans for the Sayres.

She had not even released her magic then, no…

Words were enough…

Words wielded by someone who wielded it as well as she wielded a

wand, someone who understood that what power she held in her words

alone, power that spelled out excruciatingly, syllable by syllable, letter by

letter, the cost they would wrought, a cost that'd leave them headed into

a spiral that could end up destroying all that they were trying to protect

with their actions against Lord Sayre…


Hogwarts and all that came with it was a cost none of them were willing

to bear.

Hogwarts held a special place in the hearts of Magical Britain. It was a

bastion, a proud monument to British greatness built by four of the

brightest magicals in all of Wizarding History.

…And it was utterly in her hands.

Hogwarts was founded in the late 10th century during an uncertain era

that resulted more magical deaths at the hands of muggles and rival clans

in the past two centuries before it than in the next six centuries after it

was formed combined.

It was a stabiliser, a benchmark for what most consider the start of

modern magical civilisation, valued and cherished beyond its function

and venerated for its meaning.

At the beginning, families had been reticent to relinquish their children

from the safeguards of warded homes until they could protect themselves

and it was only through the binding agreements set by the Wizarding

Council, agreements that minimalised and de-politicised threats to heirs,

that Hogwarts became successful.

That binding agreement meant that Hogwarts would remain independent

of the Wizard Council's influence and laws – with the exception of capital

crimes – under the ownership of House Gryffindor and Slytherin.

A binding agreement that was still in effective given that the Wizengamot

was the lawful successor to the Wizard's Council whose function has

remained the same even if the Ministry took the position of government

as a result of the separation of worlds during the implementation of the

Statute of Secrecy.

Hogwarts was not beholden to the Ministry nor the Wizengamot and

should she enact the emergency edicts within the Hogwarts Charter, she

would be able to take full control over the school and Hogsmeade which

was part of the Hogwarts lands.

The implication had been clear…

Act against me and Hogwarts as good as independent

At that point, avoiding conflict would have become impossible for the

Ministry and the last thing the Ministry wanted was any kind of secession,

the last thing the Traditionalist faction wanted was a civil war within its

ranks…or within their own families given who she was and the loyalty

she had from many of their heirs…

All while the likelihood Lord Sayre remaining firm in his stance of no

violence, of refusing to escalate, dwindled had his wife been targeted just

as he was…

That prospect, that horrifying prospect of two Archmages arrayed against

the Ministry and the Traditionalist faction had chilled their blood, ICW

aid or no.

Her reaction changed everything for they believed Lord Sayre would be

easy to deal with but if his wife managed to convince him otherwise?

The Ministry knew that had he desired, if he truly desired, he could have

started off a civil war to push through his ideas anyway with how

popular he had been at the start, a civil war that they'd lose without aid

and at best last years with the aid of the ICW who had grown nearly

obsessed with Lord Sayre.

Yet they had come under the impression Lord Sayre had no appetite for

conflict, for war, partly because of Auror Potter, who broke Lord Sayre's

confidence by informing the Progressives on what Lord Sayre would do if

he failed in Britain, allowing Lord Black and the Minister the secure

knowledge that they could act as politically as aggressive as possible

without it escalating into war…

And partly because they believed in what Lord Sayre had espoused.

Abraxas inwardly scoffed derisively.

They knew nothing.

They did not know Lord Sayre at all

He had come to know the man – as much as he could expect – after

speaking with him and Lady Slytherin during the time Illos was still

taking shape.

He had, then, immediately understood why Lady Slytherin had become

fascinated with him at Hogwarts, why she spent time with him beyond

the obvious of his power.

He was far from what people believed him to be

Lord Sayre was every bit as ruthless and ambitious as his wife, Abraxas had

simply realised the man thought of power in a way most could not, did

not understand.

It had been an odd experience, that day he'd seen who they were, the

humbleness and inadequacy they induced in him yet at the same time

inspired a sense of greatness that Abraxas wanted to greedily cling onto

and be part of for he knew they were going to change the face of the

Magical World.


As he watched this coalition of Progressives, Traditionalists and the

Ministry try to cast the Sayres down, he couldn't help but mockingly


They had no idea what they're faced against

What could they do in the face of someone like him or her if they truly

took offence?

In their world power was everything.

Blood, Nobility, Magic. All of it had power and Lord and Lady Sayre-

Slytherin had oppressive amounts of it.

And yet they began to somehow believe they had – and at the time

thought they could – ran out the most powerful wizard alive, a man who

had defeated Grindelwald in a reality-shattering fight considered to be the

greatest duel in history, one that had veritable proof in the hundreds of

eye witnesses that knew and told just how powerful he was.

The same power he had shown once more when he subdued an entire

room of powerful wizards in the Italian Senate when they threatened to

take what was his.

All because they held it against him – along with the words of Charlus

Potter – when he spoke of unity, of peace and of equality, that he would

not engage in a war.

A belief that had proven shaky when they had pressed too hard and had

been forced to cool down their aggressiveness after he'd shown what he'd

do in the face of violence when he dealt with the fools that had hired

assassins against him and his family and, in the end, had to come to the

table to reach an agreement that led to his 'peaceful exile'.

But Lady Slytherin?

Lady Slytherin had made it clear at the very beginning that actions or

words against her were tantamount to a declaration of war and all that

entailed with it.

His father had told him that Minister Norton had 'plans' to deal with the

Hogwarts problem after Lord Sayre had been exiled yet the economic

crisis that came from the unexpected withdrawal of the Sayre wealth had

destroyed any such plans and in the years since then…

Since then, Lady Slytherin had only further built up the image of 'Saint' as

she became a beacon to hundreds in the wake of an economic crisis that

could be – and had been – partially blamed on her yet…

Yet when others did nothing and she did much, helping, raising people

back on their feet whilst many others who did not seek her languished,

such notions fell away as her actions overshadowed such demonising

words, words that were further impoverished by the International

Magical Press…

It was masterful…the depths her manipulations extended to and his father

had told him the fear that some of Lord Black's closest allies felt.

He inwardly smirked at himself.

His father had given him leave to act in House Malfoy's best interest after

Lord Sayre's duel with Grindelwald, to make himself invaluable to the

couple in whatever way he could when she began moving in public after

the war.

It would prove to be the best decision any Malfoy had done in generations

His father was no longer a close ally of Lord Black, that family was adept

enough to know of Abraxas' allegiance to Lady Slytherin, but his father

was still part of the Traditionalist faction, however nominal it may be.

It was proof, in truth, of House Black's waning power that his father was

still amongst their ranks.

Lord Black seemed to know how tenuous his grip on the Dark families

was, knowing how many of their heirs had deep loyalty to House

Slytherin, and according his father, was at a loss how to proceed.

He could understand that.

Like water, she weathered away at the rocks, at the boulders that stood

in her way, forming channels, grooves where her reach could extend

down to the very base.

It must be an insidious thing to witness from his perspective. To think

you dealt with the biggest threat only to find out the greatest threat is

bearing their fangs only half an inch from your throat.

That the person you called a half-blood bastard was now twisting entire

generations, pure and not, to her ideology and to their cause.

That the stymying attempts or the alternate options you tried to offer

when it came to schooling were largely failures to the extent that you are

only left with the option of pushing through legislation that banned pre-

Hogwarts schooling, something you know is at high risk of failure whilst

at the same time could ignite the current unrest into full blown riots when

it was one of the few beacons of light in many families still suffering from

the consequences of Lord Sayre's 'exile'…

He could even understand at how Lord Black and those in the Ministry

must feel at the closing walls when even those who you would have

believed would never back a half-blood, even if she was a Slytherin,

turned and changed their very way of looking at things.

That the opinions of those whom echoed your own were changing when

the products of successful integration were seen, mudblood children who

were taken from the muggle orphanages, from certain flthy muggles,

then raised with wizarding custom and tradition to such success that you

could barely tell the difference in behaviour or in their magic in

comparison with children from magical families.

The trademark wilder magic, hallmarks of unrefined magic that had not

been shaped by centuries or millennia of ancestry, were lesser, far less

noticeable and even seemed to be capable of displaying pangs, moderate

amounts of family magic of families they were marginally related to when

they knew of their heritage.

Proof that despite the desecration from muggle blood, superior wizarding

blood won over when they were righted as early as possible. That it

mattered that you were amongst your own kind, no matter how filthy your

blood was as long as you had magic.

Proof and vindication of the prophesized words of Salazar Slytherin who

believed muggles had no right to magic, that their worlds could never

coexist and that even mudbloods' own magic demanded them to be with

others of their own kind.

Blow after blow, the hits were coming and day after day, their flawless

victory was approaching.


It was some distance away, that victory, however short though it may


At present, it was akin to the calm before the storm…an uneasy peace

that continued between the Ouroboros faction and the other two major

factions, one that was tested by the economic north-south divide where

those nearby Hogsmeade were substantially better off than the ones in

the south, where many commoners had benefitted from the quick

recovery initiated by Lady Slytherin and the Ouroboros' financial backing

and smart business practices.

A peace that was given a further gloss of ignorance by how the

Ouroboros faction continued to abstain from major political decisions.

He glanced around, his hidden cool eyes sweeping across the table.

The decision to abstain had not been to keep the peace…far from it.

With each year that passes, their position grew stronger as the fractious

Wizengamot and Ministry were unable recover as fast the Ouroboros had


In that time, Lords and wealthy merchant families that joined the

Ouroboros faction had seen their fortunes grow as international trade

picked up after the Grindelwald and muggle wars.

They'd expanded from simply operating in the magical world and had

turned their attentions to the wealth present in the muggle world.

Many of the individuals present here today had doubled if not quadrupled

their wealth by operating in the muggle world with how the post muggle

war economy was booming.

They may all hate the muggles, save for the Blackthorne and

Eveningshade mudbloods, but it cannot be denied that it was a scheme

that greatly benefited them when other noble families were losing

galleons like a leaky faucet.

After all, pragmatism trumps distaste just as wealth trumped being poor

and prideful.

They were not Weasleys after all.

It was an open secret amongst the senior members of the Ouroboros to

whom they could attribute this change in fortune, something that had

traces of irony to it with how their rivals in other factions were


He'd even led them to secure untapped gold veins in the depths of the

Amazon rainforest to be used for the Ouroboros organisation.

Lord Sayre's capabilities as a Seer truly was frightening, the scope and

breadth of his ability to discern the future only deeply entrenched his

loyalty to the two Archmages.

It helped that they informed him of why they were doing what they were


Though most of the senior members of Ouroboros did not know of the

intricate schemes the Sayre-Slytherin clan had in play, let alone the

fringe members, the senior members did know of the plan to separate

Magical Britain entirely from the muggles, to cut the links that kept their

people beholden to the muggles and their monarch.

This was only reinforced in the wake of the horror of these 'nukleer'

bombs that were capable of destroying entire cities.

The ICW was incompetent in controlling the animals' savagery that was

only proven when they ignored the destruction of two muggle cities as

something inconsequential…

Claiming that no wizards had died from the bombs and as such was proof

their weapons could be outrun if need be...

His father had told him when he'd seen what the little bombs could do in

1940 when the late Lord Markus Sayre had shown the effectiveness of

their wards against them.

And now?

When the savages only improved this 'nukleer' bomb to be capable to

extinguishing an entire city on its own in a second?

Even Fiendfyre by an Archmage would take an hour, maybe twenty

minutes, before it could destroy a city as ably as one of these bombs



Muggles couldn't be trusted not to destroy the world with their

animalistic stupidity and if the ICW was uninterested in avoiding it then

they could only do it their way.

"As I am sure you are aware, the recent sentencing of Mr Coulson has

wider ramifications that the Ministry is dangerously ignorant to" Lady

Slytherin continued, her cool black eyes tracing across the table.

"The growing unrest amongst the populace, particularly amongst the

poorer purebloods, half-bloods and the mud- muggleborns?" Mycroft

Elridge, a merchant who operates in the import-export business


She turned her gaze to him and inclined slightly, a thin smirk expressed

on her porcelain face "Proving to the public, amongst many other things,

that there might be truth in the bankruptcy rumours about the Ministry"

Rumours that claimed the Ministry was nearing bankruptcy and were

focused on stealing the wealth of anyone they could so they sweep it

under the carpet.

That at the moment they were coming after the mudbloods but soon…

Soon they'd come for others.

The large budget deficit of the Ministry stemmed from the reduced tax

income from businesses and families all across the Isles.

When Lord Sayre withdrew his wealth, it caused too little money to be in

circulation which meant too little production which meant deflated

prices which meant the economy was poorer.

It was compounded further when many critical industries, such as the

hedge farms and the potion ingredients market – of which the Sayres

held a significant market share of – had practically gone overnight when

the Sayres left causing there to be a dearth of important foodstuffs and

ingredients for potions that people depended on.

The scarcity had hiked up pricing in a time where there was too little

money in circulation and the Ministry intervention had come only six

months later.

Why you may ask?

With a crisis, there was opportunity and at that time, there were many

such opportunities. Businesses that had been owned independently had to

sell shares in order to afloat and the other Lords of the Wizengamot had

sensed blood in the water.

Where before private ownership of businesses was just over sixty percent,

now it was under thirty percent with many not having a controlling shares

in their own former family businesses.

The deflation of prices for goods and products – other than those in the

potion industry – however had not solved and that meant loss of jobs as

Lords cut down staff in their new businesses unaware they were set to

exacerbate the issue.

With the losses of entire swathes of industries, including the newly made

industries that Lord Sayre had created that none had been too successful

of reproducing, at least immediately, that meant that there were fewer

jobs available causing greater competition for the jobs that remained

which meant less wages could be paid whilst prices of goods – however

deflated they were – were not in line with the new cost of living.

To make matters worse, the taxation of these businesses that had changed

hands were in a different tax category as they were now owned by

Wizengamot members who paid sickles to the galleons to what private

non noble businesses had previously paid which had been the main

reason for the Ministry intervention once they realised how much of a

problem they had on their hands.

The Ministry borrowed substantial amount of galleons from some of the

wealthier Lords and the Goblins, and had tried to stimulate the economy

which seemed to work at first but the way the 'stimulation' had been

carried out had been too reckless and without direction.

However, to give them some credit, they did manage to turn it around

better than what they had initially expected even if most businesses

retained only retained some forty percent of their original value.

She turned her gaze to them all "This, in combination with our strong

financial position, will soon grant us the opportunity we've been waiting

for." She said in a measured tone as she leaned back in her chair, her

obsidian eyes dimly aglow.

"Yes" Lord Carrow said with a careful chuckle as he spied at Lady

Slytherin "Especially when the unrest begins to spill into the streets."

"Is that threshold even close to breaching?" Heir Ollerton asked

concerned with a frown. It was his grandfather who was present Chief

Warlock, a useful member to have within Ouroboros.

"Not yet but in the coming months?" Lord Nott interjected, his cool voice

easily reaching across "Certainly. Already I've overheard conversation in

Diagon Alley that were more than…simple complaints."

Diagon Alley was one of the harder hit streets. Horizon Alley fared a little

better given that their customers tended to be the wealthy but Diagon

Alley relied on a range of customer classes.

It was the same with Godric's Hollow which had also retracted in size

over the years.

"And how…aggressive shall we be? When it…boils over?" Lord Prince

asked contemplatively before he continued, eying her carefully.

Her eyes, cold and as black as they were, gained a shadowed gloss as the

curve of her lips mellowed "Aggressive"

She let the precipitous meaning of that word sink in their minds for a

short moment before she continued, her eyes tracing across the room that

waited with bated, stiff breaths.

"At present, we are an unseen force – politically speaking – to the public."

She began, as the words spoken slithered from her lips "An unseen force

that has a presence in their subconscious, associated with quiet

competence, good moral bearings" she said, very voice bearing a hint of

dry near acidic amusement "and respectful leadership in a time of

uncertainty and instability."

"Exactly in the way that we wanted." She said, before leaning forward

"With how it is now, it is time to present ourselves to the public over the

coming weeks as a true alternative, those who will bring back the days of

prosperity and stability that these past years have sorely missed." She sat

back before she continued, her voice taking on a cool, matter-of-factly

tone "And soon enough they'll beg for us to lead them."

Abraxas glanced around and saw more than a few faces that bore pleased


"Our years of patience are over" she said, her eyes trailing across the

table. He did not know the full members of Ouroboros but he knew that

there were more than a few within the Ministry itself.

"Lowe's time as Minister is finished just as the Traditionalist grip on the

Ministry is. The Ministry's is barely keeping up with their monthly debt

repayments despite the high unsustainable income tax whilst in the same

breadth taxing businesses owned by Lords and Ladies of the Wizengamot

knuts to the galleon, something that unfortunately happened to find its

way in the public sphere." She said calmly.

"And the Progressives are little better than a loosely aligned coalition

than the faction they pretend to be." Lord Prince mused

"Just so." She said with a light nod, her eyes momentarily shining with

dark glee before disappeared under a screen of cold neutrality.

There were more than a few who had cast…aspersions on her and on her

marriage with Lord Sayre, both during the most turbulent years such in

1947 and in the immediate years since and most of them had belonged to

the Light families who knew very little of who she was.

As much as she had been play it off, everyone knew that she was not one

to let slights go.

Any further slights had evaporated when she'd permanently severed the

spine of a close family friend of Lord Ogden during a duelling

promotional event intended to raise the profiles of national duellists…

An incident that had been marked as an accident though the subtle

remarks she made, remarks that implied that 'duellists should not fight

under the influence of alcohol', making it clear it wasn't.

In truth, he'd been surprised and even impressed how…restrained she

was, knowing how…volatile she'd been but over the years, she'd gained a

strong measure of…self-control that those of her…power and persuasion

had not been known for. It was something that he wasn't sure he was

glad for.

After all, there was a sense of security in furious volatility where there

wasn't in simmering coldness…

An example of which you could find when he'd found out that it was an

event she had someone suggest to the Department of Magical Games and


…and whom to invite.

"We will set in motions to remove Lowe from Ministership and we place

one of our own in his seat" she said before flicking her eyes towards Lord

Nott "Your cousin…"

"My cousin continues to assure me that the DMLE will not be a problem."

Lord Nott calmly answered.

Hamish Wilkins, first cousin of Lord Nott was the current Director of the

DMLE and though he wasn't a member of Ouroboros – as far as Abraxas

knew – he was a…beneficiary of a fixed interest investment fund in the

muggle world, that fixed his loyalties.

"Good." She said with an approving gleam in her black eyes.

"The other factions won't sit idle when we begin making moves" Lord

Greengrass commented quietly though calmly, his neutral expression

remaining affixed.

Abraxas looked him with a disinterested gaze.

He had not yet confirmed as to the reasons why or how House Greengrass

became a vassal to House Slytherin in late 1943, something that had

caused a scandal amongst the nobility, other than the obvious of Lady

Slytherin either having the cure to the Greengrass blood malediction

curse or the means to it at least, but it had proven to be a significant

boon at the beginning of Ouroboros.

"True." Lady Slytherin said, acknowledging it as the truth it was "And I

have no doubt that significant number of Lords in both factions would

rather see the Ministry burn to the ground than to concede it to us" she

said, her eyes glimmering with an obsidian sheen as her lips curled.

"That is why we will not allow them the opportunity or the time to

formulate a defence when we begin to move." She declared.

The meeting then continued on to go through plans that would now be

started, most of which were related in securing further allegiances from

useful pawns to mercenary players.

It was several hours later, when immediate plans had been drawn up and

assigned, that Blackthorne spoke up.

"What are we going to do if Lowe continues to target more like Jack

Coulson?" Eveningshade asked, his voice steady though Abraxas could

tell that it was a conscious effort.

Lady Slytherin's eyes turned to him, eyes that held an almost serpentine

like sharpness to them, one that Abraxas could see have a physical effect

on the pitiful man.

"Nothing." Lady Slytherin simply answered, her voice calm but her gaze


Eveningshade was taken aback, momentarily stunned quiet at the

unexpected question before he rallied and answered "What? I…I don't


Lady Slytherin sat back in her chair though she kept eye contact with the

man. "I know you're not a simple man, Lord Eveningshade" she began,

her gaze sharpening as her expression lost all hints of emotion

"And that you can understand subtleties and sacrifices and what must be

done or in this case allowed, at this critical junction when it serves us all

a greater purpose, one that ends the distasteful persecutions…" she

trailed off as her expression shifted, a near invisible blanket of shadows

covered the top half of her face as her eyes turned as black as the frost-

cursed maw of a dementor.

"Or…am I…wrong?" she asked in a danger but melodious soft tone, one

that radiated menace and peril on an animalistic level.

"N-n-no…my Lady" Lord Eveningshade attempted to say calmly but he

faltered. Still…he pressed on "B-but once things get violent, they might

end up taking out on squib descendants who we know they won't be kind

to. If that happens before it is time to act, they could execute dozens,

maybe hundreds." Eveningshade's voice gained some strength at the end

even if he was wilting under her gaze.

Blackthorne picked up it after, making it clear it was a concerted effort

"And we know that squib descendants are not the only ones that will

make up part of the civil unrest. Sure, the ministry wouldn't execute

purebloods but them sentenced to the highest levels of Azkaban isn't out

of the question." Blackthorne said pointedly before breathing out, his

gaze flickering around the table.

"Now it might not be important in the grand scheme of things but it

could prove useful later on if we made sure we protected the citizens from

the corrupt ministry now." Blackthorne said before finishing "Think of it,

'Former prisoners tell how Ouroboros protected them from the previous corrupt


"We may not be able to help them now but we can make sure that they

survive if only to boost support later on" Eveningshade added.

Abraxas' eyebrows raised to his hairline and he wasn't the only one.

"Appealing to our self-interest and desire for praise, hmm?" Miles

Gulbert, one of the largest independent magical livestock owners

commented with surprised amusement "At least you seem to have begun

to understand." Miles Gulbert noted with a grudging amount of


Lady Slytherin said nothing even as all eyes fell on her on how she would

react but at present, she was unchanged in her fixed gaze on

Eveningshade who had since nervously bowed his head until several

moments passed and she looked away, towards Nott.

"Has your cousin confirmed if he is able to ensure executions are delayed

for a number of months, should the situation warrant it?" she asked in a

calm voice.

Lord Nott glanced over at Eveningshade who looked surprised at the

comment – just as quite a few others – before he turned to Lady Slytherin

and nodded slowly "There is precedent of delayed sentences though the

exact legalese justifications escape him at present."

"My grandfather has a number of volumes of books related and applied to

the DMLE." Ollerton spoke up, drawing attention to himself. "My Lady, I

would be honoured to find out for you."

"Good." She said to Ollerton "Do look out for any further useful

precedents and obscure allowances."

Ollerton bowed his head in acceptance and she turned to Eveningshade

who sat up straighter.

"M-my Lady, I…I didn't know you were already had things set in motion

if I ha-" his mouth slammed when the atmosphere grew heavy as a

blanket of power began to cover the ballroom.

Abraxas' breath shuddered, his hands clenched as a fraction of her power

sunk into the room.

He glanced at Lady Slytherin and saw her expression hadn't changed, it

was as if nothing had happened and perhaps that was the truth, that the

release of this magic was little more than a twitch of a fibre of muscle for


"In truth, I am somewhat pleased at your way of appealing to our self-

interests." She said in an idle tone before she continued "Hardly better

than a student in Slytherin House but given you had been a Hufflepuff…"

she left open before her expression changed and magic began to roll off of

her, a thick blanket of pure liquid power that crashed the room in a

stifling, hot maelstrom as light was snuffed out of the rest of the room

save for the lone, single candle at the centre of the chandelier above the


Waves and waves of dark, oppressive magic crashed into them like an

endless siege of tsunamis though it didn't leave them suffocating,


Her eyes never faltered from Eveningshade. "I understand…that you are

keen to ensure that the unfortunate incidents with squib descendants is

stopped as soon as possible." She began, her even tone that her voice

carried was one of boredom, of disinterest though when she continued, it

sent a shiver down his spine

"However…never allow it to impede your judgment or risk our cause…is

that understood?" she asked, the finality in her warning clear, a warning

that was far from just directed to him.

"Y-yes…my Lady. Thank you" Eveningshade said with difficulty.

"Good." She said as her magic receded, the shadows giving way to the

light of the dawn whilst the candles re-lit themselves.

She stood up and impassive expression on her face "Achilles may have

only been as strong as his heel but he never had magic." She said as she

snapped her fingers, and the appearance of a number of floo stations

appeared at the nearby wall.

"I have no concern in cutting the heel off and grow it anew." She finished

whilst she walked out of the ballroom, leaving them all with a warning

ringing in their minds at the cost of failure…and weakness.


31st of October 1952 – The Pandrosion Institute, Illos

Louise Ricard POV

Her professor walked in front of the board, the tip of her wand was lit as

it was pointed towards the board, chalk beginning to spell out words in

Latin and Anglicised Latin.

'Fourth Tier Occlumency: Solid Mind Shields' formed on the blackboard as a

Holo image flickered on and it resembled a mind.

"Welcome back class to the Mind Arts. This class will run from October

the 31st to the last week of February in which we will cover the

remaining course material for the mandatory core Mind Arts subject."

Professor Dumbard said in Latin as her teaching aides stood by each side

of the board.

Louise glanced around and saw others whispering to each other. Most

looked ecstatic, particularly those who hated the class with a passion,

typically those who had little patience or talent for what was needed to

excel in the Mind Arts.

The ones who'd been raised on Illos from an early age were the ones who

were the most relaxed out of the class, most of them having started at the

age of six on the first two tiers of Occlumency and beginning the third

tier just before the first year of secondary schooling whilst they were also

taught the first two tiers of Legillimency.

When they'd moved here from the Swiss Territories – now the Swiss

Ministry – she'd been eleven years of age. Most of her childhood had

been spent at SIMS where her parents studied after they'd been rescued

from that awful prison.

She'd been shocked at how much she had to catch up especially when it

came to things like the Mind Arts, Runes and even Wandless Magic. She'd

always been a good student, often in the top three or four of the class and

it had been amazing – both positively and negatively – to see how

outclassed she was at the beginning.

They had been stupefied when they realised that first year students, ten

year olds, were able to move things at whim with just gestures, something

that had previously been believed only powerful old magicals could do.

Yet here even the most averagely powerful kid could do it just as readily,

debunking the idea only the most powerful could do it.

Thankfully she'd caught up – and much to her annoyance so did Max –

though she wasn't as proficient as some others were in the Mind Arts,

particularly with Legillimency where she could only somewhat sense

other people's emotions if they dropped their shields.

She was better though in Wandless Magic than most, much to her

brother's chagrin who wasn't as capable in the field.

Power was still very important and not to toot her own horn, she was

comfortably more powerful than her twin and it showed in her Wandless

capabilities. Most could do the basics though intensity and power were

still a factor on how much you could actually do which was different for

the Mind Arts where there was greater importance on patience and skill

than there was on talent.

Her parents had told her only ancient families taught their heirs – or had

someone teach their heirs – in the Mind Arts, a restricted barely legal

discipline that Ministries around the world were keen on ensuring wasn't

taught to the wider public.

Her parents had been concerned about the class however after

thoroughly checking the safeguards in place in both Primary and

Secondary schooling, they eased up on it.

In Primary schooling, teachers had to take the same oaths as professors at

Pandrosion Institute did and had to be qualified to at least Mastery level

at their chosen field.

From what she was told by her classmates who'd been gone to Primary

schooling, it was a difficult class but one that they admitted it helped a

lot now with classwork.

They scored the highest amongst the student body when it came to


For now, anyway!

Still, her mother hadn't been certain if she wanted them to learn the

Mind Arts at school and had wanted them to wait until they were a little

older but for once, both her and Max united and had pleaded with their

mother. There could be exceptions to mandatory classes provided the

parents ensured their children were taught in between school semesters.

And she was glad to have won her over when in her first year class in the

Mind Arts Professor Dumbard had demonstrated how important

protecting your mind was when they were spelled with compulsion

charms to do something embarrassing.

Many of her classmates wanted to at least make sure that they could

break free from such invasive and violating magic even if they hated the

class. How could you not after having been exposed to such magic, magic

that was dangerous and threatening to you – and those surrounding you.

As they aged up, the minimum requirements to pass Mind Arts Division C

– Division C being the equivalents of OWLS – classes were to break free

from Cerebriperium, a controlling spell that was the nearest spell to the

Unforgivables though where it differed was that it controlled speech

instead of controlling someone's mind.

It forced others to speak in accordance to the castor's will and it was said

to be just as hard to break free from as the infamous Imperius curse.

Cerebriperium was a restricted curse and a heavy penalty was assigned to

it should you be caught using it and could go even further than a penalty

if it caused harm.

Thankfully, it can be overwhelmed though through having a strong will

but it was made much easier by having proficiency in the Mind Arts,

proficiency that would be tested at the end of the year.

Even if you couldn't after years of training and were…not strongly willed,

there were wards all over Illos that detected foul play like that, a

wizarding version of Thief's Downfall.

They learnt a little about Thief's Downfall when they learnt about the

Goblin race in their Magical Beings class and the similarities between it

and the Guardian Array.

She'd asked her parents about who told her that upon becoming citizens,

adults are granted a brief overview of what protected Illos and her father

told her that if even half of what it can do is true then it's likely greater

than what the Goblins had and possibly the safest place in the world.

The Mind Arts was taught a little differently than in most classes given

the nature of the subject. It was a three-hour class thrice a week, one of

the few classes that occupied a Sunday slot though it was for about half

an academic year long class.

There were six teaching aides, by far the largest in any class, who were

an active part of the class. They were all Master Legilimens – she even

recognised two who she'd seen at SIMS – and were just as oath-bound to

cause no harm or to violate privacy without cause as the other professors

at the Pandrosion Institute.

"So far, you all should have achieved Practitioner grade in First to Third

Tier Occlumency along with First and Second Tier Legillimency."

Professor Dumbard said to the class as she waved her wand. The board

cleaned up and began writing again.

"If you have not kept up in your studies of the Mind Arts during your

Summer breaks, I recommend you rectify that immediately." The

professor warned lightly.

After a few seconds the professor nodded to herself and continued her


"So far, you should be able to pick on obvious and direct Legillimency

mind probes through your intuitive understanding of your own mind and

the ability to discern foreign presences that are alien to your mind." the

professor said as she wrote on the board.

"The first two tiers of Occlumency are focused towards gaining that

intuitive understanding of your mind. Clarity of mind and organisation of

the mind have their benefits with being able to retain and recall more

information but importantly what it does is familiarise you with your own

mind something that is important for later progression in the Mind Arts.

At Practitioner Grade Third Tier Occlumency, you are able to detect

intrusions into your mind from directed Legillimency probes in most

circumstances though this may not be enough to detect an intrusion from

a Master Legilimens." Professor Dumbard paused for a moment as her

eyes flittered towards the class, all of whom were paying vivid attention

as she continued.

"A talented Legilimens can bypass your detection techniques through

careful, passive use of probing." The three dimensional Holo of the mind

began to grow in size and zoomed into the centre of the mind.

A library began to form in the middle of the brain as Professor Dumbard

continued "Organising your mind simultaneously has a beneficial and

negative impact – you now have a structured mind that can easily be

navigated, allowing your attacker an easier way to obtain what he seeks."

The class murmured uneasily at that.

Professor Dumbard smiled at the class "Which is why we are ensuring

you are at least Novice Grade in Fourth Tier Occlumency." Professor

Dumbard explained.

She continued "the Fourth Tier of Occlumency is the practice of creating

solid mind shields, shields that can block even the most delicate of mind


The Holo changed and showed two non-gendered figures with one of

them having visible lines emanating from their head and the other having


"Now, who can answer me how mind probes and attacks are initiated?"

the professor asked of the class.

Several hands stuck up and the professor chose Jenifer "Ms Hale" she

called out.

Jennifer put down her hand and answered "Legillimency attacks are

initiated through eye contact. Generally speaking, it is harder to

disengage from a Legillimency attack once it has been initiated unless

you're able to look away just as you sense it at the edges of your mind."

The Professor smiled "A good answer." She said in a praising tone before

she continued "But not the whole answer. Eye sight is necessary for any

prolonged Legillimency attack and to breach into memory repositories

however it is not the only way someone can pick things up from your

mind." she said warningly.

Her eyes widened. She hadn't known that. None of the text books had

said so.

"If you're wondering why your text books don't mention such a

possibility, it is because it is a topic that is reserved for Division B classes"

Professor Dumbard smiled "Outside of the Division B books, there are few

books that express this fact as historically no one wished to particularly

advertise this skill for obvious reasons."

"Are you capable of it Professor?" one of her classmates asked what most

of the class likely had on their minds aloud.

Professor Dumbard nodded carefully "I am capable of it – and to pre-

emptively answer your follow up question; no I am not using it now and I

rarely use it." Causing the room's noise to pick a little.

"Raise your hand next time." She chided slightly before she continued

"This particular skill is somewhat different from what you have learned

so far from frontal Legillimency probes and is most similar to the second

tier of Legillimency; the skill of sensing of emotions.

Instead of directing a legilimens probe into another's mind, you instead

passively surround yourself with an expanded legilimens field and all

those within that field range can now be 'read' so to speak." She said as

she glanced around the room before smiling.

Louise narrowed her eyes. She recognised that kind of smile.

"Do not fret, I am sure many of you are quite nervous however be assured

that while those rare few who possess this ability may be able to pick

things up from your minds – they are only able to pick up thoughts even if

they are narrowing down on an individual." She said before she waved

her wand and the Holo image changed again, this time resembling a

representation of a mind probe emanating from the head of the faceless


Holos like this were used as teaching aids though each professor used

them differently. In DADA and Combat Magic, it was used to show

footwork of duels and how people worked and fought together in groups

whilst in Ancient Magical History and Mythology it was used to show

fabricated historical sites based on archaeological evidence, many of

which had been found by the famous Sara Clito-Beauclerc.

"You may think of it similar to the illustrations and images of mind

probes" she said as she gestured to the Holo. The mind probe, which was

like an arrow floating in front of the faceless figure's forehead, began to

grew in length and then size and it began to balloon up with the figure at

the centre until the radius of the bubble was several metres wide.

"This form of Legillimency is called Legilipathy and it is a form of

Wandless Magic that you will cover in your Division B Magical Theory

class should you choose take that optional module.

To summarise, it is an intense and weary ability that takes significant

amount of skill to narrow down to quiet the 'noise' so speak. Thoughts

are not organised and, in the presence of more than a few, can be

somewhat debilitating." She said

"And" she began, her gentle smile widening as an encouraging expression

came across her face "It is something that can be entirely defended

against. How, you may ask? Through learning to construct even just a

basic mind shield that will protect your thoughts from being picked up by

others, whether that is through Legillimency probes or through

Legillimency scans."

Encouraged whispers travelled through the room.

'And just like that, Professor Lombard had hooked even the most reluctant

student in at least making sure they make a decent mind shield' she thought

to herself.

Several hours later, they left the classroom exhausted and more than a

few looked like they could sleep right then and there with the way they

looked. Probably would have if it weren't for the fact that it was dinner


"I'm glad that it was the last class for the next few days…I don't think I

can think any more for the next week" Jennifer said half joking, half

serious as they walked to the dining hall.

"My head is pounding" Olga Kapernetsky said miserably.

"We haven't even started testing mind shield yet!" She said with a tired

amusement. To be honest, she was surprised she didn't have a headache

as well.

The amount of information they had crammed in today had tested even

the best amongst them.

It wasn't all that surprising given that Professor Lillibet Dumbard had

always been a demanding taskmaster, no matter how gentle she was

about it.

Today they had gone through the theory and instruction of creating mind

shields, examples on mind shields and what to not to do especially

without any professional aid.

She shuddered at the memory of what could happen to you if you messed


It was nightmarish…

In any case!

It was a truly packed first class.

She only hoped it would ease up but she didn't have much hope, not after

being told that they'll be tested not only on the knowledge they retained

but also to see if they managed to succeed in constructing a basic mind

shield in their next class which will be

Professor Lillibet Dumbard was a nice person but she was most definitely

one of the most demanding professors at the school.

"Ahh, let's forget about the class!" Olga enthused as she looped her arms

around both her and Jennifer's arms "There's far more important thing to

discuss!" she said excitedly.

"Like what we're wearing for the Samhain Ceremony!" Olga chattered as

her eyes sparkled, momentarily lost in her thoughts. Louise had no doubt

that were all kinds of dresses flashing in her mind. Olga snapped back to

reality, a wide beaming smile adorned on her face

"I'm thinking of wearing the Chattaya dark green dress, you know that

strapless dress that almost glimmers like tiny green stars?"

Jennifer laughed "You want to wear that dress to Samhain?" Jennifer

questioned a little incredulously. "You know it's not a party, right?"

Jennifer said a little concerned.

Olga shrugged as she glanced at both her and Jennifer, her eyes glinting

as her expression turned coy.

'Mother Magic…I hate it when she gets that look' Louise thought to herself


"It might not be Beltane" Olga said with a teasing smile before she

continued "But it is certainly an occasion to dress up" she said as her eyes

glinted "Did you know that Kwame and his friends are having a little get

together before the festival begins?" she said in a sing-song voice,

pointedly looking at Louise with all too knowing eyes.

Louise felt her neck heat up a little as she looked away from her friend.

She had a bit of a crush on Kwame Khoza for the last few years,

something Olga knew all too well.

Kwame's bright smile flashed across her mind, his cute laugh, his


She furiously banished away those thoughts as she attempted to focus on

other things as she stared straight ahead as they walked through the

beautiful halls of their school.

Large stained windows allowed light to filter through and the stones

almost seemed aglow with the way the light the stones.

"I don't think there isn't anyone in our year who doesn't know" Jennifer

said with a roll of her eyes as they turned a corner and descended down

the spiral stairs that led towards the dining hall.

"Then you'll also be pleased to know that I got us an invitation!" Olga

said with a flourish.

Louise snapped her gaze towards her friend, her eyes wide in surprise

"Really?!" she exploded, unable to keep the excited surprise out of her

voice as she jerked on her friend's arm that was locked with her own.

Olga's laugh was musical as she turned to Louise "Yup!" she said with pop

of her mouth in English.

"How did you pull that off?" Jennifer exclaimed.

"By being brilliant" Olga said self-praisingly.

Jennifer snorted before she gave Olga the look.

Olga rolled her eyes "I'm neighbours with Jacob Gaillard." She shrugged

"I asked when he was going to the festival and just like that…" she trailed

off as she winked at them.

She couldn't help but smile at her friend as she shook her head "So what

time shall we get to yours?" Louise asked with an excited smile.

Her parents would be fine with it, she just had to say she was going to

meet with them there at the ceremony with her girl friends

They didn't really need to know they'd be going somewhere else for a few

hours first…

Olga's eyes sparkled with delight as she tightened her hold on both

Louise and Jennifer "Well…"


31st of October 1952 – Illos

Perenelle POV

Critters and sounds of birds coursed in the misty, cloudy air like a distant

somnolent lullaby, a lullaby that seemed to be in tune with the mist that

swept through the branches of trees.

It almost made her forget that this was far from the distant reaches of

human civilisation and was entirely mage-made.

"In this part of the habitat dome, the rain forest density has been tailored

to be the same as that of the Borneo Rainforest." Henrik Kolffsson said as

they traipsed through the dense, humid rain forest.

Light filtered through the dense foliage of the trees almost like sands

sifting through a screen. She stepped over a root as she followed her

guide deeper into the rain forest.

"Fascinating." She said, genuinely impressed by the habitat. It was one of

the newer additions since she'd last been here. She'd asked to be taken in

deeper into the rain forest to see one of the more shy animals were more

comfortable in the denser part of the rain forest.

There were about twelve of these kilometre habitat domes, each of them

expanded twenty-nine times, creating an area of almost nine hundred

square kilometres, in other words areas nearly the sizes of Rome that

reached a height of several kilometres at its highest point.

Some of the rune-work she'd seen on the surfaces of the beam structures

that powered the enchantment were leagues ahead of the kinds of

portable habitats that dear old Newton had become famous for carrying.

Expanded space like this habitat dome required acute understanding of

topological space and dimensional space and most of the runic arrays

delved into defining the space within the object – in the case the habitat

dome – and it was a work of art with how efficient space was expanded

with minimal draw from ambient magic.

She recognised some of the runic work from some of her graduates,

particularly the runic array that uniquely treated curves as objects itself,

allowing space to be compounded several times at significantly lower

magical cost.

Most of the habitat domes were not completely occupied, only seven

were really in full use from what she was told and only one was

completely filled out with magical and mundane creatures which was

largely temperate forests found the northern hemisphere with half of it

reserved for Mediterranean ecosystems.

The habitat dome she was in was reserved for habitats belonging to the

Asian and Oceanian parts of the world, areas that were rapidly seeing

large scale devastation to ecosystems as they begun to adapt Western


Ecosystems that already had lost many of its wondrous animals during

the chaotic years of the Statute Implementation.

When she and Nicolas had travelled to China during the Ming Dynasty in

the early 1500s, during the age of exploration, she had marvelled at

diversity of magical creatures, animals that were as exotic as they were


Unfortunately, at that time they'd already been on the decline, the

ancient reverence the Chinese culture – and across the many islands of

Asia – had for mysticism and strange animals was dying out and with it

came the culling of many of the larger magical creatures, including

several species of Dragons with the aid of wizards beholden to the

Emperor and it was a process that was only accelerated though this time

by the ICW and the CCM, when the Statute was enforced during late 17th

century and the early parts of the 18th.

Nowadays, whilst there were reservations of magical creatures in Asia,

just as there was in Europe, many were a pale imitation of some of the

most majestic beings she'd ever had the pleasure of seeing.

Only the most cunning, most dangerous or the most subtle of magical

creatures still existed in the wild, often exhibited one or two of the traits.

It was partly why she was ecstatic to hear the diligent conservation

efforts had expanded since she last visited, aiming to provide a safe

haven for all magical creatures out in the wild that were not protected by

the wider magical community from poachers and muggle encroachment.

Though what surprised, truly, was the complexity of the ecosystem.

"How was the ecosystem done? I can't imagine it could have been easy to

replicate such a complex ecosystem. Nicolas and I have visited Uagoudou

on a number of times so we've had a chance to see the jungles. This

reminds me very much of those jungles" she said.

Henrik swept across the large leaves directly in his path before glancing

over his shoulder, a smile on his face.

"Well, not easily, I can tell you that much" he said with a laugh before

paying attention to where he was heading though he continued to speak,

the faint trickling of water growing ever nearer as they walked.

"I had no real involvement in the charms or rune-work when it comes to

building the place but I did work in the Conservation Team." He said as

he whipped out his wand as he came to a stop. "What I do know is that it

involved several years of observation of how the ecosystem changed

throughout the seasons, from the way the air changed, temperature,

humidity and so, to the migratory patterns of the animals" he added

before he turned to gaze ahead.

The trickles of water became louder and she caught to him and gazed to

where he was looking.

They were on a ledge, a ledge that sloped downwards towards a thin

river that coursed through the jungle. "Careful, the ledge isn't too stable"

Henrik informed her before he waved his wand and some of the branches

on the other side were turned into ropes that made their way towards


"I hope you don't expect an old lady to swing across like a Hunchbacked

Mon-Gibbon." She said in a trailing tone as she raised an arched eyebrow.

The young man laughed, awkwardly as he turned to her "No, Lady

Flamel, just simply forming a natural bridge" he said as he turned back

twisted the now hundreds of tree branches into something that resembles

a bridge as the roots twisted in spirals, into an elaborate weave that

provided a solid surface for them to tread upon.

"We generally try to limit as much interference as we can outside of the

zones we work from." He told her as the bridge completed and began

walking over the bridge.

She eyed the bridge for a moment before sensing it with her magic and

after deeming it to be stable, she followed her guide. "I see that it's not

meant to be permanent." She commented as she walked over the bridge.

"Figures you would sense that Lady Flamel." Henrik said with a throaty


"Call me Perenelle please, I've already given you leave. You're not too old

for me to wring your ear, young man." She said amused.

"Perenelle" Henrik conceded with a smile as he waited on the other side

of the bridge. "As I said, we want to limit as much human interference in

their habitat. One of the things we noticed during our expeditions into

the deepest parts of the world's untamed regions is that there is a delicate

balance, a balance that is easily upset by us." He said with a frown as he

once again directed them towards their goal.

He glanced at her "To further answer your question, it is in this study of

the balance that the eggheads got to understand the complexity of the

ecosystem and it is one that we're continuously hoping to improve upon

to reflect as true as reality as possible." Henrik smiled at her and she

reciprocated. "If you wish, I can introduce you to the project lead if you

wish?" he offered. "They'll know far more about how it was


It was kind but she really wished to, she could speak to Mr Lucien

herself. "Thank you for the offer" she said with a kind smile.

"It's quite alright, it is the least I could do. Never been much good at that

kind of thing." He said to her as he swept dense plants out of the way and

she eyed him curiously.

"Really?" she said questioningly "I'd have thought you'd contributed quite

a bit given that you seem to be in tune with nature." She said with a

knowing tone.

He turned to her, surprise on his face. "You can sense that?"

She only gave a kind smile and he shook his head, chuckling lowly as he

did. "You certainly live up to expectations…Perenelle" he said with a

smile in his voice.

"It does help that I somewhat know of your family's talents" she conceded

a little and he laughed at that.

"My father would be pleased to hear that even the Flamels know of our

family" he said before he turned to her as they continued to trail through

the jungle.

"I did help…somewhat." He said carefully "If you know a little about my

family then you know that we have been blessed by Mother Magic to be

have a deep connection to the Earth…to nature" he said carefully.

She nodded as she stepped over a fallen tree branch. He continued "The

talented in my family are able to sense and feel nature all around…from

what dwells in it, what grows and how healthy the land is. It is an ability

that has helped my ancestors thrive in near inhospitable conditions in the

far reaches of Finland." He paused momentarily.

"I was able to help with how the magic felt in the Borneo rain forest.

What people don't realise is that the magic that is deeply entwined in

nature…in life…sometimes takes a quality of its own…almost gaining a

sense of self by the abundance of life and magic that reside in its

domain." He said with a thoughtful frown.

"Like Valbonë forest and the Forest of Hogwarts?" she asked curiously. It

was unheard of, this notion of 'sense of self'. After all, artefacts and even

buildings like Hogwarts had some sort of inklings of a 'self'. Not

sentience, not intelligence but something nearing it.

He nodded with a smile "Just like so. Granted the Borneo rain forest is

substantially less magical but that is mostly because there are very few

leylines strangely enough that run underneath it. I think there are only a

few minor leylines but they don't intersect." He explained.

"And what do you feel now?" she asked, her eyes looking around her in

this dense, humid jungle. "Does this feel like nature?" she asked,

genuinely curious.

He chuckled as he swept aside a dense shrubbery of plants revealing a

small inward waterfall that had some of the clearest waters she'd seen.

"Yes. It's a bit…different since it's…" he frowned deeply for a moment as

he seemed to struggle to find the right words "isolated…yes that's the

right word."

"Isolated from the earth?" she guessed and he inclined his head in


"Just so but it makes up for it by being very, very magical" he said with a

laugh as they walked towards the waterfall and Henrik's hand went into

his bag, bringing out a container of magical fruits.

"We rescued a few of the horned Marmosets that had been kept as pets by

a muggle family, some of whom were a little too domesticated but

managed to acclimatise back into the wild here." He informed her as he

placed some of the spiced apples on a rock by the softly trickling


"When we rescued them, we ended up sharing a bit of our food with

them and found that they really loved spiced apples" he said with a laugh

before he strode out a little.

Henrik whistled and it echoed slightly. He kept it up for half a minute

before he stopped. "This is the Chipped Group, the one group that are

least shy around humans" he added for her benefit.

Some of the tree tops began to rustle, in all directions, and she carefully

kept herself on guard.

A head peaked out, big bulbous eyes flittered around as the animal

bobbed its head before raising its head, sniffing the air. It chittered and

other chittering responded.

Henrik whistled again and the chittering increased as one by one they

exited the dense trees and swung to the ground, landing on their feet.

Henrik backed away towards her.

She looked at the animals and took in their sight. Their horns were thick

and were loopy, resembling ram horns whilst the colours of their fur

were a shade of reds, oranges with black or brown highlights. Their faces

were bereft of the fear and it was childlike, almost innocent with the way

their large eyes fitted in their small faces.

This was the first time she'd seen one of these magical animals before.

They chattered before they sniffed again and she almost laughed with the

way one of them widened their eyes as they raced towards the apples and

took one. It set off almost an avalanche as they all took off towards the


"Fascinating…they don't take more than one apple." She said curiously.

"They're a very social species. I've observed that they go out of their way

to ensure members of their group are healthy even if it means at the cost

of the individual itself." Henrik said before he paused for a moment

"Which makes sense considering the dangers present in the Borneo rain

forests. A lone horned Marmoset is unlikely to survive the magical

predators that are present there." He said informingly.

One of the horned Marmosets finished their apple and intently gazed

towards them before walking on all four feet towards them.

Henrik crouched down, silently and met the gaze of the animal. The

horned marmoset sniffed once more and then rushed towards him and

barrelled into him, causing Henrik to laugh as he played with the animal.

"An old friend?" Perenelle said with a smile in her voice.

Henrik laughed "Yes. Me and this little critter bonded when we rescued

him. His name is Cookie."

"I bet there is an interesting story behind that name" Perenelle said with a

soft laugh.

"Oh definitely. Involves a lot of thievery and mischief" he said with a

laugh before righting himself. He petted the animal "How are things,

little troublemaker?" Henrik asked the animal who chattered excitably at


"Would you like to pet him?" he asked her and she took up the offer.

"His fur is soft." She commented idly as she sunk in her fingers delicately

into Cookie's fur.

"Hmm. It's one of their magical abilities. They've got the ability to

manipulate their furs to take on different properties. It can be as hard as

wood, protecting them from falls…or predators…or it could be as soft

and light as finest silk allowing them to shed that extra bit of weight for

speed and agility." He explained to her.

It would be another half hour before they decided to head back. During

their journey back, she saw a few more magical creatures, including a

winged hawk-squirrel and a mossed fox.

During that time, Henrik continued to speak to her about the kinds of

creatures that resided in this jungle, from insects to the largest of

mammals, magical or otherwise.

There were a small number of predators, such as mundane leopards and

bears, though they posed only slight risks to the magical population of

the forest.

There were no Helion Leopards at present, magical leopards that had

chameleon properties and the few pairs of leopards in Illos were kept at a

different facility in stasis, though eventually they'd be introduced as a

way to ensure populations were controlled. At present, research was

being done on how to achieve that without endangering stable

populations once the predators were introduced.

As large as the habitat domes were, they were still substantially smaller

than the forests and jungles in the wild so unless they could be expanded,

it would be up to them to manage, carefully, the populations of both

predatory and non-predatory species.

It was easily noticeable how much Henrik enjoyed his role as a sort of a

zoologist conservationist hybrid and she wondered how he got to this in

the first place.

At the beginning, most of the population of Illos had been from the

British Isles but as time went by, more and more peoples from different

magical societies and cultures had come to make the place home and she

loved hearing their stories.

It was one of the things she loved about Illos, the melding of ancient

cultures that learnt from each other, that taught each other and, as time

went by, she could see Atticus' dream of a united culture forming.

Already more people were speaking Anglicised Latin – there were phrases

that did not exist in Latin – to each other than not and it was fascinating

to see happen.

In a strange way, she felt privileged to see this happen. She'd led a long

life yet she felt herself giddy like a school girl at the future that was to

come here at Illos.

She'd found herself speaking randomly to people more than a few

occasions, listening to their stories and where life had led them. It

reminded her of the early centuries when they travelled all over.

Perenelle, despite their growing isolation from most of magical society,

had always been a people person.

Not groups, people as a group always disappointed her more often than

not, but individually…a peasant or a king, a noble or a merchant,

whatever they were, magical or mundane, individuals always had a story

of their own…stories that reminded her that despite all their differences,

people often wished for the same thing.


"What's your story?" she asked after a moment as they neared back to the

main camp that led to the exits that connected the habitat dome to the

monitoring station.

"My story?" he asked a little startled as he turned to her completely.

She smiled at him, her kind eyes watching him intently "You're very far

from home." She commented gently.

"Ah…" he said a little uneasily, discomfort clear to see on his face.

He remained silent for a moment before he let off a deep sigh.

"Well…" he began a little uncomfortably "I'm not exactly the most…

innocent" he said slowly, intently avoiding her gaze and a small moment

of silence passed.

"Most rarely are." She said kindly "What does matter that you learnt from

it and strive to do better." She said with a small smile "Seems like you're

on your way here." She added helpfully.

He visibly relaxed and smiled at her "I think so too." He said in a sigh

before he gazed forward. "I was a follower of Grindelwald." He said


"For how long?" she asked kindly. It wasn't surprising to hear such a

thing. Europe had been engulfed with war and many had been taken up

by Grindelwald.

Many had espoused regret after Grindelwald's crimes and plans had come

to be known as public knowledge though how many genuinely meant it,

was hard to say.

Grindelwald, until his descent into the truly terrible of magicks did have

valid points that many would have seen as a righteous cause just as many

others would have seen it as a way to advance themselves and their

family at the cost of many, many others.

From what she could tell, with how caring he could be along with how

he was of the age that would have marked him as impressionable, it wasn't

hard to see him easily falling under the sway of a devastatingly charming


"Six years." He confessed. "I hated muggles more than anything…I still

do, somewhat. My grandmother used to tell me of the warm lands that

sung and were healthy, far from the poisoning that now seeps ever

deeper in Her." He said bitterly before he sighed deeply.

She watched him with a contemplative look. It was not out of the realms

to believe he could sense the consequences of industrialisation, not if he

could feel nature to the extent he could.

"I wanted it to stop, fearing the same poisoning happening to the lands

my family had called home for centuries after feeling what it would do to

the lands when I visited Germania." He said with a bitter smile.

"I was misguided and it took Grindelwald's confession for me to admit it

to myself. I had not realised how much I had changed, how much I

allowed to be taken from me." He said with a note of heaviness in his

voice, guilt stretched across his face.

"Grindelwald was a charmer." She finally said after a moment. "He preyed

on people's weaknesses and twisted what would have been good concerns

and intentions into evil." She smiled at him kindly "You're not the first to

fall for such manipulations"

'Nor would he be the last' she thought grimly if what Nicky told her about

Atticus' words about the growing threat of another Dark Lord in Europe

was true.

The seduction of power was real, especially for their kind where the most

powerful are often natural leaders.

People were drawn to the most powerful, those whose magical prowess,

whether it was subconscious or not, granted them a strange sense of

authority over others, something that repeated itself over and over again.

"Thanks." He said with a faltering laugh as he shook his head, falling into

a thoughtful silence.

"I was there, you know." He said abruptly.

She looked at him with a curious expression and he expanded.

"The day Lord Sayre defeated Grindelwald." He said as he looked up at

the domed sky. "I was captured but I got to see something that forever is

enshrined into my mind. Many comment on the feats of magic that

stretched belief to its maximum but most did not feel what I felt that

day…what I felt emanating from Grindelwald" he said with a complicated


She remained silent, letting him gather his thoughts and he continued.

"It was an abomination of magic and I felt the death of nature with each

of his horrifying attacks." He said almost in a haunted voice.

He shook his head clear, seemingly wishing to banish away those

harrowing memories away.

She let him do so.

"After that, I complied with the ICW as best I could and after a reduced

sentence" he then chuckled softly "Thanks to Jacoby Dachemov – a man

who tried to kill me a few times in the war – I did some soul searching."

She inspected his face as silence reigned for several moments "Is that how

you came to be here?" she asked.

He shook his head "No actually, this was just a happy accident. I ended

up in Uagambe, the magical enclave nearby Uagoudou."

"Ah" she said understandingly. The enclave was famed for its mystics and

shamans, mages that used magic in a far more abstract way than the

Western or Eastern schools of magic.

He smiled at her as he nodded "Yes. There I learnt to hone my inherited

abilities more and not only that, they…helped…me with dealing with the

things I've done." He said with a far away expression as they walked.

They finally arrived at the exits that led to the monitoring station.

She was glad for it, she felt herself tiring quite a bit.

For the past few centuries, their energy levels had substantially waned

and was far from what it had been in their peak.

The Stone could not replace their waning life force, only replenish it, and

as such they were often much older in body even if they looked younger.

Their magic had grown stronger, much stronger than when they had been

in their prime however the only reason they were as able as they were

was because their magic supplemented their body.

All of that resulted in their lower energy levels.

After unlocking the doors by the enchantments recognising their magical

signatures, they arrived at the large spacious area that had a few people

working and at one of the Holo consoles, used to watch recordings and

live 'Vids' of the animals and plant life, was her husband and Atticus.

"And it was there where I met Lord and Lady Sayre in late 1945 – the

former properly this time." Henrik said, bringing her out of her thoughts,

turning to him.

He met her gaze and smiled before disbelievingly shaking his head. "A

few years after that, I found myself here." He finished though it was clear

there was more to it with the way he looked at Atticus with a look of

deep respect.

There were many stories like that, the people she'd spoken to always had

something that had Atticus at the centre of their changed fortunes.

Atticus had the uncanny ability to gain loyalty even from former enemies

and it often came from understanding and more importantly from a sense

that he cared.

"Ah, wife!" Nicolas said exuberantly as he spotted her.

"Nicky, had fun playing peeping Tom?" she teased. Before she elected to

go into the rain forest, Nicky had the morbid fascination with one of the

gibbons that was using…a stick to scratch a certain itchy spot.

Nicolas looked a little abashed but it was put on "Ah, well" he tried as he

spied a look at an unimpressed Atticus who raised an eyebrow at him.

"Not long after you left, Atticus got control over the 'drones' and changed

what we were watching." He admitted. "Not quite as entertaining…" he

trailed off with a shrug.

"Such a child" she said with an amused look on her face.

"Ah, wife, it is my youthful exuberantly disposition that swoons you on a

daily basis" Nicolas said with wriggling eyebrows.

Henrik laughed aloud at Nicolas' antics as she closed the gap to her


"I think you mistake tolerance and exhausted acceptance for swooning,

dear husband" she said in a flat tone as she tapped his cheek lightly.

Nicolas recoiled, eyes wide as he took on an expression of offense "Oh,

see how my own wife wounds me!" he said dramatically, causing more

than a few eavesdropping workers to giggle or laugh in amusement.

"You love it really, Nick." Atticus interjected mirthfully.

Nicolas stopped in his dramatics and chuckled "That is true. Sometimes

even when she does it physically" he said with a wink. "There was this

one ti-"

"OK!" Atticus said quickly "As much as I love your stories and anecdotes, I

think that kind of story is probably not something any of us would like to

hear, at least not sober."

Perenelle giggled "Ah Atticus, always such a prude." she said teasingly.

"And proud of it, Perry" Atticus said with a laugh in his voice "If we're

done here, shall we head off?" he asked and soon enough, they left.

It was hours later, after eating lunch that she was left with Atticus,

Nicolas electing to speak with William Bell, a former graduate of SIMS

and one of the foremost experts in magical creatures, flesh crafting and


As they sat on a bench in one of the parks in the city, she couldn't help

but say "You've built something wonderful here." She said as she turned

to him.

He chuckled softly as he smiled warmly at her "You say that each time

you visit."

"and each time I visit, I find out something new" she responded easily

enough. She turned towards the pond where a few ducks were paddling


"Henrik left a good impression then." He mused aloud.

"He did." She confirmed "Full of guilt of course but he is healing." She

added after a moment.

Atticus hummed "I sense that too." He agreed.

"It might not last, you know." She said after several minutes of silence.

"Why do you said that?" he asked calmly.

"Because at the moment, it's almost like the honeymoon period…people

are in love with Illos, people feel a sense of togetherness, something that

accompanies the feeling of newness, of wonder…" she trailed off.

"And you think that sheen will lose its shine?" he continued for her and

she hummed in agreement.

He remained silent for a moment. "Perhaps." He finally said after a while.

"Or perhaps it will just build on it." he said as he met her gaze.

She smiled at him "Is that why you intend with the elections?"

"To give the people a stake in their future is important…gives a sense of

responsibility for the greater whole…yes." He told her.

"They might change things in ways you may not like" she said curiously,

watching his reactions carefully.

He softly chuckled "I expect it." His vibrant purple green eyes shone with

knowledge. "I'll be asked to sell land to my citizens not long after the

Chief Representative is chosen."

"Ah. In hindsight, that makes sense." She said in a humming tone. She

was used to statements like this.

"Quite." He nodded before he stared at the pond "And they'll get their

wish. Of course with caveats attached."

"Caveats aimed to further build on this togetherness?" she asked


He smiled though he didn't look at her and chose not to answer her

question, at least not directly.

"There'll be teething problems but any society has them and as I said, I

expect it. It won't be easy to meld ancient cultures together, differing

wizarding customs and values, practices and beliefs…" he trailed off

before he gazed away from her.

"It is why we're doing it so slowly…give all these people the time they

need to live together, get to know each other and in time…" he petered


"Like this slightly different Samhain ceremony? Fusing different elements

to make something unique to Illos?" she questioned.

He turned to her with a smile "Just so." He laughed "It does make it easy

that it is nearly universal that wizarding cultures worship and celebrate

ancestors along with having a healthy respect to nature and the cycles it

goes through, one that mirrors life and death."

She returned his smile. That was true. She found that to be one of the

most consistent points in any wizarding society. It made sense after all…

especially ancestor worship.

How could it not exist when family magic was as potent as it was? When

family and blood was so entwined with magic?

As she mused on it, silence filled the air for a little while until a curious

thought struck her "I'm curious to see the dynamics between yourself and

the Chief Representative."

"Oh?" he asked curiously as he turned to her.

She hummed as she leaned back against the bench, crossing her legs in

the process.

"Yes. After all, it will be the first time since you'll have someone who can

challenge you, politically speaking at least." She said with inspecting


"In what capacity? The Chief Representative is the Head of the

Representative Council which only acts as the legislative branch whose

primarily function is making laws within the confines of the Constitution.

He serves by mine and Emily's permission. He is not a Head of State or a

Commander of the Illosian Guards" he said curiously.

"True." She acceded "But that doesn't mean that he – thank you for

confirming it'll be a man" she said cheekily which he only smiled at

before she continued in a serious note "won't challenge on a number of

topics and issues."

Atticus hummed for a moment, seemingly thinking it over "Maybe." He

conceded. "But as long as it is for the benefit for Illos, I'm more than

willing to listen." He looked at her with a mirthful glint in his eyes "After

all, I do listen to your loopy husband more than I should"

She raised an eyebrow "Really? My husband is loopy?" she said in a huff.

"I think I win when it comes to whose spouse is less absurd, my boy." She

said in a flat tone as they stared at each other.

After a few moments, they broke into chuckles.

"Speaking of spouses, will Emily come to the ceremony?" she asked

curiously as she calmed down.

He shook his head "Not this year." He paused for a second "She's…


Perenelle sighed but she let it go.

They spent the next hour or so just talking, enjoying each other's

company as they delved in all kinds of matters, including her descendants

who were thriving in Illos and soon enough it was time to go to the

Samhain ceremony.


31st of October 1952 - Illos

Fortie POV

"Ooh, Fortie, Fortie, watch out!" Emilia, one of his sisters cried out, barely

able to sit still on the edge of the sofa as she watched him with desperate


She wasn't the only one…Gaius, Livia and Magnus were in the room with

them as well as they watched him with bated breath, all rooting for him

to succeed where everyone else had failed.

'I'm so close!' he thought anxiously to himself.

"Jump! Jump on the shoulder and hide behind head of the statue, he can't

climb!" Magnus shouted as he got to his feet, waving towards where he

should go.

"I know!" he growled out as he bit on the bottom of his lip as he jerked

his hands frantically as he tried to evade the fire-balls from the fire-

breathing monster Aillen.

He moved the hero, Nera, towards the statue and just about evaded one

of the fire balls as he hid behind the head of the statue and he allowed

himself to sigh deeply.

"Woosh" he exclaimed loudly as he paused the game and brought down

his arms, letting them relax a little before he removed the S-Prints from

his top parts of his fingers.

'wow my thumbs are a bit sore!' he thought to himself as twiddled his

thumbs trying to stretch them out.

He had been tapping his thumbs against his index fingers so fast and so

hard trying to escape the monster for so long!

Gaius huddled over to him, as did the others though he was scribbling in

his notepad, a deep frown on his face as he stuck out his tongue from the

corner of his lips.

"This is the furthest we've gotten so far!" Livia said in wonder before she

scrunched her nose before she glanced at the Holo "But Nera's health is

too low and we don't have any Healing Draughts or Phoenix Tears left"

she said disappointed with a slump of the shoulders.

"And we don't have any Pepper-Up left." Magnus commented just as

disappointed "We used the last potion to get Ferdiad passed the creepy


Yes, they were in a bad spot! Really bad spot!


They got this far, the last boss!

They couldn't quit now!

He turned to them and his right hand fell on top of Livia's shoulder, left

hand on Magnus' and they looked at him, warily curious but


Fortie wore a serious expression on his face "Team, we're in a not so nice

spot right now but we can do this!" he exclaimed heatedly as he turned to


"Your hero Bélchú took the great serpent monster Oilliphéist into the

ocean before stabbing it from the inside!" he said proudly as he beamed

at his brother "You saved the rest of the team from its terrible poison

mouth!" he finished with a sharp nod before he turned to Livia and


"Your Fianna warrior priestesses defeated the great scourge Balor when

you took the monster down into the depths of the lava pits!" Fortie said

loudly as he raised his arms excitably, lifting the spirits of his brothers

and sisters in the same process.

"Gaius' Ferdiad led the Dullahan into a trap before killing it even as it

struck him down with its monster hammer!" Fortie said with a serious

look as Gaius looked up with a firm look on his face, nodding for a

second before scribbling down on his notepad again.

"We're now at the end, the end of the story and we must make sure Nera

finishes the mission for everyone and the king!" Fortie said with a

determined look and his siblings all got the same look as they nodded to

him with all the seriousness the situation warranted

"So, what do we do team?" he asked seriously and all of his siblings

except Gaius offered a plan of attack.

"Gaius?" Fortie asked after a while and Gaius took a moment before he

looked up and saw everyone's expectant faces.

"You remember that broken stairs at the other side of the hall?" Gaius

asked, his eyes shining with barely contained excitement.

Fortie's eyes widened and nodded rapidly "Yes!"

"Nera can get there through this way" Gaius said as he turned around his

notepad and they all crowded around the notepad.

They saw that Gaius drew the Hall of Tara, the arena where his character

Nera was battling the monster Aillen, protecting it from burning down

like the monster always tried on Samhain!

They were all heroes working for the King of Tara who gave them the

mission to defeat the monsters!

"Oooooooooooh" Livia exclaimed bright eyed "I see now!" she said with a


"Fortie you have to do it, it will be so gooooooood!" Magnus chattered

excitedly as he bounced on his knees.

Fortie looked at the drawing before he looked up at Gaius. "Gaius…" he

began, trying to speak like mama did when she was so mad she was very


Gaius looked at him a little confused "Yes? Do you not like the plan?"

"I don't like the plan" Fortie said as he crossed his arms.

"Whaaaaaaaaaat?!" Emilia and Magnus cried out in unison.

Fortie raised his hand towards them as he gave them mama's look and

they quieted down even if they looked really confused.

He wanted to laugh but he managed to keep it together, just!

Fortie turned to Gaius who looked a little upset.

"I don't like it because…I LOVE IT! HAHA!" he whooped as he tackled

Gaius "It's soooo good!"

"Not funny!" Livia cried out as she pushed Fortie in the shoulder but he

laughed it off even as the others join in teasing him.

After they calmed down, Fortie put the S-Prints, the bits that moved the

characters, back on his fingertips and followed the plan.

He snuck down from behind the head of the statue and hid behind one of

the big feet before he took a deep breath and ran, his eyes focused on

escaping fire ball after fire ball, weaving and jumping, his siblings'

agitated whispers egging him on, until…


Finally managed to climb onto the broken stairs, somehow not being hit

once by the fire balls, the broken stairs that led to the ledge that was

even higher than the statue and took him at the very edge of the game

map and he took a deeeeeep breath before he jumped.

"Aaaaarrrgghhhhhhh" he cried out as he perfectly jumped directly above

the fire-breathing monster that had chased and chased after him,

hungering to burn him to a crisp and eat his Nera, and brought out his

heroic sword Caladbolg, and with a crackle of lightning, it began to glow

blue white and Fortie swung both of his arms behind his head.

"Beast! I call you abomination! Prepare to dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" he

hollered as the sword began to be engulfed with a turbulent storm of

lightning and he let it rip! As he opened up his hands and a huge beam of

lightning ripped out and hit the fire beast and the beast roared in pain

but Fortie was not done, Nera was not done.

Fortie brought his hands together and Nera had the sword tip facing

downward and it plunged into the back of the monster and the monster

fell with Nera standing on top of the monster's back!

"Victory! Final Boss defeated! Well done, my heroes!" The King of Tara

boomed triumphantly in the holo.

"WOOOOOOOOOP!" "We did it! We did it!" "AMAZING, THAT WAS SOOO


He and siblings jumped and hugged each other as they won! They did it!

They beat the game!

It had taken ages but they did it!

"What is that noise?!" their mother shouted from downstairs, stopping

their jubilant celebrations.

"We have to tell the others, they'll be so jealous!" Gaius said with the rub

of the hands, a gleeful evil look on his face!

Fortie laughed and wore a Cheshire grin before nodding.

They had a competition which team could do it first and they won!

"Yes, let's go! The last one downstairs is a sucker!" Magnus shouted even

as he was halfway out of the door.

The rest of them looked at each other before they all ran out, laughing as

they did.

It was hours later when it was time to go to the ceremony.

"Children, gather around, the portkey will be active shortly!" his mama

yelled out in the backyard.

"Finally!" he exclaimed as he jerked up to his feet and walked to the

backyard. He jumped down the final step and went to his mama.

She was standing by a round flat metal disc, their portkey for the day.

He wasn't a fan of portkey, he much preferred skymobiles!

…But mama said no and said this way would be quicker.

Ugh! He couldn't wait until foo – or whatever that green fire was, his

mama always said she missed it – was ready to be used. That had to be

better than being squeezed like a lemon in one of mama's kitchen


When they were all there, they stepped onto the large disc and after

mama activated it, they were squeezed and popped out at the other end

where there were hundreds of the same discs on the short grass plain.

They oohed and they aah'd as people were doing all kinds of magic and

Fortie marvelled when he saw someone make spiralling leaves that

circled above them, forming into all kinds of beasts, like hippogriffs,

nemean lions, all sorts and all kinds of colours, from bright green to a

shallow brown that looked a lot like what was left in the toilet when

Magnus had a bad reaction to vanilla ice cream!

Fortie couldn't help but be so excited, it was the first time they were here!

Mama had said they were too young last time but this year they were

going to all the public festivals and ceremonies!

They'd already gone to the Maple Sugar Moon celebrations in March, the

celebrations that celebrated the arrival of Spring and they've been to

Beltane, by far the best thing that he'd ever gone to!

He still remembered the amazing way magic had felt that day! It was like

he was floating on toffee clouds that day!

It was not long after they arrived that the random activities stopped and

people gathered.

Fortie's head whizzed from side to side, his eyes bulging at what he was


In the dim light of the three orbs, he could vaguely see people all

surrounding the…whats that word – pyre! – that's it! Or was that it, he

wasn't sure, it was still a big pile of wood! – in a very big circle!

'So many people!' he thought amazed. Everyone must be here!

"Mama, is everyone here?" he asked in wonder.

His mother looked down, a warm smile on her face. "Not everyone, little

babies and their parents might not be here but otherwise, I think so dear.

Samhain is a very important ceremony, Julius." He scrunched his nose at

his name but he was fine with it as his mother rustled his hair.

He purposefully ignored what she said about little babies and that it

meant she thought them to be little babies last year also.

"It important to celebrate the cycle of life and death and to honour the

ancestors." She told him.

Marisa, his oldest sister asked "Do you honour gran and grandpops?" she

asked of their mama in a curious tone.

Eusebius, Livia and Magnus were nearby and waited for their mama's

answer whilst the others were a little ahead talking with their classmates

who were by their mama Ms Sneijder.

"I do" their mama said with a fond smile "I honour your grandmamma

and grandfather every Samhain and I ask them to guard over you little


"Hey!" "We're not rascals!"

They said indignantly and their mama laughed heartily.

"I know you're all my little sweethearts" she said as she swept them all in

her bear hug, squashing them together!

"MAMA!" "Ugh, I can't breathe!" they cried out much to their mama's


Eventually they were able to escape.

"Do you think grandmamma and grandpapa would like us, mama?" Livia

asked with wide eyes.

Their mama didn't speak about her mama and papa too much.

'Or maybe it's because we don't ask' Fortie considered to himself

He vowed to ask about mama's parents more often!

"They would have loved you" their mama said sincerely, a large smile on

her face "My father would have spoiled you all so very much I'd have to

fight him to make sure you didn't grow up into little rollie pollie piglets"

their mama said teasingly as she wriggled her fingers at them.

"And while I'd be stopping your grandfather, your grandmother would

sneak around and help him spoil you!" their mother said before she

tutted, even if she wore a smile.

They giggled, even Fortie at the thought of being little piglets!

They'd have so much fun rolling down the hills by their homes!

Fortie's eyes lit up. He'd have to speak to Gaius about a new game he

thought of!

They were interrupted when the noise of the large crowd rose a little and

Fortie swivelled his head towards where the sound was coming from.

"Magnus, go and get your siblings, the ceremony is about to start" their

mama said and Magnus ran off to their siblings.

Fortie's eyes widened when he saw an old man with a big walking stick –

no was it staff! – walking slowly to the pile of woods at the centre.

The crowd was much quieter but he could still hear them talking!

When they all returned, they surrounded mama as she spoke though very

quietly "Now, this is your first time here so you might marvel at what

you'll see but I expect you to be on your best behaviour, is that

understood?" she asked sternly and everyone nodded rapidly sensing that

mama was being very serious.

"Good" she declared before she smiled "Now, turn around and make sure

you don't miss anything. The first time is always the most special" she

said with a hint of excitement.

Even their mama was excited!

He swivelled back towards the centre where the old man was. He twisted

his nose as he tried to remember if the old man was a shaman or a druid.

In class, they learnt that a shaman was someone who could work with

the spirits! They could sense and chat with spirits of nature, spirits of

animals and even people!

Teacher said though it was more like very very quiet whispers or a nudge

than actually speaking to people though!

Still! Maybe he could work with one and help mama speak with her

mama – and papa! – she would like that for sure!

Anyway, shamans did all the spirit-ua-lity stuff and elements like water

and fire and air and the earth! While the Druids worked more with

nature and life and rituals!

He narrowed his eyes, the orbs were becoming a little darker now, as he

took in the figure of the old man. He wore like a braid around his

forehead, very different than the kind of braids he'd seen girls wear –

maybe that was what old men wore? – and had long white hair and

beard, dressed in red robes.

He didn't have any of the fancy head stuff that shamans were supposed to

wear so he probably was a druid!

He glanced over to Gaius who stood beside him and mouth 'Druid?' to

him and Gaius nodded 'Celtic' he mouthed back silently to him and Fortie

nodded before he returned his attentions to the old Druid.

He remembered there were all kinds of druids and shamans and that

there were like many in their home!

Teacher had said that the Autumn celebrations and ceremonies were

something that many, many peoples did all around the world! That even if

you lived in somewhere cold like a place like Canada or Scotland, or

somewhere warm like Uganda or Malay, there would be people who all

celebrated the natural cycle and the ancestors!

He saw where those places were on the Holo Globe and they were so far

away from each other!

Teacher had said that magic made them all very close to the world and

that it made sense that even people so far away from each other did the

same things!

"Welcome" a voice boomed and Fortie was almost startled like as his

siblings were.

The old druid continued "To this hallowed day, Samhain, the time of year

where the night grows darker and where the veil between this realm and

the realm of the spirits is at its thinnest."

The Orbs above went out, the crowd gasped as they were descended into

darkness. He was a little panicked but the soft humming their mama did,

the soft humming was almost like a wordless song, calmed him greatly.

His eyes widened as he looked up and began to see so many stars!

The Sun Orbs were never completely off even at night when they were

like little moons next to their big brother when the Moon was out so they

didn't really see any stars then.

But now…

Woooooow! He marvelled.

And before he knew it, there was a huuuge fire at the centre near where

he stood, one that seemed to want to lick at the very sky with how large

it was!

The old druid stood by it like it was nothing, though he had his staff held

by both his hands.

"In history, this day was one of solemn remembrance and of respectful

preparation as the cold chill of winter bit at the ankles, clenched at the

heart and gripped at the soul as families, clans and tribes prepared for

the winter days and months to come. It marked the end of Summer, the

end of the Harvest season and it marked when hardship was set to begin.

Ancestors were honoured and beseeched to protect their descendants

against the embrace of Death, against the biting jaw of Hunger and

against the scorching hands of Conflict." The old druid said, his voice

carrying through the air almost like how a ball of cotton wool could sail

through the air when it was caught on the air currents that made the

wind blow in Illos.

"We are blessed to be saved from such hardships here in Illos, hardships

our ancestors have gone through, hardships our ancestors have survived

and overcome yet this absence of struggle only gives this ceremony a

deeper meaning, one that urges us to remember" The old druid said

gravely, his baritone voice reached every ear no matter how far away.

The old druid raised his staff slowly, until it was high above his head and

then he slammed his staff against the earth and for a moment, nothing

happened until…

The flame rustled and swayed in the air like a shaking bush before it

began to grow and grow, reaching even higher in the sky before the tips

of the red orange flames began to twist, and then spiral even higher,

slowly though surely turning into a huge wheel, a wheel that turned and

turned that lit up the entire place!

It was amazing!

"To remember that even in these blessed days the endless cycle of life and

death and rebirth never ceases, no matter how fertile the soil and fruitful

the lands or how temperate and safe the lands.

Petals and leaves once fallen, are fallen forever just as withered flowers

from ancient vine do not return once they drop to the earth, earth from

whence these petals and leaves and flowers came and hence used to

transform and to nurture the next flower in an endless cycle of life…

death…rebirth." The old druid said, his voice now sounding like it came

from everywhere and a loud crackle sounded high above, one that caused

a lot of people to gasp loudly!

He looked up but had to look away as the light that came was nearly


He blinked rapidly and then squinted upwards and his mouth dropped.

'Wooooaaaah' he wondered, his eyes alight with awe.

The sky had come alive, a golden bird that was at the centre of hundreds,

thousands of glowing shapes, five pointed stars, crescent moons, swirls,

snowflakes and many many more shapes, of all kinds of colours that

seemed to drift away with each flap of the bird's wings and flick of its

long tail.

"Amazing…." Livia whispered and he turned to her.

Her eyes were wide and her face full of awe, of wonder and his eyes

drifted to his other siblings and saw they were the same.

He turned to his mama and saw her look at him with an indulgent but

gentle smile before she jerked her head slightly forward, signalling for

him to look forward and he did so and his eyes widened as his mouth

formed an o.

The shapes were descending down and down, like shards from shattered

rainbows, towards them all until they were within touching distance.

He reached it, as did the thousands of others, and he gasped when he

touched it.

He could feel it!

Woooow he wondered, his eyes filled with sparks of wonder as he

carefully plucked it from the air and he gasped as he felt the magic of the

little, glowing amber spiral shape!

He could feel magic on his skin! It was tingling, no it felt like it was

gliding over his skin, like a soft blanket brushing against his legs but it

was all over his body, gliding again and again like how water rippled!

Not only that, the magic felt…more…it felt…warm, soothing but it also

felt…sad and hopeful?

He'd never felt anything like this, not ever!

It was too different from Beltane!

His eyes flickered at the old druid and his eyes widened.

His hero was there!

Standing next to the old druid with his left hand up in the sky and a star

in his left hand!

He must be doing this amazing magic!

"In your hands" his hero began, his voice made the bones in Fortie's body

shiver despite the soft tone.

His eyes glowed like the brightest stars in the night sky as he brought

down his left hand and held the star, the star that glowed so very white,

in palms of his hands.

"Is a piece of magic that comes from Illos, that comes from what we have

built here and in that piece of magic you may whisper and you may feel,

all that you wish to send to your ancestors before it is passed across past

the veil" Lord Sayre said, almost seeming to speaking directly into their

minds as an understanding settled and clarity came.

Fortie looked down at his bright coloured amber spiral shape

"Think of your ancestors and of your lost ones." He heard whispered

softly into the air, wracked with solemnity and numb reverence.

Fortie thought of mama's parents, Julie and Alfred.

"Pray for their eternal rest and pray that they will look out for you across

the border that separates their domain from ours."

Fortie prayed for grandmamma Julie and grandpops Alfred and asked

them to look after mama, after his siblings and after him.

"Think of how you will honour them not just on this hallowed day but in

life until we re-join them in death." His hero said, his words sprouting

like bright green trees through the hazy mud of his mind and Fortie

closed his eyes, thinking, promising, to protect his family as he believed

that was the bestest way to make gran and grandpops proud!

He reopened his eyes and saw the amber spiral shape begin to rise in the

air, fleetingly, gingerly before it shot up quickly in the sky, like all the


All the shapes in the world, all of these brightly, infinite variants of

colours began to circle each other, then spiral around each other, until it

became impossible to tell where one began and another ended.


Until the great golden bird cawed a beautiful melody and flapped its

great wings one more time, and the sky shone with gold from as far as he

could see, brightening the world with a light that made it seem like it

was day instead of the night that it was.

The golden bird disappeared, almost like it evaporated in a mist but the

spiral of colours remained but only a moment before they dove and dove

towards the great tower of flames and, after once more nearly blinding

them, the sky was once more back to night but where the flame was, was

instead a multi coloured flame that stretched high and far into the sky,

like a beam that reached past the moon…

He imagined it going past Saturn…

Past the other planets…


Until, Fortie thought, until they reached at the other side of the veil like

how his hero said.

Everyone was quiet, so quiet that you could even hear the rustling of

clothes and Fortie wasn't surprised.

After all…

The messages were still travelling so far away, in the beam, in the magic

and no one…no one would want that to end, not until people like gran

and grandpops heard their messages…

…their prayers…

…and their promises


1st of November 1952 – Norway – House Ulthöst Annual Autumn Event

Otto ÆlvissonPOV

He looked at the lavish food that nearly overflowed on the table before

reaching out into his pocket and took out his own contribution of the


He placed the golden apple in his hand on the Offering table and

remained for a few seconds.

Vetrnætr… (Winter Nights…)

He turned around, glass of champagne in his hand, and surveyed all

those present at the Gala.

Guests, hundreds of them, all nobles, chattered as they exchanged

rumours and false pleasantries as they basked in the unbelievably

luxurious spectacle that was thrown for them.

Briefly, as he stared at the gathering, where opulence and muted revelry

drowned the night away, he wondered if their ancestors would be

pleased or disgusted at the twisting of this ancient ceremony.

Once, perhaps in his grandfather's time, Vetrnætr had been a revered

ceremony to observe the changing of the summer's end into the cold grip

of winter.

Food and sacrifice were offered to ancestors to honour them and to plea

with them to watch over their descendants as guardian spirits against the

cold embrace of death.

On this night, where the barriers between the dead and the living was at

its weakest, it was said the ancestors were listening to their pleas and

would watch over them if they deemed the sacrifice to be honouring


He glanced at the table, overflowing with food, none that had come from

the labours of those present, before turning away, his gaze returning at

the gathering until his eyes flickered upwards having been distracted by

the glare of the glimmering lights.

Crystal chandeliers hung from the distant ceiling, chandeliers that frayed

light from its seams, and the spectral array of colours descended down

upon them from a great height, almost making it seem as if Bifröst was

reaching down to them to bring them up to the realm of the gods.

He brought the glass of champagne to his lips, a small humorously cold

smirk grew from the edges of his lips whilst they parted as he drank the

flavourful liquid.

They would have hated everything about this and he could not bring

himself to care one whit.

They'd grown above such primitive practices and it was all for the better

that it could be turned into something useful.

Each year, nobles from all around came to the Ulthöst event to partake in

the overflowing feast and drunken revelry that was barely contained

under a veneer of nobility and formality. Though what truly made it

worth coming, beyond the upkeep of appearances, was what laid hidden

in the crevices of this festivity.

Years had passed since Grindelwald had defeated by the now former Lord

Sayre and it had not been kind to many of the nobility.

Decimation of entire bloodlines was a story that was as common as a

knut, large families that had once had branches of branches had been

whittled down, if they were lucky, to an heir and a spare.

Most were not that lucky.

Grindelwald's madness had come at a price that left both sides bitter, one

that stripped both sides of their hereditary rights in many parts of Europe

as the ICW took advantage of the turmoil and instituted little more than

puppet states during their occupation that wrested control from the hands

of the nobility.

Denmark, his country, had not been lucky to escape that fate. Other than

Austria and perhaps Germany, Denmark had been the country that had

punished the most and it had been an uncomfortable decade for the Dark

families as blood traitors and the self-righteous Light families lorded over


He rued the day they supported that madman. Grindelwald had promised

much to them, a future where those who followed him sat at the top of

the pyramid with muggles reduced to cattle only fit for tending the fields.

None of them had any idea what his final plans had been…nor the

lengths he was willing to go to see come to fruition. Grindelwald had

been mad, at the end, and however much he disdained Sayre for his

abandonment of his Olde heritage, he at last could acknowledge the one

good deed that the man committed for them all.

Even if it cost his and his allies nearly all of their political influence at

the time and their loss of their hereditary rights.

After all…

Influence could be regained if you were still alive.

He glanced around, his eyes sweeping around.

Norway had been fortunate to escape the fate of his homeland.

Just as Sweden, Greece, Italy and Portugal had been though unlike them,

save for Sweden, Norway's strength was far from what it had once been.

Grindelwald's madness had ensured that as he decimated through their

forces like a hot knife through butter and destroyed much of the

infrastructure within the Norwegian Ministry.

Only fifteen years ago, they proudly had themselves listed amongst the

most powerful.


They trailed behind the French who had suffered more than Norway did

yet they had rebuilt faster than anyone else on the continent as their

economy was largely left unscathed by the spiteful economic attack by

the Sayres.

It had embittered many in Norway that the French had grown leaps and

bounds, even exceeding the wealth they had before the war, whilst their

wealth had dwindled to a fraction of what it was, Grindelwald's

occupation having been long enough that he had confiscated many

families' wealth.

In an ironic way Sayre had done much to paper over the divisions in

Norway when he had crashed the European economy that had only just

about started to recover.

Sayre had bloodied many where it had hurt the most, even those who

had remained out of the attacks against him and his family in this

singular act.

It had been bad enough he and that wife of his published that damnable

book that only further emboldened support for the ICW governmental

template as blood traitors pushed for a 'fairer' Denmark just as others who

did the same in Europe.

His eyes flashed for a moment as an amusing thought passed through his

mind. That book had revitalised many noble families and many had put

aside their differences and rallied so that none could take advantage of

their weakened states.

It was an open secret that families across Europe had traced down the

lines of cast out squib lines and had…quietly removed any potential

claimants that could be used against the family.

The Light families, always so self-righteous, had involved themselves just

as much as the Darker families.

After all…

Wealth was power just as much magic was.

It had been through the recognised threat that the Sayres represented

that much of the friction and unrest that sprang from the consequences of

the war had been muted in the early years amongst the nobility in

Denmark and in other occupied countries.

The war had been devastating not only to bloodlines but also to the

coffers and businesses of many families. Widespread looting and

destruction, even in the immediate months after Grindelwald's death, had

shattered much of the economy of mainland Europe and Sayre's

companies had filled that chasm that had formed, dominating entire

industries with his goods and products.

Families that once had significant market share over certain industries,

may it be potions, cosmetics, stationaries or even entertainment, fell to his

encroachment and when the ICW had offered to intervene in return for

accepting their demands and political system, many, across the political

spectrum, had accepted it with the additional caveat agreed about

reduced fines and release of relatives who'd been Grindelwald followers.

Had the ICW not intervened, he doubted any overt action would have

been made, not after most relevant Lords had seen his…capabilities

against Grindelwald in pensieves.

Who could have stood against power like that?

None but a collective effort of an unholy alliance that saw him as a

greater threat, that was what it had taken in the end.

The boy had been a fool…

That Power in his hands…

In his Blood...

And he squandered it away fighting for people who didn't matter...choosing

to attack prideful Lords in industries where their ancestors had marked as

their own…making enemies that would have otherwise bitten off their

hands to be his ally…

With his heritage as a Sayre, a line that stretched back four thousand

years, unbroken pure…

Europe could have been his, a Grey family that didn't disdain the dark

and one the Light fools could accept.

Yet he threw it away so carelessly that in the end he got his family

banished from the Isles that had been his House's home for over a

thousand years.

He'd heard some rumours there were some amongst the Norwegian

nobility that hated the man so much that they had expended significant

effort to find him though from what he knew, even the ICW had no idea

where he and the people that left with him went.

In truth, he had no idea why they were so interested in finding him…

Perhaps it was the arctic snow in the air that was addling their minds.

They'd all already secured a victory by eliminating someone who upset

the power structure as much as he did…trying to find someone like him

who left with thousands of magicals, even if most of those thousands were

little better than dragon dung, was practically inviting a Horntail to your

manor's living room…

There was a reason why, as far as he knew, Sayres family in MACUSA was

well and truly left alone. The responses to the few attempts on the lives

of the Sayres had been enough to indicate provoking beyond what he was

willing to tolerate was a bad idea…which the Italian Senate incident

should have only solidified…

And then there was the risk of finally raising the ire of the half-blood

Slytherin who'd trounced the International duelling competitions with

contemptuous ease and was rumoured to be an Archmage as well…

He shook his head. They'd have to deal with those fools if they took

things too far. The last thing they'd want is for their plans to be upended

by their need of vengeance.

Nevertheless, the terms the ICW had given had proven to be fruitful as

the economic crisis could have been even worse than it was.

Now, finally, years later, the economy was picking back up faster

especially after several new industries based on the Sayre family's

products had opened up.

That M-Vision creation had opened a fascinating industry where

Quidditch games, Wizarding Chess and other sports could be shown

directly in homes and from it came opportunities.

Unfortunately, it seemed as if rumours of Sayre's Seeing capabilities were

truer than false as he had the foresight to clandestinely sell the patent of

the invention to the Delacour family in 1947, a family that had grown as

influential in France as the Blacks were in Britain, with only the

stipulation that he retained the rights to use his own invention as he saw


Years of court proceedings had finally yielded a result in 1951 that was,

perhaps not as favourable, but at least enough to ensure profitable

business as now goods and businesses were advertised directly into the

homes of their potential consumers.

Now, with the growing recovery of the economy, it was beginning to

finally be time to remove the ICW's influence in Europe and restore the

rights of the nobility.

And speaking of restoring the rights of the nobility…

He spotted someone heading towards him, a man with short dignified

blond hair dressed in fine black Acromantula silk robes carrying a glass

of champagne in his hand.

He recognised who it was and as their eyes met, the man looked at the

balcony at the end of the gala and he understood.

Minutes later, he walked through the large windowed door and the chill

of the autumn cold lashed against his skin. He released his wand and

waved it over himself, the immediate relief of warmth coating him

caused him to release a content silent sigh.

He walked towards the edges of the former battlement stations, now

repurposed as a balcony, and stared out into the distance of the night.

His eyes turned towards the crescent moon half hidden by foreboding

black grey clouds, the Moon's light shining peaks at the Jotunheimen

mountain range.

Ulthöst Castle, or as it once been known Jotun Fort, was said to have

been built as a stronghold by the Ancient Norse in the 6th century during

the beginnings of the Goblin-Norse Wars.

A place built within the depths of the mountain, stones made with

ancient magicks protecting the structure even to this day, even if the

enchantments had fallen long ago.

There were just a few forts like this, the most famous was Durmstrang

which had been built on the carcass of one such fort, its rubble stones

repurposed as the foundation of the famous school.

He looked to the side, his gaze trailing of over the ancient stones that to

this day none knew how to replicate. Not even this protected those

ancient Norse mages, having been eradicated to the last enclave. The

Goblins had made sure to wipe any traces of the magic that had killed

tens of thousands of their kind.

"Lord Ælvisson" a smooth German accented voice called in Norwegian as

the man's steps became audible.

He turned around and saw the blond man approach him. "Lord Zandorf"

he said with the incline of the head.

The Zandorf family were one the most prominent families in Germanic

speaking lands, able to trace their roots over a millennia and a half to the

Vauci clan, an offshoot of the Chauci tribe from North Western Germany.

They were also one of the Darkest family around.

They had been one of Grindelwald's first supporters and had assisted

greatly in his rise in both the German and Austrian Ministries. As such,

they had been one of the harshest punished families.

It was not a surprise that they were unhappy with the way things were

going and they had no path to turn things around in their favour.

Until now.

The blood traitors in the German Ministry were waning in power as many

noble families regained a growing measure of their political influence

owed to them as was their right, the constrictions that had been placed to

them falling away with every election that was held.

The 'democratic system' was nothing more than a façade, one that could

be manipulated easily through the exchange of galleons and job security,

something that the average pureblood prefers more than the notion of


The Zandorf's were one of the families that had one of their members

elected in the Parliament though there were at least a few more that had

direct links to the family.

The man arrived next to him and turned towards the mountain rage and

the half frozen lake. "Did you know that depression" he pointed with the

hand that held the glass towards the lower points in the landscape "was

not natural?"

Otto tilted his head curiously "I didn't." he stated, wondering where he

was going with this.

"Not many do. I wouldn't be surprised if the Ulthöst family didn't know

either." He said calmly before he drank of his champagne.

"This was a site of a great battle between the Goblins and the Norse, one

that came to define who would become victorious in the war and who

would…die off." Lord Zandorf turned to him, their gazes meeting.

"The Ancient Norse had powerful magicks, the kind that caused muggles

to worship these mages as gods as they shaped the world around them on

a scale that very very few magical peoples are or were capable of."

Zandorf's eyes grew cold before he waved his wand towards the site of

the depression.

"Yet for all their power, for all of their mountain shattering capabilities,

numbers had been their undoing as waves of Goblin hordes kept coming

and coming, killing every single one of them…man, woman…child…

none were spared, not even their shrines or their ritual sites beyond the

few broken rubble that had been left behind as a message." He turned to

Otto, a spine shivering smile worn on his face as he brought his glass to

his lips and drank.

He brought the glass away from his lips as he tilted his head as he

glanced at the mountain range. "I always found that to be a lesson to

remember." Lord Zandorf turned to face him again.

"The goblins are little more than neutered beasts now, nothing like what

they once were." He stated and Lord Zandorf's unblinking eyes were a

little disturbing before he spoke again.

"Oh, they were merely an example however we did not come here to

speak of ancient history" Lord Zandorf smoothly transitioned, his

countenance shifting towards to stern seriousness "How many have you

brought on board?" he asked sharply.

Otto remained silent for a moment "Sixteen Dark families." He finally

answered. "Six Norwegian families including the Gunnarson and

Haelaand families."

Lord Zandorf's eyes shone with approval though a shine of curiosity

entered "How did you manage that? I thought they were bound to the


"They are." Otto said with a scowl before he smiled thinly "But the

conditions of their alliances do not prevent from acting on their own as

long as it is does not impact House Black negatively."

Zandorf said nothing for a moment until he broke the silence "That would

be right. Breaking the ICW's dominance in Europe has nothing to do with

them." He turned to Otto sharply, his gaze calculating "You'll need sound

out more, many more. Sixteen noble families are a good starting point to

get backing to our cause but it will amount to nothing if we cannot form

a much larger block."

Otto narrowed his eyes "It is in progress. You know as well as I do that

many aren't willing to risk the lenient terms granted to them. The ICW

for all of its domination has at least ensured their freedoms, however

diminished it is."

"A divisive tactic made to pit both sides against each other on far more

equal terms." Zandorf waved away dismissively. Zandorf's eyed spied at

him "You realise that don't you? They forced those laws onto to us to

make sure we'll spend years, decades whittling them away. They don't

care a single knut about the mudbloods or half bloods or those creatures

but what they do care about is to ensure no ministry grows strong

enough to pose a threat to the world order they've made.

They will not allow any one nation to grow strong enough to be able to

contend with its armies, not after how much they struggled to deal with

just a few Ministries backing the Dark Lord. It is better for them for us all

to be mired in political battles rather than be strong enough to build up a

force that would give the ICW more than a little pause in interfering in

our business." He concluded before he continued "It is why it is important

to twist this system to our advantage as soon as possible until we've

regained the power we've lost in the Dark Lord's defeat and undo


It was unlikely they could restore the hereditary governmental system

completely, that would be a step too far but they could alter the laws to

make it so that it makes little difference.

The blood traitors would ruin their countries with their muggle loving

ways and it was their duty to prevent them from doing so.

It disgusted him to think that a Danish Minister couldn't run their

government without gaining approval from the Danish Monarch,

something that had not been doing for centuries previously.

It was bad enough that the Minister had to treat the muggle Prime

Minster as an equal.

"I will accelerate our plans." Otto finally acceded and Zandorf nodded his


He eyed the man carefully "Have you succeeded in your…insertion?" he

asked carefully.

Zandorf said nothing for a moment before he downed his champagne. "I

have. It won't be a while until it'll pay any dividends but that is fine." He

turned to Otto "Keep that to yourself. You know the consequences should

that information be leaked." He commented idly and though his voice

was calm, the undertones could not be missed.

Otto narrowed his eyes "Understood." He said calmly, swallowing the

indignant response.

The Zandorfs were every bit as ruthless as the Blacks were or the Kolya

family. They were a significant reason as to how Grindelwald managed to

take both German and Austrian Ministries without much resistance.

"Have you been to the Vault recently?" Zandorf asked, breaking the

silence that had fallen. He began walking back towards the Gala and Otto

locked step with him.

"I haven't." He admitted. He hadn't had time in the last few months.


"I thought they had closed down recently?" he asked curiously.

Zandorf opened the large door and stepped through and Otto followed.

-...s the night when the gateway between

He looked at the direction of the music and realised it was the band

playing Solemn Nights, an old song made out of the traditional Vetrnætr


"No, they only changed location. More stringent protocols to keep the

eyes of the ICW away and to avoid gaining the attentions of the Hounds

of Death" Zandorf said with a hateful sneer.

It was understandable. The Hounds of Death had destroyed many…

suspect avenues of revenue to the point that it scared them – not that any

would admit that – from starting it up again, the recent failed and

disastrous attempt by one of the Norwegian nobles had made any ideas of

restarting it idiotic.

They were ruthless and killed hundreds of good purebloods without any

compunctions and had it not been for the fact that they all died gruesome

deaths, they would have suspected some of the more vengeful blood

traitors had a hand in it.

For now, their best assumptions were that they were rival Dark Houses

from Eastern Europe.

Thankfully, the Vault had been spared their attacks.

"I see." He said with a nod as they came to a stop and grabbed filled

glasses of champagne.

"I will have them send you an invitation next." Zandorf offered.

Otto inclined his head in gratitude before he turned to the band that


our world and the spirit world is thinnest.

"I actually haven't been in recent weeks though I have received some

interesting news about one of the nights at the Vault." Zandorf said.

Tonight is a night to call out those who came before.

"Really?" Otto asked curiously. He wouldn't exactly call what happens

there…interesting. Unless you were speaking in terms of the deaths that

could happen.

There were really some gruesome deaths in those fights.

"Yes…there was a new fighter. Won eight fights in a row in the Lower

Rings. Said to be likely at least a Lower Sorcerer."

Tonight I honor my ancestors.

"Really?" he drawled out slowly, surprise in his voice. "You don't usually

see someone of that strength fighting amongst the rabble." Usually it was

desperate dregs of society of little magical talent that fought for a decent

amount of galleons.

If he was that strong, even if it was nothing too special, he should have at

least been fighting in one of the official duelling competitions before

being…scouted to see if he is of the right sort to invite to take part of the

Premium fights.

"I know, surprised everyone else too. He killed them brutally too. Upset

the bookies a lot. The last four were favourites." Zandorf said musingly as

he brought the glass to his lips.

"Interesting." Otto murmured softly.

Spirits of my fathers and mothers, I call to you,

"What's his name?" he asked after a moment.

and welcome you to join me for this night.

"No one knows but apparently he's young." Zandorf said with a frown.

"Surely the organisers know?" he asked as he turned to Zandorf with

raised eyebrows.

"They don't. Signed up under an alias. Apparently the cloak he wore had

some kind of obscuring charm but they could tell he was young. Cloak

seemed unique too given that it was made black feathers." Zandorf said


"Properly a mudblood though I can't imagine they wouldn't have killed

him then and there." Otto said with a frown. How did he find the place


You watch over me always,

protecting and guiding me,

"He wasn't, he made an oath that he was a pureblood to one of the

organisers." Zandorf said a little impressed. "Wouldn't say how he knew

about the event but the oath combined with surprising them allowed him

to get on. They probably thought he'd die anyway."

Silence reigned between as the band continued their solemn hymn,

rapturing the crowds with sweeping vocals and delicate music.

and tonight I thank you.

"I see." He said contemplatively. "Possibly could be from one of the

ruined families."

Your blood runs in my veins,

"Possibly." Zandorf conceded though there was a tinge of doubt which

Otto could understand. Zandorf continued past it, moving away the

conversation from speculation who he might be "The organisers

apparently are hoping he'll take their invitation to join the Premium


your spirit is in my heart,

"Probably at the behest of the bookies?" Otto asked amused.

Zandorf looked at him amused "Wouldn't be surprised."

"What was his alias?" he asked curiously as the band drew nearer to the

end of the song.

Zandorf remained silent for a moment until he spoke up "Raven."

Otto's eyebrows raised. Interesting choice…

"Raven? Odd" he said thoughtfully.

"Quite…" Zandorf said with a strange expression before it flittered back

into a neutral expression as he glanced at him from the corner of his


"Until next time." He intoned before he walked away.

your memories are in my soul.

He turned towards the band as they reached the dying parts of the song.

Hail to our ancestors who passed through the Veil and returned,

To watch and to protect over us!

Hail to the Dead!

Hail to the Dead!

Hail to the Dead!

In Bucharest, Romania…

"With the gift of Remembrance…" he whispered as the dreary rain coated

over him as he sat on the edge of the building top, his feet hanging over

the ledge.

The night was cold but memories kept him warm…memories that roused

the burning rage within his chest like kindle filings, rage that licked and

charred at the confines of his chained lacking soul.

"You are dead but never forgotten…" his voice was eerie, haunting as the

pattered sounds of the rain threatened to drown out the softly whispered


"You live on within me…" the words died on his tongue, the familiar

desolate pangs of weakness bleeding through.


Quick fluttering of wings ceased as the raven landed beside him.

He raised his hand, tired, languidly, his coal black eyes gazing emptily at

the raven.



The raven barked out as it nudged, closer and closer, within striking


A single swipe of the hand and his fingers would be wrapped around its

neck and a singly twist would snap its pitiful, weak neck…

His hand descended and stroked the feathers of the raven, caringly,


More and more ravens descended and surrounded him on the turn of this

new day…

"You sense it too, don't you…the thin veil that separates the living and

the dead…" he whispered to his flock of ravens, his unchosen

companions, his chosen flock.

"Hmm…" he hummed softly, as he looked up, gazing at the crescent

moon, a pang of companionship passing through him at the sight of its

incompleteness, an absence that in his case would forever be lacking,

even if on a day such as today, he was as close to complete as possible...

"And just like me…" he whispered to his flock "You're more at ease when

the barrier is at its thinnest."

The air around him shimmered, danced…

Faint whispers, faint presences, all in a scale that they were little more

than a speck of dust on a perfectly clear window, just, only just


"I know…" he whispered, comfort seeping into his soul, the chains that

surrounded it were loosened. "Soon…"

"I promise…"

6. Chapter 71

Hello All, welcome back to the story!

Without further adieu, please enjoy the post and let me know what

you think! I read all of your reviews (especially those who I know

have reviewed since Part I!)

PS: Thanks to the reviewers for your kind words! You guys are


Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next three chapters are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

3rd of November 1952 – New York, McDowell Estate

Sophia POV

"Well done Derek" Sophia said approvingly with a raised glass, one that

clinked once the other glass touched it.

"Thank you, Sophia" Derek said with a gentle chuckle as he leaned back

into his chair. "Third consecutive quarter where we've exceeded profits

by ten percent over the previous quarter." Derek said almost preening.

No, he was definitely preening, she thought with amusement as she stared

at her friend and subordinate.

The muggle conglomerate, the Sphinx Group of which Derek Saunders

was the CEO of, had some of the fastest companies within its wings with

the largest growing companies being in the shipping, manufacturing and

in the telecommunications industries.

They were now the de-facto largest sea-freight haulers with a whopping

seveteen percent shipped on either sea-freight ships made by Endrian

Anchorage Company, a subsidiary of Endrian Shipping Company, or

actually shipped on Endrian Shipping Company ltd sea-freight haulers.

Trade was also now expanding into Asia as more countries were building

the necessary infrastructure at ports that could handle the logistics and

the disembarking of goods.

With the growing normalisation of television and radio in wider America,

their company Pear Incorporated which made television sets and cameras

– which also included sub-divisions that supplied other television

producers with parts and components – had the largest share of the


Having bought out manufacturing companies that churned out weapons

and vehicle components by the thousands, all of that industrial capability

had been turned into becoming a key supplier for several large

companies in the automotive and aeronautics industries.

They had the potential to become a producer themselves however it

would be a risky venture even if they had the Ancient Humanity


Besides…it would also mean that they were directly involved in

improving the muggles and that was hardly any of them wanted.

All of these industries had been key in the rise of Sphinx Group in the

world and with the subtle use of magic, nearly all of it with regards to

ensuring secrecy and preventing espionage – which was a serious

problem especially with the communist threat, they were able to limit

their expenditures without giving away that there was something afoot.

Despite the harsh MACUSA laws, most of the laws with regards to

business in the muggle world were strangely lax as long as magic was not

used in any capacity. Most of the laws were geared in limiting magic

being exposed in the mundane world but MACUSA had always depended

on the ability of magicals of being able to mingle with the mundanes

which obviously included a senses of good old American entrepreneurship.

Derek continued "I'm hoping Congress reduces some of the restrictions

when it comes to international trade" Derek said as he leaned back into

his chair "There's opportunity in Asia when it comes to sourcing some of

the cheaper less advanced goods that could free up some capacity for

more valuable work" he said before sipping on his wine.

"Seems unlikely" she said a little sceptically "There's still a lot of support

for protectionism. Just last year the Extension Act made sure the cotton

and tobacco industries were protected just because their export interests

were weakened. I can't imagine they'll be willing to extend that to other

industries either given that it would outsource plenty of American jobs


"Not as much as you think" Derek rebutted before he drank of his glass of

wine "Those like Eisenhower are increasingly gaining traction when it

comes to increasing international trade. The decades long guaranteed

prices are inhibiting greater world market share not to mention causing

the federal government to stockpile tonnes of cotton and other farmed

goods." Derek shook his head "No, I think we'll see a shift in legislation

and trade agreements that'll throw away many of the restrictions

currently in place."

"Hmm. Perhaps" she acceded before she peered a glance at him "I suppose

there is a likelihood they'll loosen restrictions if only to bring other

nations closer to Western influence."

Derek's eyes darkened "Yes…there is that too. After what happened with

the Chinese, they'll want to make sure as few countries end up in their

sphere of influence."

Derek's despise of the Communists was something that prevalent amongst

most informed magicals, not only for the butchered implementation and

practices of Marxist principles, but also for what was done to the Chinese

Mages in Communist China.

During the Second World War, the Chinese Confederation of Wizards had

initially refused to war against the Japanese, something that the

Communists later used as an excuse to persecute magicals, but soon

changed their minds when it was clear that the Japanese magicals were

aiding the war effort of the Japanese Empire.

Had the Chinese magicals not aided as much as they had, it would have

been doubtful enough leaders in both the Chinese Communist party or

the Republic Party of China would have survived which all the current

situation in China all the more disturbing.

As the Chinese Communist Party was removing much of the magical

population of China out of their native home regions and cities, even

going as far as destroying entire magical villages if they could find them

in their quest of consolidation of power and misguided retribution.

Even the most tolerant of mundanes were appalled by the actions of the

Chinese Communist government and only reinforced that mundanes

should not know of magicals at any cost.

It was not surprising to know then that in many parts of the world there

were new initiatives to remove any knowledge of magic from even the

highest offices of government especially those who had proven to be

untrustworthy to know.

Derek's expression brightened as a small grin formed on his face "Which I

suppose is only to our benefit. With our new class of freight ships which

nearly doubles load capacity, we'll be able to secure even more market

share of the shipping industry" he said with a twinkle in his.

She almost smiled at her friend's optimism. He lived for the cut-throat

world of business and he happened to be excellent at it.

"I doubt it'll be that easy." She said before drinking of her wine, pausing

once she'd taking a sip and looked over the rim "Do not get too embroiled

in creating a monopoly." She warned.

"No one likes monopolies, not even allies."

Derek laughed "True but I'll find a way around it, don't worry." He said

with a grin, one that turned slightly mischievous "I've got enough

examples from both yourself and your brother how to manage to get

around such snags, don't I?"

She rolled her eyes at the comment before they continued talking.

Whilst Derek was in charge of the muggle ventures and businesses, she

was directly in charge of the businesses in the magical world.

They did not nearly create the same kind of revenue as the muggle

businesses did but they were far more profitable despite the vastly

smaller consumer market, a consumer market that was even smaller now

than it was only five years ago.

Her brother, during the short period where he reigned over all of the

Sayre interests, businesses and so on, had massively expanded the

portfolio away from just simply creature ingredients and other common

household goods.

There had been practically no industry or niche left unturned as he

forced his way into those industries – and at the same time creating

entirely new ones from scratch – causing them to effectively gain

unrivalled influence and wealth not seen since the days before the near

extinction of House Sayre in the 17th century.

Atticus had intentionally antagonised many powerful peoples – and

organisations – and for a moment it seemed like they might once again

come into conflict with enemies keen to destroy House Sayre.

Thankfully that conflict had never come into play – no matter how

incredible and creepy Atticus' seeing abilities had become, she'd never

forgive him for causing their family such strife even if she understood his

reasons and plans – though it had cost them severely.

The Sayre magical businesses were mainly constrained to the New World

where there was a greater appetite for their advanced magical products

such as the Reader-Tablets, basic Magi-Comps, M-Vision sets, and others

like it.

The loss of business in Europe was a blow but it was a blow that was

lessened somewhat with the revenue that was still coming in in the form

of royalties as licences were sold to friendly families like the Delacours.

Plus, North America had more than doubled in population from the

waves of immigration from Europe as a consequence of the increasing

intolerance – and through the subtle aid of Illos – of squib-descendants

and squibs, something that was set to continue over the coming decades,

increasing the consumer market and lessening the financial impact of

losing Europe.

Dayton walked into the room and met her gaze. "My lady" Dayton bowed

before he stood back up straight "The President is here."

Derek's eyes widened "Ah." He said before he got up though not before

taking a large swill of his drink, emptying in the process. "Time for me to

go, I see."

Sophia hugged him before releasing him "Thank you for coming to see

me, Derek."

"Ah, I'm always keen to visit you Sophia." He said with the incline of the

head and a warm smile.

"Give Sandra my well wishes."

"I will." Derek said as he walked out of the office.

She turned to Dayton, a quizzical expression on her face "Did she say why

she was here?"

Dayton shook his head. "No, my Lady. But…but she seemed slightly off."

He told her and she frowned in response.

"Off as in unhappy?" she queried as she gestured him to walk with her

towards their guest.

Dayton was the chief security of the guards that guarded her family, a job

he took with a stoic ferventness that she'd ill seen in anyone else.

There was no one else that was as loyal as Dayton was to their family, to


She was glad that Atticus assigned him to her family. She could trust him

with her life and more importantly with the life of her most precious.

"Yes" he said in affirmation.

"I see." She said contemplatively before she nodded to him.

She proceeded down the stairs and the sounds of laughter echoed as she

reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Auntie! That's not fair!" a childish voice cried out with a mixture of

outrage and giggles.

"Oh? Maybe I should make it even more unfair?" a tickling voice of Aunt

Voila echoed slightly as she rounded past the corner and into the living


A little girl of age four was stretching towards a plushy polar bear held

by Aunt Voila out of the little girl's reach, a plushy bear dressed in a little

suit with a bowtie around its neck that made it rather adorable.

"Marie." Sophia called out a firm but gentle tone. The four year old

jumped up, her eyes wide as her head swivelled around faster than

Sophia thought her little neck should have been capable of.

"Mama!" Marie said with a gasp before she rounded towards the older

woman with a petulant glare "She took my bear!"

"Your bear?" the older woman said with a raised eyebrow "When did it

become yours?" she said with straight expression though mirth in her

eyes were rather easy to see.

"When you floo'd into my house!" Maria exclaimed.

"Your house?" Sophia said with a flat tone though inwardly she was

amused and exasperated by her daughter's spoilt nature.

'I'll have to talk to her father about toning it down' she thought to herself.

It didn't help that her husband was rather wrapped around their

daughter's finger.

"Mama's house" Marie corrected herself with a pouty smile, one that

suggested she knew what she was doing and Sophia resisted to smile.

She was far too precocious for her own good.

Marie had not come long after she married her husband Louie

Kōnstantînos, a third son of the Founding House of Kōnstantînos and who

she was married to matrilineally. A political marriage, one she chose,

that she grown to appreciate with her fondness of her husband growing

over the years.

She did not bear him love, not like she did Charles, but she had grown to

care for him nonetheless.

Still, it did not mean that she had no love in her life as she stared at the

little girl who resembled her and her family so much.

Sparkling emerald eyes that shone with bright mischief and intelligence,

rich dark hair that was just like Atticus', Marie was something she loved

more than anything else.

The bear floated down towards Marie which she snapped up with

rambunctious delight "Thank you thank you thank you!" she babbled

towards Aunt Viola whose expression cracked and let off a warm smile.

"You're welcome." Aunt Voila said before she turned to Sophia and her

expression shifted to seriousness and Sophia knew whatever it was that

her aunt was unhappy about, was something they needed to discuss


She glanced at Dayton and nodded to him who took the cue to take her

daughter away.

"Come along little Princess" Dayton said as he went to guide Marie away

from the room "Why don't you introduce your bear to your Mr Sphinxy?"

he said to Marie.

"Yes uncle!" Marie said as the sounds of her hurried steps disappeared

into the distance, the sounds of Dayton's steps a source of comfort.

She watched her daughter being led away before she turned to her aunt

"Your guards?" she questioned her aunt.

"By the floo room with your other guards." Her aunt confirmed and

Sophia nodded. Even if the President was her aunt, protocol must be


Something she was all too familiar given her own permanent guards of

the family though only Dayton was allowed to be alone with Marie.

Whilst they were in little danger in their own home, a home warded

personally by her brother and fitted in with some deeply hidden

technological security systems that would soundly incapacitate anyone

not permitted on site, it was for her own piece of mind to know that

there was someone she trusted – to a certain extent – with her daughter at

all times.

She dreaded to think of letting her go to school when she got to that age.

Marie was by far the most important anything to her.

A serious expression grew on her face as she studied the older woman for

a second before asking

"Aunt, what can I do for you?"

Aunt Viola looked her, a discontent expression replacing that barely held

together expression that had only moment ago filled with amusement

"Not here as your aunt, Senator Sayre" she said in a brusque tone.

Sophia's expression didn't let her surprise show.

She'd taken the Sayre seat amongst the MACUSA Senate when she'd left

Britain for America from her Great Uncle Richard who'd been all too

pleased to let it go.

The senate was majorly comprised of elected senators but the Twelve

Founding Houses, one of which Sayre was part of, curtesy of Isolt Sayre's

contributions to the early magical settlements in North America and her

founding of one of the Great Schools in the form of Ilvermony, were

grandfathered into the Senate with a permanent seat in their 'home


In the grand scheme of things, with a total of 104 senators, it was not as

powerful a seat as their seat was in Magical Britain as their vote counted

the same as any other senator but it was a useful tool for gaining

influence, influence that had served them well in the past during their

rebuilding era after Henry Sayre – Isolt Sayre's brother and their direct

ancestor – had brought their family back from the brink.

Just as it served them well now during their more…challenging era.

In any case, her great-grandfather Benedict had passed up on taking it

full time, preferring to spend his time travelling the world with Sara

visiting and excavating ancient sites of magical civilisations forgotten and

lost to the Magical World.

If her aunt was here on official business, then it was serious.

"Then, Madame President…please" Sophia gestured towards the sofas as

she spoke respectfully.

As they got settled in, her aunt began, a harsh expression on her face

"How does your brother know so much about MACUSA?" she asked,

harshly and to the point.

Sophia's eyebrows raised. 'What did he do now?' she wondered.

"What do you mean?" she asked carefully.

Her aunt narrowed her eyes. "I think you know." She said sternly.

She continued "It would be one thing if he knew information that made

sense for him to know. Things others within MACUSA might know" her

aunt raised her hand to halt Sophia from interjected and levelled a glare

at her "I'm well aware of the espionage that happens – that is happening

especially by the ICW – so I don't expect your brother to be any different

even if he is Morgana knows where" she said before a halting sigh

escaped her lips.

"But for him to direct me towards twenty-eight cases of abuse of magical

children in the Deep South under the age of eight – children that were

never been logged as magical despite the magical nets they were located

in – that is far from being something that leaves me comfortable knowing

he is capable of without knowing how he is doing it" She said with a cold

look in her gaze.

Sophia remained silent for a moment as she processed what her aunt had


There were still very few who knew about the technological inheritance

that Moira's people left behind for them.

Herself, mother, Emily and of course Atticus were the only people who

knew everything. Others knew various degrees but never the full details.

The Flamels, the Saunders, Dayton and a few others of Atticus' close

circle knew various degrees of the truth but never the full truth.

Just as their family only knew what they were allowed to know.

Grandfather knew some about the advanced technology as he got to

know about Moira's origins – just as her Aunt Viola and her cousins knew

that she was from an ancient civilisation from space – but none of them

knew the extent of the technology.

Moira, before she left with mother on the expedition, had requested that

they keep it a secret for as long as possible as her people had known

hundreds of examples of alien civilisations, some according to her similar

to humanity, that died out because they were not culturally or socially

ready for the technological and scientific advancement…often leading to

their extinction.

She'd read up on some reports on the excavated ruins in the Ancient

Database and was rather eerie to know how many civilisations had ended

because of atomic science just as mundanes were at the cusp of reaching

that same level of development.

For all she knew magicals were different from mundanes, they really

weren't, at least temperament wise.

For that reason, she knew that it was best to limit as much as possible

until things were different…even if she hated what she was going to do


She trusted her aunt immensely and she owed her much…just as she

owed MACUSA.

MACUSA had taken her in like she'd been a long lost relative eager to

offer the best room in the house and she'd grown to love the country

more than she'd ever cared for Britain and its stuffy atmosphere.

She married Louie as a way to solidify her family's position here in

MACUSA…something that had paid off immensely as it brought in the

Kōnstantînos and their alliance into their sphere of influence allowing

them to rise to new heights politically but…

It was the people who she had come to cherish the most.

It was why she wouldn't do anything to harm the country and she knew

that Atticus excluded the country from his more…harmful methods to get

things ready to move to a world of their own.

Of course it helped that he admired much of MACUSA's – and the United

States – history and formation…and it was obvious to see in the

Constitution of Illos.

For all that he changed, he was still a romantic at heart…A nation of

people from different backgrounds coming together and sharing the same

core principles…of core ideals…

Still…no matter how much he admired things, she knew that he had

penchant of sticking his fingers in places they didn't belong. Even if it

was for a good cause.

"Atticus…" Sophia began carefully as she eyed her aunt "Atticus' Seeing

abilities have…grown, Madam President"

Her aunt scoffed as her eyes closed to near slits "Don't give me that,

Sophia" she said as she leaned forward, her eyes unflinching. "I know

much about Hyper-Percipience and I know that even the most powerful

variant could never See events or people this precisely."

"Unfortunately, Atticus is throwing out much of what we knew about our

family ability" Sophia said to her aunt. "You know that Grade Three had

never really been documented all that well with the last person claimed

to have that strength being thousands of years ago."

Her aunt scowled but said nothing further for a few moments before a

flash of uncertainty and concern cut across her face.

It wasn't really surprising to see that. As much as she was their aunt, she

was still a leader of a nation and to know that someone could obtain

information that precise, even if it was someone you cared for, was


"Even when your brother has disappeared of the face of the Earth, he is a

pain in my…" she stopped and let off a deep sigh.

Sophia watched her aunt carefully

Her aunt might have taken advantage of her links with Atticus and his

victory over Grindelwald to get elected some six years ago but her

popularity in MACUSA was all down to herself.

Through her, MACUSA had reflected their mundane counterparts

spectacularly and had grown to become the most powerful economic

magical nation in the world and it was in her administration that the

population had more than doubled as refugees, either from the war or

from consequences of the revelation that muggleborns were really all

squib descendants, had made MACUSA their new homes – which had

been done nearly seamlessly as nearly American magicals made them

welcome, even housing them in their own homes until they were back on

their feet.

Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Enchanted figurines of Lady Liberty had become a staple in households

during those years, something her aunt had been very clever in taking

advantage of as she drew parallels to the early days of American

settlement running away from obstinate nobles who turned away good

people because they weren't lucky to be born in the right families.

If there was something that could be truly described as American, it was

the smugness they revelled in as they rubbed moral victories into the

faces of obstinate nobles.

"At least he's warning you of troubling injustices." Sophia tried with a

wry smile causing her aunt to bark out a short laugh.

"Oh, I'm sure that's the only reason he's doing it" Her aunt said

sarcastically, drawing towards a topic that she knew occupied her aunt's

mind more often than she'd like.

Sophia let off a mild shrug as she give a light smile at her aunt. Her aunt

knew of Illos though she'd never been…yet.

Aunt Viola had more than once said to her that she wished that he would

come back to Magical World only when her second term had ended and

it was far from said in jest.

Whilst MACUSA held Atticus as a hero, a hero treated unjustly as he tried

to bring about equality to an unequal Magical Britain and Europe, he was

hardly someone MACUSA would blindly follow.

As much as the ICW liked to profess differently and claim that her aunt's

relation to Atticus was why MACUSA left the ICW, it was truly because of

the horrific casualties MACUSA had taken as a consequence of the war, a

war that many in MACUSA had seen as a war that was heavily

mismanaged by the ICW and the European Ministries.

As such people recognised his contributions, actions that aided or

affected MACUSA positively in a long line of other Sayres doing the

same, but it would not mean he could capitalise on that to more than a

reasonable extent.

Not even Merlin himself could.

Still, her aunt was rather worried about the international political

quagmire Atticus would bring to MACUSA once he brought Illos into the


The ICW had firmly established themselves as opponents to Atticus – and

the rest of their family – and inevitably MACUSA would find itself drawn

into the conflict that the ICW would instigate.

"In any case, if you happened to speak to your brother soon, let him

know that MACUSA does not appreciate the violations of its domestic

security" she said with narrowed eyes before she lost the expression "I

might just set the DDMR against him to figure out a way to block his

Sight" she said as she looked at Sophia "If it is his sight anyway."

"If you figure out a way to do it, let me know" she said half serious with

raised eyebrows. Even if Atticus didn't know about those poor children

via his Sight, his Seeing abilities really had cranked up to ridiculous

standards. It honestly was terrifying that such abilities existed even if it

belonged their family.

How do you even fight someone who knows what you'll do days, months,

years before you do it?

"You have no idea how annoying it can be when he sends a

congratulatory letter for something that hasn't yet happened yet" she said


"What?" Her aunt said a little flummoxed.

"Atticus sent Marie a congratulations letter for passing her Latin test…

four days before she took it." Sophia said in a deadpan expression. "A test

that literally no one but myself and the tutor would know about as it was

meant to be a small surprise test to see how she was getting on."

Her aunt shook her head before she stopped and spied a look at Sophia

"And?" she prompted.

Sophia sighed and gave her aunt a weary exasperated look and nodded

"She did pass. With flying colours." She said with a hint of a smile.

Her aunt's face went through a number of expressions, some that seemed

like she was quite disturbed and she got to find out why when she asked

"How often do you think he sees embarrassing moments?"

Her eyebrows raised before she looked at her aunt disturbed and

disappointed "Why? Why would you even put that contemplation into my


Her aunt flashed a mirthful look and soon the direction of the

conversation went towards gossiping and far more disturbing things than

she liked to think about but it eased away from the tense topic.

They talked for nearly an hour afterwards, from Marie and about her

cousins Sara and Odette and what they were doing and more.

One thing was for sure though…Dayton had mentioned that Atticus

wished to speak to her soon and she'd talk to him…

The least he could do for their aunt with how much she's done for the

family is to at least wait a few more years.


10th of November 1952

Ryan Smith-Rowe POV

He stood straight with his arms hanging loose, his eyes fixed as the next

individual walked up to the Swearing Stone, a large round stone that lay

on a dais on a podium in front of a packed crowd as nearly everyone

from Illos came to watch the ceremony of the first elected

Representatives of Illos.

His fellow Representative placed his hand on the stone which glowed

slightly and began to speak the oath

"I, Harold Filch, solemnly swear upon my magic that I will support and

defend the constitution of Illos against all enemies, foreign and

domestic, that I will discharge the responsibility required of me by

virtue of my membership of the Council of Representatives as so

demanded by those whom I serve to faithfully represent and as so

decreed and permitted by the Lord and Lady of Illos, Rightful Guardians

of Illos, the realm to which I bear solemn allegiance to.

This So I Swear!"

Filch glowed slightly as he completed his oath and the crowd gave a

warm applause as Filch walked away to join the others who'd sworn

before him.

The next one stepped up and began the same ceremony.

Not long after it was his turn.

As he swore the oath all other Representatives had done, he reflected on

the words that he spoke, the words that he had bound himself magically


It was a strange mix in truth, one that borrowed heavily from several

other oaths of allegiances and oaths of offices. A mix that was almost

contradictory in ways…one that swore to uphold the Constitution, to

serve the people and at the same time to remind Representatives that they

serve the people by the grace and will of Lord and Lady Sayre.

The constitution was written – and he applauded whomever had worked

on that masterpiece – just as contradictory but one that burned into the

minds of all those who had read it that Illos, above all else, belonged to

all those who espoused its values.

Values of meritocracy, of hard work, of academia, of ingenuity and above

all else, of a shared destiny.

A destiny that espoused common good and care, to be guided by the

reaching hands of Lord and Lady Sayre, hands that ensured that their

grip on what they had built would never slip, but a shared destiny


He wasn't ignorant or unobservant enough in the fact that the

governmental system was built to check the powers of individuals and

ultimately ensure that the right of intervention in domestic matters

remained in the hands of the Lord and Lady of Illos, a way of power that

resembled the constitutional monarchy of Britain yet at the same time

not as limited or artificial, and he wasn't sure how to feel about it.

Illos was their creation, and, just as any tenant or landowner, they were

entitled to protect their home and establish rules that ensured their rights

but at the same time…

It left him uneasy that the power of office was limited by people who

were unelected, people who were nobles…even if they were more like

monarchs than they were nobles.

He shook his head as he walked towards the others as he completed his

oath, his eyes trailing across the faces of his fellow Representatives.

No matter.

He had more pressing issues to concern himself with at present…

His expression shifted into mild neutrality as he mentally recalled what

he knew of the other Representatives.

Yes…he had more pressing issues to concern himself about…such as

winning the right to be the first Chief Representative.

Twelve days later….

"He will see you now" Pierce said calmly as she looked at him with her

hands behind her back.

He stood up from his seat, feeling more nervous than he'd like, and made

it through the door

He walked through the door and breathed in deeply.

It's been twelve days since the elections, six since he was voted in as the

first Chief Representative of the Representative Council and four days

since he was Oath-Sworn into the office of Chief Representative.

It hadn't been easy to convince the other Representatives to give up the

prestige and power of becoming the first Chief Representative but he had

done it.

His face contorted slightly in distaste.

He had to promise some things that he wasn't too happy promising but

none of it was detrimental either to himself or to the public.


It was rather jarring to see the men and women wilt under the weight of

their ambitions and desires.

Perhaps he shouldn't have expected so, after all…

Even if most of these people had never before held a political position

before, with the exception of purebloods like Filch who'd worked at the

Ministry for a time, people were rather simple when it came to power.

Just because Illos valued different things did not mean people who'd

come from places like Britain would so easily get rid of their habits and

what they knew.

Illos may have been founded on different principles, principles that

everyone he knew cherished and equally valued but it would not be

enough to dissuade people of their vices and politicians…

Well, it took a certain kind of person to become a successful politician no

matter if their motivations, their politics or their sense of integrity was


They were all deeply ambitious.

Even himself.

His own motivations may be different but ultimately they were all alike.

He would not lie to himself about that.

Their oaths would not punish them from achieving their ambitions and

desires as long as it did not conflict with the spirit and understanding of

the oaths.

Oaths that he foresaw would be tested over the years and in truth he was

intensely curious to see the public ramifications of breaking the oaths.

The punishments would not strip people of their magic nor would it cost

them their lives but they would be branded as Oath-breakers on their

forehead, a marking that would not be removed until the oath breaker

had repented and paid penance to the society he betrayed.

Oath breakers were viewed harshly in the magical world, much harsher

than in the mundane world. It was a damning sign of a person's

untrustworthiness and dubious character and when even magic,

something that judges impartially, damns you as an oath breaker, it is

enough to ostracise and maybe even persecute said oath breaker.

It was an ingenious way of dealing with the creeping nature of corruption

in truth and he had to tip his hat to whomever came up with it.

Death and loss of magic could have created a martyr but someone

marked as a traitor to society forced to vividly live in that society he

betrayed with an unavoidable reminding sign of his crimes?

Well, it was certainly something that no one would want to experience,

not even the most avarice of people.

Given some of the disposition of his fellow Representatives, he could see

at least one testing the limits of the Oath. Though Filch was rather a

clever man so he may not be lucky enough to see Filch remove himself

from power.

Power and influence that was growing if he manages to convince some of

the Representatives of his ideals.

He expected groups to form among the present few Representatives but

not as fast as Filch seemed to move. Groups that eventually would

become parties, parties that shared the same ideals, the same goals.

Parties that would be on different sides of the political spectrum.

He'd have to makes sure that he was involved even if he was expected to

be a mediator between the growing groups.

As he walked in deeper into the office, his eyes widened as he caught a


He stared at the ceiling and faltered in his steps.

Lord Sayre's life was well documented, everyone knew every little bit of

his life, his years at Hogwarts, the tragedy that befell his family, the war

he won and what ultimately led them all here.

The sight of the naked universe, the stars, the galaxies and the beautiful

yet distant colours of nebula, surprised him though perhaps it should not

have, he pondered, as enchantment hung atop the surface of the ceiling

stared back at him.

It was well known that Lord Sayre had a deep fascination with space and

the stars.

If he recalled correctly, this was the, or at least the newer version of the

'The Night Sky' enchantment, one of Lord Sayre's first creations.

He had not seen the first iteration at Hogwarts – it was after his time –

but he had seen a much larger variant at the Observatory at one of the

peaks of Mount Celestis.

It was an amazing Observatory, one that could zoom in into distant stars

and even be capable of capturing silhouettes of the planets that orbited

those stars.

He had kept several images of the planets that orbited different stars of

the triple star system Alpha Centauri, striking images that sparked the

imagination about the wonders of the universe.

It was a marvel, a truly wondrous creation, entirely made with magic, and

he knew that many Pandrosion students were inspired by what they saw

and it reflected in the high percentage of students that chose Physics,

Arithmancy and Astronomy in their electives.

It helped that it was also a good career path with how the Offices of

Magical Innovation and Technology were famously invested in 'cracking

the secrets of the universe', something that Lord Sayre had bid them to


"Mr Smith-Rowe" he heard and he snapped back into to reality and the

realisation he'd ignored the very man he'd come to see as he turned to


"M-my" Ryan cleared his throat and tried again "My Lord" he said with a

deep bow.

He might only be what had once before might have been called a second

generation half blood from an unimportant family, but he was well aware

of etiquette, especially before someone who might not bear the title but

was, for all intents and purposes, king.

He stood back up straight again and saw Lord Sayre staring at him with a

mild smile on his face before his eyes flickered towards the ceiling.

"Don't feel too embarrassed. I often get distracted myself once in a while."

He said as he stared at the ceiling enchantment, a certain hint of

something passing in his eyes, something he couldn't quite identify. "They

have a kind of draw to them, don't they?" he said with a soft inflection in

his voice and Ryan was unsure what to make of it or how to react.

He'd heard that Lord Sayre was a…unusual person to speak with but

someone who could speak of anything and everything and probably knew

more than you do on your subject of expertise too.

That was most he could really draw on, the words of acquaintances and

people he at times worked with as he collaborated with some of the

Offices given his nature as a Chemist which didn't overlap much what

Lord Sayre is known to be heavily involved in.

That meant he had not met Lord Sayre all that often.

Something that was a bit of a weakness at present.

He looked back at Ryan, his smile curling ever so slightly at the edges of

his mouth "Jen sometimes has set off a mild explosion to get my attention

back again." Lord Sayre said with a hint of humour in his voice but

before Ryan could say anything, Lord Sayre's expression changed and the

humour fell away as if it had never been there.

Ryan unconsciously stood straighter at the change. One thing that was

made clear to him though…

Lord Sayre was sharp, sharper than you would have thought possible, no

matter how…unusual he could be.

"Please." Lord Sayre said as he gestured towards the seat across from

where he was seated, behind a wide desk that had an ancient look to it.

Probably was as ancient as it looked, he thought.

He traipsed his eyes across the desk, a desk with piles of paper work and

several Holo-Tabs lain across it.

"Congratulations on your elevation to Chief Representative, Mr Smith-

Rowe" Lord Sayre in a congratulatory nod.

Ryan smiled slightly "Thank you, my Lord. It's an honour to serve the

people and to be elected among my peers as the first Chief Representative

of Illos" he said, hints of pride creeping in his voice.

It hadn't been easy to convince the other Representatives to choose him

and he knew that the next time in seven years would be even harder but

for now, he could breathe a little easier.

"It no doubt is." Lord Sayre said with a nod. "Have you selected your

advisors yet?" Lord Sayre asked curiously.

"For the most part." Ryan confirmed. He'd chosen his advisors now, a

spread of senior individuals from the Offices that the Overseers

recommended to him along with a few from the High Council

Departments that came recommended to him.

For now, anyway. Later he'd chose people who proved loyal to him.

The system of governance was different from what he knew most other

governments to be like, in both worlds. His role as Chief Representative

was not as Head of State, no that belong Lord Sayre and Lady Sayre-


The Chief Representative was the Head of the legislative branch of the


The Legislative branch consisted primarily of legislative functions of

State, that is submission and ratifications of laws in compliance with the

Constitution but also was responsible for setting directives and inquiries

for the Offices of Responsibilities.

For example, the Representative Council could set directives to the Office

of Agriculture to alter the current percentages of produce in order to

maximise yield of profitable foodstuffs but it could be refused by the

Overseer if said Overseer saw it to be impacting Illosnegatively…at least

that would be the reason publically.

Thankfully though there were procedures in place to override that refusal

by lodging a protest to an independent Council of Judicial Arbitration

that was part of the State Department who had presently Silas Merek as

its Director who liaised with the Overseers of several Offices, including

the Justice Office.

They would be able to overturn that refusal pending an investigation.

Similarly, the control of the budget of Illos was rather more complicated.

The national budget was controlled by the Director of the Treasury,

Eldric Carson but as Chief Representative he had the authority to dictate

how use that budget as he saw fit – within a certain limits.

Limits that primarily involved the Offices who'd take the vast majority of

that budget and with whom he'd have to work with in order to set their


"Good." Lord Sayre said before hints of contemplation covered his

expression as he seemed to study Ryan.

Several minutes passed without anyone speaking and it was growing to

be unsettling.

"Lord Sayre…" Ryan began, slightly hesitant.

"Do you know why Emily and I formed this method of governance?" Lord

Sayre spoke up, cutting off his question as why exactly he was here given

that he'd already met the man in an official capacity – and the rest of the

High Council – during the swearing in into his role as Chief


The question startled him but he didn't let it show.

Ryan had ideas, well-educated ideas to be sure but nothing concrete. He

did not know the man personally to know his character.

But he knew what the man championed for, meritocracy, competence

and equality but his very position and even the High Council itself was in

direct violation of the ideas he had championed.

Perhaps the members of the High Council were competent, perhaps they

did deserve their positions but ultimately, they were selected by Lord and

Lady Sayre.

"I don't" Ryan confessed, not quite telling the truth.

Lord Sayre smiled and almost seemed indulgent.

"Institutions…" Lord Sayre began, his words seemed to slip from his lips

like driftwood on a calm river stream, his calm voice making Ryan pay

utmost attention.

"Institutions are what make or break a nation…a people." Lord Sayre said,

his eyes now boring into Ryan.

"Ideals and laws are not enough…you must have the institutional

framework and the right social attitudes to allow laws and societal

cohesion to work." Lord Sayre leaned forward, his hands placed on the

desk like a heavy anchor as his eyes shone with an intensity that froze

Ryan in his seat.

"At present, people trust those institutions. They trust in a fair legal

system, in a fair and helpful policing institution" Lord Sayre drew himself

up in a way almost made him seem as if he was towering over Ryan.

"They trust that the institutions of Illos are for the benefit of the people

as a whole." Lord Sayre said with a tone of finality, words that carried a

crackling truth.

It was true, after all. The people had unwavering trust in Illos, an

optimism and a sense of responsibility that he had rarely encountered in

Britain…everyone had bought into realising Illos and its promises into


"Are you concerned that this may no longer be the case with my election

and final selection as Chief Representative?" Ryan asked as he

recomposed himself, his eyes meeting the gaze of Lord Sayre.

He felt a sense of unease, perhaps even a tinge of guilt for what he had

promised to some of the more cut throat Representatives to get his


He wondered…

Did he know?

Lord Sayre sat back in his gaze, his gaze not breaking with Ryan's own as

he remained silent for a moment.

"Yes." Lord Sayre said after a moment and Ryan felt his stomach drop.

"Why?" Ryan asked, his voice held a creeping hints of dismay and deep

unsettling unease, something that startled him.

Lord Sayre broke away from Ryan's gaze and stared towards the window

where Mount Celestis loomed over the city.

After several moments, he spoke again. "Do you know why citizens of

mundane Scandinavian nations such as Denmark or Norway trust their

government the most and have the societal and cultural practices that

value and place highest importance on a common good?" Lord Sayre asked

as he peered out of the window.

"No." Ryan said, his voice level as he tried to keep a sense of irritation out

of his voice by the evasion of his question as why Lord Sayre believed

they…he would lose the trust of the people.

"Geography, conflict, religion and institutions." Lord Sayre simply said as

he looked back to Ryan.

"These Scandinavian peoples were communities that experienced harsh

winters, harsh winters that necessitated the formation of traditions of

communities working together for a common good, to survive winter, and

from those traditions, they developed societal attitudes that good times as

an opportunity to prepare for the bad times." Lord Sayre waved his hand

in an unconcerned fashion as he continued

"Not just individuals but also as communities. As time passed, through the

storage of supplies, common economic institutions were established by

the peasantry that were run by the peasantry." Lord Sayre smiled thinly,

his eyes were radiant and the green flecks in his eyes were aglow in a sea

of purple like the stars that draped the ceiling above.

"These communities started to create communal institutions for the wider

benefit of their society, run by them and trusted by them." Lord Sayre said

as he paused for a moment as he tapped on the desk with his index


"Of course, harsh winters are not something that is unique to these

Scandinavian peoples. In Russia, in the lands near the Black Sea and so

on, the criterion of harsh winters is also met but what prevented those

peasantries from developing similar medieval practices was access to the

sea and the institutions kept in place by absolute monarchies and

powerful aristocrats who were able to completely exploit the peasantry as

much as they could without limitations or restrictions.

Whereas the Scandinavian peoples, through access to the sea, were

granted the opportunity to trade unencumbered from the looming and

restrictive presence of the nobility that levied high taxation on goods

through tolls and other means.

They became traders and merchants, developing means of gathering

wealth unimpeded by aristocrats and through traditions, through

communal social attitudes, they developed institutions that were free from

the socially suffocating restrictions that would have otherwise been

placed on them by the aristocracy. The nature of the Baltic Sea made

such policing and restrictions impossible in the medieval era.

In Britain, the peasantry was unable to grow wealthier as the aristocracy

were able to maintain control over the shorelines and just as mainland

Europe, aristocrats were able to restrict trade and required heavy tolls to

use roads or river systems." Lord Sayre paused in his historical accounts,

his hand lay flat on the desk as he sent a penetrative gaze towards him.

"Complete economic power had lain with the aristocracies." Lord Sayre

said and Ryan moved to interject but Lord Sayre raised his hand,

preventing Ryan from speaking up.

"I understand that this may be long winded but you will understand" Lord

Sayre said, his gaze unflinching.

Ryan swallowed and nodded, signalling Lord Sayre to continue.

"As centuries rolled over, whilst the peoples of Europe waged war against

each other – in major part due to the power and interests of the

aristocracies and in part due to religious unrest – and peasants struggled

to obtain rights and privileges, in Denmark, much of that had passed it

by. While in most of Europe it took until the industrial revolution for the

peasantry to gain some economic power, it happened centuries earlier in

Denmark and it was centuries earlier that the Danish peasantry gained

political power as well.

Through religious doctrines of Lutheranism, one that demanded that

people to be literate in order to read the bible, the rates of literacy

exploded in the peasantry and they, in turn, along with a centuries long

established interest in the common good of society, developed into a well

organised, well educated social class that started to act more assertively

and demand more political rights and powers.

They became more enfranchised – in part thanks to the political struggles

between the aristocracy and the king – and began to shape what

Denmark is today; a developmental democracy.

They retained strong communal bonds despite the industrial revolution

because of this long history of communal good that allowed them to

prosper when all other peasants were little more than cattle for the


They set the standards of the wider norm of society and their institutions

reflected the societal attitude of common care and service, their society

solidifying on the idea that it was inherent to them to look after each

other, to care for each other…and in turn…they are countries whereby

equality is the strongest, the average person wealthier than the average

person in the strongest economies in the world and, of course, far more

pleasant to live in no matter what social class you are in." Lord Sayre

paused momentarily, the words he spoke in strong passion simmered to a

quiet but intense tone

"A powerful aristocracy can cause major damage to the state, perhaps

even destroy it if they feel powerless, if they feel their privileges are not

as extensive as their wealth supposedly demands it should be.

They would destroy their own country if it benefitted them.

Mundane Denmark and Norway are not the norm, especially in our world.

Many of the Ministries around the world are inherently contrary to what

these mundane nations have formed…

Institutions that ensure social insurance and social responsibility that

combine to form a state that exists to serve and work together to improve

society, that finds problems for the state to solve rather than let unknown

problems to fester and grow.

They worked actively to prevent social inequalities from arising and that

otherwise would have driven a wedge between the communal bonds that

centuries of time and effort has established." Lord Sayre paused, leaning

back in his chair as he maintained eye contact.

"Laws and institutions are not enough." He said firmly, his eyes almost


"Institutions once established, by those who established it or work within

them have an invested interest in preserving said institution however it

may be the fairest, the most just institution in the world but it may mean

nothing if political structures that ensure and grant liberties can be readily

hijacked by those work within and without those structures and abuse

those institutions and those liberties to undermine the liberties of others."

Lord Sayre paused momentarily, his eyes softening ever so slightly.

"Liberties are far more fragile than you might think. Just as aristocrats

can and likely will undermine the state and the good of the people, so too

can wealthy businessmen and politicians who seek to use the system to

enrich themselves, to empower themselves or limit political and

economic inclusivity to an exclusive elite." Lord Sayre paused briefly, his

expression showing no emotion as he spoke once more

"The core principles of a people, of societal attitude is just as key what is

formed as law. If a people believe in a shared common good, like those

Danish peasants who became a literate and economic social class of their

own right over centuries of development, or like the people of Illos who

are becoming a new form of social class unseen in most magical society,

then what is enshrined in law will only be enhanced and succeed to


However, none of that will be possible if the people who are chosen to

represent them do so without the right principles and social attitudes,

social attitudes that emphasise and exalt common good and common care

as is so expected of them and pervades throughout society…

Social attitudes that must pervade at the top as well as at the bottom

otherwise…cracks will form in the bedrock of the state…" Lord Sayre's

voice trailed off to a crushing calm.

"…Do you understand the importance of your position?" Lord Sayre

asked, his calm voice not once wavering.

Ryan closed his eyes momentarily.

"…I see." Ryan said after swallowing harshly. "You know what I have

promised to Filch."

He'd promised Filch to push through approvals for his Grocery Company

to obtain the rights to sell any produce made by the Office of Agriculture.

At present, people who owned their plots of vertical farms had their own

little shops that sold their produce whereas his idea would allow Filch to

purchase all produce and have it sold in one central location.

At present there is concerns about impact to the business of small farm

owners which is causing a delay in granting an approval…something he

promised to step past to get him his approvals.

Lord Sayre only smiled thinly and his eyes were cold. "I will not interfere

with how you deal with the Representatives. That is not within my

jurisdiction nor has it breached any of the established laws."

Lord Sayre leaned forward, his eyes glimmering like frozen embers of

emerald and violet ice "However…" he whispered, his deathly tone

caused Ryan's heart to skip a beat.

"It is a slippery slope, Mr Smith-Rowe. Avarice is a nasty trait to

encourage even for a minor matter. Today it is pressuring Offices to push

through approvals for matters that are outside of your jurisdiction and

tomorrow it could be something worse that would heavily weaken the

authority of the Councils or the Offices and breach the trust of the

people." Lord Sayre cold expression melted away as he leaned back, his

unblinking eyes remained steadfastly onto his own.

"Emily and I have chosen this method of governance because of the flaws

that power inspires in people. We created comprehensive checks and

balances and ensured our own legal power within the state for emergency

purposes all that what we have spent on Illos never deviates away from

the greatness it can achieve." Lord Sayre sighed as he picked up a Holo-

Tab and broke away his gaze from him.

"There is a reason why corruption is considered to be creeping, Mr Smith-

Rowe and the reason why I believe you will break the trust of the people

is because you have already shown that you are willing to compromise

on the integrity of your office before you had even taken it." Lord Sayre

said as he looked down at his table.

"But I ca-"

"You may go." Lord Sayre's voice was cold as he interrupted him. Lord

Sayre looked up from his tablet, his expression was neutral but his eyes

startled him. They showed a bottomless fury that made him swallow

harshly and made him comply.

Lord Sayre fury ridden eyes vanished and a blank expression settled on

his face before he looked down at his Holo-Tab.

Ryan felt his face heat up.

Out of shame and out of anger. Anger at himself and anger at Sayre.

Shame for his actions…

He turned on his heel and began to walk towards the door.

No, he practically screamed in his mind as he came to a half turned

around, anger burbling in his chest.

"I understand that what I did was wrong, that I should have refused to

even entertain what Filch demanded of me but I am not betraying the

ideals of Illos nor will I ever." Ryan scowled out as he clenched his fists.

Lord Sayre placed the Holo-Tab down on the table and met his gaze with

an impassive expression.

Ryan continued "What you say is true, that it is a slippery slope that

could lead to anarchy, that could lead to the loss of trust of the public,

that it could mean the end of what Illos promises to be!" Ryan said

impassioned, his voice regretful as his hands shook in anger and his eyes

closing for a single second as he levelled himself.

He reopened them "And I realise that now, the truth of what my actions

could set precedents for and I vow to uphold the integrity, the honour

and the duty that my office requires of me." He walked forward, his eyes

brimming with determination.

"I will guard society against the avaricious, against the corrupt,

oppressing influence of wealth and against the morally bankrupt. I

understand now that is what is required of me, what is needed from me

and I will not sway from that position again. I promise you that!" Ryan

nearly growled out and his eyes widened as he remembered who he was

speaking to.

Ryan took a step back "M-my" he cleared his throat "My apologies my

Lord. I let my anger influence me." He said as he bowed his head.

Lord Sayre said nothing for a few moments, causing his nerves to rise.

"Good." Lord Sayre finally said and Ryan's head snapped towards him.

Lord Sayre had a small smile on his face. "We all make mistakes, Mr

Smith-Rowe. We all at times can take the wrong choice, not even I am

immune from such a thing. However…" Lord Sayre leaned forward, his

eyes aglow

"What makes us different, what makes us great, is our willingness to learn

and to not make the same mistake again. That is what will be our

greatest strength Mr Smith-Rowe. From learning from a bad moral

choice, to a bad economic decision, to a bad investment of time and

money into a magical or technological idea." Lord Sayre sat back in his

chair again, his glowing eyes dimming slightly.

"I will hold you to your promise, Mr Smith-Rowe." Lord Sayre finished.

"As will I to myself and to the public, my Lord" Ryan said with a nod.

Lord Sayre gave a tiny nod. A Holo-Tab began to rise from the table and

floated towards him.

Ryan's eyes widened for a moment. He'd known that Lord Sayre was

capable of wandless magic but he hadn't realised he could do it without

any gestures!

He resisted the urge to swallow.

'This was the man who I was practically shouting at' he thought to himself as

he picked the Holo-Tab from the air and began to read it.

His eyes almost jumped out of his eye-sockets.

"It is time for people to own their own homes in Illos." Lord Sayre said as

Ryan looked up from the Holo-Tab.

No one owned land in Illos and he knew that many wanted that to

change. It wasn't an issue yet but he could easily see it becoming one.

'Did he foresee that?' Ryan wondered.

He knew of the legendary Seeing capabilities of their Lord but he had

trouble understanding it.

He looked down again and began reading more of it.

"This…" Ryan tried as he processed it.

The document specified the condition of sales of occupied homes to the

present tenants along with future condition of sales of plots of land

outside of Illos.

The sale prices were affordable, the conditions of which homes could be

sold were reasonable…

"You'll have to establish inheritance laws before I sign that document"

Lord Sayre spoke up, breaking his reading of the document.

Ryan blinked a few times "Yes." He said as he shook his head slightly

"Inheritance laws, property laws, maintenance laws…" he said as he

thought of all the things that would have to be established.

The laws on property and land were incredibly vague as far as he could

tell from his initial readings of the concise Representative self-updating

Guidebook – readings that everyone who ran for office had to read –

which was on purpose he now realised.

He turned to Lord Sayre "Why?" he asked simply. He had not expected

the history lesson nor the chastisement let alone this.

"You need several victories under your belt in order to establish

yourself…and of the importance of integrity of your office." Lord Sayre

said calmly as he intertwined his hands.

"You have shown yourself to be someone who promises to be worthy of

your office and this…this will enable you to become what you promise

you'll do and uphold, be what every Chief Representative after you should

aspire to be like." Lord Sayre smiled slightly.

Ryan laughed loudly as he shook his head.


He peered at the man, silently studying him for a moment.

"I think I understand now." He finally said to Lord Sayre who tilted his

head inquisitively.

Ryan bowed his head.

"Thank you my Lord for setting me straight and for giving me the

opportunity to do right by Illos." He said.

"It was my pleasure." Lord Sayre said and Ryan straightened before he

twisted on his heels and walked out of the office with Holo-Tab in his



He understood now.

Why Lord Sayre was needed.

Illos needed a guardian and Lord Sayre was the man for it.

A defender of the people, a defender of the health of the society.

He chuckled softly to himself as he reached the elevator.

He really was more than just a noble, wasn't he?

"King Sayre…" he whispered to himself. It didn't sound as ridiculous as it

had once before, his mind replaying what had just happened again and



10th of November 1952

Jason Harrison POV

Jason apparated in at the edge of Godric's Hollow and walked towards

the Crying Castle pub.

As he entered the pub, he briefly exchanged a few pleasantries with a few

men he recognised before heading down towards the far end of the pub,

towards the stairs that led down to the backroom meeting room.

He nodded towards the lookouts who stood by the door and was allowed

in when they checked him with standard identifying charms.

He looked around and saw about half dozen people, all of whom he

recognised except for two. He narrowed his gaze at them.

Their robes were robes of good quality, the kind of robes that purebloods


"Jason." Michael Carmichael called out, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He met the gaze of the man who gave him an approving nod as he

gestured him forth, towards two unknown men.

"These are Samael Danton and Beli Allord…representatives from the

Order of the Phoenix."

"Order of the Phoenix?" Jason asked inquisitively.

"Yes. We chose it because it is fitting. Rebirthing a corrupt ministry into a

fair from new beginnings." Samael said with a shrug before a grin

plastered across his face though there was something in Samael's eyes that

sent shivers down Jason's spine.

It was almost as if there was a kind of…hateful vacancy there. He was

snapped out of it as the man continued, that vacancy having lost its glare.

"Helps with the recruiting too. Phoenixes are Light creatures too so it

gives a positive idea."

"Your names…" Jason began, his eyes flickering towards their clothes.

"We are mostly half bloods and a sizeable number are purebloods" Beli

confirmed as he gave Jason a hard look "Muggleborns aren't the only

ones that suffering under an oppressive and incompetent regime."

Before Jason could interject, Michael intervened "Now that we all here,

shall we move onto more pressing matters?"

Jason bit back a retorted and nodded firmly and the other two agreed.

The meeting went on for several hours, disagreements had almost

escalated to conflict but reason had somehow managed to win to out and

as the meeting ended, he was left with Michael.

"Michael…" he began before he reached for a full glass of Jack Daniels

and drank it on one go, his face contorting slightly before he met the

gaze of his leader.

Jason had risen through the ranks of the Movement with his swift ideas

to garner support from the public eventually leading to him being

considered a leading voice in the Movement he'd only recently joined.

"I don't like them." He said flatly, his gaze boring into Michael.

Michael sighed "I don't either." He said with a thin smile "But they have

at least thirty people in their group and if they are to be believed, that

number is actually only half." Michael swept his hand lazily towards the

empty room.

"We have only forty people and most of them are not prepared to fight

for the cause." Michael turned to him, his eyes hard. "Not like they are."

"There is fighting for the cause…and then there is fighting for the cause."

Jason said meaningfully.

"They are bloodthirsty Michael." He said with a sigh as he looked away

from Michael and towards the rather plain portrait which contained a

hilly landscape. "We might just endanger everything we're trying to fight


Michael said nothing for a moment. "What other choice do we have?"

Michael said quietly though the hint of bitterness was not hard to miss.

Jason turned to him and saw Michael staring at his glass.

"We are still, at best, second class citizens that have no real right of

representation, no real right to purchase homes in wizarding villages,

whatever inheritance we might have is not safe from the Ministry, we can

be killed at a whim by purebloods who the Ministry will bend over

backwards to give little more than a slap on the wrist." Michael turned to

him, a cold angry sheen covering his eyes.

"No…the only thing these people understand is violence." Michael

downed his drink before he placed the empty glass hard onto the table

and got up "And it is high time that we make them understand that we

can be just as violent, just as determined to get our way as they are."

"We might not have been alone with our friends in the real government

aiding us with supplies but with the Order of the Phoenix…" he turned to

Jason, sparing one last look as he held onto the knob of the door.

"We can truly change things for the better." He turned away from Jason

"We simply have to fight for it."

Michael left the room and Jason slumped into his chair, his eyes staring

at the ceiling.

"Aye…perhaps you're right." Jason whispered quietly to himself.

Muggleborns were leaving right left and centre to go to the United States

which was reported to be everything Britain should be.

As much as what some people were doing, like that Slytherin woman

with her initiatives in Hogsmeade or those progressives, it did not deal

with the heart of the issue.

He leaned forward, placing his hands on his thighs as he paused for a

moment before getting up, letting off a soft sigh as he stood up.

The lack of true equality.

It seemed like blood, sweat and tears were needed to be shed to obtain it.


2nd of November 1952

International Magical Press



By: Barnabus Cuffe

Just days after the execution of Jack Coulson, the former head of the now

dead Ancient House Eymer, outcry has sparked all across the British Isles and

has been condemned by several Ministries around the world, including the

Irish Minister of Magic Moran who had this to say

"Instead of coming together during a difficult few years, the British Ministry is

all the keener on polarising society, perhaps even doing so implacably. I urge

Minister Lowe to reconsider his current path" Minister Moran comments come


[…] Whilst the Isonomian leader Michael Enoch, said "This is the last draw.

Jack Coulson was a victim of a systemic attack against all those that they

consider to be lesser than they are! This is not about being a squib descendant,

this is not about being a half blood or even a pureblood, no, this is all about

taking what they think belongs to them which they believe to be everything! I

say enough and I know that many of the good folk of the Isles in these difficult

times believe that to be the same as well!"

Fiery words from an impassioned man and they are words that may cause

significant penalty, perhaps even the same sentencing that got Mr Jack

Coulson sent through the Veil.

"Someone has to step up and say enough is enough. No one else is doing that

in the Wizengamot chambers! Even the so called Progressives are doing

nothing but letting the Ministry and the Traditionalist run roughshot over the

country! No, if the Ministry wants to shut me up on some bogus treason

charges for calling them out on their racist, discriminatory policies against

those who aren't 'pure enough' even when it is proven that muggles can't have

magic then by all means, they can try!"


These are concerning words but are they concerning words of a concerned yet

determined man or words that unnecessary and serve to fuel the growing


Stay tuned for more breaking news!

12th of November 1952

Daily Prophet


By: Rupert Scrimgeour

In what Minister Lowe hails as 'excellent policing by a strong Auror force', a

series of arrests have been made during a scandalous protest that disrupted

law abiding citizens from shopping peacefully yesterday afternoon…

26th of November 1952

International Magical Press



By: Hubert Higgins

As the nation is rocked by nearly a month of protests against the current

administrations, matters escalated on the 26th of November as messy duels

broke out between the Aurors and the protestors resulting in at least five

injured innocent bystanders.

One shopkeeper who prefers to keep his name out of the papers had this to say

"They were behaving well. They hardly disrupted the quiet high street on this

morning. They were mainly chanting and had signs up to protest against a,

well pardon my French, a rather ineffective and harsh Ministry!

Pah! The way those Aurors just came swooping down on those protestors

wasn't right, I tell you. They just apparated in and fired against the protestors

without warning!

I'm not happy about the way those Aurors behaved, especially once they

stunned those poor folk and dragged them away. Seems to me there might be

some truth in what they saying!"

This latest incident returns us to the questions that were raised several years

ago about the status of the Auror Department and whether the cuts in

personnel has led to a loss of experienced aurors who could have deal with

matters better…

30th of November 1952

International Magical Press



By: Jules Jebbins

In what seems to be an escalation of disquieting proportions, the once protests

have begun to turn into what seems to be a growing storm of unrest as Aurors

led dozens of raids in the past two weeks leading to over sixty individuals to be

arrested including several prominent members of society such as Potion Master

Angelus Eibon who has been charged for 'aiding and abetting a rebellious

organisation known as the Order of the Phoenix'!

Lord Lestrange had this to say "The Ministry is only escalating the situation

when it should have been de-escalating it. It's handling the situation poorly

and it is just reflective of its current predicament."

Over sixty individuals were arrested in…

11th of December 1952

Daily Prophet



By: Rupert Scrimgeour

Last night, Minister Lowe held a press conference and had this to say "The

issues that has gripped our society has deep roots, roots that Mr Sayre has

inflicted on this proud nation. I can understand people are unhappy with the

current state of affairs but the damage done will take time to solve and it does

not help for people to unlawfully cause havoc on the nation with these riots

which is worsening the economy.

I implore people to come to the Auror Department with any information about

these miscreants and I ask for your patience. We will get through this."

Minister Lowe

This comes after…

18th of December 1952

International Magical Press




By: Hubert Higgins

22nd of December 1952

International Magical Press



By: Jules Jebbins

25th of December 1952

Daily Prophet




By: Cordelia Smith

5th of January 1953

Daily Prophet




By: Barnabas Cuffe

10th of January 1953

International Magical Press



By: Jules Jebbins

15th of January 1953

Daily Prophet



By: Cordelia Smith

22nd of January 1953

International Magical Press


By: Hubert Higgins

30th of January 1953

Daily Prophet



By: Rupert Scrimgeour

2nd of February 1953

International Magical Press




By: Jules Jebbins

9th of February 1953

Daily Prophet



By: Cordelia Smith

14th of February 1953

Daily Prophet



20th of February 1953

International Magical Press



22nd of February 1953 – Malfoy Manor

Arcturus Black POV

His cold gaze fell upon her as she sat across from him.

She was the picture of calmness, her expression fixed in coolness as her

dark eyes radiated out from her pale flawless porcelain skin.

Oh how he hated the bitch, how much he wanted to let loose a damn

killing curse just so he could wipe that tiny curl of the lips and savour the

look of fear before she died.

But they were sworn to ancient guest rights and he would not be the one

to violate it as much as he wanted to.

No…he'd leave the violation to her.

It was what she was good at.

He knew she was heavily involved in what was going now, the anarchy

that had befallen Magical Britain but there was nothing that even

suggested a Merlin-damned link between the half-blood and those filthy


Not even to those blood traitor filths who are more of a problem than the

mudbloods were!

Yet he was powerless to stop it.

The Ministry was but a step away from falling apart, his own faction was

growing uneasy and traitorous and the progressives were not much better


Yet the Ouroboros faction was calm, united and had been, more

importantly and for the most part, silent.

Until recently.

Lords within the faction had been quietly seeking out other seat holders

to test the waters, to slither into their embrace and offer poisonous


He suppressed a snarl.

He interrogated Lord Avery and find out what they were planning and he

despised the fact that it would likely mean that they would succeed, at

least in the short term.

How long have they been working on this?

Since Sayre had been exiled?

Or even before that? When Ouroboros had been formed?

In principle, he did not disagree with what they were offering.

But in principle he was loathed to let her succeed.

Whilst the Black family was far from destitute, in the past few years they

had spent millions of galleons propping up the Ministry giving them

unprecedented political power but…

The damn Ministry was a sieve, a bottomless money pit that was unable

to deal with the economic crisis with any kind of competence.

He had his suspicions on how that came to be but once again, he would

never be able to prove it, not without forcing down veritaserum down

their wretched gullets.

He'd been surprised when none of the families that were members of the

Ouroboros faction bought controlling shares – or any shares – in

businesses in Magical Britain when the opportunity had arisen.

Yet now he likely knew why that was. With the way the Ministry was

structured, the incredibly low rates the Wizengamot Houses paid in taxes,

effectively what they had done was rip out the major income of galleons.

Where before businesses paid forty percent tax, now they paid two percent.

They were never going to fill that deficit, not without major conflict

breaking out amongst the noble families.

To even suggest they give up the businesses they purchased would only

result in Lords breaking away from his faction and making it damn easier

for them to join the bitch.

He suspected that she had agents in the Department of Company and

Taxation for years, the central department that dealt with the registrar of

companies, where all companies file annual financial statements, and

with the taxation of both businesses, individuals and households, they

would have had critical information they would need to cripple the


He knew now that the Department had encouraged Traditionalist

members, and certain Progressive Lords, to sweep in and buy out entire

businesses, all adding up to a Ministry that was struggling to pay for the

pitiful Auror force that barely could contend with rabble and mudbloods

with how many veterans and high ranking, high salaried aurors had been

let go at the onset of the economic crisis.

Even the higher import tax and tariffs did little to turn things around –

not when the rampant corruption had resulted in several high ranking

Ministry officials pocketing hundreds of thousands of galleons – and in

fact only resulted in worsening relations with several European


If only he had known what game they were playing, then.

He expected her to be brutish, to be a Dark Lady pretender in the mould

of Morgana, of Grindelwald, an insane whore with too much power who

didn't know her place.

Yet she was outplaying them in a way that was worthy of the name she

barely had the right to bear.

He grimaced internally.

Their victory against Sayre had made them overconfident and they

missed far too much.

Sayre wanted to fundamentally change Magical Britain from what it was

and had promised to be an existential threat to them all.

He expected her to be the same only with force and wielding a wand

instead of using the public sphere to win yet…that had not been true.

And it drove him and Cassie furious once he had come to realise was she

wasn't behaving as he expected her to.

He thought all of this philanthropist nonsense was something Sayre had

persuaded her to do yet it was something she was entirely driving herself.

And it worked in a way he had never expected.

She insulated herself against what Sayre had done, successfully preventing

people from associating her from the actions of Sayre that had ruined this


The threat of what she would do with Hogwarts would have been empty

had it not meant that the Ministry would have faced hundreds if not

thousands of furious purebloods who benefitted directly from her


The ICW had been ready to intervene on their say-so but the risk was too

high and none wanted to risk conflict that could have escalated into a

civil war within every part of society.

Perhaps they should have he thought bitterly. At least then it would have

been on his terms and not like on hers like it was now.

They were breaking Magical Britain at the fault lines that had been left

behind by Sayre and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

It was infuriating and for the first time in as many years he could

remember, he felt outplayed.

The grip that he was holding onto the Traditionalist faction was slipping

and it didn't help that the bitch was a damn Archmage, one that was as

Dark as her cursed forbearer.

He had never been blind to the sympathies and allegiances of the heirs of

his allies and had worked to ensure they did not abandon the faction to

join hers but it seemed like it would be all for naught.

The fact that he was here meeting her, in the home of what should have

been a firm ally instead of a neutral ground was telling.

He snarled internally.

Slippery traitorous lot of them, those Malfoys.

"So you've come to bargain." She said without inflection or hint of

emotion in her voice as she broke the tense silence, said in a way that

was as dead and empty as her black eyes were.

"Bargain?" He scowled, his stare piercing down at her.

Her eyes shimmered as the ends of her blood red lips curled upward even

more "What else would you call this meeting?" she leaned forward "You

are here to bargain with me to retain a sliver of power when Ouroboros

will be asked to fix this mess you helped made."

"I made?" Arcturus stood up, his face contorting in a hateful snarl. For

years, the bitch just wouldn't disappear to the filthy muggle sewage she

came from.

For years, she stymied any attempts of removing her from the lofty

position she planted herself in, even after he focused entirely on her after

he'd gotten the Sayre family out.

Not even the subtlest form of assassination worked and the last time he

thought of other means of forcing her to bend like the whore she was,

Sayre had sent him a message, one that had stayed any forms of

retribution through the weak links that might have been bound to her.

The hatred he felt for this woman, the slow but certain usurpation she

was committing of the Black family's claim as the Darkest family that

ruled all others…

What she made him do to his own son…

"Yes." She said simply unfazed by the magic that boiling off of him as she

slid a strand of hair behind her ear, her cool dark eyes gazing at him

impassively. "You have acted against myself and Atticus again and again,

hindering, sabotaging even directly acting against us and all that is

happening is partly because of you." Her smile was now acidic, her blood

red lips growing to a vile smile.

"All because you acted out as if we slighted you."

Arcturus laugh was cold and it reverberated across the room as he sent a

withering look "You did slight me. As did your husband." He said with a

mocking smile.

Her smile fell off and he felt a deep sense of satisfaction at it but he

wasn't done "Your husband slighted me and every noble family with what

he planned to do, he even slighted his ancestors as he turned his back on

his noble heritage! And you…" he said with a violent rumble in his throat

as he sat back down.

"You made this personal." Arcturus growled out as he placed his hands on

the table.

"Ah…that." She said with the barest of movements of her facial muscles.

"I see you still hold a grudge over what you did to your own son and

heir." She said with faux innocence.

Arcturus resisted the urge to let fly a killing curse as he acidly narrowed

his eyes. "What I did?" he growled out, the rumbling in his throat added a

dangerous and harsh undertone to his words. "You twisted my heir into a

damn slave."

One that would have gotten House Black vassalised to House Slytherin once

he'd passed!

"Is that what you see my friends as?" She spoke again, her melodic voice

was insidious with how beautiful it sounded.

"Orion was a dear friend of mine, Lord Black, never a slave. I resent such

statements." She said as her eyes lit up in cruel mockery "He was perhaps

too heavily dedicated to our…friendship…but he was still himself" her

eyes were now sharp and cutting in their cruelty as her beauty twisted to

show the evil that lay behind that thin veil.

"You could not say that now can you?" she continued as she poked at him

with false insincerity, false concern "I hear that he is little better than

Walburga's pet with how…docile he is now."

In a blink of an eye, he unholstered his wand and the tip of his wand

crackled with a sickly green glow.

She remained unfazed as she met his gaze unflinchingly.

They stared at each for what seemed an age, his wand tip levelled

directly at her forehead until…finally, the boiling anger in his chest

simmered into a cool hatred and he put away his wand as he sat down.

"What do you want?" he asked coldly and curtly.

At this her eyes began to glow, a caustic black blue, one that seemed like

it could strip flesh from bones had it been a liquid dripped onto skin

"What we all wantsss..." She began, her words stretched and tinged with a

sibilant undertone.


Arcturus narrowed his gaze "What are you blathering about?"

She leaned back in her chair, her eyes still aglow as her face twisted in an

angry distaste, one that seemed break through what had been an

antagonistic approach this this…ceasefire.

"Do you know that as we speak, the Statute of Secrecy is shattering even

more than already is?"

Arcturus' eyes widened momentarily before he coldly demanded


Her eyes narrowed momentarily at the demand but she spoke anyway

"The muggle government has over a dozen traitors working with their

military and their scientists and they have wizards spying on us. I'm not

certain yet how long it has been going on but I believe it may have been

since before the Grindelwald war."

"Impossible" Arcturus denied. They would have known. They would have


"I'm surprised" she purred "That the great Black spy network is unable to

find out that Underhill, our attache to the Royal family is comprised and

has been for years." She said with a mocking tone in her voice before her

expression shifted to cool seriousness.

"Through him the muggles have found about our supposed treachery and

lack of allegiance to the Crown. You know more about that than I do,

Lord Black." She said with an amused smile.

Arcturus scowled.

Of course he did. His family had made sure that Queen Victoria and her

descendants were unable to wield the power granted to them by ancient

covenants many centuries ago.

Their allegiance to the Crown had ended after the Statute and it was

unthinkable that a muggle could wield power in their world to the extent

that family could.

Over the centuries they whittled down any avenue of that family into the

magical world to the point that they were only allowed to know as little

as possible – their allegiance allowed them that much

"They have recruited more than a dozen now amongst their spy

organisation and it is a near certainty that they are partly responsible for

the rise of the Isonomian Movement."

Arcturus shook his head "I cannot believe this."

Her hand went into her pocket and she threw a file onto the table and it

slid across to him.

He scowled at her as he looked at her coldly "How do I not know that this

isn't doctored?"

"You don't" she said with a shrug. "I am willing to take a vow that it is

not doctored and that what I am telling about the traitors to the magical

world is true." She said calmly.

"Swear it." He demanded and she pulled out her wand and swore the


He narrowed his gaze and felt the oath settling in. Reluctantly he began

reading and what followed rocked his entire notion of what was reality.

"This…" Arcturus trailed off as he looked over the images of the guns

with runes etched onto the surfaces, runes that would make what was

already deadly weapons into absolutely lethal ones.

"We have traitors to the magical world." She simply said.

"Underhill is a pureblood…" Arcturus murmured.

Why would he betray their world?

She laughed coldly as she stared at him with black eyes "You

underestimate the muggles and their ruthlessness in obtaining


"At least when it comes to Underhill." Her eyes darkened "It wouldn't

surprise me if they somehow managed to get the upper hand on him.

From there.." she opened up her arms as if to signal how easily they

would find invading the magical world like she claimed they did.

He wanted to deny it but he couldn't see the angle of why she would. Nor

could he discount the oath she swore.

"What do you mean security?" He finally asked.

Her smile was cold. "Do you think this would have happened if we did

what most other wise Ministries do with magical children? If we had not

allowed this issue of blood purity to fester to the point that they could

use it to instigate civil war?"

"You want to initiate what your husband championed." He simply stated.

Sayre wanted to rid every shackle of the muggle world from the magical


A worthy cause but one that was ultimately doomed to fail. The blood

traitors in the Ministry and amongst the Progressive would never have

stood for it.

It would have caused far too much unrest if his measures had passed,

measures that included informing families of the magical world as soon

as underage magic was detected and effectively make them part of the

magical world.

It would have allowed more time for mudbloods to familiarise themselves

with the magical world whilst also ensuring an eye could be kept to the

families of the mudbloods.

It was a decent idea but one that would have also costed significant

amount of galleons and manpower.

In the end, it was doomed to fail.

"No." she said calmly as she stared at him. "We'll go further."

His eyes narrowed "You want to go the route of taking magical children

away from their families?"

"When the other option is risking the destruction of the Statute of

Secrecy, just as what is happening now, extreme measures are required."

She calmly said before she leaned forward. "We may fix this now but in

two decades time, in five, in ten?"

She shook her head. "These magicals born out of squibs will keep being

born in the muggle world and one day it might expose us in a way that

we can't stop. And even then…it might not be enough."

"Do you think that the British muggle government are the only ones that

employing magicals in their clandestine operations?" She said with a cool

tone, her lips curling in an almost grim fashion.

"You've heard the rumours of the Russian magicals aiding the Soviet

Communists, I'm sure." She said with a tilt of the head.

Cassie had mentioned that there were rumours amongst the ICW about

the likelihood of magicals aiding the Russian muggles.

The fact that the whore knew rankled him and more than a little worried

him. It spoke of her abilities to ferret out secrets that had taken decades

for their family to set up.

"I have." He said simply "The ICW is dealing with it." That was true at


She inclined her head, her expression remaining unchanged "True but

they underestimate the muggles and the pervasiveness of their nature."

"I find it laughable that you speak to me about muggles in this manner.

Are you not the one who claims that we are superior to them to all of

your followers?" Arcturus asked coolly.

"I am" she said unfazed as she leaned back in her chair, her right leg

crossing over her left "and yet it does not detract from the truth. Are we

not superior to Dragons? Smarter and more capable? Yet can a single

dragon not defeat a dozen wizards despite our intellect and capabilities?

Are they not more destructive?" she posed to him with a mocking smile

before it fell away, a cold sneer marring her face

He remained silent to that. He was not as ignorant to the threat of the

muggles as some may believe. For all of their inferiority they were a stark

threat to the magical world.

Even when they had little more than little sticks that fired little balls that

would take minutes to reload they were a threat.

When they only had bows and arrows, spears and swords, they were a


Most magicals were pitiful and never used their magic at the same level

they did once they were in magical schooling.

Their skills atrophied as they aged, as their inherited power lay largely

unused except to conduct everyday mindless household tasks or


It had been like that since the beginning of dawn. There was a reason

why families like House Black…House Nott, House Bones and so on were


Magical families of limited talent or drive sought the protection of those

who could provide it and had the strength to stand up against hostile


That meant that were few families that could truly stand up and lead

against hordes of hostile muggles.

With how drained most noble families were of members, it was bad news.

Very bad news.

Between the years 1000 and in the mid 1500s, most magical families

could have claimed members of over thirty and that was without

considering branch families that took up different names.


House Black had three magical scions in his sons Orion and Cygnus and

his nephew Alphard.

None of whom have any male heirs with only Cygnus having a newly

born daughter in Andromeda.

This was the case for many other families.

That meant a strong Ministry was vital.

If things were as dire as they seemed, and they were dire, they were in

imminent danger.

The Ministry was in no condition to sort out this mess and should they go

to the ICW they would never leave.

The agreement they had with them had only covered conflict with either

or both of Sayre and the half blood.

Should they find out the Statute of Secrecy was breached in a worse way

than even in China…

But why would the muggles involve themselves in our own conflict? His eyes

widened and they snapped towards her.

"They are seeking to directly rule over us." He simply stated and she

smiled coldly.

"Yes. Instigate unrest before coming in and appearing as 'saviours' whilst

installing a puppet regime that is beholden to the muggles." Her eyes


"And if you're wondering why now, well..." she smiled thinly as she

continued "The moment they found out about Grindelwald and what he'd

done and planned to do was the moment they were set against us."

He remained silent for a moment as he weighed up his options.

"How do I know you won't turn against me once you've gotten your pawn

as Minister?" he asked curtly.

"Why would I turn against my allies, Lord Black?" she asked in return, her

blood red lips curling with dark humour.

Arcturus snorted as he leaned back, his gaze fixed on her. "Not good


He narrowed his gaze "I want your guarantee you will not act against

House Black."

She tilted her head, her black eyes seemingly boring into him "You want

to extend the ceasefire." She simply stated.

"Yes. Into a permanent peace."

She narrowed her gaze. "I didn't think you were capable of setting aside

your personal grudges." She commented idly.

He chuckled coldly "Oh, I am not. Not usually. But this is a problem that

supersedes any grudges." He might not act against her…or his House but

that did not mean there were not any other matters he could…pretend not

to know about and allow to happen.

She said nothing for a moment. "Very well. But in return I expect the

Traditionalist faction to not oppose any of my measures."

"Your measures?" Arcturus smiled coolly.

"Ouroboros and I are one and the same."

Yes…they most certainly were. After all, she was a snake that would

devour itself for any measure of success.

"As long as they don't impede on our rights I don't see that as an issue, at

least for now." Arcturus conceded before he continued "However…I want

those mudbloods, those traitorous scum and the rebels dead" he said with

a narrowed gaze.

"I can accept that." She said as she stood up.

Her eyes glittered with amusement "Shall we shake on it?"

He sneered at her and got up. "I will send the documents to you to sign of

our…peace." He said distastefully before he walked out of the private


As he descended down the stairs, Septimus Malfoy was waiting for him.

"Has an accord been reached?"

'As if you hadn't charmed the room let you hear everything' Arcturus snorted

to himself. "Yes." He said curtly as he stopped before the man. "Do not

think House Black will forget this…favour."

Septimus' smug expression disappeared and a flicker of fear came across

his face before he composed himself. "Noted, my Lord." Septimus said


Arcturus snorted before he simply walked past the man towards the floo.

He grabbed a handful of floo powder and went back home.

Hours later…

"Morgana…" Cassie whispered as she left the pensieve, her expression


Arcturus' eyes flickered towards his son who was almost as distressed as

his sister was.

He'd shown them both the meeting – of course he excluded the parts of

when they spoke about what he'd done to his son even if the dark

memory suppression mind magic should prevent him from retaining

anything related to that event – and waited for them.

"Well?" he asked impatiently.

Cassie snapped out of her thoughts and turned to him "You should not

have offered her peace" she spat out.

"Even in the face of muggle aggression? Aggression that could doom us

with the state we're in?" he asked evenly.

She snarled and walked towards her seat and sunk into it.

"I despise the whore." She simply grouched.

His son walked over and sat in the other seat before he spoke up "Why

hasn't she acted?"

Arcturus turned to his son, surprise etched on his face.

Cassie cackled mirthfully "Why would she?" she said as she turned to


"What benefit" she spat out "Would she have in eliminating the threat they

pose when she could use it to maximise her gains as she is now?"

"Still…" Arcturus murmured "It is an unacceptable risk."

Cassie smiled grimly "And why would she care of the risk to Magical

Britain? When she could go to wherever he took thousands of magicals?"

Silence reigned for several minutes.

Charlus' words on what the man had likely done was something that he

tried hard to ignore.

"We keep underestimating her." Cassie finally said before she

straightened up. "No more."

"We can't do anything to jeopardise the peace." Arcturus warned.

Cassie turned to him and sent him a withering look "Of course." She said

mockingly "The peace." She said with a sweet smile etched on her face

before it fell away and a cold look replaced it "As if that will stop the

enmity between our Houses." She shook her head.

"You may plan to bound our family to a peace but that does not mean we

are not enemies." Cassie said with a sigh. "Anyway…" she said as she got


"It seems like I have some work to do." She scoffed "I knew filthy

mudbloods couldn't be trusted." She muttered as she walked out of the


Son and father remained behind, both stewing on the happenings of the


"Father…" Orion began and Arcturus turned to him, a steely expression

on his face.

"What does this mean with our agreements with the ICW?" he asked


Arcturus said as he swiped his hand across his face.

The agreements with the ICW had been to corner Riddle and use her to

find out where Sayre was.

He knew they were tracking Sara Beauclerc and Benedict Sayre but the

political situation and immunity they had as direct offspring and parent

of the President of the ICW made it into a situation that could spiral out

of control against a powerful united MACUSA whereas with Riddle…

That was different.

And unfortunately it seemed like their dealing with the ICW would have

to come to an end.

"It means we're done with them. At least for now." He told his son as he

got up tiredly.

"For now, we are tied irrevocably with her." He said with a grimace.

In some ways he was relieved. She was an archmage that kept outplaying

him in his own field of expertise.

Now that they reached an accord, he could breathe a little easier for the

safety of his family.

He shook his head. It was far from time to relax he thought as he left the



2nd of March 1953

Fleamont Potter POV

"We cannot agree!" Lord Smith said with a scowl as he slammed the butt

of the cane on the marble floor.

Fleamont sat back in his chair, his hands in front of his mouth as he

remained silent in the discord before him. He was here with Lords

Abbott, Bones, Longbottom, Prewett and Smith to discuss the…offer Lord

Abbott had been given.

"We may not have a choice." Lord Bones said calmly as he stared at Lord


"I cannot believe Lord Black would completely reverse course" Lord

Prewett said with a shake of the head "Not after all that he's done to aid

the removal of the Sayres"

"Why not?" Lord Longbottom growled, anger etched on his face.

Longbottom had almost broken away from the near millennia long

alliance he had with several of the Progressive Houses when it was clear

that they would join forces with the Traditionalist in combatting the

Sayre in any means necessary.

He wasn't sure what made Longbottom stay but if rumours were true

Atticus Sayre had asked him not to get involved.

To ask your allies to abandon you when you needed them the most did

not make sense…but it did if Charlus' suspicions were right…

That Sayre never intended to stay long term and that everything he had

done was to get people to leave with him.

"That snake would sell his own soul for power perhaps even that of his

son's!" Longbottom said with a harsh laugh "You all know the rumours of

what Black had done to his own son to make sure he kept control over

his own heir."

Fleamont grimaced.

The rumours had started not long after Heir Black had returned to

Hogwarts with a changed personality…and changed memories.

According to the rumours it hadn't been noticeable at first but it seemed

as any interactions the young man might have had with Slytherin was

altered heavily…misremembering events at best and at worst…well…

"It should not surprise you that the bastard made a deal with the

Ouroboros to deal with this mess" Longbottom said with a dismissive

wave of the hand "And truthfully, I don't blame him." He said with a

scowl as he peered at them all.

"It's not as if we're likely to do any better if our track record is anything to

go by." Longbottom added scornfully and Fleamont sighed.

It was going to be a long meeting.

Hours later…

Fleamont sunk into his comfortable chair as a hand with a glass full of

firewhiskey entered his line of sight. He looked up and saw his brother

looking at him with a commiserate look on his face.

"I might just abdicate in favour for yourself than to deal with something

like that again" he said with a sigh as he took the glass and took a large

gulp of the drink.

Charlus grimaced "No thanks. I'm happy just being the reluctant heir." He

said cheerfully and Fleamont chuckled before it ebbed away and a

morose expression fell on his face as he stared at his drink.

"That bad?" Charlus asked quietly and Fleamont looked up and saw his

brother's concerned expression.

"Yes." He said with a sigh "The offer that Ouroboros has given us is good

but it is meaningless once they get their man as Minister and the backing

they'll get from the Traditionalists."

"What's the offer?" Charlus asked after a moment.

Fleamont told her brother and after several moments had passed his

brother spoke up again

"The traditionalists agreed to it?" Charlus asked bewildered.

Fleamont smiled grimly "They did though the reason they might have is

that Ouroboros offered to pay them the same amount they paid for the

businesses they effectively ruined."

"Bribes." Charlus said with a distaste.

Fleamont inclined his head "Effectively." He agreed "However Ouroboros

also intends to return those businesses to their original owners in return

for higher taxes over a set period of time." Fleamont drank of his glass as

he paused speaking for a moment.

He continued "That would reduce the deficit massively and with some of

the projected earnings Ouroboros estimates the Ministry to be gaining

with their initiatives, within six months the Ministry would be in a stable

condition. Something they might even help along if they took over the

debts the Goblin Nations holds over the Ministry."

"That would give them unprecedented control over the Ministry." Charlus

pointed out.

"Yes." Fleamont said with a sigh "That would be the case." He peered at

Charlus "And at present they are also the only ones that the public will

accept being in power even if we promised to do all that Ouroboros

promises to do."

Charlus scowled for a moment before it faded away "I can understand

that" he said tiredly "There hasn't been a violent outbreak for nearly two

weeks now, not since Ouroboros broke their silence." He said with


Fleamont stared at his brother for a few seconds "Has there been any

evidence?" he asked.

Charlus shook his head "Nothing. No links between the Isonomian

Movement or the Order of the Phoenix and Ouroboros." Charlus said

disappointedly "Even the ones we caught and interrogated with

veritaserum got us nothing." Charlus' expression darkened ever so slightly

as his eyes showed something disturbing.

"But you found something?" Fleamont pressed slightly.

Charlus looked up and met his gaze. It seemed as he was struggling on

the decision on to tell him or not. Eventually Charlus decided "Yes." He

said hesitantly.

Fleamont waved his brother along with patience.

Charlus grabbed the bridge of his nose for a moment before he brushed

his hair back with his hand and sighed as he met Fleamont's gaze "There

is evidence…" he pursed his lips as tension filled his expression "that the

muggles might be involved."

Fleamont's eyes widened "What?!"

Charlus then took the time to explain and Fleamont crashed into his seat.

"And nothing leads us to this…muggle group?" he asked his brother


Charlus scowled and shook his head "No. It seemed like the vast majority

of information is constrained to this Michael Enoch and a few others…

none of whom we have in our custody."

"Merlin…" Fleamont whispered. This was bad. "How many know?"

"At the moment only the Director of the MLE and a few other key

Department heads." Charlus smiled thinly "the Former Minister Lowe

hadn't needed to know."

Fleamont remained for a while. "This changes everything…" he

murmured as he trailed his hand across his face. He met the gaze of his

brother "We need the Ministry back in order as soon as possible. We need

to find out how far this all goes."

Charlus nodded "The Director has already made this a priority. Half the

reason why we've been so…zealous…against the Isonomian Movement

has to do with this."

Fleamont stared at his brother disapprovingly "And it is also half the

reason why this completely spiralled out of control!"

Charlus glared at him "We are the only reason why this hasn't gotten bad

enough to devolve into a bigger conflict. We are preventing them from

gathering in public, preventing them to spread their chaos amongst the


Fleamont shook his head "And yet it seemed to be to no avail given how

much the public has been supporting them."

"They support the Order of the Phoenix." Charlus corrected "People who

are like them, not these muggleborns."

"Squib-descendants" Fleamont corrected distractedly as he thought on the

Order of the Phoenix.

They were the major reason as to why so much compromise was going

around. Most of them were from pureblood or half-blood households and

worked in a way that had the public very much on their side…even to

the point of demanding a change of how the government worked!

It was honestly disturbing how effective they were.

He drank of his firewhiskey to the last drop and got up "I'm turning in for

the night." He stopped as he glanced at his brother "Will Dorea be here

tomorrow for dinner?" They usually had dinner twice a week together.

Charlus got up as well "Yes. The past few weeks have been quieter at St.

Mungos so I doubt she'll have to work late." He confirmed and Fleamont

nodded before he bid his brother farewell.


16th of March 1953 – The Leaky Cauldron

Rupert Scrimgeor POV

"The Chudley Cannons continued their spiral towards the bottom of the table

with the demoralising loss against the Appleby Arrows…"

He tuned out the rest of the Quidditch Recap Show that was playing on

the T.W. as he necked down the last of his pint, his gloomy mood unable

to disappear.

He ordered another one and watched the people in the pub with weary

eyes. He wasn't the only one that was gloomy or tense.

Recent months had raked up tensions to its highest that was only recently

subsiding, the long inactions of the Wizengamot and the economic

downturn that plagued Magical Britain for years enhanced what had

previous lain below the surface of the black sea, what had been


The inequalities of life.

There had been a quiet discontent amongst the populace before it all

went wrong, that had been waiting for a spark, a spark that the smart

people had been dreading, dreading that it would get worse.

And things had gotten worse.

The end of Grindelwald's war was meant to be the turn of a long

prosperous peace yet, he thought grimly, it seemed like those had been

the good days, the days of when the collective fear of the war arriving on

the shores of Britain kept the long held divisions and anger at bay, of

when there was a sense of unity.

Something that had been shattered and crumbled in the past seven, six

years starting when muggleborns suddenly no longer were 'born from

muggles' and became politically powerful.

The Hero of Magical Britain who saved Britain from the 'dastardly'

Grindelwald had been chased away and in his wake left economic ruin

where before Britain had flourished.

In that ruin came a morally bankrupt Ministry too incompetent to get out

of the mess it created. A Ministry that was embattled now with riots and

perhaps in reality a rebellion.

Merlin how did it get so bad? He wondered.

At least now with the Ministry effectively crippled and a change of

government imminent, he no longer had to bow to their decrees and


He had hated the 'Ministry approved' stamps that forced him to write

what they wanted and how they wanted it.

To this day he had no idea how the noble families allowed the Ministry

to take control of Daily Prophet.

Actually he did know. They feared Atticus Sayre more than anything else

and were willing to do anything, allow anything.

In some ways, he had sympathies with the cries of the rebels, of wishing

to tear down the corrupt Ministry and rebuilding into something that did

more than cater to the nobles who were almost as responsible for this

mess as the Ministry was.

He knew Sayre had been taking things too far and perhaps it was for the

best he left but what the Ministry did after Sayre left with his wealth was


Sad fact was that it was probably in part completely due to


At least Lowe was ousted now and Crabshaw, a member of the Ouroboros

faction, was set to be sworn in.

It seemed like the promises the Ouroboros were making had calmed

things down a bit. There hadn't been a conflict between the Ministry and

the rebels since they began to speak publically.

They made a lot of promises, promises such as equality and abolishing of

discriminatory policies and heavy investment by the Ouroboros in fixing

the economy, an investment of twenty million galleons if the figures were


Merlin, what he'd do with that much money…

In any case, it seemed like things might turn out to be alright.

The door jingled and a messily dressed boy stormed in, his eyes wide as

he looked around until they fell upon him, his eyes widened more as he

recognised him and paced quickly towards him.

"You're late" Rupert said gruffly as he stared at the young man.

"Sorry" Pyrites said a little abashed as he plodded down opposite him in

the seat of the corner booth they were at, one that had a little more

privacy than the rest of the pub.

The waitress arrived and handed his second pint of the day. "Before you

go" he said stopping her from leaving "Can you put on the Wizen-Watch?"

She looked at from him a moment before her eyes went to the clock and

after seemingly mulling it over for a moment nodded.

He thanked her with a lazy gesture and she left.

"Isn't a bit early? It's only 10 in the morning" he said with wide eyes as he

glanced at the pint of beer.

"It's evening somewhere in the world" he said in a deadpan before he

drank of his beer, closing his eyes in pleasure as he did so.

"R-Right…" Pyrites said a little unsure.

Rupert looked at the young man for a moment. Theodore Pyrites had

been a friend of Atticus Sayre during their days at Hogwarts and had

chosen to become a reporter at the Daily Prophet.

One might think there was something suspicious going on there but it

seemed to be have been of his own volition especially after he'd made

some decent contributions to the paper about the man though he kept

private associations with the man to himself.

Rupert at least could respect that even if at times Pyrites was a


He glanced at the T-Watch, a knock off version of the M-Vision and saw

things were being set up.

It seemed like every Lord or Lady was attending the ceremony today.

Rupert scoffed. No one wanted to miss this today.

Not when the tentative peace was on the line.

"Do you think it will last?" Pyrites asked.

He turned to the young man. "The peace?" he muttered and Pyrites

nodded slowly.

"I don't know." Rupert said after a moment. "In truth I never expected

that it would get so bad so quickly and so…effective."

"You think there's a lot more to it?" Pyrites said with a shine in his eyes.

Rupert said nothing as he turned his gaze towards the screen. He did

think there was something more to it…his nose was telling him so.

Of course his wife would say he was just smelling the dragon dung that

was his mind was conjuring up but it was a real thing.

The thing was…

He was directionless. His nose was directionless…as if it was surrounding

him completely rather than leading him to a specific location.

"Most things have more to it than meets the eye, Pyrites" He said as he

stared at the screen "Now be quiet, I'm watching the screen" he said to

the young man.

He gestured towards the barmaid to up the volume and he listened as he

watched the swearing in ceremony be conducted.

There was light applause and soon enough, Crabshaw was in his seat in

the Wizengamot.

As the man spoke up with a certain eloquence suddenly he was

interrupted as someone leapt from the top part of the visiting gallery and

grabbed one of the aurors that had been too lax.

"What?" Pyrites exclaimed and he wasn't the only one. The pub's noise

picked up substantially as the man held a wand against the Auror's neck

and etched closer to the central part of the chamber.

"Surrender" "Cease or I will fire!" the voices of the aurors were ever more

harsh until one of them fired a Reductor at the man's feet and the man


"Let him go. NOW" the Aurors barked out but it was to no avail.

"What is going on?" Pyrites asked confused. "What is the point of that?

Doesn't he realise that even if he gets a spell off he'll never get away?"

Rupert said nothing as he watched the screen with avid eyes.

The man began to speak. "Just as a Phoenix rises out of the Ashes reborn

from the waste of the old, so too will a government wiped clean from its sins

for I and my comrades are the destroyers of false hope and the TRUE


The man began to glow and an awful ripple of explosions rocked their

screen as hurried cries were drowned out by the sounds of overwhelming


The Leaky Cauldron was deathly silent, the sounds of the crackling fires

and the eerie faint sounds of pained moans and distant cries of pain was

all that could be heard until…

Until the smoke, the dust, whatever it was began to clear from the screen

and what he was seeing now shook him to the core.

"Merciful Merlin…" Rupert whispered, his voice hollow as he stared at

the carnage, the rivers of blood that splattered down in every crumbled


Body parts could be seen in the blown apart far from any body it

belonged to just as bodies lay below crumbled stones.

And, in the distance, he could see some survivors as shield protected some

pockets of surviving people but they were few.

He saw in the neutral faction there were more survivors, Lady Slytherin

was obvious to see but even they suffered more deaths than there had

survived. In the Progressives, he could see Lords Longbottom and Potter

and a few others whilst in the traditionalist section…there were hardly

any standing.


There were a hundred seats within the Wizengamot yet he could only

pick out clearly less than a dozen survivors.

The gallery had fallen and suffered just as badly as the others in the


Rupert stood up and somehow managed to tear his gaze away from the

screen and turned towards Pyrites who was pale and in shock. He

glanced around and saw similar expressions, of shock, of horror.

Things could never be the same again…

He grabbed Pyrites on the shoulders and pulled him up which seemed to

draw him out of his shocked state even if he was still dazed.

"Come on kid, we need to get back to the office." He said to Pyrites who

blinked several times and nodded slowly.

"Yes" he said dazedly before he turned to the screen as Rupert dragged

the young man with him "I guess we'll need to" he said distractedly and it

seemed their movement out of the pub was enough to force others out of

their shock and the pub…

The pub descended into chaos…

And as he walked out of The Leaky Cauldron, he realised the calm in the

last few weeks might have just been the calm before the storm and


The storm was tearing into them, breaking it all apart


Twenty days after the Bombing of the Wizengamot…

Atticus sat on the highest peak of Mount Celestis, his eyes gazing down at

his country.


The history of nations was varied as the people themselves. Some were

built through fire and brimstone whilst others were built out of

commonality, through community.

Yet in all of these nations…blood, sweat and tears went into them. Their

own blood, the blood of others…the blood of innocents…

Sweat of labour, of hardship and of true belief.

Tears of pain, of joy and of relief.

"Hmm…" he let escape from the gap of his lips.

Things were falling into place.

Pieces were nudged, pieces were pushed, pieces were placed and the

portrait they created became clearer each day.

He glanced upward, towards the heavens, his eyes turning cold and


Uncountable unknowable whispers made millennia upon millennia years

ago were culminating closer and closer to reality…



Desperately, endlessly, that repeating horrific cycles of time would finally

come to an end, at least in a small insignificant way, that a minor victory

on the cosmological scale would finally come, a victory that had never

come in the billions of years of existence and in the trillions upon

trillions of years before the existence of this universe.

A desperate wish that he had come to know from the horrifying truth of

the nature of existence in this universe…of its hopelessness, of its


He closed his eyes, traversing through the flow of Living Time…

He reached out, into the Domain, linking, learning, waiting…

Remnants of images, feelings, knowledge…

All of it flowed past him and through him in the form of shards of shards

of shards, tiny quantities that held nuggets of experiences of those that

came before…those that had the fortune of escaping the abominable

endless torture many of their brethren had been unfortunate enough to

fall to yet they were far from being at peace.

For how could they…

For beyond this Milky Oasis lay a sea of monstrous uniformity, one that

continued to push and stretch into an endless sea drawing ever nearer to

the beginning of Time once again…

If he understood rightly, there were only few pockets of islands in this

terrible sea, those few lucky ones that were exempt of the painful sterility

and unending conscious torment yet…

Their time was drawing nearer.

Just like in this Oasis, there had been others strong enough to deal a blow

but at a cost of most of their existence, of their people.

Did they know their victory came because it was allowed?

That their pyrrhic victory had been allowed to pass as so enrich the

flavour, the sweetness of their existence before it passed into the Domain?

That in the end, whether or not you join the endless sea or die and join

the Domain, the same eventuality is reached?

Like crops, Life was seeded, allowed to grow ripe and tested before

consumed whole…

In one way or another…

Time and Time Again…

What a truth that was…

It was a truth that could drive entire civilisations into suicide…


There was a glimmer of hope…

A desperate hope that his people could escape…

That they could break through the Cycle…

He understood more now…

Of what it meant to be him…what it was he was to guide into existence…

At times he wondered if Moira's daughter had known what she had

tasked him…

What she expected of him…of them…

The scale in which the buried conspiracy ran…a scale he only knew a

fraction of a fraction of…

A future that ran tens of thousands of years into the future, long after he

and all he knew was gone but...

Like a cornerstone, all he was to do was to till the soil that would allow a

tree to grow, a tree that would breach the endless circle.

Though he was not certain if it would in his lifetime or if it would be

after him…

He supposed in a way it did not matter…

A wave of magic pulsed from behind him, dark and rich, overwhelming

and drowning.

Emily had arrived.

He gazed down from the sky and towards Celestis City before his eyes

trailed downwards, towards the jagged edges of the Mountain on which

he was sat perched on a peak with his feet hanging over the edge.

She sat next to him, her beautiful legs hanging over the edge just as his

own did.

He looked up, towards the stars.

He wondered if people would understand…if they wanted to understand.

Why they were doing what they were doing…

No one but Emily knew of what he had seen in Living Time, the threads

that stretched endlessly into the past and into the future, threads that

looped and looped to the point that none could know where it started…

where it ended…

Divergences, split threads, were little more than an eventuality, no

matter how improbable but in the end they also looped back to a point of

the 'main' thread…

The Domain, filled with shards of lives spent, knowledge stored, of

remnants of consciousness, had more often than not vague hints, images

or feelings, not shared without cost and each time it was shared, it would

never be the same individual again as if there was a central controller that

limited information, had given him enough to understand what it was

they were up against…

"Complete?" he asked, his gaze still remaining towards the stars.

"Purges are nearing completion and peace has been restored. All of the

Isonomian Movement and the Order have been executed. I have the

unwavering support of most of the new Lords and Ladies and almost all

of the public." She said calmly.

In the end, it had been remarkably easy to set things in motion that led to

the path of this thread.

"And?" he asked, this time somewhat quieter.

"It felt hollow" Emily said after a moment.

He hummed noncommittally.

Idly, he wondered if she saw it as a hollow victory for breaking centuries

old society so easily or because it meant little to her.

"A waste yet necessary." She said and he turned to her, their gazes


"Our best has often come after strife and loss." She said with an

expressionless look.

He smiled though he wasn't sure if it was bitter or sweet. "No matter if

we're magical or mundane"

Her expression shifted slightly as she turned away from his gaze "That is

true. We share that with them. Though our best will far exceed theirs."


Much depended on that single belief.

More than anyone could possibly know…

Atticus followed her gaze and saw the three Orbs that were dimly lit in

the same luminosity as the Moon.

He basked in the silence, in her presence.

A momentary respite of the enormity that rested on their shoulders.

He extended out his hand with the palm facing upward on his thigh and,

without turning towards him, she extended hers and met his hand before

interlacing her fingers with his.

"And so it begins…" he whispered.

"And so it begins" she agreed, though it was not with a whisper it was

quieter…quiet with heaviness in the way that the situation warranted…

…In the way destiny warranted.

For the destiny that promised to unfold itself was terrible…


But great.

7. Interlude I

Hello All, welcome back to the story!

Without further adieu, please enjoy the post. PS: if you message me

about Halo and so on, I will respond however much I can! Any of

you may message if you wish and I'll do my best to answer.

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next three chapters are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

Interlude 1:

16th of February 1944

A piece of porous rock broke away when his foot settled onto it. Atticus

stopped in his tracks, his eyes roving around, observing, scrutinising the

sight before him.

The heavy light of the floating enchanted orbs shone down from up on

high, causing some faces to gleam like dull burnt out stars under the

blazing light.

The lands of Illos…

It could not hide from the truth under the light.

It was ugly.


Rocks with edges that cut through skin with mildest of pressures, dull

bulbous unsightly surfaces that hid between those unforgiving peaks.


This only preceded what was promised…

What was to come…

He breathed in deeply, his magic allowed to permeate the world around

him and just as it expanded into the lifeless world around him, he

connected to the vast power that was within the membrane of the

universe itself and it poured in like starlight into his frame.

The emptiness melted away as the universe opened up to him, once more

profoundly immersed in the greater whole of magic, of the universe…of


Even in this disconnected place, apart from the magic that coursed

through the earth, he still sensed much.

Magic permeated the universe, it was limitless in scope and in


The currents of magic, the endless streams that touched everything and

anything shone before him, even in this lifeless place and it wasn't all that

he could See…

He breathed out and let the future fall into place.

With a ghostly shimmer, rolling hills with evergreen grass and plants

replaced the desolate land in an iridescent light, towering gleaming

buildings stood above houses, apartments and markets, filled with silent

bustling faceless people.

Illos was alive…

It had been in his dreams…

And it would be in the future…

The future and its probable possibilities had unfurled with his increasing

understanding of Living Time. He was aware of the threads that bounded

reality and he could see the paths those threads wanted to take, could


He Saw Illos in moments, in captured echoes along its gentle march

through Time to what would once be.

He shook away his Sight and the future faded away as the present settled


A present where millions of sharp, uneven glossing rocks peaked out from

destitute and hard surfaces, surfaces that were grey, black and stark,

bereft of life – save for perhaps microbial bacteria.

For now, Illos was little more than a hollow egg, sterile and unfertilised,

an empty space with kilometres of thick seamless, gleaming silvery grey

shell sheltering it.

Illos would not taste open air for some time to come, not until the

mechanisms that would open up the top half like shells sliding away were


A process that was ongoing as golems worked on cutting at specific

points by annihilating atoms on the outer surface with modified Ancient

Human beam weaponry.

It would be a year or so before the runes that were being inscribed by his

elves onto the outside surface of Illos were complete and another year

before the mechanical systems were in place that would open up the shell

and expose the surface of Illos to sunlight and the air of Earth.

Long before that point, the lands of Illos would be ready, he thought as

he stared at the current landscape.

The transfiguration array had 'turned out' the surface inward as the rest

of the asteroid had been transfigured.

It was almost as if he was walking on the surface of the Moon itself…far

from the fertile land it would one day become.

The transfiguration array had been complex enough, the transfiguration

of untold tonnes of iron and nickel into Adamantite in the desired shape

had no further leeway to also transfigure rock into soil, a complex task

that could not be so easily left to transfiguration arrays.

He wasn't sure if he could do it even if he spent over a decade working

on it, not on that scale, not without aid from Magic herself, to guide and

interpret his desires and somehow create the complex chemistry and

biology that even the most starved soil on earth would have.

It was inordinately easier to create more of something than it was to

create something from nothing or without equal sacrifice.

There was a reason why fertility rituals had mostly remained unchanged

for thousands of years and it was one of the few large scale rituals that

endured despite the widespread banning of rituals in most parts of

Europe and elsewhere.

Soil was a part of Life and the only forms of magic that could create Life

or allow Life to thrive was through one form of sacrifice or another.

He had not been keen to spend years or longer attempting to create forms

of transfiguration that violated that tenet just so that the transfiguration

array could work.

It had taken long enough to build the transfiguration array that had

created the frame of Illos, most of which had been time spent in the Time

Room in one of his trunks, and he would have delayed things far longer

than they needed to be when he had another avenue.

No, there was no reason not to do it the old fashioned way, not when

most of the time consuming work had been covered, work that had

hollowed out billions of tonnes of metallic material and transported that

material out into hidden storage facilities all around the world that

would feed a secondary factory that Moira had planned to build to

sustain the production rate they needed before and after she left for her

mission, creating the hundreds of cavities Illos would need to integrate

all of the technology that would allow it endure for millennia.

And all of that had been achieved at the same time as the array

completed the outside ovoid shape, a frame that now consisted of

hundreds of cavities that would in time be filled with systems, machinery

and technologies of all kinds…

Power systems and its infrastructure that ran along the lengths and

depths of Illos that would feed from the power plants that would nestle

in the core, the slip space drive located at its dimensional centre and its

support systems that would run along the spine of Illos, the thrusters and

engines nozzles that would protrude out through most of the outer

surfaces of Illos, the tracks just a kilometre – and in some locations

several kilometres – down from the inner surface where mithril would

eventually run through primarily as artificial leylines, all of that…and


No, he would draw inspiration of his ancestors, the mage priests that

performed rituals to keep Egypt drought free.

It was rather fitting, that despite his expertise in magic, he would draw

back towards his roots, towards his ancestors, the ancient mage priests

that performed rituals that were beautiful with its peeled simplicity that

kept Egypt drought free.

Far from his initial plans of when he intended to transfigure seawater

into rock and then into soil.

'How unrealistic was I?' he pondered in tired amusement to himself.

To transfigure rock into life sustaining earth was almost akin to creating

food. Possible yes, easy?

If only…

He reached down and picked up one of the shards of rock and looked it

over. Like most things, even the most simplest of things has a degree of

complexity to it and soil was just like that.

There was bedrock, there was parent material, subsoil, a horizon and

then there was the top soil itself which was comprised of organic matter,

silt, sand and clay which created the texture of the soil.

He smiled to himself as he stared at the rock whilst he was crouched

down near to the surface.

He rolled the piece of rock in his hand.

It had taken billions of years for life and nature to flourish on Earth and

in hundreds of millions of years since, magic had nurtured it, touched it,

resonated with it.

It had become so deeply entwined with nature that it had taken a form of

sentience, its own form of magic in nature magic and it deepened Life


Caused people, animals, nature itself, to be greatly in tune with the cycles

of Life to the point that Atlanteans could glean enough to create the

perfect symbolism in Phoenixes.

And so, Life needed the right conditions to flourish.

Life needed Death to thrive, to wither and die so that more could grow.

It also needed magic to become more.

And to bring the world to Life, he needed to sacrifice, to destroy existing

Life so that it gives opportunity for Life here on Illos to flourish.

Thankfully, the ritual did not call up any human sacrifice and instead

livestock was used. He had read allusions that the Plagues of Egypt had

been because of dabbling in human sacrifice by using Jewish people as a


He could understand how those plagues could have come to be if they'd

sacrificed even one vengeful magical who had cursed them all with his/

her sacrifice.

Goats blood would be more than enough, fortunately.

His elves had bled thousands of goats without killing them. In ancient

rituals, goats and cattle had tended to be what was sacrificed and in

ancient Egypt, in lieu of human sacrifice, it had been no different, he

thought amused.

His smile fell of his face as a mist like ghost figure appeared to walk

before him, an apparition that almost impossible to see but just enough

that you make out the outlines.

The world around him began to ebb and flow with undulating ripples

until the ghostly visage became clearer and he was amidst a bridge of a

highly advanced ship with several dozen people around him.

The atmosphere seemed rife with controlled anxiety and simmering fear.

People worked quickly as demands were worded out with a stoic

expression by a man whose face was becoming ever clearer, his ghost like

features solidifying into features that he could see…white face markings

that he could make out…

'It was getting worse' he thought with frustration as he stood back up as he

clamped down on his magic and his Sight, drawing it ever closer to


The apparitions faded away as reality settled back into existence before

his eyes, the sight of barren rock a welcome sight.

It seemed like not even staying awake could keep it at bay.

The texts that Moira's people have left behind, these Perceivers, on how to

navigate Living Time, had enhanced his Sight to the point that he could

now see the road clearer with more clarity and with active control.

A road that before had been mired with metaphors and obscuration of

most of what had laid before, only showing him the relevant sections of

the road, the obstructions of what was before him, the splits in the road,

was now clearer for the most part even if it was silent and lacked the

depth of weight of the visions he had before.

He could See the road when he looked, when he was looking at what is

and saw in the same breadth of what could be.

His mind still had trouble wrapping around the possibilities that he could

See and it was his fortune that he could unconsciously and increasingly

consciously focus on a few probable paths.

But with this deepening of the ability to traverse Time itself, somehow

came the susceptibility to the Domain itself and all its chaos…

It had been a surprise…when he had realised what was forcing him to see

all of those experiences in his dreams. He at first thought he'd found a

way of best of both worlds.

Whereas he could feel himself at times drift away as he traversed the

future in Living Time, not unlike a feather surfing on a warm summer's

wind, the Domain was akin to an elephant sitting atop a pole with its end

boring into his skull.

Even after the first few times he had experienced the experiences, it never

got easier and each time he'd experienced the same depths of emotions,

often of soul tearing horror and hopeless dismay with very little sense of

self, of who he was, resolutely becoming the one whose essence he wore…

A chaos of experiences that the Domain kept on forcing on him, one that

wreaked havoc on his slumbering – and now wakened – mind again and

again and again…

He didn't understand why…or how.

He knew his ability to traverse Living Time with growing ease had

something to do with it but why was that the trigger?

And what could a repository of knowledge want with him?

Even as he thought that, he knew it was wrong.

He knew that the Domain was more than that. His father had been real, or

real enough that it made no different…a haven for souls, of essences…

Yet what could it want?

It was these kinds of disquieting and unsettling thoughts, coupled with

the intense desire to avoid feeling so out of control in his own dreams,

that he had not slept.

Yet it had not brought him peace, not when it had begun to seep into his

conscious mind for the past few days, battling with his will and magic as

it attempted to force his consciousness to experience what it wanted him

to experience.

Shapeless forms breaking and shattering into each other, ghosts of men

and women and beings that stood sentinel over hopeless moments, sights

that drowned him as rivers of oozing fetid, rank and infectious unity

spilled over in sun blotting waves across a field of living green on which

he stood…

He closed his eyes as he tried to banish those thoughts.

Surely not…

Always it was like that, ancient happenings of desperate war against an

indomitable insatiable enemy that grew stronger as you grew weaker…

Objectively, he had discerned possibilities as to why it was showing him


It wasn't hard to understand.

But he wanted nothing to do with it.

He didn't want to know…why it kept showing him that…those ancient

conflicts that should have rid the galaxy of their menace and threat of



They were gone…


He hated the feeling of burrowing unease that he could not rip out...

He rose in the air almost frenetically, almost as if he were seeking to

outfly his troubling thoughts, his robes fluttering as he climbed and rose

several hundred metres before he begun to fly at a more sedate pace

towards another part of Illos.

His eyes roved around catching several golems shattering rock before

they would place a charged wardstone in its designated area.

The lands of Illos had an area of almost 8000 square kilometres, nearly

the size of Crete, as they adjusted the final ovoid dimensions to 83km

long and 120km at its widest, greater than the original 77km by 97km

they had originally intended by the time they finished the final

adjustments a mere few months before they transfigured the asteroid.

This was partially done to allow for greater living space on the inner

surface of Illos but also to allow for a wider body that increased the

capacity of what be lain within the cavities of Illos with future expansion

of capabilities in mind.

Not all of that inner area was just land of course as he neared towards a

body of water. It was roughly just over a thousand square kilometres and

at its deepest three kilometres deep.

The water was captured from the nearby cold arctic ocean with the use of

a modified vanishing cabinet, a simple and inexpensive way to transport

the large body of water that did need any further use of magic, and was

in the process of purification.

As he neared, he could see the grooves that were made into the surface of

the barren rocks, deep grooves that would ran throughout Illos and

where certain streams would be turned into the purest of drinking water

whilst others would be turned in the clearest streams that would reach

out and encircle the future city.

He approached one of areas marked out as a beach front where Emily


He outstretched his hands slightly as he slowed down and as he neared

her, he hovered in the air for a few seconds before he brought himself


She turned to him, her deep blue eyes that glowed brilliantly bored into

him as she looked at him.

He offered a small smile to her, once she returned as the corner of her

lips curled ever so slightly, before he walked over to her.

She broke their gaze as she returned towards the water "I have checked

and the coral groups have taken hold"

"All of them?" he questioned impressed as he turned his gaze towards the

body of water.

It had been the first thing they did before the water was transported in. It

had served as a good large scale experiment to see success or failure of

large scale fertility and eco-establishing rituals.

They'd placed wardstones from the shallow regions to the very seafloor

several kilometres down and changed the surface to match tropical and

sub-tropical seafloors.

After that, they'd taken diverse range of corals from coral reefs mostly

from South East Asia and 'grown' them in all of the shallow regions of the

inland sea where they had built substrates for the corals to grow in.

"Not all of them" she told him, a hint of annoyance creeping in her voice

"There were species that starved due to the too calm waters." She turned

to him as she explained further "It seems like we will need to simulate

greater turbulence if we want species that reside in shallower conditions

to thrive."

He nodded "We can do that with the pulsers" he said as he stared at the

softly ebbing sea. They'd have to increase the rhythmic pulsing of the

enchanted devices that were laid out on specific locations that generated

the waves.

"Yes." Emily agreed "I've already moved the pulsers towards where I have

marked out where the new corals will be encouraged to take hold. It's

just a matter now of finding the optimum rate of surges and tides at this

location." She said as they continued talking on how to improve the

conditions of their ocean.

One of the elves came by to give a status update in that time whilst Alice

winked on to report on the numbers of wardstones implanted and when

it was projected to be completed.

Not long after a bleeping sound interrupted them.

"Time to go back" she said as she brought out a timeturner from her


He looked at it with a grimace.

Emily noticed his grimace and her lips twitched with amusement, bearing

into the territory of schadenfreude in truth.

"It's going to be a long couple of years if you're dreading going back to

Britain this much." Emily said idly.

"Easy for you to say. Your role is as easy as getting a niffler to take a

galleon." He said with a pointed look.

Honestly, their roles weren't comparable at present.

"Do you think it's easy to appear as a saint?" she said with a raised

eyebrow. "Whilst at the same time trying to ensure that the chaos we're

seeding leaves me, largely, free from your taint?"

"No" he admitted "But you have to admit it's rather easy to endure when

everyone is fawning over you whereas…" he said with a wave of the


"Whereas with you people are growing ever more discordant as you bully

your way into all kinds of businesses, bully your way into forcing

centuries old society to changing to your whims causing all those with

even a speck of power within the ministry and Wizengamot to look at

you with weary and growing distrustful eyes?" she said with a humorous

lilt to her voice and with smug amusement in her eyes.

He glared at her for a moment before he allowed a grimace "Yes. Mother

Magic, I never realised how tiring it could be."

Honestly, how did other people bear it?

Even if it was just a show, a pantomime, it was god awful and it was

tiring. Especially with how he had to restrain himself from ripping some

of them apart.

"It if helps, you are doing a spectacular job of it." Emily said. "I've been

approached by one of his Slughorn's contacts in the ministry, an

undersecretary of some sort yesterday."

"And?" he asked if only to satisfy his curiosity.

Her lips twitched as her eyes sparkled with amusement "I've been asked

to convince you to at least retract some of your rather…inflammatory


"Ah." He said with a nod as he begun to smile "Of course you said you'll


She shook her head as her face melted into an impressive mournful

expression "I explained to him that I am unable to convince you away

from the distressing path you've set yourself onto"

"How unfortunate." He said with a shake of the head before he peered at

her "We still have many years to go before I'm forced out."

"Yes." She said with the incline of her head "However seeds need to be

planted even now." A small smirk grew on her face "It helps that the

wider masses are easy to manipulate."

Atticus nodded with a hint of distaste.

Yes…it did help. It always simmered in the back of his mind, the mild

guilt, with how much they were contorting people's beliefs, their

perception of truth and the…ease in which they allowed them to do so.

The public adored them on a scale that he could only describe as being a

mixture of A listed celebrities combined with all the reverence that

people like Gandhi or Mandela would have gotten from the people they


The fact that Magical Britain grew up on tales of heroes and champions

made it all too easy for them to worm their way into their lives without

much resistance…now or in the future.

Whereas he spoke on 'their behalf' in the Wizengamot and churned out

invention after inventions that changed society, Emily moved towards

gripping the younger generations and British Magical culture, each move

and task done to cement her own individuality from his own and

solidifying her status as 'A Founder reborn'…

After all, the Founders had effectively built the centrepiece to British

society and Emily was only reinforcing that image of hers as someone

interested in furthering their legacy.

When the time came, it would be hard for there to be justifications to

oust what many would declare part of their own legacy…

And in the wake of that truth, she'd continue to identify and root out the

last obstacles.

She continued "The conversation will be relayed to the upper echelons of

the Ministry and it will cast some doubt of our relationship, doubt that

they won't voice out but it will be a doubt that they'll remember."

He nodded "Perhaps. But it needs to be believable if you don't want to

join me in exile" he said with a teasing tone. There was always that risk

however small in probability, if they miscalculated, if they overplayed

their hand…


She rolled her eyes as she closed the gap between them "Don't worry

about my performance, Lord Husband" she said placed her hands around

the time turner.

He grabbed her the shoulders as she continued to speak "Just worry

about your own." She said with an amused glanced from the corner of her

eyes as she turned the time turner back to seven hours, the maximum in

which a time turner could go back to.

She'd found it in Grindelwald's caches at not far from Nurmengard when

they'd raided it for Atlantean scrolls whilst they left most other tomes

behind as the ICW had been on their heels.

Grindelwald had cast a strong obscuring charm that kept the base from

being found immediately after his defeat and it was not the only present

he had left behind.

Suffice it to say, they were rather forward thinking by bringing some of

Seeker Drones to trigger some of the more unique variations of Egyptian

death traps.

"I'm never worried about my performances, Lady Wife. I'm sure if we had

neighbours, they could attest to that." He said salaciously with a teasing

grin. She glanced up, her smile growing as her lips twitched at the


"I expect you to keep true to those words, dear husband" she said as her

eyes burned a vivid blue as her lips stretched wide and, with a swirl, they

were back in time and back to their lives in Britain.

For the next few weeks, in between moving their plans for Britain along,

they continued to work on the ocean whilst they also worked on

finalising the large scale ritual that would transform depths of several

hundred metres of barren rock into soil.

They'd settled on turning the soil to Welsh and central English soil. Most

of the barren rock was uneven with several hundred metre high peaks of

rock. Transforming it into similar but fertile topography was the most

efficient way to do it without resorting into long, tedious projects that

would take months to complete.

They could have diverted The Facility to build some automated machines

to speed up the process but it was unnecessary.

After all, there would be other opportunities to make Illos more fertile.

During that time, his mood had deteriorated as continued to prevent

himself from sleeping as much as possible with Occlumency, only

worsening with each experience in the few times he had slept, something

that hadn't gone unnoticed by Emily though it was uncommented upon.

She knew that he wouldn't lie to her but it seemed like she was waiting

for him to tell her. It was heartening, this show of patience and care yet

he knew it was coming to an end.

Whilst he continued to sleep alongside Emily in their bedroom, he never

fell asleep, his Occlumency never dropping and when he needed to sleep,

he'd been alone.

And each time he awoke from those episodes, his magic had been out of

control and his mind sluggish, briefly unaware of where he was…

Each time, he tried harder not to sleep.

Unfortunately, those experiences, though diluted, were happening several

times a day now while awake.

He knew that it was not sustainable, he was already feeling more and

more haggard, worse than he had felt during the worst of the war in the

early months in France.

Creatures, horrors in truth, that had indomitable wills, indomitable desires

to consume and to ruin all life…

"You've been gone for a little while." He heard and it thankfully shook

him out of his troubled thoughts as he turned towards the source of the

loud but soothing voice.

His mother was looking at him with inspecting eyes as she walked

towards him. He plastered a smile on his face for her.

It wouldn't do to worry her for no reason. Not tonight.

His mother, Emily, the Flamels, Dayton, Sandra, Derek, Moira and

Rockwood were all here tonight, here to witness the grand effects of the

ritual that would start as soon as the clock struck midnight.

All of them had come before, at one stage or another, to Illos and had

expressed interest in seeing the ritual performed though Nicolas had

helped somewhat with adding an alchemic component to the ritual that

maximised the effect with the volume of goat's blood used in the ancient


"Just wanted to take a last moment to take in what Illos was before it was

changed forever." He said to her with a smile, the lie effortlessly rolling

off his tongue.

He extended out his hand as she walked up the hill and gently guided her

on top of the small mounted rock. He glanced past her and gazed at

towards the barren rocks as tens of thousands of squares glowed faintly

all around them.

"It won't be long now" he commented and she hummed in agreement.

She smiled at she stared out "Markus used to love to tell me tales of his

family in Egypt." Her smile grew as she focused on the glowing squares.

"The land had been a fascination of his like it had been for so many of his

– yours – forbearers."

He remembered. Father had often told him about the ancestors who

'adventured' to Egypt in search of lost heritage.

"He'd have love to see this." He said a little quietly.

"Yes." She agreed with a fond sadness. "He would have loved it all." She

finished as mother and son stood by each other, comfortable with the

other's close presence before they continued talk – though this time about

happier things – for a little while.

Time ticked away and soon enough it was time for the ritual.

"Mother, are you up to arrive there in style?" he asked her with a slight

grin as he checked the time. There were about five minutes to go before

the ritual was set to start. They could apparate there since it was half a

mile away but he thought his way might be more fun.

His mother turned to him, a fine eyebrow arching as she took a moment

to process what he was talking about and the moment she understood, a

mischievous smile cut across her face before she nodded.

"Grab hold of me. Tightly." He warned her lightly.

She grabbed hold of him and he sighed inaudibly as he let go the reigns

of his magic slightly and soon enough they were afloat and flying away.

After a minute or two flying, they saw the congregation by the Ritual site

and as they crowd turned to face them, he set his mother down with care

as they arrived.

"He took you flying?" Nicolas asked "He never once accepted my

pleading." He said put out.

"Didn't you fly around just earlier?" Derek asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Pah! That's not the same." Nicolas waved dismissively "Anyone can make

cloak of levitation."

Derek and Sandra shared a glance that said much, something that was

worded out by Rockwood.

Rockwood laughed "I think you estimate everyone too much. I don't

know how you got that cloak to work so well even turning a corner

without effort and I do well in Runes!"

Nicolas turned around and faced the young man who was still in his

Hogwarts uniform. "Ah, you see, it's not Runes, its enchanted! Runes

wouldn't be able to respond so well with reading slight body movement."

"So you have tied the enchantment with read minor movement of some

part of your body, likely your hands?" His mother asked curiously and

Nicolas smiled as he nodded.

"Yes." He said as his face turned sour "It's not as smooth as you think

either. You can get used it, I suppose, but it's not as fluid as his method

is." Nicolas said grudgingly.

"And that is why I don't take you up." Atticus said with a grin. "You'd

figure out exactly how I do it and it wouldn't surprise me if you managed

to replicate it, in your own way."

Nicolas' eyes widened before he narrowed them deep in thought. Atticus

waited for him to say anything further but it seemed like he was lost in


Perry walked to them and took one look at his face and turned to him as

she wrapped her hands around his arm. "He'll be like this for a few

moments, ignore him." She said with a kind smile. "Emily's waiting for

you." She added as she walked towards the others.

He nodded to her before giving his mother a brief smile before he left.

He saw Emily standing there, her back facing him as she stood by the

ritual centre, a centre that had well over a dozen lines that emanated

from the centre and would split off into hundreds and then thousands as

it connected with wardstones in this massive, elaborate runic circle.

He approached the ritual centre, one that was tied to the wardstone

squares all around Illos, and stepped next to Emily who had a knife in

her hand.

His hand rose and his fingers twitched as a clock appeared above them.

11:58 it read out.

Emily turned to him "Had fun clearing your mind?" she asked him, her

tone light but her knowing eyes bored into him.

"Not so much." He admitted to her. He turned away from her gaze

"I will tell you when you ask." He told her after a moment passed.

He saw her looking at him in the corner of his eyes, her expression

softening in a way none other than him could know and he knew her

silent thanks for what it was.

The clock ticked to 11:59pm.

He extended his hand before her and she took a glance at the clock and

when it struck 00:00am, she slashed his hand and the drops of his blood

fell onto the marked circle, and with a dim glow, it seeped into the earth.

Emily extended out her own hand and slashed it, her blood adding to his


His wound healed within seconds just as hers did and they raised their

hands in a praying motion.

"Ⲛⲉⲙⲙⲁⲥⲥⲛⲟϥ ⲁⲛⲟⲛⲇⲁϥⲉⲛⲓⲁⲡⲉ. Ⲛⲉⲙⲛⲓⲥⲛⲟϥ ⲛⲓⲇⲟⲣⲟⲛ, ⲁⲛⲟⲛ

ϫⲟⲩⲙ ϣⲗⲏⲗⲟⲛⲁϥⲧⲟⲑⲉⲣⲩⲉⲇⲉ ϫⲁⲣⲓⲝ, ⲥⲏϫⲉⲙⲙⲁⲥⲧⲱⲣⲱⲛ,

ⲙⲉⲧⲣⲉϥϯⲫⲁϧⲣⲓ!" [With our blood, we pay the cost. With the blood of

the sacrifice, we ask and pray for this land to live, hear our offering,

Lady Magic!]

They chanted out, the streams of blood that coursed in channels from one

wardstone to another lit up, its radiant red glow almost outshining the

sunlight orbs, the magic in the air growing more and more as they

stepped back.

His eyes glowed when he opened himself up to the full breadth of the

streams of magic, intent on feeling the ritual effects as the wardstones

grew brighter and brighter.

Bubbles of multi-spectral light ruptured around where the wardstones

had been placed, spheres of magic that grew as each second passed and

as it continued to pass through the rock, he could see the change, so tiny,

so minute but growing as time went by and it was almost akin to seeing a

flower opening up its petals to the nurturing warmth of the sun.

"Do you see it?" he whispered to Emily as neither broke their gaze of the

sights before them.

"The spheres of magic? Yes…faintly." She told him, her voice was even

but he could sense her excitement, her pleasure at seeing such large scale

efforts of magic.

He was pleased for her before he refocused on the changing environment.

The bubbles passed through them all, at first just the nearest ones but

then it was all of them, like unrelenting waves of energy, of magic,

passing through them harmlessly even as the soil they stood upon

changed physically.

It had been gradual, slow but undeniable as hardened rock made way for

hardened earth and then soil, no doubt comprised with organic matter,

silt, sand and clay, all of which had been the part of the ritual as the

'base' on which to convert the barren rock to.

Neither of them said anything and none behind them did either and it

was twenty eight minutes later that the last of the magic ebbed away.

Atticus crouched down and sunk his fingers into the soil.

It broke apart under the pressure and his fingers dug into it.

It was perfect.

"Magic never stops to amaze me…" He heard Sandra say as she

approached them with the rest of the people.

He stood back up, a smile on his face "I couldn't agree more."

The earth may still be barren but it was earth and now complex Life can

grow on it.

It was not long after that they celebrated with a feast around a campfire,

drink and food had been consumed as Poker was played.

Merriment and outrage had been the entertaining song of the night as

scuffles and arguments accompanied competitive games of Poker,

different generations and different experiences of life melting away as all

were immersed in the friendly games.

And when the games had played out, conversation sparked about how to

seed plant life, to ensure all kinds of plants, trees and forest plant life

could take hold in the new earth, Rockwood questioning and Nicolas and

Perry answering, whilst Moira spoke amusedly with an increasingly

inebriated Derek, his mother speaking with Emily about the next phase

for Illos…

It was on nights like these, nights of sharing and comradery that had

made him forget the future and the past as he lived in the present, with

those who had come to share in the small but significant step towards the

realisation of Illos.

It was not long before people began to depart. Moira and the Flamels had

been first to leave. His mother and Dayton had been next until he, Emily,

Derek, Sandra and Rockwood remained for a little while longer.

Derek snorted at something Rockwood had said and Sandra slapped him

on the shoulder "What was that for?" Derek asked a little perplexed.

"Don't make that noise. It's unbecoming." Sandra said almost in an

imperious tone but it was rather tainted with the clear notes of

inebriation in her voice.

"What noise?" Derek asked.

"You know very well what noise. You know, that pppprttt" Sandra

mimicked exaggeratedly "The noise you make when you effectively want

to say hippogriff shit in a rather obnoxious way."

Derek turned away from Sandra and drank heavily from his pint of strong

ale "I'm not being the one who is obnoxious right now" he muttered

under his breath but loud enough for everyone to hear.

It resulted in Sandra slapping his shoulder again though this time causing

Derek to yelp out "What is it with you woman and turning violent when

you have a bit of drink in you?!" he exclaimed out though he was more

amused than at all angry.

"Violent?" Sandra asked with dangerous narrowed eyes.

"I meant affectionate" Derek said with an appeasing tone as he grinned

awkward whilst at the same time shifting ever so slightly away from his


Emily gave Atticus a look as she arched a brow, as if to say 'Your

associates, your problem' and his eyes shined with mild mirth before it

evaporated away.

As entertaining as it had been, it was time for it to end.

"Derek" Atticus said commandingly, his voice travelling through the air

with a crispness that demanded to be heard. Derek turned to him and

after the look Atticus had given him, he had understood despite the haze

of drunkenness.

"Come on dear" Derek said as he stood up "It's nearly five, we've got to

get home."

"It was lovely to see you all!" Sandra said before they disappeared in a


"I think it's high time for me to go as well" Rockwood said as he stood up.

He turned to them and bowed.

"Lord Sayre, my Lady" the young man said with a deep bow. "I wanted to

thank you for allowing me to see an opportunity of a lifetime. I do not

think I will have it again see such incredible displays of ritualistic magic."

He finished with hints of amazement in his voice as he straightened up.

"You've proven yourself to be a capable and keen student of magic,

Rockwood. It was only right to invite you along." Emily said with keen


"Even if what had happened afterwards wasn't what you were used to"

Emily said with a playful smirk.

Atticus' lips curled at her playfulness. He didn't have much to do with


Emily no doubt had a stern and dominating presence that her people saw

and knew so to see her act so…out of character amongst people likely was

a strange experience for the young man.

He wasn't surprised that Rockwood got to see this glimpse of another side

to Emily.

Out of her associates, he knew she favoured Rockwood.

Rockwood flushed as he smiled sheepishly "Yes…I certainly didn't expect

to be playing a muggle game with you, the Flamels…or with


"No, I doubt you would have." Emily said with a tug of her lips.

Rockwood looked her at understandingly before nodded and took out his

portkey. He bowed once more before he disappeared in a swirl.

"You trust him." Atticus simply said as he stared at his wife.

She glanced at him. "I trust his loyalty." She simply answered as she stood


"He is devoted to me just as Lestrange is though each of them will serve a

different purpose. Seeing me like this…at ease and informal, far different

to how I was at Hogwarts and now in the public sphere, gives him the

feeling that he is close to me, that he holds a privileged position that none

of the others in the inner circle do."

She turned to him "He will do all that I ask without question, without

coercion." She said with a faint smile as her dark blue eyes set on him.

From what he knew, he was an intelligent young man who had a mind

for research and was able to approach things from a creative viewpoint.

He would be perfect for the Unspeakables…and their goals there.

A mind free from alteration or influence was necessary for their more

difficult plans.

Atticus hummed as he moved towards his wife. "And the others?" he

asked her as he stopped in front of her, his hand rising as he placed the

back of his hand gently across her face. "How are things shaping up with


"They are eager to persuade their families join their banners to mine." Her

eyes shadowed, no doubt memories played at that moment before they

flashed away. "Offering me their families' influence is the height of what

most of them can offer me so it is not a surprise it is what they think will

get them into my grace." She said with no arrogance, as if such behaviour

was as natural as breathing. To her it likely was. To have others offering

more and more of themselves until there was nothing left.

"Lord Malfoy has reached out to me a number of times, persistent and

keen to establish a cordial relationship with me. Abraxas must have been

convincing to his father. No doubt witnessing the creation of Illos remains

a firm fixture in his mind." Her smirk grew as her eyes lit up in delight.

"Not surprising given that he was quite shaken for some time after the

event." She added, taking joy of ruining someone entire worldview even

as her eyes dilated as he stroked her hair back behind her ear.

He brought his lips down to hers, stopping a mere half inch away. "And?"

he let escape from his lips as brought up his other hand and caressed her


"The Carrows, the Princes, the Notts have all had their heads of Houses

inquiring about me beyond just their heirs…questioning whether or not I

am someone that could be allied with." She said, her warm breath

coating his lips as she moved closer to his body and her arm snaking

around his back.

"Cautious." He said slowly as he stared at her beckoning lips. "Likely to

make sure despite their heirs' encouragement, that they don't ally with

someone that shares the same beliefs as her husband despite their heirs'

assurances." He said in a humming tone, the rumbling in his throat

sounding more like a growl as he neared the end of his sentence.

Her tongue swept across her blood red lips, a motion that resulted in the

bottom of her tongue touching his own lips with a passing glance, one

that he could hear sent both of their hearts racing.

"That sounds right." Emily whispered musically "Eventually they will bow

like any other insignificant being but until then…I suppose I must suffer

the consequences of your…" she whispered in a near entrancing tone

"foolisshh…" warm air was pushed from her lips in a deliberate manner

pressed against his lips "carelesssss…." She said as her hands travelled up

his arms "gambit…"

"Hmm…my husband is all kinds of trouble…" she trailed off before she

leaned forward, placing her plush, soft lips onto his and he pulled her in,

deepening the kiss.

Emily broke the kiss almost violently as her eyes blazed with intense

longing, a longing that roused the lust within him even further.

`Home` Emily hissed out as the portkey took them away in a swirl, a swirl

that leave them back to their home and where they would in a feast of

passion, satiate their desires and love well into dawn.


[Excerpts and Alternate perspective from Halo Silentium by Greg Bear]

He appeared before her with his most loyal warriors.

They stood between her and the orange sun and it was apt that it was so, to

stop her from marching into distance without knowing the danger that

remained unknown.

"Librarian" he said as he stepped forward, into the light.

He sees her eyes soften in pity for she sees what he is, for what he feels.

He was ravaged, darkened by blotches and his flesh rotting from within. Pain

was his state of being.

He should be angry at this woman, at this being whose race ended his yet he

found himself only holding…affection…for this woman that had championed

his people's remnants, this woman that had raised them as her children.

"We have been allowed to come here to die. The Gravemind…" he coughed,

harshly, painfully, but he pressed on. It needed to be said

"The Gravemind is on its way to the secret Ark, preparing to devour whatever

hopes you've laid up there. But it has sent us to you with a final message,

Great Mother…"

He said as he and his warriors closed the gap between themselves and her.

Her expression is pitiful and horrified.

He understood.

They were pitiful, they were horrific.

Death, when it came, would be a final release of the torment his enemies had

brought upon him and his warriors.

"This we're told by the Gravemind, the greatest of them, who has consumed ten

thousand planets and brought entire galaxies to an end. This is what we're


They kneeled at her feet, the love and affection his host had felt turned


This woman whom they had come to see as their mother.

Life mocked them all.

How terrible it was that their descendants had come to love the wife of the

man who destroyed them all yet he could not disagree however much he


That within his essence he had come to see her as a mother too?

"You are my children." The Librarian whispered and he spoke in his host'

tongue, affectionately and lovingly as the grip of death tightened around them.

"I listen, Forthencho"

Memories flashed by him as the name resonated within him, memories of a

proud warrior, equal to this woman's husband, fighting a hopeless war on two

fronts with all the violence and destruction it necessitated yet ultimately

coming short to save his people from its inevitable doom.

It was proud name. It was a defeated name.

"The precursors lived in many shapes, flesh and spirit, primitive and advanced,

spacefaring and locked to their worlds…Evolved over and over again, died

away, were reborn, explored and seeded many galaxies…this I was told. I

understand little."

He understood little but he remembered that there were others of his people

who had understood more, who saw more.

"We are your children, Librarian. But we are also their children. And what

they learned across many billions of years they stored in this galaxy. We do

not know where. The Gravemind tells us something impossible to understand –

that most of what has been gathered comes from before there were stars. We

do not believe in such a time, but the Mind insists...The life-patterns and living

wisdom of a hundred billion years.

They tell me the immense field projected by this reserve is known to

Forerunners, was once accessed by them. Is that so, Librarian?"

Her expression turned to horror as she stepped away, as she began to


His people once knew of the Domain and traversed through it yet they had

never known where it had been stored.

"I'm listening" she said, more urgent this time.

"The Gravemind no more understands the whole truth than we do. It is past all

our understanding, from the greatest, to the smallest. This reserve was

wrapped around Precursor architecture, protected for many billions of years.

Out there" he said as he pointed towards the blue sky "Perhaps if there were

enough time, we could find it. But when the Halos are fired, not only will

sentient life across the galaxy vanish but all that knowledge will vanish as

well. The greatest treasure of all will be destroyed.

Her expression turned into unsettled dismay as Life and its experiences were

set to be destroyed twice over with the firing of the Halos.

"I will send a message" she told him.

Forthencho found himself echoing with the Gravemind's horrific humour as his

cracked lips stretched to allow a laugh

"You don't understand me, Librarian. The effects of the Halo radiation are

already felt" he told her and saw the flicker of anger and disbelief on her face.

He grabbed hold of her hands, squeezing once before he let go and fell to his


"The Halos will be fired" he said as he felt the horrifying unity trembling and

withering "They are being fired. They have been fired!" he said in growing

agony as he collapsed forward into the dirt and grass.

He wheezed and tried to sing an old warrior song.

It was time, he was finally dying.

An end to this horror.

Their vain attempts to plant the seed of their parent, their awful parent, would

never come to pass.

Perhaps it was for the best.


[Excerpt from Halo Silentium by Greg Bear]

He stared out into ocean of space.

The time had come.

The installations have been sent to their strategic positions within the galaxy.

Almost nothing is moving out there. Many questions remain unanswered.

What we do know to a virtual certainty is that the power of the Flood and the

reawakened might of the Precursors will be extinguished.

The beam energy of the installations cannot travel slower than light, and

ultimately, will propagate at near infinite velocities. Already, two of our Halos

report pre-echoes that suggest the combined discharge has already happened.

What choice remains to me, then?

Somewhere, sometime, I have already given the order …

Offensive Bias passes along more messages. Broken, fragmented, desperate—

from individual ships, the survivors of decimated fleets, outposts finally able to

send data, now that slipspace has resumed its mysterious liberation.

One purports to be from the Lifeshaper, but there is high probability it is fake.

After all, it is signed Librarian. She would not willingly use that name to sign a

message, not to me.

There is nothing to say, no way to respond to their cries for assistance, for

attention, for one last chance to connect with what remains of the ecumene.

No way to respond to their cries to give them time to make repairs, to move.

I take complete responsibility. It is my decision.

"Do we delay?" Offensive Bias asks.

"No delay," I say.

"Check point for final abort, ten seconds. Installation 04—Alpha Halo, it shall

be called—will initiate discharge, followed sequentially by the remaining

installations. The rings will fire once their fields intersect."

And then follow so many details, all handled superbly by Offensive Bias. The

metarch has taken its final fleet back to the Line, running ahead to meet

Mendicant Bias and the Gravemind—and a fleet of Flood ships larger than has

ever been witnessed. That battle will delay our foes long enough to finish what

has already been set in motion. Ironic that in this deadly act there is such

grace and perfection of execution. This will be the greatest combined operation

in the history of Warriors, in the history of Forerunners. It is proceeding

flawlessly. We will feel side-effects, how intensely, no one can tell.

There has never been such power unleashed all at once. I press the activation

plate and close my eyes.

"Forgive us," I say. Have said. Will always say.

Deep, harrowing rupturing howls of unknowable consciousnesses bawled at

him, its reverberations echoing unfathomably within the very structures of

magic herself, torn and ripped and shredded as if unbreakable claws were

sunken deep within its membranes, within its universal flesh.

Consciousness came to him as he rode waves of unending maelstroms of

disharmony, of madness and his body shook, tremored, in the wake of this


"Atticus!" he heard a stern but concerned voice calling his name and he

realised that he was afloat and it wasn't him that was shaking, not

entirely, but rather their bedroom as his turbulent magic wrecked and

sheared at the world around him.

He calmed his racing heart and slowly withdrew his magic as he tilted

himself back feet downward. He was shaking, glancing around with wide

eyes, in cold clinging sweat.

The bed was ripped apart, as if a Taurus had come and ran it through

with its horns, shredding it to pieces. The wardrobes were shattered and

splintered, the marble walls and floor were cracked.

His stomach dropped, realising the degree in which he'd lost control.

"Atticus." He heard once more and his eyes turned to her. She was furious

but there was naked concern in her eyes, concerns that echoed from the

feelings he was picking up from her.

Her nightgown was ruffled and her wand was out. From the bend of the

damage around her, he realised that she likely had to shield herself from


A feeling of loathing crept within him.

"I'm…I'm sorry." He said quietly, almost in a resigned tone as their gazes


Emily said nothing for a while before her wand twisted like a blur and

their bedroom began to repair itself as shattered woods creaked back

together and pieces flew into cracks and cracks closed up.

Everything began to return to where they once were and during that time

their gaze never broke.

"I've been having…trouble with an unintended consequence of traversing

through Living Time." He admits as the last piece of furniture returned to

its original place.

He turned away from her gaze and sat at the foot of the bed as his hands

trailed across his face.

"You know it's been…growing. I see more now than ever before…to the

point where I can See the future in my waking moments" he told her

before he looked up at the ceiling.

"But there are also the involuntary visions and experiences of the past.

Visions, experiences that I have little to no control over. Glimpses of

ancient happenings, of wars fought in greater magnitudes than I ever

imagined possible…" he said almost to himself as he closed his eyes.

"Horrific choices that were better than none…"

The damage caused to Magic herself…

Not even Moira's tales of what had happened during their wars prepared

him for months of grim experiences of what her people and the

Forerunners had faced…

What the Forerunners had done…

He felt her magic reach out to him and he closed his eyes with

contentment. She sat next to him and he reopened his eyes and turned to


Her expression was gentle and soft, a rare expression that was worth

more than any priceless artefact. She raised her hand and caressed his


"That's why you've been refusing to sleep." She stated as her startling blue

eyes met his own.

"Yes." He said with a weary and worn half grimace.

"Show me." She asked of him. "Show me what you see."

And so he showed her.

He showed her of the battles in space, the horror of the Sickness, the

wicked intelligence of the beings that stemmed from the Sickness, all of it

– almost.

And through all of it, the glint in her eyes slowly sharpened before like

dark sapphire gems as he showed her of what the Domain had made him


"You're right." Emily said after moments had passed, after she processed

the experiences and visions he'd shared.

He saw that she was concerned, not shaken but unsettled. He spared her

the depths of emotions that came with each experience.

"This is intentional." Emily said with narrowed eyes. "And I'm not so sure

whatever it is that is making you see all of this is benign." She said with

pursed lips.

"You don't think it's Magic?" he said curiously. He didn't think it was

either, his mind going back on what he had felt after those weapons were


It had shredded Her.

Yet what he had felt from the consciousnesses was far too distinct, too

Abstract for it to have been Magic herself.

"No." she said after a moment as she peered at him seemingly studying

him "Your relationship with Magic has always been…silent but present.

Less so when you pleaded to her when Grindelwald…" she trailed off.

He looked at her with mild surprise. "Silent but present?"

She tilted her head as she spoke, almost annoyed "Surely you have

noticed, Atticus? Magic clings around you like you are a part of it…more

so than any other magical, may it be Beings or Creatures or otherwise."

He said nothing for a moment.

He hadn't noticed.

Was he really that in tune with Magic?

She continued, breaking him from his contemplation "There is more to

this…Domain than we know. It's effectively a Realm within Magic, no?

We all know that there is precedent for creations of Magic to develop

sentience when it had not been planned for…or worse" Her eyes


"There could be something that wants you think that." She said, her voice

low and agitated.

"I thought that might be possible." He admitted to her. "That I'm being

influenced by one of those things"

He had wondered about that ever since he began to understand what he

was seeing.


Why would they give up their advantage if they were still out there?

Even under subterfuge?

Was it taunting him about what it would take to stop them?

He clenched his fists as he steadied himself.

He could never condone that to Her, to his people.


As he calmed himself, as his mind whirled on the possible motivations

whatever it was forcing him.

It was possible it wasn't them but wishful thinking would not do, not

when he had gleaned so painfully for months of the kind of insidious

intelligence they possessed through experiences of lives once lived.

"It's possible." Emily allowed "If what I saw that creature speak of is

true…" a flicker of unreadable emotion flashed on her face before it

disappeared "That there is a link between these Precursors and the

Sickness, then it stands to reason that they could be doing something to

the Domain. Though why exactly, I don't know." She adjusted her

nightgown slightly as her emotions leaked.

Suspicion and grudging anger.

She knew as well as he did that psychological torture was a good enough

reason on its own.

"When did you say this started?" she asked absentmindedly.

"It was after I got the hang of traversing Living Time…in truth it was

soon after I managed to figure out how to layer the future onto the

present." He said to her.

He learned to turn his glimpses into broadcasts and it unravelled the

threads of possibilities in Living Time in the present. His ability to see the

infinity of magic, knowing magic, Neurophysical Energy, was entwined

within the fabric of the universe, allowed him to layer the future onto the

present in his mind, in his eyes.

After all…

Visions were merely glimpses of Living Time granted through Magic.

Yet…it had the unintended side effect the Domain suddenly opening up to

him. A feat that he never wished to happen despite its alluring


The temptation of seeking out his father had been strong but he remained

anchored. These experiences with the Domain only strengthened that


"You've shared with me visions of what is likely to come but never what

you've just described" she said with intense curiosity.

They'd always talked about what he'd Seen, many times he'd share the

visions with her, and from that they worked out the steps they needed to

take for their plans but he hadn't shared this with her yet.

"Do you want me to share memories?" he asked her and she shook her


"Just describe it to me."

"It feels like I'm part of time itself." He said after a moment. "Just as I see

the footsteps of my future self, I can also see the future selves of others…

silently moving before they move just as I see echoes of possibilities, of

probable steps and paths." He said with hints of reverence.

Like a watchmaker who could see in his mind the position of every single

gear within his watch with each passing tick of the second.

She looked at him with a strange look, one he couldn't quite place.

"You watch my future often, don't you?" she asked after a few seconds.

He met her gaze. "At times. When I'm not with you." He confirmed. He

wouldn't lie to her.

He liked watching the possibilities around her and he found himself gain

a newfound admiration for how well she understood the threads that held

people together…and how well she understood where to pull to unravel


"I can't see everything. The further I see, the more the road snakes unless

I look in macroscale which is clearer but no less changing all the time."

He said with a weary tug of the lips. It seemed like people were like lakes

always pelted with little pebble stones whilst places, like Illos, were more

like calm oceans surfaces quietly ebbing and flowing within a scale but

still prone to major unrest

"I try not to but you're often on my mind." he said with an unashamed

look on his face.

She rolled her eyes but he sensed she wasn't too displeased by it.

"Do you want to learn?"

She looked at him oddly "You've seen me learn" she simply stated.

"It's a possibility." He told her before he continued "The future is never

set. Like rivers they change. At our hands or by itself." Though it was

likely she would learn.

He'd seen more often than not that she'd develop what seemed a tangible

sense for probabilities and what lead to divergences of significance.

It was different to how he saw Living Time, an array of visual stimulation

that worked in perfect harmony with his Sight, former glimpses turned

into broadcasts that became clearer each day that passed.

He suspected from his visions that people with the Sight likely would

likely see what he saw and whilst everyone else could only further

develop their sixth sense towards the threads of Living Time.

"Not until we can find out exactly what has led to this loss of control."

She said finally, shelving it for another time.

"Do you think Moira might know about this…phenomenon?" she asked.

Atticus gazed away from her. He was almost certain she did.

"Yes." He admitted. "I think she knows and I think she expects me to

come to her."

"But you haven't."

She said she couldn't access the Domain and he wasn't sure if she'd be

much help. In reality, he didn't really want to.

"No. I don't want to rely on her." He said carefully. They were relying on

her too much in the first place. Illos would have been built. It would

have taken longer, yes but eventually it would exist.

But…but would they have been able to leave Sol within the next hundred

years? Even if they could have, they would have gone into a Universe

that they knew little off and not even he with his visions and Sight could

have prepared them.

They were very dependent on her and while Moira was his ancestor, she

was still manoeuvring him into place, had been manoeuvring him into

place. She confessed as much with the tale of the long term plot of her

people that included her own daughter.

The more they wean themselves off of the dependency on her, the better

off they would be.

"Good." Emily said almost satisfied. "She might be an ally, an important

ally" Emily said grudgingly "But she isn't to be trusted, not completely."

She pointedly averted her eyes after a few seconds from his knowing

gaze. Her wariness was strengthened by her dislike of the woman. Emily

was a very prideful woman and Moira had dented it last year. Still,

despite the mostly one sided enmity, Emily worked with Moira well


His expression shifted as he returned his mind back to the problem at

hand. "There is only one path." He said with much resistance.

It was going to take time to train his mind and his magic to

subconsciously prevent the forced experiences from happening.

He avoided it long enough, he supposed. He'd Seen it working from the

way he'd seemed at ease but he'd also seen that it would be a worse time

than he had so far. In truth, he dreaded it. What could be worse than

what he'd experienced so far?

She turned to him, her eyes showing that she reached the same

conclusion "To train yourself to avoid it even in your sleeping state?" she

asked and he grimaced affirmatively.

"You'll have to avoid being in public until you've gotten this under

control." She mused.

"In case it gets worse?" he said mirthlessly.

"Yes. Last thing we'd need is an occurrence whilst you're awake" She said

firmly before she paused, a mild frown on her face. "It was somewhat like

at the beginning of Hyper-Percipience, right?" she asked keenly.

"That took years to control." He pointed out. That would be a cakewalk in

comparison to this.

And he'd taken his time with it.

Something that he wouldn't be able to, or do, in this instance.

"Yes." She agreed, her eyes sharpening "Years we most certainly don't

have. That is why you'll sleep every night until you can force it out, until

you can sense when the intrusion of visions is coming and keep it out."

Her lips curled as her eyes bored into him

"You've already said that you could force it out during your waking hours

proving that you can do it at all." She sighed and her tone was softer as

she continued "You don't do yourself any favours by delaying what needs

to be done." She said as her thumb circled softly on his cheek, a knowing

glint in her eyes.

"It will take months." He said after a moment as he looked away from


"If it must." Emily said matter-of-factly and she continued before he could

speak "We can adjust our plans. We have always adjusted our plans as

and when it was needed. We're still early enough in it anyway that there

is little consequence." She said promptly.

He gave her a small smile, one she understood when she spoke

"Did you think I was going to let you to deal with this alone?" she asked

as she removed her hand from his face but he snatched it before she

could withdraw completely.

"I didn't. You never would." he said implication clear in his words. He

brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. "You are, after all, my

partner in everything." He said after he gripped her hand tightly.

Something passed in her eyes before she allowed a smile to form before

she grew serious again.

"We can't ignore the possibility that the parasites might still be around…

that this Domain is in fact warning us." She said with tight lips.

"I know…we'll need to prepare for that possibility." He said slowly. He

had thought on what they could do and he had some ideas.

He thought they might have to defend their civilisation from other,

unknown threats. Perhaps even the Forerunners that might have retreated

somewhere. Not resurgent parasites that might have infected whole ga-…

"I will have Alice prepare the groundwork for the research projects that I

have in mind." Atticus said finally.

She nodded. "Good." She paused for a moment as she peered at him for a

while until she spoke again "Do you think we should accelerate our


After a few seconds had passed he spoke up "No."

"We can't change our plans that drastically without stabilising everything

which will be counter to our long term goals." He shook his head "I'm not

getting the impression that it is imminent." He looked away from her.

"You know I have seen a few decades into the future Emily…not too

much, mostly of Illos and the war in Europe but nothing has happened in

that time that involves the parasites." He had seen Illos grow and he'd

seen Britain turn.

He'd seen Europe flock to a conspiracy, whilst the rest of the world

beckoned forth.

"Very well." She said with a nod.

"You know…" he began slowly as he turned to her completely.

"We could have that honeymoon we never went on."

She raised her eyebrow before her nose pinched slightly "That would be a

good way to get out of the public sphere until you re-establish control."

She said thoughtfully.

"India." Atticus said after a moment.

She looked at him curiously and he explained further. "It's large enough

that we can disappear from anyone watching us and has enough going

for it that we can occupy our time with. There might be plenty of ancient

magical sites that we can plunder after we check with the satellites and

there is also the fact that we can visit the parselmouth village that I

visited before Hogwarts with Benedict."

Her eyes lit up as the idea of finding more magical texts and she liked the

idea of visiting other parselmouths even more from the way she relaxed

until she stared at him.

"How long have you known we'd go to India?"

"Weeks." He admitted. He'd seen the path he wanted settle in then. When

the possibilities led to the man on the mountain temple.

She remained silent for a moment "Even for myself, it's hard to

comprehend that you live in the future as much as in the present." He felt

something from her, nothing clear but he understood enough.

"Even then, I never forget you, Emily. How could I? When even in the

future we are as bound as magic is to existence itself" he said quietly.

"You are my anchor. In our present. In our future."

That was the truth and he made sure she felt it unhidden in his magic as

he reached out to with his magic, his magic washing over her with eager

truthfulness, of sincerity.

The corner of her lips ticked upward as the edges of her eyes softened.

"And that will always be the case, I promise." He said before he brought

her hand to his lips and kissed it, his eyes shining with an unbridled


It was a few days afterwards, after they put things in order and a few

restless nights, that they left and soon enough they were on the

international floo to India.

As they exited the international floo station at the Indian Ministry, they

were met by group of men led by an immaculately dressed greyed man

with dark brown skin and wore a beaming smile on his face.

"Namaste Lord and Lady Sayre" the man said kindly as he joined his

palms together, a greeting several others of the group did whilst what he

presumed were guards remained at attention.

Atticus smiled at the man and incline his head "Namaste." He said just as

Emily did as his eyes read the people before them.

"I am Darshan Jaganathan, Deputy Minister of the Indian Ministry and

these men here are Anuja Kondalwar and Sanjay Joshi, senior

undersecretaries of the Ministry." The man said to them.

"Quite the welcoming." Emily remarked as she looked at them with a

raised eyebrow.

The man chuckled exuberantly "Of course!" he exclaimed as he clapped

his hands, gripping them tightly for a moment as he continued "It's not

every day a defeater of a truly terrible Dark Lord comes to visit our

wonderful country, let alone the fact that both of you are from such

storied noble lineages!" the man unclasped his hands and waved one of

them lazily.

"To not come to welcome you personally would have been discourteous,

as I'm such you understand." The man finished with a smile.

Atticus smiled politely "Of course." He turned to Emily who met his gaze

briefly before they broke away and he continued "And we're honoured by

it." He said which made the man smile even larger.

The next hour had been tedious but informative as the deputy minister

'welcomed them' to India. They hadn't been shy in the way they displayed

utmost respect whilst they carefully questioned why they were here.

"We should have snuck in" Emily commented dryly as they stepped out of

the illusioned alleyway that hid the entrance to the Indian Ministry.

Emily waved her wand around them and their clothes changed to the

local attire before she waved once more and an illusion charm spread

over them that changed their features and skin tone to that of locals.

They turned a corner and walked out further into the busy street that was

packed with people.

Atticus waved his hand over them and a mild aversion charm settled that

ensured a healthy distance between them and the locals as they traversed

through the street.

"Back home they're already reporting that we're on a 'honeymoon' in

India" he said with a glance at her. "As much fun as sneaking in might

have been, I'm not sure the trouble would have been worth it" he

concluded to her with a light amused smile.

She rolled her eyes but said nothing further knowing the truth of the

matter. They were 'public figures' now and their disappearance for a

month or longer would have stirred a beehive which was why they let

this trip to 'leak'.

"At least we know that the Indian Ministry is receptive to us." He added

he looked around. They were near Connaught place around which was a

hive of activity.

It was a relatively new building though it didn't look it architecturally.

He'd been here before with his great grandfather Benedict when he'd

gone on a world tour just before Hogwarts though he hadn't spent too

much time in New Delhi.

Not that they would this time either though he wouldn't pass up the

opportunity to spend a little time in the magical quarters of Old Delhi,

where most of the magicals in the city resided. It was also where the

famous magical market Navaratna was.

"Wasn't hard to miss." She said a little dryly though it was clear that she

was pleased about it.

He smiled to himself, of course she was.

They had taken especial care to make them feel welcome, more than

what he would have expected from Ministry officials of any country even

if they were nobility.

Perhaps the fact that either one of them could wipe out an entire Auror

force probably had a lot to do with the receptive welcome.

Atticus whistled as he dropped the aversion charm as a tanga neared.

"You can't be serious?" Emily deadpanned as she stared at the rickety

carriage that was drawn by a horse.

Atticus laughed cheerfully "What did you think when I said we would

travel muggle at least first"

"Vehicles." She deadpanned as she scowled at their taxi.

His grin grew "What is it they say? When in Rome…" he teased as he

turned to speak to the driver about where to take them in very poor

Hindu but the man nodded happily as he understood as he stepped out

and drew open the door.

He turned to Emily who glared at him for a moment but sighed

tiresomely as she climbed in anyway and he followed cheerfully.

She scowled as the horse moved, the carriage unevenly taking them

away. She turned to him "I can feel the number of stones that the wooden

wheels are running over." She said with narrowed eyes.

"Wait until we're travelling on elephants." He said with teasing smile.

Her eyes widened and he laughed, even as he dodged a mild stinging

hex. The driver saw a flash of light and looked confused momentarily

before he was hit with a wandless Obliviation by Atticus. Emily looked

amused for a second and he shrugged. "No need to leave traces" he said

before looking out into the city.

As they travelled through the chaotic city, he took the moment to


The world shimmered as buildings vanished and new building rose in its


Markets and stalls ebbed and flowed away like ticking seconds as people

unrecognisably blurred into crisscrossing lines.

Time encouraged change.

Time favoured change.

"Show me." He heard softly and turned to her, her illusionary brown eyes

bored into him.

He did as she asked and shared with her the change through


"I can see why you can get lost in it." She said before she looked away,

silently, into the distance.

"If there is one thing I admire about the muggles; it is their capacity to

change." Emily said. "Where they change their entire world in mere

decades, it takes us centuries or longer."

"Until us." Atticus added.

She turned to him with a slanted mocking curl of the lips and she

radiated pride and warmth "Until us" she agreed.

And just as suddenly the moment had come, it disappeared as her

expression fell "I'm not surprised this city remains filthy in the future."

Emily said with distaste and he chuckled inaudibly at the change.

He smiled at her amused before he looked away, back at the passing


There were so many people here in this city, busy and uncontrolled,

almost lawless yet there was a kind of energy that defined the human

race so well.

Always changing, always improving.

For all the plans they had for magicals, he did hope that the muggles

would succeed and meet them among the stars when old fears and

hatreds were forgotten.

They were family after all. Dysfunctional but family nonetheless.

A car beeped and beeped as it aggressively cut people off, causing their

carriage to swerve as the man driving it veered out of the way. The man

shouted at the man in the car who shouted back before it drove off,

beeping as he did.

Emily narrowed her eyes and stuck out her hand and pointed her finger

at the car. A spell fired and a loud bang sounded out.

Emily sat back in her seat satisfied and he asked her with exasperated

amusement "What did you do?"

"Nothing permanent. To the muggle anyway." She said blithely with a

pleased look on her face as they passed the car and saw that the wheels

had fallen off.

His lips twitched.

"We have to make sure we set up some proper vehicle and street laws in

our city." She said with a scowl and it caused him to laugh out loud this


They soon arrived at a worn temple in a quieter region of Old Delhi, a

temple that had fading yellow paint and cracked red stone pillars though

the fresh wreaths and colourful flowers that were lain at the front of the

Buddha statue indicated that it was still in use.

As they climbed out of the tanga, Emily commented "Reminds me the

Leaky Cauldron" as she gestured with her hand to cast a strong aversion

charm over them.

He hummed in agreement as they walked into the temple. Presented as

innocuous and unremarkable to deter most muggles.

There were a few in there but they walked past them unnoticed as they

walked around the large statue and towards the back of the temple where

no one was.

"That's a strong notice-me-not." He said with a whistle as the magic

passed through them when they reached a more dimly lit part of the

temple and as they continued to walk, they reached a set of stairs.

They climbed up and were faced with a brick wall.

"Similar to the barrier of Platform 9 ¾" Emily mused. She stepped

forward and placed her hands on it "Spatial manipulation with Illusionary

elements. It warps." She said impressed before her hands disappeared into

the brick stone and with a further step forward, the brick wall consumed


He followed suit and placed his hands on the wall and it shimmered,

briefly, before he also stepped through.

Emily stood in front of him, gazing at the sight before her. He smiled as

he stopped beside her and saw her gazing intently at the sight that they

were greeted with.

He turned and saw vivid yellows, oranges and purples painting the busy

street as market stalls that sold food, goods or trinkets all out competed

with each other about whom had the most colourful stall.

It was a Saturday morning and there were many people out today.

His attentions were grabbed upward as an illusion of a golden horned

cow stormed across above the stalls whilst by others there were illusions

of large monkeys dressed in saris beckoning customers over with winks

and trinkets in their hands that disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Too gaudy." Emily said after a little while, her charms falling off as she

walked away with poised steps, towards the busy markets filled with

crowds of magicals.

He chuckled to himself before he followed her, his own appearance

returning as well.

They spent the next few hours walking around the markets, picking up a

few things here and there including a few gifts for his mother and sister

though generally most of their purchasing had been a number of books.

Last time he visited India, he had not taken the opportunity to pick up

some of the more unique forms of magic local to India…namely

talismans and amulets.

Gods and animals were deeply entwined with Indian Magical culture,

more so than other ancient cultures as they revered them more than

anything else.

The history books noted that amulets were used for sacred priestly duties

but that was only for the benefit of the muggles. Amulets were used as

mediums in a similar way totems, staves and other such focuses were used

to channel magic.

It lacked the preciseness and variety of wands, or its speed, but it did

allow magic to moulded easier to the will of the castor.

For the next couple of weeks, they travelled throughout India visiting

famous sites and markets whilst at times meeting with a few notable

families like the Patil and Ubhi families, two families who held extensive

influence within the Indian Ministry.

From them, they learnt the differences in regions on how they were


India was a subcontinent rich with over 150 languages that were spoken

with 22 of them the predominant ones. With different languages came

with often however mild or severe, different cultures, different values

and different social structures, all of which was inherent within India so

its governance was built to suit that.

India was a place of legends, one where deities served to embody

elements, ideas, human vices and human virtues or natural phenomenon.

Hindu, the oldest remaining religion that remained dominant in their

place of origin, adopted new deities of foreign origin easily just as they

created new deities to conceptualise new ideas, new understanding of

life, of humanity, of existence.

Though most of the major gods were unlikely to have been mages, there

were many 'minor' deities that were recorded to be powerful mages, one

such 'god' was Agni.

Agni was someone who had bent fire to his will that few could ever claim

if his tales were remotely true. It was uncertain if he was an elemental or

not but one thing was clear. He could command fire as easily as a

modern day mage could command a levitation charm. Agni became

deified as his tales become mythologised in muggle India, tales of

righteous fury taken form in deathly fire the colour of a blood red sun,

descending down on armies who'd dared to pillage villages in his

homeland or committed slights and crimes he deemed most foul.

A god that had two faces, one of benevolence and one of malignancy. A

god that was flawed just as humans were, just like many other gods in

the Hindi Pantheon were and it was that, that truly stood out to him. The

belief that none could be without their flaws.

He admired that about Hinduism and it was a way of life more than it

was a religion much like Confucianism was, just like Shintoism was or

the nomadic peoples of central Africa. It was a faith closer in tune with

what he'd come to see the universe to be and the majority of the magical

settlements in India incorporated within their own cultures even if none

of the gods were worshipped.

Perhaps that was because throughout its history, India had magical

settlements separate for the most part from the Empires and Prince States

that had popped up. The constant rise and fall of dynasties that lasted

less than a century had made it difficult for magicals to take root in

muggle civilisations and so most of the settlements where most of the

population lived were warded villages and towns far from most cities and

muggle populations.

This disconnect between unique magical societies on the Indian

subcontinent left India untouched of most of the impact the British

Empire and its magical Lords typically brought onto magical cultures and

it meant that they retained most if not all of their unique cultures that

might have otherwise been washed away or changed.

As such, the Indian Ministry left these settlements the right of self-

autonomy with several caveats such as foreign policy and trade

negotiations remaining in the hands of the Indian Ministry.

During that time, the situation with the Domain had become worse

before it got better. The experiences were worse as he was made to feel

entire planets die by the thing that controlled the Domain, something that

was connected to magic greater than he could ever imagine, as the

Sickness ran roughshod over them.

Yet as the weeks rolled by, he began to develop a way to push out the

Domain from grasping onto his psyche and little by little, it became less

debilitating as he exited his dream state before he could experience the

worst of it. Emily had played a strong part in this. Her comfort, her

presence, continued to be a source of strength as he built up a way to push

out the visions and experiences

Slowly, it was working.

It was in their third week in India that they decided to go hunting.

They apparated right by the bank of the Ganges river that stemmed from

the Western Himalayas and ran through Uttarakhand.

He raised his hand and a hologram of their position and of their target

came into view. Their position was shrouded by thick trees that obscured

the view from the satellites. The satellite imagery had allowed them to

get the visuals and coordinates they needed to apparate straight by the

clear bank.

"Only a few kilometres inward of the forest" he said to her and she turned

on her own hologram.

"It won't take too long to reach it." Emily stated as she stared at image of

their final destination. They shared a glance, her eyes glinted as a

challenging smirk grew on her face.

He met said smirk with one of his own as her body began to change just

as his did.

His body elongated, his legs and arms lengthened as the flesh around his

bones thinned until all it seemed left was a thin leathery skin, thin skin.

His body darkened to a black that seemed to absorb all light from his

surroundings as his feet narrowed and grew into hooves. Wings sprouted

from his back, the flesh thinner and looser than the skin around his bones

and cracked as he flapped them.

The world around him was in greys as it always was when he was in his

animagi form. Whether it was in day or night, it mattered not. Yet it did

not mean a Threstral sight was bereft of colour…no...

He huffed as he looked at Emily, her soul shone with a deep dark blue

core that had bright blue racing streaks around it. She hissed lowly as she

stared at him unblinkingly, her head almost swaying as she preyed on


Her gaze was sharp, predatory as she stared down her long beak that was

as sharp as her claws. She grew to twice his size in a bid to show playful

dominance but one could never dominate a creature of Death.

He reared up, his wings whipped around as he snapped his jaws in his

reptilian, dragon like face at her, meeting challenge with challenge.

Her tongue tasted the air and he huffed/snorted, his gaze never breaking

from her until he looked up into the sky, an act that she didn't miss and

she tried to lift off before he did but he was airborne first.

'Serves her right' he thought amusedly. Her large size had worked against

her with her little display. He dove just in time to the right as a tail flew

past him and he glanced behind as the tail went back.

Emily had exploited the ability to grow or shrink to a ridiculous degree

as she managed to do it at will instead of conforming to the available of

any closed space, however small or large it was.

As he flew, his long leathery wings rippling each time as he powerfully

flapped his wings. Flying in his normal form was a pleasure, it felt

powerful. But in this form…

It felt like freedom.

They continued this song of dance, this dance of playfulness and

competitiveness for the entire journey until he cleared away from her, his

powerful strokes of his wings outpacing her quick but weaker wings. As

they neared their final destination, it seemed like she had another cheat

up her sleeve.

A small figure raced past him with effortless ease, its triumphant cry

pierced through the air as it dived towards where they were headed. He

hissed, the reptilian part of him agitated and he moved to oblige it as he

fly up a little before twisting downwards, his wings flush against his body

and he rocketed down.

He closed the distance between them, uncaring of how fast he was diving

towards the tops of the trees. A few hundred metres to Emily, half a

kilometre to the trees.

A hundred metres.

Four hundred metres.

Fifty metres. He saw her twist her elongated neck around and look at him

and she dove faster, harder but physics worked against her. His terminal

velocity trumped whatever acceleration she managed even if it delayed

the inevitable for scant seconds.

He crashed into her mere seconds before they both fell through the trees,

Emily hissed as she grew in size but he held firm whilst their velocity

reduced with each branch that broke beneath until they fell to the

ground besides thick tree roots with his Threstral atop Emily's Occamy.

She snapped her beak at him and he snapped his jaws at her before she

hissed dangerously at her. He hiss/growled at her lowly, the bass of his

growl was palpable as they never broke eye contact.

She grew smaller, her neck shortened until the hue of her skin became a

light grey. He too began the transformation back until they were both

back to normal. His hands crept up surface of her sleeves until they were

around her wrists, their gaze never breaking from the moment he'd

pinned her down.

He leaned forward, his nose barely an inch away from hers "It seems like

I've snared myself a prize." He said with a tug of the lips.

She stared at him silently, closely, her dark blue eyes were shadowed as

tangible tension manifested into physical reality.

"Are you so certain of that?" she said with a quirk of the lips and before

he could respond reality had bent around them, dark blue strands of

power ruptured from beneath him as roots sprang loose from the earth

and twisted around his body, lifting him off of her and into the air.

A wilful smile grew on his face, his eyes sharpening as he was hoisted in

the air and Emily rose vertically before she planted herself on her feet,

her eyes aglow.

Magic danced around her, as if she was the eye of an arcane storm, a

storm that twisted and whined with quiet crackling of power and their

surroundings surrendered to her as trees, plants and even stone buckled

under the heaviness of her magic.

It was intoxicating, the way her magic bent and overflowed reality at the

merest of expression of will and thought, a mere taste of the limitless

potential she held within.

She looked every bit as divine as their gazes met, one where all time

seemed to be meaningless until a pulse of his magic rippled out of him,

the roots withering into ash and he hovered into the air, his own magic

streaming around him in greens and purple eldritch strands of power.

He levitated down towards her, their gazes remaining unbroken, two sets

of glowing eyes that moved closer to each other through unseen force.

"I've never been so certain about anything in my life." He said, his voice

gravelly, echoic as the sound of his voice bounced out in the world like a

rumbling storm.

It was a truth that tied deep within and between the filaments of his soul.

Even during his most troubling nights she never once wavered, never

once abandoned him. She remained. She remained despite the naked

weakness he'd shown one debilitating experience after another.

Her eyes slanted into a smile, her magic ebbing like a tide at sea just as

he reached out with his own, his magic growing to a bubble of protective

power as it washed over her. Her magic seized the moment and twisted

his into its own creating a swirling pool of power that tinged with

warmness, affection and love.

He set his feet down on the ground and just as he stretched out his hand

to caress her face, his magic withdrew into his own. Her face softened

under his touch and she leaned into it.

Their love transcended words and each year that passed, it only


"We should get what we came for" she intoned softly, the mild hitch in

her breath unmistakeable, her magic lessening and the glow of her eyes

that had cast shadows over her beautiful face washed away leaving

startling blue eyes that were as clear as the most perfect sapphire


He smiled at her, his hand leaving her unblemished face with reluctance

though his eyes promised a continuation of their dance once it was over,

a promise that Emily returned with her lips curling with beautiful

understanding and future intent.

He raised his forearm and looked at the hologram. "That way." He said as

he turned towards their destination. A dense group trees stood in their

way that obscured their path.

His arms rose and he clapped, a pulse of magic shot forth as the trees

creaked apart to allow unimpeded passage for two. They walked for

another ten minutes before they began to pick up faint traces of magic

and soon enough they were almost there.

They came across rubble stones, crumbled walls and carvings that carried

remnants of ancient history. "The stones are magical." Emily said with

sudden surprise. She waved her hand and a piece of the rubble broke

apart and floated before her.

He tilted his head as he latched onto the tiny strand of magic within the


It began to take qualities of his own magic, so starved was the magic

within the stone yet that simple act made him understand.

His mouth twisted into a broad smile "I think I understand the purpose of

this." He turned to her "Somehow they managed to replicate the way

family manors exude certain degrees of safety and comfort, not unlike the

way Hogwarts feels like home to students. In just moments the stone felt

like Sayre Manor but obviously weaker."

"And it took centuries for Sayre Manor to be that way" Emily said with a

narrowed gaze at the stone before she pursed her lips and decided. The

piece flew into a pocket of her robes.

They continued their travels through the ancient ruins of a town. Not

every ruined walls of former homes were filled magic which made them

conclude that this might have been a shared place for both magicals and


They reached a far point of the ruined settlement where magic was

stronger than elsewhere in the ruins and they stopped when they reached

the source of the magic.

A bronze statue, hidden under an outgrowth of thick tree branches was

uncovered as he swept his hand across banishing away the obscuring

plant life.

It was a large bronze statue, remarkably free from blemishes, of a woman

who sat on top of a scaled fish that was chasings its tail. She had four

arms, each pointing in different directions whilst her legs were crossed.

The statue also emitted magic not unlike enchanted objects.

"I think that might be Ganga, a Hindu goddess." Atticus said with

scrutinising eyes.

"The personification of the River Ganges." Emily said and he turned to

her with a query in his look.

She arched her eyebrow "India's history was of interest to me after we'd

talked about the parselmouth tribes that still remained there when we

were still at Hogwarts." She turned to the Hindu goddess "I read up on

their gods to see if any of them might have been obvious magicals."

He nodded though a shadow of a smile grew on his face as he turned

back towards the statue "As far as I can tell, there isn't conclusive

evidence she was magical. If she ever existed at all."

He had looked up the goddess when he'd seen her in his visions of this

trip. Compared to Agni there was little record of Ganga amidst the

magical communities of India.

He stepped forth and scrutinised the statue "This is the entrance" he said

quietly whilst he let his Sight overlap onto the present.

He watched a ghost of his future self standing still before the bronze

statute for hours. He knew what his Future Self had been doing,

watching, studying, noting as Future Selfs flashed before his Future Self,

each of them trying to break through the bronze statue to no avail. His

Future Self had watched and watched iterations of Future Selfs try

something new, something different from the iteration before it.

Until one version, one possibility had cracked it and his Future Self

strode forward and keyed in the right combinations. He delved out, his

sight returning solely to the present and he breathed with mild strain.

Emily had been watching him the entire time, her eyes brimming with

intrigued calculation. Only minutes had passed. He stepped forth and

touched the right combination of scales.

He stepped back as the sounds of clanking gears and whining stones

reverberated around them. With a puff of stale air, the bronze statue

bisected down the middle as the fish beneath Ganga circled around

before vanishing down into the earth. In between the two halves of the

bronze statue, there was a set of stairs that lead down a light starved


"The man who built this tomb was paranoid." He said with a glance to

Emily. "There are many traps there so be careful. It's Egyptian scale." He

told her meaningfully and her eyes narrowed with dark understanding

before it passed away as she nodded.

Their trek down the stairs seemed to be endless and the light of a floating

orb barely touched further than half a dozen arms lengths.

"These shadows cling" Emily mused half impressed.

Atticus hummed thoughtfully "They do. Not sure how." He said with a

frown before he shook it away.

"I suspect it's a form of necromancy." Emily stated "I've read about similar

manifestations in a book from Grindelwald's cache."

"In the book made from human skin?" He asked with distaste.

"Yes." Emily said simply before she continued "You should read it

sometime." She said with a raised eyebrow "The author claims that many

of his spells were based from what he had read in the Book of the Dead."

Atticus mulled it over. "I might at some point." He conceded. He left most

of Grindelwald's books about dark magic untouched save for the couple

of books about the Soul Manipulation.

"So this might be necromancy?" Atticus questioned. They used their

magic as barrier between themselves and the shadows and it seemed to

do them no ill will.

"Yes. If what I suspect is right, then those shadows have the ability to sap

life force."

Atticus head swirled towards her with a disbelieving look on his face

"Really?" he asked fascinated. Her eyes lit up in fondness at his eager

curiosity as her smile broadens.

"Yes. Most of these kinds of magic are not easy to turn into active magic

and are typically used as curses set upon homes or tombs. It's meant a

defensive mechanism against those who offend resting places or are

threatening the safety of the homeowners." Emily stated.

"I see." Atticus said contemplatively. Most forms of death wards, like the

ones on Sayre Manor, were all extremely lethal towards the attackers.

"In this instance, I believe the combination that you put in saves us from

the more…unpleasant setting of the curse." Emily said with thinned lips,

her expression grim.

"Yet it remains active." He said warily "The moment we set off a trap…"

he said with hardening eyes.

"Best not to then." Emily said with a teasing lilt to her tone though she

was serious about it.

They could protect themselves from the magic, that was hardly an issue

but neither of them wanted to potentially lose any of their life force.

Once they'd reached the end of the stairs, they reached a mouth of a cave

that had been carved out from within. The stones were cut with sharp

angles and had Sanskrit etched into its faces.

On the face there was a tale of a wandering physician, a man who healed

throughout the lands but one whose name would be consigned to be lost

to history due to his beliefs.

"Charaka" Atticus read out. "Whomever's tomb this is, he was named


"Isn't that what some of the Indian magical settlements name their

healers?" Emily said with a frown.

"It is. Perhaps he was the first healer and his name came to be known

with the practiced?" he mused aloud.

Emily hummed "It seems the most likely answer." She agreed and soon

after they ventured deeper into the tomb.

The deeper they went, the more intricate some of the carvings became

and the more they had to be careful to bypass the traps that were

embedded within the tomb.

More than once they had to avoid several pedal stones that would have

unleashed one form of deadly attack or another. In one instance, they

nearly activated a trap that was based on body temperature and it was

only after Emily cooled the air around them using her elemental ability

that avoided the trigger. Her nuanced ability to control water molecules

was more accurate than what he could do quickly.

Finally, after getting through the final segment of the cave, they managed

to enter the tomb room proper once they passed what seemed to be a

form of early stasis charms.

"It seems like the man preserved well." Emily said as they looked the

dead man on top of the stone bed. He looked like he hadn't desiccated or

rotted away at all, seeming like he had only died hours ago.

He looked around he whistled as he realised the success of their little

trip. There wasn't much gold and what gold there was, was in the form of

small statues of people and animals. Gold hadn't been of use to them

anyway. No, what was truly impressive was the collection of scrolls that

filled the shelves that were carved out from the stone walls. There were

thousands of scrolls.

"This was worth it." Emily said with a pleased tone as her eyes shone

with glee before she walked towards one of the shelves.

Atticus watched her go before he looked at the stone bed that was at the

centre. He walked towards the corpse and he looked down at the man's

face. He was elderly, that was for certain. Somewhere between sixty and

eighty in muggle years. The man likely lived for at least a century and a

half if he looked like this and most likely two centuries or more.

"You valued knowledge more than you did earthly possessions, it seems

like." Atticus said the corpse in a thoughtful tone. "That I can respect."

Atticus said with a nod before he walked away and towards shelves.

They spent most of the last few days studying the scrolls and texts in the

tomb, finding out that most of it was related to one form of healing to

another, including the rather incredible cache of original work in blood


The dead ancient mage was a prodigy from what they could gather in the

ancient Sanskrit texts. He was a healer that had travelled across India,

China and Persia, improving existing healing magic and creating his own

variants or in some cases entirely new ideas like in the case of healing life

with life.

Emily had looked at the corpse with new sets of eyes that glinted with

hints of admiration for the man's dedication in magic and his craft. There

was something universal about respecting someone who chose to strive to

reach the highest point in his chosen field.

As they exited through the bronze statue, just before they left, he glanced

back. He didn't know what happened to this civilisation or why this man

seemed to hold a place of honour in their society but what he could do

was make sure the man's work would be credited when they'd publish

some of it in time.

That was the least they could do.


Emily POV

"The Slitherahans are a cautious people." Atticus said as they walked up a

steep hill that overlooked the towering Himalayas. "Outsiders are not

welcome in their village and even the Indian Ministry is forbidden from

entering the village proper. To them, their village is sacred ground and

only Speakers or someone who can prove their descent of Speakers may

enter it. It's been like that for thousands of years."

"Be careful with them." He warned as he glanced at her and she narrowed

her gaze at the sharp comment. He continued before she could respond

"They are good people. They helped me when I was younger." He paused

for a moment "And they're craftier than you realise. Just consider what I

have said, alright?" he said with a softer tone.

She nodded after a moment "Fine." In truth she had no intention of

offending them. Her curiosity was too stimulated. Meeting others like

them had that tendency.

He smiled at her gently as the corners of his eyes softened "Thank you."

He said as they reached the peak and began to descend down the snaking

pathway. "I think you'll find it comfortable with them anyway." He said

with a knowing glint in his eyes.

She thinned her lips at the look. She knew he would tell her if she asked

but she was rather curious to simply wait for now. She glanced at him as

the face of the hill blocked their view of the mountain.

He was better now than he had been since that incident in their bedroom.

It had been shocking to wake up to an erratic Atticus who moaned

pitifully in his sleep as he performed accidental magic at the age of


His vulnerability had equally been disconcerting.

Whatever it was that forced him to experience those experiences was

powerful. She knew that the Domain was where the souls of the departed

went and she also knew that there was more to it.

It had to be if it could force Atticus to experience lives of people who

died hundreds of thousands of years ago. The latest experiences before he

ended them with growing ease had proven that it was not confined to

simply humans or Forerunners either.

In some ways she had been tempted to convince him to experience those

fantastical experiences again and again in order to gain insight of what

may still be lurking in space but she couldn't find it in herself to ask that

of him…Not when seeing him in that much pain brought her pain.

Perhaps in the future, when they understood things better and Atticus

proved himself to be able to control these experiences, would she bring it


She had many theories on what the Domain could be. In truth, she

imagined it was not unlike a world of pure magic. One that was built

within the fabric of magic just as this world was built in the fabric of


A fascinating thought she was almost tempted to outright believe if only

for the possibilities it provided them. If they continued to grow as they

did for the next thousands of years…Perhaps then could they seize

control over the Domain from the hands of whatever creature controlled

it now.

In any case, this past month had been good for him and she knew it

wouldn't be long before he'd be able to lock away access to his mind from

whatever the creature was.

In a way she was disappointed for the trip to end.

This past month had been…pleasant.

Their relationship had somehow deepened despite the circumstances that

had led them here. Perhaps it was because of the circumstances that led

to their trust for each grow unbreakable. In much of their relationship,

Atticus had always been the more…secretive between them. Something

that had rocked their relationship more than once.

She could readily admit, only to herself naturally, that she had some part

in it. She knew she wasn't the easiest…to love…but Atticus' had secrets on

top of secrets that frustrated her to no end.

With this unforeseen problem, she'd seen him throwing down his barriers

more through this vulnerability and she knew it was not something she

could take advantage of, not that she wanted to. Despite the fact that he

was vulnerable she had not considered him weak, not when some of

those experiences had him screaming in pain, his magic tearing apart

their temporary home in Goa, not even when he had chosen not to speak

for hours after one of the more…debilitating experiences.

In a way she found it comforting, that he could still be vulnerable when

his skill in Living Time were slowly making him as close to omniscient as


When her other half could see her act before she even contemplated

acting and plan accordingly if he so wished, it was hard not to feel out of

control and in truth it was a reason why she would choose to train in it

when they returned home.

She wasn't unaware that she might not gain the same proficiency as he

did but at least if she could gain some measure of skill, it would at least

allow her to understand how she might be able to defend against it.

The truth was…if Atticus had been dangerous before, he was now equal to

the one of those ships she'd seen in his experiences. Lethal and capable of

devastation on a scale the world had never seen before.

What he did with the Ganga Statue, to wait patiently and let future

versions that would never come into existence solve the puzzle key was

when it became clear how far he'd come, how far he could go.

It was going to make their future plans for magical world trifling.

Perhaps that was part of why she loved him more for it. That despite his

growing invulnerability, he'd chosen to be vulnerable to her. He could

have easily disappeared and do this alone.

He had Alice and his elves who could have watched over him as he built

up his defences. Yet he chose her to watch over him, to care for him. In

that, he'd shown how much he'd loved her, trusted her and valued her,

something she had at times doubted and admittedly had left her insecure.

Doubt that permanently disappeared as their trust in each other had

become unbreakable.

And because of that, she knew the world was doomed to fall before their

feet. It was as inevitable as the sun rising from the east and setting in the


They crossed passed the bend in the snaking pathway and they felt a

muggle aversion ward wash over them that would have made muggles

turn away before they came across a gated wall that was several stories

high. There were some wordings on the gate door that asked to present

your magic to the door. Atticus walked over to the wall and pressed his

hand onto the gate door.

Atticus turned to her "There should be someone on their way now."

She looked at the wall curiously "This looks ordinary." She said with a

scrutinizing tone in her voice.

"That's because it is. It's kind of a first step in truth. To see if you respect

their boundaries. If you know of the village then you also know of their

wariness of strangers." He told her. She could understand it but she felt it

was still far too light.

"I take it that they have other means of defending themselves?" she mused


Atticus smiled at her mischievously "I did say they were crafty, didn't I?"

he said as he looked past her and she turned around. Her eyes widened

when she finally noticed a small carved snake looking right at them half

hidden beneath a small outcrop of grass.

"They're all over the place I think. They know if someone long before

they get to this stage. And not just at this side either." He told her.

It wasn't long before the gated door open and an elderly man huddled

over. His skin was brown whilst his hair was grey white but his eyes were

sharper than a man of his age would suggest.

`Young Sayre` The old man said with a cheer as he trotted along, his

weak frame somehow still enabled him to find another gear in his step.

Her eyes widened when she realised the man spoke in parseltongue.

`Elder Adarsh` Atticus with respect in his voice as he bowed deeply to the

man and she resisted the urge to look at him with dubious eyes. Atticus

never bowed to anyone that deeply, not even elders of Houses equal in

rank to his own when he'd been just an heir and not a Lord.

Whoever this man was, it seemed like Atticus respected the man deeply.

The elder man laughed cheerful as he embraced Atticus with a warm

hug. `You are late.` The man said with a bob of the head.

`I am not late nor am I early. I have arrived just in time` Atticus said with a

grin on his face and the elder man chuckled deeply, his grey beard

bristling as he did so.

`Repeating my words to me, young Sayre?` he said with a smile.

`They are wise words, Elder` Atticus said easily earning him a wider smile

before the elder looked to her.

`This is my wife, Elder Adarsh. Emily Sayre-Slytherin` Atticus said with a

fondness clear to hear in his voice, something the elder man did not

speak of if he picked it up. `Emily, this is Elder Adarsh. He helped me with

parseltongue in my youth before Hogwarts`

The elderly man had looked at her with interest, something that grew in

intensity when Atticus said her name.

`You speak?` the elder asked, his voice losing all cheer and it almost

startled her the way she'd lost all sense of his emotions and it was if he'd

suddenly turned to stone, unable to milk even a hint of his mental state or


`I do` Emily said after a moments and the elder's expression didn't change

for a few tense seconds until he smiled widely and warmly.

He walked up to her and she stiffened when he reached out to her hands.

She passed a glance at Atticus who only nodded gently at her and she

returned her attentions to the old man who, after halting a brief moment,

went and seized her hands.

`It's a pleasure to meet you, child. It has been too long since a member of your

family has come to the tribe` The old man said kindly.

`There have been other Slytherins that have come here?` Emily questioned as

she resisted the urge to widen her eyes. She looked to Atticus who shook

his head, indicating he didn't know.

The old man inclined his head `Not many but a few have come over the

centuries.` the man looked saddened `The last time was some four hundred

years ago. It is said he was nothing like his father who had been popular and

respectful with the tribe. In the end, misplaced arrogance trumped over sense

and blood was spilled.` the old man paused for a moment as he grew

serious `He was banished and told never to return`

Emily considered that. The later generations of Slytherin Lords were

Gaunts and whilst they were the better Gaunts in her rather…unstable

family, they were still reported to be easy to anger. Coming here to find

an entire tribe of people who shared a well coveted ability, one that

would drive the Gaunts to obsession of preserving it in the family.

There was a reason why there were no more parseltongue speakers in

Europe than herself and she supposed the Sayres who hadn't exactly

advertised they had the ability in the first place.

`I see. Thank you for telling me` she paused for a moment before she began

carefully `If you could tell me about my family…those who left…better

impressions, I would be thankful` she said diplomatically.

Most of the family history she knew were from the Slytherin vaults which

bore only a few journals from Slytherin Lords other than Salazar

Slytherin himself. The other history she knew were from the perspectives

of others and she didn't trust the fallible recollection of jealous, spiteful

or flattering purebloods.

After all, History rarely is told as it was than how it was seen, something

she knew very well.

Still, perhaps she could glean more into the behaviours of her

predecessors and what this tribe may know further about her family

could prove to gift her an insight into what she may have lost access to.

`Did your elders not to tell you?` the old man asked confused.

`I do not have any elders.` Emily stated `I am an orphan`

The old man looked at her sympathetically and she resisted the urge to

scathingly remove the look of pity in his eyes.

`A shame. You have my condolences` the old man said kindly.

`Don't be. Both my parents were terrible people and undeserving of your

condolences.` Emily said dismissively and it seemed to have caused the

man to nod slowly as he looked at her sadly.

Atticus intervened `Elder, now that you have met my wife, may we enter the


The elder broke his gaze from Emily and nodded to Atticus `You may

enter. As your wife, she is considered a member of the tribe` the elder looked

at her again `But even then, she had always been a member of the tribe. She

is welcome to come and go as she pleases` The elder finished with a hum

before he huddled away back towards the open gated door.

She looked at Atticus with a quizzical expression and he explained "They

consider anyone who speaks parseltongue as a member of the tribe." He

said with a soft smile as extended his arm out to her.

She took it and they followed the old man.

"Why?" she asked genuinely curious.

"Because to them, it is a sacred talent that they believe was bestowed to

them by the Naga and anyone who has the gift is a descendant of a single

half Naga half human person. As such they believe the blood that courses

in the vein of a parseltongue speaker is the same as theirs."

She considered that. Truthfully, it made sense to her. Bloodline abilities

such as parseltongue, Sight, metamorphmagi or Hyper-Percipience could

only be passed through the blood. Most of the time it was highly

patriarchal and could only be found in main bloodlines but in some

instances it was an ability that take root in other families.

It seemed like parseltongue was one of the kinds of abilities that persisted

in other bloodlines given that it remained with the Sayres even if it

skipped generations at a time. In a way, the Gaunts' obsession in their

blood made sense if they believed they could pass it on to others.

Still, it didn't excuse their idiocy. By the methods they chose to preserve

their talent they had only doomed themselves into extinction.

She was never going to allow the name Gaunt to rise up again. It would

die in the past like it belonged. House Slytherin did not need their taint.

They were passing through a tunnel that seemed to have been bored into

the hill and soon enough they reached its end as the light of the outside

streamed into the exit.

Her eyes widened as she stared at the sight before. The dusky sun shone

down a fertile land that was nestled in between the forested mountain

whilst a river snaked in between the village.

"Welcome to Slitharsa, home to many parselmouths for thousands of

years." Atticus said, drawing her attentions. He smiled at her softly before

he looked away, back at the village.

She followed his gaze and stared. It seemed…idyllic, as if war and misery

had never touched these lands. Considering where they had first arrived,

the cold and hard ground this far north by the Himalayas, perhaps war

and misery truly had never touched this place.

When they entered the village proper, they were welcomed in a way that

had left her uncomfortable. Their kind and genuine expressions that did

not hide any malice or hidden agendas had surprised and what she

sensed from them even more so. They were genuinely…happy to see

them, a happiness that was untainted by hidden intentions.

She found herself at more ease than she'd expected and she'd come to

enjoy her first few days especially once they were shown the libraries.

She remembered Atticus had said that they'd gifted him parseltongue

texts, rare tomes that despite their usefulness being less than zero in the

hands of any non parseltongue speaker, was incredibly valuable in

certain circles.

Yet despite that, it left her unprepared for the number of parseltongue

tomes that were here, thousands of tomes and scrolls that were collected

over centuries.

Parseltongue wasn't just a language nor was it even a magical language. It

was an expressional branch of magic, a branch that shared similarities

with runic languages but where they needed to be dead, fixed,

parseltongue was alive and vibrated within magic itself.

It could alter reality just as spells could and it was why parselmagic was

powerful, even if it was mostly constrained to healing magic. Largely due

to the fact that the ability mostly stemmed in this tribe of four main

families who believed in the sanctity of life.

It was a few days later that she was alone with a female elder who had

wished to speak with her. She wasn't sure why but she'd agreed.

Curiously, gender did not matter amongst the Slitharahans tribe. To

them, those who prized serpents and considered themselves to be kin to

them, such rigid social structures did not make sense to them when a

female serpent could be just as deadly as male and was even more deadly.

Something she rather liked.

The elder woman offered her tea which she politely accepted.

'Do you know of your family's origins?` the old woman asked her before she

took a sip of her chai.

`You mean in relation to this tribe?` Emily inquired.

The old woman smiled as she nodded.

`Not for certain. There are references to your tribe in the few journals

remaining within my family's treasury but nothing explicit. The family name

Slytherin though makes it more than likely that I am descendant from this

tribe` Emily admitted.

`That is true. You are a child of the tribe. Your ability to speak is proof

enough but there is more to it. Your ancestor, who was named Sita, left the

village many centuries before the one known as Salazar Slytherin had come to

be.` the old woman told her.

Emily considered that `Why did he leave?` she wasn't believing the woman

straight away but she was giving her a chance.

`Why does anyone leave?` the old woman said with a knowing smile

`Youth have always been the same. They seek adventure, they seek meaning

outside of what they know and sometimes that leads them to leave. Most

return, often with wives or husbands, some do not. Your ancestor did not

return even if his descendants did visit at some point or another.`

`I see.` she said with a thoughtful expression on her face. It made sense

why her ancestor might wish to leave. Slitharsa was a…pleasant place to

be but it was not a place a Slytherin would remain.

If this Sita was anything like Salazar or herself then it must have been the

case for him as well. Still, at least she could an inkling of how she came

to be. In that, she was thankful. She at least knew her ancestry

`Did any of my predecessors know this?` she asked curiously.

`They were told` the old woman said affirmatively `We keep good records of

who comes and who goes and when it happens. To us, it is merely a goodbye

for now. We might not see them personally again but we may see them in the

form of their descendants.`

`How do you know if someone is truthful? How do you know if they are who

claim to be?` Emily asked curiously and the old woman huffed a laugh.

`Magic` the old woman said mirthfully and Emily rolled her eyes which

only made the old woman huff louder in laughter.

`Our records are not normal records. These were made by the help of the Naga

who helped us in our endeavour to make sure we knew if our people lived or if

they died.` The old woman said finally and Emily's eyes widened.

They had thousands of years old tapestries that practically tracked

everyone that had even the tiniest bit of their blood.

`That…That must be incredible unmanageable. Surely there are tens of

thousands of magicals alive right now?` she questioned baffled.

The older woman shook her head `Not that many. We have not had that

many alive at any single point in many hundreds of years sadly. At present it

is less than four thousand that carry our blood of which over three thousand

are here and less than seven hundred that can speak the tongue. Over six

hundred and eighty are in this village alone.`

`Can you track people?` Emily asked warily.

The old woman smiled `We cannot. We can only know if one of our kin has

returned and only then can we trace back their lineage`

That was acceptable she mused. She might have had to destroy a

priceless artefact otherwise no matter how…reluctant she was about it.

`Did Atticus know about Sita?` Emily asked curiously.

The old woman shook her head `There was no need for him to know. The

Sayres are well known to us and despite being of the tribe, they are first the

craftsmen of Egypt. Their story is not of Slitharsa even if they carry its blood`

Curious…`I don't quite understand` Emily admitted. `They are part of the

tribe but not permitted to know of their ancestor?`

`An ancestor Sita might be but they do not claim his line as their own. His

story is that of yours, young speaker.` The woman said kindly. `Your

husbands' blood sings the song of another and we respect that`

If she understood correctly the elder woman meant that Atticus' Sayre

heritage trumps that of his links to the Gaunt family. She wondered what

she meant Atticus' blood sung the song of another.

She decided to change topics `Why aren't there more of the tribe? This

place…a city could grow here. From what I understand, Slitharsa never

experienced war`

`The tribe rarely has more than a few hundred children at a time. It is simply

something that has passed through the ages. Our lives are peaceful and it has

worked for thousands of years.` the old woman declared.

It was a belief that was prevalent in many magical societies. Muggles

tended to breed in the dozens because they kept dying so easily over

pitiful reasons and because of their own weaknesses. Unfortunately, as

time went by and their technology and medicine improved, more lived

than died of their weaknesses and their society had not caught up with

their improving understanding.

Something that the magical world did not suffer for they had reached

ways to avoid easy deaths thousands of years ago and their population

had largely stabilised ever since. Disease in magicals was rare and the

only way most died before several generations had been born was

because of war.

In secluded magical communities, war was rarely something that

happened and it was only in societies that share a deep history with

muggles that warred frequently with each other.

Magical Europe had suffered major wars again and again of all kinds of


That is not to say it was constrained to Magical Europe. Wars between

magical societies in the Americas happened quite often and Africa wasn't

immune either but in those lands it was easier to seclude your tribe away

from muggle masses and in that, there was peace as magicals rarely

combatted with each other large scale war.

That is until a few hundred years ago when the magical world became

more connected and wars between European mages and indigenous

peoples became prevalent with the Statute of Secrecy the predominant

reason behind it.

`What is parseltongue?` Emily finally asked `I know that is seen as an

expressional branch of magic but your people must know more than that`

The old woman smiled `It is true that we know more. It is an expressional

magic but the language also holds a touch of divinity. To us, parseltongue is a

divine blessing from the Naga, the ancient race of half serpentine beings`

`The Naga…Were they real?` Emily finally asked

The old woman's smile grew wider `They were. Ancient, truly ancient and

were recorded of being capable of wondrous feats of magic. Most of our parsel

magic comes from them` the old woman said proudly.

`One of the texts made references that our form of parselmagic was akin to

what a grass snake was to a hooded cobra.` the old woman said with an

amused look.

Her eyes gleamed at the thought of stronger parselmagic.

`Does your tribe have any surviving texts on their form of parselmagic?` she


The old woman shook her head `We do not if we had ever been given them.`

she eyed her knowingly `We might not have been capable of performing it.

The Naga were a highly magical race, perhaps even truly divine as our

ancestors once believed.`

Emily felt a bitter disappointment at that. She didn't believe she couldn't

succeed at the Naga form of parseltongue and it was a bitter shame the

tribe didn't have any texts on it.

`They spoke the higher form of parselmagic and though the serpents do not

remember as it has been a long time since a Naga last roamed this earth to our

knowledge, it is known that their accents were distinctly different than any of

ours. Texts described their voices like music that moved the soul with even the

most common of words.` the old woman continued

`Do you believe they might still be alive?` It was odd a supposedly powerful

race could die so easily.

`I do not know` the old woman admitted. `They disappeared almost a

thousand years ago and the scrolls do not say what had happened which is

likely deliberate given that many more texts of that era remained. It is said

that they lived underground, that their kingdoms, their lands were all under

the mountains`

`Perhaps that is still the case and they will return to the world when they

believe it is time` the old woman said though it was clear it was more

hopeful than anything else.

Emily pondered on what he said. Moira might know more about these

beings and those satellites might be able to point out where they might

have once been…where they might be.

They talked for an hour more before she got up to leave but she hesitated

for a second `If I have more questions, will you answer them?` Emily asked.

The old woman stood up and grasped Emily's hand `You are always

welcome to ask any question of me, Daughter of Sita. Just as you are welcome

to return to Slitharsa anytime. You are kin.` the old woman said with a

warm smile.

Emily nodded slowly as a soft smile crept in her face.

Days later she and Atticus left and as the gated door closed, Atticus had

sent her ponderous look "Did you find what you were looking for?"

She turned to him, her expression slightly guarded. "No." she said after a

moment. She'd hoped for more than she what had been told about her

family even if it was more than she knew before and their collection of

texts were not that useful to here.

It seemed like she may have to develop her own form of parselmagic.

She made to leave but she stopped in her steps as she looked over her

shoulder "But perhaps I found something worthwhile anyway." She added

quietly before she twisted on her heels and disapparated away, away

from the place, and people, that she somehow felt a connection to. It was

minor, it was insignificant but it was there nonetheless.


"I sense no magic here." Emily stated as they walked up the old stone

steps that were embedded in the mountain.

"There is magic here…just hidden. Very well hidden" Atticus said. Had it

not been for the fact that he saw where this led, he might have suspected

the same as she did.

Finally, after a while, they saw something embedded in the cliff side that

barely stood out from the surroundings as they walked up the steps that

snaked around the face of the mountain.

A monk dressed in orange garments that exposed half of his body stood

at the top of the steps. As they neared they saw he was a relatively young

man with a shaven head and he smiled at them.

Atticus frowned as he stared at the man. He could sense no magic from

the man. Weren't these monks meant to be magical?

"You can't sense his magic either?" Emily asked agitated, clear that she

was displeased about the possibility of wasting their time.

"No." Atticus said "But this is the right place." He told her.

One of the elders at Slitharsa had told him that he was expected here by

the ancient sage. Someone who had hailed from their village many

centuries ago.

She frowned heavily "They never said there would be muggles here." She

turned to him "Did you know?"

He shook his head "I didn't. I can't sense in my visions."

She said nothing to that as they reached the top. The smiling man looked

at them before focusing on him. "He is waiting for you." He said. "You

may find him at the end of the temple."

He turned to Emily "Please follow me to the library. You will find it to

your liking." The smiling monk said as he turned around and walked with

an impressive serenity through the rickety door.

Emily turned to him, her eyes narrowing "He might actually be just like

you." She simply stated and he felt offended.

"I don't do that" he said with a wave. He didn't get people to deliver

messages like that.

She raised her eyebrow in response.

"Not to that degree." He protested.

She said nothing.

He thinned his lips, his eyes twitching. "Fine. I'm going to meet him." He

paused for a moment as he looked at her seriously. "Will you be alright?"

"I have no issue going to the library. I expect the man won't have

pertinent information for me specifically anyway. I might as well find

some links as to how he reportedly is over six hundred years old." She

said before she walked into the temple.

Atticus entered after her and continued inward until he reached a floor

up the stairs where he found a man sitting on a cushion in an empty hall.

He was aged, very old but he held a quiet dignity about him even if he sat

with his eyes closed and slightly huddled forward.

Just like the other monk, Atticus could sense no magic from this man.

Was he magical or not? Were any of them magical?

It was confusing to him, the way the paths had made today seem…as if it

changed something fundamental for him.

If he was from the village he was at worse a squib and he most definitely

did not feel like a squib. A squib could still be sensed and interact with

magic…it was just that their magic was somehow incomplete.

Somehow the man figured out to occlude his magic completely and that

was something he thought impossible. How do you even manage that?

The sage monk did not move from his position for some time, his eyes

were closed and his breathing inaudible. Had not been for the fact that

he could see the man's soul, he would not have been able to tell if he was

still alive.

He wasn't sure what this all served, why this charade was being

performed but he knew eventually it would end. All paths looked like he

would not get the opportunity to question the sage if he left. It grated

him that he needed to wait ho-

The sage's eyes opened and Atticus' straightened up in shock.

The sage smiled, the wrinkles on his face widened as he looked at Atticus

with mirth.

`Do not rely on your Sight, young mage.` The sage said in parseltongue.

`How?` Atticus asked in wonderment. He had not seen this path.

The man raised his hand and stuck out his index finger with the rests

curled up in a fist.

He traced a circle in the air `Time flows in one direction. This is the truth of

the universe. It can be stretched, it can be accelerated but it will never go


`You, young mage, know this and see this. It is a river to you, one that you

peddle into as it moves in one direction. But what you do not see is below the

surface. The little currents, the wavelets and the fishes.` the sage said with a

huffing laugh.

Atticus frowned `And you exploited this to hide this moment from my Sight?

Should this outcome not have been apparent to me as soon as you made a


The sage smiled as he shook his head `How many paths did you see?`

`Twelve and what happened now had not happened in any of them.` he told

the sage.

The sage hummed pleasantly `You focus on those paths, correct?`

`Yes. It allows me to see further and reduces the noise.` And he used to see

outcomes of certain decisions and paths in the near future.

`And in doing so you have played into my hand` The sage said serenely as

his eyes sharpened into him. `You see possibilities, never the future as it will

unfold. You see decisions that lead to outcomes and other decisions and so on.

In that, you leave yourself unaware to those who know how to manipulate the

rivers of time as you do`

And so it was confirmed. There were already others who could do it. That

was fundamental enough. Morgana, could there be others out there who

knew of his and Emily's plots?

`You can see the possibilities as well` Atticus merely stated.

`I do, son of Morrigan` the sage said and Atticus narrowed his eyes.

`You can hear the possibilities too" Atticus said with a penetrating gaze. At

some point or another, he must have heard that phrase. He never heard

that phrase being uttered before. There was a chance he could have

heard it said by someone in his family in the distant past but by the time

the man was born, their family history with regards to Moira was little

better than legend so it was unlikely he'd seen and heard it said at any

stage other than the current future.

`I can` the sage confirmed.

`How?` Atticus asked with unbridled curiosity.

The sage smiled `In time you will manage this on your own. Your journey is

yours to walk, young Sayre. You are here for another reason`

Atticus suppressed an annoyance. `And that is?` he asked calmly and as

he asked, he realised that for the first time ever there was someone who

knew more of the future than he did.

Moira had known about the future thanks to whatever those Perceivers

had concocted to get to this point and her daughter had helped it along

but she didn't know anything for certain.

This man…this man might have hundreds of years to hone his skill and

that actually terrifying. He could have ended him before he'd even been


Any of these people who could see the future could have ended him.

`Good. You realise` the sage said, this time very serious `You have been

protected your entire life, son of Morrigan, son of the Sayres.`

`You know what I intend to do` Atticus stated, his voice devoid of emotion.

`I do and I have known for centuries` the sage said affirmatively `My order

has known for almost two thousand years`

It was then he realised `Moira's daughter`

The sage smiled `Adair was the founder of our order.`

Atticus wanted to laugh. Even with his sight, he knew nothing.

`Your journey has been foretold for a very long time, kin of Adair, and it is

my time to play my part in it.` the old man straightened up, a wave of

engulfing magic spread from the man, magic caused him to shudder in

shock at the pureness of it.

It was utterly untainted, pristine and it felt like he was bathed in


Just as soon as the magic rippled out of him, it receded and back into a

steely but unflinching core that radiated serenity.

`Your magic…its…` Atticus tried.

`Many years of enlightenment.` the sage grew saddened `And it is not your

path, young Sayre. Your path has never been one of peace and tranquillity.`

`Do we not make our own paths?` Atticus said quietly, sardonically.

`We do.` The sage confirmed `But more often than not, our paths choose us

just as well. We may take the mantle of our path or not, that is our choice but

fate has a curious thing about her` the sage said with a mild smile.

Atticus said nothing to that. Had he not chosen his path after the

Centaur's prophetic words? Had he not chosen it again before he'd gone

to war? And again when they decided to tear the magical world apart?

`Who was I protected from?` Atticus asked finally, bringing the

conversation back to point.

`An order that is almost as old as our own, one that stemmed from a gifted

disciple who learnt just enough to become a nuisance` the sage sighed `and

from him, more came and exist today. They are committed into guiding the

magical world into a future of their own making.`

He frowned. So a shadowy group…

But for a shadowy group to exist, there needs to be a front of some

kind…but there were no magical societies powerf- His eyes narrowed

`The ICW?`

The sage smiled briefly `The ICW is merely the horse that pulls the carriage.

They hidden behind the curtains within the carriage` the sage said.

`How do I know you're telling the truth` he asked suspiciously `For all I

know you're the order you speak of.`

`You cannot know, young Sayre` the sage said amused `At least not now.

You will have to determine if what you hear today is truth or untruth on your


Atticus' eye twitched before he tilted his head, his magic slowly crawling

out of his skin `I could force you`

`You would harm an old man` the sage asked amused.

`If you know what I plan on doing, then you know the answer to that


The sage nodded serenely `Yes. I am a danger to your family and you don't

allow dangers do you?.` the sage paused `You would likely defeat me in a

duel, young Sayre, that is perhaps inescapable but you would not break me in

any possibility. Ask your questions and I may choose to answer if I can.`

Atticus met the gaze of the sage and withdrew his magic. `Very well.`

`What is the name of this group and how did your order blind them to me?`

Atticus asked.

`They call themselves Men of Symbols and we blinded them by the same way I

blinded you to this path.`

`Through manipulation of the rivers of time` Atticus said with a frown `What

does even mean?`

The sage looked at him amused `It means that is something you must find

out on your own. You have a keen mind and it will not take you long I


Atticus stared at the man as he thought it over. How was he caught

unaware? He resisted the urge to growl out in frustration.

If he could be blinded so easily then it meant that he couldn't rely on his

Sight at all. How could he rely on his Sight when something utterly

unexpected could happen?

Unexpected in all the pa-

`You see more than just a few paths` Atticus said in wonder `And you know

exactly how to pull a path of the lesser probability whilst at the same time

ensure none except yourself can know`

The sage smiled `I did say it would not take you long to understand.`

`But that is just…` Atticus shook his head `How can you comprehend that?

Even now I cannot see more than maybe a few more than a dozen paths. We

are not built to see infinity.`

`I cannot see infinity, that is true. But what I do see thousands of paths at any

given time. Something that took many years to accomplish. With that came the

subtle skill to manipulate possibilities around others.`

So at some point he could tangibly manipulate the possibilities of others?

To the point that he could manipulate the Sight of others who could

traverse Living Time?

`Wouldn't they recognise it eventually? How did they miss such manipulation

to hide me from the Sight of others for so long?` Atticus wondered.

`Through difficulty` the sage admitted `We have failed almost in several

instances and only through assassination of their skilled Seers were we able to

reduce their effectiveness in traversing time. The ones that exist today are

unable to see more than one possible path, maybe two. They believe that the

future is immutable and it is because of their arrogance and self-assurance

they will not see the truth for what time is`

Atticus understood now `They saw Albus Dumbledore defeating


`That was the likely possibility before you entered the war` the sage


So that's where their enmity came from. He must have shaken them to the

core if he was utterly unexpected. Ironically he could understand their

viewpoint. After all, he was shaken today with what he had heard today.

Atticus traced his hand across his face before he looked at the sage

`Thank you.` he hesitated for a moment `I regret threatening you`

The sage laughed `I accept your non-apology young Sayre` the sage said


Atticus smiled slightly before he grew serious `So if Moira's daughter

created your order, do they know of what might be out there?` he said

pointing upwards.

The sage expression shifted `We do and I cannot tell you. Neither can

anyone else from my order. That is absolute.`

`Why?` Atticus asked baffled `Surely it is better for me to know now! So that

I can prepare` Atticus said agitated, his parseltongue descending into

fervent hissing.

`No. The journey is as important as the destination itself.` the sage said


Atticus frowned heavily `Then why am I being bombarded by experiences of

those who have long passed? Why I am made to feel magic sundered and

violated? What use is ancient history that has long since been treaded and

forgotten?!` Atticus said with muted anger, the frustration that he had

kept within himself leaking out.

`Manu has granted you access?` the sage asked with inscrutable eyes.

Atticus stilled. Did the man know about the Domain?

`I wouldn't say access.` Atticus said bitterly `It's been forced onto me.

Experiences of dreadful nature wrecking my mind until I figured out a way to

block it out`

`Manu always has a purpose in mind. His wisdom is beyond measure.` the

sage chided. `You should consider it an honour it allowed you to see the

highest tier of the realm.`

`And what is Manu?` Atticus asked intently unwilling to discuss what

honour it was to be mentally tortured. `The Domain?`

The sage shook his head `Manu is not the realm. He is of the realm. A first

born of the Manu.`

`The Manu are beings?` Atticus' mind whirled. A Precursor?

The sage shook his head `I do not know what they are. Merely that they

exist. Much of what my order knows comes from few passages in texts from

previous monks` the sage looked at him `If Manu sent you those experiences

then be assured they have purpose in them. Manu is far more powerful than

you can know, young Sayre. If Manu intended you harm, you would have


He said nothing to that. At the beginning when he'd been so defenceless,

this…Manu could have trapped him. He'd begun to recognise the feelings

of being pushed experiences and he realised that just as much as he was

pushed, he could have been held.

`Why do you think he made me experience those lives then?` Atticus asked

after a few moments.

`Likely why you here today. You needed to understand. You are on a path

that will grow to mirror a tsunami. Manu likely wishes you to understand.`

the sage concluded.

If this Manu wanted him to understand…

Well, let's just say he understood well enough.

He shook his head `What now?` Atticus asked finally.

`For us, it is time to part ways.` the sage said with a smile `I and the monk

you saw are the last of our order which will die with us.`

Atticus scrutinized the man before him `All of this…all of this for me…` he

said trailing off.


` It is not you that was chosen but the role itself. In the end, the possibilities

led us to this moment and the possibilities from here onwards will lead to other

points which may take different shapes or filled with different individuals but

ultimately led to occur all the same.` the sage said kindly `Just as my role

was always to be filled and I simply happen to be the one who filled it.`

The sage stood up. `I wish you good fortune for the future young Sayre.

Many hopes of many peoples rest on your shoulders.` the sage finished

before he hobbled away.

Atticus wasn't sure how long he sat there, confused and unsure of


"Atticus." He broke out of his disjointed thoughts and he turned to his

wife's voice.

She crossed the distance and looked down at him, her gaze calculating

and boring deep into him.

"You look like you have no idea what's happened."

He laughed as he stood up. "Honestly…I don't think I really do." He

admitted. "Emily, the man knows everything."

Emily's eyes widened before they turned into slits. "I see…" she said


He shook his head "He'd likely see us coming a thousand different ways."

He met her gaze "He's not a threat to us." He smiled wanly "We have

much bigger threats to deal with." He said tiredly as he explained to her

about the possibility of the ICW being a much greater threat than they


He knew he had to spend time to digest what he heard today about

Living Time…about the Domain and this Manu…and the fact that he had

little control over what was happening.

Merlin…He'd come to this trip to deal with his problem and yet he had

found many more.

They walked down the stairs as they exited the temple hall and his eyes

widened at the sight before them.

The two monks were back to back with a white lotus in their hands, their

bodies soulless.

"They killed themselves." He said in a dead voice. They killed themselves

after their task was complete. He hadn't even had the opportunity to ask

what their order was called.

"At least that solves one threat" Emily said with a hint of satisfaction.

Somehow, that fact did not ease him at all.

8. Chapter 72

Hello All, welcome back to the story!

FYI - I do know that the story lately has been lacking in Emily +

Atticus interaction as some have bemoaned but it is coming. Have a

little patience. Some of you were impatient with the slow pace of

Arc II with regards to the war and saying that I was 'stretching it'

when I had the war closed in 19 chapters.

When it is a story like this, one that is moving towards a space

opera in its sequel in Halo Time Line, there will be many spheres of

theatre, spheres that will span all kinds of perspectives across many

worlds and kinds of people, you can't expect the story to always to

be central on two figures.

Saying that, I start my stories slowly and we're only a few chapters

in. The state of the world has been explained and expanded and

we're getting to more main character focus.

Without further adieu, please enjoy the post and let me know what

you think!

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next three chapters are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

16th of March 1953 – British Ministry of Magic, Day of Bombing

Charlus Potter POV

"Jellings better realise he'll be assigned to a desk for the rest of his life"

Junior Auror Alastor Moody muttered under his breath as they paced

quickly towards the Wizengamot Chambers.

"Keep your wits about you" Charlus barked out harshly as they

approached the twin doors of the Wizengamot Chambers. They'd received

a message of a tense hostage situation within the Wizengamot with one

of theirs held at wand point which was embarrassing and would later

have consequences, that was certain.

Still, the protections within the Wizengamot made it a low risk problem

which was why they would proceed at a careful pace and see what the

offender wanted before subduing him once the opportunity arose.

The people in the halls parted ways as they gasped at the sight of their

Auror Squad "De-escalati-"

An explosion outward from the twin doors rocked the second level of the

Ministry as stone, marble and wood splintered and cracked under the

force of the explosion, the air rippling from the shockwave of dust and

violent air, slamming into them and throwing them off of their feet.

Charlus' mind slowed what happened even as he was in the air, dazed

from the force of the explosion but had enough wits about him to protect

himself further from any harm. His wand twisted around and with a

sharp slash, halted his momentum before he let himself drop to the floor

on his feet before he crumbled to his knees.

He winced, his ears ringing all the while, as he placed his hand to his

sides and felt the unpleasant familiar feeling of cracked ribs.

Moans and cries and screams reverberated around him brought him back

into the present and he glanced up, a chill travelling up his spine as he

saw the devastation that was levelled within the Ministry.

Bodies lay scattered amidst rubble, unmoving and seemingly lifeless. He

swallowed harshly as he glanced further away and saw the explosion had

reached the far edges of the hallways to the point some rubble had

smashed into other offices and chambers and in the midst of that, the

casualties of the explosion were calamitous.

Screams and cries and desperate calls for help rang louder in his ears as

his hearing returned back to a semblance of normalcy.

He looked around as he shakily stood up, turning towards the

Wizengamot Chambers and he suppressed the urge to sharply intake a


The regal doors that cornered off the Wizengamot Chambers from the

outside world like gates to a sacred temple, was no more…having been

pulverised into non-existence and the walls that separated the chamber

had fallen apart like rotted wood wilting under the weight and touch of

hands whilst the floor had cracked apart, spidery cracks that gave way to

a new entrance to the lowest level of the Ministry.

If the explosion was bad enough to rip through the centuries old

enchantments and cause this much destruction here, he was afraid to

think what that would mean for those within the Chamber.

'Fleamont' Charlus thought grimly, his mind going to dark places.

He shook his head clear, he had to refocus.

He turned around and saw half of his Aurors were at best out cold and at


His brown eyes snapped to Moody was amongst the least injured, blood

caked around his head, his hair matted with dust and blood but his eyes

showed that he was aware if only slightly dazed. Carlinger, Scamander

and Conway were all more or less fine all things considered.

His eyes sharpened as he set his jaw and with blistering speed waved his

wand around and levitated the rubble that had fallen atop some people

before he banished them away.

"Conway" Charlus barked out as he continued whirl his wand around,

removing the debris from people, something Scamander joined in doing

whilst he paced quickly towards Conway.

"Sir!" Conway's response was slower than he wanted as he walked over to

the man and pulled him to his feet. Charlus waved his wand over the

man and his diagnosis spell made it clear the man had minor internal

injuries, nothing life-threatening but enough that he could not rely on the

man for further action.

"Go get help from St. Mungos and after that call everyone in" He ordered

'If they haven't already heard the explosion already' he thought to himself.

Conway nodded dazed before he walked away.

Scamander and Carlinger were checking on the most critical and

stabilising them as he walked over to them. Charlus turned a woman who

was relatively uninjured

"You! Miss..."

"Vance" the shaken woman said, her face pale in shock and horror.

Charlus snapped his fingers in front of her face and she jolted aware as

she turned her gaze towards him.

Good. She was more or less fine.

"Miss Vance, I want you to gather all the largely uninjured individuals

and help Auror Scamander with anything he might need." Charlus turned

to his Aurors which now consisted of Moody "Carlinger, Moody, you're

coming with to the Wizengamot Chambers."

Both glanced at the devastated place and turned back to him and nodded

grimly. It wasn't hard to understand that they both realised that if things

were bad here.

"I'll send through whatever reinforcements come." Scamander promised

and Charlus nodded before they made their way towards the Chambers.

They vanished some of the dust and smoke away as they arrived within

the Chambers, taking careful measure of the unstable flooring before they

reached deeper into the domed circular chambers yet they collectively

stilled as they realised the scale of the destruction, the dust and smoke

having reduced in intensity and thickness only to reveal the sundered

chamber that once housed those who ruled their world.

"Merlin…" Carlinger whispered shakily as he turned green and retched at

what he saw. The calamitous situation outside of the Chambers could not

be compared to the scenes before them.

"Animals…whomever did this…animals" Moody muttered, his expression

ashen and his eyes expressive with restrained gloom at the horror before


Where before there was a gallery, high above the near top of the domed

circular chambers, instead there was nothing more than crumbled stone

and burning ash, the remaining structures that held up the gallery were

broken, burning and torn asunder under the wave of destructive power

from whatever had detonated.

Blood dripped from atop the remaining structures that pitifully held up a

fraction of the famous gallery, a gallery filled with press or visitors that

were kin or members of the Houses seated within the Wizengamot.

It was macabre…

Dead eyes in half torn faces stared out into the abyss whilst their faces

remained fixed in shocking fear, hands and feet peeking out from rubble

and broken marble, their bodies buried underneath the weight of the

once great gallery.

It was the sight of horrors and grief struck within him at the desolation of

what had happened, the senseless murder of almost a hundred civilians.

It was sickening and it tugged at his mind, the sight of such horror

reminding him of what he'd seen in the war and he had to pull himself

out of the memories with heaving effort just as he physically swivelled

around, pushing himself further and farther away from the sight of the

innocent dead.

Yet that feeling of sickness only filled his core ever more as he grew

fearful…fearful of seeing the same dead terrified expression frozen in

torn faces in his own brother's face as he lifted his gaze towards the

tiered seats of the Wizengamot and a sharp intake of breath escaped his

restraint, his hands shaking wildly.

The Ancient seats that stood for centuries no longer resembled the tiered

assembly, box seats were proudly belonging to those of ancient descent

were now defiled with the remnants of their descendants' blood and


The elevated seats had crumbled under the force of the explosion and not

even the Most Ancient seats had survived, seats that bore the original

enchantments of Merlin Emrys and it was another shock to the system as

an enchantment deemed unbreakable had been destroyed just as ably as

the rest of the chamber had been.

It chilled him to his bones, the thought of whatever that explosion was,

an explosion that could rip through as unbreakable through the

enchantments enchanted by Merlin himself.

But there was hope…hope in the form of standing survivors. Hope that

this day of horror that struck a blow against the heart of their nation had

not struck a fatal blow…however costly the injuries would prove to be.

His eyes flickered towards the Progressives camps and he allowed a

breath of relief as he saw his brother survive and giving aid to the few

others with Harfang.

His brother looked injured but not overly so and he knew it was a minor

miracle he had survived this. He glanced at where the Potter seat had

been located and he noticed it was one of the few mostly intact even if it

had sagged into the crumbled marble like most others, just the same as


His eyes travelled towards the rest of the Wizengamot and he saw only

one more of the same deflection, the same pattern as that of his brother's

at the Longbottom seat before he spotted similar deflections by Lady

Slytherin who had survived with a few others of the Ouroboros who

stood nearby her yet they were just as decimated as the Progressives

though both were far better off than the Traditionalists who had none

standing amidst the crumbled tiered section.

In that moment, he realised why that was, why his brother had survived,

why it was likely Harfang and Slytherin had survived when nearly none

other had…

"Ego Custos…" Charlus whispered to himself. A shield that Atticus had

taught him when he'd been promoted as Senior Auror.

A shield that could defend against Fiendfyre just as much as it could

defend against the most destructive forms of magic or physical objects

and grew more powerful – and more magically intensive – the more

desperate you were.

Something Atticus had told him had been inspired by his duel with

Grindelwald and that he wished for him to have in case he ever needed


And he'd taught it to Fleamont…his brother who survived only because

of this shield when many others had perished.

His throat felt tight as he began to speak.

"Moody, Carlinger." Charlus said quietly before he gathered himself, his

mind drifting away from his thoughts.

"Go and help any survivors at the gallery. Stabilise them as much as you

can before moving on to the others." He said sharply, breaking his Aurors

out of their horrified shock with the way his voice managed to be

unwavering despite the fact he was as shaky as the structures of the

chamber itself.

"Yes boss" "Sir" Aurors Moody and Carlinger sounded out before they

rushed away towards the crumbled gallery.

"Fleamont!" Charlus shouted as he made his way towards the

Traditionalist section. His brother looked up from where he was huddled,

applying some kind of treatment to the injured. His brother's expression

was tired but grateful as the brothers met each other gaze.

His brother nodded to him and Charlus was relieved to know that his

brother was fine and returned it before quickening his pace towards the

Traditionalist section.

The magic in the air rose, thickening the density of the air, the dust that

clogged up the surroundings began to slow, as if it was caught in a thick

liquid slurry, unable to fall as unrestrained as it once was.

He turned his head and saw her, on her feet like an eternal wave of

palpable power, aglow with thick strands of dark blue magic surrounded

her like a torrential storm about to sweep aside mountains as her magic

pressed against the boundaries of the destroyed chambers.

Her hands rose and it felt like an age as he stood still, her hands rising

like slow moving glaciers yet it felt as it weighed a dozen times more

than even the greatest mass of ice.

And then…

Reality shifted, the world responded to her demands, her orders, her


The broken stones, the burnt out husks of the formerly tiered

Wizengamot rose in the air as if hung by strings, shattered burnt shards of

wood and stone smelted into one another all the while bodies were

separated from the debris, floating aimlessly but unharmed towards the

centre of the circular chamber where the floor was gliding back into a

semblance of what it once was, the cracks within the marble flooring

disappearing like vanishing streaks of lightning.

The few that seemed to be awake and conscious were being attended to

by the surviving Lords whilst Slytherin moved those who had been lost in

the destruction.

He moved into action and brandished his wand as he carefully levitated

the bodies down and quickly checked to see if there were any still alive

but it was in vain. Lords Avery, Brown, Cornfoot, Crabbe, and even

Malfoy were all almost unrecognisable and he could only identify them

by the emblems of their rings.

Again and again he came across dead Lords and Ladies, a few having

seemed to have lasted only slightly longer than others, having protected

themselves better from the blast than other but they were all dead and he

stilled when he came across the next body, his knees feeling weak as he

crouched down, his stoic expression breaking as he saw the one person

who he hoped not to see here.

"Arcturus" Charlus sighed quietly at the sight of his brother-in-law. He

waved his wand around him and his diagnostic charm indicated what he

thought had happened.

He bore a deep wound in his chest not far from his heart, a piece of

banister buried into his chest having gone through the opening of his

Wizengamot robes.

He had not died from the explosion or whatever magical effects it caused,

no, Arcturus Black, the Lord Black, had died because he was unlucky.

He closed his eyes. 'Dorea…' This was going to break his wife, he knew.

She loved her brother very much despite all appearances and he knew

they were each other's favourite siblings.

To die in this fashion…

He checked on the others and found none lived. He turned towards

Moody and Carlinger and saw that they had also arranged the dead in a

cleared space and laid them down. It seemed there were would be no

further survivors.

Charlus twisted his wand and conjured dozens of plain white sheets

before flicking his wand and causing the sheets to cover the bodies. For

Arcturus, he covered him with a sheet that bore the famous emblem of

his House, a Grim.

'Rest in peace, brother. I will ensure they won't get away with this' he swore

to himself as he crouched down and placed his hand on the emblem on

the white sheet.

"Brother." He heard and saw his brother huddling over on a cane that he

must have just created.

Charlus rose up from his crouched position and turned to his brother

completely, a concerned look on his face.

His brother saw and waved it away "Nothing a day in St. Mungo's won't

heal." Fleamont smiled bitterly "That shield of yours saved my bacon,


"Seems like it saved more than just you." He peered over to Harfang who

was speaking with Atticus' wife.

"Yes…Harfang used the same shield as well." Fleamont said with a sigh

"In truth, Harfang's saved my life just as a part of my shield saved

Abbott's life. He was the one who called out for us to raise shields when

the man almost finished speaking."

It seemed like Harfang's battle intuition was still working just fine,

Charlus thought to himself.

Charlus' eyes drifted to Harfang. "I'll have to thank him." He said with a

relieved sigh before he looked at his brother. "How are the survivors?" as

his eyes hardened into cold brown embers.

His brother seemed to pick up on this though he did not comment on it

"Not good." He said with a gentle sway of the head, his expression

pained. "Lords Abbot, Shafiq and Prewett will survive but they will not be

able to live a long life from what we could tell. They had not been

covered by my Ego Custos shield completely and it seems like the

explosion had damaging corrosive elements that are dark in nature."

His brother sighed as he glanced away, over his should towards the

injured Lords and the few Ministry officials that were being kept stable

by Lords Lestrange, Prince and Harfang, the only Lords that were healthy

enough to walk unaided whilst Slytherin went over to Carlinger to aid

them with the couple of survivors he'd found.

"The others…the others…I'm not sure they'll live passed today." His

brother more quietly as the sounds of coming people grew louder by the


"Who is responsible for this?" He asked with a cold tone, an arctic fury

rippling underneath his skin as the weight of today's disaster.

"The man made references to Phoenixes." His brother with his eyes


Charlus' lips tightened, the arctic fury that lay underneath his skin broke

into a smouldering molten fury rising from a newly formed caldera just

as a wave of healers and Aurors burst through into the Wizengamot


"Dorea is here." His brother said quietly and the hot fury within him

vanished just like that when he saw his wife amongst the healers and his

expression turned sorrowful.

He hadn't realised that she was still on Emergency Call shifts as she

looked at the Wizengamot in shock and dismay before she turned

towards him and a clear sense of relief was apparent on her face.

She rushed forward towards him and hugged him tightly. "Oh, I'm so glad

to see you're alright." She whispered in his ear. "I thought maybe…"

"I'm fine Dor…I'm fine, really." He said as he sighed contently in their

embrace until he remembered what she had lost.

"Where's Archie?" She asked as he broke off the embrace, a pained

expression on his face, something she noticed immediately.

Her eyes widened. "No…" she said with shock as his eyes flickered

towards the body with the Grim emblem. She swivelled around and

gasped despairingly.

"No…no….no…" she cried out as she walked over in stiltedly towards the

body. She fell to her knees and uncovered his face and her cries turned

silent and he walked over, crouching next to her with his arm around her


"I'm sorry Dor…I…" his voice died in his throat and she clutched tighter

onto him and he closed his eyes as he let her cry out in his chest.

She wasn't the only one amongst the reinforcements that cried or raged

that day. Not when so many had lost family members in the bombing yet

it was the cries of the one that matters by far the most to him that tore

him to pieces.

It was a day and a half later that he met up with Emile Tiff, the newly

promoted Acting Director of the MLE, several other Senior Aurors and

Jeffrey Bracker the Director of the Department of Mysteries to discuss

how they managed to devastate the Ministry like that, despite how

exhausted he was.

The bombing of the Wizengamot had not been the only attack that was

orchestrated…no, it seemed only the prelude of hastening escalation as

several homes of noble families were razed to the ground with casualties

on more than just one occasion.

The Ministry which was already left reeling was chaotic, in shock and

these attacks only made it worse and the pressure on the Auror

Department was almost unbearable. They were stretched and a massive

recall of former Aurors, retired or fired, was made as news filtered

through the public about the massive terrorist strikes that were being


One thing was for sure though…This had escalated to a degree that had

hardened them and the Department was united in rooting them out


There were already several Auror squads out apprehending suspects with

links to both terrorist organisations leaving no stones unturned.

"The explosion was unique" Bracker said with a pursed lip as he waved

his wand, the Wizengamot Chambers forming in a ghostly mist at the

centre of the table as the scene was reconstructed.

"From the memories donated by Lords Potter, Lestrange and the Ministry

scribe, we've managed to ascertain some idea of the nature of the

explosion." Bracker said as the murderer that held Jellings began to dimly

glow before erupting into an explosion that lay the devastation he'd seen.

"The magical residue that remained is dark in nature, true, but it is more

than that. It is willingly sacrificial."

Intakes of sharp breath could collectively be heard before Bracker


"From what we could ascertain, we are relatively confident that the man

was under a form of ritual that was activated with a delayed trigger,

requiring him to willingly sacrifice his magic and his life. We also suspect

that this trigger set off a secondary reaction, possibly a potion he

consumed prior to arriving within the gallery, that amplified the

explosion that happened today." Bracker finished.

"How?" Senior Auror Kinston asked, his expression grim "How could that

be enough to fuel an explosion that could rip through Merlin's


All eyes fell on Bracker who had thinned his lips and remained silent for

a few moments. "We're not sure." Bracker admitted "But…we do have

suspicions that it might have been the intent of the sacrifice that might

have proved to be enough to destroy Merlin's Enchantments."

Emile Tiff frowned "Intent? What intent?"

Bracker hesitated for a second before he answered "The intent to break

the power that resided within the Wizengamot."

The silence was eerie as the full implication of the attack settled on them.

"You meant to say…" One of the Senior Aurors trailed off.

"That Merlin's Enchantments are destroyed in totality?" Bracker finished.


Emile Tiff looked gravely at Bracker "You mean to say you don't know

how to re-apply them? Any of them?"

"You have a high opinion of us, Acting Director" Bracker said with a thin

smile "But in this instance, it is misplaced. We have never replicated

Merlin's Enchantments nor do we know how he had done it, only

theories." Bracker moved his hands to behind his back.

"Unfortunately, today's tragedy has larger consequences than most will

realise. The Wizengamot tiered seats was almost sentient in a way and as

it was expanded, some of Merlin's Enchantments had expanded to cover

it…all of which is now forever lost." Bracker finished.

Silence reigned for a few moments until Charlus spoke up "You

mentioned a secondary reaction."

Bracker turned him, a fleeting flicker of surprise crossing his face before

he nodded, this time grimly and more serious "Yes. That potion I

mentioned…there's a reason for why we believe he consumed something.

The explosive residue once we removed the inherent magical residue

indicated that it was dynamite."

"Dynamite?" Tiff asked confused "Is that some kind of obscure explosive


Bracker shook his head "No. It's a muggle invention." He said simply and

the room tensed, the temperature dropping as if Death itself walked

amongst them.

"Explain" Tiff said dangerously, his voice low.

"You are aware of gunpowder?" Bracker questioned the room and several

nodded, likely those who took Muggle Studies in Hogwarts.

"It is similar to that, in that it is a chemical concoction consisting of

several elements that explodes once it triggered by certain conditions."

Bracker pursed his lips.

"We believe the potion altered him alchemically, perhaps his fat stores

were converted into dynamite until a critical point had been reached and


Charlus exchanged a look with Emile Tiff, whose expression darkened

substantially, something the rest of the occupants in the room noticed.

Tiff looked at Bracker "Are you certain?" he asked, his voice grave.

Bracker's gaze flickered to Charlus, an inquisitive look in his eyes before

returning them to Tiff. "I am."

Tiff straightened stiffly in his chair, his dark expression worsening. His

eyes swept across the room.

"This does not leave this room, not until we first apprehend the traitors to

Magical Britain, is that understood?" Tiff said in a growling voice and

once he'd gotten the affirmatives, he continued

"We have evidence that both groups, namely the Order of the Phoenix

and the Isonomian Movement, have been provided funds and resources

by the muggles." Tiff said blankly and Senior Aurors rose to their feet,


"You meant to say muggles are partly responsible for what happened

tonight?!" Senior Auror Kinston asked furiously.

"I'm saying that they may be involved in more than just this attack." Tiff

said calmly though the harsh glint in his eyes were obvious to see. "That

is why it is utterly important that none of this escapes this room, not

when the fervour of hate and anger is so high." Tiff's eyes narrowed


"We do not need another element to this crisis." He said with a

threatening tone and one that Charlus understood very well was needed.

The last thing they needed was for word to break out that muggles were

partially responsible for yesterday's attack…not when some people were

calling for all those who supported the two groups to be rounded up and


The country was teetering on civil war and he, along with Director Tiff,

knew that they were on the very edge.

The deaths of the Heads of Houses was shocking to the public but he

knew that it was the death of the visitors that truly upset them. Much of

the message of the Isonomian Movement and the Order of the Phoenix

had elements that the public felt sympathetic to.

Thankfully, the attacks on family homes had lessened that support but it

had not eradicated it completely and they knew that they had to

apprehend them all before it could escalate any further.

Which would happen if the people who lost family or friends in the

attacks knew of the muggle involvement. The last thing they needed is

for some idiot to attack the muggles when all evidence was pointing

towards their intent to take control of their world. If they have more of

these weapons…

Tiff turned to Charlus who understood his look and Charlus picked the

rest of the conversation

"We have evidence to suggest that the muggles have been thoroughly

informed of our world and actively involved." Charlus said with a deathly

calm tone despite the gravity of the situation "I met with the Lo-" he

cleared his voice

"The late Lord Black just over a week ago informed me of what he had

learnt. The muggles have magicals working for them and to make it

worse, it has been the case for years." Charlus said grimly.

He'd been shocked when Arcturus had asked him some suspicious

questions. It was only after point blankly asking him what the reasons

behind the questions were that Arcturus admitted that he had evidence

that the Magical World was intensely compromised…that there were

traitors working with the muggles to undermine their world.

That it was happening ever since Underhill was assigned to guarding

duties to the muggle Royals over ten years ago!

Arcturus had spoken that the muggles had their own form of magical

researchers intently working on weaponry and this bomb was very likely

to have been one of theirs.

"Why?" Senior Auror Blithwick asked disturbed "What's their motive?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Senior Auror Kinston asked darkly "To destroy us!"

"We don't know that." Bracker spoke up, his gaze falling on Kinston "Such

thinking will only prove to change what is already a dangerous situation

into a deathly one."

It was more likely it was as a result of their actions against the muggle

royals, Charlus thought cynically. Arcturus had mentioned that he

believed their motivations might have something to do about the Magical

World supposedly not honouring their duties to the British Crown.

"Though Director Bracker is correct in some ways, Auror Kinston's

thinking is not entirely without basis." Tiff said with his hands steepled in

front of him "As for their motives, we have a clear picture of what they

want." He turned to Charlus.

"Senior Auror Potter under the direction of the late Director Wilkins,

headed interrogations of Liaison Underhill and with full authorisation

under Section 14.4B of the Statute of Secrecy, Underhill was interrogated

under the influence of Veritaserum." Tiff said with a cold tone, his eyes

glinting dangerously.

"What we have discovered is that Underhill is utterly incapable of

speaking in any capacity under the influence."

Bracker's eyes widened "He's under loyalty oaths." Bracker said musingly.

"Yes." Tiff confirmed "But that's not the worst of it. On more than one

occasion, he came close to dying in breach of his oath and we had to

apply the counter-agent several times. Still" Tiff said as he tugged at the

edges of his sleeve "We managed to understand their motive nonetheless."

"Underhill did look relieved that we managed to understand the gravity

of the situation." Charlus commented.

"So an unwilling traitor" Kinston mused.

"It seems so" Charlus said with a nod "We've interrogated him several

times and obliviated him each time and that reaction so far has been

genuine. We have under heavy surveillance and it seems that he is

directly working with the muggle equivalent of the Aurors."

Charlus glanced at Bracker "We could use your help with this."

Bracker met Charlus' gaze. "That is not our purpose, Auror Potter. We

will be providing you with whatever countermeasures to this form of

bombing we can but that is all we can do."

"No, it isn't your purpose." Charlus agreed, his gaze not breaking "But

your purpose is ensuring dangerous forms of magic isn't in the public

domain, to ensure knowledge isn't used to create great harm to the

Magical World." Charlus smiled bitterly "Surely this creation…this…

bombing and the way it was done falls under that banner?"

"Not to mention" Tiff interjected "The fact remains that it is highly likely

that we have traitors working with the muggles to come up with new

muggle inspired weapons that we may see used in greater effects in our

world." Bracker's eyes narrowed minutely at that as Tiff continued "Surely

that warrants the involvement of your Department, Bracker?" Tiff said as

he leaned forward.

Bracker remained silent for a moment "It does." He finally said as he met

Tiff's gaze. "You will have the Department's assistance in dealing with


Tiff smiled, his eyes shining with triumph before it flickered away as he

nodded. "Good." Tiff's smile fell away, a cold look taking hold in his face.

"For now" Tiff continued, his voice now deadly serious "For now we deal

with the terrorists first." Tiff turned to Charlus "Charlus, I'm depending

heavily on you on this. After Director Wilkins and myself, you have been

the preeminent man dealing with both groups." Tiff paused for a moment,

his eyes boring into Charlus.

"I want you to deal with this in however way you see fit." Tiff's voice was

arctic and unforgiving "We may have been under Martial Law for months

now however I expect you to completely adhere to it…is that


Charlus met Tiff's gaze.

Ever since Lowe declared Martial Law since January, the reality was they

were still largely under the restraint of normal conditions with the

exception of enforcing curfews. They had not used the authority to arrest

individuals that normally required warrants or to carry out large

operations without the approval of the Minister.

They did not think they needed to do so, not at the time. They'd believed

preventing them from gathering in public, arresting those who were

clearly guilty of being part of the two denounced groups, was enough.

Not anymore.

Charlus nodded stiffly "You have my word, Director. I will do all I can to

end their threat." And he knew that also included dealing with the


He exited the floo and arrived back home, the feeling of guilt and sorrow

he'd felt when he'd informed his wife of her brother's passing coming

back to the front of his mind.

He walked down the hall and saw his wife still sitting where he'd left her

though now it seemed she'd cried out all the tears she may have had from

the way she was silent and unmoving, simply staring at the hearth.

He moved towards her and sat next to her, his hands seeking out her


"Dor…" he said quietly, almost beseechingly.

It seemed to be enough as she looked away from the hearth, finally

realising he was there. "I've spoken with Cassie…the funeral will be in

seven days." She said with no emotion in her voice.

"Alright." Charlus said delicately as he looked at his wife's composed

expression that was unsettling him.

"Dor…I…" She raised her hand, her expression softening, a semblance of

normality re-entering her cool violet eyes.

"I know Charles…I know." She said softly, her voice jilting ever so

slightly "It was a miracle anyone survived that. I just…I always thought

he was invincible…the Lord Black." She laughed croakily "I thought only

Death or illness could take him for they were the only ones that could

stand up against him."

"He almost pulled it off too." Charlus said with a weak smile "He

protected himself against the blast…it's just that a piece of banister got

him in an angle that made him drop the shield which ultimately…" he

trailed off.

Dorea closed her eyes, fresh tears sprouting from the corner of her eyes.

She reopened them, her beautiful violet eyes were hard. "Promise me you

won't take it easy on them."

Charlus stared at those eyes for what seemed like an age.

"I promise." He said to her, entirely truthful of his intent to put them



17th of March 1953 – Isonomian Movement Headquarters, past


Jason Harrison POV

Jason strode forward, pushing past the guard as he handed over his wand

and into the beckoning open room.

"What have you done?!" Jason raged at Michael, his rage bursting out of

him as he slammed into Michael's office uncaring that the door from

which he entered remained open. He did not care if the others could see

his rage.

"What must be done." Michael said calmly unwilling to look up as he

carried out writing in his notes infuriating Jason only further.

"What must be done?! WHAT MUST BE DONE!?" Jason bellowed as he

slammed his hands onto the table, the inkpot spilling over onto the desk

finally resulting in Michael looking up at him with cold eyes.

"What do you think war meant, Harrison?" Michael said with cold

disdain. Michael leaned forward. "That it was going to be some kind of

glorious and honourable fight, old chappy?" Michael said with a cruel

sneer "Like how those who've never been in it say it is?" Michael laughed


"There is a reason why your father and grandfather never speak about the

war, Jason." Michael said with calm detachment "They have sacrificed

more than just their blood, sweat and tears, kid. They sacrificed their

souls for their cause and it is what we must be willing to do if we are to

win this war."

Michael leaned forward and a shiver ran down Jason's spine. The same

look was in his eyes, one that he had never seen before in Michael's. The

same hateful vacancy that he'd seen in Samael's eyes.

"The Order of the Phoenix have delivered on their promise and with the

deaths of ninety percent of the Wizengamot and all of the new

administration" Michael raised himself, every bit seeming like a vengeful

creature "We are halfway there. And the attacks on the families have only

begun and we will continue to strike at the rest of the Wizengamot

families!" Michael's gaze was terrifying, one of fervent fanaticism.

"Where will that end?" Jason asked shocked. He had not been privy to

this…to this madness.

He had thought their quarrel was with the Ministry, with the

discriminatory system that needed to be destroyed not this…scorched

earth violence that would destroy everything they said they were trying

to accomplish.

"Until we have what we want." Michael said coolly. "As we have always

intended" he said as he leaned back in his chair.

"Equal rights. Democracy. An end to the wealth concentration in the few

pureblood families." Michael thinned his lips "And…if need be…We'll go

as far as ridding those families root and stem."

"Even children?" Jason asked in an appalled tone, his expression

dismayed, the full reality of what was happening settling in his mind.

"This is war." Michael only said in return as his eyes hardened,

confirming the worst as disgust settled in his core.

Jason noticed suddenly the entrance of other people and he glanced over

his shoulder, a cold stone dropping in his stomach.

Jason turned back to Michael, the feelings of imminent betrayal oddly

casting a disturbing calmness around him. "I have supported you when

we needed to strike"

Jason began lowly, his voice quivering with hostile assuredness "I have

orchestrated our strikes against targets that we knew would not garner

sympathy from the public only increase our reputation and message to

the masses, I have planned the steady path we needed to take to ignite

this…this…" Jason trailed off as he exhaled deeply, his eyes once more

setting onto Michael's detached ones

"This campaign of liberation into a campaign of revolution." Jason

laughed bitterly as he shook his head "Yet all you have done is ensure our

revolution is doomed in the cradle."

The people of Magical Britain would not stand for this. They'd had given

the Ministry the tools they needed to survive and not only that, to make

things worse for them all.

Jason sneered contemptuously at Michael as he was seized by the arms.

"If you think you'll be seen as a modern day Guy Fawkes, you'll be

mistaken, Michael!" Jason shouted as he was dragged out of the room.

He was hit in the stomach and Jason churned out what he ate for dinner

and yet, despite himself, he laughed contemptuously even as he was

dragged out of the room but not before hearing

"Take him to the new cells. We may have use for him still."


23rd of March 1953, St. Mungos

Cassiopeia Black POV

She stared at the body of her brother as he lay there on the cold stone

slab. The healers did a fair job, she thought as she stared morbidly at her

mostly intact brother only one thing running through her mind again and


What did she miss?

None of her network suggested anything of this scale of attack! Not even

her contact within the Order of the Phoenix had known anything about

this attack.

A useless idiot that she had the pleasure of torturing every scrap of

information from before she passed that along to her contacts within the

Auror Department, something that allowed them to take out the cells the

dead man had known about it.

Still, it did not bring her any comfort…not even making all of her

resources available to the Aurors from the shadows knowing that their

lives would shortly end did.

"Cassie." She heard and she glanced over her shoulder. Her younger

sister…her now only sibling in the world was by the door of the private

room in the mortuary at St. Mungos.

"Dorea." She said curtly as she turned back to her brother's corpse.

This wasn't supposed to happen, you damn fool…

Not when their House needed someone strong…now more than ever.

Her sister stood next to her. She glanced at her from the corner of her

eyes. Dorea looked like she'd come to terms with the death of their


For all of her soft-heartedness, she did have a core of strength about her.

She glanced back at her brother's corpse. It bothered her that he looked

so peaceful. It was so unlike him.

Morgana, she could use a damn bottle of firewhiskey right about now.

"He looks unnatural without that permanent glare of his." Dorea spoke up


She kissed her teeth. "Yes…he looks like he's just passed a particular

troublesome kidney stone out." She murmured.

Dorea choked for a moment before she looked at Cassie with a

scandalised look. Cassie looked to meet her gaze with a raised eyebrow.

"You're only scandalised because you know it's true."

Dorea said nothing before she began to giggle which burst to a laugh, one

that Cassie joined in soft chuckles.

Their amusement petered away, soberness settling on both of them.

"I thought he'd outlive us." Dorea confessed.

"So did I." Cassie admitted after a moment. Arcturus was many things but

he was smart. Smarter than most give him credit for. And far keener to

abandon things if he felt like it. It wouldn't been odd at all if he'd given

up his Lordship to Orion decades from now and just…disappeared.

"How's Melania?" Cassie asked after a moment.

"Grief stricken." Dorea said quietly. "According to Druella and Cygnus,

she's not left her room for days now. Kreacher's has been needed to bring

her food."

Cassie sighed inaudibly. Melania had always been…soft. Softer than even

Dorea. But the love between their brother and Melania had been true.

Which was remarkable given that Archie could be a bastard to care for.

"Will she make the funeral?" Cassie asked.

"Undeterminable." Dorea admitted and the conversation stopped for a few


"They'll move him in the next hour to our family estate." Dorea spoke up

and Cassie frowned as she looked at Dorea.

"I thought they'd do so later today?"

Dorea shook her head "The Mulcibers have been attacked" Dorea said a

little jittery. "The entire mainline has been killed."

Cassie's eyebrows raised. "How? The Mulciber's may not be an Ancient

family but they are certainly have the wealth to have some very good

wards." She said as her mind whirled on what she heard.

More than a few families had been decimated in the attacks, several

having happened directly after the bombing. Some had even taken to flee

their ancestral homes to more private and secure homes not registered

with the Ministry.

In truth, it perplexed her the scale with which this was all happening.

The Order of the Phoenix and the Isonomian Movement were showing

levels of competency that should have been far beyond them.

Their goals of wanting to rid the influence of the noble families were

flights of fancy, delusional aims.


Here they were, gaining far more success than she ever thought possible.

"I don't know." Dorea admitted. "Charlus has been quiet about the

investigations. When I see him anyway." She said with a sigh.

Not surprising Cassie mused.

Charlus had risen up the ranks of the Auror Department thanks to this

crisis and it was likely he'd take the position of Assistant Director once

things were back to a measure of normality. He'd be the youngest to

ascend to such a position ever.

"He did say they were getting close." Dorea added and Cassie hummed.

She hadn't heard that yet.

She turned on her heel and began to walk away though she stopped

momentarily when her sister spoke up. "I'll be at Black Manor in the

evening." Dorea said and Cassie looked over her shoulder.

She met the gaze of her sister and nodded minutely before she paced

away. Her soft hearted sister intended her not to be alone. It was a

foolish sentimentality.

Foolish but so very Dorea.

The next day the funeral procession happened and in truth she barely

paid attention, only doing so when she added her own flame to the pyre.

She had no patience to deal with the lickspittle that roused out of their

damp holes only to hang off of Orion's teats. Their words of condolences

were meaningless when she knew that they were only looking to see the

mettle of the new Lord Black.

For once, she wasn't all that disappointed in him, not when he looked the

part at least. Her eyes spotted the one person she was loathed to see, her

mood darkening.

Riddle was here.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Riddle said with a commiserating look after

she'd come over a little while later.

It even looked genuine.

"Those terrorists have taken much of our people and Lord Black did not

deserve such a fate."

Cassie smiled with false sadness "Thank you, Lady Slytherin-Sayre. It

means much, I assure you." She said with a hard glint in her eyes.

Riddle nodded magnanimously before she sighed long-sufferingly "And

we were just turning a new leaf after the unfortunate differences we had."

She turned to the burnt out pyre.

Cassie narrowed her eyes. So she was here for assurances that the deal

that Archie struck was still in play?

In truth she had not thought about the 'peace' that was struck. Not when

there were far more pertinent issues to deal with in the more immediate


She was tempted to sink the bitch's peace but she knew that now was not

the time. She glanced at Orion. And Orion was not the man that could

contend with her.

"The accord between House Black and House Slytherin will be honoured."

She said curtly and Riddle turned around, their gazes meeting.

Riddle smiled and it was serpentine with the way her lips stretched. "I'm

glad to hear so." She turned around and looked at Orion "Lord Black has

alluded to such and I am glad to hear it from you." She said as she turned

back to Cassie, a glint in her eye.

"These days, all of our noble houses must stand together if we are to

triumph in these perilous times." Riddle said and despite her desires, a

chill raced through her spine.

It wouldn't be the only time she wished her brother had survived.

Days later…

"You're going to her meeting?" Cassie asked, her voice devoid of emotion

as she stared unblinkingly at her nephew…the new Lord Black.

He looked every bit the proud Lord Black yet it was a façade, a false

mask to hide his timidity, his lack of will and strength.

Gods, how far had they fallen that now her timid nephew was the Black

of the Blacks, the Lord that should be commanding the world to his will

and instead they now had a man who was incapable of commanding his

wife, let alone his family or his vassals

"I am." Orion said calmly. A flicker in his grey eyes indicated his

hesitation "And it is not her meeting. It's Malfoy's meeting."

She scoffed derisively "As if that hides the damn truth that he's as good as

her servant." She snapped harshly and he flinched causing her to look

away distastefully from him and towards Walburga.

"And you're fine with this?" she asked disbelievingly. Walburga had been

the most Black out of her entire generation. It was unfortunate she was a

damn woman…and more than a little unhinged. And that was saying

something as Cassie herself wasn't exactly the perfect picture of sanity.

Walburga scowled foully "I am not. We all know that this is a meeting for

her to gain loyalty of the purebloods." Walburga looked away with a

sneer on her face.

"Which doesn't change the fact that she is also the most powerful

amongst the nobility and they all want to hear if the half blood has

something worth to say."

Cassie's eyes widened before she sagged in her chair. "Kreacher!"

*POP* "Mistress" The elf said with a bow as a filled glass of firewhiskey

floated towards her. She snagged the glass sharply out of the air and

drank half of it before she refocused on Orion.

"You are the Lord Black. You cannot simply go like a dog running on a

master's beck and call." Cassie said critically.

"I am not." Orion said with a flicker of anger in his eyes. "Not when the

invitation has been sent to all those of importance to meet at Malfoy

Manor. To not go is not an option, you know that very well, Aunt Cassie."

Cassie scowled. She did know. Orion did not have the reputation to

simply not attend what would prove to be a meeting filled with newly

invested Lords and Ladies.

He'd offend many of them and only alienate Houses that should be allies.

"Are you allowing our vassals to attend?" The Selwyns, the Crabbes, the


Orion nodded "I am but the exception of the Selwyns. The heir will have

his aunt as his regent for years to come and I see no need for a

representative to go when I can speak on their behalf. The others will be

my support." He finished.

She said nothing though inwardly she at least approved.

"She'll want your unconditional support." She said with a pained


"I'm aware." Orion said with a sigh. "And I know I will be forced to give


Her nostrils flared as she sent a scathing look at him before he continued

before she could speak.

"Especially now that the public have been informed that Merlin's

Enchantments are gone."

Cassie expression shifted away once more to a pained one. A millennium

of ancient magic shattered and destroyed by mudblood lovers completely

intent on destroying centuries of tradition and history.

Magic that enforced the noble families' rule over Magical Britain and had

never been questioned, not until now, not to this scale. Despite the

support for the mudbloods and those traitors having been largely broken,

there were still a sizeable number amongst the populace that wanted a

change of government, that wanted a greater say.

The scars that Sayre left behind, the words he spoke still remained even

years later and the Order of the Phoenix were capitalising on it even if

they lost support. At this rate, even once they were eradicated, they

might actually win if things didn't improve soon.

She shook her head in disgust. To upend centuries of ruling only because

the peasants demanded it?

Foolish. What made uneducated peasants think they could do better…

when they knew nothing, learnt nothing about the intricate aspects of

power and governance?

Unfortunately, she also knew that with the Ministry as broken as it was at

this stage, still without a Minister, even an acting one, was leaving the

country on a perilous edge that could easily escalate to a civil war if

things didn't settle down quickly.

Something she knew Riddle would offer and highlight to those weak fools

and inevitably turn it into her advantage.

"Do you know what she might want?" Walburga questioned.

Cassie's expression flickered into annoyance "What does any mudblood

want?" she said scathingly before she sighed deeply. "Before this debacle,

I'd say she'd want to twist the country the way she wanted. Now…" she

smiled bitterly. She might actually have an easier chance once the

mudbloods and the traitors were dealt with.

She would take a mile, she knew now.

She shook her head as a headache settled in. She couldn't deal with this

at present.

She downed her drink and sent a last glare at her weak nephew.

"Do not give her your support. Not without understanding what it entails.

Let the others suffocate under her poisonous air. You're the Lord Black.

Act like it." She said before she left towards the floo.


She came to though she made no appearance of it as a cold gust of wind

caressed her face like frozen fingertips crawling across her face. Her

eyelids creaked open, slivers of light entered her eyes as she realised the

cold, hard, unforgiving place she laid upon was mountain rock.

Fleeting memories of her time in the Alps came to mind and left as soon

as they arrived as she glanced at the sky above and was struck by the

unfamiliar stars…no…

She knew them but they were wrong. The stars were brighter, more

pronounced, like the edges of the patterns of crystal glass, the stars were

brought into greater focus than she'd seen before.

Where was she? She remembered leaving the Black Manor and then…

She heard something move, a trickle of rocks being displaced, and she

moved towards her wand and stilled when she realised she had nothing

with her.

"I'm aware you're awake, Miss Black." A smooth voice cut in, a voice she

recognised yet had not heard for years.

Her eyes flashed open and she sat up. She saw him with his back turned

towards he with his hands behind his back in a slackened grip,

overlooking over the sharp downward ledge of the mountain. His hair

was longer, falling free past his shoulder blades while he seemed to wear

simple tunics.

"So you are still alive then." Cassie said as she raised herself from the cold

rock she'd been placed on.

"Did you ever really doubt?" Sayre said musingly.

"Of course not." Cassie scoffed as she glanced around. Men like Sayre

never died when you wanted them t…

Her eyes widened as she caught on where she was.

A massive ring of silver grey metal ringed the surroundings like elaborate

city walls stretching far into the distance, curving and hugging the

landscape like a mother bear. She saw three dim lights floating in the air

in the distance, like still wet snowflakes, but didn't overshadow the

luminous stars that painted the night sky.

She didn't think it was in the Alps…the Swiss were rather territorial

despite their largely fractious history. Now that they were united, she

doubted they would have let something like this go unnoticed.

Not to mention…the stars were too wrong to be there…it's almost like

they were upside down…

Australia? No…she never heard Australia having mountains.

No…this was something else.

"So this is where you've holed up after your exile then." She stated,

already realised that this place was built rather than it being somewhere

isolated, her mind in overdrive as she thought on where this might be.

As she pilfered through her pockets she realised that she had nothing on

her, not even her well hidden second wand.

How long was she out? She wondered grimly.

"Where are we?" she asked finally as she stretched out her hand and a

piece of mountain rock fizzed into her hand.

"Illos. My home." He told her as he glanced over his shoulder "And no,

we're not in Australia or anywhere near it. We're…further south if that


She stilled when he mentioned Australia "How…" she said dully. How

could he…

"You've improved your Sight." She simply stated, her concern rising


"Yes." He said as he turned her, his purple green eyes aglow with an

ethereal sheen.

He looked older, more refined than the boyish Lord that once had his

boot on the neck of British Magical society. The boy that'd been cast out

for his threatening and radical beliefs and ideals.

He looked every bit pureblood Lord that many believed themselves to be

but could never be.

"Why am I here?" she finally asked, breaking their gaze as she looked

over the ledge and saw a city of some kind in the distance, a city with

buildings that looked like they were fashioned out glittering marble


Was she here to hear him gloat? That he outlived Archie, that he won in

the end?

Her eyes turned cold and they flickered to his, locking onto them with a

hardness that would turn lesser men into quivering messes.

Yet it did not affect him, he looked unconcerned, the calm almost serene

expression on his face remained unbroken.

"You have tried hard over the past decade to find out what my

motivations were…to find what it is I was really after." He allowed a

small smile to come across his face.

"I thought it was time for you to understand." He said as a shattering

noise reverberated around them, almost startling her and she looked to

where it sounded it came from.

Her gaze went up, into the sky and she saw an arrow shaped creation

impossibly speed across the face of the sky like it was nothing, gaining

and gaining as it continued to grow smaller and smaller.

"That was Conatum Caeleste, the first Ilosian made ship." Sayre's words

broke her out of her confusion.

"Ship?" she asked confused as she turned to him. What kind of ship was


"A ship. But instead of sailing the seas, it will sail through the space

between stars." Sayre said with a proud smile on his face and she looked

at him with disbelief.

"Impossible. Nothing can survive in the void. The tales of Icarus had

proven that." She denied. "And the mages since who followed in his

foolish endeavours had only confirmed that belief."

His expression changed, the corners of his lips creasing. "Confirmed that

belief…" he said in a soft tone, his words were almost said in the way the

sounds of beating hummingbird wings carried through the air.

"For all of our race's superiority, we often tend to latch onto beliefs that

were long since established by people who knew very little." He said with

an amused glint in his eyes.

"Not unlike the muggles in truth."

She bristled at the comparison but all she showed outwardly was the

narrowing of her eyes.

"And where's this ship headed?"

"Towards Luna. The third mission since it was built several months ago."

He told her calmly, his gaze turning upward. "They improved on the

design of my first ship considerably." A smile tugged on his face as he

kept looking at the sky.

She sprang forth, the stone in her hand levitating before dashing forwards

headed towards his head. Her eyes widened when the stone disintegrated

into cloud of dust that remained still just inches from his face before they

thinned and twisted around his head before reforming into a crystal clear

glass ball.

He turned her, an inquisitive look on his face. "Can you do more

wandless magic?" he asked curiously, dumbfounding her.

"What?" she asked deeply disturbed. He had not even flicked his hands.

She knew he was capable of wandless magic, everyone knew but to think

he'd improved to this level…

"No." she told him, not quite the truth. She could do a wandless

Confundus and Reparo but other than that, it was mostly banishing and

levitating she excelled at.

"A pity." He said in a musing tone.

"So that ship…it's headed for the Moon." She stated uncomfortably.

He smiled at her and nodded slightly. "It is. They'll set foot on it and take

a few rocks for examination." His smile took an amused quality "The

researchers are excited to see if the rocks will have a different magical

signature to native rocks here though I suspect they'll probably be more

curious about the different gravity"

This was…

She had trouble grasping what this had to do with why she was here.

Even if she chose to believe the insanity he was sprouting.

"And that is part of the reason you're here." His smile fell off, the density

of the air surrounding them grew slightly as she felt waves of magic

rippling out of them.

She stilled under the heavy magic, under the heavy gaze that oozed

domination as they remained aglow though this time with far less

magnanimity and more the gaze of a predator playing with his food.

"Progress…progress is never easy. Especially when it is fundamentally

different to how things used to be." Sayre's gaze was penetrating, his

voice seemed to weight like a mountain would on her chest as beginning

of understandings was settling in her mind.

"Here in Illos, progress is cherished, desired, something that I have

painstakingly fostered and will continue to foster for many years to

come." He said, his words rumbling into the world like a thunderous

storm despite the fact it was soft spoken.

"Yet I cannot be selfish, not when there are entire communities out there

that are suffocating by those who wish to keep the status quo, that wish to

keep their world the same for a thousand years more when the other side

of the world is progressing faster than they can ever elect to understand

like frogs sitting in a slowly boiling pan of water." He said, his words

unsettling her gravely just as his radiant eyes sizzled with boundless

passion restrained by the cold unforgiving logic of the intellect that hid

behind his those chilling eyes.

"You're responsible for the troubles in Britain." She hated how her voice

quivered out of fear, out of rage, out of grim realisation…

"Not quite" He said with an oozing fetid smile that felt so slippery.

"Though it would be a lie to say that the events that led to this point had

not been allowed to happen."

"allowed to happen?" she mimicked despite the precarious situation she

was in.

His smile sharpened, his eyes growing dull and into hard shards of

ethereal embers. "What is happening with the muggles, the ones that are

using disaffected and subjugated Squib-descendants, muggleborns, will

only be the beginning as time passes. The more magical societies refuse

to change, particularly European magical societies, the more avenues the

muggles will have to exploit the weaknesses in our world until they

discover how to destroy us."

"And so you help them destroy us now so they don't destroy us later?" she

said with a scoff

"Charlus will deal with them in time." Sayre said with almost a flippant

tone, as if it was already done and it sent chills down her spine.

"No…I'm not helping them, rather I am ensuring our people are aware of

the slippery slope of leaving the situation unattended, to leave the door

open for them to burst through and to rip us apart. A house divided

cannot stand after all and what I have done is ensure a new house will be


"Riddle…That's the play." She said with cold realisation. All of this…all of

it was orchestrated to take out the old guard and leave the new Heads to

fall under her influence.

"Part of it." He said calmly as his magic receded from the world. "Magical

Britain as it is now is not to our liking nor is it capable of advancing

society in the way that it needs to."

Not to their liking…

"You've never stopped wanting to change Magical Britain." She said as

she closed her eyes. All of her efforts, all of her brother's efforts of

ridding them of Sayre's dangerous ideas were all for naught.

"Illos is my home but Magical Britain is my family's. I was never going to

let go." He said with a calmness that only exacerbated the defeated

feeling she felt.

"Why…Why do all this?" she asked as she opened her eyes. "And don't tell

me it's because you fear the muggles." She said with a mocking laugh as

she waved her hand around. "You can do all of this…you can wield

magic like I have never seen before…the muggles could do nothing if you

led us in the world that made you!"

He looked away from her penetrating gaze and towards the skies.

"Perhaps." He said after a moment. "Perhaps I could have left things as

they were and simply led when the time of the destruction of the Statute

of Secrecy came." He said in a contemplative tone.

"It would have been easy too. I would have had decades of research,

decades of engineering a weapon that could eliminate millions, billions of

muggles" he raised his hand and snapped his fingers, the glass ball that

floated in the air breaking into dust that spread like a mist "Just like


He turned her, the picture image of quiet control whilst his eyes danced

on the edge of a burning chill.

"Yet…what is the point of such slaughter? Of such waste of life? When

we have the entire universe open to us?" He said in a chilling musing tone.

"You're insane." Cassie said with a biting laugh.

He only smiled at her "Perhaps from your perspective. Sometimes I do

wonder though…" he said in a fleeting quieting tone.

He regained his sharpness and his gaze settled on her, his magic rising

once more as spoke again "I see our destiny out there amongst the stars,

Cassiopeia Black. And everything I do is to ensure our people rise towards

our potential as a people." The emeralds in the sea of purple danced like

twilight stars with the way they stood aglow. "And I will see it done.

Whatever the cost."

Her eyes closed. This was insanity…

For years she wanted to discover what drove him to do what he said, to

push for laws everyone knew would never pass, no matter how powerful

or charismatic he was.

He'd let them believe that he could be ousted without war only for

Magical Britain to be taken gratefully once Riddle was done with it.

She reopened her eyes and met his gaze. She understood then.

Why she was here…

"You're going to kill me." Cassie stated, her voice surprisingly calm.

Sayre said nothing for a moment, his gaze losing its glow and turned

penetrating and she felt unbalanced under it "I am." He said finally his

voice calm even as her calmness broke under the weight of what was

going to happen to her.

She swallowed as she broke the gaze and peered out into the distance.

"I had not wanted to." Sayre continued a little quietly. "But you are a

disruptive presence, one that could have been a boon to my cause had I

your loyalty but I do not and I will not."

Cassie laughed hollowly "Spare me the routine" she said scathingly as she

turned him, her eyes wild with fury "Do not give me some strung up

Morgana damned nonsense of reluctantly" she mockingly sneered "needing

to kill me." She straightened up, her nose in the air as she looked down

her nose at him.

"I am your enemy and you're going to kill me. It's as simple as that." She

said with a vicious look in her eyes as she met his gaze unflinchingly.

Sayre in his arrogance smiled wanly at her, one that was teemed with

accommodation and misplaced gentleness "You're not my enemy. You've

never been Cassiopeia. In truth you have been nothing more than you

have ever been. An opposition I respect. Nothing more, nothing less."

She bristled at the dismissive attitude "You dare reduce to me to that" she

almost raged. She knew she was going to die as soon as she realised who

it was that took her but the fact that he was considering her little more

than a filthy curb to step over rankled her. Her, the one who elevated the

Black network greater than any before, her who had set up the motions to

boot out the Sayres out of their homelands.

How dare he?!

"I dare, Miss Black because it is the truth. And you know it too." He said

calmly with a tilted head. "You've known for a long time."

Cassie closed her eyes. "They'll look for me."

"They will." Sayre agreed quietly and she reopened her eyes and saw a

minute expression of sorrow in his face "Dorea will be frantic in her


"Keep my sister's name out of your lips!" she said with chilling, seething

hate that masked her fear for her sister…her family.

Sayre remained unfazed. "They'll find your body with a number of dead

suspected Order of the Phoenix members." His words took the fight out of

her and she laughed bitterly.

"At least I will be found dead having fought." A lie that couldn't be

further from the truth. A lie that was Atticus Sayre, a Dark Lord worse

than she'd ever thought possible.

"Sol Black should have helped the Gaunts kill Henry Sayre." She said

bitterly, hoping to at least leave one more mark, however she could, on


"It is to the good of the Black family that Sol Black had not otherwise the

last male heir would have likely been dead in 1996 at the hands of his

female cousin." Sayre said with a non-expressive look.

"And that debt my family owes to yours will be repaid a final time when

your family reaches greater heights than you or your forbearers

imagined." He finished as the magic in the air thickened.

Her throat felt tight and her eyes widened as she rose in the air, her feet

dangling as she tried to touch the rocks with her toes.

He had not moved an inch and his gaze remained the same, impassive yet

chilling in its indifference.

Arcturus…Our family needed you now more than ever…

She though despairingly.

"Goodbye, Cassiopeia Black." He said before she felt herself pass through

oblivion after a loud crack and a fleeting moment of intense pain.


25th of March 1953, Malfoy Manor – 9 days after Bombing

Abraxas Malfoy POV

Abraxas stared at the full assembly with a cool expression on his face, his

fingers rotating the Head of House ring on his ring finger, as he sat stiffly

on the right of Lady Slytherin's empty seat at the head of the table.

It barely felt real, the death of his father, a man he had thought capable

of swindling decades from Death itself…yet he lay dead just as many

former Lords and Ladies of the Wizengamot had been just as the eve of

the beginning of their victory had started.

A victory that would have felt like a loss had they not uncovered the

devious plot of the muggles that allowed Ouroboros the opportunity to

rise in the first place.

He clutched on the bout of hatred that was boiling within him. To think

his father died because of them…it was unthinkable that the proud House

of Malfoy was laid low because of their deviousness…just as it was

unthinkable how close they were to being held hostage by the muggle


His father would be rolling in his grave if he knew how close that plot

had been to succeeding…

He stared down at his ring, his mind whirling with complicated thoughts

of how he felt about his father's death. He had not…loved his father.

Such a common thing was below a Malfoy but he had…cared for him.

His father had taught him all he needed to know to thrive in this world,

all he needed to know to become a worthy heir of the Malfoy family that

continued to grow as the decades passed, passing by failing families and

usurping their positions, ever growing nearer to the top of the chain.

Something that seemed to be in their immediate destiny with the

capitulation of the Black family and the victory of the Ouroboros faction

resulting in its elevation as the dominant faction within the Wizengamot

with one of their own elected as Minister.

His father had known the game had changed when Lord Sayre defeated

Grindelwald, when he'd seen a sliver of her power and her ability to twist

others into supporting her and more so when his father had seen his

shaken form when he'd come back from that night when he'd seen them

raise a foundation of Illos.

From that point onwards, his father had told him that he was to establish

himself as her right hand man, to be to her what Agrippa had been to

Octavian even if their roles were reversed, something he knew he was

well on his way on achieving despite the challenges that Lestrange and

Rockwood presented.

Yet he would not see it happen, not now when in one single mad night

his father was killed in an attack that caused a Wizengamot to lay broken

just as the ancient magicks that held it in place was broken.

He was now Lord Malfoy in the wake of his father's death in an event

that shook the realm to its core just as it was an act that shook the very

foundation of the nobility within the Isles but not with him…no…

He was burning with dripping fury, full of unrelenting and consuming

hate at the thought of those that dared to strike at his father. The fact it

was unlikely they'd live for long mattered not.

No…not when he knew that they had not acted alone.

He would have retribution, one way or another…in whatever form it may


His expression remained unchanged as he looked up, peering to his left

and met the gaze of Rasmussen Lestrange, who had been there that night,

only saved by the fortune of being near enough to their Lady whilst

nearly everyone else lay dead with only Prince being the only other

important survivor in that night. Next to him was Lord Theodore Nott,

just as newly invested in his Headship as Abraxas was, his hard grey eyes

were unyielding as they stared across towards the other Nobles within

the Assembly.

Nott had not taken the death of his father well, a firm inflexibility was

beginning to settle within him that reminded Abraxas of the late Lord

Nott…just as cool cruelty was. It was unsubstantiated, he knew but he

was sure Nott had taken care of one particular vocal supporter of the

terrorists on the morn of his taking of the Nott Headship. The way the

man had been butchered had been with a surgical hand, one of patience

and professionalism and Nott was all that and more.

He stared contemptuously as the gathering tonight, at the looks of

confidence and impatience as they waited on her yet he could see

underneath the surface of their bravado, of their false confidence, an

undertone of fear and longing for safety.

His eyes flickered across, his eyes measuring up each of the Lords and

Ladies that were here tonight talking amongst themselves and there were


Every single Head of House or Regent from the Traditionalist, Ouroboros

or Neutral camp had come, two thirds of the entire nobility that sat on

the Wizengamot, filling the ball room that fashioned as an assembly hall

nearly completely.

Yet what he saw…

He found them wanting.

Even Orion Black was nothing…the man who Arcturus Black had

practically rewritten into a lesser than what he could have become.

Many of them had been his classmates, his fellow Slytherins yet all he saw

was weakness, frightened little animals who'd forgotten what it was to be

magical, resting on their laurels to the point that filth no longer had to

dream to strike against them, not when they could so with near impunity or

with a gleeful eye from afar.

He knew that many present today had personally pledged their allegiance

to her as Salazar's Heir on that fateful day in Hogwarts but he also knew

that it was support from a distance barring a small few who'd chosen to

join Ouroboros.

Half-hearted support that had come from being unwilling to risk their

positions as heirs of their Houses when Lord Black had wrung his hands

around the necks of the Traditionalists, at most extending their influence

over their Heads of Houses to ensure they kept the 'peace' that had been

reached between themselves and Lady Slytherin during the Sayre crisis

even though Lady Slytherin had ensured such actions would have

devastating consequence anyway.

Something that many of them were hoping would not be brought up now

that they had ascended to Head of House but he knew it was foolish

wishful thinking.

She was far from the forgiving type.

And now, they had come because they were fearful of the violence that

was levied against them, their purity and their vaunted position in society

having turned into less than nothing, seeking her out for security and

safety like children.

He allowed an infinitesimal smirk to grow on his face. At least now, with

them feeling fearful and threatened, it would become easier for them to

accelerate their plans for Magical Britain. The goal of herding them to

their cause slowly was no longer needed, not in the degree they'd initially

planned. Not when it was made so much easier with the filthy enemies

they uncovered.

The doors thumped open and all eyes moved towards them. She strode

forward with elegant grace, as if she was gliding over the floor.

She wore no smile, no expression, merely blankness on her pristine

unblemished face yet the power that rippled out of her like waves of

darkness was unmistakable, the presence she gave off stilled any

conversation, stilled all into focusing their attention on her like she was a

beacon of darkness and they were moths to the irresistible allure to the

power she so effortlessly emitted.

Lestrange was the first to rise, then Rockwood until all of her faithful

rose and the others were compelled to do so as well.

If any had doubts of who led this meeting, it was dispelled now.

Her dark eyes swept across the room, taking in face after face, a gaze that

he saw many unable to meet for longer than a few seconds, before she

arrived at the head of the table, the seat sliding across without her

moving any of her hands, an act that left more than a few wide eyed at

the blatant use of magic.

She sat down, the chair sliding across behind her and Abraxas took this

as the cue speak. "Welcome my Lords and Ladies, to this meeting to deal

with the existential threat we are facing." Abraxas said with a cool silky


"And what do you mean by that, Lord Malfoy?" Lord Yaxley asked in a

cold tone, his eyes flickered momentarily to Lady Slytherin who looked

on impassively and Yaxley returned his gaze back at Abraxas.

"The Aurors have been rooting out the traitors and the filthy mudbloods"

More than a few hissed out at the mention of the mudbloods, faces

contorting in anger and hate.

Something he could more than understand. It might not have been them

that killed most of family members of those present here today but they

were complicit and they were partaking in the raids that Order of the

Phoenix were leading.

As far as they were concerned, the mudbloods would pay dearly once the

crisis was over.

"And once that is done, and the filth executed like the beasts they are,

things will go back to normal, back to how they have always been." Lord

Sykes picked up from Yaxley.

Rasmussen scoffed derisively as he peered down contemptuously at Sykes

"You are delusional if you think the attacks on us hasn't changed things at

all." Rasmussen leaned forward, his gaze dark as he stared at Sykes before

turning his gaze towards Yaxley.

"The bombing destroyed the Wizengamot, the ancient magicks that

reinforced our noble rights as rulers of Magical Britain is destroyed and

the public knows it." Rasmussen said with a dangerous tone.

"The small part of the public that have withdrawn their support from the

filth?" Lady Travers said with the shake of the head before she peered

down at Rasmussen "The same public that are now decrying the attacks

by the filth and condemning them instead of agreeing with them? You're

making this an issue larger than it is."

"They have withdrawn their support, true, but they still support the idea

of greater representation within the Ministry." Lord Prince said with a

croaky voice. His injuries had not healed completely and likely never


"Once they are dealt with, they will return their attentions back to the

core issue of the situation. The conversations in the Alleys have already

moved towards this." Lord Prince finished.

"Why would they not support the measures the Ouroboros championed?"

Lord Gamp asked with a frown as he looked at them with a concerned

look "The public had been in favour of that."

"Why would they…" her voice echoed in the room as every gaze fell on

her and a constricting wash of malice flashed momentarily as the magic

in the room grew heavy. Wisps of shadows seemed to ripple around her

even as her eyes were aglow.

"When they've started to think it's not enough?" She said as she leaned

forward, her hand stretching out on the table.

"These attacks…are not going to go away." Her eyes swept across the

room "Not even once the traitors are dealt with. They may not even

violent either but the attacks on our nobility will continue, in one form or

another. Maybe not for years, perhaps not for decades but eventually,

when things continue to simmer into a boiling point, someone else will

rise and take advantage."

Concerned murmurs sprang around and Lord Wilkins spoke up, the

nephew of the late Director of the DMLE "And in that time, we will be

ready for any such threats." Wilkins said with clenched teeth, a rhetoric

that many approved of.

"Perhaps." Lady Slytherin said in a conciliatory tone, the corners of her

lips sharpening as her eyes darkened further. "It is even likely such

threats would be dealt with before they even crop up but…" she said as

she leaned forward, her face darkening as the shadows around her


"You've already seen the length some desperate people will do to remove

us from our positions…lengths that failed this time, lengths that may not

fail next time but what about after that, to our future heirs?" She intoned

softly as she looked around.

"Do you see how easy it can be for some clever ambitious filth to rise and

to offer an alternative that would give the masses an illusion of power, a

path to riches that would be confiscated from their betters?" she said

alluringly, her words seeming to permeate within their minds.

"It will only take one clever man, or woman, to whisper in the ears of the

masses…to rile them up in a way that is likely to be worse than what

have faced only days ago. Truth is, the next movement may not be as

incompetent as these fools were who squandered a golden opportunity."

Lady Slytherin said in a cool voice.

"With your power, we can ensure we don't lose anything. You're the most

powerful magical alive!" Lord Gibbon called out with more than a few

murmurs of agreement.

"You want me to lead?" she questioned with a curious lilt to her voice.

"Yes!" "Of course!" "…Isn't that why we're here?!"

Lady Slytherin looked around before she laughed and it was chilling "And

why would I do that?" she asked, her laugh having petered out as her

voice shifted into menace, one that seemed to scratch and bite at the

back of their necks.

"Because all of this is your husband's fault!" a chair scraped across the

floor as the new Lord Burke stood up, an angry expression on his face. As

far as Abraxas could remember, the man held a deep grudge against Lord


"He was responsible for setting off everything! He was the one who put it

in their heads in the first place, he was responsible for destroying the

social order and he was responsible for destroying the economy!" Lord

Burke said furiously as he waved his hand around angrily.

"You owe us." Lord Burke finished and Abraxas leaned back in his chair,

his surprise kept off of his face. The fool must believe that she wouldn't

act amidst a gathering of Lords.

He could see why Burke would think she wouldn't. She had kept her

reputation pristine and even in those private meetings she had with the

late Heads of Houses, she rarely allowed her true face to show.

But the game had changed…unfortunately for him.

"Are you done?" Lady Slytherin commented with a bored tone though her

eyes were dimly aglow as they bored into Lord Burke who met the gaze

defiantly despite the fact that her gaze was unsettling him.

"I'm far fro-" Burke began to choke, his hands wrapped around his neck.

He jolted into the air, above all of their heads.

"My husband…" she began slowly, her eyes never leaving those of Burke

whose face was growing redder and redder "recognised the pitfalls of our

institutions and the exploitation that it allows madmen to take. Tell me…

my Lords, my Ladies…how did a madman like Grindelwald rise to

power?" she said with an easy calm as her eyes flittered across to the

room, her eyes latching onto another set again and again before she


"He rose to power in the ballrooms of the elites within the Austrian and

German Ministries. His silver tongue swayed and charmed powerful

families to his cause despite the fact that war and revolution are never in

the interest of the wealthy families." Lady Slytherin's eyes began to


"In this instance, revolution was spoken and roused in the pubs, in the

living rooms and in the streets. The pattern remains the same even if the

environment changed." Her eyes were half lidded as she spoke without an

ounce of care.

"Something that will happen again and again in time when the conditions

do not change. The Isonomian Movement and the Order of the Phoenix

have overplayed their hands with the brutal murders they committed and

continue to commit but eventually? Someone smarter will exploit the

same weaknesses to much greater effects." She said as she raised her open

hand and slowly closed them.

The sounds of bones breaking reverberated in the deathly silent room as

Burke's bones snapped and his screams dying in his choked up throat

until Lady Slytherin flicked her finger and sent Burke flying into the wall

before landing on the cold marble floor with a thud.

"You ask me to lead you against such threats…" she continued, the room

spellbound in their seats as the thickness of magic in the room grew and

grew, her dark eyes shining with cold cruelty.

"Yet I have sssseeen your weaknesssssssssssss and none of your

sssssstrength" She snarled with disgust as she descended towards sibilant


It shocked the room into deathly silence as she leaned forward, her

predatory eyes dark with menace as waves of magic rippled out from her.

More than a few bowed their heads, some in fear and some in shock.

"Do you deny…" her voice was soft but could not hide the deadly intent

behind it.

"…that you're only here because you're fearful…fearing the threats outside

of your homes, outside in the streets where you may be picked off like

the rats those filth believe you to be?" Her eyes gleamed savagely as she

looked around before she leaned back looking across the room with a

bored look.

"I remember when many of you pledged your allegiance to me." She

began, her voice calmer but no less chilling "When you pledged yourself

to Salazar's Heir. Until it became inconvenient." Her lips curled into a

savage smile as her eyes glinted.

Lady Slytherin's eyes flickered to Orion Black who met her gaze. "Some of

you may not remember" she said clearly referring to Orion before she

looked towards the others "But the rest of you…"

"You did little to honour your pledge to me."

"Lady Slytherin." Lord Crixus Flint spoke up, his voice intensely

respectful. Not surprising given that he was amongst the first to pledge

his personal allegiance to her back in Hogwarts.

"It is true many of us had pledged our loyalties to you in our days at

Hogwarts, to you as Salazar's heir." Flint began with a bowed head before

he looked up and looked across the table "Some of us had not kept that

pledge of allegiance as well as we should have."

Several faces were shamefaced as Flint glanced at them "And there is no

excuse for it. Even if it was largely done to keep our position so that we

may aid you in the future."

"Aid that we will provide without restraint!" Lord Avery promised hastily

much to the murmured agreement of many of the other Lords and Ladies.

Her eyes trailed across "We will see how true that is." She looked to Flint

"For now, I can accept your reasoning."

"However…" she began her arctic cold eyes trailing across the room "Any

further wavering will not forgiven so easily." Flint nodded wearily before

looking at Burke's collapsed form.

"As to dealing with the threat the public represents, now or in the future,

we can easily pre-empt that all the while dealing with the existential

threat so…" shadows began to move

"Why let this perfect opportunity go?" she crooned, her eyes glowing like

two dark stars adrift in a sea of shadows.

She turned her gaze around the table "Tell me…where does power lie?"

she said as she outstretched her hands and a force of magic ripped out of

her, the room descending into near total blackness had it not been for the

lights of the candles twisting around her form as she stood up.

Her black eyes turned reminiscent of volcanic glass shards with the way

they glowed, her eyes flickering from one Lord to the other as she placed

her arms back her back.

The shadows around her writhed and wreathed before they flowed across

the table much to the surprise and shock of those present which only

increased when the table ceased to exist, replaced by a mass of shadows

that parted as she strode forward.

"The public, the traitors, the squibborn and even yourselves believe it is

within the Wizengamot, believe it is your seats that gave you the

powersssssss…" she hissed out maliciously, something that sent shivers

down the spine of all those present.

"…To rule the nation." She said with a vicious gleam in her eyes.

"We all know that it is an illusion that has been shattered in the wake of

the Bombing and in the poisonous message that has been released into

the world." She said, transfixing all to her words as truth rang with her


"Power…" she whispered softly, her eyes glowing impossible black as the

shadows crept up at the back of each seats like serpents causing more

than a few to rise up from their seats but it was to avail as the magic

licked at their bodies, at their faces, its addictive qualities calming all

under its effect "has always been within our blood, within our bodies.

Magic is power and that has been the singular truth since Time itself

began." She intoned with a vicious curl of her lips as the shadows

withdrew away and back around her form.

Abraxas looked around and saw more than a few sigh in relief at the

retreat of the magic but he also saw more than a few agree in principle

with her.

"You have forgotten that a political seat is only a veneer of true power."

She said with a deathly calmness as she stopped at the centre, turning

around with a regal grace as she looked at everyone.

"Just as you have forgotten that the Wizengamot was nothing more than

a way to keep those with power in check." She continued and it caused

several to blink in confusion.

"Tell me...my Lords, my Ladies…do any of you know of the truth of the

power vested within the Wizengamot, from whom that power had come


Gamp spoke up nervously "It's the successor of the Wizards Council."

She turned to him and Gamp stiffened slightly under her gaze "Yes." She

raised her hand "But it is also the means by which the muggle royalty

ensured we were put in the place they wanted us to be in. It has been the

means by which our loyalty was ensured to the muggle filth for

generations. Merlin Emrys shackled our families to the muggle Crown,

tying our bloodlines to our nobilities that had been ours long before the

muggles even rose out of their mud huts." She said with malice, her

magic rippling with the fury that shone in her eyes.

She snapped her fingers and a man dropped at the centre of the room

beneath Slytherin's feet. He was on his knees, looking haggard but when

he looked up, it was clear to see the hate in his eyes behind his horse

rimmed glasses.

"This…is John Smith" she said as she raised her hand towards him. The

man's eyes widened, his eyes bulging as he was raised into the air.

"It is not his real name, of course. His true name is Jacob Johnston, a

muggle" the room gasped as they stared at the man "and the leader of the

Magical Division within the Secret Intelligence in the muggle


At this there was uproar amongst the gathered nobility.

"What?!" "Magical Division?!"

"Yesssssss…." She hissed out sibilantly as she glanced around "The Magical

Division of their spy agency. An agency that is dedicated to our world,

infiltrating, learning as much as they can from us whilst also ruffling up

unrest until an opportunity arose for them to intervene." The room was

deathly silent at the weight of what was said.

"Did they have a hand in the current unrest?" Yaxley asked, his question

causing several to draw in sharp intake of breaths.

Abraxas stared coolly at the muggle. He'd known that the muggles had

traitors working with them for some time now, having been part of the

investigation about where the Isonomian Movement had come from.

Mudbloods had betrayed them all but it was the muggles that were by far

the more dangerous threat that would need to be dealt with…after the

traitorous mudbloods were exterminated.

"They did. The bomb that was used was one of their designs." Lady

Slytherin said with a cool calmness.

This caused several to walk angrily forward.

"Give me my wand" "Kill the muggle!" "Bastard filth" "Kill them all"

A massive bang exploded above their heads silencing them all but if looks

could kill, the muggle would be dead a hundred times over.

"Control yourselves." Lady Slytherin chastised with a harsh glare. "If you

cannot, leave. There is far more angering information for you hear and

you will control yourselves if you remain…is that understood?" she said

with a deathly tone.

Murmurs rang out but none left and none challenged her. She seemed to

accept that before she turned her gaze towards him.

"Abraxas" she simply said and he bowed his head. He knew that she

didn't want it to be known she was capable of this wandlessly.

"Dobby!" *POP*

"Master" the pitiful young elf croaked out.

"Bring Lady Slytherin her wand" he said with a harsh tone.

"Yes Master" *POP* and her bone white wand floated towards her.

Her wand fell into her hand and she turned it to the muggle "Imperio"

Abraxas glanced around and whilst it surprised some, it did not outrage

any as it never should. It was only a filthy muggle.

Still, it was a good thing that he demanded they to swear a secrecy oath

before accepting their attendance.

"How long has your government been plotting against the Magical

World?" she questioned

"Since the late 1930s" the muggle said dully, his eyes blank.

The room descended into furious murmurs, shocked and outrage on their

faces and more than a little fear.

"Why?" she continued to question

"Because we learnt you were responsible for Hitler and the Second Great


"That was Grindelwald." Lady Slytherin pointed out with a tilted head.

"He was one of you. That is enough." The muggle intoned blankly much

to the anger of those present.

"Did you foment the unrest in the Magical World?" she continued to




"By providing funding, by providing spells and supernatural weaponry."

"Supernatural?" she asked the question on many lips.

"Magic is supernatural. Against nature. It is an abomination." This tested

the limits of many

"He calls us an abomination" "They are the abominations without magic"

Abraxas heard whispered.

"Why now?"

"We have enough supernaturals to make things difficult for you."

"Traitors!" "Mudbloods have betrayed us" he heard angrily and they were

not wrong. They were betrayed…more than they could know.

"For what purpose?"

"To restore the Crown's authority over its citizens however unnatural and

abominable they might be."

"And how would you do this?"

"By taking advantage of the Oaths of Allegiance tied to the nobility

granted by Her Majesty."

This silenced the room to the point you could hear a pin drop.

Lady Slytherin continued "Then why have your terrorists bomb the very

place that would have held us prisoner?"

The muggle spoke up blankly "That was not the plan. They operated

without telling us what they were going to use the bomb for. We would

have ordered them not to and requested they instead bomb Law


The fact that he said ordered did not escape the notice of more than a

few, Abraxas noted.

"What would you have done with the Oaths of Allegiances?" Lord Prince

asked as he huddled over with cane, staring intently at the muggle.

"Control you like you should be. You are a threat that cannot be left

uncontrolled. The threat of losing your magic would be enough to stop

from being a problem." The muggle answered dully.

Lord Prince's face twisted slightly at the muggle's words and Abraxas

knew that Prince was thinking that for many it was a cost too high to pay

for freedom.

"This is the existential threat Lord Malfoy spoke off." Lady Slytherin's

voice permeated through the deathly silent room, her eyes trailing across

the room.

"Through the imagined power of the Wizengamot, the filthy muggles

intended to chain us to their muggle royalty." She said in a whispered

tone, the lights of the candles flickering furiously as the shadows writhed

around her "Holding our very magic hostage as they seek to pollute and

infect our very world with their filthy hands."

The anger of the gathered nobility was rising, the hateful looks the

muggle was getting were intense and he could feel the malice pouring out

of her, a symphony of rage, hate and cruelty that stroked the flames

within the souls of all those present.

She turned her gleaming eyes towards the muggle, the muggle who

looked upon with utter fear, something she only smiled cruelly at. She

holstered her wand and flicked her fingers, black flames erupting from

the tips of her fingers, dancing, writhing as the muggle stared helplessly

the flames.

She flicked the black flames towards him, a torrent of black fires engulfed

the muggle, and shrieks erupted from the muggles mouth, whatever

silencing spell he'd been on having been cancelled whilst his shrieks

echoed in the room.

Abraxas looked around and he saw that many were looking on

approvingly, the dark fires dancing in their eyes, almost enraptured by

the brutal death that he knew she was stretching along.

The shrieks petered out before dying out completely and with a twist of

the wrist, the black flames took on a red tinge and within a second, the

fires were dispelled, leaving nothing but miniscule amounts of floating

ash before she waved her fingers lazily and vanished it away.

She turned her gaze towards the gathered nobility "Through providence,

we have been granted an opportunity that has allowed us to escape the

chains the muggles had intended to wrap around our necks."

"Through the incompetence of the very terrorists they aided." Rasmussen

mocked derisively.

Her eyes gleamed as she inclined her head towards him "Yes…" before

she turned to the rest of nobility again.

"However, that is not the end of the threat. The magic within the

chamber enforced the Oaths of Allegiances yes but it was not the only

thing that bound our noble families to the muggle Crown."

"It's bound to our titles." Lord Yaxley said perceptively, his expression

grave. "We'd have to give up our titles to ensure whatever binding is

upon is removed."

"You can't be serious!" the new Lord Avery said aghast. "You want us to

give up our titles?!"

Abraxas glanced around, watching the reaction around the room. He

knew that it would be something that many would be absolutely loathed

to give up.

Lady Slytherin stared at Lord Avery with impassive eyes "Yes…and no."

She said smoothly.

"The nobility we hold are tied to the titles that many of our ancestors had

held centuries prior to the Statute of Secrecy, many of them having been

affirmed by the Kings of Scotland and England in 1342." She paused

momentarily as she looked around.

"Lands and titles that were relinquished in 1692 and further enshrined

into law in 1707 when the muggle Queen Anne ratified the charter for

the Ministry of Magic." Lord Parkinson spoke up for the first time.

Lady Slytherin turned to him with a nod "Yes…however." She said with a

raised finger "There were provisions made in the event that should the

Statute of Secrecy fall, the titles and lands that were held in the Crown's

trust would be returned to the Magical nobility. It was meant as a

safeguard by the nobility of the day to ensure their lands and titles would

be returned to them."

Eyes widened "Which means the magic would never be dispelled unless

we magically relinquish our claims." Lord Prince said with a deep frown.

"Correct. Until then, we are bound to the muggle Crown even if we

personally have not sworn allegiance and not further enforced by the

magic of the Wizengamot chamber."

"So how do you propose we keep our titles?" Lord Avery asked with a


She turned him, her eyes unsettling Avery as he began to swallow


Lady Slytherin turned her gaze away and looked at the gathered nobility

"By altering the system we have now and in a single stroke we remove our

binds to the muggle world whilst at the same time placating the public by

granting them the greater voice they've so desired."

"A two tiered system of governance, one that separates the ancient

covenant of the Wizard's Council from the elected body of governance

whilst ensuring the country is protected from dangerous elements and

muggle infiltration." She explained to them.

He already knew of this plan days before she suggested it. After the

bombing Lady Slytherin had been furious and had personally gone and

captured a number of the muggles for interrogation and it was through

them that they learned of this muggle.

To say it horrified those in the inner circle would be a lie. He'd even seen

her disturbed by what the muggles planned on doing.

She'd known for some time about the muggle infltration in the magical

world and intended to use it when Ouroboros had command of the

Ministry but it seemed they might have instead walked into a disaster

had it truly happened.

"It would be separate from the Ministry of Magic free from the Charter

that binds the Ministry to the muggles yet at the same time it would be

enshrined into law."

"And what would be the purpose of this Council?" Lord Gibbon asked

with a frown.

Her lips curled to a smile "The purpose of the Assembly of Lords would

be to debate legislation and have the power to amend or reject bills

through a majority vote amongst the Assembly of Lords."

A chuckle erupted from Lord Parkinson's lips "So effectively it would

ensure that nothing would pass from the elected part of the government

unless we agree?" he said with a growing smirk, something that many

were also now sporting.

"Nothing would really change" Lord Avery said with interest in his eyes.

Abraxas wanted to roll his eyes at that.

"Not quite but essentially yes. There will be work needed to be done to

cover the details of course but effectively we will give the public the

representation they want closing out any threats of dangerous notions of

revolution, representation that we will still have significant influence

over given our wealth whilst at the same time we keep the prestige owed

to us due to our heritage." Lady Slytherin finished and Abraxas could see

she'd won most of them over.

"When will you bring this forward?" Lord Bletchley asked.

"When the Ministry reopens the Wizengamot for sessions again"

"3rd of April." Bletchley said with a nod.

Abraxas took the opportunity to look around as the Lords and Ladies

began to ask questions and his gaze fell on Orion and saw him frowning.

Abraxas' opinion of Orion had dwindled much over the past decade.

Whatever Arcturus had done, it had shackled that unpredictable side of

his, one that was closely linked to his more loose sanity, and instead

made him timid.

In truth, he wasn't sure if he was elated or disappointed that Orion was

now the Lord Black. With the death of Lord Black, House Black was

teetering at the top position they held for so long and Orion would prove

to be unable to rise to keep them from falling.

It was a shame Lady Slytherin had plans for House Black.

"And the muggles?" Lord Black finally spoke after a while "What will you

do with them?"

Murmurs broke out at the question.

"The Aurors are aware of the duplicity of the muggles" She said smoothly

as her eyes glinted "And soon enough we will have them dealt with." She

said with a cruel tilt to her voice something that many picked up, much

to their approval.

Hours later, he was alone with Lestrange, Rockwood and their Lady.

"The Progressives might not agree" Lestrange commented after they'd

talked about some of their future plans.

"Not all of them." She agreed "But we don't need all of them to agree...we

only need three quarters of the vote to pass. A number we already we

have close to given that the Ministry votes are ours anyway at present

despite the fact that it hasn't been sworn in yet. Elbert Higgins is the next

Minster in line after all."

"Wasn't he just an undersecretary? Not even an important enough figure

to warrant to even be there that day?" Lestrange asked with grim


"And now he is Minister as the only surviving member of cabinet."

Rockwood muttered before he caught what he just said and spied an

apologetic glance at Abraxas and the others "Apologies."

Abraxas didn't comment "I take it you will still speak with them?"

Abraxas asked of her.

"I will" She confirmed "I have a somewhat cordial relationship with the

Longbottoms and he has substantial influence amongst the Progressives…

especially now."

"Speaking of support…how many of them do you think recant on their

support?" Abraxas asked in a mild drawl before he sipped on his drink.

She chuckled lightly as she leaned back, crossing her legs "Several." She

said with a dangerous glint in her eyes. Abraxas almost felt sorry for

them. He knew she would no longer restrain herself as she had done over

the past few years.

Rockwood smirked as his eyes sparkled "I take it you have a plan in place


She looked at him with a raised eyebrow and Rockwood raised his hands

in defeat "I know, stupid question." He said with a laugh.

"It's still risky." Abraxas commented with a serious frown "There's no

guarantee we'll have as much influence then as we do now. We are giving

up a lot of power."

She turned to him, her dark eyes lazily set on him. "Tell me…Abraxas.

Where does true power lie?" she spoke with soft elegance.

Abraxas was silent for a moment "In whatever that makes the other

behave as you wish." People believed it was in their bloodlines, in their

names…some believed it to be their magic whilst others believed it to be

whatever it was that allowed them to lord it over others.

Her lip curled ever so slightly "Exactly." Her eyes sharpened "My power

will always remain the same as its always been. For us, little will change.

For them…" her eyes darkened maliciously "They'll soon find out they

hold little power" her words were spoken with deathly malice.

His eyes shone with restrained excitement, something that Lestrange and

Rockwood did not bother to hide.

It was their time now.


28th of March 1953, Leicester

Charlus Potter POV

He looked through his omniculars and saw movement through the

windows of the dingy pub at the corner of the street in a sleepy part of

this muggle town. He flicked on the alternate setting on the omniculars

and heat signatures flashed on and he saw that there four main levels,

one underground, and two floors up with the upper most floor only

containing two individuals.

In total were twenty two suspects in the pub with most on the ground

floor or first floor.

Charlus signalled the secondary force to make the entry at the back

entrance once the curse-breakers confirmed that it was safe to proceed

and the anti-apparition and portkey wards were up.

They'd been relentless in their pursuit of both groups, having captured

over eighty percent of the terrorists over the past few days. They'd been

smart, breaking their groups into cells that had only had one point of

contact in each cell but they'd gotten lucky with a captured target who'd

known more than he should have and from him, they'd taken out most of

the leadership of both organisations.

Beli Allord was dead, one of the leaders of the Order of the Phoenix,

killed during one of the raids whilst Samael Danton, the other major

leader, was already in custody. From him, they gotten most of the

information they needed to round up nearly all of the members of the

organisation, including several high ranking members of the Isonomian

Movement whose interrogation led to this pub as one of their safe houses.

The doors were smashed in and spell fire rippled through the

neighbourhood and Charlus jumped on his broom and led his team to the

second floor of the pub, and he smashed into the windows before righting

himself and throwing up a shield.

A spell splashed against his shield before he flicked his wand up, a

hardboard plank from the floor springing loose underneath the

perpetrator, slightly unbalancing him and he twisted around evading a

nasty bone breaker curse before rounding up with a speedy spell chain

that the perpetrator unconscious and chained up.

The wall broke apart, splintering, and he ducked even as others of his

team entered through the window "Hostile, three o'clock!"

Two of his Aurors rushed through the doors whilst he flashed a Depulso

through the torn hole before steaming through it with a raised shield.

A gush of fire smashed into his shield and he swivelled around, crouching

lower as he swept his arm in an arc and generated a whirlwind of wind

that snuffed out the flames before twisting his arm up and creating spears

of wind which he sent careening towards the source of the flame.

A cry pain hollered around him whilst his Aurors burst through the doors

to the room and stunned the man before tying him up.

The rest of the Aurors arrived and he turned to them "We move in pairs,

standard cover formation" He ordered and his Aurors nodded in


They moved through the pub, fighting as they descended down the stairs,

the place turning into a narrow constricting battlefield but his Aurors

were trained for this as they used their surroundings to discomfort and

unbalance their opponents.

He rushed into an room on the first floor and he ducked under a spell

that smashed into the wall behind him before he, with blistering speed,

swept his wand across and let off several spell chains that the perpetrator

had difficulty dealing before a Reducto struck the perpetrator on the

shoulder and sent him flying.

Charlus drew back his wand after he flicked his wand in a flourish, the

wooden planks of the floor twisting and turning into vines that shot up

and seized the perpetrator by the ankle and tossed him into a wall

though the perpetrator managed to get a nasty cutting curse off that

Charlus evaded by turning his body slightly to the left.

Charlus flicked his wand, sweeping side to side and the vines smashed

the perpetrator like a rag doll against the ceiling and the floor, knocking

him out. Charlus removed the man's wand before stringing him up tightly

with the vines before moving on.

The battle raged on for several more minutes before spell fire dwindled

away and all perpetrators were captured.

Charlus walked down the stairs and saw the cuffed and chained suspects,

most of them unconscious, before his gaze fell upon their most prized

capture of the night.

Enoch was down, out, but it didn't stop him from smiling viciously at the

sight of the last leader that still hadn't been accounted for.

A day after they processed all of the captured, he made his way towards

the one of the interrogation rooms. He nodded to the Auror and walked

through the door.

Enoch's gaze fell upon him and it was one of impassiveness, one showed

no emotion at his predicament. His face showed bruises and there were

untreated cuts on the right side of his cheek, likely done by one of the

more unrestrained Aurors. Charlus couldn't find it within himself to care

one bit. Not after they'd learnt.

Enoch had already been questioned on the night of his capture with

Veritaserum and they'd wrung out every little secret they could have out

of him.

And what secrets he held…

The involvement of the muggles went deep and it was something they

would have to deal with very soon.

Charlus glanced at the chair opposite him and took it, settling into it with

dragging intent.

He stared at Enoch, who stared back, who remained impassive. This went

on for several minutes before he decided to break the impasse.

"Michael Enoch" Charlus intoned as he leaned forward across the table,

his elbows digging into the hard wood like knives.

The man gave no visible reaction to his name, something that annoyed

Charlus but he didn't let it show. "It's over." Charlus said, a cold glint

shining in his eye "The terror you have induced is over. As we speak,

every single one of your brethren has been captured or will be captured

and soon enough, your organisation will be dismantled just as the Order

of the Phoenix has been."

Charlus allowed a cold smirk to form on his face.

"Do you think you have won?" Enoch spoke up for the first time, his voice


Charlus said nothing but he allowed his smirk to grew wider something

that seemed to irritate Enoch.

"I accepted my death." Enoch continued, his voice descending down to a

whisper "I always had but I will live on long after I die in what I have

done." Enoch's eyes shone with fanaticism.

"I have shown you and your ilk can bleed like the rest of us mortals. That

the blood you so cherishingly hold onto is just as red as the rest of us.

Those fools might have recanted their support for my people but in the

back of their minds, they will remember what it is I have fought for and

the next time your precious Lords" Enoch spat out, his eyes shining with


"The next time your Lords abuse their power, this will only happen again

and again." Enoch said a victorious smile.

"With ample support by your muggle friends?" Charlus asked leadingly.

Something flashed in Enoch's eyes "They were a means to an end. A

means you no doubt will do your best to remove." Enoch leaned back "In

the end though, you'll do nothing more than delay the inevitable. You

and your kind will continue to make enemies and one day you won't be

able to wipe it away with the wave of a wand." He finished before he

closed his eyes, his breathing a little laboured.

Enoch said little else after that and Charlus left not long after. The

conversation had little purpose but for Charlus to simply speak with the

man, to let him know he failed yet all it left him with was a feeling of


Not long after, he met with Emile Tiff who sat with his arms crossed,

intently staring Charlus "You seem bothered. Talks with Enoch not go as

well as you wished?"

Charlus met his boss' gaze "Not so much." Charlus glanced away. "He

believes himself to be a martyr. And I can't seem to disagree with that."

Tiff hummed for a moment. "For a small minority he might become one."

Tiff said as he stood and walked towards his cabinet. He pulled out two

glasses and poured firewhiskey in them.

He walked over and handed one glass to Charlus. "But we won't let what

happened ever again." He said with a tone of steel.

Charlus met the gaze of his boss and finally nodded after a few seconds.

He downed half of the glass, wincing as it burned his throat "Agreed."

Tiff smiled thinly as he nodded before he grew serious "Good. We still

have more work to do."

"The muggles." Charlus said with a firm nod.

Their conversation lasted well into the night.


30th of March 1953 – British Ministry of Magic, Atrium, 14 days after


Rupert Scrimgeour POV

The atrium quieted down to a hush as Lady Slytherin stepped up to the


He wasn't sure why she decided to call this public conference. Most of his

colleagues had excitedly speculated that it was in relation to the bombing

and the subsequent complete dismantling of the terrorist groups but he

wasn't so sure but he couldn't place why either.

The Lady Slytherin, the Lady Sayre, did not comment politically at all, not

since the early years since Grindelwald's defeat and he did not think she

would break that streak.

She was a beautiful woman up close he admitted to himself. It was odd

that none of the publications ever mentioned that even if they quoted her

when she spoke about education or about some tradition or some such.

Perhaps it was because of who her husband was, he mused to himself.

Sayre might have gone from the Isles but the weight of who he was still

carried heavily in Magical Britain.

He shook his head clear as she began to speak "The past couple of weeks

have been some of the darkest of this great nation" Lady Slytherin began,

her melodic voice carrying a sense of loss and heaviness.

"I saw men and women murdered enmasse in cold blood within a blink of

an eye. Bodies of long serving members of society, of innocent

individuals who had the misfortune of attending the first session of the

new administration…" Lady Slytherin trailed off solemnly and the room

quieted down to a very quiet murmur.

None of the Survivors-Of-The-Bombing had spoken up about the bombing

despite the heavy interest.

"People who had wished to improve the current conditions that has so

divided our nation for too many years, died before their time and it is a

great loss that we will feel for many years to come. Yet they were not the

only ones who suffered in the past couple of weeks. Men, women and

children" a spike of anger flashed across her face before it disappeared

though not before people noticed and several journalists placed their

notepads down as they looked on with saddened expressions.

"Who had nothing to do with the conflict were murdered simply for the

name they carried, simply for the relation they carried to those who the

terrorists deemed to be guilty in their insane and addled minds."

Some among the public were teary eyed, others angry and grieving but

all were listening intently.

"And in those acts of terrorism, those acts of supreme evil, they twisted

the good and the just grievances that many people had with the

Ministry." Lady Slytherin said much to his surprise.

Was that…?

Was that truly an acknowledgement? He wondered in great surprise. It was

unheard off!

It seemed more than a few realised that too as he glanced around.

"Yes, my fellow citizens, I acknowledge the just grievances the public has

had with regards to the unjust treatment of a large part of the public. The

forcing of good British citizens to work in low paying and hard jobs, the

harassment of the Ministry of squib-borns and the unfair business

practices that have caused many lives to be harder than they should


I along with many recognise the true fight for the rights of others, the

fight to cast away the chains of oppression, discrimination and inequality

that is rife in our society. The true fight that was spoken with words, with

dialogue, with debate, not with the mindless violence that was perpetrated

by the terrorists who selfishly wanted to destroy what had been a noble

cause and turn it into something that none of us wanted." She paused for

a moment

"They wanted a civil war, my fellow citizens." She said to shock of the


"They used the mistakes of the Norton and Lowe Administrations as fuel

for their propaganda, that there was no other option but to fight with

violence yet that was a lie." Lady Slytherin said firmness.

"Before the Bombing" Lady Slytherin continued with a more sombre tone

"The Ouroboros party, after the economy had been righted, wanted to

start a conversation to heal the nation more than just economically…no

we wanted to heal the nation by healing the divide that has grown

between us as a people, a divide that those like the Isonomian Movement

and the Order of the Phoenix wanted to exploit." She said as she looked

around the room.

"My fellow citizens, they are but the latest amongst a long list of Dark

Lords and ignoble people who have wanted to exploit the divides in our

society for personal gain and it is partly our fault that these keep

happening." Murmurs rang around the atrium at this.

"The divide of blood purity, the divide of economic circumstances…and

the divide of those whose voices count more than others" She said with a

shake of the head.

She looked at the crowd "I have remained out of politics until recently

instead choosing to improve our nation through education and offering

opportunities to those who need it and have sought it out yet I can no

longer remain quiet when I see the chance to make a difference, a lasting

difference that takes our nation to greater heights." She paused


"Some of you may have forgotten but I have not come from a privileged

background, far from so. I have grown up with less than nothing at an

underfunded orphanage in muggle Britain where I often went hungry. I

have entered Magical Britain as someone considered as a mudblood"

Rupert winced at the derogatory term just as few others did "and I have

left Hogwarts as the Head of House of Slytherin, one of the Founding

Houses of Hogwarts and one of the storied Houses in all of Britain."

"I have been many things in my life and that has allowed me certain

perspectives on how things are." Lady Slytherin looked around.

"What I have seen in all of the former administrations is that they are

incapable of change, of reform because they are not held accountable to

their actions, to the public. Despotism has established itself for ages in

this country and instead of law being the ruling principle of Magical

Britain, it is instead family heritage that matters more than the good of the

rest of the realm and it is something I and many others believe needs to

be changed wholesale"

The crowd gasped at that and honestly he was tempted to do the same.

This was…

This was beyond the pale!

"We are a nation that has lost itself ever since the days of Camelot. In the

loss of King Arthur, we have lost a champion for the people, a king that

strove for equality amongst the races and championed justice and fairness

and commonality." She paused for a moment, her eyes flickering around

the room.

"However…what we do have, is the people. People who want society as a

whole to grow and prosper, people who want the best for their family, for

their neighbour, for their fellow countrymen." Excited whispers broke out

amongst the crowd as no doubt this was far more than any of them,

himself included expected.

"The Wizengamot system has been a system that in its time served a

purpose, a purpose that has not reflected the new age we are in and I

personally believe that it is lacking." The whispers grew louder.

"It has not kept with the changes in society where there is a greater need

of moral, civil and political responsibility to the public and from the

public and that is why I am advocating for a systematic change in

governance that reflects the needs of the public whilst still holding true

to the storied history of Magical Britain.

True representation in form of an elected body by the public that is voted

by the public for the public whilst separating the noble seats into a

different function of governance that is ensures the heritage of Magical

Britain is preserved."

"I believe that this is the best way of compromise that begins to heal the

divide that has grown between us for all those within Magical Britain are

kin in one way or another." The whispers grew much louder as several

stepped to their feet as they sensed Lady Slytherin is close to finished but

none had been prepared for what she said next.

"And to signal how much I believe that this way is the best way forward

for our people, to heal the divide and begin the true path of equality and

prosperity for all" Lady Slytherin raised her wand and he gaped.

She wouldn't!

"I, Lady Slytherin of House Slytherin, renounce my titles as Lady of the

Realm of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland." She swore

and a glow emitted from her.

It silenced the crowd "Thank you for your time." Lad- Ms Slytherin said

and the crowd erupted into chaos.


6th of April 1953 – Illos, 21 days since the Bombing

Emily POV

She breathed a little louder as she stretched herself out in the soft bed.

Her eye creaked open and saw that she was alone in bed. She reclosed

her eye and sighed for a moment before she rolled over onto her back

and both eyes flickered open.

She sniffed the air and could smell blueberries.

A small smile grew on her face as she lifted herself out of her bed, the

silk covers gliding off of her body in slow ripples. The smell of

blueberries this far up had been done to entice her to come down. She

would oblige him for now.

She got out of bed, wearing nothing and she strode out of their bedroom

though not before stopping and sparing a look out of the bedroom

windows. It never got boring to see Illos this far up in the mountains, the

full vision of the city below and the highest peak of Mount Celestis

directly in front of their bed.

Moving Sayre Manor here was an inspired choice, she mused before she

walked out of their bedroom. She could hear the faint sounds of music

now she was out from their bedroom after she'd walked out of the sound

muffling charms that was bespelled in the corner of the door.

An amused smile tugged at her lips as she thought that they still hadn't

bothered to remove that despite it being years since Atticus' mother lived

in the same manor.

She still wasn't sure how the old woman had managed to permanently

emplace that charm within the corner of the door but it had been worth

leaving there if only to remind her of how red Atticus' expression was

that day.

For all his sex drive, he was rather prudish when it came to discussing

anything about it with anyone but her.

She walked down the last step of the stairs and made her way towards

the origin of the music, the beautiful music that teemed with magic.

She arrived at the room that lead towards the back gardens and she saw

him sat there with Cana's Harp on the porch and she walked over

towards the recliner chair beside him which had by it a plate of

blueberry muffins on top of a small table.

She sat down, taking the plate of food and took the fork before she

leaned back in the recliner chair and intently looked at him play the harp

as she ate.

She could feel the magic emanating from him, the soft ripples that

hummed and drummed as he strummed the strings, minor strands of

magic mingling within the notes with beauty and care that she could

practically see and feel.

He swayed ever so slightly as the music increased in tempo, his fingers

dancing across the strings, and she closed her eyes for a moment as the

piece of muffin melted on her tongue.

The song was different than the ones he usually played…those of

eeriness, of melancholy or those that imbued as a sense of greatness.

No…this one was smaller but not lesser only…smaller in scope, a song

that spoke of taking joy of the small moments as they arrived.

Her magic reached out to his magic that poured out him, magic that

rolled off him in line with his music and she fell in a mild enchantment,

and enchantment she'd given over to completely.

She loved hearing him play and feel his magic, a love that grown in time

as she'd grown to appreciate the beauty he created with nothing but

passion, magic and talent.

She wasn't sure how long the music went on, she often lost track of time,

yet she already missed it when it ended. She reopened her eyes and saw

him looking at her with that same soft smile he only reserved for her.

"Morning." He said to her with a gentle tone, as gentle as a spring's


"Morning." She returned with a soft smile and the corners of his eyes


For all the satisfaction she felt at her plans succeeding, none compared to

the satisfaction she felt when she was in his presence.

9. Chapter 73

Hello All, please see the next installment. Thank you for your

messages of support!

Without further adieu, please enjoy the post!

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next three chapters are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

7th of April 1953 – Illos, Sayre Manor

His eyes creaked open and turned towards the light that filtered through

the blinds. He closed his eyes again and rode out the drowsiness that

came with his re-entry into consciousness.

He reopened them several minutes later and turned towards his left and


Her hair obscured her face somewhat, her chest rose silently, slowly,

minutely as she laid there next to him in his bed. He would never tire of

seeing her like that, to see her at rest so comfortably by him.

His hand rose and he carefully brushed aside her hair from her face, an

act that stirred her a little but he reached out soothingly in their bond

and she returned back to stillness with a faint hint of content creeping

through their bond which made his smile wider with fondness.

She'd been back here for a few days now, longer than she'd been back for

over a year, and he'd missed it. More than he realised.

They would see each other on average just a few times a week, often it

was her who travelled to Illos through one of the early versions of the

Gates that was paired in Slytherin Manor, but that was hardly enough.

It was a slight problem, one that should soon fade away with their

progress with Magical Britain.

The time of Illos isolation may still be needed for a couple of years longer

but with Magical Britain's fall into her grip, it should make it easier for

them to see each other.

He looked away from her and towards the ceiling.

Reality around him faded away in a cloudy mist before his consciousness

stood within an enclosed empty space. Slowly, hundreds of threads of

Time began to take form within his perception. They inverted and

expanded and shrunk, each of the threads resembling endless tesseracts

that collapsed and expanded into each other.

He had taken to manifest Seeing Time differently than just the threads of

possibilities on its own, an outcome that had been needed when he learnt

that it was possible to see thousands of possibilities and further into time.

He did not have the skill of the Monk to see these thousands of

possibilities at once though in time perhaps that would change.

During his conscious state, when he looked, he limited the depth and

number of possibilities to at most a few dozen probable possibilities, and

overlaid them onto reality that gave him nuances of the immediate future

that he might have missed when he was looking ahead in Time with

much greater detail and distance.

In this space, his consciousness was unbound from Time itself, a Living

Observer of time who could read possibilities without Time passing in

reality, a quirk of consciousness that he'd discovered…one of many

things he and Emily were discovering about the nature of


He allowed his consciousness to expand a little further, feeling and

touching this space of consciousness. Dimensions of a point in space were

defined as the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify that

particular point and in a three dimensional universe…this was defined

with three coordinates…length, width and height.

And in this space of consciousness, he existed in more than just three


Not-quite-four dimensions but closer than any other mage would likely

get for centuries or millennia to come.

The only thing he knew for certain that actually existed in four

dimensions were Time Sands, the sands within the Time Turners, which

were paradoxical and existed in different time frames and at the same

time whilst also existing in the current now.

A physical impossibility in physical reality – and within his space of

consciousness – for humanity, no matter how in tune he was with magic.

He grabbed one of the threads and the possibility unfurled itself before

him. Time moved like a physical dimension, days, months, years moved

along the axis and his consciousness moved along with it.

He watched as Illos grew and more buildings rise like weeds sprouting

from earth and at the same watched people grow older, grow taller.

He turned his attention towards the north and he watched Emily's plan

unravel as Britain was brought under her party's control. He saw her

becoming an ever present presence in the lives of the Britons as

Headmistress, as their leader and their champion.

He saw Illos' arrival and impact at the world stage and the subsequent

plotting against him and his people by the men in black and the man in

black and red.

He saw himself back in Britain, next to her as she addressed the crowd,

the gleaming sword shining in the noon light, one step closer to the

creation of their civilisation.

He turned his gaze south east of England's shores, past the sea and saw

the embers grow into a fire as rhetoric grew and men flocked towards the

Raven and threatened to swallow Europe once more in shadows.

He pushed and pushed, years became decades and he watched as

gleaming silver eggs pushed through the atmosphere and into the Void,

all following the larger one into the massive blue disk that tore through

the Void and swallowed them all whole.

He pulled himself back, back to where he started and decades became

years and years became months and soon enough he was back out of the

possibility, the probable possibility that had the most number of the same

events in the dozens of other possibilities.

He took himself out of this space of consciousness and returned to the

physical reality, the ceiling once more coming into view and he let out a

long drawn sigh.

The further he looked, the more unstable it became…like stones cast in

lakes, the surface was never settled and the future was always in motion,

always subject to minor perturbations that could wipe out the probability

of that future into little more than nothingness.

The way he looked, now, was to see if they were still on the path of the

likely future if they stuck to the plan and it seemed like it still was. But…

he would be vigilant.

As always.

He felt her stir and he turned to her. She would soon awaken and decided

to help her along.

His hand crept under the fabric of the duvet and glided onto her thigh

under her silk nightgown. Her skin was soft, somehow softer than the silk

that wrapped itself around her.

She moaned softly and her lips parts into a soundless o as his hand

sought out her heat. "Morning" he said softly as her eyes parted open and

her deep sea blue eyes showing arousal was a pleasurable sight.

"Your hand has seemed to have wandered." She murmured, her lips

curling upwards as she spoke.

"They do tend to have a mind of their own." He said conversationally as

he played with her nub with gentle swirls of his thumb as his finger in

and out of her, feeling, pressing against her lightly ribbed walls.

She let of a soft laugh, a sound that was music to his ears as he turned to

her completely and she allowed easier access as she shifted as well, their

gaze never breaking.

Her hand went to his member whilst her other hand moved to his chest,

her fingers tracing along his chest. "It seems like my own have a similar

disposition." She said with a teasing lilt in her voice.

He smiled widely as he moved his head closer to hers and kissed her

slowly and she pressed against his lips, her lips opening as their tongues

danced, each second that passed caused their passion to grow bolder,

fiercer and before he knew it they were naked and he on top of her, her

hands roamed across his back and her fingers dug trenches into his skin.

Their kiss halted, stilled as her lips parted let out a silent gasp as he

entered her, the feeling of being inside her again felt as great as it did the

first time.

"Atticus…" she moaned out in his mouth, his bottom lip still pressed

against hers as her mouth remained open in slow ecstasy whilst he

moved in and out slowly.

She kissed him softly before he moved to kiss her neck, his thrusting

picking up speed and her legs wrapped around him as he moved with

purpose. Her faint moans grew in volume and her hands constricted

around him almost akin to a vice, not unlike a boa constricting its prey.

Their bond grew wider, their feelings melting into one as their lowered

their mental shields and he felt her climb into orgasm growing nearer

and nearer.

He moved quicker and quicker, his member coated with her flowing

liquids, and he grabbed her legs that had been wrapped around him and

moved them against his chest, her ankles hanging off of his shoulders as

he moved onto his knees and gripped onto her hips as he pulled her in,

her arse off the bed.

Her moans became louder, higher, turning to cries of exultation, and he

felt her climb turn into a crescendo of an orgasm that almost triggered

his own but he held firm, withholding his own orgasm with the barest,

flimsiest of control.

Until she sat up and wrapped her hand around his neck and pulled him in

between her legs, his member somehow never exiting, their lips locked

onto each other as she writhed below him, moving her hips in a counter

to his thrusts and he gasped and he stilled, his member expanded and he

spilled into her and he bucked with each throb of his member like a

stuttering motor before he collapsed onto her, the sheens of sweat that

thinly coating them merged in between their naked bodies.

His eyes closed and he was still inside her, riding out the wave of

exhaustion that hit him as he rested on top of her, her breasts two soft

pillows that he enjoyed being on. He rumbled slightly when he felt her

soft hands trail across his back in loving gentle motions and the waves of

content and bliss streamed across their bond from her.

It was minutes later, when his soft member popped out, that he got off of

her and pulled her closer to him. He kissed her softly on the cheek and

her hand softly circled against his arm.

He could die happily in this moment as he stared into her eyes.

From the look on her face, he imagined she must be thinking the same.

It was an odd thing…love.

Years had passed since he first fell in love with her and while that searing

passion he felt for her faded somewhat, their love had only deepened just

as this bond of theirs deepened.

With her, he never felt unbound from time.

He often tried to avoid seeing their futures together as he didn't want to

ruin what they had. Uncertainty and disorder within their relationship

was important though sometimes he saw more than he probably should


Only snaps of their future together, really, not like the kind of reels of

futures he'd seen of their enemies and their allies.


Sometimes he saw something he really ought not to and sometimes it was

harder not to fixate on them especially when he knew how easily

possibilities changed that far out.

His hand rose and fell on her rose tinted cheek and he moved the strands

of her hair behind her ear. His thumb remained on her cheek and he

gently circled his thumb on her cheek, an act that was filled with the

tenderness and love he felt for her.

She smiled softly as she felt this from him through their bond and she

closed her eyes for a moment, feelings of love and soothing

contentedness eking out into his side of the bond.

He wondered if it would look odd to others…to see two people who for

all of their crimes and deaths they caused had it in them to be so caring,

so loving to one another.

Perhaps it did, likely it didn't, he mused internally.

After all, even the worst of humans, may they be emperors or peasants,

were never just one thing or another.

He felt her hand moved downward even as her eyes remained closed.

Her thumb rubbed at the eye of his sensitive member and he let of a soft

groan as she turned and gripped it, jerking it slightly until the last

trickles of his seed rose to the top. Her eyes opened as her thumb picked

up the last globule of his seed and she looked at him before she licked

her thumb, an act that was beginning to harden him again.

She must have felt his bout of arousal as she took to glance at his

member before she met his gaze again, hints of amusement clear to see in

her deep blue eyes.

"As much I'd like to spend day and night with you as we did most of

yesterday, we should probably take a little break." She said with a

glimmer of fond exasperation in her eyes before she turned the other way

off of the bed and stood up.

"How little of a break?" Atticus said with a ghost of a smile as he got up

as well though it was with a put on tone.

She looked over her shoulder as she conjured a towel "Let's just say not

until well after I meet with Sandra." She gave him a mild glare "Somehow

I feel a little sore despite all of the rituals"

He laughed gently "That was definitely from last night. You always get a

bit like that afterwards." He said with a smile in his voice, fond memories

entering the front of his mind. "You like it that way anyway"

Her glare deepened but there was no heat in it "Perhaps." She said a little

snippily before her glare changed into a look he knew instinctively he

wasn't going to like "Though maybe we shouldn't do it that way again."

She said as she walked towards the bathroom.

"Let's not be so hasty" Atticus said a little quicker than he wanted as she

entered the bathroom. She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes,

shadows of a wicked smile on her face was apparent as she closed the


He watched her close the door, leaving him there without an answer

though he knew she was probably more serious than he wanted to

believe. "I might have gotten us banned, my friend." Atticus said a little

glumly as he looked at his best friend since birth.

About an hour and half, they sat and ate their breakfast.

"Should be interesting at the Council of Representatives today" Atticus

mused as he finished his bite.

"The talks about petitioning the High Council for the allowance of more

magical creatures out of the habitats and into Illos proper?" she asked

and he nodded.

She hummed for a moment "I can see why it might turn interesting. I'm

not sure why we never considered it beyond the magical creatures in the

Solarian Sea."

The Solarian Sea was the large body of water that fed all throughout


"Because we were more interested in preserving the dangerous and

endangered species than anything else." Atticus said before he drank of

his water.

He turned to her "It'll pass quite easily. Beyond a few birds and magical

insects that are beneficial to the lifecycle of nature here on Illos, it can do

with greater wildlife. We have the forests and mountains for it."

"Does it happen?" she asked curiously.

"Yes. I have Seen more magical life eventually. It does vary in terms of

scale." He said with a frown. He'd seen Abraxans, Pegasi that were more

easily to determine in the reels of Illos. Sometimes they weren't there

until years had passed and other times quite a bit later. He rarely spent

that much time looking into details of things like that, not when there

more important events and people that he needed to See.

"Time and variety of magical creatures?" she asked curiously and he


She considered it for a moment before she peered at him with a

suggestive glint in her eyes. "It may be worth improving our skill with

seeing magical frequencies and work on manipulating them."

He was silent for a few seconds "In order to communicate with magical

creatures at the fundamental level?" he asked intrigued.

Magicals operated in a different frequency within the magical field than

other magical beings and creatures. It was why they could not use their

forms of magic, only simulate them like how they simulated dragon fire

spells or lightning which were very often weaker and more draining

magically than it was for the respective animals.

Though he could see the magical frequencies in which these animals

operated, he never tried to manipulate these frequencies into something


The most he ever did with manipulation of frequencies ever since he

could see the individuals strands of magic of all things, was to touch and

resonate with the magic around him.

She nodded slightly before she took a sip of her water. "Magicals and

near-humans are attuned to a different frequency band than other

magical creatures as we both know but with our ability to see the full

breadth of magic – or in my case most" she said a little sour.

He taught her how to open her field of perception, something that came

much easier after her final magical maturity, through guiding her in the

use of Nature Magic and opening herself up to the magic of the universe

which then allowed her to form a somewhat similar perception to his

though it lacked depth and scope of what he saw.

She could perceive the currents of magic, if she focused, but it was

shallow, like treading into centimetres of water compared to his lake

deep perception. She also couldn't feel a connection to the universe like

he did and he was sure that was because of his Hyper-Percipience.

Thankfully what he taught her was enough for her to see most of the

magical frequencies within the magical field – neurophysical energy


She continued "We should be able to manipulate these magical

frequencies somehow to allow us to communicate with some of the more

dangerous animals."

He sat back in his chair, thinking.

His eyes snapped towards her and he saw her eyes looking at him


`You think you can create magical languages like parseltongue through this?`

he hissed out to her.

Her eyes shone triumphantly and she nodded.

`There is no physical evidence that these Naga ever existed.` she hissed with

pursed lips `I think it is more likely that they were humans that might have

been able to skin change half way than they were truly a combination of

serpents and humans`

`Moira's catalogue doesn't have them listed?` he asked curiously. He had

never bothered looking into the Naga or any other mythological magical

beings like them.

That was more her interest. She liked creating new lifeforms and

experimenting with life though he knew it was because she was looking

to replicate how the Atlanteans managed to use Higher Forms of Magic to

create life from concepts to further her own progression into elemental


Within the Atlantean records there were only methods of creating

magical beings through rituals but what they noticeably lacked was how

they created beings like Thestrals who were representatives of Death.

`No they don't.` she hissed in a sibilant scowl before she visibly shook

away that thought `Which is why I think it's not some divine language` a

small amount of amusement crept out of her `As much as I'd like to believe

that – but rather a form of high level manipulation of magical frequencies

done through observation of serpents.`

`That would mean others through history might have this same ability to see

magic on all frequencies` Atticus pointed out.

`Not necessarily. Did you not manipulate magical energies through a spell

freezing ward and the creation of prism crystals that isolated individual

frequencies of magic?` she pointed out to him.

`It's a hard sell to think and suggest mages thousands of years ago might have

done something similar` he said to her sceptically.

`Perhaps` she acceded "Nevertheless, we both know ancient mages were

rather more capable than most will ever believe." She said in Latin.

He inclined his in agreement. Their trips around the world searching out

ruins and tombs had clarified that quite clearly.

"I'm for it. I'll set up a project for it." He told her and she smiled pleased

at him.

He checked the time and took one last bite and walked up to Emily. He

kissed her on the cheek.

"I'll see you at the testing facility after" he said as he stepped away and

she gave him a small smile before she nodded and he turned to walk



7th of April 1953 – Main Tower, Illos

With an impassive look on his face, he watched as the Veela leader

entered his office.

He'd already Seen what would be discussed, what she'd say, what he'd


Mirages of the future had played out before him, still played out before

him as a dozen possibilities unfurled all at the same time.

In meetings like this, those of little importance, he liked to actively use

his Sight this way to see what path led to the better outcome, at least in

the short term.

"My Lord" the Veela matriarch, Teodora Georgieva said with a dip of the

head as she stopped several metres from his desk, her long silvery hair

swaying almost with the same grace she walked with.

She was a pureblooded Veela, if there was such a thing, with the same

kind of deep blue eyes her race was known for and the same ethereal

beauty that women would kill for.

Had he not known she was at least sixty years of age, he would not think

of her older than twenty five.

He nodded at her "Please take a seat."

She took the seat and sat down. Her eyes wandered, just as they did

when she stepped into the office though this time it was centred on the

accessories on the desk.

Trinkets and little wooden figurines that sat at the edge of the desk in a

slight clutter. He liked to levitate them when he was busy reading or

working, splitting his awareness whilst he stretched out his magic.

"Unexpected?" Atticus asked, drawing back her attention as he glanced at

the figurines before returning his gaze at her and she smiled beautifully.

"Yes" she said with a heavy accent. Whilst most newcomers were

proficient with Latin thanks to the Lingua Latin potion, they still carried

their native accents.

"I had expected more…order" she said with a smile, the kind of smiles

that could melt even the hardest of men's hearts even with her allure


"Sometimes a little disorder is needed." Atticus said with a long glance at

the clutter before reaching back to meet her gaze "It makes life a little

more interesting."

"Of course, my Lord" Teodora said with a nod as her smile widened "I can

understand such thinking better than most. A little disorder in our lives is

just right for it allows for new and unexpected things to happen that

enrich lives." She said with a hint of something more in her tone.

Atticus felt a hint of amusement at the tentative probing in her words but

he had long decided to avoid that conversational thread. It was for her

own good really.

"Chancellor Saunders informed me of your interest to seek permission to

invite more of your allies to Illos." Atticus directed the conversation to

why they were here.

Teodora was a little startled but she recovered and nodded carefully "Yes.

These past three months have been…good for my people. Illos has been

more than any of us could have expected."

Atticus sat back in his chair, his gaze unblinking as he stared at the

woman impassively. She was artfully understating how good Illos has

been for her people considering where they hailed from.

For the Veela in Bulgaria and those in the Soviet Union, the situation was

not good.

The Russian influence in Bulgaria was keenly felt in both magical and

muggle parts of the country especially in the Eastern part of the country

where Russian magical influence was highest…and unfortunately it was

also the region where most of the Veela population was in.

Post war Soviet Union was a harsher and more restrictive place to many

of the magical beings that resided within it and within its sphere of

influence mirroring much of attitudes of Central and some Western

magical societies towards non-human beings.

The war against Grindelwald had cost the Russians and their allies

deeply, almost halving the magical population and with such trauma,

many of the people who had fought against them or had chosen not to

fight, like the Veela had chosen, had suffered the consequences of their

actions…or inactions.

It also didn't help that the Russian magicals were siding with the Soviet

Union more than the Statute allowed.

Stalin had known about magic since the beginning of the second world

war and after the success of Stalingrad, Stalin had somehow managed to

convince several Russian leaders of the merits of Communism…or at least

some elements of the doctrine.

Quite the legacy Stalin was leaving behind in his death.

In truth, the opportunity had never been more open for such radical

shifts in ideology for the Russian magical society…something that started

with the extermination of the Magical Romanovs during the Revolution

and that was only put into freefall during the Grindelwald war as most of

the influential nobles were wiped out by Grindelwald's forces…or by the

man himself.

In the absence of traditional leadership of the nobility, the most powerful

amongst the surviving Russians rose to prominence in the vacuum left

behind as leaders of the war effort against Grindelwald.

Whilst several of them had nobility in their heritage, they had not been

in power and as such used the opportunity to carve out their own power

not based on nobility but on the popularity their deeds warranted them

and later used Communism to solidify their control of Russian society

without having to share power with the surviving noble families.

With the Russians taking elements of the communist ideology to bosom,

also came with the intolerance towards many of the magical creatures

that were considered as toxic to the new ideological values of the new

burgeoning 'Eastern European' society that extended to far and wide in

much of Eastern Europe especially since the Veela and the Sirens were

considered to be synonymous with 'noble excesses' and 'aristocratic


Which was opportunistic as it played on long held perceptions of these

two magical races and helped further along the burgeoning Eastern

European 'us versus them' mentality that grew after the Russians swept in

and took advantage of the neighbouring ruined societies that were left in

the wake of Grindelwald's war to bring them closer to their sphere of

influence and thinking.

The nobility had succumbed to Russian pressure as that was seen more

favourable than the possibility of ICW occupation.

And as a way to bind all of these peoples to the Russian leadership, they

took advantage and deepened an 'Eastern European' mentality and

unfortunately, magical races like Veela and Sirens were not considered

human let alone Eastern European.

A consequence of something the Veela themselves had propagated rather

unhelpfully with their acts. The Veela, before the start of the 20th

century had largely enjoyed a privileged existence amongst the nobility

of Europe.

For centuries, they'd used their beauty and their allure to craft out this

place within the higher echelons of society, obtaining protection from

persecution whilst at the same time propagating their population with

added protection of the same nobles who tended to be the fathers of their


Something that began to end at the turn of the century as unrest and

uncertainty began to inflame Europe with the emergence of greater

numbers of half bloods and squibborns who brought in ideas and sought

more freedoms within Magical society in line with more equal muggle

Europe which was only driven further into a simmering cauldron by the

emergence of radical rhetoric like that of Grindelwald or that of the ever

present but growing pureblood supremacy ideology which captured the

attentions of disgruntled nobles and disaffected masses in sweeping


As always throughout history, magical or not, times of uncertainty and

anger tended to be very difficult for those of minority ethnicities or in the

case of the Veelas, race.

There had always been a black market within Europe, one that was

riddled with dark mages and scum of the earth but it was only during

this turn of the century that the Veela had begun to be exploited at much

greater rates as they lost the protections that they so enjoyed for

centuries prior.

And despite the end of the war and the ICW influence, it had only grown

worse before his Guards went in and eliminated most of the worst

offenders that dealt with trafficking or with sexual slavery yet it did not

deal with the underlying social and institutional discrimination that the

Veela experienced in much of Eastern and Central Europe even if they

were 'protected' under the law.

The ICW, to give them credit, was trying to address this issue but by

forcing equality onto the Ministries and populace, it was not working and

seemed to instead backfire.

Their high handedness and their lack of understanding was doing more

harm in post-war Europe than it was bringing stability and whilst he was

pleased that it was making it easier for them to push along this unrest

into an engulfing inferno, he was…displeased the effect it was having on

the non-human populations of the magical world.

For that, he bore responsibility.

Just as he bore responsibility for the rise in death tolls of squibs and the

worsening of conditions in most European nations for squibborns.

He was uncertain if this would have happened anyway without his

presence or influencing of Europe, if this state of growing intolerance was

always going to happen despite him and his actions and he would never

know the truth of it.

He could not See into alternative timelines…into what might have been.

Those roads were closed and Time, despite him being able to see Time as

more something that happens all at once and its coordinates, a living

flow that had a sense of itself, he could not see coordinates of something

that was wiped out of existence in this universe.

He did not know if this state of Europe would have remained had

Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald in 1945, after two more years of war

and destruction and loss that could have taken greater toll on people and

cause them to be more accepting of peace and unity of all, for all.

Perhaps Dumbledore's willingness to work within existing frameworks

and turning them malleable to his desires and will might have made the

ICW's endeavours in Europe more successful with influential individuals

in Europe weary and careful in the face of a Light Archmage who was

intolerant of dark magic and had the backing of the ICW.

In the end, it did not matter on what ifs he'd never satisfyingly bring to a

conclusion, even for someone like him who lived and breathed in air

made out of what ifs.

Only what they could do to take advantage of these circumstances that

he helped speed along.

After all…disasters paved the way for future growth.

"I am pleased to heard that" Atticus said as he placed his hands on the

desk, his eyes boring into her "We have put in considerable efforts in

accommodating your people in Illos and so far your people have

integrated well."

Teodora nodded "It had been a challenge at first" she admitted "even with

the introduction we were granted."

He inclined head slightly in agreement. "It's something that most groups

find at first but once they find their chosen field or work, they tend to

find things much easier."

Thanks to the increase of population, there was a growing market within

Illos for consumer products that weren't covered by one of the Offices,

one that was increasing the economy of the world-ship which the Veela

had seamlessly integrated into, especially with their expertise in Charms

and Enchantment.

An economy that likely remain limited but one he set on actively

growing. Most magical societies had the potential to be post-scarcity

societies, Illos more than any other but he was careful not to let it

happen any time soon.

An interconnected economy was important to bind all of the magical

societies together in the future and only long after when no one

considered themselves as anything other than Illosian did he want to

consider setting in the motions of a true post-scarcity society.

Whilst most of the amenities and health could be taken care of by magic

or by the basic food, ingredients and health care package that all citizens

had a right to, for now there was still a need for more leisurely and

bespoke products which he encouraged as a way to inspire more

independent industries and markets to form.

Amongst them was the growing gaming and media markets based on

magi-tech that he had 'sold' and encouraged to take form. The games

market was popular with the youngest of Illos, especially with the way

they could interact with the story of the games themselves and within the

media, films were growing ever more popular with The Maiden in the

Tower being the largest hit so far and one that had a Veela emerge as a

star actress.

Teodora smiled "Quite." Her smile fell off "Which is why I humbly request

of you, my Lord, that I be granted the permission to seek out my colony's

allies and granted leave to offer them a place here."

Atticus remained silent and she visibly grew more uncomfortable.

Teodora continued, this time more guarded "Before we came here, we

informed our allies that we were seeking to find a new home given the…

volatility of our homeland" she said carefully and quickly continued

when she saw no further reaction from him "We did not tell them where

we were headed – not that we knew anyway – just that we were leaving."

After some time passed, Atticus spoke up "And do you think they are

right for Illos?"

She looked slightly confused. "What do you mean?"

"Do you know why you were invited?" Atticus asked of her.

Her eyes widened and she understood "Because one of your people

vouched for us."

"That and because we made sure that such vouching was not made

erroneously." Atticus leaned forward, his expression hard "We do not

invite anyone without carefully considering the impact on our current

citizens and the harmony we are building and we will continue to do so

for a long time to come."

She looked upset for a moment "But they wouldn't cause disharmony" she


Atticus hummed "And how certain are you of that? If I were to suddenly

allow several thousand Veela into Illos…" Atticus trailed off as he looked

at her with a long look and hard eyes.

"Do you not think it would cause friction within the population?"

She looked offended before she schooled her expression and looked at

him with hints of anger in her eyes "My Lord." She said, her voice calm

yet lost all of its warmth.

"I had not taken you for someone who held people against their heritage."

She said calmly though it was clearly it was forced.

Atticus remained impassive under the accusation "I do not care for blood

or for heritage. What I do care for is Illos. It is my responsibility to

ensure that it remains healthy and that also includes considerations that

are uncomfortable to broach." Atticus leaned back in his chair intently

studying the Veela matriarch before him.

"For a person who should intimately know about emotions and

irrationality along with fact that you are a leader, you are missing the

fundamental truth of what the consequences of thousands of beautiful

women coming to a nation with only fifteen thousand people would be.

Especially when half that population are still children."

As ridiculous as it sounded, that was the main crux of this situation.

She frowned before she understood and raised her hand, her bracelet

shining "Isn't that why we're made to wear these out in public?" she


"A way to alleviate the uneasy people, mostly of the feminine variety"

Teodora said with a hint of sardonic amusement in her voice before she

grew serious again "that we aren't here to ensnare their precious men?"

"People might wish to believe that however that is not the case. Your

allure is a form of compulsion magic and pheromones and though it is

inherent to you, it is against the law to use against others" Atticus said

and he raised his hand stopping her from speaking and he continued

"Nevertheless the requirements of the bracelets were not demanded in a

slight against your people but rather because existing laws that protect

the minds and liberty of citizens. Your admission into Illos had already

been made once we determined the characteristics of your colony and

their leader." Atticus entwined his hands as he continued, slightly leaned


"You were determined to be open minded and willing to integrate into

Illosian society and it is for those reasons you are here today. The

acceptance you have seen here in Illos is because everyone knew you

were coming and in their trust of our judgment, they invited you into

their lives as future citizens of our country." Atticus paused for a moment

as his eyes bored down into her own.

"And that is despite of what most people know of your people however

wrong that is. As a people, you have gained, unfairly perhaps, a

reputation that speaks of carnal and hedonistic nature." Atticus said with

thinned lips and she visibly looked upset at this characterisation but she

met his gaze proudly.

"We are a passionate race and our nature does make us more comfortable

with the natural way of existence" She said with a proud gleam in her

eyes "But it does not sum us up." She leaned forward her eyes blazing

with blue flames dancing in her eyes.

"And if we were to believe what people think to be true all the time then

we should be believing you to be the destroyer of the magical world no?"

she said with a tone of innocence that amused him though he didn't show

as his expression remained hard.

She leaned back in her chair, her eyes doused. "I only wish to extend the

same kind of peace and acceptance my colony and I have received here

to the rest of my people." She said, this time more subdued and he let her


"I know that most of my people in our native lands will have to move

sooner or later. Some have already moved to France but even there we're

still viewed as something as other and compared to the acceptance we

have found here…" she looked to the side, towards the city as she trailed


He let the silence settle in for a few moments before he spoke up.

"It does not sum you up. I agree." Atticus said calmly and she turned to

him. "And it is also the opinion of many Illosians now who were once

warier of you than they have been of others."

He glanced at her bracelet "That has helped them to see you as you are

not as what your race is perceived to be of course and in time, once your

colony has exercised complete control over their allure, it will not be

needed. After all, the Mind Arts are taught here in Illos and only the use

of it against unwilling individuals is illegal and I see your allure to be in

the same category." He returned his gaze to hers.

"Which brings me back to the main point. With such a low population,

for now, immigration to Illos needs to be managed carefully especially

when so many different people from different backgrounds are only just

beginning to learn how to live together. To bring so many of your people

to Illos now would only create tensions that are unneeded and would

reverse some of the headway we've made towards acceptance of others

that different."

She seemed to accept his reasoning more now that he explained, even she

was still upset.

"That said" Atticus said, breaking her out of whatever thoughts she was


"I will inform Habe to begin the proceedings of inviting one other Veela

colony to Illos. You may put forth a list of your allies and we will

consider them first." He told her and she looked very pleased at that.

Mother magic…she really was devastatingly beautiful even if she was

older than his mother.

His Sight really didn't capture everything perfectly.

He wondered if it was simply genetic or if it was a combination of magic

and genetics actively working together to play a role in her race. It was

never clear what the origins of Veela was.

"It will not happen for many months however" he warned her as he

banished those thoughts away. "We already have several groups of people

set to arrive in the next year or so."

"I understand my Lord." She said happily with a bow of the head.

Before she got up and left, he spoke up "Before you leave…I have

something that I wish to run by you." he said and recaptured her

attentions as she looked at him inquisitively.

He continued as he leaned forward, a hidden gleam in his eyes "Are there

those amongst you who are unable to bear children but wish to be

mothers to orphans?" he asked and her eyes widened before she

considered it thoughtfully.

It was an hour later that he left and went towards the Magical Innovation

and Technology centre. He received bows and nods as he walked through

the centre and after he verified his identity through a series of identifying

wards and charms, he was allowed entry at 7S Testing Facility.

As he stepped through the large testing facility, he saw an old man

visibly berating one of the others in front of the large black metal ring by

a round control console.

"No, no, NO!" an old voice barked out harshly as he waved his hand

furiously "What did I tell you last time?! Always check your work! Last

time, you could have blown us apart! Do you want something like that to


Atticus cleared his throat and the old man swivelled around with an

angry growl before his eyes widened.

"My Lord!" the old man said with a deep bow, an act that the younger

man followed.

"Mr Woodman." Atticus said calmly whilst he looked at the Gate-Ring.

It was about five and a half metres in diameter and was made out of

black Adamantium alloy with diamond wardstones lining up on the face

of the ring in three concentric circles closer to the rim of the inner

diameter. The space between the outside edge of the larger diamond ring

on the face and the outer diameter had seven Runes with hundreds of

miniature runic schemes connecting the seven larger Runes, runes that he

was intimately familiar with…after all…

They were part of the Illosian Runic Language he created with Emily.

"What's this I hear about something else blowing up?" he asked calmly as

he returned gaze at the old man. Woodman had been a curious and

fortuitous accident. Scrimgeour had unknowingly led him to the man not

long after the war.

He'd always intended to figure out a way to create portals that didn't use

slipspace as the principle dimension but rather through manipulation of

magic, neurophysical magic, effectively a better way of Vanishing

Cabinets and portkeys.

It turned that he didn't need to work as much on it when Woodman had

already done the legwork when Woodman uncovered the principles

behind Vanishing Cabinets in much greater detail than he himself had


With the work he'd done with Rowena, with regards to Dimensions and

their existence, they'd improved on Woodman's Principles of Space


The man scowled as he looked at the younger man.

"This…" The old man growled before he visibly controlled himself "He

was being negligent again" He gave the young man a scathing look "He

seems intent on replicating grave mistakes like the time he got the

Coherence Rune wrong within the sympathetically linked runic schemes."

Yes…that could have been bad. He'd asked Woodman to double check

the runes prior to shipping the second Ring out when he'd seen that

probable outcome.

The younger man looked defensive as he spoke up "That had nothing to

do with this! I already checked the schemes thrice before you asked! You

just want me to use your insane checking method all the time" The young

man threw up his hands in exasperation "All because of that one error

and it's not even my fault – not entirely! The Coherence Rune is very

similar to the Transference Rune! Why would anyone want to do that, I

don't know, I don't even know where these Runes are from! They're

so...different to every Runic Language I know or heard about! Getting use

to these Runes does take time, you know!" he said with a scowl to his


"You haven't told him?" Atticus asked with Woodman with a curious look.

Woodman only shrugged "My Lord, I didn't see the point."

The younger man looked confused "I don't understand."

Woodman sighed "Lord Sayre created this Runic Language." He said


The younger man looked extremely surprised before he stared at Atticus

with wide eyes "You created your own Runic Language?" he asked with

quiet awe in his voice "I didn't even know you could do that without it

needing taking a long time to manifest into the magic of the world which

is almost impossible as it requires a language to be effectively dead."

Most people believed that Runes worked like that.

It was close but not quite right. Runes were able to do what they did

because a metaphysical manifestation that stemmed from the collected

understanding of what each rune meant and this manifestation was

within the magical field that permeated the universe.

It wasn't quite the time to make that known however. Perhaps not ever,

he mused. It was after all very dangerous information to let out.

"I did. And this falls under the Gate Non-Disclosure Agreement." Atticus

said plainly and the man recollected himself.

"Of course sir – I mean my Lord." The man said with a stammer. "Also I

didn't mean what I said your Runes sir, I-I mean my Lord" the young man

stammered out quickly.

Woodman sighed long-sufferingly.

Atticus looked at Woodman with a look on his face "What happened to

the other guy?" before he glanced at the younger man who looked quite

nervous. There had been three of them last time he visited. He tended to

let Woodman manage the project on his own and just See into its

progress from time to time.

Woodman, the graduate from SIMS and this young man who was more of

an apprentice than anything else. He was rather young too, likely less

than twenty. From what he did know, he was quite the prodigy himself

and age was hardly indicative of skill and talent…even if he seemed to be

rather negligent at times.

Woodman looked at Atticus with a contrite look "He quit."

Atticus knew that of course but it was a bit too good to pass up, he

thought a little amused though his expression didn't change.

Woodman was rather difficult to work with. It was why his team always

only consisted of at most three individuals – well only some part of it. He

wanted there to be as few people possible who knew the workings of the

Ring. As much as he could have done it himself, he needed others to have

great accomplishments to their names.

It was why people knew the Gate Network was being worked on by


People needed things to surpass or strive to achieve. What was the point

if you had someone do it all for you?

"I see." He said as he looked at the younger man who looked quite


"He's at least capable" Woodman said almost grudgingly before he

scowled again "Just a bit of a ditz when it comes to certain things. Like

checking your work!" he said with a growl as he glared at the young man.

'Capable' meant brilliant for Woodman.

"Don't take his words too personal" Atticus said to the young man calmly

"Woodman's nature can be simply characterised as rude. It's just how he

speaks and acts. If you stick around a little longer, you'll learn enough to

make it worthwhile." He said to the young man who calmed and seemed

to think it over.

He did mean it. Woodman was prodigy with Runes and could think in an

unorthodox way. Before he managed to convince the old man, the man

would have just been lost to history without anyone even noticing before

dying full of bitterness towards the world and the Department of

Mysteries for forcing him to stop his research.

He would be more than happy to have another like him…though with a

better temperament if possible.

Atticus returned his attentions towards the Gate-Ring "Are you ready to

test it?" he asked.

"Yes my Lord" Woodman said and Atticus drew closer to the Ring.

He placed his hand on the ring, feeling the Runes that etched into it.

"The last minute check was a system check…on both rings." Woodman

said with a scowl in his voice and he could just see him glaring at the

young man again even if he wasn't looking.

"But it seems like both rings are functioning at optimum levels and I

believe the time is right to test it." Woodman said and Atticus stepped

back several metres.

"Then, by all means…begin." Atticus said to Woodman who bowed his

head and turned on his heels and quickly walked towards the control


The old man placed his hand onto the control console and it thrummed

with a dim light as the Runic symbols lit up. Everything was connected

through magic…the console to the Rings and the controller, in this

instance Woodman, to the console itself.

It was a security measure, to connect magical signatures and the presence

of magic itself within the controller, that he'd ensure was installed in


The doors to the testing facility opened up and they all turned to see who

it was.

"Are we late?" Emily asked with a raised eyebrow as she strode forward

in her graceful gait with Sandra next to her.

"Just in time" Atticus said with a faint smile.

Woodman turned and bowed his head to the ladies "My Lady, Chancellor"

Woodman said and the young man followed suit before returning his

attentions to the console. He pressed his fingers into the console

"The Gates are initialised." Woodman said to the room and Runes on the

Gate began to flare.

The outer diamond ring began to glow, then the middle diamond ring

before the last diamond ring glowed and large Runes blinked in a

sequence and in an instant, the sight of the back of the testing facility in

the middle of the Gate disappeared and was replaced by the sight of grey

earth, mottled with craters and boot stamps that seemed to have a

timelessness to them yet that was not what drew their attention no…

In the horizon and high above, there was the natural black that loomed

over this grey earth, a black night sky dotted with billions of stars that

seemed to shine more brilliantly there than they ever did here and at the

very centre of this horizon, where all the stars seemed to gravitate

around, was a pale blue orb that had strings and clots of white on its

surface, a sight that never not succeeded causing something in him to


"Beautiful" the young man said with awe.

Sandra stepped forward, her eyes shining with wonder "It works. It really

works." She said with delight as she clasped her hands.

Woodman scoffed before he tried to mask it with a cough "Of course it,

Chancellor. It was never in question." He said plainly though it was not

hard to miss the glimmer of pride in his voice.

"What are the measurements?" Atticus asked Woodman who turned and

looked at the readings on the console.

"Ward integrity is at optimum. Atmospheric pressure is Cradle Normal,

consistency of the air within the Ward Bubble is standard." Woodman


"Good." Atticus said as he approached the gate, closer than anyone else


The principles of Space Layers – the principles that the inventors of the

Vanishing Cabinets had unknowingly and without understanding worked

with – provided the grounding theories as to why they were able to

shorten distances using magic.

Apparition, portkeys, Vanishing Cabinets and other such techniques all

bent space to allow for shorter journeys from one set of coordinates to


Apparition worked through puncturing a hole in the fabric of

conventional space in the form of a micro wormhole with magic as the

facilitator – and protector as the individual is wrapped through a field of

magic – before exiting in another location by using magic to contract

three dimensional space to be directly opposite to the original

coordinates instead of the tens or hundreds of miles that might be

between the points in space in conventional space.

Portkeys were a similar concept though more stable.

Vanishing Cabinets worked in that simple principle but it was more


Where portkeys and apparition temporarily punctured holes in the fabric

of conventional space, for vanishing cabinets, two points were anchored

together in conventional space through the use of runic schemes and

sympathetically links that tied two objects together.

This was done through the semi-permanent hole made in Shunspace, one

of a number of alternate dimensions that was layered on top of this


Atticus stepped a little closer to the Gate when the younger man spoke up

"my Lord! We haven't tested it yet!" he tried.

Atticus turned to him "The principles have not changed." He told the

young man. "The principles have been tested and verified for over three

years. This Gate" he said as he waved at the Ring "Is merely a new

structure with streamlined Runes that were designed to take into account

the theorems that govern this universe." Along with increasing the power

of the Gate-Rings.

The Vanishing Cabinets he'd used during the war had susceptible to

Britain's War Wards which disrupted the links between the paired


Power and magical capacity had been found to be the issue. This new

structure overcame that along with the magical power demands over

distances such as this…and much further.

That was why he and Emily used the lesser versions of this Gate to travel

between Sayre and Slytherin Manor.

In truth, they overbuilt the gate in front of him. From what they were

able to tell, this Gate should be able to stay stable for well over forty nine

light years.

Woodman did not know it but he had alternative purpose for this

overbuild. This method of transportation of matter also opened up the

transportation of energy.

Transference of energy would be virtually instantaneous across light

years and the first thing that came into mind was harvesting solar energy

from stars for the purpose of converting said energy into Neurophysical

Energy – magic – and feed it Mithril Seeds.

Seeds that would aid him in future projects for 'just-in-case' purposes.

Emily walked up to him and stood by him, she gave him an inquisitive

look which he only responded with assurance through their bond. She

nodded her understanding as she stepped forward and passed through the


Sandra gasped sharply and he heard Woodman murmur but Emily turned

out fine as she stepped onto the moon's lesser gravity. She turned around

and gave him a look before she said something though he could hear


As part of the safety mechanisms, there was several shields built into the

Gate that separated any chance of the two different locations interacting

beyond the admission of light.

The hole – portal – itself only had a cross section of less than half a


He stepped through and without even feeling anything he was out at the

other side.

He withheld a wince as he felt the world around him. It was several

magnitudes lesser than even the most inhospitable region on Earth.

"Success." He said to her as he looked around before glancing back

through the ring and saw them staring at them.

He was tempted to wave at them but that felt like it was contrary to his


He turned saw her walking towards the edge of the bubble. He went after


As he stood by her, he saw her gaze at the Earth "Will we ever see our

own world like we see her?" she asked him, uncharacteristically morose,

hallmarks of some aspects of his character rubbing off on her.

Still, he understood her very well as he turned his attentions fully to their


"I like to think so." He said to her. She knew he'd seen what their likely

new homeworld was going to be and its life capable moons. She hadn't

asked to see it, not yet and he hadn't looked at it beyond a glimpse of

what might be.

It was a distant future, for now, one that was growing closer but distant


"Hmm." She said in a noncommittal hum before she looked at him, her

expression serious and the moment gone.

"At least we now have a way to link the worlds together without needing

interstellar travel." She said with a glint in her eyes.

He smiled at her. "Yes." He said as he turned around, still just them two

on the surface of the moon "That will make things much easier in the

long run."

Until things settled during the havoc of Exodus, they wanted to limit

travel until the proper structures were in place. It would also aid in

strengthening Illos' authority over the others.

A small grin grew on his face as his eyes sparked with mischief. "You

know…We could also build another Gate for Europa."

Her eyes shone with interest. She might not say it but he knew it had

been her most favourite place to have visited.

Inwardly, his grin widened even more.

Something she would share with a certain old Japanese man not too long

from now.


8th April 1953 – Illos, Sayre Manor

Emily POV

She sat at the bottom of the pool, her long dark hair swayed in the near

faint flow of water that only she and very few magical creatures could

hope to sense.

She raised her hand and bent her fingers in a lotus like stance. The water

grew uneasy and then tumultuous as it began to spiral at the centre of

her palm, a small sphere of water that was moving differently compared

to the larger body of water yet neither affected the other, the later body

of water remained that same faint gentle flow in comparison to the small

eddy that was storming in her hand.

With a mere thought, it changed to a perfect sphere of ice before she

changed it again into a ball of superheated gas before cycling it into all

three different states again and again until she grew bored of it.

Her abilities with the water element was still growing though it was

slower than it had been before. Her hand began to change, her pale white

skin made way for translucence, the skin and flesh and bones melted

away like candle wax under a fire though it remained somewhat stable

even as it rippled slightly like the water surrounding her.

She stared at her hand. It wasn't easy, to obtain this level of success of

semi-liquid state. It was an alien concept, one that required abstract

thinking to a degree that would have made those monks in Tibet pleased

with her.

Her week long experimentation with Grindelwald's body had yielded

more than a few results, most of which were discarded for being too

corruptive but the most promising result had been the underlying theory

she developed of infusing the body with magic to the point that the body

itself acted like a magical core.

Grindelwald's body had remained highly magical despite the absence of

his soul and mind, an impossibility that broke the trifecta of body, soul

and mind that made active magic possible, yet he managed to succeed

with the necromantic black magic that forced the magic and life force of

others into his body.

If it was possible to accomplish such a feat with black magic, then it was

possible to accomplish it without it. She stared at her hand.

She was a water elemental, a powerful one. At present she was using her

magic to alter the properties of her hand to that of water, a feat that she

only had partial success in yet it also confirmed her theory that it was

possible to alter her existence without the need of rituals or alchemy.

Her experiments of creating new forms of life using the texts of Atlantis

and the Grindelwald experiments, had been to develop a greater

understanding of the nature of existence…of life, of magic, of sapience.

She'd created several new magical creatures using both magical and non-

magical animals and she'd gotten some result with the creation of life

using golems and non animal materials that culminated in those flying

failures…all for the purpose of understanding it all better and…

She'd not gotten as far as she'd like.

Oh, she'd gotten a far better understanding in the key components that

made life possible from a magical perspective but she needed more.

The Atlanteans had been capable of creating magical creatures that

represented concepts…

The concept of life, death and rebirth in the form of Phoenixes.

The concept of nature's fury in Thunderbirds.

The concept of purity in Unicorns.

Yet she could not find the evidence in all of the Atlantean archives of

how they managed to achieve it which was a bitter point for her.

Her eyes focused on her hand and her hand became more diffuse yet she

still saw the underlining structure of a hand.

She was unable to be water, to be the physical representation of water,

the life giver, the life taker, the element that could exist in more than one


She focused firmly on regaining solidity and her hand began to turn back

into normal. She felt the familiar sting of numbness that accompanied in

the few seconds after she regained solidity and she clenched her hand a

few times before it returned back to normal.

It was frustrating to see that she'd reached a plateau, a glass ceiling she

was unable to break through no matter how often she tried.

She knew she could reach further heights.

That had been evidenced when she began to manifest and fine tune

certain abilities…namely the ability to sense and manipulate water at a

molecular level and use it to augment or heal herself.

She could harden her skin to diamond hard ice with just a thought and

she could draw out moisture out of any living being with increasing ease.

The results on Grindelwald's corpse had shown it was possible to alter

one's body greater than what previously had been recorded and all of this

was merely proof.

And…the fact the Atlanteans had been able to conceptualise concepts into

reality was proof enough of what the critical component was that would

allow her to gain total mastery of her element without needing to resort

to rituals…


It was all connected, magic, consciousness, existence and reality. As

magicals they perceived greater, understood far more and it was their

consciousness that linked all of it together.

She would get there, eventually.

Even if it took a hundred years.

The water around her began to swirl around her and she lifted off the

floor of the pool even as she sat, the warmer currents of the swirling

water carrying her back to the surface.

She breached the surface of the water and she clung onto the edge of the

pool, her eyes gazing out from the spectacular view before her and her

lips twisted as she stared out at Illos before her.

The rolling green hills and the beautiful city that loomed above them was

satisfying to see, to see the slow culmination of their obsession of

building the greatest civilisation to ever exist beginning to take firmer


She felt the familiar feeling of love through their bond that transcended

time and space as she felt him approaching through her magic.

"What is swimming in that mind of yours?" she heard and she glanced

lazily to the left from where she felt him draw nearer.

"Conquest, domination, subjugation." She replied lazily "The usual." She

said with a slow smirk on her face as she turned to him.

He was dressed in simple silken shirt and trousers in the style of Losi, the

growing fashionable style that was becoming synonymous with Illos.

"Ah" he said in a musing tone, as he arrived and sat on the floor by the

edge of the pool and he leaned back onto his arms. "The trifecta. Of

course." He said with an easy smile as he looked at her before looking

back at the city.

"Nearly everyone will be there today." Atticus said after a moment as he

continued to stare out at the city.

"Seems right." She said with a hum as she peered at her with inspecting

eyes "It was the longest mission so far?" Part of that mission had been to

place the Gate and wards surrounding it.

He turned towards her and with a smile nodded "Yes. The third mission

and the longest. Only half a day in transit each way whilst they spent

over a week on Luna itself. They spent a few days recovering from that

trip though they'll make a show of it by descending down into the


They were intending on letting Illos develop its own form of spaceflight

with only the mathematics and physics being 'unfolded' as time went by.

Through this way, they intended on develop true mage-tech, a symbiosis

of science and magic without the need for the kind of computing systems

and restrictiveness of technology that would require artificial intelligence

in the centuries to come.

Magic was intuitive, it responded to their will and desires and with the

evidence of Magi-Comp, a crystalline based computer that ran entirely on

magic, it was indicative this was a developmental tree they could

continue on without problems.

Alice would be the only Artificial Intelligence in their Empire.

"When will Mars happen?" she asked genuinely curious. She hadn't gone

to the Red Planet during their trips to space. Compared to Saturn and her

rings, to Jupiter and standing on the surface of Europa with Jupiter

looming in all of its full glory…

It seemed pedestrian.

"Likely around the summer time. They'll be building the third iteration of

the Vessel during that time. Mostly to improve the dampening effects

within the Vessel when travelling at maximum speeds." Atticus explained

to her.

"You haven't given them your Artificial Gravity & Force Dampening

Runic Matrices?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, a slow smirk growing

on her face.

"They have no need for it." He said dismissively and her smirk grew

wider though she didn't comment on it. He just didn't want to share

everything, even if it was obsolete.

"Considering that they'd applied existing runic schemes – and improved

on it – they'll arrive at this conclusion without my aid." He finished.

"Of course." She said with a hint of amusement in her tone. He gave her a

mild but exasperated smile before he outstretched his legs as he sat by

her whilst she remained in the pool.

They fell into an easy silence, basking in each other's presence as they

had done for the past few days. It was a luxury, for now, to be able to

spend as much time together as they had done, and it was a luxury that

they unfortunately would need to keep sacrificing until their plans

culminated to a stage where they no longer had to be personally present

to manage situations.

"Received word from Sassa – we've been invited by Viktor Nowak to

come visit the Nikita Borough." Atticus said after a while, glancing at her

from the corner of his eyes.

Her eyes narrowed at the familiarity of the name until she recalled who

he was "The infamous Polish rebel that kept the fight going on his own

despite being hunted by Grindelwald's forces, including for a time Vinda

Rosier herself?"

"The very same" Atticus confirmed.

After a few moments of consideration, she asked "How have they settled


"They have settled in well…all things considered. The introductory

package and the Lingua Latin potion has been a major help in easing them

into Illos." He paused for a few seconds "Though they have been

noticeably less willing to integrate like the other tribes and squib parents

from around the world have been."

"Perhaps we need to break up their numbers more evenly through the

city?" she posed. She hadn't been here in the past few months when the

migration had been happening.

"We already split the four thousand into five different groups with four of

the groups being meshed with six different boroughs that were settled by

new settlers and existing citizens.

The way things worked out, Nikita Borough just so happened to have a

greater concentration of the same culture than others. It won't be an issue

for too long but for the moment, it's something to be carefully managed"

he finished.

"Hence the invitation by Nowak?" she mused aloud and he nodded


"Yes. He wants to discuss some of the finer points that are causing issues

with their integration…namely the highly patriarchal culture of theirs

and lingering effects of the inherited societal prejudice against the Veela

which of course doesn't mesh all that well with the more egalitarian

norms here in Illos."

Her eyes turned flinty though she kept her expression neutral "They

agreed to integrate with the rules of Illos months before they decided to

join. To cause problems now…" her voice trailed, implication clear in her


"Nowak knows that too and it is an invitation that is meant to alleviate

some of the concerns that has been raised by more than a few people. He

seeks to reassure us about their commitment to meld into Illosian society

and that in time – and they will – the uneasiness will fade away."

She nodded. "Good." As much as she wanted to make them submit

without question, more…diplomatic nuance was needed when it came to

enforcing their will here in Illos and in the centuries to come. It was

better to build up the strength of their soft power now so that the brutal

reaction had more meaning later.

She halted in her thoughts for a moment, peering at him "Is there

anything in particular that might end up being of interest to us when we


He shook his head "No. After we speak with them and tour the borough,

there is little else that happens there before the ceremony." He met her

gaze "We'll need to blatantly use magic in a way that makes some of the

stauncher and stubborn amongst their numbers remind them that our

strength and reputation is not overblown."

She smiled. Application of soft power through displays of strength.

"Where is Nikita Borough?" she asked.

His lips curled up "In the second ring."

Her lips twisted into a thin smile as she raised her hand and a thin strand

of water sprouted out from the pool and formed into a bridge into her


"It's definitely what will convince the more resisting patriarchs of

accepting the new way of things." Atticus said with an amused smile.

Her smile grew into a smirk as she banished the water into the pool.

"Will it be just us?"

"No. Sassa will be there too." He confirmed.

"I'm surprised we're needed at all." Emily said musingly.

"You know Sassa." Atticus said with a shrug "She gets people to agree

through trickery and manipulation that is well hidden in her actions. The

problem is, her warm nature and genuine desire to help even if it's

through trickery and so on doesn't work so well with a people who value

displays of strength more than they do kindness." Atticus said to her.

She nodded agreeably though it was a shame that Sassa was unable to

deal with this entirely.

They met Sassa during their tour of Africa in '47 and they had grown to

appreciate the woman enough that she had been chosen to be the

Cultural and Social Director of Illos.

She was partially responsible for the successful integration of newcomers,

an important responsibility for anyone.

Both herself and Atticus wanted to add a layer of separation in the

running of Illos but still ensure they were ever present in every decision

that was made, even if it was not so obvious at first sight. The Council of

Representatives was part of that though all of the responsibility of

settlement and population was kept with them and the High Council.

"Sassa believes, rightly, that seeing us breathe and use magic like its

nothing will only ensure they see us as their leaders, not such as just

leaders of Illos. As a patriarchal society, they follow strength and though

they respect my reputation for my actions in the war and the aid we have

given them during their trying times after the war, we have not 'earned'

their loyalty, not completely." He turned to her, his gaze meeting hers.

"And with your own displays of magic done so casually, it will only cause

their respect and loyalty to grow for you organically in your own right…

not just as my wife but as my equal."

Her smile turned warm as their gazes met and she reached out to his

hand. She gripped it tightly for a moment before she released it and

looked back at the city.

One of the problems of being away so often and only visiting fleetingly

was that it caused a disconnect to what was being built here.

Not just from the place but the people as well. Alleviating her unspoken

concerns in this manner was just like him.

Her smile fell off as she realised again how short their time together

would be. He picked up on her soured mood.

"Do you have to leave in three days' time?" he asked her, despite the fact

that both of them knew he'd known the answer to that long before they

were having this conversation.

"I must." She stated as her lips tightened, disliking the situation yet in a

way she was pleased with it as Britain was and is to be her own

accomplishment in totality.

"We both know that Magical Britain is at a critical juncture at present.

My...foreswearing of my titles and privileges was expected by most of the

Lords and Ladies but not in the public manner it had been done nor so


"Yes." Atticus said with a sigh as he looked back onto the city. "Your

presence even now is missed and it's causing havoc amongst the

populace, noble and common alike back in Britain."

Her stunt back in Britain backed several of the more mercenary Lords

into a corner.

Whilst most of them hated the idea of their nobility being held against

them, by muggles of all things, many of them hoped that the Aurors

would be able to deal with the muggle incursion quick enough that it

wouldn't be an issue but with what she did in her press conference…it

made sure the public would latch onto the idea with eager hands.

Whilst the situation with the muggles was sensitive enough that it could

escalate, she knew that things would eventually settle back into a certain

norm once Potter set the stage for them to erase their existence from the

minds of the muggles again.

And during that time and in the aftermath, her grip would be tighter on

the political landscape especially on the Traditionalists and their families.

They would be left no option but to follow her and the Progressives were

too discombobulated to be any meaningful threat in the immediate


Destroying Merlin's Enchantments of the Wizengamot had provided her

the opening she needed to take complete control.

And doing so through the most violent and shocking of ways ensured the

newly Heads of Houses were vulnerable and more willing to bend to her

which she exacerbated with the fear and hate of the muggles.

The practicalities of the necessity to destroy the Enchantments aside,

namely to remove the binding magic towards that muggle woman and

the protections the enchantments offered the nobility, it had also been

necessary to destroy the Enchantments at a psychological level.

Merlin's Enchantments had given the perception that the nobility had the

right to rule Magical Britain and it had been something that all of

Magical Britain had accepted. It was a truth that none dared or thought

to question for centuries even by Dark Lords who often sought support of

the nobility instead of upending the entire system.

For how could they question the nobility's right to rule when their

greatest hero, the man they worshipped nearly as a deity, had granted

that right to those families in the first place?

Something she and Atticus had been whittling away at for nearly a

decade, mostly through subtlety and his charade that stuck in their minds

but also through their puppet terrorist groups.

The muggles and the puppets had served their purpose perfectly and now

she almost had a free path towards driving out the overwhelming

influence of the Noble Houses from the Ministry and in their place

Ouroboros under her orders would come and fill in their gap and

effectively make Magical Britain into a One Party State…

With the public's full support.

And when the time was right…

She smiled inwardly and her eyes gleamed as the image of a legendary

sword flashed across her mind.

"Do I need go back sooner?" she asked him. He shook his head

"No. Two more days is fine enough." He told her.

They fell into a bout of silence.

"We could always dump them on a planet and wash our hands off of

them." Atticus said with a hum in his voice.

Her lips twitched "If only it was so easy."

It wouldn't be a lie to say that it was hard to see the point of all of their

scheming and their dismantling of ancient societies that caused more

trouble than it was worth…not when they could easily continue to

increase their population through other means however…

They needed to rule all of the magical world and they would do so.

And unfortunately, that meant creatively dealing with some of the ancient

institutions that were unlikely to fully go away.

And as much as they were breaking the current world order, and the

people themselves, the strong would need to be approached in a different


"Unfortunately the Assembly of Lords is an important originator for our

future plans here in Illos when the time comes to integrate Magical

Britain, Ireland and several other nations into Illos." She said calmly.

"Yes they will. The Council of Lords is an inevitability." He said with a

distant look in his eyes.

He'd told her – and shown her – more than a few possibilities decades

down the line, near the time of Exodus, and in the more stable distant

possibilities, there were four tiers of Governance.

The Council of Representatives, the Council of Lords, the Council of

Magical Races and the High Council.

She did not expect the current system to change too much with the

addition of the Council of Lords, only an added further step between the

High Council and the Council of Representatives where the Lords would

functionally be who 'approve' the legislative changes the Council of

Representatives put forth within certain scope.

Yet that was not the purpose for the Council of Lords.

It was to be a controlled way to allow certain individuals to rise to the

top of the social hierarchy without influencing the rest of society too

much and upend all that they were building…and to provide a

counterbalance to Council of Representatives.

"It is in our nature." Emily said simply.

It was in their nature to desire power. To use it, to cause deliberate

change to the conditions of the world in way that brought it more in line

to your desires and needs.

Equality was a lie.

It could never be true when there were those who were greater than

others, in magic, in personality and in knowledge which augmented

magic in several ways, and when she and her husband were greater than

them all.

The Council of Representatives would only shift towards that

inclination…of powerful mages being elected into power to represent

their immediate community.

They were already coalescing into groups that had aligned political,

social and economic values and it would not be long before powerful

mages would become leaders of these groups.

Illos' ideals of equality were idealistic and it was necessary in order to

build the institutions and the social values that promoted equal

opportunity. Social values they were instilling into their citizens were

centred on progress, meritocracy and duty, a trifecta of responsibility that

would stabilise an inherently unstable species.

But in time…there would be erosion of these values.

Perhaps not to a great degree but enough that made it necessary to plan

for such eventualities.

And though they built Illos' constitution and its legal framework in a way

that made great accumulation of power impossible, there were still the

natural accumulation of power that would threaten the social order in

unacceptable ways.

It was an inevitability, an inevitability they consciously chose to make

with the way they were building Illos…a place of progress and great

magical advancement…a place that allowed greater opportunity and

knowledge of magic…to power and allow those who were capable of it to

rise to fulfil their potential.

It was obvious why Ministries around the world limited knowledge and

practices so as to prevent powerful mages from upending the system they

built but it was part of the reason why Dark Lords and Dark Ladies

continued to rise and accumulate followers.

They would do better.

Even if they were permitting the opportunity for conflict and rivalry all

while encouraging the existence of more High Sorcerers and even…


A headache for anyone, including her and Atticus yet it was also

something that could not be avoided…nor should it be avoided.

At the start of the Grindelwald war, there had only been four known


Gellert Grindelwald, Albus Dumbledore, Bosede Khari and Xavier


Each of them were capable of dominating groups of mages and each of

them held, at one point or another, great influence in whatever societies

they were from.

Power begot power.

And the truth was…they had been only the acknowledged Archmages.

There were far more Archmages hidden away from the Magical World or

had not cared to advertise their capabilities, something they had come to

understand during their trips around the world.

They had found the proof in India with that parselmouth monk who

killed himself and they found further proof in Japan, Namibia, Uganda

and in Chile…

It was a far more frequent occurrence than people realised and with the

opportunities to expand in your skill and magic present here in Illos…

The number of Archmages may well end up in the double figures once

Illos reached several million in population size and that was something

that needed to be dealt with.

Muggles did not have this problem.

Power beyond material things for them did not exist. Wealth, inherited or

not, was what provided them with the power they needed to alter their

circumstances to their desires.

For magicals…

Power was within their fingertips.

People were animals, no matter how 'civilized' they were. It was an

inherent flaw in their genetic makeup, in their species. Like animals,

people strove for the optimum favourable conditions and achieve their

maximal feeling of power.

They would abhor their obstruction to power, the hindrance this

obstruction would cause them from achieving this maximal state of

power and they would act accordingly…

Through politics, through conflict and through violence.

Atticus and herself were merely an example of such an eventuality.

As were Grindelwald, Dumbledore and many others throughout history.

Power demanded more power in whatever way they chose and none with

power would tolerate obstructions…just as she and Atticus did not

tolerate it.

They had eliminated such obstruction to their power with the deaths of

Grindelwald, Dumbledore…the Elder Blacks…and would eliminate many

more in future.

Illos and their empire was theirs but she knew very well how others may

wish to take it and whilst she relished the opportunity to eradicate such

fools with prejudice, it was better to simply ensure such possibilities

never took root in the first place.

Illos itself wasn't the only place they'd need to ensure they kept control of

the scale of conflicts between groups or individuals. It was better to

manage people's ambitions and actions than it was to stop it entirely.

It was a fruitless endeavour anyway, to suppress the natural inclinations

of their kind.

Still, they weren't idle and they were already beginning with the

framework of the Office of Far Sight where divination and this project of

Atticus' would use to ensure such problematic revolutionaries would be

eliminated whilst ambitious but not revolutionary individuals would be

allowed to exist.

The Council of Lords would provide a pathway to a level of power for

these kinds of individuals where they'd contend with others for influence

and power within a contained environment.

A Council that would consist of the most powerful mages in the Realm by

virtue of their power, their intellect, accomplishments and…their loyalty

to the Realm, to her and Atticus which would be enforced by oaths…

Or they would die.

A concentration of powerful mages congregating was a risk, that was

certain but they would manage it easily enough even if the traitors

managed to find wriggle room in the Oath.

The institutional framework they were building would minimise the

discontent level of the citizenry to zero ensuring populist routes to power

would be impossible.

That and ensuring that certain families that were known for producing

powerful mages every few generations were favoured would allow them a

loyal spine within the Council of Lords that would keep them too

disorganised and in conflict to pose too much of a risk.

The Blacks were one of these kinds of families and they had the current

opportunity to…groom the family into a loyal cadre of followers who

would become one of their stalwart vassals for centuries to come.

Her eyes glinted at the thought of the proud man raging in whatever

hellhole he resided within the Domain, helpless, unable to do nothing but

watch as the woman who killed him, a woman he called a half blood

whore, made his proud and ancient House as little more than a servant


She banished away that momentary vindictive thought as she refocused.

Of course, the Council of Lords would not be hereditary – it would spit in

the face of what they were promoting and she quite liked the idea of

families that had grown fat and prideful on unearned wealth and

worthless heritage made to work to improve themselves magically – but

they would ensure there was a careful balance in the Council.

Influential families would be given a bias to gain a seat on the Council

but the pathway to the Council would remain open to those who did not

have as great a family history of power or influence but were able to

meet the criteria of magical power and more anyway.

All of this was aimed in removing these people from greater political

power amongst the public they might have found otherwise in the

Council of Representatives whilst still making them part of the political

structure by giving them authority and responsibility of what to allow to

pass into law…

And at the same time pit the Council of Representatives and the Council

of Lords in a political chess match in a contained environment that

satiated the need for conflict within both political structures of the State

whilst also making these individuals jostle against each other for

influence and domination over others.

She understood human nature better than anyone. Permitting the space

for conflict allowed for greater stability than an enforced peace.

It was inherent in them all, this need for conflict, of having more than the

other, of seeking to uplift oneself even at the cost of others…

And she would allow such conflict to exist…to flourish.

Conflict and the desire for power was a part of them and not even

evolution into different branches of humanity could eradicate that from

their existence.

And as much as Atticus once wished for there to be true equality, it was

only a dream that could never exist, not when power was tangible and


"As living beings, yes it is in our nature." He leaned back and laid on his

back, his hands behind his head as he stared at the sky.

"It's funny…in a morbid way. The way we are. I wonder how much of us

is evolution and how much is them." Atticus said with an introspective


"Not that it matters, in the end." Emily said with a hum in her voice.

Since Atticus managed to shut out the entity within the Domain, he'd

seen more and more glimpses of the past…and communicated to by

ancient shades of beings, more shards than shades in truth, some of the

nature of existence in the universe.

Thankfully he's learnt to filter out the Domain to a certain kind of

experiences and interactions from the Domain which had been at the

same time useful and worrying.

The Ancient Humans had kept excellent records that dated back to their

Reconstruction Era, the Era that lead them to move far away from

Forerunner territory many hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Yet some things Atticus heard…or was shown…did not line up with


Given the sense that the Domain was more alive than not…a domain of

magic of a kind they were not sure how it worked, yet, Atticus was under

the impression that the Domain had a will of its own…or acted on the

will of the entity that once plagued Atticus.

What that meant was they could not rely on the Domain's veracity

though they planned for the worst. With what Atticus had shown her of

the state of existence…

They could not afford not to plan for it even if it proved to be false.

"No…I suppose it doesn't." He said and she saw the slight tightening of

the jaws.

"All that matters is that we won't be losing to them." Emily said

'Not like the others had' she thought to herself with a cruel glint in her eye.

He turned his head towards her, a small smile on his face and it was one

that spoke of quiet confidence. They had a long way to go but together…

With their people at their backs…

Well, all things came to end, even to those who seemed to have no end.

He blew out a small sigh "I suppose this Council will at least prevent

things from getting too boring in the interim."

Her lips curled. Ah yes…she could imagine it being fascinating. The

political backstabbing, the quest for dominance amongst the Lords and

amongst the Representatives…

Yes…it'll be entertaining, that was certain.

"Certainly…especially when we'll have to put down a few overreaching

individuals to drive the point of keeping their plots and schemes to a

certain level." She said with a glint in her eyes.

He looked at her with a hint of amusement "We do have the Illosian

Guards for that."

"As if I'd bother to deal with those kind of weaklings that the guards can

deal with." She said with a roll of her eyes.

The Illosian Guards were all Sorcerer level mages that made up of the

military, police and investigative branches of the State…all of which was

under their direct authority.

They had been initially made up from vassals directly sworn to Atticus

but now they were made up of some of the strongest magicals in Illos,

sworn directly to loyalty and obedience to her and Atticus as Heads of


The military was essential to any endeavour to a coup and it could not be

successful if they did not have the support of the military. History taught

enough lessons to drive that point into anyone with even a modicum of


Eventually they were aiming to enlist loyal Archmages into the Illosian

Guards and that would cement the stability of the state considerably.

One of the ways they were hoping to achieve that was through the new

vassal families that would stem from new magicals.

"I wouldn't count out the opposition the guards can deal with." Atticus

said with a laugh in his voice as his smile curled with hints of pride

creeping through his bond.

"Our best can outfight Chavez and his lieutenants handily." He said to


"He's hardly that impressive in the first place." Emily said with a scof

"Just a middling Sorcerer. Parkinson himself can defeat him and

Parkinson hasn't cast an offensive spell in over a decade."

Chavez was a dark wizard that was now in his 'fourth term' as Minister in

Argentina. He and his lieutenants had ruled in the country – and had

significant influence across South America – for almost thirty years.

It was not completely uncommon for there to be 'dynasties' like this and

whenever they ended, it would result in a brief but intense conflict to

'succeed' the previous ruler.

Only Brazil, Colombia and Chile resembled Western Ministries and that

was only because of the strong native influence that was retained after

the Statute Wars where communities coalesced into quasi democratic

governance with the Spanish and Portuguese magical settlers.

One thing they all had in common was that almost all of South America

disliked the ICW, especially amongst the native magical population,

because of the Statute Wars and it would make their two sided approach

of getting them under their banner easier over the course of the next half


Atticus laughed "The man could outduel even the elites amongst the

guards even if he hasn't duelled for a decade."

Parkinson was impressive, truth be told though his talents was far higher

in the more clandestine arts. Despite Rockwood's intelligence and skill to

secret out information, he was still miles away from approaching

Parkinson's ability to lay entire networks of information.

It was with his aid that they were getting more personal information

from the isolated magical nations which they weren't able to obtain

through the Ancient Satellites.

She was interrupted from her response to Atticus as a message popped up

on Atticus' silver circlet bracelet.

He read it with a contemplative look on his face. "It seems like we're

ready to progress with the Restoration Project." he told her as he glanced

at her.

Her eyes widened before they narrowed calculatingly "The trials have


He hummed for a few moments before he answered as he sat up back

"The trials so far are looking successful, yes. As you know, all eight

candidates have past their one month point and their magic is growing

stronger. Alice has now conclusively noted no regression and their bodies

have grown accustomed to the magic."

Her eyes gleamed at that "And their rate of growth?" she asked with

intense curiosity.

He stretched out before he turned to her, an expression of mild

disappointment adorned "Weak. Which is what we expected. They might

end up reaching a point where it will not grow any further sooner than

we originally anticipated." He paused for a second

"It seems that their magical core severely atrophied in the decades since

they were born. Without active use, it seems like there was no need for

growth causing their magical growth to be that of an average fourteen

year old." He finished.

She considered that for a few moments. So they were unlikely to be much


"The younger squibs might see better results, the younger the better in

fact, than the adults." Atticus continued

"Because of their magical maturities." She stated and he nodded.

"Hmm." Which would be their next stage in their testing.

"Possible impact on their progeny?" she asked musingly though her

expression was serious.

"Non-existing. They'll be magical." He confirmed with a hint of

amusement in his tone "The samples they've provided suggest that there

is no long term impact on their bloodlines."

"So we can still vassalise any squibs turned magical." She said with a

smile growing on her face.

"Yes. Whether or not they'll be stronger or weaker than the average

magical is unknown but we will have a large pool of oath bound subjects

in the future."

"At least the Clan children have proven their success." She said after a

moment, her gaze meeting his "Sixty eight potential High Sorcerers with

a potential Archmage?" she said with calculating eyes.

"Not all of them will reach their potential." Atticus warned lightly "But

yes, it seems we got lucky with the orphaned squibborns. Or perhaps it

was the way we fostering those children in the Clan structure along with

the schooling that is raising their potential."

"We'll figure out the reason behind the success eventually." She said as

she lifted herself up from the pool. Whilst most of the children were

capable of some forms of wandless magic, not many of them had the

potential to become adept at wandless magic. Just as like what hey were

seeing at the Pandrosion Institute were many students had begun at a

later age than the children that were effectively raised from birth in Illos.

Either you had the potential from birth or you did not.

"Will many of them join the Illosian Guards?"

"A fourth of them are likely to do so." He confirmed. "The rest will join

the Offices."

She looked down at him with inspecting eyes "And the potential


He looked up at her, his expression relaxed "He'll be my apprentice."

A flicker of surprise cut across her face before she narrowed her gaze.

"You didn't say anything before."

"I hadn't decided."

She raised her eyebrow "You already knew what you were going to do."

"But I hadn't decided." Atticus said as he got up "It was a likely possibility

but not the only possibility. To have said it then meant that I made my

choice then."

She waved her hand around her and a soft silken dress formed around

her naked form. "Very well." She said conceding the point "Why did you

decide? I know you like teaching but teaching someone to become a

powerful Archmage…" she said trailing off as their gazes met.

"Beyond simply ensuring the Archmage is loyal to us?" He said with a

raised eyebrow.

"Yes…beyond the obvious." She drawled.

His lips twitched before he shook his head clear and met her gaze.

"Because I have Seen the kind of man he will become." Atticus' lip pursed

as he paused for a moment.

"A man who will be as loyal as Dayton and just as steadfast to us…

something that is not even contingent on me training him and someone

who will shine as an example to many future subjects of ours."

Her eyes widened ever so slightly.

The way he spoke about training this Archmage…

"You already consider him something of a friend." She simply stated, her

eyes boring into him. One of Atticus' fatal flaws, even now, was to create

unnecessary bonds with people were beneath them.

He could be as ruthless as any, the killing of Dorea's sister Cassiopeia was

proof enough but he still earnestly cared about others beyond those who

should naturally be closest to him.

It was a double edged sword that made many loyal enough that they'd

die for him but it also made him weaker than he should be. It was an

edge that he often struggled to stay on top off and not slip into making a

fatal mistake like he once did with Nymera.

For all his Sight. they both knew that his Sight was not perfect even now.

Their constant adjustments of their plans was proof of that.

Atticus' lips twisted slightly "Hard not to with all that I have Seen. But I

do not see him as a friend truly but rather as a protégé." His violet green

eyes shown slightly as his lips twisted into a mild smirk

"It's not as if I will be the only one with a protégé at some point or


Her eyes narrowed dangerously. He'd refused to tell her who she was

meant to be, only that she'd know when she'd met the girl.

"I'll wring it out of you someday." She said with a glint in her eye.

He looked at her unconcerned, his smirk widening into a smile "Maybe."

He said with a hint of teasing in his tone.

She rolled her eyes at his playfulness as she returned to the subject at

hand "Will you teach him the fundamentals behind the Higher Magicks?"

she asked, this time more serious.

Atticus' smile dropped and his eyes hardened "No." he said resolutely

"Such things we cannot teach…no matter how much we trust our


She nodded pleased. She did not believe she'd ever trust anyone to teach

some of the things she and Atticus had discovered and were still

discovering about magic and more.

Archmages had always been special…to the point they were considered to

be vehicles of destiny but what they were discovering was that they had

the potential to be so much more.

Atticus had already been capable of bending ambient magic to his will

with his family's trait but it was not something that was restrained to


It was easier for him yes and he could do it with greater effect, but it

could be learnt, at least to a certain degree for most and for Archmages…

Stories of Zeus, Odin, Poseidon, Hera and many more elemental mages

were likely inspired by those who touched that potential that was within


Once Archmages reached such a state, their consciousness was capable of

bending reality just as much their own personal magic was capable of it

though with greater effect.

They'd theorised it might be part of how these Precursors might have

been able to do what they were believed to be capable of…these beings

that managed to find a perfect symbiosis between magic and

consciousness resulting in reality being shaped in accordance to their

desires and will.

"Still, I will teach him more than enough to make him formidable."

Atticus said with a fond tone in his voice.

"You really have a high regard for him."

She had an idea of who the boy who'd grown into this man would be.

"I do…I will." He said to her, their gazes meeting "He'll be a hero to the

people with his exploits and character." Atticus said with a shake of the


She looked at him intensely "Heroes are overrated. Heroes have risen and

fallen throughout for millennia and they've never built anything lasting."

Atticus smiled as he crossed the distance and caressed her cheek with the

back of his hand. "I agree. Our path as leaders of our kind is better than

the fleeting adoration of the masses. I would not alter our destiny nor my

past if given the choice. I am happy with my lot in life." He said in a

warm tone and she felt the truth of it in his magic.

"Still…with him, I will be able to impart some of our knowledge and he'll

flourish for it. He'll become one of our greatest champions in the process


Impart knowledge…

Yes…he saw this potential Archmage as more than just a protégé.

Her eyes narrowed slightly but she said nothing. She often didn't

comment on the more…personal side of what he Saw. Of the paths they

were going to take.

Of when they might end up having a child.

He told he avoided looking too far ahead of their future together but she

often wondered if he just said that too alleviate her concerns and


Yet, if he was Seeing this protégé as something more, what did that mean

for them?

Was he thinking of this archmage as a surrogate child because he didn't

see a child in their future?

She touched his hand on her cheek "How long do we have until we have

to leave?" she asked, changing the subject and ignoring the pesky

thoughts in her mind.

"About an hour" he confirmed, picking up on the change of subject.

She leaned forward and kissed him on the lips before she stepped back "I

will see you then" she said as she twisted on her heel.

Hours later…

The meeting with Viktor Nowak and his people had been rather

uninteresting even if she sensed their wonderment at their capabilities.

She wasn't sure if she preferred the quiet awe over the fearful awe she so

often inspired in her associates in Britain but nevertheless, Nowak's

people were set back onto the path of merging within Illosian society.

They had little choice of course…given the nature of their exit out of

Eastern Europe.

The main reason why they'd offered aid after the war in the first place

was that they had refused to barter with the Russians who'd come in and

offered to 'help'. With their refusal came of course them being ostracised

from larger society and no help had been received either by them or by

the ICW who didn't wish to interfere.

Soon enough they entered a skymobile towards to the Stadium where

they were accompanied by Sassa Habe

"It's funny" Sassa said musingly as they travelled within a skymobile,

mostly for their companion's benefit.

Emily turned to her with an inquisitive look.

"My brother." Sassa said before she expanded "He would have been in

disbelief before being excited by the accomplishments of the crew of

Conatum Caeleste"

"He did have the choice to come" Atticus said pointedly, his expression

mildly amused. They'd met Sassa's family during their trip in Africa and

her brother, Ghezo, was certainly a character. Somehow the man had

managed to rope Atticus into an escapade with a Nundu deep in the

Congo Rainforests.

She was rather pleased he decided not to come.

Sassa inclined her head "That is true." Her lips widened into a broad

smile "I will make sure to remind him of that when the time is right" she

said with mischief in her eyes.

"It'll be probably longer than you think." Atticus said to her "Whilst we

may 'open up' to the world, we definitely won't be sharing our secrets for

a lot longer than that."

"I know" Sassa said, a lot more serious now "Though I believe it is

possible for the Benin Ministry to join this partnership you're beginning."

"Really?" Emily said "The impression we got from all of the Volun chiefs

was that they and the Ministry were isolationist from the wider magical


Sassa Habe's people part of the Volun shaman tribe, she herself was

descendant of a powerful clan of that tribe of mages. They were amongst

some of the most influential tribes in Africa whose voice carried

significant weight within the Benin Ministry.

Bosedi Khari, the last remaining acknowledged Archmage of the previous

generation, a two hundred year old Archmage who practically sang with

magic, was part of this Volun tribe.

Sassa Habe's nephew was likely set to become Khari's successor and the

boy definitely had the potential to become an Archmage.

It was rather curious that there would be another Archmage within the

same tribe so soon after the previous one and at the time they had it

confirmed that it wasn't too uncommon for there to be a successor of

great power to come before the death of the predecessor.

It hadn't been a phenomenon they witnessed around the world but

perhaps that was because of the unique circumstances of the Volun

Shamans who rivalled the ancient Greeks mages and remnant Persian

mages in the age of their society.

Their school of magic was a lot more attuned to the magic of the world in

comparison to the Western school. With the impressive lineage these

Shamans held and views on magic, it seemed like it was an ideal soup of

circumstances that allowed their small community to spit out Archmages

every three or four generations at a time.

"I do think you may know this…Benin's relationship with the ICW has

never been good." Sassa said with a frown. "Our ancestors before the

Statute had an amiable relationship with the non-magicals in our

homelands. The Statute was only agreed to after it seemed likely that war

would only cause us to have at most a pyrrhic victory…for a time."

"We had to stand by and watch much of our homeland change – the

people and the lands themselves – without us having much say outside of

our own little corner and where before magic was seen as a gift it is now

seen as a sign of devilry." Sassa said with a sad glint in her eyes as she

looked at her and Atticus "Not all of it is the ICW's fault, of course but

they are seen as part of the problem." Sassa paused for a second.

"I do not think it will be hard to convince them to join us, not once they

see it'll benefit them more especially after they see what we could do."

Emily looked at her calculatingly "And of course that is if they're given a

greater voice in the new organisation?" she asked and Sassa only smiled

before she nodded.

"Naturally." Sassa said with a widening smile.

"Naturally" Emily said with a drawl as her lips curled up. Outside of a few

nations within the ICW, the opinions of other Ministries were rarely of

particular value in the magical world. The higher the population, the

greater the voice and the more the ICW catered to you. With Europe as

the continent with the highest population, most of the focus tended to be


Sassa wasn't shy to her remaining allegiances to her homeland. It was

why they preferred to take in more uprooted people or downtrodden

groups of people. Still, Sassa's allegiance to her homeland did not trump

over Illos though that was largely more because it was in her nature.

She tended to look out for the best interest of everyone. Somehow.

"After we finalise our agreements with the Japanese and after we've

begun with the Americans, we can approach the Beninese." Atticus said

after a few moments.

Sassa smiled as she dipped her head in acceptance.

They arrived at the stadium and soon enough they arrived in their box

seats. It wasn't long after that eyes were glued to the sky as an object

began to grow larger and a silhouette of a ship became obvious.

The humming sounds of the ship lessened as it began its descend down

towards the centre of the stadium. It was sleek, its gloss silver body

glistened in the light of the Orbs in such a way it made the ship seem like

it was a radiant golden sliver of the Sun itself.

Her eyes wondered and looked at her immediate surroundings. She was

surrounded by most of the High Council and a few other individuals that

were invited in the premium box that was reserved for her and Atticus.

Atticus stood by her side as he looked up onto the ship with a triumphant

glint in his eyes and an expression that took her back to the early days

with the way he looked so much like his father in this moment.

It reminded her of the look Markus Sayre had on his face in the moment

Atticus received his second Mastery at the Charms Guild in Alexandria,

the proud look of a father that could not be contained.

He no doubt could feel her gaze on him, he turned and met her gaze, the

triumphant glint fading but a glint of contentedness replaced it as his

face softened ever so slightly and the corner of his lips up ticked.

She returned it slightly before she broke off the gaze and looked back at

the slowly declining ship. It was done in a purposeful spectacle, to draw

out the moment for the crowd in the half filled stadium that bore nearly

everyone in Illos.

She knew the psychology well, the importance of binding the growing

population of Illos, to each other, to a purpose…that there was

something greater than themselves.

"Look Pandora, the pretty ship is coming down!" Professor Agoralos said

excitedly to her infant daughter that was held tightly to her chest with

one arm as she pointed towards the ship with the other.

The infant gurgled as she stared at the glowing ship before she lost

interest and looked into the direction of the rising hubbub of the crowd

as an infant was oft to do when something noisier grabbed its attention.

"It's quieter than I thought it'd be." Emily said quietly, in a way that only

Atticus could hear.

Atticus softly chuckled "She, Emily…she." He said with a mild look in his

face. "Focus on the child's clothing." He said to her and she glanced at the

gurgling child.

She focused and the world become a spectrum of colours before she once

more refocused onto the clothing of the infant.

"Calming charms." She said with a hum.

"Yes, I doubt otherwise little Pandora would have kept quiet." Atticus said

and before she responded, the ship landed and took their attention.

The crowd rose in thunderous applause as the Crew of Conatum Caeleste

lowered out of the ship and stepped onto the podium, waving gently

towards the crowds as they walk. The crowd were now on their feet in

the Tonitrua Stadium, a large colosseum esque stadium that stood at the

edge of Celestis City.

Atticus stepped forward and stood by the rim of guards rails of the

private box seats.

She walked towards him and with a little flick of her fingers, she cast a

privacy ward around them as she brushed her arm against his.

"They're more excited than I expected." Emily mused after a moments of

silence, her eyes wondering towards the rousing crowds.

"The impact of the Holo Cam can't be understated" Atticus said in

response as he clapped lightly as the crew neared towards Overseer Laset

"Watching the journey that was streamed twenty hours a day was an

experience that many had invested in, especially when they were out

walking on top of the moon."

"The fact that these were people 'just like them' also factors into it" she

said in a humming tone.

"Yes." He said with a light incline of the head as he glanced at her before

he looked back at the crew who stood by the announcer. "To give them

inspiration that any of them could do it if they dedicated themselves.

That you and I could do it was one thing but to see others do the same?"

Yes…that would change their perspective. She and Atticus were seen as

they were, above them but to see those like them? It would only solidify in

them that it was a true possibility.

It 'leaked' in December that their Lord and Lady visited the Void and

Luna when they were still in school and it had caused a storm of interest

amongst the populace.

The Observatory at one of the peaks of Mount Celestis was one of the

most visited places in Illos as it was capable of zooming into distant stars

and capable of capturing silhouettes of the planets that orbited those


For the populace to then learn that they could visit one of those planetary

bodies they had only had the luxury of seeing through a lens, big or

small, well…

The Office of Space been commissioned by Atticus within days after the

citizens requesting them to do so, it's prerogative being to explore the

Void and develop the magical and scientific means to do it.

They knew where to start when Atticus gifted them the same magical

ship they used to dispose of Grindelwald's body and taught them the

magic and the scientific principles he used to create it. Walter Bishop, the

Director of Magical Innovation and Technology had lead the Office for

the first two missions before he handed it over to Overseer Laset who

oversaw the third mission to Luna – and the deposit of the Gate which

was a secret for now.

"In a way, it exceeded my expectations, the interest that our people have

shown." Atticus continued as his hands went back his back, his eyes

intently on the scenes before him.

Her eyes looked around "The foundation is happening faster than we

anticipated." She agreed as her eyes continued to search around.

Illos was more than anyone who arrived could have expected…to the

point it almost made it seem like it was a dream.

The trifecta of social values…progress, meritocracy and duty were still

only something that people wanted to believe in…not something that they

believed in.

It was too new…too different to what magical society was known for and

whilst they were carefully balancing the population between those who

were raised with Illosian values and those who were coming to know

those values, it still meant things were too fragile for it to take complete


Oh many cherished Illos, it was a veritable haven in comparison to any

other society, but it was more greed than it than it was anything.

The subjects that had come with Atticus were further along and the

children who grew up in Illos knew no different but ultimately they

needed to do more for a national identity to take hold, for a national

purpose to be absorbed in their core being.

And it would be done through the creation of the story of Illos bounding

everyone to something greater than themselves. Beyond simple loyalty to

her and Atticus…


It would be done through forging a united purpose towards destiny.

Overseer Laset spoke for a little while before the crew had been granted

the opportunity to speak before Atticus flew down towards them.

He glided down towards the podium and as he landed, the crew and

Overseer bowed towards him. The crowd quieted down to a hush as

Atticus turned towards the crowd as he stood by the crew.

"Firstly, I want to congratulate the hardworking individuals within the

Office of Space, the Overseer and the crew of Conatum Caeleste on a

successful mission" Atticus said with his voice amplified in the stadium.

The crowd gave a loud applause to his words.

The crowd settled as Atticus began to speak again "Yet, I must reserve a

special moment for these seven crewmembers. Men and women who

braved the uncertainty of the Void and faced their fear of the unknown

with a strength that exemplifies what it means to be Illosian."

The crowd murmured slightly as Atticus turned to face the crew "And it is

that why I am proud to award these pioneering men and women with the

first ever Illosian Medals of Excellence for their bravery and commitment

to Illos' values for progress and duty."

The crowd gasped at Atticus' words and murmurs rang around the


Atticus raised his hand and seven medallions began to float in a circle

before they flew to each individual.

The crew thanked Atticus and she could see clearly the delighted faces at

the honour they received and most of the crew held onto their medals


Atticus turned his gaze to towards the crowd which hushed again as he

began to speak.

A smile grew slowly on her face as her eyes flickered across, her keen

eyes watching the lower stands of the crowd with rapt attention even as

Atticus spoke.

Human psychology was simple. For all of the institutions they were

creating, one fundamental aspect about their kind was that the people

followed the strong

There was a reason why they, and even the muggles, venerated kings like

King Arthur even if he was a failure whom led to the destruction of his


A King…

A King was responsible for creating the right order…a manifestation of

the divine ordering principles of the universe. A creation of a kind of

energy, a King's energy.

The same kind of energy that Atticus was manifesting now, the same

energy that was inspiring passion in their subjects with his inner

authority that speaks to the bottom and centre of their souls.

She sees it in their faces, the onset of deep stirrings of passion that is

slowly taking root in them as he acknowledges the worth of the crew of

the ship and she sees his words opening up a craving within them, one

that was primal and called upon the deepest parts within them.

"…yet we cannot forget where we started. How far we have come yet

how far we must yet go." Atticus said as the crowd hushed at the tone of

his voice.

"Many of you are outcasts in the magical world" Atticus continued, all

eyes on him as he stood powerfully at the centre of the podium.

"Some of you were outcasts for your blood status or abilities with magic,

others because it was deemed acceptable for you to be taken advantage

of and the rest were left to wither and die by the ruling powers of the

magical world." Atticus said, his voice rising and it caused murmurs to

spring within the crowd.

"Yet!" Atticus said as he raised his hand, his hand forming into a fist until

his index finger remained outstretched.

"You took a chance." Atticus' voice was lower but it was as if he stood

right next to them. "A chance that was clouded by uncertainty yet you

took it nonetheless by coming to Illos…a place you had knew nothing

about, not even its name but you chose to come anyway because of the

faith you bore me and what I had promised you." Atticus' voice picked up


"I promised you prosperity and opportunities in such grandness that

would make kings and emperors weep at their poverty in comparison to


"I told you I cared not for what bloodline you hailed from, if your magic

was strong or if it was weak or not there at all, I only cared for your faith

and your fidelity to me and my wife and to Illos itself and I told you that

you would receive our faith and our fidelity in return!"

The stadium was deafening as they all stood silent but keenly focused on


"And it has been a union that has had us grow leaps and bounds again

and again and now…" Atticus trailed off as he stood imperiously,

drawing in the attention of the crowd like moths to a flame "Here we

stand, only five years later and as a nation, we have sailed through the

Void and have stood on the Moon itself."

"For this is no accomplishment of only individuals but it is the

accomplishment, the culmination of a peoples dream and purpose to strive

for greatness and bringing the maxim 'we can do it for there is nothing we

cannot do' into reality."

He turned around and gestured towards the crew.

"Alaric Studmore, a half blood from Wales and who only completed his

OWLS at Hogwarts before he worked for half a decade as an extra hand

at one of the hedge farms." Atticus said as he gestured towards the man

clad in the thin spacesuit.

"Yet here he stands, only a decade later, having achieved the equivalent

of a Mastery in Charms and having stood on the moon itself!" Atticus said


"This is a tale of success that is seen amongst all of the crew, that is seen

all throughout our home, my people." Atticus said, his eyes roving across

the crowd.

"We have magic within us, an unwavering companion that has stood with

us since time immemorial and we must only believe we can do the

impossible for nothing is impossible for those who are Illosian!" Atticus'

voice was all encompassing, his voice permeating throughout the


The crowd were beginning to be roused at his words.

"We have risen above the foolish divisions that plague the magical world

and we are rising to overcome the challenges the universe has set us. We

have sailed through the Void and we have set our boots on the Moon."

Atticus' voice picked up strength and the crowd responded to his energy.

"We will soon have our boots on Mars and climb atop Mount Olympus.

We will gaze upon Saturn and we will walk on Jupiter's moons." Atticus

said, his words sounding more like proclamations to the people who rose

to their feet once more and shouted back words of agreement.

"We will learn with each step we take, we will understand more the

further we can see and we will know how to use the universe's secrets for

the greatness of Illos." The crowd were now incited by his words and

their rapturous looks were impossible to miss.

"Our Stories were once singular but now our destiny is shared. We will

craft the greatest fable known to the universe, my fellow Illosians, my

brethren in magic. With each step we take, from one world to another,

we draw nearer to our destiny of greatness."

"That is my new promise to you, my people! Have faith in Emily and I

and our stories will never end!" Atticus said triumphantly as his arms

climbed up.

"May Magic Light Our Way" Atticus thundered out.

"May Magic Light Our Way!" The crowd thundered back, belief etched

on their faces as their words grew into a chant, into a mantra.

Her smile grew shadows of predation.

A King was always heard but a great King…?

A Great King could speak to their very souls.

10. Chapter 74

Hello All, please see the next installment.

Without further adieu, please enjoy the post!

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next three chapters are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

3rd of April 1953 – Britain

Charlus Potter POV

The days after the last of the terrorist organisations had been captured

had been hectic for the entirety of the Ministry and the DMLE received

universal support and approval for their swift actions.

Despite the hectic atmosphere, things were considerably more peaceful

despite Slytherin's speech that roused the public just when it seemed like

things were beginning to die down.

From Diagon Alley to Horizon Alley, from Godric's Hollow to

Hogsmeade, public assemblies were held in support of her message, of

the need for a swift alteration of the government and the institutions that

had ruled the Isles for centuries.

The public had more than enough of the constant unrest, death and

incompetence, words that were often said at these assemblies, and that it

was time for change.

It seemed like Slytherin's message had wormed their way into the hearts

of the public sustaining a fire long ago lit that nothing could even begin

to douse.

There was nothing he could do – not that he had a right or even wanted

to. This was different to the wanton murder committed by terrorists and

the rioting by the public.

Thankfully all of the assemblies had been peaceful, all seeking the same

goal of elected representatives of the British magical public and he knew

it was only a matter time before everything changed as demanded.

Not that they would face much opposition from the nobility and more

than a few times Lords of historically prideful Houses such as the

Malfoys, the Lestranges and the Parkinsons had gone and spoken to the

assemblies and told them of their intent to see the changes put into place.

His brother had made it clear to him that he did not oppose the

movement nor was he keen to join this Assembly of Lords that would be

instituted as a separate branch of the government when the proposal had

been made to him by a coalition of Lords from Ouroboros and the

Traditionalist faction.

He had been unable to sway his brother to change his mind, to not let

centuries of Potter influence wither on the vine but he had not been able

to convince Fleamont.

His brother had always been a force for good within the Wizengamot and

now that the public would be able to hold it accountable, he believed his

own duty as a Potter to have been completed and would vote just as the

commoners would do in the near future.

Fleamont believed that without the noble families filling every position

within the Ministry the bigotry and the hatred that was rife within

society and had hamstrung their world for centuries – and worse in

recent years – would finally be addressed and resolved in a greater

capacity than what the nobility would have been willing to.

In a way, he believed that Fleamont was simply fed up and was choosing

to 'bow out' in this way instead of taking part of what would prove to be

tumultuous at least in the near future whilst their form of government


With Ouroboros – which was popular even more now as they were the

first 'party' that went out and spoke directly to those assemblies –

refashioning themselves as a political party open to the public, and

several other groups beginning form, it was certain that with real power

behind the vote of the public, greater rights and opportunities would be

open to the public and that was enough for his brother.

Mostly he agreed with his brother, that this was a step towards the right

direction that hopefully would address the schisms within the country,

the schisms that Dark Lords and extremists had always used and found

safe harbour in, yet there was a bitterness to it for him, one that ate away

at his own misdoings with how it was coming to be…

That the prospect of a better future for everyone was coming to be

despite the blood spilled, despite the hard work he'd put in to avoid such

senseless death even to the point of betraying a friend just so that the tilt

of unrest and burgeoning anger could be subdued before it escalated into

a civil war as it once looked like it promised it would happen…

Still, most of the Progressives had not been of the same opinion as that of

his brother and accepted the deal by the coalition and things moving

towards the realisation of the first true elected ministry.

They realised enough that the situation was largely out of their control,

as much of it had been since the Bombing, and in the wake of her speech

amidst the clear shifting of loyalties of the Traditionalists towards the

House of Slytherin, with many of its newly made Heads of Houses having

been housemates with the woman at Hogwarts, disagreement would only

leave them out of the new order that was being crafted.

It was a bitter pill for him to swallow, especially when he felt like she

was taking advantage of the tragedy to suit her aims though he did not

understand why Slytherin chose not be part of this new Assembly of her

and her cohort's making nor why she chose to disappear now, now when

her popularity and influence was at its highest.

It was that which that raised his hackles the most…and disturbed him in

equal fashion with its similarities to how he had disappeared leaving

behind a mess in his wake.

It had been on his mind – it had been on the minds of everyone – 'Where

was Slytherin?'… and the only explanation given by Ouroboros was that

she was seeing to some personal matters in India where she was invited to

visit an obscure tribe of parselmouths.

Which he did not believe for a second.

Neither did Dorea or his brother.

She decided on the same eve of a speech that solidified the creation of a

version of government that Atticus wanted to be formed to leave on

personal matters to India?

He knew where she had gone…where he had often wondered he'd gone…

Atticus Sayre…

Even thinking that name brought up complicated feelings.

'Charlus...what I do, what I advocate for, all of it is for the better. This is the

best option. History is inevitable…' Atticus once told him when Charlus

had questioned Atticus' inflammatory actions and words that ultimately

led to his exile.

Feelings of dishonour…of guilt…and that of anger.

He had time to consider all that had happened and all he could think


Had he Seen what was going to happen that night of the Bombing?

All the deaths that happened, all of the pain and sorrow that ripped

through the Isles…through his beautiful Dorea's heart that had been

taxed even further with the death of her sister at the hands of the

terrorists…could all of this been avoided?

Atticus had seen the bombs that dropped on Japanese cities, bombs that

shook the Magical World and made them realise of the threat posed by

the muggles and how dire the situation might have turned had

Grindelwald succeeded in his plot, Atticus had Seen the rise of the

strange ideology gripping Eastern Europe and he'd Seen the rise of a

looming Dark Lord that may sprout from the uneasy peace on mainland


He must have seen this, all of this death and the threat of the muggles.

Did he let this happen?

Hirahito had told him that Atticus warned him of the bombs and it let

Hirahito save hundreds if not thousands of Japanese magicals from


…Why had he not warned them?

He did not want to believe that Atticus had Seen all of this, the threat of

the terrorists and the muggles and the wanton murders, coming and

remained silent.

He did not want to believe Atticus had become spiteful enough to allow

hundreds of their people to die, many of whom were innocent. It was a

hope, a desperate hope more than anything else.

Perhaps he was overthinking this, assigning blame to someone who had

been assigned more blame than anyone else over the years especially by

the very people who had turned the country into the disaster that it had

become and it wasn't good company to keep.

Slytherin herself had still been in the Chamber that day and he did not

believe that Atticus would put her at risk, not after the way he had seen

how much Atticus loved her and to the extents Atticus had been willing

to go to secure her place in Magical Britain in the negotiations…

Dorea reminded him that Atticus was not all-seeing, no one could be and

Divination had its limits, that much they knew given what they had

learnt over the years about the branch of magic

Charlus didn't know if he believed her entirely, not when he knew Dorea

was deeply remorseful for what had led Atticus' exile but it had the

sounds of truth when she reminded him that it was telling that what

Atticus spoke of had been great events, things that echoed in magic and

could be grasped by Seers.

She thought echoes hardly ever could be stopped and she referenced the

famous tale of Oedipus or the prophecies of the ancient priestesses of

Delphi as examples of such inevitabilities.

'I can't stop History…' those words he'd spoken on that day in France when

he confessed about his Seeing abilities rang in his ears, again and again,

words that were echoed in different ways in later years whenever they

spoke, whenever they argued.

Dorea's words felt weighty and he was beginning to comprehend what

Atticus had told him in France a decade ago.

Blood Purism had been on the rise and Britain, especially after the

publishing of the origins of muggleborns, had been caught in its fervour.

Thousands of muggleborns and half bloods had left since then as a

consequence of the draconian ways they were being treated, several

times worse than they had treated been in centuries passed.

Instead of creating commonality, it instead divided them even more.

Europe had even a worse reaction to the Report and was splintering into

worse factions than even before Grindelwald's rise even if much of it was

also because of the vacuum of power left behind in the aftermath of the


And then there was the rumours of a powerful dark wizard on the


Was all of this what couldn't be stopped as Atticus alluded to?

That conflicts were inevitable and that you were only able to change

small details but never the event itself?

Prophecies of History that would always come to pass if only slightly


The Bombs had beaten muggle Japan in submission as Atticus predicted

after killing hundreds of thousands of them and from what he heard from

Hirahito, it seemed like the Russian muggles also had these kinds of

bombs as well now.

Atticus' utterings of muggles holding the world hostage was becoming

more and more real.

'I can't stop History…'

Those damnable words…

He had asked Atticus to stay and to do exactly that…to stop history…to

avoid the future he'd seen that heralded war, chaos and strife.

To remain and build here, in Magical Britain, to bring about his vision of

a home where prejudices and hatreds of the past were washed away by a

sea of hope…

To remain and build a world that they could be proud of, inspired by the

Hero of Britain to be better, a world where fairness and freedom was

extended to all peoples without anyone impeding on their rights and

their liberties…

The Isonomian Movement, the Order of the Phoenix or the unrest and

distrust of the public never would have gotten as bad as it was now or

even begun in the first place.

Charlus sighed internally.

…And had that not been what Charlus had stepped in the way of

happening, first by trying to make Atticus stop what he was doing and

then second by actively working against him, even going so far as

betraying his confidence by letting Arcturus know of why Atticus was

doing what he was doing before letting it slip that Atticus would rather

leave than fight for his ideals when so much blood would be spilt in

order to achieve it…

'I can't stop History…'

Those same words rang in his ears.

It had all been for nothing.

With bitterness on the tip of his tongue, he thought that all that he hoped

to avoid, so many deaths, had happened anyway without his presence.

'I can't stop History…'

He had believed that Britain had not been ready for such sweeping

changes, not when the ICW forced itself onto torn Europe that ripped out

much of the nobility's power in a such a way that it frightened many of

the nobility here.

Atticus had not recognised that, he had chosen not to heed his words of

caution that Charlus believed more time was needed, that five years was

not enough to bring about the future that he and Dorea and many others

would want to unfold in Britain.

And so opposition had been greater even from the Progressives and

Atticus' attitude had been coarse and undiplomatic, utterly certain in the

righteousness of his cause and unwilling to compromise even a little

which would have swayed enough support for at least some of the

changes he was advocating for…

Atticus had used his power and influence irresponsibly and used

domination and aggression instead of milk and honey to sway people in

power and Charlus hadn't been able to abide the consequences of that.

It would have only ended in conflict and he had no desire to see his

country torn as he'd seen so many European countries become just as he

didn't wish to see his friend become a tyrant.

'I can't stop History…'

Had…all of this been necessary?

Was this truly unavoidable, this change in their world through blood and


In the end, Atticus had chosen to do as he said and left after five years

when it became clear that only through war would he see his vision come

to be.

A version of which was coming into existence anyway after the shedding

of huge amount of blood, despite his efforts of keeping the peace, despite

the efforts of Ministry and the Wizengamot and also because of their

efforts that led to all this.

"What are you brooding for?" he heard and it broke him out of his

thoughts as he looked up and towards the doorway.

Dorea walked in, a frown on her face.

He allowed himself to smile "Just considering all that's happened

recently." He said to her.

She walked around the desk and grasped his face and looked him over

"When's the last time you've slept?" she asked sharply.

He pulled her in and onto his lap and she let off a squeak as she dropped

into his lap. "Why? Have you missed my presence in our bed so much?"

he asked with a grin and wiggling eyebrows.

She gave a glare before it melted away and her hand trailed across the

contour of his jawline "Not as much as you would like to believe." She

teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief "I have liked the absence of cold

feet in my bed."

He reared back with faux affront "My feet are never cold!"

She laughed "Not to you perhaps."

His look of affront morphed away into a teasing grin "They do say those

with powerful minds tend to suck up blood away from other areas of the


She looked at him incredulously "Who says that?!" she asked with a laugh

in her incredulity.

"I do" he said with a wink.

"Ah…I see." She said sagely before her lips twitched "Or it could that

your blood is often used somewhere else" she said as she wriggled on his


"At the moment, it definitely is." He said with a lustful tone as he

captured the bottom of her chin with his hand and he moved his head

towards her before kissing her. Her hands went towards the back of his

neck and their kiss grew more passionate.

She broke it off minutes afterwards and pressed her forehead against his

and he heard her hum contently though it sounded slightly off to him.

He reared his head back and looked at her. She looked up at him and

smiled at him but it was completely happy.

"You're in a good mood." He said with a soft tone, not voicing his

concerns as he looked at his wife with inspecting eyes. He knew she was

still deeply saddened at the loss of her siblings and he knew how raw it

had all been for her.

She smiled sadly "Druella's pregnant. I confirmed it today." She said to


Charlus looked surprised "Already?" he asked

Dorea nodded "It's early days. Only six weeks along." She paused,

hesitation clear on her face.

"What?" he asked softly.

She sighed. "They want to name the child if it's a boy Arcturus and if it is

a girl they want to name it Cassiopeia." She smiled at him though there

was something more in there, a kind of longing that went beyond simply

naming the children after her late siblings "I felt touched that they were

willing to name the child after either of them."

Dorea sighed "Life goes on." She whispered and she looked away from


"It does." Charlus after a few moments "And I think neither Arcturus or

your sister would feel too aggrieved at being named after." He said with a

light tone and Dorea huffed and let a small smile bloom on her face

which fell away much sooner than he liked to see.

Charlus' finger went under Dorea's chin "Our time will come, Dor." He

said to her softly.

"Will it?" she asked quietly. "It's been years now." She said to him, a hurt

expression on her face.

How he wished he could give her what she wanted. He was desperate for

it. Dorea always wanted to have children. A whole brood of them and he

was more than happy to give them to her yet despite all of their efforts –

which was plentiful – no child had yet been conceived.

The fact that his brother and his wife had yet to have a child was also

something that weighed on him. He often wondered if there was

something wrong with them, with the Potter men.

His parents had conceived Fleamont after nearly two decades of trying

and Charlus had been a 'happy accident' that was completely unexpected.

"It will." He assured her. "My brother was conceived after decades and I

well after that. It takes time but it will happen, I promise." He said to her

with all the reassurance he could muster.

She smiled at him as she stroked his cheek. "I hope so." She whispered

before she shook her head and looked at him again "You really look tired,

Charlus. You won't be any good to your Aurors if you can't keep focus."

She cut him off before he could retort "And no, you know how bad

constant use of those potions can be." She said as she stood up and held

out her hand bearing an expectant look on her face "I'm a healer…I know

these kinds of things." She said in a sage tone.

Charlus snorted before he smiled widely and took her hand. He pulled

her in and he picked her up "What I know, dear wife, is that you are right

and that I have been spending too much time away from you." His smile

bore a teasing quality to it as he walked out of his office with her in his


"I think it's time we reacquaint ourselves" he said before he brought his

head down and captured her lips in a passionate kiss.

They broke apart and Dorea's eyes were shining with mischief "I quite

agree" she said with a happy smile.

The next day he was at the office and after a few hours it was time.

"Gents" Tiff began, his face stoic, his eyes searching.

Charlus stood by the Acting Director, his arms crossed as he looked at the

assembled group of Aurors and Unspeakables.

This was going to be the largest assembly of cross departmental operation

in well over a century and a half. It was a momentous occasion that

would end the last threat to their world…and it was a threat that was rife

with incredible risk.

"You have all been briefed as to what ails Magical Britain and suffice it to

say, I cannot understate the threat that faces our people." Tiff said, his

eyes hard and his voice as sharp as a blade's edge.

"With the support of the Unspeakables, we have discovered their far

reaching insidious intent for our world and much of the problems we

have faced in recent months – and perhaps years – has been because of

their desire to subjugate us to their will." Tiff paused momentarily, his

eyes carrying a flicker of fury that Charlus saw reflected in many of his


"My question to you, gentlemen, are you ready to root them out and rid

them of everything they have learned of us and magic?!" Tiff barked out.

"YES SIR" the Aurors roared out though the Unspeakable, hidden under

their dark cowls of their hoods, remained silent.

"Good." Tiff said with an approving nod. Tiff looked to Charlus and

inclined his head and so the meeting began with lining out their initial


As it was, the Unspeakables had interrogated one of the leading spy

leaders within the muggle government and uncovered many of their


He'd hoped Arcturus had been wrong…but it seemed, unfortunately, to

be worse than his worst fears.

The muggles had taken inspiration of what Grindelwald had done for the

German muggles and taken it even further.

Enchanted guns, bombs like the one detonated in the Wizengamot,

omniculars and enchanted listening devices – which they found in several

locations across busy streets all around the Alleys – and much much


It seemed like the muggles had left no stone untouched and it was the

largest breach of the Statute since its founding in Magical Britain – and

likely much of Western Europe. To say that they needed to contain this –

and quickly – was pointless.

For the next few days, the combined group split into eight forces of

thirteen and using intel from the Unspeakables, set about investigating

each and every single military and research outpost of which there were

several hundred.

They knew the locations of several of the facilities thanks to the

interrogation but they needed to be as thorough as possible in finding

every enclave before they started the operation in earnest.

With the readings from the magical nets set to high sensitivity, just under

the level of War Time ward activation, they were able to senses minor

perturbations of magic at several muggle military locations.

A number of these muggles were captured, interrogated with

Legillimency and obliviated afterwards. From there they understood that

the problem was not contained to the Isles.

The British muggles were using magic to spy on foreign muggles they

deemed enemies, namely the Soviet Union, the French and the Germans.

They had to adjust their plans – which largely could be reduced down to

obliviating every single muggle about magic and imprisoning the traitors

to Magical Britain – so that this problem could be removed entirely.

Two of the teams were assigned in combing through the readings of the

magical net of any perturbations of magic within the Isles that was not

registered as a known enclave or land owned by magical families. A task

force would investigate at a later date.

It was several days later that they had compiled enough information that

they began the operation in earnest, aiming to hit each facility at the

same time including the information the Unspeakables had gathered

about the bases on islands just outside the magical nets.

He did not know how they came into that knowledge but he felt

gladdened that they were working them in earnest. He doubted they

would have gotten this far without their aid.

And it was in one of those meetings that the Unspeakables came forth

and provided their most useful aid in the battles to come

"This" One of the Unspeakables, Sidwell said as he held up a black

gauntlet "is the Aegis Gauntlet" He placed it on the table.

Charlus stepped forward and picked it up, his eyes carefully roving over

it. He saw faint golden incredibly small runes etched onto the surface

"And what is this for?"

"Protection." Sidwell said plainly as he looked over the Aurors who began

to crowd around Charlus.

Charlus looked up and met Sidwell's gaze. "Countermeasure against their

weaponry?" Charlus asked.

"Yes. The weapons we confiscated from some of the guards" Sidwell let a

hint of a smirk pass through his normally expressionless face "and

replaced them with defunct replacements that shouldn't raise any bell

charms without examination" his expression returned to its default state

though it seemed graver

"Have shown that they are very potent towards us."

Charlus looked at the gauntlet before he gave it to one of the senior

Aurors and set his gaze back at the Unspeakable. "Explain."

Sidwell continued "Their weapons are enhanced to be shield penetrating.

Most of the enchantments are aimed at penetrating standard shields by

the Auror department which are effectively the most used shield by any

competent magical that is adept at combat magicks."

Charlus lips thinned.

He already knew that the guns of the muggles were going to be highly

problematic which was why they were intent on dealing with this in as

much a clandestine fashion as possible. But what they discovered so far

was that the chances of everything going smooth was going to be

unlikely to say the least considering some of the defences around a few


A sharp sound made him twist around with the tip of his wand crackling.

A shield, a shield that seemed to be physical yet not popped into

existence in front of the Auror who put it on.

"Auror Marshall" Charlus barked out in a deadly tone and the Auror

unconsciously straightened out even as his eyes were wide in panic.

"S-sir, I-I don't know it would do this" the senior Auror said, trying to

defend himself.

"The fact that you put it on without knowing what it does makes me think

you are ill-suited to be a Auror candidate, let alone a senior Auror"

Charlus said in a cold voice "Never activate or even touch an object that

is clearly charmed. This is covered in basic training."

"Sorry, sir. Won't happen again sir." The Auror said in a contrite voice, his

face reddening.

"Don't take it off" Sidwell said "May as well use this as a teaching

moment." He said as he stepped forward and banged his fist against the

shield which gave out a sharp sound. "This shield is just as physical as it

is magical. It is capable of withstanding the most devastating dark cutting

and slicing magicks and it is capable of withstanding against fast moving

objects like bullets, even enhanced bullets."

"It is capable of changing shape" he turned towards Marshall "Think of

the shield extending around you like a bubble" he told the Auror and a

look of concentration came across the man's face and the shield altered to

form around him like a bubble.

"And the shield can measure fast moving objects within a fifty metre

radius and is capable of activating in less than a fraction of a fraction of a

second independent of the actions of the user." Sidwell turned to Charlus.

"We have made enough for everyone in the taskforce. I highly

recommend its use for the duration of the operation." Sidwell said as one

of the other Unspeakables came forward with enough for the entire


"Unfortunately, they only come in black" the young Unspeakable said, his

obscuring black hood falling and Charlus recognised him.

"Rockwood." Charlus said with a hint of surprise in his voice. Not all of

the Unspeakables presented themselves outside of the famous cloaks that

obscured them. He'd seen a number of Unspeakables without it but most

of them had their identities protected.

"Ah you remember me." Rockwood said with a wicked smirk as he waved

his wand and created stands for the Gauntlets before he floated them

towards it.

Of course Charlus would remember him. A close confidante of Slytherin

and someone he'd met more than a few times at Sayre Manor. He had not

known him to be an Unspeakable. He had thought Rockwood had worked

in his family's IMP paper.

"Now" Sidwell said, recapturing Charlus' attentions. "Shall we plan now

with the gauntlets in mind?"

They would be using aerosol potions – the same potions they used in the

war – to thin the enemy at the muggle bases. They wanted to limit the

deaths of muggle as much as possible. Not out of kindness but out of

pragmatism. The quieter this affair was dealt with, the quicker they could

move on.

Of course that also meant that the central command buildings in London

were the highest value targets and where the aerosol potions would be

used to its highest extent by flooding the buildings with the odourless

and colourless gas.

They had to take out the leaders of the organisation as quickly and

smoothly as possible and the Unspeakables would be primarily leading

that mission.

They would scour the entire building top to bottom and interrogate the

muggles for every drop of information along with the names and

locations of the agents outside of the Isles before removing every bit of

information about magic and the magical world from their minds

Only then would they move towards dealing with the muggle Royals who

had started all of this.


7th of April 1953 – London

Christopher Cameron POV

The tenseness in the room was palpable.

Several of the top brass in Secret Intelligence Service were present as

were he, Johnston and a few other members of M-Division just as there

were a few of the magicals who worked with the science teams.

"John Smith has been officially declared MIA" One of the brass, Mr Cook,

stated with a dead voice as his cool eyes swept the room.

Cameron tensed slightly and Cook continued "With the disappearance of

Underhill as of this morning, it is become clear that our operation has

been compromised."

"But we have not heard anything from the other side." One of his fellow

muggleborns commented. "Nothing has been heard, either in the public

or in the Ministry itself where we do have some contacts."

Cook turned towards the man "That only means that they are not as

stupid as intel had suggested they were." Cook said with a condescending


Cook's blue eyes swept across the room, his finger pressed deeply into the

table "Make no mistake, at present we have moved towards highest

readiness rate and we are expecting imminent attacks on our country."

Cook's eyes flittered towards their magical side across the table.

"With the likelihood of Underhill having been captured and Smith killed,

this means most locations of our supernatural development and research

facilities are compromised."

Cook paused for a moment and the tenseness in the room only became

more constricting "Operation Haven has begun" Cook declared and just

like that, things had moved to dire straits.

It was hours later, with post haste, that things were progressing towards

movement of people and equipment out of the bases and towards Isle of

Scilly, Shetland and Orkney.

Places where there was no magicals and places where they suspected the

magical net would not be able to pick up on their activities if they were

employ them. Much of what they knew about the magical net had been

from information gained from their contacts in the Order of the Phoenix

and from Underhill himself.

He arrived on the Isle of Scilly with most of his compatriots from the M-

Division via illegal portkeys along with most of their equipment and


"Do you really think Cook is right?" Harris asked him as they walked on

the tarmac in windy conditions, one of the muggleborns recruited just

eighteen months ago.

"Doesn't matter if he's right or not." Cameron said with a side glance at

the young man. Most of the muggleborns that went to Hogwarts in the

past six years were far more educated in magical culture and they often

were granted opportunities in Hogsmeade or in the town that popped up

near it.

Despite the hardships many muggleborns had suffered, these younger

generations were protected from such attacks on their rights and with the

way it sounded, Hogwarts had become a small lighthouse in a dark sea

and wherever it touched its light had become safe from most of the

prejudices and the vileness of the wizards.

And it made many of the muggleborns more grateful than they ought to


It made their recruitment of young muggleborns difficult which was

unfortunate given that the younger generation still had their connections

from Hogwarts so they were specifically targeted for recruitment as they

would be able to 'coach' these young people on how to maintain these


It ended up being that most of their recent recruitment had been

contained to bitter men in their thirties or forties who were not ideal as

they tended to be more apart from Magical British society.

They were not the best of anything and it wouldn't harsh to call them

disappointments of limited use to the intelligence game. Most of the folk

with potential had long since left for America and the others were not the

right profile to approach.

Still, they did manage to recruit a large number of Squibs, managing to

recruit several hundred over the years through painstakingly checking

through decades old records at orphanages of children suddenly

abandoned at age eleven or younger.

Many of whom did not remember but enough did and given that many

had served in the war, it was easy enough to recruit them for the army

group that worked with them.

"It's happening and that's all we need to know." Cameron glanced at

Harris "All you need to know." He said with a pointed look.

Harris looked a bit affronted but said nothing else and they walked the

rest of the way in silence. Not everyone knew what Haven really was.

Most of his colleagues thought it was a purely defensive posture.

That was not the case.

For years, they worked on how to deal with the illegal government of the

magicals – and the people themselves. Ever since Queen Mary, the last of

the monarchs that the magicals had sworn personal allegiance to, the

opinion towards their non-magical fellows had only turned for the worst.

They saw them as less than human and he knew that many of them

considered the non-magicals lesser than even a niffler which still bore the

torch of magic.

In truth…he could understand their thinking even if he despised utterly.

They – he included – were born with power.

Power that they could use to alter the world to give them whatever they

want. How could power – magic – not be so corrupting?

With this kind of power came with the freedom to act as you pleased, to

do what you pleased. Humans could be capricious and they saw the

evidence of such unfettered evil by Hitler and the Nazis.

He did not believe that they were all influenced by the Dark wizard

Grindelwald and what he learnt from the trials since, he was sure that

many of them had done such evils willingly.

Despite being Christians, despite having been taught the teachings of


Even with such a moral compass, people were fallible to evils and

magicals, the vast majority of which did not live by the teachings of

Christ whose morals were aspirations to live to, did not have such a

compass and this…caricature of a society was proof of it.

And that is why they all knew that these people would always be hostile

to non-magicals, people who they looked down upon at best and who

would resist any laws and restraints put on them for the betterment for

all of Britain.

They could not be reasoned with, not without sufficiently cowing them

like they'd done to the Irish once upon a time.

Of course, they had learnt from their lessons and they knew that

repressing people who could apparate across the entire length of the

country without much difficulty would never work, not truly.

It was why Operation Haven had a more sinister part to it, one that

horrified him yet he feared it might be necessary.

Cameron clenched his teeth. He bottled up the feeling of guilt.

There was nothing he could do to change their minds, he knew this.

Mass arrests, detention camps and executions without trials were all on

the table in this operation should the conflict escalate.

The first part of the war would be to strike indiscriminately at their base

of operation…The Ministry of Magic.

Much of the current magical research had been geared towards

developing military technology and espionage equipment partly because

of the looming red threat from the East and of course to keep a closer eye

on the more rebellious individuals within their country.

And from that military research, a terrifying weapon was created.

Not an atom bomb, no, such weapons could not be detonated on British

soil, but instead a weapon that could have its explosion directed in a

single direction instead of the omnidirectional pattern of bombs.

Expansion of superheated air, materials and chemical reaction would all

be turned into a single direction, though a magical field that directed it

all into a single direction.

It would be turned directly downward towards the Ministry of Magic

above the ground and it would annihilate it all killing everyone there. It

was a brutality that he despised but he knew that to avoid this from

dragging out for years…it might become a necessity to use.

Even if they had no government to speak of, everything in Magical

Britain was controlled, monitored and directed from there. It held every

single institution barring education and health.

One strike and it would drastically reduce capabilities of the wizards to

strike back.

He also knew that the magicals would respond violently once they figured

out what was happening and it was something that he knew bothered

many of his bosses as it should.

They had records on what the most powerful of wizards could do and

whilst they had a profile on those the public knew to be powerful, there

were still many in the Isles that they knew little about.

It was happening too soon. They had hoped for many more years to

recruit, to discover where everyone lived and much more.

Cameron shook his head.

He pushed all of it out of his mind. He had more urgent things to do for


The rest of the day fell away sooner than he thought possible and soon

enough he fell asleep.

He awoke to explosions and gunfire, and his hand went to his gun under

his pillow when his eyelids smacked open. He rose from his bed, wielding

his gun in one hand and his wand in the other. The door to his barracks

smashed open and he very nearly fired but gratefully he didn't.

"Harris." He barked out furiously at the shaking younger man. Another

explosion rocked the base whilst the constant gunfire seemed unending in

the background.

"Sir, we're under attack." Harris said shakily, his hand clutching his wand


Cameron bit back a scathing response and he waved his wand and his

clothes untransfigured back into his uniform whilst his socks returned

into being boots.

"The wizards?" Cameron asked grimly as he walked towards Harris who

quickly vacated the doorway.

"Yes sir!" Harris said as he quickly locked stepped with Cameron. "I

haven't seen them yet – I only woke up now but the guards were shouting

about it"

Cameron gritted his teeth. How did they manage to find them so soon?!

They arrived at the front of the base and it was chaos. Most of the front

section of the base had been destroyed and he saw many of the forces

crumpled down.

He saw his compatriots from the M-Division duelling with the strangely

attired wizards – stranger than the robes they usually wore – and backed

up the soldiers though from what he could see, they were not as effective

as they should be.

'The wizards shouldn't be able to last this long' he thought to himself.

He ran towards one of the men crouched behind a burnt out vehicle who

seemed to try and use one of the mobile radios. The man looked up and

had a frantic look on his face as he pulled out his gun. "Friendly, Friendly!"

Cameron shouted angrily and the man halted for a moment and look a

good look and recognised him.

The soldier gave a jerky nod before returning his attentions to his radio.

"Have you contacted them yet?" Cameron asked amidst the backdrop of

gunfire and spellfire. He stood up a little and looked over the hood of the

vehicle and took long moments to really grasp what was happening. He

was perplexed when he saw the magicals behaving oddly. They were

working in groups with strange shields that he missed the first time with

how see through they were yet they were capable of shrugging off the

enchanted bullets and curses with ease.

Which should be impossible! The bullets were more powerful and faster

than anything before yet in some instances he saw that the shields pop up

faster than anything he'd ever seen before.

This wasn't good…this wasn't good at all.

The wizards had come prepared and it felt him with dread.

They also seemed to be throwing grenades that did little but give out a

mild flare of light. 'Did they try and replicate explosive grenades and was this

the outcome?' he thought with a frown and he didn't understand why they

weren't casting lethal spells from what he could observe even against his

fellow muggleborns.

"No! There is too much interference" the soldier said frustrated as he

frantically tried to work the radio "I don't understand, it was working fine

a few hours ago." The soldier looked up at Cameron with a suspicious

look on his face "The supernaturals must have done something."

Cameron scowled before he waved his wand over the radio "It should be

protected against magic, the cover's made out of lightened lead." They

found that mild applications of magic did not short electronics and a lot

of their devices were enchanted with this feather-light lead covers that

protected it from magic rich environments. At least until they figured out

a way to make them work without the covers.

"I don't understa…" Cameron stopped as he began to feel light-headed.

The soldier in front of him began to look like two people until the soldier

collapsed and Cameron began to realise what was happening.

He stumbled like a newborn calf, his legs feeling more like strings which

how much they wobbled and he walked away from the shelter the burnt

out vehicle provided.

Everything was hazy, everything seemed to twist and circle around as if

he was left unanchored yet he could see enough, he could understand

enough how bad everything was turning out.

He only just noticed now as well, the gunfire that had been persistent

was almost silent, a few smatterings that died out a few seconds after he

noticed and the spell fire was all gone.

"Ah, got a live one here boss!" he heard as he stumbled to the ground

desperately fumbling his portkey

"H-h-heaven a-and e-e-earth" he rasped out but the portkey didn't


One of the came up to him and he could barely keep his eyes open.

He saw a wand pointed at him "Night night, traitor." Was the last thing

he heard before a red flash was all that he saw before he knew no more.


17th of April 1953 – Belva Hallos Terminal, Illos

He waited with his arms behind his back, attired in navy blue with

braided silver and purple lines around the circumference of his Rosi – the

formal attire version of Losi, the chosen Illosian clothes – sleeves and

around the top of his wingtip collar.

The plaza, made of out silver grey polished stone and fitted with tall

square pillars that glistened under the soft light of the Orbs which broke

through the arched windows that ringed around the domed roof, was still

empty, still unused yet its time would come, he thought as he glanced

around at the black stoned rings that just waiting to be activated.

Belva Hallos would be the beating centre of international trade and

travel, connected to international ports and stations of Ministries within

the alliance that would be built.

It was not something new of course, this idea of instant or near instant

travel from one place to another across thousands of miles, Floo travel

had existed for centuries after all yet it was uncomfortable and expensive.

Expensive because of all the regulations that were tied into it and its

strict control.

Floo-pow was the only licensed company in the entire magical world that

could manufacture it and it was enforced by the ICW under series of

treaties practically ensuring long distance travel was a rarity for those

who were middle class or below.

Uncomfortable because of the travelling mechanism.

The Powder was, in truth – like much of magical invention, an ingenious

way of doing things incompletely. The Floo network was the ingenious

part of the entire method of travel, a series of networks that crisscrossed

the world along the paths of leylines and used its energy to 'propel'

individuals across distance through the floo powder fires which were

stable agents that encompassed the individual as they travelled towards

their destination like a vessel in a vacuum chute where instead they used

the properties of the green fire instead of pressure and suction for


It was a missed opportunity, in truth…the idea that you could wake up in

Paris and go to work in Kyoto before making it back in time for a late

lunch in London or Barcelona was something he was keen to use as a way

to bind many of these Ministries in his alliance.

The Gate Network would start here on Illos and it would connect

throughout the Magical World, first here on Earth and then later

throughout their domain within the galaxy, hopefully.

They had built enough security measures into the gates that it will

prevent tampering and others from finding out this method of travelling

independently. He and Emily had figured out the mechanisms of the

Fidilius Charm in its entirety and secrets no longer had to be singular to

be held in the soul.

Not only that, they found a way to 'dampen' interest in figuring out the

roots that connected to the secret and in instance, the roots of the secret

were dimensions and how to use them to reduce distance.

They could anchor the secrets in powerful magical mediums instead of

souls and Mithril would be those anchors. They anchored the roots to

Gate Rings to a Mithril Anchor so they were covered there and he knew

they would use it again.

There was some knowledge that should not be allowed to be discovered

by those who'd use it against them and their interests.

Soon enough, the guest of honour – and his guards – arrived and Atticus

strode slowly towards the man shadowed by several of Illosian Guards.

Atticus met the gaze of the wrinkled old man, ancient eyes that were

powerful and old with wisdom gained with the struggles and experiences

of life.

He looked at him closer and saw the infinite streams of magic, the

strands of magic that permeated the universe, in this plaza, bent slightly

around him, around the calm blue and wisteria hued coil of magic that

was within the aged man.

There was a peace in the man's magic that he seldom saw, the only one

who had surpassed it had been the Monk in India and the ones who

mirrored it were the monks in Tibet.

« Shogun Ieyasu-san » Atticus said in Japanese and with a deep nod of


There were few people that deserved such acts.

He was small, an elderly man with grey white hair aged gracefully

despite his hundred and ninety-nine years of age, yet his wisdom and

dignity was something that Atticus deeply respected, envied and hoped

he attained someday.

Knowledge was great but wisdom?

That was priceless and years ago in his time in Japan, however brief it

may have been, he had come to appreciate that truth after meeting the


Of course, he would not allow it to impede his judgement today. After

all…this was a meeting of rulers and there was little mercy in matters

between rulers.

The Japanese Emperor may have stripped this man – and his clan – of the

right to be the Emperor's voice in Magical Japan, to be the shoguns of

Japan, but it was irrelevant when the Japanese magicals had all but

viewed this man as their ruler.

The elderly man's chuckle rumbled in his throat "Lord Sayre-san" the

aged man said respectfully back in Latin, a kind smile on his face as he

bowed his head slightly.

Soon enough, they left, descending down the wide sets of stairs and into

the platform out was carved out of the small mountain opposite Mount

Celestis ringed by the familiar sight of gleaming silver-grey metal that

cradled Illos.

Atticus watched Ieyasu without watching as they travelled across Illos

above the hilly rocks and the rich green plans and his lack of reaction

was expected.

He'd Seen the man extracting every last bit of information from the

delegates that had arrived on Illos, watching it all again and again in a

pensieve, learning and gleaming things that might not have been obvious

at first.

He returned his focus on the scenery below as they travelled through the

luxurious black sky-limo, one reserved for important dignitaries such as

Ieyasu, and watched the changing landscape.

He knew what the man would ask, hoped he would ask. He'd seen every

possibility he could of this visit, a visit he considered a pivotal point of

the ideal future.

Like curves in a river, this was a bend that would lead the magical world

towards a path would lead to the least amount of bloodshed and the

quickest road to stability.

As his eyes scanned the lush lands of Illos, as they flew past the tall silver

grey stoned buildings that were being filled more and more as the

seasons passed, he only could only think of what it meant for his people

and the rest of Magical-Kind.

He and Emily strove to better the Magical World yet the path they

influencing in the world on was one of strife, agitated and pushed along

on invisible threads with their blood soaked hands…sometimes quite


Their good was riddled with specks of ruby red blood, like metals made

stronger with the introduction of other elements yet at the same time he

feared they introduced more impurities as they forged a stronger world, a

stronger people…

Knowing that to clean out the impurities, as they planned on their

original course, it would require them to be harsher, to hammer it out

and to put so many of them in hotter, sweltering fires to make impurities

rise to the top out of its inner structures and beaten away was something

that he did not wish to do more than necessary.

It was why this could be a way, a better way that didn't leave them with

entire broken peoples of the Magical World and instead with core peoples

who would stand with Illos as eternal allies whilst they rebuilt the rest

and integrated them into the society of the future.

The future was never set he knew that intimately. Like a thrown dice in

mid-air, every possible possibility would remain in existence until it no

longer did in the now.

And in that vortex of possibilities, their plans were often changing,

shifting, finding and closing new routes towards their desired place in the


And in that understanding, one thing that was becoming more obvious

than not, was the necessity of compassion.

Not mindless compassion, compassion that was blind and given

unrestrained…no, a compassion that came from strength and humility

and cooperation.

Much of he and Emily did, lacked this type of compassion in their drive

to create the greatest civilisation in existence. Compassion for other

cultures and peoples who were worth preserving, who knew that it was

worth preserving and would fight for its preservation.

Were the Slitharahans not worth preserving?

Did they need to be lost in the sea of Illosian culture entirely?

As they travelled the world, their perspective had changed over the years.

It was a shift of understanding that was valuable and set them on their

current path.

They had met numerous cultures that were in harmony with their

surroundings, who lived without strife and violence with the way their

culture had grown and for people such as they, like the Slitharahans who

lived in peace and harmony for thousands of years, to murder their

culture was a crime that he and Emily did not wish to do.

They were cruel, yes, they were ruthlessness without doubt but they were

not malicious nor were they without understanding or appreciation.

Destroying everything was not the only way to achieve their goal of a

single great civilisation and such beliefs and actions may even unravel

what they sought to build in the first place. It did not need to be

homogenous and they would lose much of what made their world so

special as they had learned in their travels nor would destruction be

necessary for their people to rise to heights he wished them to reach.

Illos would be a beacon to the Magical World, its centre, thecapital of a

great civilisation, but no longer would it be all that there was.

A union of people that built towards an empire.

Perhaps it had taken a toll, he mused to himself, wondering if this feeling

of introspection was because of the strife they were letting happen to

many innocents, present and future, strife that could be excised with

simplistic swiftness, like taking shearing scissors to withered branches on

the vine to save the plant from succumbing to infection.

Having the ability to traverse through the threads of Time, along the

wibbly wobbly possibilities that closed and reopened with each action,

reaction and change in people, environment and more, did not make it

easier on him, not when he saw possibilities of his own actions that could

lead to these broken peoples not existing.

Still, much of what was happening was not of their doing, not entirely.

Like constant momentum in frictionless space, things were already

headed towards where it was going now even without their meddling.

Plans and plots and ambition and rage and hatred already existed,

finding ample nurturing soil to take root in a post-war climate left

unresolved and exacerbated by uncomfortable truths.

Like the ebb and flow of the tide, Dark Lords and rhetoric were cyclical

in the magical world, humming and thrumming along the music of power

and magic sung into the world, a world where heritage and power and

entitlement were core identities to magicals.

This was only the most recent rising tide.

And, despite the regret he felt, it would be the last rise once they broke

these cultures caught in this cycle of their own designs, this music that

ensnared them to live and die only to live again and to die again to the

tune of this unchanging wretched song.

And in the wake of these broken cultures, earth would be soiled and wet,

ready and eager for new seeds to be planted into its upturned ground for

Illosian ideals, beliefs and hope to take hold and spring into new growth

that should last into infinity.

Much of their actions revolved around assassination of opposing

individuals who were able to provide opposition to the sweeping

shadows, who could delay the new conflict longer but would do so at a

higher cost causing the conflict to spiral out and merely pave the way for

the next cycle which may end up with greater ramifications for the

Magical World in the wake of the muggles' march into advancement.

Innocents who were not innocents but more innocent than guilty.

Cassiopeia was one of these opposing individuals whose hatred ran deep

and who could have posed a deeper problem in Magical Britain,

upending much of their progress there with her adeptness with

uncovering secrets and swaying people to her way of thinking, like

doubtful Charlus who was a hub of connections who could set about

unravelling the threads that would bound Magical Britain to Emily's path.

Their deaths were for a better purpose and he had solace in that truth.

Just as the end result of this visit would result in a better path for that

same purpose.

For the next few days, he toured with Ieyasu throughout Illos and let the

old man gain an understanding of what they were building on his own.

With men like Ieyasu, it was better to show than it was to tell, to let him

gleam what he needed to in order to appreciate both positions and what

was on offer.

And it was becoming clear what was on offer for Ieyasu…and he was

going to press harder to make sure the right outcome was reached.

It was on the fourth day that Atticus took him to the lands below of Illos,

to the lands that touched heavily with magic from the anchoring obelisks

and warmed to tropical conditions.

Ieyasu's eyes fell on the ginormous underbelly of Illos, the gleaming

silver grey metal that was alight by a single orb that hung below in the

air, that blotted out the sun and the sky seemingly stretching kilometres

high in an endless stretch.

« Where are we? » Ieyasu said, his voice calm but Atticus felt the man's

peace dither as the old man began to understand the scale of what Illos


« A place distant from civilisations » Atticus said with a smile in his voice

as they stood at the base of a hill amidst that obscured their vision

forward though it was clear that most of the lands surrounding the few

hills was flat and brimming with tall grass.

« I see. » Ieyasu said with a glance at Atticus before his eyes roved around

« I had thought you might have found an island far south given how

different the stars are. Further perhaps than Australia. »

Ieyasu's eyes looked up again « It seems that I have been wrong. » Ieyasu

said and Atticus knew that the man was troubled.

Ieyasu turned towards Atticus, his eyes sharper and his intent changed. «

You built this? » he waved his hand towards Illos « With your wife alone?

» he asked, scepticism in his voice.

« I did. » Atticus confirmed, their gazes meeting. « It was not easy nor do

I expect anyone else to be capable of it, at least any time soon » Atticus

said with a gleam in his eyes « But yes, we built an island for our people

that can sail the sky just as easily as a boat sails the sea »

Their gaze held for several seconds before Ieyasu nodded and turned his

gaze towards the underbelly of Illos.

« I understand » Ieyasu said, his expression relaxed but Atticus knew the

paths narrowed now with those two simple words.

Atticus smiled at the elderly man before he waved the man on to follow


Atticus' hands were behind his back as they walked up the hill and soon

enough they arrived at the top. Before them was vast plains of tall

grasslands that seemed to stretch endlessly into the distance.

And in those vast plains of Antarctica, plains were filled with vegetation

– and more – that was plucked from tropical regions around the world.

This place, kilometres below the underbelly of Illos was a playing

ground, of a sort.

It was not easy to engineer environments, even with magic, and it was

here that many of those who built the habitats on Illos practiced their


They would go and learn what made up jungles, plains and forests

around the world, see how magic and nature and animal life interacted,

and apply what they learnt here before moving on to building the

habitats there.

Much of the soil, rocks and even mountains had come from here. The soil

on Illos was fairly deep but it was not enough to use to create habitats

that were kilometres in diameter.

The experience his people gained would serve well in the future when

they were on distant worlds. After all, he did not expect all the worlds to

be completely or even slightly habitable in their new home system.

In the distance, by the Great Lake, there were enormous animals that

grazed in herds and their incredibly long necks towered over the


Ieyasu frowned at the sight of the creatures. « I have not heard of them or

read description of these animals. » Ieyasu said.

Atticus' smile grew just a minute amount as he turned his gaze towards

the animals.

« That is because they are extinct. Had been extinct for many many years.

» Atticus said as he stared at the majestic creatures. Extinct for tens of

millions of years.

Out of curiosity, one time, he had looked into what the Ancient Humans

had uncovered about the megafauna of Earth. Moira's records had no

information prior to the rediscovery of Earth by their people.

The Ancient Humans believed that they had left Erda Tyrene during the

infancy of their own civilisation millions of years ago and nearly all that

they uncovered about the history of the animal life in that era was long

lost to history.

Yet during their rediscovery of Earth, amongst the archaeological

findings of ancient Ancient Human civilisation, they also catalogued the

biological history of life on Earth. It was through looking DNA of recently

extinct animals and existing animals that they discovered the truth that

Earth had been likely where Humanity had started.

Of course, they could only go so far in history especially given how

fragile DNA was but they had discovered enough human remains and

other mammalian animals to determine that Earth was likely the Cradle

of humanity.

He stared at the massive creatures that roamed the grasslands, tens of

millions of years later when all of other versions of their species had


Dinosaurs…dinosaurs had always captured his imagination…and the

imagination of countless of other people, adult and child alike. They were

beings of near fantasy, beings of incredulity and awe they all wondered

about and marvelled at.

Compared to dragons, to phoenixes and to hippogriffs, these dinosaurs

were mundane excepting their size yet they had an unmistakably

powerful presence.

They had been Kings of Earth in their time and even the few species

resurrected had that air about them.

One of them brayed and it was a high pitched sound, an odd sound that

was familiar and yet not, like hearing a language that was phonetically

English but the words were wrong.

These Brachiosauruses sounded like birds but not. Like Elephants but not.

He shook his head internally. To think that all of this happened because

he was merely curious about dinosaurs.

DNA had a half life of five hundred years.

From the Ancient Human records, half life of DNA varied from world to

world even if they were carbon based but for the most part, DNA across

the human empire at the time had a half life of roughly five hundred to a

thousand years and after every thousand or two thousand years, seventy

five percent of genetic information is lost.

After six to eight million years, every single base pair is gone.

The Ancient Humans did not entertain notions of resurrecting extinct

animals and their technology offered very little assistance in bringing

back species that were as un-resurrect-able as dinosaurs.

There was little purpose to it after all.

From what he could understand, there was massive biodiversity anyway

in the galaxy, sentient and not, and to expel resources and time to

resurrect beings that were while interesting but ultimately nothing quite

unique, was not something the Ancient Humans did or approved of.

Especially since their interpretation of the Mantle of Responsibility did

not allow for such things.

It was a good thing that he cared not about what they might or might not

approve of.

However, they were very, very adept at biological science and though he

found nothing that hinted that they cloned people, the technologies were

more than capable of it.

Of course it needed DNA to start with…something even the most well

preserved bones would lack after millions of years.

An issue that he and Emily had spent half a decade trying to figure out

intermittently. Her own talents in flesh crafting had flourished in that

time, especially when it came to the more…necromantic elements of


Honestly, she was becoming rather brilliant when it came to creating life.

The Seelie were a brilliant example of using mostly non-biological

material to craft sentient life.

After they managed to obtain full skeletons of three species of dinosaurs,

they worked on figuring out how to bring them back to life and it was

something that stumped them for nearly a year until he remembered that

the Forerunners had devolved humanity.

Whilst the Ancient Humans were not that capable in biological science,

they were capable of 'winding back time' genetically speaking and create


A few hundred chickens, crocodiles and various other reptiles and birds

later, they got enough data for an arithmantic basis to start working on a

ritual to at least capture the likeness of dinosaurs.

To truly bring them back was something beyond magic and science but to

bring back a version of these magnificent creatures?

Well that was possible, he thought as he stared at the animals.

He didn't think it mattered if they weren't truly the 'real' dinosaurs and

were basically cousins to reptiles and chickens instead of their ancestors,

not when they looked the part.

For now, they only had Homaphales and Stegosauruses as well but he

hoped by the time they left Earth they would be able to bring back more

of the megafauna.

Atticus turned to Ieyasu who bore a sharp look in his face and smiled

slightly at the older man "We are not only interested in life as it exists

now. With great difficulty, we managed to revive some long dead

animals." Atticus said in Latin, looking back at the grasslands.

A head with a bulbous armour plate looked up from the several metres

long grass.

"Why would you choose to do so?" Ieyasu questioned, his gaze following

the smaller creature and its offspring. He turned to Atticus, an inspecting

look on his face "Are you not concerned about the sanctity of the cycle of

life?" He turned back towards the creatures.

"Even if it regretfully meant permanent disappearance of such curious


"Our people are growing to understand more and more about the majesty

of life just as I am." Atticus replied easily "What is life but life trying to

further itself?" Atticus waved towards the beings "We live, we procreate

and we die. These beings might have died out completely once but life –

us – have brought them back."

Atticus met Ieyasu's gaze "How is that not life simply following what its

always done, even if the details are different?" Atticus said with a

humorous tone in his voice.

Ieyasu shook his head "That is a strange way to see it."

"It is." Atticus agreed before he grew more serious "Yet I find it a good

way to see life. Magic has always flourished when life is plentiful. To use

magic to make life flourish is in my opinion one of the greatest

application of it."

Ieyasu said nothing to that though from what Atticus could sense, he did

not disagree, at least not completely. And Atticus was fine with that.

It was a few days later that they were at his home on Mount Celestis,

away from the Main Tower and the city itself, having opting a less formal

setting for the final talks to be finally conducted.

All of the trade agreements and terms of Japan's membership in the

organisation – which is yet to be named – were already agreed in

principle by the delegates and by Ieyasu.

Yet with what he had shown Ieyasu, he knew that the terms would


Just as he hoped.

They sat by the back gardens of Sayre Manor, alone without their guards,

the view of the cities and the growing nature in the distance a serene

setting that fitted the current atmosphere.

"You have built something wonderful Atticus-san." Ieyasu said.

Atticus gave him a hint of smile before he turned his gaze towards

Celestis city.

"It was not done alone."

"Nothing truly is." Ieyasu agreed before he looked at Atticus with an

introspective expression "Yet most of it was done with yours and your

wife's hands, was it not?"

Atticus turned to Ieyasu "That is true. Emily and I built the country alone

at first but life was brought with the aid of others."

Ieyasu hummed before he grasped his tea with both of his hands and

gently brought it to his lips, a gentle blow exiting his lips before he

sipped on the camomile tea.

Ieyasu hummed again as he brought the tea down and met Atticus' gaze

"A feat that is unheard of yet not unexpected, not entirely."

"Oh?" Atticus said with a curious glint in his gaze.

They both knew that he was referencing Himiko, the shaman queen of

Yamatai just as they both knew that his questioning about whether or not

he and Emily built the structure that is Illos was more than just idle


Ieyasu chuckled "We may not have discussed this when you first came to

Japan but destiny bends around you, child. It is palpable in such a way

that it is humbling."


Ieyasu hummed as he took a sip of his tea again. "Humbling in the way

that magic always has a role for us to play. Some greater than others."

Ieyasu turned to him, his ancient eyes sharper than most could ever be

capable of being "and others greater still."

Atticus gaze on Ieyasu trailed off and he looked towards the city before

them. For now, the city looked relatively 'normal'.

It was beautiful, yes, its glittering silver stoned buildings that resembled

the glistening walls of silver mines rich with silver ore ensured that, yet it

was still only mildly magical, the magic of the country weaved into its


Not so in the probable future. He'd Seen the magical creatures, winged

and not, dot the skies along with the skymobiles and he'd seen trees and

flowers and their roots sail the chiming winds that sung with magic and

felt like warmth.

"Magic never truly has a specific role for us, Ieyasu-san. Magic merely has

opportunities for us to seize and grants us the choice we deserve to

mould ourselves into what is needed. Choice is never out of the question."

Atticus said after a few moments, remembering what the Monk once said

to him that it was never about him and simply the existence of a role that

needed filling and one that he was suited for and elected to take.

Ieyasu hummed in a non-committal way as he set the teacup on the table

and rose to his aged feet. Atticus watched him slowly stroll forward

towards and through the gardens.

After a few moments, he chose to rise and follow him into the gardens.

For ten minutes they silently walked through the gardens his mother

once took him through in his infancy, gardens that changed and had new

plants, some transplanted from Moira's Gardens, but its shape remained

the same throughout the decades.

It connected him to his mother and to his grandmother who'd shaped it

before his father had been born.

At the centre, next to the marble sculpture fountain, there was a kind of

Persea tree, a magical variety that was native to Egypt. It resembled

somewhat a pear tree in leaf, flower and form yet it bore striking

evergreen that was lusher and more radiant.

His ancestors had brought seeds over when they moved to Ireland in the

first century BC and this tree was a direct descendant from that first tree

which had been a descendant of the First Tree.

"I have not seen this kind of tree before." Ieyasu said curiously as he

arrived before the tree which had been planted by Henry Sayre when the

last tree had withered in the long absence of their family from their home

during their greatest crisis.

Family legend claimed that there had been a single seed buried under

wilted and starved earth that Henry Sayre nurtured back into health

before planting it in restored earth in the presence of his wife and heir.

"It's extinct now." Atticus said calmly as he walked towards the tree and

touched the bark of the tree with a lover's touch. "It used to flourish in

Lower Egypt and was considered to be a sacred tree." Atticus hand trailed

towards the fruit that hung from a branch. "By both the ancient Egyptians

and later in their conquerors the Greeks and their successors the


The family chronicles mentioned of a legend that the tree was planted by

Osiris himself, the god of the deceased. Legend claimed that the life that

sustained the First Tree, the tree that all of this type of tree descended

from, and bore the fruits that breathed life into its consumers, had been

the life of an elderly Priest Mage who'd been their – his – ancestors.

"The trees went extinct during the ages and it is not clear who set off the

initial chain of events that led to its extinction. Some said it was the

Romans after the Tree became a symbol for the Christians and others say

it was the Christians themselves who killed them off in their crusade

against paganism."

"It is safe to eat, the fruit?" Ieyasu questioned.

"They are. They are magical. They give renewed energy though it fades

fast." Atticus told the old man.

Ieyasu hand touched one of the hanging fruits "May I?" he asked and

Atticus nodded his assent when he stood next the old man.

Ieyasu plucked the fruit and with a soft wave of the hand, its skin was

peeled and he bit into the fruit.

The old man stood a little straighter as he consumed the fruit and he

turned towards Atticus, a pleased expression on his face. "It is

invigorating." He said to Atticus.

Atticus smiled and inclined his head. It was a sweet and luscious flavour

whilst its effects were tangible. It gave energy to its consumer, like

caffeine and sugar but several times more effective.

"It is. It used to be my guilty pleasure as a child. My mother forbade my

sister and I to eat its fruit as it would always result in us becoming rather

hyper-active and difficult for her to deal with." Atticus said with mirth in

his eyes.

Ieyasu chuckled with his body "Ah, I can understand. Despite my age, I

feel like I can run leagues without losing an ounce of my energy."

"It may feel like that but I assure it will pass sooner than you think."

Atticus glanced behind them and waved his hand. A bench shimmered

into existence and Atticus gestured towards it.

Ieyasu smiled gratefully and went towards and sat down. Atticus

followed soon after.

A few moments passed as they both looked at the sculptured fountain

until Ieyasu broke the silence.

"You know why I have not signed the agreement." Ieyasu stated, his gaze

still on fountain.

The man knew of his Seeing abilities. Not its scope but enough to know

that he Saw much. Most important figures with an interest in him had

come to that conclusion.

"You're going to request that which bears a high price." Atticus simply


"A high price? Not at an impossible cost?" Ieyasu said, his tone calmer

than the surface of still lakes. Ieyasu understood very clearly all that he

had shown the old man had a purpose behind it, this particular purpose.

"Nothing is impossible. Not for beings such as us." Atticus said with a

light tone.

"It seems like the short few years have not yet tempered you, Atticus-san"

Ieyasu said with hints of searching in his tone.

"I am still youthful enough to dream of impossible things and seek to rise

above it, old man." Atticus said with a glance at the old man, hints of a

smile adorned on his face.

Ieyasu's expression bore hints of levity though his voice remained calm

"Youthful enough yes but wiser than your age despite your words

seeming to the contrary."

Atticus said nothing to that for a short few moments as he turned his

gaze towards the ancient tree. It had been a symbol of regrowth, when

Henry Sayre planted it.

That the craftsmen of Egypt returned with new life and sought to rebuild

what was torn down in pain, destruction and death. Not as it had been,

no, their time of domination had ended and a new path had grown.

Henry Sayre knew the suffering of their family and what the price of

victory had cost them and had set them on a new path, one of focus on a

few industries that were vital to the magical world but did not threaten.

A decision that allowed the Sayre family to be rebuilt in relative peace as

they build on their brotherhood with the Blacks until they were capable

of defending themselves and stand as they once stood albeit without the

shadow they once cast.

"I would have thought the offer made to you and your people would have

been enough." Atticus spoke up again, his voice calm and devoid of


"It is a great offer." Ieyasu admitted as he turned towards Atticus.

"This organisation is assuredly a boon for Japan. The troubles that may

come from when you choose to make yourself public do not compare to

what you have offered us not just in trade but magic itself." Ieyasu said

with a hum.

It was true.

The offer to join the organisation was generous. It would revitalise Japan

and offer crucial access to ingredients, products and boost to their

economy which remains flagging at present despite their attempts to

rebuild connections with the rest of Asia.

As for magic…well, they were making stride every day and Ieyasu had

seen that here. They were making great progress and even surpassing the

research output the best minds SIMS had to offer. Of course, many of the

researchers were from the Irish school but many were not and had learnt

and were learning it here in Illos.

And within the next six months to a year, the charade of shepherding the

graduates at SIMS to places like New Zealand, MACUSA or elsewhere

would be over.

It was time to no longer bother try and keep the ICW attentions away.

"Yet you wish for more, more than you can ever afford – or wish – to

pay." Atticus commented, his tone calm yet it rung of serious questioning

as he turned to face the old man.

The old man's ancient eyes bored down on Atticus' own. "Japan's coffers

are still filled to the brim. We can pay" the old man paused as his eyes

flittered around towards the mountains, towards the sky before resettling

them on Atticus

"the price that would be asked." Ieyasu said calmly, their gazes set on one


"I am not a man who values wealth in gold or silver, Ieyasu-san." Atticus

said, his expression unchanged "What you request of me would come

with a greater price that demands loyalty." He said, his tone unchanged

but the atmosphere changed.

"What you would ask for would never come to pass." He said calmly but

with steel in his tone.

Atticus' eyes darkened, the hue of the violet of his eyes darkening whilst

the emerald embers of his eyes glowed in subdued menace. "Are you so

certain?" Atticus spoke calmly and his magic was restrained even if his

gaze was terrifying.

The old man smiled genially despite the menace in Atticus' gaze.

"I am certain as I can be that you do not wish to rule over a troublesome

people with a reputation of preferring to die than to live without

honour." Ieyasu said calmly understanding exactly what Atticus meant

with his words.

"I am never one to allow for difficult things to remain in my way."

"That is true and true still of your wife." Ieyasu said before he continued

"Yet you would not show me all of Illos as you did after already having

done enough in enticing my people for a place in this organisation" Ieyasu

hinted meaningfully "without careful consideration"

Ieyasu folded his hands in his lap before he continued "I understand what

you are, Lord Sayre." He said, his gaze penetrating. "There are men in

history who are like the forces of nature who in their sweeping motions

alter the path of nations as easily as the sea can swallow lands whole."

Atticus let the man continue.

"Emperor Jimmu was one such man." Ieyasu declared and so the truth

was in the open.

"High praise to compare me to such a notable figure in your history"

Atticus said calmly, the menace in his gaze dimmed but still ever-present

and hidden underneath his glowing emerald embers.

Ieyasu gave a hint of a smile "It is not praise. It is an acknowledgement."

Flatterer, Atticus thought amused though there was more to it just

acknowledgement or praise. It was an admittance of what he believed of


"I have understood on the day I met you, Lord Sayre-san." Ieyasu said

calmly "The touch of destiny that surrounds you made it as clear as the

waters of the Sacred Cape of Noto." Ieyasu looked up into the sky,

towards the Orbs.

"Great winds of change will be wrought by you, Lord Sayre-san yet it

matters how it is achieved." Ieyasu waved his hand towards the Orbs

"You understand better than most ever would." Ieyasu turned to him.

"Else Europe would have been under your rule by now instead of this

home you have built with people who had none." Ieyasu finished.

'And why you believe that you would not be attacked by me' Atticus mused


Atticus turned his gaze towards the tree, silent for a few moments.

There were those who could sense magic like Ieyasu could.

Magic that was beyond most people's perception. The Monks of Tibet

were able to grasp this and used it to be at harmony with nature and the

energies of the world.

Ieyasu instead used it to understand people and what made them tick.

Like Emily's capabilities of learning about people through her own rare

form of magic sensing, he used it to secure him better within Japanese

society than previous generations of Geiwa Genio clan members had been

capable of.

It was a form of divination but also not. Malhestry, an in between of

divination and soul magic that was obscure and even less studied.

Emily's form of sensing was amongst it.

"For all of your wisdom, Ieyasu-san, you have misunderstood." Atticus

began after a short while, his head turned towards the old man. "You rely

too much on your ability." Atticus said, his magic seeping out of him in a

maelstrom of blinding magic, tinged with fury and malice, swirling and

twisting around him.

"What do you see now?"

Ieyasu's calm disposition broke for a fleeting moment before he regained

it, this time his ancient eyes harder. "Death." Ieyasu said, his voice losing

all warmth and his magic no longer at peace, agitated and made uneasy

by the dominating presence of Atticus' magic.

Atticus reigned in his magic though still chaotic and in a furious storm

underneath his skin. People were never really one thing. People shaped

themselves accordingly, fitting and squeezing into different shapes when

the occasion called for it.

It was the same with magic. Atticus could alter his mind, even his

personality – as he done to gain his Thestral animagus form – and he

could overwhelm what people perceived of him and his magic.

Ieyasu's gaze was cold, all geniality and gentleness lost and now the

leader of the Japanese magicals gazing upon Atticus.


"It is true that I have not offered this offer without consideration." Atticus

began, his vibrant eyes aglow with a turbulent storm of swirling magic.

"An organisation that seeks cooperation and closer ties with strong

nations who will gain just as Illos will gain. And in that, we can proceed

with ease."

"To have shown you Illos was to show you who we are and what we are

capable of, what kind of scale we work in." Atticus said, his voice calm

but his eyes shining with intensity. "And we both know what you now

seek is never given freely, never without a price that is paid in full."

"I am not a kind man, Ieyasu-san." Atticus finished, his tone ringing with

finality, heavy with implication.

"Neither am I" Ieyasu said with grimness, their gazes affixed on one


Ieyasu spoke up after seconds of silence, his gaze flickering around before

resettling on Atticus "We are willing to join in a closer alliance with


And so it begins…

"An alliance of two states that stand together in equal partnership."

"And what of the organisation at large? What of other states?" Atticus


"They can join the organisation as they are, a place with us but not

amongst us. The states that would be able to be enticed away from the

ICW cannot offer what we can offer." Ieyasu said dismissively with a

gentle sway of his aged hand.

'You'd be surprised' Atticus mused. Ieyasu was ignoring the largest state in

the world that would be interested just as Japan was…that would be

made interested.

Ieyasu continued "Our population is greater than that of most nations

around the world at 40,000 magicals, our knowledge and capabilities

equal to that of MACUSA despite our smaller population."

"And yet you're willing to put yourself on equal standing with a nation

with less than half your population and is less than a decade old?"

"This offer is not only with Illos; it is also with you."

Ieyasu was playing this very well and he knew Hirahito's words and

memories were being used with this offer. It helped that Japan gaining

what Ieyasu wanted depended on Atticus personally of course.

Still, to come here and offer this was not something that was done


Japan was a prideful nation, one with a rich history and a rich people.

Ieyasu was just prideful.

And both Atticus respected.

Yet it was an insulting offer.

"And why would I choose to make you more powerful, to make you

equals?" Atticus posed, his gaze unblinking as they fell upon Ieyasu's dark


"Is that not what you offered with this organisation?" Ieyasu questioned

"To be equals in trade and in cooperation?"

"Of course." Atticus said easily "Equals in trade. Equals in cooperation."

Atticus turned completely to Ieyasu "Never in power."

"So not equals at all." Ieyasu mused aloud, his gaze searching and struck

with intrigue yet it also held a sense of offense felt at Atticus' words.

"Were you ever equals with Vietnamese Ministry or the Laos Commune?"

Atticus asked with a thin smile.

Ieyasu remained composed but from the flittering of the man's magic it

was clear that his words had an impact.

"With what you ask me to give you with so little given back in return…"

Atticus trailed off for a moment until his eyes sharpened and a violet

quiet storm of magic began to coil around him, like serpents made out of

pure magic, menacing and dark in intent yet biding their time, waiting,

watching, the air around them growing to a thick tenseness that would

drown weaker men.

"Every kitten grows up to be a cat." Atticus stated, his gaze never

breaking with Ieyasu, his magic fluttering with each word spoke.

"Harmless at first, small and quiet, lapping up their bowl of milk,

growing and aging, their nails once soft sharpening into claws capable of

sinking deep and drawing blood." Atticus said, the corner of his mouth

sharpening even as his eyes darkened.

"I never thought you fearful of allies." Ieyasu commented with a hint of

curiosity in his gaze though it could not fool either of them with the way

he spoke carefully.

"I fear little, least of all allies, enemies or death. Yet allies are perhaps the

greatest concern, for you can never know when they place a sword

through your back." Atticus said with a hint of a cold smile.

"Japan does not betray its allies." Ieyasu finally spoke out, his voice calm

but agitation was clear in his magic.

"Did Japan not betray its alliance with Korea when the Mongols with the

aid of their mages burnt down its communities? Did Japan not complete

the Mongol work by driving out if not killing the rest of the Korean

native magical population?" Atticus ruthlessly pointed out.

Atticus could see the agitation turning to anger before it simmered to

shame before it cooled to acceptance – all while Ieyasu's expression

remained calm

"A dishonourable mark in our history" Ieyasu admitted. "One that we

have paid for." Ieyasu's eyes grew cold "And it is also ancient


"Yet it is still relevant, lessons of history your people have not learned

from, given what happened in Manchuria." Atticus said with a tilt of his

head. "Which makes the question as to why I would ally with an

unreliable people who would sooner betray me than stand with me as

honour and bonds dictate." Atticus' eyes narrowed

"As Hirahito so ably showed when he offered the option to betray me and

my people when I sent out the invitation to you." Atticus said with a

menace in his voice.

For all of his respect for the Japanese magical culture, he despised its


It was not unexpected for every culture was hypocritical in one way or


It was human.

The road to power was paved with hypocrisy and casualties, at the hands

of enemy fire and at the hands of friendly fire.

Ieyasu's eyes flickered with surprise before he schooled his expression, his

gaze intense and scrutinising "Your Sight reaches that far?"

Atticus smiled thinly which was answer enough.

To let Ieyasu know of his Sight range was to let him know that betrayal

would not be unseen.

Every alliance was fragile.

Alliances only half the time acted on their commitments.

Debts of honour mattered even less. The debt that Japan owed Atticus

meant nothing in the grand scheme of things, only gave goodwill for

them to build good relations.

"Then you must also know that I rejected it out of hand." Ieyasu said


"I do." Atticus confirmed "And that is the only reason why I did not

rescind the offer when it was made."

Ieyasu hummed and said nothing for a few moments until he broke the

silence "So then if you know all of that then you must also know why I

want what I want."

"To solidify your separation from muggle Japan in its entirety and to rule

in your own right without question." Atticus said calmly.

The Japanese Emperor had bitten the tail of the Geiwa Senio clan for the

last time. The opportunity that Atticus offered would allow them to

escape the binding ties that were anchored on the lands of Japan after

the Emperor had demanded it of his mages when Himiko had shown the

threat of magicals to his rule and his dynasty.

Himiko had been a powerful witch whose family had fallen victim to the

Emperor's purges during the 180s AD. She had hated the Emperor with a

passion and there were more than a few accounts of her battling with

mages loyal to the Emperor, never quite victorious despite her winning

almost all of the duels and in the end she left the mainland of Japan with

her followers when word of Chinese magical warrior monks were being

hired to help deal with her.

She ended up settling on Yamatai with loyal followers and peasants from

her ancestral lands before they'd been taken from her family, and

Yamatai had been rumoured to be an island the size of Shikoku and

located off the eastern coast of Honshu. A series of wars for decades had

rippled out between the Sun Queen and the Emperor until through

unknown magicks she managed to seal off the island from the rest of the


It is a tale that was as famous in Japan as the Tale of the Three Brothers

was in Britain and it had inspired many expeditions throughout the

centuries to find this island. They never managed.

…Mostly because it did not exist…at least in the scale they believed it to

exist. Through the use of the Ancient Human Satellites that recorded

hundred thousand years of history, he determined that there probably was

a Himiko and there was an island that was settled off of the coast of

Honshu around that time but it was not through magic that it

disappeared…rather it disappeared because of a powerful earthquake

that destroyed the settlement and killed many of the people there.

Just as the Three Hallows were overblown in significance and power, so

was Himiko and Yamatai. It didn't mean he wouldn't use it to his


Ieyasu nodded slowly before he peered at Atticus with a glimmer of

something in his eyes « Your sight is most troublesome » Ieyasu said with

a grimace.

Atticus' eyes glinted, a hint of a smile on his face « It has its advantages »

Silence reigned for a few moments.

"I am not unreasonable." Atticus broke the silence. "The offer of joining

together in this organisation still stands." He told Ieyasu. "Without

anything more from either side."

Ieyasu shook his head "The benefits are immense, that is true but we can

do without if our circumstances do not change."

Atticus lips thinned "You would not reject trade agreements of this value

if any other offered."

"We would not." Ieyasu agreed. "But none of the others could offer what

you can."

"And what will you do if I cease negotiations completely and we go our

separate ways?" Atticus asked, already knowing the answer.

Ieyasu shook his head. "You will not reject" Ieyasu's gaze grew hard

"Because you benefit more than this alliance than you're willing to admit.

It grants you legitimacy." Ieyasu said meaningfully.

Atticus knew that Ieyasu was referring to legitimacy not only as an

alternative to the ICW but also to what he was suspecting of Atticus

might do in the future.

Atticus lips twisted into a smile that could bisect a compressed boulder in

two with how sharp it was. "I do not need Japan for legitimacy. Not

when I can create it in the way you fear I might if I must."

Atticus raised his hand and a sun was sparked into creation. "This…this is

all the legitimacy I need, Ieyasu-san."

He waved it out of existence and his eyes fell on Ieyasu. "We are at an

end of our discussions." Atticus said curtly as he rose to his feet.

He clicked his fingers and a pop later, Tweenie arrived "Show Shogun

Ieyasu-san out towards the skymobile Tweenie." Atticus said as he turned

his back on Ieyasu.

"Wait." Ieyasu said, his voice hurried and harsh.

Atticus turned, his expression cold and he gestured to Tweenie to stand


"You would end this here, like this?" Ieyasu questioned, his eyes


"Yes." Atticus said simply as he brought his hands behind his back. "I am

prepared to deal with the consequences of today's failures. What I am not

prepared to do is give you what you want for a flimsy alliance that can be

broken at any time."

Ieyasu's nose flared as he stood up "You have questioned the honour of

Japan again and again! My honour."

"I have." Atticus simply said, his eyes narrowing. "Not because I wished to

but because I am not speaking as Atticus Sayre, Lord of House Sayre but

because I am speaking as Lord Sayre of Illos and its people. People who

depend on my wisdom, my leadership and my choices." Atticus' gaze

turned withering.

"Again and again, your delegates have demanded more of us for little in

return. You are receiving prices for goods that you would have purchased

at thrice the price had you been on good terms with other Ministries let

alone the five times you are paying now. You have changed the terms

and even the conditions in which we are to work together for something

that you wanted to be granted without giving anything in return." Atticus

shook his head.

"What else have you left me with but to reject you?"

Ieyasu's nose flared before he turned his away and gestured angrily with

his hand.

"We cannot and will not pay the price you demand for what we need. It

asks too much of the integrity and dignity of Japan." Ieyasu said finally

as he turned his gaze towards Atticus.

Atticus nodded. "I can understand that. What will you offer me?" Atticus

asked curtly.

Ieyasu remained silent for a few moments. "A binding alliance in blood."

Atticus put on a mask of a frown on his face "I have no heirs at present

and I am not willing to barter their future."

Ieyasu's expression shifted to one of mild amusement whilst there were

hints of intrigue in his gaze.


"Not marriage, no. A binding alliance written in blood signifying a total


Atticus narrowed his gaze "You're talking about the ancient form of

alliance treaties like those made during the era of the Three Kingdoms."

"I am." Ieyasu confirmed.

The treaties worked on a similar principle as that of goblin made


He grimaced internally.

"Illos will be the senior member of this alliance." Atticus said firmly.

"That is non-negotiable."

Ieyasu narrowed his gaze and his magic flickered irritated. It seemed like

Ieyasu hoped Atticus wouldn't 'know about the traditional form reaching

agreements in that era. "Japan will not defer to you." He said harshly.

Atticus turned around and raised his hand. The ground shook and in

front of the bench, the ground parted and a black ring with golden runes

etched on its face rose up.

"What is this?" Ieyasu questioned, a heavy frown adorned on his wrinkled

face "The same type of ring as those in your port?"

Atticus twisted his wrist and golden runes began to form in the air.

He could hear the increased heartbeat of Ieyasu at the sight of the runes.

It wasn't surprising.

The only runes that were known that could be etched in the air were

Runic Battlemagic…which were primitive and weaker versions of the

Atlantean forms of Runic magicks.

This was neither.

The runes were arranged in a circle in three concentric rings and with a

wave of the hand, the Runes began to glow and shifted, rotating

clockwise whilst seven of the runes glowed black.

The Gate's three concentric diamond rings began to glow, one after the

other, and not long after the gate connected with the furthest gate to


"What is this?" Ieyasu said, his voice demanding yet Atticus could feel the

peace in the man's magic, peace that had wavered and subdued as other

emotions dominated, having entirely been reduced into a secondary

emotion as uncertainty and caution soared to the forefront.

"The future." Atticus said simply as he stepped towards the Gate.

He stepped forward and in an instant, he was over 600 million kilometres


He stood on the creaking sounds of the ice, sounds that were only heard

twice before in its billions of years of history. He could see his breath, the

cold that remained and had sustained despite the artificial atmospheric

bubble around the Gate.

The world was hard, it was devoid of life yet the potential was there, idle

and frozen in ice just as it was frozen in time, waiting to be thawed out

by the warmth of a sun large enough for its rays to touch its surface so

much more than it did now.

Perhaps in several billions of years, when Sol was a red giant, this

potential would come to pass. He hoped it would. It would become a

mesmerising world.

He raised his head upward and he gazed upon known stars yet seen from

a different perspective. He turned his heard around, gazing upon the

barren frozen landscape.

The silence was absolute.

And in its silence, it had a kind of song of its own, one of solitary yet

never alone, journeying through the galaxy and in the universe in orbits

of orbits of orbits.

He closed his eyes and let himself feel the magic of this world, of this


It was miniscule compared to even the most inhospitable places on Earth

yet it was stronger than that of Luna, the streams of magic that traversed

this world, that traversed through this world through oceans of water

below kilometres thick ice.

He reopened his eyes and he saw the currents of magic that ran through

the universe and he felt on his skin and on his magic.

His gaze fell on the unmissable, the looming giant that inspired such

grand tales of majesty, of divinity and gods, sparking mankind's awe and

imagination with its radiance and its fatherly presence in the night sky

yet here it stood imperious and greater than any imagination of what the

Father of Gods, the Sky Father might have been told or drawn or painted

or sung about.


He saw the vividness with which it shone in magic. A different kind of

magic, not the kind of life but the kind that was an anchor to that of life.

An anchor that for tens of thousands of years was used on Earth to divine

truths and used in rituals by tapping into the magic of what Jupiter

meant symbolically.

Like the moon, it was an anchor that was ascribed meaning in magic,

meaning that always existed yet was still given meaning by prehistoric

humans at the same time, all of it entangled in a web of infinity that

knew no beginning or end.

He felt Ieyasu's magic blink into existence as the man stepped through.

"Incredible, isn't it?" Atticus said softly, his gaze still on the imperious gas


« This… » For the first time ever, Atticus could see disbelief etched on the

man's wrinkled face.

« You know it to be real, Ieyasu-san. You know the magic of the Earth as

well as I know it. Not even I could falsify its specialness » Atticus said to

the old man.

Ieyasu walked passed him, his aged body carefully treading onto the ice

that was as hard as rock. He reached the edge of the raised pillar of ice

they stood upon and gazed upon Jupiter and on Europa.

Atticus walked with his hands behind his back until he arrived by

Ieyasu's side and he observed Ieyasu's expression.

Ancient eyes that had seen much, that knew life and struggles were now

new and young, as if they belonged to a new born infant whose eyes

were wide and interested in everything and anything it could set its eyes


« On what do we stand? » Ieyasu asked finally after minutes of silence.

« Europa. One of Jupiter's many moons yet quite likely the most beautiful


« How » Ieyasu only responded, his gaze unable to break away from the

looming giant.

« Magic. Science. Creativity. Dreams. » Atticus said and Ieyasu turned


"Necessity" Atticus said meaningfully as their gazes met.

Ieyasu's expression was troubled but it fell away as he looked back

towards the gas giant. « What could cause this kind of necessity? » Ieyasu

asked, his gaze affixed onto Jupiter.

Atticus turned his gaze away from Ieyasu and returned them towards


« The same kind of necessity that has you seek to abandon your

homelands so that you can break free from those who'd taken the

magicals of Japan for granted. »

Ieyasu said nothing to that for there was little more to be said and

instead elected to turn his attentions towards that which deserved to be

gazed upon.

Ieyasu's troubled eyes melted away as he stared at the gas giant.

Atticus inwardly smiled contently. It was always pleasing to see new

appreciations for that which deserved to be appreciated.

So close to Jupiter, the Great Red Spot was alight with faint lightning,

the perpetual storm that raged since time unknown and could engulf the

Earth in its entirety with its sheer size.

It was an understanding that would inspire a sense of smallness in many


Not for him.


For him, it was a challenge.

"Nothing is impossible. Not for beings such as us." Atticus broke the

silence, his words carrying through the artificial air like reeds caught in

strong gushes of wind.

Ieyasu chuckled, a chuckle that surged and brought alive from the depths

of his stomach.

« It is eerie. Scarily so. » Ieyasu said with a hum in his voice.

Atticus turned to him and Ieyasu looked at him. « There is an ancient

saying from our past. That life was like walking from one side of infinite

darkness to another, on a bridge of dreams. »

Atticus allowed a smile to form on his face as he looked back at the gas


Ieyasu continued « That we are all crossing the bridge of dreams

together. » Ieyasu shook his head « It is prophetic » Ieyasu said as he

swivelled around and looked upon the black ring, a look of tiredness

seemingly washing over him.

Ieyasu seemed his age.

A kind expression was on Atticus' face as he dipped his head slightly "I


"It is apt, that saying." Atticus said as he turned his gaze back at Jupiter.

"I have always been a dreamer, once for myself and now for others."

"A dreamer who believes that nothing is impossible for our people. That

our dreams, our hopes for a great future can be brought into reality, that it

can be created." Atticus raised his hand and glass ball the size of a ball

came into existence.

Earth began to form at the bottom of the glass ball before the top soil

turned green. A sapling punctured through the soil, a sapling that grew

into a young green tree before its trunk widened and thickened and its

leaves grew thick and numerous.

The top branches of the tree pressed against the glass bowl and spidery

cracks began to form on the surface of the glass "And with that belief,

Ieyasu-san, I intend to take our people, as destiny demands of me…"

The leaves and the branches broke through the top of the glass, strong

branches and vivid emerald green leaves continued to rise and outgrow

the glass bowl until the top of the tree reached several times what it had

been when it had been encased in the glass bowl.

"Towards the stars and amongst the stars, taking our place as the

shepherds of magic, of life and that of existence." Atticus intoned, his

words settling around them as if they were manipulating reality itself, the

truth and the strength that he spoke with affecting the very structures of

the immediate reality around them.

Atticus turned his gaze at Ieyasu, who looked at him with new sets of

eyes, this time with less understanding yet older than that of an infant,

like that of a teenager whose perspective of his world was changing.

"I told you that you misunderstood. You misunderstood the signs of

destiny around me as that of a conqueror, that of an Archmage who

alters the course of the history with his deeds or misdeeds." Atticus' eyes

burnt brightly, hues of greens and purples and whites began to radiate

like miniature suns.

"I am more than that. I am less than that. I am a conqueror who will not

conquer lands or people." Atticus stepped closer towards Ieyasu, his magic

swirling around him like the glowing halos that surrounded Jupiter.

"I will conquer the stars, not for myself, or for Emily but for our people,

those of magic and you will join me in this for the touch of destiny

surrounds all of us calling us to the stars. Mages, Goblins, Dwarves,

Veela, Yokai" Atticus said with a charming twist of the lips before he

continued, the charming twist lost and an unyielding determination set

on his face.

"Greats winds of change are being wrought and by the grace of Magic I

will have our people rise towards our destiny." Atticus said as he drew

himself up, his eyes dimming and his magic calmed.

"That is my role, Ieyasu-san and I will see it happen."

"The question is, Ieyasu-san…will you stand with me as eternal allies in

this destiny of ours?" Atticus asked of Ieyasu, his gaze penetrating and


Seconds passed.

Then minutes.


Ieyasu stared at Jupiter, a complicated expression breaking through on

his face.

He turned to Atticus and Atticus almost felt as if the threads of destiny

were pulling into a single indestructible cord.

"Japan will stand with Illos." Ieyasu finally said the words that would

alter the path of history.

Ieyasu outstretched his aged hand.

"And Illos will stand with Japan." Atticus shook Ieyasu's hand.

Conquest in the literal form was messy. Bloody and it built towers of


Instead, he would make them orbit around him just like how Europa

orbited Jupiter with the strength of his ideas and his weight of

personality to lock them in place in perpetuity.

"It seems that with you, Atticus-san, the coin has fallen on its edge."

Ieyasu intoned and his gaze meaningful. "Whether it is to our greatest

fortune or not, I am unsure any of us will ever know the answer to that."

Atticus smiled and it was not kind nor was it unkind.

"I know." Atticus said as he looked away from Ieyasu and towards


Before humans even knew the truth of the significance of Jupiter, they

had already known before they could have known when they named

Jupiter Sky Father and given him his domain.

A God that oversaw all aspects of life and a protector of humanity.

Not only in body but also in morality.

Oaths, treaties and the sense of obligation were ascribed to him and

sworn in his name.

A protector in every sense of the word.

Just as Jupiter the gas giant was such a protector with its enormous

gravitational field deflecting comets and asteroids that otherwise might

have been on a trajectory towards Earth.

A consequence that allowed life to evolve in a long enough stable

environment that likely would not have existed without the present of

Jupiter, the Sky Father.

Yet, it was fallible and it could be harsh and destructive, just as it had

been 65 million years ago when it instead set the asteroid that wiped out

the dinosaurs from existence.

Atticus' gaze sharpened as he stared at the gas giant.

'One more thing he shared with Jupiter' Atticus thought, the image of a coin

stood upright on its edge flashing across his mind.


24th of April 1953 – England

Sidwell POV

He walked out from the floo and dusted off the ashes from his robes.

"She is waiting in the backyard." The oddly dressed elf said with

impeccable English before the elf popped away.

He'd never get used to that, he mused to himself.

He arrived at the backyard and saw her conversing with a large three

headed serpent. The hissing was alien to him and it never failed to make

his skin prickle at the sensation of the sounds it made.

There was a deeply magical component to this feeling of prickling, one

that was a curious mixture of how magic interacted with the vocal cords

and air around them.

She turned to him, her black eyes meeting his brown ones. "Sidwell." She

greeted calmly.

"Lady Slytherin-Sayre." Sidwell said with an incline of his head.

Her lips curled upward slightly "I'm sure you know that I am no longer of


"I doubt anyone would see your abdication of titles granted by the

muggle royalty as reason to remove your nobility." Sidwell said with a

hint of amusement in his tone as he stepped closer. The hydra turned to

him and all three heads hissed menacingly.

She began to hiss to them, almost soothingly from what he could tell, and

their hissing subsided and the serpent turned and slithered away out

towards the forest that was in the distance.

"You know they're class five magical creatures." Sidwell began as he

watched the serpent go. His gaze turned to her "Do you have a license for


She quirked her brow "I do. The Indian Ministry was quite kind to grant

me exemption under international law to handle class five parsel-

speaking creatures." Her eyes suddenly sharpened "Would you like to see

my license?"

Sidwell shook his head, almost amused "No my Lady." He turned his gaze

back at her "It is not necessary." He paused for a moment and his

expression grew serious.

"We have dealt with all of the muggles and traitors." Sidwell spoke up

after a few moments of silence.

"Even the ones stationed in West Germany?" she questioned, her eyes

intense with interest.

"Even them." Sidwell confirmed calmly.

"Excellent." She said with approval in her tone before she grew serious

"At last the threat of the muggles – for now – has been dealt with."

"We will monitor them to make sure we have not missed anyone of note."

Sidwell hesitated for a moment "Which might well be a possibility. The

Statute…was well broken." He said slowly.

To say it was broken was an understatement. Incredibly.

They were very close to being dealt with a devastating blow by the

muggles had they not known about their directed bomb several weeks

ago. Whilst the Auror department believed that they were leading the

investigation, the Unspeakables had long since kept an eye on the


It had been Rockwood's team who were responsible for it.

"I know." She said and he knew that she meant it completely. He doubted

that there wasn't much they didn't know. She continued "But we're

reasonably confident we've identified all of the hidden agents that knew.

He will let us know otherwise."

He bowed his head. "Of course." He said calmly.

She looked at him with a curious glint in her eyes. "With this over, you

have more time available to extend your influence within the DOM. Are

you ready to change direction?" she asked.

When he had met the young girl – then named Riddle – he had not

imagined being where he was now nor did he expect both of them to

surpass so far beyond what he thought they were capable of.

The Sayre-Slytherins had travelled the world on many instances and in

their travels they had uncovered more lost history and magic than any


Records of ancient histories from long dead civilisations that were mere

myths to the wizards of the regions and ancient scrolls detailing priceless

magicks – though often pointless as modern incarnations did it better but

for the context of history it was priceless to see where some of the roots

of modern spells might have come from – had been found and it was

through this that he had reconnected with the couple.

Of course, it was something he was assigned to do by Bracker to learn

about them and determine if they were conducting research that was a

threat to the magical world. In truth, both he and Bracker wanted to

recruit them into the Unspeakables.

Suffice it to say…it didn't turn out that way.

At the start, he'd learnt much about their travels and though most of the

magicks they had found were uninteresting without the context of

history, some of it was incredibly dangerous, even cataclysmic to the


It was no surprise that many of these ancient civilisations had died out

and passed into myth and legend, not when he'd seen some of the

descriptions detailing the kind of environmental altering rituals they

conducted, rituals that acted on massive scales against their enemies or

done to satiate their Gods.

Rituals of those scales rarely were successful, at least in the way they

intended. Even the Great Warming ritual, the ritual that ancient celtic

tribes well over ten thousand years ago conducted to alter the climate of

Europe, had not been as intended as it altered the tilt of the planet and

changed much more than simply warm the continent of Europe.

Magic might be intuitive and responsive to will and desire but there was

a structure to it. A structure they were still learning, even to this day.

For primitive albeit powerful civilisations to cast such environment

altering magicks without understanding the consequences of such human


Well, it made the plagues of Egypt seem like an annoyance compared to

what disaster such rituals could inflict.

It was during this time, after they had shared with them these magicks,

that he had learned why they had let him come close in the first place.

The DOM's primary purpose had always been to conduct research in

fields and magicks where there was certifiable proof – namely the

confiscation of research, experiments and even people themselves if they

prove to be too dangerous to allow out into the world – of those said

magicks having great potential to do harm to the magical world.

They either released safe versions of these inventions or spells out in the

magical world mostly so that alternative wouldn't be sought or created

when there was already a spell or invention in existence that did the job.

There was a reason why Fiendfyre and the killing curse never was

suppressed. The two spells whilst utterly deadly were still limited to

compared to some of the descriptions of spells that once existed. It was

an effective controlling element that prevented people from

experimenting with things that shouldn't be experimented with.

That meant that many of the senior members of the DOM knew a great

deal more about magic and the history of the magical world nearly

anyone alive. The DOM attracted a certain type of people and the DOM

sought after a type of people.

Both of them were these kinds of people and they both knew it.

It was during this time, after they'd developed a cordial if not friendly

relationship discussing and sharing their own experiences and knowledge

magical history and obscure magicks, that they had taken to show him

the truth of the world. Of their origins.

He'd always been interested in magic from a young age…or more

specifically in the history of the magical world. He'd grown up in

pureblood family, of middling class and young stature but nonetheless

pure and one of the things that always fascinated him was the history of

the ancient Celts.

It had always been an open secret that the DOM knew more about magic

and he had reasoned at the time they likely knew more about ancient

history as well.

Looking back now, he knew that it wasn't an accident that they had

shared with him so much of their findings of ancient civilisations.

Knowing the scale of Lord Sayre's Sight, it likely was something he had

Seen long before then.

Perhaps it was what allowed him to find the wrecked ship that had so

much knowledge about their origins.

Throughout history, there's always been speculations about the origins of

Magic…of the origins of mages. Gods, Nature, the Universe, all of it at

one point or another had been ascribed as the origin of magic and thus

the origins of magicals.

Yet what they had shown him, what the recordings had shown him, told

him of a different story, a story that spans for much much longer than

anyone would have believed, that he would have refused to be believe if

not for what he had seen and been sworn to that it did happen.

From those recordings, he'd watched sunrises on different worlds, he'd

watched multiple suns, multiple moons come and go in alien night skies,

he'd watched ships that sailed the Void as if it were the sea and he'd

watched in horrified awe as wars were fought by their Ancient ancestors

against creatures that were more numerous, that were more powerful and

he'd seen them lose.

It was then that he understood that they were both working towards

something that never had been conceived of in history, in their history

and it was something that he could not walk away from.

Not when they'd given him the chance to stand on the Moon itself and

cast his gaze towards the blue world.


As a lover of history, how could he not choose to be part of history itself?

For assuredly, he was going to be part of history greater than those who

lived in the times of Merlin.

He met her gaze. "I will have more time yes. Bracker is expecting to retire

within the next decade or so and in that time I will position myself as his

successor. Only Croaker is a threat to my succession but with my

successes in dealing with the muggles, my estimation amongst my

colleagues within the DOM has grown significantly…especially

considering what 'I' uncovered about the threat to the Ministry building."

She smiled before she nodded "Good. With the help of the DOM we can

work towards raising Britain to what it needs to become." She turned her

gaze towards the forest where the Hydra serpent was close to

disappearing in.

"It will be a long and slow journey, Renatus."

"It will be, my Lady. But I find that it makes the arrival all the more

sweeter. In the end." He said before pausing for a moment "And I look

forward getting there."

She turned to him, a gentle smile on her face. "So do I, Renatus. So do I"

she said before she returned her gaze towards the forest where there was

no more sign of the Hydra.

He glanced at her for a moment. Life was odd, he mused.

He had not thought he would be circumventing his oaths to the DOM in

this manner…in any manner. Least of all to two people who were half his

age and he once saw himself wanting to mentor.

He returned his gaze back at the forest.

But then…as he was finding out more and more…life always surprised

you and the only thing you could do is seize opportunities when it


And this opportunity, despite its near impossibility, was something he

was never going to let go.

After all…in his own way, he was doing exactly what the DOM had

always stood for…

To protect the magical world.

11. Chapter 75

Hello All, please see the next installment.

Without further adieu, please enjoy the post!

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next chapter is available

on discord whilst the three chapters after it are available on

P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

20th of August 1953 – Illos, High Council

The Council meeting went on as usual, discussing pertinent topics as

always. With the establishment of the Council of Representatives, some of

the responsibilities were shifted away as intended so it reduced the

lengths of the meetings significantly.

The Council of Representatives so far had introduced inheritance laws

and laws pertaining land rights on the back of his agreement to sell

Illosian lands, something that had taken off relatively well.

Lands and homes were sold not only for galleons but also based on

familial commitments. A household of five with a maximum of two adults

significantly had to pay less to own their home than a household of three.

With the lengthy lifespans of mages, relatively to normal humans

anyway, they could have children until they were eighty to ninety years

old, older for men who could have children well into their hundreds.

Even if fertility rates were significantly lower than normal humans, with

time and innovation, such things will fall away and more will be born on


Other than those laws, Rowe had admirably slotted into his leadership

position and had not veered away from what he had committed to…

much to Representative Filch's displeasure.

So far, parties had formed, as he always knew it would, though for now it

was only Filch's Economists Party and Rowe's Collectives Party. Filch's

party was mostly irrelevant for now, especially since trade with the

outside world was constricted to one person and since most of the basic

needs of the people were covered but he could see it grow in strength in

time…and in differing beliefs.

For now, their beliefs were less than an amoeba but in time it would

evolve as things always did. He was not against it, opposition was

important, but he would make sure it didn't evolve into something

grotesque as he had seen in his old life…or in this one.

The Oaths of Representation should keep the level of questionable morals

and actions below the point of triggering – there were a number of

warnings that would let people know – but he also knew that it was

feasible it was to skirt the penalties.

The next talking points of the meeting covered things such as the next

projects would be started next, such as time scale and degree of

introduction of magical animals to the environment, magical engineering

projects such as The Ever-Changing Arena – massive large scale

openarena that applied Rowena's Room of Requirement enchantments to

create dynamic environments for the Illosian Games or research projects

such as large scale fabrications using magic and feed material to create

complex materials or products.

Like with Woodman, it was important to give people the opportunity to

work on things such as these, great works that had practical uses and

would be long lasting.

It was easier to do things on his own but it would be for the benefit of

Illos to do it like this. It would only help in forging the identity of his

people, an identity that would take pride of things such as this and

eventually make it a norm and expectation of Illosians to create great


"Now onto the Gate Network." Sandra said as she peered over the


"How far have we gotten with the Sublevel network?" Emily asked who

sat beside him. With things finally settling in Britain, she had more

opportunities to be in Illos and in council meetings.

It helped of course that she'd gotten her hands on the unpublished work

of Edywn Stark from the DOM, the creator of the Time Turner.

With a bit of work, they'd gotten to make a Time Turner that could turn

back time twenty-eight hours instead of the seven hours which meant she

could be in Britain and Illos at the same time, a fact that both were

pleased with.

The past few years they had been more apart than together and it was

something neither of them were pleased with. The fact that they could

feel each other's absence didn't help either so this was a welcome

addition in their lives.

Emily was aging twice as fast now, of course, but with their ritually

enhanced lifespan of thousands of years, it mattered little.

"We'll be able to open by February next year." Walter Bishop confirmed.

"Woodman says that there's a few issues with separating the Sub-Gates

from the Gates at Belva Hallos but he says he'll have it fixed by


They used Shunspace – the dimension used to travel from the semi-

permanent hole ruptured through normal space between Gates – but they

did not know all that there was of the dimension. It was similar to the

pocket dimension created by Rowena Ravenclaw's Time Room in the

sense that physics and time did not exist there naturally.

It was why they were able to contract space between distances into


Which also meant that to create different networks separate from each

other had to be done entirely within the Gates themselves. And so they

made a new set of gates, entirely limited in capability and range which

was limited to about thirty mile radius from the Illos' city centre.

The parts of the security mechanisms within both types of Gates would

also prevent locking into each network.

"That's good." Sassa said. "With the number of skymobiles in the air

increasing as the population increases, offering this as a quick way to get

across Illos would at least make sure the air isn't congested with this as

an alternative"

"Of course, that is if we're not planning on allowing apparation." Sassa

directed towards him.

"Eventually it will be allowed again." Atticus confirmed "But not before

Apparation points have been integrated in the Guardian Array." He said.

The Guardian Array was his answer to the Magical Nets and Thief's


It covered all of Illos and it was a ward system that had hundreds of

wards interwoven together, many of them being fairly new wards he had

made with Emily and the Flamels whilst also containing very old wards

that were tweaked.

Most of it was highly defensive and counteractive, such as the wards that

dispelled Mind Magic in the public space and in governmental buildings

whilst others were environmental controls and intricate weather systems

that patterned seasons and wind.

It also provided real time location of individuals within Illos, something

that unfortunately was necessary. The system did not track anyone

specifically not when people were little more than little dots on a map

but the potential was there.

Part of the Guardian Array was also anti-apparation and portkeys that

not even he could overpower.

"Timescale?" Chief Representative Rowe asked.

"Not until late next year." Atticus said to Rowe. At that stage, he would

be ready to interlace Mithril into Illos which would elevate the strength

of the Guardian Array to levels he still wasn't certain of.

He's made about twenty four tonnes of the liquid Magic known as Mithril

as of now. Not as much as he hoped though now he's gotten an idea of

the conversion rate of energy to magic and magic to Mithril.

It meant that the Vacuum Energy Reactor had to be operating at 100%

with nearly 80% heading towards the conversion. By the time of next

Summer, he would have about forty tonnes of Mithril.

About thirty eight tonnes of that will be used to interlace beneath the

ground of Illos. Thousands of miles of Mithril would sit in between the

Adamantite structures and the kilometre plus soil and waters. Runes

would be etched into the cables and lines that would generate the new

generation of Guardian Array.

It would make the Guardian Array nearly indestructible, capable of

travelling through space without the outer shells covering it and able to

shrug off even the annihilating particle and beam weapons that Ancient

Humanity and the Forerunners used.

There was also the added benefit of how magical it would Illos.

The Diamond Obelisks that once kept Illos afloat were perhaps some of

the most magical objects in magical history and they created a magical

environment that rivalled Hogwarts in 'magicalness', magic that you feel

on your skin even if you were weak magically.

Yet they paled in comparison to Mithril and when the Mithril was lain

beneath the surface of Illos, it would make the worldship more magical

than anything, even exceeding that of Atlantis which had been

convergent to three five intersecting leylines before it was broken by the

calamity, re-forming over time in smaller leylines.

The surface of Illos would become the closest thing to magical heaven on

Earth, where magic would become as dense and as thick as heavy fog. It

would change the very landscape of Illos in ways that were still rife with


Trees and plant life would be so imbued with ambient magic that they

would practically become nearly magical themselves, magic that once

would ebb and flow through them would instead be ever present, like the

air itself and they would breathe in magic just as easily. In time, he

would not be surprised if spontaneously, plant life evolved to be more


Just as in time, he expected the population of Illos to also be affected

even if they could not channel ambient magic. With time, he expected

more powerful magicals to be born on Illos too.

And with himself tied to the Mithril through magic and blood, Illos would

become every bit part of him as he had always wished it.

Kings of the past had been tied to the lands that was within their domain.

Acknowledged by mages, acknowledged by magic.

Yet for him…

He would be tied to Illos with greater intimacy and power imaginable

And he was looking forward to it.

He returned to the point at hand and said "The Office of Transport has

until summer next year to suggest locations and future locations. It

should be fine to adjust the Array but if it proves to be too


Rowe bowed his head respectfully and acknowledged the request.

Sandra spoke up next moving things along "The Belva Hallos Gate

connected to the Kyoto Gate has seen more traffic in the past month, in

both people and goods."

"A welcome sign" Director Carson of the Treasury said "Trade with Japan

has steadily been rising but only in the past month have seen more goods

and products beyond ingredients flow in both directions."

Since they established the alliance with Japan, a fact that none of than

those of the High Council knew for now, the trading between the two

countries hadn't been as high as they initially expected. It seemed like

Ieyasu was a little more cautious about raising unnecessary questions

internally, at least until he got his house in order.

And now it was getting to a close with more people cleared and sworn to

secrecy about Illos. It wasn't a strange sight anymore to see Japanese

people in Illos.

Sandra nodded "I agree however in light of the increase in traffic, I think

we may need to review the logistics and security of the port more."

"Factoring in the future connections to other parts of the world?" Emily


Sandra nodded "At present, we are well capable of managing current

capacity with the staff we have but in future" she looked to him and

Emily "If we're going to open our borders to more than just a few

countries, we're going to need to do a lot more to manage both trade and


"Put something together." Emily said before she continued "There is

improvement at Belva Hallos how we manage things, I agree, however

without a proposal or an outline of the specific problems, there is little

we can do for now."

Sandra inclined her head and sat back whilst she wrote in her Holo.

"Last on the agenda is the Magical Restoration project." Once this was

mentioned, everyone's eyes fell on him.

"Participants in the Magical Restoration trials for Dormants part of

Sphinx Group or Illos was higher than expected as you all know." Atticus

said as he sat back "thirteen hundred and fifty eight individuals signed

up. Thirteen and fifty eight have been successfully treated." Atticus

paused for a few seconds to let it sink in.

"One hundred percent retention of magic after the forty-five day mark.

They are completely magical now" and all were vassals to House Sayre.

They were weak magically but future generations wouldn't be.

They had also trialled the treatment with four under seventeens and all of

them were all below average magically speaking but still significantly

stronger than the adult Dormants.

It seemed like the few magical maturities one had, the stronger their

magic would be. He would not permit children below the age of sixteen

to undergo the treatment.

He may be cruel but he would not impede on free will of his subjects and

children, no matter how mature or intelligent would need to reach the

appropriate age to be able to make a choice that they could understand.

He may trounce on the free will of many peoples around the world but he

would draw the line there.

"No side-effects or lapses?" Sandra asked.

"None." Atticus confirmed "It seems like Dormants only need minor

adjustments to be able to use magic."

"It will change everything." Walter Bishop enthused.

Sassa Habe uncharacteristically snorted "An understatement. The

treatment would be welcomed by everyone. No more 'tragedies' within

the family."

"And will remove the last of the resentment amongst the Dormant

population" Carson noted. "especially amongst the younger population."

"There will be a necessity to write out the laws around the treatment."

Rowe pointed out before he paused "Will we publish this treatment

through SIMS?" he asked.

"No." Atticus said before he expanded "We will not publish this treatment

any time soon."

"Even in Illos?" Walter Bishop questioned "It could revolutionise our

understanding of genetics and DNA. William Bell would be able to

expand and incorporate your findings in his research."

Atticus turned to Bishop "I am not opposed to sharing this with Bell. I

have concerns that will need to be addressed before I do however. I will

speak to him about it."

William Bell was a great mind, not unlike Walter Bishop but where

Bishop's mind lay in esoteric theory, arithmancy and runes, Bell was a

genius in biology, both magical and mundane. Thankfully, he was also

trustworthy…at least able to be trusted to act in a certain way.

Bell was focused on understanding the structures of DNA, how and why

magicals aged differently to muggles. Atticus Saw that Bell would get to a

theory of aging, the factors that caused it and how magicals were

different to muggles on a genetic level and in the end, begin the

groundworks of research into slowing aging down through magi-tech and

magi-biology, a field of science and magic that he would end up leading.

With minds like that, with people like that, absolute control was not

possible…nor should be wanted about what they could research or learn.

They can only be directed.

They would get more people like this in time, people who possessed

minds – and perhaps magic of Archmage potential, that were great. It

was natural, it was inevitable yet by fostering an environment where one

could excel without the kinds of triggers that turn them against Illos

would no renegades be born…or made.

Of course, with the Oaths in place that bound family lines to the ideals of

Illos, to loyalty to Illos, there was little movement in being able to foster

rebellion against him and Emily for they are Illos…not that such

possibilities would even get to that stage with his Sight and his eventual

group of Seers who can navigate Living Time.

Bishop nodded his understanding.

"For now, we will only offer this treatment to Illosians." Emily said "Of

course, once we are unveiled, we can begin to offer this treatment."

"It'll be a useful political tool" Bishop said musingly.

"I can also easily see idiots overreacting that we're 'giving' magic instead

of fixing a genetic error" Sandra said with a distasteful look. "That Illos

'steals' magic and grants it to the unworthy"

"Whilst at the same time secretly requesting the treatment for their own

child" Emily said before shaking her head "Hypocrisy aside, the ICW may

use this line of thinking to isolate us diplomatically internationally. As

much as we can use it as a tool, it can easily be turned a weapon against

us. Revolutionary discoveries tend to that impact."

"Which is why we will need to play this carefully and make sure it can

only be used a tool for us and not as a weapon against us. It is distasteful

to hold this as a tool given that it solves a significant problem in our

world, yes but ultimately Illos' wellbeing comes first and if we must be

distasteful and underhanded then so be it." Atticus declared.

Not long afterwards the meeting ended and he was walking out the Main

Tower with Emily's arm coiled around his.

They walked past the Pandrosion, the incomparable school carved out of

a single block of crystalline like stone which gleamed under the light of

the three orbs and as they walked past the school, they were respectfully

greeted and some had bowed to them as they walked past the people of

Illos though all of them had looks of admiration and warmth.

Atticus called forward a skymobile and they entered it.

"How's the preparation for the new school year shaping up?" Atticus

asked as the skymobile rose in the air.

"More or less finished" Emily said "The changes to the curriculum,

particularly for the older students will be welcomed" she turned to him, a

small smile on her face.

"With more teachers available thanks to the Ouroboros' releasing funding

to the school, there is little resistance to the idea of introducing advance


"It helps that it comes after fostering the kind of environment you have in

Hogwarts." Atticus commented. Emily's time as professor and then deputy

headmistress has allowed her to slowly change the culture at Hogwarts

from toxic rivalry to healthy competition, especially amongst the

Slytherins who'd taken to her notions of 'leaders of the magical world'

very well even if it was changing one form of elitism to another.

With the obviousness of that truth considering that Ouroboros was

largely Slytherin alumni and the steadily increasing of authority Emily

had in Magical Britain, it would only pave the way for the behaviour to

take root in Slytherin and should prevent the development of extremism

as it once was.

Emily's time as deputy headmistress had her include duelling

tournaments, charms competitions and Ancient Runes end of year

projects, all of which had increased the interaction between the Houses

beyond classes along with increasing interest in excelling magic beyond

the curriculum.

In time, Hogwarts should elevate into becoming the premier school of the

world…barring of course the Pandrosion Institute.

Rowena would be proud at the leaps that's been made, that will be made.

She would be less happy about the fact that it was not altruistic of


Power lies in knowledge and never more so in magic. The old families

had significant advantages over the rest of the magicals and it was

something that would continue unless it was broken at the very

beginning…at school.

Exposing the youth to magicks they might not otherwise have known

about and inciting a trait within them to search for more, to create more,

would only bring about greater equalisation in knowledge and in the end,

magic itself.

Ancient magicks held in grimoires might not ever become available to

others – both he and Emily were loathed to allow such a thing anyway –

but it did not mean others could not create their own.

Competition breeds out complacency and entitlement and if the Magical

World was anything, it was complacent and entitled. That would long be

ripped away before they moved worlds.

Emily smiled at him "It is a nice accomplishment." Her smile dropped off

and she grew more serious "I will only teach NEWTS DADA this year."

"You think you need more time?" Atticus questioned.

"I do." Emily confirmed and she rolled her eyes at his raised eyebrow

which referenced towards the time-turner she was using.

"Magical Britain is heading nicely towards where we want them but I

need to be more…public before I leave for Illos permanently." Emily said

with a ponderous tone. She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes

"My efforts are going well to make the idea of us ruling them more

palatable but I need to be seen more, especially given that the previous

years I was largely only seen doing charitable things."

"To see you leading…ruling without actually being in a position to rule."

Atticus finished for her and she nodded even as she brushed locks of her

hair behind her ear.

It was going to be pivotal for the people to choose them as their rulers. At

least the core citizens and cultures that would make up the base of Illos.

Magicals were long lived, often reaching ages of two hundred plus years

– something that was likely to increase without the use of life-

endangering rituals that needed far more than the average person would

ever be able to obtain and have the mind to craft or adjust – and as such,

had long memories.

Even if the choice was based on manipulation and more or less made for


"My grip on Ouroboros is strong as ever and they won't interfere with

this, if anything, many of them will invite it." She said with a knowing


"It would do well if you capitalised on the goodwill you've created, even

if it is sooner." Atticus said after a few seconds.

He peered at her "Are you certain you do not want to take up a

leadership position now within the Ministry?"

It would be easy for her to take control now.

By now Ouroboros dominated the new government and held nearly every

elected seat in the Wizengamot. The economy was recovering fast and

people were finally optimistic for the future.

The British Ministry had not released the news of the near total collapse

of the Statute and what the muggles had nearly done, which of course

was smart but also a missed opportunity in a way.

Still, Ouroboros was cutting the thread that connected the magical and

muggle worlds more and more as time went by. Magicals who had run

off to the muggle world were being made to choose to give up the rights

to magic or to return to the magical world along with their mundane

spouse if they had any.

So far the most complicated thread to cut had not been made yet, the

thread that connected the muggle world and the magical world through

the birth of magical children. As of right now, Emily told him that

Ouroboros would be seeking to offer options to the parents to move since

they were squibs and if they refused, they would have a geas placed on

them to be unable to speak about magic except in the comforts of their

home and in the presence of their child.

Barriers to magi-tech were being removed and innovation was being


The Council of Lords had fallen in line and Emily placated many of them

by having the government purchase many of the businesses they bought

at the same price they had bought it in the first place in exchange for

cooperation and ensuring they would not stand in the way of the reforms

Ouroboros would be putting through which many of the Lords would

have been against.

It wasn't going all swimmingly of course, there were still pockets of both

former Progressives and Traditionalists that were unhappy with the

drastic changes that were being made but in the wake of immense public

support, such discontent was manageable.

"Would change things for the better?" Emily asked him plainly.

He looked away from her gaze and took a few moments before he

answered "It would create more problems to solve down the line. Already

there are questions amongst those who do not want to have questions

about your continued involvement with Ouroboros and the Council of

Lords. If we push…"

Emily remained silent for a few moments until she spoke up again "In

that case, then no, I won't which is fine since I hardly want to get

involved on that level, not when less does more in the long run."

She looked at him curiously "Your 'friend' Charlus I suspect?" Emily said

with a look on her face.

"Yes." He answered. Charlus was a splinter that proved rather difficult to

dislodge. He had many questions that was closer than he wanted towards

the right direction.

Most of their detractors were gone. Black, McKinnon and so on. Even the

less visible enemies were 'tragically' killed by the terrorists or neutered

politically to the point they were unable to remain relevant or close to


Mercy was not something they could afford with those who would only

use it to strike at a later date.


Charlus was perilously veering to that territory.

It was getting to the point it might actually become necessary to do…

away with him.

His betrayal was not something he did not foresee as it worked for their

plans, made to work for their plans. Atticus knew he had pushed Charlus

to the limit but he had still been disappointed to have seen him do it,

especially when what he had been advocating and inciting had been for

the benefit for the people.

Charlus' experiences of the war had made him wary of war – as it should

to any – but he had taken it to the extreme to the point of bending over

backwards to accommodate a peace that was never going to last for long.

All that they did now was the least of the worst options.

Sometimes, war was necessary to change things.

"He's deputy head of the DMLE now." Emily said with a displeased frown,

a frown that spoke of that she would happily dispose of him now. She

wouldn't, not when they long ago reached an agreement that they would

deal with people that were theirs.

He would not interfere how she dealt with her people without her

agreement and neither would she interfere with his people.

"I know. It will be hard to make sure he doesn't rise to the position above

him." Atticus said to her with a commiserating smile "It's not a big issue

though, he and others like him will not be a major problem when we

begin the next phase."

That is if Charlus doesn't go towards routes that Atticus could not ignore

or forgive.

He would afford that to his old comrade even if their friendship was at an


Emily looked at him with a long look before she relented and asked "How

are the ICW handling the Russians?" she asked.

"Poorly" Atticus said with a smile "The war with Grindelwald made a

great many veterans that are hardened and made cunning as a

consequence of surviving some of the worst of the fighting in the war.

Even with the recruits of veterans of both sides of the war in the ICW

forces, it'll be hard to catch the Russians off guard."

The ICW knew that the Russians were heavily involved with the Soviet


A breach of the Statute that wasn't as severe as the one in Britain, not

that the ICW knew, but it was serious. After the Chinese breach was

sealed, the ICW pivoted and refocused on the Russians.

Investigation so far had proven difficult to the ICW to prove a breach of

the Statute and the Russians weren't playing game. Eventually they'll get

some evidence, he had Seen and it would be a relatively quick resolution

once the ICW played politics, but it would only increase their zeal in

ensuring further breaches did not happen.

"So we'll still leak to the ICW about the close call of Exposure in Britain."

Emily mused.

"Yes." He said simply.

The leak would inevitably draw ICW investigations towards Magical

Britain as part of the Statute Agreements. Magical Britain rarely had

cowed to the ICW but in recent years, their fingers in the upper echelons

of the Ministry had been noticeable.

Ouroboros would refuse and Emily after her absence from the Isles would

step forward when the ICW overreacted and it solidify her image as a

defender of Magical Britain even after she left.

Already her status as someone who would 'sacrifice' her nobility for the

sake of Magical Britain had won over the public wholeheartedly,

something that she had already been well on the way of doing with her

cultural and magical education endeavours.

Now she had the public's support which would only increase over time

after being seen defending Magical Britain against the ICW.

Which would also be around the time Illos would be unveiled.

They arrived at Sayre Manor and they stepped out. Emily sighed as they

walked towards their home. She leaned into his side.

"I asked Tweenie to make us that Risotto you like" he said with a

humorous lilt to her voice.

She looked up at him from the corner of her eyes "Are you trying to make

me fat? You know I can eat three plates of it."

Atticus tsked "You've caught on my long term plan."

"It'll work if you stick with the Milanese Risotto." Emily said as they

arrived at the dining room and she peeled herself off of him.

They ate the risotto, discussing a few things here and there before they

moved towards the second living room and went over a few things

independently, both of them working on separate desks.

She went over some measures that the Ouroboros would be introducing

whilst he looked over the figures of the new arrivals and their progress in

settling in. Recently more people from the mundane side of the world

had come to live permanently, people who worked in one way or another

for the Sphinx Group, most of them squibs or squibborns.

With their return also came new introductions to Illos, new kinds of

music, ideas that translated to new products and even new foods as many

of them worked for the Endrian Shipping Company and were used to

travelling around the world and visiting new cultures.

One of them had opened up an Oriental restaurant and they made the

most marvellous dumplings.

For the next few hours, they wrote and they read, made plans and

approved them. Life at the moment was a little monotonous, both of

them busy in their own ways. For all of their plans and plots, much of the

day to day work was startling dull and it was in that train of thought that

he glanced up from his work and looked at her.

She sat with her legs crossed, peeking out away from under the desk as

she sat back in her chair, a noticeable frown on her face as she read a

document or some such.

A small smile grew on his face as an idea sprouted in his mind.

His hand went towards his wrist and the Holo UI popped up and he

selected the perfect song. He stood up from his chair.

Her head rose from the document as trumpets and drums and violins

began to play. Atticus moved his desk away to allow for greater space in

the middle.

"What are you doing?" she asked with a raised eyebrow as 'It's Been A

Long, Long Time' played, a version that was five times the normal length

with a long instrumental beginning and a long instrumental ending.

With an elaborate flick of his hand he moved her desk to the side as he

walked over with suaveness towards Emily who was still seated in her

chair. Her other eyebrow rose as well as she looked on with a hint of


He bowed with deliberate motion as he extended a hand "May I have this

dance, lady-wife?" Atticus asked with a small smile adorned on his face.

The swaying music from the gentle music continued without either of

them moving for a few seconds as husband and wife stared at each other

until, eventually, Emily relented and took his hand. He pulled her up and

his hand slid across towards her lower back over her dress as their right

hands entwined.

They swayed softly as they danced.

They stepped a little closer to each other, closer to each other's bodies as

they swayed in perfect harmony, in perfect rhythm like two gears whose

teeth perfectly slot together. His head lowered and his cheek touched the

side of her head gently and he heard her sight contently.

Kiss me once

Then, kiss me twice

Then, kiss me once again

It's been a long, long time

Haven't felt like this, my dear

Since can't remember when

It's been a long, long time

They drew closer, closer until their bodies touched, dancing to the slow

song, the string of the band lulling them in a slow motion. Emily raised

her head slightly and their cheeks touched before her lips turned and

kissed his cheek with a deftness and gentleness that was only reserved for

him. Their finger locked each other's hand whilst her arm snaked around

him drawing him even closer.

You'll never know

How many dreams I dream about you

Or just how empty they all seem without you

So, kiss me once

Then, kiss me twice

Kiss me once again

It's been a long, long time

He drew his head a little back and she stared up at him.

His eyes locked onto her lips and he brought his head down, leaning in

slowly before he pressed his lips against hers, their eyes closing as they

lost themselves to the moment, this precious moment with the most

perfect song. Their magic slowly released, dancing and humming to the

tune of their rhythm, perfect in sync with their emotions and swaying.

Had anyone able to observe, they'd see wisps, tendrils of magic, coloured

blues and purples and greens, circling around them in perfect step as they

swayed together to the music.

Their magic ebbed and flowed to each other, from each other, like

flickering candle fires dancing to the rhythm of a mild gush of wind

breaching through a half closed window as all their surroundings faded

away whilst they were in each other's arms.

Their kiss ended and their eyelids crept open, never leaving the gaze of

the other. It was a little slice of wonder, of beauty and a strange thought

popped in his head as they looked each other with meaningful


She smiled softly at him, a crack in her perfect face and a smile that

could breathe life into a thousand dying stars. "What brought this on?"

she asked him softly.

"Does a man ever need a reason to dance with his beautiful wife?" Atticus

asked with an equally soft smile. Her smile was still present even as she

rolled her eyes.

"I just thought with how we've been so busy with…everything, we could

use a bit of something like this for ourselves, where there's nothing but us

and a bit of music." He said to her with fondness towards her.

She hummed with notes of contentment before she spoke "It has been

busy" she agreed as her dainty hand went up to his face and her thumb

rubbed something off of his cheek "Left a mark" she said and he smiled

down at her, hints of wry amusement in his expression.

"And my lips?"

"I'll rub it out later. Thoroughly." She said dismissively as she smiled with

a slow coy glint in her eyes. Atticus' smile widened as he shook his head.

"Who knew ruling and plotting would involve so much paperwork and

dullness?" Emily said after a few seconds as the extended song nearing

towards the end.

"Historians always did say conquering is easy but ruling is hard." Atticus

said before he paused "Conquering the world on horseback is easy, it is

dismounting and governing that is hard"

"Hmm" Emily voiced out as she looked at him with a bemused expression

"Quoting Genghis Khan to me? How romantic" she drawled teasingly.

"I know how to speak to your heart, my dear wife." Atticus said. Emily


"He says as he plays a muggle romantic song to a dark witch" she said

with a raised eyebrow.

Atticus laughed a little "You don't fool me, Emily Sayre" Atticus said

fondly though with hints of mischief in his eyes "You love a bit romance

here and there. Honolulu certainly taught me that."

They'd rented a place – later purchased funnily enough – by the white

beaches on one of the more silent regions of the islands and spent a week

there, isolated and just the two of them with nothing but a record player

to keep them company.

This song had been one of many that accompanied them on those easy


The music rolled onto 'The Very Thought of You', another of the songs that

was often played.

Emily's look descended into exasperated fondness "You're full of cheese

tonight" she said with a hint of a smile. She'd caught on to some of his

old life's expression when he'd spoken them when he'd forgotten himself.

"You're mistaken, my dear wife, I'm full of suave for I'm a suave, suave

man, Emily." Atticus said with a straight face as he twirled her around.

"It's quite alright if you can't quite tell. Sometimes I can be too smooth to


"Arrogant too" Emily said as she returned to face him "It's almost

sickening, the way your arrogance smells" she said with a teasing lilt to

her voice, humour shining in her eyes.

Atticus laughed as he drew her closer and they swayed slower, smiles on

their faces.

The very thought of you and I forget to do

The little ordinary things that everyone ought to do

I'm living in a kind of daydream

I'm happy as a king

And foolish though it may seem

To me that's everything

The mere idea of you, the longing here for you

You'll never know how slow the moments go till I'm near to you

I see your face in every flower

Your eyes in stars above

It's just the thought of you

The very thought of you, my love

Emily's head leaned in and rested onto his chest. His arms wrapped

around her as their swaying reduced to a mere little motions. Atticus

placed his chin on her head as he closed his eyes.

The mere idea of you, the longing here for you

You'll never know how slow the moments go till I'm near to you

I see your face in every flower

Your eyes in stars above

It's just the thought of you

The very thought of you, my love

They danced long after the song ended, long after silence had filled the

voice even as they swayed, as they moved in perfect sync, two people

who were part of the same whole.

He often wondered at times if ruling the world completely had lost some

of its appeal for both of them because they had each other, because of

their love for another.

Neither of them spoke of it but both of them had mellowed over the

years, both had known it too as they had taken their foot off of the gas to

rule the world.

It was hard to remain at the mind-set to dominate everything and

everyone when contentment and peace could be found in the arms of the


They changed their plans so easily at times, seeking the path of least

resistance when the other paths were quicker even if they were bloodier.

Still, in the end, they get would there, even if they took the long path.

Even if it lost some of its appeal, especially as challenges fell and rotted

away like tree leaves during winter, they would eventually get to there.

After all, in the end, they were destined for greatness. Greatness and

destiny cared not for contentment and in the end, they would bring

greatness to their people…

As two parts of a contented whole.



Christopher Cameron POV

His body rattled.

Despite being here…

He lost count.

Was it still weeks?

…Was it now months?

His body rattled as he clung onto himself with normalised desperation,

his body flush against the corner of the walls, the place that was the least

affected by it all.

The cold walls were nothing to him, even if it was part of him now, no…

it was not the cold that rattled him, that shook him like a wet dog

desperate to get dry…

It was the dread…the gusts of dread that rose up from the chasms of

joylessness, gusts that stuck to him like sticky tar and he was helpless

against it.

Even when they were not here, even when they were afar, hovering and

floating, roaming the halls of the black stoned prison, it was a dread that

pulled him closer to the ridge of the chasm, closer to being subsumed

into the darkness of insanity.

He was in Hell.

He felt nothing of his memories of his mother's smile anymore or his

father's boisterous laugh, he only felt the sadness and upset of her

disappointed looks and his father's anger. It was insidious, truly, the

depths in which all good things in his life were being eaten away.

"God…" Christopher rasped out as his arms clung around his knees. He

prayed so often, so much, but nothing had worked.

Christopher laughed and it was one with frayed sanity.

Would he even get to keep his Soul or would he forever be trapped in the

bowels of a demon, a demon that these people used to guard their


He truly was in Hell for his captors were Devils and the demons their


He didn't understand…he didn't know how they managed it, how they

got the drop on them. All of it, all of their efforts…pointless, wasted…

He stopped caring what was happening outside of these four black


Why bother when he thought that the worst had happened, that they had


Was it days…

Was it weeks…

Was it years…

Christopher lived to eat the slop thrown into his cell…

He lived to be eaten away in body and soul…

He touched the little crack in the wall, the crack that his finger bled on as

he traced it along its now dulled edges. His crack, his corner.

Christopher ate and they ate Christopher.

Christopher ate the unedible and they ate his joy.

He lived to be eaten away…

Another day, another time of the feeling of dread rising and he felt the

meagre sense of self begin to wither.

"N-no…n-n-noo, p-p-please…" Christopher croaked out in a pitiful

whimper in a hopeless pointless gesture of pleading for mercy, his voice

trembling as he spoke, as the bolted window creaked apart and finger

bones entered.

Haunting breathing, an echo-y noise that rippled despair through him as

his body shook his body in fear and the faceless abyss from under the

hood pushed through the gap in the middle door.

The air reduced to frozen fog as all heat and warmth and feeling was

drawn out of his cell. "A-a-aaahhhh" he cried out as meagre joy that

remained turned into less as his worst nightmares, his worst experiences

were played out, flashes of a dark haired woman with the blackest of

eyes and a man of glowing purple eyes were rushed to the front of his

mind as all of the sanity breaking agony rattled through his body.

Again and again, memories of joyful times lost its strength and the

flashes of harrowing pain rippled through him.

The demon ended its assault and Christopher collapsed onto his ratty

cloak that served as his bed, his blanket, his clothes…

He laughed…he wept…

Days passed…weeks passed…

…years passed…?

The sounds of clunking and knocking against the desolate black floor

outside his cell. The metal door creaked up and he felt himself missing

the hard coldness of his corner as he felt his feet touch the black stone.

He saw faces, faces! Faces that were not not-faces, faces that weren't

hidden behind nothing, that were nothing.

"W-who" he croaked out. The man who was by his side looked at him

with disgust? – or was it happiness? He couldn't tell… – and he says

something but Christopher wasn't sure what was said…

Was he deaf now?

Did the demons take his hearing…?

He hated the rocking, he wanted his corner. He wanted touch the little

crack in the stone on the left side of his wall, his crack that listened to

him, that was there for him. He wanted his cloak, he missed the cloak as

he walked through clean halls and smooth stones, even if he was warmer

and drier than he could remember.

He wanted his cloak.

He was put into a seat, a nice seat and he was made to seat nicely

strapped in.

"Christopher Cameron…alleged…" he heard as he stared at his hands.

These were his hands? He hadn't been able to see them in the near

darkness…his hands looked so…not Christopher. His fingertips looked

like there was only a little bit of skin covering them.



He slumped forward as his chains were yanked and Christopher gazed up

for the first time.

"…Do you understand, Mr Cameron? You have been found guilty." the

man who looked like a priest…or was it a judge? – he wasn't sure – said.

"Answer the Judge, Mr Cameron!" the man in red robes said harshly as he

yanked on his chain that tied his hands up.

"Y-y-yes" Christopher said. He wanted to return to his corner. They would

let him go home right? …right?

But he was so warm!

They weren't going to let him go back…there…was he? They would bring

his corner to him if he asked…right?

"…Very well" the Judge intoned as he slammed his hammer "…been

sentenced to Death through the Veil. May Magic have mercy on your


"D-d-death?" Christopher murmured confused as he looked at the man in

red robes with a confused expression?

"Too merciful" the man in red robes seemed to say angrily as the chains

on the seat came loose and he yanked Christopher up. Christopher fell

the ground, pained and his arms and shoulders and arm sockets aching.

"Get up!" the man in red robes demanded.

He didn't really know where he was…it looked familiar…but he stared at

the rippling curtain made out of fog that made sounds like…them.

"P-p-please…" Christopher spoke up for the first time after a while, his

head turning towards the crowd of people for the first time "I-I…I d-don't

want to go where they come f-f-from"

Christopher felt his feet away from the stone ground and he began to

panic, his eyes wide with fear "P-please! Please!" he cried out as he was

drawn closer to the curtains.

He didn't want to go there, to be with them

"I-I'll g-go b-back! B-back to m-m-my corner! Please! Anywhere but there!"

Christopher wailed as the curtains wailed, their wails sounding hungrier

and more desperate for him than his demons had ever been.

"No, no, no, no!" Christopher cried out as he clawed at the air to no avail

as the curtains approached so so closely

"He's gone insane" Christopher heard but his eyes were fixed on the

curtains, curtains that showed not-faces, faces that he could see but he

knew they were the same faces as those under the hood and he

whimpered and closed his eyes, his body trembling as he was submerged

into the curtains, his last thoughts begging God that his soul would be

destroyed for what he believed lay behind the curtains was eternal

torment worse than even being amidst the presence of demons.


30th of October 1953 – Hogwarts

Emily POV



With a flick of the finger, she closed the Daily Prophet as the students

began arriving into the Great Hall for breakfast. The magicals that

worked with the muggles were judged in a secret tribunal, a tribunal that

was witnessed by a few observers from the press but sworn to secrecy in

the name of national security.

To the public, they were simply stragglers of the terrorist organisations.

Something that eventually be peeled away as a stretching of the truth

when the time came. In any case, with the death of Cameron, the last

vestiges were gone and things were now settling into a slow movement

towards their future.

She looked across the Great Hall as students continued to arrive.

Many of them would not amount to much, she knew this even without

having to depend on Atticus' sight to learn whom to focus on, yet there

were still a few amongst them that would become more useful than not.

Amongst the new arrivals and also amongst the few of decent potential

was Cygnus Greengrass, heir to the Greengrass family. Whilst he was still

to take his OWLS, he was shaping up to be a consummate New Slytherin,

one who had taken to the new philosophies she'd instilled in her old


There were a few others, across the Houses, that she would keep an eye,

to see if they would live to the potential they showed even if they were

not of high magical potential as only three were at or above mid-sorcerer

potential whilst none reached Archmage potential.

She would not see all of these promising individuals graduate, her

eventual departure of the Isles was only a few years away now before she

returned years later, but her time here at Hogwarts beyond the purpose

of guiding these youths in ways that would prove useful not only to her

but also for themselves and her own desires to be involved in her

ancestor's school, had also proved to be useful if only for the observations

it granted her.

Her observations of how magical strength unveiled themselves in family

lines…and in those without clear heritage.

Those with family traits did do better in certain fields their family magic

was strongest in but generally speaking…potential was there in more

than just those of established powerful family lines.

The Sayres, the Blacks, the Potters, the Longbottoms and the other Most

Ancient families were different from this, of course. Just as the lines of

the Founders were different.

Some families simply had a higher ceiling that may actually have some

roots in heritage but generally speaking, there was little difference

between a scion of three hundred year old pureblood family line and a


She'd looked into the heritages of confirmed Archmages and mages that

were known to be powerful. It seemed like most of these Archmages had

at least some kind of relation to Most Ancient families. Of course that

was always the likelihood given how small the magical population had

always been but still, it seemed like none of them were further away

from these Most Ancient families than five generations.

Squibborns that were noted to be of unusual power were harder to trace

back and families back then were not likely to advertise the number of

children they may have had for fear of attack and exploitation of

weakness especially if one of the children was a squib but she expected

that they were likely in some way related as well to these families.

It had peaked her curiosity…and she was keen to know what exactly led

to the Most Ancient family lines to exceed the average magical potential

of the British population.

She knew enough of the Sayre family's history to know that the rituals

they did to themselves – and to their descendants – were the solid rod of

Adamantite that was behind Atticus' power and it was not hard to believe

that those families, the Founders' included, had done something in a

similar vein.

Something that extended beyond simply imbibing a family trait in their

family lines.

Especially considering that the Sayre's family traits were too unique to

believe that even prodigious mages were able to exactly know what they

were doing.

Rituals were not that easy or worked exactly as intended. Even Atticus'

form of long life had to be done with hundreds if not thousands of years

of ritual expertise at his beck and call along with a portrait of an expert

in ritual magicks.

Her own ritual sets were done using Atticus' own modifications as a base

which she only altered, not entirely created on her own and with plenty

of help from the portrait.

For mages long after the golden age of Atlantis and a thousand years

before the golden age for magical knowledge and exploration during the

antiquities to be able to create such a family trait with deliberate

intention was not something she could accept readily.

To her, as much as she was loathed to consider it, it seemed like it was

more accidental yet also purposeful by a quirk of fate or favour of magic,

rituals that did not work as intended but worked to the advantage of the

Sayres…just like it had worked in the favour of these Most Ancient

families of whatever rituals these families might have done at some stage.

The only issue she had with developing this theory into something more

concrete however was that family chronicles rarely told the truth, even if

they did not dilute what may have happened in the form of flowery

poetry or sagas that exemplified whatever they wished to promote.

She'd read enough of her own ancestors that came after Salazar to know


It was unfortunate that the Sayres had lost much of their chronicles

during their time in Egypt even if the truth was likely to be sparse.

Nevertheless, if she could discover what exactly was behind this greater

magical potential, if it was magic or if it was blood and magic, she could

see many, many advantages for the magical world…and for herself.

Dippet stood up from his seat and an excited hush passed through the

Great Hall.

"Students, as I'm you're well aware, it is Samhain tomorrow eve. You will

have the option to return home and partake in the celebrations and

honouring the departed with family or you may remain here and partake

in the celebrations in Hogsmeade." Dippet paused for a moment as

murmurs rang around in the Great Hall.

One of the changes she worked to reinstate, something until recently had

been stymied by the old Ministry – under the direction of her now dead

enemies – was the Hogsmeade Samhain celebration, an event that had

been cancelled nearly two centuries ago.

During the time of the Founders, it was an event that brought villages

and clans together, a practice that had survived well until the late

sixteenth century but had been dropping away more and more when it

had been a visible marker to being a magical.

Dippet continued "You have until tomorrow to inform your Head of

House of your choice." Dippet clapped his hands and the food popped

onto the tables. "You may eat." Dippet said and it was the beginning of

excited conversation erupting amongst the students.

"Ho-ho!" Slughorn who sat next to her sounded out excitedly as he turned

towards Medelin. "I hope Wister has made more of that wonderful mead."

"Ugh, for all that it tastes great, it gives the worst hangover." Professor

Medelin who taught Astronomy complained from on the other side of

Slughorn where she sat.

"It's your own fault for refusing to take a simple potion that cures that

particular ailment." Professor Goshawk of Ancient Runes murmured in

her cup.

Dippet turned her "Good sign that things are finally settling down." He

said to her, his old eyes darting towards the paper before they returned

to hers. "I didn't think it would happen so quickly."

"I expect there likely will be some Aurors patrolling." She said as she took

her cup. Before she drank it she paused and looked at him "I imagine that

the staff will all be present?" she asked him.

"Yes." Dippet with a throaty hum in his voice and he took his cup but

before drinking he paused and glanced at her meaningfully "The staff will

have to be apart from the celebrations to make sure we keep an eye on

the students. We'll have a meeting shortly to discuss such particularities."

"Prudent" Emily said with a nod and Dippet turned back to his cup and

his drink.

Emily returned her gaze towards the Great Hall and her gaze trailed over

the student body as nearly everyone had arrived as far as she could tell.

The number of students was slightly less than in her day mostly because

of the many families that left the Isles during the…troubles but she

expected the numbers to skyrocket in the next couple of decades.

Her eyes wandered towards the Slytherin table. There wasn't just a sea of

Slytherin green ties but there were also a few yellows, blues and even

reds as students mingled.

After Atticus' defeat of Grindelwald and Dumbledore's betrayal, one of

the places that showed the consequences of such sudden shocks had been


Hogwarts since nearly its beginning had been a place that divided its

students along impassable lines…deeply entrenched like World War One

trenches with cross House participation akin to No Man's Land.

It had been something she had worked to erode and had done so with

some measurable success during her last year in Hogwarts. Of course, it

helped that the children from primary magical schools were entering

Hogwarts – something that only raised the overall desire of the school

body to improve as the younger generation were regularly approaching

the skills of students years their senior – retained their childhood


Of course, it also helped that Dumbledore's actions had broken the

illusion of chivalry and honour as something belonging to House


Her own 'magnanimity' and that of House Slytherin had however worked

to improve House Slytherin's reputation in Hogwarts and where before it

was known as the House of Dark wizards and pureblood supremacy, it

had been slowly shifting as the House of leaders, something that appealed

to the egos of many of her housemates.

And when she returned to teach DADA, she had seen that it had stuck

somewhat though she had to reinforce it. And now, years later and as

Deputy Headmistress of the school her ancestor had built, she could say

that she was rather proud at her accomplishment.

Just as she was proud that slowly but surely muggle notions and

traditions were falling away without falling back into complacency.

Soon enough the Samhain arrived. Students joined the villages in the

revelry and in the bonfires. It was mild, this Samhain celebration but that

was fine…the more intense celebrations and messages to the dead could

come later.

She walked away from the busy centres of Hogsmeade and towards the

edges when she saw Malfoy looking her way.

"My Lady." Malfoy said with a bowed head as he joined her in her walk

around the perimeter of the Samhain Hogsmeade celebrations.

"Abraxas." She said with the barest of acknowledgements.

"It's good to see the Samhain celebrations conducted again in

Hogsmeade." Abraxas said after a while, a pleased expression on his face.

"Soon enough such celebrations of important wizarding holidays and

remembrances will become standard as they always should have."

"Abraxas." Emily said, her gaze finally setting on him and he stood a little

straighter, his head bowing lowly. He understood her perfectly well and

he answered.

"Some of our proposals are gaining greater opposition than expected."

Abraxas said swiftly. "To be exact…the proposal to requisition land from

the muggles for the Ministry."

The land taken from the muggles would aid in providing alternative

income for the Ministry. Agriculture was an opportunity, especially after

the still terrible ability of the British muggles to feed themselves from the

produce of the Isles.

With their ability to create far greater yield in the same plot of lands,

they would be able to create massive quantities of food for less than a

tenth of its space.

The hedge witches and wizards that once produced food for Magical

Britain had been limited in both ability and innovation, something that

they did not lack and the old Ministry had been too incompetent to be

able to think of something this simple.

Without the muggles being aware of the magical world, they could far

more easily navigate through the muggle world and take what they

wanted and in this instance, they would steal as much land as they could

get away with.

They might be advocating for them to cut off contact with the muggles

but it didn't mean they would leave it untouched. The hypocrisy was

conveniently ignored when by all when it was this approach that made

everyone who'd been part of Ouroboros since the beginning, those who

had sworn personal allegiance to her, had become wealthier than at any

point in their families' history, all because of her and Atticus.

Taking from muggles was acceptable to all…as long as it was their

wealth they were taking.

With the help of the Sphinx Group, they would appear legitimate food

producers and expand throughout the still recovering muggle Europe

whilst also meeting all of the needs of the magicals for less than knuts

whilst also taxing less as a result of the income from this source. No

matter if you were magical or muggle, full bellies staved away angry


"Who?" she asked calmly.

"The stronger progressive families…like the Bones and the Abbotts. They

won't be able to rally the third of the Council they need to stop the law

from passing but they are making…noise in the public sphere." Abraxas

said displeased.



"Let them." Emily said finally

"My Lady?" Abraxas questioned confused.

She turned her gaze towards him "Abraxas…we cannot stifle opposing

voices…in any way, not at this stage." She said as she placed her arms

behind her back as they walked back towards the crowd as the Samhain

celebrations were about to begin.

"We, the Ministry and the Council, need to be seen as a place that allows

for debate, for discourse and for idiotic notions of freedom of speech to

be seen to take place" She said as she glanced at him from the corner of

the eye "We are winning Abraxas but we have not won, not completely.

That can only come with time…time we will build even if the voices of

the weak buzz in our ears."

She came to a stop and she turned her heavy gaze completely to him.

"…I understand" Abraxas said with a bowed head.

Emily nodded slightly to him and began to walk again and Abraxas

locked step with her. Abraxas would be key in ensuring that when the

time came, Britain's union with Illos was as smooth as possible. He did

not know the details, none of them did but he knew enough. He'd been to

Illos a number of times throughout the years to have at least some idea of

where things were going.

She'd watched him carefully throughout the years and it was clear that to

her that Abraxas had welded himself to her…to them. For that, she

would see him rewarded in some way or another. More than he already


"How is Lucinda? The pregnancy going well?" Emily asked lightly.

Lucinda was a daughter of a Norwegian noble family that bred Pegasus

horses. Somehow, it was fitting for a Malfoy Lord to marry a daughter

from such a family.

Abraxas allowed a glimmer of a smile to come across his face "The

pregnancy is going well. I am to have a son." He said with a hint of pride

in his voice.

"Good to hear Abraxas." She said with an incline of his head "May magic

look kindly upon him."

Atticus mentioned this son of Abraxas. She was curious to meet Abraxas'

heir that Atticus grudgingly acknowledged would be a smart but

untrustworthy and slippery man.

"Hear, hear." Abraxas said proudly as they re-joined the Samhain



17th of December 1953 – Indonesia, Ambon Academy of Excellence

Tirtayasa POV

His pen was moving across the page with a careful diligence as he wrote

the teacher's words down on the notebook.

Before he knew it, the bell was ringing.

As he closed the notebook, the teacher finished with "On Monday, we

will cover Gravitational Potential Energy and its common uses. I expect

you to read the pages 274 to 296 over the weekend."

Tirtayasa suppressed the urge to grimace, something he could see others

weren't able to. They could expect a test now on Monday. Mr Idris was

punishing like that.

As he walked out of the classroom, he felt an arm wrap around his neck

"Are you coming to play ball?" Asraf asked. Tirtayasa peeled his friend's

arm off of his shoulder.

"Not today." He said to Asraf "I've got a meeting with the principal"

"Ah that's right!" Asraf exclaimed before he frowned "Do you know what

it is about?"

He shook his head "I don't." He looked to his friend "Do you?"

Asraf looked annoyed "No, I don't. The others aren't saying anything but I

know it's good because they look excited." Asraf paused for a moment

"But I think they're leaving. Very soon too."

"Why do you think that?" Tirtayasa asked concerned.

"Well, I heard Saydah gave Roosnami a tearful goodbye the other day."

"Oh." He could only say. The two girls were very close, pretty much

sisters despite their different backgrounds.

"And she didn't tell Roosnami where she might be going?" He asked

Asraf shook his head.

"Strange" he wondered aloud.

Asraf looked at him "You might leave too."

"We don't know for sure." He said a little distracted as he thought on the

possibility that Asraf was right.

"Well you can tell me after your meeting then" Asraf said with a smile

before he started walking away "Speak to you later!" he said as he took

the exit through the left hall whilst Tirtayasa continued onto the princal's


"Take a seat, Mr Sibilillah. When it is time, you will be called into the

principal's office." The secretary said and he thanked her before he made

his way to a seat in the waiting area.

He stopped briefly when he saw her but quickly found his seat. He

fiddled with his hands for a little, stealing glancing at her before he

decided he could read whilst he waited.

After a little while, he couldn't help it and he glanced up from the book

and looked at her. She sat there with her legs crossed and a large

sketchbook on her lap. Her long silken black hair fell either side of her

shoulders and her head was bowed but he could see her face clearly.

Her brows were furrowed, almost welded onto each other with how

furrowed her brows were in concentration, and her hand, pencil in hand,

danced across the white sketchbook in large sweeping motions before her

wrist pulled back in circular motions.

It was mesmerising, he thought her to be mesmerising and he wondered

what perfection she was pencilling into that book. He knew her…well he

knew of her. Fatimah…

She was in the year group ahead of him and she was considered to be the

best artist in the whole school. He'd seen some of her work and he

thought it was incredible.

He thought she was incredible.

He wasn't sure when the crush on her started, maybe when he'd bumped

in her a couple of years ago and helped her gather her things that he so

clumsily dropped, but it was as strong as its ever been.

Something he knew he'd be teased about endlessly for having a crush on

someone who he'd never really spoken to.

'You could speak to her now' his voice rang in his head and he stifled it


What would they talk about? He thought to himself morosely.

Fatimah was in her last year in the academy and then she'd go to New

York or Paris or somewhere else amazing!

He would probably just end up going to school in Australia or America

on the Academy scholarship and never see her again except maybe in

newspapers whenever she would dazzle the world with her art.

He ducked under the cover of his book as someone walked into the

waiting area outside of the principal office. He glanced at the person who

entered and he was surprised.

She was white and had long brown hair and she was dressed in strange

clothes. It was like a very loose shirt but without buttons and had a

round collar.

She turned and he ducked again under his book and pretended to be deep

in his book. The school was funded by Sphinx Group, a huge company

that did almost everything even shipping. He'd seen a few of those huge

ships a few times by the coast, ships that had Endrian on its sides but also

had a Sphinx symbol.

He didn't know why they cared about building a school in Indonesia but

he was happy for it. He didn't think the Indonesian government would

have cared about the kind of students that were in the academy or give

expensive scholarships to other countries.

The academy offered scholarships to all students that kept up a B

average. Scholarships to America or Australia for all kinds of topics and

after the studies were finished, they would have a place in the huge


From what he heard, it could be anywhere in the world, the choice was

theirs. It was amazing really. Still, he never seen any Europeans in the

school however. Until now.

It was making him a little nervous. Why would they come now?

No one had really paid the academy much attention, even the people in

the city. The academy was quite far from the main parts of the city, more

up the hills that overlooked the city and the ocean and it made visiting

the town during school off-days quite difficult.

The people there were…odd. It was almost as if they didn't care the

academy existed! At least until they spoke to the other kids from the

other schools who really didn't like them and thought them spoilt and


Which definitely wasn't the case. Almost all of them had come

orphanages all across Indonesia and he himself had come from a small

village in Taliabu, a place that no one would even be able to point on a

map – if it even existing on a map!

Suffice it to say, none of them really liked going to town, especially after

what happened a few years ago. The scary days of when the Indonesian

army invaded the city and most else of the island after the people here

had declared for independence.

It had been scary then but the principal and the teachers told them not to

worry, that nothing was going to happen to them and thankfully nothing

did, not even a visit from the army. Some of his classmates thought that

the army was too worried about upsetting the Sphinx Group but he didn't

really believe that.

He looked back up from the book after he heard the door close. He

turned to Fatimah and he was startled when he saw her stare at him.

He said nothing as he froze, as if he was an orangutan caught stealing a

rice cake.

It felt like an age until she spoke "Not so nice isn't it?" she said with a

calm voice as she tilted her head.

"W-what?" he managed to say.

"Staring." She said simply.

"Oh." He sounded out and he felt suddenly a lot more nervous. "You knew

I was looking?"

"Hard not to" she said dryly "You were staring nearly the whole time."

"Oh" he once more sounded, sounding stupid. He hadn't noticed he'd been

staring for so long.

"Sorry." He said a little weakly.

"It's fine." She said before she returned to her sketchbook, her hand

dancing once more on the sketchbook.

He wasn't sure what pushed him but he knew he had to keep speaking

"So what are you drawing?" he asked.

"Why?" She asked.

"Why what?"

"Why are you asking?" she expanded even as she continued to draw, not

even once looking up.

"I don't know." He admitted to her "Maybe because I know you make very

beautiful art and maybe because" he hesitated for a second before

continuing "Maybe because the way your hand moves and sketches is

mesmerising and I think that such a thing could only mean it's another

masterpiece and I'm curious to see it."

He thought he saw her smile even as she remained silent until she spoke


"A place." She said as she glanced at him from the corner of her eyes

before refocusing on the sketchbook "When I lived in Jakarta, there was

this old man who practiced Kejawen. Do you know of it?"

"No." he said to her. "Is it a religion?"

"Not quite." She said as she continued to draw "More a tradition than a

religion. Anyway, this old man used to regale a few of us with stories and

legends during the occupation" She began to finely move her pencil

across the sketchbook and he remained silence as she said nothing.

Tirtayasa knew that some places during the occupation had been very

bad and the revolution after it been worse. Many of the students at the

academy came from places were the fighting or starvation had been bad.

He'd been lucky. His village had been untouched but his parents had died

during the revolution when they'd been away from home. He'd been

cared for by friends of family before he was enrolled here at eleven.

For him, the Academy was an opportunity that he'd never get anywhere

else but he would have been fine, he thought, if he stayed at the village.

For others, the academy literally saved their lives.

"The legend I liked the most was Tantu Pagelaran." She said after a little

while before she continued, her hand moving slowly as she spoke "Java,

not long after the creation of the world, floated freely on the ocean" she

smiled and he thought it was one of the prettiest thing he'd ever seen.

"Always tumbling and shaking, moving and travelling." She said with a


"Batara Guru, the supreme god, wished to change this and the supreme

god ordered the gods Brahma and Vishnu to fill the island with people

but before that, they decided that it was too chaotic, too dangerous for

the little people to live on a shaking land and so the gods concocted a

plan to move a part of Mahameru and attach it upon Java so it would

stop moving and shaking."

"The sacred five-peaked mountain." Tirtayasa commented and she turned

to him with a smile and she nodded. They learnt a lot about spiritual

beliefs at the academy and the mountain was sacred to both Hinduism

and Buddhism.

"The god Vishnu transformed into a giant turtle and carried a part of

Mount Meru upon his back whilst the god Brahma transformed in a giant

serpent and wrapped his body around the mountain and giant turtle's

back, so the Meru mountain can be transported safely to Java."

Tirtayasa said nothing as he waited for her to continue which she did.

"The gods struggled with the holy mountain and when they placed it on

one side of Java, the whole island tilted to one side. Then they moved it

eastward which ended up scattering the mountain fragments and creating

the volcanoes and mountainous regions of Java.

When they placed Mount Meru on the eastern part of Java, the island

was still tilted and this time it was the western part of Java that rose up.

The gods then cut a piece of the holy mountain and placed it on the

northwest part of East Java."

"Mount Pawitra." Tirtayasa said and she turned to him with another smile

that quickened his heart.

"Yes." She said as she returned to her drawing. "The main part of Meru

Mountain became Semeru volcano and became the holy abode of Lord


She was quiet for a little while until she broke the silence as she moved

her hand in small motions "I always liked that story." She said in a

musing tone.

"It reminds me that even powerful gods like Brahma and Vishnu never

get it right the right time, that there is always something to be done to

improve and to change to achieve balance and perfection." She said as

she finished sketching.

"It is a comforting story." Tirtayasa agreed quietly and she looked at him

with a small smile.

"It is, isn't it?" she said beautifully "It's wonderful in its own way." She

finished as she placed the sketch beside her.

Before he could get a closer look, the door to the principal's office opened

and both sets of eyes looked towards it. The principal stepped forward

and looked at him and then her before he spoke.

"Fatimah Shivuin and Tirtayasa Fisibilillah" the principal said. "Please

come into my office." The principal said as he walked back into his office.

Fatimah rose and walked forward. Tirtayasa stood up and made his way

towards the office before he stopped and turned back around.

His eyes fell on the sketch and smiled when he saw what she had drawn.

It was beautiful, the sketch of a serpent with its tail wrapped around a

turtle that carried mountain on its back as it swam through the air. The

land below was rife with animals like tigers, orang-utans and other

famous beasts of Java. Even in black and white, it was great. She really

was immensely talented.

He realised he was lingering too much and he quickly walked into the

office and his eyes widened when he saw the blonde woman sat in the

principal's seat.

He quickly recovered and took the seat next to Fatimah and he settled

himself into the seat.

"Hello Mr Fisbilillah and Ms Shiviun" the blonde woman said in English.

"I am Amber Merek, an executive director of Sphinx Group, the financier

of this academy." She paused as the woman's brown eyes flickered

between him and Fatimah "I believe you may have heard of us?"

"Yes" "Yes Ms Merek" they said.

The blonde woman smiled kindly at them "Good." She looked down and

flicked through a few pages in the document.

"Ms Shiviun, a B+ grade average student though the teachers note that

you can improve if you set your mind to it." Ms Merek said as she read of

the page. "Though it seems like you've already chosen your path as an

artist." She said as she turned to the next page and read it silently. She

closed the document and took the next one.

"Er Ms Merek?" Tirtayasa started carefully. She looked at him with a kind


"You must be wondering why you're here?" she asked, her eyes flickering

between the pair of them. Both of them nodded. "It will be explained

shortly." She looked down at a document.

"Mr Fisbilillah, an A+ grade average student with particular strengths in

physics and mathematics" she flicked through the next page "with a keen

tendency to approach problems with methodological steps" she looked up

and met his gaze.

"You have also shown to be non-dismissive of spiritual despite your

strong scientific leanings." She said to him. It confused him a little. He

didn't really understand why that would matter. He knew he was a little

different to most other students when it came to spirituality.

The academy was secular and strongly disabused religion but there was

still a lot of classes that focused on spirituality, concepts and ideas of the

nature of the universe.

He liked the idea of there being more to the universe than logical

structures without the whole superstitious element about gods and so on.

Most of the students in the academy were from all kinds of religious and

ethnic backgrounds, Indonesia was like that but they all came to the

academy at a young age without really going home for over seven years,

some even longer if they were brought during the war.

Most lost interest in religion and spirituality even if they were taught it,

especially when they knew that the education here was really good and

that doing well in the sciences and other subjects would get them far,

farther than they would have reached had the academy not come and

took them in.

"Now," Ms Merek said as she placed her hands on the table in a tight ball.

"As to why the two of you are here…well, it's quite simple really. The

pair of you are among the best students in the sixth and seventh year

groups and I am here to offer you a choice." She said with a smile.

"A choice?" Fatimah asked.

Ms Merek smiled at Fatimah.

"What would you say if I told you magic exists?" Ms Merek said to them

and it stunned him. Magic…


"I would ask what you mean by magic." Fatimah said, taking him out of

his startled thoughts and he turned to her. He was surprised to see her

taking this far more serious than he thought possible.

This had to be a joke. Surely?

Ms Merek smiled at Fatimah "A form of energy that has existed since the

dawn of time and that certain kinds of life can tap into and use. An

energy that can alter reality, in a small scale, to various degrees and

possibilities, only really limited by ones' imagination, drive and strength."

"You're really saying magic exists" Tirtayasa couldn't help but state in


Ms Merek took out a stick, a pale stick that looked seemed to fit her hand

very well and she flicked her wrist. Tirtayasa tensed as the room became

noticeably colder and his mouth fell agape as ice crystals formed in the

air and soon enough it began to snow in the principal's office.

The blonde woman twisted her wrist and the snow begun to gather,

coagulating into a ball before it turned into a icey bird, a parrot, and it

flew above their heads.

"Magic is real, Mr Fisbilillah, Ms Shiviun." He turned to her and saw her

smile widen "And for the two of you, it can also be real. If you chose it."

"Why haven't I seen magic before?" Tirtayasa asked as he turned to Ms

Merek with wide eyes.

"Magic is a closely held secret." She turned to the principal before she

met Tirtayasa's gaze "People fear what they do not understand. And what

they don't understand, people tend to hate and wars have been fought

over less. It is better that it and those who can do magic remain secret."

"Wouldn't people stop fearing magic if they had it?" Tirtayasa asked.

Ms Merek smiled at him sadly "Not everyone is able to do magic or have

it. Only a very few number of people can."

"Wouldn't I know if I had magic?" Tirtayasa asked.

Ms Merek nodded "Yes, by now you would have if you were born with

magic. This is why I am here to offer you a choice."

"Are phoenixes real?" Fatimah asked suddenly and Tirtayasa turned to

Fatimah. He saw wonder in her eyes as she looked at the flying ice


"They are." Ms Merek said with a smile and she finally drew Fatimah's

eyes to her. "Just as dragons, unicorns and more are real. The indigenous

magical creature to Indonesia, Ahool also is real." She added.

Fatimah turned back to the still flying ice parrot.

"Why us?" Fatimah asked in a whisper even as she stared at the icy parrot

with a ponderous expression on her face.

Ms Merek swept her wand again and the snow and the melted snow all

disappeared as if they were never there.

"Because you are special." Ms Merek simply said before she continued.

"There are people who are naturally born with magic, such as myself, and

those who come from a magical line but have lost their magic."

"And we are in the second group?" Tirtayasa asked her and Ms Merek


"You are. For the longest time, it was only through chance that people

were born with magic from inactive magical lines but now we are able to

reactivate it in you."

She turned to Fatimah "The both of you. That is the choice that I am

offering you."

"Yes." Fatimah said quickly, almost breathlessly "Yes, I want magic." She

said, her voice unable to contain her excitement as she recomposed


"Excellent." Ms Merek said with a gentle smile and she turned to


He had his doubts despite wanting to say yes desperately, many questions

as to how involved the Sphinx Group was with magic, why they took

mostly orphans or those who were unwanted in but then he glanced at

Fatimah. He knew he couldn't leave her to this alone and in all honesty,

he was always going to say yes despite his reservations.

"Yes. I would like to have magic too." Tirtayasa said and he knew that life

was going to be very different than he thought it was going to be.


21st of December 1953 – Boston, America

With two near soundless pops, they arrived at the front of the gates to the

large estate.

He looked to Emily and saw her nose scrunched a little "The tingling?" he

asked her, a half smile on his face as he raised his arm. She shot him an

annoyed look but grabbed his arm anyway.

"Yes." She said primly.

His smile grew a little.

Apparation from Antarctica to Boston America was not an easy feat to

accomplish, even for them. He also had a tingling sensation in his toes

which was an odd phenomenon he wasn't entirely sure how it comes to


"Let me know if they still tingle later." He said teasingly as he walked

through passed the gates and towards the estate. "I can use my hands to

wring it out." He said suggestively, a playful smile on his face.

Her expression peeked up "Don't say anything you're not willing to carry

out" she said with slight narrowed eyes.

Atticus laughed. She loved his little foot rubs, especially after a gruelling


He looked at her and his smile widened. She looked absolutely ravishing,

the way the black dress hugged her form tastefully, her hair that was up

which exposed her long thin neck that made her contrasting blood red

lips draw him in even already having ravished them before they left Illos.

It seems like she picked up on his thoughts and she rolled her eyes

though he didn't fail to spot the pleased little smile that was half hidden.

He turned away from her as the door open.

"Atticus, Emily" Louie Kōnstantînos said respectfully as he stood by the


Remnants of Mediterranean heritage was still apparent in his looks

despite having long moved from the city of Athens.

"Louie" Atticus greeted with a short nod to his brother-in-law whilst he

led Emily's hand towards Louie who took it and kissed it as custom


Louie guided him into the home "Marie has been unrestful all day" Louie

said with an exasperated smile "A one-time gift seems to have won her

heart of who is her favourite."

"Abraxan foals tend to have that impact" Atticus said with a pleased tone

in his voice.

"UNCLE ATTY!" a little missile happily hollered out, hair swaying from

side to side as she ran out at full pace at him, as fast as her little legs

could go.

With a mischievous flick of the finger, Marie flew through the air,

giggling and laughing as she soared, and into his waiting arms. "Ooof"

Atticus said with exaggeration "You're getting heavy"

"Noooo I'm not" Marie said as she wriggled in his arms.

"So you're still little then?"

"No, I'm big!" Marie said and Atticus laughed before he placed her on his


"Daddy, look, look! I'm taller than you!" Marie said excitedly.

Louie shook his head with a smile on his face "Yes you are Marie." Louie

said before he locked his gaze with Emily and then him "Sophia is in the

living room" he said as he gestured forward and they began to walk,

following him towards there.

"Giddy-up, Giddy-up!" Marie said as she bounced on his shoulders, her

hands slapping the top of his head which caused Emily to look at the pair

of uncle and niece with an amused look.

"She's turned more wilful" Emily mused to Louie who only sighed a little


"She has. She's also managed to somehow get away with it more often

than not."

"Not surprising" they heard and they turned towards the familiar voice.

"She is adorable even if she's a troublemaker."

"Not troublemaker! I'm always good! Daddy always says so!" Marie said

and Sophia turned to Louie with a raised eyebrow.

"Even when mama says you've been bad?" Sophia asked her daughter and

Louie looked a little nervous.

"Yes!" Marie said happily and Sophie turned to Louie with narrowed eyes.

"You're trying to be her favourite aren't you?" Emily asked wildly amused

even if it didn't appear so.

Louie grimaced before he smiled and shrugged "It can't be helped."

"Hmm." Sophia intoned, unimpressed "we'll see about that." She said to

her husband who once against grimaced.

"You got your papa in trouble, Marie"

"Nuh uh Papa got papa in trouble!" Marie said with protest and Atticus'

lips twitched and the rest of the adults looked at the perceptive little

hooligan with amused exasperation.

After they had dinner and caught up, Atticus and Sophia left through the

backdoors of the Estate and towards the gardens. He walked with his

sister through the light snow in her gardens, her arm wrapped around

his. "How are things really?" he asked his sister.

Sophia sighed "Things are fine…nowhere near to what it was before." She

said with a glance to him. Atticus nodded lightly, an apologetic

expression on his face.

Both his and Emily's plans had impacts on his family. Significant impacts.

He wasn't sure if he would have been able to protect them without his


Things had mellowed out and warnings sent out both in reality and in

threats were enough for interested parties to stay away and it helped that

politically his family were extremely well protected in the States…both

his sister and their extended family.

Louie Kōnstantînos, a third son of the Founding House of Kōnstantînos

only solidified that though he would have preferred Charles to have

survived. His sister deserved love and while he knew she had grown to

care and may be even love Louie, it was not the kind of love she once felt

for Xavier Charlestone's great-nephew.

"Should I expect things to get worse any time soon?" Sophia asked him


"No." He told his sister and it was the truth "Things have settled and Illos

is still three years away from coming forth."

"And Britain?" she asked knowingly "Are things done there?"

"They are." Atticus confirmed to his sister. "Magical Britain is becoming a

better place for everyone."

"Especially for you and Emily." Sophia said as she turned her gaze away

from him "Ouroboros looks like a powerful group. Be careful you don't

lose control over it" she said.

"We won't." Atticus said as they walked.

Ouroboros was a mixture of both merchant and also noble families, noble

families that once sat on the Wizengamot but it was the merchant

families, families that were hundreds of years old but never became

nobility, that was the core of the group.

Merchants that turned wealthy only because of him and Emily and that

were oath sworn to her. To lose control over them was not something

that could happen even if people 'joined' the Ouroboros party.

it was several minutes later that either of them spoke and it was Atticus

who broke the silence "I would like to approach our Aunt." Atticus said to

his sister.

"Our aunt or my President?" Sophia asked as she glanced at him from the

corner of her eyes before she fixed them back towards the snowy path

before them.

"Your president?" Atticus questioned.

"I am a MACUSA citizen, dear brother."

"You're an Illosian citizen." Atticus reminded her and Sophia rolled her


"Illos exists nowhere except in Illos. After Britain exiled us" Sophia said

as she turned to him with a glaring stare before she continued "I needed

to take up citizenship since we're officially non-British. MACUSA

graciously offered."

"And" Sophia cut him off "And I won't give it up even when Illos becomes

known. Not until it's later."

"You won't come to live in Illos?" Atticus questioned her despite knowing

her answer and from the look he got from her, she knew he knew that

she wouldn't.

They said nothing for a little while "Your president." Atticus said finally.

Sophia remained silent for a few seconds "She's probably expecting you

anyway. I'll see what I can do." She peered at him "I take Japan's stops of

trying to re-establish trade with former trading partners is your doing?"

she asked accusingly.

She was probably annoyed that he was throwing a wrench in whatever

business scheme she had been thinking of, likely one that involved in

MACUSA establishing closer ties with Japan in exchange of their markets

opening to her businesses.

"Why does everyone always think I have something to do with it?"

She looked at him with a deadpan expression "Because usually you do,

little brother. You're annoying, even now, like that."

He grunted displeased and after a few seconds "Yes." He said finally "Yes,

we're indirectly responsible." He said.

"So they'll be the first?" Sophia asked after a few moments.

"Yes." He told her. She knew that he was planning on tying magical

countries closer to him through different ways, many of those ways


Sophia nodded "MACUSA second." She peered at him "Or third" she said

knowingly, referring to Magical Britain.

He only smiled at her and she rolled her eyes. Absent-mindedly he

wondered why the women in his life liked to roll their eyes at him.

"It'll have to be spectacular to pull MACUSA to your corner even if they

like you as much as they do." Sophia said and she continued "And before

you ask, I won't help you in changing their minds. I'm staying out of it."

She said firmly.

"I understand. Just arrange the meeting and I'll take it from there." He

reassured her and she nodded firmly before she visibly changed her


"How is mother?" Sophia asked him as she turned to face him fully, her

expression showing the deep concern she felt for their mother.

"She's still coming back fine." Atticus said in a reassuring tone.

"It's not concrete yet, when exactly she'll be back but she will be back

within the next year that is certain." After which she would stay and live

with Sophia for a good few years at least.

They had only spoken to her a few times in the last four years and that

was through recordings. The Ancient humans had developed

communications arrays that were interlinked and allowed for instant

communication but all of that was obviously gone. Now, communication

– still faster than the speed of light but still far from instantaneous – took

several months depending how many thousands of light years they were

away and she was multiple tens of thousands of years away quite often.

Sophia's expression changed to happy relief before it morphed to

contemplation. "I can't wait to hear her stories…the last time she was

back she had much to tell."

Yes, it had been fascinating to hear though also extremely worrying. He

could only really see events of Earth or events that were directly in his

personal future. He wasn't sure why, perhaps it was scale, perhaps it was

simply he hadn't learnt how to extend it further into the universe, but

nevertheless the only things he knew of the galaxy at large is what his

mother and Moira told him directly in his future.

And from the sounds of it, they had more problems than cataclysmic

enemies…problems that could turn into cataclysmic enemies.

They were significantly more advanced than what he might have thought

would be out there, especially given that it was only two hundred

thousand years since the 'reset' of the galaxy as Moira would tell him in

less than a year, but that was the current situation in the galaxy.

It seemed like things would become even more urgent for them to move

out of Earth especially if they were so close to the world.

"Are you envious?" he asked, referring to when Sophia had the choice to

go as well.

Sophia took a moment to answer before she smiled beautifully "No. Not

when I know that I would not have had Marie."

Atticus smiled at her "I am glad."

She nodded as she grabbed his arm more firmly "And you?" she asked

him curiously "You know that your choice of doing all that you're doing

has taken away from the possibilities to be out there" she said as she

turned skyward "to be an explorer, to see the stars and the planets and

the nebulas of the galaxy."

She turned to him "Do you regret it? The choices you've made?" She

asked, inferring to more than just exploring the galaxy.

"Not when I know it's for the better for our people." Atticus said to her.

"Not a clear answer, little brother." Sophia commented astutely "Still, I

understand." She said and soon enough they turned back towards the

warm house.

The rest of the evening went smoothly and it was time well spent with



The Void

Anne Sayre POV

She watched the changing patterns that were more like flowing curtains

of purples and greens, endlessly shifting hues and in swirls that somehow

managed to always generate a new colour of greens and violets in its

small difference.

There was a sense of poetry to it, she mused to herself as she sat there by

the window of the control hub of the ship.

Slipspace was nonvisible to the human eye but the ancient humans were

able to pick up in slipspace the massive rippling magnetic fields that was

within the galaxy. Something about boundaries existing around clusters

of star systems and these flowing curtains were merely projections used

to determine the health of slipspace.

She knew little of the complex mathematics that lay behind those flowing

curtains, that allowed for such travel in seas of mesmerising splendour

but none of that took away that sense of poetry, of the idea that there

was a sense of simplicity in such impossibilities.

She often sat by this window when they travelled, which was nearly all

the time, and simply watched the beauty of these curtains. It helped that

it was reminiscent of her son's eyes and it chipped away at the deep

longing she felt for her children and the grandchild she had never met in

some small way.

She's been in space for the past four or so years now, in her estimation.

Four long years of nonstop exploration and before that she'd only come

back a few times in the years before then.

She often regretted choosing to leave for so long

To leave behind all that she knew and all that she cared about.

Yet it had also been time for her to seek out new things and Moira had

given her the newness she needed. Markus' death, the attack on her

mother and the rest of her family, Grindelwald and Atticus' defeat of the

man, Atticus' and Emily's plans for the magical world and Sophia's own

journey to find her place in the world…

Much had happened in those years. Much had been revealed as well.

Where she had seen Sophia break and reform into a stronger person,

where she had seen Atticus grow and become a man that he was always

meant to be, she had instead felt…lost.

Her children had no need of her and she had felt unanchored.

Britain had not felt like home when she had returned and those parties

and events felt hollow, the people feeling just as hollow, people who

pretended at being people as they showered her with praise and

congratulations for 'bearing' such a strong Lord…

She knew then that after what she had experienced in the past few years

that she could never go back to being 'Lady Sayre', the socialite that acted

as they did, that talked like they did.

Not after the loss of Markus, the loss of her father, her cousin and only a

few short years afterwards her mother who had lingered on longer than

they all thought.

She had felt unanchored and despite her children's attempts in including

her in their lives, she knew that it was time for them to find their own

paths in life.

Moira had offered an opportunity that she took it despite the heartache.

Looking back, she realised that Atticus had known before she did that she

going to leave.

A soft smile came across her face. He put in extra effort in spending time

with her that year. He was a wonderful son.

At times, she thought amusedly and a little exasperated.

He'd inherited much from Markus but one thing that was entirely his own

was his bullheadedness. Her smile fell off. Perhaps that was why he was

the Sayre that would take their people to the stars.

Leaving with Moira hadn't only been opportunistic…she was doing it to

safeguard her children. To safeguard Atticus. It sounded odd, it truly did,

given what he was capable of, how able he was at defending himself but

there were things that Atticus did not know, could not see.

One of them was about what was out here.

Atticus was dead set in moving worlds.

But without knowing where to go, it was folly. Without knowing who was

out here was folly and joining Moira to see whether her ancient enemies

were still around was a way she could protect her family.

Atticus would protect the rest of their family back home.

Soft footsteps on the metallic floors distracted her from her musings and

she glanced over her shoulder.

Moira was dressed in blue-white clothing with almost impenetrable skin

tight suit underneath the loose clothing. It was one of her people's

customary way of dress.

"We are almost there then?" Anne asked as she stood up.

Moira inclined her head in her usual way. "We will arrive in less than ten


"Good. I would like to stand on earth again. It's been too long." Anne said.

Moira smiled "Phelixes should still be habitable and oxygen rich. It was

only a research facility during the later eras in my people's time. Its

distance from our empire's domain and close proximity to their space

made it unsuitable for long term colonisation."

Anne raised her hand and the holo of the planetary system popped up. Its

sun was similar that of their own but that was where most of the

similarities ended.

Where there were seven planets in the Sol system, there were eight here

with four rocky worlds packed in the 'habitable' region though the planet

nearest two to the sun in the habitable region were borderline whilst the

other two were too close to the star and were little more than barren


But what made it special was there were moons in this system that had

atmospheres, moons that were larger than average and that could be


They however, along with some of the planets, would need a lot of work

to make them comfortable.

She zoomed out of the solar system until the view changed to that of the


In the years of travelling, they visited hundreds if not thousands of

worlds that once had been in the Human Empire and known Forerunner

worlds, worlds that were now bereft of life with only traces of their

legacy remaining.

They had travelled first to the galactic margin which had been the first

worlds that fell to the Flood and had found little life there and most of

the worlds had their atmosphere and life destroyed.

From there, over the years, they'd circled inward, finding many worlds

destroyed or barren though there were some that recovered, until they

reached Charum Hakkor, the ancient human homeworld and capital.

She remembered Moira's look when she'd gazed upon Charum Hakkor,

the world where she had been born and raised on, one that spoke of

unimaginable pain of having lost everything.

Moira had said that it still looked the same even after thousands of years

since she left been here, when she had first awoken from her sleep that

Yprin Yprikushma had forced her daughter in.

The world's biosphere still had not recovered and the planet was

devastated, craters that could fill oceans as large as the Mediterranean

and massive cracks on its surface that ran for thousands of miles amidst

grey and barren sea of rocks made it clear that the planet was dead and

would take momentous efforts to resurrect it.

Little evidence existed of the ancient humans. The Forerunners had been

thorough in wiping out the Ancients existence from the system…from the


It was frightening to know how thoroughly the Forerunners had been

capable of wiping out hundreds of thousands of years of history and

development on thousands of worlds. It spoke of a deep seated hatred

that was obsessive, that they wanted to destroy humanity so


The Phelixes system beeped in the view, breaking her out of her thoughts

and with a few motions of her fingers, Sol System beeped as well.

"So far…" she whispered as she stared at the Holo.

Sol was within the Orion Arm, within the constellation Orion. The

nearest brightest star within the northern hemisphere was Sirius,

Procyon, Altair and Vega which were all within a twenty five light year

radius and all were systems they've visited.

Only Sirius and Procyon had planets that could be colonised which once

upon a time had been ancient human worlds and fairly intact. The star

called Epsilon Eridani was another one such system though this one was

rather special with how many habitable planets it bore and were intact.

Moira said to her that it wouldn't take long to make the rest habitable

either despite the erosion of the biosphere as a consequence of the

Ancient Human – Forerunner war.

Yet all of them were unsuitable for how close they were to Earth…and

more. With slipspace it hardly took any time to get to these worlds and it

was something that they rejected completely.

Even rudimentary Slipspace systems would be able to make that jump in

one journey. That was something none of them wanted even if it would

take a thousand years for the muggles to develop slipspace of their own.

Atticus believed that the muggles would figure out a way to travel at

percentages of the speed of light and create 'generational' ships which

would circumvent needing slipspace technology to travel faster than


Cryo-sleep was a relatively easy technology to develop, he had said, and

that it was too risky to build a home so close to the muggles.

Moira had echoed such considerations and it was better to put at least a

little bit of distance between them which was why they scouted for

worlds in the Rho Ophiuchi region, a star forming region where there

was a particular world of interest.

A world that was stated to be similar to the Earth and would not need a

lot of work.

Unfortunately, it was also occupied…something that they had found

evidence of all across within a thousand light years of Earth and even

much further.

That was the other reason why it was important to find a world far from

the Orion arm. There was an alien civilisation around Earth's corner.

The Covenant.

What they had learnt of them was disturbing and it was only thanks to

the advanced technology of the scout ship and its cloaking systems that

they had not been discovered when they gathered the information.

An alien civilisation, a hegemony, that spanned across thousands of star

systems and had tens of thousands of star ships, many of them a third the

size of Illos itself!

There were at least five species within this hegemony but it was clear

that there was one that dominated, the same species that colonised the

world in Rho Ophuichi.

A serpent like creature which stood upright and that had mandibles for a

mouth. It was tall, taller than any human, even taller than Moira who

was six nine, and had four fingers on each hand. Moira said that she did

not recognise the species, that the species could have been one of the

species that once were in Forerunner space but if the appearance of the

creature was disturbing, it had nothing why their civilisation consisted of

multiple species that were not related to each other.

They managed to disable one of the ships belonging to a bird like species

– she now knew as Kig-Yar – and interrogated them and what they learnt

was disturbing.

They worshipped the Forerunners as gods.

All of them.

It was what bound their society together and moved towards a goal

called 'The Great Journey', the same journey that they believed the

Forerunners took and transcended from the physical world.

She'd never seen Moira so angry then and it took time for Moira to tell

Anne what she believed what this 'great journey' truly was.

She believed that whatever the Forerunners had done, it had wiped out

massive amounts of life from the galaxy in their desperation against the


There was no sign of the Forerunners after years of searching and given

that these Covenant species were actively searching for 'Forerunner relics'

for several thousands of years already without finding a sign of the

Forerunners, she believed that the Forerunners either died out or

retreated from the Galaxy when they wiped out all life.

The absence of their arrogance on their once known throne worlds as

Moira said, worlds that were symbols of Forerunner mastery of

technology and of physics, now were barren rocks absent of life and

atmosphere. This was proof, Moira had said of their shame and guilt over

their actions since nothing truly remained of Forerunner mastery.

Anne had often wondered, if Moira's thoughts on what may have

happened to the Forerunners were true, whether or not the Forerunners

had hated themselves just fervently and loathingly as they once hated

humanity with the way the Forerunners had wiped out almost all

evidence of their existence and dominance over the galaxy.

That these creatures wanted to do the same terrified Anne and they had

searched for years what this weapon might be but they had found


No signs of what this weapon might be.

In the end, they decided to abandon the search for this weapon for now

and focus on finding a world along an uninhabited region of the galaxy,

far from the star maps they managed to seize from the captured ship.

The Phelixes system was within the Perseus Arm, on its other fringes and

bordered the Saggittarius Arm close to the galactic core. It was almost

fifty thousand light years away from Earth.

"It may be far but it will be safe." Moira said as she stood next to Anne.

"There has been little sign of civilisation around this cluster of stars and


"Don't tempt fate." Anne said with a side glance. "She's not that kind to

begin with."

Moira smiled lightly at her comment and soon enough they exited


They exited by the outer gas giant in the system, a gas giant that was two

thirds the size of Jupiter and was of a similar hue of colours as that of

Saturn though the blues overpowered the yellows.

One of the moons was the size of Mars and it had an atmosphere though

this far out from the star made it a frigid world. There was signs of

geothermal activity, Moira said, that the planet's tight gravitational orbit

around the gas giant pulled and pushed at the moon and that it was

likely that given time the moon could be made habitable as it had a

strong magnetic field for its size.

They quickly passed the other gas giant which had several moons with

one in particular that looked like it would be one of the easier ones to

terraform and soon enough they were into the inner parts of the solar


The reports on the solar system, surveys that had been long ago, reported

that the formation of the star system had been more violent than typical,

that more rocky elements had been born during the star's birth which

explained why there was so many moons of larger sizes and rocky planets

that were fifty to a hundred fifty percent larger than Earth.

They arrived at the outer planet within the habitable region and she

could see that it was a highly mountainous planet with snow and ice

covering most of the rocks though at the equator there was water and

many many volcanoes that were active. Its moon, larger than Earth's

moon, was covered with a dense yellow and grey atmosphere.

The third world was on the other side of the solar system so when they

passed through the system, they encountered the two worlds in the

habitable region that were closest to the sun.

The second closest world almost like one sea of savannah, brown and

green, with only two large bodies of water, one at the equator and the

other in the north. It was also over twice as large as Earth and held

several moons that were about the size of Luna.

The first closest world was a desert which was largely devoid of water

with the exception of a single sea that looked smaller than the Caspian

sea and was three quarters the size of Earth.

They passed the sun and they finally arrived at their destination.

Anne looked out at the world with her own eyes as they moved to

breaching the atmosphere. It was green, startling green with high

mountainous peaks that paved the paths for rivers to stretch out for

thousands of miles, rivers that were wide and stretched into seas on

either side of the landmass.

Valleys of startling green covered what land existed, there was little ice

except for the furthest points north and south, mountain ranges that

stretched for miles eerily reminiscent of the Himalayas were plentiful on

this world yet it was it was the flatness and the rivers that really stood


Moira stood by her and Anne looked at her with a smile before refocusing

on the world beneath them.

"It's a wonderful world." Anne said aloud with a smile on her face.

"It's an ideal world." Moira agreed "The planet does have an elliptical

orbit but it is not extreme nor does it extend far enough for the

temperature to drop below 10 degrees in the upper most northern and

southern regions during winter. It would likely have been turned into a

resort world had been closer to our empire."

Anne snorted. The ancient ancestors had some queer way of thinking she

thought herself…to turn an entire world into a resort world. She shook

her head as they sailed the air towards one of the valleys.

Anne exited the ship and she stepped foot on the alien grass in a special

suit that protected her from the environment around. It was not needed,

apparently this world was 'human' compatible and the air was about

21.9% oxygen and 77% nitrogen with only a few trace gases that were

different to Earth and slightly different percentages of the other gases.

According to the data they had, it had never been terraformed which

made it unusual for how similar it was. They'd presumed that it might

have been a precursor world who were known to favour Earth like worlds

and carbon based life.


Her life was certainly different now she thought to herself as the skin

tight suit around her fingers and hands retracted away and she touched

the tall vibrant green that were a shade brighter. She closed her eyes and

she extended herself like how Atticus taught her to do, when he guided

her to feel more of the ambient magic of the world.

She'd done this on countless worlds…both alive and dead. She could not

feel as much as she knew Atticus could, perhaps less than a fraction given

how he often spoke to her about what he could sense and feel and see,

but she could feel it strong enough to tell the differences between Earth

and the other worlds.

Some felt like there was no magic at all, especially on barren worlds but

also worlds that could be settled but had…something missing whilst

others were stronger but not to the strength of that of Earth's magic.

This one…

This one felt stronger. Much stronger.

"Moira…" Anne began as she opened her eyes and swivelled around.

Moira turned and looked at her, a curious expression on her face. "This

world's stronger in magic."

Moira's eyes widened. Moira knew – there was little she would not know

after spending so much time together – about her ability to sense magic.

It turned into a criteria of what worlds were suitable for settlement.

Anne's hand went to the side of her neck and the bubble-head like helmet

fell away and she breathed in her breath of the world and she smiled


"This is the world, Moira." Anne said as she looked out happily. The tall

vibrant green grass, the high peaks of the mountains in the distance, the

sounds of the swaying grass in the mild wind. "This is going to be our

home, I know it." She said as she turned to face Moira.

Moira looked at her for a while before she nodded "I believe you would

be right." She looked at Anne curiously "No doubt Atticus will want to

feel this world's magic."

Anne laughed "He might never leave." She said to Moira and she meant it

to as she got used the world's magic. It was…more…it was hard to

describe when you got used to the ambient magic.

Magic in places, in regions all had different strengths. Hogwarts was a

powerful place for magic and the artificial region created in Antarctica

was another.

Yet here…

It was just as strong as those places that were steeped in magic,

artificially strengthened or no and she was sure that they had not stepped

on the intersection of leylines by chance for the likelihood of that was

very low.

"We can gather more up to date data of this system before scoping the

stars in the neighbourhood." Moira said before pausing momentarily

before smiling slightly at Anne "After that, if all things go well, we can


Anne smiled widened as she walked over to Moira. "It'll be good to be

finally home." Home to her children. Home to her granddaughter.

Moira's gaze looked away from Anne's gaze and towards the valley

"Home is wherever you make it…and this…this is an excellent choice of a


Anne stood by Moira and looked at where she was looking…yes…it was

an excellent place to make a home and before long, she hoped, it would

be theirs.

12. Chapter 76


- informational chapter detailing the government structure of Illios and it's


I will add A/Ns in the next posting that breaks down the

government structure(s)

Scyfly & HughJasz - RE: Quantum Entanglement Communication

The Forerunners had QEC for definite and it is likely Ancient

Humans had QEC. However for now, it is not worth it. Plus, there

will be a tendency to solve problems magically first and if its not

easy, then technology will be a fallback.

M2CR - thank you for the interesting info on Indonesia

Visual Bliss - Archmages being more common is going to be a

certainty. A bit of a headache RE: Power creep haha

Vilgax - She has been missing for a long time! As has Seraya. Both

will feature a lot more once this plotline is gone and the tone is

lighter in some ways.

Joaheah - He doesn't. Halo never existed in Atticus' origin universe

Without further adieu, please enjoy the post!

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next chapter is available

on discord whilst at least the next three chapters after it are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

14th of March 1954 – Illos, Celestis Mount

The cold air tickled against him, the cold this high up, the highest peak

in all of Illos, only feeling like glancing touches despite it being minus

ten degrees Celsius.

He liked being here…in solitude yet not alone.

He breathed in the cool air as he sat on the rough rocks at the peaks of

Mount Celestis, his legs crossed in a lotus position, his magic rising and

coursing out of him like tendrils of spider-silk dancing in freezing air,

interacting, meshing with the streams of magical energies that permeated

through and throughout Illos.

He breathed out with a heave that felt like it was able to move

mountains, and his magic was dancing to the tune of the universal song,

his blood humming and thrumming to the metronomic rhythm of time.

The tendrils of magic grew into tree-trunk thick strands of purple green

energy, swirling and twisting around him as the air grew heavy with his


He opened his eyes and like the very moment of creation, the universe in

all its magnificent layers opened up to him with blinding light.

And the layered…no…the deeply entwined magic within the very fabric of

the universe felt like an old friend, an old friend that sunk into his bones,

into his flesh and into his soul, welcoming him with all that he was and is

and would be, inviting him to its bosom of profoundness, of infiniteness.

Profoundness sunk into him just as kaleidoscopic array of colours with

infinity variety, of infinite spectrum dominated his vision, gentle ebbing

physical currents of energy touching all that was, all that is, behaving

like great plumes of smoke guided and taken away by complex patterns

that not even he could hope to predict.

And in those great plumes of smoke, there were red hot embers that

shone like beacons in a radiated sea of colour, bright and vibrant, like

infant stars surrounded by iridescent gasses left over like amniotic fluids

surrounding new born life.

His gaze fell on where he knew the city resided.

And if there were red hot embers that shone through the great haze of

magic with a radiance, then the city below shone like the surface of a

fiery sea of magma, glittering and radiating fiery liquid rock, their

structures woven with magic that bore their own unique spectrum of

magic, each building, each home slightly different than the other, each

family unknowingly altering, changing the base structures to take on some

qualities of those who resided within them.

And in those base structures, he could see the faint outlines, the faint

threads that connected those homes, threads that crisscrossed throughout

Illos, threads that connected people to places they begun to call home

and to people they considered part of it.

A city people called home…and as more and more people began to fill the

city many had started to call the Eternal City, more and more threads and

connections were created that would persist until the day they faded

away into the Domain.

His gaze went away to beyond the city, towards the rising buildings that

housed various projects, research or production that were taken root on

the outskirts of the city, far out into the hilly hinterlands of Illos before

his gaze fell on the habitat domes that were now halfway filled with both

magical and mundane animals until his gaze settled towards the stars.

He never tired to look at the stars…

He never tired of gazing at the cosmos that was of an unbounded

magnitude, filled with worlds upon worlds, systems upon systems, all

entangled in unimaginable complexity.

Even if he knew what lay there in the dark, in the crevices of space.

How could he tire of it all when he had such great admiration and

reverence for all that each of those distant stars and galaxies represented?

That while stars and galaxies were of grand macroscale, those same stars

and galaxies were not so different to that of the microscopic, where in

each day, in each minute, in each second that passed, our pursuits, our

relationships, our choices, all of it, all of that complexity all had moving

parts that can be approached or could happen in so many different


…just as those distant stars and galaxies were subject and vulnerable to

endless moving parts, of sizes great and small.

A large star goes supernova and its impact is felt light years away,

planets of neighbouring system are irradiated, perhaps even stripped of

atmosphere whilst the newly formed black hole will affect entire solar

systems with its gravitational pull for billions years to come.

One event impacts dozens, hundreds of others.

Just as one act, one seemingly insignificant choice made here on Earth

impacts dozens…hundreds of lives that go on to erase or create so many

other things, other choices.

A microcosmic cosmos yet it was more…connected.

Everyone, in their own way, constructed a cosmos out of chaos but it was

within a greater cosmic chaotic tesseract with unbounded magnitude.

Unknowingly affecting things no matter how small or seemingly

inconsequential, often done without a second thought of what it means,

what it could mean.

People made sense of the world and found meaning in it despite the near

vastness of choice existence gave and acted on that sensibility, on their

understanding of what existence was, unknowing of the vast network

each choice and decision existed in.

And it was that, that occupied his mind.

Amongst many other things.

His hand rose, his palm faced towards the sky and wisps of magic began

to form within his palm. So much of magic was becoming expressional…

unbound for him.

Rules of magic didn't exist for him and they had not for some time.

Perhaps they never really existed at all, and merely were limiters

imposed when it became 'known' as laws and later 'observed' as rules.

Perhaps they were little more like moral values, rules that merely were a

product of the human mind, brought into existence through half-finished

reasoning and observation.

The wisps of magic began to form into translucent blue light,

crisscrossing channels of light connecting to one another until it began to

resemble like the cross section of an ant colony.

Living time…

How apt a description, he thought musingly as he stared at the construct

in his palm.

Life lived and through time Life linked.

Links and lines were formed from one moment to another, through Life

and Death, through choice and by force.

Human thought, human experience, human action.

Boundless in complexity yet just as motions and events of cosmological

scale are guided by gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear

forces, human thoughts, human experiences and human actions are

guided by similar unseen threads.

Choice was choice yet choice was not choice and like planets caught in

orbit of a sun, there were lines and bounds that tied individuals to one

another that influenced and directed one's path towards a destination,

towards a choice.

All entangled in infinite possibilities that could take place in any

universe, in every universe with time as the medium through which it

took form and in which it took place.

It was not an easy concept to understand…even for he who Saw Time in

the form of threads…in the form of possibilities.

It was paradoxical, how everything was connected yet at the same time


It was only through his unique connection to the infinity that was magic

that he was getting a glimpse of what governed the universe…of what

Living Time was…

It was like a whisper…less than a whisper but there still, the

comprehension magic was guiding him towards.

The same method it used to make him comprehend the nature of the

cycles the universe was tormenting existence with…that the universe

tormented itself with.

The phrase that individuals were not drops of water in the ocean but

rather the individuals were the entire ocean in a drop was eerily righter

than wrong.

Consciousness was more than what it seemed, more than what they

understood…more than he understood. There was a vastness to it that

tangled his thoughts in knots he was unable to straighten out despite his

best attempts.

It gotten to the point that he was delving into texts and understandings of

ancient peoples, those peoples who held a deep core of spirituality in

their beliefs.

And it was helping…in a matter of speaking anyway.

Concepts such the world being merely a projection from a transcendent

domain of being, that it was more consciousness than it was physical or

that nature, existence had intentionality, that it was purposeful and


Concepts that he felt was closer to the truth than not.

From his own perspective, it posed an interesting consideration, he

mused to himself as he stared at the spectrum of magic that hung just

above his palm.

Being reborn into another universe, one that was meant to be fictional,

made him understand intrinsically that existence was not as simple as life

or universal laws.

Nor was it certain to make sense.

But all of his considerations all seemed to lead back towards the same

destination, that consciousness was more than it appeared and none more

so than the fact of how closely it was tied to the understanding of the

soul, to magic and to reality itself.

Like the laws that govern the universe, there was evidence there were

laws that govern the other…the non-physical for a lack of a better word.

Laws that seemed to thread and link people through Living Time like

how particles could be quantum entangled, each particle capable of

affecting in an instant no matter how far apart they are, even if they were

each on opposite sides of the universe.

Choices were expressional acts of consciousness but even without input

from someone like him, there were tangles connected to those choices,

tangles that had always been there and always would be, indicating

towards greater meaning and even greater plans.

It was all connected…magic, consciousness and reality.

It was a universal trifecta, the key to something more.

His contemplation continued for some time, thoughts that seemed to

theorise without much progress and it wasn't long until he would be

relieved from his thoughts when he felt her fly towards him.

She stepped down a few metres away from him and he rose from his

lotus position.

"Lazing about?" Emily asked as she walked up to him, a faint smirk on

her expression.

"A little." Atticus said with a tired smile "If you can call thinking on our

studies of consciousness lazing about." He told her and she lost the smirk

and a calculating glint entered her eyes.

"Have you made any new headway?"

Atticus shook his head "No."

The pair of them had begun to theorise on 'the keys' not long after what

happened to him in his duel with Grindelwald even if they had not

known what exactly they were looking for. Only after his experiences

with the Domain and his increasing abilities with Time, were they able to

put a name to it.

There was a membrane of consciousness that connected everything

together and magic was a layer on top that membrane whilst reality was

the upper most layer.

If they were able to figure it out, maybe they could truly end the endless

cycles he was warned about by the shards and shades of billions of years

old dead beings.

"I don't know if we'll make any further headway…I haven't seen us do it."

Atticus admitted.

"But that doesn't stop you." Emily stated as she scrutinised him.

His face split and allowed a hint of a smile to take root "It won't. Did you

think just because I didn't See it, I wouldn't keep it up?"

"The thought crossed my mind. You rely on your Sight a tremendous

amount. It's an integral part of you…just as parseltongue is at this point.

It wouldn't surprise me if you never followed on with something because

you didn't see it."

"We both know that I am not omniscient and we both know that thinking

that nothing escapes my Sight is foolish. I can't see everything. I do not

even see a fraction of a fraction of all possibilities. The Monk made that

clear and I am far from being able to reach his level." Atticus told her.

He may see more likely possibilities now, especially with his different

way of viewing Time but that was hardly all that impressive given that

he was far from being able see what that Monk had been able to see…or

do…like manipulating threads of possibilities…threads of fate.

She nodded "Good. I think it's important we try and keep this up as much

as possible. It might take decades but in the end…" she didn't finish but

she didn't need to.

If they were able to understand…

They would have the keys to the universe.

"Anyway, shall we?" Emily enthused, her eyes sparkling with

anticipation. "I've been waiting impatiently all day on this." She said and

Atticus chuckled.

"Let's go." Atticus said with a nod and soon enough they both rose in the

air and snaked around the mountain towards a pass that was nearly

entirely hidden by a jagged cliff edge.

They descended down and began to traverse the uneven path.

They stopped before a rock face, indistinct from the rest of the Mount,

and Atticus raised his hand. A glowing round dot with orange and red

hues of light came into existence and it grew into lines which grew into


Illosian Runes.

Runes manipulated magic, neurophysical energy, to create effects that

were manifested by the symbolism that was ascribed to their runic symbol

and it drew and manipulated this energy from the air, from the streams

of magic that permeated the Earth and the Cosmos itself.

This symbolism, the runic symbols fixed in their meanings and

representations, was etched into the membrane of the neurophysical

field, the magical field, and it allowed them manipulate reality and the

local magical fields to bring about the effects desired, whatever they may


Mediums for runes mattered, of course, particularly if you wanted a more

permanent effect to take root, like how they had inscribed runes into the

diamond obelisks that had held up Illos, but it did not come into effect

because of the mediums.

Mediums only affected the permanence of runes, not the effect of runes


Mediums for the most part were static and like the riverbeds of rivers,

they moulded the path of magic into the direction and application


Dynamic use of Runes was…different, he thought as he watched the

symbols bend the fringes of reality around them. With a push of the

hand, he sent them forth and into the rock face.

The Atlanteans had thoroughly mastered this form of Runes –

Grindelwald's silver meteor-esque spell had been a very visible proof of

that – and many of the ancient remnants of Runic Battle magic had their

roots from their interpretation and application of magic.

Atticus greatly suspected that spells were heavily derived from the

Atlantean mastery of dynamic Runes. After all…

Dynamic Runic magic altered reality just as spells did but where it all

differed was the power that fed the alteration, the changes made onto

reality. Dynamic runes wrote changes and alterations onto the physical

reality itself, the changes induced was tangible as the laws of the physical

reality were changed and it fed from the magic that existed and

permeated in the cosmos.

Spells were given power by the individual's own magic – for the most

part – and its effects a result of manipulation of magical frequencies

through wand movements and meaning given through similar but

different forms of ascription in the form of words and sentences.

Gestures and words and the individual's magic combined to alter reality

or bring something into reality.

Different causes, similar effects and the survival of Runes as a branch of

magic, a branch of magic that nearly every magical society around the

world incorporated in their way of life only solidified his suspicion.

Over time, most remnants of Atlantean knowledge was lost and only

concepts remained. Runes diversified when writing scripts formed and in

that time, the use of dynamic Runes became less understood and thus less

and less useful when magical peoples began to form their own

applications of magic that once would have been given effect through

dynamic Runes.

With the creation of Illosian Runes, a vastly more expanded vocabulary

with meanings that functioned better than any other ancient runic

language in existence, they could now use dynamic application of Runes

to create combinations of meaning that otherwise would require spells to

be created for the targeted effect and…

And with the expanded vocabulary with 147 runic symbols that could

combine to form complex representation of concepts and phenomenon

such as slipspace mechanics to spatial manipulation of dimensions to

spiritual phenomenon to simple manifestation of elements, the

applications of Illosian Runes were endless.

Most learned and capable mages were able to alter spells in some way as

their understanding reached a certain point.

Wordless and gesture-less spells were often indicators of this.

His own fluidic mastery of Transfiguration was an example of this, and

Grindelwald's and Emily's mastery of all kinds of charms and darker

magicks proved a similar point.

Magic became more like something to mould instead of something to use.

Yet with this dynamic application of Illosian Runes, it took one's

capabilities in magic to another degree. Reality became a canvas with the

magic of the universe the paint brushes that one's own understanding and

thought used to bring change into effect.

And once one mastered the Illosian Runes, particularly the dynamic


Reality was nothing but putty in your hands.

Of course, it required an intuitive grasp of magic and an intensive

understanding of more than just the laws and rules of magic taught in

school. One had to be in tune with magic in a way that most would never

accomplish but in time…in time he hoped it would become something all

Illosians would be capable of.

After all…

He believed it to be the next stage of magical evolution…

Both in the understanding of magic and within the makeup of his people


The runes sank into the rock face and the symbols lit up across the rock

face before the face began to shimmer and then undulate like the surface

of water until it faded away and left behind a clear path leading into a

downward tunnel with the same grey metal walls as the rims of Illos.

Atticus turned towards her and he extended out his hand to Emily and

she took hold of it, anticipation clear in her eyes.

He could understand.

He had felt the same many times when he watched this moment again

and again.

"Tweenie!" Atticus called out and with a pop, his most loyal arrived.

"Your Graces?" Tweenie questioned whilst he bowed his head towards


Atticus smiled fondly at the well dressed elf. The elf – or rather all of the

elves here in Illos – had taken to call them 'Your grace' or 'Your majesty'

as a result of the increasing chatter amongst the Illosians themselves

about choosing both him and Emily as their Royals.

As Lord and Lady of Illos, the lands and Illos itself belonged to him and

Emily but the people nor the state were not part of that. People became

citizens and were governed by the state where Emily and Atticus were

the heads of but not its rulers, not unlike how Queen Elizabeth was the

head of state of the United Kingdom but not its ruler, at least beyond a

certain scope.

But as more and more people arrived, in particular former squibs turned

magicals that were sworn to vassalage to House Sayre, the conversation

was shifting to make what many citizens already thought what he and

Emily already were.

"It's time Tweenie for us to activate the Mithril veins." Atticus told the elf.

"Yes, Your Grace" the elf said with an excited expression on his face.

Atticus knew better than to try and dissuade the elf from trying to call

him royal titles, titles that he had not even taken.

Tweenie snapped his fingers and after several pops, three elves appeared.

The elves bowed "Your Graces" they said as one before they looked at

Tweenie for instructions.

Tweenie remained the Head Elf of House Sayre and as such he retained a

leadership position amongst all elves in Illos. He was very much the ruler

of the Elves, something that the little man had taken on very admirably

and ably.

In time, he would see Tweenie installed as a kind of Chief of the Elves

when he transferred the bonds of the elves towards Illos itself.

Like Hogwarts, the elves would be able to bond with the worldship and

begin their first steps towards creating an independent elf identity. It

wasn't complete independence, not quite but that was something left to

time and their own desires.

"The Royal masters are going to activate the Great Magic Rivers. Every

elf is to stand by their positions!" Tweenie said sternly and the elves

looked at Tweenie with huge wide eyes and quickly they bopped their

heads affirmatively rapidly before they bowed towards Atticus and Emily

and popped away.

"Great Magic Rivers?" Emily asked very curiously.

Tweenie looked a little embarrassed and even sported a bit of green tinge

on his cheeks. "Yes Queenie Emily" the elf babbled, a hallmark of his

nervousness as he tended to return back to his infantile way of speaking

when he was unsure and nervous. "The Mithril is very very magical, more

magical than anything we elves have ever heard about! Even old tales

taught to every elf about the first elves never mentioned such great

magic. To us it is like being sailing away on sugar clouds in a sky made

out of honey!" Tweenie said dreamily before he flushed awkwardly.

"Well…" Atticus said with a little hesitant smile "Thank you for the…

descriptive way of what it feels like to the elves." He imagined it

probably would feel very similar to many other magical beings including

mages were sensitive to magic like Hypatia or Parelius.

Tweenie bobbed his head and he bowed towards them "I shall go now,

Your Graces. Tweenie will make sure the elves do exactly as planned."

The elf said firmly before he popped away.

He turned to Emily, his hand that held hers rising slightly "Shall we go,

Queenie?" Atticus said with a small grin. She narrowed her eyes as she

tightened her grip on his hand.

"Do you really want me to tell the elves what little Marie calls you

sometimes?" Emily said with a subdued tone, a dangerous glint in her

eyes. "King…"

"OK!" Atticus said as he tapped her hand gently "Point taken." He said

with a grimace much to her satisfaction. Honestly, the little she-devil had

a talent for making the most ridiculous nicknames. It didn't help his

mother only egged the little she-devil on.

Soon enough, they began their journey through the tunnel.

They arrived at the centre of the chamber where there was nothing but a

podium with a Runic scheme on its surface that stood at waist height

connected to dozens of channels of glowing silver metallic liquid that

sunk away into the bottom of the walls and into the floor itself, most of it

pooling in a basin not far from below their feet, waiting for the moment

they are set to run through Illos like blood coursing through veins.

Emily's released a shuddering breath and he turned to her. Her cheeks

were a tinge of red, her pupils wide and he saw her magic reaching out

to the room.

"The magic here…" Emily trailed off, momentarily closing her eyes. "I

never tire from it. It's pure…purer than I have ever felt anywhere else.

Far more potent too…several orders of magnitude greater than

Hogwarts…than even that of the Dinosaur reserve. Still feels…dormant


"Yes." Atticus said with a small smile on his face, his own magic

emanating from within to seek out the incredible dense magic, and she

turned to him, meeting his gaze as she opened her eyes. "It'll remain like

this until something changes" he told her.

"Until we activate it after which it'll interacts with the whole of Illos."

Emily mused and Atticus inclined his head slightly.

She stepped forward and gazed at the runic scheme. "How long until all

of Illos feels even a quarter of this potency?" she questioned as he arrived

next to her.

"Perhaps several years." Atticus said musingly. "It could be sooner but I

think it's best for it to increase slowly over time. We also need to inform

the High Council of this so that they're at least preparing for it."

After all, the magical density on Illos would be at the very least be

twenty fold more than it was now. There would be effects. Even in the

short term.

People would have more energy, they would feel more energised and

capable of recovering much faster magically speaking and quite likely

elderly people would find themselves healthier than they've ever been as

the ambient magic nurtured them and reduced the pressure on their own

personal magic to compensate for their age.

She nodded before she turned to him "The Guardian Array however will

have its wards transferred within moments?" she gazed back at the runic

scheme "The spell work we did was unclear how long the transference

from the diamond anchor stones would take though I imagine that is

what you adjusted" she said as she glanced at him.

"The minor adjustment made to the spell work was indeed to hasten it…

without it causing any detrimental effects." Atticus confirmed "I wasn't

comfortable with the Array being down for longer than a few minutes."

His expression changed subtly, his eyes taking her in "Are you certain you

do not want to share being the keeper of the Wards?"

She turned to him, her own eyes inspecting him "No." she said after a few


"You have said it's…intimate, this connection you'll share with Illos."

"Yes." Atticus confirmed. "It'll be several factors greater than being a ward

holder of a home or for example Hogwarts." Atticus frowned as he

paused, attempting to put into words what was most likely very


"It'll be like…almost like the magical bond we share."

Emily remained silent for a few moments as she stared at him until she

wrenched her gaze away from him "I'm sure. Besides, I will be tied into

the Wards anyway through blood even if I won't have the same level of

control as you will have. I'm not as keen to tie my magic to Illos as freely

as you will." She said to him.

Emily would be tied through blood but not through blood and magic, not

like he will. Even though she knew there was little harm in doing this –

he'd assured her of that long ago, she wasn't comfortable sharing her

magic to that extent.

"Alright." Atticus said after a few moments before he stepped forward and

stood before the podium. There were twenty seven Illosian Runes etched

on the podium surface though the runes that were core were 'Guardian',

'Right of Blood' and 'Oecumene'.

He raised his hand as he drew on his magic, his hand beginning to glow

dimly before with a simple expression of will, amethyst and emerald

wisps of magic began to rise from his hand before they formed into thick

vibrant strands of magic.

With effortless focus, he directed these strands towards the surface of the

podium as if they were nothing but snaking limbs and the podium

hungrily took in his magic and the runes glowed in violent orange hues.

The liquid Mithril began to stir, to shake at a high frequency, so much so

that its surface began to undulate like how heavy bass shook the surface

of water, and it began to fill the entire chamber with an incandescent

silver blue glow, as radiant as a star on the precipice of going supernova.

He began to feel…a connection to the Mithril, a thrumming thread that

connected him to the vast pools of Mithril that sat below and to the few

veins that were already coursing through Illos like arteries.

He let out a shaky breath as the connection deepened.

If light equated to magic, then in this moment in time, it was as if he

were standing atop a star made of magic, its power and magnificence

forming threads to his very core of being. The magnitude of the magical

density was immense.

Emily stepped closer to him and took his hand with her own before she

conjured a knife. Atticus angled his hand towards her and she sliced it

across his palm.

Blood trickled from his hand towards the indent at the centre of the

podium surface.

The connection deepened even more, like a seed taking hold of fertile

soil, each second that passed felt like days as his magic tied itself to the

dormant, pure magic that seemed like it had always waited for this

momentous occasion.

And like a seed, it began to sprout.

He heard her soft gasp as the air grew heavy as magic rose with a

strength that could only be compared to how it might feel to be in the

presence of the emergence of existence itself.

His nerves, their nerves were on fire, almost as if they were hosting an

electric firestorm underneath their skin. Despite the intensity, despite the

feeling of nerves being prickled, his magic and blood sung, nearly an ode

of reverence as they both meshed and blended with the tune of the no

longer dormant great pool of magic beneath their feet.

Waves upon waves of timeless grey blue magic began to emanate from

the podium, from Atticus, until both of them began radiating amethyst

and emerald and grey blue hued magic that thickened the air so much

that it felt like they existed, waded in thick oil.

"Emily…" Atticus began in a voice that sounded disembodied, his eyes

aglow with pure white light. "Tie yourself."

Emily stepped forward and with a sharp cut, her blood also dropped into

the pool of blood. The hues of magic began to change, dark green hues of

magic began to twist and orbit around the amethyst, the emerald and the

grey-blue streams of magic.

Atticus closed his eyes and he sunk deep into the magic that was being

radiated around them. He was weightless in time, in this moment, as he

swam through the streams of magic. His heartbeat slowed to a crawl, life

beyond him faded away into a haze as he reached out to his secondary

body, this body made out from a pool of Mithril.

The concentration of magic was immense and it felt as if he was in the

presence of divinity itself. He wasn't sure how long he stayed like this but

it must have been long for he felt her reach out to him with her hands

and her magic and then he decided.

Like an avalanche of snow racing down the slopes of mountains, the

great pools of Mithril shifted and raced through the channels below the

surface of Illos, channels that were thousands of miles long, humming

and thrumming and brimming with untold levels of magic, all of it

intended to act as red and white blood cells, all of it intending to course

through the veins and arteries and organs of its new body that was Illos.

And Atticus felt it all, as readily as one might feel with their fingertips, all

of it intensely and with great sensitivity.

He felt the presence of his elves as they stood waiting, waiting to slam

the rune carved bisected pipelines made out of Adamantite against the

surface of the Mithril rivers, pipelines that would act like a great copper

wire from which the Guardian Array would emanate from akin to the

electromagnetic field formed when current is ran through copper wires.

And just as the last of the Mithril reached the very end of Illos, he spoke

up "Tweenie…now" he called out, knowing the elf was listening in to his


He felt the pipelines slam into the Mithril rivers and he felt the runes

activate all while the wardstones that powered the Array were


He reopened his eyes and he saw that the waves of waves of magic were

gone, now only an absent presence missed and felt like a phantom limb.

"It's done." Atticus said tiredly. He could feel the wards already forming.

It wouldn't take long before it was completely done.

"I can feel it." Emily said and he turned towards her. She was a small

frown. "It's strong, my connection to the wards."

"Yes. It's tied to your blood. You might not be the ward keeper but you

have as much authority over the wards as I do." Atticus said.

Emily nodded a little hesitantly before she looked at him curiously "I

know we prevented blood-kin from being able to have similar

connections to the wards but are we sure they won't be able to feel

anything like we do?"

Atticus shook his head "I'm sure. The way we wrote the runic schemes

made sure that it was tailored specifically to us. Not even our children

would be able to control the wards." He told her as he met her gaze.

She said nothing for a little and after a few moments she nodded before

she broke eye contact. Atticus felt a little disappointed that it was still a

difficult subject for her.

"There won't be much else to do here now." Atticus said as he sidestepped

the issue and Emily turned towards him "Shall we? I'm feeling a little

barbeque at the moment." Atticus said with an easy smile as he held out

his hand.

Emily took the hand "You're lucky your metabolism is as enhanced as it

is. What you call barbeque is really an early grave for normal people."

She said with a hint of a smile, the corners of her lips rising.

Atticus chuckled "That is exactly why I have it so fatty." Atticus with a

dreamy sigh. Honestly, eating the kinds of food he could eat without

really having to do any working out to maintain his body was very


He spied at her as they began to walk towards the exit "You can't really

talk either. You eat more than a few slices of chocolate fudge a couple

days a week."

She gave him a mild glare "There is a difference to a few slices of fudge

and stacks of barbeque rib racks."

"Makes no difference to the waistline, dear wife." Atticus said with a

teasing grin. "I doubt you'd be able to keep that waist either if it wasn't

for the rituals."

Her head nearly swivelled as her glare turned acidic and he almost

regretted it.

"Don't worry" Atticus said with still a grin on his face though he pulled

her into him as they walked "I would still love you and all, even with a

little extra" he said as his hand went to her backside.

It did the job as planned and she rolled her eyes as her glare melted

away. "Sometimes you really are a fool" she said though with no bite to

her words.

And as they reached the outside again, Atticus kissed her forehead "Your


She looked at him, vague amusement shining in her eyes "Unfortunately"

she drawled and he laughed as they began to rise in the air and soon

enough they were on their way home.


25th of May 1954 – Provence, France

Jean Delacour POV

He watched with a proud if bittersweet smile as his son and heir Francois

exchanged vows with Antoinette Blaugrad. He felt a delicate hand on his

arm and he turned towards his wife who smiled warmly at him, a

knowing look on her face.

She knew how much this meant to him.

After the vows, it hadn't been long until the party begun and politics

resumed its ceaseless

The years since the war had been very fortunate for House Delacour, his

own imprisonment and subsequent actions as part of the Knights of

Mimpost in the liberation of France and in the greater war itself had won

him significant prestige and personal political influence.

His Médaille de la vaillance medallion, the equivalent of the British Order

of Merlin First Class or MACUSA's Medal of Honour, had only aided in

enhancing his reputation and that of House Delacour.

And with the prestige and reputation he personally bore, House Delacour

enjoyed political power and public support that allowed him to influence

policies of the French Ministry.

He had not sought the office of Minister for Magic, in truth, he had not

wanted to.

And in truth…he had not needed to.

Matthieu Blaugrad, Christopher's father, had been elected Minister a few

years ago and he'd always had the ear of his late friend's father.

Matthieu had been a champion for the rights of all French citizens and

after tales of French resistance of all blood statuses, even by those in the

fringes of society that bore creature blood, such laws and policies

favouring equalisation of rights had been received well.

The man's political nose was perfect and he knew how to balance

pureblood rights with the rights of others and it was the reason why

many consider him as one of the best Ministers in recent memory.

It helped that any collaborators, even those just slightly rumoured to

have aided the Grindelwaldite occupiers, were distrusted by the public

and it was something Jean had utilised to discredit many of those who

stood against him politically.

"Jean!" Harfang boomed jubilantly as Harfang walked away from the

people he subjected himself to, Jean thought to himself amusedly. Lord

Longbottom wasn't the only British noble in attendance…or the sole

former member of the Knights.

As the years went by, Jean had kept up contact with many of the

comrades he'd fought with, even if it only been a short period of time

though in reality it had felt like an age. Longbottom, Bones, Potter,

Bulstrode and even Hirahito, who had not come but sent money –

something he called Goshugi – as a wedding gift, were those he had often

spoke with.

Atticus Sayre had also been one of them…before his exile.

Harfang came over and offered out his oversized hand and Jean took it

before Harfang pulled him in a hug. As always, Harfang cared not for

propriety and decorum. Jean cynically thought that Harfang knew that

he could get away with it if only for the charm and affable charisma that

he exuded so effortlessly.

Naturally, it helped that he had a fearsome reputation.

And a rather large axe that he was more than keen to swing.

"Harfang." Jean said with a small smile as they separated and Jean looked

over the giant of a man. He was a little more overweight than the last

time he'd seen him which had been at his heir Harold's wedding to

Augusta Rosier of a minor branch of the English Rosiers a few years ago.

Though the man still looked like he could do all of the ridiculous athletic

and reckless manoeuvres the man had become known for during the war.

No doubt he kept up practicing with that ridiculous weapon of his.

"Congratulations are in order" Harfang said with a great grin, the beard

only slightly parting to show off pearly white teeth "Finally uniting your

bloodline with that of your late friend eh? She's a looker too." Harfang

said with a knowing smile.

Jean smiled. Yes…Antoinette was indeed a comely woman though it was

not the reason why he had his heir marry the girl. He owed a debt to

Christopher, his friend who had died during the liberation of the political

prisoners held by Grindelwald.

He would have gone mad during his imprisonment without the persistent

presence of Christopher…even if they had been separated by a wall and

could only speak to each other. Antoinette was Christopher's little niece,

Matthieu's granddaughter.

They had promised and joked with each other during their darkest times

that they would look back to their imprisonment as nothing but a bad

episode in their lives, sharing and joking in their old age as they were

surrounded by grandchildren and great grandchildren who shared both of

their blood.

He hoped somewhere Christopher would see that this small gesture

kindly for what it was, that he was seeing it fulfilled even if was through

his niece.

"Thank you Harfang. They are a good match." Jean said as he turned

towards his son and daughter-in-law who were speaking with other

French nobility.

Francois was not a martial man nor particularly business inclined. He

was more of the adventurous kind. It seemed like his time in MACUSA

had inspired a sense of adventure within him and he often said he'd like

to travel the world.

He hoped with his marriage to Antoinette he'd settle down a little. He

was still young and Jean still had many decades in him to lead the family

but he hoped starting a family would inspire some amount of familial

responsibility in him that was lacking a little too much for Jean's taste.

Still, given that he seemed to have warmed to Antoinette, he had high

hopes that his wishes could come to fruition without needing to do

anything in particular.

Jean turned back to Harfang, a curious expression on his face "Speaking

of matches…how is your heir and daughter-in-law?" he asked of Harfang.

Harfang's smile widened "Augusta is a few months pregnant now."

Harfang said in a proud voice.

Jean's eyes widened in surprise before his smile turned warm

"Congratulations. Do you know the sex?"

Harfang shook his maned head "No. They do not want to know until

they've passed the second trimester." Harfang told Jean and Jean

understood. Pregnancy was difficult, especially for the upper nobility.

Rarely did women have more than two scions despite the fact that

women could have children well into their eighties, a main contributor to

their low population despite magical society having largely eliminated

illness and injuries.

It was an old superstition to remain ignorant of the child's sex until the

child was developed enough that it was unlikely to die in the womb.

He'd been surprised that Harfang even told him of his daughter-in-law's

pregnancy as families' kept such information to themselves, not only to

protect the family line but also to save 'face' in a small way should the

pregnancy be a failure. He supposed that it was Harfang's very telling

way of letting Jean know that he valued and trusted the Frenchman.

It was a nice gesture.

"Well, I hope your grandchild is born hearty and hale with magic's

blessing, Harfang." Jean said before he smiled a little "He'll need to be

hale with you for a grandfather."

Booming laughter erupted from Harfang's maw "Aye and I have no

worries that he'll be as hale as a Longbottom!"

Jean smiled at Harfang before his expression fell "Speaking of hale…how

are things in Britain?" Britain had many eyes on them and had done ever

since Atticus' defeat of Grindelwald. The past ten years had been…

eventful to say the least.

Many in the upper echelons of French politics had been surprised that it

took so long for conflict to break out, especially when the economy had

been wrecked after Atticus had pulled financially and economically out

of Britain and many other European countries that had worked with the

ICW to isolate the Sayres from power.

And many of them, including Jean, had been surprised at the short but

devastating attacks that turned Magical Britain on its head, especially

with the way powerful heads of families were massacred. The death of

Arcturus Black in particular, and Cassiopeia Black not long afterwards,

had shaken many on the continent.

The thought that Arcturus Black, the Black Wand that liberated most of

Norway could die so easily at the hands of what many consider as rabble

had been unthinkable…until it happened.

And then for it to cause the events that lead and ushered in massive

change in the British political system was something no one could exactly

pinpoint as to how it came to be.

Most did however have an inkling of understanding, none more than

Jean himself.

Emily Sayre-Slytherin remaining in Britain whilst the rest of the Sayres

were exiled spoke volumes that the Sayres were not done in Britain, no

matter what the agreement of non-political interference from House

Slytherin had spelled out.

Of course, they weren't the only ones to understand this…Houses Black

and McKinnon were too smart not to have known this also but with the

Ministry eager to agree to end hostilities and uninterested in exiling a

Founder House that many in Britain held incredible respect for, especially

for the woman herself who became a cultural icon, well…

Plus, Archmages were very hard to dislodge even on the best of times.

They had known they were lucky Atticus' disposition prevented him from

conquering Magical Britain outright and Jean knew all too well that had

Atticus desired, even without the aid of his wife, he would have been

able to do it.

In a grim way, this was perhaps the best way it could have ended…a

short revolution not unlike the French Magical Revolution instead of a

devastating civil war that would have caused many more thousands of

deaths instead of a few hundred.

Of course, it also meant that now with Britain in the hands of Ouroboros,

it also meant that Emily Slytherin-Sayre was effectively in control of

Britain…and by relation, Atticus Sayre himself. A fact that did not escape

the more astute.

Not that France would have much to worry.

France's position towards the Sayres had been positive though that had

been the extent of their support…for the most part. Still, it was telling

that France's economy was left more or less intact despite the massive

flight of capital in Europe.

Just as it was telling that Jean held the licences to M-TVs and other

Magi-tech inventions, something that allowed France to propel as one of

the leading countries of magi-tech advancements putting them on par

with Ireland and MACUSA.

Though with Britain's sudden shift in both attitude and economic

interests, it wouldn't be long until they joined the world again with their

own inputs into magi-tech especially as they repealed many of the bans

against the branch of magic.

It wasn't the only repealing they were doing either.

Magical Britain, relatively speaking, had been considered progressive

compared to many European Ministries but at heart they had always

been pureblood dominated in their typical stiff manner.

…Something that was changing with laws and initiatives put in place to

equalise opportunity based on merit and skill instead of pureblood status

which Jean had never foreseen possible especially given their extreme

reaction to the published findings about the true origins of muggleborns.

They had even consulted the French Ministry in regards to some of the

laws towards those with creature blood and magical beings.

It was rare for any nation to react in such a way that didn't crack down

even harder on the groups that perpetuated such horrible crimes and

none more so than the British who were notoriously slow to adopt new


It had seemed the outcries of the public after years of economic and

social turmoil had finally reached a point that great change was

needed…lest a true civil war blooms into reality like what had happened

during the French Magical Revolution.

Such quick change over such a small period of time, in both economic

and in social context, was something that was gaining a lot of interest…

and attention…not just from the French.

The ICW was very interested in the sudden shift.

Even when they should be focused on what is happening in Eastern

Europe, particularly with the growing intolerance of magical beings and

those of non-pureblood origin there…along with the reports of these dark

group of wizards known as Ravenites.

Harfang's laughter petered up and his expression sobered and he let off a

grunt "Much better…in fact better than it's been in for a long while." He

looked at Jean meaningfully "Ouroboros has been strangely very

progressive and even amongst the nobility in the Council of Lords there

has been grudging acceptance of laws that none of them would have

supported even just a few years ago."

Jean narrowed his eyes as he eyed Harfang meaningfully "House

Slytherin's influence must be tremendous." He commented and Harfang

only smiled.

"Even with the loss of her noble title and refusal to take up a noble title

granted by the British Ministry of Magic as the lawful government of

Magical Britain, her influence is very strong. There is a reason why most

refer to her still as Lady Slytherin or Lady Sayre." Harfang said with a

noncommittal grunt.

For all of Harfang's…abrasive nature, he was far from a fool.

Jean looked at Harfang with a surprised glint in his eyes "I didn't know

that calling her Lady Sayre in the open was acceptable."

"The Sayre name is no longer taboo…at least not completely. The country

is different now and given that it is actually passing many of the laws he

advocated for, it's becoming clear to most of the public that he'd been

treated unfairly." Harfang intoned.

Harfang had never been happy with how things went down and from

what he heard from their mutual associates, it took Atticus speaking to

Harfang directly to dissuade him from acting out as he felt.

He had wondered what Atticus had told Harfang but Harfang had never

spoken of it, even to Charlus or to Albert. Not that Harfang would have

spoken to either beyond a certain degree given how much those

relationships soured.

"Enough to see him return from exile?" Jean asked seriously.

Harfang remained silent for a few moments "Yes." He admitted, a sober

smile on his face "though I think we both know our friend won't come out

of exile until he's ready"

'And we better all be ready for it' Jean thought to himself.

"I'm curious to know what he's been up to." Jean admitted "I have not

spoken to him since his exile."

"Neither have I." Harfang laughed "and Emily is rather tight-lipped

whenever I asked, only that he is well and that he expects me to have

mastered Desolation in his absence." Harfang grinned, his jovial nature


Jean's lips twitched as he looked at Harfang's wide grin.

That battle-axe of his was honestly ridiculous in its size and Harfang

loved it utterly. It also helped that the thing was perhaps the most

powerful magical weapon he'd ever seen.

He'd been there when Atticus had gifted the large man the weapon and

for a moment, he was sure Atticus had been afraid for his virtue from the

way Harfang had eyed him.

"In any case" Harfang continued "I expect that when he is ready, it'll be a

damn blast." Harfang's eyes glinted "No doubt the ICW will be roused like

angry little bees."

Jean looked at Harfang meaningfully "I take it you'll be there to dip your

hands in honey if there is a need for it?"

Harfang's smile turned predatory "Longbottoms do not renege on their

alliances." He only said and Jean understood very well what that implied

and in truth…given how closely the upper echelons of the British

Ministry were tied to House Slytherin, he doubted that there would be

many in the British Isles – including the Irish Ministry – that would not

stand with the Sayre couple.

The political climate was very different to what it was in the late '40s.

The two parted not long after, both of them promising to keep in touch

and as the wedding part neared its end, he was approached by an

ambassador of the Japanese Ministry. "Mr Delacour" Ozutsuki Taneko

said with a heavy accented in French.

"Ambassador." Jean greeted as the guests he was speaking to continued

their conversation a little distance away from them.

"Join me?" the ambassador said as he gestured towards the gardens, away

from the guests. Jean eyed the ambassador carefully but the man gave

little away. Jean nodded his acceptance.

They'd walked for several minutes as they entered deeper into the

gardens and it was at that stage the ambassador spoke up. "Has there

been any movement in your Ministry to accept our offer of joint

research?" the ambassador asked.

With Jean's relationship with Shinji Hirahito, he was often used as the

point of contact for the more…unofficial communications with the

French Ministry. The Japanese Ministry looked kindly to House Delacour,

especially with its commitment to aid Japan with its trade when most of

its neighbours reneged and embargoed trade on the back of their…

unsavoury actions in Manchuria.

Jean glanced at the short man. "Not yet. Our…experts are deliberating

the value to be gained from the research." Jean paused momentarily "We

understand the…usefulness of the magic but from our point of view, we

do not see why you might want this." Jean came to a stop and the

ambassador turned to face Jean, a non-descriptive expression on his face.

"Japan is by far one of the most fertile lands in the world. This kind of

magic…it is usually used by the Bedouins or historically used in Persia or

Egypt." Jean eyed the man carefully "So for us…it's surprising."

The Japanese man said nothing for a few moments "Japan has no need of

it at present but in time…" the ambassador met Jean's gaze "In time, we

will have need of it and we will remember the aid given by France should

your Ministry agree."

Jean stayed silent as he contemplated what the ambassador said. 'No need

of it yet…' Curious…

Jean eyed the man "I will speak with the Minister. Perhaps I can help

both of our people." Jean said to the man and the short man smiled

before he bowed to Jean.

"Lord Ieyasu-sama will be pleased to hear this." Ozutsuki said to Jean.

Ah…that was right, the Japanese magical community elected Ieyasu

Geiwa Genio as Lord Protector of Japanese Magical people not too long


After that, the conversation more or less ended and Jean returned to the

wedding. When his elves had sorted through the gifts, there had been one

that was left nameless and after they confirmed it to be benign, they

discovered that it was a priceless gift. An antique bracelet of Gallic origin

with Gaulish Runic inscriptions.

There were very few remaining records of this ancient runic system let

alone artefacts that were had such runes – the Romans under Caesar had

been thorough in wiping out the Gallic mages and their way of life – and

it was absolutely priceless especially amongst the nobility. Yet they did

not know who had gifted them this.

It was days afterwards that he received a message that took him by

complete surprise, one that bore the symbol of a purple Sphinx, Atticus'

personal seal.

And it was why he was walking the quiet park in Marseille on his

lonesome in the early hours past midnight, his footsteps the sole noise

beyond the rustling leaves.

It wasn't long before he neared his destination and he saw an only figure

sitting on a bench before a small pond illuminated faintly by muggle


He did not have to question who it was…he could feel it even this far

out…the same magical presence that had seared into his mind and his

body remembered long ago.

He walked towards him.

"I hope your son liked the gift." Atticus said, his back still facing towards

the pond as Jean neared. Jean rounded around the bench and looked at


The years had been good to him. His hair was long, reaching his

shoulders and his boyish looks that had still dominated even a few short

months before his exile had gone and in its place there was a man who

was the image of aristocracy.

Atticus turned towards him, his unique purple green eyes aglow with

barely restrained magic were set on Jean, a small warm smile on his face.

"Hello Jean."

"Atticus." Jean said, unable to keep his surprise off of his face.

Atticus turned away his gaze from Jean and pieces of what looked like

bread floated towards the ducks. "Please sit, will you? You're hovering,

old friend." Atticus said even as he didn't look at Jean and Jean blinked

himself out of his stupor and sat down.

"What gift?" he asked, remembering what Atticus said to him.

"The bracelets."

"That was you." Jean said in understanding before he looked at Atticus

with intense focus "Where did you even find such priceless artefacts?"

"You'd be surprised what you can find when you've travelled the world


Jean said nothing to that as he stared at the side of Atticus' face who kept

looking at the pond. Jean sat back on the bench and turned his gaze to

the same pond where the ducks were feeding themselves on the bread.

"Why did you reach out to me?" Jean asked finally.

"I would say that I missed talking to an old friend but somehow I don't

think that explanation will be accepted" Atticus said with humour in his

voice as he glanced at Jean before he sent the next round of bread pieces

towards the ducks.

Jean snorted before Atticus continued "I'm here to let you know that my

people and I will be coming back to the magical world soon." He said and

Jean stilled as he absorbed that information.

"The people who left with you…" Jean said trailing off and Atticus

inclined his head slowly as he turned to Jean.

"The people that left with me and the people who found a home with


Jean's eyes snapped to Atticus, his mind working a thousand metres a

second "Other people than those who left with you?"

Atticus only smiled at Jean before he turned his gaze away from Jean

"And when we return, we want a cordial relationship with those who we

see as friends. Those such as France."

Jean stared at Atticus for a few seconds before he snapped out of it

"France…you want to be friends with France?" Jean said slowly.

"As much as I would like us to be allies, I believe such is probably too

early and politically difficult…once the ICW learns of us." Atticus said

with a shade of a smile.

Jean let out a shaky breath. "You've really created a nation…haven't

you?" he asked with a dawning understanding.

Atticus turned to Jean, a small smile on his face "Yes, old friend." His

smile widened slightly "You would like what we have built, I'm sure." He

said as he sent another volley of bread pieces to the ducks.

"Where?" Jean asked, his mind trying to think where Atticus might have

taken root.

Throughout the years, the ICW and many other people – and Ministries –

who looked because of the hefty bounty the ICW had placed, any search

for Atticus and his people had come up short.

Jean had also looked, if only to satisfy his curiosity and he had no clue

where they might have gone. He might have thought that they might

have settled somewhere in the Pacific where there were limited

Ministries or magical communities but nothing had been found.

No islands were missing from maps, both modern and centuries old, and

no regions unsettled were found to have any magical presence.

"In time, you will know. If France is…amenable, you may learn sooner

than when the rest of the world will know." Atticus told Jean.

"It will be difficult." Jean said after a while. "France has not forgotten the

debt it owes you and the many of the Knights who left with you." Jean

paused for a moment. Even with ICW and European pressure, France had

not repealed the Médaille de la vaillance it had given Atticus.

"But the ICW has…is…growing more and more influential, especially

here in Europe." Jean said hesitantly to Atticus.

The ICW had even established a base in Switzerland in recent years

though they kept its Headquarters in Alexandria. For now. Germany,

Poland, Austria, the Scandinavian countries were all working closer with

the ICW as time went by…and it was telling the effect it was having on

the organisation.

With the once Grindelwald followers incorporated within the

organisation, there was a slow but certain shift in the organisation's

attitudes. Shifts that the central and northern Ministries were actively

encouraging as they reverted back to how things used to be before the

ICW had gutted the aristocratic structures of the countries.

"I'm aware." Atticus said as he turned to Jean, his expression serious "I

have been watching closely about what is happening…what will happen,

old friend." A dark expression came across his face, one that worried Jean


He knew of Atticus' talents in Divination…his Sight.

It was part of the reason why many in France had listened to his words of

the consequences of division and pureblood dogma, especially when

mages talented in Divination confirmed that Atticus was truthful. No one

in France wanted to go through another war, especially another war that

decimated so many of the noble families.

There was already an appetite to liberalise somewhat after the heroics of

muggleborns and half breeds during the occupation and Atticus' words of

equality had resonated with many in France.

So to hear Atticus talk about something that will happen worried him


"The next few decades, my old friend, will be a challenging time and it

will not be because us" Atticus told Jean.

Jean looked away from Atticus' gaze and towards the pond.

'And you would drag France into it' Jean thought to himself.

He wasn't about to believe his words that rang of prophecy on a whim.

Even if they were from a friend. Even if he trusted that Atticus meant

him and France little harm.

Jean knew that what Atticus was telling him was geared towards tying

France closer to Atticus and his people.

Given the hostility that will emanate from much of the former

Grindalwaldite European nations and the ICW, having France as an ally

would offer a strong deterrent to immediate action.

He was tempted in refusing out of hand completely.

The headache Atticus would bring France made it very tempting to do so

but he also knew that Atticus was a once in a lifetime wizard capable of

what most could not even imagine, let alone actually do…and he was

honourable and loyal. France would benefit greatly if this nation bore the

fruits of Atticus' labours.

Years may have passed but Jean knew that for someone like Atticus,

loyalty meant everything. He gave loyalty when loyalty was returned.

That was part of his nature.

And alliances…well, that was a loyalty of a kind.


He had to remain cautious for France's sake.

"I will speak with Matthieu." Jean said finally as he glanced at Atticus

from the corner of his eyes. He might have to convince Matthieu to

prepare France for when Atticus revealed his new nation to the world for

there was no doubt that it was going to cause some kind of impact.

"You can tell him everything I just told you. Naturally, I would like it to

be kept a Ministry secret." Atticus said with a mild smile.

Jean snorted. "Naturally." He said tiredly. Yes…it'll definitely be a

Ministry secret. The last thing they needed was the ICW hounds sniffing

around in France. He still remembered the near inquisition the bastards

had tried to force on them for having the rights to Atticus' inventions.

Speaking off…

"Do you want buy back your licences?" Jean asked him. That was a right

that Atticus reserved when he handed over the businesses and the spell

work for a pittance.

House Delacour would not need it, they made enough of the licences to

last them generations alone, but he would rather not lose it.

Atticus stood up and turned towards Jean, his head shaking "No.

Consider them yours in perpetuity." Atticus raised his hand and pointed it

away from Jean. He paused for a moment, taking a moment to look at

Jean. "It was good seeing you Jean. I'm glad that you could make good on

your promise to Christopher." Atticus said quietly and Jean stood up as


He'd told Atticus at some point, a few years after the war.

It did not surprise him that Atticus remembered.

"So am I." Jean said soberly.

Atticus' hand began to glow and what seemed like sharp lines that

formed into strange symbols hovered in the air until…

Until the air became distorted and shimmered until what seemed like a

window formed. Tall grass and hilly lands were on the other side of the

window though that was not what was strange…no what was strange

was that he could not see a sky…only a grey something that seemed to

stretch endlessly into the distance.

"It might be a while until we see each other again, Jean. Until then…may

magic light your way." Atticus said to him with a smile before he turned

around and walked through the window.

Jean stepped forward a little, his gaze intent on Atticus' back but within

moments, the window closed and all evidence of Atticus being present

was gone.

Jean stood there for a few moments, staring at where the window once


He snapped out of it and he chuckled softly to himself, his head shaking

as he chuckled. Of course the man ended up making a new form of


His chuckles petered out and he let off a sigh.

It seemed like things were going to be very complicated, he mused to



30th of January 1955 – England, Prince Manor

Emily POV

She stepped out of the floo, ashes vanishing before they could settle on

her with a simple twist of the wrist and she turned her gaze towards the

waiting person. She'd been invited and to be 'shown' something.

"Emily!" Eileen Prince said with a beaming smile. She was dressed in

robes with fading splots and stains and Emily knew she had been in the

midst of something in her lab. Eileen quickly walked over to Emily.

Eileen curtsied quickly before she hugged Emily, a hug that Emily

awkwardly returned before they separated.

There weren't many were so…affectionate with Emily. Really, other than

Eileen, there was only Atticus, little Marie and her mother-in-law Anne.

The latter two could be excused as people important to Atticus but


She hadn't been sure when she'd started to care for the young woman.

Perhaps it had been even as early as Hogwarts when she was still

attending it as a student.

Still, it didn't mean that she tolerated such open displays of affection in

the presence of others, especially in front of Lord Prince and his heir who

were her subordinates for all intents and purposes.

She cleared her throat "Are your father and brother around?" Emily asked

with a stern expression.

"Of course not" Eileen said to her, clear understanding etched on her face

and Emily relaxed and allowed a small smile to bloom across her face

and she nodded to Eileen.

Eileen at least understood her well enough.

Eileen's lips twitched slightly but she kept whatever was on the forefront

on her mind to herself. "Let's head towards my lab, I've got much to show

you!" Eileen said excitably as she turned on her heels and made way

towards her labs at the right wing of the manor.

Emily watched her go with a fond glint in her eyes before she followed

though at a sedate pace. Soon enough they were in Eileen's lab, a lab that

was filled with cauldrons and racks filled with potion ingredients, filled

with glasses and beakers, and other equipment suitable for potions.

"As you know" Eileen began as she towered over a simmering cauldron

"I've been experimenting with wolfsbane and Artemisia as primary bases"

she said as she grabbed a notepad and shoved into Emily's direction.

Emily grabbed it and Eileen returned her attentions towards the

cauldron, Eileen waving her wand over the cauldron. Emily opened the

notepad and began to go over her notes.

Potions were a delicate art…one that required immense patience and

experimentation. It was not enough to know what each ingredient did…

one plus one did not equal two with it came to potions…no…

Sometimes one plus one equalled ten…or four…or twenty.

Ingredients interacted with one another that were not predictable, often

causing different reactions in different combinations, even in different

sequences. It was…infuriating and though Emily had talents for the art,

she did not have the patience or time to spend on creating new potions.

And it was why she had some of the Seelie to map reactions of

ingredients interacting in different circumstances, conditions, magic and

stirring patterns along with coming up with a predictive model that

would 'spit out' expected reactions not unlike a calculator would spit out

numbers within fractions of fractions of microseconds.

That was still a little way away of course. Perhaps within a few years it

would become standard she thought as she looked over the notes. Her

eyes grew sharper as she read the notes.

"You've finally found a way to stabilise the transformation?" Emily asked

sharply as she looked up from the notes. Eileen turned to her, a large grin

on her face before she bobbed her head up and down.

"Yes!" Eileen said delightedly "Oh, when I got it, I hit myself for not

getting it sooner!" She said with a shake of the head. "I failed to factor the

moon cycles in the stirring patterns. The curse is intricately linked with

the moon – especially magically."

"You've managed to fabricate the magical resonance within the potion?"

Emily asked astutely and Eileen nodded fervently before she frowned "It

was difficult and I'm not so sure many will be able to brew it. I think I

may be able to make it simpler"

"That can come after." Emily said as she returned the notes. "If your notes

are right…the transformations should remove the rabidity and the

infectiousness during their transformation."

"Yes!" Eileen said excitedly "They become more like transformed


Emily suppressed a smile as she looked at the notes. This was what she

needed to entice werewolf communities to her side. "But it isn't

permanent." Emily only stated.

"No." Eileen said with a frown. "I'm not sure the curse is ever going to be

reversible…only manageable I think"

Emily looked at Eileen. "I wouldn't be so sure of that." Part of the

werewolf curse was soul magic. With this potion, or at least the

combination of ingredients, they would be a step closer in figuring out

how to reverse or alter the curse into something more useful.

Something she'll look into once she moved back to Illos where there were

more resources for her to work with.

"I'm leaving soon" Emily said after a little while.

"Oh that's alright. You can come by later if you wish. The potion will take

another seventeen hours before its finished. I can let you know when it is

finished." Eileen rambled on "I'm sure you know where to get candidates

ready for tri-"

"No I mean I will be leaving Britain." Emily interjected, stopping Eileen in

her tracks.

As much as she was loathed to leave behind all of the fruits of her labour,

she knew that it was time to let things ferment.

Her rights over Hogwarts would not disappear not would the work she's

carried out in the lands surrounding Hogwarts, particularly in

Hogsmeade and with the directions she'd leave behind, her work with the

schools and cultural identity she was fomented would remain.

It was time she dedicated more time to more pressing work anyway…like

her research in mass alchemic transformation. With the availability of

Mithril, alchemy now had powerful application…maybe even alter entire


Eileen blinked a few times.

"Oh." She said dumbly before she shook herself clear, a concerned look

on her face "Where? Why?" she asked quickly one after the other.

"I'm sure you have an idea, Eileen." Emily said with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh." Eileen said, understanding clear in her eyes before she began to

nibble on her lip "Will it be long until you're back?" she asked a little

quietly, the shy girl she once was coming back to the forefront.

"It may be a few years." Emily admitted and she didn't have to use her

magic to tell that this was distressing the woman and it made her a little


She hadn't wanted her to be so…dependent on her companionship. It

didn't help that Eileen hadn't been able to make other bonds with people

despite her brilliance.

"I have spoken with Headmaster Dippet and Horace." Emily began again,

ending the silence. "Naturally with my departure, it leaves the Deputy

position open." She paused briefly "Horace will be elevated to Deputy."

"He'd be good at it" Eileen murmured.

Yes…Horace would be well suited for the position…if he can control his

more unsavoury impulses. He'd been able to since she'd joined the

Hogwarts staff, a few choice words had been enough then and leaving

him a few choice words now with the greater power and influence she

wielded would solidify him from seeking to abuse his new position…

beyond a certain degree.

Emily only nodded "And that leaves us with the Potions position. Horace

can manage the Head of Slytherin and Potions professor positions but he

cannot manage three." Not when Horace likely to be taking more

responsibilities from Dippet who was likely to retire within the next five

or so years.

Eileen's eyes widened "I-I can't!" Eileen exclaimed "I'm not old enough, I

haven't done enough!"

Emily looked at Eileen disappointedly "Eileen, you became a Potions

Mistress at age twenty, the youngest in centuries and the only reason why

you're not the youngest is because back then children were often

apprenticed from a very young age in one specific field of magic."

Emily continued "You've also already improved five different potions

making them several times cheaper to produce and you've created three

new potions, including a Night Vision potion that's managed to become a

requisite potion to have within the DLME. You are absolutely worthy of

becoming a Hogwarts professor. Do not doubt your talents or your


Eileen smiled as she flushed slightly under Emily's words.

Emily narrowed her eyes "Or was I wrong to believe in you all this time?"

Emily said lowly.

"No!" Eileen defended before she cleared her throat and composed herself

"No." she said firmly before her expression softened "You weren't wrong.

I…Thank you Emily." She said warmly.

Emily looked away from Eileen's warm gaze before she nodded and

returned her gaze to Eileen "Good. Then you will accept?"

Eileen nodded slowly "I will." She hesitated for a moment "I have never

really taught anyone though."

"I'm aware." Emily said drily. For all of Eileen's brilliance, she was a

terrible explainer of things. Some people had a talent for it, and

Eileen's…well, they'd definitely have to at least teach her how to teach.

"Horace has agreed to help you until you're capable." Emily's expression

shifted slightly "You won't be teaching all of the classes either. You have

the choice to teach either until OWLS level or take the NEWTS classes.

Both Horace and I prefer you to take the NEWTS classes since it should

free up more of your time to still do research however it is your choice."

"Do I have to make the choice now?" Eileen asked after a few moments.

"No. You can take your time until May. We intend to finalise our choice

of secondary Professor by that time." Emily told her.

Eileen nodded before she frowned "What about this potion? Will you still

be around for us to conduct trials?"

"Yes." Emily confirmed "I will at least be around until the summer where

we can conduct the trials. I know a few werewolves who would happily

partake in the trials."

"Excellent! I can also start working on figuring out a way to make easier

to brew in my spare time." Eileen said thoughtfully.

"You know it'll make you a household name…once you figure this out."

Emily stated with a raised eyebrow.

Eileen grimaced. Emily knew the woman never liked the attentions her

talent gave her. Particularly after a lot of the marriage offers were

submitted to Lord Prince.

She had to…dissuade Lord Prince from accepting any. She wasn't

concerned that any would mistreat Eileen...all of the noble families worth

any salt knew that she favoured the young Potion Mistress and to

displease her was a pain at best none wanted to experience.

No, her defence of the woman came because she did not want Eileen to

waste her talents because she had to spend decades rearing children. Not

when she had not accomplished what Emily believed her capable of.

Like this partial treatment of one of the most ancient and persistent curses

in existence.

"Hogwarts is beginning to sound like a wonderful decision." Eileen

muttered and Emily allowed a faint smile.

Eileen shook her head "What will be, will be." She said finally before she

looked at Emily a little uneasily.

"Would I be able to visit?" she asked quietly.

Emily hadn't told Eileen anything at all really about Illos. Or much about

anything else. Their…companionship never really delved into areas of

those kinds of things.

It was more a mutually beneficial companionship that was…pleasant.

Eileen had been a project at first…a curiosity geared towards Eileen's

obvious talents in Potions but over time Emily realised that Eileen was…

different to the others. She liked Emily for Emily.

At least the Emily that she showed to Eileen.

She would have liked Emily if she was still a Riddle and talentless.

And from that realisation, Emily had grown a little attached to the

awkward and shy girl, now woman.

"Yes." Emily said after a few moments "It may take some time but you

will be able to visit at some point. Perhaps during next year's summer


Eileen smiled warmly at Emily and Emily knew that if the woman was

restraining herself from hugging Emily. "Great! I look forward to it! I

know it'll be amazing!"

"You don't even know where or what it is." Emily said a little


"Ah, I know it'll be great! You and Lord Sayre are amazing! Wouldn't

surprise me if you guys did find Atlantis!" Eileen laughed merrily.

Emily rolled her eyes though inwardly she was a little amused. There'd

always been rumours about where Atticus and the people that left with

him might have gone.

No one explicitly ever said it of course, no one wanted to draw the ire of

the Ministry back then, but there was a deep fascination with the events

of the exile itself and the mysteries afterwards.

It hadn't been easy to navigate through the subtle inquisitions back then

and more than a few times she had to stamp probes out before she was

forced to do something drastic. She had learnt much about her capacity

for patience during those years.

As much as her own links to many of the noble families and personal

allegiances she was owed helped, when the ICW was interested, it would

have served little barrier had it not been their own over-cautiousness

however wise it might have been.

Her performances at the duelling competitions had been more helpful

than whatever barriers being politically powerful served and their

overreaction through the recruitment of former Grindelwald followers

over the years, especially when Atticus was still in Britain, was going to

cause them a lot of trouble over the coming years.

She didn't need Atticus' Sight to see that for herself, not when they were

tying themselves closer to the growing dogma of Northern and Central


Nonetheless, Britain would be exempt from this dogma, particularly now

that they had steered the ship towards the direction they wanted and

soon enough they would arrive at the shores of the future.

People were hopeful and invested in the future of the British Isles and that

was going to be important for the years to come. And useful.

As magicals, there was little need for true nationhood.

Only worthless magicals were unable to feed themselves if they truly

needed to and gold for the vast majority of the public was simply enough

unimportant and only useful to have and want.

The majority of people craved forms of power in order to survive and

most magicals had all that they needed with simply just a wand and a bit

of knowledge.

Creating the series of crisis over the years had been useful in completely

shaking that all up. The Ministry overreaching with what they could do

in the affairs of the people, the economic crisis that made basic needs

expensive to obtain – not enough to make it prohibitive but enough to

make people unhappy – and of course the continuous civil unrest that

boiled over into violence that reached even most isolated villages and

farms, all of that contributed towards gearing Magical Britain in a more

conscious society that took active practice in the governance of the


A redistribution of power, or at least perceived power, that would make

people invested in the affairs of the country.

And now it was time to leave and let things settle though always curious

of where she and Atticus were. By now, she had as much a social

presence as Atticus once did and when she left, the curiosity about them

would peak.

With a lot of the plays that were acted out in the Nine Realms Theatre

being very familiar and many of the 'heroes' being able to be

superimposed on her and Atticus, especially that of the Tale of the

Saviour, they would always be in the back of the minds of the public.

And in a few years' time when Illos emerged with all of its splendour and

similarities to Avalon and Atlantis, eventual talks of union would become

something serious to consider.

The Ministry was already geared towards being amenable to such with all

of the people who were sworn to her in key positions in power and

before she left, she would provide directions to her inner circle…and

'invite' them periodically to Illos.

"Anyway" Emily began as she refocused "Your notes are unclear on when

they need to take the potion" she stated to Eileen who settled down and

began to explain the intricacies of the potion.


16th of March 1955 – Unnamed Planet, Epsilon Eridani

They descended down from the bay of the ship with full air tight suits on.

Atticus looked down at his arm and saw that the temperature was minus

fifty eight degrees Celsius.

He dismissed it and looked towards the landscape. The place they landed

was solid ice hundreds of metres thick, nestled in between ice sheets and

glaciers whilst in the background there were rising jagged peaks of

mountainous rock blanketed by ice as hard as stone.

They were on the north side of the massive crater that could be seen with

the naked eye hundreds of thousands of miles away, larger than any

crater he'd seen anywhere in the Sol system.

Still, it had potential. It was only twenty percent larger in diameter than

Earth and it was geologically stable with an atmosphere and magnetic

field that made it a prime candidate for terraforming.

"The target is embedded within the ice shelf. From the readings it is

several hundred metres below the surface of the ice sheet" Alice said next

to him.

"Will we tunnel our way down with the beam weaponry?" Emily asked.

"No." Moira said to her over the comms as she stepped forward. "There

would too great a risk of collapsing the ice shelf potentially damaging the

derelict vessel."

"I thought Forerunner ships were nearly indestructible?" Emily

questioned with a frown.

"Nothing is indestructible." Moira said to Emily with a glance before she

continued "But ordinarily Forerunner ships were difficult to damage"

Moira admitted

"But from our scans, it's quite obvious that this vessel was already heavily

damaged prior to impact. On our first journey through this star system,

scans have shown debris scattered thousands of miles across this region.

It is quite likely that the vessel is critically damaged if not entirely

inoperable." She turned to him with curiosity in her gaze.

"That was until you confirmed that there was something here of value."

She said with an inscrutable expression on her face.

"The information that will lead us to understand what could have

happened to the Forerunners?" Emily asked as she stared at him

"information you've refused to divulge?"

He already knew what was here and what would likely happen, what

they would likely do. It was a gift and a curse that made it difficult for

those close to him. Emily had coped with it well and shared nearly all

with her but this…this was something that she needed to learn first hand.

Atticus met her gaze. "You know I wouldn't keep you in ignorance if not

for a very good reason."

She stared at him for a moment before she nodded her acceptance "Let's

go then." She said as she began to walk, Alice following in close pursuit.

Moira remained though and she looked at him with the same expression

on her face.

"How much more have you seen now since I have returned?" she

questioned him.

"More than enough to know that you keep far more secrets than you

should. And that is coming from someone who keeps many." Atticus said

to her calmly.

Moira only smiled slightly "You're not just seeing possibilities any more,

are you?" she asked knowingly.

"You've always known that possibilities were more than what I called


Moira nodded slowly. "So you know about…"

"That what you have shared about what you've discovered in your

journeys with my mother is not even half covered yet?" Atticus said with

a raised eyebrow.

Moira dipped her head "I see." She said slowly, her gaze still intently on


He knew that she'd always suspected that he was actively seeking out

alternate…possibilities. Possibilities that with the right application of

words would get him the truth of what she'd learned. Possibilities that no

longer needed to be played out now that he already Seen what they may


Possibilities that were now wiped out.

"We may talk…after this." Moira said diplomatically and Atticus smiled

tightly, somewhat unkindly before he dipped his head and began to walk

towards his wife and Alice.

He caught up with them and not long after, they stopped when they

arrived at the ice shelf though Emily began to walk forward on her

lonesome, closer to the ice shelf wall. She spared a look over her shoulder

and Atticus nodded his confirmation that this was the right place and she

turned around, her hands raised.

Nothing happened for a few seconds until the ice began to creak


The face of the ice shelf before them shifted until a gaping hole formed.

The bottom of the hole turned translucent though with a faint glow and

they were just about to see that it was heading all the way down.

"The passage is stable" Emily said after a few moments and her arms

dropped. "I will able to counteract any sudden movements now so we

have little to fear from the ice collapsing on top of us."

A small drone raced forward and into the hole, light emitting from all of

its surfaces and touched the walls of the newly made passage way before

it disappeared into the distance. "We should know soon where we should

break through" Alice said.

Soon enough, they made their way through the passage, descending

down and down. Emily adjusted the passage way several times, turning

left and then further down at a sharper angle before they broke through

the ice shelf and into an ice cavern.

Blue light tinged the surfaces of the ice cavern, blue light that flickered

and reflected against the surfaces. They continued their journey, most of

it in silence save for Alice's reports of how close they were.

It wasn't long before they stepped on solid metal and through metal

hallways and soon enough they arrived at a central chamber. Above

them, the source of the blue light shone heavily, an orb with tinges of

orange rotating along its circumference held by four structures that

seemed to keep it in place, structures that connected it from the ground

to the ceiling.

"An intact Data Core." Moira said with audible surprise in her voice.

"Data core?" Emily questioned and Moira turned to her.

"A Forerunner Data Core. Only Forerunner Capital vessels or above had

these." She said seriously before she tapped on her wrist and began to

type into the Holo.

Flashes of light sprang forth from her wrist before they ended almost as

soon as they arrived. Moira's expression shifted very noticeably as she

turned her gaze towards the Core "The data that core may hold could be

invaluable. Carbon dating suggests that this crash happened about

227,000 Earth years ago…thousands of years after our war with

Forerunners and about the time of their disappearance of the galaxy."

"That data core may have evidence that would lead us to what might

have happened" Emily enthused, interest clear in her voice and she

glanced at Atticus calculatingly.

Moira nodded before she frowned "Yes but we'll need to be careful…the

Forerunners had difficult encryptions." An irritated expression came on

her face

"And we only ever managed to get one intact Data Core during the war."

Atticus turned to Alice "Can you try?" he asked his AI.

"I can, Creator." Alice said affirmatively. "Please bring me closer to the

Data Core. I may also need to build an interface should none be


"I brought a small mobile manufacturing hub with me." Atticus said as his

hand went into his pocket and a shrunk trunk exited. It resized itself and

Alice descended down into the trunk. The manufacturing hub was

capable of fabricating low tier complex machinery much of which would

suffice in this instance.

Emily gestured with her hands and the floor began to bow before a pillar

began to form, a pillar that grew in size and then grew into a staircase

that reached the Data Core.

It was a little later after when Alice determined she made what she

needed and reached the top of the staircase which had been morphed

into a small platform at the top though the rest of them remained.

It wouldn't be long before Alice broke through, he thought as he stared at

her working at the base of the ship.

"You look agitated." Emily commented and he turned to her. She wore a

calculating expression on her face "What she'll uncover…it worries you

doesn't it?"

"Yes." Atticus admits. "I haven't yet seen where it leads" he turned to

Moira a complicated expression on his face "But I do know every

possibility where you leave, you do not return." Atticus clenched his

teeth. He'd never seen any possibility that he'd go himself which was odd

to say the least but even now, even when his curiosity was high, he

couldn't even bring himself to even consider it.

It simply was too dangerous for him…for them.

"I have not been able to look further than fifty or so years in the future

but in none of those possibilities do you return in all that time."

Moira's expression was neutral but he knew exactly what she was


"The Forerunners?" Emily questioned before she paused meaningfully

"The parasites?" she asked a little more quietly.

"It's likely the Forerunners. Or whatever remains of them." Moira said

after a moment, after she broke eye contact with Atticus and turned to

Emily. "If the parasites still survived until now…we would not be here."

"I wouldn't be so sure…" Atticus trailed off capturing both of their

attentions. "We know by now the parasites are the greatest danger in

existence. They have brought empires hundreds of thousands of years old

to their knees…and they have felled the greatest empire and

technologically advanced people millions of years old." He paused

momentarily, his eyes scanning them both.

"I wouldn't be surprised if the Forerunners had been unable to completely

wipe them out despite all of their efforts." He finished.

And it was on that sober thought that they waited.

Alice descended down from the platform after nearly an hour of waiting.

"I have decrypted the Data Core." Alice paused as she reached the bottom

"However I have not yet integrated the data extracted completely. It may

take…several days until I have processed it completely."

Alice looked up "However I have processed the themes of the data.

Technological data is the most significant portion of the data."

"What about navigational data?" Atticus asked seriously.

"I can have that processed within seconds. It is a small portion of the


"Please do so." Atticus requested firmly and Alice's eyes flickered before

she looked at Atticus again.

"I have navigational data to a number of Forerunner installations.

Including what they refer to as Installation 04." 'Installation 04'…

"Are you able to parse through the data and call up everything related to

that Installation?" Atticus asked firmly, his eyes intently on Alice.

Alice took a second to consider "Yes. Stand by." Alice said as she stood


He turned to Moira and Emily "Installation 04 is where you went, Moira.

Where you never returned from."

"And you really don't know what's there? You've never Seen yourself go

there?" Emily asked. Atticus shook his head.

"I have never found any possibilities that lead me there." Not surprising

given that the Domain refused to give him any answers on what was on

Installation 04…

It wasn't the first time the Domain didn't respond to his 'requests'. The

creature that controlled the Domain…Manu or whatever it was, had not

tried to dominate his psyche ever since he got control of his connections

to the Domain and learnt how to interact with it…even if his interactions

were only shades and shards of knowledge.

"The chances of that…" Emily said surprised and Atticus smiled grimly.

"Knowing that Moira never returns when she goes there, despite any

precautions taken, ensures that neither of us go there ourselves in the

near future." He told her before he looked to Moira who seemed deep in


Alice began to move again and drew all of their attentions "Installation

04 is a superweapon." Alice said a deep frown on her face

"It is the mechanism they used to annihilate biodiversity in the galaxy to

prevent the parasites from consuming the galaxy whole."

Silence reigned for a few moments as the truth was unveiled to both

Emily and Moira.

"Though that is not its only purpose. It is also an artificial habitat capable

of housing organic life." Alice continued and from the way

comprehension dawned on Moira's face, she began to understand as she

turned to him, her look of comprehension morphing into horror.

"Not even they were foolish enough" Moira tried, her voice

uncharacteristically uneven.

"I don't know" Atticus said to Moira grimly but the look on his face made

it clear that he thought he suspected that they did not complete the job.

"We will need to go eventually." Emily said after a few moments. She

continued before anyone else said anything "Of course not any time

soon…especially not until we are settled on our world." Emily's lips

thinned as she stared at Moira.

"You would be a liability if you left, Moira." Emily said sharply "You know

where our new homeworld will be and if the parasites get a hold of you…

even if you destroy the ship..." she trailed off though it was clear where

she was going with this.

"The Covenant must not be allowed to find the installation." Moira

responded. "To not secure this installation is of the greatest of follies."

"I agree." Emily said "The Covenant must not be allowed anywhere near

this installation. But they have not found it for thousands of years. It is

entirely possible they will not find it in another thousand years." Emily

turned to Alice.

"Are you able to wipe out the Data Core entirely?" she asked of the AI.

"I am capable of corrupting and purging the data." Alice confirmed.

"It does not mean that this is the sole vessel or Forerunner remnant that

would contain information that could lead towards the weapon." Moira


"It doesn't. You're right." Atticus interjected "And I fully agree that we

must be ready to hunt down these weapons to either destroy or to control

fully. But it is not something we are capable of doing now, not with how

few we are."

"The universe does not wait until you are ready." Moira warned.

"It does not." Atticus said with a sigh "But what choice do we have? We

do not know for certain what is there…and we do not have the people yet

to be able to deal with this. Moira, we cannot be rash. If something went

wrong, we may well open up the galaxy for a second infection, this time

without the Forerunners to delay them again."

Moira's expression changed to displeased before she seemed to relent.

"Very well." She said before she looked at him with hard expression on

her face.

"I want you increase the endeavours to uplift Illos. I will assist you in

this." She said firmly and there was nothing he could say to change her


Atticus shared a glance with Emily whose lips had narrowed to a thin

line. Eventually she sent him an affirmative through their bond and he

turned back to Moira "I agree." He said before he paused "The Office of

Space will be able to utilise your talents the most."

"Alice" Atticus called as he turned to her "How long will it take you to

purge the data?"

"Fourteen hours." Alice said after a few moments.

"Then do so." Atticus said before he turned to Emily "We should be able

to damage some of the internal structures."

Emily looked thoughtful until she spoke up "We can transfigure the metal

alloys into cast iron. Let time and environment rust away at the

structures." She turned to him "Of course we'll need to make sure we pick

the right spots so that collapse is accelerated." She said knowingly.

Atticus nodded with a small smile "I know just the places." He turned to

Moira "Are you staying?" he asked the Ancient Human.

"Yes." Moira confirmed "I will parse through some of the data obtained by

Alice. There may be navigational data to other Forerunner facilities of

interest." She said with a long look towards him. He wouldn't confirm

otherwise. Neither would Alice give her the navigational data to what the

Forerunners referred to as 'shield worlds'.

He'd already talked with Alice about what exactly to divulge and what to

hold back.

"Alright" Atticus said before he and Emily walked away. When they were

some distance away.

"Will she do as was agreed?" Emily asked him intently.

"Yes." He said as he glanced at her "For now." He sighed as they walked "I

will need to speak to her again soon in order to deal with her more…"

"Cowboy tendencies?" Emily said with a raised eyebrow. Atticus snorted

as he turned to her.

"Cowboy?" he said a little amused.

She shrugged elegantly "It is apt to describe her. She can't seem to quit in

her pursuits even if it is proven that doing nothing is the better course of

action. It also doesn't help that she is only tangibly working with us." She

said as she glanced at him

"I imagine that will be difficult to change."

Atticus smiled at her, a half grimace on his face "Quite." He confirmed "It

doesn't help that we are effectively children in her eyes."

"We would still be children in her eyes a hundred years from now." Emily

said disdainfully "If we're meant to be her people's triumph, then she

should step back and let us work towards our destiny."

For the next few hours, both he and Emily worked to weaken the

structures of the derelict vessel and soon enough fourteen hours passed.

Alice completed the purge and not long after they were back on the ship

and heading towards orbit.


15th of August 1955 – Illos

Tirtayasa POV

His knee bounced up and down, his impatience having turned physical as

he nursed his drink in his hand. Tirtayasa heard a chuckle and he turned

towards his never unhappy friend, the same smile that showed off his

pearly white teeth worn like always. "Relax" Kwame said easily "They'll

get down soon enough."

"We'll be late at this rate" Tirtayasa said a little irritated "We should have

been out nearly an hour ago. They said they'd be done in five minutes an

hour ago."

"Friend, you should know by now that women operate on a different

timescale. They say they'll be ready in five minutes, they really mean an

hour." Kwame said with a laugh. "Not even the coronation will change


Tirtayasa shook his head. He had no idea what they were doing that took

so long. With magic, it took less than a few seconds to look perfect. He

sighed before he glanced at Kwame, a curious expression on his face

"How's the academy anyway?" he asked. Kwame had only recently joined

the Illosian Guards.

Kwame's smile dropped a little "Hard." Kwame admitted "I never thought

that I'd be dead on my feet so much despite my pretty good fitness level."

"Really?" Tirtayasa asked surprised. Kwame had been a star Threepeller

player at Pandrosion, a game that was very demanding physically with

the way you had to manoeuvre at high speeds and strike the ball in the


"Yes." Kwame said with a grimaced nod before he smiled "I love it

though. I'm learning a lot, not just laws and procedures but also a lot of

combat magic. Despite Illos being so peaceful, it is required that any

officer of the Law is capable of Grade Three combat."

"Isn't that mid-tier competitive duelling level?" Tirtayasa asked with

slightly widened eyes. The duelling competitions in Illos were honestly

amazing and a lot of veterans of the Grindelwald war participated in it.

For the past two years since the competition had been running, every last

eight competitors had been veterans of the war which wasn't surprising

but to even get into the competition you had to be Grade Three combat

magicks capable.

The veterans were all Grade Fours whilst as far as he knew none were

Grade Five though it was rumoured to be that good, you had to be able to

last for some time against the Lord and Lady Sayre. Something that

everyone pretty much agreed was impossible.

Kwame laughed "Yes." He said with a nod "I will have to be that good in

the next few years if I want to be graduate from Trainee to Junior

Guard." Kwame turned serious. "I'll be able to do it just fine, I'm confident

about it."

"Well, I have faith in you" Tirtayasa said as he raised his cup. Kwame

smiled gratefully and leaned forward to touch his cup against his.

"Cheers, pal. I appreciate it." Kwame said to him with a genuine smile

which Tirtayasa returned.

When he moved here first over a year ago, at the same time as Fatimah,

he'd been so uncomfortable and uneasy about moving to such a truly

strange but wonderful place. It felt like he was in a place of legend. It still

sometimes felt like that.

But that unease soon fell away when he met the family that was hosting

him…Kwame's family. There were many young people who were made

recently magical and part of the process was to ease people into Illos by

joining families who were already well rooted into Illos.

And it was something that really did help. He'd met quite a few people

who had been students at the same academy and all of them had agreed

that the people they were staying with helped them a lot in adjusting.

It was the same for him. Kwame's parents were very kind people and

never made him feel like a stranger and Kwame himself had taken him

under his wing, helping him make friends with other young people and

helping him with his studies in magic which he had been very behind on.

Not that the government didn't help with that.

They'd set up the Centre of Magical Studies, a separate school for late

bloomers – which really meant newly made magicals – that catered

classes specifically for older students. He'd found that there were many

kinds of people that were newly made magical though there was about a

fifty-fifty split between older people and teenagers.

Though one thing they had all in common was that they had all agreed to

the same agreements in order to be made magical, one of them including

swearing oaths of vassalage to House Sayre.

The oath had made him uncomfortable and though it was explained to

him well why it was necessary, it set him slightly easier at ease that

everyone was getting the same requirements, even those who lived in

Illos for years before becoming magical.

"What yourself?" Kwame asked, drawing back his attentions. "Have you

decided yet if you're going to apply for Office of Space?"

Tirtayasa remained silent for a few moments until he said "I have

decided." He said with a slow nod "I will apply for the Maginaut


Kwame whistled as he eyed Tirtayasa intently "That's not an easy

program. I know you're smart enough for it, hell you're probably one of

the best scoring student in Physics but are you sure you're…" Kwame

trailed off uneasily.

"Strong enough magically?" Tirtayasa finished for him and Kwame smiled

apologetically and Tirtayasa waved him off "It's a valid concern to have."

Tirtayasa hesitated for a moment "It's a concern I also have."

His magical rating at present was only that of a middling Warlock and

though he had not reached his final magical maturity yet, it was quite

likely that he'll only increase somewhat in magical strength.

Most thought you needed to be at least Low Sorcerer in magical strength

to be selected but Tirtayasa was sure that was not true. It was only

because people thought of how prestigious it was to join the Office of

Space, especially the programs that would train people for planetary

missions, that people believed you also had to be quite strong magically

to be selected.

He disagreed vehemently with that kind of thinking.

And he hoped that the Directors and officials of the Office of Space

agreed with him.

"Still, I am confident that I will be accepted and that I will succeed"

Tirtayasa said with a confidence he didn't completely feel. 'I just need to

be given the chance' he thought to himself.

Kwame's smile bloomed "Hear! Hear!" Kwame said as he raised his cup

"To our successful futures!" he said loudly and Tirtayasa laughed before

he joined in raising his cup.

"What this noise you boys are making?" he heard from the hallway. He

turned towards the voice and saw both Fatimah and Louise walk in, both

of them dressed splendidly and both of them looking so beautiful…

especially Fatimah.

He stood up and he looked at her, her hair was up in a bun whilst the

dress she wore tastefully hugged her body and he thought she was the

most beautiful thing alive.

He felt a slap on his back and he blinked out and he saw that he was

being looked at a little amusedly by Louise and Fatimah and he flushed

red as he turned away from their gaze.

"Ladies" Kwame said as he walked over to Louise and kissed her on the

cheek "Fatimah you look stunning as I'm sure Tirta will agree" he said

with a wink, one that only caused him to flush even more and glare at

Kwame though he continued "And you, Louise, look like a million stars."

Kwame said as he pulled Louise in for a hug.

"Aww, thank you." Louise said with a blinding smile.

"Fatimah you uh…you look wonderful." Tirtayasa said and he felt like

kicking himself for how lame he sounded.

"Thank you." Fatimah said a little quietly and she even smiled at him

which made his stomach flutter. Even to this day, he had still not gotten

over the crush he held for her.

And even to this day, he never really acted on it. He was really a coward.

Afraid of her saying no especially now that they were close friends.

Louise cleared her throat "Shall we go?" she asked them and they all

quickly agreed.

Illos' streets were never busier than they were now, especially as they

headed towards the central boulevard where everyone was congregating.

It seemed like everyone and their mother was going to the same place.

Not surprising given the momentous occasion.

Soon enough they were in the midst of a large crowd of thousands, tens of

thousands and it was quite likely that everyone from Illos was here.

And as the time ticked away, the loud conversations and cheers died

away as the ceremony began until all that remained was a deafening


Illosian flags, a strange flag that bore a purple tree like stump with white

roots growing from the stump reaching out to blue, yellow and green

stars, were as still as a stalking panther.

All eyes were pointed towards the podium. All mouths were closed and

all ears were listening for the slightest noise to emanate from those who

stood on the podium.

And on that podium, there were only four people.

The Chief Representative Rowe, the Priest Kalsaric and of course the

Sayres…for whom all had come to witness sworn in as King and Queen of

the Illosian people.

They were attired in the finest clothing he'd ever seen, wearing

combinations of purple and dark greens that seemed to command one's


The priest, who wore grey white robes and wore a headband that ran

through the middle of his forehead, stepped forward and stood in front of


Any remnants of sound from the crowd was sucked out like air in a

vacuum and total dead silence took its place.

"Will you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Illos according to the

laws and customs of the peoples of Illos?" The priest from the Commune

of Magic asked, his voice reverberated even towards the farthest reach of

the gathered crowd.

"I solemnly swear to do so" He said, his voice patient, cultured, as smooth

as the finest of velvet yet as authoritative as that of a general.

"I solemnly swear to do so" She said, her voice musical, ringing like silver

bells yet at the same time commanding and demanding of respect and


"Will you, by the grace of magic, to all of your power, through magic or

through position, execute fair and just judgement in the name of Law and

Justice?" The priest questioned solemnly.

"I Will" "I Will" They said

"Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the sanctity of Magic?

Will you stand true to the Rights of all Magicals, irrespective of race or of

species, to worship and to live freely as by the Laws established in Illos?"

"All this I promise to do" "All this I promise to do"

The Chief Representative brought out a scroll to them.

They each took a quill and signed onto the scroll, the scroll that amended

the constitution and brought the peoples of Illos under the governance of

the Royal House of Sayre though the Council of Representatives and the

Council of Magical Races would govern the peoples in Their Name for the

most part.

It was something that happened not long after his arrival, the

conversation of turning the Lord and Lady of Illos into royalty. From

what he understood, most had already considered them as such but it

was only after a conversation on a morning talk show that it really began

to be discussed amongst the public.

To the point that it was discussed in the Representatives Chambers.

And from there, it just really snowballed until a referendum was had and

92% of the voting population voted to have Atticus and Emily Sayre rule

over the people of Illos as Monarchs.

"Then, I, the acting voice of all peoples of Illos, by the power vested by

those same peoples, I confirm you as King and Queen of the Peoples of

Illos!" The priest said loudly.

"May Magic Light Our Way!" The priest finished loudly.

"May Magic Light Our Way!" the crowd exploded before shouts of King

Atticus and Queen Emily erupted all around him.

He wasn't sure how long it went on but the cheers were deafening and

long lasting. Illosian flags were waving like crazy as shouts of their

names continued on and on.

The energy of the crowd was unlike he had seen before thus far since

he'd moved to Illos. It didn't surprise him, really. If there was anyone

these people loved that wasn't family but loved them like family anyway,

some perhaps loving them more than they loved their own family, it was

these two, he thought to himself as he stared at the podium where they

stood and waved at the crowd.

He couldn't really blame them either. Everything he'd learned since he

became magical pointed towards them being incredible.

"I wish I brought my kit" he heard just barely over the noise and he

turned to his left. Fatimah had a sour expression on her face.

"Cheer up" Kwame said loudly behind them, his voice just loud enough to

be heard over the crowd. "There'll be plenty of pictures and holos to

commemorate this moment in history, I'm sure you'll have enough to

help you paint today" Tirtayasa turned around and saw Kwame's arm

looping over Louise Ricard's shoulders, a wide grin on his face.

Louise rolled her eyes good-naturedly before she smiled kindly at

Fatimah "This big buffoon may talk a lot" she said with a cheeky smile,

one that garnered a big kiss on her head from the affable Kwame which

also ended up causing Louise' smile to widen even more, before she

continued "but he is right. I doubt you won't find many pictures and

holos in all kinds of angles to inspire you."

Fatimah smiled a little "You're right. Thanks Louise" she said though her

eyes flittered amusedly at Kwame who put on a false sullen expression

before he looked down at his girlfriend.

"This situation" Kwame began waving between himself and the rest of

them "isn't right" Kwame said dramatically and Louise pulled Kwame's

head down and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

"Don't be a baby, big guy" she said cheekily as she tapped his chest

causing them all to laugh.

It wasn't long before the crowd hushed again and the speech began.

"This is a special day for both my husband and I" Queen Emily said as her

voice reached far and wide into the crowd "When we decided to build

Illos, we did not envisage what we have become and promise still to

become. It had been simpler than that. We simply wanted to build a

home." Queen Emily said as she looked to her husband with a fond

expression before she turned her attentions back at the crowd.

"We wanted a home that we could call our own, a home where the

politics of our ancestral lands wouldn't follow us, politics that served the

country little and the people even less." Queen Emily said to a silent but

listening crowd.

"And as fate had it, many of you had wanted the same when the time

came for my husband to leave for our home." Queen Emily said, a small

smile growing on her face "A decision that has made Illos so much more

and continues to be more."

"And just like then" the new King picked up from where his wife left of

"You have once more put your faith in us to make us your King and

Queen, deepening this union between us to something unbreakable."

"And just like I once promised you prosperity and opportunities that

would make kings and emperors weep at their poverty in comparison to

you all, we make this new promise to you." King Atticus said, his voice

lulling them all into absolute silence "We shall never abandon you nor

shall we ever not fight for you." The King declared, his voice steeped with

deafening solemnity and far reaching honesty.

"Your blood spilt shall be our wound to heal. Your pain shall be our pain

to soothe. Your happiness shall be our joy to witness. Your achievements

shall be ours to celebrate." The king said, each sentence sounding like

proclamations that spoke to every heart present. Tirtayasa looked around

and saw how much it meant to all of these people, how much they loved

the two who stood in front of them.

"For this is what it means be your King and Queen" Queen Emily picked

up as she took King Atticus' hand "A union with the people that shares all

of its triumphs and all of its hardships yet it is certain, just as we have

come so far already in such short years, together, we will rise to such

heights of greatness they will sing of our generations ten thousand years

from now!" Queen Emily finished powerfully.

The crowd responded with loud, nearly animalistic cheers.

"May Magic Light our Way!" the King and Queen shouted out.

"May Magic Light our Way!" the crowd responded and chanted again

and again…and again.

And Tirtayasa joined in the chants.

13. Chapter 77

Without further adieu, please enjoy the post!

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next chapter is available

on discord whilst at least the next three chapters after it are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

18th of September 1956 – Bulgaria

Dimitar Krum POV

A boot slammed into the back of his right knee and he fell to his knees

with a pained grimace, his face angled towards the ground.

He returned his expression back to blankness as he drove down his pain

and his anguish he felt for his family and he raised his head back up

towards the men that crowded him.

They could not see weakness. Not when the fate of his family depended

on him. He had to believe they were still alive.

They were all dressed in the same black robes, robes as black as a starless

night, and they bore no symbols, nothing to mark out for whom and what

they stood for.

Not that he didn't know who they were. What they were.

The chair's feet dragged along the floor, its screeching carrying a

disquieting quality to it in an otherwise deathly silent room.

The white-haired man turned the chair around so that the back of it was

facing Dimitar and sat down on it with his arms perched onto the back

on the chair, his wand lazily held with a slack wrist.

During this entire charade, the man never looked away from Dimitar, his

inhuman mauve eyes not once blinking, and his expression was

something he could only describe as a sinister emptiness, devoid of

anything resembling human.

"Mr Krum." The white-haired man began in Russian though it seemed like

he wasn't exactly a native speaker and he lazily gestured with his fingers

"You have an impressive home."

"My family…are they still alive?" Dimitar asked, his voice calm despite

the anguish stuck in his throat only held back by a veneer of calmness.

They'd taken his family away not long after they'd subdued them.

They came under the cloak of night with anti-apparation and anti-

portkeys blanketing the area. The floo offered no escape, disconnected as

it was. It boded nothing but ill if they had gotten that far already.

He could not count on support coming.

The wards did little but delay for a few minutes until they poured in like

ravenous carrions. They'd been fast, lightning fast in their attacks and he

was unable to fight to full effect, not with his young children so

vulnerable…and not against that many.

It hadn't taken long for them to subdue them and after they'd brutally

murdered his servants, they'd separated him from his family.

"Curious place too." The white-haired man continued, as if he hadn't

heard his question and Dimitar fought to stay in control. "Pretty little

forests filled with oak trees, ashtrees and probably all kinds of other

types of trees"

He hadn't noticed before, the leathery qualities of his pale as snow face,

stretched pale unblemished leather that bore the façade of skin.

Dimitar nearly flinched at the sudden barking laugh, a sound that was

caustic and wrong. The white-haired man's expression never changed, the

look of barely restrained savageness in his eyes growing wilder and

Dimitar had to force himself to keep his eyes up.

"I even saw wild boar running around" the white-haired man said with a

sly playful lilt to his voice "Traipsing around the forests by the creek not

far from your wonderfully impressive home." He said, trailing a finger

across the top of the chair.

Dimitar clenched his teeth as the feeling of dread reached a tipping point

not even his Occlumency could mask away.

They'd must have been watching for months.

The boar tended to forage at the other side of the mountains during

autumn where the forests were denser and more plentiful in food.

"Do you hunt them?" the white-haired man asked, his voice now devoid

of levity and filled with low danger, the savageness in the man's gaze

now carrying a razor edge sharpness to them.

"In the summer." Dimitar admitted reluctantly, for now willing to play


The fact that he was still alive and his family spared from the butchery

meant that they needed him. That was the hope he latched onto.

He just needed to play this the right way.

"Bet you even roast them over an open fire" the white-haired man said

with a grin that bore all of his teeth and Dimitar's disquiet grew more

and more.

"Ah" the white haired man said with an air of exultation and it was

disturbing the way his expression shifted so quickly.

"I can imagine it tasting divine. It must enhance the taste, that knowledge

that you're eating a fresh kill made only hours ago with your own hands."

"Can't say I've had the luxury of eating such a fine meal." The white-

haired man added with a contemplative tone to his voice as his

expression shifted, his eyes gazing away from Dimitar's for the first time

since he sat across from him.

The white-haired man touched his chin with his wand "Closest I've gotten

to a meal like that were the rats in the camps. No fire though…no such

luxuries." For a moment Dimitar thought he heard something more than

insanity from the man's voice and made him wonder what camps he was

speaking of.

"Your family is safe, Dimitar." The white-haired man said as his savage

mauve eyes snapped back to Dimitar. "How long that will be, will depend

on you."

Tangible danger and violence rippled out of the white haired man like a

sudden wash of poisonous hot air descending down the slopes of a

burbling volcano.

"Do you know who we are?" the white-haired man asked, his expression

cold but his words said with the intensity of fiery molten rage and

Dimitar had to resist the urge to wilt before his presence.

He had not felt magic this strong, a presence this strong since his

confrontations with Vinda Rosier…and he had the terrible feeling that

this was only the surface of the insane man's strength.

"The Ravenites." Dimitar answered and he kept the anger and fear from

his voice.

Like a silent plague, they'd run through Bulgaria. People disappeared,

never to be seen again. No one knew, not at the beginning, who was


Only the allegiance of those who were made to disappear bore any clues

as to what it may be related to.

Magical Bulgaria had tied itself to Magical Russia increasingly over the

years since the Grindelwald war. The devastation in Bulgaria had not

been as bad as it had been in the Ukraine but many among the political

hierarchy had supported Grindelwald with supplies and with people so

the immediate years had been chaotic as conflict rose amongst

themselves as the entire movement collapsed.

Conflict the Russians quickly ended and a conflict made sourer as the

ICW intervened and arrested the collaborators only to release them a few

years later.

After that and after the Russians stabilised themselves and formed a new

government, Bulgaria was one of the first Ministries they sought to ally


It had been…productive.

The collaborators were exiled or humbled and their wealth and

businesses seized whilst Russian gold poured in. The only dissatisfaction

he had with them was their willingness to work with the ICW as much as

they were. The ICW stances on some forms of magicks and practices had

hardened and were rumoured they were thinking of imposing what can

be taught in schools, something could not be allowed to pass.

Still despite that, the Russians had done well and the divisions amongst

the populace had been smoothed over by the Pan-Eastern European

doctrine they adopted from the Russians.

A doctrine that was to be a counterweight to the growing collaboration

and strength of Central and Northern Europe under the ever invasive

touch of the ICW.

They've also worked with the Bulgarian Ministry to secretly help them

reinstitute some of the ancient traditions to counter the unrest fomented

by the undesirables and blood traitors as a result of the mudblood lies

and the treacherous allure of the inhuman creatures.

But such cooperation was coming to an end just as it was beginning, he

thought with morbid fear as he gazed upon the men before him.

Those who had been staunchest in supporting the Russian way of

thinking had been the first to disappear. Not even the head of House

Illiev and his two sons with all of their guards were able to protect

themselves from this.

Whispers of ravens seen watching Aurors and homes grew louder and

people began to believe that ill omens were upon them.

Rumours of villages going quiet and talks of revolutions had been

growing louder and louder as weeks became months.

The Russians had come in at their request but they disappeared just as

easily. Even Kolya, a veteran of the Grindelwald war disappeared and

that had been the beginning that made people understand the gravity of

the situation.

Dimitar had hoped being far away from the politics would insulate his


It was to no avail.

The man's hand went towards his starch white hair and with a strange

gentleness, he smoothed out his already smoothed and combed hair


"Then you have an idea at least as to why we're here."

"You want my support. My connections."

He did not know what the Raven stood for or who he was despite his best

attempts. All nascent Dark Lords had agendas, a cause to rally followers


If he understood him better, he could have found a way…any way.

But there was nothing.

The only thing he knew was that the Raven had fought in the Vault, an

underground entertainment club reserved only for the pure. That meant

his worst fears for what the Raven could be was eased away but it still

left him clueless what he wanted.

The white-haired stopped the strange fixation on his hair and with slow

movement gripped the sides of the back of the chair, slightly leaning

forward, his mauve eyes alight with unbridled intensity "No, no, no." the

white-haired man said "We already have that, do we not?" he tilted his

head, a glacier slow smile growing on his face.

"Darling Elena. Sweet Ivanka. Smart little Ivan."

Dimitar swallowed harshly. "Yes…you have it." He managed to say.

The white-haired man nodded slowly, the intensity in his eyes dimming

slightly "Good…good…"

"Then what else do you want from me?"

The white-haired man smiled and it was ugly sight as the chair creaked

underneath him "Everything else"


17th of October, 1956

Ferdinand Dolcino POV

He was at sea, awash on a drifting piece of wood, drifting through images

and events in his timeline, in his path through Time.

Days and months and years drifted passed him, events and acts that led

to this timeline committed to memory. Slowly, events became

concentrated as the drifting sea of time slowed, events of greater

enormity and meaning and depth happening in matters of weeks and

months until a pair of glowing white eyes were before him…

His eyes flew open, his breathing uneven and his heart racing. He closed

his eyes momentarily, his intent to regain control over his breathing and

his heartrate.

A few minutes passed and he reopened his eyes and gazed upon his room.

It was bare, nothing but cold wooden floor was within this room as he sat

in a seated position and only two individuals were within this bare room.

He got up in one fell fluid motion and quick fluttering footsteps

approached him.

"Master." The servant reverently said with a bow, its arms outstretched

with robes, a suit and undergarments hanging off of it.

He took the undergarments without saying a word and slowly began to

dressed. A few minutes later, attired in his suit, he took the robes and the

servant bowed lower and left with quiet retreating footsteps.

He was alone now and he allowed himself to clenched his fists tightly,

the coils of his muscles feeling like wires of steel with how tightly he was


It seemed that he was still destined to die.

Destined to die before a turbulent storm of suffocating magic, borne from

the one who bore a pair of glowing white eyes despite there being an

array of different choices this time.

Eyes that begun haunting his Sight and dreams for more than ten years.


Memories played out in his mind of the duel against Grindelwald, a duel

that was seared in his mind to such an extent that it felt like he'd seen it

occur in the pensieve only hours prior.

He had become intimately familiar with the phenomenon that was

Sayre's magic and the glowing white eyes it produced.

It seemed certain Sayre would undo the work done by generations of


A millennia of Design.


But it was not certain.

The future was not set.

They had learnt that concretely when Sayre changed the Design.

The Design generations of Symbols had followed, corrected and


Until Sayre arrived and wrecked the twinning timeline.

Sayre had changed a critical point in history that was deemed fixed. An

impossibility none of them had considered possible.

And they had not understood how this was possible, could be possible.

Not at first.

Albus Dumbledore had been destined to defeat Gellert Grindelwald and

usher in an age of limited peace in Europe with Light magic dominating

Europe, most strongly in Magical Britain.

This had been part of the Design since the First of the Men of Symbols,

the founder and most talented of their organisation. Generations after

him, the generations that still could see beyond their own timelines and

added to the Design, had Seen it too.

He was meant to be seen as a Paragon for the 'Light' regardless of dark

his soul was.

Britain was meant to remain out of international affairs for decades to

come, even as the 'heir of Slytherin' plunged Magical Britain into civil

war before coming out of it mediocre and willing to bend heavily to ICW


The expression on his face tightened.

They should have acted then.

When the news of the girl being heir to the Slytherin name became

public but even then…even then, the core of the Design had not

deviated. The future seemed to be secure even if this was not what was

meant to be.

All Seven Symbols had seen the Design remaining true.

Slytherin was still set to plunge Britain into civil war and the outcome

remained the same regardless if she was no longer obscured through a

chosen name.

That had stayed their hand.

A grave mistake that could cost them everything.

And it all stemmed from Atticus Markus Sayre, the man who had never

once been recorded in the Reverent Archives. Not one of the records that

twined into the Design had mentioned him and they deemed him


They paid, still paid the price for their arrogance when Sayre defeated


The Prophecy given to them by Louisa Miranza about the end of Magic

had only increased the graveness of the situation but it was not until

almost a year later that they learnt the true extent of their mistake.

April the 12th 1944…

The date that the veil had been lifted from their Sight.

A date that was cursed for all Time for how deeply they'd been deceived.

Like a knife planted between two vertebrae they had been rendered

paralysed for how all they knew and was to be was nothing but


All Seven Symbols had Seen completely different futures to the future

they had seen only days prior.

And all those futures were all within nominal deviation of one another

which meant that the future they were seeing was true.

They were to die within months of their failed extermination of the Sayre


Seeing their future as they did…affected them.

Uncertainty and fear had seeped amongst them like a poisonous cloud

eating at their faith like how acid ate through flesh and bone.

Plans to deal with Sayre, the abomination, was immediately scrapped and

they had poured all of their resources in understanding how this was all


How it could have changed without them having any inklings and if they

could change it back, back to resembling the path to Symbiosis.

It had led them back to remnant records of their predecessors which had

been all that remained excepting what they had in the Reverent Archives.

Their oldest predecessors had been capable of Seeing beyond their own

timelines, able to see the twinning paths the lives of others took, a master

plan that they could alter and shape to fit the Design that led to

Symbiosis, the Design generations had followed unerringly for the past

three hundred years.

They searched for any and all hints to abilities lost over time, lost

through their conflict with the Order of Inheritors, an order that nearly

exterminated them.

It had taken them nearly six decades to rebuild and exact final judgment

on the Order, a conflict they believed terminally concluded three

hundred years ago.

Though they had been unsuccessful in finding a way to regain the

abilities they once had, they did find references that indicated how this

veil may have come to be.

The First was said to have been capable of manipulating timelines of

others, others born and not yet born, with his mind alone, able to alter

the path of the river of Time with his understanding and raw strength. A

trait that was shared with the Order of Inheritors that he left as a

consequence of the Schism.

It seemed that judgment might not have been as complete as once

believed for only the Order had known as much – or perhaps more – than

the Men of Symbols about Celestial Time. Only the Order were capable of

deceiving them to this degree for so long.

They spent years trying to find them but they found nothing.

His fellow Symbols grew impatient and halted any further expeditions,

believing the search a wasted effort, an effort that took away time to deal

with Sayre who had proven to be a Seer, something that made a

dangerous situation worse.

Ferdinand tugged at the end of his sleeves as a sneer formed on his face.


Absence of evidence was not evidence of absence yet his peers were intent

to fall to the same pitfalls that got them in this situation.

For the moment, he acquiesced to his peers on this matter for though

they were foolish to dismiss the Order possibly extant status, Sayre was a

problem they needed to eliminate.

The sounds of his heels clinking on the cold unblemished stoned floor

echoed as he walked towards the double doors. As he opened them and

walked through the narrow passageways of the building, his mind fixated

on the events these past ten or so years.

They had learnt that the future was far more fluid than they had

previously known.

They once believed the timeline a slow river that could be subject to

minor disturbances but these disturbances could not and did not affect

the path of the river in any meaningful way.

They were wrong.

It was a river that could change directions all the time.

This had been observed when their deaths were delayed again and again

through different actions taken as they cycled and dismissed ways to deal

with Atticus Sayre.

And in all of this, one absolute seemed to be made clear.

A direct confrontation with Sayre only ended in their deaths as did any

form of assassination they could think of and any successful assassination

of his family members ended in barbaric deaths.

Conjuring charges against him and his family had the same kind of


A shadow of a scowl formed on his face.

Even the successful manipulation of Aurilius Credence proved to be a

pointless venture for he did not have the raw power or skill of Sayre.

It had left them at an impasse. They had to act against him but not so

much that it drew his attention to the Men of Symbols. In all instances

they failed and Sayre resolved to murder them all without hesitation or


And so they had settled on allying with the discontent British Lordlings to

push Britain into civil war but it had been a failure.

Each time it seemed like they were finally succeeding, events slipped out

of their hands and another path became the timeline and happened.

It was at that point with dawning grim realisation, that he begun to

understand that Sayre may actually be trained in the ways of Celestial

Time and it made the nature of their conflict graver than it already was.

Just as the Order of Inheritors and the Men of Symbols could see the

checker squares on the board, Sayre could see the same. To make it

worse, it seemed like he was capable of manipulating Time to similar

degrees as the Symbols could.

A chess match on a board made of Fate, each of them intent on winning

their future.

Seers were capable of peering through the window of time, through

shattered and distorted glass, weak forms of the true Sight the Men of

Symbols had mastered and they had come to understand that Sayre was a

Seer not long after the veil was ripped away.

They had Seen this truth in their timelines but unfortunately it had been

far too late for them to act upon it. Throughout history, male Seers were

killed as soon as they were discovered at a young age, the threat they

posed to the Design was too great.

The Men of Symbols had worked carefully since almost the beginning of

their organisation to incite the unacceptability of male Seers in the

magical world.

Over the ages, they had riled powerful families to band together to

eliminate any male Seers due to the perception of the threat they posed

to their families whilst also working to force families with Seer talents to

hide and diminish their children's talents until their potential was

nothing more than a shrivelled husk.

Grindelwald had been one of these children.

Surviving female Seers were killed clandestinely through various methods

intended to seem natural. Over the course of history, Seers having a

natural short lifespan became accepted as their deaths became attributed

to the 'toll' their visions had on their bodies.

Some may believe this to be excessive but Sayre's interference had shown

the consequences of the actions of those who could peer through the

window of Time...regardless if they were simply talented Seers or capable

of True Sight.

His fellow Symbols dismissed his reasoning for it would have to mean

that either the Order of Inheritors were still in existence and still working

against them or it meant that Sayre managed to learn on his own


His scowl deepened.

They were intent on ignoring the warning signs either option presented.

For now, he would let the issue go. They still had time to reset the

timeline…and to change their minds. Otherwise…

The scowl on his face was flushed away as a blank expression took root.

The uncertainty of their future did not have entirely negative

consequences. He was beginning to learn, to understanding the power of


How to make them, when and when not to make them.

The doors clunk open and his eyes surveyed the room. It seemed like

everyone but the central three had already arrived with three other seats


Full assemblies happened more and more frequently over the past ten

years, to the point that they were all permanently staying in Alexandria,

a decision that ran counter to however nearly every former generation of

Men of Symbols operated.

Before, each Symbol was stationed in key locations as stated by the

Design and ensure that the path was followed and it was a sign of where

things were headed that the Design was given less and less priority as the

time of their deaths approached.

There was nothing in the room save for the black round table where

along its outer circumference there were seven seats though three were

closer together.

There were Seven Symbols but they were not all equal.

The Three were the leadership of the Symbols – and of the ICW.

The doors opened with a clunk a few minutes after his arrival and the

three named Smyma, Ephesus and Sariel walked through the doors that

closed with a thud.

His eyes switched towards the other three symbols who sat a little

straighter. Pergamom, Sardis and Loadicea, all of whom were of equal

rank to him though they were on average a hundred years older than he

was at sixty eight.

Candidates were selected at age six but never became a Symbol until one

of the Seven was dead and only a few in every few generations rose to

become a Symbol.

They would be recruited and trained and taught the right path and if one

was fortunate, they would be trained in the ways of Celestial Time.

He himself was Seen by Sariel and tested in his childhood in Sicily before

he was taken away to be trained at the Cardinal Synkentronos, the

Alexandrian school where those directly under the command of the Men

of Symbols were trained.

"Symbols." Sariel, the unofficial leader of the three began, his emotionless

eyes roving around the room "The dog days of the unveiling are upon us."

Silence permeated the space for a short few moments.

They all knew how close they were getting to this day.

The day their war with Sayre rose in degrees.

"Our efforts prove to be insufficient." Loadicea said with a displeased

tone. "Our tilt has delayed confrontation but the outcome remains the

same." Hints of anger crept through his aged but deadened expression.

"We must find something more."

"Do you have a suggestion?" Ephesus questioned, his brown eyes peering

at Loadicea with a cold air around him. "An alternative course that we

may tread upon? Perhaps you have Seen something none of us have."

Ephesus gestured with a sweep of his hand "Share. We are eager to hear

what solution you offer."

Loadicea deadened expression broke slightly before he regained

composure "I have not Seen anything significant in my timeline that

offers a solution."

Ephesus nodded "Of course." And though it was said calmly, undertones

of dismissiveness was apparent in his tone. An air of superiority born out

of the superior detail he could see from his timeline.

"The course we have set is the course that is most optimum as we know

it." Sariel continued, his hands now bundled in front of him.

"Directness has proven to lead to failure. Indirectness has proven

insufficient. Only through proxies have we seen measures of success and

new openings forming."

"It is through this method that we have managed to rebuild somewhat of

a resemblance of the Designed path we tread." Ephesus added.

"Have we truly managed?" Pergamom questioned cynically "We are

outside of the nominal path laid out by the Design. It has become

impossible to know if Symbiosis is still destined to happen."

Pergamom added "And none of us here have seen beyond 1975 when the

last one of us is set to die regardless of our choices so we do not know if

the foretold events will even come to pass for Symbiosis to begin" he said

with grimness clear in his voice.

Silence fell once more within the chambers.

That was the crux of the matter. A millennia of work carried out by

generations of Symbols no longer had the certainty of happening.

A Design followed tirelessly for hundreds of years.

Now…more or less completely broken.

His eyes circled around the chamber.

Blank expressions hid thoughts of denial and fear. For men who had lived

a hundred years knowing the future, the uncertainty of the future was as

paralysing as the uncertainty of death was for those who feared death

and judgment.

The schemes of allying with petty and delusional insects from the

Northern parts of Europe was as much an overreaction to this uncertainty

as it was to Sayre and Illos and their ability to attract followers from

Magical World.

They had even decided to let Eastern Europe fall to a dark Archmage in

the hopes of using him to alter the circumstances favourably towards

them and to Symbiosis.

"We have altered our deaths for the past ten years with success. I do not

need to remind you that most of us were meant to die by 1947 had we

stayed on our original course." Sariel said with a cold tone that cut

through the room mercilessly.

"We will alter it again and Symbiosis shall remain achieved within our

lifespans. The threat that Sayre poses to us, to Magic and to Symbiosis

shall be eliminated. This is an absolute." Sariel said firmly, his gaze

moving from one Symbol to the other.

"We have placed our agents around the world and they worked tirelessly

to make it difficult for Illos to gain the allies that they want. We have

made Europe a hostile place to Sayre and his people. We will contain


"Contain but not eliminate." He spoke up for the first time.

Sariel's gaze fell upon him "It is the best option available to us. Illos is

inaccessible to us and no decisions we have made has altered that fact."

"We could use Britain against them. Lure them there. We know of the

intentions they have with the British." Sardis suggested.

By the time they understood why Emily Sayre had remained behind, they

had lost the initiative and could only react…something he was getting

increasingly tired of.

Emily Sayre had never been considered a true threat, a danger yes but

nowhere near to what Atticus Sayre was. She had no talent for Divination

and so she could do nothing to affect the course of the timeline once

Atticus Sayre was dead.

The timeline they saw also indicated that Emily Sayre would remain

irrelevant even as Britain descended into civil unrest, a civil unrest they

had been considering to push into becoming a civil war in order to bring

the timeline back into the Design.

And once again it had been a timeline changed at a point they could not

feasibly act without directly interfering until it changed again to what it

was now…a timeline that showed Britain in a union with Illos.

The political structure of the British Ministry could no longer be easily

manipulated to prevent it from happening, only delayed. The deaths of

the Blacks and other individuals determined to maintain the previous

status quo had ensured that eventuality.

Ephesus bid Sardis to expand and he did "We know that there was a

severe breach of the Statute a few years ago." Yes, and they intended to

force concessions from Britain for this breach, concessions that would

force them away from Illos.

"We could push to create circumstances that led to them being on British

soil, away from the safety of Illos." Sardis finished.

"We rejected this path." Sariel stated.

"Yes and we are no better off in this timeline." Loadicea interjected with a

bullish tone "To follow our current course is foolish when we know it is

certain to fail."

Silence reigned for a few moments until Sariel stated "Very well" and he

closed his eyes.

Faint glimmer of magic surrounded him as he walked through his own

personal timeline. Sariel was their most talented and was capable of

altering his timeline with little pause. He reopened his eyes and his eyes

were as hard as steel

"We will fail and we die within weeks." Sariel said and the room once

more descended into silence though he saw Sariel closing his eyes once

more, the glimmer of magic returning dimly.

He spared a look to Loadicea was as still as a rock.

"Your fear is palpable Loadicea." Smyma stated coolly and that snapped

the old man out of his daze, a slight narrowing of his eyes noticeable on

an otherwise blank expression.

"A fear that is justified. We have tried and tried to return towards the

Designed path to Symbiosis and each time it fails the moment we try to

eradicate the very abomination that led us in this situation." Loadicea

stated and his expression graver

"And we are no closer finding a way out."

"I agree." Sariel stated and drew attention to himself. His eyes remained

closed "It is why I suggest we abandon our attempts to adhere to the

Design." He stated to the shock of the room, this time his eyes open.

Shock permeated throughout the room and even he was surprised. He

had surmised that this was an eventuality but he never thought or Saw

Sariel committing to this path.

Sariel raised his hand, preventing Sardis and Pergomam from speaking.

"The Design is broken." Sariel began. "It has been broken since the veil

was ripped from our eyes and we were able to see the truth. Perhaps we

saw the truth for the first time ever." Sariel said with a disgruntled note

to his voice and a spared glance at him, one that seemed to mean

something more.

Sariel continued "The culmination of hundreds of Symbols spanning over

a thousand years, all of them contributing their Sight of the future for a

future of Symbiosis can no longer be relied or worked upon."

Stunned silence filled the room at what Sariel was saying.

Not that he believed him wrong…no he was right and it had been the

truth ever since the veil was removed. But to abandon the Design all


"Heresy…" Loadicea hissed out lowly as he rose from his seat…his face

contorted into pure anger though Ferdinand saw hints of fear in the aged

man's gaze "What you speak of is heresy. The Design has guided

generations of Symbols towards Symbiosis. It is the road our predecessors

have slaved to build with blood and sweat and it is the road for us to

walk. It is our duty to correct the timeline to the Design."

Sariel faced the angry look of Loadicea completely unfazed. "We have all

studied the Design for decades. We know it intimately. We also know that

the events of the past ten, close to thirteen years, have led us down a

path that makes it impossible to correct into the Design. It has rippled

beyond our control." Sariel stood up, his tightly clenched fists supporting

him as he leaned forward, his expression thunderous and his presence

leaking of deadly intent.

"Our duty is to see Symbiosis. It has never been to protect the Design.

The Design was our roadmap, yes, but it is now as relevant as a map of

the world six hundred years ago. That is our failure." Sariel said, his voice

now bearing signs of anger, one that boiled and threatened to spill and

scorch all within reach.

"But we shall not fail to reach Symbiosis nor shall we let Sayre end

Magic. That is a failure that I shall not permit to happen."

A dangerous glint entered Sariel's eyes. "Even if I must sacrifice half the

world to achieve it" and Ferdinand could believe he would do exactly

that if he must.

"Shall we vote?" Ephesus suggested, cutting through the tenseness that

permeated the room. Both Loadicea and Sariel sat down.

"Yes. Those for remaining committed to correcting the timeline to the

Design?" Loadicea called out, his hand rising. Ferdinand looked around.

Pergamom's hand rose slowly and Sardis looked tempted to join but as a

few more seconds passed, he kept his hands down. Loadicea looked

furious as he brought down his hand, knowing that no one else was going

to agree.

"Those for abandoning the Design but remaining committed to seeing

Symbiosis reached?" Ephasus said to the room, his own hand raised. One

by one, the hands rose in the air, including that of Sardis…and that of his


"Outvoted by five to two, we are now set to carve our own path towards

Symbiosis." Ephesus stated and a scrape of a chair echoed as Loadicea left

the room without any further say. Sariel shared a look with Ephesus for a

brief few moments before Ephesus broke the gaze and turned towards

Loadicea's retreating steps.

Loadicea's pride and fear may end up costing him, Ferdinand mused.

The vote also seemed to herald the end of the meeting as Sariel spoke up.

"We shall meet again a fortnight from today to discuss our next course of

actions now that we are freer to act." Sariel said to the room and as he

got up to leave

"Thyatira. Stay." Sariel said and he turned around, facing Sariel "I have

matters to discuss." Sariel nodded to Smyma and Ephesus before they left

and soon enough, he was along in the room with Sariel.

"Tell me of your thoughts on Sayre." Sariel simply stated, clearly

unwilling to delay matters.

"Sir?" he asked, caution creeping within him. 'had he changed his mind


"Tell me of your thoughts on how we deal Sayre knowing that he is

capable of the True Sight." Sariel bluntly stated and he startled a little

before he recomposed himself. He heavily frowned internally.

Whatever Sariel had Seen whilst he'd been in this room had been enough

to completely alter what Ferdinand had seen only hours prior.

"Presuming he's capable of detecting changes in the timeline as readily as

we are?"

Sariel nodded slightly and Ferdinand continued, his tone guarded "We

must find a way to delay choices made until it is too late to counter."

Sariel frowned "You mean near the moment?" after seeing Ferdinand's

nod Sariel looked contemplatively before he met Ferdinand's gaze "It may

be impossible."

Ferdinand shook his head "Our predecessors must have been capable of it

in some capacity given they combatted the Order." Ferdinand gave Sariel

a meaningful look "We must figure it out if we want to survive and bring

about Symbiosis."

Sariel said nothing for a few moments before he looked up and into

Ferdinand's eyes "Then I will grant you leave to focus on this. I will speak

with the others and let them know of my decision and the importance of

your mission." Sariel said as he turned to leave though he stopped briefly.

"Do not fail, Thyatira. You have raised my expectations. I expect you to

meet it." Sariel ended before he walked away towards the doors, his

footsteps the only sound in the room.

Ferdinand's eyes hardened.

He knew a command for what it was…just as he knew that Sariel would

not accept failure without making him suffer consequences.


2nd of November 1956 - Illos

The Triffin chirped excitedly as he floated a few dices of meat towards its

beak and it snapped one of the dices out of the air with its small but

sharp beak.

The Triffin was a creature of beauty.

It was similar to a Griffin through it was several orders of magnitude

smaller, no greater than a hawk or owl in size with ear tufts that were

similar to that of some species of cats. It had deep purple feathered wings

on its back with a broad tail with eight stalky tail feathers that it used to

attract females.

It had a wingspan of about seventy to a hundred centimetres with a tail

plumage enabling sharp and quick directional changes. The wings

melded perfectly with the purple and white fur on its underbelly and its

legs making a truly beautiful animal

"He's calmer than you said he'd be." Atticus said aloud as he continued to

float diced meat towards the Triffin. To come here was a nice little break

from the monotonousness of the office, endless meetings or wading

through Time.

"Could be that he's focused on the meat." Henrik Kolffson said a little

perplexed even as he looked on a little warily and ready to intervene at a

moment's notice.

"Though I've noticed that some of the aggressive species we've let out into

the open are generally mellower." Henrik added.

It's because of the magic that's in the air, Atticus mused. The density of

magic had been growing steadily since they'd activated the Mithril veins.

Most knew by now that magic was stronger in Illos than it had been a

year ago though he kept the exact reasons to the High Council and some

select Overseers.

He had not exactly considered the effects it would have on the animals

beyond that he suspected that it would be nurturing them as it was

nurturing to the people.

It seemed he was a little of the mark with the way they were more in

tune with the magical environment they created.

Most habitats and forests and jungles had a kind of…flavour, a kind of

presence that developed over time. Not sentience but a kind of


With the way the magical field was set up, it was possible that it was

taking on characteristics of his presence, of what the field that powered

the wards was meant to do. Above else, it was to protect.

And it could be that this was influencing the behaviours of the animals in

some way.

Unexpected but quite useful.

His Sight of large arrays and numbers of magical animals out in the open

made a lot more sense now. "Shall we head further into the forest?"

Atticus suggested to Henrik.

"Of course Your Grace." Henrik said with a nod.

'Your Grace…' Atticus mused inwardly as they walked deeper into the

Lonis Forest with a couple of silver armoured guards at their back.

And as they walked deeper through the forest, they came across markings

of deer, boars and a few glimpses other mundane and magical forest

dwelling animals amongst the tree tops.

Ever since he'd ascended to Kingship, there was hardly a moment he

wasn't shadowed by a pair of guards, at least when he was in the open

like this despite the fact that this was Illos and there was hardly anyone

that could either get the drop on him or actually harm him.

He could dismiss them but his Council united in their protest any time he

did such a thing. Apparently they believed it to be a good practice to

institute now for when they unveiled to the Magical World.

Restrictions he disliked but respected and consented to.

Becoming King had been a long time coming, ever since he took Emily to

the stars but it had never really been because he wanted that power, not

in the way most people wanted it. It was the best way to influence the

destiny of his people…the destiny of all magicals.

To become an example to his people, to act and abide by values he

espoused and promoted so that it became easier and quicker for his

people to adopt those values in a way that was organic.

An example that one day he hoped he'd be at heart just as he was in


A hope that perhaps was more optimistic than it was realistic…

In any case, being that example also meant that restrictions such as

having guards covering them would have to be abided if he wanted to

show that even he, an Archmage and builder of Illos, was not exempt to

do what he wanted without reason.

They were not absolute rulers and everything they built, the

governmental system, the separation of the state in terms of legislative

and executive bodies, even ensuring a Council of magical races so that

protection of rights of different sentient beings was ensured, all of it was

done to so that a stable, powerful nation could last the ages.

A nation for which they were constitutional Monarchs of so that they

could always right the ship when it seemed it was veering away from

ideals such as meritocracy, progressiveness, duty, inquisitiveness and

innovation with soft power instead of absolute power that would have

felt imposing and dominating.

And this social contract they and their people signed, this Kingship

granted to him by his people was to see all of what they were building

protected…whether or not it was against internal or external forces,

human or not, mattered not.

And even though everything he had done had geared towards them

granting this Kingship to him, using means and choices to get the people

to grant them this privilege that betrayed the spirit of their immeasurable

trust, he had every intention to protect what they were building…and

fulfil every promise he made to them.

For Emily, this was a different role than she had envisioned so many

years ago but she had still taken to it like merman took to water.

Especially now that she was getting involved more publically.

Nothing had changed for the Council of Representatives, they were the

legislative body of the state and always would be, but they were never

the complete executive body of the state, elements that Emily had taken

interest in, particularly when it came to cultural elements and obscure

magical research.

As they treaded onto the slightly wet forest grounds with intermittent

sounds of birds and mammals sounding out in the distance, Henrik spoke

up and broke him out of his thoughts "Around here…can you feel it, Your

Grace?" Henrik questioned.

Atticus tilted his head and let the reins of his magic slightly lose "I can

feel it. It's slightly out of balance."

Henrik frowned as he nodded "The release of more magical animals,

particularly small predatory birds and reptilians has thrown the balance

of the forest."

"I've read the reports of the Conservers." Atticus said as he glanced at

Henrik before he began to walk again, towards the small waterfall he

knew was located near the centre of the forest. "I cannot agree to their

suggestion, not without the safeguards the Offices have been tasked to


"Tailoring those wards specifically to rats, other kinds of small rodents

might take months. Maybe even years. By the time they're ready, the

forest might be even more out of balance." Henrik voiced out concerned

and Atticus looked at him from the corner of his eyes.

Henrik was passionate about ecologies and achieving perfect balance in

them. His work in the habitats was the reason why so many were up and

running so quickly and without much fault owing to his family magic.

He and those of his family could sense and feel nature to startling degrees

of sensitivities. They could feel what dwells in the forest, what grows in it

and how healthy it was. A nifty talent that allowed his ancestors to

survive arctic lands with limited and unsteady food supply.

"You must have other suggestions then that you haven't yet voiced or

reported?" Atticus said as he stepped over a fallen tree trunk.

It was unusual nowadays to be involved at this level in matters of Illos. It

wasn't unimportant – nothing in Illos was unimportant to him – but

typically he'd be given reports about such things at which point,

depending on how much authority he had in dealing with the situation,

he'd decide or suggest a route.

Naturally, it helped that his Sight more often than not was able to offer a

solution with the best long term ramifications.

"The forest is top heavy – by that I mean the kinds of prey that is

available." Henrik began, his brows furrowing "We hadn't expected the

growth of the populations to be as extreme as it is. We expected a curved

growth instead of the explosive growth we've seen and with the delay in

arrival of the Gryphons, Hippogriffs and the smaller more docile species

of mundane wolves, it's becoming a problem that further throwing the

forest into imbalance. If we remove large percentages of the large prey

population, we can, for now, reduce the imbalance significantly until we

can solve both issues at the same time."

"I can't imagine the Office of Environment would have refused this

request." Atticus said with a frown as they were getting close to the


"They likely wouldn't have" Henrik agreed "But they would not have liked

my solution for what to do with the prey."

Atticus glanced at him and wordlessly bid him to continue.

Henrik hesitated for a moment before he spoke up "I would like to grow

our Hawlions population."

Atticus glanced away from the man as they arrived and the Thestral herd

came into view. As he carefully made his way towards them, and having

calmed the nearest one to him, he began to pet the beautiful animal.

"They're as dangerous as nundus. Their skin is only penetrable through

the use of the strongest – and darkest – piercing spells." Atticus said after

a long while.

"I know." Henrik said as he got closer and Atticus turned to the man.

"But they're also a lot smarter." Henrik said passionately. "Their

aggression is borne out of their confinement, not because of their nature"

Henrik paused for a moment "At least not entirely." He admitted.

"We don't have an environment for them to grow into. The few that we

have would cause havoc in any of the environments we put them in let

alone increasing their populations" Atticus stated. They ate more than

dragons did despite being on average five times smaller in size and


"We still have habitats that aren't in use. We can easily create another

savannah and plains habitat just for them." Henrik told him and Atticus

said nothing for a few moments.

"We will cull them when they grow in too great a numbers." Atticus

warned finally after making the appearance on deliberating on it. He'd

already decided to allow it despite his misgivings. Emily would at some

point figure out a way to alter them make them more…amenable.

As they were, the lions were absolute menaces. They'd found the last few

hawlions cubs not that long ago, about a few years ago, in stasis at a base

belonging to a centuries dead Dark Wizard. They'd been hunted into

extinction centuries ago with the last Hawlion spotted sometime in 1724.

During the Statute of Secrecy implementation, most of the dangerous

magical creatures were exterminated if they proved too difficult to

manage and weren't protected politically like the Thunderbirds or other

XXXXX animals were.

To find Hawlions during their trip in Africa had been a surprise and he

hadn't been able to find it within himself to leave them there so he'd

brought them here, still in stasis, until he had enough trained people who

could manage the animals.

Henrik looked dissatisfied for a moment before he nodded "Yes, Your

Grace." Henrik paused for a moment before he bowed a little deeper

"Thank you."

Atticus inclined his head in acknowledgment before he returned his

attentions to the herd of Thestrals. He'd brought a few mating pairs over

from the Forest nearby Hogwarts and purchased a few pairs of the years.

They were an un-rowdy lot and he like their quiet presence.

"Tell me about where you think we should set up another forest or

environment out in the open and what animals we should populate it

with" Atticus said without turning to Henrik.

It was about an hour or so later that he made it back to the Main Tower

and proceeded to have another few discussions with Rowe and various

Overseers until he went for his meeting with Sandra discussing the

planned improvements passed through the Council of Representatives

and what impacts that she was expecting it to have.

His last meeting ended up with Parkinson where he went over some of

the reports from Europe, particularly the new developments in Bulgaria

and some Balkan Ministries before finishing up with his present

assessment of the reception they'd receive around the world.

It was late in the evening that he finally made it home and he arrived to

an empty home. Emily likely was still occupied with the alchemic

research she was doing with some of the talented lot in the Office of

Magical Innovation and Technology.

It was how he found himself lounging with a book in his arms, enjoying

the peace and quiet that he had found so little as of late, so much so he

barely registered her arrival.

"You're reading Tolkien again?"

He looked up from his book and saw her walking into the living room

dressed resplendently in tasteful green and light purple Losi clothing.

He only shrugged a little as he met her gaze "I admire Tolkien's view of

the world."

She made her way across to him and sat next to him, her body flush

against his. She sighed a little "A view brought on by trauma and PTSD"

she said as she looked up to him "Hardly a view to venerate. Especially

given it is a standard that can never be reached."

He hummed softly as he closed the book and let it lie in his lap "Yet it is

also something to aspire to…even if impossible to reach."

Her hand went up to his face and she clutched gently onto his chin and

she directed his face towards her. "Yet he is also keen on order and

fulfilling the role you were born into. Do you admire this as well?"

"I admire it as equally as I loathe it." Atticus admitted to her as he

grabbed her hand and gentle placed it down into his lap.

"What's wrong?" she asked with a light frown before her eyes flickered

understanding "This is about the Raven" she guessed correctly.

He hummed affirmatively. "Yes." He said as he leaned back, his head

resting on the back of the sofa. "He's finished getting Bulgarian leadership

under his control and is making inroads with Balkan clans with

increasing success."

"In a smart way too…winning them over with promises that he actually

delivers on in exchange for loyalty whilst making dissenters disappear."

Atticus said with a sigh.

The man's ideology was…simple to say the least. It wasn't exactly blood

purism was more opportunistic and catered to the people who he was

seducing…or coercing to his side.

After all, Atticus didn't believe the Raven had any specific beliefs, only

goals that he would do anything to see accomplished.

The Raven was the last gift of Grindelwald, a tortured soul that Atticus

had set on a path of destruction. Perhaps it was always meant to be,

perhaps Atticus only had a minimal effect on him but nevertheless he had

contributed to what he became.

Grindelwald had many prisons…prisons of all kinds. Some of them were

hosting political prisoners that Grindelwald held over influential or

powerful people and others…others were used for experiments like the

ones in Belgium and the one that Raven had survived was just like it.

It had changed him, Atticus believed, whatever they did to him and he

wasn't speaking psychologically. Unfortunately, he had not unlocked his

sight by the time the things were done to the Raven were finished but he

had Seen what could happen to him not long after he grew the strength

of his Sight.

In some possibilities, Atticus, Emily and their guards had confronted the

man and killed him and his followers. In others, they seemed to reach an

accord that lasted a few years before inevitably Atticus killed him.

Atticus had chosen to make the path that would get the Raven into power


Some people who might have been able to warn others of the rising

threat he presented were removed of off the table, most of them being

spelled unaware of what they had found and others were made to die in


In some instances he'd even helped the Raven in recruiting people to his

cause and it was paying dividends now especially as the MOS were

content to let him be.

In a few decades, after his personal vendetta was complete, he'd be able

to challenge the ICW like Grindelwald once did regardless of what they


And this time…this time, the ICW would not be able to cope…even with

the abilities of the Men of Symbols. He would see to that personally.

In all of this, there was a huge cost.

Muggles were more or less spared of the violence especially since the

Raven wasn't interested in the muggle world and likely was far more

aware of the threat the muggles presented should it spill over given his

links to the Russians, but the magical cost?

The end result would be a population traumatised and decimated by

another war that would make them easy pickings to incorporate.

"If we don't do this now…before we move, you know how likely it'll be

that another Dark Lord will come into existence within decades of

arrival." Emily said, breaking him out of his thoughts and he looked at


She continued as her blue eyes stared up at him "And this war, whenever

it happens, helps keep the ICW attentions away from us as we work in

South America, Africa and the Far East. Work we need to do if we want

there to be a peaceful exodus."

Atticus smiled briefly as his hand rose and brushed her silken hair behind

her ear.

Whilst Europe had the highest concentration of magicals, obviously it

was not the only place where magicals resided. Out of a world population

of somewhere around 1.3 million magicals, six hundred thousand were in

Europe or in the Near East – countries like Turkey, regions around the

Balkan and Caspian Sea – whilst the Americas held roughly four hundred

thousand magicals, nearly half being in North America.

The rest were scattered around Africa, Asia and Oceania.

Exodus would not be accepted by everyone, not as things were now. Most

lived in perfect ignorance of the muggle world, especially in the

developing world…more so than the Europeans or the North Americans.

They wouldn't see nor would they fully comprehend the precariousness of

the situation if it was pointed out now or even just before it was


But once it was happening, once the muggles employed the technologies

that will put the world in surveillance and Exposure actually happens…

By that time, they expected to have made alliances and treaties with

many of the world's magical populations tying them all together and

convince them of the merits of leaving Earth for pastures new.

Merits he didn't think would be too difficult to convince them off once

threats of war or against liberties or actual violence happened.

Especially when the muggles found out about what their people did and

had done to the muggles for centuries with regards to their memories or

how much land they'd cornered off for themselves in order to maintain

the secret of Magic.

At present it totalled to something like ten percent of the world's surface

with much of it being very rich and fertile soil.

Paranoia and fear would then take things further about what else

magicals had done to the muggles if they could so easily take so much

land and alter people's memories.

Conspiracy theories that wouldn't see the light of day by normal people

would suddenly be not so ridiculous if dragons and unicorns actually did


The point of escalation would be low…so very low.

Fanatics – on both sides – would boil the situation to tipping point.

Solutions provided by muggle governments – 'if you have nothing to hide,

then you have nothing to fear by registering' – would be rejected out of hand

and harden positions and at that point…

He would not let it get to that stage.

He had no desire in a war of survival for either people and they would

patiently wait until Exposure happened and offer this solution to his


There would be some magicals that would prove to be stubborn and

refuse any entreaties. Those…will be dealt with and forcefully moved

whilst the weakened European nations would be absorbed into Illos or

made into a state under its control.

And for all of that to work, for all of that to even have a good chance of

succeeding…they needed the ICW as weak as possible and unable to pose

a problem but still somewhat relevant.

After all, they needed an inept ICW to compare themselves to.

With the floundering Men of Symbols directing too much of the ICW

focus on him, it would leave them in a too much of an indecisive position

to act against the Raven in time to contain him.

And one by one, they would pluck their tools and would-be-tools from

them until the ICW were left with little more than numbers to deal with

the two Archmages and their army of followers.

He would start with plucking the first few amongst the Men of Symbols.

"Without him, we would have had to be more proactive…and that would

have only lead to further rebellious events down the line." Emily stated

and he nodded silently.

As it was, establishing the new order across planets and star systems was

going to be tumultuous.

Knowing history, establishing a confederation or federation style union

should be less violent and more stable than what they originally intended

with absolute rule and certainly less bloody than the uncomfortable route

of conquest and subjugation.

With their ability to literally choose which squibs to make magical, they

no longer needed the absolute numbers of the wizarding world…not

when there were millions of squibs to choose from and would swear

undying loyalty to them.

Moving the magical world off-world was an endeavour that he felt was

something he owed to the magical world…and it was also what he was

tasked to do by Ancients.

"Tolkien would characterise that as allowing an evil for a greater good to

flourish." Emily said and he turned his gaze at her and she bore amused

glints in her eyes.

Allowing or committing acts of evil for a greater good has been the phrase

all despots, tyrants and dictators once used to justify their abhorrent acts.

Emily making jest of it…

More often than not, he wondered if he was one of them with what he

did and what he planned to do. Some plans that not even Emily was

privy to…

Especially the evil he would have to commit to ensure their backs were

secured…no matter how humane it was.

Exodus would not be the end of Magic on Earth. Magicals would still be

born in the form of squib-descendants.

Unless the future Office of Far-Sight could find an alternative way…

He would be forced to engage the plans he'd made with Alice.

Despite the heavy guilt and shame he felt at those plans, he allowed

himself to smile falsely as his hand gently caressed the book. "If only the

more stiff upper lipped nobles knew that the person they sworn

themselves to was well acquainted with works of muggle writers. I'd love

to see their reactions."

She hummed a little, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips "Their

ignorance is my advantage."

He laughed a little as he looked at her a little amused "Bet it helps when

you quote some of the more quotable writers and philosophers to them."

The corner of his eyes creased as mirth wrote itself on his expression as

he began to imagine one of the purebloods recognising her phrases from

books they read but would never admit to doing.

Her eyes narrowed at his mirthful face and he couldn't help it and he let

off a little laugh and decided to tell her what he imagined.

Her expression softened as her lips pursed in an attempt to hide her own

amusement, likely at the idea of one of her people being wracked on the

idea that she might actually also enjoy reading muggle books but would

never find the courage to find out.

She rolled her eyes at him when she saw his mirth rise even more at her

own amusement at the scenario but as she sat up a little, her expression

turned a little serious "Still, back to the subject at hand...Tolkien does

have some merits. It is a useful viewpoint to channel for the masses who

resonate with much of it." She looked at him with inspecting eyes.

"Fortunately that is all there is to it and thankfully there isn't an all-

powerful god who has reduced the universe to a good and evil duality.

The universe in all its greys is a far more interesting place to exist in."

Emily finished.

'I wouldn't be so sure there isn't all-powerful god, Emily' Atticus mused to

himself, his mind turning towards Manu, the Precursors and whatever it

was that lay hidden in the fabric of the non-physical reality.

A fabric that distinctly bears the lines and threads that bound individual

consciousness's in some way or another.

A fabric intrinsically tied to fate.

And through the understanding of this fabric, deconstructing the flow of

the coming history would be made possible.

Divination in the form of Sight and Prophecies, Fate in the form of

observable lines and threads within the fabric of the non-physical reality,

and predictive arithmancy in the form of a precisely defined model of

behavioural patterns created from the study of history and past events

along with a statistical element generated from probabilities and patterns

of average human choices taken from a large population pool…

All of it would combine to form a way to be able to peer down Living

Time with unrivalled accuracy and allow them the ability to manipulate

history that would lead them to the ideal path for the majority of the

magical peoples, if not everyone.

Perhaps then he would be able to sit back and let the collective efforts of

his people guide their civilisation instead of his tainted and blood soaked


He could then focus on the greater questions about consciousness…and

the threats that lie beyond their space.

"Anyway" Atticus said, his head shaking a little to banish the heavier

topics before his arm swung over Emily's shoulder and he pulled her in


"Tell me about your day. How is the terra-alchemy research going?" he

asked her with a curious smile, one that morphed to carry hints of

affection as he watched her eyes alight with interest and fascination as

she began to speak.


13th of November, 1956 – Illos

Sandra Saunders POV

The doors to her office opened.

"High Chancellor." Her secretary said as she led Kane in.

"Thank you Patricia" Sandra said, dismissing the woman before her eyes

fell on Kane "Eric. Take a seat."

Kane inclined his head as he sat down in the offered seat before her desk.

"Tell me good news Eric." She said, immediately getting to the point.

"I'm afraid it's not exactly good news." Eric said as he unclipped his case

and brought out his documents.

Her eyes narrowed, her lips thinned displeased. "What is it this time.

Would they like us to reword some phrases in American English?" she

asked harshly.

It might not have been that petty but the number of delays due to some

seriously inane reasons was wearing her out and she was getting to the

point of cancelling negotiations all together.

'Though I doubt I have that kind of authority' she thought to herself.

She'd have to go through the High Council and only with the approval of

the Chief Representative, Atticus and Emily would she be able to end it.

Rowe would undoubtedly agree given his own frustrations with the

situation though Atticus and Emily were a little more unreadable.

Likely because they both already knew the outcome of all of this.

"Not so much." Eric said with a sigh. He was the primary negotiator

assigned to MACUSA to conduct these trade agreements and proposals of

'closer ties'.

After Atticus had spoken to his Aunt in MACUSA, they'd began

negotiations in a similar vein as they had done to Japan…a negotiation

that was ongoing for two and a half years!

"They agree with the final proposals…in principle however the Clito

Beauclerc administration has effectively admitted to me" Eric smiled

sardonically "Off the record of course, that the President is effectively

leaving this to be dealt with by the next administration." He said as he

passed over the documents.

Sandra leaned forward and absently took it and lazily flicked through the

pages as her mind ran through what Eric told her. "So our conclusions are

pretty much right then" she said as he looked up to Eric.

Eric nodded grimly.

"She knows that we're six months away from re-joining the magical world

and her second term ends in November next year." Eric paused

momentarily before continuing.

"Instead of complicating her legacy by presenting trade and cooperation

treaties to Congress that would have bad optics given that her nephew is

King of said new nation, a King that might not have been a trigger to

MACUSA leaving the ICW but certainly contributed to the

circumstances…" Eric trailed off.

"Yes, yes." Sandra said impatiently as she closed the documents and

peered away to her window where the skyline of the city was there be

gazed at.

Sandra understood the President's position, she really did.

Illos would have a target on its back, politically speaking.

MACUSA had managed to navigate their exit from the ICW relatively

well, establishing better relations with South American nations along

with improving their own domestic economy – with no little help from

Sophia and the Sayre businesses – but willingly getting into bed with

Illos who had the appearance of no alliances or treaties with any other


With an ICW that was surely to react critically badly?

By leaving it in the hands of the next administration, she would absolve

herself from the difficult questions she would face whilst at the same

time granting the new administration to look at the agreements without

the baggage she has.

She wondered why they had them continue with negotiations as she had

little doubt that they didn't know where it was going.

"When you say they admitted..." Sandra said finally, breaking away from

her thoughts.

"I went out for a few drinks to one of the Ritz hotels the affluent

members of MACUSA tend to frequent." Eric said as he leaned back in his

chair. "It was there I came across a few members of her cabinet."

Sandra frowned lightly and Eric picked up on it "Nothing was done

breaching protocol or anything else, of course." He assured her and she

nodded in acceptance.

Generally speaking, she ran her ship above the board and expected the

same of her subordinates. Eric continued "A few drinks after, they were a

little looser with their tongues and confessed their own frustrations with

the situation, especially since the agreements would see MACUSA benefit

more than we would. It was then they insinuated that the President didn't

like the optics one bit."

Sandra tapped her finger on the table and a few moments passed.

"Halt any further work on this." She said as she gestured towards the

documents "It may well be wasted parchment this time come next year."

Eric sighed before he nodded "Yes madam. Do you want me to redirect

more resources on the proposals to the French?"

"Yes." Sandra said as she leaned back. Both MACUSA and the French

Ministry knew about Illos and had sent delegations to Illos in the past


The secret of Illos was only paper thin now especially as they had not

demanded most of the strict secrecy measures. It wouldn't surprise her if

ICW would know soon…if they didn't already.

Still, she was confident that they were pretty much untouchable.

Their population was twenty six thousand now with expected population

increase to thirty five thousand by 1960 and the defences of Illos…

Well, she doubted the entire Auror force of the world could breach those


"And prepare for our proposals for the Australians and the Brazilians" she

told him. Australia they already made inroads with – they had a number

of associates working in their ministry – but nothing official until now.

The Brazilians would be their gateway to the rest of South America.

"I will inform the High Council of this situation in our next meeting.

Thank you Eric." She said and he nodded before he got up and made his

way out of her office.

It wasn't much later that she made her way towards Atticus' office.

She nodded to the guards before she was let through to his office and he

was standing there manipulating some kind of holo and as she neared she

saw that it was some kind of code.

"Sandra" Atticus intoned a little distracted as he continued to type on the

holo-design. "Did we have a scheduled meeting?" he said as he paused

briefly and turned his gaze towards her.

"No." she said with a shake of the head "I had something to share but if

you're busy…"

"No, you're here now." Atticus said as he stepped away from the holo and

gestured towards the seats by the window that overlooked the city

"What is it anyway?" Sandra asked as she walked towards the seats.

"That? Oh just the barebones of an intuitive program." Atticus told her as

she sat down. "Mostly it'll be defining physics and chemical behaviours

along with how objects will behave in defined parameters or conditions."

He said as he sat down, taking a few moments to comfortable.

"It'll be used as the backbones of a Design Software Package geared

towards designing ships and other engineering projects."

"I didn't think you were involved in too much of that side anymore." She

commented curiously.

Whilst not much had changed since he and Emily had been made Royals,

the division of labour over the years had seen Atticus' involvement in the

more 'groundwork' diminish. Something that she knew he didn't like all

that much but still had to do simply for the fact that there were so many

other things that needed his attention.

Emily's permanent return also helped alleviate a lot of his involvement

though she tended to be more involved in cultural side of things, bridging

differences in a meaningful way like the building of a Temple dedicated

to the more spiritual side of magic.

She hardly knew anyone who would give up as much power as either of


They could have easily ruled with absolute power from the moment the

Sayre family had been exiled but he instead limited the accumulation of

power for anyone, including himself.

It seemed more distant than it actually was, when Atticus had told her

and Derek about his plans for a new nation, a nation that he was going to

build on equality, meritocracy and progressiveness, a nation without the

bigotry she had seen so much in Britain.

He delivered on his promises and she knew that even his ascendancy to

Royalty wouldn't change that. His title only confirmed what he had been

in all but name anyway.

Atticus smiled a little "I'm only helping speed things along –" His 'helping'

likely meant doing the work of several people at once. "– With Moira

involved with Office of Space, things are picking up a lot more speed.

There is an over-reliance on magic with the ships and should there go

something wrong…" Atticus trailed off before he flicked his fingers lazily

and two glasses materialised before they were slowly begin filled with


"Ah. I see. So the temporary grounding of any further missions is likely a

little more permanent?" Sandra questioned with a mild frown as she took

the glass of water that was floated towards her.

Bishop had reported a few Council meetings back that Overseer Laset had

delayed a third mission to Mars until May '57. From the sounds of it, it

would be longer.

"Simply said…yes." Atticus stated to her before he drank from his glass.

He leaned back in his chair relaxed when he continued "At present we're

drafting up a number of engineering projects that we want completed in

the next three years and most of it is geared towards creating a hybrid

ship." Atticus said with a pause, his hand rotating the glass of water


"With many of our recent migrants academically talented in the sciences,

including many of our associates who worked for Derek's companies as

engineers or scientists, we have a pool of people who can contribute

significantly in hastening our technological advancement. Especially in

Aerospace and physics."

Sandra drank of her glass of water before she peered at him "Has

recruitment begun yet?" she asked. Many of the migrants Atticus spoke of

were recently made magicals, many of whom were working only part

time whilst they were brought up to speed academically – magically


Knowledge Crystals helped significantly in that regard but they had little

experience in manipulating their magic which meant it still took years of

effort in order to become familiar with their own magic.

In truth, them working part time was also a boon for the moment as

there weren't a whole lot of private tech or business jobs available which

was most of the recent adult migrant backgrounds.

It was a bit of an issue as most Illosians were employed directly by the


The pureblood population of Illos tended to fill in more 'traditional' roles

such as working in the potions, merchant, services and bespoke product

production whilst the former hedge wizards and witches dominated the

food industry.

It was a challenging problem, the limitations – limitations as a result of

the progressive way that Illos took care of most citizen needs – they faced

especially given that they wanted to grow their economy but there

weren't many avenues to grow into – except for increasing their

international trade which should open up new business ventures as a

result of the advancements they made and were making.

Part of the reason why they wanted to get the negotiations with MACUSA

finished so that when they were re-joining the magical world, they had a

readily available market to feed their economy.

"Yes. At present there are a number of engineering projects already

posting job openings with one of them – the MagBeam Propulsion project

– nearly having fifty percent of its staff openings filled." Atticus explained

to her before he rounded up with "It'll be further explained in our next

Council meeting in a few days."

Sandra nodded before she steeled herself a little, her eyes a little harder

"The negotiations with MACUSA are dead in the water." 'As you probably

already know' she thought to herself and as if he read her mind he


"I'm aware. I knew it was unlikely to succeed the longer it went on." He

smiled a little thinly "The President may be my aunt but she is President

first and foremost. She's always been dutiful, never more so than to

MACUSA itself."

He looked away towards the skyline of Illos "She understands the

political ramifications of being too close to me even if it is Illos that

MACUSA enters an agreement with." He was silent for a few moments

and she observed him a little closely. He seemed a little worn. 'When was

the last time he slept?' she briefly wondered.

"Already MACUSA was made to isolate itself from most of the wizarding

world as a consequence of their withdrawal from the ICW, a withdrawal

that was influenced by the ICW aggression towards my family, a Founder

House of MACUSA." He said as he turned towards her

"Of course it wasn't the reason why MACUSA withdrew, the ICW acts and

inaction during the war is the primary reason and my sister's businesses

were more than a welcome addition to the American economy but

nevertheless, it was a point that the media accentuated. For my aunt to

then present a bill that ties MACUSA closer to Illos so soon after we

arrive at the world scene and at the end of her second term…"

Sandra remain silent for a few moments as she digested his words "Then

why not ask us to call off the negotiations?" she queried him.

"It was the best course of action." He said with a sigh "Whilst the

proposals will not be revisited for some time to come" 'How long was 'some

time'?' she thought to herself "It will not take nearly as long for it to pass

once the Keller administration is in office"

Her eyebrows furrowed for a moment before her eyes widened as she

recollected who he was referring to "Keller, the current Californian

Enclave Senator?" She'd grown to know much about the MACUSA

organisation over the years, including somewhat from her husband who

had several interests in California.

Atticus nodded "He'll win the next Presidential race. Handily too." He

said musingly before he rounded back up to her "Whilst my aunt was

never going to agree, she did ensure that there would be little to disagree

with once the Keller administration picked it up. It will be seen as a 'win'

given how favourable it is to the Americans."

With the surplus of rare flora ingredients, high quality materials such as

wardstones, magically conducive metals of similar qualities to Goblin

Silver, and other more 'entertainment' products, they were able to offer

this to the American at very reduced rates.

Any administration would see an uptick of approval based simply on the

material goods that it would grant MACUSA access to. It was the political

side that caused issues…issues that the Keller administration would be

largely free of.

"And" Atticus continued, an almost sly glint in his gaze "It also helped Mr

Kane and the rest of the negotiation team get more experience in dealing

with tough negotiators, something that should prove immensely useful

down the line."

"Is the future looking that difficult?" Sandra frowned a little concerned.

Atticus said nothing for a moment "Yes…and no. Difficult at the

beginning, yes but we manage to adapt and excel. We are a young nation,

one with little experience in politics, collectively, anyway, but as time

goes on we will be able to adjust and lead."

"That explains very little." She said a little drily.

Atticus smiled a little "I know…the vaguer I explain, the less impact it

has later on." He let off a small sigh "It's not ideal…the way I'm

disseminating information to you."

She mulled it over for a few seconds "Can you at least tell me if we make

allies within the next five years? Other than Japan?"

"We will." Atticus confirmed "Britain and Ireland will be our allies within

a year after our return."

"Britain…only a year?" she asked surprised before she gained an

understanding as to why that might be "Her ties with Ouroboros" she

stated, already understanding how it was related.

"Her ties with Ouroboros are very strong and the affection the British

magical world holds for Emily is arguably stronger than the affection

they hold for me. They will stand by us." He told her.

She looked at him sceptically "You defeated Grindelwald. You were their

Golden child for years prior to that."

Atticus looked at her a little humorously "And look how quick public

opinion changed through a few years of concerted effort."

She pursed her lips. He did have a point. Magicals tended to have the

memory of goldfish at times…and they could be quite gullible. Still, she

did not think he could so wrong to think the British people wouldn't

value him more than they did Emily.

She had nothing against her – she was friendly with her after all – but

Atticus was truly someone special in her eyes. So much of what they

accomplished and would accomplish would be because of him and she

had faith that people would really understand that.

"Alright" she said with a nod "So it seems like the negotiations weren't a

total waste of time." Sandra said with a sigh before she sat back, a look of

tiredness on her face "It would have helped had I known." She said

almost a little accusingly.

Atticus looked at her a little empathetically "You would have behaved a

little differently" 'And that would not have fitted in how you saw things' she

mused internally. "And how would it have helped?" he asked, sounding

genuinely curious.

"Had you known?"

Her lips pursed "I would have known that we were not negotiating for a

current agreement but rather a future one with a different

administration. The majority of our energies could have been focused


"True but it could also have led to it dragging on longer if you took

people off of it." He returned gently "Would you not have sent someone

else in Mr Kane's place?"

'I would not have if you told me not to' she thought to herself but she

decided to end it here instead of arguing a lost argument. She knew him

well enough he had his quirks of dealing with things.

She drank the last of her water "Very well." She said as she stood up "I

will see you later." She paused a moment "Derek is coming to visit this


Atticus smiled at her "I will be over on Sunday." He promised.

She gave him a small smile before she left.

14. Chapter 78

Without further adieu, please enjoy the post!

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next chapter is available

on discord whilst at least the next three chapters after it are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

29th of November, 1956 – Japan, Kyoto

Shinji Hirahito POV

The miniature model had a mountain as high as Mount Fuji, snaking

rivers that coursed through the even and uneven terrain that were dotted

with forests and areas that were clearly marked for settlement and

farming, whilst some parts of the uneven terrain resulted in sharp drops

and cliffs and in some instances he could see small waterfalls being made.

"Do you like what you see, Shinji-san?" he heard the old familiar voice

and he turned around and bowed deeply from the waist.

He'd been asked to come in and talk with the revered man.

"Lord Protector-sama" Hirahito said reverently.

The old man made a disapproving noise "I have told you before, Shinji-

san. Do not make an old man repeat his words."

"I-…Very well Ieyasu-sama." Hirahito said as he stood back up straight.

"Better" the old man said as he walked past Hirahito, his gaze firmly fixed

on the model "What do you think?" he asked with a short side glance to

Hirahito before he returned his eyes to the model.

Hirahito looked back at the model. He could see all of the representations

that made Japan, Japan. Its diversity of nature, revered sights and

landmarks, all of it bundled in a small package. "It looks like home."

Hirahito settled on, his words bearing only honesty.

Ieyasu-sama hummed pleased "Yes…I think so too."

"What is the scale?" Hirahito asked

"It will have a diameter of forty one kilometres."

Hirahito frown a little and Ieyasu-sama caught it "You think it's small?"

Hirahito looked up and met his gaze, nodding slightly as he did. Ieyasu-

sama gave him a small smile before he gazed back at the model.

"The majority of our people are not landowners like we are. Very few live

beyond their means in their villages. The land is sufficient." Ieyasu-sama


Hirahito looked back at the model. "If that is your wisdom." He said with

a bowed head. "Will work on the island commence now?" he asked.

He had been present in Ieyasu-sama's council after he'd met with Atticus-


A meeting that resulted in Ieyasu-sama's confirmation of an alliance

struck in return for the Japanese magical world gaining a land of their

own with no other peoples present.

There were more than a few clan leaders…unhappy with the decision to


It had caused unrest amongst the leading clans that was only recently

resolved with concessions and places of honour. Hirahito did not have

doubt that if it had been anyone other than Ieyasu-sama that it would

have been the start of political…and perhaps even violent struggle

amongst the clans.

Ieyasu-sama's reputation and wisdom had won the day and since then, all

the clans were profiting from the deals struck with Illos. After all, it was

doubtless the trade agreement had such a thing in mind. Atticus-sama's

gaze was far-reaching.

Ieyasu-sama turned to him "Work has already begun our future home."

Ieyasu-sama paused for a moment. "Island…is not the right term for our

future home."

Hirahito looked at Ieyasu-sama questioningly "I don't understand…"

Ieyasu-sama chuckled and Hirahito thought he saw a hint of mischief in

the old man's eyes "It will be an island…of a kind. But no, it is not an

island as you understand it." He lost most of his levity as he waved at the

model and it began to float.

"It will not sit amongst the sea but it will be amongst the clouds. An

island of the skies." Ieyasu-sama turned to him. "And our journey will not

end there either. No, this new home of our…It is to be our capital, Shinji-


"Sadako Sasaki has confirmed it." Ieyasu-sama added to the shock.

"She's made a prophecy?" he asked, shock marring his tone.

Ieyasu-sama made a sound of affirmation "She has. It will come to pass."

He said with a tone of acceptance.

Prophecies were not always fulfilled. Many prophecies tended to be self-

fulfilling whilst prophecies that did come true that were not self-fulfilling

only became understood after the prophecy had come to pass.

Ieyasu-sama eyed him for a moment before he began to speak

'Bridged We Shall Be

To Takamagahara

We shall Live and Claim'

"I don't understand" Hirahito confessed

"It took me some time to decipher as well" Ieyasu-sama agreed.

"Takamagahara is the Plain of High Heaven, the divinely abodes of


"The gods of our ancestors" Hirahito said with a nod.

Ieyasu-sama hummed affirmatively "Though in this instance, there is

little divinity in it. Heaven in this instance I believe to mean a reference

beyond the sky but still in our natural realm though much further beyond

than the eye can see."

Hirahito frowned momentarily before it clicked in his mind, his mind

jolted into complete focus as if a sharp breeze of arctic cold air washed

over his face.

"The Bridge…Ame-no-ukihashi" he said, his gaze looking upon the flying

model before returning his gaze to Ieyasu-sama who bore a pleased

expression on his face.

"Yes…Our new home will be the bridge to Takamagahara."

"But how…"

"How do we get there?" the revered man said as he slowly turned around,

towards the zabutons.

Hirahito slowly followed the man.

"I have not told any the full truth about the gates." Ieyasu-sama said as he

sat down.

Hirahito sat across him and a servant came, bringing cups and teapot,

and poured them steaming tea before the servant bowed and left.

Hirahito waited patiently as Ieyasu-sama drank of his tea. Ieyasu-sama

set the cup down and met Hirahito's gaze "I have set foot on another

world through those gates. A moon orbiting Jupiter itself."

Hirahito stilled and he slowly searched Ieyasu-sama's expression. The

man truly believed that he set foot on another world and the only reason

he did not dismiss the truth was because he knew the man would not lie

nor would he be fooled by such a thing. "…How, Ieyasu-sama?"

"I do not know." Ieyasu-sama said calmly as he took hold of the tea again

and drank of it softly. "As you know, none of our people have been able

to glean how the gates work through passive study."

The Illosians had placed a gate in a secured building on Japanese soil,

manned by Japanese people. There had been plenty of opportunity to

study the gate but frustratingly it had been…difficult to observe how it

works. They would have to disassemble it if they truly wanted to know

how it worked though chances of that being sufficient was…low. He

could not imagine Sayre to be so…unwise.

Trade between the two nations was already flourishing and Japan was

enjoying, for the first time, levels of comfort and trade like that before

the war.

Both nations had elements that both nations needed and from what he

was told, many in Illos were fascinated with Japanese culture, so much

so that there were several teahouses in the city.

According to the delegates and merchants, the tea was of acceptable

quality too.

"However I do believe their fixation on science and melding it with magic

is part of their success story." Ieyasu-sama said, sharing his thoughts.

"You think there is a scientific phenomenon they replicated?"

"Or a phenomenon they began to understand through science and

expanded on it. It is possible they cracked the runic security measures in

Vanishing Cabinets."

Hirahito tipped his head slowly "I can have our people source a pair."

Ieyasu-sama made a disagreeable noise "No. Even if we manage to crack

the security measures – which could take years – to come up with a

workable alternative may take years on its own. And it would sour our

tentative relations with our new ally."

Hirahito bowed his head "I understand, Ieyasu-sama. But I believe it is

prudent to figure the mechanism out so that if the knowledge is


"You're concerned about the monopoly they hold through this of travel

once they are reintegrated in the magical world?" Ieyasu-sama posed and

Hirahito bowed his head affirmatively.

"It is a concern that you're right to hold concerns however equally it is

important that such advancement is held in tight secrecy. These gates

have great capacity to destroy. I do not wish to think how dangerous it

could should the air of our world escape through gates." Ieyasu-sama said

with a disturbed shake of the head.

Before Hirahito could ask Ieyasu-sama continued "I believe the

mechanism that allowed me to travel to another world through such a

short time shall be the same mechanism that will allow us to travel to

Takamagahara with our bridge shepherding us there"

Ieyasu-sama set his cup back on the ground before he eyed Hirahito

intently "And Takamagahara shall be our new world."


2nd of December 1956 – Sayre Manor

Hypatia Agoralos POV

She felt like she was falling, falling through a hazy of fog of colours and

shapes and figures that combined into separate frozen planes of images,

islands apart from one another yet still connected, layered behind one

another so that they almost seemed like scenes, moments.

Many of the images bombarded her as she fell, barely able to see them

for what they were and barely able of registering the moments for that

they were but what she saw was beautiful. She saw her class grow in size

as Illos grew in size and people and she saw the harmony in which the

people and the animals lived.

She saw Atticus through her overwhelming fall through Time, teaching

and guiding and leading whilst also felling ruthlessly men who flocked

like birds and men carved in symbols.

She hated those parts, those darker images like the images of the Raven

and a man in black and red who had pain and Death following them

wherever they went.

She didn't hate it enough to stop falling though, for the beauty she saw,

like her presently three year old daughter Pandora growing older and

older, growing so alike to herself, was more than worth it.

Unfortunately, she was still grasping on the ability this traversing of

Living Time as Atticus called it, frozen sequential images growing hazier

and hazier as she fell through Time.

She gasped as she pulled herself out of Time, breathing heavily as she did

and her gaze, as her chest rose and fell, fell upon Atticus who sat

opposite her, watching her intently.

"Better." He only said, a soft nod of the head indicative of his approval.

"I…I still can't see further without it becoming hazier. The frozen

images…they…they grow hazier." She told him in a bout of


"Time is not frozen in patterns or images, Hypatia. It is a flow. It curves,

it splits, it breathes. Time lives on our choices." He paused as he eyed her


"You still latch on how you've always seen visions and its prohibiting

your progress. It is what is distorting the future the further you go"

"Right." Hypatia said, rubbing her forehead. Gods she always had an

aching brain afterwards. She looked up and met his gaze, a gaze seemed

somewhat contemplative.

"I don't know how else to see." She'd always Seen through still images and

through representative imageries. She'd Seen Pandora's coming through

imagery of rose coloured tulips, blue eagles and images of herself

carrying a child in her arms.

Tulips were a symbol of charity and she had always favoured the name

Pandora, meaning 'all-giving', so it had not been hard to put together.

The blue eagles had taken a little longer but she interpreted it to mean

that she was destined for Hogwarts though why she wasn't too sure.

It was how she Saw and how she learnt to hone her talents from her


"I can't see the way you do…I can't see frayed river streams of

possibilities wrapped in probabilities." Hypatia said with a hint of

frustration "It's just…"

Atticus raised his hand and she fell silent.

"Maybe I have gone about this the wrong way." He said with a distracted

tone, his eyes gazing passed her and she waited patiently for him to


His gaze, now much sharper, turned to meet hers "How do you view the


She startled a little and she made to speak but she halted, taking a

moment to really think about it. How did she see the universe?

"Magic is connected to the universe, it flows through it like how air flows

through the world" she finally said "It is part of it but distinct."

Atticus hummed "You can't help see time as apart from magic and the

universe" he said, an obvious question in his words and she frowned for a

few seconds before she nodded.

"I do…I can't help it." She said a little helplessly. She knew that it went

against all what he was trying to teach her but it's the way she

understood things.

"It's alright." Atticus assured before he looked at her contemplatively "I

think you need a serious shift in perspective that reaches even your

subconscious." He said before he added musingly "Pan Pingge's work

might help"

"Pan Ping?" Hypatia parroted, her brows furrowed.

"Pan Pingge" Atticus corrected, dragging the last few letters before he


"He was – is – a prominent mage in the Far East though he's been a bit of

a recluse for the past couple of hundreds of years. Was a pain trying to

get him to speak with me."

She looked at him a little oddly "A couple of hundreds of years? How old

is he?"

Atticus scratched the side of his face "Not entirely sure. We didn't ask.

He's at least three hundred and fifty years old. He was fairly well known

in both worlds in the mid sixteen hundreds." He said with a

contemplative look on his face

"How many people like that did you meet?"

Atticus smiled a little "Pan is quite unique. I doubt there are many like

him. I did meet a few other interesting people many thought long dead.

Surprisingly – or perhaps unsurprisingly – there are quite a few recluses

around." Atticus' smile softened a little

"The muggle idea of wizards secluded away in high towers has a lot more

truth in basis than you would expect." Atticus shook his head "Anyway,

back to the point."

She really wanted him to tell her more about these other people though

the smile slipping from his face made it clear that he probably wouldn't

entertain it right now.

She'd have to ask later.

"The little that Pan was willing to share about his own ideas of magic was

that he believed that it was only one part of an indivisible whole, that

one should not consider nature and magic and existence as separate

pieces of a puzzle but one blend that you cannot know where one begins

and where another ends."

She considered that. "A little different to the Plotinusian thought we're

taught in Greece" she said curiously.

"The layered nature of existence." Atticus nodded in understanding.

Plotinus was one of the most celebrated wizards in Greece who is largely

credited for furthering Western magical theory the most during the

classical era.

The muggles knew him as the individual who held a systematic theory of

consciousness but in the wizarding world, he helped quantify the links

between emotions and their effects on magic through arithmancy.

Though it was Asclepius who was the foundation of the healing branch of

magic, without Plotinus and his arithmancy, Asclepius may not have

been able to find the counters to many of the dark spells of the time.

"The same layered nature you view the world through and it is both

reflective in the way you describe it and how you see it." Atticus said to

her before raising his hand.

It began to glow slightly with a tinge of orange before Illosian runes

began to form in the air. A small window opened and a book flew

towards Atticus which began to float in front of him.

It was a good thing she was so used to his casual use of magic that

seemed impossible otherwise she would perpetually gawk at him with an

open mouth. It would have been quite unseemly, she thought.

"This is Searching for the whole by Pan Pingge" Atticus said as the book

floated towards her and she grabbed it from the air. She looked over the

book, well it looked more like a binding of scrolls with a blank leather

cover, and opened the front page.

Her eyes widened slightly "Your Grace – I mean Atticus…this" she held up

the book with both hands "This is in Chinese. I can't read Chinese."

"Cantonese." Atticus corrected with a small smile and she swore she could

see mischief in his eyes. "Do not worry, I will provide you with material

to aid your learning of the language."

She dropped the book in her lap and she audibly groaned and her mother

would have had her chastised for acting like a child if she saw her "Is it

absolutely necessary?"

"Yes." He said bluntly. "The Chinese school on Magical Theory – and

philosophy – will help you gain the understanding and perspective you

need to get to where I am." Atticus told her before his expression softened


"I do not doubt you or the Grecian school. There will be many overlaps

but this is key to your development. You'll be happy with it…even if I am

adding to your workload as much as I will be."

She didn't at all miss the implication that this was only the very

beginning of a hard time. "Why is it so important for me to be able to do

this so soon?" she asked after a few moments of silence.

Atticus looked at her with a long inspecting gaze before he answered "We

are not the only practitioners or studiers of Living Time."

She blinked before she frowned, a hint of concern on her face from the

way he said it so seriously and a little gravely "What do you mean?"

"Have you ever heard of Men of Symbols, known otherwise as MOS?"

Her eyes widened and she immediately understood the implications. "But


Atticus inclined his head "Quite. They're also very driven in the pursuit of

how they believe the world should be and Illos well…we're a threat to

the future they have worked for a long time to bring about."

Her shoulders dropped like a bag of sand.

So the mythical MOS did exist.

She remembered her friend from a very influential Grecian family talking

about them during school when they talked about modern legends and

influences on the world. She kind of thought they were like the Peverell

brothers, a tale spun out of proportion. It seems like it was actually true.

Well wasn't that a doozy?

"The reason why I want you to be up to speed is so that there is another

pillar able to protect our home. I can do it on my own…" he trailed off

for a moment and she met his gaze

"But I want Illos have more than one pillar holding it up. You, Hypatia,

can become that second pillar and I could not find a better person to trust

and depend on."

Her cheeks flushed a little and she broke eye contact.

"Means a lot." She mumbled a little uneasily before she cleared her throat

as she tried to cover up the embarrassed air she had around her – and the

warm feeling that his words were bringing up.

"It is the truth." Atticus told her and she turned to him and saw he had a

kind smile on his face though there was something haunting in his eyes.

"Your moral compass, your compassion and your ability to understand

the necessity of things are perhaps your greatest strengths and it is

something that is absolutely vital for what I am teaching you. It is also

what I want others with the potential of Sight to have in spades." He said

meaningfully to her.

"I-…" She tried before she stopped but before the silence got tense, he

thankfully spoke up again.

"And it is entirely what the Men of Symbols lack" he finished.

She rounded back to what he said about their capabilities.

"Wait…they are able to do what you can? The whole…"

Atticus shook his head slightly. "They cannot and it is to our fortune.

They can only see their personal timelines. They see where it leads and

they proceed to change it if it is not what they desire. Their altered

choices lead to a different future which impacts the whole but they

cannot see possibilities…not like I can…" he looked at her meaningfully

"not like you could."

She frowned for a brief second "How long have they existed?"

"I don't know." Atticus admitted "All I know is the possibilities I have

Seen and in them I have learnt they have been working towards this

future of theirs for a long time."

"And what is this future?"

Atticus sighed and his gaze went past her. "A perfect world. An

unrealistic world. A world where both worlds live in symbiosis." He met

her gaze again

"You might think that this is a great thing to see happen – and it would be

– but do you see the problem with it?" he asked, his eyes intently focused

on her.

She frowned, looking down as she did so, for a few moments. In order for

them to be able to see this future…

She looked back up, understanding having gained "They would have had

to see that far ahead along with carefully dealing with the eddies that

might exist in the multiple rivers of Time. But you said they can only see

their personal lifetimes…how could they have worked on it if…" she

stopped, her mouth a little open before she recovered

"They haven't been alive for hundreds of years…have they?"

He smiled before he shook his head "No, they haven't. And that is part of

the problem. When this idea of the future was established, it was likely

done when they were still able to see possibilities and likely far into the

future. They made plans for it, plans followed by successive generations.

But as time went by, and I have a good suspicion as to why, they lost the

ability to see beyond their own timelines but still relied on the plan they

worked for generations. Without being able to see more than personal


"The plan they worked so hard on becomes unreliable when the course

has already been altered." She finished with her brows furrowing deeply.

Like little stones on a calm lake's surface, they were unable to see the

consequences of little choices and events that will alter the future in

some way, a way that they had not seen or considered because their view

of Time was too narrow…too limited.

He continued "And so they are working on a plan towards a perfect

future that is obsolete when the conditions of that future no longer exist

and in its place all that remains incredible risk of major conflict…

especially when most of our people consider muggles are animals in our

likeness and they would view us with fear."

"And you're working against them." She stated, already knowing the


"I am." He confirmed before he sighed tiredly "It's…challenging." He said

with a weary smile.

She snorted and almost dissolved in a fit of nervous laughter before she

managed to recompose herself "I-I'm sorry. I laugh when I'm nervous" 'or


He seemed to understand as his smile turned kinder "I understand" he


"OK" she said after a few moments of pause, her eyes flickering towards

the book "I will work harder." She promised as she returned her gaze to


He inclined his head slightly "Good."

A few moments passed before she couldn't but ask "This future they were

working towards…this symbiosis." She began carefully "Have you ever


It was silly but she wanted to know if he'd ever thought about it. If he

ever thought that it was an achievable goal.

"Working with them to bring it about?" he finished for and she nodded


"I have." He said with a said now gazing passed her. "It is a wonderful

dream after all." He said with a quietness about him.

"To know there exists a future where we can live together in peace, each

of us connected and working together in synergy to become greater than

we would be apart." He returned his gaze towards her, his expression


"But I also know that it is like trying to fit a thread through the eye of the

needle half a mile away from your position without magic assisting you.

So much of the status quo in both worlds would have to change.

In the mundane world…the entire reason why we had to remove

ourselves from the world has not been completely erased. Religious

doctrine, superstition and ideological structures would have to be

continuously challenged and have leaders in those communities, backed

by states all over the world legally, speak out against the more militant

and zealots.

And then there is the political and militaristic threat our people pose to

the mundane world order with all that we can do. Never understate the

desire of humanity to deny others of something valuable whilst wanting

to utilise it for themselves.

The biggest problem to trust and peace forming would stem from how we

enforced our secrecy and they would eventually know what we have

done to their people and memories and there would be little trust to

build from.

"Even if we revealed ourselves in the most optimum conditions,

eventually that truth would severely damage our relations as they might

even question if the people they worked with hadn't tampered with their

minds or their feeli-"

"But it was how we had to maintain our secrecy! It's standard procedure"

she interjected fervently "It is how we protected ourselves against their

witch hunts."

"Of course." Atticus agreed before he looked at her intently

"But we still violated their minds, their reality. We took away memories

that contributed and would contribute to their personalities. We may all

have souls Hypatia but memories are what make us who we are. Each

experience adds to their personhood, their existence and what have we

done for centuries to these people?" he posed to her, his voice grave and

she looked away from his gaze though she said very little.

"We change them each time we obliviate their minds. It might do very

little to their current personality but it took away a part of them. We

make them live a lie."

Silence reigned for a few moments as what he said sunk into her. It was

hard to think of something so normal as something…wrong. It was

necessary, they needed to do it! Otherwise there would have been

devastating consequences for both worlds!

And it was at that moment the irony settled on her. That in their quest to

maintain the secrecy that would protect both worlds they set the path

that would make unification much harder. After all…it was a form of

rape was it not?

Were they not ripping away a piece of their identity?

And the worst thing about it…

She still believed the violation had been necessary for both worlds even if

she understood the wrongness about it. She felt slightly sickened by this

realisation of herself.

"And then there is us…" he paused and she looked at him and their gazes


"We consider them…less. That is an undeniable truth." He said before he

looked away from her "Even I, in some way, consider them less. It is an

almost universal truth that we all believe, in some form or another in

varying degrees of severity." He had a faraway frown on his face as he


"Even the biggest pro-mundane magical infantilises them. To fit into the

greater world, our worldview would have to change drastically, perhaps

even more drastically than the mundanes who are more adept at

accepting change than we are.

Especially given that our world is built on magic and to fit in, we would

have to change our way of life in some way in accordance to the

mundane nations magical societies occupy in. All of this would be a

shock to our societies and I can see irrationality and necessity and violent

rejections boil into irreconcilability."

"So no." she smiled a little weakly "You don't really see it possible. Even if

you worked towards this symbiosis."

"Nothing is impossible. I could see it working." He said after a few

moments of silence before he looked her in the eyes again "But I think the

road we'd be on would be so much harder and more painful than it needs

to be. Most fundamental changes to societal structures happened because

the dissolution of the former civilisation or nation." His expression grew


"Often at the cost of massive swathes of deaths through war and then

later through famine and disease. Years, possibly decades of infighting

and conflicts would take place until one day the conditions arise again

for civilisation to flourish. And that may even come at the cost of muggle

freedom…of both thought and body."

She swallowed. She didn't want that. No sane person would want that.

"I see." She said slowly and he seemed to understand the silent agreement

that she communicated with her expression.

"One last question…" she trailed off and he bid her to continue "Why did

they lose the ability to see multiple possibilities? Beyond just their


Perhaps they would have understood the impossibility of their plan if

they hadn't lost the ability.

"I believe it is because they stopped recruiting Seers into their ranks.

They learnt how to navigate Living Time but they did not have the Seer

talent to go beyond it."

He paused momentarily before he continued "I think that for those like

us, we have magic that specially attuned to glimpsing Living Time and

when we open up our proverbial 'Inner Eye'…"

"We tap into 'richer veins' so to speak?" she said and he nodded in


She looked at the book.

She breathed out heavily before she steeled herself "I can go again."

Atticus eyed carefully for a few moments and she thought he'd argue

against it but he nodded "Very well."

She closed her eyes and reached out once more to Time.


13th of December 1956 – Illos

Tirtayasa POV

He walked out the bathroom in a rush, his hands trying to button his

formal Rosi clothing as he arrived in his bedroom. He went towards the

nightstand where his wand was before he walked back towards the door.

He stopped suddenly and turned around, walking towards the bed which

was half occupied. A small smile came across his face as she was

sprawled out onto the bed with nary a concern. He walked over to her

side and gently kissed her on the cheek.

"I love you Fatimah." He whispered softly before he stood back up

straight again.

"Love you too." He heard her mutter and he chuckled softly to himself

before he quickly walked out the door, closing the door behind softly,

and descended down the stairs.

He walked through the living room, half of the room occupied by her

half-finished painting and her utensils, before he made it out the door.

He whipped out his wand and saw that he had less than fifteen minutes

to make it to the office and quickly made his way towards the Sub-station

on Chiron Street.

He couldn't wait to learn how to apparate.

For the moment he wasn't familiar enough with his magic to be able to

do it.

He made his way down the stairs before he made it to the station. The

station was seemingly made from a seamless block of white marble with

holographic maps on both sides to help travellers get from point A to

point B.

He walked through the station and after scanning his ID Band, he made

his way towards the platform which was just behind security. He arrived

the oval underground chamber, a circular chamber where there were a

dozen gates with different addresses titled about the gates and he made

his way towards the Mimir Gate where there were a few people already

waiting along with a co-worker of his.

"Adam." Tirtayasa acknowledged as he stood next to him.

Adam gave him a nod "Mr Fisbilillah" he said curtly and Tirtayasa fought

to stop a grimace from appearing on his face.

Adam Driver hadn't liked him from the moment he met him…only

growing worse when he was making better progress than Adam. It didn't

help either that he was willing to spend more time at the office than

Adam, something that irks him and a few others.

He looked back at the display next to the name of the station and saw the

gate would activate in another minute.

No gate at any station was on all the time. There were over twenty

stations and another fifteen planned for commission in the next five

years. It would be impractical for gates to always be connected to

another gate. Plus, this way it was a lot more coordinated. At least that

was what he thought.

When the gate activated and completed its sequence, the security film

that coated the ring after it was connected, he patiently walked through

the Mimir gate and made his way towards the office…without waiting on


Mimir gate was at the edge of city where the Institute of Energy and

Propulsion was located, a large building that had entire complexes

spatially expanded for test purposes. He made it to the office a few

minutes before he was set to start and so his workday began.

He hadn't expected he'd be doing this when he applied for the Maginaut

apprenticeship but after several competency examinations, he'd been

accepted to the program but it was deferred for six years.

It was deferred because he was personally requested by Walter Bishop,

the Director of Magical Innovation and Technology – his boss' boss' boss!

– to take work for this new department within the Office of Technology

due to his strengths in physics and mathematics and currently was the

junior lead of the Ion Engine Project.

He definitely wouldn't have been able to become with Knowledge

Crystals which gave him fundamental knowledge that he otherwise

would needed years to learn.

At present they were at a critical function of the project.

They tested – successfully – a miniature electromagnetic ion engine

sixteen days ago whereby they successfully managed to create thrust

using beams of ions – electrically charged molecules – through the

application of Lorentz force using xenon gas as the propellant.

Whilst the test had been successful, the project as a whole was a let-


The control system was not performing at the expected efficiencies and it

was delaying further progress on the project.

The current control systems were run on third generation Magi-Comp

systems but it looks like it wasn't quite able to work with rate of

calculations required per second and though it was small, the rounding

errors that were happening had a significant impact on the efficiencies of

the ionization process.

They were also looking at changing the electrical power supply as the

current method was useful for testing but definitely not for long range

missions. Electrical power was also one of the easiest way to utilise magic

and their current way was an example of this.

Electrical power was supplied in the form of small capacitors of

incredible energy density that held electrical energy from converted solar


There were great pylons made out of quasi-organic material that during

the summer absorbed solar energy like sponges and this was what

ultimately was powered their tests – and other projects in the building.

He liked the unique solutions that were pretty much launching them a

hundred of years ahead of the mundane world. Solutions that created a

kind of symbiosis between magic and technology.

Some – like his friend Kwame – thought that the focus on technology was

a little too much as they already made it to the Moon and to Mars

without needing technology but he was missing the point.

If we could do that with magic alone, then where could we go with both?

Soon enough it was time for the morning meeting.


3rd of January, 1957 – Magical Britain, London

Rasmussen Lestrange POV

"Congratulations Lord Lestrange. You have a healthy son." The healer

said and Rasmussen allowed a rare smile of happiness to form on his face

as he got up from the waiting area.

"Lady Lestrange is recovering well. You may see them both now if you

wish" the healer said with a bowed head and Rasmussen nodded to the

healer before he walked into the private room.

He saw her cradling their son – he had a son now – and she looked up

when she heard him come in. She offered him a hesitant smile and he

returned a gentle one.

It was not a marriage of love…or affection but he appreciated the

woman. She was a Goldstein from a very distant branch but she was also

a pureblood unrelated to him by five generations which was all he


After all, as the last male Lestrange heir he had the responsibility of

furthering his line, even if he had…different tastes. Marrying a member

of a tertiary branch of a lower House ensured that he faced little


His gaze fell upon his son and saw that he had small tufts of brown hair

on his crown. "Your son, my Lord." His wife said as she extended the

small fussing babe in her arms towards him.

He carefully picked the babe up and gazed upon him. He had light blue

eyes that he could see darken in time and match that of his own. He

cooed slightly in his arms and Rasmussen glanced at his wife from the

corner from his eyes.

"Have you named him yet?" It wasn't done for the mother to name the

heir but it was changing times. Many traditions were still upheld,

especially amongst the noble families but matters were…easing.

Amongst it was the matters of the familial…dynamic.

Exerting absolute power of the Head of House was becoming less and less

common, especially as they move towards a more liberal take on blood

purity – for the commoners and lesser Houses – and it was a trend

Whilst Heads of Houses still had their privileges on how to deal with

their family, there was little tolerance for the kind of abuse he and other

peers did suffer in their youth.

"I thought I'd leave the honour to you, husband." His wife said and he

returned his gaze to his son and heir.

"Rodolphus" Rasmussen said after a while as he stared at the babe.

"His name shall be Rodolphus."

Days later…

"Congratulations" Malfoy said as he handed over a glass of firewhiskey.

Rasmussen grabbed the glass and raised it to Malfoy in silent thanks.

He drank of his glass when Malfoy asked "Will you try for another?". His

voice carried genuine hints of curiosity. Not surprising since he was well

aware of his different tastes.

"Not for another six months." Rasmussen answered. "If Magic blesses us,

we shall have another child." He drank of his glass again before he

peered at Malfoy

"I wouldn't mind a daughter this time."

Malfoy gave a thin smile "One of either is ideal." He said with a hum in

his voice. "I was fortunate with Lucius and Lucia." Malfoy was speaking

of his few month old daughter and son and Rasmussen couldn't help but

notice a tang of affection in his voice for his children.

Curious. He'd thought Malfoys couldn't love anything but themselves.

Then again old Abraxas was not the usual Malfoy. He was

unconventional and smarter.

Despite his rise to greater prominence in pureblood elite society in the

past four or five years and taking the Black's crown as the wealthiest

family in Britain, Malfoy knew what the limits of his ambitions were.

No matter how many older and more renowned families became indebted

to him, became his to influence, he could only rise to where she wanted

him to be.

And Malfoy was smart enough to be content with that.

Malfoy's father and their ilk wouldn't have been and doomed their lines.

"I wouldn't have thought a Malfoy keen on more than a son as an heir.

Has it not been a few generations since your family had more than one

child?" Rasmussen questioned.

"Four generations" Malfoy said, this time pausing to drink from his glass

before he spoke again "It was less messy that way." Malfoy simply said.

Rasmussen's expression shifted to amusement.

Yes…fewer siblings or cousins plotting your deaths this way.

How curious as well that Malfoy Heads of Houses rarely reached age


"Times are changing however." Malfoy continued as he leaned back, his

gaze firmly on Rasmussen.

Rasmussen inclined his head. 'And has changed' he mused to himself.

Their vision of ridding muggle influence from their world was succeeding

even if it came a cost of losing some of their privileges. Nobility were

persecuted to the same laws – as far as anyone else knew and understood

– as the commoners were whilst the more…maligned individuals of

society were granted the same protections any citizen in Magical Britain

had provided they cooperated like taking part of the Wolves' Bane


The loss of power and influence, at least publically, had been…difficult

for many families to accept especially as the Ministry had often been seen

as an entity to serve the old families rather than anything else.

Of course, it had taken a few meetings – before she left – from her to…

convince…them to do their part for society and more often than they

were willing to bend.

Those that didn't…

Stigmatisation and social exclusion along with unfortunate loss of wealth

and business had been enough to make them reconsider their position

and thus far nothing further had been needed to be done to get people to

work with them.

Of course, the carrots that were handed out did much to dissuade most

from working against them but as always there were always a few that

wanted to play the game despite not knowing that they had already lost

before they even started.

All of that along with massive economic reform and societal programs

intended to uplift the poorer parts of society has made for a more united


Experiencing in some way the hard times after the war and the presence

of fewer muggleborns – squibborns – and half bloods that made this a lot

more palatable to the more conservative voters and the success of

squibborns integrating well at the primary schools was doing more to

drive away a lot of blood purity sentiments.

No doubt change was going to be greater in the next few years, after


They've tilled the earth now so it was only a waiting game for the

cabbages to grow.

"Have you received word?" Malfoy asked, getting to the point as to why

Rasmussen was invited to Malfoy Manor.

"I have." He said, his hand reaching out in his inside breast pocket and he

brought out a green coin. Malfoy showed his own coin.

"So it's time then." Malfoy said and Rasmussen hummed in affirmation.

"Yes." Rasmussen said as he raised his glass "To the future." 'To her'

Malfoy raised his glass, a shadow of a smile on his face.

"May magic favour us"


12th of January 1957 – Illos

William Bell POV

The doors opened and stood up as the two they were waiting on arrived.

"Please sit down gentlemen." Queen Emily said and he, along with

Bishop, Parkinson and Laset sat down after a small bow of the head.

He'd gotten used it quicker than he thought. Referring her, him, them as


People were quite the creatures of habit. He supposed it helped that

Atticus and Emily Sayre had that air of authority from the day he met


A fleeting thought passed through his mind that wondered if it wasn't just

completely their magic knowing that magical aura can exude certain…


"Alright. Shall we begin then?" King Atticus said as he opened up a stack

of parchment and the meeting summarily began.

This fortnightly meeting consisted of Director Walter Bishop of the

Offices of Magical Innovation and Technology, Overseer Parelius

Parkinson of the Office of Intelligence, Overseer Laset of the Office of

Space and himself as the Overseer of the relatively newly made Office of

Biology and Chemistry dealing in all things biological and chemical –

both magically and scientifically speaking.

Where the High Council meeting and the departmental meetings held

with the Chief Representatives glossed over projects in a general

informational manner, in this meeting the details were discussed.

With the number of projects that were running concurrently, it was both

the meeting he was looking forward to the most and also the meeting he

loathed the most.

Bishop went first and began the rundown on the progress of the projects

in his department, of which there were many.

Crystal based computer and control systems, automated manufacturing

facilities, supersolid and superfluid materials, nuclear reactor design and

development, research into ion and plasma propulsion…

And then there were the particle, energy, gravitic, quantum and

dimensional physics research projects intended to quantify laws of reality

that magic intuitively and casually distorted or bent…

Suffice it to say, his part of the meeting was prolonged though he

thankfully kept the more research heavy projects to a few sentences

whilst focusing more on the projects that were further along in progress.

One such project that already had a practical element to it was the Torus

Project, a project focused towards developing two separate forms of

magnetic confinement methods – magical and technological before a

succeeding project would be greenlit that would develop a combined


Of course all of these projects required significant understanding of

several disciplines, most heavily, naturally of course, physics and the

application of what often was only theory. Even with being heavily

supplemented with knowledge crystals, there were only a few among

thousands that had the capabilities of making real significant impact and


That said, even those of…middling potential were extremely useful even

if they did not fully grasp the knowledge they absorbed. It provided a

minimum average knowledge pool even if they did not have the interest

or the capabilities to grasp the higher physics which was important for

any civilisation and Illos…

Well, Illos was quite likely the highest educated pool of individuals in

both parts of the world and as more knowledge was filtered through from

the wrecked ship, he expected that progress to reach an exponential rate.

The wrecked ship…the ancient human ship…

When he'd first been told he had magic not long after he'd been rescued

from the camps, he thought he would never be that surprised again.

It was the third time in his life he'd been so wrong.

He'd seen the ship, the alien but familiar design of the three hundred

meter long ship, lodged at the far reaches of Illos and he'd set foot within


The sheer scientific knowledge – knowledge that was thousands of years

ahead of their current understanding – that the ship possessed did not

triumph as significantly as he would have thought once he learnt of the

history of ancient humans through crew logs and captain logs, their


To know that humanity once sailed the stars for millions of years until

wars against terrifying and overwhelming enemies had cast them low had

honestly shaken him.

And it had felt too familiar.

The universe had a morbid funny bone about humanity and its repeating


He had not spent much time with the ship – after all it was mostly

technological and data that was more physics in nature – though he knew

that Bishop, the Sayres and Yprikushma had spent well over a year with

the ship with the Seelie before making it known to the rest of the Illosian


He was also quite certain that the Sayres had known about the ship many

years before Bishop had known, questions he long had but never voiced

had been answered.

It was what finally made sense to him, this focus, rather obsession they

had with fusing technology and magic into a viable developmental tree.

Both of them were from privileged backgrounds that fitted well in this

backward magical world at large, a world that shared as much

similarities with the Nazis as it did with the aristocracies of the world, so

for them to abandon much of the tenets that would have seen them

remain at the absolute top as long as they conformed…

It was cynical, he mused to himself as he watched Bishop speak. But it

was also the most realistic reason he could come to with the information

he had. No one did anything this drastic without a purpose behind it.

Still, he'd seen enough of Atticus Sayre, their 'King', to know that he did

care heavily about the people of Illos and it was a point in favour for the

man but it wasn't hard to see that Illos was not meant to simply be a


No, the special focus on space made it clear what the direction they were

headed towards was.

He understood it too.

Far too well.

The genocide attempted against hi-…the Jewish people made it clear of

how long running hatreds and fear can combine into a deadly soup of

nationalism, fascism and dehumanisation

Even before being introduced to magic at the age of twelve after being

ferried away from the Ghettos, magic had still a presence in the other

side of the world, a distant presence yet nonetheless still a presence in

the form of myths and legends…and dislike and apprehension.

Calling someone a witch was considered an insult, an insult that alluded

towards unnaturalness and association with the devil, the epitome of evil

and such imagery would be conjured should the Statute ever fall.

And given the…prideful nature of many Wizarding communities, he

would not be surprised if it came to all out war when the spark was lit.

And with how the communities lived amongst the non-magicals…

It was an interesting conundrum…and he wasn't sure if it wouldn't split

his loyalties.

Some of the rescued families had elected to remain in the States, taking

the option of having immigration sped through whilst most others, after

the war, went to Israel.

Not many remained in MACUSA.

The decision to refuse to rescue their more mundane family members and

people had made distrustful people grow resentful and became

prejudiced against magicals…against their own children who were all

slipping into the world of magic in a way they didn't – couldn't


It had been the most…conflicted he'd felt and it was something that had

torn him up for a long time, well into his adulthood.

Especially after his father had grown distant after they argued and it

became clear that his father resented him, at least in some small way, for

being magical and the reason for their rescue whilst the rest of their

family were dead or were dying.

He'd resented the world at one stage especially the magical world and it

had taken him to see the world, by way of SIMS, to know the truth.

Very few people cared about something that didn't affect them or people

like them.

The German people knew and let the Nazis commit the atrocities because

the Jewish and other undesirables weren't like them. They were other.

In his father's eyes…he was other now.

The magical world was not so dissimilar to the muggle world in this

regard. Not for skin or race but for ones' blood.

Still. He learnt and came by to the truth. People were tribalistic. The

Germans had let their animalistic animosity run rampant and butchered


Differences had been magnified and others reduced to less than human.

Peoples were reduced to tribes and tribes had formed.

The Jewish survivors had done the same and coalesced into Israel and

most of the non-magical survivors rescued from the camps and ghettoes

left, with MACUSA aid in return for insured silence on magic, to make

Israel home…just like his father did.

And in their wake, some of them, like his father, had left behind tribe-less

children, a child of both worlds, a child of no people. Jew-ish but not a


It was not long afterwards that he'd personally met Atticus Sayre at SIMS,

a man he'd grown to hate only to come away with grudging respect.

He had not lied and told him – and other Jewish survivors after the

horrors of the war and the crimes of the Germans and other collaborators

were made clear to the world – that he had to choose.

To choose to save all of the victims of the war and thus endanger his

people all whilst there was a Dark Lord shattering Magical Europe or to

only save magicals and their immediate family and hope that it goes

unnoticed by all.

He chose to save them.

A self-admitted selfish choice for people he saw as part of his tribe. And it

was that that led him here, eventually and ironically, to become part of

this…tribe he was forming, one that was apparent that meant more than

just Illos.

And Illos was showing itself the prime experiment about the greater

scope of that notion, that idea that the magical world was a single tribe

just how Israel was becoming a single tribe of Jewish people (at least in

theory. In practice, well…).

Despite that, he still felt Jewish but it was a thin feeling that grew less

and less as the years passed and the few letters between him and his

father lessened to nothing, especially now that he'd remarried.

He knew it wasn't a phenomenon unique to himself – or to other Jewish


The Sayres deserved credit in that regard…that they were able to develop

an environment where one such as he did not feel as…disconnected from

the magical world as he had felt in MACUSA, in Ireland during his

studies at SIMS and similarly from the muggle world when he'd been at

Princeton whilst making that lack of disconnect nearly universal

regardless of what your heritage once was.

Even more so for being able to move an entire population to embrace two

forms of development, magical and technological, as readily as the

people of Illos have done.

It wasn't hard to see the logic of why the Sayres wanted it that way


It was the right approach. Ground the population in solid scientific

understanding whilst at the same time furthering the understanding of

the natural world through having that understanding applied magically

through spell creation or some other means like runes.

And it was working.

It was equally fascinating and concerning, the way the Sayres were able

to move a majority – at least before the recent migrations –

technologically ignorant peoples to embrace what they had originally

shunned and derided as inferior.

The power of personality, he supposed.

He'd seen it personally before…In Germany.

He'd been eight when Krystal Nacht had happened, the first time he lost a

large part of his innocence. It wouldn't long after those few nights that he

lost all of it in the Ghettoes.

Charismatic leaders were able to sway entire peoples to their course and

the Sayres were amongst the most charismatic he'd ever seen, so much so

that Atticus Sayre managed to turn him away from hating him to

grudgingly respecting him until he was settled into reluctantly

appreciating him now that he knew him.

That combined with their intellect, their magic and the knowledge they


Their motivations and actions thus far were what kept him as loyal as he


He could not forget that it was Atticus Sayre that orchestrated the

mission to save the Jewish magicals, squibs and their parents from the

camps and it was him who fought and defeated Grindelwald who was

worse than Hitler had been.

Atticus Sayre deciding to leave Britain instead of pushing the magical

world into another war once his ideals were rejected bore the hallmarks

of a man unwilling to burn the world for his ambitions instead opting to

bring about his vision somewhere new and in peace, creating a state was

the most progressive and equal than any other nation he knew of…

magical or mundane.

Even if he believed that the peoples of Illos 'electing' the Sayres bordered

on abusing the trust of the population, it was far from a position of

absolute authority given the checks on power the Sayres imposed on

themselves and on the State itself.

And with the clear destination towards space…it was clear that the Sayres

were already working on providing a solution for a problem in the not

too distant future.

For all of those reasons, William considered them different and worthy to


But never blindly. He knew the consequences of complacency and


Never that.

It was towards the last section of Bishop's reporting that he spoke about

the research about the nature of the universe, extracted from the data of

the wrecked ship.

"So far, we've managed to sort through more of the data." Bishop said, his

eyes sweeping across the table. "It's been hard to extract immediately…

usable data as the ship's core given that it was damaged and also not

reflective of the ancient human's entire knowledge but nevertheless we've

managed to develop a clearer understanding of the nature of the

universe…including its topography…in normal reality and of this

slipspace dimension."

Dimensions weren't new to magicals.

They were playing with dimensions for centuries before the

Enlightenment even happened but the data they extracted from the ship

hinted towards other permanent dimensions…including the method they

used for Faster than Light travel.

Bishop went on to explain that so far they deciphered that the topology

of the universe was like a sponge. There was an underlying structure of

the universe that caused high density and low density regions of matter

and mass to be connected and complementary.

High density regions would form on intersecting and overlapping

structures causing high density regions to form in the intersection points

whilst in the spaces between the intersection points there would be large

areas of low density but still connected to the underlying structure of the


Bishop said that a project had been approved to build a high orbit

telescope to verify.

Slipspace had a similar kind of topology as well.

"Slipspace is definitively the dimension the ancient humans used to travel

between one point in space to another faster than light…much faster than

light" Bishop said.

"The data has confirmed this?" the king questioned.

"Yes." Bishop affirmed

"The Seelie were instrumental in decoding the haze of topographical

calculations but it is clear now that it is an alternate dimension that sits

on top of our own." Bishop said before pausing for a moment. "From what

we're able to understand it is an uneven dimension, its topographical

features more akin to mountain and valleys and the duration of travel

differs depending on what route you take through this space."

"So in a way it mirrors our own reality." The queen mused and Bishop

nodded before he frowned a little

"Yes but it also has different rules. There are calculations that hint that

the ship must be massless." At that William leaned in a little interested.

How was that managed?

"Massless?" the king questioned, equally surprised before he frowned as

he leaned back "They made the ship massless." He said in an appreciative


"It could be that they figured out a generate a bubble of some kind, a

field of energy that made the ship pass through slipspace with the field

generation the physics of zero mass" William said as he looked to the

king and then the queen.

"We'll have to dissemble the ship to find the device." Bishop said

"Most of the knowledge we extracted of the ship has been with the help

of the Seelie who cleaned the data into usable information. Most of that

information was physics and not technological." Bishop added. 'And

engineering and metallurgical' William mused to himself. Nothing about

biological or chemical unfortunately.

It hadn't been a scientific ship after all. Likely military.

The king and queen exchanged looks, a silent conversation happening as

the room waited on their response. The wrecked ship was a closely

guarded secret, one that they were reluctant to let out at present.

"Very well." The queen said as she turned to Bishop. "The Seelie will

disassemble the ship. It's time we try to glean into the ship's construction

process anyway."

The conversation went on a little before they finally reached the last

topic of Bishop's projects "The nuclear fission project" the king called out

and a holo of the reactor design showed up.

"So far construction is proceeding well and we expect completion by

May." Bishop paused, his eyes settling on Parkinson who took over.

"The security measures will be finished by March." He answered in his

hallmark monotonous tone. Whilst the power plant was only a proof of

concept to cut the teeth of the engineers and scientists on reactor

construction, it would still be a functioning energy supply for six months.

Given the nature of Illos, its closed environment, the danger was quite

apparent even if nuclear waste would be magically vanished away.

The plant would otherwise be entirely mundane built.

The security measures would tie in with the Guardian Array which had

wards in place to halt the mechanisms that induce chain reactions in

fissile isotopes from happening. In this instance, it would halt runaway

reactions outside of control.

The fact that the Sayres had already considered adding such a thing to

the wards was honestly impressive and left him curious to see what else

they protected against.

Not surprising given that Atticus was a transfiguration master highly

adept in science

Knowing atomic science as he did, it wouldn't be impossible to create a

series of reactions splitting nuclei from atoms into smaller nuclei

releasing energy in the form of heat and radiation each time a reaction


Knowing him…he was capable of it and had created countermeasures

against others from being able to do it. It was doubtful that most would

be able to however.

He wasn't even sure if he himself could do it despite his own

understanding of atomic and nuclear science.

At least not without making himself the epicentre of the explosion.

"Good" the queen said appreciatively.

"The importance of security measures cannot be understated. As we

progress in development, more dangerous projects will be undertaken

and it is vital we do not allow any crack for disaster to slip through." The

queen stated before her eyes fell on him.

"Mr Bell. Onto your reports." And he so began to speak about his research

on DNA.


14th of January 1957 – Illos

Emily POV

His long tender fingers, fingers that felt like small bottles of lightning

each time the tips of his fingers made contact with her bare skin, ran

through her hair with a slow harmonic rhythm up and down and up

again, repeating without a single misstep and she felt like being played,

her hair the strings and her body the harp, the sounds of the hot

showering water that pattered and drizzled the percussion to this song of

melting companionship.

She leaned a little back, the soft disturbance of the warm pool of water

they sat in added to the hum of contentment that escaped her when she

felt more of his body, his legs touching her thighs and her back caressing

her chest from the way she was nestled in between his legs.

Her fingers began to trace a nondescript pattern on his thigh, simply

enjoying touching his body. "Feels nice." He said before he kissed the side

of her head.

She smiled softly before tilting her head slightly and he hung his head

over her shoulder, their cheeks touching. His arms now held her naked

body and she relaxed into him. She closed her eyes, letting the warmth of

the water and his presence wash over her and it was akin to a wave of

blue fire melting the ice in her veins.

Neither said anything for quite some time, both content in the loving

embrace they held each other in. She cherished this, this feeling of

completeness. A completeness that felt like the moment entropy had

finished reversing and retreating to a singularity, the flickering moment

before existence was once more made to be.

She could burrow into this place, this moment, for an age, hours and

days could pass and she would not hesitate to let it pass if only to let this

remain lasting.

It was a shame then that there was still so much to do, so much to see


None more so than this past year, a year that had been immensely busy

for the pair of them.

Bringing down the second asteroid and shaping it for the Japanese whilst

also making sure that the zero-mass field generator – the field that would

protect the ship during slipstream transition – and the traction control

mechanisms were installed without the Japanese ever being the wiser.

Pushing Illosfurther along magically, technologically and culturally

whilst also welcoming another few thousand people…

Then there were the plans for dealing with the fallout of their existence…

and then there were the ICW…the Men of Symbols…

Suffice it to say, neither of them had ever been as busy as they've been


And she also knew the Men of Symbols were a mental drain on Atticus.

Where before he spent perhaps once a few days meditating, he spent

hours every morning and sometimes even in the evenings using her time

turner checking if they were still in the optimum possibility.

Again and again, the future changed and twisted, the Men of Symbols

doing something, or planned to nothing, altering all of his and hers

carefully laid out plans. Sometimes she hated the…lack of inherited

talent in Divination, talent that was needed for Living Time.

They knew now that the Men of Symbols were not conventionally

talented in Divination – not like Agoralos or Atticus were – and that

meant that she could also learn but she didn't see the point of being only

able to see her personal current future when others were capable of

seeing entire possibilities.

She already had a talent of being able to tell if something significant was

going to happen and she had felt it happen several times now but it was

nothing amazing or particularly useful. And Atticus needed useful. It was

why she hoped his training of Agoralos would yield positive results.

She knew how dangerous it was, for others to have the same kind of

abilities that Atticus had. In most instances she would have considered it

the height of idiocy. In war and peace knowing what someone was going

to do before they were going to do gave an unprecedented advantage to

the point that it might even be considered absolute.

Even power disparity would not be able to counter those who could plan

generations in advance. The Men of Symbols had shown the dangers of

that and had it not been for the Monks…

History had lessons to be learnt and she knew better than to expect or

even want Atticus to bear all of that pressure on his own especially

knowing he was not infallible nor all-seeing and if another organisation

was to appear in their future…

The Office of Far-Sight was necessary. She had accepted that.

Of course it didn't mean that Agoralos or the Office wouldn't be tied

heavily in binding loyalty and secrecy oaths. Sandra's legal contracts were

only the beginning.

She knew that what she and Atticus were putting in motion was terrible

to the common person and the last thing they needed was a 'morally

conscientious' individual interfering due to some foolish notions of right

and wrong.

With Atticus teaching Agoralos the truth of necessity and later other

Seers, that problem should be addressed. For the most part.

In any case, the Men of Symbols were a problem that was proving to be a

unique challenge and getting rid of the problem was not the solution, not

this time. Not when they were actively planning on catching them

committing crimes or murders.

…Even orchestrating scenarios where their deaths would immensely

impact their image to the world in a negative light to the point that they

would have to war to get their world off-world.

In some instances they even worked to fabricate crimes and they had to

deploy some of their people to interfere and stop them from planting


At times, she debated arguing with Atticus to simply outright declare war

with the ICW regardless of consequences, but from what he'd shown her,

it could result in nuclear war if things escalate beyond their control…and

that of the Men of Symbols.

Parkinson was now fully clued in on the situation and was directly

helping with the matter with Amelie Cantona's team capturing,

interrogating and obliviating Men of Symbols agents identified by Atticus

that were planted in some important nations like Argentina, Australia,

Benin, Brazil and Turkey.

The Men of Symbols only knew their personal timelines and as long they

kept moving things in a way that blinded them, that didn't involve them

or was possible for them to learn…

It did mean that Atticus couldn't act on anything nor could she and Illos.

His fingers traced along the lengths of her arms and it was getting her

slightly aroused. She shifted slightly, moving her arse a little closer to his


She felt his throat move on her shoulder, a lustful rumble and he caressed

her warm cheek with his stubbled face before his hands moved down the

length of her arms and seized her hands with his own, his thumbs

circling gently on the back of her hands. She fell deeper into his embrace,

her mind running slower, her thoughts at the edges of her mind.

Thoughts on her work with Parkinson to draw closer distant magical

communities that were the fringes of the magical world around the final

quarter of this century, to learn of their traditions, their cultures and

what they might need to do in order for them to be convinced to tie their

futures to them willingly.

Profiles were being made and updated on the family structures of these

societies, their values, their ideological beliefs and their viewpoints on

outsiders…all of it would contribute to their interactions with these


Her mind circled towards the magic-centric faith and spirituality that was

growing on Illos. A spirituality that grew after each traditional festival or

celebration was conducted in one grand communion where all attended.

She thought on the further work she needed to do to set the stage of

revealing their ancient past as an advanced species that once sailed the

seas amongst the stars…

"I love you…Emily Sayre." His words were soft, softer than the fur of that

of a brown-furred bearwolf. She gripped his hands a little tight and she

tilted her head towards his face until her lips on the edges of his mouth.

She kissed him gently, tenderly.

"And I you." She returned, her face nestling beneath his chin and onto his

collarbone as she turned slightly and laid against his chest. She pulled at

her magic, the humid air twisting into more water, the level of the pool

rose and they began to be submerged deeper in the water.

His arms, his hands still holding onto her hands, wrapped around her and

she let the abyss of sleep take her, content and warm in the arms of her

beloved with the last thought on her mind that with each other…with

each other they would see all of the desires and dreams realised.

As destiny commanded.


15th of February 1957 – Illos, Chimera Arena

Anne POV

The one numbered seven on the blue team – The Nikita Rovers – dove

towards the ground, three members of the white team – Odin's Hotspurs –

chasing after him.

The man numbered seven had the quaffle, the Q-ball as some had taken

to call it to distinguish it from Quidditch, was twisting and turning,

moving his body with a deftness at a speed she thought incredible.

She hadn't even seen Atticus move that fast.

He stopped and shot back up and threw the ball towards one of his

teammates but it was intercepted by the number four on the white team

and the chase ensued. All of it was happening at high speeds in the Ever-

Changing Thunder Arena, the arena that could change environment

within seconds though in this instance it only had four walls and two

goals hanging from the ceiling some three hundred metres off of the


The game, Threepeller, was a game played between two teams of seven,

wearing braces and bands on their ankles that allowed them to fly at a

maximum speed of sixty miles per hour. It was intense and she winced

reflectively more than once when she'd seen someone crash even if she

knew that the walls and ground were made of foam-like substances.

"Are you enjoying yourself mother?" Atticus asked and she turned to him.

She'd arrived a month or so ago having decided to remain a little longer

than the week here and there she spent in Illos with her son and

daughter-in-law. Most of her time since she returned from space she

spent it with Sophia and little Marie who she thought needed her a lot


They were in a private box in the arena with a few people that worked

for Atticus. Emily decided to skip the game and run some errants.

"I am. A lot more violent than Quidditch." She said with a frown as she

redirected her attentions towards the game and as if to validate her

words, the number two on the white team crashed into the number six on

the blue team.

"Yes." Atticus said with a smile in his voice "It's kind of early days so the

rules having been set all too concretely yet. I think after the season ends

the Games Committee is going to sit down and put a few more rules

against crashes and fouling."

She nodded absently before she turned her attentions back on the game.

The game had only been around for about a year from what Atticus told

her and from the sounds of it, it was entirely by accident. Apparently

there had been some students at the Pandrosion experimenting with a

runic project for flight and after they got some working equipment, they

decided to play Quidditch without the brooms and snitch.

From there…well, it just kind of snowballed.

She didn't like the validation of the kids' actions though. What they did

was dangerous and they could have hurt themselves. She at least hoped

the kids were punished by the school and their privileges limited.

The game continued and throughout it, she observed her son interacting

with a few of the people who had attended the game with him. It seemed

that even in his leisurely time work followed him.

To learn he had become King had shocked her but after thinking about it,

it didn't surprise her, not when it clicked that it was effectively his life


Still, she hadn't approved.

The political ramifications that this would result in once Illos joined the

magical world would be…it would be chaotic, it would have optics that

would make many Ministries distrust her son and Illos in general.

The ICW would play up on those fears especially as they could easily

draw up imageries of similarities between himself and Dark Lords.

After all, rulers of nations in the magical world were only observed and

found in Dark Lords. A Wizard King has not happened, from what she

knew, for thousands of years, the most prominent having been Narim Sin

of the Akkad Kingdom and that had been before the Greeks had risen to


There had been self styled kings during the antiquities but they never

lasted beyond a few decades and in time they were considered little more

than Dark Lords.

She knew that this was different and many others would know of it too.

The last true magical kingdom had been Atlantis and Illos…

Illos, to anyone's critical eye, would be seen as its successor.

And that…that was a kind of threat to many powerful people, a kind of

perception they absolutely would not want to be reached for it gives Illos

an authority they would be loathed to allow to be granted.

Atlantis had a mystical, almost wondrous, appeal to it. A golden age

where freedom had been at its most absolute and they had no cause to

fear muggles.

And Atticus had only increased the pressures and scrutiny that he'd have

from the magical world. She continued to observe him as the game

reached its end.

She hardly saw him not working, if it is not on something in Illos itself,

it's somewhere else in the world and if its not within the world then it is

out there, like going over planetary reports of the planets and moons in

the Phelexes system.

Emily was just as bad as he was and she wondered how they had time for


She felt a swell of sadness, to see that he'd changed so much. It was hard

to recognise the boy who loved magic with all of his being, the boy with

wide eyes and that devoured every bit of knowledge he could get his

little grubby hands on.

Yet behind that sadness, she was extremely proud of him and she knew

that Markus would be too. To see him become this great man Markus had

always believed he would become.

She only prayed to mother magic that he wouldn't lose himself to

pressures, the weight that were on his shoulders. A weight that was

heavier and unfair for anyone, let alone her only son to carry.

Plans and dreams and hopes placed on his shoulders that were hundreds

of thousands of years old, made by ancient ancestors whose enemies may

not be as defeated as once hoped just as new zealous enemies made their

presence known who were only around the figurative corner who could

beat down the door at any point…

And then there were the plans of lifting the entire magical world towards

worlds whose star would take fifty thousand years to reach Earth…

After the game ended, Atticus took them home, escorted by his ever

present guards – she found it rather funny that the man who defeated a

dark lord needed guards – and they talked well into the evening.

It had been nice to see him so relaxed and happy.

She didn't see that in him when he was busy with…with it all.

"Are you happy?" she asked him quietly, the corner of her eyes creasing

as she looked at her son carefully.

He had been in the process of pouring wine for both of them and he

stopped moving and he turned to her, his expression surprised before he

seemed to relax into vague resignation which turned into a strange smile

as he turned away from her gaze.

"Do I look unhappy?" he asked, his voice calm.

"I don't really know. Sometimes you do look it." She asked tenderly and

he turned around, a glass of wine floating towards her. She took it from

the air, her eyes still intently on her son.

He sat down back in his seat, his expression turning a hint more genuine

as he began to speak "Happiness…" he said with a twist of the lips and

there was a strangeness to it. "Happiness isn't something that is sustained.

It comes in bouts and fits. It comes with different strengths, in joys or in

contentments. It is never always happy or unhappy."

He drank of his wine and she remained silent, letting him speak. He had

never strayed the promises he made years ago…that he wouldn't lie to


He swirled the drink in his glass before he met her gaze again.

"I am happy when I am with Emily…when I am working with magic or

learning something new." He smiled slightly, evidence of fondness

creeping out in his expression "I am happy when I am here with you or

with Sophia and little Marie. I am happy when I am working for the

betterment of my people."

"…But?" she coaxed gently.

"I am subject to moments of unhappiness just as anyone else is." He told

her honestly.

"You're not just anyone else." She said as she raised her glass to her lips,

her eyes still intently on him. "Tell me." She urged behind her glass.

He sighed inaudibly as he looked at his glass momentarily.

"I have a great many responsibilities. Responsibilities that sometimes

seem like they coalesce into something greater than I can handle. I have

sacrificed much for my people…our people." He said as his gaze picked up,

his usually too bright eyes now resembling more like hard embers of

shadowed frozen fire before it went away a look of tiredness crept across

his face and a forlorn smile plastering itself on his tired face.

"It comes and goes like the ebb and flow of the tide, this feeling of it all

being a little too much." He smiled at her looking a little lighter "It is the

nature of my life at present as a consequence of the responsibility and

mantle I have taken but thankfully I have people here at Illos helping and

learning how to help. I have you, I have Sophia" he smiled fondly "I have

Emily." He said before he drank of his wine.

He looked at her with fondness and appreciation colouring his expression

as he finished drinking.

"Do not worry yourself too much about me mother. I will be fine." He

assured her.

She got up from her seat and made her way towards him, grabbing the

glass of wine from his hand as she sat across from him. She grabbed his

face with both of her hands "Even if the world hangs on every little

decision you make, even if it depends on you entirely" she said with a

saddened smile

"It still wouldn't be worth if it is making you unhappy and doubt


He closed his eyes slightly and he grabbed her hands, gently peeling her

hands off of his face before he reopened them "Thank you for your

concern mother." He gently squeezed her hand.

"It is an unhappiness that I can bear as I know at the end Illos and the

rest of the magical world will stand greater than ever before. That itself

has a happiness of its own." He told her before he smiled a little.

"Sight is both a curse and a gift."

After that, their conversation turned away and towards lighter, freer

topics like the possibility of Marie coming to Illos for Beltane and it

wasn't longer after that Emily arrived and joined the conversation.

She'd watched them carefully and without making it appear as if she

wasn't looking and she saw that he loved her dearly and she him. He

leaned into her touch and she leaned her body into his, decorum meaning

little even in her presence.

They leaned on each other psychologically just as much as they craved

each other physically, that was clear to her and it made her heart lighten

ever so much knowing that Emily would be there for him when the

weight of his decisions become too much for one person to bear.

Soon enough it become only two as Emily remained whilst Atticus went

away briefly and she spoke up to Emily "He needs you more than you can

know, Emily." Anne said honestly and it was clear that Emily had been

taken slightly aback.

She got up and made to leave, imparting one last comment "Do not let

him crumble."

And as she left Emily had the last word. "I have no intention of letting

that happen"

Anne smiled and the weight in her heart grew lighter knowing that she

meant every word of it.


22nd of May 1957 – Diagon Alley, Daily Prophet Office

Theodore Pyrites POV

His fingers clacked on the typewriter, inky words materialising from the

shoot from the small opening on the back of the device before they

splattered across the two by two feet parchment that hung in front of

him, a kind of clacking that felt like a monotonous drone much like how

he felt writing this story.

A story that was about the crowd Fortescue's created because of their

'Mind meltingly good Sorbonne' collection of ice-cream.

Yes…things were that dull that this was going to be a page two story.

Their competitors, The International Magical Press, otherwise known as

IMP, soaked up all of the international news, places were conflicts and

interesting and dramatic political events were happening aplenty.

A far cry from the rather stale but stable British Isles where the good

times were so good that they were boring. He stopped briefly from

writing, his mind a little stuck on that thought process, a thought that

was thought carelessly and was without meaning.

He grimaced. He would choose these days over those days quite soundly.

He had nightmares for months after witnessing the bombing and its


Still, it wouldn't have been so bad if there was at least something to write


The Ministry was a well oiled machine now with the Ouroboros party

having made it an efficient circuit of bureaucracy. It hadn't been so in the

earlier days.

The days where heart stopping shocks were nearly daily, centuries old

laws that protected privileges of the nobility at the cost of the common

people were ripped apart and more egalitarian and equal laws were

instated and enforced.

No one had been exempt, not even the nobility, from cooperating and

living the rules set by Ouroboros for all and it had caused some rumours

of discontent amongst the traditionalist though it had seemed those

rumours had nothing in them for just the next time it came for the laws

to be approved by the Council of Lords, it had passed with easy majority.

He wasn't that surprised, not when there was a looming giant in the form

of Atticus' terrifying wife at their backs. A woman who since the bombing

had become an institution on its own, one that seemed bridged so many

different areas with seamless ease.

And whose departure was still keenly felt even if her works and her

endeavours were continued despite her absence.

Orphaned Squibborns were still taken in though this time it was state-

funded, the orphanages, and introduction to the magical world was done

at age six with the children enrolling with magical-raised children at the

primary schools in Godric's Hollow, Hogsmeade, Mould-on-the-Wold,

Ottery St. Catchpole, Tinworth and the few other magical-only villages

dotted England, Wales and Scotland.

And from the sounds of it, it was a roaring success as the children had

taken to the traditions and culture of their world like a hungry babe to a

breast and the parents were also brought into the fold slightly more than

they would have in the past.

Curriculums at the other secondary schools were well funded to the point

that they were almost as good as Hogwarts and schooling for the more

magically challenged children was also funded by the Ministry which had

a national fund where 'investments' around the world and within Britain.

It allowed the Ministry to run with a positive budget without having to

raise taxes beyond a measly twenty percent for the highest earners and

fourteen percent for middle income earners. The industries that were hit

hard by the Sayres being exiled recovered and prices were cheaper than

they were before the Grindelwald war.

Crime was at its lowest point ever and Knockturn Alley had been turned

into a 'friendly' zone for normal people to visit as Dark magic was

normalised – to a certain degree – with permits and law keeping order

along with shopkeepers being all too happy to enforce the law should the

more dangerous individuals get too rowdy for fear of upsetting the good

thing they had going on.

He sat back in his chair, his hand unconsciously going towards the quill

behind his head and placed the end of the quill in his mouth, softly

chewing on the mostly destroyed feather stem.

Even the arguments being Light and Dark were…civil now, Houses that

were ideological enemies for generations were making overtures to each

other in the form of marriages whilst traditions and magic that were

banned, like all forms of blood magic, were reviewed and permitted in

the same way the Irish Ministry permitted the study of dangerous magic

at the Seshet Institute of Magic and Science.

The country was hardly recognisable from the dark times only four years

ago and even less than the years prior to Grindelwald's rise…so much so

that people were calling this Britain's Golden Era and it was hard to argue


And they knew who they had to thank for that.


The party that dominated the British political world, a party that had half

of the British magical population signed on as 'members' and half of the

other half might as well be 'members' given that they would undoubtedly

vote for them again.

And if one had to thank Ouroboros, then undoubtedly one had to thank

its founder and many did exactly that.

Emily Slytherin-Sayre…

Her absence had made the people of Britain grow fonder of her to the

point people were comparing her to Avaliona, the mother of magicals in

that play that was still one of the most popular plays any time it played.

Not surprising giving that it was good.

He wasn't going to admit it but he cried the first time he'd seen it,

especially at the end when the Celts were broken and were a shadow of

themselves, crying and begging for forgiveness for the betrayal they


He'd denied it fervently when Jessica, his ex he'd gone to see it with

claimed she saw him cry. She didn't buy it and after that, the relationship

kind of… soured.

He snorted, the quill falling from his mouth and he scrambled to catch it

before it fell and he just about managed. Anyway…if she remains away

for much longer a few of the crazier lots would actually start praying to


He sighed and placed the quill on the table next to the typewriter before

he leaned back again, his mind returning back to her…and Atticus.

His old...friend who directly or indirectly had changed so much of the

world like he always shown promise of being capable of doing since the

very first year of Hogwarts.


It seemed like an age...their time at Hogwarts.

The slow thawing of his distance from them until they were close friends,

the five of them, the five Ravens. He sighed. It truly felt like an age.

He was still close to Marcus but he was busier than most now that he was

a junior official in the Ministry and had his family with his two

daughters. The man nabbed himself a great girl in Sarah.

He spoke with Eden even less but they kept somewhat in contact. She

was now married to Luther Smith, heir to the Smith title and fortune and

had a son of her own, Mordecai, whilst she worked in the Department of


And Nymera…

He hadn't seen her for almost fifteen years.

Her brother had married her off to some nobody, a scandal at the time,

before she left to New Zealand of all places though the last he heard the

man was now a prominent New Zealand Ministry official, a deputy of

some kind.

It had been years since he'd seen a letter from her, let alone speaking to

her though he knew she had children of her own as Eden and Nymera

still exchanged yearly letters.

And Atticus…

Well no one had seen or heard from him since his exile having left with

nearly a third of the British population. The old administration had

effectively made his name and that of the Sayres taboo and Emily

Slytherin-Sayre was only known as Emily Slytherin and he had no idea

why she had accepted it so easily then.

Not when he'd been at the wedding and seen how much the two had

loved each other, an unlikely love he had seen blossom as the cold

terrifying girl began to love his friend and his friend somehow managing

to turn the cold terrifying girl into a more terrifying but at least human.

A human girl who grew to become a human woman capable of getting

people devoted to her. Similar but in a different way people had become

devoted to Atticus during the war and after it before his exile.

A woman who remained despite the fury that was descended upon his

husband and his family and had come out of it in what he could only

describe as being loved like Merlin must have been loved when he had

lived and built modern Magical Britain.

And now she'd been gone for years and it wasn't hard to guess where she


He'd often wondered himself.

The last time he'd seen Atticus had been a year before he left and despite

the terrible tensions that seemed to spill into outright civil war, he had

seemed calm and told Theo not to worry, that things would work out and

that he should do what he felt was right should he be asked to write

about him.

He hadn't understood, not then. Not until he started at the Daily Prophet

and he was pressured to share information about his friend, something he

had done but he kept his private thoughts and the more sensitive

discussions to himself, feigning ignorance.

He hadn't been able to betray his old friend nor betray the memory of

what he had known to be a special but unlikely friendship of five

different people.

He only wished he knew where his friend was. Where Emily Slytherin-

Sayre had gone to join him. He wasn't that different than the public in

that regard.

The public loved gossiping about where they might be and the Quibbler's

usually insane ramblings fed the fuel and had begun to become wildly

popular as they supplied the public with fantastical rumours and stories.

He pulled out the drawer and picked up the latest issue of the Quibbler,

his eyes falling on the headline

Mountainous Egg-ahoy!

He snorted.

The latest issue talked about how a giant egg crewed by mechanical men

were coming to Britain. It was his guilty pleasure and though he wouldn't

admit it, he enjoyed the humour of Iphikles Lovegood, the owner and

editor of the Quibbler.

Nor would he admit that he used that humour as inspiration in some of

his more 'fun' work. He shook his head and returned his fingers to the

keys of his typewriter.

He spared a glance at the clock and realised that it was late, seven pm

and he straightened out a little before he leaned forward, peering out of

the window of his office into the main floor of the office and he saw he

was one of only two still here.

Well, he imagined Barnabas Cuffe, the editor-in-chief, was still here in his

own office. That man practically lived in his office.

He finished his article and sent it across to Cuffe via the Hanging Tubes,

shoots that sucked up large parchments and sped them across the office,

though he stayed another hour to finished up his next article in the

business column before sending it through the Hanging Tubes to Cuffe.

Every office, including the office in Hogsmeade where Rupert was now

editor-in-chief, had these.

By the time he made it back to his fairly modest home, he was tired and

a little haggard. He made it through his door and instantly made for the


He brought out the Sunday roast that was in stasis charms that he was

meant to eat tomorrow but he couldn't be bothered to wait. He could

always drop in to his mother for another roast dinner.

He piled on the meat and gravy and the filling onto the plate, eating it all

the time, before he turned towards the living room. He was eating as he

walked and he jerked in panic, the plate falling to the ground.

But no sound of a plate crashing came, no, it felt like the entire world

had stilled in the same manner he had been shook still.

"Still clumsy as always, Theo?" Atticus said, his voice smooth and oozing

with authority all while wearing an odd patient half smile, his legs

crossed in a way that spoke of grace and privilege whilst he sat in a chair

– his chair – by the hearth.

The plate floated before his face and that had done the trick, jolting him

aware though still incredibly flummoxed, and he plucked the plate and

fork from the air.

"H-How, w-w-what, A-attic-"

"Breathe Theo." Atticus said with a low rumbling chuckle and he gestured

towards the sofa and Theo flinched a little. He knew that Atticus could

do wandless magic in a way most people could never achieve with a


Atticus chuckle died out and a patient expression came across his face, as

if he was soothing an upset child that had scraped his knees.

Theo broke himself out of it and he silently made his way towards the

other sofa in the apartment "You could have at least taken the sofa." He

muttered as he sat down, glaring slightly without any heat towards

Atticus who sat unfazed and undeterred.

Atticus' expression shifted to one of mild amusement and it struck Theo

that the years had been good to him. His eyes somehow seemed to have

only deepened in their magical glow though less obvious, as if it he'd

grown to embody more of the ridiculous amount of magic he had access


He'd also grown into his handsomeness, no longer the boyish looking

Prince that had women swoon over him but instead he looked more like

an authoritative lord that many believed they were like and looked like

but fell very short off.

Not Atticus though.

Annoyingly, the man probably would even have grandmothers swoon


He stuck his fork in a piece of turkey and ate silently, still staring at his

old friend.

It was a few moments afterwards, after he'd swallowed the bite of turkey,

that he spoked. "What brings you to my humble abode?" he asked evenly,

intently watching his old friend. "It's not everyday someone breaks into

my home."

'Let alone someone who was meant to be exiled, never to return' he idly


The treaty had been ripped apart after the people complained vigorously

about it after Ouroboros had released the entirety of it to the public.

So…technically Theo supposed Atticus was no longer exiled?

Atticus tilted his head, a half smile on his face, his eyebrows raised

slightly "I seem to remember you once saying that I could always visit. I

interpreted that as a standing invite." The cheeky bastard said and Theo

pointed his fork at him.

"That…" he tried to say, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to

formulate a response. He'd say that like once and it was just something

you say to a friend!

You don't expect said friend to take that to mean he could break into

your house in the middle of the late evening! "That is not what I meant!"

he finally managed, his anger rising amidst a confusing pot of emotions

seeing his friend in the flesh after so many years. "You know it too!"

Atticus' expression changed and it was more apologetic, sincerer "I know


Theo waited a little while as he looked expectantly, expecting something

more but not entirely sure what he actually expected but Atticus

remained silent.

Theo sighed and stuck his fork in his cooling potatoes and brought it to

his mouth, staring at Atticus whilst he chewed. After he swallowed "So…"

he trailed off, trying to initiate conversation from what seemed like the

weirdest conversation he's had yet and he'd met and spoken to Iphikles


"So." Atticus finally said with a nod, his finger tapping on the armrest of

the chair and Theo liked to think he was at least somewhat as

uncomfortable as Theo was. He hoped that was true. "You've done for

yourself Theo. I'm glad."

Theo barked out laughed at the absurdity before he looked at Atticus

incredulously "Really, that's what you're beginning with?" he asked

disbelievingly "Merlin, Atticus, you're terrible at this. Whatever…" he

paused, his fork waving erratically towards Atticus and the living room

"this is."

Atticus' lips twitched.

"I know. My…apologies for dropping in so unannounced. I wasn't entirely

sure how else to go about visiting you without making it sudden and


"It's sudden and unexpected alright" Theo muttered as he stabbed another

slice of turkey with his fork and he brought it to his mouth before he

paused and looked at Atticus "You hungry?"

"No, I'm quite alright. Thank you."

Theo grumbled but said nothing before he ate again.

He was hungry after a skipped lunch and nothing was going to stop him

from eating.

"So…what can I do for you?" Theo bluntly asked after he set the plate

down. He quickly waved a stasis charm on the meal before he returned

his attentions to Atticus.

"I doubt you came to visit an old friend for sentimentalities sake." Theo

said knowingly. Atticus had been very purposeful all his life. He had

lived and breathed magic and though they were close friends, he knew as

time went on he would lose himself to his interests.

He'd been right…in a fashion as he did lose himself to his interests…just

not in magic. After the war Atticus had become someone who was a

leader, a Lord of people in his own right and that had been part of why

the Ministry had felt so threatened. Especially as his ideas had run so

contrary how things were done.

Ironically a lot of ideas that were now law and part of British magical


In the back of his mind he often thought that though Atticus might not

have been here he certainly had affected the British Magical world just as

if he was still here years after his exile…despite his exile.

And in the form of his wife, he most certainly was.

Atticus looked seemingly appreciative of Theo's bluntness. "My nation is

making itself known to the magical world soon. I would like you to write

a paper. Unfiltered and unmonitored. Only as you see it."

Theo slowly sat back down on the sofa. "…Nation?" he asked, his voice

showing clearly how surprised he was at that. It was one thing to suspect

something like that, after all the way he'd enticed people to leave with

him clearly signalled towards that, but it was another to hear from the


"Nation." Atticus confirmed. "A nation that has approximately twenty five

thousand souls." 'That was about the same as Britain!' Theo thought to

himself as Atticus continued

"A nation where equality is the normal and that looks after its citizens. A

bit like Magical Britain though a little…different." Theo recognised the

glint of mischief, the mischief he'd seen more than a few times in their


"And you want me personally do write about it?" Theo questioned. He

wouldn't fail to admit he was intensely curious about this purported

nation. Atticus had quite a few faults but it was undeniable that he was


He knew that Atticus would have created a Merlin-damned paradise if he

had the time and opportunity. Barely even thirteen the guy enchanted

the ceiling of his room to show the stars, a feat that ended up being

repeated in the Astronomy Tower and that was still in use today and now

at thirty three with a decade of time on his hands?

"I do."

Theo leaned forward, his expression determined "I will not lie." He prided

himself on never lying or stretching the truth. He'd been made to lie by

the Ministry when they still owned the paper and he had felt dirty for

ages with the way they blatantly misled the public.

"I know." Atticus acknowledged with a nod. "Your integrity will not be


Theo snorted as he leaned back in his chair, avidly staring at Atticus in a

way that must have seemed like he was trying to decipher him…and he

was to an extent.

"Why me?" he asked finally.

Atticus uncrossed his legs as he leaned a little forward "I wasn't lying

when I said you've done well for yourself. I've read your work throughout

the years. Your early work with Rupert was pretty great though lately

you seem to have hit a bit of a rump. I'd like you to reignite yourself and

having you write about Illos first feels like a good opportunity."

"Y-you've been reading my work?" Theo asked in startled shock.

Also, did he pretty much say his latest work was dragon dung?!

"I have. We lead different lives now but we were close friends once. To

me, reading your work was a way for me to know how you were doing."

Atticus said to him.

Theo cleared his throat, unsure what to say about that. "I would have

done the same, you know, keep an eye on you whilst you were nation

building." He joked before pausing and looking at Atticus with a mild


"My work lately hasn't been bad."

"You could have done better." Atticus returned as he leaned forward a

little, an exasperated look on his face "That joke about the Centaurs in

your article about the sale of the Hopkins' prized Abraxan show-mare was


"People liked that!" Theo defended "People even write in saying that they

never laughed that hard in ages." It was a great joke! Not his usual joke

but he'd been in a bad mood for a few weeks after he broke up with his

girlfriend Hannah.

Atticus looked at him as if to say 'come on' and Theo crossed his arms,

staring defiantly at Atticus and for a moment he was brought back to his

memories of similar scenarios back at Hogwarts and an unconscious

smile formed on his face.

He uncrossed his arms and sighed.

"So Illos, eh?" Theo said, returning back to the subject at hand. "Strange


"It's a name that felt right" Atticus only said and Theo grunted before he


"Alright. I will write about Illos."

Atticus smiled pleased and nodded "Good. It will be a week long trip

starting from the 24th." Theo blinked at that.

"24th as in…as in two days from now?!" Theo exclaimed.

"Yes. It's the earliest we can accommodate for now." He said and Theo

nodded slowly before he eyed Atticus carefully.

"I need to my boss know." He stated to Atticus whose expression didn't

change as he spoke

"He may know after your trip. I would like discretion to remain until the

15th of June which is when we are planning to let ourselves known. That

is the only condition I have."

Theo grimaced internally. "Alright." Theo acquiesced.

"Good." Atticus said with a pleased smile before he sat back in his chair

"Now that business is over…" Atticus looked pointedly at him

"You're still unmarried?" And Theo felt like he was experiencing déjà vu,

memories of his mother asking that same question disapprovingly each

time he came to visit.

Unlike his mother though, a mischievous smile tugged at the corner of

his lips and Theo smiled in return, moments before he began to begin his

tale of misfortunate relationships and disastrous endings.


15h of June 1957 – ICW Headquarters

Ramirez POV

A knock on the door of his office drew him out of his reading, a flash of

irritation rising up in him before he called out "Come in."

The door opened and his eyes held a glint of interest as the Russian

walked into his office. He hadn't known he'd been back from his

investigations in Bulgaria yet.

Ramirez's gaze fell on the paper that he held in his left hand before they

returned towards the stoic expression that the Russian wore.

"Dachemov." Ramirez acknowledged.

He threw the paper towards him and only a last moment of conscious

thought stopped him from drawing his wand and the paper fell on the


He eyed Dachemov with a neutral expression but the man looked

uncaring as he took the seat across his desk. "It seems like our white

whale has gorged itself into becoming quite the specimen" Dachemov

only said and Ramirez's hand went towards the paper and his eyebrows

raised in surprise as he began reading.



By: Theodore Pyrites

I can picture you reading the title and wonder 'what on Merlin's good Earth is

he talking about' and I would understand. However, my dear readers, you

have read correctly.

Many have wondered what became of Atticus Sayre of House Sayre and the

thousands of people who left with him during one of our more challenging

times in modern history and I was no exception. To my surprise, I received an

invitation from Atticus Sayre to come visit the nation, Illos, that he and the

people of Britain have founded and my dear readers, strap in because it is an

absolute riveting tale to last the ages…

Ramirez read the entire article, gazed upon the images, both still and

moving, with a hawkish intent, eating, preying on every single detail he

could find. The story about how Illos was created from lifeless rock into

what it was now, a city and a land that stretched for over a hundred

miles, how they formed a government and ruled themselves and how

magic could be used in the open without concern or fear of muggles.

He read and watched as children used wandless magic creating balls of

light and told how they learnt magic from the age of six but didn't have

access to a wand until they were eleven.

He read how the people of Illos, which was now over twenty thousand

people strong, had elected the Sayres to be their monarchs and from what

it sounded like they were beloved – likely propaganda – and it was after

his second time reading the paper from start to finish that he threw the

paper back on the desk and looked at Dachemov grimly who looked at

Ramirez with a glint of excited amusement.

"I am not sure what you're so excited about." Ramirez said irritated and

Dachemov laughed.

"Because this is the challenge of my lifetime." Dachemov said as he

leaned back.

"You know that we cannot act against them without a casus belli." 'and if

this is their opening move, we'll need to see them breaking the Statute

blatantly' he thought grimly.

They had expected that Sayre had created a nation. The MOS had

confirmed it.

With this move, it made it almost impossible to move against the Sayres

and short of publishing the Prophecy that spelled that they were the end

of Magic, outright war with them would be rejected among the ICW

representatives even if they were pressured to agree.

No one wanted to be in the crosshairs of two Archmages if they didn't

need to be.

For now, they would ostracise he country from the magical world until

they made an actionable error.

"True but you'll find one." Dachemov said confidently "And when you

do…" Dachemov stood up and leaned over his desk slightly, a vicious

grin on his face before he tapped the desk with his fist "It'll be the

greatest war of my lifetime."

Ramirez resisted the urge to clench his teeth.

Dachemov had only grown worse of the years, the reigns by which he

operated had been let loose and as a result any capture or kill target had

ended up dead. Often unrecognisable.

Yet there was little he could do as the MOS was absolutely intent on

retaining the most powerful mages they could find. His eyes fell on the

picture, towards the city the Sayres and their people built. His eyes

returned towards Dachemov who began to turn away.

"And Bulgaria?" he only asked.

Dachemov stopped and turned towards him, his expression losing the

grin he wore. "Completely subdued and under the control of the

Ravenites." Dachemov paused for a moment before he continued

"They are conforming to the Statute and the unofficial guidelines"

Ramirez clenched his teeth, letting it show this time. "I see."

The ICW was refusing to interfere as long as the Statute was upheld. No

one was keen to deal with what many were considering to be an 'internal'

problem and the MOS were silent on the issue, saying that the Ravenites

were not the focus.

Dachemov looked uncharacteristically serious for once as he spoke "I'd be

concerned if I were you Ramirez. The Ravenites are a bigger issue than

you think." Dachemov said before he turned around towards the door,

intent on leaving but not before finishing with

"Look into it. They might end up our friends like the Norwegians sooner

than you think" Dachemov said before he left and closed the door.

Ramirez let out a deep sigh of frustration.

He was not happy with the direction of the ICW, nor its blindness to the

ineffectiveness of the rules it had imposed onto Europe. They were only

paying lip service now and blood purism was rampant, to the point that

it was infecting the ICW. The recruited former Grindelwaldites were also

a cause for concern given that they were violent peacekeepers and more

than a few times ICW Protectorates had submitted formal complaints

about their behaviour and their violence.

Nothing was done about it.

His eyes fell on the paper and his lips thinned into a near line.

All because MOS was obsessed about the threat that Sayre posed.

A threat that now was amongst them and he feared that things were only

getting worse.

15. Chapter 79 Part I

Without further adieu, please enjoy the post!

Ps: I'm glad you guys like the reunion with Theo and Atticus :)

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next chapter is available

on discord whilst at least the next three chapters after it are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

1st of July 1957 – ICW Mugwump Chambers

Cihan Aslan, Ottoman Mugwump POV

A loud thump of the Supreme Mugwump's gavel sounded out throughout

the chamber, the signalling of the official initiation of the Assembly.

From within the walls of these chambers, a rippling golden wave of

magic permeated throughout the chambers before meeting at the very

centre of the circular chambers.

A faint signature of magic remained for a few short moments, a faint

glow indicating to all that the room was now magically sealed and

impregnable, and enshrouded the chambers with secrecy charms and

anti-espionage magic that would keep all that was agreed and discussed

within the circular chambers of the Assembly.

The usual low level conversations were non-existent and the tension that

Cihan had felt throughout the day had risen to a palpable crescendo.

It was that thick, the tension, that it felt akin to waiting for a mountain

top to tear open from the burbling molten pressurised fire that lay below

the thin veneer and the slightest ruffling of robes across the circular

chambers was enough to interrupt the total silence that suffocated all

those who attended.

Not surprising, Cihan mused.

It was easier to deal with a 'Dark Lord' and his followers than it was

dealing with a nation. It changed the dynamics of the game and it threw

the ICW into a loop that it had not had to deal with since the Statute


A period that was even more chaotic than the last war and as he looked

towards the full assembly of Mugwumps, he sensed that many of them

dreaded such a time.

Well…nearly full, he thought as his gaze fell towards the Japanese seat

that was unoccupied before he looked towards the Benin seat that was

also left empty.

The news of Illos had sent shockwaves throughout the magical world,

shockwaves that seemed to threaten to engulf the entirety of the magical


News broken by the British, he thought as he spared the British

representative a glance, a man who wore a stoic face and radiated

calmness that was contrary to most others within these chambers, news

that was later built upon by the Americans and then later by the

Japanese papers a few days after they withdrew from ICW membership,

and the magical world had scrambled to understand this new element.

An element that had disrupted, threatening even to change, the balance

of power and an element that twenty five thousand magicals called home, a

home that was claimed to be free from muggles and their lands.

Sayre had a record of upsetting the balance of power. Defeating Vermeer.

Genelum. Croatia. Slovenia. Grindelwald. Italy. His disappearance with


This time…this time, he'd outdone himself.

Founding a nation of tens of thousands outside of muggle lands…

Only the most isolated communities such as small islands or villages in

South Asia or villages on small islands Aegean sea could claim such a feat

and none could boast more than few hundred let alone the tens of

thousands that could claim Illos home.

Such a number catapulted Illos amongst the top twelve nations of the

world in terms of population alone and given what the images had shown

of Illos, the spiralling and gleaming stones of a huge city that could only

compared to magical enclaves only a few blocks wide in Rome,

Alexandria or Constantinople, the message was clear…

Illos could contend as one of the most powerful nations despite its youth.

Cihan had no idea how so many magicals could have made their way to

Illos without anyone knowing though with the peripheral mystery of

communities of Veela and Balkan wizarding communities disappearing,

in hindsight they should have considered the possibility that they might

have simply left instead of…

Cihan turned his gaze towards Cullaica, the Bulgarian Mugwump and he

almost unconsciously let his expression fall into dark grimness.

The man with shock white hair that seemed like it shouldn't belong to

anyone living, hair that seemed to be lacking all colour as a consequence

from dying of soul-gripping terror – though he and his people knew that

it was likely him that induced such terror in others – with mauve eyes

that seemed permanently set in a kind of coldness that rendered souls

brittle and made them prone to shattering.

He and his government believed that they had been responsible for the

disappearances of entire villages once the pattern looked similar as to

how they seized control in Bulgaria.

He broke away his gaze and returned his eyes to the Supreme Mugwump

and his attentions to why they were here.

Cihan had met the man several times starting from when Sayre had been

nothing but a precocious boy attaining his Runes Mastery and ending

when he'd come to visit Constantinople in '48 less than six months before

his exile.

The man had changed from that boy he'd met in Alexandria less than a

decade prior to their final meeting but the boy's precociousness in magic

had only flowered to greatness and it was clear that such a mix in a man,

a mix of greatness in magic and greatness in stature, could never remain

away from the magical world.

No matter what some hoped he would do.


It caught him flat footed alongside the rest of the magical world to

understand that Sayre had built a genuine nation with thrice as many

people in less than a decade.

No doubt the ICW investigative branch was already looking into how so

many people could have found their way towards Sayre in the years since

the exile.

Despite the surprising number of people that called Illos home, it was not

what caught his attentions, no, that had been the size of Celestis city.

A city that could fit easily twice or thrice the number of Illos' current

population and it was not a message that he expected many of its

enemies would fail to understand.

Illos expected to grow.

The ICW immediately reacted as an emergency powers were enacted that

would grant the ICW the liberty to sanction any member nation that was

seen engaging with Illos until a general Mugwump Assembly could

debate and agree to a course of action.

It was an act that outraged several nations.

It was not the first time that the ICW had infringed on the sovereignty of

nations but it was most reactive and aggressive act thus far in centuries

and it was clear that the organisation of the ICW already considered Illos

an enemy.

Notably Britain and Ireland were the most outraged amongst the

Ministries around the world, two nations who had significant cultural

and blood ties to Illos and two nations who escaped much of the binds

that the ICW had placed on Europe.

His gaze went towards them.

Before the civil unrest that rocked Magical Britain and predisposed the

country to a political and social overhaul, he would have expected them

to be the leading proponents of harsh measures to be employed against

Illos if only for fear of what they may do in retaliation of Sayre's exile.

The ICW had been the greatest losers in that affair.

All the intrigue and influence they'd gained with the British Ministry and

the noble families were ripped away in one single devastation that

spelled the end of a powerful ally for the ICW and now…

And now, it was only a question of how soon, not if, the British Ministry

would follow Benin and Japan out the door and into the welcoming arms

of Illos.

Ouroboros was the extension of Lady Slytherin-Sayre's will even in her


That was without question.

For years, the ICW Assembly had not voted to act against Slytherin-Sayre

for the economic crisis for fear of provoking the return of Atticus Sayre as

so eloquently reported by the negotiators would happen should the ICW

extend their hostilities to his wife.

The international players had incontrovertibly known that Slytherin-

Sayre was a dangerous element yet despite that had thought she would

be contained politically by the British Ministry and the powerful

consortium of nobles despite the then growing influence of Ouroboros.

And for years, it seemed like it had been a decision that paid off. Until it

didn't and until it was made obvious how much they had lost in that

gamble. The Sayres' position was only further strengthened with a

powerful Britain secured.

Many of the hawkish ICW Mugwumps and European Ministries who had

called for action after the economic crisis were vindicated and Cihan

knew that it would become more difficult to suppress more aggressive

calls for action.

'Perhaps even impossible' he mused as he switched his attentions to the

Irish Mugwump.

Ireland was in a similar situation.

The Irish had been vehemently resistant to the educational reforms and

oversight that the ICW was rolling out throughout the world and resisted

any incursions into the Seshet Institute of Magic and Science along with

refusing any kind of restrictions into their vital magi-tech industry that

was now the bedrock of the Irish economy.

The school and the industry had become points of pride for the prickling


It brought them prestige and placed them on the map.

And with the emergence of Illos, a nation that seemed to hold almost as

many ties to Ireland as it did with Britain, there were few who didn't

expect the Irish to be at least be somewhat partial to the new nation


It was no surprise then that they were subject to suspicion and distrust

from fellow Mugwumps and were viewed the next 'colleagues' to bring

word of their nation disentangling from the ICW and join in treaty with

Illos as Japan had done and Benin sought to do.

The disentanglement of Japan had been unexpected but not to a

significant degree. The only surprise had been how quickly they had

joined in treaty with Illos.

It answered many questions with regards to their disengagement with

most of their neighbours despite Magical Japan's economy historically

needing their products.

Cihan had not paid much attentions to the Far East – not when his

attentions necessitated him and his government to closely and grimly

watch the rise of another dangerous foe in the Balkans and around the

Black Sea – but he had idly thought that the Japanese might seclude

themselves away just as they once upon a time had done in the

thirteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

It seems like that was far from the case and had instead pivoted away

towards Illos after likely having been in contact with the Sayres for years

before the nation's emergence to the world stage.

In hindsight, it was an excellent move by both nations.

It gave Illos the immediate legitimacy it would need as a nation by being

allied to a historically powerful – if beleaguered – nation such as Japan

whilst for Japan it would grant them access to vast stores of Sayre wealth

and resources that had gone 'missing' in the decade since.

In the years since the wars ended, Japan had been largely reduced in

influence, both economically and magically despite their relatively large


Cihan and his government believed it ICW policy to weaken powerful

nations in the aftermath of the Grindelwald war so that another Dark

Lord would not have the resources available to fight as effectively as

Grindelwald had whilst also centralising most of the magical world's

power into the ICW.

Magical Britain's economic woes had been several orders of magnitude

worse than the rest of Europe and had been neutralised for years whilst

France had increasingly become economically isolated from the rest of

occupied or ICW influenced Europe.

The withdrawal of MACUSA from ICW membership with most of their

economy intact had only seemed to embolden the ICW to this course of


They did this through several different measures but the most insidiously

clever policy had been to rebuild the economies of fallen or occupied

nations through the ICW, to negotiate trade agreements with other ICW

members on behalf of the member states.

The economic crisis of 1948 had only helped bind more and more ICW

member states, particularly European states, to these trade agreements

facilitated by the ICW.

It allowed the ICW immeasurable levels of influence throughout the

Magical World.

The Ottoman Sultanate had not been able to resist nor did they fight

against these policies but thankfully the trade agreements his people had

were limited in scope.

Their Sultanate, from Constantinople to Aleppo, had the climate to grow

or create their own needs. Once having been part of the Ottoman Empire

before they were betrayed by the duplicitous Sultan Mehmed II, they had

been able to get their hands on priceless artefacts, tomes and magical

flora and fauna that allowed them to become nearly entirely self-


Outside of the Crimean war that the Russian magicals had seen fit to

attempt to use to win back Constantinople, the remarkably magical city

steeped with ancient magicks much like Rome and Alexandria were due

to its convergence on several leylines, the Ottoman Sultanate had not

been involved in a war for centuries.

Unlike their muggle counterparts, the Ottoman Sultanate had remained

out of the games played around the world, their strength and culture had

made them mostly impervious to the games that mainland Europe often

fell prey to.

Unfortunately, it seemed like this time the Ottoman Sultanate would not

be able to be neutral, not if the ICW had any say in it. Or Sayre, he mused

to himself.

The 'Wizarding Organisation of Trans-Regional Alliance' treaty of 1952

voted into international law with alarming two-thirds of the votes, made

it clear that they could no longer provide only a pittance of their forces

to an ICW-led force.

Even states like the German Ministry or the Danish Ministry had voted

for it.

Their findings found that the ICW had been enticing the former

Grindelwaldites closer to the ICW, giving up direct control of the

Ministries under occupation and turning a blind eye to the nobility

regaining their powers in return of the ICW retaining significant

influence over the Ministries and alignment of foreign policy.

This was a measure repeated across ICW protectorates though with

greater control to the point that it was getting harder to argue that these

protectorates were anything but extensions of the ICW will.

Not even schools were free from the interference of the ICW when even

Durmstrang, the bulwark school for the Dark Arts was neutered to

'acceptable' Dark Arts.

More and more, the ICW was turning into a senate more than what it was

meant to be…simply a loose alliance entrusted to keep the magical world


Many Mugwumps from Protectorates were former ICW persons and

Mugwumps from Northern European nations had fallen in line with the

ICW doctrines.

All of that along with the growth of the International Auror Forces, the

expansion of the Administration Agency and other ICW bodies was an

unprecedented signal that the ICW was changing at its very core.

His gaze swept across the room, the tangible feeling of wary anticipation


It was no surprise then there was a growing divide in the past few years

across the magical world though it was silent and watchful. But now…

there was opportunity.

Benin had sensed it and taken it however sudden and shocking it was.

Benin notified the International Confederation of Wizards of their exiting

from the supranational organisation three days ago and within that same

day, rumours circulated that their diplomats had gone to Illos on a

diplomatic mission shocking the magical world even further.

Benin had never been impressed by the ICW despite their peaceful

admittance into the organisation. Not when it shattered their relatively

harmonious relationship with the muggle world. Not when they conceded

to the ICW lest they share the fate of dozens of other neighbouring tribes

who'd refused and had been wiped out as a consequence during the

Statute Wars.

Benin's exit might well be repeated by several other member states now

that the precedent of a middling member state leaving the organisation

has been set.

His eyes swept towards the South American wing of the chambers.

There were eight official South American Mugwumps with Brazil, Chile

and Colombia were all in the top six of the most populous nations in the

world, each boasting a population around fifty thousand, nearly two-

thirds of the entire population of the Americas.

Only MACUSA and the Confederation of Chinese Mages were larger in

population, both boasting populations of over a hundred thousand

peoples. Though that figure was mostly likely significantly less now after

the humiliation the Chinese suffered from the muggles as their

population scattered into the northern regions of China.

The three South American nations were allied with one another, often

working together to maintain peace with dark wizards who ruled regions

in South America outside of governmental and international oversight.

He could see them leveraging Illos' emergence to demand support in

destroying the powerful coalition of dark wizards that ruled like kings in

magical enclaves all throughout the continent.

South America had always had problems with dark wizards going all the

way back to the Aztec and Inca empires before the European migration to

the continent.

The Statute Wars had inflicted great damage to both native and European

magical states and to this day there were entire regions that were

ungovernable, dens of regions where dark mages congregated and

coalesced into facsimiles of nation states.

Brazil, Chile and Colombia throughout their history had tried to establish

order but it was largely without success and often subjected them to

decades long wars. They did not have the manpower nor the inherent

power of archmages or high sorcerers to wipe them out and in the end

always had to settle for a difficult stalemate.

The Argentines were the more successful of these 'nation states', having

managed to at least create a semblance of a Ministry even if it was

subject to the same coups and power struggles that a dozen other

facsimiles of civilisation were subject to.

The introduction of Illos into the world stage changed the entire political

game and for the first time in a long time, the ICW would need to be able

contend with it.

South America, Africa and Asia were all regions susceptible to Illos'

influence and the ICW would need to react quickly and decisively if they

wished to retain their dominance throughout the magical world.

His own government would wait and watch and see what the ICW

reactions will be.

The harsh measure they employed for even talking with Illos made it

clear that the ICW undeniably saw the new nation state a threat but it

felt…forced, as if it was meant to cause outrage at their overreaction.

The Supreme Mugwump was about to speak and Cihan returned his

attentions to the old Italian man.

Every month on the first, the Mugwumps would assemble.

Almost always, it was a forgettable affair. Not today. Not when a clearer

picture of what the Sayres had built had become apparent and had been


"Honoured Members of the International Confederation of Wizards" The

Supreme Mugwump began, his voice stretching into the furthest reaches

of the room, and proceeded with the long winded ceremonial words

before he finished with

"The three-thousandth and fifty-first session of the Mugwump Assembly

may commence." The Supreme Mugwump's gaze roved around until they

settled on Boutros who was keen to speak.

"Mugwump Boutros has the floor."

The Mugwump of Egypt stood up, the full attention of the room drawn

towards him "Thank you Supreme Mugwump" the light skinned man said

respectfully before he turned his gaze towards the room.

"Since the turn of the century, our world has seen tremendous change, in

part as a consequence of the changing nature of our muggle neighbours.

Agitators had been left to run rampant, unsettling nation after nation,

peoples after peoples, and as an outcome we have fought in the worst

single wizarding war since history began to be recorded over six

thousand years ago." The Egyptian Mugwump began and Cihan could see

the uneasy expressions of several Mugwumps with where this was going.

"The Sayres" The Egyptian Mugwump began, an indrawn breath drawn

out to create gravity to his following words "Are only the latest set of

agitators but they are a grave threat. This so called Illos is not a state!"

Boutros exclaimed feverishly, his index finger rising into the air and

seemed to almost stab at the air.

"No, Illos is an abomination, a mockery of the institutions and

governments that govern our world. Thousands of peoples are

indoctrinated and led by two dictators who have stylised themselves as

monarchs –" Boutros seemed to turn purple in rage

"– in a perfidious gambit to obfuscate the fact that they are nothing but

Dark Wizards. Dark Wizards who are a grave threat to the peace that we

have so carefully forged out!" This led to several murmur in approval

whilst a few held their tongue but not the derisiveness from their


Notably, this included the Croatian and Serbian Mugwumps who sat

tensely only a few seats away from Cullaica. The ICW had refused to act

against the Ravenites.

"I demand that we act against them to curtail them lest we face another

devastating consequence!" Boutros said, his voice rising in volume and

the room responded to the words with the explosive rupture of a

pressured sealed bottle, jeers and approvals and shouts rippling through

the chamber.

"What evidence do you have for this accusation?" The Mugwump for

Portugal demanded much to the mostly approving murmurs of the


"Evidence?!" The German Mugwump Holtz said in an agitated tone as he

stood up, a paper thrown towards the circular floor, the noise level of the

chamber rising.

"There's your evidence!"

Cihan looked and could distantly make out that it was the issue had the

Sayres as imperious as royalty.

"They have made themselves Royalty, Mugwump De Souza, an act that

only despots and Dark Lords commit before they sweep across the

magical world!" The German Mugwump exclaimed much to great

approval of many of the gathered Mugwumps.

De Souza looked at Holtz with what he could only describe as

contemptuous "Dark Lords are also called Lords. Does that mean every

Lord is a potential Dark Lord?"

"Of course not." Holtz said offended.

Before he could retort, De Souza seized the stage again "Then by your

own logic, we should not claim the Sayres as rising despots simply for

what the people have voted them to become."

De Souza narrowed her eyes "As Boutros so eloquently stated, we have

only just exited a devastating war that killed many. The last thing we

need is another war with the very individual who rid us from the actual

tyrant that wanted to initiate a war of survival with the muggles!" she

said outraged before she sat down, the noise rising heavily as factions of

Mugwumps shouted down or approved of her words.

"Order!" The Supreme Mugwump called out, his gavel banging and

sending out a wave of silencing magicks that killed all the noise in the


"I will not have this session descend into anarchy." The Supreme

Mugwump called out imperiously and after glaring down at several

individuals, he cancelled the magic and spoke to Holtz "Mugwump Holtz,

you have the floor."

"As my esteemed colleague suggested" Holtz said with a barely hidden

sneer, one that De Souza coldly smiled at "we should do all we can to

avoid another war however we must not be blind as we had been to

Grindelwald for so long! I fear that should we leave the Sayres and this

Illos unattended, it would spell the very end of our world!" Holtz

theatrically exclaimed and Cihan scoffed as he looked at the man with

derision amidst loud rise of angry murmurs and cheers.

The Holtz family had supported Grindelwald and his cause for nearly half

a decade prior to the start of the war. In all instances, the Holtz family

should have been penalised heavily in their actions in support of the Dark

Lord and yet they were once more influential in Germany…and in the

very halls of international power itself.

Cihan glanced to Boutros and saw that he had sat down, watching the

gathered Mugwumps with a careful eye and Cihan resisted the urge to

narrow his eyes in suspicion.

"What hyperbole! You would not be out of place in a theatre with the

kind of dramatics you're speaking with!" The Dutch Mugwump said in a

scathing yet mocking voice that caused a ripple of laughter and jeers to

sound around the room.

The German Mugwump stared hatefully at De Fries.

The Dutch hated the German Ministry with a passion who made up a

significant portion of Grindelwald forces working with the German

muggles that ended up destroying the Amsterdam enclave and much of

their commercial streets in 1940.

The resurgent German nobility was a slap to the Dutch – and Belgian –

faces. Holtz' presence only seemed to poke at that wound.

"You claim we should learn from the past but I doubt the honourable

Mugwump Holtz practices what he preaches in any particular manner!"

De Fries said, generating a turbulent wave of noise amongst the

Mugwumps before he continued

"Sayre has not committed untold number of crimes before his rise to

power and neither has his wife. To compare him to Grindelwald is an

insult to not only him but to those who suffered by Grindelwald's wand

and that of his followers by cheapening the sheer madness of

Grindelwald and of his followers! Madness that would have sought to

make the final solution of the muggle Germans seem like a trip through

paradise!" The Dutch Mugwump said angrily as he pointed towards Holtz

who rose to his feet, fury etched on his face.

The room descended into chaos and it took the Supreme Mugwump

threatening to throw out people for it to calm down.

"No one had known Grindelwald had such a mad plan in mind." the

Danish Mugwump spoke up calmly after the room settled down and drew

a wave of disapproving murmurs and scoffs from Mugwumps from

nations hardest hit by Grindelwald and his collaborators.

He continued "Even to those who were coerced into supporting the Dark

Lord and that is why we must be vigilant about the Sayres lest we face

another madman who may very well spell the doom of the magical

world. We all know now that the muggles are increasingly more

dangerous than they were just a few decades ago. Another war leaking

out into the muggle world would be disastrous! We must ensure that

rebellious elements are brought to heel!" The Danish Mugwump finished

with a flourish and drew applause from almost half of the Assembly.

It was worrying that many Mugwumps from Protectorates were

seemingly in support of direct action.

"Honoured Mugwumps" a cultured, patient voice cut through the noise

and Cihan directed his gaze towards the voice.

"Is that the only option we have available to us?" The Mugwump for Siam

posed. "War?" The Siamese Mugwump asked before he shook his head

"What legal right do we have to vote for such a thing?" The Siamese

Mugwump – Rotchanachan – posed to the quieted Mugwumps "They

have not broken the Statute nor have they engaged with illicit activities

in either world. Not even the Non-Interference Law of 1803 applies. I fail

to see the reason why war or aggressive actions is needed at all." The

Siamese Mugwump looked at Holtz with a deep frown.

"Even when Grindelwald was known to be Germany or in Austria, this

Assembly did not vote for war with the Austrian and German Ministries.

Only when the Statute had been nearly irrevocably broken and German,

Austrian and Danish accessory to the crime had been determined had this

Assembly voted for war against Grindelwald and the supporting


I cannot stress how disturbing it would become if this Assembly voted for

war against a non-belligerent nation for it would set a precedent that

none of our peoples would wish to be set." The Siamese Mugwump said

calmly to a listening crowd. It seemed like his words were having an

effect as he continued.

"Is not the function of this body to discuss and find solutions to difficult

problems and questions of the magical world? Is diplomacy not the

medium through which we act and only as a last resort do we not vote to

act with force?" the Siamese Mugwump shook his head amidst rising

murmurs amongst the Mugwumps.

"Or have I misunderstood the purpose of this Assembly for a militant

organisation uncaring for the rule of law and upkeep of common values

and morality?" The Siamese Mugwump said with his arms moving behind

his back, a solemn expression on his face as more than a few Mugwumps

jeered at his insinuation.

"Mugwump Holtz, Mugwump Boutros, I protest heavily against the rash

and harmful rhetoric that is being flung about and I ask from this

Assembly for more careful and measured dialogue and to reject the rash

calls for war" the Siamese man said, pausing briefly before he spoke


"We barely know anything about Illos or their intentions and to act

without understanding is to be foolish and without wisdom" finished

before he sat down to a cacophony of twisting sounds of approval and


Boutros had no discernible expression on his face whilst Holtz was far

easier to read with his stormy expression. It was Boutros who rose to

speak "Thank you honourable Mugwump Rotchanachan. I agree that calls

for war is premature" Boutros said with a fixed glare at Holtz who

bristled at the comment but kept his tongue

"However I do not believe it is premature to place measures against Illos

to prevent them from plunging our world in chaos. They may not have

broken any laws that govern civilised magical society but they have

certainly skirted it.

They have retreated from the world only to resurface for whatever reason

with a population almost thrice as high as the number that left with

Atticus Sayre in '48.

Where did these people come from? Why have the Sayres decided to

become wizarding royalty, something that has not happened for over a

thousand years? Why have they decided to show themselves to the world


Why have they not made any attempts of communication to the ICW? All

of these are valid questions that Illos must answer. Atticus Sayre is a

dangerous man who has left ruin and devastation in his wake and we

must be certain he will not return to the magical world only to continue

where he has left off!" Boutros said amidst a deafening noise of approval.

"Ruin?" The French Mugwump silkily asked though the undertone of

anger was not hard to miss "Had he led Europe to ruin when he fought

for months alone with barely a hundred men in occupied France before

practically liberating France with his men and the Resistance?"

Maurinouix posed with heat in his voice.

The French public had not been happy with what they considered to be

the 'abandonment of a national hero even if he was English' by their

government, especially once it was known that Sayre protected France

from economic recession.

"Had he led Europe to ruin when he liberated one nation after another all

throughout Southern and Eastern Europe? Or did he leave devastation in

his ruin when he practically ran to Belgium where ICW Forces were in the

process of total annihilation arriving just in time to defeat the most

terrible Dark Lord in history?"

Murmurs of approvals rang around the room, particularly the Belgian,

the Dutch and several other Eastern European nations including Slovenia

and Croatia, two nations that Sayre personally liberated.

Cullaica was silent, almost bored with the proceedings but Cihan knew

the man was paying close attentions to the arguments. After all, the

protections the ICW was giving to the Ravenites had to be relate to all of


"He was also personally responsible for leading the economic disaster that

still plagues us today!" The Norwegian Mugwump said. "His own people

exiled him for his radical ideas and actions that threatened to plunge

Britain into civil war! Who is to say he does not intend for this to happen

to all of the rest of us?!"

"His own people did not exile him" The British Mugwump interjected as

he stood up, drawing the full attention of the chamber to himself.

Hodgekins continued "That was an act by a repressive Ministry not

representative of the peoples of the British Isles. A repressive Ministry

that has been found guilty of a swathe of crimes against the people of

Magical Britain. The exiling of Atticus Sayre and that of the House of

Sayre has been declared void and null."

Murmurs rang around the chambers before Hodgekins continued though

not without look at the Austrian Mugwump reproachfully "Atticus Sayre

is not a threat that some elements within this organisation make him out

to be."

"Hear hear" Maurinouix said with an approving nod before he sat down.

"It does not change the fact that we still know nothing but what they

have allowed us to know about Illos." The Egyptian Mugwump interjected

"They may not be hostile – which I strongly believe they are – but we do

not know of their intentions especially to the adherence to the Statute

which is unanimous across the magical world irrespective if you are a

member state or not. They must comply!"

"Their silence to our generous overtures is worrying and it should worry

all of us." The Egyptian Mugwump finished and Cihan suspected that it

was intentionally said to aggravate the representatives as fear once more

was raised.

The Mugwump for India spoke up "It is highly concerning that grave

accusations are being brought against a nation that is unable to speak for

itself here just as the notion of a nation requiring to open itself to ICW

scrutiny without due cause is which is effectively what Mugwump

Boutros is advocating for!" This caused the room descend into

argumentative shouts and jeers until a voice rose above all others

"Why should it be concerning when we know that Archmages like Sayre

rarely seize power without nefarious means? When we know that

throughout time Archmages have rebelled against the magical world to

bring about their version of the world?" The Mugwump for Italy said

causing the room to fall into more murmurs and noises of consideration.

"Wasn't that what he was exiled for in Britain? Because he was not

content to be a hero to the people but instead wished to change the

entire face of Magical Britain?" The Italian Mugwump, Carlo Totti, posed

to the room.

"Who is to say that Illos isn't merely a medium to drive his radical ideals

into the magical world? Perhaps we are wrong. Perhaps we are

desperately wrong. But we do not know for Illos is unknown and as the

honourable Mugwump for Egypt has said, Illos must respond to us to

ensure we can understand what its intentions are!"

The Italian Mugwump received loud cheers and applause from many

Mugwumps for his little speech that added nothing to the debate that

hadn't already been said.

The Supreme Mugwump got things back into control before the Irish

Mugwump rose to his feet "Our esteemed Mugwump for Egypt has raised

some valid points, particularly as to why Illos has not returned ICW

overtures for communication." The Irish Mugwump reached out to his

pocket and brought out a piece of parchment.

"This is a note sent to me by our friends across the Atlantic. A note from

Illos' Chancellor Saunders that seeks to answer this question and if I may,

I can read this out to the chamber." Mugwump Kelly offered to the room.

Noise in favour of Kelly reading out the note was overwhelming and for

the first time Boutros looked slightly alarmed and shared a look with the

Supreme Mugwump who banged his gavel, silencing the room once more

"I will allow it." The Supreme Mugwump said though his expression made

clear that he was reluctant to do so.

"'Honoured members of the International Confederation of Wizards, I am

Chancellor Saunders of Illos, the leader of the executive branch of our


I thank you for hearing my words.

I am sure that our return to the magical world has been unprecedented, not

least in the manner we have returned however it was inevitable.

We left the magical world not because we did not want to be part of it but

rather to build own home that embodied the best of all worlds and peoples.

And we have achieved that despite the challenges we faced, despite the many

issues we had to resolve and in the end we have become a resilient people.

A people of many people who call Illos home and its people their people.

A people that wish for friendly, perhaps even fruitful, relationships with other

peoples that we may call brothers and sisters. We mean you or your people no


We are a peaceful nation and seek not to impose ourselves on others.

That is why I am willing to sit and talk with representatives from all around

the magical world as potential friends or otherwise as people who understand

neither mean the other any harm.

MACUSA has gracefully offered New York as a meeting site.

If you doubt our words, then please look to His and Her Majesties actions

throughout their lives. Their values of equality, of integrity and wellbeing of all

magical races and peoples is well documented and it is to those values that we

as a people look to uphold.

We left Magical Britain because of oppression and inequality. It is the last

thing we wish to impose on others and it is not what all Illosians wish to do,

not when many had fought against such evils during the Grindelwald war.

The Chancellor of Illos, Sandra Saunders'

Silence reigned for a few moments before the Mugwump for Austria rose

from his seat and spoke up "How do we know that it is genuine, the note?

And even if it is genuine, what trust can we place in a mere note that

may as well be worth less than the cost of parchment on which it's

written on." The Austrian Mugwump, Lentz said

"It is genuine." The Irish Mugwump confirmed "I have statements written

with blood quills to the genuineness of the note and from whom it stems

from." The crowd of Mugwumps murmured, more introspective than


"And what of the Sayres?" the German Mugwump asked sharply

"Will they be in this meeting?"

"I do not know. I know as much as you do now that I have read out this

note." The Irish Mugwump said in a tone as dry as a desert, one that

Holtz didn't appreciate. "But given that Chancellor Saunders seems to

function much like a Minister would, I believe you would meet with her."

The Irish Mugwump looked a little exasperated

"In the end, does it even matter who you meet if you get to learn of the

kind of threat they represent? If diplomacy can win out or not?" The Irish

Mugwump asked keenly and the German Mugwump sat back down, a

displeased look on his face.

The session then turned more respectable, debates churned out and

arguments sung and when the vote came, a more measured response

succeeded albeit narrowly with 59% of the vote going towards

suspending further action until this meeting with this Saunders was had.

It was hours later that he sat in a booth in a secluded private room in a

well-known shisha bar. The hanging beads rustled and the booth opposite

him filled.

"Mugwump Sina." Cihan greeted before he drew of his pipe and gestured

the brown skinned man opposite him to take the spare pipe.

"Mugwump Aslan." The Persian man returned, a dip of his head allowed a

few of his long silken black hair to fall in front of his shoulders.

They remained in amiable silence as both smoked, contently drawing

onto the flavoured tobacco. Cihan took a moment to take in the man's


He was tall man with a slight frame, almost twig like but his face bore a

kind of regal presence that men of his family line often held. The Sina

family were amongst the oldest of all the Persian and Babylonian families


When some left for safety in Egypt or India, they remained.

They survived the Abbasids, the Umayyads, the Seljuqs and a host of

other empires and caliphates throughout the ages. Even the Ottoman


A hardy people despite appearances.

"What did you make of the session?" Sina asked casually before drawing

on the pipe

"Performative." Cihan said after breathing out the smoke.

"I couldn't help but see that our Egyptian friend was keenly watching

some of our colleagues." Sina commented, his hazel brown eyes lazily

studying Cihan's expressions.

Cihan made a non-committal sound before he drew another puff from the

shisha, a larger intake this time. He blew out the smoke and sat back in

his chair, his eyes set on the Persian.

"Guinea, Barbados and several states voting in favour of the meeting?"

Sina smiled dryly and it was a smile that said enough. Protectorates

voting in opposite to the stance of the nations known to be deeply

entrenched with the ICW?

"India this time of year is quite lovely." Sina said musingly after a puff of

smoke, breaking the moments of silence.

"In particular Goa which is always a prime holidaying location."

Cihan said nothing for a few moments before he spoke "The turquoise

waters are a sight to behold." He agreed before he drew in a smoke

eyeing the man intently

"It's always surprising to find out that its white sandy beaches are far

more different than those west across the ocean."

"Quite. I know a number of people who are quite envious of the beaches

and ocean down south. So much so they like to visit the region more

often than you'd expect." Sina said as he laid down the pipe and stood up.

"Mugwump Aslan." Sina said with a bow of the head and Cihan returned

the formal goodbye and he watched the man retreat out of the private


The Persians were allies with a number of smaller nations around the

lands between Persia, China and India. Many of these smaller nations

were offshoots or mixtures of Arabic, Turkic, Asiatic and Persian magical

peoples displaced throughout the ages.

Once enemies for thousands of years turned into centuries long allies and

it seemed like the Ottoman Sultanate was invited to more…freely spoken


He would relay this to his people and a weary sigh broke out before he

drew on his pipe with a contemplative look on his face.

It seemed like this century would be anything but peaceful.


6th of July – Illos

He stared out of the window, his gaze falling on the gleaming stones of


At around midday, the light of the three orbs hit the stones just right, just

perfectly, that it made it seem like they were composed of molten light

with flickering shards of stars arrayed in all possible colours and intensity

interspersed in its seamless form.

He always liked looking at the city like this, when it was midday and the

city was at its most alive. People went about their normal lives, meeting

with others, living life freely like little dancing fires across a plain of

breathlessly hot fire, apart but united in the goals and values they all

shared. He could see it plainly in the magic that coursed throughout Illos.

Magic that linked and connected all through magic and magic, ever since

the Mithril veins began to run through Illos, that was at its most potent

at this time too, and like a churning sun fuelled by the constant soothing

hum of coursing Mithril it swept across his home with an intensity and

potency that felt like searing warmth grafting itself onto his bones.

He allowed his eyelids to fall, his magic reigning loose as he left himself

drift along the powerful currents of magic that coursed through Illos, and

he simply stood in silence and at peace as he felt everything around him.

There was tangible sense of happiness, an immutable flavour of

contentment that tinged at the magic that permeated through Illos, a

consequence of so many thousands of people sharing such an outlook on

their lives.

He never wanted it to end, he thought as his eyes breached open and he

once more gazed upon the city. Yet he knew that the coming decades

would become a challenging time for his people. A time that would forge

his people into a hardy lot that would solidify their identity and culture

into something as nearly indestructible as neutronium-adamantium alloy.

The corners of his mouth curled up, a strange feeling of pride and wonder

and almost a mixed sense of loss came over him at what his people would

become, what his people would set forth for future generations to look

back on and emulate and better.

It was a curious notion, he mused as he broke off his gaze from the city

and looked upon Celestis Mount.

Manifest Destiny.

The Americans had coined it the mid 19th century, proclaiming that the

United States was destined by God to expand its dominion and spread

Democracy and Capitalism and Americanism across the entire North

American continent.


It was not an idea that was unique to the Americans…this sense of

destiny. This sense of duty to a higher power. A mission given by God or

Gods. Throughout human history, such lines of thinking had driven man

to great heights and the lowest of low.

No matter if you were magical or muggle, this was a psyche that was built

into their people, this framework, this mind-set that drove man as one

unit into a common cause that could move mountains, heavens and

earth, to achieve what they've set out to do with a sense of inevitability

about them.

Was it any wonder, then, that he was cultivating such a psyche in his

people, a cultivation of the idea, no, prophecy of a greater destiny for the

people of Illos, one that would herald greatness for all that claimed it

home and greatness of their civilisation beyond this beautiful but measly

world, one that had a visible and great enemy in the image of Goliath, a

hulking, bulking goliath of an entity that was intent on tearing them

apart, intent on pulling down on their ankle as they tried to soar into the

heavens to claim it for their own?

And it would work, he mused to himself, a little more introspective as he

stared at the three orbs. The Men of Symbols were missing on this

component in this war with him. They were so focused on him that they

were missing the forest for the trees.

It was his greatest advantage. He allowed a hint of a smile to come onto

his face. How odd it was, that people thought he was the greatest threat

when in reality his greatest strength was his people, his people who

would become the backbone of the greatest civilisation in the universe?

In time, of course, and he would build the foundations for it to happen.

He'd come too far for it fall through his fingers and he'd done too much

for it all to have been pointless.

And with that thought, he let himself sink into his mind, into his forged

chamber within his consciousness and pulled alongside the threads of

possibilities that existed simultaneously, that existed alongside one

another only pulled into existence once events and reactions and choices

were made and he learnt and watched as it all played out.

In the presence, in the future.

There was a kind of symmetry, in a way.

The way that despite knowing the course the future could take, it still

needed him to act and change and interfere as he would always have

done if he hadn't known the future at all. Only now, such actions were

pre-actions, such interferences were pre-interferences, and such changes

were merely written out of existence in this universe.

He had his opponents as he always would have done and they were

almost as able as he was even if they were limited.

After all, did it matter if someone perfected one type of punch if it could

have the same effect as a thousand different punches?

Once more, the future changed and other outcomes became more likely

and once more it changed as he set about changing a detail here, a detail

there, like twisting and solving a Rubrics Cube made out of threads of

time that was always threatened to escape through the gaps of his


This time tomorrow, he expected another significant change, another

change set to disadvantage him and to return to their desired yet fruitless


It couldn't continue, he knew this yet it was impossible for him to act. For


Their deaths in the 1970s was slipping out of his hands and any time he

set the future for them to die now or soon, the future that he was

carefully working towards became difficult if not impossible without

having to become the very thing he did not want him and Emily to


Similarly, they were wizening up and were taking the long approach, one

that seemed to suggest they intended to sap him, to weaken him into

making a mistake that might win them everything.

He withdrew out of the streams of time and breathed out inaudibly as he

reopened his eyes. How bothersome, he thought wearily. They were


If he'd known more years ago, before they'd realised his capabilities, he'd

have gotten rid of them all.

Still, he knew there were ways to retake the advantage.

The Monk had shown him the possibilities of such manipulation. He

hadn't been able to succeed in the method but he was beginning to

understand at least mechanisms behind the underlying theory.

He'd see how successful he was getting with a small demonstration…

The door to his office opened and his mind returned to more immediate


"Sir?" Jennifer called out and he turned around, his arms behind his back.

"You may bring Chief Amadou in." Atticus said with an appreciating

smile on his face and Jennifer nodded, quite familiar with his

idiosyncrasies and his prescience.

A middle aged man dressed in west African garments was escorted in by

the guards.

"Chief Amadou" Atticus said with the short nod, one of respectful

acknowledgement but measured and restraint.

"Your Majesty" Chief Amadou said respectfully as he placed his closed fist

on his chest and gave a light bow. It was recognition of his status as King

or in their language Sinaboko, their equivalent of a royal monarch.

After a few more ceremonial greetings, Atticus spoke with more ease "It

is good to see you again." He said with a smile as he gestured the man to

take a seat.

Amadou chuckled, a broad grin that showcased his pearly white teeth

gripped his face "It is! Much has changed, hasn't it…Your Grace?"

Amadou said knowingly.

Atticus allowed a shadow of a smile to surface "Indeed they have. Have

you enjoyed your stay here in the past week?" he asked of the man.

The Benin diplomats had been here for a week and had been in talks with

Smith-Rowe and several other High Council members like Sassa Habbe in

lieu of Sandra who was away to America whilst Emily was in South


This was the first time he was meeting a representative from Benin. There

was always the chance that one could be too involved when others could

take the load from you whilst simultaneously strengthening the

perception of your trust in them.

"I have." Amadou said smilingly though there undoubtedly a question

brimming in his eyes "I have not felt this invigorated for many years!"

Atticus smiled "Illos is a magical place, Chief Amadou. In more ways than

one." Atticus said to the man who seemed to pick up some inference in

his words.

Atticus clicked his fingers and two porcelain cups appeared before a

coffee pitcher materialised and Atticus directed his magic to pour in the

coffee in both cups.

Amadou gave Atticus a smile of appreciation as he took the cup.

They fell into a minute of silence as they enjoyed their cup of coffee and

Atticus mind drifted towards the Benin diplomatic mission.

When he and Emily visited the African nation in '47, they'd established

good relations with many of the tribes. Their genuine interest in their

culture, the history of their peoples and in the multitude of different

schools of magic – though similar in most ways – had earned them a

measure of respect and greater warmth as they exchanged ideas and

understandings of magic and the nature of the universe.

It was there that he learned more about the spiritual component of

magic, a component that was tied deeply to the Domain as echoes of

those who lived could be called upon just as the Resurrection Stone had

been able to call upon echoes though with far greater restrictions than

the Stone which had been able to call upon those not of any relation to


Much of the necromantic arts of the Vodun Shamans had been preserved

and it was through that way that he'd been able to see his father again

even if he had not been able to speak with him.

The 'ylɔylɔ' chant, which translated to 'The Calling' was tied to family

magic and the connection the soul makes with the departed person. It

drew on those two connections and they were able to communicate,

albeit in a limited fashion, with an echo of their loved ones.

He knew that it was truly the Domain and truly an echo and not a clever

trick of magic as he'd seen the strand of white light that connected the

ghostly forms to beyond the atmosphere.

He was immensely impressed with them and it filled him immeasurable

appreciation of the Voduns who were ahead of their times and may even

had in some way inspired the creation of the Deathly Hallows.

Or perhaps just as civilisations around the world had in their own way

cultivated plants into farms thousands of miles and years apart, both the

Peverells and the Voduns had independently created magicks that was

astounding and should have been beyond them.

In any case, the Benin people were a people that he liked a lot and he

was pleased that at least this was going well without much possibility of

it derailing.

The Illosian representatives had debriefed him and they were getting

close to establishing a treaty of friendship backed up by a number of

trade agreements.

It wasn't much, not yet but it was more because the Benin Ministry did

not want overcommit when it wasn't certain they wouldn't be left in the

dust if the ICW proved itself…less predictable.

Illos' emergence gave the Benin the opportunity to break away from the

ICW which was growing into an organisation that was less a

confederation accountable to its member states and more a federation

where Benin's voice meant very little.

Plus, within the historical context, the ICW had never tried to improve its

standing with the Benin tribes and it wasn't just the central position of

Alexandria that the ICW chose to make it its headquarters.

Africa once could lay claim to as the producers of the most powerful

mages in the world on a regular basis, far more than it was doing so now,

and it had been a major problem as many tribes refused to adhere to the

Statute in the late 1690s and early 1700s.

Whilst South America had been the most devastated continent, Africa had

been the most to lose when it came to knowledge and power when the

Statute Wars ended.

And with the rise of Christianity in many African nations, magic became

intolerable further isolating many tribes into small enclaves all around

the African continent.

Benin had capitulated early during the Statute Wars when they realised

that they couldn't win, at least for long and any relationship founded on

demands and threats of war never could settle into stability. Not if the

more powerful did not approach with a carrot to assuage hurt pride and

burbling contempt.

The exiting from the ICW was a measured response, one that the Benin

Ministry calculated the ICW was willing to let go for fear for seeming of

what they were growingly being accused of being – an authoritative

organisation – but also because it was something they had wanted to do

for a very long time.

In some more unlikely possibilities, he'd seen the Benin Ministry exiting

the ICW years before Illos emerged and in most of them, they rarely

came out worse.

In this future, they would not have to only rely on more clandestine

trading with African nations and they would have, eventually, access to

Japanese, American and Illosian economies that would seem them

prosper and lead to a domino effect that would bring other smaller

Ministries to the table.

Still, that was some way away and it would take some time to build a

trusting relationship with the Beninese.

They were not going to jump headfirst in this tentative alliance, not

without continuous displays of trust and positive action.

Illos was willing to do both and it wouldn't be long until Benin joined

them and Japan into an alliance that one day decades from now would

turn into a Federation.

Atticus started the conversation again, talking and questioning about his

perceptions of Illos, the agreements that were made and what the

thoughts of his people were and it would be hours before the diplomat


It wasn't long before he was joined by Smith-Rowe and Parkinson to

discuss a few things from the diplomatic mission along with a few

more…sensitive topics.

Smith-Rowe nursed his glass as he sat across from Atticus whilst

Parkinson sat on Atticus' left. "If we're going to hosting many more

delegates, it's going to be difficult to maintain secrecy on things that are

well known amongst our people." Smith-Rowe said as he glanced at


"Particularly when a significant portion of our population are former

squibs." Smith-Rowe added.

"We never expected our ability to turn squibs into magicals to remain a

secret." Atticus said calmly. That was inevitable, that spread of


The Japanese already knew and had requested the treatment for their

people. He refused but offered instead to turn them magical here in Illos

in return for them keeping this secret for as long as possible. They


Despite there being much fewer squibs in Japan, they were still prone to

marriages that were a little too close, cousins marrying cousins who

already shared a number of relations in their recent family tree and so

on. Whilst they didn't cast them out into the muggle world, they did

however have a much lower status in Magical Japan, even if they were

sons or daughters of noble families.

As a result, the treatment was very well received amongst the upper

echelons of Magical Japan and it was serving to improve political

relations even more.

Illos and Japan were well on their way to fashion a close social and

political alliance. In time, it would become common to live and study in

the other nation and in time, marriages would happen between the two

peoples furthering the cultural ties.

As a bonus, a few hundred Japanese former squibs from working/

common class families moved to Illos permanently and it was helping

societally to establish commonality between the differing cultures.

"It is only a matter of it keeping it a secret long enough for it not to

disadvantage us and put us in a position of leverage." Parkinson said and

Atticus inclined his head slightly before returning his gaze to Smith-


"The Illosian Guards are keeping an eye on things and most people know

the importance of keeping what we can do secret. Making squibs magical

is only one impressive feat we're capable of even if it is the more socially

relevant one."

Smith-Rowe nodded before he looked at Atticus curiously "And Benin?

Would we extent the same privileges to them as we do to the Japanese?

Or even Magical Britain where we know there are many squibs who

would jump at the opportunity?"

"Neither. At least for now." Magical Britain would likely be informed

much sooner…and likely the medium through which this information

was released in the first place as Britain and Illos grew closer. It would

help begin the union.

There were a few British noble scions that were squibs and once it was

known that Illos could treat the condition, it would appeal to the self

interest of quite a few powerful Europeans who want to ensure they

could discreetly 'fix' their children if they ever needed to. People who

would secretly work behind the scenes to limit the negativity of the

magic in return for a future favour if they ever needed to.

Of course publically they would make outlandish statements and deride



Smith-Rowe nodded and Atticus used to opportunity to float a document

towards him who seized it from the air with a curious expression on his


"They'll agree to the terms outlined in this treaty of friendship."

As Smith-Rowe read the document, Atticus spoke with Parkinson about

the progress of his wife in South America. Emily had gone to South

America with a few IO agents and a dozen Illosian Guards to understand

the scope of what must be done there before she'd gain an alliance with

Alvarez about a mutually beneficial proposition, one that would see him

stabilise Argentina and that of regions bordering his nation.

Smith-Rowe took about fifteen minutes to read over the document and he

looked up from the document with a quizzical look on his face "This is

only a few steps from a military alliance." He looked down again, flicking

over to the third page.

"Development of resources, access to the Gate system for trading

purposes with other non-ICW nations, even assurances of assistance

should either state find itself in a conflict not of their making." Smith-

Rowe looked up from the document.

"They rejected several terms similar to what you're saying they'll agree


"They rejected more substantial terms." Atticus corrected "The assurance

of assistance does not spell out what exactly it means only that either

should give assistance of some kind – which may go as far as simply

offering a few thousand galleons or the like – and that is what they're

really after."

Smith-Rowe had a frown on his face before he got what exactly they

were after. "They don't want to commit"

"They don't." Atticus confirmed.

"And they also will be testing our resolve to them as well." Parkinson

added as he eyed Smith-Rowe "It would not surprise me if they'll expect

us to take their side in any diplomatic arguments."

"Why do they not want to commit? Are we not their only option now?"

"We're an option. Not the only option." Parkinson explained. "After all,

keeping us at arm's length puts them into a position that keeps them

unimportant internationally."

"Arm's length yet within reach to pull us closer." Smith-Rowe mused.

"Correct. They did not leave the ICW because of us but because it

presented an opportunity they could use an as excuse whilst

simultaneously putting the ICW on the back foot and unable to focus on

Benin." Atticus said as he leaned back, his gaze following towards the

dimming lights of the three orbs.

"It is a move that will serve them well and it will be up to us to bring

them closer to bosom." Atticus said before pausing for a few moments. It

was a fairly well thought out plan, one that would see Benin rise whilst

limiting their exposure to the tensions between the ICW and Illos.

By limiting their ties to Illos, they would have the opportunity to reach

out to other ICW member states without the ICW immediately interfering

and as time went on, if tying itself to Illos didn't seem worth it, Benin

potentially could instead end up in a position that is uniquely placed in

between them.

Of course, Atticus had no intention of allowing Benin in such a position.

It would be drawn closely to Illos, the first among many to enter in a


Otherwise, other states would get the same idea to play off the ICW and

Illos against each other and he had no interest of allowing such a thing to


"We'll see much of this, won't we?" Smith-Rowe said cynically.

Atticus turned to him, a shadow of a smile on his face, one that bore

traces of sympathy "Welcome to international politics, my friend. It'll

only get more complicated here on out." 'And it would only get deadlier and

more morally comprising than you can imagine' he thought with acceptance.

And hopefully…

Hopefully he could keep most of his people out of that morally

comprising position.

After all, he thought, feeling Parkinson's intense gaze on him, that was

something for him, Emily and Parkinson to bear.


17th of July 1957 – Illos

Sandra Saunders POV

She flicked her wand at her feet and the shoes split apart into two as if

they were being split from the seams before she stepped out them and

they returned to normal.

Another flick of the wand sent the shoes into the rack and she breathed a

sigh of tiredness before she grabbed the back of her neck, her eyes

closing as she massaged out the little crinkle in her neck.

Merlin, she knew it'd be tiring but never this tiring. Physically and


"Sandra, I'm in the kitchen!" she heard her husband shout across their

home. She smiled as she reopened her eyes and she made her way

towards their kitchen barefooted. The noise of chopping grew louder as

she waded through their home in near silent steps and sudden splashes

grew more noticeable.

He stood over the kitchen table with his back towards her, wand in hand

and vegetables – both cut and uncut – orbiting in the air around him,

several knives chopping and dices red meat into smaller pieces.

Derek had officially resigned as CEO from the Sphinx Group a few

months ago, the multi-industry group that operated within the muggle

world. Most of magicals, be they squibborn or squibs, moved to Illos over

the past few years and Derek was amongst the last few overseeing the

process of ensuring no remnants of the use of magic was in any of their

muggle companies.

She was glad he was back permanently now. She'd missed coming back

every day to her husband and vice versa. Now that he was here, he was

also part of the High Council as the Business Director who will oversee

investments in domestic – and international – businesses in a drive to

increase Illosian economy power whilst also improving its businesses.

"I didn't know it was your night" she said as she walked up to him and

her arms wrapped around him lovingly and she felt his chuckle through

her arms.

"I thought you might need it." He said to her as he pulled her around and

brought his face down to her, a small kiss planted on her lips. They broke

apart and she smiled at him, a soft noise of contentment escaping from

the back of her throat.

"I always like that little noise of yours." He said chuckling as he returned

his attentions to the food. "Always makes it clear I'm doing something


She walked around the kitchen table and sat on the raised stool by the

kitchen table.

"It's why I do it." She said in a winning tone "It's positive enforcement."

"Ah" her husband said as he eyed at her with an arched brow "So what

you're saying is that I am a trained pet?"

She smiled teasingly "I wouldn't say pet. Simply a trained husband."

Derek laughed and he flicked his hand at her and a sliced carrot flew at

her. Her eyes widened but she adjusted herself and aimed her open

mouth at the path of the carrot and managed to catch it, triumphant

sounds of carrot crunching between her teeth filled the kitchen whilst she

wore a broad grin on her face.

"Thanks" she said a little smugly and he laughed at her smugness.

"You're welcome" he said amused and he conjured a wineglass before he

flicked his wand and a bottle of '37 red wine flew towards him, the cork

unplugging mid-air before it poured itself into her glass. He looked at her

questioningly "How was the meeting?" he asked her as he handed over

the glass of wine.

Her expression soured and she fought a grimace as she picked up the

glass and drank heartily from it. "As expected." She said miserably, her

body sagging as she released tension she didn't know she still had in her


"Extortionate and uncompromising demands that they knew we would

reject?" Derek asked resigned and she only nodded in confirmation.

The ICW wanted unfiltered access to Illos and 'observe' their home to

make sure that what they were claiming about Illos was true. In addition

to that, they wanted heavy compensation for what they perceive as

'economic sabotage of war crime proportions' and it was nearly sixty

percent of the gold reserve they had which was almost the entire

estimated value of the Sayre wealth which had been in the billions of


Paying it would not have been an issue as it would not have crippled

them but it would severely limited many of their plans and the demand

had been made entirely as an insult to Atticus and Emily and their


And an insult to them was an insult to every Illosian.

Failure to comply meant economic sanctions that spanned across every

member of the ICW along with clear references and insinuations to

something beyond that.

And she had never been as angry as she was then. She'd gone in good

faith and hoped that Atticus was wrong, a desperate hope that she knew

was pointless but she hoped that reason and maybe even self-serving

interest might win out as Illos had so much to offer.

But no, they were absolutely against any kind of compromise to their


To make matters worse, she could sense that not everyone followed the

ICW diplomat for the Spanish Mugwump had barely able to keep an

expression of appalment from appearing but nevertheless they'd all fallen

in line to this…stance.

Derek swept his wand and the cut ingredients flew into the pan before he

placed the lid onto it. He turned to her, a grim considering look on his

face "Are they at least willing to consider that we do not wish for war?"

Derek questioned after he sat down next to her.

"Zero diplomatic ties don't necessarily have to mean war right? The

Americans don't have meaningful diplomatic ties to the ICW yet they

have somewhat of a neutral relationship with the ICW whilst the ties they

do have with ICW member states is permitted to some amount of trade."

"We made it clear we do not wish for war and that we would not commit

the first act of war." Sandra sighed. She had even spelled it out as much

as she could whilst reigning in her anger at the disastrous conference.

She looked up and met his gaze, a determined glint in her eyes breaking

through "And I made it clear that war with Illos would mean war with

thousands of magicals led by Archmages and that it would be seen as a

war for survival as the ICW would seek to destroy an entire people

because they were insecure." She said a little impishly though her

determined look didn't fade.

It hadn't been hard to channel a lot of righteous anger at those diplomats

when she lost her temper at them.

Derek studied her expression before he wrapped his arm around her "You

did what you could." He consoled her.

"Thanks." She murmured. Atticus hadn't told them, not even her, if they

would avoid war, only that in the end Illos would be fine and had asked

to trust in themselves and in their people. It was why she wasn't

despairing as she might have.

Still, the saving grace of the whole debacle even if the ICW didn't heed

her words about how painful war would be, was that MACUSA may well

side with Illos.

They were shocked at the sheer vitriol some of the ICW diplomats were

spewing and no doubt were re-examining things even further. After all,

they were already somewhat wary of the ICW in light of their growing


"Do you think I should brush up on my duelling skills?" Derek asked half

serious, half jokingly and despite herself she giggled a little bit. Derek

had never been that talented with a wand, at least combat wise.

"Yes although I think we need to depend on you then I think we've

already lost." She teased him and she felt him unwrap his arm around her

and she looked up at him and saw a put on hurt expression.

"Your words cut me deeply. Deeper than a knife sunk in my flesh would."

She pushed him lightly as she laughed and he joined her before they

settled down and a more sombre atmosphere settled back in. "I think we

need more people." She said suddenly and after seeing his understanding

but expectant look she continued

"The ICW directly influences almost a million magicals and maintains a

direct Auror force that is well over ten thousand." Sandra said grimly and

Derek nodded his understanding.

Not to mention, they could call upon thousands more from member states

as per law, a marked difference to the voluntarily

"If we stand any chance of at the very least averting any kind of war, we

need to expand heavily. I know that we've started to look for magical and

even squib orphans around the world again but we have to do more." She

said whilst biting her lip, her mind going astray as she began to think on

how to do it safely over a number of years.

"Our population is young." Derek agreed. Most of the taken in orphans

were only just beginning their teenage years and most of the former

squib population were…not really the kind that could take up a wand

and fight.

And it was still years away, she thought, before they were able to create

magical war-machines that could change this disadvantage.

Whilst the measures of population growth were working and Illos was

expected to grow to a population of 45,000 by 1970 without considering

immigration, she didn't think it was fast enough given that war may well

break out within years.

"You think we need to invite more people from the isolated

communities?" Derek asked her.

"I do" she confessed before she expanded quickly "I think we can sustain a

growth of several thousand a year for half a decade easily without

opening ourselves up to problems"

"Wasn't that rejected years ago?" Derek asked with a frown "Because it

would destabilise the community that was forming?"

Atticus had always been worried about their actions resulting in

upsetting the delicate balance they were establishing but she was sure

they could manage.

They need to if the absolute worst came to pass.

It seemed like he read what she was thinking from her expression and

Derek grabbed her hands in his own "Darlin'" he said soothingly. He'd

picked up a few American slang throughout the years and she had to

admit she liked the way he butchered 'darling'…even if she'd never admit


"I think you need to think this over after a few days before you present


"You think I'm overreacting?" she asked a little upset and he squeezed her


"I don't…" he stopped a little and smiled at her empathetically

"Maybe a little but it is understandable. I just think that we shouldn't have

to change all that we're doing because we're a little afraid. It is what they

want from us. Now that we know for certain that we're more alone than

we thought, we need to protect our own more carefully." Derek sighed a

little before he continued, his gaze meeting hers.

"We do have allies in the Japanese and maybe even in Britain, Ireland

and MACUSA so we may not be entirely alone but you never know with

allies." Derek said with a frown. It was understandable where he was

coming from.

After all, they'd seen the betrayal of allies, of friends. In the end, you

could only really rely on yourself. An idea that she knew that many in

Illos believed to be true.

"Atticus is not infallible. No matter how many of our people think he is.

He is prone to making mistakes and we've seen him make them before. It

would only take one spy to make it through for unmitigated damage to

be done and if we invite thousands that the ICW might be able to insert

once they catch on what we're doing – they definitely will now, they are

unfortunately competent – and it is the last thing we could ever want."

He said to her gently.

She sighed before she looked down at their entwined hands. She

squeezed his hand gently "Alright." She said acquiescingly before she

peered at him from the corner of her eyes "You know…your rationality

has never been more attractive than it is now."

Derek smile morphed into a slight grin with a slight twinkle in his eye. "I

can rationalise like no other, woman. I may even show you exactly what I

mean later tonight."

Her lips twitched at the poor flirtation. Still…it was adorably goofy. She

narrowed her eyes and stood up, her hand still clutching onto his. She

quickly waved her wand and turned the stove off before dragging him

up. "Why wait tonight…" and the look in his eyes as their eyes met was



1957 – Rosario, Argentina

Enrique Chavez POV

Chavez poured the malted firewhiskey into two glasses as the door


"Sir" he heard and he turned around.

"Sergio" Chavez said as he gave leave for his deputy to sit down and

brought the glass to the man before taking a seat opposite him.

He took a mouthful of whiskey, savouring the burning sensation on his

tongue before his gaze fell on the letter that had occupied his mind

throughout most of the day.

He leaned forward and picked up the letter and offered it to Hernandez.

"Read it. Tell me what you make of it." He said to Hernandez who,

despite a questioning look took the letter and began to read.

Chavez watched his long time second in command, friend even, with an

inspecting gaze. The slight widening of the eyes, the slackness of the

corner of his mouth, the frown that threatened to form.

Hernandez looked up, this time his expression was twisted into cold

seriousness "What are you going to, sir?"

Chavez remained silent for a few moments and decided to take another

mouthful of the firewhiskey though this time he did not savour it. "I'm

going to accept." He said, his eyes studying the man intently. "You don't

approve?" he asked questioningly.

Hernandez shook his head "It is not for me to approve…I'm merely…


Chavez grunted softly as he waved Hernandez to continue which he did

"To have her coming here…it invites scrutiny we've always wished to


It was true. If it was leaked…it would invite closer attentions from the

ICW which he had for decades avoided from happening.

His rule had stabilised Argentina for thirty years but it had not always

been so and Argentina had only avoided ICW intervention because coups

had often settled within a few years at most and never granted the ICW

the opportunity to craft out a protectorate out of Argentina like it had

done in Ecuador and in Guinea where they interfered in the muggle

world and consequently brought the full force of the ICW on their heads.

And that had been an ICW that was far from opportunistic as the current

version was. He had little doubts that should he falter in his steps…

Magical Argentina had never been an easy nation.

It was a nation forged out of fire, through centuries of war with natives,

amongst themselves and then later through ideology before it turned into

a mess that barely was anything more than a free-for-all with powerful

witches and wizards all deadly intent to dominate all others.

Intent to dominate others and intent to secure the wealth of near

bottomless silver mines that the first magical settlers had hidden and

secured from the muggles.

Argentina was a prize and had always been, whether your blood was

native or settler or both. And it was exactly for that reason it had never


Until Enrique Chavez, the Silver Matador who secured Argentina from

within and without. And this…this threatened to cast undue attentions

on his nation.


Outright refusal was not an option either.

Even if Argentina and most of South America had not participated in the

recent war in Europe, he was not unaware of the supposed power of

Atticus Sayre and the rumoured power of his wife. Nor was he unaware

of the ambitions of the couple.

Even if there was no proof and their power most likely overstated, the

Sayres dismantled their homeland and forged a new Magical Britain out

of it.

It was impressive, he noted, the patience that they displayed in their


That was a dangerous combination, he mused to himself with an internal


Patience, intelligence and a little power and it was something that

repeated itself again in the form of Illos which bore similarities to

Atlantis which he believed was no accident.

Little was known about Atlantis but what was known was that it was the

equivalent of Jerusalem, of Rome and of Mecca for the magical peoples.

A land lasting only in memories and a land recreated through myths and

half remembered stories throughout the ages.

And throughout the ages, there had been a number of times of peoples

attempting to recreate a mage only kingdom or nation.

The Greeks, the Norse, the Assyrians, the Koreans, they all tried it once

upon a time and in the end war, may it be civil war or war with rivalling

neighbours, destroyed it all before anything significant could be

established and through time, such ideas had died and the myths faded

into a forgotten crevice of the public mind.

And just as those nations were ripped apart through forces within and

without, the ICW seemed intent to destroy it. Yet, he thought he was

missing something.

For they could have remained in obscurity, in hiding from the magical

world for decades more, yet they chose to emerge now. And the Sayres

were far from lacking in calculation or smarts. No one could have

accomplished what they did without both. After all, they crafted out

legends that bore reminiscent of ancient stories.

So this meeting to discuss a 'proposition'…

"I will hear her out." Chavez said after a while. "It costs us nothing to do

so." And whilst he had no intention of agreeing, it didn't mean he couldn't

glean into useful information.

Hernandez eyed him "You intent to reject." He stated more than asked.

"Whatever proposition she has, it will not be worth the ICW coming

down on us." Hernandez drank of his firewhiskey. He did not fear the

ICW however he did concern himself with the thousands of wizards they

had in their ranks.

Even a pack of wolves can be overwhelmed by a countless packs of

jackals. Especially if they're allied with other packs of wolves.

Whilst he eliminated most of his rivals, he knew that a few of them had

escaped to the Andes mountains with their families.

He brought his glass down, a dark look shadowing his face.

The worst of them was Rodrigo Enzo who had built up alliances with a

number of enclaves in the Andes Mountains and in the Amazon.

The man was simply waiting for the right moment and the ICW would no

doubt seek common cause with the foul man should he and his people be

seen as allying with the Sayres. "You know the consequences of our

failures." Chavez said as he side-eyed Hernandez.

Hernandez nodded mutely. Chavez had worked hard in racking up the

fear of what could happen to Argentina should Chavez and his people be

ousted from power.

Fear of Enzo, fear of their neighbours and fear of the ICW had worked

well in making sure his grip on power had remained firm. It was a lie of

course, the lie of what might happen to Argentina and its people but it

wasn't a lie without some hints of truth.

Enzo was a brute and his family was known for being only slightly less

than sadists.

Most often than not, the kinds of magic they dabbled with warped them

into cruelty and it was both a weakness and strength for it gave them a

fearsome reputation.

A reputation that in the end resulted in aiding his grip to power.

"No." Chavez said with a shake of the head "They will have little to offer

what we don't already have." Even if the kinds of magic they have access

to is reminiscent of Atlantis, it will not be worth getting dragged into the

mess between Illos and the ICW.

Besides, there may even be an opportunity to obtain concession from the

ICW. No doubt they would be interested in whatever Illos had to say…

Days Later…

He leaned back in his chair, his hands balled up on his lap with his right

index finger pressed against the edge of his centuries old mahogany desk.

Hernandez was bringing the delegates into his presidential manor El

Palacio de la Virtud (Palace of Virtue), designed by the same muggle who

designed and built the Palace of Justice, which was some ways away

from the busy administrative centre in Rosario that managed Argentina.

Six of his best men were on their feet, each of them vigilant as they stood

around in a half circle around where he was seated, all in prime locations

to strike hard and fast towards the array of chairs before him that were

for the delegates.

He was not a fool. He knew that many of the Knights of the Mimpost had

left with Sayre who were likely somewhat capable. He was not going to

take any risks, especially as the pristine reputation of Emily Sayre ran

contrary to what he heard from some of his contacts within the ICW

which he was more likely to believe.

Still, it didn't hide the consideration that she was a dichotomy of sorts.

A near saint in Magical Britain whilst to the ICW she was a dark witch

somehow as terrible as Maria Navarez, the witch who burnt priests,

inquisitors and fought against the wizards who wanted to stop her from

escalating the witch burnings even further.

Naturally, he was inclined to believe she was more what the ICW claimed

she was.

The last Gaunt and Slytherin heir, two famously dark families whose won

several international duelling tournaments and widely regarded as a

prodigious talent in magic, even rumoured to be a supposed 'Archmage'?

Plus, he was rather certain someone like Atticus Sayre, a man who

defeated an admittedly powerful wizard in Grindelwald, wouldn't be

satisfied with a single woman unless she was worth it.

Emily Sayre was beautiful, he'd seen the images of her in those ridiculous

clothing for himself, but there were a dime a dozen of beautiful women.

And plenty of beautiful women who were more…plentiful in certain

areas of their bodies. An unconscious smile threatened to creep on his

face. Perhaps she was more like his first wife.

Most dark witches, especially the powerful ones tended to be…interesting.

His first wife, Caterina, had him see God more than a few times. It was a

shame that he had to kill her when she proved to be a little more

unhinged than he could tolerate.

The doors opened and Hernandez walked in first. Shortly afterwards, a

graceful woman with rich black hair that swayed like silken threads


Her face was angelic, like it was carved out of a flawless slab of perfect

flesh, her cheekbones and her chin were perfect feminine aristocratic

qualities, the slightly sharp yet smoothed out jawline that framed her

lustful blood red lips that drew all eyes to her lips. Her skin was

porcelain white and from across the room it seemed to even radiate


A whistle from one of the men sent them snorting and bearing smiles on

their faces.

She seemed unfazed as the door closed leaving her alone with eight

powerful men and she stood alone before him as Hernandez joined his

right side.

The pictures didn't do her justice he mused internally as he drank in her


She was more petite than he realised yet it only added to her allure.

Zequid alive…

He glanced at Hernandez with a question in his eyes.

Hernandez shook his head, answering his question about whether or not

she was here with anyone else and he returned his gaze back to her.

The arrogance…

And the arrogance of her husband to allow her to come here alone…

He could have her defenceless and stripped of clothing before she could

even blink. To think she felt secure enough in her power – power that he

couldn't even feel in any notable way – that she could stroll up here…

It was hard to believe that this woman was considered such a threat.

He stared at her with an expressionless look. He'd learnt to sense magic

from his master in central America when he'd been barely a man. It had

served him well throughout his life allowing him to gain the following he


And it was serving him well now.

She was confident, that much was clear but why she would be when she

felt nothing special, even weaker than half of his men in the room…

It seemed like his instincts were right after all. He never believed the

dramatics from the soft Europeans. People who in their comfortable

mansions and their elven servants knew nothing of hardship or power.

When he'd been a child, he'd been fascinated by power and legends of the

past. Even more so when he'd been on the run after he'd been sent out

into the wilderness by a family friend when he swore to rain judgement

on them like Jupiter was said to have once upon a time done. He'd been

obsessed with the legendary 'wizards' of the past.

Legends that claimed that wizards capable of literally scorch entire lands

that stretched out into the horizon with fire and lightning, wizards that

were capable of sinking and cracking entire islands with but a flick of

their staffs.

Legends he found were as false as tales of Jupiter, of Neptune and of


Gods that Europeans claimed to have been wizards of incredible power,

Archmages amongst Archmages. A feeling of contempt rose within him.

For years and decades, he toiled and mastered magic with feverish

obsession, in revenge and in hatred, rising and defeating countless of

wizards and witches across South America until he grew powerful with

enough men to challenge Alfonso Moreira, murderer of his family and

despot of Argentina.

The powerful Moreira, the man who butchered his father before killing

the rest of his family, who had been all powerful in their own right had

paled in comparison to him. A pitiful creature of magic that did not

compare to him.

Not once had he encountered this purported quality of wizards anywhere

in South America. Only exaggerations and lies intent to hide

incompetence and weakness which he'd seen plenty of times in so called

nobles of 'powerful lineages'.

Even Xavier Charleston who he'd observed during an American duelling

competition had been nothing special in the end, barely on par with


There was no doubt that Grindelwald likely was somewhat powerful but

he did not believe he was overwhelmingly so, not even the 'images' he'd

seen in the papers could convince him of that. Impressive light show that

only stood to make the Europeans feel better about themselves about

their weakness.

After all, Grindelwald had hid like a rat for decades at a time, even once

captured in New York and that did not speak of the kinds of power fables

and stories spoke of.

And as he looked upon the woman before him, this beautiful fragile

woman that felt as common as any witch, he knew this was merely the

latest overconfident European who did not know what power truly was.

Atticus Sayre was a fool.

To think he spent more than a second concerning himself with them…

"Mrs Sayre." Chavez said, his voice patient and charming as his

expression broke into a smile "It is a delight to finally meet you" he tilted

his head slightly as he said musingly "Though I expected to meet more of

your people."

She met his gaze unflinchingly and merely smiled "I let them explore

Rosario. After all, this is only simple discussions, no? So I deemed them


It garnered a few laughs from his men and he sent them a sharp look

silencing them all before he returned his gaze at her. There was

something off with her smile and it made him feel tense.

He glanced at Hernandez who gave him an unseen nod confirming that

he had people watching them and he relaxed a little though neither

tenseness nor relaxation showed on his unbothered face.

He stretched out his magic to feel more but he got the same result as he

did when she walked in. He tapped the rim of the desk twice. "I see." He

said dangerously yet slowly all whilst intensely staring at her.

She turned her gaze away and began to walk slowly towards the book

cabinet on the left side and he continued to watch her as she walked

without fear of anything towards the books. "Interesting collection." She

said with a hum in her voice, one that was remarkable unconcerned

about anything.

"Can't say I have seen a book collection that mixed Voltaire with

Solumuntus before." She said as she turned her head slightly at them, a

strange smirk on her face before she looked back at the books.

"I suppose in a way you can say Solumuntus was enlightened in the way

he altered healing spells into curses. Congelo in particular" she said with a

beautiful whistle before she continued "The arithmancy work in that spell

is a work of art."

Chavez exchanged a look with Hernandez who looked uneasy. The

collection of books that had Congelo within its pages could be counted at

most with both hands. He gave Hernandez a nod, and the man palmed

his wand before Chavez returned his gaze to the woman.

"As much as I would like to indulge a beautiful woman as yourself"

Chavez said, this time his voice more measured and cold and it drew her

attentions, the same easy smirk still on her face though it felt like he was

being gazed upon by a hungry wolf.

"That is not why we're here, Mrs Sayre. You proposed to help us to deal

with the rebels at the borders." Chavez waved with his hand towards the


"Talk so we may wrap this up."

She inclined her head gracefully but she remained standing and it sent a

wave of irritation over him. "That is correct, Minister Chavez. We did

propose to assist you in absorbing the enclaves that surround Magical

Argentina. A joint taskforce to bring order to the continent in exchange

for a treaty of friendship."

"And what would this treaty of friendship entail?" He asked in a sharp

tone, his patience waning.

"Assurance to assist one another in times of need. Promises of

cooperation. Trade. Cultural exchange." She listed off easily, her voice

carrying a pleasant hum.

A few of his men looked at each other with mirth in their eyes and

Chavez leaned back in his chair, his eyes scrutinising her "You would

offer to expand Argentina's power in return for nothing but assurances

and promises?" he asked sceptically.

"Yes." She said with an easily smile, her arms rising in the air slightly as if

to beckon him forth "We understand that Illos is not in a position to

easily obtain alliances, not with a belligerent ICW. I'm sure you can

understand." She said as her arms lowered.

He remained silent for almost a minute before he spoke again, his mind

having considered everything, her expressions her words, her

disrespectful arrogance.

It was all wrong. All of it.

"In that case then, Mrs Sayre." He began as he sat up a little straighter

and his hands unfurling. "I will be straightforward. Thank you for

offering to help us secure the ungoverned regions however I must

decline. We will manage as we have done for decades." He gave her a

colder smile.

"It is unfortunate you had to come all this way out for what could have

been simple correspondence through letters but alas" he said with a small

shrug of the shoulders before he set his hard eyes back onto her "It may

be best for you and your people to leave within the day, Mrs Sayre."

"I see." She said, the same smile still on her face and he wanted to wipe it

off her face. The hassle wasn't worth it, he reminded himself. Killing the

woman after his men had sampled her would only gain him the enmity of

Illos and Sayre.

Even if he didn't believe any of them to be powerful, he at least could

acknowledge that they were at the very least a bigger threat than Enzo

and his sycophants.

He made to stand up "Tha-" his eyes widened as a damning chill seized

his spine with an arctic grip that paralysed him in his seat. Her

expression changed, a subtle shift in facial muscles that moved slowly

and downward like glacial ice drifting in frigid waters. It was primal, the

fear that accompanied the chill, one that coursed through his spine like

unwanted lightning, one that threatened to seep into his bones.

Her eyes, the dark but still perceptively blue eyes were now hollow, they

were akin to a bottomless pit that led to nothing and nowhere and it kept

him unmoving, fearful and fearing futility as she began to radiate a

hungry danger that seemed as if it wanted to consume him through the

hollow abys.

Her magic, magic that seemed to not worth his attention was now

suffocated him, the sheer waves of magic that emanated from her

threatened to wring him to death with ropes made out of darkness and


The air changed, like it changed in weight for the air grew heavy and felt

a blanket made out of air yet he couldn't move, no, he was pinned into

his seat as if he had been screwed into place through flesh and bone.

Yet his people noticed the sudden change in the air but before any of

them could move before he could warn them, a wave of terror inducing

magic the colour of the darkest night poured out of her in greater

volumes than he'd ever witnessed or heard before.

Velvety tendrils made out of nightmares and terror streamed out of her,

her magic made alive as candles were extinguished and a haze of blood

red tinged the room.

He couldn't move, he couldn't even look away as hollow eyes made out of

the abyss met his gaze, unnatural eyes that spoke of horrors beyond what

lay within this world even as sounds of choking and panic and cries rang

around him like a drum march of men being dragged down to the pits of

hell, their cries and calls for her to stop sounding more like the dying

sounds of jackals and wolves that howled and yelped pitifully under the

jaws and poisonous air of a mountainous nundu.

Never in his life had he met such unrelenting darkness, a darkness that

somehow felt untainted like the magic of Eloy the Cannibal had been, no

it was as she was a creature born of the darkness, born to the hollow

abyss that her eyes so endlessly showed.

All he could do was push against the magic, to push against the terrible

and utterly and magnificently horrendous dense and air chokingly dark

magic that suffocated all of his men not only in body but also in spirit.

Zequid alive…

He had not believed. He'd believed the stories to have been exaggerated.

Superstitious stories to drive fear into wizards and witches to keep them

docile and fearful of change. He was so, so wrong.

The stories of Archmages of old who were said to be beyond all others,

capable of feats that defied belief even for magicals, may not be as wrong

as he once believed.

She stood there, her pale face and arms bearing an ethereal presence

about it in the backdrop of velvety and fluid dark tendrils of seemingly

endless magic.

It swirled and soothed around her, marching to a terror inducing beat of

her making, one of such power that it distorted the world around them,

so much so that the wooden floor creaked and the stone walls buckled

under the maelstrom of her manifested magic.

He didn't know how this was possible, how such power disparity could



How utterly unfair, he thought bitterly as the sounds of his men reduced

to nothingness.

His men who were dark wizards through and through, powerful wizards

in their own right, yet reduced to nothing but ashen statues that bore no

resistance as she walked all over them without even lifting a damn finger.

Was this how others felt against Zequid, against Volterra, against Herpo? He

wondered grimly. Three men who were said to have been able to shatter

mountains and release plagues that decimated entire countries with mere

flicks of their wands or staffs. He bitterly thought that Charleston hid his

power and he knew he'd based all of his ideas on a mistake borne out of

arrogance. Had he known…

The dark tendrils began to move towards him, creeping and swaying on

the floor like vile snakes, their serpentine movement slow and measured

as they rose and surrounded him and his desk.

She began to move towards him, almost as she was gliding on top of a

black cloud, the whites in her eyes having disappeared into blackness set

in a pale porcelain white face that called upon memories of tales of

deceptive Tlahuelpuchi that were as beautiful as veelas but had rot and

death in their hearts.

The tendrils wrapped themselves over his ankles and over his wrists and

he was pulled from his seat up into the air. He wasn't the only one as all

of his men, unconscious as they were, were picked by like ragdolls before

the tendrils wrapped themselves around their necks.

He flinched slightly as a sequence of seven cracks repeated one after

another and he saw her unfazed almost bored look on her face as their

bodies dropped to the floor.

"I considered letting them live." She said conversationally and he knew

the bitch was lying "Such thinking ended about a second after I entered

the room." She said coldly as she looked at him and he couldn't help

flinch under those cold black eyes.

He fought against the magic binding him "…Why?" he managed to croak

as he looked to the door, hoping, needing his men to walk through the


There were, at any given time, at least thirty men within the palace. They

should have heard something. "No one will be coming to your rescue,

Minister Chavez." She said, drawing his attentions again and the smile on

her face caused him feel a haunting devastation. "By now, they're all dead

at the wands of my people."

'Impossible. There could have only been four of them. It was impossible'.

Someone must have helped. Traitors. He forgot his paralysis and for the

first time in ages, he felt the same hatred he'd once felt so long ago.

"There it is." She said with a broadened smile as she tilted her head "The

Silver Matador" she said with a mocking lilt to her voice before she looked

him up and down "Perhaps once upon a time you truly were worth

something. Decades of peace has made you weak, Minister Chavez."

He spat her and the ball of phlegm never made further than half a metre

from his face. She looked at him unimpressed before she flicked her

fingers and the spit transfigured into a rod of steel and with flick of her

index finger it raced forward into his chest and he gasped and coughed as

he felt the steel rod puncture through his robes and his lungs.

"You asked…" she continued, her expression more serious as she looked

around the room "Why do this?" she posed before she turned to him

again "Because Argentina has potential." She said with a haunting smile

before she rippled into a soft laugh.

They were taking Argentina from him? The Argentina that he built?! He

clenched his teeth, the metallic blood tasting bitter on his tongue.

"No" she said with a mocking smile directed at his surprise "I have no

intention to rule over the Argentinians. At least not yet. No, I found

someone to do that for me."

"Someone who will not betray us at the first chance should the

opportunity present itself. What you would have done." She tilted her

head slightly "And he's more respectful of course. Less delusional too."

She said with a mocking smile.

He felt rage at her slights but all he could think was "Who." He managed

to hiss out. He knew it was unlikely he was going to live, it wouldn't

matter but he needed to know.

She leaned in closer and he wanted to nothing more than to gauge out

her black eyes. "I'm sure you know Lionel Alvarez?" she asked with a

curious look on her face and shock came over him before he felt a sense

of resignation wash over him.

It was poetic that he'd be taken down by a man who he had treated

wrong. There had been a number of assassination attempts on his life

early in his reign and evidence pointed towards Alvarez' father as the


At the time, he hadn't been thinking clearly, hadn't thought of using the

imperius curse or the various other means of extracting the truth from

him and had instead killed him without a thought and imprisoned the

rest of the Alvarez family, including Lionel, into El Grande Prison, the

notorious prison built by De Santos.

The Alvarez family all died in prison and he thought young Lionel had

died too. He wasn't sure when he could have escaped. Perhaps it might

have been in the breakout of '32. It didn't matter.

"Good that you know him. Not that you didn't already. He is known as La

Pedro." Chavez felt irony bubbling in his stomach. At least that explained

why he kept refusing his approaches.

The doors opened and the small fire of hope died down when he saw

they were not his men. They wore silver armour, armour that seemed

seamless and moved like water as they moved. "Your Majesty, we have

secured the building. Alvarez's men are now fighting with the loyalists in

Rosario's Alleys." One of the men who he couldn't see the face of said.

"Excellent. Make sure all traces of our involvement is gone." She said

before she turned her attentions back at him. "It seems like our time has

come to an end." The tendrils wrapped tighter around his ankles and his

wrists as one of the other tendrils wrapped itself around his neck.

She only stared at him for a few seconds before his gaze snapped to the

right side of her face as a crack echoed in his ear and he felt himself fade

as he managed to stare into her black eyes, and within seconds, he faded

into the darkness, almost as if he was falling into those hollow abyssal


16. Chapter 79 Part II

Aidois - welcome aboard!

Visual Bliss - re: if archmages were more common? Short answer:

Yes. Long Answer: Yeeees. Lol. But seriously, yes Atlantis had many

many more Archmages. By nature of where Atlantis was, the fact

that they were a community of magicals that progressed isolated for

thousands of years without muggles. Because of this isolation and

because they were a community of tens of thousands, they were

able to reach heights of magic that until very recently wasn't


In many ways, the Atlanteans were more primitive than the current

magicals with their variety of magic and flexibility of magic but

they more than readily made up for it with a greater understanding

of magic itself. It does sound paradoxical (how can they be

primitive but yet have greater understanding?) but you should

consider it something akin to someone who hunts for fun and

primitive humans who hunted for necessity if that makes any sense?

Anyway, I deviated a bit but it is tangentially related to why there

are more Archmages. Because of this greater understanding, over

thousands of years, more and more bloodlines became more

'magical' so to speak and so per thousandth person, the Atlanteans

had 10-20 times more Archmages than the current magicals.

But that will change in time as Illos leads the magical world into the


- Exactly that. Short memories and lack of demonstrations is a

problem. No one stays fearful forever. It is why Tyrants who fail to

secure loyalties with rewards get toppled by their subordinates.

Without further adieu, please enjoy the post!

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next chapter is available

on discord whilst at least the next three chapters after it are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

27th of July 1957 – MACUSA

Viola Clito-Beauclerc POV

Her gaze fell on the red carpet, the vivid carpet that covered the path

towards the small steps that proceeded the President's chair. It would be

her last, perhaps second to last time that she'd stand here. She looked up

and felt all of their eyes on her.

The eyes of the MACUSA's senators.

Her elevation to President had been smooth, smoother than since any

before the Grindelwald Crisis of the late twenties and the Great

Depression of the thirties.

And in the years since her first term, things had only become more

difficult especially by rocky periods like the Sayre Crisis and the

economic crisis that hadn't touched MACUSA in any significant way.

In many ways, her presidency was defined by her nephew and her House

and somehow it felt strangely poetic, albeit morbidly, that her last few

months would be defined by it once more.

"You have all been informed of the discussions between the Illosian

Chancellor and the ICW." She began, her voice carrying through the

hallowed halls of their seat of power and her voice sounded more solemn

than she had thought it would.

"A disaster!" A senator for Texas called out and agreeing murmurs echoed

quietly. The papers had taken to call the discussions as 'The Disaster of

Soho', an obvious homage to the disaster in 1926 at the Civic Centre in

Lower Manhattan and it was an homage that bore ominous undertones

given how important many had come to see the day many lives were lost

because of Grindelwald.

She sombrely wondered if it was tragic or if it was simply unfortunate.

From her perspective it certainly was both, she mused silently to herself.

Once again her family was at the centre of global wizarding affairs even

if circumstances were different.

She had lost her parents that 1926 winter in New York and years later

lost her brother to the machinations of the same monster who caused

their deaths before her nephew triumphantly avenged their family by

ridding the world of Grindelwald and at the same time establish himself

as the most powerful wizard alive.

After Grindelwald, there was little doubt the ICW became more intolerant

of powerful independent mages and Atticus' unwillingness to even

somewhat toe the line as others may have, was a threat that it would

whatever it could to at the very least marginalise if they could not


She spared a glance to her niece who was here as a Senator for Boston

due to House Sayre's privileges as part of the Twelve Founding Houses

and saw that she bore an expressionless mask amidst a sea of Senators

who were no doubt curious about Sophia's reactions – and no doubt her

own – but Sophia was far too much like Markus to allow her emotions to

rule over her.

She turned to address Congress "A disaster" she agreed with a grim look

on her face "A disaster that our people have said is without modern

international precedent." Never had she thought such discourteous and

shameful demands could be levied.

It was reminiscent of the Statute Wars era only this time it had come

before communities that fought against the implementation of the Statute

of Secrecy were defanged and had no recourse but to accept the demands

levied onto them.

It took a hundred and fifty years until international cooperation of the

magical world resembled anything healthy as a consequence of those

conflicts and for the ICW to demand humiliating terms that breached

sovereignty and dignity…

"It is also par for the course given the naked hostility of the ICW towards

Illos." A senator for Nevada, Senator Wirasuap said ponderously "They

never intended to reach a diplomatic solution to their issues with Illos"

he said as he looked to her meaningfully. 'Their issues with Atticus Sayre'.

"They must at least know the optics of how they will look to the rest of

the magical world?" Another senator argued causing several to scoff.

"Why would they care about optics?" a senator for Florida asked


"No authoritarian institution would care for optics, not when all those

who 'matter' have already agreed that this was always going to happen."

The senator for Florida said cynically though it was with merit. The ICW

was changing before their eyes as their grip on the magical world began

to tighten every year that passed.

Already their partnerships with several ICW nations in Central America

was 'under review' by the respective nations and they'd already seen

trade diminish. It was miniscule in comparison to the American economy

but it was noticeable and it was indicative of things were headed…where

MACUSA stood with the ICW.

"Which brings me to what we will do." The other senator for Boston,

Senator McCuskey said with a hard expression as he stepped forward, his

gaze trailing across the room.

"Must we do anything?" a Senator for Michigan said with a heavy frown

"We have worked to facilitate a peaceful end to their hostilities and

despite our admirable attempts, it has failed. That should be all of our

commitments…" he looked to her and then to Sophia, a sympathetic look

on his face as he uttered his next works "to both sides, even if we share

much more in common with one of them." It set off murmurs amongst


"I agree." She said though it was with a heavy heart as she looked to the


"You know of my steadfast duty to our nation and to our people. It is for

those reasons that I have halted any further negotiations with Illos until a

President Elect without traces of implied conflict of interest" she said,

stressing implied more forcefully to highlight her displeasure at even the

insinuation of disloyalty to their people "may take things further it is

within the interest of our nation."

She raised her hand to silence the noise had started to rise and once more

commanded total silence as she continued "It is less than fifteen years

since the end of the Great Wizarding war that claimed many American

lives and though we are recovering, it has been a wound on our nation

that I am ill-prepared to repeat…even if it is warring with my conscience

as someone who feels gratitude to Atticus Sayre for his actions to bring

that monster to justice and as someone who loves her nephew."

She said before ending with a look to her niece who she saw give a slight

nod in agreement. The rest of their family would be unhappy, namely her

sister-in-law and her grandfather Benedict, but they would understand.

She could not sacrifice American lives against an ICW that was far more

militant and more powerful than it was two decades ago. They didn't

have a Charleston anymore and whilst their population was quite likely

the largest in the world after the splintered Chinese Confederation of

Mages, it was unlikely they could stand against an ICW that had

thousands of battlemages and Aurors under its banner and capable of

calling on thousands' more Aurors from across the magical world.

She could not risk her citizens in a war that it objectively had nothing to

do with.

Not in defence of a nation that is able to protect itself far better than

MACUSA would be from invasion or assault even if her nephew could aid

in their defence with his Sight.

Along with the fact that Illos was unassailable by conventional means,

then there was the knowledge that Atticus had access to, the knowledge

of their ancestor Moira's people, she really doubted that the ICW could

even hope to defeat Illos even if they had ten thousand battlemages of

Sorcerer level of power.

"Madame President" a Senator for Iowa, Nielsson, began as he stepped

forward with a bowed head in respect "Please know that I consider your

integrity to be without rival. MACUSA will lose one of its greatest

presidents in recent memory once your term ends in November." She

smiled at his kind words and the approving claps she received.

"It is never easy to choose duty over family, especially when duty

demands that we accept gross injustice in return for safety and health of

the people who have entrusted us with their care and wealth." Nielsson

continued grimly.

"Yet about our greater duty to justice?" Senator Coolidge questioned. "Our

duty to uphold the values that bind our people, a duty we're abandoning

in pursuit of safety."

"I cannot imagine the American people will be pleased for us to declare

neutrality in what is rapidly becoming a danger to the American people."

Coolidge said as he looked around the room. "How long until we're the

recipients of ICW aggression?"

It was an uncomfortable question that many had thought about.

It was why the bill to increase funding to the Defence department with

special focus to the Special Forces department had passed effortlessly

through Congress.

"The American people will be disappointed but they are also hesitant to

involve themselves in a magical world that many are growing tired of.

Where many of our citizens would at best be seen as mutts and rabble fit

only to fill their coffee cups." The senator for Michigan said amidst


"Our first and most important duty is to our people and by declaring

neutrality we are fulfilling that duty to the best of our abilities." The

senator for Michigan said and he gained approving looks from the


Sophia stepped forward with graceful intent and a quiet hush fell within

the halls of Congress. "I know my brother well." She began, her voice

unwaveringly calm as she spoke further "And if there is anyone who

understands duty, it is my brother who lives and breathes duty." She

looked around the room.

"And that is why he would understand our decision for declaring

neutrality in any conflict with the ICW should they choose to pursue a

useless war against Illos."

She watched as the room looked at Sophia with sympathetic expressions

on their face, some even moved by her decision to prioritise American

lives over that over her brother and his people. Of course, underneath

that there was also the understanding that she was making her choice to

remain with MACUSA.

Sophia had won many of their respect with her business nous and her not

inconsiderable charms, some who only gave it grudgingly but gave it

nonetheless, and she knew that it helped that Sophia had adopted the

American life wholeheartedly.

"Can Illos survive?" a senator for Nebraska, McCoy asked. It was a loaded

question, a question in a vein that hadn't really been asked of her before,

a question that implied that she knew much more than any of them did.

Atticus' disappearance for many years took its toll on the family – even if

he hadn't really disappeared – but thankfully her family by marriage and

her decades' of friendships and favours had assisted in stifling questions

of her family in that regard.

All eyes were intently on Sophia who took the curious and intense looks

in her stride. "Yes." She said confidently "Illos' greatest defence is its

secrecy. No one knows where it is, not even I or the citizens themselves."

She smiled coyly at McCoy.

"He might just rib me a little in a letter once he learns of our neutrality

but he won't be too upset. I suspect I should still receive my Yuletide

gifts." And it garnered some much needed light hearted chuckles.

"There are rumours Illos is allied with Japan" Keller said musingly and in

the process drew attention to himself.

She looked at the Californian senator. He was a relatively young man,

only in his forties yet he had a sense of charisma that spoke to many

people across demographics just as his ancestry appealed to the many

peoples of America.

As an heir of House Keller, a Founding House and as a son of a Mojave

daughter, he had all of the ancestry he needed to appeal to the public.

The polls across America were reflecting that and he was edging out Flint

as the favour to succeed her as president.

Keller looked around the Congress chamber "They may not alone in this

and I suspect that Magical Britain may well follow Japan's footsteps in

exiting the ICW and allying with Illos."

Murmurs broke out and the tension in the room returned in strength.

"We know that Japan trades with Illos but an alliance? Military Alliance?"

Senator Kōnstantînos of Oregon posed with a heavy frown. "Such an

alliance is unheard of."

"In recent times? Yes. But that's because the International Confederation

of Wizards made such alliances pointless. Before the ICW, there were

many such alliances between communities, especially in Asia." A senator

from Virginia commented.

"It would change the dynamics of the conflict if Illos doesn't stand alone."

Senator McCoy said concerned "It could escalate into a World Wizarding


It made many people uneasy. The though that a world war on a greater

scale of the Great war may actually happen…

Neutrality may not even be an option if the war escalated to such a


The Statute may end up in great peril if it was being fought across the

world and given the concerning rapid advancement of the muggles, the

last thing they needed was exposure to happen during these perilous


"It wouldn't come to that. My brother wouldn't let it happen. He would

not let it escalate to that degree if it was unnecessary and it is

unnecessary. The ICW cannot breach Illos." She said firmly and


"You're confident in Illos' defences but I have to call you out on this

confidence. Are you certain Illos' defences can hold when the full weight

and power of the ICW is set against it?" A senator from Maine asked.

Sophia shook her head "I don't know as much about Illos as you think I

know." She said with a disapproving tone and internally Viola applauded

at her ability to lie without even a slightest hint of deception

"My brother never involved me in the building of Illos. This was, in his

own way, done to protect me from the enemies that arrayed themselves

against him because of his abilities and because of his beliefs of equal

opportunity and equal rights that many powerful people felt threatened

by." She said firmly

"But if you have to guess." the senator from Maine, Quahog insisted. "Your

brother is known to be perhaps the most powerful wizard alive, perhaps

even more powerful than Merlin himself but surely they don't think they

can hold out against the ICW in any meaningful way?"

She looked at him with a displeased look but answered anyway "Do I

believe Illos can hold out indefinitely?" she paused momentarily "I don't

know." She admitted. "I know my brother is powerful and extremely

knowledgeable but power and knowledge alone won't allow Illos to win

against the considerable forces of the ICW. I believe they know that." She

finished and causing murmurs to break out.

She decided to intervene. "Such speculation does us little use. Let us

refocus on our course of action." And with that debate reopened on how

to extend their neutrality on the world stage.


28th of July, 1957 – London, British Ministry

Abraxas Malfoy POV

"Are you certain you cannot tell me what I could expect?" Livermore

asked with his fingers tented together on the table in a bid that Abraxas

was coming to understand as his own way to calm his frenetic nerves.

Livermore was the British Minister of Magic and an early member of

Ouroboros. Despite his politically powerful position, he was only a third

generation pureblood from a merchant family but he was an astute sort

that knew who to thank for his rise.

He'd joined Ouroboros nearly from the beginning and had increased the

wealth of his family by nearly thirty fold over the years.

It made the Livermore family firmly entrenched in their allegiance to

House Slytherin and it was through that loyalty and his ability to

navigate through the Ouroboros Party without making enemies that

earned him the Minister of Magic position.

"You know how Her Majesty likes to ensure no secrets are given avenues

to escape." Abraxas drawled as he stared at the Minister.

Livermore drew his lips to a thin line though he made no outward


"Minister…" Lestrange began, deciding to interject "All we can confirm is

that we will meet with His and Her Majesties to discuss relations between

their nation and Britain."

Lestrange's voice dropped low "That should be enough, should it not? Or

have you forgotten?" he asked, his tone dangerous as he stared at the


Her disappearance from Magical Britain had caused a frenzy amongst the

public – the senior members of Ouroboros had known of her plans long

before she left – and Abraxas had noticed over time that some amongst

them had begun to waver somewhat in their common cause.

No one had broken rank.

Nothing that severe however curious comments here or there made more

appearances over time, not questioning but certainly probing validity in

small ways.

The public had been given the explanation months after she left that she

had returned to her husband that she missed, an explanation that they

accepted yet still wondered often about, but it gave her detractors…

opportunity to claw back power from Ouroboros…or even within

Ouroboros as some sought out likeminded individuals who may wish to

carve out their own little political space in opposition to their cause.

Of course, as soon as news of Illos was made public, such wavering

disappeared easily enough. Unfortunately for them, he doubted that it

would be so easily forgiven and Livermore knew the comments by Nott

were said with warning in mind.

Livermore was taken aback at the tone before he bristled visibly. Abraxas

watched him carefully and idly wondered if there was anyone who didn't

allow power to get to their heads.

"I have not forgotten my loyalties!" Livermore said with hints of anger in

his tone before he visibly calmed himself "But this" Livermore waved

towards the letter in front of him "doesn't really explain anything…except

that I am will be taken to Her Majesty via a portkey! I am the Min-"

"Yes you are the Minister." Nott spoke up for the first time, his cool calm

tone cutting through the room like a sharp knife through flesh. "And it

doesn't matter."

Nott leaned forward, his cool grey eyes as hard as cloudy diamonds "In

the end, it doesn't matter if you were in charge of a dozen Ministries. You

are sworn to her. We all are and we serve her."

The death of Nott's father had more than just an impact on his outward

demeanour. It had also solidified his loyalties to Lady Slytherin when she

gave him those who were responsible for his father's death just as she had

given Abraxas his own measure of revenge.

It had been a curious thing to witness, Abraxas mused as he looked on at

Nott's cold hard expression. The fervent loyalty she was now commanded

in so many people, powerful people…something that had only come years

after Hogwarts.

It hadn't been difficult to notice the shift in her approach…the shift from

ruling through fear but through winning over individual loyalties to her


She'd won the respect and fear that came with her name as a Slytherin

and of her power – it had been what shored up the loyalties of their peers

at Hogwarts when she came out as Salazar's heir – but she hadn't won the

kinds of loyalties he'd seen the Knights of Mimpost give the King.

With perhaps the exception of Lestrange and Rockwood.

No, over time as she formed Ouroboros, more and more people who were

in close proximity to her were convinced that her way was the way it

should be, even if it spat in the face of centuries of pureblood beliefs.

That had been her most cleverest alteration, to change the beliefs from

pureblood supremacy to magical supremacy. The moral high ground was

to be maintained through guiding individuals and children into the right

way of thinking, to integrate them into productive members of common

society and eliminate the contamination of the muggle world into their

own at the same time.

It helped of course that her ideas were in line with the traditionally

minded nobility…those who wanted a return to ancient traditions that

had been suppressed due to being considered as pagan and a danger to

exposure to the muggles.

And now with the reveal of Illos and her status as royalty in a magical-

only kingdom, the only one of its kind…well, to say many felt vindicated

in their support of her more than they already were would be an


The news that made its way to Britain thanks to the Daily Prophet, had

made Illos seem like a veritable magical paradise, one where magical

tradition, culture and spirituality were embraced by every single citizen.

Atticus Sayre, the man and his family the previous 'corrupt' government

had ousted, the man who many had seen grow up from the golden boy he

had been into Britain's prodigal son who defeated the greatest threat to

the magical world had ever seen, had done exactly what he promised to

do in Britain…just somewhere else.

To say that the images, the news and the account of many formerly

British citizens had created interest would be an unquantifiable


All across Britain, in its shopping and residential centres, he knew that

Illos was something that was discussed daily even now, even weeks after

the news was broken.

And he knew that Atticus Sayre's legend was resurgent in a way that

reminded him of the days just after his defeat of Grindelwald. That

coupled with the adoration many of the people had for Emily Sayre who

helped improve their daily lives…

Not many found the idea of two of the greatest British magicals –

everyone and their mother still claimed them to be one of their own – as

royalty as offensive which was surprising given that not even Merlin

reborn would have such considerations.

It was ironic given that Magical Britain had a…complicated history with


British magical nobility even more so.

From Alfred to William the Conqueror, to Richard the Third, to Mary

Queen of Scots to Queen Anne of Great Britain, none of those Kings and

Queens had truly been considered as the Sovereign of the magical peoples

of the Isles.

Only once in their history had they really considered any royal member

proudly as one of their own and that had been Princess Morgana, the half

sister of King Arthur, the Archmage witch that history had cast as a Dark

Lady by history thanks to Merlin as a consequence of her threat to King

Arthur's reign.

'Of course she was actually a Dark Lady but that wasn't a crime, it was only a

negative term given by political opponents' Abraxas mused silently to


In any case, the news had sparked massive amounts of interest and as

more information was being released about Illos, more and more people

grew envious as people they recognised and knew and were related to

prospering in ways that seemed incredible to most ordinary people. To

see those people prospering when many British people, whilst doing much

better now, had suffered for years…

Fortunately, it was not angry envy…not even slightly.

Rather it was covetous, one that had people readily research and discuss

the ancient kingdom of Camelot, the last True kingdom that wizards and

witches had been able to call their own.

Combined with the people's resurgent fascination in magical history,

further strengthened by the plays about King Arthur, Excalibur and other

cultural propaganda shown in the Nine Realms Theatre, the idea of Illos

was proving to be more enticing than any could have imagined.

Which alarmed a number of their strongest detractors about where things

were going. Much to his amusement. It was already too late, he mused to


History had a kind of momentum of its own and right now, they were in

freefall towards the inevitability.

After all…

It was at their hands history was tumbling towards this inevitable


Silence reigned for a few moments until the Minister collapsed in on


"V-very well." Livermore said with a defeated sigh before he eyed Nott,

surprisingly no hint of disdain in his eyes "You know the ramifications for

Britain should the ICW find out about our mission will be grave."

"Ramifications that will be of little consequence." Nott dismissed

emotionlessly "Our economy can withstand the sanctions they may place

on us. Trade with Illos, Japan, MACUSA and even South America would

easily fill the gap in our economy."

"I wasn't simply speaking economically." Livermore noted critically. "As

you are well aware."

Abraxas smiled thinly at Livermore "And equally it is of little concern.

The ICW will be dealt with." Abraxas' smile sharpened "It is an


Livermore said nothing for a moment as he stared at Abraxas before he

nodded, seemingly accepting their words for the truth they were. "I am a

loyal servant of Her Majesty." He simply said and Nott leaned back in his

seat, a pleased expression shadowing his face. And with that, they were

all aligned once more.

"Excellent." Abraxas said with a nod as he made to stand up and before

he made to leave he added "We leave early tomorrow. Dress in your

finest Minister."

A day later and an uncomfortable portkey journey later, they arrived at a

silver grey polished stone place, a plaza he'd only been to twice before.

He frowned slightly and he noticed the others who'd been before did the

same. Illos felt…different. Magic felt…thicker, more plentiful, more

substantial. More than even Hogwarts.

He turned to Nott and he was almost surprised to see the man almost

look hungry.

He returned his eyes to the waiting party. There were six people in front

of him though only two were dressed somewhat normally as the other

four wearing silver armour.

Noises of surprise rang around him and he looked towards the sounds.

There were seven others with him.

Amongst them, only Lestrange and Nott had been here before.

"Welcome" the man who seemed to be in charge said as he stepped

forward. "To Belva Hallos Terminal."

"And who are you?" Livermore questioned before he looked to Saunders

who Livermore recognised from the papers.

"I am Ryan Smith-Rowe, the Chief Representative of Illos…the equivalent

of a Minister of Magic." He gestured to his right where Saunders was.

"And this is the High Chancellor Sandra Saunders who is a senior member

of the Illosian government." He explained before he paused momentarily

"There isn't quite the equivalent of what she does however she is at equal

rank to myself."

Abraxas inclined his head towards her which she returned with a neutral


Over the years he'd begun to respect her despite her unfortunate blood

status. She was fully committed to the goals of their mutual leaders and

had fully integrated into the magical world. She was a symbol for those

of similar backgrounds to aspire to.

"I see." Livermore said a little more reserved – and guarded – as he

straightened himself out a little.

Abraxas exchanged a look with Lestrange before he glanced at Sidwell

who looked unconcerned. Abraxas never did find out why Director of the

DOM was requested to come to what was essentially a 'diplomatic'


"I am Jacob Livermore, the British Minister of Magic." He gestured to the

rest of the company "With me are Lords Lestrange, Nott and Malfoy along

with Misters Proudmore and Diggory who are senior members of

Ouroboros" and then he gestured specifically to the other two "And these

are the Chief Unspeakable Sidwell of the DOM and the Head Director of

International Cooperation Siegfried Davos."

Rowe nodded to them before he gestured towards the exits "If you follow

me, we will depart towards the Main Tower, our governmental building."

"I thought we were here to meet His and Her Majesty?" Livermore said

with a frown as they began walking.

"Their Graces will meet you in time." Saunders only said as they

descended down the stairs. They followed silently knowing that they

were being made to wait purposefully.

Abraxas watched the expression of his companions.

Livermore, Davos and Diggory were all impressed though the latter two

hid their awe at the architecture of the station poorly.

It wasn't long before they reached the bottom of the stairs and made their

way towards the open platform and it was here that Livermore had

slackened his indifferent expression into an open display of awe as they

gazed open the massive country that was Illos.

"How large is Illos?" Diggory asked with a small hint of trepidation in his

voice. The papers never really showed scale of Illos, nor the massive

metal frame that encircled the country like how the Alpen mountains

encircled magical villages in hidden valleys.

"About the size of Crete. About 8000 square kilometres." Saunders said

casually and he heard Livermore choke slightly before he recomposed


"Impressive." Livermore said, this time excitement overcoming him and it

wasn't hard to guess what Livermore might be thinking. That amount of

space could host millions of wizards and witches.

No doubt that once things were in full swing, there would be a heavy

demand to purchase land on Illos. He glanced at Nott who smiled

knowingly at Abraxas.

It seemed that Nott had the same idea.

It wasn't long before they were in the air in a skymobile. Aside from

Diggory excitedly chatting with Rowe about how it worked and if it

would be included in the trade agreements, the journey had been mostly


No doubt Sidwell and the other first timers were taking in all they could

in their trip.

After a brief settling in their hotel, they were brought for brief

discussions with Saunders and Rowe as they lined up an agenda. It

seemed like they would not meet with His and Her Majesty today or


The day of tourism as Saunders so usefully supplied, had been

informative, even for him as he'd gotten to know how much things had

changed in the years since he'd last been here. And things had changed


The population doubled and all around Illos, there were simply more as

they were taken on tour starting from watching a game of Threepeller at

the Thunder Arena to the shopping districts to the Pandrosion Institute

that admittedly rivalled Hogwarts for beauty.

Their tour ended with the Temple of Celestis, a massive temple on the

outskirts of the city which had a hundred foot statue of Lady Magic

merged into the domed temple that radiated magnificently in the light of

the three artificial suns.

It was the highlight of the tour, going to this temple, a temple that was

almost as tall as the 'Main Tower'. From almost anywhere in the city, one

could see the beckoning Lady Magic as she held a spear in one hand and a

golden apple in the other with the golden armour and the golden crown

alight like a beacon almost like calling one to prayer.

The path that directly led to the temple was long yet he could not

imagine anyone tiring from walking towards the temple. Perfect trees and

perfect grass were on either side of the path and as he entered the

temple, his breath was taken away by beauty of the art.

Paintings and portraits of popular depictions of Lady Magic in all kinds of

cultures adorned the great walls of the multi-floored temple.

There were paintings of a gentle Hecate, a triumphant Shakti, a powerful

Circe, an embracing Isis, a loving Freya, a seductive Angitia and a

wrathful Morrigan.

The robes, the clothing and the togas moved in undulating waves as the

bodies stood still like anchors. He'd never seen such magnificence in all

of his life and it was without question he would hire this Fatimah to

make such work for him in the future.

There were some eight floors to the temple, each floor dedicated to some

version of Lady Magic throughout the magical world allowing any

magical to pray to their culture's version. There were not any organised

kinds of prayer, no, magicals did not conform to religion, instead it was

left to the individual to find their spirituality.

He'd seen a few people pray in their own way, some sitting before a small

statue of Lady Magic in silence whilst others elaborately weaved orchids

or light around them whilst chanting quietly in Latin.

Hours past and as the rest of their party returned to the hotel to prepare

for their meeting with His and Her Majesty, Abraxas stayed behind to

admire the art and the temple itself.

He wasn't the only one either.

After a little while, he came across Sidwell staring at a painting of

Morrigan below a dark cloud only brightened by streaks of lightning

amidst a backdrop of moving rain the colour of blood and Abraxas stood

next to him.

"Fascinating, isn't it?" Sidwell enthused, his gaze still on the painting.

"Yes…it's powerful image." Abraxas confirmed as he stared at the

painting. In the distance, one could see nearly a dozen hills yet those hills

were too…oddly shaped. They were wavey, ribbed hills and if one looked

closely, it almost began to resemble mountains of bodies. It wasn't

surprising given who Morrigan was from legend.

"A tribute to the might of magic." Abraxas added as he stared at the

streaks of lightning. Sidwell turned slightly to him and seemed to look at

Abraxas from the corner of his eyes.

"I would have agreed had I not noticed the shoulders." Sidwell stated

before returning his gaze to the painting.

Abraxas lightly frowned as he looked at the painting and took in

Morrigan's form. Her back was all that could be seen but her stance and

the way the painting was framed had her at the centre of the painting,

like she was the linchpin, the important figure in the message of the

painting. Yet as he looked closer…he began to see.

She was…slumping.

Her shoulders were not tall or level they were buckled, cast down as if

there was weight pulling her down. Her posture was not straight but

rather almost hunched. "I see it." Abraxas said as he turned to look at the

rest of the painting for more clues.

The Morrigan was associated with war and fate but there was also the

lesser known association of magic and nature. He had thought it was the

latter associations that had he included in the band of known names of

Lady Magic but perhaps not.

"It is a tragedy." Sidwell noted after a few moments of silence as he raised

his chin as he brought his brows down in a scrutinising way.

"For her? Or for them?" Abraxas questioned as he stared at the mountain

of bodies.

"For us." Sidwell corrected and Abraxas turned to Sidwell who wore an

expressionless face. "We have lost much in war, our kind." Sidwell said


"The magic taught in schools whilst more pragmatic and utilitarian pale

to the more…raw forms of magic that our ancestors once used. Most of

which is long dead, forgotten by and burned away from history." Sidwell

glanced at him momentarily before returning his gaze to the painting. He

remained silent for some time before he spoke again.

"Thousands of years of conflict has weathered away our knowledge.

Thousands of years of magicals killing one another after the loss of

Atlantis, each generation losing more knowledge than the last." Sidwell

turned to him and Abraxas intently studied the man.

"You think The Morrigan slumped form in is indicative of her mourning of

those happenings?" Abraxas questioned curiously as he eyed the painting

with scrutiny.

"In some way or another." Sidwell said musingly.

The way he was speaking…it was likely he knew more than Abraxas

previously thought about the Sayres' greater plans about the magical


Abraxas had not spent much time talking with the man who rose through

the Department of Mysteries in a quiet affair – Rockwood never spoke of

the goings on in his workplace – but he did know that the man had some

close association with their leader.

Whatever he was here for, Abraxas was certain that it was linked to

whatever she needed in Department of Mystery and it was likely linked

to the current happenings.

"The mountain of bodies is symbolic in many ways. It took a great many

mountain of bodies to get where we are for good or ill and it will be up

to us to ensure we do not end up as the final mount." Sidwell said before

he took his leave, leaving Abraxas on his own to ponder Sidwell's words

and what he might know.

A day later, he stood before a massive set of doors at the Main Tower.

The massive silvery grey doors, engraved with golden runic symbols that

he had difficulty placing, opened with a heavy thud and they were led

inside by the armoured guards.

Livermore, Diggory and Davos were quiet as they all walked in though he

could feel the nervousness radiate from them. The assuredness they had

in their meeting with Saunders and Rowe had disappeared like ash

carried away in a gust of wind.

He shared a glance with Lestrange and Nott, one looking almost giddy

whilst the other had an intensity in his gaze, and knew that this was new

territory for them as well.

This would be the first time they'd see her in over a year and the first

time since she'd been elevated as Queen. He had not seen Atticus Sayre

years longer.

They quietly walked into the huge chamber, their feet echoing quietly in

the multi-storied high ceiling that gleamed with silver ornaments whilst

the white pillars shone almost like rods of white light with the way the

sunlight was hitting them through the arched windows at the edges of

the ceiling.

Though that was not what drew all of their attentions. They came to a

stop in front a set of steps, their eyes affixed on the two who sat before

them in huge chairs ornamented with Sphinx symbols and Serpentine


They were attired in purple robes with Atticus Sayre's robes accentuated

with silver whilst hers was accentuated with dark green.

A flag with a purple green Sphinx in flight was surrounded by a circular

dark green serpent that framed the crest stood proudly behind their seats

next to the strange flag he'd seen all around Illos of a purple tree like

stump with white roots growing from the stump reaching out to blue,

yellow and green stars.

Their expressions were expressionless but their eyes were aglow, his eyes

a maelstrom of purple and greens whilst hers were near black blue hue of


He could almost hear the crackling magic and the hissing sound of the

burning air amidst the indomitable aura they so effortlessly exuded.

Even from this distance, he could feel instinctively of the imbalance of


That the two before him within an instance could make that imbalance

into physical reality if they chose to unleash the restraint on the magic

that roiled underneath their skin, magic that churned in unfathomable


The way they looked and felt and held themselves in smouldering

authority, it was almost inhuman, almost as if they were like two beings

of divinity whose very radiance could burn them into ash if they got too


It would have been laughable if it hadn't felt closer to the truth than not.

And he knew that the others felt the same the way the air surrounding

them grew thick with tension, thick with the weight of authority the two

before them had.

An authority that all of them felt despite their lack of crowns.

'How far they had come…' Abraxas mused to himself.

In hindsight, the two of them had always been marked for greatness. He'd

seen both of their rises almost from the beginning and he scarcely could

believe he was present for almost all of it...or that these inhuman beings

had such…human beginnings.

And as he stared at them, their lack of crowns seemed…irrelevant.

Crowns didn't matter.

It wasn't needed and he did what his senses screamed at him to do.

He bowed.

"Your Majesties." Abraxas said in a calm smooth tone as he bowed from

the hip, his back perfectly level as he stared at the steps before him.

A chorus of 'Your Majesties' immediately followed.

"Rise" Atticus' commanding tone was unmistakable and neither was the

immediate effect it had on all of them as they rose as one.

"Your Majesties." Livermore began, his voice was surprisingly calmer than

Abraxas might have thought him capable "I am honoured to be here


He looked at Her Majesty and his head dipped once more "Your Grace" he

said with his voice woven with a sense of reverence.

"Henry. It is good to see you again. I am glad you chose to come despite

the short notice." Her Majesty said with piercing dark blue eyes.

"I am of Ouroboros." Livermore only said as his head dipper deeper. 'I am

your servant' had been left unsaid but it was not needed.

Her Majesty's expressionless face broke and a hint of a smile made its

way on her face yet "Good." Her eyes trailed across towards the rest of


"Then you understand at least in some way why you're here."

Livermore stood straighter "I do." He confirmed before he glanced at the

others in his government. "We do." Diggory and Davos bowed their heads

in confirmation.

Her gaze turned from them and turned towards him, Lestrange and Nott

and it was a gaze that seemed to make time itself obey her as the

moment stretched into infinity.

In their world power was everything.

Blood, Nobility, Magic.

In the aftermath of the muggle plot against Magical Britain, many in

Ouroboros despised muggles especially the muggle royals with a cold

hatred in their hearts.

Who were the muggles to command them?

Who were the muggles to think they could hold their magic hostage as

they destroyed everything that made them who they were?

They were nothing but muggles who got lucky with Merlin's


Yet, as he stood here, in the presence of those who had pure magic

running through their veins as if it was blood itself, those who were

favoured by Lady Magic in a way that made him a believer of her

existence as an entity…

Momentarily all that came to mind was…they had the Right.

A fleeting thought passed through him, about his surprising acceptance of

their unparalleled greatness, of their Right over him.

Perhaps it was because he had fourteen years to come to terms with it,

fourteen years after he witnessed them bring down a massive piece of

rock from the lifeless Void that they shaped into the realm of magic that

was Illos.

Maybe it wasn't just that either, perhaps the years of his association with

her and by proxy him had been enough for him to simply know that

Magic favoured them.

It was a simple truth equal to the certainty that the sun rose and fell.

It simply was, this truth that Magic favoured them just as he knew by

experience that they favoured Magic above all else and it was because all

of that that he knew…knew that they truly had the Divine Right.

A Right that hadn't come from some false God that hated their kind but

from Lady Magic herself. A Right that Dark Lords and Ladies and rulers

unconsciously tried to tap into but never managed to fully channel.

Not since admittedly King Arthur. Not since ancient Wizard-Kings of


Not until now.

He glanced at Nott and then Lestrange before he returned his gaze back

at His and Her Majesty. The look on the King's face seemed to indicate

that he knew what Abraxas was thinking.

Abraxas bowed his head before he took a knee.

In their world power was everything.

Blood, Nobility, Magic.

"I, Abraxas Septimus Malfoy, pledge my loyalty and that of House Malfoy

to the Royal Houses of Sayre and Slytherin. This I so swear!"

Golden magic encircled him and he felt a binding settled around him, a

binding that wasn't uncomfortable though he could feel its pull towards


He looked up and saw the shocked looks of Livermore, of Davos and

Diggory on him. Not surprising given it is the first and only time they'd

ever see a Malfoy on their knees. They would soon enough join him.

Neither Nott or Lestrange had such shocked looks, at least not overtly.

Amusedly, he wondered how much it offended either of them that he did

it first.

He turned his gaze towards his monarchs and he wasn't disappointed.

On the King's face there was a look of acceptance, a look that spoke of his

understanding of why Abraxas did what he did and on hers…

Unbridled glee shone in her eyes and a look of satisfaction and Abraxas

knew for certain now that House Malfoy's position was more secure than

it had ever been.

'To survive and thrive wherever the coin fell'

Those were words Malfoys knew and lived by.

Abraxas had never been content with simply surviving and the magical

world would bow before these two. He knew this to be the will of Magic


And when the magical world bowed before these two, House Malfoy

would behind them above all the others.

Not because of magic, not because of a Divine Right but because of the

will of Abraxas Septimus Malfoy.

A glimmer of assurance shone in his eyes as he stared at the two before

him from his kneeling position. Their greatness would thrust House

Malfoy into what it was always meant to be.

That was the promise that Abraxas would live by.


Hypatia Agoralos POV

She pulled herself out of time with a quiet gasp with a profound sadness

gripping her heart. Why? She wondered. What was the point?

'You know why…' the quiet voice of Atticus interceded in her thoughts.

She knew why. She knew the point. She just didn't want to understand

and her travels through Living Time aimed at trying to find out how to

avoid it.

She never found a way. It was almost as if it had to happen. That so many

thousands of people would have to die because of the uncompromising

beliefs of one tiny group of people who thought they knew what was best

for the future of Magekind.

That war was inevitable because of the threat Illos and its ideals and the

future path that it opened for the rest of their kind were posed to their

machinations for a slim almost impossible future of a united muggle and

magical world.

The war was inevitable when the world threatened to become a darker

place under the shadows cast by the Raven's wings where she'd Seen

people take a deep savage joy in destruction and murder.

She let off a breathless sigh as she closed her eyes momentarily.

All of her life she had thought war was a pointless exercise that weak

people allowed to dominate them, that people allowed the primitive parts

of their biology to dominate over them.

They had magic.

They had powers to alter reality, to create everything they would ever

need. Why would they need to war when nothing was out of reach for

them? When no one would have to go hungry, or be homeless or without

purpose when magic gave so much?

Bitterly, she thought, it wasn't enough…to simply have magic. People

had ideals, people had beliefs how the world should work, who shouldn't

be part of the world…

It seemed like war was part of human instinct, part of their genetics that

only transcended in complexity even if at its roots it was simple.

Denying others what they want or need

She looked up and met his gaze as he sat across from her in the same

lotus position she was in. She must have looked desperate, harrowing

even, with the way he looked at her with eyes that filled with sympathy

even as his face was set in grim acceptance.

Her shoulders slumped in defeat and in sorrow even as her eyes met his

in silent understanding. She had Seen this conversation.

She knew the exactness of the words that would be said. Her questions

were always the same each time she Looked. Each time she fell through

the images in motion.

And his answers were always the same just as his expression of sympathy

and acceptance never altered. "It is unavoidable?" she asked quietly and

sounding as desperate as she had Seen a dozen versions of herself.

"Yes." Was his simple answer but the tone conveyed so much more.

How often had he tried to change the future? How often had they

prevented it?

She broke away her gaze and looked past him and into the peaceful

gardens of Sayre Manor. Her gaze settled onto the ancient Persea tree,

the lone tree that overshadowed all other life in the gardens.

"Other possibilities exist." She said, going through the motions.

"They do." He confirmed "None of them bear fruit. Not in the way you

would want."

Her expression broke into deep sadness "Why?"

He said nothing for a moment. The artificial winds swayed the Persea

tree with a gentle caress, the rustling leaves almost chimed musically. It

was beautiful.

She wanted to lose herself to this ambience but she knew it was only

eight seconds until it was ruined, until he spoke and told her of the

narrow path they wanted it all to happen so that Illos could not grow to

what it could be.

Three, two one…

The light shimmered slightly and she blinked. 'What…'

He still said nothing seconds later and her eyes widened in shock as her

mind caught up on the impossibility and she turned to him and saw a

triumphant gleam in his unique green and violet eyes "How?!" she


She'd tried and tried for days and each time the likely possibilities were

only slightly different. Never had she ever encountered this moment in all

of her visions.

"With great difficulty" he admitted with a vague smile.

She felt like she was about to burst with questions before she could, he

spoke again.

"I will explain later." He said as he outstretched his hand.

She kept her tongue deciding to wait and she eyed his hand curiously

before looking at him quizzically "Give me your mother's necklace." He

said to her and she frowned but as she made to speak he conjured a coin.

"Heads you say yes, Tails…no."

The coin floated towards her and she picked up the coin and she looked

it over. It was her face and the face of a serpent tail on the other side.

She looked at him once more and he had an unreadable expression on his

face and she just decided to flick the coin. When he got all 'Mysterious

Sage', there was annoyingly very little she could do but to play along

until they got to the end of whatever learning moment they were in.

The coin soared into the air with a ding and a shiver went down her

back, a shiver as a result of the strange tingling sensation that seemed

travel through her spine which almost felt like a sense of déjà vu passing

over her half a second before the coin landed back into her hand.

She blinked away the strange sensation and opened her palm and the

serpent tail stared back at her. She looked to him "Tails." She said with a

deep sense of curiosity tinging her voice. He closed his eyes, seemingly

haven gotten what he wished for.

Moments passed, the soft sounds of rustling and dancing leaves in the

mild wind loomed over them before she felt something change. The sense

of déjà vu became pronounced, so pronounced that she felt like it was

crawling across her nerves.

It was discombobulating, the way the world seemed to break at the fault

lines, no it seemed to grow at the fault lines, breaking and splitting into

mirror images as she began to see an overlay of existence. She saw

doubles, traces of doubles wherever she looked. Two of Atticus, one hiding

behind the other. Two of the Persea tree and of the statue and she looked

down and saw her right hand turn into two.

And just as soon as the discombobulating feeling emerged, it disappeared

and she raised her towards him. Her eyes turned wide as her hands

turned to her neck instinctively but instead of finding comfort in the

presence of her necklace hanging off of her neck, she instead was


In his hands was the exact replica of her mother's necklace, her necklace.

"Why did you conjure a replica of my necklace?" she asked, her tone

conveying her confusion ably.

"It's not a replica" he said softly as the necklace floated towards her, his

voice carrying a level of gravitas that was surprising her and no less

confusing her furth-

Her jaw turned loose, her eyes impossibly wide as her shock became


The moment her hand touched the necklace, she knew.

Ooh, how could she not?

Her mother's enchantment sung the moment the necklace fell into her

hands, a song that echoed in harmonious symphony with the necklace

around her neck and she knew, despite the impossibly impossible

impossibility, that this somehow was her mother's necklace, her necklace.

Nothing could replicate her mother's enchantment, her magic that

imbibed the necklace with facets of her own magic and full weight of her

love for her daughter.

"This is my mother's necklace…" she said with clouded eyes that were on

the cusp of reigning. Her mother had died before she could teach her

how to make one herself.

She wanted to make one for Pandora but had been afraid to damage her

necklace that became so very part of her core, the nurturing and loving

magic that caressed her being and magic made everything so much

brighter and wonderful to experience.

But now…now she could try without losing what was part of her.

She looked at him, and saw that he had a kind look on his face though

there was a graveness in his eyes. She blinked, letting the errant build-up

of tears run amok across her face before she wiped them away with her


"That sense of déjà vu…." She trailed off, beginning to put things together

and he nodded silently before he looked away and over his shoulder

towards the Persea tree.

"That was you experiencing two moments in time at the same time." The

coin that she had dropped floated towards his hand and he played with

it, flipping it in between his fingers as he stared hard at it. "Two different

moments in time that could have, would have existed in different

timelines, in universes, but instead were brought to exist at the same

time, in the same moment." He said as the coin fell on its edge onto the


"B-b-but that's…" she tried to say as she troubled with grasping with the

full weight of what he was saying. He looked back at her and the emerald

flecks in his sea of violet shone beautifully like glowing embers of a dead

fire and for the first time in her life she was truly, utterly mesmerised by

the impossibility of the man before her.

It was breaking every single law she ever thought she knew. Laws of

magic, laws of the universe. She knew of the existence of alternate

timelines, alternative universes that infinitely came into existence with

every divergent choice that was ever made in any moment but to think

that one could cross that border between universes?

To cross and literally pull at time and space at the inception of the

creation of a new universe to bring in extra-universal matter into their

own universe?

Was it even crossing? She thought wondrously.

As she thought about it, it was more like taking advantage of a state of

existence that was indeterminable, like Schrodinger's Cat, where Atticus

simply took advantage of the fuzzy properties of Time and Reality to

create circumstances where both choices existed the same time.

She wanted to laugh and maybe even cry a little at the possibility of

something that she never even thought to think of being possible!

Atticus continued "Time…it was once described to me to flow in one

direction. That it could stretch, that it could be accelerated but that it

will never go back. This, I believed to be the truth of the universe." A

facetious smile seemed to make its way on his face as he looked briefly

towards the sky.

"Even now, the Monk teaches me." and she wondered who this Monk


He met her gaze "Time is so much more than simply a flow in one


He said it with such conviction that it felt like a universal truth and she

was pulled back into her earliest memories of when she'd been a child

with her parents telling her stories that she believed wholeheartedly and

without further consideration.

"More than just twinning roads or rivers or paths heading into one albeit

different directions. We see this, you and I, of these twinning rivers that

break the linearity of Time that most others perceive and understand but

there is an underlining state of possibilities that can be manipulated and

pulled and split apart and made to happen or made to disappear from

likelihood." He paused as he spared a glance at her necklace she held in

her hands, the same necklace that hung from her neck.

"We do this at present by manipulating our choices and choices of others

to change the most probable present into another present and in that

vein, we rip away the present and pull another present in its place."

"And that's what you kind of did but not?" she said with a frown thinking

aloud more than she was talking with him "In the first instance I mean

when you didn't behave as I had Seen you would."

He inclined his head, his expression breaking into an encouraging smile "I

ventured deeply into the somewhat unlikely possibilities, some near

thousand likely possibilities away, and was able to manipulate one of

those unlikely possibilities into occurring at that exact moment." He

paused momentarily.

And a thought clicked in her mind "Like what you did with the coin flip

and then later the necklace but in a slightly different way."

His smiled broadened "Yes. In the first instance, I manipulated the rivers

of time until the very last moment before I pulled in that unlikely


He turned the coin's faces again and again as he spoke "In that instance, I

pulled the lesser possibility whilst blinding you to the increasing

probability of that present happening." He stopped playing with the coin

as he looked directly at her.

"How?" she asked confused.

She didn't understand how Time itself could be deceived.

"Through affecting your Sight in Living Time itself." He said seriously.

He raised his hands and a conjuration that resembled the image in the

Biology Today Journal was created around them. Neurons, she

remembered. The conjuration was of strange similar blobs of neurons

that were clustered in both big and small blobs with threads and paths

that linked them all together.

"The structures of Time and of the universe itself are malleable." He

began as the conjuration began to light up in all kinds of ways.

"And Living Time is the underlying structure that binds many of the

structures of the universe together like a suture, and it is a structure that

we have a connection to.

It is that connection that allows us to see beyond our immediate space

and time, beyond our present and into dozens of futures that are the

cream of likely possibilities.

However, our connection is…limited. We can see the events, the choices

of others and our own choices that lead to a particular future but the

scope of our connection is limited for there are infinite choices, infinite

events and infinite spontaneity at any and every moment." He paused

momentarily as he met her gaze.

"Yet despite the limits of our connection to Living Time, one thing that is

not limited is our interconnectivity through Living Time." He said as his eyes

bored into her.

"Our choices connect one another, choices that are made in the past, that

are made in the present or made in the future, it matters not. That is how I

am able to deceive your perception for I am taking advantage of this

connection we share with Living Time to manipulate what you see in

Living Time itself."

She slumped slightly as her mind worked hard to consider what he was

saying. A flash above her drew her attentions and her eyes widened as

light travelled through a tunnel-esque…tunnel to another cluster of

neurons and her head swivelled back towards him. "You're like one of

those central clusters redirecting signals!"

Choices…it was all about choices.

The way he pulled the unlikely possibility into existing was only possible

because of the past, present and future choices that connected both of

them which allowed him to access to her connection to Living Time and

deceive her Sight.

His smile widened as he nodded with a pleased glint in his eyes.

Her brows furrowed before she looked her him intently "How can we

ever trust our visions if someone can manipulate them like that?" she

asked a little tentatively.

"That was the first time I was trying it" he said gently as he arched an


"It does not work on just anyone after all."

Right, she thought a little embarrassed. Plus, she would have known if

things didn't happen at all like she expected it would.

He continued "To assuage your fears, I believe we can trust our visions

because we're inherently capable of sensing sudden unusual changes to

the timeline." He said as he eyed her intently "You remember the sense of

déjà vu?"

She nodded carefully as she thought back on what she felt and her

eyebrows scrunched a little. "I…I think I felt something similar before."

She said as she met his gaze "Some kind of light?"

Atticus nodded pleased "That was as a consequence of reality…adjusting

for a lack of a better word as I pulled an unlikely present in the path of

the current present"

It made her feel a lot better to know that she could at least know when

she was being deceived. "But that would only happen in the moment" she

said with frown as she looked to him "Couldn't you manipulate Time and

keep someone blind?"

Atticus chuckled softly and looked at her with a proud look on his face.

"Hypatia, you amaze me." Atticus said appreciatively and she felt her

cheeks burn.

Before she could make a fool out of herself he continued "Yes. You could

manipulate Living Time to blind someone for an…extended period of

time." He said a lot more serious now. "I think it's far too difficult

however." He added, a more contemplative look on his face.

"I was able to do this to you because it was a small manipulation that I

was devoting much of my concentration and efforts on. I don't think it's…

practical to do it long term…especially if you're doing it to someone who

can See multiple possibilities. Even manipulating this path of possibility

into the current present while keeping you blind was almost as taxing as

it was to pull two opposite moments into the same moment of space." He

told her.

Hypatia nodded absentmindedly as she thought it over. She didn't know

how he did it, the way he manipulated her sight through this connection

they shared but she wasn't surprised that it took so much out of him.

"Will you teach me this?" she asked him as she looked up to him.

"I will." He told her as he tilted his head as their gazes were affixed onto

one another.

"After all, I want you to be as capable as I am when you teach our fellow

Seers at the Office of Far-Sight." He said to her and she gave him a small


She knew that this was pretty much her future. She had not seen any

different future where she wasn't the Overseer of the Office of Far-Sight.

Pandora would even one day join her after she finished Hogwarts.

"How did you do that anyway?" she asked as she sat a little straighter and

held a little tighter to her second necklace. "The coin and the necklace"

He smiled gently at her.

"The universe exists in all possible states, in any and every combination,

in the present and in the future until it can no longer support such

existence of possible states once they have become the past" he frowned

"Even then I am not sure that not even the past is safe." He said before

shaking his head and returning his gaze towards her.

"And in those possible states, it is possible to pull two moments into a

singular moment, a yes and a no, into the single moment of the present

forcing a merger of two opposing choices into consolidating into a

singular moment that accommodates both choices." He nodded towards

the necklace.

"When faced with an abnormality, with something that has a fuzzy

existence in reality, the universe in all of its malleability moves to

accommodate it."

She stared at the necklace before she looked to him, a helpless look on

her face.

"It's ridiculous." She said blankly.

Atticus laughed heartily before he smiled at her with an amused look on

his face "I know…I have learnt to simply accept that rules are merely

roadblocks to simply step aside from and just continue onwards."

A curious look fell on his face as Atticus looked up, his eyes setting on

the conjuration of the neurons that hovered above them "I believe that it

is an instinctive ability of our kind."

"To make a mockery of the universe?" she proposed in half-jest.

He smiled though he kept looking at the neurons. "In a way, yes. I think

we have been blessed as a species with the potential to reach the

pinnacle of existence."

She frowned as she took on his expression. There was a deep sense of

contemplation on his face. "Pinnacle of existence?" she wondered and her

eyes widened as the conjuration changed into a representation of

galaxies, countless of galaxies.

"Do you think our current existence, our current array of powers are all

that we are capable of?" Atticus posed as he stared at the galaxies with a

fervent look in his eyes.

"We have so much room for development, Hypatia. So so much." He said

as his voice trailed off in a whisper. "Even this sensitivity to sudden

abnormal changes to our timeline isn't unique to us Seers. I'm fairly

certain even those blind to Living Time have this genetic sensitivity.

Some even instinctively understand Time and the fundamentals of the

universe. It's what allowed the creation of Time Sands and the creation of

Time Turners." He said with a smile on his face before it fell away.

"Can you imagine where we could be in five hundred years, in a

thousand, in ten thousand?" he said almost to himself more than to her.

She looked up towards the galaxies.

Admittedly she had wondered.

She knew of their origins as a spacefaring civilisation. Of Moira's true

origins. Of Atticus' drive to see them on a completely different world.

But the war with Men of Symbols and the Ravenites was so destructive,

so horrific…

It dominated her mind as she saw Europe bathed in so much blood. Even

her own Greece was not spared of the atrocities of the Ravenites as they

took advantage of the war between the ICW and Illos.

All of it would be pointless if their people destroyed themselves in war.


"Atticus…" she whispered as a wonderful thought sparked into her mind.

"Yes." He simply said as he turned to her and she was taken aback by the

cold glint in his eyes. "Other possibilities exist." He said meaningfully.

She remembered.

"But not in the way I would want?" she asked tentatively.

The cold glint in his eyes that threatened to send shivers down her spine

disappeared and sympathetic look came across his face. "War is

unavoidable. But how it is fought isn't." he said and she understood.

She understood why he showed her…all of this.

She swallowed harshly as she broke off her gaze.

Without them, this war would not nearly be as bad as it could be.

In all of the futures she'd seen, they were like a shield for their forces that

cost so many Illosian lives to be lost. They were the cause that caused the

war to be extended for years and they were what would turn the magical

world against them slowly but surely.

She understood why he went to this extreme to find another way to break

the deadlock they were in.

"I-I understand." She said, her eyes closing.

It would change everything yet it would change nothing. The course was

already set, only now there would be war without them.

Only this time it was likely more of the 'enemy' would die than their

people would.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and she saw with wet eyes that he was

kneeling in front of her. She wasn't crying for them but she was crying of

the kind of choices they were saddled with.

"It is a gift. It is a curse." He said softly as he gently carried away her

tears with his thumbs. "But is not one either of us will carry alone. Nor

those who learn from us."

"I don't know if I am strong enough to make these kinds of choices." She

knew that eventually she'd be in a position to make such difficult choices.

Could she make a choice of who didn't deserve to live because of the

danger they posed to their people?

Could she make the choice of manipulating a person or a bunch of people

away from an event, a choice, that would lead to an unfavourable future?

"You're stronger than you think." Atticus told her as he sat back down in

front of her, a melancholic smile on his face "You will struggle with it.

More than I did. Less than I do. But you'll never lose yourself. Nor will

you allow me to lose myself." He said, surprising her.

She idly thought that she'd had more surprising this past hour than she

had in ages.

"I am not blind to the fact that this is a great and sometimes even terrible

power that we have. We literally can change the fate of anyone and

everyone." He said quietly before his eyes picked up and met her wet


"I am only human, Hypatia and I know my own shortcomings." He smiled

wryly. "Even if I don't seem like it" she chuckled a little wetly and he

smiled gently before he grew serious again.

"It is why I want this Office established. It will break the weight of the

decisions we have to make for the betterment of Illos into smaller chunks

and you Hypatia…" Atticus said with his voice picking up in strength.

"You will provide the foundation of the morality of the Office that will

last the ages. In time, choices such as the ones I'm having to make,

choices that I know are terrible even if they are lesser evils" Atticus said

with a melancholic smile.

She kept eye contact even if she wanted by instinct to look away. She

knew that Atticus had the capacity to truly do horrible things. Emily even

more so.

Both of them were capable of battling hundreds of wizards at the same

time and win. She'd seen them scorch and crack entire battlefields with

less more than a flick of their hands.

So often she'd seen them appear like vengeful archangels battling at the

end of times, their magic mere expressions of will as they altered entire

landscapes with the great and terrible powers.

"Will not even have to happen, not when they are stopped long before

they can even hope to happen." He finished.

She nodded. "Alright." She said as a newfound resolve settled within her

and as their eyes fixed onto each other, she knew that he understood that

she meant a lot more with that singular word.

Some would call her foolish, perhaps even terrible for the way she stuck

to him, the way she trusted him. She knew that Atticus wasn't perfect,

Merlin, she had Seen enough of what he could do, what he did do, to

know that.

But she also knew that it wasn't done with malice nor to innocents. There

was a deep humanity in him that he didn't really know that he had that

drove him to do all the good – and bad – that he did.

He cared.

He utterly, completely cared about the magical world. With all of his


And it was that that inspired her to stick with him, to help him with all of



It wasn't right for only one person to carry the weight of the magical

world on one set of shoulders. Not when they were in such a hostile

universe that would happily destroy all of them.

17. Chapter 79 Part III

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next chapter is available

on discord whilst at least the next three chapters after it are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

1st of August, 1957 – ICW

Gaston Ramirez POV

Outrage rang throughout the hallowed chambers of the International

Confederation of Wizards, a cacophony of howling sounds, sounds that

were reminiscent of riotous jackals. Calls and demands of and for harsh

action vaguely discernible and understood battled against the furious

accusations of sabotage and warmongering.

As Commander of International Affairs, an ICW body within the

organisation similar to the International Auror Department – though it

was little more than MOS's front – and as such he was privy to these halls

as part of his duties as the IA attaché.

He couldn't help but let a shadow of disappointment mar his face, a mere

fraction of his true contempt, as he stared at the men and women who

were responsible for much of the magical world.

Men and women that had decades of experience and with more than a

few exceeding well over fifteen decades in age bickered and shouted at

one another with self interest in mind, careless in their words and the

consequences they yielded, consequences that would plunge a world into

a war they didn't understand nor comprehended its goals.

As he stood watchful, he wondered how it came to be like this, how the

organisation he'd worked for since his early twenties had become such a

place of ignorance and self-interest in only sixty years.

'Don't be so naïve' the gravelly voice of his father chastised him, a voice

that often chastised or cynically corrected him of his erroneous and

sometimes idealistic thoughts and it was a voice that he had heard more

in the past few months than he had decades prior as he looked around at

the unimpressive visage of the Mugwumps.

'It was always there, it always is. The higher you are, the clearer you see the

smog and the more it sticks on you'

He could see his late father in his mind's eye, his father half hidden by his

straw hat as he wore his beloved and aged blue overalls, and he could

hear his father's words through a disappointed face ringing in his ears as

they often did whenever he spoke with burning calmness

'And you, my dear boy, have it caked on you like a second set of clothing'

With a rueful sombre thought, Gaston wondered if his father hadn't been

the wisest man he'd ever known before he soberly considered the

situation once more.

Things had moved so quickly in the past few months so much so that

ostracising Illos was no longer the immediate action. Not since MOS

suddenly changed direction and intensity that rippled through the

magical world with awful and shameful fury.

And perhaps it had been always there, that self-interest and blatant

misuse of power, but it never became so glaring or so filthy when MOS

began to act so heavily in the past few months.

He could see the touch they had on the Mugwumps, the way their hidden

hands guiding their actions and their whispered words out of their

mouths and it was like watching serpent dragon slowly but assuredly

swallow a live cow whole…feet first.

They were behind the antagonism, the antagonism that was pushing the

magical world into another war because of their obsession. He

understood their obsession and he understood their fear even more, the

interpretation of the prophecy – a prophecy he had confirmed to be true –

left little to imagination yet the manner in which they decided to act to

achieve the conditions in which the prophecy could not come to pass…

It gnawed at his sense of right and wrong, this warped grey muck that his

morals had turned into. Like an infection, it had disorientated him, left

him unbalanced as if one of his limbs turned into a rotting putrid lump

and it made him perpetually ashamed at the manipulations that he was

witness to…that he was accessory to.

More than a few times he felt…himself sink lower and lower into an

abyss with crystalized damnation, an awful depth he'd sunk to that he

couldn't escape from and it was a far cry from the moral heights he once

strove to and been destined to reach.

The change of tact and operation at International Affairs in the last few

months had been increasingly jarring each time he and his colleagues

intervened and made people change their minds – he remembered the

shameful times when he'd taken part and watched proud men turn

deathly pale with but a few words on parchment held with quivering

hands – and as time went on, and the results became more difficult to

swallow he was becoming numb to it all…accepting it all for what it was.

As the Supreme Mugwump got things under control as magic enforced

order into the chambers, he thought the fact that it was for the

betterment for the Magical world didn't help nearly as much as it

should…as he might have expected.

His gaze fell on the Bulgarian Mugwump who had been watching the

entire affair with what he could only describe as dispassionate

amusement as he lounged back in his seat, his sheer presence radiating as

he were a cat playing with a ball of yarn.

Cullaica was the epitome of what the ICW was becoming, the

consequence, the example of what International Affairs and MOS were

permitting to sit amongst what had once been a body of justice

committed to a united goal of seeing their world protected and preserved.

All because of their drive to stave off an apocalyptic future with any

means necessary

The characters of these people were unimportant, irrelevant in

comparison to the power they wielded, magical or political and such

deals with the devil couldn't be summed up better than the ones struck

with the Raven recently, a key weapon in the war to come.

Unsavoury politicians…

Foul men with poisonous beliefs who sought to infect others…

Dark wizards masquerading as civilised men...

All in the name of a preventing a prophecy that heralded the end of


"I thank you, honourable Supreme Mugwump" the Mugwump for Egypt

in a smile that raised Ramirez' hackles. It was the same oily smile he'd

seen on the faces of German, Austrian and Danish officials when he

pursued Grindelwald throughout Europe.

Boutros had grown in sizeable power over the past decade or so as he

consolidated power in the Egyptian Ministry with the considerable aid of

the ICW.

Cairo, the seat of the Egyptian Ministry was now beholden to the ICW.

Egypt, a people who could claim to be the first melting pot of wizarding

cultures, a people who have a magical history stretching back over six

thousand years, were now beholden to a foreign power in Alexandria for

the third time in their history.

Boutros looked around the chambers "I can understand the…intensity of

runaway emotion that my fellow colleagues have shown in this sacred

chambers. It is not with an easy heart that we must consider the

testimony of our esteemed colleagues."

Ramirez spared the diplomats who went to meet with Saunders a look.

The diplomats had been a combination of senior personnel from the

Administrative Agency and Mugwumps chosen by the Assembly. Most of

them hard faced yet the Spanish Mugwump looked miserable, almost

ashamed. Her testimony had been utterly emotionless and exact

accounting he'd ever heard before.

He felt a pang of sympathy for the woman.

Boutros seemed to inflate himself as he continued to speak, a stormy

expression on his face "Chancellor Saunders has made the position of

Illos clear and it is a position that we cannot accept." Murmurs of

approval rang around the chambers as the discordant voices were muted

by the volume of those who did agree.

"In their refusal to pay for the crimes of their leaders, they have made it

clear that they are not ready to be a nation amongst us. Not when they

choose to be led by criminals who are a danger to all of magic-kind!"

Boutros exclaimed furiously before he continued.

"It is for that reason that I ask this body enact ICW statute D10567AF

against the leaders of the rogue state known as Illos along with placing

indefinite sanctions against Illos and any that trade with this rogue

state!" Boutros shouted out and a chorus of approval rang around the


Ramirez felt a pit forming in his stomach as he stared around the fervent


There it was…

Despite the inevitability, despite the inescapable zenith that had always

been on the horizon, it still hit him in the chest with a blow that felt like

a furious swipe from a dragon's tail.

The spark that would lit the ocean of exploding fluid beneath their feet,

an act that would ripple through the magical world and scorch away any

attempts of peace and dialogue out of existence.

War with Illos was now inevitable.

D10567AF was a rarely used statute, one specially designed to allow the

ICW nearly carte blanche to deal with those who were deemed

'Dangerous and subversive influences to the integrity and safety of the

magical world' allowing them to indefinitely hold individuals to

imprisonment without trial…the same statute that had been enacted

against Grindelwald after his crimes could no longer be ignored.

The contented smiles littered the chambers whilst the troubled looks

were far and few in between and he knew that more would leave.

He closed his eyes momentarily and memories of reality torn asunder,

great and terrible magic wrought the world into unrecognisable slags of

earth, the very heavens torn open with black lightning and rotting magic

that clashed with annihilating power that broke the world with its

consuming rage and fury….

They smiled but they did not understand how awful the situation was,

how they had etched a conflict into existence that would swallow the

magical world whole. Time, it seemed, had eroded the magnitude of the

disparity of Atticus Sayre's power.

Grindelwald had not intended to win the war and he had come close


Had he truly been content to win the war and rule the Magical Europe,

chances are he might well have succeeded. The imbalance between what

he could do and the thousands of men he had at his beck and call would

have been enough.

And now…now they were joyous to want to war against an enemy that

boasted two Archmages, one likely to be the most powerful mage to ever

exist, and who have thousands of loyal mages at their backs willing to

sacrifice their lives for Atticus Sayre just as the Knights of Mimpost

would have done without question.

The necessity of the Raven and Cullaica never felt more sickening than in

this exact moment, the necessity of their power to be able to stand a

chance to defeat the Sayres…

Had he not seen the veracity of the prophecy himself…

He reopened his eyes and a hardness shone through his eyes that could

crush diamonds under the weight of his determination.

MOS were not blind, they were not ignorant of the impossibility they set

for their forces, for his men, to fight against an enemy could tear down

the very heavens with an expression of will alone.

It was why they divulged to him of their ability to See the future much

like Atticus Sayre could and why they believed they could avert this

prophecy with the existence of the Raven who was as much – or was

going to be – a powerhouse as Atticus Sayre himself was.

A deal struck with a Devil that may prove to be little better than

Grindelwald yet it was infinitely better than the apocalyptic future

Atticus Sayre would bring forth.

They were sacrificing the present to save the future and perhaps the

future that may replace the apocalyptic future would be worse than how

it was at present with blood purism running rampant in Europe, swathes

of Eastern Europe falling under the sphere of the Ravenites and the ICW

transforming into an authoritarian entity that imposed itself onto peoples

and governments without restraint yet…

Yet it was a future for the magical world even if he feared the path MOS

was taking.

He was not privy to their dealings beyond a certain degree, to their plans

which he only knew abstractly, only the objectives they set out for him to


In a way he was happy to be…ignorant…of the finer details of their plans

and he felt shamed by that admittance. In the end he only hoped they

understood despite their Sight that actions had consequences.

Prophecies were unwieldy phenomena, odes of ill tidings, of

inevitabilities or of inconsequence, it mattered not. Magic herself sung

those odes into the world through the mouths of her Prophets, odes that

went unheard far more often than they were heard, odes that would

never happen even if heard and he wished this prophecy had been an ode

that had been left unheard.

Prophecies were double edged swords without hilts and no one could

wield them – manipulate them – without suffering the consequences.


No matter his misgivings, no matter the guilt he felt for the actions he

took and permitted, in the end he would do what he'd always done.

He did not believe himself to be a good man, not anymore, not for a long

time now but he had always fought for the right side, the side that

prevailed over greater evils.

His grim smile fell off as the Supreme Mugwump called the vote, a cloud

of luminescent green lights overwhelming the few embers of reds, and he

turned on his heel towards the heavy set of doors, his face etched in a

hard stoic face.

In the end…in the end he would always fight for the right side. Even…

even if he hated himself for doing so.


Ferdinand Dolcino POV

"Symbols." Sariel began, his emotionless eyes roving around the room

before they settled onto him "The moment of our victory is fast

approaching." He said, a rare note of triumph creeping into his voice.

Ferdinand's mouth curled upward in a sneering but smirking fashion.

His efforts, his labours, had borne fruit, fruits of such magnitude that it

was historic.

Sariel had tasked him to recreate what their forebearers had been capable

of, to recreate feats lost for generations, promising death if he failed in

this mission.

It had taken him almost a year of non-stop meditation and labour that

nearly drove him mad to a way to break through his limitations, to find

out the chink in the armour of their implacable enemy, his only route to

stave away certain death at the hands of Sariel or Sayre and he'd finally

managed to two months ago.

He'd found a way to delay choices until at near the precise moment that

altered timelines, a way to make it seem like the future was always

heading down the left path until just before at the moment of no return

veering right preventing Sayre from being able to counter their actions.

It required immense concentration, immense willpower and so far only

Sariel and Ephesus were the only ones capable of it other than him.

No longer were they constrained to reacting to Sayre's changing, no

longer were they playing a chess match on a board made of Fate with

endless pieces that sapped at them but now…now they could ensnare

Sayre into a trap, a trap of their making that would make it too late for

him not to arrive at death's door…or his people.

Collaborators that Sayre worked inhumanly to hide from their gaze and

those that they did see were whisked away before their men could

apprehend them.

The times when they came close, the Hounds of Death had come and

intervened, often leaving a trail of death in their wake. It was in one of

those instances that made it clear that Sayre had rules to this game, rules

that made it clear direct actions against him, his family or his people

would result in the same consequences.

Again and again, their visions had changed to gruesome deaths until they

had to concede, having to admit defeat and swallow their pride and play

the game in the narrow terms Sayre forced them into.

Now, they had the upper hand.

The only issue with this ability was that the future became blind, the

right fork of the road was as dark as shadows, a future that they

conspiring to make happen but one they could not view due to their

trajectory towards the left fork that would continue until it was changed

at the last moment.

However, their enemy would be just as blind as they were and the

undeniable advantage they now held access to was what was going to

win them this war.

A war that was coming to an end soon with the destruction of Illos and

the death of the Sayres. They would deal with the Ravenites afterwards

and the Design as they saw fit would come into being.

Pergamom scowled angrily but said nothing and the smirk on Ferdinand's

face deepened. As a consequence of the others'…limitations, they were

kept ignorant to ensure that the advantage was kept lest their enemy

learn before they could strike a deathblow against him.

Pergamom's growing exclusion from matters of the Three all but heralded

his own rise to the leadership of their organisation. Loadicea's death had

been a great boon for it kept Pergamom's anger contained lest he find

himself equally bereft of life.

In any case, there was little that would be discussed of value in this

meeting. All of this was theatre in a way and they all knew it even if they

were unaware of the details, theatre meant to ensure that the fork would

continue on its trajectory without issue.

An hour passed as they went through the motions before he was left

alone with Sariel and Ephesus. "Ramirez will soon be on his way to

retrieve the asset" Ephesus said.

"A slight deviation to the timeline but nothing major." Sariel titled his

head towards him "It seems like Sayre has remained limited as we


A pattern had been established that made it clear that Sayre had

limitations, glaring limitations that they determined after they analysed

every single action and reaction of themselves and Sayre.

He was vulnerable to the actions of others and to the actions that would

not be apparent if they were set to pay off far enough in the future. They

determined his limit was thirty years in the future, a far cry from their

ability to see until the end of their timelines which before the veil had

been stripped had been to their deaths more than a hundred years in the

future for some of them.

Ferdinand was sceptical however "The test might have succeeded but it is

not conclusive." He said pointedly. They set in motion a plan to

assassinate the entire Sayre bloodline some thirty-five years in the future

and it still continued apace without any interference.

"No." Ephesus agreed "However if you consider all the individual tests

that we have gathered on his abilities, it is clear that it is far more

probable that he is limited in his ability with Celestial time."

"We have argued this point enough times" Sariel said dismissively "In the

end, over-caution without proof of validity will only guarantee our

defeat, not enable it."

Ferdinand sneered internally though he grudgingly agreed with the


"Now" Sariel said as he folded his hands onto the table, his emotionless

eyes roving between him and Ephesus "Let us address the unacceptable

mobilisation times of our forces."


3rd of August, 1957 – St. Mungos Hospital

Dorea Potter POV

Dorea looked over the file of her next patient, a small frown on her face

as she looked over the stated symptoms. It was an unusual reaction but

not entirely uncommon. She got up from her seat and left her office

towards the waiting room.

The waiting room in the Dai Llewellyn Ward was relatively sparse this

evening and there were only about six people waiting.

"Mr Sycamore?" She called out and a middle aged kindly looking man

dressed in worn robes stood up. He had a few scars on his neck and the

bottom of his jaw as well, old looking scars. She could see the swollen

hand with two distinct bite marks on the lower part of the back of his


"Ma'am" the man said in his surprisingly baroque voice.

"Follow me please." Dorea said as she smiled politely at the man and she

took him to her clinical room. As a Senior Healer, they were required to

take clinic duties across the different floors when cases in their area of

expertise were light.

She waved her wand over his hand, a light yellow glow wrapped around

his hand "And it's been throbbing despite applying Essence of Dittany?"

Dorea asked as her magic intuitively communicated the results of her

scans to her.

"Yes." Mr Sycamore said with a wince as he bent his fingers slightly "I've

been bitten before, a few decades ago, and all it took then was a little bit

of dittany."

She hummed as she stopped her scan and went towards her cabinet

before she returned with a few different healing balms "It's not

uncommon to develop immunity to dittany." She paused as she applied

one of the stronger curative healing balms on the outskirts of his wound

"You're in the creature rearing industry correct?" she asked with a glance

at the man's face.

The man nodded "Yes. Over seventy years now"

"Likely used dittany often to treat wounds in that time too" she surmised

and the man nodded affirmatively. A few tests later that tested his

reactions to the healing balms, she determined which healing balm was

best suited for the man.

"You have to reapply the Sanding Burdock balm again tomorrow around

midday." She said as she wrapped the man's hand up that was lathed in

the balm underneath the cloth "Only once more and you'll be as good as

new" she said with a small smile before she grew a little serious.

"I'd advise you stop using dittany to treat any wounds you may receive at

work. At best it will only stop bleeding instead of knitting the wounds

close." She told him as she got up and handed the man a small pot of the

burdock balm who took it appreciatively from her hands.

"Oh, I will have to get rid of it then." The man said with a sigh before he

looked to her with an appreciative smile

"Thank you Ma'am." The man said with a bow of the head.

Dorea smiled at the man before she led the man out of her temporary


It was almost nine o'clock in the evening when she had seen her last

patient and she felt like a bag of potatoes by the time she finished.

Charlus was likely still in the office today knowing that she would finish

late so she decided to spend a bit of time at the staff lounge with her

colleagues before she went home to sleep.

She walked through staff canteen and stopped in her tracks at the sight of

her colleagues crowding the M-TV with seats arranged in a semicircle

that were all filled were whilst there were a few people standing behind

the sofas. She quickly walked towards them with a frown on her face and

saw that they were watching Percival Prewett, the famous anchor man of

Evening News on the Camelot Britannia channel, discussing about what

the Minister might have to say.

She stopped next to Jack Greaves who stood with his arms folded and a

concerned frown on his face and asked with surprise in her voice "What's

going on?"

Greaves looked towards her "Prewett said that the Minister is making an

emergency announcement at nine pm" Greaves broke his gaze and looked

at the clock "In about four minutes." He said as he looked to her with

careful smile.

"You made it just in time, Dorea."

It was strange for the Minister to make announcements in the late

evening on the Screen. She listened to the discussions by Prewett and his

guests but it was mostly speculation it seemed like. "And there isn't any

clue what it might be about?"

"No." Greaves confirmed "Most people think it's related to Illos though."

He said without hesitation in his voice.

Dorea's expression remained carefully non-reactive to what he said.

"Why?" she asked already thinking it might be related to the disastrous

negotiations in New York.

"The Minister hasn't really once spoken about Illos ever, has he?" she

added. It was a criticism of the Minister that was levied against them.

The public hadn't been demanding anything – yet – but that was mostly

because of the wariness towards the ICW who were cracking down

against any nation that wanted to associate with Illos.

Greaves looked at her with a curious look "True." He conceded "But other

world leaders have spoken about Illos" he said with a concerned tone

before he shook his head "The Minister can't really keep his quiet any

further." Greaves said with thinned lips as he turned his gaze to the


"I don't envy him." Greaves said quietly "But I think he'll do the right

thing. It's about time given how blatant the injustice is." He said with

quiet confidence.

Dorea swallowed a little harshly as she turned to the Screen.


A word that felt so heavy with all that was attached to it.

And it was a word that felt righter than most others. The way that the

ICW treated Atticus Sayre – and Illos – was not right and it reminded her

so much of the previous Ministry.

So much had changed over the past few years, change that she could

scarcely believe was possible was now something she expected to always

remain the same.

Blood purism that ran riot in Germany and in Norway and once upon a

time had dominated in Magical Britain was almost a thing of the past

now. Almost of course.

There was not a chance in hell, she imagined, that the British nobility

would allow their heirs to marry a muggleborn but a cousin far removed

from the direct line of succession? The idea was no longer preposterous

and even in some circles welcomed in a bid to 'diversify' blood for the

future as research into squib births was proving to support the infamous

report on Muggleborn and their origins.

Even so, the changes were positive and as time passed the age old

tensions were dissipating. And, with a feeling of guilt, she knew that this

had been exactly what Atticus had wished for. Equality under the law.

Equality in opportunity.

And it was what he was betrayed and exiled for.

A small flame of pride flickered in her stomach at the achievements of

her old friend. She always knew that he'd be capable of creating wonders

and what wonders he built!

She would readily admit that she drank in every little information she

could about Illos, about her old friend and what he'd been up to. She'd

even interrogated Pyrites who was an acquaintance of hers and it only

left her starving for more.

A rueful smile came across her face, one that was in remembrance of how

hard she tried to not remember her old friend's face and now she couldn't

have enough of it.

Even in his kingly attire, she believed that he hadn't really changed.

Pyrites' remarks about how a lot of things that didn't make it in the

papers he really wanted to include, like how Atticus knew the names of

anyone they encountered, something that Pyrites knew almost certainly

wasn't for show, was how she came to believe that Atticus hadn't really

changed at all…except for the glaring fact that he was King now!

She hadn't expected him to do such a thing, to elevate himself in a way

that was incredibly…uncomfortable. There was a taboo on Kings of

magical origin. A taboo that was thousands of years old that stemmed

back to the days of the ancient pantheons.

One that the Romanoffs had avoided by nature of their junior status of

the Romanoff family despite the senior branch's squib status which

therefore they couldn't call upon the connection that was tied to their


Her maiden family's library had helped educate her on the matter itself,

the connection that Kings held to their subjects, a bond that was tied to

family magic much like how the magic of the Wizengamot had been tied

to the noble families, and it was a bond that the books had considered as

sacred as the one's connection to family magic itself!

Walburga thought that this was the reason why the ICW was so

adamantly against the Sayres, believing them to be a rival to authority

and therefore building up to wipe out Illos and the Sayres with complete

ruthlessness but she took that with a very heavy pinch of salt.

After all, Walburga had more than a few screws loose in that disturbing

mind of hers.

In any case, despite his questionable actions surrounding the Taboo

where gave him the benefit of the doubt – she did not believe that it was

a bid for power given that he already everything he could have wanted

anyway – she felt assured in her beliefs that her old friend hadn't

changed in the way he built Illos.

Pyrites had confirmed that everything he'd written about the place was

true and that if anything it was understated. It was a paradise and she

could see the longing in Pyrites' eyes when he spoke about it.

It was not a longing that was unique to Pyrites. She'd seen it aplenty in

many of her friends and colleagues who said they would go and visit as

soon they were able to.

Her gaze went hazy at the thought that it was unlikely she'd ever see the

country. Not after the way their friendship had all but ended when

Charlus told Archie more than he should have about what he knew about


She sighed inaudibly, blinking away the hazy thoughts and she kept

silent on Greaves' words, electing to silent watch the Screen as quiet

discussions went on amongst those seated by the M-TV, a discussion she

kept a half ear on before the Screen cut to the Minister behind a podium

in the Ministry Atrium.

"Good evening, my fellow citizens of Magical Britain" Minister Livermore

greeted, his voice firm and his expression unchanging as he gripped

either side of the podium with what seemed like a death grip.

"We live in a fast evolving era." The Minister began as he swept his gaze

across before he looked directly into the Screen. "Faster and more

uncertain than any other era since history began. Thirty years ago we

were faced with the total collapse of the Statute by the actions of


Fifteen years ago a war ended that had threatened to engulf the magical

world in ruinous destruction but not without claiming tens of thousands

of lives and leaving Europe in Ruin." The Minister paused as he stared

meaningfully towards the crowd.

"And five years ago Magical Britain underwent its own crisis." The

Minister said before he continued, a deep frown on his face as his tone

emanated with severity.

"In the span of thirty years, we have seen and witnessed great change,

both terrible and good. Magical Britain has come out of our times of peril

stronger and more united in more than a millennium however we still

live in an increasingly uncertain magical world." The Minister said with a

hard solemnity to his voice.

Dorea stood affixed and silence reigned throughout the room.

"It defines a nation on how it deals with fear." The Minister spoke up

again after a heavy silence, his look almost frozen with contemplation.

"Fear that comes with uncertainty, the unknown." The Minister said with

his knuckles softly rapping at the wooden surface of the podium.

"Fear…" the Minister continued, his expression harder and his tone

resolute "is what has gripped large parts of the magical world and the

fear that has gripped it is unreasoning and unjustified. Fear that is been

made manifest by those with unscrupulous intentions who seek to drive

our world into further uncertainty without just cause or reason!" The

Minister said with an explosive voice and Dorea drew in a deep breath as

her colleagues murmured wide eyed at the Minister's reactions.

"They seek to fan the flames of war against an imaginary enemy convicted

of imaginary crimes!" the Minister continued with a passionate voice "The

bill that the ICW has voted for is nothing more than a witch hunt intent to

plunge the world into a war no one wins but everyone loses and I cannot

help but feel that is exactly what they wish for!"

"You have all heard and read about Illos, a magical kingdom that, a

nation that has captured our attentions and our imaginations! Half of its

people are our people, fellow sons and daughters of Magical Britain, kin

to nearly everyone in our nation, who left to escape a corrupt Ministry

and have built a nation that is equal to Atlantis itself! They are not our

enemy." The Minister said with a hard low tone.

"Neither are Atticus Sayre, a son of Magical Britain who has fought for

our liberty and defeated the worst Dark Lord ever to live or Emily

Slytherin-Sayre, a daughter of Magical Britain who has changed the lives

of thousands of our people for the better." The Minister said amidst loud

claps of the audience at the Atrium, a rousing symphony of approving

shouts of 'Hero of Britain' and 'Founder Reborn' could be heard through the


The Minister let it go on for a few more minutes before he spoke again

"Almost ten years ago, the old corrupt Ministry had banished away our

greatest hero since Merlin himself for the false crimes of treason when all

he wanted was to change the lives of everyone in his homeland for the

better." The Minister paused for a few minutes as he let that sink in.

"I do not have to tell you how much of a travesty that was – an injustice

that is a black mark against our nation done by treasonous officials but!"

The Minister said as he raised his finger

"But…we can start to heal the wounds that should never have been made

now and that is why I and our government have rejected the false

assertions of the ICW about Illos and two of the greatest witches and

wizards to have ever lived and thus…" The Minister paused as he drew in

a heavy breath before he continued, every single soul in the staff lounge

silent as the dead just as the press and audience in the Atrium were, just

as Dorea imagined anyone else tuned into the press conference was.

The Minister drew himself up a little as he released his grip from the

podium "Effective immediately Magical Britain has withdrawn its

membership from the International Confederation of Wizards…" the noise

droned out the rest of his speech and the flashes that emanated from the

cameras almost was like a strobe light that didn't seem to end.

The staff lounge itself erupted in shock and sudden argument with one


She heard a low whistle and she remembered Greaves was next to her.

He kept his gaze on the Screen but he spoke nonetheless "I didn't expect

him to go that far." He said with a sigh before he shook his head and

crossed his arms. "At least it's quite likely Ireland will join us. With the

collective war-wards active, I doubt there is much the ICW could do

without really committing"

"What are you talking about?" Dorea asked with a frown, still somewhat

in a daze about the shocking announcement. "Why would we activate the

war-wards. We haven't declared war."

Greaves turned to her with a grim look on his face. "No. But we might as

well have with the comments that the Minister said and the withdrawal

of membership."

"You really think it'll come to war?" Dorea asked stricken. She

remembered the last war and the amount of pain and death she'd seen.

For it to touch her homeland…

Greaves remained silent for a few moments. "I don't think so. Our support

probably won't go that far." He said finally before he shook his head.

"I don't know. Honestly, it depends on how closely we align with Illos."

Greaves looked at the Screen again and she followed his gaze and saw

that Prewett was in a heated discussion with his guests though she

couldn't really hear anything considering her colleagues were awfully

loud still.

"At least it is the right thing to do." Greaves said with a sigh before he

turned around and made to walk away though not without uttering

"We're going to be in for some interesting times"

Dorea remained still for a few more moments before she walked away

too. She felt conflicted about the whole ordeal though surprisingly she

felt mostly pleased that the British Ministry wasn't against her old friend.

She shook her head and she quickly walked towards the Floo. She and

Charlus would have much to discuss!


4th of August, 1957 – Illos

Threads of timelines, of possibilities sailed by his field of perception,

threads made out of filaments as thin as the diameter of hairs that went

on into infinity, inverting and expanding and collapsing in endless

tesseracts of immeasurable sizes, in this space he constructed within his

consciousness where his existence was beyond three dimensions.

He walked through the dense forest of Time Tesseracts, his perception

reducing the Tesseracts into smaller cubes of possibilities emanating

infinite filaments and threads, his silent steps treading on a surface made

of emptiness, his fingers hovering over the possibilities with echoes

saturating his perception of what they may hold.


The concept vibrated within his consciousness like the strings of his harp

under his touch and just like the tones and frequencies the vibrating

strings sprang through air, Time sprang across space and existence

through threads of infinite variety made from uncountable filaments of

choices linked to all those who existed, exist and would exist.

His finger flicked at one of the threads and a stream of events filled his

perception, random and uncoordinated yet he relished at the beauty of

the way he was understanding Time and all of its infinite importance to

the universe.

Time was the suture that bound the structure of the universe together,

the membranes that made up the core constituents of existence itself.

Magic. Reality. Consciousness.

Through Time, Life was inextricably linked with itself through choice and

chance that echoed in the past present and future, by laws that governed

the non-physical much like the laws of governed the universe with just as

much 'spooky action' influencing choice and chance just as the quantum

world influenced the universe.

'Spooky action' that did not have laws in the traditional sense, laws that

could not be explained or defined through words but only understood

through experiencing them, through feeling the tangles connected to

choices, choices that were expressional acts of consciousness that made

up a small portion of the membrane that permeated throughout the

universe, tangles that had always existed and would always exist.

He expanded his consciousness with an immense swelling as he turned

his gaze towards the Tesseract that held the future of his chosen path that

he forced to exist and held a constant connection to even in his

unconscious state, its collapsing and expanding form breaking the

confines of its shape into a blooming daisy with a centre that held an

infinite ocean of liquid threads that stretched into the dark pool of the

past, the shallow present and the endless horizon of the future.

Even though he was as knowledgeable as most Ancient Humans when it

came to time and energy, he knew that that his knowledge paled in

comparison to his instinctive grasp, this instinctive feeling for time and


It was like using words to describe emotions at their heights, when

emotions rose to zeniths that words were ill equipped to truly describe

the full breadth of the emotion's power in those unforgettable moments.

Words would always pale to capture the full experience of when joy

reached a height that lifted one's soul to such lightness that it made it

seem as if one could walk on molecules of air with gravity rendered


Or when one felt love with such strength and purity that it felt like your

body was in the process of shattering outward, barely able to contain the

limitless power of love in that singular moment.

Words could never capture such vibrant quakes that could engulf people

in a cocoon made of momentary transcendence and just like how words

could not capture the heights of emotion with the full breadth of its

strength, words could never capture his instinctive understanding of

Living Time.

He understood the Monk now in ways he could not have imagined years

ago. He understood the Monk's frustrating way to guide him to answers

that he either knew or would know in the future.

Some things could not be explained and could only be experienced.

He peered through the lens that unfurled itself in the opening of the

Tesseract, moving through time as if it was a physical dimension, each

step an hour of time with space rendered a nonfactor.

He walked through the streets of one-hour-in-the-future Illos, his

perception honed into the thousands of links that faintly resonated out of

the people who would be walking these streets in an honour.

In his conscious state, his depth of time and space was limited,

constrained to roads immediately connected to one another for perhaps

hundreds of miles but in here…

In here…

He had no such constraints.

His gaze, wherever set, could touch every corner of the world, every

event, every single conversation that was had the moment he looked

towards them though never all at once, never to that degree of Sight, not

even with fifty lifetimes could he imagine being capable of reaching that

state of omniscience.

His gaze swivelled towards Alexandria, towards the constant link he

shared with the linchpin that would usher in victory, and his perception

walked through into Gaston Ramirez' office. The link between himself

and Ramirez was pulsing, a link that wrapped around Ramirez like a

coiled serpent, one that hid his true future with a mirage of his making.

His steps increased and time moved, his careful gaze not once breaking as

hours turned into days and as Alexandria fell away and the docks of Cape

Town instead.

Atticus watched as his plan solidified into existence, the key to Illos'

doom taken to bosom like a priceless artefact, one that would open the

gates to a horde of Ravens and ravenous Aurors into a ravishing Eden

they could not wait to defile.

He watched as he battled with the Raven with restraint and Emily battled

with Cullaica and he watched as all that they had worked for was

destroyed in a fiery explosion that launched Illos into Antarctica

unleashing environmental catastrophe on the world.

He watched as he stopped and despaired at the loss of Illos inattentive to

the deadly blow that was sent this way and Atticus stopped the moment

that exact frame.

His gaze fell on the slanted surface of Illos, littered with bodies and

broken buildings, littered with those whose names he had memorised the

moment they were born in his home or when they became citizens of

their new home.

A swell of suffering rippled through his being. It was jarring, to know

intimately the consequences of failure. Of their enemies' implacability to

see them utterly annihilated without restraint.

A distant, very improbable future that was never to happen but it was

one possibility nonetheless.

The future the Men of Symbols Saw and moved to make happen.

It was humbling, Atticus mused with a heavy expression draped on his

face, his gaze set on the anguished face of his possible-future self.

The way he could see what hubris could lead to if he ever let himself fail.

His expression hardened as he pulled himself out of the possibility, out of

the trap fashioned out of choice and the bounds that he tightened around

the nooses of their necks.

They made their choice.

Just as those who followed them did.

They had the opportunity to find another way, another way to prevent

this rather incredible misunderstanding of prophecy. In their minds, they

held the upper hand and victory was within their grasp but in all of the

possibilities, they always chose the easy option, the absolute option.

They chose violence and destruction without fail, choosing to destroy his

people with hesitation in every possibility.

And when he returned to reality, the sight of Illos' skyline gleaming

under the light of the orbs as he stared affixed by the large window in his

office, only one thought coursed through his mind

'If they want absolute violence…they will to taste it with the same vigour in

which they would deal it'

He wasn't sure how long he stood affixed watching life go on in the

streets of Illos when the door to his office was opened. He turned around

and saw Emily walking in and he remembered that it was time for lunch

before they'd go meet with Parelius.

She eyed him with an inspecting look, likely having felt his bout of

strong emotion through their link. "The veil?" she only asked and he

nodded silent as he made his way to her and gently kissed her on the


She took hold of his upper arm before she leaned back and met his gaze.

He gave a reassuring smile and soothing filtered into their bond "Yes but

we are still on schedule" he sighed inaudibly

"The sight of Illos' destruction never is something I can ever not feel

strongly about"

She hummed softly in quiet agreement. Illos was as much a home to her

as it was him, their people her people. "It's good then it will end within a

few days." She said with a vindictive look and it was a vindictiveness he

shared more deeply than he had felt in many many years.

It was hours later after their lunch that they took a portal to a secured

room in one of the barracks in the hinterlands of Illos where Parelius

stood waiting.

"Your Majesties." Parelius said with a bowed head.

Atticus smiled slightly at the gesture. Where Sandra, Derek or Hypatia

would call him by his given name after having insisted on it, Parelius had

only asked if it was an order.

The room was sparse though it had a large board with a Holo table in the

middle of the room.

"Parelius." Emily acknowledged with a nod before her gaze went towards

the board. "You've been busy." She commented as she walked towards the


"Yes" Parelius said before he quietly walked over with his arms behind

his back, something that Atticus also did even if he already seen dozens

of permutations of the plans. "Despite the plan's rather low probability of

failure" Parelius said with a side glance at Atticus before he returned his

attentions to the board.

"I have considered other scenarios that we may need to neutralise or

factor in."

"You've doubled the men's training exercises" Atticus stated with a glance

towards the man and Parelius inclined his head minutely.

Parelius had taken over the training of seventy-two Illosian Guards,

many of whom had fought with them during the war, and had been

tasked to drilled them endlessly in the operation within the Ever-

Changing training facilities where the Guards trained to improve and

keep up their fitness.

Atticus turned his gaze towards the board with closer inspection. There

was a part about wards within the complex that housed MOS and a

substantial number of International Affairs mages that were complicit in

many of the organisation's crimes.

"You think we may encounter greater difficulty disabling the wards

around the compound?" Emily asked Parelius. It wasn't surprising it

concerned him – as much as anything could concern him – but it was

noteworthy especially given that it was his protégé that would lead a

small team to break all of the wards and seize control of the wardstone.

They'd gone over the plans a number of times and each time he'd been

able to map out more and more about the wards. Most of the wards that

protected the compound were impressive, better than he'd seen anywhere

else. The death wards were interlinked with an almost artful touch, the

way some of them enhanced each other covering weaknesses.

Fortunately, they knew were the wardstone was located which was deep

underground, some three hundred metres from the ground floor of the

complex, under a bubble of wards that would take some time to unravel.

It wouldn't be as easy as simply taking a portal towards it – the wards

would instantly kill anyone not tied in – but they had a work around with

a Mithril powered mobile ward that worked effectively to create a sphere

of protection that resisted the effects of the wards long enough for

someone to take down the wards.

"The chance exists." Parelius commented as he turned to face Atticus "I do

not believe it will happen but I have considered it nonetheless. The men

are being trained to consider the possibility of active hostile wards"

Neither he or Emily commented on his unnecessary precaution. They

both knew Parelius long enough that it was his way of being even if he

trusted his protégé absolutely especially when it came to wards.

Emily raised her hands and three beads of Mithril flew out of her pockets

and began to orbit above her hand. Parelius eyed the beads intensely

before he looked up to Emily "They are primed?" he questioned.

"The beads are primed and only await activation." Emily confirmed to

Parelius before she returned her gaze towards the orbiting beads.

The beads were enchanted with Fidilius Velamen, a variation of the Fidilius

Charm, which encased and anchored the secret within the beads

themselves, beads made out of pure Mithril and a suitable alternative to

the soul after they figured out the mechanisms of the Fidilius Charm years


Parelius nodded, a glint of approval and perhaps even a hint of

excitement in his eyes "It'll keep our casualties to a minimum with them

disorientated." He paused momentarily as Parelius glanced at him "I

suspect the numbers haven't changed?"

"They haven't. It is still 278 individuals within the complex." Atticus

waved his hand towards the holo-table which could interpret magic and

intent as readily as the Ancient Human tech that could interpret electrical

signals from neurons.

The holo-table changed and highlighted a complex in the middle of

muggle Alexandria in a district that was southwest from the magical

district. The holo-table zoomed in and altered the complex into a four

story three dimensional blueprint, clusters of people and individuals

roving through the hallways of the complex with a timestamp hovering at

the top of the holo.

"Nothing has changed for over a month now, the longest period of

timeline stability in over a decade." Atticus said with an intense gaze, his

eyes fixed on the timestamp.

There was little way for them to fool his Sight. Only through seeing

through the façade of the key would they know and they were too

certain, too confident in their abilities that they understood him, that

they understood his capabilities for them to see the noose around their


Parelius stood closer to the holo-table "Then our victory is assured."

Parelius said with a rare tone of victory.

For years they played this game with the Men of Symbols, evading their

notice and dispatching their agents when they got too close or warning

them of total retribution if they veered away from the rules of the game.

No more.


Victory was at hand.

And it was a victory that began the countdown towards the endgame.


6th of August 1957 – … Alexandria

Gaston Ramirez POV

As he walked with a gloomy air towards them, his mind wandered

towards the latest upheavals in less than a week.

Six more nations broke away in the last two days from the ICW after

Magical Britain. There was talk about France and India following suit and

he didn't doubt there were others who were considering it.

It seemed like the rumours of Auror contributions being demanded had

worked in pushing hesitant nations over the limit, rumours that didn't

even had a basis in truth.

He sighed as the heavy doors opened with an ancient crawl and

refocused his mind.

The heavy doors closed behind him with a heavy thud, his boots rang in

the echo-y chambers like bells ringing at the stroke of midday.

The same sight of obscured men greeted him as they always did and he

did well to hide that biting taste of disdain that threatened to mar his


There was a dossier on the table before him and he stepped forward.

"What is this?" he asked as he opened the dossier with a frown.

"Your next mission."

Ramirez looked up and the man in the middle, the man who had called

himself Huntelaar, was leaning forward. Ramirez glanced at the other

two men for a moment before sitting down and began to read the dossier.

It was always like this, crumbles were fed and left him unsatisfied but

always he'd be forced to return by his own stubborn will.

His frown deepened as he the document.

The document detailed events and companies and individuals that

operated in the muggle world. Years of proof of muggle ships being

expanded magically to several times its normal cargo size, method of

propulsion that were heavily magical even some instances of magic being

used in manufacturing.

Major breaches of the Statute that went beyond using magic to profit off

of the muggle world and whomever was involved in this scheme were

looking at very least at a few years of prison.

As he looked through the documents, entries of recent years were looking

sparse, ships that were known to be magically expanded were now simple

muggle ships with the last entry four months ago that declared the entire

Endrian fleet bereft of magical influences.

He flipped to the next page and his eyes widened in surprise.

'Derek Saunders. Educated at Hogwarts and in muggle Business. Husband to

Sandra Saunders. Close confidante of Atticus Sayre. Owner of magically

expanded cargo ship Lux'

The ship was captained by a man named Ulfred C. Cook, a man who

disappeared from Magical Britain years ago with Sayre.

For years they'd always been a step behind trying to apprehend known

followers of Atticus Sayre whenever they popped up in the magical world

but it seemed they had been hiding in plain sight in the muggle world.

Records of Cook dating back years all the way to his employment with

Sphinx Group and Endrian Shipping Company – the first time he was

even hearing about these muggle companies – along with other names

that were reportedly had worked with the man until recently.

He turned his gaze towards the men before him. They had all of this

knowledge, all of this information…

"Why have you not acted?" his tone harsh as he reigned in his anger.

Much of the evidence was years old with only this entry made in the past

few months.

He didn't need to expand.

For years, this was exactly what they – he – had searched for.

This would have been all the proof they would have needed to

legitimately bring charges against Atticus Sayre and those who enabled

him instead of the farcical casus belli the ICW generating.

That they were bringing it to him now, after Illos has arrived on the

world scene, after the farce, didn't make any sense to him whatsoever.

"We cannot act directly"

"Action means defeat."

"Inaction means rout."

"Through you we do neither and avoid defeat all the same."

He looked on irritably. He hated when they did whatever this was. They

might not be acting directly themselves but they were acting nonetheless.

They were acting through him and through the Mugwumps against Illos

and Atticus Sayre.

They even could have acted through him by leaving him a breadcrumb in

the first place! They could have ended this illegal operation years ago and

levied undeniable charges against them that would have invalidated the

Sayres completely!

He didn't mention that though. He knew from experience arguing against

their methods would only get him nowhere. "Very well." He said as he

took the dossier and placed it inside his robes and turned on his heels.

Days later at the Docks of Cape Town…

Ramirez' boots clunk on the metallic floor as he made his way towards

the bowels of the Lux. All of the crew had been muggle, confounded into

ignoring the containers that were some spacially expanded eight times

the normal size.

That wasn't their true target however.

He stepped through a series of hatches, the smell of human flesh invading

his nose, and he felt his temper rise as he arrived at the last hatch, he

was greeted by one of his men standing post by the other side of the


"Sir." The agent saluted as Ramirez walked through the hatch where his

other men were congregated over a still but steaming form of a person.

"Is he still alive?" Ramirez asked harshly as he continued to walk towards

the men.

"No." the agent said disgruntled "He killed himself before we could

subdue him."

Ramirez ground his teeth but he said nothing as his men parted ways

allowing him proper sight on severely burned man. "Report." Ramirez

barked out as he stared at the team leader who began his accounting of

the events that lead to this.

"We did however found this, sir" the team leader, Clarkson, said as he

fished out a key of some kind. "We're not sure where it leads but the

Quarem Charm points that it is definitely a key to somewhere on the ship


So they might be able to salvage something from this after all? "Search

this ship from top to bottom in teams of two. Find it." He said with a

piercing look and his men saluted him before they walked away to do

their job.

He stood alone as he crouched down to the burnt husk of Cook, a faint

glimmer irony rising within him, and stared at it. Immolating yourself with

cursed fire just so you wouldn't be captured…

Cook hadn't been a fighter in any degree but the tight space had allowed

him to more ably defend than he otherwise would have been and used

the few seconds he gained to burn himself to death.

Was this what they were going to look forward to in this war of theirs?

Zealots who deified the Sayres to such degrees that they would rather die

than surrender? He got up from his crouched position and made his way

out of the hatch.

It was less than an hour later that his men confirmed they found the

room hidden behind the engine chambers confirming that it was the

man's private room sheltered away from the muggles.

He rifled through the documents that were of some interest, particularly

the application for insurance for something called a Griffin Skymobile of

all things but the reference to a portkey that captured his attentions.

After they searched through the entire room, they found it. "Sir" one of

his agents said, his hand holding a white item that looked like a flower of

some kind.

"It's the portkey. No other magicks on it."

Ramirez took the portkey from his hand, his eyes hiding the excitement

he felt.

An excitement borne from the fact that it was finally the key to the doors

of Illos, a key that would finally let them understand where the place

even was!

Illos was hidden, a mystery that was enshrouded with uncertainty when

it came to where it actually was. Any war that was to be fought with the

Sayres was doomed to end at best at stalemate with them capable of

retreating to safe harbour.


Now they could strike and end Atticus Sayre – and likely Emily Sayre –

once they broke the portkey coordinates. He stared at the item, item

made of some kind of glass like crystal lighter than he knew glass to be

and realised it was a white lotus though with a stain on one of its petals,

a stain that was deep red, almost blood like, and the yellow anthers

seemed to blur for a moment with a haze, no, a spectral of grey that

disappeared almost as soon as it arrived.

He blinked a few times, removing the odd feeling and a feeling of

triumph came in its stead. He turned to look to his men "Let's go. We've

gotten what we came for." He said as he turned on his heel and walked

out with the portkey firmly gripped in his hand.

Had Ramirez noticed, he might have noticed a speck of grey dust on one

of his fingertips as he caressed the crystalline lotus, a remnant of the dust

that he unconsciously had breathed in moments ago.

Hours later in Alexandria…

He stilled, his body as straight and rigid as an iron bar, the confusion

washed over him like sticky black oil sunk into his skin that he couldn't

clean away. He shook his head in confusion, and the odd feeling of

having forgotten something faded away as his eyes widened and he took

notice of his surroundings.

There were three figures hidden by some kind of obscuration charm that

were better than the ones he knew and he switched to his duelling

stance. "Who are you?!" he asked with a commanding tone moments

before he noticed that his wand was not in his holster.

He remembered, he left it the guards upstairs. But why would he do that?

He never allowed his wand to leave his sight. The only times he did had

been when in his early years whenever he met with the Director of the

international Auror forces.

The three before him stirred, their motions jerky and they seemed to talk

to each other under a silencing charm, their bodies were too animate for

them not to be speaking. "WHO ARE YOU?!" Ramirez's voice crackled, his

violent questioning seemed to stop the movement of the three in their


"We are M-" one of them tried

"We are…" the other tried

And Ramirez lost his patience and made to speak again but before he

could, he felt his throat close. His hands travelled to his throat, his eyes

wide in shock at what happening to him and he tried with everything he

had to just try and breathe but it was no avail, his throat had betrayed

and no air made it passed his mouth.

The three stirred and he thought he saw them make to leave but a

blinding light that followed a small earthquake of an explosion ripped

from behind him and he fell head first to the ground losing all

consciousness with a crack that would have made anyone grimace.

18. Chapter 79 Part IV

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next chapter is available

on discord whilst at least the next three chapters after it are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

6th of August, 1957

Jacobius Kelsie POV

Their boots struck the floor with faultless simultaneity, a one two and a

one two, again and again, the ground shaking under their rhythmic

thumping, a thumping of boots united in perfect and united purpose, the

scent of creamy, sugary, wintergreen smells from the willow wood forest

nearby an ever present reminded of what they were marching for in

perfect union, united in purpose.

The scent was always there in the morning and it was here today in force

as they marched from their barracks located nearby the Lonis Forest

though it felt like a cushion to them, to him, as they marched in columns

of silvery grey armour towards their monarchs who stood before them,

waiting and watching, with Overseer Parkinson and a few of his

intelligence agents.

The first column parted from the tight formation inching further away

before the second and then the third broke away until there were three

formations twenty-four strong.

"HA!" they voiced out as one as they came to a stop, their armoured fist

clunking onto their chest.

Their King, wearing his own fluidic silvery blue armour and a red cloak

draped over him, extended his hand to his Queen, their Queen who

herself was wearing armour though of a darker hue with a crown atop

her head, and she took their King's hand before they walked calmly

towards them as Parkinson and his people stood back.

"Illosian Guards" their King began with a slight raised voice but one that

didn't fail to be heard clearly by all. "Today is a momentous day." He

continued, his gaze trailing across them with an intensity that Kelsie had

not seen since the days of the war and he stood straighter if that was


Kelsie, like many senior Illosian Guards had been a Knight during the

great war.

The first amongst those who had answered the call to arms against the

evils of Grindelwald by the-then Lord Sayre, a decision that changed his

life for the better in ways that he still couldn't put words to it.

It was funny like that, Kelsie mused to himself, the way that war had

been the best thing that ever happened to him.

In war he forged closer bonds with people in mere months than he had

ever done with his own family, bonds that lasted to this day.

In war, he had found purpose in an otherwise purposeless life destined

for pointlessness as they fought against the monstrosity of Grindelwald

and his ilk.

And in war…he thought as he stared at their King…

In war he found something greater than his own life, greater than

anything he could ever imagined he'd ever find…he found faith.

It had come slow, this faith that he had but battle after battle, speech

after speech and act after act, it had been growing, this transformative

feeling that seemed to brighten his world in ways it had never done.

It wasn't really his magic – of course it helped – but it was who their King

was that changed his life and that of so many others.

Kelsie had grown to trust in his ability to protect them when they

couldn't protect themselves, trust in his plans for success even if they

seemed hard to believe, trust in his words that they all meant something

to him, and all of it, all of his deeds and words grew into absolute faith in

his King, his champion that saved him.

His champion who promised him the world and had delivered.

All that he had, his wife and his daughters, his medals, the gifts that he'd

gotten from their King at his wedding and his children's births, the house

that overlooked the Merten stream, Illos, all of it, had come from him.

Yes…Kelsie had absolute faith in their King.

An absolute faith that he shared with many of his fellow Illosians and


And with faith, he thought as his expression tightened with hardened

zeal, he would crawl to the depths of hell for their King and his beloved


"A day that I hoped would not come but has come nonetheless." Their

King continued, his smooth voice slashing through the air with ease

"They may have not uttered the words war…but war has all but declared

upon us." The King said to absolute silence as magic began to dance in

the King's eyes, the emerald flecks in his eyes twinkled like new-born

stars in violet seas.

"A war that wasn't wanted or invited and it is a war that is imposed on

us!" Their King said, his voice rising with palpable anger and with a glow

that surrounded him like a translucent blanket of velvety magic that

seemed like it was a moment away from blanketing the entire world

under its weight.

And it was an anger that Kelsie felt intimately and he felt the men next to

him restrain their own reactions as much as he was. The demands that

the ICW had levied against Illos were infamous. The news, at work, at

home, even in the streets people talked about little else and they talked

with outrage.

They wanted to destroy Illos and everything that it was by forcing them

to accept their corrupt officials with powers to change anything they

wanted and more importantly…they wanted to harm their King and Queen.

That had almost caused riots in the streets of Illos and no one argued

against the call for war against the ICW. No one wanted war, if anything

everyone just wanted to be left alone in peace but what was asked was

something no one would ever be willing to accept.

The King and Queen were theirs, the family they owed more to than they

could ever repay and none of them were going to abandon them. Not the

recently turned magicals, not the different magical peoples who made

Illos their home, and never the people of British origin who chose to

follow their King into the unknown without caution for he was their

champion and their chosen one.

"But they are fools…" Their King's tone softened but the danger it carried

was unmistakable. The King said, his eyes beginning to burn brightly, a

violet glow with green stars dancing in its background.

"For we know war!" Their King's magic began to manifest in tempestuous

swirls of purple of greens, the weight of his magic feeling like a blanket

of snow onto his skin.

Yes…Kelsie thought, a dangerous storm seizing him at his core as he

remembered. They knew war. They fought in the farmlands of France, in

the narrow streets of Paris, in the halls of mountain top castles and in the

marshes of the Balkans.

His fist clenched tight, the wand embedded in his armour thrumming,

almost vibrating with a will of its own urging itself fall into his own


Their Queen stepped forward a little, her arms raised and her eyes

matching the same kind of fervour that Kelsie knew they were all feeling

"We are not monsters" the Queen said to them, her voice melodious and

seemed to calm the anger in their hearts. "This is a choice that is forced

onto us and we will offer them a choice they are so willing to deny us. A

choice to step back from the ledge they so carelessly approach. Should

they refuse…" She trailed off, her eyes cooling to solidified magma and

her ominous stature growing.

"Then may Magic have mercy on their souls for they will come to know

what war with Illos means with this little taste of our capabilities!" Their

Queen said, her voice somehow echoing all around them as if it was

coming from every direction, her own magic rising as she raised her

wand until she was shining like a dark blue star that seemed to chase

away all light in its awesome strength.

"HA!" He chanted as he raised his wand arm into the air in unison with

the rest of his comrades. "HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!" rang around them, their

voices unison in their smouldering passion, a passion that could burn

their enemies away with its fury.

Three grey blue small spheres appeared and floated above their Queen's

hand, and the glow in her eyes darkened to a black equal to the blackest

of night.

She began to chant, the floating grey blue spheres pulsing with a silver

white glow, a wave of confusion washing over him though he remained

affixed with patience.

One of the white spheres rose above the others and her words switched

to Illosian though within moments the words she spoke suddenly

dissolved from his mind, the white sphere pulsing with a brilliant

radiance before it fell to the ground and burrowed its way down and

away from sight.

This happened twice more and when the last of the sphere disappeared

into the soil of Illos, she spoke again though this time her words clicked

into all of their minds.

"The Men of Symbols otherwise known as MOS are an organisation within the

ICW" The memories of their enemy were unlocked and the burning

passion regained its brightness.

"The International Affairs and Men of Symbols Headquarters are located on

777 Nouran street in the Kafr Abdu district" their Queen said and he

remembered the detailed plans of the building and its floors, the painful

and exhaustive drills they underwent so they knew by instinct what to do

and what to expect.

"Atticus Markus Sayre otherwise known as Atticus Sayre is a Seer and capable

of traversing Living Time known as Celestial Time!" Was the next words of

their Queen's mouth and he remembered the legend of their King's


Kelsie's expression shifted to one of viciousness, hidden as it may be

under his helm, the knowledge of their enemies' unawareness of what

was coming bringing that vicious side of him to the forefront, a side that

relished the look of capitulation and defeat.

Parkinson looked at his wrist, his cold emotionless eyes staring intently at

his integrated magi-comp before he looked up and nodded to the King

and Queen and they all knew that it was time.

Their King and Queen raised their hands, glowing orange lines forming in

the air.

One of the set of runes connected forming into a strange blue-orange

tinged portal that appeared before the intelligence agents, a portal that

for moments appeared to lead to a dark abyss before the event horizon

changed into a sight of a huge wardstone. The Intelligence agents saluted

before they walked through the portal with purpose with own mission to

be carried out.

Just as the Guards had their own mission who moved and fell in their

assigned groups of four in three columns with the Primary column

moving to the Queen, the Secondary column to the King and the Tertiary

with Parkinson.

The King and Queen shared a look, an unspoken look before the King

smiled grimly and turned to face them all, his expression neutral but his

eyes burning brightly with a luminescent glow, one that bore an ill omen

for their enemies.

"For Illos." Escaped their King's lips, and it was like a bell, a death bell

that rang when the boat ferrying the damned across the point of no


"For Illos!" They shouted as one, their voices filled with the righteous

vigour as warrior angels at the dawn of the apocalypse.

The floating runes connected and formed into three large portals and the

King and Queen turned towards their columns.

"Men" The King only said before he walked through the portal.

Kelsie and his fellow guards ran after him, rows of fours, and they passed

through the horizon of the portal.

They arrived at a juncture, a dark juncture with three tall and wide

hallways and within moments, three out of the four groups split and

made their way through two of the junctures leaving Kelsie and his team

with the King.

The King twisted his hand, his liquid silver blue armour undulating like

the surface of a lake stirred unsettled with a stone's throw, and a spear

formed in his hand.

The King gripped his silver blue spear, his magic crackling softly, seconds

passing that felt like minutes before he began to move forward, slowly,

his pace increasing before he began to half sprint.

They followed their King, and he was almost impatient to draw the wand

embedded in his armour though he waited, knowing that the call would

come soon.

And it did seconds later.

"Calor Scutum, sixteen seconds" the King communicated through their helm

and their hands rose, the armour around their hand melting as the wand

embedded in their armour released into their hands, the tip of the wand

the only part of the wand exposed.

Moments later, a dozen men seemed to pour out from the hallways, their

spells, varieties of gouging curses, severing curses, bone breakers, were

fired with blinding speed sped across the distance and that wasn't where

it ended.

The walls transformed into knifes and daggers and objects and animals,

all of it along with the spells ate the distance towards them with

menacing speed.

Faster than a human eye could see, the King suddenly stood between

them and the spells, the sounds of stone floors cracking underneath his

boots as his armoured hand shone with a dark purple glow before it tore

from him, the dark purple wave of magic racing through air, the ground

and the walls cracking along its path.

Sixteen seconds passed, and a twisting magical black shield formed

around them one by one, a shield that reduced all light to heat and cold

frequencies as the spells, the conjurations and transfigurations were

forced to bend into the path of the wave of gravitic magic and with a

sudden flare equal to a thousand sunrises, the gravitic magic exploded

blinding all those without protection within the hallways.

The King was a blur, only through his helm tracking the King's movement

did he see him move as if he were a whip of water, twisting and bending

between the lines of their enemies, the sounds of their cries and bones

breaking a harrowing symphony that was ended almost as soon as it

arrived as the King struck at them with his spear with non-lethality in


They dropped their shield and saw the devastation wrought by their

King's magic, the walls and ground sporting cracks inches wide.

The King swept his spear across, globules of blue-silver descended down

onto the incapacitated men and in a twisting crack, they were

transported out and half a second later, the King was on the move again

with them on his heels.

As they moved, the soft thuds they felt under their boots grew stronger,

sounds of action elsewhere rising in strength as they made their way

through the destined hallway.

The King raised his spear as a juncture approached, the sounds of distant

explosions throbbing in their ears through the helms, quakes that was felt

with each running step, and magic began exude from their King, an

iridescent glow that crackled and teemed with barely restrained power.

Faster than humanely possible, the King slashed his spear diagonally and

the world buckled, invisible undulating ripples sank into reality bending it

at the seams as the walls, as they themselves took on an oval shape as

reality ceased to function by normal rules and just as soon it happened,

just as soon as this un-reality flashed into existence, it flashed out of

existence though it took with it massive sections of the walls, of the

flooring, blinking out of existence within moments, as if they had never

been there at all.

What was left was a chasm of that descended all the way down to

bedrock and he set himself, waiting for the word he knew was coming

"Go" the King said and they were gone as soon as the words came through

the helm and they descended down onto the floor below, the tips of their

wands aglow.

As they landed on the floor below, they twisted their bodies around and

ran towards the incoming enemies. One, two, three, four, four, six…now!

He swept his wand across, discombobulating spell after another streaked

forward just as a group of wizards came their way, flashes of shield rising

to meet the spells fired upon them.

They ran towards their enemy, their wands never ceasing to cast spell

after spell, each spell intent on breaking down the opponents' shield,

their defences, their bodies, and the battle began in earnest as events and

spells and even the pattern of the destroyed transfiguration matched

exactly as it did with the countless memories of their 'war games'.

The hallway was alight with magic, the crackles and sizzling sounds of

spells sung in the magic-heavy air, and their opponents grew desperate

when they were dropped one by one, their numbers decreasing all the

time and soon enough sickly green curses streamed towards them,

hungry for death, hungry to rip life away from them but they would not

be so lucky.

He smashed his right foot onto the floor, his body contorting in

preparation as his other arm rose and a shield formed out of his arm as

he angled towards the incoming killing curses. The killing curse splashed

harmlessly against his shield, outcries of shock was heard from the

enemy and he twisted around, his shield morphing away as a barrel

formed out of his arm and he pointed it towards the few remaining


His men made way, the tips of their wands flashing as they fired towards

the walls nearby and the walls transformed into refractive surfaces. A ball

of light fired from his barrel-arm, and his helm tinted to near darkness

before moments later the room was showered with painful light before

his men made short work of the remaining enemies.

This repeated again and again, their battles mirroring perfectly the

training exercises they went through, each spell, each movement acted

out in perfect rote. They moved through the hallways as if they knew it

as well as the back of their hands, eliminating threats one after the other

and soon enough they were nearly done in incapacitating their enemies.

Though not all were spared death, no, there were some that were flagged

for death, those few among hundreds, and just like in their games, they

were killed with ruthless simplicity for the good of Illos.

Just as the figure before him would die with that same impersonal

ruthlessness as he leaned away, the whip of menacing fire looping past

him before Kelsie brandished his wand, a flesh eating curse rippling out

of his wand towards his enemy.

The man raised a piece of rubble that shattered as it was made to

intercept the spell, the man's wand twisting in a blur as he returned a

spell-chain intent to break through his armour that sported some deep


Kelsie raised his wand above his head, his wand sweeping above his head

in a wide arc and tendrils of stone rose from the cracked floor, each

tendril sped towards each of the spells yet for one it was too late, a

gouging curse that hit him in the torso and tossed him into the air yet

Kelsie was not worried even as his HUD began to flicker.

He smashed his arm against the wall he was launched into, his

momentum halted and he twisted around for his feet to plant themselves

onto the floor before he launched himself forward, his armoured boots

digging into the stone floor as it were made out of putty and before his

enemy knew it, Kelsie had already crossed half the distance. One more

leap forward, a faster leap, prepped him for the finale.

Kelsie could see the shock and panic on the man's face and the man's

wand was a whirlwind of movement as he began to point cast simple but

effective spells, the man entirely intent in dousing Kelsie in volume of

spells rather than lethality in a foolish hope that it would be enough to

buy him some time to think of an alternative strategy.

Kelsie wouldn't allow him that time.

He jumped into the air, his trailing leg adding spin to his jump as his

wand slashed at the ceiling. A score of javelins whistled through the air,

half of them sent towards his enemies and the other half in the space

between them.

The man cancelled the transfiguration that raced towards him with ease

before he moved to transition into another series of curses yet it was too

late as Kelsie sent the other javelins towards the man with a flick of his

wand, each javelin carefully positioned to blind the man of the incoming

curse as he seamlessly flowed the shield-breaker spell into a curse that

sizzled at the tip of his wand.

One…two…THREE, the spell was released from his wand, the sickly

yellow curse ate up the distance between itself and the man and just as

the man defended against the last javelin, the shield breaker tore open a

hole in his shield, a hole that his curse fit through like a rat through a

hole in the wall and the man screamed as skin and flesh and bones were

made gone, piece by piece, inch by inch, made gone as if they were

nothing but a fleeting twinkle in one's imagination.

The man's face turned sagged as bone were made into dust and his flesh

into sagging bags that were increasingly crumbling under the effects of

the spell and soon enough robes and clothes were all that remain, the

cloud of dust that escaped as the clothes and robes dropped to the ground

a disturbing remnant of what had once been flesh and bone and skin.

Kelsie shook his head, his mind forcing away the image as he ran towards

the gathering point now that he finished with his last enemy that was left

to him and not long after he was with his comrades making their way

towards their King and Queen.

Kelsie could see the effects of the battles on every floor as they made

their way down to the lowest floor. Like rats, their enemy was trapped in

the building with no way out and no salvation coming to intervene on

their behalf. He wasn't sure what the forward team had done, only that

there would be room for escape for anyone.

They made their way past the broken heavy set of doors that hung limply

off of the hinges and he saw the ring of his comrades surrounding six

individuals on their knees with another unconscious.

They looked sickly, grey spidery veins ran across their faces, their eyes

bled black tears as they stared hatefully at their King and Queen.

"Any injuries?" their King questioned without turning towards them.

"No my King" Kelsie said reverently as he made his way towards the front

of the ring next to the other team leaders. "Everything went almost

exactly as planned." He said as he looked at the rest of his comrades and

saw that other than a few nasty looking damage to their armour they

looked as fit and healthy as ever from the way they stood.

"Well done." The King said as he glanced over his shoulder before he

returned his gaze to the defeated enemies that kneeled before the King

and Queen.

"Two hundred and seventy individuals you had at your disposal. Two

hundred and seventy of the finest wizards you could rely on, all of them

sorcerer level in power." One of the kneeling made was gripped by an

invisible force and made to levitate before the King and Queen.

"And all two hundred and seventy wizards were as effective as a breeze of

harmless air to the face." The King said with a low tone as he stared

directly towards the dying man who seemed to keep his hateful glare

going despite the weight of the King's gaze onto the man.

"You will be-"

"–the end of magic?" the King interjected calmly towards the man, the

man's cold hateful eyes wavering for a moment "and you wouldn't be

wrong." The King continued and the King's expression broke into a faint


"I will be the end of magic on Earth as Louisa Miranza predicted." And

this broke the man's glare and the King chuckled, his chuckles carrying

hints of menace.

"Prophecy…prophecy is such a fickle thing." The King said in a musing

tone as the Queen raised the other six individuals, their sounds of

choking filling the deadly silence within the chambers.

"You never truly know what it means, how it ends, until it does end and

does come to be. For men claiming to know divination, you were fools.

Magic will end on Earth, one way or another and it is better to end at my

hands than at the hands of muggles as it would have should you have

won this conflict between us."

The King turned to him and the rest of the Illosian guards.

"There is a prophecy about me, my comrades. A prophecy that states that

I will bring forward the end of magic on Earth. One the Men of Symbols

foolishly set in motion. Where they failed to understand however is that I

am its salvation, not its end as they would have made to happen." The

King raised his arms, as if beckoning them forth.

"Trust in me as you have done for so many years. Trust that I will guide

us to the stars. Trust what you know. The prophecy will happen, that is

no longer in question. The only thing in question is…do you believe

me…or do you believe them?" the King questioned as he gestured towards

the floating men.

Kelsie stepped forward, his eyes fixed onto the King as his helm morphed

away to reveal his face.

The man that he knew his King to be loved magic, he breathed it, he

nurtured it in others. He'd never bring an end to magic if he could help it

and Kelsie knew that the man would sacrifice himself if it meant he'd

avoid its destruction. He was that noble of a man, that great of a King

and they were Illosian guards, knights of honour and valour.

They would never be so wicked to doubt the word of a man they were

sworn to, a man who was true-hearted to them, to his people, to magic.

Kelsie kneeled before the King. "My King, you have my faith as you have

always done. Through life and through death, I trust you with my very

soul and magic." Kelsie said deferentially and with truth ringing in every

fibre of his words.

One by one, his fellow comrades did the same, kneeling and reaffirming

their loyalty to the King and the King smiled fondly at them as he bowed

his head towards them.

"You have brainwashed them." The man said without pause "They would

believe the sky is red if you told them so."

"They have faith in me not to mislead them and it is faith that I hold with

utmost reverence. They matter to me more than you could know, Sariel,

and it is on their behalf that I will ensure magic will thrive."

The sounds of five necks snapping echoed in the dark chamber and the

King brought the man's closer to his face. "Find solace in the afterlife that

in my hands, magic will prosper across entire worlds and in time…the

galaxy shall be ours to shepherd as destiny demands it. As birthright

demands it. May magic have mercy on your soul"

The man's neck was bent almost parallel to the man's shoulders and the

sound of the neck snapping was harsh. Yet…as harsh as the sound was,

Kelsie hoped that it was the last life that would have to be taken in order

to have peace.

And he trusted his King to do all he could to make that man's death the

very last. And if it wasn't possible…well, he trusted his King to guide

them to peace however treacherous and difficult the road may be.

Faith…Faith simply worked that way.


Days Later….

Cihan Aslan POV, Mugwump Chambers

The ICW Chief Unspeakable stood in front of the Mugwumps at the

centre of the chambers, his arms behind his back and his expression

grave as he spoke to a silent and disturbed assembly of Mugwumps that

teetered on the precipice of angry fear.

Fear that built upon the chaotic hub that was now Alexandria, something

not seen since the Grindelwald war, fear that tore away the veil of


"What do you mean 'you're not certain?" the Norwegian Mugwump said

angrily as he stood up from his seat, his rage clear to see in his expression

though it was his fear that spoke volumes about how he truly felt. "How

could you not know?!"

The International Affairs building, with all the souls it bore within, had

completely and utterly disappeared, a building that stood three stories

tall and nearly occupied half a street, gone, as if it never existed in the

first place.

It was…chilling, the kind of power it would need to do something like


It should have been impossible, utterly, comprehensively impossible.

There was a direct relationship between magic and mass, one that could

be cheated and bent but never quite broken yet the possibility of that

relationship being broken was very very real.

And that wasn't the only concerning point, no, the fact that it was done

entirely without their notice was equally as concerning.

It took a day for someone to notice its disappearance, so much so that the

Unspeakables believed magic was at hand for it to be forgotten only to be

so suddenly remembered.

A form of the Fidilius Charm, a kind of obscuring of magic that worked in

similar principle as the charm that had the power to hide the location for

a period of time.

All that remained was the wardstone that powered the muggle notice-me-

not charms, all other wards having been stripped away and that spoke

immensely of the capability of those who orchestrated the entire thing.

The Unspeakables had invaded the location like locusts and had until

now resisted calls and demands to answer what has actually occurred and

only now were they coming to answer their questions yet the fact that

even they weren't sure…

It would cause an even greater sense of dread to run along the spine of

everyone within the ICW, a dread palpable and practically coated all

those who walked these halls. After all, no one was under the illusion on

who would have the motive and the capabilities to pull something such as

this off.

Cihan wanted to scoff.


To say that this had finally shattered the majority's perception of what

they were faced against would be an understatement. Two days they

were here in this emergency assembly and for two days, this message, this

disappearance had spawned greater number of fearful and almost

appeasing arguments than he'd ever witnessed before.

Yet…he understood.

For a message, it was an incredibly powerful one.

The IA were infamous, almost an authority onto their own, and the IA

were amongst the best of the ICW forces, Auror trained wizards that

doubled as half Unspeakables who were all Sorcerer level in strength. Yet

they were vanished like nothing more than dirt and rubbish with no one

the wiser until at least a day had passed.

He glanced around the chambers, his eyes searching out those who had

been for the implementation of D10567AF, the statute that all but

declared war against Illos and the Sayres. He could see a number of pale

expressions, a few hidden but tense expressions and more than a few

blank expressions hidden behind their Occlumency.

For years, the ICW had been building its forces, exceeding its pre-war

numbers of Aurors, Hit-wizards and warmages with ample recruitment of

former Grindelwald followers and for years, the slow but building

confidence that its forces could contend with the likes of Grindelwald and

its followers had been…noticeable.

Confidence that was now all but shattered under the weight of reality.

Yes…the Sayres' message, the cold harsh reality of what the ICW would

face if they continued on this path looked like it was well and truly


The Unspeakable looked irritated for a moment but he answered anyway

"The magical residue left behind does not bear the marks of any

arithmantic traces we know. Spells are created using arithmancy, wand

movements made to bind magical energies to cause the effect that is

calculated out and thus these magical energies have properties, definitions

that have built upon and reused in other spells as wand movements were

adapted and adopted and altered in the creation of a new spell but each

new spell still carries the inheritances of other spells, so much so that

nearly all the spells we use can be linked to a hundred other and different


Even the most obscure or darkest of magicks have definitions that can be

observed to be linked to many well known neutral or light magic." The

Unspeakable paused for a second "This is the basis of our modern magic"

he said, his expression graver as he continued once more.

"The reason why we're not certain what was used is because what we

have found is far older than modern magic." The Unspeakable said and

Cihan could sense that whatever they found disturbed the man greatly.

"Well?" Holtz, the German Mugwump demanded impatiently "You must

have a theory at least!"

The Chief Unspeakable stared down at the German Mugwump with a

contemptuous look before his expression settled into a neutral look. "The

traces…they bear similarities to the magic employed at Mannheim in

1943." The Unspeakable stared directly at the German Mugwump who

paled and sat back down, his form slumping.

Cihan leaned back in his chair, the volume within the chamber rising

with fear seeping in their collective voices, his own thoughts immensely

troubled at what the Unspeakable was suggesting.

"What magic?" he heard one of the Mugwumps say, possibly the

Singaporean Mugwump, and the Unspeakable uttered the words that

would shake an already shaken group.

"Atlantean Magicks"

The rise in volume was avalanche like, a racing wash of noise that he

forcefully drowned out. Everything for the ICW was shifting towards into

an even bleaker trajectory. Reminded coldly of who it was they had set

themselves against.

The very man who defeated the other man infamously known for his

knowledge of Atlantean magicks. It was bad enough that Grindelwald

had gotten his hands to a few remnants of Atlantean magic let alone

actually being capable of using it but now…

Cihan's expression turned dim, a shadow almost draping his face as he

looked around the chambers, his gaze catching the Bulgarian Mugwump

staring at the Unspeakable with an intense unblinking look before Cihan

looked away as arguments poured around him.

It was not hard to understand. Why it had come to this stage.

A man, an Archmage, they alienated almost from the moment he rid the

world of Grindelwald. A man they had forced into exile from his

homeland with their conspirers in Britain and a man whose home they

threatened to destroy.

Because of fear. Because of hubris. Because they felt threatened.

Made to feel threatened.

Atticus Sayre, from a certain viewpoint, was just as radical as

Grindelwald…and just as charming. Even as a child, the man was known

for his strange opinions that were riveting and considered by those

willing to listen to the child prodigy, viewpoints that were in opposition

to those of many powerful nations and individuals, and soon the belief

that a man such as that could not be enticed to fall in line with the

established order had been made into fact that nearly all believed.

A belief that Cihan did not think wrong but he thought it was twisted.

Still, in truth, had such beliefs not made popular, he imagined the

possibility of Sayre's 'subversion' of the ICW itself a chance far greater

than anyone would like to admit.

Sayre had that pull, that ability to inspire loyalty in all kinds of wizards

and witches.

Illos was a prime of example of this, mudbloods and purebloods from all

kinds of backgrounds that had no right to live in such harmony, as

neighbours without problems if the stories were to be believed.

Cihan's eyes hardened and he looked upon the Persian Mugwump who

seemed to be in an intense conversation with the Kurdish Mugwump, and

it wasn't long before their eyes clicked.

Despite the best attempts of the ICW to uphold the status quo and the

established order, Illos with its leaders made change across the magical

world inevitable and…

Moments passed before the Persian nodded almost invisibly but enough

for Cihan to understand that yes…this was the final straw for him…and

others in their alliance.

Cihan's broke away his gaze and looked upon the rest of the chambers.

Change would have to be welcomed lest they all be swept away by the

winds of change wrought by an impossible storm.

The Supreme Mugwump had gotten things under control and it wasn't

long until the unpleasant voice of the Norwegian Mugwump coursed

through the chambers.

"It is an act of war" The Norwegian Mugwump fumed and the sounds of

disapproval rang around the chambers and the Norwegian Mugwump

swivelled around staring at the discontents "We must ready ourselves for

a war now. It is clear that this will not end until they are defeated and


Cihan looked at the man contemptuously.

Norway since the war ended had grown into a purist haven, extreme in

its beliefs.

Beliefs that were spat at by the Sayres and their discoveries on the origin

of magic just as they did so now with the creation of Illos that had

anyone with magic as equals, regardless of heritage. To say an enmity

existed with the Norwegians and the Sayre family was an understatement

and it was a vicious enmity that was always going to result in the

Norwegians demanding heavy actions against the Sayres, especially after

Norway was one of the worst affected by the economic crisis of '48.

Of course, Cihan believed that they were also keen for the ICW to weaken

itself with a war that undoubtedly would cost massive amounts of ICW

resources, enough to loosen its grip across Europe that Norway – or more

likely the Ravenites wanted.

With Norway's 'protection' by the Raven – a man disturbingly rumoured to

be an Archmage in his own right – and Norway's drive towards the

extreme end of purist beliefs, a weakened ICW is absolutely the last thing

he or his government wanted.

Not when it would mean the Ravenites would have much greater free

reign to spread their influence across Europe.

"We do not know if they are responsible!" the Spanish Mugwump said

and the Norwegian Mugwump laughed bitterly as he stared

contemptuously at the woman who continued despite the look "And even

if they are…" she said, her voice low "If this is what they are capable of

without us noticing…what else would they be able to spring on us?" she

asked, voicing out the concerns that many in the chambers held

"So we would let them get away with murdering hundreds of our

people?!" the Norwegian Mugwump posed angrily at the Spanish


'As if you care a single iota' Cihan mused as he watched silently.

"Of course not!" the Spanish Mugwump said defensively before she glared

angrily at the man "Such acts cannot go unanswered however we cannot

afford to react brazenly as we have done in the past few months!" and

that inspired further arguments amongst the two Mugwumps.

The Supreme Mugwump silenced both of them and moved things forward

for the Brazilian Mugwump to speak. "If the Sayres are responsible…and

it is likely that they have…war is inevitable" The Brazilian Mugwump

raised his hand, silencing the approvals and the disapprovals.

"Whether or not their attack carries a hint of justification, whether or not

it is wrong, the fact remains…We. Were. Attacked." The Brazilian

Mugwump said with an outstretched finger.

"Such a thing can never go unanswered lest we destroy the credibility of

this organisation." The Brazilian Mugwump said, his expression heavy

"Even if we are to combat with the most powerful wizard alive."

This generated a wave of arguments, arguments mostly driven by fear

and anger and irrationality and Cihan drowned the pointless conversation

that would lead to nowhere. He knew that there would not be an

overwhelming consensus for one way or the other, not without the

certainty that war was all but unavoidable.

His gaze fell on Boutros, who, for once, was as silent as a mute, his


almost lost and it was one that washed away substantial amount of the


It was no secret that Boutros had close affiliation with the IA and

rumours were rife of his involvement in the sudden shifts in stances of

many Mugwumps.

With the IA, Boutros had become a powerful voice against the Sayres and

Illos, one that edged the ICW towards war with Illos especially after that

warrant was signed.

Without them…his blood in the water could be tasted miles away by all.

Enemies…and allies alike.

The lull of silence drew him out of his thoughts and he realised the

Vietnamese Mugwump stopped speaking, his gaze, just like all of the

other gazes, falling towards the flying paper bird that headed towards the

Supreme Mugwump.

It was highly unusual for an emergency assembly, let alone any session,

to be interrupted and silence reigned as all waited with bated breaths.

The old Supreme Mugwump plucked the paper from the air and read the

parchment, his caterpillar like brows furrowing before deepening and

deepening in a clear look of heavy concern.

He finally looked up and the Supreme Mugwump looked uneasy,

something that increased the tension in the room "the King and Queen of

Illos are waiting outside the steps with an army of a thousand mages."

The Supreme Mugwump said and Cihan's eyes widened dramatically just

as chaos erupted in the chambers.

Waiting? He wondered, his mind a whirl.

How did they even bypass the war-wards without anyone knowing?!

The areas around the ICW headquarters were some of the most powerful

wards in existence that could contend even with the most powerful wards

centred on converging leylines he wondered as demanding questions

were howled out.

"Why are they here?!"

"They must be defeated!"

"We must leave!"

"Where are the Aurors?! They must defend us!"

"Arrest them, kill them all!"

"SILENCE" the Supreme Mugwump boomed out, his hammer slamming

down, a wave of magic deadened the noise within the chambers.

The Supreme Mugwump rounded towards those who had left their seats,

his gaze pinning them still "If you leave, you will be held in contempt of

this emergency session with severe penalties attached."

The Supreme Mugwump narrowed his eyes as he gestured to the Aurors

within the chambers "I implore that you return to your seats. Now." The

Supreme Mugwump said in a commanded tone, one that almost was

growled out and after a few tense moments with angry looks at the

Aurors and the Supreme Mugwump himself, they returned to their seats.

The Supreme Mugwump looked angrily across the chambers "I will not

have you incite panic and chaos when cooler heads must prevail."

The Supreme Mugwump breathed out heavily before he continued, the

parchment held high in the air as he looked around the chambers

"According to our Aurors, they appeared suddenly just outside market

district, all of them all at once. By the time the bulk of our Aurors

assembled, they were already in sight of headquarters."

"It should be impossible" the Swiss Mugwump said gravely amidst a

steady volume of disbelieving murmurs and looks "They should not be

able to bypass the wards. Especially not after the war-wards were raised

after the disappearance of the IA."

"Unfortunately, it seems that our visitors continue to pull off the

impossible." The Supreme Mugwump said heavily as he looked upon the


"And?" the Polynesian Mugwump questioned gravely amidst disquieted

murmurs, the tension in the room on the brink of spilling. The Auror

division stationed in Alexandria was in the thousands, some two

thousand last he knew.

Was this the start of another wizarding war? He wondered grimly.

The Supreme Mugwump looked at the man "Briefly there was combat.

When they arrived. Combat that the Illosians ended when they subdued

the few dozen Aurors on duty." A great few shifted uncomfortably before

the Supreme Mugwump continued "Thankfully Director Konstanz

prevented escalation and the return of the Aurors in exchange for

delivering the message as to why they were here."

The room was as silent as a grave and the Supreme Mugwump did not

delay any further. "The message they have relayed is that they are here to

negotiate a peaceful solution to the frayed relationship between Illos and

the wider magical world."

Cihan's eyebrows raised but before he could think on it, the Supreme

Mugwump continued "Director Konstanz has also confirmed to me that

he has witnessed them swear the oath of parlay" the Supreme Mugwump

said to the surprise of many and Cihan could see that some wore

contemplative looks.

The oath of parlay was an ancient oath, one that predates nearly all

forms of magical governance when tribes of mages came together under

such an oath of parlay to settle blood feuds, slights or enter negotiations

for alliances.

It was a practice that stems from the ancient times, during the height of

power of the ancient kingdoms of Egypt and Sumer when rivalry between

the Sorcerer-Priests was at its heights and it was adopted by many

magical clans from East to West over the next two to three thousand


Cihan couldn't honestly recall any time that it might have been used in

the past half century…perhaps not even in the last hundred years.

"One that the Director has reciprocated and has honour bound the rest of

the ICW to parlay as well." This hadn't gone down as well but no one

raised their voice against it.

Despite everything, no one wanted to be known as breaking something

rooted in their cultures and sacred as an oath of parlay.

The Supreme Mugwump looked a little disbelieving when he spoke again

"Including the negotiation of the return of hundreds of IA agents captured

in their assault of what they call a 'rogue' organisation."

This surprised many and many had equally disbelieving looks on their

face, Cihan included. It was hard to believe anyone could have survived

whatever happened there. But then, they barely had any real idea of

what might have actually happened.

Curious though, he thought as he narrowed his eyes. Rogue organisation?

Cihan mused the term in his mind and considered the phrasing.

Was that the angle they were going for? He looked around and saw that

more than a few were equally considering that perhaps this was an

option that they needed to take.

Noise rose again and a fixed look from the Supreme Mugwump silenced


The Chinese Mugwump floated forward in his box "They claim to want to

negotiate" The Chinese Mugwump stated blankly "With an army outside

our gates?" The Chinese Mugwump said with a shake of the head, the

implications clear and obvious to anyone.

"They destroyed an ICW building, captured hundreds of our people in an

act of war."

"And this Assembly imposed sanctions on their country and passed a bill

that placed an international warrant on the heads of their sovereigns."

The Indian Mugwump said harshly "That in itself can be considered an

act of war."

"Whose side are you on?!" one of the Mugwumps shouted from across the

room, murmurs of agreement ringing through the Assembly.

"On the side of rationality." The Indian Mugwump said with a sternness

that seemed iron resolute "A side that we all should be on" The Indian

Mugwump gestured towards the Assembly "Instead of the side of rhetoric

that this body has allowed to invade these sacred halls of international

cooperation." The Indian Mugwump said meaningfully, clearly referring

to the warmongering and flip-flopping that had pervaded the ICW ever

since Illos made itself known.

The Indian Mugwump looked around the room "Honoured Mugwumps,

we are on a dangerous precipice at this moment in time. We have seen

that they have access to the kinds of magic that could wipe out entire

nations and we have seen their willingness to use it if pushed!" The Indian

Mugwump said with a raised voice.

"We cannot afford this to escalate any further than it already has!"

The Mugwump looked at the German Mugwump with disdain in his eyes.

"Lest we find ourselves truly at war with an enemy that may make the

war with Grindelwald seem like a playground squabble" the Indian

Mugwump said as his box seat returned to its place.

The arguments went on for some time, those who wanted the Aurors to

act and those who wanted to enter these negotiations and only after

assurances were given by the Chief Unspeakable that the protections

within the enchanted chambers were absolute, was there consensus to

hear out the Illosians.

The Indian Mugwump placed a motion forward to suspend the warrant

on the Sayres as a gesture of goodwill, one that he claimed would signal

their intent of genuine negotiations to end this crisis and it passed easily

though far from unanimous.

Unsurprisingly the Bulgarian Mugwump had abstained from the voting

and Cihan knew that it wasn't because of a lack of interest – Cullaica had

been paying attention to everything and he hadn't failed to notice his

visible interest in Atlantean magicks – but once more he was disturbed at

the lack of action by the man…or his leader.

It wasn't long before the heavy twin doors opened, two dozen of ICW

aurors entering first and Cihan was struck by the visage of their guests.

Two guards clad in silver grey armour from head to toe stood on either

side of the Sayres, who were dressed in equally militant armour though

of different hues. They looked daunting in truth, not only by what they

wore but in their presence and in the way they looked at the assembly.

Atticus Sayre looked like nothing like he remembered, the curious boy

that grew to a passionate young man replaced by a man of cold

authority, his dimly aglow eyes sweeping across the chambers with a

naked danger that was tangible.

The look of the Slytherin Lady wasn't much better, her beauty a

dangerous allure though nothing could hide the calculating glint in her

eyes as she watched with a predatory gaze.

There was absolute silence as they arrived at the centre of the chambers,

the sounds of their boots stopping and the closing thunk of the heavy

twin doors the last semblance of noise in an otherwise silent chambers.

They looked like conquerors in truth and it was a feeling that permeated

throughout the chambers like a harsh and chilling breeze.

One of the guard's helm slid away as smoothly as a falling curtain

"Presenting His and Her Majesties, King and Queen of Illos and the

Illosian peoples, His Grace the King Atticus Sayre and Her Majesty the

Queen Emily Sayre" the guard enthused, his zeal easily sensed as he


"King and Queen Sayre" The Supreme Mugwump said diplomatically, his

voice calm as he spoke "I would say welcome to these hallowed chambers

however we both know such words would sound hollow." The Supreme

Mugwump said with a keen stare.

The Queen smiled though her eyes were as cold as frozen coal "I agree."

She said and the tension grew and the feeling of unease stronger.

"Perhaps in time when we're not considered such dangers to the magical

world by this esteemed body, such welcomes would not ring hollow." she

said, her smile turning razor sharp, her eyes darker, and somehow the

tension felt like it was suffused with an edge of darkness to it.

Cihan watched the assembled Mugwumps shift uneasily in their seats, the

wary looks on their faces making it clear they would be anywhere else if

they could manage it. "Isn't that why you're here today?" Cihan decided

to ask, drawing attentions to himself as he stared at them with keen eyes.

"To not only resume some form of normalisation of relations before this

escalates into a war that benefits no one but to also make clear you have

no designs on the magical world like Grindelwald may have had?" Cihan


The Slytherin Lady smiled at Cihan and he almost thought he could see a

hint of amusement in her eyes before it was smothered away. "Just so."

She said with the incline of the head.

"Your claim about our people's survival." Boutros interjected, his eyes

fixated on the Sayres as he paused for a moment "Are you willing to

provide proof?" Boutros asked, his tone far more reserved than it had

been for months.

"Unfortunately…there were a few casualties." This caused displeased

murmurs and uneasy shifting within the chambers "Of course, we are

willing to compensate the ICW with a million galleons for each of the

twenty six casualties to dispense as they wish." Cihan's eyebrows raised.

Twenty six million galleons was no little amount and the rest of the

Assembly understood the message of Illos' wealth quite clearly.

"Of course, that is if the negotiations as successful" Sayre said with

unblinking before he seamlessly continued "We will release several junior

agents after this meeting regardless of outcomes with a vow that they

have not been tampered with before, during or after their capture."

Atticus Sayre said, his voice reaching the very ends of the halls with

seeming ease, his eyes intently on Boutros.

"That should suffice in confirming the survival of the rest of the two

hundred fify men." Atticus Sayre paused, his eyes hardening as he stared

unblinkingly at Boutros. "Of course, we couldn't resist scraping off the

seven tipped moss off of the organisation."

Atticus Sayre said, his face barely moving as he spoke "It was a good

thing too…it seemed like it was growing out of control" Boutros'

expression turned bleak as Sayre spoke and after what seemed like an

age, Boutros nodded grimly as he leaned back.

Cihan narrowed his eyes, the hidden conversation between the two men

not escaping his notice. Seven tipped moss? He wondered. He'd have to

inquire what that meant.

Atticus Sayre looked around the Assembly, his cool eyes traipsing across

the chambers with the touch of an arctic breeze "Despite the tense nature

of our arrival, we are here for diplomacy. This should prove our

willingness to partake in it."

"Yet you have an army" the Italian Mugwump said with narrowed eyes

"Outside this building. If you wanted to negotiate, you could have come

through the proper channels." Even the Italian Mugwump didn't believe

his own words, let alone those within the chambers.

"Could we have?" Atticus Sayre mused, his voice strangely philosophical

as he placed his arms behind his back, his eyes sweeping across the

chambers with a measured calm.

"From the moment my people returned to the magical world, the hostility

of those within these chambers has been profound. You have isolated us,

you have sanctioned us, threatened any that might wish to establish

friendly relations with us and you have placed warrants on my wife and

I, a warrant most typically reserved for criminals with a murder list as

long as a forearm or most recently actual Dark Lords." Sayre paused

momentarily as he fixed his gaze onto the Italian Mugwump.

"We might be idealistic but we are no fools. When peace is denied to

us…" Sayre's face looked as if it was etched in stone as he trailed off, the

weight of the air growing heavier, a tangible feeling of ominousness


"No one denies you peace" the Ugandan Mugwump began, cutting

through the suffocating tension with his smooth deep voice.

'Not after they so ably demonstrated the consequences of what it would mean

to oppose them' Cihan mused as the Ugandan Mugwump, Dembe,

continued "At least that was not the intent of this body." Dembe paused

for a moment as he eyed the Sayres carefully "You must understand.

The…circumstances of your disappearance has left significant impact on

the magical world.

Even now, the loss of entire creature reserves, especially dragon reserves,

have created scarcity that is impacting at societal level. That along with

the pull of your wealth from banks all across Europe have made this body

more…zealous" the Ugandan Mugwump said delicately as he paused for

half a second before he continued "…than they should have been."

Cihan wanted to smile in amusement despite the tense situation. It was

an artful misrepresentation of the main reasons why the ICW was so keen

to 'punish' Illos.

Of course the economic impact of the Sayres' financial terrorism was not

to be understated but it was hardly the main reason for the stance the

ICW as an organisation was taking.

"Of course." Atticus Sayre said with a magnanimous smile "I can

understand the…zealotry that could be inspired from such unfortunate

happenstance. Of course, it was the best option available at the time."

Atticus said, his smile widening though it lost its magnanimity and the

smile looked like it was forged out of braided steel

"After all, the only other option was to stay and…protect my family's

legacy and safety." Sayre's eyes were two pieces of solidified pieces of

refractive volcanic glass "I doubt that would have been an option

preferred to have been made into reality." Sayre said with a cold smile.

"No, I imagine not." Dembe said with an inclined head, his eyes never

leaving Atticus Sayre's gaze "Then perhaps such sensible thinking of

acting in the interest of a greater good may prove to be fortuitous for

both of the ICW and Illos."

Sayre's smile lost some of its coldness as the man inclined his head

slightly "That would be my hope as well. Shedding magical blood has

never aligned with my beliefs. It is a tragedy when it becomes

unavoidable." Sayre looked around the Assembly, his eyes roving

throughout the room.

"It is my hope that we can come to an amicable solution to our quandary,

honourable Mugwumps. We once fought together against the forces of a

Dark Lord for the sake of the magical world." Sayre extended his arms


"Let us come to together once more to solve a difficult problem that need

not exist." Sayre said, his tone diplomatic, his expression gentler.

The tension in the room lessened until an unpleasant voice filled the

chambers "…And why should we agree?" Cihan almost drew in a breath

as his head swivelled towards the source of the grating voice. Cullaica

was leaning forward, his disturbing eyes fixated onto the Sayres.

"Your nation…" Cullaica's smile was a twisted one "Is impressive, to be

sure, just as perhaps your unique knowledge in ancient magicks is but…

all of that is a drop" Cullaica's limp hand swept lazily towards the

assembly of Mugwumps "compared to the number of wizards this body

can call up."

Cullaica's mauve eyes shone unnaturally as his grin seemed to split his

face, practically relishing at the drastic increase in tension. "No matter

what kind of magic you can call up, no matter if no one can match you in

power…" Cullaica's smile turned dark "Even giants can topple under the

wounds of a thousand cuts."

A hush descending upon the Assembly and Cihan almost feel the bated

breaths that were held, waiting on the response

"You're not wrong." The Slytherin Lady said nonchalantly, her tone giving

off the signs that she was unaffected by the aggressive meanings of

Cullaica's words.

She eyed Cullaica with bored half-lidded eyes "Do you fancy yourself as

David, Mugwump Cullaica? The plucky little man with his mysterious God

by your side?" her words were mocking but her tone carried a dangerous

edge to it and Cullaica's expression tightened.

She continued "A war with the ICW would be difficult to win, true and

perhaps you may even get lucky with harming one or both of us" her

smile was venomous, her eyes slightly aglow with a darkness that seemed

to suck out all life, all brightness around her, a haze of blackness

surrounding her with the tenderness of shadow touches "Doubtful as it

may be." She said uncaringly as she tilted slightly to Cullaica, Atticus

Sayre looking on with a hint of amusement in his expression, unaffected

as he stood with his arms behind his back, perfectly content to let his

wife do the talking.

"Of course" her smile widened into a grin, a challenging grin that raised

the hairs on the back of his neck. "Should this escalate into war, we will

simply hunt down all those who voted for war first."

Silence filled the chambers, disbelieving looks set upon the Slytherin


Her eyes hardened into coal black crystals as she set them onto Cullaica,

who lost his boredom, who lost his manic look and seemed almost mad

with seriousness.

She broke away her gaze and set her black eyes on the rest of the


"The nations whose representatives voted for war shall be the first who feel

the wrath of our people, of our magic" her eyes shone with a violent

gleam "of my magic" she said, a waft of dark magic rippling out of her,

magic that seemed to contort and pull at the fabric of reality with violent


"No mercy shall be given, no appeasement will be accepted." She circled

back to Cullaica "Each and every flock and their leader shall be ripped

from life with a vengeance that shall serve a warning to future


Cihan could see Cullaica's eyes widen for a fraction of a second before he

regained control over his expression and the disturbed man leaned back

into his chair, with a hint of a smirk before his expression turned blank

and gave nothing away.

She returned her gaze to the Assembly "That is Illos' promise. Disbelieve

it at your peril."

Silence reigned as the meaning of her threat settled on all of them.

"Of course, that is if we fail to reach an agreement and war becomes

inevitable." Atticus Sayre broke the heavy silence with an unsettling

calm, as if the threat issued by his wife was equivalent to a lazy

observation about mild weather.

"So…honoured Mugwumps…shall we begin negotiations?" Sayre said

with a hard look and hours went by and as hours turned to days as terms

of peace and treaties were discussed and considered and dismissed before

finally a series of treaties were signed, treaties that bound both Illos and

the ICW to a kind of cold relationship, no one was under the illusion that

the treaties would only hold until the equation had changed for it to tilt

in the others' favour.

War…war was averted yet he grimly wondered if the price had been

worth paying from the way he'd seen Cullaica conversing with some of

the more concerned Mugwumps after the negotiations ended. He did not

like a future where Cullaica and his ilk bore prominence in the halls of


He only hoped that it was a baseless fear. He hoped that with every inch

of his soul.


Queen Elizabeth II POV

"Phillip?" she called out a little drowsily as she stretched herself out with

her eyes closed. Her hand went towards his side of the bed and she

realised he was still there.

Odd she thought as she blinked her eyes open. She thought she heard

someone move in their bedroom. She turned towards him and saw him

still asleep though his breathing was shallow. "Phillip?" she tried again as

she touched his cheek.

"He won't wake." She heard her say and a chill ran down her spine, a chill

that dashed away any drowsiness and she felt like she was dipped in ice,

so much so that her breathing ceased.

She felt almost mechanical as she turned around and saw her sitting in a

chair across from her bed, her legs crossed with what looked to be a

sword draped by a piece of cloth. She looked nonchalant, almost bored as

she fixed Elizabeth with a bored look.

"Elizabeth" the witch said with a nonchalant manner, her bored

expression cracking as into mocking smile "It's been a while." She said

conversationally and Elizabeth snapped out of her haze and she grabbed

the silken sheets and covered herself, sparing a glance at her husband

who still remained asleep.

"Not even a gunshot next to his ear would wake him." She said with a

nonchalant manner, almost reading her mind of what she was thinking

despite its pointlessness.

She turned back to the woman.

She also knew it was pointless to try and scream. She knew that the witch

would have made it impossible for anything, even a dog, to hear her

screams beyond these four walls.

"Why are you here?" she asked with a forced calm, her chin raised in a

show of defiance. The witch's smile only grew wider and it felt she was

being eyed by a predator, a predator playing with its food.

The thought that it was actually close to the truth rankled and terrified

her in equal measure…and she was resigned to it.

The first time the witch had come had been years ago, not long after her

father died, an experience that was stuck in her memory like a cancer, a

dreaded helplessness that appeared in her nightmares more often than

she would ever admit.

She'd turned all of her staff, all of her family, her children into

marionettes, unable to move or comprehend anything that was happening.

The witch even allowed her to try and wake them, much to the creature's

amusement, but it was to no avail.

What was worse was after the experience of being interrogated by the

woman, she could tell no one, she could not even open her mouth to try

and force the words out, the abominable magic that much power over


Her private thoughts, her experiences, her choices, all of it was taken

away by this woman's magic and she hated her for it. Only the

knowledge that her children were unharmed each time the witch visited

kept her from acting without control.

She would find no succour from anyone. She was likely the only normal

person in all of Britain that knew of her kind. The woman told her that no

one in muggle Britain knew of their society, not after they purged the

knowledge away from their world.

All of her father's work was undone and now they were at the mercy of

these creatures who saw them less as humans and little more than

animals to be done as they pleased. Even she and her family were not

spared from their cruelty.

"You're always trying to get rid me of as soon as you can." The witch said

in a musing tone, one that didn't hide the cruel glint in her eyes.

Elizabeth only stared defiantly at the witch and it seemed to amuse her

even further.

The witch sighed dramatically, her hand trailing across the cloth. "I

suppose I might as well set you at ease. This is the last time I – or any of

my kind – shall visit you or your family." She said as she picked up her

gaze from the cloth and towards Elizabeth. Elizabeth looked doubtful at

the witch's words.

For three years since that awful first time, the witch would come and put

her under a spell that she with all of her might and will couldn't fight. A

spell that made her answer anything and everything the woman asked


It was only last year that she was spared of the indignity of that violation

and Elizabeth knew that it was only because the witch had gotten

everything she wanted from her and that all of her visits since then were

only made to torment her.

"Your doubt truly upsets me, dear Lilibet" the witch said with that

damnable mocking smile and she wanted to hurl a vase at the creature's


"When have I ever lied to you?" the witch questioned with audacity and

Elizabeth sent her a derisive look which made the witch's abnormally red

lips twitch in amusement before she grew serious and it was a look that

made Elizabeth still.

She hated that intense look, a look that made her feel small, as if she was

inferior. "This time…this time, it is the truth. Our conversations are at an

end, Elizabeth. That is a reason why I am here." 'a reason'.

Elizabeth resisted the urge to narrow her eyes and comported herself

carefully as she stared at the witch. Moments passed when neither said

anything, both of them staring at one another.

Was it truly over? Was she going to leave her be? The torment she made

her go through was beyond undignified, beyond cruelty. It was

abhorrent, the violation of her life, of her family's history and heritage as

she knew it.

Even when she stopped prying into her private live, she never stopped to

question her choices and her thoughts on the happenings in Britain and

on the future of the Empire. Even now, she would have expected the

woman to question on the independence of Ghana, on the recent

independence of Malaysia and the other movements for independence

across the Empire.

She couldn't help herself "Why?" she asked as she stared intently at the

witch that could kill her with a snap of the fingers.

"You have, without fault" she said unable to mask the bitterness from

sinking into her tone "visited every year since my father passed. Ignored

any and all right afforded to a human being and violated me and those

around me with utter cruelty and without mercy." Elizabeth couldn't help

the hints of hate she felt for the woman pouring out as she held tightly

onto the silken sheets.

"You enjoy it too." Elizabeth said with an angry look "You enjoy my

helplessness. Why? Why would you give that up?" she asked finally, her

voice somehow remaining calm.

The witch tilted her head and it was almost cat-like the way she was

staring down at Elizabeth, a cold reminder that this unearthly beautiful

witch was far from human despite her appearances. "I did enjoy your

helplessness." The witch admitted and Elizabeth's was taken aback at the


"It was…riveting, in a certain way." The witch continued, her hands

folding together on top of the sword draped in cloth.

The witch didn't have to expand. They both knew the reason why she

enjoyed it. Elizabeth knew the witch was a cruel thing but even then, she

never harmed her physically when she had ever opportunity to do so.

No, her enjoyment with Elizabeth had come from who Elizabeth was and

the rare helplessness that she was forced to accept.

"I simply have gotten all that I need from you, Elizabeth." She said

matter-of-factly before she smiled in a strange way, her eyes darkening in

some strange magical way she'd seen so often.

"I never thought I would say this to a living muggle" she said as her cold

near black blue eyes pierced into Elizabeth, a gaze that seemed to

penetrate deep enough down to her soul "But I am…grateful." The witch

said with a grudging tone.

This time Elizabeth's eyes widened, her composure breaking under the

admission she never thought she'd hear from the creature. The witch

smiled and it was again a strange smile.

"I know. I'm just as surprised when I came to that realisation." The witch

said with a musical laugh as she leaned back in her chair, her gaze

sinking deep into Elizabeth's own.

"Power…" the witch began again, her tone softer and yet Elizabeth

couldn't fail to notice the dangerous undertones in her voice "Power can

be exerted through force or violence. Power wins wars and fear and it

helps ensure survival." The witch said as her piercing gaze never wavered

away from Elizabeth.

"However, power through violence and force is an inadequate substitute

for when it comes to ruling." The witch paused for a moment as she eyed

Elizabeth with a piercing look "I have always held power by strength and

fear and awe yet I found myself truly knowing that it was not enough."

She said as she stared at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth felt her heart racing as horrifying thoughts invaded her mind.

"Do not be so concerned." The witch looked amused, her startlingly red

lips that looks uncomfortably to the colour of blood rising in a lopsided


"I have no interest in your country." The smile fell off and a look of

distaste made its way instead. Elizabeth felt a wave of relief wash over


The witch straightened up and sent a cruel look at Elizabeth, one that

reminded Elizabeth of the monster that wore the skin of a beautiful


"You should be so lucky I have no such interest, Elizabeth" the witch said

in a low tone, one that seemed to raise the hairs on the back of her neck

and Elizabeth struggled to stop herself from swallowing harshly.

Just as soon as the cruel look appeared, it disappeared and she continued

in her unwanted tale "Through you, I learnt the value of authority

granted by something greater. I learnt the importance of creating the

circumstances of an authority accepted by my subordinates not because

of my power but because it was bestowed upon me." The witch's smile was

now terrifying, and Elizabeth felt terror creeping into her heart.

"In most instances, there should have been no reason why your monarchy

survived all this time. Through Cromwell, through the revolutions,

through the scandals of your uncle and through nature of your family's

heritage" the witch said with a piercing look.

"Even though the British Empire is disintegrating as the years pass and

the decades roll on, your monarchy seems to retain its importance as an

institution. Where nearly all other monarchies have been abolished, yours

has not. Where all other monarchies were seen as a relic of the past,

yours is one that is cherished and considered to be an institution vital to

national identity" the witch paused and the metallic chimes of her finger

tapping on the sword filled the eerie silence.

"Of course, your dynasty had to make sacrifices to survive" the witch said

musingly "and that in itself was useful too…the circumstances that it

arose and the patterns in which it occurred."

The witch looked down at the cloth that hid the sword. "Thanks to you

and that of your forefathers, you've helped me hone in what it takes to

create an empire born out of authority and how to avoid that authority to

be diminished"

"Why would you care?" she asked, a sinking feeling growing in her

stomach as her gaze also followed towards the hidden sword. "Why

would you care about authority and ruling?"

The witch looked up and met her gaze and Elizabeth was taking aback by

the look. It was almost…kind. "Because I am a Queen, Elizabeth."


"I am a Queen of a nation of magicals some nearly thirty thousand strong

in a distant land." The witch's smile grew sharper, the glint in her eyes

brighter "and soon a Queen of three nations and in time, many many


Elizabeth stayed silent as she stared at the woman, her mind in a frenzy

as she thought of the ramifications on this woman being a Queen and

honestly…it frightened her. She knew in her bones that this woman, this

witch, despite never physically harming her, was evil down to her core.

The witch-Queen seemed to be amused and Elizabeth looked away from

those amused eyes. "Yes…I am cruel, Elizabeth" the witch laughed and

the sound felt like nails across a blackboard. "I am not a good person. I

do not see good and evil in the way most people – muggle or magical do.

But…" the witch trailed off musingly.

"I do see the necessity of appearing as one, at least in public and at least

by those who would instead be turned away from someone like me." The

witch leaned back, a contemplative look on her face "My husband does it

so effortlessly, this appearance as a good man. Perhaps it's because he is,

in a way, a good man even if he does not believe it." The witch looked

amused for a moment as her eyes snapped to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth didn't know how to consider that this woman was married.

What man could marry such a monster? No good man could marry such

an evil woman, let alone love her. The witch's eyes turned cold for a brief

moment and Elizabeth looked away once more from the witch's gaze, her

throat feeling tight.

"You have taken what you needed. I do not need to know anything

further. Leave." Elizabeth managed to say after she took a deep breath

and stared down at the witch.

It seemed to only dim the coldness in the witch's gaze and her lips curled

upwards. "Even when you know that you hold no power, even when

you're nothing but an insect before something you could not possibly

understand, you're defiant to the core."

The witch tilted her head, her eyes piercing into Elizabeth like a lioness

would zero in onto a gazelle. "I wonder how long that would last if I


Elizabeth's expression faltered for a moment but she kept up her hollow

defiance. She knew that the witch could do terrible things. Her father had

told her of the atrocities these beings were capable of. The tales of the

battle between the warlord and the Sayre boy haunted her for weeks. The

reports of the kinds of torture these creatures were capable of visited her

dreams for months. The kinds of power these creatures had…

Truly demons of a kind.

"In any case" the witch continued after a moment's silence, mercifully

changing the subject and hopefully she would leave once she was done

bragging like the commoner she was. The witch removed the cloth and

Elizabeth's eyes widened.

The sword – a longsword if she remembered rightly – was impressive

though the pommel looked aged, almost ancient yet it looked well cared


"This sword…is going to be my authority." Elizabeth's eyes snapped

towards the witch. The witch tilted her head in mild curiosity "Think

Lilibet…what sword is known to nearly of British heritage?" the witch

asked, her lips curling upward into an awful smile. No…Elizabeth

thought. No, no no! "Even to those beyond these Isles?" the witch asked

further, her smile now a vicious grin, a viciousness echoed by the victory

that was apparent in the witch's eyes.

"No…" Elizabeth shook her head, unwilling to believe it "It's a fake!" she

swivelled back towards the witch, terror gripping her heart "It cannot be


The witch seemed to enjoy her despair and she looked like she was

feeding off of it. "Oh but it is…it truly, wonderfully is." The witch said

with a laugh, her eyes gleaming with cruel satisfaction as her hand curled

around the pommel.

Her heart sank as the witch raised the sword upward and she could faint

inscriptions on the blade itself "It is the real sword, the true sword of

King Arthur of House Pendragon, the King of Britons. The one that my

kind swore fealty and obedience to. The true King of all Magical Britons."

Her eyes gleamed as she spoke out and Elizabeth understood why the evil

creature was here and her heart sank at the realisation, the dreadful

helplessness chained to her heart dragging it down into the abyss.

Her father had told her of the truth behind the myth, that it wasn't a myth

at all. That the stories of the legendary King of Britain was true, a king

cherished by the magicals in Britain and seen as someone almost equal to

a saint despite his normality. Her father also told her that King Arthur

was how they'd gotten the fealty of the magical world – in no small

thanks to Merlin himself – in the first place as William's line was seen as

the spiritual successors of the Pendragon line.

"You cannot be the heir to Pendragon's legacy." Elizabeth shook her head

"That line died without issue." She said with a firmness she did not


The thought of the magicals seeing this cruel creature as their Queen

gripped at her heart. She would have tens of thousands of magicals at her

beck and call and she feared that more than anything. Her country, her

people would never be safe again.

"Oh…" The witch intoned, her sibilant tone causing shivers to run down

her spine. "But I am, dear Elizabeth" the witch said with a gnawing laugh

as she brought the sword down to her lap. "I am his successor's successor.

My ties extend to Princess Morgana herself, a witch in her own right."

She said with a victorious smile.

"I do not believe you." Elizabeth said with denial. She could not believe

this woman.

"I know." The witch said easily "And it doesn't matter. Not when I have

Excalibur. Not when it is bound to me." The witch leaned forward, her

eyes gleaming when she spoke once more "Not when all of Magical

Britain will see that sword and believe I am the rightful Queen of Avalon."

Elizabeth closed her eyes.

From what her father told her, the magicals despised that their status as

their sovereigns and the oaths that bound them. Oaths that seemed to not

matter anymore given that nothing she could say or do allowed her to

affect this woman.

Was it because the witch was seen as the true heir to the British Isles

instead of her?

She reopened her eyes and saw the witch standing, Excalibur floating the

air. "What will you do to my country?" Elizabeth asked, her voice

sounding far more frightened than she wanted. Logically she knew that a

sword would not be enough to wretch the Crown from her family, from


But…this was magic. With an army of magicals who believe her to be the

rightful heir to the British Crown, what violations could they not do?

They could alter people's minds, she could alter entire records to falsify

her lineage, some cousin found after her and her family's 'tragic death' in

some accident.

She never prayed harder and more desperately than she had in this exact


The witch stared her down. "Nothing." The witch said and Elizabeth

couldn't help but meet the witch's gaze, immense relief filling her bones

even if she knew not to trust a single word of the creature's mouth. It felt

better to do so than to disbelieve it. "I have no interest in your country.

Or your kind."

The witch stared Elizabeth down "Our worlds were never compatible.

You would view us as demons, as creatures and my kind see you as little

more than talkative and harmless chattel who look like us." The witch

shook her head.

"I know better." The witch said as she looked coldly at Elizabeth. "Your

kind would happily kill my kind off without a second thought if you

believed you could get away with it." The witch waved the hand and

Excalibur disappeared before she refocused on her.

"This is the end of our meetings Elizabeth." The witch said as she walked

with graceful steps, her arms behind her back and Elizabeth stiffened as

the witch leaned forward, her face closer to her, her hand hovering over

Elizabeth's face.

"My gratuity to you extends this far. I will keep my world away from

yours. But…" the witch's eyes darkened into a midnight black and

Elizabeth felt her breath seize. "Should your kind find itself knowing of

mine own world and plan to destroy it…Pray." The witch said before…

A near silent crack made her jump in fright, confusion on her face as she

felt herself tremble for seemingly no reason excepting that terrible grip

on her heart.

"Elizabeth?" she heard her husband call out confused.

He turned towards her and looked at her for a moment before he sat up

immediately and place his hands on her shoulders. "Hey, hey, hey. You're

shaking." Philip said in a concerned voice. "What's the matter?"

Elizabeth didn't know what was wrong and it took a few more minutes

until she calmed down and she felt safe in his arms. "It was just a bad

dream" she finally said, willing to attribute the terrible feeling to a

nightmare mercifully forgotten and she closed her, her hands falling

together in a prayer. "Just a bad dream…" she whispered, her hands

firmly held tight together.


21st of August, 1957 – Illos, The Saccas Public Library

Gaius Volusenus Hardy POV

He wore a heavy frown as he read the passages again and again, the

difficult and rather archaic English language used to describe the effects

of magical suppression finally getting through his mind.

He turned towards the other book on radiation, reading the relevant

paragraphs before turning towards his notebook and wrote down his

notes and thoughts.

He had a lot of them all the time.

In lessons, at home, even in the field playing Threepeller or Quidditch,

his mind would wander and make strange connections from the barest of

threads sometimes figuratively miles apart and he would be almost

compelled to chase those connections until he could solve them or could

find answer to them.

And in such a chasing, he was here in the library, alone and with books

sprawled all around him, seeking to find a solution to a thought that

popped into his mind a few days ago.

Magical suppression was a misnomer.

All books on the phenomenon that suppressed people's magic highlighted

it as 'constricting the flow of magical energies within the body' but Gaius

didn't think that was right…no, it was more like magic being absorbed


Magic was a form of energy, a strange and somewhat alive form of

energy that existed throughout the world and the universe. But an energy


A constant form of energy that magicals and other magical beings and

animals were able to use in some way or another, in some degree or


And that meant that it was not unlike other forms of energy, like

electromagnetic radiation. Like other forms of energy that existed in all

kinds of different wavelengths of energy.

He had read a few months ago in the Astronomy Journals about the

findings of their stargazing in 'star-forming regions' where they

determined that stellar gases were very good absorbers of energy, of


Whilst that was fascinating, it wasn't struck at him, no, what struck at

him was the idea of black bodies – a phenomenon that described the

absorption of all wavelengths of energy and radiates at all wavelengths –

and he begun to think that there was a good chance that magical

suppression behaved a bit like black bodies, that magical energies were

being emitted out of the bound individual instead of their magic being


Most handcuffs or similar kinds of artefacts were highly restricted so he

couldn't really study the runes that were etched but he did know that one

key rune was 'Nauthiz' which symbolises restriction but runes were not

black and white despite their meanings being fixed.

It mattered how you used them, the sequence in which you used them. It

could mean necessity, conflict or endurance in the right sequence.

Plus…restriction in a certain context could also mean limit. A limit of

their usable magic where the excess beyond what they might need is

radiated away into the ambient environment much like how energy from

a solar body is radiated away into space.

And if his instinct was right, then that also meant that there may be

observable differences between the individual's magic and the magic that

is being emitted away from the individual. Different wavelengths of magic.

And if that is the case…

Then it might even be possible to harness the different wavelengths of

magic in interesting waves. Human magic and other magical beings and

creatures were fundamentally different. They all had different frequencies

and wavelengths of magical energies and it allowed them to do things

that were unique to their kind.


If magical suppression runes did indeed radiate away magical energies

instead of suppressing it like some kind of electromagnetic field…

Then it could potentially change so much of what they could with magic,

he thought excitedly as he wrote down arithmantic expressions of

magical energy field theories and time seemed to fly past as he read and

wrote unaware of the world around him.

"Gaius, time to go home" Mrs Kovac said gently and he looked up from

his book.

"Already?" he asked a little surprised before he flicked his fingers and the

time showed to be almost eight thirty in the evening.

"Circe, I wish I had your retention of attention." She said a little


He turned towards the librarian, a little embarrassed as he scratched his

head with one hand and the other closing the book "It's nothing special,

it's just my home has always been busy so you kind of had to learn how

to tune out the world" he said.

Really, learning how to create silence bubbles wandlessly was one of the

first tricks he learnt. Of course Livia and the others would learn to work

around it annoyingly.

Her expression turned disapproving "If your brother is as much a rascal at

home as he is in here, I'm not surprised." She shook her head "Honestly."

Gaius awkwardly laughed as he stood up. He thought it a little unfair,

calling his brother a rascal. Yes, Fortie tended to be louder and more

liberal with the way he interpreted spell restrictions in the practice

chambers but he didn't break the rules.

Well, not that she knew anyway. If she knew of Fortie's attempts at the

more dangerous and restricted cursed fires she'd finally have the

justification to ban him.

"Anyway" she said with a smile "I have sent your mother a note just so

she's aware you stayed until closing."

He opened his hands, the soothing feeling of his magic at his command,

willing to act as he commanded and it so when his fingers curled and


Books and items he owned flew into his bag with practiced accuracy and

ease and he looked at the librarian with a slightly forced smile as he

thought long-sufferingly on the…unwanted favours she did for his

mother. His mother and Mrs Kovac knew each other – well everyone knew

everyone really – and had always sent his mother message notes if he

stayed late in the library.

She did the same about Fortie when he 'misbehaved' but the only thing it

did was make Fortie even more difficult. Mrs Kovac learnt not to speak to

their mother about Fortie about the fourth time he messed about with the

indexing of books.

To be fair to Fortie, he'd matured a lot more recently too – it kind of

looked like the good behaviour might actually stick too especially given

what Fortie wanted to do – and it had ages since he last been a 'problem'

but Gaius guessed that she would always hold a slight grudge.

"Thank you Mrs Kovac" he said politely as he slung his bag over his

shoulder "I'll see you tomorrow" he said quickly as he hastily walked past


"Oh! Alright dear. May Magic guide you your way home!" she said to him

with a stretching voice and soon enough he was out of the door.

He took the closest Subgate to the northern side of Celestis city and it

wasn't long before he was walking up the snaking road that nestled in

between the rolling hills of his neighbourhood though he walking with a

mind that was adrift, afloat on a barge of sea made of ideas and


He was in his third year at the Pandrosion and soon he'd need to make a

decision about what he wanted to pursue. Well, he could always make a

change later of course but he knew that once he made his choice he'd

stick with it. It was just…making that choice that was so hard. He sighed

as he kicked a loose stone.

Some of his siblings and his other classmates had long ago decided, even

confirmed their choices with Tasseography, the divination skill of

identifying symbols and interpreting messages found in shapes and

configurations of tea leaves, with a little help from Marisa who was very

talented in Divination.

He had made his sister promise not to look into his future, going as far as

making her promise with their childhood way of promising each other –

which was worth despite the mild embarrassment – and she promised not

to tell anyone but he hadn't missed her refraining from committing to not

look in the first place. At least he could live with only Marisa knowing, he

thought to himself.

It seemed like the Office of Magical Innovation and Technology and the

Office of Biology and Chemistry were making ground breaking

discoveries every day.

In magic. In science. In everything!

Even in clothes discoveries and innovation was being made. He looked

down at his Losi shirt before he raised his hand and his sleeves turned

hardened and harder than steel itself.

It was made out of crystalline silk and able to resist most medium kinds

of spells without even having to charm them or en-rune them. It could

even protect you from the harshness of space for ages and the more

expensive ones could even siphon magic to fuel the duplication and

growth of tiny molecules of some kind of algae that would keep you

sustained in the worst of circumstances!

They were pretty much everywhere now.

Gaius shook his head as he remembered the Look Fabulous adverts of

clothes that pretty much protect someone across space all the way to the


His most favoured discovery that he was amazed by was just figured out

last month and it was brilliant in its simplicity. Mist!

They figured out a way of plant cultivation using mist!


They figured out a way to grow plants without the use of soil through the

study of how plants absorb nutrients and from that, they were able to

create a nutrient rich environment that was incredibly humid and the

vegetables like turnips and carrots and even fruits like strawberries were

able to be grown in this kind of environment.

Gaius thought it was so brilliant, the way they did it.

And it wasn't even new magic or technology really either. Just a new


Just as the environment was regulated with the climate and weather

control magical array, the air was circulated through an enchantment

that cycled and recycled water rich air.

And he wanted to be part of it, all of it, but he didn't know how he could

do that. Everyone could go into anything as long as they were smart

enough for it but Gaius hadn't known anyone who could be part of any

kind of innovation or research.

He breathed out moodily as he put his hands in his pockets, the lights of

his home drawing ever closer. Maybe he should just do what his siblings

were doing and just choose one field. Or maybe just become an

independent researcher.

He didn't have to work in the Offices. There were plenty of independent

people who were making their own research but they were either doing it

for their businesses or they were doing to sell their ideas to the Offices.

He didn't really want a business but the second way of doing things

probably was a good option. But he wasn't really sure if he wanted to do

it that way.

His shoulders slumped a little.

Maybe he should just join the Illosian Guards like Fortie was going to do.

He wasn't the best at combat magic but he was pretty powerful, more so

than even Fortie.

No…he sighed. It would be a bad choice. He would hate it the moment

he joined.

Fortie was a natural born leader – the amount of times he'd gotten the

entire class to participate in mischief… – and someone who was born to

be a hero like Hercules from the game Hercules' Twelve Impossible Tasks.

Gaius…was not that.

He shook his head clear as he arrived on the porch and made his way

into the home.

He half hearted greeted his siblings, congregated as they were in the

living room watching some drama on the Screen, equally half heartedly

in greeting him, and he made his way up to the stairs.

"Gaius! Is that you?!" he heard his mother shout from the kitchen and he

sighed as he turned around and descended back down towards the


His eyes widened before he ducked just in time, funnily enough, beneath

a stuffed duck that was flying around in the air. It wasn't the only thing

flying about. Eggs, flour, vegetables, fruits and sauces were like an angry

bunch of hornets buzzing around in the kitchen, the sounds of his mother

softly humming an upbeat tune ringing quite nicely as she stood by the


"Mama" he called, a little frazzled and she stopped her humming as she

turned around.

"Ah, Gaius!" she said with a beaming smile and he looked at her a little

oddly. She was always usually a little snippy when he came late. And just

in general by the time it was evening. He eyed the small pot of cream

cheese that was whizzing around passed him with wariness before he

looked at his mother again.

His mother flicked her wand and the food set back on the counter and he

breathed a silent breath of relief. She brought her hands together and she

twirled her wand a little, a brief flicker of magic drying and cleaning her

hands away. "There was a letter for you" his mother said, tucking her

wand away before she walked towards her cloak draped over a chair.

"Oh." Gaius said, a little confused. "From school?"

It wasn't time for reports yet, was it?

"No, silly. You know it's not time for those reports yet" his mother said

with a laugh in her voice. She stood straight back up, a letter in her hand

and a…proud smile?

"I haven't read it" his mother said as she walked over to him, her hand

outstretched with the letter in hand "I was very very tempted though."

Gaius took the letter and his eyes boggled when he realised the seal on

the letter and his head snapped towards his mother "I-is it really…"

"Yes darling" his mother said with a wide smile "It's really from him. His

secretary confirmed it on the Holo."

Gaius carefully opened the letter and read it, his eyes sweeping across the

paper with ever growing surprise…and excitement. "Well, what is it?" his

mother asked with urgency behind her voice.

"It's an invitation." Gaius said a little numb as he handed over the letter

to his mother. An invitation to hear the King speak of an opportunity.

"Oh Gaius!" his mother said as she barrelled into him and somehow

managing to lift him off of his feet despite the fact she was about thirty

pounds lighter and a head smaller. "You have to take it!" his mother said

as she stopped hugging him though she didn't let him go as she seized

onto his shoulders, an intense look in her eyes.

"Mama, we don't even know what it is yet." Gaius said a little

exasperated. There were no specifics after all.

"Bah!" his mother exclaimed as she let go and waved it off "If the King

offers something, you have to take it! And you know the King never

offers anything terrible, why, it would solve your terrible indecisiveness

in one swell swoop!"

That…that was true. If the opportunity was something he liked. He

looked over his shoulder a little sneakily and realised that they were still

alone and he felt a hint of relief. He looked back at his mother, a serious

expression on his face "Mama…don't tell anyone yet. I…I don't want

anyone to know yet." He said a little uneasily.

His mother stopped and looked at him keenly before she nodded slowly.

"Very well. But you must tell your siblings when you take the

opportunity." His mother said firmly. He didn't fail to miss the when

instead of the if.

"I will not have something so wonderful create division in the family."

His mother said and Gaius sobered up and nodded. Both of them knew

that this would no doubt spark some jealously, especially Fortie who

worshipped the King more than anyone he knew.

Days Later…

Gaius stood a little uneasily in the room, his gaze traipsing across the

busy hall. He knew quite a few of the other teenagers, most of them were

in the years above, his year or below him though there were a few he

thought might have graduated recently.

He greeted those he knew when he arrived at the building on the

outskirts of the city though he hadn't really taken part of the

conversations. He was a little too nervous for that. The door opened and

the King walked in and all conversation ended.

The King smiled kindly at them as he gestured them to sit down.

They all did as he bid them to do and he began to speak, a kind and

proud expression on his face "It wasn't too long ago when many of you

were all little children chasing around my little conjurations." The King's

smile widened a little as he looked at Mariana who seemed to collapse

into herself.

"Mariana I believe?" The King asked and Mariana bobbed her head that

was beet red in affirmation "I'll spare the recollection of the story of your

accidental magic" the King said almost with a chuckle and Mariana

seemed to want to hide away.

"Not that it was embarrassing of course." The King added before he spied

a last glance at the teenage girl "Mariana had quite the talent at age four

even if it was accidental." The King smiled kindly at her. "Not surprising

then that you have flourished over the years." Marianna looked

embarrassed and proud all at once and it was a pretty funny look.

"After all, impressive accidental magic tends to point out one's potential

with magic." The King mentioned offhandedly to the assembled teens

before he gently clapped his hands and a wave of magic ruptured from

between his hands startling them.

Behind the King, orange runes formed in the air and a pinpoint orange

glow grew and grew until it formed into a portal. Gaius watched with a

keen eye, knowing that it was Illosian runes, runes that he had asked –

interrogated more like – his Runes Professor about.

Soft murmurs rang around him and he wasn't surprised, no one really

knew all that much about the runes, only that their King and Queen

invented it – he hadn't even thought it was possible to do so – and only a

few had learnt it so far. Apparently the runes were going to be available

to be taught within the next few years.

He was so going to sign up for that!

The portal was huge and a Gate was floated behind the King who hadn't

even once turned around. The portal closed and the Gate was set down

gently with nary a sound.

It was a little strange too, this gate.

Very different from the Subgates and the international Gates.

It was…smaller but bulkier and the runes seemed to be blacker than the

ring itself which was almost black itself. A loud clearing of a throat broke

him out of his thoughts and saw the look the King gave him and it was

almost like a collective wave of slight embarrassment washed over them

as they forgot about the King in their admiration of the gate.

The King smiled gently at all of them, a hint of amusement apparent in

his smile "I will explain shortly about why I brought the gate…after I

explain why you're here."

"Now" the King began and his tone made everyone sit a little straighter.

"You are here today because you are the brightest minds of your

generation." The King said surprising them all. He did see nearly

everyone here was amongst the best at Pandrosion but not everyone was

here. His sister Livia wasn't here and she was very smart. Fortie was

pretty smart too when he wanted to be.

"If you're wondering why some others are not here who are as bright as

you are, then that is because life has other paths for them." The King


"They will become magical specialists, economists, businessmen or

women, scientists, teachers and magineers. The bedrock of Illos. You

however" The King paused for a moment "Those are the path that you

may take if that is your wish" The King nodded to them before he smiled

a little "And you would all excel if you chose any of those paths. Or…"

The King looked at them intently

"Or you may wish to take the path that I offer to you." The King said and

Gaius was surprised and interested. Gaius looked around and saw many

being as intrigued as they were surprised just as he was.

The King continued, an almost secretive smile on his face "A path that

you will make your own and a path for others to follow" the King said as

light seemed like it fled from the room and darkness had flooded in.

"You know of my interest in space and our incredible and ground-

breaking achievements that no other has achieved." The King said in total


And just as sudden darkness flooded in, light sparked into sudden


Gaius flinched a little at the sudden change of lighting, his fellow

teenagers similarly distressed however that quickly made way for a huge

outburst and gasps and Gaius...

Well, Gaius had let off his own outburst.

Small dots of light flickered into existence. "We have been to the Moon.

We have been to Mars. And we are going to go Jupiter and Saturn. But

that is not the extent of our ambitions nor is it our final destiny."

Moments afterwards luminescent arrays of colours sparked into existence,

circling and merging into a very family spiral.

"No, our destiny sets us on a more distant path. A greater path" The King

continued as he walked through the spiral before it reformed around him

and the King was now in the middle of the light show, his hands raised

with the palms facing the ceiling.

"Earth" the King continued, the conjuration flickered towards a region of

space within the galaxy "Has been our cradle. Our mother and our

father." The conjuration zoomed in and in until a very familiar solar

system came in to existence. The conjuration honed in on Earth, the

brilliant blue gem that hung in a sea of darkness.

"Yet it is only a cradle. One meant to be outgrown and to leave behind."

The focus of Earth stopped and the conjuration began to zoom out and

out until only the Sun could been but it didn't stop there, no, it continued

to zoom out until…

Until it refocused on another region and zoomed forward until it focused

on a red star. The red star grew larger and larger until they moved past

several gas giants and towards a dusty red looking planet with more

moons than it had seas.

The conjuration grew smaller and the red planet that looked like it was a

brother to Mars hovered in the King's hands. 'Gliese Alpha, 15ly' hovered

above the conjuration. The gate behind the King turned on and a dusty

red landscape came into view. "And you, the brightest our people have to

offer, may lead our people towards that path out of the cradle." The King

said as the conjuration flashed out of existence and the King turned on

his heel and made his way through the Gate.

Gaius looked around and he saw that others were unsure and even

somewhat confused. Gaius looked back at the Gate, his eyes surveying

the red dusty landscape. Surely not…Gaius wondered but then he

remembered who the King was and that impossible was not in his

vocabulary. A giddy sense of excitement bubbled in his stomach and he

saw that the King was standing some way from the gate facing them,

waiting for them and Gaius let off a deep breath before he walked forward

as calmly as he could, the excitement in his core barely restrained.

He passed the Gate's horizon and he nearly stumbled when he felt the

different gravity and drank in the thinner air. Thankfully he didn-

His mind came to a stop when his gaze fell on the sky and his brain

interpreted what it was. Gaius' breath was hitching and he felt almost

like he going to faint.

"Breath…" he heard, the word carried through the thin air like a leaf

sailing through the wind and he felt himself calmer though no less

mesmerised by what he was seeing.


So so many moons…

Moons of all kinds of shapes and sizes dotted the night sky, no, day sky,

moons that were as oddly shaped that bore resemblance to potatoes,

moons that were larger than their own moon filled the night sky, even an

acid green moon!

He realised he really was on another world and he laughed and almost

jumped up in excitement. By now more than a few of the others had

walked through the gate, chattering in excitement and wonder.

He was on an alien world! They were on an alien world!

Gaius swivelled round and winced before he placed a hand above his

head, one eye closed as he peered at the sun. The alien sun. A sun larger

than their own and as red as the sands of Mars! He turned towards the

King and saw him waiting patiently for him, for them!

"Guys!" Gaius shouted and he drew their attention and pointed towards

the King and they made their way towards him. As they neared they saw

that he bore an indulging smile, one that hinted that he was pleased

about their excitements.

The King gestured them to stand around him and they did as he bid them

to do. "As you have no doubt surmised, we are on an alien world." The

King said with an amused smile and a score of giggles rang amongst the

group. "This world is Gliese Alpha. A world some fifteen light years


"How is this possible?" one of the others asked with awe in his voice.

"This…I never thought magic could do something like this."

"With magic, nothing is impossible" The King said with a gentle tone

though his eyes conveyed his absolute belief in his words. The King's arm

swept across towards the skies. "With magic, the doors to the entire

universe is open. You stand on one world whose doors we have opened."

The King looked back at them, his intense gaze sweeping across them.

The King looked at each one of them "With magic, we can unfold stories,

legends, myths that hide in the crevices of the universe." Slowly, the king

raised his arms, a look of evanescent concentration settled on the King's

face, his eyes dimly aglow. "With science, we can understand the

structures, the forces, the rules that bind our universe together." The King

said, his voice ringing with an authority that spoke to their souls.

Gaius' eyes shot wide open – and he wasn't the only one as gasps and

slightly impropriate but appropriate words were exhaled – at the

mountainous weight of magic that rolled off of the King, volumes of

magic that seemed to careen away from the King like tonnes of snow off

the slopes of mounts as tall as Olympus.

Arcane tendrils of emerald and violet spun out of the King, tendrils that

ebbed and flowed in beautiful swirls of interlaced magic, magic that

seemed to climb and climb higher and higher into the stratosphere as the

world seemed to bend at the seams.

The ground shook, as if that mountainous weight had suddenly been

dropped onto it, and had it not been for the fact that the King was gently

keeping them on their feet, they would have been all sprawled on the

ground. Even now, they were still balancing themselves to keep

themselves steady yet the King…

The King stood like a timeless pillar, unfazed and unmoving, his eyes still

only dimly aglow though the maelstrom of magic that blanketed the

King, that blanketed all of them was felt skin deep, bone deep and Gaius…

Gaius was in awe.

Gaius had always known the King was powerful. The stories. The news of

when he did something that no one would be able to do even if they were

two hundred years old. But…

But it was another thing to feel it.

The ground shifted, red sand parting like curtains pulled aside in a great

circle around them, tens of thousands of tonnes, no hundreds of thousands

of tonnes were moved aside with an ease akin of a finger tracing a line in

soft sand and Gaius' eyes widened as great structures ripped out from the



Massive, intricate, magnificent structures of glass ripped out from the

ground in the dozens, in the hundreds, colliding and fusing, the sounds of

the act a beautiful chime.

Gaius' face felt pained, his smile threatened to tear his face off at its

seams yet he felt like he didn't care, he couldn't care…no…this was why

he loved magic so much, he thought with wonder as the ground shook

some more and the sands fell away to reveal a floor made out of glass.

The glass megastructures began to orbit around them, two, three

concentric rings of glass that were as tall the tallest towers in Celestis.

Gaius looked around to the rest of his peers.

They were struck dumb, the awe they felt was so clearly etched on their

faces and he thought it was beautiful. He managed to catch the eye of

one of the girls, Clarissa he believed, who's eyes seemed to sparkle with

wonder and he smiled at her, his eyes looking upon with a knowing glint,

one that she seemed to understand and appreciate and he was reward

with a beautiful smile from her.

Gaius broke off the gaze and stared back up towards the glass and saw

that two of the rings of glass were orbiting diagonally, making it seem

like it was a circle with a 'x'. The glass floor that they stood upon began

to shake a little and Gaius' eyes widened when he realised that they were

lifting off.

A translucent bubble emanated from the King as they climbed and soon

they were up on high, higher than he's even been, climbing and climbing

into the fringes of atmosphere until…until they were out in the void, in


Gaius marvelled at the sight. The way the faint green hue emanated from

the red planet made possible by the red light from the sun impacting the


The way the moons, both big and small, round and odd, orbited around

the world with a strange peaceful metronome that Gaius knew was a

wonder in itself. It shouldn't be possible for so many moons to be in such

stable orbit. Gaius smiled widely as the funny thought and he almost

burst into a fit of giggles.

It should also not be possible to be in space some fifteen light years ago

from home! A distance of hundreds of trillions of miles crossed in a matter

of less than a second!

The King brought his arms down and breathed out loud enough for them

all to hear and soon all eyes were set upon this man who could do the


The King looked at them kindly, a spark of emerald brightening his eyes.

"There is a great deal of mystery you do not know…or the true nature of

our destiny. Yet for now, I can tell you our destiny…" the King said as he

gently swept his arm across towards the void and towards the alien


"Will set us on a path that will lead us far into the galaxy. World upon

world we will see and visit and tread. And you…the brightest and best of

Illos shall lead our people towards our destiny." The King said, his eyes

aglow with barely restraint magic that seemed like if released could

incinerate them all in only a moment's slip of control.

The King's expression shifted and it was entreating as he looked to one

person then the other until he met Gaius' gaze and when the King spoke,

Gaius knew that this was his choice…would always be his choice.

"The question is…are you willing to take it?"


19. Interlude II

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next chapter is available

on discord whilst at least the next three chapters after it are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

Interlude 2

1947 – Illos

"You've decided on this course?" Atticus asked quietly, his eyes intently

studying his mother even if he already knew it was coming. Doesn't he

didn't dread it though.

"I have" Anne smiled at him slightly before she looked away "My life with

Marcus was wonderful, more than it ought to have been. We've seen

many things together" she turned back at him, a loving smile on her face

"brought up two children that would fill any parent with pride before she

lost that faint glimmer in her eyes "But now…" she sighed.

Atticus closed his eyes. "Are you leaving beca-"

"No." His mother interjected "I am not leaving because of you, the world

does not revolve around you" his mother said to him in a soft chiding


He reopened his eyes and met his mother's gaze.

She continued "You may have kept many secrets from me, far greater and

consequential than I had ever thought they may be, but I am not leaving

because of that or because of the ostracising of our family"

She gazed upon the homes that stood upon a maze of hills, a fond smile

on her face. "I am saddened to miss most of the beginning." She said with

a wistful sigh, a sigh that pained both of them.

"Then why?" Atticus asked, unsure if he managed to prevent his voice

from being uneven. He'd seen this conversation happen in so many

different ways yet it felt like a punch in the gut. Like he'd Seen it happen.

Somehow it felt more painful.

His mother smiled at him and stayed silent for a moment before she

began again "I am curious" she said slowly.

"Curious?" Atticus repeated after her.

"Moira wishes to visit some of the old worlds that used to belong to her

people" she looked at him pointedly "partially to help find this new world

you wish to settle our people" she said before looking away from Atticus.

"I've gotten close to Moira and she tells me of the richness of her

people…of the wonders they had constructed, the worlds they built to

perfection and utmost beauty. She knows they are most likely destroyed

into nothingness by the enemy of her people but there might be a

remnant left that she could find and I…" She trailed off for a moment.

Atticus placed his hand on top of hers. She turned to him with a smile

"And I…I could use an adventure, I've been cooped up here too long and I

think this might be a productive way of spending my time"

"Mother I'm sor-"

"Don't, please." His mother said softly "I understand why you did what

you did. I did from the moment" she gazed towards the alien trees "I

woke up here and understood it was because of you" she turned to him.

"In truth, Moira helped a lot with dealing with my grief…the way her

people expressed and dealt with their grief aided my own tremendously."

He knew that she spent a lot of time with Moira, even once isolation had

ended. It seemed like returning to being a 'socialite' hadn't been on the

cards. Not that it likely would have been on the cards anyway after the

death of his father.

And he hadn't been able to begrudge her that comfort, that sheer

distraction that Moira and tales of her people offered to his mother

despite the difference in culture and, not to be rude at all, his mother's

understanding of the universe. It seemed that despite all of their

differences, it hadn't impeded them from bonding.

He was glad for his mother, truly but he didn't want to lose his mother to

the unknown…the person who loved him the most without question or

judgement, the person who had repaired him the most…

He loved her wholeheartedly and there was nothing he wouldn't do for

the person who made him understand what being loved felt like the

most…the first person he ever loved.

His sight while growing was not perfect and he didn't know, couldn't know

what she'd find there. He'd Seen a future where she'd be back but she'd be

gone not long after and after that his Sight was too…unclear…too


And he hated that he didn't know, that he couldn't protect her if she

needed it.

He also knew his mother. She'd already decided and short of taking away

her free will, he'd not budge her from the decision.

"And in that time, I learnt more about her own grief, the unresolved pain

she feels at the lack of answers as to how nothing seems to remain of her

people or even the enemies that thoroughly consigned her race to

extinction." She paused for a moment "I think I can help with that." She

saw his surprised look and chuckled softly "Of course I won't be much

help with all of that machinery but I am fairly good with my wand and I

think I can support her in other ways"

"I'm not surprised that you're willing to help her as much as I am

surprised that you're so willing to go into the unknown out there in

space" Atticus said concerned.

He didn't know what was out there and Moira likely didn't either, at least

not completely. These Forerunners may not be as gone as Moira believed.

He found it difficult to believe that those who choked travelling through

slipspace in a way that prevented any aid coming towards the besieged

humans could go extinct from their own weapons.

Those who had hundreds of kilometres long warships, hundreds of

thousands warships that could annihilate entire worlds and even move


And even if it was true, that they were truly gone because of the

parasites, parasites that only needed a fleck of cells to survive before they

could become an insurmountable enemy again…

He didn't want his mother go out into space alone, even if it was with

Moira in a ship capable of outflying and most likely outgun any enemy

except for a few races.

"You were planning on going to space yourself and then later the rest of

us, weren't you?" she posed to him knowingly.

He sighed and nodded and she hummed "Well, where do you think you

get your wilfulness and your stubbornness from?" she smiled at Atticus

before it faded away.

"I understand what you mean. I have not always…approved" she said

delicately "of your desire to study the sciences but that had been when I

had thought them to be the muggle version of magic, their own way of

trying to live up to what we can do with but a wave of the wand" she

stared past him.

"I know better now and I agree that we should find ourselves a home" she

met his gaze "and who better to look than your own mother?" she smiled

at him.

"Someone who you do not need anymore, that Sophia doesn't need any

more either" she said in a slight wistful tone.

"Mother, I do not think you understand how much I still need you"

Atticus said in a quiet tone. His mother's presence alone set him at ease

in ways that no one else could. He trusted her wholeheartedly with his


"You don't" his mother smiled at him, a glimmer of sadness in her eyes

"You haven't needed me for years, not since you were a child." She

squeezed his hand

"You have many things to do, Atticus, and it serves us both well if I am

out there" she looked upward before she settled her eyes once more on

him "exploring and preparing for when it is time."

Atticus remained silent for a moment. He understood what she was

implying, offering to remove a weak spot in his armour with all that he

was plotting.

Though she wasn't really offering…merely letting him gently know.

He sighed.

"I won't be able to dissuade you from this?" Atticus half asked, half stated

already knowing her answers that was always the same in countless times

he'd watched this moment.

She merely smiled at him "Could I dissuade you from this path you have

chosen?" she returned to him, reminding him of where he had inherited

some of his stubbornness from.

"You could…" he said softly.

She brought her hand to his cheek and padded him softly "I could not and

would not. I understand now why you were always so interested in the

sciences. You were always could see the potential of the littlest of things."

Her eyes glittered

"Even in your choice of spouse you could not have chosen more ably,

even I would have liked grandchildren much sooner than I think I will

have from you" she said in a teasing tone.

He nearly choked on air at that "Well…" he tried, stumbling on what to

say next and his mother's tickling laughter filled the air between them

causing Atticus to smile at the warmness he was feeling.

They spent the last few days together with Sophia once they came back

from visiting family in the States and Emily joined once during those last

few days, leaving with his mother for a few hours before she left, both

women silent on what was discussed and he let it go despite how curious

he had been.

Truly, it had been a blissful period that was a bright spot in an otherwise

greying world and now, as he stood before the scout ship next to Moira,

his eyes intently focused on his sister giving their mother a tearful 'see

you soon', he felt as if his world was darkening even further.

"If you come back without my mother, don't bother coming back." Atticus

only said, his gaze never once leaving the sight of his family.

He felt Moira's gaze on him but he didn't bother turning. Not yet. "You

might have plans for my kind, nebulous plans that seem to fit with what I

intend to do with my people but know this…Yminenso Yprikushma"

Atticus said as he turned to face her, his eyes meeting her dark ones.

"I am a terrible enemy to have." His words were said with an arctic

coldness that could chill atoms into stillness.

"Do not test my resolve by not returning my mother to me." He said, his

gaze moved back to his mother. He cared for his people, he truly did. But

his family…

Not even destiny would be safe from his wrath.


1947 – Bhaktapur, Nepal

Emily POV

Her eye twitched as chimes and drums droned on ceaselessly, the high

pitched sounds mixed with low pitched drums spearing her towards a


The only thing that was more annoying was that they were amongst

these rabble, rabble that left little room to move let alone walk.

It was overcrowded, smelly a-

She felt his hand wrap around hers and she turned to him. Atticus bore a

faint but reassuring smile that drove down that irritation and she felt

calmer as he soothed her through their bond.

She gave him a small smile, if a little scowling, back before she returned

her gaze towards the congregation of muggles. She could bear these

muggles a little while longer.

It was the Gai Jatra festival, a festival that commemorated the deaths of

loved ones. The muggles wore comedic face paintings, wore reds and

oranges mixed with those who were more solemn, grieving. It seemed

like it was a festival that allowed anyone to be joyful or grieving turning

into a curious experience to say the least.

A muggle child wove through the gap between herself and Atticus who

stopped and turned towards them with a painted moustache and a red

circle between his eyes, all while bearing a wide smile on his face as he

waved before disappearing through a sea of muggle legs.

She felt Atticus' amusement through their bond and despite herself she

allowed herself to smile at her husband's childishness.

As the day continued, they watched little muggle girls dance oddly with

brass teapots, men carrying effigies of some kind restlessly, random

individuals beating drums in an odd synergetic manner and they'd

watched performers wearing nothing but a towel and red scarfs as they

performed with sticks.

Far from the strangest things she'd ever seen but it was at least somewhat

confusing and she confided as much to Atticus. Most of the actions by the

muggles seemed…pointless, random, without meaning.

Not that she was surprised. After all, these people were a superstitious


"They say that it is to commemorate the deaths of loved one but the point

really is community. Sharing in loss and sharing in the beauty of life and

death." Atticus said as they walked more freely through the scarcer

streets as a consequence of the festival petering down the wake of the

looming night.

"I think that whatever they do is kind of a natural evolution of successive

festival throughout the centuries. Random acts of fun become frequent

sights the next year and then the following year and before you know it,

it has become tradition, a staple of the festival." Atticus said with a

curious smile.


She could see now why he wanted to come during this distraction.

With Illos more or less finished now, at least the homes, the nature and

the enchantments that regulated weather, water and more, it would soon

be time for the next stage of their plans to come to fruition.

The movement of thousands of magicals to Illos.

Illos had long been an idea, a target that they both worked towards for

years, had worked on for years and now it was coming to be with the

way relations with Magical Britain was breaking down for House Sayre.

And with that breakdown, came the inevitable migration towards Illos,

by a people who would be…reliant on Atticus, on them, to provide them

all that they need.

And that left an opportunity of shaping them culturally.

Already they were working on that with the orphaned children and

infants that they rescued across the world and given to childless mothers

to mother and raise in the exact way they wanted in Illos but these

thousands of largely adult people would need a more hands on approach.

She eyed the few trailing performers that have yet to leave, still dancing

their primitive celebrations with a contemplative look on her face. They

already outlined how they were going to shape them culturally but not

quite socially.

Humans grew closer with shared experiences.

The greater the kind of experiences shared, the closer they were. This

was seen plenty in war – those Knights of Atticus' were a prime example

– but similarly she had seen the same effect when old traditions and

festivals were reintroduced at Hogwarts where children across different

Houses who otherwise rarely dealt with each other instead became


"You're thinking of introducing something like this?" Emily asked as they

kept on walking, a contemplative look still on her face.

"Nothing so…" Atticus said a little slowly before a look of mirth crossed

his face "extreme." 'Primitive' she knew he wanted to say.

He continued "But yes, something similar. Of course, the traditional

festivals and celebrations will be made into a shared experience but in

the interim, I believe a frequent gathering of some kind might prove

useful to help create a commonality." Atticus said before he lost his look

of mirth as they approached one of the dilapidated homes.

"We're here." He said and she inclined her head slowly as they walked up

to the door. She waved her hand over them, the rough translating charm

washing over them whilst the illusionary charm fell away from their


The translating charm would work just about well enough for them to be

able to speak with the muggles.

The door opened and a young looking man came to the door, surprised

but also wary. After all, both she and Atticus were foreigners in a very

small town knocking on their doors.

"Namaste." Atticus began smoothly with a bow of the head with his palms

held together as if he was praying. She followed suit with the gesture.

This wasn't the first time they were paying lip service to local customs.

The man returned the greetings with a similar albeit a little stiffer


"I am Atticus Sayre" he gestured towards her "This is my wife, Emily

Sayre." The man nodded, a little surprised at their flawless accent.

Atticus turned back to the man "And we are here to talk to you about

something important if you have time to hear us out."

She felt Atticus send out a mild wave of unbounded pulse of Legillimency,

one that tinged with reassurance and compliance and she saw the man's

shoulders dip a little in relaxation.

She knew that Atticus didn't like manipulating emotions like that,

especially to those he deemed innocent. Of course, disliking something

doesn't take away the necessity of easing a situation even if Atticus went

about it in a way that was far more respectful than they really deserved.

The man looked at them for a few seconds before he let them in.

The house was little better than a shack – a well cleaned shack but a

shack nonetheless. It almost reminded her of her mother's home. Of

course, these people had more dignity than those infernal Gaunts who

practically resided in their own filth.

As they were directed towards the living room, she saw the reason why

they were here in the first place. The girl was sitting with a very worn

book in her hands on the ground as her mother got up, about ten years

and likely turning eleven within the next six months if their intel was

right, with a curious gaze on her cherub face.

Bhavaroopa Bitsa, a muggleborn witch born in nowhere to two

unknowing squibs.

The girl remained on the floor, her gaze flickering between them and her

parents were talking idly before the woman went away and the man re-

joined them and gestured them to sit, the look of curiosity intensifying.

Just by looking at the girl, one would not assume that she was any

different…that she was special yet she could feel the magic from her, that

near silent thrum that she emitted so unknowingly.

She likely never would know how truly special she was as she went about

her life – if she made it that far without being accused of witchcraft,

muggles had a strange sense of knowing if someone was superior…like

prey feeling it was being watched by a predator – until the day she died.

It was to her fortune, just as it was to the hundreds of others, that she

wouldn't wallow to a life of great insignificance when she could become

more as the magic in her blood demanded all while being properly taught

their ways.

From the arid deserts in Mongolia to a sparsely populated island in the

Pacific they were capable of capturing the bursts of magic a child makes

once they went through their very first magical maturity which happened

from the ages of five to seven.

They were able to pick up those bursts of magic that operated at higher

magical frequencies almost instantaneously and they triangulated on it –

frequencies that were more…responsive to will and desire – with the aid

of the Ancient Satellites that covered the Earth to find the origin of the

burst of magic.

It allowed them more freedom in securing children at the fringes of any

magical society that were likely to slip through the various nets of

magical detection that were arrayed around the world.

Admittedly, she didn't quite dislike this part of their travels, the dimes

they found that they'd change into galleons loyal and working for them.

Something she hadn't quite expected at first.

Entwined with their search for relics, artefacts and pearls of knowledge

around the world for the past few years or so, they made an effort to

personally visit muggleborns born in the regions that were effectively

unwatched by the magical world.

They of course focused primarily with at-risk muggleborns, those who

had little protection against fearful mobs or undeserving parents –

something that had kept them utilising Time-Turners and Polyjuice a lot

more than she could have conceived – but now they were making the

journey towards the ones that proved to have better parents.

Slightly more challenging and different challenge altogether but it wasn't

too hard to overcome once they were convinced it was a genuine offer to

improve their lots in life. Creating circumstances that were just right

enough to make them fearful of their child's – and their own – safety of

course helped with the stubborn and frankly sharper parents.

So far, Bitsa was the eightieth muggleborn they were visiting this year

made possible by the Stone of Admissions, a crystalline stone that was

connected to the leylines that crisscrossed the world in a similar fashion

to how the Hogwarts' Book of Admissions was connected to the leylines

that ran below the great school.

With Atticus' Sight and the Stone, they were able to plan years in advance

on how they were going to convince the better parents to move countries

without raising any alarm bells by those she knew were watching their

movement very closely.

She knew that it was quite likely that this girl would be the very last

they'd visit personally for some time given what was happening back in

Britain though it should not affect their recruitment now that Atticus'

trusted – and oath sworn – associates in Sphinx Group were taking charge

of the operation.

After they were brought little cups of chai tea, likely a luxury for these

people, the man finally asked Atticus what this important thing was.

"Has strange things ever happened around your daughter?" Atticus asked

with a calm tone as he nursed the chai tea, watching curiously over the

rim the cup.

The mother stiffened, a look of panic clouding her face whilst the Ms

Bitsa looked terrified. "Peace." Emily soothed as she let go of the cup and

leaned back in the rather uncomfortable wooden chair.

Their eyes widened dramatically.

"You're like me!" the little girl, Ms Bitsa, said in wonder.

"Are you a boksi [witch]?" the father questioned, his voice even despite

the clear fear that she felt exuding from him.

Her eyes darkened slightly "Not in the way your people believe." She said

calmly though it was a close one to keep her tone from being…harsh.

Only the fact that these squibs were…better than their ilk kept her from

being disdainful. She knew that these people were an exception to the

primitive muggles of these lands.

Nepal, once upon a time, had a thriving community of magicals.

For thousands of years Nepal had been a land of spirituality and magic,

so much so that both magical and muggle Buddhists from across Asia

made pilgrimages to Nepalese temples that were fountains of knowledge

containing priceless manuscripts on the nature of existence…and magic.

Yet as with all things when it came to magical and muggle cohabitation,

through centuries of mistrust growing between both kinds of people,

magic, once seen as something as natural as breathing instead became as

wicked, something to fear…people to fear.

The once thriving community of magicals left Nepal towards the

mountains of Tibet, India and China not long before the Statute was

erected yet despite magic leaving these lands, witch hunts were still a

frequent occurrence even now.

Hatred from these muggles knew no reason or logic and were driven by

superstition that bordered near insanity with what they perceived as


Particularly when it came to women and girls. They were blamed for

material loss, sickness of cattle and livestock along with actual illness of


The unlucky ones were burnt alive – it seemed even tens of thousands of

miles and hundreds of years apart, muggles of any kind had a propensity

to burn people alive – others succumbed to wounds from torture and

assault whilst the lucky ones survived the ordeal though never they were

never the same.

Whilst most of the victims were muggles, both her and Atticus did

believe that more than a few over the centuries likely had been

muggleborn witches.

Folklore wrapped in myth and stories to scare children of wicked

creatures as dark as night that were found throughout distant regions of

the world made it likely that more than a few muggleborns had turned

into Obscurials throughout the ages.

In Nepal, the description of Masan fitted that of a Obscurial just as

Tariaksuq in Inuit mythology did and just as similar words and

descriptions fitted the consequences of muggle intolerance.

As much as the ICW would like to profess that Credence Aurilius was the

last known Obscurus, it was a bold faced lie that was an open secret

amongst the more politically connected individuals.

After all, there was little reason for there to be an International Affairs

department whose mandate was wholly woolly with regards to what it

was supposed to do.

"Not in the way you believe either." Atticus said knowingly, his gaze

holding onto the man's eyes. The man broke it and looked at his daughter

before he looked back at Atticus and nodded determinedly.

"My daughter is not a monster like some would claim her to be should

they learn. She is good." The man said firmly.

Atticus gave the man a smile as inclined his head and she felt a trickle of

contentment eke out from him, that soft spot he had for those who were

traditionally morally right rearing its head.

"And you are right." He said as he waved his hand. The book that the girl

had been reading floated in between them, a gasp of shock escaping the

lips of the mother whilst father and daughter only watched as Atticus

repaired the book back into pristine condition before he levitated it back

to the daughter.

"Magic is not evil rather it is a gift, one that your daughter inherited from

both of you." Atticus said, recapturing the small family's attention.

"I don't understand?" the mother said hesitantly.

They spent the next few hours explaining the particularities of

inheritance and the history of Nepal and its links to Buddhism – along

with some liberal stretching of the truth – and then went on to explain

the opportunities for the family in Australia where they would be given a

new life and a new home for them.

They hadn't been keen to learn that it depended on them accepting that

their daughter would need to learn magic to control herself but once they

explained that untrained magicals brought attention to themselves along

with the implication of what exactly such attention meant for their

family should it happen.

They also bluntly explained to the small family that they were doing this

for the girl as they feared for her safety should she remain in Nepal and

in the end, they agreed to the terms in full with only some amount of

compulsion needed to convince them, starting a new life in Australia

where a new home and employment waited for them.

They would leave the very next day to Kathmandu to board the chartered

private plane that waited on them that would go to Patna before going to

Kolkata where they'd take a ship to Perth where they would be settled

down and sworn to secrecy by the muggleborns that worked for Sphinx


"She's likely to become an introducer, isn't she?" Emily mused aloud as

they stood by the docks of the port of Kolkata, returning to the region a

few days later to see them off.

They both knew that early life experiences greatly shaped the trajectory

of one's path in life. An abused child had much greater chances of

becoming an abuser themselves. A child raised by a successful

businessman is likely to have a career in the same industry or even the

same company.

And the children they introduced to magic were very likely to become

introducers themselves once they were integrated into Illos. Especially

those who had experienced the violence of muggles first hand like some

of the children they barely saved had or those who had boundless

amount of compassion like this little girl seemed to have.

It would be useful in the years to come when the muggle populations are

set to explode. Who better to introduce families to the benefits of going

with them than those who are visible proof of success?

"I think the chances are very high" Atticus admitted with a smile as he

took her hand.

She twisted with a silent pop taking him with her and soon enough they

arrived some three kilometres above the Irish Ocean and as they felt the

grasping hand of gravity, they released their magic and evaded its grasp

before flying unaided back to shore.

She raised her wand and with the memories flooding the front of her

mind, a torrent of white blue mist streamed from her wand before a

magnificent sphinx galloped forth from that mist. "We have returned."

She said to the Patronus and Sphinx bowed to her before it turned and

raced away.

They would cease their masquerade and return to one of the safe houses

to purge the Polyjuice out of their system.

With the attentions that were on them, they had to be…creative to

explain their absences. As much as she hated others taking her form – no

less than five different oaths bound their subordinates to secrecy and

conduct – she knew that it was necessary especially when they often left

for days, sometimes weeks, at a time.

A couple of silent pops later, they were back to Sayre Manor.

"Masters" Tweenie said with a bow as they walked through the front


"Lunch is ready."

"Thank you Tweenie" Atticus said with a nod as they carried on walking

towards the dining room.

Atticus waved the seats pulling them out and she took the seat by the

head of the table. She turned to him as she sat down and food popped in

front of her.

"She'll be our last, I think." Atticus said as he began to cut into the

shepherd's pie. Before he put the piece in his mouth he continued, his

eyes on her "I do not think we can spare the time any further." He told

her and she agreed and she was rather pleased it would be the end of it.

She hadn't been enthused by his desire to personally convince unknowing

squib parents to take the opportunities offered – she'd refused to come

the first few times – but in the end she had conceded and joined him in

his travels.

Her disdain for the muggles had only increased of course, these people

who lived little better than animals in squalor and without civilisation in

these far off regions.

They were not as bad as the parasites in the cities that lived on top of one

another, those who destroyed without care or reason but it was a close


At times she had thought that their aims of leaving this world were

misguided, that they were gifting them far too much to creatures who

deserved nothing more than to be reduced to cattle made to work on their


She banished that thought, flashes of ancient horrors in the deeps of

space coming back to the forefront of her mind, a faint grimace soaring

from within.

At least the muggles – if they didn't destroy themselves – would prove

useful in the centuries and millennia to come should the universe prove

to be as hostile as they suspected it was with the way the muggles bred

and advanced.

They would prove great distractions when the time came.

Still, it hadn't been completely pointless beyond the benefits of obtaining

more loyal magicals for their empire and propaganda. Even in the bowels

of most remote regions of the world, there were still the pervasiveness of

magical blood.

A prospect that screamed towards the inevitability of the destruction of

the Statute in the decades to come. The ICW knew nothing of these

regions which begged the question how much did they and the Ministries

really know about the populations and the looming explosion of

muggleborns under the respective magical nets?

European schools, particularly the Northern ones like Durmstrang and

Koldovstoretz already didn't allow muggleborns to be inducted in their

schools and many basic schools were still not rebuilt after the

Grindelwald war. The ones that were still in operation had a catchment

area of tens of thousands of square kilometres.

It was bound to result in muggleborns being unattended to.

With the ICW watching carefully over Europe, she knew that the

practices of getting rid of muggleborns were at an all time low – even if

the culling of known squibs was at an all-time high as a consequence of

The Truth about the Returnees and the Lie of being Muggle Borne – and if she

knew anything about the idiocy of purebloods was that once they

stopped doing something, they rarely restarted of their own volition.

Fools, she thought with an inward sneer.

They were sleeping on top of an active volcano that was on the precipice

of explosion.

Muggleborns were the greatest threat to the Statute and their methods on

dealing with the squibs and the muggleborns were insufficient, a half

measure that was doomed to failure.

Either you killed all muggleborns and squibs once discovered or you

integrated them from the earliest age possible making sure you kept

control over them and their perception of the world.

All they were doing now was make inaction a new normal that one day

will erupt into disaster where not even mass Obliviation can remove the

damage, she thought before she banished that train of thinking away and

returned to their conversation.

"Yes, my work in Hogsmeade will take more of my time in the coming

months." She said to him. Her National Heritage Museum, her

employment schemes in Hogsmeade along with the various other

initiatives she was undertaking with a few of her vassals would keep her

busy…and very public.

She started cultivating a picture of national icon in the form of the

Founders, one that was suitably progressing well without much

interference from the Ministry.

"That will be important" Atticus said musingly as he ate silently for a

moment before he eyed her "We only have a year before it turns truly

stark." He said as he placed a piece of the pie into his mouth.

"Sophia is confident that we can move all of our businesses out of Britain

within the day whilst she's working on the logistics of our businesses in

Europe." He paused for a moment. "The ones that aren't creature

reserves." He said musingly before he continued to eat, quieter than


She sighed internally as she stared at him silently.

The political pressure was ramping up just as they expected yet it still

angered how…easily Atticus' accomplishments and goodwill had

evaporated over the past year and a half, so much so that there was very

little they needed to do to force a situation of exile.

It was expected, of course, after the way they had ruthlessly operated

within the business and political worlds as they utilised the influence

Atticus had garnered from his defeat of Grindelwald and his

revolutionary products yet it left a sour taste in her mouth to see how

quickly and easily a tower of power could crumble.

And now, with the Ministry having nationalised key companies –

including the Daily Prophet – the insinuations and remarks made by the

Ministry was finally affecting the populace, so much so that going to any

of the Alleys was almost impossible for Atticus would facing at least a

few looks of scorn.

Whispers of comparisons to Grindelwald who they acknowledged Atticus

had saved them from were growing in strength. Accusations of

destabilising the Ministry, accusations of having a private army at his

beck and call just waiting to enthrone himself as a dictator were

becoming more and more prevalent.

She wasn't sure if she found it amusing or rage inducing that she was

receiving looks of pity, pity! from those very same people as a

consequence of their work to separate her away from Atticus.

He might not have said it but she knew that he was…wounded at the way

he was being scorned by the same people who they intended to take with

them to greatness.

The fact that others were manipulating events to push them out did little

to assuage that disappointment he felt for the sheep.

Still, at least it served a purpose however, she thought as that sliver of

anger melted away. He was more acclimatised to flagrant and distasteful

manipulation of people and events, that moral battle he often had with

himself disappearing into the wind like dust riding on an eddy of a gale


She never liked the way he tortured himself with what needed to be done

for those who didn't even deserve an ounce of consideration and she

could see that he was running out of patience with many many people…

even those who had once been considered friends.

It wouldn't be long before he'd return fire with fire, before he'd speak a

language they thought they knew but come to fear rip out of his mouth.

That, at least she was looking forward to.


1947 – Zagros Mountains, Persia [Iran]

Her eyes washed over the mountain range and over the valley nestled in

between two great peaks, the green brown valley that signalled a lush

region in better days' thousands of years ago.

Her eyes veered towards the holographic map hovering in the air that

marked out the location of the tomb of Jabru, a necromancer nearly lost

to time only remembered somewhat by a scarce few in the local magical

communities and thought to be a god in the Elamite religion by the


She glanced at Atticus who was further ahead by the mouth of the cave.

There were no real traps in the tomb from what Atticus had been able to

See though it seemed like there was little recourse around the blood

sacrifice requirement to gain entry to the tomb.

She made her way towards him and the entry, her magic pulsing out of

her as she felt the weak but fixed magic that guarded the necromancer's


Most tombs and caches they'd raided had similar degradation of ancient

wards yet curiously the instances of these wards having failed could be

counted on one hand.

It was impressive to a degree that these ancient wizards and witches were

able to make such long lasting wards especially when nearly none of

them were tied to any leylines. They'd used human blood in almost every

instance as the medium to tie wards to their tombs and hideouts.

It was quite likely that these kinds of wards were the ancestors to blood

wards tied to leylines, refined and improved over the millennia.

"If we strip the wards away, the structural integrity of the cave will fail

immediately as a consequence of cascade failure." Atticus said with a sigh

and a shake of the head. "It'll happen too quickly to stabilise the place."

Atticus said with a wan smile as he raised his hand and pressed his other

finger against his palm and dragged it across creating a line of trailing

blood before he placed against the entrance.

She could feel the shift in the wards, the non-conscious intelligence of the

wards probing and sensing the magic in the blood offered before the

wards receded back into idleness.

Minor tremors rippled below them, the rock face parting slowly but

certainly, and it wasn't long before they were privy to a dark tunnel.

"Sometimes I wonder about our kind's tendencies to store away all

achievements and artefacts in tombs." Atticus said musingly as he led first

into the dark tunnel, a dim light flickering into existence. She hummed in


It was proving to be quite true, this tendency for ancient mages to hide

away their discoveries. Especially given that the kinds of tombs they

found were certainly not mediocre wizards…nor as light as the majority

of people today.

Tomes bound by human skin that still felt warm to the touch, scrolls and

texts that were undecipherable simply because it would kill you to even


She doubted these people ever trusted anyone with their life's work.

Likely came to these tombs – in some instances literal palaces dug in

mountains – waiting to do die.

She also knew that if either of them ever died or planned to, not that it

would ever happen, they would very likely do the same. And she knew

that is exactly what he meant with 'our kind'.

"Too proud of one's work to destroy, too distrusting to leave it behind for

others to use." Emily said as they stepped further down in the narrow

tunnel, the air stale.

"Good thing too." Atticus said with a sigh as they reached the tomb itself.

"Texts like those of Luxiticus released out in the world…" Atticus' whistle

echoed against the damp walls. "The world would have been a very

different place had it remained in circulation."

As much as she hated to say it, she was in agreement that such works

would have ended in disaster however interesting it was. Vampires and

werewolves were bad enough but they were honestly mild in comparison

what they'd found, particularly Luxiticus' work.

Revolutionary is what she would describe Luxiticus' experiments on

human life to be and she could see traces of his work in that of others,

including that of Ekridis whose experiments and creation were far too

similar to be completely original work.

She was quite glad that Ekridis never got his hands on Luxiticus'

surviving notes on Leviathans. The idea of Dementors in the mould of the

Leviathans was utterly menacing and she was content that Luxiticus had

dispatched the Leviathans before they were able to escape.

Leviathans could take human shapes but could also become incorporeal

shadows with possessing strength that rivalled vampires and werewolves.

They were hard to kill, retained some sense of magical ability, preferred

humans as their primary food source, and had an innate desire to

dominate along with insidious 'psychic' abilities – some form of

Legillimency – that could ensnare even the strongest of wills.

To make it worse, they could fly, intelligence rivalling that of mages and

they could conceal themselves entirely from magical sensing.

Had Luxiticus not destroyed the mating pair when he found out about

their attempts to escape his control, it would have been likely they would

have ascended to the dominant species of the world.

Luxiticus despite his very useful act had kept enough clues to at least

grant the chance to recreate his creations to anyone remotely competent

and lucky to encounter his tomb and texts.

She thought that Ekridis probably found pieces of Luxiticus work

somewhere given that a lot of Luxiticus work tended to be geared

towards creating esoteric beings that could feed from non-physical

sources of magical energy.

They made it to the tomb, if it could be called that, a few minutes later.

Jarbu had died at his table seemingly in the midst of consuming some

kind of drink.

The tomb was disappointing, most of the scrolls had withered away to

little more than dust thanks to time and lack of care though were at least

several dozen tomes that survived including some truly malevolent tomes

that almost made her bask in how dark they were.

It was those that Atticus was eying intently. As she got closer, she could

imagine the painful deaths the sacrifices had died to imbue it with the

protections that it had.

"The books on transmutation." Atticus' countenance darkened ever so

slightly as he looked over the tomes, the malevolent feeling of the magic

that was imbued in the tomes bothering him.

"Human?" Emily questioned and he turned to her with a slight nod before

his eyes returned to the tomes.

"It'll take some time to break the protections. It'll be worth it though." He

said to her and she smiled slightly before she refocused on the books.

There were few entreaties on human transmutation or alchemy, even in

the Sayre or Slytherin libraries so it was a welcome find.

With her own research and experiments on the creation of life faltering

slightly despite the access she had to the Atlantis archives, any insights

were welcome.

They left not long after, taking all of the tomes with them and soon

enough they were in the air, flying over the Zagros Mountains towards

their final destination.

The magical history of these lands were rich, almost as rich as that of the

Far East or Egypt and many magical communities in this region could

trace back their heritage around these mountains or the Tigris and

Euphrates rivers in the West.

Thus it wasn't surprising to either of them that there were many tombs

and caches hiding in the crevices of mountains and caves causing them to

return here for a third time in less than a year.

In many ways, the quality and volume of tombs strengthened the claims

of the magical communities around these parts, that this was a cradle of

civilisation…and that of magic.

And much of that claim was centred on the Elamite Empire that once

called these mountains and valleys home along with its legendary mages

that preceded and combatted the famed Sumerians.

The Elamites had two politically, culturally and socially important

centres in their empire. Susa and Anshan. Susa was located between two

fertile river valleys near the base of the Zagros Mountains whilst Anshan

was in the formidable mountain range in the south east where the city

was protected by the surrounding terrain which later had been sculpted

with formidable runic walls.

The Elamite mages were not as well known for their master sculptors and

metal workers as they were for their combat magicks outshined as they

were by the Ancient Sumerians but they were far from lesser.

The Ancient Sumerians might have considered the Egyptians as rivals

when it came to forging and alchemy but that rivalry was nothing but a

child's quarrel compared to the rivalry it carried with the Elamite mages

which the Doctrine of Susa highlighted perfectly.

The Doctrine of Susa was a famous transcript found during one of the

excavations by the Persians that took decades to transcribe though once

it had been translated, it had made clear that there had been effectively a

bitter rivalry between the Elamites and the Sumerians…even in the

spheres of magic.

The Doctrine had set out the requisite requirements of any and all mages

to be handed over to the Mage Guilds to be trained in the arts of

sculpting, metal working, alchemy and religious ceremonies.

Not much had survived of that era over the thousands of years when it

came to proof of their capabilities in magic or their writings, not after

constantly being conquered in a thousand-year period between the 2500s

BC and 1500s BC.

What had survived however, was the reputation of the Elamite mages to

this day. Each time they had been the very strength of the Elamites to

drive out the Akkadians and then later the Sumerians when they had

sacked the legendary city of Ur.

The Elamite mages had gripped southern Mesopotamia with an iron grip

for decades before they had been removed infamously by the Ancient

Sumerian mages who had learnt how to wield elemental magicks and

turned the river Euphrates into a graveyard as they wielded the river like

a scythe cutting down the Elamites, muggle and magical alike, before

ushering out a century long uneasy peace.

That was not where it ended however, for it was the catalyst that

spawned the resurgence of the kinds of magicks that had been lost since

the days of Atlantis.

Through the rivalry between the Elamites and the Ancient Sumerian

mages, ventures into blood magicks, necromancy, elemental magic, soul

magic were made, cutting edge magical research with the backing of

kings and lords and politicians of city states that feared one another

provided ample sources of slaves and prisoners of war to conduct

experiments on – it was thought that Veela, Sirens and other near-human

magical beings were as a consequence from these experiments – and it

was marvellous.

Mages were elevated and some even inducted into the pantheon of gods

as rivers were turned into devastating weapons as mountains aplenty

were ripped apart and valleys made and mountains reformed into a

natural barrier to armies and mages.

Huge arrays of rituals were common place, plagues and droughts were

acceptable weapons of mass destruction as entire climate and topography

was changed and destroyed just as cities were strangled to death as rivers

were made to change direction and strength.

The most unfortunate however was that only a fraction of the knowledge

survived and even less than a percent of that fraction was known to any

families outside of that region of the world.

As a centre of power, it was bound to attract the attentions of other

peoples and soon enough waves of nomadic invaders streamed into the

fertile crescent. Babylon was conquered by the Hittites, the north and

central parts of Mesopotamia were flooded by Kassites and Hurrians all

while the Elamites took and lost and regained territory and cities

throughout the centuries in those turbulent times.

Much of the powerful magicks were lost in this era, temples were purged

of children understudies in the chaos killing off future generations before

they became dangerous. Mages turned on mages for coin and wealth

before being treacherously dealt with in kind by those who paid them

and the final death knell on the Elamite mages' power came when Susa

was razed to the ground by the Assyrian Empire in the first millennia BC.

An ignominious end to what had been powerful clans of mages.

Most of the surviving mages in the region, however few in numbers, had

taken to shelter away by the time of the Median and Babylonian Empires.

Over the next millennia, such communities would grow more isolated

with time free from the turbulence in the region where war was as

frequent as the seasons.

It was shame then that in their isolation they also lost their ancestor's

ingenuity regarding magic. By the time the Achaemenid Empire came

about, most of the magical weaponry the Immortals used were little more

than slightly better quality than that of mundane swords and spears.

Of course, it was likely by design but she couldn't help but think it was

also what they were only capable of. By the time Alexander and his men

steamed all the way to India, the Grecian mages had far surpassed the

Mesopotamian mages in skill and ability in magic.

Across the horizon, just beyond the small passage of ocean, they could

see Qeshm Island. Emily sped up, now faster than the speed of sound and

with a broadening smile, he followed suit

They landed with effortless grace onto the hard beige ground, the eroded

walls of rock. She turned to Atticus and saw his hard face. She glanced

away and her eyes grew half lidded as her magic expanded outward and

magic crept into her eyes.

There wasn't much magic on this lifeless rock except for…

Her eyes widened and she turned to her east, her eyes seeing that trickle

of magic that seemed to be ebbing and flowing like a gentle tide. "The


"Yes." Atticus said, his expression set hard before a hint of excitement

replaced it. "I suppose it's a good thing it can't be bargained with." Atticus

said, a shadow of a smile growing on his face as she looked on, her own

excitement rising.

Neither of them had fought a creature as deadly as a manticore. It hardly

would be a challenge despite its imperviousness to nearly all kind of

magic but the novelty of slaying a manticore was certainly exciting both

of them.

"I'm honestly surprised that Zereh was able to get it to agree to guard its

castle-hold." Emily said musing as she stepped off of the ledge and fell


With only a slight flicker of the fingers, her descent was halted and she

twisted around to gracefully stand on her foot. Atticus was beside her

only moments later.

"It's possible that Zereh reared it from youth." Atticus said as they walked

down the maze like surroundings.

There were bones of creatures all around them, bones made white by the

sun. She recognised some of the bones, bones of Karkadanns – a mix of a

horse and a rhinoceros that had a sword like horn and was a ruthless

predator in its own right – and bones of a Roc, a massive bird of prey big

enough to carry elephants that were was near extinct now.

"Or it is possible it was his sibling." Emily said with a twitch of her lips,

her eyes sliding off of the bones with little concern.

Atticus' expression grimaced before he eyed her "Wouldn't that be

something?" he said with a grimaced laugh before he shook his head.

"Still I doubt half the stories about the woman are true."

Emily hummed for a moment as she considered it. Yes, she doubted those

stories were true…at least the more…outrageous stories.

As feared as Dark Lord Fulad Zereh had been, his mother was almost as

equally feared by the Persians. Known as a powerful enchantress, she was

able to imbue enchantments on artefacts were nearly impossible to


In one instance, she'd created an enchantment that tied Fulad Zereh's

immortality to one particular sword named Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar

where he could only be killed by that one sword.

She had thought perhaps it had been a horcrux but she'd dismissed as the

clues weren't there to support it.

It was likely a combination of things as it was known that the Dark Lord

liked using the sword to execute people, likely drawing blood and life

from his victims to extend his own lifespan.

In any case, the pair were fairly capable with magic and their tomb

promised quite a haul…once they dealt with the manticore. They neared

the source of the ebbing magic and she felt the shift in the air just as

Atticus did and they halted, their eager eyes waiting on the manticore.

"Who disssturbbsss my slummmbeeerr?" the inhuman voice bellowed out

in a low growl in Farsi, its voice slamming against the maze like walls

with power and weight of a dragon's tail.

The ground shook, the noise of cicada vibrations echoing ominously as a

human male head with a lion's mane crowning its head turned the


Emily's eyes gleamed at the sight of the magnificent monstrosity before

her, the black scales of its back glistening under the hot summer sun, its

scorpion tails swaying dangerously like a serpent tasting its prey's scent

as it stood on its tail. Its furled wings were just as dark as the scales on its

back though they were similar to that of bats.

From the size of it – the creature was huge, its head at least six meters tall

and several times that long – the creature was ancient. The older the

Manticore, the larger it was and given that Manticores were known to die

typically quite young at the claws and teeth of another Manticore, it was

clear that this Manticore was special amongst its kind.

"I don't suppose you would be willing to bargain for safe passage?"

Atticus offered lightly as his staff materialised in his left hand.

The Manticore laughed and it was a malicious laugh as it stared them

down. "Food cannot bargain" the creature growled, its sword like teeth

bared in a gruesome smile.

She felt Atticus' magic rise, the sounds of his magic crackling an eerie

sound as wisps of emerald and violet magic illuminated the maze with a

startling glow.

Emily's teeth showed as her own magic burbled underneath her skin, a

tempest of magic that felt like violence made alive.

Her wand whipped out at near the speed of sound, blasting curses racing

from the tip of her wand as fast as bullets and the ground shook as each

hit like mountains.

The Manticore roared and launched itself forward moving impossibly fast

for a creature itself size and it barrelled towards her but as it was

airborne mid-stride, Atticus hit the creature mid-stride with a whirlwind

of spells that lashed from his staff.

The Manticore cried out as the whirlwind of lashing spells hit its side, the

ground scarred with thousands of grooves inches wide, nearly a metre

deep and Emily could see the spells breaking the Manticore's skin.

She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow and saw him smile at her

amused, as if to challenge her to do better.

The Manticore let out a scream of rage, its wings flapping furiously as it

soared towards Atticus with murderous intent and he was carefree as he

let the creature closer.

Atticus dodged the strikes of the deadly scorpion tail with serene ease,

his magic swirling around him, pulsing like excitable flames dancing to a

tune brimming with life despite the life and death situation he was in.

She smirked at the way he was enjoying himself, much like he did

whenever they duelled. Well, it wasn't right to let him have all of the fun.

Atticus wrapped a lasso around its hind legs and threw the creature back

to the ground though the Manticore readjusted impressively well as it

landed on its feet.

Not that it would matter.

Black red darts of fire ripped out of her wand like scathing turbulent hail

of ice and the Manticore cried out in rage and in pain, the scorch marks

left on its hide plain to that it was not impervious to magic despite the


"Enough!" the beast bellowed out, his voice so loud that it likely echoed

for miles. "No more!" the creature growled out and launched itself to her,

its fury laced inhuman face showing that it knew that it was fighting for

its life – and it fought like it was too.

The Manticore swiped at her and she danced out of the way, the air

howling in a sharp whistle as the consequence of the claws that were

sharp as knives, and as she danced, she gracefully with inhuman speed

jabbed at the underbelly of the creature.

A stream of magic shot out of her wand tip, the violent sound that

breached from her wand reminiscent of the sound of air raid alarms and

it lifted the multi-ton beast from its legs, its inhuman human-like face

scrunching together before it let of a deafening roar of pain.

It crashed into a wall of rock that crumbled under its great weight and

Atticus began pelting spell after spell, each spell cratering the crash site

with ruinous strength and the sounds of the creature's howls were almost

frightful with the fury laced in the sounds that escaped the inhuman


It was berserk, without reason and more like the beast that it was. Like

the cornered prey that it was. Atticus took its attentions as he flung

flaying, scything and cutting curses of all varieties at the creature, its

raging turning more like helpless yowling as Atticus increased the

strength and viciousness of his attack.

Suddenly, faster than she thought possible, a boulder sized rock was flung

towards Atticus and he was caught surprised momentarily, just enough

that it gave the creature a reprieve and it utilised it well for the

Manticore flew into the sky impossibly fast though upon reflection the

creature must have jumped which only signified the ridiculous strength

within the beast.

Amidst a hail of rock that it tossed aside as it unfurled its wings, within a

few flaps, it raced towards Atticus like a bullet who was waiting for the

beast. As if now, she could see its wings torn and bearing puncturing

holes and she knew it was nearly at its end.

She rose in the air and shot off faster than the speed of sound as Atticus

toyed with the Manticore.

Atticus swept his staff around him in wide motions, the sky darkening as

fast as a blink of an eye and cords of lightning split open the sky striking

the Manticore with millions of volts, its roar now pitiful cries of pain.

It would feel more pain before she would let it die.

Her wand tip steamed for milliseconds before a torrent of water exploded

out of her wand moving unnaturally as she bent the jet-like stream. The

several metres thick jet of water raced towards the Manticore with laser

like precision.

The Manticore regained some sense, some idea of the danger that it was

in and it tried to get out of the way but it was to no avail, the jet of water

followed every single change of direction it made until it hit and the

Manticore was tumbling out of control back to the lifeless rocky ground.

She was not done however and with a jerk of the wand, tendrils of waters

broke away from the jet stream, clawing and gripping at the creature's

appendages, her hand moving to enchant the water as it slowly but surely

wrapped around the creature before she cooled the water into rock hard

ice and the Manticore screamed. "Mercy! MERCCYY" the Manticore cried

out as the indestructible ice chains began to squeeze life out of the


She felt Atticus approaching her though her eyes never lift the Manticore

who was writhing and roaring out pitifully.

Out of curiosity she asked "If it lives…will we regret it?"

Atticus remained silent for a moment before he spoke up. "No. We will

not. As least as far as I could see. For now, it'll lick its wounds and avoid

us when we search the tomb."

She glanced at Atticus for a moment before she reset it back onto the


She was tempted to let it live but she knew better than to let enemies


Her left hand rose as she twisted her wand hand in a ninety degree turn,

the chains tightening more and more and she could see bone breaking

now, the howls turned agonised and the Manticore was frantic, deathly

panicky and she smiled with a gleam in her eyes.

Her depthless magic rose to the forefront, dark blue swirls of magic

surrounded her as her left hand glowed with brilliant radiance before at

the centre, a black blue fire sprouted into existence and she could taste

the darkness that it exuded.

It was necromantic fire, a fire she found from the archives squirrelled

away by an Akkadian mage, and it grew brighter just as it grew more

ominous, more deathly.

The Manticore seemed to sense it, its panic turned even more frantic and

the wounds from the near absolute zero chains that it bore was splitting


Just as she wanted.

The necromantic fire grew in size until it was half a metre in diameter

and she simply flicked her wrist and let it loose, the ball of necromantic

fire almost moving towards the Manticore with a snail like speed but

soon enough, it was engulfed and its cries and howls were inhuman, as if

the depths of hell were scratching at the walls of this reality that was

how much similar the Manticore's cries were.

The fire sunk into its wounds like hooks sinking into human flesh with

the pervasiveness of oil finding purchase in each crook and cranny.

The skin of the Manticore changed, from hard as nails and seeming as if it

could survive even ancient human weaponry to skin that looked as flaky

and weak as wet parchment. It changed further, blue veins with a

sickening glow lined its body and the Manticore's cries began to die until

it was little more than a whimper as the fire burnt the life out of the


All that was left now was a dried husk reminiscent to a piece of coal.

"That's awful magic." Atticus said after a moment as he parted his gaze

away from the husk and his eyes narrowed. "Banned from our duels. I'd

rather not test our healing abilities to that."

A flicker of amusement washed over her.

She never really considered using the spell in their duels – even for her, it

was too risky to fire at her beloved no matter how much she thought he

could handle it.

The holo popped up and she realised they weren't that far from the tomb

and began to move towards it as she let the husk fall down to the earth

uncaring of where it went. "Don't worry. I'll continue to take it easy on

you." She said airily.

"It's cute when you're delusional." Atticus said with a scoff

"Delusional?" she questioned as she turned around though still flying in

the same direction, her eyebrows quirked.

"Overconfident" Atticus corrected with an infuriatingly smug smile and she

rolled her eyes.

"I'll let that slide. Let's go. There's a tomb to pilfer." She said as she turned

away from him and increased her speed towards the tomb as excitement

began to course through her.

20. Chapter 80

Guest Enterprise: Atlantis made most of the magical plants but not

all of them. Some happened by accident purely by being in

proximity to magical beings and others created by prodigious

magicals lost to history.

Sci-fy: Your replies are always a delight to read lmao. Your critiques

of Emily are fairly fair - she's not the best person, not at all.

Fortunately for her - and for everyone, Atticus loves her. I do

disagree with others re: her character growth. She has her

prejudices but she doesn't act out on them. The situation with the

Queen was in part to learn on how to be a 'better Queen' for the

masses. It shows that she has a willingness to learn at least to show

a certain mask of herself that people will like. Voldemort wouldn't

have cared.

Note: If you would like to read ahead, the next chapter is available

on discord whilst at least the next three chapters after it are

available on P^A^T^R^E^O^N / Boombox117

The discord channel is d^i^s^c^o^r^d^.^g^g^/^v^r^8^8^t^6^4^Y^e^7

29th of January 1971 – Avalon Heights

Lily J. Evans POV

She ducked under the duvet when she heard the door open and she

cursed under her breath as she didn't turn off the night light by the


She heard her father chuckle as he walked and she knew she was caught

and decided to peer from under her duvet.

She could see her father smiling under the faint light of the nightlight

with his entire face, the edges of his eyes were creased to suit his


"Can't sleep?" her father asked.

Lily smiled a little apishly before she nodded her head. All she could

think about was tomorrow. So much so that she couldn't sleep and time

was going so so slowly!

Her father sat by her on her bed.

"Tomorrow won't come any sooner if you keep worrying about it." Her

father said with a gentle smile as she sat up, her head resting against the


"I know." She said a little mulishly "Bu-"

"But you can't help it?" her father interjected and she nodded a little.

She was nervous and excited and scared and hopeful all at the same time.

He smiled again and tapped against the spot beside him and she crawled

out of her duvet and sat next to her giving her a little smile before he

looked away from her.

"I was the same the day before your grandmother and I were meant to go

to the docks to welcome your grandfather back." Her father said in soft

remembrance, his expression cloudy with his mind momentarily lost in


"When grandpapa came back from the war?" Lily asked wide-eyed.

Grandpapa had died when she had only been five so she never really got

to ask grandpapa about the war

Her father turned to her and gave off a smiling nod.

"Yes. Your grandfather had been gone for more than four years by then

and I only somewhat remembered him by the time the war was over."

Her father had only been ten when the war ended.

"And then the war was over and my dad was coming home." Her father

chuckled softly. "I was excited and nervous all at the same time." Her

father said to her with a knowing smile and she felt her face flush a little.

Dad always seemed to be able to read her so well.

Dad placed his arm around her shoulder and she snuggled against him

before he continued the story. "I will tell you the same thing my mother

told me when she came into my room." She looked up and met his brown

green eyes.

"Tomorrow will come whether you worry or not, so choose not to worry for

tomorrow yesterday will only be a memory" He said and she furrowed her


"What does that mean?" she asked a little confused.

Her father chuckled "It means that your fears and worries will be only a

distant past when you deal with new challenges, deal with changes to

your life so why fret needlessly at a time you can't do anything about it?"

She thought it over for a moment and her father continued.

"It is good advice now that I can look back on that day on the docks, a

day I will always remember" she looked up to her face and saw him

looking away from her, a fond smile on his face.

"I saw so many people waiting for their fathers and their sons, waiting to

welcome them home and all of my previous nervousness washed away."

Her father looked back to her, his caring smile somehow setting her at

ease even more.

"And when my dad saw your grandmother and I, his smile could have lit

up the entire world with the way he looked so happy and all my fears

that your grandfather wouldn't be happy to see me and your

grandmother was all gone within an instant." Her father tapped her nose

as he met her gaze.

"You have nothing to worry about tomorrow, sweetie" her dad said as he

withdrew his finger, a sad little smile on his face.

"You are my special little girl and I knew that from the moment I held

you in my arms. They would be fools to say no to you especially after the

amount of talent you've shown every day at school" her dad said with a

conviction that made the rest of her worries melt away and she launched

herself at her dad, hugging him tightly.

He really was the best dad ever.

She broke away from the hug and saw her dad looking at her with a little

sad look in his eyes and she knew why. "Dad…do you…" she trailed off

as she looked away from his sad eyes, a feeling of guilt spiking from

within her.

She had been little, just a bit over six, when she had her first accidental


She made flowers bloom all around her even though it was winter. Her

parents hadn't believed her when she swore up and down it was

something she had done and not long afterwards they were visited by

strange people wearing strange clothes explaining that she was magic

confirming that what she had done was real!

It had been wonderful and even to this day she remembered the feeling

of specialness she felt at being told she was magic and that there was this

entire world of magic with unicorns and dragons and pegasi!

That she could learn how to do more magic and be with others like her! It

was a dream and she wanted more than anything to be part of it.


She also remembered vividly the consequences of her having magic, of

how it led to angry arguments her parents had with the strange people

when they said they would have to move away from Cokesworth as it

wasn't safe for her…or her family.

They had explained that the witchhunts had been real which was why

they had to hide in a secret society safe from the eyes and hands of evil

people who wanted to experiment on them and to kill them which had

been frightening.

And that to protect the magical world and all of its wonders they would

have to move to make sure those things would not happen.

They had to leave everything behind because of her.

She remembered how scared mum had looked when she'd ordered her

and Tuney to bed but the pair of them stayed together in Tuney's room

where the walls were thin and where they were able to eavesdrop on

their parents who were heatedly arguing.

Both she and Tuney were scared when they heard their mum speaking

about 'losing them' and 'taking them' and they had slept together that night.

"Never." Her father declared and his finger reached the bottom of her

chin and he raised her head so that they were once more meeting each

other's gazes.

"It was never your fault that we were thrust into the magical world,

sweetie." Her dad said softly "Magic has always been part of our family's

heritage and it was bound to happen."

Dad was referring to the secret that Grammy had held for so long until

she admitted that she was born in the magical world when she came the

next day.

Apparently Grammy had come from a very old family before she was

made to leave everything she knew because magic had skipped her.

So magic was always in their heritage – even in mum they discovered! –

only this time it had come in her.

"We wouldn't have had to move if it wasn't for me." Lily whispered


Her parents and Grammy had to leave everything they knew behind

because of her.

She loved Avalon and just the whole magical world but most of all she

loved the magic she was learning and her friends that she wouldn't have

met otherwise but that came at the cost of her parents being forced to

leave behind the mundane world.

Her dad looked at her intently for a little while before he spoke again

"You've felt like this for a little while, haven't you?"

She only nodded a little timidly.

She wasn't blind or stupid. She could see that her parents sometimes were


As she grew older, she noticed a lot of things.

How unfair things were sometimes for people like her parents. Everything

was about magic in Avalon and for people who had almost none of it…

And then there were the orphan children like Simon Hargreaves and

Marie McDonald whose parents gave them up because they were magic.

Lily knew it disturbed her mum and dad a lot even if they didn't want to

tell her anything.

She was so glad that mum and dad never gave her up.

"You've always been a perceptive and clever girl" her dad said with a sigh

before he peered at her. "It hasn't been easy" her dad admitted.

"And you also know that we're very lucky." Her dad said knowingly and

she jerkily nodded her head. She knew that very well.

Dad was a carpenter, a very skilled one.

Even if magic made everything so easy, creativity and things made by

hand had a lot of value and because of that, they never needed any help

from the government.

"Ultimately the magical world is very different to our own world." Her

father said with a wan smile with a look she didn't really know what it

meant "And it has taken us a little while to get used to but" Her father

paused as he tapped her on the nose "everything has worked out in the

end hasn't it?" Her father posed to her. She nodded a little reluctantly.

Yes, things worked out but she also knew that there was a lot that dad

wasn't saying.

Dad smiled a little amused at her, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes

"Tuney would certainly say so." And she almost giggled before she

nodded her head seriously.

Not long after they moved in 1966 to Avalon Heights, they found out that

for Tuney her 'dormant' magic could be 'activated' if they wanted because

their parents both came from magical heritage.

It was too late for mum and dad but not for Tuney.

Tuney had been terrible the entire time ever since mum and dad agreed

to move on that day…until she learned she also could have magic and

ever since then, they were as close as anything. She dreaded even thinking

how bad things might have been between her and Tuney should she not

have been able to have magic.

"Thank you dad." Lily said quietly as she leaned to him and her dad

wrapped her in a big hug. He was always able to help her feel better.

"No problem sweetie" her dad said in a laughing voice before they


"Now, go to bed." Her dad said "Tomorrow will be waiting for you."

Her eyes blearily open, the sounds of the alarm ringing waking her up.

She groaned, her eyes still half closed as she heaved her head up and her

hand smacked the alarm button off before she promptly fell back to sweet

sweet sleep.

It was Saturday, she didn't have to –

Her eyes smacked wide open before she shot roughshod up.

It was Saturday!

It was tomorrow!

The sands of sleepiness fizzed away from her eyes and her mind like

steam escaping a kettle of boiling water and she hastily got out of bed. It

was still dark out even though it was 7 o'clock in the morning. She threw

open the door and ran towards the stairs, nervous excitement coursing

through her body like electricity.

She could smell the cinnamon and the wonderful smell of bacon turning

crisp and practically flew down the stairs. The lights of the living room

were on and she waved at the moving pictures – that waved back –

before she turned a corner towards the kitchen and she saw her Grammy

standing there before the stove, humming lightly as she cooked, the

sounds of sizzling bacon filling the air alongside her humming.

Grammy must've heard to come down as she spoke without turning

"Good morning Lily." Grammy said with a smile in her voice.

"Morning grandma" Lily said with a wide smile and her Grammy turned

around and gave Lily a kind smile. Grammy was always up early in the

morning, sometimes she'd even be in the garden tending to the flowers.

Her parents were the same so it was a little surprising – and

disappointing – to see them not up yet. "Your parents are out to Verdant

Valley. They'll be back soon I should think." Grammy said as she looked

at the clock that hung by the backdoor before she turned to Lily.

"You're a little up earlier than usual." Grammy said with a knowing smile.

"Is there a special reason?" Grammy said with a hum in her voice whilst

she turned the bacon. Lily knew that Grammy was teasing her, everyone

knew how important today was! She even borrowed dad's old alarm to

make sure she wouldn't miss it!

Lily took a seat by the kitchen stand nearby the shopping dial "A special


She tapped on the round dial and a holo popped up. She cycled through

the food and drinks until she saw a carton of orange juice and she tapped

on it.

A small pop later, a small carton of orange juice arrived in the delivery

square and she picked it up before she pulled the straw and pierced

through the carton.

"Ah." Grammy said as she turned to Lily, her soulful emerald eyes that

were so similar to her own gazing down at her. Lily was very grateful

that she inherited Grammy's eyes as well as her name rather than mum's

blue ones like Petunia did.

It was so very pretty.

"You mean this letter?" Grammy said playfully as she fished out an

envelope from her apron and Lily itched to float the envelope into her

own hands but that would be rude so she settled on waiting impatiently

Grammy must have sensed her impatience because she chuckled as she

gave the envelope to Lily and she carefully looked it over and her hand

trailed over the school emblem. There was a big 'H' in the middle of the

emblem with a lion, a snake, a raven and a badger around it. Gold

rimmed the edges of the emblem.

"Lily, you're shaking." She heard her Grammy said and she looked up to

her Grammy who looked kindly at her before she looked at her hands

again. She was shaking.

She had looked forward to this day for so long from the moment she

learnt from her classmates about the best school in all of Avalon. She

took a deep breath before she opened the envelope gently and began to



Dear Ms Evans,

We are pleased to inform you of your acceptance to the Hogwarts Class of


Please find enclosed a list of all the necessary books and equipment.

The term begins on 1st of September.

We await your owl by no later than 31st of July.

Yours Sincerely,

Headmaster of Hogwarts,

Horace H. Slughorn

She squealed out of joy as she let the letter go which Grammy picked up

and read before she looked up at Lily with a warm but also a little

strange look on her face. "Congratulations Lily. I'm happy for you"

Grammy said and Lily jumped off her seat and careened into her


"Best birthday ever!" Lily squealed out as she hugged her Grammy who

chuckled softly as she patted Lily's back. She was afraid that she wouldn't

get to go to the same as Alice and Marlie and Sarah because her magic

wasn't strong enough because she was squib-born and would have to go

to somewhere like the Dolorian Public School which was for people

whose magic was very weak.

She knew it wasn't true and her friends had told her so too.

Just as dad told her last night.

She'd been the top student in her class for the past three years and she

excelled in Magical Theory and Wandless Practical which was unheard of

for a squib-born. But Frederick Pucey's and his stupid friends' comments

hurt a lot and she thought maybe…

She would not doubt herself again, Lily vowed.

"Why don't you go and wake Petunia up? Breakfast is almost ready and

you can share the news with her" Grammy said gently as she unpeeled

Lily from her and Lily was struck silent at the serious look she was giving

Lily "Don't rub it in." she warned Lily and Lily nodded seriously as her

excitement died down a little.

"I won't" Lily promised.

She knew that Tuney was very grateful to also have magic but Lily also

knew that it stung her that Lily was so good with magic and that Tuney

would only be ever at best below average even once she went through all

of the rest of her maturities.

Still, Tuney was the best and helped her a lot when she'd cried to Tuney

about the bullies'. Tuney was very smart and had helped her a lot with

her classes when she professed she wanted to be the best at the school

which was difficult to achieve when most were from magic-native


She got into Tuney's room carefully and saw that she was still asleep and

she felt mischievous and drew in a deep breath. She shouted from the top

of her lungs "TUUUNEYY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" before she launched

herself on top of her yelping confused no-longer-sleeping sister.

"Wha- What, you little !" Tuney tried to say, progressively a little angrier

and Lily couldn't help but giggle louder. Tuney finally made it out of the

little duvet prison.

Lily yelped out as she tried to scooter away but Tuney got her by the

ankle "Gotcha, you little beast" she said as she pulled at Lily's ankle and

proceeded to tickle her to death.

"S-s-STOP" Lily managed to say in between her unstoppable bout of

giggles that were turning a little painful "P-p-PLEASE" Tuney stopped and

Lily managed to breathe again.

"Don't…" Tuney began lowly and Lily turned her head towards Tuney and

saw Tuney giving her a death-ray of a look "do that again or I will think

of a way to make new potions with Lily ingredients" she said dangerously

with slitted eyes. Her blonde hair was like a mane and she looked like a

dangerous depraved lion.

Lily gulped before she nodded. Tuney could be horrible in the morning

and she probably deserved it a little. Tuney sighed "Come on, get up." She

said and Lily scooted up and sat on her bed. Tuney's eyes widened

slightly before they narrowed.

"So?" Tuney only asked, her blue eyes penetrating deeply into her.

Lily allowed a tremulous smile before she nodded and Lily waited

anxiously. Tuney's expression didn't change for several seconds before

they softened and opened up her arms. "I knew you'd get in." Tuney said

warmly and Lily launched herself into her sister's arms, pleased and

relieved that Tuney was happy for her.

"Happy birthday Lily" Tuney said as they broke away from the hug.

Tuney let off an amused smile "I doubt any presents or cake can compare

today, huh?" Tuney said with amusement. Yes, not even double choc cake

could compare to the acceptance!

A little while later, when she was eating with Grammy and Tuney, an

array of explosions happened behind her making her jump in fright and

she swivelled around and saw big words with lilies curling at the end of

each letter hovering in the air that spelled out 'Happy Birthday!'.

But that wasn't all, there was also 'congratulations' mixed into them with

her parents looking very happily at her as they walked in with a few

hover-baskets and Lily turned around looking at her grandma who was

smiling at her warmly as she tapped on her com-watch.

It was a few hours later that they left the house around noon time after

she had her little family party that she loved even if she was a little

impatient to get her supplies and her books and her wand! Grammy was

even coming this time!

As they sat on the Flying Tram that seemed to ride along invisible rails

through the sky, she stared out from the windows as they left Avalon

Heights, the views of beautiful homes and shops of all kinds, big and

small, towering and wide, was scenic even if it was growing smaller as

seconds passed. It was home. Her home.

A home in the North Sea not far from Lewis and Harris Island on an

island that was long hidden from the mundanes and where only ten years

ago was home to dozens of Hebridean Black dragons before they were

moved to make way for Avalon Heights.

It was the second largest town in Avalon though there were many other

much smaller magical only villages in the Hebrides islands and the

Scottish Highlands.

It had not also been like so, no, things had begun to change some ten

years ago when Avalon was restored when the Queen – it was a shock to

learn that there was another Queen! – had found the legendary sword of

King Arthur, Excalibur.

As the heir to Arthur Pendragon, Queen Emily decreed the restoration of

Avalon and thus came the total secession from Britain in 1958 which was

things really changed.

Villages were built in Scotland as people moved away from mundane

places like London and Manchester and Liverpool – even from Godric's

Hollow because of how close it was to mundane towns and cities.

Marlie's dad was part of the Avalon planning committee so Marlie knew a

little of the details and so Lily knew too. Marlie had a lot of pride of what

her dad had helped build though Mrs Fawcett helped explained a little

more about the changes.

Apparently not everyone was happy with leaving their homes and very

old centres of trade, even the nobility, but the King and Queen of Avalon

and Illos had convinced everyone according to Ms Fawcett and so history

was made.

Speaking of history, Hogsmeade's name was changed to Morfay to

symbolise the birth of the new capital of Avalon and it was the seat of the

Council of Avalon, a democratically elected council of mages, and the

seat of the House of Lords where all of the old nobility had a small say in

what changes are being made.

Her dad said that a lot of the magically raised adults had said that a lot of

changes had happened in the past twenty years, especially since she was

born. Things like the Flying-Tram, the holo, the food delivery and all

kinds of other things all happened at the same time and that it was like a

'golden age' whatever that meant.

Soon enough they were flying over the North Sea and she never could get

tired of watching the deep blue sea. She rarely got to leave Avalon

Heights. Not when it had everything they needed as one of the larger

towns in all of Avalon with nearly six thousand people calling the place

home which was like fifteen percent of the entire population of Avalon!

And that didn't even compare to the eighty thousand that called Illos

home! She sighed inaudibly, her mind drifting like the sea that looked so


One day she'd be there for real instead of watching holo-vids of the huge

flying country with its flying cars and the magical creatures that lived

alongside people, she vowed. She would definitely sign up to the inter-

school exchange program in her third year! Maybe she'd even get to see

Aziza or Ame-No-Ukihashi!

The Flying-Tram sped up as it crossed the waters between the Avalon

Heights and the mainland of Scotland and after half an hour passing over

the mountainous and hilly parts of Scotland, they were finally

approaching Morfay station with the capital clear to see behind it.

As they disembarked from the Tram, she couldn't help but think the

station was amazing! It had changed a lot since the last time she'd been


The ceiling was high and it had pillars that looked they were grown

together in a honeycomb like way that merged as they created the ceiling

with glass in the between the triangular shapes that showed every light

imaginable making it seem like they were on a rainbow bridge like in the

M-Vision show The Adventures of the Warrior Three!

She felt a hand on her shoulder and she twisted around and saw her dad

smile at her a little amused "Come on, this isn't the only thing that's

changed in the last three years" her dad said to her and she felt a huge

swell of excitement.

What else had changed?!

She'd come to Morfay first in 1966 when they moved from Cokesworth

and at that time there was a lot of building happening. The second time

had been in 1968 when they went shopping for Tuney who was going to

the Dolorian Public School.

They left the station and they descended down the huge and long stairs

that reminded her a little of the Pyramids with how long it was though

she could see why it was done!

From here she could see everything in Morfay.

There were not many tall buildings, after all, there was little need for it

when there were things like space expansion charms – and the fact that

there were only twenty thousand people in the capital anyway – but there

were so many of all kinds just like there were in Avalon Heights just

bigger and…more.

Though what Morfay had that Avalon Heights didn't even in small

amounts was that huge building at the very centre, Circum Domum which

only really meant 'The Round House' – a strange name Lily thought –

which was where most of the government was located.

It was a huge building made out of black stone that really stood out even

more as it towered over the capital. Mrs Fawcett said that the

governmental building was made out of basalt stone out of symbolism.

To display strength and courage as it brought stability and steadfastness

during an era of many changes.

She found it a bit strange that stone could mean that much to people!

Soon enough they were walking the streets Morfay and her eyes sparkled

with wonder as she took in everything! As much as things seemed similar

since she'd last been, there was a lot that really changed too, she thought

with wonder.

The streets were packed with people and kids her age and it was almost

difficult to walk through the crowd "Stay close" Grammy said as she held

firmly onto Lily's arm and Lily wanted to say that she need to worry but

the look of concern on her Grammy's face stopped her.

"Are you alright, Grammy?" Lily asked quietly as they followed dad and

mum and Tuney who were just in front of them. Grammy looked down

kindly at her and Lily was growing a little more concerned from the way

Grammy's eyes looked sad.

She'd forgotten that this was only the second time Grammy had come to

Morfay. Grammy never wanted to leave Avalon Heights preferring to stay

home all the time.

"I am" Grammy reassured Lily with a smile before she looked up towards

the stores. "Just a little…overwhelmed." She said before she looked down

again with a brightening smile "There's a lot to see, isn't there?"

Lily gave Grammy a blinding smile before she nodded and peered her

gaze towards the wonders before her. Grammy was very right for there

were adverts of all kinds floated around above every other shop and they

were different from one another, they shared the same similar misty blue


Some, like the Wiggle Potions Shop, were copies of people who held

cauldrons and opened their robes to reveal all kinds of ingredients

hanging off of their inside robes whilst others like Cunbridge Arts and

Portraits had items and utensils making elaborate but fun motions to

draw you in and Lily delighted in it all.

That wasn't the only thing that was surprising her as they bought the list

of ingredients and equipment she'd need for Hogwarts, no, everywhere

where they went she heard all kinds of accents and different languages

and peoples!

She heard French, Spanish, Swahili and even a few people that sounded

like Mr Lally the leprechaun from the cartoon The Druid and the Singer.

Not only that, people wearing all kinds of clothes were around, including

what she thought was wicked and colourful robes worn by a dark man.

"Morfay has become a centre of the magical world" dad said as they

walked away from the famous bookstore Flourish and Blotts that relocated

when all of the Alleys were relocated away from London to Morfay

towards their final destination.

"Mr Gunn said that with Illos restricting travel only to those of specific

citizenry under treaty much like Aziza and Ukihashi, Morfay is seen as a

go-between." Tuney piped up next to mum. Mr Gunn was her professor of

International Magical History.

Despite Avalon and Illos being part of a union, both had their own

government even if they shared the same King and Queen. Though Marlie

once said that her dad thought the next time the referendum is held in

1983, her dad thought that full union was really going to happen. Maybe

even Ireland would join the union by that time!

Apparently Marlie's dad thought the danger of the mundane world

blowing everyone up was really too high to remain on the island of


"Like Alexandria?" Lily asked and Tuney nodded.

"Yes. Mr Gunn also said that it wouldn't be long before Morfay overtook

Alexandria as the centre of the magical world." Tuney paused for a


"Well, at least the free parts of the magical world" Tuney said uncaringly.

"Tuney" their mum said warningly with a reproaching look and Tuney

sniffed a little but said nothing further.

Lily looked a little put out but she kept her tongue quiet. It wasn't as she

didn't know what was happening in the world even if they thought her

too little.

Still, she paid it no mind as the dingy store sign of Ollivander's came into

view, a shop that looked out of place in comparison to the smooth

buildings and clean stores that surrounded the shop.

Yet despite beaten down look of the shop, she felt a burble of excitement

in her core. Even if all kids were allowed to practice some magic freely at

home and at school, they were not allowed wands until they were eleven

years of age.

She despaired about that, especially after Marlie said her father told her

that children in Aziza and in Illos were allowed at the very least totems

or other foci if they proved they were responsible enough even before

they started secondary magical education!

They entered the shop and a bell tinkled as they walked through. Lily's

eyes swept across the shop. Everything in the place looked old, from the

table before her, to the books and the lights that lit up the store and she

couldn't help but wonder if the shop was the same since 382 BC!

An old man with more greying hair than blonde peered through an

opening from the back of the store and she was captured by the strange

pale eyes the man had, eyes that made her ill at ease.

She felt like he was a character from the novels she'd read, those wise old

men who knew the heroes of her stories more than they knew


"Ah, welcome" the old man said as he walked over towards his till with

sauntering speed. His gaze fell on Grammy and it had a strange quality to

it and she could see Grammy visibly wilt under the old man's gaze and

Lily felt an anger rising but as soon as it rose, Ollivander broke his gaze

from Grammy and looked past her to Tuney. "Petunia Evans. Birch wood,

rigid and eleven inches with a unicorn hair." The old man muttered.

"Has the wand served you well?"

"It has." Petunia said a little stiffly and Lily could see her hold the wand a

little too tightly. The old man only hummed drawing her attention once

again and she almost took a step back under the weight of his gaze

"We're here for my youngest daughter, Lily Evans." Her father said before

she felt his hand on her back. She hadn't come to Ollivander's last time

when Tuney came for her wand.

"The natural witch." Ollivander said curiously.

She felt her dad's hand grow still and she looked up.

His expression was calm but she could sense the anger in his eyes.

Petunia wasn't as guarded with her emotions and Lily could see her

withdraw into herself.

Lily swivelled her head back towards the old man, anger boiling from


Idiots like Pucey made fun of Lily because she was squib-born but that

was nothing compared to what other idiots said to Tuney, saying like she

didn't deserve being 'gifted' magic, that she wasn't natural because she

wasn't born with active magic.

She remembered when Tuney cried to mum about people calling her a

'fake' witch or saying that her magic wasn't real and it wasn't true at all. It

was even hypocritical when everyone knew even the old families had kids

that went through the treatment to fix their magic!

"My sister is also a natural witch!" Lily said furiously.

"She can do magic like anyone else!"

"My daughter is correct, Mr Ollivander." Her dad said with sternness in

his voice.

"I hold no prejudices against those who were…gifted magic." Ollivander

said after a few blinks later before he tilted his head curiously "I meant

no offense"

A tense few moments passed before dad spoke up "Mr Ollivander."

"Yes, yes" Mr Ollivander said, nodding his head with each word he spoke

"Shall we find you a wand, Ms Evans?" Dad pushed her a little forward

and she breathed out slightly as she walked forward.

"What is your dominant hand?"

"I'm ambidextrous." Lily said a little nervously.

Mr Ollivander's eyebrows raised "How curious" he muttered as he picked

up a tape measure with intricate markings from his pocket before he bid

her to come closer.

"Hold out both of your arms then."

She did as he asked and measured her left arm first from the shoulder

down to her hand before he measured her left shoulder to the floor then

knee to armpit.

He repeated it again with her right side "Your right hand is slightly more

dominant than your left hand." Ollivander said as he put away his tape

measurer and moved back behind his till and his eyes roved over the

boxes on the right side of the shop.

"Let's try Holly, nine inches, bendy with a core of dragon heart string"

It hadn't been a match and so began attempted match after attempted

match until nearly ten minutes passed before he brought out another box

"Let's see if this is the right one" Ollivander said and opened the box.

The wand had a dark brown hue with a slight greenish tint to it yet that

wasn't what struck her, no, it was the strangest of feelings…like she

already knew that this was her wand. The box drew closer to her. "Go

on." Ollivander's gentle words had a sense of urging behind it.

"Take it."

Her hand moved towards the wand and she rolled the wand into her

palm and she breathed in as she felt a kind of magic she'd never felt

before. It was indescribable, like she was always meant to have this wand

and it felt so so right.

She was brimming with magic, so much so that the tip of her wand shot

off a shower of electric golden light that sparkled and fizzed before they

turned into a shower of vivid red and brilliant greens.

"Wonderful" Ollivander breathed and she returned her gaze to the old

man and she blinked out of surprise with the way his pale silver like eyes

stared down at her.

"Ten a quarter inches, swishy, made of willow. Good for charm work.

Good for those with great potential" Mr Ollivander said in a quiet but

appraising voice.

She broke away her gaze but her hand tightened around her wand, the

feeling of rightness subsiding but she could see feel the echoes of it

thrumming within her.

"Seven galleons?" her father asked and she could hear the unease in his


"Yes." Mr Ollivander said and they couldn't get out of his shop quickly


"Was he like…that with Petunia?" Grammy asked of her parents, rousing

them all from the silent struck state they were in.

"He wasn't that weird" Tuney said before she looked at Lily with a strange

look on her face "or creepy" Tuney muttered under her breath.

"Enough." Her dad said firmly and checked the time "Well, we've gotten

what we needed. Let's go home, shall we?" her dad said and no one really


Still, Lily wondered as she still kept holding her wand, no matter how…

creepily…the day ended, she was still as happy as she ever was.

Her gaze went towards to the distance towards where the signs signalled

where Hogwarts was. 'Soon' she thought to herself. Soon she'd be at

Hogwarts, a new start, a new challenge in her life and she couldn't wait to

meet it!


3rd of February 1971 – Hewlett Harbour, New York

Pandora Agoralos POV

"Remind me to introduce milkshakes back home." Atticus said happily

with a sigh before he drank of his strawberry milkshake – his third so far

– again.

She took a sip from her own chocolate milkshake and hummed

agreeably. She wasn't sure why they hadn't had any milkshakes, they had

ice cream and sorbets and flavoured tea.

It was a bit of a travesty really.

One of the waitresses came by, Tracey, with a wide beaming smile and a

lingering look at Atticus "Would you like anything else?" she asked

though Pandora could sense the hopeful note to her voice that was a little

too much.

Atticus smiled kindly at the woman "No thank you" Atticus said in a

perfect New York accent before he eyed Pandora for a moment and she

shook her head "We are satisfied for the moment."

"Alright then. Well if you need anything else, just give me a hoot" the

blond waitress said with a wink before she sauntered away.

"Gross." Pandora muttered.

Atticus was as close as a fatherly figure she had in her life and the last

thing she needed was to see others try to flirt with him.

"She wasn't that bad." Atticus said with a smile that was far from


Pandora only sent Atticus a look which caused him to smile a little wider

as he rolled his eyes. She knew that Atticus was very much devoted to

Emily and vice versa but she also was learning that Atticus quite liked

the normality of flirtatious muggle women who didn't know who he was.

And who didn't know who his wife was either.

"Watch." Atticus only said as he nodded towards the door and she

straightened up a little. Atticus had taken her on a trip through America

– illegally – for the past few days.

She had thought the purpose of the trip had been to meet Comanche, an

elderly Native American whose aura was amazing and so attuned to the

natural world that she thought her Sight had gone wonky but it turned

that it was only a side trip and that the main reason was so that she

would learn something truly astonishing…

As if learning a little from magicals who could communicate with the

forests, the plains, the rocks and animals wasn't astonishing!

An aging bespectacled man walk through the diner on his lonesome

sporting what she could only describe as a caterpillar for a moustache

above his upper lip whilst wearing what was quite curious khaki clothes.

One of the waitresses came to meet him with a kind smile on her face

with a look that said that she knew the man rather well. The man was

seated towards the far end of the diner and Atticus stood up.

Pandora eyed him curiously and more than a little confusedly. What was

so special about that man? She got up and followed.

"Mr Stan Lee?" Atticus asked with a respectful tone and the bespectacled

man looked up, a little startled before he gave a warm smile before he

turned his gaze to him.

"That's me." The man said with a smile.

"I'm a great, great fan of your work, sir." Atticus said with wonder in his


The man chuckled heartily and looked at Atticus amused as he looked

him over. "You're a little different from the demographic that usually love

my work."

Pandora's lips twisted in mild amusement at the way the man looked at

Atticus. Atticus as much as she would never say it out loud was a

handsome man even with those dull brown eyes that he wore in the

muggle world.

Atticus looked reproachful as he scratched the back of his head "Ah, your

comic books helped me through some tough times sir. For that I can only

thank you from the bottom of my heart."

The man's expressions softened "I'm glad I could help." The man said

genuinely before he paused for a second as he peered at them curiously.

"Why don't you sit? I could do with some fine company this mornin'."

"Oh gosh, really? Thank you Mr Lee." Atticus prattled and she struggled

to keep her giggles down at the over-exaggerated acting. Atticus gestured

her to slide in before him though not before their gazes met.

'Open your Sight and look" Atticus delivered to the front of her mind and

she gave a slight nod as she sat down. She sighed a little, her sight

activated and the world turned brighter as she opened herself to the


The sounds of Atticus and the man talking were reduced to mere

whispers and almost immediately she was drawn to him. It was so odd, so

surreal to all that she'd seen before and she'd seen a lot in her eighteen

years of life.

Pandora couldn't help but stare at the man, the strange lights that

surrounded him was so unlike anything she'd ever seen before. It was

almost like he was the epicentre of a black hole, light and matter bending

around him in disconcerting ways.

Except it wasn't light or matter. It was almost as if the fabric of reality

were twisted around him in knots and ties and anchors that seemed like

it didn't belong here and now.

Bending and twisted reality that somehow seemed slightly out of phase,

like ghostly images of reality that was seen through concave lenses, his

shape distorted at the edges of his being, and she couldn't grasp how…or

why it was happening.

She felt no magic from him yet she felt nothing ordinary from him, it was

as if her eyes were defective.

She must've been staring for a little too long because the man looked at

her a little quizzically, almost humorously and she blinked several times

before she flushed a little out of embarrassment "Sorry…I'm a big fan."

She said a little lamely.

Thankfully the man seemed to accept and laughed heartily before Atticus

thankfully interceded and continued his conversation about some kind of

X-men and mutants.

"I saw what you mean." Pandora said as they crossed the road once the

walking signal went green. "He is…odd." She said with a frown.

"He is." Atticus agreed, a strange smile on his face, his eyes alight with

fascination as they made it back to their blue automobile that was being

eyed by more than few passer-by's.

She supposed it wasn't surprising if the 1969 Ford Mustang automobile

was akin to a second generation Mercury skymobile even if she thought it

was a messy creation that made a lot of harmful gas.

Really, why couldn't the muggles make something less noisy and harmful

instead of putting all of their ingenuity into making those terrible nuclear


As she went towards the passenger seat, she saw him look at her with


"Tell me what you think." He said to her before he got in and she paused

momentarily as she pondered it over. She opened the door and got in, a

thoughtful frown on her face. Truth was, she really wasn't sure at all

what to think. Only…

"Is he really from here?" she finally settled on as she looked to him and

she saw his lips widen as he stuck the key into the strange slot and

turned it, the automobile coming to life.

"He is most certainly born mundane and raised mundane." He said as he

glanced at her.

"What makes you think otherwise?" he asked her and she knew that she

was on the right track. He had a tell, a pleased tone of voice that bore

hints of encouragement.

The automobile began to move and she turned away, her eyes fixed on

the diner that they were passing by. "Because he is different. perceived

different. Not like muggles or magicals who are both very different still

feel…the same?" she said with a wince, a little bit unhappy with the way

she was explaining.

"Don't be discouraged." She heard him say and she turned to him and saw

that he was giving her a warm smile. "You're much further ahead than I

was at your age, Pandora."

Atticus paused as he turned his gaze back on the road. "You are more or

less right. Mr Lee is a very, very special man. I believe Mr Lee is a

convergence across universes."

"Convergence?" 'universes?'

Atticus hummed as he leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving the

road. "Convergence." He affirmed. "I believe that in any universe, in every

universe, there is a Stan Lee in existence." A smile tugged on his face.

"I believe that what we're seeing is that convergence, that slight

difference in universal resonance that is utterly unique to him." He

further explained.

"So the twisting…" she trailed off and Atticus made a contented noise.

"Yes, I believe that is part of the phenomena that allows him to be

connected to other versions of himself." Atticus said and Pandora sat back

in her chair, her mind wandering away in a maze of thought.

Convergences had a special place in magic.

When planets were aligned, specific acts of magic in line, attuned to the

alignment of planets whose meanings were rooted in magic could be

achieved. Specific acts of magic that were terrifying acts of great power.

It was said that the ancient druids of Northern Europe and Britain had

used the convergence of Venus and Jupiter in their ritual to 'warm'


A powerful, terrifying display of magic that may have ended up warming

the entire planet and in the process ending the ice age.

So for this man to be a convergence across universes...

She dreaded to think what could be done with that if that was actually

really true.

"How is that even possible?" she finally asked, her voice teeming with

hopeful doubt. She knew that the man was far too odd to be normal but

connected to every version of himself across universes?

That was just…

"I don't know." Atticus said with a hint of excitement in his voice. "But

the fact that is it even possible in the first place…" Atticus hummed with a

pleased note in his voice.

"Mind you" Atticus continued, his tone more reflective now. "I wasn't sure

until we met with the man today." Atticus said as he glanced at her.

"You read his mind?" Pandora asked with a frown.

"I did." Atticus confirmed as he met her gaze, a warm smile on his face

that reassured her a little. "Nothing too invasive. I was more interested in

his inspiration for his work" Atticus' eyes now seemed to gleam a little as

they made it off of the main road towards the countryside.

"His dreams are too vivid, too real, for them to be simply dreams. Events

in other universes filter through his subconscious and that is what is

responsible for his work, at least for the most part."

Pandora digested that. The idea of other universes were not that crazy to


After all, researchers at Illos had confirmed the existence of no less than

six different dimensions very alien to their own reality so the idea of

other universes extant that are parallel to their own…

"What makes him so special?" She finally asked after a while. If there

were parallel universes, shouldn't all of them be connected to their


"I don't know." Atticus said cheerfully as he tapped on the wheel. "Why

him, why Mr Stan Lee, I don't know. Maybe he won the lottery of multi-

universal randomness, maybe it isn't random at all." Atticus expression

turned into a deep frown.

"I suspect that we would be very unlikely able to determine which one is

righter than the other." Atticus turned to her with a contemplative look.

"I wanted you to see that there are many questions to the universe that

one might spend a lifetime deciphering, perhaps more than a few

lifetimes even."

Pandora smiled at her pseudo-uncle.

Most people only knew him as the King and the greatest wizard in all of


In Illos, he was the man who, with his wife, built their homeland and

who they had to thank for the growing legend of the Illosian people and

their magic that was gaining a reputation of being Atlanteanlike. The man

who people were utterly devoted to with their hearts and magic and who

venerated him akin to a god.

A veneration that was not dissimilar in Avalon where he was their hero

and who with the aid of Emily was ushering a golden age hitherto


Yet despite all the ways people knew him and interacted with him, few

got to see this side of him, this goofy academic dreamer that loved to

teach and who marvelled and wondered at the great questions the

universe posed to him, to them.

That was not to say, she was so blind to who Atticus Sayre could be.

She knew that he had an absolutely terrifying side to him. She'd Seen

enough from her glimpses of the future that Atticus had earned the fear of

many people in the magical world.

Whether they feared him because of feats of creation like Aziza and

Ame-no-ukihashi or because of his capacity for death and destruction

against would be enemies, mattered not. After all, each was a side of the

same coin and Atticus was someone who sat on the very edge until he

needed to be one side or the other.

It was a shame, she thought silently, really. She thought he was born to

stand on that edge forever, that side that defied everything in his quest to

search for answers.

It was a shame that he didn't get to be this side of himself more often and

even more so that all but a few would even get to see this side of him.

It was a beautiful side.

And his most true side.

"Questions that one might never find an answer to, even you?" Pandora

asked quite curiously. Atticus chuckled slightly before he inclined his

head before he turned his gaze forward, a few moments of silence passing

between them.

"Just so." He said a little quietly, his expression shifting into a distant


"But perhaps…perhaps one day we might find what makes Mr Stan Lee so

special…and what it means for us" Atticus said, his voice trailing off as he


She understood what he meant. If it was a natural phenomenon, one born

from utter and total randomness then that would have been one thing


She shared his hidden doubt that it was random.

The way things spiralled around Mr Lee…

That had a touch of something more.

The rest of the journey towards Wharton State forest – where they had a

little enclave protected from the impressive magical sensors of MACUSA

they developed in response to Atticus' portals – was quiet and she leaned

her head against the window, staring out towards the green but lightly

snowy countryside of northern America.

The last few days had been the only time she'd ever been to America yet

she was widely impressed by the country, not least by its nature and its


Comanche, the leader of the Iroquois people, had told her many stories of

his ancestors and the lands they or other peoples inhabited. With so

many different peoples from different backgrounds, Pandora had never

been sheltered away from different ways of life or ways of looking at

magic yet she had found herself quite in love with the way the Iroquois

had seen magic.

They believed magic was the connection between nature and the spirit

world where ancestors and great spirits dwelled, a unifying force of

energy that permeated throughout all of existence. It was so close to how

her mother had taught her and found herself grateful to Comanche for

sharing his and his peoples' perspective.

MACUSA also – finally – was recognising their very beautiful way of

looking at life and magic and were listening more and more to the

ancestral peoples of this beautiful lands according to Comanche so she

was very happy for them.

It would have been a shame to see such beautiful people neglected.

She blinked away her thoughts, an unconscious smile coming across her


She would have to come here again with Xeno, she thought with

warmness. Maybe if he was more attuned to nature he might find that

ever evasive Horned Snorkack, she thought with a spark in her

moonstruck eyes.

They travelled further down Route 206 though she had put on the radio

and it was a highlight when 'I Want You Back' by the Jackson 5 came on.

She'd Seen herself go to a Michael Jackson concert with Xeno long in the

future and she found it quite neat to know how far he'll go in the future.

Soon enough they arrived at their destination.

Atticus waved at his clothes, the mundane clothing of shirt and trousers

disappearing as his distinct royal Rosi clothing materialised over him and

just as his clothes changed so did his demeanour as an air of regal

authority began to manifest around him.

"Ready?" Atticus asked her and she nodded as she tapped her backpack.

"Got everything"

"Good. You'll come with me to the Main Tower. Your mother will be

waiting for you there." Atticus told her. She nodded easily. Mum

would've Seen her coming.

Atticus raised his hand and orange runes flashed into existence before

they spread out and the portal at the centre grew into one large enough

to fit the pair of them.

They walked through and arrived at the central dais in Sayres Gardens,

the majestic Celestis Mount coming into view all while she felt the

familiar and powerful magic of Illos seep through her, once more feeling

content. She always missed it any time she was away from Illos and had

struggled in her first few months away at Hogwarts.

"Your Majesty" the dozen guards saluted Atticus.

"Gentlemen." The King acknowledged.

"Is my transport ready?"

"It is, Your Majesty." One of the guards said and soon enough they were

led towards outward towards the skymobile and in the air.

Even Kings were bound by rules, she thought as they rose and rose in the

air. With his portal magic, he could easily go anywhere in Illos but that

would be breaching 'etiquette' according to mother when she'd once asked

as a child.

As they moved past the base of Celestis Mount, the Eternal City grew in

her line of sight and an unconscious smile grew on her face. She had seen

a bit of mundane America, especially New York City, which is said to be

the most developed of the mundane world yet…

It could not compare to the Eternal City. Even if she wasn't biased since it

was home.

She watched as a few skymobiles and skybikes darted around in the

skyline, the content feeling increasing in strength.

How could a city compare, a city that was made from grey and slab stone

compare to that of a city teeming with tall silver white stoned buildings

that shone brightly at any angle under the Sun, glittering like timeless

jewels topped with golden animated statues on the roofs of many domed

buildings and pillars?

A city that was ringed with clear blue waters of such purity that one

could see the underwater villages of the Merpeople and their herd of


A city that had Veela, Sirens, Dwarves, Mages, all living together in

harmony and peace where all had homes to go home to and careers in

comparison to the heart breaking poverty and homelessness she'd seen in

New York City?


No, she thought as they passed by the Pandrosion Institute, the school

with spiralling towers and arching bridges built from crystalline stone

that seemed to be carved from a single block of crystals, the sight of a

game of Threepeller in the courtyard vaguely see-able, no…

New York City could not compare to the majesty of her home.

The skymobile descended down at the central platform where she could

see her mother waiting with a few guards and as the skymobile landed.

"Hypatia." Atticus said with a small smile.

"Your Majesty" her mother said with a coy smile before she looked to her,

her eyes squinting a little. "You look tanned." Her mother said with a

deadpanned tone.

Pandora's eyebrows raised before she looked at her arms. "I haven't…."

she looked up back at her mother "Have I?"

Her mother nodded seriously. "Like a fourth of a shade."

Huh, she thought to herself. That was quite a lot for only day and a half

under the shade of Midwestern sun. She definitely would go back to the


"Right" Atticus said with a clap "As much as I would love to stay" he

paused with an amused glint in his gaze before he lost it and looked her

directly in the eye.

"Think on what you saw." Atticus said to her as she met his gaze.

A few moments before she nodded a little slowly. She knew for certain

that this trip would have later ramifications, ramifications that would

lead her down a path that Atticus had Seen be important.

As much as she liked the trip with her pseudo-uncle, she wasn't so ditsy

to not realise that as much as he might be a dreamer, he was foremost a

King and a leader.

Every action had meaning and purpose behind it.

"I will." She promised and Atticus' expression softened before he nodded

and turned away slightly but not before looking over his shoulder as he

began to walk away, his guards in tow.

"Don't forget to come by soon. I will have milkshakes at the ready"

Atticus said as he walked away and her lips twitched as she shook her

head in amusement.

"Milkshakes?" her mother asked curiously and Pandora seized her

mother's arm and linked her own with that of her mother's.

"Imagine your favourite ice cream, pistachios and salty caramel but

instead as a fluffy and runny liquid drunk out of a straw" Pandora said


The gleam in her mother's eye made it clear they would be catching up

with a gallon of pistachios and salty caramel milkshake.


5th of February – Daily Prophet Headquarters, Morfay Avalon

Theodore Pyrites POV

His fingers were silent as they danced on the holo-keys, words and

sentences flowing likes trickles of water down the grooves in weathered


He leaned back in his chair, a light exhale escaping his lips as he put

down the last exclamation mark, his eyes trailing across the headlines.



A grim frown adorned on his face. Europe was a shambles. Truly.

The Ravenites had nearly all of Eastern and Southern Europe under its

sphere of influence if not actually ruling it outright. Even Italy was now

no longer independent from the reaching claws of the Ravenites with

some Italian Senators openly spewing the Ravenitic Ideology in the

Senate no less.

He hoped that they would be able to resist, truly, he did.

Even if it came at the cost of war.

He grimaced before he sighed and gripped the bridge of his nose.

He remained like that for a few minutes, his mind thankfully taking a

pause before his thoughts once more came back with the fury of a

lightning storm.

He let go of the bridge of his nose and stared at the headlines that he

wrote. How ironic the contrast between the British Isles and Europe


Where Britain – later Avalon – had grown and grown, both in power and

in population, over the past thirteen years, Europe had only gotten


Where Avalon became enlightened, Europe was cast down into a dark,

dark age.

Well, at least that was the narrative, he mused to himself silently. Avalon,

as much as it projected a sense of superiority to the rest of the magical

world, still had its own issues…especially like the way it dealt with the


Yet despite what some families would accuse the law being draconian

and inhumane, it was a solution that the detractors had no answer to safe

for returning to the status quo, something even South American, African

and much of Asia were abandoning and instead actually replicating due

to the success they'd seen in Avalon.

After all, even they had realised how dangerous the muggles were getting

after the Cuban Missile Crisis in '62.

In any case, it was still a narrative was truer than not, this enlightened

era they were in, an era in stark contrast to that of what was happening

in Europe.

A strange mix of blood purism and fascism was borne out of the cesspits

of Bulgaria that washed over Europe much like the Black Plague once

washed over Mundane Europe so many centuries ago and it seemed to be


Just like that insidious plague, countries were beset suddenly and

Ministries were toppled as they had never been there in the first place.

Hungary in 1959.

Slovakia, Moldovia and Serbia in 1960.

Germany and the Scandinavian League allied with the Ravenites in 1961.

Lithuania-Poland, Czechia and Austria in 1962.

Greece, the home of some of the most powerful families in all of Europe…


After that, the smaller Ministries in Eastern and Southern Europe fell like

dominos yet the worst had yet to come.


The home of the people that resisted Grindelwald with the blood and

magic of thousands…fell just as easily as Albania did in 1967.

He shook his head. And the ICW did nothing against them.


It was looking like they never really had the power to do anything


Not after all of the things he had heard all those years ago and further

confirmed lately through accurate sources from those in the ICW and

those who had connections to the organisation.

He sighed as he grimaced. The ICW was all but a nundu made out of

parchment with traitors painted across the organisation like unwanted


How ironic it was that only fourteen years it was the strongest it had ever

been, preparing itself with war against Illos and the Sayres when only a

decade and a bit later it was looking ten times weaker than it had been in

the immediate aftermath of the Grindelwald war!

It seemed like after the infamous conference of '57 between Illos and the

ICW, everything had fallen apart for the organisation, as if something had

been cut loose descending the organisation into a spiral of indecision and

power grabs and incompetence culminating into a corrupt body that was

a shadow of its self.

He stared at the headlines once more before he shook his head and

pressed the button to send it to one of his staff to fact check. He wished

the poor bastards in Croatia and Slovenia the best of luck.

They had relied on the good relations they had with Atticus and Illos to

remain free but he was doubtful that was going to stop them. Not


Especially if the rumours were true…that the Raven and Cullaica were


The dread in the pit of his stomach deepened. He knew almost for certain

that they were Archmages. Selene's accounting of the butchery of her

strongest people at the hands of Cullaica could be nothing short of the

strength of an Archmage.

He'd seen Selene's strength for his own and if she wasn't even the

strongest of her lot, a lot that attacked and died at the wand tip of


He'd dreaded to think how powerful the man he was following truly was.

The fear of the King and Queen's retribution would no longer hold the

zealous Ravenites back from wanting to avoid conflict with Illos any

longer. Not when they would believe they had Archmages of equal

strength to Illos and had a population of nearly thrice that of Avalon, Illos

and Ireland combined!

And if Italy falls in line…or was conquered…

If that happened, if either happened…

They would gain the resources of powerful families that were only

slightly behind France and Avalon when it came to number of sorcerers

per capita!

And realistically, he knew the Italians would capitulate instead of

standing against the Ravenites he thought with a grimace. The current

Italians were far removed from their famed and feared warrior mages


He only wished they had the pride and strength of their forbearers.

He sighed. Realistically, only France, the Benelux and Iberian Ministries

had any chance of remaining free and standing against the Ravenites as a

consequence of their mutual defence treaties.

Treaties, if rumours were true, would be aimed towards including Avalon

and Illos.

"Mother Magic…" he muttered under his breath.

Even as educated and well informed as he was, it was a difficult and near

impossible choice to make. In theory, he was for it but in practice…

He was all but certain war with the Ravenites and their allies would be

even more disastrous than the Grindelwald war. If only for the fact that

the muggles had grown even more insane with their warmongering!

The Cuban Missile Crisis was less than a decade ago and the majority of

magical Europe had no idea that it was even happening or how close the

muggles had been to destroy the world!

The Ravenites cared not about the mundane world – he thought it was

why the ICW, when it still could, ignored the happenings of Europe – but

that kind of ignorance was dangerous.

And if war was going to happen, he really thought that any war would

spill over to the muggle side and with Europe being under intense

surveillance by both the Soviets and the Americans…

He shook his head and banished the depressing thoughts away.

"Karl!" Theodore bellowed out from his office, the windows rattling at the

power of his voice. The door swung open and a weedy man-boy

scampered through, a tweed hat nearly flying off of his head that he

about managed to secure with his hands.

Theodore could feel his spirits already lifting at the sight of the boy.

He knew it was a little cruel of him but the boy never failed to get him

out of his funk. It wasn't even because he was pleased to see the boy.

Merlin knew that the boy was wholly unimpressive in everything he

did…and also just simply wholly unimpressive in stature and in talent.

Maybe it was because he could see a sliver of himself in the boy.

Still…he was never this bad as an intern.

"S-ssir?" the boy stammered nervously and Theodore sent a withering

look causing the boy to stand up taller.

"Where is my report?" Theodore demanded. As the Editor-In-Chief of the

Daily Prophet, he pretty much had free reign to run the paper any way

he wished.

Something that lead the Daily Prophet being read all over the world

under him.

He asked the boy to follow up on the Dwarves' first major works ever

since they were hounded into near extinction all those centuries ago

before they holed themselves up – or down – in Switzerland.

"I-I have it here?" the boy said – no asked – as his hand went into his

inside pocket and he brought out a stack of parchment. Theodore resisted

to face palm and simply looked at him blankly causing him to fumble the

stack before placing it on the table.

Of course no one really used parchment any more when it came to

anything non-magic related but he had to use parchment and an old type

writer during his trials as an intern and then later as a junior and even

into his career before everything changed to Holo-tech.

If he had to do suffer like that in his early career than they all should

suffer that!

He sent a last long-suffering look at the boy before he looked down and

read the report, a frown deepening as he read it.

The Dwarves had left Switzerland some six years ago after they decided

to take up the offer made by Illos to become part of the nation as citizens

equal to mages and other races.

They had seen the writings on the wall in Europe after the refugees –

mostly consisting of 'light' families, people of interesting heritage and non-

human magical races – had poured towards France and the Iberian

Ministries…even to Avalon.

It worked out quite well for them, he mused to himself.

They were experiencing their first population boom in centuries and they

had also regained much of their lost heritage.

He had no idea how Atticus managed to even find what was once thought

to be destroyed wholly by the Goblins but he did and gifted it away to

the Dwarves who were once again master smiths and craftsmen with a

drive to once more become the renowned Dwarves of the antiquities as

age old legends claimed them to be.

And for their first major works, this particular project was going to be

quite spectacular. The Gate Network of Illos was an impressive piece of

work but it was also slightly…pedestrian.

And so collaboration with the Dwarves had come to create a rail network

that could use the Gate Network but also do so in a way that safety –

from both operational and enemies – was maintained.

The Dwarves managed to figure out an unbreakable runic scheme that

made either the train or the stations – stations that 'piggybacked' off of

the Gate Network connection – useless in isolation. Only their trains could

travel through the Rail Network and only the stations could facilitate

travel through the network.

So far they had made several test runs between Illos and Avalon and it

was a roaring success and the report from the boy confirms the case. He

looked up from the parchment "So they estimate it will be opened

publically by April 26th"

The boy nodded fervently "Yes sir. In time for the Beltane Festivals."

Theodore hummed distractedly as he thought on it. Smart to do it so

close to Beltane.

It would create a buzz of excitement especially if even people from the

villages could simply take a train from their enclaves in Scotland to Illos

in time for the Festival.

Not just from Avalon either…no, the network would open to all those in

treaty with Illos. From Argentina to Samoa to China to Ireland, the

network would be open to all at a cheap price of seven sickles a ticket.

Huh. He'd have to speak to Selene about arranging a trip.

He picked up the slack of parchment and the boy walked over hastily

"Give it to Cordelia for editing." The boy looked surprised but nodded and

turned on his heels.

"Kid." The boy stopped in his tracks and looked back warily.

"Good job." He said a little gruffly. "It seems like you're not completely


The boy looked surprised but the smile he gave was almost warming.

Theodore let off a light scowl and the boy quickly scampered away,

closing his door as he did so.

Theodore chuckled to himself as he leaned back in his chair but as soon

as he did so, his PA spoke through the Com. "Sir, your wife is on line


Theodore's amusement fell off. "Did she say why?" he asked his PA a little

hesitantly. She rarely called at work.

"…I may have heard her mutter 'forgetful inconsiderate' and something else

that I am disinclined to repeat." His PA said in what he thought was

rather a schadenfreude-esque tone.

His face paled a little. Merlin's motherlode! He'd forgotten to send for a

pickup of Selene's prescription and now they would have to wait until

tomorrow evening for it to arrive.

"Put her through" he said with a slump of his shoulders. He hoped she got

it out of her system through the phone so that she wouldn't be mad once

he was back home.

He picked up the Com and placed it by his ear. "Darling…" he winced as

he put the Com away from his ear. He sighed. This might take a while.


Teispes Sina POV

"First Minister" the Ambassador folded his hands as he leaned back in his

chair, his legs crossed with his folded hands falling into his lap.

The blonde-white haired man with cool hard eyes was the very image of

European aristocratic arrogance accompanied by a slight up-turned nose

and hard pressed lips.

As much as he disliked this man before him, the fact that he was here

meant that perhaps there was hope after all that agreement could be

reached after they rejected the first round of proposals almost

immediately out of hand.

"The proposal of your…League is promising." The ambassador tilted his

head ever so minutely. "However geographically speaking, such a

proposal may see…limited benefit." The man gave a cold smile "To both

sides of course."

Teispes said nothing for a few moments, his expression blanked even as

he eyed the man critically. Geography meant nothing to anyone in the

magical world.

With the Floo Network, the Gates and even this new Rail Network, there

was little that could stop either side aiding from one another. But of

course that wasn't what he was referring to.

No, what he was referring to was the sheer advantage Illos, Aziza and

Ame-No-Ukihashi had with their floating country-ships.

Try as they might, they had not been able to replicate the kinds of magic

that could lift a significant portion of a landmass into the air, let alone

sustaining it and even flying it. Not even the Americans had been able to

get anywhere. And then there was the ability to make it all but invisible

to any and all muggle eyes and their cameras…

And with that ability to practically be unassailable came safety.

A safety Avalon undoubtedly shared should it come to that and it was a

safety his League did not have nor could hope to possess in the wake of

the growing threat of the Ravenites and that monster.

With the fall of Russia all of Asia became open to them, becoming a

fundamental threat that was unacceptable. A strip of mountains and land

in the Caucuses was all that stood in between the Ravenites and his

home, Persia now.

And it was unacceptable.

The magical net was at war time and at its strongest in centuries. Every

Persian over the age of seventeen had to go under battle magicks

training, something that magical enclaves under their protection had

replicated albeit in a lesser fashion.

The Ottomans, the other regional power was acting similarly as well,

having finalising dozens of safe houses in the Taurus and Sultan

Mountains to accompany the draft of wizards and witches started five

years ago knowing that holding Thrace was going to be near impossible

should the Ravenites come in full force.

The other tribal clans in the Middle East that were part of their league

were similarly preparing themselves in whatever way they could but

their efforts were meagre just as their contribution would be meagre.

Which was why they were here in this moment of time, why he was

negotiating on the behalf of a League that spanned all the way to the

Indian Sea.

Why they were all but conceding defeat and their pride to put forth a

proposal that would see the League answerable to them.

Illos and their alliance were powerful, supplanting entirely the ICW as the

world authority in the magical world in a way that hadn't been seen


They, along with the Japanese and the Beninese and their coalition of

African Ministries, had become a trifecta of power with their country-


Magical advancement after magical advancement were made by these

nations with Illos leading them from the front, revolutionising everything

from food all the way to curing diseases that plagued magical-kind

despite their magic.

The Sayres had even trivialised squib conditions as nothing more than an

error to be corrected shocking the entire magical world as much if not

more as when the Japanese received their country-ship.

As the ICW rotted to death from the very inside, the treaties the trifecta

carved out had continued with unprecedented speed. Argentina had been

amongst the first to join in a 'treaty of friendship' that marked them all but

a junior member of the alliance and now there was a level of peace in the

South American country that it has never experienced.

And it was a story that replicated itself all across South America and

regions in Asia.

Even the Americans were but a stone's throw away from caving in and

joining this Grand Alliance as some had taken to pressure from within

their Congress to request their own country-ship deviating from their

one-feet-in, one-feet-out approach.

They lived in an era of great change, one that surpassed the kinds of

changes the muggles were undergoing with their ridiculous weapons and

their disregard for their world.

And it wasn't the only similarity with the muggle world either.

Just as they had their 'cold war', the Magical World was in the process of

something similar yet infinitely more sinister.

The hunger of the Raven was not contained to Europe alone. He wanted

to seize all of the magical world, all living under his gaze, under his rules

and way of life.

One bereft of freedom and choice.

He'd seen the reports of the Balkans captured from some of the

undercover Ottoman wizards. All was provided for. Children were in

school, parents had work and there was little crime. All things

considered, it was not a bad life…on the surface.

Disappearances were common for the slightest of infractions. The rule of

law was non-existent and abuse of power was frequent. Those who had

betrayed their country and countrymen were in positions of power and

effectively able to do whatever they wanted to those who mattered not.

It was a kind of unjust that did not belong anywhere in the magical


All under the direction of Cullaica and this Raven who, much to his bitter

dismay, are truly Archmages of a similar vein as that as Grindelwald.

There were only Credence Aurilius, Dembe Habe, Eiji Seko, Li Lei and of

course the Sayres that were verified as Archmages after Khari died last

year…and all but one, Li Lei, was part of the Grand Alliance.

There was little choice now but to capitulate at least somewhat.

Between the choice of the Ravenites and the Alliance…

The choice was easy and he'd be damned if he let his people be subjected

to them.

"That is true." Teispes said as he picked up the carton on the table and

drew out a cigarette before placing it in his mouth. He rubbed his fingers

on the end of the cigarette, the end of the cigarette set alight and he

leaned back in his chair, his eyes once more set on the blonde-white

haired man.

He drew a breath and breathed a healthy draw of smoke that settled in

the space between them and he remained silent for a few more moments

before he spoke again

"We do not have the option to simply…drift away from challenges."

Teispes said with a cool stare "Something that Slovenia, Croatia and the

rest of free Europe do not have." He drew another pull from the cigarette

as he met the ambassador's gaze.

The ambassador's expression didn't change but Teispes could see the

slight hardening of the man's cold eyes. Good.

The last thing they needed was doubt to be thrown about their ability or

willingness to go through with their commitments. Even if Slovenia and

Croatia never entered a treaty with Illos with regards to their defence

against hostile forces, it is well known that they, particularly Slovenia,

had come to their defence on the international stage when they unveiled


That was partially in repayment of the liberation of their country by the

Knights of Mimpost and by King Atticus himself. That initial political

backing resulted in later trade agreements very favourable to the small

nation, however limited, and throughout the years, it was clear they held

the King's personal favour.

A favour that has protected them for years even if their neighbours

crumbled under the claws of the Ravens. He continued, his arms a little

spread out in a gesture meant to signal peace "And I do not believe you to

be so limited in being able to fulfil your commitments once you make

them." Teispes leaned a little forward.

"Which is why this proposal does very little to inconvenience you."

The ambassador remained silent, his expression unchanged and Teispes

continued "In fact, if anything…this proposal is just what you need" That

gotten a slight reaction and Teispes pressed on as he smiled a little

grimly, his eyes alight with certainty

"After all, unification of the magical world must be able to jump over any

inconvenient and troublesome hurdle…isn't that right, Ambassador


The powerful Lord sat back in his chair, his cold hard eyes scrutinising

every inch of Teispes. Cunning, ruthless and dangerous, Malfoy had

garnered a reputation that bled and drank respect…of a certain kind. He

spoke the language of power and the aura of it. It was no surprise then

the man had risen high in the world, effectively becoming a trusted

problem solver for Avalon and Illos on the international stage.

"Unification is not our goal." Malfoy said with a bland, toneless voice

even if his eyes spoke entirely differently. Teispes resisted the urge to

send the man a look.

It was not hard to see the goal of the Sayres, not after all they had done,

not after the number of regime changes that had happened to a number

of smaller Ministries and enclaves around the world only for them to join

in treaty with Illos and the rest of their alliance.

'Friendship treaties' that bound fates of peoples to that of Illos wrapped in

gifts and advancements and obscene wealth that practically had leaders

beg to join them.

The worst thing about it was that it was almost insidious with how it was

so…benevolent. Compared to those living under the thumb of the

Ravenites, those who lived under the sphere of the Grand Alliance had

their lives improved in whichever way they needed it…even going so far

as opening their schools to them.

And each moment where that was more diffusion of Illosian ideals and

culture and magic into other societies, the more they were tied to Illos…

and by proxy the King and Queen. Through soft power, they were

winning the magical world over.

"Though it is an admirable dream to have." Malfoy said musingly as he

unfurled his hands, his gaze never falling away from Teispes' own.

"In any case, perhaps I have been hasty in dismissing the proposal as

having little benefit to either of our peoples." Malfoy said with a thin

smile that seemed to more belong on the face of an eel.

Teispes equally smiled with a thin curl of the lips.

He didn't know what the end goal of the Sayres were with all of their

schemes but he could read between the lines. He was almost sure they

meant the magical world very little harm even if they sought to dominate

it and unfortunately in the end…the alternatives were far worse than

those two.

"Would you like a drink?" Teispes asked and so began hours long



Celestis System

Gaius Hardy POV

The cold fusion reactor's soft thrum in the background was like a silent

song that he'd almost forgotten, just as he'd become less accustomed to

the cold dull silver white gleam of the metal walls and flooring that once

upon a time might as well have been his home.

This was the main observatory in the tower where every facility on the

moon was connected to and where he could make adjustments if he

needed to.

Adjustments that thankfully didn't need to be made all too often. Perks,

Gaius supposed, from having a robust integrated techno-magical system –

and able people.

His hands roved around the round holo, his fingers tapping on the

Illosian symbols, the screen before him changing and he paused to take

in the readings before him.

8.7904379964 meters per second.

A 3.2 x10-5 meters per second increase to yesterday and the increase in

mass per day was rising steadily on target to achieve Earth parity in three

years' time.


It meant their third phase was successfully initiated.

He jerked his arms, moving slightly and the round holo rotated and

information about gravity's strength came to forefront.

As always, gravity was the strongest in four regions on Dexirus with

Spiros II, the tower he was on, marginally strongest amongst the other

three towers that were located in equally spaced locations around the

moon with two spaced equally along the equator with the other two

located on upper most north and lower most south.

Reaching nearly two kilometres in height, the Spiros towers were vital in

the creation of Earth-normal gravity planet-wide. Dexirus had been a

planet with a small inner core less than ten times the size of Earth's core

– relative to its size – and it had been barely able to sustain an

atmosphere, an atmosphere that was thinner than even Mars'.

And that was where the Spiros towers came in where in conjunction with

the Terra Stones – Alchemic stones with the gargantuan ability to alter

topographies to a set specific design and habitability – Dexirus was

brought to life.

The Spiros Towers were directly connected to the planet's core and

through transmutation the content of the planet's inner core was altered

to iron and nickel whilst the outer core was altered to a combination of

iron, nickel and osmium.

Magic was used to permanently altered the composition of the planet's

interior whilst technology was used to create massive 'driving' machinery

that kick started the 'churning' of the small-ish mantle and outer and

inner cores to generate the magnetosphere that would work in tandem

with the greater magnetosphere of the planet Dexirus orbited.

It was different to the way the Ancient Humans terraformed planets…

more primitive yes but it was also undeniably quicker thanks to the sheer

brilliance of magic.

In that regard, their people trumped the Ancient Humans even if they

were completely overshadowed by them in most other ways.

Even the machinery they created with aid of what they were able pilfer

from the crashed scoutship paled in comparison to the kinds of intricacies

they had been capable off…like the World Engines they had found

references to.

Automated World Engines that manipulated gravitons – a particle they

were hard pressed to see let alone manipulate – to create heavier

elements at the cores and mantles until, over the course of decades – or

only years if they really needed to – along with heavy excitement of

molecules through wireless transmission of energy at the core, the

planet's inner core was churning and heavy enough to establish strong

gravity, magnetosphere and atmosphere.

Still, they were able to get it done anyway and in the end, that is what


The doors hissed lowly and he turned around.

"Sir." Appius said respectfully as he entered the main observatory.

"Appius." Gaius said with a nod.

Appius was one of the senior planetary researchers of the Exodus Project

Gaius was in charge of. A brilliant mind with aptitude for potions,

alchemy and chemistry, he was mostly involved in matters of preparing

habitation for Earth life on Dexirus.

Appius came to him with a tablet in hand "We have the results, Director."

Appius smiled before he added "It's a success."

Gaius' eyes gleamed "Even the beta generation?" Gaius questioned as he

took the table and the data sprang to life on the tablet and he began to

read it in earnest.

"Even the beta generation. The migratory birds are now able to see the

magnetic fields." Appius said happily and he had a right to be happy.

Biological modification was proving to be more difficult than even

planetary modification.

Migratory birds had the ability to detect the magnetic field generated by

Earth's – or any other planet's – molten core to use it to determine their

position and direction through magneto-reception, a phenomena made

possible through photo-chemistry in their eyes.

The migratory birds relied on quantum effects in short lived molecular

fragments that form photo-chemically in their eyes. They see the

magnetic field lines and use that information to chart their course

between their breeding and wintering grounds.

What they hadn't thought of at first was the sheer attunement the birds

had to Earth's magnetic fields. It was a problem that had caused delay

after delay.

After all, it wasn't just about making it habitable.

It was about making it liveable for Earth life as much as possible. No

planet would ever have the same magnetosphere, it was impossible to

replicate exactness even with magic but what they could do was test out

if they were able to get close enough.

The birds were modified in a test facility that had conditions as per what

they projected Dexirus would be like once Earth-normal gravity was

established and the moon was stabilised – which included completing its

stabilisation in its new more distant orbit around Celestis to account for

its greater gravitational force which will have minimal effect on Celestis


So it was a relief to hear that they were able to adjust the birds to be able

to navigate Dexirus even if it was delayed by about sixteen months.

"What about their sense of direction?" Gaius asked as he looked up from

the tablet.

They had to remove the internal clock that migratory birds had, this

innate direction and sense of time that migratory birds inherit from their

parents that are genetically encoded to their DNA.

"Unimpeded." Appius confirmed he said with a triumphant note "And

their genetic instructions to head south for breeding 'season' has not been

impacted either."

Gaius smiled at that. That was very very good to hear.

There were no seasons at present – likely never would there be any

seasons in any meaningful way – given that the moon Dexirus was

effectively tidally locked with one face of the planet in perpetual

darkness due to the gravitational interactions between the moon and

Celestis which synced up the moon's rotational cycle near perfectly with

its orbital phases.

It was a curious and fascination cosmic accident and it was something

they weren't going to change as the Celestis had grown accustomed to a

moon like this even if it was almost twice as far away now.

It was a problem they had focused on given that the temperatures on the

face that faced the sun continuously would have reached greater than a

hundred degrees Celsius had it not been for the intricate natural weather

system they created.

The dark side of the moon was essentially a vacuum that sucked in the

winds of the expanded air – as a consequence from being heated up by

the constant sun light – and what they were doing was exacerbate that

vacuum by creating wide and very steep valleys kilometres deep valleys

that rivalled the Mariana trenches on the dark side of the moon that

would 'flood' entire regions with warm air equalising the temperatures

across the moon.

That along with several Mediterranean ocean sized oceans in three

different locations, with one on the dark side of the moon, created a

stable weather system that prevented wide climate variations that might

naturally occur if left unbalanced with only a fifteen degree Celsius

difference between the two faces on the planet.

There were ideas to have permanent volcanoes on the dark side of the

moon to further reduce this imbalance but it that was for the future. At

present, the conditions were excellent enough for most Earth life on the

sun-facing side.

With the genetically modified beech tree forest on the dark side of the

moon creating bio luminescent 'dust' particles that simultaneously were

reflective and emitting, it created a kind of pseudo dusk every eighteen

or so hours – two thirds of Celestis' day night cycle – which simulations

have confirmed to be adaptable within four generations by most animal

species, mundane or magical.

"Good" Gaius declared as he handed back the tablet "Then we can get

started on the transgenic agents"

"Already on it." Appius said as he took the tablet.

The transgenic agents would introduce the modified base genetic

instructions that would 'overwrite' genes in birds and other animals that

were keenly sensitive to Earth's planetary activities.

The genetic modifications were simple in real terms – a change here, a

change there – and only made possible due to genetic sequencing and

powerful Magi-Comps that were made incredibly intuitive to the user's

desires made possible by the technology and tangential science they

secured from the ancient scoutship.

As such, they wouldn't make this adjustment to every animal, no, that

would be impractical, unnecessary and…difficult. To get this far took

years and a team of Seelie. Thankfully they could modify the transgenic

agents to suit other planetary bodies in the Celestis system were they

would replicate what they were doing on Dexirus.

Gaius bid Appius goodbye before he returned his attentions on the matter

at hand and continued to work on it for several more hours. As Director

of the Exodus Project, he was ultimately responsible for the success – and

failures – of the team.

Something he wasn't sure he wanted to thank or curse His Majesty for.

It was hours later that he left the Tower and flew above the sun-facing

side of Dexirus at sub speed of sound – lower than that of Earth – more

content than he was when he was in the Tower.

He stopped when he arrived at his favourite spot on Dexirus at this time

of day – a place he was greatly entertaining requesting to set a home

onto – and proceeded to walk a few hundred up the hill before he

slumped onto the soft grass.

Gaius breathed in heartily, the odd minty scent of the purplish tall grass a

balm to his lungs whilst he sat leaned back on his arms on top of a hill

that overlooked the unique grasslands.

The air was thicker and it was always noticeable when he left the

regulated Tower. The oxygen content of the air was hovering stably at

22.3%, just over a percent below the safety threshold and about 0.4%

higher than that of Earth.

His gaze fell on the horizon, the slight pinkish purple sky as a

consequence of bio-luminescent product of a family of trees in the forests

some hundred kilometres away adding an ethereal quality to an already

beautiful scenery.

A scenery that incorporated the beautiful blue green world of Celestis

front and centre in the night sky – if it could be called night sky, the

moon orbited Celestis so close that even during this period of maximum

'clouding by bio-luminescence' it was as light as dusk on Earth – the

world that would one day be home to all of their people.

His fingers dug into the soil, the firm but soft soil parting under the

pressure of his fingers, just as Dexirus would be a part of their home.

Just as every planetary body in the solar system would be eventually.

Just as his former mentor had envisioned and entrusted him to make


He wasn't sure how long he was gazing away at the sky when he came to

hear the noise of the tell-tale dull whizzing of a sky-bike but he realised it

probably had been too long. He sighed. No rest for the wicked, he mused

to himself quietly.

For the past six years, he'd only grown in terms of authority to everyone

on this project. Before they arrived, he could tell that his subordinates

had thought he got the position of Director because of his apprenticeship

with His Majesty instead of his own merits.

There was nothing more offensive to any Illosian than being promoted

without having earned it and for a little while, let's just say that he hadn't

been the most popular amongst the near three hundred strong collection

of people.

Fortunately though, he had proven time and again that he was not

promoted due to favouritism and in less than six months even the most

grudging individual like Marcellus of Clan Richmond could not believe

that he wasn't the best person for the job.

He dusted off his hands and got up onto his feet, stretching slightly as he

did so.

He recognised immediately who it was as the sky-bike began its slow

approach before it stopped in front of him. "Felix" Gaius welcomed the

member of the Strickland clan that he'd known since childhood.

"Sir" Felix saluted with a thump on his chest with his wand hand.

It was a way of saluting superiors amongst the Illosian Guards of which

Felix was a member of as part of the attaché of guards assigned to the

Exodus Project. At present, Felix was also doubling as an extra pair of

hands for the ritual that would make this moon truly alive.

"Is there a problem with the ritual crafting?"

Felix climbed off of the bike, shaking his head as he did so. "No, no

problems. It's all proceeding as planned." Felix confirmed and Gaius

nodded to the answer.

It was one thing bringing an almost dead planetary body to life but it was

another thing entirely to make it magical. Life and magic were interlinked

and where life thrived, magic enriched and suffused but…

It was not as simple as that.

There were conditions required for magic to suffuse itself onto and into

life, conditions that existed for planets like Celestis and Earth as a

consequence of their placement within the galaxy, within the universe.

Conditions when unmet missed that spark that came from abundant

magic nearby for the living planet to latch onto, a spark that came as a

consequence by way of inhabiting a region of space where universal

leylines crossed like it did on Earth and Sol or intersected like it did on

Celestis and in the Celestis System.

Dexirus was fortunate in that regard.

As a moon with the flimsiest of atmospheres hostile to even bacterial life

due to little protection from powerful radiation emanating from the sun,

it had been at least several times more attuned to magic than Luna was

despite the billion year seniority that Luna had over Dexirus, a story that

repeated itself all over the system no matter how dead or hostile to life

the planet may be.

In time, now that Dexirus had its atmosphere built and planted with

abundant plant life that covered every crevice of land and ocean, that

spark would have naturally come after several millions of years, perhaps

even sooner simply for the fact it was so close to an intersection point of

two powerful universal leylines, but that was a little too long for all of


And so, the ritual crafted by their Majesties would 'jump-start' this spark

into blooming, a ritual that worked to, very simplistically explained,

effectively turn Dexirus into a massive wardstone to draw in the magical

energies that surrounded the system that would turn said energies inward

into the planet itself.

It wouldn't pull in magic from Celestis, its range could not reach that far

but it would pull in magic for over a hundred thousand kilometre radius.

With magic being effectively constant, this would mean that there would

never be a dip in magical intake into Dexirus and with how strong

ambient magic was in system, it would at most take three to four decades

before it was as magical as Celestis.

An accomplishment that he would be rather proud of once it was


"No, Captain Fisibilillah has asked to see you." Felix explained.

"Did he say why?" Gaius asked with a frown whilst he tapped on his arm

causing a holo interface to appear. A few taps later and his sky-bike

would be on its way.

One of the things they had noticed was that the magic of a world heavily

influenced one's own magic. So much so that apparating was an ill-

advised gambit until you were familiar enough with the magic of the


Whilst apparation was effectively wormhole travel in the classical point

to point sense, the medium through which one travelled was magic itself,

specifically magic of the planet itself.

Memory and sight were important of course but the vital point was

instead one's ability to 'commune' with the magic of the planet itself, to let

it help guide one's own magic towards a specific destination.

Port-keys worked similarly enough as well although they were centred

around coordinates that 'told' magic where it was meant to go.

On a planet like Dexirus, or even Celestis, such communing or interaction

with the planet could only come once one was familiar enough with the

planet's magic.

Gaius had become familiar enough with Celestis over the past six years to

manage to apparate across it but Dexirus was still a mile too far.

"He did not." Felix said and Gaius nodded, the answer an answer in of


The silver sky-bike zoomed down towards him "Alright, let's go then."

Gaius said as he hopped onto the bike. He pressed his hand onto the

middle of the steering and the silvery hull began to morph and change to

encapsulate him within the bike, his legs no longer dangling freely as his

entire body was encased in a silver arrow like shape.

Seconds later, he shot off towards the sky, climbing and climbing until

his angle of ascent was three hundred and forty-five degrees and it was

only minutes later that he breached the atmosphere

A significant portion of researchers on Dexirus were on the far side of the

moon where it was perpetually dark as a consequence of the moon being

effectively tidally locked conducting experiments on the creation of bio-

luminescent plant life that could create enough artificial light on a day/

night cycle in line with Celestis' twenty-eight-hour rotation to make the

absence of sunlight a little less noticeable.

The dashboard came into life, the entire solar system mapped out in two

dimensions, and the dot that represented Gradus came into view with

Felix right behind him. Gradus was currently at Celestis' Lagrange point

L2, where it has a clear view of deep space.

Gradus was the only spaceship they had capable of making this journey –

at least that was the case years ago – and as such, its importance couldn't

be understated.

It doubled as a command post, especially in the early days, and it also

was where the automated-mining drones were commanded. Drones that

mined the asteroids within the system in preparation for the building of a

Starbase that would be the first of many defences of their soon-to-be


It took about an hour or so until he finally came close to the spaceship,

the five hundred twenty-nine metre long ship that floated in space in a

backdrop of stars and nebulae with virulent blue light glowing from

nearly every inch of its hull, and he began his slow deceleration towards

the ship.

He circled around towards its rear where a blue force field was the only

barrier between the insides and cold harsh space and he passed through

the force field with no difficulty and landed to where he was signalled to

land. The sky-bike morphed away like rain trickling down a pane of glass

and he stepped off of it.

"Sir!" one of the crew saluted as they approached.

"The Captain is waiting on you in the Captain's Room."

"Very well." Gaius said as he walked away and made his way out before

stepping on the walkway that would take him to the one of the Hub-


As he walked and nodded to a few people he knew well, he was brought

back to when the ship had first been designed. There had been heated

discussion about whether or not to integrate passageways, passageways

that could anywhere and everywhere as soon as you were by a bulk-way.

In the end it was disregarded as lazy, he thought with amusement, but

not completed as this method was preferred where the Hub-Ports

functioned much like portkeys and were able to have multi-destinations

fixed within the chamber linking it to any other Hub-Port.

A swirl later after he'd gotten in, he was on the bridge. The bridge was

ovoid and decked with holo stations though it was half occupied at this


He eyed the captain's chair with mild envy. The chair was heavily

integrated with neural and magical interface control systems. The closest

approximation, when it was activated, was a Pensieve with the way one

was immersed.

Only in this instance, instead of being in a memory, one was the ship


One could feel and know the status of the shield, damage was relayed

immediately to the Captain and even able to relay commands to the crew

via a kind of Legillimency in dire situations, potentially enabling critical

actions to be undertaken that otherwise would be done too late.

He was saluted to by the security personnel who he outranked even if he

was not military per se. One might think that security was unneeded

given that they were in an empty system but eventually that wouldn't be

the case.

It was important to set out good habits and practices and in time these

people would train the next generations. He arrived at the door and

waved his magic against the door.

The door turned alight with a soft glow and he felt his magic being

sampled by the pseudo-ward on the door and soon enough the door

opened and he walked in.

There was a marked difference between the rest of the ship and

Fisbililah's room. Instead of decked in the same grey-silver metal as the

rest of the ship was, his room was decked with wood wall panels that

were of some considerable age.

That along with a thick rug in the middle of the room made it almost a

homey place.

He waved at his shoes with a lazy hand and became transfigured into

thick socks before he walked further into the room until he walked

through into Fisbililah's office.

Tirtayasa Fisbilililah was behind his desk, his eyes fixed on a Holo-pad,

his posture rigid and collected. The man had a well-kept beard, one that

aided him in cutting an impressive figure of authority.

Just as Gaius had to prove his own worth as a leader in his own right,

Fisbililah had to prove his own worth as Captain of the first long distance


Though it had to be said that Fisbililah had a greater and steeper

mountain to climb to get where he was now. Disadvantaged as he was by

not being born to active magic with limited magical potential, he had

only his intellect and his drive at first.

Yet as time when by, he proved his worth again and again especially so

after he created the Mahameru Predictive Algorithm that made travelling

through slipspace possible through incredibly intuitive near sentient

magical program algorithms that saved them from needing to develop

computer systems like the Ancient Humans did once upon a time.

And from there, he continued to prove himself until he was rewarded

with this post and he'd taken to it like a fish to water. His eyes swept to

the moving picture on his desk, a picture of his wife Fatimah, the famous

artist, and their two sons.

Fisbililah looked up from his Holo-pad and Gaius looked to meet the

man's gaze.

"Director Hardy" the Captain said with a stiff nod as he set the holo-pad


"We've received a tight-beam from Illos"

A tight-beam was a method of communication that was near

instantaneous centred around the quantum entanglement principle that

their ancestors the Ancient Humans used though instead they used the

connectivity of universal leylines that they had arithmantically mapped

out in the sectors that connected Earth to Celestis

They hadn't had the expertise to replicate the Quantum Entangled

Communication network that hinted in the ancient scoutship database

nor the knowledge to make the mathematics work but they had been able

to with the principle and they refashioned it in ways that was most

practical and achievable in the short term.

The number of leylines that existed in this galaxy alone were

arithmantically proven to be numbered in the tens of thousands and they

used a clever approximation and derivation technique to pinpoint the

flow of leylines into one another.

A flow that connected Earth and Celestis through a series of leylines that

wasn't actually in a straight line but rather curves and tangents that

didn't matter one whit given that magic was constant and thus

communication was constant.

Unfortunately, at the moment they were only able to communicate in

'bursts' of magic, magic that near indistinguishable from the universal

magical frequency, that could be unpacked with a receiver that was

several hundred thousand times more sensitive than even their Majesties

were to magical fluctuations.

At present, anything greater than these bursts of magic would unravel

through the flow of leylines, like a balloon holding water bursting under

the pressures of the deep ocean whereas these 'bursts' were more like

pellets of metal holding a drop of water protected against the uniformity

of neutral magic that permeated throughout the leylines.

"They want us to return." Fisbililah said, cutting to the chase.

"Why?" Gaius asked surprised. The journey back would take months and

as far as he knew, there was little necessity to cut short their mission.

Yethea, Sentanis and Dagolia were all in mid to late stages of Terra-

Alchemy with two further moons seeded with alchemic stones. To cut

short now would potentially set them back years.

"We're at a critical stage and they know this." Gaius said with a frown.

Fisbililah nodded "They are aware." He said before he sighed and placed

his hands on the table, meeting Gaius' eyes.

"They're not asking us all to return. Only Gradus, non-critical staff and

yourself." Fisbililah thinned his lips as he paused for a moment

"The mission is to be expanded into Phase Two."

Gaius controlled his expression "It's a little soon." He simply stated.

Fisbililah nodded "I am leaning towards agreement yet this is an order

from the King himself." Fisbililah said meaningfully and Gaius grimaced

before he nodded reluctantly. If he believed that they were fine to

proceed to the next stage then they likely were.

Gaius eyed the man critically "Any idea who and what will be first?"

Fisbililah shook his head minutely "Only a guess." He stated and Gaius

raised an eyebrow which Fisbililah smiled a little in response to as he

leaned back in his chair.

Generally speaking, if either of them had a guess, it tended to be more

right than wrong. Fisbililah continued "Centaurs." He stated simply and

Gaius nodded agreeably. He thought so too.

The Herds of Greece were amongst the first displaced from their

homelands by the Ravenites. They'd asked for sanctuary from Illos. Not

many people were privy to their discussions though he did learn later –

just as Fisbililah had – that the Centaurs knew of their plans to move

worlds and had asked for settlement rights.

Relations with the beings weren't the easiest, xenophobic as they were,

but they did join the alliance even if it was in a limited capacity.

"It would be nice to go back home again." Gaius said after a moment in a

musing tone as he looked towards the moving pictures of Fisbililah's

family. The last time he'd gone home was years ago and he'd love to see

his family again and catch up.

"That, I can easily agree with." Fisbililah said with a sigh "We won't leave

for another few days. We will leave the majority of our fighter and heavy

ship complement and crew behind along with half of the security


Gaius nodded gratefully. It wouldn't do to leave those under his

responsibility undefended. Still…

"I hope they've built another ship." Gaius said with a slight look of


"I wouldn't surprise me if there at least another two or three." Fisbililah

said "They were training enough crew for two ships two years ago when

we'd last been."

He hadn't gone back last time so he took the man's word for it. He

nodded to the man and turned on his heel "I will tell my people to flash a

shopping list of items we'll bring back for them." He said with a wave as

he departed.

As he walked down the walkway back to his skybike, he couldn't help but

allow a small smile bloom in his face. It might be unexpected to go back

home but he most certainly was looking forward to it.

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