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Адреса змісту:https://www.webnovel.com/book/hogwarts-start-fusion-


Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix



612 Chapters


Author: Big_Big_0235


(32 ratings)


(Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline)

This article is also known as [After Nirvana, I became a child again! ],

also known as [My Elegant Life at Hogwarts! 】

Peter York, reborn in 1980s London, gets a super gene fusion device!

Start by merging Phoenix’s genes to gain immortality! Don’t be afraid of

Avada’s life!

Integrate the genes of the invisible beasts to gain the ability of

foreknowledge and invisibility!

Integrate the genes of the bird and snake to gain the ability to be as big

as you want!

Integrate the genes of the basilisk, and gain the ability to die if you look

directly, and become petrified if you look at it!

One day, Peter York was besieged by the Death Eaters.

With Mandela* genes, he sang directly on the spot!

Immediately, everyone was shocked by the sound of death!

Daily Prophet: “Peter York is a new generation of magic gods after

Merlin! His abilities are beyond even the mysterious man! He is the

future hope of the magic world!”

General Audiences

Chapter 550: Chapter 551

Chapter 551 Winner Voldemort? Peter's Plan!!


The Saints were also stunned, and Vidalozil cast a spell to interrupt

Dumbledore's magic.

Dumbledore's spell directly hit the golden net, instantly scattering the

golden net and releasing the phoenix inside.

The freed phoenix eagerly spread its wings, and when the spells of

Voldemort and Vidalozil were about to hit it, it directly turned into a

flash of fire and disappeared in an instant.

Without the shackles of the golden net, the phoenix could teleport away

without regard to distance.

Looking at the empty place, leaving only a few phoenix feathers,

Voldemort who rushed over was a little stunned, and then his eyes turned

red to look at a calm Dumbledore, and he gritted his teeth and said

fiercely, "You hurt me and lost the phoenix, Dumbledore, you damn it!" "

The Saints also looked at Dumbledore with hatred, and they managed to

arrange magic to trap the phoenix, and there was a chance to grab the

phoenix, but now they were let go by Dumbledore! He obviously didn't

want both parties to get the phoenix.

Dumbledore looked into his eyes as both sides looked at each other with

the same hatred, sighed, and then disappeared directly into the same

place, no longer entangled.

When Dumbledore left, the two sides fell into an eerie silence again.

Then Vidalozil looked warily at Voldemort, looked at the angry

Voldemort, looked at the saints, and then suddenly released the spell into

the crater.

Just listening to a few rumbling sounds, the magma inside the volcano

quickly surged up, and there were constantly bubbles bubbling up under

the magma, and a very terrifying breath came from under the magma.

Along with the shaking of the entire volcano, countless rocks rolled down

from the top of the mountain.

After a deafening rumble, a black smoke thousands of meters high

erupted from the volcano, accompanied by countless magmas, hitting the


The saints took advantage of this opportunity to quickly evacuate, and

the orderly phantom transfiguration left in the volcanic ash of the sky.

On the Death Eaters' side, a huge light curtain dome shrouded above the

Death Eaters, blocking the fall of volcanic ash and magma, which was

Voldemort's hand.

"Master, the saints have escaped, do we need to chase them?"

A Death Eater asked hesitantly.

"Chasing what? What's the use of chasing them! Stupid! "

Voldemort scolded angrily, he reached out and took the phoenix feathers

on the ground, "Now it's time to find a way to chase after the fleeing

phoenix, that is the goal!" "

The Death Eater looked at the phoenix feather in Voldemort's hand and

said with embarrassment, "But… Master, now that the phoenix has

escaped, it can appear everywhere in the world! Such a large range, even

with the use of tracking spells, it is useless. It's no different than finding a

needle in a haystack..."

Before he could say anything, he was struck by a drill spell from

Voldemort, and he fell to the ground in pain and convulsed, only to

constantly beg Voldemort for forgiveness.

"I don't need to question, you know?"

Voldemort withdrew his wand and said coldly.

"Know! I know! Master! "

The tortured Death Eater quickly nodded.

Voldemort looked at the incontinent Death Eater in the lower part of his

body, snorted coldly, and then flipped out a compass-like thing from his

body, with a pointer on it, turning randomly.

He waved his wand, and a red breath drifted from the phoenix's feathers

and landed on the compass, and then the pointer on the compass quickly

pointed to the south.

Voldemort smiled and muttered, "In the end, I am the victor." "

"The Lord… Master, the volcano has erupted! "

The Death Eaters on the side were terrified

Said. Only to see the volcano erupt with very terrible energy, the ground

trembled so much that people could not stand, countless volcanic magma

seemed to erupt from the ground, rushed out of the sky, and then turned

into a hot canopy and quickly fell.

Even the protective cover shook constantly, and the magma burned

around, making the place extremely hot.

When Voldemort saw this, he directly turned into a huge black mist,

rolled up the Death Eaters on the ground, and disappeared into the same

place a second before the protective cover was broken.

Meanwhile, not far away, Peter and Heman Rozier also appeared.

"Sir, aren't you going to stop Voldemort?" If he caught the phoenix and

really possessed the immortal body, I am afraid it would be even more

difficult to deal with! "


Looking at Peter puzzled, he asked, they hid here and didn't interfere

with anything, were they really just watching the play?

Peter smiled and shook his head, "I have already placed a positioning

spell on that phoenix, and I can find the phoenix before Voldemort at any

time." I had intended for Voldemort to get the phoenix, but now that I've

changed my mind, maybe it's good to get another Dark Lord involved. "


Heyman looked at him puzzled, not understanding what he meant.

Instead of explaining, Peter simply pulled out a map of the world, then

waved his wand and chanted a spell on the map.

After a while, a golden dot appeared on the map, moving continuously

across the Mediterranean Sea towards Africa.

"This golden dot represents the phoenix," Peter said briefly, then nodded

at the map with his wand, and the map was instantly copied into a


"Now, Heyman, I need you to do something."

"Tell me!"

Heyman said respectfully.

"Isn't that Vidalozil of the saints your aunt?"

Peter smiled and said, "You can give her a copy of this map so that she

and the saints can have a chance to capture the phoenix, and I think they

should be very eager to get Grindelwald out of Newcastle again." "

"As for the other maps, you also send them to the ministries of magic of

various countries for me to see if they are interested in competing for


Peter's face was full of calculating smiles, "Especially the American Magic

Congress, you can send them an extra map, and explain the role of the

blood of the phoenix and the fire of nirvana, I am afraid that the news on

their side will be slow to spread, and I do not know this news yet." "

"As for me, let's talk to the phoenix and take it around so I don't get

caught early."

Heyman heard Peter's plan and did not understand his plan, but

respectfully agreed.

"Let's go, I'll send you back to Rozier Manor, and then I'll go find the


Peter said.

But Heyman refused, saying, "No sir, I have the key to the door here that

can take me straight back to Rozier Manor." Let's go ahead and get busy

with the phoenix. I stayed in Italy first, the saints they should not have

gone far, I can contact them first. "

Peter nodded after listening, "Well, then, I'll send you to a nearby town

first, which is very unsafe now." "

Peter looked around at the dusty sky and the lava flowing and said.

Saying that, he directly changed into the form of a phoenix, grabbed

Heyman and left the place.

On the vast sea, a gorgeous phoenix flew rapidly southward, and from

time to time turned into flames to teleport, it was the phoenix that

escaped from the volcano.

The phoenix is a very sensitive creature, although it has fled far, but it

still faintly senses that there is malice on it, so it still keeps teleporting,

trying to escape from the dangerous wizards.

It wasn't until it suddenly appeared in front of it, another phoenix that

was even more beautiful than it, that it stopped, and looked at this fellow

who was blocking the way with great doubt.

"Hello, my name is Peter, can I walk with you?"

The phoenix in front of him made a pleasant reputation and said very


Chapter 551: Chapter 552

Chapter 552 A Phoenix-Caused Chase Battle, Prophecy Cigarette Pot!!

The originally peaceful magical circles of various countries were stirred

up by a Marauder's World Map of the Rozier Family.

The secret of the phoenix's ability to help people live forever is already

known to everyone in the upper echelons of the magical circles in various


Most of the high-ranking members of the wizarding world are very old

wizards, and they are naturally very covetous of immortality.

It's just that phoenixes are also very rare in the wizarding world, and the

only phoenix that has been raised by people is also in the hands of

Dumbledore and Peter, two powerful wizards, and they naturally dare

not offend.

But now the Rozier family actually sold the traces of a phoenix directly,

but the high-level wizards of various countries could not sit still, and

after confirming that the map in Hemann Rozier's hand was true, they

bought the map at great expense.

Then send down your men to chase the phoenix.

Heiman Rozier was also kind enough to remind the wizarding families

that Voldemort and his Death Eaters were also chasing the phoenix, and

if they chose to participate, they were fighting against Voldemort. But

apparently this reminder only frightened the wizarding elite from

England, and wizards from other countries did not think so.

After all, Voldemort's reputation was at most slightly famous in Europe,

but it was not as good as that of Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

Therefore, all of a sudden, hundreds of wizards from all over the world,

as soon as they got the map, followed the traces of the phoenix on the

map and went to compete for the phoenix.

There are even old wizards who can't wait, who go directly alone, hoping

to catch the phoenix and gain eternal life.

The Voldemort and Death Eaters, who tracked the phoenix by guiding the

compass, did not know that Heman Rozier, who was not yet working

with them, had distributed a more accurate map of the Marauder's Point

to people in various countries everywhere, and used it to collect a large

amount of money.

Following Peter's instructions, Rozier asked the Saints to be the first to

get the Marauder's Map. Headed by Vida Rozier, although puzzled and

wary of this nephew who suddenly contacted himself with the patron

saint and provided information about the location of the phoenix for free.

But he still chose to chase the phoenix as fast as he could, and strive to

revive the elderly Grindelwald and lead the Saints to rise again.

Many wizards who got the map watched the movement of the phoenix on

the map and used various magical means to chase it.

Since the magic of many wizards is not enough for them to shift their

long-distance phantom shapeshifts, the flying broom has become the

preferred tool, followed by the transnational door key, and the flying

magic carpet produced in the Middle East is also the most suitable flying


At this time, the location of the phoenix on the map had crossed the

Mediterranean Sea and arrived in Egypt, Africa.

Therefore, some people who are close to the Ministry of Magic have

directly found a relationship to get the flying road network or door key to

Egypt, and tried to catch the phoenix before anyone else arrived.

Therefore, the Egyptian Ministry of Magic at this time was very busy,

because all of a sudden, they received applications from all over the

world, and they were all high-ranking members of the magical circles of

various countries.

Although they were confused, they quickly approved the entry

applications of these people to avoid getting into trouble.

At this time, Peter, who had successfully abducted this simple phoenix,

turned into a phoenix, easily won the trust of this phoenix named Thor,

and took him to fly south purposefully, and constantly teleported long


Just facing this phoenix named Thor, Peter felt a headache because it was

so noisy.

Peter had never seen such a long-winded phoenix, and his partner Field

had always been a warm-talking boy, and even Dumbledore's female

phoenix was unusually cold.

But the phoenix in front of it, according to its own words, had not seen

its kind for hundreds of years, had been hiding in the volcano and

constantly nirvana, and had never seen the outside world. Maybe it's

because I haven't spoken to my kind in a long time, and now when I meet

Peter, I keep chattering.

And constantly complaining about the wizards who wanted to catch him,

disturbing his sleep, and looking at it as if he was going to eat it, it was

too scary.

Peter silently became a qualified listener, and kept looking at the map he

was clutching at his feet, showing more than a dozen spots moving

toward them in addition to the location of the phoenix, all of which were

the movements of those holding the Marauder's Map.

"Peter, what do you look at that piece of paper?"

Thor, who had been chatting with Peter, saw Peter's movements,

stretched his neck and looked at the map at Peter's feet, and asked very


"I'm looking at the trail of those who have come to catch you," Peter

explained with a smile in his eyes, turning to him, and pointing to the

black spots on the map, "those are wizards who are here to catch you,

and they are now coming in our direction, and they don't seem to have

given up on tracking you." "

"Ah, they're coming after you?"

Phoenix Thor was stunned and quickly stirred his wings, "I said that I

always felt a wave of malice, it turned out to be those wizards!" Peter,

let's go fast, just hide far away, so that they can never catch up! "

Peter looked at the black dots on the map that were rapidly approaching

them, smiled and nodded, and then the two phoenixes disappeared into

the same place as a ball of flames.

In the desert, Vidalozil and the saints were sitting on the latest Firebolt

arrows, speeding towards the trajectory of the phoenix on the map, only

to see the golden punctuation representing the phoenix suddenly

disappear and reappear, hundreds of kilometers away.

"Damn, this phoenix teleported again."

One of the saints scolded impatiently, and then looked at Vida Rozier,

"Ms. Rozier, what should we do?" Is it just like this to follow the phoenix

around? You know, it can teleport away at any time. Are we really sure

to catch it? "

"This is the only chance we can save the leader, and we can't give it up!"

Vader said firmly.

Of course, this method of following the map to 383 is undoubtedly the

least efficient. We need to have enough forejudgment to catch that damn

phoenix before anyone else. "

"How to prejudge? Are you looking for a soothsayer or a fortune teller? "

Another saint frowned and said, "The problem is that there is no such

person among us, and we will not find anyone who can divinate for us in

a short period of time." "

"I think we can only rely on it."

Vida Rozier took out a skull cigarette bottle from his traceless extension

pocket and said sadly.

When the other saints saw this smoking pot, they were very surprised,

"Isn't this the prophecy smoking pot that the chief originally used?"


And then I couldn't believe it

Looking at Vader, "Are you trying to find the chief?" But…"

Vader shook his head and said, "Only if we can predict in advance where

that phoenix will appear will we have a greater chance of catching it."

And the premise of all this success requires the foresight of the chief. So I

need to go to Newmengard right away…"

Saying that, Vidalozil took out a saintly symbol, handed it to another

saint, and said, "This is the door key, as long as you carry it with you, I

can come right away." Now I need to go to the chief, even if he doesn't

want to see me, I have to try my best! "

She then asked the other saints to continue tracking the phoenix, while

she herself put her hands on the prophecy skull and disappeared into


Chapter 552: Chapter 553

Chapter 553 Newmont Gard! Grindelwald attitude!!

In a secluded forest, Vader appeared in front of a majestic and

dilapidated castle, and she looked at the tallest tower with a look of

sadness and nostalgia.

She stepped to the entrance of the castle, above which was inscribed: "For

greater good." "

Although Neumengard was a prison, there was no guard, and the only

thing that could be felt was that every brick of the wall was engraved

with magic marks, making the whole castle a solid fortress so that people

inside could not go out, and people outside could not enter.

But the fortress was originally built by Grindelwald and was the base

camp of the Saints, so even though there was so much magic blocking it,

Vader still seemed to be unhindered, constantly tapping the different

brick walls with his wand, easily entering the castle, and then walking

along the spiral staircase to the high part of the castle.

When she came to the top of the tower with trepidation, before entering

the deepest part of the prison, and looked at the old man with a withered

face and a very weak face, there was an unconcealed sadness and anger

in her eyes.

The prison was so rudimentary that there was only a rusty iron bed, even

the windows were broken, and the cold wind whistled into the prison,

making the robed Vader feel cold and bone-chilling, and it was hard to

imagine how Grindelwald had spent so many years in this environment.

At this time Grindelwald sat on the iron bed, looking at her calmly, as if

he already knew of her arrival, "Didn't I say that I told you not to come

over again, how, now my words are useless?" "

"No, Chief, you are still our supreme leader!" We have never gone against

your will! "

Vader half-knelt outside the cell door, said with red eyes, "We obey your

instructions and dare not disturb you for decades." It's just that now we

have a very important opportunity to use your abilities, so we have to

bother you. "

"Oh, want me to help?"

Grindelwald raised an eyebrow, looked at a pleading Vader, and his face

showed surprise, "I am now just a half-dead man with a broken candle,

what can I help you?" "

Vader directly took out the skull cigarette bottle, "We need to catch a

phoenix, but this phoenix has escaped, and now although there is a

positioning spell, the phoenix's flight speed is too fast, we can't catch up

at all, so I would like to ask you to help us predict its future direction, we

can ambush and catch it in advance." "

Grindelwald took the prophecy cigarette pot, sighed with memories, and

then asked curiously, "Are you going to catch a phoenix?" What to do? "


Vader had a look of embarrassment on her face, afraid that after saying

her purpose, the leader would refuse to help.

"Forget it, since you're so embarrassed, you don't need to say it."

Grindelwald looked at her as deeply as he did, and then said with a lost

wave of his hand.

"But since you have come to ask me for help, as the closest partner I have

ever been, I can help you, which is considered to have fulfilled the

original comradeship." Only later, there is no need to come again,

although there is no guard here, but there is a lot of guard magic outside,

just now I pressed down for you, so I did not attract the Ministry of

Magic people. You are also an old man, you don't have to run for my

business in the future, go back to the family and spend your old age in

peace. When you fought with me everywhere, you never had a day of

stability, and now it's time to rest. "

Vader's body trembled after hearing this, and he looked at him in

disbelief, and then his eyes turned red and said, "Chief, our loyalty to you

has never changed, nor will it change!" Even if you wait another fifty

years, or even a hundred years, you will be steadfast! "


Grindelwald sighed, and he looked at the old lady who had once been

called the French Rose, but had now become a white-haired old woman,

and said softly, "Dear Vader, I am now just an old man on the verge of

death, and my body is weak, and I am no longer the leader who led you

to pursue your ideals and ambitions." I can't lead you anymore, and I

can't change anything anymore. "

Grindelwald lifted the prophecy cigarette pot, the magic in his hand

surged, and the skull's eyes shot out a faint blue light, exuding a

mysterious atmosphere.

"Since you are anxious to find the phoenix, I will look for it for you and

see if I can help."

As he said this, he took a deep breath toward the cigarette butt, and then

spewed a large amount of smoke into the room, and the smoke grew

thicker, and finally in a fog, a slightly blurred illusion appeared in the


Under the eyes of the two men, the phoenix of the target appeared on a

huge volcano with wings flared, which was a layered volcano with a

peculiar terrain and many magma lakes distributed.

At the same time, another phoenix also appeared in the illusion, and the

appearance of both phoenixes surprised both Grindelwald and Vader,

especially Vidalozier, who was very surprised by the appearance of

another strange phoenix.

But before the two were surprised, the strange phoenix turned into a very

handsome young person, and it seemed to sense something, and his eyes

were looking at the two with blue light.

In time and space, the young man in the picture and Grindelwald look at

each other.


The person in the illusion looked surprised, and after just spitting out a

few words, it dissipated into smoke.

In the prison, Grindelwald was also very surprised, he waved his hand,

the scattered smoke gathered again, turning into the young man in the

illusion just now, he slowly walked to the shadow, looked at the young

man, and said in amazement: "It is really a very powerful young man,

who can actually detect my gaze through time and space, and can also

become a phoenix!" Is this his Animagus? Could it be that the wizarding

world has developed magical creatures in these decades? "

Vader could not hide her shock, she looked at the shadow carefully, and

said with a complicated look in her eyes: "Chief, I know this man, his

name is Peter York, he is an Englishman, powerful, and claimed to be a

new generation of great magicians after Dumbledore. And he also

announced a very precious news not long ago, that is, he could use the

blood of the phoenix and the fire of Nirvana to reshape the immortal

body! Because he himself possessed the power of the phoenix, many

people around the world are now looking for traces of the phoenix. "

"Britain… Dumbledore..."

Grindelwald's tone was complex

Zao chewed on these words, and then returned to God and asked in

surprise, "Immortal body?" Phoenix? Is this true? "

"It can be sure that it is true. This Peter York had been hit by Voldemort's

death curse, but it was all right, just like the phoenix, Nirvana became

smaller. "

Vader explains, "And this phoenix form of his, which I have seen for the

first time, is obviously one of the fruits of his post-nirvana, which

reinforces that what he said is not wrong." So we need to catch this

phoenix even more! "

Grindelwald looked at Vader with complicated eyes, and finally

understood why she had come to find herself, obviously they had not

given up yet, and they were bent on taking themselves out and using the

method of phoenix nirvana to restore themselves to their youth.

"Vader, you don't have to do that. The appearance of a phoenix does not

change anything, we are already people abandoned by the times. "

Grindelwald sighed and said, "I predicted the power of Muggles, so I

wanted to unite all wizards and fight for a space where we wizards could

live." But you also saw the results, and we failed! "

"No, Chief, we have not failed! All our saints will return to you once

again if you wish, continuing to accomplish our unfinished deeds! "

Vader retorted excitedly, looking at him pleadingly,

"Over the years we have gone into hiding, developed our strength, and

many members of the Ministry of Magic are members of us, and you can

still respond to it…"

"It's too late, Vader."

Grindelwald shook his head and said, "That war was the last chance, the

chance I predicted for the wizard to defeat the Muggles, but it's gone."

Today, we can only stay in a quiet corner and wait silently to see the

final fate come. "

"No, there is still a chance of the chief! As long as you have an immortal

body and regain your youth, you will rekindle your ambitions! "

Vader said excitedly.

Then he performed a salute to him, "Chief, you wait first, we will succeed

in bringing back the phoenix, will help you to be reborn in Nirvana, and

lead us to conquer the world again!" "

After saying this, Vader walked downstairs without turning his head,

trying to get the phoenix to reach the Nilagungo volcano, lay down the

net, and catch it.

And Grindelwald, who was in prison, stared at Vader's vanished figure,

and the old man's voice said flatly: "Why didn't you stop her?" If she does

catch the phoenix and make me nirvana, I will probably get out of this

prison again and become the Dark Lord who is causing you a headache. "

Outside the prison door, Dumbledore's figure gradually appeared, he

looked at the very simple room in the prison, frowned, and asked

doubtfully, "I know that this place does not trap you, even if you do not

go out, as long as you want, your followers can make you comfortable


Grindelwald interrupted him and said coldly, "Since I promised you,

naturally I will not go out." As for the current life, that is the punishment

that the loser should have, isn't it? "

"Also, you haven't answered me, why didn't you stop Vidalozil?"

Suddenly, there was an owl cry outside, and then there was movement in

the chimney, and something fell from above and landed in the dust in the


Grindelwald used a burning stick to pull out an iron box, patted the dust

on it, and then opened the box directly, picked up a few pieces of black

bread inside and ate it.

He shook the slices of bread in his hand and said with a smile: "You see,

the people of the German Ministry of Magic are still very vigilant, every

day let the owls deliver food to me from the smoke, they dare not send

people over, even the owls will not let them come close, for fear that I

will seduce them." "

Watching Grindelwald eat a few slices of black bread, Dumbledore's eyes

flickered, and he said slowly, "I originally wanted to stop it, but since

Peter has his own plans, I'll wait and see." And now there are a lot of

people chasing the phoenix, and Voldemort himself is involved, so the

chances of the saints winning are not great. "

Grindelwald gave a slight flick of his hand and looked at Dumbledore,

"Peter York?" That young man has such a great ability to make you

change your mind. I'm really curious about him. "

Chapter 553: Chapter 554

Chapter 554: Insufficient Origin? The role of volcanoes!!

After flying for a long time, Peter and Phoenix Sol flew all the way south,

through the vast Sahara Desert, over the plateau, and kept teleporting.

During this time, he was almost chased by several waves of wizards, but

was quickly dumped by them.

"Are these wizards crazy?" Why are you chasing me so crazy? "

Phoenix Thor said in horror that it had almost been hit by a wizard's

death curse.

Although the Death Curse can't kill it, it will become a chick after

nirvana, and the feathers will not grow up, and it will not fly away at all,

and it can only fall into the hands of those wizards.

Peter, who was a little weak-hearted, coughed a few times and said,

"Maybe there is something in you that they desperately want." But don't

worry about this for now, another wizard is coming! Let's hurry up. "

He pointed to the wizard riding a broom behind him and quickly


Seeing this, Thor and Peter disappeared into flames together without

saying a word, and several green rays of light passed through the place

where they had disappeared.

"Let the phoenix run again!" What a stroke of luck! "

A dark-skinned wizard lifted his cloak of invisibility and said in

frustration, "Does this phoenix have the power of foreknowledge?" How

every time we were about to get closer, it immediately ran away, as if it

was hanging us, it was so angry! "

"Don't be discouraged, this phoenix is not easy to catch, and now there is

one more."

The other black wizard was not too lost, but looked at the trace of the

phoenix on the map with a hot eye, and said, "The employer promised us

that if we catch a phoenix, we will be rewarded with 1 million Zhuo

pots." That's money that will allow us to eat and wear for a lifetime! Not

to mention that there is now an extra phoenix. Maybe we can have an

immortal body too! "

"Stop daydreaming, Caroline, don't covet something that doesn't belong

to you, that will bring us destruction!" Our 043 times are just for the

bonus, and the rest are not considered. "

The leader of the black man fifty held a long wand like and warned his


"I'm just talking, hehe… Boss, I know the measure. "

Caroline smiled and then quickly changed the subject, "Boss, let's go after

it quickly." If it was too late, the two phoenixes would run away, and I

am afraid that they would not even be able to get Mao. "

"No hurry, we have a map in our hands, and the phoenix can't be lost."

Now we need to think about changing our strategies, otherwise even if

we catch up, we will not be able to catch them. "

The leader of the black wizards said calmly, then looked down at the

animals in the grassland below, and said quietly, "First go down and

catch one of the fiercest beasts, we need to know their next direction." "

"Boss, are you going to use forbidden magic for divination?" The High

Priest is not saying that this magic is dangerous..."

The black wizard next to him heard the words and looked worried and

wanted to dissuade him.

"Jacqueline, don't forget that we have been driven out by the tribe, and

there are no more high priests now."

The Black Wizard Leader interrupted him unhappily, "As long as we catch

the phoenix, we will have a reward of 1 million Zhuo pots, or even

more!" It's not a big deal to have it for these little bucks. "

As they spoke, they descended to the ground, and one of his men had

caught a ferocious hyena and brought it to the black chief.

"Put it on the stone."

The black leader commanded, and then pulled out a bone knife full of

runes from his waist.

The hyenas are bound by magic on huge stones non-stop

Struggling, hoarsely grinning to warn the black wizard approaching with

a bone knife, but the black wizard leader did not think anything of it, but

held the bone knife aloft, chanted an ancient and eerie incantation, and

then plunged it straight into the hyena's abdomen.

With a scream from the hyena, the bone knife inserted into the abdomen

emitted black gas and quickly sucked out the hyena's vitality and blood.

The black wizarding leader used a bone knife to cut open the hyena's

abdomen, dug out the heart, liver and spleen, and placed it on the stone

platform to examine it carefully.

"They're going all the way to the south… Go to the DRC… Then

temporarily inhabit the Nilagungo volcano, if we want to catch the

phoenix, that is the most suitable time...…"

The leader of the black wizards held the intestines to the gods

It was as if I had seen some secret in those ordinary internal organs.

The others, on the other hand, showed no signs of questioning, but

looked very convinced.

Suddenly, the black wizard leader's eyes began to bleed tears, and blood

gushed from his ears and nose, which looked frightening.

"Boss! Are you okay? "

When the others saw this, they supported him with great concern, and

then took out the potion and fed it to him.

The black wizard leader wiped the blood from his face, shook his head

with a heavy breath, and said, "Don't worry about me, it's just a little

regurgitation." The main thing we have now is to hurry to the Nilagungo

volcano, where the phoenix is intercepted and cannot be preempted by

others. "

At the same time, other wizards also use a variety of magic spells to try

to catch the phoenix.

Peter and Thor, after constantly teleporting, appeared on a volcano.

Looking at the hot lava lake below, Thor flew his wings happily and said

to Peter, "Let's take a break here, first go to the magma to bathe and

recover your strength." "

Peter looked at the lava billowing below, was surprised and asked

curiously, "Thor why do you like living in a volcano so much?" "

Thor swooped into the magma below, then popped his head out

cheerfully, looked at him with strange eyes, and said, "We phoenixes are

elves born in fire, and flames can replenish our strength, so why not live

here?" "

Then he urged, "Peter, come down, your body is too weak to replenish it."

The flames in the magma can strengthen us, don't delay, we need to

continue to fly. The malice in me has not disappeared, and those

abominable wizards must still be chasing us both! "

Peter felt the twisted air around him that was scorched by the heat of the

magma, and he knew that the temperature here was at least a few

hundred degrees.

However, he did not feel a hint of discomfort at this time, so he incited

his wings to land gently on the magma, tentatively put his feet into the

magma, and then directly learned to soak his whole body in the magma

like Thor.

Suddenly he felt like he was in a hot spring, and the magma around him

was constantly transmitting heat into his body, making him fluttery, and

even some tired bodies were rapidly recovering.

Peter couldn't hide his surprise at this moment, he looked at Thor who

was constantly fluttering in the lava, and felt that he was not simple.

"Thor, how can you know so much?"

"I've lived a long time, of course I know that!" The humans who used to

fall down the mountain still regarded me as a god and gave me a lot to

eat. "

Thor was very proud of the lava, and then a big brother said: "You look

like a chick who was not long born, and it is still so weak, the origin in

the body is not more than half of me, it is really pitiful, follow me in the

future, follow me in the volcano for hundreds of years, the origin can

almost be replenished." You don't have to look so skinny anymore. "

Peter cried and laughed when a phoenix said that he was weak, but he

still heard a lot of information and asked, "Do you mean the fire of

nirvana in my body?" Can the fire of Nirvana be replenished with

volcanoes? "

"Of course, I don't know how you did it?" There is only such a source, is it

congenital stunted? Or is there something wrong with the incubation

process? "

Thor looked at Peter puzzled and reminded, "Your Origin must be

replenished, otherwise if you are hit by those wizards with that green

light magic, your Origin will decrease, and when the Source is gone, you

will disappear and never be resurrected again." "

Hearing this, Peter was very surprised, he had always thought that the

phoenix would never die, but he did not expect that the Death Curse

could also consume the fire of nirvana, and once there was no fire of

nirvana, the phoenix would finally have a real day of death.

Concerned about his own life and death, Peter quickly asked, "Thor, how

can I make up my origin, can I just lie in the magma like this?" "

Thor shook his head, "Of course not, this is just a replenishment of

stamina." If you want to replenish the source, you need to find an active

volcano at the time of nirvana, and with the help of the fire of the

volcano, the rebirth of nirvana can greatly supplement the source. Of

course, it would be even better if some magic wood could be found as

fuel. That's a few hundred years of experience, and then you can try it. "

Hearing this method, Peter was overjoyed in his heart, if he didn't know

these things, if he consumed almost all the Nirvana Fire in his body, and

didn't know how to replenish the Source, he would probably die.

Peter's eyes looked at the phoenix fluttering happily in the lava on the

side, because of his own reasons, he was coveted by many wizards and

fled his hometown to hide here. He was also betrayed by him to attract

these wizards, and even the final fate was determined to be caught.

Now that we have obtained very important content, if we continue to do

things according to plan, it will be revenge.

Thinking of this, Peter gave up his original plan to pit Voldemort, but he

still couldn't sell his teammates when he changed hands.

So he waved his wings directly and grabbed Thor, who was still fluttering

in the lava, and rushed to the sky.

"Go fast, those wizards are coming!"

Chapter 554: Chapter 555

Chapter 555 The phoenix that was caught again mutated again!!

As soon as he flew out of the crater, several curses of death were fired at

Peter and Thor, and Peter couldn't, so he had to let go of Thor and dodge

the deadly attack.

Thor, who was caught off guard, stopped in mid-air in time, and then

shouted to Peter, signaling them to teleport away together.

Looking at the faint crowd below, it turned into flames and disappeared

into the same place in an instant.

But the next moment, the two phoenixes were directly enveloped by a

huge golden net and did not succeed in escaping.

When Phoenix Thor saw this golden net, he immediately flew around in

panic, he had been caught in the net before, naturally knew the power of

this golden net, and did not want to be caught in the net at all.

But no matter how he struggled, this huge golden net that enveloped the

entire crater was still shrinking rapidly, as if he was going to collect both

phoenixes into the net.

Seeing this, Peter prepares to return to human form and end this phoenix


But suddenly, the golden net stopped, and even above the golden net was

covered with a layer of black mist-like cover, with a corrosive noise, a

layer of blockade was added to the golden net, as if to prevent the

phoenix from fleeing again.

Around the volcano and in the sky around it, hundreds of wizards have

gathered, some riding brooms, some wearing flying cloaks, flying carpets,

and even riding flying horses.

The wizards invariably sealed off the entire crater, but formed several

teams on mutual alert.

Peter looked at the most conspicuous team of saints in the old phalanx

below, as well as the African wizards with mostly black skins, and even

the yellow-skinned Asian wizards, and it was obvious that this phoenix

hunt had attracted many people with hearts.

He silently sensed the location of the Marauder's Maps he had made,

none of which were here.

Obviously, the forces that got the Marauder's Map were not stupid, but

gave Peter a surprise, and instead of taking the map to track the Phoenix

as he wished, they used other methods to set up an ambush here in

advance and wanted to take the Phoenix in one fell swoop.

Looking at the wizards around him, Peter extinguished the idea of

changing back into human form, flashed a teasing color in his eyes,

dodged the dense attack, and then disappeared into flames in the same

place, completely disappearing.

"What's going on? What about the phoenix? Haven't we already blocked

here? How did it disappear? "

All the wizards were confused by this scene, obviously very sure of

things, how could something go wrong?

"Hurry up, strengthen the blockade!" Can't let the other phoenix escape! "

A wizard hurriedly said, afraid that the other phoenix had also escaped.

"Don't panic, our blockade is strong and the phoenix can't escape. Like

the other phoenix, it must have ducked under the lava and chased them

out later. "

An old wizard who maintained the blockade reassured him, and a thick

black mist kept pouring out of his wand, enveloping the entire crater.

The saints, on the other hand, are phantoms who move to various

locations in the crater, and together they throw the woven golden net

into the magma like a fishing net.

"Stop them! They want to swallow the phoenix alone! "

The wizards below saw the saint's movements, shouted loudly, and then

fired spells at the saints in an attempt to stop their movements.

The saints had long been prepared for this, except for a few people who

pulled the fishing nets, the other saints all turned around and used their

super armor to protect themselves from the siege.

Standing on the outskirts of the saints, Vidalozil directly summoned a

fierce fire, which leapt high and burned to ashes several people riding

brooms in the sky.

In the midst of several screams, she shouted in a loud voice, "We saints

only need one of the phoenixes, and if we catch one, we will leave!" If

you dare to stop it, you can try the price of being an enemy of the saints!


Most of the besieging wizards stopped, staring at Vader and the saints

behind him with jealous and unwilling eyes, and the fame of Grindelwald

and the saints was heard all over the world. Now these saints will fight so

desperately for the phoenix, obviously for Grindelwald.

If they were really stopped, I am afraid that these saints would really not


"So many of us, thousands of kilometers from Europe to Africa, are we

going to give you a phoenix just because you are saints?" What's the

point. "

A short male witch with a goatee rolled his eyes, and his small round

eyes were full of evil breath, and he pretended to be indignant and said

to the people around him, "You have also heard, if a phoenix is really

taken away by the saints, then can so many of us only snatch the

remaining one? Isn't that unreasonable! "

"They are saints! Grindelwald's army! "

An accomplice on the side reminded.

"What about the saints? It's been decades now, and Grindelwald may be

dead… Ahhh…"

The goatee witch is saying

He was hit by a death curse, and his eyes widened and he fell straight


Vader withdrew his wand, looked coldly at the number of saints below

several times as many, and said, "Is there anyone who questions it now?"


Everyone was shocked by this scene, and they didn't expect her to do it

so directly. Most wizards accept the entrustment of their employers for

money, and naturally do not want to lose their lives for this.

In particular, the accomplices of the goatee wizards retreated back into

the crowd with a frightened face, deeply afraid of being killed by the

wrath of the saints.

Vidalozil looked at these wizards who did not dare to look directly at

him, his eyes flashed with disdain, and he hummed coldly: "Since there is

no opinion, then the phoenix that we netted is our saint's, and the

remaining one is up to you to decide which one belongs." "

Speaking to the saint behind him, he signaled to continue moving.

The saints were ordered, and the wand in their hands slammed upwards,

and the end of the golden net sunk into the magma was dragged up, and

the golden net did not show any damage in the hot magma, netting a

phoenix out of the magma.

Looking at the phoenix in the golden net that was constantly struggling

and screaming, the saints looked at each other with joy in their eyes and

quickly tightened the net to prevent it from fleeing again.

The wizards below were salivating, and their hot eyes were fixed on the


Some covet its prize money worth at least 1 million Cho Pot/Garon,

while the rest covet its ability to immortalize people.

"How? Want to grab it? "

Vader looked at these wizards coldly with murderous eyes, and the fierce

fire in front of him pounced on the wizards.

The saints behind them were also ready to deal with the raids of these


All the wizards retracted their heads, not daring to covet the phoenix

again, comforting themselves that at least there was still a phoenix to

fight for.

"Let's go!"

Seeing that no one was in the way, Vader said to the saint behind him,

and then strode forward, while the wand in his hand was clenched, ready

to deal with the situation.

The phoenix was wrapped in a golden net, constantly flapping its wings,

struggling to escape, but unable to break free of its shackles, and could

only be protected by dozens of saints in the middle, quickly following

Vader to evacuate.

Looking at the phoenix firmly protected by the saints, some of the

wizards who were originally eager to move could only reluctantly give up

the plan to raid and set their eyes on the volcano, thinking that there was

still a phoenix hiding there.

As the saints remained on high alert and retreated far away, preparing

for the phantom transfiguration to leave the place, a figure stood in their


He squinted his eyes and said in a strong tone, "You seem to have taken

my stuff!" Now obediently hand it over to Hiro! "

Chapter 555: Chapter 556

Chapter 556: The Saint, who suffered heavy casualties, successfully


Voldemort! Vida Rozier's face changed drastically, and he raised his

wand vigilantly.

"Don't waste your effort, saints. You are not my opponents at all! "

Voldemort sneered contemptuously, "Obediently hand over the phoenix

in your hands, you don't want to die like this, as long as you hand over

the phoenix, I can spare your life." "

Vader looked at the mighty Voldemort, his eyes flashed, and looked at

him warily, "Voldemort, there is another phoenix in the volcano, you can

go and catch it, you can't come and grab us." "

"The phoenix in the volcano I want!" The one you caught belongs to me

too!" "

Voldemort smiled and squinted at the crowd, but his tone was very


Seeing this, the saint was facing a great enemy, protecting the phoenix in

three circles and three circles, and then first used the most powerful

attack magic on Voldemort.

In the face of the mantra attack in the sky, Voldemort was very relaxed

and casual, turning into black smoke and constantly flashing, avoiding

the attack like a swimming fish, and then directly appeared in front of

the saints, fiercely knocking everyone out.

The saints were vulnerable to Voldemort, but these people obviously

valued the phoenix more than their own lives, and even if they were

knocked out, they would cling to the phoenix in the golden net and not

let go.

Several of the highest-ranking saints glanced at each other, then threw

the phoenix directly into Vader's hands and said quickly, "Vader, let's

hold him, you must deliver the phoenix to the chief!" "

Vader looked at several people with red eyes, knowing that they were

trying to use their lives to block a moment. But she did not stop it, but

took the phoenix and directly grabbed a broom and soared into the sky.

She was to stay away from the area that had already been cast by the

Anti-Phantom Transfiguration, and then activate the door key to return

to Newmontgard.

Voldemort spotted her attempt, sneered, and made a direct move towards

the lava lake in the distance, accompanied by the ground vibration, and

several huge lava tentacles rushed out of the magma, waving like an

octopus to sweep down Vidalozil, who was riding a broomstick.

"For greater good!"

An elderly saint roared and rushed towards Voldemort, the tip of his

wand turning into a sharp giant sword, slashing at Voldemort with a

thick cursed force.

"For greater good!"

The other saints also looked at the crazy attack with a dead face, trying

to stop Voldemort for a moment so that Vader could successfully escape.

"Find Death!"

Voldemort was almost wounded by the saint's cursed sword, and his

scarlet eyes were filled with irritation.

He could feel that once he was stabbed, even he would suffer a big loss.

The angry Voldemort no longer focused on the heavenly Vader and the

phoenix, but stared darkly at these dead-eyed saints, sneering, "Since you

have lived enough, then go and die first!" Even if I send the phoenix to

Grindelwald, I can snatch it back!" Rest assured, I'll let Grindelwald go to

hell with you. "

Then he directly exploded into a huge demonic pressure, the robe flew

and floated into the air, like a bloodthirsty giant bat, turning into a

remnant of the pilgrims to attack, a powerful spell, directly blew dozens

of saints away, more than a dozen life curses, even the iron armor spell

was directly shattered.

Voldemort is like a cold god of death, reaping the lives of saints one by

one. The saint who had been struck by the death curse fell to the ground

with a look of shock in his eyes, no longer breathing.

But the remaining saints were not frightened by this, but rushed forward

even more ferociously, trying to stop him with their lives.

In the face of so many saints' lifeless attacks, Voldemort was also

overwhelmed for a while, and could only fall into passive defense.

The Heavenly Vidalozier seized the opportunity to take advantage of the

lava tentacles to be temporarily uncontrolled, quickly dodged the hot

magma tentacles, and rode a broom to rush out of the anti-phantom

shapeshifting area as fast as possible.

She turned her head to look at the comrades on the ground who had

suffered heavy casualties, but they were still fighting without hesitation,

her eyes were red, suppressing her grief, clutching the golden net that

trapped the phoenix with one hand, pulling out the door key with the

other hand, chanting the incantation, and instantly disappearing in the

same place with the phoenix.

Watching Vader's successful departure, the remaining saints finally

breathed a sigh of relief, with a satisfied smile on their faces, and their

attack power weakened a little.


Voldemort also discovered the disappearance of Vidalozil and the

Phoenix, and in anger he struck away the saints, looking at these saints

with dead eyes full of happiness

Disciples, full of murderous spirit.

"Voldemort, you should hurry up and go to the mountain to have a look,

and don't let the other phoenix fly away from your hand!"

A saint who had been cursed reminded with a breathless smile.

Voldemort stopped, he looked up at the bounty hunters on the volcano

who were busy looking for the traces of the phoenix, and then looked at

these vigilant saints who were ready to fight again, and snorted coldly:

"Count your luck today, I don't have time to solve you now...… Say a

word to Grindelwald for me and say I'll meet him in person. "

After saying that, the Voldemort disappeared directly into the same


The saints watched Voldemort leave and finally breathed a sigh of relief,

but looked at the grief on their faces as they watched as they had lost at

least a third of their members around them. Together they joined the

Saints, followed Grindelwald on all sides, experienced glory and tasted

defeat, but were lucky to survive.

But now he suddenly lost his life and fell on the eve of dawn.

"They are for the chief, for the greater good!"

The leading saint, Marcus, said with a heavy comfort, and then led the

saints to quickly collect the remains of their colleagues who had died in

battle, and then the phantom transfiguration left here.

On the volcano, Voldemort once again erupted into the strength of the

Dark Lord, killing many bounty hunters and escaping, eventually gaining

ownership of the remaining phoenix

But no matter how many spells Voldemort tried, even if he used his great

mana to freeze the entire volcano, he could not find any trace of another

phoenix! Voldemort didn't know where the other phoenix had gone, but

he knew he must have been tricked, because there was no trace of

another phoenix in the whole volcano.

Voldemort's expression became more and more gloomy, his eyes were full

of reluctance, he was not too dead to hold the phoenix in the hands of

the saint before, because he identified that there was a phoenix inside the


But now there is not even a single hair, and half a day's work has been


Suddenly, he looked directly at the group of bounty hunters who had not

left for a long time at the bottom of the mountain, and a fierce light

flashed in his scarlet eyes, and a phantom transfiguration appeared there.

Then came a relentless and bloody slaughter, accompanied by countless

screams, and wizards from all over the world died at the hands of

Voldemort, and the blood splashed red on the grass.

After killing these dozens of wizards, Voldemort did not care about the

blood splashed on his body, but brandished his wand and chanted

incantations, and the blood on the ground quickly gathered together,

carving out symbols made of blood, and finally forming a very complex

magic circle.

The magic array is full of ominous and evil atmosphere, the black smoke

in the array is filled, and there is a thin and wordy sound coming from

inside, as if there are many people whispering, and from time to time the

smoke will turn into a vicious face, as if it is going to break through the

formation and come out…

Chapter 556: Chapter 557

Chapter 557 Blood Raven Tracking, Grindelwald's Refusal!!

Voldemort did not care about these visions, but continued to wave his

wand and chant the spell, and then the blood quickly poured into the

black smoke and merged into one, a ball of blood-red, shapeless blood

floating in mid-air, and finally turned into a blood-colored crow,

quacking, hoarseness and creepy sound.

"Tell me where all the phoenixes are!"

Voldemort looked at the Blood Raven coldly and said, and pulled out a

map of the world, and there was a golden spot on it, which he had taken

from an old wizard, so he could get here in time.

The Blood Raven met Voldemort's eyes, and then made a very ugly

rattling sound, and five drops of blood fell from his body and fell on the

map, two of which were located in Hogwarts, England, one drop landed

in Australia, and as for the remaining two drops, they quickly moved to

the Austrian Alps location and coincided with the golden spots on the


"Are there only five?"

Voldemort looked at the blood spots on the map, his eyes narrowed, and

the two phoenixes at Hogwarts were obviously Peter York and


The Australian one was now in the Pacific Ocean, far away, he looked at

the two drops of blood that coincided with the golden spots, his eyes

were full of murder, and he gritted his teeth: "Saint! Dare to lie to me! He

actually took both phoenixes away. Well, since you have such a big

appetite, then I will see if you have such good teeth? "

Saying that, he looked at the Blood Raven, beckoned, let the Blood Raven

stop on his shoulder, and said to himself, "Grindelwald, let me see how

strong your former Dark Lord still has…"

It then disappeared into place, leaving only a blood-red color

The color of the rune array and dozens of corpses around.

At this time, in the castle of Neumengard in Austria and the Alps,

Vidalozil excitedly held the phoenix shrouded in gold nets and hurried to

the entrance of the castle.

She entered the castle with ease and climbed towards the tower.

"Vader, here you go again!"

Grindelwald in the prison said slowly, not looking in this direction, but at

the restored glass window, "You need to leave immediately, just now you

have touched the cordon set up here by the Ministry of Magic, and the

Aurors will come later." "

Vader did not heed Grindelwald's reminder, but excitedly held the

phoenix and showed him: "Chief, you see, this is the phoenix we caught.

Now as long as you get its blood and the fire of nirvana, you can be

reborn and live forever! Lead us to the pinnacle of magic again! "

Grindelwald turned his head and looked at the phoenix in her hand, his

eyes flashing with interest, then surprise, as if he had seen something


He smiled and shook his head at Vader, "Have you forgotten what Peter

York said?" He had said that the fire of nirvana of the phoenix needed to

be voluntarily sacrificed. Now that you have arrested him, how can such

a coercive method make him willing to share the fire of nirvana? "

Vidalozil was not worried about this, but looked confidently at

Grindelwald and said, "I believe this is not a problem for you, chief, you

tamed an untamed fire dragon in the first place, and even blocked a

deadly spell for you." I think you have a way of making this phoenix

submit to you and voluntarily sacrifice the fire of nirvana, am I right?

Chieftain. "

"I do have a way to make a phoenix obedient, after all, they don't have

the complicated minds of humans."

Grindelwald nodded, then looked at Vader with expectant eyes, "But why

would I do that?" "

"Uh… What the? "

Vader was stunned, feeling like he had heard wrongly.

"Dear Vader, the phoenix can save me from death, or even immortality,

but it doesn't make me stronger, it doesn't change the status quo, it just

allows me to escape death."

Grindelwald looked at her gently and said, "You know me, I have never

been afraid of death, and the purpose of my efforts was only to achieve

greater interests." But when this ideal was shattered, now I am just a

living dead man who is still surviving, waiting for the arrival of the god

of death at any time. "

"Perhaps Dumbledore is right," said Grindelwald, looking at the glass in

the window that no longer leaked, as if he were seeing through the

world, "death is the ultimate destination for people like us." For those

whose ideals are shattered, living one more day is suffering, not to

mention eternal immortality, that is the curse. "

Vida Rozier followed his gaze and saw that the glass had been repaired

Li's eyes were red, and he asked angrily, "Did Dumbledore come?" He's

coming to seduce you again? "

Then tears couldn't stop flowing, and his eyes were full of accusations

and sorrow: "In order to catch this phoenix, the saints desperately tried to

stop Voldemort, so that I could have time to escape with the phoenix."

Virgil, Yakris, Julian, Rottweiler, etc., they are all the most loyal to you,

but they are all dead just now! "

Hearing this, Grindelwald froze, his eyes flashed with sadness, but he still

shook his head and said in an old voice: "Vader, the saints were

disbanded fifty years ago, and the moment I failed, I knew that fate could

not be changed, we were all just some old people abandoned by the

times, and no matter how much they struggled, it was only in vain." "

"No, sir, we have not been abandoned, and the ideals you put forward are

still shared by many people today. As long as you have the power of the

phoenix and get out of this prison, there will be many people who choose

to follow you! "

Vader shook his head excitedly, "Nowadays more and more wizards are

very unhappy that their living space is squeezed by Muggles, but they

have been forced down by the Ministry of Magic. As long as you preach

again in the world as you did seventy years ago, more people will agree

with you. Then we can take advantage of the situation and completely

change the wizarding world. "

"Vader, thank you for your approval."

Grindelwald said gently, but then shook his head and sighed,

"Unfortunately, the times have passed, and the ideas I originally proposed

are no longer in line with the current environment." Doing so again

would only lead to faster destruction of the wizarding world. I have no

intention of being that destroyer, nor do I want to go through that pain.

So dear Vader, be considerate of me as an old man. Let me spend my old

age in this castle that I built myself, okay? "

"Chief, are you going to abandon us again?"

Vida Rozier asked with a grief in his eyes.

"Vader, let's go, there are already a lot of Aurors down there."

Grindelwald sighed and said, "There's a cellar on the first floor, and you

can hit a passage with your wand on the middle tile and say, 'For the

greatest good.'" Don't tangle with these Aurors, get away from here, and

go back to your loved ones and live a good life. "

"Chief, you are my dear and my star!" Without you, how can I continue? "

Vader said quietly, then waved his wand and walked directly through the

iron fence into the prison.

"Vader, you… Uh…"

Grindelwald was shocked

Surprised by Vader's behavior, just when he wanted to say something, he

felt that his brain was chaotic, and a thick drowsiness struck.

Vader held the sleepy Grindelwald on his face, smiled, and said softly,

"Chief, this is the first time I've really disobeyed your orders." But I can't

watch you just sink in, so sleep well. This is the medicinal effect of the

Sleeping God Herb, which I picked from the far north of Norway and will

be good for you. Rest assured, when you wake up again, it will be a new

life! When the time comes, you can punish me as much as you want. "

Grindelwald tried to open his weary eyes, trying to say something, but he

had no strength and could only look at the phoenix wrapped in a golden

net with a pleading gaze, as if to convey something.

The phoenix in the golden net was no longer struggling like before, but

instead had a clear look in his eyes and showed a look of surprise.

When he touched Grindelwald's last look, he nodded slightly, as if he had

agreed to some request.

And Vader, who took care of Grindelwald, was now preoccupied with

Grindelwald, and did not notice the movement of this man and a bird…

Chapter 557: Chapter 558

Chapter 558 Voldemort, Grindelwald is going to die?!!

"Wow, what a very touching picture!"

A voice came out of the prison and said in a playful, icy tone, "With such

a loyal follower, it seems that the name of the Dark Lord of Grindelwald

is really not real." "

Vader heard the movement and threw two spells at the sound without

saying a word, but they were easily blocked.

When I took a closer look, I found that it was Voldemort who had

appeared at some point.

Seeing Voldemort's appearance, Vader's face changed drastically, and she

died in front of the unconscious Grindelwald, she did not expect that

Voldemort would come to her so quickly, or when she had just fainted

the leader.

Voldemort was not too interested in Vader, but instead focused on the

unconscious Grindelwald and the phoenix wrapped in the whole net in

his arms.

Vader noticed Voldemort's gaze, fearing that Voldemort would attack the

leader, and rushed towards him desperately, trying to stop him with his

own life.

But he was directly hit by Voldemort with a wave of his hand and flew

out, crashing heavily into the hard stone wall, unable to move.

"Quiet, stupid woman!"

Voldemort snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand fixed Vidalozil on

the wall, then slowly came to Grindelwald's side.

He leaned over and looked at the old Dragon Clock, the frail

Grindelwald, and shook his head in disappointment: "Sigh, is this the

Grindelwald who once won the storm?" It's better to meet than to be

famous. "

Saying that, his gaze shifted to the phoenix, and with a fiery desire in his

eyes, he leaned over and lifted the golden net, looked at the phoenix

inside, and said happily: "Finally, you are mine!" "

Suddenly, a spell struck from his side, targeting the phoenix in his hand,

trying to destroy the golden net that trapped the phoenix.

But Voldemort reacted faster, a wand to pick up the spell, and then

looked darkly at the raiding Vidalozier, and smirked, "Do you think I will

continue to follow your way?" Stupid woman. "

He then aimed his wand at her and said, "Drill Heart Wrist Master One." "

A series of drill heart curses continued, and even the determined

Vidalozil could not help but be tortured in such pain, emitting a scream

of pain, twisting his body, and constantly convulsing.

After torturing for a while, Voldemort finally stopped, his scarlet eyes

fixed on the frail Vader, and asked, "Now, can you tell me where the

other phoenix went?" As long as you obediently tell me, I can graciously

give you death without torture. "

Hearing Voldemort's question, Vader's hateful eyes also showed a look of

puzzlement, what other phoenix? Didn't he bring this one?

Voldemort noticed her expression, thought she was continuing to act, and

in exasperation tortured her with a drill charm, until Vidalozil was dying,

and then stopped.

"Now, can you say it? Otherwise, even if you are not afraid of death, do

you want your leader to suffer such treatment? "

Voldemort saw that the woman was dead, rolled his eyes, and pointed his

wand at the sleeping Grindelwald.

Seeing this scene, Vader's pupils widened, and he shook his head with all

his strength and said, "Don't hurt him!" I didn't lie! I came back with only

one phoenix! I can swear! "

Looking at the sworn Vader, Voldemort was puzzled and annoyed, pulled

out the Marauder Map, pointed to the two overlapping droplets of blood

on it, and looked at her with a sneer and asked, "Are you saying that my

magic is wrong?" The result of my sacrifice with the lives of dozens of

wizards is not credible? "

Vader looked at the two drops of blood on the map that obviously

overlapped together, and was suddenly confused, there was obviously

only one phoenix here, how could it be shown that there were two?

Suddenly, she remembered that when Grindelwald was divining, she saw

the young man who had transformed into a phoenix, and she had a guess

in her mind.

Look at the phoenix in Voldemort's hand, his face is strange.

"Speak quickly! Where did the other phoenix go? "

Voldemort noticed the slight change in her eyes, snorted coldly, and

pointed his wand straight at Grindelwald's head.

"Voldemort, I didn't lie to you, I really only brought back a phoenix when

I came back."

Vader looked at Voldemort's wand and pointed at the leader, and his eyes

flashed with concern, but he replied calmly, "But since your map shows

this situation, it means that the fleeing phoenix has also followed, but I

don't know where it is now." "

Voldemort looked at her sworn look, doubted the faith, and then sneered,

"If what you say is false, you will know the consequences." "

Beckoning outward, a palm-sized blood crow flew in, making an

unpleasant rattling sound, and his body was full of ominous and bloody


"Find the trail of another phoenix for me!"

Voldemort commanded the Blood Raven, his tone full of confidence, as

long as the Blood Raven was there, the phoenix could be found no matter

where it was hiding.

Hearing Voldemort's command, the Blood Raven made a rattling sound,

but did not move, still standing on his shoulder.

Seeing this, Voldemort's face darkened, and he looked at the blood crow

on his shoulder with displeasure, and said word by word: "I said, find-to–

other-only-phoenix-phoenix!" Do you hear clearly? "

The Blood Raven incited its wings to fly this time, but it flew directly to

the golden net he was carrying, and made a rattling sound at the phoenix

in the golden net, as if to say to Voldemort that this is the phoenix you

are looking for!

"Damn stupid bird! I'm talking about letting you find the other, not this

one! "

Voldemort roared angrily, and at the same time wondered in his heart

whether there was something wrong with the previous magic array. It

will attract such an unreliable blood crow.

The Blood Raven heard Voldemort's angry scolding, grabbed the golden

net and flapped its wings continuously, making a rattling and unpleasant

cry, stubbornly indicating that this is the phoenix you are looking for.

Paralyzed on the ground, Vader looked strangely at Voldemort and the

Blood Raven, who were in a quarrel, and glanced at the phoenix that had

always been quiet, and then set all her eyes on Grindelwald, full of

remorse, because her willful behavior had caused the leader to fall into

this desperate situation.

"Enough, you shit!"

Voldemort, with an irritable roar, directly used his spell to blow up the

rattling blood crow.

He had already decided that there was something wrong with the Blood

Raven, so there was no use for Sun.

He looked at the phoenix in his hand and was slightly relieved, as long as

there was this phoenix, his mission had been completed. Then he looked

at Grindelwald, who had been asleep, and Vidalozier, who had been

sleeping, and a murderous look appeared in his eyes.

Now that the task is accomplished, these two men are useless.

Sensing his murderous spirit, Vader's face changed dramatically, and he

shouted out with all his strength: "Voldemort, if you want to kill, kill me,

don't hurt him." You have also heard that he has no intention of leaving

Newmengard, please show a little mercy, and let him spend the rest of

his life here. "

"Oh, I'm really loyal!"

Voldemort provoked her chin with his wand and said appreciatively,

"You are very similar to one of my men, all women, just as faithful." And

you are more rational and intelligent than her, and I am jealous of

Grindelwald, and it is a pity that such a good follower said to abandon it!


"Unfortunately, ma'am, I have no mercy," said Voldemort, shaking his

head with a smile, "rest assured, I will bury you and Grindelwald

together, so that I will not live up to your obsession with him, so that I

can count it as my kindness." "

Saying that, the wand in his hand pointed directly at Vader, and the tip

of the wand emitted a green light, emitting the breath of death…

Chapter 558: Chapter 559

Chapter 559: The Duel of Two Generations of Dark Lords! Voldemort


Vida Rozier looked at the green light, her mood was surprisingly calm,

she had no fear of death, only reluctance and apology to the chief.

She remembered that the leader had said that even if he died, he wanted

to die in battle, rather than being killed by the neck in a humiliating


But now she has killed the leader, and in her deep sleep she is ignorant

and unconscious.

A dazzling green light flashed, and the destructive light rushed out of the

window, attracting the Aurors and Saints who were fighting together

below, making their faces change.

They didn't know what was happening in the castle, but they did know

about the vision of the Death Curse

The Saints knew that there was Grindelwald and Vida Rozier on the

tower, but neither of them was clearly the one who would use the Death

Curse on the other, so there must be a third person above, which also

indicated that the leader was in danger.

So the Saints no longer fought with the Aurors, but frantically rushed in

the direction of the castle.

At the same time, on the tower of Newmengard, Voldemort looked

uncertain, suddenly rose up to block the stone wall in front of Vader,

turned his head to look at the old man who stood up trembling, gritted

his teeth and said, "Grindelwald, when did you wake up?" "

Grindelwald gasped and said with a smile, "I found out as soon as you

came, but I was caught off guard by Vader's herbs, so I lay on the ground

for half a day, and now I am relieved." "

"Chief, you're awake!"

Vader said in surprise, she staggered to his side with all her strength, and

cried out with guilt and remorse, "I'm sorry, chief, I did something


"Well, Vader, you'll talk about it later."

Grindelwald interrupted her confession and said with a dignified face,

"Lend me your wand for me to use, without which I am not sure I can

stand up to this Mr. Voldemort." "

Hearing this, Vader hurriedly took out a wand, handed it to Grindelwald,

and said, "Chief, this is a wand you used at the beginning, I have always

kept it, and it should be the best for you." "

"That's even better, your wand is walnut and really doesn't listen to other

people's words."

Grindelwald smiled satisfactorily, and looked at the wand that once

belonged to him with some nostalgia, "It's still the best use of your own

wand, long time gone, old man." "

Voldemort's scarlet eyes looked at this scene, sneered and directly

debunked: "Grindelwald, forcibly wake up from your slumber, it tastes

bad." Even if you get the wand, how many layers of strength can you

play? "

"And you've been imprisoned here for decades, so don't you forget all the

spells." Now that you are no longer the proud Grindelwald of the past,

just an old man who is slowly decaying and waiting to die, how can you

resist me? "


Vader looked at Grindelwald with concern.

"Don't worry, Vader."

Grindelwald shook his head, and he looked calmly at the confident

Voldemort and said, "You're right, my body is really not that flexible

now." But Voldemort, you may have forgotten that this fortress was built

by me personally, and the runes inscribed on every brick and wall were

designed by me to imprison those who opposed me. Although I am not

your opponent now, as long as you are in this castle, your strength

cannot be used. "

As he waved his wand, he hooked up the dense runes on the walls and

said softly, "For greater good." "

As soon as the words fell, it was as if the key had been opened, and the

whole castle trembled, as if it had been awakened, and made a dull


Then, in Grindelwald's wand, the narrow prison quickly widened

outwards, the hard stone wall quickly moved its position, the distance

between Voldemort and Grindelwald quickly widened, and the space

suddenly widened countless times and became an empty hall.

"Voldemort, do you still want to kill me in my castle?"

Grindelwald said with a smile.

With a wave of his wand, a thick stone wall moved toward Voldemort,

constantly compressing the space where Voldemort was, trying to

squeeze him into a meatloaf.

Seeing this, Voldemort snorted coldly and used a powerful Thunderbolt

Explosion Spell to attack the wall, but only exploded a small opening.

"Voldemort, you don't have to waste your efforts, I hired dozens of top

alchemists and hired hundreds of goblins to be able to imprison those

rebels, and it took me three years to build this castle." Your magic can't

break through these walls, on the contrary, it will absorb mana from the

walls, and the more you use magic, the more the magic in your body will

be absorbed. "

Grindelwald triumphantly said that the successful construction of

Newmengard was something he was proud of.

Voldemort did not believe his words, and cast a series of powerful

destruction spells, but only exploded some small holes, the walls did not

damage much, and what made him more wary was that the magic in his

body was really as Grindelwald said, and it quickly decreased as he used

the magic.

He quickly stopped, his eyes cloudy as he looked at Grindelwald not far

away. He now discovered that the castle as a whole was built according

to the magic circle, and it also added alchemy and goblin crafts, which

were specially used to imprison wizards, so the magic was very

suppressed. Once magic is used in the castle, it quickly absorbs the

wizard's magic unless he does not use magic.

But without magic, how can you defeat the other party?

Looking at the wall that was getting closer and closer, Voldemort looked

at the phoenix in his hand again, and his eyes showed retreat.

Since he couldn't kill Grindelwald, there was no need for him to stay.

"Grindelwald, you'd better pray that you'll stay in Newmondgaard for the

rest of your life, or you'll be dead when you get out of here!"

Voldemort grabbed the phoenix, swooped out of the windowsill, and

under the eyes of the two men, like a bat, danced his robe and flew into

the distance, then disappeared into mid-air as a puff of black smoke.

"Chief, why don't you stop him?" He still has a phoenix in his hand! "

Vader saw Voldemort leave and asked incomprehensibly, especially the

phoenix, which they had sacrificed many of their companions to grab.

"Voldemort is very strong, even stronger than I was at my peak, and

although with the help of Newmontard, he can't hurt me, but I can't help


Grindelwald shook his head and said.

Immediately a tired look appeared on his face, even the wand in his hand

was almost unable to hold, gasping for breath against the wall, sighed

and said, "And he was right just now, I felt the danger, so I forcibly broke

free of the medicinal effect of the Sleeping God Herb, and now the magic

in the body is in a disorderly outbreak, coupled with the weakness of the

body, the formation that prompts Newmengard is already very reluctant."


Chapter 559: Chapter 560

Chapter 560 Speculation about Peter, Voldemort's Chamber of Secrets!!

"It's all my fault! If it weren't for me, the leader wouldn't have been

repulsed. "

Vader fell to his knees in guilt, "I disobeyed your instructions and

drugged you, this is an unforgivable crime!" I am willing to bear all the

punishment! "

Grindelwald waved his hand and said, "Well, Vader, your crime will be

told later." Now downstairs the Aurors and the Saints are in the midst of

a confrontation, now go down and take the Saints away, don't embarrass

the Aurors. They have been fighting for decades for me, the old man, and

there is no need to scare them now. "

"Yes, Chief!"

Vader obeyed, but then looked at him worriedly, "But… Chief, your


"Don't worry, this anti-devouring will not cost me my life." Go down and

appease the saints, so that they can enjoy their old age and don't have to

bother with me as an old man. "

Grindelwald waved his hand and said.

Vader nodded, then reluctantly walked out of the iron fence door, and

then raised his eyes again to look directly at Grindelwald, "Chief, rest

assured, although we have failed this time in the phoenix, we will find

another phoenix for you." I had just seen the trail of another phoenix

from Voldemort's map, right in Australia. We'll grab it for you and hope

you don't refuse it when the time comes. "

"Vader... I said, let you not bother with me! Did you hear me clearly? The

saints were dissolved fifty years ago, and you have no obligation…"

Grindelwald sighed and then said with a serious face.

"Chief, listen to me," said Vader quickly, her eyes red, "as long as you

promise to accept the phoenix, we will never bother you again, this is the

last thing we will do for you!" "

"Alas," Grindelwald did not know how many sighs, he said with a wry

smile: Do you really think that if you catch the phoenix, and obtain the

phoenix blood and the fire of nirvana, you can really have an immortal

body?" "

"Chief, you mean that Peter York is lying to us!"

Vader looked murderous and gritted his teeth.

"It's not a lie, it should be less about some steps."

Grindelwald laughed and shook his head, "When I came into contact with

the phoenix before, I predicted the future for myself, and the result is

that if I choose Nirvana, I will become a new phoenix!" And the eye can

never regain its human form. "

"Damn Peter York! He dared to deceive us with such false news! "

Vader said angrily, "I'm going to grab him and force him to say the right

way!" Otherwise he should look good! "

"Peter York, though young, is not weak at all. He was able to make

Voldemort suffer several times, and that is not the person you can mess

with now. It would not be wise to make an enemy of him. "

Grindelwald shook his head and said.

He looked at Vader with a smile and said, "And didn't you find him just

now in front of you?" "

"Right in front of me?"

Vader was very surprised, then thought for a moment, and said with wide

eyes, "That phoenix should not be him, right?" I remember when the

chief divined before, he appeared to turn into a phoenix! "

Grindelwald smiled and shook his head, "Of course not, that phoenix is

real. But Peter York was hiding in the phoenix, so the blood crow would

hold on to the phoenix in the net when Voldemort asked him to find the

second phoenix. This is also the reason why there are two phoenixes

overlapping on the map. "

"Hiding in the phoenix? How could a man hide in a phoenix! "

Vader couldn't believe it, "Is there such a magic?" "

"That's why Peter York is a very amazing young man!" If I hadn't had the

power to prophesy, I wouldn't have discovered this. "

Grindelwald said in amazement.

"But why did he do that?"

Vader was puzzled by Peter's approach, "Why did he let Voldemort get

the phoenix, did he want to pit Voldemort in that way?" Is it to make

Voldemort a phoenix forever? "

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, he should want something from


Grindelwald smiled and shook his head, as if he had seen some

interesting sight in the future, and said happily: "It seems that Voldemort

is not very smart, and it is going to be very bad to meet Peter York, the

little fox!" "

England, a mysterious manor house, where Voldemort, upon his return,

places the phoenix in a magic cage provided by Bella.

Immediately swinging away Bellacritus, a man led the phoenix to the


The manor was Voldemort's own private estate, so nothing was known to

anyone but his most trusted ones.

He came to the basement, where there were many precious magic items

or collectibles, or things that the Death Eaters had honored him, or his


But instead of glancing at these things, he went straight to the basement

and knocked on a porcelain collection in the last row with his wand,

revealing a long, narrow and dark corridor on the wall.

Voldemort went straight in, the corridor like a labyrinth, and walked for

a few minutes before coming to a very empty room.

There were several tables in the room, as well as potions operating

platforms, and most of them rows of bookshelves, all of which were very

precious books of the Dark Arts or other solitary books.

Voldemort placed the cage with the phoenix on the counter, then turned

to turn over the books on the bookcase, as if to prepare something.

At this time, the phoenix in the cage was quietly shrinking in the cage,

and its head was turning around, as if observing the surrounding


If you look more closely, you can see that in the ear hole of the phoenix,

there is a very small figure, which is hidden inside, and with the sound of

the phoenix, the phoenix turns its head to observe the surroundings.

It wasn't until he saw an ugly, sarcoma-covered crucible on the counter

next to the bookshelf that was placed in it that the phoenix stopped and

looked at the target seriously.

And next to the crucible, the golden cup that should have been in the

hands of Bella Creteus was now lying inside!

Chapter 560: Chapter 561

Chapter 561: Voldemort's Nirvana Fire! Suddenly appeared Peter!!

In the Chamber of Secrets, a pot of fiery potion was boiling on the flames,

and Voldemort stood by and concentrated on adding herbs to it, and

when he saw that the potion had turned silver, he stopped his action

satisfactorily and removed the alcohol lamp under the pot to cool it

Then he took a spoonful of potion, put it in his mouth, took a small sip,

and suddenly his eyes lit up, and his violent mood recovered, and his

spirit seemed to be replenished, and he seemed to be energetic.

After drinking the potion, Voldemort turned to the counter, set his eyes

on the phoenix, smiled on his face, carefully admired the phoenix in the

cage, and muttered to himself: "Let me see, what magic is there that is

said to be able to make people immortal, and what magic is worth the

hard work of so many people?" "

The phoenix in the cage felt the malice of the people outside, and the

sound of a warning was full of positive forces, so that Voldemort felt a

pang of discomfort when he heard it, as if the darkness had been exposed

to the sun.

Voldemort stepped back slightly, avoiding this uncomfortable light force,

and praised: "It is really worthy of a phoenix, even if even the voice is

full of magic, it is no wonder that everyone wants a phoenix." "

Then he revealed a searching look, "According to the Peter Yorker boy,

your blood plus the fire of Nirvana can help people to be reborn in

Nirvana and let people have an immortal body?" "

Voldemort's eyes were curious and hot, and he looked at the phoenix as if

he were tasting a plate of delicacies, as if he was considering where to


Feeling the thick malice, the phoenix directly spewed out a golden red

flame outward, wanting to burn the evil person in front of him.

Voldemort waved his wand, blocked the flames, and snorted coldly,

"What a disobedient guy!" "

Then a spell shot straight at the phoenix, "Drill the heart and cut the

bone!" "

The phoenix was struck by the spell, let out a scream, and fell down


"From now on, I am your master!" Do you understand? "

Voldemort looked at the phoenix coldly and said.

The phoenix let out a sharp cry, its feathers erect, and looked at

Voldemort with resistance, with no intention of surrendering.

"A beast, still so untamed."

Voldemort sneered, and the wand in his hand was raised again, "It seems

that if you don't teach you a lesson, you still won't obey." Won't the

phoenix die, so I'll see if you can hold on to the curse for as long as you

can? "

"Drill the heart and cut the bone…"

A spell struck the caged phoenix again.

After countless tortures, the phoenix in the cage gradually weakened, and

finally under the torture of the last drill heart spell, the phoenix could

not bear such pain, and the body quickly burned up, turning into ashes

and falling into the cage.

"Well, it broke down so quickly, and I really can't help it."

Voldemort snorted coldly, he looked at the young phoenix reborn from

the ashes, his head close to the cage, looking down at it, "Little thing,

although you will never die, can you withstand endless torture?" As long

as you obediently submit to me and make a contract with me, I will let

you out. "

The nirvana phoenix was revived, but at this time it was very small and

weak, and its childish voice was full of resistance, and it was unwilling to

surrender to Voldemort to death.

"Hmm, so hard?"

When Voldemort saw this, his face became even more gloomy, and the

wand in his hand glowed with a gloomy light, "I see how long you can

hold out in the constant nirvana?" "

Suddenly the phoenix Salton took a moment, as if threatened, waddled

and spread his wings, bowed his head to Voldemort to show his

surrender, and his voice no longer resisted.

Voldemort was also stunned by its sudden surrender, and then a satisfied

smile appeared on his face, and he said triumphantly and dismissively: "A

beast is a beast, and a few spells will give in." Only the weak will choose

to influence them, and the strong only need to use thunder means. "

"Now, obediently divide the fire of nirvana in your body in half!"

Voldemort commanded, and the wand in his hand was raised again,

threatening, "You probably don't want to try the Drill Heart Spell again."


The phoenix feather exploded, the fire of nirvana is its origin, how can it

be shared? It looked directly at Voldemort outside the cage, and its sharp

and childish voice seemed to be cursing, chirping at Voldemort.

"It seems that you still can't recognize reality, little things."

Voldemort sneered, and the wand in his hand was aimed at it again,

ready to continue using the spell.

Seeing the eerie glow at the tip of the wand, the phoenix instinctively

twitched a few times, looked at the wand in fear, and bowed his head to

Voldemort to show his surrender.

The eyes hesitated, and then in Voldemort's threatening eyes, he let out a

terrible cry, as if coughing up blood, and coughed out a red golden flame.

Voldemort looked at this red-gold flame in surprise and carefully took

it… He looked at this flame that was not hot, and his eyes were hot and

said, "Is this the fire of Nirvana?" What can bring one to nirvana and be

reborn? It was so beautiful! "

Voldemort's eyes watched the flames obsessively until the weak phoenix

roar beside him regained his senses.

Holding the flame in one hand and the wand in the other, he looked at

the weak phoenix again and suddenly said, "I almost forgot, I still need

your blood!" "

With that, an unceremonious wand slashed through the phoenix's neck,

and blood spurted directly from the wound, floating in mid-air and

condensing into a clump.

Voldemort did not keep his hand until he squeezed the last bit of blood

from the phoenix.

At the same time, the extremely weak phoenix also passively nirvana

again, crawling out of the ashes a thinner phoenix.

Voldemort ignored the phoenix, but instead held the fire of Nirvana in

one hand and controlled the blood of the phoenix with the other, and

excitedly muttered, "Now, let me experience what the immortal body is

like!" "

As he spoke, he directly cut open his arm, and a floating cloud of phoenix

blood, like a slender blood snake, drilled into Voldemort's body along the


Then he held up the red-gold flame and prepared to swallow it and let

himself be completely nirvana.

Just as he raised the flames, the phoenix behind him let out a sharp and

sharp cry, attracting his attention.

The moment he turned his head, he felt a gust of wind coming from his

left hand.

Looking at it again, the left hand is already empty, and the fire of

Nirvana is gone!

Voldemort's face changed drastically, and when he looked around, he

saw a strange phoenix suddenly appear here, having swallowed the fire

of Nirvana, and was comfortably smashing a full gap, full of red light,

very mysterious.

At his feet, he was scratching at a sarcoma crucible and a golden cup

larger than himself!

"Damn beast, return the fire of Nirvana to me!"

Voldemort's eyes were cracking, and the phoenix blood that entered his

body was like magma at this time, constantly destroying his body, and

the blood vessels seemed to be burning red, making him look like he was

about to explode.

The phoenix that had eaten the fire of Nirvana burst into a red glow, its

body quickly doubled in size, its feathers became more gorgeous, and

then it quickly turned into a human form in Voldemort's unbelievable


"Voldemort, surprised?" Surprised? "

Peter asked with a grin

Chapter 561: Chapter 562

Chapter 562: Voldemort and Peter Will End Together?!!

"Peter… York, it's actually you! "

Voldemort's unbelievable roar

Dao, as he saw the two things Peter was holding in his hand, his pupils

narrowed, and he gritted his teeth and asked, "How did you get here?" "

Peter, under Voldemort's gaze, looked like a smile, stuffed the crucible

and the golden cup into the bag he carried, and then replied with a smile:

"Of course you brought it back yourself, shouldn't you have guessed it?" "

Watching the two Horcruxes being put into a bag by Peter in a dignified

manner, Voldemort could no longer maintain his composure, and looked

at Peter with a look of uncertainty in his eyes.

Filled with uneasiness, why did Peter take only these two things? Could it

be that he discovered his secret?

Peter looked at Voldemort's changing expression, smiled and patted the

bag, and then a teleportation appeared at the cage and said

apologetically to the phoenix in the cage, "Sorry, Thor, for making you

suffer." "

Thor in the cage, in response, gave a feeble cry.

It had suffered so many times before, lost half of its origin, and

experienced two times of nirvana in a short period of time, and it was

already very weak.

Peter was just about to open the cage when a death spell shot at him,

forcing him to flash aside.

Voldemort gasped for breath, his eyes scarlet as blood, waved his wand,

and shouted madly, "Peter York, hand over the fire of Nirvana!" I've cast

countless spells here, and you can't escape! "

Peter kept dodging Voldemort's attacks, and with an innocent expression

spread his hands, he said, "Didn't you just see that the fire of Nirvana has

been swallowed by me, how can something eaten be spit out again?" "

Then he looked at his green and violent expression with a playful face,

reminding: "Do you feel that your body is like being burned by lava now,

very painful?" That's the blood of the phoenix destroying your body.

Without the help of the fire of Nirvana, it won't be long before your body

will be burned to ashes! Of course, without the help of the fire of

Nirvana, you cannot be reborn in Nirvana.

You will become like a ghost again, with nowhere to live! "

Hearing Peter's words, Voldemort's expression became even more ugly,

and at the same time, the phoenix blood in his body quickly flowed

through the blood vessels and flowed to the surrounding body, and the

pain made him feel frightened.

His blood-red eyes stared at Peter with hatred, "Peter York, you

despicable and shameless fellow! Always use shameless sneak attacks! "

"Say whatever you want! Anyway, when the blood of the phoenix flows

to your brain, it is time for your body to die completely! "

Peter shrugged and said, "When the time comes, you'll just be in ghost

state again." "

"When it turns into a ghost, are you still ready to hide in the Romanian

forest again and find an unlucky egg to possess?"

Peter grinned and kept dodging Voldemort's attacks, just not fighting him


"It's just a pity that you probably don't have that chance, Mr. Voldemort."

Peter teleported to the other side and deliberately patted the bag

containing the sarcoma crucible and the golden cup, "The two Horcruxes

inside should be your last guarantee, right?" It's just a pity that I got it. I'll

destroy them as soon as I get out, wondering if you can still be

resurrected? "

"You get it! Do you know the secrets of the Horcrux?! "

Voldemort's face was pale, and his body looked stiffly at Peter, as if he

had been strangled to death.

"Of course I know, after all, our Lord Voldemort relies on Horcruxes to

achieve immortality, doesn't he?"

Peter smiled and squinted, admiring the look of horror on Voldemort's

face, and then exploded with a big surprise, "And not only do I know,

Dumbledore also knows about it." He was busy trying to figure out how

many Horcruxes you had made. "

Hearing the news, Voldemort was even more terrified, the Horcrux had

always been his deepest secret, and he did not expect that one day it

would be discovered.

He looked like Peter, who had seen through everything, his eyes were full

of murderous anger, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Since you know

about the Horcrux, you must die!" No one can know my secret. "

"Lord Voldemort, you may have forgotten that I cannot die!" Haven't you

already tried it before? "

Peter said sarcastically.

Voldemort's eyes were fierce, wielding spells, and runes appeared on the

walls around him, and he said with a sly smile: "Heaven has a way you

don't go, hell has no door for you to break into, Peter York, since this

place has been set up as a secret room by me, it is absolutely guaranteed

that no one can break in or out without my permission!" "

"Since you can't die, then I will turn this place into a forbidden place,

trap you here, and never get out!"

Looking at the activated magic arrays around him, Peter was also a little

caught off guard, he looked at Voldemort's desperate crazy look, and

quickly exhorted: "Oh… Hey, Voldemort, don't forget that you're here

yourself, do you want to follow me and die here forever? "

Voldemort, with a look of desperation, said, "How about sealing you, a

great enemy, and sacrificing my body?" Big deal, I'll wait a few more

years and be resurrected! "

"You lunatic!"

Peter looked at him and was furious, and quickly said, "Your other

Horcruxes have been destroyed or fallen into Dumbledore's hands, and

even if you die, you will never be resurrected." Are you really so afraid of

death? "

Of course, Voldemort was afraid of death, otherwise he would not have

chosen to make a Horcrux, and he would have made so many pieces at


When he heard Peter's words, his expression froze, and then he showed a

look of disbelief, thinking that he had hidden all the places and had

applied a lot of magic, and even Dumbledore could not find these


Looking at Voldemort's expression, Peter hurried to confess, lest this

madman, who was annoyed by himself, die with him.

"Don't you believe it, your Horcrux are the diary, Ravenclaw's crown,

Slatrin's pendant box, Gaunt's ring, your pet snake Nagini, and the

Hufflepuff Gold Cup and the Jumping Pot in my hand, aren't they?"

Voldemort's expression was stunned, and he immediately became

panicked and stopped the movement of his hand.

Although he guessed that Peter and Dumbledore should have gotten some

Horcruxes, he did not expect to find them all.

If it is true that Peter said, then he will no longer have the capital to be


Looking at the panicked Voldemort, Peter took the opportunity to say

again: "The Ravenclaw crown you hid in the Hogwarts Demand Room,

and the locket box hidden in the seaside cave, it is true that it is not easy

to find, but we have found it."

As for the diary, it was destroyed by Harry Potter when he was in his

second year, which you should know; And the ring of the Gaunt's house

is now worn on Dumbledore's hand.

Nagini was also with Dumbledore, ready to be destroyed. "

"Voldemort, you are no longer sure of resurrection!" Do you really want

to choose to die with me? "

Peter looked at his increasingly gray expression and asked firmly.

Then he pointed his wand at the bag containing the golden cup and the

jumping pot, and said in a calm tone, "Now as long as I continue with a

fierce fire spell, these two Horcruxes will be destroyed immediately." Do

you really want to continue? "

Chapter 562: Chapter 563

Chapter 563 Voldemort, Voldemort, killed the wrong person?!!

Voldemort's face was very ugly, and he looked at Peter who threatened

him with a Horcrux, eager to cast the most vicious spell on him.

Finally, he waved his wand, stopping the magic circle from continuing to

run, and reached out to ask, "You return the two Horcruxes to me first!"

Otherwise you will never want to go out! "

Peter seemed to see through his thoughts, convinced that he would not

do this, and shook his head with a smile and refused: "No, don't forget

that now I am threatening you!" If you don't lift the magic circle

immediately, I will destroy these two Horcruxes immediately!" You only

have these two Horcruxes, don't you want to be resurrected? "

Voldemort glared at him angrily, "You are shameless! The Horcrux is in

your hands, and sooner or later it will be destroyed by you! If that's the

case, why should I let you go!" Still want to lose two of my Horcruxes? "

"But at least I won't destroy the Horcrux right away, will I?"

Peter smiled and said, "That way, you will have enough time to make

another Horcrux to keep you safe." "

"Unless, of course, you are willing to die with me and gamble your life on

me being trapped in this Chamber of Secrets forever."

Peter said indifferently, "In this case, then I will admire you." "

"But at present, the most important thing to solve is the problem of the

Phoenix Blood on your body." Although you suppressed the burning

power of the phoenix blood in your body with magic, if you did not

quickly remove the phoenix blood, your body would be destroyed. "

Peter smiled and reminded, "When the time comes, I will destroy these

two Horcruxes, and you will really only be a lone ghost." "

Voldemort looked at Peter's rogue look, his eyes were murderous, and

then looked at the phoenix in his hand, the color of greed flashed, and

then put forward a condition: "The two Horcruxes can not be returned to

me, but you must give me the fire of nirvana that you just took away." "

"Lord Voldemort, what good thing are you thinking?"

Peter looked at him like a fool, "The fire of Nirvana has been swallowed

by me, it has merged with me, how can it be spit out again?" "

With an impatient expression on his face, a small seedling emerged from

the tip of the wand, emitting a blue flame that destroyed everything, and

threatened, "Don't talk to me about the conditions now, Voldemort."

Either unravel the formation right away and let me leave with the

Horcrux. Or I'll destroy the Horcrux right now and then kill you!" Believe

me, if the magic circle were not still in your hands, you would not be my

opponent at all! "

Voldemort's face was very ugly, and his scarlet eyes stared at Peter

deadly, eager to stab him with a thousand knives.

But in the end, he reluctantly waved away the magic circle of the

Chamber of Secrets, and he did not want to gamble on the possibility of

his death.

"You made the right choice! Voldemort. "

Peter said with a smile, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief.

"You can roll now!"

Voldemort snorted coldly, but his expression was still very vigilant, and

he was suppressing the phoenix blood in his body at this time, while also

guarding against Peter's sudden sneak attack.

Peter was naturally very wary of Voldemort, afraid that this old thing

would do something secret.

So he shook his head and smiled and said, "Don't be in a hurry, after all, I

don't know much about life here, and I still need Lord Voldemort to send

me outside the manor himself." It saves me from accidentally shaking my

hand, and the wand mistakenly uses a fierce fire, burning the Horcrux.

Are you right? "

"You're really careful enough."

Voldemort said with an ugly look on his face.

Then step forward to leave.

"After all, in the face of a big man like Voldemort, you always have to be


Peter smiled and followed suit, keeping an eye on Voldemort's


"Voldemort, wait a minute, I still have something to take."

Peter said suddenly, and then, in Voldemort's stunned spirit, split into a

doppelganger, picked up a box, and flew all the precious magic books

around him into the box.

Watching his treasured collection of magic books being robbed by Peter

like this, Voldemort couldn't help it, the magic pressure exploded, and

the wand in his hand threw the death curse directly at Peter's

doppelganger, staring at Peter with dead eyes, "Peter York, don't you go

too far!" "

Peter didn't care too much, but he smiled and summoned the box, turned

it into a small box and stuffed it into his pocket, and then said with a

smile: "You should have read all these books, now let me see what it is."

Knowledge needs to be shared to have a role, and it is too violent for you

to eat ashes in the secret chamber like this. I will keep it for you for the

time being, isn't that too much? "

Saying that the wand in his hand threatenedly pointed to the Horcrux,

and then looked at Voldemort with a worried face, "It is not the same

thing that you suppress the phoenix blood like this, do you need my

help?" I still have some research on Phoenix, which should help you solve

the hidden dangers. "

"Nope! Shameless little thief, just disappear from my eyes! "

Voldemort was furious and helpless, and he was eager to throw Peter to

the ashes, but now he had to ask for perfection.

"All right, let's go together, Lord Voldemort."

Peter smiled and said, staring at Voldemort without blinking, paying

attention to his movements at any time, so as not to accidentally hit the


The two men walked out at the same time at the same time, not too far

apart, and quickly crossed the narrow corridor, returned to the basement,

and then walked out of the room.

"The host!"

Bellacrux's voice rang out, and then she noticed Peter, who was

confronted by Voldemort, and with a look of surprise on her face, she

drew her wand warily.

The two Death Eaters outside the door also noticed the movement inside,

and immediately rushed in, standing in front of Voldemort, and forming

a confrontation with Peter.

"Voldemort, this is not a form of hospitality, but you promised to send me

outside the village."

Peter smiled and squinted, ignoring the wands pointed at him by the

Death Eaters.

Voldemort looked at Peter's smiling face coldly, and with a black face

ordered the Death Eaters, "Put down your wand and let him go!" "

"The host..."

Neither Bella Cretez nor the two Death Eaters looked at him in disbelief.

"I said let him go!"

Voldemort said with a calm face.

The Death Eaters gave way to the door and looked at Peter warily.

Peter walked out with a smile, but his body was tense, and he was always

alert to the movement behind him, and walked step by step towards the

outside of the manor.


Suddenly, Voldemort's gloomy voice rang out.

When Peter heard this, he immediately jumped to the side vigilantly,

thinking that Voldemort finally couldn't help it.

But when he took a closer look, he found that Voldemort did not chant a

spell on himself, but without warning killed an unsuspecting Death Eater

next to him!

Bella Cretez and another Death Eater were stunned by the scene and

looked at Voldemort in disbelief.

And Peter was also stunned by this scene, was Voldemort's brain wrong?

He actually killed his own men!

Chapter 563: Chapter 564

Chapter 564 Mutation, Voldemort's New Horcrux!!

Inside Voldemort's manor house, the scene was eerie.

Peter looked at Voldemort with a strange and wary look in his eyes, just

in case he suddenly did it to himself.

It's just that Voldemort is obviously not as crazy as he thinks, and after

killing his own men, he has an evil smile on his face and wields a magic

wand to chant mysterious incantations.

On the corpse of the slain Death Eater, a ghost-like shadow floated with

the spell, and he looked at Voldemort with a vicious and resentful face,

but then under the control of Voldemort's spell, he transformed into an

invisible knife and slashed at Voldemort.

Everyone around them was stunned by this scene, especially when they

saw that Voldemort had no defense, and they couldn't understand it.

Only a scream of pain was heard, and Voldemort fell to his knees as if he

had been seriously injured, his face was miserable, and his bare head was

full of sweat.

But Voldemort looked very happy, and a smile squeezed out of his face in

pain, looking even more vicious and terrifying.

He gasped and waddled to his feet, while in his right hand a mass full of

evil, ominous invisible substances, floated in the palm of his hand.

"The host!"

Bella Cretes looked at Voldemort's wounded and tired look, and walked

over to him worriedly, trying to help him, but was ruthlessly pushed

away by Voldemort.

Voldemort ignored the aggrieved Bella Cretes, but instead looked at a

wary Peter, with an evil smile on his face, and threw the ominous mass of

matter in his hand at Peter.

The ominous substance turned into a huge evil face of Voldemort, and

rushed towards Peter with his mouth wide open, as if he was going to

swallow Peter!

Peter retreated vigilantly and kept shooting countless spells at this face,

but this mass of matter was like a shadow, and the spells went directly

through the face and could not play an offensive role.

Looking at this evil substance full of black magic, Peter could not guess

what it was for a moment, but he instinctively felt its evil, making him

feel creepy, as if it would be very unlucky to be touched.

Peter believed in his feelings, so he quickly teleported to avoid.

But this clump of evil matter was faster than him, and in the blink of an

eye it appeared in front of him, biting at him with a big mouth.

"Call God Guard!"

Peter summoned the patron saint and transformed into a solid barrier of

light to protect himself.

Voldemort's evil shadow slammed into the barrier, causing ripples, and

after three failed attacks, the huge Voldemort face looked at Peter

reluctantly, and then turned his gaze to the young phoenix that was still

in the cage.

Peterton felt bad and hurried to apply protective magic to Phoenix Thor,

but it was still too late.

Only to see the huge face quickly turn into black smoke, like a black

snake, quickly from the mouth and eyes of the young phoenix, into its


Peter quickly lifted the cage and carefully observed the movements of the

phoenix, only to see that the phoenix Thor did not look at anything at all,

and looked at Peter inexplicably, and made a sharp cry, urging him to

quickly take it out of here.

Peter couldn't believe that it was just a false alarm, and he turned to look

at Voldemort with a cold look in his eyes and asked, "What did you do?" "

When Voldemort saw this result, he laughed loudly, as if he had achieved

his wish, and said very proudly: "It is only for you to suffer, I originally

used that magic on you, but you blocked it, but now this result is not

bad, and it is not worth my calculations." "

Speaking of Voldemort, he was even happier, and his expression became

more unscrupulous.

Peter looked at Voldemort, took out the golden cup and the jumping pot,

and then summoned a fierce fire to surround the two things, and said

coldly, "It seems that you want me to destroy these two things now,

right?" "

Looking at the two Horcruxes surrounded by raging fire, Voldemort's

triumphant expression became gloomy.

But looking at the phoenix in the cage next to him, it turned dark and

clear, and there was no longer the look of trepidation that had been

pinched in the death pit before, and sneered: "Peter York, what if you

destroy these two Horcruxes?" Do you really think I'm still in peace now?


"Now I am no different from you, both are immortals, and there is no

longer any death hole!"

Voldemort was very happy, and he looked at Peter with a triumphant


"Speaking of which, I really want to thank you for stopping me from

using the Nirvana Fire at the last minute. Let me finally figure it out,

blindly picking up people's teeth and wisdom, imitating your methods,

even if you get immortality, my Voldemort name will be pressed under

you forever.

But now that I have come out of my own path of immortality, even more

perfect than your fluke method, I will become the eternal Dark Lord of

the wizarding world, a perfect leader without any loopholes! "

Listening to Voldemort's words, Peter's sense of foreboding grew stronger

and stronger, he looked at the young phoenix in the cage, and used his

wand to detect the phoenix, and in an instant, a familiar and very evil

black magic was exposed from the phoenix's body, and the thick black

magic rendered the phoenix like a black child law creature.

Peter looked at Voldemort with an ugly look on his face, gritted his teeth,

and said, "You turned it into your Horcrux?" "

It is doubtful, but it has been determined.

Seeing the expression on Peter's face, Voldemort laughed and looked at

him with malice in his eyes, "Do you really think that you can coerce me

with two Horcruxes?" When you snatched my Nirvana fire, I had already

decided that I would make a Horcrux out of the Phoenix.

Think about it, the phoenix with immortal skills, what a perfect Horcrux

carrier! It can never be destroyed, and there is no better fit than it. "

"My ideal Horcrux carrier is you!" Unfortunately, it didn't work out in the

end. "

Voldemort said with a pity on his face, and then looked at the young

phoenix in the cage and smiled, "But the final result is not too bad, with a

carrier like the phoenix, you can never destroy my Horcrux." Even if you

destroy other Horcruxes, I will never die!" "

Peter did not expect Voldemort to have such a plan, and then looked at

the phoenix in the cage full of black magic, the expression was a little

ugly, although he got two Horcruxes, but accidentally let Voldemort

make a Horcrux, and it was the most difficult one to solve.

"Peter York, join me, and I can not blame you for what you have done


Voldemort opened his arms and said with a wide heart, "Now the whole

world is only you and I are immortals, we don't have to be so hostile to

each other, after hundreds or even thousands of years, everyone else is

reduced to mud, and we both still exist." We will be new gods, even

greater than Merlin! God dwells high in the clouds, looking down on all

beings, and is proud and lonely. Why don't we sit down and rule the

world together? It's big enough for us to divide it evenly, isn't it? "

Peter looked at him and sneered, "Voldemort, you are not yet a god, just

like the tone of a god, are you too anxious?" Besides, you have split so

many souls, and now that your soul is very unstable, aren't you afraid

that one day you will go crazy directly? I am afraid that you have the

destiny of eternal life, but you will not experience the joy of eternal life. "

Voldemort heard the words, as if he had been poked in the pain point, his

face was hard to see, he had now split 9 Horcruxes, which had exceeded

the number he originally thought was the most stable, so now the soul

was very unstable, and he needed to do his best to ensure that his

emotions remained stable.

Even if you drink soul stabilizer, it won't do much.

Punctured directly by Peter, Voldemort squeezed a smile on his face and

said, "Peter, let's make a deal: you give me the golden apple, and I

promise that I will never be your enemy from now on." What do you

think? "

Peter slowly took out a golden apple from his pocket, and in Voldemort's

eager eyes, he smiled and took it out and then directly nibbled it down,

and tasted it: "I heard that the golden apple can heal the wounds of the

soul, but unfortunately my soul is intact and has no effect." But the taste

is not bad, put it for hundreds of years, but it still does not deteriorate. "

Chapter 564: Chapter 565

Chapter 565 Battle! Bella Cretes dies and leaves the manor!!

When Voldemort saw this, he was first stunned, and then his expression

was very terrible, and he looked at him with a fierce hatred, "Peter York!

How dare you humiliate me like that! "

Peter didn't think so, he finished eating the whole apple, and then put

away the core, before he looked at Voldemort with a smile and said, "You

should still think about yourself now, the phoenix blood in your body has

not been solved before, and now you have split the soul, how many

points can you use now in your strength?" "

With a dangerous look in his eyes, Voldemort said playfully, "I just

suffered such a big loss, now I have to get out of breath, Voldemort take

the move." "

Saying that, Peter simply did not leave, tucked the cage into his pocket

along with the phoenix inside, and then waved his wand at Voldemort.



Both men unleashed their deadliest attacks, two dazzling green lights

colliding together, and the two spells collided to produce a violent

explosion that produced a powerful shock wave that threw Bellacritus

and another Death Eater out of the way.

Peter clenched his wand and pressed the Death Curse against the other

side, looking at his own side with the advantage, and taunted,

"Voldemort, you look a lot weaker, why, are you still suppressing the

injuries in your body at the same time?" How else can it be so restrained.


Then he glanced at the wand in his hand, "Is this your new wand?" Where

is it customized? How it doesn't look very good for your look. Oh, forgot

to tell you, your purple shirt wood wand, because you don't listen to me

much, so I just threw it into the fireplace and burned it as firewood, so

you don't have to ask me for it later. "

Voldemort, who was struggling to maintain his magic, almost didn't spit

out blood when he heard this, and he scolded angrily, "Peter York, you

are shameless! "

Saying the life-threatening spell of flicking the connection, I want to

disconnect and change my own disadvantages.

"Master, I'll help you!"

Bella Cretes looked at the inferior Voldemort, shouted loudly, and cast a

death spell on Peter.

Peter saw this, and one of them swung his wand, took the initiative to

break the connection, and then disappeared in place, and then teleported

to appear behind them, a spell knocked out another Death Eater, and

then disappeared.

Watching his men die, Voldemort did not react much, but looked at Peter

warily, he had already suffered too much at Peter's hands, and his first

reaction was to guard against his raids.

However, Peter did not intend to face Voldemort directly, but focused his

eyes on the lonely Bellakrites, he showed a dangerous smile, and said

playfully: "Voldemort, I heard that you have a complicated relationship

with your female subordinate, and I trust her, if I kill her, what will

happen to you?" "

Talking about directly splitting the two doppelgangers and joining forces

to besiege Bellacritus, he continued to fight Voldemort.

In the face of two Peter doppelgangers who are stronger than themselves,

Bellacritus is obviously not their opponent, and he can only passively

defend by the two, relying on his strong hands to dodge attacks, which is

very embarrassing.

Voldemort had obviously noticed Bella Creteus's situation, but he

apparently didn't react much, but continued to fight Peter and try to

capture the phoenix.

Forced to retreat step by step, surviving death, Bellakritus noticed

Voldemort's attitude, her expression changed from original anticipation

to loss, and her attack power was obviously much weaker.

Seeing this, Peter struck with words, "What a pity, your master obviously

only cares about himself, and your life and death do not carry much

weight in his eyes." Dumbledore had said that Voldemort always loved

only himself and did not care about others. I didn't believe it before, but

now it seems to be true. "

"You lie, the master trusts me the most!"

Bella Cretes said excitedly, and took the initiative to attack Peter,

frantically throwing out the spell, as if to take away the uneasiness in his


Looking at the Bella Cretez who turned to attack, the two Peters smiled,

one in front of him to attract attention, and continued to stimulate with

words: "Trust you? I am afraid that I just think you have the best use, you

do not believe it, if you are useless, he will immediately abandon you and

immediately find another person who can replace you. You're just a pawn

he can throw away at any time, just like any other Death Eater. You look

at the present, you are in danger deep and will die at any time, but your

master only cares about himself and has given up on you! "

"Shut up! You shut up! The master just can't save me, you don't want to

seduce me! "

Bella Cretez attacked Peter even more excitedly, his eyes roaring madly.

"Poor thing, you're just kidding yourself!" Don't forget that he can't die

now, and even if he saves you, he will only be a little injured. But he

would rather give up your life in order not to be hurt. "

Peter shook his head, looked at her with pity, and said, "You are so loyal,

you should have noticed his change long ago, and this kind of thing as a

Horcrux should be easy for you to find out if you were born into the

Black Family." When he splits his soul, part of his feelings will disappear,

and now that he has no feelings anymore, will he still have any

friendship with you? "


Just as Bella Cretes was about to retort, a spell struck her in the back,

knocking her out.

Double-Double, who gave Bellakrites a blow, quickly made up for the

second blow and destroyed her wand.

"The host…"

Bella, who had fallen to the ground badly, lifted her head with difficulty,

looked at Voldemort who was not far away fighting Peter, and held out

her hand to call him.

But the man across from him never looked back at her.

Finally with a reluctant look in his hand, there was no breath…

Peter looked sideways at the dead-eyed Bellacortes, then turned his head

to look at Voldemort who was confronting him, showed a mocking smile,

and said, "You are so loyal to a woman you are not willing to save. It

seems that you really have no feelings, as Dumbledore said. "

"Leave the phoenix behind, and I'll let you go."

Voldemort did not answer Peter's words, but said coldly, "Although this

place will not trap you for a lifetime, it is enough to stop you for a few

days." It won't be long before my Death Eaters arrive, and you can't

escape. "

"Trapping me? Then I want to see how long your manor can trap me? "

Peter's eyes shone with electricity, and he said in a dismissive tone, and

then a lightning bolt appeared around him, and the sky over the manor

was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

Then a very thick lightning bolt, from the high clouds until it fell,

slammed heavily on the protective cover of the manor, and then one

lightning bolt after another, and finally, after a dozen thunderbolts, the

solid magic protective shield was shattered and disappeared into pieces.

"Now, do you still think you can trap me?"

Peter teleported directly outside the manor door and spoke to Voldemort

from afar.

Voldemort looked at the clouds that quickly dissipated in the sky and the

smell of ozone left after the lightning, and looked at Peter with a solemn

face, and asked with a look of longing and jealousy, "What is this magic

of yours?" Why was it possible to summon such a huge thunderbolt? "

"You guessed it!"

Peter grinned and waved his hand, "Voldemort, goodbye, I hope to hear

your death next time." "

Say and disappear directly into place.

Voldemort looked darkly at where Peter had disappeared, then turned to

look at the corpse of Bella Creteus, and looked into her eyes that were

still open, full of unwilling infatuation, and the scarlet indifferent eyes

flashed a few ripples.

"The Lord… The host…"

The remaining Death Eater, awake from his coma, as if he did not expect

to be able to survive, crawled to Voldemort's body with a happy face and

waited for his instructions.

Voldemort looked at the only remaining Death Eater coldly, and then

looked at Bella Creteus lying on the ground, the wand in his hand

suddenly and unexpectedly flew out a green light, which fell into the

Death Eater's body and directly took his life.

The Death Eater's eyes widened, his eyes full of surprise and

unwillingness, he did not expect Voldemort to suddenly kill him.

Voldemort leaned over and closed Bella Crete's eyes and whispered

quietly, "Rest assured, I'll avenge your eight." "

Chapter 565: Chapter 566

Chapter 566: The Solution to the Horcrux Phoenix, Find Grindelwald?!!

When Peter appeared at Hogwarts, the students were surprised and

delighted, because his unexplained disappearance these days made them

think that he had been cursed like the previous Defence Against the Dark

Arts professor.

At this time, Peter was in the Headmaster's office, and Dumbledore was

carefully studying the situation of Phoenix Thor.

"How's it going? Did Thor really become Voldemort's Horcrux? "

Peter asked with great concern that his study of Horcruxes was not too

deep, so he had to go to Dumbledore for advice.

Dumbledore carefully examined the chicks on the table, lightly touching

it with his wand, and his expression became very serious.

When he used a powerful white magic to expel the black magic aura on

the phoenix, it seemed to anger the dark power in the phoenix's body,

and a twisted face composed of black magic power directly sprang out,

and it made an angry hiss at Dumbledore, like an enraged snake, staring

at the neck at any time to take a bite.

Dumbledore stepped back, then scattered the black magic power, nodded

solemnly, and said, "It is indeed a Horcrux, and it is also bound to this

phoenix, it seems that Voldemort has been premeditated for a long time."


When he heard that Voldemort had originally planned to make Peter his

Horcrux, he looked at Peter with a happy face and said, "Fortunately, you

have successfully avoided Voldemort's soul attachment, otherwise if you

become his Horcrux, it will really be insoluble!" "

"But the situation is not much better now!"

Peter looked at the phoenix on the table and said helplessly, "The

phoenix itself can be constantly reborn in Nirvana, and with such an

indestructible Horcrux, Voldemort will be invincible!" And with the

creation of a new Horcrux, his magic will soar again, and we will be in a

bad and ugly way again. "

Peter took out the two Horcruxes and handed them to Dumbledore,

saying, "Originally, I planned to use the phoenix as bait to find the rest of

the Horcruxes. But I didn't expect to let Voldemort make one more

Horcrux, and I don't know if I can earn it? "

Dumbledore looked at the golden cup and the sarcoma crucible, smiled

and said to Peter, "We didn't know the whereabouts of these two

Horcruxes before, and we couldn't find a chance to destroy them, and

now all the Horcruxes are in our hands, of course, earned." Peter at this

point, you are much better than I am, and you are indispensable to being

able to find the most Horcruxes! "

Peter waved his hand and said, "I just want Voldemort to disappear as

soon as possible, and the province will kill and set fire to people like a

terrorist all day long." And I'm still the enemy of him now, and if I don't

destroy him sooner, I won't sleep soundly. "

Peter still looked at Dumbledore and asked worriedly, "Voldemort has

already made nine Horcruxes, will he make more Horcruxes for the sake

of insurance?" "

Dumbledore shook his head and smiled, "You don't have to worry about

that, as I know, making nine Horcruxes is already the most extreme

number, and there can't be more." After all, the human soul is also

limited, and it is already very inconceivable to divide into ten parts, let

alone divide more.

Severus brings useful news that since Voldemort created the eighth

Horcrux, his soul had been very unstable, and he was often required to

make a soul stabilizer.

This time, Voldemort turned the phoenix into his ninth Horcrux,

apparently a desperate decision.

Although he succeeded, the instability of the soul would certainly be

more willing.

So I was surprised by Voldemort's determination, although the soul

stabilizer could keep him sane, but the pain of soul tearing could not be

alleviated, and he needed to endure such pain all the time, just to avoid

the risk of death. "

"What is going on now, what should we do with this phoenix that became

Voldemort's Horcrux?"

The two of them quietly looked at the chicks on the table, and

Dumbledore took out milk to feed it to drink, and said lovingly, "It must

be uncomfortable that the poor little fellow, who has suffered so much

and is now contaminated by black magic." "

"Dumbledore, is there anything you can do to strip Voldemort of the

Phoenix's body?"

Peter looked at Dumbledore expectantly, "If you don't solve the soul piece

on it, Voldemort will never die, this is a trouble." "

Dumbledore shook his head, sighed, and said, "There is not much

progress, the most direct way to destroy the Horcrux is to destroy its

carrier, but the phoenix itself is immortal, so this method is ineffective

against it, and I think this is why Voldemort tried everything to catch the

phoenix." Because he has the phoenix, he is invincible. If the soul piece

on Phoenix's body could be solved, then Harry's problem would also be

solved. "

Peter was silent, he actually had a way to solve the phoenix Horcrux, as

long as the phoenix kept regenerating nirvana, it would quickly consume

the source, until the source was exhausted, and the phoenix naturally


Although this requires killing the phoenix thousands of times with the

Death Curse, it is a very effective method…

But looking at the weak chick Sol on the table, Peter didn't say it.

Although he used this phoenix several times, and even took the initiative

to design it to fall into Voldemort's hands, he still couldn't bear to kill this

phoenix who trusted him very much.

"But I think there's a guy who might be able to do it."

Dumbledore said suddenly, his eyes looking at a blank picture frame on

the table, his expression somewhat complicated.


Peter was immediately interested.

"Grindelwald," said Dumbledore slowly, looking penetrating at Peter with

piercing eyes, "you should know him, after all, if there had been no

Voldemort's hand, this phoenix named Thor would have fallen into the

hands of the saints and helped Grindelwald to be reborn." "

Peter was a little distracted by Dumbledore's gaze, and he coughed a few

times, muttering in his heart, Am I not looking for you, can I deal with

Voldemort and his mercenaries and Death Eaters' helpers?

He quickly changed the subject and asked, "Headmaster, do you think

that with Grindelwald's magic level, you can solve problems that you

can't solve?" "

Dumbledore nodded and explained, "I am good at the realm of white

magic, and Grindelwald is naturally good at black magic. I had not been

able to peel the soul piece from Nagini in many ways before, and now I

think that I may have walked into the wrong area and tried to solve the

problem of black magic with white magic, so it did not have much effect.

Maybe it can be used to attack poison with poison, and the problem of

black magic can be solved by black magic, which may be the right


Grindelwald's level of black magic was unsurpassed, and he might have a

way to successfully peel off the soul piece of the foothills without

damaging the subject. "

"Then Headmaster, are you looking for a time to visit this Grindelwald?"

Ask him if he can solve the problem of living Horcruxes. "

Peter looked at Dumbledore's expression and asked tentatively, "So that

after we've successfully solved the soul tablets on Phoenix and Harry, we

can start preparing to destroy Voldemort and save him from bouncing

around." "

"It's not me, it's us going to Newmengard together, and it's just tonight."

Dumbledore corrected.

"Ah, us? Isn't that a bit sloppy? "

Peter was a little dumbfounded, how could he still pull himself in, he

quickly waved his hand, "Headmaster, you can go by yourself, Mr.

Grindelwald and you are old acquaintances, good talk, what is the matter

with me." "

Chapter 566: Chapter 567

Chapter 567 Coming to Newmungaard, Grindelwald's Request! I, the


Despite Peter's reluctance, Peter and Dumbledore were eventually

reunited with Dumbledore in the Headmaster's Office after dinner.

Dumbledore took out a silver button and said to Peter, "This is the key to

the door to Newmontard, and when we touch it with our fingers in a

moment, we can go straight over." "

Peter reluctantly approached, muttering in his heart that it was indeed a

very good relationship, even this kind of door key to Newmengard.

And the old lover's rendezvous, what is the matter with him a light bulb?

When he touched his finger to the button, the two were sucked in and

disappeared into place.

After a dizzy space trip, Peter came into contact with the ground again,

and he shook his head, taking advantage of the moonlight in the night, to

see that he was now standing at the door of the castle of Newmontard,

and the words "for the greater good" above were still very prominent.

Dumbledore looked at the words on the door and whispered to Peter,

"Let's go inside." "

Peter nodded, taking advantage of the moonlight to look around at this

majestic castle, he had shrunk down and hidden on the body of the

phoenix Thor before, just to look at it roughly, and now that he looked at

it, it was indeed spectacular.

If it weren't for the shabby appearance and unattended, I'm afraid it

would not be worse than Hogwarts Castle.

"Don't walk around, there are a lot of secret organs arranged here, even

with our strength, it is not easy to break it."

Dumbledore multilaterally reminded.

Feeling the magic waves on the surrounding walls and steps, Peter was

also surprised.

Apparently, Grindelwald had put a lot of effort into the construction of

the castle so that it could still function after decades of abandonment.

When the two men came to the highest tower, to the innermost cell,

Grindelwald sat on the iron bed facing the cell door, watched

Dumbledore appear, raised an eyebrow, and said, "You haven't been here

in decades, how come these two days have come so often?" Was I worried

that I would leave here under the seduced of the saints? "

Then he glanced at Peter behind Dumbledore, smiled, and said, "It's

strange that you've brought guests with you." "

Saying that, he stood up, stepped barefoot on the dirty stone slab, and

walked toward the two of them, especially focusing on Peter, "Peter York,

this is the first time we have met in the true sense, before you have

brought me a lot of surprises, it is difficult to imagine that you have such

strength at such a young age." "

He waved his hand, opened the iron door, and made an invitation

gesture: "If you don't like the humble house, please come in first." "

"It is an honor to see you, Mr. Grindelwald."

Peter shouted politely, then looked at Dumbledore, who hadn't said

anything, and walked into the cell.

Dumbledore walked in silently, looking calmly at Grindelwald with some

hospitality for Peter, while ignoring his own behavior.

Grindelwald looked at Peter with interest, with a warm attitude, but

there was always a shrewd calculation in his heterochromatic eyes, which

made Peter very wary of the previous generation of Dark Lords.

Grindelwald looked at Peter and said with a smile, "Mr. York, you have

made a lot of moves this time, in order to be able to catch the phoenix,

many magic families have moved, and even many people have died in

this battle."

There were still many people who were rumoring that I had obtained the

phoenix, but to the horror of many people, the Minister of Magic of

Austria came to me in person to confirm whether I had left Neumengard.

You've caused me a lot of trouble. "

Peter conjured up a chair and sat down, then smiled innocently at him

and said, "It's not my credit, I'm just publishing in the newspaper my

miraculous experience of obtaining an immortal body." As for their

pursuit of immortality, they grabbed the phoenix and caused human

death, that was not something I could control.

And even if they want to blame it, they should also blame Voldemort for

killing innocent people, after all, those who died were almost all killed by


As we all know, Voldemort and I are enemies who do not share heaven,

how can we pile Voldemort's murderous evil deeds on my head! You say

yes, Mr. Grindelwald? "

Grindelwald looked at the sophistry Peter with a smirk, and finally


Come, patted him on the shoulder appreciatively, and said, "You really

surprised me, Mr. York." No wonder Dumbledore took you so seriously,

and even changed his plans to stop the saints because of you, what a

clever and powerful young man. "

Listening to Grindelwald's praise, Peter looked at Dumbledore, who had

not been speaking, only to feel that the atmosphere was awkward, and he

did not want to get involved in this strange atmosphere!

He quickly stood up and explained his purpose directly: "Mr.

Grindelwald, we have come here to ask for your help. Because we had an

unsolvable problem this time, and Headmaster Dumbledore thought that

only you might be able to solve it. "

Peter took the chick-like chick out of his pocket and explained,

"Voldemort cast a very evil black magic on this phoenix, and Dumbledore

and I are at a loss for it, so I would like to ask you to see if you can solve

it?" "

"Huh? This is the phoenix that was caught? "

Grindelwald looked at the nirvana phoenix with some surprise, sensed

the rich black magic breath coming from the phoenix's body, raised his

eyebrows, suddenly became interested, directly grabbed the young

phoenix, and then carefully observed.

The more he looked at the expression, the more surprised he became, and

he looked at Peter in surprise and said, "Horcruxes? "

Peter nodded, somewhat surprised that he recognized it so quickly, and

praised, "No wonder Headmaster Dumbledore thinks that your research

on black magic is unsurpassed, and even such a secret cutting-edge black

magic can be seen at a glance." "

For Peter's praise, Grindelwald was not satisfied, he observed the phoenix

with great interest, and exclaimed: "It is really a genius idea, and actually

uses the immortal phoenix as the carrier of the Horcrux." In this way, the

escape from death is really realized to a certain extent. "

Then he looked at Dumbledore and said in an affirmative tone, "This

Horcrux must have been made by Voldemort, which is why you have

always been so jealous of him?" Because he made Horcruxes. "

Dumbledore nodded, "In order to escape death, he created a total of nine

Horcruxes, all of which were in the hands of Peter and me." But the

problem is that the phoenix is a Horcrux, and we have no way to destroy

it. So I would like to ask you to see if you can be in the non-district."

"Nine Horcruxes?!"

Grindelwald felt that he had misheard, "Making a Horcrux is already a

very dangerous thing, and if you are not careful, you will make yourself

crazy." Is this Voldemort addicted to slicing? He had split his soul so

many times! And not crashing?! "

"Voldemort studied Horcruxes very deeply."

Dumbledore sighed and said, "Because of his own experience, he is very

afraid of death, and in order to ensure that he can stay in the human

world forever, he has made so many Horcruxes." Fortunately, with Peter's

help, we obtained and gradually destroyed these Horcruxes.

But now this Horcrux made of phoenix, if it can't destroy Voldemort's

soul inside, Voldemort will never die, which is a disaster for the

wizarding world.

Because Voldemort was already an emotionless lunatic, I couldn't

imagine what he would do if he wasn't dealt with. "

"But what does this have to do with me?"

Grindelwald suddenly laughed and said goodbye to the kindness he had

been before.

He looked at Dumbledore with a sneer, "Why do you think I'll choose to

help you?" Don't forget that you sent me to this prison with your own

hands! "

Dumbledore, as if he hadn't expected him to say this, was a little stunned,

then looked at him in a low tone and said, "Gellert, I thought you would

understand me." I don't want to debate the right and wrong of that war,

but you and I have fought for the future of the wizarding world. Do you

want to watch the wizarding world go down the path of destruction

under the threat of Voldemort? "

"Hey, Arbus, aren't you tired of always being like this, like a saint who

worries about the country and the people, trying to carry all the

responsibilities on you?"

Grindelwald sneered, "I promised you that I would not go out of this

prison and repent of the sins I had committed. But don't take it for

granted that I accepted all of your requests, especially Voldemort's case,

because that was not my crime. "

"Of course, I do have the certainty of solving the Horcruxes."

Grindelwald said confidently, "In the realm of the Dark Arts, there is

never anything I can't solve. Especially in the skill of stripping the soul, I

also have some foundation. "

You may not know that I tried this magic when I was in school at


I had surgery on a shaman with a soul disorder, what Muggles call

schizophrenia, to cut the excess part of his soul and strip the king of rice

Hearing this, Peter was immediately interested and hurriedly asked,

"What is the result?" "

"Failed," Grindelwald shrugged and said indifferently, "that was not

skilled at the time, so the soul was cut too big, and the classmate was

completely turned into a madman." This also led to my expulsion from

school. "

Watching Grindelwald lightly describe the process of turning his

classmates crazy, Peter only felt that Grindelwald was a little crazy, and

without me, he actually did something to his classmates, which was how

disregarded human life to do, and it was no wonder that he was expelled

from school.

Dumbledore, apparently hearing the specific reason for Grindelwald's

expulsion for the first time, looked at him with a frown of disapproval

and said, "You never told me that you drove your classmates crazy before

you were expelled from school!" "

"If I had to tell you the truth, would you still be friends with me at that


Grindelwald raised an eyebrow and looked at Dumbledore and said.

Peter felt restless at this point, and only felt that his big light bulb was a

little too bright.

He quickly coughed a few times and asked Grindelwald directly: "Since

you have said these things, you must not just talk about them." Mr.

Grindelwald, then please state your request. As long as the requirements

are reasonable, the principal will consider it. Isn't it, Headmaster

Dumbledore? "

Dumbledore nodded, looked at Grindelwald and said, "If you can succeed

in stripping the soul without harming the living, I can grant your

request." Of course, it is a reasonable request that will not hurt others. "

Looking at Dumbledore's serious expression, Grindelwald sneered and

said, "You don't have to worry that I will ask you to let me go and thus

'let the tiger return to the mountain', I am just a surviving loser now, and

no matter what I do, I will not change the result." So, you can rest

assured. "

Then he turned to look at Peter, who was watching the play, and pointed

at him, saying, "I have only one request, and that is that he promises to

be my successor, the new leader of the saints!" "

"What! I? "

Peter looked stunned at the fingers pointing to himself.

Chapter 567: Chapter 568

Chapter 568 Become the Heir of Grindelwald? Trade?!! with the Fire of


"You made me the new leader of the saints?" Mr. Grindelwald, are you

not joking? "

Peter said in disbelief.

Dumbledore was also full of surprise, he was ready to deal with the

problem that Gellert asked, but he did not expect him to make such a

surprising request.

"I'm not kidding, Mr. York."

Grindelwald shook his head, his eyes fixed on Peter, sighed and said, "I'm

just a man of old age now, maybe one day I'll die." But I don't trust my

followers, who have waited for me for decades, one who never gave up,

just that I let them down. So I need to find a qualified new leader for

them who can provide them with protection.

So, Mr. York, would you like to be my successor, to take over my

leadership and protect the saints? "

Peter looked at Grindelwald's expectant gaze, quickly waved his hand

and smiled bitterly: "Mr. Grindelwald, you are too high to look at me, I

can't bear such a heavy responsibility." A group like the Saints, except for

your own leadership, probably no one else can control it. You better ask

for another cleverness. "

Grindelwald looked at Peter with a resolute refusal, thinking he was

looking down on the Saints, and explained, "Mr. York, you should not

underestimate the power of the Saints, for though decades have passed,

the power of the Saints has not weakened much. And the Saints are not

just a group, but a legion of wizards that I have formed, and they were

once the most powerful forces in the world, and no Ministry of Magic can

resist it.

After I was defeated and imprisoned, the saints automatically

disappeared into the shadows and were not liquidated.

Some of their members are now high-ranking members of the ministries

of magic in various countries, and they will obey my orders again

whenever I call them.

As long as you succeed me in my place, you will have the rights and

positions that everyone dreams of, and you will become the leader of the

saints, and countless people will obey your orders and cut thorns for you.


Looking at Peter indifferently, Grindelwald pointed at Dumbledore and

said, "If you don't believe me, ask him." I voluntarily imprisoned

Newmengard on the condition that they promise not to liquidate my

followers, and Arbus knew of my saintly power and that he could testify

on my behalf. "

Peter looked at Dumbledore, who nodded with a complicated face.

Peter looked at this scene, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Mr.

Grindelwald, if you ask for another request, I will not be your heir." The

power of the saints is indeed very coveted, but I, a lazy man, cannot lead

such a large group. And the goal of the saints has always been you, how

can anyone else take your place as their leader? "

Peter looked at the phoenix Thor who was full of black magic, and after a

moment of silence, his palm spread upwards, and a red golden flame

emerged from the palm of his hand, which looked mysterious and

mysterious in the night.

He showed Grindelwald: "This is the fire of Nirvana, which has the effect

of regenerating Nirvana. Mr. Grindelwald, as long as you are willing to

strip Voldemort of Voldemort's soul for this phoenix, I will give it to you

and help you rebuild your immortal body. "

Looking at the faint but full of life flame in the palm of their hands, both

Grindelwald and Dumbledore shifted their eyes to it, observing the fire of

Nirvana with surprise and curiosity, and then looking at Peter with great


"Are you really willing to exchange the fire of Nirvana?"

Grindelwald could hardly believe that Peter would be so generous, after

all, this is an immortal substance, who does not want it.

"Of course, as long as you agree, this Phoenix Nirvana Fire is yours."

Peter nodded.

This Nirvana Fire in his hand, a small part of the Nirvana Fire he had

taken from Voldemort's hand, was now partially fused by him,

strengthening his origin, and there were still some that had not yet been


Phoenix Thor sensed the familiar fire of Nirvana, cried out in excitement,

and jumped to fly to the palm of Peter's hand to eat the Nirvana Fire that

originally belonged to him.

It's just a pity that the wings and feathers are not aligned, and no matter

how you incite the wings, you can't fly.

"Okay Thor, don't be in such a hurry, this is for you."

Peter softly put the flame in the palm of his hand in front of the young

phoenix, only to see it can't wait to open its mouth to suck towards the

flame, and in the blink of an eye, the fire of nirvana in the palm of his

hand was sucked into the belly of the young phoenix.

The phoenix Sol was covered in red light, and the increase of the origin

made its body to the naked eye

The visible speed grows, from the size of a chicken to a feathered little


Thor watched his changes, very happy, flapping his wings and flying up,

making a pleasant and pleasant chirping sound.

But then he flew over Peter's shoulder, chirped, and flapped Peter's face

with his wings, his little eyes glaring at Peter, obviously expressing


"Well done… Sole, is the rest of the Nirvana Fire owed first? Don't be so

stingy, I only used part of it… No, I don't mean to be ignorant, that is, to

exist here with me for the time being, and then return it to you later…

Don't get angry, Thor… Oops, don't peck me in the face…"

The two old men watched Peter being bullied by a bird, their expressions

surprised and amused.

It was hard to appease the grumpy phoenix, and Peter finally breathed a

sigh of relief, this old phoenix that had lived for hundreds of years was

really not good to fool, and promised a bunch of unequal conditions,

before it stopped, no longer chasing after himself to beg for the

remaining fire of nirvana.

He summoned a wisp of Nirvana Fire from the palm of his hand again,

suppressed with the other hand Thor who wanted to rush up and swallow

it, turned to Grindelwald and smiled, "What, Mr. Grindelwald, would you

like to make this deal with me?" As long as you can help me get rid of the

soul piece on Thor's body, this Nirvana Fire is yours. "

Grindelwald walked over, looked at the red-gold flame in Peter's hand,

and exclaimed:

"It's such a mouth-watering thing, even I am impressed."

But then he glanced at the calm-looking Dumbledore and said quietly,

"Arbus, do you think I need to agree to this deal?" "

Dumbledore looked at him dryly and said, "This is your own choice, and I

have no right to decide for you." "

Grindelwald raised an eyebrow and said playfully, "I remember that you

have a phoenix of your own, do you need my help?" I think it's very

convincing to let your phoenix, to share its flame of nirvana with you. In

this way, you can supervise me for a long time and prevent me, the most

evil Dark Lord, from destroying the stability of the wizarding world

again. "

"No, Gellert, I think death is an unknown and great adventure, and living

alone for a long time in the world, I want to go to another world and be

with my family, which is the best choice for me." 」

Dumbledore shook his head in refusal.

"So you'd rather die than live forever!" Is it because you want to be with

your family? You don't have anyone worth staying in the human world

anymore, right? "

Grindelwald said in a cold tone, and as soon as his sleeve was thrown

back on the iron bed, he said in an eviction tone: "Mr. York, take back

your fire of nirvana, I am a captive old man, I can't use this kind of


If you want to save the phoenix, agree to my previous conditions, or

please leave, I need to rest. "

Good fellow, Peter only felt that the atmosphere was strange at this time,

and he wanted to get out of here quickly.

He picked up Phoenix Thor and bid farewell to Grindelwald, "Then I will

say goodbye first, Mr. Grindelwald." If you want to make a deal with me

one day, you can use this double-sided mirror to notify me. "

Peter just put down a double-sided mirror and was about to leave.

But he was stopped by a long-silent Dumbledore, who looked at Peter

and exhorted, "Peter, you may consider Gellert's request." With your

strength and wisdom, you can suppress these saints and lead them to the

right path. You may be able to change the end of the saints. "

"Dumbledore, how can I even you…"

Peter was surprised…

Chapter 568: Chapter 569

Chapter 569 Summoning Saints! To be the enemy of Europe?!!

"Listen to me, Peter."

Dumbledore interrupted, looking at Peter in a sincere tone, "Now that the

Ministry of Magic is unreliable, and on the Death Eaters' side, in addition

to the support of the mercenary community, Voldemort is still recruiting

on a large scale. "

Now that Voldemort no longer has weaknesses, he will start acting even

more recklessly.

The two of us could be on a par with Voldemort, but the others couldn't

resist the threat of the Death Eaters.

So we need power now, and the saints are a force to be reckoned with,

and you can lead them to join us.

When we finally win, the saints will also wash away the sins of the past,

so that they can go to the outside world with dignity instead of hiding

their identities as before.

At that time, if you really don't want to lead the saints anymore, you can

safely disband them so that they no longer have to live in the shadows.

I think that's why Gellert chose you.

Gellert nodded, looked at Peter and said, "Arbus is partly right, I want

you to inherit my throne and become the leader of the Saints because you

have enough strength to suppress them, but also because you can protect

them." "

I am now trapped in Newmungard and cannot leave here, and the saints

desperately need a powerful leader to carry them forward, instead of

waiting for me for decades as before, and finally dying with regret.

Believe me, Peter York, as long as you are willing to accept the saints,

they will be your strongest helpers and help you solve all your problems.

If you want to rule the wizarding world one day, they will be your most

powerful tools.

Feeling Dumbledore's disgruntled gaze, Grindelwald coughed dryly

Sound, continuing in a seductive tone, said, "Your current strength is

already comparable to Arbus's, but you should feel that the magic world

still does not attach as much importance to you as he does." "

Just because you're just one person, and Arbus still has his Order of the


Even if your strength is very strong, but without the power bonus, the

achievement of fighting alone is still inferior to the person who has the


Just like the Voldemort that everyone fears in your England, if there is no

Death Eater, if he is alone, he will not become the Dark Lord that the

cold people fear.

When I first decided to change the world, I started out alone, but I didn't

achieve anything.

After some setbacks, I understood the important role of the team.

So I gathered like-minded people around the world to form fearsome

saints, and even the most powerful British Ministry of Magic and the

American Magical Congress did not dare to confront us head-on.

So if you want to do something big, you need a force to assist you,

otherwise it will be difficult for you alone, no matter how powerful you

are, to succeed.

"The problem is that I don't have that much ambition, Mr. Grindelwald."

Peter smiled bitterly, "I just want to continue studying magic and don't

want to rule anyone or become the Dark Lord or anything like that." "

"Don't be naïve, Peter York."

Grindelwald's sharp eyes pierced Peter and he said, "I can see that you

would love to stay out of it, but as long as you are not a mediocre person,

many contradictions will be inevitable." Especially after you announced

the secret of Phoenix Nirvana's eternal life, many people were eager to do

something to you. "

Although temporarily jealous of your strength, as long as time goes on,

those who desire eternal life will go crazy and hit you with their ideas


They may not dare to do anything to you directly, but those who are

ambitious and cunning can always find various ways to restrain you, and

then your hemp will continue to flow.

But if you have your own power, these troubles can be largely avoided.

And at this point, My Saints can help you, aren't you now troubled by

Voldemort and the Death Eaters?

As long as you have the help of the saints, even if you can't kill

Voldemort, you can still make him the commander of the single stick.

Voldemort without the Death Eaters is like a tiger without teeth that can

no longer threaten you.

"Think about it, Peter York," said Grindelwald firmly, "that taking over

the Saints is only good for you, not harmful, and you may not be afraid

of trouble on your own, but what about your relatives and friends?" You

alone cannot guarantee their safety. Only with the power to shock the

world, those ambitious people dare not easily hit you with their ideas. "

After listening to Grindelwald's words, Peter was also a little moved, he

could indeed feel the convenience brought by the power, once he had

inquired about the source of those magical beasts in order to fuse the

blood of the body animals, but since he had taken over the Hemann

Rozier and mastered the power of the Rozier family, he had never

bothered about the magical beasts anymore.

Even Rozier solved a lot of troubles for him.

Compared with the Saints, Rozier's power is insignificant, and if he can

master the Saints' power, he may be able to solve Voldemort and his

Death Eaters as soon as possible, and these dregs of the province are

constantly bouncing around, which annoys him.

"Mr. Grindelwald, don't you forget that these saints are your loyal

followers, and would they be willing to submit to a young man like me?"

Peter said, "And now that more than fifty years have passed, how can you

be confident that the saints will still answer your call?" Do you know that

people's hearts are changeable, let alone a long fifty years? "

In the face of Peter's questioning, Grindelwald seemed very calm, he said:

"I believe that there are indeed some people in this long waiting time, the

thinking has changed, but these people are only a small part, the saints

have never been a fallen and scattered organization, we have a common

will and ideals, even if I am gone, they will continue to see Kant as my

retreat." "

Then he looked at Peter with a smile, "Of course, if you want them to

surrender to you sincerely, it's up to you." I will only declare you heir in

the name of the chief, who may accept you for my reasons. But if you

want them to really recognize you, you have to rely on your own

strength and means. "

"Then what if I can't suppress them?"

Peter asked curiously.

"That only means that you are incapable of taking over the Saints," said

Grindelwald indifferently, "and when the time comes, let the Saints die

with me." "

"Well, now let me summon these subordinates who have been anonymous

for decades, and see how many others will respond?"

Grindelwald pulled out his wand and waved it out the window, and a

huge black veil-like drapery fluttered in the sky, with a silver sign of the

Deathly Hallows.

"Alas, I have not yet promised to be your successor!" How did you

summon the saints first? "

Peter looked at it for a moment and then said disapprovingly.

"Oh, is it? But I just heard you say yes before casting a spell to summon

it. "

Grindelwald said in confusion, then shrugged and said, "Now that I have

made a call, it is too late for you to regret it, so let's wait for them to

arrive here." "

"You cut first and play later, without my consent!"

Peter breathlessly said that he felt that he was being pit by the old of

Grindelwald, and he looked at the bright and dangling black veil outside

and was eager to flee immediately.

But Grindelwald seemed to see through his thoughts, and sneered, "Don't

think about running away now, now that I've called for it, the Saints are

already on their way to come and you can't go anywhere before they see

you, the heir!" "

"And, being my successor, this is how many people's dream goal you still

look disgusted." If you can't find another suitable candidate, you think I'll

give it to you. "

Grindelwald said without anger.

Then he looked at Peter with schadenfreude and said, "My calling can be

seen by other wizards except the saints." So before long, the ministries of

magic in Europe will probably panic, and the name of you, the heir to

Grindelwald, will spread throughout Europe overnight, and then it will

be up to you. "

Chet! Peter almost didn't explode.

Grindelwald's notoriety on the European continent was no different from

Voldemort's in England.

He fears that he will soon become "an enemy of Europe." "

Chapter 569: Chapter 570

Chapter 570 The Saints' Reaction, Nervous Ministry of Magic!!

When a huge black veil rose above Newmount, at the same time across

Europe, a black veil embroidered with silver death Hallows fluttered in

the sky like a flag, attracting the attention of many wizards.

The young wizard did not know the meaning of this sign and thought it

was a celebration, so he asked the older wizard next to him curiously

what kind of sign it was.

The wizard who had experienced the Grindelwald period, seeing this flag,

suddenly changed his face, as if recalling the most terrifying memory,

and immediately took his family home with a phantom transfiguration.

"Oh my God, Grindelwald is back! Run! "

On the magic street, a panic was suddenly set off, the original lively

crowd, in a short while the kung fu disappeared, even the shop owner

also closed the door of the store, hiding with the clerk ~ the store did not

dare to go out.

The young clerk who was pulled in, through the window, saw the flag in

the sky outside, and asked the old store manager next to him with

puzzled questions: "Manager, why do you see that flag and look so

scared?" Does it have any meaning? "

The old shopkeeper looked at the black veil curtain outside in horror, and

the trembling voice whispered, "That's the sign of the saint!" It's

Grindelwald summoning his army! Oh my God, I thought he was dead.

Fifty years later, I didn't expect such a terrible thing to happen again! "


The young clerk had heard his name, but he had never experienced the

Grindelwald era, and he did not have much fear of the Dark Lord, but

with the psychology of onlookers, he said in amazement: "Didn't

Grindelwald say that he was imprisoned in Newcastle?" Did he escape

from prison? He must be very old now, can he still wield a magic wand? "

"Shut up, Eric, don't get me in trouble!"

The shopkeeper was so frightened that he quickly stopped him from

continuing to talk nonsense, "You have never experienced what happened

in those days, naturally you don't know the strength of Grindelwald and

his army, the whole of Europe is creeping at his feet, and no one dares to

oppose him." Because those who oppose are dead! "

While many wizards were frightened by Grindelwald's sign, some of them

were thrilled.

A one-armed old man who runs a drunken dream of death in the old

bookstore, when he sees the black veil drapery floating in the sky, his

drunken eyes suddenly wake up, his eyes are wide and he looks directly

at the conspicuous Deathly Hallowsis sign on the black veil, and then his

eyes are red, tears flow out, and a hoarse voice murmurs: "Finally...…

Finally waiting for this day! Chief, he didn't forget us! "

Then he didn't even close the door of the store, and he left directly

phantom shapeshift.

At the same time, the small traders who set up stalls on the side of the

street, the old people who teased their children and grandchildren in the

manor, and the retired old Aurors and other various figures put down

their hands and quickly disappeared in the same place after seeing the

sign of the Deathly Hallows.

Of course, there are some people, after seeing this sign, there is a look of

hesitation or resistance on their faces, they have lived in peace and

stability for decades, and they no longer have the spirit of the year, and

after seeing this summoning sign, they are reluctant in their hearts.

But in the end, he got up with a complicated expression and rushed

towards the summoning ground.

The ministries of magic of European countries were now in chaos, and

the ministers rushed back to the ministries of magic overnight, hurrying

to deal with this sudden incident.

The severity of Grindelwald's sudden summoning of his saints after

decades of peace and security has left ministries of magic restless.

In a secret conference room, French Minister of Magic Bernard was

sitting precariously at a huge stone table with several stone basins filled

with clear water, which had magically condensed into the appearance of

the ministers of magic of European countries, and they were urgently

contacted remotely because of Grindelwald's affairs.

"I think you all know the reason why I urgently contacted you."

The French Minister Bernard looked at the ministers with a serious look

and said, "It is extraordinary that Grindelwald, which has been silent for

more than fifty years, suddenly summoned his saints. Most of us have

lived through the great war of that year, and if Grindelwald is really

returned, Europe will probably make waves again. So we need to figure

out how to deal with it as soon as possible and think about how to solve

this crisis. "

Most of the ministers looked solemn, but the young Polish Minister of

Magic had a different opinion, saying, "Don't you look up to Grindelwald

too much?" If it had been fifty years ago, we would have really needed to

take it very seriously. But now is no more than it was then, and fifty

years is enough time to change a lot of things.

Not to mention that he had been imprisoned in Newmontgard for

decades and was already dying of old age.

It is said that his followers at that time were basically hundreds of years

old, and they did not die of old age or live for several years.

A group of old people, whether they can hold the wand is a problem.

If you are really worried, we can send out the Aurors together, form an

army, follow the saints to Newmengard, and then capture Grindelwald. "

To his words, the Greek Minister of Magic snorted coldly: "Young man,

do you think the saints are all waste?" Don't forget that the magic of

wizards grows with age, and they may be disadvantaged by their age, but

when it comes to fighting, three Aurors working together against a saint

is a matter of winning.

What's more, Grindelwald's strength was very strong, almost no one was

his opponent, if it were not for Dumbledore's efforts to turn the tide and

defeat him in the duel, no one would know what the ending would be

like… Now do you expect the Aurors to be able to capture the mighty

Grindelwald? Then you might as well pray that he return to prison. "

When the Polish Minister of Magic heard this, he knew that his vision

was short-sighted, but he still said, "Since it was Dumbledore who

captured Grindelwald, then we can also go to him for help this time." "

French Minister Bernard looked at a stone basin inscribed with England,

shook his head and said heavily, "Now the British side is too busy to take

care of itself, they have a dark wizard named Voldemort, who is said to

be powerful, equal to Dumbledore, so it should not be easy to call him." "

The Romanian minister glanced at the ministers of the week and said in

surprise: "Britain is too busy with the civil war to come to the meeting, I

can understand, but what about Germany?" How come their minister,

Florian, didn't show up today? "

Bernard looked at the vacant German position and said with a more

solemn look: "When Florian was elected German Minister of Magic, there

was news that he was a saint, but it did not make much waves, after all,

Grindelwald had been imprisoned in Newmungard for more than thirty

years. But today such an important thing happened, and he did not come

to participate. I suspect that the news that he is a saint is true, and even

that he is now probably on his way to Newmungard, preparing to go over

to welcome Grindelwald's out. "

"What! Mr. Bernard, is this true?! "

The other ministers could not sit still and looked at him in astonishment.

You must know that among these ministries of magic, the strength of the

Ministries of Magic of Britain, France and Germany is among the most

advanced in Europe.

If the German minister were a saint, that would be shocking news.

In this way, the German Ministry of Magic is really in the hands of


That's the worst news for them.

"Although there is no evidence, based on the information I have, this

speculation is not far from ten."

Bernard nodded solemnly, "And Florian's father, who was one of

Grindelwald's most important saints, did not survive the final battle." But

apparently his son, Florian, inherited his will, so we had to be prepared

for the German Ministry of Magic to side with the Saints. "

"I can't figure out one thing."

The Romanian minister frowned and said, "Grindelwald has shown no

sign of a comeback in decades, and it is a little strange why it is so

sudden to jump out now." Although his strength is strong, he is indeed

very old now. Does he still want to do something in the last few years of

his life? "

Chapter 570: Chapter 571

Chapter 571 Countermeasures of the Ministers, Saints Gather in


"Yeah, that's weird. He hadn't moved in more than fifty years, and it was

so unusual that he was about to die of old age. "

Other ministers also expressed surprise.

"Could it be that he has really achieved Nirvana rebirth?" Thus becoming

younger. "

The Italian minister said suddenly, speculating uncertainly, "You should

all know that there is a young wizard named Peter York in England who

announced that the fire of phoenix nirvana can make people immortal,

and many wizards have gone to look for it."

Previously, in the Sicilian volcano in our country, the trace of a phoenix

was found, and many wizards went to fight for it.

In the end, I heard that the saints fought for the phoenix, could it be that

Grindelwald really had an immortal body, so he was not willing to stay in

prison anymore? "

"Oh my God, I don't want it to be true."

The ministers said with uneasiness, "If Grindelwald really achieves

immortality and starts a war again, it will be a disaster for the wizarding

world!" "

"So what do we do now?" Is there any way to stop Grindelwald? "

A minister asked worriedly, "You should not want to repeat what

happened fifty years ago, and will we surrender to Grindelwald as

before?" It is likely that our seats will be replaced by that time. "

After a heated discussion, some advocated a joint crusade against

Grindelwald and the Saints, some said that peace could be negotiated

with Grindelwald, and some said that they would wait and see.

But in the end, the idea of waiting and watching prevailed prevailed.

Now that the wizarding world has been stable for decades, ministers

don't want chaos during their tenure.

After listening to the choice of the ministers, Bernard sighed and said,

"Then we now unify our views, that is, to wait and see what happens, and

to monitor Newmengard at all times while being vigilant." If Grindelwald

really wants to start another war, then together we will unite and

suppress the Saints.

At the same time, we need to contact foreign aid as soon as possible,

hasn't the U.S. Magical Congress always wanted to set up their dominant

international magical parliament? As long as they can stop Grindelwald

for us, we can consider joining in.

There was also the possibility of contacting the British Ministry of Magic,

and it was possible to draw Dumbledore over Grindelwald, and even

Peter York could see if he could invite him, and it was said that his

strength was also very strong, and he had suffered a lot of losses to


Such a character, we can not ignore. "


"I agree!"

"Just do it!"

Ministers of Magic agreed.

At this time, outside the castle of Newmontgard, there were already

saints who were close by, and they had come here with phantom

transfiguration, and they were excitedly watching the huge flag flying

above the castle, waiting quietly below.

With the sound of phantom shapeshifting, saints kept coming,

automatically lining up in a neat line.

On the tower, Peter looked through the window at the increasing number

of people below, and with some surprise turned back to Grindelwald and

said, "I didn't expect that after so many years, there would be so many of

your saints, and that there would be at least a thousand people below

who had arrived." It seems that your means of winning people's hearts

and minds are very powerful, Mr. Grindelwald. "

Grindelwald shook his head and said, "Peter, you are wrong, not mine,

but ours, and even the future is yours!" As long as you can get them to

follow you sincerely, you will have the most determined help in the


And these numbers are nothing, at first my followers were all over the

world, the number of saints exceeded tens of thousands, and the Ministry

of Magic of any country did not dare to contend with me. "

Then he glanced at the silent Dumbledore and said in a somewhat

mocking tone, "Until they found Arbus, put him on the profile of the

leader of the alliance against me, and then gave me a separate duel

invitation." My career finally came to an abrupt end, or the world might

have changed. "

"But your tactics are too drastic, Gellert. You will kill all those who

oppose you, and if you continue like this, the wizarding world will not

need to fall but will be destroyed directly in your hands. "

Dumbledore frowned and retorted, "You proposed that wizards be above

Muggles, which is impossible, you only saw the rise of Muggles in the

future and squeezed the space of wizards, but you never thought about

the connection between Muggles and wizards." You're just rudely trying

to change the situation with war. "

Then he pointed at Peter and asked, "Peter himself is Muggle-born, can

you ask him if he will agree to turn his Muggle relatives into slaves of

wizards?" "


Peter looked at Grindelwald and shook his head firmly, "It would have

been impractical to let a few wizards rule over Muggles. In the Middle

Ages, wizards could not rule over Muggles with iron tools, let alone in

the twentieth century, after Muggles mastered earth-destroying weapons.

Moreover, almost half of the wizards were Muggle-born or mixed-race,

and they all had Muggle relatives, which was impossible to agree. "

Grindelwald looked at Dumbledore and Peter and shook his head, "Maybe

I was wrong, but I don't regret my choice." Because if I don't try to

struggle, I don't want to watch the wizarding world gradually decline.

But since it's all in the past, no amount of entanglement is useful. "

Then he looked at Peter with a smile and said, "From now on, I will put

the saints in charge of you." Whichever path you will take them to is up

to you, and I will not meddle in it…"

"I'm afraid it's not easy!"

Peter looked at the crowd below and the cries of 'Grindelwald' and

smiled, "They are all your faithful in Grindelwald, and if you want them

to change me to leader, they will probably be dissatisfied." "

Peter was a little moved to take over the forces of the Saints, but he was

not obsessed.

Unlike Voldemort, who used inducements and power to win over Death

Eaters, Grindelwald relied on his charisma to conquer his followers.

Therefore, if these faithful Grindelwald are to recognize a young man as

the leader, even if Grindelwald himself appoints, I am afraid it will be

difficult to get their sincere recognition.

However, if he really accepted the saint's words, Peter did not have much

pressure, and those who disobeyed simply used their strength to fight

down, and if they really could not do it, they would directly disband.

Of course, the premise is after Grindelwald has completely dissolved the

soul fragments in the phoenix's body.

The moonlight was thin, and under the castle of Newmount, there was a

crowd of people under the black pressure, about four or five thousand

people, most of whom were members of the seven-year-old and eighty-

ten-year-old figures, but some of them were young people following the

older saints, like their descendants.


Grindelwald waved his wand and conjured up a timeline to look at it.

After the circle, he waved slowly at the black veil in the sky, only to see

it slowly float down and land directly in front of the castle, enveloping

the entire castle and plunging the castle into darkness.

Then, starting from the entrance of the castle, the braziers on each wall

automatically ignited, and the blue flames illuminated the entire castle


When the saints below saw this, their expressions were excited and

solemn, and they entered the castle in a neat and orderly row.

And the only line that comes out above is "For the greater good." "

Shine an inexplicable light under the flames.

Grindelwald nodded at himself with his wand, only to see that the

tattered robe instantly turned into an elegant and gorgeous dark blue

coat, with leather boots on his feet, and even the messy white shoulder-

length hair became supple, and in the blink of an eye, he changed from a

scruffy old man to a domineering handsome old man.

He smiled at Dumbledore and Peter's invitation, "Let's go down, we can't

let them wait too long." "

"I'm not going, I'm not fit to show up."

Dumbledore shook his head in refusal.

"Well, also, if outsiders saw that the bright and mighty Dumbledore and

the Dark Wizard Grindelwald were mixed up, it would really shock the

big teeth."

Grindelwald said in a mocking tone, not surprisingly.

Then he turned to look at Peter, made an invitation, smiled and said,

"Please, my successor!" Let my believers meet their new leaders. "

Chapter 571: Chapter 572

Chapter 572: Grindelwald's Meeting with the Saints, Confrontation!!

At night, in the dim light, thousands of wizards gathered in the first-floor

hall of Newmungard, eagerly waiting for the leader's arrival.

Not long after, the flames in the castle instantly lit up, and along with the

illumination of the firelight, a tall figure slowly walked down from the

upper floor.

His appearance suddenly brought tears to the eyes of many people

present, looking at him as if in a dream.

"I haven't seen each other in more than fifty years, my brothers and


Grindelwald smiled and opened his hand and said, "Thank you for

answering the call of my old man, even if he is no longer the figure he

once was, but just a man who is slowly decaying in prison." "

"No, leader, you are still the perfect leader in my heart!"

An old witch said excitedly, looking at the old man's Grindelwald with

reverence in her eyes.

"Oh, thank you Anna, after so many years, your words are always so full

of warmth."

Grindelwald said to the old witch kindly and gently.

The old witch looked at Grindelwald's recognition of herself, and asked

excitedly in disbelief: "Chief, do you remember me?!" God, Grindelwald

remembers me! "

The old witch was very excited, and her thin body was constantly

shaking, making people afraid that her bones would fall apart when she

was excited.

"Of course, dear Anna, how could I not remember that cute little girl in

the first place."

Grindelwald gently touched the old witch's white hair, and then sighed

and said, "It's just that the years have flown by, and the little girl back

then has now become an old man, and I almost can't recognize you." "

Then Grindelwald greeted the group of old people standing at the front

one by one: "Cornell, Chatham, Leno, it's a pleasure to see you, I thought

you had already fallen asleep." "

Several old people looked at Grindelwald and said with choked

excitement: "We haven't seen you leader, how can you be willing to die

like this." Now that we finally see your call, we old guys are here non-

stop. As long as you give an order, the leader, we will use this remnant to

cut through the thorns and thorns for you again! "

"No need, Cornell, you've done enough for me."

Grindelwald sighed and shook his head and said.

Then he turned his head to look at the thousands of people gathered in

the hall, and his voice echoed in everyone's ears loudly and not harshly:

"In the past fifty years, I know that some of you have hidden silently,

some have formed families, some have been running for me, and some

have died early and failed to wait for my call. But the fact that you are

here shows that you have not forgotten me, and that is very gratifying. "

"Of course, I know that there are a few people who did not come."

Grindelwald's seemingly peaceful but actually sharp eyes swept over the

vacant position behind and said in a lost tone, "But I don't blame them."

Because I broke my word, I did not fulfill the promise I made to you. You

are understandably disappointed in me. "

"But when I summon you here today, the first thing I want to ask is…"

Grindelwald's heterochromatic eyes shone with a strange light under the

flames and asked, "Are your hearts as faithful as they were fifty years

ago?" "


All the saints fell to their knees to show their loyalty.

Especially the few old people at the head of the front row, their eyes

looked at Grindelwald meticulously, and said under oath: "Chief, our

loyalty to you has never changed!" And it will never change! "

"Good! I am very pleased with your loyalty. "

Grindelwald had a satisfied smile on his face.

"Chief, you summoned us here today, are you going to officially walk out

of here?"

The old man with the severed arm at the head asked excitedly, "We have

finally ushered in our king again!" I'm so happy! I never thought there

would be another day like this! "

"Calm down, Joseph."

Grindelwald looked at him with a smile and said, then turned to look up

the stairs and said to the top: "Peter, come down and meet people, don't

be shy, you will always have to meet these people sooner or later." "

Hearing this, the saints looked upstairs in confusion, could it be that

besides them, there were other people in this castle?

And on the stairs, after a while, there was a sound of calm footsteps, and

the saints watched a very handsome young man come down the stairs,

and seemingly reluctantly complained to their leader: "Gellert, don't use

such disgusting adjectives to talk about me, I'm just embarrassed to

disturb your gathering." "

Peter walked down without hurry, looking at the saints in this room full

of thousands of people, his eyes did not have the slightest panic, but after

sweeping these saints, he laughed and ridiculed Grindelwald: "In this

way, it feels like entering an elderly community." It's really strange that a

young man like me is here. "

"Chief, this is…"

Joseph, who was the leader, looked at the young man who was joking

with Grindelwald in surprise, and couldn't help but wonder about his


"It's rude, you should call me Master!"

Grindelwald knocked Peter's head unhappily, and then introduced to the

saints with a smile: "This is my heir Peter York." "

Peter was confused by him, when did he recognize him as a master? And

the relationship between himself and him, when did he become so close?

Peter directly and vigilantly retorted: "When did I recognize you as a

master?" Grindelwald, don't confess relationships! Especially in front of

so many people, don't let people misunderstand. "

Gellert smiled, showed a triumphant smile, looked at him and said,

"Haven't you already promised to be my heir?" Of course you have to call

me Master. After all, the heir relationship, in addition to father and son,

is a master-apprentice relationship. Unless you want to make me a

godfather, then I don't mind being over a hundred years old, and a

teenage son like you. "

"You think beautifully!"

Peter was directly upset, this old guy actually pitted himself, and wanted

to recognize himself as a son, so he just flicked his sleeves and left, "You

play by yourself, I won't do it!" Anyway, it's not me who urgently needs

to solve the Horcruxes. "

"It's not up to you, but it's because of you that I summoned them over."

Now you want to pick a pick, this is not going to work! "

Gellert's face suddenly changed, and he said strongly, "Now there has

been a lot of trouble outside because of my summons, they have hidden

their identities for decades, and now they are exposed, you have to be

responsible for them 433!" "

"You're buying and selling, Grindelwald!"

Peter was also a little angry, and he sneered, "You exchanged with me for

healing my phoenix, I just thought about it a little, and you decided for

me." Now I still want to dump the exposure of the saints on me, which is

quite beautiful to think.

Why don't you ask yourself, summoning a saint and making a big fanfare,

for fear that others will not know. Voldemort, who was more arrogant

than you, came back with no scruples as you. "

Grindelwald looked at Peter so faceless, his face also became cold, and

threatened: "Don't you want to save that phoenix?" That poor little guy

was used by you and is not ready to save it now? "

Facing the moody Grindelwald, Peter looked upstairs with a smile and

snorted coldly: "Thor is a phoenix, it can never die." Anyway, the person

who is in a hurry to destroy the Horcrux is not me, I slowly spend years,

decades, or even centuries to crack it, and I am not short of that time. "

"You slowly hold a gathering of the elderly here, I will go back first

without attending."

Peter turned and was about to walk towards the gate.

"Newmungard is not something you can come and go whenever you

want, Peter York."

Grindelwald's cold voice came from behind Peter, "I admire you for being

willing to let you be my heir, don't be ignorant!" "

Peter stopped, turned his head to look at the wand in Grindelwald's hand,

and chuckled, "What, you want to do something with me?" "

Saying that, he raised the wand in his hand and opposed him from a


Chapter 572: Chapter 573

Chapter 573: Grindelwald and Peter's Showdown!!

"I just suddenly feel as if we haven't officially had a duel yet, and now I

can take this opportunity to feel your strength."

Grindelwald stared at Peter aggressively and said, his heterochromatic

pupils full of fighting interest.

"Then I also want to see if you, the Dark Lord, live up to your name?"

Peter was also stirred up to fight.

He had only fought Voldemort before, and now he was trying the

strength of this first Dark Lord.

The surrounding saints were confused by this scene, how did the two

who seemed to have a good relationship just now suddenly become tense.

Especially that young man is also called the heir by Grindelwald, why

does this young man look reluctant.

But looking at the appearance of the two about to fight, the wizards

around the two retreated one after another, freeing up space.

But because Grindelwald was their leader, the saints drew their wands

and aimed them at Peter, who wanted to do something to their leader.

For them, anyone who goes against the leader dies.

Peter looked at the countless wands aimed at him around him, and did

not dare to underestimate their strength, quickly erected a super strong

talisman charm, and quietly opened the petrified eye and death sound

skills, as long as they moved, he would solve them mercilessly.

"Stop! This is my business with him, and whoever dares to do something

to him will die! "

Grindelwald roared loudly, looking at the surrounding saints with a

threatening look in his eyes.

Seeing Grindelwald angry, the saints' hearts tightened, and they did not

dare to point their wands at Peter again, and they stepped back one after

another, giving up a large space, quietly looking at the two opposing


And several old people with higher status among the saints, looking at

Grindelwald's reaction, were even more curious about this young man.

They wanted to see how strong this young man was, worthy of the chief's

attention, and even declared him his heir in front of them.

"Since you don't do it first, then I'll do it, boy."

Grindelwald sneered and shot a black magic bolt at him first.

Seeing this, Peter was no longer polite, and quickly summoned a giant

flame, and then changed, and several fire horses rushed towards

Grindelwald with flames.

"Transfiguration is good, it seems that Arbus taught you very well."

Grindelwald said praisefully, and then gently waved his wand, and

countless water vapors floated from the window, quickly gathering

together to form a cloud of water.

The wand stretched up and down into a wooden bow, and the water mass

turned into several water arrows, which he put on the bow and shot

hard, straight at several fire horses rushing over.

Looking at the fallen fire horse, Brother Peter Yi flashed behind

Grindelwald, threw a stun spell at him, and taunted: "My Transfiguration

was taught by Professor McGonagall, you praised the wrong person." "

Grindelwald looked very old, but he reacted quickly and sensitively, and

with a slight deviation of his body, he avoided Peter's spell, and said with

a smile: "That McGonagall is also a student that Arbus once taught, and

of course you can be considered to have been taught by him." "

Then he shook his wand, and a small blue flame fell on the palm of his

hand, the flame was full of hot and violent momentum, but in his hand, it

seemed to have no warmth, and he was obediently controlled.

"This is one of my best skills, you have to be careful, I can't be blamed for

being burned to ashes."

Grindelwald said with a smile, and then blew a breath towards the

flames, and the blue fierce fire instantly grew when it met the wind, and

from it flew out a fire crow condensed by the fierce fire, rattling towards


Under Grindelwald's control, dozens of fierce fire crows were burning

with fierce fire that could burn everything, fiercely pounced on Peter.

Peter didn't want to be touched by these fire ravens, so he quickly

teleported and disappeared in place, appearing beside Grindelwald,

wanting to capture the thief first.

But Grindelwald was obviously not an easy person to deal with, he just

swiped his wand towards the ground, and the raging fire burned around

him, enveloping him inside.

He smiled smugly at Peter, waved his hand again, and many fire crows

rushed out of the fierce fire again, rushing towards Peter.

Seeing this situation, Peter couldn't help but admire Grindelwald's superb

level of magic, and I am afraid that only he dared to play with the fierce

fire between applause without being countered.

But he is not a vegetarian either, and a few flashes dodge the fire crows

that rush over.

He waved his wand, cast all spells, conjured a huge net of fluorescent

light, and headed towards Grindelwald and the fire crows, the flames on

the fire crows did not have an effect on the silver net, but gradually

suppressed the flames, so that the fluttering fire crows quickly

extinguished and disappeared.

Looking at the silver net coming towards him, Grindelwald praised: "It's

really good, no wonder I can get Arbus's praise." "

As he spoke, his face became serious, "Be careful, I'm going to make real

efforts this time, don't lose so quickly." "

Several spells flew out of the wand like machine guns, turning into dense

attacks and shooting at Peter.

"It's hard to say who wins or loses, Mr. Grindelwald."

Peter snorted coldly, but looked at these spells with a strong black magic

aura with a solemn expression, quickly flashing and moving in a limited

space, avoiding these black magics.

But when he just dodged these attacks, he was surprised to find that

these spells that should have flown out came around again, as if

positioning Peter, and continued to shoot at him.

Peter successively used the Armor Curse to block it, and then dodged to

the side, but to his surprise, the black magic that was resisted by the

Armor Curse quickly turned a corner and continued to fly towards him.

"How did you do it?"

Peter kept dodging these spells, and asked Grindelwald not far away,

who was remotely controlled, in surprise.

He himself could make spells turn, but he had never seen the ability to

make spells keep turning.

"That's what I'm capable of, do you want to learn?" If you want to learn,

just admit defeat obediently and call me Master, I may teach you this

trick. "

Grindelwald laughed triumphantly.

"Dream, think you can defeat me with this trick?"

Peter snorted coldly, and then directly split into a doppelganger, directly

threw him a wand, and then the two directly one was responsible for

defense, and the other attacked Grindelwald without scruples.

Wow, the saints present were shocked to see the two Peter, they had

never seen this kind of magic before.

Especially seeing that both Peter can use magic attacks, this magical

scene surprised everyone.

Grindelwald was also very surprised, and then asked curiously: "What

kind of magic is this trick of yours?" It's amazing to be able to conjure up

another version of yourself and use magic. "

"Even more surprises are yet to come!"

Peter snorted coldly, and then conjured up another doppelganger, threw

him a wand, and was responsible for attacking together.

The three people cooperated tacitly, one was responsible for defense, one

was responsible for attacking, and the other was responsible for assisting

in the attack, so that Grindelwald kept retreating.

The situation of the two sides being evenly matched, and Peter's side

quickly gained the upper hand…

Chapter 573: Chapter 574

Chapter 574: Fierce Battle, Victory! New boss!!

The saints watching around saw the leader fall into the downwind, and

suddenly their faces showed expressions of disbelief and worry.

The invincible leader in their eyes actually faced a young man at a


In their opinion, even if they were defeated by Dumbledore, it was all the

leader's treachery that would leave them to duel with Dumbledore when

the momentum was at its peak, and finally inexplicably imprisoned in

Newmungard, a prison they built themselves.

So they never accept the fact that the leader was defeated by


But now in a head-on showdown, Grindelwald is at a disadvantage,

which has taken a serious impact on their body and mind.

If it hadn't been for the leader's strict order before, they would have been

eager to work together to solve this person who could threaten the


But Grindelwald did not have a trace of anxious expression, he laughed

and said: "It's really interesting, no wonder you are so confident, it turns

out that there are such skills." Show me how many surprises you have

that I don't know. "

He was full of momentum, no longer converged, and used all his strength

to fight against Peter, and the fierce and dangerous black magic

unceremoniously attacked Peter.

The spell collided violently, and the vibration wave generated lifted all

the nearby saints away.

Seeing this, the others retreated one after another, giving up the wide

space to the two who were fighting fiercely.

"If you want to see it, let you see enough."

Peter snorted coldly, only to see his body quickly become larger, more

than six meters high, his head was about to press against the ceiling

before stopping, and then under the protection of the doppelganger, he

attacked Grindelwald very flexibly and quickly, holding the same

enlarged wand in one hand to guard against attacks, and the other huge

palm grabbed him, wanting to catch him.

Looking at the actually looking Peter, Grindelwald's eyes lit up, and at

the moment when Peter's huge palm grabbed it, he quickly conjured up a

smooth black gauze drapery, leaked out of his fingers, and quickly

enlarged along his arm, winding it towards Peter.

But Peter instantly shrunk and turned into a man the size of a diced bean,

dodged the drapery's wrap, and burned it with a fire.

Then one turned into a phoenix, ignoring the barrier set by Grindelwald,

and teleported directly in front of him, erupting thick golden flames from

his mouth, and two sharp claws also hit him in the face.

These actions all happened in a few blinks of an eye, so many saints

could only watch with shocked eyes as Peter's various magical attacks

and worries about the leader's situation.

In the face of Peter's sudden attack, Grindelwald was also a little

unprepared, but he was experienced in battle, and instinctively evaded

Peter's attack in an instant, and also shot a deadly spell towards the

phoenix Peter turned into.

The two constantly teleported and grappled, constantly appearing in

every part of the room, and unleashing the most dangerous attacks at

each other, leaving no room behind

The traces of the hand, like a mortal enemy, just want to kill the other


The saints were constantly retreating from this battle, and had to shrink

to the corner of the hall, and joined forces to arrange a strong protective

charm to avoid being affected by the attack of the two.

But what surprised them was that although the attacks of the two were

fierce, no magic spell flew towards them, and even the magic spell that

was picked up to fly was intentionally or unintentionally landed on the

unmanned position and wall.

"Joseph, are they really dueling, or is it just a comparison?"

The old witch Anna looked at the battle nervously and asked very


To say that it is a comparison, these two people do not seem to keep their

hands, and the moves are fatal attacks.

But if it was a real death duel, the leader ordered them not to do

anything against Peter, and even to Peter did not act like an enemy.

This confused her very much.

Joseph, who had a broken arm, although he also showed a worried

expression, but still calm, pointed to the regular damage on the

surrounding wall, and soothed: "Don't worry, the chief looks like he is

testing that young man." Their attacks fell exactly where no one was, and

they didn't affect us. Although it seems very dangerous, they should all

be measured. "

Then he showed a bitter smile and said, "But obviously, the master, like

us, did not expect this young man to be so powerful. I don't know where

this young man came from, his strength is so strong at a young age, and

he can even be equal to the leader. "

"Then just now the chief said that he is the heir, what is the matter?

Could it be that this young man was really chosen by the leader as his

successor? "

Anna, the old witch, said in confusion.

"I don't know."

Joseph shook his head and said, his eyes fixed on the two dueling on the

field, "But I am sure that the reason why the chief summoned us today

must have something to do with that young man!" "

Suddenly, two constantly flashing figures suddenly stopped, and Peter's

two doppelgangers, one disarmed Grindelwald's wand, and the other

conjured a rope to tie his body directly.

Just as Grindelwald easily broke free with wandless magic and recalled

the wand that had fallen to the ground, Peter himself appeared directly

in front of him, opening his two yellow snake eyes and staring at him


"You lose."

Peter said calmly.

"How is it possible, I…"

Grindelwald also wanted to talk about himself

I could still fight, and I was surprised to find that except for the head, the

lower part of the body was rapidly petrified.

In the blink of an eye, except for his head that can move, the rest of it is

gray stone.

He raised his head and looked shocked, "What kind of magic are you?"

Can actually petrify me! "

"You lose, Grindelwald."

Peter smiled and said, "If I hadn't collected my strength, you would have

become a stone statue by now." And no one but me can unravel this

petrification. "

Grindelwald tried to break free from the petrification, chanted an

unknown spell, tried several times, but had no effect, and then stopped.

Looking at him with surprise and appreciation, he exclaimed, "You really

surprised me more and more, so many powerful and unheard of magic

are actually mastered by you, no wonder you can make Voldemort regard

you as a great enemy." It is a fitting decision to make you my heir! "

Looking at Grindelwald's enthusiastic eyes, Peter instantly remembered

the rumored relationship between him and Dumbledore, got goosebumps,

and quickly waved his hand without saying a word and said: "You better

go and admire Dumbledore, I'm not good at this!" "

When Grindelwald heard this, his face instantly darkened, and he said

angrily: "Quickly undo the curse on my body, if you don't undo it, those

people behind you will tear up, you Peter heard this, turned his head to

look, and found that these saints, at this time, looked at him like a great

enemy, wary and hostile." Peter had no doubt that if he made any next

move to harm Grindelwald, they would rush forward and desperately

attack themselves. "

Looking at these thousands of dead-eyed eyes, Peter wisely took out the

bottle containing his own spit in his pocket, and then wiped it on the

petrified place of Grindelwald.

"What kind of potion are you? It was able to defuse the petrification

curse. "

Grindelwald looked at his rapidly regained flesh-colored body, looked at

the vial containing the colorless liquid in surprise, and asked curiously.

"Trust me, you won't want to know."

Peter said with a sly smile.

If it weren't for the fear of this group of wolf saints behind him, he could

just open his mouth and spray, saving more trouble.

Looking at Peter's expression, Grindelwald became more curious, but he

still thought that this was Peter's secret recipe and was difficult to

answer, so he wisely closed his mouth.

Stretching his stiff body after being petrified, Grindelwald laughed,

laughing very happily, not at all depressed expression after being

defeated, but looked at the saints, patted Peter's shoulder and said:

"Everyone, are you satisfied with the heir I chose for you?" "

"Remember, from today onwards, he is your new leader, my chosen

successor for Grindelwald! He's Peter York! "

Chapter 574: Chapter 575

Chapter 575: The Reaction of the Saints, Accept Peter!!

In the castle of Newmungard, in the wide hall, the eyes of thousands of

saints were focused on Grindelwald and Peter on the stage.

After Grindelwald declared Peter his successor and as the new leader of

the saints, the presence was quiet.

If Peter were simply declared heir, the saints would surely be very happy,

because they had also seen Peter's great strength.

With such a powerful heir, no matter which force the members of the

force will be very happy.

But the sudden announcement that he was the new leader of the saints

caught many saints by surprise, especially these saints who had waited

for Grindelwald for almost half their lives, and such loyalty made them

unable to accept that the object of their allegiance had become someone

else, even if it was someone stronger than the leader.

Therefore, several saints at the head looked at Grindelwald in disbelief

and asked, "Chief, you said that Young Master York is the new leader?"

What about you? Where are you going? "

"Me? Of course I'm staying here. "

Grindelwald said freely, "I haven't taken a step out of here for fifty years

before, and naturally I won't leave now. My indifference to the saints for

decades is a dereliction of duty on my part. But with Peter as your leader

in the future, I believe he will succeed me and lead the saints to the path

of light. "

When several leading saints heard his words, the excitement on their

faces stopped abruptly, especially the old witch Anna shook her head

frantically and said, "Chief, who you choose as your heir, we have no

right to question." But our loyal people will always be you, and will not

change! You made us convert, sorry, I can't do it! "

Several other saints also half knelt down and said to Grindelwald: "Chief,

we have finally waited for your call, if you do not plan to go out, please

allow us to stay in Newmungard as well." Any prison, as long as we can

guard you, we will be satisfied. "

Looking at their determined expressions, Grindelwald's expression was

indifferent, the momentum on his body exploded, and the cold

momentum pressed on them, "Joseph, Anna, Kritov, Stephen, you think

my words are not good, you can not obey ~, right?" "

The leading saints did not expect that the leader would suddenly attack,

the burst of momentum made them only feel suffocated, difficult half

kneeling on the ground, bearing Grindelwald's anger, although the body

swayed, but still straightened his back, said with difficulty: "Head…

Chief, our faith has always been you, and you let us suddenly change our

faith for a lifetime, what is the same as killing us! If you think we are

disobedient, please kill us. I just beg you to show us a little faithfulness

and allow our bodies to be buried nearby, so that we can see and see. "

"Do you think I won't kill you?"

Grindelwald's murderous aura burst out, staring at several people with

fierce eyes, and gritted his teeth and said.

The wand in his hand was raised and pointed at them, ready to launch a

spell at any time.

"Please don't abandon us! Chieftain! "

Seeing this, the other saints fell to their knees and cried out in unison in


Seeing thousands of saints kneeling down one after another,

Grindelwald's fierce eyes also paused, especially looking at their old

bodies and firm expressions, they couldn't help but take a few steps back,

sighed, waved their hands and said in frustration: "It is indeed me who is

sorry for you and abandoned you for more than fifty years without

paying attention." It's understandable that you don't listen to me now.

In this case, after today, everyone will be fine, and the title of saint will

not exist.

You all go back, live your days, don't have to come to me again, today's

gathering will be the last time we will meet." "

Hearing Grindelwald's lost and decisive tone, the saints present were

immediately frightened, and several saints led by him excitedly climbed

to Grindelwald's feet, grabbed the corner of his robe, and cried

desperately: "Chief, we have always fought for the cause of saints, and we

have never given up the heart to slacken. Why are you going to dissolve

the saints? "

Then looked at Peter, who had been silent with tears in his eyes, and

nodded frantically to Grindelwald and said: "We are willing to obey your

orders Chief, recognize Young Master York as the new leader, and only

beg the Leader not to abandon us!" "

"Yes, Chief, we are willing to follow Young Master York's orders! As long

as the leader does not abandon us and allows us to be buried in

Newmungard after death, he can continue to guard you. "

"I am willing to spend the last few years to assist Young Master York, and

I just ask the leader not to disperse the saints."

One by one, the saints earnestly assured Grindelwald, promised to obey

his orders, recognized Peter as the leader, and only prayed that he would

not dissolve the saints and allow them to return to his side and continue

to guard him after death.

Peter, who felt that he was being disliked, suddenly felt bad when he

looked at these seven, old and eighty saints sobbing one by one.

Especially when I saw several very old saints crying breathlessly, as if

they were about to turn their roots at any time, I only felt that I was full

of sin.

If he really took over the saints, the first thing he would do was to

consider building a nursing home? After all, each of these thousands of

old people can call grandpa, even if he becomes a subordinate, he is

embarrassed to command!

Quickly shake off these messy thoughts, he hurried to Grindelwald's side,

if he didn't solve this matter, he felt that he would become a pot man,

afraid that he would be hated by this group of saints.

After all, the biggest beneficiary on the scene was him, and if it weren't

for him, Grindelwald wouldn't have burst out of the idea of stepping

down as the leader of the saints.

He glanced at Grindelwald who started the figurine unhappily, and then

said in a loud voice: "Don't be so excited, Mr. Grindelwald is only worried

about you, so he let me temporarily manage the saints." You don't have

to think of me as a new leader. I live in England all year round, so I don't

have much time to manage the saints, so how you managed it in the past

will remain the same in the future. Your leader will always be Mr.

Grindelwald, and there is no need to recognize me as Lord. "

Hearing Peter's words, some saints who were originally resentful of Peter

and thought that he had beguiled the leader gradually reduced their

resistance to him.

Joseph, the one-armed old wizard at the head, looked at Peter in disbelief

and asked, "Young Master York, is what you said true?" You really don't

need us to declare loyalty to you? "

The other saints also looked at Peter for a definite answer.

Peter looked at these gray-haired saints one by one, and said with a

smile: "Of course, this is just an agreement between me and Grindelwald.

He was temporarily unable to leave Newmungard and had no energy to

maintain order among the saints outside, so he asked me to be the


Besides, you are all old people, and you have followed Mr. Grindelwald

for most of your life, even if I believe that you will be loyal to me, you

will not believe it yourself. So just treat it with a normal heart. You only

need to treat me as an assistant to Mr. Grindelwald, and you don't need

to announce it to me. "

"Moreover, seeing that all of you are at least sixty or seventy years old,

and recognizing me as Lord, I am embarrassed to command you." In

Muggle society, this is the abuse of the elderly, and that is jail. "

Peter said jokingly looking at them.

"Okay, let's all get up, watching so many old people who can be my

grandfather kneel in front of me, I feel like I'm going to break my life."

Peter pretended to laugh exaggeratedly, and then raised his hand, and

thousands of saints felt that they were being helped up by a force.

The saints looked at Peter in shock, to be able to do this, in addition to

having a huge amount of magic, it also requires a high degree of control

over the magic power, no wonder it is a person who can fight head-on

with the leader.

The saints, who no longer cared about Peter at this time, were once again

admired by his strength.

As long as it is not to replace Grindelwald in their hearts, they are very

happy to have such a powerful successor…

Chapter 575: Chapter 576

Chapter 576: Elderly Society? Peter's thoughts, the saints who left!!

And Grindelwald looked at Peter with displeasure at this time, thinking

that he had sabotaged his plan.

Originally, he wanted to put Peter in the position of leader in one step

and replace him as the leader of the new generation of saints.

But now, under Peter's agitation, this plan has come to an end.

"What are you doing, Peter, I am the leader of the saints, not my agent. If

I need a surrogate, I can choose directly from the saints, do I still need

you? "

Grindelwald said angrily.

"Gellert, do you think that these saints who have lived half their lives can

sincerely recognize me as a leader under your persecution?"

Peter asked directly.

"Your strength can crush them, and naturally you can make them


As for wanting them to be loyal to you, it's up to you, isn't it? "

Grindelwald said reasonably.

Peter rolled his eyes and said, "I don't want to bother to subdue these old

people, and the chances are slim." And I'm not the director of a nursing

home, and then directing a group of rickety elderly people to fight for

me. I have all observed, among your saints, there are actually people

older than you, the old man who takes a step to catch his breath, I am

afraid that he will burp directly without taking a breath. "

When he thought that he would lead a group of elderly people to fight

around in the future, he was uneasy.

Quickly shake this picture out of your head and let yourself stop thinking

about it.

"What do you call a nursing home director?"

Grindelwald was angry, and he corrected, "You compare Muggle old men

to wizards?" Don't you know that wizards' magic increases over time?

Although these saints of mine are all over half a hundred years old, their

strength can at least be one against two. Those Death Eaters of

Voldemort, in front of the saints, had only the fate of being slaughtered. "

"As long as you subdue them, you have the most powerful force in the

wizarding world, and you can easily do anything. Magic family, the

Ministry of Magic dare not mess with you. They've lived half their lives,

they've been with me for years, they've survived the elite, and they've

been precipitated for more than fifty years, and each of them is very

useful, not comparable to the disorderly Death Eaters or the vain Aurors,"

Grindelwald urged his men to prove to Peter that they weren't as empty

as they looked.

Of course, Peter knew that the strength of these saints should not be

underestimated, but he also understood that these saints who had

believed in Grindelwald all their lives could not sincerely recognize him

as the Lord.

Not even Grindelwald himself could change their will.

So instead of accepting a group of unfaithful men, he might as well act as

Grindelwald's agent from the beginning, so that he would not be resisted

by these saints.

If he really wanted to completely control the saints, it would be better to

slowly develop the young saints and let the young people who were loyal

to him slowly replace these old saints.

In another thirty or forty years, when the older saints die of old age or

cannot walk, he can use this to truly eat away at the saints and take them

into his hands.

Anyway, compared to endless life, thirty or forty years is not too long for


Of course, the premise is that he has such ambitions, but unfortunately

Peter belongs to the salted fish attribute.

When he first went to school, he firmly occupied the position of the head

of the college, but left the affairs of the college to the deputy chief he

promoted to do.

Now let him run this group of saints made up of elderly people, he was

even more unhappy, if Grindelwald did not need help, he pointed away.

As if he saw Peter's thoughts, Grindelwald put his wand to his neck and

said to the crowd with a loud incantation: "Everyone, now I will give

Peter York the symbol of the saint in your presence." "

Saying that, he took out a shiny silver necklace, and in the middle of the

necklace hung the symbol of a Deathly Hallow, which looked quaint and


He hung the necklace around Peter's neck and showed it to the crowd,

"Although Peter has refused the right to be the leader of the saints, you

need to remember that from this day forward, he will be the highest

ranking among the saints besides me."

He will have full authority to deal with all matters of the saints on my

behalf, and anyone who dares to disobey his commands will be

considered a betrayal of the saints.

At the same time, he is also my successor, and in the future, after my

death, he will take my place and become your new leader, and no one

can oppose it! "

Saying that the magic on his body broke out again, Ling Yan looked at

everyone and said: "Anyone who dares to disobey this order will be a

traitor to the saints and will be hunted down by the saints." Peter York

has the right to execute those who disobey my orders. Remember? "

The saints looked at Grindelwald, who was full of momentum, and Peter,

who had no influence beside him and was still smiling.

With the previous comparison, they did not have much resistance to this


Anyway, in their opinion, as the heir of the chief, it is justifiable to

inherit the leader's position after his death.

So they all bowed down and replied, "Yes, Chief!" "


Grindelwald nodded with satisfaction, and then swept towards the

thousands of saints with different expressions, the wand in his hand

swiped towards the edge of the stage, a blue wall of fire appeared,

looking at the saints in the audience with a smile, and said: "Now, it's still

the old rule: all those who sincerely recognize their saint identity step

over the wall of fire in turn and come to the stage to prove that your

original intention has not changed." Then with tonight's news, I announce

to the outside world that my Grindelwald's heir, Peter York, will continue

my cause, re-establish the saints, and lead the saints to the light.

Of course, it was also to those wizards and the Ministry of Magic who

were frightened by my movements tonight, and to reassure them that

Grindelwald couldn't sit still and walk out of Newmungard. "

Looking at the raging fire, the saints couldn't help but be frightened and

took a few steps back, if they were touched a little Mars, they were afraid

that they would be burned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

Especially a small number of saints, their faces were pale at this time,

looking at the wall of fire, it was like seeing the end, and they did not

dare to move forward at all.

Looking at the saints with different expressions below, Grindelwald

finally softened his attitude, waved his hand towards the door to open it,

and then said in a complicated tone: "I know that in the past few decades,

some of you have become accustomed to a peaceful life and have

smoothed out the edges. So I understand your thoughts and don't force

you. So now you can turn around, get out of here, walk straight out the

door and go home to live the peaceful life you want. I promise that those

who leave will not be punished and will not be prosecuted in the future.

It's just that after you leave, you will no longer be a member of the saints,

and you will not be relevant in the future."

Hearing this, some saints in the crowd changed their expressions for a

while, looking at Grindelwald who was calm on the stage, and then

secretly looked at the open door, their expressions hesitating, and their

expressions were constantly struggling.

In the end, an old man who looked rich, plucked up his courage, walked

out, knelt on the ground wordlessly, his head was full of sweat, and after

kowtowing with trembling all over, in the surprised and disbelieving eyes

of many saints, he turned around and walked towards the gate with

shame on his face.

Taking weight-bearing steps, as if facing a gamble of life and death, he

did not dare to look back, and his body stiffly walked towards the gate.

Grindelwald looked at the saint walking towards the gate with faint eyes,

but did not say anything, did not move, just watched him quietly walk

out of the gate, like a gambler who escaped for his life, gasped, quickly

left Newmungard Castle, and then in the moonlight, the phantom

transfiguration disappeared and left.

With this person as a demonstration, there was a commotion in the

crowd, and several saints were full of weakness, did not dare to raise

their heads to say goodbye to Grindelwald, and then fled to the gate in a

panic, fearing that there would be Grindelwald's sudden pursuit behind


The leading saints looked at the saints who left one by one, angry and

anxious, and watched them leave in disbelief.

The old witch Anna was very excited, gritted her teeth and looked at

those who hid their faces and fled, the wand in her hand was ringing,

and said with red eyes: "I will kill them, they are all some traitors,

decades of pleasure have corrupted their heads, they have tarnished the

title of saints!" "

Several sane saints beside her hurriedly pulled her, and Joseph, who was

the leader, dragged her with one arm and said sternly: "The chief has

already said that he will not pursue them, and you are so impulsive, do

you want the leader to bear the stain of untrustworthiness." "

About a hundred people left, and there were no more people who left

after that.

But Grindelwald still looked at the people below with a flat face, and

asked again: "Is there anyone else leaving?" I said that if I don't pursue it,

I won't break my word, and other saints won't go against my will. So

those who are not determined should leave as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if you don't cross the wall of fire later, you will only lose your

life in vain. "

In the crowd, some saints looked hesitant, but looked at the indignant

companions around them, as well as Grindelwald, who looked gloomy

under the blue flames on the stage, hesitating whether their loyalty was


There were also a few people hiding in the corner of the crowd, their

faces changed several times at this time, struggling and hesitating

whether to leave.

But looking at Grindelwald on the stage, he always felt that his eyes were

on them, if he left at this time, would he be killed directly?

And Peter was very curious at the surrounding wall of fire at this time,

the temperature of the heat destruction, Peter had no doubt that it could

instantly burn and vaporize the steel.

But he wondered how Grindelwald managed to use it to test loyalty and

allow loyal people to pass through the wall of fire unscathed?

Grindelwald noticed Peter's curiosity, smiled on his face, and said

seductively: "Want to learn?" Call me Master, I can teach you. If I am

satisfied with my attitude, I can teach you other advanced knowledge of

black magic as well. In this world, in the field of dark arts research, there

is no deeper understanding than me. "

Chapter 576: Chapter 577

Chapter 577: Fierce Fire Test Loyalty! Forming Peter's team?!!

"Now, please come to the stage through the wall of fire and officially

return to the status of saints."

Grindelwald said with open arms to the saints below in a welcoming


Looking at the raging fire, several saints led by them glanced at each

other, and then resolutely rushed into the flames and walked towards the


The attribute of burning everything is well known, but at this time, a

phenomenon of subverting cognition appeared.

A few leading saints were surrounded by raging fire, but they all seemed

to have not felt the scorching temperature and burning, and easily passed

through the wall of fire and came to the platform.

"Very good, welcome back! Joseph, Anna, Kritov, and Stephen. "

Grindelwald happily gave them a hug, then extended his hand to Peter

and said, "Now, come and officially meet your future leader, my heir

Peter York." "

The four looked at this smiling and handsome young man and bowed

respectfully to him, "Tribute to you, Master York!" If you have any orders

in the future, you can convey the order to us, and we will do our best to

complete it for you! "

Seeing these four gray-haired old men saluting themselves, Peter

hurriedly used magic to stop them from continuing to bend, and said

with a smile: "You don't have to be so serious, I said that I only

temporarily helped Mr. Grindelwald take charge of the saints, similar to

the assistant, so I am a colleague with you, and there is no need to be too

formal." I will generally stay in the UK in the future, and if you have any

problems, you can go to Hogwarts to find me. "

Although they heard Peter say this, the four did not dare to take it


After all, Grindelwald had publicly announced Peter as his heir, destined

to be the leader of the saints in the future, and it was impossible for them

not to be respectful to Peter.

Moreover, Peter's own strength alone was enough to require them to be

treated respectfully.

Although there is no clear division of strength in the wizarding world, it

is still roughly divided into underage wizards, ordinary wizards, elite-

level wizards, professor-level wizards, and great magicians.

Most of these wizards graduated from school with the strength of

ordinary wizards and mastered basic spells;

The official Aurors, who had entered the Auror Division for three years of

training, had the strength of an elite-level wizard and mastered some

advanced spells.

And senior Aurors like Moody have reached the level of professors;

And wizards whose strength can reach the level of professors are already

very rare in the wizarding world, and they are masters at least in some

aspect of magic, such as Professor McGonagall of Transfiguration Master,

Professor Flitwick, Master of Charms, etc.

Although Snape is a master of Potions, his strength has also reached the

level of professors, and he is also not weak in the study of dark arts, and

even created his own lethal Divine Blade Shadowless Curse, which is

even stronger than Professor McGonagall.

As for the Great Magician-level wizards, that is a rare existence.

As we all know, the existence whose strength has reached the level of a

great magician is Dumbledore, followed by Voldemort, of course,

Grindelwald is also one, and Nicola Flamel, who has been living in

seclusion and has been rumored of death from time to time.

Now, Peter also has the strength of the Great Magician level by relying

on a unique magical ability.

Although he, a great magician, although he had some moisture and did

not have remarkable achievements in a certain magical research, his

strength was already standing at the highest level of the magical world.

For such a powerful wizard as Peter, the saints certainly did not dare to


Moreover, he is still so young and his future achievements are limitless,

as long as it is not to replace the god in their hearts, Grindelwald, the

saints are very welcome to join him.

Therefore, the four saints at the head of Peter were very respectful, and

Joseph even recommended to Peter: "Young Master York, we old fellows

are inconvenient and cannot be by your side at any time. But I have a

grandson, Alec Drassel, who just graduated from Durmstrang and is not

very smart, but serious. I would like to recommend him to follow you

and do whatever you want, he will obey. "

Hearing that Joseph recommended his grandson, several other saints

could not sit still, they themselves believed in Grindelwald, naturally

they would not recognize Peter as Lord.

But their juniors do not matter, and Peter is still the future destined

leader of the saints, and it is naturally in their interest for the juniors to

follow the young and powerful Peter York.

So several people recommended their descendants to Peter.

"Young Master York, my grandson is the heir to the German von Saurern

pure-blood family, he is now in the sixth year of Durmstrang, I can

transfer him to Hogwarts, and I will ask you to teach him more when the

time comes." If you disobey, you can teach him a hard lesson. "

Kritov said with a smile.

"Master York, although I have no descendants, my niece Suzanne

Drogbel, an excellent student graduated from Beauxbatons, she is now

the first assistant to the French Minister of Magic, you can tell her

anything, she will do it for you."

Anna, the old witch, also recommended.

Although Peter had long expected that they would not surrender to him,

he couldn't help but be a little stunned when he saw their behavior of

enthusiastically recommending their juniors to him.

What is the situation here?

Grindelwald had no problem with this, but happily suggested: "Peter, I

think you can accept their recommendation." With these young members

joining, your team can be built in the future, and when we old guys are

all breathing, then you can really control the saints and become the

leaders of the saints. "

Saying that, he pointed to a few saints who were the leaders, and said in

a proud tone: "As for these old guys, they are all tenacious, and they have

been following me for too long, so their brains can't turn around, and

they can't really be used for you." In the future, you will still need to

develop your own young members, and when there is a day when you

have more believers than these old guys, it will be time for you to

become a leader. "

The saints who were criticized were not ashamed of this, but stood there

with a proud face, obviously for them, it was a matter of pride to remain

loyal to Grindelwald.

However, at this time, Peter did not care about the expressions of these

people, but looked confused and headache.

He was a little confused about the situation, so wasn't he just a saint in

custody? How did it develop to the point of forming its own forces?

"Okay, you guys go back first, and work well to let everyone know that

our saints have ushered in a very good heir."

Grindelwald looked at the moonlit forest outside the window and said

faintly: "We have been silent for fifty years, and now that we have made

a comeback, we cannot be unknown." "

Hearing his words, several saints were very excited, but then they looked

at Grindelwald without saying anything, "Chief, then you… Are you

really not leaving here? Now that many people know that you summoned

us, they must have thought you were coming out. Maybe the ministries of

magic of various countries will be dispatched, and they will definitely

come here then. Then you won't be safe here anymore! "

Grindelwald shook his head and said with a disdainful expression: "Don't

worry, the Ministry of Magic has always been a bully who is afraid of the

soft, and these people will not do anything risky until they are absolutely

sure." And don't forget that we built this prison, if I don't go out, even if

they come tens of thousands, then I can't do it! "

Then he looked up somewhere upstairs and said with a sad sigh: "And I

have sworn that I will not leave here, naturally I will not break the oath."

I started my career here, and the future is destined to end here. I built

this prison to hold those who opposed me. But I didn't think that the first

person to be detained was myself, which is probably a cocoon. "

"Chief, with your strength, it is not too difficult to break an oath, why are

you here?"

Joseph asked incomprehensibly.

The other saints did not understand his thoughts, obviously he had the

strength to leave here, but he never thought of breaking the shackles.

Anna, the old witch, even said excitedly: "Chief, since you are not willing

to leave Newmungard, then I also want to live here so that I can take

care of you nearby." "


Grindelwald reprimanded, and then looked at several people majestically

and said: "The only prisoner here is only me from beginning to end, and

no one else will come in in the future." The only thing you have to do is

to obey my orders and assist Peter carefully so that the saints will not die

because of my death. "

The saints looked at the powerful Grindelwald, and the sense of sadness

surged again, could it be that their leader could really only imprison

himself in this prison in the future, and could never get out?

Peter looked at this scene, rolled his eyes, and reminded in a mocking

tone: "Although your leader is not going to leave Newmungard, he did

not say that you will not come and visit him." You are not afraid of those

guards at the Ministry of Magic, you can visit Mr. Grindelwald at any

time anyway. Or simply occupy Newmungard and the vicinity and turn

this place into a base for the saints, won't you be able to protect

Grindelwald at close range? "

Chapter 577: Chapter 578

Chapter 578: Capture Newmungard? Fierce Grindelwald!!

The saints listened to Peter's advice, their eyes brightened, especially

when they heard the last sentence, and suddenly became excited.

Yes, since the mountain is not me, then I will go to the mountain! They

had only thought of getting Grindelwald out and getting out of here.

But Grindelwald is not willing to leave here.

Since Grindelwald does not want to go, then they will simply occupy this

place! On the one hand, it did not change Grindelwald's will, and on the

other hand, it also fulfilled the desire of these saints to get closer to the


"Yes, Young Master York's suggestion is very good!"

Anna said excitedly, "We can set up a camp outside the castle, drive out

the annoying Aurors, and then build a base of saints here just like

Newmungard." In this way, even if the leader does not come out, we can

guard him at any time. "

"Yes, I donate the property of the Drassel family, first renovate

Newmungard Castle, and then buy the land in this vicinity and truly

make this our territory!"

Joseph said with a red face with excitement.

"And I…"

The other two saints also couldn't wait to say that they would do their


At this time, Grindelwald looked at Peter with a dark face, he didn't

expect Peter to make such an outrageous suggestion, and said angrily:

"The mess you caused, think about how to clean it up." Also take

Newmungard? Are you asking the saints to declare war on the European

Ministry of Magic? "

Peter said with a smile: "Am I not solving the problem?" You see that

these subordinates of yours don't want to leave you, and you can't leave

here, so the best thing to do is to let them live close to you.

As for the occupation of Newmungard, it did not have to be done by

force. Just let these saints of yours launch a wealth offensive and turn

this territory into a saint.

Or simply go directly to the Muggle government, and with a little magic

and money, you can buy this land and rightfully occupy it. It won't be a

problem to build a castle or camp then. "

"Do you think the Ministry of Magic is a fool? Will they not know that the

saints did it? "

Grindelwald snorted coldly.

"What about knowing?"

Peter said indifferently, "The saints did not break into Newmungard and

rescue you." I just bought all the land in the vicinity, including

Newmungard, and built a base nearby. Could it be that the Ministry of

Magic can still do it? "

Grindelwald heard Peter's reasoning, and just about to say something, a

miserable cry interrupted his thoughts.

Everyone looked at it, but saw a saint who tried to pass through the

fierce wall of fire, and did not pass through the wall of fire unharmed

like others, but screamed in great pain, and then was quickly burned to

ashes by the fierce fire in panic and despair.

This sudden change frightened the people in line behind, and some

people who believed in their firm beliefs were also a little unconfident.

Especially a few of them who were originally hesitant, looking at the

raging fire at this time, their faces turned pale with fright, their bodies

trembled, and they regretted very much why they wanted to try to

challenge Grindelwald's means.

Grindelwald looked at the saint burned to ashes with an expressionless

face, his eyes were indifferent, as if watching an ant being burned to

death, without any fluctuations.

Peter raised his eyebrows, dying a person didn't have much effect on him,

he just smiled and asked Grindelwald: "What do you say he thinks?" Jean

didn't leave when he left before, didn't he even know what he was

thinking? Or is self-possession capable of fooling you with magic? "

"Just a nobody."

Grindelwald shook his head and said nonchalantly.

Then he said to Peter seriously, "If you want to have complete control

over your power in the future, you better learn my magic." It can help

you distinguish between those who are reliable and those who have bad

intentions! "

"I don't want to call you Master!"

Peter looked at him warily.

This bad old man is very bad and always wants to take advantage of him.

Grindelwald said angrily: "I gave you the saint I worked hard to manage,

so how about letting you call me Master?" A kid who doesn't know how

to be grateful! "

Then sighed and said: "Forget it, your current strength is similar to mine,

the strong naturally have pride, and I won't force you." "

Immediately after, another scream sounded, a bald man wearing reading


The top old wizard, as soon as he put his hand into the wall of fire, the

fierce fire instantly swallowed his arm, and then the flames quickly

climbed up his body along the arm, no matter how he used the spell, he

couldn't extinguish the fierce fire on his body!

"Chief, help me! I was wrong! "

The bald old wizard shouted at Grindelwald in horror, wanting to pray

that he could save himself.

It's a pity that Grindelwald on the stage is still indifferent, watching with

an expressionless face as he is quickly burned to ashes.

The expressions of the four saints at the head were not good-looking,

they did not expect that these companions who had easily passed the test,

after a few decades, their minds had changed, and they could not even

pass the fierce test.

Anna angrily looked at the burned place and said viciously: "These

unfaithful people deserve to die!" They have already betrayed from the

heart. And those who left just now should be burned alive! It's so cheap

to let them go. "

Joseph shook his head and said sadly: "Time is a very testing tool, they

have been changed by time in recent decades, and their will is no longer

firm, so they will be swallowed by fierce fire." "

Two people in a row were consumed by the flames, which frightened

some of them to be undetermined, their faces were pale, sweating and

looking at the deadly wall of fire, and finally couldn't bear the fear,

trembled and rushed out, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to

Grindelwald a few times, and then quietly raised their eyes to observe

Grindelwald's attitude.

"You want to leave?"

Grindelwald didn't look angry and asked in a gentle tone.

Several saints nodded tremblingly, and then carefully waited for his


"Okay then…"

Grindelwald said with a sigh.

Several saints looked at Grindelwald's softened tone, and the stone in

their hearts finally landed, thinking that he agreed, and kowtowed to

Grindelwald with joy, and then got up and quickly ran towards the open


Just as they approached the gate, the originally calm wall of fierce fire

instantly soared, and several long fire whips quickly flew out, directly

entangling several people who were about to step out of the gate.

Then pumped hard, and several people didn't even let out a scream, and

they were directly burned into ashes by the fire whip!

"I've already given the chance, but you guys didn't seize it…"

Grindelwald said faintly, and then with a wave of his hand, summoned a

wind to sweep the ashes on the ground out of the gate, flying like


Only then did he turn around and say in a faint tone: "Go on." "

The saints present were deterred by this hand, holding their breath, not

daring to have a different heart, even if they had miscellaneous thoughts,

they had to desperately hypnotize themselves.

And those who originally wanted to come out and follow away, at this

time, looked at the blue wall of fire, waiting for their fate.

Peter also looked at Grindelwald in surprise at this time, such a fierce

and decisive method, no wonder he was once called the Dark Lord.

One by one, the saints walked through the wall of fire, first saluted

Grindelwald, then worshipped Peter, and finally gathered neatly and

orderly to the other side, waiting for instructions.

Some saints who were slightly less determined, although they did not

easily pass through the wall of fire like others, endured the flames, and

finally came to the stage unharmed, rejoicing and full of shame, but

under Grindelwald's attitude of no mustard, they stood in their place with


Of course, those who are not strong-willed naturally did not escape the

fate of being burned to death in the end, and when they came into

contact with the fierce fire, it was like oil stained with fire, quickly

ignited, and burned into ashes in pain.

When the last saint successfully crossed the wall of fire, the fierce flame

disappeared instantly, Grindelwald looked at these saints who passed the

test, and said very happily: "Although I said the same thing back then,

after more than fifty years, I want to solemnly say to you again: Welcome

to join the saints!" "

Chapter 578: Chapter 579

Chapter 579: The European Wizarding World is Boiling! Transform


There was a major earthquake in the European magical world, because

Grindelwald was suspected of coming out

The European Magic Journal took the lead in reporting Grindelwald's

signs of summoning believers in various European countries and

confirming that a large number of wizards had gathered at Newmungard

at the same time.

"According to this newspaper has repeatedly confirmed, it is certain that

the Saint mark that floated over the major cities before is indeed the

means by which the Dark Lord Grindelwald summons believers.

According to the data obtained by the reporter from the magic detection

department of the Ministry of Magic of various European countries, at

least a thousand wizards moved to Austria in a short period of time

yesterday. According to an Austrian official, these people are basically

sure to be the saints who wreaked havoc around the world with

Grindelwald… It's not clear why Grindelwald is making a comeback after

half a century. But we can only hope that he is not trying to start a war

in the wizarding world again, otherwise the wizarding world will once

again fall into a dangerous situation…"

"According to the news released by the Austrian Minister of Magic

Sebastian Roald in the morning, they have lost control of Newmungard, a

large number of saints have gathered near Newmungard, and it is not

known whether Grindelwald has left Newmungard, and further

information is still waiting to be confirmed…"

Subsequently, European countries also reported the news of

Grindelwald's suspected prison escape for the first time, and even the

British "Daily Prophet" reprinted the report of the "European Magic Daily"

under the instruction of the Ministry of Magic, and also intimately gave

the British magic people who did not know Grindelwald to detail his


When the people in the European wizarding community were immersed

in the fear of the return of the Dark Lord Grindelwald, the German magic

daily "Daily Prophet" suddenly broke a shocking news, saying that

Grindelwald summoned the saint this time, not intending to reappear,

but he chose an heir and decided to hand the saint over to the new heir.

And he himself continued to stay in Newmungard and did not intend to

come out.

When many people questioned the authenticity of this news, German

Minister of Magic Florian confirmed the news to the public, assuring the

public that there was no need to cup the shadow of the snake, and that

Grindelwald's decision to hand over the power of the saints to the heir

meant that he had no intention of starting up any more strife.

Moreover, half a century has passed now, and those saints back then are

already old people, and they are not too threatening.

Out of trust in this powerful minister, the people of the German

wizarding community were the first to calm down, and both wizards and

Muggles were accustomed to treating the elderly as a vulnerable group,

so when they saw the newspapers full of elderly saints, they lowered

their vigilance.

Under the intentional or unintentional operation of the German Ministry

of Magic, some commentators also jokingly called saints an elderly

society, deliberately weakening the attack power of saints.

But the attention of the people in the wizarding world at this time was

not on the saint or Grindelwald, but on the heir, especially when they

saw the picture of the saint's gathering in the newspaper, the very

handsome young man standing next to Grindelwald guessed his identity.

Peter's identity is not well known to the European public, but Peter has

not deliberately concealed it, so soon his identity was discovered by the

vast number of reporters, and after careful investigation, the results of

the investigation made the reporters very excited.

The next day, newspapers published a copy of Peter York, the heir to the

leader of the saints.

"According to the reporter's verification, the young man selected by

Grindelwald as the heir, named Peter York, 18 years old, graduated from

Hogwarts, England, is currently Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts

Professor and St. Mungo's Chief Healer, winner of the Merlin Order of the

Second Class, with excellent results, in the OWL and NEWT exams, he got

twelve full O's respectively, and is the best student since the

establishment of the school.

At the same time, his strength is also very strong, he has fought off the

dark wizard Voldemort head-on several times, and is regarded as the

second wizard with great magical strength after Dumbledore… The most

surprising thing is that Peter York is the second wizard to achieve

immortality today, besides Nicolaimet!

Even his immortality can be claimed to be the most perfect method of

immortality, he completed the transformation through the power of the

phoenix, possessed an immortal body, and was able to be reborn like a

phoenix! Theoretically he could live forever! Peter York generously

announced his path to immortality, but because it was so difficult, no one

else had yet implemented it.

The author does not know why such an excellent young wizard with

unlimited potential would choose to become the heir of Grindelwald the

Dark Lord. But now that he has officially become the new leader of the

saints, he only hopes that he can lead the saints to the right and bright

path, and not repeat Grindelwald's mistakes.

Of course, we have reason to expect from this successor, Peter York, after

all, his previous behavior in the UK shows that he is a decent person who

can join forces with Dumbledore to fight the dark wizard Voldemort…"

"This is your propaganda method, preaching my great name


Peter slammed the newspaper on the table and questioned Grindelwald,

who was looking at him dissatisfiedly.

"Whoops… Ah, that's cool! "

Grindelwald will take a breath

The broth was drunk, and then he roared comfortably, "After decades of

nibbling black bread, I finally ate such a delicious thing today, it is really

in vain." "

Then he slowly turned his head and said to the house-elf who was quietly

waiting on the side with a smile: "Flash, right?" I'm done eating and can

clean up. "

The house-elf didn't move, but looked at Peter, waiting for his


Peter nodded angrily, and then said viciously to Grindelwald: "I shouldn't

be kind and let Shining cook for you." Next time you will continue to eat

your black bread, saving you so much energy to pit me. "

Dressed in a brand new little suit and not as nervous as other house-

elves, Sparkle skillfully snapped her fingers, and the leftovers on the table

disappeared, while the plates flew to the side kitchen and jumped into

the sink herself.

Grindelwald didn't care about Peter's tone, but looked at the flashing

with some interest, and praised: "This house-elf of yours has been trained

well by you." I also had a house-elf, but it was too noisy, so I accidentally

cut off its head. It's a pity to think about it now. "

Suddenly there was the sound of shattering porcelain in the kitchen, and

then there was a panicked movement.

Peter gave him a blank look, picked up the newspaper on the table again,

and asked, "Tell me what you mean by proclaiming my name to everyone

in this way?" I was originally going to be the person behind the scenes,

but you completely sabotaged my plans! "

"Then what do you mean by transforming my cell like this?"

Grindelwald pointed to the changed room and asked rhetorically.

At this time, the house no longer had the appearance of a cell, the room

was enlarged countless times, and the thick dirt on the ground was

cleaned to reveal smooth marble slabs and thick carpets.

The walls are also painted with white paint and luxurious wallpaper in

the Austrian style.

In thousands of square meters of space, the bedroom, kitchen, toilet and

bathroom are readily available.

Even the leaky windowsill has been transformed into a wide balcony,

with loungers and parasols and greenery hanging around it.

Sitting here, you can clearly see the scene below and see the snow-

capped Alps in the distance.

It can be said that the room at this time is already a very comfortable rest


And this transformation only took a short and a half a day, Peter himself

was responsible, and then a few house-elves contributed by the saints

worked together to transform it.

"I'm good to you!"

Peter said angrily, "Since you don't want to leave here, then I definitely

can't watch you continue to lie in the iron bed and nibble on black

bread." Otherwise, those subordinates of yours would definitely scold me

behind my back. "

Saying that, he pointed to the saints who were busy building camps

below the window, "Besides, they are here, and it must be uncomfortable

for them to watch their leaders suffer here." Since they dare not tell you,

then it is up to me to do it. Isn't it good for everyone? "

Chapter 579: Chapter 580

Chapter 580 The reason for choosing Peter, do you want the fire of


Seeing the saint who was directing the house-elf to work below,

Grindelwald's face darkened, and then smirked: "I am also good for you,

since you are the future leader of my saints, naturally you should no

longer be unknown." Sooner or later, you have to let the public know

your identity, and the sooner this is announced, isn't it better, those guys

in the province who don't have long eyes get into you, and it's also a

bunch of trouble. "

I thank you! Peter complained in his heart.

He looked at Grindelwald's face as if he saw through him, and said with a

wicked smile in his eyes: "You don't want these saints to stay in

Newmungard so much, do you think it's a disgraceful thing to be locked

up here because as we all know, you were locked up here after being

defeated by Dumbledore." So don't you want the saints to see your

downfall and feel that you have lost your Dark Lord Grindelwald's force?


Then he comforted with a bad heart: "There is no need to have such a big

psychological pressure, Gellert." There is no shame in losing to

Dumbledore, he is known as the greatest wizard. You will live here well

in the future, and when the interest comes, you can go to the windowsill

to say hello to the saints on the ground, presumably they will be very

excited. "

As for the new young saints in the future, I can let them come under your

castle to admire you first.

and told them that their spiritual leader, Grindelwald, lived on the

highest part of the castle and watched them from above.

Peter looked at Grindelwald, whose face was getting darker and darker,

with a mocking face, thinking that he would be angry, but after a while,

he suddenly laughed, and then said to Peter playfully: "Since I handed

over the saint to you, I am naturally prepared in my heart." It's just that

have you ever thought that if you let the saints get so close to me, as long

as I don't die for a day, my influence will be above you, and you can't

really control them one day. They will always be loyal only to me! "

"Gellert, don't provoke me with words, I know my ability, I am far

inferior to you in persuasion and control. What's more, these saints have

believed in you for almost a lifetime, and it is almost impossible for them

to convert to recognize me as Lord. "

Peter said with a smile, "And they are all old men of seventy and eighty,

determined and resourceful, I don't have the confidence to control them

or be your agent." It's less annoying. "

"You're still too modest, Peter."

Grindelwald patted him on the shoulder and said, his heterochromatic

pupils looked at him deeply, "You are very clever, you know that my old

subordinates are not easy to subdue, so you put forward the proposal to

let the saints be stationed next to Newmungard nearby, which satisfied

the wishes of the saints and won their unanimous favor." Then he took

the initiative to renovate my cell to make my living environment better,

which won the saints' sense and recognition. "

Their attitude towards you should be different now, especially if they

don't resist your instructions, which is a good step.

Next, you just have to keep walking and gradually gain more favor and

recognition from them, even if one day I die.

They will also truly recognize you as their leader, and that's one of the

means of mastering people.

"I" Peter just wanted to argue that he didn't have such a heart

Grindelwald raised his hand to block his words, looked at him with

appreciation and said: I know that you don't have such thoughts, you just

want this group of saints to be able to listen to your instructions.

But you do instinctively, consciously or unconsciously, to follow this


It shows that you have the potential to be a leader, and that's good.

Only in this way can I hand over the saints to you with more confidence.

He motioned for Peter to follow, and the two came to the windowsill and

looked down at the people below who were busy building the saints'


Especially the head of the saint Yo Beifou, although he has one arm and

white hair looks to be eighty or ninety years old, but at this time he is

excitedly directing the house-elves, using magic to quickly build a stone


And next to him, a very young man, about the same age as Peter, was

also helping.

He pointed to the young man and said, "That young man is Joseph's

grandson Alec Drassel, the heir to the Russell family, and their family is

one of Durmstrang's school trustees, one of the most powerful families in

the European wizarding world. Didn't Joseph recommend him to you

before? I suggest you consider taking him as your right and left hand. "

Joseph they are loyal to me, but they will also consider for their own

family so let the juniors follow you, the future leader, it is in their

interests You can accept Joseph's kindness, the new generation of saints,

mainly composed of the descendants of these saints, accept them, it is

very helpful for you to form your own power in the future.

"Why are you doing this?"

Peter looked at Grindelwald with puzzlement in his eyes, "We have only

met a few times, and there is no blood relationship, why do you want to

give me the saints you have built, and even help me form my own

forces?" Dumbledore? Doesn't it count, does it? Dumbledore and I can

only be considered a partnership. "

When Grindelwald heard this, he laughed, he looked directly at Peter,

and asked: "You also know about my original affairs, so do you think I

have established the saints with one hand and led them around to

conquer, do you think I am going to do?" Or did I, as they say, want to

enslave Muggles and become king of the wizarding world? "

"I've heard you give a speech at the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris, and I

think that's what you really think."

Peter hesitantly said his true thoughts, "You should be dissatisfied with

the implementation of the International Secrecy Act, after all, with the

rapid development of Muggles, the living space of the masters will

become smaller and smaller.

Eventually, a war might break out between the two, and the most likely

outcome would be a Muggle victory. The best outcome is nothing more

than a lose-lose situation. So you see results like this and want to change

the status quo. I don't know if I'm right? "

Grindelwald looked at Peter in surprise and satisfaction, and then said

with a sigh: "That's right, I was desperate to change this fate at that time."

But no matter how hard I struggled, I couldn't change reality. What even

makes me feel powerless is that everything I do has contributed to the

fulfillment of destiny. I'm like a chess piece that has already been set, and

it's all wrong to move! "

Then he looked at Peter with inquiring and curious eyes, "It wasn't until I

saw you that I saw a miracle." "

"You know, I foresaw Albus' fate fifty years ago, and he would die at the

end of June this year. I saw him fall from the tower; Even I foresaw my

own death, at the hands of Lord Voldemort! "

"But now, I'm seeing another ending, one I never expected. When I

summed up all these differences, I found that all the nodes that change

come from you! "

Grindelwald looked around Peter, "I originally accepted my fate, because

I was just a small fish struggling in the river of destiny, no matter how

hard I tried, it was impossible to change the direction of the river." "

But your presence shattered that possibility.

You are like a water monkey from the shore, building your dwelling in

this river.

Little by little, you build embankments, successfully blocking and even

changing the course of the river.

Such an existence that is not bound by fate is simply a miracle!

Peter was uncomfortable being stared at by Grindelwald, and always felt

seen through.

At the same time, he was also very surprised, he did not expect that he

could predict the death of Dumbledore and himself decades ago, such a

prophetic talent is really powerful!

Grindelwald noticed the change in Peter's expression, and said with a

clear smile: "It seems that you also know the end of Albus and me!" So

you deliberately changed Albus' ending, didn't you? What an incredible

ability. You are like Cloto (the goddess of fate) alive, easily weaving the

fate of all related people. Even a given fate will not work for you. "

"So that's why you chose me? Because I can change my destiny? "

Peter asked, looking at him suspiciously.

"This is one of them. Most importantly, I want to see if the magical

world, which has already ended up, can change the original ending and

have a new direction with your participation? "

Grindelwald said expectantly.

Peter shrugged, then spread his palm, and a small ball of crimson flame

appeared in front of him with a smile, and said: "I heard that your

assistant Vida Rozier has taken someone to Australia to capture another

phoenix." Would you like to try this one in my hand? This way you have

enough time to wait for the future corpse. "

Chapter 580: Chapter 581

Chapter 581 Is there a loan or a return? Peter's Business Experience!!

Grindelwald looked at the Nirvana Fire in Peter's hand and said to Peter

with a smile: "Are you sure that it can really make me have an immortal

body like you, and there will be no accidents?" "

Peter coughed dryly, his eyes fluttered for a moment, and then replied

with an affirmative face: "Of course, as long as you want, I can help you

truly have an immortal body!" At that time, you will be able to be like a

phoenix, constantly reborn in nirvana and have a young body again! And

no one else can ever kill you! "

Grindelwald listened to Peter's words, looked at the gorgeous flame in his

palm, looked at him playfully and said: "You help me so generously,

aren't you afraid that after I have an immortal body, I will regret taking

the saint back into my hands?" You must know that the current saints are

loyal to me, as long as I give an order, they will not hesitate to point

their wands at you! In this way, you will be empty. "

"Then I'm relaxed, managing an organization like the saints, I'm afraid I'll

be exhausted."

Peter said with a relieved look.

But in his heart, he sneered, if Grindelwald really dared to unload the

grind and kill the donkey, he had a way to punish the other party.

The reason why Peter took the initiative to use the Nirvana Fire in his

hand to help Grindelwald was to avoid that he would try to fuse the

Nirvana Fire of other phoenixes.

Otherwise, he would probably be hunted down and killed by the furious

saints! Because the path of immortality he announced is a pit, originally

used to pit people.

Peter wondered if he could replicate his experience to others.

But according to the system, if you rashly use the fire of nirvana and

phoenix blood to help people achieve nirvana, the greatest possibility is

that that person will become a phoenix.

Although he does have an immortal body, he can only maintain his

phoenix body forever!

Turning from wizards to magical creatures is not unusual in the

wizarding world.

Because for thousands of years, many wizards who have tried to

transform magic into accidents will occur in this situation, such as five-

legged monsters, human-headed scorpion-tailed beasts, hippogriffins with

winged beasts, etc., which were originally accidentally transformed by


Therefore, there is a consensus in the wizarding world that the Animagus

transformation is usually limited to non-magical creatures, and the

transformation of magical creatures (such as dragons, phoenixes, etc.)

will bring unpredictable consequences.

So if someone wants to obtain an immortal body using the method Peter

announced, the end result is that that person is forever transformed into

a phoenix! Contribute to the number of phoenixes in the world.

Of course, it is not without solutions. That was Peter's willingness to

share a little of his nirvana fire.

Because Peter's Nirvana Fire has been optimized and upgraded with the

help of the fusion of the system.

That's why he can freely transform between the phoenix and the human


into an upgraded version of Animagus in some sense.

If Peter is willing to share a little of his nirvana fire, it doesn't take much,

just a little bit of origin, and he can help another person also have the

immortal body of the phoenix.

The best part is that the person who used the Fire of Peter's Nirvana has

an immortal body and still retains a human body.

But if Peter wanted to, the shared flame of nirvana could be taken back

by him at any time.

And the little nirvana fire that was shared can slowly grow on its own,

and if it is withdrawn, it can quickly expand Peter's origin in a short


Ever since he spoke to Thor the Phoenix, Peter knew that the phoenix

was not immortal with nirvana, as wizards thought.

Rather, it depends on the amount of the Source in his body, which is the

fire of Nirvana.

The more phoenixes the origin, the longer they can live.

On the surface, the Death Curse cannot kill the undead phoenix, but in

fact, the Death Curse can reduce the origin in the phoenix's body, and

once it is killed hundreds of times by the Death Curse, it is still possible

that due to the exhaustion of the origin, it will no longer be able to be

reborn in Nirvana, and eventually die completely.

According to Phoenix Thor, the best way to restore the origin is to find

an active volcano and stay in it for hundreds of years to restore the origin

and grow it.

Instead of this time-consuming and stupid method, the system provided

Peter with a method that worked best for him, which was to share his

nirvana fire with others, especially magical wizards.

Although this method will initially reduce his origin, just borrow it and

then use the magic of others to warm your own origin.

Wait until the right time to withdraw his origin, so that his origin will

grow rapidly in a short period of time.

Although this method is somewhat harmful to others and

disadvantageous to himself, as long as the method is appropriate, he can

rely on this method to greatly improve the origin, and even be able to

truly raise the origin

Ascend to the realm of immortality.

At that time, relying on the Phoenix Origin alone, he might be able to

become a person comparable to a god who stepped into the divine realm.

Before, he snatched half of Thor's Origin from Voldemort, and after

fusing, he felt the benefits of the Origin supplementation, not only his

body size was doubled, his mana power was greatly improved, and even

his vitality was increased several times.

If he could only withstand five hundred life spells before, now he can

withstand fifteen hundred life spells without dying! That's the obvious


So this is also the reason why he actively wants to help Grindelwald

Nirvana, and he looks at this Nirvana Fire in his hand, which is only one-

tenth of his origin.

But Peter quietly calculated that if he lent Grindelwald, he could be

generous, and when Grindelwald's Nirvana Fire grew in the future, he

could take only two-thirds.

The remaining third will continue to stay with Grindelwald, and then

slowly warm up…

Thinking like this, Peter couldn't help but smile on his face, and took the

Nirvana Flame towards Grindelwald's face with more enthusiasm, and

said: "How, as long as you want, I can let you have an immortal body

immediately, and there are no side effects, and you can also rejuvenate."

When the time comes, you can do whatever you want, and no one can

threaten you! "

Looking at this flame that had no burning power, Grindelwald

instinctively stepped back to avoid it and Peter's hand, and then squinted

at Peter, and said suspiciously: "You shouldn't be fighting some bad idea,

right?" Boy, although I am old, I am not something you can fool. "

"How can it be! I just want to help you, after all, if you are such a

powerful wizard, if you die early, it would be a pity, wouldn't it? "

Peter retorted with a disgruntled look and raised his hand to show, "If

you don't feel at ease, we can set an unbreakable curse." Guaranteed not

to have any threatening thoughts for you. "

Then he coughed dryly, "Of course, I'm not without conditions. After all,

this fire of nirvana is closely related to my life, and any part of it is a

weakening of my origin.

So we can make a contract that can be returned directly to me after ten

years, two-thirds of your own origin, and settle it all at once. Or you can

return it in batches, starting again after ten years, and give me a tenth of

your origin every ten years until it ends in two hundred years. Pretty

cost-effective, right? "

Listening to Peter's words, Grindelwald's face became more and more

strange, his eyes stared at Peter who looked like a profiteer, and the

corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Good fellow, is this usury?

Peter saw Grindelwald's expression and thought he was frightened by his

own interest.

He quickly cried and explained: "Don't think that I am pitting you, you

must know that this fire of nirvana is determined by immortality." Except

for me, I'm afraid no one will be willing to share the origin, so in order to

ensure that my origin is not exhausted, I can only collect some returns to

fill the gap of my origin, so that I will not suffer, right? "

Seeing that Grindelwald was still indifferent, Peter was a little anxious,

gritted his teeth and said: "The first choice does seem to be a loss, but

you must know that this is a one-time settlement." I will only take two-

thirds of your origin, and the other third belongs to you, and you only

need to cultivate it for another twenty or thirty years, and the origin can

be restored.

If you really feel that you have lost money, you can also choose the

second option. I can suffer a loss and reduce it by fifty years, when the

time comes, you only need to return one-tenth of the origin to me in a

total of 15 times in one hundred and fifty years, how about it? I am very

sincere with you. "

Chapter 581: Chapter 582

Chapter 582 Quality Customer! The situation at the Ministry of Magic has

changed dramatically!!

"Don't hesitate, this is immortality, it can make you live longer than

Nicolaime, and you don't have to be like a living dead like him."

Peter persuaded, "Although your men have gone to Australia to help you

catch the phoenix. But without my help, I am not responsible for

accidents. "

Grindelwald, who became more and more outrageous the more he

listened, turned directly and walked towards the living room, and if he

stayed any longer, he felt that he would be reluctant to throw him off the


"Hey, Gellert, you haven't answered me yet! Which repayment option do

you want? I'm good to write down the agreement. "

Peter hurriedly asked.

"Let's wait until you can make Dumbledore willing to live forever."

Grindelwald said angrily.

"Oh… Dumbledore... I get it! "

Peter looked suddenly, squeezed his eyebrows and said to him, "What a

touching friendship… I get it! "

Then he sighed and said, "Dumbledore, this is not a mistake… O

persuasive man. "

Especially since he is not interested in immortality.

For people who see through life and death like this, they simply cannot

use ordinary people's methods to deal with it.

But if you can really let Dumbledore also fuse his Nirvana fire, you will

get a very high-quality customer.

With a powerful wizard like 16 Dumbledore, as long as he is given one-

tenth of the origin, he can cultivate several times the origin in ten years,

and at that time, whether it is settled at once or settled every ten years,

he will have several times the income.

And in addition to Dumbledore, the quality customers in Peter's heart,

there is also the Nicolame couple.

This couple lived for more than six hundred years, and their magic power

is arguably the largest of all wizards.

Peter believed that the couple, especially Nicolem, would not reject

Peter's nirvana fire.

Presumably they will be happy to enjoy having a young body.

In addition to them, Voldemort is also a very good object, but

unfortunately this is a madman, and he throws Avada's life curse at every


Of course, if there is a chance, he will be happy to give him a share for

free, as long as he waits for the right time to directly take back all the

origin at once, just as if he were a one-time ATM.

Grindelwald ignored Peter's calculating smile, but directly carried the

cage containing Phoenix Thor and said to Peter: "I'm going to the

laboratory to study this Horcrux, don't bother me if you don't have to." "

With that, he turned and walked into a room that led down the stairs.

Thor the Phoenix in the cage called out to Peter in a bit of a panic, it

didn't want to talk to this wizard with a strong dark magic atmosphere, it

felt that this was not a good person.

But at this time, Peter was full of thoughts about how to strengthen the

origin, so he waved his hand insincerely, barely comforting this uneasy


In order to prevent Voldemort from controlling Phoenix Thor by

manipulating the Horcruxes, Peter and Grindelwald decided not to let it

come out until the soul piece in its body was solved.

And Peter didn't really want to see Thor at this time, because this guy

still remembered that Peter swallowed half of its origin, so whenever he

had the opportunity, he kept shouting for Peter to return its origin.

What was swallowed, Peter would naturally not be willing to hand over,

not to mention that he had already fused.

Therefore, he can only avoid the debt collector Thor as much as possible,

hoping that one day he will forget or simply give up.

Looking at the busy saint below, Peter muttered, "It's time to go back." "

Now the saints have set up camp near Newmungard, with Joseph, Anna

and others commanding, and Grindelwald living on a tower to watch

them from a distance.

The saints are old members and have an orderly division of labor, so

there is no need for Peter to do anything more here.

He hadn't been back to school in a while, and his Defense Against the

Dark Arts classes were taught by Professor Snape.

Dumbledore also left Newmungard for Hogwarts on the night of the

Saints' Gathering.

For this white saint, Peter is more normal, and he does not expect that

these saints, who have been loyal to Grindelwald all their lives, will

change their ways under his overbearing spirit.

So he still did what he could, and left everything else to the saints


And he now has another concern, that is, his subordinate Hayman Rozier,

and Grindelwald's most trusted assistant, Vida Rozier, are relatives and


And Rozier's son was killed by Peter, and Rozier was also controlled by

Peter with a puppet potion and modified his memory with the Oblivion

Curse to make the sea of hatred for Peter to the bone

Manrozier became a man loyal to him.

As a member of the Rozier family, it is impossible that Vida Rozier is

unaware of puppet potions.

She is now busy catching the phoenix for Grindelwald, and she has not

even arrived at Grindelwald's previous summons.

But if you come back, you might find that something is wrong with

Heiman Rozier.

As a high-ranking member of the saints, Vidarozier has great prestige

among the saints.

If she wanted to confront Peter, it would indeed cause Peter some


However, Peter did not put too much pressure on this, nor did he let

avoid Vidarozier.

After leaving a message to Grindelwald, Peter directly pinched a portkey

given by Dumbledore and disappeared directly in place.

Meanwhile, the British wizarding community has been in crisis these

days, as Voldemort and his Death Eaters no longer hidden, as if they had

the confidence to do so.

Although the Ministry of Magic had sent a large number of Aurors in

pursuit, even the strikers, the Death Eaters could always predict in

advance, and when the Aurors rushed in, they only saw Muggle corpses

and burned houses, as well as the dark mark that dangled in the sky.

The discerning eye of the Ministry of Magic knew that there was most

likely a Death Eater's eyeliner within the Ministry of Magic, but after a

strict investigation by Minister of Magic Scrimgeour it still had no effect.

Instead, it made the people of the Ministry of Magic panic.

And to the great dismay of Minister Scrimgeour they detected that a large

number of foreign wizards had come to England through irregular

channels, most of them wizards from the United States.

Under the watchful eye of the Aurors, the wizards swaggered into

Wiltshire, England.

And that was where Malfoy Manor was located, and it was now known to

be home to the Death Eaters.

Scrimgeour specifically asked the American Magical Congress about this,

asking what was going on? Are American wizards going to join the Death

Eaters and participate in magical wars?

But the American Magical Congress apparently denied this, indicating

that they had not heard of it and had no intention of participating in the

war in the British magical community.

Not to mention Scrimgewe's concerns about this matter, just inside the

Ministry of Magic, now internal and external troubles, many high-ranking

officials of the Ministry of Magic are members of pure-blood families, and

the previous disputes over the Ministry of Magic were all on the sidelines,

silently betting on the two forces.

But recently, I don't know what news I have obtained, and they have

taken the initiative to behave, and even disobeyed Scrimgeur's


Scrimgeour had a headache about this, but he didn't have time to pay

attention to it, only because the Death Eaters were very rampant these

days, killing people everywhere and setting fires with impunity, and

according to the Aurors who fought the Death Eaters, these Death Eaters

had high magical strength, and with tacit understanding, they often

deliberately stayed behind after killing to wait for the arrival of the

Aurors, and then ambushed the arriving Aurors.

This cost Aurors a lot, and every day Aurors were admitted to St. Mungo's

Hospital for resuscitation, and even Aurors died at the hands of Death


Scrimgeour was powerless against it, and the massive loss of the Aurors

and the overwhelming number of letters of complaint made him


Even his strong proposal to allow the Aurors to use the Death Eater

"Death Spell" was united against the Ministry of Magic.

They consider the use of the Unforgivable Curse to violate the Ministry of

Magic's consistent thrust and legal ordinances as a very inhumane act.

It was therefore rejected.

Scrimgeour was furious about this, so many Aurors were killed by Death

Eaters with the Death Curse, and these Ministry of Magic high-ranking

officials turned a blind eye.

Instead, they thought it was inhumane for Aurors to use the Death Eater

on the Death Eaters.

Just as he contacted the Daily Prophet to decide through a popular vote

not to use the Death Curse, he had no idea that someone within the

Ministry of Magic was quietly preparing to do something to him.

When Peter returned to Hogwarts, before he could make a hot chair, a

badger patronus rushed in from the outside, and Cedric's anxious voice

was heard inside: "Peter, come to the Ministry of Magic to help,

Scrimgeour has been murdered." Many Death Eaters have broken into the

Ministry of Magic, Alan and I are fighting the Death Eaters, there are

more and more of them, we can't hold on…"

Chapter 582: Chapter 583

Chapter 583: Death Eaters Attack the Ministry of Magic! Cedric and

Alan's battle!!

Receiving Cedric's rescue news, Peter's eyebrows furrowed, he looked at

the black and oppressive weather outside, only felt that the situation was

getting more and more complicated, Scrimgeour died too early, and now

I am afraid that it is chaos.

He didn't have much time to think about it now, he didn't care if the

Ministry of Magic fell or not, but his two companions, Cedric and Alan,

were working at the Ministry of Magic, and he was definitely going to

save it.

So he directly summoned the Patronus to leave a message for

Dumbledore, and disappeared into the office in an instant.

At the same time, outside the office door, a figure quietly hidden in the

corner of the wall also quietly left there, only a conspicuous pale blond

hair accidentally revealed in the firelight.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Magic is in chaos and panic, Minister

Scrimgeour is suddenly murdered, and the Death Eaters attack the

Ministry in a big way.

And many high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Magic seemed to have

received the news in advance, and invariably took leave in advance to

leave the Ministry of Magic, or simply hid directly.

Only Amelia Burns, the head of the Ministry of Magic's Law Enforcement

Division, hastily led a portion of the Aurors and strikers who remained at

the Ministry of Magic to resist.

However, due to the disparity in numbers and unequal combat power, he

retreated and stayed on the floor of the Law Enforcement Division to

fight fiercely against the Death Eaters.

As a Ministry of Magic official, Amelia Burns called on all the Ministry of

Magic to fight the Death Eaters, but apparently it did not have much

effect, and many Ministry of Magic staff were at an ordinary level of

magic, and they were frightened and fled in panic, not even having the

courage to resist the Death Eaters.

Swarm into the teleportation fireplace or hide in the office shivering.

However, Cedric and Alan responded positively to Amelia Burns' call and

joined other young colleagues in the fight against the Death Eaters.

And because the magic level of the two is good, even stronger than the

Aurors, they have gradually become the main force of the resistance

team, and they are on the front line of the battle and fierce battle with

the enemy.

But in the face of more and more Death Eaters, the two also felt more

and more bad.

Amelia Burns cut off the Floo net in advance to delay the arrival of the

Death Eaters, but the Death Eaters had already prepared, and groups of

ten appeared in the halls of the Ministry of Magic with their portkeys.

In a short time, thousands of Death Eaters appeared in the Ministry of


Laughing maniacally and wantonly destroying everywhere.

"Damn, where did these Death Eaters get so many portkeys? And it's all

still straight to the Ministry of Magic? "

After fighting off one Death Eater, Cedric cursed in annoyance as he

watched more and more Death Eaters.

After almost a year at the Ministry of Magic, Cedric seemed to have

matured considerably, cooperating with Alan in attacking the Death

Eaters and rescuing colleagues who were fighting with them from time to


"Hmph, the Ministry of Magic has been infiltrated into a sieve! It's not a

strange thing to get these portkeys. "

Alan said to Cedric as he fought, "Haven't you noticed that there are a lot

of people on leave today, who obviously knew about the Death Eaters'

attack on the Ministry of Magic for a long time, so they dodged early." "

"Are they on the side of the Death Eaters?!"

Cedric asked in disbelief, shocked and angry.

"Not really, but don't forget that the Death Eaters are almost all pure-

bloods, and it's not hard to know the news in advance. And although we

are also purebloods, because we chose Dumbledore's side, they have

already drawn us out of the range. "

Alan snorted coldly, "These guys are all wall grass, they just need to

stand on the sidelines and watch quietly, as long as they wait for which

side has signs of victory, they will immediately jump into the opposing

camp and earn the maximum benefit."

And apparently, a victory on Voldemort's side would guarantee them the

highest benefits, so they would love to see the Ministry of Magic

occupied by the Death Eaters. Even willing to provide some help, those

portkeys are obviously their handiwork. Without the grant of the

Ministry of Magic's high-level, it would not have been possible to make

so many door keys that went straight to the Ministry of Magic. "

"There are more and more Death Eaters, and if we don't come to the

reinforcements, I'm afraid we won't even be able to hold this floor!"

Cedric dodged a deadly spell and said worriedly, "I just sent Peter a letter

asking for help, but I wonder if he is in the UK now?" He seems to have

been abroad lately, and I don't know if my patronus can go to him. "

"I don't know where these Death Eaters came from? Hasn't Peter already

solved a lot of Death Eaters before? Where did that guy find so many new

members, and the strength is not weak, it feels more powerful than those

Aurors in the Aurors. "

"The Department of Magical Transportation has previously discovered

that a large number of wizards have entered illegally from abroad, and it

seems that these are these people. Their accents are not local, but very

similar to those on the American side. "

Alan directly unleashed a black spell to knock out the Death Eaters who

were attacking Cedric while answering Peter's question.

He frowned, looked at the steady stream of Death Eaters, and said to

Cedric, "If there are no reinforcements yet, we'll break through together

later and try to get out of here." "

The resistance team organized by Amelia Burns was not strong, under the

continuous attacks of the Death Eaters, the few Aurors and strikers were

quickly defeated by the Death Eaters, only Burns and a few slightly

stronger Aurors, as well as Cedric and Allen were still fighting.

Cedric and Alan's excellent performance could not only amaze their own

side, but also attracted the attention of the Death Eaters.

One of the Death Eaters, after taking a closer look at the two, his eyes lit

up, and he said happily to the leader on the side, "I know them, they are

Peter York's best friends." The host said that as long as you catch Peter

York's relatives and friends, there will be a reward! "

"Oh, that's really good news."

The leading Death Eater looked at the two people who were fighting the

Death Eaters, his eyes flashed a malicious cold light, and he said with a

sly smile: "A few more people, arrest them for me." As long as it is alive,

it doesn't matter if you lack arms or legs! "

Chapter 583: Chapter 584

Chapter 584: Fierce Battle, Critical Moment!!

Cedric and Alan fought and retreated, protecting Ms. Burns and the

wounded Aurors as they retreated into the Law Enforcement Division, but

suddenly the two of them found themselves facing several times the

number of enemies they faced, and the pressure suddenly increased.

The Death Eaters abandoned their main attack on the others and instead

targeted both of them.

Although the strength of the two is good, in the face of the siege of so

many people, they can only passively defend and retreat. Fortunately, the

two cooperated with each other to avoid the siege under the attack of so

many people.

But the two felt the continuous reduction of magic in their bodies, and

they were also very anxious.

If no one comes to their aid, they will lose! In the end, the two were

surrounded by a dozen Death Eaters, and the protection they exerted

together was under the siege of more than a dozen people, crumbling and

about to shatter at any moment.

The two looked at the smiling Death Eaters around them and smiled

wryly at each other.

"Alan, it seems that we have not had much luck today. I'm afraid I'm

going to leave my life here. "

Cedric sighed and said that he had been prepared for death.

He even felt like he had died once.

On the day he graduated and left school, he had a bizarre dream.

In the dream, he did not meet Peter, and Alan was only a classmate who

knew his name, and he and the twins were only ordinary friends.

In that dream, without Peter, he had always been the first in his class and

was regarded as the pride of Hufflepuff.

Even in the sixth-year Triwizard Tournament, the warrior of Hogwarts

became him, and Harry Potter also inexplicably became the fourth


But his life also ended in the final of the Trium-Finals, where he was

teleported to a strange place by the trophy with Harry Potter, and then

he was killed by a Humpty Dumpty man holding a monster baby with a

life spell! He clearly felt the instant passage of life force in his dream, and

his soul also left his body, quietly watching the pudgy man named

Pettigrew and helping Voldemort recover his body.

His last memory is that along with other souls killed by Voldemort's

wand, he helped Harry Potter escape the graveyard.

In that dream, his life ended at the age of seventeen and died on the

night of the final.

After waking up, Cedric felt absurd and incredible about this strange and

real dream.

But he instinctively felt grateful to Peter, because in that dream without

Peter, his life ended at the age of seventeen.

But now he has graduated from school safely, entered the Ministry of

Magic, and became a proud son in the eyes of his parents.

Now facing the dilemma of death again, Cedric is unusually calm, he has

no fear of death, but is full of reluctance.

"It's probably not easy for us to die."

Alan warily looked at the Death Eaters surrounding them and reminded,

"They haven't attacked us with the Death Curse, and they have found so

many people to besiege us, I'm afraid they want to capture us alive." "

When Cedric heard this, he took a closer look at the Death Eaters and

found that they had indeed not killed them, but instead surrounded them

to prevent them from fleeing.

"What to do?"

Cedric asked.

"They want to capture us alive, most likely to use us to do something


Alan said firmly, "And in their hands, it is likely that life is better than

death!" It's better to fight, it's a big deal to die here! "

"Okay, listen to you."

Cedric said without hesitation, and then waved his wand and stared at

the Death Eaters outside, "If you want to die, you have to pull a few more

Death Eaters on their backs, it must not be their wishes." "

Immediately the two took the initiative to break down their protective

shields and desperately threw out deadly spells one after another, and in

order to kill with one blow, the two did not hesitate to use the life spell,

regardless of the little magic power left in their bodies, desperately

squeezed their physical strength, and launched an attack on the

surrounding Death Eaters.

In the face of the sudden attack, the Death Eaters, who had planned to

catch turtles in the urn, were a little caught off guard and dodged and


Two of the Death Eaters were hit by the Death Curse of two and were

directly killed.

The Death Eaters intended to capture the two alive, so they did not use

deadly spells, and now they were constantly being made back by the two.

The leader of the Death Eaters overseeing the battle on the side, his face

ugly, immediately raised his wand in his hand and aimed it at the two

who were fiercely resisting, and while they were unprepared, a spell

rushed straight behind Cedric.

"Be careful!"

Alan spotted the danger, shouted quickly, and rushed directly to block

Cedric, blocking the sneak attack led by the Death Eaters.

But as soon as they resisted the spell, the other Death Eaters seized the

moment and shot spells at the two in unison

After resisting several spells, Alan was hit by a spell, his right arm was

instantly twisted into a twist, and the wand in his hand also flew out.

His face turned pale instantly, and he covered his arm in pain and

collapsed there.


Cedric also saw his companion's injuries and was shocked and wanted to

protect him.

But even if his strength was slightly stronger than Allen's, he couldn't

withstand the siege of a dozen Death Eaters, and he was hit by a heart

drilling curse and couldn't help but make a painful sound.

Seeing that the two men had no strength to fight back, the leading Death

Eaters laughed evilly and ordered the surrounding Death Eaters: "Use

black magic to cut off their hands and feet, so that they will become

complete wastes in the future!" Then take them back to meet the host. "

When the surrounding Death Eaters heard this, they all showed perverted

smiles on their faces, staring at the two with malice, and one by one they

couldn't wait to do it themselves.

"If you have the ability, you will kill us now!"

Alan endured the pain and yelled at the Death Eaters who looked around.

But the Death Eaters were not moved in the slightest, but wanted to

appreciate the thrill of catching turtles, and they all raised their wands

and surrounded the two.

Surrounded by the Death Eaters, Cedric and Alan struggled to lean back

together, their wands had been disarmed, and the two who had no ability

to cast spells were powerless to resist in the face of this dilemma.

Especially after hearing that the Death Eaters were going to cut off their

hands and feet, if they didn't have their wands in their hands, they would

very much like to kill themselves at the last minute without suffering that


Looking at the smiling Death Eaters around them, the two of them

thought of Peter in unison, thinking that if Peter was here, I am afraid

that it would be easy to solve these people.

It's a pity that they don't have the talent and strength of Peter, and they

can't be able to fight one enemy and one enemy hundred.

But just as they accepted their fate, a figure shining with red light

appeared in front of them, and the people in the red light seemed to

glance at them, and then the red light was even more dazzling, like a

blazing flame, which exploded instantly, directly blasted out all the

dozen or so Death Eaters who surrounded them…

Chapter 584: Chapter 585

Chapter 585: Rescue Ms. Burns, the person waiting in the main hall!!

The leader of the Death Eaters not far away, briefly blinded by this

dazzling red light, closed his eyes vigilantly and dodged behind the stone

pillar to the side, feeling the shock wave pass, before squinting his

slightly clearer eyes and looking at the sudden appearance of people in

the field.

Then a frightened look appeared in his eyes, and his voice trembled

unconsciously: "Peter York." "

Peter, who suddenly appeared, seemed to hear his whisper, and his cold

eyes glanced at him, suddenly making him fall into the ice abyss.

But Peter did not mean to do it immediately, but beckoned, and the stone

statues around them came to life, holding sharp spears, walked up to the

Death Eaters who had been knocked unconscious by Peter, thrust them

into their abdomen, and then picked them up and strung them together

with spears like strings.

The Death Eaters, awakened by the severe pain, struggled with screams

of pain on their spears.

The desire to survive led them to call for help from their companions, but

the Death Eaters, who saw such a cruel scene, were frightened by Peter's

methods and kept retreating.

The Death Eater leader quickly ordered, "Retreat, it's Peter York!" He's

coming! Come on! Go to the lobby! "

Peter ignored them, instead turned to look at the two pale-faced

companions on the ground, then at their injuries, and raised his wand to

cast a healing spell on Alan's twisted arm.

"Peter, you're here."

The two smiled happily at Peter.

Looking at the miserable appearance of the two, Peter used magic to

repair Alan's twisted arm little by little, frowning and snorting coldly: "If

I don't come today, are you ready to be heroic?" And then let your

parents look at your corpse in grief? Have you been in the Order of the

Phoenix for too long and been infected by that group of Gryffindors?

Can't you save your life well, you have to rush to the front line! "

The two felt that they hadn't seen each other for a while, and the

momentum on Peter's body was much stronger, so that the two of them

couldn't even get stuck in their throats to say what they originally wanted

to refute, and could only say: "Aren't we defending the Ministry of Magic,

if the Death Eaters occupy the Ministry of Magic, the wizarding world ~

I'm afraid it will change."

Everyone was having a bad time, so we both answered Ms. Burns' call to

come and defend against the Death Eaters. However, I didn't expect that

these Death Eaters would become more and more, and they would

quickly occupy all the floors of the Ministry of Magic, so they could only

be trapped in the Law Enforcement Department. Waiting for rescue. "

"Don't you understand the truth that you are not afraid of no firewood? If

you were a little smarter, you would have fled early like those officials of

the Ministry of Magic, or found a place to hide. And not to heroes here. "

Peter said angrily.

"We're not going to do that. Peter, if even we were like those people, we

all put ourselves at risk, regardless of others. I'm afraid the wizarding

world will really fall into the hands of Voldemort and his minions! "

Cedric looked directly at Peter and said firmly.

"Well, I'm too lazy to say you guys. Ever since you joined the Order of the

Phoenix, I knew there would be a day. "

Peter sighed and said, after curing Alan, he healed Cedric again, the

Heart Drilling Curse is not so easy to bear.

"There is not much magic left in your body now, I'd better send you to a

safe place first."

Peter said.

"Peter, you don't have to worry about us. You are strong, hurry up and

help Ms. Burns, there are too many Death Eaters, I am afraid that Ms.

Burns will not be able to withstand the siege of the Death Eaters." "

Cedric said.

"That's right, Ms. Burns is very important, since Minister Scrimgeour was

killed, the other Ministry of Magic high-ranking officials have

disappeared, I am afraid they are ready to join Voldemort. Only by

ensuring the safety of Ms. Burns can the Ministry of Magic not be

completely controlled by Voldemort. "

Alan said too.

Seeing this, Peter did not hesitate and nodded: "Okay, you guys follow

me, show me the way, let's go and rescue Ms. Burns, and then get out of

here together." There are already thousands of Death Eaters here, and

there is a Voldemort hiding in the shadows, and if he appears, it will be

difficult for me to guarantee your safety. "

"Ms. Burns should be in the main hall now, there is a small door at the

end of the law enforcement department that leads directly to the main

hall, she should be going there."

Alan said, and then said in embarrassment, "But now that they have been

destroyed by the Death Eaters, and the Death Eaters have controlled the

magic array, there is no way to phantom transformation here, and if we

want to go, we can only go down layer by layer." But in that case, I'm

afraid you'll have to face a lot of Death Eaters. "

Peter felt it, and indeed felt that the space was disrupted, although he

could teleport, but he couldn't take the two of them, so he could only

break in.

However, he didn't have much pressure, he directly divided into two

doppelgangers, protected the two in a triangular shape, and then walked

directly towards the elevator, "Let's go, you guys follow me later, let's go

directly to the main hall." "

As the elevator descended little by little, surprisingly, the original layers

of Death Eaters disappeared, and no one came to stop them.

Knowing that the elevator came to the eighth floor, an emotionless

female voice sounded.

"On the eighth floor, the main hall of the Ministry of Magic has arrived."

The elevator doors slowly opened, revealing the scene outside.

Cedric and Alan took a cold breath, instinctively stepped back a few

times, and the wand in his hand was tightly clenched and aimed outside

the elevator.

And Peter also had a stern face, his body straightened and looked at the

people outside.

At this time, thousands of Death Eaters were standing in the main hall,

while there were some trembling Ministry of Magic personnel on the

side, who were shrinking their heads and did not dare to make a sound.

As for some high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Magic, they also

stood by the fountain pool with promises, like doglegs waiting to be

called at any time.

And at the front, standing was Voldemort, and behind him, Amelia Burns

was crushed by two Death Eaters, ready to be sentenced.

"Peter, let's go! The Ministry of Magic has been overrun by the Death

Eaters, you go back to Hogwarts and tell Dumbledore about it!" "

Amelia saw Peter in the elevator and shouted.

Hearing Ms. Burns' words, Peter's face did not fluctuate, and he protected

Cedric and Alan behind him, his eyes fixed on Voldemort in the front.

"Peter York, it's a pleasure to meet again!"

Voldemort squinted his scarlet eyes and looked at Peter playfully for a

long time…

Chapter 585: Chapter 586

Chapter 586: Voldemort's Threat, Weasley and Wales Captured!!

"Voldemort are you waiting for me?"

Peter said calmly.

Then his eyes swept to the Shanggan Death Eater behind him, "With such

a big battle prepared, you may be too worthy of me!" "

"Haha, Peter, you are too modest."

Voldemort looked at Peter playfully and said calmly, "You are the most

difficult opponent I have ever met, and even Dumbledore is not as

difficult as you." If you don't spend a little more energy, I'm afraid it

won't be good to entertain you! "

Peter looked at him indifferently and sneered, "Do you think you can take

me down with these people?" Although the strength of these American

mercenaries is much stronger than those of your previous men, it is not

easy to defeat me. "

Then he looked at the Ministry of Magic officials standing aside, except

for Amelia Burns, who resisted resolutely, these officials seemed to have

changed camps for the first time and huddled behind the Death Eaters,

like ponies, so he looked at these wall grasses contemptuously, and said

mockingly: "I said Voldemort, how did you occupy the Ministry of Magic

so quickly, it turns out that these wall grasses are helping." Minister

Scrimgeour was really unlucky enough to run the Ministry of Magic, and

it was ironic that his subordinates were desperately trying to pull their

backs, and even murdered in their own offices. "

Facing Peter's gaze, these Ministry of Magic officials who had

surrendered their eyes fluttered, and they did not dare to look directly at


When the Death Eaters attacked, they did not have the courage to resist

and surrendered at the first opportunity.

There were even people who, directly and immediately, betrayed the

others and revealed the location of the Aurors and strikers to the Death


Only then did the Death Eaters effortlessly and quickly occupy the

Ministry of Magic.

But Peter didn't bother to pay attention to these wall grasses, it would be

strange if they were reliable.

The most important thing he needed to think about now was how to save

Lady Burns from Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

If it was just him, he wouldn't care.

But now with Cedric and Alan behind him, and Amelia Burns to save, he

was a little restrained.

But to Peter's distribution, Voldemort didn't seem to intend to do

anything with him head-on, but instead waved his hand and ordered the

Death Eaters, "Bring them up." "

When Peter was just confused, a group of struggling people were

searched out from behind by the Death Eaters, and when he saw these

people, Peter couldn't help but shrink his pupils, and the eyes that turned

to look at Voldemort became even colder.

Because the people brought by the Death Eaters were all people he knew,

Arthur Wess Vegetable Fred and George, and his butler Wales!

Wescain's father and son were all disarmed with their wands and their

mouths sealed and unable to speak, and when they saw Peter, they shook

their heads frantically and whined for him to leave quickly.

They were immediately punched several times by the Death Eaters who

were guarding them.

"Young Master" Wales showed an apologetic look at Peter and apologized

for being caught by the Death Eaters.

Peter looked at Wales' old and frail appearance, distress flashed in his

eyes, and then looked at Voldemort with cold eyes.

Obviously, Wilby must have suffered a twist.

"Haha, Peter York, I heard that this old Muggle is your butler, and you

regard him as a relative, right?"

Voldemort pointed at Wales and said to Peter, "This old Muggle butler of

yours is really good, and he killed two of my men when I went down to

capture him." "

Saying that, he took out a pistol and showed Peter "This Muggle weapon

is really good, if you don't pay attention, many wizards will be injured or

even killed by it." "

With a wave of his hand, the pistol automatically melted, leaving only a

few bullets in the magazine.

He pointed to the magic pattern carved on the bullet and said to Peter:

"There is also this magic pattern bullet, you should have carved it." You

really surprised me that you could ignore magic and hurt wizards, and

that such a strange thing was actually created by you. "

"Now let me see, can these bullets you made hurt yourself?"

Voldemort opened his hand, and the bullet immediately shot at Peter as

fast as he could.

The magic bullet has the attribute of forbidden magic, and Peter

naturally will not directly use magic to block it.

Directly summoned the stone pier on the side, blocked it in front of him,

and then threw two objects with flashing red light to the doppelgangers

who were protecting Cedric and Alan.

He immediately attacked Voldemort directly.

In the elevator, after the two doppelgangers caught the object that

glowed red, they slapped Cedric and Alan directly on without saying a

word, and then whispered quickly: "You go first, go to Hogwarts, I will

come to join you after I save them." "

"Peter, you" The two were just about to say something, the thing that was

slapped on them lit up, it turned out to be two phoenix feathers, and

before they could speak, they were directly taken away by the feathers.

The two doppelgangers looked at each other, quickly nodded their wands

at themselves, and then disappeared.

The other Death Eaters noticed the movement, but upon closer

inspection, they saw that there was no one in the elevator anymore.

The Death Eaters, who thought they were invisible, attacked the elevator

intensively, but in the end they did not find a figure.

I had to give up and make sure that the men had somehow escaped from


At this time, Voldemort did not expect Peter to choose to attack directly,

and in a hurry, he had to quickly retreat to avoid Peter's powerful attack.

Peter continued to attack him without hesitation, without the slightest

concern that the other party had his own people in his hands

Voldemort did not take the initiative to attack, but defensively

threatened Peter in annoyance, "Peter York, don't you forget that I still

have your friends and family in my hands, do you care about their lives

and deaths?" "

The Death Eaters who watched the Vislais father and son and the butler

Wales put their wands to their heads and threatened Peter, who was

fighting against Voldemort, to signal him to stop.

Seeing this, Peter stopped attacking, he stared at Voldemort for a while

with a puzzled and seemingly smiling expression, and said: "Voldemort,

when did your strength become weaker?" The courageous man who faced

me head-on did not. "

Voldemort's expression was gloomy, and instead of answering Peter's

words, he ordered the surrounding Death Eaters: "Give it all and solve

him with the Sealing Curse!" "

With so many Death Eaters, Peter had no intention of waving water from

the fountain pool and rushing towards the Death Eaters.

Faced with the waves, the Death Eaters thought there would be some

powerful attack, but they were only drenched in water and nothing


Then he looked strangely at Peter, who had done all this, could it be that

his attack was just spilling alcohol?

Peter smiled as he looked at the confused Death Eaters and Voldemort

and then at the water under their feet.

Immediately a trace of electric light flashed in his eyes, and the electric

light on his body wandered.

Seeing this, Voldemort's expression changed and he shouted at the Death

Eaters, "Get out of the water!" "

Unfortunately, he reminded too late, and a huge current followed Peter's

guidance and quickly submerged into the stagnant water on the ground,

and in the blink of an eye, he was wet.

The Death Eaters standing in the stagnant water were hit by this huge

current and suddenly fell into a large area.

The hundreds of Death Eaters closest were directly electrocuted and died


And those who were far away, lucky enough to have their lives, but they

couldn't help but let out painful screams, and for a while, the strength of

the Death Eaters was reduced a lot.

Seeing this situation, Peter felt a little pity, if it were not for the Ministry

of Magic that was now underground, he could directly summon the

thunderclouds in the sky and easily solve these Death Eaters.

Seeing that he had lost so many of his men, Voldemort looked at Peter

with a resentful expression, turned to the Death Eaters who were

watching Wales and Wesca's father and son, and ordered, "Kill them!" "

Then he said to Peter with a sly smile: "Since you don't care about them

so much, then they are useless!" "

Peter stood in place, looking at Voldemort expressionlessly, as if killing

Wesley and Wales had no effect on him.

At this moment, several green lights lit up, accompanied by several

screams, and the happy smile on Voldemort's face stopped abruptly.

Chapter 586: Chapter 587

Chapter 587: The Newly Learned Fire Curse, Fake Voldemort! The

purifiers poured out!!

Voldemort looked incredulously at the two Peters who suddenly

appeared, cleanly settled the Death Eaters who were guarding the Wess

and Sons, the butler Welsh and Ms. Burns, and quickly came behind Peter

with them.

Peter jumped out of his pocket with a few wands, handed them and said,

"It shouldn't fit well, but it basically works, let's get out of here first." "

"Thank you, Peter."

Arthur said gratefully to Peter, then clenched the wand that belonged to

Peter, warily guarding the Death Eaters opposite.

"You saved me again!"

Amelia Burns said with a sigh, her eyes full of gratitude.

She didn't say anything more, but clenched her wand and stood behind

Peter, like Arthur, with Peter as the main team.

"Good brother, you are really our life-saving hero!"

The twins said excitedly, expressing gratitude, but they knew that the

situation was urgent, so they didn't say anything more, but guarded

behind Peter like everyone else.

The housekeeper Wales took care of the York family all his life, and the

emotions between them were no different from those of their loved ones,

so the two did not say anything grateful.

Wales was a Muggle and didn't need a wand, so Peter pulled out a pistol

with magic bullets from a treasure chest-like bag and handed it to him so

that he could protect himself.

The people to be saved have been saved, and Peter has no psychological

burden and no longer has the mind to stay.

But not far away, Voldemort's golem discovered his thoughts and

sneered: "Peter York, even if you save them, you can't leave here now."

This place has been completely enclosed by us, the elevator has been

damaged, and the wall floo network has been completely closed. I know

you can get out of here in defiance of the anti-phantom transfiguration

ban but it's impossible for you to get out of here with them. You'd better

stay here with us!" "

"Oh, it's really ruthless, in order to keep me, you can even think of such a


Peter laughed, then looked straight at him and said, "So, this unknown

Mr. Wizard, you were assigned by Voldemort to hold me back?" "

When Voldemort heard this, his eyes flickered, and then he snorted

coldly: "I am Voldemort, Peter York, what are you paying attention to?"

You can leave at any time if you want to get out of here. But these

friends of yours, I'm afraid today is their death day! "


Peter looked at him with a smile and said, "Your strength is indeed good,

but it is only good." You've been avoiding a head-on confrontation with

me for fear I'll see you're not Voldemort. But unfortunately, I have been

in contact with Voldemort many times, and I know his strength and

habits very well. Although he is a devil, he thinks of himself very high,

and he will not avoid confrontation with me, let alone threaten me with

my friends in every possible way, because it is an insult to him. "

"So, this friend disguised as Voldemort, what are you trying to do to keep

me here?"

Peter asked sleepily, the magic on his body burst out, and a fire snake

burst out of the tip of his wand, rising when it met the wind, turning into

a giant python covered in blue flames, staring at the Death Eaters with


"I recently learned a little magic trick that I haven't practiced yet, so

today I just want to test it out and see how it works."

Peter waved his wand, and the blue flames around him danced meekly to

his command.

"Fierce fire!"

The Death Eaters at the front were frightened by the blazing flames,

especially the huge fire python, which opened its teeth and spat flames

into the ground.

Several people on Peter's side were also taken aback by the fierce fire

around here, this kind of devil flame that is stained with death, even

powerful dark wizards dare not use it easily, because the fierce fire will

not recognize people, no matter who it is, even if it is the person who

summoned it, it will be swallowed up!

So seeing the raging fire that spread rapidly, Arthur Wesley and Ms.

Burns were taken aback, thinking that Peter was playing off.

When they were about to die, they found that although the fierce fire

surrounded them, they did not feel a little hot and destroyed, but it was

like an illusion, without the slightest injury.

Although the Wess twins were also taken aback, they were very curious

to reach out to touch the flames after finding that there was no danger.

"George Fred! Don't play with fire! "

Arthur looked at his two unconscious sons and stopped sternly.

Although he didn't know how Peter did it, he was very sure that this was

the Devil Flame that the Black Master was also very jealous of.

The butler Welsh did not know the power of this flame, and out of trust

in his young master, he did not make a fuss about it, holding a pistol and

tracing the man on the opposite side who called himself Voldemort.

The Death Eaters on the opposite side also saw this situation, and

'Voldemort' stared at the blue flames in the sky, and Peter, who

controlled the flames like a Vulcan, gritted his teeth and said,

"Grindelwald's magic skills!" "

"It seems that you are well-informed."

Peter was surprised that his trick was indeed taught by Grindelwald, and

he was very dazzled when he saw Grindelwald perform this trick to

discern the loyalty of the saints.

In the end, after Peter's stalking, Lindwald was handed over to him.

According to Grindelwald, he combined the Fierce Fire Curse and the

Unbreakable Curse, so when the Fierce Fire was summoned, the person in

the fierce fire was equivalent to establishing a contract with the

spellcaster through the fierce fire, and if the person in the fierce fire had

no ill will towards the spellcaster, because of the relationship of the

contract, the fierce fire would not hurt him.

But if it is malicious, then without the protection of the contract, the

fierce fire will truly become the devil's flame and devour people.

At this time, the few people behind him certainly did not have ill will

towards Peter, so they could not feel the heat of the fierce fire.

But the Death Eaters on the other side were different, the raging fire,

before they got close, made them feel very hot.

With a flick of Peter's hand, the giant python that turned into fire struck

at the Death Eaters and continued to shoot at them.

Ordinary magic attacks can only slightly repel the fierce attack, but the

fierce fire is pouring in from all directions, like a monstrous wave.

"Voldemort" used his wand to repel the oncoming python, listening to the

screams of the surrounding Death Eaters who were burned to death,

shouting, "Curse with ten thousand curses!" All spells can extinguish the

fire! "

Ten thousand spells are all high-level spells, and there are not many

people who know them, but among the Death Eaters of the Upper Gan,

many people still know this spell.

It's a pity that Peter won't give them this opportunity, and he splits into

more than a dozen doppelgangers while controlling the fierce fire.

The doppelgangers shared the same mind, and without further Peter,

they attacked the Death Eaters to prevent them from working together to

cast all the curses.

The officials of the Ministry of Magic, who were playing soy sauce, all

hid in the corner at this time, watching this scene with wide eyes.

Although many of them knew Peter's reputation and knew that he was

called the second Dumbledore, they had never seen Peter look mighty

with their own eyes.

Watching him alone withstand the Death Eaters of the Shanggan and gain

the upper hand.

At the same time of horror, their eyes flashed, and some people had

secretly regretted how they had forgotten that there was such a person.

"All curses are over!"

"Voldemort" was the first to cast a spell.

Some Death Eaters also saw the opportunity to cast spells, and Peter's

doppelgangers frequently interrupted the casting process, and they could

only barely raise a barrier to resist the attacks of the python and flames.

"This gentleman disguised as Voldemort, you can show your true face, do

you really like his face so much?"

Peter said with a smile, then squinted and asked, "Also, I guess you

should be the leader of the mercenaries on the American side." I wonder

what good price Voldemort gave you to make you willing to read his life

so desperately? "

"Voldemort" heard this, his eyes looked at Peter with hatred, as if he was

looking at an enemy, and then the free left hand grabbed his face, his

face was like a ball of clay, directly turned into another unfamiliar face,

he gritted his teeth and said to Peter: "Do you remember the name

Michael?" "

"Michael? Sorry, don't remember? Do I owe him money? "

Peter shook his head and asked with a grin.

"My name is Robert Michael, and I am the older brother of the camp

leader you destroyed."

The stout middle-aged man stared at Peter with hatred and said, "Do you

remember it now?" "

"Camp? I haven't destroyed any camps. "

Peter said with an innocent face, but finally remembered that he had

indeed destroyed a camp of mercenaries for the Thunderbird before, and

seemed to have killed a madman named Michael.

The person in front of him should be the brother of the person in charge

of the base, as if he was one of the top leaders of the Purge Mercenary


"Very well, I'll remind you of it."

Robert Michael blushed and said with a crazy sneer, "Do you think we

are the only ones to purify?" We brought more than 3,000 people this

time, and all but a thousand here followed Voldemort to Hogwarts. "

"At that time, we will go on a killing spree and kill those students in the


Robert laughed maniacally and said, "Then, we will preach that this time

it is only to take revenge on Peter York, those wizards who have lost

their children, if you want to hate him, because he provoked a group that

should not be provoked, so that the thick British prisoner suffered from

rod death." "

Listening to his crazy words, Peter's eyes became more and more cold,

and then he frowned and asked, "Voldemort agreed to this request of

yours?" "

"Him? Why not say yes? "

Robert laughed, "We promised to leave a few of his followers' children, as

for the others, why should he save?" "


Peter looked at this crazy man coldly, and said with a murderous aura in

his eyes, "Since you purifiers dare to come to Britain, you don't have to

go back this time." "

The giant python that gathered fiercely, as if sensing Peter's anger, let out

a hoarse roar, and then spewed flames towards the side of the Death

Eaters, and its huge body hit the barrier heavily.

Suddenly, a badger patronus rushed out, it was the voice of Cedric, who

was sent away by Peter, and he said anxiously: "Peter, there are suddenly

many Death Eaters from Hogwarts, Voldemort also appeared here, the

professors have joined forces to cast a protective charm but they can't

resist it at all, they are about to rush into the school."

Chapter 587: Chapter 588

Chapter 588: Going to Hogwarts, or Staying Here? Head to the 6th floor!!

Hearing Cedric's words, Peter frowned, turned to Amelia Burns and

asked, "Ms. Burns, is there any passage or the like for the Ministry of

Magic to leave?" "

Amelia Burns shook her head, "The Ministry of Magic has access to the

outside entrance, only the fireplace and the elevator, but now the

elevator has been destroyed, and the fireplace has been turned off from

the floo network, if you want to recover, it will take at least half a day." "

She also heard Cedric's words, looked at Peter's frowning appearance,

and persuaded: "Peter, if you can get out of here, go to Hogwarts quickly,

leave us alone." The children there are the future of the wizarding world,

and their safety is more important than ours, and we can't let these

terrorists hurt them! "

"Yes, Peter, I know you want to take us out, but the most important thing

right now is Hogwarts. It wouldn't be great if the Ministry of Magic fell,

but if Hogwarts fell into the hands of Voldemort and these terrorists, it

would be a disaster! "

Arthur also said with concern on his face.

"Brother, I know that the ban of the Ministry of Magic will definitely not

stop you, you better go to the rescue of Hogwarts first." The Ministry of

Magic has a whole ten floors, even if we can't beat them, isn't it easy to

hide from them? "

The twins also said with rare seriousness, "Voldemort and his minions are

over, Dumbledore alone may be difficult to deal with him, you better go

and help." "

Robert Michael on the opposite side also heard their words, looked at

Peter proudly, and said rampantly: "Peter York, I know that you can

ignore the prohibition here and leave here, but what will you choose?" Is

it the one who chose to abandon these people behind you and save

Hogwarts? Or did you choose these people and give up to rescue

Hogwarts? Allow those innocent little wizards to be brutally killed? "

"You despicable villain, with Professor Dumbledore in the school, you

will definitely be able to repel those people!"

Fred yelled angrily and shot a spell at Robert on the opposite side with

his wand.

Robert dodged the incoming spell and said mockingly with a sly smile,

"Dumbledore? Hmph, I'm afraid that when you pass, you will be able to

see his corpse! "

Hearing Robert's determined tone, Arthur and the others suddenly felt

uneasy, but then shook their heads, only feeling that it was impossible.

In their hearts, Dumbledore was the image of that powerful and

omnipotent, how could he be defeated by Voldemort.

Peter's eyes flashed, calmly looked at the proud Robert on the opposite

side, and then turned to look at the Ministry of Magic personnel who

were huddled in the corner, and said sarcastically to them: "You also

heard what he said just now, he said that he wanted to kill the students

of Hogwarts." Many of you must have children studying there, are you

indifferent to it? Or have you already negotiated with them that you will

let your children go? "

Hearing Peter's words, the staff of the Ministry of Magic had different

expressions, some indifferent, some struggling, some worried, and some

panicked, and one of the witches came out of it, her body trembling and

clenched her wand, pointed at the Death Eater, summoned up the

courage to glare at the Death Eater, and said, "My child is attending

Hogwarts, I will not allow you to hurt him!" You devils! "

"Find death!"

Robert did not expect that among these soft eggs, among those who

surrendered to them in the first place, someone would dare to resist them

and shoot a curse at this woman.

Just as the witch was waiting to die with wide eyes, the raging fire

rushed over, directly devoured the spell, and then surrounded the witch,

but did not burn her.

At the same time, the fierce fire also burned the three nearby Death

Eaters directly to ashes, and they didn't even have time to scream.

The witch who was protected by the fierce fire was taken aback, but

looking at the fierce fire that did not hurt herself, she immediately

breathed a sigh of relief, and then glanced at Peter gratefully, she knew

that Peter saved herself.

The Ministry of Magic personnel, seeing this, quickly squeezed out of the

crowd, they were all people with children attending Hogwarts, and they

all approached Peter's side, but they saw the raging fire in front of them,

and they did not dare to step over, fearing that they would be burned to

ashes like those Death Eaters.

"If you want to follow me to Hogwarts and save your own children, then

come through the wall of fire, the flames will not burn you."

Peter said gently.

At the same time, with a wave of his hand, a fierce fire rushed to the

ceiling, blocking the Death Eaters who were trying to stop the actions of

the Ministry of Magic personnel.

Hearing Peter's words, more and more people in the Ministry of Magic

walked out

Come, and then tentatively stretch out his hand to touch the fierce fire,

and it turns out that this fierce fire is like

It was an illusion, let it pass through, but it did not hurt them.

Seeing this, they all sent a sigh of relief, and then happily passed through

the fierce fire, gathered on Peter's side, and looked at him in awe and



Suddenly a scream startled everyone, and I saw that next to the wall of

fierce fire, a male wizard tentatively put his hand into the flames, and the

fierce fire was directly burned as if it had encountered strong wine.

Then it quickly spread to the whole body, and was burned to ashes by

fierce fire in the scream!

This scene frightened the Ministry of Magic personnel who were about to

cross the wall of fire, and looked at Peter in horror, wanting to ask for


"Hey, the Death Eaters also want to pass through my fierce fire, do you

really think my fierce fire is so easy to deceive?"

Peter snorted coldly, and then his eyes indifferently swept over the

Ministry of Magic personnel who were trying to fish in troubled waters to

Peter's side, reminding, "Those who have malicious intentions or plans to

deal with me, don't try to cross the wall of fire to come to me, otherwise

you will end up like the person just now." "

As soon as the words fell, some Ministry of Magic personnel were

immediately frightened and quickly retreated, retreating back into the

corner, not daring to come again.

And those wizards who were very anxious about the safety of their

children gritted their teeth and stepped into the fierce fire and came to

Peter safely.

The Ministry of Magic is occupied by Death Eaters, who can't get out of

here and now have to rely on Peter.

Robert looked at a large part of the Ministry of Magic personnel with a

gloomy face, chose to stand beside Peter, and then sneered: "Peter York,

is it possible that you plan to let this waste fight us, and then you go to

rescue Hogwarts yourself?" Isn't that underestimating us? "

Then stretched out his hand, with a calm tone, and said with a wild

smile: "Of course, you can leave here at any time now, but when you

return, I can mercifully leave their bodies intact to you." "

Peter looked at the rampant Robert, looked at him like a fool, and then

directly waved his wand, and the fierce fire python became even larger,

directly blocking between the Death Eaters and Peter, and the fierce

flames rushed directly to the ceiling, forming a huge curtain of flames.

Then he turned to Amelia Burns and said, "Ms. Burns, please take them to

the Magical Transportation Division on the sixth floor, and I'll pad you

up." "

Amelia Burns didn't understand what Peter meant, but still nodded, led

the people on their side, and retreated directly to the sixth floor.

The Weasleys, sons and Welsh, the butler, followed Burns and headed


Peter stayed last, looked at the Death Eaters and those remaining

Ministry of Magic personnel on the other side of the wall of flames,

sneered, directly disconnected the fierce fire, let it rage, and quickly

withdrew upstairs.

Without Peter's control, the fire directly spread madly everywhere,

turning into a monstrous flame, attacking and devouring everything it

could touch.

"Help! I don't want to die! "

Some Ministry of Magic personnel watched in horror as the fierce fire

came towards them, wailing loudly.

But no one would come to save them at this time, and the merciless

fierce fire directly devoured them.

Robert Michael, the leader of the Purifiers, ignored the Ministry of Magic

officials who asked for help, but instead made a decision and ordered all

mercenaries to use the Ten Thousand Curses together.

Without Peter's intervention, they finally extinguished the fierce fire in

the hall with difficulty.

"Chase! Can't let them escape! "

Robert noticed that Peter's group had run upstairs and said through

gritted teeth.

The Ministry of Magic has been blocked by them, and even if it is them,

they will not be able to leave here for the time being.

He didn't understand Peter's intentions, but he knew that Peter was not

easy to deal with, so he decided to keep Peter here as much as possible

according to the original plan…

Chapter 588: Chapter 589

Chapter 589: The Way to Leave Fell Dumbledore!!

When Peter and his party came to the hall on the sixth floor, everyone

looked at Peter with a puzzled face, and Arthur Weasley asked directly:

"Peter, you let us come here, is there any reason?" Is there a secret

passage to the outside? "

Peter shook his head, he did not explain immediately, but directly

applied a powerful explosive spell to the passage of the sixth and seventh

floors, accompanied by a deafening explosion, the entrance and exit

passage of the sixth floor directly collapsed, and countless boulders and

dirt fell, blocking the entrance.

Looking at Peter's actions, everyone was even more confused, the only

entrance and exit were blocked, and the Death Eaters on the seventh

floor could not enter, but they could not go out at this time.

Could it really be, as Arthur Weasley suggests, that Peter has discovered a

secret passage?

"Peter, is there really another passage here?"

Burns asked expectantly.

Peter shook his head, but instead turned his head and asked, "Do any of

you know where Alan White's office is?" "

"Alan White? I know, Mr. York. "

A witch raised her hand and said, "He's my colleague, and his office is in

the innermost one of the Floo Authority." "

She pointed to the room at the very end of the sixth floor.

Following the witch's guidance, the group followed Peter to Alan White's

office in confusion.

After entering the office, Peter scanned the cluttered room, then went

directly to the desk labeled 'Alan White' and tapped his wand on the

surrounding walls.

"Peter, what are you doing?"

The twins looked at Peter's behavior with a confused look and couldn't

help but ask.

"Have you heard Alan complain to you about his work at the Ministry of

Magic before?"

Peter said with a smile, the end of the wand in his hand turned into a

trumpet, and the subtle movement behind the wall was amplified by the


"He complained to me about the poor working environment in his office

and every day he could hear noise from behind the walls. He applied to

his superiors several times to change offices, but was not approved. "

Peter recounted with a smile, his wand parked against the wall behind

his desk, grinning, and said, "Because behind his office wall, a Muggle

subway passes by, so he has to endure the noise of the subway every

day." "

"What do you mean…?"

The twins' eyes lit up, guessing Peter's thoughts.

"Since the Ministry of Magic has blocked all the passages, why don't we

open one again."

Peter said with a smile, and then said to the people around him, "Back

off!" "

He unleashed his magic power and cast a spell against the wall, directly

blowing up the entire wall.

With a wave of his wand and rolling up the dust in the house, Peter

walked towards the shattered and dimly lit opening, and a ball of light

flew out of the wand, illuminating the tunnel behind the wall.


The twins came to Peter's side and craned their necks to look curiously

into the dark tunnel.

"This is Muggle's metro tunnel."

Peter smiled and said, "We still have a lot of thanks to Alan, if it weren't

for his many complaints, I wouldn't be able to remember that there is

such a passage now." "

"Or Peter, your mind is spinning so fast that you can even think of such a


The twins boasted happily, then took the lead in the tunnel behind the

wall, "We can now get back to the ground through the Muggle tunnel,

haha!" "

Beckoning everyone into the tunnel, Peter turned around and waved his

wand at Alan's office, and the damaged things inside were automatically

restored and restored, watching the wall return to its original state, Peter

turned to look at the people around him.

"Guys, can you use the Phantom Transfiguration?"

Peter reminded.

It was only a wall, but by this time he had discovered that he could use

phantom transfiguration.

"Really, great, finally you can use the Phantom Transfiguration!"

Someone tried it, found that it was indeed possible, and said excitedly.

"Then let's leave it at that, you go back to your respective homes first, it's

better to hide them." I'm going to Hogwarts right now and see what's

going on there. "

Peter said to the crowd.

But everyone did not leave, but said to Peter with a pleading face: "Mr.

York, although I know that this is the difficulty of a strong man, can I beg

you to take us to Hogwarts?" Our children are there and we need to know

their safety. "

Peter frowned and reminded, "You heard the words of the man just now,

Voldemort was there right now, and there were thousands of Death

Eaters. If you go. No one can guarantee your safety! "

"Peter, let them go together, their children are all at Hogwarts, and it is

impossible to let them go home now."

Arthur said to Peter.

Looking at these pleading parents around him, Peter was silent for a

while, but nodded and said: "Since you insist on going, then I will take

you directly to save you from having to make a few more trips." "

"Now you grab each other's hands and don't let go."

Peter said that when everyone heard this, they obediently grabbed each

other's hands and waited for Peter's fingers


Peter looked at the teams that had been grasped on both sides, nodded,

and then put his hands on the shoulders of George Fred, one left and one

right, and reminded again: "Hold on, don't let go." "

"Toot toot…"

At this time, there was a subway driving in the depths of the tunnel

The sound of the subway driver in the distance had already found the

person on this side and hurriedly honked the horn.

Just as the driver watched in horror as the subway was about to hit these


He saw the very handsome young man standing in the middle and

glanced at him calmly.

And the two red-haired young men next to him made a strange smile at

his hippie smile, and a group of people disappeared directly in place, as if

it was an illusion

At the same time, Robert Michael and his men, who had opened up six or

seven floors, finally arrived at the sixth floor.

But what made them dumbfounded was that Peter and the others, who

should have been here, quietly disappeared here.

They searched carefully, but found no trace of the secret passage.

Peter didn't know if his actions had made the poor driver think he had hit

a ghost.

But at this time, he took more than a dozen people with his retinue and

teleported directly to the lawn of Hogwarts.

Feeling that nearly a third of the mana in his body was consumed, Peter

could only secretly decide that in the future, except for necessary

circumstances, he would never teleport with so many people again,

which was too much magic.

The people brought by Peter saw the familiar Hogwarts castle not far

away, and their eyes were full of awe when they looked at Peter.

From London to Hogwarts, the average wizard would have to use at least

four or five apparition transformations to get there.

And Peter was not only able to reach his destination in one step, but also

took so many of them with him! This ability shocked everyone very

much, and for the first time, they really realized the gap in strength

between them and Peter.

However, at this time, Peter was not in the mood to look at them,

because he saw a team of thousands of Death Eaters not far away on the

edge of the Forbidden Forest, constantly firing spells at Hogwarts, dense

magic shooting towards the castle, crashing into a huge dome light

curtain, and the explosion was deafening.

The dome crumbled under the constant attack of thousands of spells, as if

it was about to shatter at any moment.

Under the castle, except for Snape, who was nowhere to be seen among

the four headmasters, even Slughorn was constantly casting spells to

maintain the dome that enveloped the castle.

And Voldemort and Dumbledore, who were supposed to appear, did not


"Oh my God, look there! Is that Dumbledore? What happened to him! "

In the crowd behind Peter, someone pointed to the castle tower and

shouted in horror.

When everyone looked there, a brilliant green light flashed from the

tower, and under this dazzling light, Dumbledore's figure clearly fell in

everyone's eyes.

But to everyone's horror, Dumbledore was hit by that spell that flashed


Everyone knew what the spell meant, and they watched in amazement as

the tall, thin figure fell like a rag from the top of the tower, and then fell

heavily on the ground.

"Haha! I finally killed Dumbledore! "

A hissing sound came from the castle, and above the tower, Voldemort

shouted cheerfully.

Immediately he picked up the elderberry wand, looked at it carefully,

and then sent a huge magic towards the sky, and in the blink of an eye,

the solid dome was instantly shattered, turning into fragments of leaves

and falling down.

Then he looked at Peter from afar from the tower and showed a cruel

smug smile.

"That's all that's left, Peter!"

Chapter 589: Chapter 590

Chapter 590: Dumbledore is dead? Half an hour!!

At Hogwarts at sunset, the war was raging, and the fragments of the

dome turned into flying ash and slowly fell.

But at this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Voldemort, who was

laughing wildly at the top of the tower, and the afterglow of the setting

sun shone him like a god and demon.

In contrast, Dumbledore, who fell to the ground, wanted to lie quietly on

the grass like a rag, silently.

The teachers and students of Hogwarts all lost their voices, looking at this

scene in disbelief, Dumbledore, whom they regarded as spiritual leaders

and would never fail, was lying fragile on the ground like an ordinary

person at this time.

"No, Albus…"

Professor McGonagall rushed over quickly, looked at Dumbledore, whose

limbs were twisted and his pupils were dilated, knelt on the ground and

picked him up, trembling and probing his nose with his hand, and then

sinking ~ hands with grief.

The Death Eaters strangely stopped and stopped advancing.

This made Flitwick and several other professors, who were standing at

the forefront, temporarily relieved, and then retreated back to the place

where Dumbledore fell.

When he saw Dumbledore lying quietly in Professor McGonagall's arms,

Slughorn took his hurried small steps, came to McGonagall, crouched

down and put his wand against Dumbledore, and the wand emitted a

dazzling white light and poured into Dumbledore's body.

"Horace, how is it…"

Flitwick with the fastest speed

Arrived, looking at Slughorn with grief and hope, hoping that he would

say a hopeful answer.

But Slughorn shook his head with a heavy face, "I'm sorry, Albus was hit

by the Death Curse, even if I had the potion to bring the dead back to

life, I couldn't save him." "

Then he sighed and said to McGonagall, who was holding Dumbledore

and looking sad: "Michaleva, you better put Albus down, we need to take

care of his body." "

"No, it won't, Albus wouldn't choose to leave us so easily!"

McGonagall's eyes were red and she shook her head excitedly and said.

"Michaleva, we can't fall yet, the Dark Lord and the Death Eaters are not

gone yet, we still need to protect the students! Cheer up! "

Sprout, with moist eyes, gently walked over to McGonagall, picked her

up, and said to her solemnly.

"Haha, Dumbledore's corpse is already in front of you, don't you still

believe it?"

Voldemort suddenly flashed in front of everyone and said with a chuckle.

Voldemort's sudden appearance startled everyone, and then they pointed

their wands at him vigilantly, even the shrewd and timid Slughorn held

his wand in fear to guard against Voldemort's attack.

Seeing Dumbledore's body being protected by everyone, Voldemort's

blood-red eyes scanned the group of resolute-faced professors, and said

with a smile: "It seems that Dumbledore really has a set of hearts, and he

can let you protect him so much when he dies." "

"But do you think just a few of you can stop me?"

Voldemort squinted his eyes and said coldly, as he kept approaching


"Hugh want to touch Dumbledore's body, Voldemort!"

McGonagall's eyes were firm, and she said resolutely, "Unless you step

over my corpse." "

"How faithful, Michael McGonagall."

Voldemort sneered, glancing contemptuously at Dumbledore's corpse

behind them, and said leisurely, "You don't have to be so wary of me,

Michael McGonagall." I, the Dark Lord, will not humiliate Dumbledore's

corpse, after all, with his strength, it is enough to gain my respect. "

"Now, who's going to tell me, Harry Potter tracks?"

Voldemort swept past everyone and said coldly, then beckoned behind

him, and thousands of Death Eaters quickly rushed over and blocked the

castle gates, "As long as anyone tells me about Harry Potter, they can get

out of here safely." I'll only give you half an hour, and in half an hour,

the group behind me will storm the castle and kill everyone you see. "

Voldemort's voice echoed throughout the castle, and the Hogwarts

teachers and students were shocked, especially the students who were

hiding in the castle, and when they heard the news, they all showed


There were also some students, especially those in Slytherin, who were

anxious to inquire

Harry Potter news, but when everyone found Ron and Hermione, both

claimed to have not seen Harry since the afternoon.

"You must know Potter's tracks, hand him over!"

Some of the students stopped in front of Ron and Hermione and said

excitedly, "You can't be so selfish, you have heard the Dark Lord, if you

don't say Potter's news within half an hour, those people will rush in and

kill us!" "

"I said I don't know!"

Hermione said loudly, and then she glared at the frightened students,

"Even if I knew I wouldn't hand Harry over!" If you are afraid of death, go

to him yourselves. "

"You can't do this, Granger!"

A Ravenclaw student tried to grab Hermione's hand and was beaten back

by Ron, but he still blocked the aisle with his body and said in horror and

despair, "Dumbledore has been killed by the Dark Lord, and there are

thousands of Death Eaters outside the castle!" There is no way we can

beat them! If time passes, they rush in and kill us all! I don't want to die!

You can't let us give you a funeral! "

"Yes, as long as we hand over Harry Potter, we can all live."

Others agreed.

"You cowardly and afraid of death, if you want to live, crawl out and

kneel and lick Voldemort's toes!"

Ron stood in front of Hermione and yelled at them, "If you want us to

trade Harry's life for you, dream!" "

"Arrest them, Professor Snape's office should have a truth agent that can

be used to force them to ask about Potter's whereabouts."

A Slytherin student suggested.

Hearing this, these students, who didn't want to die, their eyes became

crazy, and they wanted to work together to grab the two.

Even if you can't ask about Potter's whereabouts, according to Potter's

usual good relationship with them, it can be used to force Potter to take

the initiative to appear.

Looking at these crazy students, Hermione raised her wand, and a huge

wave burst out from the wand, sweeping away everyone who wanted to

surround them.

Then he glanced at these students coldly and said in disappointment:

"You really disgrace Hogwarts!" Voldemort's words made you so

confused. Look outside, professors and many seniors are fighting the

Death Eaters, and you don't even have the courage to resist. "

"It's easy for you to say, how to resist?"

A student struggled and said excitedly, "Even a powerful person like

Dumbledore was killed by Voldemort!" What strength do we have to

resist him? It's just looking for death! "

"We still have Professor York! He will come and save us! "

An ethereal voice came from upstairs, and it was Luna Lovegood who

came downstairs, still wearing two carrot earrings, and said with an

affirmative face.

Hearing her words, everyone also calmed down slightly.

But then someone said with a bitter smile: "But until now, Professor York

has not appeared, and I don't know where he has gone?" Will they be

able to come back and save us in time? "

"Professor York is back."

Luna said suddenly.

"Huh? Back? Where is it? "

Hearing her words, everyone lifted their spirits, and Hermione was the

first to ask excitedly.

"It's going to thunder!"

Luna pointed to the sky and said, "When there is thunder, the professor

will come back." "

Looking at the sudden extra cumulus clouds in the sky, Ron searched for

a long time, but did not find Peter's figure, and said with a wry smile of

loss: "No kidding, Luna." Professor York is not Thor, and he will come

back when there is thunder. "

"Not true!"

Hermione said excitedly, pointing to the clouds in the sky, "Something is

wrong with that cloud!" It's changing so fast! "

When everyone heard this, they all looked through the window, and saw

that the originally rare clouds in the sky suddenly became more and

more, and the clouds surged, accumulating more and more, and after a

few minutes, thick clouds shrouded the sky of Hogwarts, and the Dao

electric light flashed faintly in the clouds.

And the sunset in the distance in the sky illuminated the gray clouds red,

accompanied by the appearance of lightning, which looked very

spectacular magic pills…

Chapter 590: Chapter 591

Chapter 591: The Battle Between Hogwarts and Death Eaters! Peter in the

Black Lake!!

The crowd outside also noticed the change in the sky, and Voldemort and

the Death Eaters were puzzled.

And the professors also looked curiously at the dark clouds of thunder.


Suddenly two sharp eagle cries sounded in the Forbidden Forest

Sound, accompanied by sound, two huge figures flew from the forest into

the sky.

They were the two thunderbirds living in the Forbidden Forest, sensing

danger at this time, flying high in the air with lightning and hovering

above the castle.

"It's the Thunderbirds, the two Thunderbirds that Peter brought back!"

Flitwick said in surprise, and then swept around happily, "These two

thunderbirds only listened to Peter's words and now took the initiative to

come out, is Peter back?" "

The thunderbird couple hovering in the sky flew under the

thunderclouds, summoning more thunderbolts.

Suddenly the Thunderbird dived and rushed to the ground Death Eater

team with millions of volts of lightning, the speed of the lightning was

very fast, and before the Death Eaters could react, the huge lightning

struck the ground directly, directly blowing up the dense Death Eaters.

The scattered lightning burned hundreds of Death Eaters directly to

ashes, and there was no time to even let out a scream.

One Thunderbird finished attacking with lightning and rushed into the

sky, and the other Thunderbird carried a huge lightning bolt and struck

the Death Eaters again.

Thunderbirds are worthy of being magical creatures born to control

thunder, especially with the blessing of thunderclouds, millions of volts

of lightning are like wine, constantly falling to the ground.

Countless lightning bolts sent a wave of lightning directly to the ground

where the Death Eaters were.

The team of Death Eaters, who had been neatly trained just now, became

chaotic under the attack of lightning, and the screams were incessant,

and the team of several cadres fled in all directions.

This scene made the eyes of the teachers and students inside and outside

the castle widen, they did not expect these two thunderbirds to have such

great ability.

"Damn beast!"

Voldemort gritted his teeth, his eyes fixed on the two thunderbirds, and

fired a death curse directly into the sky.

With the blessing of the Elder Wand, his attack strength has indeed

increased a lot, and the dazzling death spell is like a pillar of light

straight into the sky.

With the blessing of thunder, the thunderbird's reaction and speed

became much faster, and relying on its sensitivity to danger perception,

when it saw Voldemort's spell attack, it immediately cooperated with

each other to dodge.

Then he struck back two lightning bolts from Voldemort, and although

Voldemort blocked the attack of lightning with powerful magic, his men

who approached him were miserable.

The exploding lightning directly hit these people, accompanied by

countless screams, and many Death Eaters were directly blown out.

The lucky Death Eaters, who did not die after being hit by a huge amount

of electricity, but no longer had the strength to fight, lay on the ground

and pumped non-stop with electric light.

Unfortunately, it was directly turned into coke, and there was no

possibility of survival.

Voldemort was mad, waved his wand, flew up like a bat and rushed

towards the two thunderbirds, vowing to kill them.

In the two thunderbirds dodging incessantly, the spells that soared into

the sky one after another directly dispersed the clouds in the sky.

Seeing that Voldemort's attack was getting stronger and stronger, the two

thunderbirds saw that the situation was not good, and hid directly in the

thick clouds, so that Voldemort could not find the target of the attack.

Then he continued to control the lightning, unleashing thunderous

attacks on Voldemort flying in the sky and the Death Eaters on the


The students hiding in the castle cheered excitedly when they saw the

power of these two thunderbirds, they did not expect the thunderbirds to

be so powerful.

You know, they had been up close and personal with Thunderbirds in

Peter's class before.

At that time, I only thought that the Thunderbird was very handsome,

but I didn't expect such a strong attack.

Voldemort fell to the ground again, and after hearing the cheers in the

castle, he suddenly felt like he had been slapped in the face, and his

scarlet eyes were full of murderous aura when he looked at the castle and

the people around him.

McGonagall and the others keenly discovered his murderous aura, and

they clenched their wands warily, ready to fight him to the death.

But Voldemort didn't care about their expressions, but touched the old

wand in his hand, and then burst out a huge magic pressure, aiming at

the sky and unleashing his strongest blow.

A huge pillar of light soared into the sky, setting off a shock wave that

retreated everyone.

The pillar of magic spell light hit the clouds directly, directly dispersing

the thick thunderclouds, exposing two helpless thunderbirds under the

starry sky, and there was no trace of clouds and mist around to

accumulate lightning.

"Now you guys should die!"

Voldemort looked at the two thunderbirds in the sky with a cruel smile

on his face, and the green light of the Elder Wand in his hand flashed

green, tracing them.

The cheers in the castle stopped, and the students looked at the

thunderclouds that had been scattered and the two thunderbirds that

could not hide, their eyes full of worry.

Especially seeing Voldemort's powerful momentum, the hope that had

risen was once again knocked down.

"Luna, you just said that Professor York is here, why haven't you shown

up yet?"

A student said to Luna anxiously.

The students around also glared at her, originally thinking that this

usually crazy crazy girl could be reliable this time.

As a result, there is no trace of Peter until now, only two of Peter's

thunderbirds came to the rescue, and now they are also in danger.

Luna didn't seem to care about these people's reactions, but looked at the

deep black lake and said affirmatively: "I saw a harassing fly belonging to

Professor York, he must be nearby, maybe in the black lake." "

When the others heard this, they looked at her like a fool, then shook

their heads and said, "I'm stupid to believe the crazy girl's words." "

Suddenly someone took a clock and looked at it, then was shocked and

said with a desperate face: "Half an hour has passed, and the Dark Lord

and his Death Eaters are about to storm the castle and kill us!" "

Hearing this, many students panicked, and some students sat directly on

the ground, crying in despair: "I don't want to die!" I want to go home! "

"If you don't want to die, then grab your wand and fight the Death Eaters


Hermione said in a loud voice, she looked at everyone with a solemn

expression, "The Death Eaters will not leave their hands on us, and if we

want to repel them, we can only survive if we work together." "

At the same time, outside the castle, Voldemort seemed to be teasing the

Thunderbirds, constantly firing a death spell into the sky, not allowing

them to have a chance to escape, and could only run for their lives.

Then he looked at the professors who had been on guard, showed a cruel

smile and said, "The time has come." "

"So far, I haven't seen any trace of Harry Potter, it seems that you are

planning to be excessive."

"In that case, then I will send you all to Dumbledore together." Then

clean this castle and eliminate all those who are not worthy of studying

at Hogwarts, and turn it into my Death Eater's paradise! "

With a wave of his hand, the Death Eaters behind him gathered again,

revealing bloodthirsty gazes and rushing towards the castle.

Looking at the dense crowd of Death Eaters rushing over, the teachers

and students who were standing at the castle gate quickly waved their

wands, and Flitwick directly shot spells from his wands like bullets,

attacking the Death Eaters on the opposite side;

McGonagall used the Transfiguration Charm to animate the megalithic

and armored statues at the gate like an army, wielding their weapons

neatly and attacking

Sprout drank many seeds into the distance, chanting complex

incantations, only to see the seeds quickly grow into thick devil nets,

which quickly covered the entire meadow, binding the rushing Death

Eaters firmly and tightening them to no avail, even if a Death Eater used

the Fire Curse or the Light Curse.

And Slughorn, while casting a spell attack on the Death Eaters, took out

small bottles and smashed them directly towards the ground in the

distance, with the help of the spell, the poison in the bottles instantly

evaporated into the air and blew towards the Death Eaters with the wind.

The other upperclassmen joined Cedric and Alan in constantly attacking

the enemy with the strongest spell they had learned.

The counterattack of the professor and the students was very powerful,

but the Death Eaters were too numerous, falling one wave after another,

and rushing out another wave, so that Professor McGonagall and the

others had to back down, especially since the professors not only had to

face so many Death Eaters, but also take care of the students who were

fighting with them.

"Michaleva, I can't hold on!"

Slughorn, who was in charge of defense, struggled to maintain the

protective shield that was about to collapse, and said loudly to


"If you can't hold it, you have to hold it! If they attack the castle, it will

be a disaster! "

McGonagall said firmly.

"Professor, let's help you!"

Suddenly the castle gate opened, and a group of people came out of it,

quickly joining the battle, allowing McGonagall and them to relieve the

pressure a little.

"Arthur, Amelia, why are you here?!"

McGonagall asked in surprise, "How did you get into the castle?" "

"Thanks to us, Professor McGonagall."

The twins grinned at McGonagall as they attacked into the distance, "We

are the Explorers of Hogwarts, and if we want to enter the castle, we can

provide at least several secret passages." "

McGonagall was very surprised at this time, she looked at the group of

wizards who were following Arthur and Amelia Burns, recognized them

as all Ministry of Magic staff and asked, "How did you bring the Ministry

of Magic people here?" What about Peter? Didn't he go to the Ministry of

Magic to the rescue? "

"The Ministry of Magic has been taken over by the Death Eaters, and we

were rescued by Peter."

Amia said with a heavy expression.

Then his expression relaxed and he said, "Peter separated from us after he

brought us here and let George and Fred take us through the secret

passage into the castle. But I think he must be hiding somewhere,

preparing to deal with Voldemort. "

As soon as the words fell, the originally calm Black Lake suddenly

became choppy, the lake water rushed directly out of the shore, rolled up

a huge wave of more than ten meters, swept the Death Eaters on the

stone bridge into the lake, and then was swept into the lake by a group of

mermaids who had already prepared stone spears, and the water in the

crazy surrounding Black Lake seemed to ignore gravity, and directly

rushed out of the lake into a huge torrent and rushed towards the Death


And at the forefront of the torrent, a huge octopus with open teeth and

claws like a striker, waving its tentacles and rampage.

But what caught everyone's attention was that on the back of the giant

octopus, a figure stood straight there, directing the monstrous flood, like

a water god, looking down on everyone on the ground.

Chapter 591: Chapter 592

Chapter 592: Fusing Mermaid Genes! Water control talent!!

"Peter! It's Peter! "

When everyone saw the figure standing on the octopus's head, they

immediately shouted in surprise.

Voldemort also stopped his attack on the two thunderbirds in the sky, set

his eyes on Peter who came out of the black lake, and sneered: "Peter, are

you finally not hiding anymore?" "

At this time, Peter, standing on top of the huge waves, the big octopus

under his feet waved its tentacles, fiercely attacking in the direction of

the Death Eaters.

Under the huge waves, there were countless mermaids, holding stone

spears, like shrimp soldiers and crab generals, emitting a sharp and

piercing cry, boosting the morale of the charge.

Peter carried nearly ninety percent of the water in the black lake and

turned into a thousand horses galloping towards the gate of the castle.

"That's cool!"

The twins looked at Peter, who looked like a water god above the huge

waves, and unconsciously exclaimed.

"Back off! Back inside the castle! "

McGonagall couldn't help but feel shocked as she watched the huge

waves of more than ten meters rushing towards this side, and then urged

the others to quickly hide in the castle to save themselves from being

swept away by the flood that Peter had got.

And the Death Eaters, who had already been attacked by thunder, looked

at this monstrous wave, and their faces were frightened and chaotic.

Someone wanted to phantom transfiguration, but at this time it was

already within the range of anti-phantom transfiguration, and they could

only run back desperately in horror.

And some Death Eaters who wanted to follow Hogwarts teachers and

students into the castle, before they could chase them, were directly

rolled up by the tentacle-like water column, smashed into the water and

then swarmed by the mermaids who were ready to attack.

The body was pierced with holes in the body with highly poisonous stone

spears and arrows, and he drowned directly in the water.

Peter, who was standing on top of the huge wave, raised his hand

slightly, and the huge wave rose and turned into a rolling flood, directly

pressing down on the side of the Death Eaters.

"Peter York!"

Gritting his teeth, Voldemort stood in front of the Death Eaters, raising

his Elder Wand to form an invisible curtain that blocked the impact of

the Great Waves and allowed the Death Eaters behind him to breathe.

Professor McGonagall and the others, who were also waiting for them,

were very surprised to see the flood water passing in front of them,

because their position was in the lowlands, and it was reasonable to say

that the flood would rush towards them.

But now the flood seemed to have a spirituality, bypassing them and

attacking the Death Eaters who were fleeing everywhere.

Looking at the scene of the surrounding ocean except the castle, Professor

Flitwick exclaimed: "Peter surprised us again, almost all the water in the

black lake was made out by him, how did he do this?" "

You should know that although the Black Lake is not very large, it can let

freshwater mermaids and giant octopuses live here, which shows that the

Black Lake has a large water storage.

But at this time, Peter was able to easily control the millions of cubic

meters of lake water, almost holding the entire black lake moving

everywhere without the slightest sign of effort, which made everyone

have a deep understanding of his great strength.

At this time, Peter, standing on the huge waves, felt differently, he did

not use his wand to control the lake at this time, and of course he did not

have the magic power to support such a big natural disaster.

Instead, by instinct, the mind moves freely to control the lake and rush in

the direction he wants to go.

He was now like an elf in the water, manipulating the lake with ease,

constantly attacking Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

"This mermaid's genes really surprised me."

Peter muttered happily.

The reason he hadn't shown up before wasn't hiding and preparing for a

sneak attack, as Voldemort had said.

Instead, he had just received a prompt from the system, saying that his

system points had met the opportunity to exchange fusion genes, so he

chose to go to the mermaid tribe at the bottom of the lake to prepare to

exchange the mermaid genes.

Saying that Peter was also coincidental, Peter was still thinking about

what magical beast genes he planned to fuse, when a mermaid floated to

the surface and explained to him that the mermaid tribe was willing to

help Peter and them guard Hogwarts together.

Peter had intended to politely reject their kindness, because he had the

impression that these mermaids seemed to have little ability other than

to sing pleasant songs in the water, and the weapons they used were very

primitive tools such as stone spears and arrows.

The mermaid leader showed him the ability to manipulate water,

although the mermaid's ability to control water was limited, only about a

few cubic meters of water.

But if it's on the dry

If individual fish exert their strength at the same time, they have the

ability to lift the water in the black lake and drag those Death Eaters on

the shore into the water and drown!

Seeing this ability, Peter instantly felt really fragrant, and the humanoid

ugly face that looked at the mermaid leader also felt kind, and he directly

took advantage of the time to hold the mermaid leader to fuse the

mermaid genes into his body.

The system is worthy of the system, after fusing and optimizing the

mermaid's genes, Peter not only inherited the mermaid's good voice and

the ability to breathe in the water, but also greatly improved the ability

to control water, allowing him to control several levels of black lake


After fusing the mermaid genes, the mermaids of the mermaid tribe

looked at Peter with closer and kinder eyes.

Especially when Peter demonstrated his terrifying ability to control

water, the mermaids, including the leader of the personnel, instantly

regarded him as the most noble person, indicating that they were willing

to obey his leadership in the future.

Led by the mermaids, Peter also persuaded another resident in the Black

Lake, the Big Octopus.

The gentle big octopus was also very dissatisfied with the crazy Death

Eaters on the shore, and without saying a word, he agreed to the

invitation to defend Hogwarts.

After getting the mermaid's ability to control the water, Peter directly

rolled up the water in the entire black lake, took many mermaids, rode a

large octopus, and ran towards the Death Eaters on the shore.

Peter swept the Death Eaters into the water, leaving them powerless to


The mermaids, on the other hand, were responsible for keeping the Death

Eaters who fell into the water from getting out of the water for as long as

they could live.

After taking out all the lone Death Eaters, Peter stood on the huge wave,

looked at Voldemort who had held up a magical barrier in the flood to

protect the many Death Eaters behind him, and sneered, "Voldemort,

aren't you going to clear Hogwarts?" Why don't you have the strength

now? "

"Peter York, how long can you be proud? I've finished off Dumbledore!

Without him joining forces with you, you would be alone. "

Voldemort looked at Peter with a gloomy look in his eyes and said with a

wicked smile.

He ostentatiously touched the elderberry wand in his hand and said to

Peter: "I thank you for destroying my wand before, without your credit,

how could I go and find the most powerful wand, and thus find this

oldest and most powerful wand." Now with the most powerful me, no one

is my opponent! "

Then Voldemort looked at the surrounding flood more than ten meters

high, and then looked at Peter, who was controlling the flood, and

squinted his eyes and said: "Although I don't know where you mastered

these abilities to manipulate nature, but magic is the most essential

power embodiment of wizards, do you think these means of yours can

scare me?" "

Saying that, he waved his old wand, and a huge cold air gushed out of

the wand, directly freezing all the surrounding lake, and the cold quickly

spread to the surrounding waters, as if to freeze all here.

Some mermaids hiding in the water and preparing for a sneak attack

were instantly frozen inside before they could retreat!

In the snow, a huge glacier stands around the castle, which has become a

world of glaciers!

Chapter 592: Chapter 593

Chapter 593 Reproduces Thunder Baptism! Inside and outside the castle!!

Faced with the onset of cold, Peter had to roll the tide backwards.

Looking at the many fish frozen in the glacier, Peter's face was a little

solemn, and Voldemort, who had been blessed by the Elder Wand, was

indeed more difficult to deal with.

He directly summoned a fierce fire and burned towards the glacier.

After the fierce fire attached to the ice, it did not extinguish, but as if it

had encountered fuel, it burned fiercely and quickly vaporized the ice.

Seeing Peter's actions, Voldemort was stunned for a moment, and then

laughed mockingly: "Peter York, what are you doing here?" Are you going

to burn the mermaids who help you too? Belch... Well? "

The smile on Voldemort's face paused, and he saw that those raging fires

did quickly vaporize the glacier, directly omitting the melting process,

but the mermaids who were frozen in them did nothing in the fierce fire,

as if those fierce fires were just shadows, without the slightest burning


"This is fierce…"

Voldemort's smile tightened, his eyes fixed on Peter, "Grindelwald's skills,

you joined forces with him?" "

Peter didn't speak, but manipulated the remaining water, rolled up the

thawed mermaids and octopuses, and brought them back to the nearly

dry black lake.

Then he closed his eyes and felt the surroundings, then smiled

mysteriously at Voldemort and said, "The air is full of moisture now, it's

time for another rain." "

As soon as the words fell, the sky that was originally struck by Voldemort

was scattered, and there was no more dark clouds, and the wind and

clouds changed in an instant, and the water vapor in the air was

constantly vibrating and rubbing under Peter's control.

Thick dark clouds also quickly gathered in the sky.

The huge dark clouds continued to churn and shake, becoming more and

more deposited, and in the blink of an eye, they landed more than ten

meters above the castle, making everyone on the ground feel dull in their

hearts, as if the sky was about to fall.

The more the water vapor in the air vibrates, the more current is

generated, and even everyone on the ground can feel the air

moisturizing, and their hair stands up, as if they will be struck by

lightning in the next moment.

Even the two thunderbirds in the sky, feeling the abundant electricity at

this time, also became cheerful, constantly shuttling through the dark

clouds, disturbing the clouds, and being covered with thunder and

lightning, like two constantly moving spherical lightning in the sky.

Voldemort looked at the sky with a solemn face, and then looked at Peter

in shock, his eyes were full of jealousy and longing, he could sense the

terrifying energy accumulated in the thundercloud, which was the

lightning that made him very creepy, far more terrifying than those two


The truth of starting first is strong, of course Voldemort understood.

He first shot several spells at Peter in a row, and then gathered the

greatest magic power, and unleashed the most powerful attack on the

dark clouds in the sky, and the dazzling magic was like a giant pillar of

light straight into the sky, breaking the thick dark clouds into a huge

hole, allowing people to clearly see the starry sky above the clouds.

The huge fluctuations scattered the dark clouds in the sky, as if they were

about to dissipate at any time.

But before Voldemort could smile, he saw Peter gently wave his hand

towards the sky, the dark clouds gathered again, even the huge hole was

filled again, the vibration frequency of water vapor was accelerated, and

the humming sound in the air was incessant.

It made everyone on the ground feel a burst of irritation.


Lightning erupted from Peter's body, his eyes showed electric light, and

his hands were clenched, wrapped in a small lightning ball.


The dark clouds in the sky were no longer settled, and two very thick

lightning bolts slashed down from the sky, one directly towards


The other turned a corner and flew towards Peter.

Tens of millions of volts of lightning, with dazzling brilliance, slashed

straight at Voldemort.

The speed of the lightning far exceeded the reaction speed of humans,

and after Voldemort hastily cast a protective shield that could protect

him, the lightning directly shattered the protective shield and continued

to attack him.

Faced with the inevitable lightning, Voldemort chose to move flowers

and trees, directly transferring the huge lightning to the surroundings to

avoid being hit by lightning.

But the Death Eaters around him were miserable, originally hiding

behind him just to seek refuge, but now they were struck by this huge

lightning, and in the explosions and screams, many Death Eaters were

instantly charred, and those who were lucky not to die were also

mutilated or stunned.

The thunder and lightning in the sky seemed to turn on the berserk

mode, densely descending countless lightnings, half of which were used

to wash the ground for the Death Eaters, and the other half all converged

on Peter's hands

in a lightning ball.

At this time, the Hogwarts teachers and students, who had already

hidden in the castle, looked at the scene outside with shocked faces, and

the lightning bolt seemed to have eyes, staring specifically at Voldemort

and the Death Eaters.

The outside world seems to have become a world of thunder and


"Merlin, Peter is no longer human!"

The twins stared at the scene outside the window in shock, and then said

happily, "If this goes on, will Peter be able to take down that guy from

Voldemort?" "

Arthur also stared at Peter who was controlling the lightning outside with

wide eyes and shock, and then shook his head and said: "Voldemort is not

easy to deal with, so far, the lightning has not hurt him a little, if you

want to kill Voldemort with lightning, I'm afraid it will be difficult!" "

"It doesn't matter if you can't hurt Voldemort, as long as you can get rid

of those Death Eaters, it's nice to get rid of his minions."

Amelia Burns looked at the fleeing Death Eaters outside and said happily.

"Haha, I knew that Peter this kid was not ordinary!"

Flitwick was short and could only reach the window on tiptoe, but he

was still very excited, "I knew he was talented when he first entered the

school, and it was a pity that he entered Slytherin and cheapened the guy

Snape." But now it seems that his strength has far exceeded all of us. He's

only nineteen years old! With such strength at the age of nineteen, I

really don't know what kind of glory he will be in the future? "

"But speaking of Slytherin, where did that Severus guy go, why didn't you

see him all afternoon, and now there's no trace?"

Flitwick said suspiciously, and then he looked at McGonagall, "And Harry

Potter, where did he go too?" If Voldemort hadn't asked us to hand him

over, I would have thought he had been captured by Voldemort. "

McGonagall shook her head and stared out the window with a serious

expression, as the school's vice principal, she had an obligation to keep

the school safe, so she said to everyone, "Although Peter is there to

attract the main force now, we still have to guard against those Death

Eaters breaking into the castle." So everyone had to guard every window

to prevent those Death Eater dogs from jumping over the wall and

entering the castle to create chaos. "

Then he looked at Cedric and Alan and ordered, "You are responsible for

transferring the lower school students with Fred George, and the Weasley

brothers should know a lot of secret passages, through which you can

transfer students to Hogsmeade." "

"No problem, leave it to us, this is our specialty!"

The twins patted their chests and said proudly, "We know a few secret

passages that lead to Hogsmeade, and we made a lot of money from

them, so we really miss those exciting days." "

Under McGonagall's instructions, all the teachers and students of the

school moved, the professors all guarded the window, and the Ministry of

Magic personnel who had come with Peter also participated, patrolling

all over the floor to prevent the Death Eaters from breaking in.

"Professor! Professor McGonagall! "

A hurried voice came from upstairs, it was Harry, who had suddenly

disappeared for a long time, waving at McGonagall with an anxious face,

and holding a Marauder's Map in his hand.

"Harry, where have you been? We're looking for you! Hurry up, it's not

safe here, you have to follow the other students…"

McGonagall said in surprise, and then pulled him out of here.

"Professor, find someone to go to the eighth floor to stop the Death

Eaters, they came in from there!"

Harry said breathlessly, his expression very panicked, "It's a werewolf,

and the leader is werewolf leader Fenrir Greyback!" "

Chapter 593: Chapter 594

Chapter 594: Harry's Accusation, Snape is the murderer? Peace talks?!!

"Fenrir Greyback?!"

McGonagall exclaimed, then asked Potter incredulously, "Harry, do you

know where they came in?" "

"It was Malfoy who put it in, he hid a cupboard in the room of demand,

and those werewolves came out of the cupboard!"

Harry said quickly, saying that he was breathing very quickly and his

tone was full of anger, "And Snape, he is Voldemort's lackey!" He killed

Dumbledore with Voldemort! "

McGonagall suddenly stopped, looked at Potter with a look of hatred in

disbelief, stared at him and said, "What? Are you saying that Severus

betrayed Albus? Harry, you must know that this accusation is very

serious, and if you don't have real evidence, your words are enough to

get you expelled from school! "

"I'm absolutely sure! I can testify! Because I was standing there and

seeing it with my own eyes. "

Harry's eyes were red and he said, "Dumbledore drank the mead that

Snape gave him, so he was too weak to resist and was easily killed by

Voldemort!" "

"Oh, Merlin!"

McGonagall covered her mouth, her eyes full of sadness and shock, she

grabbed Harry by the shoulder and looked directly at him, "Are you

saying that Dumbledore was poisoned before he died?" "

"Yes! I was practicing magic with Professor Dumbledore in the training

room next to the Headmaster's office. Then Snape arrived, bringing a

potion that was said to relieve the condition of his right hand. But when

Professor Dumbledore 593 drank the potion, it did not relieve the

condition, but made him very weak. "

Harry recalled, his expression became more and more angry, and he

gritted his teeth and said, "When I found out that Dumbledore was

poisoned and wanted to come out to save him, I was confined to the

room by Dumbledore's magic. I saw with my own eyes that Snape took

the weakened Dumbledore away and wanted to sacrifice him to


"It wasn't until just now that I finally got out of the headmaster's office,

and then I saw Malfoy creep into the room of demand and release a

group of werewolves."

Before Harry could finish speaking, the roar of werewolves and the

screams of students were heard from upstairs.

McGonagall's face suddenly turned pale, and she said in horror and

anger, "Oh my God, today is the full moon!" Did they let a group of out-

of-control werewolves come in to destroy Hogwarts? "

Harry looked outside at the top of the dark clouds and outside the castle

of Thunder, and asked very puzzled: "Professor, doesn't it mean that

werewolves only become werewolves when they see the full moon?" Now

that the moon is covered by clouds, how can it still become a werewolf? "

"Fenrir is not an ordinary werewolf, he is an innate werewolf who can

transform at any time without a full moon! This is also why he is called

the most dangerous werewolf. "

McGonagall said as she quickly ran upstairs, and then she seemed to

react and said to Harry: "Harry, don't follow you, it's dangerous upstairs,

you go down to the third floor, where Fred George is in charge, they will

take you from the secret passage to Hogsmeade." "

"No, Professor, you heard it just now, Voldemort is looking for me. If I

follow other people, it will affect other people. "

Harry shook his head and said, then he looked out the window at Peter,

who was driving lightning to attack Voldemort and the Death Eaters, his

eyes were full of yearning and reverence, and said, "Besides, I also

believe Professor York, he is so powerful, he will definitely be able to

defeat Voldemort." "

"That… Harry, you go to the first floor, where Ron and Hermione are

there, and they have also joined the battle to defend Hogwarts. They

have been very worried about you, you go to their rendezvous. I need to

stop those werewolves and not let them come down and scourge the

students! "

McGonagall hesitated, but finally decided to let Harry stay.

Hearing the wolf roar upstairs, Harry nodded anyway, because of Lupin,

he still knew a certain amount of werewolves, he knew that he couldn't

deal with them, so he still didn't bother McGonagall.

"Okay, Professor McGonagall, be careful too."

Harry said, running down the moving stairs.

McGonagall continued to rush upstairs, her figure was unusually agile,

and with the help of magic, she crossed a floor in a few steps.

Before these werewolves rushed to the seventh floor, they blocked in

front of these crazy werewolves.

Outside the castle, Peter also heard the wolf roar from the castle, and his

face instantly became solemn, and he looked at Voldemort with disgust,

"I didn't expect you to dare to put a werewolf into the school, are you

completely crazy?" You know that this is the cradle of wizards in the

wizarding world, and if those students die at the hands of werewolves or

are bitten by werewolves, aren't you afraid of being cursed by everyone?


Voldemort erected a barrier to protect himself and the Death Eaters from

lightning, and he smiled nonchalantly and said, "There will always be a

time of pain before all great things are completed. As long as I rule the

entire wizarding world, those problems are no longer a problem. I now

have eternal life, and in just a few decades, I have enough patience to

wait for the next generation of wizards to appear. "

"Maniac! I see that you sliced your soul and cut it so much that there was

a problem with your brain! "

Peter looked at this nervous Voldemort and snorted coldly, then looked

at the Death Eaters behind him, showed a sneer, and said, "You rule the

wizarding world? Isn't it the Purifier mercenaries who rule the wizarding

world? But it seems that you also found this problem, so you used my

hand to reduce the number of mercenaries, right? "

Some of the Death Eaters behind Voldemort had twinkling eyes, and most

of the people who died before were almost all from the Purifier


Now among the remaining Death Eaters, the number of mercenaries and

real Death Eaters has almost equaled.

The Voldemort Golem did not mind in the slightest about Peter's words

provoking internal contradictions among the Death Eaters, squinting at

the lightning that constantly slammed into the magical barrier, and said

to Peter in admiration: "You really surprised me more and more, even

this natural power can be mastered." If it weren't for the blessing of the

Elder Wand now, I'm afraid that according to my previous strength, I

would really be blown into ashes by your thunder this day. "

Saying that, he said in a consultative tone: "Peter York, now that we are

both undead, time is already a cheap thing for the two of us, and neither

of us can really kill the other." In that case, why don't we stop talking

about peace, why should we keep fighting each other for the previous

contradictions? "

"Peace talks? Hmph, Voldemort, what trick do you want to use again? "

Peter sneered, not eating him at all.

"The main purpose of my coming today is to kill Dumbledore. Now that

my task has been completed, naturally I will not stay longer. "

Voldemort said, "As long as you stop, I am willing to hand over Hogwarts

to you in charge, and I will not bother you in the future, you teach your

students in the school, I continue to do my business, and we will not

interfere with each other in the future, how?" "

Immediately as if sensing something, he turned his eyes to the window

on the first floor of the castle, pointed to Harry standing there, and said

strongly: "Of course, I must take him away!" "

Chapter 594: Chapter 595

Chapter 595: A Member of the Order of the Phoenix, Peter's Lightning

Ball! Terrifying destructive power!!

Peter sneered, and just about to say something, a phantom

transfiguration sound came through.

Immediately afterwards, people kept appariling and appearing on the

grass not far away, and it was the members of the Order of the Phoenix

who rushed over.

Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, Moody, and the Longbottoms, as well as Shacker

and others, all appeared.

Even Snape, who had never been seen, quietly appeared among them.

"Oh, Merlin, Voldemort!"

As soon as Mrs. Weasley appeared, she was startled to see Voldemort

directly opposite.

But when he saw that Voldemort and his Death Eaters were resisting the

attack of the sky thunder at this time, he immediately breathed a sigh of

relief, after all, not everyone can easily face Voldemort, the unspeakable.

And the people of the Order of the Phoenix, worthy of being wizards with

rich combat experience, immediately raised their wands at the first sight

of Voldemort and the Death Eaters and attacked them.

It's a pity that Voldemort's magic barrier, even Peter's tens of millions of

volts of lightning can't be broken, not to mention their spell, not even a

trace of ripples were lifted, and the spell dissipated without a trace.

"Okay, you guys hurry up and help the other professors in the castle, just

leave it to me here."

Peter said loudly to these people while manipulating the lightning.

Everyone looked at Peter surrounded by thunder and lightning with

shocked eyes, as if they had seen the mythical god of thunder.

Looking at the lightning ball he was holding in his hand, which made

them creepy, they only felt that Peter at this time was majestic and


At this time, Peter, after a long period of savings, the lightning ball in his

hand had turned blue-purple, filled with a terrifying aura.

This lightning ball condensed by hundreds of lightning bolts, the energy

inside is so huge that Peter feels difficult to control.

"Get out of here!"

Moody, who had the most combat experience, felt the lightning bolt in

Peter's hand, showed a frightened look in his one eye, and hurriedly

urged the people of the Order of the Phoenix to leave.

In Voldemort's horrified eyes, Peter raised his hand and threw the lead

ball, throwing the long-stored lightning bolt in his hand towards


Then it was as if there was a huge terror behind him, one turned around,

rolled up the huge waves in the lake, and rushed to the castle with the

Phoenix Order ~ members who did not have time to escape.

At the moment when Peter led someone to break through the window

and enter the castle, the lightning ball smashed heavily on Voldemort's

magic barrier, and then instantly exploded, with a very dazzling light,

gathering countless lightning balls of thunder, producing terrifying

power, directly tearing the solid magic barrier to pieces.

Seeing this horrific situation, Voldemort could no longer care about

anything, and cast the strongest anti-protection spell with a hideous face,

abandoning the Death Eaters and instead protecting himself from


Although he knew that he could not die, he did not want to lose his

physical body.

At the critical moment, the Death Eaters did not expect that Voldemort

would give up on them, without a protective cover, they were directly

exposed to the terrifying lightning that even Voldemort did not dare to

deal with, and the nearest Death Eater did not even have time to scream,

and his body was quickly evaporated by the lightning in an instant.

The Death Eaters who were far away, especially those mercenaries who

had a relationship with Voldemort, had already prepared for being

abandoned by Voldemort, so they had prepared magic long ago.

When Voldemort chose to abandon them, he immediately cast a super

protective spell.

But in the face of such a natural disaster-like terrifying lightning, their

protective shield appeared very fragile and was directly destroyed by a


In order to survive, many mercenaries have used their strongest life-

saving skills for the first time.

Some directly used magic to escape directly into the ground, and some

directly activated the life-saving props they carried, or activated the

protective shield to protect themselves, or teleported short-distance…

After the terrifying lightning ball exploded, a huge energy quickly rushed

around, destroying everything that stood in its way.

Even the thick grass seemed to be half bulldozed in an instant.

On the periphery of the Forbidden Forest, the trees were directly

uprooted, and the overflowing lightning turned the trees into char.

On the side of the castle, although it was a little far from the center of the

explosion, in the face of this terrifying power, everyone in the castle took

a breath and cast the strongest protective spell outside, trying their best

to block this destructive force from the castle.

And Peter, the initiator, was very calm about this, he stretched out his

hand towards the black lake under the castle, and the water in the black

lake ignored gravity and rushed up towards the heights, turning into a

huge water curtain, quickly enveloping the entire castle.


The students in the castle looked at this scene in shock, they looked out

the window, the wall of water that was constantly flowing, and then

looked at Peter, who opened his hands and easily controlled the lake, and

the reverence in their hearts was about to overflow.

Especially those professors and wizards of the Order of the Phoenix,

watching Peter's operation, their hearts were shocked for a long time.

If Peter was like the god of thunder before, he now controls the lake like

a water god, ordering to see all waters.

The energy of the lightning ball explosion rippled to the castle in the

blink of an eye, and the shock wave carried a terrifying electric current

and hit the castle as if to destroy the castle.

Everyone in the castle barely saw the scene outside through the water

wall, and when they saw the huge energy coming, they were terrified, as

if the next moment was the end.

Until the shock wave and current hit the water wall, the terrifying

current that came first, touching the water wall, was blocked, and the

contact between the current and the water made a piercing sound,

making everyone directly cover their ears.

The huge energy instantly evaporated more than half of the thick water

wall, and the current dissipated along the water wall, the electric light

continued to flicker, and the water wall became tumbling hot.

In the end, Peter used the water of the entire black lake to protect the

castle from being destroyed by his own lightning ball.

Of course, Peter didn't think that Hogwarts Castle could be destroyed so

easily, after all, this castle that has stood for thousands of years has

gathered the efforts of four giants and countless latecomers, and its

strength is unpredictable.

Blocking the impact, Peter lowered his hand and removed the protection

of the wall of water.

The scene outside once again fell into everyone's eyes, but everyone took

a cold breath.

I saw that the outside of the castle seemed to have experienced the end,

the turquoise grass directly turned into scorched ground, and the center

of the explosion directly became a huge sinkhole, and there was no grass

within a radius of several miles!

"Oh, my poor house, not a single plank is gone!"

Hagrid, who was also in the castle, immediately found that his cabin had

disappeared, and only the stone slabs on the ground were left on the

original site of the house.

He looked there with a sad face and said, "My favorite teddy bear and

stone bow are gone!" It's so unlucky. "

The black lake also changed at this time, the lake water was almost

evaporated under Peter's tossing, and in the dry black lake, only the

mermaid tribe at the bottom of the lake was left with less than two

meters of water level, and even the mermaid's stone house was exposed

to the air.

The mermaids floated on the surface and looked at Peter with a

grumbling face, evaporating so much water, it may take at least a week

for the Black Lake to refill.

However, Peter didn't care about the mermaid's reaction at this time, he

flew directly out of the castle, came to the edge of the sinkhole, and

looked down.

He looked at Voldemort in the sinkhole with a embarrassed face, and said

with a smile: "You are really powerful, such a big energy explosion,

actually failed to destroy you, really worthy of the Dark Lord." "

Chapter 595: Chapter 596

Chapter 596: The Transformation of the Werewolves! Emergency!!

At this time, Voldemort was extremely embarrassed, although Peter's

lightning attack did not hurt him, but it made him ashen, he turned

around and disappeared into the pit, and when he landed again, he gave

Peter a fatal attack, gritting his teeth and saying: "Peter York!" You have

deprived me of a faithful servant! "

In the face of the attacking death curse, Peter unceremoniously also shot

back, and the collision of two powerful spells forced the two people

fighting back several steps.

However, in the face of Voldemort blessed by the Elder Wand, Peter

clearly fell into the upper hand in the battle.

But before Voldemort could be pleased, Peter's empty left hand waved

towards the sky, and with a bang, a huge lightning bolt immediately

struck Voldemort.

Voldemort did not expect that Peter would also be able to summon

lightning when fighting against him, and although he hastily applied a

protective charm, he still only blocked it slightly for a moment, and was

instantly struck by lightning.

With a scream, Voldemort interrupted the spell in pain, and before Peter's

next spell came, he instantly disappeared in place, turning into a black

smoke and appearing on the high ground in the distance.

At this time, his thunder and lightning split his skin and flesh, and his

whole body was pitch black, only two red eyes, full of hatred, said

fiercely: "Peter York, you don't let me have a good time, I will make you

feel bad today!" "

Saying that, he raised his wand and burst out with great power, shooting

a huge magic into the sky, blasting the dark clouds in the sky into a large

hole, and the moonlight shone directly on the castle through the big hole.

The teachers and students who were hiding in the castle were confused,

not understanding Voldemort's intentions.

But Harry's face changed directly, turned his head to look at Lupin

behind him, and saw that his face was full of pain at this time, his body

was constantly deforming, and he turned into a hideous and dangerous

werewolf in the blink of an eye.

The people around retreated in horror, and Flitwick and the others

quickly gathered the students behind their backs and pointed their wands

warily at Lupin.


Sirius quickly stood up to Lupin and said anxiously, "Remus had already

drunk wolf poison before he came, and he still has reason and won't

attack people." "

When everyone heard this, and then saw that Lupin, the werewolf behind

him, did not make unnecessary movements, did not show a cruel

expression, his eyes were clear, but he stood there a little helpless.

Flitwick and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief and withdrew the

wand pointed at Lupin, but everyone still did not dare to get too close to

him, after all, if he was bitten or scratched by a werewolf, he was likely

to become a werewolf, and everyone dared not take this risk.

At the same time, on the eighth floor of the castle, McGonagall and

others stopped at the exit of the eighth floor and fought with the

werewolf on the opposite side.

Since only the werewolf leader Fenrir can turn into a werewolf at will,

even if there are many werewolves, McGonagall and the others can easily

deal with it, and even stun many werewolves.

But when the moonlight shone through the window, McGonagall and the

others suddenly felt bad, only to see that after seeing the moonlight,

many werewolves instantly deformed their faces, their mouths

lengthened, and quickly grew fangs, and even the stunned werewolves on

the ground stood up, looking at everyone with tyrannical and

bloodthirsty eyes.

Nearly a hundred werewolves stared at Professor McGonagall and the

others in unison, as if they were looking at a snack, and saliva flowed out

of the wolf's mouth.

Fenrir is worthy of being the leader of werewolves, and the deformed

wolf is nearly twice as large as other werewolves, and he also maintains a

clear mind and does not lose his mind like other werewolves.

He let out a wolf roar, and the werewolves around him approached him,

led by him, bowed up, ready to attack McGonagall at any time under

Fenrir's orders.

"Fenrir, take your werewolf and kill!"

Voldemort's voice came in from outside, revealing a cruel tone, "I allow

you to fill your stomachs tonight, everyone in the castle is yours, you can

eat, you can bite, you can turn them into your kind!" Don't worry, tonight

is the night of your werewolf carnival! "

Hearing Voldemort's words, the werewolf Fenrileton showed a cruel

smile, let out a wolf roar in response, and then together with the

surrounding werewolves, fiercely attacked McGonagall and others, the

fishy wolf's mouth was wide open, and the dangerous fangs bit into


McGonagall and others hurriedly and orderly used magic spells to knock

out the werewolves who rushed over one by one, but these transformed

werewolves, their strength has increased greatly, their resistance to

demons has become stronger, and the spells that can usually seriously

injure enemies can only appear to be less lethal on werewolves at this

time, and can only repel werewolves and cause a few scars.

And werewolves have super healing power

, In a few breaths, it can automatically heal the wound caused by the


Therefore, while the werewolves were constantly shot away by

McGonagall and others, they quickly pounced on them again, and they

could not repel them at all.

"Michaleva, what to do? Even if these werewolves use lethal spells, they

can't hurt them. If it goes on like this, we won't be able to stop them

when our magic runs out. "

Professor Sinista, a professor of astronomy, asked worriedly while

attacking the werewolf.

McGonagall activated a row of griffin statues on the wall and controlled

them to fight the werewolves, hearing Sinista's words, frowning and

being silent for a while, then gritting her teeth and saying: "Use the Death

Curse, the Death Curse can kill them." "

"Death curse?!"

Madame Hooch, the flying class professor on the side, showed a shocked

expression, couldn't believe that McGonagall would say such a thing, and

said hesitantly: "The Death Asking Curse is an unforgivable curse strictly

forbidden by the Ministry of Magic, and once used, it will be imprisoned

in Azkaban!" And that black magic is very evil, using too much will

change people's habits, and it is easy for people to fall into darkness…"

"If you don't solve these werewolves, they will rush downstairs and kill

the students wantonly." As professors, we must not let children get hurt!

Besides, now that the Ministry of Magic has fallen, they can't control

others from using the Death Curse. "

McGonagall said firmly, and then her eyes brewed killing intent, and she

unfamiliarly cast a desperate spell towards a werewolf.

The green spell directly submerged into the werewolf's body, and the

werewolf instantly fell to the ground, and there was no more sound.

This scene made the werewolf offensive also pause, although the

werewolf has no reason, but the sense of danger is very keen, they can

sense that this spell can kill them.

Fenrir, the leader of the werewolves with a clear mind, was even more

taken aback and hid directly behind the wolf crowd to avoid being hit by

the death curse.

The professors who fought with McGonagall were also shocked by

McGonagall's decisiveness, and Professor Sinista looked at the dead

werewolf opposite, looked at McGonagall again with a tense expression

and obviously uncalm eyes, and looked at her worriedly and said:

"Michaleva, you…"

"Downstairs is the children, protecting the students is the responsibility of

the teacher, we have no choice!"

McGonagall looked at the professors with firm eyes, and then

unhesitatingly cast a desperate spell on the werewolf again…

Chapter 596: Chapter 597

Chapter 597: Professors who use the Killing Curse, the influence of black


"I'll come too!"

Ancient magic professor Bassida Barbling stood beside McGonagall,

cleanly cast a life spell on the werewolf, and then said to McGonagall

seriously: "There are eighty or ninety werewolves here, if you kill with

the life spell alone, I am afraid you will also be affected by black magic."

I'll share some for you so you don't have to worry too much. "

Seeing this, other professors also changed their spells one after another,

using unskilled life spells to deal with the attacking werewolves.

With the screams of werewolves, more than a dozen werewolves were

silent in a short time.

Suddenly the battle situation was reversed, although the werewolves

were irrational, but instinctively avoided danger or knew, so after seeing

a dozen of the same kind killed by the wizards on the opposite side, they

made a whimpering sound, did not dare to step forward again, and even

ignored the order of the werewolf leader Fenrir, and the brick retreated.


A terrified cry sounded from behind the werewolf, attracting the

attention of everyone present.

But it was Draco Malfoy, who was hiding behind the door of the

responsive room, who was discovered by the werewolves who were

forced back by the professors, and these irrational werewolves smelled

the smell of the people behind the wooden door, instantly stimulated the

bloodthirsty instinct, and frantically 25 hit the wooden door, tearing the

door with their claws and fangs, trying to rush in.

Malfoy was terrified against the gate, not daring to let these runaway

werewolves in, or he would become a snack for these werewolves.

At the same time, he was very afraid and regretful, and he only felt that

he had done a stupid thing and actually put these werewolves who liked

to eat people into the castle.

"It's little Malfoy's voice!"

McGonagall heard the screams and immediately guessed his identity.

Just because she had dealt with the contradictions between Draco Malfoy

and Harry countless times over the years, she was very familiar with his


She hurriedly attacked these crazy werewolves and said anxiously: "We

must go and save little Malfoy, we can't let him be harmed by

werewolves!" "

The situation was urgent, and the professors couldn't think about why

Drak Malfoy was here, and they no longer hesitated to use the Death

Curse on the werewolves.

The professors finally know why dark wizards like to use the Death Spell

so much, in addition to consuming a lot of mana, the conditions for

casting the spell are very simple, as long as the heart is full of murderous

malice, the Death Spell can be easily used, and one blow will kill.

Very addictive.

As the professors used more and more of their killing spells, they became

more powerful and easier to cast.

The professors gradually became addicted to this kind of killing, and a

single spell could easily take the life of a werewolf.

The professors at Hogwarts are basically elite-level wizards in the

wizarding world, and their strength is naturally not to be underestimated,

and with the power of the Death Curse, these werewolves are no longer

their opponents at all.

Seeing this, the werewolf leader Fenrir showed a frightened expression

on his face, and without saying a word, he turned around and fled

desperately towards the rear, directly crashing through the glass window

of the corridor and jumping from the high castle.

Seeing this, the other werewolves also rushed to the window, constantly

dodging the death curse behind them, and fled out.

There are also werewolves, obviously remembering the route they came

from before, desperately crashing and biting the door of the demand

room, trying to avoid these murderous wizards, but they were directly hit

by the life curse, accompanied by the screams of wolves, and lost their

lives one by one.

The professors' eyes were full of killing intent and pleasure, and after

continuous killing, each of them used at least dozens of life spells, and in

order to be able to protect the students, they even took the initiative to

hypnotize themselves and fill their minds with negative and murderous


Looking at the werewolf corpses all over the ground, the professors

stopped, and McGonagall noticed that something was wrong with her

emotions and hurriedly cast a sobering spell on herself, but it obviously

didn't have much effect.

The evil thoughts in the brain are like a cloud of ink in clear water,

although they try their best to collect it, but it is still easy to pollute the

entire clear water.


A whimpering sound like a dog came from the corner, attracting

everyone's attention, it was a lone werewolf.

Looking at this werewolf that seemed to be frightened, the professors

surrounded it, and all the wands in their hands were pointed at it.

"What to do with it?"

Some red-eyed Professor Barbling asked McGonagall, wand in her hand.

McGonagall resisted the urge to kill the werewolf and said, "You can

bundle it up and put it in the demand room, and then deal with it." "

He said and conjured a very thick iron chain and wrapped it around the



The werewolf suddenly revealed a fierce bloodthirsty gaze and bit

towards McGonagall

As soon as he jumped into the air, the werewolf was hit by a green beam

of light and fell directly.

McGonagall, who withdrew her wand, looked at the dead werewolf, her

face was not happy, but frowned and looked at the professors, reminding:

"Our current situation is not very good, we have used the killing curse so

many times in a short time, and now there are negative emotions in my

head, which is very dangerous." You can't use it anymore, otherwise it's

easy to fall into darkness. "

"That's right, I'm full of very bad thoughts in my head now, it seems that

a voice is tempting me, and when I killed the werewolf just now, I

actually felt very happy, this is terrible!"

Professor Sinista said with a look of fear.

Then he turned his head to look at the werewolf corpse lying on the

ground, his face turned white, and the wand in his hand almost fell off.

"Merlin, is this what we did? I killed so many people! "

"Aurora, don't be ashamed, they are all Voldemort's minions."

McGonagall patted Sinista's shoulder and said, "These werewolves are

Fenrir's men, they love to eat people, and if we don't solve them, the

children downstairs will become their rations!" And even if you are lucky

enough to be bitten or scratched, you are likely to turn into a werewolf.

In that case, your life will be ruined! "

Suddenly, a phoenix that has been beautiful appeared in mid-air,

hovering above them and making a pleasant song, with the power of

purifying negative emotions and inspiring courage in their voices,

making everyone feel that their hearts were full of light, and negative

emotions dissipated into the air.

"Is this Phoenix Fox?"

Everyone who was purified looked at the phoenix hovering above their

heads in surprise and asked gratefully.

"It's Peter's Phoenix."

McGonagall shook her head and said with a sad expression,

"Dumbledore's Phoenix disappeared after his death and may have left. "

The phoenix's high-pitched, loud cry, pleasant as music chirped with a

healing power, eased McGonagall's grief-stricken mood.

"Thank you, Field, I'm better."

McGonagall said gratefully to the phoenix, then swept the werewolf

corpse on the ground aside with a wave of her wand, then came to the

broken wooden door of the room of demand and shouted inside, "Mr.

Malfoy, you can come out, there are no ruthless people here." "

Hearing the silence outside, and Professor McGonagall's familiar and

serious voice, Draco, who cowered behind the door in horror, finally

quietly turned to look out through the crack in the door.

Then I saw Professor McGonagall and the other professors with serious


Outside the castle, withdrawing his gaze to the eighth floor, Peter

sneered and looked at Voldemort and said, "It seems that your wolf cubs

don't seem to have any effect." Is this your revenge? Voldemort. "

Voldemort dodged a bolt of lightning, shot a desperate spell at Peter, and

said fiercely: "Don't be proud, Peter York, you can't kill me, and I can't

kill you." In the future, we have time to deal with it, if you want to play,

I can play with you forever! "

"Don't! Why do I sound so awkward to you. "

Peter waved his hand in disgust and said, "I don't want to be remembered

by someone like you, otherwise I'll have nightmares." "

"But we can try to make a deal."

Peter said with a grin, casually summoning a crimson flame, "You should

be familiar with this Nirvana fire, as long as you don't come to the school

to trouble me in the future, I can give it to you to help you have the

Phoenix Immortal Body!" How is it? "

Chapter 597: Chapter 598

Chapter 598: Doing Business with Voldemort? Business failed, Voldemort

fought back!!

Voldemort squinted at Peter, then scoffed, "Would you be so kind?" I'm

afraid that I didn't do anything in it, I want to be tricked. "

"Then you will have wronged me! I can guarantee absolutely no problem

this time! "

Peter said confidently, shaking the crimson flame in his hand, "If you

really don't believe it, we can sign a contract so that you can have this

Nirvana fire!" Although you can now rely on the Horcrux to immortalize

your soul, your body will still be destroyed, don't you want to have the

same immortal body as me? "

Voldemort was a little confused at this time, obviously they were now

mortal enemies, but Peter actually said that he would give him the fire of

nirvana, and he was willing to sign a magic contract! This kind of

behavior of the enemy, even he can't understand.

"What do you want?"

Voldemort looked at Peter's smiling appearance, and he couldn't help but


He didn't believe Peter, a cunning little cub, could be so generous.

Hearing this, Peter suddenly showed a smile on his face, and said with a

profiteer: "You also know that the flame of nirvana is the root of the

immortal body, and it is also very disadvantageous for me to divide a

part." So I can promise to give you a Nirvana Fire to help you have an

immortal body. But you must also promise me that after ten years, you

will give me half of the nirvana fire in you, absolutely not less!" "

"What do you mean?"

Voldemort frowned and looked at Peter in bewilderment.

"Let's put it this way – the Nirvana Fire can grow, and they will slowly

grow by relying on the magic power, and after ten years, you need to

give me half of the Nirvana Fire as repayment." In this way, you have

obtained an immortal body, and I also do not suffer, everyone has their

own place, win-win cooperation, what do you think of this deal? "

Peter said with a smile.

As it was, hearing Peter's words, and looking at him as a profiteer,

Voldemort was relieved.

Then he saw through his expression and said: "It seems that the Nirvana

Fire is very important to you, or it is good for you to strengthen the

Nirvana Fire, so you can be so positive." So tell me, what is the function

of strengthening the fire of nirvana? That's why you'd rather give up and

continue to be hostile to me. "

Peter sneered, but there was an expression on his face that you saw

through, and he shook his head warily and said, "Sorry, this personal

secret." "

"Do you want to trade or not? Of course, if you want to think slowly, I

have time to wait, but your subordinates don't have that much time to

wait. "

Peter pointed to the Death Eaters behind him, who had survived the

lightning and lightning, still being chased by the falling thunder.

"Since you want to trade with me, and now you are attacking my

subordinates with lightning, are you playing on me!"

Voldemort looked at the pitiful looks of his men and glared at Peter and


"It's you, not them, who have a deal with me, Mr. Voldemort."

Peter shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "Aren't you not being

chased by lightning now, this is my sincerity." As for them…"

Peter looked at it with a sneer

Those Death Eaters who were attacked by the thunder, "Since they dare

to attack Hogwarts, it means that they are ready to lose their lives at any

time." "

"Then we have nothing to talk about! Without your Nirvana Fire, I could

go back and find another phoenix. "

Voldemort looked at his fewer and fewer followers, his face was very

ugly, and said in a threatening tone.

"With other nirvana fires, if there is an accident, don't ask me to be


Peter reminded with an innocent look.

"That method you published is fake?"

Voldemort's face became even more gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and


"Yes," Peter shook his head with a smile, "just omitting a small step." "

"Well, it looks like our business didn't work out, Mr. Voldemort."

Peter said with a pitying look, and then his face turned pale, staring at

Voldemort with ill will, and said: "In this case, we have returned to the

relationship of enemies, which is really disappointing to me." "

With that, Peter waved to the sky and pointed towards Voldemort.

As soon as Voldemort wanted to say something, his body suddenly felt

numb, and he immediately disappeared from the place, and a huge

lightning bolt smashed down, directly blowing up a big hole in place.

Voldemort appeared in another place, staring at Peter with an ugly face,

gritting his teeth and saying a few words: "Despicable!" "

"It's called soldier not tired of deception."

Peter replied with a grin, and then summoned several thunderbolts to

strike him.

"You think you won?"

Voldemort looked at Peter with a gloomy face and said, facing the

thunder and lightning in the sky, he did not dodge anymore, but picked

up the wand in his hand upwards, directly picked away the lightning that

struck, and then slowly walked towards Peter to the east.

"I admit that I underestimated you before, thinking that without

Dumbledore, you alone would no longer be my opponent."

Voldemort picked out the lightning bolts as he walked, his scarlet eyes

becoming calm, "But I didn't expect you to have so many unexpected

means that it would be difficult for me to deal with for a while." But for

now, I'll show you, I, Voldemort, real strength! "

While speaking, he picked out another thunderbolt, glanced at the

thunderclouds rumbling in the sky in disgust, and hissed: "The annoying

weather should disappear!" "

Saying this, he turned into a black smoke, swept up the wind, quickly

condensed into a hurricane, and hit Peter.

The hurricane grew bigger and bigger, and finally formed several violent

tornadoes, enveloping Peter like a pillar of heaven, and a huge wind

swept up everything outside the castle, even hundreds of kilograms of

stones into the sky.

The teachers and students in the castle watched this natural disaster

tornado and left the window one after another, afraid of being sucked out

by the storm outside.

The professors banded together to quickly arrange the magic to protect

the castle, and Professor McGonagall strictly forbade the students to go

near the window rooftop, and then looked at the scene outside with a

solemn expression, worried about Peter, who was at the center of the


"Professor McGonagall, will Peter be all right?"

Harry asked McGonagall worriedly.

The huge tornado outside has swept the outside world into darkness,

boulders have been lifted away, trees have been uprooted, and even the

beating willows in the distance have directly shrunk themselves into a

ball, and the branches have tried to drill into the ground to avoid being

swept away by the storm.

And the storm cloud that originally produced thunder and lightning has

been directly shredded and swept into it by a tornado that penetrated

into the sky, and the clouds in the sky were sucked out in an instant.

"Peter will be fine, his strength is very strong, Voldemort can't hurt him."

McGonagall affirmed, "Our most important task now is to protect

ourselves, and as long as we don't cause trouble for Peter, I believe we

will eventually win." "

"Professor McGonagall, what kind of strength have Voldemort and Peter

reached? It was terrifying to be able to summon such a world-destroying

power! "

Sirius looked at the tornado outside like a pillar of heaven and asked in


Others were also very curious that the strength that Peter and Voldemort

had shown today had refreshed their cognition.

This kind of ability that seems to be unique to gods and demons will

actually be easily displayed by them, and looking at Peter's earth-

destroying thunder and flood before, and now Voldemort's tornado, it is

far beyond their understanding of magic.

Chapter 598: Chapter 599

Chapter 599: The Realm of the Great Magician? Peter's secret has been


McGonagall looked at the storm outside with a solemn expression, shook

her head and said: "I don't know, I only know that their strength can be

said to be the strongest in the wizarding world today, Peter's ability I

can't judge, but Voldemort has long been a great magician realm, and

only Dumbledore, who is also a great magician realm, can compete with

it, so he failed to achieve the purpose of ruling the wizarding world." "

"Great magician? I know this, but isn't it just a title? "

Hermione couldn't help but ask, looking at McGonagall in confusion.

"Miss Granger, the Great Magician is not just a title, it is also a division of

the wizard's strength."

Professor Flitwick stood on the windowsill, a small man, holding a wand

about a third of his height, casting magic to protect the castle from a

tornado, and turned to Hermione.

Everyone's eyes turned to Professor Flitwick, who was short in stature but

did not dare to underestimate him.

After all, of all the people in the castle, he was the strongest one, and

even Professor McGonagall did not dare to say that he could beat this

master of spells.

"Professor Flitwick, do wizards still have a division of strength? Why

have I never heard of it? "

Hermione asked Flitwick curiously.

"There is indeed no clear division of strength in the magic world, but it is

generally divided into junior magicians, intermediate magicians,

advanced magicians, and the most powerful great magicians."

Flitwick kept an eye on the movement outside and said 013.

He explained to the somewhat confused audience with a smile: "The most

obvious embodiment is the Charms textbooks you use in school, if you

look carefully, you can find that your textbooks are divided into three

categories: elementary, intermediate, and advanced. Students in the first

to third grades learn elementary spells, and if they master these

elementary spells, they can be said to be junior magicians. In the third to

fifth grades, you need to master the knowledge of intermediate magic

spells, and after mastering most of the intermediate spells, you can also

be regarded as having the strength of an intermediate magician. Your

fifth grade OWL exam assesses your mastery of junior and intermediate

magic knowledge. If you pass the assessment, it means that you have the

strength of an ordinary wizard. In the sixth and seventh grade, you need

to learn some advanced spells, and if you can pass the NEWT assessment

in the seventh grade, you have the ability of a high-level magician. Of

course, this classification is only a theoretical division, and in practice it

does not have much reference effect. It doesn't just take you to pass the

seventh-grade NEWT exam to make you a senior magician. Many wizards

of the Ministry of Magic are only at the level of intermediate magicians.

Professors like us are basically the strength of high-level magicians. Now

that they have reached the level of the Great Wizard, the only known

people in the world are Nicolas FlamelMay, Dumbledore, Grindelwald,

Voldemort, and of course, Peter, which is a small number of people.

Therefore, every great wizard is a powerful wizard, and it is almost

impossible for ordinary wizards to hurt them head-on. "

After speaking, he looked at the dim outside world with emotion, as well

as the tornadoes like several heavenly pillars, as if they had reached the

heavenly dome, and he wanted to suck the starry sky into it with the


This ability to manipulate the power of nature fills him with yearning.

At the same time, Peter, who was at the center of the storm, constantly

attacked the surrounding storm with spells, but it did not have much


Voldemort stood on top of the storm, like a demon god in the wind,

smiling and controlling the tornado with his Elder Wand, and the voice

reached Peter's ears in the fierce wind: "Peter, don't struggle, you can't

use your moves here." Your lightning is powerful, but now the

thunderclouds are all shredded by my tornado, what do you take to

summon lightning? Haha, throw in the towel. "

"Hmph, whoever wins and who loses is still very early, Voldemort."

Peter sneered, not caring if his words could reach Voldemort's ears.

Saying that, his body quickly grew larger, and in Voldemort's astonished

eyes, as if there was no limit, it grew bigger and bigger, and finally a

giant appeared in the storm.

He tore directly through the storm that enveloped him and stepped out of

the center of the storm with one foot.

Two feet straddled on both sides of the wide black lake, with the night on

their heads, and their huge bodies blocking the moonlight.

At this time, Peter stood twice as tall as the highest point at Hogwarts!

He felt the ability of the bird snake to give him a large and small size,

this was the first time he used his full strength to perform the skill of

becoming bigger, and the effect was very good.

He stretched out his huge palm, pinched the wand that was thinner than

a fine needle, and his heart moved, and the wand quickly became larger,

and finally turned into a few diameters beyond reason

The huge trunk of the rice, easily held in Peter's hands.

"Hmph," Peter snorted coldly, using his wand as a stick and swinging it at

Voldemort watching the hurricane.

Voldemort, who controlled the tornado, opened his eyes wide, looking at

Peter, a giant who seemed to have a blue sky above his head and his feet

on the earth, his heart was shocked.

It was difficult for him to understand that there was such magic in this

world, which was beyond his understanding

In the face of this giant's body, the tornado was meaningless, and the

storm fell on Peter like a fresh breeze.

Those dangerous flying stones and sands were just dust to Peter, and they

couldn't hurt him by half a point.

Voldemort dodged Peter's giant palm and stick, and his death curse

attacks were all easily blocked by Peter with a huge stone slab he had

pulled up.

The Death Curse, which everyone in the wizarding world fears, and the

physical defense of the giant stone slab, appear to have no power of black


Only a little corner scrap exploded, and it couldn't hurt Peter at all.

Peter directly took up the giant stone slab and slapped it towards

Voldemort, and used it from time to time to block Voldemort's death


Gradually, Peter became skilled at using the slate, wielding the giant

slate, chasing Voldemort everywhere like a fly.

The huge body shook the ground as if it had shook as if it had shook as it


Everyone in the castle below was already stunned at the giant Peter at

this time, listening to Peter, who was panting like thunder, waving and

driving gusts of wind, only felt as if he was dreaming.

"Merlin's beard! Is this still Professor York? "

Ron's mouth was wide open enough to stuff a ghost flying ball, and he

only felt dreamlike when he looked at the huge body.

Then he looked at Voldemort, who was dodging around like a mosquito

in front of Peter, and gloated at Harry beside him: "I do have some

sympathy for Voldemort now, who is not good, provoke Professor York."

It looks like he's going to be planted in Professor York's hands. "

Harry also nodded very shocked, looking at Peter's appearance of waving

a boulder slab to pat Voldemort, clenched his hands emotionally, and

prayed: "I really hope that Professor York can shoot Voldemort to death

and save him from causing terror and death everywhere." "

"Oh my God, how did he do it?"

Hermione's eyes were full of shock, and she couldn't wait to look at

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, "Professor, do you know

what kind of magic Professor York uses?" This is so powerful, it can

actually become so big! "

"Maybe I'm lonely, Miss Granger, I've lived so long, but I haven't seen this

kind of magic."

Professor Flitwick looked at Peter's body outside the window in

amazement, shook his head and said, "Peter surprised us too much, I

never thought of such magical magic." "

"I haven't seen it either, maybe it's Peter's own original magic."

McGonagall also shook her head and said, her eyes twinkle, "Dumbledore

told me about Peter's unique magic before, and his magic has never

appeared in the wizarding world. He guessed that Peter had somehow

learned these magical abilities from magical creatures. Now his magic

that has become larger is similar to the ability of the Fantastic Beasts Bird

and Snake. There is also the magic he used to summon thunder and

lightning, which is also the same as the thunder bird. Of course, it is also

more powerful than these magical beasts. "

"yes, I remembered it too."

Hermione said excitedly, "I've heard that Professor York can petrify

people with his eyes, is that ability similar to the eyes of a basilisk?" And

Harry previously said that when Voldemort was resurrected, Peter

attacked Voldemort and his Death Eaters with his voice, just like the cry

of mandrake!. And also... Professor York is also able to conjure up many

doppelgangers, and I know that there is a magical beast that also has this

ability, it is a civet cat! When they are attacked, they split into many

doppelgangers and attack enemies together! Oh my God, did Professor

York learn this magic from these fantastic animals? How did he do it? "

Hearing Hermione's words, everyone was even more shocked, and their

eyes couldn't help but turn to the huge figure again, and their hearts

were full of curiosity…

Chapter 599: Chapter 600

Chapter 600 Voldemort retreats, the defense battle is over!!

At this time, Peter did not know that his secret had been exposed.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't panic.

After all, even if it is guessed that these skills of his are related to those

magical beasts, they will not think that there is still a system on him.

In the night sky, the giant Peter, with the starry sky above his head, his

huge palm like a five-fingered mountain, grabbed the boulder and

slapped towards Voldemort.

Although Peter's body has become very large, his speed and agility have

not decreased at all, and he seems to move slowly but very quickly,

chasing after the small Voldemort.


Voldemort was chased by Peter, his eyes were full of violence and

madness, and he accumulated the strongest blow magic and threw it at


The Elder Wand is worthy of being one of the Deathly Hallows, and with

Voldemort's full blow, the power is very powerful, so that Peter also feels

the mortal danger, and the boulder in his hand is thrown in the direction

of the ~ where the magic shoots.

The boulder slab collided with the attacking magic, the boulder was

shattered by a blow, and the powerful magic was blocked for a moment,

still coming towards Peter, dangerously grazing the top of Peter's head,

and exploding the opposite mountain.

Seeing Peter dodge his own attack, Voldemort was visibly disappointed,

and the next moment he disappeared in place, dodging Peter's giant palm

from the sky and appearing in another place.

He looked up at Peter's huge playful eyes, his face very ugly.

He didn't understand that he had killed Dumbledore and had the

strongest wand in the world, which should be invincible, but Peter

directly slapped him hard and used all kinds of unheard of powerful

magic to make his plan to capture Hogwarts aborted.

Voldemort looked at Peter and the castle behind him coldly, he saw the

curious students on the castle window, sneered, and said to Peter: "Peter

York, I admit that I don't know enough about you. But the main purpose

of my coming here today is to kill Dumbledore and Harry Potter. "

The previous one has been completed, and now only the little Harry

Potter cub remains.

You'd better keep him locked up at Hogwarts, or one day your Savior will

turn into a corpse and turn that prophecy into a joke."

"Since you think that prophecy is a joke, why do you care so much about


Peter looked at Voldemort with a smile and said, directly debunking his


Voldemort's face became even more ugly, but he immediately suppressed

his anger and said seriously: "I hope that the prophesied savior is you, not

the little boy of Harry Potter." In this way, I will have a greater sense of

accomplishment if I defeat you. "

"Are you sure you want me to be the savior? Aren't you afraid of having

an opponent who can't be eliminated and constantly making trouble for

you like now? "

Peter said with a smile.

Voldemort's expression almost broke, and now this Peter had already

brought him so many failures, if he really became a savior who was

specifically against him, the savior with an immortal body, it would be a

huge headache.

Voldemort snorted coldly, his face blackened again dodged Peter's attack,

turned into a huge black smoke, rolled up some Death Eater henchmen

who had survived hard, and then rushed into the dense forest and

disappeared, only a faint voice came from the Forbidden Forest: "I'll leave

you to mourn Dumbledore tonight, and the next time we meet, I hope

Peter York you can still be as confident as you are today."

"Master, don't abandon us!"

"Master, and us…"

"Voldemort, we are your partners, you can't abandon us."

The life force of wizards is stronger than cockroaches, and at this time

there are still many Death Eaters on the ground who are not dead, and

they are seriously injured and lie on the ground desperately watching

Voldemort leave, wanting to shout for help, but unfortunately Voldemort

obviously did not put them in his eyes, and fled with a few henchmen

without looking back.

Peter turned to look at the Death Eaters who had been injured by

lightning, a sneer appeared on his face, his huge eyes looked down at

them, and he sneered with a cold tone in his playfulness, "It seems that

you mercenaries are not taken to heart by Voldemort, I really feel sorry

for you." I worked so hard for him, and in the end, he didn't even want to

save you. But then again, since you mercenaries dare to come to

Hogwarts, you must be ready to die. "

Looking at Peter's huge and incomparable body, and the sound like

thunder, the mercenaries on the ground suddenly turned pale with fright,

and pleaded in horror and despair: "Lord Peter York, please spare us." As

long as you let us go, we are willing to serve you as the lord, willing to

obey your orders, and do anything! "

"Forget it, I don't dare to use you mercenaries who only recognize


Peter shook his head and sneered, then looked at these mercenaries who

kept begging for mercy with indifferent eyes, and said in a cold voice:

"You mercenaries are jumping up and down in the United States, I can't

care." But since you dare to come to Hogwarts to find trouble, then you

don't have to go back! "

Saying that, the two eyes in the sky turned into yellow-orange-orange

snake eyes, staring straight at these Death Eater mercenaries, and a

strange and cold magic power emanated from the eyes and fell into the

eyes of those Death Eater mercenaries who were caught off guard.

"Don't look him in the eye!"

Seeing those two huge yellow eyes, some Death Eaters shouted in horror,

but it was too late, only to see some of these Death Eaters and

mercenaries watching in horror and despair as their bodies quickly

petrified, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into stone statues of

different shapes…

And some of these Death Eaters, who did not look directly into Peter's

eyes for the first time, were on guard and applied an eye protection

curse, dodged the attack of petrified eyes, and desperately fled in all

directions, trying to escape for their lives.

It's a pity that Peter is not an unprepared person, only to see a raging fire

gush out of the giant wand, turning into a monstrous flame, enveloping

the entire meadow, those Death Eaters just fled outside the Phantom

Transfiguration prohibition, and when they were about to cast the

Phantom Transfiguration to escape, they were directly burned to ashes by

the fierce fire that rushed over.

Outside the castle, everyone stared at the scene of screaming outside with

wide eyes, and their mood was very uncalm.

Especially looking at Peter's huge body, with a thick wand, directing the

fierce fire to chase the Death Eaters to chase and burn, like a child

playing with ants, it is very graphic.

"Professor York is amazing, he really knocked Voldemort back!"

Hermione looked at the huge figure outside the window with great

excitement and adoration and said.

"It's really incredible, he can play Voldemort around alone, it's amazing!"

Sirius sighed with admiration, and then asked Professor McGonagall,

"Professor, do we need to go out now to help Peter and capture the

escaped Death Eaters?" "

"No, Peter should be able to do this himself, our task now is mainly to

patrol the security inside and outside the castle, while also bringing back

the students who have transferred to Hogsmeade."

McGonagall said, "I was worried that the school would not be able to

hold on and that the Death Eaters who broke in would hurt the students.

But now it seems that as long as Peter is there, Hogwarts will be safe. "

The professors nodded, now that Peter had repelled Voldemort, the Death

Eaters were clearly stuck in Peter's hands, and they didn't have to share

in Peter's victory.

Only Hagrid, looking out the window with a sad face, wailed: "My poor

house, and poor teeth, woohoo… None more! "

Harry and Hermione hurried to comfort the half-giant who had lost his

cabin and pet, while Ron pointed to the potholed, charred grass outside,

pouted and said: "If you want me to say, the most pitiful thing should be

the Quidditch meadow, first blistered by the lake, then struck by

lightning, then burned by fire, and I don't know if it can be recovered?"

There's another Quidditch match next week. "

The professors were a little amused by Ron's words, so that the students

of the brain circuit were also meeting for the first time.

I had just experienced a very dangerous defensive battle, and one of the

things Ron thought of was actually a Quidditch match, what a child

Chapter 600: Chapter 601

Chapter 601 Victory! Hero Peter, Snape is a traitor?!!

Professor Sprout said to Ron with a smile: "Don't worry, Weasley-san, I

have cultivated grass seeds there, and when those pits are filled, it only

takes one night to restore the lawn, and it will not affect your next

game." "

"I see, Professor."

Ron also reacted that he was stupid, and nodded with a red face.

After solving all the Death Eaters, Peter withdrew the fierce fire, and at

this time, except for the Death Eaters who turned to stone, the rest of the

people on the ground were burned to ashes by the fierce fire, and there

was not a single living Death Eater.

Looking at the big pits on the ground that had been blown up by the

thunder, Peter was in deep thought when he heard a burst of cheers

behind him.

Turning his head, he saw the students huddled in the attic on the

windowsill, cheering excitedly at Peter, cheering him off Voldemort to

defend the school.

Peter smiled, crouched down and waved at them, and suddenly set off a

gust of wind that almost blew the students off the windowsill.

Peter was startled, and only then did he react that he had not become

smaller, his heart moved at will, his body became smaller and smaller,

and as he stepped towards the castle, his body continued to shrink, until

when he came to the gate of the castle, his body returned to normal.

And at the door, professors and students and others were already waiting

for him.

"Welcome, welcome our hero back!"

Professor Flitwick was the first to run over excitedly, his short stature did

not affect his speed, and he saw Peter clearly with a smile.

Facing Professor Flitwick, who was like an old urchin, Peter quickly

crouched down, smiled kindly, and gave him a hug with open hands.

Flitwick was the closest to Peter among all the professors, and he didn't

mind that Peter was in another academy and took good care of him.

So Peter liked the little old man a lot.

"Welcome back, Peter."

McGonagall said to Peter with a smile, her resolute face full of joy.

"Sorry, almost late. There should be no casualties inside the castle, right?


Peter said apologetically, and then asked with concern.

"I've heard Amelia say that you saved them from the Ministry of Magic

and you did a great job!"

McGonagall said gently, then shook her head, "You came in time, so the

Death Eaters didn't have time to storm the castle." The werewolf Fenrir

took his men out of a disappearing cabinet in the Requirement Room on

the eighth floor, but in the end we eliminated most of them, and the

others jumped off the building and fled. "

"Where is Headmaster Dumbledore's body, can you show me there?"

Peter asked suddenly.

As soon as the words fell, the cheerful atmosphere instantly solidified,

and a sad atmosphere surged from everyone's hearts.

Everyone had just been immersed in the good news of repelling

Voldemort, but only then did they remember that Dumbledore, the only

Headmaster of the school who had lost his life.

Everyone did not intentionally forget Dumbledore's existence, but they all

instinctively rejected the fact that Dumbledore was dead, wanting to

cover up their sadness with the news of victory.

At this time, as soon as Peter poked it, everyone could no longer hide

their sadness, and they fell silent.

McGonagall's eyes were red, and holding back tears, she said softly to

Peter, "Follow me, Peter." "

He said and turned and led Peter forward.

Others followed and rushed in the direction of the auditorium.

When they arrived at the entrance of the auditorium, everyone seemed to

sleepwalk, walking through the whispered crowd to the front, and the

students and professors in the auditorium made way for them.

At the very front of the Great Hall, where the podium was located, a

stretcher was placed on top of which lay Dumbledore.

The sobs of the students and Hagrid's thunderous wail echoed throughout

the auditorium.

But everyone did not mind Hagrid's deafening wail at this time, and they

were all immersed in sadness.

Harry, who was closest to Dumbledore, squatted beside Hagrid, silently

sorted out Dumbledore's robes, and carefully straightened the half-moon

glasses on the bridge of his nose, and wiped the remaining blood at the

corner of his mouth with his sleeve.

Then he looked at Dumbledore with a sense of grief.

Peter looked at this scene, his eyes flickered, and then quietly came to


Beside the shelf, he looked at Dumbledore carefully.

Dumbledore on the stretcher, his limbs were unusually twisted, and he

closed his eyes as if he had fallen asleep.

Suddenly, Harry, who had been silent, grabbed Peter's hand and said to

Peter with a hopeful look on his face: "Peter, you can save Dumbledore,

right?" You have so many magical abilities and didn't die before being hit

by Voldemort's Death Curse. Didn't you say that as long as we persuade

Fox, we can help Dumbledore rebirth from Nirvana? We've pretty much

convinced her. I'll bring Fox now, and you can bring Dumbledore back to

life, right? "

When Peter heard this, his eyes were a little surprised, but he didn't

expect Harry to really convince Fox to share the flame of nirvana, which

is really worthy of the protagonist's treatment.

However, he shook his head casually and said with an apologetic

expression: "I'm sorry, Harry, even if there is a phoenix willing to share

the Nirvana Fire now, it is useless." Because Dumbledore is already dead,

his soul is no longer in the body the moment he is hit by the Death Curse,

and now what you have in front of you is just a shell, and there is no way

to be reborn in Nirvana. "

"This can't be! Peter, you're lying to me, aren't you? "

Harry grabbed Peter's hand excitedly and said, then gestured to get up,

"I'll go and bring Fox over now so she can resurrect Dumbledore with the

fire of Nirvana!" "

"Harry, calm down! Dumbledore is gone! You don't want this! "

Hermione grabbed Harry tearfully, trying to calm him down.

Ron was also on the side to persuade him to dismiss the idea.

"Sorry, Peter, Harry he's a little irrational now…"

McGonagall said apologetically to Peter.

"I understand that he is closest to Headmaster Dumbledore and must be

very sad."

Peter shook his head and said softly, not caring about Harry's behavior.

Harry gradually gave up his illusions under the persuasion of everyone,

and cried bitterly on Dumbledore's body in grief, and the grief made

Hagrid on the side unable to continue to wail, and calmed Harry with his

big hands.

"It's Snape, it's him who killed Dumbledore!"

Harry suddenly stopped crying and said loudly with red eyes.

When the people around heard his words, there was a sudden noise,

wondering why Harry said this.

"You talk nonsense! Dumbledore was obviously killed by the Dark Lord,

and many people saw it with their own eyes. "

Draco stepped out of the Slytherin line and retorted loudly.

The people around also nodded one after another, and the sight of

Dumbledore falling from the tower was seen by many people.

The expression that looked at Harry became complicated, thinking that

he was carried away by sadness.

"I'm not lying!"

Harry stood up and said loudly, his red eyes full of hatred, "I was there, I

was studying magic with Dumbledore in the headmaster's office, and

then Snape came, and I watched him poison Dumbledore and then take a

weak Dumbledore to Voldemort!" He is one of the murderers! "

Then he scanned everywhere and shouted angrily, "What about Snape,

where is he?" Let him come out and confront me! Dumbledore believed

him so much, why did he betray and why did he kill Dumbledore? "

Hearing his words, the auditorium became even more noisy, and

everyone was talking.

He scanned everywhere to find Snape's traces, but found no trace of him.

"Did you see Snape? Didn't he come with us just now? "

Tonks asked the people around him.

But the people around shook their heads.

"After entering the castle, he separated from us, and I never saw him just


Moody's eyes turned quickly, his expression full of doubt and anger,

obviously believing Harry's words.

"Did he go back to the Potions office?"

Professor Sprout said.

"He didn't go back to the Potions office," McGonagall came from the side

with a solemn and angry face, "the portrait says he quietly left the castle

when Voldemort retreated." "

Hearing her words, everyone had completely believed Harry's words and

immediately became angry.

Sirius jumped up directly and cursed loudly: "This damn traitor, the devil

cub who should go to hell, I knew he was not a good person, thanks to

Dumbledore believing in him so much, he actually betrayed and killed

Dumbledore with Voldemort." I'm going to kill him! "

Listening to the sound of cursing and chaos in the auditorium, Peter

lowered his eyes, his eyes constantly flickering…

Chapter 601: Chapter 602

Chapter 602: Two Ministries of Magic! Dumbledore's funeral!!

All classes were temporarily suspended and all exams were postponed.

In the following time, some students hurriedly followed their parents out

of Hogwarts, and many flocked to Dumbledore, ready to pay tribute to


The Ministry of Magic had been completely overrun by the Death Eaters,

and even the Daily Prophet had become their mouthpiece, and the

Ministry quickly published the new Minister of Magic, Pierce Sinkenness,

in the newspaper, and trumpeted the accusation that the late Dumbledore

was a terrorist intent on subverting the wizarding world.

even revealed the past of Dumbledore and Grindelwald, revealing that

the shocking battle between the two was just a wand against the

comparison, Dumbledore conjured a handkerchief, and Grindelwald

threw in the towel.

Attempts to portray Dumbledore as a conspirator who stepped on his

lover and thus became famous.

Even Peter did not escape the accusations of the Daily Prophet, they

directly blamed Peter for the Death Eaters' capture of the Ministry of

Magic, portrayed Amelia Burns, who Peter rescued, as a traitor to the

Ministry of Magic, and suspected that the death of the previous minister

Scrimgeour was related to Burns and Peter!

Peter didn't care about the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters'

methods of pouring dirt.

But the members of the Order of the Phoenix, as well as Amelia Burns,

were outraged by this slander.

The members of the Ministry of Magic, led by Amelia, used the

newspaper "Singing the Contrarian" as a voice of 25 places to refute the

Ministry of Magic's slander and publicly denied the legitimacy of this

Ministry, pointing out that the Ministry of Magic has been controlled by

the Death Eaters and has become a tool in their hands to control the

wizarding world.

Many of the members of the Order of the Phoenix were Ministry of Magic

staff, with the Aurors being the largest, so they quickly formed a

temporary Ministry of Magic in Hogsmeade, headed by Amelia Burns, the

director of the Department of Law Enforcement.

Amelia Burns served as the interim Minister of Magic, Moody served as

the Auror Director, Kingsley Shackle, Arthur Weasley, Percy Weasley, the

Longbottoms, Sirius and others joined them, and even the members of

the Ministry of Magic that Peter had rescued joined the temporary

Ministry of Magic.

The emergence of two ministries of magic in the British wizarding world

is an unprecedented kind of thing, and the two sides have engaged in

fierce verbal battles in the newspapers of various parties.

Amelia Burns tries to convince Peter to help them attack the Ministry of

Magic, but Peter refuses.

The current Ministry of Magic is occupied by Death Eaters, with

Voldemort sitting behind it.

Before, it was possible to catch Voldemort off guard by surprise.

But now that he had enough time, he didn't believe Voldemort would be


And he is not Dumbledore, he carries the rise and fall of the wizarding

world on his shoulders, and he does not want to die with Voldemort.

After all, the problem of Horcruxes has not been solved, and no matter

how much you toss, it will not help if you can't kill Voldemort.

On the afternoon of Dumbledore's funeral, all parties gathered at

Hogwarts, and even Madame Maxime, the headmaster of Beauxbatons,

France, rushed to the school in a flying carriage the size of a house pulled

by 12 runes.

There are many wizards who come to mourn Dumbledore, and there are

even wizards from other countries who come from abroad, and after the

people who come to mourn look at Dumbledore's body with a sad

expression, they come to Peter and greet him very warmly.

Voldemort led thousands of Death Eaters to attack Hogwarts, but ended

up losing a lot of money, and the story of his embarrassed escape spread

throughout the wizarding world.

Many people know that it was Peter who alone destroyed most of the

Death Eaters and fought off Voldemort to save Hogwarts.

There were even Hogwarts students who happened to use their cameras

to capture Peter's control of Wan Thunder and turn into a giant, and then

published it in "Singing the Contrarian", which once made the sales of the

singing contrarian exceed the sales of the Daily Prophet.

Peter has rightfully become the most famous figure in the wizarding


Although the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet, controlled by the

Death Eaters, continue to pour dirty water on Peter, portraying him as a

murderous devil.

But no matter how slandered, in many people's perceptions, Peter has

become another powerful person who can confront Voldemort after


Although Dumbledore's sudden death caught many wizards by surprise,

with the presence of Peter, a person who could oppose Voldemort, many

people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts.

Especially many sober-minded people understand that Burns was able to

openly form another Ministry of Magic in Hogsmeade, but was not

chased by the Ministry of Magic controlled by the Death Eaters, because

they had Peter behind them, so they did not dare to run over and

suppress it, only dared to fight in the newspaper.

In the face of such a powerful wizard, apart from those loyal to

Voldemort or having an enmity with Peter, almost no one would refuse

to befriend him.

And compared to Voldemort, more people are more optimistic about

Peter, because he is only nineteen years old, such a young age but has the

strongest strength in the wizarding world, such a fact has fallen through

the cognition of many wizards.

And what's even more eye-catching and revered is that he also has an

immortal body! Such a character will always be invincible, and the future

is limitless.

Peter was not the one officiating at the funeral today, and Professor

McGonagall had tried to have Peter officiate, but he refused.

But now the people who came to mourn, as if they had Peter trackers,

grabbed Peter hidden in the professor at a glance, and then

enthusiastically stepped forward to shake his hand and express his

sadness for Dumbledore's death.

For the enthusiasm of these people, Peter could only express the same

grief, silently listening to their gushing reverence for Dumbledore's deeds.

Try to suppress your weird emotions.

Only when everyone buried Dumbledore in a white marble tomb on the

edge of the Black Lake and conjured flowers to put on the tombstones did

everyone leave.

Before leaving, some wizards did not forget to express their condolences

to Peter and expressed their gratitude to his branches.

Upon Dumbledore's death, Professor McGonagall, as Vice-Headmaster,

succeeded as Headmaster and officially announced to the public in the

Great Hall that Peter York, the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor,

was the Vice-Headmaster of the school, and that Peter would be solely

responsible for the affairs of the school when she was absent or had any


"Professor McGonagall, is there something wrong with this?"

Peter was caught off guard, "I mean, other professors have a long

teaching experience and are highly loved by their students. And I've only

been a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for less than a year, and

I'm young, isn't it a little inappropriate? "

"Haha, Peter, you are too modest."

Professor 767 Levy, who was sitting next to Peter, said with a smile, he

looked at Peter proudly and said, "You foiled Voldemort's plot and

protected the great hero of Hogwarts!" If you're not suitable, then no one

can do it! "

"Yes, as the saying goes, you don't have to be old, Peter, although you are

young, your strength is far beyond us old guys, and there is no more

suitable for the position of vice principal than you."

Slughorn said enthusiastically with red wine, "We have heard that you

have inherited Grindelwald's Legion of Saints, and since you can manage

such a force, Hogwarts is a piece of cake for you." "

Slughorn drank and blushed, spitting out like a fat walrus, and in a quiet

posture, pulled Peter and said in an exaggerated tone: "If it weren't for

the propaganda of the Death Eaters, we wouldn't have thought you would

have such an identity." Grindelwald's heir, the new leader of the saints!

Merlin, this is amazing, you are a big man now! "

You young people have not experienced the years of Grindelwald and do

not know the horror of Grindelwald and the saints at that time.

Although Grindelwald has never been to England, many of us have heard

of his great name, and there are followers of him all over the world!

Those pure-blood families were almost crazy to worship him.

I was still young at the time, and if it weren't for my parents' restraint,

I'm afraid I would have run abroad to follow Grindelwald!

"Peter, you whispered to me, why did Grindelwald hand over his army to

you? Is he really planning to retire? "

Slughorn's face came next to Peter, and the smell of alcohol sprayed on

Peter's face, and asked in what he thought was a covert movement

Chapter 602: Chapter 603

Chapter 603 Became a Vice Principal? Guests of Newmungaard!!

Peter was very helpless about this drunken old man, although Slughorn

loved vanity, liked to associate with celebrities, successful people,

important people, and enjoyed the feeling of being able to influence these


As a teacher, he turned a blind eye to mediocre students and couldn't

even remember their names.

But he is not a bad person at heart, and he always notices and finds

students with outstanding talents to join his circle and give them special


And in this defense battle, in the face of danger, he did not give up

resistance, but actively joined the professors, and protected Hogwarts

with McGonagall and Flitwick, so it was annoying.

It's just that since Voldemort retreated, the Daily Prophet and the

Ministry of Magic have hyped Peter as the heir to Grindelwald, the Dark

Lord, playing up that he is the future Dark Lord, inheriting Grindelwald's

ideas, and wanting to lead the Legion of Saints to rule the wizarding


This did cause a sensation to some extent, although the British magical

world is closed, but Grindelwald's name is still known by many people.

In particular, he was defeated by Dumbledore himself, which made

Dumbledore famous all over the world.

Peter and Dumbledore are close, but he is Grindelwald's heir, and

Grindelwald was defeated by Dumbledore, and then Grindelwald and

Dumbledore have an unusual relationship, such a complex relationship,

so that many people in the wizarding world, although they know that the

Daily Prophet is slandering Peter, they are still very curious about the

unknown secrets.

The surrounding professors also pricked up their ears, wanting to hear

Peter's explanation.

"Horace, you're drunk."

McGonagall, who was sitting in the headmaster's position, said helplessly,

she turned her head to look at Peter, her eyes were gentle, "Peter, you

don't have to be too burdened, this is decided by our professors after

discussion, and the school trustees also agree very much." If it weren't for

your young age, we would all like you to succeed as principal. That way,

with you in the school, you won't have to worry about the safety of

Hogwarts. "

"You guys discussed? But why didn't you inform me that I'm also a

professor at the school? "

Peter complained dissatisfiedly.

"Hehe, we're not worried that you'll refuse."

Fry frowned at Petervey and said, "We all know that you guy is lazy, and

you don't care about anything except magic, so we can only cut it first." "

Seeing that Peter was still depressed, McGonagall smiled and comforted:

"Peter, don't worry, you will still be a Defense Against the Dark Arts

professor in the future, responsible for teaching students outside of the

course, and the rest of the time has not changed much." As vice-principal,

your only responsibility is to protect the school from intrusion, which is

also the responsibility of other professors. So you just have the title of

vice principal, and it won't add business to you. "

In the end, Peter took over the position of vice principal, becoming the

highest-ranking professor under the headmaster, with a lot of power in

the school.

The students were surprised that Peter had become vice principal and

gladly accepted.

And the parents of the students also agreed with this matter, and with a

powerful wizard like Peter in the presence, the safety of Hogwarts was


Some parents who were preparing to transfer their children abroad

eventually gave up their ideas and chose to believe in the safety of


As the saying goes, a new officer takes office with three fires, and

although Peter avoids the affairs that the vice principal has to deal with,

he still takes on the task of patrolling.

Especially in the current tense situation, in order to prevent the

infiltration of the school by outsiders and Death Eaters, many students'

night tours, exploring secret passages and other activities have been

strictly prohibited.

Although Peter took responsibility, he himself remained huddled in the

office, with only a dozen doppelgangers spread across the floors, dutifully

patrolling, arresting students who were still restless late at night,

deducting a lot of points, and being punished for labor or confinement.

The students finally appreciated Peter's magical doppelganger's ability,

and in the face of more than a dozen doppelgangers, even the most

fleeing people could only be obediently caught by Peter.

Students often greet one Peter on the front foot, meet another Peter on

the back foot, and even see several Peter walking along at the same time.

This bizarre phenomenon makes students relish it, often getting together

to guess who is the true body and who is the doppelganger.

In the face of this lazy method, the professors were also very curious, the

old urchin's Fu

Professor Levy even found Peter with great interest, asked Peter to use a

doppelganger to duel with him, and finally after a draw, he looked at

Peter's score in amazement

body, and said that with this magical doppelgänger technique, even if

thousands of troops came, I am afraid that they would not be Peter's


Peter smiled wryly and waved his hand, he knew his own business.

Although this doppelgänger technique looks powerful, no matter how

many doppelgangers are conjured, it uses the magic power of Peter


If there are too many doppelgangers and magic is used together, I am

afraid that it will not be long before the magic power will be exhausted,

and then it will be difficult for a skillful woman to cook without rice.

Amelia Burns, who served as the head of Hogsmeade's Ministry of Magic,

saw Peter's doppelganger, and also personally found him, grinded a

doppelgänger from Peter to sit in the Ministry of Magic, and gave him a

position as an adviser to the Ministry of Magic. Without Snape sharing

the Defense Against the Dark Arts course in the lower grades, Peter had

to take on the teaching of all grades, but with a doppelganger, Peter was

still relaxed, and soon the students ushered in the final exams. As for the

fifth-year OWL and seventh-year NEWT exams, the Geseldar Macchi

class, who had already resigned from the Ministry of Magic's Wizarding

Examination Authority, led her colleagues to Hogsmeade, joined the

Ministry of Magic here, and continued to serve as the head of the

Wizarding Examination Authority. After supervising the final exams, the

students soon ushered in the time to leave school. In order to ensure that

the Death Eaters did not go crazy to attack the students, the Ministry of

Magic of Hogsmeade went all out and boarded the train with members of

the Order of the Phoenix to safely escort the students out of school. Peter

naturally did not sit idly by, he also arranged a doppelganger in each car,

and then the body sat in the school, ready to rescue in time between the

train, the school, and Hogsmeade. However, Voldemort and the Death

Eaters did not seem to intend to retaliate, and the train finally reached

the terminal safely. Hogwarts on vacation also quieted down, professors

with families left the school, and Hagrid re-lived in the new cabin Peter

built for him, and brought flowers to Dumbledore's tomb every day.

McGonagall, who became the headmaster, was busy and often couldn't

see anyone. Trelawney, who lives in the attic of the castle, is still drunk

and dreaming, and when she rises, she takes out tarot cards or crystal

balls to predict the future.

Peter, on the other hand, left a doppelgänger working outside the office,

and he took out a button door key, pinched it lightly, and instantly

disappeared in place.

Once again, it appeared in front of Newmungard Castle.

"Master York! Here you are. "

At the gate stood two saints guarding the gate, and when they saw Peter,

their eyes lit up, and they immediately bowed respectfully to him.

Peter smiled and nodded at them, then stepped straight into the castle

and headed straight upstairs.

At this time, the castle of Newmungard was completely new, with thick

blankets on the stairs and various portraits hanging on the walls,

including portraits of the saints who had died, and when they saw Peter,

they smiled and nodded and bowed to him in welcome.

When Peter came to the highest level, pushed open the door directly, and

walked in, he saw two people looking at the phoenix in the cage and

studying it carefully.

Grindelwald did not raise his head, and did not pay attention to Peter

who came in.

The old man in blue robes on the side stood up, his blue eyes full of

peace, and said to Peter with a smile: "Here you are, Peter." Is everything

okay in school? "

"It's so good! Thanks to you, Professor McGonagall is now the

Headmaster, and I am the Vice-Chancellor. Dumbledore, you can't go

back to school, there is no place for you there! "

Peter said angrily.

"That sounds like good news."

Dumbledore said with a smile, he snapped his fingers, conjured a drink,

handed it to Peter, and looked very relaxed, "I have always wanted to

retire all these years, but I have always been troubled by various things,

but now I am completely light." "

Chapter 603: Chapter 604

Chapter 604: Progress of Living Horcruxes, Voldemort's Problem!!

"Hmph, you're relaxed, your admirers are sad to death."

Peter looked at Dumbledore with a playful face, "We held a beautiful

funeral for you, everyone was very sad, crying at your tombstone, and I

had to pretend to be sad." What do you say they will look like if they find

out you're not dead one day? "

"It sounds very lively, you said that I want to go and see it for myself."

Dumbledore said with a smile, then walked to the window, looked at the

snow-capped mountains in the distance, and said with a sigh, "If I can, I

hope they won't find out, just let them think that Dumbledore died that

night." "

Hearing his words, Peter straightened up, looked at him in surprise and

asked, "Do you really want to remain incognito from now on and not plan

to return to Hogwarts in the future?" "

"I spent almost all of my life at Hogwarts, entered Hogwarts at the age of

eleven, traveled for a few years after graduation, returned to Hogwarts as

a professor, and finally became Headmaster. Almost all of my happiest

memories are my time at Hogwarts, and it's a bit reluctant to leave. "

Dumbledore recalled, "But I wanted to spend the last few years of my life

in Godric's Hollow back in Godric's Hollow, making a pot of black tea

every day, holding a few joke books, and sitting in the courtyard to spend

the day." "

Grindelwald, who was silently 473 doing the experiment, stopped,

although his eyes were staring at the cage, his eyes were wandering, and

it was obvious that his thoughts had drifted elsewhere.

"I've been thinking about this idea for a long time, but unfortunately

there are always a lot of troubles coming to my door, so I had to give up."

Dumbledore complained with a smile, his eyes looked at Peter with a

happy expression, "It wasn't until you appeared that I felt that I had hope

for my retirement." Now as long as I solve Harry's problems, I will have

no pressure at all and can live my retirement happily. "

Saying that, he looked at the phoenix in the cage, and said in a very

happy tone: "Gellert performed a small operation on Thor yesterday, and

he successfully cut a small part of Voldemort's soul in Thor's body

without damaging Thor's soul. If this continues, it won't be long before all

the soul pieces in Thor's body can be removed. At that time, as long as

the soul piece in Harry's body is solved, Voldemort will not be a problem!


"Really? That's great! "

Peter was surprised when he heard this, and immediately rejoiced.

He gave Grindelwald a thumbs up and praised, "Mr. Grindelwald, you are

really amazing!" Even the soul can be solved, really worthy of the master

of black magic. "

Grindelwald pouted, tried to suppress the hooked corners of his mouth,

and said: "This is nothing, if it weren't for the small number of

experimental studies, I could study deeper." And it's still too early to say

success, the soul film is thoughtful, and it hasn't hurt its origin yet, so it's

been quiet. But when it senses danger, it will struggle fiercely, and it is

unknown whether it will succeed at that time. "

"Small number? That's fine, I'll bring you some experimental subjects

when I get back. "

After hearing this, Peter waved his hand carelessly and said boldly, "I

petrified a lot of Death Eaters at Hogwarts before, and I was worried

about what to do with them, and now I will give them all to you." You

can experiment however you want, it doesn't matter if you die. "

"Okay, then I'll have to solve the soul piece in that Harry Potter body for

Albus, which just needs to be experimented with." After all, people's souls

are different from phoenixes, and if they are not dealt with well, it will

be difficult to explain that they will make people stupid and die. "

Grindelwald nodded with satisfaction after hearing this, "When you go,

bring some saints over and let them bring the Death Eaters back." "

Dumbledore, who listened to the conversation between the two, only felt

that his whole body was not good.

Although he was not a holy father and had killed decisively in battle,

listening to the two of them lightly decided the fate of these Death

Eaters, as if they were not seen as humans, but as a group of guinea pigs

on the experimental table.

Grindelwald was once the Dark Lord, and Dumbledore was not surprised

to be able to do so without psychological burden.

But Peter, whom he regarded as an excellent student, also became like

this, which made Dumbledore feel completely bad.

He wondered if Peter had been influenced by Grindelwald to become like


If Grindelwald could hear Dumbledore's thoughts at this time, I am afraid

he would be wronged.

What does it mean to be influenced by him? It is clear that Peter this kid

is a bad boy, and there is no need for him to teach.

"By the way, Dumbledore, the current Voldemort is the grasshopper of

the autumn, why did you let Snape follow him? You must know that now

the entire wizarding world knows that he betrayed you and gave you

medicine to make you powerless to resist and killed by Voldemort. "

Peter suddenly asked puzzled, "Especially Harry, did he see the whole

process with his own eyes, but now he sees Professor Snape as a life and

death enemy, and he can't wait to seek revenge on him immediately." "

"Peter, I remember telling you that seven is a magical and stable


Dumbledore said.

Peter nodded and looked at him confused, wondering why he was asking


"Making a Horcrux is a very dangerous thing, and it is very difficult for

ordinary dark wizards to make a Horcrux. But Voldemort planned to

make seven, and he was indeed very proficient in studying Horcruxes. "

Dumbledore sighed, "But we discovered his secret and destroyed his other

Horcruxes in a row, which made Voldemort panic, so he had to risk

making the eighth Horcrux with the Jumping Pot." But a person's soul has

a quantity, the more points it is, the more unstable it is, seven Horcruxes

is already the limit, but Voldemort only did the eighth, which caused his

soul to be very unstable. Severus had told me that Voldemort was very

unstable during that time, often killing Death Eaters for a small mistake.

This made many Death Eaters very uneasy, hiding from Voldemort from

a distance, fearing that they would be the next Voldemort's revenant. It

wasn't until Severus gave him a soul stabilizer that eased his condition

that he regained his former calm. But this method is not enough once and

for all, and as potion resistance increases, ordinary soul stabilizers can no

longer work against Voldemort. Voldemort also knew his situation, so he

tried in every possible way to find a solution to the problem. And the

golden apple is a very magical magic plant, and the soul potion refined

with the golden apple can heal the wounds of the soul, so Voldemort will

go to St. Mungo's to snatch the golden apple, but in the end it failed

because of your reasons. "

Until he found another opportunity to make the ninth Horcrux with

Phoenix Thor, which allowed him to successfully possess an

indestructible Horcrux, but also made his soul more and more on the

verge of collapse, and now he can only rely on Severus's soul stabilizer to

maintain his sanity. So now Severus can't leave Voldemort's side, and in

order to gain Voldemort's trust, he can only let him personally send me to

Voldemort. "

"Wait… Since Voldemort's soul was on the verge of collapse, why help

him maintain his sanity? Wouldn't it be better to let him go straight

crazy? Isn't it easier to deal with a madman? "

Peter asked very incomprehensibly…

Chapter 604: Chapter 605

Chapter 605 Selling the Flame of Nirvana Again, I Want to Come Hard?!!

Dumbledore shook his head and said, "You're wrong, Peter, a mad

Voldemort is more dangerous and destructive than a calm Voldemort.

Now Voldemort is very strong and cannot be killed, even if I face him

head-on, it is not his opponent. Such a person, once he has no reason,

will act recklessly, and without any scruples, he will drag the entire

wizarding world to bury him. So we must keep him sane and give him

hope until there is a guarantee that a blow will kill. So my early

departure was to let his guard down and pressure so that he wouldn't do

crazy things. "

Peter finally understood Dumbledore's concerns, and when he thought of

Voldemort, who had no sense, looked crazy, Peter also felt that it was

better to let him not go crazy.

After all, Voldemort's current strength is very strong, and it is obvious in

the battle at Hogwarts, even under the terrifying thunder bombardment,

Voldemort did not hurt a single bit.

If it really drives him crazy, I am afraid that the entire wizarding world

and Britain will become a pot of porridge, and Voldemort will not care

whether the wizarding world will be exposed or not, which is likely to

make the British wizarding world a target.

For his own peaceful life in the future, Peter still thinks that it is better to

let Voldemort die cleanly, so let Professor Snape endure the humiliation

and continue to make soul stabilizers for Voldemort.

However, looking at Dumbledore, who had a relaxed face, and

Grindelwald, who was silent on the side, Peter calculated his heart, rolled

his eyes, and came to Dumbledore with a smile, garlic cow, and king


"Dumbledore, don't you want to live incognito in retirement? But you

have to know that you are a big celebrity, and there is no one in the

British wizarding world who does not know you, unless you want to live

in seclusion or drink that compound decoction that smells like smells of

smelly socks for a long time. "

Peter said.

"And I have a very simple way here, which can make you reborn and

return to youth, and ensure that no one can associate you with the old

Dumbledore ~ before!"

Looking at the flame in Peter's hand, Dumbledore was surprised for a

while, and then suddenly smiled, looked at Peter with a smile and said:

"Shouldn't your solution be to use the fire of nirvana to help my old man

become like you?" I heard Gellert say that you were selling him the

Flame of Nirvana, but I didn't expect it to be sold to me now. "

Immediately he shook his head and refused with a smile: "Old man, I

have lived enough, and I don't want immortality, so thank you Peter, you

can take back your Nirvana fire." Maybe you can recommend it to

someone and I can give you Nick's latest address, he should be interested

in this. "

"Hey, don't!"

Peter hurriedly stopped and said to Dumbledore with a grin:

"Dumbledore, if you don't want immortality, I have another package

here: you can still accept my Nirvana Fire, and when you don't want to

live, you can directly give me all the Nirvana Fire in your body." This

way I can get paid by me, and you don't have to worry about dying. And

don't you want to experience a youthful body? "

Hearing Peter's words, Dumbledore and Grindelwald's eyes were fixed on

Peter, and Grindelwald suddenly realized and snorted coldly: "So you hit

this idea, I said why are you so positive, it turns out that you want to do

a worthless transaction and let others help you raise the fire of nirvana."

You are so calculating, the goblins are not as greedy as you! "

"What do you call me greedy? You are slander! "

Peter jumped to his feet directly and said dissatisfiedly, "I am a child, I

endure the pain to split my nirvana fire, help you to be reborn in nirvana,

have an immortal body, and charge a little interest, of course, if

Dumbledore does not want to give up immortality by then, he does not

need to give me all the nirvana fire, as long as he returns one-tenth of the

nirvana fire every ten years, and after two hundred years, the debt

relationship will also be written off." There is only one good person like

me who sends warmth and eternal life! If I didn't appreciate you, I

wouldn't want to spend so much effort to help you regenerate Nirvana. "

Peter glared at Grindelwald with an angry look that you are not a good


"Cut, boy, don't fool me, you clearly treat us as your firewood, give us a

little Mars, just want us to light it into a fire, and then keep dividing the

flames from us."

Grindelwald said with an expression that saw through you

"Besides, I know that you also sold your Nirvana Fire to Voldemort as

well." You cunning brat, don't deny it. "

"How do you know?"

Peter blurted out in surprise, then shut up and looked at Grindelwald

dissatisfiedly, this old guy must have sent his men to monitor himself.

"Don't look like that! I'm not interested in inquiring about you. "

Grindelwald snorted coldly, he pointed to a mirror on the cabinet next to

him, and said angrily: "Please don't put such messy things as double-sided

mirrors in me in the future." And don't cast a traceless stretching spell on

yourself like a sniffer, and then stuff those things around. "

Seeing the double-sided mirror he gave to Grindelwald, Peter suddenly

groped on his body, and finally groped for a double-sided mirror in the

left pocket, and smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, I'm used to hiding things with

me." "

Peter was cheeky, he casually put the mirror into the dragonskin pocket,

and then continued to sell to Dumbledore: "Professor Dumbledore, even if

you don't want to live forever, you can try to be reborn in Nirvana and

have a young body again." Don't worry about me pitting you, as long as

you accept, you can always decide whether to give up the flame of

nirvana later. In this way, you don't have to worry about being

recognized as Dumbledore, and you can live without being disturbed. "

Then he turned to look at Grindelwald, winked at him, and said, "Mr.

Grindelwald, you can also choose to accept my Nirvana Flame and decide

at any time whether to give it up or not." You and Dumbledore are close

friends, and you can persuade him that although you are more than a

hundred years old, according to your magic, you can live for at least

twenty or thirty years. In the remaining decades, why don't you choose to

live with a young and flexible body? "

Grindelwald listened to the expression a little fluctuated, a little moved,

glanced at Dumbledore on the side, and then said to Peter with a smile:

"You are very tempting, but only if you can persuade Albus to agree,

otherwise you don't have to work in vain with me." "

Dumbledore also shook his head, looked at Peter with a smile and said,

"Sorry, Peter, I still refuse, I know that this is a very beneficial deal for

me, but I am not sure whether I can give up the temptation of

immortality after accepting such a gift." "

Peter cursed secretly, he just wanted to strengthen the origin, why was it

so difficult? A trivial interest, sending immortality and nirvana rebirth for

nothing, sending such good benefits, was actually rejected!

Grindelwald on the side was obviously a little disappointed, but he had

long known Dumbledore's thoughts, so he could only give Peter a

helpless expression.

"Hmph, I won't believe it today!"

Peter was directly depressed, he looked at Dumbledore who had no

desire and no desire, and suddenly a bad smile appeared in his eyes,

taking advantage of Dumbledore's inattention, his palm lightly tapped his

shoulder, and a crimson flame directly submerged into Dumbledore's


"Peter, you…"

Dumbledore was shocked.

Grindelwald on the side was also taken aback by Peter's sudden action

and quickly rushed over, but was glared at by Peter's pair of orange-

yellow snake eyes, and immediately felt his body stiffen and petrified.

Peter said to the two with a grin: "Since the soft one can't be used, then I

have to come to the hard one." I'm going to help you get reborn today!

Ready for ten? "

Chapter 605: Chapter 606

Chapter 606: Helping Dumbledore Rebirth Nirvana? Dumbledore


Feeling the fire of Nirvana spreading rapidly in his body, Dumbledore

was shocked and shouted to Peter, "Peter, don't mess around!" "

"It's late, the fire of Nirvana has been injected into your body and cannot

be taken out."

Peter said with an innocent face, then turned to look at the phoenix Thor

in the cage, and said in a consultative tone with a grin: "Thor, otherwise,

how about you contribute a little blood?" I'll give you more Nirvana

Flames in the future. "

When Thor heard Peter's words, his golden eyes were suddenly filled

with anger, and he spewed a mouthful of flames directly at Peter.

This cunning and insatiable Peter has already coveted half of its origin,

and now dares to covet its blood! What will come back later? If it

believes his ghost words again, it might as well believe that sniffing is a

guy who picks up gold!

(11)0 Dodging Thor's flames, Peter retreated back and muttered, "If you

don't give it, don't give it, what to do with such an atmosphere, it's not as

good as my field at all." "

The Nirvana Fire does not have the cooperation of the blood of the

phoenix and does not cause harm to the body, so Peter is not in a hurry

at all.

Looking at the semi-petrified Dumbledore and Grindelwald, he asked

with a smile: "Headmaster, where is your Fox?" Summon it out, I need its

help. "

Dumbledore was obviously a little angry at the moment, frowned, looked

at him seriously with his incomprehensible eyes, and said, "Okay, Peter,

stop playing." Hurry up and unravel the magic on our bodies, immortality

has never been what I want, and it will embarrass me to do so. "

Peter did not listen to him, in the face of such a high-quality big

customer, Peter would not let it go.

In the Muggle world, it is very difficult for ordinary people to get a loan

from a bank.

But in the face of those high-quality big customers, banks have always

chased after giving loans to others, and even sent warm services and

greetings, afraid that such customers will run away.

And now, Peter is sure that if he let Dumbledore go now, Dumbledore

will immediately disappear without a trace, and then there will be no

chance at all.

The benefits of origin enhancement Peter has experienced, not only is it

more difficult to die, but also the magic power has increased a lot, and

the appreciation can faintly feel that the essence of life has improved.

That's why he was able to confront Voldemort's chamber with the Elder


Peter didn't have the patience to stay in the volcano for hundreds or

thousands of years, slowly improving the Phoenix Origin.

So the best way is to use magic, and Dumbledore, who stands at the top

of the wizarding world, is the best customer in Peter's eyes.

Seeing Dumbledore's refusal to cooperate, Peter turned his head to look

at Grindelwald, and after glancing at him, he immediately showed a

smile: "Oh, I said how did the phoenix disappear from the day you got

out of suspended animation, it turned out to be hiding here." "

With that, he turned directly and walked to the depths of the corridor,

and from a room that was obviously Dumbledore's style, he took out Fox,

who had just woken up from a dream with a confused face.

"Fox, I will use your blood to help your master, be careful not to resist."

Peter touched Fox's feathers, and without saying a word, he cut a wound

directly from his wing, drawing blood.

Perhaps because he had been persuaded by Harry before, although Fox

instinctively resisted this weakness, he still did not fiercely resist and

allowed Peter to draw its blood.

It wasn't until Peter drew nearly half of his blood that Fox chirped

weakly, and then Nirvana was reborn.


Dumbledore looked distressed at the little chick that had reemerged from

the ashes, and looked at Peter and Grindelwald with accusatory eyes,

especially a cold snort at Grindelwald who leaked secrets.

Could it be that the leader of the Saints, the first Dark Lord, can't even

use brain closure, and can still let Peter read his thoughts? Fool the devil!

"This kid's dementoring technique is really powerful, I was only in a

slight trance, and he took out the information, it's really old!"

Grindelwald sighed innocently, and then watched Peter's operation with

great interest.

Peter controlled a cloud of blood floating in mid-air, split in half, and

then came to Dumbledore and swiped his arm, revealing a wound, and

half of the phoenix blood turned into blood and drilled towards the


When Dumbledore saw this situation, his expression was full of

resistance, and he persuaded Peter bitterly: "Peter, stop, not everyone

dreams of immortality, you can't impose your will on others." I just want

to live my retirement for the time to come, not to be reborn or

rejuvenated. "

"Oh, Headmaster Dumbledore, since you've reached this point, enjoy it…"

Peter said with a hippie smile, as if he were a bad guy, "When you are

reborn in Nirvana, you will know the benefits." If you really want to die

one day, you can tell me, I will immediately take out all the nirvana fire

in your body, and then you can go with peace of mind. "

As soon as Dumbledore wanted to say something, he felt the phoenix

blood drilled into his body flow down the blood vessels like magma,

burning every inch of his body, and the severe pain made him snort for a

while, and his face became red and hot.

Seeing this, Peter snapped his fingers directly, and the nirvana fire in

Dumbledore's body seemed to have been released, quickly burning from

the inside out, burning Dumbledore to ashes in the blink of an eye.

Looking at this scene, Grindelwald's eyes shrank and looked at the ashes

on the ground with concern.

Peter, on the other hand, squatted down without the slightest accident,

and his hands took out the thin young phoenix from the ashes, and the

young phoenix looked very helpless, and stood up with difficulty in

Peter's palm, making a childish phoenix sound.

Grindelwald looked at the chick in Peter's hand with wide eyes, and

asked hesitantly, "This is… Albus?! "

Peter smiled and nodded, then put the chick on the sofa, then gently

swiped his fingertips with his wand, squeezed out a drop of blood red

with golden blood, and flew into the chick's mouth.

Then in Grindelwald's surprised gaze, the chicks quickly swelled, sparse

feathers retracted into the skin, and in the blink of an eye, a child only

two or three years old appeared on the sofa.

The reddish-brown hair, the chubby body, and the blue watery eyes

reveal overwhelm and wisdom, which looks very cute.

"Peter, what's going on?!"

The little boy made a very immature voice, his tone was a little helpless,

looking at his naked appearance, his eyes were embarrassed and shyly

pulled up the pillow on the side, blocked in front of him, and then

angrily questioned Peter.

"Well, this is a normal phenomenon, you have raised Fox for so many

years, you should know that Phoenix Nirvana is from old age to


Peter waved his hand as a matter of course, and then smiled,

"Congratulations, Professor, you have now been reborn in Nirvana and

have a new life!" Look at you now, how cute, even the people who know

you best, I'm afraid they won't think that you are Dumbledore, you are

now a poor rice product? "

Chapter 606: Chapter 607

Chapter 607: Dumbledore and Grindelwald, Quality Customers?

Voldemort's guest!!

"Happy? You turned me into a small child! How do you make me happy?


Dumbledore was very angry, he looked at his fat little hands, and then at

the hippie smiling Peter, his hands suddenly itched, his eyes swept

everywhere, and he saw the wand next to the ashes on the ground, his

hand moved, and the wand flew over with a whizz.

"Professor, Professor Dumbledore, calm down!"

Looking at Dumbledore's murderous look, Peter quickly persuaded, "If

you really don't like this look, you can also use a compound decoction or

an aging enhancer, so that you can change whatever you want, isn't it

good?" "

Saying that, he directly lifted the transformation skill, returned to the

appearance of four or five years old, and said with a smile to

Dumbledore: "Don't you see me like this, since I was hit by the madman

of Voldemort with the Death Curse, I can only use Transfiguration to

transform myself into an adult." Dumbledore, your Transfiguration is so

good, it shouldn't be a problem to make yourself bigger. "

Looking at Peter's appearance at this time, Dumbledore knew that he was

doing this on purpose, but he still couldn't make a move.

With a depressed expression on his immature face, he sighed and put

down his wand.

Looking at his chubby body, he sighed again.

"Poof, Albus, I didn't think you were a little fat man when you were


Grindelwald looked at Dumbledore's immature appearance and couldn't

help but say.

After receiving a pair of murderous eyes, he stopped his mouth and

praised: "But it's still quite cute." "

Dumbledore gave him a blank look, and nodded his wand towards the

pillow in front of him, which quickly turned into 25 robes and

automatically put them on him.

Then he jumped off the sofa, picked up Fox, who no one cared about, and

comforted him with distress.

But with a few Fox chirps, Dumbledore showed a surprised look on his

face and said, "I actually understood Fox's words!" Is this because of

Nirvana's rebirth? "

Now that Dumbledore had completed Nirvana, Peter's gaze turned to

Grindelwald's readiness to continue with the unfinished business.

Grindelwald saw Peter walking towards him and said helplessly: "Can

you lift the petrification on my body first, since Albus has nirvana, I will

not refuse." "

Peter didn't care about his words, and directly slapped a separated

nirvana fire into Grindelwald's body with lightning speed, and then

drilled the remaining phoenix blood directly along the arm.

Peter was wary of Dumbledore the whole time, afraid that he would

suddenly interrupt.

But apparently Dumbledore did not have such thoughts, but sat on the

sofa, with a childish face, staring at Grindelwald's situation with an old-

fashioned look, looking like waiting for the result.

Peter secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then snapped his fingers

directly, and Grindelwald responded and turned into a pile of ashes.

Before Peter could crouch down, a thinly feathered chick crawled out of

the ashes and made a childish chirping at Peter, urging Peter to help him


Peter smiled, flicked a drop of blood from his fingertips, and flew into the

chick's mouth.

Feng immediately turned into a two- or three-year-old blonde boy, with

heterochromatic pupils that were particularly conspicuous.

Grindelwald looked at his appearance, not as confused as Dumbledore,

and did not care about his naked appearance, but felt the immature and

full of vitality of the body, very satisfied and amazed and said: "It's really

amazing, the magic power in the body has not decreased, on the

contrary, there is a lot more." And I can feel that this is the body of a

two- or three-year-old child, full of life, unlike the old and decaying body

before. "

With that, he grabbed his wand on the ground and waved it towards his

laboratory, and a bottle of blue potion flew over and fell into his hand.

Grindelwald opened the bottle, dripped twenty drops of potions into the

teacup on the table, and explained to the two: "This is a powerful age-

extender that can last for a year, and one drop will increase the age by

one year, which is just right for us." "

Then he directly took the tea cup and drank it, under the eyes of the two,

Grindelwald's body grew rapidly, from a small bean to a big man of one

meter nine, with heterochromatic pupils and an angular face, looking


"It's nice to be in your twenties, when your body is at its peak."

Grindelwald stretched his body and said with a sigh, "I'm about to forget

this feeling of youth!" "

"Albus, how old do you want to be?"

Grindelwald shook the potion bottle in his hand and said to Dumbledore

with a smile.

"116 years old, thank you!"

Dumbledore, who was sitting on the sofa, said angrily.

Grindelwald stalked for a moment, and then said haha: "It seems that

after the rebirth of Nirvana, Albus, your thinking age has also become

much younger, and you can actually joke." "

Peter showed a triumphant smile at this time, and he said happily to the

two: "The two of you should have sensed the nirvana fire in your body by

now, that is also called the Origin Fire, it is still very weak, so you need

to use magic to nourish and strengthen it." It determines how long you

can live, and the greater the flame of Nirvana, the longer you will live,

and the magic will go further, which is a process of mutual reciprocity. "

"For the sake of all of you, I give you a discount, and you can decide to

give me a tenth of the fire of nirvana in return every ten years in the

future, until two hundred years later; Or simply in twenty years, directly

divide two-thirds of my Nirvana flame and write it off. "

Then his eyes turned to Dumbledore, "Of course, if you feel tired of life in

the future and want to end this eternal life, you can always come to me

for help, and I will help him achieve what he needs." "

"Then what if I want you to take away the Nirvana Fire in my body right


Dumbledore asked.

"I'm sorry, once my Nirvana Flame is sold, it will not be returned or

exchanged for ten years, and if you really die after ten years, come to me


Peter shrugged his shoulders and said with a smirk, "After all, I have also

suffered a lot of sins from the flame of nirvana, at least I must have a

little profit, otherwise I will not be lost!" "

Looking at Peter's appearance as a profiteer, the two looked at each

other, and Dumbledore said with a toothache: "Peter, are you really okay

with goblins?" I'm afraid none of the goblins at Gringotts are as good at

business as you. "

"My parents are serious Muggles, don't you know my identity best,


Peter spread his hands and said.

Grindelwald rolled his eyes and said to Peter with a smile: "Then what if I

don't pay it back in the future?" You also said that the fire of nirvana is

about immortality, and you will let us pay back one-tenth of your amount

in less than ten years, and one is two hundred years! And another

condition, we have worked hard for twenty years, and as a result, you

actually have to walk two-thirds of the Nirvana fire, which is also too

ruthless. "

"If you dare not pay it back, then I will trouble you every day, I have a

way to find you!"

Peter grinned at him, his eyes smiling back.

Peter was never a selfless man, and he distributed the flame of his

nirvana to others in order to strengthen his own origin in the future,

thereby enhancing the essence of life, so that he could one day truly

become God.

Just as Dumbledore was afraid that he would not be able to resist the

temptation of immortality, Peter also knew that the human heart is

fickle, so he was naturally prepared.

If someone really gets his Nirvana Flame and doesn't want to pay interest,

he has a way to punish the defaulter!

Just like Grindelwald and 343 Dumbledore at this time, although in a

sense, they have truly possessed immortality and achieved immortality.

But if it angers Peter, even if he doesn't take away the Nirvana Fire in

their bodies, once they want to Nirvana again after a hundred years, they

will only be the body of a phoenix after being reborn, and they will not

become adults! So Peter is not afraid that they will not pay it back.

Grindelwald looked at Peter's confident and determined look, and

instinctively felt bad, but he didn't continue to ask, after all, he was just

joking, it was better not to mess with this evil boy.

After successfully completing the Nirvana Fire loan service with two

quality customers, Peter happily left Newmungard, and although

Hogwarts and Hogsmeade had their own doppelgangers, it would be very

unsafe if Voldemort suddenly attacked.

So Peter hurried back to school to help McGonagall with the list of new

students for the next semester.

However, after seeing the list of new students for next semester, Peter

raised his eyebrows, because in addition to first-year students, there were

also transfer applications sent from various European countries, all of

which were senior students transferred from Durmstrang and


Meanwhile, inside Voldemort's estate, in a conference room, Voldemort

sat in the first place, while in a row of seats on his left hand sat his

cronies Death Eaters,

On the right are the leaders of the mercenaries of the partner.

As for the opposite side of the long table, there is a group of people in

black dressed in classical clothes with elegant expressions, their faces are

pale with blue, as if they have albinism, red eyes look similar to

Voldemort at first glance, but upon closer debate, you can find that their

eyes are gray, as if they have not been cleaned for a long time,

precipitated a lot of history, old and bloody.

"Welcome, my guests, welcome."

Voldemort said

Chapter 607: Chapter 608

Chapter 608: The Blood Clan wants to cooperate with Voldemort?!!

In the gloomy chamber, Voldemort sat first, Death Eaters and

mercenaries sat to his left and right, and the group of white-painted men

sitting across from him all gathered around a middle-aged man in a

classical robed dress.

They exuded an icy aura all over their bodies, as if their bodies had no

temperature, making the nearest Death Eaters feel cold and whizzing.

And faintly, you can also smell a smell of blood, which makes this group

of elegant people full of dangerous aura, as if they are being targeted by

top hunters.

In the face of these people, Voldemort seemed to attach great importance

to it, and welcomed with a smile: "Welcome to the United Kingdom,

especially Sir Rusfan, I remember the last time I saw you, you were on a

safari in Romania, I didn't expect that this time it would be you who

came to cooperate with me on behalf of the blood family." "

The man sitting opposite Voldemort had scarlet eyes that were as dark as

black, looking like the color of blood clotting.

He picked up the crystal cup on the table that was supported with blood,

took a sip elegantly, and then said with satisfaction: "Very good, the

blood of a very pure virgin." "

Only then did he look at Voldemort and said with a nonchalant smile,

"The last time I saw you, you were a young wizard who had just

graduated, and I thought you were talented. It's just that I didn't expect

that in just a few decades, you have become the Dark Lord, which really

surprised me. "

Then he glanced at the people on both sides of Voldemort, especially the

several mercenary leaders with gloomy faces in the right row, and said

jokingly: "I heard before that the Purifier mercenaries poured out and

joined the ranks of the Death Eaters, but they suffered heavy losses in the

capture of Hogwarts. But looking at your calm appearance, it seems to be

fake news? "

The mercenary leaders' faces became even more ugly, and they stared at

Sir Rusfan viciously, and taunted: "I thought you vampires buried

yourself in coffins and weren't ready to come out, but I didn't expect

them to pop out again now." "

"You vampires are worth a lot of money on the black market, we caught a

lot of vampires in the United States in the first place, almost extinct, and

the Magical Congress specially made you an endangered species for this

reason and forbade us to hunt."

"Tsk… I didn't expect that there were so many vampires in Europe, and I

was really dazzled. In the black market, a vampire's fangs are worth 50

galleons, and if you sell them in the United States, the price can be

doubled several times, not to mention the vampire body, which is the

favorite experimental subject of many dark wizards, a vampire corpse is

worth 500 galleons, and if it is alive, it is worth 1000 galleons, or even

more. "

A mercenary leader said with a taunting look in his eyes.


Several vampires behind Sir Rusfan,

Angrily showing his sharp fangs at them, he couldn't wait to wash away

the blood of these gangsters.

"Oh, I'm still angry, these vampires don't tease, hahaha."

The mercenary leaders laughed and looked at the arriving vampires with

great contempt.

Sir Rusfan already had a smile on his face, but his eyes were indifferent,

and looking at them in his eyes was like looking at a prey that was about

to enter the entrance.

"Well, mercenaries, be polite, after all, the blood friends are guests from

afar, so you can't be so rude."

Voldemort, who had been watching for a long time, finally spoke, and he

was also very dissatisfied with these arrogant vampires, but now he first

faced the mercenaries, then he would be a peacemaker.

Hearing Voldemort's words, the mercenary leaders still shut up, they

cleared Voldemort's strength, and in the battle of Hogwarts, the strength

of their mercenaries was almost cut by most of it, and although there are

still thousands of people today, they are completely inferior in the face of


Even after the war, he was forced by Voldemort to carve the Death Eater

mark and became a member of the Death Eaters through and through.

It is not that the mercenaries have not resisted, but the result of the

resistance is that only five of the original twelve mercenary leaders are

now left.

So they could only pinch their noses and go from being partners to

becoming members of the Death Eaters.

Many mercenaries, after being branded as Death Eaters, hated those who

advocated working with Voldemort in the first place, which is obviously

not a sheep in the mouth

It's just that now that the wood is ready, they have no regret medicine to

take, and they have to be called by Voldemort.

After all, the punishment of the Dark Devil Mark is very torturous, and

before that, a mercenary cut off the right arm that was marked with the

Dark Devil,

But the result was that the arm was gone, but the Dark Mark appeared

directly on the heart, and then was tortured by Voldemort remotely, no

less than the pain of the Heart Drilling Curse.

So in general, in the previous battle of Hogwarts, the biggest loss was on

the mercenary side.

Although the Death Eaters had losses, since the remaining mercenaries

were branded with the Dark Mark, the Death Eaters' power had grown


Although he took the mercenaries into his sphere of influence, Voldemort

did not break up the mercenary ranks, but continued to hand them over

to the few mercenary leaders who surrendered to him, so that they could

continue to lead.

And on the real Death Eater side, the most trusted Bella Cretes is dead,

the Lestrange brothers, the Carlo brothers and sisters, Goyle, Crabbe, etc.

have all been folded in Peter's hands, so among the Death Eaters sitting

in the left row now, the closest to Voldemort is Snape, the next is the

current Minister of Magic, Pierce Sinkenness, and then Lucius Malfoy,

who has left prison.

And sitting at the very end, closest to the vampires is Pettigrew.

The Death Eaters didn't know where the vampires were coming from, and

Voldemort hadn't told them, so when they saw the vampires coming, they

instinctively frowned, and the expressionless Snape's eyes quickly flashed

a dark light, not knowing what he was thinking.

And Lucius, who was once as proud as a peacock, has now become a

little lost after some things, and carefully waits for Voldemort, fearing

that Voldemort will kill him if he is not happy.

As for the most timid little star, he looked at the vampires beside him

with trembling, smelling the smell of blood and cold breath coming from

them, and couldn't wait to turn into a mouse and flee immediately, afraid

that he would be bitten by these bloodthirsty vampires on the neck.

In the wizarding world, the status of vampires is not much different from

that of werewolves, but vampires are rarely seen in the UK, but the

werewolf Fenrir has caused a lot of killings and tragedies, so the people

of the wizarding world avoid werewolves, even if an excellent student

like Lupin who graduated from Hogwarts still can't find a job that can

support himself.

So as pure-blooded Death Eaters, although they were dissatisfied with

why Voldemort had found a low-level vampire in their eyes, they were

afraid of his methods and did not dare to say anything.

And Voldemort didn't care what his men thought at this time, he looked

at the vampire opposite with interest and asked: "Your blood clan took

the initiative to find me to cooperate with me, I don't know how you

want to cooperate with my father?" "

Chapter 608: Chapter 609

Chapter 609: Greedy Vampire! A blood girl who knows magic!!

Sir Rusfan smiled, two sharp teeth looming, and said, "We know that Mr.

Voldemort wants to rule the wizarding world, but there are some

difficulties at the moment. And our blood clan can help you, and more

powerful than mercenaries. "

"Oh, help? So how are you going to help? "

Voldemort became interested, playing with the Elder Wand in his hand

and asked.

"We can provide you with at least tens of thousands of blood slaves,

although their strength is not comparable to the real blood family, but it

is much stronger than the Yin corpse made by your wizards."

Sir Rusfan said.

"Tens of thousands!"

The Death Eaters present suddenly exclaimed, their eyes full of disbelief,

and the mercenary side even asked, "Where did you get so many slaves?"

Could it be that you just slaughtered a city? Didn't it attract the attention

of the hemp chicken? "

Blood races reproduce in a different way, they will suck the blood of

selected humans, then feed their own blood, bury it in coffins and slowly

wait for change.

Blood slaves, on the other hand, are slaves made by the Blood Clan to

serve themselves, and an army that fights for the Blood Clan.

The number of blood family reproduction descendants is limited, after

all, they are dead things, and the blood in the body will not increase, so

use a little less.

And blood slaves, as long as the blood family is willing, can be made


The manufacture of blood slaves is also very simple, as long as you bite

at a human, and then twist 553 to break your neck and bury it in the soil,

those blood slaves who have completed the transformation will come out

of the ground and become irrational, bloodthirsty blood slaves!

Muggles can't tell the difference between a blood clan and a blood slave,

so in their legends, some vampires are the spokesmen of elegance and

like to attract innocent and innocent girls with their handsome looks.

And in some stories, vampires become violent and bloodthirsty ugly.

Voldemort also straightened up at this time, staring at Sir Rusfan on the

opposite side, trying to get a definite reassurance from him.

After all, 10,000 blood slaves is not a small number, and it can change a

lot of things.

In the Middle World, the Blood Clan was not willing to hide in the

shadows, so they created tens of thousands of blood slave armies and

attacked humans without restraint, setting off a bloody storm in Europe.

In the end, it was the wizards who intervened and carried out a two-year

encirclement and suppression before finally eliminating these blood

slaves and eliminating the blood ghosts who created all this behind them,

and finally stopped.

Even the source of the idea of dark wizards to create gloomy corpses is

also derived from vampire blood slaves, so Voldemort did not

underestimate this ten thousand blood slaves.

Even if these blood slaves cannot be compared with the strength of

wizards, and are afraid of sunlight and flames, they have a very fast

speed, almost unable to capture their figures with the naked eye, and

sharp teeth can instantly penetrate the skin and suck the blood of the

human body clean!

So Voldemort was moved, and he asked directly: "What do you want?" "

Hearing Voldemort's words, Sir Rusfan smiled, his eyes looked directly at

the Elder Wand in Voldemort's hand, pointed at it with a pale finger, and

said: "I want Mr. Voldemort to help us make a batch of wands, and let us

enter the Ministry of Magic and study things in the Department of

Mysteries." "


As the Minister of Magic, Sinkness directly provoked, and he glared at

the Blood Clan, "You actually dare to covet the wand, so bold, aren't you

afraid of being genocide?" And the Department of Mysteries is an

important property of our wizards, and you even dare to put your hand

in as a vampire! "

"Yes, and when will your blood clan be able to use wands too? You don't

have the ability to cast spells. "

The mercenary leader also sneered.

All the Death Eaters glared at Sir Rusfan, who had made the request, and

even the cautious Lucius Malfoy looked at the bloods with unkind eyes.

You must know that at the beginning, wizards relied on wands to stand

out from a group of magical creatures, defeat magical creatures including

elves, fire dragons, goblins and so on, and thus become the master of the

magical world.

When the British goblins rebelled and even occupied Hogsmeade, the

wizarding world did not take it seriously.

But when the goblins proposed that they also have wands, it immediately

touched the nerves of the wizards, and the Ministry of Magic directly

suppressed it strongly, and the rebellious goblins were solved in a few

days, so that they did not dare to show their desire for wands for

hundreds of years.

So when the Blood Clan offered to ask for a wand, not only did the Death

Eaters show a bad face,

Voldemort also squinted and stared coldly at Sir Rusfan.

The wand is the lifeblood of a wizard, and even an inhuman dark wizard

like Voldemort will not agree to give the staff to a foreign race.

Moreover, the Department of Mysteries was another excessive request,

and the Ministry of Magic chose to establish its headquarters there

because of the Department of Mysteries.

The Department of Mysteries is very mysterious, like the stone that leads

to the world of death

The arch, or the invisible thirteenth door, and the locked room, which is

said to be filled with the power of 'love', is terrifying and unmatchable.

The Department of Mysteries is arguably the most important place in the

entire Ministry of Magic, and ordinary wizards cannot come here, even

the minister, and have no right to directly order the silent people of the

Department of Mysteries.

So the importance is self-evident.

No wonder Sink reacted so violently.

Seeing the unkind eyes of these wizards, Sir Rusfan also felt pressure, if

he didn't make it clear today, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to leave here


Still, he smiled and said to Voldemort, "Don't get me wrong, Mr.

Voldemort. We don't covet the skill of wizard wands, after all, you also

know that our blood family has no magic powers, and even if we get a

wand, it is no different from a stick for us. "

"Oh, in that case, why do you want wands? Sir Rusfan, you may be able

to explain it to me. "

Voldemort crossed his hands, and the Elder Wand dangled in his hands,

faintly flashing green light to fly out.

In the face of Voldemort's momentum pressing on him, Sir Rusfan had

bitter words, and he regretted the contempt of his words just now.

He didn't expect that he hadn't seen him in just a few decades, and the

young man who was cautious about him at the beginning had now

become a powerful wizard with great power, and his own leader in the

blood family was probably a grasshopper that could be crushed to death

at any time in his eyes.

He hurriedly waved his hand behind him, and saw that among the blood

family, a petite girl, only about thirteen or fourteen years old, stepped

forward, and the girl looked indifferent, like an emotionless machine.

Everyone looked at Sir Rusfan in confusion, what did it mean to bring a

vampire up.

But Voldemort was indeed the first to notice the unusual, his eyes shrank,

and he looked at Rusfan with a proud look of hesitation and disbelief,

"She has magic power?!" "

"Elena, come here."

Rusfan shouted softly.

"Yes, father."

The girl's voice replied without emotion, and then stood beside Rusfan.

Rusfan touched the little girl's head, and then said to the little pettigrew

on the side: "This gentleman, can you borrow your wand and use it?" "

"This… Master? "

Pettigrew a blind, this vampire

How do you ask him to borrow a wand? And how could a half-body thing

like a wand be lent to others, so he looked at Voldemort pleadingly,

hoping that Voldemort could help him.

It's a pity that Voldemort didn't care about his pleading, looked at the

little girl with curious eyes, and said to Pettigrew strongly: "Give him a

wand, wormtail, I don't want to say it a second time!" "

Pettigrew could only tearfully pull out his wand and hand it to the

vampire Rusfan very reluctantly.

After Sir Rusfan got the wand, he immediately handed it to the little girl

beside him, and then said softly: "Elena, show us your talent with your

wand." "

The little girl nodded expressionlessly, her blood-red eyes did not have

the slightest emotion, and after getting the wand, she whispered directly

to the side: "Avada is desperate!" "

As soon as the words fell, a dazzling green light spell flew out of the

wand, grazed the top of Pettigrew's head, and hit the wall directly.

"Oh my God!"

"Merlin! How is this possible? "

The Death Eaters present were incredulous, their eyes fixed on the blood

girl who had cast the spell, which was beyond their comprehension.

When can vampires use magic too?

Chapter 609: Chapter 610

Chapter 610: The Union of Vampires and Witches! Perfect Race?!!

The Death Eaters couldn't believe it, they had always pursued the idea

that magic only bloomed in a few people, but now that a vampire could

suddenly perform magic, it was too counterintuitive.

"How is this possible? Wizards become blood families, don't they lose

their magic? How can she cast magic? "

The mercenary leaders were horrified that they had seen wizards who

had turned into vampires, but without exception, they had lost the ability

to cast magic.

What happened to the accident now?

Voldemort was also very curious, his eyes were full of interest, and the

wand in his hand suddenly waved towards the little girl of the blood

family, and an invisible force wanted to drag the little girl in front of


But the little girl of the Blood Clan named Elena, apparently very

perceptive, dressed in a blood-colored cloak, dodged Voldemort's curse as

if teleporting, and suddenly appeared beside Voldemort and bit down on

his neck.

It's just that before he got close to Voldemort, he crashed into an invisible

wall, and he couldn't advance for half a minute, and could only show his

fangs and roar angrily at Voldemort ~ Earth Devil.


"Find death! Dare to attack the master! "

The Death Eaters present looked angry and pulled out their wands and

aimed them at the Bloods and the little girl present, as soon as Voldemort

gave him the order.

But Voldemort was not angry, waved his hand casually at the Death

Eaters, signaled them to stop, and then looked at the little girl carefully,

as if he were looking at a rare treasure.

"Elena, stop the attack!"

Sir Rusfan was also taken aback by this sudden scene, and then quickly

ordered the little girl.

When the little girl heard this, she immediately put away her attack

posture, blinked, and instantly returned to Lu Sifan's side, looking well-

behaved again.

"Sorry, Mr. Voldemort, the little daughter Elena has never come out

before, and suddenly seeing so many strangers, she reacted a little too


Rusfan said apologetically.

"No need to apologize, she's funny."

Voldemort waved his hand and said, then stared straight at the little girl,

his scarlet eyes full of inquiry, and then turned to Rusfan and asked, "You

just said that this is your daughter?" Did you hug her for the first time?

How did her magical talent come about? Or was she a little wizard before

her transformation? "

"First hug? Oh, no, no, no…"

Rusfan shook his head, as if showing a perfect work, and said with a very

proud smile: "Elena is not transformed, she is my biological daughter, a

natural blood line." "

"Biological ones!"

Everyone present fell into even more shock, as we all know, the blood

race cannot reproduce like other races, so they can only transform the

selected humans as their descendants through the initial embrace.

And now Sir Rusfan said that the little girl was his own, which really

shattered the cognition of including Voldemort.

Snape, who was sitting in the position of Voldemort's deputy, asked

Rusfan very curiously: "Sir Rusfan, as far as I know, the blood family is a

species after death, there is no life, how can you break through the rules

of nature and give birth to descendants?" "

"This is Mr. Snape, the youngest Potions Master? Long time to look up. "

Ru Sifan took the crystal cup and drank the blood inside, and then said

proudly: "This starts with a chance discovery." As we all know, ordinary

humans have always been regarded by us as mobile blood banks, our

source of food. But we rise! "

"Hey, it's ridiculous to actually fall in love with your own food!"

Lu Sifan showed disdain and ridicule, and then his expression was

exaggerated, as if he had made some major discovery, and continued to

say to everyone: "When we found him, we found something that was

enough to shock the entire blood family, that is, that blood family and

humans actually had offspring!" The offspring of a blood family was

actually born in the belly of a human being! What an amazing thing! "

When everyone in the conference room heard this story, their eyes

widened, and they did not expect such an unreasonable result.

"This is really amazing, completely breaking the way our blood family

has reproduced for thousands of years, so the elders treated the blood

family born from the human belly to the clan, and after testing, it was

found that he perfectly inherited the ability of the blood family, and also

eliminated the drawbacks of the blood family, which can be said to be a

very perfect new blood family!"

"So, many of our kindred began to experiment with humans, abandoning

the previous view that they were only used as reserve food. Instead, try

to bond with them. "

Ru Sifan laughed with a show-off expression, "As a result, it is not

surprising that many blood families have given birth to offspring,

perfectly inheriting the perfect blood family of the paternal bloodline!" "

"It wasn't until more than a decade ago that I met a wizard, and after

traveling with him, I discovered the power of wizards and magic."

Rusfan's tone became excited, and his eyes looked at the little girl beside

him with satisfaction, "I suddenly had an idea, since human women can

reproduce for us, can witches also do it, and can they give birth to a

blood family with magical talents?" "

As these words were spoken, the atmosphere in the conference room

instantly froze, and all the Death Eaters stared at Rusfan with unkind

eyes, daring to covet the wizard, this vampire was really bold enough.

Waves crossed Snape's indifferent eyes, and he pointed to the little girl

and said in an affirmative tone, "So, this is the child born of your union

with the witch?" Half vampire half wizard? "

Everyone's eyes followed Snape's pointing, and once again focused on the

little girl, full of surprise, jealousy, disgust, curiosity and other emotions.

"That's right, haha, Elena is my child with the witch, she perfectly

inherited my bloodline, and at the same time has magic powers, when

she was born, she floated everything in the whole room."

Ru Sifan said very proudly, gently touching the little girl's head.

"What about that witch? You wouldn't think of them as fertility machines

like Muggle women, would you? "

Snape asked faintly.

The unkind eyes of the crowd were focused on him again, and they

would not feel anything about how to treat Muggles.

But once the vampires extended their hands to the wizards, they

immediately aroused everyone's vigilance and unkindness, and they did

not believe these greedy vampires.

"You don't have to be so guarded, the witches we choose are all born of

ordinary people, which you call Muggle families, and they are all found

in the Far East and Eastern Europe."

Rusfan hastened to explain, "I know that you are very unhappy with

those Muggle-born wizards, and Mr. Voldemort has also proposed to get

rid of those unworthy of magic, so I can assure you that the Blood Clan

will never touch those pure-blood wizards. "

Hearing this, the angry wizards gradually dissipated their anger, although

they did not believe these vampires, as long as they did not touch their

interests, they pretended to attack the vampires.

And when Snape saw everyone's reaction, a ghost flashed in his eyes, and

he returned to an expressionless face, silent as a background table…

Chapter 610: Chapter 611

Chapter 611: Twenty Thousand Blood Slaves! Target Mystery Affairs

Division? Reach a cooperation!!

Voldemort was very curious, he grabbed a hand, the little girl was

directly fixed and flew in front of him, allowing the little girl to open her

ape teeth and constantly struggle and roar, touched the little girl of the

blood family with her pale hand, and said in amazement: "What an

incredible miracle A brand new species, with the powerful and agile body

of the blood family, and the talent of magic, and a permanent lifespan, it

is really an enviable perfect race." "

"Mr. Voldemort" Rusfan did not expect Voldemort either

There would be such a sudden movement, looking worriedly at his

struggling but useless daughter, this is the perfect product he made, and

it would be a great loss if he destroyed it.

Voldemort had no intention of harming the little girl, and after checking

it, he let go of the restraints on the little girl, looked directly at Rusfan

with sharp eyes, as if he was seeing through his thoughts, and said

jokingly: "So how do you blood clans plan to cooperate with me?" Name

a reason that convinces me. If the wizarding world of various countries

knows that your blood clan covets the wand skills of wizards, and wants

to use witches as your reproductive tools, the wizarding world will

definitely destroy you with the greatest force. "

Magic has always been considered forbidden by wizards, and even

Muggle wizards have been considered unworthy of magic by pureblood,

let alone you vampires.

I don't care about that, but you have to convince my men.

With Voldemort's words, the Death Eaters looked at the Blood Clan with

undisguised contempt and disgust, and said arrogantly: "At the beginning,

the five-legged monsters, dragons and other races were destroyed by us,

you vampires actually dare to covet the wizard's magic, and dare to

create this kind of half-vampire and half-wizard monster, do you want to

exterminate the race?" A group of corpses sleeping in coffins, lying in the

coffins, and ran out to pierce their eyes. "

Rusfan's eyes were violent and bloodthirsty, but he still held back his

anger and said to Voldemort with a smile: "As a sincerity of cooperation,

we can provide 20,000 blood slaves to drive for you, and there are 500

blood elites to follow." With them, it will not be difficult for you to

occupy the wizarding world. No one can face an army of 20,000 people

alone! "

Hearing this, the Death Eaters immediately took a cold breath, the

number of people in the British wizarding world is probably not so large,

and these vampires can actually provide so many blood slaves! I don't

know where they got so many people to convert.

Now is not a chaotic Middle Ages, and the disappearance of dozens or

hundreds of people is a big event, let alone 20,000 missing.

Voldemort was also stunned for a moment, and then his eyes flashed joy,

although the blood slaves are afraid of fire and the sun, their speed is no

less than that of real vampires, they can't be captured with the naked eye

when they move, and they are infinitely powerful, not tired, it is simply

an upgraded version of the zombies in the movie.

If there were so many blood slaves in hand, as long as Peter was dragged

back, no one in the wizarding world would be able to resist such a

torrent of blood slaves!

He immediately asked, "What conditions do you have?" "

Rusfan, who kept an eye on Voldemort's expression at any time, was

secretly pleased, his dark red eyes showed a smile, and said to

Voldemort: "The conditions are still the same, we need you to find a

wand maker for us and make five hundred wands for us." Secondly, it

was agreed to let us enter the Department of Mysteries and participate in

the research inside. You have taken control of the Ministry of Magic, and

I don't think these two conditions are a problem for you. "

"Five hundred wands? So, you already have five hundred blood families

that can use magic? "

Voldemort's pupils shrank and he asked in surprise.

Although vampires cannot use magic, their strength is very dangerous,

super fast speed and super strength, let them stand at the top of the food

chain, there have been vampires hunting fire dragons or unicorns, you

can know their strength.

Not to mention the fact that magic can be used today, which is simply a

combination of wizards and vampires, with an indestructible body and

extraordinary magic, which is simply a natural war killer.

"Of course not, Mr. Voldemort, we have prepared so many wands just for


Rusfan smiled and shook his head and said.

Voldemort looked at him for a few seconds, not indicating whether he

believed it or not, but after thinking directly for a few seconds, he

nodded and agreed: "Then I wish us a happy cooperation, Sir Rusfan."

The Ministry of Magic has a special wand research office, although it is

not comparable to Ollivander's skills, but it is very mature and stable,

you can go there to customize wands. "

As for the Department of Mysteries, when you bring 20,000 blood slaves

to England, you can go inside.

In addition to not being able to bring out the contents you can participate

in the study of the contents like other silent people.

"That's great, I will immediately inform the Presbyterian Church and

transport blood slaves into England in batches."

Rusfan said happily, "Good to work with, Voldemort. "


Sinknis wanted to stop talking, as Voldemort

The shameful minister who has worked for the Ministry of Magic for

decades and is also a pure-blood family, is naturally very resistant to the

blood family's entry into the Ministry of Magic.

You must know that the foundation of the Ministry of Magic is the

Department of Mysteries, and the things behind the twelve doors inside

are things that other ministries of magic covet.

The other Death Eaters also showed reluctance, they were pure-bloods

who had controlled the Ministry of Magic for a long time, and the

contents were considered their own.

Now to let the blood clan into it is completely to lure wolves into the


After all, these vampires have lived for a long time, although they have

no magic power, but they have seen a lot of things, and it is said that

there are offspring who can use magic, and it is obvious that there is

something in the Department of Mysteries that attracts them to cooperate

so actively.

It's a pity that Voldemort doesn't care about this, he just wants to stand

above everyone and become the only god.

Dumbledore is dead, and now the only person who can threaten him is

Peter York, but Peter can't kill and has become the new leader of the


Although he sneered at the saints who had disappeared for decades, he

still did not dare to underestimate Peter, not to mention that there was a

Grindelwald behind him.

Peter's presence made Voldemort like a fish in his throat, and he could

feel that this was another Dumbledore rising, even more difficult to deal

with than Dumbledore.

With Peter's invisible support, Burns established a new Ministry of Magic

outside and even had a large number of Ministry of Magic personnel join

it to confront this Division.

Even the Order of the Phoenix, which Dumbledore formed, did not

dissolve after Dumbledore's death but gradually moved closer to Peter.

Not to mention that he also inherited Grindelwald's power

Under such pressure, Voldemort desperately needed foreign forces to join

him and give his side the upper hand.

Since he made the phoenix into a Horcrux, he was no longer afraid, and

such a Horcrux that could never be destroyed was enough for him to

truly fly away from death.

But he had been faintly uneasy lately, and after the Phoenix Horcrux was

taken away by Peter, he could feel that the other Horcruxes had been


But after seeing the ten thousand thunderbolts summoned by Peter, he

was full of unease about the safety of the last Horcrux that fell into

Peter's hands.

Although the phoenix is not dead, what about meeting Peter? There will

be no accidents

After reaching a cooperation, although the Death Eaters were extremely

reluctant, due to Voldemort's horror, they could only squeeze out a smile

to welcome these bloods.

To celebrate this collaboration, Voldemort hosted a dinner.

Even in order to entertain their guests, the Death Eaters went to Muggle

villages and directly captured several teenage girls.

Snape, sitting in the corner, looked at the smiling people at the banquet

with an indifferent expression, and Voldemort sat high on the stage,

looking down at everyone, holding a wine glass in his hand and not

knowing what he was thinking.

Below, the Death Eaters smirked and chatted with the same Bloods with

red liquid in their cups.

Consciously or unconsciously, he swept over another corner, where a

large iron cage was placed.

Inside were four pale-faced, frightened-eyed girls curled up, but after a

while, a wizard would come and tie the man to the cage with his wand

and cut his arm, catching the blood left behind with a wine jug.

The Muggle girls let out terrified and desperate screams and cries, but

instead of mercy, the crowd in the living room laughed, as if the girls'

screams had pleased them.

Even Voldemort on the first seat showed a cruel smile.

Snape didn't do anything, just watched the girls being drained of blood

and withered like flowers, and then silently.

"Severus, come here."

Voldemort found his deputy sitting alone in the corner and shouted


Chapter 611: Chapter 612

Chapter 612: Snape's Mission, a transfer student who suddenly came!!


Snape came over and called out respectfully to Voldemort.

Voldemort happily introduced Snape to Sir Rusfan and said, "This is the

person I trust the most, Severus Snape, and he and you will be

responsible for the handover of the Blood Slaves. "

Sir Rusfan looked at this Snape's expressionless face with some surprise,

and said enthusiastically: "I have heard of Mr. Snape's great name for a

long time, but I didn't expect that Mr. Voldemort's staff would be full of

talents, and such a young and promising potions master. Happy

cooperation in the future. "

Snape nodded at him, then looked directly at Voldemort and said in a

sincere tone, "Thank you for the trust of the master, but has the master

entrusted me too much." My main task now is to make potions for you

and the organization. Perhaps such an important task could be entrusted

to someone else, such as Lucius or Hinkness, who I believe are no less

loyal to you than I am. "

Hearing his words, Voldemort's scarlet eyes looked directly at Snape, and

after confirming that he was sincere, his eyes softened and said happily:

"Severus, my most faithful servant, you are always so sweet. Now I am

more assured to give this task to you, there is no need to refuse, and you

will be responsible for the affairs of the blood slave. As for the Lucius and

Sinknness you recommended… He25 acts as your deputy, assisting you in

your work. "

"Remember," Voldemort said non-negotiablely, "you must keep it a secret,

not leak a word, and make sure that no outsiders know about it until we

officially start a war until we officially start a war." "

His eyes looked out, and he said with a somewhat urgent expression:

"Especially not to leak a trace of news to Peter York's side, otherwise he

will catch clues and sabotage our affairs." "

"I know, master, I will let everyone, including me, set an unbreakable

curse to ensure that no one can leak secrets."

Snape said firmly, offering a way to keep it secret.

Hearing his words, Voldemort was even more satisfied and said, "Very

good, it seems that I have given you this task, which is a real choice." "

"Thank you master."

Snape was more respectful, looking at Voldemort with a fanatical look in

his eyes, looking like he was always desperate for him.

Voldemort was very satisfied with his performance, and said in a kind

and gentle tone: "Well, enjoy the banquet tonight, you don't have to

restrain yourself all the time." "

"Yes, master."

Snape nodded in agreement, his appearance was still wooden, as if he

was not interested in the lively banquet, but went directly to Lucius

Malfoy and Minister of Magic Sinkenness at the banquet, and seriously

announced Voldemort's instructions to them.

Looking at Snape leaving, Sir Rusfan on the side smiled and asked, "You

trust this subordinate of yours so much?" How did I hear that he used to

work at Hogwarts, and he was the person Dumbledore trusted the most. "

Voldemort understood his words, a confident smile appeared on his face,

and said, "I was able to kill Dumbledore smoothly before, and the most

helpful of them was Severus, do you think he would do it if he was loyal

to Dumbledore?" "

"So it is."

Rusfan nodded, did not continue to say anything, sipped the blood in the

wine glass, did not know what he was thinking.

And at the banquet, among the two who learned Voldemort's

instructions, Sinkness looked at Snape with jealousy, he did not expect

that such an important task, Voldemort would be handed over to Snape,

who had been silent.

Lucius, on the other hand, was envious and worried, and after so many

things, he had given up hope of being trusted by Voldemort again.

Had it not been for the Malfoys' ability to provide financial support to the

Death Eaters and contribute Malfoy Manor as a Death Eater stronghold,

and for the massive decline in the Death Eater elite, I am afraid that

Voldemort would not have remembered him being held in Azkaban.

He has no ambition now, he just wants to save his family's life in this


And as Malfoy, the wizarding world's best at steering the wind, he has his

own opinion on the situation in the wizarding world.

Although the Death Eaters seem to have returned to their former strong

appearance, even now the Blood Clan has joined them and provided an

army of 20,000 blood slaves, gaining the upper hand.

But he had no expectations for victory for Voldemort and the Death


After the three of them discussed, Snape was in charge of the overall

situation, and Sinknis was responsible for using the powers of the

Ministry of Magic to bring blood slaves into England in batches; Lucius,

on the other hand, was responsible for placing the blood


The trio worked together to ensure that the blood slaves and the blood

family could enter Britain quietly.

Speaking of placement, Lucius was a little distressed, and he asked Snape:

"I have no problem finding a hidden place, but the problem is that these

blood slaves need blood to feed." Twenty thousand blood slaves, in order

not to make them crazy, need to be fed at least once a week. It is

estimated that at least thousands of people will need blood to feed them,

and if we catch so many Muggles, it will be difficult for us not to be

noticed by the Muggle government and Hogwarts. How can this be

solved? "

Snape thought for a moment, his eyes glanced at the several girls in the

cage who had dried blood, his expression fluctuated, and then said to

Lucius: "I remember that there are blood banks in Muggle hospitals, and

blood slaves can be fed with the blood in the blood banks, as long as they

are transferred to a few more hospitals, so that even if there is a wave, it

is just a blood bank loss incident, and it will not attract the attention of

the Muggle government and Frost Gerwartz." "

"You did me a big favor, Severus."

Lucius said gratefully that a glint flashed in Snape's eyes, nodded slightly,

and then said solemnly: "The master is afraid that this matter will be

known by Hogwarts, especially Peter York, in advance, so every one of us

who knows about this matter needs to set up an unbreakable curse to

ensure that the news will not leak out." "

The two nodded one after another, indicating that he was thoughtful.

Back at Hogwarts, Peter was talking to McGonagall in Professor

McGonagall's office.

Although McGonagall 290 became the headmaster, out of respect and

nostalgia for Dumbledore, she did not move to the headmaster's office on

the eighth floor, but still lived in the original office.

"Peter, do you have any thoughts on these transfer applications?"

With a confused look, McGonagall took out a few letters to Peter and

said, "I have contacted the headmasters of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang,

and according to them, these applicants are excellent students in their

school, and they do not know why these students are transferring to

Hogwarts. "

Peter picked up the letter and looked at the familiar surname on it, his

expression was a little strange, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Now that the British wizarding world is in turmoil, Voldemort and the

Death Eaters are raging, and the Ministry of Magic is split in two, it's

strange that these foreign students are coming in."

Professor McGonagall was worried, "Especially Durmstrang's students,

who have been only admitting purebloods and teaching dark magic. Of

course, I'm not saying that black magic is bad, but black magic is very

dangerous, and I always think that students should not be exposed to

black magic too early. But now there are 5 students transferred from

Durmstrang at once, and they are all seniors. Peter do you say this has

anything to do with the Death Eaters? Are they going to send students to

try to disintegrate us from within? "

Peter listened to McGonagall's words, his expression became more and

more strange, and finally he spoke: "Well, Professor McGonagall, you

don't have to worry that they are people from Voldemort's side, they

should have come to me." "

Chapter 612: Chapter 613

Chapter 613: Peter's Work, New Student Catherine!!

"Looking for you? What do you mean? "

McGonagall looked puzzled.

"Uh… They are all descendants of saints. "

Peter said with a shrug.


Macgonagall suddenly remembered that Peter had another one

The identity of Grindelwald's heir.

She did not think well of Peter's becoming the leader of the saints.

And she also vaguely knew the complicated relationship between

Dumbledore and Grindelwald, so she didn't have much antipathy to this


Just frowned uneasily and said: "Now the situation in the British

wizarding world is very tense, the saints transferred their children to

Hogwarts, do they want to intervene in this war?" "

Peter shook his head and explained with a helpless bitter smile: "The

saints have no intention of intervening in the war for the time being, they

just sent their children over and plan to form a future team for me." "

"I didn't expect you to have such influence among the saints, so that they

can give their children to you with such confidence."

McGonagall said in surprise, then picked up the application and signed it

cleanly, "Since it's your person, then I don't have to worry." Their arrival

can make the school lively. And the two schools are both one of the three

major wizarding schools in Europe, which should bring a different

atmosphere to Hogwarts. "

"By the way, Peter, the matter of visiting the freshman Muggle family will

be left to you, you did a good job last semester, and I will trouble you in

the future."

McGonagall suddenly handed Ichiru the acceptance letter to Peter.

"Professor, didn't you say before that I would only be in charge of

Hogwarts? How did visiting the student's family fall on me again? "

Peter said with a grimace that the work of visiting new students and

convincing their parents was very boring after that, except for being a

little novel at first.

Especially now that the situation in the wizarding world is unstable,

protecting these Muggle families from Death Eaters requires them at all

times, which is obviously a predictable amount of work.

"You also know that in the current environment, except for you, other

professors can't do this well."

Professor McGonagall said with a sigh, and then smiled, "And I didn't let

you visit the new students in person, aren't you able to conjure up a lot of

doppelgangers?" Didn't you use this trick to be lazy when you used to be

on night patrols? "

There are twenty-one Muggle freshmen this year, and you just need to

conjure up twenty-one avatars, and with just one day's work, I think you

can do the job, right?

There is no one better suited for this task than you.

It takes magic to change into a doppelganger, Peter wailed in his heart.

But he still accepted the work, after all, he also knew that everyone in

the wizarding world was now at risk, and everyone was eager to apply

magic to their houses, three floors inside and three layers outside, and

then hide inside and not come out until this chaos was over.

Even George and Fred, in recent correspondence with him, complained

that Diagon Alley had become much colder, making their business less

profitable, and that many shops were closed and posted on their

doorways for sublease or sale.

Since he was responsible for bringing new students into the wizarding

world, Peter had to prepare in advance, and he opened the content of the

acceptance letter, which was basically the same as the acceptance letter

he had had, except that the name of the headmaster was changed to

Michael McGonagall, and the position of the vice headmaster's name

became Peter York.

Peter added a notice letter to the letter, and the uniform time was

scheduled for a visit on August 1st, and then he took Diagon Alley to buy

textbooks and things on the admission list.

The wizarding world spent July peacefully, except for the two Ministries

of Magic fighting non-stop verbal battles in the newspapers, there were

only a few minor fights between the Death Eaters and the Order of the

Phoenix, and there were no casualties on either side.

Even the cold Diagon Alley has regained a lot of liveliness, and some

ignorant and unconscious magical people at the bottom have begun to

buy in Diagon Alley, as if the shadow of war has disappeared.

But many high-ranking and intelligent people in the wizarding world

know that this is only a temporary appearance.

Now the strength of both sides is balanced, so they are in restraint, but

once the strength of one side changes and the balance is tilted, war will

come in an instant.

Especially those centrists who are out of a wait-and-see state observe the

movement at any time, and as soon as one side shows signs of defeat,

they immediately turn to the victorious side.

On the first of August, early in the morning, after Peter had finished

breakfast, he shook his body slightly, and one by one the doppelgangers

split from his body, until there were twenty-one, Peter breathed a sigh of

relief, put a wand and acceptance letter on the table, and let them


There is no difference between the doppelgänger and Peter's body, so

there is no need for him to say more, the doppelgangers picked up their

wands and an acceptance letter one by one, and walked out of the school

gate one after another, rushing over according to the address on the


Speaking of which, Peter also thanked Ollivander, and made dozens of

wands suitable for Peter like wholesale, just to deal with the situation

that the doppelgänger also used wands.

Thinking of this, Peter conjured up another doppelgänger and asked him

to rush to Ollivander's wand shop to welcome customers.

He thought that maybe he could get Ollivander back, after all, now that

Voldemort had his Elder Wand, he shouldn't have any interest in


Otherwise, this Ollivander wand shop has not been open for a long time,

which has already made many people in the wizarding world talk about


And Professor McGonagall, who came back from outside the school, saw

Peter who came out one by one greeted her, her expression was also

stunned, and more than twenty identical Peter appeared in front of her,

full of shock.

Catherine Hamil was an eleven-year-old girl who was lying on the

window and looking out.

Originally, she and her parents had decided to attend a girls' school in

middle school, but an incident on her birthday broke the peace at home.

She remembers an owl flying into the house with a letter informing her

that she had been accepted into a school of witchcraft and wizardry

called Hogwarts, and that the professors would visit her early in the

morning on August 1st.

Her parents always thought it was just a prank and told her not to take it


But Catherine believed it to be true, because something very amazing had

happened around her.

When she was chasing and frolicking with her classmates at school, she

accidentally fell from the third floor, and as a result, she slowly fell to the

ground like a feather, and nothing happened

Although she repeatedly insisted on that miraculous phenomenon,

everyone thought she was only

It is excessive frightening and hallucinations.

As for why I didn't get a little injury, it was due to the fact that the

ground was grassy and had cushioning power.

Although Catherine wanted to prove the miraculous phenomenon, but

she was just a child, no one believed her, and her parents were even

more worried that she had been injured in the brain, and she was sent to

the hospital for examination for a long time without any problems.

Now that the letter of acceptance has arrived, she finally knows the

source of the magical phenomenon in the first place, that is, she is a


This made her excited, and she couldn't wait to meet the visiting

professor immediately, so that she could see the magic.

The Hamils looked helplessly at their daughter, who had been looking

out the window, they did not believe in magic, and they always thought

that the letter of acceptance was just a prank.

So they thought about how to comfort their lost daughter next, and then

send her to a girls' school to study so that she would no longer believe in

magic so naively.

"Coming! The professor is here! "

Suddenly Catherine behind the window was excited


Then he jumped off the couch and hurried towards the door.


Mr. Hamil shouted.

But before he could finish speaking, the doorbell rang.

The couple suddenly became puzzled, they don't seem to have guests

today, who will come to the door early in the morning? They got up and

walked towards the door, and Catherine, who had already reached the

door, opened the door directly

The Hamils saw a very young boy standing in the doorway,

Wearing a very classical dark green trench coat, blonde hair shoulder-

length and handsome appearance, he looks like those stars on TV, even

better than those stars.

"Uh… Who are you? "

Mr. Hamil asked hesitantly

The boy smiled kindly and stretched out his hand, "Hello, I'm Peter York,

a professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and I should

have written to you before." "

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