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One Piece — Blackbeard — мой


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Недостаточно рейтингов

Краткое содержание

Линь Фэн отправляется в пиратский мир, полный пиратских

приключений и оснащенный уникальной системой выбора


Его цель — усовершенствовать выбранного персонажа.

Выбрав пресловутого Черную Бороду, Маршалла Д. Тича, Лин Фенг

принимает на себя роль антагониста Луффи, стремясь превзойти

Тича в явной смелости.

В этом пиратском мире он стремится переопределить восприятие

Маршалла Д. Тича, доказав, что он не антагонист, а, скорее, главный


Линь Фэн полон решимости показать, что вор все еще может

олицетворять честь и отличие.

«Я мелочный, безжалостный и немного нарушитель спокойствия».

«Создание хаоса — моя сильная сторона. Мне нравится, когда мои

враги злятся».

«Мне нравится, когда меня называют пиратом, особенно когда это

вызывает у людей дрожь».

«Познакомьтесь с Маршаллом Д. Тичем, новым лицом в мире

пиратов. «


_______________ Это мой второй проект,


я надеюсь, что по мере проделанной работы он станет лучше.

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вторника по субботу (5 глав в неделю), и будут выпускаться в 00:00

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061 Blackbeard: How to Negotiate

with other emperor

Soon, Burgess brought Apoo to Blackbeard as instructed.

At this time, Scratchmen Apoo's body was wrapped in bandages, and his

face was pale.

He lifted his head, locking eyes with Blackbeard, and asked: "Why did

you not kill me?"

"Don't you want to live? "

Blackbeard asked rhetorically.

"I want to live, but I also want to know why you didn't kill me. " Apoo


Blackbeard laughed loudly after hearing this, and then continued.

"If I spare you, your life's worth something. You're Kaido's subordinates.

And if I'm right, Kaido probably knows you joined Kidd and his alliance

on this visit to my place, right?"

Apoo's face showed surprise at these words.

"How do you know I'm with Kaido?!"

"You can't keep secrets from me, Blackbeard"

Blackbeard said calmly. Of course he would not mention anything about

his journey through the pirate world.

"Tell me, why did Kaido ask you to come?"

Blackbeard continued to ask

"No need to hold back. He is just trying to understand this new era,"

Apoo replied.

Blackbeard did not refute after hearing this. Based on his understanding

of Kaido, although Kaido looks like a simple-minded person, the truth is

exactly the opposite.

Together with Orochi, they rule over Wano, employing its workforce to

craft Sea Stone for them. The Sea Stone is then sold to the Marines and

the World Government, making in big profits and influence.

He alsogot a deal with 'the Joker' Doflamingo, the big shot in the

underworld, for creating artificial devil fruits of the zoan variety.

His ability to extend his influence to such a degree proves he's no

ordinary figure and have cunning mind

"Can you make a talk with Kaido? I need to have a word with your boss"

Blackbeard asked, looking at Apoo.

"Talk to Kaido..."

Apoo's eyes shifted upon hearing that.

"Why are you standing there like a statue? Didn't you hear Captain

Blackbeard? Do you want to die so early?"

Burgess kicked Apoo.

Apoo got up and glanced at the menacing crew surrounding Blackbeard.

It was as if he had encountered Kaido and the Three Disasters.

"Okay! Okay!!"

Apoo nodded frantically, clearly frightened.

He then pulled a den-den mushi from his clothes and began contacting

Kaido right in front of Blackbeard.




After a few rings, the sound abruptly stopped, and the call connected.

"Ah... Apoo? What's up with you, boy?"

The den-den mushi picked up Kaido's drunken voice.

"Boss Kaido! I was caught by Blackbeard!"

When Apooheard Kaido's voice, he felt as if he had found someone to

support him, and quickly broke into tears.

"What?! Blackbeard dares to arrest you?"

Kaido snapped back to sobriety upon hearing Apoo's words.

"Zeehahahaha, yeah, it's me."

Blackbeard took the den-den mushi and laughed.

"Do you even know who you're talking to, Blackbeard?"

Kaido's voice became obviously much heavier.

"Kaido, one of the Four Emperors! I just want to talk to you about


Blackbeard wore a subtle smile, showing no trace of awe in his tone

towards Kaido.

"Oh? What's up?"

Kaido asked.

"Don't know the price for your Sea Stone? I'm looking to buy a large

amount of it"

Blackbeard replied.


"Trying to make deals with that tone?Buying in large amounts? I won't

sell it!"

Kaido's loud laughter echoed through the Den-den Mushi, expressing

clear disdain for cooperating with Blackbeard.

Upon hearing this, Apoo's heart sank.

If Blackbeard got furious, his fate might be sealed then and there.

"Boss, do you want to reconsider this?"

Apoo suggested quickly.

"Hahaha, if Blackbeard dares to lay a finger on you, I'll destroy his

Blackbeard Pirates sooner or later!"

Kaido smiled. As one of the Four Emperors, it had been a while since he

encountered a pirate like Blackbeard, one who contradicted him and

even grabbed his attention.

He aimed to flaunt his strength against Blackbeard.

"Oh? I hold his fate in my hands. If you don't agree, don't blame me for

getting ruthless"

Blackbeard retorted, a faint smirk playing on his lips upon hearing

Kaido's words.

He didn't need the Sea Stone immediately. If he doesn't have sea stone

now, he could always get it later.

"What? Blackbeard, are you kidding me? I've heard your Blackbeards

have been making noise in the New World, and expansion is natural. But

if anything happens to Apoo while you're around, I, Kaido, will bring you

down sooner or later!"

Kaido declared in a cold tone.

Upon hearing Kaido's words, Blackbeard grabbed Apoo's head. His palm

transformed entirely into thunder, and its power steadily increase.

"Boss Kaido!!! Help!!!"


Apoo's screams echoed constantly

Shortly after, Apoo stopped moving

He spoke directly to Kaido through the den-den mushi and electrocuted

Apoo alive.

Kaido's expression on the den-den mushi had turned completely gloomy.

"Wororororo... What a Blackbeard!"

Kaido laughed one last time and then quickly turned off the den-den






I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

062 Seclude Training

Blackbeard looked at the disconnected den-den mushi with a subtle smile

on his face.

He could feel Kaido's anger, but he wasn't worried one bit.

Given the current might of the Blackbeard Pirates, Kaido wouldn't dare to

easily launch an attack against him.

If Kaido were to engage in a fight with him, win or lose, Kaido would

lose too much of his power. In such a scenario, Big Mom would

undoubtedly seize the opportunity to overshadow him as the first Yonko.

Kaido wouldn't engage in such a losing deal.

Blackbeard had just caught onto this fact, making him quite shrewd in

the situation.

He simply enjoyed the sensation of Kaido wanting to kill him but being

powerless to do so.

The surrounding pirates overheard the exchange between Blackbeard and

Kaido, causing them to break into a cold sweat in fear.

But, at the same time, their respect for Blackbeard grew even stronger.

After all, shouting at Kaido like this before becoming one of the Four

Emperors takes a level of courage not many pirate groups would dare to



On the other side, news of the expansion of the Blackbeard Pirates has

spread around the world.

By now, the Blackbeard Pirates had already secured a crucial position in

the New World.

By expanding the power of the Blackbeard Pirates this time, Blackbeard's

bounty has only increased by 300 million, reaching 1.8 billion.

Learning the news, Blackbeard was not surprised.

While wreaking havoc in the New World recently, Blackbeard refrained

from harming civilians or marines, causing his bounty to not increase


While the bounty may not directly measure strength, it does symbolize

influence and the perceived threat to the world.

Once he ascends to become one of the Four Emperors, his bounty will

naturally experience significant fluctuations.

Soon, five days have passed.

The Blackbeard Pirates have been completely formed and stabilized.

Given Blackbeard's current influence, a mere gesture from him would

attract countless beauties eager to embrace him.

But, he refrained from throwing a party, let alone one that was lively and


Instead, he chose for a decision: he wanted to focus on training!

"What? Captain, you're thinking of pulling back now?"

Burgess expressed surprise upon hearing the news.

Shiryu and the other captains surrounded Blackbeard, sharing a sense of

confusion upon hearing the news.

Normally, having established a foothold in the New World, they should

have begun celebrating.

"With the current strength of the Blackbeard Pirates, I can choose for

secluded training with peace of mind. It should take about half a year.

During this time, the Blackbeard Pirates will be left to you,"

Blackbeard stated calmly.

After hearing his words, everyone present calmed down.

It turns out that Blackbeard quickly expanded the influence of the

Blackbeard Pirates simply to engage in solitary training.

"Admiral Blackbeard, I believe that with you at the helm, no one will be

able to hinder us in the near future,"

Lafitte stated with a serious expression, devoid of any sense of humour.

"When my training concludes, that will be the moment I ascend to the


Blackbeard's eyes revealed his ambition. Wasn't everything he did before

aimed at becoming the Emperor of the New World Seas?

"Then I wish Admiral Blackbeard a smooth training. Unless the Four

Emperors show up in person during your absence, the Blackbeard Pirates

won't face any issues with us here"

Shiryu assured Blackbeard with confidence in his word

"That's right, Captain. After your training is done, our Blackbeard Pirates

will undoubtedly be several times larger than they are now!"

Avalo Pizarro exclaimed.

Blackbeard nodded, recognizing that the Blackbeard Pirates were in a

phase of rapid development, and he could capitalize on this period for

solitary training.

Soon, a pirate ship adorned with Blackbeard flags sailed to an island in

the New World.

"This is the island. Don't bother me unless it's something very important."

Blackbeard had visited many islands, surveyed them all, and ultimately

settled on this one.

There are mountains and rivers on this island, plenty of food and some

ancient animals.

It can be said that this is a treasure place for secluded training.

Then, in the gaze of Burgess and the others, Blackbeard transformed into

a bolt of lightning and surged directly into the island.

Upon reaching the island, dense tall trees covered most of the land, and

his three-meter-tall figure appeared small as he walked among them.

For some reason, Blackbeard felt a slight surge of excitement.

This training is not just about honing the Devil Fruit ability but also

developing Observation Haki and Armament Haki.

It also involves training the body and mastering physical skills, focusing

on building and strengthening his own muscles.

"Zeehahaha!!! A new era, get ready for me!!!"

Blackbeard roared with laughter, throwing a powerful punch into the air.

Cracks spread densely.


The entire island quaked violently, startling countless birds and beasts.

"It seems Captain Blackbeard is really excited...."

After Burgess felt the earthquake on the island, he murmured

"I'm really looking forward to the end of the Captain's training!"

Lafitte had a faint smile on his lips.

They understood that Blackbeard's training this time would decide his

claim to the throne!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

063 Time Skip: Six Month

New world, ancient island.

The ancient forest is continuously shaken by violent vibrations.




At this time, Blackbeard was running with a massive Tyrannosaurus rex

on his shoulders. Every step he took, the ground would shake violently,

causing the surrounding ancient beast to hide away from Blackbeard.

Sweat dripped from his body as he ran.

He didn't need to sleep, so he began practicing day and night.

<em>[The character selection system detects the owner constantly

enhancing the character and grants double the speed of


After a week of practice, a system prompt echoed in Blackbeard's mind.

Then he sensed some subtle changes within himself.

Whether practicing physical skills or Haki, his speed was now twice as

fast as before.

Apart from not needing to sleep, his training can be considered four times

more intense than that of normal people!

After these days of consistent exercise, the excess fat on his body

gradually vanished, and the outline of his muscles began to take shape.

It won't be long before he undergoes earth-shaking changes.

Soon, a month passed.

Blackbeard arrived at a lake on the island, lowered his head, and saw his

current transformations reflected in the water.

By now, he had shed all the excess fat from his body, giving him a

somewhat muscular appearance, but not quite strong enough.

Nevertheless, his physical strength had significantly increased compared

to before.

"Things have changed remarkably fast this month"

Blackbeard murmured.


A disturbance echoed on the serene water.


A dragon emerged from the lake, materializing seemingly out of

nowhere. In an instant, a huge creature stood before Blackbeard, its eyes

fixed directly on him.

"Zeehahaha, aren't your scales tough? Let's see if you can withstand this."

Blackbeard seemed to be anticipating the dragon's appearance. But on

closer look, it's just a large sea lizard. Upon seeing the Lizard emerge

from the water, he burst into laughter.

During this training period, the lizard before him served as his practice


This lizard resides on this ancient island, a colossal beast competes for

dominance. No other ancient animal dares to approach this lake.

Its body is covered in dark scales, their hardness so formidable that not

even Blackbeard can easily breach its defense.

At this moment, Blackbeard clenched his fist, shrouding it with

Armament Haki.

This time, his Armament Haki has grown even more robust than before,

with an increased intensity.


The lizard unleashed a roar, opened its mouth, and rushed to bite


With a swift motion, Blackbeard's body jumps into the air, delivering a

powerful punch to the lizard jaw.

The lizard jaw was also covered by the hard scales, tougher than the rest

and also the creature's weak point.


The tremendous impact abruptly sent waves rippling through the water


Blackbeard and the lizard remained in a deadlock like this.

Then, with a powerful punch, Blackbeard sent the dragon flying out of

the lake, and it came to a halt after crashing through a tree.

The lizard looked at Blackbeard in disbelief. It was obvious that its

intelligence was extraordinary.

At this moment, there was a huge fist mark on the lizard scale at its skull!

"Seeing that your transformation wasn't easy, I'll spare your life. From

now on, you can follow me and be my mount."

Blackbeard said to the dragon. If he could have the dragon as a mount, it

would provide a significant advantage in future sea battles.

The dragon could understand Blackbeard 's words. At this time, it fell

silent and was still thinking about it.

"Don't think you can hide in a lake."

Blackbeard transformed into thunder with one hand, electrifying the

water in the lake, completely sealed any hopes for the dragon to escape.

In the end, the dragon had no choice but to lower its head. In a world

where strength is respected, once the dragon acknowledges its master, it

will only follow him in the future.

"Don't worry, following me might help you in transforming into a true


Blackbeard touched the lizard's head.

<em>[The character selection system detects that the master has

enhanced his Observation Haki and Armament Haki, his body shape has

changed, and his fruit abilities have become more proficient. As a

reward, he will receive 'training to change his appearance.' Your

appearance will gradually improve with practice!]</em>

In just one month, his physique underwent a tremendous transformation,

and his Armament Haki also showed significant improvement.

This time, the character selection system has rewarded him with an

opportunity to change his appearance. It will gradually improve with

continued practice.

In other words, his appearance will be enhanced based on Blackbeard's

original look. While he may not become the type that girls envy, he can

certainly transform into a well-dressed and robust man.

This is indeed a good ability.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Blackbeard's mouth. He had

already received two rewards before becoming one of the Four Emperors.

With the anticipation of even greater rewards upon attaining the

position, and motivated by his practice, he once again immersed himself

in these six months of training.

Time flew by, and Blackbeard's self-imposed six-month training deadline

was almost up, with only 10 days remaining.

In this almost six months, the Blackbeard Pirates underwent rapid


Among the pirate groups competing for Whitebeard's territory, none can

match the prowess of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Now, they have rise to the point of constant friction with the remnants of

Whitebeard, led by Marco.

People who pay attention to these two pirate groups understand that the

Blackbeard Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates are on the brink of a full-

scale battle.

War is likely on the horizon...

Sure enough, in recent days, a pirate group under Shiryu was annihilated

by the Whitebeard Pirates during their clashes. The entire pirate group

was completely wiped out.

This incident triggered an all-out war between the Blackbeard Pirates and

the Whitebeard Pirates.

Originally, both pirate groups were in a constant state of testing, but this

time, the Whitebeard Pirates made a significant move to defend their

own dignity.

Clearly, they can no longer remain passive and are inevitably heading

toward a life-and-death showdown with the Blackbeard Pirates!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

064 Inevitable War

Beehive Island.

In the huge square, everyone from the Blackbeard Pirates gathered here.

Except for the empty chair on the high platform of the square, All

Blackbeard Titanic Captain are all here.

Each of them is wearing luxurious clothes, gold and silver jewellery, and

the wealth can be felt at a glance.

The pirates in front of them carried an air of arrogance and exuded a

formidable presence.

Obviously, after half a year of development, the Blackbeard Pirates have

grown to a terrifying level.

"Shiryu, Captain Blackbeard half-year training will end in 10 days.

Should we inform Captain Blackbeard in advance?"

Burgess asked Shiryu.

Despite Burgess being the first titanic captain of the Blackbeard Pirates,

Shiryu's strength naturally earns him considerable influence, and many

decisions require his approval.

"Well, now the remnants of Whitebeard led by Marco are ready to go to

war with us. With their background and reinforcements, our Blackbeard

Pirates will suffer heavy losses even if manage to win"

Shiryu stated with a grave expression.

"It's best to inform the captain beforehand. After all, there are only 10

days left"

Van Augur added, expressing his agreement.

Now the Blackbeard Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates are about to fight.

This war can be said to be the most important war since the

establishment of the Blackbeard Pirates!

The Whitebeard Pirates, once a formidable force, still hold large

influence even without Whitebeard. The inevitable conflict will definitely

be a fierce and terrifying war!

None of the captains, including Lafitte, voiced any objections.

It's evident that the war is near

"Finally, we'll see Captain Blackbeard in action!"

"Hahaha, once our Blackbeard boss completes his training, Marco and the

others won't stand a chance!"

After hearing Shiryu and the other captains' discussion, excitement and

anticipation lit up everyone's faces. Despite being part of the same crew,

many pirates present had never seen Blackbeard, and some of them only

saw him on the day they joined the Blackbeard Pirates.

They had only seen him on wanted posters and had no idea how much

stronger the former pirate, who once created a massive wave in the new

world, had become in the past six months.

After all, the fact that powerful figures like Shiryu and Avalo Pizarro

willingly became his subordinates spoke volumes about his strength.

In this way, Blackbeard became a mysterious figure in their eyes.


On the other side,

Marco and the Whitebeard Pirates have assembled their forces.

Their forces are comparable when they going to the Summit War, but

they lack the overwhelming presence of Whitebeard.

This huge force can easily overpower many pirate groups in the New

World, putting them on par with the Beasts Pirates, Big Mom Pirates, and

the Red Hair Pirates!

Now they are preparing for an all-out war against the Blackbeard Pirates!

"Captain Marco! Something big happened!"

The pirate exclaimed urgently, ran to his side

"What's going on?"

Marco asked with some confusion

"Kaido of the Beasts Pirates sent someone to deliver a batch of weapons

for us!"

The pirate conveyed the shocking news.

"Weapons sent by Kaido?..."

Marco's expression changed.

"Kaido was our mortal enemy before. What's his intention this time?"

Vista asked with a solemn expression.

"What weapon?"

Marco asked again.

"It's a biological weapon made by Queen!"


After hearing the news, the expressions of everyone present changed.

Quinn, one of the three plagues under Kaido of the Beasts, is known for

creating frightening biochemical weapons, which are terrifying weapons

on the battlefield!

Having this weapon can be said to have greatly increased their winning


Marco and his men quickly inspected the weapons sent by Kaido. After

confirming, Marco asked further: "Did Kaido men say anything else?"

"Kaido's men didn't say anything, they just left a Den-den mushi"

The pirate in charge of delivering the message was already dripping with

sweat on his forehead.

"It seems Blackbeard has made quite a few enemies!"

Marco remarked, maintaining a serious expression as he received Kaido's


"What should we do? Should we try to use Kaido's biological weapons?"

Vista asked Marco.

Although they are pirates, they also understand the cruelty of Kaido's

biological weapons.

Using such weapons has never been the style of their Whitebeard Pirates.

Moreover, Marco, being a doctor, instinctively rejected Kaido's inhumane

biological weapons.

Silence fell over everyone. Are they considering making an exception to

deal with the Blackbeard Pirates?

At this time, Jozi said:

"I believe we can use it. The Blackbeard Pirates are causing chaos in the

New World—burning, killing, looting. This weapon is the perfect way to

handle them! We can also avenge Pops, Ace, Thatch, and all our fallen


After he finished speaking, he received immediate approval from many


The hatred between Blackbeard and the Whitebeard Pirates runs deep, to

the point where they no longer hesitate to use biological or chemical


"Well, we really can't use ordinary methods to deal with Teach. Kaido has

done us a big favor this time"

After a brief silence, Marco eventually agreed to use the biological

weapons provided by Kaido. He personally called Kaido to make the




"Wororororo, Marco, how are the weapons?"

Kaido's drunken voice came through the Den-den mushi.

"Why in the world did you give us these weapons?"

Marco asked Kaido with a frown.

"Of course, I just want you to take care of Blackbeard pirates. I have one

condition though. After using the biological and chemical weapons,

simply tell the Blackbeard Pirates, 'This is a gift from Kaido, the Beast, to

Blackbeard! Ask him if he likes it!' It's that simple!"

Kaido said with a smile

"Good! Since this is the weapon, we, the Whitebeard Pirates, will accept


After hearing Kaido's conditions, Marco agreed without hesitation.

After hanging up the den-den mushi, Kaido snorted with disdain.


Want to fight with me?

Are you worthy?





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

065 Unfortunate Timing

In the New World, on an ancient island,

There are just 10 days remaining until the halfway point of the year.

The island is chaotic, with the ancient jungle scattered with the bodies of

various rare and exotic animals.

Cracks are scattered everywhere, bearing witness to the damage caused

by lightning. The island appears to have weathered the fury of nature.

During this moment, a sea lizard approached the shore along a river on

the island.

Blackbeard was casually seated atop the lizard.

His appearance has undergone significant changes. While he may not

possess the type of handsome face that sparks envy among women, he

exudes a mature and stable sense of manliness.

His clothes were in tatters, and his once fat belly now appeared lean and

muscular. The contours of his muscles were very obvious. At first glance,

he seemed like a robust and vigorous man.

Radiating a mature and handsome aura!

"Zeehahahaha, time flies so fast"

Blackbeard laughed heartily, his voice transforming along with his

changed physique. It now carried a more pleasant tone than before.

"I wonder how far the Blackbeard Pirates have progressed now"

Blackbeard murmured.

"My era as Blackbeard is coming!"

After uttering these words, he and his pet left the ancient island,

venturing into the vast seas of the New World.


Approximately thirty minutes later, a huge pirate ship arrived near the

ancient island in the sea.

The flag on the pirate ship bears three skulls, unmistakably belonging to

the Blackbeard Pirates!

"Captain Blackbeard! We're here to pick you up!"

Burgess shouted from the ship to the island shore.

However, a deathly silence hung over the island, not even the sounds of

animals can be heard

"What happened?"

Shiryu frowned, and then all the captains landed on the island together.

As they looked at the corpses on the island, their expressions turned


"Under the perception of Observation Haki, there's no longer a living

creature on the island..."

Vasco Shot said in shock.

Burgess and the others were also left stunned.

When they arrived on this island half a year ago, this island was filled

with life. Why was there not a single living thing left after just six


"Where's Captain Blackbeard?" Burgess inquired.

"Captain Blackbeard should have left..."

After Shiryu observed for a moment, he finally responded to Burgess.

The captain left?...

At that moment, the faces of the Blackbeard Pirates' captains couldn't

help but show a hint of shock.

The Whitebeard pirates remnants, led by Marco, are currently heading to

Beehive Island, and a war is about to break out.

Without Captain Blackbeard, the Blackbeard Pirates might truly struggle

in the upcoming war.

"Don't worry, I think Captain Blackbeard will definitely go directly to

Beehive Island."

Shiryu said solemnly, though now it's only a hope.

In the end, they returned without Blackbeard.


In a sea area of the New World,

Blackbeard lay on the sea lizard's head, wandering along as it roamed the


He appears quite relaxed and carefree. The half-year training has been

fruitful, and now he just wants to enjoy himself.


The explosion of a cannonball suddenly echoed behind Blackbeard's ears.

Blackbeard remained lying on the huge lizard's body with a calm

expression, as if that battle had nothing to do with him.

"Bonney, you'd better come with me, hahaha, it would be great to go

back to my island and be my wife!"

A wretched-looking pirate laughed at Jewelry Bonney.

At this moment, his pirate group had surrounded the Bonney Pirates, and

the Bonney Pirates' ship was on the verge of sinking under the relentless


"In your dreams! I won't let a disgusting guy like you succeed, even if it

costs me my life!"

Bonney's face turned grim at that moment.

For the past six months, she has been searching for Blackbeard, but it

seems like he has disappeared from the New world. There is no news

about him on the seas.

Only Blackbeard Pirates are causing chaos in the New World.

Now a full-scale war breaks out between the Whitebeard Pirates and the

Blackbeard Pirates.

She thinks Blackbeard will surely appear now, and she wanted to

infiltrate the war to assassinate him, which is why she is present here.

However, she didn't anticipate encountering the Wolf Pirates on her way

to Beehive Island and becoming the target of their captain.

"I just like fierce beauty like you!"

The Hungry wolf declared, staring directly at Bonney. With her

appearance, she was undoubtedly the standout among the many female


After meeting Bonney in his own territory, he naturally didn't want to let

her go. Then, he said The cannon destroyed Bonney's pirate ship, and

Bonney was also captured by their pirate group.

"Fortunately, I still have a Sea Stone handcuff here; otherwise, I would be

in trouble."

The hungry wolf stared at Bonney and remarked, obviously he was aware

that she possessed Devil Fruit abilities.

"I won't let you, Hungry Wolf Pirates, get away!"

Bonney declared fiercely as she kicked the hungry wolf.

She had made a grave decision. If the hungry wolf attempted to attack

her, she was determined not to let him succeed even if it cost her life.

"Hahaha, what a worst generation, what a supernova! Youare gonna be

my woman. By the way, I, the Hungry Wolf, was also a supernova three

years ago!"

The hungry wolf laughed heartily.

"Congratulations to the captain on finding a lady again!"

The pirates around him had already started offering their


However, at this moment, a sea lizard swam towards their pirate ship. Its

pace was neither fast nor slow, and soon it arrived at their ship.

They swam calmly next to their ship.

Hungry Wolf and his pirate crew closely watched Blackbeard on the sea


Blackbeard closed his eyes and lay comfortably on the sea lizard, paying

no attention to the Hungry Wolf or the presence of his pirate crew.





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chapters ahead of everyone.

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066 Saving Bonney

"Does anyone know who he is?"

Hungry Wolf stared at Blackbeard, his expression gradually turning


For a famous pirate, being ignored is more discomforting than being shot


Most people would be frightened upon meeting him. They would usually

run away, but the person in front seemed to consider them as nothing.

The sense of being ignored felt like an invisible slap from the other party.

If word got out, it could damage his reputation!

Hearing his question, everyone in the Wolf Pirates shook their heads.

No one has seen Blackbeard's current appearance.


When Jewelry Bonney saw Blackbeard, it was as if she had spotted a

lifeline, and she called out to him for help.

After hearing this, Blackbeard still squinted his eyes, seemingly

unconcerned as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

Regardless of how others looked at him, he remains indifferent to their

affair; he is not one to be meddled with. He prefers to keep his rare

moments of peace undisturbed by others.

Observing this, Jewelry Bonney's heart sank like a stone to the bottom of

the sea.

"Bonney, you better watch me kill this guy and learn how to beg for help

like a blind man!"

The hungry wolf sneered.

"Bonney?" Blackbeard opened his eyes upon hearing those two words.

Sure enough, the Jewelry Bonney that the pirate was talking about was

Jewelry Bonney, one of the supernovas and captain of Bonney Pirates,

known as the 'Big Eater'.

At this moment, she was being captured by the pirate in front of her. The

corner of Blackbeard's mouth curled up, and he found something


His enemy asked him for help…

Judging from Jewelry Bonney's plea for help, it was obvious that the

other party did not recognize him. After half a year of transformation, his

entire demeanor had undergone significant changes.

The sea lizard seemed to sense his intentions and obediently remained on

the water's surface.

"Hahaha, boy, if you dare to stop, are you looking for death?"

The hungry wolf, upon seeing this, wore a stunned expression before

bursting into laughter.

The pirates behind him also all had arrogant smiles.

In the New World's sea area, besides avoiding the Whitebeard Pirate and

Blackbeard pirates, the Hungry Wolf Pirate group didn't shy away from

any other challenges

Of course, they didn't take Blackbeard in front of them seriously

Little did they know, the one standing before them was the individual

who had dominated over the New World just half a year ago—


Blackbeard stood up, cracked his neck, and stretched his arms.

In an instant, he vanished from sight!

A faint flicker of thunder, and in the next moment, Blackbeard was

already standing on the seastone, right next to Jewelry Bonney.

"How can this be!"

Bonney looked at Blackbeard in front of her in shock. She couldn't

fathom how Blackbeard had appeared beside her.


The Hungry Wolf's heart pounded violently. The opponent's speed alone

was enough to astonish him!

The expressions of many pirates changed noticeably. They were evidently

distinct from the others, sensing something ominous in their hearts after

witnessing Blackbeard's speed.

They might have kicked an iron plate!


A gunfire rang out, the hungry wolf shot directly at Blackbeard's head.

Blackbeard seemed to have foreseen the attack. He raised his hands and

effortlessly caught the opponent's bullet.


Everyone was shocked.

"Observation Haki!" The hungry wolf exclaimed.

Ignoring them, Blackbeard lifted Jewelry Bonney with one hand and

leaped directly onto the sea lizard again.

"Want to run?"

The Hungry Wolf looked at Blackbeard in astonishment.

He thought about giving chase but soon abandoned the idea.

A huge shadow enveloped their ship. The Hungry Wolf Pirates all looked

up, only to discover that, seemingly out of nowhere, a huge earth fist had

materialized. A huge mountain fist was descending.

The mountain was descending directly above their heads!

"What kind of ability is this?"

The hungry wolf's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.


The mountain directly smashed into the Hungry Wolf's pirate ship,

sending it plummeting into the sea, creating a massive splash of water.


Upon witnessing this scene, Jewelry Bonney's beautiful eyes widened,

and she couldn't help but swallow nervously.

The Wolf Pirates were dealt with by him so effortlessly?

Who is he?

Jewelry Bonney lifted her head and stared at Blackbeard's mature face

with a slightly bewildered expression.

She couldn't tell if she was drawn in by Blackbeard's charm or simply

stunned by his strength.

In any case, from her perspective, someone with Blackbeard's strength

undoubtedly must have a renowned name.

"Who are you?"

Bonney asked subconsciously.

"Why don't you come down first?"

Blackbeard glanced at Jewelry Bonney quite cheekily and laughed.

Jewelry Bonney's face turned red.

She even forgot that she was still holding onto Blackbeard tightly and

quickly let go.

"You can call me Lin Feng"

Blackbeard told Jewelry Bonney his Earthly name.

"Lin Feng, your name doesn't match your appearance at all"

Bonney observed Blackbeard from top to bottom, smacked her lips, and


Blackbeard is currently shirtless, revealing his strong muscles, and his

pants are riddled with holes, giving him a rather shabby appearance.

"Zeehahahaha, why do you care so much about appearances?"

Blackbeard laughed heartily upon hearing this.

"Thank you for saving my life. I was prepared to die if it weren't for


Jewelry Bonney first expressed her gratitude to Blackbeard.

Blackbeard waved his hand, as saving Jewelry Bonney was just

something he did casually.

He was curious whether the grudge Bonney had against him would

change after this act of rescue.

"Although it might be a bit presumptuous, I'm really curious about the

Devil Fruit ability you just used"

Jewelry Bonney asked with pure curiosity.

"Naturally, it's some Paramecia Earth Fruit"

Blackbeard answered truthfully.

Unless dealing with well-known pirates, most people wouldn't be familiar

with the other party's Devil Fruit abilities. So, he directly told Avalo

Pizarro's fruit.

"It's a Paramecia Earth Fruit!"

Bonnie suddenly realized after hearing this. No wonder the other party

could summon a massive mountain fist seemingly out of thin air.




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chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

067 Lively Tavern

In the New World, in a small town on an island

Blackbeard had changed into new clothes but still wore his signature

black coat.

Overall, he looked much more handsome.

If it weren't for the five gold rings with precious stones on his hand, he

might not have been able to afford his new clothes.

"I didn't expect your appearance to improve so much just by changing

your clothes"

Jewelry Bonney said in admiration after circling Blackbeard.

"Yeah? Too bad I don't have any good-looking women around now!"

Blackbeard joked with Jewelry Bonney.

"Come on, just look at the five rings on your hand, and you'll know you're

not lacking in women."

Jewelry Bonney didn't believe it. She felt that with Blackbeard's charm,

there must be women around him.

But she didn't take it to heart.

"There's a restaurant! Should we go in and have a big meal?"

When Jewelry Bonney saw the tavern, her mouth was already watering,

and her appetite suddenly increased.

"Zeehahahaha, I haven't had tavern food in a long time, it's just the right

thing to satisfy my hunger!"

Blackbeard readily agreed after hearing this.

The two entered the tavern. With Blackbeard's current appearance, he

could be considered a handsome man, and with Jewelry Bonney by his

side, they attracted a lot of attention.

Blackbeard stepped forward and said to the restaurant owner: "Boss,

bring us two servings of everything on the menu!"

"Hahahaha! Just what I wanted!"

Jewelry Bonney was as happy as a child upon hearing this.

As the saying goes, a lot of money is easy to come by, but a confidant is

hard to find. As a woman with a big appetite, it's challenging for her to

meet like-minded people.

"Good! It'll be ready!"

After hearing this, the restaurant owner nodded quickly and served the

good wine to Blackbeard and Jewelry Bonney first.

After a while, the food arrived one after another.

Blackbeard, much like Jewelry Bonney, turned into a starving ghost,

eating the food one after another with a fast speed, they ate without

saying a word.

Before long, a towering stack of plates surrounded them.

People in the restaurant were shocked, their jaws dropping at the sight.

Is this extraordinary appetite even human?

Whether it was Blackbeard or Jewelry Bonney, their stomachs seemed

like bottomless pits, devouring the food on the table without stopping!

The appetite of the two of them made the chefs in the entire restaurant


"This is the first time I've encountered people with such a big appetite!"

The restaurant owner exclaimed.

People around him nodded in agreement.

Soon, a tower of plates piled high on the table.

The stack of plates reached a height even higher than where Blackbeard

was seated.

For a while...


Blackbeard breathed a long sigh of relief, took a swig from a bottle of

wine, and slumped down in the chair.


Jewelry Bonney also said in a satisfied tone, leaning back in the chair,

and smiling at Blackbeard. The love in her eyes was unmistakable.

"Is there food on my face?"

Blackbeard looked at Jewelry Bonney, who had been staring at him, and

touched his face as he asked.

This was just a question he asked deliberately. With his experience, how

could he not see that Jewelry Bonney was in love with him?

When a woman likes a man, she becomes completely different from


"Yes, I really want to take a bite"

Jewelry Bonney affirmed, then laughed cheerfully. "I really like you more

and more; you're just my type."

"A woman can't just say she wants to eat a man, Zeehahaha! Just like a

man can't feed a woman"

Blackbeard laughed loudly after hearing this.

His words directly made the people present laugh.

How could they not understand the meaning behind Blackbeard's words

based on their experiences?

"Tch, there must be something hidden in your words"

Jewelry Bonney rolled her eyes at Blackbeard, not fully understanding

the meaning behind his words.


The two chatted for a long time. Surprisingly, they didn't ask into each

other's life experiences but discussed their favorite things, much like two

old friends catching up.

As the two immersed themselves in conversation, the people in the tavern

also began discussing recent events.

"Have you heard that the Whitebeard Pirates are preparing for an all-out

war against the Blackbeard Pirates?"

"I don't know who's spreading such rumors."

Blackbeardand Jewelry Bonney both changed their expressions after

hearing that, they stopped talking, and looked at the people who were

talking about Blackbeard pirates

"Did the Whitebeard Pirates do something already?"

Jewelry Bonney asked the fat man who had just spoken.

"Yes, the Whitebeard Pirates have gathered their forces, and their

reinforcements are on the way. The Blackbeard Pirates can't no longer be

arrogant right now"

The fat man said calmly.

"I hope the Blackbeard Pirates can survive though. Have you ever been to

their territory, Beehive Island? It is simply a paradise for pirates, with

parties, beauties, and weapons everywhere! "

Another pirate said.

Even after saying that, a sense of incomplete understanding lingered on

his face. Clearly, Beehive Island is a place that belongs to pirates like


"Yeah, if they didn't want to fight, I could be enjoying myself on Beehive

Island right now!"

Another pirate spoke up on behalf of the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Blackbeard is a despicable villain! The Blackbeard Pirates have been

causing trouble in the New World for the past six months. How can you

even think that!"

Bonney's face darkened as she angrily addressed those around her.

Her words silence the tavern instantly, followed by bursts of laughter

from the crowd.

"Hahaha, pirates like us don't care for such things!"

"Exactly, we don't care if Blackbeard is bad or not. Thanks to him, I never

thought I'd find such a lively island in the New World!"

"That's right, there are no good people among us pirates. Are you a good

person? Not me, anyway, hahaha!"

"Hahaha! I'm not a good person either!"



Jewelry Bonney got angry as she saw this. She didn't expect these people

to say such things. Don't they have any shame?

"Zeehahaha, how can you say such rude things in front of a lady!"

Blackbeard laughed loudly when he saw this. As he spoke, the people in

the restaurant instinctively fell silent.

The aura exuding from Blackbeardnow made people know that he was

definitely not an ordinary person.

While these pirates may not be the strongest, they still possess keen

eyesight, a necessity for survival in the New World.

Blackbeard learned an important news through this group of people.




<em>Note: This novel was created before the Egghead arc, so the

author doesn't know if Bonney was still a 12 years old girl. So in this

story Bonney will likely assume in her twenties.</em>


I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

068 A little date

"Do you have any more news? " Blackbeardasked the people present.

Despite the comments made about the Blackbeard Pirates, Blackbeard

still heard some useful information from their words.

The Blackbeard Pirates will clash with the Whitebeard Pirates. In that

case, the situation didn't look promising.

But he was curious about the number of people from the Whitebeard

Pirates who will attack the Blackbeard Pirates.

"I've got some details. The Blackbeard Pirates have expanded from a

5,000-member crew to 18,000 in just six months, nearly 20,000 people"

"And the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, led by Marco, I heard they

have 60,000 people! Almost 10,000 of them are reinforcements for the

Whitebeard Pirates. After all, they still hold influence and heritage in the

New World"

"Now Marco has assembled 60,000 people, and he and the Blackbeard

Pirates have agreed to start a war called the 'Battle of the End' on Wicked

Cove tomorrow!"

Upon hearing this, all the present pirates let out a collective sigh.

"If Blackbeard himself were here, this war might not have ended in

victory for Whitebeard pirates. But now that Blackbeard has been missing

for half a year, I'm afraid the Blackbeard Pirates might be finished this


"Yeah, if Blackbeard, with his multiple fruit abilities, were here, this

battle would surely take a different turn. But the real question is, will he

actually show up?"

"Now, only Blackbeard himself can determine the fate of the Blackbeard



"Battle of the End..."

After hearing their words, Blackbeard smiled. Was Marco really going to

resolve his hatred with him through war?

60,000 people is certainly not a small number.

What's more, these 60,000 individuals are all New World pirates, they

definitely are stronger than those in the first half of the Grand Line.

Despite being one of the Four Emperors, Kaido only commands a total of

50,000 men.

But Blackbeard wasn't concerned; what's the worry if there are just more

than 20,000 people in his side?

"You're curious about the war between them too, huh?"

Jewelry Bonney asked, noticing Blackbeard carefully listened to them.

"Gossip is just human nature, don't you want to know?"

Blackbeard asked with a smile.


Jewelry Bonney snorted and turned her head away. In that moment, her

eyes secretly resolved on a decision.

She had to participate in this Battle of the End, and she didn't want

Blackbeard to be involved in this war, making his pirate crew lose.

Little did she know, sitting next to her was Blackbeard himself, the

captain of the Blackbeard Pirates.

After the meal, Jewelry Bonney appeared to be in high spirits and took

the initiative to link arms with Blackbeard, strolling together down the


"What are you..."

Blackbeard asked in surprise as he smelled her fragrance.

After just one meal, Jewelry Bonney appeared to have transformed into a

different person.

She wasn't this open-minded before.

"How about it? Don't want to?"

Jewelry Bonney gave Blackbeard a coquettish look, brimming with


As the saying goes, as long as the guy is good-looking, she'll fall for him if

he's around.

Bonney, drawn to Blackbeard, also became more tender in his presence.

"Yes, of course I do, Zeehahaha!"

Blackbeard laughed loudly. Since being in training for half a year, his

luck in love has also taken a turn for the better.


Because the battle to end the war was about to begin, there was a

commotion all over the world.

In Marineford, the Marine headquarters had been reconstructed after six


In the Fleet Admiral's office, Sengokus receives a message from his


Sengoku frowned upon reading the news and sighed, "The Blackbeard

Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates are still going to start a full-scale


"Coincidentally, the Marines are currently in a crucial phase of civilian

recruitment, and you'll also be facing retirement. As for whether the next

Fleet Admiral will be Akainu or Aokiji, there's still no clear decision"

Garp remarked from the side.

"Most higher-ups lean towards supporting Akainu, but most Marine

officers, including myself, still support Aokiji as the Fleet Admiral"

Sengoku told Garp.

"The same goes for me. Even though Aokiji is a bit lazy, he still carries

the demeanor of a Fleet Admiral. As for Akainu, well..."

Garp let out a long sigh. Despite the support of the two veteran figures at

the Marines Headquarters for Aokiji, the final decision still rested with

those in higher positions.

"Ignore the Blackbeard Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates for the time

being. Right now, the Marines urgently need to expand their power and

rebuild their foundation. Let the pirates kill each other"

Sengoku said to Garp after a moment of contemplation.

"Indeed, the Marines have nothing to lose by doing so"

Garp wholeheartedly agreed.

Then Sengoku instructed his subordinates, "Keep a close eye on their war.

If there are any major developments, inform me immediately."

"Yes sir!"

The Marines who delivered the message nodded quickly and then



Not only did the Marines overlook their conflict, but Big Mom, one of the

Four Emperors, also had no intention of getting involved in the war.

Even though Blackbeard's power has grown rapidly in the past six

months, it still hasn't caught her attention.

Her goal is to become the leader of the Four Emperors and surpass all

other pirates.

Shanks was also silent; the Red-Haired Pirates were busy with their own



Wano Country, Onigashima.

This serves as Kaido's main stronghold.

A flaming pteranodon landed on the Onigashima island, and it was none

other than King, one of the Calamities.

Possessing the Dragon Fruit of the Ancient Zoan type, King takes on the

form of an Ancient beast, the pteranodon.

"Lord King!"

All the pirates on the island gazed at King with respect and fear

Soon, King arrived at Kaido's side, bringing information about the battle

of the end.

Upon receiving the news, Kaido joyfully gulped down a large drink. He

finished a bowl of wine and laughed, saying: "Blackbeard, do you really

think you're invincible with a few fruits? Now you're in trouble,


"Boss, there's still no news about Blackbeard. It seems he won't show up

in the final battle"


"Whether he's there or not, if the Whitebeard Pirates have the plague's

biological and chemical weapons, the Blackbeard Pirates will definitely

suffer heavy losses! It makes me very happy just thinking about it,


Kaido doesn't care about Blackbeard's existence; he just wants to witness

Blackbeard's pirate defeat.

As long as he makes Blackbeard uncomfortable, he is happy.

Meanwhile, Blackbeard is enjoying a laid-back and carefree time in the

small town.

Compared to the dull training from before, being with the beautiful

Bonney felt like heaven and earth.

On that day, they spent the entire day playing in the town. He could

sense Bonney's inner happiness, but simultaneously, he could feel that

she was suppressing her thoughts.

This feeling resembled a pair of lovers savoring moments of beauty

before an inevitable separation




I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

069 Bonney: Goodbye Teach. I’ll

leave first to assassinate


Early in the morning, Bonney packed her clothes, stepped out of the

room, and departed from the town.

Just yesterday, she gave herself to Blackbeard.

As soon as she left, Blackbeard opened his eyes.

He didn't need to sleep, he was just pretending to sleep.

He knew what Bonney was going to do.

As expected, before dawn, Bonney sat at the table, writing. She stayed

there for a long time, crying hard. Eventually, she kissed his forehead

before leaving.

Blackbeard touched his forehead with his palm, feeling the lingering

warmth left by Bonney.

Soon, he rose from his seat and approached the table.

On the table lay a piece of paper left by Bonney.

Was this what Bonney wrote while crying?

He curiously unfolded the white paper, revealing a message left by


<em>"I'm very happy to have met you. Yesterday was the most special

day in my life. I've never liked any man before; you're the first one."</


<em>"Next, I have to do something important. If I return alive, I'll

definitely come to you."</em>

<em>"I won't say anything provocative. Regardless, if I don't return to

you, remember our brief memories! Fortunately, before I left, I gave you

my best self. I will never regret it."</em>

—Jewelry Bonney

Even though it was only three short sentences, Blackbeard knew that

Boney spent more than half an hour writing these three sentences while


It's not simple for a carefree female pirate to write down such words.

After reading it, Blackbeard had a smile on his face.

Now, the relationship between him and Bonney has become a bit

complicated, but it's still within his acceptance range.

At worst, he will become a scumbag!

Of course, these are all things for later. In any case, no matter how much

Bonney might resent him after learning his identity, he'll still regard her

as his own woman.

Where is Bonney heading?

Did she also go to Wicked Cove?


In the blink of an eye, it was already noon.

New World, Wicked Cove.

Originally, this was a place where Blackbeard pirates and Whitebeard are

going to war.

But today is not as simple as it seems.

It is the final clash between the strongest pirate group of the previous era

and the emerging Blackbeard Pirates of the new era.

At this point, the two sides were already facing each other.

It's just that the atmosphere on the Blackbeard Pirates' side is a bit more


Without Blackbeard, it seems like there is no backbone.

"It stands to reason that Captain Blackbeard should be here too"

Laffitte frowned and whispered.

"Maybe something happened to Captain Blackbeard. This war has already

spread across the New World, and Captain Blackbeard would definitely


Van Augur said, a self-consoling thought.

If Blackbeard truly doesn't show up, the Blackbeard Pirates will definitely

suffer heavy losses in this war.

"Don't worry, I will do my best in this battle"

Momousagi Gion took the initiative to speak

Her words reassured Burgess and the others. After all, Momousagi is also

a top fighting force here.


"How long will Blackbeard keep hiding? If it's just you, it's obviously not


Marco calmly said to Burgess.

"Isn't Blackbeard already dead?" Jozu sneered.

The Whitebeard Pirates were visibly arrogant.

"Weihahaha, Marco, are you afraid of Captain Blackbeard's strength,

bringing so many people here?"

Burgess smiled at Marco, with a sneer on his mouth, provokingly looking

at him

"Hahaha, having us here is enough to face the Whitebeard Pirates. When

the time comes, Captain Blackbeard will naturally appear"

Shiryu of the Rain said with a faint smile, though he himself didn't know

where Blackbeard had gone.

"I didn't expect that your Whitebeard Pirates would even call for

reinforcements. "

Avalo Pizarro looked at the Whitebeard Pirates. Among them were many

pirates who weren't originally part of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Whitebeard was once kind to us. Although we couldn't face the Marines

alongside him, it's more than enough now to deal with your Blackbeard

Pirates together"

Many pirates who had been favored by Whitebeard before stepped

forward one after another. With the rising confidence of the Whitebeard

Pirates, it seemed like the war was on the verge of starting.


At this moment, Bonney transformed into a child in the corner, hiding

behind a stone to observe. After bidding farewell to Blackbeard, she

headed straight to Wicked Cove. This time, she wants to assassinate


Because only in the chaos of war could she succeed.

"Since Blackbeard hasn't shown up yet, you're welcome to try!"

Marco's eyes narrowed, he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity

to wipe out the Blackbeard Pirates in one swift stroke. As he spoke, the

battlefield grew tense.

Because when Marco gave the order, the war would erupt.

At this moment, everyone was on edge, holding their breath, anticipating

the outbreak of war!

"In that case..."

Before Marco could finish speaking, a sea lizard roared in the distance

from Wicked Cove.


The roar sent shockwaves through everyone.

A huge sea lizard swam over quickly on the sea. Blackbeard stood upright

on top of the lizard head, capturing the attention of countless eyes.

"That is..."

Bonney's beautiful eyes widened in the corner, her face registering shock

while blood started to drained from her face

Why is Liu Feng here?

Did he anticipate that she would come here?

Now, Bonney has mixed feelings in her heart. She can't imagine that the

present Blackbeard is the same person as the previous Blackbeard.

The change in appearance is just too drastic, and Blackbeard's new look

isn't a result of any Devil Fruit ability.

"He is?..."

Marco, Jozu, and others looked shocked. Was there someone else

intending to join the battle between them?

The captains of the Blackbeard Pirates, Burgess and Shiryu, also looked at

Blackbeard with a hint of confusion.

Even they couldn't recognize Blackbeard's new appearance.

"Zeehahaha, Marco, are you so eager to die?"

Blackbeard laughed loudly.

At this moment, those who recognized him were stunned upon hearing

that laughter!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

070 Battle of the End


After hearing that iconic laughter, Marco was momentarily stunned, then

he slowly uttered Blackbeard's name word by word.

Burgess, Shiryu, and others were all shocked, even though they knew

Blackbeard's appearance would change, but not so drastically like this.

Maybe others don't know, but they could unmistakably conclude from

that laughter just now that the hot-blooded man in front of them is their

Captain Blackbeard!

"Captain Blackbeard!"

Burgess shouted excitedly. As he and Marco spoke simultaneously, there

was complete silence among the nearly 80,000 present pirates. Wasn't it

rumored that Blackbeard is a fearsome god with a fat belly?

How could the one in front of them be Blackbeard? A handsome,

muscular man?


Jewelry Bonney felt as if she had been struck by lightning, freezing in


She stared at Blackbeard with her eyes wide open.

She couldn't distinguish between the Blackbeard she imagined and the

real one before her. Her eyes were confused, seeing two versions at once.

She shook her head repeatedly.

"Imposible, he can't be Blackbeard Teach! It's definitely not!"

Jewelry Bonney's eyes remained fixed on Blackbeard as she scratch her

hair with both hands

The person she wanted to kill was the same person she liked!

To her, it seemed like a joke. After all, she thought Blackbeard didn't

know her. And she wants to assassinate him.

However, the two of them were still together the night before.

So today, the one she wanted to kill was none other than Blackbeard

himself, who called himself Liu Feng to her!

How could she manage to do it?

Two lines of tears streamed down her delicate face, and now she believed

it was just fate playing a joke on her.


"Admiral Blackbeard, your transformation was too drastic!"

Though Laffitte found it hard to believe, excitement lit up his face as he

observed Blackbeard's current appearance.

No matter how he looked, their captain was much stronger than before.

"Weihahahaha, Captain, what happened in the last six months? You look

entirely different now, in both appearance and demeanor!"

Burgess laughed.

"It's really interesting! But when Captain Blackbeard arrived, I felt a sense

of relief"

Shiryu remarked casually. After all, he couldn't ignore the threat that

Blackbeard posed with his powerful strength.

"The boss is getting fiercer and fiercer!"

Avalo Pizarro expressed his admiration, especially for Blackbeard's robust

muscles, which stirred a bit of envy in him.


Momousagi couldn't help but feel a bit surprised.

The Blackbeard before her and the one she knew before seemed like two

different people!


As for the Whitebeard Pirates commander, who had been alongside

Blackbeard for over twenty years, accepting the current reality was even

more difficult.

If Blackbeard hadn't spoken those words, they wouldn't even believe it.

This man was truly Blackbeard.

"Blackbeard, your transformation is truly fast!"

Marco remarked with a serious expression.

"People's dreams never come to an end. The era of Blackbeard is here! ! "

A confident smile played on the corner of Blackbeard's mouth as he

slowly bent down. The muscles on his arms tightened, and veins circled

like green dragons, pulsating with explosive power!

Just like that, Blackbeard threw a sudden punch in the air, causing cracks

to appear directly in the space in front of him.

The entire Wicked Cove shook from this.


A shockwave surged out in front of Blackbeard.

Dense cracks appeared on the ground under his feet, and these cracks all

spread towards the Whitebeard Pirates.

"The captain can now completely control the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!"

Lafitte exclaimed in shock.

Mastering the use of the most destructive devil fruit, the Tremor-tremor

fruit is like possessing the ability to destroy the world completely.

This power is enough to sink the entire island!

In an instant, the shockwave swept over, and a large group of Whitebeard

Pirates were thrown to the ground, spitting out blood!

Their internal organs were shattered, and those injured were already in a

struggle for survival. Panic instantly gripped the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Pops' Tremor-Tremor Fruit ability! He wielded it with such skill!"

"That Blackbeard scoundrel still dares to use Oyaji ability to attack us!"

Jozu cursed at Blackbeard with his red eyes and smoke billowing from

his nostril

"Zeehahaha, how's that? Doesn't it feel good to be attacked by your

father's ability?!"

Blackbeard laughed, he deliberately used the Tremor-Tremor Fruit's

power to provoke the Whitebeard Pirates.

As expected, everyone's faces became gloomy, they clenched their teeth


"Leave Blackbeard to me, attack!"

Marco immediately commanded the Whitebeard Pirates to charge



"Bang bang bang bang!!!"

The sounds of intense fighting and gunfire blended together.

The final battle between the two pirate groups completely broke out!

The Blackbeard Pirates also rushed forward behind Blackbeard, engaging

in a fierce battle with the Whitebeard Pirates.

Blackbeard stood there calmly. Despite the Blackbeard Pirates numbering

less than 20,000, he was confident enough to defeat the Whitebeard


He had declared his intention to conquer the Whitebeard Pirates within

half a year, and now, his proclamation to become an emperor was on the

verge of coming true!


Marco's eyes narrowed as he transformed into the form of a phoenix and

flew directly towards Blackbeard.

Blackbeard use the Tremor-Tremor Fruit to deliver a punch to Marco as

he flew towards him.


The tremor attack struck Marco, causing the flames on his body to flicker

before quickly returning to their original state.

"This phoenix form is truly durable"

Blackbeard murmured. If it were another Devil Fruit user, a direct attack

from tremor-tremor fruit like this would have been enough to cause

serious injury.

However, due to the phoenix's resilience, Marco quickly recovered from

the injury. When paired with a strong physical fighter, this fruit becomes

the perfect complement.

Now, he has targeted Marco's phoenix fruit.


Marco quickly rushed over and delivered a direct kick to Blackbeard.

Anticipating the attack with his Observation Haki, Blackbeard had

already elementalized his body using the Thunder Fruit, ensuring that

even if Marco strike was enhanced with Armament Haki, the strike will

wouldn't land on his body.





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

071 Qualification of Kings

Marco's voice was filled with shock.

He had already improved by leaps and bounds just by practicing physical

skills for half a year. In his opinion, this speed was simply impossible to


However, Teach, he has even surpassed him in training results in these

six months. Is this talent truly Teach he know?!

Now, he finds it increasingly difficult to understand Blackbeard.

"How can Blackbeard's physical abilities be so strong? He injured Marco

with just one punch!"

Jozu's expression shifted as he observed their fight.

"Zeehahahaha, looks like my era, the era of Blackbeard, is coming!"

Blackbeard looked at the shocked faces of everyone, and he laughed


He clenched his fists, and a faint thunderous beat resonated in his palms.

The sky above the Wicked Cove bay instantly darkened.

Thick thunderclouds enveloped the Bad Man's Bay. .

Could it be...

"Blackbeard, you dare!!"

Marco's expression changed as he saw this, transforming into a phoenix

once more and charging at Blackbeard.

He had vaguely guessed what Blackbeard was going to do.

If Blackbeard was allowed to use the Thunder Fruit ability, they, the

Whitebeard Pirates, would definitely suffer heavy losses, and even 60,000

people could not withstand his range damage.

Blackbeard raised one hand and pointed at the gathering thunderclouds

in the sky.

As Marco charged at him, he extended his other hand and used his

island-island fruit power once more.

He shifted the earth beneath his feet!

The ground rose, forming stone walls that blocked Marco.

"What kind of power is this?"

Marco's expression darkened, the veins in his head bulging and his voice

became more and more anxious.

"Blackbeard can actually use two fruit abilities at the same time! "

Vista exclaimed while blankly staring at Blackbeard

Many division commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly felt a

thorny feeling.

Despite having a crew of 60,000, they found themselves at a

disadvantage against Blackbeard's 20,000-strong crew.

The scenario of overwhelming the Blackbeard Pirates was ultimately

turned around by Blackbeard alone.

"Hahaha, looks like Captain Blackbeard has gotten even stronger. The

way he use these fruits abilities was really skillful"

Avalo Pizarro laughed loudly with his crooked teeth when he saw that

his ability had been skillfully used by Blackbeard.

"Captain Blackbeard!" "Captain Blackbeard!"

The 20,000 Blackbeard Pirates roared with excitement, brimming with

fighting spirit.

This was their captain!

While many pirates initially joined the Blackbeard Pirates during

Blackbeard's training, each one is now completely won over by

Blackbeard's strength.


The ominous thunder echoed through the air, and the dark sky flickered.

"Try this evolved version of <em>Mamaragan</em>!!"

Blackbeard's face twisted with madness as his electric arm swung down



Countless thick bolts of thunder and lightning descended from the



"What kind of move is this! ! ! !"

"There is lightning everywhere!"

Thousands of Whitebeard Pirates were struck directly by lightning. The

remaining crew members struggled in agony amid the electric onslaught,

unsure of who the next lightning strike would target.

This scene looked like a divine punishment.

Blackbeard stood there calmly. At this time, he had transformed into the

God of Thunder in the Blackbeard Pirates mind


Marco burst through the stone wall and shouted at Blackbeard. He

panted heavily, his eyes bloodshot, filled with intense anger.

The flames covering his body burned intensely.

With a single strike, the Whitebeard Pirates had already suffered heavy


His brother, who was still laughing and partying together the night

before imagining the victory against Blackbeard pirates, now died in

lightning strikes.

Now, all he wants is to fight Blackbeard with all his might to avenge

them all.

"I'll fight you! Revenge for Oyaji!"

Jozu punched the ground, creating a circular crack. Then, he lifted a

mountain-like stone directly from the ground aimed at Blackbeard!

He joined Marco, charging toward Blackbeard with all his might, with

body fully covered in diamond

"Kill Blackbeard!"

'Flower Sword' Vista also rushed forward with two swords unsheathed,

sharp light flickered in his sword

The three top commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates decided to team up

and attack Blackbeard together.

"Zeehahaha, you guys really know how to take action!"

Blackbeard laughed loudly, his eyes flashing with fighting spirit.

If this were six months ago, he could only defeat one person at most. The

combined strength of two opponents wouldn't increase exponentially;

instead, it would create more interference.

In the presence of powerful forces, even a slight interference in the battle

can result in fatal damage, making it a critical factor.

Therefore, even the previous Whitebeard couldn't withstand the

combined efforts of the three Marine admirals.

Now, Blackbeard wants to test himself by facing Whitebeard alone. What

can these three top commanders do?

"Good abilites! "

Blackbeard shouted low, and he stared at Jozu with his eyes fixed.

The boulder thrown by Jozu seemed to melt, enveloping Jozu in an

instant, and eventually trapping him in stone!

At that moment, Vista's dual swords and Marco's claws attack Blackbeard

simultaneously, landing two hits at once!

Blackbeard subtly lifted the corners of his mouth, displaying a confident


His hands were enveloped in the thunder of the Thunder Fruit and the

white halo of the tremor-tremor Fruit.

Two punches were thrown simultaneously!


The collision generated a terrifying shockwave. Pirates nearby

instinctively raised their arms to shield themselves from the airwave.

The ground under Blackbeard's feet cracked, with him at the center.

But he still stood upright. He stayed on the spot, not wavering at all.

Suddenly, the muscles in Blackbeard's arms tensed. Marco and Vista stop

their attacks, looking at Blackbeard with serious expressions.

"Zeehahahaha! Do I, Blackbeard, have the qualifications to be king


Blackbeard laughed loudly, and his laughter silenced the 60,000 people

in the Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard's three commanders attacked together, but Blackbeard

effortlessly defused their assault, appearing relatively at ease.

"Is this his true strength?..."

Bonney in the corner expressed shock in her eyes.

If she hadn't witnessed it herself, she wouldn't have believed that Liu

Feng, who was with her just yesterday, was the Blackbeard on the

battlefield today!


At this time, near the Wicked Cove.

Various individuals here are secretly observing each side of the war,

including Kaido from the Four Emperors, Big Mom, Red Hair, members of

the Revolutionary Army, the marines, the Big News Morgans, and even

representatives from the CP0 organization.

After witnessing Blackbeard's performance, everyone now appeared

serious and silent.

With their keen eyesight, it was impossible for them to overlook the

threat posed by Blackbeard at this moment.

Regardless of the battle's outcome, in their hearts, Blackbeard is already

deemed worthy to become a Yonko!





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chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

072 Desperate Means


Jozu's body transformed into diamond. This change significantly

bolstered both his offense and defense. After all, he managed to make

Aokiji bleed during the Summit War.

He punched through the stone and walked out. His expression was very

heavy at this time.

To him, Blackbeard's fruit ability was too weird.

Blackbeard also looked at Jozu, and he was equally interested in Jozu's

devil fruits.

Tesorro, the possessor of the Gold-Gold Fruit, rose from a liberated slave

to become the world's richest person through twelve years of

development, owning 20% of the world's Baileys!

In the world of pirates, he dominates in both black and white.

Using the power of money, he can even control the Celestial Dragons,

making him the Bill Gates of the pirate world!

After awakening the Gold-Gold Fruit, a paradise of gold was instantly

created by him.

To establish a country recognized by the World Government, he claimed

the area of his country on an exceptionally large ship!

It can be said that all of this was made possible by the Gold-Gold Fruit.

If Blackbeard can obtain the Diamond-diamond Fruit, develop it until it

awakens, and then make Tesorro submit as his subordinate, he would

essentially control the lifeblood of the world's money!

Certain things that his strength alone can't obtain, but it can easily be

acquired with money.

"Not sure if you're qualified or not!"

Marco retorted coldly, rejecting Blackbeard's claim that he's worthy to

become a Yonko.

Then he, Jozu, and Vista rushed forward again.

The three Whitebeard Pirates commanders engaged in a fierce battle with


They fought separately from the others, creating a wide space between

the Whitebeard Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates for their battle.

"Hehehe, kids, let's not let Admiral Blackbeard down. Kill them all!"

Shiryu said in a hoarse voice, a murderous light surged in his eyes. Then

unsheathed his sword and charged forward first.

Without Marco, Vista, and Jozu, no one in the Whitebeard Pirates can

stop his killing.

"Weihahahaha, the Blackbeard Pirates are charging!"

Burgess is feeling quite happy. Despite the Blackbeard Pirates making

progress during Teach's six-month training, there's still a sense of

something missing. With Blackbeard's return, the familiar feeling is back

—here they come again!

The 20,000 men of the Blackbeard Pirates have completely overwhelmed

the 60,000 men of the Whitebeard Pirates.


While constantly fighting with the three of them, Blackbeard said: "After

Whitebeard's death, do you think you are qualified to lead the

Whitebeard Pirates and sit in the position of the Four Emperors?"

"We just want to protect the glory that belongs to Oyaji, unlike you,


Marco started with a somber expression, coming to a halt.

Now, his mood is very heavy. Teach's progress in just half a year has

been too fast.

"If I had known earlier, I would have brought people to take you down

when you first arrived in the New World half a year ago!"

Jozu said with a cold tone staring Blackbeard with eyes full of hatred

He regretted not initiating a war with Blackbeard sooner. The primary

reason was that they didn't anticipate Blackbeard becoming strong

enough to hold his own against the three of them in just half a year.

"It's too late to say anything now. Let me show you the results of my half-

year training"

A smile appeared on Blackbeard's face. While it was indeed half a year

for others, for him, it felt like a year in seclusion.

Since he didn't need to sleep at all, his progress wasn't limited to the time

spent outwardly practicing.

After enduring numerous attacks from Marco and the others, he decided

to take the initiative.


A subtle flash of thunder and lightning, and Teach's body vanished.

Almost instantly, he reappeared in front of Marco.

"What incredible speed!"

Marco exclaimed.

At that moment, Blackbeard's fist had already right in front of him.

Marco's arms transformed into a pair of wings, crossed protectively in

front of him.

Upon seeing this, Blackbeard displayed a confident smile and continued

to punch Marco's wings.

This seemingly ordinary punch concealed explosive power. The flames

burning Marco's wings had no effect as he was knocked upside down,

flying away and smashing into a boulder.

Teach's expression remained unchanged after deflecting Marco.


His body disappeared again.

Jozu seemed to sense something, and subconsciously turned his whole

body into diamonds.

A fist charged with the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit struck him in

the abdomen!

"See if you can withstand the destructive power of the Tremor-Tremor


Blackbeard's voice echoed.


Jozu's expression froze. Struck by a punch, he was sent flying and landed

heavily on the ground, coughing up a mouthful of blood.

Blackbeard successively knocked away two opponents, his demeanor

unaltered, and he maintained a calm breath.

After six months of relentless training, his physical strength has

significantly increased.

In the past, he would have undoubtedly been out of breath after a

prolonged battle with a pirate of Marco's level.

But now, all of this is just a warm-up for him.

"So strong..."

Vista gritted his teeth and stared at Blackbeard.

He then raised his two swords, employing some mysterious technique.

Flower petals filled the air, falling in a cascade.

"Too weak!"

Blackbeard sneered, and a burst of violent thunder erupted from his



The crackling thunder trapped Vista, scorching the petals black with


No matter how he swung his sword, he couldn't cut through the dense


Soon, as the thunder disappeared, his entire body was covered in traces

of electricity.

The hand holding the famous sword trembled due to the residual effects.

"Commander Marco... Commander Vista... Commander Jozu..."

The Whitebeard Pirates had lost all will to fight.

Blackbeard's personal strength is overwhelming. Even with 60,000

people, victory seems impossible for them.

Marco emerged from the rocks with a serious expression. The immortal

flames engulfed his body, rapidly healing his injuries.

"Teach, since you're playing dirty, don't blame us for being unfair!"

Vista and Jozu chose not to engage with Teach any further.

The war between the two sides came to a halt.

All eyes were now fixed on Marco.

"Usethe biological weapons provided by Kaido!"

Marco issued the order, and everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates retrieved

the bio-chemical bullets crafted by Quinn.

These bullets not only kill swiftly upon impact but also spread infection

to others. In a densely populated battlefield, they can be considered

highly destructive.

The majority of the Whitebeard Pirates swapped their guns for these


"A biological weapon from Kaido?"

Shiryu frowned. He was uncertain about the other party's intentions.

"The weapon Kaido gave to the Whitebeard Pirates?! It looks like Kaido

still remembers the captain messing with him back then!"

Burgess thought about six months ago, when Blackbeard and Kaido were

talking on the den-den mushi, and Blackbeard killed Kaido's subordinate,

Scrathman Apoo.


Teach's expression finally changed after hearing this.

Others don't know what Kaido's biochemical weapons are, but he knows

very well. The reason why Quinn is called the plague is because of the

biochemical weapons he researches.

Although it might seem ordinary, the destructive power it generates on

the battlefield is even more exaggerated than his Mamaragan!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

073 Conqueror Haki


Blackbeard took note of this in his mind.

Sooner or later, he will make Kaido regret it.

He possesses a lot of information about Kaido.


Marco gave the order, and the Whitebeard Pirates raised their guns and

fired in unison.

"<em>Bang bang bang bang!!!"</em>

The Blackbeard Pirates were not to be outdone, and the dense gunfire

continued for about ten minutes.

Soon, panic spread among the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Ah! It hurts! Help me!"

"My whole body feels hot!!"

"I'm dying! I'm dying!!"

Many pirates from the Blackbeard Pirates screamed in agony.

Their bodies had turned red, and they writhed on the ground in pain.

In a crowded space, natural contact occurs, and anyone touched becomes

exposed to the infection once more.

One spreads to ten, and ten spreads to a hundred.

The Blackbeard Pirates were all frightened by this strange weapon.

"What is this?! What's going on?!?"

"Don't touch me!!!"

"Stay away from me!"

Panic spread among the people.

Burgess's expression changed, and he shouted to everyone in the

Blackbeard Pirates: "Don't touch those who were shot!"

However, his words had no effect, and the infection continued.


Shiryu's expression changed, and he murmured.

"What do we do now? I didn't expect the biological weapons sent by

Kaido to be so terrifying!"

Van Augur added with terrified expression on his face

The faces of the Blackbeard captains turned grim. After all, these were

the subordinates they had worked hard to train.

"This thing actually works so well!"

Jozu's face showed excitement, finding great joy in observing the impact

on the Blackbeard Pirates.

"I have to admit, Kaido's weapons are still quite weird"

Vista commented after witnessing the power of the biological weapons.

Marco's expression grew more serious, even though the Whitebeard

Pirates had gained the upper hand with the use of these biological


"Oyaji, you shouldn't blame me. After all, I used this sinister weapon

against Blackbeard!"

He whispered with determined gaze

At this moment, Blackbeard's expression darkened. It was the first time

he had felt such anger in the pirate world.

No matter how ruthless he was, it was only against his enemies.

When it came to these subordinates who worked hard for him, he was

very protective of them.

Witnessing a large number of his subordinates being infected, a surge of

anger rising up within him. An enraged expression gradually etched itself

onto his face.

Just as chaos engulfed the Blackbeard Pirates, Marco suddenly shouted to

everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates:

"Seize the opportunity and attack the Blackbeard Pirates!"

"Kill all the Blackbeard Pirates! Let them see how awesome we are!"

"Kill all the Blackbeard Pirates!"

"Kill all the Blackbeard Pirates!!"

The Whitebeard Pirates surged forward with momentum, launching a

direct assault on the Blackbeard Pirates with swords and guns!

This time, they wanted to take the opportunity and defeat the Blackbeard

Pirates directly!

"The situation has turned somewhat..."

The people watching this war secretly were shocked.


Bonney frowned, and her heart skipped a beat.

She never thought she would now be worried about Blackbeard, the very

person she was supposed to assassinate!

"Do these ants really think they can win by relying on biochemical

weapons sent by others?"

Blackbeard sneered with a gloomy face.

Standing there, the anger in his heart burning to the extreme

Blackbeard knew this battle was his path to becoming an emperor, and

he must emerge victorious.

This belief had been with him all along.

He could vaguely sense that an invisible force was gradually being

unleashed within his body, and he already felt a bit unstoppable.

This was...

This sensation made him very uneasy, and he just wanted to let it out.

"Stop it all!!!"

A scolding sound echoed from his mouth, resonating throughout the

Wicked Cove Bay.

The stern command was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

At the same time, an invisible force surged from his body, enveloping the

entire Wicked Cove Bay in the blink of an eye!

For a moment, as if time had frozen, everything became quiet.

Everyone's expressions were stunned.

Then, one after another, the pirates' eyes turned white, and they fell

down, one after another!





In the blink of an eye, more than half of pirates present either them from

the Whitebeard Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates have fallen!

Whether it's the Whitebeard Pirates or the Blackbeard Pirates who were

still standing, everyone's eyes have widened in shock.

Secretly, the expressions of everyone in each force changed, and they all

stood up.

Conqueror's Haki!

This is the unique effect of Conqueror's Haki!

They are well-informed; how could they not understand this mysterious

power that only the truly strong can possess?

"Impossible! "

Marco exclaimed in disbelief.

"How could someone like Blackbeard, who lives in the shadows, possess

the domineering aura of a king!"

His eyes widened as he struggled to accept this unexpected revelation.

"How could a villain like Blackbeard have Conqueror Haki! "

Jozu and the others questioned after a brief moment of shock.

"Admiral Blackbeard had gained an incredible power…"

Shiryu's face was stunned for a moment, then the corners of his mouth

curved slightly as he said lightly.

"Weihahaha! As expected of Captain Blackbeard!"

Burgess raised his arms above his head and laughed out loud

"Conqueror Haki... Admiral Blackbeard actually have this unique ability!"

Van Augur was shocked.

"Captain Blackbeard is so powerful... What kind of ability is this?"

Sanjuan Wolf asked curiously.

"He actually..."

Momousagi and Bonney, the only ones at the scene who had some

relationship with Blackbeard, widened their eyes simultaneously and

couldn't look away from him.

Blackbeard stood there, extending his hand to sense the transformations

within himself.

While his appearance remained unchanged, he could distinctly feel a

newfound power within—an invisible force coursing through his body,

marking a fundamental change from what he was before.

With this Conqueror's Haki, ordinary person won't be able to stand near

him in the future; the sheer pressure is too much for them to handle.

"Conqueror's Haki?..."

Blackbeard murmured, excitement gleaming in his eyes.

The realization of having obtained such power surpassed his wildest


Now, he can confidently conclude that the Conqueror's Haki he possesses

is truly his own, not inherited from the previous Blackbeard.

Blackbeard's eyes scanned the surroundings, utilizing his Observation

Haki to sense the presence of numerous formidable individuals watching

this battle of the end.

Immediately, he spoke with calm tone:

"I hadn't anticipated so many eyes witnessing this crucial moment on my

path to becoming emperor."

"So, I'll say my declaration here. Kaido, it seems you're destined to be the

next Yonko to fall!"


After that proclamation, he burst into wild laughter.

His grudge against Kaido for providing those weapons was already etched

deep within him!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

074 Final Curtain

After hearing his words, the faces of the people at the scene became even

more shocked.

They discovered that even though Blackbeard's appearance had changed

in this half year, his nature was still so arrogant!

There is no change at all.

Now that his battle with the Whitebeard Pirates has not ended, yet he has

declared war on Kaido!

After hearing Blackbeard's words, a staff member from Morgans'

newspaper naturally shared the news with Morgans.

"As expected of Blackbeard! Hahaha, still so arrogant!"

'Big News' Morgans laughed upon hearing the news. He had made a

fortune from Blackbeard's incident six months ago.

Blackbeard easily attracts trouble and he brings in big news traffic for


After half a year of laying low, he's causing a sensation once more!

"President, how do you want us to report this next?"

A staff member asked Morgans.

"Let's not rush. We can report it all together after this battle of the end is


Morgans replied with a smile.

Then, speaking through the den-den mushi, he told the person on the

other end: "Don't miss any breaking news. Luffy, the troublemaker, has

gone missing. Just as this happens, Blackbeard reappears. Let's make a

commotion when the time comes. The bigger, the better! Hahaha!"

Morgans laughed, and his newspaper began to get busy, just to create

news that would shock the world.


At this time, the Wicked Cove.

The momentum that the Whitebeard Pirates had just moments ago has

completely disappeared.

Meanwhile, the Blackbeard Pirates have steadied themselves as

Blackbeard showcases his power.

Blackbeard has become a symbol of trust in their eyes. As long as he's

around, it seems like they never have to worry.

"Marco, I didn't expect you, a doctor, to use the biochemical weapons

Kaido provided. You do look a bit like a real pirate now!"

Blackbeard had a faint smile on his lips.

His words left Marco with an ugly expression.

"I'm not in the mood to play with you right now. I'll let you die in fear

under Whitebeard's power!"

Blackbeard declared, stepping forward with both feet, displaying a sense

of stability. A hint of madness gleamed in his eyes.

He slowly extended his hand, reaching into the unseen void, and then

forcefully pulled it downward, gripping the space.

The sky lost color, and the clouds above the head had split.

The land, mountains, rivers, and seas all experienced big changes due to

the vibrations.


Dense cracks appeared on the battlefield, some resembling deep abysses

revealing rolling magma beneath the earth after splitting open.

The island and the sea tilted, causing many people to fall into the abyss

due to weightlessness.

The fault's current created a wave that slapped over the Whitebeard


Nevertheless, the location of the Blackbeard Pirates remained calm.

Despite the intense vibrations, they were unaffected.

"The captain has mastered the Tremor-tremor Fruit perfectly!"

Doc Q exclaimed in shock. To him, controlling the destructive power of

the Tremor-tremor Fruit seemed to be really difficult.

Blackbeard can unleash powerful earthquakes while making sure the

Blackbeard Pirates remain unharmed.

The difficulty of this is nearly impossible.

Even Whitebeard was only able to do that, right?

And He's not the only one with this idea.


At that moment, Jozu's face was so gloomy it could almost drip water.

Just from this earthquake, the Whitebeard Pirates alone caused the

deaths of nearly half of their people.

The most important were those affected by Blackbeard's Conqueror's

Haki; they all fell down uncontrollably into the abyss under the powerful


He transformed his entire body into diamonds and charged towards

Blackbeard without any hesitation.

"Come back, Jozu!"

Marco shouted, but his words fell on deaf ears.

Jozu was now overwhelm with anger.

"Since you are looking for death, I will help you. "

Blackbeard stared at Jozu who was charging towards him, with deep

murderous intent in his eyes.

His fist, charged with the power of the Tremor Fruit, directly clashed

with Jozu's diamond-covered fist!

The two fists were locked in a stalemate. Suddenly, Blackbeard's

overwhelming force caused vibrations to erupt on his fist, directly

affecting Jozu's fist.

"Click, click, click!"

Dense cracks formed on Jozu's diamond fist, and a mouthful of blood

sprayed out.

"Doc Q, be ready!"

Blackbeard shouted at Doc Q, and then a deep darkness manifested in his


"It's ready, Captain Blackbeard!"

Doc Q responded with a smile.

"That's good!"

The killing intent gradually intensified in Blackbeard's eyes.


When Marco witnessed this, his pupils suddenly shrank, and then he

transformed into a phoenix, charging towards Blackbeard.

"Where are you going?"

Shiryu slashed over, blocking Marco's path.

"Get out of here!"

Marco shouted anxiously

He understood that with Blackbeard's tactics, Jozu would never be let go.

"That's not possible. How can you interfere with Captain Blackbeard?"

Shiryu smiled faintly.

The other Blackbeard Pirates also fixed their gaze on the commanders of

the Whitebeard Pirates.

The hearts of everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates were hanging in the air.

In that moment, under their watchful eyes, Blackbeard grabbed Jozu's

shoulders with his palms.

Jozu, originally envelope in diamonds, suddenly lost his fruit ability...


Jozu's heart pounded violently.

A fatal sense of crisis gripped his heart.

It's over...

He gazed into Blackbeard's sharp eyes, feeling like his life was in

Blackbeard's hands.

Next, Blackbeard gathered thunder on his palm, and a shockwave of

lightning erupted from it, piercing through Jozu's body and hollowing

out his abdomen, creating a large hole in it!

After doing this, he casually threw Jozu to the ground.


Jozu's face turned pale, and he spoke weakly. Eventually, he closed his

eyes before completing his sentence.

Blackbeard's face remained calm. He knew he would claim Jozu's life

sooner or later.

Regardless of their status as enemies, he wanted to kill Jozu simply

because of the Diamond Fruit.

Blackbeard's eyes then shifted to Doc Q, who sneakily glanced at the

fruit-filled bamboo basket. A sparkling diamond fruit had taken shape.


Doc Q responded with a smile.

A smile spread across Blackbeard's face.

On the contrancy, Marco and the other commanders looked at Jozu, who

lay on the ground, with pale faces.

Pain and powerlessness filled their hearts.





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 25+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

075 Winner of the War

This time, Marco finally experienced the atmosphere of Whitebeard

fighting at the Summit War.

Now, he truly wants to lead the Whitebeard Pirates in a battle against


But he knew he couldn't do that, or else the Whitebeard Pirates would be

in serious trouble.

This is something he definitely doesn't want to see

"Captain Jozu! Woo-hoo!"

"Captain Jozu! Ah!"

Tears burst up in the eyes of everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates.

Some crew members couldn't bear it any longer and were eager to rush

forward, ready to confront Blackbeard desperately.

"Captain Marco! When did our Whitebeard Pirates endure such

humiliation? Let's charge forward and fight them to the death!"

"That's right, Captain Marco, we don't want to live anymore!"

"Even if we die, we'll carry someone on our backs!"

The Whitebeard Pirates erupted with resolute cries.

Everyone was willing to sacrifice their lives in this war!

Despite holding back tears, Marco's mind was in chaos, yet he refrained

from ordering the Whitebeard Pirates to face death in this battle.

The determined crew rushed forward.

With Teach's strength, no matter how many of them there were, they

would simply die. Their efforts would be futile and result in pointless


After a moment, he appeared to have reached a decision and shouted out

to the Whitebeard Pirates.

"All members of the Whitebeard Pirates, obey the order and retreat!"

After uttering those words, two streams of tears couldn't help but flow


They had still suffered defeat in this final battle...

"Trying to leave?!"

Shiryu, Avalo Pizarro, Vasco Shot, and Catarina Devon appeared behind

them, blocking their way.

"Blackbeard, do you really think we're afraid to face you?!"

Marco turned around, stared at Teach with a grim expression, his eyes

were red filled with unwillingness, his veins bursting in his face, and

spoke coldly.

He's on the verge of collapse now. If Blackbeard pushes him any further,

he might actually lead the Whitebeard Pirates in a fight against him in a

desperate attempt.

Even if they don't succeed, they will surely cause heavy damage to the

Blackbeard Pirates!

"Zeehahaha, if I let you go so easily, I wouldn't be at ease"

Blackbeard laughed loudly.

"You've already claimed this victory. Aren't you afraid I'll lead the

Whitebeard Pirates to fight you to the death?"

Marco said coldly, his question carrying a clear threat.

He was using the lives of the entire Whitebeard Pirates as leverage

against Blackbeard!!!

"You should know who I am, Blackbeard"

He responded to the threat with a light smile.

He would never allow a big force like the Whitebeard Pirates to slip away

from his sight easily.

"So, what do you want to do?"

Marco asked in a cold tone.

"I want you to disband the Whitebeard Pirates. This era no longer belongs

to you. It's better for you to retire as soon as possible"

Blackbeard said with the same smile as before.

Indeed, as soon as he finished saying this, the expressions of everyone in

the Whitebeard Pirates changed drastically

"Impossible! Captain Marco, give the order, and we'll fight them!"

"Captain Marco, if you give the order, we'll fight the Blackbeard Pirates


"Captain Marco!!!"

All the pirates in the Whitebeard Pirates' fixed their eyes on Marco.

Marco loosened his clenched fists, looked at Blackbeard with determined

eyes, and said

"Alright, I agree!"

He understood that if he disagreed, Blackbeard might truly accept the

desperate efforts of the Whitebeard Pirates. This was probably

Blackbeard's confidence, as even Marco didn't fully comprehend the

extent of Blackbeard's strength.

If the gamble fails, the remaining one third of their Whitebeard Pirates

will die in vain.

Compared to this, disbandment might be the best fate for their

Whitebeard Pirates.

"From now on, the Whitebeard Pirates..."

"Are DISBAND!!!"

When Marco finished speaking, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates burst

into tears.

Everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates have a smile on their faces. They had

defeated the once-mighty Whitebeard Pirates, and now, there was no one

left except the Four Emperors. They believed they could stand against


Now, they are truly worthy of being called the Yonko Pirates!

"Now that your Whitebeard Pirates have been disbanded, the territory

you once belonged to now falls under the control of the Blackbeard


"The Blackbeard Pirates will replace the Whitebeard Pirates and rise as

the new Yonko Pirates!"

"I, Blackbeard, am the new Yonko! Zeehahahaha!!!"

Blackbeard's laughter echoed in the aftermath of the war.

His laughter echoed, capturing everyone's attention.

This moment would be the pinnacle of glory for him as a pirate!

Those forces who were observing the war were horrified, the expressions

on everyone's faces filled with disbelief

There is no doubt that this war directly led to Blackbeard ascending to

the throne of the Four Emperors!

He will be the new Four Emperors!

"Wieehahahaha, Captain Blackbeard is mighty!!" Burgess laughed.

"Captain Blackbeard is mighty!!"

Then, nearly half of the remaining people in the Blackbeard Pirates

shouted with excitement.

Blackbeard becoming one of the Four Emperors means that they, too, are

now part of the Four Emperors Pirates. They have the opportunity to

thrive in the new era. The world has changed!


Soon, the Battle Of The End came to an end.

The Whitebeard Pirates disbanded, and they all fled from the Wicked


People from various factions also left one after another, conveying the

results of the war to their respective affiliations.

They believe that the outcome of this war will shake the entire world!

Next, the Blackbeard Pirates will claim all the territory of the Whitebeard

Pirates. With the current strength of the Blackbeard Pirates, they will

definitely join the ranks of the top forces in the New World


Bonney, in the corner, cast a deep gaze at Teach. She had no intention of

meeting with him.

In her view, Blackbeard was unaware that her purpose here was to

assassinate him.

Therefore, she couldn't confront Blackbeard just yet.

Perhaps she will never see each other again. She sighed, then turned

around and left.

"Why don't you come out to see me?"

At that moment, Blackbeard's voice suddenly sounded behind her.

Bonney turned around in shock and found Blackbeard already standing

behind her.

Bonney lowered her head and clenched her fists tightly. Her heart was

still in turmoil.

Finally, she spoke in a cold voice: "We'd better not meet again in the


In the end, she didn't say the reason why she came here.





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chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

076 Win the War, Lose the Girl

After saying that, Bonney ran towards the distance.

In the blink of an eye, Blackbeard transformed into a bolt of thunder,

standing in front of her.

"You'd better get out of the way."

There was no emotion in Bonney's voice.


Blackbeard said with a serious expression.


Bonney gritted her teeth and said, then she was about to slap her palm

towards Blackbeard.

Blackbeard knew that she used her fruit ability, but he did not avoid it.

He now believed that Bonney would not take action against him. It can

be said that this was a big gamble on his part.


Bonney's hand patted Blackbeard, triggering her fruit ability, and

Blackbeard turned into a child.

The strange thing is that the child's appearance is not what Blackbeard

looked like in his own childhood, but rather Lin Feng himself as a child.

Of course, Bonney didn't recognize either of them.

"Do you know why I'm here? I came to kill you, and now you've made it

easy for me with my Fruit ability!"

Bonney shouted loudly at Blackbeard, who had transformed into a child,

tears falling from her eyes.

She still can't accept that the person she once dreamt of killing has now

become someone she cares for.




Following the commotion, Shiryu, Vasco Shot, and others quickly

arrived, their eyes were Bonney warily, ready to take action immediately

"You guys go"

Blackbeard said to Shiryu and Burgess in stern tone

Shiryu and the others looked at each other. After seeing Blackbeard's

insistent gaze, they chose to believe him and all left the area.

"Do you think I do not dare to kill you?"

Bonney said, looking at Blackbeard who had turned into a child.

"Don't you want my life? I give it to you now"

Blackbeard responded calmly, as if he didn't care about life and death.


Bonney's eyes widened, and her pupils flickered slightly.

Even as Blackbeard became a Yonko, he was willing to sacrifice his life

for her.

Blackbeard's actions and her original intention of killing him created a

collision of conflicting emotions, leaving her feeling more conflicted and


"You're an asshole! Big bastard!!"

Bonney yelled at Blackbeard, but tears couldn't stop flowing down her


Blackbeard stepped forward. Although he had transformed into a child

and his physical abilities had changed, he could still skillfully use his

Devil Fruit ability.

A pair of wings appeared behind him, and he flew up, gently wiping

Bonney's tears away.

Bonney's eyes widened, and she hugged Blackbeard tightly.

After a long time, she let go of Blackbeard.

"Please give me some time!"

Bonney left those words, then turned around and ran away.

Such a huge impact made it difficult for her to calm down.

Blackbeard had reverted to his original state by this time, sensing the

special fragrance that belonged to Bonney on his body. A smile appeared

at the corner of his mouth.

As the saying goes, when a man is 70% drunk, he will act until woman


So, he did not pursue her again.

He knew that Bonney needed some time alone now.


After the end of the final battle,

In the News Bird Headquarter, Morgans' office.

"Hahahaha, Blackbeard is still so arrogant!"

Morgans had already learned the entire process of the war.

After hearing that Blackbeard had won the war and already declared a

new war on Kaido, he burst into laughter.

This was the best gimmick for him to earn traffic.

But the next step was what he needed to figure out.

Morgans was thinking about it now.

"Since you, Blackbeard, have helped me so much, I will help you too and

increase your bounty!"

As he said this, Morgans had a meaningful smile on his face.

"You guys, you are going to hype up Blackbeard as much as you can.

Focus on his half-year training, his rise to become the Four Emperors,

and his declaration of war on Kaido!"

Morgans said to the crowd in the newspaper office.

"Yes, boss!"

The people in the newspaper office all nodded. They are a group of

people who are not afraid of big things. They are all daring to write crazy

things to spice things up.

Since Morgans wanted them to hype up Blackbeard, they should hype up


Just when all parties learned that Blackbeard won the Battle of the End,

newspapers about the Battle of End were spread all over the world.

News content: "When the Blackbeard Pirates were in danger, Blackbeard,

who had disappeared for half a year, suddenly appeared. It is known that

the Devil Fruit abilities he has used have reached four different fruit


He led the Blackbeard Pirates to crush the remnants of Whitebeard, led

by Marco, in the final battle, replaced the Whitebeard Pirates, and

ascended to the throne of the Four Emperors!

He became the fastest-rising Yonko!

And he made bold promises to defeat Kaido!

He wants to be the strongest among the Four Emperors. There is no

doubt that this era is already the era of Blackbeard!"

The newspaper also featured a new image of Blackbeard. After half a year

of training, he has undergone a complete transformation. His appearance

alone caused quite a stir.


When this news appeared, the first to know about it were naturally the


"Blackbeard has changed so much!"

Fleet Admiral Sengoku looked at the newspaper in his hand with a

serious expression, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Just from his appearance, you can tell that he is more than a little

stronger than before."

This time, even Garp's expression became solemn, completely ignore bag

of donuts in front of him

Before, he could think that Blackbeard was powerful due to the power of

Devil Fruit, but now even Blackbeard's physical skills have reached the

ranks of the strong.

"Letting him go in the Summit War is really a mistake, we create a

hidden danger!"

Sengoku sighed. Now that he is about to retire, the next thing will

depend on the new Fleet Admiral.

"Let me handle the last reward!"

Sengoku was silent for a while, falling into contemplation.

After a long time, he made a decision.

"Blackbeard's bounty is set at..."

After Sengoku made his decision, he wrote Blackbeard a new bounty on a

piece of paper and handed it to Garp.

"What do you think?"

Garp's face was stunned. He took the paper, examined the numbers, and

his expression became solemn. Nodding, he said, "I think it's okay. This is


Soon, the reward list detailing Blackbeard's exploits and the newspapers

from Morgans Newsbird spread rapidly all over the world

Causing shock among all forces and stirring up a commotion!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 25+

chapters ahead of everyone. Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

077 Post War, New Bounty

News of Blackbeard's victory had already reached the ears of the people

through various newspapers.

Accompanying the news was an updated bounty list for him

New Four Emperor, 'Blackbeard' Marshall D. Teach: Dead or Alive 3.6

billion Berries!

Moreover, his image on the bounty poster had undergone a big change.

He laughs with a mature face, a strong physique, and five gold rings in

his fingers.

A man exuding a perfect blend of looks, strength, wealth, and status!

As soon as the new bounty was released, Blackbeard gained a large

number of female fans!

"Is that really Blackbeard? I can't believe the rumors; he's clearly a

handsome guy!"

"He's totally my type. Mature men are so attractive!"

"If he were mine, I can't even imagine what tonight would be like..."

"He's perfect! I wish I could be a pirate in the New World and meet



Blackbeard was unable to imagine this scene happening all over the

world. His manly charm was so overwhelming that he could be called a

female killer.

With his current status and strength, he could easily capture the hearts of

countless women with a simple gesture.

However, he is not a person who lusts after women. What he wants now

is to conquer the world!

On Whole Cake Island

Big Mom sits in the center of the hall, surrounded by her pirates crew, or

better say it her sons and daughter

At that moment, she held the latest newspaper and Blackbeard's reward

list in her hands.

"The Yonko Blackbeard, I never expected him to undergo such a change

in just half a year..."

Compared to before, her expression was no longer disdainful. Now, after

half a year, Blackbeard had grown up enough for her to take him


In her opinion, a true emperor is not just a strong one; they must be able

to crush many powerful opponents to be qualified as an emperor!

In the battle of the end, Blackbeard gained the upper hand against the

three Whitebeard captains and even managed to kill 'Diamond' Jozu.

His strength has surpassed many formidable individuals in the New

World, earning him the respect of others and the capital to become an



The tone of Big Mom changed, and her sons' expressions below her also

changed slightly.

"It would be a bit ridiculous to challenge Kaido. With his arrogant

character, let's see how long he can stay on the throne!"

Big Mom snorted coldly, burning the reward list. Blackbeard's arrogance

displeased her greatly.


Red-Force, Main ship of Red-haired Pirates.

While sailing the seas, the Red-Haired Pirates received a newspaper

delivered by a news bird.

Shanks caught the newspaper, and even before he read the news, his

expression turned heavy.

"Shanks, open the newspaper! "

Lucky Roo looked at Shanks' heavy look and said with a smile, trying to

ease the current depressing atmosphere.

Shanks slowly opened the newspaper, looked at the contents of the news,

and said

"Sure enough, it was just as I thought, he really surprised me..."

His words caused everyone in the red-haired pirate group to exchange

curious glances.

After all, there aren't many things that their captain, Red-Hair Shanks

cares about.

"Blackbeard has changed so much?! What did he do during the six

months he was gone?!"

Lucky Roo exclaimed upon seeing Blackbeard's wanted poster, surprise

by the different of Blackbeard body right now, because before Blackbeard

body have some similarities with him

"Is this really Blackbeard? He's totally different from before!"

"And his strength has improved too!"

"A 3.6 billion bounty! That's way too much. In just over half a year, his

bounty skyrocketed to 3.6 billion!"

Everyone in the red-haired pirate group exclaimed in surprise upon

seeing it.

People need to know, the red-haired pirate group has the most balanced

bounties. In other words, there are plenty of strong individuals in their

crew, and they all react like this. Their expressions alone show how much

Blackbeard has surprised them.

"Blackbeard, what a troublesome guy..."

Ben Beckman said in a thoughtful tone, his eyes narrowed, and his

thoughts unclear.


Wano Country, Onigashima.

Kaido got furious upon hearing the news!


A blue dragon flew into the sky above Onigashima island. Kaido,

consumed by anger, could no longer contain his overwhelming rage.

Many of the crew under the Beast Pirates were trembling with fear.

Their captain, 'The Beast', Strongest Creature on earth, sky and sea, Kaido

was furious!

"What a bastard, Blackbeard! I, Kaido, misjudged him before!!!"

This marks the first time in a while that Kaido has been so clear-headed.

He's completely sober now, and people can only imagine the intensity of

his anger towards Blackbeard.

"Challenge me, and come at me! I, Kaido, am waiting for you!!"

Kaido angrily spat out his words with overwhelming rage and


With a single breath, a massive wave erupted in the sea, causing the

Tsunami to appear. The civilians in Wano, feeling Kaido's wrath,

trembled in fear as they looked at Kaido in his dragon form.

Because Wano has always been in Locked down, they had no way of

knowing the news from the outside world.

A big question arose in their hearts at this time: Who is Blackbeard???


After three days of rumors circulating, the news that Blackbeard had

become a Yonko had reached almost everyone.

Seizing the chance, the Blackbeard Pirates took over the territory that

once belonged to Whitebeard, completely replacing the Whitebeard


The reputation of Blackbeard, one of the Four Emperors, has been



Beehive Island.

At this time, Beehive Island had undergone a huge transformation.

Pirates were constantly arriving and leaving, and the island was bustling

with various entertainment activities, resembling a prosperous city.

Inside a room, numerous beauties surrounded Blackbeard while a

croupier skillfully dealt cards.

A large stack of Baileys was spread out on the table in front of him,

indicating he was deeply engrossed in a interesting game.

<em>"[Ding!] The master achieves Yonko status and gains the

'<strong>Fruit Awakening</strong>' ability! Moreover, this ability,

like Crew Link, can be purchase using character points."</em>

At this moment, a system prompt suddenly appeared in his mind.

Blackbeard was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on the

corner of his mouth.

"Master Blackbeard, what makes you so happy?!"

The two beauties beside Blackbeard couldn't take their eyes off him, and

seeing his sudden joy, they quickly asked with great interest.

"Zeehahaha, I won't tell you!"

Blackbeard laughed loudly.

"Bad guy!"

The two beauties pout, their affectionate tone revealing they harbored no

blame toward Blackbeard.

As Blackbeard halted, the pirates playing cards with him also stopped

and awaited his next move.

Now that Blackbeard's identity has been stamped in the New World, he

has to make waves three times, and naturally, they have to show respect.

At this moment, Blackbeard is reviewing the data in his mind.

Attaining the status of Four Emperor, he gained an opportunity to

awaken his Devil Fruit.

At the same time, he can also use character points in the future to

exchange for additional chances of awakening fruits.

<em>"Role : Marshall D. Teach"</em>

<em>"Character points: 108.000 points"</em>

<em>"Number of souls: 4 (available: 1)"</em>

<em>"Crew Link: Laffitte, Avalo Pizarro, Catarina Devon. (available:


<em>"Possessing fruits: Dark Fruit, Thunder Fruit, Tremor-Tremor


That's right.

After six months of transformations, evolving into the Four Emperors of

the sea, his character points surged from over 10,000 to exceed 100,000!

Now there is still one soul that has not been used, and two The crew link

is not used either





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 25+

chapters ahead of everyone. Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

078 New Shop Feature

Now that he has the 'Fruit Awakening' ability, it's truly the icing on the


Crew Link can indeed connect a Devil Fruit user among his crew

members, allowing him to utilize that crew member's fruit abilities.

A very important factor to consider is the crew member's proficiency with

the fruit's ability.

For instance, Avalo Pizarro's current Paramecia Island fruit has reached

the stage of fruit awakening.

He is directly linked to Avalo Pizarro and gains the ability to awaken the

Island-island Fruit as well.

However, for a recently acquired fruit power user like Catarina Devon,

utilizing the crew link to connect is akin to gaining a new fruit power.

There's still a need for further development to fully unleash its devil fruit


With the fruit awakening function, he can now efficiently remove the

fruit development process by directly utilizing the system's ability.

That's what makes him happy.

Regardless of the fruit abilities he gets in the future, he can experiment

with them after awakening.

Some devil fruit abilities are completely different before awakening and

after awakening.

Take Charlotte Katakuri, for example. He developed the Mochi-Mochi

Fruit until its awakening, complementing it with his Observation Haki

that can predict the future.

It's just like a Logia fruit.

Later, Blackbeard examined the conditions for redeeming the abilities for

awakening devil fruit.

<em>[Crew Link: 5.000 character points]</em>

<em>[Soul Line: 20.000 character points]</em>

<em>[Fruit Awakening: 15.000 character points]</em>

"Fifteen thousand character points, that's reasonable"

Blackbeard whispered to himself upon seeing the price.

With a crew link and the opportunity for fruit awakening, he could also

acquire a new devil fruit power by purchasing a soul.

Naturally, he was satisfied with the price.

Turning off the data information, excitement gleamed in his eyes.

He then grabbed a nearby item from the table—a Den-Den Mushi.

The surrounding beauties and pirates all fixed their gaze on Blackbeard.

These days, whenever Blackbeard uses the micro Den-Den Mushi, he will

announce an event.

So, what's he up to this time?

Currently, in front of Blackbeard, a large screen displays numerous

surveillance feeds from Beehive Island, where he has strategically placed

a considerable number of surveillance Den-Den Mushi.

Through the big screen, he can see everything that is happening on

Beehive Island.


Through the Den-Den Mushi, his loud laughter resonated across the

entire island.

"Did everyone have a good time?!"

Blackbeard asked with a smile.

"Hahahaha, of course!"

"This is a pirate's paradise!"

"Boss Blackbeard, do you have any orders?"

The pirates on the island suddenly erupted into enthusiastic cheers.

Everything pirates yearn for is available on Beehive Island, so they

naturally treat Blackbeard with respect.

"Today, to celebrate my rise to Yonko, I'll be distributing 500 million beli

all over the island! Whoever grabs it, it's theirs! The condition is that you

must follow the rules and no fighting. Is this reward good enough for

everyone? Zeehahahaha..."

After Blackbeard finished speaking, he burst into laughter.

"500 million Beli?! Wow!"

"Blackbeard, I love you!"

"This is a pirate's paradise!!!"


The island erupted in cheers.

Soon, as per Blackbeard's arrangement, 500 million Beli were scattered

across Beehive Island.

The whole Beehive Island turned into a carnival, with countless pirates

scrambling to grab those Beli.

Simply by making such a decision, Blackbeard could sense that he had

earned a large number of character points.

"Captain Blackbeard, you're quite stingy, not even thinking about

rewarding us."


Several beauties dealing cards playfully complained to Blackbeard,

adding a unique flavor to the moment.

"Zeehahaha, of course, you're indispensable; this is my reward!"

Blackbeard casually picked up two stacks of Beli and placed them

proudly next to the two beauties.

Upon seeing this, the two beauties' faces lit up with excitement, and they

both planted a kiss on Blackbeard's cheek.

"Boss Blackbeard is becoming really famous in the New World! It's just a

matter of time before we surpass the other three sea emperors!"

"Exactly, how can the other four emperors benefit pirates like us? They're

like vampires, forcing us to pay protection fees on time."


The pirates present quickly flattered him, and their words made

Blackbeard feel quite pleased.

Blackbeard smiled at them and said, "Isn't this the life of us pirates?"

Upon hearing this, several people were momentarily stunned and looked

at Blackbeard with a newfound admiration.


Next, Blackbeard pulled out a Den-Den Mushi in front of everyone.


Soon, the other party answered the Den-Den Mushi, and Jesus Burgess's

voice came through.

"Captain Blackbeard, what's the matter?"

"Get the Diamond Fruit."


After Burgess finished speaking, he hurriedly ran to Doc Q to get the

Diamond Fruit, And a thought come to his mind.

Is Captain Blackbeard going to give him the Diamond Fruit?

With this thought, excitement couldn't help but light up Burgess's face.

Soon, he brought the Diamond Fruit to Blackbeard.

"Captain Blackbeard, the Diamond Fruit has been brought to you."

Burgess placed the Diamond Fruit on the table, and the people around

couldn't help but show envious expressions.

This is a Diamond Fruit. The value of this fruit alone is over 1 billion


If it were placed at an auction, it might fetch an even better price.

Encounter a wealthy Celestial Dragon, and it could potentially sell for a

sky-high amount!

"Captain Blackbeard, are you giving me this fruit?"

Burgess asked straightforwardly.

Blackbeard shook his head, "It's not that."

"Since that's not the case, then I won't worry about it. Weihahahaha!!"

Burgess laughed and decisively gave up the idea of obtaining the

Diamond Fruit.

"You know I mean what I say, and the fruit I want to give you must be

even better than this Diamond Fruit"

Blackbeard assured Burgess.

After all, Burgess is the first titanic captain of the Blackbeard Pirates,

which is like an extension of his own reputation.

So, he wants to give Burgess a powerful Devil Fruit, to make sure that

Burgess does not disgrace the strength of the Blackbeard Pirates.

And with Burgess's loyalty, he would rather give him a powerful devil



When Burgess heard this, an excited expression lit up his face, and he

nodded eagerly.

Several envious eyes were fixed on Burgess.

Now that Blackbeard has become one of the Four Emperors, no matter

how strong Burgess is, he is still the first titanic captain of the Blackbeard


His status can be easily imagined.


After Blackbeard explained the situation to Burgess, he picked up the

Diamond Fruit.

The Diamond Fruit lives up to its name, with several sparkling diamonds

adorning its exterior. It's anything but ordinary at first glance.

"Boss Blackbeard, what are you doing?"

Several pirates asked as they observed Blackbeard picking up the

Diamond Fruit.

Then, a scene that shocked them appeared!

Blackbeard bit down on the Diamond Fruit right in front of them!!





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079 Diamond-Diamond Fruit

"Boss Blackbeard, aren't you afraid..."

Several pirates' expressions turned fearful.

Normally, eating more than one Devil Fruit can make a person explode

and die. Even though they know Blackbeard is a multi-Devil Fruit user,

they still feel a bit anxious.

This is their instinctive reaction.

After all, there's no one in the entire pirate world who can possess

multiple fruit abilities like Blackbeard.

"Weihahaha, what are you worried about? No matter how many fruits he

has, the boss can handle it!"

Jesus Burgess laughed at everyone.

"What? You don't believe Captain Blackbeard will obtain other fruit


Jesus Burgess's words shocked everyone.

In this way, Blackbeard can gain any fruit ability, and no one can stop


The eyes they looked at Blackbeard became more respectful.

"Blackbeard's boss turns out to be so powerful..."

"He is worthy of being our boss!"

The eyes of the beauties present are all fixated on Blackbeard, and it's

difficult to look away.

With Blackbeard's current strength and charisma, even if he really

resembles his original self, there will be a steady stream of beauties

chasing him.

Furthermore, he has now trained his body with strong muscles, and his

appearance has undergone a transformation. His whole body exudes a

powerful masculine presence.

No woman can resist it.

After taking a bite of the Diamond Devil Fruit, Blackbeard swallowed it

in one gulp, but he still felt the bitterness in his mouth.

But he did not drink water.

The bitterness of the Devil Fruit was far more worse than the loneliness

he endured during six months of training.

"Isn't it true that Devil Fruits are very unpalatable? Why didn't Boss

Blackbeard react at all?"

A beautiful woman asked curiously, blinking her big eyes.

"What do you know, the boss won't cry out in pain even if he's shot"

Jesus Burgess said with a faint smile.

"Boss Blackbeard is so charming."

The eyes of several beauties seemed to be fixed on Blackbeard.

Blackbeard did not feel any discomfort with their pursuit because he

could understand the mood of these people.

In his opinion, with him here, obtaining the Devil Fruit for these people

is an easy task. The fruit means more than 1 billion Beli to them.

Eating one billion Beli in one bite.

Everyone must be delighted!

After eating the Diamond Fruit, Blackbeard's only remaining soul has

been occupied.

Now, he has obtained four Devil Fruits within his body alone.

This doesn't even include his crew members. With a mere thought, he

utilized the ability of the Diamond Fruit.

Then, his fists had undergone a complete transformation, and the change

continued to spread until his entire arm turned into diamonds.

He showed a remarkable skill in controlling the Diamond Fruit.

"What beautiful arms!"

Several beauties admired together.

The already muscular arms transformed into diamonds, becoming as

exquisite as works of art, dazzling to the eyes.

Blackbeard punched the wall, reducing it to rubble.

In reality, the increase in power isn't much; the biggest enhancement lies

in defense.

But what if the Diamond Fruit awakens?

The awakened Diamond Fruit can influence everything around it,

transforming it into diamonds. Such defense is still not worth compared

to the Barrier Fruit, almost negligible in terms of comparison.

But in terms of flexibility and attack power, the Diamond Fruit is even

more stronger than the Barrier Fruit! He wants to test this now.

When he opens the data information.

Currently, he still has 100,000 character points. He first used 20,000

character points to redeem a soul.

Since he received a free awakening fruit from the system upon reaching

the Yonko level, he didn't continue to redeem one.

Finally, he chose to use it in the data information. The fruit awakened.

The image in his mind changed, and another picture appeared.

It was still a data panel, but now the data panel is about four Devil Fruits.

<em>[Possessing fruits: Dark Fruit (Awaken), Thunder Fruit (Awaken),

Tremor-Tremor Fruit (Awaken), Diamond Fruit (Not Awaken)]</em>

Currently, except for the Diamond Fruit, the other three fruits have been


Blackbeard used the Fruit Awakening on the Diamond Fruit.

Just after using it, the image in his mind emitted a unique light, and then

the Diamond Fruit seemed to have been sublimated, shining brightly.

The dense light gradually faded, and Blackbeard could sense that his

body had become somewhat different than before.

He had complete control over the Diamond Fruit. His mastery was

evident, transparent, and skillful.

He simply raised his arm, and it transformed into a diamond almost


"What a terrifying level of control!"

The pupils of the pirates present constricted.

They looked at Blackbeard now as if they had seen a ghost. Did he just

close his eyes, meditate for a while, and then skillfully control the

Diamond Fruit?

Boss Blackbeard is simply a monster!

"Wow, it turns into a diamond so quickly this time."

The eyes of several beautiful women shone with excitement as they

exclaimed in wonder.

Even if they don't understand Devil Fruit, they can still understand it in


"This kind of talent is indeed terrifying!"

The surrounding pirates also sighed in admiration, nodding in agreement.

"These are just scratching the surface."

Blackbeard said calmly, and then his thoughts moved.

Starting from the ground under his feet, it had completely turned into

diamonds, and then the diamonds spread.

The ground, the items in the room, and the surrounding walls had all

turned into diamonds.

Diamonds! The entire room now resembled a Crystal Palace, incredibly


And Blackbeard can freely control these diamonds, making them flow

like liquid and take on any form he wants.

Let's not even talk about the value of these diamonds. Just using them to

create a shield would provide terrifyingly strong defense.

"Fruit awakens! ! !"

"This is fruit awakening! ! !"

This time, even Burgess' eyes widened, and he looked at Blackbeard in


He had just swallowed the Devil Fruit to gain abilities, and he was

already a genius if he could master basic abilities.

But Blackbeard directly let the Diamond Fruit awaken!

In his opinion, this is simply something that cannot be accomplished!

"Fruit...awaken! !"

The surrounding pirates were stunned when they heard this word.

In their opinion, obtaining a Devil Fruit, let alone awakening it, requires

a certain amount of opportunity. In their view, this word signifies a talent

only possessed by the strongest individuals. Something that has been

accomplished by the elite.

Those who can awaken a fruit's ability are exceptional even among those

with devil fruit user.

However, Blackbeard performed in front of them, from eating the Devil

Fruit to completing the Devil Fruit Awakening!

How could they not be shocked?!





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chapters ahead of everyone.

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080 New Source of Income

"Captain Blackbeard, how did you do it?"

Jesus Burgess asked with a look of shock.

In his opinion, this is something that cannot be accomplished in the first


"Zeehahaha, of course, this is a secret!"

Blackbeard laughed and didn't give any explanation.

With his status, even if he didn't tell anyone, no one would dare to ask or

find out.

"This ability is truly terrifying…"

Burgess glanced around the room, observing everything transforming into

a diamond-covered space. It seemed like he had just realized something.

He then picked up a cup that had turned into a diamond.

The transparent and exceptionally sturdy cup now resembled a real

diamond in every way.

"Captain Blackbeard, i ... .are we going to be rich now?"

Burgess asked, looking bewildered.

His words snapped everyone around out of their shock, and they too

understood the meaning of Burgess's question.

Now, with a room filled with diamonds, each one capable of fetching a

hefty price, it's nothing short of a fortune in their hands.

Becoming a Four Emperors requires not only strength but also a large

amount of financial resources. With so many crew under his command,

relying solely on robbing and plundering won't suffice, right?

As a Yonko, it's importand to have a reliable source of income.

Similar to Big Mom's Kingdom, which relies on collecting protection fees,

and Kaido, who trades sea stones with the World Government.

Now, Blackbeard can entirely amass wealth through the Diamond Fruit.

"Burgess, go get some sea water."

Blackbeard said to Burgess.

Burgess was stunned for a moment, and then quickly ran out to get sea


"Boss Blackbeard, what are you planning to do with seawater?"

A curious beauty asked as she leaned in next to Blackbeard.

"Certainly, it has its uses"

Blackbeard smiled faintly. Feeling the touch on his arm, he created a

large diamond in his palm easily.

"It's for you"

Blackbeard said as he handed the diamond to the beautiful woman.

The beauty's eyes lit up, and she held Blackbeard's arm tighter, as if she

wanted to give herself to him immediately.

"Blackbeard boss, you're being unfair. Aren't we working hard too?"

The beauties said coquettishly as they surrounded Blackbeard.

"It depends on your performance. Who knows, if something impresses

me, I might just reward you two"

Blackbeard laughed heartily in response.

He regarded the rowdy fans around him as part of the entertainment.

After all, finding joy in life is what matters most.

Observing this, envy naturally filled the eyes of the surrounding pirates.

Such treatment is expected of a ruler of the seas.

They could only enjoy some good fortune under Blackbeard's favor.

Shortly after, Burgess entered the room with a bucket of seawater.

Blackbeard casually tossed a diamond cup into the sea water.

As expected, upon contact with seawater, the diamond returned to its

original state.

This sight left everyone feeling a bit disappointed.

Blackbeard once again took a diamond cup and held it in his hand,

transform it back to diamond

The diamond cup looks indistinguishable from a real diamond, with the

only vulnerability being sea water.

However, in this huge world, very few people are aware of the -diamond

diamond fruit, let alone the diamonds created by the awakening of

diamond-diamond fruit.

Only members of the Blackbeard Pirates are aware of this kind of things.

After all, who else would know about it?

"We're pirates, isn't it normal making money through fake diamonds?


Blackbeard laughed.

If he hadn't done this, how could Tesoro accumulate 20% of the world's

Beli with his awakened Golden Fruit?

And with him truly possessing 20% of the Beli, even the Celestial

Dragons would be more likely to cooperate with him, rather than

opposing the fake gold.

This is the interest-driven relationship that money creates!

Therefore, Blackbeard doesn't care about authenticity; he only cares

about the results.

"That's right, who else would know besides us?"

The pirates around had sly smiles on their faces.

"If anyone spills this secret, I, Burgess, will be the first to tear him apart!


Burgess laughed. Of course, what he said was for Blackbeard.

This secret must not be spread.

Hearing Burgess's laughter, the faces of everyone present twitches

involuntarily. It seemed as if Burgess was issuing a warning to them

If this secret were to leak, Blackbeard's methods would undoubtedly kill

everyone who knew...

Following that, Blackbeard assembled all the Titanic captains of the

Blackbeard Pirates to inform them about his awakening of the Diamond


At first, each of them found it hard to believe.

It wasn't until Blackbeard transformed the entire room into diamonds

that they finally accepted the reality.

"Admiral Blackbeard, is there another reason why you brought us


Laffitte asked.

"Indeed, and I was about to ask you"

Blackbeard replied casually.

His words left Laffitte somewhat puzzled, and he respectfully said to

Blackbeard: "Admiral Blackbeard, please go ahead and ask."

"I have created a large quantity of diamonds. How about you manage the

export volume of these diamonds, selling them strategically to maintain

stable diamond prices and ensure the income of our Blackbeard Pirates?"

Blackbeard's words made Laffitte's eyes widened.

"Captain Blackbeard, you're a business genius!"

Laffitte marveled with star in his eyes

Such strategic thinking was beyond the comprehension of pirates like

them, who were accustomed to constant fighting and killing.

"Captain Blackbeard is really awesome, he even understands this aspect."

Shiryu exclaimed with admiration while puffing his cigar

Gion's eyes gleamed with surprise. In just half a year, the Blackbeard

Pirates, led by Blackbeard, had swiftly risen to the status of Yonko. It

seemed possible that they might indeed challenge the World

Governmentin the future!

"Not only that, I want to transform Beehive Island into a Diamond Island.

I plan to expand our entertainment project and use islands-island fruit to

expand our land. This will become the center of pirates in this entire


Blackbeard's eyes glowed with profound ambition.

While he holds huge power and influence in the New World, his

influence on a global scale is not yet formidable.

Apart from acting as a deterrent to pirates, he does not offer any benefits

to the major powers in the world.

Without providing benefits, his value naturally won't be that great.

Now, he aims to expand his influence among the underground forces and

exert an impact on the wider world.

Then, Blackbeard turned to Gion and said: "Contact Doflamingo; our

Blackbeard Pirates still need a large number of weapons. With these

diamonds, we have nothing to worry about."

As the 11 Titanic Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, Gion doesn't have

any crew under her, so Blackbeard sees her as his secretary, handling

various tasks around him.


Gion nodded, then retrieved a Den Den Mushi.

This Den Den Mushi was used for contacting Doflamingo, one of the

kings of the underground world!





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081 Risky Move

After Blackbeard took the Den-Den Mushi, it had only two buttons.

He pushed the dial button, and the Den-Den Mushi started ringing.



This time, Doflamingo took a while to think before picking up the call.

"Fufufufu!!! What an honored guest! Why would Yonko Blackbeard want

to get in touch with me?"

Donquixote Doflamingo's laughter echoed through the Den-Den Mushi.

"Doflamingo, it's been a while, and I've been missing our talks!"

Blackbeard also smiled and exchanged some polite words with


After chatting for a while, Blackbeard finally revealed the purpose of his


"I need a lots of weapons and i would like to buy some from you"

Blackbeard said with a smile.


His words left Doflamingo momentarily speechless.

After a while, Doflamingo spoke up once more.

"Blackbeard, it's not that I won't sell it to you. It's mainly because

someone higher up has already approached me and offered many

benefits. I'm in a bit of a dilemma here"

Doflamingo sighed and explained calmly.

After hearing Doflamingo's words, the expressions of the Blackbeard

titanic captains present changed.

The one higher up...

Blackbeard eyes narrowed, easily guessing who could be behind this. It

could only be Kaido, the beast he had recently provoked.

"Is that so? Well, whether you're willing to sell or not"

Blackbeard continued to inquire of Doflamingo.

"Well, it's fine. You know I'm taking risks here, but I don't want to upset

you. However, at this price..."

There was something explicit in Doflamingo's words.

It was evident he intended to deal a significant blow to Blackbeard.

Blackbeard narrowed his eyes.

Doflamingo aimed to gain advantages from both him and Kaido.


Blackbeard burst into loud laughter.

"No problem, I'll double the benefits Kaido is offering you! How does that


Blackbeard smiled at Doflamingo.

"Fufufufu!!! Happy cooperation! I hope Yonko Blackbeard is pleased!"

Doflamingo burst into laughter upon hearing Blackbeard's words. Then,

he put away his smile and playfully said to Blackbeard: "I've picked up

some interesting news lately. Want to hear about it?"

"Oh? What news?"

Asked Blackbeard, showing a slight interest.

"Marines Fleet Admiral Sengoku is about to retire. Aokiji and Akainu are

competing for the Marines Fleet Admiral position, and the Navy has

started recruiting civilians to fill the vacant admiral position. The Navy's

structure is undergoing big changes"

Doflamingo explained.

"Oh? Really?"

Blackbeard's response was nonchalant, but a smile played on his face.

Doflamingo's news held a special significance for him.

His nonchalant response was merely a front for Doflamingo. Who does he

think he is really dealing with?

"It looks like Yonko Blackbeard isn't interested in this"

Doflamingo remarked, observing Blackbeard's dull response.

"Interested, quite interested"

Blackbeard replied quickly, maintaining his casual tone.

"Blackbeard, you certainly have a way with people... Since there's

nothing else, let's catch up another time. I'll have someone deliver all the

weapons you need"

Doflamingo suggested.

"No problem."

Blackbeard agreed and then hung up the call

He was aware of Doflamingo's news, but the specific timing of the clash

between Aokiji and Akainu is something he's unaware of.

Donquixote Doflamingo reminded him once again.


"Laffitte, please find out the timing of the Aokiji and Akainu battle, and

let Van Augur handle the weapons matter for now"

Blackbeard instructed Laffitte.

"Alright, Admiral!" Laffitte nodded.

Blackbeard entrusted Laffitte with the task due to his unique abilities.

After all, Laffitte had once infiltrated Marineford alone and informed

Sengoku that Blackbeard would become a Shichibukai.

Therefore, Blackbeard still had faith in Laffitte regarding this matter.

"Captain Blackbeard, what do you know about this?" Burgess asked


"Yes, Captain Blackbeard, do you want..."

Avalo Pizarro seemed to have thought of something. Blackbeard nodded

before he finished speaking.

"That's right, isn't it a good opportunity for us to gain something from it?"

Blackbeard's eyes narrowed, a hint of madness flashing. He realized that

the marines would be closely monitoring the battle.

But if he arrived early and prepared an ambush, then the precautions

taken by the Marines would have no effect.

After all, even though he wasn't aware of the exact timing of the fight, he

did know the location of the battle!


Upon hearing his words, Shiryu and the others all took a sharp breath.

Their captain truly had some bold ideas.

"Captain, the marines will definitely take precautions for the battle

between Akainu and Aokiji! Even if we know the timing, we surely can't

know the location. How do we plan to infiltrate?"

Catarina Devon asked.

"Yes, considering the strength of Aokiji and Akainu, the Marines

Headquarters will undoubtedly be fully prepared for their battle. Even if

we manage to know the timing, it's highly unlikely we'll discover the

location. The Navy's confidentiality measures are too high for that

information to leak"

Gion added, standing up at this moment.

Blackbeard glanced at Gion and calmly stated: "Would you believe me if I

told you I know the location?"

Gion's eyes widened in surprise. She noticed that Blackbeard maintained

a confident expression after hearing her words, as if he truly knew... But

that couldn't be possible. Gion shook her head.

"What would you think if you knew I was about to cause some trouble for


Blackbeard said to Gion.

"I have nothing to do with the Marines now. I just want to look out for


Gion replied after a moment of contemplation, speaking earnestly.

Blackbeard seemed to anticipate her response, then he looked directly at

Gion and said casually, "How about we team up for a surprise attack on

the Marines?"


Gion fell silent.

All the eyes of the Blackbeard Pirates were fixed on her.

Then Gion took a deep breath and responded with a resolute voice.

"I'm at Captain Blackbeard's bidding!"

"ZeeeHahaha, very good!"

Blackbeard laughed heartily at her response.

He aims to gradually train Gion to become his subordinate—a loyal one

at that.

Having Gion by his side will make dealing with the marines much easier.

After all, as a former vice admiral of the Marines, Gion possesses superior

strength compared to ordinary vice admirals and has lots of knowledge

about the inner workings of the Marines, including the capabilities of

admiral candidates.


Soon, seven days had passed.

Today, Blackbeard received two pieces of news.

One piece of news is that the weapons he bought from Doflamingo have


The other news is that Laffitte has already learned the timing of the duel

between Akainu and Aokiji!





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082 Punk Hazard

Laffitte brought the news that Aokiji and Akainu would battle for the

position of Marine Fleet Admiral in ten days.

Upon learning the news, a sharp determination flashed in Blackbeard's

eyes. He wouldn't let go of this perfect opportunity.

Knowing the location of the fight and having the precise timing,

everything could now unfold according to his plan.

Aokiji and Akainu are set to face off on Punk Hazard in ten days, a

confrontation that will later be known as the Clash on Ice and Fire Island.

He went to Punk Hazard not solely just to take advantage on the duel

between Akainu and Aokiji.

He still has one more important task at hand—to capture Caesar Clown,

the creator of the artificial Devil Fruit for Kaido!

He wants Kaido to regret his past actions against him.

"Find a skilled shipwright to coat a pirate ship for our infiltration into

Punk Hazard!"

Blackbeard instructed Laffitte.

Soon, three days had passed, and a coated pirate ship docked on Beehive


Blackbeard, along with Shiryu, Avalo Pizarro, Gion, and Burgess, boarded

the ship.

This time, they set off for Punk Hazard in secrecy.

As he ascended to the status of the Fourth Emperor, the Marines would

undoubtedly send agents to keep eyes on him. To evade their watchful

eyes, he quietly leaves the island.

Jesus Burgess takes control of the ship and submerged to the ocean


"Weihahaha, Boss Blackbeard, you're smart for thinking of using this

method to reach Punk Hazard"

Jesus Burgess laughed.

"Captain Blackbeard, are Akainu and Aokiji really going to fight in Punk

Hazard? I remember that Punk Hazard used to be a secret laboratory for

experiments. Due to a failed experiment, the island became filled with a

large amount of poisonous gas, leading the Marines to ultimately

abandon it"

Gion voiced her doubts behind Blackbeard.

"You'll find out once we get there," Blackbeard said casually.

Then, their ship set sail towards Punk Hazard at the ocean floor.


Another three days have passed

At this time, Punk Hazard wasn't shrouded in ice and fire, and there were

no poisonous gases on the island. The poisonous gas Gion mentioned was

already absorbed by Caesar using the Salamander Fruit.

Currently, the entire Punk Hazard Island is occupied only by Caesar and

his subordinates.

A coated ship silently approached the island and concealed itself.

Soon, Blackbeard disembarked on the seemingly deserted island.

"Why is it so clean? Where's the poisonous gas on the island?"

Gion asked, her face displaying surprise. The poisonous gas incident

caused by the laboratory failure is a big event in the Marines.

Clearly, the present Punk Hazard is quite different from the rumors.

Although there is no poisonous gas, the island is devoid of any civilians.

Now, Gion has started to believe what Blackbeard said. The possibility of

Akainu and Aokiji having a duel here seems more credible.

"Captain, where are we going now?"

Jesus Burgess asked as he looked at the empty island.

Blackbeard activated his Observation Haki. Sensing the presence of

several individuals, he guided Shiryu and the others in a specific


As expected, he had already spotted them—several guards.

"Who are you?"

The guard raised their guns and aimed at the five individuals.

Then, the eyes of all the guards widened. One of them rubbed his eyes,

looking at Blackbeard in disbelief.

"Black... Blackbeard!!!"

They were so frightened that some of them collapsed to the ground. They

didn't even dare to point the guns in their hands at Blackbeard and his

four crews

"Yonko Blackbeard!!! How did he come to Punk Hazard?"

The other guards were equally shocked.

They were not only afraid from pointing guns at Blackbeard and his crew

but also lacked the courage to stand in front of them.

This is the reputation of the Four Emperors.

Just the infamous name is sufficient to instill fear in people.

"Take us to Caesar,"

Blackbeard said calmly, looking at them.

"OK... OK!"

No one knew how Blackbeard knew that Caesar was on this island, but

they didn't even dare to ask.

The guards were sweating profusely as they led the way in front of

Blackbeard and his crews


Gion's expression changes upon hearing the name. She then looked at

Blackbeard and asked, "How do you know Caesar?"

It's reasonable to say that Caesar was originally a renowned scientist in

the Marines. He defected from the Marines during the laboratory


The Marines still don't know his whereabouts. Did Caesar return to this

island without them knowing?

"I know more than you think,"

Blackbeard responded casually.

Gion didn't ask any more questions. She simply felt that Blackbeard had

become more mysterious in her eyes.

There were many things that the Marines might not necessarily know,

but Blackbeard seemed to know everything.

"So, why is Boss Blackbeard looking for Caesar?"

Shiryu asked, sharing the same doubts.

"Yeah, boss!"

After Avalo Pizarro finished speaking, he listened intently. They all

wanted to know Blackbeard's purpose.

"Remember what I said about having control over Kaido?"

Blackbeard smiled at them.


Everyone recalled what Blackbeard had said during the call with Kaido

half a year ago and nodded in agreement.

"Caesar is not only researching artificial Devil Fruits for Kaido on this

island but is also researching human giantization experiments for Big

Mom. He's an important figure. I will get Caesar this time!"

Blackbeard stated confidently.

Upon hearing his words, the guard leading the way broke out in a cold

sweat behind their backs.

This suddenly became a matter involving three of the Four Emperors, and

they had no choice but to keep it to themselves, silently.

Boss Caesar, it looks like you're in trouble...

"Artificial devil Fruit... Human Gigantization Experiment..."

Gion's face changed upon hearing these two words, and she murmured.

"Sounds like there's more to this Caesar"

Burgess said with a smile.

"Interesting, this is so interesting!"

Shiryu and Pizarro also expressed great interest upon hearing this.

Blackbeard glanced at them. This group of people was different from

Gion. They were all individuals who didn't see the matter as too bad or


Not only would they not be repulsed by these experiments, but they

would also view them with a gourmet mentality.

He himself is very interested in artificial Devil Fruits, but he finds the

human giant experiment using babies as test subjects disgusting. While

he doesn't flinch at the murder of pirates, there is a natural resistance to

harming babies.

It can only be said that he is a villain, but he is still a human being after


Led by the half-human and half-animal guard, they arrived at the door of

Caesar's laboratory.


At this time, Caesar was conducting experiments in the laboratory. It

appeared that the experiments had shown some progress, clearly seen

from the proud smile on his lips.

Then, his eyes happened to glance at the large screen in front of him.

It displayed the images brought by the surveillance Den Den Mushi.

His eyes instantly focused on Blackbeard and the five of them.

"Those are..."


His initially proud smile froze in an instant, his face turned panicked, and

he screamed.





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chapters ahead of everyone.

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083 Scientist: Caesar Clown

Now, Blackbeard's fame has spread all over the world.

Caesar recognized Blackbeard's people at a glance.

"One of the Four Emperors, Blackbeard, Shiryu of the Rain, 'Corrupt King'

Avalo Pizarro, the First Titanic Captain Jesus Burgess, and the Former

Admiral Candidate Momosagi Gion!"

Caesar's face turned very heavy as he saw the people.

Cold sweat, like soybeans, rolled down his forehead.

Especially Blackbeard's evil reputation in the New World, which is simply

more ruthless than any of the Four Emperors.

They come to this laboratory. There must be nothing good happening


At this time, Caesar was ready to make his escape.

Pressing the button, the entrance door to the laboratory closed instantly,

and an exit appeared above.

Caesar transformed into a purple gas and floated into the air.

"The door is closed!"

The half-human, half-animal guard exclaimed. Looking at the closed

laboratory door, they already knew that Caesar had seen Blackbeard's


"Zeehahaha, trying to run away?"

Blackbeard laughed loudly when he saw this. With his Observation Haki,

he quickly sensed Caesar's position at such a close distance.

Then he transformed into a bolt of lightning and vanished instantly,

flying towards the laboratory in the air!

"What speed!"

Caesar's guard looked at the lightning that shot away with shocked


After escaping from the laboratory, Caesar flew towards the distance

without looking back.

"Fortunately, I left a way out for myself, or I'd be in trouble!"

When he emerged outside, Caesar couldn't help but exhale a long breath


Soon, he felt movement behind him.

Turning around, he saw a lightning bolt approaching him at fast speed!


Caesar was stunned with fear!

He tried desperately to escape, fully aware that with Blackbeard's

presence, things would not end well for him.


Caesar used his Gas-Gas Fruit ability on Blackbeard, and a large amount

of gas appeared in an attempt to stop Blackbeard's pursuit.

"Thunder Dragon!"

Blackbeard's upper body transformed into a thunderous form, and a

fierce thunder dragon flew out of his arm, colliding with the gas.

The high temperature of thunder can cause temperature to heat up,

naturally neutralizing these poisonous gases.

"Thunder Fruit! "

Caesar exclaimed.

He was once a famous scientist in the marines, so he was naturally well-

informed, and he mainly studied Devil Fruits. He recognized the fruit

ability used by Blackbeard at a glance.

Blackbeard always had a faint smile on his face.

"Where do you think you're running?"

If it were someone with different Devil Fruit abilities, he might have to

spend some time figuring it out.

Because some Devil Fruit abilities can be quite weird.

However, he is well-aware of Caesar's Devil Fruit ability.

The thunder dragon in one hand can effortlessly neutralize the poison


"A World Without Space!"

When Caesar saw this, he directly utilized one of his killer techniques.

This technique can absorb all the oxygen in a space, creating unexpected

effects when fighting others.

"No oxygen? "

Tich could feel that he couldn't breathe, but his face was still very calm.

The main thing he trained in the past six months was his physical skills,

and the second was the development of his fruit abilities.

With physical strength comparable to Rayleigh, he can now swim in the

seas with ease.

His lung capacity is also huge, thanks to his formidable physical abilities.

Not to mention being unable to breathe for a short period; even if it

extends for an extra ten or twenty minutes, he will have absolutely no


"No effect?!"

Caesar's jaw dropped.

His techniques may work against ordinary people, but for these stong

individuals, they are mere child's play.


Thunder flashed, and Blackbeard had already arrived in front of him.

He stood calmly in front of Caesar without any intention of taking further

action, and Caesar had already given up resistance.

"Blackbeard, what on earth do you want to arrest me for?"

Caesar's face was solemn, and he asked Blackbeard warily.

"Be my subordinate, and I won't treat you badly, or you can die


Blackbeard spoke bluntly.

In fact, he didn't want to kill Caesar solely for possessing the Logia gas-

gas fruit.

In his view, Caesar's value surpassed that of just having the Logia gas


After all, in the pirate world, having someone like Caesar with such

scientific expertise is a rare find.

Moreover, what Caesar has researched is more fitting for him.

Not only can he create artificial Devil Fruits, but he can also develop

poisonous gas weapons utilizing his gas-related abilities.


Caesar fell silent after hearing this.

There are only two paths available to him now.

He believed that if he chose "no," Blackbeard would definitely kill him as

soon as possible.

As the saying goes, ruthless people are most afraid of encountering others

who are equally ruthless.

Although Caesar's methods of killing are cruel and vicious, he lacks the

terrifying strength possessed by Blackbeard.

Thus, he has no choice but to submit in the face of Blackbeard.

"I choose to be your subordinate!"

Caesar declared.

A smile crept onto Blackbeard's face as he extended his hand, revealing a

fruit with unique markings.

"Devil Fruit?"

Caesar questioned.

"No, not quite!"

Blackbeard corrected. Caesar gazed at the fruit in Blackbeard's hand, a

rare spark of interest flickering in his eyes.

Scientists are often interested in weird objects.

Given Caesar's expertise in Devil Fruits, the fruit Blackbeard presented to

him was undoubtedly not a Devil Fruit but a new fruit resembling an

artificial one.

"As my subordinate, it's time for you to taste it"

Blackbeard instructed Caesar.

With a serious expression, Caesar accepted the fruit from Blackbeard's

hand, realizing that consuming it meant a point of no return.

Facing Blackbeard, he had only this option.

In the end, he bit into the fruit Blackbeard had given him, feeling a

mysterious and otherworldly sensation coursing through his body.

"It tastes awful! What kind of fruit is this? It's the first time I've

encountered something that tastes worse than the artificial fruits I


After swallowing, Caesar's face twisted into a comical expression.

"After you consume it, remember, if you ever betray me, I'll take away

your Devil Fruit abilities. If you doubt it, you can give it try"

Blackbeard warned Caesar.

This thing still has this ability?!

Upon hearing this, Caesar's eyes widened in astonishment. It was as if he,

like a child, had stumbled upon a fascinating discovery. He examined the

fruit in his hand with newfound curiosity.

Just as he was about to store it away and bring it back to the laboratory

for further study, the fruit unexpectedly crumbled into powder and

landed in his mouth.

"What in the world is this? Is it the reason of your ability to control

multiple fruits?"

Caesar asked with curiosity. His scientific interests had even overridden

his fear of Blackbeard.

"It count, yet it doesn't really count"

Blackbeard stated, clearly keeping the true answer to himself. He wasn't

willing to share this secret with anyone.

"Blackbeard Boss came a long way to recruit me as his subordinate.

What's the deal? What do you want me to do?"

Caesar asked with full curiosity.

"Put an end to the body gigantification experiment, focus on developing

poison gas weapons and artificial devil fruits, and cut ties with Kaido!"

Blackbeard said with a smile.


His words made Caesar's heart beat violently. It turned out he was

targeting Yonko Kaido!





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chapters ahead of everyone.

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084 Burgess Devil Fruit

Yonko Kaido's strength has undeniably reached huge levels, and the

artificial devil fruits have played an essential role in this growth.

If Blackbeard cuts off Kaido's artificial devil fruit, Kaido is going to be

furious... Caesar gulped nervously.

Caught between Blackbeard in front and Kaido behind, there's no escape

for him.

Now, he's left with no choice but to go along with Blackbeard.

Caesar feels extremely miserable.


Once Blackbeard brought Caesar on board, they quickly reached the


Due to the presence of a Sea Stone near the laboratory, it's impossible for

Observation Haki to see inside.

Blackbeard could patiently await the clash between Aokiji and Akainu.

Stepping into the laboratory, he soon encountered an individual with

unique abilities – Monet, the Logia user with the power of the snow-snow



After Blackbeard saw her, his eyes showed deep meaning.

He knew that Monet was Doflamingo's subordinate, and she was a loyal

subordinate willing to go through hell for him. Her Logia snow fruit was

also a gift from Doflamingo.

"Blackbeard, why are you here?"

Monet asked, narrowing her eyes slightly.

Of course, she wants to know more about Blackbeard, one of the Four


"Monet, step back. I need to talk with Boss Blackbeard"

Caesar explained to her.

"Bos Blackbeard... Caesar, when did you acknowledge him as your boss?"

Monet asked, narrowing her eyes with a glint of curiosity.

Now, she wanted to discover Blackbeard's intentions and quickly report

back to Doflamingo!

"Caesar, your men don't seem to be very sensible"

Shiryu remarked, puffing on a cigar in his hoarse voice.

"It's better not to ask into things you shouldn't know"

Burgess cautioned Monet while grinning.

Blackbeard raised his hand, signaling them to stop talking.

Then he extended his right hand, utilizing the power of the Dark Fruit.

Black gas emerged in his hand, accompanied by an gravitational force

that swept towards Monet.

Monet instinctively tried to use her fruit's ability, but her expression

changed drastically. She realized the Snow-snow fruit couldn't be used at


She tried to inflate her wings using all her strength to escape, but

ultimately, Blackbeard firmly grabbed her.

"Is this the Dark Fruit's power?"

Caesar exclaimed in shock as he witnessed it.

With this weird ability, those with weak physical abilities are essentially

no different from normal people.

"Little girl, are you in a hurry to inform your master, Doflamingo, about

why I am here?"

Blackbeard tightly gripped her wings, leaving no room for escape.

"Even knowing I'm Boss Doffy's subordinate, are you still planning to do

something to me?"

Monet asked Blackbeard coldly.

"Do something..."

Blackbeard smiled faintly after hearing this, and then he threw Monet

away and said coldly

"Shiryu! Kill her!"


After his command, Shiryu's sword swiftly split Monet in half, its blade

enveloped in a thick layer of Armament Haki.


Monet stared at the wounds on her body in disbelief. She hadn't expected

Blackbeard to act so decisively and kill her.


Caesar broke into a cold sweat and took a deep breath.

Just like that, Monet was gone?

Does he want to provoke Kaido and Doflamingo at the same time?

Now Caesar has defined Blackbeard as a lunatic!

A madman who is reckless with everything!

In reality, the situation unfolded just as he had suspected. Blackbeard did

it knowingly, fully aware of the consequences.

He couldn't allow Monet to expose his presence to Doflamingo, as it

would ruining his upcoming plan.


"The Logia Snow Snow Fruit is wasted in your hands"

Blackbeard remarked to Monet, glancing at Burgess.

Burgess carried a package on his back, within which a new Devil Fruit

had taken shape!

This Devil Fruit is the Logia Snow Fruit!

Caesar's eyes narrowed as he saw it. Though unsure of how Blackbeard

discovered the method to retrieve Devil Fruits, it genuinely surprised


"You will suffer revenge from Doffy! "

After uttering her final words, Monet closed her eyes completely.

"You're overestimating your value."

Blackbeard glanced at her and murmured.

Considering Doflamingo's temperament, would he really risk his life for


After witnessing Blackbeard's methods, Caesar became more honest. After

all, he didn't want to meet the same fate as Monet.

Then Blackbeard turned to Burgess and said, "This Logia Snow-Snow fruit

is yours now. If you can awaken its full potential, your strength will

reach the ranks of the top powerhouses."

"Weihahaha, thanks Captain Blackbeard!"

Burgess laughed with excitement on his face. He finally had his own

Devil Fruit!

And indeed, as Blackbeard said, it was a Logia Devil Fruit!

Then Burgess took a bite in front of everyone, eating the Snow-Snow


Upon eating the fruit, his body could transform into snowflakes.

He try to control himself to fly, but it seemed a bit clumsy.

"Captain, how did you get devil fruit power and manage to control it so


Burgess asked, rubbing his head, returning to his physical form.

"Just practice more."

Blackbeard could only offer this advice. The mastery of fruit abilities is a

personal journey. If Burgess is taught like him, maybe he can't do it.

"However, I feel that if I can control the Snow Snow Fruit, it will indeed

bring me a lot of strength. "

Burgess said, then extended his hand toward Blackbeard.

"Captain, give me that fruit too."

When Blackbeard saw this, he paused for a moment, then a smile

appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Burgess was always so sensible.

He then gestured with his palm, and a fruit designed for the crew's link

appeared in his hand.

Burgess wasted no time. As soon as he grabbed the fruit, he ate it in one


"Sure enough, it tastes worse than Devil Fruit!" Burgess sighed and

swallowed it hard.

By connecting Burgess and Caesar today, he had now used up his last two

crew links.

He opened the Character information.

<em>"Role : Marshall D. Teach"</em>

<em>"Character points: 78.000 points"</em>

<em>"Number of souls: 5 (available: 1)"</em>

<em>"Crew Link: Laffitte (Zoan Dove), Avalo Pizarro (Island fruit),

Catarina Devon (Zoan Nine Tail Fox). Caesar Clown (Logia Gas Fruit),

Jesus Burgess (Logia Snow fruit) (available: 0)"</em>

<em>"Possessing fruits: Dark Fruit (AW), Thunder Fruit (AW), Tremor-

Tremor Fruit (AW), Diamond Fruit (AW)"</em>

With the "Awakening Diamond Fruit" and redeeming a soul, his character

points exceeded 60,000, and now they have gradually increased to nearly


He exchanged 10,000 character points for two more crew links, leaving

him with only 68,000 character points left!

These character points are enough for him, and he's confident he'll earn

more when he disrupts the duel between Aokiji and Akainu.

Now, all he has to do is wait patiently.

Soon, after four days of anticipation, the day finally arrived...





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 25+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

085 A Worthy Lackey

Punk Hazard.

The sea surrounding the island is sealed off by the marines. Numerous

high-ranking marine officers and a large number of elite marines are

stationed outside the island.

There were also three Celestial Dragons among them, two men and one


The presence of the Celestial Dragons added a tense situation to the

overall atmosphere.

In the eyes of the marines, this is a battle between Aokiji and Akainu for

the position of Fleet Admiral, a matter directly tied to the future destiny

of the marines.

However, to the Celestial Dragons present, it was merely a game.

In comparison to the huge world government, the marines are just a

faction under the command of the Celestial Dragons, with only admirals

serving as direct subordinates to them.

Judging from the noble status that the Celestial Dragon people consider

themselves to be, the average marines is not qualified to be their lackeys.

This is also a huge part of the reason why Garp has never been willing to

become an Admiral.

To the Celestial Dragons, today's battle is simply a game—a contest to

determine who is worthy of being their lackey!


On a luxurious warship at sea.

"Why do we have to watch from such a distance? Wouldn't it be better to

be closer?" said the only woman among the Celestial Dragons, named

Saint Antina.

"Sorry, but Akainu and Aokiji are incredibly powerful. We're concerned

their battle might bring harm to you, so we can only watch from a safe

distance at sea. We've arranged video Den-Den Mushi for you, and there'll

be a dedicated marine unit capturing the event in the air"

Sengoku explained with a serious demeanor.

As Fleet Admiral of the Marines, he had to individually inform each

Celestial Dragon.

"Although the viewing quality is a bit poor, it's enough"

Remarked one of the middle-aged Celestial Dragons with a proud

attitude. His words conveyed that the marines' preparations were just

about acceptable to him.

"Father, you're just spoiling them. We're here to watch this battle on

behalf of Celestial Dragons, and this is the level of preparation they offer.

It's truly disappointing"

A young Celestial Dragon expressed with a somewhat displeased tone.

"That's correct, I agree with Ashan"

Saint Antina added.

"I am deeply sorry!"

Sengoku bowed, expressing his regret.

The middle-aged Celestial Dragon waved his hand, signaling that there

was no need for him to speak further.

While he didn't hold him responsible, he didn't even look at the Marines

Fleet Admiral face.

This is how the Fleet Admiral of the marines behaves himself in the

presence of the Celestial Dragons—a display of status in the eyes of


Under the protection of the World Government, they had grown

accustomed to this aloof attitude.

Akainu and Aokiji stood on the desolate island. The entire marines

believed the island had been abandoned after the last experiment failed.

No one remained.

The clash between the two Admirals begins!


Within Caesar's laboratory on the island.

Blackbeard and the others' attention fixated on the large screen in the

laboratory. Through the image transmitted by the Den-Den Mushi, they

could see Aokiji and Akainu standing at the center of the island.

The two men were determined, unwilling to yield in their pursuit of the

position of Marines Fleet Admiral.

"The two of them really have bad tempers."

Blackbeard smiled after seeing this. If the World Government chooses to

make Kizaru the Marines Fleet Admiral, Aokiji will probably ignore it

because of his salty personality.

But making Akainu the Fleet Admiral would surely anger him.

Aokiji and Akainu have always had contrasting temperaments, and it's

impossible for him to be subordinate to Akainu.

Aokiji has a lot of support within the marines, while Akainu enjoys

strong backing from the World Government. That's why this battle is

happening now.

"Weihahaha, the more intense the fight, the better!" Burgess laughed.

"The battle between two Admirals..."

Gion's eyes turned serious; an Admiral's strength was strong enough to

fight against the Four Emperors.

At their level of strength, it's difficult to declare one person superior to

the other or to judge that one person's strength far surpasses the other


This has taken the place of the marines' top combat power and the

pirates' top combat power, respectively.

"In the battle between Aokiji and Akainu, the two of them are equally

powerful and their fruit abilities are also at the top. It's hard to say who

will win"

Shiryu said with his eyes fixed on the screen.

"Indeed, I must admit that the strength of Akainu and Aokiji is truly


Watching the clash between Aokiji and Akainu, Avalo Pizarro's

expression grew more heavy.

"When two people have equal strength, the winner is, of course, the

cunning one. What do you think?"

After hearing their comments, Blackbeard smiled lightly.

"Captain Blackbeard, are you saying that Akainu will win this fight?"

Shiryu narrowed his eyes and asked.

"That's right."

Blackbeard nodded.

"Akainu will win..."

Caesar, Gion, and the others all became serious upon hearing this.

Clearly, Akainu is not suitable for the position of Marines Fleet Admiral.

It's not that he is not strong enough, but rather, he doesn't have the

mentality to take on the role of Marines Fleet Admiral.

Anyone with a keen eye can see this.

That's why there are more individuals in the Marines who admire Aokiji

more than Akainu.

Blackbeard quietly watched the battle that was about to begin.

Even though he didn't know how Akainu defeated Aokiji, judging by the

marines' attitude towards him as the Fleet Admiral, his victory was not

deemed glorious.

So, there must be something shady in this evenly matched battle.

Of course, this is just Blackbeard's speculation.

How the war unfolds, he'll find out next...





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 25+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

086 Be my Dog

Under the watchful eyes of Blackbeard and the Marines, Aokiji and

Akainu have begun their battle for Fleet Admiral!

"Kuzan, despite our differences, I still don't wish to be your opponent"

Akainu said to Aokiji.

"Sakazuki, you'd better stop with these polite words. Neither of us will

convince the other, so let's let our strength do the talking, and the winner

will get the position of Fleet Admiral."

Aokiji's expression remained indifferent, devoid of any emotion in his


"Since you say so, let's give it our all in this battlle. I also want to see how

far your strength has reached."

Akainu had a faint smile on his face. In contrast to Aokiji's seriousness, he

appeared more casual.

"Well, don't play these tricks. Despite being rivals in the Marines, I still

understand you, Sakazuki"

Aokiji said casually. The lazy demeanour he originally emitted had now


The aura around him continued to escalate steadily, as if he had

transformed into a different person.

Obviously, he is deeply concerned about Akainu becoming the Fleet


"Aokiji got serious..."

Blackbeard observed the change in Aokiji's momentum on the screen and

smiled casually.

Aokiji has only entered this state when facing Whitebeard. Apart from

that, he has always been very laid-back.

"It seems like they're about to take action!"

Jesus Burgess remarked, his eyes fixed on the large screen in front of


He now possesses the Snow-Snow Fruit, and Aokiji is the user of the

Freeze-Freeze Fruit. Among Logia fruits, the Frozen Fruit and the Snow

Fruit are just like the Lava-Lava Fruit and the Fire-Fire Fruit.

He was also able to understand some of the uses of the Snow-Snow fruit

from Aokiji.

"You can learn from Aokiji's techniques. He's also a genius in developing

fruit abilities"

Blackbeard said to Burgess.

"Understood, Captain. That's exactly what I'm thinking"

Jesus Burgess nodded.


Aokiji's eyes turned cold, the temperature around him dropped rapidly,

and ice air rose around him.

"Ice spear!"

Several ice spears materialized and rused toward Akainu at high speed.

Akainu also wiped away the smile on his face. In contrast to Aokiji, a

rising steam enveloped him.

Then, several lava formations clashed with Aokiji's ice spears.

The two attacks collided, gradually dissipating in the confrontation.

This was just a tentative attack, marking the beginning of the clash

between the two Admirals.

Aokiji's lower body transformed into ice, and he swiftly launched an

attack on Akainu. The ice formed a storm behind him.

"Kuzan, come on then!!"

Akainu shouted, and his lower body transformed into lava as he soared

into the air.

One person's fist turned into ice, and the other person's fist turned into



A deafening explosion echoed in the sky above Punk Hazard.

The ice and magma generated by the collision scattered in all directions.

Each falling piece of magma and every ice fragment caused a change in

the nearby temperature. The Marines watching wore heavy expression on

their faces.

Suddenly, a burst of laughter echoed.

"Hahaha, interesting! Interesting!"

Saint Ashan laughed heartily upon witnessing the scene.

"What the hell? If I had known it was so boring, I wouldn't have come!"

Saint Antina expressed her dissatisfaction. The intense battle between

Akainu and Aokiji appeared to her as a boring game.

"We represent all Celestial Dragon people, just bear with it"

The only middle-aged Celestial Dragon man attempted to comfort Saint


But his attempts at comfort fell on deaf ears.

Saint Antina's eyes scanned the Marines, and finally, they settled on a

rear admiral.

"Come here!"

She commanded the Rear Admiral, a young, talented Marine with great



The young Marine subconsciously exclaimed, and then beads of sweat

formed on his forehead.

Facing the Celestial Dragons was like confronting a powerful pirate for


A natural sense of fear would arise in his heart.

"Get down and be my dog!"

Saint Antina said coldly.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku... this..."

The Rear Admiral had no choice but to glance at Fleet Admiral Sengoku

and ask with trembling voice

"What? Didn't you hear me?"

Saint Antina's face darkened, and her voice turned cold.

Hearing Saint Antina's words, his legs began to tremble uncontrollably,

and his eyes were filled with despair.

"Sengoku, just comply with what Antina wants, otherwise it will be

difficult for me to complete this mission"

The middle-aged Celestial Dragon suddenly turned around, looked at

Sengoku, and said with flat tone, doesn't even care the reputation and

position of marines officer who swore to protect them

Sengoku clenched his fists, and in the end, he could only sigh.

Sometimes, people have to bow their heads under pressure.

After all, the Celestial Dragons are the individuals the World Government

must protect.

"Kneel down quickly!" S

aint Antina scolded coldly.

The Rear Admiral knelt down on the ground with a plop, his eyes losing

their brilliant. Following Saint Antina's command, he crawled towards

her like a dog, still wearing cape of 'Justice' that marines proud of

"This is right."

Saint Antina sat directly on the back of the Rear Admiral, as if she had

found a new interest, riding him for a walk on the warship.

The marine officers around them appeared silent on the surface, but

beneath that calm exterior, they were burning with anger.

Frustrated and angered, but unable to speak and act toward such






I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 25+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

087 A Long Fight

As Saint Antina finds her own fun.

The spectators' anxieties eased, and their attention returned to the Aokiji

and Akainu battle.

After all, as the two main protagonists now, Aokiji and Akainu, take

center stage, this battle for Fleet Admiral holds the utmost importance.

"Ice pick!"

Aokiji's eyes narrowed, and there were countless ice picks formed around

his body, which looked like sharp needles from the side.

Whoa! Aokiji shook his arms, and the ice picks flew out from all


"Magma cannon!"

Countless magma cannonballs sprayed from Akainu, colliding with the

dense ice cones in a fierce battle.

Then, with synchronized footsteps, they rapidly closed the distance

between each other.


"Boom! ! !"

Their fists, enveloped in armament haki, clashed as they engaged in

intense hand-to-hand combat.

They showcased various marines-exclusive techniques, each move deadly

and aimed for maximum impact.

The marines watching the battle held their breath, captivated by the

intense rhythm of the combat happening before them.

The overall atmosphere became heavy…

Only the three Celestial Dragon people were a little indifferent to this

matter, and the frivolous expressions on their faces were incompatible

with the people around them.

Their only concern appeared to be whether the ongoing battle was

interesting or boring.

The battle has been ongoing for a while, and Aokiji and Akainu still

looked evenly matched.

Their eyes are solemn, and their expressions reflect a deep concentration,

it is obvious that their complete focus on the ongoing battle.

In the duel between these strong people, even a small gap could change

the course of the battle.

"Captain Blackbeard, it looks like this battle could go on for a while"

Burgess remarked to Blackbeard on the side.

"Aokiji and Akainu are evenly matched in strength; it seems the key lies

in endurance"

Momousagi added on the side while her eyes fixed on the screen

"This battle is indeed a long one, but the final outcome will definitely not

end with a simple fight for endurance."

Blackbeard looked at the scene in front of him with a calm expression as

he watch the battle with a hint of amusement

Among those present, Blackbeard was the only one who truly understood

Aokiji's intentions.

Despite Shiryu, Gion, and Avalo Pizarro possessing powerful strength, the

reality remained that they were no match for the Admirals.

This seemingly one-step difference is actually a huge difference. First of

all, in Blackbeard's opinion, the overall presence of Aokiji to him is even

more solid than that of Akainu.

That's right..

Despite his usual laid-back and seemingly lazy attitude, Aokiji maintains

a stable level of strength.

However, this little change often goes unnoticed by most people.



The island is now a battleground resonating with the constant clashes

between Akainu and Aokiji. The thunderous explosion echoed across the

entire area!

For a long time, Aokiji and Akainu stopped fighting and looked at each


During this time, significant transformations had occurred in the

surrounding environment.

Aokiji's backdrop has transformed into a vast glacier, while Akainu's

surroundings are now dominated by a sea of lava.

This showcases the might of their awakened Logia fruit abilities,

enhanced further by the innate strength of their respective powers of

logia devil fruit abilities.

"Ice Cube, Pheasant Beak!"

Aokiji advanced, unleashing a barrage of ice cubes and balls with

gestures of his hands.

His palms and arms transformed into solid ice cubes, giving rise to a

cascade of frozen formations that eventually coalesced into the shape of

an ice crystal phoenix!

The ice crystal phoenix spread its wings, charging fiercely towards


"Inugami Guren!"

Akainu shouted, also unleashing his powerful move that reap countles


Akainu's arms mirrored Aokiji's in elemental prowess, transforming into

thick magma that materialized into a ferocious, molten dog.

The collision reached its climax as Aokiji's ice crystal phoenix clashed

with Akainu's magma-formed dog!


The clash of their attacks sent tremors throughout the entire island,

significantly affecting the temperature in the vicinity.

The chill emanating from Aokiji gradually spread out, freezing the

landscape behind him, turning mountains and rivers into icy formations.

Similarly, the area behind Akainu transformed, with the ground and

surroundings covered in molten magma.

Each move by the two can bring a huge transformation to the island.

"Admiral Kuzan and Admiral Sakazuki began to go all out in their fight!"

Exclaimed the marines on the warship. Their astonishment grew as they

witnessed the surprising changes happening on the island!

"That's the excitement of it! Go ahead, both of you, give it your all!"

Exclaimed the middle-aged Celestial Dragon with enthusiasm. It seemed

only battles of this magnitude could arouse his interest!

"Exactly! Give it everything you've got! Only the winner can be the Fleet


Saint Ashan shouted with rare interest in his eyes.

"Oh, it's boring, this barbarian battle!"

Saint Antina heard their shouts and said disdainfully.

As an elegant woman of Celestial Dragon, doesn't find these fights for

Fleet Admiral interesting. Instead, it's irritate her

"Saint Antina, don't you find this interesting? I've decided that in the

future, I'll find a slave as powerful as those two. It's my next goal!"

Saint Ashan laughed out loud, a hint of arrogance in his voice, as he

uncovered something rare.

"It does take some time to find slaves like them"

The middle-aged Celestial Dragon man responded with a rare smile

Listening to their conversation, the faces of the surrounding marines

changed once more, and the initially tense atmosphere grew awkward






I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 25+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

088 Ten Days Later

For eight hundred years, the Celestial Dragons have been the rulers of the

pirate world.

Throughout these eight centuries, no force has managed to shake the

status of the Celestial Dragons.

They are quite comfortable in their sky high position,

And as the saying goes, fullness and warmth satisfy lustful desires.

These people had more than enough to eat, lived in utmost comfort, and

held a high status.

For quite some time, many Celestial Dragons have displayed this inflated


This has put many marine officers in a dilemma.


Aokiji and Akainu engaged in a fierce battle.

At this moment, Blackbeard and the others come out from the laboratory.

They took cover behind a large mountain, observing the intense battle

between Akainu and Aokiji.

Because the video Den-Den Mushi connected in the laboratory has been

affected by the battle between Aokiji and Akainu, it can no longer be


All eyes were fixed on Aokiji and Akainu. Even though they were

concealed behind the mountain, nobody would spot them.

"I'm afraid this will take a while," Blackbeard whispered.

"Considering their strength, it seems they won't settle the outcome

without fighting for several days and nights."

Shiryu nodded in agreement upon hearing Blackbeard's words.

"That's right"

Gion also nodded in agreement.

They were all prepared to wait for a long period.

"It's insane... It's absolutely insane..."

Caesar followed behind Blackbeard, desperately wanting to escape from

the current situation.

Upon seeing the admiral, Blackbeard wished he could just go rushing into

the battlefied.

It would be a good idea for Blackbeard to arrive early and set up an

ambush for the admiral!

If a Marine admiral is truly killed by him, Blackbeard's influence in the

New World could reach a whole new level.

Indeed, just as many pirates met their end at the hands of the Admiral as

Marines did at the hands of the Four Emperors.

As time goes on, more and more pirates will likely join Blackbeard



Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye, nine days and nights have


During this time, Caesar took several days sleeping, while Burgess, Gion,

Pizarro, and Shiryu each took a day of rest in preparation for the

upcoming battle.

Only Blackbeard watches them through the entire fight.

In terms of physical strength, he is now considered among the top


In terms of stamina, there is absolutely no one in the pirate world who

can match him.

He never felt the need for it.

In the clash between Aokiji and Akainu, he had several chances to

eliminate one of them, but he refrained himself from doing it. He wants

to see the final outcome.

Now, on the tenth day, the showdown between Akainu and Aokiji is

coming to an end after ten days and nights.

The results are coming soon

"Captain, Akainu and Aokiji truly have terrifying strength. They've been

fighting for ten days and nights, and it looks like the results are about to


Burgess said as he sat beside Blackbeard.

Blackbeard nodded, his eyes always focused on Aokiji and Akainu.

After ten days and nights of battling, it appears Akainu and Aokiji are on

the verge of exhaustion, nearing their limits.

They've both suffered a lot of injuries during the fight, but as of now,

Akainu has suffered even more wounds than Aokiji.

The scale of victory is gradually tilting towards Aokiji, then How did

Akainu achieve the final victory?


At that moment, on the Marine warship.

"It seems the winner is about to be decided!"

"Admiral Aokiji has the upper hand!"

"As expected, Admiral Aokiji is more powerful!"

The eyes of the attending Marine officers also reflected their

expectations. If Aokiji wins and becomes the fleet admiral, it's what most

Marine officers hope for.

"It's getting boring. Is there no winner yet?"

Saint Ashan asked impatiently while he was served by a beautiful maid.

After three days of observing the battle, he couldn't bear it any longer. If

it weren't for his father's orders, he might have searched for a place to

have fun.

"These are the most boring days of my life!"

Saint Antina was the first to voice her complaint after hearing what Saint

Ashan Said said.

The Celestial Dragons have always been arrogant wherever they go.

They can do whatever they want.

When have they ever faced injustice like this?

Indeed, in their view, this battle for the selection of the Marines Fleet

Admiral is just a boring game.

"No wonder no Celestial Dragon is willing to watch this battle. It's so

different from what I imagined!"

Saint Ashan lay on the recliner, expressing his disappointment.

"It's almost time to decide the winner"

The middle-aged Celestial Dragon said suddenly.

"Are they deciding the winner now?"

Hearing this, both he and Saint Antina became immediately interested.

Isn't this the day they've been waiting for?


All eyes were fixed on the center of the island.

Aokiji and Akainu stood on opposite sides, their bodies already full with


Aokiji had some burns on his body, and Akainu had some frostbite on his


The two stood side by side, catching their breath.

The half of the island under Aokiji's feet and behind him had completely

entered the Ice Age.

The mountains and rivers were frozen, the temperature dangerously low,

and the cold was biting.

Half of the island under Akainu's feet and behind him was engulfed in


The volcano's lava erupted from time to time, and thick smoke billowed.





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chapters ahead of everyone.

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089 Marines Style

The two faced off for an extended period.

"Kuzan, you are truly in trouble"

Akainu panted heavily and spoke first.

"The same goes for you, even though I hate you."

Aokiji looked at Akainu and responded.

"If it weren't for the position of Fleet Admiral, we probably wouldn't be

doing this. But now, only the winning side can become the Fleet Admiral

of the Marines. Let's use our last strength to determine the outcome!"

Akainu declared loudly, his eyes filled with deep meaning.

He doesn't want to give up the position of Fleet Admiral easily.

"Let's do it!"

Aokiji's eyes narrowed.

Neither of them was willing to concede in the race for the position of

Fleet Admiral.

The two exhausted all their remaining strength and engaged in a final,

fierce battle. The outcome, determining the winner and loser, is


Armament Haki, Observation Haki, and the use of fruit abilities are all

pushed to their utmost limits.

With a huge stamina depletion, the two of them will conclude the battle

for the Fleet Admiral in a climactic fashion.

"Ice Blade!"

A blade of ice materialized in the air and swiftly descended toward


This seemingly ordinary ice blade was imbued with a dense layer of

Armament Haki.


Akainu's upper body was sliced by the knife, but instead of bleeding,

boiling lava poured out from his body.

Because he had already used his advanced Observation Haki to predict

that Aokiji would take such action, he elementalized his body in advance.

Simultaneously, he threw a punch that struck Aokiji's abdomen!

The magma-infused fist pierced through with a single blow!

Aokiji's abdomen, much like Akainu, had been pre-elementalized, with

spinning ice blocks already in place.

The moves of both of them were lethal, and one wrong step could prove

fatal. The stakes were high!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The two continued their intense battle, and the sound of their fierce

fighting had many Marines officers watching with bated breath.


Aokiji reached out with his hand.

At that moment, before Akainu could react, Aokiji's arm had entirely

transformed into ice!


Akainu's pupils constricted!

He secretly thought something bad!

"Ice Blast!"

A cluster of compressed ice cubes suddenly burst open!

Shattered ice cubes followed the explosion.

If any ice cube hit the ground, it would form a layer of ice on the nearby



Akainu gritted his teeth and let out a pained scream.

A vicious scar emerged on his right shoulder, his ear got injured by

shattered ice, and his upper body was stained red with blood.

"Admiral Aokiji wins!"

Many marines exclaimed upon witnessing the scene.

Sengoku's frown gradually eased as he observed the outcome. In his view,

Aokiji being the Fleet Admiral was perfectly fine. After all, he had

recommended Aokiji to the World Government when he retired,

endorsing him as the next Fleet Admiral.

"Captain Blackbeard, it looks like the results are coming!"

Jesus Burgess exclaimed

"Admiral Aokiji won the fight..." Gion murmured.

"Is there a winner?"

Shiryu's eyes were also intently fixed on the battlefield.

"No, it's not that simple."

Blackbeard smiled faintly.

As expected, the outcome of this battle is the same with his expectations.

After ten days and ten nights of battling, the severely injured Akainu was

now at the mercy of Aokiji.

While Aokiji could have been ruthless and killed or severely crippled

Akainu, he refrained from doing so.

"Hiss... huh..."

Akainu panted heavily, then slowly stood up, appearing quite

embarrassed at the moment.

"No! I haven't lost yet!"

Akainu's eyes turned scarlet. He refused to surrender the position of

Marines Fleet Admiral, let alone live under Aokiji!

"Akainu, you have lost! If Aokiji wanted to kill you just now, you would

already be dead"

Sengoku said to Akainu with a serious expression.

"But I'm not dead, so I haven't lost!"

Akainu responded coldly.

He refused to acknowledge the fact that he lost to Aokiji!

As soon as these words were said , the scene fell silent.


Sengoku stared Akainu deeply, clearly not expecting Akainu to be so

persistent about claiming victory.

"Exactly! He's right, he's not dead yet, and can continue the fight. This

battle is not over yet!"

The middle-aged Celestial Dragon said calmly.

His words silenced all the surrounding Marines instantly!

"Hahaha, my father was right. Both of them are still standing, so why do

the results come out?"

"Continue fighting! I'm enjoying watching this!"

Saint Ashan laughed arrogantly, observing the bloody battle between

Aokiji and Akainu.

"Keep fighting! The result is not up to you!"

Saint Antina scolded quickly. Her words carried her resentment from the

past few days.

Now that she finally had a good show to watch, why end the battle so


"Kuzan, do you have any objections?"

Akainu looked at Aokiji and asked.

"If I can defeat you once, I can defeat you a second time. No need for

words, Fleet Admiral Sengoku"

Aokiji responded calmly with his back to the Marines.

He didn't want Sengoku to be involved in their battle.

The main reason was that he didn't want Sengoku to anger the Celestial

Dragon because of him.

Admiral Aokiji... the surrounding Marines suddenly burst into tears.

Aokiji, this is the demeanor of a Fleet Admiral!

Regardless of the outcome at this moment, Aokiji has gained recognition

from most of the Marines present

Sengoku's face was livid; he couldn't contain his anger, sensing the

atmosphere among the Marines around him.

He understood: Aokiji is the most popular Admiral!

If Aokiji becomes the Fleet Admiral, with his influence in the Marines, he

can undoubtedly bring Marines to new heights!

However, because the three Celestial Dragons disrupt the situation in

front of him, the originally determined outcome has changed!




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chapters ahead of everyone.

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090 Absolute Justice, Akainu

"Interesting, so that's how it is."

Blackbeard nodded with interest.

While his training for the use of Observation Haki is to foresee the future,

but it doesn't have the same range as Fujitora and Enel's applications.

But from such a distance, he could still hear clearly what the Celestial

Dragon were saying.

"Celestial Dragon..."

Gion's expression turned heavy upon hearing this.

"It seems that just as the captain said, the situation of the battle has

turned for the better again."

Shiryu of the Rain also heard clearly what the Marines were saying with

his observation haki

Jesus Burgess, Caesar Clown, and Avalo Pizarro were confused, not

knowing what they heard

"Next comes the main event."

A faint smile appeared on Blackbeard's lips.

He originally couldn't understand why Aokiji would leave the Marines

just because Akainu became the Fleet Admiral.

It turned out there was something concealed in their battle for the

position of Fleet Admiral.

Things are starting to get interesting for Blackbeard...

"Always be ready for a fight."

Blackbeard whispered, and the corners of his mouth gradually curved.


"Sakazuki, don't you understand? You are no longer my opponent."

Aokiji rushed forward, landing a series of punches.

Akainu was already seriously injured. Coupled with the ten days and ten

nights of fighting, his overall reaction had significantly slowed down. He

was defeated step by step under Aokiji's relentless attacks.

Akainu was defeated. Facing Aokiji, he said nothing and remained on the

defensive, never intending to admit defeat.


Aokiji sighed upon seeing this.

Then one hand condensed into ice, and a stream of ice erupted in his

palm. He aimed to freeze Akainu to calm him down.

He felt that now Akainu had lost his mind in order to win.

However, when Akainu saw this, his eyes narrowed, and he displayed



Akainu shouted, and his arms transformed into thick lava, striking

suddenly at Aokiji!

Aokiji's expression changed, and he instinctively maneuvered his body to

avoid the impending attack.

But it was too late!

This was the opportunity Akainu had been waiting for!

The hot magma also exploded on his right shoulder!

The intense heat of the magma caused his skin to sizzle like a boiling oil


"Hiss! ! !"

The intense pain caused Aokiji to clench his teeth and take a deep breath.

He narrowly escaped the sudden, potentially fatal attack. Akainu was

going to kill him!

"Gulp Gulp Gulp..."

Before the pain could subside, Aokiji felt the air above him heating up,

and the crimson lava rolled in again.

"Akainu, you dare! ! !"

Sengoku shouted angrily, his face turning livid.

However, Akainu ignored it.

In the end, with everyone's eyes widening, he delivered a punch to

Aokiji's leg!

"Ah! ! ! ! ! ! !"

Aokiji's pupils were bloodshot, and the intense pain from his broken leg

finally made him scream out!


Except for his roar, the surroundings fell into dead silence!

All the Marines looked shocked, staring at Aokiji, feeling an inexplicable

sense of discomfort. Akainu had resorted to all means to win, and they

couldn't help but feel unfair for Aokiji!

They felt aggrieved for Aokiji!

They were angry for Aokiji!

All the Marines present looked furious!

"Hahahaha, wonderful! Wonderful!!"

Saint Ashan laughed loudly, his eyes becoming fanatical because of this.

"It seems that Akainu has won." Saint Antina chuckled.

"That's right! Akainu has won, and the position of Fleet Admiral has been


The old Celestial Dragon stood up on his seat and announced the result of

the war loudly.

Their words made all the Marines present clench their fists!

Compared to their anger, the three Celestial Dragon looked at Akainu

with admiration.

They admired Akainu's shamelessness!

They admired Akainu's decisiveness!

They admired Akainu's unpredictable methods!

Sengoku clenched his fists, the veins exposed on his arms, already

revealing the anger in his heart.

"Asshole! ! !"

Sengoku glared at Akainu and cursed!

No matter what, he will stand by Aokiji this time!

"How? Is the Sengoku Fleet Admiral questioning our choice? Still

questioning the current results?"

The middle-aged Celestial Dragon man glanced at Sengoku lightly.

"Aokiji had already held back before, and he had already won! Is Akainu

worthy of the position of Marines Fleet Admiral, achieving victory by

relying on dirty tricks?!"

Sengoku said, glaring at the middle-aged Celestial Dragon

He just felt the fire burning in his chest now, and he wanted to release

this fire!

The eyes of the surrounding Marines were all focused on the middle-aged

Celestial Dragon, as if they were going to cooperate with Sengoku to put

pressure on him!

Facing Sengoku's anger, the three Celestial Dragons all put away the

smiles on their faces. They turned around together, looking at Sengoku


The gaze of those in higher positions and their expressions, along with

the air of authority, struck them in the face!

"Hahaha! Sengoku, are you joking?" Saint Ashan burst into laughter.

"Dirty? How is Akainu's victory, achieved through his own ability,

considered dirty to you?"

Saint Antina chuckled with a mocking tone

The middle-aged Celestial Dragon calmly looked at Sengoku and spoke


"Sengoku, you questioned whether Akainu is worthy of the position of

Marines Fleet Admiral..."

"Let me tell you now, don't think of the position of Marine Fleet Admiral

as too noble. Even if Akainu becomes Marine Fleet Admiral, he is just our


At this point, Sengoku' pupils suddenly shrank.

He then turned back to the battlefield and resumed his focus on the

ongoing conflict.

"You see, isn't the result right in front of us? Only Akainu is still standing

on the battlefield...."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened!

"Who are you?!?!"

The middle-aged Celestial Dragon said in disbelief.


"It was truly an entertaining show for me to watch!"

Blackbeard laughed, and his figure has already appeared in everyone's






I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 25+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

091 The Real Winner

With a tall height and a strong figure, he walked slowly on the battlefield

with a faint smile on his lips.

When Blackbeard showed up, the atmosphere at the scene instantly


As Blackbeard appeared, countless people fell silent in shock, then

erupted into uproar!

"It's Blackbeard! How did he even get here?"

"We blocked off the island completely! How did he slip through?"

"It's exactly the same as the Summit War. What on earth is he going to do

this time?!"

Many marines officer exclaimed in disbelief

"Bad news! We need to stop Blackbeard!"

Sengoku's face turned serious as he shouted.

Despite his intense hatred for Akainu, he knew he had to act fast. He

understood that Blackbeard showing up this time is probably to kill

Akainu and Aokiji!

For the Marines, generally speaking, Akainu and Aokiji are the top

powers, and they absolutely can't lose them.

Following Sengoku's command, several Vice Admirals took into action

alongside him.

As for the rest of the naval elites, there was no point in taking action.

"Sengoku, I've been waiting on this island for over ten days. You really

think I'd let you mess up my plan that easily?"

Blackbeard laughed at Sengoku.

His face was calm and he looked like he was sure achieve what he want

"Ten days of waiting!"

Sengoku's expression shifted. After all, the fight between Akainu and

Aokiji lasted only ten days and nights from the start until now.

So Blackbeard has already arrived on the island since the beginning?

No wonder their blockade isn't working. But how did Blackbeard know

ahead of time about the battle to choose the new Marine Fleet Admiral

will be held on this island?

This question has become a mystery in Sengoku's heart.

Just as Sengoku and Vice Admiral set foot on island beach, a sword slash

suddenly flew towards them, halting their moves.

Then several figures appeared again on the battlefield.

"Shiryu! Momousagi! Avalo Pizarro! Jesus Burgess! Caesar! " Sengoku

looked at them in disbelief.

Many Vice Admirals also looked horrified.

The Marines have always been chasing pirates, but now they've been

tricked by them.

"Blackbeard! "

Sengoku said while gritting histeeth, looking at Blackbeard with burning

anger in his eyes.

"Zeehahaha, I want to see how much strength the Admirals still have

after ten days and ten nights of fighting"

Blackbeard laughed indifferently.

Then he turned his gaze to Akainu, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

To him, Akainu was even more threatening.

Between him and Akainu, who's the most dangerous? It's individuals with

no limits like them who pose the greatest threat!

"One despicable and shameless person is enough in this world"

Blackbeard said as he slowly approached Akainu, wearing a smirk.

"If I had known earlier, I should have gone to the New World and killed


Akainu said, glaring at Blackbeard as he approached with each step, eyes

filled with hatred.

"I warned you all during the Summit War that letting me leave peacefully

would be a mistake, and now I've proved it!"

Blackbeard smiled, his hand already glowing with white light.

Akainu's eyes widened in realization when he saw this. It was

Whitebeard's Tremor Fruit ability.

Blackbeard made a decisive move and punched Akainu in the abdomen

After ten days and ten nights of fighting with Aokiji, no matter how

powerful Akainu is, he still doesn't have the strength to deal with


Blackbeard punched down, unleashing the power of the Tremor Fruit.

Akainu's body sank into the ground as dense cracks appeared on the



A huge vibration echoed like an explosion.

Akainu spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Black... Blackbeard!"

Akainu's eyes were bloodshot as he roared at Blackbeard. His arms

transformed into thick lava, launching an attack at Blackbeard!

After that blow, he lay on the ground, appearing to have lost all strength.

Clearly, it was his last bit of energy.

"You're already at the mercy of others now"

Blackbeard sneered.

He punched the incoming magma, dispersing Akainu's attack!

Then he emerged from the hot magma, his figure gradually growing

larger in Akainu's eyes.

With that, the palm imbued with the power of the Tremor Fruit directly

grabbed Akainu's head, pressing it firmly to the ground.


Another Tremor erupted on the island.

Today, Punk Hazard has become an island of ice and fire.

Under Blackbeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit ability, the iceberg collapsed

and the volcano erupted directly. The entire island has been shrouded in

dark clouds, resembling the end of the world.

After this blow, Akainu is already dying.

"Your vitality is quite tenacious!"

Blackbeard remarked as his palms crackled with thunder.

With a crack of thunder, lightning directly penetrated Akainu's body.

After sustaining such a serious injury, Akainu died completely after

struggling for a moment.

"Akainu is dead..."

Sengoku and the others stopped fighting with Shiryu as well.

All the Marines looked at Blackbeard in shock.

An admiral of the Marines had died here….

"Hateful! Who is that bastard? Sengoku, please kill them all!"

The middle-aged Celestial Dragon looked angrily at Akainu, who lay on

the ground.

The marines present regarded him with disdain, as if he were a fool.

That was the Yonko Blackbeard!

Sengoku also had a huge headache.

If it were the Five Elders, he could still negotiate with the other party

But even he had to keep his distance from the extremely high-status

Celestial Dragon in front of him.

Dealing with pigs is always troublesome, especially those pigs with high






I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 25+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

092 Magma-Magma Fruit:


After Blackbeard killed Akainu, he turned to Aokiji.

He found Aokiji lying on the ground, and he had no strength left.

Moreover, his broken leg is still bleeding. If this continues, he'll die from

excessive blood loss.

"Want to kill me?"

Aokiji asked Blackbeard, his face devoid of fear as he took the initiative

to ask him


Blackbeard replied, shaking his head. Aokiji looked a bit confused by his


"I'll let you watch a good show"

Blackbeard said casually, then walked over to Akainu. This time, he

didn't bother to cover Akainu's body with a black cloth.

Because with his current strength, there was no need for it.

He squatted down and stretched out his arms.

Black smoke appeared in his palm as the power of the Devil Fruit in

Akainu's body continued to be drawn by Blackbeard's dark power.

"What is he doing?!"

The surrounding Marines exclaimed, they had really bad feeling about


They had no idea what Blackbeard was doing.

After all, Akainu was already dead.

"Could it be..."

Sengoku seemed to have thought of something as his eyes gradually


It would be terrible if it was really what he thought...

Aokiji also turned his head and looked at Blackbeard in confusion.

Soon, a visible energy appeared in Akainu's body.

It was the Devil Fruit Power of the Magma-Magma Fruit!

"This is..."

Those who saw this scene had doubts written all over their faces.

Soon, with the gravitational pull, Blackbeard absorbed this Devil Fruit


After doing this, Blackbeard stood up. From the outside, he didn't seem to

have changed much.

Feeling a new energy surging within him, Blackbeard slowly clenched his


Now he has obtained three Logia fruits and two Paramecia fruits. He still

hasn't acquired any Zoan fruits.

[Ding! Congratulations to the owner for absorbing the abilities of three

Logia fruits. The Logia fruits have reached the upper limit and are

rewarded with the ability to Plunder the power of the Sea King'.]

The sudden voice stunned Blackbeard, but then a smile spread across his


Plunder the power of the Sea King!

Compared to the power of the Sea King, the effect of this Magma Devil

Fruit on him isn't very great.

In the world of One Piece, the three Ancient Weapons Uranus, Poseidon

and Pluton are mighty weapons that control the fate of the world.

Mastering any one of them is enough to threaten the rule of...

First of all, in this world where 90% is ocean, having the power of

Poseidon is like becoming the overlord of the seabed.

Although the power of Poseidon cannot be used casually like a fruit

ability, it can play a crucial role in huge wars.

Since obtaining three Logia Devil Fruit can be rewarded, what about

obtaining three Zoan Fruit and three Paramecia Fruit?

Blackbeard couldn't help but feel a little excited. This was an unexpected

gain for him.

"How about setting off some fireworks to cheer everyone up?"

Blackbeard laughed, then his arm transformed into hot lava before

everyone's eyes.

"Meteor Volcano!"

He punched out with both hands, sending thick magma straight into the

air. It exploded, raining down on the surrounding Marine ships.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Lava continued to rain down on the ship.

At the same time, the screams of the Marines could be heard.

"Ah! Run away! Hide in the sea!"

"Why did he use Admiral Sakazuki's fruit ability?"


Aokiji raised his head with difficulty, his eyes suddenly widening in

shock as he looked at Blackbeard's back.

"How does he have Akainu's abilities?"


Sengoku stared at Blackbeard with bewildered eyes, then murmured.

He could no longer find words to describe Blackbeard's strangeness other

than "Unbelievable."

"Thank you for your praise, Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Zeehahaha!"

Blackbeard laughed.

"Stop those disgusting things from falling! Don't let us get hurt!"

Saint Antina angrily scolded the surrounding Marines, then glared at

Blackbeard and said furiously, "This inferior person dares to take action

against us!"

"Sengoku, why does the World Government support you? Why don't you

kill them quickly!"

Saint Ashan quivered with fear as he spoke, his words still merciless.

The middle-aged Celestial Dragon glared at the magma continuously

falling towards the Marine warship, seething with anger.

"This lowly thing dares to attack us! Just kill them all!"

As soon as their words came out, many people's faces turned pale.

Even Sengoku himself had beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.

These fools really have no fear of death!

That's Blackbeard, the Yonko!

"Inferior person, lowly..."

"Zeehahaha! You guys have really been living on the high clouds for too


"You live in prosperity and always think you also have prosperity. It's

truly ridiculous,"

Blackbeard said with a smirk.

Then his eyes narrowed, revealing murderous intent.

With a bolt of thunder and lightning, he vanished from where he stood.

"Blackbeard, stop it!"

Sengoku's face changed dramatically as he saw this. Blackbeard was filled

with murderous intent!

People wouldn't dare disobey the Celestial Dragons, let alone kill them!

Just as Sengoku was about to intervene, Shiryu, Avalo Pizarro, and

Burgess stepped in front of him, halting his advance.

"We can't let you disturb our captain!"

Shiryu and the others calmly stated, staring at Sengoku.

Gion's eyes were fixed on the lightning, watching it approach the

Celestial Dragon, strike the Marine warship, and then transform into


She subconsciously covered her mouth. Is Blackbeard really going to

attack the Celestial Dragons?





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chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

093 Death of Celestial Dragon

At that moment, all eyes were fixed on Blackbeard.

The Marines' eyes widened in disbelief.

Disobeying the orders of the Celestial Dragons is a sin, let alone attacking



In an instant, a flash of thunder lit up the scene, and Blackbeard's figure

suddenly appeared next to the three Celestial Dragons.

As he approached the warship, the surrounding Marines were stunned,

and no one dared to step forward to stop him.

"What... what are you going to do?"

The middle-aged Celestial Dragon was so frightened that he sat down on

the ground, continuously retreating.

The three Celestial Dragons huddled together, their faces no longer

displaying arrogance, but instead showing deep fear!

"You! Are you gonna make an enemy of the world!"

Saint Antina shouted.

"Just what I wanted!"

Blackbeard responded coldly, his expression terrifyingly calm.

He extended his fist, already enveloped in the white halo of the Tremor-

Tremor Fruit.

He punched the three Celestial Dragons!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Dense cracks appeared on the warship, causing waves hundred of meters

high to rise on the previously calm sea.

The three Celestial Dragons all vomited blood and lay on the deck,

shaken by the vibration wave.

They were all killed by this punch!


Sengoku's eyes widened in shock.

He killed three Celestial Dragons at once, and these three Celestial

Dragons belonged to the noblest ranks among all Celestial Dragon

Blackbeard has caused a huge problem!

"It's over..."

All the Marines present looked horrified.

The Celestial Dragons are regarded as the most noble individuals in the

world, yet three of them were killed by Blackbeard at once. This incident

is enough to shock the world.

There might even be a concentration of troops dedicated to dealing with


Blackbeard knows all this, but he naturally has a way to deal with it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have decisively killed the three Celestial Dragons


In the eyes of everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates, Blackbeard's face is

terrifyingly calm now, as if he just killed three ordinary people.

"Captain Blackbeard..."

Momousagi covered her mouth, deeply moved by what had just happen.

Blackbeard's move is equivalent to antagonizing the World Government!

"As expected of Captain Blackbeard..."

Shiryu smoked a cigar and said casually.

"Wieehahahaha, the captain is truly domineering"

Burgess laughed loudly.

"Too crazy!"

Caesar trembled with fear, his face displaying a deep shock.

He didn't expect that Blackbeard would not only kill Admiral Akainu but

also three Celestial Dragons.

This was what shocked him the most.

"Blackbeard, are you going to declare war on the World Government?"

Fleet Admiral Sengoku asked in a serious tone, but his face was pale and

his hand were trembling

"That's right, I have long disliked these Celestial Dragons!"

Blackbeard just smiled at Sengoku statement

"Sure enough, no wonder you chose Beehive Island as your base. Your

approach was exactly the same as Rocks more than forty years ago"

Fleet Admiral Sengoku said with a gloomy expression.

"Don't compare me to a loser, Sengoku," Blackbeard smiled faintly.

In his opinion, Rocks was simply a loser, no matter how powerful and

influential he may have been before.

But in the end, he was defeated by Roger and Garp together, and Rocks'

dominance over the sea crumbled.

He's not like Rocks.

"Blackbeard, our Marines should have killed you at all costs!"

Fleet Admiral Sengoku gritted his teeth and said.

He regrets it deeply now. He regrets letting Blackbeard leave peacefully

in the Summit War.

He regrets allowing Blackbeard to develop his power smoothly in the

New World.

But now it's all too late.

At least during the Summit War, when he faced Blackbeard, he still had a

good chance of winning. But after half a year, when he faced Blackbeard

again, he was no longer certain of victory.

"Zeehahaha, the result I wanted has been achieved. You guys, let's


Blackbeard turned and left, with Shiryu, Gion, and others following him.

This time, none of the Marines managed to catch them.

Just like that, Blackbeard left right in front of them...


As Blackbeard left, the Marines also left, carrying the bodies of the three

Celestial Dragons with them.

This battle for the marshal inflicted serious losses upon the Marines.

Simultaneously, the outcome of this marshal battle quickly spread

throughout the ranks of the Marines.

It also directly caused a sensation within the World Government!


High-ranking officials of the World Government.

As the commander-in-chief of the entire army, 'Steel Bone' Kong was the

first to receive the news.

"This Blackbeard is really causing trouble!"

Commander Kong's face grew heavy.

In his opinion, the death of the three Celestial Dragons was more

troublesome than the death of Akainu.

The Celestial Dragons are nobles protected by all the powers of the World


"I'm afraid this matter can no longer be resolved now"

Sengoku's face was also very solemn.

Akainu died, and Aokiji was seriously injured and is recovering from his

injuries. He still holds the position of Fleet Admiral of the Marines.

"The death of the three Celestial Dragons had a great impact on the


Garp said, also present. The three of them can be said to be very

important senior figures.

"Yes, now all the Celestial Dragons are angry. It depends on how the Five

Elders solve the problem"

Commander Kong nodded.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Den-Den Mushi on his desk rang.



The eyes of Kong, Garp, and Sengoku focused on the Den-Den Mushi on

the table.

"What you said... It just came..."

Commander Kong whispered into the air, his expression heavy as he

picked up the call.





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 25+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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