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One Piece — Blackbeard — мой


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Недостаточно рейтингов

Краткое содержание

Линь Фэн отправляется в пиратский мир, полный пиратских

приключений и оснащенный уникальной системой выбора


Его цель — усовершенствовать выбранного персонажа.

Выбрав пресловутого Черную Бороду, Маршалла Д. Тича, Лин Фенг

принимает на себя роль антагониста Луффи, стремясь превзойти

Тича в явной смелости.

В этом пиратском мире он стремится переопределить восприятие

Маршалла Д. Тича, доказав, что он не антагонист, а, скорее, главный


Линь Фэн полон решимости показать, что вор все еще может

олицетворять честь и отличие.

«Я мелочный, безжалостный и немного нарушитель спокойствия».

«Создание хаоса — моя сильная сторона. Мне нравится, когда мои

враги злятся».

«Мне нравится, когда меня называют пиратом, особенно когда это

вызывает у людей дрожь».

«Познакомьтесь с Маршаллом Д. Тичем, новым лицом в мире

пиратов. «


_______________ Это мой второй проект,


я надеюсь, что по мере проделанной работы он станет лучше.

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031 A Show

Blackbeard put away the file about Gion; it could prove to be valuable for

him in the future.

He truly didn't know what Gion would think after discovering it.


"Who's inside?!"

Vice Admiral Chaton's voice resonated outside the door. A grin formed on

Blackbeard's face as he stepped out.

Burgess, Shiryu and the rest all surrounded the Vice Admiral Chaton

"Blackbeard! You're Blackbeard!"

Vice Admiral Chaton's face turned ferocious. His broken arm was a result

of their previous encounter.

"What are you going to do?!"

Vice Admiral Chaton demanded angrily.

"Of course, I'm going to kill you…"

Blackbeard responded calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shiryu rushed forward first.

Just when Chaton wanted to use his stored ability, he was shocked to

find that his ability could not be used!

Blackbeard cleverly utilized the power of darkness to nullify Chaton's

Devil Fruit ability, making him unable to use his devil fruit.

Without his Devil Fruit ability, Vice Admiral Chaton was clearly

overpowered by Shiryu.

Shiryu swiftly dealt a fatal blow, cutting Vice Admiral Chaton in half

with a single sword strike!

The Vice Admiral Chaton died. At this time, Doc Q inspected the apples

in the basket.

Among the many apples There is an apple inside that has gradually

developed special lines, and before long, it transformed into a devil fruit!

"Captain, We got another devil fruit!"

Doc Q laughed

"So, this is still possible?"

Catarina Devon remarked, seeing the devil fruit in the basket with


"Hahaha, I really can't understand you more and more, Blackbeard,"

Avalo Pizzaro laughed and said.

"I never expected to get a Devil Fruit like this"

Vasco's face showed a hint of surprise, and then he sensed something,

and said to Blackbeard: "Captain Blackbeard, looks like someone's


As soon as he finished speaking, Vice Admiral 'Momousagi' Gion figure

appeared in front of them.

Her eyes instantly focused on the killed Chaton on the ground

Gion glared at Blackbeard and asked angrily, "Why did you purposely

stay at the Marine Headquarters? What were you up to?!"

Soon her eyes froze.

Behind Blackbeard stood several criminals dressed in prison uniforms. As

an admiral candidate, she could easily recognize each one with just a


"Did you set them free?!"

Gion's face immediately turned grim.

"Not just them, Impel Down has fallen,"

Blackbeard said with a calm smile. He then pulled out Gion's file and

threw it to her

"You should check this out first. It's what I discovered in this room just


"A file?"

Gion took the document cautiously, opening it carefully. She suspected

that Blackbeard might be trying to deceive her.

As she opened it and read the contents, her expression froze instantly,

and her fingers gripping the file became noticeably stiff.

"This is impossible! "

Gion's expression almost flipped, and her eyes started to fill with tears.

She spent her entire life under the care of the Marines, aiming to become

a Marine admiral as a way to repay their kindness.

Yet, the ones responsible for her parents' death were the Celestial

Dragons. Now, isn't she unwittingly working for her own parents' killers?

Upon discovering the truth, she struggled to accept this reality for some


"If you seek revenge, maybe I'm the only one who can help you. The

Blackbeard Pirates always welcome the strong."

A smile crept onto the corner of Blackbeard's mouth as he left, wearing a

cunning expression.

Now, he needed to give Gion some time to gather herself.

He believed there was a good chance that she might join his pirate crew!

"The captain's strategy is impressive. If Gion joins us, we'll have another

strong ally,"

Laffitte praised.

"Yeah right, Gion's strength is truly strong,"

Burgess nodded in agreement.

They've witnessed Gion's strength before. When Enel unleashed the Raigo

attack, she destroyed it with a sword strike. Naturally, they wouldn't turn

down such a powerful woman.

"Blackbeard, you really think things through"

Avalo Pizzaro said as he followed behind Blackbeard.

After hearing this, Laffitte turned his head and glanced at Avalo Pizarro,

and said in a calm tone:"Please address him as Captain Blackbeard."

"Then it depends on whether he can get Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor

Fruit. If not, I might reconsider following him"

Avalo Pizzaro laughed and remarked that being a powerful and ambitious

individual, he wouldn't readily submit to someone else's order.

"Collecting Whitebeard's corpse is really exciting. Whether we succeed or

not depends entirely on Captain Blackbeard"

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Catarina Devon mouth.

"I sense the battle is coming to an end. Shouldn't we get Whitebeard's

corpse now?"

Vasco Shot took a sip of wine and looked at Blackbeard with his small


It can be said that they grew up under the oppression of Whitebeard.

Whitebeard, the Emperor of the Sea, has a head that every pirate desires

the most!

"Get ready for a spectacular show"

Blackbeard said with a faint smile as he walked towards the roof of the

Marines Headquarters building.

The Blackbeard Pirates followed in his footsteps.

On the roof, Blackbeard could oversee the battlefield.

Here, Ace was already dead, Luffy was unconscious, and the Whitebeard

Pirates were in retreat.

Whitebeard was risking his life to shield them. He had already committed

to staying here until the end.





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

032 A Big Gift!

On the battlefield, Buggy floated in the air with a video Den-Den Mushi.

"Whitebeard is sacrificing his own life to ensure the crew's escape!"

Through the video Den-Den Mushi, people all over the world witnessed

the tragedy of the Summit War.

"The Son of Sin is dead and Whitebeard is in danger. From now on, it

seems that the Marines have won!"

"I never expected the war to end like this."

"It was a tragic war with casualties on both sides, but thankfully, the

Marines emerged victorious in the end."


Now everyone who is paying attention to the war thinks that the Summit

War is coming to an end.

However, at this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly echoed on the


"Zeehahahaha! It's our turn to take the stage next!"

Blackbeard stood on the roof of the Marines headquarters, laughing


The sudden laughter stunned everyone on the battlefield!

All eyes from the Marines, pirates, and Shichibukai were fixed on

Blackbeard. Different expressions appeared on their faces.

Some were unfamiliar with him, some had heard of him, and some hate

him deeply

Only Doflamingo wore a smile on his lips and remarked, "The fun is

about to begin!"

People all over the world fell silent for a moment upon witnessing this

scene, then erupted into noise and discussion.

"Who is he? How did he manage to appear at the Marines Headquarters?"

"I don't know, but he seems like a lunatic..."

"Isn't he the new Shichibukai Blackbeard? What's he up to showing up at

a time like this?!"

"This is Marineford. What does he think he's doing?"


At this moment, the attention of the world is mostly concentrated on this


At this point, Blackbeard didn't hold much prestige in the world, so no

one was concerned that he could change anything; they simply

considered him to be crazy.

"Blackbeard! Blackbeard!"

When Fleet Admiral Sengoku saw him, his expression turned gloomy.

Then, his pupils shrank as he realized that there were several extremely

malicious criminals, once held in Impel Down, alongside Blackbeard!

"You are now one of the Shichibukai. Do you wish to resign from the


Fleet Admiral Sengoku asked with a grave tone.

"Zeeehahaha, do you know why I wanted to be a Shichibukai? I'm just a

pirate. Only by being a Shichibukai can I easily approach Impel Down

and recruit the partners I desire from there. Now that I've chosen the

person, I don't care about the title of Shichibukai anymore! Whatever!"

Blackbeard laughed immediately after saying this.

"So, this was your intention!"

Fleet Admiral Sengoku said through gritted teeth.

"Not only is that my aim, but it could also be said that my goal is to

capture Ace and deliver him to you. Because that's the only way I can

make Whitebeard's die!"

Blackbeard declared, gazing at the scarred Whitebeard at the center of

the battlefield.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone present turned


In this way, the Summit War becomes a battle between Marineford and

Whitebeard, all according to Blackbeard's plan!

He just wanted to seize the opportunities, so he showed up at this


When this realization hit, everyone felt a chill down their spines.

"Teach... chh!"

Whitebeard squinted his eyes, unable to conceal the anger on his face as

he looked at Blackbeard.

"Whitebeard, I respect you a lot, but you're getting old. The world needs

to start a new era."

"Today, I've prepared something special for you, a kind of rework, you

could say. Consider it my last gift to you."

Blackbeard smiled and then raised his arms.


In the blink of an eye, the sky turned gray. Lightning flashed, and

thunder roared.

Thick dark clouds started to gather in the sky!

"What kind of Devil Fruit ability is this?!"

Marco exclaimed, gazing at the sky with a horrified expression.

When Fleet Admiral Sengoku saw his expression change drastically, he

exclaimed, "Didn't he have the Dark Fruit? How is he using the ability of

thunder, and this fruit seems like a Logia fruit!"

"Things have taken a turn for the worse!"

Admiral Aokiji's expression became very solemn. As a Logia fruit user, he

naturally understood the destructive power it possessed.

"What kind of ability is this?"

Akainu also gazed at the sky, and when he saw the gathering lightning in

the dark cloud, he frowned.

"This is incredible..."

Kizaru tilted his head and murmured.

People from all over the world were shocked when they witnessed this

scene, and discussions about Blackbeard began to unfold.

"Another ability that can shake heaven and earth!"

"Who is this Blackbeard? How does he possess such terrifying strength?"

"The sky above Marineford is now filled with thunderclouds. What is he

planning to do?!"



The thunder and lightning, gathered within the thunderclouds, began to

leak out, making it impossible to conceal.

The entire sky lit up.

"Whitebeard, please appreciate the gift I've bestowed upon you. This gift

is called <em>Mamaragan</em>!"

After Blackbeard finished speaking, just as he thought, dense thunder

from the sky began to descend one after another.

It felt as if the end of the world was coming!


"Run away!!!"

"There's thunder everywhere, there is nowhere to escape!!!"

The cries echoed once more on the battlefield, which was already

reaching its conclusion.

In such a densely populated area, the destructive power of

<em>Mamaragan</em> was terrifying.

Many pirates and Marines were killed in this thunderous assault.

Truly befitting gift for the strongest man in the world!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+

chapters ahead of everyone. Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

033 Dual Devil Fruit User!

The destructive power of the Thunder Fruit is remarkably powerful

among Logia fruits.

Looking from a distance, Marineford has been shrouded in thunderstorm.

At that moment, Momousagi stared at Blackbeard in the Marines

Headquarters Building, unable to believe her eyes. She was the only one

who knew who's power Blackbeard had just unleashed.

Just a few days back, she saw with her own eyes that Blackbeard had

killed Enel, the previous user of thunder fruit!

How did he get Enel's fruit powers?!

Now, Blackbeard appears as a mysterious figure in her eyes, and it seems

like he might be the key to helping her seek revenge.

Momousagi's eyes stared at the spectacle, seeming to be thinking about



"This power can wipe out the whole island!"

Exclamations echoed on the battlefield, and the faces of many Marine

officers and pirates showed despair in their faces.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, isn't it amazing?"

Blackbeard said with a smile as he looked at Sengoku, whose eyes

widened in disbelief

Suddenly, one of his hands transformed into lightning, while the other

became black smoke. Sengoku's wide eyes shifted from surprise to sheer


Everyone present wore the same shocked expression.

Could it be... a crazy idea sparked in everyone's mind.

"Zeehahahaha, you must've figured something out, huh? That's right, I've

got more than just the thunder fruit ability now—I also possess the dark

fruit ability. I'm the only dual-fruit user around!"

Blackbeard laughed without a care.

Now he possesses the power to make a statement. On this battlefield that

attracts everyone's attention, he'll proudly declare in the most arrogant

manner that the next era belongs to him!

"How is that possible? How can one person have two Devil Fruit


"This is truly astonishing."

"Aren't you supposed to be able to eat only one Devil Fruit?!"

"Blackbeard is unlike anyone else; there's something strange about his


Marco said through clenched teeth, his forehead already damp with


The news hit everyone like a thunderbolt!

Sengoku's face shifted from fear to solemn, and the Marines, always on

guard, faced the intervention of the other four emperors in the war.

Surprisingly, the other four emperors didn't show up. Instead,

Blackbeard, a Shichibukai, brought his crew into the battlefield.


Garp glared at Blackbeard with a furious expression. Even if he had no

opponent, he wouldn't dare to charge forward.

Because the enemy was not only Blackbeard, there were also powerful

people such as Shiryu and Avalo Pizarro by his side.

"Blackbeard, what are you going to do?"

Fleet Admiral Sengoku asked with a cold tone.

The Marines are currently in a weakened state, and he doesn't want to

create a formidable enemy out of them at this moment.

"Of course, it's to kill Whitebeard. "

Blackbeard grinned, then leaped off the tall structure of the Marines

Headquarters, with all the Blackbeard Pirates following suit.

They walked toward Whitebeard at a slow pace.


Whitebeard's eyes narrowed, his body leaning forward slightly, his fist

tightly clenched with white vibration halo around it.


His anger towards Blackbeard had reached its limit, so he punched out


A shockwave, pulsing with powerful vibrations, swept away many

Marines in its path and charged straight at the Blackbeard Pirates!

With a faint smile on the corner of Blackbeard's mouth, he had

anticipated Whitebeard's move. So, he quickly utilized the Thunder Fruit

ability to transform his body into pulsating thunder and lightning.

In the end, the shock wave penetrated through his lightning body,

leaving his body unharmed.

That's the advantage of Logia fruits – they make it easy to dodge attacks

automatically and can only be countered effectively with Armament


"It's a narrow escape, a real close call"

Vasco Shot laughed, and then the entire Blackbeard Pirates crew

appeared one by one behind Blackbeard.

"Whitebeard, you truly show no mercy at all,"

Blackbeard grinned.

"Teach, you're the only one not worthy of being my son. You broke the

one iron rule on my ship—you killed your comrade, Thatch, the fourth

division commander, and betrayed his dying wish. I'll end your wretched

life and grant him the peace he deserves!"

Whitebeard pointed at Blackbeard with a naginata and declared.

As soon as he finished speaking, a surge of pain shot through his body,

and his face twisted in agony.


Marco transformed into a phoenix, attempting to flew across the massive

crack in the ground to help Whitebeard.


Whitebeard called out to Marco.

Just as Marco was about to fly over to assist Whitebeard, he transformed

back into human form and returned to his original position.

Whitebeard turned his back to everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates and

continued: "No one is allowed to intervene. Move out! understand?"



The expressions of everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates became incredibly


They had to bear the pain like a knife stabbing their heart and choose to

follow Whitebeard's orders!


Whitebeard's naginata spun in the air and then struck the ground with a

heavy impact. A wave of overwhelming conqueror haki radiated from his


He was prepared to face death in Marineford, and what lay ahead would

be his final battle.

"There's one thing you don't know and will never find out – the old

Blackbeard is gone, and now there's a new Teach"

Blackbeard said, putting away his smile as his face became remarkably


He slowly stepped out of the crowd, turned his back to the Blackbeard

Pirates, and said something that left them all in disbelief.

"No matter what, none of you are allowed to act"

Blackbeard declared. After saying that, his expression turned solemn.

He wanted to face the might of the strongest man in the pirate world

alone. While it wasn't a fair duel, at least he could give Whitebeard the

final respect.





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+

chapters ahead of everyone. Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

034 Final Respect

After hearing this, Burgess looked as if he had seen a ghost. He stared at

Blackbeard and whispered: "Captain Blackbeard..."

"Is he still our captain?"

Even Van Augur couldn't help but sigh.

"Captain Blackbeard seems to have grown even more powerful"

Laffitte said, a faint smile on his face.

"The more I watch the Captain, the more I like him"

Shiryu said, taking a puff of his cigarette and smiling lightly. Of course,

what he liked was the captain's character.

After hearing this, Avalo Pizarro sneered and scoffed, "Why don't we just

charge in together and finish off Whitebeard? What's with all the

unnecessary complications?"

Laffitte glanced at Avalo Pizarro and replied: "Captain Blackbeard is on

his way to becoming a hero of this era. Don't judge things with your

superficial eyes."

"Hahaha, a hero? Isn't it just that he's ruthless, betrays his own people,

and uses any means to reach his goals?"

Avalo Pizarro laughed immediately after hearing this.

"It might sound contradictory, but a truly successful hero must have a

kind heart"

Laffitte said, as if he were trying to change Pizarro's perspective.

His words made Avalo Pizarro burst into wild laughter.

Catarina Devon and Vasco Shot remained somewhat indifferent. They

were only interested in seeing if Blackbeard could bring them the benefits

they sought.

Shiryu looked at Laffitte and smiled: "Even though I don't have a kind

heart, I agree with your perspective."

"How can someone as despicable as Blackbeard engage in a duel with


"Isn't this another one of Blackbeard's schemes?"

The Whitebeard Pirates couldn't believe what Blackbeard had just stated.


Whitebeard's eyes shifted slightly as he stared at Blackbeard for a

moment before saying: "Teach, you have changed."

"I want to witness the strength of the strongest man from the past era"

Blackbeard calmly stated.

"Alright, let's give it a shot."

Whitebeard laughed loudly upon hearing this, then unleashed the power

of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, covering his fist in white light once again.

However, unlike him, black smoke materialized on Blackbeard's palm.

In everyone's sight, Blackbeard went straight to confront him!

"Doesn't he realize the destructive power of Pops's Tremor-Tremor Fruit?"

Diamond Jozy exclaimed.

"Teach is hiding very deep. He must have something to rely on..."

Marco said with a serious expression.

As soon as they finished speaking, Blackbeard's palm directly covered

Whitebeard's fist.

Darkness engulfed the vibration. As gravity appeared itself, the white

light enveloping Whitebeard's fist vanished completely. The anticipated

tremor did not occur.

"Sorry, the Darkness Fruit can nullify the abilities of other Devil Fruit


A smile appeared at the corner of Blackbeard's mouth, and then he

punched Whitebeard in front of him.

Whitebeard stepped back repeatedly, blood constantly seeping from the

wounds on his body.

"Pops's fruit power has been nullified!"

"Pops took a direct hit from Blackbeard!"


The expressions of everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates changed to


"Is this the power of the Dark Fruit?"

Sengoku's expression turned serious.

Not only him, but all the elite Marines officials present could sense the

threat posed by Blackbeard.

"Black Hole!"

Blackbeard's smoky palms hovered near the ground, and darkness

expanded around him on the floor.

As the darkness enveloped Whitebeard, he sensed a suction force

emanating from the darkened ground, as if it sought to pull him away.

He swallowed nervously.

Whitebeard frowned, his eyes serious, and he refrained from swinging his

arm again.

He gripped the naginata tightly, and the flowing Armament Haki

enveloped the weapon. Then, a terrifying aura erupted from his body.


The sword cut through the darkness on the ground.

Blackbeard's expression turned serious because the Armament Haki used

by Whitebeard was an advanced version.

The flowing Armament Haki can create an indestructible force around

the naginata, significantly enhancing its power.



However, the sword slashes still vanished silently into the darkness.

"It's useless; both bullets and slashes will be swallowed by the darkness."

Blackbeard smiled as he observed this. It appeared that the swallowing

ability of the Dark Fruit surpassed his expectations.

At that moment, Whitebeard also realized that ordinary methods couldn't

handle Teach. The only way to counter the Black Hole was to directly

strike Teach.

Whitebeard endured the pain, anchoring himself with the naginata. His

body lunged towards Blackbeard, delivering a powerful punch.

This punch didn't rely on the Tremor-Tremor Fruit ability but showcased

pure physical prowess and advanced armament haki!

"Let me see just how powerful the strongest man's physical skills can be!"

Blackbeard's eyes turned wild; he dispelled his fruit power and engaged

Whitebeard using sheer physical prowess!

He clenched his fists, and Armament Haki already enveloped them,

forming an invisible armor-like appearance.

Even though he understood that his physical skills and armament weren't

likely as powerful as Whitebeard's, he wanted to know how big the gap


Finally, Blackbeard shouted loudly and intercepted the incoming slash

with a punch!


The clash of fists created a resounding boom!

With a single punch, the ground around them instantly shattered into a

spider web, and the surrounding air was torn apart!

However, this state only lasted for a moment…





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

035 A Pirates Will

Enduring the intense pain in his body, Whitebeard's expression turned

ferocious. The muscles on his body seemed to swell, and he unleashed a

powerful punch!

This punch used all his strength!


The formidable Armament Haki on Blackbeard's fist instantly shattered,

and he was sent flying backward, descending heavily in a parabolic

trajectory to the ground.

"Pops win!!!"

"Pops, hurry up and kill Teach!"

"Pops, take action now!"

The Whitebeard Pirates crew shouted, but their voices gradually faded

away as they noticed Whitebeard standing there quietly and motionless,

holding a naginata in his hand.

"Pops's already seriously sick body and injuries fully manifested in the

intense battle with Teach..."

Marco's eyes were filled with tears and his voice was trembling as he


The Whitebeard Pirates fell into complete silence after hearing this.

Blackbeard rose to his feet, blood already flowing from the corners of his

mouth. A smile crept onto his lips as he burst into laughter.


"He truly is the strongest man in the world."

When facing off against Whitebeard, he knew he was bound to lose, yet

he still wanted to try, just to gauge the gap between him and Whitebeard.

The outcome proved it was the right decision. In just a moment, he

grasped a profound realization.


Even though Blackbeard suffered a big loss just now, the expressions of

the people around him remained serious.

Blackbeard's actions and the domineering attitude he displayed were

beyond the reach of ordinary individuals.

In the eyes of many, his level of danger has once again escalated to a new


"Wieehahaha, Captain Blackbeard is truly marvelous!"

Burgess burst into laughter upon seeing this.

"Whitebeard, I have great respect for your strength. You should realize

that you can no longer defeat me. If you have any final words, say them


Blackbeard declared to Whitebeard.

The blood in Whitebeard's body was still flowing, and his feet were

already stained red with blood.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at Blackbeard, and said, "My only

regret is that I couldn't kill you."

"You don't have much time, so there's no point in saying this. "

Blackbeard said again.

Whitebeard looked at him and took a deep breath.

"The man Roger is waiting for, at least, will not be you, Teach. Just as

there is a person who inherits Roger's will, one day there will be someone

who inherits Ace's will. Even if the blood relationship is cut off, their

flames will still burn. It will not be extinguished; it has been continuously

inherited from the distant past, and one day in the future, there will be

people who can carry these hundreds of years of history and challenge

the world."

Then Whitebeard turned his gaze to Sengoku.

Fleet Admiral Sengoku's expression changed, and he had a bad feeling in

his heart.

"Sengoku, your marines and the World Government fears that one day

there will be a huge battle that will involve the entire world. Although I

have no interest in it, when the treasure is discovered by someone, the

world will be turned upside down!"

"Someone will find it one day, and that day will come."

After saying that, Whitebeard's eyes narrowed, a confident smile

appeared at the corner of his mouth. He took a deep breath, and with all

his life and strength, he made his voice resound across the battlefield.

"ONE PIECE! It's real!!!"

At this moment, the entire battlefield fell silent!

People around the world who were watching the war were all shocked,

and everyone was left dumbfounded!

"Damn you Whitebeard!!!"

Sengoku cursed.

The Summit War was initially meant to execute Ace as a display of

goodwill to everyone and to bring peace to the world.

However, Whitebeard's final words rendered all the previous efforts of

the Marines futile!

"A truly remarkable last word."

Blackbeard smiled lightly upon hearing this.

This time, the pirate world will start a new era...

After Whitebeard finished speaking, he departed from this world entirely.

All crew members of Whitebeard Pirates burst into tears.

This shocking news spread across the world in an instant.

The Whitebeard Pirates failed to rescue Ace, and Whitebeard also died in


People around the world who heard the news erupted into fierce cheers.

"Whitebeard is dead!!!"

"The Whitebeard Pirates are finally finished!!!"

"This way, the war will be over, and we can finally live a stable life!!!"


However, through the influence of the Den-den Mushi, the people who

witnessed this historic event, passed down from generation to generation,

were left speechless at this time.

"Fufufu heeehahahha! Well, isn't this interesting? This will undoubtedly

lead to great changes in the times. But! I don't think it can end easily

here. Even the most vicious criminal in the world and the chief warden of

Impel Down have been brought here. What is the intention of that

bastard Blackbeard?"

Donquixote Doflamingo laughed.

"Is the war really coming to an end?"

"And it's only a matter of time before the words Whitebeard uttered

before his death spread throughout the whole world!!"

"If so, what will the pirates do?"

"Will the war really be over before then? Why did Blackbeard come to


Since Whitebeard's death, all eyes are now focused on Blackbeard.





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

036 A New Horror

At this time, a large number of Marines began to hunt down Luffy and

the remnants of Whitebeard's crew.

The battlefield that had calmed down began to erupt again, and now it

has reached the final stage of the Summit War.

The Shichibukai all completed their mission, and now all their eyes were

focused on Blackbeard.

They watched as Blackbeard walked slowly toward Whitebeard standing


Seeing this, Fleet Admiral Sengoku and the others turned their attention

in that direction.

"What on earth is Blackbeard going to do? "

A Marine whispered.

A faint smile appeared on Blackbeard's lips. With Whitebeard now dead,

he must have the Tremor-Tremor Fruit now.

With the destructive power of the Tremor-tremor Fruit, his strength will

definitely boost his strength significantly.

"The show is about to begin, people all over the world, you need to watch

it carefully, Zeehahahaha!!!"

Blackbeard's laughter sounded on the battlefield.

The Blackbeard Pirates brought out a large black cloth and cover it over

Whitebeard's body.

The actions of the Blackbeard Pirates caught the attention of all the

Whitebeard Pirates, making them halt in their tracks.

"What's that Blackbeard planning for Pops?!"


Marco, Jozu, and the others' eyes filled with anger.

"Weihahahaha! Captain, Let's get started!!!"

Burgess laughed.

Blackbeard raised the black cloth and grinned, saying: "Keep those eyes

wide open. What comes next will be just as surprising."

After that, he walked into the black cloth.

The artillery sounds in Marineford fell silent once more, and everyone's

attention fixated on the black cloth covering Whitebeard.


Underneath the black cloth.

Blackbeard's right hand was already shrouded in black smoke. As the

attraction gradually appeared, the devil fruit power belonging to the

Tremor-Tremor Fruit floated out of Whitebeard's body.

The devil's power finally blended into the darkness within Blackbeard's

hand, and the transformation brought about by the Devil Fruit began to

alter his body!

He sensed that the last bit of his soul had been claimed by the power of

the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, Whitebeard Devil Fruit.

Similarly, he possesses the Tremor-Tremor Fruit ability!

The black cloth flew up, revealing Blackbeard standing alongside


On the Surface, nothing seemed to have changed between the two of


"What has changed?"

"What exactly did he do to Whitebeard just now?"

People all over the world who saw this scene held their breaths, and

everyone had doubts and seriousness on their faces.

"You've all seen that I havedual Devil Fruit ability before. What do you

think will happen next?"

Madness gleamed in Blackbeard's eyes as he slowly crouched down,

tightened his fists, and began gathering strength in his arms. Ar the same

time, the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit manifested in his fists.

"That stance!"

Marco's eyes widened.

"How is this possible!"

Sengoku gazed at Blackbeard with a horrified expression.

In an instant, Blackbeard unleashed a sudden punch towards the Marine


"Click, click, click!!!"

The space in front of him shattered like glass!

The vibrations seemed to trigger the collapse of space, and an unseen

force tore through the Marine headquarters building!


Cracks continued to extend from Blackbeard, reaching into the distance.

The already shattered Marine headquarters was once again violently

shaken, and its wall crumbled down!

It feels like everyone's heart is sinking into the abyss!

"Pops' fruit power! How can he use it?!"

Jozu exclaimed with a horrified expression.

All members of the Whitebeard Pirates were stunned.

"A three-fruit ability user!"

Fleet Admiral Sengoku gritted his teeth, staring at Blackbeard.

"Blackbeard now possesses Whitebeard's ability, and the terror of the

Tremor-Tremor Fruit domination is far from over!"

"He now has three fruit abilities... Is there anyone left who can stand

against him?"

Fear resurfaced on the faces of countless people.

The might of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit surfaced once more, which seemed

to symbolize that Whitebeard's destructive power had not ended yet, and

continued its legacy to someone who had crazy ambition. Seeing that,

everyone could not help but become afraid.

"Captain Blackbeard has really done it again! "

Burgess exclaimed with excitement, while the smiles on Laffitte and the

others' faces slowly grew.

"One person with three fruit abilities—the Logia Dark Fruit, the Logia

Thunder Fruit, and the most destructive devil fruit, the Tremor-Tremor

Fruit. It looks like there's no need for us to disband'

Catarina Devon said with a crazy smile.

Avalo Pizarro thought for a moment, then as if having made up his mind,

he laughed loudly : "Looks like the Blackbeard Pirates are starting to

dominate the New World in the future!"

"Captain Blackbeard is truly scary. "

The drunkard Vasco Shot, taking a sip of his wine in a drunken manner.

With Blackbeard obtaining Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit once again,

even the most notorious criminals were completely subdued, marking the

official establishment of the new Blackbeard Pirates!

Blackbeard clenched his fists tightly, sensing the powerful power

coursing through his body, and laughed arrogantly.

"Zeehahaha! From now on, this era will be known as the era of


As his words echoed, Sengoku transformed into a giant Buddha radiating

golden light.

A golden light enveloped Marineford as he brought his palm down

toward the Blackbeard Pirates!




<em>Note: is that arrogant, or confident?</em>


I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18</em>

037 Unexpected Choice

The white shock wave and the golden shock wave stood in a deadlock.

"He actually withstood Fleet Admiral Sengoku's attack!"

"The Tremor-Tremor Fruit's power is truly terrifying!"

Exclamations echoed among the Marines.

"Weihahaha, Captain, let me help you!"

Burgess laughed loudly and leaped into the air, aiming to seize the

opportunity for a sneak attack on Sengoku!

Blackbeard's eyes narrowed slightly. He finally understood how Burgess,

who wasn't particularly remarkable in the Blackbeard Pirates, earned his

position as the first titanic captain.

His unwavering loyalty to Blackbeard makes him the go-to person for


With that loyalty alone, he's more than deserving of being the first titanic

captain of the Blackbeard Pirates!


Suddenly, another sound cut through the air, and Garp appeared before


His face was ashen, and he threw out a punch, directly knocking Burgess

into the ground from the air!

"I'm still standing, and you won't lay a finger on Marineford! Not unless

you walk over my dead body!"

he declared angrily.

Garp's presence brought a sense of reassurance to many Marines. His

status in the Marines even surpassed that of Sengoku and held more like

a symbol of Marine belief.


The faces of the Blackbeard Pirates immediately turned solemn, and they

refrained from acting rashly.

People believed that Garp's intervention would stabilize the battle.

However, a sudden change took place!

At that moment, a sharp sword slash attacked from the air with

incredible speed!

No one anticipated that someone would take action!

Garp and the Blackbeard Pirates all glanced upward.

It was a scarlet sword slash , and the individual was draped in a Marine

coat. The crucial detail was that she aimed to strike Sengoku with her

sword slash!


Garp glared angrily at Momousagi. He hadn't expected someone within

the Marines to rebel at this crucial time!

And that person was Momousagi, the Marine's candidate for Admiral!

"The captain seems to have been correct."

The Blackbeard Pirates were momentarily taken aback, and then smiles

spread across their faces.

The addition of Momousagi undoubtedly bolstered the strength of the

Blackbeard Pirates!


Sword slash and vibration shockwaves clashed against Sengoku


Momousagi's arrival broke the stalemate, causing Sengoku's palm to

crumble instantly. Sengoku's expression changed as he had to use his

body to endure the destructive force of the vibration.

His body was tossed back and forth, and when he finally came to a halt, a

streak of blood was already flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Momousagi, why are you doing this?"

Fleet Admiral Sengoku wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and

asked, fixing his gaze on Momousagi.

"I already know who my parents are, and I want to avenge my parents.

Obviously becoming a Marine is absolutely impossible."

Momousagi said calmly. At this moment, she had entirely given up on the


"Momousagi, you made a wise choice"

Blackbeard said with a smile. With Momousagi joining, it can be said that

he gained an additional right-hand person. The overall strength of the

Blackbeard Pirates will rise once again!


Fleet Admiral Sengoku fell silent for a moment after hearing Momousagi's

words. Evidently, she was aware of her own life experiences.

Then he continued, "Is this how you intend to solve the problem? Joining

pirates for revenge? Do you even know who the target of your revenge

is? Do you want to become an enemy of the world?"

"I may not be able to become an enemy of the world on my own, but I

believe I can follow him. Even though I've become a pirate, I'll never

indiscriminately harm innocent people. I just wanna get my revenge"

Momousagi spoke with determination, then cast a glance at Fleet Admiral

Sengoku, adding: "Otherwise, the sword would have struck you."

Indeed, during the clash between Sengoku and Blackbeard, she could

have seized the chance to stab Sengoku, but she refrained from doing so.

The Marine's sense of benevolence still lingered within her.

Sengoku's clenched fists gradually relaxed.

"Can you betray the Marines? Do you still hold respect for the justice it

represents?" Garp asked angrily


Momousagi sneered upon hearing this and retorted: "I'm just a somewhat

decent Marine. Without me, the Marines would only experience a small

ripple. But you're different. You represent the Marines. In your position,

you mean everything for marines. You must do whatever it takes for the

Marines, even if it means watching your grandson, Ace die!"

"I can't be like you. I must avenge my parents!"

Momousagi's voice was firm and resolute.

Garp's expression froze instantly, and Momousagi's words undoubtedly

rubbed salt on his wounds.

He finally closed his mouth and said nothing more.

Just as Momousagi pointed out, there is no turning back on his path,

much like Ace as a pirate. He can only continue down the dark road


But Momousagi can forsake everything and pursue her desires.

These words left the Marines in silence.

However, everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates wore satisfied smiles. They

were highly optimistic about their new partner.




Note: <em>Good twist yeah, with some family drama in the mix</



I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18</em>

038 Most Destructive Devil Fruit

"That's right"

Blackbeard said with a faint smile on his lips. Now, Gion has the reason

to follow him.

Now it's time for him to unleash his power unscrupulously.

"Let me see the true power of this Tremor-Tremor Fruit."

A touch of madness gleamed in Blackbeard's eyes. He understood that

Whitebeard had never fully unleashed the power of the Tremor-Tremor


Because he had to consider the well-being of the Whitebeard Pirates, he

controlled the intensity of the vibrations when utilizing the Tremor-

Tremor Fruit.

As a result, Whitebeard never fully displayed the true power of the

Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

But Blackbeard was different. He could utilize the true power of the

Tremor-Tremor Fruit without any reservations!

Seeing the change in his expression, Sengoku and Garp felt a sense of

foreboding in their hearts.

From the moment Blackbeard appeared until now, he has posed too

many threats.

"What are you up to?!"

Sengoku scolded Blackbeard sternly.


Blackbeard smiled faintly and extended his hands.

His hands appeared to grip a transparent plastic sheet, but in reality, they

held onto space!

The entire space was interconnected. When his hand touched a small area

of space, it triggered vibrations throughout the surrounding large-scale


So, he grabbed a corner of space, then pulled it down abruptly, and even

twisted it diagonally, unrelentingly maximizing the vibrations!

At this moment, the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit was truly


"Crack, crack, crack!!!"

The entire Marineland tilted.

Even the surrounding sea level transformed into a fault, tilting left and


The sky is also distorted because of this.

"Blackbeard is using Whitebeard's ability again!"

"The Tremor-Tremor Fruit is too terrifying!"

"The ground has tilted! Even the sky has cracked!"

A large number of Marines and pirates fell into the sinking abyss on the


Under the influence of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, there was no ground to

stand on.

This is the true might of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!


Sengoku's eyes revealed shock, and then he erupted in fury.

The impact caused the complete collapse of the Marines Headquarters

building, and numerous cracks emerged on the ground of Marineford!

"If Whitebeard knew that his power ended up in the hands of a villain

like you, he would surely be saddened"

Garp said with a somber expression. Even he couldn't help but recognize

the threat posed by Blackbeard.

"That bastard, Teach!!!"

Marco glared at Blackbeard with anger in his eyes.

"Pop's terrifying power is now in the hands of such disgusting individuals,

and the world is heading into chaos!"

"Blackbeard doesn't possess the same control as Oyaji. He just wants to

use the Tremor-Tremor Fruit to completely destroy Marineford!"

"Teach has no restraint whatsoever. It's too dangerous for the Tremor-

Tremor Fruit to be in his hands!"


Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates turned pale. They had followed

Whitebeard and were the ones who truly understood the power of the

Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

"Captain, our footing is nearly gone!"

Burgess's face changed drastically as he quickly called Blackbeard.

"What a great show"

Catarina Devon chuckled softly.

"Zeehahahaha, I still can't fully control the power of the Tremor-Tremor


Blackbeard laughed loudly upon hearing this.

At that moment, he had witnessed the true destructive power, and the

might of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit was truly deserving of its reputation.

After a long time, the vibration stopped.

The entire sea returned to calm, but the waves generated by the

vibrations led to a massive tsunami striking nearby islands.


Sabaody Islands.

This is the island closest to Marineford. At that moment, the island's radio

broadcast came to life.

"Blackbeard used the Tremor-Tremor Fruit to trigger a powerful

earthquake. Now, the tsunami generated by the earthquake is heading

towards the Sabaody Islands. Everyone, take immediate protective


As the radio broadcast echoed, panic engulfed the entire Sabaody Islands,

and terror filled the faces of everyone.

As the tsunami struck, everything near the island had to be washed away,

and there was no choice but to evacuate.

"That Blackbeard is terrifying. It would be a disaster if the Tremor-

Tremor Fruit fell into his hands!"

"Run away! A tsunami will definitely flood this place!"

"How long will the war go on?"

"I've had enough of this war. Who can save me?"


In contrast to the people around him, Blackbeard wore a satisfied smile

on his face.

Now, three powerful fruit abilities are in his possession, and he has

acquired several formidable partners through this Summit War.

This operation can be said to have ended perfectly.

Judging from the timing, the Red Hair Pirates will arrive soon.

With Whitebeard now deceased, in his view, the most formidable Yonko

(Four Emperors)is not Big Mom or Kaido but the red-haired Shanks.

He desired to meet these four emperors.


On the other side of the battlefield, the remnants of the Whitebeard

Pirates are helping Luffy escape. They are facing the pursuit of three

admirals and numerous marines forces!

The war is still going on.

The casualties on both sides didn't stop with Whitebeard's death; instead,

they increased in the final stages.

Both sides have become frenzied, discarding their own rationality.

It seems that the war will not stop until all the pirates are killed…




Note: <em>is someone gonna ask for some faces?</em>


I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

039 It looks like I stole your job?

"Kill all the pirates and don't let them escape safely!"

"To avenge our brothers who died in battle, kill!"

"Damn pirates, go to hell!"

"Catch that dragon's son, don't let him escape!"

The marines pursued the pirates relentlessly. Another intense gun battle


The fleeing pirates fell one after another. Despite having received

Whitebeard's order to retreat, they were forced to resist under the

relentless pursuit of the marines.

"Pops, I'm sorry. This is the first time I want to disobey your order!"

"Me too. Just let me go to another world and continue to follow you


Under the marines' relentless pursuit, the pirates once again raised their

guns and clashed with the marines.

On the ground, pirates and marines alike continued to cry and howl,

overwhelmed by both agony and the reluctance to part with the world.

Everyone's desire to survive has reached its peak!

Coby could hear the cries of everyone in his mind, and the sounds were

on the verge of making his head explode.

He held his head in pain, gritted his teeth, and the veins on his forehead

were exposed.

It was evident he was in great pain.


Blackbeard witnessed this scene on the battlefield.

Sengoku and Garp observed as Blackbeard halted his frenzy and turned

his attention to the battlefield.

Each of their expressions was stunned for a moment, and then they heard

Blackbeard laugh and say,

"You all call me a bastard, but have you seen the battlefield now?"

"Is this justice?"

Sengoku and Garp expressions changed. As they stopped, the cries and

sounds of fighting on the battlefield resonated clearly in their ears.

"Hear this charming voice?"

Blackbeard smiled.

"Ace is dead, so is Whitebeard. The war has not stopped; death is still

ongoing. What about justice and evil? Now, everyone is crazily killing

each other. Even if they win, everyone still longs for killing in their


Blackbeard said lightly.

"Nonsense, we are killing evil pirates!"

"Right! You pirates don't have a single good thing!"

The marines around heard this and said angrily to Blackbeard.

"Isn't that right?"

After hearing this, Blackbeard's mouth curved slightly.


Then he looked at Coby. Sure enough, Coby couldn't stand the fighting

and crying on the battlefield. He didn't know where he got the courage to

run directly in front of Akainu and stretched out his hand to block his


Coby has lost his mind now. He just wants to say what he wants to say.

He cries out with the loudest voice.



Garp looked at Coby, his eyes widening.

Coby's shout was very abrupt on the entire battlefield, and all eyes were

focused on him at this time.

"Army of justice, stop fighting, you are wasting your lives!"

"Every soldier has a family waiting in their home. Our goal has obviously

been achieved, but we still have to pursue the pirates who are at the end

of their rope, continue this battle that should have ended, and now we

are still facing those soldiers who can be saved. If you refuse to save

people and continue to increase the number of victims, aren't the soldiers

who have fallen now just like fools?!"

Coby poured out the words he had kept in his heart all at once. After

speaking, he realized that the person he had blocked was Admiral


But his words silenced all the marines present.

"Who are you?"

"Another few seconds of my time wasted. The Marines do not need

soldiers with unhealthy views"

Akainu declared, raising his arm, which transformed into scalding lava.

The intense heat from Akainu's arm brought a look of horror to Coby's


At that moment, all eyes were fixed on Akainu, and suddenly, a burst of

lightning erupted from Blackbeard's palm.

Lightning rushed towards Akainu at that moment!

His body was instantly penetrated by the electric force, freezing his fists

in the air. His upper body then turned into lava, slowly sliding down…

"Blackbeard! Blackbeard!"

Akainu turned around to face Blackbeard, disbelief evident in his eyes.

He couldn't believe that Blackbeard intervened to prevent him from

killing a Marine soldier!


Not to mention Akainu, even Garp and Sengoku looked confused.

What kind of trick is Blackbeard playing?

Blackbeard laughed loudly and said, "There are not many people in this

world who dare to tell the truth. I just want him to survive. There is no

other reason."

"You're quite quick to take action…"

At that moment, Shanks' figure suddenly appeared next to Akainu.

If Blackbeard hadn't made a move, Shanks would have blocked Akainu's



"Wasn't he still fighting Kaido just yesterday? Why did he arrive in

Marineland so quickly!"

The sudden appearance of Shanks surprised everyone, adding to the

chaos in Marineford.

"Zeehahaha, it looks like I stole your job, eh?"

Blackbeard grinned at Shanks.

"You are becoming more and more unpredictable Teach, no, it should be


Shanks looked at Blackbeard quietly, with no fluctuation in the

expression on his face.

"Of course, you won't guess what I want to do, but I know what you are

going to do"

Blackbeard responded with a casual tone.


Shanks became intrigued.

"You're here to stop the war"

Blackbeard said.

After hearing his words, Shanks' eyes narrowed, and then he said: "Yes, I

am here to stop this war."

"If we continue to fight like this, it will only escalate the losses for both

sides without limit. If there's anyone left looking for trouble, let us be

your opponents!"

Shanks approached the center of the battlefield, then turned to

Blackbeard and asked, "What do you say, Blackbeard?"

"Why put on a cold act? That scar on your eye suits you well"

Blackbeard said with a faint smile.

Shanks's expression darkened, and Yasopp raised his gun, aiming it at the

Blackbeard Pirates.

At the same time, Van Augur raised his gun, pointing it at the Red-haired


Tension filled the air, ready to explode.



<strong>TO BE CONTINUED</strong>


I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

040 Post War

The air thickened.

Each marine was sweating heavily.

If the war starts again, then Marineford will be in real danger.

Especially when another Yonko shows up!

"Zeehahahaha!" Blackbeard sneered.

"I've got what I wanted. It's too soon to face you. Let's go, guys."

Afterward, he turned and departed with the Blackbeard Pirates.

From the beginning to the end, he had a confident smile on his face.

After building a strong crew and gaining another devil fruit ability, the

next phase was his growth and development period.

His path to becoming emperor must be unstoppable, and he'll execute it

even more flawlessly than before. He intends to make this departure the

most regrettable moment for both Shanks and the Marines!

Leading his crew away, and each marine couldn't help but exhale with


Finally, Sengoku announced the end of the war!

News of the summit war's conclusion spread rapidly. The marines

declared victory, revealing the deaths of Ace and Whitebeard.

People all over the world couldn't help but cheer.

However, those who truly witnessed the war couldn't bring a smile to

their faces.

They realized that everything had just started, and Whitebeard's words

would soon echo throughout the world!

Blackbeard would surely stir up trouble in the coming era.

It seems that Whitebeard's death has not It did not make the world a

better place, but instead it triggered changes in the world order to unfold



In the seas near Marineford, several ships docked here. These people

witnessed the entire process of the war.

They are the Supernovas from the Worst Generation—Eustass "Captain"

Kid, Trafalgar Law, Basil Hawkins, and others.

Hawkins remarked: "In a moment, Whitebeard's territory will be swept

into this chaos, and blood will flow like a river."

Urouge commented: "The key lies in Blackbeard, with new crews and

Whitebeard's abilities. They will definitely make waves during this time."

There was yearning on everyone's face, and they knew that the New

World would be exciting.

Jewelry Bonney's face was the only one with anger. "It's all Blackbeard's

fault. I want to find him! Quickly set sail for the New World!!!"

After saying that, Bonney commanded her pirate ship to set sail for the

New World.

"Let's go too!"

"The war is over."

Many Supernovas were getting ready to depart.

At that moment, Kidd burst into laughter.

"What are you talking about? It's not over. The new power that came up

because of this war, Blackbeard, is not to be underestimated."

"The New World is the sea ruled by the four emperors: Whitebeard,

Kaido, Big Mom, and Shanks... One of them is gone, the balance has been

broken. Who knows what'll happen now? An unprecedented new era is

about to begin! Ha ha ha ha!"


Three days later, a Marine warship reached the New World.

Teach didn't venture to the New World on a small wooden raft as in the

original story.

He directly stole a Marine warship at Marineford.

At that moment, he was sprinting in the warship's training room with

Sanjuan Wolf on his back.



"Bang! "

Each step he took was incredibly heavy.

"Wolf, grow even bigger again"

Teach instructed Sanjuan Wolf.

"Grow bigger?"

Sanjuan Wolf shook his head, opened his eyes sleepily, and replied:

"Okay then Captain!"

He then used the Giant Fruit to enlarge his body once more.

At the same time, his weight was gradually increasing!

Blackbeard used his arms to support Sanjuan's huge body, running hard,

sweating profusely like rain.

San Juan Wolf seemed to have grown accustomed to it, shaking his head

and falling back asleep. One person exercised, one person slept, each

without delay.

"The captain seems like a different person since leaving Marineford..."

Burgess swallowed nervously.

"Just now, I asked the captain about his training. Do you know what he


Laffite said to Burgess.


Burgess was very curious.

"The captain said that the more talented people are, the lazier for them to

work hard."

"The captain's determination is truly impressive!"

Burgess exclaimed in admiration.

Laffitte took a sip of tea and continued, "He also mentioned that this

applies especially to those like him who are naturally gifted."


Burgess was briefly at a loss for words.

Shortly after, Blackbeard ran with Sanjuan Wolf on his back for another

hour before coming to a stop.

Finally, he dropped San Juan directly to the ground, then lay there,

breathing heavily.

After gaining three fruit abilities, he noticed some weaknesses in his

physical strength.

Due to his physical limitations, he couldn't fully utilize the power of each

fruit ability. Therefore, he decided it was time to start exercising.

Furthermore, one's physical skills are closely tied to the strength of their

Haki. The two must complement each other.

He not only needed to master powerful fruit abilities but also had to

continue training his physical skills. Additionally, his body didn't require

sleep, giving him much more time for these things.

There is also a very important point in doing this, which is to improve his

own strength and refine his own temperament.

He originally planned to recruit the Smooth-smooth Fruit user as a crew

member and utilize the crew link on her, causing significant changes to

his body as well.

However, upon contemplating the smooth and tender nature on the skin

from the Devil Fruit, he ultimately decided to abandon the idea


The most effective way for men to make these changes is through regular

exercise. Exercise can not only transform the physique but also impact

one's appearance.

He doesn't want to be handsome; he simply wants to be well-dressed,

comfortable in appearance, and masculine.

"Captain Teach, we've reached the New World. Where to next? Should we

head straight to claim Whitebeard's territory? Hahaha!"

Avalo Pizarro entered the training room and laughed at Blackbeard, who

was lying on the ground.

"I believe Captain Teach won't disappoint us"

Catarina Devon said with a slight smile.

"No. "

Blackbeard directly denied them, then with a smile on his face, he said:

"Let's go to Beehive Island first!"





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

041 New Target: Beehive Island

"It doesn't matter which island it is, as long as we can follow the captain

and dominate the world. That's all that matters"

Avalo Pizarro laughed and said.

"Oh? I heard Beehive Island is a pirate's paradise. Casinos, taverns,

beauties, delicious food – an island that has everything"

At that moment, Shiryu entered with a katana in hand, leisurely wiping it

with a napkin. As the former warden of Impel Down, he had occasionally

heard this name from pirates.

Gion, who was practicing on the side, also paused and turned her

attention to Blackbeard.

They were eager to understand Blackbeard's intentions in heading to

Beehive Island.

"We will occupy Beehive Island, and that will be our future base camp"

Blackbeard announced it to everyone.

"Captain Blackbeard, is there something special about Beehive Island?"

Laffitte inquired with some curiosity

"Of course"

Blackbeard nodded.

"Do you know about the Rocks Pirates?"

When he posed this question, everyone present was momentarily


No one answered the question because they had never even heard of the

Rocks Pirates.

Shiryu said with a serious expression.

"I've heard something."

"It's said that more than 40 years ago, he was the ruler of the seas. His

pirate crew was so formidable that it posed a threat to the World

Government. Unfortunately, it was eventually wiped out from the face of

the sea."

Blackbeard smiled.

"What you know isn't comprehensive."

"Even Gion, who was at the Marines Headquarters, wasn't aware of this


He knew that Gion and the other officers had only known the news with

the top vice admirals of the Marines at a meeting after Sengoku retired.

Gion nodded calmly, confirming that what Blackbeard said was correct.

"So, what secrets do the Rocks Pirates have?" Burgess inquired.

"Whitebeard, who died in the battle a few days ago, and the current Four

Emperors Kaido and Big Mom were all part of that crew on the same

ships. Not only that, Golden Lion, Wang Zhi, Captain John, and Ochaku

were also Rocks crew members,"

Blackbeard's words left the criminal pirates, like them, stunned, and they

all took a collective breath.

"So many powerful individuals were once part of Rocks Pirates crew?!"

Burgess asked in shock.

"Yes, although Kaido was just an intern on his ship at the time, having

the Golden Lion, Whitebeard, and others was sufficient to illustrate how

powerful the Rocks Pirates were back then"

Blackbeard explained.

His words piqued Gion's interest, and she asked, "So, what does this

Beehive Island signify?"

"At that time, several pirates, including Rocks D. Xebec, Golden Lion and

Whitebeard, formed the Rocks Pirates on Beehive Island, and their power

grew rapidly. In the end, Rocks D. Xebec's goal is to become the king of

the world but was defeated by Garp, who teamed up with Roger to bring

him down. This incident is what made Garp a hero in the Marines"

"This incident was so bad that the World Government later erased it from

history, similar to the eight hundred years of the void century missing

from the history of the world. There are too many mysteries in this


"But that's not important. What matters is that we'll be the next pirate

crew to challenge the world, so I chose Beehive Island as our starting


Blackbeard wore a faint smile on his face, discussing it as if it were an

everyday occurrence, something so big that made them feel the chill with


"Sounds very interesting..."

Shiryu grinned maliciously as he wiped the katana in his hand.

"Isn't our pirate crew also only a gathering of strong people? Weihahaha!

Just as Captain Blackbeard said, we are the next crew to challenge the


Burgess laughed loudly.

"I agree"

Gion simply stated. For her, challenging the World Government was

synonymous with challenging the Celestial Dragons.

Her goal is simple: to bring the Celestial Dragons down from their


"Since everyone has no objections, let's set off for Beehive Island"

Blackbeard declared, then turned to Avalo Pizarro: "I have something for


Avalo Pizarro was obviously a little surprised.

Then, Blackbeard thought for a moment, and an apple materialized in his

hand. He intended to create a crew link with Avalo Pizarro, allowing him

not only to control Avalo Pizarro but also to possess the Devil Fruit

Ability that Avalo Pizarro possessed.

"An apple?"

Avalo Pizarro reached out to take it, but Blackbeard halted his hand.

"As long as you take a bite of this apple, I can use your fruit ability. Of

course, there are disadvantages for you; if you betrayed me, your fruit

ability will be strip from you and taken by me"

Blackbeard calmly explained to Avalo Pizarro.

Before the Blackbeard Pirates can develop, Blackbeard must first address

internal crew issues and consolidate the strength of the Blackbeard


If these foundational issues aren't solved, what will happen next? In the

future, even a minor problem could be enough to tear a pirate group



"Captain Blackbeard doesn't believe me?"

Avalo Pizarro wore a smile on his face after hearing this.

"I have a sentence here that you've probably never heard."

"What is it?"

Avalo Pizarro asked with curiosity.

"I would rather choose to betray the world than let the world betray me!"

Blackbeard said with a crazy smile.

After saying this, a hint of dominance gradually emanated from his

presence. This kind of dominance certainly didn't belong to the original






I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

042 Crew Challenge


No one said anything!

After saying this, everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates could sense the

kingly charisma emanating from Blackbeard.

Although this kind of dominance is not Conqueror's Haki, it shouldn't

manifest in someone like Blackbeard, who is ungrateful and kills his


However, the aura that Blackbeard now exuded truly instilled fear in


Then Shiryu took a puff of his cigar and smiled lightly, saying, "Captain

Blackbeard is becoming more and more domineering."

"Weihahaha! A crazy man would prefer to betray the world than the

world to betray him!"

Burgess also burst into laughter.

The rest of the Blackbeard Pirates remained silent because the better

Blackbeard became, the more successes they would achieve in the future.

Only the smile on Avalo Pizarro's face gradually disappeared.

His expression turned serious, revealing a subtle fighting spirit.

"Have a fight with me. If you can beat me, I'll eat this apple. But if you

lose, give up the position of captain!"

Avalo Pizarro stared at Blackbeard and declared.

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of everyone in the

Blackbeard Pirates changed.


Burgess's face changed after hearing this, and he seemed ready to fight

Avalo Pizarro.

As a result, he wanted to charge forward but was stopped by Blackbeard.

"This is a matter between the captain and the crew, and neither of you

can take action"


Blackbeard laughed loudly. He enjoyed the audacity of pirates, then

stepped forward, declaring, "I accept your challenge!"

Shortly after, the warship anchored on the shore of an island in the New


The Blackbeard Pirates had all disembarked onto the island.

"Captain Blackbeard, give it your all. I really want to see how powerful

the three devil fruits are!"

Avalo Pizarro stood opposite Blackbeard, his eyes filled with excitement.

Blackbeard had seen Avalo Pizarro's audacity on the sixth floor of Impel

City, so he wasn't surprised.

"Come on then!"

Blackbeard stood his ground and said to Avalo Pizarro.

As a captain, he naturally had to embody the magnanimity of a leader.

Since there was a challenge from the crew, he naturally had to let the

other party make the first move.

"Fist of the Earth!"

Avalo Pizarro stomped his feet, driving his hands directly into the soil

beneath him.

His Paramecia Devil Fruit, the Island-Island Fruit, was activated.

The ground behind him began to surge until it coalesced into a massive

boulder, as large as a hill of Fist!

Upon witnessing this, Blackbeard simply punched the space in front of


"Click, click, click!"

The space shattered, and the shockwave collided with the colossal fist


Avalo Pizarro's colossal stone fist shattered into pieces and fell in an


"Earthquakes are the nemesis of such rocks..."

Laffitte observed and remarked.

"Pizarro's attack did not pose a threat to the captain."

Shiryu said the same thing.

Avalo Pizarro appeared stunned, clearly not expecting his move to be

effortlessly countered.

At this moment, Blackbeard had already wiped away the smile on his

face. If a captain in the pirate crew lacks authority, he would rather

assemble a new crew with weaker individuals.

To establish authority over these powerful individuals, the best approach

is to completely win them over!

"Let's see if you can stop this!"

Blackbeard said calmly, and in an instant, his body transformed into a

bolt of lightning and vanished.

Upon reappearing, he was already above Avalo Pizarro's head. By this

point, he had amassed a considerable amount of lighting in his lightning-

charged hand.

He struck Avalo Pizarro with a single punch!

The formidable lightning transforms into a thunder column, penetrating


"Earth Fortress!"

Avalo Pizarro's expression turned solemn as thick earth and rocks

instantly gathered above his head, colliding with the descending thunder

and lightning.

Just as he struggled to block it, he suddenly felt strange.

Before he could react, a ray of lightning gathered in front of his eyes,

taking the form of a Blackbeard.

Avalo Pizarro's forehead broke out in dense beads of sweat.

Because the opponent's fist was already cloaked in the power of

Armament Haki and the force of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

Blackbeard suddenly threw a punch at Avalo Pizarro.


Avalo Pizarro's entire body was sent flying backward, blood spewing

from his mouth.

Avalo Pizarro was seriously injured with just one punch!

"Captain Blackbeard can already proficiently use two fruit abilities!"

Burgess exclaimed with excitement after witnessing Blackbeard's show of


"No wonder the captain has been focusing on improving his physical

strength lately. Using two fruit abilities is too much for anyone!"

Van Augur remarked with narrowed eyes.

"However, the impact of using both abilities together is truly terrifying"

Laffitte commented with a hint of astonishment.

Shiryu, Catarina Devon, Vasco Shot, and Gion all displayed a trace of

shock on their faces.

These are just two types of fruit abilities—what if there are three?

"I'm not convinced!"

Avalo Pizarro wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up,

and glared angrily at Blackbeard.

In his view, this defeat was due to his lack of understanding of

Blackbeard's abilities.

His body then seamlessly melded with the earth beneath his feet,

becoming one with the ground.

The entire island started shaking violently, and a large amount of land on

the island began to levitate in the air.

Shortly after, a third of the island's surface land had gathered in the air,

creating a colossal cloud that obscured the sky and the sun, taking the

shape of a fist!

This punch has the power to effortlessly wipe out a small country!

"Is this Avalo Pizarro's strength? No wonder he's so arrogant!"

Burgess exclaimed in shock as he witnessed the scene.

"It looks like Avalo Pizarro won't give up until he's completely defeated

by the captain"

Shiryu murmured upon observing the scene.

Seeing this, Blackbeard refrained from using the Dark Fruit ability.

If he wanted to convince Avalo Pizarro of his defeat, he needed to

overpower him with absolute strength!

"Just in time for you to experience the new technique I've been

developing, which I call Fruit Combo."

A glint of madness flickered in Blackbeard's eyes. He clenched his fists,

and his entire arm transformed into lightning.

The thunder fists, now covered in white pale light,.which mean that

Blackbeard used Thunder and Tremor-tremor fruit at the same time!




<em>Note: Blackbeard doesn't have Conqueror Haki, it's just some kind

charisma from his wild ambition and confidence. And does Blackbeard

will have Conqueror Haki? We'll see,</em>


I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

043 New moves

"Fruit combination skills?"

"Could it be..."

As two fruit abilities manifested at the same time in one of his hands,

coupled with his statement, everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates seemed to

have thought something dreadful.

Avalo Pizarro had already emerged from the earth, surrounded by rocks,

and the colossal fist in the sky, shrouding the sun, had also taken form.

He still holds confidence in his current technique.

This move of his can be described as invincible. Even the shockwaves

can't easily shatter this formidable fist.

"Earth Emperor Fist!"

He roared as the colossal fist in the sky descended towards Blackbeard in

the air!

After using this blow, the face of Avalo Pizarro showed exhaustion and

he was panting.

It was obvious that this strike was already his most powerful move.

"Let's see how destructive this new move can be"

Blackbeard's eyes gleamed with excitement. It had taken him nearly three

days and three nights to perfect this fruit combination skill.

Combining the tremor-tremor fruit and the thunder fruit is an incredibly

difficult task.

He considered utilizing the explosive power and elemental nature of the

Thunder Fruit to enhance the potency of the tremor-tremor Fruit.

Since the Tremor-tremor Fruit generates powerful destructive force, it

also inflicts a substantial recoil on his own body.

In simpler terms, excessive use of the Tremor-tremor Fruit can actually

harm his own body.

However, Blackbeard cleverly use the Thunder Fruit to give his arms an

elemental form, effectively nullifying the recoil from the Tremor-tremor


"Bzzt! Bzzt!"

At this time, a large amount of lightning power has gathered on his arm.

And the Tremor-tremor Fruit is no joke. A single punch from someone

with this fruit can unleash devastating power!

Looking up, Pizarro's Earth Emperor Fist is already near him, crushing

toward him!

"Thunderstorm Star-Shattering Fist!"

Blackbeard shouted, swiftly unleashing his punch.

"Click, click, click!!!"

Before his fist reached the space in front of him, multiple cracks had

already formed.


With a punch, violent thunder and lightning erupted instantly!

His thunder fist, cloaked in white light, pierced through the space ahead,

activating the Tremor-tremor Fruit ability!

Yes, this time it went straight through space!

The shock's recoil made his lightning arm explode, but soon after, his arm

became whole again.

The punch didn't show much vibration, but the destructive force it

unleashed was top-notch.

"Zeehahahaa! ! "

Above Blackbeard, where the Earth Emperor Fist attack came, the space

there collapsed directly.

Even Whitebeard himself couldn't imagine the immense power of the

tremor tremor Fruit, capable of shattering space itself.

At this moment, the sky darkened.

The mighty Earth Emperor Fist that once enveloped the sky and sun

shattered into countless fragments, as the space itself crumbled and

turned to dust. The shattered space quickly mended itself, restoring its

original form in an instant.

The sky was empty at this moment, and everything appeared as if

nothing had happened.

If it weren't for the fact that Pizzaro had reshaped the upper third of the

island, people might have thought they were seeing things.

"Hiss... hoo... hiss... hoo..."

The scene was eerily quiet, with the only sound being Teach's heavy


The punch nearly drained all of his energy.

However, soon a smile graced his lips, revealing that everything was just

as it should be!

While this fruit combination uses up a significant amount of stamina, the

power it unleashes is equally terrifying.

This punch is equivalent to directly annihilating a small country, causing

everything to disappear in the broken space!


Burgess, Vasco Shot, Laffitte, and others all swallowed nervously.

Even strong people like Shiryu and Gion were scared to see it.

What kind of destructive power is this?!

"Even though the Star-Shattering Fist can't actually break stars, the name

surprisingly suits the power of this punch..."

Gion gazed at Blackbeard in a trance and murmured.

"The captain actually combined two fruit abilities into one! This is truly


Laffitte's face showed shock as he sighed.

Everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates was stunned by Blackbeard's move.

Who would have thought that their captain could develop such a

terrifying weapon in just a few days of hard training? Truly a remarkable


Avalo Pizarro stared at the sky, realizing that his proudest and most

powerful attack had vanished without a trace. The one most shocked was

none other than himself.

Only he truly grasps the power of the Earth Emperor Fist, and it's this

very move that earned him the title of the Corrupt King.

Because he had once used this move to actually destroy a country!

He was stunned for more than ten minutes before he recovered, kneeling

down directly in front of Blackbeard.

"Captain Teach! I, Pizarro, keep my word. From now on, I will only obey

you and follow the captain to the death!"

After witnessing this, Burgess, Lafitte, Doc Q, and Van Augur all turned

their gaze to Shiryu and Gion.

Burgess and the others are naturally loyal to Blackbeard.

The main challenge now is ensuring that Shiryu and the rest fully

integrate into the Blackbeard Pirates and become completely obedient to


With Avalo Pizarro's example, even Shiryu and the others have no choice

but to bow their heads now.





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+

chapters ahead of everyone.

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044 Bounty

In the following time, Blackbeard successfully formed a Crew Link with

Avalo Pizarro and fully integrated him into the crew.

He has acquired a new Devil Fruit ability—it's not a Logia, but a

Paramecia called the Island-Island Fruit. This power allows him to

control the entire island he is on.

With Avalo Pizarro's complete surrender, the Blackbeard Pirates have

become more united as a whole, now heading toward Beehive Island at

full speed.

At this moment, Blackbeard was laying on a couch, examining the data

and information about himself in his mind.

<em>"Role: Marshall·D·Teach"</em>

<em>"Character points: 35.600 points"</em>

<em>"Number of souls: 3 (available: 0)"</em>

<em>"Crew Link: Laffitte, Avalo Pizarro"</em>

<em>"Possessing fruits: Dark Fruit, Thunder Fruit, Tremor-Tremor


Following the Summit War of Marineford, the character points skyrocket

from over 8,000 to more than 30,000.

He discovered that whenever he accomplished a remarkable event in One

Piece, his character points would soar.

Furthermore, there exists another method to significantly boost his

character points: by reigniting the original desire of pirates.

By engaging in activities such as looting treasures, destruction, and

displaying cruelty, his character points will increase significantly.

In the end, he spent 10,000 character points to acquire two crew links

directly. With the remaining 20,000 character points, he could exchange

them for soul after discovering the fruit ability he wanted.


"Captain Blackbeard, do you want to read the latest newspaper?"

Laffitte approached with a newspaper in hand, interrupting Blackbeard's



Blackbeard switched off the data and became intrigued by the new


"What does the newspaper say?"

Burgess asked curiously, approaching.

All the Blackbeard Pirates looked like they were gossiping. Judging by

their roles in the Summit War, they anticipated that this news had a lot

to do with them. Seeing everyone's curious expressions, Blackbeard

opened the newspaper.

The first thing he noticed was the bounty list featuring him!

"Marshall D. Teach, with a bounty of 1.5 billion!"

There was also text below: "The first pirate in history to escalate from a

bounty of 0 to 1.5 billion. He stands as the representative of pirates in

the new era!"

"Weihahaha!! Captain Blackbeard, you finally have a bounty—going from

zero to 1.5 billion! You're the first pirate in history to make such a leap!"

Burgess laughed.

"Our captain is finally a famous pirate"

Laffitte smiled lightly. In their view, once the bounty surpasses 1 billion,

he becomes a respected figure on the seas.

"From 0 to 1.5 billion, the World Government really holds me in high


Blackbeard said with a smile upon seeing his bounty.

The wide range of the bounty indicates that he is a significant threat in

the eyes of the World Government


Gion exclaimed in shock.

"It's extremely rare for a pirate to get a bounty over 100 million for the

first time, let alone a straight 1.5 billion. It clearly shows how much the

world government highly values you head, captain"

Shiryu remarked, taking a deep breath from his cigar and exhaling the


As his bounty spread, people all over the world began talking about it.

After all, the number of people who actually witnessed the Summit War

was small compared to the global population.


Beehive Island.

Looking from a distance, there is a huge skull on the island.

This is the territory of the Witch Pirates.

Inside a casino on the island.

"Captain, Blackbeard's who create chaos in the Summit War is is out!"

A pirate hurriedly approached a woman, handing her the newspaper.

The beautiful woman set aside the sieve cup and picked up the


Her eyes widened in astonishment.

Then she burst into wild laughter. Her hoarse laughter sharply contrasted

with her beautiful face.

"It's just a new pirate, and the Marines gave him a bounty of 1.5 billion,

even though he's been hiding for so many years. This is truly the biggest

joke I've ever seen in my life."

"I bet Sengoku is in a state of confusion. He should quickly give up his

position as Fleet Admiral!"

A fat man sneered at the situation.

"My witch's current bounty is only 1.4 billion, so Blackbeard's first bounty

exceeded 1.5 billion? What a big joke."

The stunning beauty spoke, and then her body underwent a drastic

transformation. Her tight skin gradually loosened, and her posture

changed, transforming into a white-haired old woman.

She was known as the Witch, a person who eats the Mythical Zoan fruit,

Fox-Fox Fruit Model: Nine-Tailed Demon Fox.

She also happens to be the captain of the Witch Pirates.

"Baabababa, why are you getting angry about this? With his ambition,

he'll surely attack Whitebeard's territory. We can take him down later


The plump man smiled once more. He is a user of the Turtle Fruit ability,

a Mythical Zoan Species. Known as the Old Turtle, he serves as the vice-

captain of the Witch Pirates.


The witch nodded and then continued.

"Without Whitebeard's suppression, the Whitebeard remnants led by

Marco alone are not enough to inherit Whitebeard's throne. Too many

strong men in this sea are staring at this piece of cake he left behind! We

have to make the first move!"

"Our Witch Pirates will surely become the next Yonko crew!"

Old Turtle declared with confidence.





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chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

045 Witch Pirates

There are countless pirates in the New World who hold this idea.

Many factions have unanimously set their sights on Whitebeard's


Especially those strong forces that have been suppressed by the Four


With the throne vacant, the New World has started another bloody storm.


After sailing for another four days, Blackbeard has reached the shores of

Beehive Island.

"Captain, I heard that this Island is occupied by the Witch Pirates. And

their captain, the witch's has Mythical Zoan devil fruit, a Devil Fruit

ability can create illusions, making things quite tricky"

Laffitte mentioned beside Blackbeard.

"We can just kill him straight away"

Shiryu said, wiping his sword with a murderous intent in his eyes.

During this time at sea, he had no chance to kill anyone, and his hands

were already itching.

"Her Devil Fruit is the nine-tailed demon fox, a Mythical Zoan. The nine-

tailed demon fox is a legendary monster. It's quite a valuable treasure"

A trace of greed appeared on Blackbeard's face. He not only wanted to

give this fruit to Catarina Devon but also intended to use the crew link on

her to control her.

"Creating illusions seems like a good ability. Why don't we plunder that


Catarina Devon asked with a smile on her face.

"Of course, I can give it to you if you like," Blackbeard smiled.

"Oh fufufufu, thank you, Captain," Catarina Devon laughed upon hearing


Their warship, being a Marine vessel, had already stirred chaos on

Beehive Island before even getting close.

"How did the marines' warship come to Beehive Island? Who's on that

ship? Aren't they afraid of death?"

The pirates on Beehive Island questioned, picking up their weapons one

by one and getting ready to fight the marines

"On board is not the Marines, but the recently famous Blackbeard! It's the

Blackbeard Pirates!"

A pirate held a telescope and observed the figures on the warship. There

were only a few people on the large vessel.

Due to Beehive Island's entertaining nature, a large number of wealthy

pirates gathered there. They were not part of the Witch Pirates.

On the island, they are just customers who come to play.

They all have the mentality of watching a show when Blackbeard arrives.

"Is that guy Blackbeard? He doesn't look like a big pirate with a bounty of

1.5 billion at all. Besides this warship, they look too shabby, right?!"

"I heard that with Whitebeard's death, the Witch will lead her crew to

take over Whitebeard's territory. I wonder if Blackbeard will clash with

them when they arrive."

"Blackbeard has become a thorn in the side of the forces who want

Whitebeard's territory; he's their primary target. Now, Blackbeard has

taken the initiative to come to Beehive Island. It seems like there will be

something interesting to watch next."

These pirates seem like they want to throw the world into chaos.

Coming from various forces or being solo wanderers, the Witch Pirates

will be responsible for maintaining order on the island.So they won't take

action against Blackbeard pirates but will absolutely watch the show.

As the rulers of the island, the Witch Pirates understand that establishing

complete order on this entertainment island is important for earning

Baileys from pirates who came to this island!

Blackbeard naturally took an interest in this.

"Blackbeard Pirates?"

After hearing the news, the witch walked out of the casino with a smile

on her face. She was truly looking forward to getting what she wanted.

She was curious to find out what made this representation of the worst

generation ofthe new era so extraordinary.

"Baabababa, Witch, it seems you won't have to go seeking them out for

the fight over Whitebeard's territory; now they've come here to give their


The Old Turtle's wild laughter echoed on the island.


Blackbeard stood at the front of the warship, with Shiryu and others

behind him. Including him, the Blackbeard Pirates numbered only eleven


As for the pirates on Beehive Island, plus the Witch Pirates have nearly

50,000 members!

Upon learning of his arrival, the entire Witch Pirates took action, and a

group of people appeared on the shore of Beehive Island.

"Blackbeard, you're here. Your arrival has instantly make Beehive Island

more lively"

The witch stood in front of the crowd and said with a smile.

"I wonder what the now-famous Blackbeard is doing on our Beehive


Old Turtle said casually.

They are pirates from the old era, much like Whitebeard. Having seen

everything in the world, Blackbeard's arrival didn't surprise them too


"Zeehahaha!! To be honest, I'm just here to take this island as my


Blackbeard laughed loudly and spoke straightforwardly. The purpose of

his visit is to take over Beehive Island!


Shiryu and others also smiled faintly.

These guys are not good people to begin with, and the idea of snatching

other people's territory instantly aroused the interest of each of them.


The pirates who were watching the show on Beehive Island widened

their eyes when they heard this.

This is the headquarters of the Witch Pirates. Even if the Four Emperors

brought people here, they wouldn't be this arrogant.

But why are the eleven Blackbeard crew members acting so recklessly?

"They really are as arrogant as the rumors say!"

When the witch heard his words, her face instantly became


"The ignorant kid really thought he could become invincible by acquiring

a few Devil Fruit abilities."

Old Turtle's voice also became a lot heavier.

"Captain, issued the order to kill them. I want to know what it feels like

to kill this famous person!"

"There are only 11 people. I really don't know where they got the


Everyone in the Witch Pirates is ready to fight. As they face each other,

the fighting spirit between the two sides is about to explode.

"Boys, let's get started, Zeeehahaha!!"

Blackbeard laughed loudly upon hearing their words. His body

transformed into lightning, erupting on the warship. He rushed directly

towards the Witch Pirates.

Shiryu, Burgess, and others followed closely behind.


Thunderbolts skipped over the crowd, instantly taking down a large

number of pirates.

"Bang bang bang bang!!!"

The sound of violent gunfire echoed in Blackbeard's ears.

But all these bullets penetrated his body without causing any harm to


"Thunder Dragon!!"

Another Thunder Dragon appeared, directly driving back the Witch


His strength also earned him an admiring look from other pirates on the






I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 10+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

046 Nine Tail Demon Fox

"Logia Devil Fruit ability?!"

"And it's the Thunder Fruit!"

The faces of the Witch Pirates changed. The opponent's strong attack left

them unable to react.

"You stand back; we'll handle this!"

The witch and the old turtle appeared in front of the crowd with a few of

their men, looking at Blackbeard coldly.

These individuals are the elite combat forces in the Witch Pirate group.

"You're all old-timers from the old era, so let me send you to an early

reincarnation today."

When Blackbeard saw this, he smiled at the witch and her crew.

"Weihahaha, the captain is right, you have no value in this sea"

Burgess also laughed and said.

"I've long heard that the witch has some weird abilities, but I really want

to see them toda,"

Catarina Devon stared at the witch and said.


Shiryu smiled faintly in a low voice, and at the same time, his eyes were

filled with murderous intent heightened by the tense atmosphere.

"Zeehahaha, you guys, kill them all; Beehive Island will get a new owner


Blackbeard said to his crew members.

Burgess and others rushed forward.

Blackbeard chose to face off against the witch, while Shiryu took the

initiative to confront the old turtle.

The war is about to break out!


"The nine-tailed demon fox, a monster on the same level as the Yamata

no Orochi—I wonder how powerful the fruit's ability is."

Blackbeard is still quite curious about this fruit's ability.

"Nine-tailed fox form!"

The witch's body was lying on the ground, and she had transformed into

a fox with pink flames burning all over her body, with nine tails dancing

wildly behind her.

"El Thor!"

Blackbeard directly used the Thunder Fruit to transform into a thunder

god, and the entire sky became dark with thunder.

He didn't want to use the Tremor-Tremor Fruit to destroy the island, so

he planned to use the Thunder Fruit to fight the witch.


The witch's eyes flashed red, and then dozens of nine-tailed demon foxes

appeared directly from her body.

Each one seemed to be a distinct entity, making it challenging for the

naked eye to discern which one was real and which was an illusion.

Blackbeard gazed at the densely packed nine-tailed demon foxes, his eyes

concentrated, and he immediately threw a punch towards a specific spot.


The raging thunder and lightning instantly wiped out several nine-tailed

demon foxes.

At the same time, one of the nine-tailed demon foxes jumped up and

rolled to the side.

"Just put away these little tricks of yours and cherish the time you have


Blackbeard sneered.

The other party's clone illusion may cause big problems for others, but

for people like him who master knowledge, observation haki, and

armament haki, it is easy to distinguish the true from the false.

"Really? Then let's try something more advanced."

"Actual illusion!"

As the witch laughed, her body divided into eight figures.

A total of nine nine-tailed demon foxes surrounded Blackbeard.

"Now it gets a little interesting."

A smile appeared at the corner of Blackbeard's mouth.

Because the other party's ability, similar to the clone technique, makes it

impossible to sense the true entity through the Haki of observation and


It can also be said that these nine nine-tailed demon foxes may all be real


"Zeehahaha! In this case, let's fight nine!"

Finally, Blackbeard smiled arrogantly, and his body turned into thunder,

appearing next to one of the demon foxes.

Five hundred million volts exploded instantly, and the thunder and

lightning drowned the demon fox, causing it to finally disappear.

When he took action, the other eight demon foxes rushed directly

towards him. The key is that these eight demon foxes can actually use

armanent Haki.

There is no doubt that this is a move specially designed to counter his

Logia fruit ability.

"The witch's nine-tailed demon fox is even more weird than it appears.

Not only can it create illusions, but it can also mimic people. What's even

more terrifying is its charm!"

"I wonder who will come out on top, Blackbeard or the witch"

the pirates on Beehive Island discussed, eagerly awaiting the outcome.

The victor was still uncertain at this point.

When Blackbeard saw this, his body turned into a thunder and flashed

rapidly, and he was out of the witch's siege in an instant.

This was also the speed of thunder. The remarkable aspect of the fruit lies

not only in its formidable destructive force but also in its speed, rivaling

that of the Light Fruit.

"Do you truly believe you can escape from me?"

The witch's nine-tailed fox fixated its gaze on Blackbeard, its crimson

eyes gleaming.

"The witch is about to use her charm!"

"As long as you fall under her charm, you will definitely die. There are

countless pirates who have fallen victim to her trick over the years.."


Shouts echoed across the island.

Some people avoided meeting the witch's gaze, glancing away in fear.

Blackbeard gazed into the witch's eyes, and suddenly, his mind feel dizzy.

It felt like Lafitte's hypnotic spell all over again.

Lafitte can really mess with people's minds, confusing it, while the witch

makes it feel like she's taking charge of his thoughts!

"Dark water!"

Blackbeard remained stoic and quickly activated the power of the Dark


The unseen force pulled the witch's devil fruit abilities towards it.




Her remaining clones exploded simultaneously, vanishing without a


At the same time, the witch also transformed back into a human form

from her Nine Tails Demon Fox Form

"How is that possible?!"

The pirates witnessing this were dumbfounded, as if they had seen a


Did the witch lose her fruit power just like that?

They stared at the darkness in the hand of Blackbeard, their hearts

beating faster.

Could this Blackbeard have another fruit ability?!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 15+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

047 Comradeship?

The island's pirates showed no reaction whatsoever.

The witch gazed at Blackbeard in disbelief. Despite being over a hundred

years old, her fruit power had never failed before.

She had never heard of such an ability!

"What did you do?!"

The witch eyed Blackbeard cautiously, a hint of fear in her voice.

She was not skilled in physical combat, she was now just an ordinary

pirate without her abilities. Naturally, facing Blackbeard head on made

her afraid and desperately trying to run from Blackbeard dark water

Yet, Blackbeard didn't give chase. Instead, he countered with a

thunderous roar.


The thunder dragon enveloped the witch in an instant. She collapsed,

twitching on the ground beneath the thunder. Even her once-pale hair

turned black.


"Captain Witch!"

The Witch Pirates' crew screamed at the sight of their captain collapsing

In an instant, everything changed for them. The Witch was still actively

attacking Blackbeard, and suddenly, she was on the ground, electrocuted.

They couldn't react as she twitched on the ground.

"Doc Q."

Blackbeard's gaze fixed on Doc Q. He aimed to eliminate the witch and

claim her mythical beast fruit – a nine-tailed demon fox.

With a single glance, Doc Q understand Blackbeard's intention and

immidietly replied,

"Captain, everything is ready."

Murderous intent flashed in Blackbeard's eyes. He aimed to seize this

chance and eliminate the other party quickly.

"Don't kill me, I'm ready to follow you! The Witch Pirates, we're all

becoming yours!"

The witch trembled instinctively as she spoke in terror, meeting

Blackbeard's gaze.

"What use do I, the Blackbeard Pirates, need for an old woman like you?"

Even after hearing this, Blackbeard remained calm and unaffected. He

extended his hand, gathering the thunder into a spear, and finally threw

it suddenly!

Suddenly, a fat figure dashed forward, positioning himself with his back

to Blackbeard, shielding the witch.

A turtle shell materialized behind him, snugly wrapping around his fat


He was an aged turtle in the half form of the mythical beast species.

The thunder spear struck his turtle shell, causing only minor damage.

The witch stood up slowly, her expression gloomy. If the old turtle hadn't

shielded her from the damage just now, she might just die now.

"Indeed, a friend in need is a true friend"

Blackbeard sighed as he observed the scene.

"His abilities are strange!"

The witch cast a wary glance at Blackbeard and addressed the old turtle.

"You'd better take a look at our men first...."

Although the old turtle was not injured, his face had become very ugly.


The witch paused, then scanned the surroundings, her face changing


Because all the elite members the Witch Pirates brought into battle

moments ago had become lifeless corpses!

"How could this happen?!"

The witch screamed in disbelief.

Those crew members were the strongest in the Witch Pirate group.

How could they be killed so quickly by the Blackbeard pirate crew


"I wasn't having a good time earlier, so why not drop by and join

someone else's fight?"

Shiryu walked over calmly, holding a bloody katana, wearing a calm

expression on his face.

To make matters worse, Burgess, Avalo Pizarro, and others joined in,

surrounding the witch and the old turtle.

"Captain Blackbeard, their pirate group is way too weak"

Burgess laughed.

"After all, they are also crew members of the 1.4 billion pirates. Why

can't they put up a decent fight?"

Avalo Pizarro expressed with some dissatisfaction.

Vasco Shot and Catarina Devon were no different. Everyone's faces

remained calm, showing no signs of having been in a battle at all.

They were all formidable figures from the sixth-floor prison of Impel


Dealing with these Witch Pirates' subordinates came naturally and easily

to them.

In that moment, the Witch and the Old Turtle felt immense pressure.

Dealing with anyone in this 11-person pirate group was no easy task!

Out of nowhere!

The Witch transformed into a nine-tailed fox and swiftly charged into the

crowd, instantly taking down several pirates.

Panic swept through the crowd!

The witch quickly utilized her fruit's power to mimic someone else,

blending into the chaos of the crowd.

Her mimicry was so accurate that unless the person she imitated stood

alongside her, judging solely by personality, it was impossible to

distinguish who the real witch was!

"Captain Blackbeard, it looks like we're in a bit of trouble..."

Shiryu calmly took a puff of his cigar and spoke slowly.

"Did she ditch her husband and make a run for it? Wieehahaha!"

Burgess laughed loudly.

"The old turtle saved her life just now. Now it's quite amusing to ditch

the old turtle and run away on her own."

Doc Q laughed.

"This fruit is quite fascinating with its ability to imitate people."

Catarina Devon also expressed her interest, particularly in the nine-tailed

demon fox's fruit ability.

"Zeehahaha!!! Are you playing hide and seek with me?"

Blackbeard burst into laughter, but then his expression darkened, and

with a murderous gleam in his eyes, he commanded, "Kill the old turtle


If this old turtle hadn't intervened earlier, the witch would be lying

lifeless now.

Naturally, he harbored resentment toward the old turtle.


The old turtle gazed into the crowd with bewildered eyes. At that

moment, even he couldn't discern who among them was the witch who

had been his lifelong companion.

It wasn't true if he didn't feel the pain in his heart. Confronted with

Blackbeard's murderous intent, a resigned smile crossed his face, and he

addressed the crowd, "Live your lives well. Our era is drawing to a close,

and as an old man, I'll take the first step."





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 15+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

048 Old Turtle

After he finished saying this, his eyes became sharp, and his originally fat

body gradually grew bigger!

In an instant, a colossal turtle, a hundred meters in diameter,

materialized before them!

Its shell resembled a dark green emerald, boasting an immensely

formidable defense.

Shiryu observed with keen interest as he transformed into a massive


For a sword-wielding pirate, the enemy in front of him was challenging

the sharpness of the sword in their hand!

Finally, he turned to Blackbeard and said, "Captain, let me handle him."

"Go ahead."

Blackbeard agreed to let him take charge.

He was also eager to witness Shiryu's true strength.

"Thank you, Captain."

Shiryu uttered in a hoarse voice, then proceeded out of the Blackbeard

Pirates' line


The old turtle kicked the ground and unleashed a fearsome blast of air

from its mouth.

The sound wave made the ears of the people nearby buzzing.

"The old turtle is going to try his best!"

"The overall strength of the Blackbeard Pirates is too strong! !"

"They actually forced the witch to run away and make the old turtle fight

for his life!"

"It seems that they are also a powerful pirate group contending for

Whitebeard's throne!"

The surrounding pirates let out sighs.

They clearly didn't anticipate this outcome. To them, the Blackbeard

Pirates had only recently gained some fame in the Summit War. Even

with a bounty of 1.5 billion, they couldn't match these veteran pirate

groups in their mind.

Yet, the outcome was the Blackbeard Pirates decisively defeating the

Witch Pirates!

"Animals scream and struggle when they know they're being slaughtered."

Shiryu spoke casually, a murderous glint in his eyes. The demon sword in

his hand was now coated with flowing Armament Haki.

Against a heavily defended opponent, breaking through their defense is

impossible unless he unleashes his Armament Haki.

"Even if I die, I drag you down with me! "

The old turtle roared, stamping the ground, and bit down on Shiryu.

Shiryu stood up and jumped, and a deep pit was instantly bitten out of

the ground.

Shiryu gazed at the old turtle's thick shell, swung his sword, and a sword

slash, a hundred meters long, struck the turtle's shell!


The force of the sword slash pressed the old turtle's body directly to the

ground, stirring up a cloud of dust. A knife mark appeared on the shell

behind the old turtle!

"The old turtle's shell actually had a scar. He had been injured countless

times in his life, but there was no scar on the turtle's shell! This scar is

the only scar on the old turtle's body!"

"Is this the power of the former Impel Down warden?"

"This sword slash is incredibly sharp..."

"Are all the Blackbeard Pirates this powerfull?"

The surrounding pirates exclaimed in surprise.

"I thought your turtle shell was impenetrable."

Shiryu gazed at the old turtle and remarked.

Ignoring him, the old turtle roared loudly. Then, stretching out its head,

it opened its mouth, gathering a surge of energy within.

"Raw water cannon! "

Several water cannons rushed out from his mouth one after another!

Shiryu confronted the approaching water cannon, slashing out with his


The water cannon exploded!

The ground between them was blasted away, leaving a deep pit!

Shiryu's eyes narrowed, and he skillfully dodged the other incoming

water cannons.




Several water cannons exploded one after another, leaving the nearby

ground filled with craters.

The surrounding pirates gazed in shock at the unfolding scene. This level

of battle was clearly on a different scale than the previous ones.

"Shiryu, finish it. If this goes on, the island will be destroyed"

Blackbeard said with a frown.

"Didn't the captain want to use his life to force out the witch?"

Shiryu asked as he looked at Blackbeard.


Blackbeard looked stunned and asked, "You think I believe that?"

Shiryu nodded.

"Zeehahaha! How could a witch show up? Betrayal is common

everywhere, especially among pirates! I never intended to force her out

by threatening Old Turtle's life"

Blackbeard suddenly laughed.

"In that case, I can act with confidence"

Shiryu declared, slashing with his knife once again.

The knife sliced through one of the old turtle's legs directly!


The old turtle's face contorted in a ferocious expression as he couldn't

help but roar in severe pain.

Then he sprayed out another water cannon, this time aimed at the

remaining Blackbeard Pirates.

Obviously, this water cannon was his final stand.

"Hahaha, who do you think you're dealing with?"

Avalo Pizarro laughed, lifted his arm, and a wall of earth and stone

sprang from the ground, blocking the water cannon's attack.

The old turtle's eyes filled with desperation, and then, under Shiryu's

gaze, it transformed into a human form.

He surrendered all resistance and laughed.

"I didn't expect my life to end like this. It doesn't matter if I die. Come,

make my end a joyful one!"

"No, isn't your life quite commendable? I'll make it happen for you"

A smile crept onto the corner of Shiryu's mouth, and then a sword

pierced through the old turtle's heart.

The surroundings fell into a sudden silence seeing the sword attack.





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chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

049 Kill them all!

The sword pierced the old turtle's heart.

At that moment, his old eyes were looking at the surrounding crowd.

Scanning the crowd, he failed to find the face he sought.

His lips curled slightly, and with a faint smile of regret, he closed his eyes



The old turtle's fat body fell heavily to the ground.

"Burgess, find a spot to bury the old turtle and set up a monument for


Blackbeard instructed Burgess. Despite being an enemy, Blackbeard

showed respect for the old turtle's beliefs and dedication until his death.

"Understood, Captain."

Burgess was obedient, stepping forward to pick up the old turtle and

heading towards the mountain.

"It's over..."

With the old turtle's death, the surrounding pirates all sighed, a hint of

loss on their faces.

A veteran pirate group was destroyed just like this.

At the same time, they also understand that the Blackbeard Pirates will

completely rise in the new world!

"It's over? Zeehahaha!!!"

Blackbeard burst into laughter upon hearing this.

"The witch isn't dead yet; how can it be considered over?"

After Blackbeard spoke, a hint of madness flickered in his eyes.

Van Augur, Doc Q, and Gion sensed that the situation wasn't as simple as

it seemed when they saw the look on Blackbeard's face.

They knew Blackbeard too well. With that kind of expression, he was

definitely do something crazy.

"It's useless. The witch's nine-tailed demon fox fruit is too weird. No

matter how keen your observation is, you won't be able to spot her

among these 5,000 people."

"Indeed, though the witch is greedy for life and fears death, she might

seek revenge if she survives."

"Blackbeard, even though you won, you've also become a target for a

formidable pirate skilled in disguise."

"Although your Blackbeard Pirates only have 11 people, and each one of

them is very powerful,but if you want to stand out among many pirate

groups in the New World, you are obviously still not qualified enough. "

The pirates present echoed in agreement, one after another.

Behind them stood their respective pirate crews. As they gathered, it

appeared as if a multitude of pirate groups stood behind them, ready to

lend support. Naturally, this boosts their confidence to speak freely.

"It's a shame you won't get the chance to find out if I'm qualified or not"

Blackbeard sighed upon hearing this. Then, his voice turned icy cold.

"Because you're all about to die!"

"Beehive Island, sealed!"

Blackbeard raised his arms and shouted, utilizing the Island-Island Fruit

ability that belonged to Avalo Pizarro.

Thanks to the crew link ability, he could directly employ the awakened

Paramecia fruit ability, similar to Avalo Pizarro.

After awakening the Paramecia fruit, he could not only influence the

surrounding but also wield his abilities on a large scale.

The soil and rocks on the shores of Beehive Island surged violently.

Gradually, they enclosed the island, forming a 360-degree barrier!


As the ground ascended, the entire Beehive Island started to shake

The pirates on Beehive Island stared at the unfolding scene in shock.

"What's Blackbeard planning?!"

"He's sealed off the island!"

"Does he want to make enemies of all our pirate groups?!"

The pirates on the island began to panic, because Blackbeard's use of an

ability thatthey had never seen before.

As the soil and rocks continued to rise, the sunlight that had been shining

on the island disappeared.

Except for the bright sky above, the surroundings of Beehive Island were

entirely enclosed by tall and dense earth and stone walls!

All five thousand of them were now trapped on the island!

"Could it be..."

Burgess quickly ran back at this moment. Upon witnessing Blackbeard's

transformation of the island, he couldn't help but think something.

"Witch, didn't you think I'd rather kill these 5,000 pirates by mistake than

let you go?"

Blackbeard laughed and declared.

"This is a truly clever move, Captain!"

After hearing Blackbeard's words, Lafitte praised.

"The captain is absolutely insane! But I like it! Hahaha!!!"

Avalo Pizarro exclaimed with a smile.

"Thanks to the captain for sending so many pirates for me to kill..."

The corners of Shiryu's mouth gradually curved, and the demon sword in

his hand couldn't help but quiver with anticipation.

"The captain's actions today will undoubtedly influence the fate of the

future..." Doc Q remarked in shock.

"The captain is becoming more and more crazy..." Van Augur added.

"Crazy... crazy..."

Gion is different from the others. She stared at Blackbeard with a pale

face, utterly bewildered. In her view, the other party's actions were

utterly absurd.

Is this truly the mindset of a rational individual?...

"Captain, after you kill the witch, can you give me her fruit?"

Catarina Devon inquired of Blackbeard.

"Zeehahaha, that's a promise! It's yours!"

Blackbeard replied with a grin.

"Devon thanks Captain Blackbeard!"

Catarina Devon added a smile to her lips, which looked scary and weird.

Van Augur, Doc Q, and Gion struggled to comprehend Blackbeard's move,

but the rest of the Blackbeard Pirates had already redirected their focus

to the island, aiming to subdue all the pirates.

"Zeehahaha, kill! Let them be our first conquest in the new world!"

After Blackbeard finished speaking, a subtle smirk gradually crept onto

the corner of his mouth. The madness in his eyes sent chills of despair

through all the pirates present!

The witch's eyes widened in the crowd. She never expected Blackbeard to

have the audacity to kill indiscriminately, not hesitating to mistakenly

take the lives of 5,000 people just to make sure she is dead!




<em>Note: So, do you think that barrier around Wano Country is

formed using Island-island fruit?</em>


I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 15+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

050 Picking the spoils

Beehive Island.

From a distance, it appears entirely blocked by earth and stone walls

surrounding the entire island!

"Bang bang bang bang! ! ! !"

"Don't kill me! ! ! I'm not the witch! ! !"

"Blackbeard, I hate you! ! !"

"Blackbeard, if you kill me, our Machine King Pirates will not let you go!

! !"

"Are Blackbeard Pirates afraid of death? Killing us will attract the

attention of numerous pirate groups in the New World!"

Gunshots and screams echoed on the island!

Despite many of these pirates in the New World being formidable, they

fell victim to the indiscriminate killing by Shiryu and Avalo Pizarro. Yes,

indiscriminate killing was underway.

Everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates dismissed the threats from these


It was a testament to their confidence.

Blackbeard sat calmly, observing the massacre, with no visible emotional


To quickly establish his reputation in the New World, he chose to gain

fame through a single decisive battle.

"Captain Teach..."

Gion approached Blackbeard, her gaze fixed on the gruesome scene

before her. Despite her seasoned experience in numerous battles, her

expression betrayed a hint of unease.

"Are you scared?"

Blackbeard said to Gion.

After a moment of silence, Gion whispered: "I'm not scared, just finding it

hard to adapt."

"Not comfortable with this approach? " Blackbeard asked further

Gion nodded. While she had faced countless battles in her life, this

method of fighting was entirely unprecedented for her, especially taking

the initiative to kill indiscriminately

"Zeehahahaha, they're all pirates. Don't think about the life of a pirate too

much. Each of them has blood on their hands, and everyone is a sinner,

includeding me."

"So, you have to be ready for the pirate life. Do you want to be alone in

this kind of environment?"

Blackbeard smiled at Gion, finding her perspective utterly absurd.

"What's more, a true king has to go through countless wars. Only by

stepping on the corpses of countless people can he stand on the top of the

world. Besides, we are enemies of the Celestial Dragon people. The power

they have accumulated over the past eight hundreds of years is far above

the eleven of us. As pirates, we still can't overthrow them. "

Gion fell into silence.

Observing Gion's hesitation, Blackbeard decided not to press her further.

Whether or not she participated didn't concern him much; he had other

plans for her.

"He's devils! "

As the witch trembled in the corner, she gazed at the Blackbeard Pirates

with a mixture of fear and horror.

Now she finally understood why the Marines would offer a 1.5 billion

bounty to a once unknown pirate.

He's a devil. If first she approaches him and pleads, maybe everything

will be fine. There might still be a chance, but now it's too late.

Watching the pirates fall one after another, with fewer and fewer

survivors on the island, her face becomes more and more nervous.

Soon, all the living pirates on the island were lying on the ground, and

the air was filled with the smell of blood.

Some were members of the Witch Pirates, while others belonged to

various pirate groups in the New World.

Their gazes simultaneously fixed on the same spot where the witch was

concealed behind a wall. In their observation haki, they sensed that,

besides themselves, only one person remained alive on the entire Beehive


At this time, the witch, who had lived for a hundred years, was

frightened. Her body was shaking.

Compared to death, waiting for death was even more torturous. Her heart

had already collapsed amidst the screams.


Blackbeard ordered with a cold tone.


With a sinister smile, Catarina Devon approached quickly and swiftly

struck the witch's head.

Even if the fruit of the nine-tailed demon fox is strong, it has no effect

against the absolute strength of the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Captain Teach, I have obtained two Mythical Zoan fruits. In addition, I

also accidentally obtained a Zoan elephant fruit. "

Doc Q looked down at the apples in the bamboo basket. Now, there are

three Devil Fruits lying among the apples!

These were the spoils they reaped from this battle.

Blackbeard approached, looking at the three Devil Fruits lying in the

bamboo basket. In addition to these three, he also possessed a Lion Fruit

acquired in Impel Down.

He grabbed the Zoan-type Mythical fruit, the nine-tailed demon fox, and

tossed it to Catarina Devon

"Here's your nine-tailed demon fox fruit."

"Thank you, Captain Blackbeard!"

Catarina Devon expressed her gratitude with a subtle smile. She knew

that the value of this Devil Fruit alone was worth more than hundreds of

millions of Beri.

The power of the Mythical Zoan fruit is indeed a rare treasure.

"There is also a Turtle Mythical Zoan fruit here, which one of you wants


Blackbeard asked the rest of them.

Van Augur, Doc Q, Burgess, Vasco Shot, Shiryu, and Gion were the only

ones without devil fruit powers at the scene.

"Captain, this fruit is not suitable for me! " Van Augur decisively refused.

Shiryu and Gion aren't interested in this fruit either. Being swordsmen,

they prefer fruits that support their skills. Vasco Shot doesn't like it

because it's too bulky. While Doc Q also find this Turtle fruit unsuitable

for his fighting style and role as a doctor

Finally, Blackbeard turned to Burgess. Without waiting for him to ask,

Blackbeard spoke up: "Don't ask about it. I'll get you a Logia fruit some

other time."





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 15+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

051 New World Change

The following day,

Blackbeard tasked Burgess and the rest to capture two nearby pirate

groups. Their job was to clean up, as the entire eastern coast of Beehive

Island was full of corpses.


The captured pirates took a deep breath upon seeing the island's

condition. Some even vomited on the spot.

More people gazed at the corpses on Beehive Island, their faces filled

with shock.

They focused on just 11 Blackbeard Pirates. Were these few responsible

for all the corpses?

Burgess frowned as he looked at the pirates standing aside, then kicked

one of them.

"Are you the only pirate left in the New World?"

"If not, then clean up these corpses quickly, or you can go down and

accompany these people."

Upon hearing his words, the captured workers were so frightened that

they froze in fear.

Cleaning up these corpses seemed a small price to pay for their own lives.

They quickly got to work as fast as they can, feeling if they late maybe

they is the one who got clean up

"Captain Blackbeard, is there anything else you'd like to order?"

Burgess inquired after finishing his task, approaching Blackbeard.

"Good job, now we can just wait for these people to die"

Blackbeard said casually.

Upon hearing his words, beads of sweat formed on the foreheads of the

nearby workers. They glanced cautiously at Blackbeard. Was he the

captain of this pirate's crew?

At that moment, Blackbeard was among them, and in their eyes, he had

transformed into a devil capable of all sorts of wicked deeds.


On this day, the news spread in the New World through newspapers that

Blackbeard had defeated the Witch Pirates, causing quite a stir with his


Marineford .

In a huge conference room.

Fleet Admiral Sengoku stared at the newspaper in his hand, his

expression serious as he spoke with anger:

"Blackbeard, that damn bastard!"

"Indeed, he's gotten even more unrestrain in the New World"

Garp added from the side.

"It looks like we've allowed a pirate to slip away who shouldn't have been

let go"

Akainu said with an expressionless face.

"Blackbeard's move was really crazy. In order to kill the witch, he chose

to eliminate 5,000 pirates on the island!"

Even the usually indifferent Kizaru couldn't help but marvel.

Aokiji simply gazed at the newspaper in his hand, his expression serious,

without uttering a word.

The other Vice Admirals in the room shared a somber mood, expressing

deep concern about Blackbeard. The onlookers, too, were extremely


At that moment, Akainu turned his gaze toward Sengoku, his eyes filled

with murderous intent

"Let me go after the Blackbeard Pirates"

"No, that's close to Whitebeard's territory. With Whitebeard gone, that

place is on the brink of becoming the next battlefield"

Sengoku decisively rejected Akainu.

"This time, I gathered everyone here just to hear your opinion. I'm

already getting old, and the position of Fleet Admiral is no longer

suitable for me"

As soon as Sengoku said this, the marines in the room lifted their heads

one by one, staring at him in disbelief.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku..."

"No need for words; this era no longer belongs to me. Perhaps the next

Fleet Admiral will do better after I step down"

Sengoku added.

After the marine meeting, Garp accompanied Sengoku to his office.

"Have you truly made up your mind, Sengoku?"

Garp inquired.

"I have decided. I have no desire to fight anymore."

Sengoku suddenly seemed to be much older. His face was full of


"I heard the World Government has begun recruiting civilians. Even if I

retire, there will soon be more capable individuals to protect the navy.

Besides, you're still around in the marines, aren't you, Garp?"


With that, Sengoku burst into laughter.

"The Marines can't do without you. I can't handle the kind of work you

do. It's too much of a hassle"

Garp said, pinching his nostrils.

"Let's set that aside for now. Right now, I'm just suggesting retirement.

Those five elders won't let go of the Fleet Admiral position easily!"

Sengoku waved his hand and then picked up the newspaper. As he gazed

at Blackbeard's laughing image, he gradually wiped away his smile.

"I can't shake the feeling that he targeted one of those pirates

intentionally. I'm afraid it's going to cause another uproar in the New



Now, the news that Blackbeard massacred Beehive Island has spread

throughout the New World.

It was like a bomb exploding in the New World.

The newspaper reached the hands of numerous pirate groups, sparking

discussions and causing anger among countless pirate crews!

"I want to avenge my dead brothers! Did he really think he can become

the new Yonko just by taking down the injured Whitebeard in the

Summit War? Ridiculous!"

"Are the Blackbeard Pirates declaring war on us once more? What an

arrogant fellow!"

"They wiped out the Witch Pirates with just 11 people? Let's form an

alliance to confront him, take him down first, and then join forces to

eliminate the remnants of Whitebeard and claim his throne!"

"Hahaha, Blackbeard has indirectly worked in our favor. Without him,

our pirate group might not have come together. When we set aside our

differences and unite, what force in this New World can prevent us from

seizing... Whitebeard's throne?"

"And if you capture Blackbeard, you might know his secret to having

multiple fruit abilities."

"It's quite interesting. If the Blackbeard Pirates manage to overcome this

challenge, it's unlikely anyone can rival them for Whitebeard's throne,

even though it seems a bit unrealistic!"

"Hahaha! There's something exciting to look forward to!"


At this moment, the developments in the New World unfolded just as

Blackbeard had wished, with numerous pirate groups setting their sights

on Beehive Island!




<em>Note: Always outsmart your enemies, that's cool move is it?</



I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 15+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18</em>

052 Pseudo-Emperor Alliance

Three days later.

In the waters near Beehive Island, a vast number of ships gathered

together on the sea!

The Machine King Pirates, led by the Machine King with a bounty of 1.3

billion and a user of the Machine Fruit ability.

The Ghost Sword Master, who has a bounty of 1.2 billion, is a famous

swordsman in the New World and leads the Ghost Sword Pirates.

The boxing champion, boasting a bounty of 1 billion, is a renowned

physical martial artist in the New World. He leads the pirate group

known as the Boxing Champion Pirates.


Under the leadership of these three pirate groups, a total of 10 crews

have banded together, with each captain holding a bounty surpassing

300 million!

The combined bounty of these 10 pirate groups alone has reached 5


Over the past two days, numerous rumors have circulated in the New

World, people called them the Pseudo-Emperor Alliance!

This indicates that their strength has nearly reached the level of the

Yonko Pirates.

This is a war between the Pseudo-Emperor Alliance and the Blackbeard


Many believe they will surely win over the Blackbeard Pirates, vanquish

the remnants of Whitebeard led by Marco, and ascend to become the

Four Emperors of the New World!

Beehive Island, sorounding sea.

Numerous pirate groups are already observing the show from here, and

their presence has also drawn the arrival of two Supernovas.

Among them are the Hawkins Pirates, led by 'The Magician' Basil

Hawkins, and the Fallen Monk Pirates, led by 'Mad Monk' Urouge.

"It's quite a spectacle. While it's not on the scale of the Summit War,

there's still much to learn by just watching it"

Urouge remarked with a smile as he looked at the formidable ships of the

Pseudo-Emperor Alliance

"Captain, I bet even Blackbeard didn't expect to stir up such trouble, did


Rremarked a member of Urouge's crew.

"Judging from his actions in the Summit War, this seems to be intentional

on his part"

Urouge responded.

Upon hearing his words, the faces of the surrounding crew members all


"Did he intentionally provoke all these pirate groups? Is Blackbeard

seeking trouble, or is he just overly confident?"


"Captain Hawkins, considering the number of pirate groups involved, the

Blackbeard Pirates are likely to face complete defeat here, aren't they?"

In shock, a crew of Hawkins pirates remarked while observing the allied

pirate group next to their captain, Basil Hawkins.

Meanwhile, Hawkins was engrossed in his card, divining the outcome of

the upcoming battle.

His brows furrowed, clearly indicating that the divination results were

significantly different from what he had anticipated.

"The winning rate is that low?"

Hawkins finally murmured.

"Captain, do you really believe Blackbeard stands a chance of winning?

Both the Machine King and the Ghost Sword are famous pirate groups in

the New World!"

"Yes, it's odd that the Blackbeard Pirates have a low winning rate. The

combined bounty of all the captains in this Pseudo-Emperor alliance has

surpassed 5 billion! The Blackbeard Pirates can't be that powerful, right?"

"It's all because Blackbeard is too arrogant. He truly believes he can

challenge everyone just because he has three Devil Fruit abilities. It looks

like his downfall is inevitable"

The crew members around Hawkins expressed their belief that, in their

opinion, Blackbeard had no chance of winning.

Hawkins cast a casual glance at them and murmured

"What I calculated was the winning percentage of the Pseudo-Emperor



His words resonated like thunder, stunning everyone who had just been

engaged in discussion.

They had great faith in their captain's divination.

An alliance of pseudo-emperors, with so many formidable individuals,

against just 11 members of the Blackbeard Pirates, and they still have a

low winning rate?!

Naturally, this result shocked them!


On Beehive Island, everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates, led by Blackbeard,

maintained a calm demeanor on their faces.

Even when facing thousands of opponents

They believe that in the presence of absolute strength, everything can be


"Weihahahaha, Captain, the view outside is truly spectacular!"

Burgess laughed at Blackbeard.

"The smartest choice I ever made was following Captain Blackbeard. It

was so exciting!"

Shiryu looked at the approaching ships, his face not showing any fear,

but rather an increased sense of excitement.

"After today's battle, Captain Blackbeard's reputation has skyrocketed in

the New World. The number of pirates seeking refuge will likely be


Laffitte calmly remarked.

"The captain is indeed a master strategist. Once the Blackbeard Pirates

have gained enough reputation, our development will naturally

accelerate. How far away is the former throne of Whitebeard from us?"

Catarina Devon couldn't help but admire Blackbeard even more. After

spending these few days together and receiving the Nine-Tailed Demon

Fox fruit of the Mythical Zoan species from Blackbeard, her loyalty to

him has surged.

"Zeehahaha! Brothers, are you ready for today's challenge?"

Blackbeard laughed heartily, the madness in his eyes impossible to


The original Blackbeard spent a year defeating the remnants of the

Whitebeard Pirates led by Marco, and then ascended to the rank of the

Four Emperors. Following that, he dedicated a year to plundering Devil

Fruit users to enhance the strength of his crew.

This time, it will only take him half a year to become a Yonko!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 15+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

053 A Warm Welcome

"We're ready!"

Shiryu, Avalo Pizarro, and the others stood behind Blackbeard, laughing.

The momentum generated by the Blackbeard Pirates, consisting of only

11 members at this time, was no weaker than that of the opposing forces.


The pirates who had been captured by Blackbeard and his crew, now

serving as laborers, nervously swallowed.

While others were concerned about their own survival, the Blackbeard

Crew had already considered how the opposing party would die.

These are no ordinary pirates; they are a crew of monsters. Huh?!

Initially, they believed that staying on Beehive Island would surely turn

them into cannon fodder under the assault of the Pseudo-Emperor


However, witnessing the calmness of Blackbeard and his crew, they

strangely began to feel more at ease.

And with their own eyes, they saw Blackbeard and his crew boarded the

warship they had robbed from the marines.

Then, the warship slowly sailed toward the Pseudo-Emperor Alliance


Was there truly a chance of winning against 11 allied pirates with just 11



The Pseudo-Emperor Alliance has arrived.

As Blackbeard accepted their challenge, a pirate, his face filled with

excitement, hurriedly approached another pirate with mechanical limbs.

"Boss Machine King, Blackbeard has truly come out to fight!"

"I didn't expect him to actually dare to wage war against us,"

Upon hearing the news, a hint of confidence appeared at the corner of

the Machine King's mouth.

They had already devised plans to assault the island, and they hadn't

anticipated Blackbeard accepting the challenge.

"Hahaha, Blackbeard is just as arrogant as the rumors suggest!"

Laughed the pirate known as the boxing champion.

"This is truly arrogance. I've heard that Shiryu, who terrifies pirates in

Impel Down, is in the Blackbeard Pirates. I'll have to see his


The Ghost Sword also displayed a hint of excitement in his eyes.

The Pseudo-Emperor Alliance showed no signs of concern whatsoever.

Arriving at this battle with a significant numerical disadvantage, in their

mind, the outcome was naturally beyond doubt.

"Zeehahahaha, you guys took your time coming after the third day, but

I've been waiting for a long time."

Blackbeard's laughter echoed across the ocean.

To him, these three days felt like six. In that time, besides developing his

Devil Fruit abilities, he also dedicated the remainder to intense


Persisting like this over the past few days, he has begun to feel the

benefits of regular exercise.

Not only has his physical strength increased, but his reflexes have also

improved, and he has lost a considerable amount of weight.

Naturally, he is willing to engage in such a harmless activity.

"Blackbeard, your death is inevitable! I once believed you would be a

formidable enemy in the future, but I didn't anticipate you'd be so eager

to meet your death so soon. If I were to blame you, it's because of your

excessive arrogance"

The Machine King laughed and remarked as he witnessed Blackbeard

arriving on a warship.

"Zeehahahaha, I'm still arrogant!"

Blackbeard's face froze, his body gradually bent down, and his arms

began to accumulate strength.

Utilizing the power of the Tremor Fruit, a terrifying aura emanated from

his body.

"It looks like Captain Blackbeard wants to give them a warm welcome!"

Burgess laughed heartily upon seeing this.

"Whitebeard's ability!"

Seeing Blackbeard's posture, Machine King's expression changed.

"It looks like he truly obtained Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit!"

Ghost Sword exclaimed.

"Click! Click! Click!"

Blackbeard then threw a punch, and cracks suddenly appeared in the


Having done this, he withdrew his fist and calmly looked at the Pseudo-

Emperor Alliance in front of him.

"Hahaha, Blackbeard, you still haven't figured out how to use the Tremor

Fruit, have you?!"

The boxing champion looked at the calm sea. After a moment of

bewilderment, he burst into laughter.

"Puff! I thought he could cause earthquakes like Whitebeard!"

Laughter erupted all around.

But the Machine King's face turned serious, and suddenly he felt

vibrations from the sea behind him.

"Not good!"

His expression changed, and he quickly turned back.

Behind the Pseudo-Emperor Alliance, a colossal wave, 1,000 meters high,

was approaching. If this massive wave struck, the consequences would be


"Using earthquakes to create tsunamis! He's actually able to use the

Tremor Fruit so skillfully!"

The pirates in the Pseudo-Emperor Alliance stared in disbelief at the

massive waves behind them, and their attitudes shifted 180 degrees.

The waves directly engulfed several pirate ships, destroying them like a


Several pirates on board lost their lives at sea!

"Is this the terror of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit?!" Hawkins's face turned


"Can a massive wave start with just one punch?..."

His crew finally understood why the Blackbeard Pirates had a higher

winning rate than the Pseudo-Emperor Alliance!

This is an absolute display of strength!

The Fallen Monk Pirates were equally shocked!

During the Summit War at Marineford, they observed the conflict from a

distance, and at most, they felt excitement.

However, in this immersive situation, they now feel their own



"Water cannon!"

The Machine King's expression changed as he witnessed this, and then his

mechanical arm integrated into the metal ship beneath his feet.

His integration seemed to drive the ship, transforming it into a giant

mechanical cannon in an instant!

And it started to draw seawater, collecting it in the barrel!


A huge water column erupted from the barrel, colliding with the waves

in an attempt to counteract their force.

"Are you still just spectators?!"

The Machine King looked serious and shouted to the Ghost Sword and

the Boxing Champion behind him.

Upon seeing this, the Ghost Sword drew a long sword from his waist and

slashed towards the waves!

The Boxing Champion also threw a punch, and a colossal fist shadow

emerged, charging towards the waves!


Several attacks struck the massive waves, causing the surging waters to

split in the middle and start sweeping towards both sides of the Pseudo-

Emperor Alliance ship.

Every pirate in the Pseudo-Emperor Alliance couldn't help but breathe a

sigh of relief.

If that wave crashed over their heads, their pirate ship would have been


"Blah blah blah!!"

As the waves descended, the Machine King and his ships swayed in the

turbulence. At this moment, their determination for victory was also






I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 15+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

054 Top Eleven

"Why does it feel like Whitebeard isn't dead yet?..."

The Boxing Champion's expression had completely changed.

"I didn't expect him to be able to utilise the power of the Tremor-tremor


Ghost Sword was also startled by Blackbeard's recent punch.

"No wonder the witch and the old turtle fell into his hands. Now we have

to be careful"

Machine King said with a serious tone.

"No matter how powerful he is, he can't stand up to the large number of


Ghost Sword said with a more confident tone, then shouted to his

younger brothers behind him.

"Don't be scared by Blackbeard; he just gained Whitebeard's fruit ability,

not the real Whitebeard! Kill!"

His words reignited the fighting spirit within all the pirates in the

Pseudo-Emperor Alliance.

"Exactly! He only has Whitebeard's abilities!"

"Kill! Kill!"


11 pirate groups joined forces, deploying over 20 ships to assault

Blackbeard's warship.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The deafening sound of gunfire and artillery marked the official

beginning of the battle!

"Zeehahahaha! Let's give it our all, we must make a name for ourselves in

this battle!"

Blackbeard's eyes gleamed with excitement. He laughed at Shiryu and the

others, then transformed into a thunder and flew into the sky!

"Roger that, Captain Blackbeard!"

The Colossal Battleship, Sanjuan Wolf transformed into a big giant,

jumping up into the sea like a colossal figure.

With his incredible strength, a brief dip in the seawater won't diminish

his strength.

The Devil Fruit user can reduce the effects of seawater through regular

exercise, minimizing the vulnerability that sea-stone and seas pose to


"He's like a giant battleship!"

"Look at that terrifying physique!"

The nearby pirates couldn't help but exclaim at the sight.

With a mighty swing, San Juan shattered a pirate ship into pieces with a

single punch!

"That's a living battleship! Who can withstand a punch like that?"

"Are all the Blackbeard Pirates this powerfull?!"

San Juan's punch sparked a lot of discussions among the watching


In their eyes, if every pirate in the Blackbeard Crew is as formidable as

San Juan, then their group of only 11 members might not be destined for


At this moment, Shiryu, Jesus Burgess, Avalo Pizarro, Vasco Shot, and

others charged ahead toward the pseudo-emperor alliance ship

Gion leaped directly into the midst of Ghost Sword's pirate group, taking

a bold step forward.

"Gion, do you want to fight the Ghost Sword?"

Shiryu asked in surprise.

"Even though I refrained from intervening in that kind of battle a few

days ago, as a member of the Blackbeard Pirates, I won't stand idly by in

today's fight"

Gion responded calmly.

"Quite persistent"

Shiryu remarked. Although he felt pity for not being able to face a

swordsman, it didn't bother him much. As long as he could kill people, he

was satisfied. Shiryu Left a word and turned to engage another pirate


Soon, everyone had picked their opponents among the pirate groups.

While these pirate groups varied in strength, even the captain with the

lowest bounty had a substantial reward of 300 million!

Doc Q and Van Augur Oka stayed on the warship, one was responsible

for treatment and the other was responsible for long-range sniping

"Are they really planning to take on a whole pirate alliance with just the

eleven of them?"

Urouge exclaimed in disbelief.

"Is this the confidence of the Blackbeard Pirates' crew?"

Hawkins finally understood the reason behind the outcome of his


Because Blackbeard Pirates simply didn't take the so-called Pseudo-

Emperor Alliance seriously at all!

Now that everyone had learned the general strength of the Blackbeard

Pirates, their attention returned to Blackbeard.

He was also the protagonist who started this war.

"Did Blackbeard just use a different fruit power?"

"Thunder? Is it a Logia-type Devil Fruit?"

At that moment, Blackbeard hovered in the air, wielding thunder in his

hands, which rumbled fiercely.

"Thunder Dragon!"

"Thunder Phoenix!"

Lightning conjured a thunder dragon and phoenix, soaring from his



"Ah! Why can he still control thunder?!"

The pirates on a ship were charred black by the electric shock.

Blackbeard glanced at the Machine King below and casually said:

"Machine King, I doubt you can withstand a single strike from me."

"Arrogant words! "

Machine King's eyes narrowed, and he naturally saw the thunder in

Blackbeard's hand. That was exactly what robots like him were afraid of.

"Transform! Bird form!"

The Machine King placed both hands on the ship, and the metal vessel

beneath his feet immediately wriggled, seamlessly merging into his body.

With a metallic clang, he transformed into a metal eagle, its wings

adorned with barrels and machine guns.

"Da da da da da da!"

A barrage of lasers and cannons streaked towards Blackbeard in a dense


"El Thor!"

Blackbeard shouted coldly, transforming his entire body into thunder

If the Machine King were in a large battlefield, he could likely inflict

significant casualties, but to him, these challenges were mere child's play.

Lasers and cannonballs were effortlessly dealt with in his hands.

"Oh, a Logia type?!"

The Machine King screamed and swiftly shifted forms once more.

He turned into a ten-meter-tall robot. There was a flame jet behind the

robot, allowing him to quickly approach Blackbeard in the air. At the

same time, his fists were covered with Armament haki as he punched


"Are you playing acrobatics with me?!"

Blackbeard observed the opponent's aerial maneuvers and countered with

a direct punch!

His punch surged with 1 billion volts lightning!

This is beyond what even Enel can achieve; it's about the fruit being

utilized with immense strength. However, Enel raw power alone cannot

fully unleash the true potential of the Thunder Fruit!

Blackbeard is different. He pursues destructive power. This punch looks

more like divine punishment!

A bolt of thunder and lightning directly pierced through the Mechanical

King's body!

Furthermore, because of the lightning's penetrative nature and high

temperature, all the parts inside the Mechanical King's body were


The Thunder Fruit completely countered the power of the Mechanical






I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

055 Early Conclusion

With the death of the Machine King, his fruit abilities also disappeared,

and the metal parts on his body slowly detached and sank into the sea.

Revealing his charred body that had been electrocuted.

All his internal organs have been destroyed by lightning.

In a clash of powerful fighters, knowing the natural enemy of their own

devil fruit is crucial.

"Defeated the Machine King in a single strike?"

Urouge, Hawkins, and their crew were left stunned


The Machine King's body sank into the sea, marking the end of a

formidable pirate with a bounty of 1.4 billion.

The pirates witnessing the scene appeared as if they had seen a ghost.

"Can he really kill the Machine King with just one punch?!"

A pirate swallowed hard, still finding it a bit unbelievable.

They had always heard rumors about the Machine King in the New


The fact that Blackbeard took down the Machine King with a single

punch left a profound impact on them.

After quickly killing the Machine King, Blackbeard immediately appeared

before Doc Q.

"How about it, did you get the devil fruit?"

Doc Q looked at the bamboo basket in his hand with disappointment.

This time, the death of the Machine King did not yield a new Devil Fruit.

"It might be because the distance is a bit far, or the fact that the Machine

King sank into the sea. The seawater likely interfered with the Devil

Fruit's power, preventing it from accurately generating new fruits in the


Blackbeard try to find reseonable explanation

But he wasn't bothered. The presence or absence of that fruit didn't hold

much significance for him, and the mechanical fruit wasn't within the

scope of his target.

Instead, he gained valuable insights into the precision of plundering Devil

Fruits during this encounter.

Then, he stood on the warship and observed the battle in silence.

With the death of the Machine King, Shiryu and the others fought against

a pirate alliance on their own, and everyone was at the upper hand.

After a while...

The war settled down, and there was no more gunfire.

All 11 leading captains of the Pseudo-Emperor Alliance were killed.

This pirate alliance suffered a crushing defeat and came to an

unfortunate end.

The Blackbeard Pirates achieved a complete victory against the 11-pirate

alliance with just all 11 crew members!


The witnessing pirates were left speechless by the battle.

They were still in shock and hadn't fully recovered.

Nearly every member of the Blackbeard Pirates faced off against a pirate

group individually, defeating the captain of each group.

Where did Blackbeard find such a crew of monster-level fighters?

At that moment, Blackbeard stepped forward from the crowd.

In front of him were the remaining pirates crew from the Pseudo-

Emperor Alliance. The total number of these people was still more than


"I'll give you two options: join the Blackbeard Pirates, or take a jump into

the sea on your own. If you manage to swim to an island alive, I'll be

merciful and spare your lives"

Blackbeard declared, causing the expressions of the pirates to change.

Apart from Beehive Island, the closest islands are still dozens of

kilometers away, giving them a chance to swim over or dying to


Not to mention the potential encounter with Sea Kings.

"I'd rather die from exhaustion in the sea than join the Blackbeard


Many pirates remained fiercely ambitious, harboring resentment toward

Blackbeard for killing their captain. Joining Blackbeard was out of the

question for them.


A pirate leaped into the sea, determinedly swimming in a specific



The first one naturally follows the second one.

In an instant, only over 7,000 pirates remained on the ship out of the

initial 10,000.

Close to 3,000 people chose to risk their lives instead of joining


The remaining 7,000 people exchanged shocked glances, uncertain of

what might happen if they joined Blackbeard.

They simply want to survive right now!

"Blackbeard is gathering his crew. With these people, they might rapidly

expand in the New World"

Hawkins observed and remarked.

"On the path to claiming Whitebeard's throne, Blackbeard has come a

long way. It looks like the Blackbeard Pirates will rise in the New World

because of this"

Urouge nodded.

As for the remaining pirate group, some even entertained the idea of


In their perspective, a promising pirate group like this was worth


"Yes, you've made a wise decision."

Blackbeard cast a glance at the remaining group of pirates before him, a

slight curve forming at the corners of his mouth, his hands now

transformed into thunder

As every pirate witnessed this scene, their eyelids couldn't help but

twitch, a sense of unease feeling appeared in their hearts.

"Thunder Wave!"

Blackbeard shouted, releasing thunder into the sea from his hands.

The thunder's speed spreading across the sea covered a vast area,

enveloping all the pirates who had previously escaped!

The fearsome thunderstorm blanketed the entire sea surface. It seethed,

and the splashing water relentlessly crackled.

"Blackbeard! You're so despicable!!!"


"Didn't you agree to let us go???"


The three thousand people who leaped into the sea were instantly

electrocuted to death by powerful lightning, their lifeless bodies floating

on the water.

Besides them, even two Sea Kings in the vicinity were electrocuted and

now floated lifelessly on the sea.

A smile appeared on Blackbeard's face. Through this encounter, he once

again gained a lot of character points.

However, in the eyes of the surrounding pirates, his smile appeared as

vicious as a devil's, instilling despair and fear!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

056 New World Reaction

"Blackbeard is truly a devil!"

"Who knows what such a ruthless person will do in the future!"

"The New World is destined to be anything but peaceful from now on..."

The surrounding pirates gazed at the lifeless bodies floating in the sea,

their eyes changed from shock to fear.

Blackbeard is indeed as ruthless as the rumors say!

Teach himself didn't care about what these people thought.

If he isn't even deemed worthy of living, discussions about the morality

of his methods become irrelevant, as the victor gets to decide everything.

He was determined to eliminate the 3,000 people who wanted to escape,

no matter what.

He wondered if these people had the courage to face death, what other

challenges might they be able to overcome in the future?

Letting them go might pose a headache, so he must take action


It turned out he was right to do so. He earned nearly 5,000 character

points with this single move.

It's like obtaining a crew link in one move.

He can once again select the crew members to link and acquire the

desired fruit abilities.

"Our captain is really getting more and more crazy."

Shiryu murmured, holding a cigar in his mouth and grinning devilishly.

Burgess and the others looked at Teach with smiles on their faces.

They understood that through today's battle, the Blackbeard Pirates were

destined to make a significant impact in the New World!


With the conclusion of the war, the nearby pirates swiftly leave from

Beehive Island.

At this point, Beehive Island had become a highly dangerous location in

their eyes!

The outcome of this battle quickly spread throughout the New World

through their mouth.


Whitebeard's territory.

The remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates just held the funerals of

Whitebeard and Ace.

The pirates on over a dozen ships fell into collective silence, each person

was in extreme sadness.

Since the Summit War, they had been doing nothing, and only today did

they finally conduct the funerals for Whitebeard and Ace.

Marco, as the first division commander, became the new captain of the

Whitebeard Pirates, overseeing the rest of the crew.

At that moment, a crew rushed over in a hurry, and by the time he

reached Marco's side, he was already in tears.

"Captain Marco, that bastard Teach is making moves again! "

After learning about Teach's actions, Marco exclaimed in anger: "This


"The Blackbeard Pirates gained fame in the New World after just one

battle. I'm afraid they willll rapidly grow in power in the future. That guy

Teach is too ambitious!"

'Flower Sword' Vista's face naturally darkened upon hearing the news.

Having just buried their father and learning about Teach, they couldn't

help but harbor hatred in their hearts.

"Marco, should we just kill him directly right now?!"

Jozu asked Marco. His hatred for Teach had reached an extreme point,

and he wanted to confront Blackbeard immediately.

"But our brothers have no fighting spirit left right now."

Marco responded with a solemn expression.

They had recently come back from the tragic Summit War, and a lot of

their crew had died in the war and they were already exhausted.

"Let our crew recover first. We've suffered too much in the Summit War.

After a period of rest, we'll definitely have a war with Teach! As the

Whitebeard Pirates, we must safeguard the legacy our father earned

throughout his life!"

With a resolute tone, Marco finally declared.

Vista, Jozu, and the other commanders nodded solemnly, clenched their

fists, and contained their hatred for Teach within their hearts.

A war between them will break out sooner or later....


In addition to the Whitebeard Pirates, the Red-Haired Pirates also gained

the news about Blackbeard

"Shanks, there's news about Blackbeard again. The Blackbeard Pirates

defeated the Pseudo-Emperor Alliance with just 11 people and achieved a

complete victory!"

Lucky Roo approached Shanks with a serious expression and conveyed

the news.

Shanks was enjoying his wine, but when he heard the news from Lucky

Roo, his expression changed completely.

"This madman."

Ben Beckman sighed heavily

Shanks fell silent. He had already sensed that something was wrong with


Sure enough, after Blackbeard got everything he wanted, his ambition

became unabashed. It hasn't been long since the Summit War, and he is

already making waves in the New World.

"Continue to pay attention to Blackbeard's movements. From now on, the

Red-haired Pirates must be more vigilant against the Blackbeard Pirates"

Shanks finally said to Lucky Roo.

When everyone heard his words, the expressions of some of the new

pirate crew around him couldn't help but change.

Blackbeard managed to grab their boss's attention when he first arrived

in the New World. In their opinion, this was already somewhat


Keep in mind, they are the Red-Haired Pirates!


Apart from these two forces in the New World, Kaido and Big Mom are

not concerned with what Blackbeard is doing.

In their view, Blackbeard's methods were merely just for show

These two veteran Yonko didn't take Teach seriously.

In addition to these major forces, all the other forces in the New World

were left dumbfounded!

The name of Blackbeard has been resounding in the new world!

And he was also bestowed with a title by the people, called the 'Devil of

the New Era'!!!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18


Note: FYI, Blackbeard's title ‘Devil of the New Era’ is originally the title

that I'm gonna use for this book. But for some reasoning and

brainstorming, I use ‘One Piece: Blackbeard is my MC’. Because in this

book Blackbeard will go pure evil, but yeah that’s the plan, not the


057 Recruitment

Beehive Island.

Teach plans to transform Beehive Island into their base camp and expand

their influence.

Because undertaking these original actions can get a huge number of

character points.

To the extent that he is now a bit curious, what would happen if he were

to do everything that Teach has done?

Teach walked on Beehive Island while Laffitte directed the young men

recruited by the Blackbeard Pirates to work.

"You guys need to move all these things and make room there. That's

where our Blackbeard Pirates will hold banquets in the future."

Blackbeard nodded, adopting the role of a laid-back supervisor.

He handed over all these tasks to Laffitte to manage.

Because, apart from Gion and Laffitte, almost all of the Blackbeard

Pirates are rugged and ruthless when it comes to people.

Then, he lazily leaned back in his chair and opened the data information.

<em>"Role : Marshall D. Teach"</em>

<em>"Character points: 45.600 points"</em>

<em>"Number of souls: 3 (available: 0)"</em>

<em>"Crew Link: Laffitte, Avalo Pizarro, Catarina Devon."</em>

<em>"Possessing fruits: Dark Fruit, Thunder Fruit, Tremor-Tremor


That't right, his original 20,000 character points have grown to 45,000

through previous battles.

The two crew links that were previously exchanged for character points

have also been connected separately.

He connected to Avalo Pizarro and Catarina Devon.

Now, he can utilize their abilities and control them with the assistance of

the crew link.

In other words, he can now use a total of six abilities, excluding, of

course, Lafitte's fruit ability.

Because of the Thunder Fruit, he almost never use Laffitte Zoan Bird

Fruit's for flying.

Unless he needs to fly for an extended period, he can choose to use the

Bird Fruit's White Pigeon form, but it's more convenient to use the

Thunder Fruit.


With his current 45,000 character points, he took the initiative to spend

20,000 character points to exchange for a soul.

With a soul, he can get other fruit abilities that are exclusive to him.

Next, he used 10,000 unique points to exchange for two additional crew


The data panel has undergone slight modifications.

<em>"Role : Marshall D. Teach"</em>

<em>"Character points: 15.600 points"</em>

<em>"Number of souls: 3 (available: 1)"</em>

<em>"Crew Link: Laffitte, Avalo Pizarro, Catarina Devon. (available:


<em>"Possessing fruits: Dark Fruit, Thunder Fruit, Tremor-Tremor


After completing this, he turned off the data.

"Captain Blackbeard, I've done what you said, and now our Blackbeard

Pirates also have money!"

At that moment, Burgess approached, laughing.

He was holding a treasure chest in his hand, which was full of gold and


"Are all these from the Pseudo-Emperor Alliance?"

Blackbeard inquired.

"Yes, there are still a lot of treasures. These guys have been establishing

themselves in the New World for more than ten years, and their

collective wealth is quite a lot. Although I, Burgess, don't really like this

things, I've never seen so many treasures!"

Burgess smiled and placed a box of treasure next to Blackbeard.

Blackbeard looked at the shining gold and colourful gems in the box, a

smile appeared on his face.

In this battle, the Blackbeard Pirates transformed from a penniless pirate

group into complete wealth.

He selected two particularly pleasing gold rings with precious stones

from the treasure chest and slid them onto his fingers.

It must be said that a person needs some jewelry for survival, just as one

can decorate yourself with clothes and other accessories.

After adding two gold rings, he doesn't look too shabby anymore.

"Wieehahahaha! Captain, I believe the wisest choice I, Burgess, have

made is to follow Captain Blackbeard. In a few days, I'll use these golds

to craft a massive gold belt!"

Burgess grabbed a handful of gold and laughed.

"Zeehahahaha! I said that from now on, we'll have everything we need,

and we'll take whatever we want!"

Blackbeard laughed loudly and then said to Burgess, "I'll give you another


"Whatever you say, Captain."

Burgess perked up, all ears.

"Let's announce that the Blackbeard Pirates are actively recruiting new

members. We need each pirate group's captain to have a bounty of over

100 million Beli, or pirates confident in defeating a 100 million Beli

bounty can join us. They should arrive at Beehive Island within seven

days. Regarding the benefits of joining us..."

Blackbeard paused for a moment before speaking, a smile appearing on

his lips.

"Just say that Devil Fruits will be rewarded, and that we will replace

Whitebeard as the new Yonko Pirates in the future!"

"Weihahahaha, that's what I'll do!"

When Burgess heard Blackbeard's words, he laughed excitedly.

In his view, if Blackbeard becomes one of the Four Emperors, Burgess

would be an active member of that group, earning himself a respected

reputation on the seas.

In addition to strength, their pirates naturally care about fame and


Soon, Burgess carried out Blackbeard instructions

And the recruitment of crew members for the Blackbeard Pirates spread.

With Blackbeard's current reputation and the conditions he mentioned,

pirates who have been wandering in the New World all year round are






I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

058 I don’t really like any of you

Blackbeard was already in the limelight, and news of his crew member

recruitment quickly spread throughout the New World.

In a certain town.

A large number of pirate groups have gathered here, and they are

currently gathering together to discuss Blackbeard's recruitment of crew


"The Blackbeard Pirates, consisting of just 11 members, defeated the

Pseudo-Emperor Alliance. Given their current fame and strength, making

this requirement is truly exciting!"

A pirate holding a 300 million bounty took a sip of wine and whispered.

He felt deeply moved by Blackbeard's proposal.

"If the Blackbeard Pirates keep getting stronger, they might replace

Whitebeard and become the new Yonko Pirates!"

Another pirate with a 250 million bounty shared a similar sentiment.

"Hahaha, I like Blackbeard's style anyway. He is definitely a person who

does big things. I will join them after seven days!"

Another pirate laughed directly and decisively chose to join the

Blackbeard Pirates!

The faces of those who overheard their conversation turned frightened.

By recruiting new crew members this time, the overall strength of the

Blackbeard Pirates will at least reach a whole new level!

This town is just one of many gathering spots for pirates, and there's

already three pirates with bounties exceeding 100 million want to join

the Blackbeard Pirates. In this vast New World, who can predict how

much Blackbeard's crew will grow this time?...


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the seven days set by

Blackbeard had passed.

Today, there are a large number of pirate ships docked on the shore of

Beehive Island.

Each pirate ship displays a different flag, and the mere presence of these

flags can create quite a commotion in the area.

Because the bounty for each pirate group is more than 100 million!

However, today, they've all come together on Beehive Island to find

sanctuary under Blackbeard's flag!

Inside Beehive Island.

Blackbeard sat regally on a golden throne positioned on a high platform.

The throne's surface was adorned with gems and wrapped in luxurious

animal skins.

He underwent a transformation as well, wearing a sleek black coat and

adorning gemstone rings on every finger of his right hand.

With a bottle of wine in his other hand, he sat there composed and

serene. The aura surrounding him was entirely different from before.

In front of him, a nervous group of pirates stood.

Seven days ago, he announced that the Blackbeard Pirates would expand

the pirates crew and only accept pirates with bounties exceeding 100


In just seven days, over twenty pirate groups have arrived, and each

captain has a bounty surpassing 100 million beli.

Under the shade of the high building, the pirates, whom he might not

have recognized at first, now wear expressions of nervousness and awe

on their faces.

Blackbeard scanned the crowd and spotted three familiar faces among the

group of people.

Eustas 'Captain' Kidd of the Kidd Pirates, 'Magician' Basil Hawkins from

Hawkins Pirates, and Scratchmen Apoo of the On Air Pirates—back in the

original One Piece storyline, the three united to form the Kidd Alliance.

They also tried to challenge Shanks, however, it ended before it even


In the end, Kaido took the blame.

Blackbeard was aware that Apoo was originally part of Kaido's

subordinate crew in the Kidd Alliance. When Kaido defeated the Kidd

Alliance, Hawkins switched sides to join Kaido, and Kidd ended up

imprisoned in a Sea Stone mine quarry.

Could it be that these three people came to him because they already

created an alliance and want to fight him?

Perhaps it's really possible; after all, his fame is skyrocketing right now,

drawing in these youngsters who might not fully grasp the extent of how

high 'Emperor of the sea' is.

Anyway, he didn't believe that Kidd would join his crew


Blackbeard murmured.

"Blackbeard, I'm Kruda. My bounty is exactly 100 million beli. Do you

think I qualify to join the Blackbeard Pirates?"

Just then, a frail and pale man stepped forward and spoke. The moment

he opened his mouth, the surrounding pirates became suddenly


"Indeed, could you tell us if we're eligible to join you, and can you really

achieve what you are saying? Can the Blackbeard Pirates really replace

Whitebeard and become the new Yonko Pirates?"

A pirate asked

"Yes, I chose to join the Blackbeard Pirates just so that I can follow

Captain Blackbeard and become one of the Yonko Pirates. When that

time comes, we can do whatever we want with the reputation of the

Yonko Pirates!"

"Devil Fruit is indeed a trivial matter. After all, it takes luck to obtain the

right fruit ability. But as long as we can follow Captain Blackbeard and

become the Yonko Pirates, then we will have a backer in the new world. "

These pirates have always lived in the shadow of Whitebeard. They've

grown up listening to the legends of the Whitebeard Pirates since they set

sail and up to this day

Even with Whitebeard gone, his shadow lingers in their hearts. That's the

influence of a Yonko in the New World—an esteemed status in the eyes

of pirates!

Being part of the Emperor Pirates means they can sail confidently

through the New World; anyone thinking of attacking them would have

to think twice.

This is the real purpose of these pirates.

Blackbeard laughed suddenly after hearing their words, and finally spoke

to them for the first time.

"Zeehahaha, I don't really like any of you; I've already got Burgess and

the others"

Blackbeard declared. The expressions of all the present pirates changed

upon hearing his words!

Finally, Blackbeard turned his gaze to Burgess and the others, and he

declared: "These ten are the Titanic captains of the Blackbeard Pirates;

they will choose their crew, not me."





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

059 Kid Alliance


His words reverberated, shocking everyone.

It left every pirate with an ugly expression.

In the eyes of this group of people, each of their bounties has reached

more than 100 million, and they naturally feel a certain amount of

arrogance in their hearts.

They can tolerate it in their hearts if it means following Blackbeard.

However, becoming a subordinate in Blackbeard's crew is something they

cannot accept!

They are also aware that the bounties of Jesus Burgess, Doc Q, Van

Augur, and Laffitte in the Blackbeard Pirates are all below 100 million.

How could they, a group of pirates with a bounty of over 100 million,

become the subordinates of this group of people?

When Blackbeard saw this, he also sneered in his heart.

Many of the pirates joining the Blackbeard Pirates failed to understand

their own standing or underestimated Blackbeard Piratesfuture


Jesus Burgess and the others will undoubtedly become his trusted men in

the future, and he will definitely replace Whitebeard's position as Four

emperor. This group of individuals is more than enough to serve as

subordinates to Jesus Burgess and the others, but not to him!

So his words gave these pirates a resounding slap in the face without



"Hahaha, you truly live up to Blackbeard's name. He has not become a

Yonko yet, but he's already more arrogant than the Yonko!"

At that moment, Kidd laughed loudly amidst the crowd.

Hawkins and Apoo stood behind Kidd. Behind the three of them were all

the pirates in Kidd's alliance.

"That's Kidd, this year's supernova. His bounty has reached more than

200 million in just one year since he went to sea! "

Exclamations echoed through the crowd.

It seemed like someone in the crowd had recognized Kidd and his crew.

"You're correct, but we go by the name Kidd Alliance now. We're not here

to join the Blackbeard pirates; rather, we want to destroy Blackbeard's

reputation. I can already sense the whispers of 'Blackbeard' turning into

mocking during this time,"

Kidd said with a slight smile, his eyes filled with unmistakable


In his view, the Blackbeard Pirates are undeniably powerful and famous.

If they manage to defeat the Blackbeard Pirates now, their fame will

skyrocket directly in the New World!

"Blackbeard hasn't faced defeat in the New World. We just want the

Blackbeard Pirates to take a break for a while"

Scratchmen Apoo said calmly.

"I foresaw it when I arrived here, Blackbeard. You don't pose any life-

threatening danger to us at all"

Hawkins said with confidence.

"I've watched a good show, just in time to see if Blackbeard's strength is

as terrifying as the rumors say. "

The pirates around them all had smiles on their faces. After all, there's

still a difference between believing what they hear and witnessing it


"Zeehahaha, you're not even worthy of my attention. Of course, I'm no

threat to you"

"Hawkins, do you need more time for your divinations?"

Blackbeard laughed out loud after hearing what Hawkins said.

From start to finish, he didn't give the so-called Kidd Alliance any

attention. In his view, the Kidd Alliance was nothing but a joke.

A bunch of newcomers who haven't tasted defeat yet—a bunch of kids

getting thrashed by the big shots in the New World!

"We initially wanted to take down the Red-Haired Pirates, but it's the

Blackbeard Pirates that are making waves in the New World lately. Now,

let's see what this talked-about ability of the Blackbeard Pirates is all


Kid said with a confident smile.

Newly hatched calves aren't afraid of tigers, and the new generation of

pirates, like them, are the most arrogant.

After hearing his words, Blackbeard's face remained emotionless.

In front of him, Kid seemed like a child, braggingly telling his own


"Shiryu, except that kid with long-arm, make sure there's no one left from

the Kidd Alliance"

Blackbeard said, recognizing Shiryu's strength as enough to sweep

through the Kidd Alliance.

As for why Apoo from the On Air Pirates should be left alive, he naturally

needs to have a good talk with Kaido later

"Understood, Captain Blackbeard"

Shiryu nodded with his devillish smile, and then a chilling murderous

aura emanated from his body.

As his murderous aura surged, the surrounding temperature quickly


People could sense that the intense hostility was aimed at the Kidd



His momentum alone scared the pirates present so much that they

quickly stayed away from Kidd alliance

"Kidd!!! Apu!!!"

At that moment, Hawkins suddenly shouted at them.

Kidd and Apoo looked at Hawkins together, and saw that his eyes were

staring at a tarot card in front of him!

On the tarot card, there was a god of death holding a scythe, the entire

card bathed in gray.

"We're finished..."

Hawkins' face displayed despair. Only he understood the depth of his


"It's too late."

Shiryu's hoarse voice echoed directly behind them, and a sword flashed



Kid and Apoo suddenly bore gruesome wounds on their bodies.

Hawkins dropped a scarecrow from his body, and then a pirate behind

him had a wound on his body but his body remain unscated

Shiryu let out a soft sigh, then lifted the sword, thrusting it into Hawkins

dozens of times!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Several scarecrows fell on Hawkins one after another.

"This ability is interesting, but nothing more"

Shiryu swung his blade once more, and under Hawkins' horrified gaze, he

cleaved him in half with a single strike!


Kid swallowed hard, his eyes widened like bull's eyes, his face filled with


Before he could react, Shiryu's sword had already descended upon him.

"Arrgh! "

Kid was also cut in two!

The blood spurted out stained the ground red.

This time, Shiryu's eyes turned a strange shade of scarlet upon seeing the

blood, and his face displayed excitement.

"No, Shiryu's old habit has surfaced again!"

After Lafitte saw Shiryu's demeanor, he exclaimed wearily.

Shiryu had a reason for his killings.

Sometimes, just seeing blood seemed to trigger certain factors in his

body, stimulating him to kill without restraint. The bloodshed couldn't be

halted at all!

Then he turned into a phantom and shuttled among the crowds of the

Kidd Alliance.

Those around could only hear the swift swishing sound of the sword

slicing through the air, unable to clearly see Shiryu.



Pirates from the Kidd Alliance fell one after another until there was no

one left standing.

The pirates intending to join Blackbeard pirates were all left

dumbfounded at that moment.

A chill ran down their spines!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

060 Blackbeard Titanic Captain

Almost in just an instant, the Kidd Alliance was completely wiped out.

Scratchmen Apoo, the only one alive, was seriously injured and fell to the


Shiryu's scarlet eyes surveyed the pirates present who had intended to

join Blackbeard pirates.

Those individuals appeared as if they were being scrutinized by an

otherworldly beast, and fear filled their eyes.

"Shiryu has gone mad!"

Avalo Pizarro also wore a look of shock. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to

say that Shiryu in this state is like a devil.

Burgess and the others had no means to handle Shiryu.

Blackbeard frowned, his face wrinkling, as he witnessed the scene. If

Shiryu is allowed to continue the killing spree, the Blackbeard Pirates

will have no way to quickly expand their power.


At that moment, Shiryu took action once more, and this time his sword

was aimed at the pirates who had sought refuge with them.

With every move he made, it felt as if a chilling demonic wind swept


Let everyone… Everyone's heart becomes extremely frightened!

"We're finished..."

The pirates whispered in their hearts.

They realized they couldn't block Shiryu in this condition.

Just as Shiryu's sword was about to descend upon several pirates,

Blackbeard's figure suddenly materialized in front of them.


A fist, enveloped in the power of the Tremor Fruit, intercepted Shiryu's

descending sword with a single punch.

The sheer force from the clash had already sent the surrounding pirates

flying backward. Many were saved from Shiryu's onslaught.

The pirate got up on the ground and wiped the cold sweat from their


If it weren't for Blackbeard just now, they might have perished under

Shiryu's sword.

"That was so frightening!"

A pirate couldn't help but release a long sigh, yet his face remained pale

with fear.

Many people also took a long time to recover. They had truly sensed the

scent of death just now!

"Have you had enough?!"

Blackbeard shouted coldly at Shiryu, wearing a gloomy expression.

His words snapped Shiryu out of his killing trance, bringing him back to


Observing Blackbeard's gloomy expression, Shiryu realized he had come

close to death just moments ago.

Realizing the plan had gone awry, he swiftly sheathed his sword and

humbly lowered his head before Blackbeard, in front of everyone.

"I Apologize, Captain Blackbeard!"

"Let's head back."

Blackbeard didn't press further on Shiryu's responsibility. Despite losing

control, Shiryu had performed well.

Shiryu obediently returned to his original position, and Blackbeard stood

amidst the group of pirates who had intended to join them.

"I'm afraid you've already witnessed Shiryu's strength. Other than him,

each of my partners is exceptionally powerful."

"At present, Burgess is the first Titanic captain, Shiryu is the second

captain, Van Augur is the third captain, Avalo Pizarro is the fourth

captain... Doc Q is the ninth captain, and Gion is the eleventh captain."

Having designated the captain's division for Burgess and the others, he


"Next, those who want to join the Blackbeard Pirates will stay and let the

captains choose. Those who don't want to join can leave at any time. "

After Blackbeard finished speaking, he cast a glance at each of the pirates


Upon hearing his words, he observed that, apart from the now-dead Kidd

Alliance, the remaining individuals were indeed eager to join him.

This time, not a single voice of opposition was raised.

"Captain Blackbeard, Gion is the eleventh Titanic captain. Who is the

tenth captain?"

A pirate asked at that moment.

Currently, the Blackbeard Pirates only have a total of ten members,

excluding Blackbeard. Why is Gion referred to as the eleventh captain?

This is their doubt.

"There will be someone else to fill the tenth captain."

Blackbeard addressed everyone, and no one raised any questions after

hearing his statement.

Even Burgess and the others were unaware of this.

"Weihahaha, boss, you really have great confidence in me. Is there

anyone eager to join as my first captain?"

Burgess laughed and stepped forward, addressing everyone on his own


Due to the first captain's position, even the pirates who had previously

looked down on Burgess began to hesitate.

In the pirate world, strength is one aspect, and authority is another. With

a formidable leader like Blackbeard, the position of Burgess's first captain

became a sought-after opportunity. Many individuals started taking the

initiative to join Burgess's team.

Shiryu and the others also started choosing their crew members.

Burgess and Shiryu are in charge of the most pirate groups, with three

pirate groups respectively. Some of Avalo Pizarro and Catarina Devon are

in charge of one pirate group, and some are in charge of two pirate


Among them, only Momousagi Gion did not select a follower.

Blackbeard also understood that she was not suitable to lead the pirates

in this New World.

The crew member recruitment this time can be considered a perfect

conclusion, with a total of 18 pirates with bounties over 100 million

recruited, bringing the total number of crew members to 5,000.

The size of Blackbeard's Pirates suddenly expanded, marking the official

establishment of their presence in the New World!

And he was officially addressed as the Admiral by everyone in the

Blackbeard Pirates—Admiral Blackbeard.

"Captain Blackbeard! What should we do with the guy named Apoo?"

Burgess, who had recently taken charge of three pirate groups with

bounties over 100 million, suddenly felt a surge of confidence and

became more respectful in front of Blackbeard.

"Burgess, how many times have I told you to address the captain as

Admiral Blackbeard!" Lafitte reminded Burgess.

"Weihahaha, mainly because I'm used to called Captain Blackbeard, and

'captain' sounds more approachable."

Burgess laughed in response.

Blackbeard didn't mind it. To him, it was just a trivial title.

"Bring Apoo here"

Blackbeard instructed Burgess.




<em>Note: Any guess for the 10th Captain?</em>


I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 20+

chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

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