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One Piece: Луффи разоблачен

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Краткое содержание

В 1520 году по лунному календарю Луффи отправился в

путешествие к морю!

Роджера уже давно казнили, и на морях царил порядок, а флот

комфортно отдыхал в своих штабах.

Но затем внезапная прямая трансляция потрясла весь мир!

Названы десять самых выдающихся сражений!

Топ-10: Гекко Мория против Кошмарного Луффи!

Топ-8: Жестокая схватка с леопардовым Луччи, сражающимся за



Топ-6: Достойный противник, Дофламинго Нового Света!


Топ-3: эпическое столкновение Paramount War!


Благодаря этому открытию все стали свидетелями замечательного

роста и увеличения силы Луффи.

Даже ВМФ начал осознавать надвигающуюся опасность!

От первоначального презрения и презрения их чувства постепенно

сменились страхом и восхищением.

Может ли это быть будущий Ёнко?

Нет, это будущее... король!!!


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Chapter 84 : Burn Pluto's


[What Spandam wants most, in addition to Nico Robin, which can cause

his promotion, is Franky.]

[To be more precise, it's the Pluton blueprint in Franky's possession...]

[Even though he hasn't seen it, he knows very well that creating such a

terrifying weapon would grant him unprecedented power in the world!]

[Spandam may be wicked, but he's also foolish, with few wits. He

actually revealed his inner thoughts in front of everyone... Yes...]

[His thoughts were surprising enough to begin with, but what happened

next was even more astonishing.]

[When Franky heard this, he nonchalantly displayed the blueprint in

front of everyone!]

"Is this what you're after?"

[As everyone looked at the ancient hieroglyphs on the blueprint and the

intricate designs...]

[They immediately recognized it as one of the legendary three ancient

weapons—the Pluton blueprint!]

"Is that... Pluton, the legendary weapons as Poseidon and Uranus?"

"Is there truly an ancient weapon with the name of God?"

A hint of astonishment crept onto Shanks' face...

For anyone living on these seas, whether they be Marines, pirates, or

civilians, they had heard rumors of the ancient weapons. These fabled

creations were said to possess the power to annihilate entire islands and

even threaten the entire world!

However, the specifics of these ancient weapons and their powers

remained shrouded in mystery for most people.

To them, these ancient weapons were akin to mere legends.

But Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, had a deeper understanding of


It was rumored that Pluton was the most formidable warship in the

history of shipbuilding, capable of obliterating an entire island or even a

nation with a single shot!

And that was merely the tip of the iceberg!

An ancient weapon with such immense power, if in the hands of pirates

or the Marines, could single-handedly reshape the world's balance of


This revelation that the Pluton blueprint actually existed was truly


"And it's in the possession of Luffy's crew, no less! This is incredible!"

Shanks was astounded by Franky's background.

After all, this was the Pluton, one of the three legendary ancient


Its blueprint had been brought to light by Franky himself!

Even the remaining Four Emperors, the Revolutionary Army, the


All, without exception, were left in shock!

For the first time, they discovered the existence of the Pluton blueprint,

an ancient weapon that had been mere legend to them.

Simultaneously, everyone marveled at the fact that this seemingly

unconventional individual, Franky, was connected to something of such

monumental importance!

Just as everyone grappled with their astonishment, something

extraordinary happened!

The image in the sky continued to unfold...

[Everyone recognized it as the Pluton blueprint!]

[Spandam was overcome with excitement, reaching out to seize it.]

[But did Franky really intend to hand it over to him?]

[Instead, Franky looked at him disdainfully and remarked,]

"The world's rumors are truly unreliable, Nico Robin. I already knew

before coming here that you're not a demon capable of wielding ancient


"This is a fabrication by the World Government, and its purpose is..."

"If an imbecile like Spandam were to acquire this ancient weapon, it

would be a calamity for the world."

"Given the number of people lusting after the blueprint, and as the

current custodian of these blueprints, the only option is..."

[Spandam was so agitated that it sent shivers down everyone's spines, his

face twisted in a repulsive excitement.]

"Yes, hand it over to me!"

[Franky's expression turned fierce. "To you, old man!"]

[In a split second, flames erupted from his hand, engulfing the coveted

Pluton blueprint, reducing it to ashes.]

[Soon, the blueprint was no more, and Spandam stood there


[Including CP9, Robin, and even Nami and others in the vicinity, they

were all left stupefied.]

[None of them could believe that Franky had incinerated the blueprint

that everyone had coveted!]

[Spandam instantly seemed lifeless, gazing at the ashes on the ground

with an expression of despair.]

[What he had sought for five years had turned to ashes in an instant...]

Franky's audacious act also stunned many of the world's bigwigs!

They never imagined that, when faced with the blueprint of such a

devastating weapon as Pluton, he would choose to burn it!

No hesitation at all?

Even the Four Emperors—Whitebeard, Shanks, Kaido, and Big Mom—

couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

And at the Marine Headquarters, figures like Garp, Sengoku, the

Admirals, and the Seven Warlords, had a similar reaction.

The entire assembly had nearly identical responses.

They couldn't believe it; the Pluton blueprint had just disappeared?

Everyone felt as though they were on a roller coaster, one moment in

shock over the confirmation of the existence of a world-altering ancient

weapon like Pluton, and the next...

They watched it vanish before their eyes!

This feeling, of witnessing a precious artifact being destroyed right in

front of them, filled everyone with a sense of loss.

Especially the ambitious Kaido, Big Mom, Ceocodile, Doflamingo, and the


Their anger and frustration were palpable.

Even those like Garp and Whitebeard, who had no prior knowledge of

Pluton, were disheartened to see the blueprint go up in flames.

Meanwhile, in Water 7...

In a hidden corner where few would notice, Franky was gazing at the

outside world through a gap in the structure.

He had already left the Franky House with his gang, after all, he wasn't

foolish enough to wait for CP9 to capture him.

And the location he had chosen to hide in...

It was safe enough!

"Unless CP9 searches every corner of Water 7, it's impossible for anyone

to find them!

It's precisely because of this ironclad security that Franky can leisurely

monitor the live feed...

However, he didn't anticipate the magnitude of changes in the near


The Straw Hat Pirates, without hesitation, have boldly offended the

World Government, risking their lives to infiltrate Enies Lobby!

Such audacity and determination...

Franky suddenly comprehended why he despised pirates so much, yet

would eventually join the Straw Hats.

Perhaps it's their unwavering commitment to their crewmates that leaves

a lasting impression on him?

But this... is not enough!

"Did I really burn all the blueprints for Pluton..."

A faint smile graced Franky's face.

He finds it far from surprising.

The reason is simple!

As the one who initially held the blueprints for Pluton, he was well aware

that they would one day bring him danger.

And he'd been prepared to burn them at any moment!

As for whether it's a shame to burn the blueprints of such an ancient


Franky felt no remorse.


He had already engraved the design of Pluton into his mind, never to


The blueprints of Pluton...

They've long existed within his mind and can never be erased!

[As Franky burns the blueprints, he taunts Spandam and CP9.]

["...People like you are the scum of the world. I bet the Straw Hat Pirates

will triumph, and they will certainly defeat all of you!"]

[Upon hearing this, Spandam's already infuriated temper flared even

more, and he was about to strike.]

[But in the next moment...]

[A bell tolls from the Tower of Justice...]

[It turns out that not only Luffy and his crew have arrived; even the

Franky Family's younger brothers are present.]

[As they were too short to be seen earlier, the sight of them now causes

Franky to shout in excitement.]

[The Franky Family's younger brothers also join in the ruckus, making a


["You're too loud!"]

[Luffy couldn't stand it and yelled at them.]

[Zoro and Nami were left speechless. "Must you scold them at this

moment of reunion? Are you a devil?"]

[Luffy said earnestly, "Robin is still waiting for us. We can't move forward

without a bridge!"]

[It turns out the gap between the two sides is too wide, and they won't be

able to cross without lowering the bridge.]

[Nami and Zoro realized this and yelled at the Franky Family louder than


["Quit your crying and build the bridge!"]


[The disheartened Spandam actually kicked Franky, believing that

without the blueprints, Franky was useless.]

[The Franky Family brothers saw their boss fall, and in their panic, they

accidentally retracted the small bridge they had just extended.]

[Seeing this, Luffy, Zoro, and the others were left speechless, and if

circumstances allowed, they would have drawn their swords.]

[But at that very moment, Granny Kokoro, the Sea Train conductor,

arrived on the inside of Enies Lobby!]

[With a tremendous impact, the Sea Train took off!]

[It not only caught Franky as he fell but also rushed toward the Tower of


[Seeing this, Luffy and his crew couldn't contain their excitement and

jumped up.]

[Guided by the Sea Train, they headed towards the Tower of Justice,

towards Robin, and towards CP9...]


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Chapter 81 : Luffy vs Blueno!

[Gear Second!]

Luffy emerged from a cloud of steam, his skin turning a fiery red. His

aura underwent a remarkable transformation.

"It's like I'm an entirely different person now," he thought, both in terms

of strength and the intensity of his gaze.

This spectacle left the audience in awe. Sengoku, the Marine Fleet

Admiral, squinted his eyes as he recognized the truth.

"I had some suspicions back during the Seven Warlords chapter," Sengoku

remarked, "but it wasn't entirely clear. Now that Luffy is unveiling what

he calls 'Gear Second' for the first time, it's apparent."

He continued, "Luffy is utilizing the properties of his rubber-based Devil

Fruit to pump his limbs, accelerate his blood flow, and strengthen his


Garp nodded in agreement. "Indeed, I can see that this move is something

only he, with the Gomu-Gomu no mi, can execute. Anyone else

attempting this would likely burst their blood vessels due to the


Sengoku then pointed out, "This is the fruit's development, meaning Luffy

has gained better control over his Devil Fruit power. However, such high-

intensity exertion, almost to the point of self-destruction, will

undoubtedly take a toll on his body."

Garp remained silent, his eyes fixed on the sky. As lifelong partners, he

and Sengoku both possessed formidable strength, and they understood

what was happening.

Garp couldn't help but feel distressed as Luffy's grandfather, but he knew

why Luffy had developed the Gear Second. It all stemmed from his desire

to protect his companions.

In the face of this, Garp couldn't prevent it nor would he want to. He felt

an overwhelming sense of admiration for his grandson, who was

maturing and taking on the responsibilities that came with it.

[Facing the steaming Luffy before him, Blueno's eyes held doubt.]

Blueno asked, "What's this all about?"

"Playing ghost!" Luffy replied, but Blueno didn't grasp the gravity of the

situation. Instead of heightening his vigilance, he continued to taunt


However, Luffy was in no mood for jests. "Gum-Gum Jet Bullet!"

In the blink of an eye, Luffy's fist struck Blueno, who was caught off


"What?!" Blueno attempted to use Soru, but it was too late.


The tremendous force of the punch sent Blueno flying backward. If not

for the wall stopping him, he might have kept going.

Blueno struggled to his feet, his face a picture of confusion. "What was

that? Why was that punch so unbelievably powerful?"

Moments later, he witnessed something even more terrifying. Luffy

vanished from sight with incredible speed, faster than Soru. In an instant,

he reappeared, delivering another crushing blow to Blueno's head.

The impact sent Blueno tumbling head over heels, but when he got up,

he still couldn't see Luffy. Panic washed over him as he realized he

couldn't keep up with Luffy's speed anymore.

Among the Whitebeard Pirates, captains gathered and marveled at the


"Wow, the Straw Hat Kid's Devil Fruit is really something!"

"Gear Second... squeezing his potential for greater strength, huh?"

"It seems he was inspired by the Navy's Rokushiki. I sense their


"But one thing's for sure, Ace, your brother is incredibly strong..."

Ace, Luffy's older brother, beamed with pride. The crew's enthusiastic

praise left him feeling a mix of emotions, but most of all, he was proud.

As for the Whitebeard himself, he sat on the deck, having answered

questions and healed his injuries. Now, he watched the live stream,

holding a large jug of wine.

"Ace's little brother is quite the powerhouse..."

"He's unlocked his potential and developed his Devil Fruit to protect his


"In order to save his companions, he forcibly broke into Enies Lobby.''

Surprisingly, Whitebeard chuckled heartily; it was quite evident that

Luffy's character and behavior were contagious.

And all the crew members present joined in the laughter as they

witnessed their father's joyful demeanor...

Blueno was utterly astonished; since the Straw Hat boy activated his Gear

Second, he had been on the receiving end of a relentless beatdown!

This only underscored the fact that Luffy was leagues ahead in terms of

strength compared to him.

His speed was nothing short of extraordinary...

Had he already mastered Soru?

And in such a short time, had he surpassed the speed of Soru?

How could this be possible?

Blueno's eyes widened, overwhelmed by disbelief.

He knew that Luffy's physical capabilities had doubled in his current


Previously, he could still maintain his composure, but now...

He had no chance of victory whatsoever.

No, at this rate, he would become the first CP9 agent to be defeated. This

was unacceptable to both himself and the organization.

If a direct assault didn't work, he had no option but to outmaneuver his


Just as Luffy's attack was about to land again, Blueno swiftly employed

the abilities of his Devil Fruit.

An invisible door materialized in the air, and in a puff of smoke, he


At that moment, it seemed as though he had completely disappeared

within that space, leaving no trace behind.

Luffy, too, lost his target and had no option but to remain still.

"This fruit... It's the Doa Doa no Mi (Door Door Fruit)?"

"In his possession." Doflamingo responded.

"It's an intriguing and useful Devil Fruit. I didn't expect a CP9 agent to

have it."

"However, it's a shame. It appears this individual hasn't fully developed

the potential of the Doa Doa no Mi."

Crocodile standing nearby couldn't help but be interested in this Devil

Fruit as well.

He, too, recognized its potential.

At the same time, he realized that Blueno was not making the best use of

this remarkable Devil Fruit power.

Blueno, concealed within the door's space, kept a close watch on Luffy's

movements, looking for an opportunity to strike.

However, the Gear Second-empowered Luffy not only possessed

enhanced strength and speed but also heightened awareness.

With a single step, he effortlessly evaded Blueno's attack.

Luffy refrained from launching an immediate attack and instead turned

to Blueno, saying, "I've figured out your Soru technique; it's essentially

rapid movement within a limited area to simulate teleportation. Thanks

for showing me. This will only make me stronger, and I'll be better

equipped to protect my friends in the future."

Garp and Sengoku observed the scene with perplexity.

Even for two high-ranking Marines, mastering Soru, regardless of their

genius nature, would require a considerable amount of time.

Yet, here was Luffy, who not only hadn't received any formal instruction

but had also comprehended it himself.

In this regard, the only word they could use was 'combat genius.'

Simultaneously, Luffy gathered strength in his hands, preparing for an


This time, Blueno chose not to hide. He resolved to endure the assault,

not only to prove his strength but also to defend his pride as a man.

He felt that Luffy's earlier words had been an affront to him. Luffy had

humiliated him by effortlessly mastering the Navy's Six techniques that

he had practiced for years.

Unfortunately for Blueno, he was about to learn the harsh reality of his


"Rubber Jet Rocket Launcher!" At that moment, Luffy unleashed an

immensely powerful punch toward Blueno.

"Tekkai!" Blueno quickly employed his Tekkai defense, believing it to be

the ultimate defensive technique; nothing could pierce it.


Today, destiny had a different plan. Blueno was about to get a face full of

Luffy's fist, followed by being slammed to the ground and given a

thorough lesson..."


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Chapter 82 : Strawhats Arrival!

[The powerful thrust of the Gum-Gum Rocket sent Blueno sliding


[After covering over ten meters, he barely managed to halt himself.]

[Despite spitting out a stream of blood, Luffy believed that Blueno had

endured his attack, judging by his grinning smile.]

"You're quite resilient, kid!"

[Luffy even put his hand in his mouth, preparing to unleash a move even

more formidable than Second Gear.]

[However, in the next moment...]

[Blueno's eyes rolled back, and he collapsed to the ground, motionless.]

[It turned out that he couldn't withstand the blow.]

[The piece of iron that he had put his trust in had failed to resist Luffy's


[That's it, he had lost his faith in iron!]

Water 7!

Lucci gazed at the sky's picture, his expression visibly darkening.

While Spandam might be the official leader of CP9, it was Lucci who

truly commanded respect within the organization.

Thus, his inner discontent at witnessing Blueno's easy defeat could only

be imagined.

Lucci had earlier declared that he would show the Straw Hat kid the

power of CP9 and introduce him to despair like never before.

However, his organization members were easily defeated, which was

quite embarrassing.

Not only was Lucci speechless, but even Kaku, Jabra, Kalifa, Jyabura, and

several others exchanged subtle glances, all reflecting shock.

Blueno, on the other hand, wore a shocked expression on his face.

He couldn't believe that his future self had lost to the Straw Hat boy.

Moreover, he was the first CP9 member to fall.

Could this really be happening?

Lucci stepped forward and uttered grimly, "This matter will be addressed

later, Blueno. It seems your training has fallen short."

"Everyone, surround the Galley-La Mansion immediately and take


Upon hearing this, all CP9 members instantly transformed into deadly

assassins and rushed toward the Galley-La Mansion.

[Simultaneously, just as Luffy defeated Blueno...]

[In different areas of Enies Lobby, others were also in action!]

[Paulie, Nami, Yokozuna, and the Franky Family members...]

[They engaged in fierce battles with the Marines and Cipher Pol agents

all over Enies Lobby!]

[As the broadcast of the Buster Call continued, it unveiled the dark

reality of Enies Lobby...]

[Once you set foot here, there's no such thing as 'justice'!]

[Or rather, it's 'justice' solely defined by the World Government!]

[Even if you are innocent, stepping onto this island makes you guilty

because that's Enies Lobby's 'justice'!]

[Here, nobody is permitted to leave alive!]

[All outcomes are subject to the whims of those in power, to be played


[The revelation of Enies Lobby's truth shocked everyone; was this truly


[Meanwhile, after defeating Blueno, Luffy was gasping for breath...]

[He had just exited Gear Second mode, and he still felt uncomfortable, as

this mode pushed his limits...]

[But right now, he couldn't afford to take extra time to recuperate...]

[Gazing ahead at the depths of Enies Lobby, he knew...]

[Robin was imprisoned there!]

[In order to ensure Robin didn't lose her last glimmer of hope, Luffy

summoned all his strength and yelled toward the Tower of Justice...]

"Robin, I'm coming to rescue you!"

[Robin, imprisoned by Spandam at the top of the Tower of Justice, had a

body full of chills...]

[She gazed out of the window in disbelief...]

[Even though she couldn't see Luffy outside the window or her rescuers,

the shock overwhelmed her...]

[She never expected her companions to chase her to this heavily guarded

island, Enies Lobby...]

[And just as equally stunned was the real-world Robin...]

[At this moment, Robin had boarded the ship in Sabaody Archipelago

with Usopp, ready to continue her journey with the crew...]

[Despite her deep scar from the Buster Call, the images of Enies Lobby

made her uneasy...]

[Years of experience taught her to conceal her feelings deep within, but

watching the footage of Enies Lobby stirred a sense of sadness...]

[She realized that her future self still faced capture by the World

Government and a trial...]

[Even after seeing Luffy and his companions daringly confront the World

Government to reach Enies Lobby for her and Franky, she remained


[Because, up to this point, she couldn't believe that Luffy and his crew

could stand against the World Government's judicial facility...]

[This was a place that symbolized the World Government's authority and


[Enies Lobby was heavily fortified with tens of thousands of troops and

the CP9 agents!]

[Could Luffy and his crew really prevail here?]

[Could they truly save her?]

[Robin didn't think so...]

[Yet, despite her skepticism, watching the footage affected her deeply.]

In order to protect his partner, Monkey D. Luffy was inspired by the

Marine Admirals to successfully unlock his second gear mode. After

defeating Blueno…

He was left speechless.

Was it because of his own determination that Luffy vowed to become

even stronger? All of this effort was dedicated solely to save his dear


To liberate her from Enies Lobby and set her free, back on the Going


As Luffy gathered his strength, he shouted out the following words,

"Robin, I'm coming to rescue you."

Robin was deeply moved by this declaration. Her heart, once cold, began

to thaw. Was this the person who would be closest to her in the future,

her true nakama?

She turned back to look at Luffy, Sanji, Nami, and Usopp, standing

steadfastly behind her. At that moment, a smile graced her lips.

However, in her eyes, there was a glimmer of warm tears.

And Luffy, being the human that he was, returned the smile as he gazed

upon Robin.

No words were exchanged among them, for in that moment, silence

spoke volumes. This was the unspoken understanding between true


[Although Luffy's words touched Robin deeply, who was once


[But at that moment, her feelings were mixed, and her face bore a

complex expression.]

[As the crew witnessed this heartfelt moment, Franky suddenly

interjected: "What a touching bond!"]

"But it seems you're not entirely pleased. It's as if you have something on

your mind. If you wish to discuss it outside, I might be able to assist..."

[Raised eyebrows and confused glances met Robin as she pondered

Franky's words.]

[However, it didn't matter whether Franky moved or not; the mere

suggestion of his intention sent shivers down their spines.]

[As Franky's rear end visibly expanded, like an overinflated balloon about

to burst...]

[Not only Robin, but even Spandam and the surrounding high-ranking

Marines were terrified.]

"Wh-what are you doing?"

[Gazing upon Spandam's fearful expression, Franky nonchalantly

remarked, "Oh, I'm not about to die, so I thought I'd give myself a blast!"]

"This bomb isn't that powerful, maybe it could even bring this place


Unknown seas…

Luffy's eyes sparkled with awe.


"Did Franky's backside actually explode?"

"What an incredible ability!"

Nami: "..."

She was at a loss for words; this sounded like a tall tale.

Only Luffy, the quintessential goofball, would believe such a story.

Solon maintained a solemn expression, seemingly pondering the

feasibility of this explosion. "Can it really bring down the building?"

Nami: "..."

Double facepalm!

Well, apart from Luffy, Solon was the crew's other resident simpleton.

[Franky's antics sent Spandam and the other Marines fleeing in terror.]

[Franky also scooped up Robin and, using the power of his cyborg body,

blasted a path to the outside!]

In that moment, not only were their shackles removed, but they were

also able to witness the commotion outside.

Both of them were left utterly stupefied.

However, in order to protect Luffy and the others and facilitate their

retreat, Robin spoke, her words conflicted.

For example, she may not have wanted to be rescued at all or might have

been prepared to sacrifice herself. Franky, who was at her side, was

equally flabbergasted.

But to Luffy, it was all like a breeze in one ear and out the other.

Luffy nonchalantly picked his nose and addressed Robin with a puzzled


"Robin, do you have a screw loose? Why are you talking about sacrificing


"Even if you're considering sacrificing yourself, wait until we rescue you!"

At that moment, a violent gust of wind blew in from the corridor - it was

Solon's Rokushiki technique, bringing Nami, Chopper, and the others.

Sanji and Usopp arrived from another direction.

At this moment, the Straw Hat Pirates stood together, side by side,

positioned on the walls of Enies Lobby.

And from afar, they locked eyes with Robin.

Each member of the crew displayed an unwavering and resolute


"Robin, come back!"

They shouted in unison, and Robin felt a wave of emotions surge within

her, tears threatening to overflow.

As Spandam, CP9, and the other Marines observed this scene, their

expressions mirrored the solemnity of the moment.

Luffy clenched his fists and let out a rare, serious declaration:

"From here on, it's our turn, Robin!"


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Chapter 83 : Robin!!!

The stance of Luffy and his comrades atop the walls of Enies Lobby...

It undeniably sent shockwaves throughout the entire world!

Their unwavering determination, their unyielding spirit left an indelible

mark on the hearts of all who beheld them.

In this pivotal moment, whether it was the Marines, pirates,

revolutionaries, or the citizens of various kingdoms, all were stirred into


All because of this singular image that was profoundly astounding!

Furthermore, the sheer audacity of their struggle took place on the

hallowed ground of Enies Lobby, a symbol of the World Government's


The Straw Hat Pirates were fighting for their friends under the looming

threat of the World Government!

Their fervor and resolution were incredibly moving...

["The sight of the Straw Hat Pirates has taken the Marines and the

undercover agents at Enies Lobby completely off guard."]

[Spandam, who was as spineless as a mouse, was nearly terrified, but as

he gazed upon the CP9 agents before him, he felt a bit more assured.]

[He gave them a fierce command: "I order you to eliminate the pirates

before you!"]

["However, they must be dispatched only on this island and must not


[Hearing this, Lucci, Kaku, and the others couldn't hide their


[They knew all too well what Spandam meant, for it was only by slaying

the Straw Hats on this island that he could claim the credit.]

[This would secure his long-anticipated promotion...]

[Spandam's eyes bore into Luffy and his crew, a madness lurking within.]

[To him, Luffy at this moment was nothing more than a stepping stone to

his ascent!]

[Enies Lobby, with its formidable Marines, the ruthless CP9 agents...]

[And the ominous Golden Den Den Mushi capable of issuing a Buster


[Rubbing the Golden Den Den Mushi in his hand, Spandam wore a

triumphant grin.]

[When Robin laid eyes on the Golden Den Den Mushi, it stirred up a

multitude of memories...]

Navy Headquarters...

Garp, Sengoku, and even the Admirals like Akainu found themselves

increasingly displeased as they gazed upon Spandam in the image.

For his treacherous and mercenary nature, he truly deserved a beating!

In all honesty, if it weren't for this image...

Garp felt a strong urge to storm in, lift Spandam by the collar, and give

him a proper thrashing!

Even the Admirals, including Aokiji, were left speechless at this point...

They couldn't fathom how their future selves could ever intersect with

such an individual.

The fact that they entrusted the Golden Den Den Mushi, which

represented the Buster Call, to him was mind-boggling...

It wasn't just the Navy that was incensed.

Even the members of the Revolutionary Army, as well as the Fish-Man

Pirates, found themselves deeply aggrieved.

They all shared the same sentiment – if they ever encountered Spandam

at sea, they'd make him pay for his treachery...

[As a child, Robin had lived on Ohara, a sacred land for archaeology.]

[She had experienced moments of happiness there, but her life took a

dark turn when the World Government initiated the Buster Call.]

[Robin bore witness to what could only be described as hell, enduring

unimaginable pain.]

[Upon escaping, she was nothing more than a defenseless child, yet her

bounty soared to a staggering 79 million Berries.]

[Every step of her journey, she encountered those with hidden agendas,

individuals who sought to exploit her.]

[Trust was a rarity, as most viewed her as a living sin that should not


[Over time, even Robin questioned her own existence...]

[But with the arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates, a glimmer of hope pierced

her darkness.]

[Faced with the World Government's threat, Luffy and his crew stood


["Sogeking, shoot down that World Government flag!"]

[As the World Government's flag fell, it was undeniable – Luffy and his

friends were here for real!]

["Robin, remember the advice you received as a child..."]

["The world is vast, and one day you'll find true companions."]

[Tears welled up in Robin's eyes, for she had finally found those sincere


["I want to live..."]

["Take me with you to the sea!"]

[Robin's tears flowed freely, and her voice echoed throughout Enies


[A smile graced Luffy's face at this moment.]

"Robin, we'll get you back to the sea, I promise..."

At this moment...

The world trembled!

Finally, the world understood Robin's origins.

Her life had been a harrowing journey, filled with untold suffering.

All along the way, she had faced countless hardships.

Her tragic tale was unveiled...

In the hearts of those who watched, sympathy for Robin welled up, and

they were deeply moved.

They now comprehended the reason behind Ohara's destruction...

Was it all to conceal a hundred years of hidden history?

Did this history contain secrets that even the World Government was

ignorant of?

At this instant, the world's doubts about the World Government

intensified significantly.

The World Government's prestige began to crumble...

Even at Marine Headquarters, unrest brewed...

"The Buster Call on Ohara was authorized by you!"

"The two Admirals, the Fleet Admiral himself!"

"This inhumane destruction and the flimsy justifications – I've never been

in agreement."

"The World Government may have been wrong in certain respects..."

Garp looked at Sengoku and spoke with regret etched on his face.

From the outset, he had opposed these actions.

Even if the World Government wishes to prevent someone from

investigating that hundred years of history, it doesn't require orders for

slaughter, right?

However, he was sent to other places on a mission and couldn't

participate at all...

Sengoku listened to Garp's lesson, and his expression couldn't help but

change slightly.

Even though he was in charge of that matter, he also felt a little uneasy.

But all of this is an order from above, and I have no choice but to carry it


Akainu suddenly spoke: "It's a shame that there is still a survivor who

escaped, but it's alright; one day I will personally resolve it!"

There was an unwavering determination on his face.

After all, the justice that Akainu upholds is the perfect execution of the

World Government's will, leaving no room for any unfavorable factors to


Even if he directly bombarded O'Hara's refuge ship at the beginning, he

still doesn't feel the slightest bit guilty.

This kind of unyielding dedication to justice makes both the Kizaru and

Aokiji sigh to themselves.

But Akainu turned around...

"But what puzzles me is how this little girl, who was only a few years old,

managed to escape the Buster Call."

As soon as these words were uttered, Hina, the Kizaru, was also puzzled.

"Yes, to escape under the Buster Call, Nico Robin is truly remarkable."

"This is quite unusual."

Aokiji's face involuntarily changed slightly.

Because no one knows better than him how Robin escaped...

The reason he let Robin go in the first place wasn't just out of guilt; it

was also driven by the justice in his heart.


The justice between the two is slightly different.

"But no matter how she escaped, she can't evade the World Government's


"Straw Hat Luffy, and Nico Robin, there are currently two major

criminals on this ship!"

"And they have also launched a mass attack on Enies Lobby, hm..."

"This is a significant crime!"

A touch of excitement appeared on Akainu's face.

Because the more chaos Luffy and the others caused, the more time he

could personally arrest them...

"It's about to begin, everyone!"

"After getting Robin's confirmation, Luffy began to prepare for a big


"Sanji, Nami, Sogeking, Chopper, and the rest, too!"

And on the opposite side...

A group of CP9 agents led by Lucci looked at Luffy and the others, a

sinister smile on their faces.

The CP9 members couldn't understand the conversation between Robin

and Luffy at all.

In their eyes, anyone who dared to defy the World Government's banner

in the name of freedom was foolish and pitiable.

They were also rubbing their hands, ready to begin the hunt.

Hunting this group of pirates who had infiltrated Enies Lobby, not caring

whether they lived or died, and underestimating the World Government's


The atmosphere grew increasingly eerie, and the great battle was

drawing near!


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Chapter 85 : Battle Begins!

[With the help of the Sea Train, Monkey D. Luffy and his crew burst

through the gates of Enies Lobby directly!]

[At that moment, Spandam was nearly terrified!]

[He swiftly seized Nico Robin, who was bound, and headed for the Gates

of Justice.]

[He also ordered the CP9's strongest member, Rob Lucci, to protect

closely. As for the others...]

[You can enjoy yourselves! Open the gates to the battle!]

Whitebeard Pirates...

"The battle between CP9 and the Straw Hat Pirates has officially begun!"

Whitebeard gazed at the sky with a slight smile playing on his lips.

To be honest, even as one of the Four Emperors, he found this live

broadcast incredibly enjoyable.

After all, it had been years since he had encountered a pirate like Luffy –

one who pursued a fiery dream and would challenge the World

Government for the sake of his comrades. Such a person was truly unique

and reminded Whitebeard of someone else.

"Roger, this kid is a lot like you."

"And his straw hat belongs to you, doesn't it?"

"This is the fate of the world, isn't it?"

"Is he the one to carry on your will into the new era?"

[Luffy and his crew naturally aimed to rescue Robin and pursue


[However, the journey wouldn't be smooth.]

[The first CP9 member to intercept them was a large owl-like individual

with a mouth resembling a zipper.]

[He clung to the wall like a bat and swiftly revealed vital information to


[It turned out that Robin was imprisoned by the Sea-Prism Stone

handcuffs, and without a key, she would remain restrained.]

[To truly free Robin, they needed to defeat all CP9 members and obtain

the key.]

[Even they themselves didn't know who held the key to release Robin.]

[In short, to liberate Robin, Luffy needed to defeat all of them...]

[After sharing this information, the owl executed a Moonwalk and

disappeared in an instant, demonstrating his Soru.]

In Water 7's capital...

Lucci, who was already annoyed, witnessed the owl in the broadcast

revealing information to Luffy, making him even more irritated.

Looking at the round-headed owl, he couldn't help but have some doubts

about his true allegiance.

Other CP9 members also watched the broadcast in disbelief.

"Your mouth may resemble a zipper, but it's as loose as ever!"

"Owl, you can't help but spill the beans right away!"

"Almost disclosed not only our strength but also personal details..."

The owl acknowledged his old habit and grinned.

"Don't worry. With CP9's strength, even if the Straw Hat Pirates know

where the key is, they can't obtain it from us all."

"After all, our strengths are far from being equal!"

The owl's words resonated with everyone present.

Indeed, Luffy and his crew challenging CP9 was a fool's errand!

Lucci wore a grim expression while searching the Franky House.

"Search all of Water 7! We must find Franky!"

[After learning that the key to releasing Robin was in the possession of


[Luffy and his crew quickly devised a plan: act separately and confront

CP9 members to seize the key!]

[The Straw Hat Pirates and Franky Family split up, each venturing into

different passages...]

[In each corridor, they encountered distinct adversaries...]

[All of these adversaries were CP9 members...]

[Franky encountered the same owl he had seen earlier, looking at the

owl's massive form and peculiar visage.]

[Franky donned his sunglasses, aware that a fierce battle was about to


[Nami found herself in another corridor, encountering the long-haired

feline-like Fukuro...]

[Fukuro was toying with his weapon, acting eccentrically, leaving Nami


[As for Usopp...]

[Hidden behind his mask, he found himself in a secluded corridor...]

[His aim was to avoid enemies...]

[However, when he opened the last door, he was taken aback...]

[Before him lay a CP9 member, peacefully asleep...]

[Usopp thought he had been unlucky to encounter an opponent in such

an isolated location, but upon closer inspection, he realized that this

person was soundly asleep...]

[Judging by his frail appearance, he didn't seem as formidable as the

large zipper man from before...]

[Perhaps he had encountered CP9's weakest member...]

[However, what Usopp didn't know was that the person he had

encountered was not the weakest among CP9. In fact, he was one of the

strongest members besides Rob Lucci and Kaku...]

[He had consumed the Zoan-type Devil Fruit, Model: Wolf – his name

was Jabra!]

Magnetic Drum Island!

Chopper sat in the snow, gazing at the sky with a vacant expression.

Now he was solely dedicated to studying medicine, never expecting to

become a pirate. He had no idea that he'd experience so many thrilling

adventures – battling the Seven Warlords of the Sea, confronting the gods

of Skypiea, and now forcibly invading Enies Lobby to face CP9.

And this was just the third of the top ten battles. How many more

exciting and perilous battles lay ahead? Chopper wasn't afraid of these

unknown adventures. In fact, he embraced them with eager anticipation.

In his heart, he yearned to follow the Straw Hat Pirates and explore the

uncharted world. However, he couldn't let go of Magnetic Drum Island,

nor could he abandon Kureha. Unbeknownst to him, Kureha was silently

watching him.

As Chopper's teacher, she understood his inner thoughts better than

anyone else.

"This little guy, you can tell from his expression that he truly wishes to

join them."

"Moreover, from the beginning till now, they haven't treated him as a


"They, the Straw Hat Pirates, seem to have no prejudice against his

peculiar identity."

"They don't care about his oddities..."

"And when it comes to eccentricity, that skeleton and cyborg seem no

different from Chopper."

Kureha muttered to herself, her heart ready to let Chopper embark on

this new journey.

After all, Magnetic Drum Island was not his final destination...

[Franky, Nami, and Usopp had all encountered their respective foes.]

[Sanji had taken a different path and found himself in a peculiar room...]

"This is..."

[Upon entering the room, Sanji was taken aback.]

"The room was entirely pink and exuded a sweet fragrance."

[Simultaneously, the door slowly closed...]

[And Kalifa emerged from the shadows.]

"Would you like to sit down and talk?"

[The moment he saw the person approaching, Sanji was utterly


"His heart raced uncontrollably, and his heartbeat went out of sync!"

[His eyes were filled with love, and he never expected happiness to arrive

so swiftly!]

"Oh, that's truly troubling."

[At that moment, Sanji transformed into a lovesick fool, his expressions

increasingly infatuated...]

[If it were Nami and the others here, they would undoubtedly mock


[Nami or anyone else would handle this more sensibly than Sanji...]

[At the same time, Zoro also found himself on a different path,

encountering his own adversary.]

"His opponent was just as ruthless as Lucci, and the second strongest

member of CP9... Kaku!"

Zoro suddenly grinned, for he knew that Kaku was the only CP9 member

who wielded a sword.

"Isn't he the most fitting enemy..."

Without saying a word, Kaku unsheathed two blades, revealing his

unique Two-Sword Style.

"Two-Sword Style?"

Zoro was taken aback, his interest piqued.

Kaku wasted no time, opting to launch an attack, not with his swords,

but with two Rankyaku kicks.

The sharp and devastating power of his strikes cleaved deep ravines into

the ground...

Simultaneously, Kaku sneered at Zoro and spoke slowly.

"Two-Sword Style?"

"I think you're mistaken. I practice... the Four-Sword Style!"

Hearing this, Zoro smiled; this battle promised to be even more


He didn't utter a word but drew two swords and placed the word

"Kazudo" in his mouth, ready for the clash of Four-Sword Style against

Three-Sword Style. It was shaping up to be a fascinating battle.


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Chapter 86 : CP9 or Zoo?

["Three-Sword Style?"]


Kaku gazed at Zoro, who still had a Sword in his mouth before him, a

hint of mockery flickering in his eyes.

[Zoro was left speechless...]

["Aren't your so-called Four-Sword Style maneuvers just a form of


Saying this, the two couldn't resist engaging in direct combat.

[Suddenly, the scene was filled with the flashing of swords, with five

swords dancing through the air.]

[Even amidst their attacks, Kaku occasionally unleashed Rankyaku


[Yet, Zoro defended against each of these strikes, and the two separated

only to clash once more.]

[Neither of them displayed the slightest hesitation...]

This scene thoroughly amused Dracule Mihawk, who resided at the

Marine Headquarters.

"A Three-Sword Style and a Four-Sword Style... What interesting


As the world's greatest swordsman, Dracule Mihawk possessed

unparalleled swordsmanship.

Although he did not look down on multi-Sword techniques like others


One must acknowledge that, in this moment, both Kaku and Zoro

appeared inferior in his eyes.

Should he personally intervene in their duel, a mere flick of his sword

would suffice to end the battle, such was his absolute strength.

Yet, it must be noted!

Though the swordsmanship of these two appeared less potent at present,

their fundamental skills were incredibly sound.

Particularly Zoro...

He was the individual who had drawn Mihawk's attention most, second

only to Luffy, following this battle.

"Is your dream to become the world's greatest swordsman?"

"In that case..."

"I hope you mature swiftly, to the point where I can draw my sword and

use you as my opponent, all the while the world's map is in play..."

[Zoro and Kaku continue their sword clash, enveloping the area with

formidable sword shadows, turning their surroundings into chaos.]

[Even though the battle seemed extremely destructive, only the two

combatants knew the truth.]

[This confrontation was far from its conclusion...]

Kaku sneered at Zoro.

["In that case, let me demonstrate my newly acquired abilities!"]

Indeed, he had decided to harness the Devil Fruit he had recently

consumed to bolster his strength and bring this battle to a close.

[Zoro's astonished eyes witnessed Kaku's figure continuing to ascend!]

[Gradually, he stood at least seven or eight meters taller than his normal


[It wasn't that his build had grown, but rather...]

[His neck had elongated, reaching all the way to the ceiling!]

[This was the power of his Devil Fruit... Zoan-type: Bison-Bison Fruit,

Giraffe Form!]

Zoro couldn't help but break into a cold sweat...

It wasn't that he was afraid, but...

[This appearance was truly revolting!]

Simultaneously, in uncharted seas...


Zoro, who was casually sipping a drink while watching the live broadcast

on the Merry, involuntarily sprayed upon witnessing Kaku's


The horrified expression mirrored precisely what he saw on the screen.

"I can't believe it... it's so repulsive..."

Even Luffy and Nami couldn't help but wear darkened expressions upon

seeing it.

Kaku had previously looked like a master, wielding two swords and

donning a black peaked cap.

Though his nose resembled Usopp's to some extent, it didn't diminish his

masterly demeanor.

But as soon as he transformed... Damn, instant hilarity! And with a touch

of queasiness!

That cold and dependable demeanor had completely vanished, replaced

by an amusing, almost clownish appearance! Zoro's lips twitched.

"How can I possibly face such an opponent?" Usopp thought to himself,

filled with fear. "Just by his appearance, I'm terrified that giraffes will

haunt my dreams for months to come."

[Meanwhile, as Kaku and Zoro were locked in combat...]

On the other hand, Usopp, tiptoeing silently, prepared to snatch the key

from the ground near the still-sleeping Jabra.

However, it was unfortunate...

Just as success was within reach, a rooster unexpectedly sauntered

between them, letting out a loud crow that startled Jabra awake.


Upon seeing Usopp before him, Jabra squinted and immediately

recognized him as the one bearing the flag.

Without a moment's hesitation, Jabra threw a punch!


Usopp was sent flying like a cannonball, crashing directly into the wall.

Fortunately, he managed to take the brunt of the impact; otherwise, that

single punch might have been his end...

Without delay, Jabra used his Devil Fruit power, a sinister grin on his


His body began to expand rapidly, nearly tearing his clothing as he

transformed into a monstrous werewolf.

Horrifying and grotesque to the extreme...

This was his ability, the Zoan-type Devil Fruit: Inu Inu no Mi, Model


Looking up at Jabra, who now stood three times his height, Usopp

trembled in terror.

He never anticipated that while carefully choosing a secluded path, he

would encounter such a formidable and terrifying opponent!

However, little did he know that Jabra, despite being quite strong, had

also chosen to rest in a remote location, hoping for some peace. He didn't

expect to run into intruders like Usopp.

But since they'd crossed paths, there was only one option: to fight...


On the Thousand Sunny, the Straw Hat Pirates were on edge.

Even though they were watching from a distance, the dread they felt was


The opponent Usopp was facing turned out to be an absolute terror.

Zoan-type Devil Fruits were known for bestowing incredible power upon

their users.

In close combat, they were practically unbeatable. And here was Usopp, a


Facing such an enemy was Usopp's worst nightmare. It was the last thing

he wanted to encounter, and his luck had certainly run out.

As Usopp prepared to give it his all, an unexpected turn of events



The ceiling above them exploded, and two figures plummeted from


Look and behold, it was none other than Zoro and a... giraffe?

Usopp and Jabra were dumbfounded.

"What the heck? Where did that giraffe come from?"

"Why is he wearing a suit?"

But soon, Jabra recognized him. It was Kaku!

It turned out that the Devil Fruit power Kaku had consumed transformed

him into a giraffe.

Jabra couldn't help but burst into laughter, tears streaming down his

face, and he nearly rolled on the floor.

Zoro, who had fallen alongside Kaku, was equally bewildered.

Even with a giraffe on top, how could there be a wolf down below?

Was this some kind of zoo...?


Kaido examined the scene and a glint of interest sparkled in his eyes.

"Giraffe form, wolf form..."

"If they can master these two abilities, they might not be weak in the

world of Zoan-types."

"Besides, they are both members of CP9, and their strength is impressive.

If they were to join my Beasts Pirates, it would be a valuable addition."

As a fan of Zoan-type Devil Fruits, Kaido found himself growing fond of

Kaku and Jabra.

He was well aware that they were originally part of the World

Government's secret service organization.

Under normal circumstances, it would be unthinkable for them to join his

pirate crew. However...

Among his subordinates, there was already one who had once belonged

to CP9.

That person was none other than... Who's-Who!

As a former member of CP9, he had left the organization due to an

encounter with Luffy.

He had been tasked with escorting the Gomu Gomu no Mi for the World

Government, but Shanks and his crew had intercepted him and seized the

Devil Fruit.

The theft of the Gomu Gomu no Mi had been a separate incident entirely.

As a result, Who's-Who's mission had failed, and he had been imprisoned.

Even if he were released, he would never regain his status as a former

CP9 agent. Whether he could leave prison at all was uncertain.

Upon his release, he had made a beeline for Kaido's Beasts Pirates and

quickly risen through the ranks, becoming one of Kaido's most trusted


Zoro and Kaku had fallen because they had quarreled and sliced through

the floor.

As they were about to engage in combat, Kaku and Jabra, both members

of CP9, found themselves arguing.

The subject of their argument? Whose transformation was uglier...

Zoro remained puzzled and now believed that CP9 might not be the

secret service organization he had assumed.

He thought of it more as a zoo...

A wolf, a giraffe, and Lucci, who had the Leopard model Zoan devil


Honestly, it had been ages since he'd seen so many different animal

transformations together.

To witness something like this, you'd have to visit a zoo, right?

On the other hand, Usopp was handling the situation more sensibly than


He was now considering how to defeat the enemy, realizing that a sniper

wouldn't fare well against someone with an Zoan-type Devil Fruit.

However, Zoro's unexpected arrival had changed the dynamic.

With Zoro at the forefront and himself providing remote support, their

chances of victory had improved...

The battle was about to get interesting.


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Chapter 87 : Everyone Shocked!

[Jabra and Kaku were still chattering noisily, and Zoro couldn't stand it

on the side.]

["Hey, you two, have you caused enough trouble?"]

[As soon as these words were spoken, they instantly caught the attention

of the two who were arguing, and both turned to look at Zoro.]

[Kaku, in particular, had been taunted by Zoro earlier, and now he was

being ridiculed by Jabra.]

[At this moment, the anger in his heart had reached its peak!]

"You, you pirate who plays acrobatics with three swords, underestimate

my power of the Devil Fruit!"

"Giraffe-Giraffe Fruit: Human-Beast Form!"

As soon as Kaku's words fell, his entire form changed again...

At this moment, even Zoro couldn't help but be surprised!

"This is..."

You see, in addition to being able to transform into a beast-like form, the

Zoan-type Devil Fruits also allow for a human-beast transformation!

Under this form, not only the appearance changes, but even the


But soon, Zoro realized he was in for another surprise in this battle!

With Kaku at full power, he transformed into a human-beast form, but...

Apart from his already elongated neck, which grew even longer, and his

iconic square nose appearing, along with an extra set of abs, there was no

change at all!

On the contrary, it became even more bizarre to watch...

"I can't believe it... It's absurd..."

Immediately, Zoro had a terrified expression, much like when he first saw

Kaku's transformation.

Even Jabra, who was watching Kaku's human-beast form, was stunned.

This appearance was truly extraordinary!

In the uncharted seas...

"I can't believe it!"


Zoro was being Zoro.

When he saw Kaku's appearance, he resembled his future self.

It was all because in his eyes, Kaku's nose had become longer, forming

his signature square nose, and the human-beast form with the extra set of


He simply couldn't believe it!

It completely shattered his own perception...

At this time, Luffy and the crew set sail on the Merry, with their next

destination being...

The Water 7, where Franky is located!

As for why they bypassed the closer sea restaurant and Thriller Bark


It was because Luffy and the others realized that Franky needed their

help urgently.

The beginning of the Water 7 arc signified the exposure of CP9's presence

in Water 7.

They would surely end their undercover operation early and capture

Franky as soon as possible.

If they sought each member one by one, by the time they reached

Franky, he would have been captured.

So they had to go to Water 7 first to rescue Franky...

[Looking at Kaku's appearance, Zoro couldn't help but smile.]

[But when he remembered that Robin was still in such a dangerous

situation, he immediately suppressed his smile forcefully.]

Jabra, on the other hand, burst into laughter, rolling on the ground. It

was as if he might keel over at any moment...

Taunted by both Zoro and Jabra, Kaku was furious.

"Don't underestimate the giraffe!"

I saw him roar, and then he started performing a tremendous slalom in


I must say that although Kaku's giraffe form looked comical, it posed a

considerable threat, especially when he got serious...

His slender limbs and elongated neck swept around for several meters,

like a massive electric fan!

With the continuous rotation, a terrifying small tornado formed in place!

It was feared that anyone caught in it would be struck dozens or even

hundreds of times in an instant!

But that wasn't the most significant threat...

As Kaku spun faster and faster, a blue light appeared at his feet.

At that moment, Zoro sensed the imminent danger, and without

hesitation, he threw Usopp to safety.

It was at this moment...

Kaku, who was spinning, unleashed his "Rankyaku" kick!

During the rotation, the "Rankyaku" kick formed a circle, cutting almost

360 degrees without leaving a gap.


In an instant, this devastating vacuum slash destroyed everything in its


Even the entire Tower of Justice was cleaved in two!

The destructive force of this attack was so immense that the vacuum

slash continued to ripple outwards, leaving a trail of destruction in its

wake, and it took a long time for the debris to settle...

This scene in the image also left many viewers in shock.

Was this the true strength of CP9?

The power of this attack... it was incredibly terrifying! It sliced through

the building like it was nothing!


They deserved to be a secret government organization, and their strength

was undeniably formidable.

After watching numerous live broadcasts, everyone knew that the Straw

Hat Pirates, especially Luffy, were powerful. Zoro was undoubtedly the

crew's second strongest member.

With someone as reliable as him, even if the enemy is dangerous, it can

make people feel at ease.

However, just when everyone thought that a blood-boiling and exciting

war would follow...

The situation took a bizarre turn.

["Ah, what terrifying strength, but this is interesting!"]

[An evil smile appeared on Zoro's face, and he wanted to raise his sword

to attack, but...]

[Huh!? ]

[I saw that one of Zoro's hands was cuffed by SeaStone's handcuffs at

some point! ] ]

[At this moment, Zoro was stunned...]

[I saw Usopp look embarrassed and said: "I'm sorry, just got excited... The

hand slipped."]

[Zoro, at this moment, had murderous intentions. ]

[I am a swordsman; how do I swing a sword when I am held by someone

with one hand? ] ]

[What's more, now he is facing two powerful enemies like CP9! ] ]

[F*ck, pig teammate...]

[In desperation, facing the two enemies of Jabra and Kaku, Zoro and

Usopp can only run hand in hand. ]

[At this time, Chopper ran over...]

[But it's not a fart either!] ]

[Now the three of them started running together, and the scene was even

more bizarre. ]

[A wolf, a deer, and a giraffe...]

[Zoro, who ran up, is about to doubt his life, what kind of evil did he do?


[It's not a way to run like this; Chopper runs fast, Zoro directly asked him

to go to the others to see if the CP9 they defeated had a key to open the

lock in their hands…]

[Only when the lock is opened, there is a chance to resist and defeat the

two in front of them. ] ]

[When Chopper heard this, he ran directly and went to other


[In addition to Luffy and Zoro, the most likely to end the battle the

fastest is the third strongest, Sanji! ]

[Chopper suddenly transformed into a speed form and began to run

through the intricate justice tower. ]

[Actually, according to his thoughts, Sanji's strength is indeed most likely

to end the battle as soon as possible. ] ]

[However... That also depends on who his opponent is. ]

[When he met Kalifa, it is estimated that he was indeed the first to end

the battle, but...]

[It is estimated that it is by no means a victorious posture...]

Marine headquarters!

Garp and Sengoku looked at the situation speechlessly.

For some reason, they always felt that the direction of this battle became

more and more bizarre.

Originally, they thought that on Justice Island, the Straw Hat Pirates and

CP9 would have an intense head-on collision.

But now it seems... It's more like a comedy!

Luffy runs around the intricate tower of justice like a headless fly. Zoro,

who is second in combat power, appears reliable, but he's in a tight spot

thanks to his comrades.

They thought it was 1v2, but now it looks like 1↓3...

At least there is one Sanji left, but they never expected that he would

encounter a woman and be reduced to a blushing mess!

Not to mention defeating the enemy and obtaining the key, he just hopes

to make it out in one piece.

Well, the three main forces of the Straw Hat Pirates are basically in

disarray... The direction of this battle is far beyond everyone's


Even the few people in the Blue Sea were bewildered as they watched the

scene on the screen.

Doflamingo couldn't stop laughing, his stomach hurting.

"These guys are truly in dire straits. How can a pirate crew like this have

a future?"

"It seems like their first two victories were just due to sheer luck."

"If they were to face me..."

"In less than an hour, I could put an end to it all!"

When Crocodile heard this, he couldn't help but smirk as he puffed on his



"I think it's hard to say whether you would win or lose against the Straw

Hat Pirates."

"But if they ever cross paths with me, I'll drain them dry in an instant!"

Doflamingo's expression turned cold, and he retorted, "What do you

mean... Are you better than me?"

Crocodile toyed with the gravel in his hand and looked down at


"If you don't believe it..."

"You can try!"

The tension between the two escalated once again.

The atmosphere grew heavy...

Meanwhile, on the live broadcast screen in the sky, a new development

caught everyone's attention! It left everyone, including the viewers, in



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Chapter 88 : Monster Form?

[While Zoro and Usopp are still holding hands and running away


[On the side of Kumadori and Nami, a fierce battle has broken out, and

Chopper, who arrived in time, also joined the battlefield.]

[With Nami's stealing technique, she stole the key to her body in just one

back and forth...]

[However, just as the two were about to leave quickly and go to the next



[A figure suddenly fell from the sky and smashed heavily in front of the



[Isn't this Sanji!?]

[Hee was already bleeding, and the whole person was unconscious on the

ground, and his body was even more emitting something like a

transparent coating.]

[This scene made Nami and Chopper dumbfounded...]

[They can't believe that the guy with the third combat power of their

own Straw Hat Crew was actually beaten so badly?]

[Who is the opponent?]

[However, the clever Nami quickly reacted, there is a woman in CP9...]

[Kalifa, I'm afraid I didn't meet her, right?]

[Sure enough, the moment Kalifa appeared, the answer was indeed so!]

[The chivalry of this guy shows makes him unable to strike at women,

but now he has buried himself and is directly out...]

[Straw Hat Pirates!]

The pirates looked at Sanji's appearance and felt incomprehensible for a


What kind of chivalry is this?

Have you all been beaten like this, and you haven't fought back?

Marco patted Ace's shoulder and said as if with some comfort: "Your

brother's pirate crew... It's pretty interesting."

When Ace heard this, he could only smile bitterly.


Restaurant on the sea!

Sanji was dressed in a chef's suit and leaned against the fence to smoke.

Looking at the beaten body in the picture, his face did not fluctuate in

the slightest.

The countless cooks next to him looked terrified.

"Sanji really dedicates chivalry to the end, this is almost burping, right?"

"Obedient, I didn't expect that Sanji's personality has not changed when

he goes to sea, if he encounters a boat of female pirates, shouldn't

hekneel on the spot?"

"When he was in the sea restaurant, it was like this, and it was not

unusual to see beautiful women who couldn't walk the road, and it was

not unusual to go to sea..."

"If he really get killed... Won't Sanji fight back either?"

When Sanji heard this, he slFukuroy exhaled a puff of smoke.

"I was taught from a young age not to hit women, so I will definitely

carry chivalry through to the end!"

"Even if it is death, I will not fight back!"

"What's more..."

"Still such a beautiful young lady!!!"

The next moment, Sanji's eyes turned into love, and he looked at Kalifa's

figure and decisively transformed into a ghost!

Public Opinion:...

Forget it, this kid is not saved!

[Nami plans to avenge Sanji, and rushes directly towards Kalifa's room...]

[At the same time, Kumadori also eyed Chopper!]

[The two fought and sabotaged all the way, and as a result, they

stumbled and ran to Franky next door.]

[Franky also fights with Fukuros, although CP9 has a defensive skill

Tekkei, but Franky's hand is a real iron fist!]

[So even Fukuro can't eat it, and in the end, you can only give up the

iron, and you should use speed to sneak attack...]

[In addition, Franky is a modified person and needs Cola as fuel support,

and now his Cola is almost exhausted, so his combat power is almost


[But unexpectedly, when Chopper and Kumadori collided, they knocked

the storage room next to them by the way, and this time Franky was


[There must be Cola here!]

[As long as you have Cola, you can restore your motivation!]

[But he was entangled by Fukuro, and in desperation, he could only carry

Fukuro to attack while asking Chopper who was next to the refrigerator

to take a few bottles for himself and throw them over.]

[When Chopper heard this, his face changed greatly, "It's all this time,

you are actually in the mood to drink Cola!?"

[Franky: "..."

["I'm too lazy to explain to you, as long as you find me a Cola, I can

defeat these two guys in front of me, hurry up!"]

[Chopper was stunned, "This way... Is that cold beer OK?"]

[Franky: "..."

["Your uncle, I want Cola, it's Cola, do you understand!"]

In a panic, Chopper hurriedly opened the refrigerator, directly pulled out

three bottles of Cola and threw them over.

Franky, who didn't have time to take a closer look, suddenly screamed

excitedly, jumped up and opened his navel to put it in, and the next


["So sweet~~~"]

Franky only felt that his heart was like honey, swimming in the ocean of

happiness for a while!


"This is ketchup; I want Coke!"

[Chopper panicked, took out three bottles of drinks from the fridge, and

threw them directly.]

[Franky, soaring through the air, caught the bomb and swallowed it.]


[Franky sat down, a pleased expression on his face.]

In that moment, he felt a cool breeze on his face, and his mood became

extremely refreshing, as though a simple gulp would transport him back

to a pastoral life!

[Franky suddenly stood up and smashed the drinks.]


"This is tea; I want Coke!"

"Don't think I don't know what you're up to. Want to see how I react if

you serve other drinks?"

[Chopperwas startled. Had his plan been exposed?]

[Kumadori, Fukuro: "..."]

They stood beside them, speechless, observing Franky and Chopper's

antics as if they were performing a comedy routine.

At this point, they were tempted to ask, "Are you two putting on a

comedy show?"

Not just Fukuro and Kumadori, but even the viewers of the live broadcast

were dumbfounded by Sanji and Franky.

Meanwhile, on the restaurant ship:

Several chefs gazed at the sky in astonishment.

"Sorry, Sanji, I take back what I said earlier. You're not the oddest one in

this pirate crew."

Sanji: "..."

It was hard to fathom that with such an eccentric group, they would be

able to find the All Blue, allow Zoro to become the world's greatest

swordsman, assist Robin in discovering the hidden history, and fulfill

Luffy's dream of becoming the Pirate King.

Onboard the Whitebeard Pirates' ship:

Marco covered his face and patted Ace's back. "I thought having Sanji in

your brother's crew would be entertaining enough. But now, it seems

even more entertaining than I imagined."

Ace also covered his face and grinned wryly. Luffy seemed to have an

unusual knack for attracting a unique group of individuals.

Apart from Zoro and Robin, who were relatively normal, the rest

exhibited a distinct comedic element. No, even Zoro and Robin were a bit

eccentric, too.

Red-Haired Pirates:

"Haha, this is fun! Luffy's crew is bursting with energy!"

"Like Luffy, that kid, they must be a riot to be around!"

Shanks laughed heartily, pouring wine into his mouth.

His crew members stood there in disbelief. They couldn't fathom how

Shanks could find this group enjoyable. If it had been them, they'd likely

have gone insane.

[Finally, in Franky's fit of rage, Chopper, fearing a beating, tossed three

bottles of Coke.]

At that moment, Franky was revived with newfound enthusiasm!

He threw a punch that nearly knocked out Fukuro.

"Haha, check out my human-guided missile!"

Franky dashed off, carrying Fukuro, and using a cannonball as they went.

This time, Fukuro was completely baffled. They said "tracking," but this

was taking it quite literally!

Now, only Chopper and Kumadori remained in the room.

Simultaneously, Chopper unleashed his fury and attacked Kumadori.

Chopper usually appeared tense, but his strength was undoubtedly

impressive. His primary role was to serve as the crew's doctor, and he

couldn't hold out for long against Kumadori's relentless assault.

Even though Chopper consumed one Blue Ball after another and

constantly transformed into various forms, it was clear he couldn't defeat


In the end, Chopper was immobilized by Kumadori's hair and was about

to deliver the final blow!

In the heat of the moment, Chopper broke a promise he had made: never

consume three Blue Balls at once.

That's because ingesting three Blue Balls would lead to the power within

one's body going haywire, resulting in the loss of sanity and a

transformation into a...


In order to assist his comrade in defeating an enemy, Chopper clenched

his teeth and consumed three Blue Balls.

In the midst of the smoke and flames...

In Kumadori's terrified gaze...

A colossal, savage, and violent monster appeared!

At this moment, all the viewers who witnessed the live broadcast were

equally stunned!

As they gazed upon the terrifying entity in the image, they couldn't

believe it.

Could this monster be the pet with a 100 Berry bounty?


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Chapter 89 : Finally?

[Chopper ate three Rumble Balls, and the power within his body became

wildly imbalanced, transforming him into a monstrous form.]

[As Kumadori witnessed this, a cold sweat began to trickle down his


[What kind of creature had he become?]

[Yet, despite the fear coursing through his veins, he had no choice but to


[His attack, however, was futile against Chopper, as he stood unmovable,

like a skyscraper unaffected by the wind.]

[He unleashed my Rankyaku once again, and within moments, dozens of

air slashes filled the air!]

[Yet, these slashes met Chopper without causing any harm. He remained

unmoved, not even a strand of hair was cut.]

"How is this possible?"

[Chopper moved...]

[He lightly swatted downwards, and Kumadori was slammed into the

floor tiles, blood gushing out instantly!]

[In a frenzy, Chopper unleashed more than a dozen more strikes...]

[If Kumadori couldn't withstand a single slap, how could he endure so

many blows?]

[Though the Blue Rumble Ball effect lasts only three minutes, it took just

three seconds to incapacitate him.]

[The result was as expected; after Chopper ceased his assault, Kumadori

was covered in blood, his body a grotesque mess, and eyes rolled back.]

[Meanwhile, outside...]

[Franky and Fukuro had been locked in a fierce battle for some time.]

[But after some skillful maneuvering, Franky used his cannonballs to

knock out Fukuro.]

[With that, Fukuro joined Blueno as CP9 members who had been


[Worried about little Chopper's safety, Franky rushed to the tower's top

again, but...]

[Upon reaching there, he was met with an utterly horrifying sight!]

[A massive creature, wearing a hat identical to Chopper's, was clutching

a bloody and unconscious Fukuro and glaring straight at him.]

[Franky was on the brink of terror at that moment.]

[Chopper had lost his sanity and could no longer distinguish friend from

foe, but his determination to save Robin remained.]

[He flung Fukuro's limp body as if it were trash and hurled it in Franky's


[Step by step, he ascended the Tower of Justice, leaning on his colossal


[As Franky gazed upon the scene of devastation, he was utterly


[That creature... wasn't that the reindeer who could speak human


Marine Headquarters!

Upon seeing the image of Chopper transformed into a monstrous state,

even Garp and the others were left in awe.

"The defensive capabilities, the sheer power..."

"Who would have thought this seemingly harmless reindeer possessed

such terrifying might?"

Sengoku nodded in agreement.

"Even CP9 members couldn't withstand a single strike; this is truly


"But this loss of sanity and inability to distinguish between friend and foe

also poses a significant danger to allies."

"If he ever finds a way to control this state, his power will reach

unprecedented heights."

Though Garp and Sengoku felt that Chopper's violent state posed no

threat to them, they couldn't help but admire his strength. After all,

during this period, Luffy and his crew were still budding newcomers.

For someone at his level, Chopper had displayed remarkable destructive

power, surpassing all expectations.

Chopper's newfound prowess also left the three Admirals, as well as the

CP9 members and others, in mild astonishment.

They hadn't anticipated that a seemingly unremarkable reindeer like

Chopper harbored such a potent ace up his sleeve.

It was this discovery that left Aokiji slightly annoyed.

"How on earth did the department responsible for assigning bounties

miscalculate this?"

"An entity of such peril, yet his bounty is merely 100 Berries?"

"Based on the destruction we've witnessed, even 100 million Berries

would be insufficient!"

Revolutionary Army!

"Who would have thought that the little reindeer was this powerful?"

The Revolutionary Army's Commanders were equally amazed, gazing at

Chopper's formidable form.

Many shivered, including Sabo.

"Even CP9 members were destroyed in mere seconds?"

"It's a pity that this transformation only lasts three minutes. If it were


"Enies Lobby would likely have been reduced to rubble!"

Sabo's words left no room for doubt.

"Such a barbaric destructive power, and a defense that even Rankyaku

can't break... It's no exaggeration to call it a monster!

Seemingly... All this time, I and others have underestimated this deer.

As a doctor, his combat effectiveness is not weak at all!

Fortunately, he can only last for three minutes; if he is allowed to last for

three days, I'm afraid even waiting for someone to help won't be enough.

Uncharted waters...


"Chopper is actually so strong!?"

Luffy and Usopp stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the sky with a

surprised expression.

Their faces were filled with envy and admiration!

Since Usopp got on board, there have been people who often butt heads

with Luffy, which makes Nami very concerned.

But now, even she is shocked by the transformation of Chopper.

Franky and Robin are no exception...

All along, they knew that Chopper had a special feature, and that was the

Rumble Ball!

Consuming the Rumble Ball, Chopper can transform into a variety of

forms, increasing his strength, speed, and defense.

But they never expected that he had such a monstrous form! The

destructive power is terrifying!

Luffy, Usopp, Nami, and the others were in shock. Robin, on the other

hand, was deeply moved.

She saw that even in this uncontrollable form, Chopper didn't forget to

protect his crewmates.

Watching his enormous form slowly climb the Justice Tower, she couldn't

help but shed tears.

All of their crewmates were trying to save each other.

So, if that's the case, what reason is there not to live well? At that

moment, Robin's perspective on life changed.

Even though she hadn't personally experienced the events on Enies

Lobby, it was clear to her that there was a crewmate on this ship who

cared about her—she had a reason to live!

[As Chopper charges ahead to deal with the pursuers and Franky takes

care of the gatekeeper Fukuro...]

[On the other side, Zoro and Usopp are constantly on the run.]

[Thankfully, neither of them had eaten a devil fruit, or they'd be

completely immobilized.]

[I doubt they would have the strength to keep running...]

[Luckily, Kaku and Jabra are at odds with each other, bickering during

their chase.]

[Otherwise, with their combined pursuit, Zoro and Usopp would be

severely injured or worse.]

[Seeing that Chopper hasn't been sighted despite running for so long,

Zoro realized that waiting wasn't an option.]

[It's better to rely on themselves than anyone else!]

"Usopp, I've thought of a brilliant solution!"

"Oh? What is it?"

"Cut off one of our arms, and we can escape this situation!"

The audience was left in shock when they heard Zoro's words.

Then, they were amazed...

That's a harsh decision!

If they didn't take this drastic step, they'd have no way out.

[Usopp's face darkened. What kind of crazy idea was Zoro suggesting?]

[At this point, he really wanted to ask Zoro if he was joking.]

[But looking at Zoro's deadly serious expression, Usopp understood he

didn't need to ask. He was dead serious.]

"Fart! If anyone's cutting off an arm, it's going to be yours, not mine!"

Zoro explained earnestly, "If you cut off mine, I won't be able to adapt

quickly, and fighting with just one arm will affect the battle. It's better if

it's you."

Usopp was furious. "I knew from the moment you came up with this idea

that you wanted to cut off my hands. No way, it's never happening!"

With all his strength, Usopp sprinted away.

At that moment, Zoro spoke again. "I've thought of another brilliant


Usopp was bewildered. "No matter what solution you have in mind,

there's no way you're cutting off my hand!"

A wicked smile formed on Zoro's lips. "Don't worry, neither of us has to

cut off our hands..."

[The next moment...]

[Zoro decisively drew two swords and assumed a fighting stance.]

As for Usopp... he lay flat on Zoro's hand, merging with the sword.

Though he felt exhausted, he couldn't help but be terrified.

This perspective... could it be called the ultimate first-person view?


Meanwhile, in the deepest part of the Tower of Justice...


Luffy had finally found the right path after running in the wrong

direction countless times and was about to catch up with Robin, who was

on the verge of being taken into the Gates of Justice.

Hearing Luffy's voice, Robin was shocked, and even Spandam was taken


As for Rob Lucci... a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Straw Hat boy, have you finally caught up?

"You go ahead; I'll handle him..."

Lucci, who had no desire to stay by Spandam's side for long, casually

remarked and then headed towards Luffy.

At that moment, the blood in Lucci's veins surged with the excitement of


Luffy and Lucci, in the truest sense, were about to face off on Enies Lobby

for the first time!


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Chapter 90 : Buster Call



"Is it finally happening?"

Sengoku gazed at the picture in the sky, a glimmer of curiosity gracing

his features.

"Garp, what are your thoughts on who is stronger? Your Grandson or CP9

member, Rob Lucci?"

"But I've heard that among this generation of CP9, Lucci is the most


"He's even been called the ultimate assassination weapon..."

Garp, upon hearing this, couldn't help but display a hint of seriousness.

"As much as I'd love for Luffy to emerge victorious, as a member of the

Marine, I've heard about Lucci as well as you have."

"His strength is remarkable, and he's one who's honed the Marine's six

powers to the utmost..."

"Luffy's battle won't be a cakewalk."

It was at this moment that Akainu spoke.

"Hmph, how could a mere pirate defeat CP9?"

"The other members are one thing, but Lucci has received training

beyond that of an ordinary person since he was a child, and his strength

is unparalleled among his peers."

"In this battle, the Straw Hat boy will lose."

"After all, he won't win by merely consuming shadows and exploiting

fruit weaknesses, as in his last two battles."

Upon hearing Akainu's words, Aokiji and Kizaru standing nearby

remained noncommittal.

Evidently, they shared the same sentiments...

After all, the first two victories against Moria and Enel were against all

odds, and they owed much to luck.

Moria's most significant setback was caused by Luffy, who consumed

numerous shadows, defeating Oz and nearly depleting Moria's strength.

If not for this factor, they would not have reached dawn, and Moria

would not have exhausted himself, spitting out all the shadows.

As for Enel... the element of luck played an even more substantial role.

Enel's Thunder Fruit was virtually invincible, but he encountered the only

Devil Fruit that had a restraining effect on it.

Had Luffy not been made of rubber, he might not have even seen the day

before being electrocuted.

Therefore, despite Luffy's two improbable victories, Akainu remained

unconvinced that Luffy could sustain his good fortune and defeat CP9.

After all, CP9 was a government-sanctioned assassination organization

with rigorous training, and they wouldn't make small, low-level mistakes.

In this battle, the Straw Hats were destined to lose, and Akainu was

brimming with confidence!

Meanwhile, in Water 7..

CP9 had demolished the entire Franky House. Kaku, Kumadori, Fukuro,

and Blueno had fanned out across various streets, blocking intersections.

They also alerted other clandestine organizations and the Marine to

swiftly blockade Water 7.

It was now confirmed that Franky possessed the Pluton blueprints, and he

could not be allowed to escape; he had to be captured right there.

As for Lucci and Kalifa, they waited at the center...

"Did I finally meet the Straw Hat Kid?"

"Heh, now he'll experience despair..."

In Lucci's heart, Luffy's strength was no match. He was brimming with

absolute confidence in his own abilities!

Even though Luffy had already defeated three CP9 members, including

Blueno, Kumadori, and Fukuro, Lucci remained unperturbed because...

Although he was a member of CP9, their strengths were worlds apart!

Kalifa, too, had absolute faith in the man before her, and she was certain

that the farce would come to an end here.

CP9 was not something the Straw Hat Pirates could handle.

An irrepressible excitement welled up in Lucci's heart.

"Straw Hat Kid... you're in for it!"

In a spacious passage area, Lucci and Luffy finally crossed paths.

They stared at each other from a distance—Luffy's face determined,

Lucci's gaze mocking.

"Straw hat brat, I truly admire your audacity in invading Enies Lobby

alone and seeking me out!"

"Do you even realize the consequences?"

Luffy, seeing the figure before him, exploded with anger.

"You're mistaken! I'm not here alone!"

"Sogeking, Nami, Chopper, Franky, and the shipwrights of Water 7—all

of them have come with me!"

"My comrades will be here shortly!"

"We all have one purpose: to defeat you and save Robin!"

Upon hearing this, Lucci, though briefly stunned, let the mockery on his

face intensify.

"Oh? In that case, let's bury them all right here."

"After all, whether I kill you alone or a group of you, it makes no

difference to me."

Meanwhile, as Luffy spoke, everyone was engaged in the battle to rescue


Usopp, Nami, and Franky's comrades and the shipwrights of Water 7, all

fought bravely.

Even Franky, who had narrowly escaped danger, chose to stay and

support Luffy.

Despite the hardships and perils, no one wavered.

They had a single goal: to save Robin.

For that purpose, they were ready to defy Enies Lobby and the World

Government, without hesitation.

In the Revolutionary Army's headquarters...


"What a touching display of friendship!"

"It brings tears to my eyes..."

Ivankov's flamboyant presence and teary eyes were hard to miss,

reflecting the depth of emotion he felt at that moment.

It was becoming increasingly conspicuous. The commander of the

Revolutionary Army watched in speechless disbelief but refrained from

commenting any further.

They may not be as extravagant as Emporio Ivankov, but it's


The camaraderie within the Straw Hat crew is genuinely moving!


"The Straw Hat Pirates..."

Sabo stared at the sky with a fixed gaze, falling into a trance.

For some reason, the more he observed Luffy in those scenes, the stronger

the inexplicable sense of familiarity surged in his heart.

This feeling both puzzled and gnawed at him.

Could it be...

Is his lost memory somehow connected to Luffy?

[Meanwhile, as the battle raged outside...]

[Spandam was still rushing towards the Gates of Justice with Nico Robin

in tow.]

[Due to being shackled with Seastone restraints and severely injured,

Robin was utterly powerless.]

[Spandam cursed under his breath as they hurried along.]

"What is the Marine and CP-9 even doing, allowing that group of pirates

to infiltrate?!"

Spandam grew increasingly irate with each word and, without hesitation,

grabbed a Transponder Snail from his pocket to communicate with the

outside world.

"Hey, have you dealt with the pirates outside?"

"They must not breach the Tower of Justice and leave any of the pirates


At this moment, Robin's face visibly paled—not because of Spandam's

words, but due to the Transponder Snail in his hand!

Spandam, too, soon realized his grave mistake.

Because he had made a gross error.

The Transponder he had just pressed was not a standard communication

device—it was a golden Transponder Snail designed to activate the

Buster Call!

Once the button on the golden Transponder Snail was pressed, it wouldn't

make contact with the outside world, but instead, it would immediately

alert the Marine Headquarters to the execution of the Buster Call.

Spandam was bewildered, and so was Robin.


He cried out, suspecting that he was seeing things, and pulled out

another Transponder Snail, intended for regular calls, from his bag.

It wasn't until this very moment that he was absolutely certain: he had

indeed chosen the wrong one!

"Cancel it immediately!"

Robin screamed in terror, well aware of the horrors of the Buster Call.

She yelled at Spandam with desperation.

Initially, Spandam considered canceling the order, but as the insults flew

from Robin's mouth...

His anger flared up instantly!

"What if I don't cancel it? I find your anger and despair quite


Robin was so infuriated that she was left speechless. She wanted to end

Spandam right then and there!

And Spandam continued to taunt and mock, his arrogance reaching its


What's more, during this mockery, he accidentally activated the Buster


The primary Transponder Snail could connect to the announcement

system, broadcasting throughout the entire Enies Lobby.

At that very moment, everyone on Enies Lobby overheard Robin and

Spandam conversation.

And they learned that he had initiated the dreaded Buster Call!

What's worse, he had yet to cancel it, basking in his foolish pride.

At that moment, everyone was in shock. This included even those like

Rob Lucci, who had been adversaries of Luffy. He couldn't help but

furrow his brow.

He knew that Spandam was not the brightest, but he hadn't expected him

to be this utterly incompetent.

At the Marine Headquarters...

As they witnessed the appalling display of Spandam's incompetence,

everyone was thunderstruck.

There wasn't a single person who didn't question the Marine's judgment

in allowing such a bumbling fool to be entrusted with such a significant


Fleet Admiral Sengoku's face turned pale, and his body trembled as he

glanced at Aokiji.

"Look at the mess you've created!"

"You entrusted something so crucial to such an imbecile!"

"Can this even be activated casually?"

"To have it activated in such a foolish manner by him... it's beyond


Aokiji replied calmly, "Calm down, Fleet Admiral Sengoku."

Even he, though, had a strong urge to storm in and throttle Spandam.


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Chapter 91 : Angry Aokiji!

[As Spandam presses the button of the golden Den Den Mushi...]

[At this moment, the Marine Headquarters suddenly raised the alarm,

and everyone was mobilized immediately!]

[For Marines, whenever the Buster Call alarm is sounded, they must

execute it without question!]

[Who issued the order and for what reason didn't matter!]

[Because those who can give the Buster Call order are all high-ranking


[The will of high-ranking officers is unquestionable!]

[The area covered by expendable forces will undoubtedly threaten the

safety of the entire sea and even the World Government...]

["Admiral Aokiji has issued an order to target Enies Lobby!"]

[Five Vice Admirals immediately dispatch, gathering ten warships from

the Marine Headquarters at top speed, leading tens of thousands of


[Heading towards the vicinity of Enies Lobby as fast as possible,

preparing to initiate the Buster Call!]

[Destroying everything...]

The terror of the Buster Call is only known to those who have witnessed

it with their own eyes!

Meanwhile, Robin, who had first-hand experience, angrily implored

Spandam to rescind the Buster Call order.

However, Spandam remained stubborn, even threatening that even if the

entire Enies Lobby was destroyed, including the Marines...

It didn't matter!

"As long as we bring you back, someone who can decipher ancient texts

and control ancient weapons, it'll be enough to reshape an era!"

"At that time, I'll be celebrated, and I'll undoubtedly receive a high-

ranking position in CP9!"

"What if we have to sacrifice these Marines, hahaha..."

Robin was furious, "Fool, idiot!"

At the same time, everyone at the Marine Headquarters and Water 7,

who heard this, was in utter shock!

Especially the Marines. They never expected their leader to be such a


Their anger was palpable...

At this moment, everyone at the Marine Headquarters was seething with


Especially Aokiji, upon seeing the live broadcast, realized that this was

his order: to destroy Enies Lobby!

Aokiji's already black-lined face darkened even more.

Spandam's foolish act made the entire Marine believe that he had

intentionally stirred up trouble and was now trying to pass the blame.

Why would the future self entrust the Golden Den Den Mushi to someone

like him? Aokiji was incredibly frustrated.

The horror of the Buster Call was just as Robin had described, and only

those who had witnessed it could truly comprehend it.

She had firsthand experience, and she herself was also a witness to

O'hara's destruction.

Hence, she was well aware of the nightmare that was the Buster Call.

Could something so catastrophic be initiated so casually?

Aokiji, who was already frustrated, noticed that Fleet Admiral Sengoku,

Vice Admiral Garp, Admiral Kizaru, and even Admiral Akainu were all

glaring at him with anger.

Aokiji became even more disheartened.

"You don't have to look at me like that; once this live transmission is

over, I will personally head to the CP9 Headquarters."

"I'll give this idiot a severe beating!"

"The kind of beating that will make him forget his own father!"

"Then, with the authority of an Admiral, I'll have him expelled..."

Although tens of thousands of Marines were furious with a scoundrel like

Spandam, it wasn't the time to vent their anger.

Once the Buster Call was activated, they needed to escape as quickly as

possible. As for how long it would take...

No one knew!

But one thing was certain: once the bombardment began, it wouldn't


So they had to evacuate Enies Lobby before the warships arrived!

Facing the threat of the Buster Call, they had no time to deal with the

pirates. They scattered and fled as fast as they could.

Even the residents of Water 7 started to run, after all...

While they weren't Marines, they weren't fools either.

In the face of a weapon of mass destruction like the Buster Call, only

someone with a death wish would remain!

In this way, Enies Lobby, which had been a battleground just moments

ago, came to a standstill. Everyone started fleeing...

Only CP9 members and Luffy and his crew were still battling in the

Tower of Justice!

At this moment, the nearest passageway to the Gates of Justice...


[Lucci scolded angrily, and his heart was even more disdainful of


[Even if you are afraid of facing the Buster Call, then solve the Straw Hat

Pirate as quickly as possible and leave..."]

[In an instant, Lucci unleashed a Rankyaku kick!]

[Luffy dodged nimbly, and when he saw the Rankyaku kick hit the wall

behind him, creating a deep crack, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of


[Immediately, he was also unceremonious and dashed forward,

delivering a Gum-Gum Fist!]

[This tremendous force pushed Lucci back several steps.]

[The two clashed without giving in to each other...]

Countless spectators around the world were in an uproar because they

didn't expect Lucci's kick to be so powerful!

Just a casual strike with his Rankyaku created such a massive crack in

the wall.

This destructive power was unlike anything other CP9 members had


No wonder he was known as the deadliest assassin! Luffy was in a tight

spot now...

Countless viewers were not very optimistic about Luffy.

After all, CP9 was infamous at this point, and Lucci was renowned as the


At this point, Luffy had only recently unlocked the Second Gear. How

could he defeat a battle-hardened monster like Lucci?

Furthermore, Lucci hadn't even used his Devil Fruit powers yet. The

Straw Hat Pirates were in trouble...

"Where's Robin?!"

[Luffy yelled frantically while throwing punches relentlessly.]

[On the other hand, Lucci effortlessly parried Luffy's attacks and even

mocked him along the way.]

"She's just behind this door behind me..."

[Seeing this, Luffy wanted to rush through the door directly.]

[However, Lucci easily intercepted him with another Rankyaku kick.]

"Even though she's behind there, you won't be able to see her!"

"And it's...forever!"

"When Luffy heard this, his once excited and angry expression slowly

calmed down.]

[When he raised his head again, his expression was unusually serious,

and his eyes were icy.]

"Then I'll knock you out of my way!"

[Just as Lucci was about to mock him again... Luffy sprang into action!]

[His speed was unmatched and even faster than before, catching Lucci off


[A powerful punch was unleashed...]

[The immense force sent Lucci flying tens of meters like a ragdoll,

crashing into a pile of wooden boxes in the corner.]

[Luffy burst forward once more, determined to break through the iron


[But Lucci wouldn't grant his wish.]

[He stood up from the pile of wooden boxes, his face no longer angry but

back to its usual indifference.]

[He casually dusted himself off, employing the Rokushiki techniques!]

[In the blink of an eye, he closed the gap and delivered a kick to Luffy!]

[Luffy was once again halted and pushed back over ten meters.]

"Get out of my way!"

[Luffy used a Gum-Gum Gatling, unleashing a barrage of punches in an


[But Lucci remained unfazed, easily dodging and even launching

counterattacks at times.]

[The two continued to clash, and the battle reached a temporary


In the Water 7, Kalifa and Lucci stood together, gazing at the sky.

Kalifa remained composed. "Your strength truly stands out among us.

After all, we're all part of the same organization, but we rarely get

involved in combat..."

Because almost all their assassination missions were swiftly completed,

they rarely felt any pressure.

Enies Lobby was the most serious matter they'd faced, but even then,

Kalifa wasn't concerned.

After all, Kumadori, Fukuro, and Blueno were the weakest members of

CP9. If they failed, it wouldn't impact the outcome of the battle.

Lucci agreed with her, but he wore a slight frown, as if he wasn't entirely


"I didn't expect that it would take me more than a minute to deal with

this scrawny guy."

"It seems my strength is lacking..."

He understood his own nature. Initially, he might have wanted to play

around when facing the Straw Hat Pirate, but the moment he was kicked

into the air, he'd make sure they disappeared without a trace.

The fact that he couldn't defeat Luffy quickly, and that they were locked

in a prolonged battle, indicated that Luffy's strength exceeded his


He, Lucci, had actually been kicked around by an unknown rookie, and it

had even dirtied his impeccably tailored suit. This irritated Lucci


"Never mind. Although this Straw Hat kid is causing some trouble, the

end result will be the same."

"I haven't even used my full power yet. When I get serious, he won't last

even ten moves!"

"I promised to make him experience despair he's never felt before in our

first two encounters!"


"Straw Hat Kid and I... are not on the same level!"


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Chapter 92 : Ashura?

[As Luffy and Lucci engaged in a heated battle...]

[Facing Kalifa, who had consumed the Bubble-Bubble Fruit, Nami relied

on her intelligence and mastery of weather.]

[Defeat her!]

[Fortunately, Nami discovered the key to unlock the handcuffs of Zoro

and Usopp is with Kalifa.]

[Without much time to spare, she and Franky, who had just arrived,

swiftly took the key and rushed toward the bound ropes.]

[At this moment, Zoro was panting from his confrontation with Jabra and


[Carrying Usopp, it was still quite inconvenient...]

[But then, their savior appeared!]


[Franky jumped out, diverting the attention of Kaku and Jabra.]

[In the blink of an eye, Nami had freed the two from their handcuffs...]

[At that moment, Zoro was finally liberated!]

[With an evil grin, he declared, "The opportunity for them to defeat me

as before won't come again. Now is my time!"]

[Kaku rushed forward and engaged in a fierce battle with Zoro.]

[In that instant, he felt the immense pressure posed by the Straw Hat

Pirates' second most powerful member.]

[As for Jabra, he threatened Usopp and Nami.]

[Regrettably, Jabra's strength was stronger in comparison to the CP9

members defeated earlier.]

[Usopp was captured, his face covered in blood...]

[Nami felt helpless. Her strength was nowhere near a match for her


[Recklessly stepping forward would only lead to disaster...]

[Usopp bled profusely, critically injured and barely able to move.]

[They had no choice but to watch Jabra prepare to strike the fatal


"Hehe, no one is coming to save you. It's over."

[Jabra wore a sinister smile as he extended a finger...]

[That finger, combined with his sharp wolf-like claws, spelled

unimaginable consequences...]

[The situation had reached its breaking point...]

As viewers worldwide held their breath, they wondered if Usopp would

meet his end.

[But with no one to rescue him, it seemed hopeless. Zoro was occupied

with Kaku, and Nami had no opportunity to intervene.]

[Franky had already left to find Luffy and Robin.]

[Moreover, Jabra was one of CP9's three strongest members.]

[Usopp... his fate appeared sealed.]

[Even spectators from the Navy, the Revolutionary Army, and various

pirate crews watched helplessly.]

[Usopp's destiny seemed to be lost to the unknown seas.]

[On the Going Merry, Usopp gazed at the sky in disbelief.]

[His bloodied face and impending doom caused him to break into a cold


[Seeing himself held by Jabra, on the verge of being fatally poked by a

finger, his complexion turned pallid.]

"I can't believe it..."

"Am I really about to die?"

"I can't return to my village..."

[Usopp was on the brink of tears, realizing that he couldn't escape this


[He stared at the vast sea, realizing he was far from Syrup Village, with

no way to return.]

Luffy chuckled, "Don't worry, Usopp, you won't die."

[Robin couldn't help but smile at Usopp's anxious state.]

[The same went for Zoro and Nami, and this lighthearted atmosphere

surrounded Usopp's dire condition.]

[The reason for their calmness? They knew this event occurred before

their clash with Moria.]

[If Usopp perished, how could he have been there to battle Moria?]

[The only conclusion was that Usopp would not meet his end, which

eased everyone's minds...]

[Usopp, with no strength to move, watched the approaching finger gun,

with only one thought in his heart...]

[I'm going to die…]

[Nami is also terrified to the extreme!]

[But at this moment…]


Usopp did not die, but Jabra flew out upside down and smashed heavily

on the wall.

And the person who saved him was none other than… Sanji!

Although Sanji's face was covered in blood, he still smoked elegantly and

said very grimly:

"If you want to kill my crewmate in front of me, I won't allow it…"


At this moment, Nami was so excited that she was about to cry…

Usopp was saved!

At this moment, countless viewers who watched the live broadcast were

also excited.

Sanji appeared so timely!

If it weren't for him, Usopp might have really been in trouble.

It's just that what makes everyone wonder is… Wasn't Sanji hit by the

Bubble-Bubble Fruit and unable to move, falling into a coma?

How did he suddenly appear here? But soon, someone thought…

During the fierce battle between Nami and Kalifa, she discovered the

weakness of the Bubble-Bubble Fruit.

That is, you can use water to wash off the bubbles on your body and

return to your original state.

At that time, when the two were fighting, they knocked the bathtub in

Kalifa's room directly downstairs.

Presumably, the water flowing out of it must have washed away the

bubbles on Sanji's body.

This allowed him to get back on his feet, so he arrived in time to save

Usopp… With the appearance of Sanji, everyone was also slightly


After all, the Straw Hat Pirates' Sanji is also one of the three major

combat forces.

Like Kaku and Jabra, he is also one of the strongest three in Straw Hat


This is the climax of the Enies Lobby Arc, and the three major combat

forces of both sides are now opposed.

The battle… It will definitely be even more exciting!

"Your opponent is me!"

[Sanji rushed out in an instant and delivered a powerful kick...

Even though Jabra used iron for defense, the strength of Sanji's kick was


Even if it was firmly blocked, it still caused immense pain.

Sanji's attack didn't stop there...

"Diable Jamble!"

He was spinning, jumping in the air, and kicking down, sending Jabra

flying once again.

This time, it left him completely infuriated!

He roared and charged, unleashing more than a dozen Rankyaku and

Finger Pistol, causing Sanji to suffer some injuries.

"Damn, what a troublesome character…"

Sanji spat out his cigarette, realizing that Enies Lobby was about to

become destroyed due to Buster Call.

And at that moment, Robin had not yet been rescued, so he couldn't

afford to waste time here; he had to end the battle as quickly as possible.

"In that case, let's use this move…"

Sanji began to spin in place, and as he spun faster and faster, one of his

feet instantly turned bright red, as if engulfed in flames.

Jabra looked disdainful, "Are you performing acrobatics?"

Instantly, he charged out and tried to push Sanji from the upper level to

the lower level.

From such a height, a head-first fall to the ground would surely spell


However, while the two were still in mid-air, Sanji… moved!

"Diable Jamble!"

With this kick, bright red flames exploded in mid-air!

Jabra, in mid-air, couldn't dodge at all, and he received an unimaginable

critical blow!

Under tremendous force, he crashed heavily onto the ground and lost

consciousness completely…

And so, Jabra, one of the three major combat forces of CP9, was


All the onlookers watched this scene and couldn't help but be a little


Sanji truly deserved his place among the Straw Hat Pirates' three main


While he might not fight women, he certainly gave it his all against

formidable opponents like Jabra.

Diable Jamble… It's so impressive!

However, before everyone could continue to be shocked and amazed, the

scene on the screen grew even more intense. Zoro and Kaku, who was in

his giraffe form, continued their intense battle.

The two clashed back and forth, with neither giving an inch.

Kaku, even more potent than Jabra, showcased his expertise with the

Rokushiki techniques.

Utilizing the unique abilities of his Giraffe-Giraffe Fruit, he catapulted

Rankyaku kicks into the air, causing substantial damage to Zoro.

"It's time to stop, you stubborn giraffe!"

Although Zoro was injured, he showed no sign of losing momentum.

He slowly take out a black turban and placed it on his head, and his

whole demeanor became even more determined!

For those familiar with Zoro, the moment he put on his headscarf was the

signal for a powerful attack.

Sure enough, as Zoro drew three swords, a terrifying aura slowly

enveloped him…

"Demonic Nine Sword Style: Ashura!"

At that moment, in Kaku's eyes, the three swords in Zoro's hands seemed

to multiply, becoming nine!


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Chapter 93 : Climax Starts!

[In Kaku's eyes, Zoro had seemingly transformed into a mythical warrior

with three heads and six arms!]

[Surrounded by an eerie Haki aura, his three swords had multiplied into


[A bone-chilling presence crept closer to Kaku's face...]

[Under this overwhelming sensation, he found himself immobilized!]


[In the blink of an eye, Zoro had swiftly moved from Kaku's front to his


[In that instant, nine gashes appeared on Kaku's body!]

[Kaku fell, reverting from his giraffe form to his true form.]

[He lay motionless on the ground, clearly defeated.]

[Though Zoro and Sanji had managed to defeat Kaku and Jabra one after

the other, they were exhausted.]

[Furthermore, their own injuries were far from insignificant...]

[Fortunately, after an arduous battle, CP9 was on the verge of total


[Only one remained... Lucci!]

At the Navy headquarters...

The audience's reaction to Zoro and Sanji's performance was rather

subdued, as most of them present were formidable individuals. To them,

the fierce confrontation appeared like child's play.

The one exceptional response came from Shichibukai Mihawk, also

known as Hawkeye, the world's greatest swordsman. With his profound

knowledge of swordsmanship, he discerned the subtlety in Zoro's sword

techniques as his Asura transformation unfolded.

"This unique Haki... the Asura Path?"

"A seldom-explored and powerful style of swordsmanship..."

Mihawk couldn't conceal his admiration for Zoro's prowess, especially

considering how rare and challenging the Asura Path was to master.

Only those with unwavering dedication could succeed. The fact that Zoro

could manifest three heads and six arms and unleash such potent Haki

attacks was evidence of his mastery.

While the Straw Hat Pirates and their crew may still be relatively

inexperienced compared to the elites at sea, his level of swordsmanship

was impressive.

"Zoro... I'll remember that name."

"You continue to impress me more and more, perhaps one day in the


"You might truly be my worthy opponent."

Others Shichibukai such as Boa Hancock, Doflamingo and Crocodile,

couldn't help but be taken aback by Mihawk's words. In their eyes,

Mihawk's praise was no trifling matter. Could this man named Zoro really

possess the potential to become a legendary swordsman in the future?

[Meanwhile, in front of the Gates of Justice...]

[Luffy and Lucci had been engaged in a fierce battle for some time,

testing each other's strength without going all out.]


[Both Lucci and Luffy were aware that their adversary was far from


[They refrained from attacking recklessly; it was crucial to gauge each

other's true power.]

[With prolonged combat, they gradually got a better sense of each other's


[But at this critical moment, Robin, under Spandam's guidance, reached

the Gates of Justice.]

[As the massive gates began to open, Spandam's grin widened.]

[Once they entered the gate, no one would be able to catch up with


[Though Luffy and Lucci continued their fierce clash, Luffy faced various


[As time ticked away, Luffy grew more anxious, realizing he had limited

time to save Robin.]

[Moreover, as the Marine warships drew closer, the execution of the

Buster Call order loomed ever nearer...]

[However, at this time, Franky arrived late with the key…]

[The moment he saw Franky, Luffy directly asked him to go behind the

door to rescue Robin! ] ]

[But is Lucci willing to let him pass like this?] ]

[Lucci's foot almost split Franky…]

[But fortunately, Luffy is also determined to use all his power to stop him

from interfering with Franky. ]

[Jet Pistol attacks, Gum-Gum Bazookas, various techniques kept clashing

between them]

[No matter how strong Lucci is, he can only prevent Luffy from passing

alone, and he can't stop two people at the same time. ] ]

[And the moment Franky stepped into the gate, he saw Luffy who was

desperately trying to stop Lucci, and he was in a trance…]

[Because he thought of his childhood, it seems that he also had such a

desperate experience.] ]

[At this time, Lucci kicked Luffy and came to Franky's side as fast as he

could, intending to kill him! ] ]

[Just when Lucci teleported in front of Franky and directly used his

Finger Pistol to shoot him away…]

[Luffy's hand stretched out and quickly grabbed it firmly! ] ]

[He raised his head and say with an extremely serious expression:]

"Didn't I say, your opponent, it's me!!! "]

Water 7!

Franky hid in the shadows and could see the live footage of the steel gate


At this moment, his expression was also like in the picture, and he was in

a trance…

His heart has gradually changed from the beginning of his

incomprehension and disdain that he will become a member of the Straw

Hat Pirates.

The more he watched the live broadcast, the more moved he became.

Just because of Luffy, their deep friendship with Robin!

The kind of courage to save his companions, he did not hesitate to break

into the World Government's Enies Lobby, the place of justice!

It is also the determination to face a powerful enemy like CP9 regardless

of the danger to life!

Looking at Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Usopp, and others… One

by one, they fought valiantly, without the slightest intention of


Franky smiled…

"It seems that this group of pirates is extraordinary."

"I kind of understand why I want to join them."

"Although these people look a little out of tune, to be honest, in crucial


"They are all very dependable!"

["Damn, get out of the way for me!!! "]

[Luffy was furious to the extreme, while yelling at Lucci and attacking

him relentlessly]

[But Lucci deserves to be known as a formidable fighter; even in the face

of such a dense assault, he remains calm and collected. ] ]

[And also between defensive moves, he counter attacks against Luffy! ] ]

[Countless Finger Pistols shot out; if it were an ordinary person, they

would have been riddled with holes. ] ]

[However, Luffy's rubbery body is almost immune to these attacks, so he

remains unharmed. ] ]

[Luccidoesn't expect him to get injured; even if he can't make Luffy bleed,

he can push him back.] ]

[So… That's enough! ]

[Luffy, who was pushed back to the same spot again, was even more

furious. He knew that if it continued like this..."

[Robin would never be saved!] ]

[Even if he couldn't break through this door, he had to let Franky

through! ] ]

[So, Luffy didn't hesitate and activated it directly…]

["Gear Second!!! "]

[Luffy support the ground with one hand, and at this moment, his skin

began to turn red. ] ]

[Thick white steam rose up and down his body, and his power changed

dramatically in that moment. ]

[Luccisaw him like this for the first time, and his brows slightly furrowed.


"Your strength has changed, at least twice as powerful as before; it seems

you can't hold it. "]

["Then in that case, let's get serious…"

[As soon as the words fell, Lucci also used his Zoan Type Devil Fruit

ability for the first time in this battle! ] ]

[In an instant, he transformed into a humanoid leopard! ] ]

[His huge muscles seemed ready to burst from his suit! ] ]

[His body became more robust, and his eyes and aura grew fiercer! ] ]

[At this moment, Lucci, in his Leopard Form, is more reminiscent of the

name he was given...the Killing Machine! ]

[At this moment, Luffy in Gear Second mode and Lucci in Leopard Form

locked eyes from a distance, and their gazes clashed... ]

[They charged in simultaneously! ] ]

[Even more intense battles and clashes began right at that moment! ] ]

The spectacle in the sky was undoubtedly the most thrilling moment.

Now Luffy and Lucci were completely focused, displaying their full


Whether it was Luffy in Gear Second or Lucci in his Leopard Form.

Both exuded an overwhelming presence!

But who, exactly, is better known...? No one knew the answer, but

everyone understood.

This battle was destined to be extraordinary! The level of excitement

would surpass everyone's imagination...


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Chapter 94 : Freed Robin!

["Straw Hat Luffy, have you forgotten the time you were struck by my

attack in Water 7?"]

[Lucci, transformed into his leopard form, gazed down condescendingly

at Luffy, his expression full of mockery.]

However, Luffy responded with a steely resolve, "That was just an

appetizer... It didn't even faze me!"

[Lucci sneered, "You're a cocky one, but this time will be different."]

[In an instant, Lucci employed Soru, vanishing and reappearing above


Suddenly, a barrage of finger pistols shot out from Lucci's hand!

The finger pistols, already extraordinarily piercing, had their power

amplified by his leopard form.

But Luffy, now in Second Gear, was no pushover. He too employed Soru,

disappearing from view.

"What's this?" Lucci was taken aback, realizing that Luffy was using Soru.

"Six Powers of the Navy... and he's a pirate!?"

Before Lucci could react, Luffy appeared behind him, his hands drawn

back, gathering strength for a powerful move.

With a mighty burst, Luffy released a devastating Jet Bullet!


The force sent Lucci tumbling, crashing into a corner.

"Now's the time, Franky! Move fast!" Luffy shouted.

Franky wasted no time; he rushed towards the gate as quickly as possible.

Finally, at that moment, the closed door swung open!

"Franky, Robin, it's up to you now!" Luffy declared.

Seeing Luffy's determined expression, Franky responded with equal

seriousness. "Leave it to me! You just make sure to fulfill those promises!"

With that, Franky charged in.

Luffy watched Franky's departure with a sense of relief.

Meanwhile, Lucci struggled to his feet, his face now filled with

uncontrollable rage. "I underestimated you... I didn't expect you to

possess such formidable power."

Luffy responded with equal seriousness, "Robin has someone to rescue,

and next, I'll seriously take you down."

Lucci sneered, "Very well then, Straw Hat Boy... In that case, you'll

witness my full strength."

In the unknown seas...

The Going Merry continued its voyage towards Water 7.

During the journey, everyone onboard paid close attention to the live

broadcast, particularly when they saw Franky making his way through

Luucci's blockade.

Nami cheered, "Yes, he's finally through Lucci's obstacles!"

"Robin is going to be saved!"

Observing this, Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't worry, Luffy, CP9's boss won't stand a chance against you."

"That's right, our captain will definitely take him down!"

Everyone watched the live broadcast with a sense of relief, sharing

laughter and camaraderie.

Only Robin still wore a hint of worry on her face, knowing the true

danger lurking in Enies Lobby.

It wasn't just being brought to the Gates of Justice by Lucci but the

incoming Buster Call Order.

Under the Buster Call Order, the island would be reduced to rubble, with

constant barrages from warships loaded with artillery, leaving nothing in

their wake. The horror of it all was known only to those who had

experienced it.

Even after all these years, the shadow cast by the Buster Call Order

persisted, never truly vanishing.

Could their group escape Enies Lobby before the Buster Call Order


The sky screen continued to broadcast...

[Just as Luffy and Lucci engaged in their fierce battle...]

"The Gates of Justice had swung wide open, and Spandam, escorting the

scarred Nico Robin, took deliberate steps towards it.

At this critical moment, Robin, her spirit nearly broken, remained

shackled by Sea-Prism Stone handcuffs, helpless and desperate.

And then, a savior emerged!

However, before Robin could dare to hope, an explosion echoed as a

hidden bomb detonated at the entrance, sending her tumbling into the

unforgiving sea.

In that fleeting instant, Robin felt the depths of despair. Was there truly

no one who could rescue her?

Countless Marines swarmed from the Gates of Justice to welcome

Spandam, as he drew ever closer to taking Robin through.

Despair seemed inevitable…

But then, a miracle!

A whooshing sound filled the air as miniature shells struck Spandam,

sending him tumbling through the air. Shocked expressions filled the

faces of both Marines and Robin herself.

One after another, the Marines fell under this unexpected assault, unable

to pinpoint the source.

Finally, after nearly half of them were incapacitated, they discovered…

On top of the Justice Tower, hundreds of meters away, a masked man

was launching attacks with a slingshot!

And that man was Usopp!

In this dire situation, he stood tall.

At that very moment, everyone froze.

The distance was immense, making it impossible for even a gun to reach.

Yet, he managed to accurately hit his targets, injured but never missing a


This level of marksmanship was nothing short of terrifying!

The Red-Haired Pirates!

When they saw the dire situation, it was none other than Usopp who

stepped up.

The entire Red-Haired Pirate crew erupted in cheers.

After all, their fates were entwined with Luffy and the Straw Hat crew,

and they ardently hoped for their success.

As they witnessed Robin about to pass through the Gates of Justice, the

tension in the air was palpable.

And among them, the likes of Red-Haired Shanks and Benn Beckman,

who knew Usopp of the Straw Hat Pirates, referred to him with respect

and awe.

"Yasopp, your son's sharpshooting skills mirror your own, beyond


"Yes, the talent for hitting targets accurately from such a distance, there's

undoubtedly a father-son connection!"

"I have a feeling that in the future, he might become an even greater

sniper than you!"

"His marksmanship is astonishing, it leaves one speechless…"

Whether it was Shanks, Beckman, or any other crew member, they didn't

hold back their admiration for Usopp's shooting skills.

For Yasopp, Usopp's father, hearing all this praise, couldn't help but smile

proudly. After all, despite Usopp's youth when he set out to sea with

Shanks and the others, he had always worried about his son.

If not for the live broadcast's appearance, he might not even have known

that his son had joined the ranks of pirates.

And what's more, he had become a part of Luffy's crew, an incredible

twist of fate.

To be honest, when he saw them face off against the Buster Call, land on

Enies Lobby, and now infiltrate Enies Lobby, Yasopp's heart was heavy

with concern for his son's safety.

But now, as he watched his son display shooting prowess that surpassed

even his own, he couldn't be happier.

As he looked at Usopp, standing masked on top of the Tower of Justice

high above, Yasopp murmured, "Son, let's see how far you'll go on this


"Attack Nico Robin for me. Can't I shoot him while he's able to shoot

you?" When many Marines heard this, they turned their weapons on


Bang, bang!

A metallic clang resounded, and it turned out to be Franky, who had

previously fallen into the sea but had climbed back up. Using his steel

body, he shielded Robin from the incoming bullets.

"Vile Marines, do you still have any tricks left?" Franky jeered.

Unperturbed by the bullets, he even fought back.

With Usopp providing support from a distance, the Marines fell one by


At that moment, Franky took out three keys and tried them one by one.

Finally, on the last attempt, he unlocked the Seastone handcuffs that had

imprisoned Robin.

Robin was free at last!

She cast a cold gaze on Spandam across from her.

"Spandam, you despicable worm. It's time you learned a lesson."

And with that declaration, under the terrified gazes of everyone present,

the powers of the Hana Hana no Mi (Flower-Flower Fruit) were



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Chapter 95 : Forward Luffy


Headquarters of the Revolutionary Army!

As Nico Robin broke free from her shackles, reclaiming her freedom, a

collective sigh of relief swept through the commanders of the five major

armies led by Sabo.

Many faces bore smiles, knowing well that Monkey D. Luffy was the son

of their leader, Monkey D. Dragon. This familial tie elevated the stakes,

making the victory of the Straw Hat crew more significant to them.

Examining the various factions, the Revolutionary Army stood out as the

group most eager for Luffy and his comrades to escape from Enies Lobby.

Betty gazed at the sky, her expression tinged with curiosity.

"Hana Hana no Mi... An intriguing Devil Fruit," she remarked.

Lindbergh inquired, "You're familiar with this fruit?"

Betty nodded, "I once read in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia that it's a

Flower-Flower Fruit."

"The user can make flower-like body parts of users sprout endlessly."

"While not the most formidable, it's practical and quite an interesting

Devil Fruit."

Lindbergh, more inclined towards scientific research than fruit abilities,

nodded in realization.

Sabo grinned, stating, "With Robin rescued, we've touched upon half of

the crisis."

"Now, we hope Luffy swiftly defeats Lucci and leads the others off Enies


"After all... the Buster Call Order is on its way!"

This revelation surprised the rest of the group, as the imminent threat of

the Buster Call Order loomed large for Luffy and his crew.

Sabo sighed, "What a waste!"

Expressing frustration, he criticized, "How did the world government let

someone like Spandam in? We should kick out Admiral Akainu and give

Spandam a good scolding."

Throughout the challenges they faced, opportunities were squandered

repeatedly, leaving everyone impatient.

"If it were me, even without their strength, the Straw Hat crew wouldn't

have breezed through obstacles so effortlessly," he lamented.

The sentiments were shared by Admiral Kizaru and Admiral Aokiji on the

sidelines, along with Sengoku andGarp. They collectively found

Spandam's actions exasperating.

"If Spandam were in front of us, I'd be tempted to kill him!" declared the

irritated Sengoku and Garp.

[The scene unfolded as Robin unleashed her power, sprouting numerous

arms on Spandam's shoulders.]

[The sight horrified him, eliciting a direct scream!]

[In the next moment...]


[All arms moved in unison, striking Spandam's face!]

[The force surged, carrying the weight of all of Nico Robin's anger. She

was determined to make this fool suffer!]

[In a matter of seconds, Spandam received at least a hundred slaps!]

[His face swelled instantly, resembling a pig's head. He collapsed on the

spot. Even if he survived, a severe concussion was inevitable.]

This scene cast a dark satisfaction over viewers worldwide, who

applauded the act.

Spandam's actions were truly infuriating!

"Bravo!" Sengoku applauded.

The sentiment was shared by Aokiji, Kizaru, and others. Despite being

fellow Marines, they had no sympathy for Spandam.

Aokiji snorted, "He deserved this fate. If not..."

"When I visit the World Government headquarters, I'll personally deal

with him and ensure he remembers this lesson for life!"

Even if I am unable to kill him, I'll make sure he regrets it forever!"

Hearing Aokiji's words, Kizaru nodded silently.

[The power of the Flower-Flower Fruit might not cause much physical

harm, but its practicality is unmatched!]

[After dealing with Spandam, facing the continuous emergence of Navy

forces behind the Gates of Justice, Robin raised her hand. Suddenly,

countless arms sprouted from everyone, and with a swift hand chop, they

all collapsed to the ground.]

[Simultaneously, the ten warships dispatched by the Navy Headquarters

reached the outskirts of Enies Lobby...]

[Buster Call... is imminent!]

[Luffy and Lucci continued their intense battle, both unleashing their full


[This marked the end of the allure...]

[The real showdown had bePistol!]

[The ultimate battle!]

[Facing the strongest agent of CP9, known as the "Human Weapon" Lucci,

and the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy, the rubber


[In the blink of an eye, the two clashed once again...]

[Their speed was so swift that only afterimages were visible, making it

impossible to follow the battle.]



[With a resounding crash, Lucci was sent flying, crashing hard into the


[His gaze turned fierce once again as he realized... in terms of speed, he

was outmatched by Luffy!]

[His prideful Soru was overtaken by Luffy's Second Gear speed.]


[This result was unacceptable to Lucci!]

["Finger Pistol!"]

[Lucci closed the gap, launching an attack with both hands. His sharp

fingers created deep pits in the walls, but Luffy dodged each one.]

["Rubber... Stamp!"]

[Luffy struck again, a simultaneous kick, but Lucci was prepared, and

though pushed back, it had little impact.]

[Even so, Lucci felt a twinge of surprise.]

[Back in Water 7, he could easily overpower and dominate Luffy.]

[Yet, in just a few days, Luffy had grown so much, capable of challenging

him and even exerting pressure.]

[This kid... progressing so rapidly?]

East Blue! Rogue Town...

In this moment, civilians, Marines, and even pirates gazed at the sky,

captivated like the global audience.

Yet, among the crowd, one figure stood out.

With a green mohawk and fanged grin resembling a devil, none other

than Bartolomeo!

However, his focus differed from the others, not on the intensity of Luffy

and Lucci's battle but on his admiration for Luffy and the entire Straw

Hat Pirates.

"Swordsman Zoro, Cook Black- leg Sanji, Navigator Nami... all so


"Even Senior Chopper is formidable; that massive form is incredibly


"And Luffy Senpai..."

"He's my idol!"

Bartolomeo's eyes sparkled with admiration, his mind fixated on Luffy

and his crewmates.

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates deeply impressed him, and among

them, the one he admired the most was Luffy.

He realized that it wasn't until he encountered the Straw Hats that he felt

he had discovered his true purpose in life!

What's the use of being the leader of countless towns? What's the point of

having hundreds of little brothers?

A true man, like Luffy, sets sail to conquer the sea and pursue his dreams!

Confronting formidable foes like Moria, Enel, and CP9, Bartolomeo made

a firm decision in his heart...

Since Luffy is destined for the Grand Voyage in the future, he naturally

wants to follow in those footsteps!

If, in the future, his strength becomes formidable enough, he can assist

Luffy senior! That would be a great honor for him!

With this determination, Bartolomeo paid little attention to the image

before him and began preparing without hesitation.

He emptied his savings, purchased a pirate ship, and gathered some

comrades willing to set sail with him!

Their destination: the Grand Voyage to meet Luffy! As for the name of his

pirate crew, he had it all figured out! It's called... Forward Luffy Senpai!

"What a powerful and imposing name..."

Bartolomeo was ecstatic and continued his preparations eagerly.


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Chapter 96 : Never Fall!

["I didn't expect you to hold your own against me!"]

"But... I've discovered your weakness!"

"How long can a special state like yours last?"

Lucci looked at Luffy with a mocking expression. He had already noticed

that Luffy's strength today was vastly different from the day before.

"It's because of the white steam emitting from your body and the

reddening of your skin."

"With my combat experience, I can instantly discern that this is Luffy

using the unique properties of his rubber body to compress air, granting

him a power that exceeds his limits in a short time."

"However, this state won't last long."

"At that point, not only will his strength decrease, but the strain will

leave him extremely weakened."

Luffy listened without expression and launched a direct attack. He

understands his condition better than anyone and is determined to defeat

Lucci as quickly as possible.

"Yet, after a few exchanges..."

Luffy was shocked as his body exited Gear Second ]; he could no longer

sustain it.

Lucci remarked, "As expected, your method of sacrificing your own life is

not a lasting solution."

Luffy retorted, "Whether it's my life or something else, it's better than

losing a partner!"

Lucci sneered. Is Luffy ignorant? Partnerships don't compare to one's own

life. To prove his point, Lucci shattered the wall, allowing seawater to

flood the underground passage of the Justice Tower.

"The Buster Call is about to commence. If your comrades wish to escape,

they'll have to use the underground passage."

"Even if they escape the Buster Call, the sea will kill them."

Unfazed, Luffy stared at Lucci. "You'll never understand how important a

partner is. I believe they'll survive."

"Now, my only goal is to take you down!"

Lucci laughed, finding Luffy's determination amusing. Without hesitation,

he attacked again, engaging Luffy in a swift battle.

Yet, Luffy, no longer in Gear Second, struggled. In a short span, he was

overwhelmed by Lucci and began to fall into a

disadvantageous position.

In the Navy Headquarters...

Garp, observing the scene, was astonished. His grandson had grown up.

Every word Luffy uttered reflected his responsibility as a captain.

Despite defeating the enemy, he showed no intention of retreat for the

safety of his crew.

What could be more heartening than witnessing one's grandchildren


Garp felt proud.

Touched by the moment, his eyes welled up, and he wiped away his


Sengoku noticed and, understanding the emotions, patted Garp on the

shoulder for comfort.


Those standing behind remained oblivious.

Several people across the world discussed the likelihood of Luffy winning

against Lucci among which the most excited were the three Shichibukai.

The consensus leaned heavily toward Lucci's victory.

"Lucci, as CP9's most perfected assassin in centuries, hasn't even

unleashed his true strength. The straw hat kid stands no chance!"

"His body can't endure Gear Second anymore. Without it, what does he

have left to fight with?"

"My estimate is that he'll be defeated soundly, and if he's not careful, his

life may be in jeopardy."

"Why bother estimating? The outcome is clear—the straw hat will be

defeated. Can he really take on CP9?"

"I agree with your observation. I'm a bit curious about the Straw Hat kid

being beaten; he..."

Crocodile, Doflamingo, and Moria burst into laughter, the atmosphere


At that moment, Vice-Admiral Garp turned around...

The grins on the faces of the three quickly faded.

Damn, they forgot that the Straw Hat kid's grandfather was still present.

Did they think they could say such things without consequences?

As they observed Garp's expression, which seemed to promise violence,

Moria and his companions felt as uneasy as someone swallowing a bitter


Not daring to utter a word...

Even Admiral Akainu cast a stern glance, his expression subtly complex.

But their attention shifted when Garp made a move.

Even at this moment, no one dared to provoke his anger. You three...

what guts!

[Gradually, the tide of the battle turned in favor of Lucci.]

[This is because Luffy, without access to Gear Second, is no match for the

current Lucci in terms of combat effectiveness.]

[Although the two continued their fierce exchange, it became apparent

that Luffy was taking more hits.]

[Suddenly, Lucci's tail entwined around Luffy from behind.]

[This immobilized him.]

[About to be struck by Lucci's hammer, Luffy had a sudden inspiration

and spun his body multiple times.]

[Using the elasticity of his rubber body, he delivered a powerful punch to

Lucci's head.]

["Gomu Gomu no Pistol!"]

[Luffy's fist seemed to strike metal, causing not only no damage but also

injuring himself.]

[Subsequently, Luffy was forcefully thrown and crashed heavily into the


["I admire your courage in challenging the World Government, but you're

still not qualified to face me!"]

["There's only one outcome for you: to be crushed beneath my feet!"]

[Following this, Lucci unleashed his Flying Finger Pistol!]

[This was another technique cultivated through his Finger Pistol,

resulting in a more potent and long-range attack by shooting out his


[What made it even more fearsome was its incredible speed and

minuscule size, making it impossible to dodge!]

[Just a dozen flying finger gun shots made Luffy scream in agony!]

[Luffy endured each attack without dodging, seemingly helpless.]

[Throughout, Lucci maintained a mocking smile.]

["This is the final blow; can you still stand?"]

[Lucci's nails gradually turned red, resembling flames.]

[Violently ejected, this tremendous force carried a blaze straight towards


[With several consecutive attacks endured, Luffy, who had no strength

left to dodge, succumbed to the bombardment of the ultimate flying

finger gun, letting out another scream.]

[Covered in flames, he collapsed to the ground...]

[Smoke and dust veiled Luffy's figure, marking the first time he had

fallen since the beginning of the intense battle.]

[Lucci showed no surprise at this outcome.]

["I've told you, your fate is no different from my former adversary. You

will only be trampled under my feet..."]

"Water 7!"

Lucci and Kalifa were still observing the live broadcast.

However, Kalifa's expression wasn't very pleasant now, and her earlier

composure was long gone. She never anticipated that, as a member of

CP9, she... actually lost!

Furthermore, she was defeated by Nami, a girl without Devil Fruit

abilities and lacking strong physical skills!

Lucci's expression remained unchanged, but upon closer inspection, a

subtle relaxation could be noticed deep beneath his eyes as Luffy fell.

"Even though the battle has dragged on for a long time, the outcome

hasn't changed!"

"Straw Hat Kid... isn't qualified to be my opponent!"

"The despair I inflicted upon him was something the first two adversaries

couldn't achieve."

"He will always remember this feeling, living in the shadows..."

As Lucci was pretentiously delivering his victory speech, the next

moment, the continuing sky projection left him stunned.

[Just when Luffy thought he had defeated Lucci and the battle was


[In the smoke, Luffy stood up once again!]

[Though covered in scars and weary, his eyes were still extremely


Luffy looked at Lucci with extreme seriousness and said word by word:

"For the sake of my nakama, I will never fall!"

"I'll knock you down in the next move!"

As soon as these words were spoken, Lucci smiled, but it was a grotesque


"Straw hat boy, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"It seems that... you're more resilient than I thought!"

"But the outcome will still change nothing, and you will be even more

severely injured in the next attack..."

Lucci unleashed wild power once again and charged towards Luffy!

This time, his sharp claws carried a cold glint, and his eyes gleamed with

an extremely rich intent to kill!

As if he intended to completely finish off Luffy in this strike...


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Chapter 97 : Gear Third!

As Luffy rose to his feet, the attention of the audience was once again


Indeed, like Lucci, many spectators had assumed that he would succumb

to defeat. To their surprise, he stood tall once more.

Yet, just as the excitement built and anticipation for the unfolding events

grew... the scene abruptly halted!

[Prize quiz, commencing now!]

[Select your choice within one minute!]

[Please pick the correct answer below; successful responses will be

rewarded after the list concludes!]

With this announcement, the entire world, encompassing numerous

forces and influential figures, watched attentively.

A wave of excitement swept through the hearts of all present!

The potential rewards from the quiz had long been acknowledged—be it

for Devil Fruit development, the enhancement of Haki, or other

undisclosed benefits. Each prize had the potential to bring a substantial

boost to one's strength.

In this moment, many influential figures, who had overlooked the

opportunity before, rekindled their interest.

They meticulously examined the questions, determined not to miss this

chance a second time!

[1. Luffy defeated Lucci and thwarted the Buster Call, saving Enies


[2. Lucci defeated Luffy, only to be ruthlessly killed by him, resulting in

the demise of the Straw Hats!]

[3. Lucci overcame Luffy, but his life was spared; he escaped Enies Lobby

with Robin and the Straw Hats, growing stronger after the humiliation!]

[4. Luffy defeated Lucci and escaped, leaving Enies Lobby obliterated by

the Buster Call!]

[5. Luffy defeats Lucci, killing him, and together with the others, escapes

Enies Lobby!]


Countless viewers were bewildered, realizing that this time there was an

additional answer compared to before.

The difficulty had increased.

Viewers carefully examined the options, aiming to select the answer they

deemed most promising.

At the Navy headquarters:

Akainu spoke first, "I choose option 3; the Straw Hats face a miserable

defeat and are humiliated!"

He expressed his choice without hesitation, a sentiment shared from start

to finish by Akainu—someone eager to witness the Straw Hats' downfall.

While the option of Luffy's demise was available, Akainu wasn't foolish.

The incident on Enies Lobby occurred before Moria, and if Luffy were to

die, it wouldn't make sense for him to be alive later. Thus, he believed

the Straw Hats' failure was the correct answer.

Kizaru and Aokiji shared the same perspective.

However, the Warlords had varied opinions.

Crocodile, Doflamingo, and Moria also chose option 3.

"Straw Hat Kid, as a rookie pirate, we acknowledge his strength, but

defeating Lucci is impossible!"

"Even if he stands again, the only outcome is being knocked down once


Jinbei, the Female Emperor Boa Hancock, and the Tyrant Bear Kuma

opted for option 1.

"This straw hat fellow has a touch of miracles; perhaps he can truly


"And it prevents the Buster Call from being enacted..."

Mihawk, standing alone, selected option 5.

Without uttering a word, he believed this battle was a fight to the death

—only one could survive.

"Garp, what is your take?"

Sengoku inquired of Garp, seeking his opinion.

Garp, speechless, responded, "Can you please stop asking me every time

it comes to this?"

Sengoku chuckled, "I don't want to influence your choice; I might win if I


Garp retorted, "I already answered the first time. Are you feeling a bit


Sengoku laughed heartily at Garp's remark.

Ultimately, Garp, confident in Luffy's ability to triumph, chose option 1.

Sengoku, desiring a touch of gamble, also chose option 1.

Little did they know, they were only half correct...

The Revolutionary Army!

"Monkey D. Luffy's adversaries this time differ from the previous two

encounters; I sense a greater peril this time."

"Indeed, in the clashes with Gecko Moria and Enel, there was an element

of strategy, but this Rob Lucci is a ruthless killing machine."

"I'm more inclined towards Luffy's defeat or the downfall of Enies


Thus spoke the commanders of the five major forces, along with Sabo.

All of them, however, chose the wrong options.

Whitebeard Pirates!

"Luffy will undoubtedly emerge victorious!"

"I've been saying it!"

Portgas D. Ace's gaze was unwavering, filled with confidence.

"So, I'll go with option 4!"

When everyone heard this, they were a little curious.

Since you believe your brother will win, why not choose option 1?

Portgas D. Ace said very frankly: "Luffy is not a Marine, how can he stop


When everyone heard this, they nodded and felt that it made sense.


Everyone considered multiple options such as 1, 2, 3, 5. There were even

suggestions for the option of Luffy being defeated.

But no one thought the same as Ace...

Red-Haired Pirates!

"The shortest choice is three long and one short, and the longest choice is

three short and one long, so I choose option 3!"

Shanks was already drunk, and he declared his choice with a big tongue.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Isn't it four options? Are you sure about this choice?

However, they didn't know what to choose, but it seemed that option 3

was the most likely.

After all, in the scenario, even if Luffy gets back on his feet, there is no

way to defeat the enemy.

He can't even use the second gear, while on the other hand, Rob Lucci is

almost in a pretty good state.

What is there to fight for?

Moreover, as a man, even if you lose a battle in life, it doesn't matter, as

long as you are brave after being shameful, and finally become stronger

and surpass your former enemies.

So, option 3 seems to be really the most likely...

In this way, almost all the high-ranking cadres of the Red-Haired Pirate

Group chose the exact same answer.

Unknown seas...

Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Robin looked at the sky in amazement.

They naturally felt that Luffy could win; after all, this was their Captain!

No matter what, they must support him!

It's just that... There are three options for Luffy to win, which one is it?

According to their understanding, even if Luffy defeats Lucci, he should

not kill anyone, so there are only two answers...

In the end, the four decided to choose sides separately.

Zoro and Nami chose option 1, while Usopp and Robin chose option 4...

[The one-minute answer time is over!]

[The correct answer will be announced after the list end, and now the

live broadcast continues...]

[Although Luffy is injured, he still has determination on his face!]

[He knows that Rob Lucci is a very powerful enemy, and if he wants to

defeat him, he must come up with the strongest means!]

[He slowly put his thumb into his mouth and blow hard!]

["Gear Third, bone balloon!"]

[At this moment, Luffy's fist instantly became larger, dozens of times the

size of his body!]

[It looks like the fist of the giants!]

[This scene shocked Rob Lucci on the other side...]

In fact, not only Rob Lucci...

Even the viewers watching the live broadcast at this moment were

dumbfounded! The Gear Third was also no stranger to them.

After all, during the first battle against Moria, Luffy used it several times!

That power... It's terrifying!

They thought that on Enies Lobby, Luffy had just learned the second

gear, and the Gear Third would be a later development.

But they never expected it...

He actually learned it together!? All of a sudden, everyone was stunned.

What a powerful combat talent!

All at once, the fruit was developed to this extent! Not to mention...

If you tell everyone before the prize quiz that Luffy has mastered the

Gear Third.

Then presumably the number of people who choose Luffy to win will

increase significantly!

After all, no one knew that Luffy had such a move!

At this moment, the person who chose Rob Lucci would win had a faint

feeling of dread in their heart.

But they still felt that even if Luffy mastered the Gear Third.

Wanting to defeat such a powerful Rob Lucci...

It's still a little suspenseful!

["Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol!"]

[Luffy directly smashed the gigantic arm towards the front!]

["What is this!?" "]

[Rob Lucci was shocked, but when he saw the attack coming, he

subconsciously used iron defense!]

[After all, it was also the first time he saw Luffy use this move, and he

didn't know the details at all, so he could only try to withstand the wave

of damage first. ]

[However, what he never expected was...]

[This punch almost directly took his old life!]

[This punch directly smashed Rob Lucci, causing him to vomit blood on

the spot, and slamming him into the wall!]

[Even the upper half of the entire Tower of Justice building was smashed

to pieces by this punch!]

[As for Rob Lucci...]

[He was propelled by this huge force, and the whole person presented a

perfect parabola in mid-air!]

[His feet flew hundreds of meters in the air...]

[This is how he falls towards the sea.]

[But he was fortunate enough not to fall into the sea.]

[Instead, he landed on the deck of a naval battleship, but at this moment,

lying on the ground, he had begun to doubt his life!]

[This kind of power, it seems somewhat...dangerous!]


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Chapter 98 : Luffy’s will

At this moment, as the spectators witnessed the impact of Monkey D.

Luffy's punch in the image, they were left in awe!


This power... it's truly beyond expectation!

With a single punch, he brought down a significant portion of the entire

Justice tower! What's more crucial is...

He directly sent Rob Lucci plummeting from the building to the deck!

Fortunately, there's a ship.

If he falls into the sea, there would be no need for a further fight; victory

would be declared instantly.

The Red-Haired Pirates!

Benn Beckman, Jesus Burgess, and others were also dumbfounded.

"How does Luffy's punch in Gear Third mode feel even more powerful

than when he struck Moria?"

"Yes, this punch is downright more terrifying than the destructive power

of the giants!"

Shanks blushed, raising his glass as he chuckled.

"It's Luffy. I thought he was about to lose..."

"I didn't expect him to keep surprising us. Hahaha, that's great!"

Despite the shock, all the members of the Red-Haired Pirate crew hoped

for Luffy's victory.

Naturally, they wished for him to defeat Rob Lucci and turn the tables.

Though the hope was slim, Luffy was a guy capable of miracles.

The question lingered: could he create miracles once again, as in the

previous two battles?

Revolutionary Army Headquarters!

"Is Luffy going to win?"

Sabo gazed excitedly at the sky.

Even though he hadn't fully recovered his lost memories, he still rooted

for Luffy's victory.

On the other hand, Betty wore a serious expression.

"No, it's not that simple..."

Sabo looked puzzled, "Why?"

Betty explained, "This person, Rob Lucci, will never be defeated so easily.

He's a truly formidable individual."

"Maybe you haven't heard about his deeds at the age of 12, but I have...

Sabo, and the rest of the Revolutionary troops, listen carefully."

Without hesitation, Betty disclosed what she knew. Once, a kingdom

under the World Government's jurisdiction was invaded by a large group

of pirates.

During that time, all 500 Marine soldiers stationed in the kingdom were

taken hostage, demanding the king and even the World Government

exchange treasures for their release.

To resolve the crisis, the World Government sent someone — that person

was Rob Lucci!

Moreover, he was just a teenager at that time, a teenage Rob Lucci!

Single-handedly, Lucci slaughtered all the pirates, including... those 500

Marine soldiers!

In his eyes, any Marine that could be captured by the enemy was an unfit

Marine. According to him, their existence was a waste of military funds,

so he decided to eliminate them all! This is Rob Lucci!

Known as the most powerful CP9 member of the World Government, the

most flawless and powerful killing machine!

His ruthlessness and strength were apparent even during his youth!

Therefore, after more than a decade of growth, today's Rob Lucci can't

possibly possess only a fraction of that strength!

Hearing Betty's account, Sabo, along with the others, was astonished.

They hadn't anticipated that Lucci... was so ruthless!

That being said, the battle wasn't over; it seemed it had only just begun.

[Rob Lucci, who had been sent crashing to the deck, reverted from his

leopard form and slowly stood up.]

[At this moment, his face had never looked more ominous...]

[One can only imagine the intensity of the anger burning within him!]

[On the other side, Luffy, aware that the previous punch, while

destructive, wasn't enough to defeat Lucci...]

[So, he propelled himself with both arms, soaring over the battleship, and


["Rubber... Giant Tomahawk!"]

[A colossal foot descended from the sky, cleaving the entire battleship in


[Instantly, seawater sprayed in all directions, and the battleship


[This display of destructive power left countless Marine personnel on

board in shock and panic.]


[Because Lucci had broken the underground passage earlier, seawater

gushed in.]

[Zoro's group, fleeing desperately through the underground passage,

found themselves engulfed by the incoming seawater!]

[The immense force made them lose control, and they were carried away

by the sea.]

[As everyone was on the verge of losing breath, a mermaid emerged...]

[This sight thrilled Sanji at first, but upon seeing the figure before him, it

turned into a lifelong nightmare!]

[The mermaid who came to their rescue was none other than Kokoro!]

[It's not just Sanji's nightmare; it's likely to haunt all those who were


[Meanwhile, Luffy executed two more moves, launching three

consecutive attacks, inflicting unimaginable damage on Lucci.]

[Due to side effects, Lucci was thrown back into the ruins of the Justice


[His body shrank, ultimately transforming into a mini version of Luffy...]

Windmill Village!

Even though Luffy had already set sail, Dadan, Makino, and the others

remained at the pier, gathering to witness the live broadcast.

Upon witnessing Luffy's punch, which nearly toppled Justice Tower, and

then stepping onto a battleship with a single foot, everyone was instantly


Their eyes widened, mouths agape, expressions exaggerated and shocked.

Except for Makino, who remained composed, the others were left in awe,

akin to orangutans.

They never expected the future Luffy to be so formidable. Despite

witnessing Luffy's terrifying strength in the first two live broadcasts, the

display before them still sent shockwaves.

Considering the battleground was Enies Lobby, facing off against the

Marine and CP9, the realization hit them hard.

"Amazing, Luffy has truly become unbelievably strong!"

"Look at that destructive power; I'm glad he didn't tear down my door

when he used to visit. Luckily, he spared my house!"

"How did he become this powerful? It feels like he's catching up with old

man Garp's destructive capabilities."

"This is only the eighth rank battle. What if he goes further? How

frightening would that be?"

Fishman Island!

Even beneath the deep seabed, the fish could still witness the live

broadcast on a screen formed by water curtains.

In a palace sat a huge yet remarkably beautiful mermaid with fan-like

hair, the princess of the Dragon Palace, Shirahoshi - the Star Princess!

From the beginning of the live broadcast, she felt an unexplainable

fondness for Luffy. Perhaps it was his loyalty to his companions, his

humorous personality, or something else. She couldn't pinpoint the

reason, but she couldn't help but pay special attention to Luffy.

Her heart tightened when Luffy faced danger, and she shared in his joy

when he defeated enemies. Now, seeing Luffy shrink into a mini-version

due to using the third gear, Princess Shirahoshi was surprised, then


"This human named Luffy is so cute!"

"I really want to meet him, but I wonder if he'll come to Fishman Island

during his future adventures?"

[Luffy, now miniaturized, knew he couldn't contend with Lucci in this


[He rushed into the ruins to avoid the time limit for side effects and


[But Lucci, furious, easily found him.]

[Facing a defenseless Luffy, Lucci rained down countless heavy blows!]

[Luffy, beaten and bloodied, couldn't escape Lucci's leopard claws.]

[He was caught, unable to break free.]

[Perhaps tired of playing, Lucci reached the wall and pressed Luffy

against it heavily.]

[Luffy's limbs embedded in the wall, leaving only his head and body


"You'll die in such a ridiculous pose."

[Lucci used all his strength, launching the finger pistol!]

[If this move hit Luffy without defense, it would be fatal!]

[Luffy tried to escape, but firmly fixed, he could only watch Lucci's sharp

fingers drawing near...]

This scene shocked viewers, making many close their eyes, fearing Luffy's


At the Marine headquarters, Garp, witnessing this, was almost overcome

with shock.

If something happened to Luffy...

CP9's Lucci wouldn't be spared! The screen continued...

[Just as Lucci was about to strike Luffy...]

[A miracle happened!]

[The side effects of the third gear ended!]

[Luffy returned to his normal size, breaking free from the wall.]

[With a backhand kick, he sent Lucci flying before the finger pistol hit.]

"Gear Second!"

[Luffy activated the Gear Second once more.]

[White steam enveloped him, and his skin turned red.]

[He stared at Lucci intensely, saying with utmost seriousness:]

"This time, I won't deactivate the Gear Second until I defeat you!"

Lucci, indifferent, remarked, "You can't sustain this mode for long. Do

you want to die?"

Luffy raised his head, maintaining his serious expression.

"Who knows?"

"But I've decided that even if it means death, I will defeat you!"

At that moment, Luffy's resolve startled Lucci.

His cold heart froze, and for the first time, fear crept in.

The man before him, in will and strength, surpassed his imagination.


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Chapter 99 : Shock!

Luffy's words not only shocked Lucci but also sent shockwaves through

the entire world, reaching every viewer tuned into the live broadcast.

The impact of these resolute words left everyone in deep astonishment.

What an indomitable will!

Such determination!

"Never die, never abandon the Gear Second state..."

You see, the Gear Second state of the boy with the straw hat places his

body under extremely high stress. In this state, even casual attack

extracts tremendous potential and inflicts substantial damage on the


If one can't persist and sustain it, it means their body has reached its

limits. Continuing its use goes beyond harm to the body; it touches the

essence of life itself.

Luffy's words unequivocally communicated to Lucci: unless you defeat

him, he'll never relinquish the Gear Second, even if it costs his entire life!

It's a gamble with death!

This level of courage shocked everyone, even leaving established figures

who had already seen the world in a daze.

In this rookie pirate, they saw the spirit of a king...

At the Navy Headquarters!

Garp, Sengoku, Aokiji, Kizaru, and even Admiral Akainu and others

gazed at the sky in stunned silence...

A hint of horror crossed everyone's faces.

Their astonishment wasn't solely because of Luffy's strength or the

fierceness of the battle but rather due to his words!

Akainu, in particular, found it difficult to bear.

"This pirate..."

He suddenly sensed a foreboding in his heart; the Straw Hat Boy must be


Even if he's the son of the world's most notorious criminal or the

grandson of a Marine hero—no exceptions!

This man... unexpectedly made this formidable admiral feel a crisis

unlike any before!

This feeling, not even experienced when confronting the Four Emperors.

Only this spirit, this demeanor, evoked memories of a person who once

stirred the entire sea and single-handedly initiated the Age of Pirates...

The Pirate King, Gol D. Roger!

Red-Haired Pirates!

Shanks, Beckman, Jesus Burgess, and other crew members were, like

those at the Navy Headquarters, struck dumb by this revelation.

Gazing at Luffy's determined expression on the screen, they recollected

his words.

Such unwavering resolve—they've seen countless pirates but never

witnessed such will in a single individual.

For the sake of his comrade, he embraced the awareness of his own


Even in death, he would hold back Lucci to prevent harm to others... In a

prolonged silence, Shanks suddenly smiled.

Yet, in his eyes, a trace of tears lingered.

"The captain... I never expected that after so many years, I would

encounter someone so reminiscent of you."

"Perhaps, Luffy, this lad, is the inheritor of your legacy..."

[Simultaneously, due to Franky's tenacity, Robin also overcame the

shadow of O'hara in her heart!]

[Although the Buster Call had started bombarding Enies Lobby, causing it

to erupt in flames, she also stood up.]

[In just a moment, all the Marines outside the Gate of Justice will be

knocked down!]

[Later, together with Franky, they found a battleship...]

[With the help of the mermaid Granny Kokoro, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp,

Chopper, and others.]

[He also managed to escape the underground passage and came to Robin

and other ships.]

[Everyone looked at the cannon-fired, flaming Enies Lobby, deeply

worried in their hearts.]

["The Buster Call has begun, but Luffy hasn't come out yet! "]

"Shall we go to him?"]

At this time, Zoro stood up and stopped everyone.]

["No, we will be in danger if we go in, not to mention…"

"We have to trust the Captain. Luffy will definitely defeat Lucci!"]

[In this way, everyone stood in the port, looking at the Tower of Justice,

waiting for Luffy to appear…]

[Enies Lobby has been destroyed by almost half under the Buster Call!]

[Countless shells rained down, destroying countless tall buildings and the


[However, this did not affect the two who were fighting in the ruins at

the moment.]

[Luffy has done his job not to defeat Lucci, and will never waver in his

determination to use the Gear Second!]

[He holds the consciousness of his death!]

[Although Lucci was shocked, his perennial desire to kill, as well as the

desire to never meet a real opponent, also excited him.]

["Straw hat boy, then let me see how tenacious you are! "]

[Speaking of which, Lucci burst and rushed towards Luffy!]

[And Luffy also directly used a powerful jet pistol and responded...]

Unknown seas!

A small boat sailed on the sea, and I saw a person wearing a green cloak

looking at the sky.

And he, Dragon who went to Gaya Island before and is preparing to

return at the moment, is Luffy's father, and no one cares more about

Luffy than he does.

Although he has always been adrift and has not accompanied Luffy's


But judging from the fact that he traveled thousands of miles to the Sky

island to erase the great threat of Enel.

It was enough to see how much he cared about Luffy's safety in his

heart… To be honest, when he saw that Lucci was Luffy's new opponent,

and his strength was still so terrifying.

A thought arose in Dragon's heart…

Turn the bow of the ship, go to the world government, and kill all the

members of CP9.

In this way, his son's threat will be one less again.

But when he saw Luffy indomitable will, fighting to the death for his

nakama, and ready to face his own death…

Dragon suddenly understood, and he smiled.


"It seems that my thinking is wrong, the real strong do not need help."

"Only after you defeat one strong enemy after another and go through

one difficulty after another, can you truly grow!"

"Then in that case, I will solve this threat for you, and in the future…"

"I believe it!"

"I'm waiting for the day when you will become famous in the sea and

become agreat pirate!"

At the same time, Enel, who was tied up at his feet and handcuffed to

Seastone, kept struggling.

That look, when looking at Dragon, with extreme anger, and… Afraid.


Because a towel was stuffed into his mouth, Enel could only make this


Dragon squinted over, his eyes full of indifference.


It was a direct kick, and Enel, who kicked, almost fainted again.

"I didn't kill you directly, that is, the greatest mercy to you, and you dare

to disturb me when I was sensational?"

"When I return to the headquarters, I'll take my time cleaning you up..."


[Under the force of Luffy, Lucci was sent flying, his face contorting in


"After all, Luffy in Gear Second has doubled strength, far beyond the


"Lucci knows he can normally overpower Luffy."

"But he can't suppress Luffy in Gear Second, and even... he'll be counter-


"Whether it's strength, speed, or defense, I'm not better than him now!"

"Therefore, going head-to-head is absolutely impossible; skill must


Lucci gasped, and the next second, he used Soru (Shave)!

His entire being vanished from its original position, and when he

reappeared, he had already come up behind Luffy.

"Finger Pistol, Storm Leg!"

Having mastered the Rokushiki to its pinnacle, he could now employ two

techniques simultaneously.

In an instant, countless sharp air blades slashed towards Luffy!

However, in the face of these attacks, Luffy didn't even look, relying

solely on his combat instincts to instantly evade.

Instead, he also used Soru and disappeared from his location.


Lucci's heart tightened, wanting to dodge, but it was too late.

Luffy appeared behind him!

"Rubber Bazooka!"

This move almost broke his spine!

Lucci was forcefully propelled, crashing heavily into the ground like a

launched rocket.

This attack injured him once more, and he couldn't help but spit out two

mouthfuls of blood.


"Finger Pistol, Moonwalk!"

Lucci leaped up, crashing into Luffy again.

However, it was easily blocked, Luffy wrapping him in place with one


A rubber pistol directly shot up with terrifying force!

"Iron Block!"

Knowing he couldn't dodge, Lucci instantly used Tekkai (Iron Body).

The dull sound resonated throughout the building, and although he took

several steps back, fortunately, he defended himself from the blow.

Before Lucci could feel relieved...

"Rubber Machine Gun!"

Luffy withdrew the arm binding him and unleashed hundreds of punches

in an instant!

These fists rained down on Lucci, who could only bear them!

So fast that he didn't even have a chance to use Tekkai, he flew out

directly upside down!

Heavily crashing into the ruins in the corner...


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Chapter 100 : Six King Gun!

[For the first time,Rob Lucci found himself launched away...]

[The swift departure left him frustrated, especially after effortlessly

dispatching opponents in mere seconds!]

[In this moment, a genuine anger consumed him, even his eyes reflecting

a tinge of blood-red fury!]

[Amidst the rage, reason began to fade, enhancing his combat prowess!]

[Deciding to emulate Luffy's fearless approach, disregarding harm and

consequences, his sole purpose was...]

[Knock him down!!!]

Whitebeard Pirates!

Vista gazed at the sky, his expression solemn. "CP9's Rob Lucci is now

completely enraged! He's likely entered a state of fury."

Marco nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the Zoan Devil Fruit ability

amplifies their already formidable melee skills, making them even more


"At this point, Ace's brother is probably in danger again..."

Despite appearances, the seasoned leaders of the Whitebeard Pirates

discerned nuances in the battle. They saw Luffy seemingly dominating

with Gear Second activated, constantly pressing down on Lucci, creating

an illusion of a significant advantage.

To the uninformed, Luffy seemed destined to win, but astute individuals

like the Whitebeard Pirates Division captains could sense subtleties.

Luffy's physical endurance had reached its limit; despite the tremendous

power gained from Gear Second, his body endured relentless damage.

Although stable for now, the unknown moment when his body would

surpass its limits loomed.

At that critical juncture, he might lose consciousness, rendering him

incapable of sustaining Gear Second any longer. Avoiding a fall wouldn't

be his choice—it would be beyond his control.

Conversely, Lucci, though somewhat irrational, injured, and fatigued,

drew strength solely from himself—pushing himself to the brink.

The price paid for their power escalation differed drastically.

No one could predict when Luffy would succumb to the strain of Gear

Second—perhaps a minute later or...

In the next second!

Even Ace recognized this.

Watching Luffy press down on Lucci and unleash blows, there was no joy

on Ace's face. Like Vista and the others, he wore a somber expression.

Marco stepped forward, lightly patting Ace on the shoulder.

"Don't worry; your brother will win. Have faith."

"After all, this kid has pulled off so many miracles; I believe this time will

be no different!"

Ace smiled in response. "I believe in Luffy more than anyone. Luffy will


["Straw Hat Kid, perish!"]

Lucci roared furiously, employing Soru to appear before Luffy, slashing

with his sharp claws toward his face!

Seeing the gleaming claws, Luffy didn't take any chances—evading

swiftly, rendering the attack futile!

Lucci's claws struck the ground, leaving deep marks, surpassing even a

Finger Pistol in destructive force!

This alerted Luffy to the danger posed by those razor-sharp claws!

Next, Lucci teleported again, claws raised!

This stance misled Luffy into expecting a repeat of the previous attack. In

response, he prepared to counter with his Gear activated...

However, a sneer appeared on Lucci's face, his eyes filled with mockery!

Luffy felt a shock—did he fall for a feint?

Confirming his suspicions, Lucci rapidly joined his hands, assuming a fist

aimed at Luffy's abdomen...

"I am the most perfected CP9 agent in centuries!"

"Even the Navy's Rokushiki, I've mastered to its pinnacle, far surpassing

the others!"

"Now witness the ultimate technique, honed to perfection—Navy

Rokushiki: Six Kings Gun (Rokuogan)!"

A terrifying force erupted from Lucci's hand, aimed directly at Luffy's



Luffy had no time to react; he was sent flying backward!

The immense power exacerbated Luffy's already battered body, causing

further distress upon hitting the ground!

Even with Luffy's resilient frame, he struggled to withstand the impact...

Unknown Seas!

Nami, Zoro, Usopp, Robin, and the rest observed as Luffy and Lucci

clashed on the bow of the Merry.

Originally, Luffy held the advantage, and everyone was still in high


However, in an instant…

As soon as the Rokushiki technique, "Six Kings Gun," was unleashed,

Luffy was sent flying upside down as if struck by a cannonball.

Faces changed among the onlookers...

Nami exclaimed, "Is this impact-like attack similar to the impact shell

from Sky Island?"

Robin nodded in agreement, "Yes, I can see the resemblance, but this

impact force is dozens of times more powerful than the impact shell."

"The reason it didn't cause extensive damage is due to Lucci's

extraordinary control of power, concentrating it all into a controlled


"Absorbed by Luffy..."

Upon hearing this, Usopp, who hadn't grasped the situation, was

suddenly astonished!

He was familiar with the power of the impact shell from Sky Island,

having witnessed it during the live broadcast.

That was the fearsome weapon that directly stopped Priest Of Enel and

shattered the descending vine from the sky!

The impact from Lucci's Six Kings Gun explosion... is actually ten times

more formidable than the Impact Dials?

How potent is the force contained within?

Is Luffy's rubbery physique, which is immune to most damage, enough to

withstand it?

Yet, in the face of everyone's concern...

At that moment, Luffy, seated at the bow of the ship, remained unfazed

and declared with a determined expression, "No matter how strong his

attack is, I won't be defeated!"

"Because I've promised to defeat him, even if it costs me my life, and I

will fulfill that promise!"

Zoro, Robin, and the others were momentarily taken aback by this


Then, they all burst into laughter...

This is their captain, a man of grand words! If he says he'll defeat Lucci,

then he will!

Water 7!

"Did I even need to use the Six Kings Gun..."

Lucci gazed calmly at the sky, but a hint of disbelief lingered in his eyes.

After all, he had perfected the Navy's Rokushiki techniques to the


He had understood this move long ago, but the absence of a suitable

opponent had kept it dormant.

He had believed it would take a considerable amount of time before he

encountered a formidable enough foe at sea to warrant its use.

Yet, here it was happening... against Luffy?

"Straw Hat boy, it seems the power within you is even greater than I


"I retract my earlier words; you are worthy of being my opponent!"

"But... the end result, being defeated by me, is inevitable!"

Though Lucci was cold and arrogant, he wasn't one to wear a pleasant


Having observed the live broadcasts, he was well aware of Luffy's


Anyone who could force him to lose composure and resort to Rokushiki

was someone worth remembering.

At this moment, his previous disdain for Luffy was swept away from his


However, he remained confident in his ability to defeat Luffy, ultimately

seeing him crushed beneath his feet!

After all...

Having used Rokushiki, who else could stand a chance? As for Kalifa on

the sidelines, she was completely astounded...

She never expected the Straw Hats, whom she had always belittled, to

continuously surprise her.

Defeating nearly all members of CP9 was impressive, but now...

This seemingly slender Straw Hat youth had pushed Lucci into such a

defensive position.

If she were to oppose him, would she be defeated in a single strike?

Such thoughts were not limited to Kalifa's heart alone.

Even the members of CP9, dispersed throughout various regions of Water

7 at this moment, were taken aback by this...

[Luffy was knocked to the ground, feeling pain as if he were falling



[Luffy was coughing continuously, then his body trembled, and he rose

from the ground.]

"Oh? You can actually get up after being hit by my Six King Gun?."

[Lucci stood not far away, looking down at Luffy condescendingly.]

"But even if you can get up, it's probably over now. Your body likely

won't endure the strain of this intense battle any longer, right?"

[Luffy didn't respond verbally but conveyed the answer through his


Observing Luffy's steadfast posture, Lucci's eyes gradually became


A long-charged Rankyaku shot out from his foot, aimed straight at Luffy!

[Luffy dragged his body, which hadn't yet slowed down, narrowly

avoiding it...]


The storm passed through the Judicial Tower, already reduced to ruins,

further devastating the already tattered surroundings!

This attack even reached high into the air, causing massive shockwaves.

Even Zoro's group, awaiting Luffy's return at the port, witnessed it


Everyone gazed ahead in shock, their nerves on edge and filled with


"Luffy, you must emerge victorious in this battle..."


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Chapter 101 : Determination!


Kaido's massive form occupied a chair, casting an imposing presence over

those present.

He found himself naturally drawn to the unfolding clash between Lucci

and Luffy in the live screen before him...

Originally, as one of the Four Emperors, he wasn't particularly intrigued

by the prowess of these two.

After all, despite the intense skirmish, a single swing of his could render

them incapacitated...

At most, his interest lay more with Lucci, who had consumed the Zoan-

type Devil Fruit.

In his thoughts, he still contemplated the possibility of recruiting him

into his own pirate crew... Yet now, witnessing Luffy's performance, he

couldn't help but pay a bit more attention.

"Though the so-called Rokushiki techniques of the Marines are rather

ordinary to me, their effectiveness is undeniable at this level of strength."

"The kid with the straw hat endured a formidable blow and still manages

to hold his ground..."

"It's somewhat surprising."

"However, the outcome of the battle won't shift in any significant way,

and the agents of CP9 will emerge victorious."

"Standing back up is merely a futile struggle!..."

[Zoro's group comprehended the situation as they witnessed the stormy

clash unfolding...]

[Luffy remains locked in combat with his adversaries! ] ]

[At this juncture, their only recourse is to lend their unwavering support.


[Simultaneously, the bombardment halted briefly as the Vice-Admiral

recognized that CP9's Lucci was still battling Luffy within.] ]

[It wasn't a decision made to spare their comrades but one tinged with

anticipation. ] ]

[Should Lucci vanquish his foe and emerge unscathed, then all is well,

and departure after a direct assault is not too late. ] ]

[However, if the battle becomes so heated that distinguishing the victor

or loser is impossible, he will not hesitate to unleash the full might of

Buster Call once again, consigning everyone to a sea of flames! ] ]

[Even if... that includes their own comrades! ]

[Zoro, upon realizing Luffy's continued involvement in the grand

skirmish, did not stand idly by. ]

[They spotted ten Marine warships not far away, well aware that the

opposing forces could issue Buster Call at any moment, bombarding the

entire Justice Island. ] ]

[In order to shield Luffy's conflict from interference, they rushed over and

positioned themselves in front of the battleship. ] ]

[The Marines paid little mind to this group, as they were still within the

confines of the island. ]

["If the battle goes in an unexpected way, simply bomb them all together!

] ]

[Under the Buster Call, everything turns to ashes...]

[Coincidentally, Zoro's group, now at the forefront of the battleship,

noticed they could observe Luffy and Lucci's duel amid the ruins from

their vantage point. ]

[Immediately, several voices rang out in unison, calling to Luffy...]

["Luffy, you must shoot down this leopard and return safely!"]

"We all escaped unharmed, and Robin has been rescued!"

"Yes, we must win. We're all waiting for you."

[The voice reached Luffy's ears, and at this moment, he looked at his

crewmates outside...]

[Originally, after being hit by the Six Kings Gun, he felt deeply

exhausted, as if he could collapse and faint at any moment.]

[But now, seeing that his crewmates are safe and sound, he felt re-


[Luffy's mouth curved into a smile, and at this moment, he had no

worries whatsoever.]

[His heart was brimming with determination, as if an endless force had

returned to his body.]

"My crewmates are waiting for me; I can't fall easily!"


Whole Cake Island...

Everyone on Whole Cake Island is watching the live sky footage.

For them, this kind of fight is entertaining when they're bored.

There are no other thoughts than amusement.

Including Big Mom, Cracker, and Smoothie, they are all like this... Only

Katakuri, looking at the sky at the moment, his face was a little surprised.

To be honest, with his current strength, he can easily defeat the two in

front of him.


If you talk about willpower and the determination not to fall, can you

compare to Luffy?

He has been watching the live broadcast seriously from beginning to end,

and he knows very well how many heavy blows Luffy has taken halfway


If you change to an ordinary person, they might have fallen many times.

Including the Six Kings Gun...

If you are equal in strength to the one in the picture, can you stand up

after enduring it?

Katakuri didn't know, but he knew very well.

Straw Hat Kid Luffy... is a qualified captain, a man like a true warrior,

deserving of his respect!

Deserving of his recognition!

"Monkey D. Luffy... I remember that name."

"Whether you win or lose this time, I'm willing to call you a strong man."

[Zoro and the others just finished shouting, and they noticed...]

[The Navy seems to have reservations about their group of pirates

standing in front of them!]

[They've sent countless elites to surround everyone...]

[This time, it's bad!]

[But neither Zoro nor Sanji, nor Usopp were afraid!]

"Luffy is still fighting, so naturally, we as his crewmates can't escape!"

"Come on, let's finish off this group of Navy!"

[In this way, Zoro and his party fought against countless Navy soldiers on

ten warships...]

[At the same time, among the ruins of Enies Lobby!]

[Luffy, back on his feet, regained his vitality with the support of his

crewmates and began to take the initiative to attack Lucci!]

[Defeat the enemy in front of you and reunite with your companions!]

[Lucci also understands the power of Luffy in second gear; he starts to

defend and counterattack seriously!]

[However... As the battle progresses, he is pleasantly surprised.]

[Although Luffy is still in second gear, both speed and strength are much

weaker than before!]

"It seems that... My Six Kings Gun isn't useless against you!"

"Straw hat boy, you're probably about to be completely exhausted now,

reaching the end, right?"

[Lucci's face is full of sinister smiles; he knows that his victory is


Luffy... He won't last much longer!

[Lucci was excited; before, he was pressed and beaten by the other party

under second gear, but now... it's his time!]

[In an instant, countless Navy Rokushiki attacks struck!]

[Luffy resisted fiercely, launching one rubbery attack after another.]

[Both combatants erupted, exchanging frantic punches!]

[However, it was clear that in his current state, Luffy was at a


["Moonwalk, Six Kings Gun!"]

[Lucci leaped into the air, unleashing another Six Kings Gun at Luffy.]

[This time, Luffy didn't absorb all the damage like before; he was sent

flying, crashing heavily to the ground.]

[His already serious injuries became even more unbearable...]

[But in the next moment, covered in white steam, Luffy rose again.]

[Lucci said indifferently, "Standing up won't change the fact that you

can't defeat me. You might as well lie down; it might lessen your


[To this, Luffy, with a determined expression, responded:]

"I came here to rescue Robin from a place as dark as yours!"

"Now that Robin is safe, I haven't had a chance to hug her yet. I won't

just fall here!"

["I promised to knock you away; it's an agreement with them..."]

["I always keep my word!"]

Near the Sea Restaurant...

As the Going Merry unknowingly sailed through the Water 7, everyone

looked at the image of Luffy, moved by what they saw.

Robin, in particular, couldn't hold back her tears.

To escape from the Enies Lobby, the crew had sacrificed so much.

Luffy even risked his life to stop Lucci...

Among CP9, Lucci was the most formidable, and if not for Luffy's

intervention, escape would have been much harder.

In this battle, Luffy sacrificed the most!

As they sailed, Robin couldn't stop tears from flowing while looking at

Luffy's back.

At that moment, Luffy seemed to sense something and turned to look

back at Robin.

Then, he flashed his trademark toothy smile.

Robin couldn't help but burst into laughter.

[Although Luffy stood up again and approached Lucci...]

[Soon, he collapsed once more.]

[It seemed that after taking two consecutive Six Kings Guns, his physical

endurance had reached its limit.]

[He couldn't stand up again...]

Seeing this, Lucci's indifferent face formed a smile.

"That's right, lying on the ground is the posture of the weak."

"Although you're strong, in front of me, you still can't stand."

Meanwhile, Usopp, seeing Luffy fall, understood he had to act.

So, he ran to the bridge, constantly cheering and encouraging Luffy.

But Luffy was too badly injured; despite recovering his sanity with his

partner's encouragement, he couldn't stand.

So the clever Usopp thought of a way to taunt Lucci!


[Lucci was genuinely provoked, took a step, and started walking towards


[Luffy, knowing Lucci's strength, understood that if he allowed him to

pass, his partners would all die!]

[Lucci, halfway there, heard a noise from behind and curiously looked


[Suddenly, his face changed slightly...]

[It turned out that, stimulated by the safety of his partner, Luffy stood up


[Though out of breath, Luffy declared word by word:]

"I will never... fall down!!!"

The scene in the picture!

This moment... The whole world was shocked!

Countless nobles and civilians alike were impressed by his



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Chapter 102 : Shaking the World!

Marine Headquarters!

Garp's weathered face was streaming with tears...


He wept for various reasons.

One was witnessing his grandson's relentless struggle and enduring

constant torture.

Each new wound inflicted upon that young body pierced his heart like a


Lucci's Six Kings Gun hadn't physically struck Luffy, but it had struck his


Another reason was seeing that his once mischievous grandson had

grown into someone understanding the weight of responsibility and the

importance of a mission!

For the sake of his comrades, even if knocked down repeatedly, Luffy

rose again without hesitation!

This resilience and determination surpassed many in this world.

Overall, Garp's emotions at this moment were highly complex.

Worry, nervousness, relief...


"Don't cry all the time; my hands are getting tired."

"Look at me. Just plunge into the water calmly; everything will be sorted.

What's there to worry about?"

Sengoku, standing nearby, wordlessly patted Garp on the shoulder.

Garp: "Nonsense, a person without a grandson like yourself, of course,

you wouldn't understand!"

Sengoku: "..."

So it seemed...

["You won't last much longer, Straw Hat Kid..."]

[Lucci's face contorted hideously as he utilized Soru to appear in front of


[With his powerful tail, he swiftly coiled around and suspended Luffy

before him.]

[Extending his fists, he pressed them against Luffy's chest...]

["Six Styles Rokushiki: Maximum Ring: Six King Gun!"]

[Indeed, Lucci intended to unleash the Marine Six's strongest technique

once again!]

[And it was far more terrifying than the standard Six Kings Gun, the

ultimate round of the Six Kings Gun!]

[This attack encapsulated almost all of his strength, channeling the

utmost power he could muster!]

[Using it consecutively had already pushed Luffy to the brink of

unconsciousness, and this time, he aimed to force Luffy out completely!]

[In an instant, a formidable impact force condensed once more, surging


[Only for a moment, Luffy endured it all, the massive impact causing

violent tremors throughout his body!]

[However, hanging from Lucci's tail, he couldn't let go...]


[Blood flowed from Luffy's mouth.]

[In this moment, the intense pain plunged him into a brief coma, his eyes

rolling without a trace of reason...]

[Observing this, Lucci gradually released his tail, as, in his perception,

Luffy was already defeated under this powerful blow!]

[Luffy, unconscious, began to descend...]

[Yet, just as he was about to hit the ground, his indomitable willpower

jolted him back to consciousness!]

[Luffy leaned forward and stood his ground once again...]


[This scene left Lucci stunned; he hadn't expected Luffy, who had

absorbed the full force of the Six Kings Gun, to remain standing.]

[For the first time, a sense of shock gripped his heart.]

[This guy, despite enduring the Six Kings Gun three times, refused to


[How is this possible!?]

Luffy's persistence had completely won over everyone...

At this moment, all viewers watching the live broadcast were

unanimously shocked!

A profound horror seized everyone's hearts.

They couldn't fathom how Luffy could still be standing.

What unimaginable willpower lay hidden within his slender frame?

Even the likes of Whitebeard, Shanks, Kaido, Sengoku—the four

heavyweights—whether they supported Luffy or not, wanted him to win

or not.

At this moment, they were all astounded by his repeated defiance... Who

else could exhibit such an unwavering spirit, refusing to admit defeat and

never falling?

Merely through this extraordinary determination, Luffy had instantly

captivated countless hearts.

The heavyweights were astonished, feeling that in the future, Luffy would

undoubtedly make a mark!

Standing at the pinnacle of the sea!

["Lucci is acting strangely!"]

[Luffy, back on his feet, shouted in anger while spitting out blood.]

[Exerting all his strength, he unleashed his final move!]

["Rubber Machine Gun!"]

[Countless fists manifested at this moment!]

[With the second gear mode's blessing, they became even more dense and

terrifying, as if the space was filled with Luffy's red fists!]

[On the other side, Lucci...]

[Shocked to see Luffy stand up again, he forgot to defend at this


[Or rather... The prolonged battle, combined with the consecutive use of

the Six Kings Gun, had almost depleted his strength.]

[So, in this moment, he didn't dodge but subconsciously activated



[However, even with Tekkai activated, it was of no use at this moment!]

[Hit continuously by Luffy's countless fists, the huge force was


[Lucci's iron was shattered, and he spat out blood, the more he coughed,

the more it poured out!]

[Under the dense fists, there was no chance to catch a breath.]

[Luffy, fighting with sheer instinct, continued the machine gun assault

without the slightest pause, squeezing out the last trace of his strength!]

[And so, after enduring countless punches...]

[Lucci was finally struck on the head by Luffy's last punch!]

[Then, with immense force, he crashed through the wall and flew

backward towards the outside...]

[Lucci fell heavily to the ground, eyes rolling, covered in blood.]

[At this moment, he succumbed to Luffy's onslaught that had drained all

his strength...]

[Completely unconscious!]

[This also meant that Lucci, the strongest killing machine in CP9


[Was officially defeated!]

[And the one who defeated him was none other than... Monkey D. Luffy!]

At this moment...

The entire world erupted in excitement!

No one expected such a spectacular battle to end like this! Lucci, who

had always dominated, was defeated in such a manner?

And Luffy, on the brink of collapse, unleashed an astonishing force in the

last moments...

Turning the tables...

All of this was unbelievable!

Marine headquarters!

"Luffy... won?"

Garp was still gazing at the sky in disbelief, unable to fully regain his

composure even now.

The surprise had come so suddenly...

When Luffy was repeatedly attacked by Lucci's Six Kings Gun, Garp's

heart was more tense than anyone else's.

More agonizing than anyone!

He couldn't suppress the urge to go straight to the World Government,

pull Lucci out, and take him down!

After all, there's nothing more maddening than witnessing your own

family suffer, but...

Garp never anticipated that Luffy would snatch victory from the jaws of

defeat in this state!

Damn, is this battle moving too quickly? I haven't even had time to


"Garp, your grandson relied on sheer instinct to attack. I must say, even I

was taken aback!"

Sengoku, standing on the side, was also astonished.

He, like Garp, hadn't anticipated that Luffy would win in such a manner!

Moreover, he could clearly see that in the final moments, Luffy was

completely unconscious.

It was entirely based on the body's instinct to throw a punch, and it didn't

cease until the last ounce of strength was exhausted.

In other words, if he couldn't defeat Lucci with this move, then he didn't

need Lucci to counterattack...

He would fall himself!

Fortunately, Lucci ultimately failed to counter this move!

Kizaru, Aokiji, Mihawk, and others present—all of them were shocked

and surprised!

They were shocked by the unexpected turn of events!

Also shocked that Lucci was defeated...

However, no matter how surprised they were, they weren't bewildered.

At this moment, Akainu's expression was beyond words.

When he saw Luffy about to collapse, he was prepared to celebrate.

But he never expected Luffy to bounce back?

Even in his wildest dreams, he didn't imagine Luffy would knock Lucci

down. Could this be real?

At that moment, he wanted to pinch himself to confirm if he was



"Cp9... Defeated?"

"The supposed most flawless assassination tool the world government has

ever created has fallen?"

"The Straw Hat boy defeated against all odds!?"

The commanders of the five major armies, along with Sabo and others...

They all stared at the sky in bewilderment, their faces reflecting disbelief

or shock.

They hadn't anticipated this outcome at all.

Even though Luffy was the son of their own leader, everyone present had

hoped for Luffy's victory.

However, the battle unfolded before them, with Luffy visibly pushed to

the brink.

The barrage of attacks was painful to witness, not only for themselves but

also for Luffy.

Under the final blow, the mighty round of the Six Kings' gun, they

expected Luffy to be unconscious, bringing the battle to an abrupt end.

But the unexpected happened... The punch landed swiftly! Luffy emerged


Defeating Lucci!

After what felt like an eternity, the commanders of the five major armies

and other high-ranking members of the Revolutionary Army could only

express their feelings with a mix of awe and shock: "Truly worthy of the

leader's son, such perseverance and combat prowess..."

"It surpasses imagination, and I'm genuinely impressed!"


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Chapter 103 : Going Merry!

Whitebeard Pirates!

"Luffy won!?"

Marco was stunned...

Even though he had just been consoling Ace, saying that Luffy could win.

But the fact was, it was just reassurance!

In reality, deep down, he didn't believe Luffy could win at all.

After all, Lucci was too powerful, so formidable that he thought Luffy had

no chance of winning whatsoever... How did he manage to win?

Even Vista, Jozu, and the others were equally astonished.

Even Whitebeard himself, stunned, gazed at the sky.

It's not that they didn't want Luffy to win; after all, he was Ace's younger

brother, and they would support him no matter what.

However... It was somewhat unexpected.

Even Ace himself felt a bit bewildered.

But soon, overwhelming joy washed away all doubts.

A familiar smile blossomed on his face.

"Luffy... I knew you would win!..."

Red-Haired Pirates!

It was yet another familiar scene, and Shanks left everyone in shock.

No one knew how long they stood in place...


Amidst the cheers, everyone snapped back to reality, and more cheers


"Hahaha, Luffy won, Luffy won!"

"I never expected that little brat from back then would be so strong now!"

"This is CP9; they've all been defeated, and the Straw Hat Pirates are on

the brink of becoming legends!"

"It's truly unexpected, but in this situation, I'd toast to it a dozen times

over, hahaha..."

Everyone cheered for Luffy's victory.

Glasses were raised, and Shanks, after laughing, also looked up at the


"Luffy, I knew you'd work wonders!"

"The lad inheriting Captain Roger's will truly didn't let me down."

Unknown Seas!

A boat sailed on, still far from the Revolutionary Army's base.

Observing Luffy triumph over the enemy, Dragon's face displayed a

moment of relief.


"You are my pride!"

As for Enel, who was already dealt with and was currently bound by

Dragon with Seastone, he could still see the image in the sky.

Now... he was taken aback.

He witnessed Luffy's persistence and determination, a resolve that he

himself couldn't match.

The determination to stand up for your comrades repeatedly until finally

overcoming a formidable adversary!

Would Enel be moved? Wrong!

His face contorted instantly, and he let out a distorted, wailing scream.

Unspoken but understood, you are aware that there may be some explicit


As the gaze of Dragon stretched out, he abruptly ceased his shouting.

Cold sweat broke out instantly, and a shadow was cast over the man

before him.

Glancing at Luffy's back, he only dared to be negligent in his thoughts...


"What a surprise, Garp's grandson..."

A hint of surprise flashed across Kaido's face involuntarily.

It was anticipated that Lucci would emerge victorious, but evidently, the

outcome was skewed.

Despite the shock, it was merely a setback!...

In Kaido's eyes, individuals like Luffy were still insignificant, like small

fry unable to stir any waves.

"He still has no connection with true power."

"If he crosses paths with me, a single blow will be sufficient to make him

grasp the treacherous nature of the sea!"

"After all, my strength is beyond the reach of just anyone."

"Even Garp's grandson can only look up to..."

Despite Kaido's disdain, he remained oblivious.

It wouldn't be long before Luffy would face him.

Although he spoke of teaching Luffy a lesson with a single blow, he, too,

would be taught a lesson by Luffy in the future.

Luffy not only reached his level but also... surpassed him!...

Whole Cake Island!

Big Mom and Cracker, along with others, were left dumbfounded...

A moment ago, they were asserting that the straw hat boy would lose.

Who would have thought the punch in the face would come so swiftly?

Several people were so shocked they even forgot to consume the cake

presented to them...

Only Katakuri, while gazing at the sky, had his eyes gleam brightly.

This man, acknowledged by himself... was victorious!


"If fate allows, we shall cross paths, and I will surely battle with you!"

"I hope that in the future, you continue to grow stronger!"

Magnetic Drum Island!

Observing Luffy's triumph, Chopper's joyful eyes transformed into


He practically spun in place.

However, shortly after, he was stupefied...

Because he witnessed Luffy's bloodied form lying on the ground,

incapacitated in the image.

As a doctor, he understood better than anyone the extent of Luffy's

injuries in this battle!

Merely by viewing the image, he could deduce that it must be

exceedingly horrifying!

This confrontation inflicted far greater harm upon him than when he

clashed with Moria and Enel!

Luffy, terribly wounded, received treatment solely from the Straw Hat

Pirates' onboard doctor.

"If they don't have me, then in the future... Who will treat them?

So, unless you leave Drum Island, you won't cross paths with the Straw

Hat Pirates.


They need me...

Water 7!

Lucci's face was already so dark that he couldn't escape it.

At this moment, it was gloomy, as if water were about to drip out at any

moment... Extreme anger simmered in his eyes.

His hands couldn't stop trembling, and his rage was intense.

This feeling, as if he were on the verge of killing someone at any


This made Kalifa, who was beside him, dare not make the slightest move.

Though she was shocked that the Straw Hat Pirates had actually defeated

her and other CP9 members, at this moment, she...

Was noticeably more afraid of Lucci.

"Straw Hat Kid... Luffy!"

Lucci smiled directly, but this smile was obviously mixed with

unspeakable ferocity.

"He will never defeat me; all of this is a sham!"

"In the picture, initially, I had a playful mindset; if I had exerted my full

strength, he would have perished long ago!"

"It's a disgrace to be defeated by him, and since this is a future event, it

hasn't happened yet!"

"In that case, I will kill him with my own hands in reality to wash away

this humiliation!"

Upon hearing this, Kalifa couldn't help but ask, "Are you heading to the

East Blue?"

Lucci glared fiercely.

"Absolutely not, I'm in Water 7!"

"Since you can't find the Straw Hat Kid, aren't his companions here?"

"As long as I find him, I don't believe he won't come..."

Near the Sea Restaurant...

"Luffy, you won!"

Usopp exclaimed excitedly.

Zoro, Nami, Robin, all expressed joy for him.

Everyone applauded.

And Luffy just laughed, his hearty laughter spreading throughout all the

nearby seas.

"I said I would defeat him; it's our agreement!"

"As long as I say it, I will definitely do it!"

"But I have to say..."

"This radish is also a formidable foe!"

Usopp: "…"

"His name is Lucci, not Turnip!"

Luffy's casual habit of confusing people made Nami and the others feel


Meanwhile, the scene above the sky had not yet concluded.

At this moment, it continued to unfold...

[After defeating Lucci, Luffy lay weakly on the ground.]

[Despite his exhaustion, he felt immense joy and used the last bit of his

strength to shout:]

"Robin, let's go home!!!"

[This voice echoed throughout the entire Enies Lobby...]

[Hearing this, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates knew that Luffy... had


[He defeated Lucci, he did it!]

[Everyone was ecstatic, and Robin couldn't hold back her tears, covering

her face and crying...]

[Meanwhile, the Marine Army, stationed outside, was in a state of panic!]

[Lucci actually lost?]

[The boss of CP9, the most perfect killing machine, was defeated by the

Straw Hats?]

[At this moment, the Marine was stunned, and worse, they were in a

state of extreme confusion!]

"Open fire, blow up and sink the entire Enies Lobby, and kill the Straw

Hats and their crew!"

"Attack with all your might!"

[The vice admiral in control of the ten warships was also in a panic and,

without hesitation, ordered to obliterate the demons and launch an


[The struggle began anew!]

[In the face of Marine artillery and countless Marine attacks, everyone

fought back!]

[However, it was challenging to face ten warships and tens of thousands

of Marine soldiers...]

[And, at this moment, they received even worse news!]

[Luffy, who defeated Lucci, experienced massive side effects from

exerting all the power in his body.]

[At this moment, he lay on the ground, unable to move!]

"Don't even mention standing up; Luffy can't even move a finger at this

moment, only his eyes can move."

[This situation left Sanji and the others in a state of panic.]

[They were too far away from Luffy, and the Marine was still bombarding


[If Luffy couldn't move, death was inevitable!]

[Furthermore, the Marine warships were preparing for the final attack...]

[In just ten seconds, they would launch the Buster Call again, obliterating

everything in its path!]

[But then...]

[A remarkable scene unfolded!]

[A pirate flag depicting a skull with a straw hat appeared abruptly in the

midst of the encircling ten warships.]

[And accompanying it were the unique allies of the Straw Hats...]

"Going Merry!!!"

[At this moment, everyone was frozen!]

[Whether it was Luffy and his crew or the Marine...]


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Chapter 104 : Ship Spirits!

[Nobody knows when the Merry appeared beneath several warships!]

[Although compared to the warships, its size was so small and


[Yet, it brought Luffy and his group, the only hope for life...]

["Come back!"]


"Let's return to that adventurous sea!"]

"I'm here to pick you up..."

An ethereal voice resonated in the ears of everyone in the Straw Hats,

leaving them all in astonishment.

"What is this sound?"]

However, at this moment, Usopp was in tears!]

"Merry, it's Merry!"]

"It came to save us!!!"]

At this moment, everyone was deeply moved and astonished to the core!]

They didn't expect that this unexpected voice actually came from..."


Could it be that the legend of the ship spirit truly exists?]

Chopper also recalled at this moment that when he was on the Sky

island, there was a cloaked figure who repaired the ship at night.]

Could it be that this is the ship spirit...]

Including Luffy, who was also stunned to the extreme at this moment.]

Everyone did not hesitate at all, jumping directly towards the depths of

hundreds of meters!]

Even Luffy, who couldn't move, was carried and thrown down by Robin

using the Flower Fruit...]

As for why they dared to jump so resolutely?]

There's only one reason, and that is... They believe in their partners!]

That unique companion, the Going Merry!]

At this moment, as the scene unfolded, the entire world was stunned...

Just because they couldn't fathom how Merry moved on its own. Could it

be that the Straw Hats were concealed within it?

But that doesn't make sense!

From start to finish, there were only a few people; how could there be

extra people? And that ethereal voice... Where did it come from?

Just as countless people were shocked and the perplexed were puzzled.

Some more insightful individuals suddenly thought of something! They

were immediately dumbfounded, their faces filled with disbelief...

Unmanned ships, ethereal and otherworldly sounds, could it be... these

are the legendary ship spirits!?

"Ship spirits!?"

As soon as these words were uttered, countless people were stupefied!

Because they had heard this legend, but wasn't it just a legend? Could it

be that ship spirits truly exist?

Whitebeard Pirates...

On the massive throne, Whitebeard sat proudly.

At this moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his old face couldn't help

but show a hint of emotion...


"Ship spirits..."

As these words left his lips, there were unmistakable ripples in his heart.

Being one of the Four Emperors, Whitebeard possessed extensive

knowledge. While some might dismiss it as a legend, he had personally

witnessed it.

And he knew, beyond doubt, that such entities existed.

However, many crew members were unaware, led by Marco and Ace,

appearing as though they were witnessing it for the first time.

"Pops, what's a ship spirit?" inquired a curious voice.

In response, Whitebeard began to speak with profound eyes, "Rumor has

it that ship spirits are ethereal beings born from the mutual love and care

between a crew and their ship."

"When the bond with the crew reaches a certain depth, the ship repays

the favor by transforming into a figure resembling a crew member,

complete with a mallet and a raincoat."

"The appearance of these ship spirits is often accompanied by a mist, and

in times of peril, they take the initiative to alert the crew, preventing

potential casualties."

As Whitebeard recounted this tale, everyone present was profoundly


Could such a phenomenon truly exist?

The certainty in Whitebeard's words, however, left little room for doubt.

"Ship spirits do exist," he declared with conviction.

His certainty stemmed from personal experience; he had encountered

them before.

"Luffy... Straw Hats!"

"The appearance of ship spirits on your ship and their willingness to aid

you is proof of a genuine partnership—a friendship to be envied."

In Water 7!

Lucci couldn't reconcile with his failure.

Upon realizing his defeat, he disregarded the unfolding scene and

directed all of CP9's members to go berserk.

In the Water 7, traces of Franky could be found.

In a futile attempt to coerce Franky, he was willing to use his life to draw

out Luffy and the others, intending to defeat them himself to erase the


Yet, for Franky, who grew up in the Water 7, hiding was second nature.

As Lucci and the others desperately searched, Franky concealed himself

in a secret passage.

Casually sipping on a Coke, he observed the sky on the screen.

And in that moment, Franky was left in awe.

As the world's shipbuilding hub, the Water 7, as well as a disciple of the

master shipbuilder, Franky had heard tales of ship spirits countless times.

Under his master's guidance, he understood that ship spirits were

undoubtedly real.

It's just that they hadn't been seen for a long time—himself included.

Because there were rumors that ship sprites only appeared when the crew

took great care of their ships!

Even willing to dedicate themselves to saving everyone when the entire

crew was in danger!

Originally, I thought it was just a legend, but I didn't expect...

Franky was stunned; he never expected that this kind of thing really


As a child, he too had a longing for the ship's spirits and dreamed of

meeting it.

However, this wish didn't come true until he grew up... But now, he

really saw it!?

And in the picture, he also accepted the help of the ship spirits...

At this moment, Franky finally understood why he joined this pirate


Perhaps, it's not just because of their commitment to their partners!

What's more, it comes from their love and respect for the ship... Such a

pirate group is simply the destination of their dreams!...

At the same time, various forces such as the Revolutionary Army, the

headquarters of the Marine, the Red-Haired Pirate Group, and even the

Seven Warlords of the Sea had all heard of the legend of the ship spirit.

Looking at the unmanned ship in the picture that accurately came to the

aid of the Straw Hats, everyone was shocked!

They couldn't believe that there was actually a ship spirit on the Merry?

The legend of the ship's spirits... It's real!

And at this moment, the picture continued to play...

[Everyone jumped into the sea, and the ship quickly lowered a rope...]

[When everyone climbed up, they couldn't see a single figure.]

[But now is not the time to find someone; everyone is still surrounded by

Marine warships!]


[Countless shells were fired from ten Marine warships.]

[However, before they could reach the Merry, they all exploded in mid-


[This magical scene, not to mention that the Marine was shocked, even

Nami and the others were stunned.]

[At the same time, the sea suddenly began to form a huge whirlpool, and

the Gate of Justice was actually closing!]

[Many Marine officers led by Spandam suddenly panicked. Who closed

the Gate of Justice?]

[It turned out that Sanji had disappeared for a while before; he ran to

turn off the switch in the control room, closing the Gate of Justice and

causing a huge whirlpool.]

[Immediately afterward, with Nami's calculations, everyone used the

petite size of the Merry to constantly shuttle among the warships...]

[Finally, Franky's unique wind cannon led everyone, and they rushed out

of the Marine's encirclement!]

[And before leaving, Robin wanted to deal with the menace of Spandam.]

[Directly using the powers of the Flower Fruit to immobilize him...

Breaking it directly!]

[The ten warships not only failed to deal with the Straw Hats' group but

also caused countless artillery fires to spread throughout Enies Lobby,

destroying them in one fell swoop...]

At this scene, the Marine Headquarters was instantly furious!


"Utter waste!"

Akainu was the angriest, and his whole face was full of anger.

Even amid the fury, even the corners of his mouths twitched.

"Spandam, that good-for-nothing, deployed ten warships for a Buster Call,

annihilated Enies Lobby, and actually let the Straw Hat Pirates escape!"

"I really want to take him down!"

Kizaru and Aokiji on the side echoed the sentiment, expressing their

desire to deal with Spandam.

Only Garp, standing in front, burst into the loudest laughter as he

witnessed his grandson's successful escape.

Sengoku wore a black expression and poked Garp: "Even if your grandson

managed to escape, you're still part of the Marine."

"Can't you show a bit of restraint, especially after seeing Enies Lobby


Instead of showing any signs of relenting, Garp, in response to Sengoku,

laughed even more heartily, grinning widely at the stern face of Sengoku.

The entire conference room fell into silence at this moment.

However, no one dared to challenge the formidable figure that was



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Chapter 105 : Merry's Rest!

[The Straw Hats had finally escaped, and exhaustion lingered on the


[Yet, what piqued Sanji, Zoro, and the others' curiosity was who had

steered the ship?]

[And who, when everyone plummeted into the sea, lowered a rope from

the ship?]

[Moreover, those shells burst in mid-air, as if possessed by invisible


[Amidst their skepticism, they inevitably scoured the ship's warehouse.]

[However, at that moment, Luffy, reclining at the ship's bow, grinned and

remarked, "It must be Merry who came to save us!"]

[He then gently stroked the ship's head, saying, "Thank you, Merry..."]

[Sanji Zoro, upon hearing this, looked incredulous, "Huh? Merry?"]

[Several others found it hard to believe. After all, this was a ship, not a


[How could a ship save itself and others?]

[Even if Luffy regarded Merry as a comrade, it was merely a ship, not a

sentient being!]

[Nami and Chopper, who had been silent, contemplated Luffy's words,

finding some merit in them.]

[Only Franky and Usopp harbored a secret conviction...]

[Indeed, it was Merry who had come to their rescue, for they both

believed in the existence of ship's spirit!]

[Only when a ship's crew loved their vessel to the extreme would the

ship's spirit manifest, and...]

[In times of peril, the ship's spirit would emerge to save its acknowledged


[At that moment, a massive ship appeared before Merry...]

[It was none other than Water 7's Carrera ship!]

[Onboard were countless sailors and members of the Franky family, all

there to retrieve the Straw Hats!]

[Seeing everyone, whether Luffy or Franky, excitement surged!]

[But before anyone could rise, disaster... struck!]


[With a resounding crash, Merry's keel was utterly shattered!]

[Half of the hull severed, it floated on the sea's surface...]

[This sight instantaneously shocked everyone, especially the 863 crew!]


[Simultaneously, worldwide spectators were equally astonished by the

unfolding scene!]

[Merry... had actually been severed!?]

[Countless influential figures exchanged glances. Even those skeptical of

ship spirits couldn't deny it now.]

[The Straw Hats and their crew couldn't have escaped such danger

without Merry's sudden intervention.]

[Had it not been for Merry, they, exhausted as they were, might have

been apprehended by the Marine!]

[Yet, to everyone's surprise...]

[Merry that had rescued them was now shattered!]

[Observing the scene, Dragon muttered to himself, "Merry... did you

persist until now?"]

["Enduring to send your partner back to the sea, sacrificing yourself to

keep them out of harm's way..."]

[Whitebeard sighed, "The journey to the Sky Island was too arduous, and

Merry was already battered by then!"]

["By regular ship standards, it should have been destroyed long ago."]

["I'm sure it found solace in rescuing Luffy and the others in its fnal


[Shanks, devoid of a smile, expressed awe, "Due to Luffy's affection,

Merry birthed the ship's spirit."]

["And now, Merry has returned its final act of love to Luffy..."]

"It's genuinely a touching companionship, truly moving!" Shanks added,

shedding tears.

[This display left everyone around him speechless, accustomed to their

captain's emotional outbursts during alcohol-induced moments.]

[The shattering of Merry left everyone in shock.]

[However, soon, Sanji, Zoro, and the others calmed down.]

"There's nothing to be surprised about; Merry has long been a ship

deemed unfit to sail."

"This scene... It was long expected."

[Although the words were very plain, whether it was Sanji, Zoro, or

anyone else, there was a touch of sadness on their faces.]

[After all, through countless adventures, they had already established a

deep friendship with Merry…"

[However, the keel was broken, and Merry had no way to be saved.]

[While everyone was silent, Luffy, tired and barely able to move, stood

up and knelt down on the ship's head of Merry towards the people of


"Please, save Merry!"

"Think of a way; Merry is my partner!"

"You are the most powerful shipbuilding company; there must be a


"Please, uncle!"

[However, in the face of Luffy's pleading, Iceberg, the boss of the

shipbuilding company, remained silent.]

[I don't know how much time passed before he lowered his head and


"Let him rest with this ship; we can do it all…"

"And it was he who came here on his own initiative to save you one last


[Through Iceberg's narration, everyone understood the story before

Merry arrived here...]

[It turned out that Merry had been damaged long before and couldn't go

to sea.]

[But he begged Iceberg to let him go to sea again.]

[Although Iceberg was shocked and thought he had auditory

hallucinations, he repaired all the areas that could be fixed on Merry in

one night.]

[And when the complete repair was done, a big wave hit, and Merry

sailed at sea again...]

[Finally, here we are!]

[Iceberg was in tears and said loudly to Luffy and his group with tears:]

"Itspent all his remaining life just to see you again!"

"The extent of damage to this ship no longer supported it to go to sea

again, but it came here abruptly!"

["I've never seen such an amazing ship!"]

[After hearing this, Luffy was stunned, originally excited… Also at this

moment, it is calm.]


At this moment, the entire world of unknown audiences followed suit

with tears.

They never expected that Merry would be so great.

That's the power of nakama!

This is the power of bond!

The cry of countless people turned into tears…

Even if many bigwigs didn't cry, their eyes were moist, making them

constantly wipe their tears.

After all, this scene in front of you is too touching…

["I see…"]

Luffy calmed his mood and slowly stood up.]

[Just kept my eyes on Merry…]

[Because he knows that this is the choice of Merry, this is the choice of

his partner!]

[In order to come here and save everyone, he did not hesitate to suffer

harm to the extreme!]

[Such a romantic decision, how can I not accept it…]

[Since the life of Merry has come to an end, let's bury it in your favorite


[Presumably, as a partner, it doesn't want to look at itself and cry…"

"Merry, the bottom of the sea is wet and cold, but we will watch you."

"I will go down with your will, and you will sleep in the sea, looking at


["The day I become the Pirate King!"]

[After that, in full view of everyone, Luffy slowly raised the torch and

placed it on the hull.]

[Soon, the flames spread throughout Merry's body…]

[Everyone stood in a row and quietly watched this scene.]

Although everyone's faces are very calm, only they know how much grief

they have in their hearts.

[But they also know that as a partner, Merry definitely does not want to

see everyone cry at the final farewell…]

[So, whether it's Luffy or Zoro, or Usopp and the others, they all pretend

to be strong.]

[This is the romance of men…]

[Soon, as Merry continued to burn, the thick smoke surfaced into the


[The sky, originally clear, revealed a surprising sight at this moment —

light snowfall.]

[In this instance, the minds of everyone delved into memories, fragments

of moments spent with Merry flashing vividly...]

[Syrup Village embarked on its journey, the pirate flag fluttering for the

first time, dreams synchronized as all set forth on the grand voyage

toward the mythical Sky Island, until they reached Water 7...]

[Voyage after voyage, no partner parted ways, and Merry carried

everyone across the seas.]

[But now, this comrade bids farewell...]

[As the snowflakes multiplied in the sky, and Merry teetered on the brink

of being consumed by flames, an ethereal voice echoed once more...]

["I apologize; I intended to lead everyone further..."]

["I truly wished to embark on eternal adventures with everyone..."]

[This time, everyone truly heard Merry's voice!]

[At this moment, those who had been feigning strength could no longer

contain the sorrow in their hearts...]

[Luffy, tears streaming down, shouted ahead:]

"I'm sorry, Merry, my helmsmanship is so terrible that you collided with

an iceberg and suffered extensive damage."]

"Zoro, Sanji, they're fools and didn't take proper care of you."]

"Even if Usopp could repair, his clumsiness hindered your recovery."]

"Merry, it's us who should be apologizing..."]

[As Luffy's anguished voice continued, one after another, companions

wept uncontrollably.]

[Merry's ethereal voice resonated once more...]

"I've always loved you, thank you for cherishing me so deeply."]

"The adventurous journey across the seas with everyone made me feel..."]

["Incredibly happy..."]

[Following this, Merry was completely engulfed in flames, its hull

disappearing beneath the ocean's surface...]

[Sanji, Zoro, Nami, Robin, Usopp, Chopper, Franky, the expressions on

everyone's faces...]

[All marred with tears.]

[Luffy collapsed to his knees, his heart-wrenching cries echoing across

the sea.]


[In this moment, the comrades who had accompanied them on such an

extensive voyage had vanished completely...]

[Yet, regardless of the passage of time, even if everyone aged to the point

of nearing death, they would always remember...]

[An everlasting companion, Merry...]


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Chapter 106 : Thousand Sunny!

"It's so touching..."

"It's so touching!"

The red-haired pirate, Shanks, sniffled and shed tears. After taking a large

gulp of wine, he grabbed the clothes of his crew members and wiped his


Looking at the countless crew members, they were left speechless...

While I was moved by the scene, my reaction was not as exaggerated as

that of our captain!

"Merry, it's truly magnificent..."

"Do you think our ship has a ship spirit?"

"No, you can't sneak up to pee on the ship in the future; the ship spirit

might see you..."

"That wouldn't be good..."

Shanks said and fell asleep with a thud.

Crew: "..."

Our captain is really... beyond comprehension. Good thing there's no one

else around to witness this.

But then again, it seems I'm not much different from the others...

Sea restaurant, near the sea!


At this moment, Luffy, Usopp, Zoro, Robin, and Nami looked at the sky,

their faces filled with astonishment.

"Will the future Merry be completely destroyed by saving us?"

Luffy spoke, his expression unreadable.

Even though these are just images of what happened in the future, they

touch everyone's hearts at this moment. Not a single person is devoid of


Even though they only left Syrup Village to set sail a short while ago, not

spending more than three days with Merry!

But since stepping on the ship, Usopp drew a skeleton flag with a straw

hat for it...

Luffy has already considered Merry as his partner!

In fact, everyone aboard regards Merry as a partner!


"Thank you!"

Luffy sat on the sheep's head at the bow of the ship and stroked it gently.

"In the future, when I'm at the helm, I'll be careful and won't let anything

happen to you."

"That's not right... If Franky had come on board earlier, with his boat-

building skills, he would have treated you with utmost care."

"Don't worry, Merry, I'll never let anything happen to you..."

As Luffy stroked the sheep's head and spoke, Zoro, Robin, and the others

stood silently behind him. Because in their hearts, they shared the same

sentiments as Luffy.

They never expected ship spirits to be real, but the legendary entity

indeed existed!

Merry's spirit had been silently accompanying them...

Everyone made a silent vow in their hearts to cherish Merry in their

future sailing adventures.

Because, Merry was also their partner! A member of the Straw Hat


[After Merry's destruction, everyone returned to Water 7.]

[Franky, inspired by the Straw Hats' spirit, planned to build his dream

ship and gift it to them!]

[And this ship, he designed it himself since childhood and had it built

daily by the treasure tree, Adam!]

[This material is extremely precious; it's the same material that formed

the pirate ship of the Pirate King, Roger!]

[After the joint efforts of Franky, Carrera Company, and Yokozuna for

dozens of days...]

[Finally, a new pirate ship was born!]

[Thousand Sunny!]

[Looking at the adorable lion head in front of them, Luffy and the others

loved it!]

[Franky's dream is to construct a ship with his own hands and voyage to

every corner of the world!]

"My dream is entrusted to you!"

[Looking at Franky, Luffy stood at the bow of the ship and said with a


["Instead of entrusting your dreams to us, let's fulfill them together,

witness the ship you've built, and journey to every corner of the world!"]

"Franky, join us!"

[Seeing the smiles on Luffy, Zoro, and the others' faces, Franky burst into


[At this point, the Straw Hat Pirates welcomed a second comrade, and

after Merry...]

[Thousand Sunny!]

"Thousand Sunny..."

Led by Luffy, Zoro, and the others gazed at the pirate ship adorned with

the lion's head in the illustration, their faces beaming with joy.

"Franky's dream ship was actually crafted from the treasure tree, Adam..."

"What a priceless ship!"

Everyone marveled. To be honest, just by looking at it, Thousand Sunny

was invaluable!

It shared the same material as the ship sailed by Pirate King's Roger...

Even so, everyone felt no difference with Merry, whether in Luffy's heart

or in the hearts of Nami and others. They treated them equally!

The Going Merry, Thousand Sunny, both were their companions!

As long as Franky was willing, he could construct this dream ship just

like in the illustration.

Connect the two ships and sail together on this sea!

This way, everyone would not only have Merry as a partner but also

Thousand Sunny!

Luffy stood up, a trademark smile on his face!

"Let's head to Water 7 first!"

"Let him, the person who knows the ship best, join us early. Presumably,

Merry won't be harmed that much!"

"At the same time, we welcome our new companion, Thousand Sunny!"

"Having two pirate ships and two comrades is quite intriguing to think

about. Hahaha..."

Everyone agreed with Luffy's words.

But Nami... had something to add.

"Before we head to Water 7, there's one more thing we need to do."

This statement puzzled everyone.

Nami smiled, "Our current location has entered the territory of a



The moment these words were uttered, everyone's attention was piqued.

Even though they all agreed that their priority was reaching Franky first.

Considering the dire situation faced by CP9, who were defeated in the

illustration but still hidden in shipbuilding companies in reality.

Having seen the illustration, it was unlikely they'd remain in hiding; they

might seize Franky, who possessed the Pluto blueprints.

Franky alone couldn't contend with CP9's might.

Therefore, for Franky's safety and the well-being of Water 7, they needed

to reach him first!

They had to confront and overcome CP9 together.

Another point to consider was the fact that, apart from Usopp, a semi-

expert in ship matters, the rest on the ship were clueless about


Any hiccups on the way could cause unforeseen damage to Merry.

Entering the Grand Line and landing on deserted islands, each time,

Merry suffered unimaginable damage.

If Franky had joined the crew earlier, they could have avoided these

damages and repaired Merry promptly.

This way, Merry wouldn't end up like in the illustration—irreparably


Despite the urgency of reaching Water 7 first, passing through their

comrades' territories wouldn't significantly delay the meeting.

"Wow, Nami, spill it! Who's the comrade?"

Luffy's eyes sparkled with eagerness; he couldn't wait to find out.

Nami chuckled, "You're a goof, Luffy. There are only two or three

comrades who haven't been on the ship. Can't you guess? Zoro, Robin,

and Usopp probably already know."

Luffy looked astonished, "Oh! Zoro, Robin, Usopp, you guys knew!?"

Robin, with a subtle smile, replied, "Yes, I had a hunch."

Zoro nodded, "I've got an idea too."

Usopp, initially confused, suddenly exclaimed, "I know too!"

Luffy admired his comrades even more at this moment; it was almost like

kneeling before them!

In his eyes, his comrades were too sharp!

He couldn't have guessed it, but they already knew. Nami, annoyed, said,

"Then spill it to Luffy together!"

So, the four of them exchanged glances and simultaneously revealed...

Nami: "Sanji!"

Robin: "Chopper!"

Usopp: "Brook!"

Zoro: "Franky!!"

All four named different crew members! The scene became unexpectedly


Nami was exasperated!

She gave Zoro and Usopp a punch each.

"That's enough from you two!"

"One is more absurd than the other. Brook is with Moria, but that's a

different matter..."

"And, Zoro, you said Franky!?"

"He's in Water 7!"

Both Usopp and Zoro were speechless.

Nami looked at Robin and sighed, "If those two are foolish, Robin, how

did you get it wrong..."

Robin chuckled, covering her mouth.

"I knew it wasn't Chopper."

"We should be near the location of the sea restaurant, so the comrade is

obviously Sanji!"

Suddenly, Nami was taken aback, "Robin, you knew..."

Robin smiled, "I deliberately gave the wrong answer, to liven up the

atmosphere and see your surprised expressions!"

Nami: "…"

Indeed, it was quite cunning...

Luffy was ecstatic, "It's Sanji!!!"


Zoro looked disdainful, "Tsk, that curly eyebrow..."

Usopp was delighted, "Well, heading to Water 7 with Sanji should be


Nami took out the chart, pointing in one direction.

"Destination: sea restaurant. Let's find Sanji!"

"Now... Full speed ahead!"

... On the riverbank...


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Chapter 107 : Restless Akainu!

Red-Haired Pirates!

Shanks gazed at the sky in astonishment, his thoughts drifting into a


"Is that a pirate ship crafted from Treasure Adam?"

"Fate works in mysterious ways."

Shanks couldn't help but chuckle, reminiscing about his days as a

member of Gol D. Roger's crew, even if only as an intern.

As a crew member of Roger's Pirates, he intimately knew every detail of

the ship, and those moments held a special place in his heart. Roger's

pirate ship was constructed from Adam, the legendary Treasure Tree!

This material, with its unimaginable toughness, had allowed them to

navigate through countless perils during their adventures.

The craftsman who built Roger's pirate ship was none other than Franky's

master. Now, as his disciple, Franky had replicated the feat with the same

material, creating a pirate ship of remarkable strength.

Moreover, Shanks himself had passed on the iconic straw hat, a symbol of

Roger's legacy, to Luffy. Luffy's determination and bond with his crew

mirrored Roger's, creating an uncanny connection between the two


All these coincidences converged, making Shanks feel that it was all

destined—a fate that intertwined their lives.

"Luffy, destined to inherit Roger's will."

A content smile played on Shanks' lips. "Luffy, is it your dream to find

One Piece?"

"I'll be watching closely. Don't forget the promise we made."

...Water 7!

From the shadows, Franky watched the scene unfold, his emotions


Now he understood why, despite his initial disdain for pirates, he

willingly joined the Straw Hat crew. It was the deep camaraderie of the

crew that had touched him.

Witnessing their love for their ship and the selfless devotion of Merry, he

realized that his master's dream—building a ship for Gol D. Roger—had

come full circle.

Unlike his master, however, Franky chose not to remain in Water 7,

opting to travel the seas on the ship he himself had built.

"My dream ship..."

"The Thousand Sunny?"

"What a fitting name!"

Franky muttered, a reassuring smile gracing his face. Little did he expect

that the childhood designs he had sketched would find purpose when the

Straw Hats arrived.

It seemed like fate had destined him to step onto the pirate ship and

become their ally.

In his euphoria, Franky was interrupted by a subordinate.

"Boss, CP9 is on our tail! They're turning Water 7 upside down to find


"They've discovered dozens of our hiding spots, and even members of the

Galley-La Company and the shipbuilding company have been captured!"

Upon hearing this, Franky snapped to attention.


Having seen all the images, any misunderstandings about his senior

brother had dissolved. Now, the only thing unresolved was the chance for

a reunion. Learning that his actions had implicated his comrades and the

entire shipbuilding company left him anxious.

"Damn it, to apprehend innocent people..."

Franky's face contorted with anger as he realized the trap set by CP9.

"All because they're after those Pluto drawings on our bodies! But am I

just going to let them have their way like this?"

Yet, staying hidden could mean real danger for his senior and junior

brothers at the hands of the ruthless CP9.

In deep contemplation, Franky grappled with conflicting thoughts.

[The Enies Lobby arc concludes, and the bounties following the Straw

Hat incident are now revealed!]

[Enies Lobby, representing the world government's judgment, suffered a

severe blow when the Straw Hats forcibly infiltrated, defeated CP9, and

annihilated the island. This deeply scarred the reputation of the Marine

Headquarters and the World Government!]

[Consequently, the Straw Hats has become a prime target, resulting in a

significant surge in bounties for all crew members!]

[Captain: Luffy, bounty...300 million Berries!]

[Combatant: Zoro, bounty... 120 million Berries!]

[Historian: Nico Robin, bounty... 80 million Berries!]

[Chef: Sanji, bounty... 77 million Berries!]

[Sniper: Usopp, bounty... 30 million Berries!]

[Navigator: Nami, bounty... 16 million Berries!]

[Shipwright: Franky, bounty... 40 million Berries!]

[Ship doctor: Chopper, bounty still remains... 50 Berries!]

With the bounties announced, the world once again trembled.

The staggering bounty of 300 million for Luffy wasn't the only surprise.

The audience knew that after Enies Lobby came the Moria arc, and

despite defeating Moria, the world government kept their bounty

increase under wraps for the sake of their reputation.

With Luffy's 300 million, Zoro's 120 million, and the rest totaling 7,800,

it was expected, if not exactly welcomed.

The real shocker was the tens of millions bestowed upon the remaining

crew members!

Except for the ship doctor, Chopper, whose bounty remained at 50

Berries, the others received substantial increases.

People were bewildered—did the Marine consider Chopper as part of the

Straw Hat Pirates, or perhaps a beloved pet or mascot?

Surely, in any town, they could find a dog with sharper teeth and a

sturdier body, and it would be worth more than 50 Berries!

Was this bounty some sort of joke?

Everyone had witnessed Chopper's terrifying transformation after

consuming three Rumble Balls, turning into a monstrous force that even

had CP9 members on the verge of defeat.

If not for the time limit in that form, Chopper alone could likely take

down everyone, except maybe Lucci.

Moreover, even in his regular form, after consuming the Blue Ball,

Chopper's combat power isn't weak. So, why is his bounty so low!?

Everyone was puzzled, feeling as if the World Government's bounty

assessment was some kind of joke.

Meanwhile, at the Marine headquarters!

Fleet Admiral Sengoku and the three Admirals, including Admiral Aokiji,

had extremely serious expressions. Their thoughts were complicated at

this moment.

One reason was the destruction of Enies Lobby, and the other was

because of Chopper.

They couldn't comprehend why a pirate with such a high level of threat

had a bounty of only 50.

Even though he's clearly a reindeer who gained the ability to speak

human language after eating a Devil Fruit, shouldn't they add a few more

zeroes to his bounty?

"How did the bureaucrats come up with these bounties? It's truly absurd!"

"We should really give them a good beating when we have the chance!"

Sengoku expressed his frustration.

At this point, Admiral Akainu, who had been silent for a while, spoke up.

"Marshal, I believe it's time to take action against the Straw Hat kid."

His words immediately grabbed everyone's attention.

Admiral Kizaru, Vice Admiral Garp, Admiral Aokiji, and Seven Warlords

—all eyes turned to Fleet Admiral Sengoku, who remained silent with a

furrowed brow.

In contrast, Akainu, with a stern expression, continued, "The threat posed

by the Straw Hat kid is too significant, and the entire Straw Hat Pirate

crew poses a serious threat."

"The incidents in the Thriller Bark and the Sky Island were overlooked as

they didn't compromise maritime security. However, the Enies Lobby

incident is different."

"They annihilated the entire island, challenging the authority of the

World Government."

"A group of pirates like this already poses an unimaginable threat to the

seas and the world."

"Therefore, we must deal with them swiftly."

Upon hearing this, Garp was furious. He pointed directly at Akainu and

retorted, "Sakazuki, don't spout nonsense! The destruction of Enies Lobby

was caused by that fool Spandam using the Buster Call!"

"This is not about my grandson! You need to find him. Stop blaming

everything on Luffy!"

Aokiji: *sigh*

He somehow got implicated.

However, it's true that Spandam had the Golden Den Den Mushi capable

of activating the Buster Call.

Thinking of this, Admiral Aokiji couldn't help but feel frustrated.

Why did this have to happen?

Akainu maintained his cold demeanor, "Even if the destruction of Enies

Lobby wasn't caused by them, they were also involved parties. Moreover,

stepping onto Enies Lobby is a violation of the World Government's


"Vice-Admiral Garp, whether you agree or not, your grandson has

become a pirate with significant threats."

"Such a presence leaves us no choice but to eliminate it."

Garp was genuinely furious!

Whatever Akainu said, he was essentially suggesting killing Luffy...


"Sakazuki, if you dare to make a move!..."

"I dare to face you!"

A terrifying aura emanated from Garp's body.

Akainu, too, didn't back down, and red magma surrounded him. For a

moment, the entire conference room was tense, the atmosphere on the


It seemed like a fight could erupt at any moment, making everyone in the

room nervous.


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Chapter 108 : Haki!

Garp's fists were slowly enveloped in a domineering armor of Haki.

That jet-black fist struck fear into the hearts of everyone, a terrifying

clash of titans echoing throughout the entire Marine Headquarters. Who

on the seas didn't know of Garp's fist, lethal as a cannonball? A single

blow could leave you dead or crippled.

Moreover, with the reward from the live screen for the first time...

Today's Garp had once again elevated his strength, an unknown peak. As

a Marine Hero, evenAkainu may struggle against him.

Yet, Akainu's heart, filled with justice, tolerated no darkness.

Even if it meant defying his predecessors or the world, he would not

yield. Faced with Garp, who seemed ready to strike at any moment,

Akainu stood firm.

Magma surged on his body, as if daring Garp to make a move.

Crocodile, Doflamingo, and the others promptly retreated.

After all, in a real fight, their only option was to run.


The Peace Talker, Sengoku, appeared.

Angrily, he questioned, "In your eyes, do I not exist as a Fleet Admiral?"

"In the very halls of the Marine's headquarters, you provoke each other

and still intend to fight?"

"One is an Admiral, the other a hero. Are you still children?"

Akainu spoke coldly, "Fleet Admiral, Luffy is a pirate and must be killed,

even if he is the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp!"

"I believe merely issuing a Buster Call is no longer sufficient. Both

Admiral Garp and I should act simultaneously, and I'll personally handle


"Sakazuki! Hold!"

Garp could bear it no longer, leaping forward to throw a punch at

Akainu's face.

But, the Fleet Admiral took the lead, standing before him.

He understood the terrifying power of Garp, so without hesitation, he

activated Haki and his Devil Fruit ability.

In an instant, a golden light covered his arms and chest. In his experience

with his old partner, this should suffice to defend against the oncoming


However... Bang!

The Fleet Admiral was sent flying upside down, dragging Akainu along. If

not for the swift movement of Kizaru, he might have been caught in the

collision. The two flew at least ten meters before crashing heavily into

the wall.

In an instant, numerous menacing cracks spider-webbed across the walls,

leaving everyone in awe!

"What the... Did you really just do that?"

"This power is beyond terrifying, isn't it? Even the Fleet Admiral couldn't

contain it, and the Admirals themselves got caught up in it?"

Not just shocked, at this moment, both Sengoku and Akainu sat on the

ground, equally bewildered.

They knew Garp's strength was formidable, but the force behind this

punch was overwhelmingly intense. Especially Sengoku, who, as the

person most familiar with Garp, understood the boundaries of his power.

That punch seemed deceptively simple, yet the impact it created felt like

it could beat one to death.

In fact, Garp himself was a bit perplexed.

He stared at his fist in disbelief, then glanced at the two figures in the


"Good grief! Have I become this strong?"

Everyone: "…"

You're so powerful that you don't even realize it yourself? But soon, the

realization dawned upon everyone.

This had to be the enhancement Garp received during the first time of the

reward distribution.

However, after the boost, he hadn't been using it, so no one truly

understood the extent of his newfound strength.

Garp, too, lacked a clear understanding of his current power.

So, mastering that strength proved a bit challenging at the moment...

Honestly, when he struck, he was genuinely furious, driven by the desire

to take down Akainu.

Naturally, he went all out!

Yet, reason returned a bit after the strike, and seeing that Sengoku had

stepped in, he subconsciously held back most of his strength.

Unexpectedly, the power unleashed was still overwhelmingly formidable.

"Are you guys... alright?"

Sengoku stood up speechlessly, dusting himself off and giving Garp an

eye roll.

"Don't worry; I won't die! In fact, your strength is only a bit superior to

mine now."

Upon hearing this, Garp chuckled.

Akainu rose with a blackened expression, his face as gloomy as an

impending storm.

Garp's punch had knocked half of his arrogance out of him.

Others looked at Akainu with mixed expressions.

This guy remained as audacious as ever. If it were anyone else, they

might let it slide. But openly declaring his intent to bombard a person's

hometown with a Buster Call, and as a Admiral, personally executing

Marine Hero's own grandson?

That was beyond what anyone could endure!

Had Garp not been a part of the Marine, there was no doubt that he'd

engage in a full-blown brawl with Akainu right then and there—a fight to

the death.


"Let's put an end to this matter. Garp, as a senior, don't be so impulsive.

As a Fleet Admiral, I don't condone arrests without proper cause. Anyone

who dares to make a move?"

"Sakazuki, as an Admiral, can't you handle matters with a bit less

rashness? True, Luffy attacked Enies Lobby, but that's a glimpse into the

future. Currently, he's just a civilian residing in Windmill Village."

Akainu wanted to retort, but Sengoku dismissed him with a wave of his

hand, "Alright, no need to belabor the point. As long as I'm Fleet Admiral,

you all will follow my lead!"

"Furthermore, if Luffy were to die, both Garp and Dragon would go

berserk. You can't restrain Garp; do you think you can contain a Dragon?"

"And Shanks, he shares a close bond with Luffy, the little guy, and his

brother, Fire Fist Ace. As the captain of the Whitebeard Second Division,

he won't stay idle."

"I don't want the entire sea to plunge into chaos just because you

captured Luffy."

"As long as Luffy doesn't pose a real threat to the safety of the sea and the

world government, there's no reason to arrest, let alone kill him


Akainu was left speechless by these words.

For a while, silence prevailed.

However, judging by his extremely grim expression, it was unclear

whether he had truly abandoned the idea of killing Luffy.

Meanwhile, the sky live screen reappeared!

[The Enies Lobby arc is complete. The winners' list is now announced,

and the opportunity to call is open!]

[Upon completion, the next ranking on the list will commence...]

[Congratulations to Ace, Usopp, Robin for selecting the correct answers!]

[Winners are now being announced...]

[Congratulations to Ace: Acquire the Conqueror Haki power boost!]

[Congratulations to Usopp: Obtain weapons - slingshots, Black pocket,

and enhanced shooting skills. Also, gain the ability to use various

peculiar green seeds!]

[Congratulations to Robin: Develop the fruit ability, and refine the

Flower Fruit ability once again!]

At the nearby sea restaurant, a black slingshot with five pillars

materialized in Usopp's hand.

Thousands of peculiar, plant-like seeds also appeared in his hands.

Most importantly, information about these seeds appeared magically in

his mind, and the technology had greatly advanced.

"This is..."

"Sargassum, Overlord Flower, Skeleton Exploding Grass, Humanoid

Grass, Trampoline Flower..."

Yes, these seeds were special plant seeds from the Boeing Islands, which

were supposed to be released after Usopp's training there a few years

later, but now...

With the distribution of rewards, his abilities had improved significantly!

As for Robin, a warm current flowed through her body.

She could sense that her understanding of flower fruit had deepened.

Her moves were more potent, she could release more arms, and most


She had learned some new combo moves!

Whitebeard Pirates!

Ace received his reward again, feeling a shock.

The Haki enhancement didn't fluctuate much, but he could clearly sense


His own Conqueror Haki was more powerful, far more terrifying than


If released, it could potentially render countless miscellaneous soldiers

unconscious in an instant, even impacting some formidable individuals.

Such elevation was truly terrifying...

Countless captains and crew members were also astonished. The

improvement in Conqueror Haki? Ace, did you choose the right one


Oh, you're Emperor Luck, right?

All three times, I must choose with you next time...

The rewards received by the trio were witnessed by people worldwide,

immediately stirring envy.

They didn't know about Usopp's reward, but it sounded incredible!

Robin's fruit development was also a potent reward! Most importantly,

Ace... He had chosen correctly again?

Moreover, he had achieved a Conqueror Haki promotion!

This was a symbol of a king. The captain of the Whitebeard Pirates'

second division actually possessed it!

And now, it has been elevated.


However, the next moment, Luffy's reward was announced, causing

countless shocks once again.

[Since the Enies Lobby chapter arc is complete, special rewards are now

being issued!]

[Congratulations, Monkey D. Luffy, your strength has been enhanced


[Physical fitness improvement, the side effects of the second gear

completely disappear, and it can be used for an extended period!]

[And master it in advance, gain the ability to use the Haki!]


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Chapter 109 : Lucci Defying


No side effects in the Gear Second?

At this moment, numerous viewers were astonished!

They had been following the live broadcast and were well aware of how

formidable Luffy's combat prowess was in the Gear Second.

It's a geometric multiplier of strength!

Without this mode, he wouldn't have been able to defeat Lucci...

In this state, the only major concern for Luffy is the side effect.

If there are no side effects... Fantastic!

Everyone couldn't fathom just how formidable Luffy's combat

effectiveness would be if he remained in the Gear Second for an extended


Moreover, he had just earned the second reward, mastering Haki in


The significance of Haki is self-evident, and being able to master it is

simply indescribable for the enhancement in battle!

At this moment, Luffy's strength... Soared once again!

A restaurant on the sea!

By now, the Merry was already nearing the destination.

The moment the reward was announced, his body underwent a


Witnessing that, he was shocked throughout his body, collapsing directly

to the ground, unconscious... Seeing this, everyone was utterly



How is his reaction to receiving rewards different from others? Fainted


"Luffy, how are you feeling?" Nami asked curiously.

Luffy turned his head and smiled, "Feels good. If I encounter Lucci again,

I'll definitely knock him off more easily!"

Upon hearing this, everyone was relieved.

"The Sea Restaurant has arrived!"

Simultaneously, the Merry was also directly approaching the pier...

"Yay, it's time for a big meal!!!"

Luffy was the most excited, jumping off the ship and sprinting toward the


However, on the way, there was an unsightly man clad in golden armor

and wielding a spear-like weapon.

Yet, the foodie Luffy didn't notice at all, and in the moment he ran past,

he collided headfirst into the sea...

Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Robin, and a few others were unfazed, following

closely behind...

Today's Luffy and the others had long become global celebrities with the

live broadcast screens broadcasting their adventures worldwide!

The sea restaurant was also a widely known place, attracting a large


Yet, at this moment, they were all kneeling on the ground, trembling in


Some even bore injuries on their faces.

It wasn't that they were scared of Luffy; it was the fear...

"Huh? Why are you all so scared?" Luffy asked in bewilderment.


"Miss Nami, Miss Robin~"

Sanji, donned in a suit with hearts in his eyes, twisted his body like

seaweed, attempting to embrace the two. However...

Nami's fist sent Sanji crashing to the ground.

"As expected, even on their first meeting, they still find Sanji as repulsive

as in the picture, with Robin covering her mouth and giggling behind..."

"Despicable! You pushed me into the sea!" At this point, the person

previously thrown into the sea by Luffy climbed back up. It was none

other than the captain of the Krieg Pirates, Don Krieg!

It turned out that the temporary closure of the sea restaurant, the

multitude of people beaten, and the captures were all due to his arrival...

"Straw Hat Luffy?"

"Hehehe, even though you guys are impressive, that's only in the future!"

"Now, I am not afraid of you!"

"Perhaps by killing you, I can make a name for myself in the sea and be

in the limelight again!"

Krieg grinned wickedly, raised his weapon, and prepared to attack


Luffy frowned and extended his arm directly... Snap!

With a powerful swing, he soared into the sky, then descended swiftly

into the sea.

Interestingly, at that very moment, a Sea King, mistaking him for food,

leapt eagerly from the ocean depths.

With a single gulp, it devoured Krieg... and then, nothing followed.

Several of Krieg's underlings met the same fate, dispatched by Luffy in a

similar fashion.

The Sea King resurfaced, dining bite by bite, as if enjoying a buffet! It

burped contentedly before swimming away.

If it could speak, it might express genuine gratitude... "Thank God for the

unexpected feast!"

This spectacle left Sanji and the patrons of the sea restaurant


Could it be that the formidable enemy they were desperately facing had

been effortlessly dealt with?

Is Luffy already this formidable?...

[All rewards distributed now!]

[Initiate a conference call with all forces and connect with the key figures

of the major forces...]

[During this time, feel free to communicate openly or engage in private


[Time limit... Ten minutes!]

Luffy's voice was the first to break through as the call began.

"Hey, Franky, can you hear me?"

"Hey, leopard head, can you hear me?"

Leopard head?

Upon hearing this, many were perplexed.

Who is this?

However, soon everyone realized that it was none other than Rob Lucci.

In that moment, Lucci, residing in the Water 7, wore a dark expression.

Leopard... Head?

["Straw hat boy, I'm waiting for you in Water 7. I hope you arrive soon,

or I'll lay waste to this place!"]

["And Franky, there's no use hiding. If you don't emerge within an hour,

I'll systematically eliminate your little group until there's noone left!"]

At this point, both Franky and Luffy, situated in the sea restaurant, were


["You dare!"]

Franky's voice resonated among the transponder snails.

Lucci's choice of words had truly irked him.

Without further delay, he chugged down his drink, determined to

confront Lucci directly for a life-and-death battle...

Yet, Lucci found amusement in witnessing others in such disarray.

["If you don't want to show yourself, then hide quietly. By the time I

finish off everyone, it'll be too late for you to reappear..."]

["And Straw Hat Kid, you dared to infiltrate Enies Lobby to rescue Robin

and later, for the sake of Franky... Would you care to visit the Water 7?"]

"I'll wait for you here. This time, we'll clash once more…"

Luffy's expression was resolute. He turned towards the voice and


"Alright, I'll head to the Water 7 and send you flying again!"

As their words echoed, the entire world seemed to overhear their


At that moment, everyone recognized Lucci for what he was—the

notorious killing machine. It was ruthless to coerce Luffy by putting the

lives of the Water 7's residents on the line.

The discussions erupted instantly, with many feeling that Lucci had

crossed a line. Even within the Navy headquarters, figures like Sengoku,

Garp and the top Marine officials, including the Three Admirals, frowned.

Though Lucci wasn't directly under the Navy's jurisdiction and operated

as part of the world government, his actions tarnished the world

government's authority. Threatening others with civilian lives—making

such declarations before the entire world—was seen as a smear on the

world government's image.

Even Admiral Akainu wouldn't resort to such tactics. If he were to take

such drastic measures, it would be done quietly, away from the public


Admiral Sengoku picked up the Den Den Mushi.

"I am Marshal Sengoku. Lucci, don't act recklessly. Your actions will

impact the dignity of the world government!"

"I apologize, Marshal Sengoku. I am not under your jurisdiction."


Sengoku hesitated for a moment, acknowledging that Lucci was right.

Although he held the marshal position, he lacked control over CP9.

"The world government must intervene. We need to halt Lucci!"

"If he proceeds to harm the Water 7's civilians, it will create a global


Without hesitation, Sengoku communicated with higher-ups. The other

party, attentive to the situation, promptly ordered Lucci to retreat.


Lucci severed the Den Den Mushi connection, cutting off all

communication with the outside world.

At this moment, not only Sengoku but even the World Government was

dumbfounded. This kid, a rebellion within the ranks of the Cipher Pol?

The disturbance caught the attention of onlookers elsewhere—

Revolutionary Army, Four Emperors Pirate Groups, and even the Seven

Warlords who followed the Sengoku and others.

They wished for more internal strife within the navy. The more chaos,

the better!

Back at the Navy headquarters, Sengoku wore a troubled expression.

"It seems the defeat by Luffy has deeply humiliated him. Even in defiance

of orders, he seeks a rematch to reclaim his dignity."

"Yes, the World Government has dispatched someone to prevent him

from harming civilians."

"With Luffy, Lucci has suffered a significant blow. Even in desperation, he

aims to defeat Luffy and restore his honor."

"But... will he truly achieve his goal?"


In the Water 7!

Lucci, with an indifferent expression, cut off the Den Den Mushi.

Kalifa, looking concerned, inquired, "Your current objective isn't

obtaining the Pluto drawings, but to confront Straw Hat again?"

Lucci remained silent, his face showing no commitment.

Kalifa sighed, "Is it worth openly defying orders just for a rematch?"

Finally, Lucci spoke.

"Disobeying orders only leads to punishment, perhaps the loss of my CP9

status at most. But if I can't defeat Straw Hat, this humiliation will stain

me forever."

"So, I'll wait for Straw Hat, and..."

"Defeat him, or even... kill him!"


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Chapter 110 : Chopper!

At this moment, the entire world was aware...

CP9's Lucci, openly defying the orders of his superiors, didn't hesitate to

confront Luffy! His intentions were crystal clear to everyone—nothing

more than a desire for a real-life battle.

On the live broadcast, the world witnessed his humiliation at the hands

of Luffy and his comrades!

Across the globe, everyone was captivated, reveling in the entertainment

of this moment.

Particularly, the lively arguments on Lucci's side with the Navy

headquarters and the World Government over the phone...

Nearly everyone in the Revolutionary Army couldn't help but burst into


Shanks, Whitebeard, Kaido, and others listened with great amusement.

Even the members of the Seven Warlords, despite their usual conflicts,

observed from close quarters, munching on popcorn.

To avoid disrupting their internal conflicts, everyone even refrained from

speaking, giving them these precious ten minutes.

The outcome did not disappoint. It was undeniably thrilling! Just by

imagining it, one could sense that the top echelons of CP9, aligned with

the World Government, must be red-faced with embarrassment!

Finally, the ten minutes swiftly elapsed, and the Den Den Mushi in

everyone's hands vanished.


On Drum Island!

Chopper gazed at the sky in astonishment...

He was aware that Luffy and his crew would soon head to the Water 7,

leading to a fierce battle with CP9!

He felt anxious, fearing that Luffy might suffer serious injuries as

depicted in the image.

Truth be told, he really wanted to join the adventure with everyone,

but... he was reluctant to leave Drum Island.

"If you want to go, then go!"

At this moment, a voice from above resonated.

Chopper turned around; it was Dr. Kureha, accompanied by Dalton.

Kureha held a bottle of wine and spoke in a bold manner, "Your

intentions have been written all over your face since the beginning.

You've been itching to head to Water 7 to find them, haven't you?"

Upon hearing this, Chopper hesitated for a moment, then vehemently

denied it.

"No way!"

Kureha laughed, "Alright, go find your comrades. They're about to face a

fierce battle!"

"Whether it turns out as tragic as in the image, at least... in a pirate crew,

a doctor is indispensable."

"I've arranged for someone to wait for you at the port. He'll guide you to

the location of Water 7."

"I'm sure you'll reunite with your comrades there..."

Upon hearing this, Chopper's expression became visibly conflicted.

"But... even so, I can't help but feel attached to Drum Island."

Kureha suddenly erupted in anger and bellowed, "What are you doing,

you brat? Your comrade needs you, and here you are wasting time!"

"Hurry up! It'll be much quieter when you're gone. You stay here every

day, and it irritates me to no end!"

"If you don't leave now, be prepared to face my wrath!"

With that, Kureha menacingly brandished a knife!

Startled, Chopper nearly leaped, and even the girl dashed away in panic.

She sprinted ceaselessly toward the port.

Observing Chopper's retreating figure, Kureha gradually suppressed the

anger on her face.

Then, a hint of fondness flickered in his eyes.

"You foolish child, must you always provoke my temper?"

"I hope that alongside your comrades, you'll forge a promising future."

"I'll be watching over you from Drum Island, witnessing the day your

dreams come true..."

At the seafront restaurant!

Originally, Luffy and the others were prepared to enjoy a meal.

However, with the looming threat from Lucci...

Both Franky and the Water 7 were in jeopardy, leaving no time to spare.

"We must set sail immediately and head towards Water 7!"

"Nami, how long will it take us to sail to Water 7..."

Nami, the navigator, swiftly began her calculations and then said, "For a

normal voyage, it would take at least ten days!"

"But at full speed... Three days should suffice!"

Upon hearing this, Luffy's expression hardened. "We must get there

within two days!"

Nami couldn't help but be astonished at this declaration.

"You know, sea voyages must consider not only the distance but also

potential storms."

Entering the Grand Line, the route became even more perilous.

Unless the Merry was continuously sailing at full speed, disregarding all

risks, it might be possible to reach within two days.

Even so, everyone was aware...

To reach Water 7 in two days seemed a bit optimistic.

But it was the fastest route.

Just then, Zeff emerged.

"I know of a shortcut that can get you to the Grand Line in a day."

"But be warned, it's extremely perilous. Are you willing to take the risk?"

Zeff, having been a pirate in his early years, Sanji wasn't surprised that

he knew about the dangerous shortcut in the Grand Line.

Luffy grinned, "As long as it helps us reach the Water 7 quickly, rescue

Franky, and face Lucci, I'm not afraid of the risks!"


Seeing Luffy's determined gaze, Zeff didn't hesitate.

He promptly produced his cherished map and handed it to Nami.

Subsequently, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Robin, and Usopp all returned to the


As for Sanji, he remained on the deck.

"Hey, you lazy boy, why aren't you moving?"

"Your comrades are waiting for you!"

Zeff nudged Sanji.

However, Sanji remained unmoved.

Even when he noticed Luffy watching him from the ship, he continued

smoking quietly, unmoving...

"I can't stand leaving here..."

Zeff was irritated, "You're not a kid. Still can't handle it?"

"Your future shouldn't be limited to this sea restaurant!"

"Don't you want to discover that sea of dreams filled with ingredients?"

"That dream isn't just yours; it's mine too. Letting you set sail means

taking my dreams with you!"

"Moreover, your partner is still waiting for you!"

"He's waiting for you to go and rescue him together!"

Listening to Zeff's words to the right, dreams, partners... Sanji's face was

moved repeatedly.

At this moment, on the Merry, Luffy and several others were also waving

to Sanji.

Luffy laughed and said, "Come on, Sanji, we're getting ready to set sail!"

Nami had a wide grin, "Sanji, we're all starving!"

Usopp shouted, "Yeah, yeah, we're waiting for you to come up and cook

for us."

Robin smiled, "Though I haven't tasted your cooking, I'm sure it'll be

delicious, and it would be an honor to try it!"

Zoro had a dark line on his face, "Stop sulking. Don't act like a child.

Hurry up! If you don't get on that ship, you won't achieve your dreams!"

"By the time I become the world's greatest swordsman and achieve my

dream, you'll still be just a cook in a sea restaurant!"

The words of Luffy and the four in front moved Sanji repeatedly.

As a result, here with Zoro, the tone changed abruptly...

Sanji's face visibly darkened.

"Green seaweed head, what's wrong with being the cook!?"

"Just like that, you still want to become the world's greatest swordsman?"

"I'm afraid that when I find that sea of dreams, you'll just be a smelly


Zoro was also furious, "Acrobat? I'm afraid there's no sea of dreams at



Sanji cursed, "It will definitely exist. I'll find it and then slap you in the


Zoro retorted, "Then come up. Can't you think of finding that sea by

watching and cooking every day?"

"On it!"

Sanji also lost his temper, realizing that Zoro was deliberately provoking


Though he just wanted to board quickly, he had to admit...

He found that guy really unpleasant and just wanted to argue! Bang!

Sanji turned around, knelt heavily on the ground, and kowtowed to Zeff.

"Thank you for taking care of me..."

At this moment, Luffy, Zoro, and the others fell silent.

Because they knew this was a man bidding farewell to his family.

At such times, disturbances were not welcome...

Zeff gazed at the kneeling Sanji, feeling a bit teary.

Though he and Sanji weren't related, over the years, they had become

like father and son through mutual dependence.

After so many years together, parting suddenly was undoubtedly


Yet, Zeff also understood that Sanji's future lay beyond this sea


His future... lay in the vast sea!

Zeff fought back tears and tried to appear nonchalant, "Alright, go on.

How can you run a restaurant on your knees at sea like this?"

"Remember to realize your dreams, find that sea, and when you come

back, tell me about it..."

Sanji stood up and nodded solemnly.

Subsequently, he stepped onto the Merry, and just like that...

Looking back at the sea restaurant, and also being watched by everyone

in the sea restaurant, he sailed further and further away.

Until neither side could see the other at all... Soon, most of the day had


Following Zeff's map, the Merry moved at full speed and finally entered

the entrance of the Grand Line!

Despite a few dangers along the way, the good news was that none were


And so, the Merry continued to sail at full speed...


As the day drew to a close, they reached the vicinity of Water 7!

But at this time, they spotted a familiar figure at the pier!

A small one with a hat... Chopper? Luffy, Zoro, and the others were




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