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One Piece: Луффи разоблачен

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Краткое содержание

В 1520 году по лунному календарю Луффи отправился в

путешествие к морю!

Роджера уже давно казнили, и на морях царил порядок, а флот

комфортно отдыхал в своих штабах.

Но затем внезапная прямая трансляция потрясла весь мир!

Названы десять самых выдающихся сражений!

Топ-10: Гекко Мория против Кошмарного Луффи!

Топ-8: Жестокая схватка с леопардовым Луччи, сражающимся за



Топ-6: Достойный противник, Дофламинго Нового Мира!


Топ-3: эпическое столкновение Paramount War!


Благодаря этому открытию все стали свидетелями замечательного

роста и увеличения силы Луффи.

Даже ВМФ начал осознавать надвигающуюся опасность!

От первоначального презрения и презрения их чувства постепенно

сменились страхом и восхищением.

Может ли это быть будущий Ёнко?

Нет, это будущее... король!!!


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Chapter 20 : Reactions

At that very moment, with Moria incapacitated…

The entire world!

Everyone was in sheer disbelief!

All eyes were fixed upon the spectacle unfolding in the skies. It was


They simply couldn't fathom it. One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea,

Gecko Moria, had been utterly defeated.

Indeed, Moria, who had struck terror into the hearts of all who sailed the

seas, had been vanquished by none other than the Straw Hat Pirates led

by Luffy!

In this moment, whether they were pirates, members of the Navy,

revolutionaries, or countless spectators from various walks of life, they

were all left dumbstruck!

Even individuals like Garp, Ace, Whitebeard, and others who had

previously predicted Luffy's victory were now equally shocked.

Despite having placed their bets on Luffy, they had secretly harbored

doubts due to their awareness of Moria's fearsome reputation and


Their prior endorsement of Luffy stemmed more from their familial ties

and unwavering support than from any realistic expectations of his


To witness Luffy's triumphant defeat of Moria, one of the Seven Warlords,

was an astonishing turn of events that defied words.


Meanwhile, amidst the Whitebeard Pirates...

Many captains and crew members, under the leadership of Marco, were

deeply flabbergasted.

They found it impossible to accept the fact that Moria had been defeated!

After all, Moria was one of the Seven Warlords, a renowned pirate even

among them, the Four Emperors Pirates.

Among the numerous captains present, barring a select few, none would

dare to claim they could confidently defeat Moria.

Did this mean that Luffy and his crew possessed the strength to

incapacitate half of the captains present within seconds?

Everyone was taken aback!

Could the Straw Hat Pirates truly possess such incredible combat


Ace, who was Luffy's younger brother, stared at the sky in a daze.

His expression gradually transformed from confusion to sheer elation.

A genuine, heartfelt smile of joy spread across his face, for the person in

that image was none other than his own brother.

Whitebeard himself wore an expression of disbelief, his eyes wide open.

He took some time, but eventually, he grinned and spoke slowly, "Ace's

brother... you didn't disappoint."


As for the Revolutionaries...

"This outcome is truly unexpected, isn't it?"

"What a splendid battle! What unwavering determination!"

"The Straw Hat Pirates have earned my respect. I shall remember their


Several key members of the Revolutionary Army gazed at the sky,

continually sighing.

The battle's result had exceeded their wildest expectations. Initially, they

had anticipated Moria's victory but were now faced with his defeat.

Nonetheless, they harbored no doubts whatsoever.

The Straw Hat Pirates had paid a tremendous price for this victory, not

only in terms of their combat prowess but also in terms of their trust and

unwavering resolve. This earned the admiration of all who witnessed it.

Sabo looked at the scene, his expression somewhat bewildered.

However, he soon broke into a smile.

"Victory... A splendid outcome."

Although Sabo still couldn't recall the connection between the guy in the

straw hat and himself, an inexplicable sense of familiarity made him feel

incredibly at ease.

He had made up his mind: in two days, when he had the opportunity, he

would visit the Windmill Village.


Inside his quarters, Dragon, though he had not made an appearance

throughout the events, now bore a smile.

No longer did the tension grip his countenance; instead, it was replaced

by sheer contentment.

He did not utter a word, not even to himself, yet his normally stern

demeanor was now adorned with a smile—a solitary expression that

conveyed his inner joy.


In Windmill Village...

Luffy gazed up at the sky, his face a mix of astonishment and


Above all, an indescribable excitement and boundless hope filled his


So, this was what the future held in store for him!

How utterly marvelous...

Unable to contain himself, he embarked upon the wooden fishing ship,

ready to embrace the countless unknown adventures that awaited him!

Meanwhile, Dadan's mountain bandits and the villagers of Windmill

Village stood on the pier, their faces reflecting a myriad of emotions.

Luffy... had actually won?

He had defeated one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea...

In this moment, it all felt incredibly surreal, as if they were living in a


For ordinary folk like them, the significance of the Seven Warlords was

monumental—a symbol of ultimate evil and unparalleled strength,

enough to make anyone tremble at the mere mention of their name.

But now...

Had such a formidable figure truly been defeated by this naive boy from

their own village?

Could Luffy's future be so extraordinary?

Oh, dear God!


Elsewhere in the vast sea...

At sea restaurants Baratie, Syrup Village, Orange Town, and naval


Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Zoro, and the other members of the Straw Hat

Pirates all stared at the scene in astonishment.

Not only were they stunned by Moria's defeat, but they were also taken

aback by the strength of their captain, whom they had yet to meet in


It was a revelation that shook them to their very core...

Such a formidable adversary was destined to cross their paths in the


Moreover, they had played a significant role in defeating Moria...

If it weren't for the live broadcast, they might not have believed it!

It was beyond their wildest dreams...

Is this truly the path that lay ahead for them?

Were they truly the Straw Hat Pirates who had achieved such a feat?


At the Navy Headquarters...

The atmosphere was distinctly different from other locations...

Atop the balcony of a grand conference hall, Kizaru, Akainu, and all the

Seven Warlords gazed intently at the sky.

Their expressions ran the gamut from surprise to shock, from confusion

to utter disbelief.

Among them, three individuals exhibited particularly noteworthy

reactions—Garp, Akainu, and Moria.


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Chapter 21 : Moria's Shame


Garp laughed heartily, a grin stretching across his entire face.

The admirals on the side watched, their expressions filled with


"I know you're thrilled about your grandson's victory, but could you tone

it down a bit?"

"He's a pirate, and he defeated the Seven Warlords we recognized,

essentially giving us a backhanded slap."

Garp brushed off their concerns.

"Why should I tone it down?"

"Who am I toning it down for?"

"I got a good laugh out of this, and that's all that matters!"

He continued to chuckle, his laughter resonating through the air.

Sengoku looked exasperated, but there was a hint of astonishment in his


Luffy... Garp's grandson possessed such remarkable potential. It didn't

seem like he'd been at sea for long.

Defeating Moria was one thing, but could he become even stronger with

time? Could he pose a threat to the Navy or even the World Government?

Sengoku's concerns deepened as he glanced at Garp, wondering how this

family could produce such formidable individuals. Thankfully, Garp

wasn't a pirate, or their lineage would indeed be a menace.

Sharing Sengoku's sentiments was Akainu. His expression was a mixture

of incredulity and fury, as if he hadn't moved his bowels in a month and

was now helpless.

He had challenged Luffy earlier, confident that the Straw Hat captain

would face defeat if he battled Moria. But this slap to the face had come

swiftly, and it stung.

However, Akainu's perspective on Luffy's growth differed slightly from

Sengoku's. He believed Luffy's potential was limited, and there was no

real chance of him becoming a significant threat to the Navy.

Moria was considered the weakest among the Seven Warlords, so his

defeat wasn't shocking. Akainu's anger stemmed more from Luffy's

challenge to the Navy's authority.

But he still wasn't afraid. How could someone like Luffy, with his slender

frame and only a few visibly combat-capable crew members, ever become

a Navy-threatening force?

Not everyone present shared Akainu's certainty.

The two admirals, Kizaru and Aokiji, were mildly surprised but not

overly so. They knew Moria was among the weakest Warlords, and

Luffy's victory over him wasn't too astonishing.

They also didn't adhere strictly to Absolute Justice like Akainu and didn't

attach as much importance to the Navy's reputation.

The two admirals were like casual observers, curious about whether Luffy

and his crew would continue to grow and perhaps someday become a

true threat.

Among the remaining Warlords, reactions varied.

They were all astonished by Luffy's performance, as they hadn't expected

Moria to lose. Even though he was weak, he still held the title of a Seven


Defeating him indicated the Straw Hat Pirates' strength, enough to

challenge the other Warlords. This level of strength demanded their


Even those who had previously taunted Moria, like Doflamingo and

Crocodile, now wore serious expressions.

Before, they had mocked Moria under the assumption that Luffy would

lose. But with Moria's defeat, the situation had changed.

To some extent, Luffy and his crew posed a threat to their own positions

as Warlords.

Among the six Warlords, Jinbe, Mihawk, Kuma, and Boa Hancock didn't

feel threatened. They were surprised and impressed, with a hint of


However, Doflamingo and Crocodile felt a growing sense of unease.

Moria, on the other hand, had fallen to his knees, his face void of any


One thought consumed him: he had lost. He had been defeated by a

fledgling pirate crew. As a member of the Seven Warlords, he would be

the laughingstock of pirates and the Marines alike.

Perhaps he would soon be expelled from the ranks of the Seven Warlords.

How had he ended up in such a miserable situation? He had already

suffered a defeat at Kaido's hands, and now this group of rookies had

humiliated him.

He couldn't believe his misfortune. And to make matters worse, he had

rashly promised to call Luffy his father if he lost. Now, not only had he

lost, but he had also gained an unwanted title.

Moria deeply regretted his impulsive words. His situation had gone from

bad to worse.

As the world continued to process Luffy and his crew's victory over the

Warlord, the scene in the sky unfolded further, revealing another figure.

This figure was just like Moria...


Another of Seven Warlords!

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Chapter 22 : Shocking News

The scene left everyone in shock, but they found themselves drawn back

to the unfolding events on the Live screen in the sky...

[As countless shadows poured out, Moria's defeat was officially


[In this moment, he had no strength left to fight, only collapsing to the

ground, falling into a deep slumber...]

[Simultaneously, the sun burst forth, its radiant beams covering the land

in an instant!]

[Meanwhile, in the Florian Triangle...]

[Countless pirates and marines who had been trapped in the dark sea by

Moria, their shadows stolen, witnessed their shadows returning, leaving

them utterly stunned...]

[They were unaware of Moria's battle with Luffy or the sudden return of

their shadows...]

[But in that moment, as they felt the warmth of the sun again, tears

welled up in their eyes, and their excitement knew no bounds...]

[Though they didn't understand why, they knew someone must have

defeated Moria for their shadows to return...]

[The excitement and disbelief were overwhelming.]

[Moria, a notorious Warlord of the Sea, a true sea pirate. Who could

possibly defeat him?]

[But such considerations became irrelevant. To these pirates and marines

who had their shadows stolen, their saviors had arrived.]

[All eyes turned skyward as they wept, tears blending with expressions of


[Thanks to this anonymous benefactor who defeated Moria, their

shadows had returned, allowing them to escape the darkness and return

to the sunlight...]

[In the future, they would learn from Laura and other pirates that the

name of their savior was...]

[Luffy, or rather... the Straw Hat Pirates!]

Many were deeply moved by this sight, realizing that Luffy and his crew

had achieved more than just defeating a formidable foe. They had

unwittingly saved countless lives, earning an immeasurable amount of


[On the island, Luffy had shrunk in size due to the side effects of his

Third Gear technique, compounded by the toll of prolonged combat. He

had fallen into a deep slumber.]

[Chopper and the others were doing their utmost to care for Luffy and

provide him with medical attention.]

[Laura's pirate group, too, was filled with excitement, having finally

defeated Moria, reclaimed their shadows, and glimpsed a brighter


[However, just when everyone was rejoicing, a calm voice dampened

their spirits...]

[Following the sound, they spotted a massive figure seated atop a ruined


[Zoro, Laura's group of pirates, and even other people present felt a

renewed wave of fear coursing through them.]

[For this person was not ordinary; he was the last person they wanted to


[Like Moria, he was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea...]

[Tyrant Bear, Bartholomew Kuma!]

Once more, everyone was left in awe!

The Navy, pirates, and the entire audience tuned into the live broadcast

were left flabbergasted.

No one had expected another Warlord to appear after Moria's defeat. And

this one... was the fearsome Tyrant Bear, renowned throughout the


Why was he here? How had he appeared in Moria's territory?

These questions puzzled everyone, including the likes of Sengoku,

Akainu, and other marines, as well as the present Donquixote Doflamingo

and others.

Normally, the Seven Warlords had no dealings with each other, keeping

to their respective territories and rarely venturing out.

But now...

All eyes turned to the massive bear, seeking answers that even he seemed

unaware of.

Bartholomew Kuma was just as baffled.

He had never expected, as a Melon-eating civilian, to find himself in such

a predicament. What was he doing in Moria's territory?

Seeing Kuma's confusion, those present realized he was just as clueless as

they were. After all, these events were unfolding in the future, and

without the rest of the broadcast, no one could know the reasons behind

his presence.

[As Kuma appeared, the expressions on the faces of everyone present

turned grim, and cold sweat began to trickle down their brows.]

[They all knew the terrifying reputation of the Tyrant Bear!]

[In terms of sheer strength, he was likely even more formidable than

Moria, whom they had just defeated!]

[Everyone braced themselves, fear gnawing at their hearts, but they had

no choice...]

[Kuma remained seated, holding a Den Den Mushi in his massive hand,

as if engaged in conversation.]

["I know that one of Seven Warlords has already been defeated before. If

another is also defeated by the Straw Hat crew again, it would damage

the Navy's reputation. I will clear everyone present and suppress the


[With these words, Kuma finally locked eyes with the group before him

and descended slowly from his perch.]

[His immense presence, as he moved through the crowd, exuded an aura

of oppression and terror that left everyone paralyzed.]

[No one dared to make a move...]

The information in the broadcast once again sent shockwaves through

everyone, but it wasn't just Kuma's intimidating presence that stunned

them; it was the shocking revelation he made...

What was happening?

The Tyrant Bear had just claimed that one of the Seven Warlords had

already been defeated before Moria.

And it was the Straw Hat Pirates who had achieved this feat?

Such an impossibility left everyone dumbfounded.

The entire world was in a state of shock...


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Chapter 23 : Zoro's Determination

Navy Headquarters!

Garp and Sengoku exchanged glances, each with a hint of disbelief in

their eyes.

Among those present, including Akainu and the others at the rear, as well

as the Warlords of the Sea...

At this moment, everyone even doubted whether they had heard


Moria... Wasn't he the first Warlord of the Sea defeated by Luffy and his


This can't be true, right?

Who is this Warlord of the Sea?

Each of them has been personally acknowledged by the World

Government, and the pirates they select are incredibly formidable!

For so many years, no one has ever dared to challenge the authority of

the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

No one has ever defeated a single one of them.

And now it's even rumored that they have defeated two in a row!

Since when did the Warlords of the Sea become so weak that they could

be defeated consecutively?

What about their reputation?

The admirals, the Shichibukai, they were all rendered speechless...

This grandson of Garp, what he's done is truly... unbelievably audacious!

Within the Seven Warlords of the Sea, strength varies widely. Some are of

average strength, while others are on par with the Four Emperors, like


They could understand Moria's defeat; after all, his strength was indeed

lacking, and he was considered one of the weakest Warlords of the Sea.

But the others... It seems like each of them wouldn't be an easy opponent

for a rookie pirate!

Who the hell did Luffy defeat?

This became a mystery in everyone's mind.

Even the Warlords of the Sea and the others, who were shocked in their

hearts, were filled with curiosity.

In any case, this incident was no less shocking than Moria's defeat!

Amidst the shock and confusion of everyone present, Moria's reaction was

quite different.

Initially, Moria was defeated, lost face, and knelt in a corner, feeling


But when he saw the unfolding scene...

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he stood up as if rejuvenated.

What the?

One of the Warlords of the Sea was defeated?

And before me!?

For a moment, Moria felt slightly less humiliated.

Defeated by Luffy and his crew... Perhaps it wasn't so shameful after all!

At least he had someone to share in the disgrace, right?

Not to mention... That person was defeated before him!

[The overwhelming aura exuding from Kuma was undeniable.]

[Merely walking down the street made everyone hesitate to move.]

[With a mere wave of his hand, most of Laura's pirate crew disappeared


[This terrifying power instantly awakened everyone, and Kuma's strength

was undoubtedly many times greater than Moria's!]

"Despicable!" Zoro's face contorted; now that Luffy was unconscious, he

had to protect the captain.

Despite his exhaustion, he didn't waver for a moment and attacked Kuma


However... The power of Kuma far surpassed Moria, not to mention that

everyone from the Straw Hat crew was already at the end of their rope.

In an instant, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, and the others who had launched the

attack were all knocked down, one by one!

Before anyone could react, Kuma conjured a massive bubble with his

hand and hurled it violently...


With a deafening explosion, everyone present, except for Zoro, was

blown unconscious.

Seeing Zoro, who was still protecting his captain despite being exhausted,

Kuma cast a sidelong glance. After all, the fact that he could fend off an

attack in his state proved his strength.

"I'll take the Straw Hat kid, and the rest of you can go. This is already the

greatest mercy I can offer, isn't it?" Kuma spoke.

Zoro knew very well that he couldn't defeat the person before him, but he

had to protect the captain.

"With my life, I'll trade for his safety. You won't be at a loss, especially

since you're facing the future world's greatest swordsman," Zoro declared.

Kneeling on the ground, his posture lowered, but his determination and

pride remained unshaken.

To protect his crew and their captain, he was willing to do whatever it


This loyalty, trust among crewmates, and unwavering dedication moved

even the perennially expressionless Kuma.

In fact, it moved everyone who was watching this live broadcast!

The Whitebeard Pirates!

When Kuma appeared, everyone was as puzzled as the Navy.

Hearing that Luffy had defeated a Warlord of the Sea was even more


Now, witnessing Zoro willingly risk his life to protect Luffy, everyone was

left in awe.

Zoro's performance had always been apparent to them; he was the

strongest fighter among the Straw Hat crew, second only to Luffy.

The fact that he was willing to sacrifice his life for Luffy was a testament

to the bond between crewmates and their loyalty to their captain—

something truly extraordinary.

It was worth everyone's admiration!

Ace was deeply moved and relieved when he witnessed this scene.

"Luffy... You have reliable crewmates."

"No, you have many reliable crewmates..."

After all, before Kuma appeared, Usopp, Sanji, Robin, and the others,

though frightened, had willingly attacked to protect Luffy, even though

they were exhausted. Ace had seen it all.

Despite the small size of his brother's crew, it seemed to include some

unique individuals.

But without exception, they were all dependable.

In this way, for his brother, who had once wandered alone, Ace was

completely at ease.

Navy Headquarters...

Mihawk, the world's greatest swordsman, observed the scene and couldn't

help but smile.

"The future world's greatest swordsman... Interesting."

"I look forward to meeting you someday."

From the beginning, he had noticed this unique swordsman who wielded

three swords.

At present, his swordsmanship was far from Mihawk's level.

But his courage was commendable!

However, courage alone wouldn't be enough to face him and compete for

the title of world's greatest swordsman...


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Chapter 24 : Respect

[After a moment of silence, Kuma approached Luffy.]

[With a gentle tug, a large red bear paw bubble emerged from the

unconscious Luffy's body!]

"This is all the pain, suffering, and exhaustion that the Straw Hat Kid has

accumulated in this battle. If you can endure it all, I will consider your


"But I must warn you, in your current condition, I doubt you can bear it

at all!"

[As a piece of advice, I can let you experience a fraction of it first..."]

[Saying this, the Kuma flicked his palm, and a small bubble separated

and floated towards Zoro...]

[In an instant, an indescribable, searing pain erupted throughout Zoro's


[Zoro at that moment began to tremble uncontrollably.]

[As if he were touching the breath of death, as though all the world's

agony was compressed into this one moment, it was an overwhelming

and suffocating experience!]

[A small bubble caused such excruciating pain; imagine enduring a

bubble thousands of times larger...]

[If you can withstand it all, you might survive!!!]

[So, what do you say? If you'd rather not, I can disregard your previous

words and continue taking away the Straw Hat..."]

Zoro mumbled incredulously, "Is this the pain Luffy has been enduring all

this time?"

[Gradually, determination sparkled in his eyes...]

"Please let me take his place."

[Finally, Zoro and Kuma moved to a clearing several hundred meters

away, gazing at the enormous red bubble before them. Zoro took a deep


[He raised his hands and touched it...]

Even though he knew it carried unimaginable agony, and it might even

cost him his life, he didn't hesitate.

[Because Zoro understood that, as a crew member, he had to share Luffy's


[And only this method could save his life and the lives of everyone


[The scene shifted once more; Kuma had vanished, and Zoro stood in

place, appearing oddly normal...]

[But as the camera zoomed in, one could see...]

[Zoro's body was covered in blood, his clothes torn to shreds, his eyes

bloodshot, and his overall condition was dire...]

[Within a 100-meter radius on the ground, bloodstains splattered

everywhere, creating a horrifying and pitiful sight...]

[Fortunately, despite this unimaginable torment, Zoro was still alive,

which was the best possible outcome...]

[The scene shifted once more; Luffy had awakened, and Chopper had

healed Zoro. Though Zoro was bandaged all over, at least his life was no

longer in danger.]

[After defeating Moria, the Straw Hat Pirates received a tremendous

boost in their abilities and growth...]

[Now, it was time to set sail once again and continue their adventure to

new horizons...]

As everyone watched the scenes unfolding, they were deeply engrossed...

Zoro's unwavering determination and self-sacrifice left a profound


Not only did Kuma stand in awe, but also those who watched the live

broadcast at that moment...

They were moved to their core!

Luffy wasn't just strong; he had a dependable and selfless partner!

This also made it abundantly clear that Luffy's victory over Moria came at

a tremendous cost.

The level of suffering he endured was simply unimaginable.

His willpower and endurance were astonishing...


Luffy gazed up at the sky, lost in thought.

"Is this my future crewmate? Did he go through all of this for me?"

Even with Luffy's carefree personality, he couldn't help but be deeply

moved at this moment.

In the original storyline, only Sanji knew what Zoro had sacrificed for


It was a journey as harrowing as death itself!

Now, as Luffy watched the live broadcast and the Straw Hat Pirates

across the world witnessed these events...

They were all in awe.

Sanji, Brook, Nami, Usopp, Robin, and the others were stunned by what

they saw.

They were not only amazed by Zoro's choice but also by the incredible

pain Luffy had endured in this battle.

The suffering was beyond imagination!

And the most astonished of all was Zoro himself...

They saw him looking at his future self in disbelief, standing in a pool of

blood with a bewildered expression.

"Is this really me?"

He found it hard to believe that his future self would willingly sacrifice

everything for another person.

With Zoro's current mindset, it was utterly unfathomable.

But soon, he smiled...

"It appears that my future captain is a truly remarkable person."

"Why else would I be so convinced..."

He trusted his own judgement, and since he was willing to sacrifice for

Luffy, it proved that Luffy's charisma had won him over.

For a moment, Zoro had the desire to meet this captain he had never met


On the Navy's side...

Sengoku and the other high-ranking officers watched with furrowed


Their expressions hinted at a hint of envy toward Luffy and his Straw Hat


After all, defeating two Warlords in succession demanded their attention.

As for the pirates...

The Red-Haired Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates, and even the other Four

Emperors and renowned pirate crews.

After witnessing this battle, their perceptions started to shift.

This seemingly small crew, the Straw Hat Pirates, was undeniably


Whether it was Luffy as the captain, Zoro with his Three Swords style, or

Robin, Usopp, Brook, and the others...

It was becoming clear that their future was boundless!


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Chapter 25 : Rewards

[After their victory over Gecko Moria, one of the Seven Warlords of the

Sea, the Straw Hat Pirates' bounties did not increase due to the World

Government's suppression of the news.]

[However, despite the lack of a bounty increase, the Straw Hats gained

their fame thanks to this incident, and their reputation soared!]

[The Straw Hat Pirates' members and their existing bounties will now be


As the audience listened to the announcement, they were slightly

surprised yet filled with curiosity.

In the world of pirates, a significant measure of a crew's strength is their

bounties. While viewers witnessed the Straw Hats' combat prowess

during the live broadcast, they had no idea how much of a threat the

World Government considered them to be.

Seeing their bounties would provide some clarity.

On the other hand, high-ranking Marines like Fleet Admiral Sengoku,

Admiral Akainu (Sakazuki), and Admiral Aokiji (Kuzan) wore complex


These events were unfolding in the future, and they were in the dark.

However, they understood the importance of preventing the defeat of the

two Warlords and how it would affect the Navy and the World

Government's reputation.

It was clear that the news had been suppressed intentionally.

Suddenly, it dawned on both the Marines and the Warlords why

Bartholomew Kuma had been dispatched.

Among the Seven Warlords, he was the closest to the Navy, and it was

likely that he had received orders to deal with the Straw Hats.

As for why the Straw Hats emerged unscathed, that remained a mystery.

The images didn't explain, and the events had not yet transpired.

Only Kuma himself felt a tightening in his chest. His unique identity

meant he had a hunch about the reason.

As everyone's curiosity peaked, the picture continued.

[Captain: Monkey D. Luffy, bounty remains... 300 million Berries!]

[Combatant: Roronoa Zoro, bounty remains... 120 million Berries!]

[Archaeologist: Nico Robin, bounty remains... 80 million Berries!]

[Chef: Sanji, bounty remains... 77 million Berries!]

[Shipwright: Franky, bounty remains... 44 million Berries!]

[Sniper: Usopp, bounty remains... 30 million Berries!]

[Navigator: Nami, bounty remains... 16 million Berries!]

[Doctor: Tony Tony Chopper, bounty remains... 50 Berries!]

[Musician: Brook, due to unique circumstances recognized as deceased by

the World Government, his bounty had been cancelled. However, after

this incident, he will be reissued a bounty of... 33 million Berries!]

A collective gasp filled the air. Everyone, be it pirates, Marines, or

Revolutionaries, was shocked. While they had expected the Straw Hats'

bounties to rise after defeating Moria and confronting the Warlords, no

one had anticipated such high figures.

300 million Berries! In the world of pirates, any bounty exceeding 100

million was a mark of a formidable pirate. Three hundred million was

beyond anyone's imagination, especially for a crew of just nine members,

Luffy included.

Even Sanji and others had bounties in the tens of millions. It was

undeniable—the Straw Hat Pirates were a force to be reckoned with.

Admiral Akainu's face twisted in anger. A bounty of three hundred


This pirate crew had to be captured at all costs! Moria was equally taken

aback. He had been defeated by a rookie pirate, Luffy, who now had a

higher bounty than himself.

The remaining Warlords, Jinbe and Bartholomew Kuma, were equally

astonished. The Straw Hat Pirates were no ordinary rookies; they were

considered a legitimate threat for the World Government.

In the Marine Headquarters, Fleet Admiral Sengoku almost choked on his

water, coughing several times.

He turned to Vice Admiral Garp with irritation and said, "Garp, look at

your grandson! Even as a pirate, he has a bounty of 300 million! What

kind of havoc will he wreak on the sea?"

Garp, with a wry smile, replied, "Luffy always did have a knack for

causing trouble."

Elsewhere in the world, figures like Whitebeard, Ace, Shanks, Kaido, Big

Mom, and Kaido, who had previously underestimated the Straw Hat

Pirates as rookies, were also shocked by their bounties.

They had been mistaken; the Straw Hat Pirates were destined for

greatness. This was just the beginning of their journey, and if this was

any indication, their power and bounties would only continue to rise.

As the shockwaves of the bounty still reverberated, the broadcast


[Gecko Moria vs Nightmare Luffy Concludes. The list of winners will now

be announced, and the opportunity for all staff to call in will be opened.]

[After the conclusion, the next on the rankings will be revealed...]

[Congratulations to Garp, Ace, Whitebeard, Shanks, and Zoro for

correctly predicting the outcomes!]

[The winners are now announced...]

[Congratulations to Garp: Improved physical skills; Iron Fist


[Congratulations to Ace: Gained control over the Flame-Flame Fruit and

maximized its potential!]

[Congratulations to Whitebeard: Complete recovery from illness and


[Congratulations to Shanks: Regenerated the lost limb and healed the

broken arm!]

[Congratulations to Zoro: Advanced swordsmanship, comprehension of

the Three Thousand Worlds!]

Another round of astonishment erupted among the viewers.

The implications of these rewards were significant.


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Chapter 26 : Global Call?

At this moment, everyone was stunned as the rewards were announced...

"What in the world?"

"The rewards are incredible!"

Whitebeard healed from his injuries, Zoro's swordsmanship improved,

Ace's fruit power evolved, Garp's physical skills were enhanced, and Red-

Haired Shanks had his broken arm fixed?


Each of these rewards was a perfect fit for them, and it was beyond

anything imaginable!

At this moment, countless people couldn't help but envy them, their eyes

turning green with jealousy.

Even figures like Garp and others, who had chosen the correct answer,

were left bewildered upon seeing the rewards.

The Whitebeard Pirates!

They witnessed Whitebeard sitting in his infusion chair, suddenly

experiencing a shock, followed by a warm surge spreading throughout his


"Pops, are you okay?" Concerned crew members gathered around, their

eyes filled with worry.

"I... have I really recovered?" Whitebeard's eyes widened in disbelief as he

felt the newfound strength coursing through him.

For years, he had been plagued by illness, and even though he was

known as the world's strongest man, he couldn't escape the torment of his


But now, he couldn't help but feel invigorated. It had been so many years

since he had felt this powerful!

Whitebeard couldn't contain his excitement, and his hearty laughter

echoed across the sea.

Ace, standing nearby, also underwent a transformation. As a user of the

Flame-Flame Fruit, he had already honed his abilities to a high degree.

He had mastered countless techniques and could wield his fruit powers

with great skill. But even then, it felt like there was untapped potential

within him.

Now, he felt something different, a surge of inspiration that promised to

take his fruit powers to new heights. It was as if the development of his

abilities had taken a quantum leap.

"Such a reward... My fruit powers have actually improved!" Ace

exclaimed, his heart brimming with excitement.

The Red-Haired Pirates...

Red-Haired Shanks stared at the sky, still lost in shock and disbelief.

Regenrate arm?

Wait, what?

In the next moment, Red-Haired Shanks froze as he felt a sharp pain in

his left arm, the same arm that had been missing. Suddenly, countless

granules sprouted from the stump, forming a brand new arm.

This sight left everyone in the Red-Haired Pirates stunned.

"Wow, what a miracle!"

Even Shanks himself couldn't believe his eyes as he stared at his

regenerated arm, still in a daze.

At the Naval Base Town...

Zoro furrowed his brow, feeling something different from the others.

Unlike the visible recovery from injuries or the regeneration of severed

limbs, the reward for improving his swordsmanship was less apparent.

If not for the warm current surging through his body, he might have

thought it was a trick. But in this moment, he realized that something

had indeed changed.

Gripping his three swords, he gazed at the massive naval warship before

him and had a sudden realization – he could cut it down effortlessly.

Navy Headquarters!

Many Marines, led by Fleet Admiral Sengoku, were dumbfounded. The

rewards were far richer than they had ever imagined.

And what made it even more shocking was that most of the recipients

were pirates, including two of the Four Emperors, Whitebeard and


Whitebeard, previously weakened by his injuries, was now restored to his

prime. His strength was once again a monumental threat to the Navy.

Shanks, who had lost his left arm, had regained it. His already

considerable strength had increased further.

Furthermore, Ace and Zoro, both pirates, had received substantial power


Sengoku's face turned ashen. It was unimaginable that the rewards would

be so generous. If they had known in advance, they would have thought

twice before participating.

The pirates' sudden increase in power could disrupt the delicate balance

of the seas and pose a significant challenge to the World Government.

But there was one silver lining – one of the recipients was a Marine.

"Garp, you also received a reward. Can you share your feelings with us?"

inquired Sengoku.

Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji also looked over at Garp.

They were curious to hear Garp's thoughts on the reward.

With a smile, Garp replied, "I feel like my Iron Fist can bring down the

entire Navy Headquarters!"

Sengoku: "..."

[Due to an early display of combat power, additional strength is awarded

to main characters.]

[Special rewards are now being distributed...]

[Congratulations, Monkey D. Luffy! Your strength has improved, and

your Gomu-Gomu no mi has evolved!]

[You've mastered the Second Gear in advance!]

With these announcements, Luffy, who was far away in Windmill Village,

was taken aback.


"They're actually rewarding me too?"

In that very moment, a warm current surged through Luffy's body. His

Gomu Gomu no mi had instantly evolved, and his strength had reached

the level at which he could use the Second Gear.

Luffy couldn't wait to try out his newfound abilities. Red steam

enveloped his body, and a potent force gathered within him.

Those behind him, including the inhabitants of the village and the

Marines, watched in astonishment as they realized that Luffy had also

been rewarded.

And as Luffy mastered the Second Gear, he too was filled with

amazement at his increased power.

In the sky above, the broadcast continued.

"All rewards have been distributed!"

"Next, a global conference call will be initiated to connect the major


"During this period, everyone can communicate freely, call anyone from

any server, or have private conversations."

"Limited time... 10 minutes!"


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Chapter 27 : Capturing Luffy?

Everyone can communicate?

Upon hearing this, everyone was taken aback...

While they were still pondering the meaning of this sentence, suddenly!

Out of thin air, a Den Den Mushi appeared before them!

Whitebeard, Ace, Garp, Sengoku, Dragon, Kaido, Shanks, and even some

familiar faces were in front of them... All of them.

Just by looking at this Den Den Mushi, it seemed identical to any other

Den Den Mushi. There was nothing special about it.

But in the next moment... everyone was left dumbfounded.

["Hey, hey, can you hear me?"]

A voice emanated from it, not only reaching the Navy Headquarters but

also the Revolutionary Army and countless pirates could hear it.

"Is that... Luffy's voice?"

Ace was stunned, and then ecstasy lit up his face.

"Luffy, can you hear me? It's Ace!"



Luffy's excited voice came through once more.

For a while, the two brothers chatted happily...

On the side of the Revolutionary Army and the Navy, everyone had

perplexed expressions.

Ace, perhaps being a bit more clever, realized that others could probably

hear him. So, he chose to chat privately.

Suddenly, their voices disappeared entirely...


Dragon gazed at the Den Den Mushi before him with astonishment.

To be honest, he was no stranger to this device, but the ability to connect

to the entire world... was incredible.

This meant that anyone in the Navy, even the World Government, could

hear him as soon as he spoke. Even his own father and son... could hear

him too?

Whitebeard Pirates!

Whitebeard looked at the Den Den Mushi in his hand with a smile.

"Everyone's talking, huh?"


Navy Headquarters!

Sengoku, Garp, Akainu, and even the Admirals and other high-ranking

officers held Den Den Mushis in their hands.

Perhaps the distribution of these Den Den Mushis was limited...

Not everyone in the world could make calls. Only the leaders of various

factions were qualified.

Of course, this naturally included all members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

If one person spoke and didn't opt for a private conversation, everyone

who had a Den Den Mushi would be able to hear.

However, the call opportunity had just arisen, and this strange situation

left many people stunned. So, almost no one spoke; they all watched in


Only Luffy, with his carefree nature, immediately started tinkering with

curiosity as soon as he got the Den Den Mushi.

This prompted Ace, who missed his brother, to speak as well, but now

the two of them had moved to a private conversation, which the rest

couldn't hear...

It was unclear how much time had passed.

Sengoku frowned and tentatively said...


"Monkey D. Dragon, your father is in my custody. Surrender yourself now

if you want to guarantee his safety!"

At that moment, Dragon, who was on the distant Baltigo Island, heard

this and his face darkened.


To be honest, he was no stranger to Sengoku. After all, his dad and

Sengoku had been partners for many years, and he even considered him

an uncle.

But now, from the perspective of their current positions, they were

enemies, fighting against the World Government.

This wasn't the first time he had heard such banter. It had a hint of

humor, and he was used to it.

On the other side... Navy Headquarters!

Garp was suddenly anxious. "Sengoku, my friend, are you challenging me

to a fight?"

Sengoku chuckled. "Isn't this just a joke? I'm testing this device. Can your

son really hear it? What if he surrenders?"

Garp sneered. "That brat? I can't control him. Can you?"

At the same time, Akainu spoke with a stern face.

"Monkey D. Dragon can wait. As a member of the Revolutionary Army,

he poses a significant threat to the World Government, but there are

others who can deal with him. What concerns me more is... Vice Admiral

Garp, your grandson Monkey D. Luffy. He seems to pose a significant

threat in the future!"

Upon hearing these words, Garp and Sengoku, who had been bantering a

moment ago, fell silent.

Even Admirals Aokiji and Kizaru turned their attention.

After all, they had already witnessed the terrifying potential of Luffy

through the broadcast. He had defeated two Shichibukai in quick

succession, and his bounty had soared to 300 million Berries!

Moreover, this was just a milestone in his growth.

In the future, no one knew Luffy's limits, and no one knew how great a

threat he posed to the Navy and the World Government.

But one thing was clear...

The two Shichibukai had been defeated, both at the hands of the Straw

Hat Pirates. This was a massive blow to the Navy's reputation.

Otherwise, why would the world government try to suppress the news?

In any case, Straw Hat Luffy could not be allowed to remain free, nor

could he be allowed to grow stronger!

Akainu spoke with a stern face. "Straw Hat Luffy poses a significant

threat in the future, and we must arrest him before he becomes too

powerful. This is not just for the sake of peace at sea but for the safety of


"I request that Admiral Sengoku issue the order for me to personally lead

a warship to Windmill Village in the East Blue and capture Monkey D.


Once these words were spoken, all the influential figures from various

factions who were qualified to converse via the Den Den Mushi displayed

a noticeable change in expression.

They were well aware that apart from Vice Admiral Garp and Fleet

Admiral Sengoku, the Navy's most formidable combat force consisted of

the Three Admirals.

Among them, Akainu was not only the strongest but also staunchly

adhered to absolute justice!

If he ever harbored the intention of apprehending Luffy to eliminate a

future threat, there was a genuine concern that he would carry it out...

All of this was a testament to the unwavering commitment to justice he

had upheld throughout his career!

At this very moment, while many were animatedly discussing the

situation, there were also those who spoke up...

"Admiral Akainu... I implore you, spare Luffy!"


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Chapter 28 : Give me Face

The voice belonged to none other than Shanks.

As could be expected of one of the Four Emperors, his reputation and

power were undeniable, and when combined with his crew, which could

only be described as monstrous in strength, no one dared to provoke

them recklessly.

Even the Marine headquarters, unless they sought an all-out war, would

likely prefer to avoid direct confrontation with him.

At that moment, the faces of countless onlookers changed. They had

never anticipated that, after Akainu had just declared his intent to

capture Luffy, Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, would be the first to

speak. It piqued everyone's curiosity – what was the connection between

these two?

The surprises didn't end there. From what Akainu had just revealed, they

learned that Luffy was, in fact, the grandson of the Marine hero Garp.

Furthermore, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, the organization

feared by the World Government, was Luffy's father. The ties among

these three were familial, and this revelation left everyone dumbfounded.

While many in the Marine knew that Dragon was Garp's son, the fact that

Luffy was Garp's grandson was a well-kept secret, known only to those

from Windmill Village and Marine personnel close to Garp.

The shock rippled through even the members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Who would have thought that their future captain had such a powerful


If it weren't for the widespread announcement by Akainu, this

information would have remained hidden from the world.

This family's background was exceptionally formidable: one member was

a Marine hero with prestige surpassing even that of a marshal; another

was the leader of the Revolutionary Army, challenging the World

Government; and the youngest was a rising star who, at a tender age, had

already defeated two of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

This family not only had a formidable background and immense strength

but also their own distinct factions. Each member stood as a powerful

force on their own.

In the midst of this revelation, even the Revolutionaries' headquarters

had its cadre in disbelief, all of them turning their gaze toward Dragon.

Dragon, however, remained unfazed and focused on the Den Den Mushi

in his hand.

Despite his long absence from home and his lack of involvement in his

son's upbringing, he cared deeply for Luffy.

If Akainu dared to arrest Luffy in Windmill Village, Dragon would not

stand idle. He would either lead the charge to rescue Luffy or engage in a

direct conflict if necessary.

There was another who shared Dragon's sentiment: the Whitebeard

Pirates. Whitebeard observed Ace, who was merrily conversing with

Luffy in the corner, and a faint smile graced his lips.

Ace was his "son" and family, and Whitebeard prioritized the safety of his

family above all else. If Akainu attempted to harm Ace's brother,

Whitebeard would not hesitate to use his pirate group's might to aid


Moreover, Luffy's actions had indirectly aided Whitebeard's recovery

from his old injuries, and he was itching for a fight to test his newfound


Logically, they should have offered their support to Luffy. However,

Shanks had already spoken, and there was no need to take the lead.


"You know Ace's brother?"

"How intriguing..."


At the Marine headquarters, Akainu's expression shifted upon hearing

Shanks' words.

One of The Four Emperors...Red Haired Shanks? He had prepared for

Garp's interference but had never expected one of the Four Emperors to

intervene. What was happening?

Not only Akainu but also the Sengoku, Aokiji, Kizaru, and even the few

from the East Blue found it unbelievable. Only Garp understood why.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. Wretched Shanks! If it weren't

for him, his grandson might never have become a pirate.

Even if Luffy's decision to embark on a pirate's path wasn't entirely

influenced by Shanks, there was no doubt that Shanks played a role.

For a long moment, Akainu spoke, "Shanks, what's your stake in this?"

Shanks replied in a gentle tone, "Hahaha, not much really. I just happen

to know Luffy."

Akainu's resolve hardened, "Well, since that's the case, it doesn't matter.

His threat must be eliminated, and no one can stop it."

Shanks maintained his gentle tone, "You're a great Admiral, no need to

fuss over a child. Just give me some face and leave Luffy be."

Akainu sneered, "Give you face? And if I don't?"

Shanks' smile disappeared, and his tone grew cold, "If you won't give me

face, then I won't mind going to Windmill Village myself. My arm has

only just regrown, and I'm eager for a fight."

These words sent shockwaves through the world. Shanks' words were a

clear declaration of war against Akainu. If you won't give me face, I will

force you to.

It was as simple as that.

Shanks' temperament was befitting of one of the Four Emperors, daring

to challenge even an Admiral. Everyone was both impressed and fearful.

At that moment, anyone who crossed paths with Shanks in the future and

heard those words – "Give me face" – would undoubtedly comply.


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Chapter 29 : Akainu's Compromise

Red-Haired Pirates…

Shanks gripped the Den Den Mushi in his hand with a serious expression

on his face.

His bond with Luffy ran deep, dating back to Luffy's childhood. He

couldn't just stand by and watch Luffy get captured by the Marines.

The relationship between them wasn't just that of mentor and junior; it

was a pact between men.

Shanks had to make his stance clear and do everything in his power to

protect Luffy. And in this, he had the full support of his crew, the Red-

Haired Pirates.

Benn Beckman, Yasopp, and the others rose from their seats, their

expressions equally resolute. Luffy was their beloved junior, and they

were ready to follow their captain's orders.

With a single command, the Red-Haired Pirates could change course and

set sail for Windmill Village, where they knew the Marines would be



Marine Headquarters!

Sakazuki, also known as Akainu, had a grim expression on his face, and it

couldn't have been darker.

As a marine admiral, he found himself threatened, and in front of so

many witnesses no less. This was a challenge he couldn't tolerate.

Before Akainu could vent his anger, Sengoku spoke up.

"You don't need to be so hot-headed. These images are just a starting

point. We can't be certain about future events based solely on them."

"If we immediately set out to capture Straw Hat Luffy in the East Blue

using these images, it would damage the Navy's reputation, and you

wouldn't be satisfied either."

Sengoku genuinely believed this. After all, Luffy was still a rookie pirate

about to set sail. Arresting him based solely on these images would be


There was also a touch of personal bias in Sengoku's thinking. Luffy was

the grandson of his old comrade Garp. If they moved against Luffy, Garp

would likely cause a scene, and given Garp's strength and temperament,

it would be hard to control.

Red-Haired Shanks chimed in, his tone returning to its usual gentleness.

"Look, Marshal Sengoku, you've earned your position as a Navy's Fleet

Admiral for a reason. Your approach and consideration are far superior to


"Furthermore, Akainu, I'm not just helping Luffy; I'm helping you. Don't

let Vice Admiral Garp's usual cheerful demeanor fool you. If you provoke

him, you won't leave Marine Headquarters in one piece."

"As a Marine, you've probably never experienced the might of his iron

fists, have you?"

"I've been on the receiving end, and I must say, it's terrifying. If you

doubt me, give it a try."

Akainu glanced at Garp but found the old man grinning and giving him a


The whole act was just a facade. Deep down, Akainu knew the terror of

Garp's punches.

Despite his laid-back appearance, Garp was a force to be reckoned with.

If he insisted on capturing Luffy and Garp intervened, Akainu might not

be able to stop him.

Sengoku patted Akainu's shoulder, "Sakazuki, stay calm. These images are

not definitive proof. As an Admiral, you should maintain composure."

Akainu pondered Sengoku's words. He did want to capture Luffy, whether

the images were real or not.

Luffy posed a significant threat to the world government, and that was

the justice he served—eliminating any threat to the World Government.

However, he was surrounded by obstacles. For now, he had to convince

himself that Luffy's strength might have reached its limit.

Becoming one of the Four Emperors was an achievement beyond most


Maybe it was best to wait, gather more intelligence on the Straw Hat

Pirates, and if necessary, apprehend them discreetly.

With that in mind, Akainu nodded, "Very well, I'll refrain from pursuing

Straw Hat Luffy for the time being. But if he poses a greater threat in the


"I hope that Admiral Sengoku will not hesitate to give the order for me to

capture him."

With Akainu's concession, there was relief among those present,

including Kizaru, Whitebeard, and Shanks.

Zoro, Nami, Robin, and their comrades, who had been anxiously

listening, breathed sighs of relief. For now, the crisis was averted.

Sengoku smiled, "Let's move on. The Den Den Mushi transmission has


The images and sounds in the sky vanished, and the Den Den Mushi

disappeared from everyone's hands.

["All personnel, the communication time is over."]

A voice announced.

["Next, we will proceed with the list!"]

["Number 9: Sky Island, God of Thunder!"]


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Chapter 30 : God Enel

[Number 9: Skypiea Showdown! God's Decisive Battle]

On the screen in the sky, Skypiea Islands came into view!

As this proclamation resonated across the world...

It sparked an uproar once more!

"Skypiea Island?"


As people reacted with astonishment, profound skepticism gripped their


For most ordinary folks, Skypiea Island was merely a legend, as no one

had ever set foot there.

But for many sea pirates and even the Navy...

Well, they were well acquainted with it!

Skypiea Islands were situated along the Grand Line and were not easily

accessible to common people.

They stood thousands of meters above the Blue Sea!

Precisely because of this considerable altitude, many ordinary folks

believed they were nothing more than a myth.

Even several pirate crews shared this belief.

Only those who had attained a certain level of power were granted


Yet, even among the mighty, few had ventured there.

Only a select few had ever visited...


"Skypiea Island?"

"Garp, your grandson sure knows how to aim high. I've never set foot

there!" exclaimed Sengoku.

Garp: "..."

"Indeed, I've never been there myself ," added Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji,

Mihawk, and the other Seven Warlords of the Sea, their surprise evident.

Even they had rarely visited the place, given the challenging conditions.

To reach Skypiea Island, one needed to ride the perilous currents known

as the "Knock Up Stream," with slim chances of survival.

Due to this perilous journey, even those with a curiosity about Skypiea

Island were deterred from making the trip.

But the Straw Hat Pirates...

For a moment, everyone was left in awe.

Causing a ruckus in the Blue Sea was one thing, but venturing so high up,

weren't they afraid of falling to their doom?

The Whitebeard Pirates!

All aboard the ship were astonished, including their captain, Whitebeard


They were acutely aware of the dangers and difficulties of reaching

Skypiea Island.

Ace was equally amazed, his face reflecting sheer disbelief.

Goodness, his brother sure aimed high, didn't he?

They had all gone to Skypiea Island!

Even though I have never set foot there...

No, he thought, I must ask Luffy about his experiences on Skypiea Island

when I meet him one day.

The Red-Haired Pirates!

Shanks, Beckman, and the others couldn't help but react.

"Wow, Luffy sure knows how to stir things up!"

"Skypiea Island, seriously, how did they manage to reach it?"

"Luffy was mischievous as a kid, but it seems he've grown even more

unruly as an adult, hahaha..."

Laughter erupted among Shanks and his crew.

They admired Luffy's audacity.


At this moment, countless factions and pirate groups were left stunned by

Luffy and his crew's latest adventure.

They hadn't even begun to digest the information, and it was already this


Everyone understood that the path to Skypiea Island was treacherous.

Reaching it was a remarkable feat.

However, what puzzled them even more was... gods?

What gods?

The gods of Skypiea Island?

None of them had ever heard of such beings...

Meanwhile, on Skypiea Island, at Gaya Island!

A man with a white scarf, oversized earlobes, a bare upper body, and

three jade thunder drums strapped to his back sat on a throne.

He was none other than the god of Skypiea Island... Enel!

Just three seconds ago, he had been reclining lazily, watching the masses

on the live broadcast devouring their melons.

But now, he was utterly dumbfounded!

He never expected that the special event featuring the top ten peak

battles would...

Involve him!

Despite Skypiea Island being situated 10,000 meters above the Blue Sea,

the live broadcast was still accessible.

Thus, Enel and everyone on Skypiea Island could see everything clearly.

Naturally, they witnessed Luffy's victory over Moria...

Intrigued, Enel watched with keen interest.

After all, he was born on Skypiea Island and, upon consuming the

Thunder-Thunder Fruit, had gained godlike powers, becoming Skypiea

Island's God.

Nonetheless, he had never set foot on the Blue Sea.

Thus, everything about the Blue Sea remained strange and intriguing to


So he observed with great seriousness.

When he saw Moria and the Tyrant Bear consecutively appearing

between the Two Seven Warlords, even Moria piqued his curiosity.

To be honest, Enel wasn't particularly worried about Moria's combat


However, the second opponent, the Tyrant Bear... It posed a significant


As the true strongest on Skypiea Island, he seldom felt such pressure.

This deepened Enel's curiosity about the Blue Sea, and he watched with

even greater interest, eager to discover which formidable individuals

from the Blue Sea would appear in the next battle.

But what he never anticipated...

The Blue Sea's powerful figures didn't fight amongst themselves; instead,

they came to him!

In this ninth ranked peak battle, Luffy was pitted against him?

Watching silently from afar had led to him becoming entangled in this.

No matter how he tried to make sense of it, Enel couldn't fathom how the

Straw Hat Pirates had made their way to Skypiea Island.

Although he didn't yet know the outcome of the battle, witnessing their

previous skirmish had given him a clear idea of the Straw Hats' combat


Regardless of the outcome, their presence on Skypiea Island was far from



Enel sat up abruptly, the shock lingering on his face for an extended


At the same time, the entire Skypiea Island's populace was equally

astounded by the unfolding spectacle.

Much like Enel, they hadn't expected Skypiea Island to be the venue for

the ninth battle.

And they certainly hadn't foreseen Luffy facing off against their own

god... Enel!


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Chapter 31 : Straw Hats

Windmill Village…

Luffy gazed at the sky, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Sky Island... What's that?"

To be honest, he had never heard of such a place before. He knew Ace,

his older brother, was talking to someone on a Den Den Mushi, but

before Ace could finish speaking, the conversation abruptly ended.

Luffy couldn't help but feel a bit downcast.

Meanwhile, the villagers like Dadan and Makino who were standing

behind him were astonished.

"Sky Island?"

"Isn't that a legendary place?"

"Does it even exist in this world?"

"Luffy has been there... I can't believe it."

The crowd was filled with shock and curiosity. They hadn't anticipated

that Luffy's adventures at sea would be this thrilling.

Facing the infamous Shichibukai was one thing, but now he had ventured

to a place of legends, leaving everyone both shocked and eager to know


A group of children, unable to contain their excitement, rushed toward

Luffy. They gathered around him, clamoring for him to share his

adventures on Sky Island.

Luffy looked at them, dumbfounded.

"I haven't been there, so I don't know what it's like."


Meanwhile, just before the Ninth Battle was about to commence...

In various places across the East Blue, some individuals stood out as

particularly unique. They were none other than the members of the Straw

Hat Pirates.

In a naval base town:

Zoro, with three swords at his waist, gazed out at the vast blue sea.

"Luffy's hometown is called Windmill Village, right?"

"It's not too far from here."

"I wonder if I'll willingly give my life for this crew in the future."

"In that case, let's find out what kind of captain Luffy is."

With those thoughts, Zoro stepped forward. Whether he was headed in

the direction of Windmill Village or going astray, no one could say.

In Orange Town:

"My Nakama..."

Nami stared at the sky, her eyes filled with despair. She had been

oppressed for far too long by Arlong.

Under the tyranny of the Arlong Pirates, over a dozen nearby towns,

including Orange Town itself, struggled to survive. Nami, too, was forced

to work tirelessly, unable to escape her plight.

At this moment, she could only hope that someone would come to rescue

her and the others, someone she considered immensely important among

those familiar faces.

Could it be her Nakama?

Nami didn't know, but she longed to escape and find the companions

who meant so much to her in those pictures. Yet, as long as Arlong held

sway, she couldn't break free. If she did, her loved ones would suffer the


If the bonds and warmth depicted in those images were real, and if she

truly had caring companions who could defeat Arlong...

Then, she would wake up from this nightmare with tears of joy. But for


Arlong was lurking beneath the sea, and if he learned that Straw Hat

Pirates had defeated him, would he return for vengeance?

She couldn't be certain, but one thing was clear: she couldn't escape on

her own.

Nami forced a bitter smile and continued charting the sea.

In Syrup Village:

Usopp raced toward the village in a state of panic.

"What's going on? What's happening?"

He had unmistakably seen a familiar figure in Luffy's journey—someone

wearing ten-clawed gloves!

How could he forget that person? Wasn't that Kaya's butler?

But he was a pirate!?

Usopp's mind was in turmoil, and he was currently in the next town,

buying Kaya, a specialty she loved. However, when he saw a live

broadcast, he discovered the true identity of Kaya's butler.

"Kaya, I'll protect you no matter what!"

Usopp sprinted toward town with determination. Despite his fear, he

would face anything for Kaya's sake.

On the Sea Restaurant, Baratie:

"Hey, kid, aren't you supposed to be searching for your Nakama?"

Zeff approached Sanji leisurely and leaned on the restaurant's railing.

Sanji exhaled a smoke ring. "It may seem that way, but why bother

looking for them now?"

Zeff grinned. "I know you better than that."

"Don't think I don't see it. You were deeply moved earlier, weren't you?"

"Go on, find your Nakama. You can't spend your entire life in this


"Simultaneously, pursue your dream of finding the All Blue, a sea with all

the ingredients. And fulfill that dream for me while you're at it."

Upon hearing this, Sanji's smoking hand froze, and he fell into deep


In Drum Island:

Chopper gazed at the images in the sky with envy flickering in his young


He envied his future self, who had become a skilled doctor, capable of

easily treating injuries sustained by Zoro and Luffy. He envied the fact

that his future self had developed numerous combat forms.

But most of all, he envied his future self for having so many Nakama.

He yearned to find these companions, but the Drum Island held precious

memories and important people for him.

While Chopper was tangled in his emotions, unaware of his surroundings,

a figure stood silently behind him—Kureha, wearing a complicated


After what felt like an eternity, a decision seemed to settle in her heart.

Without a word, she quietly retreated.


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Chapter 32 : Capturing Robin?

In Water 7,

A man with a muscular physique and striking blue hair, donning swim

trunks, stands atop a high vantage point...

And he, naturally, is Franky!

At this moment, Franky found himself bewildered as he gazed upon the

scene. It was because he stood within the Water 7, where he served as

the head of the Franky family.

The Franky Family, led by him, not only thrived as ship dismantlers in

the business, but they were also skilled bounty hunters. Alongside their

day-to-day duties, they took on the role of pirate hunters, defending the

Water 7 that his teacher held dear.

For the sole purpose of atoning for his sins.

It was precisely because of this that Franky found it even more

perplexing to grasp his future self's actions. How had he, of all people,

become a pirate?

Wasn't that a complete contradiction? He was a bounty hunter—someone

who didn't like pirates, yet he now belonged to their ranks?

Franky wore a look of confusion that mirrored Zoro's initial reaction.

However, amidst his astonishment, Franky found himself lost in thought.

Through the sky live broadcast he had witnessed, it was evident that

Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates shared an extraordinary bond. They were

willing to fight relentlessly together, even embracing his rogue nature.

This suggested a deep integration into the pirate crew.

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Franky couldn't help but

question himself. Could it be that his future self genuinely cherished the

Straw Hat Pirates?

Or had something happened to alter his very essence during his


Florian Triangle, the Dark Sea!

In this perpetually sunless and dismal expanse of ocean, a dilapidated,

colossal pirate ship slowly sailed.

At first glance, it seemed just as lifeless as the dark sea surrounding it,

steeped in an eerie silence. However, upon closer inspection, one

particular skeleton stood out distinctly, and it wasn't just because he

sported a suit but also had an explosive hairstyle.

If ordinary folks were to witness such an appearance, they'd likely be

struck with instant terror.

The scene was simply too bizarre. Yet, this unique skeleton was none

other than one of the Straw Hat Pirates—the one who had consumed the

Revive-Revive Fruit—Brook!

"Will I defeat Moria?"

"Can I recover my shadow?"

"Will I gain new comrades and embark on another adventure?"

Brook gazed vacantly at the sky. With empty eye sockets, he kept his

thoughts hidden from view. However, his desolation was palpable.

Ever since consuming the Revive-Revive Fruit and falling under Moria's

grasp, Brook had lost track of how long he'd been stranded in this dark


With no sunlight, no companions to converse with, his days were spent

reminiscing and talking to himself.

He yearned for companionship and the solace of conversing, no matter

how trivial it might be.

Hence, when he glimpsed the live broadcast featuring his future self

surrounded by countless companions and forming deep bonds, Brook was

almost moved to tears.

If it weren't for the fact that his shadow had been taken away, trapping

him in the dark sea, he would have set sail immediately in search of

these comrades depicted in the broadcast.

"Since we're comrades, Luffy and the others will surely realize that my

shadow has been stolen."

"They'll return to defeat Moria and help me reclaim it. If that's the case..."

"I shall await their return in patience."


In this endless desert kingdom, where the scorching sun and fine sand

prevailed, cacti were the sole inhabitants. In this barren desert, a slender

woman with a cowhide hat walked swiftly.

She was none other than a member of the Straw Hat Pirates—Nico


Over the years, she had managed to elude the Navy's clutches. Under the

protection of Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, she had

covertly operated.

However, with the exposure from the live broadcast, it was apparent that

the Navy was closing in on her location.

In the past, Crocodile had concealed Alabasta's information single-

handedly, concealing their actions and evading Navy pursuit. But now...

With their revelation to the entire world, even Crocodile himself would

be unable to shield her any longer. He might even be ordered by the

Navy to capture and hand her over.

In pursuit of her dreams and to escape Navy pursuit, Robin had no choice

but to leave Alabasta, uncertain of her destination.

Would she seek a hidden refuge or search for her as-yet-unmet comrades?

One thing was clear: she could no longer stay in Alabasta.

Robin's intuition was not amiss. At that very moment, at Navy


Akainu, having temporarily abandoned the pursuit of Luffy, shifted his

focus to Robin.

"Crocodile, I believe I've come across someone quite remarkable."

With a stern expression, he cast his gaze towards Crocodile, and the other

Navy officers, including Aokiji, Kizaru, and even the Fleet Admiral,

turned their attention to Crocodile.

Crocodile felt a shiver down his spine because he knew exactly who

Akainu was referring to.

When he took Robin under his protection, he had foreseen the possibility

of her discovery by the Navy in the future. After all, her origins were far

from ordinary.

Even at the tender age of eight, her bounty had neared 100 million, a

figure that would prompt the Navy to issue a Buster Call if necessary.

Still, her unique abilities had been enticing enough for him to take the

risk, hiding her within his territory.

But he never could have anticipated...

That she would become a member of the Straw Hat Pirates in the future.

Her exposure on the live broadcast had blown her cover, revealing her

presence to the world.

Crocodile couldn't help but feel a rush of frustration. With Robin's

significance to the World Government, her discovery by the three

Admirals and even the Fleet Admiral himself left no room for salvation.

He would be drawn into the situation as well.

His only recourse was to voluntarily hand her over, pretending


"I'm not sure why this individual with such a bounty has surfaced within

my territory."

"But now that I'm aware of her position and to demonstrate my


"I shall immediately instruct my subordinates to apprehend her swiftly

and deliver her to the Navy..."

Crocodile's words were a feigned act of ignorance. He had complete

control over Alabasta, and Robin's presence had never escaped his notice.

Akainu and the others understood this but chose not to pursue it. After

all, while Alabasta fell under Navy jurisdiction, it still harbored its share

of secrets.

Their primary goal was to capture the key figures.

"Well then, I will dispatch the Marines to Alabasta with the hope that you

won't deliberately obstruct our efforts."

"The existence of Nico Robin poses a grave danger to the World


"If you or your subordinates impede our operations even slightly during

her arrest, you will bear the consequences!"

Crocodile, upon hearing these words, felt an even deeper sense of alarm.

He reluctantly nodded in agreement, concealing his true intentions.

Seeing Crocodile's response, Akainu wore a satisfied expression.

Straw Hat Luffy's connections ran deep, and for now, he remained

untouchable. However, could an orphan who had evaded the Buster Call

escape their grasp?

Unable to capture Luffy, they would seek to apprehend his comrade.

"Survivor of Ohara..Devil's Child Nico Robin. After all these years, I've

finally found you!"


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Chapter 33 : Enel

At this moment, the sky began to display a vivid scene...

[On the deserted island, there is a God who cherishes his people, known

as Gan Fall!]

[Under his benevolent rule, the inhabitants of the deserted island led

happy and healthy lives. But this tranquility was shattered with the

arrival of a stranger...]

["Gan Fall, your power is insufficient to be the God of this deserted

island. You might as well relinquish your position to me!"]

[A shirtless man with three spherical thunder drums strapped to his back

and wielding a scepter slowly approached the temple.]

[His face bore a mocking and contemptuous grin, as if he didn't care

about Enel or anyone else before him.]

"Have you no fear of insulting a god?"

[Enel's countless guards, incensed, brandished their weapons and charged


"God? Preposterous..."

"I am the true god!"

[Countless bolts of thunder erupted from his body, and in an instant, he

unleashed devastation.]

[The terrifying thunder obliterated everything in its path, including the

numerous guards and the God of the deserted island, including Gan Fall.]

[Despite this destruction, the man before him remained nonchalant, as if

it required no effort at all.]

His mocking and disdainful smile remained unaltered as he gazed upon

the entire populace of the deserted island and declared, "Remember this

day, for your god shall henceforth be known as... Enel!"

Thunder roared!

As the scene unfolded, the entire world was left stunned!

Countless factions witnessed this spectacle, their faces reflecting shock

and awe.

The power and dominance exhibited by Enel were overwhelming. Even

with numerous guards and the former God, Enel, present, his single move

defeated them all.

With a mere wave of his hand, a terrifying surge of thunder left people

trembling, feeling utterly hopeless.

Marines Headquarters!

Kizaru, Sengoku, and the three admirals, including Aokiji, gazed at the

spectacle in the sky, their expressions shifting slightly.

"Enel... Has he mastered the power of lightning?"

"Could it be a Devil Fruit ability?"

Sengoku's eyes narrowed slightly, pondering.

Kizaru nodded, adding, "It's highly likely."

"I believe I've come across records of this ability in our department's


"It's known as... the Goro Goro no Mi!"

These words sent shockwaves through everyone present, including

Doflamingo and others.


"Goro Goro no Mi?"

Today, there are countless Devil Fruits across the seas, divided into three

categories: Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia.

Even those with extensive knowledge may not be familiar with all Devil

Fruits unless they've seen records of them.

However, some Devil Fruits have already gained notoriety even without

appearing on the seas.

The Goro Goro no Mi is one such fruit!

Whether within the Marines or among pirates, countless individuals

know of its terrifying capabilities and covet its power.

Who wouldn't desire such a Devil Fruit?

"I never expected the Goro Goro no Mi, which has been absent for so

long, to be on this deserted island."

"It's no wonder this man called Enel is so formidable."

"Consuming the Goro Goro no Mi grants even the most inept person

unimaginable destructive power, let alone someone with inherent


"It's truly frightening..."

"Based on this display alone, his power rivals that of the Seven Warlords

of the Sea!"

The conversation between Kizaru, Sengoku, and the others reached the

ears of the Shichibukai in the background: Crocodile, Jinbei, Mihawk,

and others.

They weren't disdainful or dismissive, but rather, they agreed


That's because they too recognized the extraordinary strength displayed

by Enel in the image!

If this individual were born in the Grand Line, whether as a pirate or a

member of the Marines, he would be an immensely formidable presence.

At least among the seven individuals present, aside from Mihawk, who

exuded confidence.

The other six harbored uncertainty...

Even Mihawk's eyes held a hint of solemnity.

He had absolute faith in his swordsmanship, but facing him...

Even if victory were assured, it would undoubtedly require substantial


In any case, this individual was incredibly powerful!

Simultaneously, aside from the shock at the Marines Headquarters,

countless pirate crews across the seas, as well as the distant

Revolutionary Army and ordinary civilians, witnessed the image and

were equally astounded.

Whitebeard, Shanks, Dragon, and other well-informed individuals shared

the sentiment.

Enel, the God of the deserted island and Luffy's adversary in this


The terror he displayed surpassed all expectations!

Enel's might was in no way comparable to that of Moria...


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Chapter 34 : Straw Hat at Sky


The screen continued to play.

[They saw a pirate ship slowly approaching, with a flag bearing a skull

and crossbones, topped by a straw hat.]

[There was no doubt; this was none other than the Straw Hat Pirates!]

[Luffy and his companions stood at the ship's bow, gazing eagerly at the

island before them.]

[This journey was taking them to a legendary place—the Sky Island!]

[While the existence of the Sky Island seemed unbelievable, Luffy

remained unwavering in his belief.]

[With determination in his heart, Luffy, accompanied by Zoro, Nami, and

the others, disembarked and headed to the town to gather information

from the villagers.]

[However, when Luffy shared his intention to reach the Sky Island at a

tavern, he was met with ridicule because it was considered a mere


[In the eyes of the townsfolk, Luffy and his crew were just dream-chasers,

fools following a myth.]

[Yet, Luffy remained resolute in his belief in the Sky Island's existence

and responded with unwavering determination.]

"Pursuing one's dreams should never be mocked!"


[After some inquiries, Luffy and his crew located the island's sole

inhabitant who knew the way to Sky Island.]

[Guided by two gorillas, they made their way to the sea's center, the only

route to Sky Island.]

[This route was none other than the Knock Up Stream—a colossal

whirlpool resembling a black hole.]

[It seemed as though any passing ship would be sucked into the abyss,

swallowed by its unforgiving depths.]

[The mere sight of it sent shivers down one's spine.]

[Above this treacherous path, a towering ocean current reached into the

sky, its end unseen.]

[In the face of this daunting route, Luffy remained unwavering.]

[Despite the hardships and dangers it promised, he would not back


[That was what adventure was all about.]

"Let's go, towards the Sky Island!"

[With Luffy's command, Nami, Usopp, and the others wasted no time and

steered the ship directly into the Knock Up Stream...]

As the scene played out, those watching the live broadcast couldn't help

but feel a stirring in their hearts.

Their emotions swelled not only because of the captivating scene but also

due to Luffy's unwavering commitment to his dream.

His fearlessness and willingness to take risks infected everyone watching.

Dreams were something that many people in the world once had but

gradually forgot as they grew older.

Whether they were marines, pirates, or countless adventurers, they had

all started their journeys with the same unwavering determination that

Luffy displayed in that moment.

However, somewhere along the way, they had all lost sight of their

original aspirations.

They had become the people in the town who laughed at Luffy's dreams.

The viewers were moved because, in that moment, they saw a different

side of Luffy—a boy with a straw hat, a simple appearance, and an

unwavering spirit.

He had held onto his original intentions, and his crew, in their own way,

supported him wholeheartedly.

Despite occasional disagreements, they would always stand by Luffy's

side in the end.

This dedication to their dreams and trust in one another left everyone

admiring and envious.

The Whitebeard Pirates!

Many captains and crew members watched in silence, seeing their own

reflections in Luffy and his crew.

Among all pirate crews, the Whitebeard Pirates were the warmest and

most tightly-knit.

Whitebeard treated his crew like his own children, and in turn, they

considered him their father.

This bond, forged without blood ties, created a sense of family among the


It was something the Whitebeard Pirates took great pride in.

As they watched the Straw Hat Pirates, they felt that same sense of


It was as if this wasn't just a pirate crew but also a family.

Whitebeard sat on his massive chair, lost in thought for a while.

Finally, he smiled and expressed his satisfaction.

"I've traveled my entire life, faced countless struggles and tribulations.

These experiences shaped the big family of the Whitebeard Pirates, and

you all are my greatest source of pride."

"But it took me nearly half my life to achieve this..."

"The Straw Hat Pirates, on the other hand, have had this from the very


"They're not just partners; they're family!"

"It's a world apart from the other pirate crews formed for selfish desires,

ambitions, and treasure hunting."

"I really like the Straw Hat Pirates!"

"Ace, your brother is fortunate..."

Ace, upon hearing this, scratched his head with a proud smile.

The Red-Haired Pirates!


Shanks gazed at the image of Luffy with a softening expression in his


As one of the Four Emperors and a seasoned pirate, he had traveled the

seas for many years, visiting countless countries and towns, meeting

countless people.

But the one who had left the deepest impression on him, the one who felt

truly special, was Luffy.

It wasn't just because Luffy had eaten a Devil Fruit of his back then...

The main reason was that Shanks saw a reflection of his younger self in


He saw the determination never to admit defeat, the unyielding pursuit

of dreams, and the refusal to look back.

That was why, after making a pact with Luffy, he had given him the

priceless straw hat directly.

Although he had questioned it more than once later on...

Luffy had been just a child back then. Would he truly follow through

with their agreement? Would he forget his original intentions?

But now, it was clear...

He had overthought everything.

Luffy was still the same Luffy.

That straw hat was worth more than anything Shanks possessed.

His judgment had been right!

Luffy was unique...

He was the future of the new era.

Perhaps one day, he would stand alongside Shanks or even surpass him.

And maybe, they would fulfill the agreement they had made and

find...The Legendary...

One Piece!


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Chapter 35 : Sky Island

"Luffy, I look forward to that day," Shanks said with a smile. "To fulfill

the promise we made back then."

The reason Shanks cared so deeply about Luffy wasn't just out of

gratitude. Perhaps... he was the one who imparted his dream to Luffy!

Seeing Luffy was like seeing his own dreams...


[Before long, the pirate group arrived at the edge of the whirlpool. All

they had to do was wait for the current to erupt, which would propel

them straight to the Sky Island!]

[Of course, even though it sounds easy, the dangers involved are beyond


[A Sea King had just passed by the edge of the whirlpool and was

instantly sucked in by its terrifying suction force.]

[Sea Kings are already larger than warships, with unimaginable strength.

Yet, they couldn't escape the vortex's pull.]

[This path was fraught with peril from the very beginning, and the

dangers that lay ahead were unimaginable...]

[Even the pirate ship carrying Luffy and his crew couldn't hold out much

longer, seemingly on the brink of being engulfed by the whirlpool.]

[However, despite the looming danger, Luffy's face showed no signs of

panic; his expression remained resolute as he gazed at the sky.]

"I have to go to that Sky Island myself!" he declared.

[This wasn't just about satisfying their curiosity; it was about proving

that dreams are just as real as those who had once laughed at them.]

[Then, suddenly, the sea grew calm...]

[The massive whirlpool vanished instantly, leaving everyone in shock as

they stared at the now tranquil sea.]

"The current is about to erupt!" Nami exclaimed.

And indeed, as Nami spoke, a torrent of water suddenly shot into the sky

like a pillar of optimism, piercing through the clouds.

[This tremendous force lifted the entire Straw Hat Pirate Ship into the

air, propelling them toward the heavens.]

Everything now appeared safe, but reaching Sky Island wouldn't be that


[Because they were ascending with the ocean currents' help, the ship had

detached from the pull of gravity.]

[If this continued, it wouldn't be long before the ship was peeled away

from the current and plummeted heavily from such a height.]

[At this altitude, a fall to the water's surface would likely result in

everyone being reduced to pulp.]

Faced with imminent danger, Nami, the navigator, ordered the crew to

unfurl all the sails. With the wind's assistance, the ship briefly slid


Throughout the journey, they encountered dangers like wind, currents,

high altitudes, gravity, and vibrations.

[At this moment, Luffy and his crew were in extreme peril, but they had

no choice; they could only move forward.]

[Either they would successfully ride this current to the Sky Island, or...]

[They would plummet from the sky and be reduced to nothing.]

Those watching the live broadcast couldn't help but gasp at the

dangerous scene on their screens.

Did Sky Islands really exist?

Even if they didn't, the sight of this current rising from the sky was

astonishing enough!

But what impressed them even more was the Straw Hat Pirates' courage.

In the face of such danger, they dared to press on. Weren't they afraid of


Viewers stared at the screen, filled with dread.

Experiencing it themselves was unthinkable.

If they were flying through the air, their legs would go weak instantly,

rendering them unable to stand.

Even sea bigwigs like Garp, Sengoku, Whitebeard, Shanks, and others

were horrified by the scene.

They knew Sky Islands existed.

They also knew that the path to the Sky Island was through this knock up


But they had never attempted it themselves, so they only knew it was


But they had no idea it was this perilous!?

For a moment, they watched Luffy and his crew, who were still headed

for the Sky Island in the screen, and silently sweated.

Garp, in particular, seemed unfazed, but sweat dripped from his


Inside, his heart was a tumultuous mix of anger and worry.

"Kid... How could you be so reckless? The Grand Line is vast; you didn't

need to go to the skies! Are you really unafraid of death? Even when a

sailor ought to be cautious, you act so recklessly, without any

consideration for this old man's feelings! The next time I see that brat, I'll

give him a proper talking to..."

[Finally, after a long and treacherous journey...]

[Luffy and his crew, along with their pirate ship, endured countless

dangers and climbed an unknown distance.]

[In a blinding flash of white light, they broke through the clouds...]

[When they looked again, the Knock Up Stream had vanished, replaced

by an endless sea of white clouds.]

[The sea of clouds before them stretched as far as the eye could see,

resembling a land made of clouds, truly peculiar.]

[Luffy and his crew were left in awe at the breathtaking sight before


Those who watched the broadcast were equally astonished.

The Sky Island... It really did exist!

And it was even more extraordinary than they could have imagined...


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Chapter 36 : Lightening?

Luffy and his crew hailed from the Blue Sea, and they had never ventured

above the clouds or set foot on the legendary Sky Island. Everything

before them felt incredibly strange!

Luffy, utilizing the powers of his Gomu Gomu no Mi, extended his

rubbery arm to explore among the countless clouds. Eventually, they

stumbled upon two flying fish – the same creatures as those found on Sky


"Wow! Fish actually live in the clouds!" Luffy's eyes sparkled with

wonder, and his excitement was shared by Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and the

rest of the crew.

As the scene continued to unfold, they marveled at the wonders of Sky

Island. High above the clouds, an island existed, resembling both land

and a palace – truly a magnificent sight.

Here, they encountered creatures and plants entirely different from what

they knew in the Blue Sea, alongside familiar elements like trees, land,

and rocks, all existing at an astonishing altitude of 10,000 meters above

the ocean.

The clouds served as both oceans and land, capable of being cut and used

like rocks. Even more astonishing, the inhabitants of Sky Island sported

small wings resembling those of angels.

As the entire Blue Sea audience beheld this sight, they were overcome

with shock! The entire world now knew that Sky Island was real, and it

matched the legends in every fantastical detail.

Just as the Sky Island's god, Enel, had been curious about the Blue Sea

when watching the live broadcast, the Blue Sea inhabitants were equally

fascinated by Sky Island.

After all, for them, Sky Island had remained a legend, known only to a

select few like the Marines, Sengoku, and Garp, who had never ventured

there personally.

Now, as they witnessed Sky Island's wonders unfold before their eyes –

one magical scene after another – they were left in awe.

"It truly resembles the descriptions in our historical records," someone

marveled. "I can't believe Garp's grandson made it up there."

Simultaneously, the broadcast continued to reveal more:

Luffy and his crew had only just arrived on the outskirts of Sky Island,

and Nami had already determined their path forward.

Along the way, they encountered some of the native Sky Islanders and

gleaned essential information about their new surroundings. They

learned that very few people from the Blue Sea had ever visited Sky

Island, with such occurrences happening only once every few years.

Originally, Luffy and his crew had planned to spend a couple of days

exploring and adapting to Sky Island's unique environment, but fate had

other plans.

Nami, Luffy, and Sanji hid the ship and ventured into the island's forest,

where they were captivated by the strange flora and fauna.

Suddenly, the crew noticed a commotion not far away. Three Sky

Islanders with wings were chasing a Blue Sea individual. This unexpected

turn of events piqued their curiosity.

They had never imagined that other Blue Sea dwellers could be present

on Sky Island, and now, someone was being pursued and in grave danger.

Driven by their curiosity, Luffy and his crew approached cautiously from

behind to assess the situation.

As they drew nearer, they got a clear look at the three winged Sky

Islanders – a bald man with peculiar facial markings, one with a flight

cap and glasses, and an obese individual resembling a human ball. Their

menacing demeanor suggested that they were not to be taken lightly, and

it was evident they intended to harm the fleeing Blue Sea person.

Just as Luffy, Solon, and the others debated whether to intervene on

behalf of their fellow Blue Sea inhabitant, another group suddenly


These newcomers, dressed in peculiar attire, glided gracefully through

the sky above the clouds, wielding massive cannons. Their target? None

other than the three winged Sky Islanders!

This abrupt battle left Luffy and his crew dumbfounded. They had never

anticipated such a complex situation upon their arrival on Sky Island.

Meanwhile, the Blue Sea individual, who had been fleeing, saw a brief

opportunity to escape during the chaos.


Just as they took a few steps, a blinding flash of white light streaked

across the sky, and in an instant...


A bolt of lightning struck down from above...


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Chapter 37 : Worry for Luffy

Suddenly, an unexpected scene unfolded before everyone's eyes.

Everyone who witnessed it couldn't help but be stunned!

["A massive thunderbolt descended, engulfing the fleeing Blue Sea's


["In an instant, they were completely obliterated!"]

["The thunderous roar and the ensuing chaos caught everyone's


[Upon seeing this, the group of raiders seemed to glimpse something

immensely frightening and fled without hesitation.]

[Shortly after the thunderstorm dissipated, the Blue Sea's individuals had

vanished without a trace...]

["Nearly half of the island lay in ruins, with countless fragments scattered

everywhere, leaving everyone in awe...]

["The destructive force was akin to being bombarded by countless

battleship shells!"]

["Luffy, Zoro and his companions, concealed in the shadows, were

equally shocked."]

["This power is nothing short of terrifying!"]

["At that moment, the three inhabitants of the Sky island who had

pursued the Blue Sea's people turned grave and reverent."]

["Lord Enel has acted; on this Sky island, none can escape God's


[Hearing this, Luffy, concealed in the shadows, was dumbfounded...]

["God's judgment?"]

["What kind of god is that!?"]


Meanwhile, at the Marine Headquarters!

Sengoku, Garp, Akainu, Kizaru, and other Marines widened their eyes in


The same went for the group behind them, including Crocodile...

There was no need to guess; the shocking scene in the picture was the

work of Enel, the Thunder Fruit user of the Sky island!

This was utter devastation...

He had instantly vaporized all the people and reduced half of the island

to rubble!

Everyone was awed; it was truly one of the most formidable abilities

among the Logia Devil Fruits!


The destructive power was terrifying...

Was this the legendary god of the sky island?

The God that controlled thunder...

"This was just a casual attack. No one knows how terrifying Enel, the god

of the Sky island, can be when he goes all out!"]

Smoking a cigar, Crocodile was composed on the outside but anxious


Kuma, The tyrant nodded in agreement.

["This individual's strength, if he appears in the Grand Line, will likely

instill fear in many!"]

["At least, from what we've seen, his strength surpasses that of most in

the Seven Warlords of the Sea..."]

The Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock, Doflamingo, and others wore somber


As the footage played on, they began to realize that Enel's strength was

even more terrifying than they had imagined!

Before, they might have considered themselves slightly superior to Enel.

Now, having witnessed the destruction, their confidence wavered.

At the very least, none of them could replicate such horrifying

destruction with a single blow, reducing half of an island to rubble...

Garp and Sengoku stood forward, their expressions gravely concerned.

To be honest, among the dozen or so present, they were the most

concerned about Luffy's safety.

After all, one was Luffy's grandfather, and the other was Garp's old

comrade, an elder to Luffy.

Despite Luffy becoming a pirate, Sengoku still regarded him as a junior...

Thus, upon seeing Enel's strength, both couldn't help but worry about

Luffy's well-being.

Though Luffy now possessed the power to defeat Moria, facing such a

formidable adversary, how could he hope to emerge victorious?


Whitebeard Pirates!


Ace leaned against the ship's railing, eyes fixed on the sky, his face

etched with concern.

Truthfully, Enel had yet to make a direct appearance on the live


But with just two casual attacks, he had already displayed unimaginable


Even today, Ace hesitated to guarantee a victory if he were to face this

so-called god of the Sky island...

And the Luffy in the image was still in his formative years.

Could he and his few crewmates truly overcome such a powerful foe?

Not just Ace, even Whitebeard, who sat nearby, watched the footage of

Enel effortlessly shattering half the island, his expression turning solemn.

Such devastating power from a mere casual strike was unprecedented,

even in the Grand Line.

Compared to their battle with Moria, this man was on a completely

different level...

Although they weren't overly concerned for themselves, it was a different

story for Luffy.

If before, they had confidence in Ace's choice of Luffy as the future Pirate

King, now they found themselves filled with uncertainty.

Luffy... Would likely lose.

Because they couldn't fathom how Luffy could emerge victorious against

such an overwhelming adversary.


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Chapter 38 : Onlooker's Worry

Red-Haired Pirates…

"Luffy is in danger!"

"Yes, I didn't expect to encounter such a formidable opponent on this Sky


"The Goro Goro no Mi truly lives up to its name, one of the most

terrifying Logia devil fruit."

"Luffy, this young man has quite the thunderous power. Why don't you

pay your respects to the God of this Sky island?"

"But isn't the Devil Fruit supposed to be in the Blue Sea? How did it end

up on this Sky island?"

Benn Beckman, Jesus Burgess, and the other core members of the Red-

Haired Pirates gazed at the sky, expressing their astonishment.

Similar to the Marines and the Whitebeard Pirates, they were all

awestruck by the devastating power displayed by Enel.

They were well aware of the fearsome capabilities of the Goro Goro no


Even though they had history with Luffy and his crew, they had to

acknowledge the current situation. They doubted Luffy's chances of

winning this battle.

From their perspective, the odds of victory for the Straw Hat Pirates

seemed exceedingly slim.

This wasn't like their encounter with Gecko Moria, where a glimmer of

hope remained. This time, there was no hope whatsoever.

Red-Haired Shanks, seated on the ground, remained silent,


After a prolonged moment, he raised his head, his expression grave but


"I still have faith... Luffy will still win."

Shanks' declaration left Beckman and the others dumbfounded.

"No, Captain, have you been drinking the sake too hard?"

Shanks' serious demeanor transformed into a smile.

"I'm not drunk. I believe in Luffy, and he made a promie with me. He's

destined to become the Pirate King one day."

"If he can't overcome this hurdle, how can he fulfill our agreement?"

Upon hearing Shanks' words, his crew wore puzzled expressions.

What did Luffy's victory over Enel have to do with becoming the Pirate


Could defeating Enel truly be the key to achieving that lofty title?

Or would losing here make it impossible?

They concluded that their captain must have overindulged in sake once


Shanks laughed, undisturbed by their confusion.

In the end, he placed his trust in Luffy.

While conventional wisdom dictated that Luffy had little chance of

winning this battle, there was something about him that inspired

unwavering confidence.


[Luffy, Zoro, and the others concealed themselves in the shadows,

observing the three individuals from the Sky island.]

[From their conversation, they gleaned startling information.]

[These three are the God's Officers, the priests serving under Enel.]

[They are, aside from Enel himself, the most powerful figures on the Sky


[They had just witnessed these priests pursue and execute a man from

Skypiea for evading the island's entrance fee.]

[These Angels were responsible for such minor matters, as the true God,

Enel, could monitor the entire island at any moment.]

[Their actions, speech, and even thoughts were all laid bare before him.]

[Thus, Enel occasionally eavesdropped on the island's inhabitants to

gauge their sentiments.]

[By chance, he had witnessed the priests' chase and execution of the

Skypiean, perhaps out of boredom or for amusement.]

[In response, he summoned a thunderbolt to administer swift


[Learning this news, Luffy and the others grew anxious.]

[After all, they hadn't paid the entrance fee upon arriving on the island,

citing a lack of funds.]

[Did this mean they would be pursued and executed by these three

priests if they were discovered?]

[If the island's so-called God, Enel, detected them, would he call down

thunder to obliterate them as well?]

[Luffy, Zoro, and their companions were deeply troubled. What kind of

monster was this Enel?]

[Could he truly be a god?]

[One who could oversee the entire Sky island?]

[With such a vast island, how could he possibly observe everyone's


[They realized the urgency of returning to inform the others.]

[Only Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and the rest had ventured out, while Usopp,

Sanji, Robin, and Chopper remained at the home of the kindly Kojima.]

[Such earth-shattering news necessitated immediate sharing.]

[Failure to act swiftly might lead to the same fate as the Skypiean man

they had witnessed earlier.]

[They might fall victim to the priests, or even to Enel, the god who could

monitor the entire Sky island and unleash thunderbolts without


[Zoro and Luffy weren't overly concerned, but Nami knew that their rash

actions on the island could jeopardize their future adventures, treasure

hunts, and even their lives.]

[Thus, she grabbed Zoro and Luffy, boarded the Going Merry, and raced

back the way they had come.]


At this moment, nearly half of the world's onlookers shared Nami's

anxiety as they watched the live broadcast.

The other half remained shocked.

As the footage unfolded, it became increasingly evident that Enel, the

god of the Sky island, was even more formidable than previously


His consistently overwhelming power and his ability to monitor the

entire island left everyone in awe.

How could this be possible?

Was Enel truly different from ordinary mortals, possessing god-like



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Chapter 39 : Eliminate Enel?

"Red-Haired Pirates!"

Shanks gazed at the image on the Den Den Mushi, his expression grave.

"Stay in one place and monitor every movement on that entire island."

"Could this be... Haki?" Beckman mused aloud.

As Beckman, Jesus Burgess, and the rest heard this, contemplation

overtook their faces.

Enel's power did bear a striking resemblance to Haki—a latent ability

found within all humans.

It's an innate power, yet not everyone can unlock it; it requires a certain

level of awakening.

Enel's capability to monitor everyone's actions, even their thoughts,

resembled the Observation Haki's sense and perception.

It felt similar, as it allowed him to detect the strength of his opponents

and deduce their positions beyond the range of sight.

With enough mastery, one could even foresee an opponent's immediate

future actions.

However, this depth of ability required substantial strength.

Once someone mastered Haki, they could become one of the mightiest on

the Grand Line.

But what puzzled Shanks and his crew was...

"Can Haki cover such a vast area?"

"I've never heard of it..."

Doubt filled Shanks' expression.

Regardless of whether Enel's ability was Haki or something else entirely,

it presented a significant problem for Luffy and his group.

"Luffy, will you surprise me in this battle as you did in the last one?"


Meanwhile, at Marine Headquarters...

The concerns raised by Shanks and his crew were also noticed by Garp,

Sengoku, and others.

As the highest-ranking officers within the Marines, the Admirals, the

Fleet Admiral, and even the Warlords were well-versed in the knowledge

of Haki.

They too believed that Enel's abilities were linked to Haki in some way.

Yet, there remained a lingering uncertainty—how could his Observation

Haki extend to cover the entire island?

Questions swirled in their minds.

Perhaps this was a unique aspect of the sky island's inhabitants...

Regardless, Enel's formidable power, coupled with this peculiar ability,

posed a significant threat to the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Garp, your grandson is in danger!" Sengoku shook his head with a tinge

of worry in his eyes.

As the image on the Den Den Mushi revealed, Enel, the self-proclaimed

god of Skypiea, grew increasingly powerful.

His displayed abilities became more terrifying with each passing


Could the Straw Hat Pirates, with their current strength, confront such a

formidable adversary?

Moreover, they were treading on Enel's home turf.

The question was no longer about winning the battle but whether they

could escape this terrifying foe with their lives intact.

Garp didn't utter a word in response but headed straight for the exit.

Sengoku questioned, "Where are you going?"

Garp, his expression steely, replied while walking away, "I'm going to


Upon witnessing this, the Admirals—Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji—as well

as the Seven Warlords, were left perplexed.

Skypiea? Why go to Skypiea?

However, as Garp's old comrade, Sengoku suddenly comprehended his


Garp may appear jovial and carefree, but only when nothing threatened

what he held dear. When it came to protecting his family and


His sense of justice, personified by his iron fist, would become

abundantly clear.

Over the years, whenever Garp returned to the East Blue, he captured

numerous pirates.

This was one of the reasons why, in contrast to the other seas, the East

Blue remained relatively pirate-free. All those pirates had been

apprehended by Garp himself.

Others may not understand Garp's motivations, but Sengoku did. Garp's

actions were driven by his desire to safeguard his homeland and family

from the threat of pirates.

When Luffy fought Moria earlier, despite the odds being against him,

there was no need to panic. However, facing a foe as formidable as Enel...

Even Garp, Luffy's grandfather, believed Luffy had little chance of victory

and that his life was at stake.

Thus, Garp moved to Skypiea with the intent to confront Enel head-on, to

eliminate the threat before it reached his grandson.

Upon hearing Garp's declaration, the atmosphere tensed. Sengoku

intervened forcefully, stopping Garp in his tracks.

"Garp, don't act impulsively!"

Garp's face remained stern, and his voice carried anger and


"Enel will die, I will make sure of it!"

With these words, the truth became clear to everyone present.

Garp intended to eliminate Enel, the source of the danger, before his

grandson faced a grave peril.

The most effective way to address the threat was to eliminate it at its


This was non-negotiable.

Even the likes of Kuma and Mihawk had their mouths twitching,

astonished by Garp's resolve.

Was this the same old man who habitually wore a dog-faced hat,

munched on rice crackers, and took naps?

Such was the extent of his unwavering determination.


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Chapter 40 : Garp

Everyone noticed the bruises on Garp's forehead.

Even though Garp remained silent, his intense aura of determination was

palpable to everyone present.

Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, and even Doflamingo, and Crocodile, the

members of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, couldn't help but feel a sense

of shock deep within their hearts.

Though they had never faced Garp in combat, they were well aware of

his legendary reputation within the Marines.

Despite holding the rank of Vice Admiral, he was a living legend among

the Navy ranks.

A Marine Hero, respected by all who served under the World

Government's flag.

Even without a Devil Fruit power, Garp possessed incredible Haki and the

most formidable weapon in the world – his fearsome iron fists.

He defeated the notorious Rocks Pirates, pushed the Pirate King Gol D.

Roger to his limits on multiple occasions, and captured the Golden Lion


Each of these accomplishments reverberated throughout the world,

earning him admiration from both pirates and marines alike.

Had Garp not been so adamant about rejecting promotions, it was likely

that he would have held the position of Fleet Admiral today, instead of


Hence, whether it was the admirals like Aokiji or the Seven Warlords like

Mihawk, there was no doubt in their minds.

If Garp were to leave this room and set sail for the Sky Island, the self-

proclaimed "god" Enel who resided there, no matter how powerful, would

meet an inevitable fate – death.

As for the arduous journey to the Sky Island...

If Garp willed it, it would pose no challenge at all.

Even the likes of Akainu and Mihawk believed this to be true, and

Sengoku, Garp's long-time partner, understood it better than anyone.

Enel's death would be a minor issue; the real concern was Garp's temper.

If he were truly unleashed upon the Sky Island...

It would undoubtedly become a cataclysmic event!

If not approached with care, the entire island might be obliterated.

Such an incident would surely send shockwaves throughout the world,

affecting the World Government itself!

This couldn't be allowed!

"You need to calm down, Garp!"

"Let's not rush into judgment concerning what might happen in the


"The events we've seen in those images are yet to occur, and there's no

need to be hasty."

Garp's anger flared, "Just because they haven't happened yet doesn't

mean I should wait for Luffy to face such a grave danger!"

"I won't allow anyone to threaten my grandson's life!"

These words, spoken with unwavering determination, sent shockwaves

through the room.

Even Moria was momentarily stunned and terrified.

Is this old man truly that fearsome?

During their previous battle against Luffy, he appeared unconcerned,

even laughing.

Could it be that he had been contemplating whether to kill him or not?

If someone in the images threatened Luffy's life, would Garp react the

same way?

Moria felt a shiver down his spine.

Enel was on the distant Sky Island, while Garp was right here in Marine


If Garp wanted to end him, he could do so without moving, and Moria

wouldn't withstand a single punch.

The thought sent shivers down Moria's spine.

At that moment, he was grateful that Luffy had defeated him before.

Had the situation been reversed, he might be in grave danger now.

He would rather suffer defeat at Luffy's hands than face Garp's wrath.

Listening to Garp's words, cold sweat formed on Sengoku's brow.

"Do you lack confidence in your grandson to this extent?"

"What if the outcome is different from what you anticipate, and Luffy

emerges victorious?"

"Furthermore, these are future events; we haven't witnessed the entire

battle yet."

"Even if we watch the entire battle, it's never too late to make a decision."

Perhaps fearing that his words wouldn't persuade Garp, Sengoku's mind

raced, and he continued:

"Let's do this. If, after watching the entire battle, it becomes clear that

Enel poses a genuine threat to Luffy's life..."

"Even if the Navy can't officially dispatch forces against Enel, even if I

have to step down from my position as Fleet Admiral, I will accompany

you to the Sky Island and arrest Enel."

"What do you think?"

Though he didn't believe Luffy could win, Sengoku needed to placate

Garp for now.

Sengoku's words left Akainu, Mihawk, and the others momentarily


This was escalating rapidly.

Sengoku was willing to relinquish the title of Fleet Admiral and even

arrest someone?

It was clear that their brotherly bond and friendship was stronger than


Garp's might was already terrifying, and Sengoku was no pushover either.

If they joined forces, Enel was doomed.

Upon hearing this, Garp's anger gradually subsided.

He had been rash.

The battle hadn't even started, so how could he predict Luffy's defeat?

Regardless of the overwhelming odds stacked against Luffy in this fight,

he was Garp's grandson.

What if, by some miracle, Luffy emerged victorious?

Considering this, Garp nodded, finally letting go of his immediate urge to

set sail for the Sky Island.

Sengoku and the others breathed sighs of relief.

Meanwhile, the sky projection continued to play:

"After learning of the danger they faced, Nami urgently led Luffy, Zoro,

and the others toward their pirate ship, with the intention of instructing

Robin and her group to flee the Sky Island."

"However, unbeknownst to them, Robin, Chopper, Usopp, and others

were already surrounded by the forces of the Sky Island."

"A group of white-bereted Sky Island soldiers had completely encircled

them, including their pirate ship..."


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Chapter 41 : God's Trial

The White Berets - Enforcers of the Sky Island, obedient to Enel's


Upon discovering that the Straw Hat Pirates hadn't paid the entrance fee,

they swiftly encircled them...

This was merely a warning. To gain legal entry, they needed to pay

tenfold the fee.

However, Nami, who cherished money more than life itself, had no

intention of complying.

Furthermore, even if she wanted to pay, they lacked the funds. Most of

the money aboard the ship was reserved for Luffy, the gluttonous captain.

Before anyone could react, Nami, pulling Luffy and Zoro with her, led the


This marked a definitive falling-out between the Straw Hat Pirates and

the Sky Island inhabitants!

"Chase them! Capture the illegal immigrants!" shouted Captain White

Berets, prompting an immediate onslaught against Luffy and his crew.

In this moment, Luffy and Zoro, who had been feeling rather famished,

found themselves invigorated.

While the White Berets had numbers and peculiar Sky Island weaponry,

they were clearly outmatched.

Luffy dispatched the grunts with ease, and they prepared to set sail,

leaving the turmoil behind.

Windmill Village!


Luffy gazed at the sky with unbridled anticipation, his eyes reflecting the

fervor burning within him.

Though he had yet to set sail, the captivating adventures depicted in

those images had ignited his longing for the journey ahead.

Trusted comrades, thrilling exploits, and formidable adversaries – were

these not what they sought?

Luffy's curiosity about the impending adventures surged.

Would they leave Sky Island or further explore its mysteries?

What kind of confrontation awaited them when they crossed paths with

the so-called gods of Sky Island?

And when would he meet the companions depicted in those images?

Such anticipation made him yearn for the unfolding odyssey.

Contrastingly, behind him, Dadan, Makino, and the villagers trembled,

unable to even breathe.

The existence of Sky Island, a mere legend until now, was profoundly

staggering to them.

Their current encirclement by the military was enough to paralyze them

with fear.

Yet, Luffy exhibited no fear, promptly confronting them.

The boy sure knows how to stir up trouble.

Luffy remained Luffy, after all...

As the crew prepared to board the ship, an unexpected event unfolded

yet again!


The Merry hadn't even begun its departure when it abruptly lurched

forward, leaving Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji stranded on the dock.

"Hey, Nami, why didn't they wait for us to board?" Sanji inquired,


However, not only Sanji and the others but also Nami, Zoro, and Robin

on the ship were confounded.

The ship hadn't even set sail yet – why was it moving away?

At that moment, everyone witnessed a colossal lobster beneath the

Merry, towing the entire ship forward. Following it were countless sea

monster-like creatures native to Sky Island.

Uncle Kujima, accompanying Luffy's group, was taken aback by this


"This is... Lord Enel's priests, overseer of the Ordeals, the God's Trial


Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp were left in stunned silence.

"God's Trial, Ordeals... What is this? Do they need to undergo this trial

and Ordeals?" Sanji inquired.

Uncle Kushima fixed Luffy with a serious gaze and clarified, "No, it's not

the ship's occupants who must face this trial and Ordeals, but... you


"The three of us!?" Luffy and his comrades were further bewildered.

Revolutionary Army Base Camp...


"God's Trial?"

Sabo and the others gazed at the sky, their expressions turning somber.

The Straw Hat Pirates had just triumphed over the White Berets, and now

the God's Trial had commenced immediately.

Could it be true, as previously suggested? Did Enel, as a God, oversee the

entirety of Sky Island, monitoring every move of the Straw Hat Pirates?

The implications struck fear into the hearts of many Revolutionary Army


This adversary... was truly formidable!

In the midst of this turmoil, the cadres couldn't help but glance toward

the nearby room, their eyes filled with anxiety and trepidation.

For that room was where Dragon resided.

At this point, they also knew that Luffy's father was their leader.

This revelation had shocked them all!

Had it not been for the live broadcast, they might never have realized

that their leader's son was none other than Luffy...

Meanwhile, Dragon sat in the room, peering out through a small window.

His countenance bore the weight of his concern for his son.



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Chapter 42 : Zoro

["Is it us who are being tested!?"] Luffy exclaimed, bewildered.

["That's correct. The envoy of Enel will take your friends to the Living

Altar deep within the Sky Island, and you must rescue them!"]

["If you refuse, your friends will likely be sacrificed, but if you accept..."]

["You must traverse the forest guarded by the priests, enduring trial after

trial, with the odds of survival being almost... Zero!"]

[Through Uncle Kujima's narration, Luffy and his companions finally

comprehended everything.]

[It turns out that these trials involve facing the Four Priests!]

[The Four Priests serve the God of Sky Island and are Enel's attendants.

Each of them is immensely powerful, and the trials are even more

formidable, categorized as...]

[Trial of the Swamp with a 50% survival rate, Trial of the Ball with a

10% survival rate, Rope Trial with a 3% survival rate, and the Trial of

Iron with a 0% survival rate in the end!]

[Only by overcoming these four trials can you reach the final Living Altar

and reunite with your captive friends.]

[But whether you can save them... remains uncertain, simply because no

one has ever survived these four trials.]

[No one has made it safely to the Living Altar when their friends were

taken captive!]

[However, Luffy, Sanji, and even the timid Usopp, after hearing these

words, displayed no fear whatsoever.]

"I see, so we have to go through trials to find Zoro," Luffy remarked.

["As long as you can defeat these so-called priests, you'll be able to rescue

your friends!"]

[Seeing Luffy's smile and his relaxed demeanor, Uncle Kushima and his

daughter Conis couldn't help but be astonished.]

[For a moment, they wondered if they hadn't explained it clearly


[This trial, with a zero percent chance of survival, an existence that no

one has ever survived, and yet you're laughing?]

[The two couldn't understand, let alone believe that Luffy could reach the

destination and rescue their friends.]

Wano Country... Onigashima!

In a dark and eerie chamber, a colossal figure sat upon a throne.

This figure possessed black hair, a shawl, long horns resembling dragon

horns, a dragon scale tattoo on the left arm, and an X-shaped scar on the


This wild and imposing figure was none other than one of the Four

Emperors, on par with Shanks and Whitebeard, and renowned as the

world's strongest creature...


"The God of the Sky Islands... Enel?"

"Gan Fall has been defeated..."

Kaido muttered to himself, a pensive expression on his face.

As a user of the Fish-Fish Fruit: Mythical Type, Model - Eastern Dragon,

he possessed the ability to soar through the skies.

For him, the Sky Island, an arduous destination for ordinary individuals,

was an easily accessible location.

Even during moments of boredom, he would occasionally ascend to the

Sky Island just to leap off and seek amusement through suicide.

If one were to ask who possessed the most knowledge of the Sky Island

on these seas, aside from Kaido, there would likely be no other.

Consequently, he was aware that Gan Fall served as the God of the Sky


However, he hadn't set foot on the island in several years, and

information from both locations hadn't intersected, leading to...

Kaido also learned from a live broadcast that a significant transformation

had occurred on the Sky Island!

The God of the Sky Island had changed!


"This newly appointed God appears to possess impressive strength, much

more intriguing than Gan Fall!"

"Perhaps, when I find myself with leisure time, I'll venture up there for a

little spar."

"I just wonder how many blows he can endure from me..."

Kaido muttered, a sinister smile curling at the corners of his lips.

[While the trials presented no immediate danger to Luffy and his friends

in their mission to rescue Nami and the others, a new predicament


[They hailed from the Blue Seas and were utterly unfamiliar with the

terrain, unaware of the trial's entrance, let alone how to traverse the Sea

of Clouds.]

[In this regard, Conis, Uncle Kujima's daughter, took it upon herself to

guide them.]

[As they journeyed, passing through the Sky Island town, the residents

gave them a wide berth, their faces etched with fear.]

[Luffy and his crew observed this, perplexed but unfazed.]

[Finally, under Conis's guidance, Luffy and his group arrived at the

location where the Sky Island ships were anchored.]

["These ships will carry you across the Sea of Clouds to the Trial Grounds'

entrance. Good luck..."]

Luffy and Sanji, along with Usopp, smiled, expressed their gratitude to

Conis, and prepared to board the ships.

However, before departing, Luffy paused, turning back to pose a


"As we're about to part ways, could you explain why you're so frightened

and insisted on seeing us off?"

Upon hearing this, Conis was momentarily taken aback. Then, with a

smile, she replied, "What are you talking about? I'm not afraid..."

But before she could finish, Luffy interrupted with a serious expression,

"Yes, ever since we met you, you've been trembling. Your fear intensified

when we arrived here."

Upon hearing this, Conis was completely flabbergasted. Her attempt to

conceal her emotions crumbled entirely.

Meanwhile, in the Windmill Village...

At the pier where Luffy, Dadan, Makino, and other villagers had

gathered, a small raft was approaching from a distance.

Though most present were engrossed in the sky's live broadcast, a few

sharp-eyed individuals noticed the raft in the sea.

"Look, a ship is approaching us!"

All eyes turned toward the source...

On the small raft, a man with green hair and three swords strapped to his

waist stood erect.

Everyone present was struck with shock!

Even upon their first encounter, this figure was unmistakably familiar to

everyone in attendance.

Recognizing him at a glance!

Wasn't this the individual from the live broadcast, the one who had

willingly faced peril to save Luffy's life?

One of the Straw Hat Pirates' members...

Roronoa Zoro, Zoro!!!


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Chapter 43 : Conis's Truth

It was Zoro who arrived at the windmill village!

Despite his complete lack of a sense of direction, he managed to ask for

help when he got lost in the naval base town, eventually finding his way

to the windmill village.

He arrived here by boat...

The relatively short distance between the two locations allowed for a

quick journey.


Luffy was ecstatic when he first laid eyes on Zoro!

He never expected his crewmate to proactively seek him out. Luffy had

been eagerly anticipating the day he could reunite with his crewmates

and set sail with his beloved friends. It was a pleasant surprise that Zoro

was the first to arrive.

At that moment, Luffy couldn't contain his joy.

Before Zoro's boat could dock, Luffy's rubbery arms stretched out for tens

of meters, grabbing the boat and pulling Zoro closer.

Zoro was momentarily startled!

He thought Luffy might be launching an attack!

Luckily, Zoro had seen the live broadcasts and knew that Luffy's behavior

was eccentric.

He was mentally prepared for the encounter. If it were someone he didn't

know, he might have drawn his sword...


[Although Luffy often acts carefree, he shares the same personality traits

as Garp, appearing indifferent to most things.]

[However, he is far from foolish; in fact, his instincts are often sharper

than others'.]

[From the very beginning, he noticed something was amiss with Conis...]

"I don't know why you're afraid, but you didn't need to guide us. We

could have found our way," he remarked.

Perhaps it was Luffy's kindness or maybe Conis's conscience got the best

of her, but she started to explain.

It turned out that Conis and her predecessor, Uncle from the Skypiea

Island, approached Luffy's crew with ulterior motives. They feigned

kindness and shared information about the island to fulfill a purpose.

All newcomers to Skypiea shared one common trait: curiosity and a

desire for adventure.

However, human greed sometimes led them to prioritize self-preservation

or personal gain even at the expense of others, including their comrades.

Even after triggering God's Trials, they would flee with their treasure,

abandoning their companions.

To ensure that those who awaited judgment would reach the priest's

location before their last drop of blood, Conis and her fellow guides were

tasked with leading them there safely.

Once there, the Trials would commence, and there would be no escape.

Conis and Uncle Kushima were bound by Enel, the god of Skypiea, to

carry out this task under the threat of death. That's why they did what

they did.

Hearing this, Luffy and his companions were shocked...

They had never expected that Conis and the previous Uncle, who had

shown them kindness, had such hidden motives!

Whitebeard Pirates!

"This god has a twisted sense of humor..."

"It seems that holding a high position can be incredibly boring. He

arranged for his own people to act as guides to subject newcomers to


"It's infuriating!"

"Threatening his own people's lives – this god is despicable!"

"This person is no god but a tyrant..."

Many captains aboard the ship voiced their complaints.

Their expressions and looks were filled with disdain and anger.

In the Whitebeard Pirates, family was everything.

These captains had strong bonds with their crewmates.

Though they often bickered, they'd never encountered such a vile threat.

When it came to protecting their family, they would stand united without


Enel, despite being a god, resorted to such despicable actions, which had

earned him the crew's deep contempt.

As their captain, Whitebeard was especially furious.

If Enel were present, Whitebeard might not be able to resist taking out

his Murakumogiri and attacking him...


Conis wasn't inherently bad; guilt weighed heavily on her conscience. She

had acted out of desperation to save her own life.

"Escape while you can! Before you face judgment by the priest, even if it

means leaving your comrades behind, you might at least save your own

life!" she cried.

"But once you're there, there's no hope of survival. The priest is terrifying.

Run, run for your lives!" she pleaded.

Conis knelt on the ground, sobbing and begging Luffy and his friends to

leave quickly.

However, she didn't know Luffy...

He would never abandon his comrades and flee for his life alone.

Even Usopp, who was usually the most timid, shared this resolve...

Seeing Luffy's serious expression, he addressed Conis earnestly:

"So, you were forced into doing this?"

"To force you to do something against your will... Is that the way your

god operates?"

"In that case, I won't just defeat those four priests and rescue Nami and

the others, but I'll also defeat the so-called gods and save you!"


When Luffy uttered those words, Conis, who had been kneeling on the

ground, sobbing, was struck dumb.

She stared blankly at the figure of Luffy before her, illuminated by the

sunlight filtering through his straw hat.

For some inexplicable reason, though he appeared so frail, at that

moment, he filled her with a sense of awe she had never experienced


The man standing before her seemed to embody light...


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Chapter 44 : Zoro's Regret

Windmill Village…

At this moment, on the pier, Zoro emerged from the sea with a stern


In his arms, he carried a Luffy who looked as lifeless as a limp noodle…

"You possess a Devil Fruit ability; don't you realize that you can't go into

the sea?" Zoro scolded, his frustration evident.

Zoro had finally reached Windmill Village, but before he even set foot on

the shore, Luffy had sent him plummeting into the ocean.

That impulsive guy, not only did he dive into the sea himself, but he also

gave Zoro an unsolicited bath.

Zoro looked at Luffy lying on the deck, appearing weakened.

"I know I can't venture into the sea, but I was so thrilled to see you that I

lost control of my strength..." Luffy confessed.

Zoro: "..."

At this moment, Zoro was rendered utterly speechless. Even those

standing behind him, including Makino and Dadan, were dumbstruck.

Zoro gazed at Luffy, who lay before him on the deck, grinning at him. His

heart sank like a stone. Would he genuinely be willing to sacrifice his life

for Luffy in the future?

Damn it... Could this live broadcast be trusted?

For a moment, Zoro began to question his life choices. Coming to

Windmill Village voluntarily, was it a terrible mistake?


[At that moment, lightning suddenly cracked across the sky!]


[The thunderbolt materialized rapidly, and if such a destructive force

struck, everything might have turned to dust. Everyone's faces paled...]

[Fortunately, an elderly man riding an unattractive Pegasus arrived just

in time to rescue Luffy and Zoro.]

[This man was the Sky Knight they had encountered while still in the

White Sea.]

[As everyone gazed at the massive, gaping crater on the ground, their

expressions turned grave.]

[Sky Knight spoke, "You've witnessed the power of Enel. He's been

monitoring you, and it's too late to escape now. Don't make senseless


[However, in response to the old man's warning, Luffy fearlessly

declared, "I'm here to rescue my friend. If anyone tries to stop me, I'll

knock them out, and Enel is no exception!"]

[Afterward, Luffy and his two companions boarded the Sky Knight's

cloud ship and continued their journey...]

[Soon, the trio arrived at the location of the priest's trial... Skypiea!]

[From the outside, it appeared to be an ordinary forest with countless

lush trees. However, once they entered, a terrifying sight greeted them...]

[They saw numerous boats sliced in half along both sides of a river, a

truly staggering sight!]

[Just as Luffy and his companions wondered why so many ships had been

cut in two...]

[Gigantic scythes suddenly sprang up from all directions!]

[This immense force, if it collided with a ship, would undoubtedly cleave

it and its passengers in two!]

[They narrowly dodged the scythes and soon faced a barrage of arrows!]

[Following that, they encountered one deadly and bizarre trap after


[Luffy and his two companions finally escaped these perils and reached

the end of an area.]

[They saw four exits marked as Swamp, Iron, Ball, and Rope Trials...]

[At this moment, Luffy and his friends finally realized that the trial had


Marine Headquarters!

Doflamingo gazed at the sky with his trademark wicked smile.

"How powerful are these four priests who are revered as gods on the


"Before encountering Enel, this so-called priest trial could pose a

significant threat to the Straw Hat kid!"

As he spoke, no one in the room paid him any attention.

Even Crocodile, who usually enjoyed bantering with Doflamingo, had

fallen silent.

Akainu, infuriated by Garp's earlier outburst and his desire to undertake a

mission to Skypiea to take down Enel, was now too focused on the

situation to care about Doflamingo's comments.

Akainu, well aware of Garp's short temper, wisely remained quiet.

He didn't want to incur Garp's wrath while the situation remained so


Although he secretly hoped that the Straw Hat kid would receive a severe

beating from the so-called Skypiea god, he had another hope: that they

would eliminate the troublesome threat.

On the other side, tSengoku and Garp stood at the forefront, their

expressions a mix of seriousness and anxiety.

Garp, in particular, was on edge. Though he hadn't said a word, his

unwavering gaze betrayed his concern and urgency.

An enemy like Enel exuded a suffocating aura of danger even before


He didn't expect Luffy to win this battle; he only hoped that his grandson

would grow stronger and go safely to Sabaody Archipelago.

If anything happened to his grandson during this battle...

Garp wouldn't hesitate to go to Skypiea himself, even if it meant

sacrificing his position as a vice admiral. He was determined to eradicate

the threat posed by Enel.

"Luffy, which path should we choose?" Sanji and Usopp inquired.

Luffy pondered for a moment and finally pointed to the Ball Trial in the


Sanji and Usopp exchanged bewildered glances. "Oh! Did Luffy choose

this trial because he thinks it'll be easier?"

Luffy shook his head. "No, it's just that the name of this trial sounds


Sanji and Usopp exchanged another glance and sighed in exasperation.


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Chapter 45 : Ordeal of Balls

[Sanji and Usopp, though hesitant, realized there was no better choice at

this moment.]

"In that case, we'll trust Luffy's instincts!"

[With these words, Usopp closed his eyes, summoned his courage, and

steered the ship towards the entrance of the Ordeal of the Balls...]

[Soon, after traversing a long, dim tunnel, the group arrived at a colossal


[In the air, countless small white orbs drifted mysteriously.]

[Luffy, always curious, couldn't resist reaching out to touch one, but...]

[A venomous serpent emerged from it!]

[Luffy, startled, instinctively punched it away.]

[Simultaneously, a small orb floated in front of Yamaji, who impatiently

thought it might also contain a serpent and promptly kicked it away...]


[The resounding explosion sent Sanji and Usopp, who were standing

nearby, flying.]

[At that moment, the three finally grasped the nature of the Ordeal of the


[It turned out that the numerous white orbs floating here concealed

various dangers, making it as thrilling as opening a blind box.]

[Suddenly, a peculiar individual, resembling a spherical shape, appeared

before the trio.]

[Luffy recognized him instantly; it was one of the three priests who had

pursued the Skypiea residents before.]

[Realizing he was an adversary, Luffy wasted no time and unleashed a

Gum-Gum Pistol!]

[However, the priest appeared to anticipate the attack, effortlessly

evading it while keeping his back to them. He then swiftly approached

Luffy, raising his palm...]


[A potent air cannon sent Luffy hurtling away...]

The Red-Haired Pirates!

"Is this..."

Beckman and the others stood up instantly.

As seasoned individuals, they could discern at a glance that this spherical


Mastered Haki!

"Observation and Armament Haki..."

"Is this one of Enel's four priests?"

The expressions on several faces soured.

They were aware that Luffy and his crew were yet to master Haki in any

form. For foes who could employ Haki—whether through Observation or

Armament—it posed a severe threat.

Initially, Enel, who had not yet made an appearance, had already cast a

shadow over the battle, seemingly insurmountable.

Now, even his subordinates were demonstrating Haki...

Could Luffy and his crew genuinely triumph?

What perplexed everyone even more was...

"Countless small white orbs suspended in the air?"

"Air cannons expelled from one's palm, potent enough to shock a flyer?"

"These abilities... could this priest be a Devil Fruit user as well?"

At this moment, doubt clouded everyone's minds.

Even Shanks couldn't be certain...

As they had heard about Skypiea but had never ventured there, they

remained unfamiliar with the creatures and weaponry in that realm.

If this Haki-wielding God also possessed a Devil Fruit power...

The battle would become significantly more perilous!

Just as the Red-Haired Pirates and others grappled with confusion, and

nearly all factions watching the live broadcast were similarly


The ongoing footage provided clarification!

[Luffy soared backward, grimacing in pain...]

[Usopp was astounded; Luffy possessed the Rubber Fruit, which granted

him substantial immunity to physical assaults. How could these ordinary

strikes inflict such agony?]

[The spherical priest grinned, "It's not a punch; it's a shock!"]

["A shock?" Luffy and his two companions looked baffled, but they didn't

hesitate and attacked him again.]

[Yet, a dire scenario unfolded...]

[The priest seemingly foresaw their movements, deftly evading their

attacks every time, preempting their strikes!]

[Even when Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp attacked in unison, they could only

be passive targets, incapable of counterattacking!]

[Moreover, the priest sent their boats, which had rested on the clouds'

river, drifting away...]

[With no boats, they were stranded, unable to move. Luffy instructed

Usopp and Sanji to retrieve the boats while he remained to confront the


[However... the outcome remained the same.]

[With a triumphant expression, the priest employed an ability called

(Mantra) "Heart Net," predicting each of their impending moves!]

[The shockwaves unleashed from his palm, known as "Shock Shells," were

exclusive weapons of Skypiea!]

[Although these explanations left Luffy and his comrades bewildered,

they were unaware...]

[That the priest's gloating would soon be his downfall!]


[Nami, Chopper, Robin, and Zoro, accompanied by Merry, found

themselves at the Altar of Judgment.]

[Although they were wholly unfamiliar with their surroundings, they had

no intention of remaining idle.]

[They entrusted Merry to guard the ship and, joined by Nami, they

cautiously navigated the shark-infested waters around the altar, setting

off into the forest to search for clues.]

[However, danger lurked once more...]

[A man mounted on a bizarre, giant bird swiftly approached!]

[He was none other than one of Enel's four priests, with a mere three

percent chance of survival...]

[The Rope Trial Priest!]


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Chapter 46 : Chopper's Peril

"Another priest has appeared!"

"And the pirate ship... Just me!?"

Magnetic Drum Island...

Chopper looked at the picture in the sky with a confused expression.

Luffy is also facing the trial of the ball, and the chance of survival has

reached 50%, for three people!

He never imagined that he would actually face a priest alone!

Or a priest with only a three-percent chance of survival!

Boy... Do you have the ability to do this?

Chopper was about to cry in fear...

Take a thousand Berries yourself, and do tens of millions of Work!

What is going on...

[Faced with the sudden arrival and the Rope Trial Priest who constantly

destroys the Merry, the Straw Hat Pirates are bewildered.]

[When he learned that the reason why the priest came here was because

the people of the living altar fled privately, Chopper was even more


[Damn it, Zoro, Robin and Nami!]

[If they had known that leaving the altar would attract priests, they

wouldn't have stayed here for anything!]

[But now there's no way, they can only constantly extinguish the flames

and avoid the attacks of the priest.]

[At the same time, they prayed that the whistle they had just blown was

useful. After all, it was given to them by the white-bearded knight when

they were in the White Sea, saying that it could help them once if they

blew it.]

[I don't know if it's useful, but this is the only way now...]

Meanwhile, in the Windmill Village...


Looking at the picture, Zoro showed an embarrassed look on his face.

He never expected that Chopper would encounter a priest, and the trigger

was actually himself?

If he hadn't taken Robin and Nami to explore the surroundings, they

wouldn't be in danger...

Now he has long known that although Chopper has a certain combat

effectiveness among all his crewmates, his primary role is still a doctor,

and he is not very strong.

If he was allowed to face a priest alone, the consequences would be


At this moment, Luffy suddenly spoke, "Zoro, let's go to sea!"

When Zoro heard this, he was stunned, "Go to sea?"

Luffy said with a serious face, "That's right, originally I planned to go to

sea, but you found me first, and now I've determined the location of my

crewmates, and I need to find them one by one!"

"Nami is in Orange Town, Usopp is in Syrup Village, Robin is in Alabasta,

Chopper is on Drum Island..."

"We need to rush as soon as possible because they need us!"

As Luffy's words fell, Zoro was stunned and then quickly reacted!

After watching the live broadcast from beginning to end, he naturally


Before the list officially began, some live broadcast footage was played.

And those are some of the enemies Luffy encountered at the beginning!

Most of these enemies come from the search for a crewmate!

For example, the one who controls Nami... Arlong!

"Now among all the crewmates, it is estimated that Nami is in the worst

situation. It just so happens that Orange Town is not far from us, so let's

go there first!"

When Zoro heard this, he did not hesitate at all and directly nodded in


Although now, except for Luffy, none of his crewmates have been found


But for some reason, his heart is very familiar with the names,

appearances, and even personalities of each of them...

Maybe it's watching the live stream, or maybe... It's the invisible bond of


Although the villagers of Windmill Village such as Makino and Dadan are

very reluctant to see Luffy go.

But after watching the inventory, they also knew that Luffy's crewmates

were still waiting for him.

And the wonders of the outside world are also waiting for Luffy...

So even though they don't want to say goodbye, they can only wave their

hands and give their blessings!

"Luffy, don't forget us when you're out there, remember to come back and

visit when you have time!"

"Take care of yourself out there and watch out for your own safety!"

"We'll be watching you from here and hope to see you shake the world

one day..."

Looking at one familiar face after another, Luffy waved a tearful goodbye

to everyone.

Luffy also smiled and waved his hand, then firmly stepped onto the boat

and sailed into the sea with Zoro!

At this moment, the Straw Hat Pirates were officially formed!

And Luffy's journey at sea began in earnest!

The first stop, searching for Nami, the destination... Orange Town!!

[Chopper is still desperately dodging the attacks of the priest, but his

strength is no match for the priest after all.]

[So soon, his life hangs in the balance, and danger is imminent...]

[At this moment, a person fell from the sky—it was the white-bearded

knight who heard the whistle!]

[Facing the arrival of the white-bearded knight, Chopper was about to

cry with excitement...]

[The priest, on the other hand, showed a mocking smile. "Gan Fall...

What a rarity!"]

[That's right, he is the former god of Skypiea, the old god who was

ousted by Enel!]

[When foes meet, sparks fly. Gan Fall rode his flying dials toward the sky,

and the priest wasted no time, jumping onto his bizarre bird to give


"Trials of the String!"

[At this moment, the priest officially demonstrated his power, engaging

in a fierce battle with the former god of Skypiea!]

[However, despite Gan Fall gaining the upper hand in the early stages of

the battle, age eventually caught up with him...]

[He was pierced in the chest by a shot from the priest, falling from the

sky toward the Sea of Clouds filled with sharks, along with his flying


[At this critical moment, Chopper also panicked. If Gan Fall fell, he

would surely be devoured by the sharks!]

[Ignoring his own peril, Chopper jumped directly into the Sea of Clouds.

Yet, he forgot that even the Sea of Clouds can act like the sea, robbing

those with Devil Fruit powers of their abilities!]

[Chopper instantly felt powerless, and at that moment, he understood...]

[Damn it, I messed up...]


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Chapter 47 : Arlong?

Marines Headquarters!

"Priest of God, it doesn't seem that way now..."

"This old God, who was weak and pitiable, has taken him down with a

single blow!"

Akainu, also known as Sakazuki, gazed at the image with a touch of

disdain on his face.

For a good reason, too—this God, who was previously perceived as weak

and pitiable, had defeated the priest Shura with a single strike.

There was no doubt about it. It was his strength that made this priest

seem so pitifully weak!

If he were to venture alone to that Sky island, even if both of these

priests joined forces, it would only take him one hand to deal with their


In response to Akainu's words, the Aokiji, also known as Kuzan, spoke


"We shouldn't underestimate them. While they may seem insignificant to

us, these priests pose a serious challenge to newcomers like Luffy and the


"Furthermore... the God of the Sky island has yet to make his true


Hearing this, Akainu remained silent, and the disdain on his face

remained unwavering.

At best, these priests were skilled at Haki, such as the Observation's Haki,

also known as Mantra in their Sky island...

Other than that, they were hardly worth mentioning.

The Straw Hats and their crew struggled against such foes, and the God

of the Skypiea has yet to make an appearance and he has one of the most

formidable Logia Devil Fruit, Goro Goro no Mi .

It was clear that they were destined to lose this battle.

Indeed, the Straw Hat group had reached their limit.

Their growth was hardly worth paying attention to, and they remained

pitifully weak.

[Meanwhile, on Luffy's side, after an extended period of exploration...]

[They had finally discovered a way to deal with the priets!]

[Though the priests possessed a peculiar impact ability and could predict

everyone's actions...]

[Luffy, with his incredible speed, found an opportunity to immobilize one

of them!]

[Even if he could predict their movements, he couldn't evade attacks!]

[Once they were restrained, they could be attacked!]

[As Sanji leaped into the air and unleashed a powerful kick, the God

known as the Ball Trial Priest let out a satisfying belch!]

[Luffy and the others didn't have time to celebrate; they promptly

boarded the ship and continued their journey deeper into the Sky


[Meanwhile, on the other side, the Shandias were gearing up!]

[The Shandias were the native inhabitants of the island of Jaya in the

Blue Sea, four hundred years ago...]

[They were carried up into the sky by a sea current and settled in the Sky


[Throughout their long history, they had always been at odds with the

inhabitants of the Sky island, but now, their main enemy was Enel!]

[With Luffy and the others causing a commotion on the Sky island and

defeating one of the priests, the Shandias saw an opportunity...]

[Perhaps, this was their only chance to take down Enel...]

Sky Island!

Enel sat in his chair, wearing a puzzled expression, his lips twitching.

He never imagined that the Straw Hat crew would wreak such havoc on

the Sky island.

Even the Shandia tribe wanted to get involved?

What's more, they had defeated one of his own priests?

The Ball Trial Priest was the first to fall?


He possessed the Mantra, how could this be?

Enel and other priests were puzzled and were in disbelief watching this

on live screen.

However, the evidence before them was undeniable, and he couldn't help

but believe it.

Now, Satori's only concern was that Enel would punish him.

But what he feared came to pass...

Enel's face darkened, and he berated him, "Useless!"

In an instant, lightning gathered and struck him directly!

His body, resembling a ball, was charred black in no time.

Thin wisps of smoke rose, carrying the faint scent of barbecued meat...


Meanwhile, Luffy and Zoro steered their battered ship.

They had finally reached their destination—Orange Town!

Having seen the live broadcast, they were familiar with Nami's location

and walked straight into Orange Town.

It was as if fate had played a hand...

As they entered Orange Town, Luffy and Zoro bumped into Arlong and

his group, who had just returned from outside.

Behind Arlong, members of the Evil Dragon Pirates, including Hatchan,

Chew, and Kuroobi, followed closely.

More surprisingly, Nami emerged from a courtyard with freshly drawn

nautical charts in her hands.

The three parties stood there, stunned, gazing at each other with wide

and narrow eyes.

"Luffy, Zoro?"


Luffy and Nami spoke almost simultaneously.

Nami's face lit up with excitement.

She had dreamt earlier in the day that her partners would come to rescue

her, but she had thought it an impossible dream.

Yet here it was, only in the afternoon, and her dream had come true!

However, her excitement gradually waned, and her smile froze as she

remembered Arlong's ruthlessness.

She knew better than anyone the terror he represented. While not on the

level of Seven Warlords of the Sea like Moria, he still boasted a bounty of

20 million Berries.

Today, Luffy and Zoro were merely rookie pirates, far from the

formidable force they had been on the live broadcast. Could they truly

rescue her?

Or were they stepping into a trap?

On the other hand, Arlong wore a sinister smile.

"I was concerned before about what I'd do if you grew strong enough to

defeat Moria," he taunted. "But I never expected you to be so foolish as to

venture into my territory. Do you truly believe you can match up to me


His cadre members began to draw their weapons.

Luffy stood firm. "Have you forgotten... I've also gotten the reward from

the screen?"


Arlong and his comrades were taken aback.

Before they could react...

"Second Gear!!!"


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Chapter 48 : Arlong Defeated?

"Gear Second!"

In an instant, Luffy burst out from a shroud of white mist, his body

quickly turning red.

The entire momentum of his being underwent a drastic transformation.

Witnessing this scene, Arlong and the others were left awestruck.

To be honest, they had momentarily forgotten that Luffy possessed the

reward from the live screen as well.

But ignorance breeds audacity!

In Arlong and his comrades' minds, Luffy's victory against Moria relied on

his ability to absorb countless shadows and enlarge his body parts and

enhance his strength.

As for the red, fog-emanating Gear Second before them, they had little

knowledge of its true strength, thinking it was just another ordinary


"Charge! Take them down!" Arlong commanded, brandishing his shark-

toothed knife and leading the charge.

His companions followed suit, launching an assault on Luffy and Zoro.


A faint smile curled on the corner of Luffy's lips.

Ever since he acquired the power of Gear Second, he sensed a significant

boost in his strength.

Yet, there hadn't been a chance to truly test its might in battle—until


"Zoro, keep an eye out but don't intervene!" Luffy instructed.

Zoro nodded in agreement. "Certainly."

"Nami, from this day forward, you are free, and Orange Town will be rid

of the Arlong Pirates once and for all!"

"Pay close attention!"

With these words, Luffy shot forward in a blur.

Nami felt a surreal sensation as she watched Luffy and Zoro before her. A

rush of emotions she had bottled up for years threatened to burst forth,

held back only by her sheer willpower.

The wait had been long, but finally, her patience paid off.

Luffy, in Gear Second, moved at an astonishing speed, almost teleporting

in the eyes of onlookers.

In the blink of an eye, he closed the distance between him and Arlong's


"Gomu Gomu no Jet Gatling!"

Luffy's fists hammered away relentlessly, the punches so rapid that they

created a barrage of afterimages.

This incredible force and terrifying velocity pummeled Arlong's group

like a furious tempest.


They were sent flying, bloodied and unconscious, crashing through

houses and walls.

As the dust settled, Arlong and his men lay motionless, eyes rolled back—

clearly defeated.

Nami gazed at this spectacle in disbelief. Just how strong was her


Luffy, having settled the confrontation, approached Nami and extended a

hand to her, kneeling on the ground.

"Though we're crewmates by the broadcast's standards, I want to ask

formally: Nami, will you join us and become my crewmate?"

In the sunlight, a young man in a straw hat offered his hand.

Zoro, who stood behind him with a trio of swords at his side, wore a

warm smile.

Overwhelmed by emotion, Nami's eyes welled up with tears as she

nodded enthusiastically.

Though no words were spoken, her actions spoke volumes.


[With the defeat of the Trial of the Ball's priest, Enel showed a glimmer

of interest.]

[Surveying the empty island, he understood that the Blue Sea people who

had arrived this time were unlike any before.]

[Whether he had confidence in his own strength or simply wanted to

alleviate his boredom, only he knew.]

[Enel refrained from immediately summoning thunderbolts to obliterate

Luffy, the Straw Hat Pirates, and the Shandians.]

[Instead, he released the remaining three priests to act without restraint,

tasked with eliminating all who defied the gods.]

[The three priests bowed to Enel before departing.]

[Cutting to another scene, the three priests returned to the forest.]

[Meanwhile, Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp arrived at the Sacrificial Altar.]

[There, they encountered the battered Merry and the bandaged


[During this time, Robin had deduced that their current location was real

earth, most likely ejected by the power of the Knock Up Stream.]

[This place held not only secrets of lost history but also a vast treasure

buried beneath the surface.]

[As Luffy and his crew continued on their journey, they crossed paths

with the Shandians, initially mistaking each other for enemies.]

[Fortunately, they soon realized their mistake and parted ways.]

[With the Shandians heading toward the forest and Luffy's group resting

for the night, their paths diverged for now.]


Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters.


Chapter 49 : Enel's Apperance


Sengoku glanced at the figures depicted in the image, appearing distinct

from the inhabitants of Skypiea, and his brow furrowed slightly.

Kizaru chimed in, "Marshal of the Marines, you need not wonder. It's

likely, as you suspect, that they are an independent tribal group."

Aokiji nodded in agreement, "Indeed, there are countless sea-dwelling

races, and it's probable that these Shandians are among them."

"Opposing the residents of Skypiea and attempting to overthrow the rule

of God Enel?"

Sengoku couldn't help but smile.

So, Skypiea wasn't entirely under Enel's control. At least, there were

warriors like the Shandians.

Although their behavior toward Luffy and his crew didn't seem very

friendly, one thing was certain: their greatest animosity was directed

towards Enel.

This meant that Luffy and his crew weren't alone in their quest against


They had the Shandians as allies!

It remained uncertain whether the Shandians' involvement would alter

the course of the battle, but one thing was clear: having comrades

standing alongside them was preferable to facing Enel alone.

Garp felt the same way, although he maintained his usual stoic

expression. The slight relaxation of his fists indicated that the anxiety and

tension in his heart had lessened, if only a bit.

"This time, with God Enel's command, the Three Priests have not only

been free to move but have also deployed countless Divine Weapons."

"The Shandians have encountered and defeated many Divine Soldiers

along their journey, even though they've suffered numerous casualties."

"However, their bravery in the face of the enemy they've longed to defeat

has only grown. They haven't retreated."

"The Shandian leader, the War Chief Wyper, even engaged in a fierce

battle with the Ordeal of Iron Priest."

"Despite the priest's formidable abilities, the Shandians, including Wyper

himself, initially struggled to hold their ground."

"But Wyper, at the brink of death, closed in on the priest and unleashed a

powerful cannon blast to his face."


"In an instant, the Ordeal of Iron Priest fell into a coma!"

Witnessing this scene, Garp, Sengoku, and the others couldn't help but

feel relieved.

These people were indeed commendable; they fought valiantly and even

managed to defeat a priest. Impressive!

This would certainly relieve some of the pressure on Luffy and his crew

during the upcoming battles.

However, what they didn't know was that the Shandians initially didn't

cooperate with Luffy and his crew but instead posed a significant

challenge to them.

"As the Shandians battled the Divine Soldiers in the forest, Luffy and his

crew took action naturally."

"They discussed and planned to find an escape route and clues, but soon

they encountered countless Divine Weapons."

"While these Divine Soldiers put up a fierce fight against the Shandians,

they proved inadequate against passersby."

"Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and others dispatched them effortlessly."

"Then they continued their journey."

"Soon, Luffy encountered a familiar face: War Chief Wyper, who had

recently defeated an ordeal priest."

"Facing Luffy, Wyper displayed strong hostility and fired a cannon at


"This angered the usually good-natured Luffy. How could he tolerate an

unprovoked attack?"

"As a result, the two engaged in combat."

"Meanwhile, Zoro, who had been exploring the forest alone, also

encountered the Shandians and ended up in a skirmish."

Seeing this turn of events, Garp and Sengoku, who had earlier praised the

Shandians, were left dumbfounded.

Had they been wrong in their assessment? Weren't the Shandians

supposed to be united against Enel, their common enemy?

Even Akainu, Kizaru, and the others found it hard to fathom the

Shandians' thought process.

After all, their primary adversary was Enel. Why were they fighting

against Luffy and his crew, who were on the same side in the battle

against Enel?

This seemed like a perplexing strategy, antagonizing everyone except

their own allies.

Not only did they confront Enel, but they also clashed with the

Skypieans, and now, it appeared, with Luffy and his crew too.

This decision only complicated an already daunting battle with slim odds

of success.

"Meanwhile, as Usopp, Nami, and Chopper piloted the Going Merry..."

"An uninvited guest silently made his way onto the pirate ship."

"That guest was none other than Enel himself."

"The moment he appeared, thunderclouds gathered in the sky, and a

menacing aura enveloped the surroundings."

"The sudden shock left everyone's faces drained of color."

"Even though they were meeting him for the first time, the palpable

danger and oppressive aura left no room for doubt."

"The man before them, with his lazy demeanor and the Thunder Drum on

his back, was none other than the legendary..."

"God of Skypiea!"


Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters.


Chapter 50 : Enel's Strength?

[At this moment, aboard the Merry, only four individuals remained:

Sanji, Nami, Usopp, and the injured Gan Fall.]

[The four of them gazed at Enel, who appeared nonchalant before them,

their eyes filled with disdain, and beads of cold sweat forming


[The man standing before them exuded a presence that instilled sheer


[Sanji gritted his teeth, "You all, make your escape. I'll hold him off!"]

[With that, Sanji swiftly advanced, launching a fierce kick...]


[Enel spoke icily, merely tapping his fingertips, enveloping Sanji in a

sudden surge of electricity...]

[A moment later, Sanji lay scorched black on the ground.]

[Even Usopp, who had been preparing to approach from the side with his

slingshot, was similarly affected, collapsing to the ground...]

[Nami, now petrified with fear, also crumpled to the floor.]

[Gan Fall, however, stood resolutely, his expression a mixture of

solemnity and terror.]

[The man before him possessed the same staggering power he

remembered from six years ago—a power capable of inducing sheer


[Enel, having effortlessly incapacitated Sanji and Usopp with a mere

gesture, regarded Gan Fall with a mocking smile.]

"It's been six years since we last met, and this island is coveted by many

—Sky Islanders, Shandians, and even... the inhabitants of Blue Sea!"

"All for this speck of land and that pile of gold, I presume?"

"But alas, all of it... belongs to me!"

"Now that so many have gathered here, it's added a bit of amusement to

my otherwise mundane existence. I hope you all manage to entertain me

a while longer..."

[After Enel finished speaking, he wore a contemptuous grin and vanished

into thin air, transforming into lightning.]

[Only Nami, still trembling with fear, Gan Fall, whose heart raced, and

the unconscious Usopp and Sanji remained...]

[Simultaneously, Enel employed his Devil Fruit ability, transforming into

lightning and darting across the island at breakneck speed.]

[Whenever he encountered Shandians, he showed no mercy, summoning

countless thunderbolts...]

[The Shandians couldn't even mount a defense and were instantly

reduced to charred remains...]

[Even those who attempted to flee found themselves paralyzed by Enel's

electric onslaught.]

"The entire island falls within my strike zone. Where do you think you

can escape to?"

"Million Volts Thunder Cannon!"

[In an instant, a terrifying lightning bolt struck the ground...]

[Its impact was so immense it felt like the wrath of a thunderous cannon

destined to obliterate the world...]

[The fearsome bolt, striking with pinpoint accuracy even from hundreds

of meters away, disintegrated anything it touched into ashes...]

[The remnants left behind by the lightning were shocking in their


[Though countless were killed or injured beneath his thunderous assault,

Enel reveled in the chaos, casually traversing the island.]

[His distinctive laughter echoed throughout the island, laden with scorn

and mockery...]

Whitebeard Pirates!

"So formidable!"

Ace's countenance shifted, a hint of envy flickering in his eyes.

Despite having watched the live broadcast for some time, he was still

astonished by Enel's might.

Sanji and Usopp may not be extraordinarily powerful, but they were by

no means weak.

Yet, before this god of the Sky Island, they fell with a mere wave of his

hand, unable to withstand a second blow.

This strength was nothing short of despair-inducing!

What's more, the true extent of his power remained shrouded in mystery.

This was merely a lightning bolt thrown offhandedly; if he unleashed his

full might...

The devastation would be unimaginable!

Against such an opponent, even if he were to face him, Ace couldn't

guarantee a 100% chance of victory!

In the current scenario, was there any hope of Luffy's triumph?

Or was there even a chance of survival?


Marco approached, placing a comforting hand on Ace's shoulder.

He knew Ace must be deeply concerned for his brother but understood

that all they could do now was console him...

Red-Haired Pirates!

"Does this god of the Sky Island still consider this a game?"

"His current mindset stems from his strength, and he fully trusts in his


"The Thunder Fruit... its reputation is well-deserved, a truly fearsome and

convenient power!"

"Luffy and his crew's prospects of defeating him... I can't fathom it..."

"Luffy, I can't even begin to imagine how we can defeat them..."

"People like him, if he were to set foot in the Grand Line, I believe he'd

have the power to challenge the Four Emperors!"

Many were engaged in discussions.

The display of Enel's initial attack had left everyone utterly stunned.

At the very least...

Almost everyone present, save for a few high-ranking figures like

Beckman, believed that they were incapable of overcoming this


Even Red-Haired Shanks couldn't muster a smile; his expression was one

of solemn gravity.

"I greatly underestimated Enel's strength before; he's clearly surpassed the

Shichibukai level."

"The aura and might he's demonstrating now... He may indeed have the

potential to rival the Four Emperors!"

"If he were a pirate, the Navy would be hunting him down!"

"With this level of power and his eerie Haki, one Admiral wouldn't be

enough, we'd need at least two..."

Earning such high praise as one of the Four Emperors, Shanks himself.

It's easy to fathom just how fearsome Enel's power truly is!

In this moment, everyone grew even more resolute in their conviction

that they faced a formidable adversary.

Could the Straw Hat Pirates ever hope to prevail?


Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters.


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