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Chapter 73~ It's either BE the BEST or nothing at all



In the meeting room, Naruto stood alongside Tsunade and the others, a

palpable air of seriousness enveloping the space.

He had revealed to them the imminent threat of war, and the gravity of

the situation hung heavily on their minds. Anxiety gnawed at them,

uncertainty about their fates looming large.


Tsunade had instructed them to prepare for the upcoming war; there was

no way out. They had to fight, or they would lose their remaining loved


Tsunade was unsure about the other villages; she had received news

about the Kage summit, and they were planning to attack their village.

"Are they foolish enough to abandon their village to attack Konoha?

What if their village gets attacked in their absence?" Tsunade thought to



Seeing her thoughtful look, Naruto didn't say anything to her. Some time

passed in the meeting room as they discussed what they would do.

"It's time to rebuild the village first," Naruto spoke, interrupting their


No one said anything in response. Tsunade nodded to him, knowing that

it would take a lot of money to rebuild the village, and Yamato didn't

have enough chakra to build the entire village. However, he could assist

Naruto, but Naruto declined her offer.


"See you in the newly built village," Naruto spoke before vanishing from

the room. In his absence, a small stone struck the floor where he had

stood, producing a soft thud.

All present fixated their gaze on the small stone. They had grown

accustomed to Naruto's impressive jutsu, yet each time they witnessed it,

a sense of wonder overcame them.


Naruto materialized in the heart of the vast crater, unmistakably the

epicenter of the village. It marked the site of Pain's initial devastating

assault—the very first crater.

Surveying his surroundings, Naruto took in the melancholic scene.

Evening had descended upon the village, and the setting sun painted the

sky with rich hues of red and orange. The atmosphere radiated with

vibrant colors, creating a stark contrast to the ruins below. The village

lay in shambles, a somber testament to the thousands of lives lost in the



Naruto began to do hand signs as his chakra surged within him, pulsating

with an intense force.

Meanwhile, every sensor ninja in the village could feel the overwhelming

magnitude of his chakra. Their senses went haywire in response to the

sheer power emanating from him.

Within the safety of their shelters, the village's inhabitants anxiously

peered out towards their ravaged village, Suddenly, a powerful tremor

rippled through the land, shaking the very ground beneath them. The

quake was so formidable that it sent them tumbling onto their backsides.


Naruto firmly planted both of his hands on the ground, channeling an

inhuman level of chakra into the earth below.

"Earth style: earth burriel" His voice, though spoken in a low and

controlled tone, carried to the ears of everyone present.

High above, on the Hokage Mountains, all the onlookers watching the

spectacle unfolded below widened their eyes in shock. Fear was palpable

in their expressions as they beheld the incredible display of power.


Their eyes remained locked on the scene below as the ground beneath

them began to tremble with unrelenting force. The few remaining

buildings that had withstood the earlier destruction now succumbed to

the relentless shaking, crumbling into heaps of debris.

The earth itself seemed to ripple like a liquid, its surface undulating as if

it were water. It transformed into a quivering mass, resembling a massive


Then, in an astonishing and surreal sight, the ground inverted, as if

gravity had lost its hold. Rubble, stones, and even some partially intact

buildings began to sink into the ground's maw, disappearing beneath the




The cacophony of smashing and crunching sounds resonated throughout

the village, echoing in the ears of all who watched.

Before their watchful and fearful eyes, an unthinkable transformation

occurred—their entire village vanished from the face of the earth.

In the place where the once-mighty village had stood, there was nothing

but emptiness. The landscape was now an expansive, featureless plain.

Konoha had been reduced to an empty expanse of land.


Naruto withdrew his hand and surveyed the transformed landscape

around him. In a low, measured voice, he remarked, "The cleaning part is


The utter power of his jutsu struck fear deep into the hearts of those who

witnessed it. They couldn't help but contemplate the implications.

If this jutsu were unleashed on a battlefield, it could mean devastation

and death on an unimaginable scale. The thought of Naruto potentially

using this jutsu on hidden villages elsewhere sent shivers down their

spines, as they wondered if he could indeed sink entire villages into the



As they gazed upon the awe-inspiring spectacle, both ordinary civilians

and seasoned ninjas couldn't help but feel a profound unease beneath

their feet.

The fear that gnawed at them was palpable—what if the very ground

they stood on suddenly gave way, and they were swallowed by the earth?

The idea of disappearing without a trace, with no hope of being found,

haunted their thoughts.

While they held a certain apprehension towards users of Earth-style jutsu,

the reality was that they had never truly witnessed the full extent of any

elemental power.

Their knowledge only scratched the surface of the vast potential hidden

within elemental chakra. This ignorance was the root of their fear, for

they were keenly aware that they lacked the skills and understanding

needed to harness the true might of their respective elements.


Naruto tapped his foot on the ground and felt its newfound hardness,

akin to solid rock.

With the transformed landscape before him, Naruto now faced two

options for rebuilding the entire village.

This undertaking would be a larger-scale application of his practice and



Naruto pondered for a moment, weighing his options. "Should I employ

Earth Style to construct the houses, or should I utilize my Ice Release?"

His thoughts swirled as he considered the possibilities. "Should I

transform this Land of Fire into a Land of Ice?" he mused, contemplating

the radical change he could bring.

After a brief moment of reflection, he spoke aloud to himself, "I have two

options; which should I choose?"

With a mischievous grin, Naruto decided, "Let's use both... hehe, I'll turn

this village into my masterpiece." He chuckled and turned his gaze

toward the empty expanse before him.


Naruto's eyes shimmered with a newfound light as he activated his

unique ocular ability, allowing him to perceive the wondrous world

around him.

As his vision sharpened, he noticed tiny particles suspended in the air,

distinct from the chakra he was familiar with. It was a different form of

energy, one he recognized as "nature energy."

Unlike Sage Mode, Naruto didn't seek to absorb this energy into his body.

Thanks to his specialized eyes and perfect chakra control, he could

harness this energy to a limited extent.


Naruto intertwined his fingers, and in an instant, a shadow clone

materialized by his side. The clone offered a confident nod, fully aware of

its assigned task.

"Now, let's transform this land into a work of art!" Naruto exclaimed with

palpable excitement in his voice.


Naruto began to perform a series of intricate hand signs before placing

his palms firmly on the ground. "Earth Style: Stones of Vajra," he intoned,

directing his chakra deep into the earth. Closing his eyes, he relied on his

impeccable chakra control and sensing abilities to gauge the extent of his

chakra's influence, knowing that the success of his endeavor depended on

his vivid imagination.

Beneath his command, the ground began to tremble, and sturdy stones

emerged from the earth. These stones, which now dotted the entirety of

Konoha, assumed the forms of houses.

Their surfaces glowed with a rich red hue and boasted an unyielding,

steel-like hardness. The ethereal crimson sheen cast an otherworldly

ambiance upon the entire village.

Naruto's chakra had sculpted the large, spacious houses, designed in an

ancient Indian style that infused a sense of timelessness into the village's

new architecture.


Yet, within the village, there remained a space untouched by Naruto's

previous efforts. With his eyes still closed, Naruto initiated another

technique, his voice steady, "Ice Release: Frozen Ground."

A surge of chakra emanated from him, casting an icy blanket over the

entire village. Snowflakes began to cascade from the sky, and the

temperature plummeted dramatically.

The ice, responding to Naruto's control, flowed and swirled gracefully,

forming intricate and stunning houses. The pristine beauty of the icy

structures stood in stark contrast to the vibrant red rocks that adorned

the rest of the village.

Now, side by side, the pure white of the ice and the fiery red of the rocks

coexisted, creating a breathtaking and harmonious landscape within the



The transformation of the village into a land of ice occurred within a

matter of seconds.

The remarkable feature of the white ice was its ability to change its color

in response to sunlight. As a result, the village underwent a captivating

metamorphosis every hour, mirroring the ever-shifting hues of the sky.

In the morning, as the sun ascended, the village would take on a warm

red hue, followed by the gentle transition to orange, and then eventually

settling into its pristine white state. The changing colors mirrored the

cycles of the sun, painting a vivid canvas for all to behold.

During the night, the ice structures would reflect the soft, ethereal glow

of the moonlight, creating a tranquil and enchanting atmosphere that

bathed the village in a gentle, silvery radiance.


Naruto gazed upon his masterpiece, a sight so ethereal that words could

scarcely capture its true beauty.

The village, now a harmonious blend of red rocks and pristine ice,

appeared to be bathed in the golden light of evening.

The reflection of the sunlight off the rocky and icy surfaces painted a

breathtaking picture, akin to a paradise brought to life.


Naruto's clone diligently worked to infuse nature energy into the newly

constructed houses, ensuring that the interiors remained warm and

comfortable, even as the frigid cold persisted outside.

Thanks to the infusion of nature energy, these homes would remain

resilient against the passage of time, unaffected by decay.

Furthermore, any minor imperfections or scratches that marred the

surface of these structures would be effortlessly repaired, thanks to the

continuous presence of nature energy.

As a result, the ice would remain eternal, its purity untarnished, and the

gentle cascade of snowflakes would continue to grace the ground in



"This is the true Land of Ice," Naruto chuckled, a deep sense of

satisfaction filling him as he admired his creation.

Taking a deep, contented breath, he couldn't help but acknowledge the

mental fatigue that had settled upon him. Guiding his chakra throughout

the entire village and crafting these intricate structures had been an

immense undertaking.


The onlookers were left utterly speechless, their eyes wide with disbelief.

They had witnessed the entire process of village creation, but it seemed

almost inconceivable. The magnitude of what they had seen was beyond

comprehension, and they struggled to find words to describe it.

"Is this even possible? This isn't something a human could achieve," they

thought in silent awe. They couldn't fathom the enormity of the village

that now stretched before them, covering an expansive area of 40 to 50


"Is he even human?" The question whispered through the minds of all

those who bore witness to Naruto's incredible feat. Meanwhile, Naruto

sensed their emotions and couldn't help but think to himself, "Ignorant


Despite the extraordinary spectacle before them, the people shivered in

the cold, too overwhelmed by shock to notice the icy chill that had

settled in the air.


"He's in a league of his own," Shikamaru remarked to the onlookers, his

words breaking the silence that had fallen over them.

No one present could deny the truth of his statement. The undeniable

proof lay right before their eyes. Naruto's sheer mastery over chakra and

the staggering control he exhibited led them to this conclusion.

As they contemplated the extent of his power, it raised unsettling

questions. Was Naruto already as powerful as the First Hokage, and he

wasn't even in his prime yet? He was still, a brat.


As the cold gradually seeped into their bones, Tsunade couldn't help but

reflect on the nature of power and its potential for both good and ill. Her

gaze remained fixed on the enchanting snowy village that now graced the

landscape before her.

"Why don't they use their powers like this for good, instead of constantly

causing chaos and harm to one another?" she pondered silently.

Breaking the reverie, Tsunade addressed the group with a determined

tone, "Let's prioritize the welfare of the civilians first, and then we can

discuss our next steps."

The priorities were clear, and it was time to focus on the well-being of

the people who would soon call this remarkable village home.


Tsunade's gaze remained fixed on the newly constructed village, and she

couldn't help but be captivated by its sheer beauty.

Her eyes drifted toward the Hokage Tower, standing tall and regal amidst

the picturesque surroundings, resembling a castle fit for royalty.

With a sense of purpose, Tsunade guided the civilians and ninjas towards

their new homes. Their amazement was palpable as they stepped inside.

The warmth that enveloped them was a stark contrast to the frigid cold

outside, and their expressions reflected a mixture of astonishment and

gratitude for the new beginning that awaited them.


Five days had come and gone since the village had been resettled, and

the funerals had already taken place. With each passing day, a semblance

of normalcy returned, and the village began to function smoothly once

more. However, an underlying tension still lingered among the shinobi.

Despite this tension, the ordinary citizens found solace in the newfound

peace. Their worries had dissipated, and children once again roamed

freely, joyfully playing in the snow, creating snowmen and engaging in

various other activities.

Naruto strolled through the village, his gaze fixed on the playful children.

As he made his way toward the new Hokage office, he couldn't help but

smile at the scenes of happiness and innocence that surrounded him.


Naruto stood before Tsunade, their conversation turning serious. "So,

you're going on a personal mission?" she inquired.

"Yes," he affirmed. "Some rats have managed to escape… I have to clean

up the mess."

Tsunade's concern was evident as she voiced her worries. "What if

someone were to attack our village again? You can't just leave like this.

We need you here, in the village."


She couldn't deny the immense power Naruto possessed, and she was

acutely aware that their village might not be able to defend itself without

him. Her maternal instincts and love for the village weighed heavily on

her heart, and she fervently hoped to protect their newfound paradise

from any potential threats.


Naruto regarded Tsunade, empathy filling his gaze as he recognized her

vulnerability despite her status as Hokage.

"Don't worry about anything," he reassured her. "I can say, nothing bad

will happen," Tsunade's uncertainty lingered as she asked one more time,

"Do you really have to go?"

Naruto nodded. "Yes,".


Despite her position as Hokage, Tsunade couldn't deny Naruto's authority

and importance. She reluctantly gave her approval, her words laced with

concern. "Okay, you can go... just return quickly."

Naruto acknowledged her with a nod before exiting the Hokage tower.

As he departed, Tsunade couldn't shake the feeling of unease, despite her

own formidable abilities as an S-rank shinobi.


Standing atop a rooftop and gazing down at the village he had created,

Naruto couldn't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction. The beauty of

his creation was unreal.

"You've made it truly beautiful," another voice spoke beside him,

interrupting his thoughts.


"Of course... It's either be the best or nothing at all," Naruto replied


The two of them shared a moment of quiet contemplation,

"Are you ready… Shikamaru" he asked.

"Yes… let's go" I was waiting for this day." Shikamaru speek to him.

Nauruto nodded to him and they both disappeared from their location.


As the original Naruto stood just outside Konoha, his clone departed with

Shikamaru on their mission to learn shadow jutsu and eliminate the

troublesome duo, Hidan and Kakuzu. With one clone, he aimed to strike

down two birds with a single stone.

Naruto's eyes gleamed, and a sly smile crept across his face as he

observed a particular individual. "Hehe...?????, your time has come. Be

prepared," he laughed softly before vanishing from the spot, leaving

behind an air of impending change.


AN~ Who is gonna die next?

1. Danzo

2. Obito

3. Zetsu

4. All of Them.


What do you think, is Naruto powerful than Hashirama.. in my opinion,

he is… Hasirama has all 5 nature transformations so he has…. Hashirama

has Wood Reslese..so Naruto has Ice Reslese… Hashirama could use Sage

mode…so Naruto could Manuplaite Natrure Energy without absorbing….

Hashirama has fast Regeneration so Naruto has and even more

powerful…. Hashirama chakra reserves were above 9 tails and so Naruto

has… Naruto has many advantages like his eyes, shadow clones, and

adamantium chains… so in my opinion Naruto is more powerful than

Hashirama here.

And some of the next chapters will be action-paced or R18 so be


Tell me how you like the chapter and give me powerstones…

chapter 74 ~part 1



Chapter~74 ~Danzo~ Part 1



Naruto stood on the outskirts of Konoha, the cold wind sweeping

through, tousling his unruly hair. Delicate snowflakes fell gently from the

heavens, blanketing the earth in a pristine layer of white.

As the morning sun cast its golden-orange glow upon the landscape, the

snow sparkled, turning the scene into a breathtaking winter wonderland.


Naruto's eyes radiated a gleam as he observed a particular individual's

every move. A sly smirk danced on his face. 'It's time to pass judgment on

this guy,' he mused aloud.

In an instant, he vanished from his current location, reappearing in the

heart of the dense forest.


'Come out, darling,' he called out.

Soon, a portal began to materialize in front of him, and Hinata emerged

with a sweet smile on her face.

Upon seeing her, Naruto couldn't help but break into a warm smile of his


'Were you stalking me the whole time?' he playfully teased.

"hehe… You know old habits die hard," she said in a sweet voice, her

eyes reflecting the warmth of her affection. Hearing her words, Naruto's

heart melted, and he couldn't help but admire the softness in her gaze.

''How beautiful,'' he remarked, his eyes locked with hers.

He gently took her hand, and together, they strolled towards their

destination. Hinata wore a gentle smile on her face, her cheeks tinged

with a delicate blush, their footprints leaving an enchanting trail in the

freshly fallen snow as they walked side by side.


After savoring their time together, Naruto turned to Hinata and asked

that she open a portal to their hideout. In response, a swirling portal, a

striking blend of obsidian black and regal purple, manifested before

them, right outside the Uzumaki shrine.

Naruto's keen senses immediately detected the distinct chakra signatures

of three individuals nearby.


They entered the shrine and soon found themselves in the basement.

Three people were sitting on chairs. Naruto looked at them, and a smile

appeared on his face. 'I see you're awake,' he said to Sasuke.

Sasuke nodded to him and looked at his friend with a slight smile on his

face. Naruto then turned his attention to the other man in the room.

"So, you've gathered your things from the organization?" Naruto asked his

fellow clansman.


Nagato nodded to him. After chatting with Naruto, he went to

Amegakure and brought Konan with him, as she was the most important

to him. Now, she stood beside him and didn't question where he was

taking her; she simply followed him.

Naruto glanced at the blue-haired girl and then looked at Sasuke, a smile

appearing on his face


"We are going to kill someone... hehe... You will love it," he said to


"Who?" Sasuke asked.

"Danzo," Naruto replied.

The room fell silent. Soft lighting cast gentle shadows, and the man's

actions had left a mark of pain in Sasuke's eyes, his Sharingan flared.

Nagato's face displayed clear anger, as this man was the primary reason

behind his friend's death. Everyone in the room held a grudge against

him, except for Hinata, whose presence seemed oddly peaceful amidst the



"So, my friends, behold the hatred in your hearts and follow me... It's

going to be fun," Naruto said as he looked at Hinata.

She understood him and opened the portal, and soon they all entered it.

Danzo and his two loyal subordinates were making their way, standing

atop a bridge, to be precise, the Samurai Bridge.


Danzo had managed to evade the recent assault, thanks to some spies

who had informed him that Nagato was behind the attack. He realized

that staying in the village would likely lead to his demise.


Thus, when the first attack struck Konoha, he had escaped with the

intention of returning later. However, destiny had other plans in store for


As they walked along, the two loyal subordinates remained unaware of

the events that had unfolded in Konoha, just five days ago.


"Danzo-sama, when will we return to the village?" one of the men asked.

"When things settle down, I will lay siege to Konoha for good," he said to

his subordinate.

However, something unexpected occurred. A portal began to open on the

bridge in front of him, and five individuals walked out. Among them

were some he never expected to see again.


Naruto, Hinata, Sasuke, Nagato, and Konan stood side by side, their eyes

fixed on the man in front of them.


"Danzo... we meet again," Naruto spoke in a playful manner. The man

before him was the primary reason for the village's animosity towards


He had been the one to spread the rumor that Naruto was a demon fox,

the same person who had directly caused his parents to be killed by


It was he who had disclosed the location of Naruto's birth. Hidden anger

simmered in Naruto's eyes, and all present could sense it.


Hinata, who understood Naruto better than anyone, sensed the concealed

anger in his voice, and it saddened her heart. Soon, that sadness gave

way to fury.

The man standing before her had provoked Naruto's anger, and she didn't

care about the reasons. This was the first time she had witnessed him in

such a state.

"You will pay for this..." she said in a low, eerie voice, sending shivers

down the spines of those who heard her.

Lightning sparked at her feet, and a large chakra scalpel materialized in

her right hand.


The ground cracked beneath her feet as she vanished, reappearing behind



Blood spurted out like a fountain, and Danzo's lifeless body fell to the

ground, his head rolling across the ground. He had no idea what had

struck him.

Naruto gazed at her, How possessive is she? She had severed the head of

a man who had angered him.

' This is my girl...,' he thought to himself. He then appeared in front of

her, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Calm down... are you really going to end his life just like that?" he asked


She met his gaze. "But you hate him, don't you? Why should I spare

him... If he's upset you, he deserves to die," she said, her eyes locked onto



Naruto looked into her eyes, unperturbed by her gaze. "That's why I love

you so much," he said to her. Her anger dissipated instantly, and her face

flushed with emotion.


All the people were shocked, the way she had killed the man, some of

them hadn't even seen it.

"What's going on in this girl's head? One second, she was ready to kill

anyone without a single thought, and now she's behaving like a little

girl... What an unhealthy relationship. Normal people don't think that

way." They all had similar thoughts.


"It's not over yet," Naruto said as he looked at Danzo's lifeless body.

Soon, Danzo's body faded away, and he appeared some distance away.

Sasuke squinted his eyes, his initial relief at the man not being dead

turning into a burning desire for vengeance. He now had the chance to

kill the man responsible for his clan's demise alongside his brother.

Danzo then removed the bandages covering his right arm, revealing an

arm composed of Hashirama's cells with Sharingans embedded in it.

Sasuke's gaze locked onto those eyes, which once belonged to his clan

members. His blood began to boil, and his Sharingan transformed into

the Mangekyou Sharingan.


"You used Izanagi," Sasuke spoke with anger in his voice.

Danzo admitted, "You're right."

"I was right to exterminate your whole clan... How could I let them live

with such a dangerous ability?" Danzo continued, then turned his gaze

towards Nagato.

"So, you're alive. I thought you were dead," Danzo remarked to Nagato.

Nagato stared at the man, his Rinnegan glowing. The man before him

was one of the reasons for his friend's death.


Naruto glanced at Danzo, a thought running through his mind: 'Is this

man foolish? Why is he provoking them? Does he truly believe he can

win against us?'

~Clap, clap.~

All eyes turned toward Naruto. "Be patient, everyone. This man didn't act

alone in his crimes. His two partners are still missing... hehe... How could

we start the party without them?" Naruto addressed the group with a

mischievous smile.


Sasuke gazed at Naruto, impatience growing within him. "Shouldn't we

first kill him, and then deal with the remaining two?" Sasuke voiced his

desire for immediate action.

"Don't be so impatient, Sasuke. Let me set the stage," Naruto responded

and crossed his fingers. A shadow clone materialized beside him.

The clone nodded and leaped into the air, bringing its hands together.

"Sealing Arts: Bird Cage," the clone spoke, and thousands of adamantine

chains erupted from its hands, forming a massive bird cage around them.

This 200-meter-wide bird cage was a dome of spears, encircling them all.


"Now that there's no escape, let's bring your friends here," Naruto said to


Danzo remained frozen in place, fully aware that any movement could

lead to his demise. Five monsters had their eyes locked onto him, and his

subordinates were similarly immobilized by their overwhelming

presence. It was an oppressive display of power, ranging from high to


Naruto turned to Hinata, saying, "Darling, can you please open a portal

above Konoha?"

Hinata nodded with a happy smile, and a portal appeared above

everyone's head.


In Konoha, two individuals were seated in the Hokage's office, engaged in

conversation with Tsunade. These were the two elders, Homura and


Simultaneously, a black portal materialized in the sky above Konoha.

Two crimson chains shot out from the portal, hurtling toward the

Hokage's office.

~Crash~!!~!! Boom!!.

The wall shattered, and Tsunade's eyes widened as she witnessed the two

bloody chains breach the office. The people inside wore expressions of

sheer horror as these chains coiled around their bodies. Tsunade's gaze

was drawn to the sight of the two elders being forcefully dragged away

by these sinister chains.


"Somebody, help us!" Their cries pierced the air, filled with desperation

and fear.

Tsunade hurried to the window of her office. Her heart raced as she

witnessed a portal closing in the sky, its dark, swirling depths slowly

retracting like a monstrous maw about to swallow its prey.


And soon, the shattered wall of her office began to rebuild itself, slowly

and methodically.

"Naruto... what are you doing?" she muttered in a low voice, a sense of

foreboding settling in her heart. She knew that these elders would not

live to see the next sunrise.




AN~ How do you like the chapter?

Who is going to have the most kills of their prey?

1. Hinata

2. Sasuke

3. Nagato

4. Naruto

If you like the chapter give me your power stones and add the novel to

the library

74 Danzo Part 2

Chapter 74~ Danzo Part 2 R18





This chapter is not for everyone, read it on your own risk



Under the watchful eyes of the people, Naruto dragged out the two elders

from the portal.


The two elders hit the ground.

"Danzo, what are you doing here?" Hamura spoke while looking at his


"Hey, hey! Do you remember me?" Naruto asked them, a hopeful look in

his bright eyes.


They both tilted their heads, studying Naruto for a moment. Shivers ran

down their spines as his smile widened, a familiar grin from the past.


"Look, Sasuke, these two were also the reason for your clan's

extermination," Naruto said to his friend, keeping his promise.

The elders glanced around and noticed that Sasuke was fixated on them

with his cursed eyes. It was only then that they realized they were

confined in some sort of cage.

Terrified, they were no longer the skilled ninjas they once were; they

were now just simple civilians who had held positions as elders in the

Konoha council.

Then, they both heard the most terrifying word.






Black flames materialized on their bodies, and an unbearable, searing

pain gripped them.


They writhed on the ground, their forms contorted in agony as the dark

inferno of Amaterasu continued to consume them. The eerie,

otherworldly flames danced ominously around them.


In desperation, they clawed at their own skin, leaving marks and trails of

blood as they futilely attempted to rid themselves of the relentless and

malevolent fire.

The crisp sounds of burning resounded on the bridge, and soon, their

screams began to dwindle into eerie silence.

The once turbulent scene was now unnaturally calm. Not a trace of ash

remained; the two elders of Konoha had been incinerated.

They had met their end at the hands of a Uchiha, the very clan they were

responsible for massacring.


Danzo watched in silence as his friends met their painful demise.

Summoning all his willpower, Danzo began to carefully unbandage his

right eye.

Naruto fixed his gaze on Danzo. "No, you won't," he spoke. With a swift

motion, he tapped his foot on the ground, causing a chakra chain to

emerge beneath Danzo, wrapping around his ankle like a shackle.

All of Danzo's chakra was forcefully suppressed, rendering him a mere

ordinary person without any abilities. It was a sensation he had

experienced once before, and it left him feeling utterly powerless.


Danzo shot Naruto a venomous glare, his eyes filled with hatred.

Naruto's expression turned icy as he looked back at Danzo. "Didn't I tell

you not to look at me with those eyes?"


Danzo had been about to use Kotoamatsukami on one of them, but now

he felt utterly powerless. The Sharingan, which couldn't be turned off in

non-Uchiha, had closed. They were now just normal black eyes, devoid of

the chakra that had sustained their power.

Naruto extended his hand, and a chakra chain burst forth from his palm.


Blood gushed out as the chain pierced Shisui Uchiha's Sharingan eye.


Danzo screamed in pain, clutching his right eye with his hand.

"Now, that's better," Naruto spoke, retracting his chain.


"Okay, boys and girls, now we can have some fun," Naruto spoke.

Sasuke wasted no time and swiftly appeared in front of Danzo, delivering

a powerful kick to his face. The force sent Danzo hurtling towards

Naruto, who extended his left leg and kicked the man, propelling him

further into the air, heading straight for Nagato.

Nagato, observing this, extended his hand and uttered, "Shinra Tensei."

Danzo momentarily froze in mid-air, then an invisible wave struck him,

shattering almost all of his bones and sending him hurtling toward


With precision, Hinata assumed her Gentle Fist stance. "Vacuum Palm,"

she uttered. Before Danzo could reach her, a compressed blast of air

struck his heart.


Danzo's heart rolled on the ground, still beating weakly. But before he

could succumb to death, Naruto removed the chakra suppression

property from the chain tied to his ankle.

Danzo's body faded in the middle of the air, and he soon reappeared on

the bridge.


As soon as he appeared, a chain materialized under Danzo's feet,

suppressing his chakra once more.

"Hehe... I have two kills..." Hinata said playfully, her voice sending

shivers down the spines of those who listened.

Danzo looked at the five of them, his face filled with horror. First, they

had rendered him a powerless civilian, and now they were brutally

ending his life.


"Who wants to play archery?" Naruto asked them.

"Me... me..." Hinata said excitedly.

Three chains materialized around Danzo, lifting him into the air with his

hands spread wide.

"Here's your target, my queen," Naruto said to her.

Hinata eagerly glanced at Naruto and retrieved some kunai from her


"Umm..." Hinata closed one eye and carefully aimed her kunai at the

suspended Danzo.


The kunai struck the man in his left eye. Blood gushed out from his eye,

and he screamed in pain but nobody cared about it.

"I missed the head..." Hinata sighed disappointedly.

"You will succeed... try again... " Naruto encouraged her. She nodded at

him, determination in her eyes, and took aim once more.



The kunai struck the left eye once more, causing the eyeball to be yanked

out from its socket. It hit the ground with a gruesome thud, while kunai

remained embedded in the eyeball.

"Umm... I missed again..." Hinata admitted, her disappointment clearly

audible in her voice.

"My darling, you will hit him," Naruto reassured her, taking out a kunai

from his own holder and handing it to her.

She looked at the kunai with determination. "I won't disappoint you," she

said with a smile, fixing her gaze on the hanging man.



The kunai passed through the man's head.

"Yes!!!" Hinata exclaimed, jumping into the air. "I hit him!"

"Indeed, and this is your third kill... and here's your reward," Naruto said,

kissing her on her forehead.

Hinata giggled with delight.


"If I kill him, will you kiss me more?" Hinata asked Naruto.

The onlookers were shocked, with even Sasuke appearing slightly

doubtful. A collective shiver ran down their spines when they heard

Hinata's giggle.

'This girl,' Konan thought to herself. However, as she had that thought,

she felt something piercing her heart. When she looked in front of her,

Naruto was looking directly at her. He could sense people's emotions, and

he made it clear that no one should disrespect Hinata.

Konan quickly averted her gaze, recognizing her mistake.


Danzo reappeared on the bridge, his face etched with fear as he glanced

at Hinata. He hadn't even done anything to her, and yet he was now

suffering. Perhaps this was karma at work.

As soon as he reappeared, a relentless force suppressed his chakra once


Sasuke had reached the end of his patience. This man needed to pay for

his sins, and Sasuke had failed to kill him once before. This time, he

didn't hesitate.

His eyes spun in the Sharingan's infamous pattern, and with a chilling,

"Amaterasu," he unleashed the black flames that consumed Danzo's body.


Danzo experienced the excruciating sensation of his skin burning alive,

watching helplessly as his entire body became a blazing inferno.

Sasuke, however, wasn't about to grant him a quick death. He expertly

controlled the flames, reducing their intensity, but in doing so, making

the pain even more agonizing for Danzo.

The man's screams echoed through the air, each cry a tormenting note in

Sasuke's macabre symphony of revenge.

And eventually, as the flames consumed every last inch of Danzo,

everything fell eerily silent.


Danzo reappeared on the bridge once more, and again, his chakra was





Danzo didn't even have a chance to draw breath when a colossal, purple

hand made of chakra materialized, mercilessly squeezing the life out of

him, ending it instantly.

"Hehe, you have two kills, Sasuke," Naruto spoke to his friend with a

chilling tone.


And yet again, Danzo reappeared on the bridge, his face contorted with

sheer horror. He knew his fate was sealed, and that they intended to

torment him to his death.


"Benso Tenine," Nagato spoke, extending his hands. Danzo felt an

irresistible force pulling his body towards Nagato, leaving him utterly


As Danzo appeared near Nagato, the Rinnegan wielder extended his right

hand, and from his palm emerged a sinister black chakra rod.




The rod pierced Danzo's stomach, causing a violent gush of blood to

spray from his body. His expression twisted in agony.

"Shinra Tensei," Nagato declared, and a surge of devastating force

erupted from his hand, hitting Danzo with the force of a hammer.

Danzo was killed instantly, propelled backward like a rocket, and when

he hit the hard ground, he was reduced to a gruesome, unrecognizable

mass of flesh and bone.


And once more, Danzo appeared on the bridge, his chakra suppressed as


Danzo didn't even have time to process what was happening when he felt

thousands of small papers enveloping his body, surrounding him like a

shroud of doom. Then, in an instant, they ignited.




The bridge was engulfed in a deafening explosion as thousands of paper

bombs detonated around his body. His limbs were torn away and

scattered on the bridge, while his head rolled grotesquely on the ground.

He met a gruesome and violent end once again.

And yet, despite his wishes, he reappeared on the bridge once more.

The agony of his recurring deaths was becoming unbearable, but they

had no intention of granting him an easy escape.


"Water Style: Water Spear," Naruto spoke in a hushed tone. Suddenly, a

swirling sphere of water materialized around Danzo's body, encasing him

in a deadly aquatic prison from head to waist. He began to choke,

gasping for air as the watery vice closed in around him.

Naruto exchanged a glance with Sasuke.

"Amaterasu," Sasuke uttered, and a fierce black flame ignited on Danzo's

lower body.

Danzo found himself caught in a nightmarish torment, simultaneously

drowning and burning. The water invaded his lungs, and the relentless

flames seared his flesh. This time, he couldn't even muster a scream.


And soon, he succumbed to the combined agonies of water and fire.


When his body reappeared on the bridge once more, Naruto chose not to

suppress his chakra. This was Danzo's last opportunity, and it would

determine his fate.


Hinata had grown tired of their games and decided to practice some of

her jutsu.

She materialized in front of Danzo, her Byakugan activated, giving her an

eerie and penetrating vision. Electrical chakra scalpel-like appendages

emerged from her fingertips as she meticulously targeted his neurons.

With precision, she struck him with her lightning-scalpels, disrupting

every neuron in his body and flooding his brain with false signals.

Hinata lightly touched his hand.




Danzo's screams echoed like a tortured animal. A single touch from her

sent excruciating pain coursing through his body. His nervous system was

utterly destroyed.

"Hehehe... this is a success," Hinata exclaimed with a sinister delight, her

happiness at her gruesome accomplishment apparent.


"Even if you just lightly touch him, his neurons send signals of immense

pain... You know what I mean," Hinata explained to Naruto.

"Yes, darling, I know what you mean... let's try it... Hehe," Naruto

responded with a sinister chuckle.

Now, Danzo hadn't had his chakra suppressed, and he was desperate to





With every step he took, he felt excruciating pain coursing through his

body. He couldn't even clench his fists as he ran for his life.

He continued to run, but the five people walking behind him were slowly

closing in.

Danzo was overwhelmed by a sense of despair.


As Danzo approached the end of the cage, a desperate urge to break free

and run overcame him. However, the moment he touched the chains with

his hands, his chakra was once again suppressed.




He felt an excruciating pain course through him. The cruelty of it all was

beyond inhumane. First, they didn't suppress his chakra, allowing him a

glimmer of hope, and then, just as he saw a glimpse of freedom, they

suppressed it again.


Danzo screamed repeatedly, the pain proving unbearable. Even the

slightest touch of the wind on his skin felt like torture.


He stood frozen in place, the five people heaved into his view. Naruto

and Hinata wore wicked grins, Sasuke and Nagato remained

expressionless, and Konan's eyes held a hint of pity.


"Let's end his pitiful life," Naruto spoke.

"Amaterasu," Sasuke wasted no time.

Black flames engulfed Danzo, and he writhed in agony. His neurons were

already disrupted, and now he was burning alive in Amaterasu's inferno.

Naruto extended his hand.

"Rasengan," he said, and a massive Rasengan began to form on his palm,

growing larger and larger.


Danzo's entire body was obliterated by the colossal Rasengan, ending his

life in a gruesome manner.

Naruto then tilted his head and directed his gaze at two men. Extending

his hands, he pointed two fingers at them, setting the angle.

"Water Style: Water Bullet," he uttered, and two small water droplets

appeared on his fingertips.




The two water droplets shot out at such incredible speed that the two

men didn't even have a chance to react.




They dropped dead on the ground, each with a hole between their


"Hehe... that was awesome," Hinata spoke to him, her sweet smile

lighting up her face.

"Haha... let's go. Our business here is done," he said to the group.

Hinata opened the portal, and they vanished from sight.



AN~I hope you like this chapter, tell me who enjoyed the most killing


1. Hinata

2. Sasuke

3. Naruto

4. Nagato

I think God won't forgive me ever for writing the chapter like this, and

nor will you because I know you enjoyed reading it as much As I did

while Writing.

And if you like the chapter give me your powerstones…

chapter 75



Chapter 75~ Bullying the weak



Shikamaru and Naruto (clone) were heading toward an unknown

destination. They were running at a very high speed.

While Naruto was leading the way, Shikamaru was following. It had been

three hours since they departed from Konoha.

Shikamaru's heart was burning with rage because his sensei had been

killed by two Akatsuki members, and now he was going to avenge his



He had full confidence in his friend. He simply wanted those two men to

die. He glanced at the back of Naruto and felt a deep sense of gratitude

toward his friend.

Sensing his emotions, Naruto spoke, "You don't have to feel that way,

after all, I am your friend. Aren't I?" he asked Shikamaru. Shikamaru

nodded in response.


Soon, they reached a bustling town, teeming with people. Naruto knew

exactly where he had to go.

They weaved through the crowd, unnoticed by anyone. After all, this

town had no ninjas.


Meanwhile, Hidan and Kakuzu were savoring their meal in a restaurant.

"Hey... it's been a while since we've killed anyone," Hidan said with a

sinister grin, his eagerness to offer this town as a sacrifice to Lord Jashin

evident. He was prepared to take the lives of everyone in the town.

Kakuzu regarded him with a measured gaze. "Don't be so hasty. Haven't

you heard there are problems within the organization?" he cautioned.

Hidan shrugged, oblivious to the issues within the organization. "So,

what does that have to do with me?" he asked his desire to kill these

people unyielding.


"You moron," Kakuzu chided, " leader-sama had instructed us not to

engage in unnecessary activities. Can't you sense his power? He's a

walking monster. I advise you not to act recklessly; it won't end well for

you." Kakuzu had personally experienced the sheer might of their leader,

and he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of fear.

Hidan grumbled as he continued eating. "Tch... Why are you such a

pussy?" he muttered under his breath.

"You!" Kakuzu's frustration was evident, his face contorted with irritation.

He wanted to kill Hidan right there and then, but he knew he couldn't

risk incurring the wrath of their leader. So, he endured Hidan's taunts.

"Hehe... Look, you haven't even laid a finger on me. You're such a pussy,

Kakuzu... Hahaha," Hidan laughed loudly, continuing his provocations.

"I will kill you!" Kakuzu yelled in anger.

Hidan chuckled confidently, "You can't kill me; I'm immortal... Hahaha!"


They finished their bickering and completed their meal, oblivious to the

fact that it would be their last.

Naruto and Shikamaru concealed themselves in the trees, hiding their

presence expertly. Naruto relayed their position to Shikamaru,

whispering, "They're on the move." He kept an eye on their every action.


"Do you want to eliminate them in the town or wait for them to leave?"

Naruto asked his friend. He didn't have any qualms about killing them

down within the town, but it was a different story for Shikamaru. He

didn't want civilians to be caught in the crossfire.

In a hushed tone, Shikamaru responded, "We'll wait for them to leave."

He was focused on the mission and didn't want to risk any mistakes.


Naruto nodded in agreement. They quietly began to trail Hidan and

Kakuzu from the shadows, and before long, their targets exited the town.

The landscape shifted as they ventured into the forest. They were still

within the Land of Fire, where dense woodlands stretched in every



"Why do I have the feeling that someone is watching us?" Kakuzu said in

a hushed voice, his decades of battle instincts alerting him to the

presence of an unseen observer.

"Don't be so paranoid Dick," Hidan retorted, "You know we're immortal."

Kakuzu's expression darkened as Hidan's remarks continued to get on his


"Immortal my ass..." A voice cut through the air, and two figures landed

in front of Kakuzu and Hidan. Naruto addressed them, each clone have a

distinct personality, and this particular clone of Naruto was an arrogant


Kakuzu and Hidan frowned upon seeing the newcomers.


"You're the brat... we tortured your sensei right in front of you," Hidan

said with a mocking laugh, twirling his scythe menacingly.


Sikamaru's face darkened, he was mocking his deceased sensei.

Kakuzu looked at the two boys, feeling a sense of foreboding when he

gazed at Naruto.

''Die by my hands... you will be a fine sacrifice to Jashin-sama,'' Hidan

yelled and launched himself at them. He didn't care about anything; in

his opinion, he was immortal and no one could kill him. He was a loyal

follower of Jashin-sama. Who could kill him?

Kakuzu observed Hidan and knew that the battle was inevitable. He

assumed his battle stance.


Naruto's gaze fixed on Hidan, a look of disgust etched across his face.

"The way you talk, it disgusts me," he said, his Otsutsuki genes fully on


"What did you say? I'll kill you, brat!" Hidan roared, changing his course

to confront Naruto. He seethed with anger, so much so that he was

willing to end the boy before him for the insult.

With a swift motion, he swung his scythe at Naruto's head, his sole

intention to draw a single drop of blood, sealing Naruto's fate.

Naruto's gaze locked onto the incoming scythe, and everything seemed to

slow down. The speed of the attack was nothing before his eyes.




Hidan swung his scythe with all his might, but he felt as if it had cut

through nothing but air. His weapon had missed its mark.

Panic crept over him as he frantically scanned his surroundings. "Where

are you?" he yelled out in frustration.

"You are weak," Naruto's voice echoed from behind him.


Hidan swiftly turned and swung his scythe, but once more, it found only

empty air to slice through.

"Pathetic," Naruto's voice taunted from somewhere nearby. "You call this

speed... snails are faster than you. Come at me again, inferior creature."

Hidan seethed with anger, his fury growing by the second. Naruto's

insults were more than he could bear; no one had humiliated him like

this before.


"Why you!!! I will kill you, bastard!!!" Hidan screamed and once again

lunged at Naruto.

As Hidan closed in, a sudden pain seared through his chest. To his horror,

he looked down to see Naruto's hand piercing through his chest. Before

he could react, Naruto swiftly yanked his hand out.

~~Thump~~ Thump~~

Hidan's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at his heart.


In an instant, Naruto crushed his heart in the palm of his hand.

"Oops... I crushed your heart," Naruto remarked casually while cleaning

his hand.


Hidan was left stunned, unable to move. He knew he wouldn't die from

this, but it wounded his pride deeply. However, before he could react or

retaliate, Naruto swiftly grabbed Hidan's scythe and delivered a powerful

kick to Hidan's left side.

Hidan's body was sent hurtling backward at incredible speed, tumbling

across the ground several times before finally coming to a stop in front of


Up until this point, Shikamaru had been watching the fight closely. He

had already captured Kakuzu's shadow, ensuring that Kakuzu couldn't

interfere in the battle between Naruto and Hidan.


While Naruto was toying with Hidan, he was also paying attention to

Shikamaru. With his eyes, he watched how Shikamaru performed the

hand signs, how his chakra molded within his body, and how the chakra

flowed through him while executing the jutsu.

Naruto had a smile on his face; he had figured out how the Shadow

Possession Jutsu worked and how Shikamaru had performed it. After all,

there was nothing hidden from his eyes.


"So, this is one of the applications of Yin Release," Naruto mused silently.

"It's a shame the Nara clan didn't fully tap into the potential of their

jutsu. They're born with this type of chakra, but it's nothing that I,

Naruto, can't learn. It's just a simple application of Yin Release, and my

mastery over Yin Release is already in its higher states."


Naruto thought to himself and twirled the scythe in his hand, which had

a long chain attached to its handle and three blades.

"You've got a good weapon, insect. I'll be using it for a while," Naruto

said, pointing 'his' scythe towards Hidan.


"You can take care of him," Naruto said to Sikamaru.

Shikamaru turned his attention to Hidan and nodded at Naruto. "I will

kill him,"

Naruto wasted no time. He had accomplished his goal, and there was

nothing left for him here. "It's fun time," he


Naruto leaped into the air, grabbed the chain, and swung the scythe with

full force.


The scythe struck the ground where Kakuzu had stood just moments


"You dodged..." Naruto remarked as he landed on the ground, causing the

earth beneath him to crack.


Black tentacles shot out from Kakuzu's arm, attempting to strike Naruto.

Naruto skillfully used his scythe to deflect them.

"You're good at dodging," Kakuzu acknowledged.

"Don't get cocky," Naruto replied. "You're nothing special, just like your

friend. You're both inferior creatures."

Naruto coated his scythe with wind chakra and swiftly cut through all of

Kakuzu's tentacles.


Kakuzu showed no hesitation as he unleashed his black threads once

more, launching an attack at Naruto. However, Naruto skillfully wielded

his scythe, cutting down all of the threads effortlessly.

"Wind Style: Swirling Winds!" Naruto declared as he swung his scythe in

a circular motion. A powerful current of wind erupted from his weapon,

striking Kakuzu head-on.


Kakuzu was sent flying like a rocket, colliding with and shattering every

tree in his path. The force was so tremendous that he didn't come to a

stop for the next 3 kilometers.


Naruto examined his handiwork, this jutsu of his only worked when

wielding a weapon. Since his battle with Kisame, he hadn't had access to

a suitable weapon. Using this scythe felt right.

Surveying the devastated trees and the clear path in front of him, he

muttered in a low voice, "I see... so he stopped."


Naruto then focused his senses on a nearby pebble, flicked his finger, and

vanished from his current location, reappearing right in front of Kakuzu.


"So, you're still alive... You're one tough insect," Naruto muttered.

Kakuzu had so many internal injuries, but he was using his black threads

to stitch them.

Meanwhile, Naruto closed his eyes and began molding his chakra into his

chakra pathways.


Why is this shadow jutsu so rare? It's because, unlike the typical

applications of Yin Release, this one is different.

Most Yin Release techniques are spiritual in nature, such as genjutsu or

Yamanaka's mind jutsu, and many others based on Yin Release. These are

not physical attacks; they operate on a spiritual level, invisible to normal

eyes and untouchable.

However, shadow techniques and jutsu related to them are unique. They

exist in a realm between the physical and spiritual. Shadows are both

physical and spiritual entities. We can see them, but we can't touch them.


To use jutsu related to shadows, one must transform Yin chakra into both

spiritual and physical forms simultaneously. This requires a deep

understanding of Yin chakra, making it one of the most challenging

chakra transformations.


So, how could the Nara clan use these jutsu? The answer lies in their

genetics. This ability had mutated and been passed down from generation

to generation within their genes. It was an innate part of their genetic

makeup. Without it, they wouldn't have even known what Yin chakra



However, it was a different story for Naruto. He had mastered Yin chakra

to a certain degree, and with his eyes, he had witnessed how the chakra

constructs for shadow jutsu were formed.


And now, he was attempting it.

He focused intently on his chakra, using his eyes to observe the intricate

process of chakra within his body. Soon enough, his shadows began to

come to life, wriggling and responding to his control.

"Haha...Fuck I did it," he exclaimed with excitement. He manipulated his

shadow, twisting it and warping it in astonishing ways.

Although the sun was in front of him, his shadow, which should have

been behind him, now stretched out in front. This defiance of the laws of

physics was a testament to the unconventional nature of shadow jutsu.


Like the Nara clan, Naruto had no shortage of chakra. In fact, he could

use it as much as he desired.


Kakuzu had finished healing his body and began forming hand signs.

"Boy, you will pay for this," he spat


Naruto kept his gaze fixed on Kakuzu. "Your hands are moving, and I

don't like it," he remarked, and his shadow extended in a circular motion.


The earth turned black as Naruto's shadow extended in a circular pattern,

covering an area of 50 meters.


Kakuzu's hands ceased their movements, and he found himself unable to

even twitch a finger; the binding of the shadows was too powerful.


The trees that had been swaying in the wind froze in place, their leaves

standing still, and the birds sat motionless. Everything seemed as if time

had stopped, yet the howling of the wind still echoed in the

surroundings. The eerie and horrifying stillness was an unsettling sight to



Naruto began to walk on the shadows.


He tapped his scythe on the shadow, and the scythe remained frozen in


Naruto continued to move on the shadows, his black cloak fluttering.

Everything was connected to him, and nothing stirred.

"I see that you have five hearts... and I don't want to kill you five times,"

he remarked to Kakuzu.


Kakuzu was undoubtedly shaken, although his face remained impassive.

It wasn't that he wanted to appear cool; his facial expressions were

simply frozen.

"I had been thinking of creating a new jutsu," Naruto began, "but I didn't

get the time for that. This seems like the perfect chance."

He continued to approach Kakuzu at a measured pace, his eyes beginning

to glow faintly


Naruto began to perceive the particles of different elements around him.

He wasn't pushing his eyes to the extreme, but he was using them enough

to discern the elemental particles present in the vicinity.

He extended his left hand, and a minuscule ball of chakra concentrated in

his palm. To the untrained eye, it appeared as nothing more than a spark.


But for Naruto, it was sufficiently large.

He extended his right hand, and wind chakra began to emanate from his

palm, directed toward the small chakra ball. The wind chakra started

swirling around the chakra ball.

From his left hand, pure chakra poured forth, splitting into thousands of

threads that spun at a rapid pace above the wind chakra.

Another layer of wind chakra flowed from his right hand and started

rotating along with the first layer of Rasengan. Due to its speed, the wind

chakra split into thousands of sharp needles, all revolving at full speed.


The process continued, and in no time, the jutsu was complete. The Wind

Style Rasengan was now fully formed.

The jutsu was flawless; there was no space between the layers of

Rasengan. Every gap was filled with the whirling wind needles.

Naruto held the Rasengan in his right hand, and it emitted a hollowing

sound, reminiscent of the wind cutting through everything in its path.


Naruto gazed at the Rasengan in his hand, murmuring, "Truly

magnificent... a jutsu worthy of me," in a low voice.

He then turned his attention to Kakuzu, who remained frozen in place

like a statue.


Naruto seamlessly controlled Yin chakra, wind chakra, and the Rasengan

simultaneously, showcasing his superiority. His confident talk wasn't

baseless; he possessed the power to back it up.

"Be grateful that you're the first test subject of my new creation," Naruto

remarked before launching the Wind Style Rasengan at Kakuzu.


The Wind Style Rasengan struck Kakuzu, resulting in a deafening

explosion. A white dome, formed of swirling wind and Rasengan,

emerged. [an~image]

The sheer power of the attack defied the binding of Naruto's shadows. A

massive crater was created, and inside the jutsu, every cell of Kakuzu's

body was obliterated by the minuscule and razor-sharp wind needles.

These needles had become incredibly sharp and small due to the intense

rotation, effectively annihilating every single cell of Kakuzu and ending

his life within the swirling dome of wind and Rasengan.


"This is great," Naruto exclaimed while gazing at the lifeless body of


"I wonder what will happen if I add other elements like water, lightning,

fire, or earth into the Rasengan," Naruto pondered aloud in a hushed




AN~ I hope you like the chapter, how do you like the personality of


The training arc will start soon…

In the next chapter, someone is going to die Guess who is he/she

1. Kurotsuchi

2. Diedara

3. Zetsu

Do you like Kushina, I think there will be some mention of her in the

next chapter. When do you want me revive her?

Before the war


After the war

If you like the chapter give me powrstones and add the novel to the





Chapter~ Buried Memories, Kushina



"And what if I were to add my Ice Release into the Rasengan?" he thought

to himself.


"You created a fucking jutsu that could literally blow up the planet... my

father..." Naruto thought.


Thinking of his last meeting with his father, he didn't hate the man; he

was just frustrated with him and vented his frustration. Now that his

head was cool, he couldn't help but ponder, 'What would my life be like if

I lived with my parents? Ahhh, should I revive him again...'


And then, like an apparition, a vivid face materialized in his mind—the

face of a beautiful woman with cascading red hair, deep violet eyes that

shimmered with an otherworldly allure, and fair skin.

It was the face of his mother. He recalled their conversation within the

sealed space, the warmth enveloping him as she embraced him.



Some months ago.


Naruto sat on the edge of a hill, his legs dangling over the side as he

gazed upon the warm, setting sun.

The river before him mirrored the orange hues of the fading daylight.

The gentle flow of water and the cool breeze caressing his face enveloped

his senses.


He had left Jiraiya some days ago, and now he was on his way to


He had met his father in the sealed space when he removed the seal on

Kurama's cage, and it's safe to say that the meeting was far from ideal.


But now that he had removed the seal from the cage, there was one

person waiting for him – his mother.

"His heart pounded in his chest as he thought about her. He didn't know

how to interact with her; he was afraid for the first time.

He had never feared anyone, but now, he wanted to meet her. Yet, he

didn't know what he would say to her or how she would react to him.

Will she reject me, just like all the villagers? His irrational thinking was

coming back. He didn't want her to ignore him. In the deepest part of his

heart, he knew she loved him unconditionally.

But when everyone hated him, he truly didn't know how to confront her.

He wanted to see her, but at the same time, he was afraid. Afraid of

being rejected, of not being loved by the person he wanted to see the



"Don't be like this, just come inside..." his friend Kurama's voice woke

him from his thoughts.

Naruto nodded to him. "Thanks." Saying this, he closed his eyes and

found himself in front of the giant bars.

With a push, he opened the gate.

There he stood, waiting for something, and then it happened.

His surroundings changed; the scent of flowers filled his senses. Golden

clouds were everywhere, and he heard the sound of hair rustling. Upon

hearing the sound, he turned around.


And there she stood, adorned in a flowing white and green gown, her

cascading red hair reaching down to her thighs.

Two shoulder-length strands of hair framed her delicate cheeks,

emphasizing her striking violet eyes, Like a fairy.

she graced the scene, her eyes radiating warmth and affection as she

looked at her son for the very first time.

"Naruto's body froze in place, his heart beating faster than ever before.

There she stood, the person he longed for the most.

His heart raced as tears welled up in his eyes. He couldn't believe it. His

mother, the person he had yearned to meet all his life, was standing right

in front of him.


Kushina looked at her son for the first time, her voice trembling with

emotion as she spoke, "I've waited for this moment for too long I've

finally met you, my precious boy," she said as she stepped closer.

Naruto could hardly contain his emotions any longer. He rushed forward

and embraced Kushina tightly, burying his face in her shoulder. He

finally felt the warmth he had longed for, and tears streamed down,

soaking her shoulder. "I... I missed you too much, Mom," he whispered,

his voice choked with tears.

Kushina held Naruto even tighter, her own tears falling freely. "I've

missed you too, Naruto. I've waited here for you,"

Naruto stood there, holding her tightly, not wanting to let her go. Her

hands patted his back as moments passed in silence.

Reluctantly, he finally parted from her. There was so much he wanted to

ask and so much to tell her.

Kushina sat on the ground and patted the spot next to her, inviting

Naruto to sit down.

They both took a seat, and Naruto looked at his mother, saying, "I... I

wanted to ask you so much. I have so much to tell you..."


She placed her hand on his shoulder and gently caressed his cheek,

saying, "Calm down, Naruto. I'm not going anywhere."

He held her hand and looked at her, a slight smile appearing on his face.

"You are so beautiful, Mom."


Kushina giggled at his remark and asked, "What is so beautiful about


Naruto, without hesitation, tightened his grip on her hand. "Your hair is

beautiful, your smile is beautiful"


She laughed. "So you like my hair, and yours are just like mine... You're

the second person who likes my hair." She ruffled his hair fondly.

Naruto laughed as she ruffled his hair. "So, Naruto, where is your



"Huh," Naruto was surprised by the sudden question. "What do you mean

by girlfriend, Mom? I don't have any."

She closed her eyes and tapped her finger on her head. "I have seen you

with the girl... What was her name? Huh... I couldn't remember it. It's

like you were badly injured while fighting someone... Maybe I am a soul

fragment, so I couldn't remember anything," she mumbled.


Naruto looked at her, pondering. In his eyes, she looked so adorable, and

he just wanted her in his life. Like any family, he wanted to live with her.

"What are you saying, Mom? I can't hear you."

Kushina shook her head, too happy to see her son. "It's nothing. Tell me,

what do you like, Naru-chan?"


Naruto averted his gaze, feeling embarrassed by his nickname. "I like

apples, sweets…," he told her.


Seeing her son embarrassed, she hugged him tightly, burying him in her

embrace. "You are such a sweet boy, my boy, Naru-chan."


Naruto felt embarrassed and didn't look up. He relished in her

playfulness. "Mom, it's embarrassing."





He didn't say anything this time, just hugged her tightly. Seeing him like

this, Kushina giggled. "My son... you are such a sweetie... I wish I could

stay by your side all the time," she said, her lips quivering as she spoke.

Her time with her son was now over, and her eyes started to moisten.


Naruto looked at his mother as she began to glow, realizing she was

going to disappear. "No... No," he tightened his hug, afraid she would

vanish. He gazed into her eyes, not wanting her to go away. He would do

anything to keep her by his side. "I don't want you to leave. Stay with me,

Mom... Is it selfish to ask this?"


Kushina gently patted his back. "No, you are not selfish, Naru-chan. Every

child wants his mother to be with him."


Kushina started to disappear, her body turning into golden particles.

Naruto's tears fell uncontrollably. "I don't want you to leave me... I want

you to stay with me, even if I'm selfish…I~I don't care about anything, I

want you to be with me… I... I will bring you back, no matter what."


Seeing her son like this, her heart ached. She couldn't bear to watch him

like this. "I too wish I could stay with you, watch you grow up."

For the last time, she hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead. "Be

happy, my son."


Naruto watched her as she disappeared. "I... I promise I will bring you

back." There was nothing in his hands now; she was gone. His mother

was gone. He looked at his empty hands. "Even if I'm a bad person, even

if I'm selfish... I promise I will bring her back."


He stood up and wiped away his tears.


END Flashback


His heart ached suddenly, and he clutched his chest. "Why am I

remembering this now?" He recalled his conversation with his mother. He

remembered his promise to her.

"Original... you fucker... deal with your problems!" he yelled.

Every clone had the personality traits from the original. And this arrogant

punk, who created two S-rank jutsu in the span of some minutes, is

having his heart bleed.

"Family, love, friends... these are the bitter and sweet tastes of life. That's

why Naruto didn't form bonds with everyone. Instead, he strengthened

the bonds he had.


Although his heart ached while remembering his mother, the woman

who gave birth to him and died while protecting him, Naruto may be a

jerk towards others, but there are some people he cares about most and

loves dearly. They may be few, and you could count them on one hand,

and his mother was one of them.


He smiled when he remembered his mother holding his hand and talking

about various things.

At the same time, a hand pressed on his shoulder. He was lost in his

thoughts, and he didn't notice anything.

"Are you okay, Naruto?" Shikamaru asked him.

Naruto looked at him and nodded.



An~ End of the chapter, tell me how you like it, The flashback was not in

the original chapter, but I feel like I should write it, From this flashback,

you can understand his character more, he is not some emo guy, with

emotionless face and a cold glint in his eyes, he is just a normal boy just

like me and you who just wanted to live with his family and don't be

bothered by anyone that's why he wants power.

Here is today's question

If you are in Naruto's place, will you revive your mother?

1. Yes

2. No.

If you like the chapter, please comment on the chapter, genuine comment

so I could reply you and if you have powerstones just give them to me…




Chapter76~ Bullying the weak again Part 2, Gauss Who's he




"That's good. Let's go. Our job is done," Naruto said.


Shikamaru nodded, and they walked towards Konoha. But before walking

away, Naruto had sealed Kakuzu into the scroll.

Naruto and Shikamaru were heading towards Konoha. Naruto's mood

was not good at this time.

Shikamaru felt it; he tried to ask his friend what was wrong, but Naruto

just shook his head, saying it's nothing, so Shikamaru didn't press the



He felt somewhat happy that he had avenged his sensei, but he also felt

emptiness, knowing that his sensei could never come back to life. He just

walked with Naruto.


Naruto was thinking about his happy talks with his mother, although

they were few, they were pleasant.

But suddenly his mood changed when a certain incident came to his

mind; he had just killed one member of Akatsuki, but there was one

member that he had to pay back.


That bastard almost killed his students, And he hadn't paid him back for

what he did

He looked at his friend, 'Shikamaru... you can go alone... I have

something to do...'


Shikamaru looked at him. 'What is it? I can help you,' he said to his

friend. After all, Naruto had helped him avenge his sensei.

Naruto gazed at him "Look at you... You are in no condition to help here,"

Shikamaru looked at his condition, he was tired and exhausted, and he

was in no condition to fight. Shikamaru nodded to Naruto, " okay…"

He knew Naruto was powerful, but he also wanted to help his friend.

However, his condition was not so good, and he would just get in the



"Okay, be careful," Shikamaru said to him and then disappeared.

Naruto stood there for a few seconds; they were still in the forest. In fact,

the Land of Fire consisted of 80% forest and 20% land.


"They should call it the Land of Trees," Naruto thought to himself. "Or

should I make this land to a literally Land of Fire... hehe," he thought

with a grin. When he was alone, his mind tended to wander, entertaining

all sorts of random and seemingly useless thoughts.


He squatted down, placed two fingers on the ground, and closed his eyes.

Using Kagura's mind eye and sensory abilities, he could sense people

miles away, helping him locate the person he sought.

He harnessed all of his abilities and tapped into the vibrations of the



Every person has a different chakra signature, and when they touch the

ground, they produce different vibrations, Naruto has met him two times

and knows his chakra signature, so he can locate him anywhere.

His mastery over the Earth element was immense; he could discern

vibrations in the ground from hundreds of miles away. When combined

with his sensory abilities, he could locate anyone within the Elemental


Now Naruto think about why he didn't use his eyes, "Damn, I forgot

about them."

Naruto chuckled softly, "I think having so many ways to locate people

has its disadvantages... should I donate some of my abilities to some poor

soul... haha," he joked with himself, finding it rather amusing. People

often struggled to find their lost pets, and here he was, trying to locate

someone he didn't even know how to find.


He glanced at a certain distance, saying, "Found you, Bitch"

He locked on his target's chakra and, with his eyes, tracked his location.

Naruto stood up and flicked his finger; he appeared 10 miles away. He

flicked his finger again, instantly covering another 10 miles. In just three

seconds, he had traversed 20 miles.


Land of earth.


In a restaurant, a blond man was enjoying his meal of the day, and this

man happened to be none other than Deidara.

"That was a good meal," he spoke and got up from the restaurant.

As soon as he exited the building, he felt a sharp pain in his ribs.




With a sonic boom, he was sent flying, demolishing the walls in his path.

In just 5 seconds, he was out of the town and entered the rocky grounds.


He continued to destroy more boulders until finally coming to a stop. He

found himself stuck in a rocky crevice.


His eyes were half-open, and then he saw a black cloak flutter in the air,

with red hair swaying in the wind. Only one person came to his mind.


Naruto appeared in front of him. "It's good that you're alive,"

Deidara felt deja vu; this was how he had attacked Naruto some months

ago. He knew that this time, he wouldn't survive, and there would be no

Tobi to save him.


"You're going to kill me... Fuck you, I don't care!" Deidara yelled,

attempting to activate his suicide explosion as a last resort.


"No, you won't," Naruto said, and shadows spread out from his body like

a ripple, enveloping everything in darkness.

Even a bird that was flying above his head remained suspended in the

air, its shadow captured as well.


Naruto gazed up at the bird above his head; its wings were outstretched,

and it defied the laws of gravity by remaining suspended in the sky.

"I'm liking this more and more," he muttered in a low voice.


Deidara looked at Naruto, unable to move his lips to curse him. At this

moment, he knew he was fucked up.

Naruto stood right in front of him, having recently created the Wind Style

Rasengan a few hours ago.

"Which element should I use to bring the Rasengan to its full potential?"

Naruto thought.

"We're in the Land of Earth, so let's go with it... I wonder how different it

will be from Wind Style," he pondered.


And just like before.


Naruto extended his left hand, and a ball of condensed chakra appeared

on his palm. Extending his right hand, he allowed earth chakra to seep

into the ball, causing it to start spinning at his command.

Due to his speed, the particles of the earth element began to condense,

and Naruto started to feel the weight. The pure chakra threads streamed

from his left hand, swirling over the earth element, creating the first

layer of the Rasengan. It felt heavy, around 2 kilograms.

Soon, Naruto began to pour the earth element from his right hand. With

his eyes, he could see the particles of earth chakra and discern how much

was needed to achieve a perfect balance.


As the layers upon layers began to form, the weight of the Rasengan

increased. Naruto soon found that the ground around his feet was

cracking, and he had to support his left forearm with his right hand. The

Rasengan now weighed fucking 200 kilograms.

It wasn't that Naruto couldn't lift this weight; the problem lay in the

center of gravity. The Rasengan was only 10 centimeters in diameter, yet

it weighed 200 kilograms.

But the next moment, Naruto got used to this weight. He gazed at the

Rasengan, finding it beautiful. Its color was brown, and the earth element

spun so violently that it seemed ready to explode in his hand.



Naruto extended his arm, his palm facing Deidara. The Earth Style

Rasengan spun madly in his hand, and then...


The Rasengan shot out at a speed of 200 meters per second, destroying

everything in its path.

When it reached its target, it created a massive explosion in which

microscopic particles of the earth element traveled at supersonic speeds

in every direction.

This damaged Deidara at a near-cellular level, much like the Wind Style

Rasengan. The key difference was that the Earth Style Rasengan traveled

at bullet-like speeds, causing greater impact damage. It exploded and

dispersed instantly.


Diadara was dead.


"Earth Style Rasengan is much faster and kills the enemy instantly, but

the recoil from the projectile is so high that if I didn't have enough

strength in my arms, they would shatter.

On the other hand, Wind Style is light as air and kills the enemy slowly,

torturing them to death. Its throwing speed is slower than Earth-style

Rasengan, but one thing is common in both of them: they damage the

opponent on a cellular level.

One does it slowly, and one does it instantly. Both are monsters in their

own right. I wonder how Water, Fire, and Lightning Rasengan would

feel... hehe... I will create them soon," he said to himself.


He looked at Deidara's lifeless body, a smile forming on his face, and then

packed the body into his scroll.

Naruto looked in the distance, a grin appeared on his face," The naïve girl

wants to kill me… I think I will pay her a visit soon,"

"I will send this gift to the Tsuchikage... I wonder how he will react to the

dead body of his former student," Naruto wondered and disappeared

from the scene.



AN~END of the Chapter, how to do you like.

What do you think about this bully Naruto, I think he uses his eyes in a

better way than his original…

but don't worry the training arc will soon after 1 chapter, where you will

find out the true purpose of his eyes, and why I haven't fully utilized

them, just wait 1 chapter and the fun begins

who do you think Naruto was looking at?

1. Korotsuchi

2. Mabui

3. Samui

For image reference check comments


And here is the today's question,

----What would you want to have in real life?

1. Sharingan

2. Byakugan

And please share your genuine reaction it always helps me write more.

And give me some power stones…

chapter 77

Chapter 77


If you find yourself enjoying the chapter, press on the paragraph for 3

seconds and comment on what you like, it will help me to write what you



words 2700


long chapter... Enjoy or Die



Naruto and all of his friends exited the portal. One by one, they made

themselves comfortable in their hideout. They settled into chairs, sofas,

and tables scattered around the space.


The hideout felt just like home, nestled beneath the Uzumaki Shrine, a

temporary meeting place they had chosen for the time being.


"That was fun," Hinata called out in a joyful voice, not caring about what

others might think of her.

"Yep, that was awesome," Naruto replied, grinning at her.


"It's all his karma; he got what he did to others," Nagato spoke with a

tone reminiscent of a wise older brother.

"Hehe... you can say whatever you want, but that was a lot of fun, man,"

Naruto replied, his voice filled with a mixture of amusement and



"Yes... I wish he could have more life so we could have tortured him

further," Hinata said to Naruto.

Naruto nodded in agreement.

He then shifted his gaze to Sasuke. Sasuke and Konan remained the quiet

ones in this group of bizarre individuals.


One of them is a yandere, a crazy girl. The other one was the emo, who

killed his brother. Another one was the man who killed his sensei in the

name of peace. The other one has a god complex.

So, in this group, the blue-haired girl, Konan, was relatively normal in

comparison to them.


"Hey, Sasuke! Do you think revenge is a sweet pill?" Naruto asked a

mischievous glint in his eyes.

Sasuke turned to his friend, his expression unreadable. "I don't know

what you're talking about," he replied, .

although he knew what Naruto was asking.


"You're no fun, man," Naruto remarked to Sasuke, shaking his head in

mock disappointment.

Sasuke's expression remained unchanged.

"You're always like this, the emo brat... Although you've changed, you're

still you—the classic Uchiha," Naruto teased him, a playful glint in his



"What did you just say… emo?" Sasuke retorted, irritation evident in his


Naruto looked at him, amused by Sasuke's reaction.


Turning his attention to Hinata, Naruto asked, "Hey, Hinata... Do you

think revenge is a sweet pill?"


Hinata looked at him, and a smile appeared on her face. "Of course,

revenge is a sweet thing," she said with conviction.

"The people who say revenge will lead you to nothing... that's all bullshit.

Look at me. I killed the elders of the main family, tortured some

clansmen who looked down on me and mentally tormented my father.

And I feel nothing bad; on the contrary, it feels amazing." She spoke to

Naruto with a sweet and innocent smile.

"Hehe... that's my girl," Naruto said, and hearing his praise, her cheeks

reddened in response.

All of them looked at her, seeing her sweet smile. In that moment, no one

could believe that this girl could have a darker side.


Then, Naruto suddenly remembered something, and he looked at Sasuke

with a subtle smile playing on his lips. "Hey, Sasuke, now that your goal

is complete, and you've avenged your clan... but," Naruto said, pausing

for emphasis although Obito is still alive, and they're all going to kill him


"But what..." Sasuke asked, not fully grasping the point Naruto was



"But... have you thought about rebuilding your clan? Do you have any

girls in mind?" Naruto asked, a sly and teasing smile on his face.

"..." Sasuke remained silent, unable to provide an answer to Naruto's


"What about Sakura... or do you not like flat-chested girls? Oh... what

about your other fangirls..." Naruto said, playfully needling Sasuke.

"Naruto," Sasuke responded with a visible vein pulsing on his forehead.

"Tell me, Sasuke, what type of girls do you like? Tall, short, flat, big

boobs, or something else... You can tell me, you know I'm here to help

you," Naruto continued a sly smile on his face.

"Naruto... you're getting on my nerves lately," Sasuke said in annoyance.

He struggled with words, and Naruto was clearly enjoying poking fun at


"Tch... you're no fun... I want to help you, emo brat," Naruto said, the last

part in a low voice, but everyone in the room heard him.

"You…" Sasuke wanted to respond, but he found himself momentarily at

a loss for words. But He was determined not to let Naruto have his way.


"Look who's saying this, the boy who always yelled like a fool, 'I'm gonna

be Hokage.' What's now?" Sasuke asked, his lips curling upward slightly.

After having Naruto as his friend, he had also picked up some of Naruto's


"Hokage... why should I become Hokage when I could become a god,"

Naruto replied.

"Isn't that right, Hinata-chan?" He looked at her, and she nodded in



"Here you go again with your god complex... I'm out of this," Sasuke said,

his smile fading as he walked away from them. He found a corner to sit

in, closed his eyes, and decided to disengage from the verbal battle. No

matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to win.


Naruto's expression shifted, becoming serious as he turned to Nagato.

"The three villages are getting ready to wage war on Konoha, and these

fools didn't even know they're being manipulated by someone," Naruto

explained to Nagato. He understood that this was not just any ordinary


"Yes, I could feel the disturbance in the air. What do you want me to do?"

Nagato asked. He was willing to follow Naruto, he was driven by his goal

to create peace in the shinobi world. However, now he understood that it

wouldn't be as simple as he once thought.


The people here could change the way of war on their whims, but that

wasn't Naruto's primary concern.

"We'll see when the war starts. First, you have to train hard," Naruto said

to Nagato.

Sasuke, eager to use his eyes asked, "How much time do we have?"

"One month," Naruto replied.

"This is enough," Sasuke affirmed


Naruto nodded in agreement. He was well aware that the scale of this

war would be significant, with Jonin-level shinobi serving as cannon

fodder and Jinchuriki of Ten Tails and Otsutsuki clan members posing

the real threat. However, he didn't appear overly concerned.

He turned his gaze to Hinata. "Are you ready?" he asked. She nodded,

and a portal materialized behind her.

Naruto looked at them. "We'll see you in a few days. Until then,

goodbye." With that, both Naruto and Hinata stepped through the portal.


Sasuke stood up, his fire burning in his eyes, and walked away. He knew

he had to train hard; he couldn't let Naruto get too far ahead. With

purpose, he disappeared from the scene.

Now, only Nagato and Konan remained. They exchanged nods, silently

understanding the gravity of the situation and the roles they needed to

play. Without further words, they too vanished from the location,


Naruto (clone), the arrogant punk, was now heading towards Konoha.

"Hahaha... this is addictive," he exclaimed, a swaggering grin plastered

across his face.

A Earth-style Rasengan pulsated in Naruto's palm. As he prepared to

unleash its power, he felt a significant recoil, and the Rasengan was

expelled like a high-speed projectile, hurtling forward at a velocity of 200

meters per second.


The brown Rasengan tore through everything in its path. Trees were

reduced to splinters, and rocks were sent flying in all directions. With a

deafening explosion, the force of the Rasengan devastated the

surroundings. As the explosion expanded at supersonic speed, it

disintegrated everything down to a cellular level and dissipated instantly.


Naruto gazed at the devastation he had unleashed. "Hehe... it's fun," he

mused aloud, a gleam of excitement in his eyes. "What if I add some

kekkei genkai into the Rasengan? Even thinking about this gives me

goosebumps... the power will be so tremendous that not even the

Jinchuriki of the Ten-Tails could absorb my ninjutsu... haha..." His

laughter echoed through the forest.


"He activated his eyes and looked in the direction of Konoha, and saw

Shikamaru still hadn't reached the village.


"I will think about mixing my kekkei genkai into the Rasengan when I

reach 'my village,'" Naruto declared, and with a casual flick of his finger,

he vanished from the spot.

Meanwhile, Shikamaru continued his journey towards Konoha. After an

hour had passed with no sign of Naruto's return, Shikamaru muttered in a

low voice, "It's been an hour, and Naruto hasn't returned."

A chill settled over him as he neared the village. The climate had

undergone a drastic change.

Deep in thought, Shikamaru suddenly heard Naruto's voice from behind.

"You haven't reached the village yet, you're so slow, Shikamaru," Naruto's

teasing voice called out.


The inability to sense Naruto scared Shikamaru.

"Are you done with your business?" he inquired cautiously.

Naruto nodded in response.

As they conversed, snowflakes began to drift down from the sky, and the

coldness intensified. The once vibrant greenery transformed into a frosty


With a final exchange of farewells, they went their separate ways.


Shikamaru strolled through the village, taking in the changes to the


Despite the alterations, the place still felt like home to him. As he

meandered, he noticed his team sitting in a restaurant, enjoying a meal


Entering the establishment, Shikamaru joined his friends at their table.

His fatigue was evident, and he slumped wearily into a seat.


Sikamaru's friends, Choji and Ino, turned their attention to him. They

shared a knowing glance, aware that he had recently gone on a mission

with Naruto, a secret known only to the three of them.


"So you completed your mission?" Ino asked Shikamaru, her blonde hair

tied in her typical style. [an-img]

"Yes," Sikamaru replied to her.

Meanwhile, Choji was munching on chips, even though there was still

food on the table.


Both Ino and Choji noticed that something was amiss with Sikamaru's

demeanor. There was a clear unease in his expression that caught their


Ino, perceptive as ever, locked her gaze onto him. "What's on your mind,

Shikamaru?" she inquired.

Shikamaru hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to share his

thoughts. After a pause, he finally spoke up, "It's about Naruto."


"What about Naruto?" Choji inquired.

Shikamaru took a moment before he responded, his words laced with

hesitation. "He's a monster... I really felt scared being near him."

Ino, seemingly surprised by Sikamaru's assessment, chimed in, "How can

you say that? Look at him, he's so handsome. In the whole village, there

is no one as Handsome as him... you're not making any sense."

"You don't believe me about what I saw," Sikamaru stated to his friends.

"What did you see?" Choji inquired, his interest piqued as he continued to

munch on his chips.


"He didn't put any of them in his eyes... he just called them lesser

beings... and I saw him using the Shadow Possession Jutsu... and believe

me, this was on a whole another level than even my father couldn't do at

his level," Shikamaru explained to his friends.


"Didn't it make him cool?" Ino said, her perspective was different from

Sikamaru's. She found Naruto's abilities intriguing and exciting,

wondering why Shikamaru was reacting this way.

Sikamaru's tone remained serious as he responded, "You don't

understand. He is powerful, way more powerful. I know no one could

defeat him. He's leagues beyond anyone. What if he turned against

Konoha? Who will stop him? Do you understand now? He is way too

powerful. I don't feel safe around him, but rather scared," he explained,

earnestly sharing his concerns with his friends. These were his thoughts

after witnessing his powers, he felt conflicted, he believed in his friend,

but he also felt afraid of his power.


"No, he will never turn against our village. Don't you remember he

rebuilt this whole village? If people hear something like this, they will

kill you," Ino said to her friend. She didn't have any problem with this; in

her opinion, their village was safe in his presence. She had witnessed his

powers, and she knew everyone had seen his powers.

"Don't you know what people call him nowadays?" Choji said to his



"What do they call him?" Shikamaru inquired, genuinely curious, as he

hadn't been paying much attention to village affairs.


"They call him the 'God of Shinobi,'"


Naruto strolled through the village, his gaze falling upon a group of

children playing on the street. They were busy building snowmen and

engaging in lively snowball fights, their boisterous laughter filling the air.

As he passed by, Naruto couldn't help but smile at the sight of the

carefree children, their innocence a stark contrast to the world of shinobi

he knew so well, "I am getting bored, what should I do,"

Naruto continued his aimless walk through the streets, eventually passing

by the ninja academy.

"These little kids preparing for the war," he mused to himself.

~~IN the Acadmy~~

These days, the training for the academy students has become

exceedingly strict.

It was a stark departure from their usual classes, and the students felt the

drastic change keenly.

Each day was a grueling ordeal as they navigated the rigorous training


New students had recently been enrolled in the academy, and the existing

students couldn't help but sense the tension in the air.

Rumors circulated among the academy's corridors, whispers of an

impending war on the horizon.


The rigorous training was indeed the reason they were pushed so hard,

but now it was lunchtime, and the students had a moment to relax.


As the lunch bell rang, they gathered in groups.


Several students formed a group, sitting together and enjoying their



"Hey, do you remember that day when he flattened the whole village?"

one of the students asked.

"Yeah, that was scary as hell. How could someone flatten the whole

village? It's above 40 km in diameter," another boy remarked.

"And then he started raising houses from the ground... that was

something else," a third boy chimed in.


"Look around us... There were houses made of ice, and we didn't feel cold

inside them. And the whole village is now a snow village," the girl


"That was awesome... our village now looks like the paradise from some

fairy tales," another boy added.


"You know his nickname, how could you be like him?" one boy


"Didn't they say that the first Hokage was the God of Shinobi... the forest

around us was made by him?" another boy asked.

"I don't believe this, Naruto Uzumaki is the real God of Shinobi. We have

seen his powers with our own eyes," the girl stated firmly.


They all nodded in agreement with the girl's statement. After all, they

had personally witnessed Naruto's incredible powers.

Conversations like these echoed throughout Konoha, and soon, the

nickname "the God of Shinobi" became associated with Naruto. The

younger generation idealized him More than anything.


Naruto stood in the graveyard, his gaze fixed on the gravestone bearing

Kakashi Hatake's name.

he paid his respects to the man.

In his hands, Naruto held a jar filled with green liquid, and within it

floated an eye—an eye that had once belonged to Kakashi.


Now his Sharingan was in his hand. Naruto looked at the eye.

"Should I give it to Konohamaru?" Naruto thought. "But it will hinder his

progress; the chakra consumption is too high for him. Even Kakashi was

able to use it only two times before passing out," he said to himself.


"No one is coming to my mind," Naruto muttered, contemplating the fate

of the Sharingan eye. He carefully sealed it in a scroll, ensuring it

wouldn't go to waste.

"Now, let's work on my Rasengan... hehe... I wonder what will happen

when my Ice Release mixes with Rasengan... This is getting addictive,"

Naruto mused to himself.



AN~ End of the Chapter.

How was the conversation between Sasuke and Naruto, was Shikamaru

really afraid of Naruto, that poor boy didn't even know it was his clone.

The training arc will start in the next chapter, now Naruto will explore

the true ability of his eyes.

If you have some jutsu in mind tell me I will add them to his arsenal in a

proper way.

___and here is today's question.

Kakashi's Sharingan eyes, who will get it?

1. Konohamru.

2. Tsunade

3. His son

4. Some random crow


if you like the chapter tell me in the comments and give me your


chapter 78


Chapter 78~ Time strings.


This chapter can go over your head so read it carefully because there are

Maths, Physics, and the concept of space involved.



Naruto and Hinata exited the portal and entered a separate dimension.

This was one of the pocket dimensions aligned with the original



This dimension was strange, very strange. When Naruto entered, he felt

something unusual in his body. His eyes flickered for a second, and he

couldn't pinpoint what this feeling was.


He looked around in this dimension, taking in his surroundings.

Endless stretches of white sand formed a sprawling desert that seemed to

extend into infinity.

Despite its appearance, there was no oppressive heat radiating from the

desert floor.

Turning his gaze upward, Naruto observed the peculiar sky.

Devoid of a scorching sun or twinkling stars, it presented an eerie sight.

Instead, a solitary red moon hung in the vast expanse of the grayish sky,

casting a pallid, otherworldly glow upon the desolate landscape.


"So, this is the dimension you were talking about," he called out to


"Yes, I discovered this dimension some time ago," she replied to him.


"This is strange... the time difference is 1:0.01 compared to the original

dimension," he said while looking around.

He squatted down and picked up some sand in his palm, examining it

closely. "There is an abundance of natural energy here," he said as he

scanned the sand in his palm.


"Yep, and this is not the only thing…" Hinata said, her Jougan activated.

With her eyes, she could perceive the world around her in a very strange

and bizarre way.

"The space and time around this dimension move in parallel and

intertwine with each other... you can see it with your eyes," she

explained to him, while Naruto continued to scan the surroundings.


"Hmm," he nodded. "Now that we don't have the limitation of time, we

can train as much as we want. This is going to go a long way," Naruto

said to her.

"We have all the time we want," she replied, crossing her fingers. An

army of shadow clones appeared.

If she wanted to stand beside Naruto, she had to be powerful—powerful

enough to protect him—so she could not be left behind. It was her simple

yet extreme thinking.


"So what are you going to train?" Naruto asked her.

"First of all, all the remaining elements. And then, create some kekkei

tota. You know I have a liking for the powers of that blue-haired girl, and

I know it was her genetic kekkei tota. Now I have a liking for that power;

I want it for myself," she explained to him.


'The blue-haired girl, she meant Konan,' Naruto thought. "So that's how it

is; you want to combine wind, earth, and water to create the paper

release,'" Naruto said to her. He knew she could do it; her Jougan was

broken, and she had enough power to create it.


She nodded to him. If she liked something, she would get it, no matter


"Hehe, you know, now that you mentioned it, I was also thinking of

creating a kekkei tota," he said to her.


"Which one?" she asked him.

"The Dust Release," he said, a big grin on his face.


"The Tsuchikage's infamous Dust Release, the mixture of fire, earth, and

wind," she said.

"You're right, my darling. But that man didn't have enough chakra to use

it to its full potential. I have enough chakra; you couldn't even imagine

how much more powerful it will become in my hands. Mixing it with my

Rasengan... I don't even want to think about how much destruction it will

cause," Naruto mused aloud.

"Hehe… I like it…" Hinata giggled.

Naruto also created an army of shadow clones.

"You guys, figure out the ratio," he ordered half of them.

And the other half find a place for themselves they know what to do.

Hinata also ordered her clones to start. They all nodded to her and

moved slightly away from her.

Her clones first had to practice with fire, earth, and wind chakra. With

her Jougan, it wasn't difficult; after all, it was called the most broken

dojutsu for nothing.


Naruto and Hinata parted ways to practice on their own. They didn't

want to hinder each other.


Now that Hinata was away from him, he sat on the sand. "Now that my

clones are creating Dust Release, it's time for me to create something

even more destructive... hehe... I really love destruction," Naruto thought

out loud.


Naruto activated his eyes, and they emitted a subtle glow. His eyes were

not like other dojutsu with attack and defense abilities, such as the

Rinnegan or Sharingan.

His eyes possessed a passive ability; they could perceive virtually


They granted him the power to create anything; with enough chakra

control, he could alter the structure of any molecules.


As an example, he could observe the molecular arrangement of carbon in

the surrounding environment.

With his exceptional chakra control and all-seeing eyes, he had the

capability to alter the structure of carbon, transforming it from a gaseous

form to a solid, like graphite.

If He aimed to push the boundaries further, contemplated changing the

molecular structure of carbon to turn it into a diamond. This was just an

example of what he could do.


"In fact, I have the most broken eyes if they are used correctly," Naruto

thought to himself.

"Now... first, create the things I've wanted for both long and short-range



Naruto crossed his fingers, and six clones appeared, arranging themselves

in a circle around him.

Naruto and his six clones locked eyes with each other as they sat in a


Their eyes all glowed, and together, they extended their hands, carefully

releasing elemental chakra in a controlled manner.


The first one was lightning chakra, followed by fire, wind, earth, water,

yin, and lastly yang chakra.

They released an equal amount of chakra, ensuring not even a single

atom less or more.

The yin chakra was invisible to the naked eye, but they could perceive it.

As soon as all the elements collided with each other in the middle of their


A tiny black sphere began to materialize, initially so minuscule that it

eluded the naked eye.


However, as they infused more chakra into it, the sphere expanded, its

blackness absorbing the chakra like a sponge. It grew larger, not by

centimeters but millimeters.


The toll of creating the Truth-Seeking Ball was tremendous.


Nevertheless, there was no shortage of chakra, considering Naruto was a

jinchuriki without a bijuu.


Naruto and his clones, with their perfect chakra control, carefully infused

the elemental chakra into the ball. Any mistake could lead to the ball's

explosion, leaving no room for errors.

Soon, the Truth-Seeking Ball was ready. It measured about 7 to 8

centimeters in diameter. However, the power it contained was terrifying,

costing Naruto approximately 5 to 6 tails' worth of chakra.

They stopped pouring chakra into the ball.


Naruto gazed at the black ball in front of him. He extended his hand, and

the ball flew toward him.

It hovered just above his palm, and Naruto wore a grin on his face. It felt

so natural, as though it were an extra limb.


Naruto scanned the ball with his eyes. The density of the atoms was

remarkably high, with hardly any space between them. If he were to

calculate its weight, it would be above 6-7 tons.

However, the ball was connected to his mind at a subconscious level,

becoming like second nature to him.


Naruto flicked his hand, and the ball above his hand began to rotate

around his body.

Although he didn't need to command the ball by using his hand, he could

direct it with his thoughts.


With a sigh of concentration, the ball changed into a staff, and then into

a shield. Naruto altered its form repeatedly to get a better feel for it.

Once he was done experimenting, the ball started to hover behind his


"Boys, we can't stop with just one, can we?" Naruto said to his clones, all

of them wearing grins on their faces.

"Of course not," they called out in unison.

And so, the drill began.


Naruto didn't know how much time had passed in this dimension.

The moon was a constant presence, offering no indication of the passing

hours. Nonetheless, in reality, he was growing more powerful.

He had depleted nearly all of his chakra, only to find it fully replenished

again. His reserves were increasing day by day.

However, there was no time for celebration; he had more tasks to attend


Naruto stood in the center of the white desert, gazing at the moon.

In the distance, his and Hinata's clones were engaged in their practice.


Nine Truth-Seeking Balls were hovering behind his back in a circular


"It's time to test one of my theories; I hope it works," Naruto said to


With his thoughts, one of the Truth-Seeking Balls materialized in front of

him. It began to expand.

In just a few seconds, it transformed into a hollow sphere, completely

empty inside, containing nothing.

Naruto examined the massive black hollow sphere before him.


Naruto had his eyes activated as he bypassed the barrier and peered

inside the sphere.

Initially, it appeared empty, but this was not the case. With his eyes, he

could see the particles of all elements.

"It's time..." Naruto murmured in a low voice, a pure excitement gleaming

in his eyes.


He placed his hand on the sphere, connecting with the energies inside it.

At first, his hand began to emit a light green glow.

With his mastery over the wind element, he could feel the particles of

wind chakra within the sphere.

Naruto started to guide these particles, gradually removing all the wind

chakra from the mix.


As he looked inside the sphere, Naruto could see that there were no wind

particles left within it.

It had become a vacuum devoid of air.

The black ball surrounding the vacuum prevented any particles from

entering from the outside.

However, it couldn't be referred to as a "true vacuum." While there was

no air inside, any living being with a weak body that entered this domain

would be boiled alive and eventually burst open.

But, as Naruto pondered, it couldn't be considered a "true vacuum."

Other elements, such as nature energy, lightning, water, earth, and fire

chakra particles, were still present. Naruto had only removed the wind

chakra from the mix.


These five elements, along with nature energy, made it possible for living

beings to exist.


However, what these elements concealed was the essence of "space-time."


Naruto once again placed his hand on the sphere, and this time his hand

turned blue.

He connected with all the water particles and, using his mastery over the

water element guided them out of the sphere.


Now, only fire, earth, lightning, and nature energy remained within the



One by one, he began to extract all the remaining elements from the


Finally, only nature energy remained inside it.

Naruto didn't care about this small amount of nature energy and

effortlessly absorbed it into his body.

It was much easier when you could see it, and this minimal energy

couldn't turn him into stone.

At last, everything was done, and there was nothing left inside the



Naruto couldn't see anything inside it, because there was nothing.

The sphere had blocked all the light, leaving only darkness—a profound


Initially, he could perceive the atoms of different natures, but now there

was absolutely nothing, just an abyss of darkness.


He squinted his eyes even further, straining to see anything in the

absolute darkness.

But his efforts were in vain; there was nothing to see.

However, at that moment, something truly miraculous occurred.

Amidst the nothingness, he started to perceive something.

With each passing moment, his vision became clearer and clearer.




[Achievement Unlocked: Your mastery over your eyes has reached its

pinnacle. There is nothing you cannot see.

Final Stage - Watch 'Space-Time' (Complete)]


Naruto heard a message in his head, and he realized he had forgotten

about the system. After a long time, he heard the sound of his system.


But this was not the time for this. He focused on what he was seeing.

He struggled to describe it, but he was witnessing space-time, appearing

like a complex graph.

One thing remained constant—it was space.

Space was everywhere, yet it remained still, unchanging from its



The other element resembled threads or strings, flowing in straight lines.

These strings were omnipresent, moving uniformly in a straight


It was as if space remained stationary while time flowed in a straight line

above it, these two were parallel to each other.


Space had no end; it was infinite.

Time, on the other hand, flowed endlessly into eternity.


He was witnessing both infinity and eternity simultaneously.


He didn't know how much time had passed, and he didn't care. He was

observing, comprehending, and getting the hang of space-time.

"So, if I create a curve in space, the flow of time will attempt to maintain

a parallel relationship with space, making it seem like time has slowed

down for us.

In reality, due to the bending of space, the flow of time maintains its

parallel connection with space, creating the sensation of time slowing


This is one simple practical theory, not the advanced applications of

space," Naruto thought while becoming more acquainted with the

elements of time and space.


"Now, let me think about how 'limitless' works.

The first application is called 'infinity,' and infinity is everywhere.

Where I am standing, it's also infinity.

If I create a two-inch layer of space around my body, anyone trying to

reach me would have to travel an additional two inches to reach me.


Let's say I am at point "zero," and you want to reach me. To do that, you

have to pass through points 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and then 0 to reach me.

If I divide the space every time by 2, initially 2 inches thick, into halves

successively, you would reach point 1, and then you would continue to

divide it by 2, reaching 0.5, then 0.25, and so on. However, you'll never

quite reach zero. In this case, it's me.

This scenario illustrates the concept of approaching a limit but never

quite reaching it through repeated divisions by 2.


This is the concept of a technique called 'infinity,' which will provide me

with ultimate defense. Now, no one can reach me."

"But," Naruto couldn't help but think,

"Will there actually be an infinite distance between me and my target? If

that's the case, how can light reach me? Wouldn't I appear as a black,

humanoid figure, unseen because the light never reaches me and doesn't


And what about sound? Sound can't travel infinitely. Wouldn't that mean

I won't be able to hear anything if there's an infinite distance between me

and my target?"

The more Naruto thought about it, the more confused he became. "Fuck

it, my head hurts just thinking about it."


This is one of the advanced techniques of space manipulation.

"And similarly, there are techniques called 'blue' and 'red,' representing

attraction and repulsion using space manipulation.

In fact, it's simpler to explain. Let's just consider that everyone lives on

the number line at zero. That's why space remains still.

If someone were to introduce negative numbers into reality, space itself

would attempt to fill the gap, creating a suction or attraction force that

pulls everything around the negative number towards it.

Conversely, if someone brings out the positive numbers in reality, space

will repel everything, striving to return to zero. In this process, it

generates a repulsion force," Naruto thought to himself.


"And what about the element of time? It is even more mysterious and

challenging than space manipulation."

Naruto observed the never-ending flow of time strings. He didn't know

how much time had passed, but by now, he had a good grasp of both


He began to experiment with the time strings, attempting to stretch them.

As he did, everything within the stretched area slowed down.


Then, he attempted to squeeze the time strings, causing time to speed up

within that compressed area.

"Hehehe... it's really getting fun. Time and space are incredibly profound

elements. Let me try this... and that..." Naruto continued to experiment

with them, manipulating time and space.

To manipulate time strings and space, he required energy, and this

energy came from his chakra. His eyes also operated using chakra.

The chakra consumption was high, very high, to perform these feats.

However, chakra was never his problem.

And so, his training and practice continued for some time, perhaps days,

weeks, months, or even years.

After all, the time ratio in this dimension was 1:0.01, meaning that 100

days here equated to one day outside.



AN~ End of the chapter, how do you like the chapter?

If there is something you don't understand you can ask me in the


--Today's question,

---Which jutsu was most suitable for Naruto

1. Truth-seeking balls

2. The concept of infinity and the force of attraction and repulsion

3. Or manipulating the Time strings.

I think to go with the truth-seeking balls and man I love to play with

time strings, You can travel in time using time stings.

If you like the chapter please do your genuine comment and give me

your power stones…




Chapter 79~Enderflames





Naruto didn't know how much time had passed in this dimension; he was

busy. Busy with his space and time element.

The black sphere that was formed by the Truth-Seeking Ball dispersed.

Naruto had an excited grin on his face. His eyes were glowing differently;

it was as if an entire nebula resided within them. Naruto observed the

world around him, noticing the mysteries of this dimension through his


He wondered why they couldn't age in this dimension, why there was a

time difference between this dimension and their own.


Upon observing the dimension with his eyes, he realized that time was

flowing in different directions. However, it wasn't a mistake; the time

was linear.

Imagine time as a string, and the space around this dimension as curved

—a curvature that caused time to move in such a way that these time

strings possessed two properties at once due to the curvature in space.


These time strings had the ability to move forward and backward. In

simpler terms, time was flowing both forwards and backward

simultaneously due to the specific curvature in space. As a result, they

were both aging and de-aging at the same time.


Naruto marveled at the beauty of time-space.


In other dimensions, they ran parallel, and time moved in a straight line.

But here, it was different.

After marveling at the scene in front of him, he suppressed his eyes to

their limit. The abundance of information caused his mind cells to burn,

but his unparalleled healing factor prevented it from being a significant

problem. He could use his eyes as much as he wanted.


But the headache would appear if he went all out in a battle, and didn't

want to cover his eyes, there was one simple reason- his ego.


Having mixed byakugan didn't help either, and one part of his eyes was

passive, he could only suppress it not deactivate it. If he didn't suppress

his eye powers his brain would be overloaded with too much



The nine Truth-Seeking Balls hovered behind his back, rotating slowly



"Now that this is done, let me create something akin to Amaterasu. Those

flames have piqued my interest," Naruto muttered to himself.

He understood the workings of Amaterasu; they were a combination of

fire and Yin Release, combined with certain abilities of the Sharingan,

allowing them to burn for seven days and nights.

These flames couldn't be extinguished and would reduce their target to

ashes, continuing to burn for seven days.


"I want to create something even more powerful than Amaterasu, flames

that will burn forever," Naruto contemplated.


He extended his palm, and a fire ignited on it—a yellow flame.


He examined it closely; his chakra had transformed into the fire element,

and it would continue to burn until his chakra was depleted.


'I want to make it stronger,' he thought.


The flame flickered above his palm. With his other hand, he began to

infuse Yang Chakra into it, observing its transformations.

He continued pouring Yang Chakra into the flame until it became so

dense and concentrated that it resembled a burning liquid.

The influence of Yang Chakra transformed the intangibility of fire into a

liquid-like state.

He poured chakra into the flame until it could hold no more.

The flame, now intensely heated, began affecting its surroundings.

Although the flame could incinerate anything, it was tied to Naruto's

chakra. Once he ceased supplying his chakra, the flame would extinguish.


This wasn't what Naruto desired.


He began manipulating the surrounding natural energy, subtly altering

the structure of the light green flame burning above his palm.


The nature energy merged with the flame, turning it dark green.

As the ratio of these three energies was stabilized by Naruto, the heat

dissipated—though not truly.

Instead, the heat had intensified dramatically. This dark green flame

contained so much energy that it could reduce anything to ashes.

Thanks to the infusion of nature energy, Naruto no longer needed to

supply chakra to sustain the flame.


It burned autonomously, drawing energy from the environment due to

the intricate structure of the flames.

Now, Naruto only needed to control the flame, and it would burn

indefinitely on its own.


With a flick of his hand, he dropped the flame onto the white sand. Its

structure remained unchanged; the flame continued to burn on the sand.

One Truth-Seeking Ball materialized in front of Naruto, transforming into

a staff.


Naruto gripped it and guided its opposite end into the flame.


The staff's tip submerged in the green flames.

Before Naruto's fascinated gaze, the black surface gradually turned red

due to the immense heat.


"These flames are as powerful as Fuck. Even Amaterasu couldn't harm

Truth-Seeking Balls, yet my creation can," Naruto exclaimed aloud, his

excitement evident.


Naruto retrieved the staff, which reverted to its spherical form and

hovered behind his back.

The flames remained unaltered.

'These flames might even have the capability to melt Truth-Seeking Balls.

This was expected from the blend of these three energies,' Naruto mused

to himself.


Extending his finger, a dark green liquid-like flame began flickering. "I

shall name you the Flames of Ender - Enderflames, which shall burn


With a swift motion, Naruto sliced his finger through the air, launching

the flame into the sky, and illuminating it.

"Hehe… I wonder who could possibly compare to me..." Naruto thought



"There's one more thing I wish to create before departing this dimension,"

Naruto exclaimed excitedly as he walked towards his practicing clones.




[Two chapters today, Enjoy.]

[Author's Note: End of the chapter How do you like this chapter?

What's your opinion of the Enderflames concept?

Before leaving the chapter, please leave a comment. Your feedback

always motivates me to write more.

And don't forget to give me your power stones…]

chapter 80



Chapter 80~ End



Naruto appeared among his clones; there were thousands of clones who

were practicing new techniques.

Naruto stood between them, closed his eyes, dispelled all of them, and

gained all of the experience and skills that they had practiced until now.


Naruto extended his hand, and a white cube started to appear in his


It was slowly rotating clockwise. The core of the cube was made of pure

white light, and the edges of the cube were like mirrors.


This was the infamous kekkei tota, 'dust release,' the perfect combination

of wind, fire, and earth.

All three of these elements made it the most destructive kekkei tota.


The ratio between wind, fire, and earth was 641:643:647.

The 641 molecules of the wind element, 643 molecules of the fire

element, and 647 molecules of the earth element made this kekkei tota

possible. This was the balance between these elements.


Naruto gazed at the white cube cradled in his hand, its pristine surface

seemed to shimmer as he infused it with more chakra. Gradually, the

cube began to expand, growing larger and more imposing with each

passing moment.

His outstretched hand pointed skyward, and the once diminutive cube

now dwarfed anything in its vicinity, stretching beyond a towering ten

meters in size.


With a swift and practiced motion, Naruto released the cube from his

grip, sending it hurtling through the air.

In the blink of an eye, it collided with a colossal rock, easily spanning a

hundred meters across, and instantly swallowed it whole.




The immense rock vanished within the white cube, leaving Naruto to

watch in awe as it dissolved before his eyes. Every last trace of the rock

was obliterated, right down to the atomic level.

This was the formidable power of the dust release. Anything ensnared

within the cube's grasp would be obliterated to its very atomic essence.


Naruto had a satisfied smile on his face.

He had created the most destructive kekkei tota on his own, but he was

not satisfied.

He needed something even more destructive, a wide-range attack that

could erase everything from existence.

And what's better than his ultimate jutsu, the 'Rasengan'?


Naruto extended his palm, and the core of the Rasengan began to take

shape on his hand.


First, he started to infuse it with fire chakra, causing the fire chakra to

swirl frenziedly around the core. Then, his raw chakra joined in, forming

the initial layer of his jutsu.

Next, he infused earth chakra above the first layer, but in the opposite

direction, followed by his raw chakra, creating the second layer of the


Finally, he poured wind chakra above the second layer, causing it to spin

in the opposite direction to the second layer. Once again, he enveloped it

with his raw chakra. Now, the third layer was complete.

Naruto repeated this process two more times, perfecting his jutsu. A new

variant of the Rasengan had been added to his arsenal, and it was the

most dangerous among them.


Naruto gazed at the Rasengan in his hand. It was black at its core, with

white winds swirling around it like rings, creating a mesmerizing image.

This Rasengan had the potential to erase the entire village of Konoha if

dropped from the high sky, a chilling thought.

Satisfaction filled Naruto as he beheld his creation; it was a thing of

beauty in his eyes.

"What should I call you?" Naruto pondered for a moment, then a name

came to his mind.

"Dai Rasengan," he said in a low voice, "that's the perfect name for this."

With that, Naruto dispersed his jutsu.


Naruto had created so many jutsu that he himself didn't even know how


"It's time to return from this dimension. I wonder how much time has

passed outside," Naruto said and disappeared from there.


Hinata sat in a meditative position. Soon, she sensed a disturbance

around her, and a smile appeared on her face.


Naruto appeared in front of her, and she greeted him with a smile.


"So, have you completed your training?" she asked him.


Naruto nodded in response. "How about you?" he asked her.


She had a smile on her face, and with a flick of her hand, a paper kunai,

harder and sharper than steel, appeared in front of her.

The paper kunai soon became coated in wind chakra, and lightning

started to crackle on the kunai.

With a sonic boom, the paper kunai created air rings as it sliced through

the air, completely destroying the small hill in front of it.

Naruto looked at the devastation, a smile appearing on his face.

He loved destruction, and he could imagine how much destruction it

would cause when thousands of paper kunai hit the ground.


"How is it?" she asked him with a smile.


"It's beautiful... worthy of you," he said to her.


She wore a beautiful smile on her face.

Standing up, she approached him and locked eyes with him. Her cheeks

began to redden as she wrapped her hands around his neck, drawing

nearer until their foreheads touched.

Naruto placed his hands on her waist, pulling her closer.


Gazing into her eyes, he found them brimming with love for him.

Their lips met in a tender kiss, their tongues intertwining in a passionate


Their love battle raged on for a few intense minutes before they finally


Naruto looked at her beautiful and flushed face, utterly captivated by it.


"Let's go," Naruto said to her.

Hinata nodded with a sweet smile, and a portal began to materialize

before them.

They both entered the portal and disappeared from the dimension.

"System," Naruto spoke in his mind.

[Yes, host.]

"Show me Hinata's stats," he commanded the system. It had been a while

since he had last used the system.

In fact, he had forgotten about it entirely until he received a message

upon mastering his eyes.


[Name: Hinata Hyuga


- Hyuga: 100%

- Otsutsutsuki: 44%


- Byakugan

- Jougan


–360degree vision(no blind spot), X-ray vision, Teleportation, dimension

portal open, Telekinesis (locked)


- Above Nine Tails

Taijutsu: 95 / 100

Ninjutsu: 90 / 100

Genjutsu: Full resistance

Element Affinity:

- Natural: Water, Lightning

- Mastered (above 70%): Water, Lightning, Earth, Fire, Wind

Kekkei Genkai: Storm release[adv]

Kekkei Tota: Paper release[adv]


'Now show me my stats'

[Yes Host]

[Name: Naruto Uzumaki


- Uzumaki: 100%

- Otsutsuki: 44%


- Six Eyes and Byakugan (mastered 100%)

Chakra: Above Nine Tails

Taijutsu: 97 / 100

Ninjutsu: 100 / 100

Genjutsu: Could affect reality if yin and yang are mixed.

Kenjutsu: 80 / 100


- Rasengan [Max]

- Variant of Rasengan: Big, Ultra Big, Ultra Max Big, Small, Compressed


- Skill Created:

- Wind Style Rasengan (Rasenshuriken)

- Earth Style Rasengan

- Dust Release Rasengan (Die Rasengan)

- Lightning Rasengan

- Fire Rasengan

- Ice Release Rasengan

- Water Rasengan

- Shadow Domain

- Infinity

- Attraction

- Repulsion

- Teleportation

- Time Slow, Fast (Domain Type)

- Time Strings

- Dismantle and Cleave (Using Time Strings)

- Shadow Clone [Max]

Element Affinity:

- Wind: Mastery (above 90%)

- Water: Mastery (above 90%)

- Fire: Mastery (above 90%)

- Lightning: Mastery (above 90%)

- Earth: Mastery (above 90%)

- Yin: Mastery (above 90%)

- Yang: Mastery (above 90%)

Kekkei Genkai: Ice release[fully mastered]

—----------Transformation- can go above the the temperature of Absloute

Zero(-273.15 degrees Celsius)

Kekkei Tota: Dust Release [adv]

Creation of Special Skills:

- Truth-Seeking Balls

- Enderflames

Special Elements:

- Space: Mastery (above 10%)

- Time: Mastery (above 6%)


"Fuck…it's amazing"

Naruto began to scan the list of his skills. 'Shadow Domain and the other

variants of Rasengan must be created by my clone,' Naruto thought to


He was in a joyous mood. After all, this was the fruit of his labor.


"Where are we headed now?" Hinata asked him, now that they were back

in the Elemental Nations.

They were walking in the forest.

"We're going to acquire something from someone," Naruto replied.

"From whom?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

"Isshiki Otsutsuki," he said to her, excitement in his voice.

"What do we need from him?" she asked, her mind forming some vague


"Blood… we need his blood," he said with enthusiasm.



An~ End of the arc.

How do you like the chapter?

Now that Naruto has been powered up can he defeat Isshiki Otsutsuki?




The new arc will start from the next chapter and Gauss what a new waifu

is going to introduce, Gauss who is she…




Images are in the comments.

And if you like the chapter please comment and give me powerstones….

chapter 81



Chapter 81~ Poor Lee and Crual Naruto.


Alternative Title~ bullying the weak for fun Part 3




As Naruto and Hinata walked hand in hand through the lush forest, the

dappled sunlight filtered through the leaves overhead, creating a warm,

speckled pattern on the forest floor.

They chatted happily, their voices blending with the rustling of leaves

and the occasional bird's song.


Hinata's cheeks glowed with a rosy hue, her eyes sparkling with delight

as she enjoyed this intimate moment with Naruto.


"Are we going to kill him?" she asked him.

"Yes, we will kill him, but not now," he said to her.

"Why not?" she asked, confused.

"I have received the memories from my clone that Tsunade is looking for

me, and it's quite important," he said.


A few hours had passed since Naruto had received the memories of that

arrogant Punk (clone) lurking in Konoha.

Through him, Naruto knew that Tsunade was looking for Him and it is an

S-rank Mission.

Naruto didn't find this mission to be a problem. He had already

completed his training, and he knew that there was no one in the entire

Elemental Nation who could match his strength.

As he contemplated the mission, Naruto couldn't help but feel a sense of

nostalgia. It had been a while since he'd on a mission, and he had almost

forgotten the unique sensation of living among those less powerful than



This mission was the perfect opportunity for him.

From Tsunade's words, he knew that the mission would take place in the

Land of Demons.

Naruto had heard the name before, but he knew very little about it.

This mission had come unexpectedly, and it was precisely what he

wanted—a break from his training. The concept of space-time had

become exhausting for him.


"So, are you going on the mission?" Hinata asked him.

"Yes, are you coming with me?" he asked her.

"No, I will be practicing for a while before we kill that Otsutsuki," she

replied to him.

"Hmm," Naruto nodded in understanding. He grasped her reasoning—she

didn't want to make any mistakes that could endanger their lives.


Her reasoning to gain power was clear: to protect him from any danger,

stand side by side with him, and be with him.

This simple goal drove her to go to any length, even if it meant taking on

an Otsutsuki member. After all, Naruto meant everything to her.

Naruto completely understood her, knowing that she was doing all of this

for his sake.


"Okay, you can practice," Naruto said to her.

Hinata opened a portal, but before leaving, she approached him, wrapped

her hands around his neck, and kissed him.

"Hmmm," she nodded in satisfaction and entered the portal.

"Bye, Naruto-Kun. I hope you will have fun on your mission," she said as

the portal closed.

Naruto touched his lips with his thumb, feeling a sweet sensation. "This

girl..." he said with a smile.


Naruto disappeared without a trace and reappeared high above Konoha.

He gazed down upon his creation, the Konoha he had crafted with his

own hands.


Naruto hovered over Konoha, utilizing the concept of infinity. Infinity, or

space, was everywhere, allowing him to stand suspended in space,

defying gravity.


With the concept of infinity, positive and negative numbers, he could

teleport anywhere, without limitations.

Naruto employed the concept of negative numbers upon himself, while

simultaneously bringing forth the positive numbers in the desired

location of his teleportation.

These interplay of negative and positive numbers generated an attractive

force, effectively forming a wormhole in space. Through this process,

Naruto could transition from a negative point to a positive one, enabling

his teleportation.

This was the mechanism behind his genuine teleportation ability.


Naruto gazed at the Hokage's office, where Tsunade was assembling the

village's finest ninjas. In the office, Neji, Lee, Sakura, Yamato, and Might

Guy were already present, and he was the only one missing.

Without hesitation, he vanished from his current location and reappeared

in the Hokage's office.


Upon his arrival, they all became alert, but their tension dissipated as

soon as they recognized Naruto. However, in truth, they couldn't even

sense him when he appeared.

"Naruto, you arrived just in time. The meeting was about to commence,"

Tsunade said to him before addressing the rest of the group.


However, their attention was quickly drawn to the nine black orbs

hovering behind Naruto.

Puzzled, they couldn't discern their nature and couldn't sense any chakra

emanating from them.


Curiosity got the better of them. "What are these?" Lee asked, unable to

contain his Curiosity.


Naruto looked at Lee with a smile on his face. "These balls are called

Truth-Seeking Balls," he replied to him.

Tsunade, her eyes fixed on Naruto, asked, "What are these?"

"These balls are incredibly powerful, very powerful indeed," Naruto


"They're a mix of all seven chakra elements. If you want to create them,

all you have to do is mix an equal amount of chakra from all the

elements, and boom, you have these babies." He chuckled softly, knowing

it was impossible for anyone to create these balls.


First, you had to master all the elements above 75% and mix them in

equal quantities, an achievement nearly unattainable. Naruto wanted to

give them hope, only to crush it the next moment.


"Are you kidding me..." Tsunade thought to herself. She understood that

Naruto was toying with them.

However, Lee was different. He didn't quite grasp what Naruto meant.

For one, Lee didn't possess normal chakra; he could only use it when

opening his inner gates.

Secondly, not everyone present was familiar with the concept of yin and



"Amazing! You're so cool, Naruto!" Lee exclaimed in excitement.

Naruto smiled and waved his hand. A Truth-Seeking Ball materialized in

front of Lee and gently fell to the ground.

"If you can lift it from the ground, you can have this one," Naruto said,

pointing at the ball resting on the ground before Lee.

"Really?" Lee responded with excitement. He crouched down and

extended his hand, eager to pick up the ball.


To his surprise, the ball remained immobile. Lee exerted all his strength,

attempting to lift it, but it didn't budge.

His pride was at stake. He couldn't even lift a ball. How would he ever

face anyone again?

"First gate, open!" Lee yelled, yet the outcome remained unchanged.

"Second gate, open!" he cried out, but his efforts were in vain.

"Third Gate, open!"

"Fourth Gate, open!"

"Fifth gate, open!" Lee shouted, channeling all his power, but the ball still

lay on the floor, unmoved.

The ground around Lee shattered, his hair stood on end, and his eyes

turned white.

He poured every ounce of his power into the effort, but that stubborn ball

remained resolutely unmoved.


He started to build up the power in order to open the next gate but at

this time.

"Stop it Lee you will hurt yourself," Guy sensei put his hand on Lee's

shoulder and calmed him down.


Lee was ashamed that he couldn't even lift a ball.


Naruto looked at him mused, he waved his hand and the ball lifted from

the ground and appeared in his palm.

"Look Lee you couldn't even lift a ball," Naruto said to him while playing

with the black ball in his hand.

Lee lowered his head.


"Don't tell me this is your true power, Lee," Naruto remarked with a

smirk, his words carrying a sharp sting. "You know, you're quite weak."

Lee's eyes welled up with tears. He had trained tirelessly, day and night,

fully aware that he couldn't rely on Ninjutsu. His dedication to Taijutsu

was unwavering, but now it seemed all for naught. His dream of

surpassing natural talent with hard work had been shattered.

Naruto's words pierced his heart, but Naruto wasn't finished.


"Lee... Lee, I thought you wanted to become the greatest Taijutsu user,"

Naruto taunted, his tone mocking and cruel. "But look at where your

power stands now... Pathetic."


Lee remained silent, tears streaming down his face as his cherished

dream crumbled before him. Naruto's cutting words felt like icy arrows,

piercing through the very heart of his aspirations.

"Naruto that's enough.."Tsunade intervened, putting an end to Naruto's

hurtful comments. She recognized that Naruto was simply having fun at

Lee's expense.


"But I'm only speaking the truth," Naruto insisted to Tsunade, continuing

to wound Lee with his words.

"With his current power level, he'd be nothing more than cannon fodder

in the upcoming war."

Lee's heart ached at Naruto's words. He wondered if all his relentless

effort had been in vain.

Observing the pitiful sight of Lee, tears streaming down his face like a

child, Naruto approached him and gently rested a hand on his shoulder.

Their eyes locked.


Lee couldn't help but startle when he gazed into Naruto's eyes; they

resembled a crimson nebula, appearing eternal and boundless.


"Look, Lee," Naruto began, his voice steady and filled with an air of

wisdom, "with your current power level, you might seem like mere

cannon fodder. I didn't lie to you. However, you have the potential to

become truly powerful."

A glimmer of hope ignited in Lee's eyes.

"Really..." he inquired with a hint of excitement as if his shattered dream

might still have a chance to flourish.


"Yes... when you become powerful enough to lift these Black Balls, I'll gift

you one," Naruto reassured him, his words like a soothing balm for Lee's

heart. "One of these Balls has the potential to obliterate a mountain with

a single strike."

For Naruto people like Lee were very easy to manipulate, Lee was of a

simple mind, and Naruto's blunt words and the stark reality of his own

power had made Lee vulnerable and easily swayed.

Naruto was done with his fun, in reality, he helped Lee. now the boy will

work hard in the future. And maybe he will not die in the war.

Naruto didn't hold any emotional attachment or any ill intentions to Lee,

that's why he didn't destroy the frail heart of little Lee.


Determination gleamed in Lee's eyes. He was resolved to work harder

than ever before.

Guy Sensei observed Lee's determination but remained silent. Dark circles

marred the skin beneath his eyes, a testament to the sleepless nights he

had endured. How could he sleep when his best friend, Kakashi, was no

longer in this world? His rival had departed, leaving a void that couldn't

be filled.

Naruto's gaze shifted to Guy, but he chose to remain silent. What could

he possibly say to a man with whom he had no meaningful connection?

Naruto turned his attention to Tsunade. "Now, tell us about the mission,"

he inquired with a faint smile. Despite being the strongest, he also sought

to have Fun.



An~ End of the Chapter. how do you like Naruto's Evil Talk no Jutsu?

here is some of your answer who were asking about Naruto's current


He alone can't beat Issihik, but he is stronger than Cannon Naruto with

his Nine-Tails avatar mode.

after all, issihiki was powerful as Fuck he humbled Naruto and Sasuke in

their prime with so little effort, while in his Vassal 'Jigan' he could easily

clap Naruto and Sasuke. and to kill him Sasuke nearly died, and Naruto

lost Kurama, Now I think you have the idea of how powerful was issihiki.

but worry not, our Naruto won't lose to him, nor his hand will be cut.

here's today's question.

when you want the lemons between Naruto and Hinata.

1. After their marriage (Before the war arc)

2. after their Marriage(after the war arc)

3. Or do you not want R18 chapters?

if you like the chapter tell me in the comments and give me your


chapter 82




Chapter~82 ~ Brother-in-law


Alternative title~ Demon Moryo and the priestess Shion





They all quieted down and turned their attention to Tsunade.

They were eager to learn what was so important that had brought them

all together.

Tsunade gazed at each of them and began, ''We've received a mission

from the Land of Demons,''

They all nodded.

''A demon named Moryo has been released from his sealed state,'' she



Naruto looked at her, his interest piqued. He had never heard of demons

before. He gazed at Tsunade and listened intently to what she was saying.


''The demon named Moryo was sealed away by the previous priestess a

decade ago, and now he is free. He commands a stone army that is

beginning to move in all directions.

This stone army is vast, and it moves in a straight path, destroying

everything in its wake. The only way to stop this army is to either kill or

seal Moryo,'' Tsunade spoke to them in a solemn voice.


"'So, we have to kill this Moryo guy?' Naruto asked her.

Tsunade shook her head in denial and locked eyes with Naruto. ''No, you

have to protect the current priestess, and she will seal Moryo away,''

Tsunade said to him.


This was the mission she had received, but it had grown into something

much bigger because the Stone army had set its path toward Konoha.


"So, we have to protect the priestess," Neji asked her, to which Tsunade


"You have to depart now. We don't know when the priestess may be

attacked," Tsunade ordered them.

They all nodded in agreement.


Tsunade looked at Neji. "You will be the team leader," she said to him.

"Why not me?" Naruto asked.

"You are too powerful to be a team leader," she replied.

'What kind of Bullshit is this...' Naruto thought to himself. However, he

didn't argue. After all, he was here on a mission as a regular ninja.


Tsunade knew that Naruto wouldn't prioritize the mission if he found

something interesting in his way, and this could endanger the lives of

others. They were the finest shinobi in the village.

"Fine," he said to her.

"Promise me, Naruto, you will protect the priestess at all costs," Tsunade

said to him. She didn't want Konoha to be destroyed again by some kind

of stone army. And if Naruto promised her this, she could rest assured.

After all, she knew Naruto never broke his promises.


"Okay, I promise," he said to her. This was also a new experience for


He didn't know what would happen in the future, and this excited him.

That's why he wasn't going to use his full power and solve everything

with just a snap of his fingers; it would ruin all the excitement and thrill.


After Naruto made this promise, Tsunade felt relieved.

She then looked at Yamato and Guy, saying, "You two, protect the

borders of the Fire Country with some of our capable shinobi. We don't

want the Stone Army to enter our land."


They both disappeared from there, leaving only four people in the office:

Naruto, Sakura, Neji, and Lee.

"You four can go now, and I want this mission completed at any cost. Do

you understand?" she said to them.

Neji, as the team leader, nodded in acknowledgment.


They all looked at each other and then disappeared from the Hokage's

office, leaving Tsunade alone.


Twenty minutes later, Naruto, Neji, Sakura, and Lee stood in front of the

main entrance of Konoha.

The ground was covered in a blanket of white snow due to the snowfall.


They all prepared their things for the mission.

"Let's go," Neji said, and all of them followed him.

Naruto had transformed his Truth-Seeking Ball into bracelets that

wrapped around both of his hands.

They all looked at him. "So these balls of yours can transform anything?"

Sakura asked.


"Yes, they are only limited by the imagination of the user," Naruto replied

to her, to which she nodded.

They all focused on their journey.

After some time, Naruto was getting bored. He had bullied Lee, and

Sakura was his teammate.

The only person remaining was Neji.

Naruto shifted his focus to Neji. Neji had a bad feeling. With his

Byakugan, he could see that Naruto was looking at him, and he had a

smile on his face.


"Hey, Neji," Naruto spoke in a playful voice.

"Yes, Naruto, what is it?" Neji asked him. He respected Naruto after their

fight in the Chunin Exams because Naruto had shown him the right path.

He showed him that everything was not decided by fate.


"You should call me 'brother-in-law,'" Naruto said to him.


For a moment, none of them understood the meaning of his words.

But Neji immediately grasped the meaning.

He had seen his sister Hinata with Naruto, and he was happy that she

had chosen someone like Naruto.

After killing the main branch member, she was considered a criminal by

Konoha, but Neji knew that she was happy—happy with Naruto. Before

departing, Hinata had always considered him a brother.

He wanted to see her and protect her as he had vowed. He knew she was

with Naruto, and he had witnessed Naruto's power.

It wouldn't be difficult for someone like him to hide her in Konoha. He

had a gut feeling that she was still in Konoha, and it wouldn't be

surprising if Naruto had his own house hidden from everyone in the



Okay, 'brother-in-law,'" Neji replied to him, not even a hint of anger or

anything; quite the contrary, he was happy for his sister.

Lee and Sakura had shocked expressions on their faces. They thought

Neji would be angry or something, but they hadn't expected this.

This didn't go according to Naruto's plan. His plan to tease Neji had

failed. But he was happy that Neji cared for his sister.

The rest of the journey was smooth.


–one day ago–


In the land of demons.


A man was standing in front of a shrine

A serene and contemplative atmosphere envelops the shrine, which

stands as a testament to centuries of devotion and reverence.


It is nestled within a grove of ancient trees, their branches forming a

natural canopy that filters sunlight and casts dappled shadows on the


The air is scented with the faint fragrance of incense, carried by a gentle


The main entrance to the shrine is marked by a torii gate, a traditional

Japanese gateway painted in vibrant vermillion hues.

Beyond the gate, a stone path winds its way, its gravel surface crunching

softly underfoot as visitors approach the heart of the sanctuary.

At the center of the shrine complex seals are engraved,


This was not a shrine where people come and prey. This was the place

where the spirit of the demon Moryo was sealed.

The man entered the shrine.

This man was none other than Yomi, he was an extremely dedicated

individual who could go almost any length to achieve his goal.

He came from a lone line of followers of Moryo. Yomi had perfected the

dark form of medical Ninjutsu.

He had fair skin, long black hair, light tan eyes with black pupils, and a

facial goatee. He wore a grey attire, a black trench coat, and martial

artist shoes. He had a large cut running from the top center of his chest

down to his waist. {an~ image}

The entrance was forbidden in this shrine, but Yomi didn't care.


He stood in front of a seal, radiating a pink and purple hue. This was the

place where the spirit of Moryo was sealed.

Moryo's body was sealed away in another shrine, and his spirit was

sealed in this place.

Yomi stood in front of the seal, and he slightly bowed.


"Lord Moryo, I have come here to free you from this seal" he spoke



There was a moment of silence.

"Who are you, and what's your goal?" a voice reverberated in the

surroundings. The eerie voice came from the seal.

"My name is Yomi, and my goal is the same as yours—world

domination," he replied.


"I don't have a body; I am only a spirit," Moryo's deep voice was heard.


"You don't have to worry about that; you can use my body as a vessel

until you find your own," Yomi said to Moryo.


There was no answer to his question, so Yomi took it as a yes.


He slit his body from chest to waist and broke the seal. The dark purple

substance started to leak out from the seal; it was Moryo's spirit.


"Moryo's spirit entered Yomi's body through the slit.


As the spirit entered Yomi's body, he swiftly healed his wounds with his

expertise in medical ninjutsu. Due to his expertise in medical ninjutsu, he

was able to contain the demonic spirit of Moryo.


As Moryo's spirit entered his body, he felt powerful—very powerful. He

had enough chakra to share with his subordinates in the form of black



These black snakes were his special jutsu that he created using dark

chakra. They provided his subordinates with enough chakra to fight for

extended periods and use it in dire situations.


Now that he felt the power within him, and as the spirit of Moryo entered

his body, he gained access to the stone army of Moryo that lay dormant

in the land.

With a swift command, he raised the stone army and sent it to conquer

other lands.

His only concern was the young priestess; she was the only one who

could seal him away. So he had to kill her.



There were four heads of a purple dragon, these heads were made of dark

chakra, and there was a boy who was fighting them.

And in the next moment, one of the dragon heads pierced through the

boy's body.

He hung in the air while the dragon passed through him.

The boy was dead.


But all of a sudden, everything went black, and the scene shattered like


In the next scene, the boy was fighting the dragons, but this time, a green

flame appeared in his hand, and the flames burned all the heads dragon.

This time, he killed the four-headed dragon.


But once again, everything went black and shattered like a mirror.


The boy was fighting the four-headed dragon, and this time he was struck

by the dragon and fell into the lava beneath him.

The boy was dead once more.


But once again, everything went black and shattered like a mirror.

Once more, the boy was fighting the dragon, and this time there was a

white cube in his hand. As the cube touched the dragon, the dragon was

erased from existence.


Everything went black again.


But this time, two pairs of unique violet, ornate, and ancient patterns

eyes opened, and the next moment they turned into pale lavender eyes.

Sweat beads were on her forehead. [an~ image]

The girl had blonde hair past her waist, tied at the end with a bow. As a

formal priestess, she wore a lavender kimono. {an~image}


This is not possible; how can someone have so many futures? It's like he

could control his death or has the ability to see the future," the girl spoke

to herself.

This was Shion, the priestess of the demon country, or you could say that

she is the princess of the country but nothing to rule over, the bird

trapped in the cage.


As she woke up from her sleep in the middle of the night, she heard a

loud explosion.

'Protect the priestess!' the loud sounds echoed in the surroundings.



[AN~ end of the chapter, how do you like the chapter?

Shion possesses time-related powers, which will be explained in the next



Which genre of novels do you like the most….

1. Romance

2. Action

3. Harem

4. Or cringe

If you like the chapter please leave a comment and give me your power


chapter 82

Chapter 83

Yomi stood outside the now-destroyed shrine. When the spirit of Moryo

was released, the shrine was obliterated in the process. However, the

shrine's significance paled in comparison to current matters.

Gazing downward, Yomi regarded the four individuals kneeling before

him – his devoted subordinates.

They were known as the "Gang of Four" - a group consisting of Kusuna,

who served as their leader, along with Gitai, Setsuna, and Shizuku as its

other members.

They were loyal followers of Yomi.

Yomi looked at them, he extended his hand and a chakra snake came out

from his palm and entered the body of Kusuna.

Kusuna was the only one who could use Yomi's chakra snakes fully.

"Your task is to eliminate the Priestess," Yomi ordered his voice void of

any trace of emotion.

"Yes, Lord Yomi. We will do as you say," Kusuna, their leader, replied


Yomi conveyed his assent with a subtle nod, disappearing from view.

His destination was the sealed body of Moryo. Concurrently, he had

dispatched a contingent of his stone soldiers to support the Gang of Four

in their endeavor to eliminate the Priestess.

When Yomi disappeared from there they all stood up, there were some

stone soldiers behind them.

Kusuna skillfully divided the black snake into sections, guiding the trio of

separated serpents into his companions' bodies.

This strategic move would grant them the ability to access the chakra

contained within the snakes in times of dire need.

They exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes locking for a moment,

before vanishing into the shadows.The stone soldiers followed them.

It didn't take long for them to materialize in front of the Place of the


Many guards were guarding the place.

They had bows and arrows hung on their bodies. It was midnight, and

some soldiers were sleepy


"Don't lose your focus," one of the soldiers said to the drowsy comrade.

"Yes... sir..." The soldier nodded, fighting off sleepiness.

"You know we have to protect the priestess at all costs," the soldier

reminded him.

All the soldiers who heard this nodded in agreement. After all, the

priestess was the only person capable of sealing the Demons, and they

were willing to risk their lives to safeguard her.




A deafening explosion reverberated, catching everyone's attention.

The ground trembled as a powerful fire-style jutsu tore through the front

wall of the place, reducing it to rubble.

Amidst the chaos, they heard the unmistakable tapping sounds of the

stone soldiers.


"Fire Style: Fire Pillar!" The voice rang out, followed by a commanding

shout of "Water Style: Water Rings!" The soldiers heard the incantations

just before a fiery pillar surrounded by water rings struck them.

"Fight to your lives," the leader of the soldiers urged, and they unleashed

a barrage of arrows at the attackers. Many stone soldiers were destroyed

in the hail of arrows.


However, the 'Gang of Four' operated on a different level.


The four individuals began to eliminate the soldiers and advanced toward

the place where the priestess was staying.

"Protect the priestess!" the soldiers yelled with all their might, fighting for

their lives.

However, their efforts seemed futile as they were overwhelmed and

killed by the attackers.

One of the attackers managed to reach the door where the priestess was



He opened the gate and gazed at the now-awake priestess.

She returned his gaze, no fear evident in her eyes.

Her attacker, Gitai, regarded her. In his eyes, she appeared as nothing

more than a helpless girl. He withdrew eight kunai from his belt.

With precise aim, he unleashed all eight kunai at Shion.


The eight kunai sliced through the air, cutting it with their deadly

trajectory. However, just before the kunai could reach Shion, a soldier

stepped in between, shielding her from the deadly projectiles.


Blocking the kunai, all of them struck him in the back, causing blood to

spill onto the floor.

He locked eyes with Shion, and in her gaze, he saw a mixture of

helplessness and guilt.

She quickly concealed her emotions and turned her attention to the soon-

to-be fallen soldier who had sacrificed himself to protect her.

"Priestess, you must go. I will hold them off. Quickly, run," the soldier

urged, his lips stained with a trail of blood.


"Oh, you have some loyal soldiers, priestess," Gitai remarked to Shion, his

eyes filled with the certainty of her demise.

A soldier stepped forward, brandishing a kunai, and positioned himself

between Gitai and Shion


But at this moment.


Naruto suddenly appeared in front of Shion, leaving everyone in a state

of astonishment. No one had noticed how he had materialized between


Shion quickly recognized the boy standing before her. He appeared to be

around the same age as her, approximately 15-16 years old.

This was the very boy she had dreamed about just hours ago.


"Don't worry, I am here to protect you," Naruto assured her, gazing into

her eyes.

His eyes saw the world in a different way, and he couldn't help but feel

intrigued when he looked at Shion.


Shion gazed at the boy before her, finding his eyes filled with an

intriguing interest.

As she looked into his eyes, she felt a curious and almost hypnotic pull,

like being drawn into an infinite void within the depths of his red nebula-

like irises.


She sensed that all of her secrets were laid bare under his gaze, as if there

were nothing hidden from him.

For the first time, she experienced this feeling, where her concealed

truths were exposed before him. It was as if she were an open book in his



"Hmm... interesting," Naruto spoke with a tone of genuine interest.

Within his eyes, the world operated differently.

As he gazed at the girl before him, he noticed that the flow of time

seemed distinct, almost as if it moved differently for her compared to

other people.

He observed her closely, noticing that the time strings around her

followed a distinct pattern.

Around every person, there were infinite time strings, which guided them

along with the flow of time.

However, Shion was different. Her time strings ran parallel to the regular

time strings, as if she had an additional set of time strings.

This set of time strings acted in opposition to normal time.

It was as if time flowed backward for her, or she possessed the ability to

send her consciousness into the past to warn herself of potential dangers.


"Time jumps..." Naruto spoke in a slightly interested voice. With his eyes,

his perception of time operated differently. When he fully utilized his

eyes, he could stretch one second into several minutes.

Naruto observed Shion for what seemed like minutes, but in reality, only

a few seconds had passed.


"Are you done looking?" Shion inquired.

Naruto shifted out of his stance and directed his gaze at her, a smile

appearing on his face.

"Let's go," he said to her and then turned to the soldier. "Can you handle


"Yes, you protect the priestess. I'll hold him back," the soldier replied,

glancing at Gitai.


Naruto nodded to the soldier and firmly took hold of Shion's arm, leading

her out of the place.

Neji, Lee, and Sakura stood waiting for him, anticipating his return with

the priestess.


AN~end of the chapter, how do you like the chapter?


This was the first meeting between Naruto and Shion, Her powers are

absolute if they are used in the correct way, you will see it in the far


Here's today's question.

How will Hinata react when she sees Shion?

1. Kill her at first glance.

2. It didn't matter to her.

3. They will become like sisters.

4. If Shion disappoints Naruto Hinata will kill her.



I hope you like the chapter and if you do please leave a comment and

give me your powerstones…

chapter 84



Chapter 84 ~ I don't expect you to fully understand






Some distance away from the palace, Naruto appeared with Shion.

Neji and the other two were waiting for them to arrive.

Shion gazed at the palace where she had grown up, watching as the

soldiers who had always protected her now lay dying in their efforts to

safeguard her.

Her heart was heavy with guilt, knowing that it was because of her that

these soldiers were losing their lives. Her expression saddened, but she

quickly concealed her emotions.


Naruto caught a glimpse of her sadness, while the other three remained


They all heard a deafening explosion, and the sky was illuminated as the

palace where Shion had been living was now reduced to rubble. The

plumes of the explosion billowed into the sky.

"Let's go; we have to protect the priestess," Neji said to all of them. This

was his mission, and he couldn't afford to make any mistakes.


As they started to leave the palace, a man emerged from the bushes.

"Taruho, why are you here?" Shion yelled out to the man.

"How can I leave, Priestess? It's my duty to protect you," Taruho replied.


He was the most devoted of her followers and had vowed to protect her

at all costs. With the situation so dire, he couldn't fathom leaving her

side. She represented the last hope of sealing the demon away.


"So, you're going to come with us," Lee asked him, and the man nodded.

"We don't have any problem," Neji said to him. The more people there

are, the better our chances of protecting her.


They had to carry the priestess on their backs due to her low stamina; she

couldn't run like them.

Sakura lifted Shion onto her back, and they all started to run toward a

distant waterfall.

They hoped to reach it, as it would provide a place to rest and possibly

lose their pursuers.


Naruto and Lee took the lead, with Sakura in the middle carrying Shion

on her back, and Neji and Taruho bringing up the rear.

Neji had his Byakugan activated so they could detect any incoming



They had been running for quite a while when Shion's expression

suddenly changed, and she looked at Sakura. "Your back hurts me. Can

you be more feminine?" she said to her.

Hearing this, Sakura's expression turned grim.

The girl on her back had just implied that Sakura wasn't like a girl.

"This... Bitch," Sakura thought to herself, "If it weren't for the mission, I

would have punched her for insulting me." Sakura restrained herself from

reacting violently.


No one said anything to her; in their mission, these things happened. But

this was not the case for Naruto.

Naruto looked back, his face sporting a smirk. "look Sakura, now

everyone's saying that you're not so feminine... hehe," Naruto teased.

"Not you too," Sakura replied in irritation.


Suddenly, they were attacked by someone, none other than the leader of

the 'Gang of Four.'

Neji stepped forward and assumed a defensive stance. "I will hold him

back. You keep going,".

There was some hesitation, but they couldn't deny the order from their

team leader, so they continued on their way.


"Will he be okay?" Sakura asked.

"He'll be fine; he's more powerful than that guy," Naruto reassured her.

While he spoke with her, he kept an eye on the fght between Kusuna and



Soon, they all reached their first destination: the waterfall.


Sakura gently lowered Shion from her back. Naruto leaned against a tree

and closed his eyes, thoroughly enjoying the fight that was unfolding.

"So chakra exhaustion is still a problem," he mused in a low voice. To

him, it felt like a joke, given that his chakra reserves far exceeded even

the Nine Tails' volume.


Shion sat by the bank of the flowing water, her feet immersed in the cool

stream, while Taruho knelt beside her, gently washing her feet.

"Are you feeling okay, Priestess?" Taruho asked her in a respectful


"I am hungry; make some food for me," she said. Taruho nodded, and

after finishing washing her feet, he began to prepare a meal for her.


In the meantime, she observed Naruto, who appeared to be asleep.

She had previously foreseen his death in one of her predictions, but ever

time, there were contradictions. Specifically, each time she glimpsed his

death in her visions, another vision began to emerge where he defied his



This was the first time this had happened.

Whenever she saw someone's death in one of her visions before, she

prevented it by warning them and altering the future.

However, this time her vision presented multiple possible futures. Until

now, she had seen a single possible future where events unfolded, but

this time there was no specific future event. Everything was constantly

shifting and changing.

Naruto, who appeared to be sleeping, noticed her gaze.

He opened his eyes and looked at her. "Are you done staring at me?" he


Caught off guard, her face blushed, and she averted her gaze. She didn't

know why she couldn't answer.

Seeing her in this state, Naruto didn't say anything.


Meanwhile, Taruho had prepared the food and served it to the priestess.

He had made rice balls and soup.

Shion began to eat, but after a few bites, she tossed the food onto the


"What happened, Lady Shion?" Taruho asked, concerned.

"The soup is ice-cold, and I can't eat these rice balls," she replied.

Seeing this, Lee became angry. "How can you throw the food on the

ground?" he shouted at her in frustration.

"Because I didn't like it," she replied simply.


She looked at Taruho and started to walk away.

"I am going to sleep," she stormed in anger while saying this.

Taruho nodded to her respectfully. Lee seeing this was angered but

Sakura stopped him from saying anything.

Naruto was observing this all but in his opinion, it was her choice to

throw the food away. If she didn't like it why would she eat that?


But that wasn't the only thing Naruto was observing. The time threads

around Taruho changed and connected with Shion's.

"So he is going to die," Naruto thought to himself as he observed the time

threads shifting around Taruho while Shion slept.

"So the one cause has many effects. The poor soul is going to die," Naruto

remarked with a sense of amusement.


While he observed the flow of time and the time threads around him,

Naruto came to a conclusion: there was no specific future, only a blank

canvas. Predicting the future relied on the actions made by those around


If someone possessed the ability to foresee the future, they used these

time strings to glimpse possible futures, and in 99% of cases, these

glimpses were correct.

However, if Naruto were to take a sudden action that was not supposed

to happen, it would undoubtedly disrupt future predictions.


"If I pretend to lower my power level, and someone sees my future, in

their vision, I will die," Naruto concluded.

While Naruto pondered this to himself, Sakura asked Taruho, "Is it true

that the priestess can see death around her?"

Taruho looked at her and nodded, saying, "Lady Shion has made

hundreds of predictions, and they've never failed. By revealing to us the

future deaths, we've prevented them from happening."

Sakura nodded in understanding.


Taruho had lit up the fire and stood on a log; he couldn't sleep while the

priestess was resting, as he was guarding their surroundings.

Sakura and Lee were sleeping on some tree branches, and Naruto was on

night watch duty.

Naruto sat beside Taruho, and there was silence between them as they

both gazed at the crackling fire.


"Are you thinking that Lady Shion was a bad person when she threw the

food away?" Taruho asked suddenly.

"I don't know what you're getting at," Naruto replied.

"Lady Shion has been pampered since childhood due to her unique ability

to see the future, and she is the only one who can seal the demons away,"

Taruho explained.


Naruto nodded as he listened to the story.

"Due to her ability to predict the death of someone, people started to fear

her and isolate themselves from her. They didn't want to become subjects

of her predictions.

So all the children her age distanced themselves from her, as their

parents told them to stay away from her," Taruho shared Shino's story

with Naruto.

As Naruto listened, he found this somewhat familiar. Like himself, Shino

was also feared by the people around her, and children avoided her due

to their parents' warnings.


"In reality, she is a lonely girl. Her mother died while sealing Moroyo in

front of her eyes.

She had no friends of her own; the guards around her protect her out of

duty because of her special ability to seal away demons," Taruho


Naruto nodded in understanding, finding her situation to be quite similar

to his own in many ways.


"I don't expect you to fully understand, you come from a prosperous and

powerful village, but I just felt like sharing with you," Taruho spoke to


Naruto thought to himself, "Man, you have no idea how much I

understand her." Nevertheless, he nodded in agreement.

"Thanks, man, for telling me this. I hope she'll find someone who can

understand her," Naruto expressed to Taruho.

Taruho nodded while gazing at the crackling fire in front of him, feeling

as though a weight had been lifted from his heart.



AN~~ End of the chapter…

Naruto can relate to her but Taruho has no idea about it, the seed is

planted in Naruto's heart by Taruho, let's see how will this go…

Will he just take her…

Or Shion will go with him by herself…



Here's today's question…

You know Sasuke is training when he comes out, what will be his power

levels.. Can he beat Naruto…

1. Hell no, Naruto is too strong for him.

2. Absolutely not

3. Maybe yes



if you like the chapter please leave the comment and give me your


chapter 85



Chapter 85~ Naruto and Shion part 1





It was a tranquil night, with everyone peacefully asleep, except for

Taruho and Naruto, the appointed guardians.

Naruto had witnessed the battle between Neji and Kusuna. Both of them

were depleted of chakra, and Neji was now making his way toward them,

while Kusuna had retreated in the opposite direction.


Shion's eyes snapped open, sweat beads glistening on her forehead as she

quickly surveyed her surroundings.

With a sigh of relief, she finally relaxed.

Rising to her feet, she approached the spot where Naruto and Taruho

were seated.


Her eyes fixed on Taruho, a man whose loyalty had never wavered. She

spoke with a sense of urgency, "I've glimpsed my own death in my

visions," her words directed solely at him.

The man was clearly shocked; he quickly stood up. "Lady Shion, let's go.

We can't wait here any longer," he said to her.


"You are not coming with us. You must return to the palace. I will handle

the sealing by myself," she yelled at him.

This wasn't the first time she had seen her own death and every time, she

promptly alerted her soldiers, who took measures to safeguard her.

"No, I won't leave," Taruho's voice boomed, his commitment resolute.

Protecting her was his sworn duty.


"You are not coming with us; this is my order," she spoke in anger and

walked away from there.

Shion walked away from there, and after a while, she found herself

beneath a colossal tree.

Her palm rested against the tree's rugged trunk, her head hanging low as

she stared at the ground. She didn't want any of this, none of it.

In reality, she had glimpsed three visions. One of them depicted her own

death, while the second vision showed Taruho's demise.

In each vision, she saw death, and she didn't want any of it. The soldiers

died while protecting her, and she blamed herself for their deaths.

She felt guilty because of protecting her the soldiers died, her heart

couldn't take the burden.

Her palm rested on the tree trunk and her head hung low, her eyes

became watery, she wanted to cry but couldn't… so people don't think

she is weak.

"Why are you holding back?" she heard a voice from behind her.

She turned around and looked at him. Naruto was standing there, gazing

at her.


"What do you mean... I'm not holding anything back," she replied


"You think you can fool me?" Naruto's words carried a weight, his eyes

scrutinizing her.

He had seen through her facade.

She met his gaze with a mixture of emotions, a complexity that had

rarely been witnessed.

No one had ever glimpsed her in this vulnerable state; to everyone else,

she was either a revered priestess or an object of fear.


She couldn't bear to look into his eyes any longer, so she turned around,

her face towards the tree.


"Do you feel guilt in your heart?" Naruto asked her.


There was a moment of silence.


She nodded, recalling her soldiers who had died protecting her. Her eyes

welled up with tears that were about to fall.

"They died because of me," she whispered.

"No, they didn't die because of you," Naruto said.

"What do you mean by that?" she questioned.

"Tell me, did you ask them to die for you? …I guess not. They died

because they chose their own path… It's not your fault," he said to her.


His words reached her ears like a soothing balm, and upon hearing them,

her heart quickened its pace.

This was the first time someone had told her that it wasn't her fault, that

she had nothing to feel guilty about.

She had never asked them to protect her; they had made that choice on

their own.

"Tell me, do you always want to live like this, burdened by false guilt? I

guess not. This has nothing to do with you," he asked her.

"No, I don't want to live like this. I want to live a happy life away from

all this," she said to him.

"So why don't you live the way you want?" he asked her.

Hearing his words, her head hung lower.

"I don't have any friends or family. They all fear me, thinking that if they

become friends with me, they will die," she said, her tears falling as she

shared her painful truth with him.


"I see," he said to her.

He placed his hand on her shoulder, and as she felt the reassuring touch,

she turned to face him.

Naruto stretched out his hand, a genuine smile on his face. "Why not

become my friend? I don't have many either," he proposed.

He found the girl likable, her childhood much like his own—no friends,

no family, people around fearing them.

And she had so much potential that shouldn't be wasted.


Shion glanced at his extended hand; it was the first time someone had

expressed a desire to befriend her.

Quickly, she clasped his hand, a rush of anxiety prompting her to fear he

might retract it.

As she held his hand, she felt its warmth, and a wave of emotion

overwhelmed her. She was so Overwhelmed by a surge of joy that some

tears escaped her eyes.


"Now you could do as you like," Naruto said to her.

Shion responded with a joyful nod, she felt the happiness that he was not

fearful like others.

But at the same time, she remembered that she had seen her death, She

didn't want to die when she found a friend that she could share her

happiness with him. This was something she couldn't bear to happen.

Sensing her emotions, Naruto placed his hands gently on her shoulders.

"Don't worry, you won't die. I'll protect you," he said while looking into

her eyes.

His voice had a special charm, and hearing his voice, she herself began to

believe that she would live.


However, her fragile happiness shattered once more as the recollection of

her third vision resurfaced.

"You're are going to die..." she disclosed, sharing the details of her third

vision with him.

The thought of losing her sole friend weighed heavily on her heart, and

she hoped for a different outcome, she didn't want him to die.

Naruto gazed at her with a smile, a smile she found particularly

captivating. Her cheeks flushed as she felt herself drawn to it."I am not

going to die, believe it," he said to her.


She nodded in response, yet her heart remained restless. She couldn't

bear the thought of losing him.

"You worry too much… as I said I am not going to die…because… I am

the Strongest here," he stated with a playful smirk, and as she looked at

him, she found herself drawn to him even more.


A nod was her reply, accompanied by a smile that finally adorned her


She couldn't recall how many years had passed since she had experienced

such a simple smile.

"Let's go. Arn't you going to seal that demon, Moryo," Naruto said,

grabbing her hand as They walked out of the forest, where his teammates

were resting.

In the meantime, Neji had arrived, and Sakura and Lee had woken up.


They all looked as Naruto emerged with Shion.

"So when are we going to continue?" Sakura asked once they had all


"Let me replenish my chakra; we'll start our journey in two hours," Neji

replied, and she nodded.

Shion stood behind Naruto, her gaze fixed on his back, and the strands of

his hair gently swaying in the breeze. A content smile graced her lips.


Taruho's attention caught the scene, and a surge of happiness warmed his

heart as he witnessed Shion forming new bonds.

His resolution solidified; he would ensure that she wouldn't die.

"We are leaving in two hours," Neji said to them. They all nodded to him.

Naruto leaned against the tree, closing his eyes. 'So my guess was correct.

By pretending to be weak, I could alter the course of predicted events.

And this is what she saw when I pretended to be weak—she saw my

death in her visions.' 'This confirms my theory: the future can be changed

by our actions; it isn't predetermined.'

'But what about the past? Can it be altered too? If so, what happens to

the events already set in stone? Would they vanish, or would a new

timeline branch out? …It's not so simple to create timelines; the energy

required would be colossal. But where could such energy come from? It

doesn't seem feasible.'

' here I am thinking useless thoughts again' Naruto laughed inwardly.

Naruto sensed that someone was watching him, but he didn't react. Even

though his eyes were closed, he could tell that Shion was looking at him.

His eyes were closed, but that didn't mean he couldn't see her.

Shion was gazing at him with a smile on her face. 'He looks really

handsome when he's sleeping,' she thought to herself as she continued to

watch him. Not knowing that he could see her.



[AN~ end of the chapter,

While writing the current chapters a thought occurred in my mind, after

altering their DNA to be similar to Kaguya's DNA. Naruto and Hinata will

have almost identical DNA, didn't that make twins or Siglings?

I can't imagine Hinata calling Naruto "onii-chan" when they were alone…

my mind became so corrupted, god forgive my insolence…. Tell me do

you want her calling him "onii-chan" .


Here's today's question…

How do you want Naruto and Shion's relationship to build up…

1. Fast but reasonable

2. Slow but with some intimate actions

if you like the chapter please leave a comment and give me your


chapter 86



Chapter 86~ Naruto and Shion Part 2





It was the middle of the night, and the moon hung low in the starry sky,

casting a silver cascade of moonlight onto the tranquil ground.

Naruto and his teammates were nestled in their makeshift camp, the

gentle glow of the moonlight revealing the contours of the surrounding


Neji had replenished his chakra enough for the time being,


Naruto was leaning against a tree and sensed an unfamiliar gaze fixed

upon him. It felt different from before—it was Taruho who was watching

him. Naruto furrowed his brow and raised an eyebrow.


Taruho gestures to him.


Shortly after, Taruho moved to the other side, catching Naruto's


As Naruto observed him, Taruho vanished from sight.

Naruto also disappeared from there leaving behind a standing shadow

clone. This went unnoticed by everyone.

Before long, Naruto reappeared in front of Taruho, fixing his gaze upon



"So what's the matter?" Naruto inquired.

Taruho met Naruto's gaze, his determination clear. "You need to proceed

with Lady Shion before any of them awaken," Taruho urged.

Naruto studied Taruho. "Why do you want that?" he questioned.

"Because I don't want her to die," Taruho replied solemnly.


Naruto nodded to the man he understood what he wanted to do and

walked away from the spot.

Meanwhile, everyone began to awaken. Neji activated his Byakugan and

sensed that something was amiss, but he chose not to comment on it.

Shion sat beneath a tree, her back comfortably resting against its trunk.

Neji stood up and once again scanned the surroundings with his

Byakugan, confirming their safety.

He called out to the group, "Everyone, let's go. The path is clear," he



Hearing Neji's voice, everyone quickly got ready.

Sakura approached Shion and gently placed her on her back.

They exchanged glances before heading on their mission to the location

where Moryo's body was said to be.

As they made their way forward, some hours had passed, everything was

going fine but…

Neji suddenly came to a halt. Before anyone could react, a water bullet

struck Shion in the head.

Sakura, who was carrying Shion on her back, felt Shion's grip weakening,

and she watched in horror as Shion tumbled to the ground.

"No, this can't be happening," Sakura exclaimed, her eyes fixed on the

fallen girl's body.


"Haha, that was easy," a voice came from behind, revealing one of the

members of the 'Gang of Four'—Shizuku.

She gazed at Shion's fallen form. "Our mission is complete," she declared

before the remaining three members of her team emerged.

Neji remained composed, having quickly grasped the situation.




smoke enveloped Shion, leaving everyone stunned.

The realization struck them like a lightning bolt—the girl they had been

protecting all along was none other than Taruho.

He had skillfully employed the Transformation jutsu, assuming Shion's


As he looked around, a satisfied smile adorned his face.

He had fulfilled his duty, successfully protecting the priestess


Sakura stood in shock, her eyes fixed on the scene before her.

Instinctively, she looked at the area where Naruto had been running

alongside them, but there was no sign of him.

And then, it all became clear to her.

Their assailants also gazed upon the unexpected turn of events. Fury

welled up within them—they had been thoroughly fooled.



"The other boy with red hair, he's not among them," Shizuku observed as

she analyzed the situation.

"I'll go ahead; you take care of them," the leader, Kusuna, said with


Lee stepped forward, recognizing the gravity of the situation. Their

mission was far from over.


Neji placed his hand on Lee's shoulder and said, "Let him go, Lee. If he

wants to die that badly, so be it."

Neji had been aware of the situation from the beginning, and he had

complete faith in Naruto.


Kusuna swiftly vanished from there, heading toward the shrine's location.

Now, Gitai, Setsuna, and Shizuku stood before Lee, Neji, and Sakura.

A fight between them was inevitable. Neji locked eyes with Setsuna, and

with a blur, they both disappeared from sight.

Lee and Gitai exchanged a knowing look before they too vanished.

Left with only two opponents, Sakura fixed her gaze on Shizuku.

She clenched her fist and slammed it into the ground.

With a resounding boom, the ground shattered, and their fierce battle



Naruto was heading toward the shrine with Shion securely on his back.

Her arms were wrapped around his neck, her fingers interlocked as if

forging an unbreakable connection. Her legs dangled on either side.

A sweet smile graced her face as Naruto moved gracefully over the

ground. Each of his steps was gentle.


"Tell me something about yourself," Naruto asked as he moved through

the trees.

"I like sweets, and oranges among fruits. I want to play, but there's no

one to play with me," she replied from her perch on his back.

Naruto nodded in response, her body pressing against his back, a smile

on his face as he continued to listen to her and continue moving.

"What about you? Tell me something," she asked him, her curiosity

driving her to want to know everything about him.

As she spoke to him, her eyes fixed on him, she felt a certain charm

about him.

"Me?... Well, I like messing around, creating destructive jutsus, and when

it comes to fruits, I love apples," he answered with a grin.

"Why apples?" she asked curiously.


Naruto tilted his head and flashed a sly smile at her. Shion's face blushed

red when she saw his charming expression.

"Did you know the God of Death loves apples?" he said with a

mischievous grin.

Shion nodded in response, finding his way of speaking mysterious and

intriguing. She was eager to hear more, so she began to ask him many


"How is Konoha? What does it look like?" she asked, her curiosity piqued

as she had never gone outside her palace.

"Konoha... it's a paradise," he began, his eyes lighting up as he described

the picturesque scene.

"With white snow and red-roofed buildings, it's a paradise that I create

with my own hands."

Shion nodded in response, becoming accustomed to his way of speaking.


Naruto's expression shifted briefly, but his smile returned just as quickly.

Shion didn't seem to notice anything.

He closed his eyes for a moment, then continued on their path toward the



A short distance away from Naruto, a clone suddenly materialized in


It stood suspended above the ground, gazing down with an air of


"I'm back, bitches," it proclaimed with ecstasy.

The clone, the arrogant punk, had returned, and it cast a sharp glance

toward a man who was approaching Naruto from below.


As Naruto laid eyes on the approaching man, a look of disdain crossed his

face. In an instant, he vanished from the spot.

Kusuna was racing toward Naruto with full speed, his sole objective to

eliminate Shion. However, unbeknownst to him…

"Where are you going?" Kusuna heard a voice from behind him. He

abruptly halted his steps and turned around, sensing a presence. He

locked eyes with Naruto.


"So, you're that Shinobi from Konoha, which means the Priestess is here

too," Kusuna stated.

"Fire Style: Fireball jutsu"He swiftly performed a series of hand signs and

unleashed the Jutsu.

The fireball hurtled toward Naruto without giving him a moment to


The fireball struck Naruto head-on, and seeing this, Kusuna relaxed. "So,

this was your power. I had expected too much from you," Kusuna

commented, looking ahead of him.


Kusuna's eyes widened in shock as he witnessed Naruto emerging

unscathed from the fireball, as if it had no effect on him whatsoever.

"This is my first time using this in battle," Naruto murmured to himself.

He had activated the Infinity technique for the first time. The space

around him had been manipulated into a complex arrangement, making

it increasingly difficult for anyone to approach him the closer they got.


"How are you still alive?" Kusuna yelled in frustration.

He quickly performed hand signs and released another fireball, directing

it straight at Naruto.

Naruto remained unmoved as the fireball failed to reach him. He

emerged from the fiery explosion completely unharmed, a cocky grin

forming on his face.

"Now do you feel the power difference?" he taunted.


"You brat! I will kill you!" Kusuna roared in anger, the power granted by

Yomi surging around him as a snake, composed of dark chakra,


The serpent lunged at Naruto.

"Enderflames... burn," Naruto murmured, flicking his two fingers. Dark

green flames materialized, and with a swift motion of his hand, they

engulfed the snake, reducing it to nothing but ashes.


Kusuna was left in shock, unable to fathom how Naruto could burn

chakra. Determined to press on, he attempted another attack, summoning

his snakes once more.

"Don't get cocky with borrowed power, fool," Naruto said and In an

instant, he appeared in front of Kusuna and delivered a brutal kick to his


Kusuna was sent hurtling at breakneck speed, crashing through several

trees along the way.

He lay sprawled on the ground, and Naruto reappeared in front of him.


Naruto raised his right leg and delivered a powerful stomp, shattering

Kusuna's right hand with the force of his blow.

"ARRRGGGGHHH!" Kusuna screamed in excruciating pain as his right

hand was broken.

Naruto lifted his leg once again and brought it down with a powerful

stomp, shattering Kusuna's left hand.

"ARRRGGHHH!" Kusuna's agonizing yell echoed through the forest, his

left hand now broken as well.

A sinister smile formed on Naruto's face, and his evil laughter sent chills

running down the spines of all who heard it.


He lifted his leg again, and stomped on his head, Kususna's head was

buried in the ground.

"This was disturbing me when I was talking with Her…" Naruto said his

voice was eerie sending chills everywhere.

He stomped again and again until His head was gone from his body, his

brain matter was splattered all around.


"This is where you belong" saying that Naruto disappeared without any


The headless body of Kusuna lay on the ground.



[An~ End of the chapter.. how do you like the fight between Naruto and


this arc will end in next 3 chapters.

here's today's question?

according to you, which one is Naruto's strongest Jutsu...

1. Rasengan

2. Shadow possesion

3. EnderFlames



if you like the chapter please do comments and give me powerstones...




Chapter~ Naruto and Shion Part~3





"Naruto had a smile on his face as he absorbed the memories from his

clone, enjoying Shion's joyful voice.

The shrine they were heading to was located atop the volcano mountain.

They had to climb all the way to reach it.

Naruto was moving gracefully toward the shrine as he climbed the

mountain. There was a narrow path encircling the mountain, leading to

its summit.

They had reached the halfway point, yet abruptly, stone soldiers began to

materialize on the narrow path, obstructing their progress.

Naruto had seen them with his eyes, but he chose to proceed without

stirring any disruption, not wanting to interrupt the flow of their shared


A stone soldier stepped forward, its fist ready to strike Naruto. Naruto

easily blocked the punch, but this sudden movement startled Shion, and

the shockwave from the punch hit her.

Thrown off balance by the sudden shift, her hold on Naruto loosened,

causing her to tumble from his back.

As she dangled in midair, there was nothing but empty space below her.

With a heart-stopping plunge, she began her freefall from the mountain's

heights, hurtling down from a dizzying altitude of around 500 meters.

As she gazed at Naruto, a wave of anguish washed over her heart. The

pain was palpable in her eyes as they met his. "The vision I had about my

death... it's becoming real" her thoughts whispered to the surface.

She glanced at Naruto, her mind racing, "I don't want to die. I've finally

found someone…" she whispered in a low voice.

Her gaze fixed on Naruto, who promptly leaped off the cliff's edge. Her

heart raced as her breath caught in her throat. But in the next instant,

Naruto's hand wrapped around her, ensuring her safety even as they

plummeted through the air.

* splash *

Amidst a resounding splash, they plunged into the pond located beneath


The impact of their descent caused water to surge upwards, creating a

spectacular display of rising droplets.

Naruto's hand gently brushed against her back, his touch seeking


Shion lay atop his chest,to her it was comfortable.

Astonishingly, despite the tremendous fall from such a height, there were

no apparent injuries on her.

Naruto carefully cradled her in his arms and carried her away from the


Gently placing her beneath the shade of a tree, he ensured she was


The water in the pond had grown tranquil once again.

After settling Shion beneath the tree, Naruto turned his gaze towards the

water's surface, his own reflection staring back at him.

Shaking his head vigorously, Naruto's wet hair swayed through the air,

sending droplets scattering in all directions.

Shion gazed at him, watching as his hair swayed and water droplets

scattered. A faint smile played on his lips as he shook his head, causing

water to dance around him.

She was Mesmerized as she found herself lost in his gaze. He seemed

almost celestial, exuding an air of nobility. A blush crept onto her face as

her eyes remained fixed on him.

"Naruto... who are you really?" she asked him subconsciously.

Naruto tilted his head slightly and then stood up, his gaze fixed on Shion.

With a playful grin, he pointed a finger towards himself and asked, "Me?"

Shion nodded in response, her blush deepening slightly.

Naruto's eyes held a distinct, glowing intensity.

He could sense her emotions, the stirrings of love in her heart. He

couldn't deny that he didn't enjoy this feeling. It was evident to him that

she needed just a gentle push, and she would be his.

She gazed into his eyes, finding them hypnotic as she lost herself in their

depths. Her cheeks began to warm, and she couldn't tear her gaze away

from him.

She didn't notice when he came so close; she was completely absorbed in

his eyes.

Naruto squatted down in front of her, his playful smile appearing even

more beautiful in her eyes.

Naruto approached her, his warm breath brushing against her ear,

causing her heart to race and butterflies to flutter in her stomach.

Her face flushed crimson, extending down to her neck, as he whispered

softly into her ear, "Aren't I everything to you?"

Her face reddened further as she didn't deny his words. She averted her

gaze, looking down at the ground, fully aware that he was speaking the


Naruto observed her flushed expression and found her incredibly cute.

They were incredibly close to each other; Naruto gazed at her while she

attempted to avoid his eyes. Naruto's face was just inches away from


"Don't tease me like that, Naruto," she said in a hushed, almost mosquito-

like voice.

His breath tickled her nose, and she could feel it. She kept her gaze fixed

on the ground, and Naruto found her actions adorable.

"Don't you like it?" he asked.

Naruto gently extended his right hand, tilting her chin upward, and

forced her to meet his gaze.

Her eyes locked with his, and as she looked into them, her heart

fluttered. She realized she had already fallen for him, and there was no

turning back.

Naruto drew closer to her, and she could feel his warm breath on her

face. She closed her eyes as she thought 'is he going to kiss me'. Her heart

raced in her chest, pounding faster and faster.

Naruto observed her flushed face and closed eyes, finding her incredibly


He smiled at her and playfully flicked her forehead. She opened her eyes

and gazed at his smile.

"What were you waiting for?" he said teasingly.

Shion's face turned beet red with embarrassment. She had been waiting

for him to kiss her. She hid her face with her palms, feeling incredibly


Naruto observed her actions and quietly muttered, "Cute."


if you like the chapter please add a comment and give me your


chapter 87 part 1



chapter~ Naruto and Shion part 4





Shion looked in front of her. Her face blushed, and her eyes didn't waver

from him. At this moment, her heart stirred up.

In this moment, she truly fell in love with him. This pit was an abyss, and

from this moment, there was no turning back. Her heart was beating

faster than ever.


And before she could react, she found herself on his back again, while he

moved gracefully. Her gaze remained fixed on him.

"Are you done looking at me?" he asked playfully. Hearing his words, her

cheeks reddened, and she looked away from him.


As she shook her head, the small bell in her hair rang. This was her

mother's gift to her; the small bell worked as a charm, capable of

protecting her from danger, and it operated involuntarily.

The small bell could shoot laser beams that could dissipate stone soldiers.

This bell had a special chakra that could eliminate darkness from Moryo.

While Naruto was looking ahead, he observed the small bell. In his

opinion, the special chakra was the life force of a person, and there were

some advanced seals engraved on the bell


This time, Naruto didn't take the typical route to reach the mountain;

instead, he began to run vertically up the mountain for a shortcut.

Although there were numerous ways to reach the top in the blink of an

eye, he chose not to use them.

Observing this, Shion tightly grabbed onto him. They were moving at a

high speed, ascending 700 meters vertically in an instant.



With a swift jump, Naruto landed on the peak of the mountain. In front

of him stood a massive shrine, while below it lay a dormant volcano.

Shion landed on the ground after dismounting from his back.

"We have to seal Moryo here and now," she said, her tone serious.

"Let's go," Naruto replied, and they began to enter the shrine.


However, before they could enter, a multitude of stone soldiers emerged

from the ground, blocking their path.


Naruto looked at them, a smirk on his face, as he extended two fingers.

"Attraction," his voice echoed. In the midst of the stone soldiers, a blue

sphere began to form. Negative numbers materialized in the air.

Naruto poured chakra into his technique, and with a resounding boom,

the entire surroundings were drawn toward the blue sphere. The bodies

of the stone soldiers fell apart upon contact with the powerful suction



This was not a gravity-based attack; the space around the blue sphere

was severed, and to fill the empty space, the surrounding area acted as a

massive attraction force, pulling everything into it.

Naruto had complete control over the suction force. In an instant, a large

crater formed, clearing the path to the shrine.


Naruto looked at Shion. "You can go ahead," he said to her. She nodded

and ran toward the entrance of the shrine.

While she was sprinting toward the shrine, she glanced back at him. Her

thoughts were consumed by him. 'Please be safe,' she prayed to the gods.

Even though she had witnessed his powers, her heart couldn't find peace.

Naruto observed the stone army still emerging. He wore a smile on his

face. "Which jutsu should I use?" he pondered to himself while deftly

evading a fist.


"Fuck it... let's go with the Gentle Fist," he murmured to himself. The

Eight Trigram symbol appeared beneath him, and all the soldiers entered

his field of vision.

"Eight Trigram 128 Palms," he uttered as lightning-infused chakra scalpel

manifested on his fingertips.

Naruto moved at a speed beyond what human eyes could perceive, and

with each precise strike, a stone soldier was reduced to dust. In less than

a minute, all the soldiers were obliterated.


"What a weak security," he said to himself. "Or is it that I am too strong

for them... though it doesn't matter. Let's deal with that demon," Naruto

said and disappeared from there.


As Shion walked, she entered the shrine, and her heart skipped a beat

when she saw Yomi sitting there, staring at her.

"So those worthless fools weren't able to kill you," he said, not even

worried about his subordinates.

Shion didn't say anything to him. The ground beneath her lit up, and a

purple seal started to appear on the ground. In just a second, the entire

ground was illuminated by the seal. Since childhood, she had practiced

the sealing arts capable of binding any demon.


Yomi was caught off guard by this; he hadn't expected her to act so


A cruel smile appeared on his face. "You look the same as your mother.

Don't you know what happened to her?" he said, his body unmoving but

his mouth still running smoothly.

"Don't say anything about her. You don't have any right to speak about

her," Shion's anger flared when she heard about her mother. In her anger,

the seal around him tightened.


"She died while sealing Moryo, just like her, you will be dead," he said,

trying to provoke her.

But at this moment, the demon spirit that had been lying inside Yomi

suddenly emerged from his body. As it left his body, Yomi's form began

to burn.

With a swift kick, Moryo's spirit sent Yomi's blazing body hurtling toward

Shion. In that critical moment, the bell on her reacted and acted as a


"I can't hold it any longer," her stamina depleted rapidly as she struggled

to keep Moryo's spirit in place.


The seal broke apart, and Moryo's spirit entered his actual body, which

had been sealed beneath the shrine.


"You little girl, you've been fooled all this time," Moryo's voice echoed

throughout the entire shrine.

"The seal was not meant to seal me but to free me... hahaha," his laughter


Shion was in disbelief; all her hard work seemed in vain. 'Is my lifelong

practice of the sealing arts for nothing?'


However, stone soldiers began to appear around her and launched


Thanks to the mystical bell, she was able to protect herself. The unique

chakra transformed into laser beams, obliterating the stone puppets

around her.

She wasn't a fighter, and when her focus waned for a moment, a soldier

holding a knife lunged at her.

Her eyes widened in horror, but before the knife could reach her, the

stone soldier was shattered into pieces and fell to the ground.


Shion felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. She tilted her head and saw

Naruto standing there, his cocky grin on his face.

"Don't lose your focus," Naruto said, and an adamantium chain shot out

from his other hand, piercing through all of the stone soldiers with

precise hits.

Shion had a smile on her face. The spectacle in front of her was awe-

inspiring. Every time he used his powers, she found herself watching him

more and more.


She quickly hid behind Naruto, the safest place she knew.


A deafening explosion rocked the shrine, shattering the ground and

revealing the volcano beneath.

Magma erupted, its bubbles bursting as fiery torrents spewed forth.

The scorching flames shot upward, and four gigantic heads of a dragon

emerged from the lava.


It was Moryo, his soul and body fused together, his massive form now

fully visible.


Moryo appeared as a gigantic serpentine creature, boasting a lengthy,

dark purple body and multiple dragon-based heads. His eyes glowed red,

and his tongues were a vivid blue. A lighter purple aura enveloped his

massive form.

Naruto gazed at the colossal Demon. It surpassed any tailed beast he had

ever seen.

"So, this is Moryo," Naruto inquired, his eyes fixed on the incoming four-

headed serpent.

"Yes, because of him, this country is known as 'the Land of Demons,'"

Shion replied.


In the presence of Moryo, the Bell started to emit a brilliant light.

The ground where Naruto stood was infused with his chakra, so it

remained the only piece of land that was still intact.

"Now I am free... I will dominate this world. There is no one who could

stop me," Moryo's words echoed as the lava beneath him erupted.

"Here's another fool who wants to rule the world," Naruto remarked,

looking at the demon before him.


An~ End of the chapter.

So this is the moryo who want to dominate the world, what do you think

how will Naruto kill him.

A simple Rasengan is Enough


He will just erase his from the existence.



Here's today's question

~~how much Shadow clones Naruto could produce

1. 500

2. 1000

3. Or above 2000

If you like the chapter please comment and give me your power stones..

chapter 87 part 2



chapter 87~ Naruto and Shion ~ Final





"Here's another fool who wants to rule the world," Naruto remarked, his

gaze fixed on the towering demon before him.

The difference in size was staggering. Moryo peered down at him with

one of his heads, and upon hearing Naruto's words, his anger flared.


One of his heads shot toward Naruto with breakneck speed, the air

withering around his serpentine body.

Seeing the incoming attack, Shion quickly hid behind Naruto.

Naruto stared at the approaching attack, his perception of time seemingly

slowing down.

"So, he's as powerful as the Eight Tails," Naruto thought to himself.


And just as the attack was about to hit Naruto, it stopped two inches

away from him.

Moryo exerted all his powers, but his head couldn't reach Naruto. He felt

that his attack never ceased, yet it never reached Naruto.

Naruto could access Infinity when he wished, but it wasn't always on

autopilot. He had the ability to activate Infinity whenever he desired.

Naruto was not bound by this technique; to him, it was simply another

technique he had created using some references.

The limitless technique didn't flow in his veins; he had constructed it

based on reference alone. He didn't know how different his technique

was from the original.

His technique could be broken if someone stronger attempted to brute

force it or if someone with expertise in Space Ninjutsu intervened.

This was his creation, born from scratch, and it demanded immense

mental strength to utilize.

He had to perform hundreds of calculations to create the barrier.

However, his eyes allowed him to do it in an instant, as when he

activated his eyes, his perception of time changed, making complex tasks

seem much quicker.

He wasn't born with this technique like someone certain.

He wasn't bound by this single technique; he had created several jutsus. If

this one didn't work, he even had jutsus to counter his own technique.


He wasn't bound by infinity(technique), infinity was bound to him.


"What was that?... What did you do?... How are you still standing?"

Moryo roared furiously, his anger evident in his voice. He had been

sealed for so many years, and now, upon awakening, he found a young

brat whose age wasn't even a fraction of his own standing against him.


Seeing this, Naruto smirked.


"You don't say please," Naruto quipped, a cocky grin on his face.

Hearing his words, Shion giggled.

"Damn you! I will kill you," Moryo roared in fury and launched another

attack with all of his might. His purple body split into numerous

projectiles that shot toward Naruto.

However, all of them stopped in front of him, hovering in the air.

"Now you see, you overgrown serpent," Naruto taunted.


"You brat!!! I will kill you," Moryo roared; the insult to his race stung

deeply. How could someone call him an overgrown serpent?

Suddenly, darkness engulfed them, and there was no light. Everything

turned pitch black.

"This is my power. Nobody can see except me," Moryo said confidently.


But to his shock, the bell in Shion's hands began to emit light,

illuminating the dark surroundings. The darkness dissipated.

As time passed, Moryo grew increasingly furious. None of his attacks

were working, and the lightning was causing him pain.


Naruto regarded Moryo intently. "I think you've played enough. It's time

for you to sleep forever," Naruto spoke, his voice sending chills down

Moryo's whole body.

Naruto placed his hand on Shion's shoulder and lifted her into the air.

Naruto stood 400 meters in the sky, with Shion beside him. Beneath her

feet, there was a black ground, nothing but a Truth-Seeking Ball that had

transformed into a small platform for her to stand on.


To honor her, Naruto made a request. "Give me the chakra of the bell," he

asked, to which she nodded.

Naruto extended his hand, and a black ball began to manifest in his palm,

with white rings spinning around it. This was the Rasengan mixed with

Dust Release.

The chakra from the bell started to seep into the Rasengan. The black

core turned white, and the white rings transformed into red.

In Shion's hand, the bell cracked and crumbled away. All of its chakra

had been used, and now there was nothing left.


Naruto gazed at the Rasengan before him.

"Dai Ransengan."




The Rasengan plummeted from the sky, appearing as a tiny dot

descending toward the ground.

Moryo, with his massive form, observed that something small had been

dropped from the sky. It turned out to be the last thing he ever saw.




With a deafening boom, the Rasengan was dropped into the mouth of the


As the Rasengan descended, everything fell silent for a moment. Then

came the intense shockwaves, as a dome of white energy expanded at an

alarming rate. Wherever the white energy touched, everything was

erased down to the atomic level.

The white chakra dome enveloped the entire mountain, and everything

was obliterated.

There was no mountain, no fallen debris, or anything left—only a

circular crater remained.

The once towering mountain was now completely erased from the face of

the earth.


"That was magnificent... don't you think?" Naruto grinned as he asked


Shion felt goosebumps all over her body as she gazed upon the

destruction caused by a single move.


"Yes," she said in disbelief. For her, it was truly eye-opening, and this

power level expanded her horizons. She looked at him with mixed


"Now that your problem is solved, what are you going to do now?"

Naruto asked her.

"I... I don't know," she replied. She truly didn't have anything left. Moryo

was dead, her soldiers had perished, and her palace lay in ruins.


"I see," Naruto said to her as they descended from the sky.


The sun had started to rise, painting an orange hue on the horizon.

Naruto walked ahead of her, the sunlight reflecting on his hair.

"So, are you going now?" she asked him, her voice filled with sadness.

"Yes, our mission is complete," Naruto replied to her.


Her heart ached when she heard his voice. She didn't want to part from

him, and at some point, she had realized she was in love with him. She

had wanted to tell him, but for some reason, she had hesitated.

As she looked at his retreating figure, she clenched her fist. "If I don't say

it now, I'll regret it for the rest of my life," she resolved.

With fast steps, she caught up to Naruto.

"Naruto," she whispered in a low voice, her face flushed with red.


Naruto turned to look at her, but before he could say anything, she

embraced him tightly. She held him close and whispered in his ear,

"Don't leave me behind."

Naruto stood there for a moment before he hugged her back, gently

patting her back for comfort.

"I love you... Please take me with you," she said in a soft voice, her tone

filled with hope and longing. She clung to him as if fearing he would


Naruto ruffled her hair with one hand and continued to pat her back with

the other.

He could feel the emotions emanating from her—pure love and a deep

yearning. They were so pure and genuine.


Naruto placed his hands on her shoulders and gazed into her eyes. She,

too, locked eyes with him.

In that moment, her face moved closer to his. With each passing moment,

her lips drew nearer until their foreheads touched, and she pressed her

lips against his.

The touch was soft and sweet, a delicate exploration of each other's

warmth and taste.


This was her first time, and as their lips met, she felt heavenly, but as the

seconds ticked by, her kiss deepened, fueled by a growing hunger for


Their lips moved in a rhythm, a dance of passion and tenderness.

"Ummm..." a soft moan escaped her lips.

Naruto's hand pulled her closer, pressing her on himself. To his

resemblance, she threaded her fingers through his hair. The gentle tug

sent a shiver down her spine.


Their bodies pressed against each other. His tongue separated her lips

and entered her mouth, touching her tongue.

As their tongues connected, an electric current passed through her body.

His tongue began to play with hers, and as the seconds ticked by, she also

started to play with his tongue. Their tongues intertwined with each



And they finally pulled away, their foreheads resting against each other's,

a string of saliva connecting their lips.

Shion's face reddened, feeling embarrassed. She looked down, not

wanting to meet his eyes, but her heart was filled with joy, love, and


Naruto, looking at her, gently placed his fingers under her chin, lifted her

head, and looked into her eyes.


Her face flushed with embarrassment; this was her first kiss, and inside

her heart, she was waiting for him to take the lead.

'Kiss me again,' her heart yearned for more, and her eyes conveyed the

unspoken desire.

Naruto pulled her closer and kissed her once more. As their lips met, he

savored the sweet taste of her lips. His tongue began to play with hers,

and they both tasted the sweet essence of each other.

"Ummm," her sweet sounds filled his ears.

As the seconds passed, their kiss deepened.

"Huff," she breathed heavily, and Naruto looked at her. Her eyes seemed

to say, "I want more."

He ruffled her hair and asked, "Do you really want to come with me?"

She nodded her head, and there was no hesitation in her eyes. "Yes," she


"Okay, fine," Naruto replied with a smile. With a flick of his hand, two

Truth-Seeking Balls transformed into two beautiful bangles.

"This is my gift... These will protect you always," Naruto told her as he

lifted her hand and placed the bangles on her wrist.

As she wore the bangles, she felt a deep connection with them, as though

they were a part of her body. She caressed them tenderly and held her

hands close to her heart.


"Thank you... I will always keep them close to me," she said to him with a



Naruto nodded to her, then gently grabbed her hand and placed her on

his back. He started walking toward where his team was waiting.

"Let's go," Naruto said to her. She nodded in response, her face radiating

with a sweet smile.

With one hand on his shoulder and the other gently caressing his hair

with her soft fingers, she felt like this was the safest place in the whole

world for her.



[An~ End of the chapter, How do you like the fluffy romance?

Now that this arc is finally over, this is time for big games, guess who

will be Naruto's next opponent.

1. Obito

2. Hagoromo

3. Isshiki Otsutsuki

4. Kurotsuchi



Hinata and Shion will be meeting in the next chapters, what will be

Hinata's reaction when she sees Shion?

Will they become sisters or mortal enemies? To find out, read the next

chapters of the novel.

And if you like the chapter please comment… I saw that there are only a

few comments on the last chapter, so before leaving add some comments

on the chapter. And give me some powerstons…

chapter 88

*AN~ i have done writting the lemons between Naruto and Hinata, and

you will get them around 10 chapters latter, so praise me mortals and

bow down in front of the dao of lemeons~~

~ important notice is down below~



chapter 88



Naruto headed toward his team with Shion on his back, her fingers

gently ruffling his hair as she engaged in conversation with him. There

was an everlasting sweet smile on her face as she asked him questions,

and he answered.

Soon, Naruto reached his teammates who had been waiting for them.

Together, they had successfully eliminated all the members of the 'Gang

of Four.'


They were still exhausted but nonetheless happy that they had completed

their mission.

The stone army that had been advancing further from the Land of

Demons had now disappeared without a trace.


The stone army was directly connected to Moryo, and as he was killed,

the stone army also perished with him.

The good thing was that the army didn't escape from this land.

Now that their mission was complete, they were happily chatting among

themselves and waiting for Naruto to join them.


They had full confidence in him that he would handle the demon, so they

weren't too worried about him.

Currently, Neji, Sakura, and Lee were resting under a tree and engaging

in conversation among themselves.

"It's morning, and Naruto hasn't come out. What's he doing?" Sakura

asked her teammates.

"How could we know?" Neji replied.

"You have Byakugan, so just find him," she said.

Neji looked at her, he didn't want to preach someone's privacy until it

was necessary, "just wait for few minutes,"

"Fine, we'll just rest until he comes back," she said.


"Until Naruto arrives, I will do 500 pushups on my hands," Lee exclaimed

in an excited voice.

Saying this, he began doing pushups. Neji and Sakura looked at him with

deadpan expressions but didn't say anything


Soon, they spotted Naruto walking towards them, and he reached them

in no time.

"Hey, did you defeat that demon?" Sakura asked him.

"Defeat? I killed him," Naruto replied to her with a grin on his face.


"I knew you would do that," Lee exclaimed from a distance as he got up

from his training and walked toward them.

It was time to go.

"Let's go, our mission is complete," Neji said to them and started

preparing to leave.

They all nodded in agreement, but suddenly Sakura looked at Naruto and

remembered something.

"Hey Naruto, where is the girl?" she asked him.

Naruto looked at her and replied, "She is safe and sound, and she is

where she belongs."


"Oh, so she has gone to her Palace," Sakura replied, coming to her own

conclusion as she remembered where she had first met the girl.

After this, nobody asked anything, and they started to run towards

Konoha at a normal pace.

"I will guard the rear; you can walk ahead," Naruto said to them. They all

nodded in agreement and took their positions. Neji was in front, Lee and

Sakura were in the middle, and Naruto was in the rear.

Shion, who was observing all of this, had a confused look on her face.

"Why aren't they seeing me?" she asked Naruto.


"It's because I don't want them to see you," he replied truthfully.

"I understand, but why can't they see me?" she asked him.

"Haha... it's my Genjutsu," he said to her.

It was a very high-level genjutsu that Naruto had used. Genjutsu could be

used in various ways, just like Tsunade Senju, who used Genjutsu to hide

her true age and always appeared in her prime.

Naruto had used his Genjutsu on Shion so that no one could see her

unless he wanted them to.He used a barrier of Yin chakra, forming it

around her in a way that it reflected all the light and molded it in a way

that she became transparent, effectively rendering her invisible to


While every jutsu had its weaknesses, Naruto wasn't particularly worried

in this case since nobody present was proficient enough in genjutsu to

break it.


In reality, he didn't want them to know about her because he didn't want

to put her in danger.

He understood that he might be the strongest, but she wasn't. Naruto

wasn't arrogant; he knew that unexpected events could occur, and he

couldn't always be near her to protect her

She was not powerful enough to protect herself. Although she had a

broken ability but couldn't use its fraction of real power for now.


Naruto might be reckless with himself and take risks that go beyond his

own abilities, and he might not fear anything when facing someone.

However, when it came to the person he loved, he didn't want to risk

even the slightest harm until he was sure they could protect themselves.

As for Shion, she wasn't strong enough, and there were many people who

wanted to harm Naruto. While they couldn't harm him, they could target

her. Naruto understood that everyone has their weaknesses, and he

wasn't an exception to this rule.


They were heading towards Konoha, leaping from tree to tree. Shion was

taking in the lush greenery around her; it was her first time going


Naruto had many questions about her powers, so he asked, "Shion."

She looked at him and replied, "Hmm?"


"How do your powers work?" he asked her.

She remained silent for a moment before responding, "My powers... I

don't fully understand them myself. They are like second nature to me."

Naruto nodded in understanding and continued, "How does your future

vision work?" He had anticipated an answer like this.

"The future vision of someone's death... I see it in my sleep... and every

time I see it, I feel tired," she replied.


"Oh... you feel tired because you have too little chakra. That may be the

reason you couldn't use your powers efficiently," Naruto speculated.

Hearing this, she wore a sad expression and replied, "The guards didn't

let me practice any ninjutsu... They said my mother instructed them not

to teach me anything related to chakra or ninjutsu." Her tone was filled

with sadness.


"Why didn't your mother want you to use any ninjutsu?" Naruto asked


"Because my powers were beyond her imagination. She sensed that my

powers were too powerful, so she didn't want me to use any ninjutsu,

fearing that if I became corrupt, I would be more dangerous than anyone

else," she replied truthfully.

Naruto tilted his head, and a grin appeared on his face as he looked at

her. "Hehe... let me corrupt you," he teased.

Shion blushed at his remark.

"So that's why she left a bell to protect you," Naruto deduced.


She nodded and continued her explanation, "And when I see my own

death, it's different from other visions," she said.

Naruto was curious and asked, "How so?"

"It's like my future self warns my past self about what will happen and

tells me all the details to avoid anything that could kill me," she


Naruto began to understand why her mother feared her own child. Shion

had the power to alter her own future every time she died, essentially

making her all-powerful. He had a smile on his face, his thoughts racing.

"Just imagine if someone tried to kill you right now, would your past self

be aware?" he asked her.


"Yes, if someone were to kill me now, I would warn my past self about it.

But this doesn't mean I won't die. Even if I could warn my past self, I

don't have enough power to protect myself. And if I run out of energy, I

won't be able to warn my past self," she explained.

"So all the problems lie in your chakra levels; basically, you have civilian-

level chakra," Naruto concluded.


She nodded with a sad expression, but Naruto had a grin on his face.

Increasing her chakra levels was not hard for him. He was wondering

how powerful she could become if she had enough chakra.

"So this is like time jumps," Naruto asked her. He also had a basic

understanding of time elements and could literally see the flow of time.

She nodded to him.


As they continued on their journey towards Konoha, Naruto talked with

her more. While she had a theoretical understanding of it, Naruto had

practical experience using time-related techniques.

He made notes and prepared a scroll containing important information

about the time element, along with exercises to increase chakra reserves.

Naruto considered the possibility of increasing her chakra levels. He

knew that forcibly expanding her chakra pathways and infusing them

with his chakra could be a way to kickstart the process.

Once her body became accustomed to that level of chakra, it would start

producing chakra on its own. However, he decided that today was not

the right time to do so.

As they continued their journey and engaged in conversation, Naruto and

Shion lost track of time.

Before they knew it, they had reached the vicinity of Konoha.

The chill of the cold wind brushed against their faces, and they could see

white snowflakes falling gently from the sky, creating a serene and

wintry atmosphere around them. They were almost home.






[AN~ end of the chapter.


Important notice~ this novel is coming to its end, maybe 30-40 chapters

are left.

I have an idea of creating an original novel, you know I started this fanfic

to improve my writing, and grammar and now after writing around 100

chapters I can say that my grammar and writing has improved a little(not

much). And I don't earn anything from this fanfic, I started it to improve


I have an idea of this story from a long time and i wasn't confident before

to properly executing my story, but now after writing around 100

chapters i am a little confident, ( the story i want to write is placed in

medieval fantasy era of magic, the main character will be the 3rd prince

of an empire, not some random trash.

And there will be two main characters, one male and one his twin little

sister. They will become corrupted as the time progresses, and their

relationship will be very immoral (forbidden). And the main characters

will not be pushovers of kind hearted.

In that story there will be all types of dark things, from slavery to

corrupting innocent to stealing someone's finances etc. and the character

of his little sister will be best for him(after all she is his little sister) and

worst for others.

This story is to satisfy my creative and corrupted mind, and I want to ask,

will you support my book, it will have everything, from r-18 to

corruption to love (sister) etc.

And if you have read till here comment on the chapter and give me your

power stones..

chapter 89 ~ Jealous Shion

*A/N~ this chapter is in 1st pov


Chapter 89 ~Jealous Shion




~Shion's POV~

My body was leaned against his back as my one hand was wrapped

around his neck and the other was softly caressing his hair. My legs were

wrapped around his waist, he was moving gracefully so that I didn't have

any problem.

I have heard many stories about a prince who came to save the princess.

But I hadn't thought that this could happen in real life, until he came to

my palace and saved me from those bad guys who wanted to kill me.


The first time I saw him, I was a little scared when his red, abyssal-like

eyes locked onto mine. I felt like an open book to him.

But as I spent time with him, I didn't even realize when I fell in love with

him. He was caring towards me and didn't see me as a damsel in distress,

although I was.

He was the first person who was not afraid of me and powers, and he

extended his hand to me and said I could be his friend.

At that time I really felt the world around me started to change, It started

to become more beautiful, my life started to take more exciting turns. He

was the person who washed my guilt about losing the guard and consoled


It's like he could understand me better than anyone, I really felt warmth

in my heart.

And as i started to talk with him more and more, his voice became sweet

music to my ears, i just wanted to him more,

But deep down I know I was falling for him more and more, and I don't

regret even a bit.

And as time passed, I became so addicted to him. His sense of humor was

sometimes dark and I liked it a lot. Sometimes he talks so sweetly to me,

I wonder if I could sugar just from his talks.

He can be a bad boy, a good and caring person anytime he needs to be

one, and I like all aspects of him.

And on top of all that he was powerful, infect so powerful, and I couldn't

help but feel my heart tremble at the display of his powers.

I felt safe just standing in his presence. I could use his shoulder for my

head to rest and it felt so good to have someone you could depend on,

and for me he was the one.

And when he was about to leave after his mission was done, I couldn't

help but my heart ached when I saw his back.

I was going to be alone again, and I didn't want that, so I mustered all my

strength and approached him. I confessed my feelings to him, though I

wasn't sure if he would accept me or not. I was truly scared at that

moment, as if his rejection would shatter my world.

But my feelings were genuine, and somehow, I knew he was aware of

them. He wanted me to act first, as I confessed my love for him, he didn't

refuse my feelings. When he embraced me, my whole body shuddered,

and I felt incredibly safe in his arms. I relished every moment of it

To me it felt like I always belonged in his arms.

And as I kissed him,'Oh, goodness' it felt so amazing that I just wanted to

continue. It was my first kiss and it felt heavenly. As we parted, I wasn't

satisfied with just one kiss, my eyes were begging for more, and as if he

could read my eyes he kissed me again and this time it was more refined

and passionate..

And he gave me two bangles as a gift, and I could feel strong connection

between me and the bangles. I could control their shape and size just

with my thoughts as It didn't even use any chakra.

And once again, I was in my favorite place. I was clinging to him as we

started to walk towards his team.

He said he used genjutsu to hide me from them, he didn't want them to

know about me, I really felt warmth in my heart, he was so protective of


And just like we started our journey to my new home, we talked about

many things on the way, he sometimes teased me with his jokes, and

liked it. I wanted him to tease me, it felt so good.

And on the way he asked me about my powers, he started to teach me

various ways to use my powers. At first I didn't think my powers could be

used in such a way. He is a genius, I was sure about that.

He also said that I could become the most powerful person in this world,

he was not jealous or afraid of me, on the contrary he was more excited

than me, he was genuinely happy.

At that moment, I swore I couldn't disappoint him. I will train hard.

As we talked, we reached Konoha.




I started to feel cold as we neared the village. The trees were colossal,

and snowflakes began to fall from the sky. I didn't know how this was

possible, but I enjoyed the sight. It was beautiful.

I had never left my palace before, and this place was truly beautiful, even

before we entered the village.

Soon, I could see the colossal gates of the village, and the walls around

them were covered in frost.

If I were to stand in front of the gate, I would seem so small.

I wonder how they open these massive gates or if they always remain


Soon, all of us entered the village. I marveled at how high the gates were

as I passed them. Only two guards were guarding the gates, and I could

sense the admiration, awe, and fear in their eyes as they looked at

Naruto. The fear was deeply hidden, but I could see it.

"You can go ahead and inform the Hokage," Naruto said as he headed

into the village


"Are you not coming with us," the pink haired girl asked, which I don't

find so feminine. She was petite, well she had very small breasts, but I

could see small bumps on her chest. They were very small in comparison

to mine and of course I was proud of my breasts. I have read in some

books that boys like big breasts. I wonder if Naruto will like it or not.

*cough* I was getting off topic here. And for her ass i could say it was

well toned maybe she was a shinobi that why.

"Nope, I have something to do, and besides, Neji is the team leader, so it's

his duty," Naruto said while walking toward the boy with unusual eyes.

His eyes were pure white without any pupils. I wondered if he was blind,

but my suspicion was blown out the window when he looked directly

into Naruto's eyes.

Naruto leaned toward Neji and whispered, 'If you cover up for me, I'll let

you meet your sister,' and I could sense from his tone that he was

amused. It was clear from his voice that he didn't care about the Hokage.

Wasn't the Kage the supreme ruler of the village? Everyone had to follow

him; this was common knowledge. If you didn't follow their orders, you

would be declared a criminal. But Naruto was not taking the Kage


I may be naive, but I could clearly feel that Naruto was manipulating the

white-eyed boy

'And about his sister, how does he know her?' I couldn't help but feel

jealous. Deep down, I knew he might have other girls besides me. It was

common in my country to have multiple wives, and Naruto was

handsome and powerful. I would be naive to think he was single.

But that doesn't mean I won't feel jealous. Yes, I am feeling jealous, and I

didn't even know that Naruto had any relationship with the white-eyed

boy's sister.

Yet, here I am, feeling jealous. Even if he has some other girl, I won't lose

to anyone. Even if he has some other girls, I will try my best to get his


'But why he mention his sister'

Ahh… why am I feeling so jealous. Maybe she is just his friend but then

again why does the white eyed body need Naruto's permission to meet

his sister.

"Fine… but you have complete your promise," the white eyed boy said. I

could see that Naruto had a grin on his face. And why do I find his

mischievous smile so hypnotical, because I love him.

I am starting to become corrupted, I was not like this before. They say

love can blind people, and I think this is happening to me.

Naruto patted his shoulder, "of course you can meet her after all we are

family," i could feel his teasing.

'Family'? What family? They didn't seem to like each other. They had

different hair, and their eyes were also different. Could he really be his


No, he said it in a way that because of his sister, they are family. Is this

an arranged marriage? No, Naruto is only 16; how could he have an

arranged marriage?

'And why does my heart feel pain just from thinking about it?'

Maybe I'm just overthinking. I tilted my head and saw that the other

team members were walking ahead; they hadn't heard their conversation.

The white-eyed boy nodded to Naruto and disappeared from there,

leaving me and Naruto alone.

My mind was in turmoil; I was feeling something I shouldn't be feeling.

Naruto tilted his head and asked me with a smile, 'Is there anything

troubling you?'"

I couldn't help but look at his smile. My heart melted, and all of my

worries went away. "No, it's nothing. So where are we going?" I asked

him with a smile.

"Home," he said, to which I nodded.

Naruto used the same genjutsu on himself to make himself invisible to

normal eyes.

"Why did you hide yourself," I asked curiously.

I could only see his lips curled up as he started walking, " so you can

watch the beauty of the village in peace," he said.

I nodded to him as we began to walk toward home. The village was truly

beautiful, with its red and white buildings. The sun was also starting to

set, casting an orange hue over the village. In my opinion, it was truly


And it became even more beautiful when he was piggybacking me, my

hands subconsciously ruffling his hair as I watched the beauty.

We walked without anyone noticing us, but suddenly, I felt like someone

was watching me. It was as if I was being scanned, and the gaze was so

intense that it scared me.

I subconsciously hugged Naruto. I don't know why I felt this way. Who

had just watched me? Naruto told me that no one could see us, but who

had just seen me? Naruto didn't seem to notice it.

"What happened?" he asked me as I was tightly hugging him.

"Did you feel that?" I asked him while nuzzling my face into his neck.

"Feel what?" he asked me, though I couldn't see it, he was smiling


Did he not feel what I felt? Am I hallucinating now? And I am suddenly

getting hungry; I'll eat when we reach home.

I didn't reply to him; I just snuggled into him and enjoyed his scent and

warmth. 'Oh god, I love this so much,' I thought while hugging him,

forgetting the previous gaze. I knew that when I was with him, nothing

would happen to me.



*A/N~ end of the chapter, how do you like the chapter, i have tried to

change the style from 3rd person to 1st person. I can explore the

characters and it's easy to connect with them in this way of writing. If

you don't like it I can change to 3rd person.


The next chapter will be from Hinata's pov and it is going to be r18, you

will find out how her thinking works, and as I said r18, she really thinks

dark stuff. Some of you are thinking that I hadn't mentioned Hanabi, but

I worry that she will be mentioned through Hinata's pov.



~~And here's today's question.

Have you ever thought of Hagoromo using something like 'baryon mode'

with ten tails, wouldn't it be world shattering.

Hinata's Pov R18

*A/N~ This chapter contains dark stuff so read on your own violation,

the dark stuff starts after * symbol.


Chapter~ Real Hinata



Hinata's POV


It's been a few days since Naruto went on the mission, and I have been

practicing all my skills to perfection. Well, I can't dare to make any

mistakes when the time comes. I don't have any complaints, and why

should I have any complaints? After all, I am doing this for my precious


As I remember his last words, he said he was going to have fun for some

time before taking down that Otsutsuki. So, I have practiced all the skills

I have.

Currently, I am looking at the bright sky above, my head resting on the

edge of the bathhouse, and my whole body is submerged in the water. I

can feel the hot water helping me relax.

I lifted my head and looked in front of me, streams flowing upwards due

to the hot water. I looked around and saw the green bamboo trees all

around the pool.

This is currently my home, hidden from the world, and by the way, this

is on the outskirts of Konoha. Naruto had concealed it under a layer of

genjutsu and used some sealing so nobody could see our home; only

Naruto and I knew about this place.

It's quite exciting that nobody could see this, and the Hokage has

declared me a criminal, although I couldn't care less about her and her

decision. The thing is, I can watch the whole village from here

I picked up some spicy things, like my clan members praising me for

killing those wretched elders. They see me as their savior. As for my

father, well, I haven't seen much of him. After all, I have given him

emotional trauma.

'Hehe, he deserved this, though with time, my hate for him has vanished.'

I can't watch him because of the barriers placed around his room,

although I could see through them, I choose not to.

The main and interesting thing is about my little sister. ''That my little

bitch of a sister., that arrogant and punk-like facade of hers was already

shattered months ago.'

Now she feels alone. She has realized that I was the one who protected

her, the only person who cared for her. Now that I am not with her, she

has recognized that those around her who praise her are all false. She

feels alone in her own home. Her father doesn't talk to her like he used to

before; they rarely communicate.

Sometimes, I saw her crying alone and calling my name. It became her

daily habit to cry alone, call my name, and apologize to me.

"That little bitch is truly sorry for her behavior and now regrets it."

I thought out loud. Although nobody knows about it, her big sister knows


I never truly hated her; I just spoke a few harsh words to her. At that

time, she really irritated me with her smug face. But now that I think

about it, her mind was clouded by the false praises given by the clan


But now things are different. She cries alone, aware of the harsh reality

that I was the only one who truly loved her. My scum of a father doesn't

show her any affection anymore. I know he loves her, but showing and

hiding affection are two different things.

I always kept an eye on her, always protected her even after I left the

clan. I might be a bad person, but I can't hate my own little sister.

Some boys in her academy started approaching her to gain the favor of

the current heiress of the Hyuga clan. I could sense their ill intentions

I raised my finger, and a small portal opened in front of me, releasing a

streak of lightning that electrocuted anyone who tried to approach her.

I cannot let anyone get close to her; she is too precious. Nobody deserves

her except for my Naruto.


Now thinking about my Naruto. I could feel heat in my cheeks, I watched

my own reflection in the pool and could see that I had become red.

I then look at my boobs, they are bigger than my age. I squeezed my left

breast slightly and my nipples became erect. I know Naruto loves my

boobs so much, sometimes he just puts his face between my breasts and

lays there, although he hasn't touched them, but I could say that he loves

them very much.

I always ruffled his hair as he put his face there, we spent hours hugging

each other.

Just thinking about him brings joy to me, his happiness is my happiness.

We haven't done any intimate actions yet, but we have kissed each other

so much I don't even remember counting.

I wanted our first time to be memorable. And we are just waiting for the

perfect time.

"Ahh…" Just thinking about it made me wet, I looked down at my pink

hairless pussy that started to become wet.

I restricted myself to touch my own pussy, this belongs to my Naruto, I

can't touch it, and haven't even touched myself down there even for once.

My innocence, my whole body, only belongs to him, I haven't even

released myself for once.

Everything belongs to my Naruto, me, my body, my soul, this village, this

world, everything belongs to him.

Although he didn't say it. But all the good things belong to him, even the


"Ahhh.. my sadistic side is awakening again," I know around this age boys

want to relieve themselves, I had read about it, there are many books

about sex and stuff in the village and I could just read them from here,

*cough* I am getting off-topic.

Where I was, yes… about Naruto... If he needs something to relieve

himself, I could kidnap some innocent girls from the village to present

them to him. I know he will not refuse me. Just thinking about it made

me wet.

I want to present some play dolls to my Naruto, just thinking about

innocent girls lying in the bed and crying for help as I slap them to shut


I want to see them cry, their pitiful expression as they lay naked in the

bed in front of my Naruto.

I want to hear their cries of pain, their screams as my Naruto penetrates

their virgin pussy with his big dick and they twitch and cry under his

thrust. I want to hear them scream like a bitch under his pounding.

"Oh my Naruto, this is fucking awesome," I will propose this idea to him

after our first time, after all, I want his first time and no one is allowed to

take him first.

After that, I want to collect some playthings for him.

And how about girls like Ino and Sakura? Should I break their mind and

bend them in front of my Naruto? Or should I manipulate them to

present themselves in front of my Naruto?

'Ah too many options, hehe I will play some games after everything is

calmed down," I don't want them to love him, no, I just want some play

dolls for my Naruto.

And as for someone who really loves my Naruto, I will leave them to

Naruto. He will take care of them, and if they disappoint him I will

personally make their life worse than hell.

'I really am a sadist bitch. I wanted them in pain. I wanted them to

scream for help… no… it's not like that, I wanted to see someone in pain

while my Naruto enjoys them,'

'Hehe I will really enjoy this when the time comes, I know Naruto will

enjoy this, nobody knows him better than me, and he also knows about

this side of mine, and he really loves me, I really am the most corrupted

girl, and this feels so damn good when my love also knows this and

support me, and I know he is just like me as corrupted as me, although

nobody knows his dark side except for me. Hehehe. I can't wait for this

fucking war to end and start our little games'

And now I think about something, that bitch Tsunade, she hasn't paid

enough for not calling me with respect if she didn't die in the war, I want

her to pay her by bending herself in front of my Naruto, yes… I want to

see her smug face crumble and hear her screams. Now that her fate is


"Naruto calls me princess and sometimes queen, this always melts my

heart, hahaha what have we become although we don't regret a bit,'

'I really am a bitch, yes but only for my Naruto' As I looked at my wet

pussy I couldn't help but smile, 'wait for some time, you will be satisfied,

my little girl,'

I chuckled at my remark and got out of the pool and dried myself with a

towel. I started to walk inside my home and soon I reached my room as I

grabbed my clothes and stood in front of the mirror.

I slipped down the towel and now I was standing naked in front of the

mirror, I looked at my beautiful white skin and delicate breasts. After

looking for a second, I started to wear my white kimono which has

flower patterns on it. I tied a red sash around my waist.

And tied my hair in a bun behind my head, as I looked at the white rose

like a long hairpin. This was the first gift Naruto had given me. I caressed

the hairpin with my fingers as a sweet smile graced my face.

As I put my hairpin back in my hair and looked at myself in the mirror, I

really looked like a princess not only from the clothes but also from my

mere presence.

This was in my blood, and of course, my Naruto loved me like this.

I suddenly lifted my head in a specific direction, I could feel his presence,

even without using my byakugan, his chakra was so damn powerful even

after suppressing it.

As for my strength, I haven't released my full strength in any battle, I

could say that I am powerful, infect so powerful, no one could defeat me

except my Naruto.

"He will reach the village in one hour and it's pretty late in the evening, I

should start preparing food," I said as I started to walk toward the


I reached the kitchen and started washing the vegetables and soon with a

knife in my hand, I was cutting them as I hummed.

Naruto always praises me for the food I made for him. He always said I

make the best food. I couldn't help but smile sweetly as I prepared food

for ourselves.

After one hour all the food was ready and I served it on the dining table.

As I sat on the chair and waited for him to come, I couldn't help but

activate my byakugan to watch him, it was my childhood hobby to watch

him, someone could say I am a creepy stalker but I don't give a fuck

about it, I am just watching my Naruto.

As I watched him with a smile, he seemed to notice me and smiled

sweetly at me. My cheeks felt heated just by his gaze.

'Hmm… Neji… I haven't met him, he became such a good big brother

after my Naruto humbled him…. Hehe… I think I should meet him

sometime," I thought to myself.

As I watched Naruto whisper something in Neji's ears, "he is bullying my

big brother, hehe" I could read Naruto's lips.

Now I think about Neji, his teammate has a crush on him, what was her

name, ha... TenTen.

Should I snatch that girl and present her to my Naruto and after fucking

her, give that toy to my brother. "This will be fun when he found out that

his girlfriend has already fucked with someone else,"

What will be Neji's reaction, hehe I really am a sadist bitch, who wants to

watch her brother's fucked up reaction.

'Naruto came first and everything came after him.'

I shook my head, 'this is not time for such thought, although if that girl

confesses to Neji Before I lay my hands on her, she will spared,"

Something is off with Naruto. As I focused my eyes on Naruto, I felt a

genjutsu is casted around him, "interesting" I muttered as I focused and

saw through the genjutsu.

"A blonde-haired girl with unique powers, huh… interesting," I said as I

scanned through the girl. She shuddered under my gauze and clung to

My Naruto.

This always feels good to scare some little girls.

"Hehe… Naruto brought a girl home, "I couldn't help but smirk. As I

watched the innocent girl.

Yup, she oozes the aura of innocence and naivety, she was really in love

with Naruto.

"Haa… she also felt jealous when Naruto indirectly spoke about me," my

lips curled up.

"Innocent… who really is innocent here," I couldn't help but think, how

should I consider a person innocent, 'can I say a girl is innocent until she

hasn't had sex with someone, or a wife with a kind heart and loving

nature is innocent, or a girl who can kill anyone without any remorse

although she hasn't had sex"

If the last part is true then I am also the innocent girl, aren't I?


I couldn't help but laugh at myself. If I am innocent then this world is

truly doomed.



[AN~ end of the chapter, this is how Hinata thinks about things.

QUE~ do you hate her now that you find out about her real personality?

1. No


3. I will never hate her


There was very low respones on the privious chapters, are you guys

not liking my novel, if not than comment on the chapter and give me

power stones...

chapter 89

*a/n~ long chapter enjoy

chapter~ Meeting

Shion's POV

Naruto was describing things to me as we headed in a specific direction. I

didn't know anything about the village route, but he was walking with a

steady pace.

A smile always remained present on my face as I heard his voice. To me,

his voice was like music. I don't think these feelings happen to everyone

who falls in love with someone.

The intense gaze I felt before was now gone; it was there for a brief

moment, but when I snuggled into Naruto, it disappeared.

Soon, Naruto was standing in front of an empty space; there was nothing

in front of us, and I didn't know why he was standing there. But soon, he

started walking again.

At first, I felt fog around me. I didn't know where this fog was coming

from, but before my astonished eyes, the scene before me started to

change drastically.

Not long after, Naruto was standing before a gate, and as he pushed it

open, the sight was breathtaking to me.

There was a beautiful bamboo forest, and there was a small pond in

which lotus flowers were floating. The ground was snow-white, yet

somehow it felt warm.

I then looked in front of me; there were some cherry blossom trees lined

up, and beautiful pink leaves were falling on the ground.

The sweet scent of flowers and leaves filled my nostrils as I breathed


"This is so beautiful," I exclaimed.

Hearing my excited voice, Naruto nodded to me and gently put me down

from his back.

As I touched the ground and started walking beside Naruto, I was truly

mesmerized by the beauty of nature. This was my first time seeing

something so beautiful. We walked some more before I saw a beautiful

house. It was like a simple hut but very beautiful, covered by a huge tree

with red flowers.

"Is this your house?" I asked him, a silly question, as it was obvious it was

his house. But in front of him, I didn't mind acting silly.

Naruto nodded to me. "Yes… and from now on, you will be living here.

So, this is your new home," he said with a smile.

I didn't say anything to him, but my eyes were radiating joy, happiness,

and love, and seeing my excitement, he just smiled at me like I was a


"So, this is my new home…" I muttered. The thought of living with him

filled me with joy.

But then something struck me as I looked at him, "What will your parents

say, that you brought a girl to their house?" I asked him.

I was so happy with him that I forgot about his parents, how I should

represent myself to them, or if they would scold Naruto for doing this.

How should I greet them? 'Oh god, now I am getting nervous,'

"What will your father say? Will he accept your decision… what about

your Mother? What should I say to her? How should I greet her?" I asked

him nervously.

I didn't know anything about formal greetings or anything. What if she

didn't find me a worthy girl for her son? What would I do then?

But hearing my question, his expression changed slightly, "My father died

a very long time ago," he said, and I could feel a slight sadness in his


My face changed as I realized that I asked the wrong question. I didn't

want to make him sad.

"I am sorry… I didn't mean to-" I quickly apologized to him, but he

interrupted me.

"You don't have to be sorry," he said and looked at me.

I nodded to him, "What about your Mom? How will she react after seeing

me? What if she doesn't like me?" I asked him worriedly. I hadn't

considered all of this before. I just ran with him, although I don't regret


"My mother…" he said with a slight smile.

"She is not here,'' he said to me.

I could see his happy expression when I mentioned his mother. "So when

will I meet her?" I asked him.

"Soon… very soon," he said to me.

Her mother must be on some mission, and from his expression, I don't

have to worry about her not accepting me. But I am still nervous about

meeting her.

But at this moment, I heard the sound of the gate sliding.

I quickly tilted my head toward the house and saw a very beautiful girl,

around my age, come out from the house. She wore a white kimono with

some flower patterns on it with a red sash tied around her slim waist, and

her eyes were white, the same as the boy I met before.

'Who is she?' I asked myself. I couldn't help but feel my heart eased

seeing someone in his house.

The girl in front of me was beautiful. I haven't seen someone as beautiful

as her, but I am not jealous about that because I believe in my own

beauty; I am no less beautiful than her.

Her breasts were slightly bigger than mine. But what was her relationship

with Naruto?

Just by looking at her, I could say that she was powerful, and when she

looked at me, I felt my heart skip a beat; it was she who looked at me

that time.

'Why am I feeling fear just from her gaze?' She is looking at me like she is

observing me. I don't know what she is thinking. I couldn't guess just by

looking at her face.

She averted her gaze from me and then looked at Naruto. And as she

looked at him, her whole demeanor changed suddenly, she smiled so

sweetly at me. And looking at Naruto, smiled back at her.

Seeing them like this made my heart ache. 'Why am I feeling like this?' I

had guessed that Naruto may have someone. But now that reality was in

front of me, I couldn't help but clench my fists.

I don't want to stay behind anyone, 'the way she looked at him… the way

she smiled at him…' it was obvious to me that she also loves him.

Naruto sat on a stone bench, and the girl walked towards him, not even

looking at me.

"How was your mission?" she asked Naruto, her smile not leaving her

face as she sat beside him.

'Why is she holding his hand? Is she trying to show me?' I could see her

looking at me briefly with a mocking gaze.

'This woman… I don't like her.'

My eyes flicked when I looked at her holding his hand. I don't know who

she is and what her relationship with Naruto is, but one thing is for sure,

I don't like her.

I then looked at Naruto, and feeling my gaze, he looked at me and

smiled, and then looked at the girl. Before saying. "Let me introduce you

to each other,"

"This is Hinata," he said, pointing at the girl. And then he pointed his

finger towards me and looked at the girl. "And this is Shion," he said.

"I understand," Hinata said.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I hope we will get along well," I said to her. I

didn't know what to say, and I had very low expectations of getting along

with her.

"Hnnn," she replied curtly.

"I don't like her, even more so after her reply."

I also sat beside Naruto and held his hand. If she wants competition, I

will never back down.

I could feel his grip tighten around my hand. I don't know what he was

thinking, but I felt assured, and looking at his slight smile, I felt happy.

"So how were the days when I was gone?" Naruto asked her.

"I had nothing to do, so I just trained," she said to him.

Naruto nodded to her, and they chatted for a while. I could feel the love

dripping from her voice as she spoke to him.

I don't talk much, and neither does Hinata try to talk to me.

"Let's go inside; I have already prepared food," he said to Naruto.

Hearing about the food, my hunger intensified. Thank God my stomach

didn't grumble in front of her; I was really hungry.

Soon, I walked beside Naruto and entered the house. The house was not

so fancy, but it was warm and cozy. It gave a homely feeling.

I sat on the chair, Naruto was beside me, and Hinata served the food on

the table and sat on the other side in front of Naruto.

The first one to start was Naruto, and then I also began eating the food.

'This is really delicious,' I couldn't help but praise the food; it was the best

food I have ever eaten.

"The food is the best as always; you will become a good wife…" Naruto

praised Hinata, and she blushed.

"Thank you," Hinata replied in a low voice.

'Wife… what wife… I want him to praise me,'

But I didn't know how to make good food; even if I tried my best, I

couldn't make better food like this.

'What should I do; I also want his attention,'

"So when are we going to hunt him down?" Hinata asked. I focused on

their conversation but didn't intervene.

"We will depart tonight…" Naruto said.

'What… we have just arrived, and he is going again.' And where is he

going, and why am I reacting this way?

"So the time has come," Hinata said.

"Yes… I could see that the hidden villages are on the move. Their armies

have started to gather."

'Army, hidden villages, what is he talking about?'

"What about Obito…" Hinata asked him.

'Obito, who is this guy?'

"I have a hunch that he will bring out the Ten-Tails on the battlefield,

and for his current location, he does not always remain in the elemental

nations," Naruto said.

'Battlefield… what is Ten-Tails… is this some kind of pet animal? What is

going on; I don't understand. Everything looks so peaceful here, but why

are they talking about a battlefield.'

"He didn't know about the location of Nine-Tails, so how is he going to

revive the Ten-Tails," Hinata asked him.

'Now Nine-Tails, is there also Eleven-Tails?' I couldn't help but think.

"He needs some of Kurama's chakra, and if my guess is correct, he already

has Kurama's chakra," Naruto answered her.

'Now who is this Kurama,'

"Do you want me to find him?" Hinata asked him.

Naruto shook his head, "No… there would be no fun in the war if he

didn't revive the Ten-Tails," Naruto said with a smile.

'So there is actually a war, reviving the Ten-Tails… is that thing supposed

to be dead, and if that thing is dead, how could someone revive the

dead… ahh… things are going over my head.'

"You want to cause chaos, don't you," Hinata said with a sweet smile.

"You understand me perfectly… it would be boring if we didn't even have

some challenge." I could see that his eyes flashed for a brief moment.

"What about the Otsutsuki… how powerful is he?" she asked him.

"How should I put it… he is strong… stronger than us… but he is in a

weak state…" Naruto said to her.

'Stronger than Naruto, how can someone be stronger than him? He could

erase mountains with a single move.

"So we could defeat him…" Hinata asked him.

"Of course…" Naruto said without any hesitation.

'Oh… now I am not so worried about him. If he says he could defeat that

person, then it must be true.' I am not naive to think that I could help

him; I would only get in his way.

I could only look down; I also wanted to help him, but I am powerless.

I felt Naruto's gaze on me, 'I think he knows what I am thinking.'

"Don't worry about it; you have limitless potential, and I will bring it

out," he said to me.

I nodded to him with a smile; I will train hard. I briefly gazed at Hinata,

'yes… I will become stronger than her.'

Naruto had told me various ways to use my powers and wrote them

down in a scroll, but he said to wait for him; he has something special for

me. I wonder what it is.

'And once I become powerful, I will show her who's the boss here,' I

looked at Hinata, but it seems that she is not looking at me after I looked

at her. 'This person… she really started to annoy me.'

I could say that my emotions are not truly hidden from anyone, and I

could feel that Hinata looked at me.

Her eyes were staring at me, "you better not disappoint him…" her words

sent chills down my spine.

Why is she saying this to me? Do I look like I will disappoint him? No,

that's never going to happen. But when she spoke to me like this, my

heart clenched. I am not a stone-hearted girl; these little things hurt me.

Unknown to me, my eyes started to turn moist as I nodded to her.

"That's good," she said as she stood up and took away all the dishes to

wash them.

I averted Naruto's gaze and walked away and found an empty room. The

room was normal, with a bed, a table, and a small mirror being the only

things in it.

Soon, I heard footsteps approaching the room, and the person I love

entered the room. But I didn't look at him; I stood there facing the wall

with my hands crossed under my breasts.

"Don't take her words seriously…" Naruto tried to console me. Hearing

his worried voice, a smile slowly graced my lips.

"Hmm… who is she… and why didn't you tell me anything that you

already have a girl…" I asked him, pouting and stomping my foot on the

floor. If I say it doesn't hurt me, I would be lying to myself. It hurts like

hell when you love someone wholeheartedly, and then you find out that

there is also someone who loves the person you love.

Just thinking about it, my tears started to fall down; I could feel the

wetness on my cheeks. I am not blaming him for anything; I know he

loves me, and it flutters my heart. But him being with someone else hurts


First, I thought it would be fine, but now, when I saw her smile filled

with love and the look in her eyes, it hurts me.

"You didn't ask me…" he replied, and I felt like a fool. I really didn't ask

him about it.

I felt his hands gently turn me around as he hugged me, "do you think I

will not love you after seeing Hinata?" he gently whispered in my ears.

My tears didn't stop; they just flowed without any restriction. But in his

embrace, I felt safe, and I knew he would always love me. I nodded to


I felt his hand gently caressing my back; I felt reassured, "why would you

think like that," he asked me.

I don't know why, but I felt insecure. She was powerful, beautiful, and

good at making food, but I am not powerful, and I am not good at


"I am not as powerful as her, and I can't help you with anything," I


"You don't have to compare yourself with anyone; everything is not about

strength," he said to me. But hearing his words, my tears that had

stopped started to flow again. Am I not as good as her?

"Silly girl, just be yourself; I will always love you no matter how weak or

strong you are." His voice filled my ears as he tightly held me. He doesn't

care about me being weak or powerful; I know he loves me, but hearing

him say it out loud eases me.

"If you are still worried about whether I love you, let me show you how

much I love you," he whispered in my ears. I shuddered in his embrace as

I saw him lift my chin and look into my eyes.

Before I could do anything, his lips were already on my lips, his lips

started to suck my lips. I don't know when but i was kissing him with

equal passion. His tongue parted my lips as he played with my tongue, I

felt my legs becoming soft as I melted in his arm.

He kissed me passionately, I could feel his love. My heart melted as all of

my worries were thrown out of the window, it only took one kiss, just

one kiss.

"Do you believe me now..." he said sweetly as he looked directly into my

eyes. My cheeks heated up as I buried my face into his chest. We stayed

like this for a few more minutes.

The way he consoled me, the way he looked at me, it felt so good; I

wanted him to spoil me.

"I want to go on a date after you come back…" I said, still in his embrace.

"It shall be done…" he whispered.

"I want you to play a song for me…" I said.

There was a moment of silence before he spoke, "it shall be done…"

"I want a beautiful dress…" I said.

"Hmm," he nodded his head.

"I wanted to see the ocean…" I said.


"I want you to kiss me in the rain…" I whispered shyly.

"Okkk…." he said, caressing my back.

"I want a special house on the top of a hill, just for us…" I asked.

"Hmmm…anything else…" he asked me.

I didn't say anything; I wrapped my hands around his neck and stood up

on my tiptoes, kissing him deeply.

As I parted from him, I buried my face in him again as I stood there, in

his arms. In his embrace, it felt so good.

I could feel his hands gently caressing my back and playing with my hair;

I just wanted to stay in his hug forever.



A/N~ End of the chapter, how do you like the chapter.

who do you think has more Character Dynamics?

1. Hinata



if you like the chapter give me your power stones


i think i really love writting Romance, how do you like it. and please

comment on the chapter and give me your power stones...

chapter 90


Chapter 90 ~ Time Strings



I could feel his hands gently caressing my back and playing with my hair;

I just wanted to stay in his hug forever.

We stayed like this for some time. I lifted my head when I felt his hands

placed on my shoulders. I unwillingly looked at him; I just wanted to stay

like this.

Seeing me like this, he just laughed, "now, now, don't be like a child," he

said to me.

"I am not a child," I said to him.

"Fine fine, you are not a child," he agreed with me.

I smiled and nodded to him.

"Please lift your jacket," he said to me as he looked at my stomach.

Hearing him, my cheeks heated up, 'is he going to do that with me.'

I lowered my head in embarrassment but did as he said, I lifted my jacket

and revealed my bare skin.

I was expecting his touch but it never came, so I lifted my head to look at

him. He had a teasing smile, at this moment I knew I fell for his tricks.

"What were you thinking," he asked me.

"Ahh… nothing, nothing…." I hurriedly said to him. But he only laughed.

"Ok, tell me, can you feel your chakra," he asked me.

"No," I shook my head in denial. I didn't feel any chakra in my body; I

knew it existed in everyone, but I couldn't feel it.

I looked at his hand; his fingertips were glowing red, and the next

moment he slammed his five fingers directly into my stomach.

"Ahhh..." I let out a surprised yelp, but the next moment I started to feel

warmth in my stomach.

"What is this," I asked him, feeling warm inside me.

"This is Chakra, but you have very little chakra, so bear with the

procedure. You will feel slight pain all over your body and try to feel it,"

he said to me.

I nodded to him and closed my eyes as I started to feel the warm, water-

like substance in my stomach.

First, it started to condense in my belly like a ball, and then it started to

become bigger and bigger as the moments passed.

And before I knew it, it started to leak out from my belly and flow


Just as Naruto said, I started to feel pain as it moved forward; it felt like

it was stretching something in my whole body.

But then again, I felt a soothing energy enter my body as it started to

ease the pain. I opened my eyes, and I looked at his hand; now it was

glowing half-green.

I don't know how much time had passed, but with each passing moment,

I could feel the liquid-like energy in my body becoming denser, and the

pathways where it flowed becoming more elastic.

Soon, I felt like I had so much energy flowing in my body; it started to

threaten to burst out.

But my whole body was in constant pain and healing at the same time.

But I could feel the energy flowing in my body.

I felt Naruto had removed his hand, "this is the chakra you are feeling,"

he said to me.

"It feels warm," I said to him.

"You need some sleep for your body to adjust," he said to me, to which I


"Now that you have enough chakra and you can feel it, try to guide it

into your eyes," he said to me.

I obediently nodded to him and did as he said. First, I felt my chakra and

tried to send it to my eyes.

But I was failing miserably; I hadn't thought it would be so hard. After

some tries, I was able to succeed.

And as soon as my chakra entered into my eyes, I felt amazing; the world

around me changed completely. I could see thousands, no, millions of

strings all around us.

I didn't know what these strings were, but I felt a connection to them. I

started to pour more chakra into my eyes, and everything around me

began to move at a fast pace, as if I were watching everything in fast-


"You are sending too much chakra into it; try to change the amount," I

heard Naruto's voice. He was completely fine in this fastened world; he

could move freely.

I did as he suggested and tried to change the amount of chakra. I didn't

know what I did, but the world around me became slow; I could see that

everything had stopped. Then I looked at Naruto, and he was looking at

me with an amused smile.

"You are doing it wrong again; try to change the amount," he said.

I didn't understand how he moved so freely in this altered state, but I

followed his instructions and changed the amount of chakra again. This

time everything seemed fine, but there were strings everywhere, passing

through everything.

"Now that's good. So, what are you seeing now?" he asked me.

"There are so many strings. What are these? Can you also see them?" I


"Oh, so you are seeing strings. These are time strings," he said, and I

could see his eyes glow for a moment.

"Time strings? What can I do with them? There are so many of them," I


"These time strings are infinite, and you can literally do anything with

them," he said to me and then asked, "can you touch them?"

I tried to touch them, and my hands passed through them as if they were

illusions. But before I could react, Naruto grabbed a time string with his

bare hands and guided it toward me.

"Now… touch it and feel it," he said, and to my surprise, I could touch it.

I tried to feel it, and as time passed, I felt it becoming one with me. I

could control them as I wanted.

"Now, that's good," he said to me with a smile, and I felt a sense of

accomplishment. My heart felt happy when he praised me.

"Now, let me tell you something interesting…" he said as he grabbed a

time string and tied it to his finger.

"Grab it on the other end," he said to me. I did as he said and grabbed the

other end of the string.

Naruto nodded to me, "now try to feel what you feel in your dreams, in

simple words, try to see my future."

My eyes widened, "can I see the future like this?" I asked him. I could

only see the deaths of people around me. But this was something new to


"You will never know until you try," he said to me.

I closed my eyes and tried to see the future. I didn't know what I should

feel, but I tried to muster the feeling when I woke up from my dreams.

Soon, small visions started to enter my mind. I quickly opened my eyes

and looked at Naruto, who was smiling at me.

"So, you saw it, didn't you…"

I nodded to him. I had seen some glimpses of his future. "So what did you

see?" he asked me.

"I saw only three images. In one, you were standing in front of an old guy

with short height and a red nose. In another, you were standing in front

of a black-haired boy with a sword tied against his waist. And in the last

image, you were in front of a white-skinned guy with a horn on his head.

I didn't know such people existed," I told him everything I saw. It was

quite surprising that I could see the future just like that.

"Oh, so that's how it is… you can see the future," he said to me.

"Hehe, let me show you something. You see these strings as harmless,

don't you?" he asked me.

I nodded to him.

"This is far from the truth; these strings can cut through anything, I said

anything," he said to me as he grabbed a time string and skillfully cut the

table in half.

I was shocked when Naruto cut the table in half so effortlessly using the

time strings. They didn't face any resistance at all.

Naruto looked at my shocked face and smiled, "this was just a

demonstration. With these strings, you can do everything. You can bind

someone, cut someone, with enough mastery, you can see the future and

past of someone, make a barrier, and many more things," he said to me.

As I listened to him, my shock grew more and more. He mentioned things

like deaging someone to the point where they were only a cell or aging

someone to the point where their bones withered away.

"How much can you do with time strings?" I asked him. This was my first

time hearing about abilities like reviving someone with these strings.

"Me… I can do quite a lot, but I want you to be better than me. You have

a natural affinity for the Time element," Naruto said to me.

I nodded in understanding.

"I want you to produce your own time strings," he said to me.

I looked at him, not knowing how to do it, so I asked, "how can I produce

my own time strings?"

"Don't be shocked; this is only a chakra conversion thing and is natural

for you," he explained.

"Can't you produce them?" I asked him.

"No, I can control or use these time strings as I please, but I can't produce

them. This ability is unique to you, and that's what makes you special,"

he replied.

"And remember, the more energy you provide to your Time Strings, the

stronger they become," he added.

"But how can I produce them? Can I control these time strings?" I

inquired, pointing at the time strings.

"Hehe… these infinite numbers of strings are just for you to control. You

can control them just with your eyes. To produce your own time strings,

you need to feel the existing strings and try to convert your chakra into

them," he explained.

"Okay," I nodded, ready to give it a try, but he stopped me.

"Don't try to learn everything in one day, sweetheart. Let your body rest,"

he advised.

I was too excited, and as soon as I stopped pouring my chakra into my

eyes, I started to feel sleepy.

"Can I become stronger than her?" I asked him weakly.

"Is my darling jealous?" he teased me.

I didn't say anything, just looked at him.

"I will be going now, so sleep well," he said to me.

"When will you come back?" I asked him, hugging him tightly.

"Maybe in one or two days, and don't worry about leaving the house; one

of my clones will be watching you," he assured me.

"Okay, I will train hard," I said with determination.

"Hmm…" he acknowledged, caressing my back.

"I want to stay like this for a few more minutes," I told him, and he

nodded. Before long, I fell asleep in his arms, and the last thing I heard

was his faint laugh as he gently put me on the bed and covered me with a


He kissed my forehead before leaving and whispered, "good night" in my

ear. I fell asleep with a smile on my lips.



[AN~ End of the chapter.

I tried to create a new branch of power. How do you like it? If you have

some ideas about it, tell me in the comments.

And how much chakra Shion possess


if you like the chapter please comment and give me your power stones

chapter 91

*an~ long chapter, so enjoy or die


Chapter~ Training and Hokage Meeting


I slowly woke up from my sleep as I groggily rubbed my eyes.

"Ahhhhh…" I stretched out my hands upwards and looked around. This

was a different room where I used to sleep. 'Hahaha,' I wryly laughed at

myself as I remembered the conversation with Naruto. This is my new

home, and the last thing I remembered was falling asleep while hugging


"He must have left," I said to myself as I remembered him saying he

would leave tonight.

"Guess I am alone in the house."

I got out of bed and folded the blanket, then walked outside my room.

I searched the house and found nothing. "So he has left," I said while

sitting in the kitchen.

I felt refreshed after waking up. There was no soreness in my body; I felt


Looking at the fridge in front of me, I got up and opened the door. "Oh,

oranges. It must be Naruto who put them here." I picked up the oranges

and looked in the fridge for anything else to eat.

After finishing my breakfast, I walked outside through the back door, and

in front of me was a huge training ground, with a pond on the left side.

"I should be practicing now."

I picked up a kunai and threw it at the target. To my surprise, it didn't

even hit the target; instead, it hit another tree.

"Hahaha," I laughed. "I guess it's not as easy as it looks."

"Well, let's try. If I get lucky, I will hit the mark before noon." I picked up

the kunai that were neatly placed just for training.

I threw them again and again until it hit the mark. No, it's not even the

red mark; it was just the edge of the target.

"That's good. I am making progress."

I sat down on a stone. Although I was making progress, it's not my real

training. I should start the real deal after I do some warm-up.

I started to pour my chakra into my eyes as I began to see countless time


"My real training is to control them."

And with that, I started to focus on a single string and tried to control it

with my thoughts. It slowly started to shake, and as I focused more, it

started to move as I wanted.

"Haha, good. It's getting fun," I exclaimed in my head as I focused on

more time strings and started to move them. Just as Naruto said, it is

neutral to me.

I don't know how much time has passed, but I got the hang of time

strings, and I could control ten to fifteen strings at once with my


"Let's see what will happen next." I took a kunai in my hand and threw it

in the sky as I poured more chakra into my eyes and thought of

everything slowing down.

Everything around me slowed down, and the kunai stopped in its place.

But I knew it didn't stop; it just slowed down in my eyes.

I controlled three time strings and bound the kunai in the air, then

deactivated the slowed-down view.

But to my surprise, the kunai was still hanging in the air, bound by three

strings. It was not even moving.

"This kunai will never fall to the ground."

There were only two ways to retrieve that hanging kunai. One is to move

it by brute force; if you don't have enough strength, you couldn't even

move it a single inch. The second option is to cut the time strings.

I practiced for a while until tens of kunai were hanging in the air.

"How should I create my own time strings?"

I pondered as a neutral time string was in my hand; I was trying to feel it.

Well, I know how it feels. "Let's try."

I brought my index fingers close, and as they touched each other, I

started to pour chakra and tried to feel like I was creating time strings

between my fingers.


As the chakra poured, I could feel it changing into the familiar sensation

of strings.

I slowly parted my fingers while continuing to channel chakra, and a thin

string was the only thing connecting my fingers.

This string felt more powerful and more connected to me. I relished the

feeling as I continued to infuse chakra into the string, sensing it

becoming stronger and stronger.

I got up and walked toward a tree. I spread my hands wide, and a single

time string connected my fingers.

I moved my hands forward, and the string passed through the tree trunk

without encountering any resistance. It was so smooth; it felt as though

the time string cut through nothing.

I quickly moved away from the tree, creating some distance. In front of

my eyes, the tree hit the ground with a loud thud.

I looked at the tree; it was neatly cut in half.

"Hahah," I nervously laughed at the sight.

I sat on the stone and connected all my fingers to each other, then started

to channel chakra to create time strings.

As I parted my hands, there were five strings in my hands. They felt so

natural to me, so I began to play with them. Sometimes I created a net

between my fingers, sometimes a rectangular shape between the strings;

it was like a game that children play with threads.

I looked at the sky, and it was evening. "I guess I was so immersed in

playing, hehe," I said as I stood up. Without any hesitation, I removed my

clothes and jumped into the pool.

"Ahh… this is so good," I exclaimed. The hot water felt truly amazing as

it helped me relax.

"Wouldn't it be best if Naruto were here," I thought as I felt my cheeks

start to heat up.

I quickly shook my head, trying to dispel those thoughts. I remembered

his smile as he looked at me and lifted my chin with his fingers, his

dominating figure.

"Ahh…," I splashed the water to get rid of these thoughts, and as the

water hit my face, I slightly regained my composure. I could feel my

heart racing.

After washing myself and relaxing for a while, I got out of the pond,

wrapping my old clothes around me.

I entered the house and tried to find new clothes in the closet. I found

many winter clothes in my closet. I didn't know when Naruto put them

here, but I knew he did.

I happily grabbed and wore them as I stood in front of the mirror.

I was wearing a red beanie with white flowers on it, a long-sleeve coat, a

scarf wrapped around my neck, gray pants, and black ankle-high shoes.

"Now, that looks really good," I admired my reflection in the mirror and

walked out of the house.

Naruto had told me I could leave the house, as the genjutsu would make

me invisible to others, allowing me to move freely. I just had to be

careful not to accidentally bump into someone.

I excitedly walked outside the house and ran towards the village. This

was exciting; I could hear and see people, but they couldn't see me.

"Hehe, I could uncover someone's secret," I thought as I munched on an

orange I had picked up from home before leaving.

I strolled along the bustling streets; many people were coming and going,

and the sun had not yet set. People were wearing cozy clothes, and I

myself didn't feel any cold.

I aimlessly wandered through the village and noticed some ninja running

on the rooftops; they were patrolling the area.

I felt thrilled. I was walking among hundreds of skilled shinobi, and they

couldn't see me.

As I pondered, I spotted a pink-haired girl. She was walking with a pale-

skinned, skinny, and petite boy.

"Why is that boy so pale, his skin is so pale?" Maybe he is sick. There are

so many strange people in the village; I won't be surprised if I found a

talking fox

I started to follow them; I had nothing to do, and it was interesting.

"Maybe I will find some secrets about the girl, hehe."

I got closer to them, not too close, and then I heard:

"Do you know why Hokage-sama has called the meeting?" the boy asked.

"How the hell do I know? I was sleeping when an ANBU knocked on my

door," the girl replied.

"Why do you sleep at this time? Pretty weird if you ask me," the boy said

with curiosity.

"Forgot about it, do you know who else is attending the meeting?" the

girl asked.

"Hmm... Ino, Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji, Shino, me, you, Naruto, and many

others," the boy replied.

"So this is about the war," the girl concluded.

"Most probably," the boy agreed.

'Secret meeting in the Hokage's office.' It would be fun to see how a secret

meeting was held. I didn't know how the higher-ups of the village talked.

'What if I got caught? They will suspect me of being some type of spy.'

'Nah... Naruto said no one could see me, so this will be alright, and this

chance is too good to be wasted.'

My curiosity took hold of me, and I started to follow them. As I followed

them, I came to the view of the tallest building in the village; it was like

a castle.

'So this is the Hokage's Office,' I thought and entered the building,

following them. There were many ninjas working. I was slightly nervous

but excited at the same time.

As I continued to walk, we climbed stairs to reach the Hokage's office,

and I could tell it was the top floor of the building.

The guards opened the gate for them, and I quickly entered the office;

they couldn't hear or smell me due to the genjutsu. I quickly stood in the

corner and looked in front of me.

Before me sat a beautiful lady with blonde hair and brown eyes. As my

eyes trailed down, I couldn't help but notice her ample bosom.

'How can they be so big?' I thought, She was wearing a cap and a haori; I

guessed this was the official dress for the Hokage.

At first, I thought the Hokage would be some strong man in his forties,

but I hadn't expected the Hokage to be a beautiful woman in her thirties.

**Crunch** **Crunch**

I then heard someone munching in the Hokage's office. I tilted my head

and looked at the other side.

"Naruto!" I exclaimed loudly, then quickly put my hand over my mouth,

but fortunately, nobody heard me.

"What is he doing here? He said he was leaving the village."

I looked at him, and he was eating an apple while leaning against the

wall. He briefly glanced at me and then continued eating his apple.

'He must be a clone,' I remembered him saying that he would leave a

clone in the village.

I looked at the Hokage; I could see she was visibly irritated with Naruto,

but he didn't pay her any mind.

"Naruto... you're early. I thought you would be the last one to show up,"

the pink-haired girl said. I had heard her name once but couldn't


"Sakura, haha... I was free, so I came early," Naruto replied to her.

"So how early did you come?" she asked.

"I've been here for an hour," Naruto replied while taking another bite of

his apple.

"Sai, it's been a while," Naruto said to Sai.

"Good evening," Sai said with a smile.

'I think he doesn't know how to talk to people.'

"Haha... good evening, Sai," Naruto replied while laughing.

"Lady Tsunade,"


They both greeted her. She nodded in response. I didn't know why, but

she seemed irritated with Naruto. She glanced at him from time to time.

Soon, the room started to fill up with people. Different types of

individuals entered the room, and I noticed some empty chairs. 'Why

aren't they sitting in them?'

"Everyone is here, Lady Tsunade," a black-haired girl said while holding a

small pig in her hand.

She nodded at her and looked at all of them. "I suppose everybody knows

why you are here," she began.

Some of them nodded, while others stood quietly, listening to her. The

atmosphere in the room was tense, and some of them were visibly


"The armies of the three hidden villages are gathered along the borders of

the Land of Frost and the Land of Lightning," she said, and the

atmosphere became even more tense. There was pin-drop silence in the


"What about our troops?" Sai asked.

"We have deployed them along our borders. Inoichi and Shikaku are

leading them," she replied.

"How much time do we have?" Sakura inquired.

"Six to seven days," Tsunade answered.

"But what about the Zetsu army that Naruto told us about?" Tsunade

continued, and hearing this, they all became stiff.

"We have Naruto; didn't he say he will take care of them?" a blond-haired

girl asked, looking at Naruto.

"Are you not thinking with your mind, Ino?" Tsunade said in a firm voice.

Ino slightly shuddered under her gaze and remained silent.

"Actually, I am just a clone. Don't look at me like that," Naruto said while

raising his hands.

"Where is the original?" Sakura exclaimed and looked at him.


"Actually what?" she asked.

"Actually, I lost connection with him this morning," Naruto said, laughing


"You lost connection with him, now what?" she asked.

"Now what?" he replied.

Tsunade gave him a stern look. It seemed that they had placed all their

hopes on Naruto to handle everything. I looked at their horrified faces;

they hadn't expected this.

"Where is Sasuke?" Tsunade asked him.

"I don't know," he replied curtly.

"You don't know where he is?" she asked, clearly frustrated this time.

"Geez, don't worry too much; he'll be back in a few days," Naruto

reassured her.

"Naruto, you're not taking things seriously," she scolded him, slamming

her hand on the table.

"How am I supposed to take things seriously? Should I kill all of them?"

he retorted.

"Actually, you can do that," Sai said with a smile.

"Remember, I'm just a clone. I only have about 15 days' worth of chakra,

in simple terms, I can use 45 Rasengan and 15 Rasenshuriken."

"And don't forget about the Zetsu army. If I use all my chakra dealing

with the hidden villages, who will deal with the Zetsu army?"

"Do you have any idea when the original will come back?" Ino asked.

"No idea," he said.

"What about Suna?" the boy with the pineapple-like hair asked.

Tsunade looked at Naruto. "I have already sent a letter to the Kazekage,

but he said he will participate in the war if Naruto convinces him," she


All of them turned their attention to Naruto.

"Isn't Gaara your friend? How will you convince him?" the boy with a dog


"Friend... I guess he considered me a friend. I'll have to pay him a visit,"

Naruto replied.

Tsunade directed her gaze back at Naruto. "Naruto, take things seriously.

Kids admire you, and they are participating in the war. Will you just get

them killed?"

'Is she blackmailing Naruto?' I couldn't help but wonder.

"I will find a solution if the original doesn't come back in time," Naruto

waved, which only seemed to irritate her more.

"So, what's your order, Hokage-sama?" the boy with the pineapple hair


"All of you get ready. You will be on the front lines, and you, Naruto, will

go to Suna and convince Gaara. Is that clear?" she ordered them all.

"Yes, Hokage-sama," they all nodded.

When they heard they would be on the front lines, all of them became

serious. I hadn't expected this meeting to be so tense.

"All of you will depart after three days. You are dismissed."

One by one, they started to exit the office with somber expressions. Of

course, I also sneaked out of the office with them.

I was walking on the streets, and it was already night. "You can go home

now," I heard a voice behind me.

"Naruto," I said.

He didn't say anything to me, just looked at me. I nodded to him and

walked towards home.

'He felt scary,' I thought, and obediently made my way back home.

AN~ End of the Chapter, the war is approaching. What do you think the

original Naruto is Doing? I Guess marrying Hinata, jokes aside, guess

who's pov we will see next.

1. Tamari




if you like the chapter please comment and give your power stones


Should I add Hanabi's Pov, tell me you want it or not

chapter 92

"Haaa," I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Everything is as usual," I tied my blond hair into four ponytails and

wrapped my war fan around my waist, supporting it with one hand.

I walked out from the house, which was some distance away from the

Kazekage's office. This is where we all lived in the past, me and my two

brothers. One of them is always immersed in puppets, and the other is

Kazekage, so the only person who lived inside the house is me.

Looking around, I couldn't help but sigh again. The land was barren, and

the desert stretched as far as the eye could see. There was no greenery

around us, and the food we received from the capital of the Wind

Country was exchanged for our Shinobi services.

There was also the water problem; we had to use it carefully, not spilling

even a drop. If we had just enough water sources, we could grow at a

faster rate than any of the other hidden villages.

Thinking of all this, I entered my personal training ground. It was

nothing special, with some stone boulders scattered around and one or

two rare trees.

It was my daily training routine, practicing all day here until I became

exhausted or Gaara had some missions for me.

I put my hands on the ground to feel the earth, but there was nothing I

could sense.

"It's the same as usual."

I daily tried to awaken Magnet Release. I could feel that I had it, but I

needed some kind of push.

My brother had 'Sand Release,' and my father had 'Gold Dust,' so why

couldn't I have it? After all, I am the firstborn.

The reason is that Gaara's kekkei genkai was awakened due to him being

the jinchuriki of the One-Tailed Beast, and now that he is not the

jinchuriki, he still has the Sand Release.

"What am I missing?"

"Maybe I need to practice Earth Style. After all, Magnet Release is

supposed to be a mixture of the Wind and Earth elements."

"Forget about it. I don't have an affinity for Earth, and trying to learn it

would cost me years."

"Haa... why am I so weak?" I slammed my huge iron fan into the ground,

shattering it on impact.

"Every village has someone powerful with kekkei genkai or other

abilities. Konoha has Sasuke with Sharingan, Naruto with his Ice Release,

and his Earth Style is unparalleled. He's also the jinchuriki of the

strongest bijuu. There are Byakugan users and a rough ninja with Storm


I don't want to admit it, but the Hokage is the best medic ninja in the

world. As for the other villages, Kiri has the Seven Swordsmen and

Mizukage with two kekkei genkai. They excel in assassination. Kumo's

Raikage has immense strength and speed. They have the jinchuriki of the

Eight-Tails and a member with Black Lightning. And as for Iwa, the

Tsuchikage has Dust Release, and his granddaughter has Lava Release."

"Our village is the weakest of the Five Hidden Villages. Even after

Konoha was destroyed some months ago, it's now on top again due to just

one person. And here I am, playing with my fan. I'm not even a Kage-

level shinobi yet.

The only thing I'm best at is Wind Style. Maybe I'm the best Wind Style

user in the entire village, but then again, I haven't heard of anyone else

having the Wind Element outside of Suna."

"Why can't our village have geniuses like Konoha?"

I couldn't help but wonder what they feed their children. But then again,

we are in the middle of the desert, and they are in the middle of the

forest. The differences in resources.

And how do I know all this? Because we have planted spies in every

village, and we know about their basic moves. I know in our village there

are many spies; they are all like cockroaches. Every time you kill one,

another one will appear.

"Well, enough of my ranting, I should train."

I started swinging my fan, creating wind blades that cut through my

stone boulders and the ground. I kept practicing my war fan and Wind

Element techniques until I became exhausted.

I was elated as I took out a water bottle and started drinking from it. I

couldn't waste a single drop of it. First, we had too little water, and

second, it cost much more than anything.

After drinking the water, I let go of the bottle and sat on a stone,

pondering how to efficiently use my Wind Style and Taijutsu. While I

contemplated, I felt a presence outside of the training ground.

"Come in," I commanded, my cold and stoic face returning.

"Lady Temari, Kazekage wants to see you," the ANBU ninja said

respectfully to me.

I waved my hand, and the ANBU ninja disappeared from there.

'I guess it's about the war. Who was the person who started the war? I

swear, if I encounter him, I will kill him,' I couldn't help but curse the


We are already on our toes, and I know we are allies with Konoha and

the other three hidden villages to attack Konoha.

Our village is in a dire situation. If Konoha gets destroyed, they will

attack us next. And if our village participates in the war, many of our

ninja will die.

I walked out of the training grounds as I looked at the villagers who had

nothing to do with the war and would suffer the consequences.

Soon, I knocked on the door of the Kazekage's office.

"Come in," I heard my brother's voice and entered the office.

Looking at my brother, I felt he was under pressure, the pressure of war

and what is going to happen to the village.

"Gaara," I greeted him.

He looked at me for a moment and indicated for me to sit in the chair.

"So, how's your training going on?"

"It's fine," I replied to him.

"Why did you call me? Do I have to go on some mission?"

He shook his head. "You remember the message we got from the


I nodded to him. "So you have decided to assist Konoha?"

"Yes, we have to assist them or we will be the next target," he said.

"Why don't we become allies with the other three hidden villages?" I

curiously asked him, although I knew the answer.

"Because they are our allies, and Naruto is my friend. I can't betray him.

Remember, we attacked them in the Chunin Exams, and they let us go.

They could have at least captured or killed us."

I nodded to him. He was right; we really didn't have any choice but to

assist Konoha. But we had to prioritize our village first, or this war would

be meaningless even if we win in the end.

"Friend... Why do you consider him a friend? He didn't come on your

rescue mission," I was curious to hear his answer, although I knew why.

"I don't know how to answer your question, but he understood me at that

time and extended his hand to pull me out of my darkness. Not coming

on my rescue mission, he was on another mission when that happened,

but he sends me his regards from time to time."

"Oh... I didn't know that."

"You should make some friends yourself, or do you want to be single all

your life?"

"What are you talking about?" I simply replied to him. After the Chunin

Exams, he became more open to us, and now that he mentioned friends, I

really didn't have any friends.

"So why did you call me?"

"I told you that someone will come from Konoha to discuss things. That

person is coming," he said with a slight smile.

"And it's him," I could tell just by his expressions.

He nodded to me.

I pondered for a while before speaking, "you have to ask him something

in return."

"We are already in their debt," he calmly said.

"No… I am not asking from Konoha, I am asking about your friend,'' I

know it sounds ridiculous but for the sake of the village, and from what I

know, he will not refuse him.

"I can't do that, he is my friend and doing it, I will always be in his debt,"

he replied.

"You know he is powerful and can solve our problem in some minutes," I

reasoned with him.

"And don't friends help each other?"

I looked at my brother; he was in deep thought. I knew I was persuading

my brother, and we had very few ninjas who could use water style with

their pitiful chakra reserves, but they were the ninjas who provided water

to the village when necessary. From what our spies had told us, Naruto

had massive chakra reserves and was proficient in water and earth style.

If Gaara could convince him, we could have at least one year's worth of

water reserves.

"What if he asks for something in return that we are not capable of giving

back? What then?" he asked me.

"We will deal with that later. Now, when he comes, do what I say," I

started to tell him what to do.

After chatting for a while, I stood up beside Gaara with my expressionless

face. After all, ninjas had to hide their emotions on duty.

Waiting for a while, I started to feel cold. 'What the fuck, why am I

feeling cold in the middle of the desert?'

Then I heard a knock on the door. The guards opened the gate after

Gaara gave them permission, and with every passing moment, the

temperature dropped a few degrees.

The door opened as he entered the room. The first thing I noticed was

that he had a cocky grin on his face, and he wasn't even hiding it. Then I

looked around him. He was around 177 cm with messy, spiky, slightly

long red hair, wearing a white t-shirt and black pants.

'Handsome' was the first word that came to my mind. Since the last time I

saw him, he had changed completely, but he was the most handsome

man I had ever seen.

I don't know if he was making the surroundings cold subconsciously or

consciously, but one thing was sure: he was powerful, and he didn't even

hide it.

'Bastard, he's showing off,' I thought.

"It's been a while, Gaara," he said in a cheerful manner as he extended his


Gaara stood up from his chair and shook his hand. I could see that my

brother was genuinely happy.

"How have you been?" Gaara asked.

"Haha, I am kicking as always. What about you, Kazekage Sama?" He


"Don't call me like that, and I am also fine," Gaara said while sitting on

his chair and indicating for him to sit as well.

"That's good to hear," he said and briefly looked at me, waving his hand

with a smile and saying, "So you're Gaara's sister. It's nice to meet you."

I could have ignored him if he were anyone else, but he was an important

figure in Konoha and a friend of Gaara. "It's Temari, and nice to meet you

as well," I said while maintaining my cold face.

"Hmm, you're not as good at acting as you think," he said to me with a


"What do you mean?" I asked him. How could he say that to someone's

face? Didn't he care that the person might hate him?

"It's nothing…" he waved dismissively. 'He ignored me just like that.' He

started to irritate me. It was the first time someone ignored me, but why?

Why couldn't I reply to him?

"So how do you feel after becoming Kazekage? Now that you are

Kazekage, girls will be sticking to you, heheh…" he said while putting his

hands on the table and cupping his chin with his hands.

I could see my brother starting to become embarrassed at his question.

This meeting was supposed to be about the upcoming war, and he was

talking about girls and that stuff.

"Or do you scare them with your scary face, tch tch, poor girls…" he said

in a pitiful tone.

"Naruto… this is not the time for this,'' I could feel Gaara's

embarrassment. He is not really a talkative person, and he looks so

innocent in front of this devil. I guess Gaara has never talked to any girls

besides me.

"Fine, fine, whatever you say. So when are you departing with your

ninjas?" he asked him.

"We will leave when you say but…"

"But what? Don't hesitate to ask your friend…" he said.

"But you have to help our village," Gaara said.

"Of course, we will divide the loot and slaves in half after winning the

battle," he said.

"Slaves…" I exclaimed while looking at him.

"Do you think we will kill all of them? Nah… we want some free workers,

and they will be the best. Don't you want some free people working for

you?" he said, and I could see his eyes flash with excitement.

'He is dangerous…' I could only nod to him. I hadn't been to war, and this

is a new experience for me. I don't know what would happen to those

who serve in battle, and now I know they will be used as slaves.

"I want your help, not Konoha," Gaara said.

"Oh… tell me, if you're asking me to personally help you, this could be

called a betrayal, that a Konoha ninja is helping Suna, but whatever, tell

me what do you want…" he said to Gaara.

'Fuck… I haven't considered that, but from his expression, he doesn't

seem to care. That may be a good thing or a bad thing in the long run.'

"Ohh… I haven't considered that," Gaara said.

"Fine, tell me what you want. This thing can be a secret between us, you

know, dark secrets between friends. Oh… god, I love secrets… now tell

me, do you have a crush on some girl that you want me to kidnap her…''

he said excitedly.

"No, it's not like that," Gaara said with embarrassment.

"Hhh… here I thought it's something exciting. So what help do you

need?" he said in a pitiful voice, as if someone had crushed his hopes.

"We want water…" Gaara said.

"How much?"

"Equivalent to your chakra…" he said.

"Hehe… do you want to flood this whole village…" he chuckled.

"Do you have that much space?" he asked seriously this time.

"You are good at earth style, aren't you?" Gaara said.

There was silence for a while before he spoke with a smile, "Fine, I will

do that. You won't have the water problem for almost 50 years. But what

can you give me in return…"

He looked at Gaara and then at me, and swear to God I felt chills down

my spine.

"What do you want…" Gaara asked.

"It's nothing serious. When the time comes, I will ask you, and your water

problem will be solved after the war. Is that okay?" he said, to which

Gaara nodded.

And I could reason with that. After all, he is doing this behind his

village's back, and if he didn't ask for something in return, I would have

found it more suspicious. I know no human is a saint.

"You can gather your ninjas and head towards the Konoha borders. In

three days, you will meet the Konoha army," he said.

Gaara nodded to him.

"So that's it… I should be going…. After all, I have to save someone's ass,"

he mumbled the last part to himself, but everyone heard it.

"Did you say something?" Gaara asked.

"No, it's nothing…" he said while standing up, and with a nod, he walked

out of the room.

"Haah," I released a heavy breath, and the temperature in the room

started to rise again.

"Temari," Gaara began.

I looked at Gaara.

"Did I make a good decision?" he asked me.

"I don't know, time will tell us. I hope it's for the good," I replied.



An~ end of the chapter, how do you like the chapter? Why Temari felt

chills to his gaze, and what about slaves…

What was Naruto talking about saving someone, who is it, is it Sasuke or

someone else.

And guess who will introduced it in the next chapter.

1. Karin Uzumaki

2. Orochimaru will be back in the game.


if you like the chapter comment on the chapter and tell me your

thoughts, and give me some powestones...


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

chapter 93


Chapter 93 ~ I am that bored 😞




Naruto's(clone) POV


The door closed behind me as I walked out of the Kazekage's office.

Walking down the corridor, I saw many ninjas working their asses to

please their Kazekage, paying them no attention. I exited the office,

blending into the not-so-bustling streets of Suna.

The atmosphere was hot, but I am a fucking ice clone, so this doesn't

bother me at all. The original created me using Ice release, mixing some

of my functions with shadow clone jutsu. so yeh basically I am a mix of

ice clone and shadow clone.

He can't risk me dissipating from a few hits, so here I am, a walking ice

clone with the hardest body.

I glanced at a shop and smiled slightly. With a flick of my finger, a set of

dresses appeared in my hand.

"Yup, I just stole from someone," did I care? If I did, I wouldn't have

stolen them in the first place.

I swiftly left the area and reappeared wearing desert attire. I had on light-

colored pants, a loose shirt, and a scarf around my neck.

and why the fuck I wore these, 'I thought I will look cool,'

With another flick of my finger, I was outside the village. It's pretty cool

to use long-range substitution jutsu.

Looking around, I found myself in the middle of the desert. The hot wind

brushed against me, but it had no effect. The sand flowed with the wind

and hit me, but the clothes were made for the desert for a reason.

I couldn't use the space barrier around me because it required extensive

calculations and consumed a significant amount of chakra. That's why I

hadn't teleported out of this sandy desert. It would have cost me about

two days' worth of chakra.

"Damn, I'm probably the last person who should be whining about

chakra. This is ironic. The mighty Naruto, the god of shinobi, is

complaining because of low chakra," though only known in Konoha. But

my point is crystal clear.

The original created me for her safety, just for two days. If my hunch is

correct, he won't be back soon, so I have to take care of everything. I can

only fight at my full potential for 15 minutes, and then I will shatter like

broken glass.

I walked in the middle of the desert, leaving a trail behind me, hoping for

some fools to kill me so I could kill my boredom.

"What a drag,"

"Why isn't someone trying to kill me while I'm out of the village?"

I continued walking and came across a cactus. I examined its thick,

herbaceous, woody, chlorophyll-containing stems.

I squatted down beside the small plant and started observing it.

I couldn't use my eyes to their fullest, and if I just used them, I would

shatter without even knowing it. The information flooding my brain is

too much for a clone to handle. I'm not the real body that can constantly

heal itself.

"Why shouldn't I cover my eyes so I can receive less information?"

"Damn, my ego is too much. Why should I hide my precious eyes?"

Even though I had suppressed them to the point where they worked

slightly better than normal eyes.

As for the Byakugan, I can't use it separately, so it's activated all the time.

I've just grown used to it. In reality, I always see things in 360 degrees.

Even now, I see the sand behind me and this plant in front of me.

"This is weird as fuck," but I've gotten used to it a long time ago.

"Am I so bored that now I'm sitting in front of a plant and observing the

small ants on it in the middle of the desert?"

After observing the ants for a while, I placed my hand on the tree and

poured my chakra into it, continuing to observe it.

"Hashirama's Wood Style, I've tried it a few times, but I've always failed

to recreate it," I thought.

It's not like I've put all my attention on it; I've just tried it a few times.

Now that I'm bored, why not try once more?

I continued observing the plant through my chakra. My mastery over

chakra manipulation is so high that I can observe the structure of any

object just by sending my chakra into it.

"Water, earth, a small portion of nature energy, and the unique

characteristics of this plant, that's all there is to it."

With one hand, I observed the plant, and with the other, I started to

infuse water, earth, and nature energy. The same plant grew out in the

desert. I raised my eyes to look at the plant, and as soon as I removed my

hand, the plant withered away.

"Haah, same as always," I thought out loud.

This had happened three times before. It's not like I can't recreate Wood

Style. Heck, I've recreated Dust Release. It's just that I'm not a big fan of

Wood Style.

My Ice Release can counter Wood Release and be more destructive, and

my Enderflames could burn down an entire forest.

As for their chakra suppression abilities, my Adamantium Chains can

suppress chakra better than Wood Release.

As for why I didn't integrate Hashirama's cells into my body, it's because

my body doesn't accept them. They are not 100% pure, and my blood

can't be polluted.

I got up and started walking again. Lifting my head to the south, I sensed


"What the hell am I sensing? Is that an Uchiha? Is that me? Is that me

stronger than me? I'll fucking kill me."

With a flick of my finger, I disappeared from there.



*A/N~ End of the chapter, this was fun to write, I hope you enjoyed this.

Next chapter~ The Tale of an Uzumaki



Before leaving, leave a comment and donate your powerstone to my


chapter 94

*an~ things are different from the cannon, events are happening 6

months before the cannon, Karin and Sasuke didn't know each other,

that's it just enjoy the chapter




In the southern base of Orochimaru,

Karin's POV.

"Hey, you! Don't cause trouble around here," I yelled at the prisoner.

Hearing my voice, the prisoner shuddered and retreated to the corner of

the cell.

"That's good."

Walking around the prison, I inspected every prisoner. It was my job to

ensure that they didn't cause any trouble.

After making my rounds, I closed the door to my room and sat in the

chair. Staring into the empty air, I lost my focus, not knowing how much

time had passed.

Pulling up the sleeve of my shirt, I looked at the numerous bite marks on

my hand. These were painful reminders of my childhood, the sole

survivor of an unknown village.

Hitting the table with my fist, I let out a helpless shout, "Why did it have

to be me?"

Looking at the bite marks on my arm, I couldn't help but remember the

nightmares. My mother had the same ability as me, and she was used as a

healing machine for others. Every time someone was injured, they would

bite my mother, and she would heal them.

Because of them, my mother died. One of the medic ninjas spotted me

and tested whether I had the same ability as my mother. After an injured

soldier bit my arm, they found out that I had the same ability as my

mother, and then the hell of my life started.

Every time someone was injured, they bit me as if I were some kind of

food. Some of them even tried to bite me on my neck. They didn't care

about my well-being; they just used me to heal themselves.

There was no one to protect me. I didn't know who my father was. When

my mother died, I was just 8 or 9 years old. I didn't know if my relatives

were alive or not, if I had a family, or if there was anyone alive in my

family who hadn't tried to save me.

As time passed, things got worse. The wars between small villages started

happening more frequently, and more people started biting me.

I grew tired of it all. One day, I sensed a group of people heading towards

the village. I don't know how I could sense them; in my vision, they were

miles away. Seeing this as an opportunity, I somehow escaped from the

hospital where they kept me. I ran in the opposite direction of the group

of people approaching the village.

I didn't even look back as I ran as fast as I could. After running for a day,

I sensed that there was no one in the village. I mustered all my courage

and went back to where the village was supposed to be. But when I got

there, there was nothing left—no one was alive, and the village had been

burned to ashes.

At that moment, I was exhausted, and I sat down on the ground. I didn't

feel anything as I gazed at the burned village. The only thing that village

had given me was pain and suffering.

"Ohoho... Look, a survivor! I didn't expect anyone to be alive," I heard a

voice behind me. As I turned around, I saw two men looking at me.

"Look, brother, she's just a child with red hair. I think she's from that

clan," the other man said while examining me.

"Now that I look carefully, she is indeed very beautiful. Look at her arms;

she has bite marks. If we sell her in the underground market, we can earn

some money," the man gazed at me with such a disgusting look that his

words haunted me to this day.

Just as I thought I was about to be captured, a large snake appeared out

of nowhere and devoured both of them.

"Kukuku... how interesting," I then heard another voice.

When I looked into his yellow eyes, I felt scared. His eyes were like those

of a snake.

"How can a child like you survive without any injuries?" he asked me

with intrigue, as though I were some kind of interesting phenomenon.

"I sensed a group of people were coming to this village, so I ran away," I

told him. Truthfully, I don't know why I couldn't lie to him.

"How fascinating..." he said while licking his lips with his long tongue

and smiling creepily at me.

I escaped one disaster and found myself in another. I accepted my fate;

there's not much I could do, and I have no one to save me.

I went away with him. I don't know what awaits me, but I was sure this is

not something pleasant.

And just like the villagers, he started to experiment on me. He and his

assistant, Kabuto, started to inject and withdraw blood from me.

From time to time, they used me as a healer for their other experiments.

This didn't stop for years. He started to teach me that I should stay loyal

only to him and many other things just to benefit himself.

His creepy smile haunts me to this day. Looking at my numerous bite

marks, I couldn't help but feel disgusted with myself. Someone had

touched me many times and bitten me.

Nobody looked at me with friendliness or warmth. After seeing the marks

on my body, they felt disgusted with me. They just took a bite and went

away without even looking at me.

"Will I be able to find someone? What if he also sees me with disgust and

distance after seeing the marks on my body? Did he believe me that

nobody had touched me in that way? What wishful thinking..."

I stood up, wiping away my tears. This was my daily routine, taking care

of this prison and crying alone in this room.

I couldn't even sleep in peace. That snake's eyes, his creepy smile, people

biting me; they all haunt me.

I had stopped receiving messages from Orochimaru and Kabuto for a few


"I think they are testing me. I can't run from them. What if they capture

me again? I really am a scared girl."

To escape from these thoughts, I started to wander around the prison.

Suddenly, my senses picked up three chakra signatures outside the

hideout. This hideout was in the middle of the ocean and was only

known to Orochimaru and his subordinates.

I focused on the chakra signatures. Two of them I recognized; they were

also like me, experimented on by Orochimaru.

"The water guy, Suigetsu, and the other unstable guy, Jugo. What are

they doing here? How could they escape from Orochimaru, and how do

they know about this hideout? This was only known to Orochimaru and


And who's the other guy? His chakra is calm on the surface but too dark

and violent from the inside. Unbeknownst to me, sweat beads started to

appear on my forehead.

"I haven't sensed such chakra density and darkness in someone's chakra

before. Even Orochimaru's chakra pales in comparison to his."

Who is he, and why is he so powerful? This is my first time seeing

someone so powerful. Why is he here? Is he here to kill me? But I don't

even know him.

I started to panic. I didn't know what to do or where to hide. Then I

heard a loud explosion, and everything above my head was gone. The

sunlight entered the basement as the roof was destroyed.

"What?" I exclaimed in my mind. I was three floors below the surface,

and now I could see the sun.

I looked above my head and saw three figures standing on the edge of the

destroyed roof. They looked down at me. I could only see their shadows

because the sun was just above their heads.

The person in the middle extended his hand and muttered something. I

felt an invisible force envelop me, and my feet lifted above the ground. I

started to move upwards, unable to control my body. My body wasn't

even listening to me as it continued to ascend upwards.

"What?" I exclaimed in panic. I didn't know what had happened to me,

but soon I was in front of a boy around 16. He had black hair, and his

eyes turned from purple to black as he looked at me.

I hadn't seen him before, and the cold look in his eyes scared me.

"Please don't kill me," I shuddered.

But he just glanced at me and turned around as he started to walk away.

"Hey... Karin... it's been a long time," Suigetsu greeted me with a nervous

smile, and I could see he was also scared.

"Haah. How did you escape from Orochimaru?" I asked him, the first

thing that came to my mind.

"He saved me and told me that Orochimaru is dead," he pointed towards

the boy.

From his actions, I could tell that he wasn't here to harm me or kill me.

So then why is he here? Suigetsu and Jugo didn't know about this

hideout, so who told him about it?

"Let's go," Jugo said and started following the boy in front of us.

We were all walking on the ocean. I mustered my courage and asked,

"Hello, Mister..." I tried to start a conversation. I wanted to know why he

saved me.

"Sasuke," he said.

So his name is Sasuke. How should I start now? Should I call him with

honorifics or simply by name?

"Sasuke-san, how do you know about this hideout, and why did you save

me?" I politely asked as I didn't want to be rude to my savior.

"It was my friend who told me about this hideout and told me to save

you," he replied as he walked.

I don't have any family members who know me, so who could save me? I

couldn't help but ask him politely, "May I know his name?"

"Naruto Uzumaki," he said while pulling out a white letter from his

pocket and handed it to me. I caught it.

'Uzumaki... he has the same name as me. Is he really my family, and if so,

why didn't he save me earlier?' My mind raced with thousands of

thoughts at the same time.

A spark of hope ignited in my heart as I thought about having my family.

"Is he some relative of my mother?" I couldn't help but wonder.

Holding the letter in my hand, I started to walk slowly; I was currently

behind everyone.

I opened the letter with shaky hands and began reading it. "First of all,

sorry for not saving you earlier. I was also kind of busy, so forgive me for

that. I am the same age as you, so don't mistake me for some kind of

grandpa. As soon as I found out about your whereabouts, I sent my best

buddy to rescue you. I would have loved to come myself to save you, but

I didn't even know where I would be when you're reading this letter.

Don't worry about anything from now on; we are family, so don't hesitate

to ask anything. You can irritate that cold-looking emo boy in my place.

We will be meeting very soon, or if your luck is good enough, maybe I

am behind you. Just turn back and look."

I read the letter with teary eyes. I finally have someone I can call family.

My heart filled with many emotions. Now I don't have to be scared of

anything. Believing his words, I turned back to look, but there was


I looked at the letter again. "Hehe... I guess you fell for it, hahaha. Sorry

for that. Here is my picture, so look carefully. If you encounter me, just

say my name. I know this is a bogus letter. Well, bye-bye for now. See

you in some minutes, hours, or days."

A slight smile graced my lips as I looked at his picture. "He is handsome,

hehe." I felt giddy looking at him. I finally have a family, and after

reading his letter, I couldn't wait to meet him.

I looked at Sasuke. In the letter, he said I could ask him anything, so I

quickened my pace while walking with all of them.

"So where are we going, and when can I meet Naruto?" I asked him.

"Konoha. As for meeting him, I don't know about it," he replied plainly.

"Hey, Sasuke, you said there is a war going on. Tell me where it is. I want

my baby to drink some blood," Suigetsu said while patting his large




AN/~ End of the chapter, how do you like the chapter, do you feel

connected with Karin.

next Chapter~ Meeting with Tobi

if you like the chapter please comment and give your powerstones \

chapter 95 Karin Uzumaki

Karin POV



"So where are we going, and when could I meet Naruto?" I asked him.

"Konoha. As for meeting him, I don't know about it," he plainly said.

"Hey, Sasuke, you said there is a war going on. Tell me where it is; I want

my baby to drink some blood," Suigetsu said while patting his large


Sasuke just looked at him but didn't say anything.

"Tch… you are no fun, man. My friend Jugo is as bloodthirsty as me,"

Suigetsu said while looking at Jugo.

"Don't involve me," Jugo said while patting a sparrow that was sitting on

his shoulder.

Suigetsu pitifully looked at me. "Don't even ask me," I replied, looking at


Suigetsu kept on chattering for who knows how long.

We had entered the borders of the Land of Fire, and now we were

currently hopping on the large trees.

We hadn't encountered anyone yet, and I was getting impatient to reach

Konoha to see him.

Suddenly, a swirling portal started to appear in front of us, and all of us

halted ourselves.

As the swirling portal opened, a man appeared in front of us wearing a

blue dress with a white sash around his waist, a white mask on his face

with two different eyes—one was red with a distinct pattern, and the

other was purple with rings on it.

His chakra was chaotic and destructive, and his chakra levels were

similar to Sasuke's.

'How is he so powerful? What's with those eyes? And why do I feel three

different types of energy coming from him?'

In just a few hours, I had met two guys whose chakra levels were off the

charts. Where were they hiding until now, and why are they appearing

all of a sudden? How could they remain hidden for so long without

anyone noticing them?

I sensed danger emanating from his chakra; his intentions were crystal

clear – he meant to harm us. I turned to Sasuke; his chakra surged with

unrestrained rage.

Without hesitation, a bolt of lightning crackled to life in his hand,

sending sharp chirping echoes through the surroundings.

In the blink of an eye, Sasuke vanished, reappearing in front of the man,

his blade slashing through him. However, there was no gush of blood,

and Sasuke passed right through him.

"What?" Sasuke exclaimed, surprise evident on his face as his attack

failed. He quickly appeared in front of us.

I glanced at his back, frustration welling up inside me. "fuck, Why is this

happening all of a sudden? I was just going to meet the only member of

my family, and now this... Why am I so unlucky?"

"Sasuke, you've grown up quite well," the man said, his voice deep and


Hearing this, Sasuke's anger shot through the roof. "You are the one who

killed my clan with Itachi!" he yelled.

"So, you know the truth. Well, it was to be expected from Itachi's

brother," he said.

"Don't speak his name in front of me," Sasuke snapped, his hand gripping

the hilt of his sword tightly.

"Did I hit a nerve?" t the man taunted with a chuckle.

"Why do you have the Rinnegan?" Sasuke asked.

"Well, thanks to your best friend, I was able to evolve some Sharingans

into the Rinnegan," the man revealed.

"His cells have miraculous compatibility with our cells, don't you agree?"

Sasuke didn't say anything, he remained silent, his fists clenched.

"Tell me, Sasuke, because of your friend, the whole shinobi world is in

chaos. Because of his cells, thousands of people will die in the war," he

said, and I could feel he had a smirk under his mask.

"It's not his fault," Sasuke said.

"No, it's all his fault. Because of him, we were able to upgrade Zetsu

clones to Jonin levels. Because of him, I was able to fully wield a

Rinnegan. And because of him, you are able to awaken your own

Rinnegan. What would happen if the world knew that this war was

happening because of him?"

"Do you think he cares about it?" Sasuke said.

"I don't think he cares about it, but you care about it, don't you? Could

you bear that your friend will be hated by every generation, generation

after generation?" he said in an amused voice.

"Don't try to twist the words. It's not his fault. It is you who is doing all

these things," Sasuke said.

"Enough of chit-chat. You have grown considerably powerful. You can

become an obstacle in my plans, so I have to take care of you," he said

and extended his palms.

"Shinra Tensei," he uttered, and a large amount of chakra surged through

his palms, destroying everything in front of him.

The force was so tremendous that it obliterated everything in its path.

I could feel despair in my heart; it was my first time seeing an attack this

powerful. This attack could have destroyed a hidden village.

But before the force could hit us, a purple humanoid figure started to

form around us.

"Susanoo," Sasuke said, and the force hit the humanoid figure. It stood

there unmovable, while everything around us was destroyed. When I

looked back, a valley had been created, and all the trees were gone.

"Do you think you can just evade my attack like that?" He materialized in

front of Sasuke within the Susanoo and raised his hands once more.

"Shinra Tensei!"

Sasuke quickly leaped backward and extended his own hand. "Shinra


A thunderous "boom" echoed as the two Shinra Tensei clashed. The

ground beneath them shattered, creating an even larger crater. A blinding

flash of light engulfed everything, and the tremendous force swept

through the surroundings.

In an instant, I found myself suspended in mid-air, with Suigetsu and

Jugo beside me, all of us carried by the shockwave.


The three of us hit the ground with force. Suigetsu became a puddle of

water, and Jugo was embedded in the ground.

There was blood trickling around my mouth, and I could taste the iron-

like flavor of my blood. I quickly bit myself to heal the wounds.

"Are you okay?" I asked as Sasuke landed in front of us. He had blocked

the full brunt of the attack with his Susanoo.


He was ready as a swirling portal appeared again, and the man was

completely fine.

"You have good reflexes," he said.

But before Sasuke could say anything, a voice was heard from above.

"My, my, things are lively here, aren't they? I was getting bored."

A person fell from the sky and appeared beside Sasuke. As soon as he

appeared, the temperature dropped tremendously. In just a few seconds,

the ground started to freeze where he stood.

I gazed at the newcomer, and a single word reverberated in my mind:

'Monster.' His chakra, warm on the surface, was anything but that. It was

a chilling, dark, chaotic force, fluid yet fiery and destructively powerful

from the inside.

"Where the heck were they living before today? I haven't heard of them."

"Naruto... What are you doing here?" Sasuke said.

I looked closely at Naruto; his hair was the same as mine, so he is the

one, my family. A strong desire to run toward him surged within me, but

the current situation held me back, and I restrained myself.

"Hey... best buddy... I see you're in trouble," he said while waving his


Then, he looked at the man, and as their eyes met, his whole demeanor

changed. His chakra turned completely cold, and a killing intent spread

into the surroundings. I felt my legs start to shake as I felt like I was


"Tobi," he said.

"So you know my name. I guess Nagato had told you," Tobi said.

"Know your name... I know everything about you," Naruto said.

"Haha... are you challenging me, boy?" Tobi said in a deep voice.

"Do you want to be challenged?" Naruto said as his chakra flared up,

visible to the naked eyes.

"Do you think a mere clone could stop me?" Tobi scoffed while raising his


"Let's find out."

"Shinra Tensei."

'Not again,' I thought, as the destructive force surged once more.

"Repulsion," Naruto said, raising his two fingers, and a red ball

materialized on his fingertips before shooting towards the man.

"Here goes two days' worth of chakra," Naruto muttered.

A deafening "boom" erupted, creating an even larger explosion than

before, reducing everything to pieces. A second massive crater was

formed in the heart of the forest.

We remained shielded within Susanoo as we watched the devastation

unfold before us. This was beyond the human possibility.

Tobi appeared in the center of the crater and swiftly performed a series

of hand signs. With his hands planted firmly on the ground, he shouted,

"Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence!"

As he uttered those words, the ground trembled violently, and an entire

forest burst forth from the earth. Massive, meter-thick roots surged

forward with tremendous force, obliterating everything in their path.

I watched in disbelief as my life seemed to flash before my eyes. The

sight before me was unimaginable—a fucking entire forest had come to

life and was hurtling toward us. I had serious doubts that even Susanoo

could withstand an attack of this magnitude.

I turned my gaze toward Naruto. His hands moved with inhuman speed,

blurring as he executed a series of hand signs, and then, I felt a powerful

surge of chakra emanating from him.

"Here goes three more days' worth of chakra," Naruto declared.

"EnderFlames: Burn everything." Green flames materialized around him,

forming a literal sea of fire that surged forward, incinerating everything

in its path.

The sea of flames surpassed the size of the forest, engulfing it entirely

within a matter of seconds. The flames continued to burn relentlessly.

Naruto stood still for a few anxious minutes, waiting for the next attack,

but there was none.

He then appeared in front of Sasuke.

"He's gone,"

"He's testing our strengths. If he wanted to kill you, he could have,"

Naruto added.

"What about you?" Sasuke asked, his expression grim.

"I'm just a clone, hehe." Naruto chuckled. "The one who would have died

is you," he pointed at Sasuke.

"You..." Sasuke retorted.


"I don't know why, but that smug smile of yours irritates me the most."

"More than Sakura asking for a date?"

"Yes," Sasuke replied.

"Hahaha... you're no fun, Sasuke," Naruto said with a laugh.





how was the fight?


END the chapter and this Arc. How do you like the chapter?

The next chapters will be focused on Naruto, Hinata. Thinking will pick

up the pace after that.

Question~ What relationship do you want between Karin and Naruto? I

haven't written about them yet.

1. Brother and Sister (yes that's what you think😏)

2. Add her in his harem, but it won't be as easy as catching pokemon.

3. Secret relationship from everyone.💀



If you like the chapter tell me in the comments and donate some power



Man, I read some reviews on books, not mine but others. Guess what?

They were more interesting than the actual book. People fighting in

the comments and authors defending themselves. Hahaha, it was fun

to read them. My whole evening was wasted on that, but I don't regret

anything. I learned quite a few things thanks to them, like what people

like to read or not, blah blah. But the review section was quite

interesting to read.

chapter 96

2 days ago


Hinata's Pov


"I was waiting outside the house for my Naruto to come out; he is giving

his goodbyes to that girl.

Raising my head, I looked at the countless stars in the sky. I lost myself in

thoughts of me and my Naruto doing the things a couple should do.

'Hehehe,' I let out a small giggle as I imagined him holding me princess-

carry style and kissing me in the middle of the night. With a silly smile

on my face, I imagined various scenarios.

I didn't pay any attention to the girl. In my heart, I know what I should

do; to me, everything came after my Naruto.

Fixing my face, I turned around and noticed that he had already exited

the house and was walking towards me.

"Let's go."

Nodding to him, I opened a portal, and both of us exited in the middle of

the forest.

I quietly grabbed his hand as we walked hand in hand. The moon was

shining above our heads like a gem as its moonlight poured on our faces,

making him appear more ethereal. I felt giddy inside my heart. Just

holding his hand and walking beside him made me feel complete.

Even though we were going to have a life-and-death battle, in my heart,

there was no hesitation. Besides, he was with me. Even if I die, I will die

in his arms or with him.

I tightly held his hand as I couldn't let this happen. Yes, I don't want to

die; I want to live, live with my Naruto. I will protect him with all my


We walked at a slow pace, enjoying the warmth of each other's hands.

None of us spoke as we enjoyed the quietness and beauty of the night.

These small gestures and moments make my heart flutter, to relish every


"So where should we start searching for him?" he muttered."

"He could be anywhere," I said while activating my Byakugan and

looking all around me.

"That man has been hiding for thousands of years; he could be in the

Elemental Nations or he could be in another dimension," he said as I saw

a glow in his eyes. It seemed he was scanning the entire Elemental


He shook his head in denial, "he is not here."

"Maybe he is in another dimension... but in which one?" I spoke. I knew

there are numerous small dimensions attached to the Elemental Nations.

"Let me focus," activating my Jougan, I started to look for any recently

opened dimensions. With my eyes, I could see the barriers between

dimensions and open them with ease. Heck, even if I wanted to see or

hear any person whose chakra is known to me, it doesn't matter to me

where he is, i could do that with ease.

Naruto nodded to me as he himself started to search every single person.

While looking for any recent activities, one of my eyes was still on my

Naruto, and I could see his lips curled up. Maybe he had found something


I didn't ask him; if he wanted to tell me, he would have.

"Sweetheart, I will be back in no time..." he said with amusement.

From his grin, I could tell it's going to be bad for someone. "Are you

going to mess with someone?"

"You know me very well... hehe..." he said as he kissed my forehead.

"Bye-bye..." he whispered in my ears and disappeared from there.

"Haha," I laughed slightly at his antics and started searching for any


"I guess I have to search every single one of them," I thought out loud. It

might take some minutes or hours to find his exact location.

"I hope I could find it until he comes back."

I started to search every single dimension. This was the first time I am

using my eyes to their full potential in the searching department.

"So many abilities of my eyes are still inaccessible to me," I thought to

myself, but I was sure this wouldn't be for too long.




AN!~ Guess where he has gone.


sorry for the short chapter, something come up in real life.

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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