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chapter 15

Chapter 15~

"What was that," Asuma was the one who speak, he was less information


Kakashi knows that Naruto had used genjutsu on these elders,

Of all of them, Kurenai was the one who had the most information about

genjutsu and she was known as the genjutsu mistress,

"It was a very high-level genjutsu," Kurenai spoke to all of them, they all

looked at her, asking her to try to explain more,

"It was related to Yin release, but I don't know how he does it, you know

genjutsu is performed by the yin chakra, the more yin chakra you have

the more powerful genjutsu will be, and the mastery of yin chakra play

vital role in it, it's double edge sword, if you don't have enough control

over yin chakra, you can not perform genjutsu, and if you pour more

than necessary chakra into your opponent chakra system, they can die

due to it, but this never happened before, no one has this potent yin

chakra and mastery over it, and if you pour, less chakra into your

opponent chakra system, the genjutsu will not work, that why you need

to be perfect in yin chakra control, and Uchiha's Sharingan can do it,

without the need the of yin chakra control,

But what Naruto did was now something else, his mastery over Yin

chakra is very high, it's like he pulled their conciseness into some kind of

place, through the genjutsu, this was my guess," Kurenai speak explained

to all of them what she thought, and she was right, what naruto did was

very simple but very hard to do it, he used his yin chakra mastery to

create a genjutsu and pull their conciseness into his seal space through

yin chakra warping their conciseness, and show them what it meant to be

in front of Kurama, he wrap his yin chakra so their, conscience didn't get


Yamanaka clan jutsu is also based on the yin release, but it was different

from what Naruto did, they warp their conciseness with yin chakra, sent

it to the opponent's mind and suppress their conciseness and took hold of

their body, and there are other factors also involved, the so-called

spiritual energy was the yin release, and with some mastery over their

spiritual energy or yin release, they perform the jutsu,

The higher your mastery over yin release the higher the power of your

soul will be, that is the reason why the people who practice genjutsu or

jutsu yin related to their souls are consistently found to be stronger, due

to the yin chakra,

And naruto started to practice his yin chakra out of all other elements, he

wants to be his soul to be powerful in comparison to other shinobi, and

he had a small liking to genjutsu, it help him in his imagination and

chakra control, genjutsu was useless until you have a strong imagination,

The news of Naruot had come back from his training was spread in the

village in just one hour like wildfire. Few people were happy, some were

neutral they didn't pay any attention to it, and the majority of the village

was not happy, almost 98% population of the village was not happy with

his arrival, they were majoriy of the civilians and ninjas, they were all

happy when naruto go with Jiraiya, and they didn't have to live within

the same village as the demon fox live, that's what their thoughts,

It was starting to be night, and Naruto was walking on the streets of

Konoha, in the beginning, people didn't notice him, but some had noticed

it, he had not his whisker marks and blond hair didn't mean they didn't

recognize him, they soon started to whisperers themselves, and started to

look at him with disgust, and resentful eyes,

Naruto had active kagura's mind eyes, and he started to sense the hatred

coming toward him, as he walk, disgusted looks and hatred towards him

increased and people started to avoid him like the plague, he was now a

shinobi, so they can not beat him, naruto turn off his sensory ability, with

head down and hands in his pants pocket he walked, all the memories of

naruto from the childhood to chunin exam rushed into his mind, he saw

how they hunt him on his birthday, beat him when they got a chance,

never let them in their shops, they turn him down from distance, never

came him near to them, distancing their children from playing with him,

He looked at all of them, he was not wearing the usual happy-go-lucky

mask, whenever they looked at him with hateful eyes, anger started to

boil into him,

He unconsciously turned on his kayubi's eyes, a slit in them, pure with

killing intent, and his shadow split into the nine-tails as he walked his

shadow sway, he looked at all of them, "Hey… kurama… should I let you

out do a rampage, or I should drop a bijuudama on these pitiful insects,"

"Hehe… it will be fun… now that Konoha didn't have anyone strong to

me who is going to save them," Kurama laughed inside him, hearing him

laughing he also calm down, his bond with Kurama was now like sugar

mixed in water, the hatred and killing intent inside Kurama didn't

vanished anywhere, he just get used to it, Kurama also accepted him only

being worthy of his friendship, in these six months they talk like this all

the time, naruto know how dark Kurama was and Kurama also know how

dark naruto was from inside, and there bonding was perfect,

The hatred of these villagers didn't even bother him it just disgust him,

their hatred is nothing compared to Kuram's hatred toward the humans,

and was very used to it,

And these people around him are insignificant in his eyes, he was like

this, he could just get rid of these disgusting people rather than convince


After this small talk with Kurama, he just smiled and looked at the

villagers with his kayubi-looking eyes, "if they want to see the demon fox,

I will show you a fraction of his power," Naruto murmured to himself, the

next moment, red chakra manifested from him and all the killing intent

of Kurama spread around them, he controls it so perfectly not even a

single atom of Kurama chakra leaks out from his body, it was killing

intent, and it directed on every person who looking at him with disgust,

and the children around him didn't even feel anything, this is how perfect

his control over Kurama's killing intent,

"Your control over your chakra and my chakra is perfect, when I saw you

using it, I was always amazed," Kurama praised him,

Naruto closed his eyes, turning on his sensory ability, next moment he

disappeared, and with a small thud a small stone dropped on the ground

where he previously stood,

Hearing the 'thud' of stone the people around wake up from their stupor,

and looking at the children playing on the street without care of


Naruto appeared out of thin air in front of his favorite ramen shop 2 km

away from his last location "This will give them nightmares for some

days… hehe, it's always fun using killing intent like this," Naruto thought

Kurama nodded to his question, "now let's tase this heavenly Raman,"

Naruto said with a smile on his face,

A|N~ how do you like this chapter, tell me in the comments, if you have

some idea what should I do next in the story you are free to tell me in the

comments, I will reply to all of you, and how you like him using

substitution jutsu, don't worry it's just basic when he will use it in the

fights it will be awesome to watch him,

And give me some power stone or I will substitute your mobile with a

Woodden log…hehe ]

chapter 16

Chapter 16`\~ queen

AN~ this chapter is going to be long, enjoy the chapter

romance in the story will start from here.


it may be cringe for some people, so you can skip some chapters, don't

blame me for not telling this before...byebye


Naruto stood in front of his favorite ramen shop. It was a simple, small


This was the shop that gave him a bowl of ramen on winter nights. They

didn't close down like other shops in the village. Maybe that's why this

ramen shop became Naruto's favorite. And once someone gave him food

with a kind heart, the taste didn't matter.

Maybe that's the reason why he always preferred eating ramen.

Naruto slid the curtain of the shop and entered. At this nighttime, the

seats were empty. Naruto sat at the front seat and waited for the old man

to come.

As he entered, the small bells rang. Hearing the bells, the old man came

out from his inner room. Upon seeing someone seated at a table, he came

over to take an order. When he saw the boy in front of him, he

remembered two people at the same time, Minato and Kushina. The boy

was a mixture of both of them. He instantly recognized the boy.

"Oh, Naruto, is that you? You've grown so much in these years," Teuchi

said to Naruto.

"Yes, old man. How are you doing?" Naruto said to the old man.

'I had heard legends about him that he survived everything, should I put

my hand on his head and use my Rasengan to check the legends,' Naruto


"I am fine. What are you ordering?" the old man asked.

"As usual, my favorite," Naruto replied.

The man nodded, went inside the shop, and came back out after some

time. "Here's your miso ramen," the old man placed the bowl of ramen

before Naruto.

Naruto inhaled the scent of the ramen, picked up his chopsticks, and

started eating. While eating, the old man spoke. "How was your training?

Did you enjoy your trip? What adventures did you go on with Master

Jiraiya? Tell me," the old man asked him.

While eating, Naruto started to tell him about his journey with Jiraiya.

After chatting with the old man and eating five bowls of ramen, Naruto

gave the money for his food and left the shop.

"That was refreshing," Naruto thought to himself. He walked towards his

apartment. Soon, he heard some voices. On the other side of the street,

he saw a group of teenagers, the same age as him.

He instantly recognized them; they were all his teammates. He focused

on them, particularly on one girl who was walking behind them.

She had dark blue, long hair, as he remembered, and was wearing a

cream-colored, long, big jacket and slightly purple pants. He was looking

at Hinata. Because of his eyes, he could perfectly see her 400 meters

away, as if she were standing right in front of him.

"Beautiful," this was the only word that came out of his mouth. She was

the only person who loved him wholeheartedly, without any ulterior

motive. She was his light in the darkness.

Because of him, she continued her journey as a ninja, hoping to be with

him. He was everything to her, not her father, not her sister, not her clan.

She had only loved him.

Seeing her, Naruto cursed his previous self. "How could he not see how

much the girl loved him? She had her eyes only on him, and that fool ran

after trash," Naruto thought to himself.

He knew the girl loved him unconditionally. He had one principle: if

someone loved him, he would love them a hundred times more, and if

someone hated him, he would return it a hundred times bigger than


'Did I just sound like a true Wuxia protagonist, when did I become a true


In the group of teenagers, Hinata was walking behind everyone due to

her shy and timid nature. No one was talking to her, and she felt both

with them and alone at the same time.

She was thinking about her favorite person, the one she loved. Her

teammates were chatting amongst themselves, forgetting about her.

Today she had heard from her sensei that Naruto had come back from his

training and changed a lot. She wasn't worried about his changes; she

was just happy he was back in the village.

She hoped to meet him, see him, and talk to him, to tell him how much

she loved him. But she couldn't gather the courage to do so, and she

cursed herself for being so weak and shy.

She wished she could express her love, and she thought that maybe

Naruto didn't notice her before because she didn't have the courage to

show it. She just wanted to see him, to look at him, and his presence

filled her with happiness.

Suddenly, she noticed someone watching her. She lowered her head and

activated her Byakugan. She saw a boy looking at her from a distance, his

red hair swaying in the wind, and his eyes fixed directly on her.

'why is he looking so intensely at me, no... no... why has my mind started

to become hazy,' she mustered all her courage not to faint in front of him.

She recognized him; he was her love. This time he was more mature,

handsome, and pleasing to the eyes. He was looking only at her, ignoring

everyone else around her. Her heart swelled with happiness; he

recognized her. She read his lips, "Hey.. beautiful." Her face turned as red

as wine, and her whole body shuddered at his words.

She stood still, shivering. "He called me beautiful…" Her heart was

soaring, and she was on the brink of unconsciousness.

At this point, her teammates stopped and looked back. Ino approached

her and saw her red and trembling. "Are you okay, Hinata? Do you have

a fever?" Ino asked, concerned.

"N-No, I'm fine. Let's go," Hinata replied, lowering her head even more.

This was the best day of her life. They found her behavior strange, but

they didn't say anything. Ino glanced at her but then moved ahead and

resumed chatting with the others.

"Do you guys know? Naruto has come back from his training with Master

Jiraiya," Kiba spoke to everyone.

"Yes, I heard it from Asuma-sensei. I also heard that he has changed a

lot," Ino added.

They all nodded. They had heard about Naruto's return and the changes

he underwent from their sensei. They all knew the news; information

spreads quickly in a ninja village.

"That idiot... he didn't come to greet me," Sakura muttered.

"If I meet him, I'll give him a piece of my mind. He was supposed to meet

me. He met with Kakashi-sensei, but not me," Sakura's anger was evident

in her voice.

Hinata looked at Sakura with anger in her eyes, but she quickly hid it. No

one noticed her anger. She had always disliked Sakura for how she

treated Naruto in the past.

After hearing Naruto's words about Sakura, her anger surged even higher.

She had recognized her feelings for Naruto after all these years. If anyone

spoke ill of him, she wouldn't tolerate it. But due to her shyness, she

concealed her anger and resolved to change herself.

They were walking towards Naruto. Kiba noticed the red-haired figure

ahead of him, around 200 meters away. "Is that Naruto?" Kiba asked the


"Yes, it's him," Shino, the usually quiet one, spoke up. The insects in his

body were restless, buzzing with a primal fear as Naruto approached.

Akamaru, Kiba's dog, whimpered and hid in Kiba's jacket.

The primal senses of animals could feel the danger, even if Naruto had

masked his killing intent and Kurama's power.

On the opposite side, Naruto was walking towards them. His black cloak

fluttered as the wind ruffled it, and he didn't wear a headband on his

forehead. Both hands were in his pockets, hidden from view. He walked

at a moderate pace, his posture straight.

He noticed all the reactions from Hinata, and his heart warmed. "She

loves me so much, boundlessly." He had activated his Kagura's Mind's Eye

and could sense the emotions coming from her. The emotions he felt from

her were boundless, even surpassing Kurama's hatred. Now he truly

understood how much she loved him.

As he walked, they were just one meter away from each other. Sakura

broke the silence, not caring about the tension. "You baka! Why didn't

you tell me you were back in the village?" She walked towards him, fist

raised to punch him.

Naruto, who had been paying no attention to them, heard her voice and

sidestepped her punch. It infuriated him, and he looked at her with cold

eyes. He spoke with a chilling tone, "And why should I have told you?"

'oops, I slipped away, I thought she had matured enough, but I was

wrong, she is still an immature brat,' he thought to himself, actually he

never hated her, it's just her personality that he didn't like. 'it will in due


He wasted no more time with her. They were all surprised; they had

never expected Naruto to be this cold to Sakura. Seeing this, Hinata felt

elated. "He really has changed," she thought. Then Naruto's gaze shifted

to Hinata. His expression softened, and he smiled sweetly as he walked

towards her.

Hinata blushed from head to toe. His smile made her heart race faster.

"He's coming closer to me. What should I do? Should I talk to him and

tell him how much I love him? This is my chance. But what if he rejects

me? Oh God... What should I do? He's getting so close..."

Hinata's face reddened further, and she fainted and was about to fall on

the ground. Naruto quickly approached her and caught her in his arms,

preventing her from hitting the ground. Her head was near his face, the

sweet smell of roses hit his senses.

He looked towards Shino, 'Should I send him to take her home'

'Nah, It should be done by me,'he looked at them, "I will send her home,"

he said and disappeared from there, leaving his teammates with strange


After he vanished, Sakura was left dumbfounded. Naruto had never

spoken to her in such a cold manner before. He hadn't even glanced at

her. She felt uneasy. unknown to her, her heart felt a tinge of pain. 'I will

see him later,' she thought and after saying goodbyes to them she walked

away from there.

The group exchanged glances, unsure of what to say. Ino shrugged and

said, "Let's go home. There's nothing here," but her thoughts were not the

same as her expressions. 'he looked really handsome,' she could feel the

power when he passed her. 'such boldness.' thinking this she also



Naruto looked at the unconscious beauty in her arms, her face was still

red like a tomato.

'Naruto-kun' she whispered unconsciously. he looked at her a smile

graced on his lips.

'Will I bring trouble to her if her father knew that she fainted,' he

thought. he gently touched her forehead, a strand of yin chakra leaked

out from his finger. her eyes twitched as she felt a warm feeling.

'it will be bad if her father shows her with a jinchuriki,' with a thought he

transformed himself into one of her teammates.

'just wait a few months, when I start elemental training, I don't have to

use these tricks,' he knew he was not strong enough to go against the

whole village.

soon he appeared in front of the Hyuga clan and the guards rushed out,

he handed Hinata to them, and after telling them a half-truth he


Naruto walked towards his apartment at a slow pace.

"Such a sweet girl. I'll need to bring out her true side," Naruto thought

when he touched her, he had sensed the suppressed darkness deep within


nothing could escape his senses. 'the hidden darkness, years of anger, and

suppressed emotions, let's see how much time it would take for her to

fully unleash them.' he thought.




A|N~ how do you like this chapter, I have written about Naruot and

Hinata, and in my opinion, anime didn't do justice to their relationship,

and here I am, and don't expect this story just like Cannon, there will

many different things if you don't like something I honestly sorry for that.

Tell me how you like the romance in this chapter, tell me in the


And give me some power stone or I will direct all the killing intent of

Kuram towards you..]

chapter 17


Chapter 17 `~ captured


As Naruto emerged onto the empty street, he noticed that ten people

were following him after he left the Ichiraku ramen shop. Initially, he

didn't pay much attention, assuming they were the ANBU guards assigned

by Tsunade.

However, after a while, he realized that they were not the ANBU he had

in mind. They were getting closer to him, preparing to attack. He hadn't

even been back in the village for a day, and already someone was

attempting to attack him.

"Maybe my actions changed something," Naruto murmured to himself. He

had returned to the village six months earlier, and his actions in the

Hokage tower might have altered some things. He couldn't recall being

attacked in his village. After surveying the surroundings.

"Come out," Naruto spoke in a cold voice. If someone was going to attack

him, he would respond in kind. As expected, ten people wearing white

masks encircled him from all directions. Naruto observed the individuals

who had surrounded him, but he couldn't sense any emotions emanating

from them.

"Root, so this is Danzo's doing," Naruto thought to himself. He assessed

their chakra levels; they were all chunin-level shinobi. Naruto continued

to look at them.

"These are all chunin level. Danzo thinks so low of me. If he wants to

capture me, he should have at least sent some Jonin-level ninja," Naruto

thought to himself while scrutinizing the figures around him.

"What should I do? Should I kill them, or should I let them capture me

and then meet the boss? Hehe, let's do this. But first, let's play with these

people," Naruto spoke to himself.

He was going to confront Danzo once and for all. He didn't know the

location of Danzo's hideouts, and this was the best opportunity he had.

With a smile on his face, Naruto looked at the Root ninjas in front of him.

Seeing his smile, the leader of the Root ninjas spoke, "Be a good boy and

come with us. Danzo-sama demands your presence in front of him," the

man spoke without any emotion in his voice.

"I'll have to politely decline your offer," Naruto responded. "And who

allowed you to utter your leader's name in front of your prey? You seem

quite confident about capturing me," Naruto said with a smile on his face,

seemingly unfazed.

Seeing his attitude around them, the leader spoke, "Don't get cocky, brat."

"Enough of your chit-chat. Come at me and let me see what you've got,"

Naruto spoke to them. He was confident in his abilities, knowing that

unless an S-rank ninja came, he didn't feel any sense of danger.

They didn't say anything. The ninja behind him launched a barrage of

shurikens at him. He sensed it. Naruto took out his kunai and with a swift

motion, he deflected all the shurikens directed at him.

As he stopped after deflecting the shurikens, a fireball about three meters

in diameter came hurtling toward him at high speed. He dodged it by

sliding to the side. Given his speed, it was no problem for him.

'Earth Style - Earth Spikes,' he heard a voice from his left side, and soon,

the ground where he was standing changed. Spikes made of the earth

rushed directly toward him.

He jumped, and then another spike came at his back. He ducked under it

and leaped to the side. This was no problem for him; he was simply

gaining battle experience.

'Water Style - Water Ball,' he heard another voice, and a ball of water

crashed directly at him. The ninja who launched the attack on Naruto felt

something wrapping around him.

The next moment, he saw a big water ball. Naruto didn't have time to

react. The water ball crashed into him, breaking his bones, and he

coughed out a mouthful of blood, collapsing onto the ground.

"One down," Naruto spoke. He was now standing among the Root ninjas

where the water user had been standing before.

The Root ninja all turned their heads and saw Naruto standing amongst

them. "What? He substituted with him, but how is this possible? Weren't

we supposed to substitute with wooden logs?" the leader murmured to

himself from a distance.

Naruto, who was now amidst five Root ninjas, smiled at them. They

couldn't use their ninjutsu now, or they would hurt their comrades. They

launched taijutsu attacks at him, but Naruto, who had trained with

Jiraiya, saw their movements clearly.

He grinned and began their taijutsu battle. Soon, all five of them were

covered in bruises, unable to land even a single punch on him. It was as

if he was toying with them, which, in reality, he was.

Naruto increased his speed, punched the man in front of him in the gut,

and sensed a kick coming toward his head. He raised his left hand to

block the kick, but the force was not significant. The man who had been

hit in the gut was lifted from the ground by the punch's force, shooting

like a bullet and crashing into a wall, which he destroyed. "Two down,"

Naruto spoke.

The kick was still connected to his left hand. With a swift motion, he

gripped the man's ankle with his right hand, lifting him into the air and

then slamming him with his full force into the ground. As the man hit the

ground, it cracked, and 20 to 30 of his bones broke with the impact.

"Three down," he spoke. It happened so fast that no one could keep up.

After all, these were chunin cannon fodder.

Two Root ninjas were standing beside him. They didn't know what had

hit them. Naruto grabbed both of their heads and slammed them into the

ground. The Root ninjas saw the ground approaching them, and the next

moment, everything went black. "That's five down," Naruto spoke,

shaking his hands and wiping the blood off them.

The first group was done, and the five Root members were standing on

the other side, looking at him. The leader raised his hand and

commanded, "Attack." They all leaped toward him, moving like blurs to

any observer. But for Naruto, they were moving at a snail's pace.

The first punch aimed for his head. Naruto tilted his head, and the man

was still in mid-air. Naruto punched him in the gut, causing the man to

bounce slightly before going limp. With a thud, he hit the ground. Next, a

sword neared his head.

Naruto blocked it with his kunai and slightly changed the angle of his

kunai, sliding it along the man's sword. He cut the man's chest

diagonally, blood spraying from the wound. Unrelenting, he made

another cut across the man's chest, causing another spray of blood before

the man hit the ground.

Naruto kicked the man on his left side. With a single kick, the man

crashed into a nearby wall, and with a thud, his face hit the ground.

Only two were left, and with his high speed, Naruto appeared between

them with a roundhouse kick. He impaled the man's head into the

ground, his foot still on the man's head.

"One left. How should I deal with you?" Naruto spoke to the remaining

man. This man, who knew nothing about emotions, was now fearing the

man in front of him. Naruto's smile didn't make it any easier. He was like

a devil, playing with them for his own amusement.

Naruto approached the remaining man, but the man was frozen in place,

not moving. Naruto grabbed his face, and the white mask cracked. He

lifted the man into the air, leaped, and smashed the man's head against

the wall. The wall was now stained red with the man's blood.


All of this happened in less than three minutes.

Naruto stood in the middle of the street and sensed a needle heading for

his neck. "Should I dodge this, or let it hit me? Let's go with the second

option. Or, how should I meet that Sharingan thief?" Naruto closed his

eyes, and soon a needle struck his neck.


The sleeping poison began to enter his system, but as soon as the poison

entered his body, his cells reacted to it. The healing chakra from his

Uzumaki genes started to work, expelling the poison as quickly as it

entered. A small drop of blue poison exited from his fingertip.

Naruto looked at it and muttered, "So weak." As he had planned, he

collapsed onto the ground, pretending to be poisoned.

Soon, a Root ninja appeared beside him. "This little brat is powerful. Let

Danzo-sama deal with him," the man said, then lifted Naruto onto his

shoulder and used Shunshin to disappear.

After they left, three Root ninjas appeared on the scene, picking up all

the unconscious Root ninjas. They quickly vanished as well.

AN: How do you like the chapter? Let me know in the comments!

He will meet Uncle Danzo in the next chapter, so be prepared.

Feel free to drop some power stones or else the Root ninjas might come

after you... just kidding!

---------------Your dear author-san

chapter 18 part~1




Chapter 18 part 1 ~ Danzo



Naruto, who had been sleeping in his mindscape, leaned against Kurama's


It was a position of comfort, warmth, and coziness. Kurama's fur felt soft

and, despite being composed of pure chakra, he resembled a normal fox

with the same traits.

Naruto opened his eyes after a restful nap. As he did, he found Kurama's

large eyes staring at him, almost as big as Naruto himself.

"what," Naruto asked.

"You're getting bolder day by day. First, you'd only appear in front of me,

but now you're using me as your sleeping pillow," Kurama remarked.

"Don't be so moody, Kurama. I know you also enjoy my company; you

just don't admit it," Naruto responded with a grin on his face.


Kurama observed Naruto's cocky expression, which irritated him to some


However, he recognized Naruto's teasing for what it was. Kurama wasn't

particularly skilled in verbal battles, and deep down, he couldn't deny

that he also enjoyed Naruto's company.

He grumbled, "You should get going. Someone is waiting for you

outside." Kurama decided to put an end to their banter, not wanting to be

further immersed in it.

"You are no fun… fine I will go," Naruto said,

As he said that Naruto closed his eyes and disappear from his mindscape.

As Naruto opened his eyes in the real world, he found himself confined

within a closed iron chamber.

The chamber was dimly lit, with a single chair positioned in front of him.

Seated in that chair was a man who exuded an air of authority. The man

had black hair, one of his eyes was bandaged, and a prominent cross-

shaped scar adorned his chin.

He was dressed in a black kimono, and his hands were also covered in

bandages. His gaze bore into Naruto as if he regarded him as nothing

more than an object.

Naruto observed the man before him and quickly recognized who he was.


"You took your sweet time to wake up," Danzo spoke in his usual

emotionless tone.

Naruto, not one to immediately answer, asked, "Who might you be?"

Danzo, accustomed to having his authority acknowledged, was annoyed

by Naruto's response. He ignored Naruto's question and posed his own,

showing his irritation.

"Boy, who gave you permission to speak? You are my prisoner, and I will

be asking the questions, not you," Danzo asserted in his authoritative


"Oh, am I your prisoner? I forget about that," Naruto replied with an

amused tone, his voice dripping with sarcasm.


It was abundantly clear to Danzo that the boy in front of him didn't hold

him in high regard.

Hearing Naruto's tone only fueled his anger, although he kept his face as

stoic as ever, betraying no emotion.


"So, this is your answer," Danzo said as he performed a series of hand


Naruto, seated in the chair, noticed that the paper seal around him lit up

and suppressed his chakra. His hands were restrained behind the chair,

and his legs were tied to it.

He glanced at all the seals around him, and he noticed them with a single

glance, "chakra suppression seals" he spoke in a low voice.

Naruto's face remained tranquil, devoid of any fear.

This time, Naruto had extensively studied fuinjutsu under Jiraiya, who

was renowned as the best seal master in Konoha.

Fuinjutsu seemed to flow in Naruto's veins, and he had absorbed Jiraiya's

teachings like a sponge, learning from him as easily as drinking water.

"You guessed it right, boy. Now you understand the situation you're in,"

Danzo said, his gaze fixed on Naruto.

Naruto simply looked back at him. From Danzo's perspective, he had

successfully suppressed all of Naruto's chakra, leaving him seemingly

powerless. Danzo continued to speak.


"I've heard about what you did to Elder Homura and Elder Koharu. You

should understand that you are the village's weapon. Your sole purpose is

to serve the village without question. It seems like you're trying to spread

your wings," Danzo remarked.

Naruto, undeterred, asked, "Does Grandma Tsunade know that I'm here?"

"She doesn't know, and she won't ever find out. She never treated you

like a jinchuriki, and I've heard you hold her in high regard. Once I

control you, I will ascend to the position of Hokage in her place. With

you under my control, Konoha will dominate all other villages," Danzo


"That's fine that she didn't know about me that I am here," Naruot speak

with a smile on his face.

"Boy do you know where are you, and your chakra is suppressed, I will

make you into a fine weapon that only serves me," Danzo speaks.

"Do you really think these low-level chakra seals can bind me?" Naruto

inquired, his gaze fixed on the seals around him.

Danzo couldn't quite fathom where Naruto's confidence was coming


As he stared into Naruto's red eyes, they seemed like deep, enigmatic

gems with endless mysteries, capable of swallowing him whole.


Naruto wore a mocking smile as he continued to observe Danzo, and the

latter couldn't shake the growing sense of unease.


In the next moment, a powerful chakra pulse emanated from Naruto's


The density and purity of the chakra were unprecedented; Danzo had

never witnessed anything like it before.

Naruto possessed an unparalleled mastery over his chakra. These mere

low-level seals were incapable of suppressing his chakra, which rivaled

that of the tailed beasts not only in quantity but also in density and


It was akin to Hashirama Senju's chakra, or perhaps even surpassing it,

thanks to the completion of his bloodline purification.


He carried the purest bloodline in the history of the entire Uzumaki clan,

tracing back to the first generation of Uzumaki descendants, who were

direct descendants of Asura Otsutsuki.

Naruto bore this lineage, possessing the purest bloodline among them all,

rivaling the very sons of the Sage of Six Paths, Indra and Asura.

The vitality of his cells exceeded even that of Hashirama, who was the

reincarnation of Asura himself.

Naruto's bloodline, while sharing certain similarities with Hashirama

Senju's, was fundamentally distinct.

Both bloodlines boasted traits such as immense vitality, large chakra

reserves, and a remarkable healing factor.

The common origin of these traits could be traced back to a shared

ancestor, Asura Otsutsuki.


Although Naruto's lineage had the same roots as the Senju, they had

evolved separately over time.

While it was possible that Naruto might require Hashirama's cells in the

future to bring his bloodline closer to perfection, it was essential to note

that his cells were inherently superior to Hashirama's in every aspect.

Naruto possessed a bloodline of unparalleled purity, with a purity level of

100%, whereas Hashirama's lineage boasted a purity ranging from 90%

to 95%.[A|N~ now you understand what I mean]


Naruto expelled his chakra from all of his tenketsu points, similar to the

Hyuga clan's techniques.

As he did, the seals that were suppressing his chakra were forcefully

dislodged, flying away from him. With an incredible burst of force, he

shattered all the chains that had bound him to the chair.

Naruto leaned against the chair, put his left leg on his right, and rested

his face on his right hand's fist, he comfortable himself on the chair, and

looked at Danzo, who had a stupified expression on his face, how easily

he broke the chakra suppression seals so easily, where he went wrong,

Now, Naruto had taken charge of the situation within the Root base. He

sat on the chair with an air of ease, as if he were in his own home.

This sight only fueled Danzo's anger. He was on the verge of forming

hand signs to unleash his jutsu, but to his surprise,

Six crimson adamantium chakra chains, sharp as spearheads, erupted

from Naruto's back.

Before Danzo could react, he found himself pinned to the wall. Each

chain pierced through his limbs, spreading them out and immobilizing


One chain encircled his waist, while another secured his neck, rendering

him completely immobilized.

"And this is true chakra suppression," Naruto declared. Danzo could feel

his chakra being suppressed to a point where he no longer sensed any of


He stood before Naruto now, akin to an ordinary civilian.

"Now, how does it feel to be without chakra?" Naruto taunted, a hint of

mockery in his voice. Danzo regarded him with resentful eyes.

He had never fathomed that Naruto possessed the legendary adamantium

chains of the Uzumaki clan, capable of even suppressing the chakra of the


"Don't glare at me like that with your eye, or you might lose it just like

your hand," Naruto taunted once more.

Danzo, in all his years, had never experienced such humiliation. It was

the first time someone had belittled him in such a manner, not even the

Third Hokage, but this boy standing before him.



AN~ how do you like the chapter, if you like the chapter tell me in the


give me some Powerstone man

chapter 18 Perfect Jinchuriki...

Naruto looked at Danzo, he had a smirk on his face as he gazed at his

pitiful state, he didn't feel any guilt doing this to this man, this man was

the cause of many peoples suffering, 'Karma is bitch,'.

To become the perfect jinchuriki one had to accept their dark side, and so

did Naruto. Currntly he was the perfect jinchuriki of Kurama.

he didn't feel any bad killing or traumatizing someone if the person

wanted to harm him.

after accepting his dark side, his spiritual energy and physical energy

were in perfect harmony.

"You are correct. Many people hide their true selves, and they stop

progressing in their ninja way. This is related to the spiritual side of

chakra. If someone carries guilt in their consciousness, their chakra

reserves stop growing.

These are the reasons why humans never reach their full potential. They

get lost in their past, and their guilt, and don't show their true selves.

They suppress it. You know, chakra is made of physical energy and

spiritual energy. If one becomes unstable, the growth of chakra also

stops," Kurama spoke in Naruto's head.

"It's not like I became a different person after accepting my dark side, on

the contrary, I felt complete and unrestrained, and due to this, my chakra

is growing day by day. and it will soon surpass yours in terms of sheer

volume," he spoke in his head.

"humph..." Kurama humped but didn't deny his words.

He looked at Danzo in front of him, who was pinned to the wall. Seeing

him, Naruto's smile grew wider. Danzo had a bad feeling about it. Then

Naruto spoke, "You truly look pathetic. The mighty elder of Konoha is at

the mercy of a 16-year-old boy. Don't you think it's quite amusing for

someone like you?" Naruto taunted him as the chain began to cut into

Danzo's skin, bit by bit, with its sharp end. He screamed, but no one

could hear because the room was soundproof.

"Tell me, Danzo, what do you love the most?" Naruto asked. Danzo

looked at him with hate-filled eyes. He didn't even try to remember how

Naruto knew his name. He was in so much pain, the chains were ripping

into his flesh, and without his chakra, he was defenseless, like a lamb to

be slaughtered.

"Let me guess... Ummm... You love this village, right? Or do you love

your Root organization?" Naruto spoke with a malicious grin on his face.

Danzo looked shocked after hearing this. He had guessed it right, but

how? He wanted to become the Hokage; he loved the village, and Root

was his personal organization that he had built himself, it acted like one

of his limbs.

Seeing his reaction, Naruto smiled even more. "I think I guessed

correctly, hehe," Naruto grinned, and his eyes glowed red in the dimly lit

room. "Let me guess what you fear the most... um, yes, the Nine-Tails, the

most powerful Biju. What if I unleashed him in the middle of your

precious village, the one you care for the most? Hehe... and showed you,

from the top of his head, how he destroyed Konoha and directed a

Bijuudama at your Root base. How would you feel seeing everything you

cared about in your life burn to ashes before your eyes? Hehe, that would

be fun to watch, don't you think?" Naruto leaned closer to Danzo and

whispered in his ear. Danzo shivered all over his body; in his eyes,

Naruto was the real demon fox.

Now, Danzo was truly horrified. He cursed Hiruzen from the bottom of

his heart for not allowing Naruto to be trained by him.

Sensing his emotions, Naruto spoke, "Do you regret it now?" He

continued, "But worry not, this is just the beginning. After all, you are the

direct or indirect reason for my parents' death and for making my life

hellish in this village." His chilling voice sent shivers through Danzo's

heart for a moment.

Kurama, who was watching this, had a smug grin on his face. "Why am I

so proud of him... he has corrupted me so much," Kurama thought and

watched with more interest. The more he watched him, the prouder he

became of his friend's actions. Maybe he didn't realize that he had been

slowly corrupted by him, and now there was no way back home. Or

maybe it was his true nature.

Danzo, who had never feared anyone, was now shivering just from the

whispers in his ear. "You have given a mental scare to him. Whenever he

thinks of you, the destruction of Konoha comes to his mind," Kurama

spoke to him.

"Hehe... Kurama, do you want to meet this person? If I'm giving him a

mental scar, let's do it more efficiently," Naruto spoke to his friend.

Naruto squatted down near Danzo, placed his hands on his shoulders,

looked into his eyes, and spoke with a smile, "Let me give you a glimpse

of what I said might become true." As he spoke, a powerful yin chakra

emanated from his body and entered Danzo's body. "Genjutsu: Reverse

Summon," Naruto whispered.

The next moment, Danzo's worldview changed, and he found himself

standing in front of the mighty Kurama. Before he could process

anything, Kurama directed all his killing intent and launched it at Danzo.

Then, with his big mouth wide open, Kurama seemed about to swallow

him whole. Danzo was terrified, never having thought he would have to

face this great and mighty being. But just as he was about to be

devoured, his worldview changed once again.

Currently, his mastery over yin chakra was the highest, possibly the

highest in the Elemental Nations. In the past few months, he had focused

solely on yin chakra.

"Release," he heard a voice, and the next moment, he stood in front of

Naruto, who was smiling at him. "Do you understand? If you cross my

path again, what I've said will come true. You are not my prey, Danzo.

Your days are numbered. If you can enjoy, just enjoy, and don't interfere

with my path. This time I have spared you, but there will be no second

time," Naruto said in a cold tone. His demeanor had changed in his final


"After all, a live man is more useful than a dead man, and I have a

specific plan for his death. It will serve many purposes at the same time,"

he thought.

As the Adamantium chains retracted back to him, one of them carried

Hashirama's cells that were on Danzo's hand. "They might be useful in the


Naruto looked at him, wondering how he could let him go so easily. He

had learned a few tricks during his free time. "Here's my parting gift,


He placed his hand on Danzo's heart, and small Adamantium chains

circled around it, completely binding it. "If you try to use chakra again,

your heart might stop working. Hehe... be careful, and the Sharingan

trick won't save you," he whispered into Danzo's ear, scaring him to the


these chains will work on Danzo's chakra and when they feel fluctuations

in chakra, first they will of his chakra and would kill him by bursting his

heart open.

"I think it's perfect for someone like you, who craves power more than

anything, to now be powerless..." Naruto taunted him once again.

'After all his death will be the most painful one,' he mused.

Naruto stood up and closed his eyes, activating his Kagura's Mind Eyes.

He penetrated all the barriers Danzo had set up to prevent sensory ninjas.

However, Naruto was different; these were high-level barriers that

hindered his sensory ability, but not by much, only a bit.

They were in the Forest of Death.


Back in Konoha, where Naruto had previously fought with Root ninjas, a

leaf floated. The leaf disappeared into thin air, and Naruto appeared in

the empty street.


In the Root base, Danzo looked into the empty space, and there was a

leaf floating in his chamber.



AN~ Don't kill me in comments for not killing Danzo, He is dead in the

future btw...


give me some of your powerstones if you any... Creation is hard, cheer

me up!

chapter 19 ~ part 1



chapter 19 ~ part 1



"Let's head to my apartment. Today was a fun day," Naruto muttered to

himself as he made his way towards his apartment.

He opened the door to his apartment, and the sight that greeted him was

as though nobody had entered it in years.

Dust covered every surface, spiderwebs occupied the corners, and spiders

hung upside down in various corners of his room.

The window had been broken by some hostile civilians who had tried to

harm him.


He surveyed his apartment and let out a sigh. He had anticipated this, so

he wasn't too disappointed. With a hand sign, he summoned 30 shadow

clones from thin air. They all turned their attention to him.

"What are you staring at? Get to work, guys," he said, and they grumbled

in annoyance. In just 30 minutes, they had cleaned up everything. Not a

speck of dust remained in his room.


Naruto pulled out a scroll and unfurled it, causing 20 smaller scrolls to

pop out.


This was his personally crafted scroll.


In the first three scrolls, he placed all the items from his room - his old

bed, table, fridge, mirror, and everything else.

With everything now stored within the three scrolls, his room was left

empty, devoid of any possessions


Now that the room was empty, all the clones turned their attention to the

original Naruto. Recognizing their expectant gazes, he retrieved another

scroll and unsealed it.

He had foreseen this situation, so he had acquired many items from

outside the village.

He was well aware that the villagers hadn't allowed him to make

purchases until he had pressured them into it.


Various pieces of furniture were scattered across the floor, including a

plush and comfortable bed, a sturdy wooden table, chairs, and all the

essential kitchenware like plates, glasses, cups, a new stove, and a frying


Everything appeared to be of high quality and made from glass. On

another side, there were brushes and buckets of paint.


Having practiced fuinjutsu extensively, his skill with painting brushes

was top-notch.

He surveyed his clones and said, "You know what to do." In response,

they all nodded. The first batch picked up the brushes and paint, and

they began their work.

Naruto left his room and stood on the roof of his apartment.

To his left was the red-light district, where all sorts of vulgar words could

be heard in the vicinity. However, he paid no attention to them.


Naruto gazed up at the moon, admiring its ethereal beauty. The wind

tousled his hair, and its cold touch brushed against his face.

His hair swayed gently in the night air, and his red eyes shone like gems,

casting a crimson glow in the darkness.

As he looked at the moon, his thoughts remained a mystery to everyone.

"Why do you look so contemplative when you gaze at the moon?"

Kurama inquired, observing Naruto lost in thought.

"You know, Kurama, there are enemies out there, and I don't possess the

power to confront them, at least not yet," Naruto responded, his eyes still

fixed on the moon.

"If we combine all of our powers, we should be able to defeat them,

right?" Kurama pressed, furrowing his brows.

However, the silence that followed made him sense that things might not

be headed in the direction he had hoped for.

"Right," Kurama asked him again.

"No, if we combine all of our powers we can not defeat the enemy on the

moon, not for now, heck even if we use our powers as a perfect

jinchuriki, and use kcm, there are many people who can defeat us easily"

Naruto reply to his friend, he remembers when naruto used his kurama

mode before war arc, but Itachi easily defeated him.

Hearing this Kurama didn't say anything, he trusted his friend's judgment.

"Hehe... don't be so somber, Kurama. Soon, I will complete you, and you

know I am the purest Uzumaki bloodline holder. I haven't even started

elemental training yet. It's just a matter of time until we reach the

pinnacle of this world if everything goes as planned," Naruto reassured

his friend. He was well aware that his current strength wasn't enough,

and he had a Kage-level shinobi and an S-rank ninja in his thoughts.

Naruto and Kurama continued their conversation as they gazed at the

village, appreciating its nighttime beauty.

Naruto's eyes lingered on a particular clan compound, and memories of

his encounter with Hinata made a smile appear on his face.

"You truly love her, don't you?" Kurama inquired.

"Yes," Naruto nodded in response to his friend and remained silent.

They both enjoyed the quiet moment.

As they sat in silence, Naruto received a memory from one of his clones.

"It's done," he stated, and with that, he vanished from the roof and

reappeared at the door of his apartment.

Upon entering, he found that his room had undergone a complete


The room was divided into two distinct halves. On the left side, both the

walls and the floor were painted in shades of red, with dark rose flowers

adorning them. A painting of Kurama, with its bloody eyes, graced one of

the walls.

On the other side of the room, an entirely different scene unfolded. A

peaceful atmosphere prevailed, with a painting depicting a sakura tree

adorned with pink leaves swaying in the wind amidst a snowy landscape.

Snowflakes gently fell from the sky.

The room's duality mirrored Naruto's complex personality and inner



Naruto gazed at the room before him and smiled, pleased with how it

perfectly reflected his personality. The same aesthetic design extended to

the bathroom and kitchen, creating a harmonious look throughout his


After all the work, he was tired. He jumped onto his soft bed and soon

drifted into a peaceful sleep.



\[AN~ I will upload 2 or 3 chapters after this chapter, this arc will be

focused on our favorite girl Hinata, and how will she rise from her

current character and become the queen of our hearts, you know what I


Give me some power stone.... man]

chapter 19~ part 2


Chapter- Hinata's inner turmoil (A poitic Chapter)


In the Hyuga estate.

Hinata stirred from her sleep, her surroundings gradually coming into

focus. She found herself in her familiar room. "Was it all just a dream?"

The memory of Naruto drawing close to her, his presence steadying her

just as she began to falter, flooded her thoughts.

"He recognized my emotions. Even within dreams, his acceptance filled

me with joy," she mused softly, her hand instinctively seeking solace over

her heart.


Her heartbeat raced, its rhythm rapid and unsteady. She took a deliberate

breath, willing herself to calm her racing pulse.

"If that was truly a dream, it felt so good, but it would be better if this

became real" She covered her face with her hands, as she was lost in her


A rosy blush crept across her cheeks as she remembered about his words,

"my queen," echoing in her mind. 'was it dream or real,'

'why did everything start to become like this,'

These words seemed etched into his subconscious, a testament to the

impact of their shared dream. His handsome face materialized before her,

the memory of him approaching, carrying her in his arms.

"This is so good," Hinata murmured to herself, her thoughts running wild

about her and Naruto holding hands and doing more things...

"ahhh..." she covered her face with a pillow in embarrassment.


*Knock* knock*


A knock at her door interrupted her thoughts. Swiftly rising from her

bed, Hinata made her way to the entrance and gently pulled it open.

There stood her father, his expression stern and unyielding as his gaze

rested upon her.

"Father," she addressed him, her voice a cautious murmur as she lowered

her gaze respectfully.

"You have brought shame upon our clan, you are a disgrace" Hiashi's

voice resonated with anger, his eyes filled with intense displeasure.


This was unpredictable.


Hinata involuntarily flinched as her father's words struck her, leaving her

bewildered and hurt. She was uncertain of what she had done wrong. She

was aware that she didn't excel in clan matters like her sister or her

cousin Neji, but being subjected to such harsh criticism by her own father

was a heavy blow.

His expression of disappointment seemed to etch her as a failure in his


This feeling of humiliation wasn't new to her, it was a sentiment mirrored

by her sister's glances whenever they crossed paths or practiced together.

They both regarded her with an air of superiority as if she were somehow

lesser. This extended beyond her family, encompassing her entire clan.

The collective gaze of her father, her sister, and the clan as a whole

seemed to regard her as an inferior entity. The ache in her heart was

tangible, a constant reminder of her perceived shortcomings.

Deep within, Hinata held a desire for change. She wanted to transform

her clan's age-old traditions, particularly the mark of the curse that had

hung over them for generations.

This yearning was silent but powerful within her but now in times like

this, she felt if she was the wrong one here.


The elders of her clan gazed upon her with a mixture of sympathy and

condescension, their expressions laden with pity. Hinata persisted in her

efforts to better herself, tirelessly pushing her limits.

She understood that she often fell short when pitted against her sister,

but perhaps it was her way of shielding her sister from any scorn that

might be directed her way.

Hinata willingly accepted defeat if it meant preserving her sister's

dignity. However, her sacrifices had seemingly yielded nothing in return;

her own clan now saw her as nothing more than a disappointment.


'why has everything changed, Hanabi wasn't like this, she always loved

me, but why... why did she not remain the same..."


As she reflected on her encounter with Naruto earlier that day, her

determination surged within her like a burning ember.

It was as if this meeting had ignited a newfound resolution within her.

With these thoughts fueling her, she tightened her fist, a silent promise to

herself forming in the midst of her clenched determination.

Her father's gaze remained fixed upon her, unyielding in its intensity.

"Your teammate had to bring you here in an unconscious state," he

began, his voice carrying a tone of disappointment.

"Once more, you've exposed your vulnerability to outsiders. Have you

considered the image you're portraying of our clan?" Hiashi's words were

accompanied by a downward glance, the weight of his concern palpable

in the air.


"It wasn't just a dream," Hinata's countenance underwent a remarkable

shift. A rare surge of happiness flooded her heart, momentarily eclipsing

all other thoughts and concerns.


In that fleeting moment, nothing else mattered to her, she was happy that

everything happened today was not the dream but it was real.

However, the joy was short-lived as her father's voice broke through her


"Today, the clan elders are holding a meeting, and your presence is

demanded," Hiashi's words were delivered with an unmistakable chill in

his tone.

A shiver ran down Hinata's spine in response to her father's stern voice.

The mention of the upcoming clan meeting stirred a mix of emotions

within her.

She had never participated in any clan gathering before, so the question

echoed in her mind: why now? What could be the reason for this sudden


Hinata's thoughts swirled with uncertainty as she tried to anticipate the

purpose behind her unprecedented inclusion in the meeting.

"In 30 minutes come to the clan meeting" Hiashi spook, and disappeared

from her sight.

Deep in thought, Hinata's expression grew contemplative, clouded by a

sense of foreboding.

An inexplicable unease gnawed at her, casting a shadow over her

anticipation of the upcoming meet.

Mixed emotions swirled within her as if she were caught in a

tempestuous internal struggle.

On one hand, she clung to the newfound happiness of finally receiving

recognition from the one she held most dear. The acknowledgment of her

feelings had been a revelation, a bright glimmer in the midst of her


However, the contrasting reality of her clan's treatment loomed heavily.

From willingly conceding victories to her sister in training sessions to

appease her father, to enduring the disdainful glances of branch

members, Hinata's sacrifices were evident.

Her very efforts to shield her sister from scorn seemed to perpetuate her

own subjugation.

Memories surfaced of the days following her mother's passing, revealing

the stark truth that she had navigated those moments alone, without

anyone's support.

The contrast between the genuine affection she felt for him and the gazes

she felt from everyone, were too different, she didn't want these gazes

filled with pitty and distance, disappointment. She wanted to feel how

Naruto looked at her, even if it was for a moment before her fainting, but

she wanted this.

Today's meeting had been a catalyst, a moment of profound

transformation. The stark contrast between the love-laden gaze he had

bestowed upon her and the disdainful glances she was accustomed to

shattered something within her, a hidden reservoir of darkness she hadn't

recognized before.

Gradually, a subtle shift in her chakra occurred, the familiar blue hue

darkening to an unsettling shade of black.

As she mulled over the memories of derision and neglect, an intense

wave of frustration and anger surged within her.

She pounded her fist against the wall, the sound of impact mingling with

the crackling of the fractured surface.

It marked the first time she had allowed her anger to surface, an

outpouring of pent-up emotions.

"Why is everyone's gaze so tainted? Why can't Father understand me?

Why has my sister grown so arrogant that she forgot our bond as sisters?

Why? Why doesn't anyone extend their hand to me?" she cried out in a

mix of sadness and rage, the weight of her questions echoing through the

empty room.

A warm smile graced her thoughts, as his smiling face surfaced in her

mind's eye.

In response, a small tear escaped her eye, tracing a glistening path down

her cheek. "Will you continue to look at me with the same tenderness you

showed today? Can you loveme as much I love you?" Her voice, filled

with vulnerability, was a whisper meant only for herself.

'yes, I want him, he is the only one....'

More tears welled up and cascaded down her cheeks, each drop

containing her complex emotions.

Amidst this emotional turmoil, a physical pain began to throb in her

chest. She clutched at her heart with both hands, a desperate attempt to

contain the ache.

Taking a deep breath, she started to regain control over her feelings. She

wiped away the traces of her tears, her reddened eyes betraying the

depth of her inner turmoil.

In the midst of her tears and internal struggle, she knew the reality.

she felt alone again, the room felt cold to her.

Her deepest yearning was to be cherished and acknowledged by those

around her. Yet, her experiences had steered her toward darkness,

extinguishing any semblance of hope.

In her own solitude, she found herself grappling with the weight of her


With no one to confide in, no source of solace, she was left to face the

depths of her despair alone.

It was a poignant reminder of the darkness that had gradually consumed

her heart, a darkness she had borne in silence, aching for a glimmer of


However, amidst the suffocating darkness that surrounded her heart, a

glimmer of light began to emerge—his presence illuminated her thoughts

like a beacon of hope.

The notion of escaping the encroaching darkness, of reaching out for that

radiant light, grew stronger within her. As she took hesitant steps toward

the warmth of that light, a familiar figure materialized before her.

It was him, the boy she had always held affection for. His vibrant red

hair danced in the wind, his smile a comforting reassurance. At that

moment, she felt as though her yearning had taken form, a tangible

manifestation of her deepest desires.

He reached out his hand, and without hesitation, she grasped it.

With a gentle pull, he drew her away from the shadows that had

consumed her. As his arms enveloped her in a comforting embrace, his

words resonated within her, a voice that seemed to echo from the depths

of her heart.

"You are not alone in this darkness. I have always been here with you,

deep within your heart. You've known that, haven't you?"

The voice carried a sense of familiarity as if she had heard it many times.

It was a powerful reminder that even in the bleakest moments, the

connection she had always yearned for existed within her, waiting to be

acknowledged and embraced.

Within his embrace, Hinata found herself releasing the floodgates of her

emotions. "Yes, you've always been with me. You have always been in my

heart as my guiding light through this darkness," she confessed.

her voice a fragile echo of her feelings. "hey! don't cry, you look beautiful

when you smile. just like today smile, smile for me..."

He spoke with a gentle authority, urging her to rise from the embrace

and face the world outside.

His words resonated within her, the familiarity of his presence

emboldening her. With a nod, she acknowledged his guidance, knowing

that she carried his support within her heart, a source of strength to face

whatever lay ahead.

Gradually, the figure within her embrace began to dissipate, his form

fading like a wisp of smoke.

Only his crimson eyes and the memory of his gentle smile remained,

etched in her mind.

As the last traces of his presence dissolved into the air, leaving behind an

emptiness, she gazed at the now vacant space before her.

The sense of connection and comfort he had provided lingered, a

bittersweet reminder that even in her solitude, she had the strength to

face the darkness with the memory of his presence by her side.

[AN~ how do you like the chapter tell me in the comments,

ready for the next chapter.

Before leaving for the next chapter please comment on this chapter.

chapter 19~ part 3



She snapped out of her stupor and gazed into emptiness. "Thank you,

Naruto-kun. You've always been in my heart – my light in the darkness.

Thank you for reminding me of this once more," she whispered to herself.

She couldn't quite fathom what this was – perhaps her inner self

surfacing, or a feeling buried deeper in her heart than she had realized.

How did Naruto manage to appear in front of her like that?

What lay deep within her heart during the times she suppressed her true

self—was it her authentic essence pushing through the constraints? Was

her repressed identity attempting to lend her a hand? She couldn't quite

grasp it, but this brief encounter with Naruto instilled a newfound

confidence within her.

she needed this to encounter the upcoming meeting, she slightly smiles

seeing his face, and ready herself for the meeting.

After 30 minutes.

In a well-lit chamber, eleven individuals were seated, all dressed in

pristine white kimonos adorned with the emblem of the Hyuga clan.

They exuded an air of nobility and grace. Arrayed around a waist-high

table, five of them occupied the left while the remaining five took their

places on the right.

At the heart of this assembly sat Hiashi Hyuga, the esteemed head of the

clan. Positioned opposite him was Hinata, her head bowed, unable to

meet the gazes of those assembled.

To her left sat her sister, Hanabi, radiating confidence with a smug grin

directed at Hinata.

The elders' gazes fixed upon the two young Girls before them. As their

eyes shifted between Hinata and Hanabi, a transformation played across

their faces.

Disgust and disappointment metamorphosed into pride and approval as

their attention settled on Hanabi. Meanwhile, Hinata, her head still

bowed, could keenly sense the weight of their stares.

"Do you know the reason for your presence here?" one of the elders

inquired, their tone icy and distant. Hinata shivered, feeling the chill in

their words, and shook her head in negation.

The truth was, she was genuinely unaware of why she had been

summoned to this gathering.

"Today, your actions have brought disappointment upon us all. You, in

our estimation, are ill-suited for the role of clan heiress. The qualities

requisite for leading our clan seem to elude you," another elder declared.

Hinata's head drooped even further, her awareness of her shortcomings

accentuated. She was acutely aware of her inherent shyness and

perceived lack of leadership traits.

Despite her genuine kindness towards everyone, it seemed that blame

was placed squarely on her shoulders.

Their verdict was formed without any earnest attempt to guide her. It felt

unjust that they rendered judgment based on mere sparring sessions

against her sister. It was as if her occasional defeats were all it took to

pass judgment, without considering that perfection wasn't an innate


"Your little sister is more talented than you, more confident, more fit to

be the next head of the clan, on this, we were declaring her to be the clan

heiress," one of the elders speak.

Hinata's gaze fixated on them, struck by shock. Her sister, perceived as

more gifted in the eyes of the clan, achieved that distinction deliberately

by allowing herself to lose to Hinata.

This facade granted Hanabi a false confidence, basking in the acclaim of

their father's praise and the elder's nod of approval as the future leader of

the clan.

The first instance she was defeated by her sister, she began to stifle her

genuine self to shield her family from any disappointment.

It was a conscious effort to spare her father from looking at her with the

very expression he wore now. And her sister's attitude remained

untarnished by resentment for her defeats. Yet, for all her sacrifices, what

did Hinata receive in return? Nothing.

"You've heard it, Hinata," Hiashi's words came without remorse or


His tone was as if he were discussing a matter concerning someone other

than his own daughter.

This callousness shattered Hinata's already fragile heart. Her father's

detachment was like a knife twisting within her.

She looked at her father, tears brimming in her eyes. Her gaze shifted to

encompass everyone in the room, then finally settled on her sister, whose

triumphant grin pierced her soul.

The feeling of being looked down upon, as if she had lost everything, was

a blow that went beyond mere disappointment.

The sisterly bond had vanished, replaced by arrogance and a victory that

shouldn't have existed. Her family, the clan she'd always seen as her

haven, had cast her aside, seizing this opportunity as if it were a goal

they'd pursued all their lives.

"Upon achieving the rank of Jonin, the ceremony for the selection of the

next clan heiress shall transpire. Following this, you shall be marked with

the curse seal, signifying your position as a member of the branch

family," one of the elders pronounced.

Hinata's heart shattered into even smaller pieces, her tears flowing


She gazed at her father, his expression an emotionless mask, now treating

her as if she were already relegated to the branch family.

The elders bore the same indifferent countenances. Her eyes then turned

to her sister, who retained her arrogance and dismissed Hinata with

barely a glance, tears stinging in her eyes.

The more she remained in that room, the more her heart splintered.

Unable to bear the weight of it all, she rose abruptly from her seat and

ran to her room, her tears trailing behind her.

"You... strive diligently... do not let us down," Hiashi directed his words

to Hanabi.

"Yes, Father," she responded with cheerful compliance, seemingly

unaffected by her sister's plight.

Hinata slammed the door shut, collapsing onto her bed. Her tears poured

forth like a breached dam as she stared at the ceiling, her eyes red and


"Why did you abandon me to this wretched world, Mother?" Memories of

her mother resurfaced, intensifying her pain.

"My father, my sister... they've forsaken me. Why, Mother? What have I

done to deserve this? Was my kindness meaningless? Have they ever

truly seen me as their daughter or sister?" The more she pondered, the

deeper her heartache became.

"This world is unbearably cruel." Her heart, already fragile, began to

splinter further. All the anger, hatred, and negativity she had repressed

for over a decade started to seep through the cracks in her heart.

Her chakra gradually shifted from its usual blue hue to a deep black,

reflecting the turmoil within.

"Will anyone reach out their hand to me? Will anyone truly love me? Can

I find solace in someone's embrace, free from any regret? Will someone

stand by my side, and provide their unwavering support? Will someone

ever look at me with genuine affection, someone who will hold me for all


Or is daring to hope for such a dream a curse in this merciless world?"

Hinata murmured to herself in the solitude of her room.

"You are not alone in this world," his voice again heard from her heart.

He responded to every query that had haunted her, and once again, she

found herself standing before his gentle, reassuring smile.

His crimson hair danced in the air, and his red eyes gleamed like the

most exquisite and flawless gems, radiating warmth.

His arms stretched open, and without hesitation, she leaped into his

embrace, holding him with all her might. "You don't have to restrain

yourself anymore. I'll be by your side, always," he assured her.

"If someone doesn't cherish you, then it's best to let them go. If anyone

bears hatred or disdain for you, you need not continue to be kind to

them. I am here, by your side, unwavering. Let your true self emerge; I

will accept every facet of you, regardless of your actions or the depths of

your being. My arms are open, always ready to welcome you. That's my

promise," Naruto's words enveloped her with a sense of security.

Upon absorbing his words, the boy she cherished the most stood there,

ready to embrace her regardless of the form she took.

This marked the ultimate catalyst for change. The barriers encasing her

heart crumbled, unleashing the torrents of anger, and hatred that

accumulated over the years, the sea of negative emotions she had


The revulsion towards those who had belittled her, including her

teammates and her sensei, the hurtful words others had uttered about

her, all of it surged forth.

At this moment, a transformation occurred within her – a metamorphosis

of mind and personality toward everyone she encountered.

A transformation was undeniable. Her chakra signature, once serene

blue, had transformed into an intense black, mirroring the darkness of

her emotions.

This change in her heart resonated in the inky hue of her chakra, and a

dark ring encircled her otherwise pristine Byakugan.

Years of suppressed spiritual energy surged into her, fusing seamlessly

with her physical energy, a harmonious synergy achieved at last.

Unleashed from the constraints that held it back, her chakra surged forth


Hinata, with her uniquely pure Byakugan in the annals of the Hyuga

clan's history, had shattered every seal that once bound her.

Now, her chakra, her body, her potent lineage—all synchronized in


Yet, this sudden surge in her chakra wasn't without its cost. The

expanded chakra pathways brought a wave of excruciating pain, a

testament to her swift and monumental growth.

Lying upon her bed, she lifted her hand toward the ceiling, tears

mingling with her genuine smile.

Her chakra swelled, saturating the room, and her body convulsed with

the pain of her rapid transformation.

But none of that mattered; her pain was eclipsed by the authenticity of

her smile.

Amid the agony, she found solace, clenching her fist in a symbolic

gesture of newfound liberation.

"At last, I am truly free. Thank you, Naruto-kun," she whispered before

succumbing to unconsciousness.

Her body, ill-prepared for the immense surge of power and the toll it

took, gave in to the agony, and she lay there, smiling even in her

unconscious state.



A|N~ how do you like the chapter, I tried to write my best,

What do you think about it, tell me in the comments, and if you have

some idea about my story, share it in the comments, if I like your idea I

will put it into my story to the best of my ability.

Give me some power stone, or I will brand you with a curse seal, hehe...

Just joking. See you in the next chapter

—---------------------------your dear author san]

chapter 20



Chapter 020


In Konoha, the morning sun bathed the village in its warm light, casting a

peaceful ambiance over the landscape.

However, peace was not granted to everyone in the village.


In the Hyuga estate.


Hinata awoke, her senses awakening to the world around her.

She felt like she had been reborn, fresh and alive, a completeness she

hadn't experienced before.

With a smile, she got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom,

ready for a refreshing morning bath.

Today, she had a strong feeling that she would meet him.

She glanced at the dress she had worn previously, the one she used to

hide herself under a big jacket.

She decided to cast aside the jacket and let the cold water droplets

cascade over her milky white skin, finding the sensation refreshing. After

her bath, she emerged from the bathroom.


Hinata stood outside her house, ready to venture out.

She was dressed in a black open jacket with a white t-shirt beneath it, a

long black skirt that reached down to her ankles, and black shinobi


Her Byakugan was evident with a black ring surrounding her pale eyes.

Her dark blue hair flowed freely down her back, and it had been

darkened even further. Her hair swayed gracefully in the breeze,

unbound and unrestrained.

Overall, she looked exceptionally beautiful, with an air of captivating

allure—an aura that could be described as eerily enchanting.


Hinata continued walking away from her house, her newfound

confidence radiating an aura of superiority.

She was on her way, and Hanabi, who had just woken up, stepped

outside and caught sight of Hinata's figure.

She recognized her sister, but something was markedly different about

her. There was a palpable sense of confidence and untold pride.

Despite a nagging feeling of caution, Hanabi, true to her arrogant nature,

decided to approach Hinata. She wanted to make fun of her, reminding

her that she was destined to become a branch family member.

With an air of arrogance, she called out, "Hey, Hinata, how do you feel?"


Hinata abruptly stopped in her tracks upon hearing Hanabi's words.

Unconsciously, she activated her Byakugan, and only one slight vein on

her temples indicated how close she was to achieving the purest form of

the Byakugan.

Her awakening had shattered all her shackles, and she now possessed the

purest bloodline in the history of the Hyuga clan.

This manifestation of her Byakugan exuded incredible pressure, and

Hanabi could feel it, as if the weight of Hinata's power was bearing down

on her.


"Litle bitch, don't you dare to cross your line," Hinata spook and focused

her byakugan on her more, she didn't even try to face her, the 360-degree

vision of her eyes was not a joke, there was no blind spot in her vision, as

focused her gaze on Hanabi, Hanabi felt the pressure had increased more,

and if this going on it will be unbearable, she didn't had expected her

sister to be so dominating, "was she always like this" this was the

question Hanabi asked herself, she takes a step back and didn't say

anything and went inside her house,

Hinata gazed at her sister's face with a smile and calmly responded,

"That's how it should be."

After these words, she proceeded to walk out of the clan compound.

As she crossed from the main family's grounds into the branch family's

grounds, her transformation didn't go unnoticed.

Some individuals sensed her profound changes and their instincts warned

them not to even glance in her direction. However, there were those who

continued to look down on her, a behavior that had persisted for far too


Witnessing the hateful and disrespectful glares directed at her, Hinata

activated her Byakugan.

The aura of superiority she emanated was palpable. She locked eyes with

all of them who had been looking down on her, and a confident smile

graced her face.

With a few swift hand seals, she focused her Byakugan on all of them


With the final hand sign, those who had been looking down on her felt a

tingling sensation on their foreheads, and their cursed seals began to


In the next moment, an excruciating pain surged through their heads,

causing them to drop to their knees and scream in agony.


They gazed at Hinata with terror in their eyes, experiencing a level of

pain they had never endured before.

Not even Hiashi, the clan head, had inflicted such torment upon them.

It was the first time Hinata had done this, and it was even more

excruciating than anything they had ever experienced.

They clutched their heads, their screams pleading for her forgiveness.

Now, they deeply regretted their actions, wishing they had never looked

down on her.

The pain intensified with each passing moment, and blood began to

stream from their noses, ears, and eyes. Every second that passed caused

their agony to increase, wreaking havoc on their nervous systems and


Hinata continued to gaze at them, her smile unwavering. Her voice

remained devoid of emotion as she uttered, "That's where you belong,

you fools." With that, she released them, ending their torment.


"That was good, I was a fool before to show them any kindness." she

looked at all of them, fearful, horrified, "Now that feels good, so this is

the feeling when you do what your heart told you, free, without any

restriction, no fear of morals, I love this feeling," Hinata speak to herself,

as she exited the Hyuga compound and came in the vicinity of Konoha's

bustling streets.

Hinata looked around with joy in her heart. "This feeling of freedom," she

whispered to herself, her gaze filled with newfound appreciation for the

beauty of nature.

"It's... indescribable. Everything feels so beautiful, even these small stalls,"

she continued as she walked around, her eyes taking in the world with

childlike wonder.

She let her true self shine through, and like an excited little girl

experiencing everything for the first time, she visited every stall, tasting

all the treats on offer.

Each moment filled her with delight, as if she had emerged from her

home into a world of endless wonder.

Hinata paid no mind to what others might think of her; she followed her

heart wherever it led her.

Not many people could attain this state of mind, staying true to

themselves without self-doubt or concern for others' opinions.

Often, individuals grapple with worries about how their actions may be

perceived by others, forsaking their own happiness in the process of

seeking approval.

This gradual erosion of their true selves leaves them as mere husks of

who they once were.

It's a pitiable fate that befalls many, as most people wear a mask they've

created to please society and those around them, making sacrifices at the

cost of their own happiness.

Hinata, staying true to herself, wore a contented smile as she strolled

toward the park.

She settled onto a swing with an ice cream in hand, relishing the sight of

the sunrise.

The morning breeze gently tousled her hair, and the golden sunlight

bathed her in its warm glow, enhancing her beauty to extraordinary


Seated on the swing, she immersed herself in the moment.

The lush green grass, adorned with dewdrops at its tips, released the

invigorating scent of moist earth, which enveloped her senses and filled

her entire being with a deep sense of serenity and contentment.


Naruto had awoken early in the morning, taking a bath and frying some

eggs for breakfast.

He dressed in his signature black high-collared jacket with red rings on

the sleeves, wearing a white t-shirt underneath. His black ANBU-style

pants were paired with black sandals.

As he glanced into the mirror, he observed his gem-like red eyes, which

held countless mysteries within them. His dark red hair framed his

cheeks down to his chin.

After a final appraisal in the mirror, he left his apartment.

"I don't know why, but my gut feeling tells me to go to the park this

morning," Naruto mumbled to himself.

He couldn't explain it, but after the purification of his bloodline, he had

developed a sixth sense, an intuition for something important.

When his gut feeling or sixth sense prompted him, Naruto didn't hesitate

to act.

Today, his sixth sense urged him to visit the park before meeting Tsunade

to gauge his progress. With that thought in mind, he exited his




A|N` ~

Tell me what do feel about the chapter...

Give me some power stones man...

chapter 21



Chapter 21~~ Hinata's confession and First Kiss


Naruto entered the park, where the morning sun casts a gentle glow over

the surroundings.

He leaned against a wall, observing that at this early hour, there were

only a handful of people in the park.

A few children played in the distance, their laughter filling the air.

Naruto took in the beauty of nature around him, relishing the warm

sunlight and the refreshing breeze that enveloped the area.

It was a peaceful and serene moment, one he savored.


He closed his eyes, enjoying the peace then he sensed a strong chakra

entering the park, he was very familiar with this aura, the black chakra,

and the feeling of superiority was extorting from the person.

Naruto opened his eyes and saw a girl with dark blue hair flowing down

her back.

Her eyes were a captivating shade of lavender.

She wore a black open jacket with a white t-shirt underneath it, and a

long black skirt that reached her ankles.

In her hand, she held an ice cream cone. As she entered the park, she

settled onto a swing, embracing the morning breeze.


She was the epitome of beauty, exuding a strong aura and no longer

concealing the hidden darkness that resided within her.

Her curiosity and desire for freedom were apparent, and an aura of

nobility surrounded her.

"Perfect" was the only word that could adequately describe her.

Naruto looked at her, just like last night Dreem, she was the same when

he saw her in his dreams, or whatever it was, Naruto looked at her,

wanting to engrave her whole being in his heart.

Hinata, who had been sitting on the swing, noticed the gaze fixed upon


She tilted her head and, to her delight, saw the person she had longed to

see the most, looking at her with a warm and loving smile.

Her heart raced with excitement, and she couldn't contain her happiness.

Unconsciously, she stood up, and in her excitement, the ice cream cone

slipped from her hand and fell to the ground.

As their eyes locked onto each other, the entire world seemed to freeze in

place for them.

Everything stood still, not even the air moved. The colors around them

seemed to shift and change, creating a surreal atmosphere.

With her eyes welling up with tears of joy, Hinata began to walk toward


Naruto looked at her with the sincerest and warmest smile on his face as

he stood there, waiting for her.

She took each step with a heart full of anticipation, her longing for this

moment having lasted so long.

As she approached him, the world around them seemed to bend to her

will. Pink clouds painted the sky, cherry blossom tree leaves floated

through the air, and she walked gracefully on the water, her reflection

mirroring her journey.

In her vision, Naruto stood before her with his arms wide open, both of

them immersed in this segmented world.

They had no knowledge of what was happening around them; they

simply followed the path their hearts had been yearning for.

Hinata didn't know how, but she found herself getting closer and closer

to him.

In an almost instinctive move, she jumped into his embrace, her heart

brimming with emotions. "You finally came," she whispered, her voice

filled with genuine relief and happiness. Words seemed unnecessary in

this moment, as their subconscious minds communicated their feelings.

"Yes, I was waiting for you," Naruto replied, his embrace tight and

comforting, his head resting on her shoulder. The scent of lavender

enveloped him as he held her close.

Hinata couldn't help but voice her deepest concerns. "Would you ever

leave me?" she asked, her voice trembling with vulnerability.

"Never," Naruto reassured her firmly.

In his arms, all the pent-up feelings Hinata had kept hidden for so long


But this time, it was real. With Naruto holding her, she felt safe and

protected, a sanctuary away from the darkness of the world.

"You know, my family outcasted me," she revealed, tears welling up in

her eyes.

"They didn't even consider me as their own." As she spoke, her voice

quivered, and her sobs escaped.

It was as if, in his presence, she could finally confront her weaknesses,

and with each word, the heavy burden on her heart seemed to lighten.

"I'm here for you; you don't have to be alone anymore," Naruto reassured

her, his arms wrapped around her, offering her comfort and security.

Hinata's heart swelled with happiness as he spoke, her tears flowing

freely and staining his shirt. "You know, I love you. I've always loved you

more than anything," she confessed, snuggling into his chest as he

continued to speak.

Today, in this moment, she had finally found the courage to express her

true feelings.

She had unearthed all the emotions that had been buried in her heart

since childhood.

Naruto didn't need to say anything; his actions spoke volumes.

He held her even more tightly, his silent embrace confirming what she

had just shared with him.

She was the only person in the entire world who loved him

unconditionally, and now, she was in his arms.

Hinata continued to sob gently in his chest as she poured out her heart.

"I love you. I've always wanted to say this to you. I love you," she

confessed, her words filled with raw emotion.

Naruto patted her back, offering his comforting presence.

He then gently lifted her face, his hands resting on her shoulders, and

gazed into her pure white eyes.

Those eyes radiated happiness and love for him, and he couldn't look


Hinata, too, stared into his eyes, where she found the same love she had

longed for.

Drawing closer to her, Naruto softly spoke, "I love you too, Hinata." Tears

of happiness welled up in her eyes as she heard those words she had

yearned for.

In this moment, everything felt complete for her.

She had confessed her love to him, and he loved her back just as deeply.

The world around them seemed to freeze once more, but in this moment,

she had everything she had ever wanted.

She could be her true self in front of him, knowing that he accepted her

completely, no matter her shyness, timidity, or even her darkness. He

embraced her true self, and that acceptance meant the world to her.

Hinata gazed at Naruto, her heart pounding, as he stood so close to her.

A blush spread across her cheeks as she lifted herself onto her tiptoes,

drawing nearer to him.

Their foreheads touched gently, and with her eyes closed, she timidly

pressed her lips against his. It was her first kiss, a simple yet profound

moment that seemed to transport them to a world of pure bliss.


As they shared this tender moment, something shifted in their minds.

Their first kiss was gentle and sweet, filled with the promise of deeper


When they finally parted, Naruto looked at her, his gaze filled with

warmth and affection. Hinata, still blushing deeply, lowered her head in


Despite the changes she had undergone, there was still a part of her old

self that remained shy and hesitant. It would take time for her to become

bolder in front of him.

Seeing her like this, head down and face flushed, Naruto couldn't help

but feel captivated by her beauty.

Words couldn't do justice to her allure. He gently lifted her chin with his

hand, raising her blushing face to meet his gaze.

Their eyes locked, and this time, she didn't shy away from his look.

Naruto leaned in, bringing his lips to hers once more. Hinata closed her

eyes in anticipation, savoring the sweet moment she had longed for.

As he kissed her, he couldn't help but be captivated by the taste of her

soft, juicy lips. It was a taste he found to be absolutely enchanting.

He opened her mouth with his tongue, and she parted her lips, giving the

way to enter, he touched her tongue with his When he touched her

tongue, a current passed through their body, he warped his tongue

around hers, twisted it, they both slowly getting used to this bliss, their

tongue warped around each other, from his mouth to her, their tongue

played with each other.

This was euphoric for them, they parted, a string of saliva could be seen

between their lips, the sunlight making the orange tint in it, they looked

at each other, the world around them changed and started to run

normally, his hands were on her waist and her hands were wrap around

his neck, they looked into each other's eyes, the same passion, the endless

love could be seen in their eyes.

Hinata's face was red with blush, she took a step back and just looked at

him full of love.


Sakura's voice shattered the intimate moment between Naruto and


She entered the park with a sense of urgency, calling out Naruto's name


Her pink hair bobbed as she rushed toward him, her face contorted with


"Naruto, baka! Where were you? Lady Hokage was asking for you!"

Sakura screamed at him, reverting to her usual demeanor. Her anger was

a well-known trait when it came to Naruto.

Naruto's expression turned cold for a brief moment as he wondered why

Sakura always treated him this way.

However, before he could react, their peaceful morning was interrupted.

Hinata looked at this pink-haired girl, She ruined her time with Naruto,

and now she looked at her She always hated her, Her byakugan was

activated, and before Sakura could come near Naruto.

'Vacuum palm' Hinata spoke in a low voice, and with a swift juken strike,

Hinata's palm didn't even touch Sakura, Sakura felt pain in her chest, She

had a palm printed between her breasts.

She flew away hitting the ground two times and finally crashed into the

wall, sakura coughed out a mouthful of blood.

She looked down, and two of her ribs were broken, She didn't know what

hit her, she looked in the direction of Naruto, and next to him, Hinata

was standing looking down at her with her byakugan activated.

Before now Sakura didn't noticed her, and the next moment, Hinata

vanished from her sight and appeared in front of her, Sakura couldn't

follow her moments, Was Hinata always this strong, This was the thought

that came to her mind.

Hinata appeared in front of him, She squatted down near her, looking at

her with her eyes activated, Sakura felt the pressure on her body, and the

pressure was high, The ground around her cracked.

She looked at Hinata fearfully, she was not the Hinata she knew, the

Hinata she knew was the kind, elegant, and sweet girl, but this Hinata in

front of her, when she looked into her eyes, her byakugan was now

slightly darker than before.

When sakura looked into her eyes, she could feel that she was a open

book in front of Hinata, she was directly looking at her soul, this was the

feeling she get.

"You ungrateful bitch… if I see you looked at Naruto like that, or speak

to him like this, I will rip your tongue out of your mouth" she speak to

her while looking directly into her eyes, piercing into her soul.

Hinata was really angry with this bitch, first, she ruined her time with

Naruto, which angered her but that was tolerable, but then she crossed

her line, shouting at Naruto like this, while in front of her, this was the

crossing of the line in Hinata's book.

Sakura nodded at her fearfully, Sakura could feel that these were not

empty threats.

"Good that you understand" Hinata spoke to her, vanished from her sight,

and appeared in front of Naruto.

"Don't scare her so much," Naruto spoke cheerfully.

Hinata giggled and blushed a bit, "If you say so"

"It's time to meet Lady Hokage, I will find you later," Naruto spoke to her.

"I have some missions to do, I will meet you after that," Hinata spoke to

him, She looked at him smiled, and walked away, Today was the best day

of her life until now, She walked away from the park whistling, not even

caring what she did do Sakura.

Naruto looked at disappearing back, then he moved toward Sakura, he

smiled at her when she looked at him, it was a devil's smile, she didn't

know how to react.

"Do you need some help," naruto extended his hand and a green light

appeared in his palm, sakura was shocked that Naruto know medical

ninjutsu and was better than her while healing her, "you should take

Hinta's advice' naruto speak with a smile, he had to take responsibility

what Hinata did to her, she fucking break her ribs, as his girl he had to

take care of mess she created of sakura.

Sakura looked at him, he was really changed, he was not the Naruto she

knew and one of her friends Hinata changed in just one night, if she ever

considered her a friend, they both changed so much she didn't even

recognize them.

she felt really weak in front of them.

in just 3 minutes her injuries were healed and now she was completely


Naruto looked at her and spoke "You go to your work, I will meet

grandma Tsunade" and he disappeared from her side and a leaf was

floating in his place.

she looked at the sky, remembering what had happened today, after that,

she stood up and went her way.



A|N~ How do you like Hinata, isn't she badass, I know she is, and this is

just the beginning, Tell me how do you like the chapter, and give me

some power stones man...

.....your dear author san]

chapter 22

Chapter 22~ fight

It was noon, Naruto was moving at his normal speed, jumping on the

Konoha's buildings, he marveled at the beauty of the village, and moved

to his destination,

Soon he reached the training ground in the forest of death, there were

towering trees and empty space was there for training purposes, he

landed on a tree branch and found out, that Tsunade had already arrived

at the location,

He jumped in front of them in a swift motion, his black open high-neck

jacket swayed in the wind as he landed in front of them his hair covered

his eyes, and he sided his hair from his forehead and looked at them with

a smile, they all looked at him, it was obvious to them that he was

flexing in front of them,

he looked at her with his gems-like eyes, Naruto averted his gaze from

Tsunade and looked at others, there was his sensei, reading an orange

book, with a bored expression, except him, there were two other people


One of them was the ambu head, he had come with Tsunade, it was his

duty to protect her, and beside him, was a member of the ambu, named


Naruto looked at all of them one by one, reading and analyzing them, he

looked at Tsunade, "so I am going to fight with Kakashi sensei," Naruto

asked her.

Kakashi raised his head from his book and raised his eyebrow, when he

heard his name, "huh… did you say something naruto," he looked at him

with his eye smile. Naruto looked at him, he was used to his sensei's

antics so he just looked at him and then looked at Tsunade,

"No you are not going to fight Kakashi," Tsunade said to him, and looked

at Yamato, seeing her gaze on him, he stepped forward and looked at

Naruto, and Interduse himself, "My name is Yamato, I am a special jonin

of Konoha, lady Hokage give me the task to test your progress," Yamato

introduced himself,

Naruto looked at him and nodded also looking forward to fighting with

him, in these months naruto really love fighting, he honed his battle

skills with Jiraya, and when it came to fighting his heart started to pump

faster, he looked at him, excited could be seen in his eyes, he knows this

was not going to be as easy as those chunin he destroyed yesterday,

They all jumped back from their current spot, leaving only Yamato and

Naruto in the place, naruto looked at Yamato, he was going to full flex in

this fight,

Naruto jumped away from him, he picked up a small stone in his hand,

bouncing it in his hand, everything was quiet, the sound of wind passed

through ears, they looked at each other,

"It's my pleasure to fight with you," Naruto speak to Yamato with a smile,

he was bouncing the small stone in his hand,

All the onlookers looked at them, Kakashi had pulled up his headband,

revealing his Sharingan, they all looked at them,

They were a hundred meters away from each other, they looked, ready to

start the fight at any moment,

Naruto threw the stone in his hand with full force, and with a sonic boom

the stone ripped through the air, creating air ripples around it, Yamato

see the stone coming at him with the speed of sound, everything was

moving very slow in their eyes, Yamato knew if he didn't dodge the stone

his head will be splattered, Yamato tilted his head, the stone passed

trough beside his ear,

Seeing this naruto smiled, he raised his hand and flick his middle and

index finger, and he disappear, and the stone near Yamato's back

appeared in his place, and Naruto appeared behind Yamato's back with a

kunai in his hand, and directly impaled his head, Yamato looked

horrified and next moment he crumbled in the woods,

Naruto felt something coming from under him, he jumped higher in the

air, the ground split open and a wave of woods pierced the area with his

speed, naruto backflipped from his position, the woods chasing him, he

noticed that Yamato had come out from the ground and his hand was

turned into woods and these woods was chasing him all around the area,

Naruto focused on Yamato, his eyes glow, and the shattered ground

around Yamato had many pebbles, naruto had activated his Kagura's

mind eyes, and his sensing abilities were working at full capacity, he

looked at the foot of Yamato, warping his senses with a stone underneath

yamato, naruto flicked his fingers and appeared so closed yamato, he

punched him in the face, sading him fly away,

All the onlookers were shocked, "is this the substitution jutsu, it's as fast

as Minato sensei's flying thunder god jutsu," Kaskasi looked at the fight

and said in a low voice,

[AN~ this works because he had Kagura's mind eye]

"This is my also first time I am seeing someone using substitution jutsu

like this, there is no smoke, which means he has the perfect control over

this jutsu, but how is he able to use it from so far, isn't substitution jutsu

only work in 20 to 30 meter, and the hand seels of his Jutsu are different,

means he had recreated this jutsu, and how far he can substitute himself,"

Tsunade speak to Kakashi,

Kakashi looked at her, "he was using it like it has become his second

nature, it's like Minato sensei, but very different, Minato sensei can

teleport everywhere once he put his seal on it, it didn't matter the

distance, he needed a medium to teleport, and his kunai had seal

engraved on it, so he uses them in a battlefield or teleport how much

distance he wants.

But for naruto, he didn't want this medium to substitute himself, he can

substitute himself anything in the battleground, but how far he can

teleport himself, this thing I don't know," Kakashi said to Tsunade.

They are all fascinated by Naruto's perfect use of substitution jutsu, now

they can see how an E-rank jutsu can become S-rank in capable hands,

With a punch in his face, Yamato was sent flying into the air, he sifted

his body, and landed safely on the ground, with some hand seal, he

shouted 'Wood style deep forest Emergence' and wood upon wood started

to appear in the ground, directed at naruto trying to capture him,

Naruto seeing this level of attack, found nowhere to be run, in front of

him a wave of wood is approaching him at high speed, the ground was

shaking violently,

Naruto took out two kunai from his bag, coated one of them with his

chakra, and threw them high in the sky, he looked at Yamato "You took

care of the ground, what about the sky" Naruto spoke to him, with a grin

naruto flick his fingers, and disappear, he appeared high in the sky and

the kunai hit the ground, he looked down on the ground, started to fell,

"the feeling of look down from the sky is amazing" he thinks to himself,

Naruto looked at Yamato who was looking at him from the ground,

naruto took out another kunai and looked at Yamato, and smile, he threw

the kunai at Yamato, in just two seconds it reached its target, Yamato

thought Naruto was going to substitute with the kunai, with full focus

yamato deflected the kunai.

but he felt pain in his chest when he looked down, naruto's kicks was on

his chest, he looked at Kunai, still on the ground, 'he tricked me' Before

he could he think the saw sky, and he sent flying due to the force of the

kick, and hit the tree breaking it and hitting a stone boulder, cracking it,

in the sky were naruto was falling, a leaf was floating leisurely,

All the onlookers were shocked, "he could even substitute with a leaf, this

is absurd, who can predict his next moves," these were the thoughts of all

of them,

Kakashi had a proud look on his face, after all, naruto was still his

student and he was happy to see how much his student had progressed,

Tsunade was happy that, the village had a new prominent ninja,

In their opening the fight was over so all of them landed beside them, the

ambu commander went to pick up Yamato, Tsunade, and Kakashi were

still on his side,

Kakashi give him a proud look and eye smiled at him,

Tsunade looked at him, "You have progressed very well, your strength is

equal to a special jonin, or if I gause correct, you didn't show us your true

strength," Tsunade speak to him,

"You said to spar with Yamato san, so I just did, you never said to use my

full power," Naruto said to Tsunade with a grin,

"Forget about it, I had seen enough of your progress, and you train very

well with Jiraya," she said to him

"So I going to promote to chunin, you know all of my friends had already

become chunin and some of them are even jonin," Naruto speak to her,

"Not so soon brat… come to Hokage office tomorrow… I had a mission

for you," she said to him,

Naruto nodded to her, "you can go home now," she spoke to him, and all

of them vanished, leaving Naruto alone in the forest.

[AN~ how do you like the chapter tell me in the comments, I know his

substitution jutsu works like flying thunder god, but it's different, believe


give me some power stone if you want to see these types of amazing


----your dear author san]

chapter 23

chapter 23~ part 1, Konohamaru and the team

Naruto who stood alone in the forest of Death, started walking slowly on

foot, he didn't have to do anything in the village till evening,

He walked into the forest, seeing all the towering trees, these trees were

abnormally big, legends about them were that these trees were created

by the first Hokage, and these trees always remain green no matter the

season, he marveled at the beauty of these trees, the temperature was in

the forest was normal in the summer,

The beasts around in the forest were also big like these trees, the beast in

the forest had possess chakra, which was the reason that these beasts had

a bigger size than normal beasts, but they didn't dare to come near

Naruto, they could feel the danger coming out of him, even if naruto had

completely masked the presence of Kurama inside him, but the beast had

their incents that help them survive them, and this time no different,

their instinct told them that stay away from him, most of the beast in the

forest were ganin level and some of them had chunin level chakra in


Naruto walked leisurely in the forest not caring about the beast or


The seal in Naruto had been completely opened, in the sealed space there

were bars and a lock was present before that hold the Kurama's chakra

and him, but now there was no lock and no bars, it was completely open,

there was just a big hall without any bars or anything,

Naruto didn't receive the key from the Jiraiya, this was a reward he get

from the system after changing the plot to some extent, and after getting

the key naruto opened the seal and do some modifications to it, so now

there were no bars, only a big hallway, naruto, and Kurama had trusted

each other, their friendship was so strong, and now in the sealed space

there was nothing holding back Kurama's chakra and him, there was a

big empty room for Kurama's stay, due to the seal was not present there,

the presence of Kurama was felt by everyone if naruto had not

completely mask his presence by his perfect chakra control, {A|N~ some

things left for the flashback}

Naruto exited the forest, it was already evening and the sun was about to

set in a few hours, it was a perfect atmosphere, naruto walked towards a

specific place, he had told konohamru to come to the training ground to

meet him, the boy was so eager to gain his approval, he wants to prove

himself to naruto, naruto thinking about him smiled "let's bull~aham

teach that brat something" naruto said to himself

In a specific training ground, waiting for him for one hour, he was so

excited he came one hour earlier, he told his only two friends and take

them with them, udon and Moegi, one was the girl with orange hair with

two pointy buns on her head, and second was the boy with glasses, they

both looked at their friend, they never saw him this exited and happy,

Konohamru was waiting for Naruto sitting on a big stone, "why is the

time flowing so slowly today, it feels like I am sitting here for hours,"

konohamru said to himself, he stood from the stone and walked left and


And then he saw the figure in the black approaching the training ground,

it was Natruo, he entered the ground and looked at konohamru, and then

looked at the other friends of konohamru, he instantly recognize, they

were always with konohamru.

"You are late big brother," he shouted at him,

"No silly, you are earlier, I am on time," Naruto said, ruffling his hair,

konohamru pouted and didn't say anything, "you spoiled child," Naruto

thought to himself,

Naruto looked at him and than Udon and Moegi, naruto knew if want to

control Konoha he needed some trusted people, that he could trust them,

and what's the better option than the younger generation, give them

what they wanted and they will follow you wholeheartedly, in this

situation there was no chance of betrayal

Naruto remembers how hiruzen sarutobi manipulated him from his

childhood, he restricted everyone to take care of him, all alone in this

world, kick out of the orphanage at a small age, when he was at his

lowest he approached him, give Naruto some hope, and became his only

hope, hiruzen cast a cage around him, only he can enter it, this is why

naruto follow him wholeheartedly, after all, hiruzen was the best

manipulator, not like his friend Danzo, who put a curse seal on the

tongue of his comrades and erase their emotions, once the curse seal

lifted the person will be the one who tried to kill him first. But in

Hiruzen's case, it was different, there was no chance of betrayal, he

engraved the "will of fire" on Naruto so much.

Naruto looked at Konohamaru and spoke, "are your friend also be going

to train with you,"

Konohamru looked at udon and Moegi, they were also excited to be

trained by him, they were freshly graduated genin, and in the academy,

only three jutsus were taught, and some small training, they were going

to assign to some random chunin, wasting there potential, that's why

naruto hate the system of Konoha.

Konohamru nodded to him, "Big brother can you train them with me,

they all are my friends, I can not leave them behind," he speak to him,

Naruto looked at him and then the other two, their eyes full of hope, on

the papers naruto was still a ganin, but in power level, he was an S rank,

so he can't be assigned to the team of his own, but soon it will going to

change, he will make these three the best pillar of konoha for him, the

potential of konohamru and these kids are not less than any genius, their

potential was suppressed by the village system, after all, who wants to

train someone powerful if they threaten their positions in the village.

this was the reason only a few people stand amongst these political

villages on their own, in the villages people care so much about position

and politics, not own their growth, in naruto's eyes these were fools,

what will you do about your political status when a single person can

erase your whole village with a single jutsu. 'Patathic fools' Naruto thinks

to himself, 'you have chakra in your body, use it, it has infinite potential,

but they didn't even scratch the surface of it,' naruto was still in a daze,

"Big brother what are you thinking," Konohamru's voice awake him from

his thinking,

Naruto looked at the two children "Come here, he spoke to them.

[how do you like the chapter tell me In the comments, I know this is a

slow pace story but don't worry it will soon pick up the pace.

and man give me some power stones. ]

chapter 23~ part 2

{AN~ this chapter was fun to write, hope you enjoy}


Naruto looked at the two children "Come here," he speak to them, they

came, and stood beside konohamru, they were all around the age of 12,

they all looked at him.

Naruto pull out a bell and show them, his red eyes flashed and a smile

appear on his face, seeing his smile a chill passed down to their spine.

"If any of you, can touch this bell, I will teach all of you a C-rank jutsu,"

Naruto said and tied the bell to his waist.

"C rank jutsu" they all scream, in the academy only E rank jutsus are

taught, and D rank to gain, but C rank was for the chunin.

All of their eyes became greedy after hearing that they can learn C-rank


"Yes C rank jutsu, if you touch this bell," Naruto said with a smile on his

face, he knew he didn't know any C rank jutsu, he still had not started his

elemental training, he only know some S rank jutsu's various version of

Rasengan he created himself, Rasengan was originally an A rank jutsu in

terms of power, but in his hand, the base Rasengan was an S rank jutsu,

and his favorite variant of Rasengan was on the peak of S rank, touching

the border of the SS rank, he still had not used it in front of anyone, but

soon he will do it if he encounters something dangerous, he had created

this jutsu, it was his favorite variant of Rasingan.

Konohamru, udon, and Moegi look at the bell hanging on his waist greed

in their eyes, jutsus were not taught to anyone if they are not from a clan,

or the village approve them, all the authority lies in the hand of the

village, and people who are from clans, their clan had the privilege to

taught them, and for the common shinobi it's very hard to get even D

rank jutsu, they had to work hard for the village if the village leader is

happy with their work, he gave them some scrolls out of pity or other


"That's so easy, we have to touch the bell, let's do this" konohamru speak

to Udon and Moegi, they both nodded,

And jumped at Naruto at full speed, first was konohamru, and he sweep a

kick, naruto jumped, hands in his pockets, in the air he kicked

konohamru in his guts, he flew away, hitting the ground like a ragdoll,

he didn't expect naruto to be so brutal, he stand up and run towards him

Meanwhile, with Naruto, Moegi attacked him with a punch to his back

while he was watching konohamru fly away like a ragdoll when the

punch was about to hit Naruto in the back, m

Moegi was happy that she could hit him, although it was not as easy as

she thought, when the punch was about to touch, naruto quickly turned

around, slammed his right knee into her belly, lifting her in the air, and

kicked her with his right foot while she was in the air, it happens so fast

for her, first she was going to hit him and next moment she resister the

pain in belly soon she was in the air and the pain registered himself at

the same spot and she was flying back hitting the ground some time

opposite from konohamru,

Seeing that Naruto was looking at the Moegi udon tried to cut the bell on

the waist with his kunai, but he met the same fate as his other

teammates, naruto twisted his leg kicking Udon in his leg unbalancing

him, udon hit the ground and soon a kick followed in his abdomen, he

sent flying hitting the ground many times.

Konohamaru stand up and with a hand seal, a shadow clone appeared

beside him, he extended his right hand and with the help of his clone,

Rasengan was formed in his hand, while Naruto was beating the shit out

of his friend, he launched himself at naruto with a Rasengan in his hand.

Seeing this naruto turned to konohamru, Rasengan was about to his

stomach, naruto slightly sidestepped and hit his wrist with his knee

dispersing Rasengan.

"You are way too slow, konohamru" he heard the voice from his back,

and with a kick on his back, he hit his face first on the ground.

They all stood up and the same thing happen, they were kicked from all

directions, naruto beat the shit out of them for one hour, and his hands

were still in his pocket.

He looked at the three of them with a smile, they were lying on the

ground, with bruises all over their bodies, and shattered clothes, they all

looked at him, he didn't have a dust particle on his cloth, he was as new

as when he entered the training ground.

"Ebisu sensei never hit us, like this," moegi speek.

Naruto raised his eyebrow, "are you unhappy with this," Naruto speak.

"No, I am not," she spoke, she knew this is what real training mean, she

was a smart girl in the team, and after two months of training with Ebisu

they didn't teach anything, she was smart for her age, and soon she

noticed that their sensei hadn't taught them anything in these months.

They were doing just some small D-rank mission in the village, weeding

out the grass, painting some walls, babysitting for someone, she really

didn't like this, and the Ebisu sensei only care for konohamru not for her

or Udon, today she could feel that she had done some real ninja training

despite it was one side beating for her, she really wants to be her student,

not some biased man, she had to harden her resolve that she was going to

be trained by him, she didn't care about his younger age, she was 12 and

he was 15, despite the small age gap he was the most power full ninja

she had meet.

She had made up her mind, she was going to learn to form him, in just

this small one side beat down, her whole perspective had changed, she

could feel that he was holding so much of his power, she didn't why but

she felt that if one of his kick had his full power and landed on her, she

would have gone from this world.

Naruto looked at her eyes, he could see the resolve in them, to be the

best, to work hard, he looked at the other two boys, this was the same for

Konohamaru, in his eyes he was like a god, the image of his was still on

his memory when he saw him in the village standing on the pole, he

remembers, he shivered, his resolve had been more harden

The three of them didn't even come closer to the bell, touching it was so

far for them, now they realized what he meant when he said you have to

touch the bell if you want a C rank jutsu,

Naruto came near him, and squat down near him, he pull out his hands

from his pockets, and a green chakra started to manifest from his hand

the green chakra engulfed all of them, this was his own variation of

mystic palm jutsu, due to perfect chakra control, he made this jutsu, it

can heal multiple people at the same time, but the chakra cost was

immense and you had to be perfectly control your chakra.

If anyone tries to do this jutsu, they will fail, first, the Chakra cost was

immense to engulf many people at the same time, and second, not

everyone has the chakra control like Naruto.

All three of them started to feel the warmth inside the green chakra, and

soon all of their bruises were healed, they looked at him in awe, this was

the first time they were seeing something so amazing, and their respect

for him increased much more.

Naruto took out a scroll and threw it at them, "learn this jutsu, I will be

going on a mission until I came back train hard," Naruto said to him, this

was a D rank jutsu, the body flicker jutsu, it work when you expel your

chakra from the tenketsu of your feet's sole, with every bust you can

cover big distance with small time, this was the jutsu every chunin must


They all looked at the scroll, this was the first just they received, they

nodded to him.

Naruto looked at and walked out from the training ground, "what mission

Tsunade will give me, " naruto thought to himself while walking towards

his apartment, it was already night, soon Naruto arrived at his room,

baked some dinner for himself, and went to the bed, "the mission should

be outside the village," naruto thought to himself and closed his eyes,

A|N ~ how do you like the chapter, these characters will play a

significant role in the future, and I don't want to be this fanfiction bland,

story will progress from multiple angels, how do you like the characters

until now, tell me in the comments,

Give me some Powerstone or konohamru will slam a Rasengan into you

—------------------your dear author san]

chapter 24

Chapter 24

The next morning,

Naruto stood in front of Tsunade, he looked at Sakura, she was fine from

yesterday's meeting with Hinata.

He looked at Tsunade, waiting for her to give them the scroll mission.

Tsunade looked at her student Sakura, Sakura was under the

apprenticeship of Tsunade, today she felt somehow distinct, slightly wary

of something.

Tsunade shook her head, "maybe I am thinking too much, she will be

fine, it must be some quarrel with her friends," Tsunade think to herself,

damn she was right, Sakura had received one side beating from Hinata,

and her words still echoing in her mind.

Tsunade took out a scroll and threw it towards Nartuo, he caught it and

opened it, Sakura also came near him, and looked at the scroll.

"An A rank mission, information gathering mission," Naruto speak in a

low voice,

"Yes, we have heard from a source, that the Three-Tails is soon going to

appear in this world soon, almost in 5 months, you have to go to the

location and check out whether this news is correct or wrong, you have

to find the exact location where the Three tails are going to appear,"

Tsunade speak to them.

"Just two of us, where is Kakashi sensei," Sakura speaks to her.

"Yes You two are the only ones going, it's nothing like a battle mission,

just information gathering, and Kakashi is going on another mission with

the ambu leader, so it's just two of you," Tsunade speaks to her.

They both nodded at her remark.

Naruto looked at Sakura "Meet me at the south gate in 30 minutes,"

Naruto said to her, he was the new team leader in the absence of Kakasi

and Sasuke.

Sakura nodded to him, This mission is going to be at least one or two

weeks long, in the information the location of the tailed beast appearance

is on the border of the land of water and fire, and it will take 3 to 4 days

to reach the border of the land of water, they have to pack their thinks

for this long mission.

"I have a request for you, Grandma Tsunade," Naruto speak to her.

Hearing his words a vein popped out on her forehead, she looked very

young, but the brat is calling her grandma, she sigh, she know his

behavior very well.

"What do you want," she speaks.

Naruto thought for a while, "Actually I have lots of favor to ask you" he

was thinking of the Ninjutus scrolls, " forget about it… it's about the team

konohamru, I want them under my team," Naruto speaks to her, he

knows if she refuses him he will take them by force.

Tsunade looked at him, puzzled, "you are not a chunin and you want a

team under you," she spoke.

"If I am not a chunin, so make me one, you have already tasted my

powers," Naruto said.

"What are you up to naruto now," she thinks, she knew that Naruto was

powerful, way more powerful than Ibesu who currently had the team

konohamru, she thinks for a bit, she can not reject him, she had already

seen his powers and behavior.

she know if she rejected he will take them by force, she had already seen

his personality in front of the elders in her room, she was an excellent

shinobi, she could felt how what the person might do knowing their

personality, and she had seen naruto's personality in their small


"If you complete this mission, I will give you the title of the chunin, and

for the team, I will think about it," she speak to Naruto, Naruto beamed

at her, "You are the best Grandma Tsunade, I know I always can count on

you," saying this he disappeared from the Hokage office.

Seeing this she rubbed her temples, "troublesome red redhead, like her

mother," she mumbled to herself.

Naruto appeared outside of his room, Quickly entered the room, packed

all of his things, and exited his room, he jumped over the buildings, it

was fun for him to do so, it always felt good to him, he was excited about

going out from the village.

Soon he reached the south gate and leaned against the wall waiting for

his teammate to come, and soon ten minutes later she appeared.

Sakura was still hesitant to speak to him, he was not the Naruto she

knew, and deep down she miss the old Naruto.

Naruto looked at her, "Let's go". After saying this he started to walk at a

normal pace on the road leading outside of the village, she nodded and

soon they both were outside the village.

|A\N|~ I don't know why but writing this chapter felt very easy to me

and I enjoyed writing this chapter,

How do you like the chapter tell me in the comments, and if you have

some ideas about my story, share them with me, if I like your idea I will

add them to my story, and will mention you.

can you guess who is the final villain of the story, maybe his name starts

with H... or I..., I have already wrote this story about 56 chapters, and

this is fun writing this story.

tell me do you feel any difference reading this chapter?

and in the next chapters a fight is going to happen.

Give me some power stone or I will seal your mobile in a scroll and

throw it in the water…. Just kidding.

—--------------------your dear author san]

chapter 25~ part 1




Naruto and Sakura walked at a normal pace, crossing the deep forest.

It was still morning since they had left the village. 'It's going to be a long

trip,' Naruto said to himself while enjoying nature.

Sakura walked several steps behind him, her gaze locked onto his back. It

was the same attire Naruto had worn when he first arrived in Konoha.

Sensing her fixed gaze, Naruto turned to her and asked, 'Do you want to

say something?"

"Ah... no, nothing," Sakura replied softly, her emerald eyes reflecting a

swirl of unspoken questions. She had wanted to ask him various things,

but as she observed Naruto now, she found herself hesitating. His

demeanor and the way he carried himself spoke volumes, and she sensed

that pushing too hard might yield answers she wasn't ready to hear.

Two days later they both arrived at their location at the border of the

land of water.

As the night enveloped them, they remained a considerable distance from

the coast. The Land of Water lay encircled by the vast expanse of the


Drawing closer to the coast, they recalled the information they had

received earlier.

According to their intel, the Three-Tails was said to appear along the

ocean's edge.

Naruto and Sakura, their senses heightened, both heard the distinct

'clang' sound as they approached the coast.

Cautiously, they hid among the thick bushes and peered ahead.

Emerging from their concealed vantage point, they witnessed a fierce

battle unfolding before them.

Several Kiri ninjas clashed with two figures. These men wore identical

attire—a long, ominous black cloak adorned with the menacing red cloud

pattern of the Akatsuki.

Naruto's brows furrowed as he recognized the ominous attire.

Thoughts raced through his mind, and he couldn't help but wonder,

"What are they doing here?"


In the meantime, they both had disposed of the Kiri ninjas easily, one of

them with blond hair, using clay to denote bombs, and the other man

was a puppeteer with short height.

"Deidara and Sasori" Naruot muttered in a low voice, 'Maybe they came

here to find out about the soon-appearing beast," Naruto thinks to


Sakura couldn't conceal her shock as she witnessed the ease with which

the two men in front of her disposed of the Kiri ninjas.

These opponents were no pushovers; they were at least Jonin level.

What was supposed to be a straightforward information-gathering

mission had taken an unexpected and dangerous turn.

How had they stumbled upon not one, but two S-rank ninjas?

Lost in her thoughts, Sakura made an inadvertent noise, her surprise

giving her presence away.

Deidara and Sasori looked in their direction, Sasori threw a kunai at

Bushess, Seeing the kunai was approaching both Naruto and Sakura

jumped out for their hiding spot.

Naruto glanced at Sakura because her inadvertent noise had exposed

their presence.

He knew that facing two S-rank ninjas at the same time was a formidable


If he had been alone, he might have managed to confront or escape from

one, but with Sakura beside him, their situation had become much more

difficult to handle.

Naruto and Sakura both landed in front of them. They looked at each


Sasori took out a small poster from his pocket and looked at it and then

at Naruto.

"It's the nine tails jinchuriki" Sasori speaks.

"Hehe, today's our lucky day," Deidara spoke cheerfully. "First, we

discover the location of the Three-Tails, and now the Nine-Tailed

Jinchuriki appears right before us."

He was confident that this stroke of fortune was on their side. If they

could capture the Nine-Tails here, their leader would be pleased, and one

of their crucial tasks would be accomplished.

"Oh... so you want to capture me," Naruto responded defiantly. "But I'm

not sure if you have the qualifications for that."

Even in this dire situation, Naruto couldn't let others underestimate him;

it stung his pride deeply.

Hearing his remark, both Deidara and Sasori turned their attention

toward him.

"Let us show you if we have the qualifications to capture you or not,

brat," Sasori declared.

Naruto remained silent; he knew that the moment he appeared in front of

them, a confrontation was inevitable.

Deidara was the first to take action. A small clay bird shot toward Naruto

at incredible speed.

Naruto leaped toward them with agility, closing the gap swiftly.

Suddenly, the clay bird entered his field of vision, right in front of his

face, and a deafening explosion ensued.

Sakura screamed in horror when she saw Naruto engulfed by the

explosion. As the smoke and dust settled, there was no trace of him.

"This was too easy, but something feels off," Sasori remarked to Deidara.

Suddenly, Naruto reappeared before them, unscathed. "You know, you

surprised me," he said to Deidara. "I didn't expect your clay birds to be so


Fighting two S-rank ninjas was no walk in the park, and he was reminded

that this was not easy but a real-life battle.

In this world, many secrets lay deeply hidden, unseen by most. Fighting

two S-rank ninjas was far from child's play.

Without a response to Naruto's words, Sasori extended his hand.

Thousands of senbon needles, coated in Sasori's deadly spatial poison,

shot out with remarkable speed. The attack was long-reaching and

covered a wide area.

Naruto swiftly dodged every single senbon with remarkable speed, some

of them deflecting off his chakra-coated hand.

As he glanced back, he noticed Sakura's horrified expression.

She had been caught off guard by the wide-range attack and had

nowhere to run. Attempting to escape would only result in the senbon

hitting her.

Naruto glanced at Sakura, witnessing the senbons closing in on her


Realizing she was about to be struck by the deadly needles,

Naruto extended his hand and, with a flick of his fingers, appeared in

front of Sakura. Swiftly, he drew two kunai and infused them with his

chakra, causing them to glow red.

As his bloodline purification took effect, his chakra transformed into a

vibrant red hue.

Naruto coated his two kunai with his chakra, skillfully applying shape

manipulation techniques. Not many shinobi possessed the ability to coat

their kunai with chakra; this was a technique mainly taught to samurai.

Samurais could extend this concept to their entire swords, allowing them

to cut through any ninjutsu, depending on their chakra output and

mastery of chakra shape manipulation.

For Naruto, who had mastered the Rasengan, the pinnacle of shape

manipulation, this task came easily. Coating a weapon with nature

transformation was a different skill altogether, but one he had honed to


Naruto appeared in front of Sakura, his two kunai started to glow red

after coating his chakra, and he looked at Sakura. "Weak, how long do

you hide behind me," naruto spoke in a low voice, only heard by her.

Naruto twisted his body as he witnessed thousands of senbon needles

rapidly approaching. He lifted his hands, preparing himself for the

imminent onslaught.

Beneath the moonlit night sky, his movements were a dance of grace and

precision. Each time he deflected a needle, a crimson arc painted the air.

Naruto's motions were a breathtaking display, and the tranquil night only

enhanced their beauty.

In Naruto's perspective, true mastery over a technique meant executing it

with flawless and mesmerizing elegance.

Sakura watched, her gaze fixed on his back, captivated by his

movements. The way he effortlessly deflected every needle was a

mesmerizing and perfect spectacle in her eyes.

Naruto activated his Mind's Eye of Kagura and extended his senses across

the battlefield, casting his perception wide. The beach offered no stones

or objects, only sand and water, but that was sufficient for him.

After skillfully deflecting the barrage of poisonous needles, Naruto turned

his attention to their assailants.

With a grin, he taunted, "How do you like my art?"

As the battle unfolded, Naruto found himself increasingly enjoying the


Without waiting for their response, he declared, "Let's get to the real


With a mere flick of his fingers, he disappeared from view, leaving

behind only swirling grains of sand suspended in the air.

Behind Sasori, the sand surrounding him vanished, and Naruto

materialized, clutching a Rasengan in his hand.

With a swift motion, he shattered the outer puppet that had concealed


Startled by Naruto's speed and his adept use of the substitution jutsu,

Sasori leaped away.

As he distanced himself from the battlefield, he revealed his true self,

appearing significantly younger compared to his previous puppet-like


chapter 25~ part 2

Sasori glanced angrily at Naruto, frustrated that his puppet had been

destroyed and that the real fight between them was about to begin.

Suddenly, numerous clay birds materialized in front of Naruto. With his

agility, he skillfully dodged each bird as it detonated.

Deidara utilized long-range attacks by shooting clay birds at Naruto, who

continued to evade them amidst the explosions without sustaining any


Naruto realized that it would be challenging to approach Deidara due to

his constant position changes after witnessing Naruto's substitution jutsu.

The explosions grew larger and more frequent.

Amidst evading the massive clay birds, Naruto noticed a small bug on his

shoulder. It exploded near his ear and more bugs latched onto his body.

Naruto was trapped in the middle of explosions with nowhere to run.

Observing the bugs covering his body, Naruto joined his hands together

and emitted a powerful wave of chakra from all tenketsu points. The bugs

were forcefully expelled from his body, resulting in a massive explosion.

After releasing the chakra, Naruto stood in a deep crater approximately

ten meters in diameter, demonstrating the density of his chakra. This

display amazed everyone present.

Sasori and Deidara silently acknowledged that only Naruto possessed

chakra capable of creating such a significant crater and deemed him a

formidable opponent.

"You managed to evade my attack. Capturing you won't be as easy as we

thought," Deidara remarked.

Deidara reached into his clay bag and the mouth on his hand consumed

the clay, producing a large bird capable of flight.

He mounted the bird and soared into the sky, causing Naruto to

contemplate the difficulties he would face if attacked from above.

Meanwhile, Sasori unrolled a scroll to reveal the puppet of the Third

Kazekage. Naruto focused his attention on Sasori and formed two

enhanced Rasengan in his hands, which had a higher spinning speed and

created a circulating wind around his hands.

Sasori swiftly launched an iron spike at Naruto, who evaded it by


However, more spikes continued to come, prompting Naruto to disappear

from his original spot, leaving only sand flowing in its place. Naruto

reappeared at a distance, yet the onslaught of iron spikes persisted.

To defend himself, Naruto deflected the iron sand using his Rasengan.

Whenever an iron spike approached, he adjusted its angle using his


While deflecting the iron sand, Naruto sensed chakra signatures behind


The signatures approached rapidly, leaving him little time to utilize

substitution jutsu. Consequently, a clay bird exploded behind Naruto.

He narrowly avoided an iron needle but suffered a slight cut on his

cheek. The force of the explosion sent Naruto flying, causing him to

collide with the ground multiple times.

Sakura's heart sank at the sight of Naruto's injuries. Nevertheless, Naruto

bravely stood up and smiled after surviving such a powerful explosion.

The onlookers gazed at Naruto in awe as the cut on his cheek visibly

healed within three seconds.

It appeared that Naruto possessed exceptional control over his healing

chakra, allowing wounds to heal mid-battle. Similar to Hashirama Senju,

Naruto exhibited incredible healing abilities even in the midst of combat.

"This is getting fun. Let's be more efficient," Naruto exclaimed with a

crazed grin. He relished in the thrill of fighting and recognized that this

battle was the most challenging he had faced thus far.

"Are you ready, Kurama?" Naruto spoke to his friend. "Ready when you

are," Kurama spoke, just as excited as him.

Naruto clasped his hands, and a wave of killing intent spread into the

surroundings. A malevolent chakra cloak of pure blood red, matching his

hair, covered his body. "Damn, a perfect jinchuriki," Deidara spoke from

the sky.

The killing intent spread to a few kilometers, and Naruto's Kurama mode

was not in golden color this time. Kurama had not dispersed his hatred or

killing intent from his body, making him more beast-like.

Naruto and Kurama were completely cooperative with each other, and

the red chakra cloak around Naruto glowed in the night. He looked like a

devil that emerged from hell.

On the other side, Sakura was on her knees. The killing intent from

Kurama was unbearable for her, and she struggled to breathe. She looked

at Naruto, who appeared like a true devil to her.

He clicked his tongue and said, "She is so weak." Naruto retrieved all the

killing intent from the area, and Sakura breathed heavily, feeling as if a

mountain had been lifted from her shoulders.

The pressure in the area had been lifted as well.

With precise control, a wave of killing intent hit Deidara and Sasori,

directed solely at them and not affecting anyone else.

When the pressure of killing intent hit Deidara in the sky, his bird

dropped several meters due to the heavy pressure. Sasori, on the other

hand, sank a few inches into the sand.

Naruto pulled out a scroll from his pocket, and with a puff, a sword

resembling the Kusunagi blade appeared in his hands. The red chakra

started to engulf the sword as Naruto swung it in a full arc towards


The sword wave cut through everything in its path. Sasori moved his

fingers, and a shield of iron manifested in front of him. With a loud bang,

the sword wave and iron shield collided. The sharp shockwave cut

through the iron shield and moved towards Sasori. He summoned a cube

of iron to block the sword attack.

The atmosphere tensed as Naruto entered his full Kurama chakra mode.

Naruto flicked his finger, causing sand to float in his place. In his right

hand, a Rasengan about his size slammed into the iron cube protecting


This was the biggest variant of Rasengan, measuring 1.6 meters in

diameter. As the Rasengan hit the iron sand, it started grinding it, slowly

making its way towards the Kazekage puppet.

Sasori poured more and more iron sand into the defensive shield, but to

no avail. This Rasengan was so big and spinning at the highest speed it

could maintain. It illuminated the night when it collided with the iron


When the Rasengan was about to hit the Kazekage puppet, Sasori

retrieved it with a puff of smoke and jumped back.

The Rasengan hit the empty ground, causing violent shaking and

completely demolishing the area within a 50-meter radius. Naruto looked

at Sasori with a smile and said, "You are fast enough to evade my attack."

Sasori couldn't afford the destruction of his Kazekage puppet. In the air,

Deidara stabilized himself with an angry look on his face.

He was about to fall from the sudden killing attack that lingered around

him, slowing both him and Sasori. Deidara put his hand in his bag.

Hundreds of clay birds shot out from his hand, all directed at Naruto. The

area lit up with loud explosions as Deidara didn't care about anyone on

the battlefield and blew up the entire area where Naruto had stood


He looked at his handiwork from the sky and said in an excited voice,

"True art is an explosion," as he bombarded Naruto with his clay birds.

The area around the sea was completely destroyed. Naruto stood in the

middle of the explosion, his wounds still healing. The chakra cloak had

protected him from this magnificent level of explosion. Although

wounded, he remained excited.

Sasori didn't give them a moment of rest. With a puff of smoke, hundreds

of puppets stood beside him. Naruto glanced at them and then looked at

Sakura, who was far from him.

"Fight with me, or do you intend to stay behind and watch?" Naruto

spoke to her. He knew that Sakura had the potential to rival Tsunade, but

her mentality was holding her back. Her behavior was still a problem for

him, but he didn't harbor any hate towards her.

If he wanted to build a team that could overcome any challenge, Sakura

had the potential to be a part of it. He just needed to correct her

mentality, even if it meant using brutal or manipulative methods. Naruto

knew her weak point, and if he could correct her mentality, he would

exploit that weakness.

Sakura looked at him and hardened her resolve. She no longer wanted to

burden him or rely on him for protection. Sakura appeared beside him.

They both looked at the hundreds of puppets. Naruto crossed his fingers,

and hundreds of chains burst out from his back. Naruto had explored the

shadow clone jutsu and created his own jutsu by incorporating aspects of

its consciousness into his adamantium chains.

This large-scale jutsu allowed him to manifest chains with their own

consciousness. He no longer had to manually command them, unlike the

maximum of 30 chains he could handle manually. With this jutsu, he

could create thousands of chains with consciousness, as long as he had

the chakra to support them.

However, these chakra chains consumed a significant amount of his

chakra. The 100 chains with consciousness had depleted 90% of his

chakra reserves, despite him having an inhumane amount of chakra.

The menacing chains swayed around him, their sharp ends capable of

piercing through anything. They all observed in shock as hundreds of

chains protected him from all sides, their red appearance resembling


Sakura, standing beside him, looked at the sight in awe and curiosity.

"What are these chains, Naruto?" she asked, her eyes fixed on the bloody


"They are my clan's kekkei genkai," Naruto answered.

This all happened in less than 8 seconds.

They all looked at each other—Sasori with his hundred puppets, Deidara

from the sky, Naruto with his adamantium chains, and Sakura with her

chakra-enhanced fist.

They rushed towards each other, Sakura and Naruto launching attacks

while Sasori controlled his puppets. Deidara formed clay birds and aimed

them at Naruto and Sakura.

Five chains rushed towards Deidara, precisely intercepting all the clay

birds and destroying them before they could explode. The chains then

headed towards the sky, attempting to capture the flying birds.

Deidara panicked as all his explosive bombs were destroyed, and the

relentless chains chased after him.

He flew higher in the sky, hundreds of meters above where the chains

couldn't reach him. To his surprise, the chains didn't stop.

They continued to chase him in the sky. The longer the chains extended,

the higher the chakra cost for Naruto.

Unlike shadow clones, these chains were physical manifestations of

chakra and required significant chakra expenditure. Seeing that Deidara

was getting farther away, the chains eventually ceased their pursuit.

On the ground, Naruto stood with 95 chains and a sword in his hand as

he and Sakura launched their attacks. A fierce battle commenced, with

Naruto easily cutting through the puppets and Sakura destroying one

with a single punch.

Every adamantium chain destroyed some puppets every minute, in less

than 3 minutes all the puppets were destroyed, and then a ball of clay hit

the ground in front of Sakura, and a big explosion happened, one of

Nauto's chains warp around Sakura's waist and pulled her away, Sakura

saw the explosion so close, it only one inch away from her body, before

she was dragged away. She looked at Naruto "Thanks" she speak, she was

only one hair away from death.

Deidara appeared beside Sasori, and suddenly a centipede started to

crawl on Naruto's body, naruto looked at the white clay centipede crawl

on his body.

Deidara held a hand sign "Now the game is over," Deidara spoke, Naruto

looked at him with a smile his eyes slightly glowed, "are you sure" Naruto


Deidara was puzzled, and then everything changed, he found the

centipede for Naruto was on his body, and Naruto was standing in front

of him with a bloody moon behind him, illuminating his back, and his

red eyes glow in shadow on his face.

"Genjutsu... since when," Diedara said in a low voice, this was the second

time this happen to him, the first was Itachi, and now Naruto, "I hate

Genjutsu user's" Deidara shouted.

An~ how do you like the chapter, tell me in the comments.

the fight is almost complete. And after this chapter, the conflict between

the hidden villages start.

what are your thoughts about his new jutsu 'the adamantium chains'

give me some power stones man...]

chapter 25 ~ part 3

Naruto dispersed all the chains, after seeing that the fight came to an end

he extended his hand, and a chain burst out from his palm, it was so fast

that no one could see it, directly aimed towards Deidara's head, and

when the chain was about to impaled his head, a swirling portal

appeared in front of the chain, and the chain directly sucked into the

portal, and a masked man appeared before Deidara.

Naruto looked at him, he knew who he was, the Kamui portal closed

cutting the chain.

Tobi looked at the devasted land in front of him, the landscape was

changed due to the battle, he was informed by the black zetsu that

Deidara and Sasori was fighting the 9 tails jinchuriki and having a hard

time, and black zetsu was informed by the clone of white zetsu who was

observing the fight from the start. And when Naruto started to gain the

upper hand he informed to black zetsu, and so Tobi appeared in front of


This was not in his plans, he can not afford to lose any member of

Akatsuki now, that the mission of capturing the tailed beast had not

started yet, and they were still collecting funds for the organization. And

before the member could at least capture one tailed beast, he could let

them die before completing their mission. He looked at Naruto, amazed

by his growth, but he was not concerned about him for now, he was not a

threat to him. The mission to capture the nine tails was on Nagato, so he

was not worried about him, his plans were still playing were smoothly.

They all looked at the newcomer, "let's go, the leader sends me to escort

you," Tobi spoke in a cheerful manner.

"But" Deidara wanted to say something but Tobi cut him in his tracks, he

put both of his hands on Deidara and Sarori.

"I will attack you when you least expected," Deidara spook while going

into the Kamui portal.

"You have grown very well naruto uzumaki," Tobi spoke while the Kamui

portal closed.

Now on the battlefield only Naruto and Sakura stood, staring at the

empty place before them, they just vanished.

Nauto dispersed Kurama's chakra and hit the ground with his back, on

the beach, into the sand looking at the moon, these chakra chains used

his 95% chakra, and the chains were really exhausting on this scale, after

providing them self-conciseness, due to their physical form of chakra,

they were a mix of 80% of yang chakra and 20% of yin chakra, that's

how they gain the physical form, yin, and yang chakra were the reason

behind their formation and also the reason to be them so strong, these

chains only uses his chakra, not Kurama's.

Naruto lay on the ground, the cold breeze of the sea hit his face, ruffled

his hair, and the moonlight poured on his face, in this stated he look so

celestial and noble, sakura sat beside him, enjoying the waves of water

when the wave touch her feet a smoothing sensation hit her whole being,

she looked at naruto who was had closed his eyes, she had many

questions in her heart she wanted to ask, how he become so powerful, is

he really that strong always, she also wants to be powerful, she looked at

his handsome face, was he always this handsome, is he some kind of

prince or something, damn she gauged it right, he was the only heir of

Uzumaki clan, you can say him the prince Uzumaki.

Sensing her gaze naruto speaks, "What is in your mind, speak"

But before she could speak they were surrounded by the remaining kiri

and iwa ninjas, they were all around chunin level.

"Look what we have here, a girl and a boy, the jinchuriki of Konoha, if

we capture them, Konoha will be doomed and our kage would be

impressed by us," the Kiri ninja speak, a kunai in his hand, naruto who

was laying on the ground didn't even open his eyes.

Seeing this, the ninjas from Kiri and iwa who came here to investigate at

the same time were inraged, "you cocky brat, you will pay for your

ignorance," one iwa ninja speak.

They came near them, enclosing them in a circle, cutting all the roots of

escaping, sakura clenched her fist, they just finished their battle and now

these are ready to kill or capture them, she was ready to fight, she was

not going to die here, in the presence of naruto, she had confidence,

although they had exhausted their chakra.

"Sit still, don't move "Naruot spoke to Sakura, she looked at him, and he

had his closed eyes, she nodded and didn't move.

"You cocky bastard," but before the man could speak anymore, a chain

spurt out from Naruto's chest, impaled the mouth of the man and exited

from his head, and then the chain started to pierce the heads of ninjas

one by one, blood splattered out, brain organs hit the ground, and the

chains pierced them making a circle around them, they were standing

still, a single chain supporting them, who had pierced through their


Blood sprayed out like a waterfall from their heads, Sakura who was near

one of the ninjas, dyed in blood, looked at the dead man, he was standing

due to chain, this was the first time she had experienced something like

this, her hair, her face, her cloths were dyed on the blood, this seen will

always be in her head, this was the first time she experienced the real

shinobi world, there was no guarantee of life, one moment you live and

other you could die.

On this gruesome sight, she held her stomach and let out the insides of it.

Naruto knew this was important to her, so he just showed her what the

real world looked like, earlier than the original, now her mind would

change, and she will train hard not to die on the battlefield like these


Naruto dispersed his adamantium chain, and the men who were standing

started to fall one by one, only two ninjas were alive, they looked

horrified, their companion just died like that.

"Go and tell your village, Konoha is not what it was in the past," Naruot

spoke in a calm voice, "hehe… if you stop before you reached your

village, I will personly kill you, now scram," Naruto said to them in a

menacing way. They shivered at his tone. And without any hesitation,

they run as fast as they could securing their pitiful life from the devil.

Naruto really enjoy this, doing more psychological damage than physical,

if someone come to kill him he will not spare them, and the other villages

were getting ahead of themselves, in his heart naruto loved Konoha, he

consider Konoha his personal property, if someone is going to cause them

trouble he will deal with them, he was not worried about Tsunade what

she will say to him, he will handle her.

Naruto took a deep breath and stood up, "Let's go, our mission here is

complete," he spoke to her, she was still traumatized, he knew she will

get out from it sooner or later, so he was not worried about it, she was

the Tsunade's apprentice, Tsunade will give her some advised she needed,

she looked at him her eyes were empty without any light in them, she

nodded, stood up.

They started to walk on foot, they didn't have to hurry, they were

exhausted so it was normal for them to walk on foot.

On the way in Naruto's head, "In this fight, I realized that I don't have

any long-range attacks, nor some defensive jutsu, I have to start nature

transformation soon," Naruto thinks to himself.

He acknowledged his shortcomings he was not some arrogant prick who

thinks he was above everyone else, in this fight he realized his

shortcomings, he just has Rasenagan and his admentium chains to attack

and defense, he needs to speed up his training, he had to start to his

elemental training, he had all affinities, and with his six eys it's a matter

of time when he masters them, and then he had many plans like Senju

cells, creating kekkei genkai, keekei tota, he wanted to experiment on all

these things, and there is his beloved hinata, he wanted to learn gentle

fist from her, to level up his taijutsu to max level, he knew that the gentle

fist was the best taijutsu style, and he will learn it." naruto thinks to


AN~ how do you like the chapter tell me in the comments.

and give me some power stones....}

chapter 26

AN~sorry for the break, I will try my best to upload daily from now on.

Enjoy the chapter.

Naruto and Sakura walked through the forest on their way to Konoha,

Sakura was leading the way, Naruto looked at her.

"Tell me sakura… do you want to meet Sasuke," Naruto speak stooping

into her track, hearing Sasuke's name she stopped, and looked at Naruto,

"yes" she immediately said.

For her Sasuke was the best, she loved him, and now she got the chance

to meet him, she didn't going to waste it.

Naruto smiled at her, "You will meet him soon, you just have to train

hard to meet his expectations, you know what I mean" Naruto speak to

her, manipulating her to become powerful, for his own reasons.

"When will I meet him," Saskura said getting impatient, she always

wanted him to come back to the village, but due to her weakness, she

couldn't do it.

"Maybe in 6 to 7 months, until then you have to practice hard," he said to

her, remembering the events that are going to happen in the future, or

maybe not due to his presence.

many things had changed, and the butterfly effect had long started to

take place, but Naruto was getting excited just thinking about it, he was

sure many things will change and will not know the future but he was

happy about it, he liked the unexpected. And for Sasuke, he had other

plans for him.

Sasura nodded to his answer, she had hardened her resolve, she will

going to train hard, she had seen the real shinobi world, and she could

die any moment, if she will die how could she be able to marry her

Sasuke-Kun? For Sakura, Sasuke was the sweet pill, you can manipulate

her how you wanted in the name of Sasuke,

Soon they reached the large gates of Konoha, a smile appeared on their

faces, both had different reasons.

They entered, and soon they found themselves in front of Tsunade who

was Glaring daggers at Naruto, the reason... Naruto knew very well,

"Mission report team 7, successes" Naruto speak with a smile.

"So the information was true," Tsunade asked them.

"Yes, the three tails location was correct, it will appear on the border of

the land of water," Naruto speak to her.

"And you fought with the two S-rank ninja the members of Akatsuki,"

they both nodded, they came to Konoha very slowly, almost in 6 days

enjoying the way.

Sakura told her the events that happened on that day.

Tsunade looked at Naruto, "Do you know what you have done, you killed

the ninjas from the kiri and iwa" she speak slightly angry at him.

"So what, they were about to kill us, how could I sit still and watch them

kill us," naruto replied to her, not even slightly affected by her anger.

Tsunde threw two scrolls at him, " look Kiri and Iwa demanded an

explanation from us," She spoke, the news had reached her a few days

earlier that Konoha ninjas killed the ninjas from the Iwa and Kiri, and a

message had been sent by them to explain them.

Naruto didn't even open the scroll and looked at Tsunade, "since when

Konoha became so spineless, to threaten by these insignificant people" he

spoke to her looking directly into her eyes.

she looked at her she wanted to speak but no words came out of her

mouth, she was also thinking, "When did Konoha become so weak that

they will give any explanation to them, in the rule of first and second

Hokage no one dares to talk to them like this," then she realized.

"it was the sarutobi hiruzen who made Konoha so weak, so soft, he did

greater harm to the village than kayubi did. Now no village took them

seriously, they fucking demanded an explanation from them," Tsunade

had understood what Naruto want to say to her.

anger flashed in her eyes, the village her grandfather make, how could

this become so weak, who made the village so weak,

"she remembered the 3rd Hokage talking about the will of fire, he made

this village weak, why don't appear geniuses in his time, and those who

appeared died mysteriously, or stopped in their progress,

Konoha council, the elders, Danzo, used the village as they wanted,

making it so weak that no one had the respect that the old Konoha had in

her grandfather and granduncle's time, all the higher-ups of Konoha are

corrupted, using the village like their toy, I had to clean up the mess that

sarutobi hiruzen had created," Tsunade think to herself, the looks in her


That's what Naruto wanted to see.

with just one sentence he had made her realize.

Tsunde looked at her, she knew what he had done, with one sentence he

had forced her to think differently, "his words are more dangerous than

the beast inside him," Tsunade had these thoughts.

"thank god he is on Konoha's side," Tsunade sighed she had an indifferent

look, "now it's time to make recover Konoha to its full glory that it had in

the past, feared by every nation," Tsunde had made up her mind.

Naruto looked at her, "Now do you still want to give them an explanation

of what I did," Naruto speak to her.

"Fuck them, you don't have to worry about them, I will classify this

mission as an S-rank mission," Tsunde spoke to him.

Nauto laughed slightly at her remarks, "and what about the favor I asked"

Naruto asked her with a smile on his face.

Tsunade took out a certificate and chunin vest and threw them at him,

"you are now a chunin of the Konoha and you can have the team

konohamaru, this will be your official team," Tsunde speak to him.

Naruto catch the certificate and vest he looked at them, and he knows he

was not going to wear this green flack jacket he loved his black attire it

suits him best and made him more handsome. He put them in a scroll, he

was truly happy, all smiles on his face.

he started to walk outside Hokage's office.

"Wait" Tsunde spoke, stopping him, he looked at her, "What"

"Don't be so impatient," Tsunade pulls out a black book under the table.

"You know what is it" Tsunade spoke to him

"Yes, bingo book,"

"Gause whose name is in it,"

"Don't tell me… that my name is in it" Naruoto exclaimed excitedly.

Tsunade looked at him "And why did you look so excited" She spoke to


he didn't say anything, snatched the book from her hands, and opened

the book, flipping the pages, Sakura also came near him, she was also

excited about what bounty he will get.

Soon he found out on page no. 131. He looked at the page excitedly,

there was his image, he didn't know who capture it, he was laying on the

sand, looking at the moon, his red hairs were swaying in the air, his eyes

had a red glow on them, overall he looked damn handsome, under it.

Name ~ naruto uzumaki

Bounty ~ 60 million [kiri]

55 million [iwa]

Affinity ~ unknown

Skills ~ proficient in kenjututsu uses a sword, proficient at Taijutsu

Kekkei Genkai ~ Uzumaki admentium chains

Rank ~S rank

Order ~ dead or alive ]

Naruto looked at his bingo book entry, and he smiled, "I have finally

entered the bingo book" "The rank…. I will increase in the future" Nauto

speak to himself.

"Brat why are you so happy, you know when you go outside the village

people came to you for the bounty you held on your head" Tsunde speak

to him, she didn't know why he was so happy.

"Ah… it's nothing… you won't understand it"

"If you don't have anything to say, I will be going now," Naruto said and

disappeared from there and a leaf was floating at his place.

[AN~ sorry for the break, I was busy writing the chapters and I have

written 63 chapters of this story. And from now on I will try my best to

upload daily. And for compensation, I will upload another chapter.

Tell me how you like the chapter in the comments. And give me some

power stones man… ]

chapter 27

Chapter 27

In the Hyuga estate.

Hinata was sitting on the bed in a lotus position, her eyes were closed,

and no veins were bulging out from her temples.

means that the impurities left in her Bayakugan were now completely

gone, now she had the pure hyuga bloodline without any mixed blood in

it, beside her on the table, a latter was on the table.

She opened her eyes, looked at the latter, a smile appeared on her face, it

was the letter from Naruto, before going on the mission he had given her.

She opened it nth time "Train hard your bayakugan until I return from

the mission, I will take you to a lunch date after I return from the

mission." she read it with a smile.

And after training her eyes non-stop for two weeks, now she had a

perfect byakugan.

she activated her byakugan, no own could tell that she had activated her

eyes, her temples were clan as jade, just the pressure in the room was


With her all-seeing eyes, she watched the full vicinity of Konoha, there

was no blind spot, she had seen all the Konoha in just a few seconds.

there was nothing hidden from her, her range of vision increased


A smile appeared on her face, "he is back from his mission," she said in

happily in a low voice.

Hinata get up from bed and walked outside the room, everything in the

clan had changed, after she demonstrated her cruality to them, now all

the clan members respect her or fear her, and she liked it very much.

She walked into the hallway, ready to go outside.

"Hinata where are you going," a cold voice reverberated in the hall.

She stopped, "Oh… isn't it my dear father, what do you want," she spoke

in a mocking voice.

"it doesn't concern you where I go, why protective all of a sudden, father"

she mocked him again.

After the meeting, he noticed that Hinta had changed completely, now

she didn't put any of them in her eyes, it hurt his pride as a clan leader,

and he could feel the aura of superiority coming from her.

"You…" Hiashi gritted his teeth, he couldn't answer her question.

"Oh… it's funny that after outcasting me, now my father started to care

about me," she spoke not even looking at him.

"You… the elders had changed their decision, after seeing you," Hiashi


"Fuck the elders, do you think I care about their pathetic self or the

decisions they make regarding me, Father you think so low of me," she

spoke to him, her anger started to rise, who are they to decide on me.

Hiashi was speechless, he didn't expect this from her, he was about to

teach her a lesson for disrespecting the elder and him.

he activated his byakugan and was about to launch a strike at her, but all

of a sudden a heavy pressure hit his shoulders.

"Don't you dare to move a step ahead," Hinata spoke activating her own


"Go to your precious daughter, tell me Father how will you feel when I

become the clan leader and the elders put the curse mark on your

precious little daughter, think about it, does it hurt you," she spoke to


his face had an unreadable expression, yes he liked her little daughter

most in this world, so how couldn't it hurt about thinking what Hinata

told her, but before he could speak.

she spoke again, "Did you ever think about me, does it hurt you to

outcast me for your little daughter, I guess it doesn't. Well it really

doesn't matter, I have everything I want, so don't come to bother me, and

tell those insignificant elders that, if they poke their noses in my

business, that will be their last day breathing, you enjoy with your little

daughter, and don't come after me... father" hinata speak and pressure on

Hiashi's body doubled, he was really intimidated by her daughter, now

when he looked at her, he couldn't believe that this is the same hinata.

He didn't speak anything, just looked at the disappearing back of her.

Hinata exited the clan compound, she was in a good mood, she had a

date fixed with Naruto, so how could not be happy?

She walked with a happy smile on her face, and soon she found out

Naruto was leaning against a tree, waiting for her, he looked at her, and

a blush appeared on her face, she stooped in front of him, she wanted to

take him the lead.

Naruto looked at her, a smile on his face, the girl whom he loved the

most in the world, was in front of him, he walked towards her, stood in

front of her, looking into her eyes, her eyes were filled with the

happiness and slightly glistened,

He hold her hand and started walking,

"How were your days in the clan when I was away," he asked.

"the days were fine, I just train my eyes in my room, so I didn't interact

with anyone," she replied to him, holding his hand more tightly.

"That's fine," Naruto said to her, they silently walked it was evening, and

they enjoyed the quiet between them.

her face was red all the time, she take a peek from time to time with her

byakugan, using her dojutsu in the best way possible.

Soon they reached their destination, they both stood on the Hokage

stones, watching the sunset, hand in hand.

Hinata lay a blanket on the ground and took out a tiffin, she had

prepared for their first date.

They sat on the blanket, enjoying the sunset,

She opened the tiffin box and placed the food, Naruto inhale the scent, it

was amazing, he took a bit, gulp down, and looked at Hinata, ''did you

make it'' he asked.

She nodded. "This is the best I have ever eaten. You cook amazing

Hinata," he replied to her genuinely, hearing his praises she blushed.

They both enjoyed the food.

Naruto held her hand, and they both looked at the setting sun, "isn't it


"Yes, it is, when you stand beside me and hold my hand it became more

beautiful," Hinata spoke while looking in front of her,

"When you love someone dearly, the world became beautiful itself,"

Naruto replied to her, crossing her hands with his fingers.

"How far your eyes could see," Naruto speak to her.

"Around 10 km," she speaks.

"And internally, I mean inside your body," Naruto speaks to her.

"I can see, chakra pathways, my organs, and some tendons," she replied

to her.

"What do you think, how much your bayakugan could see inside your

body," Naruto asked, she looked at her puzzled not knowing what he was

talking about.

Seeing her he spoke, "You know you have the purest bayakugan," she

nodded, "and with practice, you can improve your vision to the highest

degree," he said.

she nodded to his remark, "I have some theories that if a bayakugan user,

uses his full potential, he could see the smallest thing in his body, you

know what I mean" Naruto spoke, to her with a smile on his face.

Hinata opened her eyes in realization and looked at him, "you mean the

smallest part of the body, the DNA," she replied in amazement to him.

this was the first time she had thought about it, if she could see the

organs of her body, why not tissue, cell, or DNA, now she realized what

Naruto wanted to say.

"Now you get it, if you could see the structure of your DNA, and if you

can change it, you could be able to evolve to a higher life form," he speak

to her.

remembering the Otsutsuki clan, if you could see the DNA of your body

and be able to alter it to the similar to an Otsutsuki clan member, then

you could become literally a God.

His eyes could see the atoms of an object in front of him, but he could

not see the inside of his body like bayakugan, he could see all the

elements to the atom, but he wanted to see the insides of his body he

needed a bayakugan.

if he could see the DNA of his body, he could change the DNA and

become a full fledge Otsutsuki, the highest form of life, in order to do it,

he needed the reference of Otsutsuki's DNA. And some people came to his

mind, Kaguya, Ishiki, Momoshiki otsutsuki.

[AN~ can you guess in which direction the story is going?

tell me how you like the chapter in the comments.

and if you have some good ideas about the story tell me in the comments.

and give me some power stones man.... |

chapter 28



If he wanted to modify his DNA, he needed two crucial elements. First,

he required the Byakugan, and second, he needed the DNA reference of

an Otsutsuki.

Naruto couldn't forget about Hinata; if he wanted to reach the pinnacle,

she would stand beside him.


"What's the point of standing at the pinnacle of the world if you're all

alone, with no one to share in your happiness? What's the meaning in

that? To be alone, with no one to hold your hand beside you," Naruto

thought to himself, and he tightly held her hand.

He understood that only you could change your DNA with your own

hands, which is why he wanted Hinata to see the DNA of her body and

make changes when the time came.

And how could he acquire the Byakugan? He had numerous theories

about cell integration, involving the cells of Hashirama Senju, his

Uzumaki cells, and the purest Hyuga cells. His mind was brimming with


"What if I can successfully merge Uzumaki and Hyuga cells? Can I

awaken the Jougan, just like Boruto did? If I merge my cells with

Hinata's, my six eyes could evolve, granting me the ability to see in 360

degrees and even observe the atoms of elements.

If I could further enhance my eyes with the Byakugan, I could literally

see in all directions and perceive the atoms of objects from kilometers

away," Naruto contemplated to himself. He knew he had a lot of work

ahead of him.

He turned to Hinata and spoke earnestly, "Now you understand what I'm

trying to say. I want you to have the ability to see the DNA of your own

body. With your pure Byakugan, it shouldn't be too challenging," he said

to her.

His goal was for her to first see the cells of her body, and then he

intended to integrate his Uzumaki cells with hers in an attempt to

awaken the ultimate form of her dojutsu, the Jougan.

If Boruto could have why can't she, but in order to do it you have to

successfully experiment on others.

He couldn't bear to harm her; he wouldn't take any action until he was

absolutely certain. He understood that his Uzumaki cells were even more

potent than Hashirama's, and he have to proceeded with caution.

To achieve success, he needed to find some test subjects to experiment

with. Additionally, he contemplated integrating her cells into his body;

perhaps this could awaken the Jougan or blend his six eyes with the


He gazed at Hinata with a smile and said, "Once you're able to see the

cells of your body, let me know.

We'll become stronger together, but always remember your primary goal

is to perceive the DNA within your own body," Naruto conveyed to her.

Hinata felt genuinely happy; no one had ever guided and supported her

like Naruto did. She was confident that she could achieve it, tapping into

the full potential of her Byakugan.

However, it wasn't just for herself; it was for Naruto. She was willing to

do anything for him if he asked.

Seeing the light in her eyes, Naruto smiled.

"I want you to teach me the Gentle Fist. Would you teach me?" he asked


She looked at him, realizing that he had asked her to teach him


How could she possibly refuse him? This was the first thing he had ever

asked her, and it filled her heart with happiness. Under his gaze, she


"Yes," she replied in a soft voice.

"Good. Starting tomorrow morning, you'll teach me the Gentle Fist, and

in the afternoon, we'll work on creating new techniques or perfecting our

jutsus," Naruto said to her.

She simply nodded, and they sat together in front of the setting sun, its

orange hue casting a gentle glow on their faces.

The wind played with their hair as they held hands, silently savoring the

tranquil atmosphere.

Naruto tilted his head to gaze at her, captivated by her stunning features:

the dark blue hair, the white, pupilless eyes brimming with emotion, her

nose, rosy cheeks, and cheerful red lips. She appeared perfect, almost like

an angel.

Feeling his gaze, she turned to look at him, locking eyes with him.

His eyes resembled precious gems, holding countless mysteries within.

His hair danced in the breeze, and she found herself lost in the depths of

his gaze.

Their eyes met as she leaned towards him, placing her lips on his mouth

and gently entering with her tongue.

As their tongues made contact, a surge of electric sensation coursed

through their bodies.

They intertwined their tongues, savoring the exquisite taste of one

another. Slowly, they pulled apart, gasping for air, a thin strand of saliva

lingering between their lips.

"Huff... huff," Hinata caught her breath.

"Do you like it?" Naruto teased her, noticing her red face.

"It was the best," she replied in a soft tone.

"We will meet again tomorrow. Let's go home," Naruto said to her,

realizing that it was getting late in the evening.

They both stood up.

Naruto held her hand tightly as they began walking towards her home.

In Hinata's opinion, she was the happiest girl in the world, being able to

hold the hand of her loved one and walk together with him. It was the

best thing she could ask for.

Soon, they arrived at the Hyuga clan. "Good night, I guess," Naruto said

to her, unsure of what to say in this situation.

She giggled. "Okay, goodbye. See you tomorrow," she said, walking away.

Naruto watched her figure disappear, a smile on his face. He then

teleported in front of his apartment, opened the door, and realized that

he had already eaten. He quickly jumped onto the bed.






A|N~ how do you like the chapter, tell me in the comments.

If you Give me some power stones, and I will give the more awesome

chapters like this one.

—----------------your dear author san]

chapter 29

Chapter 29`~

It was morning.

naruto stood leaning against a pole in the training ground, his eyes

closed, waiting for Hinata.

soon the person in waiting came to his senses, he opened his eyes as she

entered the training ground, she looked as beautiful as ever.

She entered the training ground, and looked at him, "good morning

naruto-kun" she spoke to him with a happy smile.

"Good morning Hinata-chan" Naruto nodded at her response.

"Are you ready to teach me the gentle fist," Naruto asked her.

She nodded, "it will be hard for you to learn the gentle fist because you

don't have the byakugan" she spoke "but I will try my best to explain to

you." hinata spoke, not wanting to discourage him.

and this was true, that the gentle fist is used at its full potential by a

byakugan user, Gentle fist works on closing the tenketsu points of

enemies, damaging their internal organs, or blocking their chakra path,

immobilizing them, the gentle fist user can slow down the chakra flow

between two points or fasten up the chakra flow between two points.

Gentle fist as its name suggests, was fluid in motion, gently hitting the

target while blocking their chakra points, and byakugan users easily see

through the chakra pathways.

The user of Gentle Fist had small chakra scalpels on their every fingertip,

these chakra scalpels can make cuts inside the body without actually

creating an open wound, and with every hit, they close the tenketsu

points with the precise hit.

With a slight tap, the user can send their chakra into the opponent's

chakra system, causing them to have internal damage, the gentle fist user

can open, close, increase, or disrupt the chakra flow of the enemy,

causing them to be unable to use any ninjutsu, the chakra scalpel could

cut through any chakra based attack, that's what makes gentle fist


Gentle fist had many variations like 8 trigrams 2, 4, 8, 16,32,64,128


Let's talk about 8 trigrams 64 palms, Hinata said to Naruto, he had

listened to her keenly and understood what really the gentle fist is,

Naruto nodded to her indicating for her to continue her explanations.

Using their byakugan's near 360-degree field of vision, the Hyuga

envisions themselves within the center of an Eight Trigrams symbol, the

user then delivers a series of attacks to a target that is within the symbol's


striking sixty-four of their tenketsu, that sixty-four tenketsu are

subsequently blocked, stopping the flow of chakra within the target's

body and making it difficult for them to move, alternatively, the sixty-

four strikes can be split amongst multiple targets, such as to deflect

incoming projectiles.

The sixty-four strikes are broken into six smaller sets, and users perform

each set of strikes within the same length of time, but because each set

has more strikes than the one before it, the set's strikes become

increasingly faster.

the last set, during which thirty-two strikes are performed, is especially

difficult, demanding great resole and a strong step forward to pull off. As

targets are struck, they have increasingly knocked backward, with the

combined force of the final sets being great enough to push tree trunks.

The six sets of strikes are

two consecutive strikes.

Two more consecutive strikes, totaling four.

Four consecutive strikes, totaling eight.

Eight consecutive strikes, totaling sixteen.

Sixteen consecutive strikes, totaling thirty-two

Thirty-two consecutive strikes, totaling sixty-four" Hinata explain to him.

Naruto looked at her and nodded that he understood, naruto now

understood why this is the best taijutsu style.

It was extremely dangerous if the user can perform the gentle fist to its


it will be hard for him to learn gentle fist without byakugan, but it's not

impossible, with time he will master gentle fist until he gets his own


Hinata then started to demonstrate to him the basics of the gentle fist,

and the basic stance of juken strike and told him how to envision the 8

trigram symbol, Naruto looked at her, engraving every move she made,

she beautifully moved around the training ground demonstrating the

basics of the gentle fist. Naruto saved all the stances in his mind.

He stood in front of Hinata and started to copy every move she made, as

they practiced both, naruto started to grasp the gentle fist, and soon noon


They both sat in the shade of a tree on a blanket, Hinata took out the

food that she had made for him.

when the tiffin box opened Naruto inhaled the smell, and he became

more hungry, she had prepared sushi and rise dumplings, they both eat

with each other, after training and the person you love sitting beside you,

the food became more sweet and tasty.

they finished eating their food.

Naruto took out a chakra paper and handed it to Hinata, "let's check your

affinity" Naruto said to Hinata, he didn't know why Hyuga never

practiced nature transformations.

Hinata took the chakra paper in her hand and poured the chakra into the

paper, the paper split into two parts, one crumbled and the other soaked,

Naruto and Hinata both looked at the paper.

"You have the lightning and water affinity for now" Naruto spoke

surprised, the two natural affinities were rare, almost every shinobi had

one affinity.

and with two affinities this was rare, you can practice more than one

nature element.

even if you don't have an affinity for it, you have to work very hard, and

it was a second talk.

having two or more affinity was rare and Hinata had two, he was really


He looked at her, "Now that's very good, do you know how to do shadow

clone jutsu," naruto spoke to her, and she nodded, being a clan member

she obviously know the shadow clone jutsu. and now that her chara was

increased tremendously, she could create many shadow clones if she


"That's very good, you create two shadow clones, one for the lightning

and the other for water nature transformation practice," Naruto spoke to

her, she nodded and crossed her hands, and two clones beside her

popped out.

Naruto looked at the two clones, he was sure that he will bring out the

full potential of Hinata, he wanted her to master the elements of water

and lightning to the fullest, and wanted to mix them and make a kekkei

genkai of water and lightning element 'storm relese'.

He know it would be near to impossible for other shinobis to create their

own kekkei genkai, but not for her, he will help her, or maybe she didn't

even need his help, Naruto told her what he wanted from her.

When she heard that Naruto wanted her fully master the water and

lightning style and mix them and create her own original and perfect

kekkei genkai, she was happy, he had expectations from her, and she will

be going to prove him right, if he wanted her to create a kekkei genkai,

she will do it, a light pass through her eyes, she will not going to

disappoint him.

"I will do it," she said to Naruto in a firm voice….









[AN~ our girl do everything for Naruto—-#yandere detected…

Tell me how you like the chapter in the comments.

From now on the training arc will start….. Maybe two or three

chapters… let's make our boy and girl op…

Give me some power stones man….. And do a 5-star review of the story

so more people could read my awesome book…..]

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