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Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Я Гарри Поттер

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Prison Break

While looking into my unlimited power plan, I had my elves see if

anyone sold a portable/rechargeable battery with electrical outlets. That

way I can charge that, and use it to power my TV and other things at

Hogwarts. I could also buy satellite TV and put the satellite out the

window of my dorm room. When my elves came back, they were

carrying a big suitcase shaped object with outlets on it and a charging

cord. I charge it up with my lightning then plug my new TV in hoping I

won't have to buy another one. It works perfectly like always, but I still

have to use magic on it to see if it breaks or not. I use my magic to

levitate it like the toaster and the TV still works. I can't wait to go to

Hogwarts with working technology.

After I unlocked my element with the ritual, I've been thinking about

using the same ritual on my elves and Damon. I don't know if it would

work, but I could at least try. It would take a while to set up the ritual, so

I'll just have to wait. Mimsy finally brought me some information on the

Kreiger sect. They live in a mountain fortress with patrolling guards. The

guards wear red old fashioned military uniforms with swords at their

hips. My elves searched the entire fortress and didn't find any guns or

anything like that. I guess the wizarding world isn't the only area that's

stagnated, but that's good because it makes Damon's revenge easier.

The elves did a headcount for every vampire in the fortress, and there's

about five hundred give or take a few. There are some children as well,

but not many because of the low birth rate in vamps. They also

investigated Damon's brother and father. I got to see a memory of Kieran

training, and I can safely say that Damon would crush him. The only

problem is Legate, for him to be the leader of all those vampires means

he's powerful. I'm not sure how powerful because my elves didn't see him

train or fight, but he's probably stronger than Damon.

I just don't know how he would react to Damon killing his firstborn son,

or if he would even let it happen. Let's not forget Kieran's mother either. I

doubt she would let her child be killed, or the killer of her child getaway.

While contemplating this, I came to the conclusion that Damon would

need my help. I'll delay his departure until my first summer back from

Hogwarts at least, and tail him to keep him out of trouble.

After sorting through all that information, I decided that I should get

Sirius Black out of Azkaban. I've been putting it off because I'm not the

original Harry. He's not my Dog Father and I don't want to deal with him,

but it's cruel to leave him there so I'll help as thanks to the dead Harry.

Think of it as paying the debt to him for dying so I could have my second

chance. It's not like he could take away my Heirship or anything because

he was kicked out of the Black Family already.

The only reason he could access Grimmauld Place in the books is that the

wards accept anyone with Black heritage. I guess they could kick him out

of the family, but they couldn't take the blood from his veins. I would

rather not spook Pettigrew, so I'm going to break him out and leave a

dead body behind. The dead body will be made with transmutation, but I

have to see how he looks before making it. The only thing to do is get

him, so I sent a squad of elves to grab him from his cell. I would go with

them, but I'd rather not be anywhere near a dementor.

After waiting a bit, four elves appeared in my living room dressed as

ninjas with an unconscious and emaciated Sirius Black dressed in rags.

My elves looked gloomy and depressed from the dementor exposure.

"You've all done a very good job, so go to the kitchen and have some

chocolate." I said, and my gloomy elves went out of the room. "Mimsy!"

*pop* "Can you get this mutt bathed and into some decent clothes."

"Yes, master Harry sir." Mimsy said and went to grab Sirius.

"Ohh and get him on a regiment of nutrient potions, and once he's clean

and dressed put him in a guest room." I said, and She popped away

taking Sirius with her.

Since I know what Sirius looks like, it's time to make his dead body. I go

to the ritual room in Black Mansion, so I have room to work. In order to

make a human body, certain ingredients are needed. Water (35 L),

Carbon (20 kg), Ammonia (4 L), Lime (1.5 kg), Phosphorous (800 g), Salt

(250 g), Saltpeter (100 g), Sulfur (80 g), Fluorine (7.5 g), Iron (5 g),

Silicon (3 g) and fifteen traces of other elements. (Totally stolen from

Fullmetal Alchemist.) I don't have to break the ingredients down because

they're already in their base form.

Willing my magic to encompass the ingredients, and transform them into

the exact likeness of Sirius and done. Like I said the hardest part about

Alchemy is studying for comprehension. Once you've got that down it's

not that hard.

"Dobby!" I called. *pop*

"Master Harry called Dobby?" He said.

"Yes, can you get the rags Sirius was wearing from Mimsy, and dress this

body. Then get the elves that know where the cell that Sirius was in is

located, and have them place this body there. Make sure the cell is locked

when they leave." I said.

"Yes sir Master Harry sir," Dobby said, taking the body and popping


When the next day came, I was eating breakfast when Sirius limped his

way into the kitchen looking confused.

"Well, are you going to sit down or are you waiting for an invitation?" I

asked, biting a piece of bacon. He just looks at me stunned for a moment

not taking his eyes off of me.

"H-Harry is that you?"

(Authors note: I made another poll for the house you guys think he

should be in. Just know that whatever wins will not effect my choice. I

just want to know what house you guys would choose. For example I'm

not putting Harry in Gryffindor, but Gryffindor is on the list. I'll put the

link to the poll in the authors note and comments. Thanks for reading!)



"H-Harry is that you?" Sirius said, looking at me as if he didn't believe his


"Yes, now please sit down before you collapse." I said, and he takes a seat

across the table. "Mimsy!" *pop* "Can you get a nutrient potion for Sirius

please." I asked, and Mimsy popped away and back with the potion

placing it in front of him. Sirius looked at the cup in front of him with a

look of disgust. "Drink the damn potion you mangy mutt. Yeah, it tastes

horrible, but your gonna be drinking three of those a day, so get used to

it." I said, and he downs the potion as fast as he could with a sour look on

his face.

"So, how did I get here? I'm still not sure if I'm hallucinating." Sirius

asked, looking around as if trying to spot something.

"This isn't a hallucination. I had my elves apparate to Azkaban and pick

you up." I said.

"Pick me up? How the hell did they get into Azkaban in the first place?"

He said.

"House-elves are very underrated servants. Now let's get to the important

stuff. I know you didn't work for Voldy, and that Pettigrew was the secret

keeper, not you." I said, sliding some papers across the table. "Those are

for you to become my legal guardian, so just sign at the bottom of each

page." I said, and he signed with a happy smile on his face without even

reading anything. What an idiot.

"What you really just signed is a magically binding contract stating that

you can't get involved and/or interfere with any portion of my life unless

I approve, and you can't divulge anything you may learn about me or

anyone I associate with to anyone without my permission." I stated,

taking the papers and handing them to Mimsy to store in the potter vault.

"W-Why?" Sirius said, looking devastated.

"I'll have someone else explain the situation to you, but before that just

know that the punishment for trying to break any portion of the contract

is instant death. Now let's get you your explanation." I said, summoning

the dead Potter family with the resurrection stone, and a translucent

James, Lilly, and Harry Appeared.

"Why did you summon me again?" Lilly asked, looking at me with an

annoyed look. She is the only potter that hasn't noticed Sirius yet.

"Well, I thought you'd appreciate the opportunity to yell at the dog

behind you." I said, pointing at Sirius. When she noticed him she went

into a blind rage. Sirius is just sat there with a dumb look on his face.

"How dare you leave my child to be raised by my nasty sister and her

disgusting walrus family! You're supposed to be his Godfather, yet where

were you?" She screamed, venting her anger that's grown since seeing her

baby enter the afterlife.

"I-I had to get Peter. He killed you And James how could I not avenge

you?" Sirius said, not sounding sure of himself.

"So your revenge against the rat was more important than your fifteen-

month-old Godchild? Harry needed you, not revenge on Peter, you Sirius.

Do you think Lilly and I care what happens to Peter? What we care about

more than anything is Harry!" James said, looking furious as well. Soul

Harry was just looking around confused.

"Wait, how are you here, and why are there two Harry's?" Sirius asked,

looking between soul Harry and me.

"I'm going to give you all some privacy." I said and left the room.

While eavesdropping on all the yelling, I had Mimsy get me some

popcorn. The yelling started to calm down, so I made my way back into

the room again. When I entered the kitchen, they were all sitting and

talking a lot calmer than before.

"I see you're all talking peacefully now. Have you explained the situation

to Sirius?" I asked, taking a seat.

"Yes, thanks for giving us a chance to yell at Sirius. I thought we would

have to wait until he died." James said, happy about his reunion with his

best friend.

"You're welcome." I said

"So, your not Harry." Sirius said, looking at me.

"Well, I am Harry just not that Harry." I pointed at soul Harry. "Before I

was placed in this body, I was named Harry as well." I said.

"Since your not our Harry, why did you get me out of Azkaban?" Sirius


"Think of it as repaying my debt to the dead Harry. Before I became

Harry Potter, I was dead, just a soul that would go to the afterlife like

them." I said, pointing at the Potter family. "Because Harry died, I was

given a second chance. Yeah, I have to fulfill the Prophecy in exchange,

but it's still a second chance none the less." I said.

"Thanks for helping Sirius. He may not think before he does things, but

he's a good person." James said.

"No problem. You should say your goodbyes it's not healthy for souls to

stay in the living world too long." I said, and after a heartfelt farewell, I

cut the flow of magic to the stone, and the Potters faded away.

"Thank you for letting me see them again." Sirius said.

"Once again no problem. We have to figure out where to hide you. Do

you have any countries you want to visit?" I asked.

"I still need to kill the rat, so I can't leave the country yet." Sirius said.

"I already know where the rat is and will take care of him once his

usefulness has run out." I stated.

"No, I have to be the one to kill him!" He said, sounding determined.

"How about this, when I plan to kill Pettigrew, I'll bring him to you so

you can kill him." I said.

"Fine, but how long do you plan to keep me waiting?" He asked, looking


"About five years, maybe shorter than that if my plans change." I said.

"I spent nine years in Azkaban, so I can wait for five to get my revenge."

He said, trying to convince himself.

"Good, what country do you want to spend that time in? When Pettigrew

is dead, we'll work on getting you a proper trial, but for now, it's better if

Peter thinks your dead." I said.

"Why would he think I'm dead?" Sirius asked.

"When my elves got you, they placed a fake body in your cell. Sooner of

later the Daily Prophet will read 'Traitor Sirius Black Found Dead in his

cell', but you'll hopefully be out of the country by then."

"Yeah, if he knows I'm out of Azkaban he'll probably run." Sirius agreed,

nodding his head. "I've always wanted to go to America, and get myself a

big cowboy hat." He said, with a silly grin on his face.

"I'll have the Goblins make you a muggle bank account, and see if they

can get you a passport and identification with a different name. Texas

will be your first stop, so you can get your cowboy hat. Just remember to

abide by the contract you signed. I'll have a copy made for you, so you

don't just drop dead without knowing why." I said, leaving the room to

make an appointment with Barrat.

(Thanks for reading!)


Thanks for everything like always. It was awkward trying to figure out

what to do with Sirius. I wanted to help him, but not have him in

Harry’s life. His Harry already died, so I gave him a chance to see his

friends and godchild and I’ll send him on his way. We’ll see him later

on when Pettigrew is killed, and when we get him a trial. Thanks for


Time Skip & A Talk w/ Salazar

When the next day came, I went to Gringotts to meet Barrat. After a short

meeting, Barrat said he could get the identification for Sirius. Of course, I

swore him to secrecy. Barrat said he would owl me everything, so I left

the bank and went home. When I got home, Sirius was on the couch

flipping through channels on the TV.

"My account manager will owl all the papers you'll need. Until then you

stay inside, and if you need anything just ask an elf." I said, taking a seat

in an armchair.

"That's fine, I'm catching up on TV anyway. It's advanced a lot since I've

been in Azkaban. When I was younger, I used to sneak out of my house

to meet with James, and we would go to this muggle diner to watch TV.

We thought it was so amazing that muggles could build something so

magical." He said, reminiscing.

"How about we make a deal." I said.

"What kind of deal?" He asked.

"You teach me how to become an Animagus, and I'll summon James here

every day until you leave." I bargained.

"Deal, summon him now and I'll teach you later." He agreed, and I

summoned James and left the room.

Later that day when James left for the afterlife, Sirius taught me how the

marauders became Animagi. It seems they used a mixture of potions,

meditation, and Occlumency. They took a potion that would connect

them to their inner animal. Then they would meditate to enter the mind

and make contact with it. Depending on your animal the landscape that

you find them in could be different. I already know Occlumency and

meditation, so all I needed was the recipe for the potion. Once I got the

recipe I no longer needed Sirius.

When I finally got the papers for Sirius, two days had passed. I gave him

his new Identification and a bank account with five million pounds. He

can have it converted to US dollars himself. After everything was taken

care of, I sent him to the airport with a squad of elves to spy on him. I

made him sign the contract so he wouldn't give me any problems in the

future, but who knows what he'll get himself into. He didn't want to take

a plane, but how is he going to explain how he got into the country.

Yeah, he could portkey, but he would have to register at MACUSA, and I

don't want to take the chance of anyone noticing him.

(Time skip - June 1991 - one month before Harrys birthday)

My SAS training and swordsmanship have been progressing smoothly.

Telekinesis is just as overpowered as always, and my Legilimency bubble

now extends a hundred feet. Adelle has grown to eight feet long and still

hasn't unlocked her eye powers. I've found a way to shrink her by

inscribing runes onto her scales, and with the runes, she can control her

size herself without needing me to do anything. I'll have to redo it every

time she sheds, but at least Basilisks don't shed very often. I've also been

meditating with the Animagus potion, but it's harder to find my inner

animal than I thought. I keep appearing on the peak of a very high

mountain during a thunderstorm. (Author: hint)

When the time came to do the element ritual for Mimsy and Damon, I

had two separate rituals set up on the left and right side of the ritual

room. Mimsy could do the ritual herself because she has magic. The same

could not be said about Damon, so I would perform his ritual and he

would drink the potion. When Mimsy completed the ritual and drank the

potion, vines rose out of the floor wriggling around her. The vines shot

directly at Mimsy absorbing into her body, but it didn't stop there.

Mimsys complexion started to look healthier, and she grew a few inches

before passing out on the floor.

When I finished Damon's ritual and he drank his potion, blood from the

sacrifice started circling him. The blood kept multiplying until there was

almost five times the original amount. Just like Mimsy, the blood was

absorbed into Damon's body, and he fell unconscious on the floor. Mimsy

has the nature element and Damon has the blood element. Exactly what

you'd expect from an elf and a Dhampir. I'll have to keep doing rituals in

bulk for my elves, and now that Mimsy knows how to do it, she can set it

up and guide them while I'm at school.

I've learned everything the Founders could teach me. Before they left for

the last time, they told me that they have hidden rooms in Hogwarts

where they left all their possessions. I asked them where the rooms are,

but I was told it would be boring if I didn't find them myself. Apparently,

even Salazar has a hidden room that isn't the chamber of secrets. The

chamber was used as a place to put his Basilisk and a private place to

train. When they left, I kept Salazar behind.

"Do you need something Harry?" Salazar asked.

"Yeah, I've been putting this off because it's not my business, but I really

want to know. Why did you hate muggle-borns and half-bloods?" I asked.

"*sigh* I knew you would ask sooner or later. You have to understand

that those were different times. Our kind was being burned and drowned

by muggles. Many witches and wizards couldn't even defend themselves

because there was no school to teach them. So we made Hogwarts, a

place where young people can learn about their powers in a safe

environment. After the school was built, we accepted every witch and

wizard we could. Muggle-born, half-blood, pure-blood it didn't matter."

"After opening the school, problems started to appear related to students

with muggle parentage. Not all of them, but most muggle parents

thought their children were possessed by demons. Some families would

accept their children's enrollment, but most would decline. The ones that

declined would usually be very abusive or even kill their magical

children. I wanted to take these children from their family's and have

them raised by upstanding wizarding family's, but the other founders

didn't agree."

"That's when we started having a difference in opinion on how to run

Hogwarts and started bickering more and more. After a couple of years

with Hogwarts being open, we had our first siege on the castle. A

muggle-borns parent coerced their child into giving them the location of

the school and proceeded to give that information to the church. After

successfully defending against the church, I wanted to stop taking any

students with muggle parents, but once again the other founders


"That only worsened our relationship, and every time we spoke devolved

into arguments. I couldn't take it anymore and left the school, but before

I left I made Clyde the basilisk to protect the school in my absence. After

traveling for a while, I missed my friends and went back to Hogwarts. We

reconciled our differences and ran the school together until the last of us

died." Salazar explained.

"Why do people think you made Clyde in order to kill muggle-born

students?" I asked.

"Probably misconstrued rumors spread by students that overheard our

arguments." He said.

"If Clyde was made to protect the school then why did he attack muggle-

borns in 1943?" I asked, referring to when the chamber of secrets was

opened by Tom.

"My guess is someone did something to him. Clyde was a very gentle

snake, and wouldn't hurt a fly if not provoked. Try and help him if you

can, but if he's beyond help please put him out of his misery." Salazar


"Sure I'll see what I can do. Thanks for all your help over the years." I

said, bowing.

"Thank you, for agreeing to help our school. It's horrible seeing what's

become of it. When the school is back in working order, summon us so

we can see it in its former glory." He said.

"Sure, goodbye Salazar." I said, cutting off the magic from the stone.

"Goodbye Harry." He said and faded away.

(Author: I need help finding an image of what Harry looks like as a child

and an adult. Find me some and post them in the comments. They can be

drawings, anime style, real pictures, etc. Remember one for chibi Harry

and one for adult harry. Green eyes and black hair pls. Thanks for



Thanks for everything like always ?. The MCU reveal is next chapter,

so we can finally start preparing for that. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Thanks for reading!

MCU Reveal

After Salazar faded away, I went to the living room took a seat and

turned on the news.

"Billionaire Howard Stark died last night in a fatal car crash alongside his

wife Maria Stark. Howard and Maria were on vacation in Long Island

New York at the time of the accident. Howard Anthony Walter Stark was

an inventor, scientist, engineer, businessman and movie director..."

(Author: They technically died in December I think, so I just moved it up

a bit)

I just sat there on the couch with my mouth wide open. Is this the Marvel

world as well, but how could Harry Potter and Marvel share the same

world. Oh my god, how could I not notice this? There's a quick way to

learn if this is the Marvel world or not, and that's to summon Howard

Stark. He died so I should be able to summon him, and if he has the same

back story then this is definitely the Marvel world. I inject magic into my

ring and try summoning him.

"Huh, where am I?" Howard asked, looking around confused.

"You're in my living room. I'm sorry to disturb your time in the afterlife,

but I have some questions." I answered.

"Afterlife? Oh yeah, I died didn't I." He said, looking depressed. "Who are

you?" He asked.

"Harry Potter. Speaking of your death, How did you die?" I asked, and if

it was Bucky than I'm definitely in Marvel. Maybe the MCU?

"Why do you want to know, and how did you bring me here? I'm

supposed to be dead." He said.

"I summoned you, now answer my question, or I'll have to be forceful. I

don't want to do that because truthfully I'm a really big fan of yours, but I

need to know how you died." I said.

"How did you summon me from the dead? Did you bring me back to

life?" He asked.

"*sigh*" I wave my hand and transfigure the coffee table into a full-length

mirror facing Howard. "You're just a soul without a body. I summoned

you from the afterlife to talk to you about how you died." I said, and he

finally noticed his transparent state.

"How did you do that? No, why is my body see-through?" He asked,

looking scared and excited about a new discovery.

"As I said, I summoned you from the afterlife, so the reason your

transparent is because you're just a soul without a body." I explained.

"Huh" He said, examining his body in the mirror. "How did you make the

mirror?" He asked.

"Magic" I said, and Stark looks at me as if I'm lying to him. "Believe me or

not it doesn't matter. I've answered your questions now answer mine.

Who killed you?" I asked.

"Why do you need to know?" He asked.

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance to do this peacefully. I order you to

tell me who killed you." I ordered.

"I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I think it was Bucky Barnes." He

said, then looks terrified that I could control him.

"Alright, thanks for the information. I'll summon you again if I need

anything." I said, cutting the flow of magic to the stone, and Howard

fades away.

So, this is the Marvel and Harry Potter universe put together somehow.

How have I not heard of any of this since coming here? I need to get

some history books to confirm if Captain America exists. I had Mimsy get

me some muggle history books and went through them. Yeah, Captain

America is very real, so now I need to figure out if this is the MCU or a

greater Marvel Universe. I had my elves that are keeping an eye on Sirius

look for important names in the Marvel Universe. While they do that, I go

through my knowledge of Marvel Comics.

Which is none at all, I've only seen the movies and shows. Let's just hope

this ends up being the MCU, and not some giant mash-up of comics I've

never read. Reviewing the movies and shows in my mind I found that the

first thing I'll encounter is Captain Marvel. The movie takes place in the

'90s, so hopefully, it hasn't happened yet. Based on my memories Vers

will crash land into a Blockbuster in Los Angeles. I'll extract the memory

and show it to my elves, so they can search every Blockbuster video store

in LA. If they find the exact replica that means this is probably the MCU.

After a week of waiting, my elves found an exact copy of the Blockbuster

from the movie. I made a simple alarm ward and had the elves place it

on the roof, so when Vers crashes through it I'll know. I started getting

information on characters from Marvel, and it's looking like this world is

a mix of the X-men movies and the MCU. Xavier School for Gifted

Youngsters exists, so maybe I'll visit when I have time. Perhaps I could

also find Kamar-Taj and learn the mystic arts. I wonder if the Ancient

One knows about me, hopefully not it's creepy just thinking about her

using the time stone to spy on me. The only thing I have to do now is

waiting for that alarm ward to trigger, and hopefully, Vers doesn't crash

while I'm at school.

After dealing with that problem, it's time to deal with a more immediate

one. There's an automated system Hogwarts uses to find magical children

in order to send acceptance letters. When a wizard or witch becomes

eleven years old, their name and address will appear in a book in the

headmaster's office. My name and address will appear in that book in less

than three weeks.

I have two options, either to wait and have a talk with Dumbledore in my

apartment, or Floo to the Headmasters office and talk there. Either way,

my name and address still appear in the book. After some contemplation,

I decided to just get it over with. Making my way to the fireplace and

throwing a handful of Floo powder inside. The flames turn green and I

step inside calling out my destination.

"Hogwarts Headmasters office"

(Thanks for reading!)


Thanks for everything like always. I could’ve done more than the

movies, but with the movies I have a stable timeline to follow. If I

want to add more it would get confusing to write, and you have to

remember this is my first Fanfic. Obviously Blade is in this world

aswell, but Harry never saw the Blade movies or comics so he doesn’t

know it’s related to marvel. I could’ve also done fantastic four, but I

felt like X-men and MCU was enough. Thanks for reading!

Meeting w/ Dumbles I

"Hogwarts Headmasters office" I said and waited for a reply.

"Yes, who's calling?" Someone said, through the flames.

"Harry Potter" I said, then after a short wait everything started spinning,

and I appeared in the fireplace in the Headmasters office. "That was

nauseating." I said as I take a seat in front of Dumbledore's desk.

"Well, that's Floo travel for you. You'll get used to it with time."

Dumbledore said, taking a seat at his desk. "Do you mind proving that

you are who you say you are?"

"I swear on my magic that I'm Harry James Potter." I said and cast a

Lumos to prove I still have magic.

"It seems the long search has ended. I'm Albus Dumbledore but you

probably know that seeing as you Floo'd to my office." He said.

"Yeah, I thought since my name and address will appear in the school

book, why not just come over and have a chat." I said smiling as a frown

appears on his face.

"Where have you been since the accident with your relatives?" Albus


"Wool's Orphanage" I said, and a horrified look appears on his face.

"Hahaha, if you could see the look on your face." I laughed, pointing at

his face. "No, I called for house-elves and had them help me get these." I

said showing him my heir rings.

"Do you mind explaining how you know what Wool's Orphanage is, or

how you knew to call a house-elf?" Albus said, looking confused.

"I get these visions every once in a while, but I can't control them. Some

about the future and others of the past." I said, obviously lying but I can't

just tell him how I really know.

"What have you seen so far?" Albus asked, with a curious expression.

"Well, let's get something out of the way first, and after you can choose to

believe me or not. Mimsy!" I called. *pop*

"Master Harry called Mimsy?" She appeared and asked.

"Can you bring me the chest in my closet please." I asked and she popped

away and back with a small chest in her hands.

"Thank you, Mimsy." I said, taking the chest from her. Opening the chest

I take out the ex-Horcruxes I've collected so far. The only difference is the

ring is just a copy made with the same magic I used to steal books. The

real ring is still on my finger with an illusion on it. "Kreacher!" *pop*

"Filthy half-blood masters calls for Kreacher?" He appeared, looking as

grumpy as ever.

"Yeah, give me Regulus's Locket for a minute. I will give it back to you

when I'm done I promise." I said, holding out my hand. Kreacher

grumbles something inaudible then hands me the locket. I place the fake

ring, cup, and Locket on the desk. "Do you know what these are, or were

I should say?" I asked.

"I'm not sure about the ring, but that is definitely Hufflepuffs cup and

Slytherins locket." Albus said, pointing at them with a disbelieving look.

"Two points to Gryffindor, but it would've been five if you gave the full

answer." I said.

"What's the full answer?" He asked.

"All three of these objects used to be Horcruxes. I'll reconsider and give

you the full five points if you can guess who made them?" I asked, and a

look of realization graces his face.

"Voldemort" he uttered.

"Yes, I've seen the creation of each and every Horcrux Riddle has made

and will make in the future." I said, and point at the ring. "1943 Tom

Riddle murders his father in Little Hangleton, sending a piece of his soul

into a ring formerly owned by Marvolo Gaunt, the younger Riddle's

grandfather and a descendent of Salazar Slytherin himself. The ring

becomes his second Horcrux." I then point to the cup and the locket.

"1946 Hepzibah Smith, a witch who claimed to be a direct descendant of

Helga Hufflepuff, befriends Tom Riddle during a visit to Borgin and

Burkes. She makes the mistake of revealing that because of her penchant

for collecting valuable antiques, she has come into the possession of

Hufflepuff's cup and Salazar Slytherin's locket Tom Riddle murders

Hepzibah Smith, sending a piece of his soul into Helga Hufflepuff's cup. It

becomes the third Horcrux. 1979 Tom kills a muggle woman, sending a

piece of his soul into Salazar Slytherin's locket. It becomes his fourth

Horcrux." I said and point to my fading scar.

"1981 Voldemort murders my parents in Godric's Hollow and attempts to

murder me. His soul fragments entirely, sending a piece of him into my

scar and creating a sixth Horcrux." I explained, putting the ex-Horcruxes

back into the chest and giving it to Mimsy, and handing the locket back

to Kreacher. *pop* *pop* My elves leave with the goods before

Dumbledore can ask to keep them.

"Alright, I believe that your a seer, but why are you so mature? Yes, seers

act differently because of their perception of the world, yet I've never

seen a young seer act so mature." He said.

"I've had many visions some about important things, but most about

mundane things. Like a family going on vacation, a man doing his taxes,

a child going to the park, etc. Let's just say seeing so much may have

sped up the growth of my mental maturity." I said, and Albus nods.

"How did you get rid of the Horcruxes especially the one in your scar?"

He asked.

"The one in my head was destroyed when I died in the car crash, but it

took my mother's protection with it. Luckily the muggle doctors were

able to resuscitate me shortly after, for the others, I just went to the

goblins. They extracted the soul pieces and placed them into an animal

then kill it, problem solved." I said.

"You really have been busy, my boy. Truly amazing." He said, looking


"Yeah, and truthfully I have no need of your help, but seeing as Riddle is

partially your screw up. I thought you would like to be involved in his

undoing." I said, and Albus flinches at the comment on his past mistakes.

"I regret not helping Tom more than you know. Yes, he was a very evil

child, but maybe I could've done something to turn him around." Albus


"I can't say a hundred percent that you could've changed him, but I can

tell you where you messed up the most. Every year Tom made a request

to stay at Hogwarts during the summer, yet you always declined. Those

summers were like a horrible punishment to Riddle. World War II was

not kind to the orphans of London, and he wasn't even allowed to use

magic. If I could hazard a guess, it would be that those summers ignited

the burning hatred Tom feels for Muggles." I stated, and Albus looked

regretful at his past mistakes.

"Speaking of my regrets, I'm sorry I had to place you with the Dursley's."

He said.

"You don't have to because I already know. My mother's protection would

be stronger if I was living with her family. I was angry at you for a while,

but I understand that not all death eaters were charged for their crimes" I


"Yes, but that doesn't mean that I don't regret having put you there."

(Thanks for reading!)


Thanks for everything like always. This chapter ended up being sort of

an information dump sorry. I had to prove that Harry is a seer for

Dumbles to believe him. I know some of you want Dumbles to be

portrayed as a bad guy, but that’s not happening. Sorry but i see him

more as a man with many regrets and mistakes, yet does what’s right

even if he doesn’t like it. Thanks for reading!

Meeting w/ Dumbles II

"Yes, but that doesn't mean that I don't regret having put you there."

Albus said, with a remorseful look on his face.

"You're forgiven. Whether that makes a difference or not is up to you." I


"Thank you" he said.

"No problem, now onto something more fun, has my acceptance letter

been written yet?" I asked.

"Yes, I have it here somewhere." Dumbles said, flipping through the

papers on his desk. "Ah, here it is." He said, handing me two pieces of



Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme

Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all

necessary books and equipment.

The term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31


Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

(Second page)



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

•The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)

-by Miranda Goshawk

•A History of Magic

-by Bathilda Bagshot

•Magical Theory

-by Adalbert Waffling

•A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration

-by Emeric Switch

•One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi

-by Phyllida Spore

•Magical Drafts and Potions

-by Arsenius Jigger

•Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

-by Newt Scamander

•The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

-by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal vials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



Yours sincerely,

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus

Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

"Thanks, this way I can get all my supplies before Diagon gets crowded." I

said, folding the letter and stuffing it in my pocket. I already have all the

books, so that's taken care of. The question is should I buy a wand or not.

"Do I have to bring a wand?" I asked.

"Yes, it's required to perform magic after all." He said, wondering why I

would ask that.

"I've already learned to do magic without a wand." I said, waving my

hand and transfiguring the chair next to me into a dove. The bird flys

around the room then lands on the floor turning back into a chair.

Dumbledore just sits there with a shocked expression.

"How did you learn to do wandless magic?" He asked.

"Practice. I did the Lumos earlier wandlessly as well." I said.

"Yes, but Lumos is a very easy spell. I thought you practiced it enough to

do it wandless, not that you do all magic that way. You are truly amazing

Harry." He said.

"So, do I have to bring a wand." I ask.

"No, you don't have to bring a wand. It's required to do magic, but if you

can already do it, I don't see a reason to get one." He said.

"Good, because I'd rather not have to use one." I said.

"I would like to see where you've been living if you don't mind. The death

eaters aren't looking for you now, but when you show yourself at

Hogwarts they will start looking again. I need to make sure your home is

protected." He said.

"Sure, Mimsy!" *pop* "Can you take us to the apartment?" I asked.

"Yes sir, Please take Mimsy's hand." She said, holding out her hands. Once

we take her hands she apparates us to the entrance of my apartment.

"The Blacks and Potters own a lot of property, but I didn't want to live in

a giant mansion all by myself, so I live in this apartment. It's still pretty

big, but not as big as the mansions. The elves help fill the space as well."

I said, directing him to a room in the middle of the apartment. "This is

the room with the ward stone in it." I said, opening the door revealing a

plain room with a six feet tall boulder in the middle. The stone has

glowing runes and intricate arrays covering every inch of it.

"Very impressive, but this will only protect you while inside the home.

How are you protecting yourself outside of here?" Dumbles asked, after

examining the stone.

"I wear this at all times." I said, showing a leather necklace that was

hidden below my shirt. I pointed to a stone hanging from the bottom.

"This is like the ward stone, but less complicated. It hides me from any

form of magical tracking and spying." I said.

"Truly impressive, but how do you power it?" Albus asked.

"It's fueled by my magic." I said, tucking the necklace back under my


"Brilliant" He said.

"Thanks, but I can't take all the credit, I consulted the goblins and they

helped a bit." I said, leading him to the living room.

"Now that my safety has been assured let's talk about the downfall of

Tommy boy." I said as we took seats opposite each other.

(Author: When I wrote Tommy all I could think of was Tommy Pickles

from the Rugrats.)

"Well, what do you know so far?" Albus asked.

"I know who has the first Horcrux, but not where it's kept. There's no

reason to go looking for it because I know where it will be in the future."

I said.

"How was it made?" He asked.

"1942 Tommy murders Myrtle Waren in the first-floor girls bathroom in

Hogwarts, sending a piece of his soul into his diary. It becomes his first

Horcrux." I said.

"How many others are there?" Albus asked.

"Two more besides the diary. One of them hasn't been made yet, and the

other I don't know the location of yet." I said, lying about not knowing

where the diadem is. I want to use Voldemort to help me in my Kingdom

building plan. Right now I'm known for killing him, but the intelligent

people will see that I did nothing. Voldemort's return is my chance to rise

above the title of the boy who lived.

"When and where will the Diary appear?" Dumbles asks.

"Before my second year at Hogwarts, while shopping for school books,

Lucius Malfoy will slip the diary into Ginny Weasley's cauldron. The

diary is enchanted to open the chamber of secrets and cause all around

general mayhem. Lucius hopes to discredit Ginny's father Arthur

Weasley, and have you thrown out of Hogwarts. All we have to do is wait

for Ginny to have possession of the diary, and take it before it can cause

any problems." I explained.

"Yes, that seems to be the best plan of action." Albus said.

"Well, this has been great, but it's getting late." I said.

"Ah, time fly's doesn't it." He said, looking out the window seeing a dark


"We'll talk again when I'm officially a Hogwarts student." I said, escorting

him to the Floo where he disappears in a flash of green flame.

(Author: I'm doing another poll, but this time for your picks of the HP

girls. The winner means nothing because I'll choose who I want, but I

really want to see what you guys as a collective choose. The links will be

in the authors note and the comments. Thanks for reading!)




Thanks for everything like always. Next chapter should be the train to

hogwarts and maybe the sorting. It depends on how long it is because I

tend to end the chapters between 1000-1500 words. Make sure to

vote. https://strawpoll.com/8azk545p https://


Train Ride

After three weeks and a quick trip to Diagon to get supplies, It's finally

time to go to Hogwarts. During those weeks I owled Barrat and had him

alter my investment plan. Barrat is now adding Marvel companies like

Stark industries to my portfolio. I also bought Hedwig, but named her

Selene instead, after the Greek goddess of the moon. I also bought a very

expensive school trunk that has an entire apartment in it. Including a

library, working sinks, and bathrooms, etc, so until I get permission for

Adele (Author: Her name is losing an L because autocorrect is annoying

me) to be in the school she will stay there.

When the day finally came, I made my way to King's Cross station. As I

entered the station I could hear Molly Weasley talking about muggles.

That Woman really should be more careful, but it's possible she's done

some magic so muggles don't notice. I waited for the Weasleys to make

their way through the brick wall, and walk through once they've gone.

Entering platform 9 3/4 I saw a big red train, and couldn't help but

wonder why. Why is a magical society using a train to deliver students to

school? I'll probably never know the answer because I don't care enough

to look into it.

Making my way inside the train I find an empty compartment. My trunk

is shrunk and in my pocket, so no need to lug a giant trunk around.

Selene is also inside just so I don't have to carry around her cage. I'll set

her free when I arrive, so she can stretch her wings. Sitting in the

compartment I get my first intrusion, but it's not who I thought it would

be. The door swings open and I see an Indian girl with the exact copy of

herself standing next to her. They look about my age, so they're probably

first years like me.

"Hello, do you mind? The other compartments are full." They ask at the

same time while dragging their trunks behind them.

"Yeah, have a seat. I could use the company anyway. Let me help you

with that." I said as I wave my hand sending their trunks to the rack

above the seats.

"How did you do that?" This time only one asks while the other looks


"Magic" I said, with a smile as they take their seats.

"That's not what I meant and you know it." She said, while the other one

just looked at me.

"I've trained myself to do magic wandlessly since I was five years old. I'm

Harry by the way, nice to meet you." I said.

"I'm Padma" "and I'm Parvati" they said. "How did you train to use

wandless magic?" Padma asked.

"That's a secret I can't just tell you, now can I." I said, and they both pout

at me as if that would change my answer.

When I plan to spread wandless magic, I want to have a big lead on

everyone else. Therefore I'm not going to teach anyone about it until I

trust them. After I become king I'll reform the school system, and

integrate wandless magic.

"Which house do you think you'll be sorted into?" I asked, changing the


"I don't know, but I want to be in Ravenclaw. I heard they have a library

in the dorm." Padma said.

"I don't know which house I'll be in, but I hope we get our own rooms.

What about you?" Parvati said.

"I don't know which house I'll be in either. I do have a very large

collection of books, so maybe Ravenclaw." I said.

The door opened again, but this time it's a woman pushing a cart full of

snacks and sweets. "Anything off the trolley, dears?" She asked.

"No thanks. Do you girls want anything?" I asked.

"No thank you." They said, and the trolley moved to the next room.

Before we could even talk again, the door swung open, but this time it

was none other than the bushy-haired Hermione Granger herself. "Have

you seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost his." She said.

"No, do you know the toad's name?" I asked.

"I think Neville said its name is Trevor." She answered, with a confused

look on her face. I hold out my hand and mentally call for Trevor the

toad, and a toad appears in my hand.

"Here you can bring this to Neville." I said holding out Trevor to her, but

she's just looking at me with eyes full of worship.

"How did you do that without a wand or saying anything?" She said. Ohh

god, if I have to hear this every time I use magic I may go insane. I gave

her the same answers that I gave the twins, but she was still looking at

me like I was some god. "You don't understand how amazing you are.

Every single book on magic I've read says that only people like

Headmaster Dumbledore can do wandless magic, and he still has to use a

wand for more complicated spells." She said, and I'm just sat here holding

a toad.

I may have just found my first wizarding minion. I have built my elf

assassins, and I'm working on my Vampire guard, but now I need to start

recruiting from the wizarding world. Who better to start with than the

brightest witch of her age Hermione Granger.

"Why don't you bring Trevor here to Neville, and come back to sit with

us." I said, offloading the toad onto Hermione. She leaves with hurried

step, and Trevor the toad in hand. "We should be arriving at Hogwarts

soon. Why don't you girls change into your robes here, and I'll use the

bathroom down the hall." I said, leaving the compartment. When I came

back with my Robe on, Hermione was back and started her questions

again, but she was cut off by the whistle of the train as it pulled into the

station. I heard heavy footsteps walking down the hallway outside the


"Right, then! First years! This way, please! Come on, now, don't be shy!

Come on now, hurry up!" Hagrid says as he passes each compartment.

I've finally made it to Hogwarts.

(Thanks for reading!)


Thanks for everything like always! Sorry this chapter is a little late, for

all those first commenters. I was playing this game called dreams on

PlayStation with my brother. Has anyone else played that game at all?

If you have give me some names for games to play in it. Thanks for



When I made my way out of the train, I took Selene out and let her fly to

the castle. After she was out of her cage, she pecked me on the head and

flew off. It seems I left her in there to long and she's mad at me now.

"Right then. This way to the boats! Come on, now, follow me." Hagrid

said, leading us to a vast lake with boats lined up. "Only four to a boat."

"Do you girls want to share a boat?" I asked the twins and Hermione.

"Sure" the twins said, while Hermione nodded her head vigorously.

When the boats were loaded, they took off on their own. After sailing

across the lake, I could see Hogwarts castle and it is magnificent. I should

build my own castle once I'm king, but that won't be for a while. When

we disembarked from our boats, we were taken inside where Deputy

Headmistress McGonagall was waiting.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through

these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your seats

you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw,

Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Now, while you are here, your house will be

like your family. Your triumphs will earn your house points. Any rule-

breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with

the most points is awarded the house cup. Now, wait here and make

yourselves presentable." McGonagall said in her usual strict and proper

manner and left entering the great hall.

While waiting for McGonagall to call us in to be sorted, a wild ferret

appeared. I could swear I heard Pokémon battle music playing in my

head. "It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has

come to Hogwarts." The ferret said, and children whisper in the

background. "This is Crabbe and Goyle and I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

Draco introduces himself, with his lackeys in tow. I wonder if he's seen

the James Bond movies?

"Ah, I knew you looked familiar. When those house-elves were stolen,

your father's picture was in the paper. He looked really pissed." I said.

"Well, that wasn't one of fathers best moments." Draco said, looking


"Yes, but you can't expect much decorum from a Death Eater." I said, and

many children gasped at the mention of Death Eaters. "No offense to you

personally, it's not like you can control who your parents are." I said,

patting his shoulder with a pitying look. Draco's face turned red from

embarrassment and anger, but before he could say anything about twenty

ghosts floating through the back wall. All the first years, especially the

muggle-borns were scared senseless.

"Forgive and forget, I say, we ought to give him a second chance." A

ghost said.

"My dear Friar, haven't we given Peeves all the chances he deserves? He

gives us all a bad name and you know, he's not really even a ghost. What

are you all doing here" Another ghost said.

"New students! I hope to see you in Hufflepuff, that's my old house you

know." The Friar said.

"Move along" McGonagall said, shooing the ghosts away. "We're ready for

you now." She said, leading us through the huge double doors of the

Great Hall.

When we entered the hall, the older students were already seated at their

designated tables. The teachers were sitting at their own table at the back

of the room on a slightly elevated stage. All of the first years are looking

up at the enchanted ceiling and floating candles.

"It's not real, the ceiling. It's just bewitched to look like the night sky. I

read about it in Hogwarts A History." Hermione said, informing her

curious classmates.

"Alright, wait along here. Before we begin the sorting, Headmaster

Dumbledore would like to say a few words." McGonagall said, and

Dumbledore rises from his seat at the main table.

"I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce. The first years

please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students." He

emphasizes while looking directly at Fred and George Weasley. "Also, our

caretaker Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you that the 3rd-floor

corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does

not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you." Dumbles said, taking

his seat.

McGonagall places an old worn-out hat on a stool in front of the main

table. The hat comes alive and starts singing.

Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

If you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folk use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!

"When I call your name, you will come forward, I will place the sorting

hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses. Hermione

Granger." McGonagall said.

"Oh, no. Why do I have to be first?" Hermione said, looking nervous.

"It will be fine. Just sit there, and let the hat work its magic. It's just

going to scan over your mind, and see which house would fit you best." I

said, trying to calm her down. When she sat on the stool, McGonagall

placed the sorting hat on Hermione's head.

"Ah, right then...hmm...right." It said while making expressions as if it's

thinking hard. "Okay...Ravenclaw!!" The hat said, and the Ravenclaw

table cheers for their new housemate. Hermione joins her cheering

housemates, and the sorting continues. It seems I've changed changed

something, but that's alright. Hermione never really belonged in

Gryffindor anyway.

"Draco Malfoy." McGonagall called, and he saunters up to the stool like a

proud peacock showing off its tail feathers. The second the hat touched

Draco's head it shouted "SLYTHERIN!"

Padma was sorted into Ravenclaw and went to her table with a smile on

her face. Parvati Was sorted into Gryffindor, but didn't look as happy as

her twin. When Parvati and Parma's eyes meet, they both frown and

looked uneasy. This would probably be the first time they would be

separated like this. After everyone was sorted, it was finally my turn.

"Harry Potter." McGonagall called. When I took a seat, the hat was placed

on my head and my sorting has begun.

"Hmm...what the hell? This is a first for me. A transmigrated soul attends

Hogwarts, truly astounding, and also a student of my creators. Don't

worry, I was created to keep the secrets of whoever I sort, as I'm sure the

founders have told you already. I'll let you choose the house you are

placed in, but I recommend Ravenclaw or Slytherin." The hat said.

"You choose, I have no inclination towards any houses." I said.

"Well, if you're sure...better be... Ravenclaw!!"

(Thanks for reading!)


Thanks for everything like always. I hope you enjoy the chapter. I’m

starving, so I’m going to make some food now. Maybe tacos? Idk yet.

Settling in & Puppy Training

When the sorting hat called out my placement, the Ravenclaw table

screamed and cheered at the top of their lungs. The Gryffindors all

looked like they ate something sour. The main consensus was that I'd be

in Gryffindor because both of my parents were. They all probably got

their hopes up, and now those sky-high expectations are crashing down.

After all the celebration, I sat in the middle of Padma and Hermione.

Padma was looking at me as if I wronged her, and Hermione is just

looking at me with stars in her eyes.

"What's the matter?" I asked

"You never said that you're Harry Potter." Padma said, looking


"And you never said that you're Padma Patil." I said

"That's different! I'm not famous." Padma said

"So, every famous person should announce who they are whenever they

meet someone new? Ohh, hello, I'm Harry Potter, if you didn't know I'm

really famous." I said in a mocking manner.

"Alright, I'll admit that sounds kind of stupid." She said sheepishly.

"Yes, yes it does. How about we restart. Hello, I'm Harry Potter, nice to

meet you." I said.

"Hi, I'm Padma Patil." She said, with a smile on her face.

"I'm Hermione Granger" Hermione said, wanting to be included.

"Can I have your attention, please!" Dumbles said "I want to welcome all

of our new and old students. I hope you all have a fun and eventful year

at Hogwarts. Now, let the feast begin!" He said, and the tables filled with

different types of food. I stocked my plate with chicken wings, peppers

and onions, and cornbread. At the Gryffindor table, I could see Ron

Weasley devouring food like an animal.

When the feast ended, we were escorted to our respective common

rooms. A prefect explained that we have to answer a riddle if we wanted

to get into the common room. I guess if you don't know the answer you're

screwed until someone who can answer it shows up. The common room

itself is a cozy library with a fireplace. Once we were all inside, our head

of house came to welcome us. Filius Flitwick walked in with hurried

steps and an excited smile.

"It's so good to have new students! Hello everyone, I'm your head of

house Filius Flitwick, and I'll also be your charms professor. I hope if any

of you have questions you'll come to me, my door is always open. Each of

you will have your own personal rooms, but remember boys aren't

allowed in girl's rooms and vice versa. Also please remember that there is

a 10:00 pm curfew for all students. I will give you your class schedules

tomorrow at breakfast, so don't be late." Flitwick said, and had the

prefects show us to our rooms.

When I got to my room, I locked the door and got to work. The room

wasn't very big so let's fix that first. I snap my fingers and runes carved

themselves into the corners of each room, and the room quadrupled in

size. Now that I have space let's upgrade the furniture.

"Mimsy!" I called.


"Yes, master Harry sir?" She appeared.

"Can you replace the furniture in here with the furniture from the master

bedroom in Black Mansion." I asked.

"Yes, sir." She said, taking every piece of furniture out of the room, and

replacing them with more high quality furnishings. The room now had a

carpet, king-sized bed, dresser, wardrobe, desk, sofa, etc. I also changed

the color scheme of the room to match the Ravenclaw colors of blue and


After that, I started working on the tech I would have in my room. Before

coming here I bought satellite TV, so I transmuted a foothold to mount

the satellite outside the window. Then I took out the best TV I could buy

and plugged that into the battery I got. Besides the satellite TV, I also got

a Super Nintendo, so I can play Mario and Zelda again. I thought about

getting a fridge or a microwave, but if I want something I could just call

for an elf. PC technology isn't great yet so I'm not getting a laptop yet. I

want to get a cellphone as well, but who am I going to call? I could call

Damon, but if I need to contact him I have elves.

My room doesn't have its own bathroom, so I'll have to work on that, but

not today because it's getting late. I turned on the TV climbed into bed,

and flipped through the channels until I fell asleep. The next morning

Mimsy woke me up before everyone else. I did my daily stretches and

exercises then found the showers of the dorm. After cleaning myself up, I

went down to the Great Hall, but I was the first one there, so I went to

explore the school until breakfast starts.

I made my way to the forbidden corridor of death to meet Fluffy. Easily

unlocking the door I see a giant three-headed dog. Fluffy starts growling

at me as one of its heads snaps its teeth at me. I simply use my

Telekinesis to lift him up flipping him on his back holding him still.

Walking up to Fluffy I start rubbing his stomach, and his leg starts

kicking up and down. The best way to get a dog to like you is either

through food or belly rubs.

"Are you going to be a good boy now?" I said while releasing my

telekinesis, and Fluffy stands up. "You want a treat?" I said, and his tail

starts wagging. "I'll take that as a yes. Mimsy!"


"Master Harry called?" Mimsy said, then noticed Fluffy "Ahhhhh!" *pop*

She screamed and apparated behind me. "M-Master H-Harry there's a big

dog over there."

"Don't worry, he won't hurt you as long as you're with me." I said, patting

her head. "Can you go and get some meat to feed him? Preferably some

steaks, but we may need a large amount." I said, and Mimsy nodded

sheepishly taking a peek at Fluffy before popping away. When she came

back, she brought 15 large steaks, and we fed Fluffy together. "Sit!" I said,

and after he sits Mimsy throws a steak for him to catch. This continued

with different commands until it was about time for breakfast, so I got

ready to leave, but Fluffy started whining. "Listen pup, I have to go and

get some things done, but I'll come back soon, I promise." I said,

placating him as I leave.

When I got back to the Great Hall, Padma and Hermione were awake and

saved me a seat between them. While eating Professor Flitwick came

around and handed out our schedules.


History of Magic/Defense Against the Dark Arts




History of Magic/Defense Against the Dark Arts/Astronomy(midnight)




Double Herbology

Saturday & Sunday:

No classes

(Author: I completely made up that schedule, so if anyone knows the

actual schedule let me know. Was there even a schedule given from the

books or the movies? Thanks for reading!)


Earlier chapter today. I might do a second one if I feel like it. Thanks

for everything like always. I’m gonna go and make a chicken sandwich

now. Thanks for reading!


Since it's Monday, we have history of magic with Hufflepuff then defense

against the dark arts with Gryffindor. History of magic was boring, so I

just slept through the entire class. DADA was a mess with Quirrell

stuttering the whole time. What's sad is the information he was teaching

seemed to be useful, but half of his sentences were inaudible. Even

Hermione who's usually very involved in classes didn't raise her hand

once for either class. Throughout the day when our paths crossed, I could

see Parvati making small glances at Padma, so during dinner, I decided to

sit at the Gryffindor table.

"Hello, Parvati how are you?" I said, taking a seat beside her at the

Gryffindor table.

"Harry, I don't think you're allowed to sit here." She said.

"No, you only need to sit at your house table during special events like

the sorting." I said as Padma and Hermione sat across from us.

"Why are we sitting at the Gryffindor table?" Hermione asked.

"Because Parvati is my friend, and it's not against the rules so why not.

Maybe we can eat at the Hufflepuff table tomorrow." I said. The twins

looked happy that they could at least eat together.

"Five points from Ravenclaw, for not sitting at your assigned table." Said

Snape, as he walked over with a sneer on his face.

"Third page, second paragraph." I said handing him a book on the school

rules. After reading the designated page, Snape walks off without even

rescinding the five-point deduction.

"What a prat, he can't just take points for no reason like that." Padma


"Since he won't fix his mistake, we can just talk to Flitwick about it later.

I'm sure he can help, and if he can't we can speak with the McGonagall." I

said. After dinner, we went to Professor Flitwick's office to get this

straightened out. It seems that heads of houses can't reverse a decision of

another, so he said that he'd have to speak to the Deputy Headmistress.

Truthfully I could care less about five points, but the twins and Hermione

were beyond angry about it.

The next day we have charms with Slytherin, transfiguration with

Gryffindor, and potions with Slytherin. Charms was not as boring as I

thought it would be, seeing as I've learned it all already. Professor

Flitwick is a good teacher with an excitable teaching style. A problem

happened about ten minutes into the class though, and that problem's

name is Draco Malfoy. It seems my comment about his family made him

a bit more brazen than the story. While no one was looking Draco cast a

bat bogey hex at me, but before it hit me I leaned out of the way.

Everyone turned seeing a bright flash of light from the spell, but no one

saw who did it.

"Whoever is casting magic in my class, know that if it happens again

there will be a severe punishment!" Flitwick said, as his happy demeanor

was replaced with a stern expression. Nothing else of note happened

during the class, but based on the glare I was receiving this wasn't the

end. Since he wants to be so aggressive, I've decided to plan a nice prank

for Draco. After class Flitwick informed us that the five points taken from

us was overturned by the headmaster.

When we enter the Transfiguration classroom, McGonagall was in her cat

form waiting on her desk. While everyone was talk king their seats, I

walked up to her desk and started petting her. She was purring in bliss

for about a minute, but when I stopped she scratched my arm and hissed

at me. It seems she's embarrassed about being petted by a student. I just

return to my seat chuckling along the way. Ron and a kid named Seamus

Finnigan were late, so I guess Seamus took my place as Ron's best friend.

McGonagall is a good teacher just like Flitwick, but instead of cheerful

and excited she's more reserved and strict.

"That marks the end of our first class. There will be no homework, as this

is only your first day. Mr. Potter, please stay behind for a moment."

McGonagall said as everyone left the class but me.

"Yes, Professor?" I said, walking to the front of the room.

"I've talked to Professor Flitwick about your encounter with Professor

Snape. I just want to say that if it happens again to please let us know.

Severus didn't have a very good relationship with your father, so he may

take that out on you. He's been warned to treat you like any other

student, but old grudges are hard to quell, so if anything happens let us

know." She said.

"Alright, thanks for the help, Professor." I said.

"No problem, Mr. Potter. Now, off with you to your next class." She said,

shooing me away.

The last class of the day, and the one I look forward to the most, potions.

How much of an arse can Snape make of himself? When everyone was

seated, Snape made a grand entrance with his robes billowing in the

wind. The entrance might have been cool if he wasn't a greasy-haired,

long-nosed git.

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class.

As such, I don't expect many of you to enjoy the subtle science and exact

art that is potion-making. However, for those select few, who possess the

predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the

senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a

stopper in death. Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts

in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confidant enough to

not...pay...attention." Snape said. He may be a huge git, but the guy

knows how to make a good speech.

"Mr. Potter. Our...new...celebrity." Snape said, and I could here Draco

laughing in the back of the class. "Tell me, what would I get if I added

powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

"Draught of Living Death, sir" I said, and he looked genuinely surprised

that I knew the answer.

"Where, Ms. Patil, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" He

said, recovering from his shock. Since he can't pick on me, he's decided to

target my friends, but we're Ravenclaws so I don't know what his goal is.

"The stomach of a goat, sir." Padma answered. After two consecutive

loses, Snape gave up trying to embarrass us, and moved on with the class.

When class ended, it was time to start planning my prank on Draco. I

wonder if I should recruit the Weasley twins?

(Thanks for reading!)


Enjoy ?. Thanks for everything like always. I’m going to play Hollow

Knight now. I hope you like the chapter.


When I left potions class, I separated from the girls and went to look for

the Weasley twins. They were to hard to find, so I waited outside the

Great Hall after dinner. Once they came out, I pulled them aside to start

my scheme.

"I heard you guys are experienced pranksters." I said, stroking their ego.

"Why yes." "Yes, we are." "What does ikkle Harrykins need from us?" "The

great Masters of Mischief." They said, alternating between themselves.

"I seek the help of your skills and cunning for a prank most gruesome." I

said, playing along.

"If it's a prank you seek." "You must first find a target" "Who is your target

Harrykins?" They said.

"Draco Malfoy." I said.

"Ahh yes" "Malfoy is a most ideal target" "We shall partake in this mission

of mischief" "But we must first scheme our master plan." "Do you have a

plan, Harrykins?" They asked.

"Alright, here's the mission if you choose to accept it....." I said, telling

them the plan. After the plan was explained, we went our separate ways.

The next day was spent gathering supplies with the help of the Weasley

twins. Since they've been pulling pranks in this school for a while, they

knew where to find everything I needed. By the time classes ended, we

collected everything I would need to pull off my plan. Before dinner

started, I spent some time brewing potions.

"Mimsy!" I called.


"Yes, Master Harry?" She said.

"Go find Draco Malfoy's room, and get me a strand of his hair. Make sure

you're not seen by anyone." I said, and Mimsy went to get the last

ingredient I needed. The reason I need his hair is simple, I'm going to use

a potion on Draco, but how should I get him to drink it? Easy, just key

the potion to him specifically, and administer the potion to all the food in

the kitchens. Since the potion is keyed to Draco, it won't affect anyone

but him. Once the potion was finished, I sent Mimsy to the kitchens to

apply my potion.

When dinner came around, Hermione, the Patil twins and I sat with the

Hufflepuffs. Because of us sitting at other tables, some other students are

now doing the same. Halfway through dinner, it started to take effect,

and Draco started looking around the room with a confused look. The

potion will give him Hallucinations of my choosing. What he sees now is

himself at the Gryffindor table, sitting between Ron and the Weasley

twins. The horrifying part is in the hallucination Draco is wearing

Gryffindor robes.

So, I'm pretty much showing him his worst nightmare. To be sorted into

Gryffindor, and friends with the Weasleys. The horrified look on his face

is hilarious, and I can here the Weasley twins laughing from here. Some

people started to notice Draco's behavior.

"Draco, are you alright?" Pansy asked. In Draco's hallucination, she's in

the position of Ron.

"Don't talk to me! You filthy blood traitor." Draco screamed. The Great

Hall was deathly silent, and everyone was looking at Draco wondering

what's going on. Especially the people at the Slytherin table because

Pansy Parkinson isn't a blood traitor.

"What's wrong, Draco?" Crabbe asked, but Draco sees him and Goyle as

the Weasley twins.

"Why do these poor blood traitors keep talking to me?!" Draco said, as

every Slytherin just looks at him like he's lost his mind.

"Mr. Malfoy, watch your tongue!" McGonagall said, but Draco didn't hear


The next part of the Hallucination is my favorite part. In Draco's mind, an

owl came down and delivered a letter from Draco's father. Everyone

could see him mime as if he took the letter and read it. His face turned

ashen white and he passed out on the floor. The letter he read pretty

much said that Draco has been disinherited and thrown out of the Malfoy

family, for being a Gryffindor and associating with blood traitors.

"Everyone settle down! Madam Pomfrey, please take young Mr. Malfoy to

your office and see what's wrong with him. Students, dinner is over, so

please exit the Great Hall and proceed to your common rooms."

Dumbledore said, and we all dispersed as Poppy Pomfrey levitated Draco

to her office.

Rumors started to spread that Draco lost his mind and had a mental

breakdown. When our first Astronomy lesson came along later that night,

Draco still hasn't left the nurse's office. Astronomy was pretty interesting

actually. The Ceiling of the Astronomy tower is like the ceiling of the

Great Hall, but it can zoom in and out to study different constellations

and celestial bodies. Even though I've learned everything already,

Astronomy has become my favorite class. It's very relaxing to just lay

there and look up at the show.

The next day, Draco showed up to Breakfast, and everyone was looking

at him and talking in hushed whispers. When he went to sit at the

Slytherin table, everyone slid down the bench away from him. After

every table in the Great Hall was full, Dumbledore stood up and

addressed everyone.

"Can I have your attention, everyone! I know there are many rumors

circulating about Mr. Malfoy, and I would like to put them to rest once

and for all. Someone mixed a Hallucinogenic potion into young Draco's

food yesterday. The potion has been cleaned from his system, and he's

perfectly fine. Now, continue your breakfast and get ready for your

lessons." Dumbledore said, and whispers spread throughout the Great


Draco was sitting at the Slytherin table seething with rage. As he looked

across the Hall he saw me smiling at him. He walked up to me and stared

me down.

"I know it was you, Potter! You won't get away with this." Draco said,

pointing his finger at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Are you alright, Draco? Maybe

the potion isn't fully out of your system yet." I said, feigning ignorance.

"Don't pretend like your innocent!" He screamed, drawing the attention of

everyone in the Hall.

"Draco, are you feeling well? Perhaps you should go and see Madam

Pomfrey again." I said, sounding concerned for his wellbeing.

"My father will hear about this!" He said and walked off out of the Great


"Mr. Potter, the headmaster wishes to speak with you after breakfast."

McGonagall said as breakfast was ending.

(Thanks for reading!)


Sorry for no chapter yesterday. I just didn’t feel like writing and

played hollow knight all day. Thanks for everything like always. I

hope you enjoy the chapter. Thanks for reading!

Improving Hogwarts

After breakfast, I was escorted by McGonagall to the gargoyle entrance of

Dumbledore's office.

"The Headmaster is expecting you." She informed, and turned to the

gargoyle. "Sherbet Lemon" McGonagall said, and the gargoyle started to

spin and rise, as stairs started to appear. I hopped onto the top step and

rode it like an elevator.

"Hello, Headmaster." I said as I entered Dumbledore's office.

"Mr. Potter, I see that you're following in your father's footsteps."

Dumbledore said, with a small smile on his face.

"Well, the marauders have to live on somehow, and what better way to

start than on a Malfoy." I said.

"Yes, I will just pretend not to know what happened, as long as you don't

take it too far." He said, with a stern look.

"Yeah, don't worry I won't do anything that will harm any students or the

school itself. Now, how has your little game of hide the stone been

going." I asked, and his eyes go wide.

"Did you have visions about the stone?" He asked.

"Yeah, and I also have a very good relationship with the goblins." I said.

"When will Tom come for the stone?" Dumbles asked.

"I'm not sure yet. I've seen some things, but all I know at the moment is it

will happen after the new year." I said.

"That is a more specific time frame than I had before, so how have your

first few days at Hogwarts been?" He asked.

"It's been alright. Truthfully I'm far ahead of anything we're learning right

now. Don't get me wrong though, for the most part, I'm enjoying the

classes." I said.

"For the most part?" Dumbles asked.

"Don't play ignorant. We both know that this school has some classes that

have somehow slipped through the cracks." I said.

"*sigh* Yes, I know what you mean, but there are circumstances that

needed to be accounted for." Dumbles said.

"Well, Snape is an arse, but I understand why you hired him. Trelawney I

guess I could understand, but one prophecy doesn't make a skilled

teacher. DADA is cursed by Tom, and the one I don't understand the most

is Binns. Why haven't you replaced him with a competent teacher?" I


"You really see through everything don't you?" He asked, looking


"It comes with being a seer after all, so why does Binns still teach here?" I


"Hogwarts school budget isn't what it used to be, and that's due to a

couple of factors. The school board for one doesn't see History of Magic

as a class worth putting money into, and they set the budget for

Hogwarts. To them, a ghost teacher is perfect because we don't have to

pay Professor Binns for his work. I would agree with them if Binns was a

better teacher, but you've sat through his class, so you understand that he

is not."

"The other half of the problem is the amount of tuition Hogwarts receives

has dropped. This is due to two factors, the two dark lords that have

popped up in the same century, and the Ministry of Magic. Because of the

wars caused by Grindelwald and Voldemort, our population fell and with

it the number of children. Have you noticed how huge Hogwarts is, and

yet the number of students we receive can't even occupy a quarter of the

school grounds."

"The Ministry of Magic on the other hand used to pay the tuition for all

children that can't afford it, but that is no longer the case. We are a

boarding school after all, and most people can't afford to send their

children to a muggle boarding school, let alone one of a magical nature.

Since they no longer cover that expense, it now falls to the school to

accept them without pay. The board didn't like this, but the majority

understand that we can't just turn down children, especially when our

school is so empty already." Dumbledore explained.

"Alright, so we have two avenues to go down then. First, tell me how

much money the school needs to run efficiently for a year." I ask.

"About two hundred thousand galleons would be enough to get the

school back on track. That also includes the need for new supplies and

upgrades in equipment. A normal year without the need for upgraded

equipment would be about half of that depending on the number of

students." He said.

"If I were to donate to the school would that money be allocated where

it's needed, or would the board get involved?" I asked.

"Since you would be donating the money, you could say where you want

the money used, and the board wouldn't be able to touch a cent of it."

Albus said.

"Alright, I'll owl my account manager and get the money for you as soon

as possible." I said.

"Are you sure? I know the Black and Potter family's are wealthy, but that

is a lot of money, and you shouldn't waste your inheritance." He said.

"You keep forgetting that I'm a seer, Headmaster." I said.

"What does being a seer have to do with your money?" He asked.

"Let's just say that I've made some healthy investments." I said, and a look

of realization appears on his face.

"Ahh, I understand now. If that's the case the school would gladly accept

your assistance." Dumbles said, with a smile on his face.

"Now, I agree that ghosts make perfect teachers, so have you tried hiring

another ghost to take the place of Binns?" I asked.

"Yes, but none of the ghosts in the school have the qualifications." He


"Yet, none of them have the qualifications yet. Your thinking too small,

Professor. These ghosts have all the time in the world, and yet you're

wasting that opportunity. Find a ghost that you think would be a good

teacher, and get a study schedule made. All they have to do is learn

history enough to teach, and you have a professor you never have to pay,

that never takes sick days or needs vacations."

"Hell, you wouldn't even need to feed them, and do ghosts need to sleep?

If they don't then that doubles the amount of study time, and cuts down

the time until they can teach. Of course, you still need to find a

replacement for Binns in the meantime, but they can be notified that they

are only a temporary replacement." I said.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Dumbledore said.

"Who knows, but if you don't need me anymore I'm going to go and nap

in Binns class." I said.

"Yes, here's a note, so you you don't get into trouble for being late." He

said, handing me a piece of paper.

"Alright, I'll let you know when the money is prepared." I said, leaving

the office.

(Thanks for reading!)


Thanks for everything like always, and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

I’m going to play some Hollow knight, but I’ll check the comments and

stuff like always. Thanks for reading!

Classes & Duel

After a couple of days, the Galleons were transferred to the Hogwarts

vault with a letter designating where the money should be spent.

Professor Binns is still teaching until a replacement can be found, but

that shouldn't take to long. Dumbledore seems to have picked the Grey

Lady, aka Helena Ravenclaw, as the ghost to train up to be a teacher.

From what I hear, it seems that Binns doesn't mind being removed from

his position. When Friday came along, we had double Herbology with


The class was taught by Pomona Sprout, and she seems to be one of the

more competent teachers. This is one of the few classes taught outside of

the school, as classes are held in the greenhouses. During class, I found

out that Neville Longbottom is a genius when it comes to plants, fungi,

etc. Professor Sprout was lamenting the fact that Neville wasn't sorted

into Hufflepuff. The class was alright, but I know everything she's

teaching, so it was a little boring.

After Herbology, we had our first flying lesson with Hufflepuff. Why does

the Wizarding world fly on brooms? It has to be some sort of tradition

because I can think of at least five better ways to fly off the top of my

head. The class went smoothly, but that couldn't be said for the

Gryffindor/Slytherin class. From what I hear there was a literal brawl

between the two houses. Some didn't participate, like Parvati and a few

others, but most of them did. All of them that got involved received

detention for a week and lost a lot of points for their houses.

After the brawl, I heard that Draco challenged Ron to a duel. If this goes

like the movies, then Draco will most likely set Ron up to be caught by

Filch. If both of them were heirs or lords of there respective houses, then

not showing up for a duel would have more consequences. On the night

of the duel, I put an illusion on the door to Fluffy's room. I don't need

other people investigating the stone, and getting in my way. A problem

came when Parvati overheard about the duel and tried to stop Ron and

his friends from going.

Parvati POV (Gryffindor common room)

"Ron, Draco is obviously setting you up to be caught outside during

curfew. Even if he does show up, do you know any fighting spells?"

Parvati said.

"It doesn't matter! He caused us to lose so many house points, and he

tried to steal Neville's remembrall!" Ron said, with Seamus Finnigan and

Dean Thomas standing behind him.

"Yes, but he was caught for that, and only Neville has the right to be

angry about his property, not you. The points can be made up easily, but

if you get caught outside after curfew then each of you will lose us more

points." Parvati said.

"Like I said it doesn't matter. Draco challenged us to a duel, and I won't

be called a coward for not showing up to a duel." He said and stormed

out of the common room with his friends following behind.

"Wait!" Parvati said, rushing out to stop them, but stopped as she

remembered it's almost midnight. When she went to re-enter the common

room, the door was locked.

Harry POV

Because I thought the situation would be amusing to watch, I made

myself invisible and waited for Ron outside the Gryffindor common

room. What I didn't expect is Parvati to inadvertently get involved, and

stranded outside her common room. Since she's stranded, she might as

well enjoy the show with me. I undo the invisibility and appear in front

of her.

"Ahhh!" Parvati screamed, from my sudden appearance.

"Hahaha, you should've seen your face." I laughed and pointed at her.

"What are you doing here? It's past curfew!" Parvati said, still slightly

shaken from my jump scare.

"Well, I thought it would be interesting to watch the duel if Draco shows,

but I didn't expect you to get involved." I said.

"I'm not involved! I was trying to stop those idiots from losing Gryffindor

more points, but no one would listen to me." She said, looking


"Now that you're stuck out here, how about enjoying the show with me?"

I asked.

"How are you going to get back to your common room?" Parvati asked.

"I have my ways, and I can get you back into your common room as well,

but I thought you may want to join me. After being ignored like that, you

could watch as they either lose a duel or get in trouble." I said.

"There's no way that Draco will show up, so they're going to get in

trouble." She said.

"Yes, and you tried helping, but they wouldn't listen, so why not enjoy

the show with me?" I asked, and held out my hand.

"Fine, but we can't get caught, and you have to promise to get me back

into the common room." Parvati said, taking my hand.

"Sure, you have my word." I said and made us both invisible.

"Harry? You disappeared again." She said, looking around forgetting that

she's holding my hand.

"We disappeared. I was invisible before, remember?" I said.

"Oh yeah, so I'm invisible too huh." She said looking at her hand, but not

seeing anything. "how do you know how to make yourself invisible

already? We only just started school." Parvati asked as we made our way

to the trophy room.

"I've studied more than just wandless magic before coming to Hogwarts."

I said as Ron's group entered our sights. I waved my hand and cast a

sound and smell proof bubble around us.

"What did you do?" She asked as she knows when I make a gesture like

that it's to do magic.

"We can talk without them hearing us, but you have to stay near me, so

don't wander off." I said, and she scooted closer to me.

"Where are they?!" Ron said as he entered the trophy room.

"Let's wait a bit. They could be running late." Dean said.

"Yeah, let's give them five minutes, and if they don't show up we can just

leave." Seamus said.

Five minutes later (SpongeBob narrator voice)

"Alright, they're not showing up. We should go before we're caught by

someone patrolling." Dean said.


"It's Filch's cat!" Ron said as they run out of the trophy room. I'm just

stood there shoveling popcorn in my mouth enjoying the show.

"Anyone here, my sweet?" Filch said as he entered the trophy room with

a lantern in hand. *meow* "Come on then." He said, leaving the room to

search the halls.

"It seems we have a chase on our hands. Let's follow and see if they

getaway." I said, and we followed behind. We followed Filch to the third-

floor corridor where Ron's group was caught with nowhere to go, as the

door to Fluffy has an illusion on it.

"You've been caught, so give it up." Filch said as he cornered them.

"Damn it! Parvati was right, Draco set us up." Dean said.

"Hahaha" I laughed, as I watched them get dragged off to McGonagall's

office. Parvati was fuming about the fact that they will lose more points.

After watching them getting carted off, I had Mimsy pop me and Parvati

off to our rooms for a good night's sleep.

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Thanks for everything like always. I’ll start the next chapter soon, as

we’re getting to the good stuff now. I’m going to cook some food first.

I think I’m making some baked ziti tonight. Thanks for reading!


The next morning, everyone found out that Ron's group got detention and

lost there house 15 points. Ron and his friends started spreading the word

about Draco not showing up for a duel. Of course, Gryffindor was angry

because it wasn't honorable, but most in Slytherin will only see it as

cunning. Draco caused a loss of points to there enemy house, and the

majority will think like that. After the rumors spread throughout the

school, tensions between the two houses were growing stronger than


Almost to the point where fights were starting in the halls between

classes. McGonagall gave detentions and point reductions left and right

until the tension simmered down. Let's just say that Ravenclaw is a sure

winner for the house cup, and the school year only just started. Well, it

makes sense since Ravenclaw has Hermione and I, but Slytherin and

Gryffindor made it a lot easier for us to win the cup.

(Time skip Halloween)

After almost two months at Hogwarts, it came time for the first big part

of the Harry Potter story. Tonight Quirrell will try and steal the stone,

and set a troll free in the school as a diversion. Originally Hermione

would get cornered by the troll in the girl's bathroom, but since I've

changed so much I doubt that would happen. Hermione has changed a

lot compared to her canon counterpart. She follows me around like a

puppy, and listens to everything I say as if my word is law.

I've been working hard to turn her admiration for me into subservience. I

instruct her when she has problems with anything school related or

otherwise, and try to help guide her in how to interact with people. In

the beginning, Hermione was a friendless know-it-all that got on

everyone's nerves. Raising her hand constantly in class to the point that it

even annoyed the teachers. Instructing fellow students in their studies,

but doing it in a snooty I'm better than you manner. Thanks to my

interference, that was snuffed out very quickly. My minions need to have

good standing with their peers, unless they're like my elves that do their

work in the shadows.

As for the Patil twins, we are just good friends. I'm not going to target

them to be my minions like I am with Hermione. They've gotten used to

being apart by now, but it's not like they're apart for long. Padma and

Parvati share a good amount of classes together, and eat with each other

every day. The only real time that they're separated is the few classes

they don't share, and when curfew starts they have to split and go to

there dorms.

Other than Hermione and the Patil twins, I don't really hang out with

anyone else regularly. Although, I am making connections with every

student that I can for my future plans. All of these students are potential

minions, Wizengamot members, and voters, so the better our

relationships the easier my plans will unfold later. Also, I don't really

want to go through the same shunning that canon Harry has to deal with.

His relationship had to be horrible with the students outside of his clique

for them to turn on him so easily.

When Halloween finally came along, Hogwarts held a feast in the great

hall. Due to it being a special occasion, we were obligated to sit at our

house table. After eating my dinner, I excused myself from the table with

the excuse of using the toilet, and made my way to the first-floor


POV Great Hall

After Harry left for the bathroom, Professor Quirrell runs into the Great

Hall with a panicked look.


screamed, and tried to catch his breath "Thought you ought to know." He

uttered as he collapsed passing out on the floor. The Great Hall is silent,

and then everyone freaks, screaming and running.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore yelled, and everyone stops. "Everyone, please do

not panic. Now, all students will wait here in the Great Hall. Teachers

will follow me to the dungeons." He said, and the teachers left the Hall.

Noise filled the room again, and everyone looked worried.

"Everyone relax! Do any of you really think a single troll will cause

trouble for Albus Dumbledore?" Hermione yelled, and most students

calmed down. After all, Dumbledore is the strongest known wizard alive,

so why would a troll be any problem for him. Parvati came over to the

Ravenclaw table and sat next to Padma.

"Where's Harry?" Parvati asked, looking around the Hall.

"He went to the bathroom, didn't he?" Padma said.

"Yeah, but he doesn't know about the troll!" Hermione said, looking


"But the troll is in the Dungeon, so he should be fine, right?" Parvati said.

"I think he'll be alright. The nearest bathroom is on the first floor, and not

the Dungeon." Padma said, with a worried look.

"The Dungeon is only one flight of stairs away from the first floor. We

should sneak out of here to warn him just in case." Hermione said, with a

determined look on her face.

"Alright, but how do we leave without being seen? The prefects won't just

let us walk out of here." Parvati asked, looking around the room at all the


"We need a diversion, so we can slip out the door unnoticed." Padma


"Oh, I know what to do!" Hermione said, as she turned her gaze across

the room towards the Slytherin table. "Do you see Draco standing over

there?" She asked, and they nodded. "I'm going to make him fall over.

When the fall draws everyone's attention, I need you both to cast a

Lumos where he stood, but it has to be as bright as possible."

"Would that even work?" Parvati asked, looking skeptical.

"It's the only thing I can think of right now." Hermione said.

"Alright, let's do it." Padma said.

"Get your wands ready." Hermione said, as she drew her wand and

waited for the perfect moment. "Locomotor Mortis" she whispered, and

Draco fell to the floor with a girly scream.

"Lumos" The twins whispered, as every student looked where the scream

came from. Only to be blinded by a bright light similar to a flash


"Good, let's go!" Hermione said, and the trio hurriedly left the Great Hall.

POV Harry

"Where is this damn troll?" I said, as I leaned against the wall opposite

the girl's bathroom. Soon enough stomping of heavy feet accompanied by

the sound of something wooden being dragged along a stone floor could

be heard down the hallway.

"Uhhgg!" The sound of grunting could be heard, as a humongous twelve

feet tall troll came into sight. The ugly troll thunks towards me dragging

its massive club behind. Trolls are dangerously violent, incredibly

aggressive, and low in intelligence, so I'm not even going to try to reason

with it. The troll seems to have noticed me, as its eyes were glued to me

and its footsteps hastened. I simply waited until the troll raised its club,

and used my telekinesis to make it whack itself in the head. *bang*

"Aahhhgggg!" The troll grunted loudly as it fell to the ground with a loud

thud. *boom*

"Harry!" I heard. When I turned to look who was calling me, I saw

Hermione, Padma, and Parvati looking between me and the troll with

shocked faces.

"Hey, did you girls need to use the bathroom too?" I asked, nonchalantly.

"The bathroom? How did you make the troll hit itself like that?"

Hermione asked, with stars in her eyes and a look of worship on her face.

"Magic" I said, with a smile.

"Don't do that! You always say that when you don't want to answer our

questions!" Padma yelled.

"Yeah, you had us worried for nothing, and all we get is half-hearted

answers!" Parvati yelled.

"Do you know how worried we were? We had to cause a distraction, so

we could sneak out of the Great hall just to warn you about the troll!"

Padma said.

"Ahem!" The sound of someone clearing their throat comes from behind

us. Turning around we see McGonagall, Snape, and Quirrell standing by

the unconscious troll.

"Explain yourselves, all of you this instant!" McGonagall said, sternly.

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Thanks for everything like always. I’m going to make some tacos and

maybe play a game. I’ll read the comments like always, so give me

ideas if you got them. No promises that I’ll use them, but they’ll be

considered. Thanks for reading and stay safe!


"Explain yourselves, all of you this instant!" McGonagall said, sternly.

"I went to the bathroom during the feast, and as I left the bathroom this

fellow here attacked me, so I knocked him out." I said, pointing at the

downed troll.

"That's obviously a lie." Snape said, with a sneer on his big-nosed face.

"I could share the memory with the Headmaster later. If that would prove

I'm being truthful." I said.

"Yes, I'll speak to the Headmaster in a moment." McGonagall said, as she

turned her sights on the trio of girls. "Why are you out of the Great Hall?

Did you accompany Mr. Potter to the bathroom?" She asked.

"No, Harry was sitting with us before going to the bathroom, but he

didn't know about the troll, so we snuck out to warm him." Hermione

said, and looked away unable to look McGonagall in the eye.

"Be that as it may... it was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would have

expected more rational behavior from you girls. You three should have

told a prefect, or let us know before we left the Great hall. Two points

will be taken from each of you for your serious lack of judgment. As for

you Mr. Potter I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many

students could take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the

tale. Ten points will be awarded to you, for either sheer dumb luck or

skill. Now, return to your dormitories." McGonagall said.

"Alright, if the Headmaster needs to speak with me just let me know.

Goodnight, Professors." I said as we left.

The next day, no one knew what happened to the troll, as there was no

announcement of what happened. I was called to meet with Dumbledore

and showed him the memory. I don't like being called a liar, so I might as

well prove myself otherwise. After the meeting with Dumbles, I went to

class as usual. Hermione was in a horrible mood all day because not

everyone believed her when she said that I defeated the troll. When it's

only a rumor with no proof, how could everyone believe her? As we left

class, I decided to address the problem.

"Hermione, if you're so annoyed about this, why don't you owl the

memory of that night to the daily prophet. They'd make a story about it,

and everyone would read it tomorrow morning. Problem solved." I said.

"Why don't you do that?" Padma asked.

"Because I don't really mind if people don't believe that I fought a troll." I

lied. I just don't want Dumbledore to think I'm going against him.

Dumbles obviously wants to keep this under wraps, but I want to use this

for good publicity.

"Alright, I'll do it! People need to know what happened." Hermione said,

with a look of determination, as she stormed off.

"Does she know how to take a memory from her mind?" Padma asked.

"Probably not, but I'm sure she'll come and ask once she simmers down." I


When the paper was delivered the next day, everyone saw the caption

'Troll at Hogwarts' on the front page accompanied by a moving picture of

me defeating the troll. The article pretty much said what happened, and

everything from Hermione's perspective. The look on Dumbledore's face

was as normal as ever, but I could see the slight frown twitch onto his

face for only a moment. Now, everyone believes Hermione, and that

seemed to put her in a good mood for the rest of the day.

Later that day, Gryffindor and Slytherin had their first quidditch game of

the year. Slytherin won by a short margin, but they played dirty like they

always do apparently. Time passed and the Christmas season came along.

The majority of students went back to there homes to spend the holiday

break with their family. I, on the other hand, decided to stay at Hogwarts

for one reason, the invisibility cloak. I don't know if Dumbledore will

give it to me if I left, so I decided to just spend the winter break at


I could probably find a way to steal it, but I'd rather not risk my

relationship with Dumbles. He's known as the strongest wizard alive, and

his political backing will help me immensely in my plans. When

Christmas morning came, I went to the common room to see what

presents I got. Below the tree in the corner of the room was filled with

different shaped boxes. The twins sent me a wizarding chess set, and I got

a book from Hermione that I already have, but I won't tell her that. After

going through all of the other presents, I found the cloak with a vague

letter and no name given.

[Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was

returned to you. Use it well.]

I now have my second deathly hollow, and all that's left is the wand.

Putting the cloak on, I disappear from sight completely. A cloak is better

than the invisibility spell because the spell can be countered by the

Revelio charm, but the cloak, on the other hand, has no counter. I did a

quick check on the cloak to make sure there's no tracking charms, or

anything that Dumble could've done to it. After finding a simple tracking

spell, I transferred it onto a sock and placed it in my trunk for now. That

night I decided to go and look for the Mirror of Erised, so I can see my

heart's deepest desire. After two nights of looking, I finally found the


This school is like a maze of abandoned classrooms, so it wasn't easy to

find the room. Walking up to the mirror, I saw myself sitting on a throne

in a beautiful Great Hall surrounded by subordinates. I was entranced by

the reflection of my desire and stood there for about ten minutes. Then I

remembered Dumbledore's speech in the movie. 'This mirror gives us

neither knowledge or truth.' Meaning this mirror will not fulfill my

desire, but show it to me. I don't have time to waste sitting here watching

what could be when I can make it happen myself. Hagrid should get

Norbert soon, so I should visit him after the winter break.

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When the winter break ended and all the students returned, I had one of

my elves watch Hagrid for when he gets the dragon egg. I want to go to

the chamber of secrets, but I would rather not risk it while Tom is here.

I'll just do it after Voldy leaves because I'd rather not tip him off yet. By

the time Hagrid got the egg, it was almost April. He won the egg off of a

disguised Quirrell in a poker game. What made stealing the egg easy was

the fact that Hagrid came back to his hut drunk off his a**, so I just had

my elf take the egg before he woke up the next morning.

When I was brought the egg, I had no idea what to do with it, so I went

through the abundance of books I have. Apparently, dragon eggs need to

be placed on a fire for them to hatch. If it had a mother then she would

blow fire on the egg periodically throughout the day. I had my elves

place the egg in the fireplace at the black mansion, and they'll keep the

fire burning until Norbert is born. I'm probably going to rename the

dragon. I see no reason to name a female dragon Norbert, and that name

is just horrible. Their's no need to hurry, so I'll come up with a good

name once she hatches.

Now, onto my next plan. It's time to steal the philosopher's stone. It

should be in place, and I want to switch it out before Quirrell makes his

move. The next night I had Mimsy pop to the room at the end of the

obstacles, and check for any magic that would notice me if I appeared

there. It was good I did that because there is a spell in the room built to

notice if a wizard or witch enters. Since elves aren't counted in the

blacklisting then I just have to have my elves switch it. The enchantment

on the mirror should let them through.

The reason Quirrell and Voldy couldn't get the stone was because both of

them wanted to use it for personal gain. Voldemort's reason is pretty

obvious, but Quirrell's reason is a bit less apparent. When you think

about it a bit, it's not that hard to imagine. Quirrell wanted to use the

stone to gain Tom's favor. It may not be as bad as Voldy's reason, but it's

still for his personal gain. My elves gain nothing through listening to my

orders, as they already have my favor.

The next night, Mimsy went to the room and stood in front of the mirror.

What would a house-elf see in a mirror that shows your desires? Well, it's

really not that hard to guess. She saw herself waiting on me hand and

foot, cleaning, cooking, etc. it's a good thing I ordered her not to stare at

the mirror too long, and told her about how the mirror works. Even

though I did that she still stood at the mirror for about five minutes

before finding a red stone in her hand.

"Master Harry said the red stone is what he wanted." Mimsy said, talking

to herself. She casts the same doubling charm we used to steal the books

and duplicates the stone.

After placing the fake stone in the mirror, Mimsy brought the real one to

me. Now, I just need to study and analyze it because I definitely don't

want to use it the way it is now. I have reason to believe that the stone

isn't in its perfect form. My main reason is the fact that Nicholas Flamel

and his wife look like walking mummies. In my opinion, the elixir of life

created with the stone should keep you young and healthy forever, not

just stave off death until your nothing but a bag of wrinkled bones. That's

why I refuse to even attempt to use the stone on myself.

What I can do though, is make some pure gold for the fun of it. I'm

running low on money because of all the investments I've made, so I

could stock up on some gold bars. I won't make to many because my

investments will make me a lot of money later anyway. Also, I don't want

to destroy the economy by selling a huge influx of gold. Now, it's time to

make my first batch of pure 100% gold. I had my elves buy me a couple

of brick-sized bars of lead, and tried transmuting a bar with the stone as

a medium. The light metallic colored lead turned into a bright and shiny

gold once I was done with it.

After making a few bricks of gold, I had to work on something else. I

need a place to keep my dragon once it hatches, but I'm not sure where I

should put her. I need to either come up with the same thing I did for

Adele to make her small and reduce her weight. That way I can train her

without being worried about being squashed. That way I don't have to

make some huge area for her to stay and sleep. With her small, I can

keep her in the house, and all I'll have to be careful of is her fire. With

her so small it shouldn't be that bad, hopefully.

In the middle of April, Mimsy informed me that the egg was hatching.

She popped me over to the Black mansions living room in front of the

fireplace. A big black egg was nestled between burning logs. Spiderweb

cracks were forming on the eggshell, as it rocked back and forth. I

Levitate the egg out of the fire and onto a cushion, and casting a cooling

charm so nothing gets burned. After about five minutes of waiting, my

new dragon hatched from her shell. She looked like a black long-necked

lizard with wings.

She's a Norwegian Ridgeback, and you could easily guess where they get

that name from. The tiny dragon came stumbling out of its shell, and she

tries to get her footing. I took a bottle that has runes on it for durability

and filled it with a mixture of brandy and chickens blood. Moving

forward I scoop the little dragon up and cradle her in my arms, as I put

the nipple of the bottle in her mouth. She drained that bottle faster than I

thought such a small creature could. Taking the bottle out of her mouth,

and she lets out a little burp.

"~Can you understand me?~" I asked, just testing if dragons speak the

same language as snakes. She just looked at me and tilted her head to the

side. I guess that answers my question, so I should probably find a way to

speak with dragons. If snakes have their own language then dragons have

to as well. I'll have to look into other animal languages. It's a good thing

that I have an abundance of books to look through.

"Your name will be Kayda. In Japanese, that means 'looks like a little

dragon'. Seeing as I'm going to keep you small most of the time anyway.

Do you like that name?" I asked, and Kayda falls asleep in my arms. "I'll

take that as a yes, I guess."

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Thanks for everything like always. I’m feeling the writing today, so

maybe another chapter if I finish it by today. Enjoy and I hope you like

it so far. Thanks for reading!

Merlin & Unicorn

I'm pretty sure that Kayda thinks I'm her parent, but that's not a bad

thing. It will help a lot with the training I have planned. Nothing to crazy

of course, I don't want to hurt her. Just teach her how to act around

people, so she doesn't go around attacking everyone. While waiting for

Quirrell to make his move, I looked into different animal languages.

What I found was quite lackluster, as their's barely any information in

any of my books. The only information I found was that Merlin was

believed to have the ability to speak to dragons.

Merlin is literally the most famous wizard in history. He was born

sometime during the medieval era. During his formative years, he

attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted

into Slytherin House. He was in Hogwarts during the time of the

founders, so it's possible that they taught him. The founders never

brought up Merlin in our conversations though. At some point in his

lifetime, Merlin became a part of the Court of King Arthur, assisting him

during his reign. His immense skill in the magic arts helped him secure a

position on the Knights of the Round Table. He was also the enemy of

Arthur's half-sister, Morgan le Fay, a dark witch.

Merlin seemed to be the only wizard/witch that could enchant items like

the goblins. This earned him the title of "Prince of Enchanters". He's also

known to have had a Phoenix familiar just like Albus Dumbledore. Seeing

as Merlin is dead I might as well summon him with the resurrection

stone. That way I can figure out if I can learn to speak to dragons, and

maybe learn some magic from him. Making my way to my dorm room I

lock the door behind me and channel some magic into my ring. A ghostly

white hair bearded man appears in front of me. He looks like Gandalf the

grey from the lord of the rings minus the staff.

"You shouldn't have called me to the world of the living, child. My time

has already passed, and me being here will upset the balance of this

world." Merlin said.

"There's no reason to worry so much, as I won't keep you here for long.

I'm Harry Potter by the way, and I presume you're Merlin Emrys." I said,

taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

"Yes, that would be me. Now, why have you summoned me?" He asked.

"I would like for you to teach me the draconic language." I said.

"Why do you need to learn to speak with dragons?" Merlin asked, and I

point to the tiny dragon sitting on the bed behind me.

"I've recently come into the possession of a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon,

and she seems to see me as a parent. I would like to be able to speak to

her." I said.

"She's a cute little one isn't she. What's her name?" He asked.

"Kayda, she just hatched recently." I said.

"What happened to her mother?" Merlin asked.

"I don't know. The groundskeeper of Hogwarts and keeper of the keys,

Rubeus Hagrid won the dragon egg in a card game. I stole it from him

because he doesn't have the means to care for a dragon, and truthfully I

wanted a dragon as one of my familiars." I said.

"Ahh, I see. Let me have a quick conversation with Kayda first. Then I'll

make my decision." He said, and walk closer to Kayda. Merlin opened his

mouth, but no words came out only growls. Kayda jerked her head up as

she stared directly at Merlin, and returned his growls in kind with her

own. After about a minute of constant growling, Merlin turned to me


"I'll teach you how to speak to dragons, but it's not going to be easy. I

was born with the ability to speak the draconic language, so I never had

to learn it. I've tried to teach a few students in my time, and all of them

gave up." Merlin said.

"I'll put 110% of my effort into your teachings. Thank you for this

opportunity." I said, as I stand up and bow my head.

"Good, we'll start now then." He said, and started his lesson.

After a month of lessons from Merlin, I haven't made much progress with

the draconic language. Yeah, I can speak a few words, but I didn't think

my advancement would be so slow. While going to classes, hanging out

with friends, and learning a new language, it came time for When Voldy

should attack the unicorns in the forbidden forest. I had my elves scout

out the forest, for the locations of every unicorn. This way I'll know

which gets attacked and when. I don't really want a unicorn as a familiar,

but I would rather help a unicorn if I can.

Unicorns are pure and defenseless creatures, so killing them just doesn't

seem right to me. Maybe I could also get a steed to ride into battle out of

it. The blood of a unicorn will keep the drinker alive even if they're on

the brink of death, but the drinker will be cursed with a half life. Quirrell

is probably slowly dying from the being possessed by Voldemort. That's

why he'll have to drink the unicorn blood. A half life is better than no life

at all, and I think most people would agree with that.

When my elves brought me information about an injured unicorn, I put

on my invisibility cloak and made my way to the area in the forbidden

forest. I could see a cloaked figure kneeled down and hunched over a

downed unicorn. Not wanting the unicorn to die, I take a rock and throw

it into a bush twenty feet away from me. This startled Quirrell, and he

gets up searching the area. Finding nothing, but not wanting to be found

out, he left the forest as quickly as possible.

Once he left, I made my way towards the downed unicorn. After

analyzing his wounds, I started working on healing him. The unicorn is

choking on its own blood, so the first thing I do is cast the Episkey spell

to heal the wounds in his lungs. Episkey is only for minor injuries, so

hopefully their's nothing to damaged about his lungs. Then I cast Tergeo

to siphon the blood out of his lungs so he's not drowning anymore, and

he seems to be breathing just fine now. The next big thing is the hole in

the side of his neck. This was the area that Quirrell drank from, and it's

the worst of his outer injuries.

Episkey won't work on this, so I take out a small glass bottle with red

liquid, and pour the entirety of it into the wound. The hole in the

unicorn's neck starts slowly closing, and it seems like he'll be alright now.

I give him a blood replenishing potion just to be safe, as he's lost a lot of

blood. The red liquid I poured in his wound is a potion I modeled after

video games and stories. Almost every fantasy story has healing potions,

but the Harry Potter world doesn't.

At least they don't have something with the same power, like the ones

from the fiction of my past world. With its life no longer in the balance,

the unicorn falls asleep on the ground in front of me. After letting out a

sigh of relief, I hear the sounds of many feet walking behind me. Turning

around I see the hairy bodies of four tiger sized eight-legged tarantulas.

"Nope, nope, nope. F**k spiders I'm not doing this I refuse." I said, as a

chill went down my spine. "Mimsy!"


"Master Harry called?" She said, not noticing the spiders inching closer

behind her.

"Get me and this unicorn to the Black mansion now!" I commanded, and

she popped us away swiftly, not knowing why her master was being so

mean about it. Once I was away from the hairy disgusting monsters, I

took a deep breath and sat on the couch. I may be able to destroy those

spiders easily, but I would rather not be anywhere near them.

"F**k spiders"

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Thanks for everything like always. I hope you all enjoy the chapter.

The next one should be when Quirrell goes for the stone. Thanks for



Another unicorn was attacked a few days after my run-in with the

spiders. I rescued it the same way I did the other one, and this one is a

female. No more unicorns were attacked after the first two just like the

story. During the second attack, Hagrid acted as a good distraction. Since

no one was caught smuggling a dragon out of the school, Hagrid and fang

were alone. Apparently, he was searching the forest for a missing

unicorn. Hagrid came stomping over and interrupted Quirrell's

bloodsucking. After Quirrell fled the scene, My elves popped the injured

unicorn away before Hagrid could get to the area.

After healing the unicorns, they seemed to like me, so I set them free in

the forest near Pride manor. If they stay in the area I'll see them again,

and maybe ride one at some point. Since I have two unicorns of the

opposite gender, I'm hoping they populate the forest with unicorns. It

will take a while, but it's worth a try. I decided to give the girls books on

Occlumency, so I could start teaching them wandless magic. Hermione is

already completely loyal to me, but I don't think she's fully noticed yet.

The twins are my best friends, so I don't mind teaching them a thing or

two. Since it will take a while for them to learn, this probably won't

happen until next year.

As the school days moved forward, the day that Quirrell would go for the

stone came. Dumbledore already left the school, and I have to make the

decision to go down and stop him or leave him alone. Voldy can't get to

the stone, as I have it in my possession. The question is do I want to risk

Dumbles finding out that the stone is a fake? The answer is no because

his help would make it a lot easier to accomplish my goals. Also if I start

changing to many things then how am I going to know what to expect.

Small things are alright like what house I'm in and my friends, but

fighting Quirrell seems like something I should do.

I have my elves following Quirrell, as he makes his way through the

obstacles and to the mirror. After Quirrell left Fluffy's room, my elves

popped him to the black manor. Who knows what happens to him after

all of this. Once he entered the mirror room, my elves popped me to the

door of said room. Making my way through the door, and down a long

staircase. Quirrel is standing in front of the mirror talking to himself, or

rather talking to the leach that is Voldemort behind his turban.

"Hello, Professor. I was looking for the bathroom, and it seems I've lost

my way." I said, as I strolled into the room.

"Well, Mr. Potter. I'm going to have to give you a detention, for being out

past curfew." Quirrell said.

"Aww, no more fake s-stutter? That's too bad because I really liked it." I

said, shaking my head.

"You're smarter than I gave you credit for, but that doesn't matter.

Now...what does this mirror do? I see what I desire. I see myself holding

the stone, but how do I get it?"

"Use the boy." A raspy voice calls.

"Come here, now." Quirrell commanded, and I step in front of the mirror.

I need to get the fake stone to destroy it, so I might as well play along for

now. "Tell me what do you see?" He asked.

I look in the mirror and see myself. My mirror self brings his hand into

his pocket pulling out the fake stone, and winks at me putting the stone

back. A weight appears in my pocket, and I tap the side of my pocket to

make sure it's actually there.

"What is it?! What do you see?!" Quirrell asked.

"I'm riding a flying giraffe, as it shoots rainbows out of its butt cheeks." I


"He lies." The raspy voice called again.

"Tell the truth! What do you see?" Quirrell asked.

"Let me speak to him." The voice said.

"Master, you are not strong enough." Quirrell rebutted.

"I have strength enough for this." The raspy voice stated. Quirrell

unwraps his turban and on the side opposite his face, another face is

planted. It is Voldemort who appears kind of like a snake. He stretches

out and faces Harry via the mirror. "Harry Potter. We meet again." Voldy


"Eh, I don't really count our first meeting, as I was to young to really

remember you." I said.

"We can count this as our first meeting then. Do you see what I have

become? See what I must do to survive? Living off another, as a mere

parasite. Unicorn blood can sustain me, but it cannot give me a body of

my own. But there is something that can. Something, that conveniently

enough, lies in your pocket!" Voldy said.

"Well, if you want the stone you'll have to take it from my cold dead

body." I said.

"Don't be a fool! Why suffer a horrific death when you can join me and

live?!" Voldy asked.

"Nah, I'm not interested in joining a losing team." I denied.

"Haha. Bravery. Your parents had it too. Tell me, Harry, would you like

to see your mother and father again? Together, we can bring them back.

All I ask for is something in return. There is no good and evil. Only

power, and those too weak to seek it. Together, we'll do extraordinary

things. Just give me the stone!" Voldy proclaimed.

"You can't bring back the dead. Even if you could I still wouldn't be

interested. Like I said before you're the losing team, and I don't waste my

time with losers." I said, with a sneer on my face that could almost rival


"Kill him!" Voldy commanded, as his parasitic face contorted in anger.

Quirrell soars into the air and smashes into me, one hand on my throat.

We fall to the steps, and the fake stone tumbles out of my pocket as

Quirrell tries to choke me. Suddenly, I put my hand on Quirrell's, trying

to get him off. Smoke furls from under his hand, as I cast a wandless

incendio to mimic the protection Harry's mother gave him.

"Ahh! Ahh!" Quirrell screamed in pain and backed away from me. His

hand is burned black. "What is this magic?" He asked.

"Fool get the stone!" Voldy yelled. I let Quirrell move to the stone, and

burned his entire body as he picked it up.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Quirrell screamed in agony. His entire body lit up in a

giant concentrated fireball. He was burned black and crispy from head to

toe, and the fake stone was destroyed in the process. From Quirrell's

overcooked body, a wraith-like figure of Voldemort's comes flying out. It

rushes at me and passes through my body leaving the area, as it let out

an ear-piercing shriek. Once Voldemort left, I let out a sigh and sat on the

ground. I could've finished that fight easily, but I don't want to show

Voldemort my true strength, yet.

(Thanks for reading!)


Thanks for everything like always. I hope you enjoy the chapter. ?

Aftermath & end of year

After waiting a short minute, dumbledore came barreling in with a

worried look on his face. When he saw the crispy corpse on the floor, he

breathed a sigh of relief. Walking over to my side he gave me a pat on

the shoulder.

"Can you tell me what happened, Harry?" Dumbles asked.

"Sure, I had a vision of Quirrell going for the stone, but you weren't here,

so I took things into my own hands. On the back of Quirrell's head under

his turban was the wraith of Voldemort. He wanted to use the stone to

make himself a body or something. Since he was holding the stone when

I lit him on fire, I would say the stone is destroyed. You may want to

contact your friend Nicholas and his wife, as they won't have much

longer to live." I said.

"You don't have to worry about them. They have grown tired of living,

and want to move on to the next great adventure. That's the reason they

gave me the stone in the first place. Do you think they can't protect it?

Many have tried to steal from them, and none were ever heard from

again. I was planning to destroy the stone after baiting Tom, but no plan

is foolproof." Dumbles said.

"That's good, I've seen pictures of them, and they look like walking

mummies. It can't be comfortable living like that. Although they have

magic to ease their lives, it can't be easy on them. Why did you leave

school in the first place?" I asked.

"Yes, they have to use magic for most tasks nowadays. It will be sad

seeing them go, but we just have to remember that they have lived far

longer than most. No matter how long someone lives we all have our

time to go. This is just their time. As for the reason I left, a meeting was

called in the Wizengamot." Dumbles said.

"Who called the meeting?" I asked.

"Lucius Malfoy." He said.

"Do you think it's a coincidence that a former death eater calls a meeting,

and Voldemort makes his move on the same day." I said expressing my


"I was thinking the same." Dumbles said.

"Well, it's late and I'm tired from all the fighting, so if it's fine with you

I'm going to sleep." I said, as I climbed to my feet.

"Yes, but I'm afraid you'll be sleeping in the infirmary. Madam Pomfrey

would go mad if you don't get a check-up after fighting a dark lord."

Dumbles said.

"That's fine, as long as there's a bed where I'm going I'll have no

complaints." I said, and we made our way to the infirmary. I tucked

myself into one of the beds and passed out, as Dumbles went to get

Madam Pomfrey.

Next afternoon

I awoke to a room filled with cards and candies. I guess the school found

out what happened, but I doubt they know it was Voldemort. What's

probably spreading is that I defeated Quirrell, as he tried to steal the

stone. That's fine though, I doubt it would be believable that I defeated

the ghost of Voldemort. Dumbledore enters the room with Madam

Pomfrey trailing behind.

"Good afternoon, Harry. I see you have tokens from your admirers?"

Dumbles said.

"Yeah, I take it everyone knows what happened?" I asked, and

Dumbledore nodded. "Do they know everything, or just about Quirrell?" I


"Just Quirrell. I'm afraid people aren't ready for the whole story just yet."

Dumbles said. As we were talking the door slammed open, and three girls

rushed in with worried faces. These girls are obviously Parvati, Padma,

and Hermione.

"Harry are you alright!?" They all asked at the same time.

"Did I not say to wait out in the hall? Get back out there, and once the

Headmaster is done I'll call you in." Madam Pomfrey said with a stern


"It's alright, Poppy. Harry and I are done with our chat." Dumbles said, as

he makes his way to the door stealing some of my candy on the way out.

"Harry, we heard that you fought Quirrell. Is it true that he was faking

his stutter the whole time?" Padma asked.

"Yeah, he has no stutter what so ever. When I found him trying to steal

the stone, he didn't even bother faking anymore." I said.

"Wow, I always wondered why he felt so weird, but now we know why."

Hermione said.

After answering some questions, I was discharged from Madam Pomfrey's

loving care. The rest of the year moved by quickly, and Ravenclaw easily

won the house cup. We all loaded up onto the Hogwarts express and

enjoyed the ride home. Once we made it to the station, I met the girl's

parents. For some reason, their fathers were giving me the stink eye. I

guess when your a father any man around your daughter is a potential

enemy. When I made it back to my apartment I was met with an anxious


"What's wrong, Damon?" I asked.

"You said I have to wait until you get back from school to get justice for

my mother. So can I go now, or what?" Damon asked.

"Yes, you can leave but make sure you pack everything you'll need.

Before you leave come speak to me, and I'll give you some money." I said,

and Damon rushes towards his room. Since it's time to take over the

Kreiger sect, I'm going to start mobilizing my elves.

"Mimsy!" I called.


"Yes, Master Harry?" Mimsy appeared.

"Put together twenty teams with four elves each, for the fight against the

vampire sect. After that have one team follow Damon, and have the rest

hide in the surroundings of the Kreiger sect fortress." I commanded.

"Yes, sir." She said, as she popped away.

When Damon left The apartment, I just sat at home and waited. There's

no reason for me to trail him when I can just have my elves apparate me

to him, so I'll just relax until he gets to the fortress. A day later I put on

my cloak of invisibility, and my elves popped me near Damon. He stood

outside the giant gates of the mountain fort.

"Who goes there!?" A guard yelled from atop the high walls.

"I'm Damon Kreiger and I've come to challenge my half brother Kieran to

a duel to the death, for the murder of my mother!"

(Thanks for reading!)


Enjoy ?

New story

I'm not gonna write some crazy thing here. Just read the synopsis and if

you're interested, give a read.

I'm Spider-Man (MCU) (A/N: that's the new story BTW)


As Peter Parker of Earth-199999(MCU) dies shortly after being bitten by

a radioactive spider, another soul takes his place. A teenager who

committed suicide due to his tragic life gets a second chance in the body

of everyone's favorite neighborhood Spider-Man.

Male Lead: Peter Parker or Spider-Man (Tom Holland)

Female Lead: Michelle Jones or MJ (Zendaya)

Ps- I've changed the timeline a little. Peter (15y/o) will get his powers in

2010. A few months before Ironman 1 takes place on his first day of high

school, which is when the story starts. Also, Peter is 6 feet tall instead of

Tom Holland's 5'8.

(A/N: I came back to writing recently and was fairly rusty (I didn't write

for almost a year) and lazy. I was doing short chapters and dragging

things out far to long in my last story. This is my redemption story, so to

speak. I've learned from it and hopefully this one will be better. Also, the

romance will start earlier since I'm not writing about 11 year old kids

going to magical schools anymore. Lol)

No Harem BTW]


Ps- to all the askers, I'm not coming back to my old fanfics anytime soon.

Sorry. Also, to the complainers, please leave quietly. Thank you and I

hope you give my new story a read!

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