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Я, Луффи, пробуждаю Бога

Солнца на вершине (One Piece)

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One Piece

I, Луффи, Пробуди Бога Солнца на вершине

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Chapter 61

"Rubber JET machine gun!"

In the second gear, Lu Fei's fists covered Liu Ying, and he moved forward

quickly and bombarded at a faster frequency. The shadows of the fists

densely covered the space in front of him, and instantly bombarded Lu


Lu Qi was hit by the bombardment. In an instant, he felt that it was not a

pair of fists hitting him, but hundreds of fists hitting every part of his

body at the same time. The pain was excruciating. sunken.

Iron blocks are useless at all!


Lu Qi screamed, the injury was already serious, but now in just a short

moment, his whole body was in severe pain, covered with scars, his face

was constantly sunken from the beating, and blood was constantly

spraying from his mouth, nose, and eyes.


After the last blast, Luffy stopped attacking, and Lu Qi flew upside down




Banging on the wall of the high-rise building, this time it didn't hit a

dent, but directly pierced through the thick wall, rolled his eyes, Lu Qi,

who didn't know his life or death, fell and fell into the sea.

With a plop, it fell into the sea.

The wall was dented just now because Lu Qi was in full power, and his

strongest attack offset part of the power of the Grizzly Gun, but this time,

it completely withstood the high-frequency bombardment of the second

gear combined with Liuying.


The faces of the Cp9 members changed drastically, and Lu Qi was

defeated like this, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead. You

can imagine the severity of the injury.

What's more, to the horror, Lu Qi suffered a disastrous defeat after only

two attacks by the straw hat.

Even the straw hats are not in their strongest state.

This, the gap is too big...

Such a gap is also normal.

In the original plot, the battle on Judicial Island was extremely difficult.

Luffy's ability to defeat Lu Qi did not mean that he was stronger than Lu

Qi, but because of his willpower.

But for the current Luffy, it is very easy to defeat Lucci, who is not

domineering, and there is a big gap between the two.

The six members of Cp0 frowned, knowing that the next battle would be

very difficult.

However, even so, it must be successful.

"Although cp9 is the strongest in the past 800 years, it is too reluctant to

deal with the strength of the straw hat."

"Yeah, so, we still have to deal with it."

"Strong strength, strong domineering, even Liu Ying, who is his teacher?"

"Don't think about it. Seeing his strength, my blood is boiling. Although

he is a rookie, it is worth our all."

"Let him warm up just now, after all, he has to face the six powerful

combat forces of our cp0."

The six CP0 took off their white cloaks, dressed in white suits, ready to


whoosh whoosh...

At the same time, the other members of cp9 used Shave and were also

ready to fight.

"Finally we can do it."

Zoro couldn't wait, his hand holding the knife tightened.

Sanji breathed out the smoke: "Miss Nami, I will defeat them now,

everyone leave together."

Usopp's slingshot moved among the six combat forces of cp0: "Who am I

going to find as my opponent?"

They couldn't wait for a long time, and the next one was the battle

between cp0 and the Straw Hats, and it was no longer Luffy's solo show.

Luffy arranged: "Chopper, the remaining six of cp9, you will solve it."

"Okay, Luffy." Chopper nodded obediently.

CP9's Kaku, Gabra and the others looked over, their faces were ugly, and

they were angry.

Because, their opponent is a little reindeer.

Although I know that it is the ship doctor and the bounty of 300 million

Bailey exists, let this reindeer solve the six of them alone? Who do you

look down on?

That's why they're angry, they're being treated so lightly.

"It's not the three main combat forces of the Straw Hats, but he is only

allowed to deal with the six of us. He despises us too much!"

"Yeah! What arrogance."

"Then let him see our strength!"

"To deal with the six of us, one ship doctor is not enough, at least one

more navigator?"

"We are not an opponent of any of them fighting alone, but we can't beat

one of the six non-main combat forces?"

"I'm sure I can beat them, that's fine, let's deal with their ship doctor


However, in the next moment, their faces changed, their eyes widened

and their pupils shrank.

Hearing a low growl, Chopper suddenly turned into a human-beast form,

tall and burly, full of muscles full of violent power, with clear outlines.

And in an instant, his whole body was pitch black, and every part of his

body was covered with armed domineering colors.

In an instant, the aura was extremely terrifying, it was no longer a cute

little reindeer that was harmless to humans and animals just now, but

like a terrifying beast.


Chopper flew in front of them in an instant, which shocked them, it was

shaved, and it was much faster than them, who taught it?

In an instant, the six of them, cp9, faced one of Chopper. They lost

confidence, their bodies trembled subconsciously, they felt a heavy sense

of oppression, their hearts were depressed, cold sweat broke out on their

faces, and they no longer dared to underestimate or say anything.

After seeing this scene, cp0 became more determined.

The Straw Hats are too powerful, they must be killed, they cannot

continue to grow.

Three figures rushed over, Zoro, Sanji, and Nami.

The knife in Zoro's hand is pitch black, Sanji's right foot is on fire, and

the weather stick in Nami's hand is covered with pitch black armed


On the stone pillar, Usopp didn't move, but he drew his bow.

In an instant, the Straw Hats were all ready to start fighting.

Everyone's aura is very strong.

Once again, the six forces of cp0 had the same idea as Aokiji.

What they faced was like a royal group!

Straw hats are like the fifth emperor!

The other members of the Straw Hats are like cadres of the Royal League!

Cp0's six-member captain said in a deep voice: "Don't be careless, go all

out, don't think of them as the strongest rookie pirates, but think of the

Straw Hat Pirates as the Five Emperors!"

After the words fell, the six captains of cp0 walked towards Luffy,

fighting spirit rising, and said awe-inspiringly:

"Let's fight, fifth emperor of the sea!".

Chapter 080: Open Fourth Gear! Stretch man!

Captain Cp0 wants to treat Luffy as the Five Emperors and fight with all

his strength.

"I'm the captain of cp0's sixth and seventh group, Cook. General Kuzan

failed to take you down, so we will arrest you."

The battle is imminent.

Zoro, Sanji, each against the cp0 members of the two forces who are

second only to Cook.

What Sauron faced was also with a knife.

Nami and Usopp are dealing with three cp0 members, and their forces

are also at the bottom of cp0.

Cook knew that it was mainly up to him to win the Straw Hat Pirates.

In his opinion, other battles may be evenly matched, so he has to stand

up and defeat the straw hats first.

Knowing Luffy's strength, he treats it as the Five Emperors, so Cook

naturally fights seriously.

Fur emerges from his body, it is the fur of a tiger, -animal type, tiger


The momentum is stronger than Lu Qi in the leopard form just now, and

at the same time, the whole body is covered with armed color -


On the forehead, there is a king character.

Cook's fighting spirit rose: "It's been a long time since I've been active,

let's start."

As a protector of Tianlong, he has almost never encountered an enemy,

let alone a strong enemy.

Therefore, Cook is also looking forward to the battle of Luffy.

After the words fell, Cook started directly. After all, it is best to complete

the task as soon as possible, and he has to go back to Mary Gioia.

Wu Laoxing and Tianlong people don't give them much time to go out. If

they go back too late, they will be punished.

The most important thing is that it is not good to arouse the anger of the

Tianlong people.

"Finger the gun, Huang Lian!"

whoosh whoosh...

Black finger shadows spread all over the front, stabbing forward quickly.

Luffy's fists blasted out like a machine gun, just like countless black shells

blasted out.

"Rubber eagle guns fight!"

bang bang bang bang...

The attacks of the two sides kept colliding, and the moment they

collided, Luffy knew that Cook in front of him was not comparable to Lu


Whether it is strength or domineering, they are very strong.

This made Luffy's blood boil, and that's what he wanted. Although he

didn't know this guy, he just needed to be strong.

The battles all the time have been too easy. Even if they met Enilo, they

defeated him without much effort.

And Luffy feels that this Cook, at least has the strength close to that of a

general, so that he can have a good time.

After confronting each other for a minute, both of them backed away.

Cook said in a deep voice: "Don't you want to open fourth gear? Let me

see what fourth gear looks like."

He was curious, and the second gear was red and steamy all over.

The third gear is the body with huge limbs and strength.

So what will happen to the fourth gear?

Luffy said: "You haven't entered the strongest form yet."

This made Cook very upset. He only used the strongest form after

defeating the straw hat in gear four.

"Since you don't drive in fourth gear, then I will defeat you in this form."

It means that if you don't open the fourth gear, then you will have no

chance to open it, and you will be defeated by him in this form.

"Supersonic, shave!"

Cook flickered suddenly, the speed was supersonic, and even as he

moved, he made a sonic boom.

As the captain of the cp0 team, he naturally has a stronger six-style and

stronger physical skills.

While moving quickly, the pitch-black tiger paw hit Luffy's back.

In his opinion, his physical skills are strong, and his six-style is strong.

Although he can't compare with Karp, who is the ultimate six-style, he is

not far behind.

What's more, his animal is in the form of a tiger, with extremely strong

strength, speed plus strength, plus domineering, he feels that this slap can

hit Luffy hard.

One palm shot, however, was missed. Luffy turned sideways and

appeared on his left side, his fists blasted out like cannonballs.

"Rubber eagle bazooka!"

Cook didn't have time to dodge at all, it was too fast, even, the fast one

was ahead of schedule.

Chapter 62


The terrifying pair of fists bombarded his waist, and he flew out directly

sideways. Even if he was armed with domineering aura and double

defense with iron blocks, it was still painful.

With a bang, Cook was smashed into the air, pierced through the wall,

and flew out.

When it fell to the ground, Cook was shocked, how could it be.

Supersonic shaving, unexpectedly able to dodge, is knowledgeable and

domineering so strong?


Cook realized that he hadn't escaped, and even if he could escape, it

would be impossible to attack himself moving at supersonic speed.

That way, when dodging, you have to know your position.

And when Luffy turned sideways, he didn't look at himself.

So, why...

I thought it was a reaction, the arrogance of knowledge, and my own

speed, but I felt that even so, it was impossible to counterattack the self

who was moving at supersonic speed with a precise attack.

So... Could it be...

Realizing something, Cook's face changed drastically. Even his eyes

widened and his pupils shrank, unbelievable and shocking.

"Could it be...seeing the short-term future, the knowledge-colored

arrogance is strong enough to foresee the short-term future?"

Thinking of this, Cook's face instantly became heavy.

He hadn't been able to achieve this kind of knowledgeable color, even in

his whole life, but the straw hat actually achieved it.

Cook's face was ugly: "In this case, it will be tricky."


In an instant, Lu flew over Cook, and a giant black fist slammed down.

"Rubber Thor Gun!"

Knowing that this trick is very powerful, Cook dare not be careless.

"Six King Spear!"

Booming with both hands together, a terrifying power erupted.


The two terrifying forces collided, the forces swept across, the

surrounding buildings collapsed, and the sailors in the distance were

blown away, screaming.

The ground around Cook was sunken, and a large pit appeared. Although

the ground under his feet was intact, it was cracking.

Cook's legs were shaking, and his knees were gradually bending. Luffy

above was roaring and exerting force, constantly booming.

The muscles of Cook's arms swelled and he exerted his strength upwards,

but his arms kept sinking under pressure.

With a bang, Cook was smashed to the ground with pain in his body.

Luffy retracted his fist and was about to attack again, and Cook pulled

away while moving at supersonic speed.

Cook was a little embarrassed, wiped the blood from the corner of his

mouth, and his face twitched in pain.

Cook knows that it is impossible for such a self to defeat the straw hat

Luffy, so he can only do his best.

Soon, Cook was the same as Lu Qi just now, his body was tightened and

shrunk. Although he was still in the form of a human and beast, he

became the human body just now.

Strength, speed, defense, etc. are stronger.

Cook said in a deep voice: "I've already used the strongest form, it's your


Cook's heart is very heavy. He was confident that all the missions will be

successful this time, but after seeing the strength of the straw hat, he

observed the battle around his eyes, which was not good.

So, it's likely to fail.

This is why his heart is heavy. If cp9, Demon Slaying Token, and cp0 all

fail, it is too shameful.

But now it seems that they do not have an advantage. They may not be

able to take down the Straw Hats, unless there is a general, then they will

definitely be able to win the Straw Hats.

However, it is obviously impossible, and it is impossible for them to have

the cheek to ask for support.

It is impossible for the Navy Headquarters to support, after all, Red Hair

and White Beard are about to meet, and it is already known that the Red

Hair Pirates are sailing towards White Beard's territory.

0····Ask for flowers····

As for the world government, it is even more impossible.

Request to send cp0 stronger combat support? Not to mention whether

Wu Laoxing would yell or not, the Tianlong people would definitely go

berserk. After returning, they may even be executed, after all, they are

considered useless.

Therefore, support is impossible.

So, support is not enough, and it is very difficult to take down the Straw

Hats, what can be done?

The only thing that can be done, meaningfully, is to completely eliminate

the full strength of Straw Hat Luffy.

Until now, it is not clear, so it must be clear after this battle, so it is

necessary to let Straw Hat Luffy fight with himself with all his strength.

But Luffy shook his head: "Try to see if not entering fourth gear can solve

you first. If you can, there is no need. Let me have a good fight. If you

can, open fourth gear, otherwise, open fourth gear, It's not going to be

fun if it's over too soon."

This made Cook extremely angry, meaning that he had to see if he was

qualified to let Luffy drive in fourth gear.

"You really underestimate me! Although I'm not the strongest cp0, I'm

still at the top! I'll let you suffer first!"

Cook didn't care, in this case, just wait to be traumatized by himself.

Use Shave to move faster, sweep to the front of Luffy, and use the finger

gun Huanglian in the state of life return.


Luffy's fist blasted out like a machine gun, and the two clashed again

with high frequency, and the battle was fierce.

In this way, the fierce battle continued.

At the same time, Sauron and the others continued to fight, but the most

intense battle was between Luffy and Cook.

Because, even though other cp0s are strong, they are still a bit behind

Sauron and Sanji.

Sanji has not yet used the Devil's Wind Kick, and Zoro has not gone all

out, and he already has a slight advantage. This is why Cook is so heavy,

because he has seen the situation clearly, and this battle cannot be


Cook faced Luffy just now and fell into a disadvantage, but now at full

strength, Cook has a slight advantage, stronger in strength, speed, and


Luffy can't open the fourth gear, so it's a bit difficult, but it's good, the

battle will last for a period of time, and the pressure of the battle can be


After tempering, open the fourth gear again.

That's it, fight with the strong all the way, improve all the way, and use

the strong enemy as a training partner.

While gaining the advantage, Cook shouted: "Go all out! Even if you lose,

force them to use all your strength. If you can't win them in this battle,

you must know the true combat power of everyone in the Straw Hats!"


The other cp0s also understood, that's the only way to go.

Cp9's face sank, and cp0 felt that they couldn't succeed, and they became

even more depressed.

Kaku and the six of them faced Chopper and found it very difficult to join

forces. This reindeer is too strong. The fruit is very well developed, very

strong, physical skills, domineering are also very strong.

Kaku was horrified: "Who is your teacher?"

He is envious, why he has such a good teacher.

Chopper said: "I have two teachers, one is Teacher Kai, and I won't talk

about the other one."

Indeed, a Kaido, a Garp, Karp naturally can not say.

Teacher Kai?

They were astonished and puzzled, who was it?

Soon, the six of cp9 were beaten by Chopper, only Kaku, Gabra, and

Bruno remained standing, and the others were seriously injured and fell


At this time, after the fierce battle between Luffy and Cook, he felt that it

was okay.

After the collision, they each backed away, and Cook was stunned,

feeling that the straw hat Luffy's momentum was rising.

Luffy's left arm was in front of him, and he suddenly bit his arm, which

made Cook startled, what are you doing?

My heart was shocked, and I was instantly dignified. Could it be that...

Obviously, Luffy wants to drive in fourth gear! Stretch man! Inch.

Chapter 081 Is it the Fifth Emperor of the Sea?

Navy Headquarters.

Sengoku already knew about the failure of the Demon Slaying Order, and

was repelled by the Straw Hat alone.

Hearing this, he was unbelievable, thinking it was impossible, how could

it be.

That is the Demon Slaughter Order. Although the Straw Hat is very

strong, with a bounty of 1.3 billion Baileys, how could it be possible for

one person to defeat the Demon Slaughter Order.

However, this is true, and it was said by the five elite lieutenant generals.

This shocked the Warring States period, and it turned out to be true, so

they understood what happened before and after.

Only then did I realize that the Straw Hat not only repelled the Demon

Slaying Order by itself, but also took a minute.

First, the terrifying domineering aura stunned 10,000 elite marines.

Without troops to control it, no matter how powerful the battleship was,

it would be useless.

Although there were still five Lieutenant Generals of the Demon Slayer

Order, they were all sunk by the Straw Hat in just one move.

Moreover, the tone of the elite five lieutenant generals was a little weak,

obviously the injuries were serious.

At this time, the elite fifth high school is waiting for the order of the

Warring States Period.

The five of them were hit by Luffy's third-grade karma pistol, and they all

sank into the sea. They were scarred all over their bodies, and they are

still in pain all over their bodies.

That punch was too powerful. Even though the five lieutenant generals

had slashed beforehand, they didn't expect that punch to be so powerful.

After sinking into the sea, they swam up with difficulty and didn't want

to fight the straw hat anymore. They were too strong. When they faced

the straw hat when they were not injured, they were all punched into the

sea, and that punch combined with Liuying .

Not only was it a skin trauma, but he also suffered serious internal

injuries, so it was useless if he went up, he was looking for death.

So, he boarded the battleship and contacted Warring States.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, the elite sea soldiers, have

gradually woken up, what shall we do next?"

The flying squirrel inquired, and looked around "487". Every battleship

had about a dozen people waking up, obviously the top group of elites.

Although he was stunned by the overlord's color, he wouldn't faint for

too long.

In the marshal's office, Sengoku had an ugly expression on his face.

After Garp heard it from the side, he was shocked. Luffy was so strong

that he defeated the Demon Slaughter Token by himself.

This was something he didn't expect, and he relaxed a little, but not

completely, because he knew that there were cp9 and cp0.

Moreover, the Demon Slaughter Order has not completely retreated.

Warring States asked: "How is the Straw Hats fighting against CP0 now?"

"Marshal, I read it just now. In terms of the battle situation, cp0 does not

have the advantage. They are evenly matched. It can even be said that

they are slightly at a disadvantage."

Hearing this, Zhan Guo's face changed in shock, how could it be.

The six combat forces sent by Cp0 this time are also powerful. Even if a

general singles out these six combat forces, it is impossible to defeat


After all, the strength of the team leader Cook this time is close to that of

a general.

Between the quasi-general and the general, infinitely close to the general.

With such strength, plus the other five, it is impossible not to take down

the Straw Hats.

Moreover, there is also cp9, Lu Qi's combat power is very strong, plus

others, it is no problem to deal with the Straw Hats with two or three

combat powers, right?

So how could cp0's six combat powers not be able to take advantage?

Zhan Guo frowned, even if he had a slight advantage, he let the fifth

lieutenant general of Tu Moling take action, and jointly took down the

Straw Hats, but he was still slightly inferior.

The flying squirrel said solemnly: "Lu Qi of cp9 is dead or alive, and was

easily defeated by Straw Hat Luffy. As for the other members of cp9, they

are being dragged down by a force of the Straw Hats, and cp9 has been


This shocked Sengoku, and asked: "Is cp9 and the others teaming up to

deal with one of the three main combat forces of the Straw Hats?

Roronoa Zoro, or Blackfoot Sanji?"

From the perspective of the Navy, the three main combat forces of the

Straw Hats are Straw Hat Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji.

The flying squirrel shook his head: "No, it was the ship doctor of the

Straw Hats, Tony Tony Chopper, who dealt with them."

This shocked the Warring States period, ship doctor, so little reindeer?

Chapter 63

Naturally, I have seen the photos on the reward list. I thought it was a

pet of the Straw Hats, and I only wanted to give 50 Baileys, but I knew it

was a person with abilities, and now I have a reward of 300 million


But I didn't expect that with such a strong person, he could crush cp9 by


Warring States felt that this battle might be difficult.

One thing is fortunate, that is, the Demon Slaughter Token is not really

destroyed, but the premise is that the Demon Slaughter Token is


But that would be too shameful, it would be equivalent to being repelled

by Straw Hat Luffy alone.

But do not retreat, such a situation...

If they don't retreat and fight, they don't know if they can take down the

Straw Hats. The Demon Slaying Order will definitely cause heavy

casualties. Now we don't know what Red Hair and White Beard are


He had thought before that the Demon Slaughter Order was for deterrent

purposes, but now that there was a risk of serious damage, Warring

States hesitated.

Soon, Sengoku decided.


"Understood, Marshal."

The flying squirrel gave the order, and the demon-killing order began to

retreat, and the battleship turned around, away from Judiciary Island.

The five lieutenant generals were not surprised.

"After all, the premise of this operation is not to allow too many

casualties from the Demon Slaughter Order."

"Yeah, I don't know what will happen to the red-haired and white-

bearded ones. Naturally, they have to preserve their strength. If they join

forces, it will be even more dangerous, far surpassing the Straw Hats."

"Well, the overall situation is the most important thing. Originally, our

navy didn't plan to capture the Straw Hats this time, and handed it over

to the world government.

"Now that we're retreating, it will be even harder for cp0 to take down

the Straw Hats."

"It seems that this time, it will fail..."

Warring States sighed at this time, originally determined to win, but it

seems that this time, it will be difficult to succeed.

Garp breathed a sigh of relief, in this case, it will be difficult for Luffy

and the others to be taken down.

Warring States contacted the flying squirrel and reminded: "This matter is

kept secret. After all, the spread of the news that the Demon Slaughter

Order was repelled by the straw hat Luffy alone will have a great impact,

and it will damage the face of the Demon Slaughter Order."

"Understood! I will keep this demon slaying a secret from everyone."

Zhan Guo nodded and hung up the phone.

Confidentiality is a must. If the news of the Straw Hat repelling the

Demon Slaughter Order alone spreads, what deterrent effect will the

Slaughter Demon Order have in the future?

The Demon Slaughter Order represents a disaster, which makes many

pirates fearful, but if it spreads, they will definitely be ridiculed.

Therefore, it must be kept secret.

Warring States is also fortunate that it is in Judicial Island, and they are

all members of the navy and the world government. It is easy to keep it

secret and will not spread it.

Sengoku frowned: "I hope Cook and the others can defeat the Straw


San Marie Gioia.

Wu Laoxing already knew about the Demon Slaughter Order and

retreated. To be precise, he was repelled by the Straw Hat alone.

When the navy makes such a decision, it will naturally report to


Wu Laoxing's face turned ugly when he found out, and was repelled by

the straw hat alone.

If it was red-haired, it would be understandable to stun all the elite navy,

but the domineering look of the straw hat is also so strong.

The five old stars are also helpless, there is no other way, white beard

and red hair are more dangerous factors, the navy's decision is also


"We can only rely on Cook and the others."

"I didn't expect the combat power of the Straw Hats to be stronger than

we imagined."

"Not long ago, the rewards for all the Straw Hats were released. I thought

I had a clear understanding of their combat power, but it was obviously


"In this case, it may be very difficult for Cook and the others to take

down the Straw Hats."

"The Tianlong people have found that they have not been in the Holy

Land for a while, and they have begun to go crazy. I hope they can end

as soon as possible."

At this moment, the intelligence organization came to report quickly.

"Five old stars, there is movement from the revolutionary army!"

Wu Laoxing's complexion changed slightly, is there any movement?

"It seems to be attacking the Holy Land."

This made Wu Laoxing's face sink, did he know that five cp0 forces were


It is definitely not a coincidence. I thought that sending out such a force

would not have any impact, but the Revolutionary Army still wants to

take the opportunity to act.

Wu Laoxing gave up in his heart.

"Let Cook and the others come back."

"There is movement in the revolutionary army, and the Tianlong people

are just upset."

"Also, it's almost impossible to take down the Straw Hats in this battle, so

there's no need to waste time."

"It can only be this way."

"Then I'll contact them."

Wu Laoxing decided to let Cook and others give up the mission.

Justice Island.

Cook is at full strength, which is expected, and he can fight with the

Straw Hats at their full strength.

Seeing Luffy put his arm in front of his mouth and bit it, he knew that the

straw hat was going to be in fourth gear.

But just then, the phone bug rang.

I don't want to take this kind of battle, but I have to, and it's immediate,

because it's from Wu Laoxing.

"Five old stars." Cook said in awe.

"Mission cancelled, return to Marie Gioia immediately."

Then hang up directly, Cook was stunned, and obeyed.

"Mission cancelled, evacuate!"

The cp0 of the remaining battles also immediately retreated.

whoosh whoosh...

Cp0 quickly moved away and took away cp9's card library at the same


In their view, this card library has some strengths, can be cultivated, and

has a chance to enter cp0.

Another cp0 non-capable person jumped into the sea first, found Lu Qi,

and took him away.

Cp9 Others, of course, must die.

They were so desperate that they withdrew. In this battle, the Straw Hats

won 0...

Immediately, the remaining members of cp9 were resolved.

Luffy originally wanted to drive to fourth gear and fight to his heart's

content, but he left, so forget it.

Lu Fei secretly said: "Perhaps in this battle, he will not be able to become

the fifth emperor. It seems that he still has to be in the Chambord


Luffy feels that this battle will not spread, and the navy and world

government will definitely cover it up.

After all, the Demon Slaughter Order was repelled by himself alone, and

the world government's combat power failed to take them down, so

naturally they would not spread the matter.

Mary Joa.

Wu Laoxing's face was ugly. This time, none of the three things

succeeded, all because of the straw hats.

"Do you need to update their reward again?"

"Don't update it first, the frequency is too fast. Once it is updated, it will

definitely make people feel that something bigger has happened, and

they will go to find out, especially the world's largest newspaper. They

will not stop publicity because of our warning."

"Well, let's just pretend it didn't happen."

"I told Zhan Guo, and he also understands that this time the bounty for

the Straw Hats will not be updated."

"What will happen to the red-haired and white-bearded ones? Hurry up

and find out. If there is nothing wrong, we must kill the Straw Hats."

This battle made them more aware of the strength of the Straw Hats, and

they paid more attention to it.

Justice Island.

Luffy and others came to Robin with smiles on their faces.

Luffy grinned and said, "Robin, we can leave here and continue sailing."

Robin nodded heavily, in the future, she will never do this again.

Afterwards, Luffy and others went back to the Shipyard of the Seven

Waters together.

After staying here for a few days, the ship has not yet been remodeled.

Three days passed.

As Luffy thought, the matter of Judiciary Island has not been spread, and

no one in the world talks about it because they don't know.

Luffy didn't care, and he didn't go all out in this battle, so that they could

see their true combat power, so let's wait for the Chambord Islands.

On this day, people from the capital of seven waters gathered on the

street, shocked, astonished, and unbelievable.

A group of sailors was walking on the street, and one person at the head

was what made them gather and shake.

Because yes, Monkey D Karp in a dog hat!

Horrified discussions continued on the street.

"That's it, Naval Hero, Monkey D Garp!"

"He exists like this, why did he come here?"

"He has compared Pirate King Gol D Roger several times to the existence

of the desperate situation."

"In this way, the pirates in the capital of seven waters, no matter what

kind of existence they are, will be finished."

"If such a legendary person comes here, unless there are also legendary

pirates in the capital of seven waters, otherwise, the pirates here will

really be caught."

"The Straw Hats are here. Although they are powerful, they will die here


Soon, Garp and others came to the shipyard to rest in Area 3.1, in front

of a building.

Karp said to Keby and Bellumebo behind him, "You two are waiting



Although in just a few months, Kebi has changed a lot. It is completely

different from the beginning. It can even be said that it is difficult to see

that it is the same person, and the whole person has an aura.

Garp walked to the building wall, but did not go through the gate.

He knew that Luffy and the others were inside, and Garp was excited and

looking forward to it.

"Luffy, face me, can you escape?"

Navy Headquarters.

Warring States knew that Garp had gone to the capital of seven waters,

and he knew Garp's strength, but Warring States didn't think the Straw

Hats would be arrested.

Knowing Garp, the righteous navy, but facing his grandson, he will

definitely have compassion. Although Garp said that he will fight with all

his strength, but Sengoku feels more, maybe it is to make his heart feel

more at ease.

Sengoku's eyes flashed with wisdom: "Garp, you will fight with all your

strength, not to catch them, but to see their strength. I was with you

when I was young, and I still know you."

He knew it in his heart, but Zhan Guo didn't say anything, he just turned

a blind eye.

At this time, Cook came.

Chapter 64

The reason why I came here, not in the Holy Land, is because the

movement of the revolutionary army is false.

After Cook sat down, he said solemnly: "The strength of the straw hat is

very strong, more than 1.3 billion Berries."

Warring States also knows it, but they can't update the reward now. After

all, they covered up the matter of Judiciary Island, and the sudden

promotion is too inexplicable.

Cook asked: "The bounty is not increased, in order to better cover up the

matter of Judicial Island. However, there is one thing that does not

conflict with this. That is, do you want to designate Straw Hat Luffy as

the fifth emperor of the sea?" .

Chapter 082 Karp: Is fourth gear your best?

Warring States pondered briefly, and decided: "Let's forget this time, let's

do it next time, it's a suitable opportunity. If it's 1.3 billion, it's a little bit

reluctant to be the fifth emperor of the sea."

Cook understands, but it will be a matter of time, because the strength of

the straw hat has been fully achieved.

Warring States inquired about the specific battle situation. After learning

about it, the Warring States was shocked. Kuzan still failed to fully see

the true combat power of the Straw Hats during that time.

If it was like this last time, then the bounties of all members of the Straw

Hats will definitely be increased.

Set the bounty of Straw Hat Luffy at 1.5 billion, but if there is no if, it can

only be next time.

Cook left and went back to find Lu Qi first.

Lu Qi and Kaku are both covered with bandages, especially Lu Qi, who is

the most seriously injured.

After he rescued Lu Qi, the situation was very bad and he almost died.

However, Lu Qi's vitality is also strong, as well as his willpower, he

survived and survived under the best medical assistance in the world.

Things are getting better now, but not completely.

Lu Qi wanted to get up, enduring the pain all over his body.

Shame, anger, dare not.

The Straw Hat defeated himself with just two moves, and almost died.

The gap is too big. He needs to train and become stronger.

Lu Qi asked: "I hope cp0 can teach me, I want to become stronger!"

Cook shook his head: "Not now, let's continue to heal your injuries, or

start now, and you will have sequelae. Don't worry, your potential is

good, and you can become stronger."

Lu Qi obeyed, and lay down, determined in his heart, must become

stronger, must defeat Straw Hat Luffy, and capture Nicole Robin.

"Straw Hat, just wait, I will definitely catch up with you and arrest you

and Nico Robin!" Lu Qi swore inwardly.

The capital of seven waters.

Garp smashed the wall with a punch, and dust filled the hall.

Sauron and the others were startled, what's going on.

Everyone looked over, the code of dust, and a strong figure walked out of


"You 04 are the Straw Hats, right?"

Before he walked out, the voice came.

"There are a few men who want to meet Monkey D Luffy."

The figure walked out, and Sauron and the others could see clearly that it

was the navy.

At this time, Luffy was sitting in front of the round table, and the plates

on the table were still there. Obviously, Luffy had just eaten and drank

enough, and he was lying on the chair and sleeping beautifully.

"It's the navy. This momentum is extraordinary."

Zoro and Sanji immediately stood ready and stared at Garp.

Garp noticed Luffy who was sleeping behind him, and grinned: "This kid,

it's still the same."


In an instant, Zoro and Sanji were shocked, their hearts were extremely

shaken, and they quickly turned around. Garp had already swept behind

them and rushed towards Luffy.

"How is it possible? So fast!" Sanji shook.

Sauron's face was heavy: "Oops, Lu..."

Then, it was too late to shout, it was too fast, and Garp had rushed to the

sky above Luffy, holding his iron fist.

Garp yelled, "Hurry up and get up."

From top to bottom, Garp's iron fist is about to hammer on the top of

Luffy's head.

However, with a bang, Garp was taken aback, unexpectedly and


Because, sleeping Luffy suddenly raised his right hand, spread out to

block above his head, and blocked Garp's punch.

The chair that Luffy was sitting on was not damaged in any way.

Obviously, the power of this punch was completely blocked by Luffy.

Luffy closed his eyes and said, "Grandpa, I was hit on the head by you too

many times when I was young, but it won't happen now, I have become


Garp was shocked in his heart, and it was really different.

This made Zoro and Sanji heave a sigh of relief and blocked it.

Garp grinned: "Although you have become stronger, a fist full of love is


Garp's arm muscles swelled, his fist raised, and he slammed down hard.

Luffy's right hand clenched into a pitch-black fist, and he slammed


With a roar, the ground under Luffy's feet sank, and Garp jumped back to

the ground.

The ground around Luffy was sunken and cracked, and the dust filled the

air. After dissipating, he knelt on one knee, stood up, and shook his


"Grandpa is still so powerful. In this state, I still can't resist your fist."

This shocked Sauron and the others, this navy is so strong.

But soon startled, realized what, just now Luffy said, Grandpa?

"Luffy, you have caused a lot of trouble recently." Garp sighed softly.

Outside, the sailors were astonished.

"Grandson of Lieutenant General Garp?"

"It turned out to be Straw Hat Luffy."

"Monch D... no wonder."

Nami was surprised: "Karp..."

He had heard it, a naval hero.

"Luffy, Garp is your grandfather?"

Luffy nodded: "Yes."

Nami, Zoro and the others were astonished that the pirate's Luffy and

grandpa turned out to be Vice Admiral Garp.

Luffy said: "So, everyone, don't make a move."

Garp frowned slightly when he heard this, and asked, "Luffy, are you

worried about your friends?"

Lu Fei shook his head bluntly: "No, I'm worried about you, Grandpa."

Garp: "..."

Garp's face darkened for a while, because he was worried about himself.

Even though he was like this, he was not angry inside.

Outside, the sailors laughed.

"Worried about Lieutenant General Garp."

"Even for the Straw Hats, this is too arrogant."

"Lieutenant General Garp has driven the Roger Pirates into desperation

many times."

"It is not Lieutenant General Garp's opponent to fight with all the strength

of the Straw Hats."

They despise the Straw Hats and worship Garp extremely. They are

legends and heroes of the navy.

Luffy asked: "So Grandpa, do you want to try? In that case, we will do it


Garp's gaze moved away from Luffy, and swept across Zoro, Sanji, Usopp,

Nami, Robin, Chopper, and Franky.

Although there are not many people, they do look very powerful.

Garp shook his head: "Forget it."

It's not that he didn't dare, but that he didn't have such a plan in the first

place. He didn't really come here to catch Luffy and the others.

Lu Fei was surprised: "Grandpa, don't you do it?"

Now that he is a pirate and has a great reputation, grandpa should really

want to beat him up.

Garp sighed: "I used to train you desperately to make you an excellent

navy, but now you have become a pirate, and you are so strong. Say, who

taught you, I want to beat the **** who taught you even more!"

Indeed, what Garp wants to beat up most now is Luffy's teacher.

If Luffy is so strong, there must be someone else to teach him.

"It's not convenient for me to say who the teacher is." Lu Fei shook his


Garp gritted his teeth: "Could it be that guy with red hair who returned

to Windmill Village and taught you domineering?"

The domineering color has awakened, and it is still so strong that Karp

thinks of red hair.

Luffy shook his head: "No."

Garp could see that he knew Luffy very well, and he really didn't.

But I didn't ask anymore, obviously I really didn't want to say it.

Luffy said: "Why are you angry, I have always said that I want to be a

pirate since I was a child."

Garp was even more angry, gnashing his teeth and clenching his fists:

"That **** with red hair! When you see him, you must beat him up!"

Luffy reminded: "Shanks is my savior, you are not allowed to say that."

Garp was angry, stepped forward and grabbed Luffy by the collar and

lifted it up, hating that iron can't be made into steel.

Holding Luffy in his right hand and clenched his fist in his left hand,

Garp roared, "You actually ordered Grandpa not to say such things."

Looking at this scene, Chopper worried: "Luffy has been caught."

Sanji frowned: "Luffy has no intention of fighting against Grandpa."

Nami worried: "Luffy is going to be beaten..."

However, in the next moment, they were all stunned and speechless.

Luffy and Garp suddenly fell asleep because their noses were bubbling.

"Fell asleep…"

"It's really a grandson."

"This is the first time I see this situation, what should I do?"

"What is he coming here for?"

At this time, Garp opened his eyes and murmured, "For what..."

Luffy also woke up, knowing that something must be wrong.

"Come out with me first, Luffy."

Garp finished speaking, and walked out alone.

Luffy also followed, Nami and others were a little worried.


"It's okay, you don't have to follow."

Now that Luffy said that, they thought nothing would happen.

After going out, Kebi stepped forward, excited.

Chapter 65

"Mr. Luffy."

Lu Fei's eyes lit up: "Kebi, it's you."

Zoro looked inside, surprised: "Keby? Luffy, are you kidding me?"

Sauron was stunned, how could it be Kebi? They looked similar, but their

demeanor was completely different.

Kebi was surprised: "Mr. Lu Fei, you recognized me. I thought you would

be the same as Mr. Zoro, not recognizing me."

After all, I have changed a lot.

Luffy nodded: "Well, it's normal to have some changes, so I'm also happy

for you."

Sauron was stunned, and the voice sounded a bit similar. Is it really

Keby? Thinking about the former Keby, he looked timid, cried a lot, and

was also very thin. Now he looks taller and much more energetic.

"Mr. Lu Fei, you are very powerful, but I have also become stronger. I

want to see how far there is between me and you."

Kebi couldn't wait, insisted on following, wanted to see Luffy, and also

wanted to learn from each other.

Knowing that there is a gap with Luffy, it is impossible to be Luffy's

opponent, but I want to know how much the difference is.

Luffy nodded: "Okay, let's attack with all our strength. 487"

"it is good!"

Although Luffy is not at full strength yet, Kebi knows that he can do it

with all his strength, and it depends on how Luffy responds.


Kebi moved quickly, emerged behind Luffy, and kicked in the air.

"Land feet!"

With a kick, however, it froze instantly.

Kebi's eyes widened in disbelief. Luffy turned around in an instant, raised

his right hand, and stretched out an index finger to block his kick. Even

the finger was not covered with armed domineering.

This shocked Keby, knowing that there was a gap, but he didn't expect

the gap to be so big.

Kebi had no idea of ​​fighting, and exclaimed after landing: "Mr. Luffy is

too strong. The gap is much bigger than I imagined. I have to work


Luffy patted Kirby on the shoulder: "Well, I believe you will become


Garp said in a condensed voice: "Luffy, it's up to us next, let's fight with

all our strength, and we must do our best, otherwise we will be defeated

by me, but we will be taken away by me."

Luffy understood and knew that Grandpa was going to fight him.


It's because I really understand that I won't take myself away even if I

lose, because I want to see my true strength.

Of course, Luffy will let Garp see it too.

Both of them understood, and left alone, heading for the deserted woods.

"Luffy, go straight to the fourth gear, you should know my strength."

Garp directly reminded that through Cook's words, he also knew that

Luffy not only had second and third gears, but also a stronger fourth

gear, but Cook failed to fight against fourth gear Luffy.

Therefore, Garp wants to see how strong Luffy is in fourth gear.

Luffy nodded: "Okay!"

The next moment, the roar continued, and the battle began.

No one approached, but from the roar, it could be heard that the battle

was intense.

It lasted for three hours, there was no movement, the battle was over,

Sauron and others were nervous.

In the woods, Garp was a little embarrassed, and asked Luffy: "Fourth

gear, is it your full strength?"

Luffy was lying on the ground, out of breath, with injuries all over his

body, a little weak, and replied:

"That's right."

This answer made Garp shudder, right?

Garp asked seriously: "Isn't it your limit just now?"

Luffy shook his head: "No."

Karp was even more shocked, but he didn't say anything. He was relieved

and didn't ask any more questions.

"Okay, got it."

Chapter 083 Karp: Above the fourth gear is...

Garp's heart was shocked, the fourth gear was not the limit.

So, what is the limit?

Above fourth gear, there is... fifth gear?

In the battle just now, Garp has fully seen the power of the fourth gear,

and he has relaxed a little.

Luffy's strength is beyond his imagination, and the fourth gear is very

powerful. Although he won, he was not unscathed.

Relieved at the same time, relieved a little.

This trial is very necessary.

After all, the growth of the Straw Hats was horrific. Now the navy didn't

do anything again because the redhead and white beard didn't know

what they were about to do. However, once this incident passed, the

navy would definitely focus on dealing with the Straw Hats again.

So come here, try Luffy's strength, force Luffy to exert all his strength,

and know whether Luffy is capable of facing the difficulties ahead.

After seeing the combat power of the fourth gear, Garp felt that it was

enough, but compared with the generals and the four emperors, there

was still a little gap.

However, Garp was relieved when he heard that fourth gear was not the

limit, and this battle was not the limit for Luffy. I am also curious in my

heart, what kind of existence is the fifth gear?

In fifth gear, can you have the combat power to fight against the general?

After all, fourth gear is much better than second and third gear, so fifth

gear is naturally better than fourth gear.

Garp is even more regretful, it would be nice if Luffy could become a


Garp sighed secretly: "It's amazing to be able to develop the rubber fruit

so powerfully and grow to such a degree. If I have a more powerful fruit,

Luffy, then I can rest assured."

In his heart, Garp still feels that the rubber fruit is a bit ordinary. Even if

it is developed to the limit, the fifth-level combat power will not be

terrifying enough to reach the level of One Piece.

After all, it is a rubber fruit, which does not sound like it has great


If Luffy got a better fruit at the beginning, it will definitely be stronger

now, which is what Garp thinks.

However, Roger, the Pirate King, is not a capable person, but he still

became the Pirate King.

Karp taught to remind: "Fruit development is important, but domineering

and physical skills are also very important. After all, Roger is not a

capable person. Although the fourth gear is not the limit, I hope I can

focus on my own improvement."

Luffy nodded: "I see, I will take care of both."

"Will it be both..."

"Well, after all, I am also a capable person. If I don't take care of

everything, I will become a landlubber for nothing."

Garp nodded: "Well, lean towards yourself while taking both into

consideration. Although I am curious about your limit, what is it like

above fourth gear, but after all, it is a rubber fruit, and I have no special


Lu Fei smiled and didn't say anything. He wanted to say in his heart that

he would see it soon, so let's talk about it then.

Knowing Luffy's combat power, Garp left, although he didn't see the

limit, it was nothing.

And I also know that the limit is not so easy to reach, and Luffy may not

have reached the limit yet.

Garp left with the sailors, and Luffy and others continued to stay in the

capital of seven waters, waiting for the completion of the transformation

of the Sonny Merry.

Franky wants to join the Straw Hats, and Luffy is naturally willing.

I didn't tell Franky about the teaching space, because he was still in

charge of remodeling the ship, and after the remodeling was completed,

Franky was allowed to enter the teaching space.

Luffy secretly said: "The only partner left in the early stage is Brook."

Luffy felt that it was coming soon, after all, the next stop would be the

terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

With his current combat power, it will end soon and defeat Moria.

What Luffy looks forward to most is the Chambord Islands.

Of course, before going to Chambord, you should meet the golden lion

and fight, which is also expected.

two days later.

San Marie Gioia.

The soldiers panicked and entered the hall to report.

"Five old stars! Something is wrong!"

The five old stars are calm and relaxed.

"What's wrong?"

"The fleet that went to the New World a few days ago was defeated. The

Four Emperors, the red-haired Shanks and the white-bearded Edward

Newgate, finally made direct contact!"

Speaking of this, even Wu Laoxing's face is heavy.

"Finally contacted, you can know what they are going to do."

"Looking forward to this moment, but also worrying about this moment."

"I hope it won't be a union, otherwise it will be in big trouble."

"Keep an eye on it."

New World Ocean.

The Mobidi was sailing on the sea, and the crew in charge of the

investigation saw a pirate ship approaching through the binoculars. The

red dragon's bow was the ship of the Red Hair Pirates, the Redforth.

Soon, on the deck of the Mobidi.

"Father! The redhead said he wanted to see you."

Sitting on a chair, with hanging bottles hanging around his body, the

white beard who was drinking with his head up could hear it, as


"Let him come..." White Beard drank a few sips of wine, looking forward

to it: "The kid brought good wine."

With Whitebeard's agreement, the Redforth approached the Morbidy.

Meanwhile, Navy Headquarters.

The troops are assembled, ready to go, standing in the square, the queue

is neat, and the spirit is high.

Even so, the atmosphere was heavy and depressing. Every sea soldier was

terrified and kept talking in low voices.

"The fleet was defeated, is it true?"

"It seems to be."

"Redhead and Whitebeard are finally touching."

"I hope it will be a good result, so that we can focus on dealing with the

Straw Hats. If it is not a good result, it will be troublesome, and the Straw

Hats will continue to grow."

"In the worst case, the most troublesome thing is not the continued

growth of the Straw Hats, but the Four Emperors."

"Yes, there is still a big gap between the Straw Hats and the Red-haired

Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates. Instead of fighting the Straw Hats, I

don't even want to fight the Red-haired Pirates or the Whitebeard


The leading major general felt the oppression of the atmosphere and

shouted: "Stand at attention!"

Immediately, the discussion dissipated, and everyone stood at attention.

The major general said in a serious voice: "Listen up! I don't know what

will happen next, but we must maintain the highest alert!"


At the same time, this incident spread all over the world.

The meeting of the two emperors of the sea was a shock, and it also

attracted the attention of newspapers around the world.

Capture photos from a distance, print them quickly, and spread

newspapers all over the world.

While the world was shaking, it was also panicking.

The people who panic are mainly civilians, and there are also those who

gloat, and those who fear that the world will not be chaotic are mostly


Chapter 66

"What will the two four emperors do when they meet?"

"If it's a fight, fine."

"It may be very small. After all, the enemy of the pirates is the navy. The

two four emperors will not easily start a full-scale war."

"Should we jointly deal with the navy? Then the world will be in chaos."

"Hopefully not to unite."

The capital of seven waters.

Naturally, Luffy saw the news, and thought to himself: "Has this time

come yet, then..."

Luffy's eyes are piercing, and the war is not far away!

Of course, Luffy knew the result of this meeting.

On the sea of ​​New World, the Redforth approached the Mobidi and


On the Mobidi, the salutation sounded.

"Welcome to the Four Emperors, red hair!"

On the deck, Joz said heavily: "The redhead is coming."

Marco immediately said: "Young people step back immediately, your

body can't take it."

The young crew members were puzzled and couldn't understand.

"The body can't stand it? Captain Marco, what do you mean?"

"Why do you want us to retreat?"

"We want to see the red hair, and see what kind of courage the most

domineering man has."

Marco was helpless: "Don't ask, don't talk, just step back."


bang bang...

Suddenly, the sound of falling to the ground sounded, and the pirates of

the Whitebeard Pirates rolled their eyes and fell to the ground faintly.

This made some pirates startled, what's going on?

Marco said no more, it was too late.



The red hair stepped up the wooden ladder, and soon, all the pirates on

the deck looked at the bow of the ship, and the red hair stepped up the

ladder, and the domineering figure came into view.

Wearing a black stand-up collar cape, holding a drink in his right hand,

the red-haired man with his left hand in his pocket stepped forward step

by step.

At the same time, the pirates on both sides of the red hair kept crashing

to the ground.


There was even a vibrating sound, accompanied by a clicking sound, and

the pirates discovered that cracks appeared on the hull!

Marco said: "Don't panic, they just fainted."

Qiaozi said in a condensed voice: "With half the psychological endurance,

I can't stay awake in front of that man."

Watching the large pieces of pirates keep falling down, I can't help but


"It's really terrifying and domineering."

"As expected of the most domineering man in the world, he is also the

most domineering man in the world, the only existence that can cause

real damage."

"Substantial damage to the domineering color, only red hair can do it,

right? There won't be any in the future, right?"

"No, domineering aura cannot be improved through acquired training, it

depends on one's own aura, and only red-haired people can do this."

At this moment, the red hair stopped, and before talking about the

matter, the red hair looked at the commenting crowd and corrected.

"I think someone can do it."

This made Marco, Joz and others startled.

"Red hair, do you mean that there will be someone like you in the future

who will have the domineering aura that can cause real damage?"

"Before I met you, I didn't know that overlord color can cause real harm.

I thought that only you can do it, and there are really other people?"

"Think this is your exclusive, unique."

"Redhead, who are you referring to?"

They were curious. Since the redhead said this, it meant that he already

had a name in his heart.

The redhead was looking forward to it, and said seriously: "There will be,

it will probably be him, and you should know him too."

As soon as these words came out, they were startled and even more

curious? who is it?

Even the white beard has interested eyes.

Even he couldn't do it to create a real domineering look.

Not to mention strength or weakness, but if you want to say that the most

domineering man in the world, you have to admit that he is red-haired.

The redhead said it himself, there will be someone like him, so the white

beard is also very curious.

The red hair said confidently: "He will do it, Captain of the Straw Hat

Pirates, Monkey D Luffy!"

Hearing this, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates was shocked.

Of course he knew it, but he didn't expect that the red hair was referring

to him.

However, I have always felt that the only overlord color that can cause

substantial damage is red hair, even the recently famous rookie, Straw

Hat Luffy.

"He is powerful, young, and famous all over the world, but the overlord

color can also cause substantial damage? Impossible."

"Unless, his courage is as strong as your red hair."

"The overlord color that causes substantial damage is exclusive to you. I

don't think anyone else can do it, even a straw hat."

"Yes, after all, the previous era is a good proof that there are so many

legends. Lockes, the Red Earl, and even Roger, the king of the pirates,

can't do real damage."

The redhead didn't say anything else, it's useless to believe it himself, and

it's useless to let others believe it, and Luffy hasn't done it yet.

But redheads are expected, and probably can be.

The redhead looked at the white beard and began to drink and chat.

Whitebeard thinks that the wine brought by the red hair is very sweet,

very good wine.

Looking at the red-eyed and broken left arm, White Beard was surprised

and curious.

"When a man like you comes back with an arm lost in the East China Sea,

everyone will be surprised and want to know who did it."

The redhead smiled expectantly: "`~Well, I bet it on the new era."

Whitebeard had a guess in his mind, Donghai, the straw hat is also

Donghai, and he looked at the reward list, the straw hat on his head was

exactly what Roger gave to Redhead before.

Whitebeard guessed: "Did you bet on Straw Hat Luffy?"


After chatting and drinking, the redhead started to talk about business.

The purpose of coming this time is to persuade White Beard not to let

Ace go to Black Beard.

However, as Luffy knew, there was no agreement.

The white beard wields a naginata with both hands, and the red hair

wields a griffin with one hand. When the two knives collide, the world is

shaken. Everyone looks up in shock, and the sky is cracked.

After the battle, the red hair knew that there was no way to stop it, so he

boarded the boat and left.

Beckman's eyes flashed with wisdom: "Maybe the war is about to start."

Lachilu, **** puzzled them.

"What's the meaning?"

"The war is about to start? How do you know?"

The red hair said: "Beckman guessed it, but it's really possible."

Beckman speculated: "Blackbeard is ambitious, and Fire Fist Ace came to

him. I thought about the bad result. Then, because of Fire Fist Ace, a big

war is likely to break out. Knowing about Whitebeard, a war will

definitely start ."

This is what the redhead wanted to prevent, but there was no way, the

white beard didn't listen to his own opinion.

After all, Roger used to take good care of him, and Ace was Roger's son,

so the redhead naturally stopped him if he wanted to.

But, there is no way, there is no way to stop it.

Beckman worried: "One thing, I'm worried, about Luffy."

This made Lagilu and **** even more puzzled, but they were also used to

it. After all, Beckman's thinking was always beyond their reach.

The redhead looked at Beckman with a heavy expression on his face, as if

he understood what Beckman was thinking.

Beckman said: "Fire Fist Ace also looked for us, and you all know that

Luffy is his younger brother and has a good relationship. Then if..."

Speaking of this, Lagilu, **** Bu and other cadres understood.

They know Luffy very well, and it is impossible for Luffy to ignore it.

What's more, Luffy has gone to sea now, established a pirate group, is

powerful, and has not yet entered the new world.

So, if it breaks out in the Navy Headquarters, Luffy will definitely go.

"I see, you are worried that Luffy will go."

"In this case, it is really dangerous." (Qian Zhao)

"Engaged in the upcoming war, even Luffy, will be dangerous."

"When the time comes, shall we go?"

The cadres looked at the redhead, waiting for a response.

The red-haired shook his head: "Don't intervene, this is their adventure,

difficulties, let's not interfere too much."

Jesus told them to nod and understand.

The most important thing is that the red hair trusts Luffy and won't fall

down halfway. This is the main reason.

The red hair looks forward to: "Luffy, you may appear in the war that is

very likely to happen. Then, whether to fall down or shine, I am looking

forward to it. Even if you can't shine, you must survive. Luffy."

The redheads felt that it was difficult for Luffy to shine. Although he was

very strong, it surprised them, but after all, if he participated in such a

war, he would be facing the strongest combat power of the navy.

Even for a powerful newcomer like Luffy, it is impossible to shine in this

kind of war, or even turn the situation around, it is impossible.

Therefore, what the redhead expects most is that if Luffy participates, he

can survive.

Jesus clothed them also with expectations.

"Although Luffy has grown up now and was a child when we met him,

we also know him and will really go."

"I hope I don't die there, my word."

"Although it is very strong, it is not enough to participate in that kind of


"We don't directly join forces to participate in the battle, but we will go,

and we should meet Luffy."

"At that time, I don't want to see Luffy's..."

Speaking of this, I stopped abruptly, I don't want to see Luffy's body, even

if Luffy is seriously injured and embarrassed, I don't want to see Luffy die


The red hair looked towards the direction of the first half of the great

route, and secretly said: "Luffy, you will be involved in the battle at that

time, you have to survive. Although you are very strong, such a battle is

still very difficult and dangerous for you."

The redhead doesn't want Luffy to participate, but he knows that it won't

be what he thinks, so he can only pray.

If they arrive by then and Luffy is still alive but in crisis, he will help.

Chapter 67

However... At that time, will Luffy need help? .

Chapter 084: Luffy in the fifth gear will join the battle!

one day later.

News spread all over the world about the outcome of the meeting

between the redhead and the whitebeard.

The world shakes, there is a fight, just a brief encounter between redhead

and whitebeard, and then they leave.

The common people of the world breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that we didn't agree."

"It is impossible to unite, and it is even more impossible to have a war

with the navy."

"Huh... that's good."

"I heard that during the battle, the sky cracked, and people saw it from


"Is this the Four Emperors? It's too powerful."

The navy and the world government also breathed a sigh of relief, but

they can't relax yet, and must continue to pay attention.

The Navy did not immediately focus on dealing with the Straw Hats, and

planned to wait for a while to see if there would be any new actions from

White Beard and Red Hair.

The capital of seven waters.

Luffy knew it too, as he had imagined.

White Beard didn't listen to Red Hair's opinion, so he will know about it


Then, on top of the war, will come.

Lu Fei's eyes were piercing: "When the top battle comes, we will

definitely participate. At that time, the Five Emperors Straw Hats will

definitely participate in the battle!"

All efforts, most importantly, are for the top.

At this time, Luffy and others came to the seaside of the shipyard,

because the ship was remodeled, which made them excited and looking

forward to it.

Here the iceberg waited, covered with cloth.

Nami and others are looking forward to what the transformation will

look like.

Luffy looked around: "Mr. Bingshan, isn't Franky here?"

"Well, it just so happens that he's not there, so let me show you for him."

Bingshan stepped forward, fully aware of it, and praised: "The

transformed ship will be very powerful. When the design drawing came

out, my eyes widened. No matter what kind of sea can be crossed, I can

use this ship to go to the world." The end is not a dream."

Suddenly, Lu Fei and others became more excited and couldn't wait.

Pulling off the cloth, the new ship came into view, Bingshan said:

"Frankie asked me to tell you this, if one day you become the One Piece,

you can take this ship Sunny Meili."

Suddenly, everyone's eyes lit up.


"It's really spectacular."

"So handsome, there are so many things I haven't seen before."

"Is this our new ship?"

"It's twice as big as before, with the shadow of Meili and the shadow of

the new ship Sonny. The combination of the two is perfect."

"Show me the kitchen."

Sanji couldn't wait for 487 to cook in the newly remodeled kitchen.

Soon, Luffy and others boarded the ship, looking at every part of the new

ship with bright eyes.

Luffy was in a great mood, rolling on the deck, the deck with the lawn.

"The deck with lawn is really comfortable."

Robin exclaimed: "It's like a garden."

Sauron came to the second floor and looked at the sea: "The view is really


After Bingshan explained to Nami, Nami was firm: "I will try my best to

make good use of this ship, and I will go up and have a look."

Sanji entered the kitchen, very happy.

"Great, to have the lockable refrigerator I've always dreamed of, and the

huge oven, Frankie, thank you so much."

At this time, when Luffy and Usopp heard the first half of Sanji's

sentence, their faces changed. Isn't the refrigerator with a lock just to

guard against them?

But, Luffy and Usopp looked at each other and smiled, is it useful to wear

a lock?

At this time, Frankie came with a bag and knew he was going to leave


Other people from the shipyard also came to see them off, feeling sad.

Frankie was grateful: "Thank you for taking care of me during the time


Franky boarded the ship, and the Sunny Merry sailed away from the

capital of seven waters.

Meanwhile, Banaro Island.

Blackbeard and his party were about to leave, but Ace was already

waiting on the roof.

"Hey, wait, Tiki, I've been looking for you for a long time."

Blackbeard followed the sound, raised his head, and saw Ace squatting

on the roof.

Blackbeard smiled and said, "So it's Captain Ace."

Ace was upset, and said in a deep voice, "Now that things have

happened, you can no longer call me that."

Blackbeard smiled and said, "Thief hahahaha... how do you know I'm


Ace's face was gloomy: "Tichi, let's stop talking nonsense, you who have

lived so many years longer than others, it is impossible not to understand

what it is like to face me now."

Blackbeard still smiled harmlessly to humans and animals: "I see, so

before we start, let me say something first. Ace, do you want to be my

companion? Come and conquer the world with me, I have already

planned the road to hegemony The era of Whitebeard is over, and I will

be the One Piece King. First of all, I am going to find the Straw Hats in

the capital of seven waters. It is a gift to the world government."

Hearing this, Ace's face darkened.

"In this case, I can't let you go more and more. He is my younger brother.

Besides, it is impossible for me to be your companion."

The sniper Fan Oka shot in an instant and hit with precision. Once he

made a move, it could be seen that he was a very strong sniper.

However, Ace instantly became elemental, and the place where he was

sniped burned with flames.

The battle started, and Ace shot Fan Oka with both hands like guns.

At this time, the insidious Badgers sprang out from behind, raised a

house and smashed it at Ace.

"Fire Ring! Pillar of Fire!"

A pillar of fire surged and impacted, destroying the house and turning it

into nothingness.

Blackbeard reminded: "You guys still can't beat this man, step back."

"Understood, Captain."

"fire punch!"

Ace suddenly threw out a huge fire fist, devouring the Blackbeards and

the gang, screaming, and the Blackbeards were blown away.

Blackbeard fell to the ground, his body was scorched, and he patted the

flames in pain.

"It's hot, it's hot, it hurts."

After extinguishing it, Blackbeard stood up and looked at Ace, and said

bluntly: "Whitebeard Pirates, the captain of the fourth team, Sage, was

indeed killed by me, but there is nothing I can do about it. He has the

devil fruit I want. According to the instructions on the ship According to

the rules, whoever finds it first can eat it. I kept all the fruits in the

illustrated book in my heart, and knew instantly that it was the fruit I

dreamed of. Speaking of which, I have been on the Whitebeard ship for

so many years. There is a reason, I feel It is more likely to get that fruit

on the boat. If I am not lucky, I will admit it, but it will fall into the

hands of my friend."

As Blackbeard kept talking, Ace's expression became darker as he


"So you killed Thatch and took the fruit."

Blackbeard smiled lowly: "The fruit chose me, thief hahahaha, now, I

have become the strongest person. Even if I face Straw Hat Luffy, I can

defeat him. Since you appear here, then Let's change the target. After

that, we will deal with the straw hats."

Ace said in a deep voice: "My brother, it is impossible for you to solve it."

"Ace, don't rush to judge, just take a look, my abilities are all different in

the natural department."

Black smoke billowed from Blackbeard's body immediately, and the

darkness rose, partially covering the sky.

Blackbeard smiled excitedly: "Thief hahaha, Ace, you are fire, and I am

darkness. So, Ace, I will not be killed by you, even if you are flames, it is

useless, this natural darkness The fruit is the most ferocious power in

history. I became a dark man. I will let you see how strong this force is

now. I will also let you know that it is just a straw hat of a rubber fruit. If

I say it can solve him, it will be fine."

Blackbeard's fruit power exploded, and suddenly black smoke surged, like

a black river, permeating the surroundings, as if it could cover the entire


Blackbeard was excited: "Thief hahaha, the so-called darkness is gravity,

the power that can swallow everything, and the infinite gravity that does

not let a ray of light go."

"Look, what happens to this town."

"Dark cave!"

As Blackbeard slapped his right hand towards the surging darkness on the

ground, all the surrounding houses and other buildings suddenly sank, as

if the surging darkness was a black hole.

Soon, the entire town disappeared and was swallowed up.

Blackbeard sneered: "So, no matter how powerful he is, he will be

swallowed by me. Then you say, straw hat Luffy, how can he not be

killed by me? I can also (aedb) swallow his strength!"

However, if Luffy heard it, he would have an idea, devouring the sun


Ace didn't want to hear any more, and the battle began.

But soon, Ace was physically attracted and flew towards Blackbeard.

"Don't be surprised that the dark gravity can correctly attract the body of

the capable user."

Ace wasn't worried, but when he approached Blackbeard, he was grabbed

by Blackbeard's arm and carried him.

Oneself, failed to elementalize.

Blackbeard smiled slyly: "How about it, have you noticed my ability,


Ace's heart sank, could it make the ability invalid.

Blackbeard punched Ace's abdomen, and Ace felt a strong force, his

abdomen was sunken, blood was spat out, and he was blown away.

Seeing Ace being blown away by him, Blackbeard laughed loudly: "Thief

hahaha, you two brothers, no matter who faces me, it will be like this."

Looking at the painful Ace, the white beard asked: "It's been a long time,

Ace. My dark gravity can not only swallow things, but also the ability of

devil fruit, so your ability to burn fruit is invalid. When touched by me,

the ability user will not be able to use all abilities. Natural, animal,

superhuman, any ability user, facing my attack, cannot use their abilities

to defend."

Fighting again, Ace was blown away again, in great pain, feeling like his

bones were about to break.

Not to mention abilities, Blackbeard's own strength and physical skills are

beyond Ace's imagination.

"The ability is very strong, and the physical skills are also very strong. I

used to hide it." Ace fully understood.

Not long after the battle, the final collision, the Great Flame Jie Yandi

broke out, and the darkness collided with the flames, filling the entire


The outcome of the battle is well known, and Ace was defeated.

With Ace captured by Blackbeard, the top war will come soon.

At this time, the Sunny Meili left the capital of seven waters and was

sailing in the sea.

On the boat, the food was ready, Luffy and others held a banquet, eight

people gathered around the table and raised their wine glasses.

Luffy said: "Cheers to the returning Robin, as well as our new partners

Franky and Sonny Meili!"

The wine glasses collided, and Luffy and others laughed continuously.

After the banquet, Frankie was excited, knowing that his strength was at

the bottom of the group, so he was about to enter the teaching space.

So, what kind of teaching template to choose?

In Luffy's view, domineering must be learned, but Franky also needs


Luffy said: "After entering the teaching space, first choose the Vegapunk


This inevitable choice is the most suitable for Franky.

Vegapunk, other people on board are unfamiliar, but Luffy knows very

well that although his own combat power is not good, it is very suitable

for teaching Franky.

He is a scientist at the headquarters of the Navy, 500 years ahead of

today's technology, and is known as a scientist who surpassed human

wisdom 500 years ago.

Domineering is necessary, and Luffy asked Franky to choose the Garp

template for the second template.

Chapter 68

Frankie expressed his understanding and entered the teaching space.

"Then everyone, see you in two months."

The next moment, Frankie disappeared.

Luffy and the others are looking forward to how Franky will change and

how much his combat power will increase after two years of practice.

It is unknown, even Luffy doesn't know, after all, the practice route is

different from the original plot, so it is naturally better.

At this moment, Luffy was taken aback.

Because there was a sound in the teaching space, it was upgraded.

Entering the teaching space is no longer two months or two years, but

two days and two years.

This made Luffy happy, yes, there is no need to wait as long as two


The reason for upgrading is because you enter the teaching space to

practice, and the space will evolve with the number of people practicing.

Luffy also knows that there can only be ten people practicing in the

teaching space, and the teaching space will disappear after the ten people

have practiced.

Luffy can also accept it, and it's normal to have restrictions, otherwise

there are no restrictions, and they can continue to cultivate strong


The time shortened, and two days later, Frankie came out.

After entering the teaching space, I also know about evolution.

But it was two days for Luffy and two years for Franky, so I miss it very


Everyone is curious about Franky's promotion and changes, but they

know that after the battle, it will be clear.

Franky can't wait to perform in battle, and there is no reward on board.

Luffy felt that he would have a chance soon, because Moria's territory

was about to arrive.

After Moria is settled, we will go to the Chambord Islands.

Looking at Frankie who couldn't wait, Luffy was also curious.

"Then, if there is a battle at the next stop, if it's not particularly fierce, I'll

let you, Frankie, solve it."

"Okay." Franky was ready to show off his skills and let everyone know his

strength and physical changes.

Soon, entering the dark sea, the sky was overcast with clouds, thunder

and lightning, and the Sunnymery sailed against the headwind, with

strong winds and heavy rain.

Nami said heavily: "It's such a big headwind, it will be blown back."

Franky said: "Sonny Merry, it's more than that""

Nami thought of it, and said, "Frankie, it's a good thing you came out and

woke me up, furl the sails and use the outer wheel."

Zoro and Sanji furled the mainsail and jibsail, and Franky got ready,

holding the rudder.

"Then it's the turn of the soldier shipping system."

"Channel Zero, the Coca-Cola Engine, the foreign steamer Sunny Merry."

Outer ships sprang out from both sides and turned quickly, and the ship

immediately moved forward against the strong headwind with ease,

sailing faster than before.

Such technology is also necessary for windless belts.

Before long, came the dreaded three-masted galleon.

Luffy said: "If you encounter an enemy, Franky, you should attack first."

In Alabasta, facing Shichibukai Crocodile, let Sanji beat him.

This time, I will meet Qiwuhai, Moria, and hand it over to Franky who

has cultivated.

After the end as soon as possible, go to the Chambord Islands and start

the battle of the emperor! .

Chapter 085 With the help of the sun **** Luffy? Beat Kaido?

A day later, Luffy and others came to the terrifying three-masted sailing

ship, which was as huge as an island, and met Brook before that, but they

didn't come here together.

Moria knew that the Straw Hats had come to his territory, but he was not

afraid. Instead, he was full of fighting spirit and wanted to prove his

strength now.

He is not afraid, after all, he dared to single out Kaido when he was

young, and now he is confident that he is strong enough, plus the big

killer he prepared.

Luffy and others solved a few zombie puppets, let them introduce ~ here.

"This is not an island, it is the largest pirate ship in the world. It looks

like a town, but it is actually a ship. The castle behind the occupied area

is the mainsail pole. The king's Shichibukai, Moonlight Mo-lia is there."

Luffy said indifferently: "It's another one - Qiwuhai under the king."

Sanji felt bored: "It's meaningless if the king descends to Qibuhai."

Sauron reminded: "If it is at the level of Hawkeye, you still have to be


Franky's fighting spirit rose: "Your Majesty Shichibukai, then leave this

battle to me."

Franky can't wait to show off his skills and show off his technological


Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper are looking forward to it. It must be cool to

watch high-tech battles.

At this time, in the castle, the clock reached twelve o'clock in the


This means, the beginning of the terror of the three-masted sailing ship.

Absalom, who owns the transparent fruit, summons an army of zombies

and prepares to meet the Straw Hats.

He is confident in his own strength. Although he is a powerful straw hat

group, he can definitely win. After all, he is a transparent fruit, and it is

useless if the opponent is strong.

However, it is still ignorant, even if it is a transparent fruit, it will be

easily discovered in the face of the current straw hat group.

It's okay to give the transparent fruit to the strong, but at his level,

anyone in the Straw Hats can detect him, after all, he is a domineering

master of knowledge.

Absalom's fighting spirit rose: "Okay, the zombie soldier army, the victory

or defeat with the pirates is up to us. Although they are powerful, you

will stand up no matter how many times you fall, so use your immortality

body, surround them, consume them, defeat them."


Each body was patched and mended, wrapped in white bandages, like

zombie soldiers baring their teeth and claws, shouting.

In the castle, as the clock struck zero, a loli girl appeared.

Wearing pink double ponytails, wearing a crown, standard loli figure,

wearing a short dress, slender legs wrapped in black and white stockings,

holding a wine-red umbrella in her hand.

Obviously, she is Perona, a ghost fruit capable person.

Perona is confident: "The Straw Hat Pirates, being hit by my ghost, it's

useless no matter how powerful they are. The clock strikes zero, so I'll go

all out. Don't try to escape from here, stupid pirates. "

Those led by Perona are all animal zombies.

When Luffy and others were about to enter the castle, Absalom led the

zombie soldiers.

"If you want to enter, I don't agree. Even the Straw Hats will fall down."

However, listening to the voice, no figure was seen.

Of the hundreds of zombie soldiers that came, none of them spoke.

Xunsheng looked over, locked on, but didn't see the figure.

Zombie soldiers came, Franky said, "Leave it to me."

In this battle, Luffy and the others don't plan to fight, let Franky deal

with it first.

However, there is one, if you meet, Zoro should be interested in fighting,

and naturally it is Ryoma.

Franky pushed his hands forward and shouted in a low voice: "The wind

is coming!"


The hollow in the bottom of the palm fired a powerful air bomb, which

consumed a little Coke energy in the body. In the roar, the air cannon

blew away a large number of zombie soldiers.

Chopper's eyes lit up: "It's amazing."

Franky said: "You can deal with these miscellaneous soldiers casually,

and when you meet powerful ones, I will show you cooler ones."

This made Chopper and Usopp look forward to it.

However, after the zombie soldier was blown away, he stood up,

uninjured and without any blood.

This made Frankie a little embarrassed. After all, he had just come out of

the teaching space, and he had to show his strength in this battle, and he

had to leave it to himself. But this shot looked very powerful, but none of

these people were injured, so they shouldn't what.

Usopp and the others were also surprised.

"No one was hurt?"

"It can't just be the wind, it's the powerful air cannon, but no one was


"These guys look weird, not human, and some have their heads and necks


The zombie soldiers all stood up and rushed forward.

The invisible Absalom smiled and said, "Hahaha, they are unkillable, they

have immortality."

Zombies... can't be killed?

Franky was taken aback, no wonder, otherwise, it would be impossible

for his storm cannon to hurt them in the slightest.


Franky shot two chains with both hands, quickly **** nearly a hundred

zombies, shrunk into a ball, unable to move.

"If you can't kill it, then tie it up." Franky said.

In the dark, Absalom looked ugly.

"It seems that you have to leave it to me."

Nami and the others were puzzled.

"can not see."

"An ability user?"

"Although I can't see it, I still know the location."

Nami and the others are calm and relaxed, and the knowledgeable

domineering can completely know the position of the other party, and

they are not masters, and they will make noise when they move around.

Franky can also sense the position naturally, and is ready to solve it with

a shot from the air.

But at this moment, Sanji was trembling all over.

"Could it be...could it be..."

Sanji whispered angrily.

This made Franky startled, except for Lu Fei, everyone else was also


"Sanji, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with you all of a sudden?"

"Why are you so angry?"

Sanji took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "Frankie, this guy

must be handed over to me!"

Franky was taken aback, he had to settle this battle for himself, and Sanji

had no interest, but why did he suddenly stand up and want to fight?

And looks very angry, do you have any personal grievances?

Frankie nodded: "Okay, then leave it to you."

Sanji looked behind a dead tree and shouted, "Come out!"

Absalom was surprised, he appeared and walked out, surprised: "You

know my location."

Seeing the other party appear, he still looks like a ghost, and his mouth is

like a leopard's mouth sewn on, so ugly, it makes Sanji even more


"How did you know my location?"

Sanji didn't answer, and suddenly rushed to Absalom and kicked him in

the face.

Absalom couldn't react at all, and was sent flying with his kick,

excruciatingly painful.

Sanji's face was gloomy: "I must deal with you, because I have a grudge

with you!"

Frankie, Nami and the others in the rear were stunned. Is there really a

grudge? What kind of grievance?

Knowing that the opponent is very strong, Absalom used his ability after

being blown away, and his body disappeared, so he relaxed a little.

Chapter 69

After disappearing, Absalom asked puzzledly, "Grudges? Do I know you?

It's the first time I've seen you. What grudges do I have with you?"

This made Nami and the others even more puzzled. They thought they

had met before, but it was the first time they met, so why would there be


Sanji's angry forehead was full of veins, and he said in a deep voice: "Not

only is there a grievance, but it is also the biggest grievance, because you

are the man who took away one of my dreams!"


Absalom looked puzzled.

"I don't have the impression, did you make a mistake? It's the first time

I've met you. I feel like you're targeting me. Damn it! I must destroy you!"

He felt that the other party was deliberately finding fault, which made

him extremely angry.

Absalom launched an attack, and the shells burst out.

Invisibility, plus it can make the objects it touches transparent, which is

very sudden.

Just like an invisible person who came to the front and shot with a gun,

he would surely die.

However, it can only face ordinary people, and it is useless to face any of

the Straw Hats.

Sanji dodges easily, unscathed.

This shocked Absalom. With his invisibility and the sudden shooting of

shells, the opponent couldn't see it at all, and it was even more

impossible to avoid it, but why.

Sanji reminded in a deep voice: "It's useless, don't resist, it's useless, you

are dead today!"

Feeling the terrifying killing intent, Absalom panicked and screamed,

"How did I offend you!"

Sanji's face was gloomy: "You are an ability user, you can make your

body and the things you touch invisible for a short time, you are a

transparent fruit ability user, a transparent person. I have studied this

fruit thoroughly, but, but..."

Sanji's whole body trembled with anger, and he began to study this fruit

since he was very young.

Now, Absalom is still confused, but Nami, Robin, Zoro and others seem to

understand why.

Sauron stroked his forehead, speechless: "This guy, I seem to understand."

Nami is also very speechless, and understands that she really wants to

punch Sanji.

Sanji gritted his teeth angrily: "Now that I have met you with the

transparent fruit, my dream will be shattered! I used to want to be a

transparent person! So you who ate the transparent fruit shattered my

dream! I must To get rid of you, I still have a chance!"

Absalom was stunned, and understood that the guy in front of him was a


Sanji regretted, and hoped: "I used to want to go to the women's

bathroom to get the ability of transparency! No, if you want to say what

you want to do, it's still the women's bathroom! No, no, there must be

other things you want to do, get the ability of transparency, I want to

think about how to help others, to help the women in the women's


Absalom and the bound zombie soldiers were speechless.

"In the end, all I could think about was peeping in the women's


Sanji shouted angrily: "Shut up! After so many years of simulation

training, I have thought of everything I can do with this ability, but the

training was for nothing, all because of you! I will never treat you

Forgive, and prepare to die!"

Absalom was so angry that he killed himself, and that was the reason.

"You pervert." Absalom cursed angrily.

However, being kicked away by Sanji again, he was angry: "Others can

say that about me, but you can't."

Nami was speechless: "Sanji, stop playing and end it quickly."

"Okay, Miss Nami."

Sanji's right foot ignited fire, and with a flying kick, Abu Salom was

kicked away, and a mouthful of blood mixed with broken internal organs

spurted out, killing Salom.

Sanji is looking forward to it in his heart: "I hope I can get the

transparent fruit soon."

0····Ask for flowers····

Luffy and the others entered the castle. Just after entering, they met

Hobak, standing beside him was a swordsman in a white kimono, with

wooden shoes on his feet, and a sword on the right side of his waist.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo..."

The swordsman laughed, and Luffy said, "It's so familiar. It seems that

Brook's shadow is inside him."

This surprised Nami and the others, saying that there was a familiar

feeling, tone and laughter.

Sauron's fighting spirit rose, and he noticed the opponent's knife, his eyes

lit up.

"I want your knife."

Knowing that the other party is a dead person, so it is useless to keep it,

Sauron must get it.

Frankie knew that he didn't need to do it himself anymore, and he was

not in a hurry. Moria would leave it to himself.

Long Ma said: "Three knives, do you want another one?"

Sauron holds the knife in both hands, which are respectively the three

generations of ghosts.

As for Xue Zou, when he was on Judiciary Island, he was slightly

damaged by Rust Rust Fruit.

Sauron explained: "One is not working, so I just hung it up. I am a three-

sword style, so I need the one on your body."

Ryoma despised: "Three-sword style, I've never heard of it, is it

acrobatics? Hohohohohoho..."

At this moment, Brooke arrived, and when he saw Ryoma, his expression


Brook reminded: "He knows all my moves, and the moves he sends out

are stronger than mine. You have to be careful."

Sauron was interested: "I hope so, it's been a long time since I fought

against a powerful swordsman."

"Ye Ming Song, straight through."

Qiushui, the black knife in Ryoma's hand, stabs forward quickly, sending

out a stab and slash. Sauron can dodge, but he doesn't dodge, and the

two knives cross to block.

With a clank, Sauron remained motionless.

This made Brook shake, and he didn't move at all, blocking it.


"Dual sword style, Iai, Rashomon!"

"Revolutionary Dance, Assault!"

The two strong swordsmen fought with each other at an extremely fast

speed, slashing continuously, and as they fought, they hit the roof.

Luffy knows that the battle will end soon. Although Ryoma is powerful, it

is not Ryoma's own soul. Otherwise, it is hard to say who will win.

However, since it is Brook's shadow, Ryoma combined with Brook's

shadow is stronger than Brook, but it will not be Sauron's opponent now,

the gap is not small.

Just then, Perona came.

Facing the Straw Hat gang on her belly, Perona was not worried. She was

no match for her combat power, but no matter how strong her combat

power was, it would be useless if she was hit by her own ability.

"Let me defeat you for Lord Moria."

Usopp and the others were taken aback, no matter how you look at this

girl, she doesn't have that kind of strength.

Perona spread her hands, and a white spherical transparent object sprang

out, and after floating out, it turned into a ghost.

Soon, seven ghosts floated out.

Perona is confident: "I am a soul fruit capable person who can generate

spirit bodies at will. These ghosts are my avatars, which can make

people's souls empty. Therefore, no matter how strong you are, it is

useless. You are all so negative that you don't want to fight. That's all."

"Negative Ghost!"

The seven ghosts floated quickly, and Nami and the others stood there.

Perona smiled: "Have you given up?"

However, when the ghost approached, it was easily dodged.

Luffy said: "Negative ghost, if you hit it, it's true that no matter how

strong your combat power is, it's useless, but it's okay to avoid it and not

let it be touched?"

Luffy and the others were so domineering, they easily dodged.

This made Perona's face ugly, her speed and reaction were so fast that

she couldn't hit at all.

Frankie moved forward while dodging quickly, opened his left hand, and

aimed at Perona while moving quickly.

"The left hand of the weapon."

With a bang, the left hand fired a bombardment, blasting Perona out, and

the ghost disappeared.

Franky found it boring, too weak.

To be precise, they are too strong.

At this time, Moria knew that the situation was not good at this time, and

it was impossible for his subordinates to defeat the Straw Hats. However,

he has a trump card.

Looking at the huge frozen creature, Moria looked forward to: "It's time

for you to be resurrected. It's good if the Straw Hats can come here, get

their shadows, and make my Moria army stronger, so I can fight back!" In

the new world, defeating Kaido is a complete shame!"

On the roof, clanging continued.

Ryoma was repelled, his body was covered with bruises, and he was out

of breath.

Sauron, on the other hand, was calm and relaxed.

Frankie couldn't wait: "I'm going to find Moria, everyone wait for me, and

it will be over soon after I find it."

Franky wants to defeat Moriah of Shichibukai alone.

Luffy and the others did not follow, but waited.

Frankie soon arrived at the place where the devil Oz was, and met


"Huh? Isn't the Straw Hat kid here?"

"You are Moria, I am enough to deal with you."

Moriah thinks that's fine, if you face the Straw Hats alone, it's hard to get

a shadow.

Beside Moria, there was a black creature similar to him, obviously his


Franky made a move directly, and the opponent was Shichibukai, so he

was a little more serious.

"Franky Destroyer!"

The shoulders were opened, and more powerful shells were fired,

bombarding Moria.

At the same time, before launching, Franky moves quickly.


Fast movement, combined with shelling, Franky knew he was sure to hit

an inch.

Chapter 086 In order to break through the limit, awaken the sun god

This is the improvement of his strength, his own research, plus the

guidance of Vegapunk, and the teaching of Karp, all together to make

himself stronger.

Moria was frightened, it was too fast, and he couldn't hide at all.

"The Straw Hats don't know him, the new friends, he is so strong."

In a short time, another partner was also very powerful, and Moria

became more and more excited after the shock.

The more straw hats there are, the more powerful they are, the better,

that's what he wants.

"A powerful shadow, a powerful legion, it will definitely be possible to

defeat Kaido! Hehehehehe..."

Amidst the roar, the flames erupted.

Below the castle, Luffy and the others heard a loud roar.

Chopper said: "It seems that the battle between Frankie and Moriah has


Luffy didn't take care of it, just leave it to Franky, if there is any accident,

it's okay, after all, there are them.

Moreover, Luffy is looking forward to an accident, so that it will not be

too boring.

Coming here, Luffy felt bored. After all, there was a huge gap in combat

power, and he was not interested in doing it.

However, if there is an accident, maybe I will let myself do it.


There was a roar on the castle, and Franky was blown away by a huge

black fist and fell to the ground.

This made Luffy and others look over, and Chopper's expression changed.


Chopper was surprised, Franky was beaten down.

Chapter 70

Frankie frowned: "It's careless, but it's just right, I'll take it seriously,

because I will face two enemies."

Brooke found something, and his face changed: "Your shadow is gone."

This made Nami and others realize that Brook had no shadow under the

sun or the moon because Moria cut off the shadow and injected it into

the dead Ryoma. In this way, Ryoma can be resurrected, have Brook's

consciousness, and have Brook's moves to fight Sauron.

So now, Franky's shadow is gone, which means...


"Four Nine Zero" suddenly, a huge figure broke through the building and

walked out, which made Nami and the others change their expressions,

and looked up.

Moria scrambled to the roof, and was very excited to see the resurrection

of the devil Oz, who was as tall as the castle and had a height of 120


"Hehehehe, the devil Oz is resurrected, you are going to die, I want all

your shadows! I need a powerful shadow to defeat Kaido!"

Moriah was overjoyed.

Ozzy was ready to fight, and the pose he posed gave Nami and the others

a sense of familiarity, much like Franky.

They knew that Franky's shadow was cut off by Moria and injected into

the devil Oz.

Chopper was stunned: "It's so huge..."

Robin frowned: "The devil Ozzy, could it be that he died hundreds of

years ago and was famous all over the world five hundred years ago?

Because he likes to move his favorite island away, he got the title of Oz

the country of fortune. "

Brooke reminded: "Be careful, Ozzy, who has been injected with shadow,

will have Franky's ability. The devil fruit cannot be replaced with

zombies, but his own ability and domineering will come later."

This made Nami and the others understand that Ryoma knew all of

Brook's moves after all.

Brook reminded heavily: "Besides, the stronger the zombie was in life,

then the resurrection, perhaps the strength of the outbreak will be

stronger than the original owner of the shadow. For example, Ryoma,

who got my shadow, the moves he issued are above me."

This made Nami and others feel that Moria's fruit ability is really


Franky, however, is not worried and is confident.

"It's nothing to get my shadow. After all, I am equivalent to a modified

person, but he is not. Therefore, it is nothing to be my domineering. My

main combat power is my various transformation technologies."

This is indeed the most restrictive thing for Oz to get Franky's shadow.

Franky planned to make a quick decision. He was careless just now. After

bombarding Moria, he replaced the shadow with no injuries, and then

trapped himself with the shadow box. After he bombarded the shadow

box, he was killed by Molly. Ya cut off the shadow and injected it into

the body of the devil Oz.

"I have to defeat you in this battle. I have to be serious. Let's all take a

look at my improvement after practicing."


Soon, two chariots came, Black Rhino FR-U No. 4 and Winding Dragon

Tank No. 5.

Franky is in a black rhinoceros posture, and is transforming from a model

to a humanoid with arms, which makes Usopp and Chopper's eyes shine.

"Fit together!"

Soon, the two chariots collided and fused together after being deformed,

and continued to deform. In the blink of an eye, they became a Gundam

robot like a Gundam.

"Steel Pirates, General Franky is here!"

Immediately, Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper felt extremely cool, and their

eyes sparkled with stars.

"So cool..."



They thought it was a novelty that they could still do this.

Franky smiled: "This is the most basic, and there are more powerful ones,

but you don't need all your strength to solve this Seven Wuhai."

This made Moria grit his teeth. He is the man who wants to defeat Kaido

in the future, and this newcomer of the Straw Hats actually said

something like this, and he doesn't need all his strength to solve himself?

What a shame.

However, Moriah's face was also ugly. This guy turned out to be the

master of fighting with technology. Then Ozzy got his shadow, so

naturally he couldn't use these. He could only inherit Franky's physical

skills, domineering, and couldn't inherit the transformed body and


Moria didn't bother anymore: "Even so, Ozzy was too powerful during his

lifetime, and getting part of your abilities is enough!"

Moria is confident that the Straw Hats will definitely be resolved in this

battle. However, it's still worse.

Moria found that Ryoma was about to lose the battle.

Moria was on the roof at this time, and suggested: "You are Roronoa

Zoro, and you want to become the world's number one swordsman."

Sauron said: "Of course."

"Such an enemy will prevent you from being tempered."

Moria told the truth, the current strength of Sauron, the dragon horse

possessed by Brook's shadow, is not far behind Sauron in combat power.

Sauron raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean? Why, you want to be

my opponent?"

Moria shook his head: "No, no, no, I want your opponent to be stronger,

or let you break through yourself and break through your limits. Only in

that way can you move one step closer to the world's number one


Looking at Moria, Sauron always felt very sinister, and said in a deep

voice: "If there is anything, just tell me."

"Hehehehehe... Then I'll just say it straight, I want to get your shadow

and inject it into Ryoma's body, then Ryoma will be stronger and inherit

your ability. In this way, your opponent will be stronger, and you You

can fight as much as you want and break through yourself. Of course, if

you are afraid of being defeated by the dragon horse possessed by your

shadow, then just pretend I didn't mention this opinion."

After the words fell, Moria felt uneasy, and naturally hoped that the

other party would agree.

After all, the Straw Hats are too strong, adding Ozzy alone may not be


So, I thought of this method.

Moria was worried: "This guy, will he agree?"

Sauron snorted coldly: "The aggressive method."

This made Moria's heart sink. Has she been seen through? Then it seems

that it is impossible.

However, one must also try. It may be possible for him and Ryoma to

join forces to deal with him, but the premise is that the rest of the Straw

Hats do not intervene.

However, Sauron's words made Moriah overjoyed.

"It sounds very interesting. Fighting him now is very boring, and it is

impossible to fight him in his lifetime. Although I know that he must

have been a powerful swordsman in his lifetime, it is impossible. So, let

him inject my shadow ."

Sauron grinned, his fighting spirit rising.

afraid? Naturally impossible.

Sauron wants to fight hard, face powerful enemies, improve in difficult

battles, and break through himself. Only in that way can he get closer

and closer to the world's number one swordsman and have a chance to

surpass Hawkeye.

Moria was very happy in his heart, and smiled sinisterly in his heart:

"Hey hey hey hey, I actually agreed, idiot. But, that's great, thank you for

your confidence, otherwise it would be really difficult for me to face you

who are so powerful ."

Moria was glad that the Straw Hats came here. He was a little worried

before. After all, Crocodile was defeated, and he was only defeated by

Sanji Kurozu of the Straw Hats, which shows the huge gap in combat


And he and Crocodile are both Shichibukai, but Moriah feels that his fruit

ability is stronger, and he has a chance. The chance is to get the shadow

of Luffy and others.

Now, Ozzy has Frankie's shadow, which is his powerful combat power.

Now, Ryoma is about to get Sauron's shadow, and perhaps Ozzy's fighting

power surpasses that of Franky's shadow.

The stronger the corpse was, the better and stronger it was. If the corpse

was ordinary and weak, even if it got the shadow of the straw hat gang,

it would not be able to exert its power.

Therefore, Moriah felt that he had to obtain a more powerful corpse, get

all the shadows of the Straw Hats, form the Straw Hats Shadow Zombie

Army, and then go to the new world to challenge Kaido.

Moriah thought this way, as if Ryoma would definitely defeat Sauron.

"Shadow cut!"

Moria moved quickly, came behind Sauron, grabbed Sauron's shadow,

and then used his ability. The shadow was torn up by Moria with his bare

hands like the substance.

The black shadow was torn up, Moria cut it with scissors in his left hand,

and the shadow was separated from Sauron.

Moria activated the ability, Brook's shadow sprang out from Ryoma's

body, injecting Sauron's shadow into Ryoma's body.

In an instant, Ryoma's aura changed, and he felt uncomfortable even

holding a knife.

Brooke was happy: "My shadow is back."

Looking at the ground, I have a shadow.

Nami, Robin, Sanji, and Chopper noticed the roof, and their expressions


"The shadow of Sauron has been cut."

"What's going on? Sauron took the initiative?"

"What are you doing?"

"Ryoma, who got Brook's shadow, has Brook's sword moves, but their

power is stronger than Brook's. Now, Ryoma has mastered all of Sauron's

sword moves, domineering, and inherits all of Sauron's strength. Will he

be stronger than Sauron?"

They are worried and puzzled.

If you inherit Luffy, then the rubber fruit ability cannot be inherited, so

there are many restrictions.

Frankie is now shadowed by Oz, and there are many restrictions. He

cannot use those transformational technological combat powers, and can

only use Franky's physical skills and domineering.

Sauron is different, relying on his own ability, without devil fruit, and

without transforming technology. Therefore, Ryoma has all the moves of


Luffy is not surprised, even a little envious 0...

"It seems that Sauron is fighting against a stronger opponent. To be

precise, he breaks through himself and wants to become stronger. I am a

little envious of him, and I can fight as much as I want."

When Luffy said this, Nami and the others understood that this was the

only reason, otherwise even Ryoma Gamoria would not have been able to

successfully obtain Sauron's shadow.

Knowing that Sauron really wanted to become stronger and become the

world's number one swordsman, and this Ryoma was a powerful

swordsman in his lifetime, and got the shadow of Brook, and his strength

made Sauron uninterested, so he chose to do this. They totally get it.

But wouldn't it be risky?

After all, it's Ryoma. What if the Ryoma who gets the shadow of Sauron

is stronger than Sauron, and the moves he makes are more powerful than

Sauron's identical moves.

They were worried, but Luffy said: "Zoro definitely hopes that we can feel

that he is extremely excited and his blood is boiling like we are worried


As Luffy said, at this time Sauron felt the aura of Ryoma, and his body

was shaking, not from fear, but from excitement, and he was ready to

fight the mighty swordsman.

The last time I was so excited was facing Hawkeye.

"A knife is not easy to handle."

While Ryoma was moving quickly, he picked up two knives on the

ground and became a three-knife style. After all, his consciousness is


Moreover, armed domineering lingering, mouth, hands, have become

black knives.

Sauron also pulled out the snow walker. Although it was a little rusty, it

was still usable.

"Let me replace you and become the world's number one swordsman."

Ryoma is extremely firm, after all, it is Sauron's consciousness, tone,

momentum, and goal are all the same.

Sauron grinned: "Don't be joking, I just use you as a partner, my shadow,

I will beat you and get it back."

"Then let's see if it's you or me who becomes the number one swordsman

in the world."

"Three Swords Style! Tiger Hunting!"

"Three Swords Style! Tiger Hunting!"

Almost at the same time, Zoro and Ryoma moved in unison.

Both of them carried two knives behind their backs, and the knives in

their mouths were horizontally in front of the two knives behind them,

and their momentum rose.

The roar of the tiger sounded, and a fierce tiger appeared behind the two

of them, and the battle was about to break out.

On the ground, Brook watched the battle on the roof, knowing that Zoro

was going to be serious, and Ryoma was stronger.

"Two powerful swordsmen." Brook admired him, stronger than himself.

Luffy said: "We still lack a musician, Brooke, after joining us, you will

become stronger."

Luffy also began to pay attention to the rooftop battle. As for the battle

between Frankie and Oz, Luffy felt that Frankie could win.

Although Ozzy is huge, combined with Franky's physical skills and

domineering, after all, Franky's physical domineering was taught by


Therefore, Ozzy is also very powerful. However, Luffy feels that Franky's

transformation technology is stronger than his physical domineering.

After all, Franky's combat power is mainly like this, not to mention

Vegapon Ke taught, so Luffy felt that even if Oz was strong, Franky could

defeat him.

As for the battle between Ryoma and Sauron, Luffy was nervous and

believed that Sauron could break through the limit, but the limit is not

easy to break through.

Before Ryoma was alive, at least he was at the same level as the current

Hawkeye, so Ryoma who got the shadow of Sauron might be better than


Even so, Luffy believes and looks forward to 3.1.

"Zoro, I believe you will not be defeated."

Moria no longer pays attention to the rooftop battle, and feels that

Ryoma will win in his heart.

After all, Ryoma was a powerful swordsman during his lifetime. The

samurai of Wano country hundreds of years ago, no matter who his

opponent was, he would cut down his opponent in a flash. He was a great

swordsman who had never failed in his life.

When Wano was once known as the "Golden Country" and became

famous all over the world, Ryoma stopped countless pirates and world

nobles from coming, and let the whole world know that "Wano has

samurai". There are many legends, and the dragon that once killed the

sky above the capital is one of them.

After his death, Ryoma was regarded as the "sword god" by Wano

country, and enshrined in the ancestral hall together with the famous

sword "Autumn Water".

Chapter 71

Therefore, Moria is very confident, as long as he pays attention to the

battle of the devil Oz.

At this moment, the huge Oz suddenly moved.


With a low shout, the huge Oz quickly moved behind Franky.

Although he is huge in stature, he moves extremely fast, and Moriah's

eyes are shining brightly.

I was worried before that the Straw Hats were too strong, but now I am

very happy, fortunately everyone in the Straw Hats can be so strong,

which makes his zombies stronger.

"Although I don't know who taught you your skills, but I want to thank

your teacher for teaching you so well, hehehehe..." Moria smiled happily.

Luffy looked at all this with interest in his eyes, such a change is good,

otherwise the adventure of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship would

be boring.

The current battle has changed, changes that Luffy does not know, and

changes that the plot does not know.

Moria looked at Luffy and asked, "Straw Hat Boy, do you want to break

through your limits?"

Obviously, Luffy is going to be fooled too.

Luffy is interested in it in his heart. He naturally wants to break through

himself, break through the limit, and become stronger.

If you break through the limit, you will be awakened.

So, in order to better control the fifth gear in the future and explode the

power of the sun god, and fight a battle that breaks through the limit? .

087 The strongest one-shot style! Dachen shake!

Although he wants to fight a strong enemy so that he can improve faster,

Luffy feels that he has no chance this time.

Because, there will not be the same chance as Sauron.

Sauron is a swordsman, and so is his opponent, and Ryoma, so Sauron


But, in your own words, who do you choose?

Oz? Even if Ozzy gets his own shadow, Luffy will not be interested. After

all, he cannot inherit the fruit ability, so the gap in combat power will be


Luffy is not interested: "I won't fight this battle, let them solve it, and

there will be stronger enemies in the future."

As Luffy said, there will be in the future, after all, he will meet the golden

lion and arrive at Chambord.

This made Moriah's face sink, it was a rejection.

But, it doesn't matter, I still have a chance, I believe that Oz, Ryoma, and

myself are enough.

If the Straw Hat Boy does it, let him handle it by himself.

At this time, the battle between Frankie and Oz continued.

"As expected of inheriting my shadow, physical skills are very strong."

Facing Ozzy's huge domineering fist covered in jet-black armor, Franky

controlled General Franky, a huge shield emerged in his hand, and it

became pitch black.

Franky not only controls the Gundam-like machine, but also covers the

machine with armed domineering.


Ozzy's huge fist slammed and was blocked by the shield, and Frankie

remained motionless.

The air wave swept across, the surrounding trees and buildings collapsed,

and the horror of power could be seen.

After Frankie blocked it, he held the shield in his left hand, stretched out

his right hand, and the artillery condensed.

"Frankie Hand Cannon!"


Horrible artillery bombardment, Huge Oz burst into flames, and was

directly blasted back, but there was no scream, because the place where

he was bombarded was pitch black.

Moria felt that Ozzy was more aggressive than himself.

As a demon, with such a huge size, his defense is already strong, not to

mention he also possesses superb weapons and arrogance.

Moria sneered: "Hehehe, even if you can't inherit your technological

power, Oz combined with physical skills and domineering is enough to

solve you."

Ozzy is strong, but this makes Frankie even more excited, just to show his


After this battle, he has to become a pirate with a bounty, and the bounty

can't be too low, and he can't hold back the Straw Hats.

The building was destroyed, and Zoro and Ryoma on the roof collided in

the air.

The tigers roared out, collided together, and a terrifying roar sounded.

04 after the explosion, the tigers collapsed, Sauron and Ryoma retreated

to the ground, looking evenly matched.

This made Sauron excited. Ryoma, who got his own shadow, became

stronger, so strong that he was not inferior to himself. This kind of battle

made Sauron full of enthusiasm.

"Two Swords Style, Seven Hundred and Twenty Annoying Winds!"

"Two Swords Style, Seven Hundred and Twenty Annoying Winds!"

It was still the same move, criss-crossing chopping waves sprang out,

collided, and roared continuously.

Brook was not surprised. He fought Ryoma before, the same way, the

same moves, but he lost.

The swordsmanship moves are the same, domineering and so on are the

same, so it depends on whose moves are more powerful.

In the next moment, the two figures collided with each other, clanging

sounds continued to be heard, flames splashed everywhere, and the two

sides at close range continued to slash quickly.

However, it is very difficult for both sides to cut each other, and they are

constantly blocking each other, counterattacking, and shaking off the

incoming knives.

This kind of battle made Sauron more excited, because he felt the power

of Ryoma, which was stronger than himself, and gradually, his hand

trembled a little, which made Sauron feel very good.

If they were evenly matched, they wouldn't be so excited. Being able to

be stronger than themselves would make Sauron excited and pressured so

that he would have a sense of crisis and be able to break through.

"Three-sword style, bull ghost, brave claw!"

Using the same move again, the two figures quickly stabbed and collided.

During the clatter, Zoro retreated ten meters, and Long Ma retreated

seven meters.

After Longma stopped first, he had already withdrawn his knife.

When Sauron stopped, his pupils shrank, and Ryoma had already set his

posture, so he naturally knew what kind of attack it was.

Ryoma holds the scabbard in his left hand and the hilt in his right, posing

in a posture of drawing the sword. Both hands and the sword become

pitch black, and he draws the sword instantly.

"Ichidao, Iai, Hei Dao, die! The lion sings!"


The dragon horse flashed past and appeared behind Sauron.

This made Nami and the others change their expressions, and exclaimed.


After fighting till now, they discovered that Ryoma's strength was

stronger than Sauron's.

Sauron crossed his swords to block, but he couldn't block it completely,

his waist was still cut, and blood flowed out.

Sauron was injured first, but this injury was nothing to Sauron.

Long Ma said: "The moves are the same, but I am stronger than you.

Then, in terms of momentum, who is stronger will be shocked."

Saying that, Ryoma is still only holding a knife, Qiushui.

This made Sauron frowned and realized.

Sauron grinned: "I want to know too."

The conversation between the two made Nami, Usopp and others a little

inexplicable. What do you mean? More imposing?

The next moment, the two faced each other, just walking forward with a

knife, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

As they approached, a terrifying aura erupted from the two of them, and

even Moriah suddenly trembled inwardly.

He didn't pay attention to the battle between Zoro and Ryoma, thinking

that Ryoma would definitely win, but kept watching the battle between

Franky and Oz. But now, his eyes looked over, because he felt the

terrifying aura and deterrent force, even though he was so far away, his

heart trembled a little.

"So strong, these two guys." Moria shook.

At the same time, he became more and more happy in his heart. After all,

Ryoma is his subordinate, so naturally the stronger the better.

Moria also looked at the battle between the two, holding only one knife,

so, is it a one-knife move? What kind of moves?

He wanted to see how powerful it was, and felt in his heart that it must

be a powerful sword move.

Nami and the others were also watching closely, not all of Sauron's

moves had been seen by them.

Luffy, on the other hand, was interested and looking forward to it, and

naturally knew how the two of them would use the same move.

"It seems that it is that move, Sauron's strongest one-knife style! It is very

interesting, the strongest one-knife style vs. the strongest one-knife style,

what is the result?"

Luffy stared closely, feeling the rising aura from a distance, the two were

as terrifying as beasts.

The zombie soldiers in the distance, even though they were far away,

were all frightened and did not dare to move for an instant. They were so

frightened by the two terrifying auras that they didn't even have the

courage to move.

"It's... so scary."

"It's just the aura that scares me so much that I dare not move. No, if I

want to move, my body doesn't dare to move subconsciously."

"We are all like this at such a distance. If we are targeted by this move,

how terrifying will the momentum and deterrence be?"

"Even if it is a powerful existence, it will be intimidated and unable to


As the two continued to approach, the surrounding space seemed to have

turned gray, extremely oppressive.

Zoro's right eye glowed red, and Ryoma did the same, and the two

reached their aura, intimidating each other.

The terrifying aura collided invisible and frightened each other, but

neither of them was frightened, neither their actions were blocked, nor

were they unable to move.

Ryoma sighed softly: "That's right, it seems that you are close to me when

I was alive, so even if my aura is stronger than yours, it can't affect your


Indeed, if you want to say who is more imposing, it is naturally Ryoma.

Although Sauron has experienced teaching space cultivation, but

compared with Ryoma's strength and momentum, there is still a little


During his lifetime, Ryoma was at least like Hawkeye.

If Hawkeye can do this trick, then the awe-inspiring power is naturally

stronger than Sauron.

Therefore, the dragon horse who knows this trick has a stronger

momentum, but unless there is a big difference in momentum, it will not

be affected.

Ryoma looked forward to: "Then, let's see who is more powerful, the

strongest one-sword style, there can only be one who is the strongest."

Sauron smiled: "Yes, there can only be one strongest, and it won't be you,

a fake."

Long Ma was ridiculed, but he was not angry: "Who is the strongest, we

will know soon."

In the next moment, two figures rushed forward quickly, holding the

knife in both hands at the same time, and raised it up.

Ryoma held up Qiushui with both hands, and Sauron held up the three

generations of ghosts with both hands.

The two figures stopped, and they did not face each other at close range,

and the knives did not collide, but slashed through the air with a short


Hold the knife with both hands, lift it up, and cut it down. It is an

extremely simple movement, but it makes people feel that it is not

simple, and it is extremely shocking.

"One blow!"

"Dachen Shake!"

He didn't swing the knife down hard, and he wasn't fast, but the

surroundings seemed to freeze.

Even if it was slow, it gave Moria a feeling that it was difficult to dodge

the knife when facing it by himself.

Now that Nami and the others are powerhouses, they can also see the

power of this knife. It looks like an ordinary cut, but it is extremely

powerful and shocking.

boom! !

The two knives did not collide, but the invisible slash had collided and


During the explosion, the surrounding ground cracked, and wide cracks

quickly spread in all directions, the longest one being over a hundred


Hoo hoo...

The storm whistling around the two was formed after the collision of

invisible slashes.

Far away, Moria felt that the storm was extremely sharp, and if he

stepped into the range, he would be seriously injured, as if cut by a

thousand knives.

Amidst the roar, the two figures retreated, and with two puffs, Sauron

and the dragon horse got up, each bleeding a spray of blood.

The two figures backed up and stopped, leaving a vertical wound on their

upper bodies.

Chapter 72

Long Ma was surprised that they were evenly matched.

Ryoma was startled, originally thought that he was stronger in

momentum and power, but he seemed to underestimate it.

Moreover, Ryoma always felt that this guy in front of him seemed to have

a different kind of aura, like a Shura.

The collision of the strongest sword style is evenly matched.

The shock retreat stopped, and for a short moment, the two fought again,

using the three-sword style, and in an instant, they shot out like meteors,

bringing up two red rays of light.

"Three Swords Style, Purgatory Ghost Slash!"


Another terrifying roar erupted.

Moria was shocked when he saw that the members of the Straw Hats

were so strong, Ryoma and Sauron's fighting power was higher than his


"Fortunately, he agreed, otherwise it would be really difficult to take

down the Straw Hats."

"Three swordsmanship, one forceful force, two forceful force, and two

forceful slash!"

Sauron and Ryoma approached again in a flash, the muscles in both arms

were swollen, and the two knives slashed out.

At the moment of the collision, sparks flew everywhere, and they were in

a stalemate. The knives and arms in both hands were trembling.

With a strong push from Ryoma, Zoro was thrown back into the sky.

At the same time, three knives slashed.

"Three Swords Style, Thousand Eighty Troubled Winds!"

Sauron, who was flying backwards and flying upwards, saw the densely

packed chopping waves approaching, he slashed with two knives and

kept chopping up the chopping waves, but he would still be cut.

After landing, the clothes on his body were torn apart, and there were

more than ten wounds on his body.

Landing quickly, the two of them half-spun their bodies at the same time,

and then retracted their spinning bodies, waving three knives while


"Three Swords Style, Black Rope Tornado."

Immediately, two huge tornadoes whizzed out, collided, and the

surrounding rocks and broken buildings were involved, and were

instantly torn into powder by the sharp sword energy in the storm.


The tornadoes crashed into each other, burst open, Zoro and Ryoma

retreated, and then rushed forward.

By coincidence, they sang at the same time.

"Nine mountains and eight seas make up one world, and if you gather

thousands of worlds, you will form a small thousand worlds. This world

will multiply by three, and those who are selfless will have the profound

meaning of the three swords... One big three thousand, one big thousand


The two figures approached quickly, and at the same time, the two

knives rotated like windmills, creating circles of strong wind waves that

were visible to the naked eye and spread out.


It can descend a mountain, and the meteorite is split in half by a

terrifying slashing collision.

Moria felt uneasy, and quickly moved away, fearing being affected, and

felt that the power and scope of this move were very strong.


The two terrifying slashes collided, everything around was destroyed

immediately, and Luffy and others quickly retreated.

Where the aftermath of the slash passed, the surrounding collapsed

buildings were cut into powder, and in an instant, a thousand-meter

radius became an empty space.

Sauron and Ryoma flew out respectively, their arms were in severe pain,

and their hands were bleeding.

Sauron gritted his teeth, with strong willpower, tried his best to stabilize

his body, stepped on the air, and used moon steps, Sauron who was

flying upside down immediately rushed forward.

Realizing that Zoro was going to use that move, Ryoma did the same.

The two figures suddenly rushed forward while flying upside down, the

whole body was condensed with sword energy like flowing water, and

the whole person was enveloped by the light blue faucet like flowing

water, roaring out.

"Three swords flow profound meaning, green dragon chant, flowing



Two water dragons with condensed sword energy collided with each

other, screaming continuously, stalemate, and neither gave in. Sauron

and Dragon Horse in the dragon's head stared at each other coldly, facing

each other.

Moriah's face was ugly. After fighting for 490 fights for so long, Sauron

has no tendency to lose.

Looking at the other battles, Ozzy was unable to gain an advantage

against Franky, and his situation was worse than that of Ryoma, and he

was even at a disadvantage.

"This guy, why is he so strong in technology, he can also fire a powerful

golden laser, which can penetrate the body of the huge Oz."

Moriah was surprised, the power of shells and lasers were too strong, and

General Franky was able to deform.

Transformed in melee, thicker, more powerful melee, combined with

Franky's domineering.

It deforms at a long distance, is light and fast, has powerful shells, and

extremely fast lasers, which are too strong.

Ozzy is huge in size, but has powerful physical skills. He inherited

Franky's physical skills, but even if he moves with shaving, he will still be


Moria found that Ozzy was getting worse and worse, which made him

extremely heavy, which he did not expect, his face was extremely ugly,

and he was shocked.

"Why, why are the Straw Hats such monsters, even the newcomers who

have just boarded the ship are so strong."

Moria discovered that there are currently eight members of the Straw

Hats, all of whom are monsters, and none of them are weak.

Luffy also noticed Franky's battle, the technological combat power is

stronger, more advanced, with multiple forms, for various battles.

The laser emitted is similar to that of the orangutan.

Moreover, Luffy felt that Franky hadn't gone all out yet.

Luffy secretly sighed: "Entering the teaching space, Frankie's biggest

benefit is not the powerful physical skills and domineering taught by the

Garp template, but the teaching of Vega Punk, which allows Franky to

know more, so that he can carry out more and more advanced exercises."

Transform itself, and manufacture."

The existence of teaching space allows everyone to develop and improve

in more aspects, and their strengths become stronger, and there are more



Dragon Yin roared, exploded, chopping waves raged, Sauron and Ryoma

retreated again, each with more wounds.

Sauron fought in great pain. Although there were many wounds on his

body, the pain was nothing. The joy of body and mind, such a difficult

battle, was what he longed for.

"The next move, you know, but whether it will be or not, it is not

necessarily. Because it needs to be combined..."

Sauron directly held the knife in both hands, posing in a slashing posture,

with a kind of Roger's shadow.

This made Luffy, Nami and others' eyes brighten, obviously trying to

avoid it!

And to use God's Avoidance, you have to combine Overlord Color Coil!

This is the reason why God's Avoidance is so powerful.

What Sauron was talking about was whether Ryoma could also use God's

Avoidance. Even if he used it, he didn't have the overlord look, and his

power would be too much reduced.

Even if God's Avoidance is inherited, it cannot be inherited if it is born

with it. For example, if you don't have the overlord's color, you can't have

the overlord's color if you get the shadow of Sauron.

The two knives in Sauron's hands were pitch-black, and wrapped around

a dark red domineering look, and the muscles in his arms were swollen,

and he swept out quickly.

"Double swordsmanship... Ergangliluo! Double **** avoidance!"

Seeing this, Moria was shocked and worried.

Avoid God, Roger's moves! How did you learn it!

And, it's still Double Swords God Avoidance!

The muscles in Longma's arms were swollen, the same Ergang Liluo, and

the same posture of swiping and slashing.

With a puff, the dark red domineering entanglement on the double knives

is also the color of a domineering king! .

Chapter 088 The fifth gear of the sun **** is coming!

This changed the expressions of Nami and others, and Ryoma also had

the look of a domineering king before his death.

Moria breathed a sigh of relief: "Hehehehe, since he is a world-renowned

Ryoma, it's normal to be overbearing, so hurry up and defeat that guy."


There was a huge roar, and Moriah's face changed. It was Oz who was

defeated and fell to the ground.

Moria looked at Luffy with a heavy face.

"Straw hat boy, are you really not interested in breaking through

yourself? Give Ozzy your shadow."

Luffy shook his head: "Not interested, he is not qualified, and he is not

qualified to get it. And, my breakthrough limit will come."

To put it bluntly, the fifth gear of the sun **** is coming!

Moria can't understand, will it come?

Looking at Moria's puzzled eyes, Luffy said: "However, you should not see

it anymore, because you will be defeated."

Moriah's face was ugly, Ozzy was defeated, Frankie's shadow floated out,

returned to Frankie's body, and Ozzy became a corpse again.

Therefore, the only powerful combat power under him now is Ryoma.

Even if Ryoma defeated Sauron, the Straw Hats still had so much fighting


Moria would not show any fear, and said in a deep voice, "Don't

underestimate me."

Moria is ready to attack, and it is the strongest move directly, otherwise,

he can't think of how to defeat and defeat the Straw Hats.

"I must get all of your shadows! I'll just do my best to defeat you!"

Frankie was slightly injured, but it didn't matter at all, and his fighting

spirit rose.

"Let me come, I haven't enjoyed the battle just now."

Luffy roughly guessed what Moria was going to do, and was slightly


"Let's see where he comes from first."

Franky nodded, and Luffy meant to see Moria's strength first.

Zoro and Ryoma's same Ergang, Liluo, and Double Swords God

Avoidance collided with each other. There was a terrifying roar, and the

ground flew up, directly appearing a tiankeng with a diameter of 100


The two were blasted out, spitting blood, evenly matched.

The more this happened, the more excited Sauron became, and the battle


However, following Sauron's changes, Ryoma realized that he couldn't do


Sauron's body was filled with ghostly aura, like Shura, Ryoma thought he

was dazzled, because Sauron turned out to be three-headed and nine-

armed, and became a nine-sword style.

"Ghost Qi Nine Swords Style! Asura, Demon Nine Flashes!"

While spinning and flashing rapidly, it cut past Ryoma. Ryoma narrowly

avoided, but was still cut.

Longma found that he couldn't do this, which meant that he was born

with it, so he couldn't have it.

Moria, who was about to fight with all his strength, felt heavy in his

heart. In this case, can Ryoma surely win?

"The innate special ability, what is the origin of this Roronoa Sauron?"

Moria was surprised and puzzled.

Not to mention him, even Luffy doesn't know Sauron's life experience.

A fierce battle broke out, Zoro went all out, and Ryoma was in a


Sauron knew that to defeat Ryoma, he had to break through and become


And Ryoma cannot become stronger, he can and must break through,

otherwise it would be meaningless to ask Moria to cut off his own


Therefore, as long as you win, you have achieved a breakthrough, which

is meaningful.

At this moment, Moriah shouted in a low voice: "Shadow gathering


As Luffy thought, Moriah directly used the strongest moves.

It's not surprising that they used a big move at the beginning of the

battle. After all, they are facing them, and this move is Moria's only hope.

"The power of this move is terrifying. It has the terrifying power to split

an island with a single palm. Hehehehehe... So, if you are afraid, ask me

to cut off your shadows, and then you leave, don't appear in the sun. ."

Moria talked about the conditions and felt that he had the ability to

threaten the Straw Hats.

Through deterrence, it's okay to get their shadows without fighting.

Luffy also knows that this move is really powerful, Moria's strongest


Utilize the ability of the devil fruit to absorb all the shadows that you

control into your body. In the final battle of horror and roar, you

absorbed the shadows of 1,000 people, making yourself bigger and

stronger, and its destructive power can be grasped in one hand. An island

is broken.

It has to be said that the shadow fruit is an extremely powerful fruit in

the Pirate World, but unfortunately, like too many people, it is too


For example, Foxy, the dull fruit is also extremely powerful, but because

Foxy himself is too rubbish.

And Moriah is not much better. His own strength is strong enough, so he

can bear many shadows, but the current Moriah can't bear the

improvement of the shadow gathering place. Absorbing a thousand

shadows requires a huge amount of effort. Mental power control, when

the mental power is not enough to support, it will lose consciousness or

go berserk.

Chapter 73

Moreover, it is impossible to control the shadow in the body, and it will

be shot out.

Therefore, although this move is strong, it is only short-lived, and Luffy

will be slightly interested.

Otherwise, if the combat power lasts for a long time, then it is indeed a

terrifying existence. After all, it is not an exaggeration to smash the

island with a palm.

But it's a pity that Moria is not good enough to make the shadow fruit

more powerful.

At this time, Charlotte Lola and others came, and their shadows were

taken away by Moria and given to those zombies.

Charlotte Laura said: "Molia, don't struggle anymore, you are not an

opponent of the Straw Hats, take the initiative to hand over our


Moria smiled: "Hehehehehe...impossible. Straw hats, even if you continue

to sail, you will die sooner or later. You are too hard-edged. Although

your partners are very powerful, sooner or later you will die. lost."

Moria was extremely sure: "Straw hat boy, you will lose sooner or later,

because I got the answer from my own experience! Why did I lose those

very famous and capable subordinates? That's because of companions or

something, because To live is to lose. If it is a dead zombie from the

beginning, there is nothing to lose. Zombies are immortal, even if they

are purified, they are infinite soldiers that can be used again. I will lead

these legions of the dead, once again Aim for the position of One Piece!"

While Moriah was speaking, dense black vines spread across the ground,

absorbing the shadows of those zombies.

Moria is proud: "You should be honored that your shadows can become

my subordinates, because I will lead them to defeat Kaido, defeat the

Four Emperors, and become One Piece King!"

Lu Fei said in a cold voice: "You lost to Kaido, and all your friends were

killed. I will meet him one day, but the result will not be the same as


This made Moriah's face darken, and he said with a smile: "You are

powerful and the strongest rookie, but there is still a gap compared with

the Four Emperors, so don't be ashamed here. Single out the strongest

Kaido, the rubber fruit How did you beat him?"

Moria didn't plan to say any more, because it felt like it could be over,

and all the vine-like blacks had been connected to every zombie, a

thousand in total.

Moriah is confident, excited, with bloodshot eyes.

"Come on, all shadows on the dreadful barque, be my strength! The

gathering place of shadows!"

In the next moment, a thousand zombies fell down in unison, because the

shadows in their bodies were all absorbed.

With the absorption, Moria's body continued to grow larger, and he could

feel the crazy increase in strength, which made Moria feel that he was

about to be invincible, and became more confident and excited.

"Straw hat boy, feel my terror!"

As the number of shadows absorbed continued to increase, Moria not

only became larger in stature, but also increased in momentum.

Stopped after absorbing a thousand, his body was bigger than Oz just


However, he didn't absorb Sauron's shadow on Ryoma, nor would he,

Ryoma is his powerful subordinate.

The other pirates looked at the huge Moria and despaired.

"Can't we get our shadow back?"

"Having absorbed a thousand, what kind of terrifying power does Moria

possess now?"

"Even the Straw Hats are hard to fight against..."

Moria was extremely excited, feeling that he was too powerful and could

easily destroy an island!

"The ancient weapon Pluto, one shot an island, and I, Moria, one punch

one island!"

After the words fell, Moria punched the ground in order to frighten



In an instant, the terrifying island-like three-masted sailing ship shook

violently, like an earthquake.

click click click...

Wide cracks spread all over, and soon, they spread to the end of the

island, and with one punch, the entire island was torn apart!

Lola and the others are in despair, it's too terrifying, such a terrifying


Luffy was excited. Although he was strong for a short time, he could have

punched him a few times.


Luffy jumped up suddenly and came to a high altitude. The sky was dark

and instantly illuminated by fire.

"Third gear, Karma Pistol!"

Liu Ying lingered again, and the powerful Karma Huo Fist fell from the

sky again.

Moriah hit each other with fists. If he could break an island's fist, he

would definitely be able to blow the straw hat away.

However, when the terrifying roar erupted, Moriah felt his fist sink.

After the collision, he failed to blast Luffy, but felt the pressure, and even

a burning sensation, which means that it is comparable?

Moria shook, how could it be possible? so strong?

"This state has some strength, but it's too short, so let me warm up for a


Luffy's words made Moriah angry, roaring, and despising himself too


Because the straw hat gang was not included in the absorbed shadow,

Moriah was still a little sane and didn't go completely berserk.

In the original plot, the shadows absorbed include Luffy and others. Of

course, the combat power cannot be compared with the current Straw

Hats, but it is still powerful.

But now, there is no shadow of the Straw Hats, so Moria can hold on for

a little longer, without completely losing control and going berserk.

The terrifying force exploded in mid-air and swept away. If it exploded

on the ground, the entire island would be even more chaotic and


Moria didn't believe it, and punched up with both fists.

Luffy didn't even intend to open the fourth gear, there was no need for it,

and a third gear thunder **** shot down.

There was another terrifying roar, and Moriah was furious, but he still

couldn't blast the Straw Hat Boy away.

Moria couldn't bear it, and knew that such a combat power would last for

a short time. He thought it was enough. Even if the time was short, he

could definitely defeat the Straw Hats in a short time, but it was


At this time, Ryoma was blown away, and Sauron was covered in blood.

His injuries were serious, but Ryoma was even worse.

Sauron broke through the limit and became stronger. He used the Ghost

Qi Nine Swords Style and Liu Shen Avoid.

Holding the knife in six hands, entwined with Ba Wang's color, he slashed

at the gods with all his strength, and his combat power surpassed that of

the dragon horse, which was extremely terrifying.

Luffy is happy for Sauron, and he has become stronger. The power of

Liushenfu, if he fought Mihawk before, even if he can't win, Hawkeye

will definitely be injured more seriously.

Moria gave up Ryoma, crazy.

"Then, let this shadow become my strength too!"

The black vines entangled Ryoma and absorbed Sauron's shadow. Moria

was shaken by just a shadow, and his body was huge. He felt like he was

about to explode instantly, and his consciousness gradually became


"It's so powerful... Straw Hat Boys... You guys are finished... I'm about to

lose control, I can't maintain consciousness, and I'm about to go berserk.

But it's nothing, when I wake up, you will all fall down! Hehehehehe..."

Obtaining Sauron's shadow, Moria completely went berserk and became


Moriah's fists were raised again, more powerful.

Luffy's arms stretched backwards, huge, in the third gear, with flowing

cherry blossoms entangled.

This time, it was still a three-speed Karma pistol, but it was no longer


"`~Third gear! Two guns of fire!"

Pang Da Ye Huo punched down fiercely with both fists, making it even

more terrifying.

boom! !

Even more terrifying power erupted, the ground trembled, and the entire

terrifying three-masted sailboat sank a lot towards the sea, and the sea

water filled up.

Sinking the entire island, it can be seen that the horror of power is

coming from above, and a lot of power has been offset by Moria's attack.

With a plop, Moriah knelt down.

Luffy landed, bored: "It's time to end. In the seven martial arts under the

king, except for Hawkeye, there is no one that makes me feel that I can

fight with all my strength."

Luffy did not exaggerate, even the powerful Doflamingo and Tyrant Bear

in the Qiwuhai still have some gaps with Luffy.

If you encounter it now, the gap will not be very big, but if you

encounter it later, it may not be so.

"Spit it all out."

"Third gear! Grizzly gun!"

Huge palms slammed out fiercely, hitting Moriah's huge stomach.

With a shrill scream, Moriah couldn't help opening his mouth wide, and

the dense black shadows were spat out.

In an instant, Moria shrank a lot like a deflated balloon, and his strength

dropped drastically.

He wasn't an opponent just now, let alone now, more than half of the

shadow spit out, Moria was also awake, desperate, and he was not an

opponent at all.

With another punch, Moriah spit out all the remaining shadows, and was

blown away, spitting out blood, and fell to the ground in its original size.

Facing Straw Hat Luffy, he was beaten like he was facing Kaido.

Everyone's shadows have returned, and they are completely relieved.

Although it is still a long time before dawn, they are relieved.

Because the Straw Hats were too powerful, the battle was over in the

middle of the night.

Moria was dealt with, Luffy and others were about to leave the terrifying

three-masted sailing ship, and Brook was also on board, making the

Straw Hats a total of eight people.

Frankie said to Laura and the other pirates: "You guys use Brook's boat,

I've already fixed it."

Laura was grateful: "Any words of thanks can't express my gratitude, so I

really want to marry you."

(Mano's) Frankie combed his hair, and said coolly: "Although you are

very pretty, it's a pity that I can't get along because I'm too super."

The other pirates were a little bit reluctant.

"Can we have another two or three days of banquets, I can't bear you."

Sanji resolutely refused: "No, we have to go to the Chambord Islands

early, then go to the Fishman Island, and enter the new world early!"

Usopp debunked, "I want to go to Fishman Island earlier to see the

beautiful mermaid."

Lola gave Nami the life card, her mother's.

Usopp remembered: "Luffy, your brother Ace also gave you the same one,


Luffy nodded and took out the life card that Ace gave him.

However, after taking it out, Laura's face changed, the life card was

gradually burning, and there was only a small piece left.

Usopp and others were puzzled: "Huh? Why is it automatically burning


Luo La said solemnly: "The life card also represents the vitality of the

owner. This life card belongs to your brother."

Lu Fei nodded: "Well, not a real brother, but better than a real brother."

Laura looked at the life card with a serious face: "Although I really don't

want to change everyone's mood, I have to tell you that this person's life

is slowly disappearing."

Hearing this, Nami and the others changed their expressions, horrified

and unbelievable.


"Lu Fei's brother is very powerful, will something happen?"

"What danger did you encounter? The army's vitality is not high now?"


After the shock, Nami, Zoro and others looked at Luffy. They knew that

Luffy was most worried.

However, Luffy was not sad, anxious, or worried, but grinned


"I won't let anything happen to Ace."

When Luffy said this, Sauron and the others stopped worrying.

With a life card, you can also know the location, and you will encounter


Not only Luffy, but also them, Luffy's brother, they will definitely not

allow Ace to have an accident.

Afterwards, Luffy bid farewell to Lola and the others and left to continue


Luffy knew that next, he was about to face the legendary pirate.

Chapter 089 Five Emperors Luffy VS Golden Lion

Leaving the terrifying three-masted sailboat, Brooke entered the teaching


Brook chooses Roger template, Ryoma template.

Brook really wanted to know how strong Ryoma was.

Luffy also has no objection, Ryoma will not be weaker than Hawkeye,

and look forward to the improvement of Brook's strength after he comes

out in two days.

Chapter 74

After more than a day.

At this time, in the first half of the great voyage, a ship was floating in

the air.

If you can do this, don't think about it, the boat is a golden lion.

Golden Lion decided: "I need a good navigator. The navigator of the

Straw Hat Pirates seems to be very good, so let's take her away."

Regarding the movement of the Straw Hats, the Golden Lion has already

paid attention, and has already arrived at his site, below the floating


On the sea, the Sunny Merry sailed.

"Look at the sky." Usopp raised his head, staring blankly.

Many islands float high in the sky, looking amazing, and the scenery is

also beautiful, surrounded by clouds and mist, each suspended island is

lush, mountains and rivers.

Nami said: "That is a floating island, but we don't need to go up, the

pointer is now pointing to the Chambord Islands, we just continue


Chopper had some regrets: "It looks very fun, but the Chambord Islands

seem to be more fun, so I won't go up."

At this time, Luffy knew that maybe he would not pass by the floating

island, but would go up.

Because, the golden lion may appear.

"Jie ha ha ha ha..."

What are you thinking, what are you coming, a laugh rang out from


This caused Sauron and the others to shrink their pupils, and a golden

figure descended from the sky, which shocked them.

"He, can fly?"

"Those who can."

"It's coming."

The figure descended from the sky, wearing orange and yellow attire,

with legs replaced by two famous swords, cherry ten and dead wood,

with a rudder inserted above his head, it was a golden lion, Shi Ji.

While the golden lion was falling, his eyes locked on Nami.

"Your navigator, I want it!"

Hearing this, it was Usopp who took the lead.


As a sniper, he is the fastest to attack, and he has aimed at the moment

he lifts it up.

The speed was so fast and so precise that the golden lion had no time to


The golden lion slashed with his right foot and shouted: "Chop!"

A powerful golden slash struck out, collided with the cannonball, and

with a roar, the cannonball exploded under the golden lion.

The golden lion is armed with domineering defenses all over its body,

and it is unscathed.

Looking at this scene, Luffy thought to himself: "After all, it is a legendary

pirate. The three legendary pirates who used to be as famous as Roger

and Whitebeard. The original plot can be defeated because of the halo, so

you can't think about it. In fourth gear, you can beat a pirate of this


In Luffy's view, as long as it is a powerful boss in the theater version, it is

almost always defeated by the halo.

Luffy doesn't want this, but hopes that these legendary pirates can show

their real combat power and let him fight happily.

Only by fighting sea 490 thieves of this level can they continue to

become stronger.

Luffy made up his mind to fight the Golden Lion, and he will open fourth


It will also let the partners see themselves in fourth gear for the first


Before fighting with Grandpa Garp, the two were alone, so Nami and

others have never seen it.

Facing the golden lion, Luffy will not be careless.

The golden lion smashed Usopp's domineering and powerful shells

covering the armor with a wave, but the slash was still there, and

continued to slash downward.

Sauron was shocked and excited. Although he fought against Ryoma,

broke through himself, became stronger, and was injured, but now the

injury is almost healed.

Knowing that this guy in front of him is a powerful swordsman, Sauron's

fighting spirit rose.

"Three Swords Style, Purgatory Ghost Slash!"

Sauron instantly soared into the sky and turned into a red beam of light.

With a puff, it passed through the golden chopping wave, defeating the

chopping wave.

The golden lion shook, his chopping wave could cut mountains and seas,

although it took some power to defeat the shells just now, but he was

defeated by this guy just like that.

Seeing Sauron coming at a high speed, he rushed towards him with a

fierce momentum, and when he was in front of him, the cherry ten on the

right foot of the golden lion lifted up and fell down.


There was an ear-piercing clang, and Sauron's body stopped, while the

golden lion's body was so shaken that it flew a certain distance into the


Jin Lion's heart was shaken: "Such a strong swordsmanship."

Sauron stepped on the air, stepped on moon steps, and launched another


"Abduct our navigator? Then, it is impossible to let you approach our


The golden lion grinned: "Jie ha ha ha ha ha, the young man is so

arrogant that I can't get close? Do you know who I am? I'm a golden lion!

A legendary pirate!"

Hearing this, Sauron did not change his face.

This made Golden Lion startled, he didn't even see the expression he

wanted to see.

I thought that the other party would show a horrified and apprehensive

expression, but he didn't.

Golden Lion frowned: "Aren't you surprised or scared?"

Sauron smiled: "I'm the partner of the future One Piece! I'm even the man

who will become the world's number one swordsman! What about the

legendary pirates?"

These words made the golden lion laugh back in anger: "I don't know

how high the sky is and how thick the earth is."

"Three-sword style, pole, tiger hunting!"

The even more powerful blue tiger roared out, shocking the Golden Lion.

As a powerful swordsman, he quickly didn't dare to be careless, knowing

that this young man's sword skills should not be underestimated.

In the air, I can't use my (aedb) ability, so when facing this powerful

swordsman, I will defeat him with sword skills.

"The world's number one swordsman? You are Roronoa Zoro who fought

against Hawkeye. I know you, and you were defeated by Hawkeye. Then,

let me, the former world's number one swordsman, also defeat you !"

Sauron said in a deep voice: "After that time, I swear, I will never lose


"Jie ha ha ha ha, if I hadn't been imprisoned in the city of advancement,

the kid Hawkeye would have become the world's number one

swordsman, he really had to ask me if I would agree!"

"Double Chopping!"

The Golden Lion's two famous knives slashed down one after another,

and the criss-crossing golden giants slashed out. The combination of the

two is more powerful.


Zhan Bo collided with the fierce tiger, and there was a stalemate between

the two of them.

On the deck of the Sunny Merry, Robin shook.

"Golden Lion, Shiki."

Nami was surprised: "The legendary pirate is not in the new world, but

here, and we have encountered it."

Usopp has also heard it: "It is really Hawkeye's predecessor, the world's

number one swordsman."

Sanji said: "Possess a powerful ability, fluttering fruit."

Franky said: "The captain of the Flying Pirates - the admiral of the Golden

Lion Pirates Fleet "Flying Pirates", used to be as famous as Gore D. Roger

and Whitebeard Edward Newgate. An escaped pirate."

At this time, Luffy asked: "Are you afraid?"

Immediately, Nami and the others all smiled and responded in unison.

"Of course not."

Indeed, there is nothing to be afraid of.

The opponent is the legendary pirate, Shiji the Golden Lion.

And they are the Straw Hats and the Five Emperors!

Although it has not yet become the Five Emperors, but the combat power

is enough, there is only one opportunity left.

If it weren't for the navy and world conquest for the sake of face, the

Straw Hats would have become the fifth emperor at sea in the battle of

Judiciary Island.

In the sky, slashes erupted, and the Golden Lion and Sauron shook back

up and down.

Sauron went up again on the moon steps, which made the golden lion's

face ugly.

Up to now, I haven't been able to get close to the ship of the Straw Hat

Pirates, so why talk about kidnapping the other navigator?

He is a golden lion, and he was blocked by a young rookie pirate, not by

the entire Straw Hats, but by a force of the Straw Hats. This is very

shameful and embarrassing for him.

"Boy, I won't play with you anymore."

The golden lion floated up quickly, and Sauron was surprised: "Are you

going to escape?"

However, soon, Sauron's pupils shrank, not trying to escape.

I saw that the golden lion floated to the side of a huge suspended island,

activated the fluttering fruit ability, and waved his hand down.

In an instant, the suspended island suddenly fell, and the speed became

faster and faster.

The floating islands here have been suspended by the golden lion for

twenty years.

The space above Sauron suddenly darkened. Even Luffy and others on the

ship felt that the surroundings were dimmed, and the sky above was

covered by huge islands.

The golden lion looked down, watching the huge island about to collide

with the extremely small Sauron.

"What about an island?"

Sauron didn't dodge, and below, Luffy and others didn't ask Frankie to

shift the boat, but watched the huge island above fall.

Zoro, on the other hand, walked towards the fallen island on moon steps,

and performed the slash that Luffy and the others had imagined.

"Nine mountains and eight seas form one world, and if you gather

thousands of worlds, you will form a small thousand worlds. This world

is multiplied by three, and there is no self-perpetuity. The three-sword

flow profound meaning, one big, three thousand, and great thousand



The ear-piercing sound of slashing and clanging sounded, and in the next

moment, Sauron had already appeared above the falling island, staring at

the golden lion.

The golden lion shook, and the huge island was cut into two halves



Moreover, the separated islands shattered in the roar, turning into debris

and falling.

on board. Franky pushed out with both hands, and the wind blew away

the debris without hurting the ship.

The golden lion was shocked, his swordsmanship was so powerful at such

a young age.

Sauron stepped on the moon and went up, while the two knives wrapped

around the domineering domineering.

This made the golden lion even more vibrated, and the domineering color

entangled the city.

However, the next action made the golden lion's face change even more.

"Dual Swordsmanship..."

The golden lion's eyes widened: "This is..."

It seemed that Roger's shadow was seen behind Sauron.

"Two Gods Avoid!"

As the golden lion thought, it was really a god's escape!

Facing this move, the two famous knives on Golden Lion's legs swung


"Lion Thousand Cut Valley!"

All of a sudden, dense golden slashes criss-crossed down.

However, Zoro couldn't be stopped from going upwards, and all the

dense slashing attacks were defeated by God's Avoidance.

Seeing Sauron approaching, the golden lion slashed down with the

famous sword.


After another collision, Sauron fell, and the golden lion was also sent

flying to a higher altitude. The power of avoiding the gods was extremely


Even he, the Golden Lion, backed away, getting farther and farther away

from the Straw Hats.

Chapter 75

Sauron landed on the deck, and the golden lion also stopped, with an

ugly expression on his face.

It's impossible for me to leave like this, not even being able to get close to

the Straw Hat Pirate Ship, which is too shameful.

"Let's all fall down!"

With the golden lion's driving ability, the seven suspended islands quickly


Although not as big as the one just now, it is not a small island.

The golden lion smiled: "Jie hahahaha, let's see how you block this time."

However, on the deck, except for Luffy, everyone else did it, Brook was

not there, entered the teaching space, and was about to come out.

Sauron's three knives flowed with a thousand and eighty troubles, Sanji

jumped up, the flames of his right foot surged, the devil's wind kicked,

and the veal shot kicked towards the fallen island.

Nami wielded the magical Tianhou stick, the sword of the wind, and the

wind whizzed out like a sword, cutting the island continuously.

Robin crossed his arms in front of him, and the next moment, the falling

island was covered with big hands, which were crushed with a click.

With one shot from Usopp, the island bombarded with flames.

Franky fired a cannon in a super-strong wind, and the island was torn

apart and exploded.

Chopper transformed into a giant, jumped up, and stepped on the moon,

his palms were black.

"Six King Spear!"


The terrorist force bombarded out, and the island was also shattered.

All of a sudden, under the astonished eyes of the Golden Lion, the seven

islands were all shattered, and they were all dissolved by the members of

the Straw Hats.

The Golden Lion didn't expect that the Straw Hats were so powerful.

After being surprised, the golden lion was excited and sent out an

invitation: "Just now I only thought about snatching your navigator, but

now, I have changed my mind. How about it, I invite you to join my

flying pirates and rule the world with me! "

After saying that, the Golden Lion said: "You should feel honored,

because you are the second pirate group I invited besides Roger."

Luffy resolutely refused, not interested: "I'm not interested in ruling the

world or something, and it's not a good thing for a guy like you to rule

the world."

The golden lion's face darkened, and he saw Roger's shadow for a

moment, and he said the same tone at the beginning, similar words.

The golden lion was angry, and it was fine for Roger to reject him, and

the newcomer pirate also rejected him.

When Sauron and others destroyed the small island, the golden lion had

already landed and floated on the surface of the sea. When the ability

was activated, the sea water floated up and gathered together.

"Sea Mountain Cage!"


In an instant, the sea condensed, like a huge seamount, swallowing

towards the Sunny Merry.

Sauron and the others were about to start, and Lu Fei took a step forward

and stood on the bow.

"You are all active, next, leave it to me."

After Luffy's words fell, Sauron and the others had no plans to make a


Seeing this scene, the golden lion smiled.

"Jiehahahaha, you are so stupid, you are a rubber fruit, a capable person,

facing this sea mountain cage, you who are capable should do it? Sea

water is the nemesis of capable persons!"

The Golden Lion thought that all the capable people of the Straw Hats

would retreat, and chose to let the non-capable people handle it, but he

didn't expect that Straw Hat Luffy would take the initiative to make a

move, and it was still one.

The golden lion finds it ridiculous, isn't this necessarily the end?

"Alright, the king is the first to capture the thief." The golden lion was

more than happy.

Luffy knew that he couldn't be trapped by this move. It was a very

painful move for the ability user. The huge water mountain formed by

the sea water wrapped the enemy, which would make it difficult for the

ability user to get out and be trapped.

The golden lion said: "Facing the mountain of water, you will be

powerless, and you will be trapped inside."

Then, he controlled the water mountain to float to the top island, and

caught Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hats.

Then, other people will also come to rescue, on the top, it is better to do

it yourself, and use your own ability to terrorize.

Therefore, Golden Lion thought that soon, he would be able to take Straw

Hat Luffy away.

Luffy said: "Sea water gives me a headache, but it will be fine if it


This made the golden lion startled, evaporated?

After being dazed, the golden lion smiled and said, "Jie hahaha,

evaporate? You who are a rubber fruit, how do you evaporate this sea

water? Even the fire-burning black feet can't evaporate this mountain-like

sea water with one foot."

The golden lion thought it was ridiculous, the rubber evaporated? What

are you driving...

However, in the next instant, Golden Lion's face changed drastically!


Lu Fei jumped up, and Shuishan happened to hit him, but Lu Fei dodged

it and flew over Shuishan.

The Golden Lion thought that Luffy was dodging. In this case, the boat of

the Straw Hats would be swallowed by the impact of the water mountain.

However, the scene in the air made his eyes widen and his pupils

contract, it was unbelievable!

"Guo Mo, Guo Moruo..."

The arms and fists are huge, pitch black, entwined with flowing cherry

blossoms, and the arms sprang up into the sky, igniting the fire suddenly,

not ordinary raging flames, but karmic fire.

"Third gear! Karmic fire double guns!"


chi chi chi...

A pair of karmic fire giant fists descended from the sky and struck the

mountain of water. In an instant, the mountain of water collapsed, and

the sound of sizzle and steam evaporated continuously.

The karmic fire permeated and exploded, continuously evaporating the

collapsed seawater.

As it evaporates, the mist fills the air.

When the fog cleared, Luffy had already landed on the deck, with Sauron

and others behind him.

For a moment, the golden lion looked over and was shocked. This


"Luffy, what to do?"

"If this guy wants to continue blocking, should we do it together?"

However, what Luffy said next made the Golden Lion grit his teeth.

Lu Fei said lightly: "Let's do it together, a little bullying him."

Hearing this, the Golden Lion was naturally extremely angry. The

legendary pirate, who named himself after Roger and Whitebeard, was

actually said so by the other party.

Are you bullying yourself by doing it together? How shameful, how

despised yourself! .

Chapter 090 Suits and Straw Hats, handsome debut!

Although after such a long time, he has not been able to hurt the Straw

Hats, which means that the Straw Hats are indeed strong, but such words

still make him extremely angry.

"Damn it! Straw hats, although you have been famous recently, don't

think that you can talk to me like a golden lion. You are just the strongest

rookie pirates. How dare you look down on me, a legend! What do you

think you are?! "

"Lion power! Sea rolls!"

The golden lion burst out its fruit ability, controlling the sea water, and

suddenly, it was like a tsunami erupting.


The sea was turbulent, and suddenly a tsunami with a height of 100

meters was set off, swallowing the Straw Hats with overwhelming


And, as the lion roars, you can see the seawater of the tsunami condense,

forming nine huge and lifelike sea lions, roaring with astonishing power.

However, facing such a terrifying ability, the Straw Hats did not change

their faces.

Faced with this blow, Luffy and the others did not let the boat dodge, but

counterattacked with all their strength.

"Black rope! Big tornado!"

Sauron's three swords cut out a tornado, which directly rolled up a sea

lion and repelled it.

Sanji kicked with his devil-like feet, and his flaming feet were like

machine guns.

Usopp sniped, Chopper bombarded, and Nami used typhoon weather,

tornado, to blow a sea lion away.

Robin formed a net of big hands in front, blocking and destroying the sea


Franky fired a powerful shell, the bombardment resounded, and the sea

lion bomb evaporated.

Luffy is a pair of fire guns, defeating sea lions and evaporating sea water.

There was another end. At this moment, Brook appeared in an instant

and came out of the teaching space.

"Song of Looting, Blowing Snow Slash."

The sword in Brooke's hand was filled with cold, piercing cold, which

made people shudder, like the sword of hell.

A sword was slashed out, and there was a crackling sound of freezing,

and the devouring sea lion kept freezing. When it approached Brook, the

sea lion was completely frozen.

As Brook retracted the knife, with a click, the frozen sea lion shattered.

After the attack, the Straw Hats fell down one after another and stood at

the bow of the ship.

When Luffy finally landed from the sky, his face was raised slightly, and

the face under the straw hat was domineering and awe-inspiring, and he

answered the golden lion.

"You ask us what we consider ourselves? Tell you now."

After a pause, the next moment, Lu Fei and others spoke in unison.

"We are the Five Emperors!"

The powerful attack was easily dispelled. Hearing these words again, and

watching the aura of the Straw Hats standing together, even the Golden

Lion was shocked by it.

Hearing this, he didn't laugh anymore, but was shocked and his face was


The Five Emperors…

There are only four emperors in Dahai, but if there are five emperors,

then the strength of the Straw Hats is absolutely qualified.

After the shock, Golden Lion felt that it would be difficult to defeat the

Straw Hats here, so he had to leave.

However, leaving like this does not mean that he has failed, so the golden

lion put down his harsh words.

"What Five Emperors, let's talk about it after defeating me! If you dare

not come, don't say you are Five Emperors."

The golden lion floated high into the sky.

The golden lion left, and Luffy and others did not continue sailing.

Luffy looked at the sky and said, "Then let's go play."

"Okay, I just want to see the scenery from above."

"This adventure, if you don't go, you will regret it."

"So what about the legendary pirate, wait until we go up and beat him


After the golden lion came to the top island, he began to prepare and


"Although they are very strong, it will take a while to get here. After all,

there are thousands of beasts that have evolved into fierce beasts."

The Golden Lion thinks this way, however, Luffy and the others are going

up quickly at this time.

There are indeed many powerful beasts here, huge mammoths, powerful

mantises the size of humans, and many beasts are also planning to attack


However, Luffy's overbearing arrogance erupted, and they were too

frightened to move.

So, no hindrance.

At this time, Luffy and others were surprised to find a village.

"There is a village on such an island full of ferocious beasts."

"It's quite surprising."

"Why don't those beasts approach here?"

This is what they wondered.

At this time, a little girl passed by and explained: "Because our village is

surrounded by [daftgreen], it is a kind of plant. It is a kind of tree that

grows near our Vermejo village and Xiqi Palace. The tree itself is

poisonous and emits The smell is also toxic, and if inhaled in large

quantities, green plaques will appear on the skin surface, leading to the

deterioration of human body functions. Animals can't stand the smell, so

they can't get close, so that villages and palaces can be protected from


Chapter 76

This made Sauron and others understand.

Chopper held his nose, feeling a little painful: "No wonder it makes me

feel uncomfortable."

The little girl was frustrated: "My grandma's physical function has

degenerated, and only the plant iq can cure it, even a little bit. However,

this plant is occupied by the golden lion. I hope they leave quickly and

go to their strategic place Hai. Before they came, the animals were all

well and lived peacefully with us, but now they all become violent and

aggressive, all because of them."

Sauron and others understood because of the golden lion.

Do this, for what? Any plans.

"Sea of ​​Strategies? What do you mean?" Usopp was puzzled.

The girl explained: "They want to destroy the East China Sea."

Hearing this, Usopp's face changed and he destroyed Dongkai.

"Absolutely not, my hometown is in the East China Sea, and there are

Luffy and Nami."

Sanji said in a deep voice: "It's fortunate that the Golden Lion took the

initiative to provoke us, otherwise we would have ignored this place,

would not have come, and would not have known his plan."

Usopp nodded heavily: "Yes, it is necessary to stop his plan, but we can't

let Donghai be destroyed by him."

In this world, there are four sea areas. Although the golden lion is about

to destroy one sea area, Usopp and the others think it is possible. After

all, it is not what the little character said, but the legendary pirate golden



Luffy and others have to stay away from this kind of tree when they leave

here. It's okay to inhale a little bit, but it's not possible to stay


Luffy and the others rode forward on the lobster-shaped motorcycle made

by Franky, and soon noticed a town.

When approaching the town, Lobster's pupils shrank, too frightened to

move forward.

Frankie caught a lobster and modified this motorcycle, but now the

lobster resisted the engine and tires and stopped.

"What did you stop suddenly?" Franky scolded.

Robin said, "It's trembling."

Luffy looked at the big tree in front of the town ahead, and understood.

"It's that kind of plant, so it doesn't dare to approach it. It seems that

there are such trees around towns."

After Luffy and the others got down, they quickly walked through the

flora and came to the town.

Hearing the noise, he came to a tavern, which was full of pirates, eating

and drinking. And found that although these pirates have various looks,

but one thing is consistent, all wearing black suits.

After Luffy and others came in, they were surprised.

Franky said in a condensed voice: "With so many pirates gathered, it

seems that there is really a plan to destroy the East China Sea."

After Luffy and others came in, they attracted the attention of many


"It's the Straw Hats!"

"Straw Hat Pirates!"

"Straw Hat Pirates? Never heard of it, why are you so surprised."

"You came here early, so I don't know. I just came here, and I knew about

them before I came here. They are the famous rookie pirates."

Knowing that the pirates of the Straw Hats are excited, ask.

"You came here to become sworn brothers with our Boss Shiji, right?

Then unite."

Franky was about to refute, but Robin said first, "Yes."

Nami signaled Frankie not to speak, knowing that Robin was trying to

make a fool of himself.

Robin asked: "We just came here, so we don't know why Shiji summoned

so many pirates?"

"Then let me tell you, Boss Shiji wants to destroy the East China Sea, and

even overturn the world. After tonight's general meeting, those animals

will be sent to the East China Sea."

This made Sauron and the others stunned.

Although there was no obstacle when they came, and they were

intimidated by Luffy's domineering look, there were still some who were

not intimidated and needed to be defeated.

And there are tens of thousands of creatures here, and they are much

more powerful. If they reach the East China Sea, they will indeed make

the East China Sea's creatures suffer.

The pirates are excited and proud.

"We were really invited by a great person. It is a great honor to do such a

big event, destroying the East China Sea and threatening the surrender of

the world government."

"In addition, if you want to attend the general meeting with us, you can't

dress like this. You have to wear suits like us."

Robin nodded: "We understand."

The pirate looks forward to: "It is said that there will be a preview for us


0····Ask for flowers····

Robin wondered: "Rehearsal?"

"Yes, it is said that the only village here will be destroyed."

This let Luffy and others know that it refers to the village where the little

girl is.


On the uppermost island, heavy snow fell.

All the pirates have already put on their suits and entered the main hall.

The golden lion came to the main hall, and the captains of the pirates

were already seated on both sides.

The golden lion walked straight to the first seat in front, facing the hall,

and spoke in a dignified voice.

"My brothers are all gathered, then, the sworn ceremony will begin next,

and you all swear allegiance to me. In addition, I will never forgive

betrayers. Please have such an awareness."

The Golden Lion was excited: "Then, get ready to go, to the Sea of ​​

Strategies, to the East China Sea that is about to become miserable!"

Outside the palace hall, tens of thousands of pirates gathered, and

suddenly their expressions changed, because a pirate ship descended

from the sky.

The pirate ship didn't use its ability to float, but jetted in, it was the

Sunny Merry.

The pirates were ready to do something, and even shouted to inform the

people in the hall, but there was an instant silence.

Astonishingly, it was Luffy who broke out his domineering aura, and all

the pirates outside the palace rolled their eyes and fainted.

The nine of Luffy got off the boat, stepped on the steps, and walked to

the palace hall.

In the lobby.

After Golden Lion's subordinates filled the pirates present with wine,

Golden Lion raised his wine glass, stood up, and said in a contemptuous

tone, "As you all know, the East China Sea is the weakest of the five

oceans, and there is nothing that would be a pity if you die. Great man,

kill as much as you want!"


"After drinking this wine, the Golden Lion Pirates will be formed!"


The thirty pirate captains present excitedly raised their wine glasses, and

the group of people prepared to drain the large bowl of wine in their


However, when the golden lion was about to drink, suddenly the big

bowl stopped at his mouth.

From outside the hall, a cold voice sounded.

"Whether the East China Sea is the weakest sea area in the four seas, I

don't know, but the East China Sea is definitely the sea area you can't

afford to offend. Not to mention other people, first of all, you have

passed our level!"

In the next moment, Jin Lion's face changed drastically, his eyes widened

and his pupils shrank.



Suddenly there was a roar, and the wooden door of the hall was shaken

open and shattered, not by fists, shells, or power, but by a kind of

momentum! Domineering color domineering!

"Substantial damage to domineering domineering? Impossible, only red

hair can do it, this voice is obviously a straw hat kid!"

Shi Ji couldn't believe it, but he also understood: "It's not the actual

domineering aura that caused the destruction of the wooden door of the

hall, but just the aura of domineering color, or a wave of air."

Even though he was thinking this way, Shi Ji was still shocked, which

meant that he was not far away from the overlord color that caused

substantial damage!

This also means that the courage of Straw Hat Luffy has been


The golden lion stared at the entrance of the hall, footsteps sounded from

far to near, the Straw Hats were coming.

"Let me see how much your courage has improved..."

However, Jin Lion's face changed suddenly again.

The Straw Hats, Zoro, Frankie, Brook, and Chopper walk on the left,

Sanji, Usopp, Nami, and Robin walk on the right, and stop after entering.

And the middle position is reserved for...

The sound of steady footsteps sounded, and the golden lion and all the

pirates looked over, their expressions changed.

Before entering, all I could see was a pitch-black figure wearing a straw

hat, whose face could not be seen clearly, but walked in extremely


For a moment, the golden lion seemed to see the shadow of the red hair!

If he didn't know that the other party was Straw Hat Luffy, Golden Lion

really thought it was the red hair who came in!

As they entered the hall, under the light, they could see clearly.

Wearing a black suit inside, a black stand-up collar on the outside, and a

straw hat on his head, he walked in domineeringly and stopped in the


Golden Lion's heart was shaken, his courage was much stronger than


Before, the Straw Hats called themselves the Five Emperors, but now

seeing Straw Hat Luffy, it really gave him a feeling of being an emperor!

And the rest of the Straw Hats were also wearing black suits, and each of

them had the aura of a royal cadre!

At this moment, it is the real Five Emperors, with sufficient strength and

the strongest momentum since the Straw Hats went to sea!

Suits and straw hats, handsome debut! Inch.

Chapter 091: The Fourth Elastic Man Joins the Battle!

The golden lion's face was ugly, and the straw hat at this moment

actually gave him a kingly demeanor.

After being shaken by the aura of the Straw Hats, the Golden Lion smiled

contemptuously: "It's come at this time, isn't it because you want to fight

against us with nine people?"

Lu Fei shook his head: "Nine people are against you? No, I think it's too


Hearing this, Jin Lion's face suddenly sank, and he still spoke like this.

After the other pirates heard it, their expressions were extremely ugly.

"Too underestimated us!"

"Even the Straw Hat Pirates are too arrogant. We are all well-known


"Except for our pirate captain, our subordinates are also there. We have

combat power and military strength. How do you fight against it?"

"Boss Shiji is still a legendary pirate, you really don't take us seriously,

you even said that there are more than nine people against us, who do

you look down on!"

"Little ones, come out!"

swipe swipe...

The push wooden doors on both sides of the hall opened, a total of 30

wooden doors, each of which was full of pirates holding weapons and

looking fierce.

"Aww! Kill them!"

"Dare to fight us, don't want to live!"

"Do you want to hinder our actions? It's really courting death."

For a moment, the densely packed pirates shouted angrily.

Luffy said impatiently, "It's really noisy."

In an instant, the domineering look broke out.

The golden lion's face changed, and he burst into a domineering

arrogance in an instant, wanting to fight and block Luffy's domineering


Suddenly, the two overlord colors collided and stalemate.

But Jin Shishi was astonished that his domineering look was constantly

retreating and collapsing.

With a puff, the invisible domineering color collapsed, and the entire hall

was instantly filled with Luffy's dark red domineering color.

Chapter 77

In an instant, it became much quieter, except for those pirate captains, all

the densely packed pirates fell down.

Even some weak pirates, "490" were so shocked that their nosebleeds

flowed out.

This shocked the golden lion. This domineering color is really moving in

the direction of substantial damage, and it will really be the same as the

red-haired domineering color in the future.

Thirty pirate captains were stunned, their men and troops were gone.

Luffy said: "It's a lot quieter, but not completely quiet, Zoro, Sanji, I'll

leave the rest to you."

"it is good!"

Zoro and Sanji shot quickly, and the pirate captains on both sides

couldn't handle it at all, and screamed continuously for a while.

The golden lion looked at Lu Fei and the others, fighting spirit rising.

"It's impossible to stop me. I've been planning this for twenty years. Next,

seven of you will deal with my legend."

Sauron and Sanji are quickly solving those pirate captains, and Luffy and

the seven of them have no opponents yet.

Therefore, Golden Lion felt that these seven should join forces to deal

with him.

However, Luffy took a step forward and spoke in a stern voice.

"When I was at sea, I said that too many people bullied you too much. To

defeat you, I can do it alone."

In an instant, the golden lion gritted his teeth angrily, and his whole

body was shaking.

Still not teaming up, but going to one-on-one with myself to defeat


The golden lion laughed back angrily: "Jie ha ha ha ha, straw hat boy, do

you think you are Roger? One-on-one with me, you can't control


"I'm not Roger, but I will be like him and become One Piece!"

The golden lion's face was gloomy, and he rushed towards Lu Fei in an

instant, his fist was black, and he slammed it out fiercely.

As a legendary pirate, he is not only strong in swordsmanship, but also

has strong fruit ability, and naturally he is not weak in physical skills.

Luffy also punched out with one punch, and the two fists collided, a

terrifying air wave swept through, and the hall continued to collapse.

The two figures retreated separately, flew out of the hall, and came

outside the palace.

The Golden Lion said in a deep voice: "Even if you are the Five Emperors,

don't even try to defeat me, I am a legend! It was Garp and the Warring

States who joined forces to imprison me in Jinjin City. To defeat me, stop


Luffy regretted a little: "You are old, and you are also disabled, and your

combat power is not as good as before."

These words made Golden Lion even more angry, growling: "Even so, it's

not something you can deal with!"

The golden lion rushed towards him quickly, and the famous knife on his

right foot slashed out.


However, Luffy dodges in an instant and has come to the top of the

golden lion.

This shocked the golden lion, reacting so quickly?

No, not only dodged, but also anticipated the attack from his own

position. This is definitely not as simple as being well-informed, could it


"The color of knowledge that sees the fleeting future."

The golden lion was terrified.

"Fire fist! Gun!"

The fiery fist slammed down quickly, and it was difficult for the golden

lion to dodge. It counterattacked, but the top of its head was pitch black,

covering its armed defense.


However, the golden lion still had severe pain in his head, both famous

knives fell into the ground, his clothes were scorched in many places, and

his blond hair like a lion was also burned and curled, making him very


The golden lion activated its ability, a large piece of the ground was

lifted, and it quickly floated up and hit Luffy in the air.

Luffy smashed the huge ground with a three-speed pistol.

At this time, those pirate captains have been solved by Sauron and Sanji.

Chopper and the others began to search for iq, and soon came to a

cultivation room with pots of green plants inside.

Chopper's eyes lit up: "I found it, it's all iq."

Puff puff…

At this time, Indigo, who made a farting sound while walking, appeared.

He is a combatant of the Air Pirates and a doctor.

Seeing that there were eight members of the straw hat group besides

Luffy, Indigo looked ugly.

"How do I deal with this?"

I thought that Boss Shiji could stop them, and there are so many pirates,

it is impossible for any of these people to come here, but now that they

are here, there are still so many.

Even so, Indigo hit it straight.

"We can't let you sabotage our plans!"

Indigo raised his hands and spread them out, chemical substances, green

**** that burned like flames floated.

"Chemistry Juggling Ball!"

whoosh whoosh…

Immediately, one after another fireballs shot out like bullets, and they

would explode when they touched the substance.

However, it was easily defeated by Sauron.

Zoro felt bored. He had just played against someone as strong as Ryoma,

and he was not interested at all at this level.

Of the Flying Pirates, only the Golden Lion is strong, but they really don't

need to fight together.

"Stop juggling."

Sauron belittled him, which angered Indigo.

"It even said that I was performing juggling."

Indigo was just about to do it again, but suddenly, he was terrified,

uneasy, and extremely fearful, and he was subconsciously unmoved.

Because Sauron's aura suddenly increased, which made him feel

extremely terrifying.

"I told you not to perform, so don't move."

After Sauron finished speaking, he stepped forward step by step,

approaching with Qiushui in one hand.

Indigo could only stare wide-eyed, terrified and afraid to move as Sauron


"Move...can't move..."

Indigo wanted to call for help and let the golden lion come to save him,

but he didn't have the courage to speak. He could only watch Sauron

approaching step by step from a close distance, and then he held the

knife with both hands, raised it, and cut it down.

Severe pain struck, and Indigo only felt that his consciousness was about

to disappear, and his body was cut vertically in half from the middle.

"One knife flow, Da Chen shakes."

With two thuds, the separated body hit the ground, the ground was

stained red with blood, and was instantly killed.

In this way, their mission is completed, and there is an antidote, which is

to prevent the golden lion and others from being infected.

In this case, the villagers and those beasts will be saved.

The rest of the pirates, the Golden Lion Pirates, are all eliminated, and

now there is only one battle left, the battle between the Golden Lion and


Boom boom boom...

On the open ground in front of the palace, there was constant roaring

and fighting.

Shiki controlled the ground, condensed a huge earth-stone gun, and flew

towards Luffy.

Luffy is in the second gear, his fists are constantly bombarding like

machine guns, smashing the earth and rock guns into pieces.

Hoo hoo...

The cold wind howled, and suddenly heavy snow fell. The golden lion

activated its ability, and the heavy snow was controlled, floating, and


Soon, Luffy gathered eight huge snow lions in all directions, roaring.

However, Snow's condensed power and defense were not strong, and was

quickly shattered by Luffy.

Luffy felt bored: "Legendary pirate, is that all? Go all out. Or, are you

really old and useless?"

These words made the golden lion's face ugly and murderous, it was too


For a while, the golden lion attacked even more frantically, which made

Luffy start fighting to his heart's content.

"Lion Thousand Cut Valley!"

Dazzling golden slashes struck, and Luffy blasted out a third-grade grizzly

gun, and the slashes continued to shatter.

The fierce battle with the golden lion continued.

Meanwhile, Navy Headquarters, Marshal's Office.

Zhan Guo looked at the information and asked, "Have you found


"I found out that the floating island is because of the golden lion. The

golden lion that escaped from the city of advancement 20 years ago is

indeed there. Moreover, many pirates gathered. After our people went in,

they also knew about the golden lion. the goal of."

The person who reported began to talk, which made Zhan Guo's face

change constantly.

Garp, who was sitting on the sofa, sighed softly: "That guy, Ski, is still as

crazy as ever."

Warring States frowned: "It is indeed possible to destroy the East China

Sea and use drugs to make those beasts more violent and powerful.

Coupled with the strength of the Golden Lion, it is indeed possible to do

it, and it must be stopped."

Before Warring States began to arrange combat forces, Karp stood up.

"Since the purpose is to destroy Donghai, then let me beat Shiji to the

ground and imprison him in the city again. This time, there is no leg to


Just when Garp was about to leave, the latest news came, and the

soldiers came in to report quickly.

"Marshal, the latest news, the Straw Hats also went to the floating island

and fought with the Golden Lion. Our eyeliner has already fled


Hearing this, Sengoku frowned.

Pirates are naturally happy to fight with pirates, and they are all

powerful existences.

Garp said, "I'd better go and have a look."

Warring States blocked: "Garp, forget it, no matter who wins, there are

benefits, and then we can make a choice based on the result. If the Straw

Hats win, we don't do anything. If the Straw Hats lose, the Golden Lion is

ready to go. It must be stopped."

Garp didn't force it anymore. Although he knew the strength of the

Golden Lion, he had fought with Luffy and knew how powerful Luffy


What's more, Golden Lion's subordinates are not powerful, so Golden

Lion faces not only Luffy, but also Luffy's powerful partners.

So, Karp doesn't worry too much 0....

Garp secretly said: "Luffy, although you are facing the legendary pirate

Golden Lion, I believe you can handle it."

The thinking of the Warring States Period at this time is that they hope

that the Straw Hats can win.

After all, Sengoku felt that the war was about to start, because

Blackbeard contacted him and grabbed Fire Fist Ace.

And, he said something that shocked him.

Fire Fist Ace is Roger's son!

Then, of course, the punishment should be publicized.

Then, the Whitebeard Pirates may be dispatched.

Being in the same era, although he is a navy and Whitebeard is a pirate,

Sengoku knows that Whitebeard is likely to come to rescue Ace, after all,

he is his son.

Therefore, the Warring States Period does not want the Golden Lion to

win. In that case, the Golden Lion leads the beasts to attack the East

China Sea, and just in time for the Whitebeard Pirates to come to the

Navy Headquarters, it will be very troublesome.

Therefore, Zhan Guo thought to himself: "Although I don't want the Straw

Hats to grow up, but this time, I hope Shiji loses."

Sengoku thinks this kind of idea is not outrageous. It sounds ridiculous

for the rookie Pirates to defeat the Golden Lion, but only the Straw Hat

Pirates can do it.

However, when the top is turned on, Warring States will regret today's

idea, and will think about this battle, and the Straw Hats will be


On the floating island, the battle continued.

As the previous No. 1 swordsman in the world, Golden Lion has powerful

swordsmanship and constantly makes huge and powerful slashes.

Luffy's third gear Thor's Elephant Spear, with violent power, slashed

sharply, constantly shattering the slashes.

whoosh whoosh…

Chapter 78

Eight figures flitted around, and Luffy fought the golden lion in all

directions, and it was Zoro and others.

This made the golden lion's face sink, which meant that the pirate and his

subordinates had all been dealt with.

But, it's nothing, as long as he hasn't fallen, the world will be ruled by

him sooner or later.

The golden lion glanced around and asked with a smile, "What? Are you

going to join forces to attack?"

However, Sauron and the others had no intention of fighting, and they all

folded their hands in front of their chests with awe-inspiring aura.

"Our captain can say, to deal with you, it would be too bullying to join

forces. Although you are a legend, you are only one. The whole imperial

group does not need to deal with a legend."

This made Golden Lion's face ugly, just like all the red-haired pirates

were dealing with Whitebeard alone.

When fighting Whitebeard, the redhead will naturally choose someone.

The golden lion said with a smile: "Jie ha ha ha ha, the momentum just

now is not inferior to the red-haired kid. But the strength is still far


At this moment, Golden Lion intends to go all out and make a quick

decision. It is an insult to himself to fight with this young junior for so

long, and to be surrounded by the Straw Hat gang without doing

anything. Fighting for a long time.

The golden lion pressed his hands on the ground, bursting out the

fluttering fruit ability.

For a moment, the earth shook violently, a large area cracked, and the

roar continued.

"Lion Might! Land Scroll!"

In an instant, the ground around Luffy gathered extremely huge earth

lions, lifelike, with their mouths open and roaring, eight earth lions

nearly 100 meters tall swooped down from the sky, trying to swallow

Luffy and drown them.

The golden lion sneered: "Jie ha ha ha ha, straw hat boy, lose! You have

the aura of the five emperors, but through the battle just now, I have

already understood your strength. You in the second and third ranks are

far behind the five emperors." , It's still a bit worse! It's not worthy of the

title of Five Emperors 3.1! It's even more impossible to defeat me! Get

swallowed and die!"

The huge earth lion swallowed it down, and there was darkness around

Luffy, about to be swallowed up.

However, before being completely engulfed, the golden lion saw that

Luffy raised his right hand, with his right arm stretched across his face.

Luffy said awe-inspiringly, "To defeat you, the second gear and the third

gear are really not enough, so..."

"Fourth gear!"

At the same time as Luffy made a sound of fourth gear, eight huge earth

lions of 100 meters also completely swallowed down, submerging Luffy.

The golden lion didn't hear the last word four, and watched Luffy being

swallowed up, laughing loudly: "Jie ha ha ha ha... straw hat boy, the

tomb I prepared for you is gorgeous enough, next, it's your companion's

turn Already!"

The Golden Lion turned around, looked at Sauron and the others, and

sneered: "It's your turn, I'll send you to see you..."

However, suddenly, Golden Lion's expression changed, and his words

stopped abruptly.



The roar continued to sound, and the golden lion turned around

suddenly, looking at the eight huge male lions facing the ground in front

of them.

With the roaring sound, the male lion is constantly vibrating, because

something is constantly hitting inside!

boom! !

There was another impact, and accompanied by the crackling sounds, the

golden lion's face changed, and the huge male lion was cracked in a large


boom! !

Boom! !

There was another loud noise, a click, and a big hole was broken! A

figure shot out from it, rushing to the sky!

The golden lion raised his head suddenly, his face changed drastically,

his eyes widened, his pupils shrank, and he looked at the figure high

above in horror.

The figure above the sky looked down, with a burly and muscular figure,

surrounded by white auspicious clouds and steam, bouncing in the void,

and issued a duang! Duang! Duang! sound.

Sauron and the others looked up, their eyes shining.

"Is this..."

In the next moment, Luffy's voice resounded through the world,

confirming their conjecture.

"Fourth Gear! Elastic Man!!".

Chapter 092 High above the sky, Luffy is like the sun!

Zoro and the others looked at Luffy in the sky and were shocked.

"This is... fourth gear."

"Standing in the sky, I didn't use moon steps."

"I understand, it's the elastic feet that keep stepping on the air, that's why

I can stand in the air."

"Fourth gear, what kind of strength will it be?"

"We are seeing each other for the first time, and we are looking forward

to it."

Sauron and the others watched intently, looking forward to it, knowing

that the real battle was about to begin.

The real fighting power of the Five Emperors!

Five Emperors VS Legends!

After being surprised, Golden Lion looked at Luffy high in the sky.

He has seen the second and third gears before, and they haven't changed

much, but these four gears have changed a lot, and he feels a little happy.

The golden lion smiled: "Jie ha ha ha ha... Are you kidding me, straw hat

kid. I thought you were going to be serious, but it turned out to be so


In the air, Luffy said in a deep voice, "I'm serious now."

"Seriously? It's really funny, it makes me want to laugh, Jiehahahaha..."

The golden lion raised his head and laughed loudly.

However, all of a sudden, Luffy swooped down, stepping on the air with

his constantly ejected feet, moving extremely fast, and swooping down


At the same time, the fists squeezed towards the body layer by layer,

making a creaking sound. Just listening to the sound, one can feel the

violent force.

Luffy's sudden and fast dive surprised the golden lion a little. He hadn't

seen the power yet, but his moving speed was very fast, even above the

second gear.

The golden lion raised his right foot directly, and made a powerful slash.


At the same time, Luffy approached, and the right fist that was squeezed

into the body slammed out, and his own strength carried the fourth most

terrifying elasticity!

"Rubber Rubber...Ape King Gun!"

Layer upon layer, the domineering right fist covered in dark red armed

color slammed out, colliding with chopping waves.

But in an instant, Zhanbo shattered directly, unable to stop the punch.

Before the golden lion had time to be shocked, the punch had already

come at a very fast speed.

The golden lion can only quickly raise his arms, covering the armed

domineering block in front of him.

However, a terrifying force struck.

boom! !

The terrifying roar shook the entire floating island.

Amidst the roar, the golden lion disappeared in place because it was

smashed into the ground.

04 The roar continued, and the ground where the golden lion stood was

sunken, with dense and wide cracks spreading around.

Luffy landed, still making the sound of duang, duang, duang, constantly

bouncing on the ground.

Sauron and the others were shocked when they saw this scene.

Zoro knew the power of chopping waves, but when faced with Luffy's

fourth gear punch, he collapsed directly, and there was no stalemate.

Not only is it fast, but it is also extremely powerful. That is the slash of

the former world's number one swordsman, the Golden Lion.

"It's so strong... This is the fourth gear."

"The speed is so fast and the strength is so strong."

"Drove the golden lion into the ground."

Sauron and the others stepped forward to take a look. The next moment,

their eyes widened and their pupils shrank.

They thought they had seen the horror and power of the fourth gear, but

when they looked closer, they were startled.

It's not a bottomless hole, but a circle of light can be seen far below.

This means that the Golden Lion was not driven into the ground tens or

hundreds of meters, but... this island was directly penetrated!

This is why they were even more shocked. The power of this punch is too

terrifying, right? ! After all, although Golden Lion's chopping wave was

defeated, it must have offset part of the punch's power. I thought the

golden lion was driven into the ground tens of meters deep, but I never

expected that the island was pierced through!

"So strong..."

The power of the fourth gear was beyond their imagination.

However, such is the horror of fourth gear.

Luffy in the fourth gear has a strong giant body and sufficient elasticity,

and can even fly in the air with elasticity. But after entering the fourth

gear, you can't stand normally, because the rubber elasticity increases,

and it will be bounced when it touches the ground.

In the state of the fourth gear, the strength is comprehensively improved,

faster than the second gear, and stronger than the third gear in strength

and defense.



The body of the golden lion pierced through the island, and was still

falling. With a roar, it landed on an island below, creating a deep pit in

the shape of a large character.

In the deep pit, the golden lion's arms were in severe pain, and the

corners of his mouth were bleeding. He couldn't believe it, and he was


Looking at the sky, Golden Lion could see that the island was pierced

through a pothole.

The golden lion stood up and said heavily, "It's such a powerful force to

be sent flying so far."

The golden lion floated up quickly, and soon, it swept out of the deep pit

and appeared in Lu Fei's sight.

Luffy looked at the heavy-faced Golden Lion and asked, "Why aren't you


Golden Lion was angry inside, and said in a deep voice: "Fourth gear, it

has some strength, but don't think that you can beat me, Golden Lion."

"Guo Mo, Guo Moruo..."

The right fist squeezed into the arm again, ten meters away from the

golden lion, and did not rush over.

"Big Snake Cannon!"

Under the elastic force, the fist suddenly burst out quickly and elongated,

which changed the face of the golden lion, and it also had the elongation



The golden lion dodged on one side, and approached quickly at the same

time. Taking advantage of the gap between Luffy's attack and the fall, he

raised his right foot and thrust out violently.

With a sound of ding, the golden lion thought it could pierce Luffy's skin

and flesh, but found that it was sunken. To be precise, it was because of

the elasticity that the stabbing of his own knife was constantly being


The golden lion shook: "If you don't disarm, the color is still rubber."

Luffy pushed his stomach hard, and bounced back from the dented area

of ​​the attack, shaking the golden lion away. He only felt a huge elastic

force from the famous knife on his right foot.

The golden lion flew back quickly, and Luffy said in a deep voice, "I won't

let you escape, I'm going to blow you away."

The next moment, the golden lion's face changed, and the fist he

stretched out was turning continuously! There is no trace to be found!

Moving fast and turning constantly, it was difficult for the golden lion to

react and dodge constantly.

Even if you can dodge it, you will still be scratched by your fist and your

body will hurt.

The golden lion was puzzled: "Why didn't it shrink back?"

The golden lion used its ability to keep flying in the air.

Luffy kept extending his arms, and said in a low voice: "Keep chasing, Big


The golden lion was flying around in the air, but looking back, it was still

turning and chasing after it.

"It will extend no matter where it goes, it's annoying!"

"Lion Thousand Cut Valley!"

The dense slashes rushed out, and Luffy controlled his fist to bombard

them. All the slashes were defeated, and the golden lion's face changed in


Luffy roared: "Guo Mo, Guo Moruo... Orochi Cannon!"

Chapter 79


He punched the Golden Lion hard, causing his face to sag and blood to

spit out.



The golden lion flew down towards the ground, and with a roar, it

smashed through the island again.

The golden lion was dizzy and had severe facial pain. He controlled his

body to stop falling and flew to the bottom of the island.

This time, he didn't go up directly, but pressed his hands on the huge

island hell, frantically activating the fluttering fruit ability.

At the same time as it was pushed, the golden lion gasped, and its mouth

heaved and fell.

The battle just now, coupled with the ability to crazily stimulate the fruit,

exhausted a lot of physical strength.

For the sake of face, Golden Lion sighed with himself: "It seems that he is


Golden Lion didn't want to admit that it was the consumption of the

battle just now.

"Rip me apart!"

Controlling every inch of land on the entire island to float up, the entire

island was in a sensation for a while.

Luffy and the others glanced at the ground, pieces of land, and boulders

floating up from the ground.

Luffy said: "You get on the boat, leave this to me."

"it is good."

Sauron and the others boarded the boat quickly, and after the wind blew,

the Sunny Merri flew out and fell towards the sea below.

If it falls like this, even if it is modified with Adam wood, it will still be

injured, but when it is about to fall, Franky launches a jet rebound to

counteract the falling force, and lands on the sea safely with a bang.

Immediately, Sauron and the others looked at the sky on the deck.

It can be seen that the islands in the sky are almost completely

fragmented and floating. And all of these can be controlled by the golden

lion's ability to use space.

Around Luffy, in all directions, there are boulders.

Below the island, the golden lion looked up at this scene, sweat beaded

on his face, his physical strength was expended at an accelerated rate,

and he controlled the boulders on the entire island with both hands.

"Straw hat boy, I will prepare a bigger grave for you!"

With the control, for a while, densely packed huge stones kept hitting


Luffy squeezed his hands and arms towards the body at the same time,

contracted layer by layer, and popped out when it reached the limit.

"Rubber Rubber... Ape King Crow Cannon!"

Boom boom boom...

For a while, the fists continued to bombard heavily, and the

bombardment continued, like a machine gun.

The boulders that came rushing were continuously smashed into pieces.

However, there are tens of thousands of huge boulders on the entire

island, and it is impossible to smash them all.

"Useless straw hat kid, useless, don't let your partner do it, choose

someone to defeat me, it's a stupid choice."

The golden lion sneered, and with a roar, Luffy could be seen being hit

by a boulder.

bang bang bang...

In the next moment, boulders continued to gather and collide, trapping

and engulfing Luffy.

Just like boulders all over the sky, with Luffy as the center, Luffy has


Boom boom boom...

bang bang bang...

The huge boulders kept gathering and squeezing together, forming a

circle shape, and getting bigger and bigger, like the earth-exploding star

in the shadow of Naruto.

Aboard the Sunnymery.

Nami watched the boulder continue to hit the past, and the rock ball was

getting bigger and bigger, with worried eyes.


Franky's face was heavy: "Let's help."

However, Zoro stared at the sky and shook his head: "Since Luffy said

that, just believe him, let's just watch."

Usopp nodded heavily: "Well, trust Luffy, everything will be fine!"

Nami withdrew her worry, her eyes became firm, and she chose to



Soon, the sound gradually disappeared, because the separated rocks of

the entire island had all collided and gathered together, forming a rock

ball with a diameter of 1,000 meters floating in the sky, and Luffy was in

the center.

From the Golden Lion's point of view, Luffy's body was in the center of

the rock ball.

"Jiehahahaha, die, be trapped and crushed inside. It's a pity to die in my

hands, and there is such a huge and magnificent tomb hanging in the air,

how spectacular it is."

The golden lion was floating, and the mouth of the hunger was violently



At the same time, beads of sweat were all over his face, and his face was

a little pale. It was obvious that using this trick consumed a lot of energy.

The golden lion glanced down, and didn't solve the ideas of the others in

the straw hat. Now he can't do it.

Even if none of the remaining eight members of the Straw Hat Group is

stronger than the Straw Hat, the ones who are more powerful will

certainly not be much worse.

The Golden Lion is not confident and is about to leave, but this also

means that the legendary self can't win against the Straw Hats alone, and

will be defeated.

"Let's go first, this state is against them, not good for me."

The golden lion was about to float away, but... Suddenly, there was a

movement from above!

bang bang bang...

Boom boom boom boom...

At first, there was little movement, a muffled sound.

But as cracks appeared on the surface of the rock giant ball, the sound

came out through the cracks and became louder.

This made the Golden Lion's face change in surprise, someone was

bombarding it, and there was only Straw Hat Luffy inside!

This means, the Straw Hat is not dead!

"how come…"

The golden lion couldn't believe it, his face was ugly, and his fists were


Boom boom boom...

The roar continued and became louder, and the cracks on the rock giant

ball became bigger and wider.

With a bang, a big hole was made, and Luffy in the center could be seen,

bombarding with both hands and feet at the same time.

The hands are constantly attacking with the ape king group duck

cannons, and the feet are also constantly kicking, and the rhinoceros

group howitzers are also densely packed like machine guns.

With the continuous bombardment, the rock giant ball continued to

shatter into slag, and the golden lion fell to the surface of the sea,

frantically mobilizing its abilities, its face became paler, and its physical

strength was exhausted at an accelerated rate.


For a moment, the sea lifted up and kept floating upwards, as if the ocean

was moved to the sky.

As the sea water continued to surge upward, the sea level in this sea area

dropped visibly with the naked eye.

When the giant rock ball was about to be completely crushed, the outer

circle was shrouded by a huge sea ball.

The seaball is huge, with a diameter of two kilometers.

The golden lion was out of breath, bleeding from the corner of his mouth,

exhausted, and sneered.

"Jiehahahaha... You can crush clods and rocks, but how can you defeat a

huge sea ball with a diameter of 2,000 meters? As long as you are

touched, you will be 493 finished as a capable person. As for

evaporating? Impossible, Jiehaha Ha ha…"

At this moment, seeing the huge sea ball in the sky, even Sauron and the

others changed their expressions.

This time, they all looked worried, obviously feeling that this move could

threaten Luffy and put Luffy in crisis.

Zoro, Sanji will be fine with this move, but this move is definitely a

nightmare for capable users.

The rock ball just now is like an earth-exploding star, so this huge sea

ball is like a sea-exploding star.

When Luffy smashed the rock, through the gap, he saw a sea ball with a

diameter of 2,000 meters covering him, which was really dangerous.

The giant rock ball was completely shattered, and under the control of

the golden lion, the sea ball gathered.

"Jie ha ha ha ha... Straw hat, you have the momentum to be the fifth

emperor, and now your strength is also the fifth emperor, but even if you

are the fifth emperor, it is impossible to defeat the legendary me! Be

defeated by me, the number one in the sea! Five Emperors!"

Golden Lion seems to feel that he has already won, and when Luffy is

trapped and powerless, he will use up his last strength to activate

Qianqiegu and solve Luffy.

At the same time, the Golden Lions are on the defensive, because if the

Straw Hats are in crisis, they will definitely attack.

At this time, Sauron and the others were indeed ready to do something.

However, Luffy's low shout resounded through the sky.

"Don't do anything, let me defeat him! I, the Five Emperors, can defeat

the legend!"

Luffy's words made the golden lion feel ridiculous. Facing this huge sea

ball with a diameter of 2,000 meters, how could he, who is capable, win?

"The fire pistol is powerful, but it is impossible to evaporate such a huge

sea ball. What you said seems to be able to evaporate and defeat me? Do

you think you are the sun?"

While the Golden Lion sneered, he was also thankful that Luffy wouldn't

let Sauron and the others make a move. In this case, they would surely


After the Golden Lion finished speaking, Luffy didn't respond, but put his

arms across his mouth.

This made the golden lion's face change slightly, what is it going to do?

Taking a big breath, Luffy blew air towards his arms, which suddenly

swelled huge.

Blink, like giant hands.

The golden lion was shocked: "In the fourth gear, the limbs can be as

huge as the third gear..."

The golden lion is glad that Luffy didn't use it directly just now, because

the attack power just now is extremely terrifying, not to mention that the

hands in the fourth gear are as huge as the third gear, so the power will

be even more terrifying.

This scene also shocked Sauron and others, and it was unexpected.

However, I feel relieved, because Luffy said that to defeat the Golden

Lion, he must rely on one person.

Therefore, they don't plan to do anything, just look at the sky and wait

and see.

After the shock, Golden Lion was still very relieved.

"So what, the stronger the force, the more powerful it can't be defeated,

unless the huge sea ball is evaporated by the flames, it is impossible to do

it. It is so huge that even the fire fist Ace cannot evaporate all the

seawater in an instant. He can't even burn the fruit, how can you do it

with the rubber fruit?"

However, in the next moment, Luffy's huge arms covered the flames, and

the very familiar flames were Karma!

The huge pair of fists squeezed and contracted, and the fire of karma

surged even more violently, illuminating the sky.

Luffy roared:

"Fourth gear! Karmic fire group guns!!".

Chapter 093 The Five Emperors Defeat the Legend!

Boom boom boom...

For a moment, the double guns of karma quickly bombarded the

surroundings in all directions. In an instant, the space around Luffy was

completely covered by the double guns of karma of the fourth gear, just

like karma blooming towards the surroundings.

As the sea **** gathered, there was a constant puffing sound, and they

were constantly being evaporated! Sea water can't get close to Luffy!

Seeing this scene, Golden Lion couldn't believe it: "How is it possible..."

The four-level karmic fire group gun, the fourth-level form, the power is

stronger, and the karmic fire is more turbulent and hotter!

Boom boom boom...

The dense karmic fire giant fists kept bombarding the surroundings, and

the speed was getting faster and faster, spreading all over the

surrounding space, and the karmic fire kept surging.

Golden Lion's eyes widened, and he looked up, as if Luffy was no longer a

human being, but like the sun!

On the boat, Sauron and the others were also stunned. Luffy was

bombarded from all directions, and his whole body burst into flames like

the sun, shining brightly.

Islands and towns in the distance.

Everyone ran out, looking horrified.

Chapter 80

"Look, there is an extra sun!"

"What's going on, there are two suns in the sky!"

"Unbelievable, am I dazzled?"

From a distance, these people thought that a sun appeared out of thin air,

which is unbelievable.

The golden lion's face is ugly, no, it's impossible, how could it be the sun,

it just looks like it.

Explosive ability, control the continuous gathering of seawater.

"No one wants to stop my plan! Straw hat boy, fall powerlessly!"

Huge sea **** kept gathering, but for a long time, Luffy didn't fall, and

above the sky, the karmic fire was still raging, still like the sun.

As the sea water gathered, he couldn't touch Luffy at all, because he was

vaporized by the karmic fire as soon as he got close.

"Uh ah ah ah..."

As Luffy continued to bombard quickly, the karmic fire continued to

erupt, and gradually, the huge sea ball was evaporated and became

smaller and smaller.

The golden lion's face became more and more ugly, and it floated up in

the air, very weak, but it had to attack.

"Lion Thousand Cut Valley!"

Densely slashing and slashing towards the sky, but after approaching,

they were blown away by the giant fist of Karma.


chi chi chi...

The karmic fire surged, and the huge sea ball was finally completely


The karmic fire on Luffy dissipated, the steam filled the air, and Luffy

could not be seen.

"Be defeated, legend!"

Following Luffy's low growl, the steam dissipated, and Luffy's figure

emerged, staring coldly at the golden lion below.

Golden Lion's eyes widened, pupils shrank, and saw that Luffy's right

hand was extremely huge, still in the fourth gear, the huge right hand

squeezed and contracted towards the body, and then slammed down.

In an instant, the golden lion looked very small in front of this punch.

"Rubber rubber..."

"Great Ape King Spear!"

The famous knives on the golden lion's legs kept chopping golden slashes,

but they couldn't stop the falling giant fists at all. Seeing the giant fists

getting closer and closer, the golden lion's eyes widened in despair.

"Have I been stopped by the man from Donghai again? Roger!!"

Amidst the roar of unwillingness, there was a roar, and the golden lion

was hit by the gun of the great ape king. His face and body were sunken,

blood was rushing, and his eyes were rolling.

The golden lion was in severe pain all over his body. He was already

weak, but he was seriously injured, and his consciousness collapsed.

Before fainting, the golden lion was unwilling: "I lost to the rookie from

Donghai, **** it..."


At the moment of the bang, the golden lion fell like a meteor.


Soon, the sea water splashed, and the golden lion fell into the sea.

This means, the golden lion dies.

Exhausted, extremely weak, and seriously injured, fainted and sank into

the sea, the Golden Lion has been dealt with.

A legendary pirate, lost to the Five Emperors!

In this battle, Five Emperors Luffy won!

Luffy kept flying down, and soon landed on the ship.

Sauron and the others smiled proudly. As expected of their captain, they

defeated the legendary pirate, the Golden Lion.

After landing on the boat, Luffy released the fourth gear, and the physical

exertion was still not small.

But this battle was also a happy one.

Usopp was relieved: "Great, we defeated the Golden Lion and stopped

him, Donghai, our hometown, will be fine."

Nami nodded: "The villages on the floating island will be fine. The

villagers and beasts can all recover."

Luffy rested on the deck while raising his hands in anticipation: "Okay,

let's go! Go to the Chambord Islands!"

"Okay! Let's go!"

Navy Headquarters.

Soon, the Warring States had received the news.

After hearing it, I was shocked.

"The Straw Hats actually won and defeated the Golden Lion."

Hearing this, Karp laughed proudly, "Hahaha, you are indeed my


What was even more shocking in the Warring States Period was that it

was defeated by Straw Hat Luffy alone.

"It was not defeated by the Straw Hat Pirates, but by the Straw Hat Luffy

alone, and the Golden Lion died and was buried in the sea."

Hearing this, even Garp was shocked.

Although I have seen the strength of Luffy and fought with Luffy in the

fourth gear, it seems that during this period of time, Luffy's strength has

improved a little. Facing the legendary pirates, it seems that he has

gained a little improvement through fighting.

Garp is more relieved, it is naturally good that Luffy can improve through

continuous battles.

"Marshal, Carter Franky, a newcomer to the Straw Hats, has issued a

reward for defeating the mighty Demon Oz on the Terror Barque. The

reward is set at 300 million Baileys."

"And Brook, the bounty is also set at 300 million Baileys. As for the

specific strength of the two, it is not very clear."

The Warring States Period is heavy, and the Straw Hats have two more

partners, and they are not ordinary.

Warring States sighed: "Let's do this first, let's make an accurate judgment

when the rewards for all members of the Straw Hats are updated next


In the battle with the Golden Lion, the Straw Hats didn't seem to make a

move, so it's impossible to judge.

"Marshal, do you need to increase the bounty for the straw hat?"

Warring States shook his head: "Not for the time being, not many people

know about this matter, whoever solved the Golden Lion, let our navy

take the credit. Announce to the public that our navy defeated the

Golden Lion. At the time when he escaped from the city of advance ,

shamed the navy and the world government, and shamed the city of

advancement, and became the first fugitive in the history of the city of

advancement, but now, it has been solved after all. Therefore, it is

announced that we solved the golden lion. We escaped for a while, I can't

escape forever."

Sengoku's eyes shone with wisdom, so he couldn't miss such a leak.

Garp felt contempt in his heart and was very upset, so he got up and left.

Warring States didn't care, this leak must be picked up.

Compared with the Straw Hats defeating the Golden Lion, their navy's

victory over the Golden Lion is more convincing.

In this way, the majesty of the navy can be enhanced, and the face of the

city can also be saved.

Therefore, this is why the Warring States Period did not increase the

bounty of straw hats.

In fact, in the heart of the Warring States Period, there is no doubt that

the bounty offered by the Straw Hats is at least 1.5 billion.

Moreover, the Warring States Period has been extremely determined, and

Straw Hat Luffy can be called the fifth emperor of the sea!

one day later.

Aboard the Sunny Merry.

Frankie and Brooke were happy, and their reward list was announced,

300 million Baileys.

Usopp was puzzled: "Luffy defeated the Golden Lion, and the bounty has

not been increased."

Nami said: "It seems that this matter has not been spread."

However, soon after the newspaper fell, Nami and the others saw it and


"It's so shameless to say that the Golden Lion was dealt with by the


"Obviously defeated by Luffy, these marines actually picked up the leak,


"It's no wonder that Luffy's bounty was not increased. It turned out that

he wanted to take the credit for himself, so as to increase their deterrent


"Because almost no one knew about the floating islands, the Navy did it."

While Nami and others were upset, Luffy didn't care.

"Forget it, it's nothing, these are not important. And, it will improve

sooner or later."

Nami and others are relieved, indeed, they will be promoted sooner or


In Luffy's view, the Chambord Islands are an opportunity.

At this time, the sky suddenly darkened.

Nami's face darkened: "It feels a little bad."

"Nami, what's wrong?" Usopp wondered.

However, soon, the sky completely changed, and eddies appeared in

many places in the surrounding sea. Looking around, the sea surface of

the four-panel house was full of huge eddies.

Nami's face changed in shock: "It's the Snake Sea Current."


Suddenly, countless eddies on the sea surface suddenly sprang out a

waterspout, covering the Sunny Meri in the center.

The waterspout was so high that it disappeared into the dark clouds of

the sky, as if connecting the sky and the earth.

Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper looked at the countless waterspouts around

them, their eyes lit up, and they were amazed.

"It's spectacular."

Nami was speechless: "That's not the point, it's very dangerous."


The waterspout in the sky seemed to have life, and it swooped down like

a water snake.

Zoro, Sanji and the others immediately took action, slashing, devil's wind

foot, fire bird bomb, etc., constantly defeating waterspouts.

However, there are more and more of them, covering them like a


Luffy quickly bombarded the sky with both fists.

"Rubber machine gun!"

"Song of Looting, Blowing Snow Slash!"

To deal with these waterspouts, Brook's attack is the most effective. The

waterspout that swoops down immediately freezes when it encounters

the cold air of Huangquan.

"Look at me, my technological weapons are more than artillery."

"Cold jet!"

Frankie opened his hands, and the cold air spewed out, freezing the

surrounding waterspout continuously.

However, the waterspout continues to condense, never ending.

Franky asked: "Do you want to use the wind to jet out of this sea area?"

Nami looked into the distance, and there was no end to the waterspout.

"No, jet flying is also very dangerous. Moreover, the waterspout is too

wide, and the jet cannot fly out when the wind blows."

This made Frankie's face change, is it so wide?

Lu Fei said in a cold voice: "Then keep defeating them."

Luffy and others continued to attack the waterspout, and the Sunny Merri

moved forward.

And feel that the sea here is more dangerous.

Although it is located on the great route, it is unpredictable, but coming

to this sea area is more difficult than before.

An hour later, after leaving the Snake Sea, Luffy and the others' eyes lit


Chapter 81

Because ahead, they saw a piece of dark red, that is, the Red Earth


The eyes of Luffy and others are shining brightly, which means that they

have already circled the great route for half a circle!

They are about to pass through the Red Earth Continent and head to the

second half of the great route!

It also means that it is almost time to arrive at Fishman Island, because

there are two ways to go to the new world.

The first one is to make a request to the world government and then

directly pass through the holy land of Mariejoya, which is located at the

top of the Scarlet Continent, so they can only abandon the ship. Although

it takes a lot of money to buy a ship and the application takes time, it is


The second way is to go through Fishman Island.

Use the alkyman mangrove resin in the Chambord Islands to coat the

ship, and then dive 10,000 meters, pass through a huge hole under the

red continent, and reach the new world through the "submarine route"

fishman island, but it is very dangerous.

Obviously, as a pirate, you can only use the second method.

Nami looked at the Red Earth Continent with bright eyes: "It's finally


Luffy was in a good mood and sighed softly, "We're already halfway


Franky is no stranger to the Red Earth Continent. He recalled: "Before I

was sensible, it seemed that I crossed the Upside Down Mountain from

the South China Sea. It was thirty years ago."

Robin said: "`~ I entered this sea area from the West Sea five years ago."

Lu Fei said in a condensed voice: "As long as we travel around the world

for another half a week, we will be able to see this cliff again. At that

time... I will be One Piece!"

Approaching the Red Earth Continent, Nami said solemnly: "This is very

close to the Navy Headquarters and the holy land of Mariejoa."


Suddenly, a huge sea hare appeared behind the boat and jumped down.

Luffy blasted out with one punch, and directly knocked the sea rabbit

into the air, but at the same time he flew out, he opened his mouth and

spit out something.

Sanji was taken aback: "What did you vomit?"


Falling from a high altitude, the distance is getting closer, and I heard the

cry of a girl.

Luffy and the others looked up and saw a mermaid and a starfish.

Sanji's eyes shone brightly, turning into a peach heart shape, almost

jumping out of his eyes, very excited.

"Could it be...could it be...a mermaid!"

Sanji was stunned, it was so beautiful, a mermaid with a human body

and a mermaid!

Luffy stretched his hands and caught the mermaid and starfish, and he

already knew who it was.

She has short light green hair, looks eighteen years old, has a delicate

appearance, a slender figure, and a fishtail lower body. This is Kemi.

The other is Papagu, a talking starfish, the designer and president of

"Prisoner", a popular clothing brand company in Fishman Island, and

Kemi's master and pet.

"Huh... I was saved, thank you, but how did we get out, I thought we

were going to be digested." Kemi breathed a sigh of relief.

Luffy said: "The sea beast was blown away by me just now, and then spit

you out."

This made Kaimi very grateful: "In other words, you saved us twice,

thank you so much!"

Sanji happily turned around in circles: "Hahaha, that's great. I met a

mermaid before I arrived at Fishman Island. She is such a beautiful

mermaid. My luck is coming!"

For a while, Nami and others watched Kaimi very curiously. After all, it

was the first time they saw a mermaid, and they kept asking a series of


Usopp was curious: "By the way, do you know how to shit?"

Before Kemi could answer, Sanji exploded in anger and covered Usopp's


"Shut up! Such a cute mermaid will definitely not shit."

Soon, I chatted with Kemi very well, very happy, and became friends.

Cammy remembered something, picked up the phone bug and dialed.

"Xiaoba, where are you?"

However, what came was not Xiaoba's voice (Manuohao).

"I'm your old friend, Marco Luo."

Cammy worried: "Why are you holding Xiaoba's phone bug?"

"Hey, doesn't that mean that Xiao Ba has already been killed by us?"

These words made Kaimi's expression startled, and he was dubious:

"No...impossible, Xiao Ba is very powerful, how could he be killed by


"Yes, normally we can't beat him, but this time we joined forces with the

Flying Fish Knights."

Hearing this, Papagu's expression changed: "Flying Fish Knights, I'm in


Xiaoba's weak voice came: "Kami, are you okay? That's great. Don't worry

about me, as long as you're okay."

Kaimi asked urgently: "Xiaoba, are you really defeated?"

Xiao Ba responded: "Yes, because they joined forces with the Flying Fish

Knights, but I was also careless, so I failed to beat them. Don't come to

rescue me, I am going to escape with all my strength, and I will find


Even though I said this, it was to prevent Kemi from going to save him.

Kaimi also understands in her heart, but she is also powerless. She is no

opponent at all when she goes.

The voice just now came from the phone again: "Kami, this guy will be

sold by us. Octopus murlocs are rare and can be sold for a very high

price. Do you really ignore him? After being sold , Can you imagine how

miserable the end will be? So, if you want to save him, come here, we are

at the sea five kilometers east of No. 44 GR in the Chambord Islands, the

base of the human traffickers group and the Flying Fish Knights."

Xiao Ba's face changed drastically, and he said anxiously: "Kami, don't

come! Believe me, I can escape! Don't come!"

"Shut up, you **** octopus!"

Cursing, beating, and Xiaoba's screams came from the other side of the

phone, and then the phone hung up.

Kemi's face was extremely heavy: "Luffy, everyone, I can't prepare

takoyaki for you, I have to save my friend."

Nami said righteously: "We will help you save, but you have to take us to

Fishman Island."

Cammy was happy: "Okay!"

Luffy said: "Okay, let's go."

At the same time, Luffy thought in his heart that he was about to meet

the saddest man in pirates.

Chapter 094 The Five Emperors Straw Hats Arrive at Chambord!

Kaimi said: "Xiaoba is my boss at the takoyaki shop, and the takoyaki he

makes are delicious."

Hearing this, Luffy had a great appetite, and Chopper and Usopp couldn't

help their appetites.

"Then we have to save it."

After taking out the map and confirming the location, the Sunnymery

moved forward, which happened to be the route to the Chambord

Islands, so I went to rescue it.

"Although the route has been determined, this is a great route." Nami felt

a little headache.

For a great route, you must follow the record pointer.

"Leave it to me."

Kemi came to the bow and suddenly shouted.

Soon, many fish swam over, which surprised others.

Kemi said: "They say that the Flying Fish Knights are scary, but it's okay

to take us nearby."

This made Nami and others even more surprised.

"Cami, can you understand what the fish say?"

"Although it's a mermaid, it's amazing that I can communicate with fish."

"Cami, you're amazing."

Soon, the school of fishes swam, their tails slapped the water surface,

thinking of an arrow mark on the sea surface, and kept moving forward.

"It's amazing, I can't believe it, the fish got us an arrow in the sea." Usopp


However, this is adventure and there are many amazing things to see.

Sunnymery turned around and began to follow the arrow.

At this time, the base of the Flying Fish Knights.

On the sides are two buildings and in the middle is a series of houses,

located on the sea.

"That's it, Mr. Dibalu, I lured the mermaid through him."

The man took credit for the tall figure sitting on the first seat, and there

was a person tied beside him, Xiao Ba.

Dibalu said in a deep voice: "Understood, little ones, let's act."


The man who asked for credit reminded: "Because it is a very expensive

commodity, so don't hurt it."


They also know that mermaids are precious, and they can be sold for a

lot of money in the Chambord Islands auction.

If there are Tianlong people participating in the auction, the selling price

will be higher.

Just when the Sunny Merri was about to approach, I suddenly saw three

flying fish in the sky. To be precise, they were fish plus technological

transformation, like fish-shaped motorcycles.

"That ship is... that flag, is it 493 from the Straw Hats?"

"Yes, indeed."

"I wanted to catch the mermaid, but I didn't expect to have unexpected

gains. The leader of Dibalu will definitely be very happy."

They contacted Dibaru immediately, and the response was to leave and

lead the Straw Hats over.

"Go back, retreat first, the order of the leader of Dibaru, lead them to the

base, and the leader of Dibaru will do it himself."

"it is good."

Luffy and the others were ready to attack the sky, but the three flying

fish turned back again, getting farther and farther away like a small


"Run away, then catch up."

The Sunnymery moved on.

Flying Fish Base.

Dibalu said, "Cami is on the pirate ship."

"Huh? I don't know. I thought it was just to attract her, but I didn't expect

there were other people?"

With a click, the cup in Dibalu's hand was crushed.

This startled the dealer, thinking he was unhappy.

However, Dibaru was really angry and excited: "However, that's okay, it

turned out to be them. Then, I can meet that guy, so let me wait!"

Dibalu clenched his right hand tightly, and the broken glass was still in

his hand. With the force, his right hand was scratched, but he still

clenched tightly.

It can be seen that he is very angry.

"This pirate ship is the ship I've been waiting for for a long time! I'm

going to kill him! The man who disrupted my life!"

After Dibalu's anger passed, he became extremely resentful and


The body is tall, and the face cannot be seen clearly, because only the

eyes are exposed because of the stone mask.

As Dibaru opened his eyes, he could see bloodshot eyes everywhere, and

he could imagine the ferocious anger on his face under the mask.

When the three subordinates came back, they were very puzzled.

"Boss, why did you let them come here and then destroy them?"

"You don't understand how I am waiting for those pirates to appear.

When I think of that man, the huge wound on my back will hurt


While speaking, Dibaru's whole body was shaking, shaking with anger,

every cell in his body was filled with anger, and his voice became deeper

and deeper, resentful.

"Day after day, I spend my time hating them. Today, I must kill that guy

here. This is the most important choice for me, so I must let them come,

you guys Understand?"

Chapter 82

Feeling the leader's anger, his subordinates nodded quickly.

"Understood, leader."

Dibaru said in a deep voice: "We must let them come over, and after

careful confirmation, destroy them!"

Dibaru began to wait, very tormented, as if every second was a long time

for him.

Soon, the silhouette of the Straw Hat Pirate Ship can be seen ahead of the


Dibaru excited: "Is it finally here?"

The Sunnymery sailed into the harbor, and an iron cage could be seen

hanging in front of it.

Xiao Ba turned his head and glanced, his expression changed.

"The Straw Hat Pirate Ship, it's them. I can't let them see me. After all, I

used to be against Aaron and them."

Xiao Ba swallowed ink and dyed himself black.

Cammy was puzzled: "Why is there no one?"

Papagu thought: "Could they go to have afternoon tea?"

Usopp was speechless: "There is no one, and people are hanging there

again. This is obviously a trap. But it's nothing, we are very strong."

After all, the Golden Lion was defeated by them, and the Flying Fish

Knights had never heard of it.

After approaching, Kaimi was very puzzled: "Xiao Ba, why did you make

yourself so dark."

Xiaoba said: "I'm fine, you go, I can escape by myself."

At this time, Luffy and others have boarded the harbor.

Sauron heard the voice, although his body was pitch black, he guessed

the outline of his body.

"Nami, do you see it?"

Nami nodded: "It's basically confirmed."

Nami shouted: "It's you, Octopus."

Xiao Ba's face changed drastically, and he was recognized.

Nami turned around: "If it's him, then we won't be able to save him."

After hearing this, Cammy's face changed, but he didn't ask anything,

knowing that there might be grievances.

Originally, I felt that it was embarrassing to ask Luffy and others to help


However, even if Luffy and others want to leave, she will save them.

When Kaimi jumped into the sea, Xiaoba's face changed drastically, and

he kept hitting the iron dragon.

"Don't come here, there is an ambush, go back quickly, Kemi."

Xiao Ba panicked and slammed into Tie Long hard, even though his body

was bleeding from the impact.

"I'm coming out now, Cammy, don't come here."

Xiao Ba continued to hit, and Nami watched the scene silently.

After a moment of silence, Nami exhaled and smiled slightly: "Forget it,

let's rescue him."

Luffy stretched out his hand and caught Kaimi up. At the same time, the

trafficker just jumped out of the sea and was about to successfully

capture Kaimi, but was rescued by Luffy.

Xiao Ba breathed a sigh of relief and was extremely grateful: "I will never

thank you for your kindness, I will keep it in my heart. Straw hat boy,

(aedb) you also have to be careful, they may all be at the bottom of the

sea and want to surround you."

However, Luffy swept over with a domineering look, and most of the

members of the Flying Fish Knights fainted.

At this time, Dibalu rushed out riding a black bull, and the base was hit

by the bull and collapsed.

Dibalu holds arrow guns in both hands, full of murderous aura.

Usopp was stunned: "Destroyed my base."

Dibaru said in a deep voice: "As long as he can be killed, it doesn't matter

if the base doesn't exist. After all, I went to sea to kill him."

This statement puzzled everyone except Lu Fei, what do you mean?

"I didn't go to sea for kidnapping, my men, do you all understand?"

As Dibaru asked, the subordinates who didn't faint were also happy.

"Understood, chief."

Dibaru was excited: "Today is a gratifying day. The man I dreamed of

killing has come, thank God. The man who suddenly pushed me into the

abyss of **** one day has finally appeared in front of me ."

This made Usopp very puzzled: "He seems to be looking at someone

among us."

Frankie nodded: "Yes."

Usopp and the others don't know who Dibalu is looking at because he is

wearing a mask.

Dibaru swore: "Even if we die together today, I will kill you. Pirate,

Blackfoot Sanji!!"

In an instant, except for Lu Fei, everyone else was stunned, especially

Sanji, who was very astonished.

Sanji was confused: "That guy, why do you want to kill me so much?"

Franky asked: "Sanji, who is that guy, do you know him?"

Nami asked: "I hate you so much, is it your former enemy?"

Sanji was still confused: "I really don't know him."

Nami was speechless: "Before you were inexplicably angry at the person

who ate the transparent fruit. Now, is it someone else's turn to be

inexplicably angry at you? There must be a reason, think about it

carefully. There must be a reason for the difference."

Sanji was very helpless: "Miss Nami, I really couldn't think of it, I don't

know why."

Looking at all this, Dibalu became even angrier and growled.

"Don't play dumb! Blackfoot! It's just the latest thing!"

Dibalu was furious, raised his arrow gun, and fired like a machine gun.

Sanji dodged easily, and was even more puzzled: "If you want to talk

about the recent things, I can't figure it out even more?"

chi chi chi...

The fish arrows on the ground were filled with purple mist, and

Chopper's expression changed.

"No, it's poisonous gas."

Dibaru sneered: "This is a fish arrow coated with scorpion poison. If you

inhale it, you will leave this world in three minutes! Continue to feel my


Dibalu was about to continue shooting, but Chopper took out the

antidote pills for Luffy and others to take.

"Although the poisonous gas is powerful, I am a doctor, and your

poisonous gas is useless."

This made Dibaru's face darken, poison is useless, relying on strength, he

must be dealt with.

Luffy rushed over in an instant and punched out, so fast that Dibaru

couldn't react.

With a click, Dibalu's mask shattered and his face emerged.

For a moment, Nami and the others were all stunned, dumbfounded, and

couldn't believe it.

Usopp couldn't believe it: "No way..."

Immediately quiet, the mask shattered, and Dibaru also fell silent, not

caring, on the contrary, he wanted to vent his grievances in his heart.

And Sanji was also sluggish.

Di Baru's voice was low: "Fucking, I finally waited until this day. I went

to sea with the determination to kill you. But, you are so **** hard to


Dibalu picked up the reward list, facing Sanji and the others, angry and

extremely wronged.

"Why is it so hard to find? It's because you are completely different from

the one on the bounty order. Even if the navy and bounty hunters saw

you, they probably wouldn't be able to recognize you, right? They'll

never find you, right? No... no, Impossible not to find, they will find!"

While speaking, Dibaru's body trembled more and more, and he became

more and more angry and wronged.

"Because, when they see me with a reward order, they will say: I finally

found you, pirate, Sanji Blackfoot!"

Dibaru's tears fell from his eyes, and he was extremely wronged, crying:

"Then I would say: I don't know that guy at all, I'm not even a pirate!"

Dibaru cried aggrievedly, tears streaming down his face, the reward

order was placed on the right side of his face, the face on the reward

order was exactly the same as his face!

At this moment, Nami and others all understood why this guy hated Sanji

so much and wanted to kill Sanji, he completely understood.

Nami and the others suddenly felt that he was too tragic, too unlucky,

and too pitiful.

Luffy couldn't help sighing, this guy is really unlucky, the saddest man

among pirates.

Whoever it is, the mentality will collapse.

This matter must also be resolved.

After the settlement, the Five Emperors Straw Hats will come to

Chambord! .

Chapter 095 Two generals, coming to Chambord!

After Dibaru finished speaking, he cried out of grievance.

"Woooooo...I'm so miserable"

While crying, he spoke out his grievances, and Dibaru felt a little better.

However, still resentful.

Looking at Dibaru with tears streaming down his face, and after listening

to the narration, Nami and the others all understood.

For a moment, even though he was an enemy, he felt sympathy in his

heart. This person is too miserable. In other words, anyone would hate

Sanji to death.

Dibalu roared: "Sanji Blackfoot, all this is your fault-!"

Looking at Sanji, Dibalu kept roaring and venting his grievances.

"Can you understand? Suddenly one day, the fear of countless people

wanting to kill me. Why...why I was hunted down by the navy, and also

by those famous bounty hunters, why. This is all Because you became

famous as a pirate and got a reward, I live in hiding every day. The photo

on the reward list is not like you, but exactly like me! What did I do

wrong? Put my life give me back!"

Dibalu growled in pain.

Luffy and the others were silent, they were the worst pirates.

Sanji stepped forward and shouted, "It's none of my business."

Dibaru became more and more angry: "Aside from you, who else can you

call responsible for this matter?"

Sanji was also devastated: "Shut up, I hate that reward list too."

"Too pathetic."

"Sanji, you are responsible."

"He's miserable."

"If it were me, I would be **** off and hate you to death."

"Originally the culprit was someone else. One day I was drinking tea at

home and reading a newspaper, and then a group of sailors rushed in to

arrest me, and a bounty hunter wanted to kill me. Thinking about it, I


Nami and the others began to complain.

Sanji was very helpless, looked at Dibaru, and scolded: "In this case, can't

you change your hairstyle, trim your eyebrows, and shave your beard?"

Hearing this, Dibaru was stunned.

Thinking about it this way, it seemed right, why hadn't I thought of it all


"I... I didn't think of it before..."

Dibalu's words caused Sanji to hold his forehead, giving him a headache.

Sanji scolded: "So, you are an idiot!"

Dibaru's face was gloomy: "It's easy to say, I have such a distinctive face,

even if I change the shape, I will still be recognized!"

Sanji didn't say anything, just jumped up and kicked Dibaru's face

quickly, causing Dibaru to scream in pain.

"Plastic shoot!"

After kicking hundreds of kicks, Dibaru was kicked away.

He fell to the ground with an ugly face and grief.

"Damn it, it's so strong. I wish I could be so strong, but I don't. I'm

considered a pirate with a bounty of 800 million Baileys. I don't have that

strength at all."

Dibaru stood up, desperate, his fighting spirit dissipated, waiting to be

killed, he wanted to be relieved.

Chapter 83

However, after standing up, his subordinates were stunned, looking at

Dibalu's face in disbelief.

"Why are you staring at me like this?" Dibaru was puzzled.

"Boss, look in the mirror."

The subordinates took out the mirror and handed it over. Dibaru took a

look and stayed where he was.

After the sluggishness passed, Dibaru's body was shaking with

excitement, and he was completely changed. He thought it was not him,

because he became handsome! Became a blonde!

Lu Fei was not surprised, he couldn't help but think of Tang Bohu's return

of Piao Piao punch from Qiu Xiangli.

Then Sanji's kicks can be called back to me.

Sanji said: "I changed the shape of your face for you, shouldn't you

complain and hate me?"

Dibaru is very happy, the root cause has been solved, naturally he will

not hate him, and he will not be hunted down in the future.

Dibaru said politely: "Master Blackfoot, I thank you so much for making

me so handsome that even I am fascinated by me. In fact, I have no

intention of killing you, I just want to vent my grievances. Tell me your

grievances, the poison just now can't even kill small animals, it scares


It is indeed the case, he also knows that he does not have this strength at

all, but he must find himself and vent his anger, otherwise he will

collapse with grievances, and he will not die with grievances.

Dibaru kept looking at himself in the mirror, obsessed: "It's so handsome,

I don't think the mount should be a black bull, it's better to change to a

white horse."

This made Sanji very speechless: "Although he looks better, don't be

narcissistic, he won't be so handsome."

After all, Dibaru was too ugly before, but when he looks better, he feels


"Let's go, this little matter is settled." Sanji turned and boarded the boat.

To solve this tragic matter, Luffy and others went to the Chambord

Islands not far away.

On the boat, Hachi started making takoyaki, which was delicious. Luffy

and the others devoured it. It was delicious.

Soon, approaching the Chambord Islands, you can see that the

surroundings and even the air are full of floating bubbles, and they also

make all the sounds of bubbles.

Even though Luffy knows this place, but coming here in person and

feeling it, his eyes are shining, it's so beautiful.

Nami praised: "This place is so beautiful."

Usopp was surprised: "It's strange, how the bubbles are formed."

Kemi is all: "This island was formed naturally. In fact, it is not an island,

but a tree. The world's largest mangrove "Yarqimanmangrove", because

the roots of the tree are always exposed on the water, it forms a shampoo

Earth Islands. The biggest feature of the incense here is that the roots of

the Alchiman mangrove secrete a special natural resin due to respiration,

and the resin expands with air to form bubbles, and then flies to the sky.

Its mangrove climate range, once the bubbles leave the Chambord Islands

climate range, the resinous components will explode because they cannot

fully exert their power."

"There are many interesting things on the island, such as bubble cars,

bubble ferris wheels, houses built on bubbles, etc. Bubble culture

permeates every place on Chambord Island."

This means that Luffy and others really want to go to the island to play

and see.

Sailing adventure is not only about fighting, but also experiencing the

customs and wonders of various places.

Soon, the ship approached Tree No. 41.

Xiao Ba said: "This is the place, we can stop here and go to the island."

Luffy and the others jumped up and landed on the land.

The Straw Hats of the Five Emperors have come to the Chambord Islands!

Luffy knows what is about to happen, and it will happen, but it will

definitely be stronger.

Luffy knows that the battle to seal the emperor is coming!

Stop thinking about it and play first.

Xiao Ba reminded: "Everyone, remember that it is the No. 41 tree. If you

want to come back like this, you won't get lost. All area codes are

connected by bridges."

Usopp felt that this was useless to one person, and complained: "Even so,

someone will definitely get lost."

In the distance, Luffy saw the Bubble Ferris Wheel and suggested, "Let's

go ride on that."

Chopper nodded again and again: "Okay."

Kemi is also very interested: "Chambord Park, it's very interesting, and

the bubble ferris wheel is something I've always wanted to do. But, I still

forget it."

Papagu reminded: "Yeah, you can't go, you are a mermaid, you have to

hide here."

However, Luffy said: "It's okay, with us here, even if this is the Chambord

Islands, it's okay."

Luffy understands Kemi's worry, after all, the traffic here is very serious.

Kemi worried: "But, I still won't sit down, you go, and try to avoid

trouble if you can."

Luffy directly pulled Kemi over and started playing.


"It's okay, don't worry."

Luffy turned his head and grinned, this smile made Kaimi feel very

relieved suddenly, he no longer resisted, and was ready to have fun.

Xiao Ba said: "You guys play first, and then I will take you to find a

coating craftsman, wrap your boats in resin, and then you can go to

Murloc Island. This is also the only way to go to Murloc Island, so you

must find a craftsman. A skilled craftsman, it will be very dangerous to

find bad ones. But don't worry, I know a trustworthy craftsman, and I'll

take you to find them after you're done playing."

Brook said: "Mr. Octopus is really a considerate and good man."

Luffy naturally knew who he was looking for.

Xiao Ba sternly reminded: "However, I hope you will promise me one

thing. After entering the town, you will meet many world nobles, that is,

residents who live in the holy land of Mariejoa. You must promise me

that no matter what happens , don't conflict with the nobles of the world.

Especially... people wearing bubble hoods! Even if someone is killed by

the nobles in front of you, don't worry about it, just pretend you didn't

see it."

Xiao Ba's face became extremely serious, and he repeatedly reminded:

"Don't worry about it, otherwise the consequences will be very serious. I

don't want everyone to be in danger, so you must remember, everyone."

Luffy nodded superficially: "Okay, got it."

Luffy, Chopper, Usopp, and Cammy are going to play the Bubble Ferris

Wheel, but Zoro expresses no interest.

Zoro turned and left, which made Sanji and the others change their


"Hey, Zoro, where are you going alone?"

Sauron turned around and said bluntly, "Of course I'm going for a walk.

What's the matter? Want to go together?"

"Who is with you? Haven't you realized why we asked you?" Sanji was

speechless, and shouted: "Don't go for a walk alone, you road idiot, this is

an archipelago. If you get lost, look for it." You are in trouble."

Sauron didn't care, thinking it was impossible to get lost, pointed to the

numbers on the big tree, and said calmly: "Who would get lost on such a

simple road, isn't the number of each area written on the big tree, the

worst thing is to find someone Just ask, and the children can be found."

Luffy stopped at this time: "Zoro, let's stay with us, you rest and wait for

a while, we will play for a while."

Relying on rest, Sauron felt it was okay.

Lying on the big tree, Sauron was about to close his eyes and rest, with

some dissatisfaction on his face, muttering.

"I'm walking alone, those guys are so nervous, they really look down on

me. Who would get lost in this kind of place, call me like a road idiot.

Forget it, just wait for them, let's go together." Sauron closed his eyes and

rested .

Luffy and others started to sit on the Ferris wheel, and found it very

magical. When they reached the highest point, they could see farther


"The view is great."

"As you turn around, you can see every scene."

"so happy."

Cammy was very happy and grateful to Luffy, otherwise she would be

really dangerous.

After playing for a while, wake up Zoro, and follow Xiaoba to find the


Along the way, I bought the good and strange ones I saw, and tried them

when I saw the unique specialties of the Chambord Islands. Basically,

they were all delicious, so I bought them all.

0····Ask for flowers····

Franky and Usopp are responsible for carrying the bag, and as the force

continues, the bag gets bigger and bigger because it contains more and


Xiao Ba kept reminding: "People wearing bubble hoods should not be

messed with. They are the most noble nobles in the world, Tianlong

people. I will continue to say this, and I have said it many times. Next, I

will talk about other things. A few points to pay attention to."

"This island, as I said just now, gathers newcomers who want to go to the

new world. There are pirates as famous as you, and there are also navies

who hunt them down, as well as bounty hunters and kidnapping groups.

Even pirates will be kidnapped , and is not protected by the law. The

navy here is not ordinary, because the headquarters of the navy is not far

from the Chambords Islands, so the bounty hunters here are very strong,

because ordinary people dare not come, even if they dare to come , did

not come here, but was caught by the navy."

Lu Fei felt a little headache when he heard it, and nodded again and

again: "Understood, needless to say."

Xiaoba stopped rambling, although he still wanted to say that there are

still many supernovas, but he also knew that the Straw Hats are powerful

among newcomers, so he didn't say anything.

In order to avoid trouble, Cammy bought a skirt on the boat, which looks

like a human being.

Xiao Ba thought of something, and hurriedly said: "One last thing, really

the last thing, is to kneel down when you see a Tianlongren, and if you

are far away, you must hide, even if you are the same, even if it is Other

supernovas will do the same."

Chopper was very puzzled: "Dragon man, are you very powerful?"

"Most are not great, ordinary people."

"Then why do you do that?"

"Because you can't offend them. Although they are not powerful,

powerful pirates will not provoke them, because if something happens to

the Tianlongren, even if it is a slight injury, the admiral will be



Hearing this, Chopper's face changed. The admiral naturally knew that he

was powerful, so it's no wonder that powerful pirates dare not provoke


Xiaoba explained: "Admirals will come, maybe one, maybe two,

depending on the situation. Because this place is very close to the Navy

headquarters, they will come very quickly, so the lawless pirates dare not

do anything to the Tianlong people. "

Usopp was puzzled: "Admiral, why do you try your best to protect the

Celestial Dragons? They are special?"

"Because they inherited the blood of the Creator, 20 kings established the

world government eight hundred years ago, and the Tianlong people are

the descendants of those kings."

After understanding, Luffy and others continued to move forward.

However, suddenly a group of bounty hunters popped up, very excited.

"Hahaha, the Straw Hat Pirates, whose bounties add up to more than 4

billion Baileys, are going to make a lot of money."

Being surrounded, Luffy is not surprised. This world has no brains. There

are many idiots who attack the strong for money and fame.

Brooke said, "Leave it to me."

Brook drew his sword and walked towards the pirates. After approaching,

there was a sudden flicker and he came behind them. The moment the

sword was sheathed, the bounty hunters' chests were bleeding,

screaming, and they all fell to the ground and were dealt with.

This also deterred other bounty hunters and kidnapping groups who

wanted to do something in the dark, and they dared not make a move.

Hands are necessary lest the flies bother them.

far away.

One of the supernova pirates saw this scene and was surprised.

"The newest member of the Straw Hats, Brooke, is offering a bounty of

300 million Baileys."

"Although it's quite strong, but as a crew member of the Straw Hats, the

bounty offered is higher than our captain's. It's disgusting."

"Although it is high, it is definitely not as powerful as our captain. This

time, I will show my skills in the Chambord Islands. I believe I will

surpass it."

"It's not a problem to exceed the bounty offered by the Straw Hats, but

for Straw Hat Luffy, the bounty is too high."

"Even, it's hard to surpass Blackfoot Sanji and Roronoa Zoro."

"Don't care about the bounty, the captain must be better than them."

"Captain, I finally came here and met them. Do you want to do it? Defeat

them, so as to become famous and let the navy know that we are the

strongest among the newcomers."

These pirates are eager to try and are very excited.

This pirate group is the Hawkins Pirates.

"Captain, do you want to do a divination first? See the probability?"

Hawkins had already laid out the cards in front of him, which made the

eyes of his subordinates brighten, looking forward to it, and the

divination was about to start.

Hawkins' voice was low: "Let's do divination first, the Hawkins Pirates,

what is the winning percentage against the Straw Hat Pirates?"

Hawkins took down a card, and his face suddenly changed, becoming

heavy, startled, and frowning.

"Captain, what is the winning percentage? Isn't it high?"

Seeing this expression, the subordinates knew that it might not be high.

Hawkins shocked: "It's not that it's not high, but the winning rate is...



They were shocked, it was acceptable to be lower, but it turned out to be


Hawkins takes another card.

"So, the Hawkins Pirates, what is the winning percentage against Straw

Hat Luffy alone?"

The subordinates calm down, this time the winning rate must be very

high, even 100%, after all, their entire pirate group is against the straw


The next moment, Hawkins saw the probability, and his face changed

drastically! I can't believe it!

"How could it be...it turned out to be..." Cun.

Chapter 84

Chapter 096 Supernova? No, they're all cadres of the imperial regiment!

The subordinates were shocked again, the captain's face was even worse

than before.

Shouldn't it be...

They think it is impossible, it must be impossible, but this time their

entire Hawkins Pirates deal with Straw Hat Luffy alone.

"Captain... the odds are... how much? Is it very low?"

They feel that it is impossible to be the same as before, and it should be

very low.

However, Hawkins, who was always planning and calm, became

extremely serious.

"The probability is still...zero."


The subordinates were terrified, still zero?

It's fine if the pirates can't beat the Straw Hats, but against the captain of

the Straw Hats alone, is it zero? Straw Hat Luffy, so strong?

It hit them hard, especially Hawkins.

Both are supernovas, why is the gap so big? A pirate group can't beat a

straw hat.

Hawkins frowned, and continued to divination. He was still alone in the

Hawkins Pirates against the Straw Hats. This time, he chose Sauron, who

offered a bounty of 800 million Baileys.

"My Hawkins Pirates have a zero win rate against the Straw Hats alone.

After all, they are the strongest existence of the Straw Hats. Then, what

will the Hawkins Pirates' win rate be against Roronoa Zoro?"

Hawkins muttered to himself, feeling that it couldn't be zero.

The subordinates also felt that it was impossible.

"It's absolutely impossible to be zero."

"I can understand it when you think about it. After all, there is a bounty

of 1.3 billion, the captain of the Straw Hats, so since it is not the captain,

it must be fine."

"If it's still zero, I'll pee upside down."

They believe very much, and they are also confident in the strength of

their pirate group.

However, after the divination, Hawkins' complexion changed drastically


This made the crew's hearts sink again, will not...

Hawkins' face was heavy and shocked: "Why, it's zero again."

The crew was shocked, how could...

It's not the captain, still making them invincible to the Hawkins Pirates?

Shocked to the extreme, Hawkins was hit hard by "Four Nine Three", also

the Nova Pirates, is there such a big gap?

They can't win against Sauron alone.

Hawkins didn't think the divination would be wrong, it was impossible to

be wrong.

"I heard that I was able to fight against the world's number one

swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, for two days and two nights. It doesn't

seem like an exaggeration."

"The winning rate is still zero, it's still acceptable..."

"Captain, let's test the others. It's impossible for the Straw Hats to be such

monsters, right? It's impossible that none of us can defeat them, right?"

Hearing this, Hawkins laughed, thinking it was ridiculous.

One of his subordinates slapped the person who said this.

"What are you talking about, don't talk about me, the captain laughed."

"I also think it's ridiculous. The Straw Hats and Zoro are really powerful,

but it can't be said that we can't beat any of the Straw Hats, right? It's too


"Yes, it can't be zero anymore. If it is zero again, I will really pee on my

head this time."

Hawkins and his men felt it was ridiculous, that was impossible.

Hawkins began to test the winning percentage of their pirate group

against Blackfoot Sanji.

The subordinates looked forward to watching, and felt that this time it

must not be zero.


Hawkins' eyes widened, his pupils contracted, and he muttered to

himself, "Why...why..."

He, who has always been calm, was incoherent in shock.

The subordinates looked at each other, could it still be...

Hawkins was horrified: "Our winning rate is zero, and our team's death

rate is 100%."

Men: "!!"

Still the same result, they were stunned in place.

After the horror, they took a deep breath, so devastated.

"Captain, keep testing, it's impossible to keep doing this."

"I heard that these three are the three main forces of the Straw Hat

Regiment, so such a result is not too outrageous."

"Yeah, it will definitely not happen again in the future."

"Aren't you going to pee upside down?"

"Next one, if the next one is still zero, I'll make a big one!"

Hawkins' face was extremely ugly at this time, even if his subordinates

did not let him continue to test, he would continue to test.

"I don't believe it. It's always zero. That's impossible. The three main

players are zero and non-main players. My Hawkins Pirates must have a

very high winning rate."

Hawkins' confidence in his pirate group is even more confident in his

own strength. After all, he is also a bounty of 249 million.

Facing the three main forces is zero, although it was a blow, but he was

forced to accept it, after all, there is a lot of difference in rewards. But,

compared with other people, wouldn't it be the same?

Hawkins felt that it would definitely not happen, and said in a deep

voice: "Next, choose Usopp who has a bounty of 400 million Baileys!"

The men were upset.

"A sniper of the Straw Hats has a much higher bounty than our captain."

"The strength is definitely not as good as our captain's. Because he is in

the Straw Hats, the bounty is so high. In reality, it is definitely not as

high as the captain's."

"This time, our winning percentage must be very high."

"What must be very high, our winning rate must be 100%! It doesn't even

need the captain to test our entire pirate group against him, and directly

test the captain alone against Usopp. They are all sure to win."


However, Hawkins hasn't changed.

"The Hawkins Pirates vs. Usopp, the probability is..."

Hawkins began to measure, but in the next moment, he was shocked to

the point of being stunned again.

The subordinates were dumbfounded again, could it be...impossible...

Hawkins' face was gloomy, puzzled: "Why, it's still zero..."

The subordinates looked at each other in blank dismay, it was impossible

to make mistakes, that was true...

"Why, even if it is really 400 million, it is impossible to destroy us


"Could it be that Usopp's reward is not only higher, but lower?"

"Supernova Pirates, why are their subordinates so terrifying? Stronger

than the captain of Supernova?"

Hawkins is already a little crazy, so continue to test.

"The Hawkins Pirates are offering a bounty of 300 million Baileys, Nami,

the navigator of the Straw Hats."

However, their win rate is still zero...

Continue to measure.

To Franky who offered a bounty of 300 million.

They have zero win rate...

To Brook, who offered a bounty of 300 million.

Still zero...

For Nami, who has a bounty of 300 million...Zero...

For Robin who offered a bounty of 300 million...Zero...

Everyone in the entire Hawkins Pirates and Hawkins no longer looked

shocked, but were so shocked that they were numb, and they all stayed

there, completely silent.

Because, the whole pirate group is one, all zero.

I thought the three main forces were strong and the snipers were strong,

but unexpectedly, they were all monsters? ! Their entire pirate group,

can't beat any of them?

Supernova's Hawkins was hit hard. As a subordinate of the Supernova

Pirates, his sense of superiority was gone. It was too hard.

"Why is it so scary..."

"Even if it's 300 million, it's only a little higher than the captain, but our

combined winning percentage is not low, but zero."

"The bounties offered by the Straw Hats are too low, not too high!"

"If I don't believe that the captain can't make mistakes, I think this is a


"Our Hawkins Pirates, any one of the Straw Hats can't beat us at all..."

"No... there is one more! We can definitely beat this one! It looks like a

pet, and it looks easy to bully!"

A pirate remembered, and now, the Straw Hats have another one they

haven't tested.

Take out the reward list, unfold it and present it in front of everyone. On

it is a cute little reindeer, looking at the cotton candy in his hand, his

eyes are shining.

No matter how you look at it, they all look very weak and easy to bully.

No matter how you look at them, they look like straw hat boat pets.

After the numbness passed, Hawkins naturally wanted to test. Anyway,

after so many tests, this is the only one left.

Originally, those who didn't want to test it didn't need to test it. Their

entire pirate group must have a 100% winning rate against such a small

reindeer, so they don't even need to think about it.

But now, they have to take a test to make up for their broken hearts.

Hawkins said: "Our Hawkins Pirates, against the Straw Hat Pirates' ship

doctor, Tony Tony Chopper who has a bounty of 300 million Baileys, the

winning rate is..."

Started testing, they are not worried.

"I will definitely win this time."

"Although it is a bit shameful, we have so many fights with a small pet,

and we have nothing to be proud of when we win, but let's take some


"I didn't even want to test it, it seems too weak."

"This time it is zero again, and I will really stand on my head!"

However, the next moment, Hawkins slumped directly against the wall.

Hawkins looks like he has no love for life and doubts about life.

The subordinates were stunned, this expression... Could it be...

"Captain, is it still..."

They looked at it in disbelief and asked in disbelief.

Hawkins nodded in dismay: "It's still the same result. Our winning rate is

zero, and the death rate of the group is 100%."

Chapter 85

All staff: "..."

They stayed in a daze, and once again looked at the cute and harmless

reindeer eating marshmallows on the bounty list, and then looked at the

captain who was paralyzed on the ground.

Unexpectedly, still can't beat...

Is their Supernova Pirates too weak? Or are the Straw Hats too strong?

Even if they are too strong, not everyone in the Straw Hats is stronger

than them, right?

Originally, they came to the Chambord Islands with high spirits and high

morale, ready to enter the new world and show their strengths, but now,

they are all wilted.

The entire Hawkins Pirates fell silent, no one spoke, they were all silent,

to be precise, they were all autistic.

As for the previous idea, to become famous by fighting the Straw Hat

Pirates? Now I don't have that idea at all.

After autism, they thought, how could this be the Supernova Pirates at

the same time, facing the Four Emperors, it's nothing more than that,


Even in the face of the most balanced Iron Wall Pirates, the Red Hair

Pirates, it is impossible for their pirates to defeat any one of them.

The Straw Hat Pirates are too outrageous, too weird, so they can't see

through them at all.

At this time, Luffy and others didn't know that because of them, the

Supernova Pirates and the Hawkins Pirates had collectively closed

themselves off.

Luffy and others rode the bubble car happily, and under the leadership of

Xiao Ba, they went to find the coating craftsman.

Xiaoba explained: "Areas 1 to 29: mainly include human trafficking

shops, human auctions, illegal areas, etc."

"No. 30 to 39: There are mainly soap bubble parks, etc."

"No. 40 to No. 49: mainly tourist areas, specialty shops, etc. 0...."

"No. 50 to 59: Mainly shipyards, coating craftsmen, etc."

Nami and the others were puzzled: "Then it seems to be going to the area

from 1 to 29 now? Don't you go to 50 to 59?"

Xiaoba explained: "Go to area 13 first, the coating craftsman I know is

most likely there."

This made Nami and the others understand.

Soon, came to the thirteenth area.

Xiao Ba sighed softly: "It's been ten years since he came here, he should

still be here often."

Sanji curiously asked: "Is the coating craftsman a mermaid? Is it male or


Kaimi said: "It's not a mermaid. Papagu and I don't know it very well. We

only know that he is a very powerful person."

Sanji suddenly lost interest and didn't look forward to it.

Lu Fei and others got off the bubble car and went up the stairs. A tavern

came into view. The sign read: Xia Qi's Rip-off.

Xiao Ba glanced at the door, happy: "It seems to be still open."

Xiao Ba was the first to push the door open, looking forward to: "Lei Li,

Xia Qi, are you there?"

After Luffy and the others came in, they saw Xia Qi, the female owner of

the hotel with short black hair.

Xia Qi's eyes lit up: "You are... Xiao Ba, long time no see, you have

changed so much."

In front of Xia Qi, Xiao Ba is like a child.

"Long time no see, Xia Qi."

"It's been a long time, more than ten years."

Xia Qi glanced at Lu Fei and the others, and said, "You can sit and eat

whatever you want."

Luffy and the others were not polite. After sitting down, Luffy went to

open the refrigerator first, and there were all kinds of delicious food in it.

"Then I won't be polite."

Luffy took out canned fish, ice cream, drinks, etc. and started eating and


Xia Qi said, "You guys are the Straw Hats."

"You know us."

Although they are very famous, it is a little surprising that they are not

known to everyone.

Xia Qi nodded: "Of course I know, you are the hottest people, not to

mention that I am still an informant. I also guessed the purpose of your

coming here. You are going to Fishman Island. Xiao Ba brought you to

find Rayleigh Coating."

Luffy nodded: "Yes."

Xia Qi said: "He's not here now, but he should still be on this island. Don't

worry, we'll meet him soon. In addition, I've learned that there are

currently 18 wanted criminals with a bounty of over 100 million on the

Chambord Islands. Among them, your Straw Hat Pirates accounted for

nine, or in other words, all of your Straw Hat Pirates are criminals worth

over 100 million, which is really amazing. Eighteen, you account for half,

and the top nine with bounties, It's all you."

Nami and the others were a little curious. Besides the nine of them, there

was one who offered a bounty of over 100 million.

"You guys are a little interested, let me tell you about it. You entered the

great route, there are seven routes at the entrance, you have gone

through some battles to get here, and the pirates on the other six routes

are the same, conquering all kinds of hardships to come here. No matter

Whichever path you choose, you will eventually come here, and go to

Murloc Island. Therefore, you will gather on this island."

"So, it is rare to see newcomers of the same period in the world gathered

at the same time. However, although they are all powerful, because you

are too dazzling, their light is covered, and few people pay attention to

them. They're all following you."

"Their bounties are... the big eater, Joelie Bonnie, and the bounty is

100,431,000 Baileys."

"Magician, Basil Hawkins, bounty, 249 million Baileys."

"Haiming, Dianyin Apu, the bounty is 198 million Baileys."

"Eustace Kidd, bounty, 315 million Baileys."

"Red Flag, Dies Dorregu, the reward is 222 million Baileys."

"Strange monk, Ulgi, the bounty is 108 million Baileys."

"Kill the samurai, Kira, the bounty is 162 million Baileys."

"Death surgeon, Telfalgar Law, the bounty is 200 million Belly."

"Capone Becky, the bounty is 138 million Baileys."

"There are very few people who can come here after entering the great

route, so the great route is a huge survival knockout competition. Those

who can come here are all elites selected from thousands of miles.

Someone among them may become the leader of the next generation.

Characters from the Pirate Era. With so many newcomers coming here at

once, the Chambord Islands should be more chaotic than ever."

"And the newcomers who can come here and offer a bounty of over 100

million are called supernovas. So, you are really amazing, the Straw Hat

Pirates, not only the Supernova Pirates, but all the people in your Straw

Hats are all supernovas."

Xia Qi thinks that the Straw Hats are really powerful, never seen before,

even the original Roger Pirates are not as good as the Straw Hats.

After Xia Qi finished speaking, Lu Fei corrected: "Well, can I correct a

little mistake?"

Xia Qi was taken aback, did she make a mistake?

Xia Qi smiled: "Of course I am happy to hear you correct your mistakes.

What kind of mistakes are they? What is wrong?"

Luffy said sternly: "One thing is wrong, not all of us are supernovas."

Xia Qi was taken aback by these words, and smiled: "You are too


However, Luffy shook his head: "It's not about being modest, I want to

say, they are not supernovas, they are all... officials of the imperial


Xia Qi: "??!!".

Chapter 097 Five Emperors Luffy! One punch a supernova!

Xia Qi was stunned, she thought that Lu Fei was being modest, but she


They're not supernovas, they're all royal cadres...

So, as the captain, Luffy is the Five Emperors?

Xia Qi was shocked, perhaps, it was really not an exaggeration, after all,

the general Qingzhi's actions all failed.

Moreover, Xia Qi felt that something must have happened on Judiciary

Island, which she was curious about.

As an intelligence officer, she didn't know what happened on Judiciary

Island, which made her realize that something must have happened,

which was covered up by the navy and the world government.

Xia Qi was curious: "Can you tell me, Judiciary Island, what happened?

Have you clashed with the navy and the world government?"

Luffy nodded and started talking.

Next, the more Xia Qi listened, the more shocked she became.

The Straw Hats alone repelled the Demon Slaughter Order, and then the

Straw Hats crushed cp9. Even in the face of cp0, they had an advantage,

thus defeating the world government and navy.

After the shock, Xia Qi became more and more convinced that what Lu

Fei said just now was not exaggerated.

Xia Qi said: "In this case, even if you encounter other supernovas, you

won't have any trouble."

Xia Qi suggested: "Okay, let's go to Leili. We have to wait for him to come

back. I don't know when. As for the specific location, go to No. 1 to No.

29 first, the illegal area. It's easier to find. The other nine The supernovas

are all there, too."

"Okay thank you."

"It's okay, you also told me some important things."

Usopp asked worriedly: "Is it possible that the coating craftsman is in an

illegal area? It's very dangerous there. Will he be fine?"

Xia Qi smiled: "It's okay, he is very powerful, and he will not be inferior

to your captain."

This shocked Usopp and others, won't it be inferior to Luffy?

They have seen Luffy's fighting power, the fourth gear is strong, defeated

the Golden Lion, so this Rayleigh is also very strong.

Usopp is also relieved, so as long as he finds it, there is no need to worry

about his accident.

Robin wondered: "There are so many supernova pirates gathered here,

and they are very close to the Navy headquarters. Why does the Navy

seem to be silent?"

Robin wanted to know, and found it very strange. Logically speaking, the

navy would definitely come, so I wanted to ask Xia Qi, who was in

charge of intelligence, what was going on.

Xia Qi guessed: "Maybe the navy is too busy because of other things. So,

you are very lucky."

Robin understood. Although he didn't know the specifics, he didn't need

to understand too much, as long as he knew the reason.

Xia Qi said: "So, as long as you don't cause too much trouble, nothing will

happen to 04."

Luffy smiled and nodded: "That's right, I see, thank you for reminding

me, let's go and find the coating craftsman."

Lawless zone, area two.

At this moment, wearing a bubble hood, the ugly and fat Celestial

Dragon, Saint Charlos was riding a slave in front of the street.

All the people on both sides of the street knelt down for a moment, not

daring to move, their faces pressed to the ground.

Even supernovas choose to hide or kneel down.

Urki watched from afar, with an unhappy expression, but he couldn't

help it.

"That's the Tianlong people. They are so unscrupulous and ostentatious in

the lawless area. They are really a troublesome race. It seems that they

can only kneel down and wait for him to pass."

Even if it is a supernova, they dare not provoke it, because they know

that the consequences will be serious.

At this time, Luffy and others are about to come here.

When he was about to get here, Sanji stopped, his eyes lit up, and he ran

up immediately.

This made Luffy and the others stagnate and looked over.

"Hey, Sanji, what are you doing?" Luffy asked suspiciously.

Usopp and others were also puzzled, but after looking at it, they found

that Sanji's eyes were full of love, and they all understood.

Luffy followed Sanji's eyes and looked over, and understood, he saw a

beautiful woman. Moreover, this beauty is no stranger to Lu Fei, and she

has some impressions.

Because, she is a nurse wearing a white short skirt nurse uniform, with a

slender figure, a pair of white long legs that are conspicuous, and she is

also good-looking.

Lu Fei remembers that in the original plot, the nurse and the doctor were

carrying the patient and met the Tianlongren walking on the street, and

the patient was shot dead by the Tianlongren.

Luffy secretly said: "It seems that we haven't met yet, but we will meet

soon, but maybe because of Sanji approaching to strike up a

conversation, it will change, and we won't meet Tianlongren."

Luffy thinks so, it is very possible.

After all, coming here didn't mean that everyone was scattered like in the

plot, so it caused a little change.

"Miss Nurse, my heart is not feeling well, it's beating very fast, can you

take a look for me?" Sanji approached and covered his heart, asking for


The nurse apologized: "I'm sorry, we are transporting the seriously

injured to the hospital. Our hospital is in the seventh district, and the

name is..."

The nurse said the name and location, and asked Sanji to come later,

Sanji nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, after finishing the matter, I will go to you." Sanji watched the

nurse leave.

Later, when the nurses and doctors carried the patient through the street,

they happened to miss the Tianlong people.

When Luffy and others passed by, they didn't meet them, but they will

meet them soon, at the auction house.

Because, Cammy knew one thing, a mermaid was kidnapped.

Chapter 86

Because the Straw Hats followed her, the nearby kidnapping group

shifted their targets, and a mermaid was kidnapped from another Murloc


When Cammy found out, she was a little confused.

Luffy saw the tangled Kemi and asked, "Cami, what's on your mind?"

Kemi didn't want to talk about it, and didn't want to trouble Luffy.

Lu Fei was sure that something happened, and said: "We are friends, we

can talk about anything, if we don't say it, we will be unhappy, and we

will look too unfamiliar, and we will be too polite."

Kemi was moved and grateful for this, so he said it directly.

Luffy understood: "It's a small matter, then let's go to the No. 1

population auction."

"Thank you, Luffy!" Kemi was grateful.

However, at this time, there were supernovas all around, some in the

alley, some in the store, and gradually, they all noticed the Straw Hats.

In the restaurant.

Two supernova pirates are eating inside, a beautiful girl with pink long

straight hair, wearing denim shorts, white half-sleeved shirt, brown short-

heeled boots, and heart-shaped lipstick is eating, but she is eating The

appearance is very mismatched, and the hands are all kinds of food, and

they are gobbling up.

She is impressively, one of the supernovas, Joelle Bonney.

The surrounding civilians stared blankly.

"It's a terrible sight to eat."

"Look at how thin she is, but she eats a lot. Is her stomach a bottomless


"The table was full of empty bowls, and they were stacked so high that

they almost reached the roof."

"It's delicious."

While eating, Bonnie felt that it was not enough and too slow, so she

muttered while eating.

"Continue to serve me food, it's almost finished."

The back kitchen is already as busy as ants on a hot pan.

The other pirate group, mostly dressed in black, looks gentlemanly,

especially those who are eating, even more gentlemanly, as if eating

Western food, with a sense of ceremony. He is one of the supernovas,


Becky was upset: "What a vulgar woman, I don't like it, I'm going to tell

her to shut up."

"The Straw Hats are outside."

Hearing this, Becky's eyes lit up, and the target shifted immediately.

Bonnie's subordinates also informed her, which aroused her interest and

wanted to see how strong she was.

In the tavern opposite the hotel, there are two Supernova Pirates, the

Kidd Pirates and the Radio Pirates.

Kidd and Apu looked at each other, full of gunpowder. As Apu raised his

**** provocatively, Kidd stood up abruptly and smiled defiantly.

"court death."

Meanwhile, outside, Drake is about to fight Kira.

However, when they knew that the Straw Hats were passing by,

Supernova didn't intend to fight anymore, but all focused on the Straw


"Go, go out and have a look, I have long wanted to see the strength of the

straw hat."

Kidd walked out first, this is one of the goals of coming here, another

goal, of course, is coating.

Therefore, it must be met.

The same goes for other supernovae, Apu was excited: "Finally met."

Outside, on the street, Luffy and the others stopped, because several

figures were seen in front, back, left, and right.

At a glance, Luffy recognized all of them. It was Kidd and the other nine


Usopp was taken aback: "What are these nine guys doing?"

Sauron narrowed his eyes: "Exactly nine, could it be..."

Frankie understood: "Is it the other nine supernovae?"

Sanji's eyes were completely attracted by Bonnie, and his eyes lit up: "It's

so beautiful."

All of a sudden, the Chambord Islands, eighteen supernovas, were all


Kidd and other supernovas are unhappy in their hearts. Of the eighteen

supernovas, the Straw Hats account for half.

Moreover, the rewards offered by the Straw Hats are very high, and the

rewards offered by Straw Hat Luffy are even higher. None of their

rewards are as much as the Straw Hats' rewards.

Before coming here, I wanted to meet. After all, the rookie pirates at the

same time, they were proud and arrogant, and their light was completely

covered by the straw hats. At this time, except for Guo Luo, the other

eight supernovas were all full of fighting spirit. .

Sensing the rising fighting spirit around him, Sauron grinned: "It seems

that they want to fight."

Usopp felt it: "Well, and they are all coming towards Luffy."

Nami asked: "Luffy, what are you planning?"

Luffy said: "The battle is inevitable, you wait for me for a while, and then

we will continue to the population auction."

"Okay, then we'll wait for you for a while."

Nami and the others stepped aside immediately, ready to watch the


And the conversation of the Straw Hats made the supernovas look ugly,

even Luo raised his brows.

Kidd is naturally angry, the meaning of this is obvious, wait for a while,

it means that the battle will end soon, and it won't take long.

To them, this is contempt and shame.

Fighting alone, it is understandable for the straw hat to say this, but now

it seems that the nine supernovas all want to fight with Luffy.

Moreover, that's all for the straw hats to say, and the rest of the straw

hats feel that it will be over in a while. This is not only the straw hats

who despise their nine supernovas, but the whole straw hat group despise


"Damn it, I underestimated Lao Tzu too much." Kidd was angry.

Urky: "It sounds really bad."

Becky: "What a crazy kid."

Hawkins: "I'm no match for him alone, but with nine of us, it's impossible

to beat him alone."

Kidd smiled: "Go together? You watch, I will come alone."

Kidd took a step forward, spread out his arms, and used the magnetic

fruit. Suddenly, various metal objects were attracted, and his arms

gathered together. In the blink of an eye, his arms became giant

mechanical arms.

Just when Kidd was about to do it, Luffy was not interested and


"You nine go up together, or I'm not interested."

As soon as these words came out, Kidd became even more furious, and

the others were also angry, did they underestimate them?

They are also supernovas, they are proud and arrogant, but this straw hat

boy is not a bit more arrogant than them.

When they heard this, how could they not be angry, and they were all

ready to attack immediately.

However, Kidd roared: "I've said it all, I'll come alone!"

"Why should I listen to you?" Apu ignored.

"Who do you think you are? Who do you order?" Becky was upset.

Other supernovas naturally wouldn't listen to Kidd.

All of a sudden, the nine supernovas were ready to attack.

Luffy was interested.

However, Kidd's anger rose, but he looked at Apu.

"If you dare to intervene, I will beat you down first!"

Apu is not afraid: "Come on."

This gave Luffy a headache, these guys were fighting among themselves,

and he wanted to beat all nine of them, otherwise it would be really


But it's normal to think about internal strife. After all, they are not a

team, they are all arrogant. If it wasn't because of their presence, they

would have fought a long time ago.

Looking at them arguing, Luffy got impatient.

"Hurry up and do it together, I still have important things to do, I don't

have time to waste time with you here."

Hearing this, the nine supernovas all looked at Luffy again for a moment,

their faces gloomy.

Although they were very unhappy with each other and full of

gunpowder, what the straw hat said just now and now made them even

more angry.

Is it a waste of time to be here with them?

Kidd was furious: "Straw hat, don't look down on people!"

After the words fell, Kidd did it directly, and the rest of the supernovas

also did it.

Luffy grinned: "This is more interesting, then let's play with you."

With a puff, Luffy's body was filled with red steam, and he entered the

second gear.

Kidd attacked first, however, Apu's attack came first, after all, it was a

sonic attack.

Apu hit the top of his head heavily, as if his head was a gong, and

suddenly a circle of invisible sound waves spread, and instantly came to


"Scrape the plate, chop!" 493

In Apu's view, in an instant, Luffy's waist will be bombarded by sound

waves, and he will be injured even if he is not dead.

However, the next moment, Apu widened his eyes, and Luffy disappeared

from his sight!

Kidd took the lead to attack, and the huge mechanical arm slammed

down on Luffy, and Luffy was nowhere to be seen.

"Captain! Behind!"

Apu's men's complexion changed drastically, and they exclaimed.

Apu's face changed in surprise, and the moment he turned around, he

wanted to dodge and fight back, but it was too late, and he was

extremely shocked. Is this a coincidence, or did he dodge his own sonic

attack! ?

The speed of the sound wave attack is so fast, but the speed of sound,

how can it be avoided at such a short distance? It's useless to be fast, you

need a heaven-defying reaction force, right?

However, with Lu Fei's knowledge and speed, he can naturally avoid it.

In the second gear, the fist covering Liuying blasted out, so fast that no

other supernova could see it with naked eyes.

Apu only felt severe pain in his abdomen, sunken, and suddenly flew

upside down like a shell.


Flying hundreds of meters away, more than a dozen houses were

smashed through and collapsed along the way!

Kidd was angry and failed to attack, and the straw hats ignored him.

"Your opponent is me!"

Kidd jumped up, and the giant mechanical arm smashed down.

At the same time, the rest of the supernovas were frightened and did not

dare to be careless.

Becky's body opened like a castle, and there were many villains inside,

some with guns and some with cannons, like a powerful army, shooting

and bombarding Luffy directly.

Immediately, there was continuous bombardment ahead, and the flames

soared into the sky, engulfing Luffy.

Kidd knew that, right in the sea of ​​flames, he said in a deep voice,

"Straw hat, don't die, or it will appear that I am invincible."

Kidd's giant mechanical arm was about to blow down, however, a voice

sounded above his head.

"Third gear! Rubber... like a gun!"

Under Kidd's horrified gaze, Luffy's right hand suddenly became huge,

and it became pitch black, and it hit heavily.

It was too late to be shocked why it came to the top of his head at such a

fast speed, and Kidd bombarded the sky with a pair of giant mechanical



However, at the moment of collision, there was no stalemate, but the

sound of crackling and cracking continued.

Kidd only felt severe pain in his arms, his eyes widened, his pupils

constricted, and the giant mechanical arm collapsed instantly! It

shattered and fell to the ground, becoming the scum in the ground.

And his arms were in excruciating pain. This terrifying force was simply

irresistible. Kidd was hit by a huge black fist and fell directly to the

ground, creating a deep hole, his face covered in blood.

"In the sky, good opportunity!"

Becky was surprised that the straw hat escaped just now, but it is

impossible to escape now.

All of a sudden, all kinds of firepower in the body aimed at the sky.

Chapter 87

However, after the bombardment, Luffy disappeared into the air in a


The supernovae are frightened, and the speed is too fast to catch.

Luffy appeared behind Becky, and Kira rushed over quickly, the sickle in

both hands spun at the speed of sound, buzzing, and cut towards Luffy.

Becky felt uneasy, and before he could turn around, he was blown away

by a punch, in excruciating pain, and flew far away.

Kira, who was cut by the scythe in a flash, did cut into the air. Luffy

easily dodged sideways, without even looking at it. His right fist slammed

to the side, and Kira was blasted away while screaming.

Chapter 098 Nova VS Nova? It's a new star of the Five Emperors!

The other supernovas were also making moves. Drake held the giant ax

in both hands, and Urki clenched his fists tightly. The two took the

opportunity to swipe to the left and right sides of Luffy.

The giant ax slashed down from above, and the powerful fist slammed


However, Luffy stretched out his hands, and the attacks of Drake and

Urgi froze in an instant, because the giant ax and fist were blocked and

grabbed by Luffy with both hands. Luffy's body and arms did not move at

all, but No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't go down, and they

couldn't pull it back, and they felt uneasy.

Luffy slapped his hands, and Urgi and Drake collided violently. After

Luffy let go, the two people who hit the air were disturbed.

"Rubber jet bazooka!"

With both hands lingering, they bombarded quickly, and Urki and Drake

were hit in the face, dented, and flew backwards screaming.

At the same time that Luffy blasted Urgi and Drake away, a figure flashed

behind him and changed, and his whole person was like a straw.

"The appearance of subduing demons!"

Obviously Hawkins, his fingers were like nails, quickly stabbing Luffy.


However, his own attack missed, and Luffy's figure disappeared in front

of him.

"Rubber... machine gun!"

bang bang bang bang...

Hawkins turned around, but he wasn't very worried. It was impossible for

him to be blown away by a single blow, because he could use a

scarecrow to transfer the damage to other people, and stored ten

scarecrows in his body, which was equivalent to ignoring ten fatal


However, Hawkins' eyes widened, his pupils contracted, and there were

dense fists in front of him, and they suddenly rushed towards him, and

there was no way to hide.

Immediately, at the speed of ten punches per second, each punch is


In one second, following the bombardment, Hawkins received ten

punches, and the scarecrows in his limbs fell out, which meant that they

were all transferred.


The scarecrow was completely consumed in an instant, and Hawkins' face

changed drastically. He suddenly felt severe pain, and a terrifying force

struck, even penetrating into his body.



With a scream, Hawkins also flew upside down.


Bonnie rushed over in an instant, and kicked out sideways, but was easily

blocked by Luffy's raised arm without being shaken at all.

Bonnie was shocked, her kick was very strong, and the reaction speed

was too fast, right?

Luffy grabs Bonnie's foot and slams it hard, sending Bonnie flying.


With Luo's palm facing down, the space barrier spread instantly, covering

himself and Luffy.


Like teleportation, Luo came behind Luffy, didn't draw his sword, just

wanted to learn from each other, so the scabbard slashed at Luffy.

Luffy said that since this is the case, let's do it lightly when dealing with


Luffy dodged sideways, which shocked Luo, and he could react to it.

After dodging, Luffy pretended to attack, and Luo also activated his

ability to replace, and there were floating stones in front of his eyes.

However, after Luo Zhen moved, the figure of Luffy disappeared where

he was just now.


And, almost at the same time, came behind him!

This, why? It's not as simple as being fast, it seems to have been expected

long ago!

Obviously, Luffy saw the future for a short time, with a powerful sense of


With a casual punch, Luo was sent flying.

In this way, all nine supernovas were blown away by Luffy.

Fighting to the present, time has passed, twenty seconds!

The rest of the Straw Hats were not surprised, as expected.

The other pirates and passers-by were all dumbfounded.

The surroundings fell into silence, they froze in place, their eyes widened,

looking around in disbelief.

The nine supernovae are no longer there, and they were all blasted into

the distance.

Their faces were incredible, different from what they had imagined.

I thought it was the Straw Hat who lost. After all, even if the Straw Hat is

the strongest supernova, facing nine supernovas, the 1.3 billion bounty

must be defeated.

However, it turned out to be a supernova with a punch from the straw


"Oh my God, am I dreaming..."


"Is this... really the battle between supernova and supernova?"

"I'm also wondering, this is not a battle between supernovas and

supernovas, I'm afraid it's not a battle between supernovas and the


"Yes, what you said is not exaggerating at all. After all, the straw hat, a

supernova with one punch, is too scary!"

"It's so strong, one punch, nine single-handedly, the speed is so fast that

the supernovas can't react. As the saying goes, two fists can't beat four

hands, and the straw hat alone is very easy to fight against nine powerful

supernovas. Supernova Their attacks can't touch or hurt the straw hats at


"The straw hat is too strong... Is this the strength of 1.3 billion...々..."

"I even think that 1.3 billion is too low! This is not a supernova, this is

the Five Emperors!"

They were terrified, whether they were pirates of the Supernova Pirates,

civilians, or other forces.

Just now, I felt that the straw hats were arrogant, but I also understood

that after all, the most famous and powerful rookie was young, and after

only a few months at sea, the bounty was 1.3 billion Baileys, and they

would be crazy.

But now I find that the Straw Hats are not arrogant, but really boring.

It's the same with nine heads-up, so one-on-one, it really makes the straw

hats not interested, and they don't want to fight.

"They're both supernovas, the gap is so big..."

"Is the captain's strength so much different from that of the straw hat..."

"It doesn't make sense for us to go now."

"Are we really facing the rookie captain, not the Four Emperors?"

"If it's the Four Emperors, General, it's still acceptable, but the captain

was crushed by the straw hat of the supernova at the same time..."

"The previous divination let us know the strength of the Straw Hats.

Among the Supernova Pirates, our Hawkins Pirates are the most aware of

the strength of the Straw Hats. However, Captain Hawkins did it. We

don't panic, because it is nine supernovas who beat the Straw Hats." One,

not nine supernovas fighting the Straw Hats. So, if this is the case, we can

definitely win, and the captain thinks the same way, he doesn't even use

divination, he thinks it's unnecessary."

"Yes, divination is a disgrace, nine to one, but the result is..."

The rest of the pirates of the Nova Pirates were all stunned, they never

expected such a scene, they were completely beaten.

Luffy stopped, and said to Nami and others: "Okay, let's continue to the

auction house."

Nami and the others sighed softly.

"That's the end."

"It's a little bit faster than we thought."

"Luffy, it's really getting better and better."

However, just when Luffy was about to leave, the roar continued, and

Kidd rushed out of the ruins first.

"Straw hat! Don't even think about leaving! It's not decided yet!"

The ones that were even more shocking were Kidd and other supernovas.

They knew their own strength the most, but they were punched one by

one by Luffy, which shocked them the most and was unacceptable.

Especially Kidd, it is impossible to just forget it.

At the same time, the rest of the supernovas, except for Guo Luo, are

getting more and more fighting spirit. If this is the case, it would be too

embarrassing. If it spreads, what face do they have.

Luo sat directly on the stone, without any intention of doing anything,

and exclaimed, "It's really amazing."

Kidd rushed over quickly, and said in a deep voice, "I'm going to do my

best, Straw Hat, you should do your best too! Today I must fight with all

my strength to decide the winner!"

However, full strength?

Lu Fei shook his head: "To deal with you, I won't open fourth gear."

These words directly made Kidd and the others change their faces, and

their faces became gloomy, as they underestimated the shame too much.

"Then regret it! Magnetism, reflection!"

The giant mechanical arm condensed again, this time it was not a

bombardment, but a sudden rebound of the giant mechanical arm,

detached from both arms, and quickly blasted towards Luffy.

With huge hands, Luffy shouted in a low voice, "Rubber Grizzly Gun!



There was a roar, but there was no stalemate, a pair of giant mechanical

arms turned into pieces, the Grizzly Bear moved forward, Kidd's face

changed drastically, his arms quickly condensed to attract metal, crossed

to block, but after being collided, a more terrifying force The attack

caused more pain all over his body and more serious injuries, and Kidd

was blown away again.


Kira's face changed, and he could feel that Kidd's injury was more serious

this time because the screams were louder.

Kira rushed forward quickly, the scythe whirled and flew, humming and

cutting harshly.

At the same time, other supernovas attacked from all directions.

Boom boom boom...

A dense rain of bullets, shells.

Standing up with difficulty, the ten-finger black thorn aimed at Lu Fei

and shot out.

Drake rushed from behind Luffy, and while rushing over, his body

swelled, his clothes were broken, and he was turning into a dinosaur.

After approaching, it has turned into a dinosaur and bit down.

Apu shouted: "You trap him and keep him from moving. I, Apu, will

defeat the Straw Hat!"

Apu rushed to the tall building with blood on his face, embarrassed, but

also angry, and began to play, his teeth were like a piano, and his mouth

was like a drum.


When the supernovas were besieging Luffy, Apu took the opportunity to


However, facing the siege, Luffy looked indifferent.

The onlookers stared intently, wondering what would happen next.

"The supernovas went all out."

"You must go all out. It was too shameful just now, and I must be very

angry now. Naturally, I will go all out."

"The Straw Hat will be beaten next, right?"

"It seems very likely. Although the straw hats are very powerful, it seems

that it is still dangerous to single out supernovas with full strength."

"It's a dinosaur."

Chapter 88

"What kind of dinosaur is it? It's a rare ancient species in the animal

department. It's worthy of being a supernova. They look like monsters

when they go all out."

Facing the siege, Luffy blasted Kira away with a punch, easily dodged the

shell attack, turned around and at the same time, Drake, who turned into

a dinosaur, bit down, but Luffy's right fist was in the air, and Drake's

open mouth closed, A few teeth were broken and flew upwards.

At the same time, the sound waves hit, unable to dodge, Luffy will be

covered with armed colors at the attack.


During the bombing, Luffy was engulfed in flames, Apu felt that he had

succeeded, and smiled.

"Ah, ba, ba, ba... Hit, even if it's just an injury, it's enough, slip away."

After succeeding, Apu was ready to run away.

However, Luffy's figure sprang out from the flames, Apu's face changed in

surprise, his heart was uneasy, he raised his head suddenly, and Luffy

was already in the sky.

"Fire fist, gun!"

Apu's eyes widened, his pupils shrank, he couldn't dodge, and was hit by

a punch.


Apu let out the most miserable scream, and the tall buildings under his

feet were bombed down, and his injuries were serious.


Lu Fei flew behind Becky, but Becky let out a sneer.

"I did it on purpose."

There is also a villain on the back, firing a net gun, and it is a sea

building stone net.

"Weakness, Straw Hat."


However, it was easily dodged, Becky only felt a sharp pain in his

abdomen, and immediately flew backwards.

Bonnie's whole body and mind, Lu Fei flew to him, and punched out,

Bonnie was caught by surprise, her body suddenly became smaller, and

Lu Fei's punch missed.

After getting smaller, Bonnie attacked Luffy's ankle, but Luffy reacted,

kicked out, collided with each other, and Bonnie was kicked away.

Urgi was ready, his body suddenly became huge, his muscles swelled,

and he looked even stronger. He flew in front of Luffy, intending to hit

him with his fists.

Others stayed.

"`~ I have seen the strength and strength of the straw hat, and I chose to

fight against it."

"Strange monk Urgi, really weird."

"No, maybe it's self-confidence!"

After Urki arrived, he shouted in a low voice: "Karma retribution!"

Turn the enemy's attack on oneself into the strength of strengthening the

body. In the original plot, Urki used this trick to fly the pacifist PX-3.

And when he was attacked by Luffy just now, Urji transformed the

attack, as long as it does not exceed the upper limit of his physical body,

it is fine. This power is very powerful, and he just can bear it to the limit.

However, Luffy blasted out a Thor gun, his two fists collided, and there

was a brief stalemate. The terrifying force swept away, destroying the

surrounding buildings and flying them away. Pirates in the distance were

also blown away and screamed.

After a brief stalemate, Urki's face changed drastically, his strength was

exhausted, and to be precise, it was counteracted, and then a huge force

came, causing severe pain in his fist and arm.


With a bang, Urki was blown away with a punch, spitting blood from his


Supernova joined forces again, and even attacked with all their strength,

but still failed to hurt Luffy at all.

Moreover, one was still blown away by Luffy's punch.

This time, the flying supernova didn't stand up for a long time.

Obviously, the injury was more serious.

The people around were dumbfounded.

"My God...it's still the same as before..."

"The supernovas took it seriously, and even attacked with all their

strength. The straw hats didn't attack with all their strength, but they

were just a little more serious."

"It's too strong... I fully realized that the gap is too big..."

"Although they are also supernovas, the gap between them and the straw

hats is really big, not at the same level."

"Yeah, you can't treat the Straw Hats at the same level as Kidd and other

supernovas. That would be a contempt and insult to the Straw Hats."

"I fully understand, the straw hats are not arrogant."

"Too strong, the reward of 1.3 billion is not exaggerated."

"Soon, the reputation of the Straw Hats will be even greater, and the

supernovas teamed up to be abused by the Straw Hats alone will spread


"Yeah, the reputation of the Straw Hat will become bigger and bigger."

"Telfalgar Luo didn't do anything again, very wise."

"Maybe it's not just sensible, but the character itself is not secretly


The onlookers stared blankly again, even more shocked.

The supernovas are angry, what's the use of all their strength? Still got

punched one by one.

Luffy said to his partners: "This time, we (Mano Zhao) can go."

"it is good."

Nami, Kaimi and others followed and walked on both sides of Luffy. Luffy

stood at the C position in the middle, and the group left.

After not walking far, Luffy noticed a black cape with a stand-up collar at

the clothing stall beside him, and he liked it very much.

"Boss, I bought this cloak."

"Okay, no money."

The boss was scared, he was too strong, how dare such a powerful pirate

ask for money.

"How much money, I want to give."

The boss was taken aback, although he was a pirate, but the straw hat

Luffy smiled very kindly.

The boss said the price, and Nami was responsible for paying the money.

Luffy turned out to have a black cape with a stand-up collar, and

compared it to his body, it was very suitable, not too big or too small.

Luffy and the others were about to leave and went to Auction Site No. 1,

but at this moment, there was movement in the rear. It was Kidd and

other supernovas who climbed out of the ruins again. More.

"Damn..." Kidd gritted his teeth, unable to accept it at all, didn't want to

accept it, and wanted to fight again.

"Straw...straw hat, stop for me! It's not over yet!"

At the same time, the rest of the supernovas also crawled out in

embarrassment, struggling to stand up.

Immediately, the supernovas all stood up and gathered together in a row.

All of them had ugly faces, but their fighting spirit did not fade away.

Kidd: "Don't leave after being so majestic, Straw Hat!"

Apu: "It hurts so much, my whole body is scorched in many places, I can't

bear this breath."

Kira: "It's not over yet."

Ulki: "Let me hit you with a stronger force, Straw Hat."

Becky: "I'm going to summon all my troops and firepower, and I'm going

to transform, so you can see my strongest form. So, don't go! I'm going to

teach you a lesson!"

Hawkins: "There is no need to divination again. We have chosen to join

forces tacitly. You are very strong, but our winning rate will definitely

not be zero if we join forces."

Drake: "Keep fighting, Straw Hats."

Bonnie: "I haven't fallen down yet, so don't leave."

For a while, the supernovas, except Guo Luo, were even more angry and

aggrieved, and didn't want to let it go. It's too embarrassing to spread the


Chapter 099 The fourth gear is stronger than the fifth emperor, and the

fifth gear is stronger than...

When they enter the new world in the future, where should they put

their faces, if they join forces, they can't beat the straw hats?

No, we must win. Even if it is embarrassing to join hands together, it is

better than the embarrassment just now. Then join hands and defeat the

Straw Hats!

Kidd and the other seven supernovas raised their fighting spirit and spoke

in unison:

"Straw hat, don't leave if you have the ability, keep fighting..."

However, the next moment, their voices stopped abruptly.

I saw Luffy and the others stop, and Luffy in the middle flicked the cloak

in his hand and put it on his body. The black stand-up collar cloak

automatically flapped behind him without wind. At this moment, Luffy

was extremely domineering.

After wearing a black cloak with a stand collar, Luffy did not turn

around, but turned slightly sideways, glanced back, a red light flashed in

his eyes, awe-inspiring and domineering, and his voice was low:

"If you continue to bother me, I don't mind exchanging your heads for


In an instant, Kidd and other supernovas were all stunned and frozen in


After Luffy finished speaking, he continued to move forward, leaving

Kidd and other supernovas who were stunned in place a back like a king.

As they walked, the black stand-up collar cloak fluttered, and they stared

blankly at the king-like back of the straw hat. Following Luffy's warning

and the current back, they only felt that Luffy's aura was extremely


It seems that it was not the supernova who warned them just now, but...

the emperor!

They didn't say a word to fight again, and all the fighting spirit on their

bodies dissipated. They stared blankly at the back of Luffy, who was

getting farther and farther away. It seemed that the gap between them

and Luffy would also get farther and farther.

At this moment, the hearts of the nine supernovas no longer felt that

Luffy was a supernova like them. Instead, I think Luffy is...

The fifth emperor of the sea!

Five emperors!

When Lu Fei and others left, they gradually turned around and looked at

each other with shock.

"Just now, was it an illusion? The straw hat is like, the emperor..."

"After putting on the black cloak, the momentum...is stronger..."

"Not only what you said just now shocked us, but also, the domineering


"It didn't completely explode the domineering aura, just that kind of

domineering side leakage, I always thought that it can only be achieved

by turning red."

"How strong would it be if it exploded completely?"

"The strength is far beyond ours, and the courage is also far beyond

ours... It's too shocking."

"Hey, as long as you think that the straw hats are different from us, not

supernovas, but five emperors, you can feel better."

"Thinking about it this way, I feel better after being abused just now."

"Damn it, it's younger than us, why is it so powerful?"

Their tone was still shocking, and they wanted to increase their

reputation by fighting the Straw Hats, but let alone dealing with the

Straw Hats, they teamed up to deal with the Straw Hats alone, and they

were all hanged and beaten.

And, let alone being famous, their reputation will not be improved this

time. The Straw Hats, as well as 497 Straw Hat Luffy, will have a greater


The Straw Hat singled out nine of their supernovas, and the fact that they

beat them will definitely spread.

It's a shame, but it can't be helped.

"It's embarrassing."

"If it's well known, then we won't be too ashamed this time."

"What is known?"

"If the Straw Hat is named the fifth emperor of the sea and everyone

knows it, we won't be ashamed if we join forces and lose to him."

This made it clear to the other rising stars that this was indeed the case.

Luo felt that the Straw Hat would definitely become emperor, and it

wouldn't take long.

After all, in the fight just now, I didn't use my full strength. It was only

second gear and third gear, so there is still fourth gear.

"There must be four more."

Chapter 89

"Yeah, after all, I didn't use all my strength, so there must be fourth gear."

"How strong will the fourth gear be? I really want to see it, but I don't

have the ability to see it now. When I become stronger, I will fight him

and see his full strength."

"One thing, do you think that fourth gear is his full strength?"

"Otherwise, even if it is stronger than us, it is impossible to be so

powerful, right?"

"I think it makes sense. The full strength of the straw hat is the fourth

gear. Is it going up? There is still fifth gear? Don't be kidding."

"Yeah, the second and third gears are as strong as they are, if they beat us

up, then the fourth gear is even more terrifying, let alone the fifth gear,

how is that possible."

"The fourth grade of straw hat is like the five emperors. There are really

five grades. What is it like?"

"For him now, the Five Emperors are at their peak."

They agreed that Luffy didn't use his full strength, and that fourth gear

was full strength.

Even if there is a big gap, it cannot be bigger.

The supernovas had no choice but to leave separately, and some were

going to the auction house to have a look, but obviously they didn't want

to provoke the straw hats again.

With the strength of the straw hats, if you want to exchange their heads

for bounties, you can really do it.

Hawkins felt a little regretful. He knew it would be like this, so he did a

divination before the battle, so that he wouldn't be hit like this, which

would be embarrassing.

But regret is useless.


Population Auction.

Two Celestial Dragons came here, Roswald Saint and Shalulia Palace.

At the door, the high-level executives of the auction house had already

been waiting here to welcome them. When they saw the Tianlong people

coming, they knelt down in awe.

"St. Roswald, Shalulia Palace, welcome, please enter the VIP seat."

Two Celestial Dragons entered, Shalulia Palace said: "Brother Charlos is

so slow, he hasn't come yet."

"Because he always likes to ride slow-moving humans. If he wants to ride,

he must also ride a murloc. Their arm strength is ten times that of

humans. Let's see if there will be any surprises in this auction."

(aedb) At this time, the Kidd Pirates and the Heart Pirates have entered

the auction market.

However, Kidd didn't see the straw hats, so he wasn't surprised. Maybe

the straw hats bought them as they walked, so they arrived first.

The Tianlong people came in and took their seats, the VIP seat at the


Kidd and others stood in the last row of the auction house, looking


Kidd sarcastically: "Tianlong people, slaves, human auctions. Huh,

compared with the means of chasing desires of those in power who are

blinded by profit, the villains in the world are more humane. It is because

the scum controls the world that it creates Bunch after batch of scum.

Compared to them, our ugliness is downright cute in a way. What do you

say, Kira."


"Come here and see if there are any good things, otherwise, I really don't

want to stay in the same place with these Tianlong people."

Auction house host room.

"Mr. Disco, we got a good deal today."

"Oh? Could it be a murloc? Then I will let the price go up smoothly, and

the drag will be arranged."

"No, it's a mermaid. I originally set my sights on a young and beautiful

mermaid, but I couldn't make a move. But I was lucky. I met another one.

Although it's not as good-looking as the first one, but it's also good-

looking in this auction. Hottest ever."

"Really, that's great, I'm going to make a lot of money today, and the

Tianlong people are here, they will like it very much."

"Yeah, although the auction hasn't started yet, it already means that the

mermaid belongs to the Tianlong people."

"Hahahaha, good job, today is going to be a bumper harvest."

Disco went to the population detention center of the auction house.

When I arrived, I saw the mermaid, which was really not bad in


Disco approached with the collar, and the mermaid knew that if she put

it on, it would be really impossible to escape, she would either become a

slave or die.

"Nice mermaid, who is the supplier?"

"Hound dog pet group."

"Beterman, you did a good job, but the Flying Fish Knights surprised me.

They didn't bring anything this time. It's okay. Anyway, even if there is

only one mermaid this time, it's enough for us to make a lot of money.

Give me the collar." , I put it on for him."


However, when Disco was holding the collar and was about to put it on,

he suddenly rolled his eyes and fainted to the ground.

"Mr. Disco, what's wrong with you?" The faces of the subordinates

changed in shock.

They were very astonished, and hurriedly took him away to the

treatment center.

In a cell.

The huge giant family sat there, their eyes were surprised, and they

glanced at the old man with slippers, silver hair and glasses beside him.

"Hey, old man, don't pretend you don't know. It's you, the domineering

just now, who the **** are you?"

"Haha, I'm just an old man in the coating business."

Even though he said this, the giant would not believe it. Although he was

wearing a collar, sitting there gave off an extremely indifferent feeling.

Obviously, this person is the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates, Pluto,

Silbazz Raleigh.

Navy Headquarters.

Garp was in his room, eating senbei and listening to the report from the

sea soldier.

After listening to it, Garp found it ridiculous, and said, "Pluto, is it Silbazz

Raleigh? Hahahaha, you actually auctioned Pluto at the population


"It's unbelievable, but it's true. What should I do, Lieutenant General

Garp, do you want to report to Marshal Sengoku?"

"No, I'll take care of this matter and don't disclose it to others."

"But, if it's true..."

"It's not just in case, it's true. I occasionally get news that someone saw

him. It should be because I lost the bet and sold myself. Fighting Hades

may bring great losses to my army. No, now, let alone. Do you want the

Navy to fight against the two legendary characters at the same time?"

"I...I see, Lieutenant General Garp."

Hai Bing left, and found that he really couldn't talk about it, and he

couldn't control it.

In fact, Garp still has an idea in his heart. Naturally, he already knows

that Luffy and others have arrived at the Chambord Islands.

The navy knows it, but it won't send people to act.

Moreover, Karp also knew that the Tianlong people went to the

Chambord Islands.

Thinking about Luffy, who has the same personality as himself, he

certainly doesn't pay attention to the Tianlong people, so it may cause


If you get into trouble, you will be in trouble.

"It doesn't matter if Pluto is here, if there is trouble, he will help."

Garp thought this way in his heart, not afraid of ten thousand, just in


Moreover, there is a kind of uneasiness, always feeling that something

will happen, my grandson is on the same island as the Tianlong people,

and the probability of something happening is very high, otherwise it

would not be my grandson.

Therefore, Karp is also lucky that Pluto is in the Chambord Islands.

Although I know the strength of Luffy, if something happens, maybe the

navy will send a powerful force to complete the task in a short time.

After all, there is still a big battle, so it must be a strong force to complete

the task in a short time.

Therefore, with Pluto around, Garp can rest assured.

Garp secretly said: "Luffy, it would be best if you don't cause trouble."

Wanting to play like this, Garp smiled wryly: "But like this, it seems

impossible when you think about it."

auction house.

Disco woke up and looked at the time, and hurried to the auction table, it

was about to start, and he had to host it.

The lights of the auction house came on, and Disco came and shouted

with a microphone.

"Hi everyone, tonight's auction has started. This time, we have prepared a

lot of high-quality slaves for you. You are so lucky. There are also super

hot items this time. I sincerely hope that you can buy satisfactory slaves."

The audience cheered, most of the nobles wearing gold and silver,

chattering constantly.

"What do you want to buy this time?"

The old and ugly rich woman looked forward to it: "The human slave I

bought last time died in less than ten days, so today I want to buy a

strong murloc man."

Listening to this, Luo muttered, "What a bunch of scum."

After hearing this, Kidd and the others were also disgusted, but they

knew that the people who were more scumbags were the Tianlong


However, even so, they can only bear to stay here, hoping to meet

something interesting as soon as possible, and then leave.

After all, I am unhappy, disgusted, and helpless here.

A lesson to the nobles, and even the Tianlong people? Even less likely,

they would not have this idea.

When the auction started, many aristocrats bought slaves at high prices

under the influence of procrastination. Although they thought it was

worthless, they still had to smile.

"The next product comes from West Sea Troya, a proud pirate who comes

from a family of musicians, who can play all kinds of musical

instruments, who can play all kinds of music with a musical instrument,

and a spotless cleaner who can clean with a rag. Brewing wine, such a

man, twenty-five years old, how perfect. 192 centimeters, 130 kilograms,

name, Byron."

"Then, let's start the auction with 480,000 Baileys."

Immediately, more people started bidding.

However, the Tianlong people are not interested, but they are also

looking forward to it, because the auctioned slaves are getting better one

after another, which means that it is almost time for hot items.

All kinds of slaves began to be auctioned. Seeing the disgusting faces of

those nobles, Kidd and others felt more and more uncomfortable. They

really wanted to leave, but they could only bear it.

"It's disgusting."

"More scum than us."

"Persevere. After all, the Tianlong people have not yet begun to show

themselves. This is unbearable. When it's their turn, how should we treat


The people of the Kidd Pirates talked and held back.

At this time, Kidd grinned, curious about one thing.

"I really want to know what will happen when the Straw Hats come."

This made the crew hesitate.

"It must be the same as us, bear with it, and watch."

"Yes, although they are a powerful pirate group, the Straw Hats are even

stronger and can be called the fifth emperor of the sea, but they have to

endure it when they come here."

"If there are no Tianlong people here, the Straw Hats may cause trouble,

but if there are Tianlong people, then even if they attack other ordinary

nobles, the Straw Hats will not do it, because the Tianlong people are

here, making trouble here, and don't take them seriously. If you startle

them, it will be even more troublesome. Therefore, when the Straw Hats

come, they can only watch the auction quietly, endure it, and leave as

soon as they buy what they want."

They think so, they think they will be the same.

Kidd thought the same way, and said to himself: "Although the straw hat

seems not to be afraid of things, it is true. After all, the Tianlong people

are here. Even if I am arrogant, I choose to endure."

Auction House Prison.

The staff came and brought down a slave.

"Take slave number fifteen up."

The slave is a pirate captain, panicking, struggling: "Stop, I don't want to

be a slave, save me... save me... where is the navy, save me..."


Soon, the pirate captain became quiet and powerless.

Kemi's friend, the good-looking mermaid Keira, could not help but

tremble when she heard the cry, and was afraid, because she knew that it

would be her turn soon.

"What...what to do...It's over...There is no hope...No one can save me..."

While muttering, the staff laughed.

Chapter 90

"There is no hope. It is impossible for someone to save you, because there

are Tianlong people this time, and you will definitely be favored by

Tianlong people."

Hearing this, Keira despaired, her eyes lost their luster, and the words of

the Tianlong people, so there is no hope at all...


Keira cried in pain.

auction house.


There was a sound of the door being pushed open, but it didn't attract

attention to the lively auction room.

However, Kidd's group and Luo's group turned their heads and looked


Because, what walks in is...

Nami and the others entered first, and then Luffy, wearing a straw hat

and a black cape with a stand-up collar, walked in and stood at position

C in the middle.

Seeing Luffy again, Kidd and Luo were also shocked again. This

momentum is really not a supernova, it is really like an emperor.

The courage and strength are incomparable, which made Kidd look ugly

and was very shocked.

Why such a young man has such courage and strength is even more


But, at one point, Kidd regained his balance and grinned.

Because, after Luffy and others came in and sat down in the last row, all

kinds of dirty voices from the surrounding nobles echoed. Kidd and the

others saw that Luffy and the others ignored it.

"Hahaha...Captain, as we thought, even they can only choose to endure

like us.".

Chapter 100 Public Execution! The top war will break out!

"Although it is powerful, the straw hat is even stronger and can be called

the Five Emperors, but what about the Five Emperors, there are Tianlong

people here, how dare they cause trouble."

"In this case, Captain, you can feel more balanced in your heart. At least

in this respect, you are stronger than them, and you are also like us,

enduring it."

"I feel better."

Listening to what his subordinates said, Kidd grinned: "Yeah, my heart is

a little more balanced."

Kidd was in a better mood, feeling that even a straw hat wouldn't dare to

make a fuss here with Tianlong people.

Strong strength, strong courage, so what if there is a big gap? Here, don't

you want to be like them?

This is what Kidd thought, and he felt better.

However, is it really what he thought?

After Luffy and the others sat down, the auction~ was going on.

Watching the slaves come on stage, the price was announced, and then

the disgusting faces of the nobles, as well as the constant bidding for

commodities, I watched - Nami and others gritted their teeth.

Especially Sanji, who couldn't bear it the most, clenched his fists tightly,

and his body trembled.

"It's disgusting." Sanji cursed in a low voice.

On stage, Disco asked: "Guest No. 51 bid 10 million Baileys, is there

anyone else who bid higher?"

After dropping the hammer three times, Disco announced: "Client No. 51

is sold for 10 million Baileys."

Looking at this scene, Papago worried: "Will Keira do the same?"

Both Kai Mi and Xiao Ba had ugly faces.

In the distance, after hearing this, Kidd understood why he came.

"It seems that someone who knows has become a slave. Then, what will

we do?"

Kidd looked at the Straw Hats and listened carefully.

Nami looked determined at this time: "We must take it back! Our money

and the treasures on board are estimated to add up to 700 million

Berries. What is the market value of the mermaid?"

Xiao Ba was happy: "This much money is enough, I don't need so much."

Nami breathed a sigh of relief, "That's fine."

Kemi was very grateful and wanted to say thank you, but Luffy covered

his mouth.

"Don't be too polite with us, we are friends."

Cammy nodded, keeping it in mind.

At this moment, Kidd smiled.

"It seems that it is bought with money."

"If you don't need money to buy it, why don't you just **** it? Besides,

the Tianlong people will also take a fancy to it, and grab it in front of the

Tianlong people? It's even more impossible, so we can only bid for it."

"I think it's not enough to bid for the auction. Although 700 million

Baileys is a lot, it's a small amount of money for Tianlong people."

Kidd became more and more interested: "Looking forward to one thing,

the Tianlongren and the Straw Hats are targeting the mermaid at the

same time, one wants to buy it as a slave, and the other is to help a

friend save someone, so what will happen during the auction? What will

the Straw Hats look like after they fail?"

This made Kidd look forward to it.

The men guessed.

"It must be helpless."

"If it were us, we would have nothing to do against the Tianlong people.

Although the Straw Hats are powerful, they will be just like us, and have

nothing to do."

"At that time, I can only give up, feel aggrieved and leave, otherwise

what else can I do?"

"They are both supernovas, and they are different from ours in terms of

combat power, but here, facing the Tianlong people, they are the same."

"The battle just now shocked us and made us uncomfortable, but knowing

that the Straw Hats will be as frustrated as we are here, it's comfortable."

Kidd smiled, obviously agreeing with what his subordinates said.

Although they knew it would happen as they wanted, they naturally

wanted to see it with their own eyes.

This made Kidd and the others decide that as long as the Straw Hats don't

leave, they won't leave either, so they must take a look.

At this time, Luo was not so gloating, but he also felt in his heart that the

straw hat had no choice but to meet the most troublesome Tianlongren.

Luffy and others began to wait, knowing that they would appear at the

last time of the auction.

At this time, outside.

The reporter sitting in the bubble yelled, and the large stack of

newspapers in his hand kept spilling onto the ground.

"Extra! Extra! Major event!"

People took the newspaper curiously, and when they saw the content,

their faces changed drastically. Whether it was civilians, underground

forces, bounty hunters, or pirates, they were all shocked.

"It really is a major event."

"The great war is coming, and the world will be in turmoil."

"So that's the case, I understand."

"Captain Drake, what's wrong?"

"I finally understand why the navy headquarters is so close to this island,

but its troops are so weak. Even if the supernovas and even the Straw

Hats are here, they don't care about it. It turns out that it is because a

war may break out."


"Because, the captain of the White Beard Division 2, Fire Fist Ace, is

about to be publicly executed."

Hearing this, the faces of the crew members changed drastically, and

they fully understood.

"If you do this, with the style of Whitebeard, it is very likely that you will


"Sure enough, a big battle will really break out."

"That's why the troops here are weak, and a war is about to break out!"

The Chambord Islands set off a shock, the civilians panicked, and the

pirates were excited. Naturally, they like the more chaos the better.

However, some pirates are also worried that the balance will change in

the future.

In the auction house, this matter is not yet known.

At this moment, St. Charles Rose entered the auction house, heaving a

sigh of relief.

"Great, it's not over yet."

The bodyguard in black said, "Although it's not over yet, it's almost over."

Hearing this, St. Charles Rose's face darkened, and he kicked the slave

under his feet violently.

"This guy is really annoying. It's because you're too slow that I've delayed

the excitement in front of you. Bastard, I'll trample you to death."

The slave can only let it step on and keep silent.

Charles Rose disgusted: "Sell him by the way, I don't need it anymore."

"Okay, I'll go through the formalities now."

Saint Charlos reached into the blister, pinched his nostrils and said, "I

want a mermaid, I wonder if there are any in this auction."

St. Charles Rose walked to his seat under the leadership of the staff, and

Shalulia Palace was helpless: "It's finally here, brother Wang."

With a runny nose from his right nostril and digging his left nostril with

his left hand, St. Charles Rose walked to the seat and sat down, and the

three Celestial Dragons sat in the VIP seat of Sanlian.

Disco's voice was loud and excited, "Next, the last item in this auction!"

Hearing this, St. Charles Rose even wanted to shoot the slave just now.

"Damn it, it's the last one."

However, what Disco said next intrigued him.

"The last item, and the hottest item!"

Then, an iron cage covered with a white cloth was pushed onto the stage,

attracting everyone's attention.

Kami, Xiao Ba's face darkened, he guessed it, nervous and worried.

Disco didn't directly explain it, but kept it secret and aroused everyone's


"I believe that many people are yearning for her, so please look at the

figure first!"

Turn on the light, and immediately, through the white cloth, you can see

the figure in the iron cage, making the eyes of the nobles shine.

"This is... a mermaid!"

"Great, it really is super popular."

"It's the right time."

Seeing this reaction, Disco was not surprised, but was excited inside. This

time, he was going to make a lot of money.

"Then, let us reveal it together! Enjoy it carefully!"

The staff tore off the cloth, and the nobles kept their eyes on it, and the

next moment they were excited and cheered.

"Oh! It really is a mermaid."

"The mermaid looks good too, that's great."

"It's good luck, it's hard to meet."

"This is Keira from Fishman Island!"

Immediately, Saint Charles Rose's eyes lit up, and his heart was excited.

In the water cage, Keira was very scared, but suddenly noticed a familiar


"It's Kaimi and Xiaoba, are they here to save me? That's great."

Xiaoba and Kaimi are worried, and it really is Kaila.

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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