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Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: Близнецы другая жизнь

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Адреса змісту:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8873552/1/Twins-A-




Гарри Поттер

Близнецы: другая жизнь



Когда Волдеморт напал, он не убивал Лили и Джеймса.

Когда он встретил свое падение, они приняли близнеца Гарри за

GWL и отправили своего сына к Дурслям, но он не совсем попал под

любящую заботу Дурслей.

Гарри возьмет Хогвартс и его «семью» штурмом, и к тому времени,

когда «свет» осознает свою ошибку, им будет уже слишком поздно



Рейтинг: Художественная

литература T

– Английский – Драма/Приключения – Гарри П., Сириус Б., Ремус Л.,

Волдеморт – Главы: 34 – Слов: 279 274 – Обзоров:

5 428

– Избранное: 13 776 – Подписок: 14 447 – Обновлено:

01.08.2020, 18:17:25

– Опубликовано:

04.01.2013, 14:54:31

– id: 8873552

1. Chapter 1

A/N: OK! So around two months ago, I left an A/N informing you

that I was working on revisions for this fic, I also said I would post

when I had five. I have to apologise to you guys because I didn't

keep my promise, I got really in to revising this story that I decided

to fix it all so I could post it as one and get it out of the way, letting

me continue with the story.

First of all, let it be known that every single chapter in this fic has

had a revision, even if its just spelling and grammar. The first

fifteen chapters have the most revisions, some of them doubling in

word count, so I ask, please reread the entire fic so you get a better

understanding of everything.

Finally, I am sorry for the notifications you may be getting because

of my uploading!

A/N2: Ok, so yes, I know, it's using cliché plot lines but I wanted to

attempt at putting my own twist on things. Please give it a chance

folks! It's going to be Dark!Harry, with bashing and violence and

other such things, as a heads up. And it won't be slash for Harry!

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K Rowling, so the characters do not belong to


Warning: none for this chapter.

Twins; A different life.

Chapter 1:

"Quick Lily, he's coming! Take the twins and run." James Potter yelled

frantically as he felt the wards trigger but he knew it was already too

late. The Dark Lord blasted down the door and hit James with a stunner

before the man had the chance to even open his mouth. Usually,

Voldemort would have killed him, Potter was a strong opponent, but he

had promised one of his Elite to spare the Mudblood girl and it would

raise a number of questions if Potter was dead and she wasn't.

The Purebloods may begin to believe he was favouring Mudbloods over

them and that would be counterproductive, while his Elite understood

most of his true motives, even they wouldn't understand why he had

killed the Pureblood and Mudblood was still alive. He continued up the

stairs silently, he could sense which room she and the children were

hiding in and he opened the locked door with a careless flick of his hand.

The Dark Lord stepped in to the room and saw Lily Potter stood in front

of a cot, blocking both children from his wand.

"Not my babies please." She begged "Take me instead."

"Stand aside, girl." He ordered and she shook her head.

"Please, not them. Kill me, not them."

"Move, and I shall spare you." He hissed and when she refused again Lord

Voldemort sighed, he didn't have time for this. He threw a stunner and

Lily Potter slumped to the ground unconscious. He stepped carelessly

over her still form and looked in to the cot at the two children who were

now gazing up at him. One of these children was prophecied to defeat

him and that was something he could not allow to hang over him, the

war was at a crucial point. He would give them a painless death, magical

children were to be cherished so he didn't take any pleasure in what he

was about to do.

It mattered not, the Potters were young enough to have more children.

He just had to decide which child was the one the prophecy spoke of.

One, the girl, had brown eyes and auburn hair, but there was nothing

extraordinary about her so he shook his head and turned to the other.

The boy, Harry Potter if the rat was correct, looked upon him with

glaring green eyes that shone with power even at his age, and the Dark

Lord closed his eyes and felt the waves of magic rolling of the boy.

"You are a powerful child, the one to defeat me. I would keep you alive if

I knew you would join me, but of course with your family there would be

no chance." The man murmured more to himself than anything, but

unknown to him, the child, Harry Potter, heard every word. Voldemort

levelled his wand and cast the killing curse, it struck the boy square on

the forehead but rebounded at remarkable speed, causing a magical

backlash ripping the Dark Lord from his body and caving in the ceiling.

Harry was thrown back unconscious bleeding from the lightning cut on

his forehead and a piece of wood hit Rosina Potter on the cheek creating

the same mark.

When Sirius Black fell in to the ruins of the Potter cottage he cried out in

utter agony when he saw the still form of his best friend, he stumbled

over frantically and even though he believed it to be useless he cast an

'Enervate'. He felt relief beyond measure when James stirred, laughing

hoarsely when he blinked and opened his eyes.

"James, Jamie." Sirius called and James groaned.


"Thank Merlin," Sirius breathed in relief, "I thought you were dead." At

the mention of being dead, James leapt up and dashed up the stairs with

Sirius behind him, he burst in to the ruined nursery and took in the scene

with ragged breathing. Lily's fallen figure, the pile of smoking robes, the

crumbling ceiling, and the trail of blood running down Rose's face as she


"Lily!" He whispered, "Sirius, is she…?" He couldn't bear to finish the

sentence and closed his eyes when his best friend moved forward to


"She's alive!" Sirius yelled and James almost sagged to the ground in

relief. He walked over and helped his wife get to her feet before rushing

over to pick up his crying daughter.

"What do you think happened?" Sirius questioned and James shook his


"Do you think she destroyed him, like the prophecy said?" James asked,

nodding to the smoking robes and then pointed to the cut, "She's


"Where's Harry?" Lily demanded, "Where is my little boy?"

"Here he is," Sirius assured, scooping the stirring form of his Godson up

and accidently wiping the remaining blood from his forehead so no one

noticed the mark he had there.

"I think she might have." Lily agreed, calming she had her son in her


"We'll have to call Dumbledore." James said, "Come on, we have to

know." James led them to the floo and called for the Headmaster,

Dumbledore looked grave when he stepped through and they explained

as much as they could.

"You should return to your manor for safety, I will call as soon as I can be

certain he is gone. For now, act with great caution."

"We will,"

"The entire world has gone insane!" James exclaimed, as he walked in to

the playroom of the manor. Lily, Sirius and Remus were sat on the floor

as the Rosina played with the building blocks and Harry sat in Moony's

lap as he quietly read him a book.

"Why, what's happened?"

"Everyone knows." He told them shaking his head, "I walked in to the

ministry and there was this wild cheering and clapping as soon as they

say me. It seems as if some of the Death Eaters lost their minds,

something about their disgusting mark fading and work got out that

Voldemort was coming here."

"Oh my!" Lily gasped and James ran a hand through his hair.

"The press is going wild, wanting to know what happened."

"I can't believe this. It's only been three days."

"I'm hoping Dumbledore has some answers. Let's go to the castle." James

suggested, and Lily nodded her head. Her nerves had been stretched thin

since the attack and now it had gotten worse, if everyone already knew it

would only be a matter of time before they were hounded.

"We will see you guys later." Remus said, "You can tell us what


"Ok, thanks for staying with me." Lily said sincerely and they smiled.

Sirius and Remus waved her off.

"It was no problem." They assured before stepping in to the floo and

vanishing in the flames.

"I'll just make sure it's ok to go through," James said, and Lily shifted so

she could hold both the children as James called Dumbledore. "He said to

come through, I'll take Rosie."

They made it through the floo and were welcomed in to Dumbledore's

office, the aged man was sat behind his desk with his hands bridged

together at the tips.

"James, Lily, how are you?"

"Stressed," Lily admitted, holding Harry close to her.

"Professor, the media have already caught wind of what has happened?"

James told him, his voice lined in question.

"Yes. I am afraid to tell you that there was also an attack on Frank and

Alice." Dumbledore informed them gravely and they gasped.

"Oh no, are they alright?" Lily questioned fearfully and Dumbledore

looked down with a wary sigh.

"That have been rendered completely insane due to overexposure to the

Cruciatus curse and are now in St. Mungo's with no hope of recovery."

James choked and Lily released a sob, Alice was her best friend, they had

been planning on raising their children together. Little Neville was only a

day older than the twins, it would have been so nice.

"What about Neville?" Lily gasped and Dumbledore managed a small


"While in a great deal of shock and some minor bruising from a fall,

young Neville is just fine."

"Oh thank Merlin," She breathed.

"Who did it?" James snarled and a dark look crossed Dumbledore's face

before it was gone.

"Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange and Barty Crouch Jr." He

answered and James hissed.


"Thankfully, they have been apprehended and taken in to custody. It was

them who were screaming about the fall of Voldemort and how the

Potter's would pay. It has been connected that Voldemort was heading to

you and that something happened to cause his fall at Godric's Hollow."

Dumbledore explained and James relaxed just a little bit.

"Have you worked out what happened?" He asked the man and

Dumbledore looked at the two children intently.

"I believe so."


"It is my belief that Rosina is indeed the child of the prophecy."

Dumbledore said slowly, "There is dark magic surrounding her even now,

and your son has none. She was conscious and he was not, leading me to

believe he was knocked out by the backlash while the magic of the killing

curse surrounded Rosina."

"So it's her, she is the one." Lily whispered and Dumbledore nodded.

"You understand that she must train. Lord Voldemort is not truly gone

and when he returns she will be his prime target." Dumbledore stated and

Lily shuddered.

"What about Harry?" Lily asked looking at her son.

"I think it would be best if someone else were to look after him or he will

be forever bitter at the attention young Rose will get as she grows."

"What!" Lily gasped.

"Think Lil's Rosina is famous we won't have time for another child."

James reasoned with her and Lily looked conflicted.

"What about Sirius and Remus?" She suggested, "He could stay at the

House of Black and we will still get to see him."

"That's not a bad idea." James allowed, "But everyone knows Sirius is my

best friend."

"Sirius will be targeted much more due to the arrest of his cousin. It will

not be safe for the child."

"Your right but where shall he go?"

"Your sister would be the perfect candidate." Dumbledore suggested and

when Lily went to protest he held up her hand. "No one would suspect

and no one would find him. When he returns to the magical world he

will have a humble upbringing, away from the fame and media and won't

be bitter to Rosina's fame."

"Very well." Lily finally agreed, she needed to protect her son. Rosina

would be in the limelight not matter what so at least Harry would be

away from that. She handed over her son to Dumbledore and left, taking

Rosina from James and flooing home leaving James to say their

goodbyes. Dumbledore looked at the child and sighed, he apparated to

Privet Drive and strode towards Number four. He cast a light sleeping

spell on the boy and placed Harry on the doorstep of number 4 Privet

Drive, tucking a letter in to his blanket and apperating away.

He wasn't the only magical visitor on that ordinary muggle street

however. As soon as Dumbledore had vanished, another elderly man

arrived, he had an even longer beard than Dumbledore and a staff taller

than himself. He moved towards number 4 quickly, lifting the child much

easier than a man of his age was supposed to be able to do.

"I cannot allow this fool's continued mistakes. You shall not grow up in

this home." The man murmured, "Nor shall allow the fates to remain

unchecked." The man shook his head and vanished in a flash of light.

Sirius was restless, there was something pulling at him and he couldn't

pin point what is was but he wanted to see his Godson right away. He

walked through the floo of the Potter Manor unaware of what had

happened at Hogwarts. Sirius was familiar with the halls of the manor so

he arrived in the sitting room in no time, James and Lily were sat close

together with Rosie but he didn't see Harry and frowned.

"Hey guys, where's my Godson?" He asked and their reactions made the

pulling tug painfully, Lily completely stilled and James' smile vanished.

James cleared his throat and looked at his best friend warily.

"We have decided that it would be best if for him to live elsewhere." He

said in a rush, and Sirius froze. He couldn't believe his ears.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" Sirius' voice was deadly calm.

"We sent him to live somewhere else so we can concentrate on our

special little Rosie and so Harry wasn't faced with the press." James told

him. It all clicked in to place, the pulling was his Godfather bond was

stretched too thin and he was unable to protect his charge.

"You sent your child away to live to focus on your other!" Sirius

exclaimed outraged, his mind working a mile a minute.

"Rose is famous, Dumbledore said it was for the best if he went to live

with my sister." Lily put in and Sirius went pale.

"You sent my Godson to live with muggles." He roared utterly furious, his

Godson, the Heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black and

Potter sent to live with common muggles. It was completely

preposterous, even the light orientated families would disagree with this

and the dark sided ones would have aneurism. Narcissa! If he still spoke

to his cousin she would flay him alive. "What were you thinking?"


"I don't care what that old fool said! You got rid of your own child! Did

you not once think of giving him to me if you were so set on throwing

him away?" Sirius snapped in disgust. "Think logically for the love of

Merlin, James. Not only is he your son but he's Heir to two of the highest

Houses in our world." James looked sheepish.

"We didn't think about that." He admitted, "But it can be taught to him

when he get him back. We just knew we had to concentrate of our special

girl, and the media is already going wild. Harry's better off away from all

of that."

"You disgust me, both of you." He sneered, making James recoil slightly

at how much Sirius resembled all the other Blacks for a moment. "Did

you not think for a second what this will do to me? My bond with Harry

is pulling, James!"

"You can mask it." James waved off and Sirius balked; the man had no


"And what of Remus?" Sirius snapped.

"Remus will be fine." James said easily brushing off his friend concern.

"Fine? Fi-," Sirius threw his hands up in the air. "Harry is his cub, you

know they developed a closer bond and this will tear him up, his instincts

will go mad." Sirius shuddered at that, his mate would be in pain because

of this and he couldn't allow that. "Just tell me where he is and I'll take


"You can't Sirius. Dumbledore said it will be too dangerous for you to

look after him."

"What? The war is crumbling, it will be no more dangerous with me than

it is with defenceless muggles. Tell me where my Godson is."

"No. You can't. Haven't you heard? The Lestranges and Crouch Jr have

been caught for torturing Frank and Alice in to insanity. Everyone knows

Bellatrix is your cousin, Padfoot." James told him and Sirius blinked,

absorbing the fact that his friends were as good as dead and that his

cousin was the one responsible. That didn't sound like Bella at all. She

didn't go after Purebloods, especially not family, and Frank had Black

blood. But she had been caught. He would have to see to that, but it still

didn't have two sickles to do with their argument.

"That means nothing. The Black Manor wards are stronger than the Potter

Manor wards and you know it, and fear of the Black name stops even

Malfoy moving against me." Sirius countered, "If you are not willing to

raise your own son, fine, you are not the man I thought you were. I will

take him, I am his next of kin."

"No Sirius it's done. Harry will be at Hogwarts when he's eleven. Leave

it." James stated firmly, closing the conversation.

"I will not leave it." Sirius yelled, "Tell me where he is!"


"You make me sick. If you don't tell me where he is then we're done,


"What? Sirius! Be reasonable!" James exclaimed, "We've been friends

since we were eleven."

"Will you tell me where my Godson is?"


"Then we're through." Sirius informed him calmly. He turned on his heel

and walked out of the room, not sparing a glance at Lily or Rosina as he

went and completely ignoring James calling him. He stepped through the

fireplace and raised his ward to block out everyone except for Remus,

Sirius walked up to the family lounge and sat down, calling an elf for a


He sat there thinking, his mind whirling a mile a minute on how to

rectify this situation. If he could just find his Godson then everything else

would sort itself out. James couldn't raise argument at his custody once

he had him because all Sirius would have to say was that James left his

child with muggles and he would get eaten alive by the Wizengamot and

the Pureblood fanatics, Sirius could just hear August Longbottom now.

The more pressing matter, however, was how he was going to break the

news to his mate without causing him too much pain.

Remus was due here any moment, Sirius cursed James in his head; what

was he thinking? He began to pace, this was bad, this was so bad. Sirius

was so caught up in his pacing that he didn't notice Remus had entered

the room until the man physically stopped him moving.

"Sirius? What's wrong?" He asked softly and Sirius opened his mouth to

speak but no words seemed to come out. Remus grew worried at that,

Sirius Black was never speechless. "What's going on?"

"They sent Harry to go and live with muggles and they won't let me take

them and James has completely lost his mind." He burst out and Remus

blinked twice, his wolf registered that someone had said his cub was

gone and Moony snarled before Remus could control himself.


"Said that Dumbledore suggested it, something about needed to focus on

their special Rosie and it was better for Harry to be away from the fame."

Sirius explained more heatedly than he had wanted but he was just so

outraged, he saw Remus eyes flash amber and the werewolf ran off.

Sirius knew where he was going, he was going to check to see if his cub

was there or not. Remus floo'd straight to Potter manor striding

purposefully to the living room, James rose to greet him but paled when

he caught sight of the flashing amber eyes.

"Is it true?" Remus snarled, coming to a stop right in front of his friend.

"Moony it was for the best he-" James was cut off by a fist, a sharp crack

rang out and blood spurted from the now broken nose.

"You have no idea what you have done." He hissed before forcefully

moving himself back towards the floo before he lost control and attacked

James Potter. Sirius was waiting for him with a drink, which Moony was

only too happy to knock back in one gulp.

"What did he say to you?" Sirius asked and Remus looked a little guilty.

"I may have hit James before he could offer an excuse." He admitted and

Sirius' eyes went comically wide.

"Hit him?" He repeated weakly and Remus nodded sheepishly.

"And broke his nose."

"He deserved it."

"Yes he did. Now we just have to work out how to get our little cub

back." Remus said rationally, even if on the inside he was anything but.

Moony was howling in the back of his mind and it was only the fact that

his mate was stood in front of him looking as determined as both he and

Moony felt that he kept his control.

It was time to embrace the House of Black.

The old man and the child flashed back in to existence outside a pair of

large iron wrought gates, which swung open to admit him as he

approached. He walked up the grounds, admiring the grand castle he was

moving towards with a fond smile. The doors opened for him and he

walked through the entrance hall and up the moving staircases to the

seventh floor, he came to a stone gargoyle.

"To the Headmaster if you will." The old man requested. The stone came

to life and the old man stepped on to the moving staircase, he looked at

the sleeping child and sighed. He was breaking so many laws of the

universe but he couldn't see the world fall to the pit in which it was to

fall, should the timeline be kept as it was. Unfortunately, he didn't have

the power nor the legroom left to bring the child's Godfather with him.

The old man knew that the Godfather and his mate were going to suffer

ten long years without the boy, but their suffering had the chance to save

the world and they would see the child again. The old man walked in to

the office and came face to face with four people; two men and two


"Merlin!" One of the men exclaimed. He had long dark red hair that

flowed like a mane around him, a trimmed beard, red robe falling to his

knees while jodhpurs covered the rest of his leg to his brown boot show

he had been riding recently. His belt held a bright gold buckle and his

red cloak was lined with golden silk and had gold embroidered lions on

its hem. His name was Godric of Gryffindor.

"This is a surprise." The other man drawled. Like his fellow he was

dressed for riding, only his robes were of emerald green and his lining

silver, however that was where the similarities ended. He had black hair

that fell straight to his mid back and it was pulled in to a silver strap, his

beard was precisely cut in to a goatee, he was slimmer and taller than the

other male also and his name was Salazar of Slytherin.

"I come with a plea." Merlin admitted coming further in to the room.

"Is that a babe?" The women gasped.

"Yes. Would you take him for me?" He asked and the petit woman with

long curling red hair that was left resting to fall down he back, she was

dressed in a flowing black and yellow gown stepped forward and to the

sleeping boy. "Thank you Helga."

"It is of no trouble." She assured him, "He is quite the treasure."

"Allow me a closer look?" The other woman asked, her inky black hair

was pulled in to intricate braiding and patterns away from her face. She

held a statuesque beauty and she was dressed in a gown of blues and


"Of course, Rowena."

"What plea do you bring to us?" Godric questioned and Merlin sighed.

"This child's name is Harry James Potter, born to this earth eighteen

months prior but a thousand years from now, and he is one of Fate's

chosen." Merlin began and there were sharp inhales of breath.

"His destiny is locked within a prophecy but I have witnessed what will

become should he remain on the path he was placed. There is a divide, in

the future, where the orientation of magic are categorised in to good and

evil, light and dark."

"That is stercore!" Godric exclaimed and Rowena sent him a spell that

mimicked the feeling of having a wand rapt on the back the person's

hand. "Circe, Rowena!"

"I shall not remain while such language is being spoken." She warned him

and he scowled.

"The leader of the light is a fool, he had made many grievous mistakes

and he had just made one which will send the world in to peril. If this

child were to remain on his path, should he fulfil the prophecy magic

shall die for it cannot live without balance, should he fail and die, those

fighting shall destroy themselves, revealing magic to those without it and

causing a war that will destroy the very earth in which we live." Merlin

told them all gravely.

"What is to be done?" Salazar demanded and Merlin folded his hands over

his stomach.

"This boy's magic will far outreach any magical born to this world, except

one. And so I bring him to you, the four greatest magical people of your

generation and many generations to come, to teach him all the magic you

know and all the magic he can achieve. Teach him to be strong and sure,

to battle and to endure, but also teach him how to love and to laugh and

more importantly how to live." Merlin said to them softly. "I bring him to

you to change the worlds fate by changing this boy's life, and when the

time comes and he must return to his own time he will have received the

best preparation that he could possibly have and hopefully alter the

balance of the fates."

"Is it even achievable?" Helga asked, her voice no more than a whisper.

"It is my last option." Merlin admitted and the four shared a look.

"We would be honoured to offer our aid." Godric decided and Merlin

smiled slightly.

"I have broken numerous laws in doing this, and my powers are low. The

boy has a Godfather and his mate who care very deeply that I was unable

to bring with me, I have opened the bond they share between Godparent

and charge so he will subconsciously feel their love and worry. When you

begin his control and Occlumency training, it will need to be explained to

him. The connection will close when he returns." Merlin informed them

and they nodded.

"We shall see to it." Rowena assured.

"I have also given the four of you the dialect of the child's time, you have

not noticed it and you will not until Harry is returned. Should he interact

with others, he will hear it in his dialect and they will hear his speech in

theirs. However, this does not work for foreign languages, he will have to

learn those, unless he has been gifted with any speech." Merlin explained,

"He will not be able to learn otherwise."

"I see, that is an extraordinary piece of magic. Another law broken,


"Yes, a necessary one."

"Most definitely."

"I will also like to come and help train the boy, I believe he will have an

aptitude for some of my magics." Merlin mused.

"You know you are a welcomed guest." Helga said with a smile.

"The world and I are in your debt." Merlin stated seriously, "I must leave

you now, and I shall be gone for quite the while. I must accept the

punishments of the laws I have broken this eve."

"Be well, friend." Salazar said, "And return when you can." Merlin offered

them a bow and disappeared in a flash.

"We will need to divide our times to look after the boy." Rowena said,

"And we shall have to keep him from the students until he can begin his

control training, it is imperative that he learns to focus and control all

aspects of his emotions before we begin teaching him. His wild magic

shall forever act beyond his reach otherwise."

"Excellent suggestion," Godric said brightly, "Until that point we shall

monitor his magical outburst and decided a course following that."

"Very well. I must return to my pit, I have four possible advances that

must be reviewed before the number of trial subjects needs to be sent."

Salazar told him, "Inform me of my duties when you are able."

"As you must," Godric allowed and Salazar swept from the room.

"Oh, he's awakening." Helga whispered.

"Look at those beautiful eyes." Rowena gasped, catching sight of the

piercing green irises hiding behind pale lids.

"Such loveliness." Helga murmured, "We must have him fitted and have

the castle provide a room for him that we are able to access from each of

our domains."

"I shall immediately begin." Rowena volunteered and Helga nodded.

"I will order the necessary furniture from the craftsmen, and have it

delivered as the quickest convenience." Godric said.

"Let us return with our bearings here and Rowena may lead us to the


Godric led the two women out of the office and down through the castle,

each of them thinking of the burden in which they agreed to bare. It

would be worth it, should they succeed and they each knew they would

give their very all.

Ok, so that 'little' fix up ended up a lot longer than I set it out to be,

however, it is a million times better than the first. To those who

have been following the story, I hope you like the changes, to those

who are new to this fic, I hope this draws you in. I would be

honoured if you let me know what you think.


2. Chapter 2

A/N: Hi guys! Back again with the changes and the fixes, I was

really pleased with the first chapter's response so I hope this one is

just as well liked! This has more details and more convo than the

original so read away!

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K Rowling, so the characters do not belong to


Warning: none for this chapter.


Chapter 2:

It had been a long six years since Merlin had come before the founders

and asked them of their task, but it had been a good six years. Little

Harry had grown well and he had wormed himself in to all of their

hearts, even if some were reluctant to show it. It had been difficult at

first, Harry's wild magic was much more powerful than they had

expected and they had to begin control and Occlumency training when

he was three. It had helped a great deal, a child's mind was much more

imaginative and they were able to think up the wildest of things that

adults simply couldn't.

It hadn't stopped the wild magic completely however, and due to that

fact Harry had learned to control it slightly. He could bring things to him

if he wanted and vanish things too, it was amusing to watch a four year

old try and be sneaky with magic. Merlin returned to them after three

years and he was rejuvenated and excited, the strands of time were

already rewriting themselves and he took that as a positive seeing as

there wasn't really anything that could be worse than before. He had

begun telling Harry stories of his Godfamily when he was six, showing

him how to pull strength from the feelings within when he needed to.

It had been decided that they would postpone the beginning of Harry's

training for another year, simply because of the vast amounts of magic

the child had within him. At the age of seven, Harry almost had full

wandless control of his magic, and he was most at ease with summoning

and vanishing things, doing it with an absent flick of his hand when he

wanted something. Of course, it wasn't only magic they had been

teaching him. He learned how to read and write with remarkable ease,

and he was being prepared to take on Heir and Lord responsibilities in

the most basic of formats. They were unable to teach specific things as

they were unable to access anything to do with the Houses he would later

inherit, but etiquette, customs and history were a must and how to

interact with other races.

Rowena also insisted that they begin the teachings of other languages

when he was young, she had started teaching Latin and French to Harry

at the age of four and with each mastery of a language another would

begin and Rowena made sure to speak in a different language each time

she was with Harry to make sure he never forgot. Once they were sure it

was safe to begin teaching they had organised a timetable and an outline

of the magics and other learnings Harry would need and who was going

to teach which subjects.

Harry had been excited all week, he knew he would be learning proper

magic and he had been reading at an almost unhealthy rate so he was

ready; he said he didn't want to have to stop all the time. Speaking of the

child, seven year old Harry Potter burst in to the office where Merlin,

Rowena, Helga and Salazar were sitting giggling as Godric chased him,

and he ran to hide behind Salazar's chair. Godric huffed and Harry

peaking around, grinning knowingly and Gryffindor shook his head.

"Too clever." He grumbled and Harry snickered.

"Have you eaten your breakfast?" Helga questioned and Harry nodded.


"Now, you know why we are here." Salazar began, his voice cool, "You

must promise to listen to our instructions clearly, and not to break the

rules we set for you."

"I will," Harry promised solemnly.

"I will be teaching you of your time, we will go over the change in

customs and the facts of history as they are known for everyone else;

even if you already know the truth. I will also be helping you tune in to

any hidden abilities you may have." Merlin told him and Harry nodded.

"You shall be learning Blade Handling, Transfiguration, Defensive Magic

and Riding with me." Godric said brightly and Harry grinned.

"With me we will be covering Charms, Arithmancy, Runic Magic and

Astronomy," Rowena said to him, "Though, shall you show any aptitude

for the art of Divination then I shall be the one to teach you that also."

"We will cover Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Wards and

Protection Magic and Music and Arts together," Helga continued easily.

"And finally," Salazar drawled, "I will teach you Potions, Offensive Magic,

Mind Magic and Archery."

Harry looked at the five of them wide eyed – he would be learning so

much! A bright smile lit up his face and he all but bounced on the spot,

he would do his very best.

It was much harder than Harry could have ever thought it would be. He

had been fitted with a beautiful wand, walnut with a core of Hebridean

Black dragon heartstring and unicorn hair, but he struggled to cast magic

correctly; it felt much more of an effort than he was used to. During the

second week of his training, Harry had tried the shield charm Godric was

teaching him without his wand and it sprang out of his hand in a great

rush of magic.

So it was decided that he was to be taught without a wand, and once he

had the basics down he was taught to use his wand too, though he much

preferred it without. He was getting on quite well, and it was finally time

for his first lesson with Salazar. There was something about the tall, dark

haired man that drew Harry in, and even though Salazar was not the

friendliest of people, Harry really did like him. He swallowed hard when

he saw the mood in which the Slytherin founder was in, the man was

normally intimidating but when he was angry he was downright scary.

"Come," He barked at Harry, who jumped up and rushed to follow him.


"Not now, Ric." He snapped, sweeping out of the room and leaving Harry

to hurry and follow him down to the dungeons. He was ushered in to

Salazar's lab and winced when the man cursed under his breath.

#I knew this would happen. Damn.# He hissed to himself and Harry

blinked, he had never heard the usually calm man say such a word.

#What's happened?# Harry asked hesitantly, unconsciously slipping in to

the Parseltongue that Salazar had spoken previously.

#An experimental potion had been ruined because-,# Salazar froze, his

spine straightened and he slowly turned to face the seven year old child

looking up at him.

"Did you just speak in Parseltongue?" Salazar questioned in disbelief and

Harry looked at him blankly.

"The snake language?" Harry said in confusion and Salazar offered him an

unimpressed look.

"The ancient dialect of the serpent." He corrected, "Yes,"

"I don't know. I thought only you could speak it?" Harry pointed out and

Salazar nodded.

"As did I." He murmured, #Can you understand me?#

#Of course I can.# Harry said, looking at the man as if he had lost his


#We are not speaking English, Harry.# Salazar told him amused and

Harry gasped.


#It seems you have the gift of Parseltongue.# Salazar mused, #It is

unknown why, but it is to our advantage.#

#Cool!# Harry exclaimed and Salazar offered him a small smile.

#It seems our lessons became slightly more interesting.# Salazar stated,

#I shall teach you the magics unique to Parseltongue and I shall show

you how to write in the language and how to identify when you are

speaking and when you are not.#

#This is going to be so amazing.# Harry decided and Salazar chuckled.

He gracefully bent down to kiss the crown of the child's head and

squeezed his shoulder.

#Congratulations on receiving such a wonderful gift.#

The other three founders didn't know what had happened over the first

year of Harry's training, but whatever it was made the child and the most

severe of founding four unusually close. Harry only used to be around

Salazar when the man was out of his dungeons and now the little boy

spent nearly all of his free time with the man, it was quite amusing to

watch Slytherin walk around with Harry following him like an excitable

niffler. Godric had expected his old friend to get frustrated with Harry's

seemingly endless questioning and stalking but the reserved man always

had a small smile for the little boy and answered everything patiently.

Helga swore she had seen Salazar picking Harry up and carrying him

down to the dungeons because the child couldn't keep up, Godric didn't

believe her whatsoever and Rowena had laughed at their bickering.

Six months in to training was when the nicknames started, Salazar would

call Harry 'Little Snake' or 'Snakelet' and by this point the other three had

just accepted that the pair had obviously bonded in some way. Harry did

spend lots of time with the other founders of course, and they were all

exceptionally proud of his progress, more than that as he had blown their

expectations right out of the water.

Over the first year of training, it had been discovered that Harry had no

aptitude for Divination at all, and he had a rather severe dislike for the

subject in general, citing that everyone made their own destinies. Once

he had stopped using his wand for his main casting he had shot through

all the practical magic he had been given, showing accelerated abilities in

Charms, Offence, Defence and Parsel Magics – much to Salazar's secret

delight. Harry did struggle a bit more of the less active sides of magic,

Herbology, Astrology and Runic Magic being his weakest subjects,

though this was completely irrelevant when it came to Potions as he

absolutely adored the subject and it was by far his best after Defence.

Godric had found that, after he had gone over the basics of the Blade

Handling class, Harry was suited using double daggers and while

Gryffindor himself usually fought with a sword, he was able to teach

Harry how to handle them. He drilled the boy on movements that would

achieve the best results, going over them individually before combining

them in to links. After a year of training, Harry felt comfortable with the

blades in his hands and he was able to correctly pull off all the links

Godric had set for him. Gryffindor had promised that they would be

learning how to throw the blades two, if he managed to keep up with the

hand to hand side of things much to Harry's delight.

The other weaponry Harry was being taught was Archery and he thought

it was a blast, once he had been fitted with a bow Salazar had given him

clear instructions on what spells he would need to learn to protect his

hands against the draw as he was bound to make mistakes while

learning. Only once he had mastered the spells was he allowed to begin

firing arrows. At first, he had been shockingly terrible, not being able to

find the strength to pull back enough, or his arms were shaking so he

managed to miss the entire target. The worst time was when he had

somehow hit a rock and the arrow had ricocheted of the hard surface

only for it to imbed itself in Salazar's shoulder.

Harry had been utterly mortified and was very reluctant to pick the bow

back up after that, but Salazar had been determined to help him improve

as there was not one subject of his that Harry didn't excel at. He built up

physical training for the boy, making him lift heavy rocks and larger

cauldrons rather than letting him levitate them so he could build up his

strength. It had worked slowly and it helped Harry hold the bow straight

and actually begin to hit the outer edge of the target. It frustrated him

because in his Offensive Magic training he had a freakishly good aim, one

that Salazar had even admired, but with the bows he couldn't seem to hit

anything but the outside. He had grown desperate and mentally begged

the arrow to please just hit the middle of the stupid target, to his and

Salazar's utter disbelief, the bow had slammed directly in to the centre of

the target, not just in the red zone but straight in the very centre.

They had both forgotten all composure and gaped at the target stupidly

before Salazar looked at Harry in question, the little boy had shrugged

helplessly because he had no idea. Slytherin had ordered to do whatever

he had done again and so Harry had tried, again mentally asking the

arrow to hit the centre and to both of their delights it had shredded the

previous arrow and hit the very middle. From then on he asked the arrow

to hit whatever he wanted to hit and it never failed him, Salazar was

practically skipping in delight and started teaching the boy how to hit

further targets to build up his muscle memory. Once Harry was nine he

would be taken hunting to learn how to hit moving targets, until then

Salazar had promised to teach him trick shots once he was sure Harry

could hit the furthest of targets.

Unlike with Archery, there wasn't a force on the earth that could make

Harry even an acceptable artist. He didn't have the touch for painting or

drawing, nor the patience, and he often got fed up when nothing he tried

to draw looked remotely what it was supposed to. He wasn't the greatest

musician either. After a year he still hadn't really took to any particular

instrument and didn't have much interest in trying to change that fact.

Helga had decided to teach him how to dance, he had already learned

the waltz as that was what was expected of him with his position as an

Heir, but Helga had decided as music and art wasn't his thing, and

because Harry was a very good dancer, that she would expand his

abilities and he had to admit he did enjoy it.

Harry had lessons with Merlin once a week and the aged Warlock had

been delighted to find out that Harry did, in fact, have some hidden

abilities. The boy shared his ability and could cause and manipulate

lightning, which meant Harry had the ability to master the element of

air; something he would do over time. He also had the ability to master

the element of fire too, a welcome surprise, however, Merlin had warned

Harry that he wasn't likely to master either element before his eleventh

birthday but that only made Harry more determined to try. Merlin had

also told Harry all about hid Godfather and his mate, and showed him

how to access the subconscious link that Merlin had opened. It had made

him so much happier to know, though he couldn't help but feel a huge

sense of loss at not seeing either Sirius or Remus.

Much to Godric's delight, Harry had shown an exceptional ability to fly a

broomstick, not only that, the boy seemed to have absolutely no fear at

attempting anything and everything whilst in the air. It was like he was

born to fly, and by the first month of him being on a broom he was

already flying around the pitch standing up – something neither Rowena

nor Helga were pleased about. He carried his talent over to riding

animals too, horses and hippogriffs seemed to adore the boy and he

grasped how to ride them properly within another month; having

particular fun in testing the hippogriffs to the length of their flight ability

and loving every second of it. Rowena was less than impressed when she

caught him flying past the Astronomy tower and Godric's ears were still

ringing my dinner time after the hour long lecture she gave him. She

didn't find out about him putting Harry on Hercules, his Griffin familiar

however, something Ric was thankful for.

Helga working with Harry in Care of Magical Creatures helped him when

flying, he loved animals too. When Harry was nine, he was informed that

he would be expected to learn how to do some of his spells silently, and

instructed by Helga to do so. Surprisingly, it was the Hufflepuff Founder

who was the best at silent casting, and as she was a highly adept teacher,

she went through all of his basic magic with him until he could do it

silently, and then they would advance. Godric, Rowena and Salazar came

together once a week and taught him how to combine Transfiguration,

Defence, Charms and Offence in to duelling, teaching him to never rely

on one branch of magic and to always keep moving.

He picked up on the movements surprisingly quickly and his reflexes

were almost inhuman much to their amazement, and it wasn't long

before he had started to incorporate his daggers in to the duel. Salazar

had gifted him with a stunning set of goblin made daggers, they were

pure black with vicious curved blades and beautifully carved hilt finished

with two sparkling marquise cut emeralds. As they were goblin made

they were resistant to pretty much everything, only taking in that what

makes it stronger, and Harry had found that he was able to slice spells in

half as well as deflect them with the blades. His and Salazar's secret of

Parseltongue was discovered by the others when Harry accidently handed

in his Arithmancy homework written in Parseltongue, Sal had found it

hilarious when Harry had brought it to him and was sure to remind the

child of it as much as possible.

Because of this and other incidents including accidently blowing out a

wall, his Mind Magics had to be advanced further, Salazar had already

taught him how to build a mindscape and Harry's wasn't basic but it

wasn't as detailed as it could be, only being Aphelia's home, and it wasn't

fully connected. He developed his mindscape in to layers and weaved

layers of defences in to the actual scape rather than just protecting it

from the outside, he had his first corridor which was had nasty trip wires

and then a Parsel password door that led to the home of Salazar's Basilisk

familiar Aphelia, who he had slither around to protect the viewing pool

he created in replacement of Aphelia's pool/ The basilisk was the only

protection in the hall, but then, she was a basilisk and it would take

something close to a miracle to get that far in to his mind anyway and

they would still have to face a basilisk.

At the end, there was a statue of Sal and there was another Parsel

password opening that led to stone stairs that would flatten in to a slide,

like the female dorms, unless you tapped the right stone before you took

a step. It wouldn't be too dangerous, if only it didn't lead directly to a

study and the momentum would carry the intruder straight in to a

burning fireplace. The study was identical to the one Sal owned when he

was down working and spending time with Aphelia, the only difference

was Harry's wasn't big enough to fit the growing basilisk and Sal's was.

There were bookshelves everywhere and every book that could be seen

was a book Harry had read, and he was able to go back and read them

whenever he pleased.

There also a tall ebony display cabinet that was filled with hundreds of

phials, each shelf was of a different year and organised by month and

then by person. It was a charmed cabinet of course, expanded on the

inside so much that Harry could walk in to it and have better access to

his memories. However, the cabinet was also a trick. An intruder could

pick up a memory but they would be unable to view it even if they

poured it out, if they did that then it would simply vanish and reappear

on the shelf where it had sat before. The only way to view the memory

was to discover the correct bookcase, guess yet another Parsel password

and enter a bare room with only a viewing pool in the centre.

It was a technique Salazar had created himself and it was a mix of things.

The first, looping, was where the memory would return back to its shelf –

something it would also do once the memory had been viewed. The

second, connecting, was where the mindscape was fully connected to the

body and soul and acted as the link to the viewing pool – usually when a

pool was used, the one who's memory it was had to form a magical link

to play the memory of others. The final, vanishing, was where the

memory would vanish if it was poured or released in any other place

except the pool, and it was difficult because it was formed as a ward in

Parsel by Salazar and it had to be cast on the entire cabinet, the entire

study, entrance chamber and corridor so the memories were not shown

anywhere else. It was the hardest thing Harry had ever done in his mind

and it took him almost a year to have it perfected, but once it was done

he was so pleased.

Salazar had also made him strengthen his defences protecting the

entrance to his mindscape, and Harry had gotten extremely bored so he

thought of something new. It had taken him six months to perfect, but

when he had finished it, it had left Salazar stumped. It was a completely

white space, there was nothing else except blankness and seven doors one

behind the other, seven being the most powerful magical number. Each

door had either a password, a ward, a sequence or riddle that had to be

completed. The passwords were two words and each word was a different

language and on both the first and last door. The sequence was tapping

on correct symbol in the correct order, but the catch was there were

other symbols that were thrown in to trip the intruder up. The riddle was

written on the door and they would have to speak the answer to get it to

open and the door in the centre, door four, was warded with everything

he knew and would have to unlocked before they could pass. Salazar had

been confused, the doors were not blocked off and it was possible to go

to any door and any time to unlock it.

Salazar had merely gone through the last door, cracked the password – as

all magic leaves it's traces and he knew Harry enough to know the words

he used! – and expected to be sent through to the next layer of defence.

Instead, he had walked through the door and was met with the white

space again, only this time one of the doors was open. After several hours

of the man not being able to work out what had happened but knowing

there had to be a way forward else Harry would have shut of his own

mind and would be in comatose. Harry had finally relented and

explained to Salazar that, in order to break the looping illusion, all of the

doors must be open and then the intruder had to walk through the last

door to move on. It was based on the vaults at the bottom of the school,

where seven keys had to be found and used before it would open, it

didn't matter what order just as long as they were all unlocked one after

the other.

Salazar had been impressed and had set about creating the same for his

own mind. The mastering of his own mind had also helped him master

his animagus transformation with Ric, he had a black phoenix form

which made him immune to most poisons and venoms, enabled him to

heal at a much rapid rate and he never got sick and gave him the ability

to travel through flames. He and Salazar had spent over a year working

out a way to allow him to use his flames whilst human. When Harry was

ten, the Founders and Merlin finally sat him down to explain the events

of Samhain that had caused Merlin to do what he did, Harry understood

that he was not born from this time, that there had been an attempt on

his life and he would eventually have to return to his own time, he just

didn't know why.

He had been told to wait and that they would explain everything and the

day of explanation had finally arrived, and Harry was excited. He shot

his final bow through the apple Salazar banished and grinned.

"Will you look at that?" Harry exclaimed in mock surprise, "I hit it."

"Just because your system works now, do not forget how you started."

Salazar quipped and Harry shot him an unimpressed look.

"Sal, if you want to speak of failures, need I remind you of the mindscape

incident." Harry drawled, using the tone the man he was directing it at

was famous for and he laughed as the man shot him a dark look.

"I do believe we are expected for a meeting." Salazar changed the subject

easily and Harry snorted. While the man had been impressed by his seven

doors and had taken the idea for himself, he hadn't liked getting trapped

in Harry's mind for hours upon end trying to figure out how to move


"Yes, I felt Merlin arrive ten minutes ago." Harry said.

"His magic is masked, your sensitivity in increasing." Salazar mused and

Harry nodded.

"It has been since I finally managed my animagus form." Harry told him.

"Not so surprising, really. The Phoenix is a rather phenomenal creature."

Salazar said, leading him through the passageway that went from the

entrance hall up to the fourth floor. They continued up to Gryffindor's

tower, slipping through to a hidden corridor that led to Godric's office

and rooms. Godric and Merlin were laughing together when Harry and

Salazar entered, while Rowena and Helga were smiling and shaking their


"Ah, there he is!" Merlin exclaimed brightly, sat in his all too familiar

young form.

"Hi, Merlin," Harry greeted, going to hug the warlock before taking a seat

next to Salazar.

"Rowena was showing me your latest work in Spell Craft," Merlin said, "I

have to say I am impressed."

"Thanks. I'm sure I have the basic frame work for it complete, it is just

building up the layers so it works and it is stable." Harry said to him


"And you have taken very well to Elvin too." Merlin noted.

"Much better than Nymph." Godric threw in slyly and Harry blushed.

"We don't need to mention that." He grumbled, remembering the time

when the Oaken Clan from the Forests of Dean had visited the Dark

Forest and he had slipped over so many words he had nearly offended

them. It was only thanks to Rowena being with him that the situation

had been saved, Godric had found it absolutely hilarious.

"Do not worry, Harry dear," Helga soothed, "I shall have to tell you about

the time Godric asked to by an Arabian nobleman's daughters instead of

his horses." Harry gasped and burst in to peals of laughter as Godric

groaned and buried his face in dismay.


"I can't wait to hear about that!"

"We have much more important things to be getting on with." Godric

declared and Harry grinned.

"Yes! The story behind the rebounding curse." Harry said, "Who was the

powerful man and what did he mean when he said I was the one to

defeat him?"

"I shall start from the beginning." Merlin decided, "And it starts with a


"What!" Harry exclaimed in disgust, "You have to be kidding me!"

"Snakelet," Salazar said sternly and Harry bit his tongue and cleared his


"Sorry, Sal."

"The prophecy stated that a child born at the death of the seventh month,

of parents who thrice defied him, would have the power to vanquish the

Dark Lord. The child would be marked as his equal, but he would have

the power he knows not and either must die at the hand of the other for

neither can live while the other survives." Merlin explained and Harry

raised his hand to touch his lightning scar before scowling slightly.

"So I'm guessing I was the one." Harry muttered unnecessarily, he was

thinking it over and he could understand the attack. Merlin had told him

about the war and the Dark and Light Lords and how the war was

reaching its peak with the Dark side prevailing, if he had been told that

someone was prophecied to defeat him at such a crucial stage then he

wouldn't have wanted the threat around either.

"Yes, however a mistake was made." Merlin said and Harry looked up.


"Yes, in the midst of what was happening, there was an explosion in the

room and you were knocked unconscious and your twin sister was

thought to be the Chosen One. The Leader of the Light suggested to your

parents that you should be moved elsewhere so they could focus on your

twin and keep you out of the media." Merlin told him and Harry blinked.

Then he blinked again and tilted his head a bit like a bird, his mind had

exploded in to questions and the most prominent one being:

"What in the name of Circe Almighty were they thinking!?" He burst out


"I would not have phrased it so, but I have to agree with Harry." Salazar

stated coldly, the very idea of abandoning a magical child for any reason

was simply not plausible to him whatsoever.

"And another thing." Harry continued, "If I had a sworn Godfather who is

very much alive and I am not with him, where in Hades did they send

me?" Merlin grimaced slightly, eyeing the Slytherin Lord warily knowing

he was just going to love this.

"To your mother's muggle sister."


Salazar roared, surging to his feet "A magical child taken from its true

world and SENT to muggles! An utter disgrace! No training or control –

no protection! He would have self-destructed, his wild magic would be

out of control and eventually his magic would have overcame him once

his majority hit him and killed him! It's insanity at its height. Criminal, I

tell you, absolute criminal!"

Everyone in the office was looking at Salazar in varying degrees of alarm,

Harry's being the biggest as A, it was his life and B, he had never seen

Salazar lose his cool so much.

"Thank Merlin that that didn't happen." Harry muttered hollowly and

Salazar scowled at the wall while Helga and Rowena looked at the child

in concern. Slytherin eventually retook his seat and gently ran his hand

through Harry's hair.

"Don't worry, Little Snake. We'll make sure you can go back and

demonstrate to those pathetic excuses for parents what a mistake they

made and illustrate just how much they wasted trying to teach your twin

when you are so much better." Salazar stated firmly and Harry beamed.

"I think I might look forward to meeting my sister though," Harry said

thoughtfully, "I mean, it's not her fault, is it? And it would be cool to

have a sibling the same age, I could teach her things maybe."

"You are correct, Harry." Helga agreed with a smile, "You can decide

upon meeting her."

"You don't have to like her, Snakelet." Salazar warned, "If she is awful,

brush her aside and show your superiority."

"Salazar of Slytherin!" Rowena chided and Salazar didn't even look


"My dear Row, if one had qualities that are better than others it is one's

right to illustrate as such when the situation arises. Modesty does not get

recognition nor power, if one want's something one must show they have

the ambition and the ability to get what they want." Salazar drawled and

Godric rolled his eyes.

"I'm surprised you even know the word modesty, Sal." He joked and

Salazar merely sniffed.

"So this prophecy is the reason everything happened. What happened to

the Dark Lord?" Harry asked curiously and Merlin smirked slightly.

"This is where things begin to get interesting. The Dark Lord remains in

spirit form, he survived the night and is biding his time to make a


"So the prophecy is still active." Harry questioned.

"Yes. It is." Merlin confirmed.

"And when the time comes, when he returns and confronts the light it

will be revealed that Rosina was never the Chosen, that he cursed me, the

light will expect me to step up and save them despite everything they

have done to me." Harry's tone indicated exactly what he thought of that

idea even if his expression was clear.

"Most likely. You see, I was foretold that should you continue on the path

set for you then the very world would be destroyed if you failed and died

or magic would cease if you completed the prophecy." Merlin informed

him, "Which leads to believe that you were expected to step up in order

for that future to be an option. And for that reason, I brought you here."

"There isn't a force within this earth that could make me voluntarily aid

the people who were willing to abandon me to muggles." Harry stated

venomously, "If the prophecy stands true, the light's war is already lost

because I won't be their attack viper."

"We do not expect anything of you than to be the very best you can be."

Helga soothed him and Harry huffed.

"What is supposed to happen when I go back?" Harry asked.

"Your parents will collect you and 'introduce' you to the wizarding world

and explain the situation, they have been led to believe because of your

modest upbringings-," Godric snorted because everyone knew Harry was

just slightly over indulged, but he worked so hard that they couldn't say

no to the boy. "-you will be understanding and accept your new role."

Harry looked at him in open incredulity.

"They expect me to be understanding and accepting after they abandoned

me with muggles?" He hissed, "On what planet were they born? They

have to out of their damn minds!"

"Language young man!" Rowena snapped and Harry sneered.

"At this particular moment in time, I couldn't care less what language is

coming out of my mouth. I have just found out that my parents, the

people who are supposed to love, cherish and raise you threw me away

in favour of my sister. Not only did they throw me away without a care,

but they threw ME AWAY TO MUGGLES!" He had gotten progressively

louder until he was shouting at the end and his face was flushed in anger.

"Did you not hear what Salazar said earlier? If Merlin hadn't intervened

and changed Fate's path I would be dead in seven years, with

uncontrollable magic and no idea who or what I am. It would have killed

me! And what if the muggles had been like those from the churches?"

Harry shuddered at the very thought and both the ladies had gotten very


"I know this is a lot to take in," Merlin said quietly, "But you are doing so

well now, and you have at least a year to decide what you want to you."

"I'll have to get an actual feel of the time and the happenings before

anything definite" Harry pointed out, before shaking his head. "I need to


"Take an hour out duelling today." Salazar told him, "Centre yourself."

"Ok," Harry said with a sigh, "Can I go now?"

"Yes, of you go, Little Snake." Salazar said and Harry left the room. He all

but ran through the corridors heading for somewhere he could thing,

somewhere where he might be able to understand. He ran up the stairs to

the Astronomy tower and then he was at the top he transformed in to a

Phoenix and flew up to the roof before changing back and sitting down.

He flew in to his mind and rushed to his earliest memories, taking them

all and throwing them in to the viewing pool.

He analysed every detail of what his mind had consciously and

subconsciously remembered, from the blurry first sight of his mother and

father right up until when he looked up green eyes like his own and

watched as his mother passed him over to a man with a huge beard and

blue eyes. Harry was thrown out and he sat at the edge of the pool numb,

his mother had just given him away, just like that. Why? Why would she

do that? He felt an intrusion in his mind and when someone sat down

next to him he knew it was Salazar.

"I don't understand." He admitted to his mentor, his voice shaky.

"I cannot say that I do either." Salazar told him, "If there is anything that

you should take from his discovery is that for whatever reason this

happened, it is not down to you. I may not fully understand but I know

you, and I know how hard you work and just how brilliant you truly are.

It is they who have missed out on knowing you and it is they who have

lost the opportunity to watch as you have excelled beyond what was

every expected of you."

"Thanks Sal," Harry murmured, leaning in to the Slytherin founder and


"Now, we are sat on the roof of the tallest tower of this castle and it is not

something I am in agreement with." Salazar informed him and Harry

giggled slightly, "You could have chosen the lake, Snakelet."

"As much as I love the water, there is nothing like the wind."

"You are spending too much time with Merlin." He decided, "Come, I

must influence you more to counter it."

Harry laughed and followed Sal out of his mind, sealing it as he went,

and back in to the real world, shaking himself out.

"How long have I been up here?" He wondered, stretching his aching


"Over two hours, which is why I came to get you." Salazar answered and

Harry blinked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise."

"It is of no matter, the situation is understandable. Should you be late to

another of my classes, however, and I shall have you mucking the


"I wouldn't dream of it." Harry assured.

"Good. Now get us down from this infernal tower." He ordered and Harry

laughed, he took Salazar's arm and burst in to flames. Everything, Harry

decided, was going to be ok. He didn't believe in set destinies, he would

carve his own and so help anyone who tried to stop him.

There we have it, chapter two for the new readers and the revision

for the old. I hope you like it and please let me know what you

think! Thanks, everyone!


3. Chapter 3

A/N: Here we have the next chapter, this one had quite a bit more

changes that I originally intended, but it lines up actual roots for

some of my plot points I had already introduced later in the fic.

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K Rowling, so the characters do not belong to


Warning: minor fighting and injury.


Chapter 3:

Over his final year with the Founders and Merlin, Harry gained an almost

inhuman determination to stretch the very limits of his ability. Since the

revelation of what had happened back in his own time, he had pushed

himself further and further, trying again and again until he had mastered

everything they had thrown at him. And by Circe did it show. Harry was

in his final duelling class and he was duelling Godric, the best dueller out

of the Founders, and they had been fighting for nearly an hour with

neither gaining the upper hand. Godric released a torrent of spells in one

of his personalised links, Harry deflected them easily, spinning and

casting a mirror shield to have them bounce back on Ric. The boy wasn't

expecting for Godric to do the same, so he only had a split second to

react, he twisted and two vicious looking daggers materialised in his

hands allowing him to slice through two spells and he moved, deflecting

the rest with the edge of his blades before they vanished again.

"Expulso, Relashio, Bombarda Maxima." Harry cast, and then he dropped

on to the floor to dodge Ric's return fire. "Aguamenti," A rush of water

burst in to existence drenching Ric and covering the floor, and Harry

froze it with a quick "Glacius," before Ric could vanish it. Harry cast his

own spell chain but none of them hit their mark, even though Godric

couldn't move, he hissed to himself before smirking and planting his feet.

"Sacer Ignis," He called, focusing on the spell he cast and grinned when

Godric's eyes widened. A huge, flaming phoenix erupted from his hands,

it was billowing black like Harry's own flames and it reared up to strike

its target, seeking to take life to sustain itself. There was a loud crack and

the ice around Ric shattered, he threw himself backwards and slashed at

the bird, stopping it in its tracks and throwing it back at the caster. Harry

caught it easily, the fire washing over him without him so much as

blinking and he sent a silent cutting curse through the flames as he

banished them, catching Godric unaware. Harry took full advantage of

that momentary distraction, casting three disarmers, a knock out Charm

and an Incarcerous successfully ending the duel. He stood stunned when

he saw Godric bound tightly on the floor and his wand well out of his

reach, he summoned it to be on the safe side and span around when there

was slow clapping from the side lines.

"Congratulations, Snakelet." Salazar called from where he was stood

behind the protective wards, his voice full of pride and a small smile on

his face; Harry beamed.

"Thanks, Sal!" He replied brightly, waving his hand to banish the ropes

around Ric and throwing back his wand.

"You have done very well." Godric agreed, "And I just got beaten by a ten

year old."

"In your defence, I am a fire elemental and sending fire back at me was

not the best of ideas." Harry pointed out with a shrug, Salazar raised an

eyebrow at him and Harry smirked. "Ok, so I was completely amazing, I

know, but I was trying to make him feel better." Both Godric and Salazar

rolled their eyes and the three of them began fixing up the damaged


"Let's go to Helga." Godric decided, "That was a very nice Cutting Curse."

His arm was bleeding quite badly and Salazar sent a stasis spell at the

wound to freeze it until they reached the medical wing.

"I wasn't expecting it to hit, but I thought I would try anyway." Harry told

him, following both male Founders from the room.

"No, I was not expecting the spell when you were surrounded by flames."

"It was very well executed, Little Snake." Salazar put in, "Though, I still

require your Potion's essay handed in by the end of the day."

"Honestly, I can't believe you had the audacity to give me extra time!"

Harry said in disgust, looking at Salazar with an expression of extreme


"It is at Master Level." Salazar reasoned, "You merely got the extension as

every student would."

"But I'm not like every student." Harry pointed out.

"No, you do, by far, outstrip any of my other students." Salazar allowed.

"His progress in potions is outstanding. Is he truly that good at Potions?"

Godric said surprised and Salazar cast Harry a proud look.

"He is,"

"I have the essay ready for you." Harry told him, snapping his fingers and

making a scroll appear in the air before him. He plucked it out of the air

and handed it over to the green Founder, who took it and slipped it in to

his robes.

"You will be informed of your results by the morrow, Snakelet." Salazar


"I'm not worried, I went over that thing eight times before I deemed it

acceptable to hand it in." Harry shook his head, "Anything less than

perfection is unacceptable, and should there be mistakes then there I

don't deserve to become a Master."

"Circe almighty!" Godric exclaimed, "Sal, you are teaching him bad


"I do not have bad habits, I merely have things others do not appreciate."

Salazar sniffed and Godric snorted.

"Wow. That was an entirely new level of arrogance." He deadpanned.

"Hush yourself and get to Helga before I remove the stasis spell and you

die." Slytherin snapped, "I won't waist my potions on you."

"You wound me, old friend."

Salazar rolled his eyes, pushing Godric over Helga's threshold and

offering a pleased smile to the gentle Founder.

"Godric got his behind handed to him on a silver platter in during

duelling." He informed her gleefully, his voice mocking as he eyed


"Oh my, congratulations Harry." Helga cheered, waving her wand over

the grinning pre-teen.

"Helga!" Godric exclaimed, "I'm bleeding out here!"

"Oh hush, Godric of Gryffindor. You are a fully grown man, you will wait

while I see to Harry." Helga informed him sharply, making Salazar laugh

at Godric's offended expression. Harry grinned when Helga gave him the

all clear, stepping back to let Godric have his wounds closed.

"Harry, you had better be on your way. Rowena is expecting you." Godric

reminded him, and Harry started.

"I had forgotten," He admitted, heading towards the door, "Bye everyone."

"That boy is a true wonder." Helga murmured, and both the males

nodded in agreement.

Harry slipped through the castle without trouble, the semi-sentient

building easing his passage as he moved towards Ravenclaw's domain.

The statuesque Founder was engrossed in one of her books and Harry

smiled slightly, entering the large circular office and taking his seat.

"I am sorry for being slightly late, Row." Harry said, snapping his fingers

for his notes to come to him. "I finally managed to beat Ric in a duel and

we had to go and see Helga afterwards."

"Congratulations, Harry. That is impressive." She told him proudly, "You

shall be able to inform Merlin when he arrives in the eve."

"Is he coming for more training?"

"Yes, after dinner." She confirmed. "Now, we have your Spell Craft to

finish. You're but steps away from completion."

"I have been working on it in my free time," Harry told her, pushing his

notes forward and moving closer to her desk. "The spell is intended to

mask your presence completely, and I have the incantation which I

finished on my own."

"Yes, I see." Rowena murmured, "You will need to correct your scent

layer, you have miswritten it."


"Here, look," She pointed out the elements he had used and Harry's eyes

widened when he spotted the obvious mistake.

"How could I be so stupid?" He groaned, removing the wrong elements

and rewriting them how they should be.

"It was a simple mistake, Harry." Rowena consoled, "Which you corrected

as soon as it was shown to you."

"I've been working on this for weeks, I shouldn't have made such an

error." Harry stated, shaking his head. "It was foolish."

"No matter." Row decided, "Let us focus on the actual construction of

your spell. We do not want it to rupture and we have only guaranteed the

stability of the first layer. When we tested the others previously they

wavered constantly."

Harry shuddered at the thought. He had seen one of the students

accidently rupture one of their spells and it hadn't been pretty; Helga had

managed to save one of their eyes though. They worked for a good few

hours, with Rowena mainly supervising Harry's movements as he went

through the process of building his spell.

"We will put in the final touches during our next session, and remember,

do not finish it alone. I know you can build spells, but this is a highly

complex multi-layer charm, and its instability could cause great harm."

She warned him.

"On my honour, I will not work on this spell." Harry promised.

"Very well, let us go down to dinner." She decided. "How are you other


"Well I've just handed in my latest Potions essay to Salazar, I've beat

Godric in a duel and even the unicorns like me." Harry told her with a


"You have outreached all of our expectations." She said to him and Harry


"It is the only way." He responded solemnly and Rowena laughed. There

was only one table within the Great Hall as the students were on holiday,

and all of the other Founders were already in attendance.

"Ah, here they are." Godric announced, "We were going to send an elf."

"We were distracted with building Harry's latest spell." Rowena eased

their worry and took her seat.

"For so long?" Salazar wondered, looking at Harry with a raised eyebrow.

He had seen the boy edit a spell from scratch in a few hours simply

because he was frustrated with human stupidity.

"This is four layered spell." Rowena told him, a proud look at her student.

"We've been working on it in secret as we were unsure to if it were


"Oh wonderful work, Snakelet." Salazar exclaimed, "Most impressive."

"Thanks. It's been hard, but I'm so glad it's worked out." Harry said with a

smile. They ate their dinner with light conversation before Harry was

hurried off to meet Merlin for his final lessons. The aged warlock had

come in his young form that evening and Harry grinned at him, receiving

a bright one in return.

"You alright, Harry?" He asked and Harry laughed, he always found it

amusing that Merlin's speech would change along with his form; he didn't

think he would ever understand the wizard.

"Yes, nearly finished on my first multi-layered." He told him, "Any day


"Congratulations, though your success does not surprise me. Your

mastery to the air and storms came much sooner than even I could have


"With the air and storms I can just feel it," Harry said, shaking his head at

trying to put the experience in to words. "Fire on the other hand…" he

trailed off with a glare at the wall and Merlin chuckled, leading him out

in to the grounds.

"You are doing fine with fire." He stated and Harry huffed, "You can

conjure and overcome, which is impressive considering you started later

than we planned."

"What's the point in being able to conjure if I cannot direct or control?"

Harry groaned, "It always ends up overpowering me and the only time I

can ever force control is when I overcome someone else's fire spells."

"Exactly, you can overcome others which is steps away from being able to

control your own. You know we have to work differently due to your raw


"Yeah yeah, I know. Because I have so much raw magic my own conjured

fire is a project from that, making it harder to control and overcome

compared to others who have weaker magic." He recited in a way that

indicated he had done so a thousand times previous.

"Stop whining then and get to work. You haven't even worked on your

fire since you mastered controlling your phoenix fire, you may have

gained a better understanding."

"Here's hoping." Harry grumbled, taking up his place in the centre of the

courtyard. They practiced fire here so they didn't damage the castle's

lands. Harry took a deep breath and reaching in to himself, drawing up

his command over the fire element as he had done so many times before

and called for flames to come forth. It was easier than before, but he

realised that he had unconsciously mimicked the way he used his

phoenix ability to move. The flames were a mix of fiery red and inky

black as they whirled around him, he slowly pushed the ring outwards,

away from his body and stretching in size. He had got it about a foot

further than he normally could before it started to flare and snap out of

control, he raised his arms as the flames rushed towards him and he

sliced his hands through the air banishing the flames instantly.

"For the love of Circe Almighty." He cried, "This is ridiculous, they always

snap back at me."

"What do you do when you feel the flames waver?" Merlin asked and

Harry shrugged.

"I don't know, try to stop them from burning me to a crisp."

"Ah, why do you do that?" Merlin questioned, making Harry look at him

as if he had lost his mind.

"Because I don't want to die." He deadpanned. Merlin gave him a bland


"I realise that death is not on the agenda any time soon." He intoned,

"However, I wish to know why you bother to stop the flames coming at


"I just told you that I don't want to get burned to a crisp! It's not as if I

can just blend with the flames – oh…" Harry got a look of dawning

understanding on his face and grinned. "I'm a creature of fire."

"You are, which means that you are immune to the damages of flames."

Merlin stated, "Use that gift to your advantage."

Harry retook his position and tried again. Over the next two hours, Harry

managed to break his instinctual habit of halting burning hot flames

coming towards him, but once he drew on that 'recklessly brave' streak

Sal swore he had and allowed the flames to surround him he managed to

gain a thread of control and let them fade away gently. Merlin caught

him as he stumbled in exhaustion, the repeated drawing on an element

was always taxing, but flames never came as easy as air and storm.

"Let's get you to your chambers, I shall inform the others of your

departure this evening." Merlin murmured, easily hoisting the child up in

to his arms and carrying him through the castle. He switched Harry's

clothing with a wave of his hand and tucked the sleeping boy in to his

bed. He moved out of the chambers, and swiftly up the Founder's sitting

area, hidden behind the staff room.

"Good evening, Merlin," Godric greeted, "Where's Harry?"

"He became exhausted after our session with fire." Merlin answered, "He

has finally succeeded in gaining the beginnings of control."

"Astounding," Helga murmured.

"I believe we have Salazar to thank for this one." Merlin commented, "His

work on aiding Harry to use his flames to travel assisted a great deal."

The Slytherin Founder bowed his head in acknowledgement with a slight

quirk of his lips.

"As much as it pains us, we must speak of the upcoming weeks." Rowena

spoke softly and the mood dimmed.

"Yes. Harry's day of birth is upon us in but fourteen days." Helga agreed.

"Are we still in agreement on our gift?" Godric asked.

"Of course, I have not wavered in my decision." Salazar answered

immediately, and the others voiced their agreement.

"We shall present it on the eve, and explain how it will work." Merlin

decided, "No doubt his curiosity will need to be sated.

"His curiosity will cause him many moments of peril." Salazar muttered

exasperated, but shared a fond look with his friends.

"I have no doubt he will be pleased."

"It is my only regret that I cannot watch him when he returns to his

home." Godric sighed, "Those good-for-nothing parents of his deserve

everything he can throw at them."

"Calm yourself, Godric," Helga soothed, "Only Harry can truly the

situation as a whole."

"My dear Helga, your natural instinct to see the best of everyone is

charming but often misguided." Salazar huffed, "Children should always

be cared for by their parents, but a child of magic should be worshiped

by their parents. Anything else is nothing short of a betrayal to magic


"We cannot know what occurred fully." She reasoned and he hissed.

"Have we not seen the misery in Houses as their daughters and wives

birth the unblessed?" He demanded, "How the mother's soul screams in

pain as magic has not found her child worthy of her gifts? If that is not

enough, just look at how those born of Mud are treasured and worshiped

as they create new fresh lines of magic, chosen by the lady herself! Taken

in to our world, forsaking the foulness behind them and expanding our

greatness. Some have even been adopted in to the old houses to expand

their own lines and continue growing."

"I know," Helga told him firmly, "And should the situation be at black and

white as first presented, then I shall expect Harry to act accordingly. But I

will not pass full judgement."

Salazar wordlessly sighed and turned away, choosing to mutter about her

foolish kind-heartedness in Parseltongue instead.

"This is not the time for us to be quarrelling." Rowena stated, "We are

prepared Harry to face whatever he may encounter, and I, for one, have

the utmost belief that he will handle everything in a way in which will

do us all very proud."

Harry was practicing his spell work with Sal, who kept flinging curses at

him to improve his already amazing reflexes. It was why he had managed

to hone them so well, and why he was so good a sensing magic for his

age. When you had dark arts Master throwing random spells at you, you

learned to be ready for it and be able to dodge or shield from it no matter

what. It was fun once he had gotten the hang of it, and it was a good

work out for him to strengthen his muscle memory. Harry was left

panting when Salazar finally relented, but he was grinning because he

hadn't been hit once.

"You have gotten particularly good at that." Sal noted, flicking his wand

to clean his charge up and straighten his robes.

"You didn't exactly give me a choice." Harry pointed out with a laugh,

calming his breathing.

"Better now than be struck down." Salazar stated and Harry nodded in


"Of course,"

"I've looked over your potions work, Harry." Salazar told him as they

walked to lunch, Harry froze at his real name.

"How was it?" He asked, Salazar went silent which didn't help Harry what

so ever as just as he was about ask again Salazar spoke.

"It was phenomenal, Snakelet." He admitted and Harry broke in to the

biggest grin.


"It was perfect. I could not have done better myself." Salazar told him

proudly and Harry thought he may have glowed. "Your theory

surrounding Aconite was ingenious, and I shall conduct some of your

outlined experiments myself, to give extra credibility, even though your

own ones were very nicely done. All of my notes shall remain a secret, of

course, and I shall leave them for only you to find. The possibility of

extracting the poison during the full moon to use to fight against the

curse has much merit and your theoretical backing was brilliantly

thought out."

"Thank you," Harry accepted the praise politely, a smile slipping on to his

face without notice.

"Also the notes you presented for your shielding potion are wonderful. All

the components are there and it should work, the only thing is testing it

and I will not allow you to test it on yourself so do not even say it."

Salazar shot him a reapproving look as he closed his mouth and smiled


"However Godric did volunteer with Helga to travel to collect one of the

testers for you on this afternoon." He continued making Harry gasp.


"If I've looked at it correctly-," Harry snorted and the mere thought of

Salazar Slytherin misreading anything, and he gained himself an

unimpressed glance, "then it should block everything apart from the

killing curse."

"If this works, it will be unprecedented." Harry said excitedly, "It could

change battles."

"I do not doubt you, Snakelet." Salazar stated. Harry skipped in to the

Great Hall and hugged Godric, twirling around to kiss Helga's cheek and

then slip in to his seat.

"I see Sal has informed you of my decision." Godric noted amused and

Harry beamed.

"Yes, and I cannot thank you enough for doing this."

"You are welcome, my dear. We all have the utmost faith in you, this is

merely to officially verify it." Helga said warmly. Harry was bouncing in

his seat as Helga and Godric departed to the prison, he couldn't wait for

this. This was something he had been working on for ages, scraping

theory after theory until he finally had a workable recipe. Salazar

directed the boy down to his labs where he ordered him to go through

his Occlumency before beginning on his potion. For what is was designed

to do, it didn't take that long to brew.

It was the ingredients that made it take the time, there were many plants

and herbs that were picked different to their normal times, or selected for

a different reason to their usual usage. Others had to be prepped months

before hand, when he had first given the potion to Sal to look at, the

Slytherin Founder instructed him to prepare the ingredients as he had

theorised and they would see how they developed to illustrate if the

theory was still plausible – scrapping and switching ingredients when

they either failed or were discarded. The process of brewing the potion,

while not too long, was not without its difficulties. There were times

where he would need to be working with three different ingredients at a

time, within seconds of each and Harry took a deep breath as he started

the familiar movements of setting up his station.

He fell in to the brewing completely, rereading each line to make sure he

had everything perfect as he worked. The worst part of it all was when he

had to leave the potion to simmer for almost twenty minutes before he

could continue, only being able to stir it when necessary. He brought the

potion to boiling point before adding the final ingredient and watching as

the bubbles burst in to colour, making the contents resemble liquid gold.

Harry stepped back and moved the cauldron to cool, starting his cleaning

and tidying up. He made sure everything was spotless, including himself,

before returning to the cooled liquid, which had settled on a clear gold

with a glass-like sheen. Harry bottled it up and then bolted from the

room, Salazar, having expected such a reaction, was already waiting by

the door to follow the excitable child. They moved through the halls to

Helga's basement and Harry barely remembered to knock as he entered

the testing chambers.

"I wasn't expecting you so soon." Godric said in surprise.

"It wasn't a long brew, just a hard one." Harry told him, thrusting the

potion forward eagerly.

"Compose yourself, Snakelet." Salazar commanded. Harry closed his eyes

and tightened hold on his emotions shields, settling his excitement in to

an outward calm.

"This is prisoner 482." Helga informed him, her voice going clinical, "6ft,

195 pounds, no outstanding health issues. Life imprisonment; tester's

unit. Aggravated rape, multiple counts."

Harry's expression darkened and he suddenly wished it was a worse

potion they were testing, and by Salazar's expression he was not the only


"Administering test potion, passive action, defence." Helga continued,

pouring the potion down the prisoner's throat. Harry had summoned a

quill and his notebook to him and he was making it transcript everything,

he had made this quill himself with Rowena's help. It was keyed in to

recognise each voice of the Founder's, Harry and Merlin. It could only

read eight people, but it made testing so much easier as they don't have

to decipher the lines of text. They watched as the prisoner's skin seemed

to glow lightly for a brief moment before it faded back, Harry was

reciting what he saw for his quill, discussing the proceedings with the

others in the room. He had stepped forward to look closer at the prisoner,

see his reaction to the potion and then watch Helgas as she performed

the first ten minutely check on his heath.

Salazar began casting spells at the prisoner, using basis magic: disarmers,

stunning spells and implementing charms to begin with, varying the

speed of his casting for Harry to verbally analyse for his notes. The spells

seemed to sink in to the skin, but as Harry got even closer he saw that

they were sinking in to a near invisible sheen millimetres away from the

skin. The spells got more advanced and more harmful, but they continued

to be absorbed and the prisoner's health remained stable, until Salazar

was casting the darkest of arts repeatedly and the shield stood true. For

experimental purposes, Sal cast a few spells in Parseltongue and they

were both surprised when the shield held, though on the fifth spell Harry

saw the barrier waver and dissipate, calling it out for his notes and

Salazar cast a stunning spell just to confirm that it was definitely gone.

"Congratulations, Harry." Godric said brightly, securing magical

supressing bands back on the prisoner.

"You have done remarkably well," Salazar agreed.

"I shall continue to monitor him throughout the rest of the day and until

tomorrow, is signs have not shown by then then it is passed the limit for

passive potions." Helga told him, "But well done, dear one."

"Thanks," Harry said happily, "I can't believe it worked so well. I mean,

Parsel spells…" he shook his head. They headed up to the Founder's

room, where Rowena was arranging tea for them all and she offered

them a warm smile.

"How did the testing go?" She asked and Harry beamed.

"So far, we have success." He told her proudly.

"Oh very well done." She congratulated. "You must be so pleased."

"I am, I am so happy."

They sat having tea and afternoon snacks, and the four Founders were

discussing their lesson plans for the upcoming year, which reminded

Harry of how soon he would be facing the future.

"I go back in a month, don't I?" Harry asked suddenly, halting the

previous conversation and sobering the mood at the mention of the


"Yes, unfortunately you cannot stay here beyond that point." Rowena

answered and Harry nodded.

"I know, I have understood that I will not staying for a long time and

decided to look at is as an early betrothal. I would not be expected to

stay past my fourteenth year in this time anyway, so it's only three years."

Harry said honestly, "That and it is not as if Hogwarts won't have your

portraits somewhere."

"That is a very mature outlook, Little Snake." Salazar complimented.

"What made you ask of your departure?" Godric inquired and Harry

pursed his lips.

"Something Merlin mentioned during one of our sessions." Harry said, "It

just came to me."

"And that was?"

"That my parents would be collecting me from the Muggle house to

'reintroduce' me in to the wizarding world."

"What about it?" Helga wondered.

"There is absolutely no force on this earth that is going to make me

pretend to be a clueless child who hangs on to their every word." Harry

stated, before sweeping his robes, "Besides, I am an Heir to some very

prestigious houses, I am to be denied nothing and I shall achieve

greatness." His voice had taken on an arrogant tone that mimicked

Salazar's to perfection, he had his head tilted at an angle where he wasn't

actually looking down his nose but it still felt like it and his expression

the perfect mask of disdain.

Slow smirks appeared all through the room, imagining what Harry could

put them through should the need take him. They had seen him at his

worse, more arrogance than what could be considered healthy, and if he

added that to his front of treating things and people as if they were

nothing to him then his parents didn't stand a chance. All of the other

Founders blamed Salazar, he was the one to boost Harry's sense of

entitlement, he had repeatedly informed the child that there was no such

thing as faults, merely things others do not have the capacity to

appreciate. The saving grace was that Harry worked harder than anyone

they had ever seen, nothing they threw at him was too much, no amount

of essays or spell work or theory research overcame him and that

balanced him out. Because, unfortunately, Salazar was right, he had the

ability and the power to back up his arrogant words, so why bother to

hide it.

"It will be ever so much a shame when you are much more talented than

they could even hope to expect and will have no trouble illustrating said

power." Salazar agreed, his voice amused.

"They are going to be in for a huge shock." Rowena noted with a laugh.

"How unfortunate." Godric put in convincingly.

"You are all terrible." Helga chided with a smile, "Although, Harry, do

remember the wards and protections we have covered, they are getting

quite advanced."

The group burst in to laughter at Helga's comment, sitting back and

relaxing in the afternoon sunlight before they went to dinner.

Harry's birthday seemed to come at them instantly, and the Founders had

been in a flurry to make sure their plans were able to be set in to motion.

They greeted the bouncing birthday boy with a huge "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"

and the Great Hall draped in shining banners and steamers for decoration

and a table weighed down by presents.

"Happy birthday, Snakelet." Salazar repeated, leading him over and

pushing his large pile of gifts forward swiftly.

"This is amazing! I can't believe I'm eleven."

"I know, it has come by so quickly." Helga sniffed.

"Such a grand age, your first step in full wizardy." Godric announce


"Begin with your presents, Harry." Rowena insisted with a smile, "Then

we may begin with the celebratory break of fast."

Harry needed no more encouragement, tearing at his presented with

vigour and exclaimed at all the wonderful items he received. His absolute

favourites included: a set of beautifully hand-stitched thigh dagger

holsters, charmed to grow and adapt to his movements and ageing, and a

book of personalised transfiguration and defensive magic spells from

Godric. A gorgeous golden eagle quill and ink set, with blue ink and

bronze castings, and a journal of personal Arithmancy and Runes from

Rowena. A stunning bottle green cloak, with a black silk lining, with

black fastenings and hand-stitched snakes along the trim, a breath-taking

elven carved recurve bow made from yew, along with a dragon hide back

quiver filled with ebony arrows, and a copy of her own advanced wards

and protection spells from Helga. Finally, from Salazar, he had the man's

personal journal filled with potions and spells written in Parseltongue, a

lovely silver locket that has three small emeralds and the Slytherin crest

on it, and Salazar presented him with a beautiful dark green and black

snake, around the length of the man's arm and no more than two inches

thick. She was introduced as Aressa, and Harry was given strict

instructions to look after her – not that anyone doubted that fact.

After the house elves had taken all of his gifts, Harry got to spend some

quality time with all of the Founders up until lunch time, then they

parted ways and Harry first went with Godric, who took him flying on

brooms in the beginning and then he let Harry go around the castle and

lake on Hercules, his Griffin. When he was fully windswept and flushed,

Godric took him inside to see Helga, who had been called away to deal

with a pregnant kneezel. Harry was lucky enough to help with the birth

and together they got all of the adorable little kittens tucked away with

their mother.

Harry got cleared up and rushed off to see Rowena, where she challenged

him to The Philosopher's Game, which she soundly won at repeatedly,

and Nine Men's Morris, which Harry managed to win most of. She

ushered him off to Salazar, who was waiting for him to go to his

Chamber. Harry introduced his new snake to Aphelia, who hissed her

approval before winding herself around him and complaining about

Salazar's supposed neglect. Harry thought it was hilarious, especially

given the fact that the Slytherin Founder was known for spoiling the

young basilisk. When dinner finally came around, Harry walked with

Salazar up to the Great Hall and the boy was delighted to see Merlin,

aged and bearded, in attendance.

"Happy Birthday, young Harry." He said to the boy with a smile, Harry

beamed at him and happily accepted the few gifts he was given.

"Thanks, Merlin." He returned, admiring the Journal that Merlin had

given him, which was a description of his life – right up until his death,

which Harry thought was monumentally weird. They all sat down

together to eat dinner, and the house elves presented a huge cake for

desert, where Harry cut the first piece as it was his birthday.

"Now," Merlin began, quieting the conversations going on at the table.

"We have not given you all that we wish to just yet."

Harry looked at him in shock before a smile lit his face.


"Yes, and while the gift comes from the five of us, they are individual."

Merlin explained and Harry raised an eyebrow in confusion, looking very


"In recognition of your power, abilities and credibility as a wonderful

young man, we would like you to become part of our direct lines."

Salazar picked up, his lips quirking slightly as Harry's jaw dropped.

"You what?"

"We would like you to become our Heir." Rowena repeated with a smile,

and Harry blinked a few times stunned at what he was hearing.

"I-I would be honoured." He got out, overwhelmed. The adults shared a

soft look as they let him compose himself and when his mask was firmly

in place, Salazar withdrew a vial of clear potion, one Harry had seen and

brewed many times before; Sanguinis eris – the blood adoption potion.

Salazar allowed seven drops of blood to fall in to the phial, turning it a

glistening silver, before passing it to Godric, who copied his motion and

turned the potion a blinding gold. Helga accepted it next and the potion

went a cheerful, sunny yellow and she handed it over to Rowena, who

durned it a shining bronze. Merlin added his blood last, turning a rich,

royal purple, and the five of them allowed their magic to flare making

the potion flash. The different colours swirled together, but never fully

mixed, and Harry took it when it was handed to him, drinking it down in


It burning its way through his veins, but Harry controlled his outward

reaction to hunching and hissing as it felt like his blood was searing and

his skin was melting. When it was finally over he was left gasping for

breath, though he knew better than to ask for a potion to soothe the

ache. His features had changed slightly, he was an inch or so taller and

the muscle he had gained through years of training became ever-so-

slightly more defined, though his lithe frame remained, he was more

toned. His hair became darker, silkier and the gravity defying ability

faded, falling to curl around his ears and down over his forehead. His

face became sharper, cheek bones beginning to match Salazar's, his lips

gained more shape from Rowena, his jaw became a bit more square and

his eyes seemed all the more large as their vibrant green colouring

seemed to glow.

"How are you feeling?" Helga asked in concern, Harry took a deep breath

before nodding slowly.

"I think I am ok." He answered, looking up with a slight smile.

"You look a bit different, Harry." Godric informed him, conjuring him a

mirror to see. Harry looked at the changes in himself with a grin.

"Thank you, truly." He said gratefully, "This means so much to me."

"We know, and we can think of no other that we would want to give this

to." Merlin returned.

"I have a few questions." Harry stated and the adults shared a chuckle.

"We expected as much." Rowena agreed. "Ask us what you wish to know

and we shall answer to the best of our abilities."

"How is this going to work in the future, when I return I mean?" Harry

asked immediately.

"Merlin has informed us that by your time, only one of us is survived by

blood – Salazar." Helga answered.

"We have put protections and clauses in to our accounts to prevent your

inheritance being squandered by whatever our bloodlines may or may

not do. Everything we have during your time will become yours." Salazar

assured, "In regards to my last descendant, you shall have to discover

who they are for yourself, and it will be your decision to inform them of

your being. You will, however, become the Heir, should my descendant

take up his Lordship, and you will understand why."

Harry nodded, not bothering to question it as he knew Sal would say no

more, that and he didn't mind holding the Heirship, he would have been

honoured to merely be a son to the Slytherin House.

"Within the Wizengamot, we will have seats. Merlin has not revealed too

much, as not to alter history too much, but our names will hold power

and because of that only you will be able to sit in them; you cannot

choose a proxy." Godric explained and Harry nodded, understanding

more as Merlin had been teaching him the future etiquette, customs and

happenings for years.

"We have also made it so you cannot be cast out of our Houses. It is

impossible to remove your being from blood records, and your presence

will become a blood bound secret." Rowena continued, "Your rightful

place will never be taken from you."

"We will also be giving you a copy of our Heir rings. When you return to

your time, the other rings will cease to exist, and you will gain access to

your Lordship rings when you become fifteen years of age." Merlin

added. Five rings were placed before him and Harry slipped them on to

his finger, watching as they melted in to one band with five crests

imprinted on the metal; not enough to be distinguished, but enough to

illustrate what kind of band it was.

Harry smiled down at it before rushing to hug the five of them,

murmuring his thanks over and over again; this was the best birthday

ever. He knew he was to leave soon, and he knew it was going to be hard

never seeing them again, but he had also known he was never going to

be staying since he was old enough to understand. This though, this he

would carry with him for the rest of his life and he was honoured to do

so. The future was looking even more interesting.

There we have it, the next revised chapter. Are you guys liking it so

far? Please let me know what you think and I'll get working on the

next one!


4. Chapter 4

A/N: Ok, so this one has almost had a double in word count, and

I've corrected some of Harry's behaviour and actions in this one,

smoothing things over for later plot points I've already introduced.

For all those who are new to this fic – HI! Thanks for reading, and

don't let my ramblings put you off.

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K Rowling, so the characters do not belong to


Warning: None for this chapter, I don't think. Possible language?


Chapter 4:

Two weeks, Harry decided, was really too short of a time. His last days

with the Founders would be something that he cherished forever, and

nothing would ever change that. They made sure he had the greatest time

of his life. Rowena helped him finish and perfect his masking spell and its

incantation, and he had fun showing it off to an impressed Salazar,

although he did get a scolding of a lifetime for scaring the Slytherin Lord

out of his wits. The scolding didn't do much, however, as Harry was too

busy howling with laughter at the undignified sound that left the man

and in the end Salazar had bribed Harry to keep quiet about the incident.

Salazar later found out that Godric had been testing the spell with Harry,

so had witnessed the entire incident first hand, and had no qualms in

telling the Ladies all about it, he had even went as far as sharing the

memory with them so they could get the full force of the hilarity. Harry

had been forced to walk around doing a fair impression of Medusa,

without the deadly gaze, for two days after that, and it was an absolute

nightmare listening to the snakes go on and on constantly. He thanked

his stars however, Godric was still baying a week later.

The final evening's dinner was the grandest affair Harry had ever seen,

the Great Hall was decked out at its finest and the elves had prepared a

feast the Gods would have been proud of. They spoke and they sang, they

laughed and they cried up until the early hours when Harry finally

collapsed, completely worn out, in Salazar's waiting arms.

His trunk was packed, he was dressed in his finest robes, Aressa tucked

away and his wand was strapped to his arm – once he had finally found

it. It was harder than Harry could have ever imagined, standing before

the four Founders knowing it would be the last time he would ever

physically see them, and he just broke down. He cried, clutching Salazar

in a grip of iron, until he was out of tears. The adults couldn't hold back

their own emotions, parting from one they saw as family – who was


"I know it is difficult, Snakelet." Salazar said softly, rubbing his hand over

the boy's shoulder. "But you are strong and you are going to show

everyone what a mistake they made."

"We'll miss you just as much, but we know that you'll be doing so well."

Rowena told him.

"You'll do us all so proud." Godric agreed.

"You'll finally get to see your Godfather and Uncle again." Helga

reminded him, smiling through her own tears, "You've missed them so


That seemed to finally calm the boy down. He drew back and wiped his

eyes with his hands, his missing etiquette being ignored this once.

"I do get to see them again." Harry repeated, "I've been looking forward

to that."

"You will have the opportunity to rebuild strong bonds with them again,"

Salazar pointed out, "I believe they will be overjoyed at the prospect."

"I hope so. It's been so long."

"Do not doubt the bond, Harry." Merlin told him, from his place in the

corner. He had kept out of the proceedings, his position in reguards to

Harry was different. While he could not promise to see the boy again, it

could not be said that he wouldn't.

"I know, I shouldn't. I guess I am just nervous." He admitted.

"As soon as you see them it'll all go away." Godric assured.

"Those bonds will serve you well, Harry." Rowena told him, "And I

believe it will be best if you focus on those instead of ours."

"What do you mean?"

"I do not think it wise that you put all your efforts in to finding our

portraits, when you should be building up your relationships with your

Godfather and Uncle." She said gently, holding up a hand to stop his

protests. "Should you come across us, then let it be a joy. But you are part

of our lines now, you will have access to all of our earthly belongings and

there will be a portrait of us in each of our vaults, as well as a joint frame

for us to converse. You will speak to us again, never doubt. But we

cannot be there for you like your true family, and I would hate for those

relationships to be permanently damaged because you held on to us."

Harry bowed his head, knowing what she was saying was true. He didn't

like it, but he would listen to Rowena's wishes however difficult it was.


"It's time to go, Harry. We must get you settled and reattach the wards."

Merlin told him. Harry nodded reluctantly, and with one last round of

hugs Merlin took his arm and they vanished in a flash of light. They

landed in a small road with lines of identical houses stretching far in to

the distance, they were horrifically repetitive and Harry felt his nose

wrinkle in disgust.

"This is where I am to live?" He questioned in disbelief.

"This is where your muggle aunt resides."

"I go from a grand castle to this." Harry muttered, "Good Circe, this will

be more difficult that I thought."

Merlin chuckled at his dramatics, striding down the street with purpose

forcing Harry to follow him, lest he get lost in the middle of the muggle

world. They arrived at number four, and Merlin began readjusting the

wards. Harry felt the magic flare around him as they settled in to place.

"These will break as soon as your parents come to collect you. As long as

you do not come back willingly, no one shall be able to cast any spells to

keep you here."

"I'm not here willingly now." Harry muttered, looking around the neatly

trimmed grass and polished motor car.

"It is but one night." Merlin assured. He knocked on the door, waving his

hand as soon as it was pulled opened. The woman, who resembled a

horse somewhat, gained glazed eyes, and her body sagged as his magic

washed over her, embedding fake memories and actions to match the

past ten years. She moved back and walked down to the kitchen,

allowing Merlin to lead Harry up to the smallest bedroom of the house.

The boy opened the door, only to stop in absolute horror at what he saw

before him. The room was no bigger than Salazar's potion's cupboard,

and it was equally as messy.

"You cannot actually believe I am to stay here." Harry stated in outrage,

and Merlin looked at him as if he had lost his mind.

"Of course not, child." He replied, "There are cells bigger than this. No, I

plan on changing a few things."

He waved his hand in an arc, expanding and filling the room with

everything Harry could possibly need, and creating a pocket space for his

bathroom. Harry grinned, unshinking his trunk and placing it at the foot

of his queen sized bed. It was in his favourite colour, green, with soft

gold and silver tones throughout the room.

"Now, we must venture out and gather you a basic muggle wardrobe,

which will give you a chance to illustrate your knowledge of the muggle

world, in order to keep your cover. Then we shall venture in to Diagon

Alley, where we shall activate your titles and go shopping." Merlin

explained to him. Harry nodded, letting Merlin change his robes in to

something more muggle, and Harry found himself in a smart black shirt

and a pressed pair of black trousers. Merlin then flashed them to the area

where they would be shopping.

He made Harry shop and buy everything for himself to show he knew

how to function in the muggle world, in order to keep his story he

couldn't afford any huge slips on muggle customs – especially given the

fact his mother was a muggle raised redeemed. As he expected, Harry

was fine, although there were a few occasions when Merlin had to point

him towards the more relaxed clothing. Due to his upbringing, he

naturally dressed formally most of the time so he drifted to more adult

looking clothing. They only got the basics, knowing that Harry would

never actually wear any of it and Petunia Dursley would have never

looked after the boy in the first place.

Once everything was purchased, they headed towards the nearest

alleyway where Harry shrunk the bags and Merlin flashed them to the

entrance of Diagon Alley. Harry raised his eyebrow at the grubby pub he

was led in to, it was strange to make the entrance of the main shopping

district behind such a dank place. Harry shook his head, following Merlin

to the back where they came face to face with a brick wall.

"Watch carefully," Merlin instructed. He tapped the specific bricks in a

certain order and the wall unfolded, revealing Diagon Alley. Harry was

amazed. There were so many shops and so many things to be bought and

used, so many new magical items that hadn't been created where he grew

up. Merlin guided him to Gringotts, steering him as Harry was too busy

looking around at everything on display.

He finally shook himself out of it as he looked up at the huge, white

marble building he had been brought to. Harry drew himself up and

walked up the stairs, nodding politely to the two guards at the door and

swiftly making his way to the nearest available teller. He calmly waited

for the goblin to acknowledge him and when it looked up Harry bowed

his head once.

"Greetings Master Teller of Gringotts Banking. I wish to speak with

someone about my accounts as the soonest possible convenience." He said

in fluent Gobbledygook. The goblin's expression flashed in surprise, at

what Harry didn't know, but it was gone before he could politely raise


"Do you have identification?" The Teller asked. Harry set his hand on the

till and revealed his rings, not expecting the reaction he gained from the

goblin by doing so. The teller shot backwards alarmingly, stumbling from

his chair and bolting down the aisle to hurriedly whisper something in

another goblin's ear. With two snaps of the new goblin's finger, Harry and

Merlin were surrounded by armed guards and ushered down through a

set of doors and in to a low lit marble corridor. They came to a set of

ornate double doors that opened on their own accord as the guard

approached and revealed a spacious office, decorated for the upper class.

"Director Ragnok, it has happened. The young Heir has come." One of the

guard members bit out in its gravelly tone. The goblin, who Harry had

not first noticed sat behind the desk, looked directly at him and smiled a

slow, very pleased smile, and had Harry not seen the same expression on

Sal's face many times he would have been mildly alarmed. As it was, he

returned the expression and was welcomed in to the office.

"Greetings, young Heir."

"Greetings, Director Ragnok of Gringotts Banking. My name is Harry


"We have been waiting for you for a very long time, young Heir." Ragnok

told him, sitting forward on his chair and looking at Harry intently.

"When I was appointed Director and Chief, I was brought in to a heavily

guarded secret that had been passed down from the moment our first

branch opened here, when the Founders opened the very first accounts;

that Merlin himself had taken a child from the future to have him grow

in the past, and when the child returns he would be their Heir. We were

to protect their accounts to the height of our ability and when the child

returned, it would be bestowed upon him. The Founders accounts have

been perfectly preserved, harnessed, and expanded as much as possibly.

Now, I can finally see the last of the Founders wishes be put in to place,

though, I did not expect it to be the missing Potter child."

"Thank you, Director. Those vaults hold more than monetary value."

Harry said gratefully before his lips quirked in to a slight smirk. "As to

my name, I can understand your surprise. The Potter House is rather


They shared a amuse smirk at that before getting down to business.

"On to your accounts." The Director began, "As you can imagine, you

have a very substantial monetary value. You also have much property

and artefacts within the vaults. Upon your fifteenth year, you shall

become Lord to each House without a current Head and will be able to

take your place upon the Wizengamot."

"Are Gringotts able to continue their current arrangement with

investment and management of my accounts?" Harry inquired.

"We would be honoured."

"Thank you. May I have copies of all my account details?"

"I shall issue you with the standard copy given to all 'new' clients. Should

you lose them, there is a five galleon fee for each new copy."

"Very well, I shall keep them safe." Harry said. Ragnok drew out five

folders and slid them over the desk, he briefly flicked through the folders

and felt his eyes widen at the large numbers appearing before him; they

really hadn't lied when they said they would set him up for life and after

that. Sweet blessed mother of Circe.

"May I enter one of my vaults to make a withdraw?" Harry asked and

Ragnok nodded once.

"We at Gringotts offer weightless money pouches and banking slips for

easier purchasing." Ragnok informed him.

"How much for both?" Harry asked.

"Four galleons a pouch and fifty galleons annually for the banking slips."

"How do the slips work?"

"When you make a purchase, the keeper will hand over a slip with the

amount, once you check it's correct you stamp it with your ring and it

will be taken from your account. It works as an instant account transfer,

preventing forgeries as the slip is unable to be changed once it has been

stamped. Some keepers have taken to tying slips to their price tags so the

Lords and Ladies only have to stamp each item they want instead of it

being tallied up." Ragnok explained and Harry was impressed.

"I'll take both, take the annual fee from the Gryffindor account." Harry


"It will be done." Ragnok said, "Griphook will escort you to your chosen

vault and present your weightless pouch."

"Thank you for your time, Director Ragnok." Harry said with a bow of his

head, "May your wealth grow and your enemies fall."

"May your gold flourish and your magic prosper, young Heir."

Harry and Merlin were shown from the room and led out back in to the

main hall, they were then directed in to a stone passage and Harry

climbed in to the cart with an air of confusion. That confusion lasted

until they shot forward, then the boy was too busy cheering and asking

the goblin to take it faster; he was rewarded with a somewhat dangerous

look before they sped up and plummeted further and further

underground. When they came to a stop outside vault number two, Harry

hopped out and presented his hand to the Griffin, he felt it take his blood

and it burned gold before swinging open.

Harry actually stepped back at the sheer velocity of gold before him,

sweet mother of magic itself! He cautiously filled his pouch with many

handfuls of gold, silver and bronze, unsure as to the prices and to what

shops took slips, he knew not to venture too far in to the vault as he

would stumble upon a portrait and he was not ready for that yet. He was

getting the feeling Rowena had more of a valid point. He went back to

the cart, whooping in delight as they rocketed upwards, and he couldn't

help but laugh at Merlin's nauseated look when they were back out in the

fresh air.

They first headed to Madam Malkins where Harry got fitted for top

quality robes in black, greens, silvers, greys and deep blue, he also picked

up a new black hooded cloak to go with his green one. He had a few

robes he could wear from the past, but many would have to be stored as

they were too dated to be worn today. Plus, Merlin told him only to get a

basic wardrobe for now as he would be returning with his parents the

next day. They went to the apothecary to look around and then Harry

raided the book shop, though he was disappointed with the lack of wild

and dark magics. The shopkeeper looked immensely relieved when Harry

said he could pay by slip. Merlin took him next to the owl emporium and

Harry's attention immediately snapped to a beautiful snowy owl.

"Hello beautiful," He whispered, gently petting her plumage.

"My my, what a surprise." The clerk remarked from the counter, "She's

had everyone else's fingers for trying to touch her – even mine."

"How much for her?" Harry asked, holding his arm out as an offering. The

owl regarded him for a moment for taking flight and landing on the

appendage, Harry transferred her to his shoulder and walked over to the


"Twelve galleons, lower than normal but no one's been able to get near

her." The clerk allowed.

"I'll take her, with a couple packs of owl treats and the very best perch

you have available." Harry decided. The clerk packed everything up and

Harry paid in gold, leaving the shop with the owl in tow.

"I'll meet you back at my residence." He told the bird, "Number four,

Privet Drive." She cooed and took flight, stretching her long wings and

soaring away. Harry wanted to drag Merlin over to get a broom, but he

was informed that first years were not allowed a broom and Harry was

outraged. He huffed all through looking over telescopes and Herbology

tools until Merlin ordered him to put on his cloak and pull up the hood.

He was led in to a darker alley called Knockturn alley. In Knockturn,

Harry surmised, was where you got all the shady deals and underhand


He ripped through the bookstore finding some brilliant books on the arts

and went straight to the apothecary to buy some ingredients that he

needed for his potions that were apparently illegal these days, he shook

his head in disgust. He found another clothing shop, specialising in

duelling and battle wear, and Harry found himself a pair of the comfiest

pair of boots he had ever tried on. He didn't order any duelling robes, he

wouldn't switch out the ones Salazar had made for him for all the money

in the world, and when he finally grew out of them he would have them

stored in a warded box; he didn't want them to ever ruin.

Once Merlin had took him around the other shops, and Harry was

comfortable enough to know his own way around, the aged warlock

flashed them back to the bedroom of Number four. Merlin called a house

elf from somewhere to bring them food, and they sat down for a final

meal together.

"This is where I leave you for now." Merlin told him, rising to his feet

once both plates had vanished.

"I know. You cannot promise to see me again, but you cannot state that

you will not." Harry recited and Merlin nodded, a somewhat sad smile on

his face.

"I will miss you greatly, child." He spoke softly and Harry sighed.

"I'll miss you too. But I know I have to be strong, and I knew this was

going to happen."

"No matter what, we shall always be so very proud of you." Merlin stated.

Harry hugged him tightly before the Warlock flashed from sight. Harry

sighed despondently, suddenly feeling so very alone. He steeled himself,

pulling all of his emotions in to his control and slowly took a breath. He

would not fall at the first hurdle, he would not dishonour the Founder's

and Merlin's gift by being unable to move on.

He would have been expected to move away from home in but a few

years anyway, he could do this. He moved over to open his window for

his owl to arrive before turning to repack his trunk, it had a few

compartments within it, created by Rowena for easier storage, and Harry

packed his new things in the top compartment, already having sealed his

belongings from the past, the ones that couldn't be explained, underneath

under wards. He let Aressa slither out on to his arm and grabbed a book,

laying down on his bed to have a read; might as well get acquainted with

some new potions.

He awoke to knocking on his bedroom door; he groaned and rolled over

blinking a few times. At first he was confused to where he was but then it

click so he rolled out of bed and opened the door blinking up at his aunt.

"Breakfast is ready and your parents are coming for you today at 12 so

make sure packed." She walked away and Harry grinned; today would be

fun. He changed in to black jeans with his black boots and a green t-shirt,

he threw on a grey cotton zip up with hood and went down stairs where

there was bacon and egg waiting for him. He had to blink around a few

times, adjusting to an apparently ordinary muggle breakfast. He was told

to do the washing up after and he looked at them in disdain, he simply

waved his hand making the plates wash themselves and headed back

upstairs ignoring the shocked looks.

The only things he ever washed up were his potions cauldrons. Harry

spent the time waiting for his 'parents' reading through his books, as he

had a natural edetic memory and he was a Master Occlumense all he had

to do was skim read and it was burned to his brain. It was very helpful,

allowing him to work through his projects quicker as he could take in

double the information. Dead on noon, there was a sharp knock at the

front door and his aunt called up the stairs to him.

"Boy, your parents are here."

Harry rolled his eyes are the ever so pleasant notification before his face

broke in to an evil grin, time to put on a show. He shrunk his truck and

tucked it in to his pocket, ran a hand through his hair to make sure it fell

correctly and blanked his face. He instructed his owl to make a relaxed

journey to Hogwarts to allow her to stretch her wings some more seeing

as she had been in the shop for Merlin knows how long, she nipped his

finger gratefully and took off, leaving Harry to dispel Merlin's spell work

and leave the room.

He reached the bottom of the stairs in minutes, coming face to face with

his parents for the first time in ten years. An odd feeling welled up inside

of him at the sight of them, these were the people who gave him up. He

cast his eyes over James Potter, he was relatively tall, with dark hair that

stuck up everywhere, aristocratic features and chocolate brown eyes

hidden behind awful round glasses. He was dressed much like Harry, in

muggle jeans and a t-shirt, the only difference was he was wearing a

leather jacket. Harry couldn't see much of his features from the man, and

there wasn't much feelings there either. His eyes drifted to the woman by

his side. His first thought was she was very pretty. Her burning auburn

hair surrounded her heart shaped face, highlighting her pale skin and

piercing green eyes, eyes that Harry once had. The Founders had changed

the colour of his eyes. She wasn't very tall, but she held womanly curves

and a misleading delicate nature. He could see his face in hers.

"Hello, Harry," Lily Potter said softly. Harry turned his attention fully to

her, looking at her with no expression, and it seemed to put them both on


"It's good to see you again." James tried, drawing Harry's attention to

him. Harry didn't respond, he wasn't going to lie to them.

"Ok, well, we shall be taking you shopping today. We need to explain a

few things to you, and reintroduce you to your sister." James told him,

infecting his voice and expression with cheer Harry knew he didn't feel.

He internally sneered.

"Lovely," the word came out in a cold drawl, making them flinch slightly.

"May we leave now? Should I spend another moment in this… home, I

fear I may lose some of my will to live."

"Of course, let's go." Lily agreed. "Don't you have anything to take with


"I can assure you, there is absolutely nothing from this house that I would

dare lower myself to take." Harry sneered, casting once more look of

disgust at the house before swiftly walking away. He caught the look his

parents shared, rolling his eyes at their lack of discretion and waiting for

them to catch up.

"We will be travelling in a rather unusual fashion today, but I assure you

it is perfectly safe as long as you stay calm." James told him patiently and

Harry raised an eyebrow.

"I assume you wish to apparate to the Leaky Cauldron so we can begin

shopping in Diagon Alley. If that is the case, you lied about it being

perfectly safe. It isn't. You can splinch yourself and your passenger, and it

does not have anything to do with my lack of calm. You should not be

willing to apparate someone else unless you have a full belief that you

will be able to complete the transition within any circumstances." Harry

informed him coolly. "Seeing as you do not seem to have that belief, I do

not think I shall be travelling anywhere with you." Harry turned to Lily

with an expectant expression, she shook herself out of her shock and took

his hand. Harry felt the disgusting feeling of being shoved through a tube

before they appeared in a corner of the pub.

Harry shook himself, ridding himself of the horrid feeling, before twisting

his wrist to straighten his clothing. He immediately felt out of place

dressed in his muggle clothing in the wizarding world, it didn't feel right

and he couldn't wait to switch clothes. Lily hurriedly leading them

towards a private room, her head ducked as she moved much to Harry's


"If you could sit down," Lily said, "We have a few important things to go


"One of them being how you know of the magical world. Petunia

wouldn't have told you." James said, looking at Harry with question all

over his face. The boy regarded them for a moment before taking the

chair with its back to the wall opposite the door so he could keep his

parents and any visitors in check. Once he had settled neatly in to his

seat, and waited for either of them to speak.

"Well?" James demanded. Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Well what?" He asked calmly, "You have not asked me anything to gain a

verbal response."

"I asked you how you know about the magical world."

"No, you made a statement regarding what we would be discussing."

Harry corrected, internally smirking when James developed a twitch.

"How do you know about the magical world? Petunia would not have

told you." James questioned grudgingly.

"I have an eidetic memory, meaning I remember everything I have ever

seen, heard, touched, tasted or smelled. Considering that, it should hardly

come as a surprise that I know of magic as I do clearly remember my

short time with yourselves." Harry answered, his voice and expression

clear of anything.

"That's very surprising," Lily said slowly.

"It makes everything easier though." James said brightly, "We don't have

to bother explain why all the strange things kept happening when you

were growing up."

"Strange things?" Harry wondered and James blinked.

"You know, accidental spats of magic – things you couldn't explain when

you were angry or scared." James hedged and Harry blinked once.

"You expect that to happen?" Harry said surprised. His parents shared

concerned looks but Harry had no idea why – most of his flux magic

outbursts stopped as soon as he began working with the Founders in

Mind magics and mediation. Why in Circe's name would they want his

magic fluxing when his core was going through its second settling?

"Accidental magic is one of the key indicators to illustrate if a child will

be magical or a Squib." Lily explained and Harry remembered Merlin

explaining that a Squib was the current name for the Unblessed.

"Oh, well, I know I'm a wizard so accidental magic is irrelevant." Harry

decided, ignoring their looks of concern. He was not Unblessed thank you

very much.

"We have more important things to discuss." Lily said surely.

"Yes. We do not know what your aunt told you about why you ended up

living with her instead of us, likely it was likes, but you need to know the

true story from us." James told him. Harry tilted his head slightly.

"So you didn't decided to cast me away to live with muggles because you

are selfish, fame hungry, good-for-nothing wastes of human flesh?" Harry

asked innocently, repeated one of the phrases he had heard Salazar

mutter to himself in parsel to avoid Helga's ire. He enjoyed their twin

looks of outrage much more than he probably should of, but that was too

good of an opportunity to pass up.

"Absolutely not!" Lily exclaimed.

"There was a war raging when you were born led by a self-styled Dark

Lord, who had gained followers that terrorised the wizarding world. He

personally came after us, but when he went to kill your sister the curse

rebounded and he was defeated. After that, we had no choice but to

separate you both. It was known throughout the wizarding world so soon

and the overwhelming media and public interest would have been too

much, and unfair." James explained, and Harry found it hilarious that the

man actually believed what was coming out of his mouth.

"So you did cast me away to live with muggles because you are selfish

and fame hungry." Harry confirmed, "It's good to know. I feel much better


"It was for the best!" Lily told him softly, "Even today the reputation

follows us."

"So instead of keeping me and making sure I was already used to it by the

time I reached an age I could understand everything, you cast me away

and what? Expect me to suddenly be used to this apparent fame

following you around?" Harry wondered, "Yes, I see the logic in that

decision." He did try to control his scathing tone, but it didn't work all

that much. He couldn't help it really, that was the worst excuse he had

ever heard.

"You'll understand more when you're older." James assured. Harry gave

him a blank look. The man couldn't possibly believe that!

How utterly pathetic.

"Is there anything else? I wish to meet my sister now."

"No, we can go now." Lily said, standing up and waving her wand. Her

muggle dress was replaced by robes that held the Potter crest, James

mimicked the motion and then led them out. Harry rolled his eyes, they

didn't even bother to ask him. He snapped his fingers, allowing his

chosen robes to wrap themselves around him as he left, not even deeming

their surprised looks notice as he walked towards the entrance of the ally.

"We're meeting your sister at Gringotts, she's with a close family friend

currently. We wanted to speak to you alone first." James told him

cheerfully, "You'll like the Weasleys."

They made their way through the alley and Harry would have been

foolish to miss the amount of attention they were getting, he was hugely

thankful he had been prepared for it, and that he was used to having

large crowds watching and staring at him; joys of being Salazar's best

student. They came to the marble steps and Harry spotted a chubby red

headed woman, who appeared to have a kind face but extremely sharp

eyes. She was fussing over a girl who could only be his twin sister. She

had their mother's auburn hair, but hers didn't yet seem to shine like

Lily's, and the same heart shaped face too, but she had inherited her

father's eyes unhidden behind glasses and she had a lightning bolt scar,

identical to his, only hers was on the top of her left cheek bone.

"Rosie!" James called, and the girl looked around, her face lighting up at

the sight of her father.

"Daddy!" She rushed in to his arms and Harry had to take a few moments

to adjust to such behaviour. He had never even heard of a Pureblood

Heiress acting in such a fashion in public.

"Rosie, I would like you to meet your twin brother, Harry. Harry, this is

your sister, Rosina." James introduced. Harry, minus his surprise at such

frivolous behaviour, was very interested in meeting his sister; she wasn't

responsible for their parent's actions.

"It's nice to meet you, I suppose." She spoke blandly, making it perfectly

obvious her words held no sentiment whatsoever. Harry quirked an


"You too," He returned. She looked him up and down before turning

away and looking back at James, completely dismissing him. Harry

looked at the back of her head affronted before his mask came up, he had

never been dismissed in such away; such rudeness.

"Daddy, we have to go shopping because I have seen some robes and a

necklace I need immediately." She said pleadingly, hanging off of his

arm. Harry was expecting James to reprimand her so he looked up hiding

his shock when he laughed.

"Of course, Rosie. Anything you want." He agreed, "We have to go to our

vault first. Harry hasn't been before."

"Ok fine." She sighed, and then she cast a look back at Harry. "We're the

Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, from a long, respected, wealthy


"Good to know." Harry responded. She seemed offended by his lacklustre

response, but what did she expect?

"Well, I'm the Heiress so it doesn't matter to you." She sniffed.

"I am first born." Harry said sharply, and she gave him a smug smile.

"Daddy made me Heiress anyway."

Harry's eyes narrowed, drawing himself up and striding in to the bank

ahead of them. He didn't need the Potter Heirship anyway. He moved

towards a free teller, greeting them politely and smiling slightly at

receiving the same in return. They were still in conversation when the

Potters arrived, so Harry bowed his head to accept the goblin must return

to his duties. James wasn't impolite, but he didn't greet the goblin

correctly and Harry shook his head. Thankfully he didn't need to go

down to his vault, he wouldn't want to take any of the Potters down there

anyway. They sped down to the Potter vault and Harry had to admit he

was highly surprised at their fortune, it was very substantial. Rose caught

sight of his slight surprise shot him a smug look, crossing her arms and

tossing her hair over her shoulder.

"The Potter fortune has been growing for centuries." She informed him

primly, "Flourishing since our manor was finished. I love the manor,

growing up there was the best."

Harry knew exactly what she was doing and merely raised an eyebrow,

had he actually grown up with the muggles the gloating that she was

using might have actually worked. As it was, he had the greatest

childhood ever, so he actually felt a bit sorry for her.

"Come on, Rosie. Take what you need. You too, Harry. You are entitled to

use the Potter family fortune." James encouraged and, very briefly,

Harry's lips twisted in to a smirk before it was gone.

"Ok," He answered, rising gracefully and making his way forward. If

James was going to offer him access to free money then he was going to

take it, regardless of whether he actually needed it. He was handed a

pouch and nearly laughed when he realised it was bottomless; this would

be fun.

"Am I allowed to go in?" Harry wondered.

"Of course. Just don't go past the suit of amour." James pointed to the

one he meant and Harry nodded. He stepped in to the vault and had a

wander around, nothing really picked his interest that much so he

crouched down and shoved as much gold in the bag as he could in 30

seconds before rising and walking back to the front. He knew how

statements worked; Potter wouldn't know until the end of the month. He

had been here in person, it wouldn't need authorisation; thank you goblin


He took two handfuls when James looked at him in question, and the

man nodded, ushering them back in to the cart for them to return to the

alley. Rosina bounced her way over to Madam Malkins, barging inside

with no grace whatsoever and was immediately seen too by the shop

owner herself, who was all but cooing over her. Harry's nose wrinkled

involuntarily, he moved past the disgusting scene and noticed that there

were already three other customers inside. They all had pale skin and

aristocratic features, the man and the boy, who looked around his age,

had white blond hair, while the mother had a more golden tone, though

not by much.

"Oh, the Malfoys." James muttered in disgust, "Filthy Death Eaters."

The Malfoy family barely hid their disgust of the Potters, with the lady

looking at Rosina's behaviour in open distaste. She turned and spoke to

what Harry assumed was her son, keeping her voice low as not to make it

travel across the store. Harry moved away from the Potters completely,

browsing the rows of clothing to see if there was anything that caught his

interest. When he came up empty handed, he moved forward to have a

few more sets customised for daywear. He stepped up on to the podium

when he was told to, murmuring instructions on what cuts, stitching,

materials and colours he wanted before removing his own robes to be


"What about these for daywear?" James suggested, holding up a truly

awful mix of maroon and burnished gold that just clashed badly, and

Harry wouldn't have been able to stop his sneer of disgust even if he


"If I were to wear them I would feel pain even if I were dead." Harry

stated in contempt. Put of the corner of his eye, he saw the Malfoy

mother delicately cover he mouth and look down and the Malfoy father

turn his head to the side. The boy badly his a snort and Harry flashed

him a slight grin before turning back to James who was looking at him in

exasperated displeasure.

"Well what would you prefer?"

"I shall have my robes customised to fit my standard." Harry told him

simply, "I have already passed on my styles, colours and materials."

"I want my robes customised too." Rosina demanded and Harry turned

away with a shake of his head; his sister also fell with his parents. Once

he had his robes to his standards, another was tossed over his head and

Harry immediately threw it back off again.

"What in Circe's name is that?"

"It's a school robe, they are basically all the same."

"What awful material." Harry said horrified. "We have to wear that


"There are others, but everyone wears these." James stated. The boy stood

next to Harry made a noise of disagreement which got him a look of

contempt from James, though it didn't linger too long.

"Madam, we require the premium school robes." The Lady Malfoy

instructed, Harry catching sight of her Ladyship ring he had previously

failed to notice due to her stance.

"Right away, Lady Malfoy."

"May I also have the premium school robes?" Harry requested, "I simply

cannot abide by that previous material. Also, I require silver sterling for

my cloak clasp and not steel."

"That's really not necessary." James interrupted, "Just buy the normal


"Daddy can I have a golden clasp, to match when I get in to Gryffindor."

Rosina asked.

"Of course, Rosie." He replied instantly. Harry slowly blinked once,

looking at his father as if he was a complete fool before turning back to

his seamstress.

"My requests still stands. If my father wishes not to purchase my items

then I shall pay for them myself." He told her, his voice smoothing in to a

tone of cool superiority that he had learned from Salazar. "I have the

funds, do not doubt me."

She did as he asked, moving to fitting him and he was pleased with the

premium robe, it was much nicer. James looked absolutely outraged

when the five figure number appeared, but Harry merely paid via bank

slip and accepted his shrunken robes with a nod.

"How could you have possibly afforded that?" James demanded, not even

bothering to keep his voice low.

"Magic," was Harry's toneless reply. He didn't bother to see if James had a

response, walking out and leading the way to the book shop, Flourish and

Blotts. They bumped in to a group of red heads and Harry spotted the

same woman who had been fussing over Rosina when they had first met.

He noticed, surprised, that the family, who must have been the Weasleys

mentioned earlier, was obviously poor. He, of course, knew that not

everyone was as privileged as he was, Circe only knew he was spoilt, but

his parents had said that they were close family friends. Why then, if the

Potter House so rich, were the Weasleys so poor; didn't the Potter House

help out? Most of the 'close family friends that were entire families'

usually got made vassals of the higher houses, helping them with funds,

education, jobs ect. Merlin hadn't said that Vassals were no longer in use

and he mentioned load of other past customs that were no longer in



Rosina knocked passed him, rushing over to one of the red heads that

must have been her friend. Harry glared at her back, finding himself

rapidly losing patience; to think he had wanted to meet her. Harry

stepped around the group, his eyes catching sight of identical twins stood

at the back whispering to each other. They really were identical. But

what really made him notice them were the twin looks of disdain they

held while looking at his sister and her friend, Ron.

"You do not seem to enjoy our esteemed company." Harry said to them,

his voice low. They looked up at him, their expressions taking on a slight

interest when they realised they didn't know him.

"Look, Forge. A complete stranger." One of them said.

"You're right, Gred. We don't talk to strangers, it's bad." The other said

and Harry found his lips curling in to a slight smile at their mocking


"Don't you know? I'm Harry Potter, twin to the wondrous Girl-Who-

Lived." He told them, his voice dripping in sarcasm. He felt his smile

stretch in to a grin at their smirks.

"Oh famous twin," they murmured, "Forgive our mindlessness."

"This once, should you introduce yourselves, of course."

"We didn't do that already?"

"Such a shame."


"That is to say my twin and I,"

"Are the magnificent-,"

"Most impressive-,"

"Quite simply handsome-,"


"And George-,"

"Weasley." They finished their adjoining speech together, making Harry

chuckle slightly; he liked these two already.

"What ails two fine gentlemen such as yourself?" Harry wondered and

they cast a look at Rose and Ron.

"The company in which we are forced to abide by is hard on the nerves."

Fred said seriously.

"At least you do not have to go home with her today."

"There is that." They agreed.

"Harry, we have to go."

"And that's me." Harry sighed. "I'll see you at Hogwarts?"

"We'll be the ones pranking the Girl-Wonder." They assured.

"That is something I can get on bored with." He said cheerfully, waving as

he followed the rest of the Potters out.

The rest of the day was much longer than Harry had anticipated and by

the time they reached the sanctuary of the apothecary, Harry was almost

fit to burst.

"Why do we even have to go here?" Rosina demanded, "I don't want to

take potions anyway, and the teacher is horrible."

"Professor Snape is a master of the art." Lily told her daughter, but Harry

looked up at the name.

"Snape? Surely not Severus Snape, the youngest Potions Master in the

world." Harry said.

"Oh yes, the very same. He just published his recipe for the edited

wolfsbane potion." Lily answered and Harry's eyes widened slightly. He

had read about that last night in one of the newest potions books he had

bought with Merlin. Some of Snape's creations were absolutely amazing,

he would give Salazar a run for his money that was sure. Harry couldn't

believe his luck. His favourite subject would be taught by the record

holding potions master, how great was that?

"He's still horrible," Rose huffed.

"Snivellus has always been a nasty piece of work."

Harry looked at them both as if they had lost their minds; how could they

not appreciate such talents? And to such a degree? He noticed Lily didn't

seem to agree, but didn't seem to be inclined to voice her own opinion.

He wordlessly shook his head, collecting double the required potions

ingredients and walking away from the Potters, needing some time to

himself before he snapped. He needed to calm down, he wasn't going to

waver yet. Harry had a browse of the broomsticks, mourning the fact that

he wouldn't be able to fly the beautiful Nimbus 2000 for a while yet,

before moving to the ice cream shop and ordering strawberry, with

sauces and fresh fruits. The rest of his apparent family eventually caught

up with him, Rose shooting him a glare for some reason Harry didn't care

enough to wonder about.

"Where are we staying?" He asked, his full mask back on his face.

"We didn't want to overwhelm you too much, so we're going to spend the

rest of the time before school in the Leakey Cauldron. That way you'll

also have first hand experience with the wizarding world to help you

adjust." Lily explained.

"Wonderful," He drawled. "Shall we depart? I wish to rest now."

"We're going to have an ice cream first." James said and Harry merely

looked away, deciding to watch the many witches and wizards moving

through the alley. The strangest thing to him was that he didn't see any

other race whatsoever, no Veela, Fey, Nymphs, Weres or even Goblins

from the bank. Merlin had told him that there had been a huge decline in

race acceptance but he had never imagined it would be this great. What

had happened in the 1000 between the time of the Founders and the

current time? He couldn't even begin to imagine, and it made him think

more on the war that he had been born in to.

If the 'light' was mainly running the country now, why did the 'dark' have

so much opposition? He would have to do his research. Harry rose with

the Potters and headed back to the Leaky Cauldron, accepting his key

with barely a nod of his head. He locked himself in to his room, casting

some of the wards on his door to stop them entering at all. He removed

his shopping bags and snapped his fingers to remove and fold his robes,

before dropping down on the bed gracelessly, finally releasing the groan

he had been holding back for a good few hours.

"I know you said I was strong, Sal, but right now I need patience not

strength." He muttered to himself, wishing he could see Salazar right

now. He steeled himself, beginning his meditation to calm and centre

himself. Everything would be fine. As soon as he was back at the castle

he would be much better. He barely had two weeks left, that amount of

time had flown by with the Founders. If he said it enough, he almost

believed himself. Almost. It was going to be a long stretch of time, he just

knew it.


So, there we have it, the edited version of the chapter 4. I do hope

you like it and let me know what you think! Thanks guys,


5. Chapter 5

A/N: Ok, so this chapter had been upgraded. I fixed Harry and

Sirius' first meeting and James' reaction to Harry's sorting so I hope

you like it. For everyone who is new, I hope you enjoy

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K Rowling, so the characters do not belong to


Warning: So I think we have a bit of language…


Chapter 5:

It took Harry more effort than he cared to admit or acknowledge to get

up off his bed and actually put his things away. He had forgotten, briefly,

that there was no elf that came in to do it for him – usually when he

went shopping it was left in the main area of his rooms to be put away

for him while he went to lunch/dinner/lesson. Aressa was there to hiss

soothingly too him, and he reminded her that she would have to stay

hidden while around the Potters.

One of the things Merlin was sure to remind him repeatedly was that

people saw the gift of Parseltongue as an evil and dark trait. Harry was

still outraged over that, even more so because Merlin wouldn't tell him

why; something about having to do his own research. He was about to

continuing reading his new potions texts, now even more eager to learn

potions with the teacher revealed, when there was a knock at the door

and his mother's voice drifted through.

"Harry, it's time for dinner."

Harry mentally sighed, dragging himself away from potions and down to

the room where they were eating. Harry didn't say a word all through

dinner, though he did watch and listen to the others interactions. The

main topic of conversation, to Harry's great disgust, was his sister and it

was basically a retelling of how great she was. And he had been called


Circe almighty! He didn't even finish his meal, the food left a lot to be

desired and he felt his intelligence leaving him the longer he stayed, so

he rose to his feet and was all for running back to his bedroom when Lily

stopped him.

"Why don't you stay down with us for a bit," She suggested, "It would

give us all chance to get to know each other."

"Why would I want to do that?" Harry wondered in confusion, "I am not

the one who decided I should be removed from my original family simply

because it was decided one child was better than the other." He eyed the

three of them disdainfully and then swept from the room, not giving

them a change to respond. He missed Lily's shoulders drooping, not that

he cared much, and her murmured words to her husband.

"I knew this wouldn't work."

"I told you, Lils, he'll adjust." James assured, an underlying layer of steel

in his voice. Lily dropped back in to her chair, her hands coming up to

cover her face as she took a few deep breathes. She didn't care what

James said, she just knew, deep within her gut, that Harry would never

accept them as his family. It was much too late for that, and she knew

that they deserved it.

Harry had never hated the fact that he was right more than he did at that

very moment. Two weeks, apparently, was a very long time, and by the

time September 1st had arrived Harry was ready to call it quits and find

his own way back to the Founders time. He had been forced to hibernate

in the somewhat dingy room for the best part of a week, which had been

absolutely havoc on his normal routine, venturing out to explore the

alley some more and braving his family to ask a few questions he was

unable to find the answer to himself.

The most important one was when he would be introduced to Sirius and

Remus again. Harry had been stunned, and rather worried, when he had

been informed, sharply and shortly, that the House Potter did not

associate with such people as the House of Black. When Harry had slowly

pointed out that their grandmother was a Black, he had been glared at

until he had left the room by his father; Harry thought that was hilarious.

He was very confused though, he didn't know what to expect when he

finally did meet his Godfather and uncle again.

Merlin had assured him that they cared a great deal about him, and

Harry had felt nothing but love and longing from the bond that Merlin

had opened, but they were no longer in contact with the Potters; did that

mean him too? He would have to wait for them to approach him, just in

case, and if they did he would latch on with both hands. Harry went

through his trunk once more, making sure everything was secure and he

had not left anything behind before shrinking it down and tucking it in to

his pocket. He had been warned, laughingly, by his father that underage

witches and wizards were not allowed to perform magic outside of

school. Harry had actually laughed at that, walking away shaking his

head; what a ridiculous rule.

He moved through the grubby pub, easily finding his 'family' in one of

the lounges where he walked in on a conversation involving Rosina

excitedly bragging about how much further ahead than everyone else she

would be because of her extra training and he couldn't help his snort.

"What are you laughing at?" She demanded.

"I thought you were joking." Harry replied blandly, "So I laughed."

"Everyone knows I'm going to be the best in the year, I've been training

for years ahead." She informed loftily.

"Good for you." Harry said, highly doubting that she could outdo him in

practical magics, and knowing she didn't have a hope in potions. It wasn't

until 10:30 when they floo'd to the platform, and Harry came face to face

with an absolutely wild crowd of people, all seemingly losing their

rational minds as they caught sight of Rosina. Harry sneered, ducking out

and away from the crowd, climbing on to the train without a backwards

glance at his 'family'.

Rosina was absolutely loving it, turning her face at the perfect angle so

everyone could see her scar and Harry shook his head, moving away

from the nauseating sight and looking for a compartment. When he found

one, he unshrunk his trunk and pulled out his school robes and a few

books before placing his luggage in the rack. A slight smile crept on to

his face when the whistle blew, it was a reminder that he was going

home and as the train pulled off he felt himself relax. He was away from

his parents and the castle was big enough that he wouldn't have to see

Rosina too often, there was no way they would end up in the same house

because Harry was going to Slytherin and she didn't have an ounce of

what Salazar would ever look for.

Harry got completely lost in his book, uncaring to the world passing him

by outside the window as he reviewed some of Potion Master Snape's

ground breaking work. He hadn't realised that Merlin had slipped this

book in to his potions collection, and it was focused on more obscure

potions and ingredients. He only broke out of his revere when the

compartment door slid open and revealed the blond boy from the robe


"I've been looking for you." He said in a way of greeting, inviting himself

to the seat opposite Harry.

"You have?" Harry asked, his eyebrow quirking up.

"Yes, you interested me in the shop." The other boy admitted. "I'm Draco


"Pleased to meet your acquaintance, Draco Malfoy. I'm Harry Potter."

"So you are the other Potter twin. There were rumours, of course, but

after Samhain you were never seen or heard of again so people took it as

a mistake. Mother said you were."

"I am not surprised. My wonderful parents thought it best to send me to

live with elsewhere." Harry said, a humourless smile on his face. Draco's

eyes widened, his hands twitching as if he wanted to grab something.

"They sent their own child away?" He repeated, his expression turning to

disgust, "How dare they send a magical child away! That's barbaric."

"It was for the best." Harry mocked.

"They believe that?"

"Oh yes, gave me the full sob story of how there was a terrible war and

when Rosina defeated the Dark Lord they were forced to give me up

because of the fame and her training." Harry rolled his eyes, grinning

when Draco gave him a look that said everything he thought of the

excuse. "Yeah, I know."

"And my father didn't think the Potters could get any worse." Draco

muttered, shaking his head.

"Sorry to disappoint," Harry said.

"Disappoint? Are you joking? He'll be delighted they managed to make

such a monumental error."

Harry grinned.

"I think I like your father already."

"You'd be the first out of the current Potters."

"I take it they do not get along."

"House Malfoy is also Noble and Most Ancient, and father is very

influential within the Ministry. Potter was Head Auror and is close to

Dumbledore, and they believe my father is evil simply because he is not


"That is completely ridiculous." Harry scoffed. "The whole light and dark

issue is nonsense." Draco eyed him thoughtfully.

"What house do you think you'll be in?"

"Slytherin, of course." Harry answered immediately.

"So sure? The past nine generations of born Potters have been in


"I am nothing like any other born Potter." Harry stated surely, "I will

definitely be going to Slytherin house. What about you?"

"Most definitely Slytherin." Draco responded, "All Malfoys go to Slytherin,

though, we have had a few Ravenclaws appear."

"I could go to Ravenclaw," Harry allowed, "But I know Slytherin will win


"You'll be lucky if you do go to Slytherin. Slytherin Head of House is

Professor Severus Snape and he favours his house greatly. He and your

father have a fierce rivalry, and should you not be in his house it might

transfer to you – though, Rosina will definitely be in for a surprise."

"Does it run that deep?" Harry wondered.

"Oh yeah, they went to school together and it began there. Uncle Sev

hates anything James Potter with a burning passion, and it's another

reason Potter loathes my father and me." Draco told him. "Uncle Sev is

my Godfather."

"Sweet Circe, Severus Snape is your Godfather!" Harry repeated in awe.

"Yes, why?"

"He is an absolute genius in potions." Harry exclaimed, "I've reading his

book and it's fantastic."

Draco puffed up proudly, his uncle was amazing at potions and it was

good when people acknowledged that fact.

"Did you know he is the youngest Potions Master in the world and his

recent development of the upgraded Wolfsbane potion gained his

honours certificate?" Draco said, his tone slightly bragging, not that

Harry cared; it deserved to be bragged about.

"Really? That's amazing, and completely understandable. The complexity

of that potion alone, regardless of its success, should have gained

recognition simply because it remained stable." Harry said.

"He tutored me growing up," Draco said proudly.

"Wow, I bet that was brilliant."

"It was, but he's a very strict teacher. He cannot stand any foolish

behaviour at all." Draco admitted.

"Well potions are very dangerous, and one mistake could be lethal."

Harry reasoned.

"It's why he's the most disliked Professor in Hogwarts, except from the

Slytherins of course. No one seems to understand that."

Just then a woman walked by pushing a trolley full of food and Harry's

eyes lit up, he could do with some sweets. He bought a bit of everything,

indulging his sweet tooth to the max and Draco seemed to be of the same


"Mother banned me from all sweets last week because I snuck out on my

broom," Draco told him and then he grinned, "Father slipped me a few

galleons to make up for it."

"My father made the mistake of handing me an empty pouch and saying I

was allowed to take what I wanted from the vault. He won't get the

statement until the end of the next one."

They both laughed and dug in to their sweets, getting to know each other

better and Harry was certain he and Draco would be fast friends. It was

about an hour after they had bought sweets that something popped in to

his mind and he voiced his thought to Draco.

"You said my father was Head Auror."

"Yes, didn't you know? He was removed when he took up the Flying

Instructor spot at Hogwarts this year." Draco said, causing Harry to

violently choke on the chocolate frog he had just bitten in to.

"Excuse me?" He gasped, "He's going to be teaching this year?"

"Yes, and your mother is; she's teaching Arithmancy. Their appointment

gained some controversy with Professors Snape, Black and Lupin-Black."

Draco told him, "How do you not already know this?"

"Have you met my family? Would you like to spend an extended amount

of time around them?" Harry pointed and Draco nodded, conceding his

point, "When you say Black and Lupin-Black, do you mean Sirius and


"Yes, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin-Black used to be best friends with

James Potter."

"I know. Uncle Sirius is my Godfather and uncle Remus just adopted the

title." Harry said.

"That would explain the huge altercation they had. The Godfather bond

would have been strained to the highest degree." Draco said, looking

mildly horrified at the thought.

"I'm glad I'll get to meet them again so soon. When my father said they no

longer spoke I wondered if I would even get to see them this year." Harry

said thoughtfully.

"Oh no doubt both of them will be searching you out." Draco said surely,

"Sirius Black has been causing waves since he took up his Lordship, and

he won't be cowed by James Potter."

"That's very good to know."

Their pleasant atmosphere was unceremoniously broken when the door

was shoved open and Rosina flounced in with the Weasley boy and a girl

with lots of busy brown hair and a somewhat tense air around her; she

was a Mudblood, Harry was sure of it. It was obvious, he saw it all the

time with those born of Mud. They were all tense and nervy as they

adjusted to the magical world they were coming in to, but they soon

settled in once they began classes on wizarding customs and traditions.

Salazar always said the Mudblessed, as they were also called, were

amusing for him to teach, and often quite brilliant to teach once they

fully accepted their new world. He didn't care for Blood Traitors, the ones

who went back to the Mud, back to the muggles, actually he quite

despised them. Harry shook his head, eyeing his sister with distaste.

"What do you want?" He questioned.

"Daddy wanted to speak to you and you ran off." She stated as if it was a

great offence. Harry raised an eyebrow, waiting for the actual point when

he realised that was what she had come to tell him; something he already


"Obviously I did not wish to speak to him." Harry pointed out.

"You're just jealous." She spat, smiling nastily at him, "I'm famous, loved

and powerful; everything you're not. I even got the Heirship over you,

even though you are first born. And what happened to you? You got

thrown away."

Harry's expression of disbelief was not improvised or fake whatsoever,

and it took him a moment to actually formulate a response to her words.

He blinked twice, tilting his head to the side slightly, looking at her with

mild scorn.

"Indeed. It is surprising how jealous I find myself of your overinflated

ego, your frivolous and contemptable behaviour, and your empty words

of power and skill. Oh how I wish I were you." His voice was oily with

sarcasm, thick and lingering at the end of his sentence. Draco smirked at

the expressions of outrage Harry's words caused, sitting back to watch

what would happen next.

"You can't speak to her like that! You're nothing compared to her! She's

the Girl-Who-Lived – she's had advanced training." Ron yelled.

"The Girl-Who-Lived-To-Punish-Me," Harry muttered under his breath.

"Calm down, Weasley. Everyone knows that the only reason you stick

around with her is to try and raise your own pathetic reputation. The

Weasleys – biggest bunch of Blood Traitors in the wizarding world."

Draco sneered, "Not even a Vassal and yet you still cling on; it's


"You both are very rude." The unknown girl interrupted. "Rosina Potter

did defeat You-Know-Who, that deserves some respect."

"For a Mudblood you really chose the wrong first influence." Harry stated

seriously. Ron and Rosina both gasped, rearing back and looking at him

in horror before the male red head exploded.

"How dare you say that to her!"

Harry looked at them in utter bewilderment. There wasn't anything that

offensive in his last sentence, a Mudblood's first influence was crucial yes

but stating otherwise was hardly that harsh. And then he remembered.

"Right, not supposed to say that word. Got it." Harry ran his hand

through his hair and shrugged, Merlin had warned him that "Mudblood"

was seen as a highly derogative term these days. He was just so used to

the using the term – it was what they were!

"Wait until I tell mummy and daddy about this." Rose snarled, "You are

going to be in so much trouble. I can't believe you said that!"

"I'm truly terrified." Harry deadpanned. She huffed and stormed off,

taking her entourage with her. Harry flicked his finger at the door,

waking it shut and pull the blind down, hoping to ward away any more


"Was that wandless magic?" Draco questioned, completely shocked.

"Yes, I don't like my wand all that much. Waving it around and while

saying the incantations is tiresome." Harry told him. Draco looked at him

blankly, blinking a few times before shaking his head.

"There are going to be a lot of unexpected things happening around you,

aren't there." He said eventually.

Harry merely grinned.

The rain had dried off by the time they had gotten off the train. Two

hulking beasts for children appeared before Draco and cleared a path for

the blond to walk through, Harry didn't like to turn gifts down and

moved with him to avoid the crowd. A giant of a man was yelling for the

first years, cheerfully fawning over Rosina when she went up to him, and

then leading them down to the boats. Harry smiled in remembrance,

Godric had taken him on the boats first. He climbed in, sitting next to

Draco and keeping his mask in place, the other boy was doing the exactly

the same. As soon as Harry caught sight of the magnificent castle he felt

as if all the stress and tension that had been building since he first met

back with his parents was washed away.

To see her, still standing in her glory and her beauty, her magic

saturating the entire area and making Harry's own sing, it was better than

any words could describe. They were introduced to Professor

McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress, Head of Gryffindor and

Transfiguration teacher, who led them in to the entrance hall and Harry

nearly beamed when he discovered hardly anything had changed. It was

more worn, and there were many more portraits, but other than that

there was no difference. Hogwarts was still standing proud. They were

given a small speech of Hogwarts basics and what to prepare for before

they were left alone for a moment. Harry did get a bit of a surprise when

a group of ghosts floated through the wall, he had never seen any ghost

in the castle before. When the Professor returned, they were led in to the

Great Hall and Harry immediately looked up to the ceiling, smiling when

he saw Row's amazing spell work still in place.

He couldn't wait to find her workings for it, he wanted to try it for

himself. Harry nearly gaped when Professor McGonagall put Julius down

on a three legged stool and he burst in to song; he had become a sorting

hat? Harry very nearly laughed out loud at that. Julius had been created

as a joke, a hat that made decisions because Godric never seemed to be

able to. It had been Helga who had originally created him, and Harry

honestly couldn't believe he was still going. The Founders were truly

incredible. Harry cast his eyes around the hall, taking note of the

similarities and differences from what he was used to, before he turned

his attentions to the top table. It wasn't as decorative as the Founders had

presented, but the huge Hogwarts banner was hanging behind like it

always did and the Headmaster's chair was still large and throne-like. The

only difference was the man sitting in it.

He had long white hair and a long white beard, an aged face and half-

moon glasses that covered, but did not remove from, twinkling blue eyes.

Harry felt his lip curl; the great Albus Dumbledore. Harry moved on,

spotting his mother and father sat together, a man in a purple turban and

then he stopped, his eyes widening slightly. He was older than he

remembered, but the time that past didn't actively show; his Godfather

looked handsome and somewhat rougish as ever. Right next to him was

his uncle Remus, a scar on the left side of his face adding to the strong

image he seemed to hold. Harry shook himself out of it, he had to focus

on the sorting and then he would worry about his Godfather and uncle.

He just had to stay calm for a few more hours.

Harry wasn't the only one surveying the room. Up at the top table, one

man was critically eyeing the new arrivals with a sharp eye. Sat next to

Sirius Black, Severus Snape easily picked out his Godson, the Malfoy hair

glowing in the candle light. He watched Draco be called and enter his

House before the hat had even touched his head, he nearly rolled his eyes

at the smug look that came to the boy's face and he pranced, much like

his father, over to the clapping Slytherin table. There was a boy, the one

he was sat next to, clapping for him also, and Snape's eyes narrowed; he

couldn't place the child. He dismissed him being a Muggleborn, Draco

knew tolerance through Narcissa, but he wouldn't have befriended one

unless there were extremely extenuating circumstances. They reached the

P's and Snape felt the automatic sneer of disgust curl on to his face when

he heard the name "Potter" be called out, just waiting for the jumped up

brat of a girl to flounce up.

He had quite the surprise when instead of hearing "Rosina" following, he

heard "Harry", and the boy who had been clapping for Draco walked up

to the stool. He was the picture of Pureblood Heir. His back was straight,

his steps were perfectly measured and when he took his seat it was with

much more grace than most adults could hope to achieve. Severus also

didn't fail to notice the near aneurism Black seemed to have when the

name was called, nor did he fail to hear the almost silent whine that

escaped Remus. They looked at the child with a longing so strong that

Snape looked away; he just knew this child had something to do with the

legendary split between Black and Potter.

Their relationship had been rocky since the fall of the Dark Lord, they

barely spoke, and when they did it was short, sharp and tense. It had

come to a head around a year after their initial fall out. Snape would

remember the screaming match that had happened in the entrance hall

for many years, with Black calling Potter the lowest form of scum on the

planet and that he would rather return and apologise to his mother than

even associate with Potter again. Given the very well known utter hatred

that was mutual between the late Walburga Black and the Black Lord, it

said a huge amount and ever since Black changed. He became Lord Sirius

Black, he grew up and went up. And when Black had come with a

genuine apology and explanation behind his behaviour in school, Severus

had accepted.

He still found it hard to believe that he was actually, dare he say it,

friends with Black. Not just Black! No, Lupin too. The werewolf had

changed a lot. Whatever had made Black split from Potter had obviously

involved Lupin too, because the man had given James Potter such a

dangerous look when the man had last approached him that it had made

Severus shudder. There had been no gentle man behind that expression.

With glowing amber eyes, and a sharp edge to his face that wasn't

normally there, he looked as dangerous as he actually was.

Severus felt his surprise turn in to outright shock as the hat almost

screamed out Slytherin before it had even approached the boy's head,

moving its pointed top and waving the boy a way. Snape caught the boy's

expression, not a touch of surprise on his face, no but there was one thing

that shone out; pride. He glided over to the Slytherin table, sitting next to

Draco and giving him a look that screamed "I told you so".

"Oh well done, Puppy,"

Severus looked at Sirius, who had an almost savage grin on his face, and

though it was obvious he was talking about the Harry, he was looking

down the Head table. Severus spotted what he was looking at and felt his

own expression curl in to a smirk. James Potter was practically frothing

at the mouth as he glared at his son, who had the audacity to offer a

cheerful little wave to his father, openly smirking at the man. The year

suddenly didn't look as horrible as he first thought it would be.

Harry almost laughed as Julius directed him to Salazar's house before he

had even touched his head, the hat recognised him immediately and he

was only too pleased to take his seat next to Draco. The blond flashed a

smirk at his placement, nodded at Harry's "I told you so" look. The raven

haired boy didn't even bother trying to stop his smirk when he saw his

father's look of absolute disgusted horror, he even offered a cheerful

wave to the man when a glare overcome his features. He watched his

twin be called up next, the entire hall bursting in to whispers, though

they didn't seem all that positive from the Slytherin end of the room,

much to his amusement. When Julius called out Gryffindor, the House of

Lions burst in to outrageously loud cheers and Harry sneered; how Godric

would be ashamed.

While he may have been the most lax when it came to decorum, he knew

when there was no time or acceptance in such behaviour and if he had

been in place when his house had acted as such in the Great Hall, right in

the middle of the sorting ceremony… Harry shuddered. The entire house

would have been chopping wood for the entire castle for a week –

without magic! The sorting continued, finishing with Blaise Zabini being

placed in Slytherin, and then the Headmaster rose to speak. He had his

arms open wide, projecting an image of a kindly grandfather, but Harry

didn't buy it for a second; Merlin had taught him all about Dumbledore.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts." He said them all, "I have just a

few words before we get befuddled by are magnificent feast and they are:

Nitwit. Blubber. Oddment. And tweak. Thank you."

The tables were suddenly filled with every kind of food the students

could imagine and the hall burst in to sound. Harry was very pleased to

note that his expression of incredulous distaste was mirrored on every

member of the Slytherin House over Dumbledore's words. He turned to

focus on his years mates, most of which seemed to already know each

other and were looking at him as if he was a strange, exotic animal.

"Yes, I am unfortunately a Potter. Yes, I broke tradition and ended up in

Slytherin. No, I am not upset over that fact. No, I am nothing like my

wondrous twin." Harry said coolly, looking at him pointedly. They

introduced themselves then, and Harry made a note of the names behind

the faces; they were all of Pureblood Houses too. They didn't openly ask

about his existence, but Harry knew they wanted to know, and he was

sure it would come out eventually that the Potters had given him up.

Harry cast a look around the hall. The Gryffindor House was the loudest

and he shook his head, he hoped that Godric's portrait never had to see

them, because the man would be so ashamed. Though, he might be able

to talk some sense in to them.

The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables weren't so bad, he would actually

have to see their members interact to pass judgement. The Slytherin table

was acting how Salazar would have wished, composed and calm, and

eating with complete decorum. Harry started him meal, almost sighing in

delight at tasting the wonderful cooking of the Hogwarts elves; he would

have to go and see them. When the last remnants of food disappeared,

Dumbledore rose again to speak. He gave out the necessary

announcements, where Harry's eyebrows shot up when he was told the

dark forest was out of bounds; how would they learn how to gather

ingredients for potions? Or learn stealth and tracking?

Dumbledore's warning about the third floor corridor gained his interest,

and the apparent danger surrounding it, what was hidden there? And

when could Harry go and get it? Following the speech, the tables started

filing out, with voices of prefects calling for the first years to follow

them. Harry walked with Draco, pushing their way towards the door so

they could move down to the dungeons, only Harry found his path

blocked. James Potter stood in front of him, his expression dark as he

eyed Harry and the other Slytherin's with distaste.

"Come with me, we're going to the Headmaster's office." James ordered.


"You need to be resorted."

"No thank you." Harry replied instantly, "If that's all, I have Housemates

to catch up with." Harry went to walk away but James grabbed his arm

in a tight grip, yanking him in the opposite direction.

"It wasn't a suggestion." James snapped.

"Get off me!" Harry yelled, trying to get free.

"No, we're going to the Headmaster's office and having a resort." James


"I said: Get. Off." Harry growled, making his magic turn his skin red hot.

James yelped, drawing back his hand and shaking it. Harry gave him a

black look, drawing himself up and storming off, heading towards the

Headmaster's tower. He wouldn't put it past his dearest father to seek him

out daily until he had a stupid resort. Of course, he would make sure he

went back to Slytherin. His feet carried him the familiar way and he

ignored James, who was glaring and holding his hand, completely,

sneering as the man moved in front as if he was leading him. The man

uttered the password under his breath and the statue jumped to the side,

revealing the moving spiral staircase that gave access to the office. Harry

came face to face with six other people, his mother and the Headmaster

being two of them, Harry assumed that the other four were the Heads of

Houses seeing as Professor Snape was there and Draco had told him as


"Ah, James, you found young Harry." Dumbledore said pleasantly.

"I was hardly hiding." Harry pointed out blandly.

"He'll be resorted, Professor." James said, "The hat obviously made a huge

mistake. Potters are never in Slytherin."

"Perhaps if I had been raised a Potter instead of being cast aside for the

best we might be facing a different case." Harry drawled coldly, eyeing

James with a great distaste. "As it is, I missed out on that undoubtedly

wondrous experience and have been placed in Slytherin House. I see no

reason to dispute this."

"Harry, why don't you take a seat?" Dumbledore suggested kindly.

"No thank you, Headmaster. I would prefer to stand, I don't intend to be

here long." Harry replied.

"Very well, put the hat on him."

McGonagall placed the hat on his head and it yelled Slytherin again

instantly, much to Harry's amusement.

"He cannot be a Slytherin!" James exclaimed, "He's a Potter."

"If there is one thing I am certain it is that this boy belongs in Salazar's

House." The hat snapped, "To place him elsewhere would be a travesty."

"You have to sort him somewhere else." James yelled.

"I refuse. My decision stand. I will hear nothing else of it." The hat

declared, falling dormant on Harry's head, telling the boy to come visit

him when he could in his mind. James stormed out of the office in a

rage, Lily cast a troubled look at her son before rushing after James.

"Well that was a huge waste of time." Harry said mock brightly, "I do

apologise for taking you all away from your duties."

"Come, Mr Potter. I must speak with my Snakes, and you are one of

them." Professor Snape instructed, "Headmaster."

"I will speak with you tomorrow, Severus." Dumbledore said. Harry

happily followed Snape out of the office and down the familiar route to

the dungeons. Harry honestly believed that he could be blindfolded in

any part of the castle and still find his way back to Salazar's domain.

They came to the plain stone wall that Harry knew was the entrance to

the Slytherin dormitories. Salazar had used the plain wall as a constant

reminder that looks can be deceiving.

"This is the entrance to Slytherin House." Snape told him, and Harry

blinked, remembering that this was supposed to his first time to the

castle, so he nodded to show he understood. "The current password is

'basilisk'. It will be changed every month with the noticed pinned on the

notice board."

The wall had slid open on the word 'basilisk' to reveal the Slytherin

common room. The rest of the House was milling around in the room,

obviously waiting for something and Harry guessed it was the Professor.

Harry glanced up at Snape to check he was allowed to go and the man

motioned for him to go. He took up a place next to Draco, flashing a grin

at his surprised look.

"Everything is in order, sir." One of the prefects spoke from the far side of

the room as Snape moved to stand in front of the grand black marble

fireplace, a spot Harry knew was visible from all possible angles of the


"Welcome to Slytherin." Professor Snape began, directing his speech to

the first years. His voice was like silk, low and perfectly measured to

travel through the entire common room without difficulty. He had a

presence about him that kept the room utterly silent, but within the

House Harry felt no hostility or fear. All of the older years seemed to

respect the man quite a bit.

"I am Professor Severus Snape, your Head of House and the Potions

Master of this school. As a new member of this House there are a few

rules that you must know and learn to abide by. Outside these walls you

will face prejudice and discrimination because of your House selection:

Slytherin House is not seen in a positive light. Because of this, all Snakes,

while not within our main territory, will appear as a united front. Even if

you utterly despise a fellow Housemate, outside these walls you will

allow none of this to show. If you see a fellow Housemate in need of aid,

you will help them. This rule is non-negotiable." He looked at each of

them to make sure they understood before continuing.

"We are Slytherin, and this House champions cunning. Should you,

perchance, deviate from the written rules: Do. Not. Get. Caught. If you

think you may be caught, have an alibi at your disposal. And if you are

caught, make sure that it's by me." Snape gave them a look that promised

a steep retribution should they be caught at all, and Harry very nearly

grinned; Salazar had given him the same look a hundred times. "The

prejudice you face, unfortunately, also extends to members of this

faculty. They will believe the words of another House over you in a

heartbeat. So if you have any problems, any issues or any concerns, you

are free to come and speak to me at any time. My office can be accessed

through the painting of the stirring cauldrons, and if you are unsure a

prefect or older student will show you the way."

Harry's attention snapped around when two people walked out of the

painting mentioned, his eyes widened slightly as he saw his Godfather

and uncle step through and walk over to Professor Snape.

"These are Professors Black and Lupin-Black, our History Professors. If

you are unable to find me, they are also available and can be trusted.

Should you find yourself in trouble in higher areas of the castle, you will

find it easier to seek either of them out and they will be able to bring you

directly to me." Snape moved his attention back to the House as a whole,

looking around to check their attentions.

"All first and second years are to travel in groups unless absolutely

necessary and your curfew is at 8pm during the week and 9pm on

weekends and holidays. I expect the prefects to organise and structure

study sessions where necessary and see to it that our younger members

are settling and adjusting accordingly. Any concerns you may have can,

of course, be brought to me. Marcus Flint is the current Captain of the

Quidditch team, any inquires of the sport are to be directed to him."

Snape paused, regarding them all for a moment before he spoke again,

this time his tone was caution and very serious.

"As you all would have noticed, we have two new members of faculty this

year; James Potter is now our Flying Instructor and Lily Potter our

Arithmancy Professor."

There was an outbreak of whispers at that, and Harry felt many sets of

eyes glance at him. He kept his mask in place, keeping his back straight

and his head turned towards the Professor easily; they would soon know

he was nothing like his so called family. The room fell silent with a look

from their Head of House, and he nodded.

"I offer you this single warning. They are not your friends."

His tone belayed the real message; avoid them as much as possible, and

when you can't, the rules became your doctrine.

"Are there any questions?"

When there was a negative response, he nodded dismissing the House to

do as they pleased. A ripple of noise sounded as friends reconnected and

people made their way up to the dormitories. Harry noticed his

Godfather and uncle lingering by the main entrance and he felt his heart

jump a little when he looked up and met Sirius's eyes. There were a

myriad of emotions in those clear grey eyes and Harry knew his were just

the same.

"Harry – Mr Potter, may I speak with you for a moment." Sirius asked and

Harry nodded, not being able to answer verbally. He followed the man

out almost unconsciously, his mind whirling about what could possibly

happen. Sirius and Remus led him up through the castle and Harry

wondered where they were going, Remus must have caught his

expression because he spoke.

"Please do not be alarmed, we just don't want to be overheard. The walls

have ears."

Harry nodded again, his nerves on end as they came to a portrait and it

opened to reveal a living quarters. Remus moved over to stand behind

the squishy chair, offering him a seat as Sirius took up pacing in front of

the fire.

"I know this is strange," Sirius said, "I didn't really think this one through.

You are probably wondering who the hell I am, and Moony did tell me to

be rational, but I was never really good at that and-,"

"Padfoot," Remus interrupted gently and Sirius took a deep breath,

turning to face Harry.

"Right. Ok. You probably don't remember, and I am a hundred percent

sure your father wouldn't have told you, but my name is Sirius Black and

when you were born I was named your Godfather." Sirius said, "It was a

full bond, which means I'm still your Godfather. And I thought you

should know, because – you know, just in case you need anything or

want someone to talk to or-,"

He was cut off because all of Harry's self-restraint snapped and he

launched himself at the man, wrapping his arms around him and burying

his face in his chest. Just knowing that everything Merlin had said over

the years, that his Godfather would still want to know him when he got

back regardless of his father.

"It's so good to see you, uncle Siri," Harry murmured. He found himself

picked up and hugged closer to the man, and he relished in the feeling. It

was silly, but it made him feel so much less alone. Sirius placed him back

on his feet, not even bothering to hide his emotions; his smile was

positively glowing. Harry looked over to see Remus stood back a bit, but

it was impossible to miss the longing on his face and Harry rushed over,

treating him to the same treatment as his Godfather.

"Uncle Moony!"

"Harry, my little cub." He murmured, holding him close, "You're all

grown up and so big!"

When they all sat down, Remus didn't seem to want to let him go so

Harry got comfortable on his lap, not minding at all. Godric used to do

the same thing when he was in certain moods.

"You remember us?" Sirius statement was phrased like a question and

Harry smiled, nodding his head.

"I have an eidetic memory, I remember everything." He told them. They

looked both impressed and alarmed at that, sharing a look before Sirius

spoke again.

"We tried to find you, to bring you back." He said seriously, his voice

almost begging Harry to understand. "I demanded you be given to me but

Potter refused. I hadn't had my Lordship at this point, so unless I could

find you and prove without a doubt that your father's judgement was

unsuitable for your living conditions there would be nothing I could do.

By the time I had received my Lordship and gathered credibility, Potter

was too famous and well respected. Anything that happens to him

bounces off immediately and we still couldn't find you to prove


"Don't worry, uncle Siri. I believe you." Harry assured, "I know you did

everything in your power to find me."

"How are you?" Moony asked meaningfully, "How did you grow up with

magic with those muggles." His tone was slightly disgusted, having

personally met Petunia and Vernon Dursley he hated to think what his

poor cub had been subjected to. They both looked at him as if he was

mad when he grinned, and when he noticed the looks Harry's expression

went slightly mischievous. Merlin had told him that it would better if he

was honest with his Godfather and uncle from the start, they had tried so

hard to find him and cared so much about him that the aged warlock

didn't doubt that they could be trusted. He had also pointed out that it

was impossible to build a strong, true connection upon a foundation of


"I didn't quite make it to the muggles when Dumbledore dropped me off."

Harry said, "He thought it a good idea to leave me on the doorstep and

someone else came along and took me instead."

"What?" they both exclaimed, looking relieved that he didn't have to

suffer the muggles and alarmed that some unknown person had picked

him up.

"Who was it?" Sirius demanded.

"And were they nice to you growing up?" Remus added.

"Would you believe me if I told you it was Merlin who found me and took

me to live at Hogwarts with the four Founders, who were absolutely

wonderful." Harry asked and was met with utter silence. When they

continued to look at him blankly, Harry laughed. "Merlin took me to the

Founders to change the fates. He said that should I continue on the two

paths set for me, it would either mean the end of the world or the end of

magic itself. I grew up here, in these halls, when it was first made. They

took me in, raised me, cared for me and taught me everything they


"You were raised by the four Founders over a thousand years ago." Remus



"And it was Merlin who took you."


"Are you sure?" Sirius questioned and Harry snorted.

"Very sure. The five of them made me their blood and magical Heir for

my eleventh birthday." Harry told them proudly, allowing them to see his

ring flash between the House rings. He was met with another silence, but

this one was more of a stunned one rather than disbelief.

"Well shit."

Harry burst in to giggles at Sirius stunned words, laughing harder when

Moony reached over and hit him, warning him about his language,

especially in front of Harry. Sirius rubbed his arm, pouting slightly,

though he shot Harry a wink and a grin when Remus looked away.

"I cannot believe you actually grew up with the Founders." Remus said in

wonder. "What was it like?"

"Want to see some of the things I brought back with me?" Harry asked.


He snapped his fingers, bringing his trunk to him and opening it up once

he had got up off of Moony. He dug out some of his old styles robes and

some of the gifts he had received from the Founders, telling them about

the stories behind them with a happy sort of sadness. He was telling them

the story of how he had shot Salazar as they admired his bow when

Aressa made her presence known. Sirius, who caught sight of her first,

made a sound bats would perceive as a signal to them and physically

leaped up and over the sofa. Harry was momentarily bewildered, but

when he caught sight of what had caused such an extreme reaction he

roared with laughter, hunching over and struggling to breathe.

"Dear Circe," He gasped, "What was that?"

"You have a snake." Sirius stated, eyeing Aressa like she was about to eat

him, despite her small size.

"Yes. This is Aressa. Salazar gave her to me as a gift for my eleventh

birthday." Harry told them.

"But they are all slithery and hissy and snakey." Sirius said, shuddering

and Remus muffled his own laughter when Harry replied with "It's

because they're snakes." He cast a mild warming charm on his robes at

the top of his arm, using the directional version of the spell that Row had

showed him. Aressa slithered back up, seeking the additional heat and

settling back to sleep. Only then did Sirius deem it safe to return to his


"I am going to take a mild guess and say your parents do not know of

your upbringing." Sirius hedged. "And that you won't be telling them any

time in the near or distant future."

"Lily and James Potter will never be my parents." Harry stated surely,

"They lost that right when they sent me to live with muggles and soon

they will truly understand the mistake that they made."

"You are going to give them utter hell, aren't you?" Remus said amused,

and the expression that came to Harry's face was answer enough.

"I almost feel sympathy." Sirius muttered, grinning. He glanced at his

watch and yelped, leaping to his feet again. "It's getting late, and I said to

Severus I would have you back soon."

"Can I come back?" Harry asked.

"Of course you can, pup." Sirius replied cheerfully.

"Any time you want," Remus assured, "The password is sanctuary."

"I'll send you through the floo, that way you can go straight to the

common room through Severus' office." Sirius said. Harry shrunk his

trunk and hugged Moony goodnight, moving towards the fire and waiting

for Sirius to throw the powder.

"Severus, I'm sending Harry through." He said and then motioned for

Harry to step in, after he had gotten his own hug. Harry stepped out of

the other grate, mentally cursing the unpleasantness of the floo system,

and nodded to his Professor.

"I advise you go straight to bed, Mr Potter. You are expected in the

common room at 7am to be shown to the Great Hall with the rest of the

first years."

"Yes, sir, of course. Goodnight." He left via the portrait he was pointed to,

going through the tunnel and coming out in the common room. He went

straight upstairs and found the first years plaque on the first door in as

per custom. All the first year boys were inside and on a bed leaving only

one free, Harry moved over to the bed nearest the fake window,

unshrinking his trunk with a wave of his hand and snapping his fingers to

pull out his night wear. He still slept in the blue tunic he had stolen from

Godric over black sleep trousers he had bought when he went shopping,

so he vanishing in to the bathroom to prepare for bed, unaware of the

stunned looks he received from his dorm mates.

"Did anyone else see that?" Theo was the first to ask, breaking their


"He used wandless magic," Blaise confirmed.

"He doesn't like to use his wand, apparently." Draco told them, "He said

so on the train."

"He doesn't like to use it?" Blaise repeated, "So he just doesn't? Wandless

magic is almost impossible."

"I couldn't tell you." Draco admitted, "Before the summer when I first saw

him in Madam Malkins, I didn't even know he existed."

Harry emerged from the bathroom changed, dropping down on to his bed

with a muted sigh.

"I'm surprised to see you back, your father…" Draco trailed off, not

needing to say exactly what Harry's father had been like. Harry flashed

him a grin.

"The hat refused to put me anywhere else so they had to leave me here."

Harry told him, very pleased.

"I bet James Potter loved that." Theo muttered and Harry looked over at

him with a smirk.

"I would say he was delighted, it was really emphasised when he stormed

out of Dumbledore's office."

They shared a laugh at that and Harry leant back against his headboard.

"Do any of you have an aversion to snakes?"

They all shook their heads and Harry nodded, moving Aressa from his

arm on to his bedpost, casting a warming charm on the whole frame for

her comfort.

"You have a pet snake?" Blaise exclaimed, "Is that safe."

"Aressa is harmless," Harry assured, and them he tilted his head, "Unless

you decide to attack me. Then I make no promises."

They seemed to accept his word for now, casting a cautious eye on the

serpent before continuing their own nightly rituals. Harry got under the

covers and closed his hangings for the night, he felt a hundred times

better than he had since he had returned to his own time and, that night,

he fell asleep easily, looking forward to the next day.

It was going to be fun.

So there we have it, Harry's arrival at Hogwarts and his meeting

Sirius. How did you like it? Let me know what you think please



6. Chapter 6

A/N: Hey everyone, I've been fixing and cleaning again and this is

the final result; I hope you like it.

For all those who are new to this fic – HI! Thanks for reading, and

don't let my ramblings put you off.

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K Rowling, so the characters do not belong to


Warning: None for this chapter, I don't think. Possible language?


Chapter 6:

Harry was awake, dressed and on his second book by the time the rest of

the boys even stirred, he was used to getting up early and it was only on

a rare occasion he stayed in bed. Harry had his school bag packed with

all his lesson books and his chosen extras ready to go, he knew there was

a strong possibility he was going to be bored in class, but Merlin had told

him it enabled him to do other things with his time.

He would be able to gain connections, work on separate projects and try

and sort through the whole dark and light issues in the current time. He

cast a tempus and rose to his feet, it was approaching the time where the

prefects would be leading then up to the Great Hall so Harry went back

in to the dorm to tell Aressa not to get caught and to make sure the rest

of the boys were up and at least getting ready. Slytherin was a united

front after all.

"How in Merlin's are you ready already?" Draco exclaimed.

"I've been reading for like 2 hours." Harry said with a shrug, "Now if you

want to eat hurry up." Harry stroked Aressa before leaving the scurrying

pre-teens in favour for his books. Draco was the first to immerge, looking

slightly disgruntled but his attire was impeccable and he was ready to go

for the day. Some of the girls had arrived by that point, and they were

milling around the common room waiting for the prefects. Crabbe and

Goyle were the last people to arrive, just in time because two prefects

came down and nodded to them.

"This will only happen today unless you believe you will have difficulty

finding your own way to the Great Hall." The male prefect told them. "If

you do have problems, speak with one of us, and if you cannot find up

speak to Professor Snape who will pass on the message to us."

They were taken the long way to the Great Hall, much to Harry's

aggravation and he made a note to show Draco, at least, the quicker way

of getting to the Hall. Harry helped himself to breakfast, waiting for his

timetable to be handed out and striking up conversation with Draco

about what classes the other was looking forward to. Harry took his

timetable happily when Professor Snape came around to hand the out,

though his mood was slightly diminished when he realised he wouldn't

have Potions until the following Friday.

"Shall we go to Charms?" Theodore asked and they nodded. The entire

first year rose and left together, getting nods of approval from the older

years. They had a basic map on the back of their timetables, but Harry

noted that it was the long way to the classroom and they would be there

only just in time; not a way he wanted to start his first day of school.

"Ignore the map and follow me." Harry said to them, walking up the first

flight of stairs and then turning left instead of continuing up.

"But we haven't got time to explore." One of the girls said.

"Yeah, and if we're late on the first day Professor Snape will be really

mad." Blaise added.

"Don't worry, we're not exploring." Harry said, leading them through a

portrait of a man who was making his cutlery and crockery dance. They

moved through the sloping corridor quickly and came to an apparent

blank wall, Harry tapped the top left corner and it swung open, bringing

them out on the Charms corridor.

"Tah dah!"

"How could you have possibly known that?" Draco demanded and Harry


"I'm just that good." Harry stated. Realising that they were not going to

get anything else out of him, they all slipping on their masks and waited

for the rest of Ravenclaw House to arrive. Harry noted that the other

House didn't seem to have the same rules as Slytherin, because they were

going individually or in pairs. The Professor was the tiny Flitwick, Harry

surmised that he was part Goblin, who took the register and started right

on with his lecture. Harry was disappointed, but unsurprised, when

Flitwick started with the basics of Charms, including the twelve wand

movements, none of which Harry used himself and it made him sigh

when he realised he would have to actively use his wand.

How tiring.

It wasn't a bad class, but Harry understood more how advanced he was

and how different the teaching was these days. The Slytherins looked at

Harry when the class was over and he was only too happy to lead them

to Transfiguration. They were early with Harry's shortcut so they waited

for the Gryffindors to arrive, and when they did they were loud and

rowdy and disorganised. Each and every Slytherin held perfect posture

and expression, not even deeming the Lions worthy of their disdain, and

entered the classroom silently.

Professor McGonagall was strict and precise and Harry felt that Rowena

would appreciate her teaching style, she turned her desk in to a pig and

back with mere flicks of her wand and Harry was quite impressed; she

didn't even look like she focused on it at all. She gave a brief lecture

before handing out matches and instructing the class on how they were

to turn it to a needle, putting them right to work. Harry's match became a

perfect needle instantly, gaining him ten points to Slytherin much to the

Gryffindors ire and Slytherin pleasure. His sister, who he had thankfully

not seen since the sorting, looked particularly irate and Harry was not

surprised that she stopped him on the way down to lunch.

"You think you're so good, don't you?" She spat at him, "You don't even


Harry raised an eyebrow at her, declining to answer and that seemed to

annoy her even more.

"You were just welcomed back in to our family, in to House Potter, and

then you go and dishonour it. Becoming a slimy Slytherin and then not

even getting resorted."

"Yes, I was just welcomed back. I was welcomed back when I shouldn't

have needed to be in the first place, because I shouldn't have been sent

away." Harry drawled and Rosina sneered.

"You are so obviously jealous." She stated, "You can't have everything I

have so you're trying to bring me down, trying to show me up. But it

won't work, I'm loved and famous, I'm the Girl-Who-Lived and you are no


"Trying to show you up? Circe, your ego keeps growing by the day."

Harry said incredulously, "I don't care about you and even if I did I

wouldn't need to try and show you up. You do a wonderful job of that

without my help."

"Just you wait, daddy is so angry with you and you're going to be in so

much trouble."

"Seeing as I don't have a father I won't wait in suspense." Harry replied

coldly, turning and walking away, feeling rather than seeing the rest of

his Slytherin year forming a protective half circle around him. He very

nearly groaned out loud when he saw his 'father' heading in his direction,

and Harry was about to make a break for it in the opposite direction

when he caught sight of his Godfather coming up from the dungeons.

Harry ducked under James' outstretched arm, running and jumping in to

Sirius' arms and making sure to call out "Uncle Siri!" loud enough for

James to hear. He felt his Godfather snicker in to his shoulder as he was

set on the man's hip.

"What excellent timing." Sirius muttered.

"BLACK!" Potter shouted, storming over to them, though Sirius kept out

of immediate reach.

"What do you want, Potter?" Sirius questioned sharply, his voice so cold

that Harry was quite surprised.

"Put my son down this instant." He demanded.

"I believe that it is Harry's decision as to whether or not I carry him

around." Sirius stated.

"Harry, get down this instant. Did I not expressly tell you we do not

associate with people such as him?"

"I'm actually quite comfortable right now, so if you could ask me again at

a later time I might because to change my obvious answer of no." Harry


"It wasn't a suggestion," James snapped, reaching out for him. He found

himself coming face to face with Sirius' wand, and an expression of cold

fury from the Black Lord.

"You took him away from me once. You will have to kill me before I let

you do it again." Sirius hissed lowly, "Watch yourself, Potter. Our

positions are a lot different to what they were ten years ago."

James gave them both nasty looks before stalking away, knowing a lost

battle when he saw one.

"So how was your first day, Pup?" Sirius asked, his previously angry

demeanour vanishing with Potter.

"Good, but everything has been easy so far. I actually have to use my

wand." He sounded incredibly put out and Sirius snorted, though he

wasn't the only one. Draco had stayed with him, sending the rest of the

House on as they were now with a Professor.

"Merlin forbids." He threw at him with a smirk and Harry pouted.

"It's so much effort."

"And doing everything wandlessly isn't?" Draco returned, only half in


"No! It's so much simpler; you only have to direct your magic then."

"I'll take your word for it." The blond said.

"Have any other problems?" Sirius wondered, placing him back on his

own two feet.

"No, nothing, unless you count my delightful sister."

"She's bothering you already? I'm not really surprised. She has been

brought up waited no hand and foot, nothing has ever been denied to her

because of her status and it hasn't changed over the years." Sirius said in


"It shows." Harry said.

"I can't believe she's allowed to act like that, my mother would punish me

until the end of the next century should I show such a lack of decorum."

Draco said with a shudder, and Harry knew the feeling; Sal would have

strung him up!

"Narcissa is still as scary as ever then." Sirius noted, "Terrified the living

daylights in to me when I was younger."

"Mother said you used to be quite close." Draco said and Sirius nodded, a

sigh escaping him.

"We were, once. But the war happened and things got messed up." Sirius

allowed, "Looking back, I should have done so many things differently,

but its pointless to linger on 'what ifs'."

"You should write to her again." Draco suggested, "I know she would like


Sirius looked at him in surprise.

"You know, I might do that. There is nothing to be lost from it." He

agreed, then he turned back to Harry. "Draco's mother is my cousin."

"I thought so," Harry said. Sirius walked them to their places on the

Slytherin table and was about to head up to his own placement when he

remembered something.

"In case you are not aware, James is not all that pleased with your

placement and will be doing anything to 'show you the right way to be'."

Sirius told him and Harry grinned.

"So I'll do the opposite of everything he does." Harry declared, making

Sirius chuckle slightly.

"Yeah, pretty much. I'll see you later, Pup."

"Bye, uncle Siri."

Harry sat down to eat opposite Draco, helping himself to some ham and

potatoes before acknowledging the looks he was getting from his year


"He's my Godfather." He answered, knowing exactly why they were

shooting him questioning looks. They each got a look of comprehension

before the public masks were back in place. None of them stayed at the

table for long, wanting to get down to the greenhouses with plenty of

time to spare and unfortunately Harry didn't know any shortcuts to them,

but he did know the way.

Harry wasn't much of a fan of Herbolgy, struggling a bit on the subject

and he knew that while he had the edge over the rest of his year mates,

he would struggle on plants he had never seen before. Dormant magic

subject were just not made for him. He did quite like Professor Sprout,

and she made understanding everything very easy, seemingly

understanding that Herbology wasn't the masses favourite subject. It was

a double session and the Slytherins hurried back down to their dorms,

wanting to get cleaned up before they went to their study session. Harry

couldn't believe that they had a free period on the first day, it was

completely ridiculous especially when there were so many things they

could be learning. Merlin had said the curriculum had changed quite a

bit, but it was another one of those things he had left for Harry to

experience himself. It was different, and he wasn't all that happy with it,

being used to being so busy all the time, but he would get used to it.

Harry's first week at school in his own time was surprisingly brilliant. He

was, with no surprise to himself, the instant top of all his classes. He

would accept nothing less of himself. He had been avoiding James Potter

expertly, but there had been a few close calls. The closest being when

James had finally cornered him and made a grab for him, Harry found

himself lifted in to the air and set on his uncle Moony's hip, protectively

held close to the man as he gave James a truly dangerous look that had

the man backing up quickly. Harry didn't really blame him, he had seen

the wolf come out in his uncle, his eyes starting to light up amber and his

lip drawing back from his teeth – Harry was pretty sure he would make a

hasty retreat too.

When Friday finally arrived, Harry was practically bouncing with

excitement for his Potions class. Even though he knew that whatever

would be taught to him that day wouldn't even be close to a challenge for

him, he couldn't help but feel that it had been much too long since his

last Potions lesson, not even lesson just time in the lab. First years were

not allowed to use the labs on their own. Harry hopped that he would be

able to speak with the Professor to get that slightly amended, he loved to

brew and just the thought of only being able to do so in class was

horrifying. His dorm mates, having seen him pour through numerous

Potions texts, some of which they didn't even know existed, all knew

what was making him so twitchy.

Draco finally got annoyed with his pacing and muttering under his breath

that he forcefully sat Harry down to wait for the rest of their year mates.

The blond was quite excited to be taught by his Godfather, but at the

same time he was nervous because he knew the high standard the man

expected from all of his students and he was worried that he would have

forgotten everything he had been taught previously. Harry's bright mood

was noticeable to anyone who had the right eye, and up at the Head

table there was one who was eyeing the boy with a somewhat

questioning expression.

"What has your Godson deviating from his usual perfect calm?" Severus

asked Sirius, who was sat next to him.

"I would assume the same thing that has your Godson doing the same."

Sirius responded, and then he grinned. "Harry has been so excited about

Potions all week that I thought he might combust if this day didn't hurry

and come around."


"Oh yeah, he's an absolute Potions fanatic. He's been going on and on

about it all week." Sirius told him, "I think you might have a little

admirer in him."

"Admirer?" Snape repeated and Sirius chuckled.

"You should hear him talk about your work in Potions. He has all of your

books, even that ridiculously rare one that's on obscure Potions insight,

and he's been offering us random facts about your work followed by how

amazing it is." Sirius grinned, "It's quite adorable really."

"Do you know if he has brewed before?" Severus asked.

"Yeah, he has. It's his absolute favourite subject." Sirius answered.

"I shall have to watch him during my lesson, then."

"I do not think you will be disappointed." Sirius assured. Severus cast a

critical eye over the boy in question, wondering if Sirius was being

generous or the boy was actually good. Harry had finally calmed himself

enough to eat with the proper decorum and then take out his current

Potions text, he had memorised it, of course, given that majority of the

information was already known by him, but the bits he didn't he had

made sure to memorise it. He hadn't heard much on the Professors

teaching style, only that he favoured Slytherins and was the strictest

teacher in the school. His attention snapped up when his 'father' came to

a halt behind him, looking at the entire table with open disgust.

"Your mother and I believe it would be best if you spent the weekend

with us." James stated and Harry looked at him blankly.

"No thank you."

"It wasn't an option. You will be collected after dinner. If you don't you'll

have detention and lose points."

"You cannot do that!" Harry exclaimed.

"I can and I will."

"Fine," Harry snapped, rising to his feet, "But let it be well known that I

would rather do anything else with my time than spend it in your

presence." He stormed off after that, unable to stay in the man's vicinity.

He realised, when he got to the doors, that he had forgotten his bag, so

he snapped his finger and plucked it from the air when it appeared. His

feet took him to the Potions classroom, noting with a pang that it was the

very same room that Salazar used to teach in and he sighed. He knew he

shouldn't have stormed out, Sal would lecture him how he wasn't

supposed to allow the enemy to show they were getting to him, but it

was just so hard with James Potter.

There was something about the man's upstart behaviour that just set him

off, how he actually believed that casting a child out because the other

was suddenly famous was ok literally stunned Harry, and that he

believed his words and showed no remorse for his actions. Harry didn't

think he would ever understand. The only reason he would ever give up a

child of his was if there was no other choice, and he would never ever

send them to muggles. The notion was completely inconceivable. He

noticed, with a start, he was almost fifteen minutes early to the lesson

because he hadn't finished his breakfast, so he sat down, using the air

around him to make him a chair, and cracked open his book again.

If anything would settle his mind it was Potions. He didn't rouse until

Draco nudged him, and he rose to his feet, clearing his expression and

shooting the blond a nod of gratitude. The Gryffindors came down as

loud as always, Harry could hear them speaking about how Snape was

the worst teacher in the school and how he hated Gryffindors. They were

shut up when the door slammed open startling them, and Harry very

nearly grinned; Salazar used to do the same thing. He said that if the

students were not prepared to hear a door slam when they were not

focusing on potentially lethal concoctions then they had no business

being in a lab. Harry thought it was because he loved scaring the crap in

to people, but he never actually voiced that thought to the man.

The Slytherins entered first, silently and in a single file, taking their seats

without haste, though Harry was sure to grab the front desk with Draco

and Theo. The door slammed shut once the Gryffindors had got in,

whispering amongst themselves as they got to their seats, they fell silent

as Professor Snape strode to the front of the room, his black robes

billowing behind him ominously. He took the register and paused when

he came to Rosina's name.

"Ah yes, Rosina Potter. Our new celebrity." The final word was send with

a touch of disdain, and Rosina flushed, glaring up at Snape. Harry

couldn't help but smirk, Rosina would be getting absolutely no special

treatment in this class apparently. Once he had finished he rose and

stood in front of his desk, crossing his arms and regarding them coolly.

He had that ability to keep the room utterly silent without doing

anything, and then he began to speak.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class.

As such, some of you will not appreciate the subtle science and art which

is Potions." He spoke softly, his voice carrying through the room

effortlessly and Harry felt himself leaving forward, absently flicking his

wrist to make his quill copy down everything that was said.

"I can teach you how to bewitch the mind, and ensnare the senses. I can

teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even putter a stopper in


Harry was on the edge of his seat, and he noticed that Draco was also

unconsciously leaning forward also as he listened completely enraptured.

"Miss Potter," The Professor's sudden change in tone and volume made

Harry jump slightly, "What would I get if I added powered root of

asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Harry's mind supplied him with answer immediately, and he waited for

his sister to answer the question.

"I don't know," She answered, causing Harry to blink in surprise; that was

very simple. He exchanged a look with Draco, the blond's eyes telling

Harry he thought the same thing.

"So you didn't think you would open a book before you came to my class,

did you?" Snape mused, his voice lined with displeasure. "Let's try again.

Where, Miss Potter, would you look if I were to ask for a bezoar?"

That question was even easier than the previous one, Harry thought,

raising an eyebrow at Draco, who shrugged slightly.

"I don't know." She said again, and this time Harry turned to look at her

as if she had lost her mind; how did she not know that? He saw that the

busy haired Mudblood girl had her hand thrown in to the air, and, while

he was pleased that she obviously had some brains in her, it wasn't a

discussion period so it was highly unnecessary. He turned back to the

front, shaking his head slightly, though he had to mask a grin as he

caught sight of Draco looking at her as if she was some strange exotic


"Pity," Snape said, not sounding at all as if he meant it, it was more as if

he knew this would happen. "One more time, Miss Potter. What is the

difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

"I don't know," Rose ground out, sounding extremely angry much to

Harry's amusement. That question was a trick question, granted, but it

was basic Herbology knowledge, let alone Potions

"Clearly fame isn't everything, is it, Miss Potter?"

"Clearly Hermione knows, so why don't you ask her." Rose snapped,

indicating the Mudblood. Muttering immediately broke out on the

Gryffindor side, all of them casting Rose looks of awe at her nerve. The

Slytherin's were casting her their own set of looks, though theirs were

more of distaste than anything remotely positive.

"Five points, Potter, for your cheek." Snape growled and they instantly

fell silently, looking at the Professor in disgruntlement.

"Let's see if the other Potter possess any intelligence." Snape decided,

turning to face Harry in expectation. Harry straightened himself up,

looking at the Professor respectfully.

"In answer to your first proposed question: adding powdered root of

asphodel to an infusion of wormwood would give you a sleeping draught

so potent it is known as the Draught of Living Dead." Harry began, his

voice completely even. "To find a bezoar, in response to your second

question, you would look in the stomach of a goat, and the stone will

save you from most poisons if administered in time. Finally, there is no

difference between monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant

that also know by the name aconite and is a key ingredient within the

highly regarded Wolfsbane potion: which allows a werewolf to retain his

or her mind during the full moon, and was created and developed by


Snape nodded once, quite impressed by his answers and the extra

information offered; it illustrated his knowledge, but not in an arrogant

or obnoxious way.

"Correct, Mr Potter. Ten points to Slytherin."

Harry nodded, pleased, and settled to take notes as the Professor began

his lecture on the Potion they were working on, Harry was delighted to

discover they would be brewing that day. It was a simple boil cure,

though a different one to how he learned, and he noted that if he

combine the methods he should get the absolute perfect potion. When

they were given permission, Harry snapped his fingers and his

ingredients laid out before him in the desk, allowing him to get straight

to work. Snape watched the male Potter as he walked around the

classroom, becoming more impressed by the minute; the boy was a

complete natural. All of his motions flowed with ease, and his almost

absent precision screamed of previous heavy brewing. His analysis was

interrupted when the Longbottom boy's cauldron melted suddenly,

spilling its spoiled contents all over the floor.

"Idiot boy." Severus snapped, vanishing the mess with a sharp jab of his

wand. "Did the instructions not clearly state that you were to remove the

cauldron from the heat before you added the porcupine quills?"

The boy whimpered in response, nasty looking boils already swelling all

over him.

"Take him to the hospital wing." He shot at his partner and then he

turned to Rosina Potter. "Miss Potter, take five points for trying to make

yourself look good through other people's failures." He had seen her

watching Longbottom, and seeing as she had completed that step herself

she couldn't fail to miss the disaster waiting to happen. The Professor

once again began moving around the room making his observations, his

eyes naturally being drawn back to the male Potter, raising an eyebrow

as he saw the boy frowning at his cauldron.

"Is there a problem, Mr Potter?" He inquired, approaching the boy. He

couldn't help but feel amused when the boy looked like a deer caught in

headlights. Harry looked at his Professor in horror, he hadn't fixed his

problem yet, and now the man was right next to him. The stupid potion,

he couldn't work out where he had gone wrong.

"It's only a small mistake," He began, casing the spectrum spell and

narrowing his eyes, "Its three shades lighter than it is supposed to be."

Three whole shades, Salazar would have had him cleaning cauldrons for

a week should Harry have done such a thing in his class. One shade he

could deal with, different time of ingredients that could have lost or

gained potency over the years, and he was mixing a recipe for the first

time, but three shades? Harry shook his head. Severus looked closely at

that potion, eyeing the spectrum spell in surprise; that wasn't taught until

sixth year. He noticed that the potion was indeed three shades lighter,

but it was still a well-made potion and only a master would question it.

"It is an acceptable first attempt."

"But this isn't a first attempt." Harry told him, "I could do this potion in

my sleep, and I have made many more advance ones." He scowled at the

potion as if it was doing it on purpose and then he blinked, slapping his

hand to his forehead as he released a muted groan. "I am a complete


He snapped his fingers, summoning a single lime green leaf to him. He

nearly sliced off the tip of the leaf, dropping it in to the cauldron and

stirring it twice anti-clockwise, watching as the potion darkened to the

correct shade with relief.

"Very impressive, Mr Potter. Stay at the end."

"Yes, sir."

Harry bottled up the potion and sat down, nodding to his year mates to

say he would be fine as the class was dismissed.

"Mr Potter," Snape began, but Harry twitched.

"Please, sir. Can you call me Harry because Mr Potter sounds like James

and…" he trailed off, wrinkling his nose.

"I understand completely, Harry." Snape said. "Your work today

illustrated how adapt you are at potions brewing and your knowledge of

ingredients. You previously stated that you have worked with more

complex potions – which ones?"

"Hm, it would be difficult to say." Harry admitted, he had only worked

with a few difficult potions that were still known today and wouldn't take

a hell of an explanation. "It would be a choice between the Polyjuice

potions or my own creation."

Snape started, a touch of disbelief entering his expression as he looked at

the boy; surely he couldn't think that he would believe that.

"You say Polyjuice potion, at eleven." Snape repeated in mild disbelief,

and Harry conceded the man had a right to be disbelieving – the

Polyjuice potion wasn't a difficult brewing process really; he had learned

to brew it at nine.

"I supposed given the simplicity of the Polyjuice potions actual brewing

process, it shouldn't be counted as really difficult. The only difficulties

that should arise is the preparation of the ingredients, and having the

timing perfect; even a few seconds out could ruin it." Harry mused. "With

that outlook, I would, modestly, have to say my latest creation would be

my most complex potion."

Snape looked the boy over and realised he had complete belief in his

words, and while Snape was sceptical, if Harry was indeed being truthful

then he was a genius in the art.

"What potion have you created?"

"It's an advanced shielding potion, yet to be named. It protects the

drinker from basically everything except a direct killing curse." Harry

answered, "I have it in my Potions journal."

"May I see it?"

"Of course." Harry agreed, snapping his fingers, making a small black

book appear on his desk.

"How do you do that?"

"It's an edited version of the summoning charm. I got so sick of waiting

for my items to soar through the air to me, I mean seriously, who thought

that would be a good idea." Harry shook his head in obvious

bewilderment, and Snape blinked. The boy had edited a spell at eleven?

What in Merlin's name…


"Language," Snape warned, "What is it?"

"You don't happen to be able to read Parseltongue, do you?" Harry

wondered, looking at his teacher sheepishly.

"No, there hasn't been a known Parselmouth since the Dark Lord." Snape

replied slowly, and Harry quirked an eyebrow; that partially answered

why the language was seen as evil.

"Well, I must be one of those weird twists of fate." Harry said brightly,

waving his hand to copy his potion in to English and handing it to the

Professor. Severus read through the potion's description and then the

recipe, feeling his eyebrows climb higher and higher the more he read.

"This is incredibly impressive," Snape admitted, and Harry straightened

up proudly.

"Thank you,"

"You say it has been tested."

"Yes, it is in full working order." Harry confirmed.

"I wish to see you brew it, but the ingredient prep time is too long unless

you already have some?"

"I do. I stored enough to brew 6 more batches after the initial testing."

Harry replied.

"If you can return this evening and prove you can brew this potion, I can

adjust your work to something that will be, at least, mildly challenging

for you." Severus decided, and Harry smiled, nodding before he abruptly

stopped and a vicious curse word spewed from his mouth in

Parseltongue, one that would have Rowena washing his mouth out

should she have heard and understood.

"I have the distinct impression that it would be in both of our interests

that I not know what you just said." Severus drawled and Harry ducked

his head slightly, before scowling at the wall.

"I has been demanded that I spend time with my – ah – family." He

sneered, "It is not optional."

"I believe I actually feel pity for you."

"I could ask and say its educational-,"

"Do not bother. James Potter loathes the very air I breathe, a feeling that

is completely mutual, he would not allow you to come near me out of

lesson hours even if it was a detention." Severus informed him and

Harry's shoulders dropped.

"I must be cursed." Harry muttered.

"Should you be able to escape on Saturday, I shall be available to contact

in my office. If I am not there, wait for me and I will return from my

personal labs."

"Thank you, sir." Harry said happily.

"Here is your note for being late to defence." Snape said, handing him a

roll of parchment, "A prefect will be waiting to escort you."

"Yes, sir."

Harry grabbed his bag and left the classroom, whooping in delight once

he was away from the door and jogging up to the waiting prefect.

"Which way we heading?" She asked.

"Up," Harry responded.

"So what did you do to get held back in the Professor's first class?" She

questioned, and Harry smiled brightly.

"He's offered me a chance to prove that I can brew a certain potion, if I

can then he's going to put me on an advanced curriculum."

"Sweet Merlin, kid. You must have impressed him." She whistled.

"I hope so," Harry said. They stepped out on to the Defence corridor and

the Prefect blinked.

"That was fast."

"Handy shortcut," Harry answered, and she nodded, not even questioning

it; your secrets were your own in Slytherin. "Thanks for the escort,"

"No problem, kid, we take care of our own." She told him, "Good luck

with the Professor."


Harry entered the classroom barely containing his grin, passing his note

to Professor Quirrel and taking the place Draco had saved for him.

"I'm guessing it went well." Draco said.

"I'm not containing it very well, am I?" Harry asked rhetorically.

"You are basically bouncing again." Draco pointed out, and Harry forced

himself to take a few deep breaths to still his movements.

"He said that he was impressed and he's given me a chance to prove I can

brew a certain potion, and if I can brew it I might get on to an advanced

curriculum." Harry told him and Draco's eyebrows shot up.

"Wow. You must have really interested him. Uncle Sev usually doesn't do

that, and the only reason I'm going on to an advanced curriculum is

because he's been my tutor for the past four years." Draco said impressed.

"I just hope I don't screw up."

They settled down in the lesson, Draco letting Harry copy down the notes

he had already take, though it wasn't much. Quirrel was an appalling

teacher, stumbling and stuttering though his lecture and quivering at any

sounds made within the room. Harry's eyes narrowed; there was no way

that stutter was real! He was glad to get out of the room, rubbing his scar

absently as it burned, there was something off about that man, and it set

him a bit on edge. Both he had Draco didn't stay long for lunch, heading

up to History, a lesson Harry was very excited for as it was his Godfather

and uncle teaching it.

He had heard nothing but good things so far. Merlin had kept him up-to-

date with current History, leaving somethings out for him to work out

himself, and he had been told to be prepared for some severe

inaccuracies in regards to the Founders; Harry was somewhat worried to

find out. If there was anything bad written about any of the Founders

that he knew to be incorrect he didn't know how he would react. Harry

again grabbed the front seats with Draco, Blaise and Theo and waited for

the Professors to arrive. Professor Lupin arrived first, slightly flustered

with parchment hanging out of his briefcase as he dropped it on to his


"I apologise for my less than stellar punctuality," He told the room, "Your

fellow Professor thought it would be a marvellous idea to be extremely

childish." As he spoke, a huge black grim trotted in to the room, only, it

didn't look as terrifying as it was supposed to. It had a massive pink bow

around its neck, and cute matching ribbons on its ears and tail, and it

looked extremely put out in its predicament. The whole class laughed at

the dog, who cast a fierce look at the smirking Lupin. Harry cleared his

throat, politely raising his hand as he looked at the dog in amusement, he

knew it was his Godfather and he didn't even feel a little apologetic for

what he was about to do.

"Yes, Harry,"

"Correct me if I am wrong, sir, but don't our teachers have to be in their

nearest human form to teach?" He asked innocently. The dog's attention

snapped to him, actually gaping, before it released a whine and covered

its snout with his paws.

"Excellent point, Harry, very well done. You are correct, so I think I will

need this spell…" Remus flicked his wand and a blue light hit the dog,

who was forced back in to his human form; and by Merlin what a sight

he made. Harry choked on air as his Godfather was revealed: the man

had hideous orange robes, sickly green skin, and the same bright pink

ribbons on, only this time they were in his hair, around his neck and

around his hips. The entire class roared with laughter, and Sirius joined

in, shaking his head at the state of himself.

"That was evil, Harry." He said and Harry did a mock bow. Sirius drew up

a chair next to Remus and the pair launched in to the lesson; it was

completely brilliant. They somehow made the most tedious of Goblin

wars suddenly the most exciting and enrapturing thing on the planet, and

Harry found himself actively learning things; something which was

definitely a change for him since he got back. They finished early on

Fridays, and Harry was pleased to go back to the common room with the

rest of his years mates to get all of their homework finished before the

weekend. All of them looked at Harry as if he was mad when he tore

through all four essays due without so much as glancing at a text book,

and Blaise spoke up in disbelief.

"How could you have possibly finished?" He questioned, motioning to his

half finished second essay.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, looking up from the book he had

decided to read while everyone else finished.

"You completed all of your essays in just over an hour."

"Excuse me?" Harry said, sitting forward and straightening out his scrolls,

"Why did I take that long, I should have been finished… oh never mind, I

added an extra foot to Transfiguration and Charms."

"You are remarkably strange." Draco informed him seriously, and Harry


"I am not strange, others merely do not understand my greatness."

Silence met his words before they cracked up and all fell about laughing,

and Harry couldn't help but grin; Salazar had received the same response

when he had said the same thing to the other three Founders. Dinner, in

Harry's personal opinion, came around way too fast, and it took a lot

more force of will to make himself go up to the Great Hall that he would

have imagined.

"You get to escape to Potions tomorrow." Draco pointed out, noticing his

new friend's darkening mood.

"That is good," Harry allowed, "But I still have to be with them."

Draco mirrored Harry's expression of distaste, offering know words as

there wasn't anything to say; he would have to be around his family.

James Potter was waiting for him when he left the Great Hall and Harry

nodded to the other Snakes, walking over to the man and silently

following him when he walked off. They arrived at their private quarters,

and Harry stepped in, only for him to freeze in the doorway.

Obviously the rooms were meant to illustrate Gryffindor pride, but it was

done so very badly that Harry felt his eyes begin to water. There was no

mixing of tones, or blending of colours, everything in Harry's sight was

either a vibrant red or a burnished gold; it was something else. He was

showed to his room, which, thankfully, had been toned down a bit, but

they were not to his tastes and he asked if he could change the décor.

"Why would you want to? We are a Gryffindor House." James told him.

"But I don't like it." Harry pointed out, and James didn't even offer an

answer, instead leading him back to the sitting room.

"Hello, Harry," Lily greeted with a smile, and Harry nodded in return. He

took the chair furthest away from the rest of the Potters, noting, with

disgust, Rosina seemed to very smug about something.

"So, Harry," Lily began, obviously trying to make an effort. "What is your

favourite lesson so far."

"Potions," He responded instantly, and Lily smiled while the other two

wrinkled their noses.

"Potions," James said disgusted, ignoring the look that Lily threw him,

"Why would you even enjoy it? It's not even real magic. Rosie's favourite

subject is Transfiguration – just like me."

"Transfiguration is so much better," Rosina agreed, her voice stuffy,

"Potions is the absolute worst and Snape is mean to me."

"What did that slimy git do to you, Rosie?" James questioned, his voice

melding between anger and concern. Harry noted, with amused derision,

that the conversation had switched back to the wonder child almost

instantly, and he was kind of impressed; that did not take long at all.

"He purposely embarrassed me in front of the whole class by asking me

really hard questioned that no one else would have known either. And he

made fun of me because I defeated Voldemort." Rosina told him angrily,

crossing her arms with a huff, and James looked furious.

"Wait until I get my hands on that greasy bastard." James snarled, "He

has no right to be horrible to you, simply because you got rid of his vile


Harry did make a mental note of that; if Snape was a past Death Eater

then he might have information Harry needed.

"I cannot believe you are going to try and pull that ridiculousness." Harry

said to Rosina in disdain, "For one, I answered all the questions after you

failed to, and two, you didn't even know where to find a bezoar."

"Rosina! Is this true?" Lily exclaimed, looking at her daughter with wide

eyes, "That is basic knowledge that could save your life!"

"What's a bezoar again?" James asked, and, for a split second, Harry

caught sight of a flash of disgust on Lily's face as she turned to look at

him; Harry wondered what that was about. It was obvious, even from the

very small amount of time Harry had spent with his family, that Rosina

was all James, he hadn't seen even a brief patch of Lily within her minus

the shape of her face and the colour of her hair.

"Harry, how are you finding school so far? Are you struggling with

anything?" Lily asked, looking away from her husband and daughter.

"No, I'm top of the year like I expected to be." Harry responded.

"That's not possible," James denied instantly, "Rosie has far more

advanced training; she must be top."

"Really?" Harry drawled sceptically, "Maybe, if that is the case, she

should begin showing it rather than getting fawned over by her

questionable company."

"What do you mean?"

"He means Hermione," Rosina cut him off before he could answer, "On

the train he called her the 'M' word."

"How dare you use such a word!?" James yelled, and Harry didn't so

much as blink, regarding the man with an expressionless face, "It is

disgusting and degrading, and should never be used. How could you?

Your own mother is Muggleborn."

"First of all, I actually didn't mean the Granger girl: I was speaking about

that Weasley boy, he doesn't have two brain cells to lose by the looks of

things. He's completely idiotic and hangs of Rosina like she's a trophy; its

disgusting." Harry corrected, his voice cool, and he ignored James and

Rosina's outraged looks. "Secondly, if you knew anything about true

history or eptimology of words, you would know that the term Mudblood

is not actually a degrading word, it's the original name for those of

muggle birth and used to be worn as a badge of honour. And finally, if

any of you had an ounce of common sense, you would know that Lily is

not, in actual fact, a Mudblood, but a Redeemed."

"A what?" Lily questioned and Harry blinked; Merlin hadn't told him

'redeemed' was no longer used.

"A child blessed with magic from a squib line: called Redeemed because

the line in which they come from has obviously been redeemed by magic

as they were gifted with her powers." Harry explained.

"There's no such thing." James waved him off. Harry found it incredibly

difficult not to scowl at him, what did Potter know?

"Fine ignore me, I don't particularly care. It does mean that I don't

actually have to waist my breath talking to you, so I thank you for that.

Goodnight." With that, Harry got up and went to the room he was staying

in; he couldn't hack Potter for one more minute. He dropped down on his

bed with a sigh; he couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.

So there we have the revised chapter 6… what do you think? Wanna

let me know? I love hearing from you guys!



7. Chapter 7

A/N: Next chapter up and edited, and with each one I do the bigger

the word count! This fic is going to double in size if I keep this up!

I've cut and spliced this one a bit, removing sections or completely

editing them when I felt needed – but don't worry, you'll see them

again worked in elsewhere!

A/N2: Hello to anyone new! I cannot say enough how thankful I am

to everyone's support, the ones who have followed this fic from

when it was first posted, to all of you now who continue to read as I

revise it; you guys are all fantastic!

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K Rowling, so the characters do not belong to


Warning: None for this chapter.


Chapter 7

When Lily went in to wake her son up Saturday morning she was

surprised to find him in a meditative trance in the centre of the bed, it

was unusual, she thought, that he could meditate so well when he was so

young; Rosina couldn't do it even though Lily had tried. It was why there

was no hope in teaching the girl Occlumency. Lily wondered if Harry had

any shields within his mind, when she was younger she had managed to

build up some of her own without knowing what they were and it was

only when he had explained everything to her did she know what she

had done. Feeling it was best to leave him as he was, she quietly left the

room. Lily knew that Harry didn't even want to be there, and she had

tried to convince James to let him be. She said that maybe if they just left

him to his own devices, and be a silent support, he would eventually

come around. She knew, of course, the likelihood of that was very slim,

but it was a better option than what James was doing currently.

Harry knew his mother had entered but appreciated that she left him

alone, he wanted to complete his testing without interruptions and only

when he had been though every part of his mind did he rise and go down

to breakfast, which, to his misfortune, was not going to be ate in the

Great Hall. The food was very nice, obviously coming from the Hogwarts

kitchens, and Harry was only too happy to sit and eat in silence. He

murmured a thanks to Lily for breakfast, knowing that she would have

been the only one to actually remember him, before vanishing back to his

room to study his creation.

He didn't doubt that he knew it, and he knew the potion was flawless, but

he was going to be making it in front of a completely new audience and

that held a mild pressure. He even watched himself make the potion in

his memory, carefully noting everything he did and didn't do whilst

brewing and bringing it to the forefront of his mind. In no time at all,

Harry was being called for lunch and he smiled slightly; he would be

escaping soon.

"Rosie has her extra training this afternoon, I would ask you to join but it

is advanced level so you more than likely wouldn't understand." James

told him in what could have been a sympathetic voice. Harry raised an

eyebrow, barely keeping in his amusement at that sentence, but it gave

him the perfect excuse to vanish for the entire afternoon so he was taking


"I'll be on my way so I don't get my average sized brain confused with the

advanced training." Harry said, his voice lined with Sarcasm that went

way over James' head. He got to his feet and left, slipping through all of

his shortcuts to get him back to the dungeons as quick as humanly

possible. He walked in to the common room and released a sigh of utter

relief, dropping down on the leather sofa next to Draco with as much

grace as an elephant, smiling slightly.

"What has you so happy? I'd have thought you would have been angry

because of the Potters." Draco inquired.

"Oh I am, but my happiness at seeing green again is overriding that." He

answered, making the blond look at him in confusion.


"I have literally never seen so much red and gold in one room." He said

seriously, "It was everywhere."

"That bad?"

"I honestly believe they would be less red and gold in the Gryffindor

common room. And it was just so bright! I was starting to believe I would

become colour blind and never see anything other than red and gold."

Draco snorted at his dramatics, shaking his head when Harry laughed.

"Don't stay here too long, if you want to go and see uncle Sev, anyway."

"Right, let's get that going and then I hide out here for a bit longer before

torturing myself by going back." Harry waved at Draco and slipped

through the portrait that led to Professor Snape's office, being told to

enter when he knocked.

"Good afternoon, sir." Harry greeted brightly.

"I see you managed to escape."

"Yes, something about Rosina going through her advanced training that I

wouldn't be able to understand." Harry told him, rolling his eyes and

grinning at his Professor's look of distaste.

"Let us not talk about your ah sister and continue on to potions." Snape

decided, leading him through to his classroom. Harry was only too happy

to comply with his decision, following him through and then getting

straight to work. Snape watched from his desk at Harry seemed to flow

perfectly, confident in his movements and sure in his potion. When the

potion had to simmer, Harry snapped his fingers and brought the same

little black book from the previous day to his desk.

"Sir if you were to add a moonstone to the Draught of Living Death it

would turn in in to a medium strength sedative, yes?"

Snape thought for a moment.

"Yes, depending on the magical ability."

Harry smiled in thanks, noting something down before stirring his

cauldron almost absently 7 times clockwise.

"Why do you ask?" Snape wondered.

"I think I may have created something but I'm not sure it would have to

be tested." Harry said re-reading his notes, "Or if it has been done before."

"Explain it and I can see if it would be possible to test it or if I know of

it." Snape suggested and Harry nodded.

"It would work as a sedative only in a gas form and could knock out

many people at once if inhaled, a medium strength sedative with an egg

of an ashwinder and 4 'corn hairs, boiled and then rapidly cooled."

"That would make the liquids separate instantly."

"Yes but what would happen if you put both of the separated liquids in

the same phial and shook it, temporarily fusing the two?"

"It would release non harmful gas that would knock who-ever breathed it

in until it separated again or it was capped I believe but I don't think it's

ever been tested, nor have I ever heard of anyone doing something like

that. It would have been announced amongst the Guild." Snape mused.

Harry grinned, bringing the potion to boiling point before adding the

final ingredient and watching as the bubbles burst in to colour, making

the contents resemble liquid gold as it should. He moved the potion back

to cool, cleaning his station as he normally would and then going back

and bottling it up. He watched as the Professor examined the potion with

a critical eye, testing everything from the viscosity to the shade


"It is perfectly made," Severus declared and Harry grinned in relief; he

didn't doubt himself at all, but it was still tense.

"Thank you," Harry said, accepting the potion back. He drank it down,

shuddering as he felt it take effect. "This dosage lasts half an hour under

constant varied spell fire."

"Very well,"

Harry flicked his wrist, conjuring up a large, full length mirror and

completely missing Snape's floored look. He began casting spells at the

mirror, making them reflect back on to himself to illustrate the shield

working. Harry started with light spells as Salazar had done, steadily

working his way up to the darkest, most vicious spells he knew,

completely forgetting that A, he was in the company of his Potion's

Professor who didn't know of his past training, and B, he was eleven

years old casting spells many fully grown adults struggled with whilst

being completely wandless and almost fully wordless.

"There," Harry said, turning to his teacher once he had clearly illustrated

that the potion worked. Snape blinked slowly, using everything he had to

control his expression as he started at the child. He had recognised a lot

of the spells the boy had cast, and most of the ones during the end were

spells that he shouldn't even know about let alone be able to cast; there

were adults that couldn't cast them!

"It is safe to say your potion is a complete success." Severus told him,

remembering why he had seen such a display in the first place. "Now,

would you care to explain how you effortlessly cast incredibly advanced

magic and some of the darkest arts know to wizardkind whilst being

wandless and almost completely wordless at eleven years of age?"

Harry opened his mouth to say absolutely anything but then closed it as

he didn't know what to say. Merlin had told him that while it couldn't be

announced from the centre of the wizarding world, he was free to tell

anyone who he trusted about his secret, but Harry had no idea how to

work out who to trust with such knowledge just yet.

"I learn really quickly?" He offered, and then realised that was the worst

excuse he had ever come up with in his entire life. The look of absolute

disbelief on the usually stoic Potions Master's face only emphasised the

poorness of it. He flicked his hand, sending a black flaming phoenix

bursting from his wrist and vanishing in a shock of flames. They waited a

few moments before there was a thud from Snape's office and Sirius

tumbled through the door.

"It's always your damn floo, Sev. I swear you do it on purpose." He

grumbled, rubbing his head. "What's up, Pup?"

"Well I just slipped up majorly and you know Professor Snape better than

I do." Harry told him brightly.

"Stupidly advanced magic and dark arts?" He asked and Harry nodded


"Sevvy here is trustworthy." Sirius responded, grinning when both

Severus and Harry choked at the butchery of the name.

"If I ever hear that Merlin awful version of my name again, Mutt, I will

slip you a potion that will permanently alter your anatomy." Severus

growled. Sirius held up his hands, grinning as he stepped back behind


"Gee thanks, uncle Sir. Hide behind me while he curses you to Avalon."

Harry huffed, sticking his nose in the air.

"If you hurried up and began explaining you interesting childhood he

would forget all about cursing little old me." Sirius said and Harry

laughed, folding himself on to his stool to begin his explanation. As he

had done so with Sirius and Remus, he did not mention the fact that it

had been he who had survived the killing curse.

"As impossible as it seems, it does explain your unnatural training, your

pre-existing knowledge of the wizarding world and how you seem to

move around this castle with ease not even Dumbledore has." Snape

mused, "It does not, however, explain your extraordinary amount of


"How do you know what?"

"It practically rolls of off you."

"I don't know, but I don't like to brag," Harry began, only for Sirius to

flick his ear.

"So modest,"

"Salazar always taught me that if you are superior to, or better at

something than, someone else, it is not your responsibility to hide it but

their responsibility to accept it." Harry said with a shrug.

"That explains so much." Sirius said with a grin.

"As much as it may pain you, you may wish to make a hasty retreat

before he comes looking for you." Snape pointed out and Harry groaned,

draping himself over the desk.

"Astronomy tower, here I come." He muttered, making Sirius burst out

laughing at the overdramatic behaviour.

"Get moving, Pup. The quicker you get it over with the sooner you'll be

free." Sirius said and Harry nodded, departing with a heavy sigh, and

dragging his feet back up to his adoring family. When he entered, Rosina

was stood with her wand out pointing it at a book.

"Accio." She called frustrated, the book barely twitched.

"Don't worry, Rosie it's a difficult spell and your still much more

advanced than every other 1st year." James told her soothingly, and

Harry barely covered his snort with a cough.

"What are you doing back?" Rosina demanded, "I'm in the middle of


Harry looked at her with amusement.

"Not very successful apparently."

"I'd like to see you try and do a 4th year spell." Rose snapped and Harry

shrugged, taking out his wand.

"Accio." He said with a flick of his wand. The book soared in to his

outstretched hand instantly and he nodded, he knew that spell like the

back of his hand, having edited it himself. The look of flabbergast on

James' face was almost as amusing as the outraged horror on Rosina's,

and he laughed, banishing the book back with a wave of his wand just to

rub it in.

"Carry on. I see I am very much outclassed here." Harry said, his voice

dripping in sarcasm. He span on his heel and entered the room he was

staying in, chuckling to himself as Rosina stormed off in to her room.

"How did he do that?" James asked shocked.

"I don't know Rosie has been trying for weeks now and still hasn't got it."

Lily said with a shake of her head. "Everything seems to be effortless

when it comes to magic for Harry and it has been rumoured that he does

wandless magic."

"Don't be ridiculous, Lily, that's impossible." James waved off, "I expect it

was just luck."

Lily didn't respond.

He was being punished, Harry surmised. That was the only possible

explanation to why he was being 'treated' to a full 'family day'. It was a

cruel and unnecessary punishment, and he nearly pleaded with the

deities to release him when they sat around the fireplace in a group.

"So Harry, I expect you have a few questions for us. What would you like

to know?"

"Why muggles?" Harry asked immediately, making them shift. He saw

Rosina smirk out of Lily and James' line of sight and nearly rolled her

eyes; he was glad not to have grown up with her.

"It was the only option. After the fall of Voldemort it was still dangerous

to trust anyone, and Dumbledore said that Rosie would need to train for

when that monster returned. You would have been pushed to the side, it

wouldn't have been fair."

"I would have been in the way, you mean." Harry muttered.

"No! Not at all." Lily denied, and Harry scoffed.

"Still doesn't explain why you gave me to muggles."

"Like I said," James told him strongly, "No one knew who to trust."

"So the man who you personally sworn in as my Godfather, with a

permanent magical bond, wasn't to be trusted?" Harry offered and James

glared at the indirect mention of Sirius.

"Dumbledore said it would be best if you were to grow up away from the

wizarding world so you knew humility." James admitted, and Harry

stiffened. He turned to look at James, his green eyes burning as his face

seemed to turn to marble. There was more to that sentence that what met

the eye, and Merlin had taught him all about the life he would have led

should he have actually been raised by the muggles. He would need to

know due to the memories implanted. Merlin had chosen to implant the

events of the deviated timeline to make them fully take to the woman's

mind; it was always easier to alter someone's memory if you were

changing it to something they would actually do, rather than something

you were making up completely; outside sources would spot the

inconsistencies. And it was all because of an old man's games.

"You mean to tell me that you subjected me to ten years of muggle hell

because of an old man who likes to play with people's lives?" Harry said,

his voice icy.

"It wouldn't have been that bad." James brushed off, "Sure Petunia isn't

the nicest of people, but she we did tell her to take care of you."

"Did you check up on me at all to make sure?" Harry asked, already

knowing the answer. "Of course you didn't, too busy living your fame-

hungry perfect lives. Parading yourself to the media and portraying the

perfect family. You disgust me."

"Watch your mouth!" James ordered and Harry sneered.

"You think everything was perfect living with a magic hating muggle?"

Harry wondered, "Why don't you ask your wife how perfect it was? After

all, she is also a freak."

As he expected, Lily flinched violently at the word.

"Oh, Harry." She whispered.

"Save it," He snapped. They fell in to a tense silence, and Harry wished he

could leave; he saw no point of being there at all.

"Do you have any other questions?" James asked eventually.




"Well how about I tell you about the Potter's?" James tried, but it was

obvious he was getting annoyed; not that Harry cared.

"If you must." Harry sighed and he was treated to the grand story of the

amazing House of Potter; it finished with the great tale of how Rose

defeated the Dark Lord.

"We even had book deals." James told him happily and threw Rose a

proud look to which she beamed. Harry just sat there emotionless

throughout the entire tale.

"That thrilled me, it truly did but can I go now? I have potion notes to


James face immediately darkened.

"No you can't, you will make an effort with us, we are trying to include

you back in to the family."

"Well maybe you shouldn't have gotten rid of me in the first place." Harry

suggested casually. James looked fit to burst but before he could speak

Lily did.

"What are you doing in potions?"

"I'm fiddling with the potion I created." Harry told her, seeing no reason

not to answer the question.

"That's impossible, your only 11 you couldn't have created a potion, and

they take years." Lily said.

"Well I have." Harry confirmed but she shook her head.

"You don't need to lie to get our attention, we love you just as much as


Harry's brows shot up before he sneered.

"If you show love by getting rid of children then I would shudder to see

your hate." He stated coldly, "Besides I do not need to lie, I usually

refrain from doing so."

"But it isn't possible for you to have created a potion, don't be silly."

"Why ask if you are going to say I'm lying?" Harry snapped.

"Do not speak to your mother like that." James snarled.

"I don't have a mother." Harry replied in the same tone.

"Go to your room now and think about what you've done wrong."

Harry looked at him incredulously; that was all he had been asking for!


James seemed to realise he had given Harry exactly what he wanted, but

by that point Harry had already risen gracefully and went to the room he

was currently occupying to get on with work he actually wanted to be

doing. James came to check on him at dinner and asked if he was ready

to apologise, to which Harry responded with "what for". He was told he

would be kept there until morning so he could realise his behaviour and

Harry shrugged uncaringly. It wasn't much of a punishment for him,

when he got hungry he merely called for an elf, who was more than

happy to serve the Founder's heir whatever he wished and then settled

for bed early. Come Monday morning, he was up, dressed and at

breakfast at 6am, reading a book as he ate. Sirius, who ambled in with

Moony at seven looked absolutely horrified at Harry's wide awake look.

"Pup, why in the name of Merlin are you doing up and that awake at this

unmagical hour?"

"If I would have stayed any longer I feel as if I would have reached the

point of no return." He said with a shudder. Moony squeezed his shoulder

gently and led his tired mate up to the staff table. Draco was the first to

see him when the first years entered the Great Hall and the blond made a

direct line to him, making Harry smile in relief at seeing a fellow Snake.

"So, how was it as a whole?" He asked and Harry looked at him seriously.

"Horrific, awful, painful, long, boring, scary and ridiculous."


"I know."

Before he knew it Harry had been in the future for over two months and

he couldn't believe how well he had adapted. He had grown so close to

Siri and Remus that he couldn't imagine life without them, even more so

than the Founders and he finally understood fully why Rowena had made

him promise not to search for their portraits. Since he had been old

enough to understand, he had always known that after his eleventh

birthday he would never be able to physically see them again, and it was

only now he realised seeing their portraits would have affected him.

Sirius and Remus, should the fates decided it, had many many years left

on this earth, possibly over a century, and Harry had the same, and he

would have that time with them to live and to grow and to love them.

And he had been given that chance because he had put in the effort to

reform the lost but never forgotten bonds. If Rowena hadn't have made

him promise not to go searching from their portraits, he would have

spent every spare moment he had scouring the castle to look for them,

wanting to speak with them as soon as possible.

Yes, he often wished fiercely that they were there with him, but then he

would realise that he could go and see Sirius and Remus and the need

would die down a bit. Draco had rapidly become his best friend; he and

the blond were inseparable. Harry hadn't interacted much with the

students at Hogwarts, not only was he younger than all of them but it

would be hard to explain where he had come from; whenever it did crop

up he became a distant cousin of Salazar's and nothing else was asked.

Unfortunately for majority of the teaching staff, the two Snakes had

become the Slytherin House's version of the Weasley twins; they were

always getting up to some kind of mischief. Not that the teachers knew it

was them, they hadn't been caught yet, and they liked to brag about that

fact – very quietly.

Harry had also become quite close to the stoic Potions Master, granting

him access to anything potions related, he had come to understand that

Snape had a very dark sense of humour, and a sarcastic streak that could

cut steel. He had, quite successfully, avoided anything to do with his

'family', the failed family weekend deterring them slightly, much to

Harry's relief. It wasn't perfect, but overall Harry was loving the future.

When he walked in to common room one morning, he caught sight of the

notice announcing flying lessons and immediately turned around and

bolted back up to the dorms. He wrenched back Draco's curtains and

leaped on to the blond's bed, Draco, who was not expecting the sudden

attack tumbled on to the floor.

"Why?" He demanded, glaring up at Harry, who had fallen about


"Sorry," He gasped, "I wanted to tell you about flying lessons."

"So you decided to throw me out of bed at this unmagical hour."

"It's like 7am!" Harry exclaimed.

"What?" Draco yelped, leaping up. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"I did. You said you were getting up." Harry defended, rolling his eyes as

the Malfoy Heir rushed about to get ready. Seeing as none of the other

boys were getting up, and Harry fully blamed the fact that they had

Astronomy last night, he waved his wand and dumped cold water on all

of them. Of course, he wasn't stupid enough to stay in the room after he

did that, slipping out of the door before he could be blamed. The filthy

looks he received when they finally got down to the common room told

him they knew exactly who woke them and he grinned.


"I hate you, Harry." Theo told him.

"Cheer up, we have flying lessons today."

"With the Gryffindors," Blaise added, reading the notice. Harry's

expression went rather feral, and the group of Slytherins shared a smirk.

"What have you got planned?" Draco asked and Harry chuckled.

"It would be such a shame if the wondrous Girl-Who-Lived were to be

shown up during our flying lessons." Harry mused slyly, "Especially when

our Instructor speaks so highly of her."

"Oh most definitely a shame," Draco agreed. They left, eager to start the

day so they could get to their flying lesson, and by lunch time Harry was

looking strikingly evil for an eleven year old. Sirius took one look at his

Godson and walked in the opposite direction. Harry and Draco pointed

out the brooms acceptable for the Snakes out of the terrible choices they

were given and Harry made a note to have them replaced; these were not

Hogwarts standard. The Gryffindors arrived when James did, they were

crowding around the man and Rosina, who was soaking up all the

attention as James bragged about the flying she did when growing up.

Harry shared a look with Draco, snickering when the blond mimed


"Afternoon class," James greeted, "Let's get right to it. Stick your hand

over your broom and say 'up'."

Harry, like Draco and unfortunately Rosina, got his broom to jump in to

his hand immediately. The Slytherins had a great laugh when Weasley's

broom shot up and hit him in the face, ignoring the loss of ten points

they received for openly laughing at him. James went around the

Gryffindors, correcting them where they were going wrong and helping

them when needed, but he paid absolutely no attention to the Slytherins,

so Harry and Draco helped their House – especially the ones who had

never been on a broom before.

"Now, mount your brooms, and when I blow my whistle I want you to

kick of fly slowly around the pitch and touch back down - Rosie with

demonstrate for you now." James instructed, grinning at his daughter.

Harry noted grudgingly that she did have quite a bit of flying skill,

though not as much as she bragged about, and Harry shook his head in

disgust as she touched down preening at the applauding Gryffindors.

James blew his whistle and the group rose up, some of them were

unsteady but others flew off; Rose shot off, flaunting the skill she did

have. Harry looked at Draco who gave a short nod and grinned; the pair

of them flew after her. Harry flashed a smirk at Draco, flattening himself

to his broom and creeping up behind his sister. When he was flying

directly behind her, he gave a burst of speed and would have hit her if he

didn't readily leap up of his broom and over her, he landed perfectly in

front of her and carried on as if it was nothing. Harry was the first back

to the start, nose-diving towards the ground before levelling out and

jumping of his broom, landing neatly on the grass.

"What do you think you were doing?" James exploded, storming over and

shaking him. Harry shocked him, backing away from the enraged man

when he let go, just as the rest of the class landed and came over. Draco

was immediately by Harry's side, glaring at Potter.

"Given that we are in a flying lesson, I would think your question held an

obvious." Draco drawled.

"Shut it, Malfoy." James snapped, keeping his eyes on Harry, "That was

ridiculously dangerous. You could have seriously hurt Rose!"

Harry's eyebrows shot up; that was what he was worried about?

"I really doubt that." Harry told him, shrugging carelessly, making it

apparent that he didn't care either way.

"You selfish brat! Ever since we got you, you've been-," He was cut off by

Sirius, who swooped in from no-where and grabbed Harry, swinging

around and laughed.

"Absolutely amazing flying, Pup!" Sirius complimented, "I didn't think you

would be that good."

Draco, who had stepped back in line with his own Godfather, who had

come out with Sirius, turned in to the man, covering his laughter at

James' outraged expression.

"Class dismissed." James barked, making the class flee, not wanting to be

around the growing tension. The only ones who remained were Rosina

and Draco, each standing next to their respective family.

"What brought you out here?" Harry asked his Godfather.

"Severus and I were with Moony and we caught sight of flying. Seeing as

the rules on broomsticks only say that first years aren't allowed to own

their own, Severus didn't see any problem with placing you on the

Quidditch team." Sirius answered brightly.

"Wicked!" Harry cheered, getting placed back on his feet so he could hi5


"Like hell he is!" James exclaimed, "He's a danger in the air."

"Excuse me, Potter. I do believe that I am in charge of what happens with

my Slytherins." Snape drawled.

"Damn it, Snivellus, your attempts to become better than me is pointless;

it will never happen."

"Arrogant bastard." Draco and Harry said together, getting a nudge from

their respective Godfathers, even if both adult's expressions were dark.

James turned to the boys, dismissing the Malfoy Heir and glaring at


"I know what this is about. You are very clearly jealous of the fame and

attention Rosina receives, so you deliberately tried to hurt her. And you

wonder why we gave you up? If this is how you act now, you would have

been even more unbearable should you have grown up around it. We've

welcomed you back in to our family, and you continuously throw it back

in our faces, repeatedly doing anything and everything to bring us down.

You're childish, and ungrateful, and it's pathetic."

Sirius, Severus and Draco were in shock at what had just spewed out of

James' mouth, and the fact that he genuinely believed his words. Harry

had gone very still, his face resembling white marble as his eyes burned

like green fire. The clouds overhead rolled in, rumbling and swirling, the

winds suddenly began to rage and thunder clapped as Harry's anger made

his control on his magic waver dangerously.

How dare than man say such degrading and false things to him? How

dare he use his behaviour as evidence to support his mistakes and his

actions? James Potter was an insignificant insect, he was arrogant

without backing, obnoxious without reason and a sheep led by its Master.

"You think that that pathetic excuse of a witch needs me to hurt her? Be

realistic, I am surprised she even knows how to walk on her own, let

alone fly; everything has always been done for her. You think I am

jealous of her? Do not be so comical. There is not anything that she can

do that I cannot do better and faster. You question my behaviour, but

never once realise that it is only you and your spawn that ever see a

problem, and you try to justify giving up your own child on the word of a

manipulative old man because of my actions. You make me sick. To be in

your mere presence nauseates me. You are so caught up in your own

fantasy world, believing that the sun shines because the precious Girl-

Who-Lived wills it so, that it's going to be much to late when you finally

understand that there are many who believe otherwise." Harry's voice

was like ice, sharp, cutting and cold, and then he laughed. A sound much

to cruel for someone so young.

"You call me ungrateful and yet; what have you done for me? You threw

me away to muggles and then bring me back and expect me to be happy

about it. You expected me to accept your weak excuses, and your half-

hearted attempts to sort everything out. I despise the fact that we share

blood, I loathe to know that I came from you. I hate you. But do you

know one thing? I am glad I was not raised by you, thankful that you are

weak of will, and unable to make decisions on your own, because if

that-," He jabbed his finger at Rosina, "is the illustrations of your child

rearing skills, then I wouldn't wish it on anyone who walks this earth.

You say the Dark Lord is set to return, and yet you are not prepared.

You'll all be slaughtered, cut down and stomped out, and I pray to Lady

Magic herself that I get front row seats, because nothing would please me

more than to watch your perfect world burn with you in the very centre

of it." Harry spat at Potter's feet, turning on his heel and stalking away;

his magic itching to lash out. He left the group in silence, taking the

storming winds with him, and Sirius regarded James coolly.

"Congratulations, Potter, you now, if it wasn't clear before, have only one

child." Sirius walked away, taking Severus and Draco with him; he had a

Godson to find. Though he doubted he could, when Harry wanted to

vanish he would and he knew the castle better than anyone could ever

hope to.

Harry had gone straight to the dungeons, slipping through corridors he

could tell were no longer used to get to Salazar's duelling room, which

was attached to his chambers. He spat out the access code, striding in

when the wall slid open, banishing the dust cloud with a sharp twist of

his wrist. Finally, once he was where he felt at ease, he just let go,

allowing his magic to expand around him and his spells to flow

effortlessly at the targets. He obliterated the room, releasing all of his

anger, his insult and his longing; he was done. He was done keeping

himself in check and making sure he didn't push the Potters too far, he

was done adapting his behaviour to fit other people's views. And when

flames burst from his hands, burning brightly and scorching in heat

Harry laughed, bending them to his will and then crushing them in his


Game on.

When Harry eventually fell through the entrance of the common room he

was immediately pounced on by an extremely worried Draco, who would

later deny all anxiety.

"Dray," He called, stopping the blond with his nickname, "I'm fine just

had to work of a little steam."

"Potter was completely out of line!" Draco exclaimed, coming to a stop in

front of Harry and crossing his arms, "What are we going to do about it?"

Harry grinned, spontaneously hugging his best friend.

"And that, Draco Malfoy, is why we will forever be great friends." Harry

declared. They sat down and began planning ways to make Potter feel as

miserable as possible, sharing somewhat evil looks at some of their ideas

and then smirking. The rest of the common room seemed to give them a

wide birth, not wanting to know what the devious duo were up to now.

"Oh, uncle Sev and Sirius want to see you." Draco remembered, rolling up

their parchment and tucking it to his robe.

"Uh oh." Harry said, "How bad do you think it's going to be?"

"Well uncle Sev still wants you on the team, and while he understands

your loss of cool, he may not be pleased. Sirius was more worried, seeing

as you somehow created a storm," Here Draco have him a: you will

definitely be explaining that look before continuing, "and completely

enraged at Potter. He ran off muttering something about 'losing him

again' and 'having to calm down a frantic wolf'."

Harry went a bit pale.


"I take it you know what that means." Draco said and Harry nodded.

"Uncle Moony is always in a funny mood after being ill."

Draco still looked confused before he had a look of understanding on his


"Werewolf. Right."

"How did you know?"

"Uncle Sev brews his potion." Draco waved Harry away. "You need to go

now unless you want him to come down here."

Harry looked mildly alarmed at that fact and jumped to his feet.

"I'll be back later, I'll explain then." Harry promised, and then he was

gone. He used Salazar's corridors to get to the Founders corridor, and

Harry was very surprised to see it obviously unused, but he didn't remain

there for more than a second, slipping back through another corridor and

out on to his Godfather and uncle's floor. He muttered the password

when he got to their frame, walking in only to have himself pounced on

for the second time that day. This time by a frantic uncle and worried


"There you are, cub." Remus exclaimed, "You had us so worried. We

thought we'd lost you all over again. Sirius told me what that bastard

said. I'll hunt him down and string him up." The final bit came out in a

snarl and Harry patted the man's back soothingly from his place on his

hip. Allowing him to sniff and check him over, he couldn't help but grin

at the protectiveness, it was nice really.

"I'm fine – really!" He added, when Moony didn't look like he didn't

believe me.

"Are you sure?"

"I promise." Harry assured, finally being allowed down. He went over to

hug his Godfather and smiled up at the man, "Potter just annoyed me a


A bit? Nice storm, Pup." Sirius joked and Harry laughed, his smile turning


"Yeah, ok, more than a bit."

"He'll get his own eventually." Sirius said. "Congratulations on making the

team, though."

"Thanks, I am so happy." Harry said, "I can't believe it. I was gutted when

I read that first years weren't allowed brooms."

"It's a rule mainly to compensate muggleborns coming in to the world. To

make it fair." Sirius told him and Harry's nose wrinkled.

"That's stupid, this is the wizarding world. They should be going straight

in to a customs class rather than taking every day things away from the

rest." Harry stated, "We're expected to learn and adapt to their world,

they should be the same to ours."

"Dumbledore has changed a lot over the years." Sirius said, "I do not

discriminate against blood, but we have reached the point where we

don't even celebrate our own holidays."

"That is just offensive to Lady Magic," Harry declared, "So many things

are wrong with this time, and it all seems to be around Dumbledore. He's

the bigger power currently, isn't he?"

"While not official, yes. Fudge hangs on his every word, he's in charge of

this school, in charge of the courts and in charge of the international

courts. The Leader of the Light." Moony answered.

"Some light. Who claim to stand for equality, fairness and good and yet

treat other races as inferior and cage off branches of magic." Sirius


"Enough of the failings of our world." Remus decided, "You had better run

off and see Severus, Harry. He will want to speak with you about your

place on the team."

"Oh yes, I don't think he was pleased with you storming off when we

walked out to speak to you." Sirius said.

"Merlin," Harry groaned, "I'll go see him now."

"Off you go, cub. Be careful."

"I will. Bye!" Harry ran off with a wave, easily getting down to the

dungeons and to Professor Snape's office. He smartened himself up and

knocked on the door, the usual brisk "Enter" was called and he pushed

open the door.

"Mr Potter, of what do I owe the pleasure."

Oh that was just cold, Harry thought with a wince.

"I came to apologise for ah storming off earlier." Harry said calmly,

keeping his face blank as he watched his favourite teacher continue to

write without looking up once.

"What should you have done in such a situation?" Snape inquired and

Harry almost grimaced at how much the man reminded him of Salazar at

that moment, the Slytherin Founder could be absolutely relentless when

he wanted to.

"I should have retained my cool and dealt with the situation rationally. It

was also highly disrespectful to disappear like I did."

Snape finally looked up and motioned to the seat in front of his desk,

Harry sighed in relief; he was forgiven.

"You look worn." Snape told him, Harry rolled his neck.

"I've just come from Draco then Uncle Moony after Sirius told him."

Snape actually winced.

"Well on better terms, I've confirmed it with the Headmaster and you are

allowed on the team." Severus told him and Harry grinned, "However,

Potter 'appealed' to the Headmaster to allow the next Merlin on the

Gryffindor team."

"What!? Oh come on!"

"As expected, the Headmaster immediately granted his request, going

further by giving permission for Potter to have her own broom." Snape

smirked slightly, "Which means you are also allowed to have your own


"Brilliant." Harry said, "If Potter wants to see his daughter crushed on the

pitch as well as the classroom then so be it."

"Do not make my choice a mistake." Snape dismissed him and Harry

laughed, rising up and walking towards the door.

"Sir, without overcompensating, I'm probably better on a broomstick than

I am at making potions."

He caught up with the rest of the first years as they headed up to dinner,

and Harry grinned at Draco.

"Potter got the Girl-Who-Lived on the Gryffindor team and she got given

permission to have her own broom, which means-,"

"You can have your own broom too." Draco finished, smirking.

"Yep, and I can't wait to crush her."

"It's going to be beautiful." Draco agreed, "You'll have to talk to Flint,

apparently he's brutal."

"It'll be worth it."

"I'm kind of jealous."

"Don't worry, as soon as it's humanly possible to get you on the team

you'll be right there with me." Harry assured, "There can be no other


"Of course." Draco agreed, "Seeing as we have a few plans for Potter,

what about his spawn?"

"I have a plan to make Rosina's life hell for the next couple of weeks but

we will need inside help."


"Yes, we will need the twins."

A beautiful snowy owl swooped down towards the Gryffindor table,

catching the attention of the majority of the hall. She dropped her letter

in front of the Weasley twins and soared off leaving many curious. The

twins read the letter and left, much to the surprise of the rest of the hall

and no one noticed two Snakes slip out the hall at the same time. In a

hidden archway four people stood looking positively evil.

"So slip this in to her shampoo and put this on anything she uses daily."

Harry handed the twins a bottle and a powder.

"What will it do?" They asked in sync, there was nothing pleasant about

Draco or Harry's smiles. For the rest of the day, Harry and Draco set up

the magical 'tripwires' in every class room and the Great Hall, so every

time Rose walked through the doorway it would reactivate the prank,

even if it had been removed. Marcus Flint cornered him in the common

room telling him to get a decent broom and be on the pitch that night at

6, Harry was left blinking at the abrupt demands and the sudden

departure and slowly shook his head, deciding to go and see Sirius as

Draco said he wanted to catch up on some homework and write to his

parents. As soon as he arrived, Sirius leapt up and handed him a long

package, grinning wildly.

"Open it!" He said excitedly.

"Oo present!" Harry said equally excited. He tore off the paper and

whooped when he caught sight of Nimbus 2000 on the top of the

broomstick. "Uncle Siri, this is amazing!" he cried, rushing to hug the

man. "Oh Circe have I wanted one of these! Look at it – its beautiful."

The design of it, the sleekness and the balance put all other brooms he

had ever been on to shame; it was fantastic.

"I can't wait to take this out on the pitch with Draco!"

"Well off you go then," Sirius ordered, "You still have time and you don't

have any lessons left."

"You're the best, uncle Siri." Harry declared, running off and hugging a

surprised Moony as the man walked in. He ran all the way back to the

dungeons, falling in to the common room and wordlessly holding out the

broom to Draco, who took it with a gasp.

"A Nimbus 2000!" He exclaimed, "That's the best broom there is!"

"Sirius just gave it to me," Harry explained, "Wanna come out and

practice on it?"

"Of course!" Draco confirmed. The pair of them darted from the common

room, getting to the entrance hall quickly and rushing down to the pitch.

Where Harry leapt on to the broom and took off, cheering at the

ridiculously fast speed and very smooth flight.

"What other stunts have you got up your sleeve?" Draco called to him,

Harry grinned and placed his feet on his broom. Working with the

balance, Harry stood in a fluent motion, he flew like this slowly at first

before he picked up speed. He sailed past Draco, who was smirking but

shaking his head at his friend's antics, and readied himself for a trick. He

stepped back and bent his knees, as soon as he reached a straight stretch

he jumped and flipped in the air. Draco nearly screamed when Harry

didn't land on his broom, instead he caught himself with his hands and

pulled himself up, grinning madly. When the raven head landed, he

received a punch in the arm from a very pale Draco.

"What was that? Are you trying to kill me?" The blond demanded.

"That was amazing, it's the first time I've landed that perfectly, usually I

fall!" Harry said breathlessly, Draco swallowed.

"I dunno if it's such a good idea you playing Quidditch now."

Harry looked affronted before grinning.

"Here, its your turn." Harry said, handing over the broom.

"Wicked!" Draco said, accepting the broom and kicking off. Draco was

very good, and he showed previous experience in the air and he circled

the pitch.

"Come on let's go cause trouble before Flint puts me through my paces."

Harry said once his friend was back on the ground. Draco smirked and

the pair walked back to the common room. Harry rummaged around in

his potions store and pulled out two phials of clear liquid.

"We need to clear the Entrance Hall so we'll have to consort with the

twins." Harry said handing a bottle to Draco.

"What does this do?"

"It's timed transfer glue, we are going to spread it in the Entrance Hall

and it works based on a time delay, from the moment it coats your shoes

it'll stick solidly to the floor every 15 minutes."

"This is going to be brilliant."

The pair dashed up to the Great Hall, where people were filtering in and

out from the lunch hour; the twins, luckily, were just leaving so Harry

and Draco ran after them and pushed the pair in an all too familiar


"Gred, Forge."

"Oh look Gred its Harrykins."

"Yes with his little blond friend."

Draco rolled his eyes.

"Gentlemen I believe you like to cause mass mayhem and disturbance."

Harry said with a smirk.

"Of course." They answered together.

"Well if you could cause a massive disturbance so the Entrance Hall is

completely clear for ten minutes me and Harry here would be most

appreciative." Draco told them, and the twins grinned.

"Note to selves stay away from the Entrance Hall at all costs today." Fred


"When will the prank on Rosina kick in?" George asked.

"Monday morning and let's just say it will be a very interesting few days."

Harry and Draco lingered discretely in the Entrance Hall waiting for the

signal, they didn't know what to expect from Fred and George Weasley;

the pair got high praise for their pranking from Sirius and that was never

a good sign. They jumped when a catastrophic boom sounding from

many floors above, and that told them the twins had started. Teachers

and students alike ran up to see what was going on and the two Snakes

didn't have to wait long before the Great and Entrance halls were silent.

From opposite ends Harry and Draco poured the entire contents of potion

on to the stone floor and watched as it spread like wild fire, coating it in

a clear sheen. When the entire floor was covered it sank in making it look

ordinary and the pair ran back to the dungeons grinning evilly as they


"We had better warn uncle Sev or he will kill us." Draco said and Harry

nodded. The pair headed to the Potions classroom, they needed to stock

up on prank potions any way. Snape was sat behind his desk marking

homework when the pair arrived and nodded in greeting. Harry pulled

out their list and Draco immediately selected the potions he was

comfortable in making, leaving Harry the other half. The pair of them

worked together very well, trading ingredients and helping on the others

potions. Once they had bottled up and cleared away, they approached

their Professor.


"Professor, I was wondering if you knew any spells that would stop a

transfer potion." Harry asked. Snape's brow raised as he took in the two

blank faced teens in front of him, they were both perfectly calm and

composed, except for their eyes, which were alight with mischief.

"I know of a few. The most simple one would be the basic shield charm.

Why do you asked as I'm sure you both already knew that." Snape replied

evenly, knowing full well that Draco knew it and Harry used it for extra

credit in his last essay.

"We just wanted to confirm with you, Professor." Draco told him, "There

have been rumours, sir."


"Yes, that the Entrance Hall isn't safe. There was something else too…

what was it Draco?"

"That there may be those who find themselves in a 'sticky situation',

whatever that means."

That was shockingly good, Severus admitted. If he didn't know hid

Godson, and hadn't been watching Harry since he arrived, he would have

absolutely bought it. As it was, he did know his Godson and Harry had

been on his radar since he had been sorted in to his House.

"Indeed," He drawled, eyeing them. They didn't so much as twitch,

nodding respectfully and taking their leave. There wasn't much for them

to do until they went to dinner, so he had Draco lounged about the

common room. Draco was telling him a bit more about his family when

he suddenly sat up.

"How long does the glue last?" He questioned.

"It goes on and off, sticking them in place for about thirty second before

releasing them. It'll last about three days."

"Don't you think we should warn a few Snakes, like, maybe, the

Quidditch team you're supposed to be training with later. Harry's eyes

widened and he shot up, he ran to the boys fifth year dorm. He poked his

head in and was relieved to see Flint sat on his bed.


"Potter, have you ordered your broom? You had better be good because

we're taking a risk letting a first year on the team."

Harry rolled his eyes.

"My Godfather has already given me one." He assured, "It's a Numbus


Flint whistled.

"Nice. You better know how to fly it."

"Do you think Professor Snape, of all people, would allow me on the team

if I didn't know how to fly?" Harry asked rhetorically, "Anyway, if you

want the team to practice, you should tell them not to walk in the

Entrance Hall without a shield on their feet."

"Got it," Flint got up and went to warn the rest of the team while Harry

went back to Draco, muttering to himself.

"Flint give you a hard time?" The blond asked his friend.

"Honestly, you'd think he would trust Professor Snape's judgement by

now." Harry grouched.

"Just pull what you did earlier and Flint will soon stop talking." Draco

waved him off. Harry grinned. The pair warned as many Snakes as they

could about the Entrance Hall, but they didn't tell everyone knowing it

would put their House under suspicion if none of them got caught in the

prank. It was true practice for their masks when they got up to the

Entrance Hall and found people stuck in odd positions, the glue obviously

kicking in at the wrong time. Harry ducked his head, moving in to the

Great Hall to cover his snickering. Draco didn't bother, he caught sight of

Ronald Weasley stuck in a weird, lunged position and openly laughed at

him, even going so far as to nudge Harry and point at the red head.

Dinner was surprisingly calm right up until the very end when the chaos

started as people rose to leave. The first caught up in the glue's timing

were a couple of third year Lions, who found they couldn't leave their

seats when they tried. The noise in the Hall grew when others discovered

they were in the same predicament, and there was laughter as people

caught sight of others getting stuck mid walk. Laughing helplessly to

themselves, Harry and Draco edged back out of the Hall and back down

to their House rooms, sharing a high five as they dropped on to their


"This is going to be brilliant," Draco decided, grinning.

"Just wait until tomorrow when everything with Rosina kicks off."

Harry was treated to watching the Slytherin team run through their

training practice before he was allowed on a broom and then Flint was

all over him.

"Potter let me see your quickest lap." Flint barked. Harry raised his

eyebrow but kicked off, flattening himself to his broom and shooting off.

He didn't bother to slow up much on the corners, using his weight to

control the sharpness over his movements.

"Not bad, Potter. Let's see how you fly while trying to catch things." Flint

pulled out a bag of ordinary gold balls and started launching them in to

the air; Harry took off. Flint threw the balls in every direction and Harry

pulled off some spectacular stunts, some of which he had never done

before but he didn't miss one. When he touched down next to Flint, the

Slytherin Captain was gaping at him.

"Thank you Lady Magic!" He whispered reverently. Flint eyed him with a

somewhat manic glint in his eye and Harry was ever so slightly alarmed.

"Do I qualify?" He wondered. Flint nodded mutely.

"Play like that in every game and you'll be Captain soon enough." Flint

told him, "Practice every Thursday and if you miss it you had better hope

your reason changes the very foundation of magic or else."

He stomped off, taking the Quidditch equipment with him and Harry was

left wondering what he had gotten himself in to. He shrugged,

shouldering his broom and making his way inside. He wanted to shower

and then tell Draco all about it, after all, they had to keep themselves

calm for tomorrow. He couldn't wait to see Rosina.

Here we have the revised chapter 7, if you have a good memory

you'll know that the prank on Rosina happened at the end of this

chapter. Seeing as I expanded this chapter by over 3k, I've decided

to put it in to the next one. Thanks guys!


8. Chapter 8

A/N: Hi guys, thank you so much for all your reviews, they're

brilliant! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! So I decided to upload all my stories as

I'm particularly happy, I'm glad of the feedback of the last chapter

and again I'm going to clear some things up. Yes Harry will go for

the stone but he is first and foremost a Slytherin and it is solely for

his own gain, he knows someone is after it and is going to be using

it as a bargaining chip and you will see in future chapters what I


A/N2: So I've moved a few things from the old chapter 7 in to the

beginning of this one, I think it sits better here; what about you?

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K Rowling, so the characters do not belong to


Warning: None for this chapter.


Chapter 8:

Harry choked violently when he saw Rosina enter the Great Hall on

Monday morning, coughing and spluttering as he tried to regain control

of his breathing and eventually having the air clearing spell shot at him

my an amused Daphne Greengrass.

"What in Merlin's- dear sweet mother of Circe!"

Harry had forcefully turned Draco's head to show him exactly what had

caused his reaction and the rest of the first years followed his line of

sight. To put it mildly: Rosina Potter looked awful. Her long auburn hair

was a livid green, matted together in greasy clumps. Her skin had a sickly

yellow tinge, appearing cracked in some placed, though her palms were a

bright purple. Whether it was nerves or sheer embarrassment, Rosina had

paused in the entrance of the Great Hall, and, at the worst possible time

for her, when the Hall burst in to loud laughter, the glue from the

previous day kicked in and she found herself unable to move over to the

Gryffindor table. Harry was in pain as he tried to control his laughter,

and Draco was pink in an effort not to laugh, but it was just too much.

They both rose, moving from the hall as fast as they could without

breaking decorum, and as soon as they were clear they burst out

laughing, collapsing against the nearest wall and laughing until tears

streamed down their cheeks.

"Oh Merlin," Draco gasped, "That was the funniest thing I have ever seen

in my entire life."

"On Circes Magic I didn't know it would come out like that." Harry

laughed, and then his eyes widened. "It's set to develop as the week goes


They shared a wide eyed look and then fell about laughing again.

All through the week Rosina kept being transformed every time she

walked through a classroom door, or entered the Great Hall, and many

times Draco and Harry had to excuse themselves simply because it got

better each time it happened. Rose had confronted them, blaming them

and screaming about how they were going to pay for what they did. Her

red headed side kick, the Weasel, as Draco had so tenderly named him,

had tried to hex them. Harry and Draco had returned fire, hitting him

with spell to give him spots and a colour staining charm, making him

walk around with carrot orange skin and pulsing yellow spots all over his

hands and face. James tried to give them detention, but the wormed out

of it by stating they had air tight alibis and they couldn't have got in to

the tower.

When he tried to get them for jinxing Weasley, they produced several

witnesses, not only from Slytherin, who swore it was self-defence. Fred

and George also caught up with them and congratulated them thoroughly

on the genius idea, welcoming them to the pranking world. When

Samhain rolled around, while Harry was disgruntled that he could not

perform the ritual he usually would, he was feeling positively evil as he

knew the tripwires and the strength of their prank on Rosina were at

their height. What he didn't realise was how bad it would actually be as a

result, so when Rosina walked in, Harry gaped.

"Lady Magic herself, what have we done?" He breathed grabbing Draco's

arm, the blonde looked confused until he spotted her and his jaw


"What in the name of Merlin's mighty magic did we do?"

"Remember I said it would be at its strongest today…?" Harry trailed off.

Rosina looked like an ill stereotypical muggle witch. Her hair was black

and lank, her skin was a pale green, her nose as lengthened and on her

face she had two pulsing warts on her chin and nose. Her hands had gone

crooked, her finger nails her brown and long and her teeth had turned


"I am a horrific genius." Harry whispered unable to take his eyes off of


"Agreed," Said the first years, looking from Rose to Harry and shuddering.

Harry spent the day staring at Rose and hardly paying attention to

anything, Draco had to forcibly move him out of the way of solid objects.

He had finally snapped out of it when he entered the Great Hall for the

feast, he was blown away with the decorations. He may be very

disappointed on not being about to perform the Samhain ritual, but the

modern time definitely got the feasting right. They were happily enjoying

the feast when Quirrell burst in screaming about a troll in the dungeons.

Mass panic broke out and Dumbledore shot out purple fire crackers to

silence the room.

"Prefects lead there house to their dormitories, teachers follow me to the


"Don't we live in the dungeons?" Harry pointed out to the prefect, who

was huddling the younger years together.

"We're going to the library, Professor Snape will know where to collect us

from." She told him. Harry was about to fall in with Draco, when he

spotted Rosina sneaking out of the Hall with Weasley and he pulled

Draco off to follow them. Draco saw what he had seen and nodded,

slipping in to the shadows so they were not seen. They only just dived

behind a statue when Professor Snape strode around the corner towards

the third floor corridor.

"Where do you think he's going?" Draco muttered, not knowing the castle

as well as Harry.

"That's the most direct route to the 3rd floor." Harry replied, "But I don't

know why."

"Forbidden corridor, perhaps, but I don't know why." Draco suggested,

"But never mind for now. Do you smell that?"

Harry took a breath through his nose and instantly regretted it, the

stench of rotten innards filled his sense and Harry immediately cast an air

freshening charm around them. They crept along, catching up with Potter

and Weasley, watching as they locked the troll in the bathroom, only for

a high pitched scream to sound out. Potter cracked the trolls head open

with its own troll as Weasley pulled Granger out from under the sinks she

was hiding in. Harry heard the sound of rushing footsteps so he and

Draco fell back, watching as Granger was dismissed and the Potter and

Weasley left together.

The Snakes followed the pair, listening to their theories that Professor

Snape was out to steal whatever was hidden on the third floor. Harry and

Draco shared a look. While they highly doubted that their Head of House

was out to steal anything, the Gryffindors had stirred their interest in

what was hidden there and why it would be stolen. They walked past the

library and realised the Slytherins were still there, so they ducked inside

and settled with the rest of the first years, who shot them questioning

looks but didn't ask out loud where they had been. When Professor Snape

came to collect them, Harry couldn't help but notice that he was limping,

pointing it out to Draco and giving him a look.

"What do you think is hidden there?" Draco wondered, when they were

finally alone in the dorms.

"I don't know, but I can guarantee we will find out."

Harry was sat still at Slytherin table on the morning of his first Quidditch

game; Slytherin v's Gryffindor. He hadn't eaten anything and was silent;

Draco raised his eyebrow at his friend.

"You aren't nervous, are you?" The blond asked with a wry grin.

"No." Harry answered a bit too quickly.

"Harry, you are amazing on a broom! You shocked Flint speechless and

pissed off James Potter." Draco said slowly and Harry grinned.

"I am pretty amazing arn't I?" He agreed, shaking off his pre-game nerves

and digging in to his breakfast. It wasn't too long before Flint called them

down to the changing rooms, and Harry got to his feet.

"Good luck," Draco said and Harry smirked.

"I got this."

In the changing room Flint was pacing infront of the assembled team, a

look of grim determination on his face.

"We want a quick game." He declared. "Potter, watch out for the Weasley

twins, who will be targeting you, they have a wicked aim and make a

horribly good team. Pucey, Warrington and I will concentrate on scoring

and Montague don't let the girls distract you from protecting thoses rings

or so help me you will regret it."

The crowds were piling up out there; Harry took hold of his broom to

calm his nerves and remembered Draco's earlier words; he was amazing

on a broom.

"It's time,"

The team walked out stoicly to the announcers call.

"Here come the Slytherin team: Captain Flint, Montague, Pucey,

Warrington, Bole, Derrick and a new addition this year, first year Potter!"

They were screams and cheers from the Slytherins and Ravenclaws whilst

boo's from the Lions and some braver Puffs.

"For the Gryffindore team we have Captain Wood, Johnson, Bell, Spinnet,

Weasley, Weasley and another new addition to the teams and a bit of

sibling rivalry it's the Girl-Who-Lived: Rosina Potter!"

Harry saw the Lions come out in glaring red and smirked. Madam Hooch,

the Quidditch referee, stepped on to the pitch and released the bludgers

followed by the snitch, taking hold of the quaffle.

"Mount your brooms." She called clearly. Harry climbed on to his broom

locking eyes with his twin.

"I want a nice clean game, from all of you." Even with the last part of her

sentence, she still looked towards the Snakes. She blew her whistle and

threw up the quaffle, 14 people rose up in to the air as the game began.

Harry flew off, darting between the players as he flew higher, eyes

flicking everywhere for the elusive snitch. He dodged a speeding bludger

aimed at him from Fred, grinning as the twin shot him a cheery wave and

shot off.

He started sweep in and out of the players, becoming a nuisance for the

three Lioness', and cheekily winking when he caused Johnson to drop the

quaffle again. An hour in to the game and the score was 120-60 to

Gryffindor and Harry still hadn't seen the snitch, he was circling the

game, upping his tatics to disrupt the Gryffindor plays when he spotted

the snitch scraping the grass by the Slytherin goal post. He was closer but

Rose was lower down so he would have to go all out, she hadn't spotted

it yet so he casually made his way to directly above the golden ball and

dived. He shot down like a rocket drawing gasps from the crowd.

"The male Potter looks like he has spotted the snitch, he is in a spetacular

dive!" Lee Jordan's voice rang out, Rose was on his tail but Harry kept up

the break neck speed. Just when he was about to hit the ground he pulled

up and leveled out so he was grazing the grass, Rose had leveled out a bit

above him so he had the advantage and used it by snatching the snitch

out of the air, he lept of his broom with his fist in the air grinning like a

crazy person.

"210-120 Slytherin win." The Snakes went wild and the team hoisted

Harry up in the air, rhythmic stamping echoed around the pitch followed

by loud hissing. Harry saw Rose being consoled by her father and if

possible his grin grew. Draco flew in to him when he was back on the

ground followed by an excitable Sirius and mellower Remus. Sirius lifted

Harry up amongst the cheers and Flind yelled.

"Party in the common room!"

"Let's celebrate." Harry screamed from above and got an answering cheer.

"Come see us later, Pup." Siri told him putting him back and Draco


"I told you you're amazing." The blonde said as they made there way back

to the common room, where a massive party was on the up. The common

room was packed with food and drink and everyone was celebrating, it

was loud and rambunctious as the usually reserved Snakes let their hair

down in their sanctuary. The party lasted all day and well in to the night,

and somewhere in between that, the older years cracked open the Fire

Whiskey and thought it would be a great idea to feed it to the excitable

first and second years. Harry, remembering he said he would see his

Godfather, stumbled out of the room and up to Sirius a little on the tipsy

side, he fell through the marauder quarters and tripped over giggling.


"Oh hey, uncle Siri." Harry said brightly from the floor.

"Have you been drinking fire whiskey?" Sirius asked with a grin, knowing

the very same thing had happened to him as a first year. The older years

always found it hilarious to see the younger ones drunk, and Sirius

himself knew it was amusing having done the same when he was in sixth


"No, I haven't drunken anything!" Harry told him wide eyed, before

bursting in to giggles, Sirius chuckled.

"I take it you enjoyed the party."

"Uhuh." Harry said from his place on the floor, Sirius picked the boy up

and tucked him in to the spare bed. Harry fell asleep almost instantly and

Sirius smirked, the kid would wake up with a first time hang over; they

were the worst.

Harry groaned when he awoke Sunday morning, he looked around

through squinted eyes and confirmed he did make it up to Sirius. He

stumbled in to the living space and collapsed on the sofa next to Sirius.

"So how are you feeling?" Sirius asked joyfully, Harry glowered.

"Great." Harry deadpanned.

"It could have been worse, you didn't drink that much I'm guessing

because you were still coherent it's just because you're a first timer."

Sirius explained holding out a hangover cure. Harry gulped it down

happily sighing in relief.

"Well next time I will drink myself stupid cause them at least the pain

will be worth it. I'm going to kill Flint." Harry grumbled, slouching down

in to the sofa. He couldn't summon enough energy to look around as the

portrait opened, but the visitor soon entered his line of sight and Harry

grinned when he saw Draco slump through the door, the usual Malfoy

pristine well out of the window.

"I thought you might be here." Draco muttered, collapsing in to the

nearest chair, "Ugh my head hurts. I might write to my father and have

Flint crucified for causing me unnecessary pain."

"Morning cousin," Sirius called brightly, tossing over a hangover cure.

"Thanks," Draco said gratefully, "I was wondering where you got to, Har.

I woke up on the sofa and you were gone so I came here."

"Yeah I stumbled up last night."

"It was quite amusing." Harry threw him a look that said 'shut up or pay'

so Sirius got up and called for some breakfast. "I've said that next time

I'm drinking myself stupid so it's worth it."

"I second that." Draco agreed. Sirius brought over pancakes, toast and

juice just as Lupin fell in to the living room. He looked around in

surprised, blinking before shrugging and helping himself to toast.

"Do I want to know why you're all here?" Remus asked.

"I do not know what you mean, uncle Moony, are we not aloud to visit

for breakfast?" Harry asked innocently, Remus eyebrows rose.

"Of course you are, cub, but usually you wouldn't be in your pyjamas and

Draco wouldn't look like he has just rolled off of a sofa." Harry looked

down and at Draco then back at a smiling Remus and grinned.

"Well we thought we'd try something different today." Harry said.

"Riiiightt." His disbelief was apparent and the boys laughed. They ate

breakfast and chilled in the marauder pad all day, planning pranks and

mapping out ideas. When the two pre-teens left Sirius pulled out the

whiskey and passed one to his friend.

"I feel for the Hogwarts population." Remus said with a grin, Sirius


"I think they were behind the sticking mess and that whole Rosina

situation, how I don't know but I know it was them."

"I agree they are pure Snakes; clever and ridiculously sneaky."

Harry found that November past in a blur with everything he had going

on, Slytherin were top of the Quidditch and house cup and he had finally

tested his sedative; it was a success. Harry was walking back from the

library when he heard the Gryffindor trio speaking in hushed tones and

he immediately ducked behind the closest statue to listen to them.

"No I've heard of him before I just can't think." Granger muttered


"Well whoever he is he has something to do with whatever is hidden on

the 3rd floor." Rose said.

"Yeah and Snape's after it," Ron growled.

"We will just have to keep looking for this Flamel guy, he has to be

somewhere." Rose sighed.

"Nicholas Flamel, I know I've read it somewhere." Granger whisper

exclaimed, sounding incredibly frustrated.

"Come on, we have to finish that Transfiguration essay." Rosina reminded

them, "Daddy said he would help us."

Harry remained perfectly still as they passed his hiding spot, not even

breathing until they had turned the corridor and silently ran back to tell

Draco. He found the blond pouring over a Charms text for his homework.

"Put that down we have someone to search for." Harry told him sitting


"Just let me finish, I'm nearly done and if I don't do this my father is

going to kill me, my grades are not what he expects them to be." Draco

sighed, Harry looked alarmed.

"Dray why didn't you tell me your father was on to you about your grades

I would of helped you."

"Its nothing he's just picky." Draco tried to push it off but Harry wasn't

having it.

"What is he complaining about?" Harry demanded in a tone that held no

room for arguments.

"Its because of that damn Mudblood and her need to live in the library,

I'm 3rd in the year but she just won't quit and when he found out that she

was a Mudblood with no prior wizarding knowledge there was a clear

warning for me to sort it out." Draco burst out. Harry frowned,

understanding the dilemma, some purebloods often felt that during a

Mudblood's first few years in to the wizarding world it was their right to

guide them, and they didn't particularly like when they were showed up

by new comers. Harry found it mind-blowing that they wouldn't care if

the Mudblood had been in the world for quite some time, believing that

their success was because they had fully accepted their role in the

wizarding world, but hated it if they shone in the beginning. Harry shook

his head, grinning at his best friend.

"Well your not having the top spot sorry, that's all mine and if your father

has a problem with that he can write to me and ill explain that as

someone who can produce successfully cast all of our curriculum spells

wandlessly and wordlessly, as well as recite what they are and what they

do, I deserve it." Harry said to him, snickering when Draco rolled his

eyes, "Granger is an easy one to overcome, she's all theory. Her starting

influence in to our world was the worst possible choice so she'll suffer

when it comes to practical. You, on the other hand, are great at practical

casting, and are much more advanced, meaning you just need to

strengthen your theory based work. You study Occlumency, right?"

"Yes all traditional Purebloods teach it to their children to help the

stability of our core growth."

"We will have you just below me by tomorrow and then we have some

work to do."

They went and sat in the empty dorms, Harry placed his fingers on

Draco's temple.

"Let me in and trust me this will work." Draco nodded, they both fell in to

a meditative trance and Harry went in to Dracos mind scape. It was

remarkably ordered for an 11 year old but there were flaws, Harry

ordered Draco to create a room and store all magical study and knowlege

in there in ordered files, going through each section as they did so. They

set it in subject catagories and placed it for easy access; they came out of

the trance that they had been in for four hours.

"What's the basic water charm?"

"Aquamenti." Draco answered immediatly them grinned.

"Wow this is amazing!" The blonde exclaimed. "It just came to me


"It's because your mind had re-evaluated all it's information and you have

properly sorted through it. What you'll have to do, each time you

meditate, is to add each bit of learned knowledge in to your files and

eventually your mind will do it automatically, becoming so accustom to

the subconscious feel of the magics you learn and connecting them with

the similar feeling ones already in your mind."

"That's incredible. Is that a further branch of Occlumency?"

"Sort of, you have to fully master your mind for it to do so, but it also

happens faster the more in tune you are with magic."

"Thanks, really." Draco told him sincerely, and Harry nodded.

"Just tell me next time, remember I'm amazing." Harry said seriously.

Draco punched him in the arm.

"So what did you rush in here about earlier?"

"The 3rd floor I have a lead, who is Nicholas Flamel?"

"Flamel, I've heard of him."

"Same, I've read it somewhere this year and for the life of me I cannot

think where, its taking too long to go through all of the things I've read."

Harry shook his head, "I may remember everything, but sometimes that's

the problem: I remember everything."

"I'll write to father and ask, he should be pleased when uncle Sev gives

him my new update." Draco suggested.

"Well when we find him we find out what's hidden on the 3rd floor."


Draco flew over to the other Snake, grabbing his arm and dragging him

back up to the dorms he had just come through much to Harry's


"Take a breath, Dray! Harry told him, "What's going on?"

"I've just received a letter from my father," He answered, his eyes alight.

"Nicolas Flamel is a famous alchemist."

"Oh my Mother Magic." Harry breathed, his eyes going huge, "I know

what they are keeping in the third floor."


Harry snapped his fingers, bringing an old tome to his hands and flipping

it open to the right page before handing it to the blond.

"Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosophers Stone…"

Draco trailed of in awe. "They are keeping that in a school full of


"It makes you wonder why its hidden here now, doesn't it? I mean,

Flamel has recently celebrated his 665th birthday, I'd have thought he

knew how to hide things by now."

"That is true, which means there must have been a direct threat against

it, someone he, and Dumbledore, seeing as the old man is hiding it here,

must believe could actually steel the Stone." Draco pointed out and Harry


"I wonder who?" Harry mused.

"Stuff that. I want to know what they have guarding it."

"We, my blond friend, are going to find out this evening." Harry told him,

grinning when Draco smirked. The pair went to dinner feeling excited for

the night a head, Harry had Draco practice the disillusion charm

repeatedly until the blonde had mastered it and they went to bed nervous

but excited about what they were about to do. When they were sure

everyone was asleep, the pair got up and disillusioned themselves

silently, making sure to keep hold of each other's arms to be on the safe

side. They crept out of the common room, Harry ever-so-slightly twisting

the alert ward Snape kept there, which all Snakes took as a challenge

rather than a deterrent; Harry wasn't sure which one Snape intended

either, and silently up to the 3rd floor, dodging Filtch and Mrs Norris as

they did so. They stopped outside the door to the corridor and took a

deep breath.

"Wands at the ready?" Draco asked.


Harry unlocked the door with a flick of his wrist, sensing no other magic

there, allowing them to slowly push the door open and enter with

extreme caution. Harry turn to shut the door, feeling Draco freeze behind

him and knowing whatever it was it wasn't going to be good. He turned

to see what the problem was and felt his blood run cold. There, stood in

front of them, with six rolling black eyes, three sets of gleaming white

teeth and a body that made them look like ants in comparison, was a

very angry Cerberus.

"So we leave now and come back when we have a full plan?" Draco

suggested, his voice much higher than normal.

"I knew you were smart, Dray," Harry agreed, his voice also higher than it

should be. The animal's growling was bouncing around the room and it

took a step towards them, they bolted, throwing open the door and

slamming it shut and running all the way back down to the Slytherin


"Well I think it's safe to say they have some protection on the stone."

Harry stated brightly, being the first one to recover; Draco threw the

raven head a dirty look.

"You don't say?"

"So all we need to find out is how to get past that thing and who's after

the stone." Harry pointed out, ignoring the sarcasm.

"I have a book on magical creatures we can look in tomorrow but we'll

still have to work out who's after it." Draco said and Harry sighed.

"The wonder group think its Snape." Harry told him and Draco snorted.

"Please, if uncle Sev wanted to steal something no one would know until

it was gone." The blond declared, and Harry had to agree; that man was

way too sneaky for his own good.

"We need a plan because if people see us studying and the chaos stops

they will all know it's us, so we need to find time to do homework, cause

chaos, see Siri and Snape, watch all suspicious behaviour and figure out

the Cerberus." Harry listed, causing Draco groaned.

"Why do I have the suspicion we are going to be sneaking out a lot over

the next few weeks?"

Harry just grinned in reply.

Draco turned out to be right on par with his prediction; he and Harry

spent a ridiculous amount of time sneaking around the school. They

found it increasingly difficult to do everything in the day so they ended

up creeping out at night to set up their pranks, it was easier to do it like

that and their chances of getting caught were reduced. One night, as they

were heading back towards the common room after rigging the 'Puff

table to make all of its members have black hair and a badger stripe for

the day, they walked in to a corridor that Professor was patrolling and

almost panicked; Snape was the last person they wanted to get caught by.

He may have told them all at the beginning of the year that if they were

to get caught then he was the better option, but Harry had seen what

punishments the Snakes who were caught by him received and he had no

desire to have one himself. Silently cursing, Harry did the only thing he

could think of at that very moment, he cast his vanishing spell on him

and Draco without a word, just as Snape looked directly at them. The

Potions Master walked up the corridor, passing the boys by mere

millimetres and continued on with his patrol. As soon as he turned the

corner, Harry muttered the counter spell and released the breath had

been holding.

"What was that spell?" Draco questioned him, when they collapsed on the

sofa in the common room. None of them had wanted to speak until they

had returned safely.

"I created it, it's made to vanish you completely, 100% untraceable. You

could dance naked in front of someone's face and they would have a clue

unless you touched them." Harry explained and Draco looked at him in


"You really are a genius aren't you?"

Harry smirked.

"Well now that you mention it…"


Draco punched him in the arm and headed to bed with a chuckling Harry

following. In the morning the pair paid dearly for their night time

escapades, they each looked like utter hell and it took copious amounts of

time and magic before they would face the public and go to the Great

Hall. Professor Snape was passing out the list for people who would be

staying at Hogwarts for Yule and Harry didn't have a clue what he was

doing, so he didn't sign, figuring he would speak to Sirius about it later.

He and Draco headed off for History with the rest of their year mates and

unfortunately ran in to James Potter on their way through.

"I've come to inform you that we will be spending Christmas as a family

here at Hogwarts so you need to sign up." James told him in a stiff voice.

Harry looked blankly, wondering if the man had truly lost all sense or if

he was that stupid.

"I apologise, sir, you must have the wrong person. I am an orphan, you

see." Harry returned, his voice even.

"You will do as you are told. After the way you have been behaving it is

the least you can do." James snapped.

"The least you should have been able to do was not give up one of your

children but we both know how that worked out." Harry threw back

instantly, making James' expression go dark.

"Even if Harry wanted to put himself through such pain, he had other

commitments to oblige to over the Yule season – he will be at the manor

with me." Draco cut in, his voice an arrogant drawl as he looked at Potter

in distaste.

"No son of mine with stay with any filthy Death Eaters." James hissed,

making both boys scowl.

"It's lucky you only have a daughter then, isn't it, Potter?" Harry spat,

throwing him one last look of contempt before pushing past with Draco.

"Its like he loses more intelligence each time we see him." Draco


"Thanks for bailing me out there, Dray," Harry said sincerely, but Draco

waved him off.

"It's fine, its not as if I was lying anyway."

"Since when am I coming to yours for Yule?" Harry questioned in

confusion and Draco blinked.

"Did I not tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"You, Sirius and Remus have been invited for the manor for Yule this

year. It seems Sirius took my advice and has been in contact with my

mother. She has insisted you come to use for the season. Uncle Sev will

be there too." Draco explained and Harry grinned; this was perfect.

"Brilliant. We'll stop by later to make sure they are going." Harry decided,

as they were ushered in to their class.

"Very few people have the nerve to say no to my mother, Sirius is not one

of those people." Draco muttered, keeping his voice very low as the man

in question was a few feet from them. It was a brilliant lesson focussing

on vampire wars, the class howled with laughter and Siri pretended to be

vampire and crept up on Moony making the usually relaxed professor

yelp and fire multiple spells. What was funny was Moony clearly wasn't

thinking about what spells he fired because Sirius ended up bright purple

with an orange stuffed in his mouth glaring at a sheepish werewolf. Their

next class, to Harry's misfortune, was Transfiguration and that mean

dealing with-,

"I can't believe you are running off to a filthy Death Eater's house instead

of staying with us." Rosina announced, glaring at him. Harry gave her the

most pitying look he could manage and sighed.

"What part of my actions has, in any way, led any of you to believe I

would want to spend any time around you voluntarily?" Harry wondered

and she huffed.

"It's pathetic that you aren't over this petty jealousy. As soon as you

accept the fact that I am famous and much better trained than you

everything will be ok." She told him seriously and Harry almost gaped at

her, his eyes going wide with disbelief.

"Do you even hear yourself?" He got out, wondering what actually went

on in her mind and if it was something that could be fixed.

"The truth hurts," She sniffed. She was saved from the hex Harry wanted

to direct at her face when McGonagall granted them access to her

classroom; he would have hexed her to shut her up. He was actually

blood related to such an imbecile. The lesson passed quickly followed by

a short lunch, double Herbology with the Puffs and then a free period.

Draco and Harry sat with their year mates to do their homework as usual,

with Harry helping Daphne and Blaise with the spell from

Transfiguration and Draco helping Pansy, Tracey and Theo with Charms.

Overall, they had been told on the sly, the Slytherin first years had the

highest combined scores so far and they wanted to keep that in place.

Draco reminded Harry of the invitation at dinner, which made him grin

and pull the blond to the marauder pad. Harry all but bounced in,

greeting his uncles with a bright grin.

"I am going to take a guess and say Draco told you what we are doing for

Yule?" Sirius said with a laugh, and Harry nodded.

"Potter was under some strange believe I would be staying with him

during the holidays." Harry told him.

"In what way have to made them believe you would want to spend more

time with them?" Sirius questioned in disbelief.

"He practically said the same thing," Draco noted, pointed at Harry.

"I am looking forward to it though I haven't seen my cousin in years.

Thankfully we have been corresponding for the past couple of months or

she would probably still think I am the same naïve twat – ouch Moony I

meant twit – I was when I was growing up. She knows my views on the

world have changed."

"Mother says she is looking forward to catching up with you in person,

Sirius." Draco put in, happy that his best friend was coming. He was

worried because he knew Harry would want to be with Sirius and Remus

for his first Yule back, but when his mother had told him that she had

already extended the invitation to Sirius and Remus he was delighted; his

mother thought of everything.

"I am feeling the same." Sirius agreed, "And better yet, this time we will

probably see eye to eye on more things now and I could never tire of

winding up dear Lucy."

Draco balked at the butchery of his father's name, looking personally

offended much to Sirius' amusement.

"What do you mean about seeing eye to eye now?" Harry asked and Sirius


"Well when I was younger I did everything in my power to be different

from all the other Blacks, as we were and still are known for our

affiliation to dark magics. I met Potter, who came from a strictly light

background, I wanted to fit in and conform to his ideas so I distanced

myself from my family and ended up running away in my 6th year.

Though, it was more to do with my parents than anything else. They

were disgusting human beings." Sirius answered, shaking his head. "When

Potter decided to reveal his true colours I finally realised there isn't much

difference between dark and light, so I started to read about all the stuff I

was supposed to learn growing up, and not the crap my mad mother fed

me. I was shocked at how wrong I was, and Narcissa has been giving me

information. Of course, then I brought to mind everything I had ever

been told about the light and dark and I looked in to the Dark Lord and

his ideas, turns out the crap about him wanting to slaughter all

mudbloods was crap sprouted from the light."

"That's understandable," Harry said, knowing he would favour the dark

over the light any day of the week.

"Another thing that has made me think over the years is the continued

prejudice Remus and others of his kind go against every day, and seeing

as we have a primarily light government it is obvious who is blocking

things. But the true problem was what they did to you. That would have

never happened within the so called dark, I still remember thinking that

Narcissa would string me up if she saw what Potter did; to give away a

fully magical child to muggles would be the ultimate crime."

"Have you told mother about Harry?" Draco asked and Sirius shook her


"No, I'm a Gryffindor, not stupid."

"You can break it to her when you arrive for Yule," Draco told him

cheerfully, "I only told her that Harry was who she thought he was and

that he had broken Potter tradition by getting sorted in to Slytherin."

"What did I ever do to you?" Sirius groaned and the boys snickered.

"Ignore Sirius' dramatics," Remus told them, "Is there going to be a ball?"

"No, thankfully it's the Jugsons holding it and we are not required to

attend." Draco answered.

"Thank Merlin for small miracles. I may have taken up my Lordship and

work in the Wizengamot, but there is no way I am prepared for a ball."

"Me and Draco will have you and Moony ready for Pureblood society in

no time at all." Harry told them with a grin.

"We will call it etiquette for dogs." Draco said with a smirk and Harry

burst out laughing, running as the adults took in what they said and let

out indignant cries.

By the time the Yule holidays had come around, Harry was almost

desperate to get away from the castle. Well, that wasn't quite right. He

adored the castle and if it was up to him he would live there forever,

what he wanted to get away from was the Potters, or, more importantly,

James and Rosina. Lily, thankfully, had fully respected his wishes and left

him alone, merely greeting him when polite company required it and

going on her way; though she never spoke to him around James for some

reason. He was packed and anxious to leave, the rest of the departing

students, including Draco, had already left on the train hours ago leaving

Harry to floo to the Malfoy Manor with Sirius and Remus.

Just as the boys had promised, the two were dressed and ready to

formally meet the House Malfoy for the first time in many years. Remus

was dressed in crisp, tailored, smoky grey robes, with the Black crest

printed on the right arm, and Sirius had donned a dark blue robe, his

own crest, signifying his Lordship and Head of House Black, on display

proudly. They had to wait for the Malfoys to collect Draco before they

could go and it seemed to put a tense air around the room until

eventually Harry cast a tempus and almost cheered.

"Ok, we can leave now." He announced, jumping up and walking towards

the fireplace. He blinked, very surprised, at the Pureblood personas that

had suddenly risen over the pair, but he grinned before raising his own

and stepped in to the grate. "Malfoy Manor." Harry was sucked through

the fireplace, spinning almost wildly and he was forcefully reminded why

he absolutely despised the floo system. He gracefully stepped out of the

fireplace once he had come to a halt, only having time to vanish the ash

from his robes and the floor before he was captured in a bone-crushing

hug from a blond.

"I thought you were never going to get here!" Draco exclaimed and Harry


"Calm yourself, Draco," A cool voice commanded gently, "Let your friend

move to the side as the others come through."

Draco's cheeks pinked slightly and he moved back, letting Harry moved

to the side and wait for his Godfather and uncle just as the grate flared

green. Sirius came through with a slight stumbled, which he immediately

covered well and moved aside as Remus followed without so much as a

wobble. The three newcomers turned to their hosts, and Harry noted the

startling similarities between Draco and his father. Draco was truly a

mini-Lucius, the only difference was he had more of his mother's softness

in his face and his hair was a single shade darker.

Lucius Malfoy just had an air about him that screamed 'you will pay me

attention', his features were sharp and well defined, and he was quite tall

too. His long blond hair fell just past his collar bones showing his years

as Lord and Head of his House. Narcissa Malfoy had features Harry had

seen in his Godfather's face, and she was truly a beauty. She appeared the

epitome of grace and elegance even if she offered them a warm smile.

"Welcome to Malfoy Manor. We are delighted you could accept our

invitation." Lucius greeted formally.

"We were honoured to receive one." Sirius returned in the same tone.

"Now the formalities have been accomplished; it is so very good to see

you again, Sirius." Narcissa said warmly, "I was very pleased when you

said you could come."

"It's great to see you to, Cissa," Sirius returned, gaining a smile at her old

nickname, "I'm glad I took your son's advice and got back in contact."

"Yes, he's a good boy." Narcissa said pleased. "Let us go to the lounge and

sit. We could use a nice catch up before we settle for the night."

They were lead through the halls of Malfoy Manor and Draco was giving

Harry a murmured commentary much to the other boy's pleasure. He had

never actually seen a Pureblood Manor before, having never been

anywhere accept Hogwarts, the prisons and the market, and he was

fascinated. He even started pointing things out and asking questions that

Draco was happy to answer to him, the blond was just telling Harry

about his mother's latest redecorating some 6 years ago when they finally

caught back up with the adults in the lounge.

"Draco, why don't you show Mr Potter to his room," Lucius suggested to

his son, "The both of you can get him settled before returning for dinner."

"Of course, father." Draco said, "Come on, Har,"

"Mr Malfoy, please call me Harry. I am sure you have had the unfortunate

experience of meeting my sperm donor, so I am sure you will understand

why I do not wish to be even associated with that name." Harry said

sincerely before following Draco out of the room, catching the sound of

his Godfather bursting in to laughter as they reached the stairs.

"Did he really just-,"

"Yes he did, and your face was priceless, Lucy." Sirius snickered, making

the Malfoy Lord scowl.

"Please refrain from calling me by that butchery of my name, Black."

Lucius ordered, but Sirius only looked at him innocently.

"How have you been, Sirius? You look well." Narcissa asked. Sirius

sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"Honestly, before September, not great." He admitted, "If it wasn't for

Moony and my refusal to give up, I would have probably drank myself in

to an early grave."

Narcissa's eyes widened in alarm, and even Lucius's mask broke at the


"Whatever happened?"

"Potter," Sirius answered, both his and Remus' faces darkening.

"We heard of your fallout, of course." Narcissa said to them, "But nothing

of the reasoning."

"You finally realised what a weak-minded fool he is." Lucius drawled,

ignoring his wife as she shushed him.

"No, he is right, Cissa. I should have listened to grandfather's warning

more, and I can never tell him that. I was too caught up in my hatred of

my mother and father, the need to be as far away from them, and by

association, the family." Sirius sighed. Both of the Malfoys looked

shocked, but Narcissa had a note of understanding on her face.

"Aunt Walburga and uncle Orion were demented fools." She told him.

"But what happened to make you realise? You all but swore to never


"After I split from Potter, everything I thought I knew about my 'friends'

and the 'light' was thrown in to the air and so I started to read up on the

things I was supposed to have learned while growing up. Not the things

my parents forced upon me, but all of the scrolls, the books and notes

grandfather kept, and once I saw the difference I started to look in to

everything about the Dark Lord's views and ideas. The light, I can't even

call it lies because they truly believe it, their doctrine is complete crap.

Discovering all of this on top of what Potter had done… it really drove it

home. I just didn't know what to do, it was only when Harry became

friends with Draco, and he mentioned that I should write did I find a way

to restart contact."

"This is brilliant, Sirius. You understand why the family were so angry."

Narcissa said, and Sirius nodded.

"What sort of thing could Potter have possibly done?" Lucius questioned,

"I do not mean any disrespect but there was nothing short of your

grandfather completely banning you from leaving that would have

stopped you."

Sirius didn't know exactly how to respond to that, how to explain the

entire situation fully so while his mate was thinking, Remus asked a

question instead.

"How are magical children regarded within the 'dark' section?"

"A fully magical child is treated with the utmost care, they are a treasure

and to harm one is considered to be the most heinous of crimes. Even the

Dark Lord never harmed a child, if they were to be killed it would be

instant death and even they were rare." Narcissa answered, looking

confused at the question.

"It is why the Weasleys are so stigmatized." Lucius added, "They have

performed a near impossible feat, producing seven fully magical children,

two of which have incredible careers currently and ahead of them, and

the next one is set to go straight to a good position in the ministry.

Despite this, they throw away our culture and completely disregard our

traditions in favour of the loathsome muggle ones."

"That's the reason?" Remus said in amazement, "We were always told it

was because they accepted Muggleborns and were poor purebloods, not

being able to stand in 'proper' society."

Narcissa released a delicate scoff.

"What utter ridiculousness. Their financial situation has absolutely

nothing to do with their station. They are still an Ancient House, if they

would bother to recognise it, but they don't. Their seat has remained

dormant since Septimus Weasley passed many years ago, they don't even

acknowledge it enough to pass it to Dumbledore. The term Blood Traitor

does come from those who renounce their wizarding lines, after all."

"More lies," Sirius sighed.

"Why the question about magical children, Sirius?" Lucius asked and

Sirius glared at the wall briefly before controlling himself.

"As you know, there were 'rumours' the Potters were gifted with twins,

but after Samhain night of '81 the second child was never seen or heard

of again."

"Yes, it was quite strange, but it was believed that there was a

miscommunication during the war until this year." Lucius noted.

"The reason the second child, Harry, wasn't heard of after that was

because Potter decided it would be a grand idea to ditch my Godson and

Heir to filthy muggles." Sirius's sentenced finished in a snarl, the mere

thought sending white hot rage through him. Narcissa gasped in horror,

her hands flying to cover her mouth, and Lucius' hands clenched in to

fists and he hissed.

"How could they do such a thing?" Narcissa whispered.

"Well they had to concentrate on their special little Rosie and keep Harry

away from the press." Sirius told them seriously, mimicking the words

Potter had said to him all those years ago.

"Excuse me?" Lucius exclaimed, "You mean to tell me that they rejected

one of their children, from a set of twins no less, because of a bit of


"That's exactly what they did." Remus stated, his voice holding a slight


"And of course it was off of Dumbledore's suggestion." Sirius threw in


"Why am I not surprised that manipulative, meddling old man had his

hand in it?" Lucius muttered.

"Potter seemed to expect to collect Harry when he was eleven, tell him

that they got rid of him because his twin was famous but it was ok for

them to have him back now, and Pup be perfectly accepting of that."

Sirius told them, his voice lined with incredulity.

"I presume that was not the case." Narcissa said.

"That was so far from the case that it is no longer funny. Potter is

completely deluded, and that brat of his has be bred of his delusions."

Sirius said with a grimace.

"Lady Potter seems to have a better understanding of the true damage

done, she has not bothered Harry since he plainly told them that he

considered himself an orphan and better for it." Remus continued.

"Oh that poor boy," Narcissa sighed and Sirius grinned.

"Wait until you meet him properly, Cissa. He's grandfather's idea Black,

powerful, wicked smart and a cunning streak a mile wide." Sirius

informed her proudly.

"Draco has been writing home about Harry an awful lot." She allowed,

"Current top of the year and a Slytherin to boot."

"Potter tried to have him resorted but the hat refused to put him

anywhere else but Slytherin." Remus said amused, "Potter was less than


"The first born Potter to Slytherin House in over five generations; that

was definitely interesting news to hear about." Lucius commented and

Sirius smirked.

"If he was in the traditional Potter Gryffindor the House would not

survive. He and your son are brilliant."

"Coming from you, I do not know if that is a good thing or not." Narcissa

joked and they shared a laugh. They were joined again, very suddenly, by

the two boys as they came running in to the room, Draco slightly ahead.

"I told you, I don't mind them away from me. Note the very important

away in that sentence." Draco exclaimed vehemently. Harry flashed a

perfectly innocent smile, one he had just about perfected.

"Awh, Dray! She won't hurt you, she just wanted to say hello. You've hurt

her feelings now."

"Don't give me that crap." Draco snapped, still edging away from him,

"You let her slide over my neck!"

"It's where your scent is the most." Harry pointed out. He held out his

arm revealing his pet snake, "Look at her, she's completely harmless."

Aressa chose that moment to release an odd, snakey sort of yawn thing,

that Harry had honestly no idea about, but it revealed her razor sharp

teeth and sent Draco to the other side of the room. Sirius, on catching

sight of the snake, had leapt to his feet as if to bolt if the time came.

"I didn't think you brought that thing with you." He yelped, eyeing Aressa

carefully and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Aressa goes with me everywhere."

"Who's Aressa?" Narcissa asked curiously as Sirius shuddered and Remus

chuckled. Harry held up his arm to show them his snake.

#Say hello, beautiful# Harry hissed and she reared up and gave her tail a


#Hello little blond human's family#

Harry grinned.

"She said hi."

The Malfoys, bar Draco, looked at Harry completely stunned.

"You are a Parselmouth." Lucius stated, his voice obviously shocked.

"How is – but that should – your not…"

"Yeah that was my reaction but you get used to weird things surrounding

Harry." Draco told his parents.

"Hey, weird things don't happen around me." Harry exclaimed and Draco

raised an eyebrow.

"Where's your wand Harry?" He asked simply. Harry blinked and felt his

wrists and then checked his pockets.

"Damn it, I lost it again."

"Language cub," Moony chided.

"But you must always have your wand on you Harry." Narcissa fretted

and Harry frowned.

"I hate using it though, it's so much effort." Harry groaned and Draco

rolled his eyes.

"Yes Avalon forbid you act like us mere mortals."

Harry stuck his tongue out and snapped his fingers, his wand appeared

mid-air and he secured it to his wrist.


"How in Merlin's name did you do that?" Cissa questioned shocked. The

two Marauders decided they were going to enjoy this Yule time much

more than they first thought if this was going to be a continuous thing.

"I summoned it." Harry answered.

"You summoned it? But it appeared right before you."

"I know, it's an edited version of the spell." He said, as if it was the most

obvious thing in the world, sitting down to pet Aressa.

"You will get used to it." Sirius assured Narcissa and Lucius, looking

highly amused at their blank look.

"Somehow, Sirius, I do not believe I will." Lucius sighed.

The Marauders merely smirked.

Ok, folks, there we have it! I've spliced and swapped and chopped

and changed, but here is the revised version of chapter 8. I hope you

like it and would be extremely thankful if you let me know what

you think.


9. Chapter 9

A/N: Hey everyone, I'm back with a new revised chapter for you and

I hope you like it. A bit more cutting and shaping here again, old

readers might notice the intro of chapter 10 at the end of this fic

any you will find out why as soon as I post it. It's slowly calming

down from the major revisions I had to do in the beginning,

cleaning up and putting in the needed little details; I do hope you

like it.

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K Rowling, so the characters do not belong to


Warning: A bit of language


Chapter 9

Staying with the Malfoys was very different from what Harry, Sirius or

Remus was expecting. Lucius was crisp and cool, ever the Pureblood, but

once you got passed the hard exterior he was very nice, and actually

quite amusing to be around. He and Sirius got in to quite a few

conversations about the Wizengamot and re-establishing the House of

Black and the House of Malfoy's alliance, the upset their coupling would

bring to the light side was genuinely enough for Sirius to agree,

everything else that could come out of it was just a bonus. Narcissa was a

mother through and through, and spoilt Draco rotten, though Lucius was

hardly the epitome of strict when it came to his son. Yes he had high

expectations of him, but as long as Draco maintained his high grades and

didn't bring any negativity to the House Malfoy then Lucius gave his son

everything and anything he could want.

Harry also got subjected to Narcissa's mothering, she insisted that

without it Sirius would teach him his own wild ways and that was not

acceptable; Sirius had pouted for a while after that. Not that Harry

actually minded, he actually quite enjoyed the feeling and she reminded

him of Rowena. Sirius and Remus seemed to fit right in after the first few

nights too, the tension that Harry didn't know they had been carrying

seemed to fall away, and when Severus arrived it was brilliant. They had

decorated the Manor and Harry was amazed as the twisting and gleaming

wreaths of evergreen that covered almost every shelf, mantle or table.

Harry and Draco had a great time relaxing, flying, pranking and being

kids, even if they did get a few scoldings for not fully following the rules;

Harry discovered that they needed to be even sneakier if they didn't want

to be caught. The boy in question was currently scribbling over an idea

he had been working on since the beginning on the year when he

suddenly froze and broke out in to a massive grin, he bolted to the

private sitting room where everyone was sat and burst in with his journal

in his hand.

"I have done it, its official, I am a freakin' genius, and I have proved it

with this." He announced grandly to everyone and Sirius just cracked up

seeing the utter disbelief on Narcissa and Lucius' face.

"Your modesty astounds me, Harry." Severus drawled, having become

used to the random bouts of self-praise Harry would give himself, and the

boy grinned.

"Well wait until you see this." He said, handing over his latest work,

Snape looked through it with his eyebrows raising the more he read.

"This is amazing, all the components will work and even though it is

complex I have no doubt you will be able to make it." Snape told him and

Harry nodded excitedly.

"I know, sometimes I surprise myself with my intelligence." Harry sat

down with a happy sigh, "I was just born to be smart."

"Where did this idea come from?"

"I created a spell that does the exact same thing but I know that it is a

tricky spell to cast." Harry shrugged.

"You've created a spell." Lucius exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yes and edited a few. I've created a potion too, well two potions now."

"Are you sure you are 11?"

Harry grinned.

"Pretty sure yeah."

"What spell is it?" Narcissa asked and Harry smirked, he waved his hand

vanished from where he was sat completely. He decided to have a little

fun so he got up and was amused when they were looking around in


"That is much better than a normal disillusion." Lucius commented

impressed, Harry smirked and walked up behind the elder blonde's chair.

"I would agree." He laughed when Lucius jumped violently and turned to

glare at Harry, who had already moved around so he was almost nose to

nose with him.

"Thank you for that, Harry."

Harry cancelled the spell just as Lucius turned around.

"You're welcome."

He nearly collapsed when Lucius all but jumped over the chair in fright, a

strangled sound leaving him. Sirius, Remus and Draco were all laughing

so hard it was silent, Narcissa was giggling and even Snape chuckled.

"Oh Merlin, that was the funniest thing." Harry gasped out, easily

ignoring the black glare he received.

"Please refrain from doing that again."

"Lucius dear, I've never seen you jump so violently." Narcissa told him

and Lucius scowled, but his eyes gave away his mirth.

"You can use my classroom to try this when we return to school." Snape

said to Harry, who beamed in response, he snapped his fingers and the

black book disappeared back to his room.

"On the off chance," Narcissa began, "You're little trick where your

summoned items come directly to you wouldn't happen to be one of the

spells you have edited." Harry flashed her an impish grin.

"I got sick of waiting for my things to fly through the air hitting Circe

knows what on their way." He answered and she ruefully shook her head.

"We were speaking, before you came in declaring your brilliance, about

your, how did you put it, 'sperm donor'." Remus finished with a grin and

Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Why were you wasting valuable speech talking about that?"

"I was explaining to Cissa and Lucy (said blond glowered) just how

unbearable he has become, and what the spawn is like." Sirius said and

Harry wrinkled his nose.

"The wonder child is something to be desired that is for sure, our pleasant

flying instructor on the other hand is a first class prick."

"Language," Remus and Narcissa chided at the same time.

"Sirius, what have you been saying in front of the poor boy?"

"Why is it immediately my fault?" When just got blank looks from

everyone in the room he sighed and shook his head.

"Let's talk about better things." Harry said.

"Yeah," Draco agreed and the pair looked at each other.

"PRESENTS!" They yelled.

"Yes, we know, it's Yule tomorrow."

"Come on Sev, you're supposed to be cheerful." Harry pointed out and the

Potions Master rolled his eyes.

"Brats, the pair of you."

"Oh Harry, I found that book, I did leave it here." Draco remembered and

Harry's eyes lit up.

"Come on, then we can get to work as soon as we get back." Harry said

and pulled Draco from the room.

"What are they up to?" Lucius questioned.

"I don't want to know." The three Professors sighed.

Harry and Draco ran all the way to the blond's room, where Draco pulled

out the book and flicked straight to the Cerberus page, they read over the

page almost hungrily and Harry's eyes shone.

"Here," He breathed, pointing to the lines he was reading, "Cerberus' go

straight to sleep when they are subjected to music."

"Brilliant, all we have to do is get through the rest of the tasks." Draco

said excitedly, "I can play the violin,"

"That's lucky because I suck as instruments." Harry with with a grin,

"We'll go as soon as possible."

They planned out when they would go and what they would need to

take, neither of them had any idea who wanted the stone but that could

come after they had it. Narcissa sent for them for dinner around 5 and

the boys were eagerly talking about their plan and just looked innocently

when asked what they were discussing, they all ate cheerfully they two

boys were sent to bed early because they would be up half the night the

next day.

"WAKE UP! IT'S TIME FOR PRESENTS." Harry yelled at the top of his

voice, as he jumped up and down on Sirius'and Remus' bed, shocking

them awake and almost throwing them to the floor.

"Cub, calm down," Remus instructed with his hand on his heart as he

tried to control his breathing, "You scared us half to death."

"But uncle Moony," Harry whined, "Presents!"

"Alright then, Pup. Go on, we'll meet you down there." Sirius told him,

finally being able to stop his heart racing. Harry and Draco met in the

hall and ran to the sitting room where there were stacks of presents

everywhere, they were just about to pounce om them when they were

both grabbed by the waist and hoisted in the air.

"Ah ah, calm down boys." Came the amused voice of Lucius, setting his

son easily on his hip as Sirius did the same with Harry.

"You have to wait for Remus, Narcissa and Sev, who I believe you forgot

to wake." Sirius pointed out.

"No I tried but he warded his door so tight that it would have taken me

half an hour to unpick them." Harry told them with a grin, "I didn't think

it was necessary to blast down the door,"

Said Potions Master walked in with a smirk.

"Now that, Black, is called intelligence." He informed the man, who stuck

his tongue out petulantly. Narcissa came in, looking wide awake despite

the fact that it was barely six am and she was dressed in her nightwear,

with a yawning Remus, who looked like he was still actually asleep, and

they all finally sat down. Harry turned his pleading eyes on Sirius and

Draco did the same to his mother and father.


"Go on then."

They cheered and jumped for the presents, they dished them out to

everyone and began unwrapping their own without so much as a scrap of

decorum or patience, much to the amusement of the adults. Harry had

absolutely loads of presents from robes to Quidditch gear, and other

random things that he had casually mentioned or pointed out since his

return; it was almost as if Sirius and Remus were making up for lost time.

There was a final envelop left for him and he raised an eyebrow, he

opened it and felt his eyes widened he he took in the words on the

parchment, reading it over three times before looking at Sirius in

complete shock.

"Is this for real?" He breathed, completely blindsided, and Sirius looked a

little sheepish.

"It's only a suggestion, I mean I know how much you hate Potter and I

thought-," He was cut off when Harry bodily threw himself at Sirius. This

was practically everything he could have asked for and meant more to

him than any material gift in the world.

"Yes, the answer is yes." Harry answered excitedly, no doubt in his mind



"Of course, I wouldn't want anything else." Harry assured, "I'll be fully

changing it, of course."

"What to?"

"Well I needed you for that, although I'm thinking Harrison because it can

be shortened." Harry suggested.

"Yeah, maybe Regulus for a middle." Sirius put in and Harry nodded. He

snapped his fingers, summoning a self-inking quill – weren't they one of

the greatest creations Harry thought – and signed the parchment without

haste. Sirius filled out the rest of the forms, sealing them with his

Lordship ring before setting them aside and pulling out a familiar potion.

Harry bit back a grimace, drinking the potion down in one and gritting

his teeth over the pain that washed over him, he could feel it changing

him him, and Harry didn't know if it was his imagination or not but it

seemed to be changing more than it did when he had done the same

process with the Founders.

"I, Sirius Orion, Lord and Head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Black, do hereby select Harrison Regulus as son and Heir to my House. So

I wish it, so mote be it." Sirius spoke clearly and the magic started to stir

in the air.

"I, Narcissa Selene, daughter of the Noble and Most Ancient House of

Black, do recognise and accede to the Lord and Head's decision, and

accept Harrison Regulus as Heir." Narcissa spoke next bringing the magic

higher and leaving Harry to finish the vow.

"I, Harrison Regulus, do hereby accept Sirius Orion as the Head and Lord

of my House, and as my father. So I will it, so mote be it."

The magic flashed and there was a cold cry of a raven, signalling the

acceptance of the Black family magic, and Harry felt a ring appear on his

finger; the Black Heir ring. Harry hugged his new father tightly, almost

overcome with emotions; he had a proper family name, not just in name

and Potter could go screw himself. He was passed to Moony next, who

muttered his congratulations and then on to Narcissa, who pressed a kiss

to his dark hair and welcomed him to the family.

"Yes!" Draco burst out, as soon as the moment was over "Now were

actually decently related."

"Another Black, wonderful." Snape drawled but he was only joking and

Harry flashed him a roguish grin.

"You love it really."

"He's got that damn grin as well, Merlin help me!" He sighed


"Don't worry Sev, I'm here to help you out." Sirius told him

sympathetically before cracking up. The rest of the morning passed

cheerfully and the elves provided a small lunch, Harry and Draco has a

game of chess, where Harry lost rather spectacularly; he blamed the new

blood. They played games and relaxed all day, having an absolutely

incredible Yule feast before they performed the Burning of the Log. When

Harry finally collapsed in to bed in the early hours of the morning, he

was completely exhausted but the happiest he had ever been, and he fell

asleep with a smile on his face.

Draco came running in to Harry's room flushed with excitement, he was

dressed in his Hogwarts robes and was grinning.

"Hurry up, we have things to do as soon as we get back."

Harry grinned.

"Yes I know, I'm ready now, I had to perfect my new look, I'm spending

too much time around you." He received a whack around the head for his

comment, though Draco didn't deny it.

"Uncle Sirius is still moaning about going back to teach Potter, mother

silenced him much to Moony's relief." Draco told him, he had taken to

calling Sirius and Remus 'uncle' just as Harry had started calling Cissa

and Lucius 'aunt' and 'uncle'.

"Aunt Cissa did the right thing, poor uncle Moony has to live with father."

Harry said, he had taken to calling Sirius father as he saw the man a

better one than his birth father. There was no question in his mind; Sirius

Orion Black was his father and nothing anyone could ever say would

dispute that. They both left the room and headed for the sitting room,

where they were greeted by the weirdest of sights: Sirius was laid on the

floor with his arms around Lucius' leg, Remus and Snape seemed to be

trying to pry him off and Narcissa looked as if she was holding herself up

on Lucius with laughter.

"What in Merlin's name?" They burst out before giving in to fits of

laughter, the adults gathered their baring's quickly as Draco and Harry

continued to clutch each other in support.

"Oh Merlin,"

"That was the funniest thing I have ever seen." Harry gasped.

"I don't even want to know, just remember that we are never going to

forget that." Draco sighed wiping his eyes.

"Come on you two, leave the children to play." Narcissa said with a smile,

they smirked at the affronted men and followed her to the fireplace.

Harry found himself in a tight hug from Narcissa and a kiss on the cheek.

"Be good and write regularly, I'll see you in the summer." She told him

and Harry smiled, before he threw floo powder in to the grate.

"Marauder's Pad, Sanctuary." He called and vanished in a flash of green

flames, moving aside so Draco could come through. They fell on to the

couch in wait but when the adults didn't come in the first five minutes

the boys grew bored.

"Shall we leave them a prank and go to the feast?" Draco suggested and

Harry smirked, they set up a charm which would change their robed

bright orange and green as soon as they left the portrait hole. Harry also

charmed the couch to sing when sat on and they left, hurrying down to

join the rest of the students for the feast. Sirius and Remus rushed in at

the last minute, throwing glares to the innocent faced first years as they

moved to their places as the Head table. Once everyone had settled, the

Headmaster rose with a grandfatherly smile on his face.

"Welcome back, I hope your Christmas' were wonderful; dig in." He

announced and the feast began. It feast passed quickly, Harry and Draco

spoke with their friends and Harry pointed out his new name and Heir,

especially to Pansy. She was one of the biggest gossips in the school and

if they wanted anything put out there they would go to her, she could

make the most outlandish of stories pop up and be believed from

apparent thin air, and it never appeared to originate from Slytherin

House. Harry gave it until tomorrow before the entire school knew,

including the staff.

"You know that you are going to be in for some arguments because of

this." Draco muttered to him and Harry smirked.

"Oh I know, I can't wait to see his face."

They left the hall but a voice stopped Harry in his tracks.

"Harrison Regulus Black."

He winced

"Oh you got the full name." Draco laughed

"You too Draco Lucius Malfoy,"

"Looks like you did too, Dray." Theo snickered at the both of them, Harry

turned around to face his father with a beaming smile.

"Father, so good to see you, it's been a while, we should catch up."

"A prank on our door?"

Harry and Draco both looked confused, immediately going to innocent.

"What are you talking about?" Draco asked bewildered.

"We came through the floo and went to the feast." Harry told him with a


"I think you should look to the other marauder you live with." Draco

pointed out, making Sirius look confused.

"What, I mean- never mind." He walked away shaking his head and the

pair hi 5'd.

"We are good." Harry said.

"So good." Draco agreed and they carried on to the dungeons, happily

getting settled back in to the Snape pit and having a brief catch up with

the rest of their year mates before heading to bed early for lessons


Harry yawned as he jabbed Draco awake, he had become more relaxed in

his sleeping habits since his return to the future, not having the gruelling

training and lessons he put himself through anymore, but he wasn't

worried as all his magic was regularly practiced. He had even made time

to practice his bow and arrow work during the holidays, beginning to

teach Draco as the blond was fascinated. Harry went down to wait in the

common room reading a book as usual and Draco fell in to the room soon

after, they trudged up to the Hall and absently ate breakfast. Their

lessons were simple, both having read and studied ahead, and Harry was

glad when the day was over. He was right in saying that his name change

would be all over the school by that day, because he was cornered by his

wonderful sister after Transfiguration; it was always Transfiguration.

"Just because you have changed your name doesn't make you any less

pathetic." She spat at him and Harry merely raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever you say, Potter," He drawled with a smirk, relishing in the fact

he could call her that and have no association with the same name; it was


"Well we're better without you, anyway." She huffed, flouncing off and

leaving Harry to move down to dinner. Unfortunately he didn't get far

because Potter Sr caught up with him just outside the Great Hall.

"What is this I've heard about you changing your name?" He demanded

and Harry smirked.

"I decided to change my name over the holidays, I think it suits me

better." Harry answered him brightly.

"You can't just change your name in the wizarding world, it's different to

the muggle one." He snapped.

"Oh I know, which is why father blood adopted me." Harry said

cheerfully, he carefully sidestepped James, who had just worked out

what he said and was beginning to look irate, and made his way in to the

Slytherin table.

"BLACK," was heard roared from the Entrance Hall, both Sirius and Harry

exchanged looks and Harry pointed at Sirius with a grin. James Potter

came storming in and straight up to Sirius, who was trying not to grin as

he spoke to Severus.

"Black, what do you think you are doing?" He spat.

"Well I was talking to Severus until you spat at me." Sirius replied, wiping

spit from his face.

"You cannot just blood adopt my son."

"Actually I can, Harrison was quite for it."

"His name is Harry,"

"No you should look at the records, its Harrison Regulus Black, Heir to

the most Ancient and Noble House of Black." Sirius told him proudly.

"Didn't you agree with Lucius that Harrison was to be the next in line to

carry the Malfoy line if anything should happen to Draco!?" Snape asked

and Sirius nearly broke, they hadn't agreed to anything of the sort but it

was pushing Potter's buttons.

"You did what! He's a filthy death eater, what is wrong with you,

associating with scum." James ground out.

"That filth as you put it Potter is my family."

"Yes and we all know what sort of family you have Black."

Sirius got to his feet and it was a much more impressive sight than


"I would be quiet if I were you Potter," His tone was soft and deadly.

"Is that a threat?" James sneered.

"Oh no, but like you said everyone knows what sort of family I have."

Sirius' wand was in his hand as if indicating his point and Dumbledore

decided it was time to intervene.

"Calm down gentlemen, we can go to my office to discuss this properly."

"That is not necessary Headmaster, there is nothing to discuss." Sirius

said, never taking his eyes of the Potter Lord.

"Everything has been said." James agreed and stalked away, Sirius sat

down calmly and continued to eat like nothing had happened.

"Why do I have the feeling he is going to become even more unbearable?"

Snape questioned.

"Why do I have the feeling your right?"

By the end of the week Harry wanted to murder James Potter with his

bare hands, Draco had to physically restrain him from cursing the flying

instructor and Harry spending more and more time in Salazar's duelling

room to relieve his stress. Potter had taken to striping Harry of points

whenever they met and making snide comments about Harry, Sirius,

Remus and the Malfoys and it was driving Harry crazy.

"I swear I'm going to wring his neck." Harry snarled, storming in to the

common room.

"What has he done this time?" Draco sighed.

"50 points, 50."

"What? You have got to be joking!? That completely wipes our lead

putting Gryffindor at the top." Theo exclaimed and Harry nodded


"I know and he took them off for obstructing the hallway, insulting a

fellow student and wasting his time." Harry spat, "I was putting a book in

my bag as I left the library asking Daphne to remember the Charms


"He can't do that! Go to Professor Snape." Blaise told him and Harry

nodded, Draco cleared his stuff and left with Harry to see his Godfather.

The two Snakes slipping through the painting and knocked sharply on the

potions masters' office waiting for an entrance. Snape was working on

essays but looked up when his Godson and best student entered,

becoming immediately alarmed when he took in their demeanour.

"What is wrong with the pair of you?"

"Potter," Harry growled and when Snape raised an eyebrow he

elaborated, "I just lost 50 points for rules that you wouldn't even take of

the Gryffindor's for." Snape's eyebrows rose to his hair line.

"What were you doing?"

"Putting a book in my back coming out the library, he took points for

wasting his time and obstructing the hallway." Harry exclaimed angrily.

"He is becoming worse I see."

"Worse, he's lucky I haven't cursed him, I could do it and not get caught."

Harry muttered and Snape smirked.

"Well take 30 points for preventing harm of a staff member and 30 for

you Draco for helping a fellow classmate in their time of need."

Both boys grinned.

"Thank you sir, we do try our best." Draco said.

"Am I allowed to curse him?" Harry asked genuinely.

"As your Professor I have to tell you that you are not allowed to do such a

thing." Snape told him and Harry sighed wistfully.

"Well as a student I am implored to listen to your professional opinion."

Snape rolled his eyes and dismissed them.

"Get out brats."

They ran away snickering at their dismissal. Draco suggested that they go

and see Sirius and Remus, and when they arrived they were greeted with

Sirius pacing.

"I want to wring his fucking neck." The animagus snarled.

"Let me guess, James Potter." Harry wondered from behind, coming in to

sit down and Draco threw himself on the couch.

"Yes, how did you guess?" He replied sarcastically.

"Because he just had the same rant." Draco pointed out with a smirk.

"He is the most insufferable, annoying, pig headed twat I have ever had

to deal with. What in Merlin's name I was thinking when I became

friends with that?" He ranted, throwing his hands up in the air,

"Grandfather, if you are listening, I am sorry for ignoring you."

Harry noticed Remus was silent, the werewolf was gazing in to the fire

with a faraway look and Harry narrowed his eyes.

"What did he do?"

"He insulted Remus."

Harry's eyes flashed.

"What did he say?"

"It's not what he said it's what he implied, going on about how student's

grades would fall because the Professor was out a lot. Never mind the

fact that we have been teaching here for a year longer than he has. We

had the highest grades to come out of the History classroom in over a

century, I say we, but everyone knows Moony is behind it; all the

students think he's great." Sirius explained and the two Slytherins shared

a dark look.

"Potter is a complete idiot, and anything that comes out of his mouth is

nothing but worthless drivel. If uncle Moony is going to listen that I'll hex

him, everyone loves you guys teachers." Harry said firmly and Remus

looked around.


"I don't want to hear it, you know he speaks nothing but crap, have you

heard the stuff he sprouts about Rose?"

Remus smiled.

"Ok cub,"

Harry nodded.

"Other than Potter becoming near enough unbearable, things are going

well. It was amusing to watch the light all but wilt when the

announcement of House Black and Malfoy's updated allegiance." Sirius

told them, and the pair grinned.

"Good, our Houses will stand together strongly." Draco said brightly.

"It's close to curfew, Pup, you had better get back to the common room."

Sirius told them and the boys said their goodbyes.

"I say we prank James." Harry said quietly as they walked back.

"I agree, what he said to Moony was low and we already have the plans

in place." They were both suddenly yanked in to a familiar alcove, biting

back a yelp of fright when they came face to face with two identical


"Hello tiny first years." Fred greeted.

"We could have sworn you just said the name 'Moony'." George


"And we know that is a famous name of a very famous prankster."

"You've heard of the marauders?" Harry questioned.

"Of course, they're our idols."

"We owe them so much." Fred sighed.

"You realise you're talking about my dad and uncle." Harry pointed out

and the twins choked.


"Black and Lupin?"

"Yeah," Draco said slowly.

"Padfoot and Moony, we don't mention the others." Harry told them.

"We've been in this school for a year and a half with two of the

marauders and we didn't know." Fred murmured faintly, "Oh the horror,"

"You're the marauder heir." George breathed, looking at Harry in

amazement. Fred fiddled in his pocket and pulled out a worn piece of


"This belongs to you. We know it off by heart now, anyway."

Harry blinked and grinned.

"Is this what I think it is?"

Sirius had told him of the map which he believed to be lost but

apparently not.

"The marauders map." They said together.

"Guys, I could kiss you right now."

"If you must." Fred said in a self-suffering sort of way and Harry punched


"Tomorrow evening, meet us here and I'll properly introduce you to

Padfoot and Moony." Harry suggested and they beamed, the twins slipped

out and Draco turned to Harry.

"What is it?"

Harry offered him a smirk.

"This is the thing which will make us impossible to catch."

Draco raised an eyebrow and Harry tapped the map.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." He muttered and the map

appeared, Draco's eyes widened before he also smirked.

"This is brilliant." He exclaimed and Harry nodded.

"I know but it needs to be edited, I know of other passages which aren't

on here."

"Come on, Potter is on his way." Draco pointed out, and they hurried off,

getting back to the common room easily and sitting down to do the

remainder of their homework.

Introducing the twins to the marauders was hilarious, the red heads got

down on their knees and bowed like they were worshipping Gods much

to the hilarity of Harry and Draco, who laughed at the shock looked on

the adults face. Harry explained what had happened and Sirius' admitted

to being impressed that they not only found the map, but they managed

to gain access to it. He and Remus happily told the twins some of their

best pranks and the twins did the same, all six of them laughing at some

of the things they had all done. Fred and George left looking a little star-

struck when they were welcomed back anytime, and Harry didn't know

whether to be concerned that he had introduced the four of them

properly or excited.

Harry quizzed his father and uncle on the spells of the map because he

was going to make his own and add the shortcuts and everything he

knew about the castle, he also had an idea on linking the map to viewing

and listening spells which could be put on the portraits. Once he had a

list of the spells he left to study the map, he was finished with his

homework and Draco was studying with Theo and Blaise, helping the

pair out with the latest Herbology Harry sat on his bed, with his curtains

drawn and Aressa around his neck, and opened the man, scouring it for

every detail that it had. He was amazed, there was so much there and the

dots of people had Harry's mind automatically wondering what they were

doing. Dumbledore seemed to be pacing in his office, Snape looked as if

he was brewing and when Harry's eyes glanced on the Defence corridor

on their way up to Padfoot and Moony he froze.

Quirinus Quirrell was stated clearly but nearly on top of him was the

name 'Tom Marvolo Riddle', Harry frowned in confusion which only

deepened when Quirrell moved and the name went with him, Harry had

seen that name before and decided he would look in to it. He noted

where he would add passageways, noting down the rooms he knew to be

there but didn't seem to appear on the map, and how he could link the

listening spells. He jotted down a few more notes before settling for

sleep, Aressa hissed her goodnight and curled up by his neck.

It turned out he wasn't the only one who had heard the name Riddle,

Draco pointed out an award the man had won in the 40's.

"Why did you want to know?"

Harry shrugged and Draco rolled his eyes.

"Well never mind that, guess what I have got my hands on." The blonde

pulled out a violin from his trunk and Harry's eyes lit up.


"You read my mind."

The pair were on edge all through dinner so much so that Harry

completely blanked James and Rose Potter, which, given the state of

their current relationship was quite impressive. He and Draco went to

bed early so they could catch a few hours, Harry told Aressa to wake him

when the moon was risen which was around half eleven, and when they

rose they were alert and ready. The raven head cast his masking spell on

him and Draco and told the blonde to cast the spell 'calor conspectu' at

his temple.

"This is completely strange." He muttered prodding Harry, who just

looked like a red/orange outline in the Slytherin dorms.

"Yeah it's a bit disconcerting but come on."

They walked out and headed to the third floor, Harry was constantly

checking the map but they were lucky. When they reached the Cerberus'

room, Draco began to play the first thing that came to his mind, the

blond was amazing and a beautiful tune floated through the room

immediately sending the Cerberus to sleep. Harry levitated the paw of

the trap door and jumped, the music stopped and Draco came flying

down behind him as the Cerberus growled, they landed on a plant that

started to wrap around their limbs.

"Devil snare." Draco hissed and Harry lit a fire to release them, he

cancelled the masking spell as they got up.

"Not particularly difficult." Harry pointed out as they went down the

corridor, they entered a room which had loads of flying keys, and Harry

didn't even bother to fly on the broom to search for the right one. He

placed his hand on the door and sent a pulse of magic through it, it

clicked open and they walked in to a huge room.

"Is that a chess board?" Draco gasped and Harry nodded, when they tried

to walk across the pieces came to life and blocked their way, Harry raised

an eyebrow.

"I'm guessing we have to play our way across but I don't particularly want

to play chess with stone pieces." Harry said to Draco who nodded in


"Any suggestions?"

Harry grinned and grabbed Draco by the arm, he flamed them to the

other side if the white pieces, the blonde stumbled and started retching.

"There, that works." Harry told him cheerfully, he received a filthy look.

"What in Merlin's name was that? And never do that again."

Harry merely smirked.

"Come on, Dray, pull yourself together, Malfoy's never show weakness."

Harry told him only for Draco to punch him and walk in to the next

room; the blond immediately ran back out eyes wide.

"We don't have to go through that specific room do we?"

Harry raised his eyebrows and cautiously entered the room, he

understood Draco's haste. A troll, around 20ft tall, stood with its club

hanging dumbly at its side, it didn't notice them at first but when it did it

gave a huge roar and swung its club, they dived out the way and Harry

spotted the door on the opposite side.

"Dray, the door is over there." Harry pointed dodging the club again. "Go

through it and I'll flame."

The blond nodded and bolted, Harry flames out just in time as the club

smashed in to the floor where he had just been stood, they both bolted

through the door and flames shot up in each doorway, ones were purple

and one was black. Draco pointed out a sheet of parchment on the table

which was filled with 7 different shaped and sized bottles, Harry picked

it up and read it.

Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind,

Two of us will help you, whichever you would find.

One among us seven will let you move ahead,

Another will transport the drinker back instead.

Two among our number hold only nettle wine,

Three of us are killers, waiting hidden in line.

Choose, unless you wish to stay here forevermore,

To help you in this choice we give you these clues four:

First, however slyly the poison tries to hide,

You will always find some on nettle wine's left side;

Second, different are those who stand at either end,

But if you would move onwards, neither is your friend;

Third, as you see clearly, all are different size,

Neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides;

Fourth, the second left and the second on the right,

Are twins once you taste them, though different at first sight.

"Sev is way too smart for his own good." Harry muttered but he was


"This is the time where I thank Merlin you are unnaturally smart." Draco

told him and Harry laughed at the irony. He inspected each bottle when

and found the bottle which would let them go forward through the black


"Here, this is it, drink it and go through."

"That's hardly a mouthful, what are you going to do?" Draco asked taking

the tiny bottle.

"If I'm right as soon as the bottle goes back in its place it will refill."

Harry explained.

"And if it doesn't?"

"I'll use a flame freezer and walk on through."

Draco rolled his eyes and walked through the flames, Harry placed the

bottle back and watched as it shook before refilling, he grinned and

necked the bottle following Draco through. He didn't want to just walk

through the flames, though he may have been a fire elemental, it didn't

mean cursed fire would wash over him; he'd like to try that theory in a

controlled environment first.

"See, I'm never wrong." Harry said smugly.

"Well oh genius one work this out." The blonde motioned to a grand

mirror that was in the room, it was the only thing in the room so Harry

walked forward to inspect the mirror, he could feel the magic on it as he

looked it over.

"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on woshi." Draco muttered.


Draco pointed at the inscription at the top of the mirror.

"What does it mean?" The blonde asked as Harry gazed as it.

"I show not your face but your heart's desire." Harry read, "It's in mirror."


"Yes which means that this is the key to the stone."

Draco was stood in front of the mirror and he looked in to it, he gasped

and stepped back.

"I have the stone and I'm using it but I don't know how to get it."

Harry tilted his head.

"Oh that's good," He breathed with his eyes alight.

"What?" Draco asked bewildered.

"Let me stand there for a second." Draco moved and Harry placed himself

in front of the glass, he closed his eyes and focused his thoughts and

feelings then snapped his eyes open. He was stood calmly in the mirror

when the reflection suddenly winked and pulled a blood red stone from

his pocket and replaced it in the same place, only this time he felt a

weight land in his actual pocket and he broke in to a shit eating grin.

"Oh Dumbledore, I won't deny you are clever." Harry turned to face

Draco and pulled the stone out of his pocked, Malfoy's eyes widened.

"How in the name of Circe did you do that?"

"You needed to want the stone but not want to use it, it is quite simple if

you think about it but brilliant."

Draco shook his head.

"I give up." He sighed and Harry laughed. He looked the stone over,

looking at all its tiny details before conjuring up one that was identity

and setting it back in to the mirror.

"Come on, we have to flame back."

Draco curled his lip in distaste, Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed him,

making sure to land in the bathroom just in case Draco was sick. The

other Snake wasn't, but he didn't look to healthy as they went to bed,

Harry secured the stone in his trunk under every ward he knew plus a

Parseltongue password. He fell in to bed with a smile on his face.

"What are we going to do with it? I mean we both have enough gold and

I don't know about you but right now I don't think we need to worry

about living forever." Draco said to Harry quietly as they made their way

to Herbology the day after.

"I'm thinking about finding who was after it in the first place and go from

there." Harry suggested with a shrug, of course he wanted to do some

experiments as well but if they could find who wanted it they could


"True, it's just actually finding who wanted it," Draco pointed out, Harry

didn't answer because they reached the rest of the class. They were

learning the correct way to pick aconite so he didn't have to concentrate,

he was thinking on who could possibly want the stone then snorted to

himself; who wouldn't.

"We'll work on who's after it, it doesn't matter too much, it's not like it's

going anywhere." He would be alerted if anyone so much as brushed

against the compartment he had hidden the stone in.

They had no luck on discovering who was after the stone and it went out

of Harry's mind when the next Quidditch match approached in February,

he had begun his own version of the map and he had some pretty decent

research on Tom Riddle. He had written to the goblins, who had happily

sent him as much information as they could on the name 'Riddle' as they

weren't allowed to give away personal information. Riddle was from a

long line of Unblessed that seemed to come from somewhere close to

Morgana Le fey, he went to Hogwarts during the 40's and was a top

student, he had received a special award to the school, a prefect and

Head Boy and was the smartest person that had every walked the halls of

the school.

Then it seemed that after the 50's Riddle just vanished of the radar, he

either changed his name or was living as a hermit but there was no trace

of 'Tom Marvolo Riddle' until Harry had seen the name on the map and

the map never lied. It frustrated Harry to no end that he barely knew

anything about the mysterious name but it was put in to the back of his

mind in thought of the game, Flint was pushing them to the limits and

they were training nearly every night much to the team's ire.

"If you're going to complain you should think of the 60 points Gryffindor

were leading us by on the last game." He roared and that shut everyone

up. It had come to a tie. Even though Slytherin had already beaten

Gryffindor, they Lions had won all of their games with a lot of points, so

they were tied with Slytherin at the top of the board as this was the

decider match. Harry and Draco had put plan 'humiliate Potter' in to

motion. It started off as small things like changing the colour of his shoes,

they would cast little spells on him daily and they were slowly getting

bigger; Harry made his robes change violent pink. It was starting to get to

Potter as it was happen every day, but what he didn't realise that Harry

had slipped a potion in his drink that was like a memory, it made the

magical core remember all of the spells cast on its being and it could be

triggered to replace the spells with a certain word or spell.

The Snakes were layering up the spells and Harry had set the trigger

word to 'Rosie', so when Harry slipped him the activation potion every

time James said 'Rosie' or it was spoken around him all of the prank

spells he had vanished or removed would come back full force and the

potion was untraceable. It was a genius potion he had found in the back

or Sal's book and he immediately made it, Draco sat down with a nod

signalling the activation potion had been administered and Harry

smirked evilly.

"Let the fun begin." He murmured. Unfortunately for the pranksters, they

didn't see James until dinner, but when they did it was so worth the wait.

He sat down and began speaking with Lily and it didn't take two minutes

before James suddenly changed. Harry coughed to cover his laugh and

Draco ducked his head, James Potter had green skin, orange hair, pink

robes, blue shoes, yellow eyes and a clown nose. The hall erupted in

laughter and James looked down in alarm, he waved his wand and got

rid of it with a laugh and continued his conversation. Again half way

through he changed in to the same get up causing laughs, when it

happened for the 5th time Harry had to determinedly look away from the

staff table and Draco was concentrating on his plate at an alarming rate

but his glowing pink cheeks were a clear sign of his amusement. On the

7th time they left to laugh outright, they clutched their sides and held

each other up in their giggles.

"How long does this last?" Draco gasped out.

"I'm not sure, I think it needs a counter." Harry replied and they dissolved

in roaring laughter again.

"Oh Merlin, this is going to be hilarious."

Harry nodded in agreement.

"Come on lets go see dad, it's been a few days."

When they got to the marauders quarters they discovered Sirius and

Remus in fits of laughter.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked with a grin of his own.

"Potter stormed out of the hall." Sirius told them, and they hi 5'd. "It was


"How? They left before James and it kept happening?" Remus pointed out

and both Draco and Harry's grins were anything but reassuring.

"It might have something to do with Rosie." Harry told them putting

emphasis on 'Rosie'.

"Yes, he does often speak about Rosie." Draco added with a smirk, both

marauders had raised eyebrows so Harry explained a bit more.

"If one were to mention Rosie near Potter then something unfortunate

may happen." Remus eyes widened before he cracked up.

"Word activated prank." He told Sirius through his laughs, the animagus

gaped before falling about laughing.

"How long does it last pup?"

Harry grinned evilly.

"It needs a counter."

And they all fell in to more laughter.

The prank on James Potter lasted in to March before Dumbledore told

Snape to find and brew a counter potion. Harry, Sirius, Draco and Remus

spent copious amounts of time in tears of laughter. They had taken to

walking past James and declaring something was 'simply Rosie' and he

would change, it took a lot of self-control not to yell the word in the

Great Hall and it amazed them that he hadn't seemed to connect what

caused it. James was like a walking storm cloud, especially when he

found out he had to rely on Snape for a cure. The Potions Master had

come in to the common room and stood in front of Harry with a raised

eyebrow for 5 minutes before the boy caved and fetched the potion

which would deactivate the prank. Draco did point out it was a job well

done and Sirius said that it made the top ten of pranks of all time, which

was a bonus, the twins also came up to them and patted them on the

back silently and walked away; it seemed as if they couldn't find the


Harry was working on his edited version of the map still, he had started

to draw it up, which was a task in itself – there was just so many things

to remember. Putting Hogwarts down on parchment was much more

difficult that he could have anticipated, and he admired his father and

uncle all the more for it. On top of that, he was still trying to find a lead

to who was after the stone and repeatedly coming up black, making

frustrated and irritable, so he was forced to go through his entire mind

and reorder it. It helped him focus and he realised he was better off

searching for the mysterious Riddle at the current time. He was sat in

Defence where Quirrell was stuttering through something pointless and

Harry decided to check the map, his head shot up when he saw 'Tom

Marvolo Riddle' practically on top of Quirrell as usual, his eyes narrowed

and he discretely cast his heat signature spell to see for any hidden

presence behind the Professor.

When he didn't find any he looked at the map again to check and the

name was still there, he cancelled the spell and frowned in thought; what

in Hades was going on? He knew the map was fine as he had gotten

Remus to check it and it clearly stated Riddle was in the room, he silently

left when the bell rang trying to work out the puzzle and absently rubbed

his scar which was burning slightly. Rose pushed past him and he froze

as everything clicked in to place. Tom Marvolo Riddle disappeared in the

late 50's early 60's just as the whisperings of the Dark Lord Voldemort

began, a genius and a model student Riddle was somehow connected to

the Dark Lord, but how? Then it came to him, Voldemort couldn't be a

real name, it emerged in the early 60's before it boomed and was feared,

but Voldemort had disappeared on Halloween when the killing curse had

backfired now the Philosopher's Stone which created the elixir of life was

hidden here and the Dark Lord was famous for his ability to possess

people; Harry had done his research.

"Harrison!" Draco's voice entered his whirling thoughts.

"What?" His voice sounded off.

"You phased out and froze, I called you 5 times."

Harry blinked.

"I need to do something." He muttered and began running full pelt back

to the common room, he tore through tapestries and jumped down stairs,

he flew in to the common room ignoring the alarmed looks and nearly

fell up the stairs in his haste to get to the dorms. He rushed to a desk and

pulled out the journal he had been using for all of his research on Riddle

just as Draco fell through the door, he waved his hand and sealed the

doors shut and pulled out a quill. Harry wrote down the name Tom

Marvolo Riddle and rearranged it, his eyes widened as his suspicions

were confirmed.

"I cannot believe it." He breathed completely stunned, he couldn't believe

he didn't work it out sooner: with his scar and someone wanted to steal

the stone, who else would be desperate for the Philosopher's stone so

suddenly and an actual threat to it? Dumbledore must have known,

placing it close to him to try and ward him off with his presence. He

suddenly hired both the Potters, both of which were for runners in the

last war and both very good with a wand.

"What is it, you've gone strange?"

Harry looked at his best friend with the shock still written on his face.

"I've worked it out, who wants the stone." Harry told him.

"What? How and who?"

"I should have seen it before, it was glaring me in the face." Harry

muttered to himself.

"Who is it?"

"Remember I asked you about Riddle?"

Draco nodded.

"Well I did some research in to him, he's from a long line of unblessed

from his father's side but I couldn't get the info from his mother because I

didn't know her name; you cannot get information on a certain person,

just a surname it's a loophole." Harry explained and Draco nodded in


"But where did you even get the interest and what's he have to do with

the stone?"

"I saw his name on the map and he was always by Quirrell, like literally

on top of the man and the map never lies. In my research I found that

Tom Marvolo Riddle vanished in the late 50's and when I checked the

map in Quirrell's lesson today, Riddle was there still." Harry was excited

now, the Dark Lord was in the school right now and it was the perfect

opportunity to speak to the man. If his words were honest and his cause

appealed to Harry, then the boy would join his cause, however Harry had

a few points he wanted to make clear. He wouldn't follow anyone and he

would never take the Dark Mark, the tattoo branded in to the Dark Lord's

followers, he would join him however but he was getting off topic.

"I get that, so you think whoever this Riddle person is wants the stone."

"Oh I know he does and I know why, I also know why he disappeared."

Harry rushed out and handed Draco the journal; Tom Marvolo Riddle – I

Am Lord Voldemort. The blond's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"You cannot be serious?"

"It fits, Voldemort is an anagram of his original name. When Riddle

vanished Voldemort rose until he vanished on Samhain when the killing

curse backfired. I thought Riddle vanished when he didn't, he was very

much out there; it was the name that vanished." Harry explained

excitedly to a wide eyed Malfoy.

"That's all well and good but if this is the Dark Lord how do you explain

him always around Quirrell when no one was in the classroom?"

"Voldemort was famous for his ability to possess anything and anyone:

Quirrell's stutter is too fake and there's something about his which is off."

He left out his scar as he hadn't explained to anyone that he was the one

that Voldemort attacked.

"So the Dark Lord is in the school right now and is after the Philosopher's

Stone." Draco summarised in a slightly higher voice than normal and

Harry nodded. "The same Philosopher's Stone that we have?" Harry

blinked a few times.

"Yeah that stone would be the one." He said like he was just realised it.

"We're dead," The blond moaned looking at the door like he expected the

Dark Lord to burst through and murder them.

"I have every intentions of giving him the stone should his answers satisfy

my questions." Harry stated firmly and Draco looked at him insane.

"You're going to go to the Dark Lord and give him the Philosopher's Stone

after asking him questions?"

"Yes, I won't simply join a cause simply because others have told me its

worthy." Harry told him, "It's not in my nature. Besides, I want to talk to

him; he seems very interesting."

Draco suddenly sank on to his bed.

"He seems very interesting." He repeated faintly, "This is it, isn't it? This is

how it's going to end."

"Don't be so dramatic." Harry waved him off, "Do you want to come with


"You're quite alright,"

Harry laughed.

Soooo what did you think? This chapter had needed the least

amount of revisions so far, thankfully, and I think it's because this

was only written just over a year or so ago. Anyway, there we have

it and I would love to know what you think.


10. Chapter 10

A/N: You guys are the best! When I first started this story it was

only a rough idea, I never thought it would turn out to be this

popular and for everyone who has stuck with it, I thank you.

A/N2: Ok so this has been expanded greatly, shooting up to 10k for

a word count O.o I've chopped and changed it up a bit, cleaned up

Harry's meeting with the Dark Lord – to the new readers, yes, it's

finally happening in this chapter.

Disclaimer: Everything belongs to J. K. Rowling who is the creator

of the books that changed my life.

Warning: Mild swearing.


Chapter 10:

It was a week after his discovery when Harry finally found the perfect

opportunity to go and speak with the Dark Lord, he was going to do it

Friday when lessons finished early and most students would be scattered

around the school. He wouldn't be missed too much and that was exactly

what he needed. He was ridiculously nervous and physically couldn't sit

still on Thursday night, many different things spinning in his mind about

what he was going to do the following day.

"I need you to cover for me tomorrow at lunch and if I don't make it to

dinner." Harry reminded Draco as he paced the dorms.

"Of course," Draco was almost as nervous as Harry, his best friend was

going to see the most feared Dark Lord on his own.

"Just say I'm doing research and I've gone somewhere in the castle."


"And if I'm not back before midnight, tell Snape and Sirius everything

and point out they probably won't find my body."

"Don't say that." Draco hissed.

"It's the worst case scenario." Harry pointed out.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Definitely, I refuse to pass this opportunity." It was the truth even if his

insides felt like crap.

"I need to do something, I'll be back in an hour." Harry muttered and

vanished in flames, Draco ran his hands through his hair with a sigh;

Harrison Black drove him insane. Harry landed near Salazar's training

room, his magic was restless as he had been keeping in reigned in tighter

ever since Snape had told him it could be felt as soon as he entered a

room. He hissed the password and stood on the platform, he unhooked

the hold he had and his magic flared around him strumming in the air,

falling in to his duelling stance he began. Harry had missed the twists

and flexes of daily duelling practice, the flow of magic circled him

humming in contentment. Harry threw everything he had in the firing

spells and they were coming in streams, he laughed at the release and

finally brought his fyre up and watched as it soared around the room

before he let it melt away.

He was glad that he could still perform well, though he wouldn't know

how well he came up against an opponent for a while. He brought his

magic in and made his way back to the dorms, his nerves had calmed

slightly but they were still very much there. Draco was asleep when he

got back, the blond was scared for him even if he wouldn't admit it.

Harry sat and went in to a meditative trance, going over his mind more

to sooth himself rather than order it. When he came too he was perfectly

calm and his mind was sharp and clear, and he was ready.

He was up dressed and reading at 6:30 Friday morning, he had Aressa

with him as well as the Stone, he was surprised when Draco appeared not

long after, they sat in silence until the rest of their year mates came

down. At breakfast Harry acted normally but he refused to look at the

staff table because he knew Snape or Sirius would spot his swirling

emotions he had masked, Draco was quiet and Harry threw him a

meaningful look and he pulled it together. They went to Potions and

Harry put his full concentration in to his work, he refused to meet

Snape's eye head on which he knew the man would notice but he would

deal with that later.

Draco was barely keeping it together when they walked to Defence and

Harry really couldn't blame him, he swore the time they waited for the

door to open was the longest minute of his life. Harry sat in his usual seat

next to Draco who was staring at his desk, taking a deep breath and they

shared a look. The lesson was just as pointless as always but it seemed to

go on forever, Harry felt his anticipation build and his magic thrummed

under his skin to be released. He was discretely watching Quirrell as he

stuttered through an explanation of the disarming spell, watching as the

man had complete control over his entire act and he had to admit he was


"Is there any chance you are wrong about this?" Draco asked, his voice

barely audible. Harry looked up at Quirrell and as the man turned he saw

his eyes flicker red for the tiniest of moments and his scar started to burn;

Harry blinked.

"If I thought I was wrong before, I know I'm not now." Harry replied in

the same low tones and Draco froze.

"What do you mean?"

"His eyes just went red." Harry breathed and Draco's knuckled went



Harry nodded and they went back to listening to the stuttering, Harry

was running through his ideas and jumped when the bell rang. Draco

looked at Harry with wide eyes and slowly got to his feet, Harry followed

him to the door and they were the last ones in the class.

"Are you sure about this?" Draco questioned paler than usual.

"Yes, I have to do this, Draco, there are other things involved that no one

knows about except me and him." Harry explained softly, Draco seemed

to look more worried. "I swear I'll explain everything later, if he lets me

that is."

"What if you don't come back?"

"I refuse to go out fighting, I may be able to hold him off in this

weakened state."

"Sev and Sirius are going to murder me."

"I-i-is there a p-p-p-problem boys?"

Draco squeaked and Harry kicked him.

"Nothing, Professor," Harry said politely, throwing Draco a look; the

blond swallowed and nodded.

"Midnight," He hissed before turning on his heal, Harry slowly shut the

door and sealed it.

"Can I h-help you M-M-Mr B-Black?"

Harry took a deep breath, he was still facing the door but he was wound

tighter than a spring.

"Let me speak to him, Quirrell." Harry said clearly, his voice strong and

unwavering and there was a small intake of breath from behind him.

"W-what are y-y-you talking about B-Black?"

"I wish to speak with the Dark Lord, or is he back to Mr Riddle now?"

Harry felt the wave of power that came as Voldemort took control of his


"How do you know that name?" Quirrell spoke again but his voice was

different, it was smoother, colder, and darker.

"I knew that name before I connected it to you. I found out someone

called Tom Marvolo Riddle was around Quirrell permanently, it took me

a while to figure out how especially when there was no heat marking

another person in the room. You are rather famous for your ability to

possess people."

"Very clever, Mr Black," He murmured, "Very clever indeed. Such

knowledge of one's enemy can be beneficial."

"Enemy?" Harry repeated, turning around to face him, "Hm. That would

depend on your viewpoint."

"Oh?" There was the barest trace of interest in his voice as he spoke,

looking the boy over slightly, "Some of your associates would question


"Past associates," Harry corrected, "You've noticed the recent change of

name, I am sure."

"Ah yes, Harrison Regulus Black, Heir to the Noble and Most Ancient

House of Black. Quite the sudden change, after eleven years as the son of

Potter. I hear they are doing rather well for themselves now."

"Yes, they are apparently." Harry agreed candidly, "As sudden as they

may appear, it was always heading in this direction. It's a side effect of

leaving one of your children on the doorstep of a muggle house."

Harry felt a surge of anger that wasn't his own, and the Dark Lord hissed,

his magic suddenly snapping around him before it settled again.

"They did what?"

"Yes, you see they had absolutely no other options as it was just so

important they focus on their special Rosie. After all she is so famous,

they didn't want me to 'suffer'." Harry told him blandly.

"They dare cast away a magical child!" He seethed, "They sent one

blessed with Lady Magic's gifts to filthy muggles?"

"On the word of Dumbledore, of course."

"That loathsome man would see others suffer for his so called greater

good." The Dark Lord spat, "Potter is nothing more than a weak minded

sycophant, functioning merely to do Dumbledore's will. To send a child

away… if any of my Death Eaters would have done such a thing they

would have burned."

Narcissa truly wasn't exaggerating when she said the dark had a very

strict believe in the next generation Harry surmised, quite moved by the

passion in the man's voice; Salazar would have been proud to hear

someone championing such actions.

"You understand my wish not to associate when them." Harry said


"I would have killed them."

"Trust me, if I could get away with it Potter wouldn't be on this earth."

Harry snapped, "As it is, I am sure you haven't missed the obnoxiously

bearded individual currently holding reign on this castle."

The Dark Lord snorted at the boy's description of Dumbledore;

obnoxiously bearded, he would have to remember that one.

"You have worked out who I am and then still approached me; why? You

must have a purpose, by your actions today no one other than your friend

knows you are here."

"I have a proposition for you." Harry told him bluntly and Voldemort

blinked slowly.

"You have a proposition for me?" He could not have sounded more

incredulous if he tried. Harry didn't know whether to be affronted or

amused by his reaction.


"You are eleven."

"Its funny that I should be aware of that already given that I have lived

those eleven years." Was Harry's deadpanned yes highly sarcastic

response and Voldemort smirked, the brat's audacity amused him.

"I could kill you quite easily," He pointed out and Harry tilted his head.

"Actually, I do not believe it would be as easy as you think." Harry

mused, "While I don't doubt you are incredibly powerful, beyond that,

you are currently not in your own form and your core is not fully your

own. And as it were, I do have my own power and tricks that would help

me to evade you if needed."

"You speak of power yet I do not feel any magic coming from you."

"And you speak of feeling magic when I cannot feel yours," Harry

countered immediately, "There are ways to hide your magic if you do not

want anyone to feel it."

"Release it, show this power you speak so highly of." Voldemort goaded

and Harry smirked. He saw what the man was doing, but he was willing

to play along. The Dark Lord had already answered quite a few of his

questions with his words on magical children, there would be few things

to derail his preferred outcome now. Harry released the hold he kept on

his magic, letting it fill the room and swim around them, though he made

sure not to let it pass the room's borders. Harry didn't realised his eyes

had fallen closed until they snapped open and he slowly breathed out.

"Most impressive," The Dark Lord's voice was smooth and layered in

something Harry couldn't quite decipher.

"I like to think so, yes," Harry agreed without blinking.

"You have hidden your magic and obviously hidden my real identity for

this proposition; what of it?"

"I believe we could be mutually helpful." He began.

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yes, Rose Potter is supposed to be the one to destroy you-,"

"She will not destroy me!"

Harry smirked.

"Oh I know, after all it was me you hit with the killing curse that night."

He responded lightly. Harry noticed that the Dark Lord had stiffened

quite a bit so he continued. "I believe your words were 'You are a

powerful child, the one to defeat me. I would keep you alive if I knew

you would join me but of course with your family there would be no

chance.' If I remember correctly that is." Harry knew he was right, he had

watched the memory many times and the slight widening of Quirrell's

eyes, Riddle knew too.

"How?" It came out barely loud enough for Harry to hear.

"I have an eidetic memory and I became a master Occlumens at 10."

Harry waved it off like it was unimportant, Voldemort decided he would

come back to that.

"The light are pinning their hopes on the wrong person who has no

remote talent. I will never join the light but I refuse to bow to anyone, it

is not in my nature." Harry said and Voldemort smirked.

"Indeed, I had that same problem which is why I never followed


Harry made a note to put that in his research.

"Currently, being only 11, I have no plans for the wizarding world; no

doubt that will change. There are already many things I do not like. I do

have the political ability as well as the gold to accomplish whatever I

wanted but that is boring and it will not hold without allies and backing."

Harry said to him, deciding to draw on all the times he had seen Salazar

negotiate with someone. The man had been teaching him to do it himself,

and Harry had negotiated on his behalf once or twice. It was much more

thrilling this time, however.

"I want to be stood there when you tell the light that Rosina isn't the Girl-

Who-Lived; that is going to be more beautiful than the purest of magic –

no offence, dear Lady."

"Why come to me if you could politically do whatever you require?"

Voldemort asked him.

"Why did you create your army when you could have done the same? I

couldn't find any information on your mother's family as I didn't know

her name but with your father's name you could have pulled a lot of


"My father was a muggle."

Harry blinked.

"Tom Riddle Sr, died just under 50 years ago by the killing curse, Morfin

Gaunt confessed, that Tom Riddle?"

"Yes, how did you know that?"

"I did a little research and I can safely say your father was an Unblessed -

Squib, from a long line actually, the name 'Riddle' is a direct decedent

from Le Fey." Harry explained eyes narrowed in thought, Voldemort

blinked a few times.

"I looked in to my father, he was not on any records anywhere. How were

you able to find something like this?" he asked curiously, if this was true

then there would be a lot of things changing.

"The Riddle line wasn't based in this country, the line of Le Fey was

thought to have died out when really the last one Cassiopeia Le Fey fled

and married an Australian wizard by the name of Septimus Riddle, then I

don't know how but the line ended up in the States and the last Wizard of

the Riddle line attended the Salem Institute of Magic in 1865, Argon

Riddle. He had a Squib, who came to this country as a babe because of

his status and grew up as a muggle unknowing of his grand ancestors,

called Thomas Riddle in 1880, who then had your father in 1905 who

then had you obviously." Harry explained running over his notes in his

head to make sure he didn't miss anything.

"This was a little research?"

"Yes, I wanted to know what you were doing around Quirrell and for that

I needed to know who you were, you have a trophy here and I started

with that."

Voldemort shook his head, he would be worried to see what a lot of

research was.

"Although glad of the information it doesn't explain how you were able to

look in to my line so vigorously." He pointed out to the boy, who


"There is a handy loophole that the goblins will go around if you have

enough sway with them. You can't find out information about a person

directly but if you wanted to know about a name they can fill you in, the

reason I couldn't find out about your mothers line is because I didn't

know her name, I did however know the last Le Fey's name and that's

how I found it married in to the Riddle line."

"That is a very handy loophole."

"Yes, I thought so."

"If I would have knew this when I was fifteen it would have saved me a

lot of effort. I could only find my mother's line which is from Slytherin."

Harry froze completely, even his mind came to a crashing halt. Slytherin,

he was of the Slytherin line, Salazar's line. He was to be the Lord

Slytherin, this was the one last living Heir, the last of the born bloodline.

Salazar refused to even give him a hint of who it would be, citing that it

was for him to discover. Oh Harry would bet his Potions ability that the

man sat imagining this meeting millions of times, finding the entire

situation absolutely hilarious each and every time. His chosen Heir, born

to one of the lightest current Houses also being the direct Heir of the

Dark Lord, and not just any Dark Lord, the Dark Lord behind the reason

the entire situation happened. Harry burst out laughing trying to even

rationalise the situation, mentally planning to curse Salazar's portrait for

his no doubt hundreds of laughs at his expense.

"Would you care to share your sudden amusement?"

"I'm sorry, but it's almost tragic how unprepared they are going to be."

Harry said, and that was an understatement. This was almost unsettlingly



In answer to the unasked question, Harry held up his hand and allowed

his Black Heir ring to switch to his Slytherin Heir ring and watched as

Voldemort's eyes widened. He moved faster than Harry could have

predicted, snatching his hand in a surprisingly gentle movement for its

ferocity, his finger gently traced over the ring's design and the snakes

suddenly came to life.

#Greetings, Lord to the Ancient Serpent House.#

#Greetings, Serpent House Guardians,#

#How may we serve our Lord on this day?# One snake asked.

#We remain vigilant in protecting the Heir.# The other said.

#He is definitely the Heir?#

#He has the approval from the Lord of All,# The first snake hissed.

#Continue your duties, Guardians,# Voldemort instructed, stepping back

and giving Harry a look full of questions.

"This should not be possible." He stated and Harry's lips quirked.

"You will find that there is a lot which most deem impossible that I can

do. I do not believe in impossible." Harry told him.

"You also know you will be explaining how this is possible. You do have

Slytherin blood and magic in you somehow as you wouldn't be able to

wear the ring, you have been accepted. How I do not know."

"An explanation can be given after we have settled my proposition."

Harry offered, "The reason I came here was because the future war is

inevitable, and I won't be with the light."

"You are correct, there will be a war. Even if I were attempt it all

politically, Dumbledore would not rest until I am dead." Voldemort

agreed, "But that is not all."

"No, as I have already said; I will not bow to anyone. But I have done my

research in to you and your cause, and you have answered basically all of

my remaining questions today. I am interested in joining your cause."

Harry admitted and Voldemort considered the boy.

"Your new family might not be as happy with your choice."

"Have you not heard?" Harry asked, a smirk coming to his face, "The

Black/Malfoy allegiance has just been renewed, and Lucius is as loyal as


Voldemort's eyes seemed to shine at that, and a smirk that didn't belong

to Quirrell came to his face.

"That is pleasing."

"There are many that would definitely not agree with that thought."

Harry said with a grin.

"I can imagine."

"Should I actually join your cause, I won't be a Death Eater. I would

expect you to actually take in my input, I may be young now, but I won't

be forever."

"I see,"

The fact that the Dark Lord didn't immediately dismiss the notion made

Harry very happy, his mind was still whirling with the fact that he was

talking to the very last of Salazar's born bloodline.

"What would you have to offer me in return for such an agreement?"

Here Harry gave him a smirk, he slowly reached in to his pocket, making

sure all his movements were clear so it didn't come across as an attack,

and withdrew the stone. He placed it on the desk between then and took

a huge amount of gratification when the man's eyes widened and he

sucked in a sharp breath.

"The Philosopher's Stone," He breathed, looking at the rock hungrily

before snapping his gaze to the boy who had current possession of it.


"I get bored very easily." Harry told him, "I have certain abilities and

knowledge that made it particularly easy for me to access. It was only the

final task, from Dumbledore, that gave us a slight hiccup."

"Why am I not surprised?"

"It was quite ingenious, as shameful as I feel to admit it. He used the

Mirror of Erised, you had to want the stone but not use it; a category you

don't fit in to."

"He knew I was after it, it was obvious as soon as I got here." Voldemort

admitted, his attention going back to the Stone in question.

"Alongside my proposition, on the agreement of giving you the Stone, I

wish to be allowed to experiment on it."

"And what would an 11 year old want to do with a legendary magical

artefact?" Riddle asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Potions of course, it may help me with my research. I've only created 2

potions and I need three for my Mastery with honours, I'm trying to beat

Snape who got his Mastery at 18 although he didn't have honours." Harry


"Potions Mastery?"

"Yeah, you can't get a Mastery in Spell Craft so that's that out the


"I get a feeling you have a lot hidden."

Harry grinned.

"I do, I have explained some things to Sirius and Sev, but I left out

Samhain; I wasn't speaking of that until I had spoken to you and gotten

my answers." He shrugged.

"If you could keep it that way until I have my own body it would simplify


Harry nodded.

"So we are in agreement?" Harry confirmed.

"I will agree to your conditions as long as you adhere to mine."

Voldemort decided after a minute of silence, "In the future, you will

report to me before you go ahead with anything war related, you will not

question my actions or my decisions in meetings or in front of any

outside my Elite, and you will explain everything." The final word of that

sentence was stressed and Harry almost grinned at the unsustainable

curiosity, it was a Slytherin trait. Harry picked up the stone and casually

tossed it in the air catching the Dark Lord's attention instantly, he

followed the stone's movements with a gaze almost dangerously sharp. It

was Harry's intention, because while the man may agree the boy wanted

a safety net for himself and his family and for what he was about to try

he needed the man distracted.

#You have laid your terms and so have I. Do we have a formal

agreement, Lord Slytherin?#

#Our terms are agreed, Heir Black, Heir Slytherin# The Dark Lord

agreed, a touch absently and Harry grinned. He felt the magic seal in the

vow and almost breathed in relief. He had switched languages purposely,

for you could not lie in Parseltongue and you could not break your word.

Parseltongue was a language much more connected to Lady Magic herself

than the human tongue, it was why it's spells more powerful and why

you couldn't lie. You cannot lie to Lady Magic. He had just secured

himself a very safe place for the future war and he was going to make the

most of it. He held out the stone for the man to take, seeing no reason

not to give it to him right away, to honour his word immediately.

"I ask that you, nor the young Heir Malfoy speak of this. Until I am in my

own form, I wish to remain as dead as the public believes me to be. The

only problem I foresee is Dumbledore, he will notice the stone is gone."

"Not likely, we stole it over a month ago." Harry told him.

"How does he not know?"

"He's traps were flimsy, it's a setup made for someone to get through. I

simply replicated the stone and replaced it, he will be none the wiser

until the end of the year in the least."

"I intend to be up and moving much before then." Voldemort brushed off,

"Very well, I have much to do. It has been ten years." He threw Harry a

scathing look, but the boy merely smiled up at him with a disgustingly

innocent smile.

"When you listen to the words of a prophet, you deserve all the

repercussions coming to you." Harry informed him chirpily, "Besides, I

didn't do anything. That was all on Fate."

"I am going to regret this decision at a later date, I am sure of it." He

decided, and Harry laughed.


"Be gone, brat, and keep your silence." Voldemort dismissed, his words

holding no real bite.

"Yes, oh mighty Lord of my House." Harry returned, sweeping in to a

graceful yet obviously mocking bow. He ran away laughing when he

found a sharp stinging hex coming towards him, slipping through the

corridors to find a spot where he could gather his thoughts. Everything

had just changed, even if nothing had yet to happen, it was all different

and Harry already felt lighter.

The man would probably be slightly pissed when he remembered that

Parseltongue made agreements binding, but he let a weakness be

exploited so he would have to reap the repercussions. What Harry could

not get over was the fact that he was Salazar's Heir, Harry wanted to

laugh again at the irony of it all. What pride Salazar must have felt when

Merlin told him that his last descendent was fighting for Lady Magic's full

freedom, Harry shook his head.

He settled himself, knowing he needed to get back to the Great Hall for

dinner, and when he cast a tempus he realised he was already late. He

rushed down to the Hall, falling in with some older Slytherins, who cast

him a disapproving look for being alone and ushered him in to the

middle of their group; they were a very paranoid lot. Harry was directed

down to the rest of the first years and he dropped down next to an

oblivious Draco, who was busy staring at his plate like it was the most

fascinating thing in the world.

"Not hungry?" He asked with a grin, causing Draco to jump violently and

turn to face Harry as if he was a ghost.

"You're alive!" He whisper exclaimed.

"Yes, I said I would be fine."

"Yes but saying that and doing that with what idiotic move you just

pulled off are two very different things, you prat!"

"Thank you for worrying about me, Draco." Harry said.

"I wasn't worried," He denied instantly, and Harry looked at him in

obvious disbelief so he hurried to continue, "I just didn't want to be the

one to tell everyone why you suddenly vanished."

"Ahh, I see," Harry said, nodding seriously. Harry started eating, not

realising that he was actually starving as he didn't eat a proper breakfast

due to his nerves. He and Draco were just finishing up when Quirrell

hurried in, he hid his smirk when the man jumped a mile when he was

offered food; that was true dedication right there. Harry left with Draco,

Daphne and Tracey, discussing their History essay that Remus had given

them recently. The conversation gradually drifted off of school related

things, and the girls had Harry and Draco in tears of laughter as they

gave a very amusing rendition of the expectations of Pureblood daughters

and Heiresses at Yule season.

"His face when Daph told him exactly what he could do with correct

spoons was the greatest thing I have ever seen," Tracey was telling them,

grinning at her best friend's sheepish look.

"I know my formal etiquette perfectly, and I have never once caused a

slight against House Greengrass. The fact that my father even dared put

me in with Tori for lessons was insulting."

"I am sure you let him know how much." Harry joked; she merely


"I do love Italy in the Yule time."

"I thought the Heirs had it bad." Draco said with a shake of his head.

"There mere thought of having to go through three dress changes blows

my mind." Harry agreed, "Each of them having to be different and yet

still be within in theme or matching your partner. That's just too much."

"Not to mention shoes, accessories and hair." Tracey reminded them.

"Yuck," they boys said together.

"Tracey, Daphne?" Pansy called, coming over with the rest of their year

mates, "I've just gotten the pre-release for the Solstice, do you want to

come and start selecting now. I am because I cannot go through another

Yule like this one."

"Oo yes, that'll be a relief when I can just hand my mother the selections

and wait for her approval of which ones." Tracey said in delight, "Daph?"

"I am right there." She agreed, "Bye boys," they boys waved as the girls

vanished up to the dorms.

"I don't think I will ever say they have it easy again," Blaise muttered

with a shudder.

"You get the horror story from Pansy?" Harry asked. Blaise and Theo


"I didn't even think of it when I saw Daphne's switch of dress this year at

the Jugsons, but now Pansy explained what they go through…"

"Thank Merlin we were born male." Theo decided.

"Harry, have you got that book so me and Theo can finish off our essays?"

Blaise remembered and Harry nodded, snapping his fingers and handing

it to the boy.

"Just throw it on my trunk when you're done." The Black Heir told him,

rising to his feet. He and Draco vanished up to the dorms, allowing the

others to do their work in peace.

"So what happened?" Draco asked, when they were sat on his bed. Harry

was sat opposite his friend and they both had their legs stretched out


"He answered a lot of my questions, and I was happy with what he had to

say. So we have come to an agreement and I gave him the stone."

"You have an agreement with the Dark Lord?" Draco repeated


"Yeah, it's going to be great."

"I give up," He decided, throwing his hands up in the air. His best friend

made his head spin, and it was just easier if he rolled with it. Though he

did kick him when Harrison laughed.

Harry had a permanent skip in his step for an entire week after his

meeting with the Dark Lord, Draco thought he was clinically insane but

Harry didn't mind, it wasn't everyday you made a binding agreement

with the greatest wizard of their time. Who also happened to be the last

of his greatest mentor's born bloodline. The only thing putting any sort of

downer was James Potter and his spawn. They were suspiciously quiet

which raised questions, James didn't take unfair points off and Rose

wasn't throwing comments left right and centre. It was highly unusual

and Harry soon understood why when his father came striding over to

him with a grim expression on his face.

"Harrison, Dumbledore wishes to see you." He informed him stiffly.

Harry's entire body stiffened and he looked at his dad through narrowed


"Really now, and why is that?"

"I have no idea," Sirius sighed. The Blacks walked silently up to the

Headmaster's office; when Sirius started naming random wizarding

sweets Harry stepped away in alarm.

"What in Circe's name are you doing?"

"Dumbledore likes to make his password a different piece of candy every

week." The man explained, his tone saying exactly what he thought of

that, and Harry's lip curled.

"Of course he does," He pressed his hand to the gargoyle who recognised

him and allowed them access with a cheerful wave, Harry grinned at his

dad's astonished face.

"Heir remember,"


Harry was tempted not to knock but Sirius beat him to it and rapped

sharply on the door, pushing it open when they were called in. Harry

withheld his hiss when he saw all the Potters along with Dumbledore in

the office.

"Headmaster, you wished to see me?" Harry asked in a forced polite tone.

This was the manipulative bastard that convinced his parents in the first

place, always believing he had the answers to everything. Dumbledore

smiled a grandfatherly smile at him and motioned for him to sit.

"Ah yes, Harry, I haven't spoken to you this year, it is about time I have."

He said kindly, "That is all Sirius,"

"Like hell it is, I won't let you attack my son without me present."

"He's not your son, Black," James spat and Harry noted that Lily winced

and stepped back lightly, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Official documentation says otherwise, Potter,"

"Now lets all calm down, this situation can be resolved simply."

Dumbledore told them all softly and Harry was tempted to snort; he was

the creator of the mess in the first place.

"Sirius, why did you adopt Harry-,"

"Harrison," Harry corrected.

"Harrison," Dumbledore sent him a look which Harry ignored, "When he

has a perfectly able family, did you do it out of spite? Using a child in

your arguments is not the way Sirius and I'm disappointed in you."

Harry counted down the seconds until his dad exploded, Dumbledore had

a great way with words.

"USE HIM!" Sirius yelled at him in utter disbelief, "How dare you accuse

me of using a child that I love like my own, the reason he is now my son

instead of that pathetic excuse of a wizard is because I wanted him and I

actually give a fuck about him, I gave him the option and he chose me."

"The only reason he chose you is because he doesn't know you, he doesn't

know what your family is like and he doesn't know how adoption works

in the world, I expect you just gave him a potion and told him to drink

it." James snapped and Sirius looked ready to kill him.

"If that was true then shouldn't you be asking why he was so willing to

drink an unknown potion to get away from you?"

"Harrison, you haven't spoke yet."

"There is nothing to say, I am happy with Sirius being my dad."

"What of your aunt, did you not like living with her, she cared for you all

these years."

Harry sneered.

"The woman hated me and my very being, whoever thought it would be a

good idea to place me there was clearly as thick as shit."

Sirius smirked.

"I placed you there because it was unfair to leave you where you would

be second best, young Rosina needs training." Dumbledore told him in a

voice which asked for an apology, Harry internally snorted.

"I stand by my original statement, thick as shit. She supposedly

vanquished the Dark Lord on Samhain, why would she need training?

Not that shows she's had any." Harry replied nastily and Sirius' lip


"Do not speak to the Headmaster like that, it is disrespectful and I forbid

you." James snarled and Harry laughed coldly.

"Shut up, Potter, you're embarrassing yourself more than usual."

"Why you disgusting little brat, you can see you've been associating with

the wrong sort of people."

Sirius hissed and Harry's fist clenched.

"I think I will have to place you back with your aunts instead of spending

the summer with your parents and sister, it is clear that you are unable to

adjust to your sister's fame. It is unfortunate but it is to be expected, it is

why you were placed away in the first place." Dumbledore sighed in a

resigned way. Harry felt his angry rise and an unhealthy rate, how dare

this man even try to interfere with his life? He had no power over him.

"It is for the best, I believe after the summer away from everything you

will appreciate what the Potters have done for you."

"He is my son, he will be staying at Black Manor for the summer." Sirius

growled with his teeth bared, his anger teetering on the edge. James


"Yes because it's best for him there,"

"What's that supposed to mean, Potter?" Sirius demanded, his tone

holding warning.

"Look at your family! Black by name, black by nature; the darkest House

in our world. You've just renewed your alliance with Malfoy, the boy had

no hope with you." James had an ugly look on his face and Harry just

knew he would not like these next words. "Of course, you are mated to a

werewolf, who knows what the boy will be exposed too with that


The shock of white got rage that shot through Harry was stronger than he

had ever felt and for once he didn't even think, he just launched himself

at James aiming for the throat; how dare he use Moony's condition

against him. Moony was a million times the better person and wizard

that Potter would ever be. He was stopped in his tracks when Sirius

grabbed him around the waist just in time and pulled him back, the Black

Lord looked positively murderous as he held the struggling boy in his

arms. Harry's magic was starting to leak out of his control and he glared

at James and Sirius wasn't faring any better.

"I will laugh as you die Potter," Sirius didn't raise his voice but it made

the Potter Lord pale, he seemed to realise he had gone to far.

"I promise you now, Potter," Harry snarled still struggling to get to him, "I

will personally be there when you die and I will try my hardest to kill

you myself." Harry's hair started to ruffle as his magic picked up, with

one last scathing look to the occupants Sirius wrenched his son from the


"You need to calm down," Sirius hissed and Harry laughed.

"Calm down, after that, you have got to be fucking kidding me." Harry

told him, "You should have let me kill the bastard,"

"In front of the Headmaster, you are going to be watched now after what

just happened."

"I don't care, he will not get away with what he just said about uncle


Sirius growled.

"No he won't, I'll strangle the prick myself."

Harry stopped struggling and let Sirius readjust his grip on him.

"I cannot believe the nerve of the Headmaster, who does he think he is?"

"A meddling old fool,"

"I swear if James comes near me I won't be responsible for my actions,"

Harry warned and Sirius chuckled coldly.

"If he even looks at me I won't be responsible for my actions, by all

means go ahead as long as nothing leads back to you."

Harry's smirk was positively sinister.

"Oh don't worry, nothing will be proven."

They were back at the marauder pad where Sirius muttered the password

and stepped in.

"Are you calmer now?"

"Not really but I won't immediately go and kill him." Harry replied.

"Kill him?" Remus repeated alarmed. Sirius took three big steps and

kissed him, Harry grinned before clearing his throat.

"I have innocent eyes."

Remus blushed and Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Says the one planning murder,"

"Yes with probably reason."

"I'm guessing the meeting didn't go well," Remus hedged and both faces


"That would be a slight understatement, Moony." Sirius ground out.

"How bad did it go?"

"I had to physically retrain Harry from killing James with his bare


Remus' eyes widened and his attention snapped to the furiously pacing

boy, he knelt down in front of Harry to stop him, Harry threw himself at

him wrapping him tightly in a hug.

"If you ever listen to anything that comes out of James Potter's mouth I'll

permanently take away all your books and ward the library against you."

Harry told him in a muffled voice, Sirius smiled slightly.

"Ok, Cub,"

"I'll come with you to see Sev, you've missed his lesson."

"What I've missed potions!" Harry yelped.

"Sorry, Pup,"

"I'll shave his damn beard." Harry vowed under his breath, Remus

chucked catching it.

"Go on, Cub, and be good." Remus warned and Harry gave him an angelic


"You know me,"

Sirius rolled his eyes and they left for the dungeons, Harry's class was just

coming out when they got there and Harry grumbled to himself. Snape

was at his desk when they went in and he looked up with a raised


"Potter Sr and Dumbledore," Sirius stated.

"I see, shall I expect extra joyous behaviour from it?"

"Yes, unless he mysteriously disappears then Harrison got to him."

Harry shrugged.

"It went well then," Snape said dryly and Sirius scoffed.

"Very, I have never wanted to AK someone as badly as I did James Potter

in the office." The Black Lord ran a hand through his hair.

"Surprisingly, I am surprised."

"What did we cover today?" Harry asked getting his mind off of the


"Nothing you don't know, and the homework is a foot on the properties

of Moonstone." Harry nodded.

"I'm going flying," He told them and left with a nod, he trudged to the

common room and went to change. Draco took one look at him

immediately knew something bad had happened.

"I'll get your broom,"

Harry nodded and threw his things down, he went down to the pitch

where Draco was there with his broom. Harry kicked off and did some

loops to relieve his tension, he went in to a nose dive relishing in the

adrenalin pumping in his veins and pulled up in the very last second his

toes grazing the grass.

"Harrison, are you insane" Draco yelled at him and Harry grinned feeling


"That felt good,"

"I refuse to watch from now on, I'm going to die young." He complained

dramatically and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Wanna go?" Harry held out the broom and Draco grinned.

"Do you need to ask?" The blond kicked off and Harry was impressed, he

handled the change of broom well.

"Are you trying out for chaser next year?" Harry asked him when he was

back on the ground.

"I don't know,"

"You are now, you'll be great, uncle Lucius will get you a broom."

"I tell him I'm trying out and he probably will." Draco agreed.

"Hopefully he will get you a Nimbus."

"If he doesn't, I'll tell mother." They grinned; Narcissa spoiled them.

Quirrell disappeared suddenly at the end of March leaving the teachers in

a mess, Harry couldn't help the smirk that came to his face when

Dumbledore made the announcement. Draco raised an eyebrow and

Harry's smirk stretched, he wasn't surprised the Dark Lord moved

quickly. They didn't have a cover teacher at the time so all DADA classes

were cancelled apart from NEWT's and OWL's, Harry had another skip in

his step and it made ignoring Potter and his spawn all that easier.

He was keeping an eye on Lily though, she was pale and withdrawn

lately and Harry couldn't help but think that there was something serious

going on behind the scenes, he couldn't remember the last time he saw

her speak or eat properly. He shouldn't but he was getting concerned,

Harry could see that she had lost a lot of weight through the glamours

she applied, he would continue to watch her and he would ask Sirius

later. Draco dragged him to the library with Theo and Blaise to finish

their homework after breakfast and Harry rolled his eyes.

"You know I've finished mine right?"

"Yes, which is why you're coming with us." Draco stated like it was

obvious and Harry shook his head.

"Of course oh great one,"

"Glad to see you understand," Draco sniffed and Harry laughed giving

him a shove. They grabbed a table and Harry helped them with their

Charms and History essays, he added extra to his own Potions one and it

was now triple the length but he doubted Snape would mind.

"How do you know so much about Potions?" Theo complained and Harry


"If I tell you something you have to keep it a secret," Harry told them

lowering his voice, they nodded eagerly.

"I'm applying for my Mastery with honours in the summer hopefully, I'm

hoping to set a record."

Theo and Blaise gaped and Draco shook his head.

"I didn't think you would be doing it this summer, I thought maybe Yule."

"If everything works out I can experiment in the summer and they apply,

if not then it will be Yule. Speaking of Potions, I am due to be with Snape

in around 1 minute and I don't particularly want to be late." Harry said

and they nodded.

"He will murder you,"

They all cleared up their things and hurried out, sticking to the Slytherin

rules. Unfortunately luck was not on their side and they ran in to Rosina,

though she was alone so they had the upper hand; it didn't stop her


"Thank Merlin you are not in our family any more, we wouldn't want

something like you to tarnish our perfect name." She sneered. Harry

snorted at the irony of her words and shook his head.

"Your name doesn't need me to tarnish it, they have you for that. I

couldn't think of a bigger tarnish if I tried." He replied brightly and she

glared at him, her cheeks flushing.

"You'll always be second best." She snapped, "Black only adopted you

because he felt sorry for you."

"Of course he did." Harry agreed.

"You're nothing compared to me."

"Wrong, Rosie dearest." Harry informed her, "I'm better than you'll ever

be. Now, if you don't mind, we have somewhere to be and it doesn't

involve your presence." He stepped around her, the other Slytherin's

followed his lead. He heard a muttered spell from behind and threw up a

shield around them all, walking towards Rosina with flashing eyes.

"Did you just try to hex us me as we walked away?" He demanded.

"You are just lucky it didn't hit."

"Not only is that so wrong its not even funny, but there are four of us

here. Where did you think this situation was going to go?" Harry said to

her in disbelief, "Even if it did hit you would have been hexed in the next


"You don't know that. I can take you all."

The Slytherins burst out laughing at that, truly wondering about her

blind arrogance.

"You are not worth our time, Potter." Draco told her, shaking his head in

disgust. Rosina was fuming, her face was bright red and her fist was

clenched around her wand, Draco's words seemed to push her because

she tried to hex him only to find herself frozen by Harry. His eyes were

narrowed in anger and it was only his hold on his magic keeping her

upright, he suddenly released it, letting her drop back and shared a look

with the other Slytherins.

As a silent agreement, they didn't turn the opportunity down and stuck

her frozen form to the wall, changed her to Slytherin green and silver and

wrote: I should not attempt to hex those who are better at me. They shared a

grin and hurried down to the dungeons, sharing a grimace of pity for

Harry as he was now very late to Snape's extra lesson.

"Good luck," they murmured, walking off as Harry knocked and was

granted entrance.

"I am so sorry, I had a run in with Potter spawn." Harry explained and

Snape nodded.

"As long as you didn't do anything to get caught,"

Harry shifted a little.

"Well we might have gone a bit OTT, but it's her word against ours."

Snape's eyebrow rose.


"The designated group we are to travel in," Harry answered evenly.

"What did you do?"

"Now why would I want to ruin the surprise?"

"Get on with your potions brat,"

Harry grinned and did just that.

"I'm set to break your record." Harry said to him and he chopped up some


"Which one?"

"You have more than one?"

"Youngest Potions Mastery and highest Mastery score,"

"Well then both,"


"Yup, applying for my Mastery with honours in the summer, if this potion

works that is."

"Impressive, I have no doubt you could accomplish it. You are one potion

behind though," Snape pointed out.

"Yeah, but if everything goes to plan, this summer I should be able to

experiment with new material and I will have access to all of my vaults

and properties. I know Salazar has left research for me and a hoard of

ingredients and cuttings, he promised he would. They will open up a

whole world of opportunities, and in it will contain the partially

developed research for my Mastery submittal paper." Harry explained to

him, and Severus looked very interested.

"You have already completed your paper."

"Well, I don't want to sound too arrogant but it was approved by Salazar

Slytherin so…" He trailed off with a shrug and Severus conceded he did

have a point. Salazar Slytherin was the Master of all Masters when it

came to Potions, so if he approved Snape would consider it absolutely

fine. Harry stirred the cauldron and it went a soft pink colour, he left it

on the boil until it was a clear pink colour, Harry added crushed unicorn

horn and the potion changed to a clear blue. He let it simmer stirring it 3

times every 5 minutes and he continued to make notes, he sniffed it and


"It looks about right but it smells off." Snape looked it over and ladled

some in to a phial, he spun it around and smelled it. He frowned and

carefully let a drop drip on to his finger. Nothing happened for a second

or two and then the finger slowly started to disappear like someone had

cast a disillusion to it.

"That's pretty cool," Harry said.

"Yes, you may want to note down this as a back up for your third potion,

liquid disillusion has never been done before especially as something that

didn't have to be consumed."

Harry nodded and wrote down the exact instructions with the effects; he

would have to create an antidote before it would be complete. Harry

continued adding ingredients to the potion for his vanishing idea when

Snape caught his attention.

"Is it me, or is the disillusion not stopping?"

Harry looked at his had and where just a finger had disappeared now was

nearly his whole hand, Harry's eyes widened in shock.

"Oh that can't be good,"

Snape tried a Finite but it only fed to speed up the process.

"There isn't an antidote for this is there?" Harry wondered aloud as he set

the cauldron to simmer for an hour and began setting up another one

where he immediately followed his own instructions to make the pour on


"No and I would appreciate being able to see my arm." Snape stated,

pulling up his sleeve revealing his slowly disappearing arm, Harry cursed.

"I need to make it again before I can neutralise it then reverse it." Harry

muttered, working as fast as possible all the while watching the other

simmering cauldron. Snape looked over the recipe and started putting

counter ingredients on the station and preparing. They worked silently

chopping, crushing, slicing and stirring, Snape was slowly disappearing

and it was really weird to watch as the man was still working but he

wasn't visible, it looked like a set of robes had been animated.

"This is so strange," Harry commented, quickly taking his first cauldron

off the heat and adding one Ashwider egg before stirring 7 times counter

clockwise and setting it back on the heat. The disillusion potion finally

settled on the needed clear blue and Harry sighed.

"Counter the unicorn horn and the Monkswood first then let it simmer."

Snape said and Harry nodded.

"Then add powdered moonstone and 3 'corn hairs before bringing it to

the boil." Harry got the impression that Snape nodded even though he

couldn't see the man. Their silent vigil was broken when Sirius came in

and froze at the sight.

"What in Merlin's name happened?"

"Potions accident, now be quiet, I do not relish the thought of being stuck

like this." Came Snape's voice, Sirius span around looking for the man

and Harry laughed.

"The robes, dad,"

Sirius balked.

"What did you do?"

"New potion by Harrison, quite ingenious really but there is no counter."

"You tested a potion without an antidote?" Sirius asked incredulously.

"We didn't realise it would have this effect without being drank." Harry

explained, stirring the potion and it went a matte blue, he continued to

stir as he added in the Monkswood and it changed to a vivid green.

"This is weird," Harry snickered before hastily covering, he could feel

Snape's glare and he stepped back to let the cauldron simmer, checking

on his first potion and grinned; it was slowly changing.

"Add the moonstone now bit by bit," Snape told him and Harry sprinkled

it in slowly and the potion changed to a pale orange. "Now the hairs,"

Harry tossed them in and it lit up to a bright yellow, he stirred three

times clockwise and it mellowed to a soft yellow, Harry took it off the

heat and ladled some in to a phial for Snape. The Potions Master swirled

it around and sniffed it, Harry couldn't help but notice it was incredibly

weird to watch someone examine a potion when they couldn't see him

and Sirius seemed to agree by the look on his face. One drop fell on to air

and sunk in.

They all waited with baited breath to see if anything would happen when

a pale finger started to appear, Harry breathed in relief as it spread and

the rest of Snape became visible, he checked on the other potion and

stirred it before looking up at the Potions Master, what he saw made him

freeze. Harry's jaw dropped in shock and Sirius began choking, Snape

was visible again but he was different.

"Why do I feel different and why are you looking at me like that?" Snape

demanded and Harry just shook his head wordlessly, he conjured up a

mirror and handed it to him; Snape's jaw dropped. He no longer had

sallow unhealthy skin, his hair wasn't lank and greasy looking and his

nose had lost its obvious hook. There was silence except the simmering

cauldron in the lab as they took in the shock, everyone, including the

man himself, was gazing at Snape in some sort of awe.

"What…" Harry couldn't manage anything else.

"I…" Severus Snape was for once in his life completely speechless.

"Miracle juice," Sirius burst out and it seemed to snap Snape from his

shock because he glared at the animagus and with the new look the glare

was worse, Harry laughed.

"I don't even know what we just created but it obviously has good

effects." He quickly scribbled down the instructions underneath the

disillusion ones.

"I don't think there have been any bad effects." Severus murmured and

waved his wand over himself, the diagnostic came up clear and Harry


"Well we know who clearly the genius here is." He stated.

"I only came down here to ask you if you stuck Rosina to the wall." Sirius

pointed out and Harry adopted an all too innocent look.

"I do not know who stuck her to the wall in Slytherin colours with the

warning not to hex someone who could beat her any day in a duel

without his I mean their wand."

"Did you use your wand?" Snape sighed and Harry scoffed.

"I don't even know where it is."

"Harrison, please learn to use your wand." Sirius told him and Harry

snapped his fingers making his wand pop up in front of him, he strapped

it to his wrist and looked pointedly at his dad, who grinned.

"I shall be leaving you two dungeon dwellers and I look forward to

dinner." Sirius left and Snape rolled his eyes.

"Come, you have two more steps before your vanishing potion is done

and has to cool. Then you have to begin the counter," Harry nodded and

added the next ingredient after taking it off the heat, he continued to stir

the cauldron every 15 seconds and on the 5th stir he added a counter

clockwise one. Harry continued this for 5 minutes when the potion stills

on a shimmering silver/grey colour, he grinned setting it back to cool

and began the counter potion.

It wasn't that hard because they had a base already made so he just went

from there, the counter was a flat coal colour and not at all appealing,

Snape and bottled up the disillusion potion and its counter so they had 8

phials of each. When everything was clear and put away Harry scooped

out a phial and sniffed it, he nodded to himself and swirled it around.

"Bezoar at the ready?" He asked and Snape just looked at him with a look

that said everything, Harry grinned.

"Right, Potions Master, stupid question. Well here goes,"

Before Snape could speak against his next actions, Harry downed the

concoction wrinkling his nose at the taste. It felt as if someone was

pouring cold gloop through his veins, he could feel it spreading.

"Feels strange," He commented and when he could feel the potion over

his entire body he vanished from sight, he was completely gone from all

trace, Snape could no longer feel the boy's magic or sense his presence at


"It works, you're completely gone."

"Yes!" Harry cheered, he picked up the counter and drank it, it was the

opposite feeling of having warm gloop pushed through his veins and

when it was everywhere he popped in to sight again.

"Two potions and two counters all in," He cast a tempus and blinked, "6


"Impressive, these should grant you the Mastery."

"Hopefully but I still want to experiment in the summer, all depends on

what happens." Harry said, charming his phials as unbreakable.

"Oh, and you're expecting things to happen this summer?" Snape drawled

and Harry smirked.

"Most definitely, I believe we will be in for a very interesting summer."

Harry replied evasively.

"I will not get a straight answer,"

"I have been told not speak of late happenings, someone has a lot to get

in order after 10 years of absence." Harry looked at Snape and his eyes

flicked to his left arm where he knew the Dark Mark to be situated. The

Potions Masters eyes widened slightly before it was covered.

"Summer will be interesting,"


That's where it ends folks, it's a bit longer than I thought it would be

but there we go, I thought the changes were necessary and I do

hope you like it!


11. Chapter 11

A/N: I literally cannot thank you enough for all of the support I've

gotten for this story, I never thought it would be this well liked and

seriously I can't even find the words!

A/N2: Quite a few changes in here, some smoothing out and some

polishing. For the new readers, I apologise, you'll probably hate me

for this chapter!

Disclaimer: Belongs to J. K.

Warning: A bit of gore.

Chapter 11:

Harry was buzzing for the hall to fill up for breakfast, he had dragged

Draco up early, much to the blond's disgust, he hadn't told him why just

that he had to see something. Harry decided not to tell him about his

Godfather's transformation yet because he wanted to see his friend's

reaction. When they went to the hall, Harry had deliberately mentioned

Snape so Draco would look at him and he hadn't been disappointed;

Draco's jaw had dropped and his eyes widened comically.

"What in Merlin's name happened to uncle Sev?" He squeaked, to Harry's

utter amusement; the Black Heir had burst out laughing and dodged out

of the way of the fist aimed for him.

"I told you I wanted to show you something." Harry said after calming

down. Draco rushed to the Head table and stopped in front of Severus

who was looking at his Godson in amusement.

"Good Morning, Draco."

"What happened?"

"Miracle juice," Sirius answered cheerfully, sitting down next to Snape

and hissing at the stinging hex thrown at him.

"Shut it, Black."

"Which one?" Harry and Sirius asked together and Severus sighed.

"Merlin, help me."

"You still haven't told me what happened." Draco pointed out.

"Harrison and I had a potions accident and the antidote did this."

Draco's pale eyebrows rose and he turned to Harry.

"You did this?"

"On accident, yes,"

"By accident cub," Remus corrected, taking his own seat and picking up

some toast. "Nice new look Severus, it suits you."

"Thank you, see Black, that's how you compliment someone politely."

"I didn't say anything." Harry said with a grin, Snape shot him a light

glare to which Harry looked back innocently.

"I still don't know how this happened, maybe it just reversed all the

damage your potions made." Harry suggested.

"It could be," Snape agreed, "I have brewed many toxic potions during my

time as a Master, some of them would have left their mark."

Sirius slung his arm over Snape's shoulder with a grin.

"Well keep the juice available, just in case." He received another stinging

hex, this time to his face but thankfully his mate was there to block it for

him. The rest of the population started coming in and as soon as they

caught sight of Snape whispers spread like wild fire. Harry flashed a grin

at his Professor and wandered back to the table, Snape scowled as Sirius

snickered at him but then sighed as he realised he would have to get used

to it. Severus Snape was the sole topic of conversation during the entire

breakfast much to the man's displeasure and the Harry's endless


The reaction that caught Harry's attention was when Lily Potter entered,

she was alone and Harry noticed the glamours again and the fact that she

seemed to be limping slightly. She glanced at Severus and stopped, she

was looking at him unconditional awe and adoration, it was a look that

Harry had never seen on her face and it only raised more questions in his

mind. When James came in she flinched again and hurried to the head

table, Harry's eyes narrowed as he followed her up, there was definitely

something going on with her and Harry made a note to watch her more

closely. They went to lesson and it seemed that Snape was a new

celebrity, everywhere Harry went the Potions Master was mentioned and

some of it was alarming.

Many of the older students had been fantasising about the man, none of

it very innocent at all and Harry and Draco had fun imagining Snape's

reaction. The group of first years ended up blushing scarlet and hurrying

away when they overheard a particularly detailed fantasy from two older

Hufflepuffs; none of them would ever be repeating that.

"It wouldn't surprise me if he has killed by dinner." Draco commented

lowly, coming out of the Potions classroom. Snape had been absolutely

brutal during the lesson, even the Slytherins had to tread carefully.

"I'm surprised he didn't murder Brown with that glare alone." Harry

added and hastily left when Snape glared at him.

"I forgot he had unusually good hearing,"

"I heard that, Black."

"Sorry, Professor handsome," Harry replied and then froze in absolute

horror. Draco gaped at him and Harry couldn't believe he just said that to

the man, it was what Brown and Patil had been whispering in the class;

why would he say that?

"Run very fast and very far away." Draco advised and Harry didn't need

telling twice. He ran for it, making sure Draco was following him, leaping

through many passageways, jumping up steps two at a time and finally

falling in to the marauders pad.


Sirius came out of the bedroom looking alarmed.

"What is it?"

"Sev, he's going to murder me." Harry gasped just as Draco stumbled in.

"Are you insane, you made fun of him in this mood?"

"I wasn't supposed to say it our loud." Harry moaned.

"He's heading this way."

Harry yelped as the portrait was hammered on, running over to hide

behind he hid behind Sirius pulling Draco with him.

"Open the damn door, Black. I know Black Jr is in there and I'm going to

wring his neck."

"What is Merlin's name did you do?" Sirius asked in shock and Harry

wrinkled his nose.

"I made a funny comment, which he would have found funny if he wasn't

in his murdering mood, and I said it loudly too him."

"I can here you, Blacks."

Sirius carefully opened the portrait hole and Harry dived behind the sofa

with his eyes peaking up.

"Wait until I get my hands on you, Black."

"Come on, Sev, you know it's kind of funny. I mean you should here the

5th year Puffs; you're now more favoured that dad."

Both Sirius and Severus stopped.


"Yeah, with your dark, mysterious attitude and oh so smooth voice which

is just so mesmerising," Harry put on a high girls voice and batted his

eyelashes. Draco tried and failed to cover his laughter up and ended up

clutching his sides as he collapsed laughing at the expression on Snape's


"I'm sorry?"

"Yup, it's kind of disturbing. I would ward your quarters and office

tighter, you have some rabid fans."

That got Sirius, who joined Draco in laughing and while the pair of them

were trying to control their breathing, Remus walked in.

"I definitely have to warn Severus. I just had some 7th year Gryffindors

and Hufflepuffs and they were practically drooling over the fact they had

a double Potions slot tomorrow, some serious fantasies going on in their

minds- oh hello, Severus."

Harry was nearly choking as he laughed at Severus' expression of horror,

he, Draco and Sirius were practically rolling on the floor and they all had

tears streaming down their faces.

"Oh Merlin," Draco gasped, taking a huge breath in, "Wait until I tell

father about this." Snape collapsed on to the nearest chair with his head

in his hands.

"I hate you all," He groaned.

"That's ok, Mr dark and mysterious." Sirius chirped and that sent them

laughing again. Snape threw them a mutinous look before stalking out.

"I have a feeling this is going to last a while." Remus chuckled.

"I hope so."

Remus was right in his statement, Severus Snape was the talk of the

school until the build up of Quidditch, the man practically hid in the

dungeons until things had died down and Harry had caught sight of a

petal from a red rose on the mans office floor, when he had innocently

asked if Snape liked roses he was on the receiving end of a well aims

stinging hex. It brought copious amount of amusement to Sirius who had

turned up at one of Harry's extra potions lessons with a bouquet of

flowers and a box of chocolates declaring his love for the 'dark and

mysterious' professor, Harry had laughed so hard he had nearly stopped

breathing and he ruined his potion, Snape physically threw a cauldron at

the grim animagus and it hit him in the head; he hadn't done it again.

When everything had calmed from Snape, other things began. Tensions

were high in the castle as the Quidditch final approached. It was

Slytherin v Gryffindor and the whole castle was waiting for it, since it

had come out that Gryffindor had managed to match the Slytherin House

on points it had been decided that they would have a tie breaker with the

winner taking the cup. Harry had been practicing like crazy and he could

be seen perfecting some of the deadliest moves seen on a broom. He was

determined to beat the Lions no matter what the cost, after the meeting

with the Headmaster and the Potters he was more eager. James Potter

and Sirius were at heads, it was the thing that drove Snape from

everyone's minds, and at times it had nearly came to wands, the Black

Lord would not let the slur against his mate go unpunished and James

was a fool.

Harry was also putting more in to his studies, he was at the top but he

always did extra, especially in Potions for his mastery. He had been

working with Draco too, the blond was second overall and they intended

it to stay that way for the remainder of the year. Because of the match,

there had been more people in the hospital wing than all year, each

house was trying to injure the opposition; mainly the seekers and both

Rosina and Harrison could be seen with guards to watch their backs just

in case. Unfortunately for the Gryffindors, the Slytherins were cunning

and sly and, because of this, many of the Gryffindor team had been hit

with a variation of hexes; the only ones not hit were the twins because no

one was stupid to have the twins after them.

On the day of the match, the Gryffindor team entered the Great Hall with

massive applause from the Lions and Puffs and boos from the snakes, of

course not to be outdone by the opposing team, the Slytherins entered

with style. With a burst of black flames from Harry, the Snakes, clad in

green and silver, stepped in as one and walked towards their table, the

applause echoed and Harry smirked as their house got to their feet in

support. There were bets flying around the room during breakfast and the

anticipation was growing in alarming rates until Flint couldn't take it and

ordered them to the changing rooms,

"Pull off something amazing." Draco said with a smirk which Harry


"How else is it done in Slytherin?" He nodded to his dad, Remus and

Snape before following his team out.

"Right, this is the last game and we will win." Flint told them in the

changing room, he was pacing and giving them all the eye.

"We have beaten the kittens before and you can damn well believe I

expect you to do it again."

"You know we will win, Marc. Have you seen Harrison training? He got

some serious moves." Pucey assured him and the team murmured in


"I have and if you don't get that snitch you can say goodbye to your place

on this team, do the impossible." Flint ordered him in a growl.

"The snitch is mine." Harry agreed with a sharp nod. They could hear the

crowd outside filling the stands and blanked their faces. Harry gripped

his broom and took a deep breath as they walked out to the cheers when

they were announced and faced Gryffindor as Madam Hooch stepped up.

"Captains shake hands." She ordered and Harry saw Wood's hand go

white as Flint crushed it. Giving the other Captain credit, none of the

pain or discomfort was shown on his face and he seemed to give as good

as he got.

"Mount your brooms." She instructed and as they climbed on the bludgers

were released with the snitch. She picked up the quaffle, eying them all

carefully, and threw it in to the air.

"AND THE GAME BEGINS." Lee Jordan was commentating again and

Johnson snatched the quaffle. Harry rose above the game and

immediately began searching for the elusive golden ball, knowing that he

had to catch it fast. The twins were marking him expertly and he had to

swerve and dodge multiple bludgers, he flashed them a grin and dived

out of their strike range, swooping through the other players and the

bludger which would have hit him slammed in to Spinet knocking her off

course. Fred gave him a clap and Harry mock bowed just in time as a

Bludger sailed past his head coming from a grinning George. Harry shook

his head and flew off. The game got dirty very quickly, each time a point

was scored it was matched by the other team and both were resorting to

numerous fouls to gain the one up.

It was gruelling as much as it was thrilling, and Harry had a great time

performing all kinds of stunts to make sure all bludgers directed at him

ended up hitting the other other team and making sure their plays were

disrupted. Harry saw the snitch and dived. All three chasers flew directly

at him making him lose sight of the snitch and giving him no options

apart from a collision or jump, he picked up speed and pulled the same

move as he did in the first flying lesson; he jumped. Leaping off his

broom and over Katie Bell's head to land on his broom the other side, he

smirked at their astonished faces and sped off. The score was 150 - 170 to

Slytherin but there was no end in sight after two hours so Flint called for

a time out and they all flew down.

"This is pathetic, get your act together. I don't care if you knock the

bastards out of the air." Flint snarled. "Black, get that damn snitch soon

and Warrington, if you let in another goal I will put you in the hospital

wing myself."

They all nodded and kicked off again, determined to do better. The

Snakes came back with a vengeance and in the next five minutes they

had scored 8 goals. The Lions, furious at losing, started to pull more

awful fouls: Wood threw the quaffle at Pucey's head, Johnson aimed a

shot to the ribs at Flint, but the worse was Spinet grabbing a bat from

one of the twins and whacking a bludger at Jugson, hitting him right in

the groin. Every male who saw it winced and Jugson dropped like a rock,

the poor teen had tears in his eyes as he knelt on the pitch and Flint, who

was fuming over the foul, missed the penalty. Out of the corner of his eye

Harry spotted a flash of gold and shot off, Rose had already seen it so he

was playing catch up which was never a good thing but he wouldn't let

her beat him so he flattened his body to the handle and picked up speed.

Two bludgers flew at him and he rolled in the air to miss them, his focus


Harry finally caught up with Rosina when the snitch changed course and

shot up, Harry was better accustom to the move and shot up straight

away whereas Rose lagged a bit giving Harry an advantage. They

followed the golden ball higher until it levelled out and they chased it,

Rose swerved in front of him and had her arm out to catch the snitch but

Harry jumped again and snatched it right out of her hand before it

closed. He was about to land on his broom when Rose sped up and

forcefully slammed in to his side, Harry felt a rib crack and hissed, he

went to grab his broom but Rose kicked it out of his reach and he fell.

People screamed as Harry plummeted through the air from well over

50ft, Harry's mind, in a moment of absolute horror, went completely

blank and by the time the thought of using his control over the air

actually registered it was much too late, he slammed in to the ground

and felt white hot pain flare over his entire body before everything went


Even from the stands the sickening crack that was Harry's body hitting

the floor was heard and he didn't move. The commotion that erupted in

the stadium was like nothing ever seen before, the Slytherin side of the

stands were screaming in outrage and the team itself were in two halves;

some went to Harry while the others went for Rosina in a rage. She flew

off, only just missing the bludgers sent after her and the quaffle Flint had

launched at her head, she managed to get back to the ground and hide

behind her father, who had rushed on to the pitch as soon as the Snakes

went after her. Everyone saw the huge black Grim bolting on to the pitch

as a ghostly white Remus followed, keeping pace due to his Lycanthropy

and a somewhat green Malfoy Heir.

"He has a pulse," Sirius gasped, catching a very feint one. He turned to

Draco, who looked like he was about to collapse, with huge eyes.

"Get your mother here right now. I don't know if he's going to make it."

Draco was already running off before Sirius had finished speaking,

leaving the Black Lord to pick Harry up and run to the Hospital wing.

The only thing Sirius could think of was how much blood there was and

the fact that his little boy was minutes away from death. Draco had

darted down to his Godfather's quarters to floo over to Malfoy Manor and

run off to find his mother, barely able to see where he was going through

his tears.

"Mother, where are you?" He yelled, "Mother?"

He almost physically ran in to the woman in question as she hurried out

of the parlour at the sound of her son's distressed voice.

"Draco, my darling, whatever is the matter?" She wondered, "Why are

you away from school."

"Mother you must come right away," He insisted, pulling her in the

direction of the floo, "Harrison is dying!"

"Excuse me?" She gasped, "Dying, how?"

"Potter knocked him out of the air from over fifty feet." Draco managed

to explain, still pulling her towards the floo, "Mother there was so much


Narcissa's eyes widened and she snapped for an elf, her steps picking up

speed instantly.

"Fetch me my full healing kit and tell Lucius to get to Hogwarts Hospital

wing right away, Harrison is hurt." By the time they reached the

fireplace, her kit had been delivered and Lucius had caught up with

them. They hurried through the system, making their way quickly to the

Hospital wing without haste, running in to a very pale Severus.

"How bad is it, Severus?" Lucius asked and none of them took it as a good

sign when he shook his head.

"The fact that he is still alive baffles me." He admitted, and then Narcissa

was gone. She forwent all decorum and full out ran to the wing, bursting

in interrupting the huge argument going on between an absolutely

furious Sirius and an irate nurse.

"Everyone out," Narcissa commanded, already waving her wand over the

unconscious child.

"Now see here-,"

"This is my nephew and if you all do not leave so I can save his life I will

bring all the power of the Blacks, Malfoys and Rosiers down upon you.


Lady Narcissa Malfoy was the epitome of calm and composed, known for

her unwavering decorum and perfect public behaviour, so to see her lose

her cool was not only surprising it was terrifying and the room was

cleared instantly. Outside in the corridor, the tension could have been cut

with a knife. Remus was pacing furiously, his eyes an inhuman amber

and growls slipping out between his bared teeth as Moony overtook more

of the rational man's mind. Sirius wasn't faring any better, his hands were

shaking violently and his magic was flaring beyond his control, his mind

seemingly only focused on the worst case scenario.

Time passed very slowly and it wasn't until well over an hour later did

anything happen, Draco, who had taken solace in his father's arms,

looked up and his narrowed when he caught sight of their unwelcome

guests. His movement was noticed by his father, who indicated to the

other three men the arrival for the Potters and Dumbledore. The four

newcomers completely ignored Remus' dangerous snarl of warning, but

the others knew better so Severus and Lucius, once had put his son down,

took up positions behind the fuming werewolf to be safe.

"Ah, what is Poppy doing away from her wing? Someone is needed to

heal young Harry from his little accident." Dumbledore's too cheerful

words were met with looks of utter disbelief tinges with rage, and if ever

his sanity wasn't already in question it would have been at that very


"Surely you cannot believe that this was an accident?" Snape finally said,

managing to get the words out before everyone else, "We all saw what


Dumbledore shook his head sadly, James and Rose smirked but Lily just

looked at the floor with her shoulders hunched.

"Quidditch is a dangerous game, terrible things happen."

"You're insane, she slammed in to him and kicked his broom away." Sirius


"The snotty brat clearly hasn't got any talent on a broom if he can't take a

small nudge, you didn't see Rosie falling from her broom and having such

a fuss made out of it." James sneered and Remus lunged only to be

yanked back by the two men behind, he was snarling and growling with

glowing amber eyes and James stepped back in alarm.

"Keep that beast away from me, it isn't only the boy who has got


As Remus was being restrained there was no one to stop Sirius pulling

back his fist and smacking it straight in to James' face, Sirius didn't stop

there, he tackled James to the floor and kept punching him until James

fought back. It turned in to a full brawl until Dumbledore flicked his

wand and pushed them forcefully away from each other, Sirius had a cut

lip and a bruise appearing on his jaw but James was a mess: his nose was

bleeding, his lip was split, both his eyes were starting to swell and he

spat out a tooth.

"Gentlemen, this is unnecessary." Dumbledore told them.

"Lils, fix this for me." James snapped and only Snape noticed the flinch

the fiery red head gave, he narrowed his eyes and took in his ex-best

friend's appearance; there was something off with her but he couldn't put

his finger on it. Just then the hospital doors opened and out stepped

Narcissa, who managed to silence all arguments and growling instantly

with her mere appearance.

Gone was the elegant Lady Malfoy, and in her place stood a woman who

looked like she had just come from battle healing. Her robes were torn,

the arms gone where they had obviously been severed off in haste, and

splattered in blood and potions, staining them permanently. Her long

blonde hair was slung on of her head haphazardly, strands falling down

her face crushed with blood and her usually unblemished face was

flushed and smeared with blood. She looked exhausted and her face was

completely blank, even if her eyes shone with emotion.

"He's in a coma, but I have managed to stabilise him." She told them, "I

cannot say if he will ever wake." Her voice wavered only once as she

broke the news to Sirius and Remus. Sirius made a sound between a

whimper and a groan as his cousin told him his son might not make it,

stumbling in to the hospital and coming to an abrupt halt when he

caught sight of his son.

Harrison was lead deathly still and pale as a ghost, the only indication

that he was even still alive was the glowing ball of green light indicating

his stable life force. Remus released a pained whine and went over to the

bed jolting Sirius in to moving slowly over, he shakily reached to picked

up Harry's hand; it was cold.

"I need – I…" He couldn't seem to find the words to speak, his mind

couldn't process what was happening.

"It was touch and go," Narcissa admitted quietly, "I did everything I

could, but something so severe…"

"Honestly, it can't be that bad. He only fell." James 'whispered' and before

anyone could react, there was a resounding slap as Narcissa's hand

connected with James' already bruised face.

"You foul, loathsome creature." She hissed, making a recoil as the sheer

hatred in her voice. "Don't you dare stand there when your pathetic child

is the reason my nephew is lying on the brink of death. Don't you dare

stand there and insinuate that this is anything less serious to get your

pathetic spawn off the hook. He only fell. Next time you only fall, Potter, I

expect you to also have your spine broken in three places, the back of

your skull shattered, your ribs splinter and have two embed themselves

in your lungs, filling them with your own blood so you're drowning and

there is nothing you can do about it because nearly every other bone in

your body is fractured, broken on chipped. Next time you only fall you

better pray to Lady Magic herself that you gain the same injuries or so

help me Merlin I will give you them myself."

During her speech, which had risen in volume and anger, she had backed

the alarmed Potter Lord in to the wall and was nearly nose to nose with

him. Her magic had flared in her anger, rippling in warning and

reminding everyone though she may be the epitome of Pureblood Lady,

she was born of the House of Black and she was taught with the best of


Behind her, both Sirius and Draco had gained a greenish tinge around

their faces, while Lily and Remus had gone a greyish white colour both

looking at Harry as if physically wounded. Lily looked as if she wanted to

go to him, but something was holding her back and both her hands were

shaking. Narcissa, once she felt she had glared James in to utter silence,

turned and walked back to her husband, gently rubbing her son's back

from where he was set on Lucius' hip.

"You may leave now, gentlemen. Take the child with you." Narcissa

informed them coldly, not sparing them a look, obviously expecting her

words to be followed. Knowing a bad time when it slapped him in the

face, James turned and led Rosina out of the Hospital wing following

Dumbledore, but he noticed Lily wasn't behind them and stopped.

"Come on, Lils," He called sharply, making the woman jump and turn to

look at him with wide eyes.

"I do not believe Lily falls in to the category of gentlemen and child,

Potter, or have you lost all intelligence?" Lucius said cuttingly, and James

flushed, glaring at him before turning the same expression on his wife.

"She doesn't want to stay with the brat." He snapped, "Do you, Lily?"

She seemed to slump, casting one more longing glance at Harrison before

leaving without a word. Narcissa watched her leave with confusion, there

was something strange there, and she couldn't put her finger on it. For

now she brushed it aside, they had to focus on Harrison.

"When will we know?" Remus asked quietly, gently stroking his cub's

dark hair.

"It depends, tonight is crucial but he will still be in danger for at least a

week." Narcissa sighed and Remus nodded, Sirius swallowed hard; they

were in for a long night.

"I must go to my Snakes," Severus murmured, "They will be restless."

"I'll come with you," Draco decided, his voice surprisingly calm.

"Are you sure?" Lucius wondered and Draco looked him straight in the


"Slytherins take care of their own."

Lucius nodded, a proud look in his eye and he set his son down and

allowed him to leave with his Godfather. The pair of them walked in

silence down to the dungeons and straight to the Slytherin House rooms.

Every member of Slytherin was in the common room and the noise was

most unusual for the normally reserved House, and it was obvious all of

them were furious. As soon as they caught sight of their Head of House

silence blanketed the room, all of them righting themselves and giving

him their full attention in a sign of respect.

"Today, one of our own was attacked and put in to the hospital wing,"

Severus said, his voice perfectly even. The Slytherins seemed to hiss at

the reminder, sharing dark looks before focusing back on their Head.

"I will not lie to you and ease the truth of the situation: Harrison Black is

in a coma and may not make it through the night."


Not the respectful lack of noise presented to their Head of House, but

complete and utter deathly silence, filled with horrified disbelief as

almost the entire House looked at the man with wide eyes.

"He sustained numerous injuries. Lady Malfoy has worked on him the

best she could but she can offer no guarantees."

If anything, his words made the silence grow stronger. It was a well-

known fact, amongst those informed that the Lady Malfoy was one of the

best healers of her generation, and the Dark Lord's own battle healer for

those who truly knew. If she had been unable to give a guarantee of his

survival it was a whole lot worse than any of them could have even


"The Headmaster has deemed these happenings as an accident."

For the third time since he got there, a resounding silence hit the room,

though Severus knew it was only a matter of seconds before this one was

broken. He was proven correct when the entire House seemed to burst in

to outraged protests, exclaimed over how it was very clearly not an

accident. Severus allowed them their outrage, feeling his own bubbling

under the skin; one of his Snakes could be dead. Severus had never lost a

student, be it withdrawal, illness or transfer, and the thought he might

lose one to a death was filling him with a feeling a nausea. Not only was

it just one of his students, but it was his best student, dare he say his

favourite student (being that Draco was his Godson of course). Snape

brought his attentions outwards again when he heard Pucey, who was sat

with a murderous looking Flint, shout out "What are we going to do

about this? She cannot go unpunished!"

The loud conversations turned to low murmurs of discussed plans, each

of them looking around eagerly to see if someone had the perfect idea to

make Rosina Potter suffer. Severus knew, deep down, that he had

somewhat of a moral obligation to stop his House from attacking the girl,

but it was very very very very very deep down and he knew should he

even attempt to suggest that they lay off he would be ignored and

probably shunned. As it was, he was neither stupid nor particularly

bothered by the fact that Potter's next few days were going to turn in to

something of a nightmare; she had attempted to kill Harrison and

Slytherins took care of theirs.

"We are going to make her wish she had never survived the killing curse."

Severus almost didn't recognise his Godson's voice, it was the coldest he

had ever heard the boy speak and it was as sharp a blades. The mask the

boy had on his face would be one Lucius would find difficult to uphold in

such a state, his eyes were like chips of ice and his face could have been

made of marble. Severus wondered if it was possible that his Godson

would become a murder at the age of eleven. Everyone had turned to

listen to the Malfoy Heir, quite a feat given the fact that he was merely a

first year. Of course, he was the Malfoy Heir, Heir to one of the most

influential Houses in their world, let alone in Slytherin. Add that to the

fact that he was best friends with Harrison, he was someone worth

listening to.

"I will take my leave," Severus intoned, "If I do not know, I cannot

answer. Be aware, we are Slytherin. Even if they know its you, do not get

caught." He looked around at them all, managing to find a touch of

amusement at some of the offended looks he caught at his words, before

leaving the room. Draco moved to a more central position, casting his

eyes around the room and finding himself pleased at the determination

he could see.

"Rosina Potter dared attack one of our own, not only an attack but a

lethal one; Harrison might die." Draco almost choked whilst saying the

mere words; he hoped, prayed and begged Lady Magic to make sure that

didn't happen; it couldn't be time for Harrison to die yet! "We are going

to make her suffer for it. Anyone who is with her will pay, anyone who

tries to help her will pay, and anyone speaking ill of Harrison will pay."

The room broke out in to smirks, groups quickly coming together to

make plans for what things they could do to Rosina, make it obvious why

it had happened but still get away as innocent.

"If we're going to make her truly suffer we need to work out a way to get

in to the tower." Flint pointed out, "Something that will probably be

difficult with Potter protecting his spawn."

"We should be able to get away with following and listening in to one of

the younger years under a disillusion." Pucey pointed out, "They won't

know what to look for."

"We can split that between but, as soon as we have access in to the

tower…" Draco trailed off, his mind throwing an obvious but disgustingly

brilliant idea to the front of his thoughts and a slow smirk came to his

face. Anyone who knew Lucius Malfoy would recognise that look, it was

an expression that said he had been uncommonly smart and someone was

going to suffer because of it.

"I can get us in to the tower." Draco stated.

"How, Malfoy?" Flint questioned and the blond eyed him.

"Do you trust that I would never ever let her get away with what she has

done to Harrison?" He asked the Captain, knowing what he was about to

do was incredibly risky but going to be incredibly worth it.

"Of course,"

"Then give me ten minutes." Draco said, turning and striding up to his

dorm and grabbing the map from Harry's warded drawer. The Black Heir

had told Draco he was welcome to use the map whenever he wanted and

he could not think of a better time to use it without Harrison present. He

left, nodding to the Slytherins as he slipped out of the corridor and

activated the map, his mercury eyes flashing across the worn parchment.

He felt his eyebrow rise and he caught sight of the names he was looking

for, they were a lot closer than he would have expected and he hurried

off to meet them, keeping his eyes trained on the map so no one could

sneak up on him. He had to be careful too, no one other than a Slytherin

could see him meet with them, and even then he had to be careful with

the Snakes after everything had happened.


"We had hoped you would leave soon,"

Draco was very shocked at the sound of their voices, not that they made

him jump, but the fact that they were colder than he had thought

possible for the two menaces.

"Twins," He greeted. They stepped out of the shadows and if he wasn't

feeling the same way then he probably would have flinched at the dark

expressions on their faces; he had never seen the Weasley twins look so


"How is he?" Fred asked quietly, his voice lined with concern.

"We do not know if he will make it through the night." Draco answered

somewhat stiltedly. The Twins exchanged quite vicious looks, seemingly

having a conversation with each other in a glance and nodding as one.

"We're your inside help." George told him, "Anything you need done in

the tower, we'll get it done. If you need to get in to the tower, we can

make it happen."

"We know this is going to be pushed aside. She's Rosina Potter, she

couldn't have possibly done something so awful." The amount of derision

in Fred's words was quite impressive and Draco felt himself relaxing.

Everyone knew the twins were not people you wanted to go up against,

while they help no political power and came from a family of blood

traitors, they had gained their own respect. They were good with their

wands and had been complimented by Snape himself for their work in

Potions, granted it had been one time and it hadn't been to their faces,

but it was known in Slytherin. To know that they were on their side,

Harrison's side, was not only a relief, but a welcome pleasure.

"You'll need to be prepared, too." Draco warned them, "Slytherin is after

her and anyone who is with her."

"Good, its nothing less than she deserves." They decided, then George


"When you say 'Slytherin'…" He trailed off, his tone asking the question

his words didn't.

"The entire House is after her," Draco confirmed and they exchanged

another one of their looks.

"Why all of them?"

"Slytherin House rules," Draco answered, "We take care of our own

anyway, but Rosina Potter is a particularly dark spot. She and her father

make it even more difficult for us Snakes, and then she went and attacked

Harry. Not only is he our star player for our team, but he is one of the

leading Slytherins. He's the top of our year, brings in more points than

we could ever lose and he's the Black Heir; he is under the fullest of


"We had heard about the apparent rules of Slytherin, Bill and Charlie had

mentioned it, being friends with some Snakes." Fred mused, "We didn't

expect it this strongly though."

"Who's going to look after us if we don't?" Draco pointed out wryly, and

they twins had to admit that it was the disgusting truth.

"We had always wondered why none of the little Snakes were ever alone.

I guess that falls under taking care of your own?"

"We present a united front." Draco allowed, "Are you ready to begin

working with the House of the cunning?"

"It would be our honour," They answered. The three of them shared

rather dark smirks before turning and vanishing back further in to the

dungeons, Draco had no qualms about showing them to the common

room, he had come to quite like the twins over the course of the year and

he knew that once the rest of the House heard him out they would also

agree with him. He would put money on the twins being part Slytherin

anyway, they were way to sneaking to be pure Lion. The wall slid open

for him, and he still didn't know how Harry had made that happen, and

he walked in, immediately receiving silence as the rest of the House took

in who was with him.

"Malfoy! What in Merlin's name are you thinking?" Flint exclaimed, torn

between outrage and alarm.

"These are our way in to the Gryffindor tower." He said coolly.

"Why would they help us? They're Gryffindor, they are probably here to

spy on us for the Girl-Wonder." Pucey spat, and Draco knew that would

not be well received. The twins, who had previously been looking around

the common room with undisguised awe, and admiring the unity the

Slytherin House was showing as they saw the groups formed, suddenly

turned their now cold eyes on to Pucey and Flint.

"You can accuse us of doing and being many things." George got out, his

voice hard.

"But do not ever accuse us of working for that." Fred continued, spitting

out the last word and making it blatantly apparent who they were taking

about. Many of the Slytherins found themselves very surprised, it was

well known that the House of Potter was very close with the House of

Weasley, but apparently that wasn't the whole truth. It had been

wondered, by many of the older years who had seen the twins regularly

and heard of their work, which was decidedly difficult since they were

rarely caught actually doing anything, if they had been sorted in to the

right House at all.

"Harry is our friend." George told them all quietly.

"We won't let this pass as an accident."

"I'm still not sure," Flint muttered and Draco raised an eyebrow.

"Would you want them after you? Would you find it at all beneficial to

your continued health and sanity?" Draco asked him seriously. The twins

flashed Flint identical teeth filled grins and the Quidditch Captain barely

kept in his shudder.

"No," He relented and if anything the twins' grins stretched.

"Neither will Rosina Potter."

"Welcome, demon twins, to Slytherin." Flint said to them, and, for the

slightest of moments, Draco wondered if he had just made the biggest

mistake of his life because they expressions on the twins faces was

positively unholy. But then he brushed that aside and took up a seat next

to them to start planning; she would pay for what she had done to Harry.

They planned for hours, anything and everything was put on the table to

see if it was possible and it became very apparent that the twins had

quite the nasty streak, or they did in regards to Rosina Potter anyway.

They had agreed to even the wildest of suggestions, adding their own to

make them worse. When dinner arrived, the twins were all but bowed

out of the Slytherin House, with an invitation to come back and they

agreed the meeting point was the Potions Classroom; there was no

suspicion there.

"Remember," Flint called, helping organise the Slytherins with the

prefects, "We present a united front. We go as a House and we leave as a

House; we are Slytherin."

As one, the Slytherin House approached the Great Hall, the doors were

pushed open and they entered silently. It was a spectacle. The first years

came first led by Draco Malfoy, then the second years followed by third,

fourth, fifth, sixth then closing the group were the seventh years, each

and everyone had a blank mask on their faces, nothing was given away

and the walked to their table and sat down as one. There rest of the Great

Hall watched in shock, they had never seen anything like it and Severus,

who had to leave the hospital due to dinner, looked at his House in

complete pride and approval. Dumbledore rose to his feet with a gentle

smile on his face, projecting the perfect calm.

"I know some of you are wondering about the terrible accident that

occurred in the Quidditch pitch this afternoon-," He was cut off by the

low hissing that suddenly arose from the House of Snakes, it was clear

why they had their name by the sounds they were making and even their

flag was twisting furiously as the collective House Magic reflected their

unified outrage.

"I would like you to know that Mr Potter-," He was cut off again but this

time by Snape who had his death glare directed at the Headmaster.

"Mr Black, Headmaster,"

Dumbledore wore an apologetic look.

"My apologies, Mr Black, is recovering, and be this as a reminder that

Quidditch is a dangerous game; accidents do happen."

Both Rose and James Potter smirked which, unfortunately for them,

didn't go unnoticed by the Slytherins, every Snake turned a murderous

glare at the pair, who recoiled. Flint, who was sat in the centre of the

fifth years, stood looking directly at Rosina Potter, there was no emotion

on his face as he stared at her and only when she shifted uncomfortably

did he speak.

"You have harmed one of our own." He stated to the silent hall, "The

attack will not go unpunished." Flint nodded to the table and they stood

as one, this time the 7th years led out and the whole House vanished

without eating, the promise was clear; prepare for repercussions.

As soon as dinner was over, Snape was back in the hospital wing to tell

them of the happenings, it was silent as he entered, Sirius and Remus

were just gazing at Harry through dead eyes and the Malfoys were

silently comforting each other. Severus walked over and stood at then

end of his bed.

"Dumbledore is still labelling this as an accident." He told them quietly.

"The man is going to allow her to go unpunished for nearly killing my

son." Sirius stated, not taking his eyes from Harrison's still form.

"Dumbledore will but the Slytherin's won't."

"There is not much they can do." Sirius sighed but Lucius, Narcissa and

Severus smirked.

"You were not in our House, Sirius, our mechanisms are a lot different to

every other House and Flint has already thrown down the promise."

The blonde heads snapped to Snape in shock.


"They entered in form, and when Dumbledore called it a terrible accident

Flint stood in the centre of the table and stated the attack would not go

unpunished, they left in form after it had been issued."

"The came in form?" Lucius repeated shocked.

"Not only did they come in form but they did everything in perfect form,

every single one of them, it was something to see Luc, they even hissed as

one." Snape shook his head and the Malfoys blinked a few times.

"Good Merlin, I almost feel sorry for Gryffindor."

"I think we are missing something." Remus said speaking for the first

time, he had got the wolf under control and was relatively calm.

"In Slytherin there are rules that must be followed. You will never see a

Snake on their own even if they are hated in the House, you will never

see a Slytherin arguing or fighting with another Slytherin outside the

common room, you will never see a Slytherin disagreeing with another

Slytherin outside the common room it just isn't done. And the key one,

the most crucial one we stand by is Slytherin take care of their own. To

attack a Slytherin is to attack all they Slytherins and that is not

something that we let go, I believe it was the Dark Lord who put these

rules in place." Snape explained.

"But what about when we were in school?" Sirius pointed out and Severus

exchanged smirks with Lucius.

"We are Slytherins, we don't retaliate in the open." Lucius said.

"Remember after 5th year, you came down with a simply awful problem?"

Snape asked and Sirius eyes widened then he winced, he had had a

serious problem with himself but he had placed the blame on the other

marauders who were pissed at him.

"That was you?" Sirius gasped alarmed and Snape smirked.

"You didn't honestly believe I would let that go? I am the youngest

Potions Master in the world and by then I was well on my way to

becoming a Master, it was a handy creation made just for you."

Sirius looked at him in a new light, he hastily shuffled away and Remus


"That was only my friends who helped with that, this is the entire house

and as an open promise has been issued, Rosina Potter is in for some


Sirius smirked.

"And they will have inside help." He murmured looking at Remus who


"What do you mean?" Narcissa asked.

"Harry and your son are very close friends with persons who could make

Rosina's life in the tower not worth living, and knowing them they will

be all for helping."

Narcissa looked confused as did Lucius, Snape frowned before his eyes

widened slightly.

"Oh Merlin, they're friends with them!"

There was nothing reassuring in the marauders grins and Snape


"Who is it?"

"It seems your son and Harrison have made nice with the Weasley twins."

Snape told them and Lucius swallowed, he had seen personally some of

there work.

"The school is going to descend in to hell."

All of them smirked: it would make an interesting watch.

Things kicked off at breakfast the next morning. Again the Slytherins

entered as one and sat down to eat, their backs almost painfully straight

and every Pureblood mannerism that had been bred and read in to them

was being presented for all to see. They didn't speak ones,

communicating with small gestures and tilts of their heads. Snape

honestly had never been prouder of his House, they looked absolutely

impeccable, even the first years were perfect.

The mail soared in and even then the Slytherins didn't once break their

reserve, merely setting aside their plates in time for their packages and

letters to be presented to them. However, it wasn't them that captured

the Hall's interest that time, here was a letter for Rosina and she opened

it with a grin, which quickly turned in to a look of horror. She lost all

colour in her face, with a terrified shriek she threw down the letter and

ran from the room, people started whispering and James rushed after

her, he picked up the letter and frowned; it was blank.

He went out after her but before he had even left she screamed loudly

and ran back in, she was crying and went straight to her dad who picked

her up and carried her away making soothing noises, she was muttering

about the snakes getting her and the Slytherins held back smirks. Flint

had found a spell that made the person see their worst fear everywhere

they went, the longer it was on the stronger it got and by the end of the

day Potter should be seeing everyone as walking snakes. Rosina was

twitchy all day, it was obvious the spell was getting worse much to the

Slytherins' delight, and little spells were directed at her, her bag split

numerous of times, things exploded and in potions her cauldron melted

covering her in vile smelling potion that created nasty sores all over her;

she ran out crying.

"This is all because of you and that idiot Black." Weasley snapped

following his friend out.

"I think you're all awful, it was clearly an accident." Hermione huffed

going with them. The first year Snakes exchanged looks and nodded,

Weasley and Granger would be joining Rosina. Draco went to go see

Harry before dinner bringing Aressa with him, the snake had been hissing

furiously so Draco had decided to bring her and place her on Harry's

chest where she curled up. He was still out cold but he had a slightly

healthier colour, Sirius and Remus had yet to move and their lessons

were being covered by Narcissa, who had stepped up when Dumbledore

said they would have to leave to teach.

"Anything?" Draco asked but Sirius shook his head.


"He will get better."

"He has to." Sirius agreed. The glowing ball showing Harry's life was still

bright, which was promising, and he had gotten through the night, there

was nothing they could do but wait and in that time Draco intended to

make Rosina wish she had never came to the school.

"What happened to Potter, I heard her scream from here."

Draco smirked.

"Just the beginning of a Slytherin retaliation."

For the rest of the week the school turned in to a war zone. The

Slytherins were using everything to their advantage in making Rosina

suffer, she had ended up in the hospital wing everyday at least twice

along with Weasley and sometimes Granger. Whether it was

embarrassment, pain or annoyance, there was nothing linking any of it

back to the Slytherins even though it could not have been more obvious

it was them. The longer Harry remained unconscious, the worse

everything got, the House of Lions had starting hexing Slytherins in

retaliation, which meant the Snakes turned their arsenal on the entire

House; it was pandemonium.

The Professors didn't know what to do because the culprits couldn't be

found and were never pointed out, the fights were becoming more and

more violent and the neutral Houses were caught in the middle of it. The

Gryffindors weren't careful to where they aimed or set their traps

meaning innocent people got hit, that caused a rift between the innocent

party and the Lions. The Ravenclaws who had been caught were brilliant

allies for the Snakes, they knew so much and they Slytherins were able

and willing to do it.

Fred and George had outdone themselves. Rosina didn't have a day where

she wasn't pranked with high embarrassment, she had a different colour

hair and skin daily and they had charmed her to confess humiliating facts

about herself, the best one was when she stated in a loud voice in potions

that she thought, with his new look, that Snape was simply gorgeous. The

Slytherins had been paralyzed with laughter and Snape looked disgusted,

she had fled with a red face and the story had spread like wildfire. James

Potter could be seen crying in shame and it had Sirius and Remus in tears

of laughter when the Potions Master informed them of the latest

development whilst looking ill.

Lucius had also embraced his inner prankster and had been seen slipping

the twins numerous potions and spells with brilliant effects on the Lions.

One of them had singing Slytherin praises, literally. At breakfast the

House had gotten to its feet and sang a stunning ballad on the greats of

Slytherin, Snape and Malfoy had laughed themselves hoarse at the

disgusted look on Potter's face and the horror from the House. What was

puzzling Gryffindor was the attack from the inside, the twins had been

clever and pranked themselves so suspicion was off of them; they had

done this before, after all.

One morning the Gryffindors had woken to find their entire common

room decorated Slytherin, the twins had let Draco, Flint, Pucey, Theo and

Blaise in to the common room where they had changed it, Flint had also

spelled it to last 2 days and if someone tried to change it back it would

get worse. The latest of pranks had Rosina pinned to the wall with her

things in ruins, painted green and silver with a message underneath never

harm one or ours. James was the one who found his daughter at lunch and

had flown in to a rage, he stormed in to the Great Hall and yelled at


"Your filthy House is responsible for this." He snarled and the Potions

Master raised an eyebrow.

"Can you prove who it was?" He didn't deny that it was his House, he and

Lucius had saw it as they walked passed, they were quite impressed by

the work.

"I don't care but they need to be punished."

Snape raised the other eyebrow but turned to his House.

"Who was responsible for the terrible incident with Miss Potter?"

Looks were exchanged before Flint got to his feet and faced his Head of


"I did it." he said and before James could say anything thing Pucey stood.

"I did it." he was followed by Draco, then Theo and eventually the rest of

the House, they were all stood looking at their Head of House looking

slightly guilty.

Snape was finding it very difficult not to laugh at James who looked as if

he wanted to explode and Lucius next to him really wasn't helping

because the blond aristocrat was slowly going pink.

"Well Potter, they are your culprits." Snape drawled. James was so mad

that he wasn't capable of words, he glared at Snape and stalked out.

Severus and Lucius excused themselves from the hall and when they were

safely away they allowed their laughter. They entered the hospital still

chuckling, causing Sirius to look at them with raised eyebrows.

"Potter burst in because of the latest on his spawn demanding who was

responsible and my entire House owned up for the crime." Severus


"He looked as if he was going to explode and stormed out." Lucius

snickered before composing himself, the only evidence of his previous

amusement was the pink colour on his cheeks. Narcissa glided in with a

smirk on her pretty face, she took a seat next to her husband and shook

her head.

"You two are such children." She chided and they looked at her affronted.

"I saw you leave to laugh, Lucius dear your face was practically glowing."

She laughed lightly.

"Potter is still fuming but Lily doesn't seem to be anything, there's

something wrong with her and I don't think it's anything good." Narcissa


"You have noticed also?" Snape asked and she nodded.

"She's- I don't know, I can't explain it." Narcissa said frustrated and Snape


"That is not the Lily Evans I knew."

"Keep an eye on her Severus, I have a bad feeling."

Snape nodded and Draco walked in, the blond sat down next to Harry

with a sigh.

"What's the matter, Dragon?"

"This idiot needs to wake up! We're running out of ideas and we agreed

we would keep it up until Harrison woke."

Sirius released a bark like laugh, the animagus didn't look too healthy

himself, he had yet to leave Harry's bedside along with Remus.

"He is past the worst stages I hope but until he wakes I can do nothing."

"He's just being a prat." Draco prodded Harry's arm.

"Come on idiot, you've had people worried enough and your not allowed

to die so hurry up and wake up."

"I don't think that will work, Draco." Lucius pointed out and his son

glared at him.

"It might," he snapped. Draco, to the rest of the world was fine, but to

those who knew him the fact Harry had yet to wake after a week was

killing him.

"Come on, Harry, you can't die on me now, after all the work I've put in

to your retribution and you're not going to see it, not likely."

The adults left him to it, if this is how he dealt with it then so be it.

Draco continued to mutter things in Harry's ear and the adults sat back

watching him, they could only hope Harry would wake soon.

So here's revised eleven, with just under 2k of changes. I've

neatened out Harry's accident and the aftermath, which I do hope

you like. For the new folk, I hope you like the plot twist I dropped

in this! Please, let me know what you think.


12. Chapter 12

A/N: HEYY! I'm back and just a few pointers, Harry hasn't told

anyone that his is the real BWL, he had only told Severus, Remus

and Sirius about the Founders, they know his story is missing gaps

but they know he will come to him when his is ready. The only

people who know what happened truly on Halloween are the Dark

Lord and Harry. The reason Harry wants to join the Dark Lord is

because he understands why the man came after him, he despises

his parents so much because there was no valid reason for them to

abandon him. I left it on a bit of a cliff hanger last time so without

further ado, I give you the next chapter;

A/N: Some changes here and there, about 1k?

Disclaimer: Everything belongs to J. K.

Warning: Language and blood.


Chapter 12:

Everything was black. Harry couldn't feel, see, smell or hear anything but

blackness and it was disconcerting. At first his mind had been foggy,

swimming in the darkness, unable to work out the reason for the

strangeness, and then it began to clear. He remembered Rosina smashing

in to him and kicking his broom and then the blackness came. It had

happened too fast for him to use his flame to reach the ground safely, he

didn't even think, and it had been too late to catch himself with his air.

He knew when he hit the floor because there had been a lot of pain

before he had ended up where he was.

It was weird in the blackness, he didn't like it much because he was used

to being active and not being able to do anything was horrible. There was

a change, at one point. A light had appeared, it sang with soft magics and

he had tried so hard to pull himself towards the light that he could see

but something was holding him back. He fought hard, the calling of the

magic so strong to him, and when he finally got right next to it someone

pushed him back away roughly. Harry growled, spinning to face them

and he nearly had a heart attack when Merlin appeared in front of him.

"Are you insane? Do you know Salazar is having a breakdown thinking

your going to jump in to the after life early? It is not your time to go yet

Harry, why are you trying so hard to come through?"

All Harry could do was gape.

"Harry?" Merlin snapped and the boy shook his head.


"Of course, have you forgotten me already?"

"No, no, of course not! But what are you doing here and what are you

talking about?"

"I'm trying to stop you from dying. When you fell, nasty fall as it was, you

sustained horrific injuries, too painful for any mind to bare, which is why

your consciousness shut down to deal with the pain. You ended up here

where you can't feel, hear, see or smell anything from your

consciousness, and I am using some highly forbidden magics to stop you

from making a terrible mistake. The light you fought so hard to get to is

on," Merlin explained and Harry's eyes widened.

"As in dying on?"

"Yes, Harry." He confirmed. "I don't know about you but I don't think you

are ready to die."

"Oh Lady Magic no." Harry said.

"You need to go back to your consciousness to heal." Merlin informed

him. Harry wrinkled his nose.


Merlin motioned to something and Harry looked around, there was

another light, one he had not noticed before as it was not as bright at the

first. When he reached out for it he found it was riddled with pain and he

cringed back from it.

"There's a lot of pain over there." He pointed out but Merlin looked at

him blankly.

"I will not tell you what to do, Harry but I am confident that you will

work out why you need to get back to your consciousness to heal." Merlin

told him and Harry nodded, it was the way the man worked.

"The Founders send their best and they are proud of you, Salazar is

especially happy with his blood heir and yourself."

Harry felt a pang of something deep within himself, but he still found

himself smiling brightly.

"Thank you for bringing their words." Harry said to him, "And should you

get the opportunity, tell Sal that when I next meet him I will get my

revenge on him for not telling me about his blood Heir."

Merlin released a full laugh at that, shaking his head fondly at the boy

and patting his shoulder.

"I will leave you now." Merlin said softly and Harry nodded, "Just

remember, do not go in to the light Harry, it is not your time."

The ancient warlock disappeared and Harry was left alone again.

Suddenly the darkness was all the more imposing. He didn't know how

long he was there but he was planning on making sure Rosina wished she

never came to school. He honestly couldn't believe what she had done,

and why she had done it. He had gone out of his way to ignore her, stay

as far away from her as possible and then she had tried to kill him! Harry

wondered how everyone was, how everyone had reacted to his fall. The

Slytherins were probably going mad, they didn't take an attack on their

own lightly so maybe he wouldn't have to curse Rosina after all. He

hoped they had avenged him, the thought made him want to cackle, if

they had then Rosina was probably going to be in hell.

He did worry about his father and uncle, how they reacted to the fall and

if they were ok. He had no clue on what his actual injures were only that

they were bad from what Merlin said, but his phoenix abilities should be

healing him. Thinking about it, he should already be healed, he had

healed instantly before, and he remembered Helga exclaiming over it

once as his broken arm had healed from the grounds to her wing. He

wasn't sure if he had to be conscious for that to happen, it would make

sense if he did. Then it hit him, Merlin had said he needed to be

conscious to heal, if his phoenix abilities weren't working now he had to

be conscious for them to do so. Bracing himself against the pain, Harry

walked towards the dull light, though he wasn't prepared for when he

started to break through. It was unimaginable.

Like open flames burning his very bones, yet still managing to freeze him

like ice. It consumed him and he nearly stopped, but he kept going when

he began to hear things around him. Then he felt it, his phoenix stir

within him and like cool wave it washed over him and he began to heal.

The pain began to dull and the healing picked up speed when he went

more in to his conscious mind. He felt his magic stir within him, fuelling

his inner healing and he could now clearly hear breathing around him

and someone speaking, it sounded like Draco. Draco, he missed his best

friend. Draco would have been the best to have in the dark, he would

have kept things fun and mischievous and Harry wanted to wreak havoc

with him again.

A white hot flare shot up his back and he suddenly felt his legs again,

making him startle to realise he must have broken his actual spine. He

checked and realised he could feel everything in his body now and it was

nearly healed, there were tingles over his freshly heals bones and

restored body, telling him that he had been in really bad shape. He felt

someone prod his arm and wondered how he was being treated if this

was happening.

"Come on idiot, you've had people worried enough and your not allowed

to die so hurry up and wake up." That was definitely Draco and the blond

sounded sad to Harry, he wondered how long he had been unconscious

for, the blond usually covered his emotions better than this.

"I don't think that will work, Draco." That sounded like Lucius and it was

another shock to Harry, what the bloody hell had happened for Lucius to

be wherever he was.

"It might," Draco snapped, which was alarming, Draco never spoke to his

parents in such a way.

"Come on, Harry, you can't die on me now, after all the work I've put in

to your retribution and your not going to see it, not likely."

Die! They thought he was going to die? Holy mother Magic herself, his

father must have had a heart attack, let alone uncle Moony! It did make

him happy that Draco had avenged him and very well by the indignation

in the blond's voice. Of course he wanted to see it, Harry wanted to see

all the memories.

"Damn it Harry, don't die, please don't die."

That was enough for Harry, whatever had happened to him must have

been bad, Draco was crying; crying. Harry felt his body and was glad to

see he was healed, it might take him a day or two to be perfect again but

he was fine for now.

"I'm not going to die, Dray." His voice was hoarse with disuse and he

once again wondered how long he had been out. In the hospital wing,

everyone jumped about a foot in the air, they all turned to Harry who

was rapidly blinking.

"Harry?" Sirius asked in disbelief.

"How's it going dad, long time no see." He tried to be casual but it had

the opposite effect as Sirius seemed to lose what little colour he had.

"You're alive!"

Harry scoffed.

"Like a little fall is going to kill me." Harry rolled his eyes and pushed

himself in to a sitting position with Aressa curling happily around his

neck hissing a welcome back greeting. He stretched and yawned before

looking around to find them all gaping at him.

"Ok, I think I'm missing something and can someone get me a drink, my

mouth taste like a desert."

Sirius shakily handed him a glass of water and Harry drank it down in

one, sighing in pleasure.

"Thanks, so what's going on, you all look you've just seen Merlin dance


Draco and Sirius laughed, albeit it shakily.

"You've been unconscious for a week, Harry. You were on the verge of


Harry blinked a few times.

"Huh, well shit."

Sirius hugged his son tightly, he was crying like a baby but he didn't care,

Harrison was alive.

"I'm ok dad, honest."

"Don't ever do that to me again." Sirius told him thickly.

"I'll try not to." Harry assured. As soon as Sirius let go Harry had to

practically catch Draco, who launched himself at his best friend.

"You are a complete and utter prat, did you know that. What took you so

bloody long to heal? You should have been fixed on the same day."

"Anyone think you thought I was going to die, Dray." Harry laughed as

the blond thumped him on the back, which made Harry wince slightly.

"I told them you weren't going to die." Draco said when he sat back

down, Harry was also hugged by Narcissa and Remus who were both as

emotional as Sirius.

"So what have I missed?"

The smirks he received were enough to tell him everything.

"Is she still alive?" He asked incredulously.

"Yes but she's regretting surviving the killing curse."

Harry smirked.

"Brilliant, I want to see the memories of everything."

"Of course, do you think I would do all this work for you not to see it.

Honestly, I think the head injury has lasting damage."

Harry punched him.

"So what did Dumbledore say to this?" When they all gained dark looks

Harry knew he wasn't going to like what they had to say so he braced

himself for what idiotic thing Dumbledore had thought up this time.

They each explained what had been going on, igniting Harry's anger and

by they had finished he was fuming at the audacity of Potter and


"An accident, she slammed in to me and kicked my broom out of reach."

He snarled.

"It was all a terrible accident in the Headmaster's eyes." Snape sneered

and Harry hissed clenching his fist, he stopped when he felt something in

his hand, he opened to reveal the golden snitch.

"Ha, and I still won the game." He held up the ball in amazement and

Sirius laughed at the irony as the Slytherins smirked. Harry cast a tempus

and grinned.

"Dinner starts in about 10 minutes." He stated and Draco returned the


"I'm sure people would be interesting in the outcome of the game." He

said lightly.

"I think the winning seeker should be the one to deliver the news." Harry

agreed in the same tone.

"I do believe the Great Hall is the place, Heir Black."

"I agree, Heir Malfoy. Shall we enter with style?"

"We shall, it is the only way."

"It is." Harry finished solemnly. He then shocked all the adults but

hopping neatly out of bed and stretching, his back cracked multiple and

he rolled his shoulders.

"Circe, how many times did I break my back?" He questioned rhetorically.

"Just the three times, actually," Narcissa replied faintly, she was looking

at him in shock and Harry grimaced.

"Definitely getting her back myself." He muttered somewhat viciously.

Harry waved his hand over himself to change his hospital wear in to

uniform and use a quick cleansing charm, then he ran a hand through his

hair before smirking.

"How do I look?"

"As if you had never been in here." Draco said with a smirk of his own.


"Um Harrison," He looked at Narcissa.

"How are you up? You broke your spine three times as well has crushing

your scull."

"Really? Damn, no wonder it hurt so much." Harry shook his head and

the adults just looked at him.

"I have an animagus form of a phoenix, a black one actually, the reason I

was out so long was because the healing abilities only work in my

conscious mind and I had to get back in to it." He told them and then left

with Draco leaving them more confused than ever, they looked at each

other in shock.

"What in Merlin's name just happened?" Lucius demanded and Sirius


"Draco did warn you strange things happened around Harrison."

"But he shouldn't even be moving let along up and fine, he was perfectly

healed and on his way to the Great Hall." Lucius explained and they

froze; each of them would deny it later but they all ran to the door and

straight to the Hall. It seemed that James was yelling at they Slytherins

for something again and Harry and Draco were just outside the door,

James had began another rant about how it was cruel and unnecessary to

attack Rose when Harry stepped in.

"You are all just being foul, she has done nothing but yet you continue to

attack her."

"Oh no Potter, these are all just terrible accidents." Harry said softly, gasps

rang out as Harry walked in to the hall looking at James through

narrowed green eyes.


"Oh yes, did you expect me to die when I was accidently knocked out of

the air? Oh no daddy dearest, no I'm still alive and I even won the game."

Harry held up the snitch with a smirk, the Slytherin table exploded in

cheers, pleased hissing rose through the stamping and clapping and

Harry nodded his head at his House before turning back to James. The

Potter Lord was red in the face and glaring murderously at Harry who

was smirking openly.

"It looks as if there is some good in this accident, us winning the game

and then the cup. It's just such a shame that Rosina seems so accident

prone lately, isn't it?" Harry tilted his head innocently to the side, "All

these accidents so suddenly after mine, such bad luck. Maybe they will

stop now, or they might get worse, who knows." Harry shrugged and the

Snakes laughed.

"You can't threaten my daughter."

Harry clutched his heart in mock horror.

"Threaten!?" He exclaimed dramatically, "I could never threaten the Girl-

Who-Lived, it would be blasphemy. How could anyone do such a horrific

thing it is beyond me, it must have been accidental."

Sirius was using Remus to keep himself up where he was laughing so

hard with Remus doing the same, both Lucius and Narcissa were pink in

the face and Severus was covering his mouth to stop himself laughing out


"Why you little-,"

"It's ok Potter, I know accidents happen, I'm sure you will remember it."

With an all too sweet smile Harry walked to his table and was greeting

with thunderous applause as he sat down. James threw him a filthy look

and took his own place. Sirius skipped, he actually skipped, to his seat

kissing Harry on the head as he went, Snape, Remus and the Malfoys

followed his example without skipping and took a seat at the Head table

just as Dumbledore got to his feet.

"I would like to welcome back, Mr Black, who has clearly made a

wonderful recovery from his terrible accident." He announced. The hall

clapped and Harry nodded, he would show them an accident, he wanted

to push his stupid sister down the stairs but he wouldn't stoop to her

level. The other Slytherins seemed to have done a good job in making her

life hell for the past week, Harry glanced over at Rosina and smirked

when he saw her sat with her head down; they had definitely done a

good job.

"The twins were a massive help, they got us in to the Lions' Den to

redecorate." Draco told him as the food appeared, Harry raised an

eyebrow and the blond smirked.

"We also made a promise to retaliate anyone who helped Rosina or spoke

ill of you." He explained with a shrug and Harry grinned.

"Nicely done, Dray, nicely done."

"Well you didn't expect me to let this go did you?"

"I would be hurt if you did." Harry said to him. When Harry rose the

whole table followed him, they seemed to make an armed guard to escort

him down to the common room and Harry couldn't help but smirk.

"Just what happened while I was out?" He asked Draco who, was quite

enjoying the reaction.


In the cover and safety of the common room, Harry was surrounded by

messages of relief and welcomes, the whole House seemed to have missed

him and it took nearly an hour for them to calm down; there was even a

party planned. Flint came over with a smirk and a nod.

"You really did pull of the impossible ay, Black?"

Harry smirked.

"Of course,"

"I cannot believe you still won the game." Flint shook his head and Harry


"Now that was a surprise but hey, anything to trash Potter then I'll try it."

"I came to talk to you about Quidditch," Flint began, "Now I would

understand if you didn't want to play anymore, after a fall like-," he was

cut off by Harry's choking cough.

"Not play! Are you insane?" He exclaimed, "As soon as the summer begins

I'm getting me a new broom and getting back in the air, I have yet to do

my best moves at a game and there is no way I am letting the Lions win,

especially after this."

Flint grinned.

"I like you Black," Flint slapped him on the back and Harry withheld a


"People really have to lay off the back, I snapped it three times." Harry

complained to Draco, who rolled his eyes.

"Man up, you should have healed faster."

"Not gunna let that one go are you?"

"No, you had phoenix abilities, you should have used you head instead of

making everyone worry."

Harry frowned, apparently his being unconscious had really gotten to


"You know I didn't do it on purpose, Dray."

"I know. I also know that your father has yet to respond to your accident

due to him not leaving your bedside."

"What! You mean he hasn't done anything?"

"Oh no, he beat the crap in to Potter with his bare hands, of actual

damage, no."

"He had better have a plan, this isn't getting let go." Harry stated


"I agree,"

"Come on, I'm going to have words with my dear father."

They slipped out of the common room and up to the marauders pad,

Snape and the Malfoys were talking over drinks.

"What in Magic's name were you doing while I was in hospital?" Harry

demanded as a greeting, making all the adults swivelled around in shock.


"Why has Draco told me that you have done nothing in retaliation for me

nearly being killed?" Harry clarified.

"There isn't exactly a lot I can do. Dumbledore has already blocked the

ministry and the public worship the ground Potter and his spawn walk

on." Sirius told him clearly angry about it.

"I am not letting this go, I nearly died." Harry stated.

"I do not see what possibly be done. Fudge will not budge because of

Dumbledore and the Headmaster turns a blind eye to anything Potter."

Lucius said. Harry growled to himself and began pacing, he tugged at his

hair before freezing and facing Lucius.

"You said anything Potter," He murmured and the blond blinked.

"I did," He drawled.

"Anything Potter," He repeated to himself much to the confusion of the


"The public go mad for anything Potter yes?" He asked rhetorically but

Sirius answered anyway.

"Yes, the press and the public salivate for anything with the name Potter

on it."

The look that came to Harry's face was positively evil and shocked the

adults, Draco on the other hand began to smirk.

"What do you have in mind, Har?"

Harry looked around at them with a strange glint in his eye.

"I think it's about time the public knew the story of Harry Potter."

As he never did anything in halves, he was expecting his retaliation to be

massive. Harry had left James, Rosina and Dumbledore alone for the

entire week and he had called his House and the twins off from attacking

any of them, promising them that he personally had something planned

and that he wanted to lure them in to a false sense of security. He wanted

them to believe they were untouchable and it had worked. Rosina was

back to her cocky self walking around the castle like she owned it and

James was as arrogant ever, both still smug over the fact that there had

been no hit backs, that they had gotten away with their actions. Harry

couldn't help the smirk that came to his face every time he saw them.

He hadn't heard anything from the other teachers and Rosina wasn't

punished, according to Snape, Dumbledore had stated in a staff meeting

that it was a 'grievous accident' and cut off all other speech, so the man

was blocking the staff too. Harry had also been keeping a hawk eye on

Lily Potter. There was something severely wrong with her and his

instincts told him whatever it was he wasn't going to like it, he told

himself he didn't care about her or what was happening but it was

getting to Severus and Harry cared for the Potions Master, it was

working, for the most part. He hadn't managed to find out exactly why

Snape cared but her but he had dug up that Lily and he used to be

friends, from there is wasn't hard to connect the dots.

"When are you expecting it?" Draco asked lowly, and Harry cast a


"Right. About. Now."

Hundreds of birds swooped in carrying the morning post on his last

spoken word, and the two boys shared a conspicuous grin. Harry was on

the edge of his seat waiting for his own owl, the bird landed in front of

him and Harry all but threw the coins in the pouch and snatched the

paper from the beak. Just as he suspected his retaliation was there,

glaring and obnoxious; right on the front page.

Black V Potter,

Secrets exposed!

Last week it was the final of the Hogwarts Quidditch cup and it was

the much labelled rivalry; Slytherin V Gryffindor. The build up to

the game was said to be tense and when the match arrived it was

great. A furious battle between the teams, but the game wasn't the

point of the day. During a race between Rosina Potter, the Girl-Who-

Live, destroyer of You-Know-Who and Heiress to the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Potter, and Harrison Black, only son and Heir to

Lord Sirius Black, of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, for

the elusive golden snitch.

Harrison Black pulled of what is said to be his signature move and

jumped from his broom to snatch the snitch; then tragedy struck.

Heir Black plummeted from the air and hit the ground from over

50ft and he didn't get up, he was rushed to the hospital wing where

Lady Narcissa Malfoy worked to save his life. After a week locked in

a coma, Heir Black made a full recovery and discovered he had in

fact won the game for Slytherin house.

The true nature of what happened in the air is unknown, some have

labelled it as a tragic accident but there have been whispers saying

that Heiress Potter was seen slamming Heir Black off course and

then kicking his broom from reach. In result of these rumours, Lord

James Potter was available for comment:

"What happened in the Quidditch game was a horrific accident and I

am glad Heir Black has made a full recovery. Quidditch is a

dangerous game and students shouldn't try stunts unless they are

completely confident with their abilities, obviously Heir Black

wasn't. The fact that my daughter is being slandered with false

accusations is disgusting and I hope to assure the public that Rosina

could never commit such an awful act."

This statement is backed up by the Headmaster of the great school,

Albus Dumbledore who was also available for quote.

"What happened to young Harrison is an unfortunate accident and I

hope nothing like this ever happens again. Rosina Potter is an

exemplary student and rumours of her committing such an act are

outlandish and highly offensive."

However, Lord Sirius Black and Lord Lucius Malfoy both have very

different views of the game, and after some work I managed to track

them down to speak with. Lord Malfoy said:

"Harrison is very lucky to be alive and I am currently backing Lord

Black as he attempts to press charges on Heiress Potter. Her

behaviour in the air was underhand and dangerous and she

purposely tried, as well as succeeded, to knock Harrison out of the

air. When he tried to grab his broom she kicked it viciously out of

his reach causing him to fall to the ground. I am disgusted that Lord

Potter and Headmaster Dumbledore are seeing fit to try and cover

this situation up and I will be doing everything in my power to aid

Lord Black when he see's fit to act."

Lord Malfoy is a well know and very influential business man and

high ministry personnel, who's net wealth is only a fraction under

the Black fortune, if he is sticking with Lord Black on such a serious

matter then surely there is something behind these rumours? I

managed to get in contact in Lord Black to see what he had to say

about the situation.

"Heiress Potter should be arrested and tried for attempted murder of

my son. Harrison has never failed to land the stunt he entered and

as said before, it is widely known as his signature move. Many

witnessed Heiress Potter but they chose to overlook her actions due

to her fame and her success as an infant; it is wrong. Student rivalry

is common and to be expected in a boarding school such as

Hogwarts but Heiress Potter allowed her rivalry and perhaps

jealousy get in the way of rational thought and it cannot be

forgiven." When asked why the Girl-Who-Lived would be jealous of

his son Lord Black looked shocked.

"Because he's her brother," was the reply I received, I have to admit

I was more than a little shocked by that answer, many thoughts

jumped to my mind but Lord Black graciously cleared up most of my


"Harrison Regulus Black used to be Harry James Potter, because of

Heiress Potter's rise to fame, the Potters decided that Harry would

be best suited away from their family and he was given to muggles

to grow up away from the wizarding world." I was horrified by this,

to give up your own child is a disgusting act but Lord Black wasn't


"They weren't the best kind of muggles either, Harrison doesn't like

to speak of his time with them but from what I can get from him it

was awful and traumatic." I couldn't believe what he was telling me

and he continued after taking a moment to compose himself.

"I didn't know at the time that they were considering giving him up,

I was his Godfather and would have willingly taken him in but they

refused. I felt the bond pulling and I rushed over, I knew something

was wrong." To refuse a Godfather and Godson bond is unheard off

and I cannot imagine emotional trauma that caused. I asked him if

this was the reason behind the famous Potter/Black split years ago

and he confirmed.

"Yes. Once Lord Potter had made it abundantly clear that he was

permanently removing my Godson from me I could not bear myself

to be around him. To deny a magical child his heritage like that, to

force him to muggles with no knowledge of who or what he is? That

he would willingly do that made it clear to me that I could not

associate with him, he was not the person I thought he was." Lord

Black explained. His emotions seemed to flash across his face for

just a moment before he composed himself to continue our brief

interview. I asked, as we all want to know, how Harry Potter

became Heir Black, and I have to admit, readers, the smile that

came to Lord Black's face was full of pure joy.

"When he came to Hogwarts, he recognised me and we worked on

rebuilding the relationship we once had. The Potters also wished to

rebuild their relationship with their son but Harrison was not in

agreement, you see he had a near perfect memory so he remembers

them giving him up and why. I believe Rosina became jealous of

Harry because her parents were concentrating on Harry to integrate

him back in to their family and not focussing on her. I ended up

adopting Harrison as he no longer wanted to be associated with the

Potter name and I saw him as my son anyway, we are very happy

with the outcome."

The Potters perfect image seems to be crumbling now the truth has

come out: giving up a child and denying an ancient bond all hidden

from public knowledge. What other grizzly secrets have the got

hidden away? If what Lord Black believes turns out to be true then

the Girl-Who-Lives can be renamed to the Girl-Who-Was-Spoiled, it

paints a very different image of our saviour than what she has

portrayed; not only did she horribly attack he brother but she

attempted to kill him all through selfishness. When asked what he is

doing about his son's now questionable accident Lord Black replied:

"I intend to take it as far as possible."

That is a promise you can bet he will keep, the Black family is one

of the oldest, purest lines in our world so he had the resources to do

it and with the backing of Lord Malfoy, the Potters can expect a lot

of trouble heading their way.

Rita Skeeter, Special correspondent to the Daily Prophet.

Harry wanted to throw back his head and cackle. It was perfect. Oh it

was so perfect. He looked at James who was gaping in disbelief and

Rosina who looked close to tears and grinned.

"This is perfect." Draco voiced Harry's inner thoughts.

"Sowing the seed's of doubt." Harry agreed, he chanced a glance up to his

father who had the smuggest grin on his face it was actually hard to

comprehend; even Snape looked happy. The Snakes up and down the

table were pouring over the article and looking at Harry who was

smirking more than his life's worth, giving him impressed looks. This was

only the beginning. She tried to kill him; that wasn't going away.

"Come on, Draco, let's confront the inevitable." Harry commented and the

blond nodded. They rose with the paper in hand and just as suspected,

Rosina pounced on them.

"You sold your story to the paper!" She exclaimed angrily and Harry

raised an eyebrow.

"Sold my story?" He repeated confused, "I didn't sell anything."

"Then how did Skeeter end up with it?"

"I don't know if you noticed, Potter but your beloved Father also

commented in the article." Draco drawled looking at her with disdain.

"You've made me look bad for your accident." She spat and Harry actually


"You and I both know it was no accident. This is nothing to what I could

have done so think yourself lucky."

"What could you possible do to me? I'm the Girl-Who-Lived." She

announced smugly, and had her nose in the air.

"Actually, you're the Girl-Who-Was-Spoiled." Harry motioned to the

paper, she went red and stormed off. They shared a grin and went to

walk to the common room when Sirius came out with Remus laughing.

Harry caught a movement behind his father, James cursed him from

behind, Sirius or Remus wouldn't have blocked it in time so Harry flicked

up a shield. Sirius stiffened up and span to face James with a murderous

expression on his face.

"Has to rely on an 11 year old to watch his back," James sneered.

"Has to wait 'til my back is turned before he can raise a wand to me,"

Sirius returned in the same tone.

"You're pathetic if you think this will work, Black. Your stupid kid just

can't fly properly and now you think you can drag our name through the

mud? The public won't fall for this!"

Sirius looked livid at the slur about Harry and Draco was holding said

boy back for killing James himself.

"You really shouldn't speak like that, Potter, you're getting too big for

those boots your in." Sirius growled.

"You won't get away with this, Black. That little runt has caused more

problems than not, he should have had his magic bound and hidden from

this world."

The surrounding crowed gasped in horror, and Harry went slack in

Draco's grip, looking at Potter with stunned wide eyes. To suggest that to

happen to anyone was unthinkable, to bind away their very essence.

Harry felt a shudder ripple up his spine at the mere thought, to not be

able to feel what Lady Magic had gifted him, to not have his powers…

Harry belatedly realised the Entrance Hall had gone utterly silent and he

looked around to see his father had bypassed anything remotely close to

anger and has settled on calm rage. The Black animagus had gone

deathly still and his face was void off all emotion.

"I challenge you to a duel of honour." His voice was low and controlled,

but everyone heard it. It caused more gasps from the surrounding crowd

and now Dumbledore stepped in.

"Sirius, do you really believe this needs to end in fighting?" Dumbledore

chided in his usually grandfatherly tone, but Sirius didn't even grace the

man by looking at him.

"This has nothing to do with you, Headmaster and I would appreciate you

staying out of this. You are of a neutral party here and you would do well

to remember that."

Dumbledore didn't know what to say so for once he stayed quiet. Sirius

was looking at Potter and the only indication he was giving of his anger

was the fact he was actually shaking in rage. James started laughing.

"You want to challenge me to a duel?"

"A public duel, take it or leave it, Potter."

"Fine, I accept. Rules, no dark magic." He stated, thinking he had Sirius,

but the grim grinned.

"Done, no seconds, just me and you, two days from now, Friday, after


They parted ways with a final glare. Harry and Draco shared a look

before bolting towards the common room, they had a letter to write.

Falling in to the common room and running for their dorms, Harry

summoned some parchment and a quill to his desk.

Dear Ms Skeeter,

After your wonderfully written piece for the Daily Prophet, I could think

of no other reporter to come to for a truly brilliant story.

This morning, after the arrival of your article, an irate James Potter

decided to curse my father, Sirius Black, when his back was turned and

proceeded to insult him and myself in the most grievous of manner

resulting in my father challenging him to a public honour duel. The date

of the duel is Friday, around 5:30, and I was sure you would want to be

the first to know, myself and of course my father will be available for

interview both before and after the duel and I hope to see you there.


Harrison Black, Heir to Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.

Harry stamped his Heir ring underneath and sealed it with the Black

crest, he flashed a grin to Draco and ran from the room. When he got to

the owlery, Hedwig swooped down and landed on his shoulder, the owl

nipped him particularly sharply and Harry winced.

"Hey, I've been unconscious and then plotting revenge for the past two

weeks." He told her and she ruffled her feathers.

"I'm sorry, next time Draco will come and see you." He assured her and

she bobbed her head.

"Want to take this to Rita Skeeter for me girl?" She took the scroll and

soared away. The boys shared a grin.

"Do you think you should tell your father what you've just done?" Draco

questioned and Harry blinked.

"Yeah, that's to be advised really." He agreed candidly and they laughed.

The pair turned and made their way to the marauder pad, they had

History first as it was so they should be ok. When they entered Sirius was

pacing in a blind rage, he was snarling and look as if he was going to

spontaneously combust.

"I'll kill him, I'll murder him with a light spell. How dare he, how dare he

say such a foul and disgusting thing?" Remus would be trying to calm

him if he wasn't equally as mad. Draco looked at Harry, whose jaw was


"Father, you need to calm down,"

Sirius span to face them.

"Calm down, did you hear what he said about you?" He burst out and

Harry nodded.

"I did and they will pay for all this, by the time we're finished with them,

Rosina Potter will no longer be flying and will have her perfect

reputation smeared with blemishes."

"You have done something?"

"Dear Rita has been notified already and of course being the gracious

Head of House you are, you will be available for interview with your son

before and after you soundly hand Potter his ass on a platter."

Sirius smirked.

"You, my son, are an evil genius."

Harry mock bowed.

"I do try; I believe that particular talent is the first one on my actual


"Cub, aren't you supposed to be class now?" Remus asked suddenly and

Harry snorted.

"Yes, yours,"

Remus blinked before yelping and dashing down the hall only to come

running back and out of the portrait hole, Harry and Draco followed at a

more sedate pace howling with laughter as they went. It was a brilliant

day for Harry and Draco. James and Rosina were getting jeered at for

most of it, majority off the students seemed to realise that the Potters

weren't untouchable and quite a lot of people didn't like Rosina Potter;

Harry loved it. The Potter Heiress was storming around furiously and the

glares sent his way were brilliant, he and Draco had a wonderful time

laughing at her. They even made a point, during one of her glaring

sessions, to actually stop everything they were doing ot point and laugh

at her.

James was a different story. He was content on making sly comments

whenever he passed Harry, they ranged from what a nuisance he was to

how his father was going to be embarrassed in the honour duel, Harry

stored it all away for later. Harry hadn't forgotten about the Headmaster.

The man was the root to all of his problems and was way too

manipulating and interfering for Harry's liking.

"What are you going to do about Dumbledore?" Draco asked him as they

sat down for dinner. The Snakes were in a particularly happy mood and

it was scaring the rest of the school, they had never seen the Snakes with

so much emotion; there were actually smiles to be seen, even if they

weren't quite nice ones.

"As much as I want to destroy Dumbledore, I believe there is someone

with a bigger vendetta against the man than I could ever have." Harry

stated quietly, Draco frowned.


"Think, Draco," Harry told him, the blond looked confused until his eyes


"Yes, you're probably right on that one."

"Of course I am,"

Draco rolled his eyes.

"Have you heard anything?"

"No but something's going to happen soon, I can feel it." Harry said and

Draco shuddered.

"I still cannot believe you spoke to him."

"Why not? He's a perfectly reasonable man once you get past the

homicidal tendencies." Harry raised a shoulder and it was times like that

when Draco questioned his best friend's sanity.

"Sure," he dragged out the word and Harry grinned.

When Harry woke up the next day he felt off. His scar was burning like

never before and he felt his magic fluxing. As he got dressed, he pushed it

to the back of his mind and tried to get control of his magic before it

caused some damage. Harry guessed it would go away as he never

usually got sick. Harry waited for Draco who came down and looked at

him strangely before leaving the common room, Harry didn't eat much

for breakfast and barely glanced at the paper where the duel was

mentioned. By the end of Transfiguration he was feeling decidedly worse,

he dragged himself to Charms where his usual flawless performance was

severely lacking and Draco dragged him to a hidden archway afterwards.

"What's wrong?" He demanded and Harry shrugged him off.

"Nothing, I'm fine."


Harry blinked, it was the first time he remembered hearing Draco swear.

"I'm fine, Dray, it's nothing,"

"Don't even think about lying to me, you looked ill this morning, you

looked worse in Transfiguration and now you just royally screwed up in

Charms. I have never seen you pull of such bad work."

Harry winced.

"I wasn't that bad," He tried.

"You were out shone by Potter and Weasley."

"Oh Magic, you have to be joking?" Harry replied alarmed and Draco

shook his head, Harry groaned.

"Ok so I'm not feeling great today,"

"Not great, Harrison, you look like crap." Draco deadpanned.

"Fine, I feel like utter shit. I woke up like it and I don't know what's going

on, I'm never sick, comes with the phoenix, and now my magic's feeling

worse than it did earlier." Harry finally told him.

"Have you taken anything?"

"No, I wouldn't even know what to take, I've never been ill."


Harry shook his head, Draco sighed.

"Well, there's nothing to be done about your magic as it has to settle on

its own. If you have a headache we can go to uncle Sev and get a

headache reliever and he might have something for nausea too."

Harry nodded and they made their way down towards the dungeons,

with every step, Harry felt worse and Draco was getting more and more

alarmed. By the time they were safely in the cover of their territory,

Harry was pale white and stumbling, Draco supported him to the Potions

Master's office and hammered on the door. Snape threw open the door

prepared to yell at the brat who hammered on the door when he saw

them, he quickly grabbed hold of the unstable boy and carried him in.

"What in Merlin's name happened?"

"I don't know, he said he woke up feeling like crap and its only gotten

worse." Draco explained quickly. Harry suddenly groaned and clutched

his head right over his scar, his magic flared around him and he


"That can't be good," Draco muttered.

"Go and fetch Sirius, use the floo,"

The blond nodded and darted away, seconds later Sirius fell out of the

floo and in to the office.

"What's wrong?"

"We don't know, his magic is reacting to whatever it is and he just


"You don't think this is because of what happened, I mean he did get up

pretty quickly." Sirius suggested and Snape shook his head,

"I wouldn't know, Narcissa is the healer, I make the potions."

"I'll go," Draco said and floo'd straight home, he ran in to the living room

where his mother and father were sat.

"It's Harrison again, he's collapsed." He told them hurriedly. Narcissa was

up with her kit before he finished and Lucius had their cloaks. They

floo'd back to Snape's office and Narcissa began running scans. She

frowned and began running different tests before shaking her head.

"There is nothing wrong with him, there is no medical reason for him to

be unconscious."

"So why's he like this?"

"I don't know," She sighed, "With Harrison I am starting to believe it

could be anything." They sat, waiting for him to wake up when he arched

up and let out a piercing scream, blood poured from his scar and at the

same time, Lucius and Severus collapsed in pain clutching their left

forearms. Harry was in a world of pain. He was in his head but he wasn't,

he could see things out of someone else's eyes and he only needed one

guess as to who. Harry watched as magic visibly swirled around

becoming faster and stronger until it slammed in to the core and he

screamed. Harry was writhing on the floor when his eyes snapped open

only they weren't his eyes, they were glaring crimson and his magic

blasted out, only quick shields being raised stopped them from the


"What the hell is going on," Sirius demanded, dropping his shield and

looking at the fallen men and his son. Narcissa had gone pale and was

trying to soak up the blood, her mind whipping through multiple

possibilities but coming up empty.

"I don't know, I really don't, and none of this makes sense."

Draco had backed up in shock, he had a feeling he knew what this was

about but he kept his mouth closed. Harry sucked in a sharp breath and

when his eyes opened again they were his own shocking green, he sat up.

"Holy shit," he gasped and no one bothered about the language.

"What was that?" Sirius exclaimed and Harry looked around, he saw

Severus and Lucius and smirked.

"If I told you I doubt you would believe me." Harry said.

"Try it,"

Severus was the first to wake up and he did so with a groan, Lucius

quickly followed and they pulled themselves up ungracefully and fell in

to chairs.

"It's not possible," The elder blonde muttered.

"It is," Severus said and Harry snorted. The Potions Master looked around


"Why do I get the feeling you had something to do with this?"

Lucius' head snapped around and Harry had the perfect angelic look on

his face.

"Little old me?"

"But he couldn't have, I mean that truly is impossible." Harry smirked.

"Impossible is something I do,"

"But how?"

"Ah, now that is an interesting question, maybe you should ask him."

"Can someone tell me what the bloody hell is going on?" Sirius burst out;

the three of them exchanged looks.

"The Dark Lord has returned."

Tom Marvolo Riddle was very happy as he looked at his new body in

awe. After 10 years as something less than a spirit, he had finally

returned to a corporal form and it was down to an eleven year old child.

He looked in to the mirror and smirked, the elixir had returned him to

his prime and his old looks, meddling with so much dark magic had

twisted his appearance in to something even he was horrified look at.

Now though, now he was back to himself, around his mid-thirties if he

were to hasten a guess. He flexed his fingers and rolled his shoulders, it

was good to be back. There was much to do and in little time but for now

he wanted to think; Harry Potter, or Harrison Black as he was now, was

an enigma. The boy had raised so many questions in his mind that it was

alarming, Harrison had been the child he had targeted when he had

heard the prophecy, the boys magic was there in quantities and yet he

had handed him the Philosophers Stone.

There was much more to the boy than on the surface and his hate for the

Potters was obvious, but what got to the Dark Lord was the boy himself,

the way his mind worked, even at such a young age, was something to be

admired. He had worked out who he was when Dumbledore remained

oblivious, he had worked out what he was after and he had approached

him all from a name he hadn't been associated with in years; it was mind

blowing. The boy was also, somehow, the Slytherin Heir, which in itself

raised questions. The Potters were in no way related to his line so how

the boy could wear the ring was anyone's guess. When Harrison had

asked to speak with him that day in the classroom, Tom could honestly

say he was shocked, the boy was bold but he had obviously thought the

whole thing through. And the boys magic; it was everywhere.

The magic wasn't just running wild, no, he had tight control over it all

and used it to his needs, it was like an extended limb and in all of his life

he had never seen anyone so young control their magic like Harrison.

The Dark Lord walked through his father's manor at a sedate pace, he

hated his father and had believed him to be a common muggle, again he

was surprised by an eleven year old boy when he had laid his father's

true linage down. The manor had been restored but it wouldn't do, he

was moving to Slytherin castle at the quickest convenience and he had

plans to lay out. The first thing on that list was catching up with the

latest happenings in the world starting with the latest paper. He sat down

to read and his eyebrows rose further and further up his head and he felt

his notorious temper stir, Potter's spawn had tried to kill Harrison and

Dumbledore was blocking everything, the old fool was always sticking

his nose in where it wasn't wanted. He was looking forward to destroying

the old fool once and for all.

Besides that, Harrison was an Heir, the only Heir to the Slytherin line,

however unexplained, he wore the ring and that was enough. He doubted

Black would let this go and Lucius was backing him meaning something

was going to happen soon. The next paper made him smirk, a duel

between the Black Lord and the Potter Lord was something he wanted to

see for himself, it was a public duel and he had every intention of going,

he would be unrecognisable if he glamoured the eyes. His eyes had

stayed resolutely red, a bright crimson, but they gave him a certain edge

and he actually liked them. It would also give him an opportunity to see

the wizarding world and the old school, and be the perfect opportunity to

begin everything.

Tom Marvolo Riddle was very happy and he had plans to change


Yes, he's back and things are going to change, Harry's up and he has

no plans on letting his accident go unpunished. I decided to add the

bit with the Dark Lord as an extra so I hope you like that bit. Not

many revisions in this chapter, I quite liked it as it was. Please let

me know what you think!


13. Chapter 13

A/N: Hi guys! Me again and I'm happy to day that the duel is here, I

have to say, thanks again for the reviews, the follows and the fav's.

A few things, I'm sorry to all those Drarry fans, but this isn't one.

They are just best friends/cousins, this is going to be a Harry/Luna

or a Harry/Daphne, but if it makes you feel better, I am working on

a Drarry fic! So, without wasting too much time, on with the story.

A/N2: Chapter thirteen up and edited!

Disclaimer; all belongs to J. K

Warning; Swearing, fighting,


Chapter 13:

Sirius, Remus, Harrison, the Malfoys and Severus were sat in the Potion

Master's quarters in silence, with the events that had occurred, no one

had anything to say. It was all unbelievable to them, accept for Harrison

and Draco of course who were expecting it, after 10 years of nothing, not

even a whisper, the Dark Lord was active once more.

"How?" Lucius finally asked, "How had he returned to us now?"

"We will have to wait and see," Snape said quietly.

"What will happen now?" Sirius wondered and they shook their heads.

"Until he calls for us, we do not know."

"You seem almost disappointed," Harrison pointed out dryly and they

whipped around to glare at him.

"Never," Lucius stated venomously, "Having the Dark Lord return to us is

the greatest blessing."

Harry smirked.

"Just as long as you're still loyal, I don't think he would be too please if

you were not."

"You do not know him."

Harry merely raised an eyebrow.

"Besides, I am sure he will inform you of his great return when he calls,

it's a rather shocking story. I hope he doesn't wait until the summer for a

meeting." Harry mused and he was getting looks of shocked disbelief

from everyone except Draco, who was shaking his head at his friend's


"How would you know anything about his return and why would you

want a meeting with him?" Severus asked slowly and Harry returned to

an innocent look.

"Huh, well it was a guess and anyone would want to talk to the Dark

Lord." Harry cast a tempus, "Oh look at that, curfew, come on, Dray." He

grabbed the blond and they vanished. The adults looked at the door.

"It's not possible he actually had something to do with it, is there?" Lucius

questioned and no one knew how to answer.

In their dorms, Harry was grinning like an idiot.

"I can't believe it's happened already." He said to his best friend.

"Neither can I, I still remember when you told me what you were

planning." Draco agreed and then shook his head. "It was the day I

confirmed you were crazy." Harry laughed.

"I know I'm going to have another meeting with him, he wants questions

answered and I get to play with the Philosophers' Stone."

"There we go, mental."

Harry rolled his eyes,

"I'm going to bed, after tonight I'm exhausted and tomorrow we're

preparing for the duel."

"I cannot wait to see Potter be wiped the floor with." Draco said with a

grin and Harry chuckled.


There was tension in the air the next morning, the glares shared between

Potter and Sirius were deadly and if looks could kill then they both

would be 6ft under twice. Rosina Potter seemed to think her father had

already won, she was sat in the centre of the Gryffindor table surrounded

by people and she was talking about how great her father was, it was


James Potter was a good duellist, Sirius has said so himself, but Sirius

was a Black and Blacks were simply more powerful. They had turned out

some of the most feared Death Eaters and the Black family was notorious,

even those who were not Death Eaters were known for their skill and

power. Sirius himself has a record for the most Death Eaters taken down

in battle, he had even beat Dumbledore, something he was rather proud

about. Harry heard Rosina bragging outside the Transfiguration

classroom when he approached and rolled his eyes.

"Black hasn't got a chance, he's not allowed to use dark magic and it's

impossible for him to duel without it, he'll be helpless." She said

imperviously and Harry scoffed.

"Potter, that has to be the most stupid thing to come out of your mouth to

date." Harry said coldly and she blushed, but glared back defiantly.

"Everyone knows the Blacks are dark." She stated and Harry nodded.

"You are correct, of course," she looked smug, "But you are forgetting one

key thing." Rosina looked confused.

"What are you talking about?" She snapped.

"Sirius Black was on the light side, remember? He used to be your father's

partner in everything."

Her mouth opened and closed a few times as she had nothing to say,

McGonagall opened the door and ushered them in saving Rosina from

more embarrassment. Harry walked passed her with a shake of his head

and took his seat with Draco.

"Sometimes I think that there is something wrong with Rosina Potter,"

Draco commented lowly and Harry nodded.

"It's like she had no grip on reality." Harry agreed and they began their

work. The lesson was a theory class and Harry internally groaned, it was

the problem of finished the entire curriculum early. They headed down

the greenhouses after Transfiguration, where they were feeding the plants

and identifying key features, Harry didn't mind because he was actually

doing something instead of making notes on something he knew like the

back of his hand. Harry thanked his stars that he had a free afternoon

because he wanted to see he dad practice for the duel, it would be good

to see the man at work and it made him hurry to lunch dragging Draco

with him.

"What's your rush?" The blond exclaimed.

"I want to see dad practice, it'll be fun." Harry told him and Draco raised

an eyebrow.

"You don't need to pull my arm off." Draco said exasperated and Harry

rolled his eyes.

"Walk faster then blondie," Harry ran at Draco's affronted look, the other

Slytherin chased after him and Harry grinned. "See, that's more like it."

Draco hit him and sat down.

"You are impossible,"

"Of course I am."

They ate lunch and went straight to the marauders pad, Sirius and Remus

were locked in a heated duel and the two boys kept behind the wards.

"You have to be careful of what spells you do use, Pads," Remus

commented once they had called a halt to their practice.

"I know Moony, I will stick to grey borderline dark, as long as they are

not classified then I will be fine." Sirius pointed out and Remus nodded,

"Good, hey boys,"

Harry smiled.

"Rosina Potter seems to think you will be helpless without the use of dark

magic," Harry told his dad, who scoffed.

"Yes, because I wasn't Potter's partner before he became a dick."

"I said the same, she didn't seem to have anything to say back." Harry


"It's obvious uncle Sirius is going to win." Draco put in, "If he doesn't,

mother will kill him."

Sirius paled at that and the boys snickered.

"You laugh now," Sirius grumbled.

"How are you, cub?" Remus asked.

"I'm fine, I wanted to see dad practice." Harry replied.

"As long as you stay behind the wards," Remus warned and the pair

nodded. They crossed the boundary and sat down as Sirius faced Remus

again and they bowed before falling in to duelling stances.


They both struck at the same time, and were forced to dodge, they were

nearly evenly matched, though Remus had a very slight edge due to his

enhanced agility. They parried around each other and never once gaining

a solid hit, Harry watched impressed at their power and was making

mental notes on their styles as Draco watched fascinated. After 10

minutes, they called it quits as neither was gaining the upper hand and

Sirius dropped in to his chair with sigh.

"I shouldn't be stressing about this, I know Potter's duelling patterns and I

know how he works." He said wearily.

"But you want to win," Remus pointed out.

"It's not even that, I have to win. I will not let him get away with

repeated insults."

"You will win this, dad, I have confidence."

Sirius managed a tired smile.

"Thanks pup,"

They sat in the marauders pad all afternoon discussing the upcoming

duel and then on to the case.

"It isn't looking good," Sirius sighed, "Dumbledore and Potter are using all

their influence to hold everything back, but with the public outcry due to

the article we may gain some leeway."

"Fudge will have to make a choice, the Malfoy house along with the

Black house is enough for anyone to cave." Draco said and Sirius nodded.

"Which is what were hoping for, even if it's a fine it means the Potters are

not untouchable." Remus said and Harry frowned.

"If you win the duel it will also be a major knock, Fudge will be more

mouldable and hopefully she gets more than a slap on the wrist."

"We can only hope that she does,"

The crowds were gathered and Harry could hear the noise from the hall

as they waited outside. He looked at his father with pride: Sirius Black

looked ever the example of the perfect Lord, he was dressed in

immaculate black duelling robes with his family crest printed on the left

side and his ring on display. Remus was dressed in black also and was

stood proudly next to his mate, Harry had dressed in formal robes for the

occasion and had the Black crest printed too. They were just running over

appearances before entering the Great Hall, the people who caught sight

of Sirius first pointed and the noise rose.

As Harry walked in to Hall he felt it, it was concentrated to the left side

of the hall; magic, and Harry's eyes snapped to a dark haired stranger.

The man was very attractive and was gaining a few looks, he had pale

skin, pink lips, high cheek bones and perfectly sculptured brows giving

him the perfect aristocratic finish. Harry smirked, he would recognise

that magic anywhere and when charmed icy blue eyes snapped to his

own glowing green the stranger raised an eyebrow. Harry's smirk

stretched. The Malfoys were stood waiting for them to approach, the glee

in Lucius' eyes was apparent and Harry grinned.

"Happy, dear uncle?" He asked lightly and Lucius smirked.

"James Potter has needed to be put in his place for a very long time." The

blond stated.

"This is going to be a very good day." Harry mused as Dumbledore got to

the platform. The Great Hall had been changed for the day. Gone were

the four House tables and the Head at the top, replaced with raised seats

surrounding a duelling platform. People lined the makeshift stands, all

eager for the duel, and Dumbledore used his magic to quiet the crowd.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen; welcome to Hogwarts." He greeted

jovially, his arms open as if he wanted to embrace them all. Out of the

corner of his eye Harry saw the 'stranger' cover a sneer with difficulty

and bit back his own amusement.

"Tonight you have been invited to witness and honour duel between Lord

Sirius Black III and Lord James Potter." He announced, "I will now pass

you on to our duelling umpire, Master Duelling Champion Flitwick."

The diminutive Professor got to the platform and Harry felt his eyebrows

shoot up, he had, of course, did research in to all of his Professors, but

nothing too indepth, and he had forgotten that the tiny man was in fact

legendary with a wand. Harry wondered if the man did any private

tutoring. Professor Flitwick's squeaky voice carried over everyone,

bringing all attentions to him with ease.

"The rules are as follows," He began, "No classified dark magic, no

seconds, and the opponent must be unconscious or incapable to continue

the duel for the victor to be decided. The standard duelling rules still

apply. The breaking of any rules will result in disqualification and the

forfeit of the duel, this is a one on one duel with one round." He

motioned for the duellers to approach and the supporting families took

their seats. Harry led the Black circle to the stranger and he took a seat

next to the man as Sirius and James got to the platform.

"I have to admit, I did not expect to see you here." Harry commented

quietly as Flitwick went over the official rules with the opponents so

neither could claim ignorance. They were loud enough for the entire Hall

to hear as a precaution too. Harry received strange looks from Remus,

Lucius, Narcissa and Snape, but one of understanding from Draco at his

sudden conversation with the apparent stranger, but he paid them no

mind for now.

"Do I know you?" The stranger replied and Harry nearly snorted.

"Yeah, you wish that would work."

He heard the man sigh under his breath before speaking.

"I needed to catch up on modern times, this seemed like the perfect

opportunity," His voice was cool, and smooth, and Harry smirked.



"Your magic. While it may be covered from everyone else, I can still feel


This time the stranger smirked.

"Indeed," Harry felt the masking spell tighten, "So many questions you

raise, it is astounding."

"Yes and I could raise many more, with others I do so daily, but

unfortunately now is not the time and if I continue to speak with you like

this, it is going to raise even more questions to the others."

Blue eyes flicked around and he smirked.

"Oh yes, they should know, then again, it has been a while."

"Just a bit, I have questions about that too." The stranger nodded once in

acknowledgement before their attentions were called back to the duel.

Sirius and James bowed to each other and took 7 steps away, James fell

in to a common stance whereas Sirius took up his own as Flitwick came

between them and held up his hand.

"Begin," the professor jumped out of the way as spells soared, Sirius was

first off the mark and the duel began. The exchange of spells was quick

and Harry sat forward to analyse their movements, James relied on

shields and transfiguration whereas Sirius was a high offence and dodger.

As the duel picked up Sirius spells got darker in nature, but they didn't

stray in the 'dark' category, he favoured fire spells and forced James to

roll on the floor.

The Potter Lord was an apt dueller, he countered each spell with ease,

but Harry could see Sirius was only building up, the pace sped up and

James took his first solid hit with a Diffindo to the arm; Harry smirked.

He retaliated by throwing water to the floor and freezing it around Sirius'

feet, he threw spells at him in different directions thinking he couldn't

move, Sirius fell to the floor and cast Bombarda to the ice, the after shock

made James stumble giving the grim animagus chance to get up swiftly

and curse him. Confringo was at the very border of grey and dark, it had

the desired affect and James didn't block in time, Sirius disarmed him

and followed it by blasting him back to the wall where James slammed in

to the stone and crumpled to the floor; he was out cold.

"Winner, Lord Black."

Sirius bowed and the crowds cheered, Remus was up and down next to

Sirius within a blink of an eye as James was enervated and given medical

attention. Harry spotted Lily smiling as she looked over to Sirius,

unfortunately so did James and Harry's eyes narrowed when her whole

complexion went sickly white.

"Do you wish to greet the victor?" Harry asked the 'stranger' and received

a smirk.

"Of course,"

The pair left much to the confusion of the others, when they were a

distance away Harry glanced up to look at the man properly

"So what name are you going by now?" He asked.

"Lord Marvolo Slytherin-Le Fey to the outside world, to my Death Eaters

it will be the same."

Harry grinned.

"Marvolo then," Harry said, "Why the glamour?"

"My eyes decided to stay crimson, I am famous for having 'evil red eyes',

it would be a bit of a give away."

"Nah, can't see why,"

"My mistake," Was the dry reply he received and Harry laughed.

"Now you have greeted us with your revered presence," he dodged the

hand that aimed for the back of his head, "We can organise a meeting, I

have things to ask and clarify and I am sure you wish to ask questions."

"Indeed, the summer would be the best opportunity. It gives me chance to

build things up after my lengthy absence," Here Harry received a filthy

look which he grinned back at.

"I will forever remind you of that night." Harry told him and received a

glare, "And I want to know why I ended up unconscious and watching

your rebirth, that hurt by the way." Harry rubbed his chest and the Dark

Lord raised an eyebrow.

"I cannot answer that yet, it might have something to do with your scar."

"Maybe, I would like a definitive answer anyway." Harry said.

"That is understandable. I would like to know also, there could be other

benefits or complications." Marvolo replied.

"When are you going to relieve Lucius and Severus and call them?"

"I was going to make them endure, but today seems a perfect

opportunity." Marvolo mused. "Am I correct in assuming this duel is the

aftermath of your near death experience?"

"Ah, heard about that did you?" Harry scratched his head, "Yes,

Dumbledore proclaimed me being shoved out of the air from 50 ft an

accident because it was the next Merlin herself. He blocked all staff and

is controlling the ministry at the current time, so, as you must have read,

we went to the paper and started seeding the doubt in the Potters perfect

image. Potter didn't react well and insulted me so dad challenged him to

an honour duel." Harry explained as they moved towards Sirius who was

being fussed over by a panicked mate.

"What was the insult to cause such a reaction?"

Harry's expression turned nasty.

"Potter stated that I should have had my magic bound and been hidden in

the muggle world."

The magic around the Dark Lord spiked and the eyes flashed crimson for

a second.

"I see,"

They had gotten in to hearing distance of the pair now and Sirius was

trying to calm Moony down.

"Honestly, Moony, I'm fine, It was only a cut and a fracture."

"But, Padfoot-,"

"Uncle Moony, father is fine, you are the one who is going to need a

calming draught soon." Harry said with a grin and the werewolf smiled



"Hey, pup,"

"Father, uncle, I would like to introduce Lord Marvolo Slytherin-Le Fey,

Marvolo, this is my uncle, Remus Lupin-Black, and my father, Lord Sirius

Black." Harry introduced and they shook hands. Sirius blinked and tilted

his head with narrowed eyes and Harry knew he would work it out.

"Slytherin, that must mean you're…" He trailed of and his head snapped

up, he stepped back slightly with wide eyes.

"Yes," Marvolo confirmed the unvoiced statement and Sirius looked at his

son with a resigned look.

"I give up, I just do!"

Harry beamed.

"Your rooms or Sev's?"

Said Potions Master appeared as of summoned.

"What about me?"

"There is a simply delightful conversation coming up which will probably

raise more questions due to my adoring son." Sirius deadpanned, "We can

go to mine after we have given an interview to Rita as you promised."

Harry nodded.

"I had forgotten about that, where is she?"

"I believe she is on her way over," Marvolo told him and Harry nodded.

"Get my act on," He muttered to himself much to the Dark Lord's

amusement, which turned to surprise as the boy changed before their

eyes as the reporter came over.

"Lord Black, a stunning defeat of Lord Potter," She gushed and Sirius bit

back his retch, plastering on an accepting smile.

"Thank you, Ms Skeeter, it was a shame it came to an honour duel but I

will not have my son insulted because of something Potter's daughter was

in the wrong for." Sirius told her humbly.

"Ah yes, the reason for the duel: what happened?"

"After the revelation about Harrison's original parentage, Lord and

Heiress Potter did not react well. They confronted myself and my son and

spewed grievous insults that could not be left."

"If you do not mind, what was said?"

"Lord Potter stated that Harrison should have had his magic bound and

be hidden from the world." Rita gasped and so did those listening around,

the whispers already started spreading and Harry nearly cackled at the

looks of disgust suddenly getting thrown to the Potter side of the room.

"That is horrific! How could he?"

"Yes, I also couldn't believe he would stoop so low. You can understand

why I challenged him."

"Yes definitely, and you won the duel which is commendable."

"Thank you,"

"Have you gained any momentum with legal proceedings from your son's


"Currently, Lord Potter and the Headmaster are using all of their power

to keep things moving slowly, but I believe with some added pressure we

will gain something." Sirius answered and Rita nodded, turning to Harry.

"How are you feeling after your father's victory?"

Harry gave a shy smile.

"I knew my father would win, after everything Lord Potter has been

doing since I returned to the wizarding world, the man deserved to lose."

"Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about that shocking


"Not at all," Harry answered welcomingly.

"Do you remember your parents before being sent away?" Rita asked and

Harry nearly smirked but instead he looked down as if upset.

"I have an eidetic memory, I remember it was Dumbledore and James

that convinced Lily to give me to her magic hating sister." Harry told her,

making sure to keep his voice a touch reluctant with an undercurrent of

lasting hurt. That resulted in a few gasps too, and Harry wanted to smile,

he was glad he added in that handy detail.

"Oh my, so you remember being given up?"

"Yes, at the beginning I always wondered why, but I grew to accept that I

was second best."

"How was your transition back to the wizarding world?" She questioned.

"My birth parents collected me and the first thing I heard was how great

and famous my twin was and how they had to give me up to train her."

"Was that the only explanation you got given?"

"Yes, although I do not see how that excuse is true. My grades are

substantially higher than Rosina Potter's and I had only been in the

wizarding world since September."

"Your parents wanted to get closer to you when you returned, why did

that not happen?"

"At the beginning of the year they tried, but it's hard to forget all those

feelings of abandonment when you can remember everything. I did try,

but every conversation seemed to end up going back to Rosina and her

fame." Harry shrugged despondently and then 'perked up'. "Of course I

was growing closer with my father and uncle Remus, they were actually

interested in me rather than the Girl-Who-Lived's twin. At Christmas

father blood adopted me and I'm now proudly Harrison Black,

unfortunately, not everyone was as happy as us and made their distaste


"I presume you mean Lord Potter and the Girl-Who-Lived."

"Yes, they made times tiring by just being awful."

"Their behaviour is a lot different to what they show the public then?"

Rita confirmed and Harry nodded sadly.

"They seemed so nice in front of the cameras, but then behind the scenes

their true selves come out." Harry shook his head.

"What happened at the Quidditch match?" Rita wanted to know and

Harry was all too happy to oblige.

"The game was intense as always and after over an hour, I had finally

caught sight of the snitch. I began chasing it with Rosina and she took

the lead, we were high up and on a straight, I wanted to win the game so

I decided to use one of my favourite moves. I jumped of my broom and

over Rose to catch the snitch. I would have landed on my broom, like I

always do, but she rammed in to my shoulder. I went to grab my broom,

but she kicked out of my reach and that's when I fell." Harry shuddered

and he had the listeners hooked, "I was terrified and when I hit the

ground, it was unimaginable pain before I blacked out. I was out for a

week after Lady Malfoy healed me and I am lucky to be alive." Harry

finished flashing Narcissa a smile for the crowd, Rita's quill was working

overtime and Harry was cackling on the inside.

"In your opinion, there was no accident."

"No, there is no way kicking my broomstick out of reach was an accident,

especially after she slamming in to me, I remember her smiling about it

too." So that was a slight lie, he didn't remember much as it happened so

fast, but it could have happened.

"The disgrace," She stated furiously, "I shall leave you and your father to

your victory, thank you." She left and Harry led them out, when they

were free and clear did he laugh.

"That was some astounding acting," Marvolo commented to Harry who


"I do not know what you mean," He replied innocently to which he

received a raised eyebrow.

"Of course not,"

They reached the marauder pad and Harry muttered the password, when

he entered he waved his hand and conjured up some more seats and

threw himself gracefully in to a chair.

"It's a glorious day is it not?"

"Why do I have the intense feeling I am going to regret my decision."

Marvolo muttered taking a chair facing Harry, the boy in question


"Where's your bright spirit?"

"It hasn't quite returned to me." Marvolo deadpanned.

"Will you please explain what is going on?" Lucius finally asked and

Harry grinned.

"Are you explaining or am I?"

"It is a shame they have not realised, Black was quick of the mark."

"And I'm still recovering," He muttered.

"Are we supposed to know who you are?" Severus asked slowly and

Marvolo smirked, slowly the icy blue eyes bled glaring crimson red and

the two official Death Eaters reared back in shock.

"Surely you recognise me, Severus?" Marvolo drawled and the Potions

Master blinked.

"My Lord?" He questioned in disbelief and Marvolo gave a short nod.

"We knew you had returned, the miracle it is, but we were waiting for


"Yes, I was successfully returned and a public duel was the perfect

opportunity to rework myself in to the current wizarding world."

"But how did you accomplish this miracle milord?" Lucius finally spoke

and Harry's eyes widened as he forgot he hadn't told anyone about that

yet, he had jokingly said they should ask him but not while he was

actually there! He had stolen the Philosopher's Stone for Magic's sake, he

didn't want to be with his parents when they found out. The Dark Lord,

who had obviously spotted and understood Harry's sudden horror,

smirked and turned directly to the first year, neatly folding one leg over

the other and relaxing back; this should be very entertaining.

"Would you care to share my miraculous resurrection, Harrison?" He

inquired lightly, and the boy shook his head rapidly.

"No, I am perfectly fine, thank you. In fact, I think that as this day is so

good, we should talk about the future, not the past. Things are moving

forward after all, and why speak of things already come to pass?" Harry

responded, his voice cheerful; too cheerful.

"Oh, but everyone here is so interested in my return and you are more

familiar with your father and uncle. Do you not believe it would be better

coming from you?" Marvolo wondered with a smirk, and Harry's scowled

at him.

"I honestly believe the rumours of your evilness." He grumbled and

Marvolo chuckled.

"Dark Lord," Was his only response. Harry threw him an absolutely

disgusted look, which only served to make the man more amused.

"What did you do?" Sirius sighed and Harry glared at Marvolo.

"I hate you, this was supposed to be the start of a beautiful comradeship."

"I have to have something to serve me some amusement."

Harry gave him a withering look which quickly changed in to an

innocent smile when he faced the five other adults in the room; Draco

was successfully hiding behind the sofa much to Harry's ire.

"See you know how I get board sometimes," He began and out the corner

of his eye he saw the Dark Lord angle himself to face the others too, he

was going to get him back for this.

"And you know how Dumbledore's keeping the Philosopher's Stone here?

Well me and Draco got bored and decided to go and get it and I kinda

gave it to him." Harry rushed out and was greeted with silence.

"You stole the Philosopher's Stone. Then gave it to the Dark Lord?" Sirius

confirmed after the silence had stretched on for about a minute.


The Black Lord looked around at the others and shook his head,

"I got nothing,"

"You stole the Philosopher's Stone, a legendary magical artefact, from

under Albus Dumbledore's extremely long nose and gave it to the Dark

Lord, and no one knew." Severus exclaimed.

"Well Draco knew, he helped me steal it."

"How in Merlin's name did you do it?"

"It was quite easy, I mean, we did it in February."

He had shocked them in to silence much to his relief, and he gave

Marvolo the evil eye.

"I am so blaming you when this sinks in!" He hissed.

"I didn't ask you to steal the Philosopher's Stone,"

"No, I did that because I was bored. I mean, who keeps a Philosopher's

Stone in a school and expects it to stay there?" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Your child is insane, Black," Lucius decided and Harry looked affronted.

"Well that's rude,"

"Truth hurts, cub," Remus told him and Harry sniffed.

"It is not insanity, merely greatness you are yet to understand." He

informed them primly, crossing his arms and tilting his chin up

arrogantly. He was given looks of utter disbelief, as well as a highly

amused one from Marvolo, and he flashed them a smirk.

"Fine, enough about me, a Dark Lord is sat there, talk to him."

Said man raised an eyebrow.

"We will be having a long conversation later." Remus warned and Harry


"I thought as much,"

"What are your plans, my Lord?" Severus asked recovering from the shock

of two eleven year olds stealing the Philosopher's Stone.

"At the current time I am reacquainting myself with the wizarding world,

I have recently been told some important information which is crucial to

the political network I will be creating." Marvolo told them, "I am

creating a public face to coincide with the Death Eaters,"

"A new name within the circle," Lucius confirmed.

"Quite," Marvolo turned to Harrison, "The summer is approaching, our

meeting can wait until then if you are agreed?" Harry tilted his head.

"Yes, they will die of heart failure or something otherwise," Harry agreed,

"Although, there are a few points that I want to make about your Death



"Yeah, I was doing my research and something kept cropping up, and it

royally pissed me off." The rest of the group were too shocked by the

exchange to criticise the language. Harrison was eleven and he was

speaking to the Dark Lord without a care, not even fully grown adults did


"What would that be?" Marvolo asked with a raised eyebrow.

"There have been reports, many of them, of rapes." Harry spat the word

out like it was dirt; if there was one thing that he could not stand it was

rapists, they were the very scum of the earth.

"Ah, yes, some of them got a little drunk on the power. They were

punished, but with having such large forces it was hard to keep track of

every one of them." The man didn't look to happy about it and Harry


"Understandable I guess, but I won't stand for such a disgusting act."

"You will do what about it exactly?" There was a slight sneer in his voice

and his magic spiked from where it had settled around him once his

identity had been confirmed. Harry's eyes narrowed.

"You forget, I may be only 11, but I have a very big advantage over

most." He stated with his own voice taking on an icy edge.

"And what would that be?"

From no-where the room was filled with an oppressive force, it was

magic, thick, swirling, powerful magic filling the room and caressing

everyone in it. Harry's eyes were glowing as his magic swarmed him and

he let it settle, it could still be felt, but it wasn't as overwhelming and the

Dark Lord smirked.

"I believe I will like working with you after all." Marvolo stated and

Harry's lips quirked in to a smirk of his own.

"Of course you will, you will find I am an amazing person." Harry said,

"You still own me an explanation,"

"We are staying at Black Manor over the summer, confirm a date and a

location and you will get your explanation. I do warn you though, sitting

is advised because it is rather unbelievable." Harry said with a grin.

"I have no doubt," The man rose gracefully, "I will contact you by owl,

you will hear of whispers within the ministry by the end of next week at

the latest, you will realise if it is me or not." And with that, he swept

from the room leaving silence in his wake. Harry looked to the other

adults and barely held a snicker, they all looked catatonic with shock.

"Well, I believe myself and Draco should be back in the common room."

Harry said lightly and went to leave, he grabbed the blond and got to the

portrait hole when the adults snapped back in to the living.

"Oh no you don't, young man, we are having a talk." Sirius said to him

and Harry winced.

"You too, Draco," Lucius called, Harry looked to Draco who was shifting


"Shall we make a break for it?" Harry asked lowly and Draco nodded.

"Don't even think about it, cub, I heard that."

Both boys dropped their heads in dismay, and with deliberate slow

movements they went back to the living room, they took a seat on the

sofa where they were being indicated and faced 5 very confused adults.

"You both have a lot of explaining to do." Severus drawled.

"Well I can only say so much," Harry warned and they exchanged looks.

"And why is that?"

"He just left the room." Harry stated and they didn't look happy, but


"You can start with how you contacted the Dark Lord." Lucius said and

Harry smirked.

"He has been in the school since September, you could have contacted

him too." He told them and took pleasure in the dropping of jaws.


"Yep," He popped the 'p' and leaned back.

"But how?" Narcissa wondered and Remus narrowed his eyes.

"Quirrell, he was possessing Quirrell." Remus said and Harry nodded in


"Yes he was, I simply worked out it was him and asked to speak with

him." Harry shrugged.

"You asked to speak with the Dark Lord; alone?" Sirius asked in disbelief.

"Yes, how else was I going to negotiate with him?" Harry said bewildered

and Sirius looked ill, Lucius and Severus were looking at him as if he had

lost his mind and Remus and Narcissa were just shocked.

"Negotiate?" Sirius repeated hoarsely.

"Yes, Philosophers Stone for a say in the running of the Dark Sect.,"

"Did you not think about the possibility of him killing you?" Sirius

questioned weakly and Harry shook his head.

"Draco thought about that and Marvolo said the same, but I am confident

enough in my abilities to know he could not have killed me."

"He is the Dark Lord, he had never been defeated in a duel." Snape

snapped and Harry glared at him.

"I am aware of who he is and his reputation, but he did not have his own

body, he was possession someone with considerably weaker magic and I

have also never been defeated in a duel. I am fully able to conjure and

control Fiendfyre so I know I have something behind me." Harry replied

in the same tone and Severus looked a little sheepish before the

expression was gone.

"Be that as it may, you put yourself in danger for no reason." Remus said

and Harry shook his head.

"There are other factors that I can't yet tell you that go in to it, I didn't

merely decided on day that I was going to approach the Dark Lord who

had a notorious temper and has been known to wipe out towns with a

blast of his wand." Harry said frustrated, "I'm going to make him pay for

this." He vowed to himself.

"Ok so you made some sort of agreement with him?" Sirius changed the

topic and Harry nodded.


"I have never seen the Dark Lord act like he did with you with anyone."

Harry smirked at that,

"I'm just that cool,"

"I thought he would curse you for speaking out about the Death Eaters."

Narcissa put in and the others nodded.

"Your magic cub," Remus breathed in awe,

"I keep it tightly under wraps," Harry said with a grin.

"I understand why," Lucius said, "If you didn't, you would attract

attention everywhere you went." The blond aristocrat then turned to his


"You, Draco, also have to explain why you thought it would be prudent

to steal the Philosopher's Stone along with Harrison."

"We wanted to explore the 3rd floor and we found the Cerberus hidden


Narcissa squeaked.

"They are keeping such a beast in a school full of children?" She

demanded looking at the actual staff.

"I did not know it was a Cerberus." Severus muttered.

"That old man has something wrong with him." She hissed and no on


"Carry on, Draco,"

The blonde swallowed.

"Well, we wanted to know why they needed something like that guarding

the floor and Harry overheard the golden cubs speaking about someone

called Nicolas Flamel. We found out he was the only known maker of the

Philosopher's Stone and so we decided to go and steal it because we knew

someone else wanted it too."

"And we were bored," Harry threw in.

"You are going to be the death of me." Sirius and Lucius sighed at the

same time.

"I cannot condone deliberately placing yourself in danger, other factors or

not, as soon as we get to the manor you are banned from flying for a

week and grounded." Sirius told Harry who looked horrified.

"What? No! That's unfair." He complained.

"Draco, you have the same for aiding him." Lucius stated and Draco

looked outraged.

"But, father-,"

"Do not argue, both of you should be thankful it isn't more."

They both closed their mouths glaring at the adults.

"Now you can return to the common room, go straight there and next

time you can think before you do something completely dangerous."

Remus said and they left without a word. They adults all collapsed in to

the nearest seat and Severus summoned the firewhiskey, he poured

generous helpings in to eat glass and handed them out.

"What in Merlin's name has my son got himself in too?" Sirius asked the

room after a moment of silence.

"I don't know, but it is set to be eventful at least." Lucius drawled.

"Seconding that," Severus raised his glass.

"Did you feel his magic?" Narcissa questioned after they had drank.

"There was just so much of it." Sirius shook his head.

"I would have not believed it if I had not felt it myself, he had power;

beyond that." Lucius stated.

"It is just what he does with it is what matters, someone like that on the

apposing side would be crippling." Narcissa pointed out.

"Overall, it is lucky he had an agreement with the Dark Lord early on. I

can only imagine what he can do with it. I have never seen someone so

young control their magic like Harrison." Severus said and then his brow

rose, "I cannot believe he has an agreement with the Dark Lord."

"I didn't even know he could negotiate." Lucius scoffed.

"I wonder what it is." Narcissa put in with a pensive look on her beautiful


"It is anyone's guess, but I have no doubt we shall all find out." Remus

stated and they all sighed; nothing was going to be simple.

A duel, an interview and the Dark Lord, things are picking up! Hope

you like it and let me know what you think Again, not to many

revisions on this chapter, thanks guys!


14. Chapter 14

A/N: Hey! Back with a new chapter and I personally think it's a bit

of a Misc. chapter, but it does have some important info in it! I

cannot thank you enough for reading this fic!

Nothing major here, just a bit of a clean up.

Disclaimer: Belongs to J.K

Warning: Swearing.


Chapter 14:

Harry and Draco did listen to their parents and go straight back to the

common room, they didn't have time to grumble about the unfair

punishment because as soon as they entered there was a massive cheer

and a party kicked in to gear; Slytherin style. The two first years

exchanged looks before grinning and embracing the party, drinks were

passed around, food was led out and music was playing to celebrate the

victory of Sirius Black putting James Potter in his place. The Slytherins

were beyond ecstatic and Harry nearly felt pity for what Potter would

have to face tomorrow before he laughed and shared his thoughts with

Draco, the blonde smirked.

"Tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day." Draco agreed. The party lasted

in to the early hours and it was only when Snape entered the common

room and glared at everyone did they flee to the safety of their dorms,

Harry all but skipped to his bed, to him the day couldn't have gone

better. His father had beat James Potter hands down, he had given a

slandering interview without being directly slandering, he had met the

Dark Lord in his own form, he had spoken to said Dark Lord who had

revealed himself to his trusted and things were in motion; it had been a

very good day.

Of course, he was planning on getting Marvolo back for the nasty stunt

he pulled in front of the other adults, Harry hadn't thought about the

repercussions of stealing the Philosopher's Stone when he was doing, and

now he was grounded along with Draco. Harry had a rough idea on what

he was going to do, it just had to go right and hope that he got the

reaction he wanted.

"Do you think Potter will show his face tomorrow?" Theo asked, climbing

in to his bed.

"I think he has too, but he will either come really early or really late

hoping to be undetected." Harry replied, climbing in his own, Aressa slid

over and curled around his neck hissing happily. She hadn't wanted to

come to the duel, favouring the dungeons and exploring.

#Hey beautiful#

#Master you are back#

#Of course, I had to come and see you# She settled nicely and Harry

absently stroked her with his left hand, the other boys were still not used

to his Parsel ability and were blinking, the only one used to it was Draco

who rolled his eyes.

"Did anyone see how happy Lady Potter was when he husband lost?"

Blaise questioned and Harry's attention went straight to the other Snake.

"Yes, what else did you see?" It came out a bit sharper than intended, but

no one pointed it out.

"I don't know," Blaise frowned, "He looked at her and she went really

pale." Harry cursed.

"What?" Draco asked and Harry shook his head.

"Not now," Harry muttered, his brain was working overdrive thinking

about all the other things he had seen with Lily over the past couple of

months and it wasn't drawling a good conclusion. If it was true then he

would be pissed, even if he didn't like Lily she didn't deserve that, and

Magic help Potter if it was true. Harry led down after saying good night

with plans running through his mind, for an unexplained reason he was

worried for Lily and he internally cursed Helga and her caring nature

that she passed on.

He would see if he could gather more evidence and if his theory turned

out to be correct he would deal with it then. Harry checked his

Occlumency shields and organised his mind, he needed to sleep as he

wouldn't put it past Sev to wake them up at some ungodly hour. Harry

sat bolt upright; Severus. If he was right, Severus was going to be angry,

the Potions Master had a major soft spot for Lily Potter. Harry groaned

and pushed everything back; he was going to sleep.

There was an excited buzz in the Slytherin common room the morning

after the duel, despite the late hour they went to bed, every one of their

House members was up and dressed by 8:30, even though it was a

weekend, waiting to go to the hall. The Slytherins trooped up with a skip

in their steps, there was one thing on their mind; James Potter. Harry's

eyes scoured the room and smirked when he saw James already sat at the

Head table with his head bowed playing with his food, whispers of

mocking and desertion went through the green house much to Harry's


With the Hall filling up it was clear that there was only one topic of

conversation; the duel. Harry did note that Lily wasn't in attendance and

his eyes narrowed slightly, it only added to his theory. People were

turning to the door waiting for someone and Harry grinned, he would bet

his dad was waiting to make more of an entrance and he was proven

right when Remus stepped in to the doorway with a marauder grin on his


"Can I present the victor Sirius Black," he made a grand gesture and Sirius

walked in to the hall amongst ear shattering cheers. It was like a

Quidditch match, all but the Gryffindors were stamping their feet and the

Slytherins were on their feet chanting "Black, Black, Black, Black". Sirius

took an exaggerated bow and walked up the centre of the hall shaking

peoples hands and cheering with the crowd, Harry rolled his eyes. He

caught Severus' eye and the Potions Master massaged his temples in an

open sign of exasperation. Sirius finally got the Head table and motioned

for the room to quieten down.

"Thank you, thank you for your warm welcome." He gave the famous

charming smile, Remus was sat next to Severus grinning, letting his mate

have his moment. "It was almost too much to celebrate my outstanding


Harry snorted in to his hands as a laugh passed through the hall.

"And I know that yesterday will not be forgotten," he took a bow and

cheers erupted again. If looks could kill then Sirius would be dead

because James was less than pleased. Red faced and furious, the Potter

Lord stormed from the hall amongst boos and jeers from the Snakes.

"I do believe your father has a flare for the dramatics." Draco commented,

actually beginning his breakfast and Harry scoffed.

"You think?" He shook his head with a laugh, "But it was so worth it."

"Yes, did you see Potter?"

"Of course, it's probably sunk it that he's a dick." Harry agreed, they

shared a look,


"Check the paper, I want to see if anything is mentioned." Harry said to

Draco who shook his head.

"Nothing, they'll probably do a Sunday exclusive."

"I hope so, and I hope it's massive."

They made their way to the library to go over homework with the rest of

the first years, who were avidly speaking about the duel.

"I wonder what Rosie has to say about her father today." Draco said as

they walked up, Harry smirked.

"I hope she says something, just for the stupidity factor." They laughed

and Harry saw that the Gryffindors were already in attendance,

unfortunately Rose didn't say anything, she just glared at him and

stormed out of the library with her friends.

"Such a shame," Harry sighed.

"Yes, but you know it's not going to last."

"Harrison, I'm surprised," Theo said as they claimed a table.


"Yes, from what I've seen, you've left Dumbledore alone; not even a


Harry tilted his head realising he was right, he thought for a few

moments before his eyes lit up.

"I have a plan, but it will take us all."

They exchanged looks.

"We're in,"

Harry grinned and they leaned in to plot.

"It'll have to be after the article tomorrow," Harry said.

"Yes, if you can do it for Monday then everyone will bare witness." Draco


"Theo, you will have to be look out with Draco, Blaise, you will be my

signal and I'll create the potion and sneak in to his office." Harry



"What are you going to do to his office?" Blaise asked and Harry smirked.

"It won't be his office, I'm going to lace those sweets he's always eating."

All of their grins were unpleasant. They stayed hunched together laying

out the finer details of the plan before splitting their separate ways, they

would have to do it tomorrow giving them a very small window because

of the article and Dumbledore and co would be in his office discussing

what effect it could have.

"If we get caught we will be royally screwed." Theo said.

"Yes, we just won't get caught." Harry pointed out, they grinned.

"I need to make the potion now, I need to alter it so it's untraceable."

"What potion are you using, Har?" Draco asked and Harry smirked.

"Now that would be telling,"

They groaned as he grabbed his bag and waited for them to clear up. He

took them through a handy shortcut to the dungeons and knocked on the

Potions Master's office door, waving as his friends continued to the

common room.

"Harrison, what can I help you with?" Snape asked as the boy walked in.

"Can I use the lab?"

"Yes, but you will have to use the last one. The OWL and NEWT Snakes

are practicing."


Harry walked deeper in to the dungeons down to the last lab, he pushed

it open and raised an eyebrow, it was the one he used to use with Salazar

when they worked together, he hadn't been down here in a while as he

didn't need too; it was good to be back. Harry set up a cauldron and

quickly made up a hair loss potion, when it was simmering he snapped

his fingers for his notepad and began jotting down ideas and snippets to

change the potion. He needed the potion to activate when the old fool

was asleep and he wanted it to be untraceable, Harry had a few ideas

before he came to the calculation of the correct formula. With a smirk, he

began adding the necessary ingredients and stirring the draught, he was

about to add the final ingredient, a pinch powdered root of asphodel

when the door was thrown open making him jump and poor then entire

contents of the container in.

"Shit," he cursed as the cauldron literally ruptured spraying it's contents

everywhere, Harry only got a shield up because he didn't use his wand,

the people who burst in, who he recognised as Warrington and a

Ravenclaw 6th year named MacDougal, weren't so lucky and were


"What in Merlin's name do you think you are doing?" Harry yelled at

them furiously.

"Ew, what is this?" MacDougal squealed trying to get it out of her hair

and off her face, she ran her hands through her hair when it broke off

and Harry's eyes widened before he hastily covered his laughter.

"It's an experimental potion you dipshit," He told her instead.

"What does it do?"

"Hair loss," he shrugged casually, she checked her hair and screamed

when it came of in her hands.

"What the fuck have you done?" She shrieked and Harry scoffed.

"Me?" he said in disbelief, "You're the stupid idiots that burst in to a

potions lab!"

"You shouldn't be experimenting, you don't know what your doing!" she

shouted at him in a rage, Harry's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. He not

know what he was doing in potions? That was the most ridiculous thing

he had ever heard.

"Of course I know what I'm doing."

"You're only a measly first year, what do you know." she sneered, Harry

shot a look at Warrington who just shrugged resigned to his fate of

premature baldness.

"Oh my mistake, it's a shame this measly first year won't bother to try

and counter the accident." Harry spat, "Stupid bitch can go around bald,

now get out of my lab." She ran off wailing and Warrington laughed.

"Sorry about that, Harrison,"

Harry waved him off.

"Not my problem, I was telling the truth, it is an experimental potion so I

don't know when it will wear off. When it does, you will be able to magic

your hair back." He said to the older Snake, who grinned.

"Thank Merlin," He left quietly and Harry began again, he had to snap his

fingers for his own asphodel and powder it on the desk. This time, when

he was on the final steps, no one burst in and he managed to add the

correct amount and stirred it until it came to his estimated yellow colour.

"Brilliant," He muttered. He allowed it to cool before bottling up and

clearing up the lab. He had more to clear up thanks to his interruption

and Harry made sure he had vanished all the spilt potion, he was sure it

wasn't harmful, just much more potent.

As it was now it had to be ingested to take affect and if everything went

to plan, the old fool would ingest enough throughout the day before he

went to bed. Harry grinned to himself and bagged the phials, he left the

lab and went back to Snape's office to inform him he was finished. He

cast a tempus and saw he had missed lunch, which wasn't so surprising,

and he had about an hour and a half until dinner. Harry made his way

back to the common room, the rest of the first year boys had taken up

shop around a table and Harry flashed them a grin.

"Got it sorted," he said and they grinned.

"What took you so long?" Draco asked and Harry snickered.

"You seen Warrington yet?"

They shook their heads.

"When you see him and the 6th year MacDougal you will understand."

They didn't bother to ask anything else.

"We've been working out a plan for tomorrow," Theo said.

"Ok, spill,"

"You and Draco are going to leave together like you always do and make

it look like you are going back to the common room, but only Draco will.

Myself and Theo will leave then and make our way to the library where

you will pop up somehow and we will make our way to his office, that

way Draco and Theo can meet up and work at watching them."

"Brilliant guys," Harry said with a grin, "What are you going to do if they

come to the office and I'm still up there?"

"If they walk up the corridor, I'll make something explode."

Harry nodded.

"Ok, I have a spell that will make sure we aren't caught." Harry told

them, "We're going to practice it now, come on," they went up to the

dorms where Harry, for once, took out his wand.

"Right, this is one of my own creations and there are two parts to it."

Harry began,

"Wait, your creation?" Blaise repeated shocked,

"Yes, I made it when I was 10." Harry shrugged while Theo and Blaise

gaped at him, Draco rolled his eyes already knowing this.

"The incantation is Praemormior," Harry told them and they repeated it.

"Good, now the wand movement it this," he twirled his wand in a circle

and flicked it upwards sharply, they mimicked the motion and Harry


"Now, you have to picture yourself vanished, completely gone and do the

spell." It took a few attempts before Draco managed it and vanished from

the room, magical presence and everything, Blaise got it next, but no

matter what Theo did it kept flickering and he popped back in to


"Damn," he muttered as he tried again.

"Don't worry about it, I have a back up." Harry summoned a phial of

potion and handed it to him. Theo eyed it wearily before drinking it and

vanishing like the others, Harry grinned and vanished himself.

"This next part is important because if you don't get this right you won't

be able to see each other." Harry said,

"Wonderful," Draco muttered and Harry laughed, Draco didn't like the

eye spell.

"Put your wands to your temple and say Calor Conspectu," He knew they

all got it right when they yelled out as their vision flashed red.

"What in Merlin's name?" Blaise yelped.

"It's lovely isn't it?" Draco drawled and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Shut up complaining, you are now completely hidden from everything,

all you need is a silencer to your feet for extra precaution and we would

be impossible to locate." Harry explained, "Just don't walk in to anyone."

"This is so cool," Theo muttered,

"I know," Harry agreed, "The counter is Debilito," Blaise and Draco popped

back in to existence and Harry handed Theo the antidote potion after he

had countered his own spell.

"The old goat won't know what had hit him"

"Let's get to dinner, I want to see if MacDougal dared go out in public."

Harry said.

"Better yet, any of the Potters, they haven't been seen." Draco told him.

"He's hiding poor baby," Harry mocked as they left, Harry caught sight of

Warrington, who was now completely bald, and burst out laughing.

"Oh Merlin," he gasped much to the other's confusion, he pointed to the

other Quidditch player and they joined him in laughing.

"What happened?" Draco questioned calming down slightly.

"Potions accident," Harry said and they snickered. Harry led the way to

the Great Hall and was disappointed when Potter and MacDougal weren't

there. Sirius got another round of applause when he entered and Harry

shook his head, he still couldn't believe he was grounded.

"Tomorrow Potter is going to be hounded," Draco said and Harry nodded

in agreement.

"Yes, if Rita works her magic like she did last time."

"No doubt she will," Theo said grinning,

"Yes, her quill is famous for being poisonous." Blaise added.


The four first years were buzzing for two reasons when they got to the

Slytherin table Sunday morning. They had double checked their plan and

it was nearly faultless, and they were going to get to work after they had

seen the duel article. Everyone was still talking about the duel and how it

reflected upon James Potter, much to Harry's amusement. Potter came in

for breakfast and sat down with Lily who looked as if she wanted to be

anywhere but next to her husband; Harry quirked an eyebrow. He

watched as Rosina walked in with Granger and Weasley and they

huddled together at the end of the Gryffindor tables whispering to

themselves, Rosina looked over and glared at him in an accusing manner

before going back to her conversation.

"She's somehow blaming you for her fathers defeat." Draco muttered.

"Looks that way," Harry agreed with a scoff.


"Yes, but they will learn eventually."

"Hopefully not in the near future," Draco said, "It brings endless amounts

of amusement when they make fools of themselves."

"Point," Harry conceded.

"Owls should be here now," Blaise said looking up, Harry mimicked him

and grinned when the post swooped in. His issue of the Daily Profit

landed in front of him and he paid the owl before taking the paper.

"Well here goes nothing," He laid it out and smirked; Rita had done it


Stunning Defeat!

Honour Duel results,

Black Victorious,

Last week, as you all know, Lord Sirius Black challenged Lord James

Potter to an honour duel for insults upon his person and his son.

The duel took place on Friday, in Hogwarts, and was open to public

viewing gathering a tense crowd. It was a simply duel, one on one

with the basic rule of no dark magic and it was clear that both

Lord's wanted to win. With a stunning display of magic the duel

began and the pace was furious, it was quick and soon Lord Black

took the upper hand. A quick swipe of his wand and Lord Potter was

slammed back against the wall well he fell unconscious landing

Lord Black the worthy winner.

Lord Black was generous enough to allow me to interview him

afterwards, where he explained the reason behind the duel, and I

have to say I was disgusted with what I have discovered. While in

an argument over the truth behind the Quidditch incident, Lord

Potter stated that Heir Black, Lord Black's son and by default his

own son, should have had his magic bound and be hidden from the

world! That's right ladies and gentlemen, he wanted to lock away

his own child's magic; an utter disgrace. There, celebrating with his

father, was Harrison Black himself and when I spoke to his he was

so polite even if a little shy, he was gracious enough to answer a few

of my burning questions. I asked him about the startling revelation

about his past and if he remembered his birth parents, he looked so

upset before he answered:

"I have an eidetic memory, I remember it was Dumbledore and James

that convinced Lily to give me to her magic hating sister." He told me in

a small voice, and I'll admit, my heart went out to him. An eidetic

memory, for those unknowing of the word, is a photographic

memory. Having to remember that must be awful and the poor boy

even said he grew to understand he was "second best". How anyone

could do that to their own child it beyond me. I then asked him how

his adjustment back in to our world was, to which he replied:

"My birth parents collected me and the first thing I heard was how great

and famous my twin was and how they had to give me up to train her."

I was a little shocked about this, because yes, Rosina Potter is

famous for ridding us of You-Know-Who and accomplishing the

impossible, but that is no excuse for abandoning your own child.

Harrison also added his disbelief about that statement claiming his

school grades are higher than Rosina Potter's, to clarify I checked

the school records and he is correct, Harrison Black holds the top

spot in every class available to him with Draco Malfoy, son and Heir

of Lord Lucius Malfoy, in the second position. I then moved on to

the adoption from Lord Black and it couldn't be more obvious that

both parties are very pleased with the results, Heir Black spoke

about his father with such adoration that I couldn't help but smile.

He spoke about how "proud" he was to be Harrison Black, but then

his enthusiasm stopped when he mentioned no everyone was as

happy for them as they were for themselves. Lord and Heiress Potter

were very aggressive about the adoptions making their opinions

know and I find it appalling that they have been deceiving the

public of their true nature. We moved on to the Quidditch match

and Lord Black stated:

"Currently, Lord Potter and the headmaster are using all of their power

to keep things moving slowly, but I believe with some added pressure we

will gain something."

I then turned to the one involved, Heir Black, and spoke to him

about his experience of the fall;

"The game was intense as always and after over an hour, I had finally

caught sight of the snitch. I began chasing it with Rosina and she took

the lead, we were high up and on a straight, I wanted to win the game so

I decided to use one of my favourite moves. I jumped of my broom and

over Rose to catch the snitch. I would have landed on my broom, like I

always do, but she rammed in to my shoulder, I went to grab my broom,

but she kicked out of my reach and that's when I fell."

He shivered at the memory, I cannot imagine the fear he must have

felt falling from such a height, it was rumoured he fell over 50ft.

"I was terrified and when I hit the ground, it was unimaginable pain

before I blacked out."

He went on to tell me, also thanking Lady Narcissa Malfoy for her

quick response which saved his life. I then asked him the question

we all want an answer too; did you think it was an accident?

"No, there is no way kicking my broomstick out of reach was an

accident, especially after she slammed in to me,"

He was certain and then he said something that made my blood go


"I remember her smiling about it too."

I don't think we need any more evidence than that readers, Rosina

Potter not only willingly attacked Harrison Black, but was happy

about it too; a disgrace. I left the celebrating family to their cheer

and was on my way, but it brings the question to why the

Headmaster is defending those who are so obviously guilty and why

the ministry, and by default the minister himself, will do nothing to

prosecute such an awful crime. One could even go as far as to call it

attempted murder, all because our saviour was jealous. I didn't

think I would see the day. I leave you with a final question dear

readers, will justice be dealt or will something this serious be swept

under the rug as people wish it to be?

Rita Skeeter, special correspondent to the Daily Prophet,

"That will make the ministry move," Draco said with a smirk.

"I should hope so." Harry stated grinning over at Rosina Potter, who

looked outraged.

"Awh, look at poor ickle Rosie." Harry cooed in a sickly voice, the Snakes

smirked over at her causing her to storm out.

"I'm starting to think she won't speak to me anymore." Harry sighed in

mock disappointment.

"That truly would be a shame." Draco consoled.

"You two are prats,"

They hi 5'd.

"We know,"

"Oh, Dray, we need to speak to the twins before we go ahead with plan

fool." Harry said.

"Come on then, Potter Sr looks like he wants to explode and I don't want

to miss it." Harry caught Fred's eye and motioned them to leave, the red

head's nodded and the two snakes slipped out. They met the twins in the

alcove they seemed to have claimed as their own and the twins knew

immediately that they were plotting.

"What have you got-,"

"On those devious minds-,"

"Of yours?" they asked in their broken speech.

"We thought we should warn you-," Harry began,

"That you should make yourselves visible today-," Draco continued,

"At all times because we are doing the impossible," Harry finished and

then the pair blinked in shock.

"We just sounded like them," Harry said slowly.

"That was odd," Draco pointed out.


The twins laughed at them.

"So who are the ickle firsties pranking today?" The twins questioned and

the Snakes smirked.

"Someone you have yet to get to." Harry said,

"Just stay in sight, today and tomorrow," Draco warned and the pair

vanished leaving an intrigued set of twins.

"You know, George," Fred began, "I think we have competition on our


"Ah, but Fred, that's the child of the marauders," George reminded him.

"I say we work with worthy candidates."


Harry and Draco were back in the Entrance Hall when James stalked out,

the Potter Lord was so mad he didn't see them and walked straight in to

them, knocking them to the floor.

"Watch where you're going," He snapped barely looking down,

"You walked in to us," Draco returned haughtily. Potter stopped and

sneered down at them.

"Only two pieces of scum anyway,"

"You don't learn do you, Potter?" Harry questioned rhetorically, getting

up gracefully and pulling Draco up with him. "If anyone is scum around

here it's you."

"Why you little-,"

"What are you doing to my son?" Sirius Black's irate voice cracked

through what was set to be a tirade from Potter. James span to face him.

"Back off, Black,"

"Potter I beat you once, I can do it again." Sirius drawled and Harry

smirked as Potter flushed.

"That time, Black,"

"But that was the time that mattered and now the world knows what a

low life you are away from the cameras." Sirius said with a very Slytherin


"Oops, a crack in the perfect image," Harry mocked, he saw James' had

twitch for his wand and laughed.

"Leave now, Potter, you'll only embarrass yourself." Harry sneered, James

went even redder before spinning on his heel and leaving.

"What was he doing to you, pup?" Sirius asked walking over.

"Ran in to us, literally," Harry told him,

"Called us scum," Draco added.

"You know how it is," Harry finished and then they blinked.

"Gotta stop doing that," They muttered together and then laughed.

"Wow," Sirius said, "I think Theo and Blaise are looking for you." The

looks the two exchanged were not comforting to him at all, but he chose

not to ask as they rushed off. The other two were waiting in the doorway

and grinned.


"Lets go," Harry handed Theo a phial which he pocketed and they split

up, Draco and Harry headed to the common room talking about the

article and when they were far enough down that no one was around

they smirked.

"Grab the map for back up." Harry said to him as he cast his spell, Draco

vanished and Harry cast the spell on his eyes so he could see his outline.

"Got it," Harry turned and went back the way he came, he slipped in to a

passage that took him to the library and then a passage to the forth floor.

He was walking down the corridor of the head master's office when he

caught sight of Blaise' outline.

"Dumbledore is still at breakfast, you have about 10 minutes."

"Ok," Harry pressed his hand to the gargoyle and went up the staircase,

there were wards across the door which Harry didn't know if he could

break, it was one of his weaker spots which he now made a mental note

to work on.

"I Harrison Regulus Black, Heir of the Founders Four do seek access to

the Headmaster's office."

The castle pulsed and the door opened clearing the wards for him, Harry

smirked to himself, patting the wall fondly, and slipped in to the office.

The portraits were looking around confused because no one was there

and Harry chuckled startling them, he noticed the sweets were not on his

desk so he checked the drawers and found them in the top left one. Harry

pulled out a phial and emptied it in to the open bag and another phial on

the bowl of pre-poured ones. He heard a bang and froze cursing, he

placed everything back how it was found and resealed the drawer, but he

was too slow. The alarm signalling someone was on there way up

sounded and Harry pressed himself in to the corner closest to the door

just as Dumbledore entered followed by James Potter.

"I can't believe that damn reporter, she's clearly been bought." James was

snarling and Harry bit back a laugh. Potter threw himself in the offered

chair and declined the sweet he was offered, but, to Harry's immense joy,

Dumbledore popped one in his mouth.

"Rita Skeeter will write anything as long as it gets printed." Dumbledore

told him, "Not very many people pay attention to her."

"But some do,"

"I am afraid so,"

"Damn that brat, why did we have to bring him back to our world. You

said he would be jealous." James fumed.

"Indeed I did, I just never assumed it would be in this level." Dumbledore

sounded so disappointed.

"Lily insisted we bring him back, stupid woman wanted to go and collect

him after the first month. Kept getting upset, but I finally got through to


Harry's eyebrows shot up at this, what? His mother had wanted to go

back for him? Harry's mind burst in to questions and his thoughts

whirled, he almost missed the next part of the conversation before he

pushed everything behind his shields.

"Ah, Lily has always been too kind for her own good." Dumbledore said,

"Don't I know it, she stuck with Snivellus for 5 years."

"Severus, James," Dumbledore corrected with a slight frown.

"Sorry, Headmaster,"

"Currently we have everything under control."

"Yes, but for how long?"

"Everything will be fine, James, you need to calm down."

"I know, it's just Black makes me so angry."

"And he knows he gets to you."

James sighed at that.


"Why don't you go to young Rose, she seems upset." Dumbledore


"Yes because her name is being slandered by the jealous brat." James

hissed, "You are right Headmaster, I should go and cheer her up. Would it

be ok if I took her away from the castle for the day?"

"Of course, dear boy, let her have some much need fun. Exams are

coming up."

"Thank you, Professor," James shot him a grateful smile and left the

office. Harry followed him out slipping through the open door, Potter

walked towards his quarters and Harry looked up and down for the

outline of Blaise.

"Thank Merlin you're ok," A voice to his left breathed, he span to see

Blaise, well the outline of Blaise, looking towards him.

"Yeah, got a bit caught up," Harry said, "Let's get back to the common


They ran down the corridor and Harry led him through the passage to the

library, they spotted another heat outline and walked towards it.

"Everything go to plan?" It was Theo and Harry nodded.

"Sort of, come on,"

They walked through the entrance hall where Draco was waiting, he

must have spotted them because he fell in to step silently and they went

deeper in to the dungeons, as soon as they were out of sight the spells

and potions were countered and they exchanged smirks.

"Tomorrow is going to be brilliant."

"I know, but listen to this," Harry repeated the conversation he had over

heard of Dumbledore and Potter.

"So he's worried?" Draco surmised.

"Sounds like it," Harry said.

"We should inform your father, maybe then they can make leeway with

the ministry." Draco suggested.

"Hey, is my grandfather backing you?" Theo asked suddenly and Harry

shook his head.

"No, Black and Malfoy at the moment," Harry replied, Theo scowled.

"I have a letter to write," He said, "Excuse me,"

"I'll come with, I have to post mine." Blaise put in.

"Come on then," Harry sighed. He and Draco walked up to the pad


"You know, I can't believe we got grounded." Draco said and Harry


"I know, you would think, your father especially, would be happy."

"Instead we're grounded and banned from flying." Draco shook his head.

"Makes you wonder doesn't it."

"It's wrong that's what it is."

"Agreed, but I think I might just prank dad until he regrets grounding


Draco laughed.

"That may work on your father, but my mother would kill me."


Narcissa Malfoy was scary.

"Victorious," Harry muttered; Sirius had changed the password after the

duel, seemed to think it was fitting. They walked in and found Remus

reading, not that they were surprised, and Sirius spread out on the couch

daydreaming by the looks of it.

"Hey, cubs," Remus greeted and Harry raised an eyebrow.


"Don't ask me, ask Moony," Remus said.

"You know it's weird when you refer to your wolf as a separate entity?"

Remus grinned.

"What are you two doing here?" Sirius asked.

"Thanks, we'll just be on our way shall we?"

"Ignore him, come and sit down." Remus whacked Sirius who laughed.

"I would have thought they would have been up to mischief Moony, the

exams are coming up."

Harry and Draco exchanged looks.

"It's why we're here." Draco said.

"What did you do?"

"Why do you always presume the worse?" Harry asked affronted, but got

blank looks. "Ok fine, I snuck in to Dumbledore's office only they came in

why I was still there."

Sirius choked on air.

"What?" He yelped,

"He didn't get caught." Draco placated.

"Thank Merlin," Remus muttered.

"Anyway, I overheard a nice conversation." Harry brought them back to

the actual focus and they looked interested.

"What was that then, pup?"

"Potter's getting worried, he isn't liking the fact that it's all over the


"I'm going to see the minister soon, with the paper and a few nicely

placed words he will be backed in to a corner." Sirius told them.

"Good," Draco said,

"Uncle Moony?" Harry said suddenly, "Changing the subject completely,

but how come you are recognising me and Draco as cubs, but not

Rosina?" Remus tilted his head.

"You know, I don't really know." He said slowly, "I think it's because

when you were younger you always wanted to read and I would be the

one who would read to you, but Rosina tended to avoid me preferring

ride on James' back so we never really built a relationship." Remus


"Makes sense I guess," Draco said,

"Yeah, and now you're always here so uncle Moony's adopted you in to

the pack." Harry said in self suffering way, Draco punched him in the


"Shut it, Black."

"Not on your life, Malfoy."

If one were to look closely at four first year Slytherins Monday morning

they would instantly know that they had been up to something and it

would cause trouble. Severus Snape was one of the people who could see

through the children's masks, which is why he shot them a warning look

and was not in the least bit reassured when they smiled innocently back

at him. Sirius, who was sat next to the Potions Master, grinned when he

saw the looks as did Remus who was sat next to his mate, Severus looked

at the pair and groaned.

"What did they do?"

"All I know is that it's a prank first." Sirius said with an ever present

marauder grin, Snape thought for a second before his eyes flicked to the

empty headmasters chair.

"Oh Merlin this is going to be one for the pencieve."

"We hope so,"

They began their breakfast, and Sirius was talking about the ministry,

hoping that Fudge finally had some sense pushed in to him. He had just

taken a drink of coffee when the Headmaster walked in and it came

spraying back out of his mouth, he froze gaping in utter disbelief at

Dumbledore. Snape was about to hex the idiotic marauder when he

caught sight at that the fuss was about and mimicked the grim's


The entire Hall seemed to fall silent and as one they turned to stare at the

Headmaster in shock. At the Slytherin table, Harry was barely keeping it

together as he looked at the man. It was Remus who snickered first, it

was small in the beginning and that set Sirius off, then the twins before

the whole Hall burst in to laughter. Even the most severe of teachers,

Snape and McGonagall, were in fits of laughter, Harry was clutching

Draco in support trying to breathe; it was too much. Dumbledore was

fuming, he was beet red in embarrassment, which didn't help him in his

current predicament at all, if anything it made him look 10x worse.

Albus Dumbledore, recognised for his half moon spectacles long white

hair and impressive white beard that he could tuck in to his belt, was

bald. Completely and utterly bald. Not one hair was on his head or his

face, it was like someone had shaved him clean leaving his old wrinkled

face exposed. The four Slytherins thought they were dying. None of them

could properly breathe, they had tears steaming down their faces and

were flushed with laughter.

"Oh Merlin," Draco gasped, "That is something,"

"Harrison, you are beyond words." Theo got out, Blaise merely patted the

dark haired snake on the back, laughing to hard to speak. Harry did a

mock bow and tried to stem his laughter, he glanced up at the head table

and it renewed his hilarity. Dumbledore looked like a prune with the

colour he was.

"He looks like a-a prune," Harry told them and they roared with laughter.

"I have to leave," Draco said trying to suck in breaths, they nodded in

agreement and left the hall laughing. They fell in the common room

finally being able to breathe and collapsed on to the sofas.

"That was brilliant," Blaise said finally.

"I don't think that I have ever seen anything so funny." Theo agreed.

"Honestly, I didn't even think he would look that bad." Harry said with a

shake of his head, they looked at each other and laughed again.

"Come on, we have lessons." They grabbed their stuff and trooped up to

History. Sirius and Remus were there already and they were both still in


"Did you see his head, Moony?" Sirius got out, "It was shiny." The

Slytherin's sniggered at that, they took their seats as the Professors

calmed down.

"20 points to Slytherin," Remus awarded, "For being punctual," he added

hastily and they hi 5'd.

"Congratulations on achieving something never done before." Sirius told


"And possibly the best prank we have seen." Remus put in, the four


"We don't know what you're talking about." They said together. They

spent the lesson on revision and somehow Sirius always seemed to point

out the bald ones, much to the class' amusement. The Slytherins went to

Potions while the Claws went towards Charms, Snape came in to the

classroom in a mood some could dare to call happy; the Snakes could see

his dark eyes glinting in amusement as he swept in.

"Today we will be making a hair loss solution." He told them, Harry

couldn't help but laugh loudly at that. Snape got the class to settle and

put the recipe on the bored. Harry went from the on he made before and

he pushed his note pad (the English version) forward so the Potions

Master could read it, he smirked and nodded before going to look over

everyone else's. At the end of the lesson most people had accomplished

the potion, they were all a bubbling purple apart from Harry's which was

a lemon yellow.

"Class dismissed, Mr Black stay behind." The class trooped out and when

the door shut Snape turned to him with a smirk.

"In those blasted lemon drops he offers everyone?"

"If I were the one behind our Headmaster's most unfortunate position

then I would say that would be the best place for an edited hair loss

solution." Harry said.

"I see, and the hypothetical edited hair loss solution has no counter, it has

to wear off on its own after consumption?"

"Hypothetically yes, but if one wanted to prolong the use of hair loss

solution for, lets say, well passed a week, he would cover the entire bowl

and packet in said hypothetical potion that he had made untraceable as

well as scentless and tasteless."

Snape's smirk stretched.

"That would have the desired effect, hypothetically of course."

"Of course, Professor, one wouldn't want to be responsible for the

Headmaster's hair loss." Harry said seriously.

"Get going, brat,"

The boy grinned and dashed off to lunch, he heard Snape award him 20

points as he went and smirked. Dumbledore, much to his disappointment,

was not at lunch and they made their way in to Charms talking about the


"How long is it going to last?" Draco asked as they sat down.

"At least a week," Harry replied, "Warrington had his hair back now so it

wears of quickly, but unless he finds out the source of consumption,

something I highly doubt, then he will keep ingesting it until it's gone."


Flitwick seemed to enjoy the prank too, the tiny Charms Professor was

teaching them simple hair growth charms, they would only extend your

hair up to 5 inches, but it was funny and simple for the first years. They

spent the double period lengthening their hair and Draco went mad when

Harry made his hair grow all the way down his back, Flitwick had

reversed it with a wave of his wand, but it wasn't before Harry had

received a whack around the head with the blond's charms book.

"Awe come on, Dray, you could have let me braid it." Harry said with a

grin; Draco was not amused.

"One rule, Harrison, you have one rule." He snapped and Harry laughed.

"I'm sorry,"

Draco sniffed and turned his nose up walking down to dinner ignoring his

friend's pleas for forgiveness.

"At least I didn't turn it pink," Harry reasoned and Draco faced him in


"You wouldn't,"

"Well if you keep ignoring me…" He trailed of and Draco glared at him.


Harry grinned, they dumped their bags in the dorms and headed up for

dinner. Dumbledore was back and he tried to cover his new appearance

with a hat; mistake. Harry was paralysed with laughter as at the Head

table he could see his dad with his head on the table shaking, Remus had

his head buried in his hands and Severus was determinedly not looking

anywhere the Headmaster. Dumbledore got to his feet.

"I enjoy a good prank, but I would like the culprit or culprits behind this

to come forward, they won't be in trouble, but the counter needs to be

given; thank you." He sat back down and the four exchanged looks as if

to say 'are we stepping forward?'


I thought it was about time that Harry did something about

Dumbledore, and what better than a good ol' prank for the old fool.

I hope you like it and please let me know what you think, thanks


15. Chapter 15

A/N: Thanks for all the responses, I remember when I started this

fic, I didn't think it would be this well liked, but you guys have

proved me wrong and I can't thank you enough, 1000 favourites and

followers, I can't believe it! As promised, a bit of activity from the

Dark Lord as Lord Marvolo Slytherin-Le Fey and finally movement

in the case against Rosina, plus some Lily and Harrison interaction,


Next chapter of revisions for you guys, I hope you are liking the

changes I'm making. I'm trying not to change any of the plot, just

clean everything up and fill in the plot holes I inadvertently created.

Warning; Language and mentions of abuse,

Disclaimer; belongs to J.K


Chapter 15:

Lord Sirius Orion Black was on a mission. He strode through the ministry

creating quite a sight for those around, he was dressed impeccably in his

Lord robes and had a set expression on his face. What added to the effect

was Lord Lucius Malfoy was on his right dressed in the finest money

could buy with an equally set expression. Some people stopped in to

watch in shock and some awe as they passed, they were soon joined by

Lord Izar Nott which finished the deadly image. After handing over their

wands for check in, they walked towards the elevators and claimed the

next one as their own where Lucius jabbed his snake head cane at the

number one.

"Fudge can't contest this, if it keeps up say I'll take it to trial, there is too

much evidence against them and Potter will have to cave." Sirius said.

"I doubt it will go that far, she has to be slapped a ban sooner or later and

now we have added pressure thanks to Izar here." Lucius pointed out.

"Yes, my Theodore wrote to me in no less than fury and demanded why I

wasn't already backing you in the matter." Izar told them amused, "He

seemed to believe it was the utmost betrayal on my behalf."

"Ah," Lucius murmured as Sirius snickered.

"Fudge can only take so much,"

They each blanked their faces and stepped out of the elevator and

walking towards the minister's office with clear purpose, ignoring the

whispers they enticed. As they approached, a toad like woman stepped

out, Sirius bit back a growl as she smiled what he guessed was supposed

to be a sweet smile, but came out ugly.

"Ah gentlemen," Her voice was sickly and girlish, "I assume you are here

to see the Minister?" Delores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the

Minister, and prejudice bitch. How Sirius loathed that woman. She was

responsible for many of the werewolf laws and every time he laid eyes on

her he wanted to kill her. Because of her, people like Moony were

persecuted for something that wasn't their fault, she had a severe hate for

anything that wasn't Pureblood pure human. Fortunately, she hated him

just as much as he hated her, Sirius did everything in his power to slam

everything she proposed and as he was gaining more alliance within the

Wizengamot meaning she was having a harder time to push through her

bigoted laws.

"Good morning, Madam Umbridge, I believe the minister is expecting us."

The toad looked at him with cold eyes and a sick smile.

"Of course, Lord Black," She motioned for a young girl to come and show

them in, Fudge was seated behind his desk and he stood to greet them.

"Sirius, Lucius and Izar, this is unexpected." There was a definite edge to

Fudge's voice as he addressed the three Lords.

"My grandson is friends with young Harrison, he told me his version of

events and I saw fit to back my friends here." Izar said swiftly and Sirius

was pleased when Fudge had a flash of panic in is eyes.

"Yes, of course," he said, "Please have a seat," they sat down and looked

at him making Fudge sweat a little before Sirius spoke.

"Minister, I think I can safely say there is only so much evidence the

people of the Wizengamot can ignore," He began, "With the latest article,

people are going to be questioning why Rosina Potter has got off with

something as serious."

"Come now, Sirius, you must understand that most have a soft spot for

Rosina Potter, after what she did." Fudge tried and Sirius blinked in


"Surely you are not saying that she can have a free pass after breaking

the law." Lucius said softly.

"Not at all, but I think things have become blown out of proportion."

"No, I don't believe they have, not yet." Sirius disagreed.

"Be reasonable,"

"My son nearly died," Sirius stated, "He is lucky to be alive right now and

Rosina Potter is responsible."

"If something isn't done people will question it, they will question why

the ministry is allowing someone a free pass for attempted murder." Izar

pointed out in a casual manner and Fudge swallowed. He was having an

internal debate with himself. On one side there was Albus Dumbledore

and the Girl-Who-Lived, the most public figures in their world and

publicly adored and they were saying it was a terrible accident. But on

the other side was Lord Sirius Black, Lord Lucius Malfoy and now Lord

Izar Nott, the richest and very influential people in their world, also the

people that keep him sitting as Minister and donate nicely to all the right


"I don't know what you want?"

"I want justice for my son,"

"They say it was an accident,"

"You've read the papers, Minister, any idiot can tell it wasn't an accident."

Sirius snapped losing his temper slightly, he took a deep breath. "I will

not let this go and I intend to bring her to rights Girl-Who-Lived or not.

I've pressed charges, and you can both overrule Dumbledore and allow it

to come to rights in front of Madam Bones or I will push it to trial

myself." Sirius laid it out on the table.

"I will back him all the way," Malfoy said, "Rosina will not get away with


"As will I," Nott added, Fudge was cornered and he knew it.

"I will see what I can do."

"That would be wonderful, Minister," Sirius said with a smile, "I hope to

see some worthwhile progress soon,"

"Of course, Sirius,"

Sirius nodded and rose to his feet.

"It was a pleasure to see you, Minister,"

The three Lords left the Minister letting him breath in some relief, he had

no choice but to hand the case over to Amelia or it would go to a trial

and that would be a disaster. Black had too much backing, add Malfoy

and Nott then the Girl-Who-Lived could face more than a fine for

dangerous flying. With a sigh he pulled some parchment and began

drafting a letter to Dumbledore, he would have to deal with it after he

passed the case to Amelia.

Sirius went back to Malfoy Manor with Lucius and Izar, the day had been

a success in the smallest of natures, Fudge would have to decide now and

if the man had any sense, something that Sirius did doubt, he would push

the case to Amelia. If he didn't however, Sirius would take pleasure in

demanding a trial for crimes against an Heir to a Noble and Most Ancient

House, and that would have over half the Wizengamot backing his there

and then. Lucius took them up to his study where they sat and finally

relaxed, Sirius groaned to himself, no matter how many years he had

been Lord Black, he still hated it.

"I don't know how you enjoy this, Luc, I just wanted to hex the dimwit in

to oblivion."

"I am much more used to it than yourself, Sirius, and it is not my son who

was attacked."

Sirius sighed.

"If it wasn't Harrison then I would have probably let it go with the

articles, but I will not let that jumped up brat get away with it."

"He will want to save face no matter what Dumbledore says now. Fudge

won't let it go to trial, it would make the Ministry look like a laughing

stock because they held out for so long, they would get eaten alive by the

media and the public." Izar said and Sirius nodded.

"It is a slight disappointment, she won't get sentenced, but it will be a

public scandal and they won't be able to clean this up."

"No, there is not much they can do, they sent away a magical child to

muggles." Lucius said in the utmost disgust.

"This is why I switched sides," Sirius pointed out, "In the light, magical

children are children yes, but they are not cherished. Look at the

Weasleys, they have seven magical kids and I know two of them hate

their parents at least."

"So you did not just switch sides because of Potter?" Izar asked interested

and Sirius shook his head.

"No, I was speaking to Cissa over Yule about the true policy of the dark,

from someone who isn't marked and got to observe rather than partake.

Potter is part of it, he gave up Harrison and that was something that

would have never happened in the dark, no matter what. Then there's the

prejudice to Remus, the light never changed after the war, if anything

they got worse and I can't stand it."

"So you have truly thought about it?"

Sirius nodded.

"Yes, I have. And add my affiliation to dark magic, I'm the perfect

candidate. Plus, I would follow Harrison anywhere."

"Your son is dark?" Izar said surprised and Sirius couldn't help but snort

at the understatement.

"Oh yes, he is dark alright," Sirius muttered and looked at Lucius, the

blond eyed the Nott Lord carefully.

"Izar, have you felt any changes this passed week?" He questioned in an

almost casual manner, Izar's left arm twitched and Lucius smirked.

"I may have."

"I see,"

"Is it the truth, has he…" Nott trailed off and there was a definite note of

longing in his voice.

"Oh he's returned alright." Sirius interrupted making Nott look at him in

shock, Sirius grinned.

"How do you know?"

"Let's just say there is going to be a few things to look forward to by the

end of this week." Sirius stated finished his drink, the Black Lord rose up

gracefully and nodded to the others.

"I have to get back to the school, no doubt my son is wearing a hole in

my carpet waiting for my return."

"Hand this to my Draco would you, Sirius, he is no doubt wearing a

second hole next to your son." Lucius handed him a letter that Sirius


"No doubt," He agreed with a small smile, "I thank you gentlemen," and

he left the room, he floo'd straight back to his rooms and as predicted,

Harrison and Draco were pacing back and forth in wait. They span to

face him when he stepped out of the fire with expectant looks.

"It's looking good, Fudge is in a corner and he won't want something like

this going to trial so he will pass it on to Amelia." Sirius told them.

"So no matter what, Rosina will get something?" Harry confirmed and

Sirius nodded.

"Good, that way she knows she's not untouchable."

"Yes, and it will wipe the smug look off of her face." Draco added.

"Unfortunately you won't get to see that, it looks as if it will be

happening in the summer."

Both boys frowned.

"Ah well, can't have it all I suppose." Harry sighed.

"Oh Draco," Sirius remembered handed him the letter, "From your father,"


"You have your last lesson in five minutes and McGonagall doesn't like

tardiness." Remus pointed out, the pair yelped and ran from the room;

with Harry's shortcuts they made it their just in time.

"Your exams begin at the end of this week, I hope you have been

revising." McGonagall said at the beginning of the class. The Gryffindors

groaned and Harry rolled his eyes, it was an overview class and she told

them to practice the things they struggle with, that left Harry bored so he

decided to help his fellow Snakes.

"I expect decent grades from all of you." She said as they packed up their

things, Harry couldn't help notice that she directed that to her Lions


"You guys wanna revise after dinner?" Harry asked them, he knew he was

going to pass everything, but he wanted to make sure his friends passed

too. There was enthusiastic agreement from everybody and after dinner

they claimed a corner in the common room for them all to practice,

Harry helped them perfect the spells that they couldn't manage and he

went over the theory with them. Draco also helped them with some

spells, the blonde found studying so much easier since Harry had helped

him sort his mind.

"I don't know how you do it." Blaise groaned finally throwing down his

quill, Harry grinned.

"Secret that is,"

"I still can't believe you might be getting your Potions Mastery." Theo

said with a shake of his head.

"I'm going to apply in the summer, I've got my 3 potions now, I can

always create others after and just add it to my arsenal then." Harry told



"Thank you,"

You could tell when the exams hit because the whole school seemed to

descend in to total madness. The 5th and the 7th years turned in to

library dwellers and all the other years could be seen bent over books or

practicing wand movements, the only people that didn't seem to be to

bothered about exams were Harry and Draco. Draco was a little nervous

because his father would murder him if he didn't come in second over all,

but he and Harry sat and went through their minds together every night

to make sure they had everything in order. Harry would test the blond in

surprise quizzes to guarantee he knew his stuff, they could be talking

about Quidditch and Harry would ask what the key ingredient was in a

boil cure.

The other first years found it bizarre, but it worked for them so they left

them at it. Harry's favourite exam, not that anyone was surprised, was

Potions. Everyone was set to make a forgetfulness potion while Snape set

Draco to make a befuddlement draught and Harry a challenge and told

him to turn the forgetfulness potion in to a memory whipping potion

instead. Harry had fun in the hour jotting down ideas and hypothesis of

how to strengthen a simple potion in to a liquid obliviate, he didn't know

the actual potion he was changing it in to, it must have been one he

hadn't come across yet in the future. In the end he had 3 ideas that could

work so he decided to try them all, he set up 3 cauldrons on the front

desk he had claimed for himself and quickly set about making three

forgetfulness potions.

Snape watched impressed as Harry easily worked with three potions and

he felt the shields go up around the table as a precaution, one they were

done and the rest of the class had finished their exam, Harry began

adding different ingredients to each one. Snape didn't know how, but he

grew even more impressed as Harry manipulated the same potion 3 ways

at the same time. The first one was a fail, it thickened to a nasty sludge

and started sparking, Harry cursed and vanished it, scribbling on his note

pad that version one was a no go. The second one looked promising, he

paid close attention to it and carefully added the wormwood before

letting it boil, the third was looking good too until he added the next


It was lucky the shields were up because it exploded violently and

splattered potion everywhere, Harry quickly got rid of it and made

another note. With one potion left he added the final ingredient and

stirred repeatedly clockwise for 5 minutes and took it off the heat, it

settled on a foggy grey like the fog that filled a persons mind when they

were obliviated; he smirked.

"I do believe that would work." Harry said to his Professor, Snape

inspected the potion thoroughly and Harry was beginning to doubt it

when the man nodded.

"Perfect, as usual."

Harry grinned.


"I thought you should know, you have created another potion. A liquid

version of the obliviate had not yet been made."

Harry blinked.


"Yes, I wanted to see how good you really were before I recommended

you for your mastery." Snape told him and Harry blinked again.

"You're going to recommend me?" Harry repeated in amazement and

Snape nodded.

"Yes, but it is my name on the line so I wanted to be thorough."

"Thank you, Professor, truly," Harry said, "I won't let you down," Snape

smiled a bit.

"I know, now bottle that up and note it down." Harry did as he was told

and all but skipped out of the classroom, he was deliriously happy and it

showed because he even smiled at Lily as he passed her.

"Whoa, cub, what's got you so happy?" Remus asked him with a smile.

"Severus is going to recommend me for my Mastery." Harry answered

excitedly, "The Severus Snape, youngest potions master in the world is

going to recommend me."

"Ah that explains it." Remus said,

"Isn't it the best news ever?" Harry said rhetorically, "Come on, uncle

Moony, let's go eat." Harry dragged him to the Hall and split to sit with

his friends, Remus went up to the staff table and sat next to Sirius.

"What has Pup so happy?" He asked his mate.

"I think you should ask Severus that,"

Sirius turned to the potions master who rolled his eyes.

"I only said I would recommend him for his Mastery." Severus waved him

of, but Sirius knew the extent to what that meant. Severus was putting

his name on the line, if Harry didn't live up to the recommendation it

would look really bad on Snape and could potentially ruin him; it was a

big deal.

"That's a big deal, Sev," Sirius said in shock, "If anything were to go

wrong…" he trailed off as Severus pinned him with a look.

"I just witnessed your son create a brand new potion before my eyes

while working on 2 others which were all experimental with nothing to

go by except prior knowledge, he has created a liquid shield that can

block 2 of the three unforgivables, a liquid disillusion with a counter and

a masking potion that removes all trace of a person including magical

presence with a counter. I think it's safe to say that it is not a huge risk

on my part."

"He really is that good?" Sirius said in awe.


"Wow, I have one smart child."

Down at the table Draco was looking at his friend in amusement, Harry

was nearly bouncing up and down and only decorum was keeping him


"Happy, Harrison?"

"Just a little,"

"It really doesn't show," Draco drawled and Harry stuck out his tongue.

"Shut up and let me be happy."

The blond rolled his eyes, they made their way to History where Remus

gave them a blank sheet of parchment.

"History can be tedious I know, so I have decided to try and make it less

so." He said to them with a grin, "You have to create a timeline from the

years 1600 to 1800 with everything you can remember, you have 1

hour." Harry set to work, he put in all of the goblin wars and everything

they had learned in class, he also added in the random fact he knew

about spell and potions history such as Dedalus Denver creating the

Draught of Living Death in 1741 and Polly Picket accidently creating the

Stunning spell in 1609.

"Time," Remus called and a few people groaned, he chuckled as that and

summoned the parchment.

"Of you go and study hard."

Harry quizzed his other first years relentlessly that night, they were all

sick of him by the time they went to bed, but Harry cheerfully pointed

out that they would pass their exams thanks to him; they were not

amused. The Transfiguration exam was fun, and Harry messed about by

creating different patterns on his snuff boxes and his pin cushions,

McGonagall even gave him a smile for his efforts. In Charms, Flitwick

had them all levitating larger objects and showing the charms they had

perfected from over the year; the tiny Professor got so excited when

Harry put on a brilliant aerial display of books and feathers dancing.

"You're such a show off, Black," Draco said with a roll of his eyes and

Harry grinned.

"Honestly, I really can't help it."

"Yeah yeah,"

"Shove it, Malfoy,"

The pair continued to bicker until they got to the Great Hall, Dumbledore

was back and his beard had returned along with his hair much to the

Slytherins disappointment.

"Awh what," Harry groaned sitting down, "Where'd the prune go?" the

Snakes snickered.

"He must have finally eaten the sweets." Draco said,

"Damn, such a shame."

"There there,"

"Watch it, Malfoy,"

"Quiet, Black,"

"You two are impossible."

"Shut it, Zabini," they said together and then laughed.

"Coming to see dad?"

"Yeah sure,"

They left to go to the marauder pad and were yanked in to their alcove.

"Hello, little ones."

"Twins," They greeted.


"That is to say my brother and I,"

"Would like you congratulate you,"

"On a simply,"

"Wonderful prank," They finished with grinned and the two Snakes


"We do try," Harry said.

"How did you do it?" Fred asked.

"Snuck in to his office," Harry said and grinned when their eyes went


"Amazing," they breathed in awe, "Your secret is safe with us,"


"We have to go prank Rosina, it's been a while." George told his twin.

"Ah yes, and ickle Ronniekins too."

"May I suggest a staining spell?" Harry to them with a smirk which was

mirrored by Draco, the twins looked at them.

"What does it do?"

"Like your basic colour chaining spell," Draco told them,

"Only it stains," Harry put in.

"For a week," Draco finished and the twins grinned.

"Why yes I believe you may suggest such a spell."

"The incantation is Macula and you have to think the colours you want."

Harry said to them.

"Thank you young Snakes."

Draco rolled his eyes.

"Idiots," He muttered and pulled Harry away, the twins darted off to who

knew where and the two Slytherins when to see Sirius.

"Hey, dad,"

"Oh hey, Pup, how's the exams?"

"Easy, can't wait for the summer to apply for my Mastery."

"Yeah, Sev's recommending you isn't he?" Sirius asked and Harry nodded


"Yeah, can't believe it."

"So that's why you were so happy yesterday." Draco said in understanding

and Harry nodded.


"You can apply for the August testing if you want?" Sirius suggested and

Harry beamed.

"Yeah, I'll apply as soon as we get home."

"Oh I didn't tell you," Draco said suddenly, "We're going to France second

week of the holidays, we're only going for 5 days, but the Manor will be

shut off."

"That's alright, I'll probably be busy anyway, but I expect letters." Harry

warned and Draco nodded with a grin.

"As if I could forget you,"

Harry nodded.

"That's what I thought."


"I know,"

Draco rolled his eyes.

"Dad, what are they doing about defence?" Harry asked.

"I think they are giving everyone a free pass this year," Sirius explained,

"Dumbledore could have asked me to cover that lesson, but he wouldn't

for some reason."

"I doubt he wanted your terrible influence on us innocent little children."

Harry said seriously and Sirius cracked up.

"Innocent my ass,"

Remus hit him.

"Come on, Moony," He whined.

"Language, Sirius," Remus chided.

"Harry swears more than I do,"

"Lies," Harry denied, Sirius stuck out his tongue.

"Mature, dad, real mature,"

"I know,"

"Now I know where he get's it from." Draco sighed and Harry punched


"Zip it, Malfoy,"

"Come on, we have to overview on Herbology and Astronomy."

"Astronomy is easy, all you have to do I know my family." Harry pointed

out and Sirius snorted.

"Too true, Pup,"

"Yes, you're the odd one out." Draco mused and Harry stuck out his


"It's because I'm special,"

"Yeah, in the head,"

The blond bolted after that comment and Harry chased after him

ignoring his dad and Moony's laughter.

There was a surprise in the paper when Harry picked it up on the day of

his final exams, he shouldn't have been surprised really as he had been

warned, but it had honestly slipped his mind.

Whispers within the Wizengamot!

In what was thought to be an ordinary Wizengamot session

yesterday, something astounding occurred; a new Lord was sworn

in. This in itself was not what cause the commotion, no, what threw

everyone up in arms were the seats the new Lord claimed, seats

long thought to be dead. Lord Marvolo Slytherin-Le fey was sworn

in to the Wizengamot and the seats accepted him immediately

flaring with life most thought was long gone. An Heir to the

Founders back within our midst and there was a scramble to find

out just who this new Lord was, and many are already seeking

alliance with him. The power he alone holds within the Wizengamot

is immense, voting with eight seats he has the potential to tip the

voting any way he wishes.

Lord Slytherin-Le Fey was not available for comment on his surprise

arrival, but this reporter did snatch a photo of him in deep

conversation with Lord Lucius Malfoy and Lord Sirius Black

discussing the new law petitioned within the session. Both houses of

Black and Malfoy hold enormous power within the Wizengamot

themselves, each being a Noble and Most Ancient house, but with

an alliance with the Houses of Slytherin and Le Fey, they would

become untouchable.

There is rumours flying that the Chief Warlock, Albus Dumbledore,

was less than please with the arrival of the new, handsome, Lord

and tried to discount Lord Slytherin-Le Fey's claim, however his

attempts were futile as the seats speak for themselves and he was

welcomed in to the Wizengamot. For now nothing is set in stone,

and whispers are running, but this reporter is sure that she will be

there as soon as something can be heard.

Rita Skeeter, Special correspondent of the Daily Prophet.

The whispers also swept through the hall, an Heir to one of the Founders

had been found and Harry smirked, he had no doubt this was exactly

what Marvolo wanted. The factor of the unknown and a legal screw you

to Dumbledore, Harry chanced a look at the Headmaster and snickered

when he saw the man glaring at the paper.

"I wonder who the new Lord is?" Theo murmured in awe and Harry


"I am sure you will find him to be very influential." Harry said, "Come on,

Draco, I want to ask my father about this new Lord."

The blond smirked and they left, Sirius had obviously been expecting

them because he had drinks for them already laid out and he was sat in


"We were discussing a werewolf law, there is no way that it is going

through seeing as he was pissed that someone even suggested it." Sirius

told them before they even asked their question.


"The Wizengamot is set to become interesting with him there, especially

with half of the proposals that get said." Sirius grinned.

"Oh and whys that?"

"Umbridge didn't even finish her disgusting proposal before he stood up

and practically laughed at her with words. It was actually amazing to see

what he could do with simple words, words that most wouldn't even turn

a hair at ordinarily."

"Brilliant," Harry grinned, "He definitely had an opening then?"

"Oh yes, people will be talking."

"I still think it's mad that the Dark Lord is going to be in the

Wizengamot." Draco shook his head.

"Yes, and no doubt weirder things are set to happen." Harry pointed out.

"Got that one right, Pup,"

Harry sat down to dinner sighing with relief, he had finished his final

exam and now they just had to wait for the results which he had no

doubt he would get perfect marks.

"I had better get second place, that way father has no choice but to get

me a new broom so I can try out for the team." Draco said, as he began

his food, and Harry nodded.

"Obviously you will, you can't not get second to me. We went through

everything every night and you've been reading my books which are up

to 7th year." Harry pointed out and Draco smirked.

"Damn right, I think I've easily covered 2nd and 3rd year now. I believe I

will be choosing Arithmancy and Runes for electives, I don't know if I

should do Care or not."

"I think I will do full electives, if not I will simply take an exam in care

and be done with it." Harry said.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea,"

"Of course it isn't, I suggested it." Harry agreed and grinned as Draco

rolled his eyes. Theo and Blaise came over and sat down grabbing some


"Your father is on his way down and he does not look happy," Theo told

Harry, who looked up in time to see his father storming over; he looked

like he wanted to hurt someone badly.

"Whoa dad, what's happened?" Harry questioned as the man stopped at

the Slytherin table.

"The esteemed Headmaster wishes to see you in his office after dinner,"

Sirius told him shortly and Harry raised an eyebrow.

"And what does he want with me now?"

"Headmaster Dumbledore seems to think he has a say in what you do for

the summer," Sirius got out and Harry's eyes narrowed.

"He does, does he?"


"Well we will just have to politely inform him that his input is unneeded."

Harry stated with steel, Sirius gave a sharp nod and continued up to the

Head table, where he informed Remus and Severus.

"What does that old fool think he is doing?" Draco hissed furiously and

Harry shook his head.

"I have no idea, but he can shove his wand where the sun doesn't shine

for all I care."

The Snakes snickered at that, he dragged out eating his food for the

longest possible time, but when the Headmaster had been gone for nearly

thirty minutes he knew he had to leave. Sirius walked silently beside him

as they made their way up to the Head office, the gargoyle jumped aside

with a wave to Harry, something which Sirius found highly amusing, and

they ascended the spiral staircase.

They could here voices behind the door and both Blacks went behind

their Occlumency shields before knocking and entering the office. James

and Lily Potter were in attendance and Harry immediately noticed how

Lily was leaning away from James, her hands were shaking slightly and

her eyes were darting around the room.

"Ah, Harry, good to see you,"

"Harrison," Sirius corrected in a toneless voice.

"My mistake," Dumbledore said with a nod, "Harrison," he was motioned

to a seat in front of the desk which he took while Sirius stood behind


"It is coming to the end of the year and I brought you here to discuss

your summer placement." Dumbledore began and Harry raised an


"Is that so?"

"Yes, your parents believe that it is in your best interest if you return to

you aunts house for the summer, you have not adjusted to the wizarding

world as well as they had hoped and it would be better for you to return

to what you are familiar with." Harry blinked once and then turned to


"You think it's in my best interest to return to the muggles?" Harry asked

him incredulously. Sirius bit back a smirk.

"No, we're going to be at Black Manor for the summer. Harrison has

much to do and things to prepare for," Sirius stated and Dumbledore

peered at him over his half moon spectacles in a disapproving way.

"Sirius, it is up to James and Lily where young Harry is placed."

"See, methinks you are misinformed, Headmaster," Harry said, "I have no

intentions to ever returning to the muggles you saw fit to dump me with

and I have no intentions of listening to anything that ever comes out of

James Potter's mouth, unless it is him asking me to AK him which, of

course, I would be more than happy to oblige." Harry stated with a sweet

smile at James, who glared at him.

"Now Harr-,"

"Stop, Dumbledore, I don't particularly want a headache by the time this

is over." Sirius said shortly.

"Shut it Black, he's my kid and if me and Lily want him back with the

muggles that's where he'll go." James snapped, "Right Lils," Lilly jumped

and her eyes darted to Harry before going to James.

"I um-,"

"Right Lily," he said more forcefully,

"But James, if Harrison wants to stay with Sirius, isn't that better?" She

tried in a small shaky voice, Harry didn't miss how she flinched violently

when James turned his furious eyes on her.

"There we go, at least Lily has sense and if you're so keen of 'parental'

consent, I just got it." Harry said brightly.

"That is not consent." James snapped, "You will be going the muggles and

that is final."

"I don't have to listen to you."

"You are still a Potter, you have to listen to me." James snarled, "I am

your father."

"MY FATHER IS SIRIUS BLACK." Harry yelled, surging to his feet.

"YOUR HEAD IS FILLED WITH DELUSIONS." James threw back in the

same tone, "You will obey my words or I will make you and you will

suffer the consequences."

Harry felt his magic pull and his eyes flashed.

"You must be out of your mind, Potter." Harry sneered, "You gave up any

hope of me ever listening to you the day you decided to send me away to

live with muggles. Your belief that I will heed your word is farcical, not

only for the fact that you threw me away, but the fact that you are a

disgusting human being. You're vile, and foul, and I would watch the

entire world burn before I ever conform to anything you say or do."

"Then I will make you obey, you loathsome child. You will be confined to

the ancestral home from the moment this current school year is over until

you are given permission, your contact with any other than your Lord is

forbidden and you will obey any and all commands given to you by your

Lord and Head. As I say it, as I will it, so mote be it; Nolite confidere in

Magia nos."

The magic snapped in to place, flaring around the room sealing itself.

Harry grabbed his chest and bared his teeth, hissing viciously like a

cornered viper as he felt the Potter family magic, ancient and powerful,

bind him to James words. He had never even considered the possibility of

James using it, not to do something like this. Sirius had surged to his feet

and had his wand pressed up against Potter's throat, a truly vile

expression of his face, the wand tip starting to glow an ominous black.

"Take. It. Off." He growled, sounding very much like his mate did when


"Now, Sirius. You were both given ample warning-,"

"Silence old man." Sirius hissed, his eyes not leaving the frozen Potter.

"Now. I will repeat myself one more time. Take. It. Off."

"Face it, Black. I've won, unless you want the family magics to battle it

out, and we both know that'll kill the brat." James murmured gleefully,

and an unholy glint entered the Black Lord's eye, but before he could

actively cast his spell an icy voice cracked through the room.

"I, Harrison Regulus Black, formally Harry James Potter, do hereby

disown myself from the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, and

may my magic, blood and life be removed should I ever return. I vow to

forever set myself and my bloodline against the House Potter, to actively

work against them in every endeavour in which they attempt." Here one

of his daggers appeared in his hand and he slashed his palm without even

blinking. "I cast out the blood of Potter, cleansing my body, mind and

magic of all roots to the Noble and Most Ancient House. What was mine

from theirs let it be taken, and let the gift of my true father, Sirius Orion,

Lord to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, replace what is gone

and flourish to its full extent, no longer challenged. This is my will, this is

my order. As I say it, as I swear it, so mote be it; recedemus, Nolite

confidere in Magia nos! Grata Toujours pur."

Harry's magic burned brighter that Potter's before that, flaring and

snapping around the room before he dropped to his knees rigidly. The

wound on his hand was bubbling and spitting and the Potter blood was

burning away, the cry of the Potter Family Griffin echoing around the

room as the family magics took themselves away. The screech of the

Black's Raven overtook the Griffin's cry, accepting its new unchallenged

position and rejoicing, allowing the magic in the room to settle and seal

itself in to place. Harry hunched on the floor for a few moments before

slowly getting to his feet.

His face had changed, every little trace of Potter was gone from his

features, replaced with more prominently with those of a Black, though

they still held touches of Lily and those he gained from the Founders' and

Merlin's gifts. The room was entirely still, the only sounds breaking the

growing thickness was the ragged breathing coming from the enraged

eleven year old.

"You are nothing to me." He whispered, his tone harsh and cutting. "And if

I fail in everything else in my lifetime, I promise you I will not fail in

making you regret ever thinking to attempt to bind me to your will."

Harry span on his heel and stalked from the room, his magic crackling

after him. Sirius followed his son instantly, moving backwards and never

removing his eyes or wand from Potter until the door swung shut. Harry's

strength stayed with him until he got one corridor away and then he

dropped, he never made it to the floor however, Sirius was there to catch

and lift him in to his arms. The Black Lord carried his son swiftly to his

rooms, where a frantic Moony was next to him in an instant as he placed

Harry on the sofa.

"What happened? I felt his magic and…"

"He just performed a full blood disownment, a House Primary acceptance

and a Blood Feud all in one huge vow." Sirius sighed.

"What?" Remus gasped horrified, "Why would he do that?"

"Potter used the family magics to bind Harrison to his manor and his

will." Sirius growled. Remus eyes flashed a livid amber as a snarl slipped

from his throat.

"He dared?"

"Oh he dared. He wanted to send him back to the muggles and when

Harrison refused he got nasty." Sirius explained, his voice a hard, forced


"Shall I call for Narcissa?" Remus asked, looking at Harry in worry, but

Sirius shook his head.

"No, he's ok, I think he's just settling his core and regaining his strength.

A full disownment is a shock to the system." Sirius said, "Look, he's

coming around."

Harry started to blink and then he groaned to himself, slowly pushing

himself in to a sitting position.

"Well that was pretty stupid." He admitted, "But I do feel much better


"Oh, Cub," Moony sighed, hugging him tightly. Harry relished in the

comfort before he was released and he let out a yawn.

"Come on, straight back to the Snake Pitt with you," Moony decided, "You

need an early night."

"Ok, uncle Moony," Harry agreed, pulling himself to his feet, wobbling

only once. He hugged his concerned father before leaving to the Pitt, he

did want to go to bed if he was honest. Harry continued his way to the

dungeons, angry voices caught his attention and Harry followed the

sound silently.

"What in Merlin's name were you thinking?" A man, James Potter Harry

recognised, hissed furiously, he heard a whimper and his blood went

cold. He quickly cast his masking spell and crept closer, what he saw

made him want to beat the man himself. James was dragging Lily down

the corridor by her hair and then he pushed her in to the wall.

"James please," She begged and cried out when he slapped her across the


"You stupid little bitch, I warned you not to pull any stunts like that."

James growled, "How many times have I got to teach you to listen to

what is say?"

"I'm sorry, please,"

"Not good enough," He grabbed her throat, "If you ever do something like

that again I will show you what a real punishment is, remember the last

time, when you wanted your precious little baby boy back?"

Harry saw Lily pale and mentally cursed, he wanted to stop him but he

knew it would only make it worse.

"Now come on," James continued to drag her down the corridor ignoring

her quiet crying. Harry was pissed, scratch that, he was absolutely

fuming, and by the time he reached the common room his magic was

nearly cracking around him. He paced furiously in front of the fire.

"What's wrong, Har?" Draco asked cautiously. The last time Harry was

this angry he had created a storm.

"I need to speak with your mother," Harry got out through his teeth, his

mind was spinning and he wanted to go back and curse James in to


"Ask uncle Severus,"

Harry shook his head, he wasn't going to chance that.

"No, I'll go on my own," Without another word, Harry vanished to the

dorms and used his flames to go to Malfoy Manor. It wasn't late so Harry

guessed Narcissa would be in the lounge or sunroom, he tried the lounge

first but it was empty so he headed to the sun room where she was sat

enjoying a drink with Lucius.

"Harrison, what are you doing here?" She exclaimed and Harry ran a

hand through his hair tugging at it slightly.

"Can I talk to you, alone, it's important." He asked sending an apologetic

look to Lucius.

"Yes of course, come to the lounge with me."

Harry followed her back down where she motioned for him to sit, but he

shook his head too worked up.

"I didn't know who else to talk to." Harry told her pacing again.

"What's happened?"

"It's about Lily," He said and her attention sharpened,

"You have noticed also?"

Harry stopped and span to face her.

"You've seen it?" He clarified relieved.

"Yes, when I was healing you. There is something wrong with her, she

flinches and is subdued around James. It's almost as if-,"

"She's being abused?" Harry said harshly and Narcissa paled but nodded.

"Yes, I didn't want to believe. It doesn't happen very much in the

wizarding world, Severus noticed a difference as did Sirius, but we didn't

have proof."

"I do," Harry hissed pacing again, "But I don't know what to do."

"There is nothing you can do, Lily has to step forward and even then she

might not be believed because Potter is of Noble and Most Ancient


"I can't sit back and do nothing, not with what I know now." Harry stated.

"And school is over soon,"

"Try and slip her an emergency portkey so she can get away, if it is what

we suspect then it could help. We don't know of the extent it is and we

don't know if she wants to get out or not." Narcissa suggested and Harry


"I'll speak to Sirius, asked him to create of for Black Manor. It's the only

thing I can do unless she comes forward, isn't it?"

"I'm afraid so,"

"Damn it," he cursed, "I want to murder that bastard,"

"Language," she chided. "Now go back to school and speak with Sirius, he

should be able to make one in the school because it would be going to

Black Manor. You will need to find something inconspicuous however,"

"Right, thanks, Aunt Cissa,"

Narcissa pressed a light kiss to the dark head.

"It is no problem, Harrison," Harry smiled slightly and headed to the floo,

he floo'd to the marauder pad successfully scaring the crap in to Sirius.

"Harry, what in Merlin's name?" Sirius demanded picking himself off the


"Sorry, I'll explain in a bit," Harry waved him off, "Where's uncle Remus?"

"Moony's talking to McGonagall about exam results, why?"

"I need you to do me a favour, but you can't tell Remus."

Sirius was on his guard immediately.

"Why can't I tell Moony?"

"Because he was closer to Lily and if he finds out he'll flip."

"You've noticed too,"

"Yes and I want you to make me an emergency portkey to the manor so I

can slip it to her just in case."

"Why, what's happened?"

"I saw James manhandling Lily and I can't let that go. And as I can't kill

him, this is second best option, I went to aunt Cissa as she said it's the

only thing we can do." Harry explained and Sirius growled.

"That bastard,"

"Putting it lightly,"

"I'll get you a portkey by tomorrow, pup, go to your dorms and rest, you

should probably go through your shields before to explode."

"Ok, thanks, dad, night,"

"Night, pup,"

It was obvious that Harry was on edge when the other Slytherins saw him

in the morning, he was slightly snappy with people and he completely

ignored his food when he got to breakfast.

"What is with you?" Draco demanded pulling him to the side, Harry shot

the blond an annoyed look and raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing," He answered sullenly and Draco scoffed.

"Bull, you've been snapping and snarling since we got up."

"I've got things on my mind," Harry said and Draco gave him an

incredulous look.

"Yes, but that doesn't usually make you an unapproachable Gryffindor."

He stated, Harry sighed and ran a hand through his hair which was

getting quite long reaching past his shoulders now.

"Sorry, it's just something happened and I won't be ok until I know I've

done something about it."

"Are you going to tell me what's got you so worked up?" Draco asked and

Harry bit his lip, he finally nodded and pulled the blond back to the

dorms, throwing up a ward.

"I'm worried about Lily," Harry told him and whatever Draco was

expecting; it wasn't that.

"Why?" He asked slowly, he knew his friend wouldn't worry about his

former mother unless it was for a really good reason.

"I've been watching her and she's been acting weird, little things, but

when you put them together they don't come to a good conclusion. And

then yesterday she backed me up over Dumbledore and Potter and when

I was walking back to the dorms I overheard them arguing. Only he

wasn't just arguing with her," Harry gave Draco a significant look and it

took the blond only seconds to see what Harry was implying, his eyes

widened in shock.

"He's not-."



"I know, and I know I can't actively do anything because that's down to

her. But I can't not do anything, so when I went to see aunt Cissa

yesterday and she suggested an emergency portkey to the Manor just in

case because we don't know details," Harry threw himself on to his bed

with a sigh.

"It is the only thing you can really do." Draco agreed, "I never thought

Potter would sink to a low like this."

"No, and that's not the only thing I'm worried about."

"What else?"

"Who do we know who has a slight soft spot for Lily?"

"Uncle Severus," Draco groaned flopping backwards.

"Oh yes,"

"Remind me not to be there when you fill him in."

Harry scoffed.

"I'm going to try not to be there. Hades, I hope we don't have to tell him

anything and I hope that I'm blowing things up."

"But you don't think you are?"

"Unfortunately no," Harry sighed again absently stroking Aressa.

"When are you getting the portkey?"

"Dad's getting me one for today, I just have to get Lily alone."

"Shouldn't be too difficult, you have the map and an unhealthy amount of

knowledge of the school." Draco pointed out.

"True," Harry summoned the map with a snap of his fingers, he activated

it and saw Lily was in her classroom and his dad was on his way down to

the Slytherin common room.

"Looks like dad has the portkey," Harry commented folding the map

away, he hadn't made much progress with his map. He had finally

managed to draw everything, but he had to put the spells on and add the

ones he wanted for the map so he could see in the corridors. Harry pulled

himself up and took down the wards,

"I'm going to see Lily." Harry told him and Draco nodded, Harry grabbed

a few things from his trunk before he left the dorms and met his dad in

the common room.

"I saw you coming," Harry said seeing the raised eyebrow.

"Ah, the map,"

"Yes, do you have it?"

Sirius withdrew a simple silver chain, it has the Black crest as a pendent.

"The activation is moonstone, something I thought that Lily would

remember. It's charmed so only you and Lily can remove it meaning

James won't be able to take it from her if he sees it." Sirius explained.

"Ok, thanks,"

"No problem, pup, she was my friend too."

Harry nodded and left the common room, he took the map out and saw

James was with Dumbledore in the head office and Lily was still in her

classroom. Using a few shortcuts, he came to the Arithmancy classroom,

he knocked lightly on the door and poked his head in. It was obvious she

was incredibly shocked because she stared at him with wide eyes for a

few seconds.

"Oh um sorry, come in Harrison,"

Harry walked in and sealed the door with a wave of his hand, the ward

would alert him if anyone came passed the door.

"Good morning, Lily," Harry greeted, standing before the desk which she

was working on; she must have been finishing marking the exams by the

pile of papers on her desk.

"Good morning," She returned, shock still evident in her tone, "What-

what are you doing here?" Her tone was curious and Harry smiled


"Contrary to popular belief, I am not a heartless person nor am I blind."

Harry began, "I know we do not get on, you gave me up and I do resent

you for that." Lily looked down sadly, and when she looked back at him

Harry could see her eyes were filled with genuine remorse.

"But I also know you regret that decision, and didn't want me to stay with

the muggles." She looked stunned at his knowledge of that and Harry

pulled out the chain and a phial of pain potion.

"What are those?" She questioned shakily.

"This is a phial of pain potion, which I am sure you recognise easily as

according to Severus you are very adept at potions. Which means you are

a very skilled brewer because coming from Severus that is high praise,"

Harry grinned at that and Lily smiled, something that lit up her whole


"Severus is very passionate about potions, I don't think I know anyone as

skilled as him." Lily said fondly, and then she looked at the chain.

"What is this?"

"That is an emergency portkey to Black Manor for you. It cannot be

removed by anyone other than you or me, I want you to wear it at all

times just in case."

Harry saw the fear entering her eyes as well as confusion.


"Like I said, I am neither heartless nor blind. I cannot help you at the

current time, and that is the only thing I can offer until you make the

first move." Harry said slightly frustrated. "The activation is moonstone,

just-just keep it on and be careful." Harry turned abruptly and left the

room, although he did catch the sobbed thank you from her before the

door closed. He leant against the wall with a tired sigh, he hadn't

forgiven her for giving him up, but it had made him feel a lot better to

know that she wanted him back within the first month.

The fact that she had been suffering because she had wanted him back

made him feel strange, he didn't know what to make off it because she

was still trying and suffering if what he had seen and heard was anything

to go by. Harry didn't know how he was supposed to deal with something

like this, he knew he would never see her as his mother, but he didn't

hate her anymore. No, that was reserved for James, Dumbledore and

Rosina. Harry pushed himself off the wall and walked slowly towards the

common room, he needed a distraction and there were many books he

had that would take his mind off of his raging thoughts. One thing he

was clear on though, he hope she didn't need that portkey to save her.

There we go, a true insight to what's happening to Lily. I had loads

of messages saying that people didn't what the cliché 'Lily was dosed

with potions to make her give away her child' as the base of the

redemption. I hope the way I've written it is good and different to


I've changed the disownment section to make it a little more

ritualistic and to add more depth, though besides that there isn't too

many revisions for this one so please, let me know what you think!


16. Chapter 16

A/N: Hello fellow Potter fans, I am back again with a chapter and

this one is a bit more laid back, but it did manage to slip in another

view point from the one and only Dark Lord. Thanks for the view

and responses guys, means a lot! Now, enough talk, on with the


Disclaimer: Belongs to J.K

Warning: I think we're good for this chapter!

Chapter 16:

The final two weeks of school passed in a flurry. Harry and Draco had

received first and second place respectively within the year, not that

Harry was surprised, but what had shocked him was the fact that Rosina

Potter had come fourth after Granger. Either James had changed the

results or the girl actually had some intelligence, Harry didn't know, but

it didn't matter because he had the top spot.

Harry was sad to be leaving the castle even if it was only for the summer,

he was also excited however, because he would be spending his summer

with Sirius and Remus in Black Manor and he had a lot planned. He had

kept his eye on Lily as planned and she looked better, he often spotter he

clutching the necklace he had given her like it was a lifeline and he was

sure he had done the right thing. Dumbledore had tried to convince

Sirius that Harry was better off with the muggles and Sirius had politely

told him to jump in the lake, and fortunately James seemed to be so

involved with Rosina that he left them alone after the results were


The man had claimed that Sirius and Lucius had bought the two boys

grades, Harry had been pissed at that and kindly informed James that he

was a dick and then pranked him with the help of the twins. Sirius had

collected the forms for him to apply for his Mastery examination and

Severus had helped him fill it in, the Potions Master was almost as eager

as Harry was for the actual exam and was giving him points about the

actual exam.

"The examiners have to take an oath of silence, that way your potions

stay secret if you do not wish to publish them." Severus told him and

Harry nodded.

"Good," he said relieved, his potions would be best kept secret, if they

were available to the public it would be a nightmare.

"Yes, here," Snape handed him an envelope, "This is your

recommendation letter, do not lose it because it is the only one you will

be getting." He warned and Harry grinned.

"As if I would lose it," He scoffed and Snape smirked. Harry left and

placed the letter safely within his trunk, he even warded it for extra

measure. He double checked everything was packed for his departure

tomorrow and made his way down for dinner. Everyone was in bright

spirits because of the end of school, it was the final feast and thanks to

Harry's miracle win in the final game Slytherin had one the house cub

much to Gryffindors ire. Harry wondered if Dumbledore realised the

stone he had placed in the mirror was a fake, but by the cheerfulness of

the Headmaster Harry presumed he had yet to notice.

"Can't wait to get home," Draco said as they walked back to the common

room tired and full.

"Same, although I'm going to be just as busy."

"Yes. Your Mastery exam." Draco remembered,

"There's that, but lets not forget a certain individual."

"No, that isn't something I'm likely to forget anytime soon Harry."

Harry grinned.

"I'm looking forward to his letter,"

"You would," Draco muttered shoving his friend, Harry smirked.

"Of course,"

"Come on prat, we have to sleep as I do not want to be caught with rush


"Yes sir," Harry mocked.

"It's about time," Draco sniffed and Harry laughed.


Draco was right, they entire Slytherin house seemed to have lost their

minds in the morning. The concept of packing the night before seemed to

be lost on them and Harry rolled his eyes, he had made sure their dorm

was ready and they were the first up to breakfast.

"Hey pup, you have to get on the train and then I'll pick you up at the

station." Sirius told him.

"Why don't we just floo?" Harry asked bewildered.

"Haven't got permission, apparently all students need to take the train

home." Sirius rolled his eyes and Harry scoffed.

"Please, me and Draco have been using the floo all year without


"I don't even know," Sirius sighed, "Just get on the train and be good,"

"Hey," Harry exclaimed, Sirius laughed and ruffled his hair. It wasn't just

the Slytherins who lost their heads when it came to leaving the school,

Harry helped the other Snakes by summoning lost objects so they didn't

have to run around like crazy searching for them. The first years took the

boats back across the lake and piled on to the train, Harry and Draco got

a compartment near the back and were followed in by Theo and Blaise.

"Plans for the summer?" Harry asked them, sitting back with a happy sigh

as the train pulled away.

"Going to Italy to visit the family," Blaise shrugged.

"Holiday in Germany and then I think we're home for the rest." Theo


"We will have to meet up or something, I know I'm going to busy, but I

don't want to spend all my time working or studying." Harry said and

Draco gasped.

"You don't want to study?" He repeated horrified and Harry kicked him.

"Shut it you."

Draco laughed.

"After I'm back from France I don't have anything planned." Draco said.

"Yes, but we don't need to make plans. You know aunt Narcissa will have

us over at least once a week for dinner and Sirius will be made to return

the favour." Harry pointed out,

"Point," Draco conceded, "When is your Mastery exam?"

"I don't know, I have to wait for the confirmation owl, and then I'll

know." Harry told him.

"You nervous?" Theo asked and Harry tilted his head.

"I don't know, I mean I'm excited, but I dunno about nerves. I expect

they'll come on the day, I have a lot of pressure on me."

"Yes, it's Severus' name on the line." Draco remembered.

"There is no way I'm letting him down, I have my potions, I know my

stuff." Harry stated, he pulled out his black journal and began to read

through it.

"Where's that snake of yours?" Draco wondered.

"Aressa is sleeping in the ventilated compartment of my trunk." Harry

said absently. They sat in peace reading and playing chess, Harry bought

some sweets from the trolley and they had fun eating Bertie Botts.

"That's disgusting," Draco complained with a grimaced, "What was that?"

Harry was in a fit of laughter as he read the box, he couldn't speak so he

handed it to Blaise who burst out laughing.

"Frogs liver," He told the blond, Draco tinged green as threw a chocolate

frog at Harry, who was still in fits.

"You are awful,"

"You just ate something that tasted of frogs liver." Harry stated before

laughing again.

"Shut up, Harry,"

Harry calmed down and held out his hand.

"My turn,"

"I hope you get hippogriff shit," Draco told him, much to Harry's

amusement; he was handed a jet black one.

"Well here goes," he ate the bean and gave a sigh of relief, "Liquorish,"

"You've got to be kidding me," Draco threw up his hands in injustice.


The Nott heir took a weird looking cream one and immediately spat it

back out.

"It tasted like skin!" He exclaimed and they all laughed at him,

"That's disgusting," Blaise said with a grin; the Italian picked out a green


"Huh, grass," He shrugged,

"Come on, Draco, the beans won't hurt you." Harry told him. With great

reluctance, Draco picked out a pink one and ate it.

"Finally," he said, "Strawberry,"

"Oh come on, that's way too normal." Harry groaned, "Here," Harry

blindly grabbed a bean and without looking at its colour, which was a

hideous burn orange, popped it in to his mouth.

"That has to be a horrible one." Theo said looking disgusted.

"Toasted pumpkin," Harry told them and they all groaned.

"I swear the beans love him." Blaise shook his head.

"You have not had one bad bean," Theo agreed.

"I didn't even think that was possible." Draco added.

"I just have an unnatural ability with the bean." Harry said seriously and

the others cracked up.

"You're an idiot, Harrison,"

Just then the door was thrown open and Rosina stood in the doorway.

"Oh hello sister dearest, it hasn't been long enough since I've seen you."

Harry greeted cheerfully and the other Snakes smirked at her.

"I heard you're going back to the muggles," She said mockingly, "Has it

finally sunk in your not wanted?" Harry raised an eyebrow at her.

"I don't know if I should be mocking or pitying you," Harry said slowly,

and she flushed.

"You're the one who needs pity," She spat and Harry shook his head.

"Look Potter, I don't know where you've been, but I'm going to Black

Manor for the holidays. You know, one of the largest Manors in the UK, it

belongs to my father?"

"Daddy told me your going to the muggles, you're lying." She sneered and

Harry laughed at that.

"Did daddy also tell you I disinherited myself from the Potter name

meaning I am no longer anything to do with you?"

She looked shocked at that.


"I suppose congratulations are in order, you are now the sole child to the

Potter fortune; goodbye." Harry sent a wave of magic pushing her back

and shut the door.

"You disowned yourself from the Potter name?" Theo said and Harry


"Yeah, the Black name holds much more prestige and by the time I've

finished with Potter, the name will only be a hindrance." Harry

explained. They spent the rest of the journey talking about anything, the

twins popped in when they were nearly back in London to say their


"I'll owl you," Harry said to them, "I'm sure Dad will agree that you can

stay over and you can lie like the best of them so I doubt you'll have any


"Ah young Harry,"

"Lying is bad,"

"We do not lie,"

"Merely change the truth-,"

"To something that-,"

"Suits our needs," they finished together and Draco rolled his eyes as

Harry grinned.

"My mistake,"

They waved and disappeared down the corridor, Harry stretched and

took Aressa out so he could shrink down his trunk, the snake wound

around his left arm and settled back asleep.

"She's gotten so lazy," Harry muttered. The rest of them shrunk down

their trunks and they were the first of the train when it pulled in to the

station. Their parents were easily spotted as many people seemed to be

giving the 3 powerful Lords a rather wide birth, Harry grinned at his dad

and hurried over.

"Hey, dad,"

"How was the train?" Sirius asked his son who shrugged.

"S'alright I guess, Potter paid a visit."

"What did she want?"

Harry smirked.

"Seems James hasn't informed his daughter the correct information, she

was under the impression I was going back to the muggles." Harry told

him and Sirius smirked.

"I am sure you put her right," He said and Harry looked at him


"What sort of person would I be if I didn't?" Harry gasped and Sirius

rolled his eyes.

"Come on then, lets go home." Harry turned to Draco.

"Have fun in France and don't forget my letters." Harry said to him.

"I won't, and if anything happens while I'm away I want to know straight


"Of course," Harry agreed, "See you Theo, I'll write and have fun in


"See you, Harrison, good luck if I don't see you."

Harry grinned, he looked for Blaise, but the Italian had already


"I'm ready now," Sirius held out his arm and Harry was apperated away.

They landed at the gates and Harry couldn't help but gasp at the sight.

The Manor was as black as the name it had; it was a massive four story

black stone manor. The cast iron gates had the Black crest in the centre

and Harry bit his finger to smear blood on it allowing the wards to accept

him and bind him as Heir Black as his father accepted him. The gates

swung open and Harry followed Sirius up the pathway to the ebony

double doors, Harry stepped through the pillars and the doors swung

open for him and led them in to a grand entrance hall.

The floor was a shining black marble and it led up to an impressive

staircase to the right, to the left Harry was shown a huge, high ceiling

ball room which had a solid ebony floor and black marble columns rising

up around the entire room and a set of stairs leading down to the main

area, the walls were decked in deep blue velvet and on the back wall and

the middle of the floor was the Black crest. There were large Victorian

windows along the right wall and bright lamps scattered around

artistically allowing the room to be light even though the colours were

dark. The next room he was shown on the ground floor was a large

dining room, it again had ebony flooring and in the centre of the room it

had a stunning rectangle mango wood dining table that Harry was sure

would fit 20 people, the Black crest hung on a sash behind the head seat

and tall windows lined the walls.

Sirius showed him to a beautiful lounge, the ebony flooring was covered

by deep blue rug, the tall windows were surrounded by black drapes

which were detailed in blue, the fire place was a black marble and it was

crackling in welcome, there was two black leather chairs, two black

leather sofas and a love seat, a low set mango wood table in the centre

and the Black crest was printed above the fireplace.

"So what do you think so far?" Sirius asked as they made their way back

to the entrance hall.

"This place is amazing," Harry said in slight awe, he wasn't expecting

Black Manor to be this beautiful.

"My family are rather proud of their wealth and class."

"It shows,"

"Now, I won't take you downstairs, but there is a Masters Potions lab

which you can explore when you've settled in." Sirius told him, "Let's go

upstairs," on the first floor there was an open parlour which was

decorated in lighter shades of blue mixed with grey and black, there was

a smoky grey sofa and a leather chair surrounding a low set table, on the

back wall there was a fireplace and in the double alcove there were two

filled book cases. There was a duelling room opposite which had a

number of training dummies and a weapons wall which was littered with

swords, daggers and a number of other weapons.

And then they went to the library.

Harry was amazed to see the library stretched two entire floors and Sirius

pulled him out before he lost his son for the day, they went to the next

floor where there was a stunning sun room which was decorated similar

to the parlour except it had a liquor cabinet and two sets or patio doors

which opened up on to a balcony and there was outdoor seating there.

The rest of the floor was guest rooms and the library. The floors above

Sirius deemed the 'family' floors, there was few studies and a lot of

bedrooms which were grander then the guest rooms, on the top floor

there was another sitting room, another study and the Lord and Heir

rooms. Sirius took him to his room at the end of the corridor, it was a set

of double doors and a silver plaque held his name in perfect script above

the crest.

"Well, this is yours," Sirius said and Harry nodded, he pushed open the

door and stopped in shock. The room was the size of the entire Slytherin

common room, it was decorated in green, black, and silver, meaning

Sirius had had it done for him because the Black family colours were

blue, black and silver. He had a large king sized bed up against the back

wall surrounded by two bay windows, the floor was ebony covered in a

fluffy green rug, he had his own black marble fireplace with the Black

crest above it.

There were empty bookcases waiting for him to fill them, and a black

leather chair with a matching sofa in front of the cases, he also had a

desk and chair made from ebony. There were two sets of double doors

within the room, one led to a massive dressing room which was currently

empty and the other was a stunning black and cream marble bathroom

with green accents, there was a pool like bath and a separate shower.

Harry loved it.

"I love it," Harry told him in amazement, "It's perfect,"

"Good," Sirius breathed in relief, "I had the elves change the blue to green

because I know it's your favourite colour."

"Thanks dad,"

"Now, as per Black family tradition, you have your own elf." Sirius told

him, and an elf popped in. It was dressed in neat little black trousers, a

dark blue shirt and little black shoes, the elf had the crest on it's breast

pocket and was stood up straight.

"I is Kip, and I is happy to be serving the Heir to the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Black."

"Hello Kip, my name is Harrison. You can go back to what you were

doing before."

"Yes, Master Harrison," He bowed and popped away.

"Right, lets go to the lounge and we can discuss the rules." Sirius said, "I

never thought I would be the one to say that." Harry laughed at that.

"Where's uncle Moony?" Harry asked,

"Remus is finished up everything at the school, he'll be back for dinner."

Harry took a seat in a chair and Sirius relaxed back.

"So there are only a few rules." He began, "Around the manor and the

ground you can go anywhere except my room and study, unless you have

permission. All meals are eaten at the table, but you can call for snacks in

your room if you want. If you are going anywhere, let me know first and

I doubt there will be a problem with you going."

"They're reasonable enough," Harry agreed.

"Now, as to your grounding,"

Harry huffed at that.

"You're sticking to that?" He complained.

"Yes, you put yourself in danger, stole a rare magical artefact, and then

dumped the Dark Lord on me, you completely deserve it."

"Well when you put it like that it sounds a lot worse that it was." Harry


"Yes well, you are grounded for a week; meaning no flying, no leaving

the manor and no having friends over or writing to them."

"Fine," He sighed,

"Now, let's go to the dining room and eat, I'm starving." Sirius said with a

grin, Harry rolled his eyes and followed him out. Moony was already

there and Harry smiled at the wolf.

"Hey uncle Moony,"

"Hello, cub,"

"Did Dumbledore have anything to say?" Sirius asked his mate.

"No, I was under the impression he was happy to see me go. I did

however catch an interesting conversation between Potter Sr and the

Headmaster." Remus told them.


"Yes, it seems that Dumbledore does know exactly who Lord Marvolo

Slytherin-Le Fey is and he is not happy about it. He and James were

discussing how he could have been returned and what that means for

them because Majority vote now easily falls to the dark with Black,

Malfoy, Nott as the three top Lords already. The light have Potter,

Longbottom, Bones as there lead runners and the other houses are at a

near equal divide and we usually rely on the neutral houses to tip the

vote. Now, the only way the light will win a vote we do not want passed

is if most of the neutrals vote in their favour." Remus said and Harry


"I doubt Dumbledore will work out how Marvolo returned, and the votes

will only continue to go in to our favour." Harry pointed out.

"Yes, you hold the rest of the Founders seats do you not?"

"And the Seat of Emrys, the only one to match the Seat of Le Fey, the one

that usually is seen as light but will be firmly with the dark."

"So we can pretty much rule the Wizengamot as soon as you take your


"Yes, because they are Founders seats I have to sit in them myself which

is an unfortunate set back, but we only have to wait until the summer of

fourth year. Then good bye Dumbledore from the Chief Warlock position

and good bye Fudge from the Minister's spot."

"Umbridge can also leave," Sirius put in.

"The werewolf hater? Damn straight she can leave."

"Language," Remus chided and Harry rolled his eyes.

"What's for eating?" Harry asked.

"Chicken I think," Sirius answered and as if reading his mind, the food

appeared and was a chicken pie with peas and potatoes.

"Thank Merlin for small miracles," Sirius sighed happily. They ate dinner

and went to the top lounge to relax, they were discussing the ministry

and other things until Harry claimed exhaustion and went to his

bedroom. He was surprised to see all of his things perfectly unpacked and

his pyjamas laid out for him.

"I love house elves." Harry said to himself, he changed and went to bed

with a smile on his face.

Tom Riddle, or rather Marvolo Slytherin-Le Fey as he was known now,

was known for having very high standards. Some may even call him a

perfectionist because he only accepted the best. One would only need lay

eyes on him to know that, his appearance was nothing other than

flawless and it was a rarity that he was seen if it wasn't. He had perfect

Occlumency in his early teens to make sure he conducted himself in the

correct way, his grades were perfect and he has set many records with his

12 OWL's and NEWT's and before his untimely downfall, he had

successfully ran the entire dark empire.

It was because of this he refused to stay in his muggle, well squib, father's

house. After his first movement within in the Wizengamot, Marvolo had

decided that he had to move and had discovered his Slytherin ancestral

castle was still in perfect condition. What had shocked him was the sheer

opulence of Slytherin castle and he had taken a minute to simply stand

and admire the sight before him; the castle was made out of deep grey

stone and it was, simply put, huge. Stretching six stories in some places

with multiple turrets and towers, it was a sight to behold, Marvolo

smeared blood on the crest and the snakes that twisted around the gates

came to life.

#Welcome to Slytherin Castle new Lord,# The gates swung open and

allowed him access. He could feel the ancient wards flaring up as he

walked in and the gates closed behind him, he chose to walk to the great

double doors as to admire the vast lands stretching out hundreds of Acers

in all directions. The doors opened on their own accord and a house elf

popped in to greet him, the creature was dressed in a neat, rich green

toga with the Slytherin crest printed proudly upon it.

"Welcome to Slytherin castle new Lord, I is Fang and I is head elf."

Marvolo blinked at the name of the elf and rolled his eyes.

"How many elves reside here?" He asked it politely, if he was polite to his

servants they would serve him well.

"15 elves lives here in the castle Master, I is in charge of the castle's keep

and yous personal elf who, is charged with looking after the Lord

Slytherin's person will be here as soon as she has finished preparing yous

chambers sir." The elf explained and Marvolo nodded.

"Very well,"

The elf bowed and popped away, not even a second had passed before

another elf popped in.

"Good afternoon Master Slytherin sir, I is Pelly and I is assigned to be

yous personal elf."

"I wish for a tour of the castle, only the most important rooms." He said

and she nodded flapping her huge ears. He was shown two of the lounges

on the ground floor, one was decorated in shades of green with black

marble floor, dark wood furnishings and black leather seating. The

second was silver with shades of black and grey, it had a silver rug and

smoky grey seating. There was a huge dining room with the Slytherin

crest displayed on a sash behind the head seat and a table made from

solid ebony wood. The final room he was shown on the ground floor was

the grand ball room, it had a black marble floor like the rest off ground

floor, but it was mixed with Jade and silver.

The colours were silver and green and it seemed as if there were emerald

and diamonds twisting through the drapes that hung around the huge

bay window lining the room, the Slytherin crest was on the back wall

and the snakes' eyes were glittering with onyx or black sapphire. The

basement held a large Masters Potions lab and below that he had a very

nice set of dungeons which were very secure. On the first floor there was

another lounge, a drawing room, a duelling room which held many

weapons and practice apparatus, and the start of the library. An entire

half of the first floor was taken up by an enormous library, Marvolo was

very tempted to call off the tour and live there, but he had time after to

delve in to the secrets that the library undoubtedly held. He skipped the

many guest rooms and other sitting areas and was shown the second half

of the library on the second room.

The next thing he went to was the Lords wing, it held his study, which he

quickly deemed perfectly acceptable for him, his private sitting room, a

sun room and his bed chambers which were very nice. They had an

attached bathroom, dressing room and had a connecting door to his

sitting room. All of the floors were black marble and the wood was

mostly ebony, but in some rooms it was a dark teak or black walnut.

"What is in the opposite wing?" He asked his elf.

"That is being the Heirs wing, the castle is recognising that Master has

one Heir so it is accommodating one Heir." She explained and Marvolo

nodded. He had not forgotten Harrison Black, the boy who seemed to be

alive simply to make questions for him to try and find answers too.

"Are there any owls here?"

"Yes Master, we is tending to the many birds within the owlery."

"What else is outside?"

"Slytherin castle is set on near 500 Acres of land including owlery,

stables, lake, boat house, forest, Quidditch pitch, snake house and

greenhouses. Everything has been kept in perfect working order by the

grounds elves."

"Good, see to it that my things are placed away and set up a snake

habitat in my chambers."

"Yes Master," she bowed and popped away. Marvolo went straight to the

library. He had noticed, during his tour, that there were many portraits

of the past Slytherins on the walls. The one he was most eager to speak to

was Salazar himself, the Founder was, in his eyes, the best one and

obviously a very clever man. That wasn't to say he didn't admire all of

the Founders, but he was a descendent to Slytherin so he was slightly

bias, he wanted to speak to him about a great many things and thank him

for being smart enough to allow only worthy Heirs to access the Slytherin


The Gaunts, his latest ancestors, had not been deemed worthy for full

access to the Slytherin fortune and the part they had been given, a

substantial amount of gold for them to live, but it didn't dent the real

fortune, they had pilfered and lost it all leaving them broke and in the

dregs of society. He had not had chance to fully access the Le Fey vaults,

but he did know that there were many artefacts and books that he

wanted to get his hand on, some written by Morgana herself. He spotted

another empty frame of Salazar's in the library and made note of three

which solely belonged to the Founder in the castle so far, Marvolo

wondered if Salazar could answer the riddle that was Harrison Black.

How the boy was an Heir to Slytherin was, in all sense and logic, and

impossibility, but yet he wore the ring proving that he was, in fact, an


He would give himself a few days to settle in to his new accommodations

before writing to the boy and arranging their meeting, there was only so

long he could go without answers and that time was nearly up. Marvolo

wanted to know as much as possible, the power the boy held was

something else, he remembered the first time he had released it within

his presence and it wasn't something he was set to forget any time soon.

The sheer weight of it, and the control he had over it was something he

had never seen in someone so young and yet the boy supposedly grew up

away from the wizarding world. So many questions! Marvolo shook his

head and set Harrison to the side within his mind, he walked through the

library and surmised that there was a section for every single type of

magic possible within the shelves dating back to the founder himself and

they were all in perfect condition. What he found equally impressive was

that the books were updated and he found that over the years there had

been about 100 different copies of Hogwarts: A History written since the

Founders time and he had Salazar's original.

He would spend the rest of the day in the library before he had to begin

moving with his plans, there was many things that needed fixing within

the wizarding would, a lot had happened within the 10 years he had

been dormant. The ministry needed a complete overhaul, whoever

thought having someone like Fudge in charge was a complete fool and

that woman who was so obviously prejudice against werewolves needed

to be removed. Dumbledore was the highest on the list of people that

needed to be removed, everything about the old man tainted and defiled

the wizarding world, he was like a disease that spread quickly and

leached off of everything. Marvolo shuddered just thinking about the

man, his grandfatherly demeanour hid a manipulative, secretive and

dangerous man who was very powerful. He would have to be a fool not

to admit Dumbledore was powerful, but the ridiculous rumour that the

old wizard was the only person he feared was absurd, the very thought

that he feared anyone was quite amusing.

Fear wasn't something he had, sure he was wary and cautious, but he

didn't fear for it could cloud your judgement and make you act rashly.

Marvolo remembered the last time he had acted through fear, he

somewhat regretted his rushed actions from the prophecy, however he

was sure that had he not acted then Harrison Black would not be on his

side with the Black Lord and his werewolf. That was an alliance that, he

had no doubt, would be highly beneficial to him, add that to the fact that

he wouldn't even know about his Le Fey heritage if it wasn't for the boy.

The brat was back on his mind again. Marvolo shook his head, it seemed

as if that meeting would have to be sooner than he thought. He rose and

walked back through the castle and out in to the grounds, if he was to

write to the boy then he would need a suitable bird so he went to the

owlery and his eyebrow rose.

There was a wide range of different birds there and as he looked around

he spotted the perfect one, with a smirk he whistled and held up his arm

for the great animal to swoop down and perch there.

"I think you will be just fine," He muttered admiring him, Marvolo got

the impression it was a he, and the bird ruffled its wings as if to say 'of


"I shall call you Osiris," Marvolo said walking back to the castle, "I

believe that is a suitable name," The bird seemed pleased with the name

and Marvolo headed up to his study, he had a letter to write and meeting

to plan.

It took a few days for Harry, but he quickly got in to a routine living at

Black Manor. Both Remus and his dad were laid back and the only

difference was that he wasn't surrounded by people daily, well that's how

it felt for Harry. As he was grounded and couldn't go anywhere, he

decided first that, in preparation to his Mastery exam, he was going to

explore and get used to the potions labs. Harry went down the stone

stairs to the basement and there was three doors and another staircase

which he presumed led to the dungeons. The first door he tried was a

store room full of phials and different ingredients with a door leading out

the other side, he sensed a preservation charm, but he would go through

the entire inventory so he knew what he needed to purchase when he

was finally allowed to Diagon alley.

The next door was another storage room with a door at the end, except it

was full of equipment instead, he could see many different sized

cauldrons and he made note to do a full inventory of what was actually

in the room too. The final door was the actual potions lab and Harry was

impressed, the room was as big as the classroom back at school, and it

had space enough for several set ups meaning he could practice on his

multi-brewing. He saw two doors to the side and saw that it led in to the

storage rooms, the rooms had been kept in good condition which he was

thankful for. Harry went in to the ingredients store first and snapped his

fingers for parchment and a self-ink quill, he started from the top and

worked down. He was lucky to find that majority of the things were

labelled, and the things that weren't he could easily identify so began to

make a list, some of the potions were ruined and he put them in a box to

be disposed off, however most of the ingredients were perfectly preserved

and he made a stock take of what was running low.

It was a long task and he hadn't even got half way through when Jip, his

father's elf, popped in to inform him of lunch. Harry left his list and

things down there and darted up the stairs, if he could eat fast he could


"Hey, pup," Sirius greeted, "Where've you been all morning?"

"Sorting the lab out," Harry told, him tucking in to his food.

"I thought they were in good condition?"

"They are, amazing actually," Harry said, "But I need to do a stock take,

inventory and dispose of anything that had gone bad."

"Ah, makes sense." Sirius nodded, "How's it coming,"

"Long, there's a lot of stuff in there so I have to go through everything.

But I should be able to get everything done today and then I will have my

lists ready."

"Well that's your territory so I will leave you to it."

Harry grinned, his dad and potions were not the best mix.

"Where's uncle Moony?"

"Substituting people and food for books again," Sirius sighed and Harry


"Send an elf."

"The elf came back covered in dust." Sirius deadpanned.

"So we've lost uncle Moony then," Harry surmised.

"Seems like it,"

"He'll come out eventually." Harry reassured.

"Well he has 6 days until full moon so if not before then he'll be out by

then." Sirius said surely and Harry burst out laughing.

"I'm leaving uncle Moony's health in your hands." He said when he

calmed down, "Do try not to lose him to books dad."

"Fine, I'll go drag him out."

"I'll see you at dinner," Harry hopped up as Sirius went up the stairs

grumbling about werewolves and their books, Harry snickered and went

back to his cupboard to continue the inventory. It took his another few

hours to get through everything in the potions store, he had a roll of

parchment of things he needed to top up on, a roll on what potions were

in stock and the ones he needed to make to be on the safe side and he

had a full list of what the cupboard held.


"What can Kip bes doing for Master Harry?"

"Can I have a drink and a small snack please?" Harry asked and the elf

nodded and popped away with a bow. Harry moved to the equipment

store where Kip popped in with juice and biscuits, something Harry was

very happy about. Harry summoned some more parchment and began

with the cauldrons beginning with pewter, he started with the smallest

size and got rid of any that he didn't deem in suitable conditions to work

with. Harry was completely out of size 2 cauldrons and guessed it was

because it was the one used for majority of school potions, and there

were quite a few that needed to be replaced due to wear.

He had four brass cauldrons, one of each size, and added them to the list,

he needed to have two of each to be on the safe side and in case he was

duel brewing. He moved on to the silver ones and they were all in mint

condition as were the gold, although it wasn't that surprising because

they were the least used and he had enough of them too. Harry sorted

through the other equipment such as the knives and ladles and removed

the ones which were blunt or damaged, he wrote down everything he

needed to replace and he had just finished re-ordering everything when

he was alerted for dinner. When he got to the table this time Moony was

present and Harry flashed him a grin.

"Yes uncle Moony, this is what people look like." Harry said slowly and

Sirius roared with laughter, the werewolf shot him a dirty look and

stabbed at his streak.

"No need to get violent with the steak, just because you can't read it."

Harry defended the poor piece of beef, Sirius was trying, and failing, to

muffle his laughter.

"Ha ha dungeon dweller," Moony returned and Harry pretended to blush.

"Awh you're too kind," He said bashfully and they all laughed.

"How did you get on down there?" Sirius asked him.

"Just finished, and I have the lists of everything that needs to be

replaced/bought/renewed ready." Harry answered,

"You still have to wait until the weekend at least." Sirius warned and

Harry glowered at him but nodded.

"I am aware." He sniffed, he wasn't even allowed to write to Draco until

Thursday when his grounding was lifted, which he thought was totally

unnecessary, but apparently that was the rules.

"Cheer up, cub, you only have a few days left." Moony reminded him.

"I suppose you are right." He sighed in a self suffering sort of way.

"I know,"

Harry had the urge to throw a carrot at him, but decided against it and

stuck his tongue out instead.


"I'm 11," Harry said,

"You have a point,"

"I know," Harry grinned as Moony rolled his eyes.

For the rest of the time he was grounded, Harry completed his summer

homework and revised his potions. He couldn't practice them because he

didn't have all the ingredients even with his own supplies, which he had

moved to the store cupboard, he had politely informed Sirius that if

anyone wanted to go in to the potions lab then they would have to

consult him first because he had deemed it his own. His had memorised

his shield potion to the point where he could recite it backwards and he

was getting that way with his others, Harry made a note that he had yet

to actually test the obliviate potion, but he wasn't too fussed on that at

the current time as he would need someone who was willing and if

anything went wrong it could be potentially lethal so, when he was free,

he was going to write to Severus and ask his opinion on an idea he had to

test it without damage to the participant. It would be so much easier if

they still did prisoner testing.

Harry had also received confirmation that he had been accepted in to the

August Mastery examination and he was instructed to bring his letter of

recommendation with them so it could be read in person by the

examiners as proof, Harry had gotten very excited that morning and

bounced around the manor as he wasn't allowed out. The date of the

exam was August 5th meaning it was 5 days after his birthday and it

gave him plenty of time to prepare; he was going to use his shield, his

vanishing one and his liquid disillusion. He had tested the disillusion on

his clothes he wore and they had vanished, but when he dripped it on the

rug by accident it had simply left a small mark, Harry was amazed. He

had dripped it on a whole number of things and discovered it was magic

activated, he made a note that the potion had to be in contact with a

magical being to work and added what a benefit it actually was.

Harry had caught up on his Arithmancy and Runes practice, which he

discovered he was still fine with, it wouldn't do to become sloppy in his

workings and he meditated a lot to keep his mind in perfect condition.

On the last day of his sentence, he went to breakfast where Moony

looked as if he was sleep eating, it was coming closer to the full moon

and the man was growing more lethargic. He looked up as the mail flew

in and one bird caught all of their attention, it was a massive, pure black,

deadly looking eagle with scary red eyes; Harry instantly loved it. It

swooped down towards Harry who automatically held out his arms for

the great bird, Harry took the letter and fed the bird.

"Who in Merlin's name does he belong to?" Sirius exclaimed looking at

the bird in alarm, Harry rolled his eyes.

"Who do you think would own such a scary, deadly, menacing bird with

crimson eyes?" Harry said, the bird shuffled his wings and took flight.

"He does have a point, Padfoot," Moony added,

"Him then,"

Harry nodded and looked at the letter, it was addressed to him in perfect,

elegant script that Harry had no doubt was from the man's own hand.


I have settled in to my new accommodations and our meeting can now take

place. I am residing at my, or rather our, ancestral home, Slytherin Castle.

The building was in perfect condition as was the contents, so I invite you to

lunch before we converse this coming Saturday.

The floo address is Slytherin Castle spoken in the correct language and lunch

is served at 12:30.


Harry blinked and then rolled his eyes, if that wasn't a subtle order for

Harry to be at the castle by 12:30 on Saturday then he didn't know what


"So what did he say?" Sirius asked.

"I am meeting with him on Saturday." Harry said,

"Where are you meeting?"

"At Slytherin castle, I have to be there for 12:30."

"You're meeting with him again; alone?"

"Yes dad, but I will be fine." Harry said firmly.

"How do you know that?"

"After today I expect I will be able to tell you. Just know that he will not

try to harm me and he will not be able to harm me in Slytherin castle."

Harry assured him. His father looked as if he wanted to argue, but he

swallowed it down. Harry finished his breakfast and went to his room to

comprise a letter saying he would be at the castle on Saturday, he

bypassed saying he would be there for lunch just because he felt like it.

He sent it with Hedwig who looked happy about the job and swooped

away with a nip of his finger, Harry also jotted a note to Draco informing

him of what was going on and left it on his desk to be sent tomorrow

when he was allowed to write to his friends. Harry grinned to himself

and rubbed his hands together, in 2 days time he was meeting with the

Dark Lord and he was excited; he couldn't wait until Saturday.

TA DAH! There, finally got it up and running, and I have to admit, I

keep going a bit blank with this story atm, but this came to me in a

time of need so I hope you like it! Let me know what you think,

thanks 8D.


P.S. The revisions will be slowing down a lot not, so I should be able

to start back with the actual fic again instead of fixing things. I'll

keep you all updated!

17. Chapter 17

A/N: Hey y'all, I'm back with a new chapter. This one was gave me a

bit of difficultly because it went on much longer than I thought so I

had to cut it. It's the meeting with Harrison and the Dark Lord as

well as a few extras, hopefully you like it and thanks again for all

the responses!

Like I said before, the revisions are slowing down a lot now so

hopefully the revisions are nearly finished.

Disclaimer: Belongs to J.K

Warning: Mild language.


Chapter 17:

Sirius thought his son was completely insane. The boy was unhealthily

excited to go to his meeting with the Dark Lord and for the life of him,

the Lord Black could not understand why. Most would be absolutely

terrified, but not Harrison. Sirius was the one who was scared. His son

was going to meet with the most feared and most powerful wizard in the

world alone and there was nothing to guarantee that he would be coming

back alive. The only reason he wasn't in more of a mess is because

Harrison swore he would be ok, and he was going to listen to his son's

word. Harrison skipped in to the dining room dressed to perfection and a

grin on his face.

"I thought I would come and say goodbye, it's time for me to leave."

Harry said and Sirius nodded.

"Please be careful, pup." He said again and Harry's expression softened

when he saw the worry in his dad's eyes.

"Dad, I promise you I will be fine. Marvolo will not hurt me, trust me."

Harry reassured him for the millionth time and Sirius sighed.

"I know you keep saying, but he is terrifying and powerful."

"I know that, but so am I and I am the Slytherin Heir remember. He won't

be able to harm me in the Slytherin castle, even if he were to somehow

disown me, something I doubt he would be able to do because I was

selected by Salazar." Harry pointed out.

"Ok, pup,"

"Tell uncle Moony that I'll see him later."

"I will when he wakes up, it's full moon tonight so he won't be up until

1." Harry nodded, he hugged his dad and made his way to the floo room.

He checked himself over in mirror again, Harry was dressed impeccably

as he waited for the clock to strike 12:30, he was in dark green robes

with all his crests, the six of them, on display and he took a deep breath.

Aressa was wound around his arm and as soon as his tempus switched to

12:30 he stepped in to the fire,

#Slytherin Castle# he hissed and was pulled away, of all the magical

transports, floo was the worst. Harry stepped gracefully out of the grate

and swept the ash from his robes, he looked around and smiled, this was

so Salazar. He had to control the rush of feelings that filled him at being

in Salazar's own castle, he was shaken out of his musings as an elf

popped in dressed in a green and silver toga with the Slytherin crest

printed on it.

"Greetings Heir, I is Fang and I shall be taking you to Master."

Harry's eyebrows shot up at the name of the elf, he followed him, Harry

thought it was a him, through the many twisting halls which were all

decorated grandly until they reached a vast dining room. The elf bowed

at the door and popped away, Harry walked in and saw the Dark Lord sat

at the head of the table, he looked up with a smirk.

"Ah Harrison, you decided to attend lunch."

Harry returned the smirk.

"What can I say, your offer was simply too nice to pass up."

"What do you think?" Marvolo indicated the castle and Harry nodded.

"It's so very Salazar." Harry mused and gained a raised eyebrow, the shit

eating grin that came to the younger Slytherin's face was not promising

for Marvolo.

"This is set to be a very enjoyable day for me." Harry told him,


"Now, please tell me you didn't name the elf." Harry changed the subject.

"Ah, no I did not."

"Good because I would question it if you did." Harry stated and Marvolo

rolled his eyes, Aressa made herself known and Harry smiled slightly.

"Do you mind?" Harry held up the snake.

"Not at all," Marvolo said greeting the snake much to her joy. "Nagini

should be along soon." Harry allowed Aressa to slide along the back of his


#Don't go too far, I want you for later# He warned her.

#Yes Master#

"Let us eat as there is much to discuss." Marvolo instructed and Harry

nodded, he forcefully pushed back his smirk and began the meal. It was

wonderful, not that he expected anything other, and the conversation of

the castle came up.

"I was surprised at the condition of the castle, it is impeccable." Marvolo

said and Harry nodded.

"No doubt an extensive amount of Runes and I can feel the layers of

wards. I doubt Salazar would want his castle to become degraded and

broken, it would be beneath him." Harry said,

"Yes, the wards are near if not the same strength as Hogwarts," Marvolo


"How are the lands?"

"They stretch for miles, including a lake. What surprised me was the

appearance of a Quidditch pitch."

Harry's eyebrows shot up at that.

"There's a Quidditch pitch here?" He repeated in disbelief.

"Yes, a full size one at that."

"Well I'll be damned." Harry said shocked, if there was one thing he was

sure of it was Salazar Slytherin's distaste with Quidditch; he guessed that

an Heir had put it in because there was no way the man put it there

himself. When they were finished Marvolo rose and Harry followed his


"We shall take this discussion in the formal lounge, there is a portrait of

Salazar Slytherin in there that I have yet to converse with." Harry's face

lit up at the thought of finally seeing Salazar again, even if it was a

portrait, and he gave Marvolo a sly grin that sent warning bells off in the

elders mind.

"Perfect," He murmured itching to rub his hands together like an evil

mastermind, Marvolo led the way and Harry was mentally cackling, what

better was to tell someone you grew up with the Founders than have the

Founder tell them himself. The room was decorated in the traditional

green and silver with accents of black and charcoal, Marvolo took the

black leather chair, but Harry shot him a smirk and went straight to the


"Hey Sal," He greeted the Founder brightly, Salazar blinked slowly and

looked at him before jumping back in shock.

"Snakelet is that you?" He exclaimed and Harry nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, finally got to the castle," Harry indicated, "Nice by the way,"

"It's been too long little snake, must be over 1000 years since I last saw

you." Salazar shook his head.

"How was everyone after I left?" Harry asked curiously.

"Ah Helga was sad for weeks as was Ro," Salazar told him sadly, "Ric,

well you know him, threw himself in to his work."

"Sounds about right," Harry rolled his eyes.

"Merlin kept us informed of course, you have done us so proud, Little


"Thanks, that means a lot from you." Harry said with a soft smile.

"Proud though I may be of your general actions, I wish to hear things

from you." Salazar waved him off, "Tell me properly. Did you keep up

with your potions? You had better, I didn't not pour all of my efforts in

for you to throw it all away."

Harry laughed.

"Of course I continued my potions, I'm set to be the youngest person ever

to get my mastery with Honours, and I created two more potions with

counters." Harry told him proudly.

"Congratulations, Snakelet, not that I expected anything else." Harry

chanced a glance at the Dark Lord who was looking between them

incredulously and finally found his voice.

"Would you care to explain?"

"Of course Marvolo," Harry said cheerfully, "After Samhain Dumbledore

suggested I be sent to my magic hating aunt." Both Salazar and Marvolo

hissed much to Harry's amusement.

"Yes, I do remember you informing of this." Marvolo said Harry smirked

at the same time as Salazar.

"Yeah, unfortunately for Dumbledore, I didn't quite make it to my dear

aunts care." Harry told him, "I grew up in the Founders time, with Sal,

Helga, Row and Ric."

"Do not forget Merlin from time to time." Salazar added and Harry


"Oh yes, and Merlin, he was the one who picked me up."

Marvolo digested that information and blinked a few times, it was lucky

he was still sitting Harry noted because the man looked rather faint.

"How long do you think?" Harry asked Sal.

"I give it five minutes before he demands a full explanation." The

Slytherin Founder bet and Harry nodded.

"I think three,"

It took Marvolo just over three minutes before he looked at Harry again.

"Explain, now,"

Harry smirked at the Founder, who grumbled, and sat down opposite the

man leaning back with an air of a relaxation.

"Well as you know, Dumbledore, being the bright spark he is, thought it

would be a brilliant idea for me to grow up with my muggle aunt because

Rosina was the Girl-Who-Lived." Marvolo, Harry and Salazar all rolled

their eyes at the same time.

"How that man got labelled great I will never know." The Founder


"I believe I am still searching for the answer," Marvolo responded in the

same tone.

"From what I can remember, which is pretty much everything. Merlin

collected me and took me to the Founders time and asked them to raise

me to the best of their ability."

"Which we did and you excelled, Snakelet." Salazar stated proudly and

Harry grinned.

"Thanks, Sal,"

"Merlin collected you and took you 1000 years back in time to allow you

to grow with the Founders." Marvolo confirmed and Harry nodded, he

could see what he said falling in to the man's mind, it was amusing to see

the, no doubt, brilliant mind try to wrap around the impossibility.

"So, you actually lived 1000 years ago." He confirmed again much to

Harry's amusement.


Marvolo was amazed, Harrison Black had lived with the Founders, he had

spoken and seen them personally; the knowledge he must hold. Harry

watched as Marvolo went silent processing it and became wary when a

familiar glint entered the crimson eyes.

"I don't like that look," Harry stated and Marvolo's expression switched to

an innocent one, something Harry didn't buy for a second.

"What look?"

"Nu uh, you cannot give me that. I would recognise that look anywhere,

it's the same one Salazar got when ever he would discover his new

challenge." Harry said and Marvolo smirked.

"Be reasonable, Harrison, you've personally met all of the Founders, it

would raise a few questions about the past."

"A few questions yes, that look however does not bode well for me."

"I do not know what you mean." Marvolo said and Harry groaned.

"Wonderful," Harry sighed, and then he blinked, turning to look back at

Salazar with a highly put out look, "Which reminds me, Salazar. I did

notice how you failed to inform me that your last living blood descendent

just happened to be the current Dark Lord and one who the entire stupid

prophecy revolved around."

Salazar didn't even bother to try and keep himself reserved, he burst out

laughing and slapped his knee at Harry's expression.

"Ah Snakelet, you can only imagine the hilarity that information brought

me." He sighed, wiping his eyes.

"Oh I imagined alright." He grumbled, turning back to Marvolo with a


"So what did you do in the past?"

"I spent 10 years with the Founders learning everything they could

possibly teach me. I studied and learned everything to become the best I

could possibly be and on my last birthday they made me their Heirs, all

of them, including Merlin which is why I am the Slytherin Heir." Harry

told him and let his ring change to each different crest, "It's why I am still

the heir, despite the other lines dying out; the very line creators chose me


Marvolo's brows rose.

"When you join the Wizengamot, we will have absolute control."

Harry smirked.

"I know, but as they are Founders seats and the Seat of Emrys, I have to

sit in them, underhand clauses to stop people like Dumbledore claiming

proxy as Headmaster."

"Something I wouldn't put past the old fool. I am thanking that clause

because, I suspect, without it he would have claimed my own seat."

"Yes, it is brilliant really, but as I am unable to sit in my seats until I am

15 the Wizengamot is still at a point of sway, and Dumbledore and Potter

will do everything to have things their way. Obviously it is astoundingly

more difficult now as you have made a startling reappearance, I still hate

you for that by the way, but all it takes are a few whispered words from

the great Headmaster and some of the neutrals will be swayed to him."

"True, but we shall still be able to stop decrees we do not like."

"Ah, the new werewolf legislation Umbridge tried to pass." Harry

grumbled and Marvolo sneered at the mere thought.

"That woman needs to be removed. How she got to her position I will

never know and that legislation was possibly one of the stupidest things I

have ever heard."

"It was another restriction, wasn't it?"

"Yes, she wanted all werewolves to be practically branded so they were

known and could be detected as they were a danger to society." Marvolo

rolled his eyes and Harry scowled.

"Stupid woman, but her feelings are not individual. Many in society are

just plain thick." Harry sighed, "Simply because one turns in to a ball of

fur once a month, it does not make them a danger to society. It is beyond

their control. No one would raise a question if it was controllable like an

animagus…" Harry trailed off with a thoughtful look, he snapped his

fingers and his black journal appeared in front of him making Marvolo


"What spell is that?"

"An edited summoning charm," Harry answered as he quickly flicked

through his journal, "I created it because I got sick of waiting for my

things to come to my through the air." He added sensing the questioning

look he was being sent.

"How far is the distance?" Marvolo asked curiously, Harry looked up at


"You know, I'm not actually sure." He said slowly, "This came from Black

Manor so it has a pretty good distance."

"Impressive, and very ingenious,"

"Thanks," Harry said with a grin, "It is one of my best I have to admit,"

"You have created more?"

"I've only got two other spells at the moment, I've got two potions with

counters and two potions with no counters." Harry told him.

"Ah yes your potions, you have applied for your Mastery, no?"

"Yes, the confirmation came through the other day, it's the 5th of

August." Harry confirmed and Marvolo shook his head.

"Even though I know why, you still raise an amazing amount of

questions." He sighed and Harry smirked.

"It is what I am best at." Harry said solemnly before snickering.

"Why did you summon your journal?"

"Ah, well I had another one of my brainwaves, but I will have to do a

hellava lot of experiments before I can even begin to form the actual

formula and it could work, but I don't know yet. I'll be studying certain

things and hopefully I can get the right one, it would help so much."

Harry was back to studying his book and in his portrait Salazar rolled his


"Snakelet, you just made absolutely no sense to someone who has yet to

experience your odd tangents." The Founder told him amused, Harry

blinked and looked at the incredulous look Marvolo was giving him, he

blushed slightly and offered a sheepish smile.

"My bad, I tend to go off on a thought."

"Apparently," Marvolo drawled, "I presume you are speaking about a

potion and as you summoned the book while we were speaking of

werewolves I'm going to take an educated guess to say it is something

that will aid them."

Harry beamed.

"You'll understand me in no time." Harry said brightly, "Yes, I know of the

wolfsbane potion obviously, but I was wondering if it would be possible

for the curse to be controlled even more. I'll have to break down a

number of elements, and of course I will have to consult Sev too, but its

worth a try." Harry explained.

"It is a very ambitions thought," Marvolo pointed out.

"You have 3 months until I want to see a decent formula Snakelet,"

Salazar told him and Marvolo's eyebrows shot up as Harry turned to look

at the Founder as if he had suddenly stepped out of the portrait.

"Excuse me," He got out eventually.

"You heard me," Salazar drawled, "If you can created a shield that can

block the darkest arts I know then you can produce an decent formula to

your werewolf problem. You have full access to old and new ingredients,

you have this library and if you go to the dungeons you will find your

own personal lab that has all of our workings that I saved especially for

you. Even my experiments for your Mastery theory. It is password locked

to your snake's name."

Harry's face lit up and he furrowed his brow.

"I will have to work out what I actually want to do first, then I will have

to contact Severus because he is responsible for the Wolfsbane potion

meaning I will have to ask about those components, of course I could

break it down myself, but I do have manners." He mused out loud, he

summoned a quill and quickly scribbled everything down.

"The political blow it would cause to those rallying around the prejudice

ones if you manage this will be unprecedented. Many, even when I first

tried to seize control in the beginning, hate and are disgusted at the

though of creatures, werewolves, vampires and many others came to my

side because I offered them something other than the hate of the main

society. I am surprised that the public hasn't realised that isolating and

picking out the supposed 'Dark Creatures' is a bad move, but, if anything,

the prejudice and conforms are even steeper than the first war." Marvolo


"I do not understand why they are viewed different, apart from one night

a month, where wolves can retain control due to the Wolfsbane potion

now, werewolves are the same as any other person, they even have better

senses and health." Harry said running a hand through his hair, it

bewildered him the massive amount of prejudice in the wizarding world

now and what made him laugh was everyone seemed to be ok with it.

"I plan on changing the legislations that have been passed, half of them

are completely ridiculous and it is a wonder that this society is still

standing." Marvolo sneered at the little sheep of the world.

"If I can do this for the werewolves, than it will prove my unprecedented

amount of skill."

"The modestly is painful," was the dry response he gained, and Harry


"I know,"

"I still do not understand how Dumbledore incorrectly identified Potter as

the child I cursed."

"I was unconscious, and Rosina was screaming and bleeding. Apparently

that was enough." Harry rolled his eyes, "It is going to be wonderful when

he realises how wrong he was."

"That is going to be rather memorable." Marvolo agreed, "The Potters are

falling from grace as it is, when that eventually comes out it will be the

final blow."

"For Dumbledore too, I don't see why the old man has the right to decide

my fate. Who is he really? They have given one man too much power and

it went to his head; badly." Harry scowled at the thought, and expression

that was mirrored on Marvolo's face.

"Most people believe the sun rises simply because Albus Dumbledore

wills it."

"That will have to change, sooner rather than later preferably." Harry


"We can agree on that," Marvolo sighed.

"Snakelet you must see the library, it will help you with your task."

Salazar said, "I shall meet you there." And he walked out of his frame,

Marvolo smirked at that.

"Would you care to move to the library?" He asked rhetorically.

"I believe that would be wonderful," Harry laughed, they walked up the

stairs and Marvolo pointed out the doors they passed, the past Heirs

greeted them cheerfully as they went.

"I was rather surprised at the library when I saw it." Marvolo told him

and Harry raised an eyebrow.


"Something like that," The double doors were pushed open and Harry

blinked in shock.

"Well damn," he said eventually.

"What do you think, Snakelet?" Salazar questioned proudly.

"You do like to overdo things Sal," Harry said fondly,

"If you know you are superior, then it is your right to show it." Salazar

huffed imperviously.

"That is where I get my modesty from," Harry said to Marvolo who


"It is understandable,"

Harry ventured in to the library and slowly looked around, Marvolo went

over to the seating area and picked up the book he had placed down

earlier. Harry started where Marvolo sat and began browsing the shelves,

he looked to the shelves he could actually see and then looked for a

ladder, when he realised there was none he rolled his eyes.

"It's like you want me to show off, Sal," Harry muttered and Salazar


"It is in your right as I said previously," He returned, Harry shook his

head and stepped as if he was walking up stairs so he could see the next

shelf of books; except there was nothing there. Harry continued browsing

normally stepping up when he had finished the shelf, he spotted a few

books that interested him so he pulled them down and had them hover

next to him.

"Hey, Marvolo, where's the potions section?" Harry asked as he looked at

the final shelf, Marvolo over to him to answer and froze lips parting a

little in shock. Harry couldn't help but laugh at the blatant astonishment

on the man's face as he looked from Harry to the floor and back up to

Harry again.

"How in Circe's name are you doing that?" He demanded snapping back

to his clear mask at Harry's continuation to laugh, Harry got himself

under control even if the grin didn't leave his face.

"Magic," He answered and it was worth the withering look he got sent.

"Surprising that," Marvolo bit out sarcastically.

"I heard that you could fly without a broom," Harry pointed out.

"Yes, but what has that got to do with anything?"

"The same rules apply, instead of flying, I am simply walking." Harry told

him, forgoing the fact that he was an air elemental and he was merely

displacing the air to hold his weight. He casually walked back down the

invisible steps he had walked up and hopped back to the solid ground.

"You take pleasure in this don't you?" Marvolo grumbled and Harry

nodded smugly.

"Yup," He popped the 'p', "Retaliation. Now where is the Potions section?"

"I'm going to regret this," Marvolo muttered under his breath, "And it's

the first section on the left,"

"Thanks," Harry vanished off and Marvolo swore he didn't see the boy for

almost half an hour. Harry on the other hand was amazed, there was

something of everything and he meticulously went through every book

title three times before he selected the books he wanted and made his

way back to sit down. Marvolo shot him a highly amused glance when

Harry curled himself up with 12 books spread around him, the boy

couldn't seem to choose which one to begin with.

"Do you plan on eating at dinner?" Marvolo asked him and Harry

frowned for a second.

"I'll just have to eat here and then go home." He decided and the Dark

Lord's eyebrows rose.

"Indeed, and how will your father take that news?"

"I don't know, but I'll let him know." Harry flicked his wrist and a small

black flaming phoenix erupted and vanished in a swarm of flames.

"You know what, I'm not going to even bother asking." Marvolo stated

after he had recovered for what seemed like the millionth time today

from shock.

"Don't worry, you still have more things to go." Harry said brightly,

Marvolo shook his head.

"I have no doubt,"

They lapsed in to a comfortable silence as both of them began reading,

Harry was noting down little things in his notebook as he went and he

would transfer the finished product in to his journal after.

"Did you find out why I felt your resurrection?" Harry asked as he

switched books.

"No, but I will look in to it more in depth now the summer is upon us."

Marvolo answered and Harry nodded.


"You wish to experiment with the stone do you not?"

"Yes, I want to see the elements it holds, the things that could be done

with it would be phenomenal."

"I have no doubt," Marvolo agreed, "As long as it does not leave the castle

then you are free to experiment all you wish,"


"Have there been any more happenings with the case against Potter?"

"Not yet, but dad thinks that something should be happening in the

summer because he backed the minister in to a corner with Lucius and

Lord Nott."

"Leaving Fudge with no choice unless he wants a full trial which could

have been called." Marvolo finished and Harry nodded.

"Yeah, so Potter will likely get a fine, but it will prove her guilt."

"They will get eaten alive by the public," Marvolo smirked.

"Damn straight,"

"You should have cursed her for dare attacking you, Snakelet," Salazar

told him furiously.

"Then I would have been made out the bad person, I want to tear them to


"You could have done it inconspicuously,"

"It would have still been blamed on me or my friends," Harry pointed out,

and Salazar sighed.

"How that man became Headmaster of that precious school Magic only


"Hopefully not for very much longer," Marvolo stated with a bite in his


#Master, you moved!# A massive, deep green snake with diamonds

down her back slithered in and Harry looked at her in awe.

#Hello Nagini, yes, I brought Harrison to the library# The great snake

raised herself to look at Harry.

#The boy who brings all the questions?#

Harry snickered at that and Marvolo sighed.

#The very same, it's nice to meet you Nagini# Harry said and she moved

back in shock.



#Greeting speaker,#

Harry smiled,

#You haven't seen another snake on your travels have you?#

#No, but I did catch anothers scent,# She told him, she slithered over to

drape herself over Marvolo.

#Pet me,# She ordered and he raised an eyebrow at her, she looked at

him and they seemed to have a stare off until Marvolo relented with a

tired sigh.

#Demanding snake,# He grumbled and she hissed in contentment.

"Wow," Harry said biting back his laugh.

"Not a word." He warned the boy who adopted an all too innocent look.

"Don't know what you mean."

Aressa slithered in and twister her way around Harry, resting her head in

the crook of Harry's neck.

#Where have you been?# He asked her.

#Exploring, it's a big next master# She told him seriously.

#Aressa meet Nagini, Nagini meet Aressa,# Harry introduced them

before going back to his book. His introduction was a mistake because

the pair would not stop talking and for the life of him he could not

concentrate with all the hissing, apparently neither could Marvolo

because he was throwing dark looks at the two reptiles.

"I believe concentration is a lost cause." Harry sighed.

"Apparently," He drawled, "Let us go to dinner and finish our previous

discussion." Harry stood and made a note off all of his titles so he could

come back to them.

"Oh, before you leave, Snakelet," Salazar called, "You have access to the

Heir rooms and an elf, and you have to see your potions labs."

"Thanks Sal, I'll visit often."

"You had better, Little Snake,"

Harry gave him a short bow before he left the library, they returned to

the dining room and food was immediately served.

"Do you have any plans for the Wizengamot immediately?" Harry asked.

"Only sorting out the creature laws, they are the ones in most dyer need

of change."

"I suppose not much can be done while Dumbledore and Fudge are still in

the head positions." Harry mused.

"No, but with the support for the dark currently, we should make some

movements." Harry nodded.

"When are you calling your Death Eaters?"

"Soon," Marvolo said, "I have made myself known within the Wizengamot

and now I need to reconvene with my followers, but the entire force will

be going through a whole overhaul. The mistakes that were made could

have been prevented, and if they think they are going to get away with

half of the things as they did previously then they are mistake."

"Have fun with that," Harry said seriously and received a glare.

"You wanted a say in this that was the agreement, you have to attend

some of the meetings."

Harry looked at him incredulously.


"Oh yes, you can't pick and choose in this. You wanted a say, you have a

say in every part, including the sorting out of my death eaters." Marvolo

stated with a smirk and Harry groaned.

"Why cruel world," He complained before he brightened, "Can I duel


"Could you duel them?" Marvolo questioned and it was his turn to receive

a glare.

"I can duel your death eaters." He said with a touch of ice.

"I look forward to seeing your skills."

Harry smirked at that.

"I look forward to seeing yours." He returned. "What is the main thing

that needs sorting with your minions?"

"They need to come out of Azkaban and be assessed,"

"This is going to be a decidedly busier summer than I anticipated." Harry


"Where's your team spirit?" Marvolo asked mockingly and Harry, being

the mature child he was, stuck his tongue out.


"Meany, really?" Marvolo asked amused.

"Oh shush," Harry pointedly ignored the man's chuckles as he finished his


"As you have most things back in order, can I tell my closest the truth

about the Potters and me being the one you hit with the curse?" Harry


"Yes as long as you are sure it will not get out." Marvolo agreed after a

minute of thought.

"No, no one will breathe a word, of that I am sure."

"Then I have no problems."

"Have you looked in to the Le Fey property?"

"No, but I intend to see if Morgana preserved her residence in the same

manner as Slytherin." Marvolo told him.

"It would be amazing if she did," Harry said.

"As with Merlin,"

They finished the meal with light conversation about Harry's time with

the Founders and Harry rose with a stretch.

"No doubt I will see you in and out of the castle, but if I require your

presence I shall send an owl."

"Ok," Harry agreed, "Well it has been a delightful day, I have successfully

shocked you multiple times and have taken copious amounts of pleasure

in it. I now bid you farewell,"

"Get going, brat,"

Harry grinned and left with a wave, he floo'd back to the manor and

skipped up to the top lounge where Sirius would be before he went out

with Moony for full moon.

"I have returned," He announced grandly and Sirius looked relieved.

"You're back in one piece." He breathed and Harry rolled his eyes.

"I told you I would be fine,"

"Yes, but it is the Dark Lord."

"Marvolo isn't going to attack me, we have a binding agreement to work


"Its ok to say cub but- wait what?" Moony was looking at him as if he was


"We have a binding agreement to work together." Harry repeated with a


"A binding agreement?"


"And just how did this occur?" Sirius asked,

"When I gave him the stone of course, you didn't think I would just hand

over the Philosopher's Stone without something in return did you?" Harry

said rhetorically.

"But why would he agree, even for the stone?" Sirius was completely


"Have you heard from Aunt Narcissa?" Harry questioned instead of


"I- um yeah. She wants us over for dinner tomorrow before they go to


"Brilliant, I'm of to do some more research." Harry said and he got up to


"Wait, you haven't explained why."

Harry sighed.

"It's quite simple, when the Dark Lord came to the cottage on Samhain he

hit me with the killing curse and not rose, I'm the real Boy-Who-Lived,

the one from the prophecy not Rosina; Dumbledore got it wrong." Harry

told them, both their jaws dropped and they gaped.


"Yeah, we both remember it. When I went to him at school, he was more

than happy to make an agreement with me as I was the child of the

prophecy and with me on his side, he didn't have anyone who could

supposedly match him."

"So the light have the wrong child, their saviour is merely a child."

Remus said faintly and Harry smirked.

"Yes and the Prophecy is void because we have agreed to work together."

There was silence as they adults digested this information, eventually

Sirius began to smirk.

"I so have to be there when Potter is informed." He said and Harry



"I can't believe this," Remus said shaking his head, "Not only did

Dumbledore choose the wrong child, he alienated the right one who now

is beyond powerful and working with the one he was prophesised to


"Plus, the prophecy is void because I now don't have parents who have

'thrice defied him' because dad blood adopted me and I was by the

Founders too."

"This is unbelievable."

"Yeah, I tend to do that."

"Are you going to tell, Draco?"

"Yes, I have to tell him everything and I know he is going to hate me."

Harry frowned at that, he had no idea how he was going to tell the

blond, but he knew it was going to be explosive.

"It'll be alright pup,"

"Well I'm off to my research, have fun running tonight." Harry said and

left for his bedroom, he had notes to go over and books to read.

When Harry got up in the morning, the manor was silent and Harry

guessed it was because his dad was uncle Moony were asleep from the

full moon. It didn't bother Harry as he had things to do, he ate his

breakfast and went up to the library to finish a section of his notes before

he went to speak with Severus. Harry made sure to leave a note with his

elf to give to Sirius when he woke up so the many didn't have a panic

attack because he couldn't find him and quickly threw on a black robe.

He went down to the floo room and threw in some floo powder,

"Severus Snape," He stuck his head in and waited for the nauseating

feeling to leave him, Harry blinked a few times before looking in to the

man's quarters at Hogwarts.

"Sev?" He called, and a few seconds after the man appeared in his lab

robes with a raised eyebrow.

"Good morning, Harrison," He greeted, "How can I help you?"

"Morning," Harry returned brightly, "I know it's early, but I wanted to

spend the day working on my new idea and I had to ask you something


"Step through," Severus said and Harry nodded, he removed his head and

shook himself. He stepped through the fire and neatly brushed his robes

off and vanished the ash,

"So, you have a new idea?" Severus asked him indicating a seat, Harry

nodded as he took a seat.

"Yes, I had a meeting with Marvolo yesterday and it came to me. And

now Salazar has given me 3 months to create decent, workable formula

so I'm on a very tight schedule." Harry told him, "I'm not sure as to what

the final idea is of yet, but I wanted to know if I could break down the

components of your wolfsbane potion."

"A werewolf potion then,"


"You are welcome to dismantle the potion, but I advise you take great

care. The potion is extremely temperamental and the last thing you need

is it exploding." Snape warned him.


"Have you got a baseline idea?"

"I was thinking about if the person could control the wolf a bit more then

just the wolfsbane, obviously they keep their minds under the potion, but

what if they weren't forced to change, they still held the wolf, but it was

optional when they changed." Harry explained and Snape nodded slowly.

"That is a high challenge."

"I know, and I have 3 months to get it together." Harry shook his head, "It

is lucky I have access to the amount of things I do."

"Did your Mastery confirmation come through?"

"Yes, the 5th of August."

"Do you still have your letter?"

"Yes, locked and warded in a safe place."


"Have you seen the Malfoys? They are leaving for France tomorrow."

Harry wondered.

"No, but I am dining with then tonight." Snape said and Harry grinned at


"Well I'll be seeing you then." Harry said, Snape vanished back in to his

lab as Harry floo'd home and he was amused to find that Sirius and

Remus were still asleep. Harry went up to the library to study the

wolfsbane potion, he knew it, but he wasn't about to make a potentially

lethal potion without making sure he knew it thoroughly. He also added

it to his notebook in to his plans and he started to pick apart each of the

instructions to start his breakdown, and he was so in to his work he

didn't notice the arrival of his elf until he touched him on the arm. Harry

leapt up looking around wildly only to find a cringing house elf who

looked like he was about to cry,

"Oh sorry Kip, what is it?" Harry said calming down, the elf looked at him

in shock before pulling it together.

"Master Harry will be missing lunch if he carries on with his workings."

The elf told him and Harry nodded.

"Ok, I'll be down now." Harry sorted everything, "Can you put this on my

desk in my room please Kip?" He asked and the elf popped it away

instantly. Harry walked down stairs and grinned when he saw a Sirius

and Remus in the land of the living.

"Afternoon Uncle Moony, Dad," He greeted then and laughed when they

mumbled their replies. When the food popped in they perked up a bit

and Harry watched in amusement as they visibly woke up during the

intake of food and when they were coherent Harry greeted them again.

"Oh hello Cub," Remus returned and Harry laughed.

"Feeling better?"

"Now that I've eaten yes,"

"Good, I was wondering when the pair of you were going to immerge.

I've been out and everything." Harry told them.

"Where have you been this time in the morning?" Sirius exclaimed in

disgust and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Just to let you know, it's 12:45. And I had to see Severus for permission

to break down his wolfsbane potion, I know I didn't necessarily need it,

but it is polite." Harry said and the pair of them blinked.

"Wow, didn't realise it was that late." Sirius said in shock.

"Why didn't you wake us?" Remus asked him.

"Because you needed your rest and I had things to do anyway." Harry


"Has any mail arrived?" Sirius wondered.

"I don't know, but then again I haven't been paying attention to owls."

"Jip," Sirius' elf popped in with 2 envelopes and the paper, and handed

them to her master.

"Thank you," Sirius said, "One from Gringotts telling me I'm rich and

another from…" He trailed off as he read down the letter, when he had

finished he looked up with a smirk.

"The date has been set, Amelia is having the hearing on 10th of July."

Sirius said in triumph and Harry grinned.

"Brilliant, that's next week."

"Oh this is going to be brilliant, there is no way that Amelia will let this

slide. She is a solid believer in the law and the evidence against Potter is


"I can't wait to wipe the smirks of their face." Harry sighed happily,

"Potter is going to try and hit back," Remus pointed out.

"We will just have to get there first." Sirius said with a sure nod,

"If we can get to Rita first thing after the hearing then we can graciously

invite her back to the manor for an exclusive interview." Harry told them

easily and Sirius smirked.

"Of course, the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black would be only too

happy to welcome Miss Skeeter in to the exclusive Black manor for a

personal interview." Sirius said seriously, the evil grins were mirrored

around the table.

"Roll on the tenth,"

Harry was nearly knocked for six when he stepped out of the floo at

Malfoy Manor, Draco had, apparently, bodily threw himself at Harry in a

tight hug which Harry returned when he gained back his barings.

"It's been ages," Draco said releasing him, Harry grinned and nodded.

"I know, it's lucky I have things to do or I would have been going out of

my mind."

"I was going out of my mind anyway and father hasn't been allowing me

to do anything. I've done all of my assignments, read all of my school

books and now I'm really bored." Draco complained and Harry laughed,

he had missed the energetic blond more than he thought and it made his

stomach clench when he thought about telling him everything. Draco

stepped back and allowed Narcissa to pull him in to a hug and greet him

fondly before she turned to Sirius and Remus.

"Lucius is in the lounge with Severus, Sirius, Remus, come," they were led

off as Draco dragged him through the manor, Lucius was in conversation

with the Potions Master when they entered.

"Severus, it's been too long." Harry greeted pompously, Snape rolled his


"I saw you this morning brat,"

Harry grinned.

"I know, hello uncle,"

"Good evening, Harrison, are you well?"

"Very, thank you. Yourself?"

"I am quite well thank you."

"LUCY!" Sirius yelled and the elder blond sighed.

"Must you call me by that atrocious version of my name, Sirius?"

"Of course," Sirius said sitting down on the sofa with Moony.

"Sev, glad to see the miracle juice is still in activation. I thought it might

have been my presence for a second." Snape gave him a look of death and

then moved on to Harry, Draco and Remus who were snickering.

"It's the dark and mysterious attitude keeping it up." Harry said seriously

before falling in to laughter.

"I hate you all." He grumbled good naturedly.

"So how have you been?" Narcissa asked them.

"Busy, I got hold of the labs in the manor and sorted them to my order."

Harry told her as Draco rolled his eyes.

"We got the confirmation date of the hearing, it's on the 10th, just as you

return from France." Sirius said happily, all of the others smirked.

"Potter is set to be knocked down a peg or two very soon." Lucius stated


"Oh yes,"

"Do you plan on continuing your media threat?" Severus asked.

"Miss Skeeter will be getting an exclusive interview from the Lord and

Heir Black at the quickest convenience." Sirius said crisply, casually

flicking invisible flint from his robes before smirk.

"Wonderful," Narcissa said brightly, "Anything else that has happened,

you seem to have more going on than us currently." As one, the two

adults from the Black household turned to Harry who blinked.

"Why are you looking at me?" He said incredulously and Sirius face


"Where did you go yesterday cub?" Remus asked slowly, Harry scrunched

his nose before grinning.

"I went to see Marvolo, the library is amazing." Harry remembered and

then he blinked. "Oh yeah, I had my meeting with the Dark Lord

yesterday to discuss parts of our agreement."

"You have spoken with the Dark Lord?" Lucius repeated and Harry


"Yesterday," Harry said, "He relocated and the politely requested my

presence at lunch,"

"You went to the Dark Lord's home and spoke to him." Lucius confirmed.

"Yes, it was quite fun actually." Harry mused.

"Black, I think there is something wrong with your son." Severus said

slowly looking at Harry in disbelief, Harry gave him an offended look

and then sniffed.

"Excuse me, there is nothing wrong with me I thank you very much."

"I thought we had established that Harrison didn't conform to the norms

months ago?" Draco asked with a smirk, Harry threw him a betrayed


"Gee thanks,"

"Any time,"

"So what happened with the Dark Lord?" Narcissa asked and Harry tilted

his head.

"We just ironed out our agreement and I told him a few things,"

"Was there anything you are able to tell us?" Lucius asked and Harry


"Yes, but I think this is more an after dinner talk." He told them, Narcissa


"Well, let us dine,"

Harry fell in to step with Draco as they walked to the dining room.

"What was it like, speaking with the Dark Lord now he's fully back to

power?" Draco questioned and Harry grinned.

"Brilliant of course, but then the man is a genius. We were speaking

about the people and policies than need to be removed from the ministry,

and how there is going to be a few hold ups for a while." Harry said,

"Has he got something planned for the Wizengamot?"

"Sort of," Harry said carefully, "I'll explain more after dinner,"

Draco gave him a strange look before shaking it off and taking his seat at

the table, Harry sat next to Draco while Severus sat next to Narcissa,

Sirius sat next to Harry and Remus next to Severus. The elves had made a

wonderful meal and they sat around discussing plans for the holidays,

Narcissa suggested to Sirius that he take a trip somewhere, just to break

up the time.

"I suppose it is an option, I have property in nearly every country in the

world ranging from apartments to manors." Sirius mused and Harry


"That would be cool, but it couldn't interfere with my Mastery." Harry


"No, we would go for a weekend in August, or even for you're birthday."

Sirius said, "I'll think on it,"


"That means I'll be bored for a weekend when you're gone." Draco wined

and Harry stuck his tongue out.

"Makes up for you leaving me for an entire week!"

"It's not my choice,"

"But you would go if asked." Harry pointed out and Draco huffed. "That's

what I thought."

"Shut up, Harry."

Harry laughed at that. They finished the meal in pleasant conversation,

Remus and Lucius were speaking about politics, Sirius and Severus were

bantering back and forth with Narcissa watching with amusement and

Harry and Draco were talking about their plans for next year.

"You have to practice with me so I can make the team." Draco said and

Harry nodded eagerly.

"Obviously, you should get on easily." Harry said surely.

"We have to get new brooms." Draco added.

"Rumour has it, there's a new Nimbus coming out in the summer." Sirius

put in to their conversation, both boys looked at him quickly.


"When is it out?"

"The exact date I don't know, but I know it's in these holidays."

Harry and Draco exchanged looks.

"New Nimbus'," They cheered,

"If you behave." Lucius stated and Draco smiled sweetly up at him.

"Of course, father,"

"Sirius, Remus, Severus, drinks?" Narcissa asked and they said their

consent, Harry threw himself in to a chair and tucked his legs underneath

him, he looked around at them all before swallowing hard; well here goes


So lads and lasses, what d'you think? Yes, no, maybe? Finally some

movement with Rose and Harrison had fun shocking Marvolo!

Please, please let me know what you think and I'll be working on

my next chapter, see y'all later


18. Chapter 18


SO AMAZING! I literally cannot thank you enough for all of your

responses to this story, I never once thought it would be this

popular! So this is the reactions and the aftermath of the reveal, I'm

hoping I got it ok!

Very little revisions here, guys!

Warning: Maybe some language and some blood,

Disclaimer; I'm not J. K unfortunately,


Chapter 18:

"So Harrison, you were going to tell us about your speaking with our

Lord?" Narcissa began the conversation and Harry nodded with a deep

breath, he shot a quick look at Draco before looking away.

"Well you know I gave him the Philosopher's Stone," The adults nodded,

they weren't about to forget that conversation in a hurry, "What you don't

know is I gave him the stone in exchange for a binding magical

agreement, an agreement that said I get a say in the workings of the Dark

side." Sirius and Remus sat back and enjoyed the stunned silence Harry

had put them in, even if it was a shock, they had had time to adjust


"You have a binding magical agreement with the Dark Lord?" Severus

finally spoke and Harry nodded,

"How in Merlin's name did that happen?" Lucius questioned astounded,

the boy was 11 years old and he practically had half the Dark Sec. He

knew Harrison was a brilliant child, but this was something else.

"The Philosopher's stone," Harry said,

"Yes, but even then the Dark Lord wouldn't just hand out a binding

agreement, in fact, I'm pretty sure I've never heard of him giving such an

agreement." Lucius said and Harry smirked.

"He had a change of heart,"

"Not sure he even has one."

Harry snorted at that.

"Yeah he does, it's just buried under a lot of things." Harry said.

"Why, why did he agree? What could you possibly have to offer him for

him to exchange him word?" Severus asked shaking his head.

"How about the fact that I was the one he hit with the killing curse on

Samhain 10 years ago? Or the fact that I hold the other three Founders

seats as directs Heir as well as the Seat of Emrys? Or the fact that I'm

probably the only person who could actually give him a challenge as well

as hold my own against him? Honestly, take your pick."

"Wait what?"

"He hit you with the killing curse?"

"Rosina Potter isn't the Girl-Who-Lived?"

"Dumbledore got it wrong?"

"Dumbledore got it so wrong." Sirius said with a broad smirk on his face,

"Oh Merlin, so she's just an ordinary child?"

"Yes, well a great annoyance and an ego bigger than Hogwarts, but yes."

Harrison confirmed.

"This could change everything."

"It does change everything." Harry rectified, "There was a prophecy made

and I'm the child, the prophecy was nullified when Dad blood adopted

me and I made a binding agreement with Marvolo. Add to the fact that I

would rather throw myself from the Astronomy tower than work under

Dumbledore then it truly changes everything."

"This is… phenomenal," Lucius said in shock before he blinked, "Wait a

second, how do you hold the Founders seats and the Seat of Emrys,

they're not in your bloodlines?"

Harry smirked at that.

"I believe if you were to give me a blood test then it would show I am the

blood and magical heir of Merlin, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff,

Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin which also makes me Marvolo's

Heir." Harry told him casually.

"That's not possible," Narcissa said.

"Neither is growing up 1000 years in the past with the Founders, but

that's what I did." Harry said which gained another stunned silence.


"Yeah, Dumbledore's great plan to send me to muggles didn't work. I was

collected by Merlin and taken to live with the Founders, it's where I

learned everything, they were the best of the best and they taught me to

their fullest of abilities before I was sent back to this time to wreak havoc

on the world." Harry explained leaving them completely stunned, Snape

already knew this so he took great pleasure in watching the usually

collected Malfoys gape.

"The Founders, you grew up with the Founders and didn't think to tell

me?" Draco demanded furiously and Harry winced at the glare he was


"I'm sorry, but a lot was going on." Harry said.

"And you also saw fit not to tell me that the Dark Lord hit you with the

killing curse? What else did you decided not to tell me?"

"I couldn't tell you that because he asked me not too," Harry told him.

"You could have told me how you grew up, you could have trusted me

enough with that." He yelled and Harry cringed.

"I do trust you,"

"Obviously not very much," The blond snapped, "I thought I was your


"You are my friend, my best friend," Harry returned quickly.

"You have a funny way of showing it," Draco went to storm away, but

Harry grabbed him.

"Please, Dray, I didn't want to upset you,"

"I never want to speak to you again," He wrenched his arm away and ran

off, Harry spewed out some cursed in multiple languages and ran after


"Draco wait, please," Harry called, running up the stairs two at a time.

"Go away, Harrison,"

"Please Draco, listen to me, I do trust you, more than anyone. But there

were lots of things going on, you can't just tell someone you grew up

with the Founders in conversation."

"I don't want to hear any more of your crap." Draco slammed his doors

hard and Harry felt the Heir wards flare up, he fell back against the wall

and slid down to the floor with his head in his hands.

"Please Draco, I'm sorry ok, please don't shut me out." Harry felt nothing

and groaned, he dragged himself back down stairs and in to the lounge.

"He's not talking to me and the wards are up." Harry muttered


"Just give him some time," Narcissa said softly.

"What if he doesn't speak to me again?" Harry cried, "I can't do this, I'm

going home." He left the room and floo'd home going straight for his

bedroom. The adults exchanged wary looks.

"They'll work this out in the end," Sirius said after a minute.

"Hopefully Draco will calm down in France, then when we return they

will be right as reign." Lucius said and Narcissa nodded.

"We had better be on our way, Harrison is probably going to be down for

a couple of days." Remus said getting up.

"Of course, it was good to see you both." Narcissa said rising to give her

goodbyes, Sirius and Remus floo'd home and immediately went to find


"Hey, pup," Sirius greeted quietly as he slowly entered the bedroom,

Harry was lying face down on his bed and his shoulders were shaking


"Draco will calm down, you know he's a bit of a drama queen." Sirius said

to him gently running a hand through the dark hair.

"He hates me," Harry stated sadly, his voice muffled by the pillow.

"He doesn't hate you, he's just a bit upset at the current time." Remus


"Just you wait and see kiddo, you'll be flying and everything with him

again soon." Sirius pressed a kiss to the dark head and left the room with

Moony, it was going to be a rough few days by the looks of things.

As per their prediction, the next few days after the disastrous dinner at

the Malfoys were very tough within the Black household. Harrison was

withdrawn and as the days went by the boy withdrew even more, neither

Sirius or Remus knew what to do and whatever they tried were rebuffed

with a blank look so they had to watch as Harrison seemed to immerse

himself in his work. Harrison himself wasn't feeling too great. He had

tried to send a letter to Draco and it had come back unanswered and it

felt like someone had kicked him in the stomach; hard. He had no idea

what to do in situations like the one he was in so he threw himself in to

his studies, he poured over texts and theories for his own formula and

closed off everything else by firmly locking it behind his Occlumency


Harrison focussed everything he had on theoretically dismantling the

wolfsbane potion before he did it practically because he knew he only

had the ingredients to do it once before he would have to go to Diagon

Alley, he was adding little things that had a possibility of editing or

changing the potion to suit his needs, but it was turning out to be

ridiculously difficult. He would think he had made a breakthrough, but

then a certain ingredient would appear to counter an effect or the potion

would become poisonous with no way to neutralise it. He was working

tirelessly and as he wasn't sleeping too well he spent his time working

through the night by pouring over books in the library and scrawling out


He also stopped eating properly, something that didn't go unnoticed by

Sirius or Remus, but he just wasn't listening to them. Come midweek they

were getting thoroughly worried so Sirius sat Harry down in the living

room for a talk; the boy looked like hell. He was very pale making the

dark circles under his eyes stand out livid and he was starting to look

gaunt, Sirius shook his head.

"Harrison, I know you're upset, but you cannot go on like this; it's

unhealthy." He told his son, Harrison looked at him with the same blank

look he had been wearing since the Malfoys left, Sirius sighed.

"I'm serious, pup, you have to start eating and sleeping. You gotta let us

in." He tried but it didn't seem to be working, the usually bright green

eyes were dull and flat.

"I'm fine." Harry stated in an emotionless voice, it made Sirius both

relieved and worried. Relieved because Harrison had finally spoken for

the first time since the dinner, but worried because it didn't sound like

his happy-go-lucky son.

"You're worrying Remus and I," Sirius sighed and Harry blinked, he didn't

know why his father was so worried, there was nothing wrong with him

he was perfectly fine.

"Dad, I'm fine," He said again in the same tone, Sirius sighed again, but


"Just eat something and get some sleep will you."

"Ok," Harry got up and left the room and Sirius collapsed with a groan,

Moony walked over to comfort his mate.

"He'll pull through." Remus murmured and Sirius nodded.

"I hope so, but did you hear his voice?"

"I think he's using Occlumency to blank everything out." Remus said


"Well I hope he shakes himself out of whatever this is." Just then Harry

came back in to the room.

"I'm going to the castle to look in the library." He told them in the same

emotionless voice, Sirius blinked but nodded slowly, maybe He could get

something out of the teen.

"Be back for dinner please, Harrison."

"Yes dad,"

Harry almost slapped himself when he realise he had a load of apparently

extinct ingredients at his demand, he couldn't believe he hadn't thought

of it earlier so he floo'd to the castle and headed straight for the library.

Harry pulled down all the books he had been reading the last time he had

been there as well as a few on werewolves themselves on the hope that

he could gain an insight from them. He used the large table in the centre

to spread his workings out so he could see everything and he opened

each of the books to their relevant pages, Harry made some of the books

float in his line of sight as well as placing them around the desk and he

charmed the quills he had brought with him to dictate for him.

He had many of them writing different things, it was another spell he had

edited for his will, the quills wrote in parsel and they were each

connected to a different part of his mind so he didn't even have to speak.

He was so engrossed in his work, he didn't notice the Dark Lord enter the

library and pause in disbelief at the boy, he didn't even notice the man

came over and sat to watch him. Harry was about to take his own quill

and begin scratching out another idea when someone cleared their throat

to his left and startled him in to a reflex of flinging a curse at the sound,

it was countered with ease and Harry blinked before recognising a

somewhat amused Dark Lord, he scowled.

"Are you trying to scare me?" He demanded and gave the man a

withering look when he smirked at him.

"Harrison, I've been here for nearly 20 minutes." Marvolo said in

amusement, Harrison blinked again and then tilted his head.



"Huh, did not notice,"

"That is quite bad." Marvolo pointed out and Harry nodded.

"Especially as your magic is practically crashing about in waves," Harry

agreed in a monotone.

"What has you so engrossed, you do not look as if you have been

sleeping?" Marvolo looked the boy over with a raised eyebrow, Harrison


"Trying to get a theoretical formula down, I came here to check out my

lab and see what I have so I can add them to my inventory list." Harry

explained going back to his work, Marvolo raised an eyebrow and the flat

tone before he shrugged it off. He looked over the boys numerous notes

and couldn't help when his eyebrows rose impressed, the boy was a true

generous when it came to potions apparently.

"These are good," Marvolo murmured looking over the rest, Harrison

shook his head.

"No, they are wrong and won't get me the result I am looking for."

"Why are you still working on them?"

"Because I have to experiment with all options, and I may find something

to neutralise the problem."

"Very well, but if you wish to go to the labs then you may want to go

now. It is approaching dinner,"

"Ok, got it," Harry muttered finishing his notes, he waved his hand and

had everything stack itself neatly. "I'll be back tomorrow." He told the

Slytherin Lord before leaving the library snapping his fingers for an elf as

he went, Marvolo shook his head; the boy was strange. Harry followed

the elf down to the labs and he saw the door which was obviously for

him, he bit his finger and spread blood on the spot where the handle

should have been; Salazar locked everything with blood.

#Aressa# he hissed and the door clicked before swinging open, Harry

stepped in and the first bit of emotion showed on his face; astonishment.

"Damn." He muttered in awe, there were no words to describe the lab;

Salazar had truly outdone himself. The room was huge and Harry could

see the doors leading off in to, no doubt, extensive stores, and in sight

there was everything he could possible want and more; there were books

written by Salazar himself on the shelf in the corner. Everything was

perfectly persevered under parselmagic and Harry quickly and eagerly

began making an inventory of every ingredient he had here, he was

extremely pleased to note that Salazar had even stored seeds and cuts of

ingredients so he could replant them and have them flourish in this time.

He would have to check the greenhouses here and back at the manor and

choose a place to plant them, it would open up so many opportunities for

him to experiment with new and old ingredients. Harry cast a tempus

and sighed, he tucked his new inventory in to his pocket and flamed

home heading straight for the dining room. He ate most of his food even

though he had to force it because he didn't want his dad to needlessly

worry about him before heading straight back to the library where he

opened all of his texts and notes and continued his workings. He also

added all the ingredients that were now back being accessible to him

again with their effects and counters, which gave him much more to

work with meaning he had to go over all his previously scrapped ideas to

see if he had anything that might work with them. His father entered and

shook his head at his son.

"Come on Harrison, it's late," Sirius said and Harrison looked around with

a puzzled expression.

"I only just got here," He said and Sirius shook his head.

"Its 10:30, you should have been in your room half an hour ago,"

"Oh, I didn't realise," He said waving his hand to collect all of his things,

"Night dad," Sirius ruffled his hair as he passed and Harry vanished in to

his room only to set up his work there and carry on where he left off like

he did every night.

Days seemed to become useless to Harrison because he worked solidly

throughout, he ate when he was told to and he was back when Marvolo

reminded him that he was expected back and Sirius was now at a point of

severe alarm. Harrison was looking like utter hell, but the boy did not

notice and he was completely consumed by his work, nothing got

through to him whatsoever and when Sirius had tentatively mentions the

Malfoys Harrison had left for his room and wasn't seen until the next day

looking twice as bad as he did before.

Harrison had tried another letter to Draco which came back unopened,

he made him feel sick knowing that Draco hated so much that he

wouldn't even open a letter and he shut everything out; he didn't want to

know. On the day the Malfoys were due back Harry became so tense that

it was painful to look at, he was sat completely stiff at the table during

lunch when Draco said he would come over and when the time came and

past for the blond's arrival and he didn't show that seemed to be the final

straw for Harrison.

"I'm going to my lab," He snapped and vanished before anyone could say

anything to him. He ran down to the safety of his potions lab and lightly

warded the door, Harrison decided that he was sick of trying to things

with a mere theory so he was going to make the wolfsbane and go from

there. He set up all his ingredients and began possibly the most complex

potion he had ever made. He was working meticulously, but Harrison

didn't realise he was exhausted and his hands were shaking violently

where his body had over taxed itself to the maximum capacity.

He went to pick up the silver flakes only he grabbed the ground unicorn

horn and poured it in, it reacted instantly giving him no time to protect

himself from the explosion that ripped through the entire manor. Harry

was thrown off his feet and slammed in to the wall where he fell

unconscious on impact crumpling to the floor. Upstairs, both Remus and

Sirius heard the explosion and bolted down to the potions labs in worry,

they reached the door and were alarmed to see acrid green fumes coming

from the room.

"Harry," Sirius called in panic, when he received no answer he banged

hard on the door, "Harry pup, are you ok," they were greeted by silence

and both of them exchanged looks. The Black Lord removed the wards

and carefully opened the door, the sight that greeted them made their

hearts stop. Harrison was covered in a green slime on the floor and he

wasn't moving, Sirius went to rush in but Remus stopped him,

"What are you doing?" He demanded,

"Vanish everything first, Sirius," Remus said gently, he was also fighting

his instincts to run over and grab the boy. Sirius waved his wand and

vanished everything that wasn't supposed to be there and then darted in,

he knelt down by his son and released a few choice curses when he saw

the blood slowly pooling around him.

"Shit, he's breathing blood," Sirius choked and Remus sucked in a sharp


"Get Narcissa quickly, I know she's just got back but this is an emergency.

I'll take him to his room," Remus took charge as it seemed as if Sirius was

about to have a panic attack. The animagus nodded and darted out of the

room, Remus carefully lifted Harry up and hurried him upstarts being

careful not to jostle any injuries he had.

Over at Malfoy Manor, the Malfoys we settling back in to their home

when their wards alerted to someone coming through the floo. Narcissa

was about to rise to see them when a pale Sirius fell around the corner,


"Quickly, its Harrison, he's had an accident," Sirius begged as soon as he

could, Narcissa gasped and Draco shot to his feet.

"What do you mean he's had an accident?" The Malfoy scion demanded.

"I don't know, there was an explosion and blood and then he was

breathing blood," they all seemed to lose colour and Draco ran out of the

room, Narcissa snapped for her healing kit and followed her Sirius back

to the floo room, Draco had already arrived at the manor and called for

an elf to show him to the Heir rooms. Being of Black blood, the elf had

no problem in leading him up and Draco froze in to doorway. Harrison

was extremely pale and the Quidditch accident all over again, there was

blood seeping in to the white sheets and blood trailing from his parted

lips, the boy also had very dark circles around his eyes and had seemed

to have lost weight. Remus was pulling at his hair and growling to

himself when Narcissa rushed in and immediately got to work.

"What in Merlin's name happened to this boy, he's lost weight and is

severely exhausted on top of everything." She snapped at the two men.

"He shut himself off ever since the dinner, he stopped sleeping, stopped

eating and stopped talking, we tried everything," Sirius told her pacing

the floor, Draco felt like he had been punched. He had deliberately

ignored Harrison's owls because he was angry and his friend, but it

seemed like Harrison had taken it worse than he thought.

"He had two ribs piercing his left lung, I need to reset them before I can

heal anything or he is likely to drown." Narcissa told them, "Sirius, I need

you to cast the spell to vanish the blood from his lung while I do this."

Sirius took out his wand out and made a complex wand movement

muttering under his breath as Narcissa ran her wand over the left side of

Harrison's rib cage. His chest expanded as the ribs were set back in to

place and Draco retched at the sound and sight, but he refused to leave

the room as his mother continued her work. She healed a massive gash

on the back of his head and fixed a broken arm, she put a salve on the

burns he had acquired before stepping back with a breath of relief.

"He's out of the cauldron for now, but he won't wake at least until

tomorrow because of his exhaustion. I'm hoping that when he returns to

the land of the living then his miracle abilities will fix his

malnourishment and weight loss, if not he will have to go on nutrient

potions." Narcissa said to them and Sirius nodded relieved.

"Thank you,"

"It is no problem, Sirius,"

"Would you care for tea?" Remus asked her as Sirius was to busy gazing

at his son warily, Narcissa smiled at him and nodded.

"Tea would be lovely," She answered and Remus politely offered his arm

to lead her to the family lounge where he called for an elf to set up tea

for 3.

"How was your holiday?" Remus asked her serving the tea easily.

"France is always wonderful this time of the year," Narcissa said, "But

Draco was not in the best of moods, which made it difficult,"

"The boys' argument hit a rather bad time, didn't it?" Remus agreed,

"Harrison has been unrecognisable,"

"I think they will be ok, especially after today."

Sirius stumbled in to the room at that moment and collapsed on to the

nearest chair.

"Why has my son got this tendency to need medical attention more often

than not?" He groaned in to his hands.

"He'll be fine Sirius," Narcissa reassured.

"I know, but I shouldn't have let him go today. I knew he was exhausted,

but he ran of before any of us could speak."

"I'm sure he won't hold it against you." Narcissa said, "Where's Draco?"

"I don't think you will have a chance at moving him in the near future,"

Sirius told her with a shrug,

"He's been depressed all week, I was hoping to get them together to work

everything out because they're like brothers already." Narcissa said and

Sirius nodded.

"I was waiting for you to return to do something too, its been horrible,"

"I think we shall have to take another holiday later in the month,"

Narcissa mused, "I shall make sure the boys are happy this time,"

"I'm hoping Harrison perks up before Monday, we have to see Amelia

Bones about Potter."

"Of course, the hearing," Narcissa remembered, "Do you know what to


"I believe she will get a fine because of her age, but it will be the fact that

she was found guilty and it will be splashed across the papers which will

be the real hit to them." Sirius explained.

"Yes, I see what you mean. However, I do not believe that it is an apt

enough punishment for her."

"No, I know, but we're counting on the public outrage at the entire

incident and the reactions to other Noble and Most Ancient Houses."

Sirius said.

"I suppose it is the best that can be expected." She sighed, "I have to

return to the manor and inform Lucius of what has happened and tell

him that our son will not be returning."

"Thank you again, Cissa. I'll see you tomorrow,"

"Goodbye, Sirius, Remus,"

"So we're back to the waiting game," Remus sighed leaning back.

"Seems like it, Moony,"

The first thing Harry became aware of was that his head hurt. He couldn't

remember what happened, but he was obviously in his bed and for the

life of him he couldn't work out how he got here with a killer headache

to boot. He didn't get ill because of his phoenix, and with that thought he

felt it awaken and his head eased in to nothing and he sighed in relief.

Now he just had to work out how he got in to this position in the first

place and then he would be set, he remembered waiting to see if there

was a chance the Draco would turn up, but when he didn't it had felt like

someone had kicked him so he ran off to his lab to brew away his

problems and the rest was blank for him. He released a groan and heard

someone move next to him, so someone was in his room which was odd

because his dad usually left him to it in his own 'domain' as he called it.

Harry blinked a few times squinting a bit at the light before his vision

was taken over by a familiar blond head.


Harry blinked a few times,


"You complete idiot, why did you go and get yourself blasted in to a wall

for?" Draco snapped and Harry blinked again, so he had had a potions

accident. That in itself was weird because he had never been unable to

raise a shield before, Harrison frowned but another question was more


"What are you doing here?" He asked his friend who he was pretty sure

hated him, his throat was pretty dry so he snapped his fingers and Kip

popped in with a drink. Draco shifted slightly before sighing.

"Well you had an accident," He said, "I can go if-,"

"NO!" Harry cut him of hastily, "Don't go, I just thought you hated me."

"I don't hate you idiot, I was just mad at you for not telling me." Draco

looked down,

"I know, I know I should have told you, and I'm sorry." Harry said

imploringly, Draco nodded.

"Just- just don't keep something like that from me again," Draco warned

him, Harry beamed and bodily threw himself at him in a crushing hug.

"Draco needs to breathe Harrison," Sirius commented from the doorway

looking at the pair amused, Harry stepped back sheepishly as Draco

grinned at him.

"Breakfast's ready, if your interested," Sirius told them and Harry lit up.

"Food, yes please, it feels as if I haven't eaten in a week."

"That's because you haven't eaten in a week," Sirius chided and Harry

shifted under the two glares.

"So food is a good option?" He said lightly.

"Come on, prat. I leave you for one week and you can't even function,

honestly," Draco dragged him off and Harry clicked his fingers so his

robes wrapped around him as they ran down to the dining room.

"You know, you are going to teach me how you do that." Draco said to

him and Harry grinned.

"Of course,"

"So what have you been doing?"

"Working, went to the castle and Sal thought it would be nice to demand

a formula for an idea I came up with while I was speaking to Marvolo in

three months." Harry rolled his eyes and Draco looked at him in open


"Sal as in Salazar Slytherin?"

"Yes, he was the one who taught me everything I know about potions,

parsel, dark arts and mind magics." Harry answered, "He also taught me


"I can't get my head around it, you grew up with the Founders." Draco

shook his head and Harry grinned.

"I can introduce you to Sal if you want, he's at the castle and is always

popping up for conversation."


"Yes, we can go over later. I've been working on the wolfsbane potion

and I was making it yesterday,"

"Something which was stupid because you were over exhausted, and if

you ever do something so irresponsible again I swear to Merlin you will

be confined to your room for the rest of the holidays." Sirius told him.

"I thought I was fine," Harry said holding his hands up in defence.

"Yes, but cub you scared us yesterday. Finding you in a pool of blood

after an explosion is not what we needed or wanted." Remus said gently

and Harry looked down.

"Sorry, I'll be careful next time. Usually I'm fine with potions, I don't

know what was wrong with me."

"You were tired to the point that your body was using your magic to keep

itself going." Remus said, "But because you weren't eating your magic

wasn't being fuelled and you ran yourself out."

"Oh," He said shocked, "I didn't realise."

"Well next time you decided to go off on one, you're being locked in your

rooms." Sirius stated and Harry nodded with a smile.

"Ok dad,"

"Narcissa is coming over to check on you to make sure you're ok," Sirius

told him, "So you have to stay until then, although you look back to

normal. That whole phoenix thing you have is really helpful."

"I know, I caught a lucky break with that." Harry agreed,

"Back to meeting Salazar Slytherin," Draco cut in stealing back Harrison's

attention, "What's he like?"

"Sal's brilliant, he was the best teacher ever and I got on with him best.

Helga was kind and she taught me Care, Herbology, Ward and Protective

magics, I learned Arithmancy, Charms, Astronomy and Runes with Row,

and I learned Transfiguration, Blade handling, Riding and Defence with

Ric. Eventually, I beat Ric in a duel." Harry told him with enthusiasm, he

dug in to his breakfast when it appeared like a wolf on raw meat.

"You beat Godric Gryffindor in a duel!" Draco exclaimed and Harry




"It was one of my better moments." Harry agreed, "I'll have to get to their

castles eventually so I can see their portraits."

"You will have to tell me everything." Draco decided, "I can't wait to meet

Slytherin," just then the wards went of signalling the arrival of Narcissa,

she swept in to the dining room in her usual elegant style and smiled

when she saw the boys sat together talking like nothing had happened.

"Good morning," She greeted, "How are you feeling Harrison?"

"Fine aunt Cissa, all healed."

"I have no doubt, but allow me to check please." She said and Harry got

up so she could cast a quick diagnostic.

"Wonderful, back to perfect health," Harry grinned,

"Good," He said, "Now, can we go?" Harry asked his dad,

"Where are you too going?"

"Harry's taking me to meet Salazar Slytherin!" Draco told his mother in


"Oh, well have fun boys." She said, they exchanged grins and ran off.

"Looks like they're back to normal," Sirius commented with a grin,

"Yes, it is lovely to see."

"You know you have both sent the boys to the castle where the Dark Lord

lives." Remus piped in and they blinked.

"Oh, will Draco be ok?" Narcissa asked worried and Sirius nodded.

"Harry won't let anything happen to him, he's been too the castle every

day this week." Sirius reassured and Narcissa nodded,

"I think we should have a dinner," Narcissa said, "We shall arrive at 5:30

and do invite Severus."

"Yes Cissa," Sirius agreed amused, she left and the two marauders

exchanged looks.

"I'll speak to the kitchen elves," Remus said.

"I'll speak with the rest." Sirius said.

"See you later," they chimed and went their separate ways.

Harry took Draco through the floo and smirked at the blond's amazed

look as he took in the rich décor of the castle as he took him through.

"This place is indescribable," He murmured in awe and Harry nodded.

"It is pretty spectacular, me and Marvolo agree that Sal outdid himself."

Harry said and Draco was suddenly overcome with a hacking cough.

"Ok there, Dray?"

"This is the Dark Lord's castle," He squeaked, something he would later


"Well technically its both of our castle," Harry corrected and Draco shot

him a withering look.

"He still resides here."

"Of course he does," Harry said pulling him in, "So?"

"It's the Dark Lord," Draco exclaimed like it explained everything, but

Harry failed to see his point.

"Don't worry, Marvolo's harmless, he's probably holed up in his study

reading some book or plan, he does that a lot." Harry waved him off.

"Or he's wondering what you are doing over here at this time in the

morning," Drawled a voice from behind, "With company." Draco jumped

out of his skin and hid behind Harry, Harry turned around and flashed

the man a grin.

"Oh hey Marvolo, just taking Draco to meet Sal," Harry told him, the

man's eyebrow rose.


"Yep, I'm guessing he's in the library because it's just after breakfast."

Harry said and Marvolo rolled his eyes and walked away, Harrison

dragged Draco up to the library because the blond seemed to be in a

shocked sort of stupor.

"Earth to Draco," Harry called snapping his fingers in front of his face, the

blond shook his head.

"So weird,"


"That was the Dark Lord," He said and Harry nodded,

"Yeah, I know,"

"You're weird Harrison, you know that?" Draco stated shaking his head,

his friend was a complete puzzle. He just casually spoke to the Dark Lord

like he wasn't the most powerful and feared wizard in the entire world.

"I know," Harry said brightly and they entered the library.

"Holy mother of Merlin," Draco breathed looking around in shock,

"Yes, I know. It's the best library in the world."

"Its…" Draco trailed off not finding the correct words to describe exactly

what it was.


"Snakelet, you are early this morning!" Salazar called to him with a smile,

Harry grinned and went over pulling Draco with him.

"Morning Sal, how are you this morning?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine Snakelet, you look better today."

"Yeah, I had a bit of an accident yesterday. Unconscious until this

morning, and then I work up healed."

"What did you do?"

"Ah, I may have had a potion explode," Harry said scratching his head,

"But it was only because my body was practically shutting down with

exhaustion and I didn't realise."

"I am disappointed Snakelet, this is most unlike you." Salazar chided, "I

want an essay on the correct state to brew a potion by tomorrow."

"Yes Sal,"

"Good," The Snake Founder nodded, "Now, who is your young friend? Am

I to assume that this is the young Heir Malfoy that you speak off so


"Yes, Sal this is Draco Malfoy, my cousin and best friend. Draco, this is

my mentor Salazar Slytherin." He introduced the pair, Draco looked more

than a little star struck as he gazed at the founder.

"Its an honour to meet you sir." He said when he finally found his voice,

Sal smiled slightly.

"The same to you, Harry has told me a lot about you."


"Oh yes, you are always cropping up in conversation. It is good to be able

to put a face to the name," Salazar told him and Harry grinned as Draco

smiled brightly.

"So do you want a tour?" Harry asked the blond who nodded.


"Let's go then, I don't even know where I'm going in this place."

"Call for your elf, Snakelet, you do have one as well as an Heir suit."

Salazar reminded him and Harry nodded, he snapped his fingers and an

elf dressed in the Slytherin uniform popped in.

"What cans Coco bes doing for Master Heir?" She asked in a squeaky

voice and Harry grinned at the name.

"Can I have a tour please and my name is Harrison,"

"Yes Master Harrison sir, follows me." She bounded off in excitement and

Harry shook his head.

"I think all house elves are born with a permanent hyper gene." Harry

said to Draco who snorted.

"Definitely, all of our elves are completely mad. Especially Dobby," Harry

laughed at that, Dobby was practically vibrating with energy whenever

Harry caught sight of the elf.

"Yeah, well I think he is an exception to even the hyper house elf theory."

"Got that right," Draco muttered, they were led around the massive castle

where they were amazed by what it held.

"I mean who needs 3 duelling rooms?" Draco said in exasperation and

Harry shrugged.

"What can I say, Slytherins like to things properly."

"Yes, but so do the Blacks and Malfoys. This is just excessive,"

"No its not, its merely triple checking that we have everything."

"Whatever, Harrison," Draco sighed and Harry grinned.

"So, I think we have things to do, like Quidditch practice." He said and

Draco grinned,

"I think you are correct Harrison, except you haven't got a broom yet."

"Oh yes, damn," Harry remembered, "I haven't even been to Diagon yet."

"Come on, we'll go back to mine and you can use a spare for now." Draco


"Yes and then tomorrow I can get a new broom."

"Don't you have to the hearing tomorrow?" Draco asked as they made

their way back to the floo room.

"I think it's tomorrow, I'll ask dad later." They floo'd directly to Malfoy

Manor and rushed through the manor heading out to the pitch. Draco

threw him a nimbus 2000.

"Ah its good to have a broom back in my hands." Harry sighed happily,

he kicked off and shot straight up in to the air; it felt good to fly again.

Harry turned to see Draco level out in front of him and Harry grinned.

"So, do you want to practice manoeuvres or speed first?" Harry asked,

"We'll do manoeuvres then speed because we can put our moves to

speed." Draco decided and Harry nodded.

"Good, there's a few I want to try out."

For the next hour, the boys flew around the pitch practicing their rolls,

dives, jumps and Harry even taught Draco how to ride his broom

standing up, it would take a bit more practice before he had it down, but

he could stand and travel at a reasonable speed.

"Ok then, let's see your moves." Draco said and Harry grinned. He

practiced his usual jump and catch move as well as handstands, flips and

even riding his broom upside down holding on with only his legs.

"You're completely mad," Draco told him seriously as Harry pulled out of

a particularly steep dive with a shout.

"I know,"


"You're on," Harry said, "And we have to work on corners, then

tomorrow, if we can go to the alley, I can buy a Quidditch set and we can

practice so you can have the chaser spot. I might even go for reserve

chaser, I think we have a reserve seeker, I'll ask Flint when we get back."

"I'm not sure if we have any reserves," Draco said.

"Well, if we don't then its stupid, we need them just in case."

"I know, but I'm not in charge of the team and neither are you." Draco

pointed out,

"For now," Harry muttered,

"Planning something Harrison?"

"I want the captaincy as soon as possible and I'm going to make sure I get

it," He told his friend, "That way I can make sure we have the best

possible team. Even if we did win, it doesn't make us the best it just

means the other teams were crap."

"Good luck with that,"

"Come on, I mean Flint leaves the end of next year. I'll make sure I get it

when he leaves, then you can be my co-captain and we can lead the

noble House of Slytherin in to the very best victory." Harry finished

grandly and Draco laughed at his friend.

"If you pull it off, I'll never question you again." He said.

"Yeah, ok, because I believe that." Harry scoffed; Draco smirked.

"It's not my fault you have strange ideas and plans."

"There is nothing wrong with my ideas or plans I'll have you know."

Harry sniffed,

"Harrison, you asked the Dark Lord for a magically binding agreement at

11." Draco deadpanned.

"Actually I tricked the Dark Lord in to a magically binding agreement at

eleven." Harry corrected and the blond almost fell out of the air.

"YOU WHAT?" He exclaimed, his eyes really wide.

"Well, I'm sure he's worked it out by now, but I had him distracted and

switched our spoken agreement in to Parsel. You cannot lie or break your

word in Parsel, its because it is a language closer to Lady Magic herself.

Anyway, I made sure to make our agreement in Parsel just in case." Harry

explained, and Draco shook his head.

"You are out of your mind."

"It worked didn't it?" Harry returned,


"I know,"

Draco rolled his eyes and flew off, they practiced their lap speeds until

bright red sparks shot up in to the air and they looked down to see an

angry looking Narcissa glaring up at them.

"Mother looks angry," Draco pointed out unnecessarily, Harry hummed

his agreement.

"Do you think I would get away with leaving from up here?"

"No because she knows where you live."

"I could go to the castle." Harry pointed out,

"Don't be under the impression she won't get access, the Malfoys were in

the Dark Lords favour in the first war." Draco reminded him and Harry


"So its cute and innocent children look for us then," He said.


The pair flew down and landed lighted in front of her, Harry didn't take

it as a good sign at the fact she was tapping her foot.

"Harrison, Draconis,"

They both cringed at her sharp tone.

"Hello mother,"

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" She demanded and they shook

their heads. "You both have missed lunch and it is quickly approaching

dinner. Now, we are expected at Black Manor within the next hour so

you should be getting ready Draco. As for you Harrison, you should be at

home preparing for guests. This is not the correct behaviour expected

from Heirs to Noble and Most Ancient Houses and I expect better." She

chided them and they bowed their heads.

"Yes aunt Cissa,"

"Yes Mother,"

"Of you go." They rushed back in doors where the elves put their brooms


"See you later, apparently," Harry said and Draco nodded.

"I didn't even know we were coming for dinner," The blond said and

Harry shrugged.

"Me neither,"

Hi! So what do you think? I had to cut the chapter again because it

ran over, but it means I have the beginning to the next one and I

can begin working on it as soon as my coursework is done! I hope

you liked it and I would be very honoured if you dropped a review,



19. Chapter 19

A/N: Hey guys, I keep running over on my chapters, but this one is

done in time for Christmas! This one is the hearing and I'm

introducing Tonks, and a bit more of Marvolo, hope everyone's

having a great holiday!

Only light revisions here guys.

Warning: Light swearing!

Disclaimer: Belongs to J. K


Chapter 19:

Harry went straight to his room to shower and throw on more

presentable robes for an evening dinner, when he was done he went to

the family lounge where Remus and Sirius were sat in decent robes

talking with Severus who was dressed out of his usual black and in dark


"Hey, cub, how are you?"

"Hi Moony, Dad, Sev," Harry greeted taking a seat, "I'm good, it's been

brilliant today. Me and Draco-,"

"Draco and I," Remus automatically corrected, Harry rolled his eyes.

"Draco and I went to the castle to speak to Sal and then we've been

practicing Quidditch."

"Of course, I have to get you a new broom to replace your other one."

Sirius remembered, "We might have time to go through the alley after the

hearing tomorrow."

"Its tomorrow is it? I couldn't remember if it was definitely tomorrow or

not." Harry said,

"Yes, its tomorrow." Sirius confirmed, "Depending on how long it last and

the outcome we should be able to go through the Alley."

"That'll be good,"

"I'm glad your changed cub, the Malfoys are coming for dinner,"

"Yeah, Narcissa mentioned it as she was telling us off for missing lunch."

Harry rolled his eyes and then winced when he was pinned with a look

from both Sirius and Remus.

"Why did you miss lunch? Are you hungry? Do you want a small snack

before dinner?" Remus asked his quickly and Harry held up his hands in a

calming gesture.

"I'm fine, we missed it because we honestly forget the time when we were

in the air. I'm actually not that hungry, and dinner is being served within

the next hour anyway." Harry placated and Remus nodded.

"You will have to stop missing meals pup, its not healthy."

"I know, it was an honest mistake though,"

"You seem to be full of those lately," Severus drawled and Harry winced

again at the look he was sent from the Potions Master.

"Yeah about that," He began sheepishly, "I honestly didn't know, and if I

would have known I wouldn't have done something so stupid. I know

exactly what I did wrong and I will make sure I don't do something as

stupid as that again, I can assure you." Harry told him sincerely, Severus

looked at him for a few seconds before nodding.

"See that you don't, mistakes such at that will see your Mastery

completely out of reach."

"I won't, I can't believe I did it in the first place." Harry shook his head, "I

have to go to the alley to hand in my list of ingredients that I need, I've

made an inventory of my labs here and the ones Sal reserved for me. I

also have to check the greenhouses here and at the castle because I have

cuttings and seeds of plants and herbs which are now extinct that I can


"Oh, what do you have?" Severus asked interested, Harry snapped his

fingers and brought his lists to him, he handed them over to the Potions


"If you manage to replant and re-grow these then it would open up so

many opportunities." Severus mused and Harry nodded.

"I know, which is why I want to check the greenhouses because I don't

want to ruin them."

"Yes, I see what you mean," the wards pulsed and Harry flew down the

stairs and in to the floo room just as Draco was stepping through the


"You're here, finally."

"I know, mother wanted me to change twice." Draco shook his head.

"Honestly, you saw each other less than an hour ago." Narcissa said and

they shrugged,

"Hello Uncle," Harry greeted as Lucius stepped out of the grate following

his wife.

"Good evening, Harrison,"


"Every time, Black," Lucius sighed.

"Lucius, you should just accept that Sirius does not have any self-

restraint." Severus said with a smirk, the Black Lord sent him a withering

look and punched Remus when he began snickering.

"Come on," Harry said to Draco, "Are we using the family room or the

bottom lounge?"

"Bottom one until after dinner, then we shall retire to family room."

Sirius said pompously and Harry grinned, he led Draco through the grand

halls to the lounge as threw himself down on a sofa.

"What do you mean by family room?"

"Well because the Blacks really like to show off, they have a formal

lounge, lounge and family lounge, the family one is on the top floor with

the family suits."

"Wow that's excessive,"

"Yes, I know,"

"I thought it was just Slytherins?" Draco said and Harry shrugged.

"Apparently we Blacks have a touch of it too."

"So what are your plans for the hearing tomorrow, Sirius?" Lucius asked

when entering the room, drinks were passed out and the adults took their


"I am merely hoping for a guilty verdict, that way it will be the public

response which will be the true punishment." Sirius answered,

"You will have to get to the public first," Lucius warned and Sirius and

Harry both smirked.

"Rita Skeeter," they answered together.

"Black v Potter, she is going to go for Black every time and her articles

are the most cut throat." Harry said.

"And with a gracious invite to the elusive Black Manor for an exclusive

interview with the Lord and Heir of the Noble and Most Ancient house of

Black, I think she will be all too willing to come to us first." Sirius

finished with a flourish and the others mirrored their smirks.

"I might even offer a photograph," Harry mused.

"You'll have the public eating out of your hand." Severus said and they


"That's the hope." Harry agreed.

"It doesn't matter what trouble Potter and his daughter get in to if the

public still love them, if we can get the public behind us then her status

goes down. And each thing she does is going to seem worse and worse

until they are left with nothing." Remus said.

"We merely have to hope that justice is done tomorrow," Narcissa sighed.

An elf popped in alerting them to dinner.

"I do so love this manor Sirius, grandfather did do a good job on the

décor." Narcissa said as they walked through to the dining room.

"Yes, grandfather used all of the original features and yet made it so

much better." Sirius agreed, "Grandfather Arcturus was like that,"

"When did he pass?" Harry asked curiously, Arcturus Black was someone

always spoke highly off and he interested Harry, he hadn't gone to the

wall of portraits since he got here, but they were up on the family floor

and had a whole corridor dedicated to them, and he had every intention

of going to speak to them.

"Only back last year actually, he passed with his wife so I think he was

happy to go at that point." Sirius said softly, "He taught me everything I

know about the Lordship, he never deemed my father worthy so he

passed it straight to me."

"A good choice," Lucius said, "Orion would have crashed your name in to

the mud, especially with Walburga at his side." Sirius grimaced.

"Don't I know it," he shuddered.

"Your parents?"

"Yes, and you are lucky you never have to meet them cub." Remus stated

and Harry blinked, they must have been bad if Remus thought so, the

man had the patience of a saint. They sat down at the table where Harry

took his fathers right opposite Remus with Draco next to him and then

Severus, Lucius and Narcissa took seats next to Remus and the food

appeared in front of them immediately.

"This looks wonderful Sirius," Narcissa complimented and Harry had too

agree, it seemed as if the elves were showing off because they had guests.

"Dad, what time is the hearing tomorrow?" Harrison asked, "You never


"You know, I don't actually know," Sirius said with a frown, Harry face

palmed as Remus groaned.

"Padfoot," he sighed, "Jip," the elf popped in,

"Yes, Master Moony,"

"Bring me the letter from Madam Bones please," the elf popped away and

was back in a second with the envelope, Remus flicked through the

parchment and smirked.

"We've got the first morning appointment it seems, 9:00am." Remus told


"Looks like we're going to the alley, hopefully we'll run in to Rita,"

"Oh we will definitely be running in to Rita," Sirius said with a smirk.

"What did you do?"

"I may have sent her an owl saying she would benefit from browsing the

alley on the 10th," Sirius said lightly and the rest of the table smirked.

"When the hat put you in Gryffindor it made a very grave mistake,"

Lucius commented and Sirius pretended to look horrified.

"Well I never,"

"And there's the Gryffindor," Severus drawled amused, Harry and Draco

snickered at Sirius' wounded look.

"You should show the Head of this House respect, sirs." Sirius sniffed

pompously, everyone looked at him in disbelief before the children

cracked up with Remus and Narcissa, Severus and Lucius shook their

heads with grins.

"Oh dear Merlin," Lucius sighed and Sirius snickered.

"See, I've got this whole Pureblood thing down."

"Surprisingly, you have," Lucius agreed,

"Yes, it is rather astounding how you handle yourself now. Especially

given how you were when we were in school." Narcissa added and Sirius


"I always knew what I was supposed to be like, and Grandfather Arcturus

taught me everything, I just hated my parents." Sirius sighed shaking his


"Its not hard to see why, aunt Walburga left a lot to be desired." Narcissa

said with distaste.

"Were they that bad?" Harry and Draco asked alarmed, the adults shared

a look.



They finished dinner and it was quickly replaced with a range of deserts,

Harrison blinked around and turned to his dad.

"What did you do to the elves?" He asked shocked and Sirius shrugged.

"I told them we were having guests and they went berserk, there was

tears, screams, shouts and lots of jumping. I was practically thrown out of

the kitchen in their haste to prepare." Remus said amused,

"I thought it was just me," Sirius said, "When I spoke to the other elves

about having guests it was like someone had just offered them clothes, I

swear one of them had a panic attack."

"What in Magic's name?" Harry exclaimed.

"I haven't had guests to this place in a while, actually, I haven't had guest

since I moved in which was about six years ago when I fully accepted the

Lordship and Grandfather wished to move to his 'cottage', I took up the

actual status about two years ago now." Sirius told them scratching his

head, Harry rolled his eyes.

"That explains it, they're getting it out their system." He said, "And what's

with the 'cottage'?" he imitated his father's air quotes.

"You've seen this place, what do you think the cottage looked like?" Sirius


"Got it,"

When the deserts were clear, Harry excused him and Draco and led his

friend up the multiple flights of stares to the family lounge where they

flung themselves on to the nearest sofa.

"Wow, this place is huge." Draco huffed and Harry scoffed.

"Yes because your Manor is oh so small."

"Of course," He replied primly, Harry rolled his eyes.

"We both know that the Ancient and Noble Houses of Black and Malfoy

have to have the best." Harry said arrogantly, adopting the correct

posture which Draco mimicked.

"Obviously," He drawled, "Us heirs have to show one how to behave

accordingly." They looked at each other before collapsing in laughter.

"You know, every time we see Rosina we should act like that." Harry said

and Draco smirked.

"Every time we're in public we should act like that." Draco countered.

"I wonder how long we could keep it up." Harry mused.

"What, act like the rich Pureblood Heirs that we are? I think we have that

down, Harrison."

"Agreed," They heard the adults approaching and Harry snapped for an

elf to bring drinks.

"I doubt Amelia will allow this to go without a fine, she is one of the

fairest people I've ever me." Sirius was saying to Lucius.

"Yes, she is rather straight when it comes to the law."

"You just have to keep your cool when confronted with Potter, you know

that he will bait you when he loses." Narcissa reminded.

"I don't think its my temper we have to worry about." Sirius pointed out

taking his seat.

"The same goes for you Harrison, you must keep your temper." Narcissa

told him,

"Of course aunt Cissa, I will try my best. But there are other things to

factor it, and if it comes to it I shall pull my shields up to their full

ability." Harrison replied and she nodded.

"I know,"

"Tomorrow, you can meet us in the alley after the hearing so the kids can

go shopping and I can organise a meeting with Rita Skeeter." Sirius

suggested and Lucius nodded.

"Yes, that will be acceptable. We shall wait at the café Magick on

Celestial Alley."

"I haven't been there yet." Harry said and Draco grinned.

"You will love it, its where all the high end restaurants and bars are

within the central wizarding world. They have loads of places there, and

they have a shopping plaza which is pretty exclusive." Draco explained


"Brilliant, you will have to show me around."


"And we have to go to Diagon because I have to get a broom, I want to go

to Gringotts and I have a list at least a foot long of potions things I need

to get." Harry said,

"The broom is the most important because we have practices to do."

Draco pointed out.

"You'll get on to the team anyway," Harry waved him off.


They both tuned back to the adults conversation where they were

discussing what they were going to be saying to Rita.

"As long as we seem irrevocably thankful that the right thing has been

done it should be ok," Sirius said.

"Yes, but you should also be a little disheartened that nothing more

serious happened because of the severity of the crime." Remus added.

"Yes, but if you keep it so you are merely dropping hints opposed to

making comments then it will keep you in public favour." Severus


"Rita is going to eat this up." Harry said gleefully.

"Oh yes,"

"I have to take my leave," Severus said rising to his feet, "I need to finish

your potion, Remus,"

"Of course, Severus," Remus said, "Thank you for coming," Snape nodded.

"Do inform me of the outcome." Severus said.

"We will, let me see you out." Sirius went with Snape down to the floo

and Harry felt as the wards allowed someone out of the manor.

"Yes, we shall have to leave after our drinks." Lucius said, "I intend to be

at the ministry tomorrow to see what is being said before meeting you."

"No doubt Potter will have his supporters," Remus scoffed.

"Unfortunately, and I want to see what Dumbledore is up to. He's been

oddly silent so far,"

"That is true, but I think he will have something to say this coming

Wizengamot meeting." Sirius said coming back in to the room.

"It is going to be interesting."

"Father, when is it acceptable for you to take Heirs in to the

wizengamot." Draco asked and Harry perked up at that.

"Most induct their Heirs formally in to the wizengamot when they're

13/14 because they are of the age where they can begin their Heir




"Yes, mother,"

"We have to wait until next summer that's all, its not too bad and it gives

us a chance to perfect everything so we can show people and Rose up."

Harry said and Draco nodded.

"I suppose, but it's a shame we can't be there for Potter's and

Dumbledore's reactions."

"We can't have it all," Harry sighed.


The adults shook their heads at them and the Malfoys got to their feet.

"We shall see you tomorrow,"

Harry said goodbye to Narcissa and Lucius before running of with Draco

to the floo room.

"See you tomorrow," Harry said.

"Yes, and good luck,"

"Potter is going down." Harry stated and Draco nodded, Harry watched as

he flood away just as Narcissa and Lucius got there.

"Dad, I'm going to the castle." Harry told him, "I forgot to tell Marvolo,"

"Be back before 9 please cub, you need to select your robes for tomorrow

so the elves can have them laundered and pressed for the hearing."

"Got it," He stepped through the floo hissing the address and he brushed

himself off. He snapped for his elf who popped in joyfully.

"What cans Coco bes doing for Master Harrison?" She asked,

"Take me to Marvolo, please," Harry said to the creature, he was led

through the many halls and corridors and up many stairs to a study

which was as tucked away as possible, but at the same time it was close

to the library, Harry rolled his eyes.

"This is the Master's study,"

"Thanks, that will be all,"

She popped away with a bow, Harry knocked on the door and waited to

be called in. He stepped in to the study and blinked; it was huge. The

large, spacious room was in the original Slytherin colours with dark

wood furniture, there was a black leather sofa across from the marble

fireplace and a chair opposite, book shelves lines each of the walls and

there was a grand desk opposite the door with a liquor cabinet behind it.

"Nice," Harry said looked around.

"Yes, I am rather partial to it," Came a drawling voice and only by the

fact that Harry had already felt the magic did he not jump.

"Have you seen the Heir study yet?"

"No, I decided to let you deal with your section of the castle however you

wish it." Marvolo said and Harry finally turned to look at the man; he

was sat in the other leather chair supporting a tumbler filled with an

amber liquid, he seemed to have an effortless elegance about him that

Harry couldn't help but be impressed with.

"Thanks, I should check it out before Sal has a go at me for not being

grateful for his work." Harry shook his head amused and took the seat

offered to him.

"What can I do for you?" Marvolo asked.

"I thought I would tell you that there is a high chance the next

Wizengamot meeting will be extremely interesting for you." Harry said

and Marvolo raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, and why is that?"

"I have a hearing tomorrow about the Quidditch incident, and its being

held by Amelia Bones." Harry told him and Marvolo smirked.

"Potter is going to have a rather large blemish come tomorrow afternoon,

I see."

"Oh yes, and obviously Dumbledore is going to be less than pleased."

"The old fool will be fuming because he failed to contain the situation of

his prized pawn." Marvolo drawled and Harry grinned.

"Definitely," Harry agreed and then the smirk he flashed was nothing

short of malicious, "And the exclusive interview that is going to be given

written by Rita Skeeter is only a bonus." Marvolo released a low chuckle.

"Oh you do impress me, Harrison,"

"What can I say," Harry brushed invisible flint from his robes.

"Potter will take a serious blow tomorrow within the eyes of the public,

especially seeing as there is no way that she isn't going to be found

guilty, Amelia Bones is the most law abiding Head of Department in the


"I know which is why we have everything already set up, we are solely in

the right here which is why it is going to go in our favour." Harry said,

"This is going to be the first time I'm going to enjoy seeing Dumbledore."

Marvolo said with a smirk.

"I thought as much," Harry laughed, "We have the first appointment

tomorrow so when I get back from the Alley I will come and inform you

of the happenings so you can properly prepare for Dumbledore's


"Indeed do, and once this is out in the open it will give us ample

opportunity to begin movement."

"Yes, you've been planning recently."

"I have, I need my most faithful removed from Azkaban." Marvolo said,

"But, I want them out silently."

"There's no chance I'm getting out of this one is there?" Harry asked

warily and Marvolo smiled a shark-like grin.


"Ugh, so unfair,"

"Think of this as an opportunity to show of all your supposed skill."

Marvolo suggested and Harrison's eyes narrowed.

"I know exactly what you are doing, and I hope you're happy that it's


"I am,"

"Damn Dark Lords." Harry grumbled much to Marvolo's amusement.

"We shall go over the plans soon,"

"Fine, if you insist. I will clear some of my valuable time in my

atrociously busy schedule to assist you." Harry sighed in a really put upon


"You are unbelievable." Marvolo said in disbelief.

"And you agreed to work with me, bindingly,"

"Yes, I remember that, I, at the time, forgot that parsel was completely

binding apposed to just truthful."

"I know," Harry said smugly, "That was the point,"

"Very sly,"

"Of course, I'm a Slytherin. Did you expect me not to play on another's

weakness to get what I wanted?"

"I would have done the same so I cannot complain, however much I wish


"Awh, don't worry. You haven't seen anything yet, it will sink in that this

is a perfect comradeship."

"So you keep saying,"

"I speak the truth, just ask Sal. Now, I have to go home to prepare for

tomorrow and I shall see you at the earliest convenience." Harry said and

left Marvolo to, yet again, contemplate the mystery that was Harrison


"Dad, will you please stop fiddling, you're making me nervous." Harrison

snapped, throwing up his hands. They were sat in the parlour waiting

until it was acceptable for them to leave for the ministry and they were

all on edge. Even though they were practically guaranteed a win,

something could happen when dealing with Dumbledore and Potter and

it was setting them off.

Sirius kept pacing the room and fiddling with his robes. He was dressed

to perfection like the others in black robes with the Black family crest

proudly on display, he looked like the perfect Pureblood Lord and was

intimidating as hell. Remus was dressed in another of the Black colours

and was in pressed, deep blue robes with the family crest printed on his

right arm, he was also pacing on the other side of the room of the Black

Lord and was equally as stressed. Harrison seemed to be the only one

who wasn't stressing visibly, he was dressed in Heir robes of black with

touches of blue and silver with the crest on show too, he was sat in the

chair and appeared to be calm even if on the inside he was pacing just as


"Sorry, pup, but this is the day the world will see that Potter isn't as

perfect as they make out to be." Sirius sighed and Harry smirked.

"I know, but wearing a hole in the carpet won't change that, it will only

set the elves on you."

"You are right," Sirius sat down and so did Remus,

"How are you so calm, cub?" Remus asked in exasperation and Harry

smiled slightly,

"Very tight Occlumency shields," He answered and then watched as they

both pulled up their own shields to their maximum degree. They sat in a

somewhat tense silence until 8:45 when Sirius rose and nodded.

"Let us leave," He said in an emotionless voice, his expression was blank

and he had drawn himself up.

"Lead us," Remus said in the same tone rising to his feet and Harry

mirrored them. They floo'd to the ministry and walked through the

morning crowds, the people seemed to part for them when they realised

just who was there and many whispers broke out about the reason for

their visit. The people had never seen the entire Black family out

together, especially in the ministry, and it was causing a slight stir. Harry

fought his smirk. They moved gracefully through the atrium as one and

Harry carefully admired the grandness of the building, he bit back a scoff

at the fountain because he highly doubted a goblin would ever look at a

wizard in such a way.

Sirius stopped at the desk and handed over his wand to be scanned

before it was handed back, Harry and Remus followed suit and then they

made their way towards the elevator queue. Harry spotted Lucius in a

different queue, the blond was deep in conversation with some unknown

wizard and Harry covered his smirk with his hand; the Malfoy Lord didn't

waist much time. When the next elevator came, Sirius took it despite the

queue and no one raised question when they saw who it was. When the

doors shut all three of them breathed a small relief and Sirius grinned.

"You know, this whole Lord Black business isn't all that bad." He said and

Harry and Remus laughed,

"That's because you have no patients, Pads," Moony said and Sirius

shrugged unashamed,

"Right, now remember, no trying to kill James."

"I know, dad, the same applies to you." Harry said and Sirius nodded.

"I know we've been over this, but please keep it in mind. Amelia Bones

knows the law like the back of her hand, she is fair and she cannot be

bought so anything that happens today is off her own back." Sirius said to


"Ok, I know,"

"Let's go," Remus said and all three of their masks went up. They stepped

out of the elevator of the DMLE and walked swiftly to the secretary's

desk, there was no sign of Potter yet.

"How can I help you this morning, Lord Black," She asked formally.

"We have an appointment with Madam Bones at 9am." Sirius told her and

she nodded, she vanished through a door and returned just as quickly.

"If you could go straight through please, sir,"

"Thank you,"

Sirius, who knew the ministry more than the others, led them through to

Madam Bones' office, he knocked sharply on the door three times and a

stern voice called for them to enter. The office was large, perfect size for

a Head of a Department, and it was simple, there was a window, some

filing cabinets and a desk, but it screamed professional. The woman sat

behind the desk, that Harry presumed was Madam Bones, was a severe

looking woman, she had dark auburn hair which was greying slightly in

some parts, she was sat with a stiff posture and a stern expression, she

had a monocle hanging around her neck and she was dressed in black


"Lord Black, Mr Lupin-Black, Heir Black have a seat," She motioned to the

right side of the room where there were three seats.

"Thank you, Madam Bones," Sirius murmured and just as they sat down

the secretary was at the door announcing the arrival of the Potters. Harry

made sure his shields were up tightly and he corrected his posture, he

didn't glance around when they entered, but he could tell it was three of

them by their magic.

"Lord, Lady and Heiress Potter, have a seat." Madam Bones said to them

and they went to the opposite side of the room. There was a tense silence

before a knock sounded at the door and three more people entered, Harry

looked around slightly to see a talk, dark skinned man step in followed

by an average looking man with a main like hairdo and a scowl and a

young woman with bright pink hair, they were all dressed in auror robes

indicating their purpose.

"I have called Head Auror Scrimgeor, Senior Auror Shacklebolt and

trainee Auror Tonks to witness this hearing." Bones told them, "Are there

any apposed?"

"Where's Dumbledore?" James questioned and Harry spotted Madam

Bones' eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

"This is not Dumbledore's jurisdiction, Lord Potter. If you require the

presence of the Chief Warlock, then maybe you wish this to be held in

front of the Wizengamot." She said to him with a slight bite, James didn't

look happy, but he didn't say anything more.

"Head Auror Scrimgeor, seal the door if you will." Bones commanded and

Harry felt the wards surround the room, they were very powerful and

they wouldn't be interrupted. Madam Bones tapped a sheet of parchment

on her right and a quill stood poised waiting to transcribe, she pulled out

a file and placed it in front of her before looking at the assembled group.

"Disciplinary hearing for the assault of an Heir to an Noble and Most

Ancient House, 10th of July 1992; Black v Potter, leading the hearing

Madam Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law

Enforcement, witnessed by Head Auror Scrimgeor, Senior Auror

Shaklebolt and Trainee Auror Tonks." Madam Bones started the hearing,

"Lord Black, present your case."

"Thank you, Madam Bones," Sirius said graciously, "I am pressing charges

against the Heiress of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter for the

attack of my son and Heir Harrison Regulus Black. Heiress Potter did

knowingly attack my son, she did it with intention to harm, showed no

remorse for her actions and with the help of Lord Potter and Headmaster

Dumbledore denied her actions and claimed false pretences." Sirius

explained the situation clearly and sat back down, Harrison kept his face

blank as he saw Potter's expression get angry and Rosina looked furious,

his eyes glanced over Lily and his eyes narrowed slightly, she was looking

down at her hands and was sat completely still.

"Your case has been heard, Lord Potter, present your counter case."

"Lord Black is presenting a bias case, he did not have accurate line of

sight of the accident. As flying instructor of the school, I did not believe

Heir Black was fit for the air, but he was given the position of seeker

against my professional judgement. During the accident, he tried to

perform a stunt that he was not qualified to perform and failed and is

now blaming my daughter and Heiress, Rosina Potter." James sat down

and threw a smug look at Sirius, who didn't react at all.

"I have reviewed this case carefully and have my collected my own

evidence away from each of your knowledge. Now, hearing your cases,

there is only one verdict I can give," Amelia stated looking at them before

looking through her papers, "While you may not have believed Heir Black

was fit for the air, multiple eye witnesses state otherwise. Furthermore,

there is indisputable evidence to suggest foul play here."

"What!" James exclaimed furious, "Amelia-,"

"Therefore, I am finding Heiress Rosina Violet Potter guilty of assault

against the Heir of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, she is

hereby sentenced to a two year flying ban which includes all sporting

games and social flying and 1.5 million galleons in fines in compensation

for damages and medical costs; case closed."

"This is wrong, they've obviously bought this." James fumed standing up,

Madam Bones pinned him with an icy look.

"Are you accusing me of taking a bribe?" She demanded and James

faltered, recognising what he just said.

"No, but-,"

"Unless you want a harassment charge following the ones your daughter

has just obtained I would leave quietly, the fine is set to be paid within a

week and the ban starts henceforth. Aurors, escort them out."

Scrimegeour and Shacklebolt led the Potters out and Rosina threw

Harrison a filthy look, Harry smiled politely and watched her leave,

satisfaction surging through his veins. When the door shut, Sirius turned

to Amelia with a grin.

"Thank you, Amelia, truly." He said sincerely.

"No thanks necessary, Sirius, this case is one of the clearest I've seen in a

while. I'm surprised this wasn't taken as a criminal case." She replied and

Sirius grimaced.


"That man should learn when his nose is needed." She sighed and Sirius


"Never truer words spoken,"

"Well, you are free to go. The full fine will be paid within the week, if not

then it will gain interest." She assured the Black Lord who nodded.

"Have a good day, Amelia,"

"It was nice to meet you, Madam Bones," Harry said politely and Amelia

smiled slightly.

"The same to you, Heir Black,"

"It was good to see you, Amelia,"

"You too, Remus. Trainee Auror Tonks, will you escort Lord Black and his

family out."

"Yes, Madam Bones," Auror Tonks led them out and when they were out

of hearing and sight distance from everyone, Tonks turned around and

threw herself at Sirius in a hug, Sirius stumbled at the force, but grinned

and wrapped his arms around her.

"Hey, little Nymphie is all grown up." Sirius cooed and she hit him.

"Don't call me that!" She groaned her face, and her hair much to Harry's

alarm, went a bright red in her embarrassment.

"What's going on Kiddo, you're an auror now?"

"Yes, just passed and on the first level in office now," she said proudly,

Sirius patted her on the back.

"Congratulations, I know how difficult to get in."

"I passed under Moody, I was his last apparently, and I got 96%."

"That's impressive," Remus said impressed, she grinned.

"Thanks, Remus,"

"So what did you get for passing?" Sirius wondered, "This is a very proud

moment." Tonks' whole demeanour went down and Sirius raised an


"My mother hates the fact I'm an auror. She doesn't care how hard I

worked or what scores I got, and to top it off, she's pissed at me because

I'm dating the Rosier Heir. She hates the fact that it's a pureblood and is

under the impression that I should follow in her footsteps and marry a

muggleborn." Tonks ranted before getting it together. "Sorry about that,"

Sirius waved her off.

"That's disgusting, I never knew Andy turned in to someone like that. I

was surprised when she didn't write and asked to be put back on Black

family tree."

"Oh good Merlin no, she hates the fact that she's even associated with the

Black name, she keeps reminding me that I'm a Tonks and not a Black

and I should be thankful for that."

"What? That's ridiculous. The Black name is something to be proud of, I

am." Harrison stated and Sirius grinned, Tonks shrugged,

"Try telling my mother that, she's in her own little world. Hell, she told

me to leave if I was going to keep up my auror training, I've got my own

flat now." Tonks said and Sirius blinked before a scowl marred his

hansom features.

"It seems I'm lacking on my Head of House duties, I will have to pay

Andy a visit." Sirius growled before grinning at Tonks, "Leave this to me,

I've been meaning to pay you a visit for ages, but with Harrison here and

Potter being a complete dick (ouch Moony) I got distracted."

"Yeah, your new kid," Tonks grinned at Harrison who smirked, "Yeah,

he's a Black alright."

"Thanks, Harrison Regulus Black,"

"Nymphadora Tonks, but don't call me Nymphadora," She warned and

Harry grinned.

"How about Dora, or Nym?"

"My Father calls me Dora, so Nym will be fine," She agreed, "And its fine,

Sirius, you've been writing so its ok."

"It's still no excuse, and as a Black, you have to be gifted for such an

achievement. Hell, even my parents gave me something for getting in to

the auror department and my mother disowned me, granted I quit after

81, but they were dead by then."

"Thanks Sirius, you don't have to,"

"No, its my duty, besides, I want too. We will have to continue this

another time, I want to know exactly what's going on and then I'll go and

see Andy."

"Ok, well owl me or something, I can usually be found here, I'm working

double at the moment because I'm new to this whole living alone thing."

Tonks grinned and led them out, all masks went up when they came to

the main section of the auror office and Tonks led them to the lift.

"See you again, Harrison,"

"Bye, Nym,"

"I'll owl you," Sirius said as Remus waved his goodbye. As soon as the lift

shut Harrison and Sirius were overcome by mad jumping in celebration

and Remus laughed at them.

"Have that Potter!" Sirius cheered.

"Did you see his face," Harrison laughed, "And when he accused Madam

Bones of being bought."

"I didn't even think Potter was that stupid," Sirius said chuckling.

"I wonder how long he's going to fight the fine until he realises he's going

to burn through his fortune?" Remus asked with a sly grin, Sirius and

Harrison smirked.

"Ages," They all shared a laugh before adopting their masks again to

leave the ministry.

So what do you think? I hope everyone likes it and I'll update as

soon as I'm up and running after the holidays! Again, Merry

Christmas everyone and have a happy new year!


20. Chapter 20

A/N: Hello ladies and gentlemen, I hope everyone had a wonderful

holiday and I am pleased to announce I am back with a new

chapter! This one is shorter than my normal ones, but its something

different from usual it is focussing on the Potters and its packed full

of detail!

Just little fixes on this chapter!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I am not J. K. Rowling,

Warning: Mentions of torture, language and severe domestic abuse.

Chapter 20:

The sun was rising slowly, casting its warm rays upon a beautiful white

manor that stood on stretches of land. The manor was large, standing

three stories high and eight windows wide, it had a set of double doors

that were coloured in a proud red and they were surrounded by pillars

that lined the front of the building. The lands that the grand manor stood

on stretched miles in each direction and a Quidditch pitch could bee seen

behind the building, there was a set of gates that welcomed people in to

the estate and on them was a crest that held a griffin with open wings

with two crossed swords behind it.

It was the Potter crest.

The manor was the Potter Manor which had been in the Potter family for

centuries and it was still standing tall housing the latest generation of

Potter; the Potters in question were Lord James Potter with his wife Lady

Lily Potter nee Evans and their daughter Heiress Rosina Potter. The

Potters were currently sat around their dining room table eating a

breakfast and Rosina less than pleased at being awoken at such an hour.

"But why couldn't I stay in bed, it's the holidays!" She complained.

"We've been through this Rosina, you are booked in to have your Heir

robes fitted." Lily sighed.

"I don't care! I'm tired, we could have gone later. Why did you book me

in this early?"

"You wanted the store to close while you were in there, Madam Malkin

only does private fittings in the mornings."

"Its not fair! I'm the Girl-Who-Lived, she should work around me." Rose

stated and Lily sighed again.

"She had a business to run, Rosina. You cannot expect people to work

around you all the time." Lily told her sternly. She wondered how her

child had become so conceited enough to believe that she could have

anything at the click of her fingers.

"Don't worry Rosie, afterwards we can go around the alley and you can

have whatever you want." James soothed and Lily rolled her eyes – that

answered her question.

"James, she can't behave like that and be rewarded." Lily tried and James

pinned her with a look that almost made her wince.

"She is fine, you were the one who booked her in to early instead of

asking her." James stated with no room for argument, Lily just nodded

knowing it was pointless to argue; it would only bring bad things to her.

Lily quickly finished her breakfast and went up to put her robes on, she

selected her favourite green and gold ones, she had always loved dressing

in green and gold ever since Severus had told her that it looked the best

on her. Oh how she missed her best friend. She regretted parting ways

with him more than anything in her life, the only thing that could have

topped it was marrying James Potter and allowing Harry to be taken

away from her care. She knew that was a mistake within the first month.

And she had tried to get him back, she had tried her best to convince

James that they should collect their son because it was their child and

they should be the only ones to raise him no matter what the

circumstances; but it had been like talking to a wall and when she had

gone to get him herself James had stopped her; it was the first time he

ever hit her. Lily had been stunned. The man she loved, the man she had

sacrificed so much for had struck her, but she had forgiven him because

he had been so remorseful, he had apologised repeatedly and showered

her in gifts swearing it would never happen again and so it was forgotten.

But it did. They were fighting about Harry again, Lily wanted her son

back, she told James that it had been a mistake – that they weren't a

family without both of their children and he had lashed out splitting her

lip and giving her a black eye.

It had only escalated from there.

They would argue and James would hit her, he'd apologise and it would

happen again, and by the time Rosina was six Lily knew that he would

never change. It wasn't a marriage, she was just a trophy that was

paraded around to finish the perfect family image, and she had tried to

leave him, but James had pointed out that if she left now no one would

believe her, she would be going against a Noble and Ancient House as a

Muggleborn, it didn't matter what evidence she had she would loose and

because of James she didn't have any friends to help her. And so Lily

learned to keep quiet, she remembered everything Severus had taught

her about hiding her emotions and thoughts and applied it to her life and

they became the perfect happy family for everyone to see. It worked for

years, she learned to act and behave in a way that caused her the least

amount of pain, and then the day came where she would finally see her

baby again. She couldn't have been more excited and she had paid for it,

but she didn't care, her son was coming back.

It didn't go to plan though. She had known it was a bad idea to send him

away, she had said that he would resent them for it and she didn't blame

him. James and Rosina didn't help, they were so wrapped up in Rose

being the Girl-Who-Lived that it was sickening, but she couldn't do

anything about it and so she continued to play her part. She had tried to

get to know her son, but it always seemed to go back to Rose one way or

another and she was forbidden from spending time alone with him by

James. Then Christmas came and Harry Potter had become Harrison

Black and James had taken the loss of his male spare out on her, from

then on it got worse and it was like it was at the beginning and there was

absolutely nothing she could do about it.

Lily knew she had to get out and she tried, she had decided, after James'

brutal reaction to Harrison, that enough was enough and she was going

to the on person that she trusted with her life despite not talking in years.

She had made it half way in to the dungeons before James had caught

her and dragged her back to their rooms, he accused her of being a

whore and sleeping around despite the fact that he had had multiple

affairs – Lily hadn't slept with him in years, and that night it was the first

time the attacks had escalated beyond the norm. It was like a part of her

died, and she gave up, it was over for her and he made sure that she

knew that. It was the same again when James had caught her looking at

Severus in the Great Hall. She had always believed that Severus was

handsome in his own right, he had a dark way about him, but when she

had seen him that day she was stunned speechless; he was gorgeous. He

had caused enough damage that he had left her alone and Lily was

thankful, she had managed to heal herself to a degree and glamours

worked wonders for the rest, and she was lucky enough that James

wasn't around her until the Quidditch game happened.

Lily couldn't believe her eyes as she watched her daughter try and kill her

own brother, and then to find out that it was going to be covered over as

a accident was beyond her, it was then the reality his Lily; she wondered

what had happened for it to come to this; a loveless marriage and a

daughter she was disgusted in. She had wanted to stay with her son, but

it just wasn't going to happen with James there even if Narcissa said she

could stay – and James had been angry that she had hesitated, but he had

been so wrapped up in keeping Rosina happy that she was left alone.

Everything was fine until the duel, she had been disgusted and horrified

at what James had said and it ended in another argument, one of the

more violent they had got in to for a while and then when he had saw

that she was pleased that Sirius had one it had been hell for her.

She was terrified that James was going to kill her, he didn't care if he

used his fists or his wand – whatever was convenient worked for him.

She had given up, she had nothing to lose and that was why she had

taken Harrison's side when I came down to his summer placement, she

knew she had lost her son, but she would spend the rest of her life

making up for that, it had been practically suicide on her part and

despite his words in the corridor he had still lashed out when they got

back to their rooms. Lily had been stunned when Harrison had appeared

her classroom, and she had felt a slither of hope enter her body when he

had given her an emergency portkey – she had a way out now! But even

as school ended and James didn't let up, she didn't leave because she had

a daughter to look after and she didn't want to have abandoned both of

her children; it was getting harder however, Rosina wasn't recognisable

as her daughter anymore and there was nothing between them; Lily

interacted with her mechanically and whatever she told the girl was

overruled or changed by James.

Lily shook her head to clear her thoughts, she clutched at the pendent

and sighed. After one last glance in the mirror to make sure her glamour

was secure and she looked presentable, Lily left the room and made her

was through the beautiful manor to the entrance hall, it was beyond her

how someone with such an ugly personality could own such a stunning

manor. James was stood waiting and when he caught sight of her his lip

curled in distaste.

"What are you doing dressed like that?" He demanded and Lily blinked.

"What do you mean?" She asked bewildered.

"Green and gold, I thought I told you about wearing things that he likes."

James snapped.

"I like these robes, James." Lily tried and he hissed.

"Well I don't, go and change." He ordered.

"I don't want to change, and we haven't got time." Lily said, and received

a sharp slap across the face, James grabber her and got in her face.

"I told you to go and change." He growled and Lily whimpered, a lone

tear trailing down her face. Rosina came down and didn't even turn a

hair when she saw her parents, James released Lily and turned to his

daughter with a bright smile.

"Hey Rosie, you ready to go?"

"Yes daddy," She replied. Her eyes drifted to her mother and Lily caught

the brief flash of disgust, it made her flinch.

"Your mother isn't coming with us today, so it's just me and you." James

said eagerly and Rose beamed.

"Ok, lets go."

Lily's head dropped and it felt as if someone had physically kicked her in

the stomach, she didn't bother to fight or argue – it was pointless – she

just went back upstairs and curled up on the bed.

James happily took his daughter in to Diagon alley and it came as no

surprise that the public went made as soon as they stepped out, Rose was

beaming at them all and had her face tilted so they all could clearly see

the lightning bolt scar she had on her cheek. They made their way slowly

through the Alley and entered Madam Malkins where the shop was shut

up for Rose,

"Why do we have to do this again?" Rose sighed as she jumped up on to

the stool.

"Because that fool Black forced us, we have to go to the hearing

tomorrow and we have to make a good impression." James told her.

"I hate them all, they're ruining my summer."

"I know Rosie, but I'll make it up to you. I'll buy you the new Nimbus

when it comes out." James said and Rose grinned.

"You're the best daddy ever," She said and James laughed. The first layer

of her robes were a deep red and then they were layered up in with

different shades of gold as per the Potter colours, it was finished with the

Potter crest and Rose grinned,

"These are nice, I like them."

"That's good, these are your Heiress robes."

"Have you got to get your robes?" She asked her dad as the robes were

removed to be stitched in to place.

"Yes, but luckily my size and style are already noted. I only need the

colours done." James told her and took the stool Rose had just stood

down from. James had the opposite of Rose, he had gold under layer

followed by reds on top,

"Can I have those delivered by tomorrow morning?" James asked Madam

Malkin who nodded.

"Of course, Lord Potter," She answered.

"Right, lets go Rosie. We can shop now, but I have to be back to see

Professor Dumbledore." He reminded her and she nodded. James let her

lead him through the alley buying anything that caught her eye and a

few extra things in secret because her birthday was at the end of the


"Daddy, would it be ok if I went over to the Burrow when we got home?"

Rose asked him as they walked passed the apothecary with identical

looks of disgust on their faces.

"I'll have to come over to make sure it's ok with Molly first."

"That's fine, Ron says that Mrs Weasley said it was ok I could go over

whenever." Rose waved him of with a grin.

"Still, just to be sure."

"You just want to see if she's cooked anything." Rose said and James


"You've caught me."

They made their way to the Quidditch store where Rose bought the new

Harpies poster.

"I think Ron is going to invite Hermione to stay at his for the summer,

that way we can all get together." Rose said in excitement.

"That will be fun for you,"

"And Ginny is coming to Hogwarts this year, so we can tell her all about


"Ready to go then?"


They went back to the cauldron and floo'd back to the manor after

getting through the crowds of people. Rose threw her things down to be

put away by the elves and ran all the way up to her room to change in to

her summer clothes, her room was decorated in pink, red and gold – her

favourite colours. She darted back down the stairs and to the nearest

fireplace, James smiled at her eagerness and followed behind.

"The Burrow," She shouted and disappeared in the green flames. She

stumbled out of the grate in the kitchen of the Burrow where Mrs

Weasley was busy pottering around making lunch.

"Oh hello, Rosie dear." She greeted when she turned and saw who it was.

"Hello Mrs Weasley,"

"Ron's outside, go on out."

"Thanks," She said with a grin and ran out the door just as her father

stepped through the grate.

"Afternoon, Molly."

"Hello James,"

"I see my daughter has vanished," He noted and Molly laughed.

"Yes, she's out playing with Ron."

"You don't mind her staying for the afternoon do you? She's been right

wound up about tomorrow."

"Of course not, she's always welcome here." Molly said easily, "Do you

want to stay for lunch, its nearly done."

"Go on then, I can't say no to your cooking." James agreed and Molly


"Oh you." She waved him off and set a bottle of butterbeer in front of



Molly flicked her wand and moved all the food to the table.


There was a massive amount of thudding that made the whole house

shake as all the children in the house ran for the kitchen and James

laughed; it was always loud at the Burrow. Ron and Rose entered first

and they were both complaining loudly about the Blacks.

"I mean can you believe the nerve of them!" Rose exclaimed.

"They are obviously after your fame." Ron agreed seriously and the twins,

who had entered behind them, snorted.

"That is definitely what they are after." They said together.

"Shut up you." Ron said furiously glaring at them.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Rose snapped looking down

her nose at them. She had never liked the twins, they always took her

spotlight with their stupid pranks, and they thought they were so funny.

"Our apologies your majesty,"

"How rude of us,"

"Fred, George, stop being mean you your brother and Rose." Molly chided

them and the twins rolled their eyes.

"Yes mum." They sighed.

"When are you two going to Lee's anyway?" Rose demanded.

"When we feel like it."

"You should hurry up." Ron stared with a mouthful of food.

"When your opinion matters-," Fred began,

"We'll let you know." George finished. Percy and Ginny finally got to the

table and Ginny immediately attached to Rose's side and started prattling

on, Rose was all to happy to indulge her and grinned. Despite the amount

of food made, the meal was clear pretty quickly and the kids dispersed.

"So how are you feeling about this hearing tomorrow?" Molly asked

James, "I was saying to Arthur last night that this has been blown up out

of proportion, I always said Sirius Black had a flare for the dramatics."

"I don't think its anything to worry about." James said breezily,

"Dumbledore says he has it covered and I'm meeting with him when


"Good, the Headmaster is a good man."

"Yeah he is." James checked the time and yelped, "I have to go, Molly, I'm

supposed to meeting Dumbledore in about 10 minutes. Just send Rose

home later, I know it won't be too late."

"Don't worry about Rose, she can have dinner here and then I'll send her


"Thanks," James vanished in a swirl of flames and walked in to the

entrance hall just as the floo flared and Dumbledore stepped out.

"Good afternoon, James." Dumbledore greeted.

"Hello Headmaster," James led him through to the lounge and offered

him a drink.

"I think I shall have a nice cup of tea," Dumbledore decided and James

ordered the elves to serve them.

"Rose is at the Burrow, this whole thing is stressing her out." James told

him and Dumbledore nodded sadly.

"I have no doubt," He agreed, "Its so much needless worry for someone so


"I don't know what Black was thinking,"

"Sirius, I believe, has lost his way." Dumbledore sighed, "I had thought

that, back when he was 11, he was different than the rest of his family,

but it seems as if I was mistaken."

"You think that Black has gone dark like the rest of them?" James said.

"I am not certain of course, but with his continued relations with the

Malfoys it doesn't show him in the best of lights. The renewal of the

Black/Malfoy allegiance almost speaks for itself."

"Plus he was all buddy buddy with Voldemort in the Wizengamot." James

said darkly.

"Yes, but there is a high chance that Sirius does not know his true

identity, Tom was always good at hiding in the open," Dumbledore

pointed out.

"It wouldn't take a genius to work it out," James muttered.

"That is neither here nor there, but I fear you may have lost the boy."

"Its better of that way, I don't want him tainting my Rosie." James stated

and Dumbledore nodded gently.

"You are right, if the boy is dark it is best that he stays away of course.

Young Rosina's training is crucial now, with Voldemort alive again it is

only a matter of time before he makes his first move and he is going to

come after the person who stopped him last time." Dumbledore said to

him and James scowled.

"That damn monster is going to have a fight on his hands if he thinks he's

getting near my daughter." He growled clenching his fists.

"It is understandable that you wish to protect Rosina, but remember she

is the only one who can defeat him."

"I know Headmaster, but there was nothing in that prophecy that said I

can't help her." James pointed out and Dumbledore nodded.

"Of course, and I would expect nothing less of you." Dumbledore agreed,

"But this is not the reason I am here today. The hearing is tomorrow and

it is in front of Amelia Bones which causes a slight problem."

"Why, Amelia is as light as they come." James said confused.

"Yes, but Amelia and I have never quite seen eye to eye on certain parts

of the ministry way."

"But surely she would know that Rosie, as the Girl-Who-Lived, would

never do what they are accusing her of. I mean, attempted murder – what

are they thinking?"

"You need not worry, James. I will be there to smooth things over to

make sure that everyone understands that accidents happen."

Dumbledore reassured, "But you will need to present your case in the best


"What do you mean? I'm going to tell Amelia that Black is lying."

"This is a formal hearing, James, and you know Amelia has always been

strongly for the correct ways. You will need to present your side of the

story better than the opposition or you will not be listened too. Now, I

know you have never put much in to traditions and formal behaviours,

but now, more than ever, is a good time to remember the lessons Charlus

taught you."

"I've gotten us new formal robes for tomorrow, I remember my father

saying they were used in hearings as well as the Wizengamot." James said

running his hand through his unruly hair.

"That is good." Dumbledore said, "You need to remember your customs,

this is a formality so you cannot forget your Lords and Heirs."

"Black doesn't deserve the damn title in the first place." James muttered,

"But I will remember, if only to make my point."

"Good, now you will have to make sure Lily doesn't speak out like she did

before the summer." Dumbledore told him and James' expression


"Don't worry Headmaster, Lily won't be doing anything like that again,

she knows what's at stake."

"That is good," Dumbledore nodded.

"Has there been any movement from the dark?" James asked and

Dumbledore sighed.

"No, it seems that Voldemort is working at his best – from the shadows."

"But he's crazy, I saw that myself so its only a matter of time until he's

out killing people, right?"

"You are correct, Voldemort has never had much self-control when using

dark magic. After so many years without it he will begin to crave it and

then it will become common knowledge that he had returned."

"I'll start Rosie's lessons again, she won't like it, but she understands."

James sighed, "Why couldn't that monster stay dead?"

"He was never dead, James."

"I know, but he should have died on Halloween." James grumbled, "Do

you know how he came back yet?"

"No, I have only theories, each of which more complex than the last."

"What about, you know, the stone?"

I had hoped to bait him out while he was still weak, but he didn't take

the bate it seems. The stone, when I checked, was still inside the mirror."

"How long are you going to keep it there?" James asked.

"I shall remove it from the mirror when I return it to Nicolas at the end of

the summer." Dumbledore answered before he stood, "I shall see you

tomorrow, at Amelia's office." James rose to his feet.

"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore." He saw the Headmaster out and then

went to fine his wife.

"Lily, Lily," He called walking in to their room.

"In here," Lily replied from the dressing room, James walked in to see his

wife in a simple red day robe.

"Do your formal robes still fit?" He asked.

"Yes, I have the gold ones."

"Good, you'll need them tomorrow so have the elves clean them." James

told her.

"I will,"

"And I'm warning you, if you do anything to compromise this hearing

tomorrow you don't want to know what will happen." He threatened, Lily

nodded hurriedly and swallowed hard; she prayed that everything went

ok tomorrow.

"Stop worrying Rosie, everything will be fine. I've spoken to Professor

Dumbledore and he said he is going to smooth everything out." James

soothed his frantic daughter, who was pacing the lounge in a fit. She was

dressed in her Heiress robes and her previously neat hair was all over the

place from running her hand through it. Lily stood of to the side dressed

in soft gold robes, they were like Rosina's only the red was a pale blue,

she didn't comment on James' words because it would have been futile,

but she was pretty sure Albus Dumbledore would be nowhere near this

hearing today – not with Amelia Bones in charge.

"Ok, I know." Rose nodded and stopped.

"Lily, fix her hair." James ordered and Lily stepped forward and manually

fixed Rose' hair; James hated it when she used magic because it reminded

him of the Pureblood women.

"Let's go, it's down on Level 2." The Potter family floo'd to the ministry

and, as usual, caused a stir with the arrival of the Girl-Who-Lived. Lily

couldn't help her lip curling in distaste; oh how she hated the fame. Sure,

at first, she could understand, the feared Dark Lord had been vanquished

and people wanted to celebrate – and that was fine – but then James

started encouraging it and exploiting it; it was disgusting! And soon

enough, when she was old enough to understand, Rosina revelled in it,

she would go with her father and play for the crowd and it only gotten


Lily pushed through the crowd, a fake smile adorning her face as if she

wouldn't rather be elsewhere. James and Rose were only too happy to

smile and talk to the people that swarmed them, Lily sighed; if they

wanted to make a good impression then they were going about it the

wrong way; they were going to be late. It was a pointless hearing, Lily

knew that, there wasn't a law abiding citizen that wouldn't find Rosina

guilty. Finally, James pushed his way through with Rose and they headed

toward the elevators, and Lily bit back the sigh that wanted to escape

when the doors shut and pushed everything she was feeling behind the

mask she wore so often.

"I don't want you saying anything, let me do the talking." James muttered

to Lily low enough for Rose not to hear; Lily nodded.

"Now, Rosie, when we get in there I want you to ignore them, don't take

any notice of them, they are below you." James told her and Rose


"I know, Blacks are dark and evil."

Lily very nearly scoffed at that. She didn't believe in evil any more, and if

there was such a thing then she was sure she was married to it. The

hypocrisy of it all was beyond her, the 'light' claimed that the 'dark' were

the evil ones and yes they did monstrous things, but she was sure women

and children were not treated as she and Harry had been. James, and

Dumbledore, preached about how the old traditions were horrible, how

arranged marriages and contracts were taking away someone's will, but

she had never seen a Pureblood wife be treated with anything less that

the utmost care; even in public James didn't treat her as well as she had

seen Lucius Malfoy treat Narcissa. The elevator opened and James led

them out, he nodded and spoke to the aurors he was friendly with and he

flashed a crooked grin to the girl behind the desk.

"Hello Jenny," He greeted his voice oozing in 'charm'.

"Hi, James," She returned, blushing, "What are you doing here?"

"Ah, unfortunately not a social call." He sighed, "I have a meeting with


"Oh, is this to do with Black, because he's here with that kid of his." She

said with a scowl and James grimaced.

"Yeah, just a formality," He waved it off.

"I'll let Madam Bones know." She simpered and Lily looked on in distaste;

no doubt this was on of James' many women.

"Madam Bones will see you now," The receptionist told them, James

walked past with a wink leading Rose in and Lily followed with a mute

sigh. When they entered they could see the Blacks already in attendance,

they were dressed out to the max and each of them held a cold elegance

about them. They were asked to sit down and, as per formality, they

waited for the witnessing aurors to arrive and it was one of the tensest

silences Lily had to sit through. Once they arrived, Amelia sealed the

doors and James kicked up a small fuss about the fact that Dumbledore

was absent, Lily nearly rolled her eyes. James didn't like the fact that

Bones said Dumbledore wasn't to be there, the Headmaster was supposed

to be there to smooth everything out – to make sure Black didn't try and

press Amelia to his view.

The Potter Lord shifted and took a deep breath, it didn't matter, Black's

charges wouldn't stand, no one in their right mind would convict the

Girl-Who-Lived. When Black presented his case James scowled, he was

twisting the situation to his needs and trying to implicate Dumbledore

too, he heard Rose mutter under her breath and gently soothed her with

a gesture. Lily knew instantly, as soon as Sirius had stopped speaking,

that whatever James had to say was null and void, it was obvious in

Amelia's body language and James' argument wasn't even decent.

Hundreds of people had seen Harrison fly, his word against all those was

not going to stick and it was stupid for him to even try. It didn't take long

for Amelia to tell them that Rose was found guilty and Lily was honestly

surprised that the punishment wasn't worse, she cringed slightly when

James accused Amelia Bones, of all people, of being bought; it could only

get worse. With a great amount of reluctance, Lily left when they were

escorted out and followed James in to the elevator.

Rose was crying desperately and James was trying to sooth her the best

he could while in a towering fury, he cast a notice-me-not spell on them

so no one bothered them while leaving the ministry and he apperated

them out when he reached the atrium. They landed in the entrance hall

of Potter Manor and Lily stumbled when James shoved her away from

him, he snapped for an elf who popped in immediately.

"Fetch Rosie an overnight back and a change of clothes for today,

quickly." He barked and the elf disappeared. James kneeled down and

wiped away Rose' tears soothing her,

"Hey, calm down. I will sort this out," He told her, "I'm going to send you

over to the Weasleys for the night or two and I'll work something out,


"Y-yes daddy," She hiccupped. The elf popped back in with a back and

James turned to Lily with a deadly glare that made her flinch.

"Do not move." He growled before turning on the spot and disappearing.

Lily stayed paralysed in fear before bolting up the stairs, she threw of the

robes and dumped them on the bed and hurriedly pulled on a black day

robe. She quickly grabbed a bag and packed all of her favourite things

such as the green and gold robes and the jewellery that was sentimental

to her, like the Lily pendent Severus had given her or the locket her

mother had left her before she died cursing the fact that he had taken her


She did thank her stars she had the forethought to case undetectable

extension charms on all her small bags, enabling her to use what little

wandless magic she could to shrink it and stuff down her bra, running

back down as she did so. She had just made it back to the entrance hall

and was about to apperate when James appeared, he looked livid and

advanced on her.

"I told you not to move." He roared backhanding her with enough force

to send her to the ground with a yell.

"James, please." She tried but it fell of deaf ears. She looked up at him

and saw a look in his eyes that she had never seen before; it was a crazed

spark which sent her blood cold.

"This is your entire fault." He yelled with a kick, "Bringing that damn kid

back when he was better off dead."

"No James please, don't do this, please." Lily begged crying out at the

curse that hit her. She knew it was too late, it was over; he was going to

kill her.

First off, I, in no way, agree with domestic violence, this is like a

rather personal experience that didn't happen to me, but a person

very close to me and I would like to say that the relationship seen

between Lily and James is wrong and no one should be in that


Secondly, I know, I'm sorry, I've left it at a very bad cliff hanger and

you will have to forgive me! I hope I got all the characterisations

right for you and I would love it if you let me know what you think.


21. Chapter 21

A/N: Hi everyone, thank you for all the responses to the last chapter

it was a difficult one to write! I am back with a new, longer chapter!

This one was difficult to write because I had to get all the timings

right and the correct characterisation, so I do hope you like it. I will

apologise now for the cliffy at the end again and pray you don't kill


I want to say quickly that this is not going to be a Harry/Marvolo

fic. This fic is not even going to be slash, however much I do like to

write it! The pairing has yet to be decided, but I have narrowed it

down to Harry/Daphne or Harry/Luna so all opinions welcome.

Other than that, on with the chapter I say!

A good few changes here guys, so I hope you like!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I am not J. K. Rowling,

Warning; Mentions of torture, language and light blood and gore!


Chapter 20:


As soon as the lift shut Harrison and Sirius were overcome by mad

jumping in celebration and Remus laughed at them.

"Have that Potter," Sirius cheered,

"Did you see his face," Harrison laughed, "And when he accused Madam

Bones of being bought."

"I didn't even think Potter was that stupid," Sirius said chuckling.

"I wonder how long he's going to fight the fine until he realises he's going

to burn through his fortune?" Remus asked with a sly grin, Sirius and

Harrison smirked.

"Ages," They all shared a laugh before adopting their masks again to

leave the ministry.

Sirius apperated Harrison to Celestial Alley with Remus following behind

them. Harry blinked around in amazement, the alley could only be

described as elegant. Where Diagon alley was amazing in its own right,

with its cob stones and store variety, Celestial Alley was clearly for the

high end. Smooth paths swept down the entire alley and the whole thing

seemed to glisten.


"Yes, it is rather impressive. This was the one thing my parents and I

agreed on,"

"Let's go meet the Malfoys," Harry said and Sirius led the way. Harry

looked in a few shops as they walked through the ally, where he made a

mental note to return to make purchases of all kinds; thank you Merlin

and the Founders.

"Harry, Harrison,"

Harry's head snapped around at the sound of his best friends voice and he

'walked' over to Draco and sat down.

"Well, what happened?" Draco demanded just as Sirius and Remus sat


"What are you talking about?" Harry asked bewildered and Draco threw

him an unimpressed look.

"Come on, Harrison, I need to know." It wasn't a whine, because Malfoys

didn't whine, but it was close.

"Ok fine," Harry sighed, "2 year ban and a 1.5mil fine,"

"She was guilty!" He exclaimed and Harry nodded with the biggest smirk


"Yes and they are so pissed about it."


"Yes aunt Cissa, uncle Moony,"

"This is brilliant, I wish I was there to see her face and Potters." Draco

said enviously.

"It was a thing of beauty, I'll show you when we go through out shields

and things."

"It's a deal," Draco agreed.

"This is good news, Sirius, you can set everything in motion now." Lucius

said with a smirk and Sirius grinned,

"I know, and after we've eaten we shall conveniently happen upon Rita

Skeeter in Diagon."

"Its going to be a beautiful exclusive." Narcissa said happily.

"We can't be too long, I have to get home." Harry remembered and Draco


"But I wanted to take you all around this alley because you've never


"I know, but I do have to get home. But, I was thinking, we can make a

day of it and come on a Saturday, maybe write to Theo and Blaise, and

we'll go through both allies, unless there's more?"

"There's Diagon, Knockturn, Shadow Back, Celestial and Horizon, in the

centre of London."

"Well we can explore them all." Harry decided.

"Fine, but you have to get your broom today."

"Of course, we have to check for the new Nimbus," Harry reminded him,

"Dad, when does that come out?"

"I believe it is premiering today, according to my source there is only a

few in stock to see if people will buy them." Sirius told them and both

boys' eyes widened in horror.

"Come on, we have to eat." Draco exclaimed.

"Waitress, serve us." Harry called at the same time.

"Manners, cub," Moony chided and Harry had the decency to look a little


"Can we be served please?" He tried again and a pretty young girl came

over to take their order. They only had to wait a few minutes before their

orders appeared on the table and they dug in.

"Ah Cissa, I think I may be in need of your knowledge." Sirius said and

Narcissa looked at him.

"Oh, and what may that be?"

"I ran in to Nymphadora today, I've been meaning to see her for a while

actually, and she said a few things that have raised so many questions."

"That's Andromeda's only child?"

"Yes, brilliant kid, she just got in to the auror office with 96% point

average." Both Lucius and Narcissa's eyebrows rose at that.

"That is incredibly impressive," Lucius said and Sirius nodded.

"Yes, what was she gifted for such an achievement?" Narcissa asked.

"See, that's the thing. Andy hates the fact that she's an auror, kicked her

out and everything,"

"What!" She gasped horrified, "That is appalling."

"I know, I can't even think about what's gotten in to Andy. And she tries

to disassociate with the Black name, tells Nymphadora that she should be

lucky she's a Tonks apposed to a Black."

"Oh my,"


"But, I would have thought she would have asked to be placed back on

the tapestry."

"No, I've never had a letter or a request for a former meeting. She should

know I haven't a problem with who she marries, as long as they have true

power and are worth something, but she doesn't want anything to do

with the Blacks."

"Well I never, it's a good thing we no longer have her marring our good

name." Narcissa stated coldly, "What of the girl Sirius, is she willing?"

"Nym's great, always has been, and she obviously has power to score so

high on the aurors entrance." Sirius said, "I'm going to meet with her and

get down to what's going on properly, I won't have a Black be treated

with disregard like Andy's doing, and if comes to it, I'll take Nym in to

the family tree without Andy."

"That seems perfectly acceptable,"

"Also, I didn't know this, but Nym is dating the Rosier Heir." Sirius told

her and Narcissa's eyebrows rose for the second time.

"Kyle Rosier?"

"I'm guessing so, he is the only Heir,"

"That's a well kept secret, I didn't know about the courtship." Narcissa


"Neither did I, but Andy has a problem that it is a Pureblood."

"She had really changed." Narcissa sighed sadly, "Her daughters needs

should come first, she ran off with someone she loves, why disallow her

daughter the same privilege?"

"I don't know, but I plan on getting to the bottom of this."

"Yes, you have a whole house to be dealing with, you need not her

causing unnecessary problems."

"Don't I know it, and I haven't even thought of what I'm going to do

about Bella. Its taken me this long to get through everything, I know

what she's in Azkaban for, but she was born a Black and I want to know

why. If it was a random attack and needless fun then I should rightly cast

her out, but if there was a reason, a true reason, then there is something

for her. We're not exactly on opposite sides now." Sirius sighed running a

hand through his hair.

"Bella is very smart, she is cunning and very calculative, I doubt she

would have been needlessly playing, especially so much so that she got

caught." Narcissa said slowly.

"That was what I thought," Sirius said,

"I know she was on an important mission that night, the four of them

were given secret instructions from our Lord directly and they were sent

out. The next thing I heard was that our Lord had been destroyed and

they had been captured after a 3 day chase." Lucius explained and Sirius

sighed, Harry tilted his head.

"What exactly happened?" He asked.

"My sister Bellatrix Lestrange, nee Black, and her husband, his brother

and Barty Crouch Jr were captured and tried for the torture of the Aurors

Frank and Alice Longbottom to the point of insanity."

"Whoa, that takes a lot of power." Harry muttered somewhat amazed,

"When was this mission?"

"It was around the same time that our Lord went after Ro-you." Lucius

said after a minute of thought.

"Odd question, but do you know the date of the Longbottom Heir's birth?"

"The day before yours," Sirius answered immediately and Harry's eyes


"I think I know, but let me get back to you on that, and if you wait on the

whole Bella situation I can get back to you on that too." Harry said to his

father who sighed.

"You're not going to tell us anything else, are you?"

Harry grinned innocently.


"Eat up, cubs, if you want to get your brooms." Remus said to them and

the boys hurried to finish, they ate as fast as they could while still using

the correct table manners. They forwent desert in favour of walking back

up the alley and Draco was pointing out all the places he wanted to take


"If we get the necessities in Diagon today that would free up some time."

Harry pointed out and Draco nodded.

"Ok, lets go."

Letting their parents' apperate them back to Diagon for a quick route,

they glanced around before grinning.

"See you in the Quidditch shop," they yelled before they vanished in to

the crowd, all the adults rolled their eyes and made towards the shop at a

more sedate pace.

"Do you think they've made much improvement on the old Nimbus?"

Harry asked and Draco shrugged.

"It all depends, but it doesn't matter, we both need new brooms so why

would we get the old ones?" The blond pointed out.

"You make a very valid observation, Heir Malfoy,"

"Of course, Heir Black,"

They shared smirks and fought their way through in to the shop. The

broom was on display and Harry had to admit that it looked good, the

sleek black handle was polished to perfection and the silver stood out

brilliantly, a crisp Nimbus 2001 was scripted on the handle and the boys

shared a look.

"Hades yes,"

As if answering their calls, their parents stepped in to the shop and over

to them.

"Have you seen it?" They said together and the adults smiled indulgently.

"I take it you want the broom?" Sirius said amused and Harry grinned.

"I was just going to buy it, Merlin knows I've got enough money."

"Yes, but think of it on Potter."

"Well, if you put it like that…" Harry trailed off with a smirk.

"Does this apply to you Draco?" Lucius drawled and Draco smirked.

"Of course, father, you have always told me that Malfoys only have the


"Very well, fetch what you like boys,"

They grinned and rampages the story, they bought everything they could

possibly need and extra and heaped it on to the counters.

"Have you everything?"

"Except the brooms,"

"Yes, you purchase them at the counter." They're purchases were tallied

up and the boys eagerly asked for brooms, which added to the total, and

everything was packed up. They were lucky, it was the last two the store

had for and they were limited until feedback came through, Harry and

Draco shared sighs of relief at that.

"Now we have to 'browse'," Sirius said and they headed back out into the

alley. It wasn't as busy luckily and they could walk comfortably down the

alley without problem. Harry and Draco were making lists of all the

things they wanted or needed to buy the next time they were there and

Draco said he was going to write to Theo and Blaise as soon as he got


"Have you heard from the twins?" Draco asked and Harry shook his head.

"Not yet, but I was going to send Hedwig soon, no one knows that she's

mine so it should be safe."

"I would send an owl from elsewhere just in case, that way if you're seen

with her next year then you'll definitely be in the clear." Draco suggested

and Harry blinked.

"Brilliant idea, I never thought of it like that."

"That's why you need me." Draco sniffed and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah," He lightly shoved the blond, "I'll borrow one of Marvolo's


"Have fun with that,"

"Will do,"

"Ah Rita," Sirius called brightly snapping the boys' attention back to the

adults, they saw the blonde reporter walk over to Sirius with her leering

smile in place.

"Lord Black, it's a pleasure," She greeted, "Mr Lupin-Black, Lord and Lady

Malfoy, Heir Black, Heir Malfoy."

"Hello Rita, its good to run in to you this afternoon." Sirius said after

everyone had retuned her greeting.

"Yes, I fancied browsing the alley." She said in return.

"I have an offer for you," Sirius told her and she perked up.


"An exclusive interview with my family at Black Manor about the results

of the secret disciplinary hearing that happened today,"

She was practically salivating at this point and went to talk when Sirius

held up his hand for silence, "If you don't do any interviews for Potter,

until after our one has been published."

"Deal," She said immediately and Sirius smirked.

"Is tomorrow good for you?"

"Tomorrow is perfect, Lord Black," She said hurriedly and Sirius handed a

silver chain.

"This will bring you to the manor gates at 1pm tomorrow, and you are

welcome to bring a photographer." Sirius handed her the chain and she

clutched it like it was a precious jewel.

"Thank you Lord Black, I will be there."

Sirius nodded and they parted ways, all of them exchanged smirks before

they covered them.

"I think that was a success," Remus commented lightly and Sirius

hummed his agreement,

"I do believe that we have the advantage here." He agreed.

"Tomorrow is going to be so much fun." Harry said in glee.

"Yes, it is."

"Now, to the potions store," Harry dragged them all to the apothecary

and then proceeded to raid the entire store, the man behind the counter

looked stunned with the amount of things purchased.

"That comes to 3,500 galleons." Harry easily paid and placed everything


"Come on, lets go home. I don't feel like more shopping today," Sirius said

and Harry nodded.

"Ok," He turned to Draco, "I'll see you tomorrow, we can talk about the

interview and go flying?"

"Of course, I'll see you tomorrow."

The Malfoys and the Blacks parted ways and Harry apperated back with

Sirius to the manor, he cringed at the feeing of side apperation and he

shook himself lightly.

"Remind me to learn how to apperate." He grumbled heading for the


"Yeah, side apperation isn't the best," Remus agreed.

"If you leave your things in your room they'll be put away, that way you

can go straight out because I have a feeling you're going to be out a


"Yes, Marvolo is playing this vow to its limits." Harry shook his head, his

nose wrinkling.

"I still can't believe the Dark Lord made a binding vow with you anyway,"

Sirius said, shaking his head.

"I do agree," Remus mused, "Even with everything, he would know the

Prophecy to be void with your public adoption. A binding vow seems

almost too much for what he gains."

"Weeeeellllll…" Harry dragged out the word and offered a somewhat

sheepish look as his dad and uncle turned to look at him with a mixture

of resignation and dread.

"Go on, what have you done now?" Sirius sighed, his tone filled with fond

amusement for whatever he was about to hear from his son.

"He might have gave his binding vow while not exactly knowing his

words were going to be binding?" Harry ended up sounding as if he was

asking them a question, and it didn't help when they merely blinked at


"What do you mean he didn't exactly know his words were binding?"

Remus asked slowly, his mind was telling him what it meant but he

really didn't want to even glance at it, the mere thought made him


"So I may have caused a small distraction and while he was distracted I

slipped in to Parseltongue to finalise our verbal agreement. It's

subconscious for those in conversation, who have the serpent tongue gift,

to answer back in Parseltongue, the language has a closer connection to

magic so your own magic answers its call. For example, when you move

to a foreign country you end up adopting the language or the accent

because everyone else is speaking it around you. As Parseltongue is born

not learned, the effect is immediate. So when I spoke Parseltongue, the

Dark Lord responded in Parseltongue without thought, it just happened."

Harry explained and they both nodded to show they were following,

"Small little detail about Parseltongue is that, because it is closer to the

Lady, you cannot lie, for you cannot ever lie to Magic. Because you

cannot lie it means whatever you speak it the whole, pure truth, and the

truth binds…" he trailing off when he noticed that both Sirius and Remus

had frozen a few steps back from where they were moving through the

manor. Harry turned and wanted to snicker at their looks of absolute

horror as they realised that he had tricked what many considered the

most powerful and most dangerous Dark Lord in history in to a binding

agreement for the equivalent of half the dark empire.

"Harry," Sirius began slowly, his voice forcefully calm, "Please tell me the

Dark Lord recognised and remembered that so very small detail about


"Oh he recognised and remembered alright." Harry confirmed brightly.

"When exactly did he recognise and remember these details?" Remus

asked, not at all fooled by the bright demeanour. Harry's cheery

expression melted in to a smugly pleased smirk.

"Last week,"

Sirius released something that sounded like a whimper and a groan,

holding his head in his hands, as Remus tilted his head back and looked

as if he was praying to Magic.

"You tricked the Dark Lord in to a magically binding agreement." Remus

confirmed, just to make sure there was absolutely no miscommunication.


"And he now knows."


"And you are still alive," Sirius muttered in disbelief.

"Well we are in a magically binding agreement, and you have to

remember the silent words that come with all vows. He vowed to listen

and use my ideas for the wizarding world, if he kills or harms me so I am

no longer there to voice my ideas he cannot listen or use them, ergo he

breaks the vow." Harry pointed out logically, and the two adults had to

concede he did have a point. "Then there is the very helpful fact that I am

his Heir, bound to the line by Salazar himself. He cannot, within magic's

sight, do anything to maliciously harm me. And he will know that, being

that he knows about how I come by the Heirship in the first place."

"Harrison Regulus Black, you are absolutely disgustingly brilliant." Sirius

decided, a tad amazed at how so thoroughly Harry had secured him, and

by extension them, a firm, safe place within the dark empire.

"I learned from Slytherin himself." He told them, "For years I watched

him and then for years I was his very best student, he taught me more

than any of the others, including Merlin."

"I think I am only just starting to truly understand that," Remus admitted.

"First point to survival: secure your base." Harry said, and then he

grinned, "I thought the Dark Lord made an excellent one."

"Come on, Pup. You'll run out of time otherwise."

"Oh yeah, bye dad, uncle Moony." He ran off with a wave, leaving the

two marauders to share a look.

"You know, Pads." Moony began, casting a look down at where Harry had

run, "I think it's a complete waste of good pity to use it on the light,"

"Moony, good Sir, you make an excellent point. It does seem almost

pointless to use it when their hope equates to less than zero."

They shared a somewhat dark grin and Remus chucked.

"At least we get front row." He pointed out lightly.

Sirius laughed.

"Good afternoon, one of darkness. How does one find one's self?" Harry

greeted cheerfully when he strolled on in to Marvolo's study without so

much as knocking. The Dark Lord blinked once and went to speak before

he decided against it and shook his head, it wasn't worth the headache,

and Harry grinned.

"I thought it was a wonderful day too," Harry agreed as he took his seat,

"Simply splendid,"

"I take it that the hearing was to your favour?"

"Yes, pleasantly so, and dear Rita is going to be at Black Manor tomorrow

for that exclusive." Harry told him with a smirk, which Marvolo returned.

"So the mighty will fall,"

"Oh yes, and I get front row."

"I will enjoy it, but not as much as Dumbledore's fall."

"Dumbledore will crumble almost instantly as soon as I reach my 5th

year, but of course that is on you and how you wish to break him." Harry

said and Marvolo nodded.

"Indeed, with the power we hold together, Dumbledore would not be able

to oppose us, but I will be taking pleasure in ruining him throughout the

build up."

"I thought as much," Harry grinned before sitting forward, "Now, on to

more serious matters."

"Go on?"

"On the night you came after me, you sent some of your most loyal after

the Longbottoms, yes?"

"That is correct, Bella, Rodolphus, Rabastan and Barty."

"Was that because Neville was the other child of the prophecy?" Harry

asked and Marvolo nodded slowly.

"Yes, the child also fit the bill, but I chose you for a number of reasons.

However, I was not willing to take the risk and in the end I sent my most

loyal after the other potential."

"I thought as much, I wasn't too sure so I thought I'd clarify before

mentioning it."

"What brought this up?"

"Today we were talking about the Black family and Sirius brought up

Bellatrix and not knowing what to do with her, because if she had a

purpose she would stay on the tree, however, if she didn't then it would

be goodbye Bella." Harry told him and Marvolo hummed.

"Bellatrix was one of, if not, the best I had, loyal to the core and

extremely powerful. I do not know the exact details around her capture,

but I believe the only reason she wouldn't have left when given the

chance was because she had failed her mission, something that she would

have deeply taken to heart. Bella is the only person to never fail a direct

order from me, even Lucius and Severus have had a few failures."

"She was your favourite?"

"Yes, no doubt about that, I could rely on Bella and I did often. Despite

rumours and popular belief, I was not a crazy megalomaniac during my

power and my Death Eaters were not mere slaves under my power. I had

an army and it was regimented as an army. Bella, Lucius, Severus and

Izar Nott were my most trusted followed by Barty Crouch Jr, the

Lestrange brothers and Antonin Dolohov. They were my Elite. Then I had

my inner circle, they were filled with powerful duellists and those in

positions of power and information, I had someone from the DoM, some

from the auror department, hit wizard and ones working close to the

head office. Following that, it was my outer circle, those who were

selected in teams and units, they could infiltrate and go on raids. Finally

there my sympathisers, those like Narcissa who were healers and

unmarked and the magical creatures that were under my command."

"I really did screw a lot of things up, didn't I?" Harry said blinking

owlishly, Marvolo threw him a filthy look that had Harry holding up his

hands in defence despite the fact he was smirking.


"Next time you are not going to listen to a prophet." Harry said

cheerfully, Marvolo gave him a look of contempt.

"I doubt that Azkaban will have left Bella unaffected, however, if she is

removed then she can be healed."

"I have never been exposed to dementors,"

"They are not pleasant." Marvolo said, "They are creatures that remove all

positive emotions leaving you with nothing but despair and anguish, they

force you to relive your worst memories over and over until eventually

you are insane. There is only one known protection against them; the

Patronus Charm."

"The Patronus Charm, I've never heard of that spell before." Harry said in


"You will need to learn it, but it may take some time. It is a notoriously

difficult spell and many fully grown adults cannot cast it."

"How difficult are we talking about?" Harry asked slowly.

"I know only my Elite could cast a successful patronus, very few of my

others could."

"Hm, what's the incantation?"

"Expecto Patronum, you are supposed to concentrate on a happy

memory, a strong one, but when you are apt at casting and have a deep

connection with your magic you can merely use the intent." Marvolo told

him and Harry nodded, he closed his eyes and went through his mind, he

pulled up the positive energy many of his memories brought him, and his

mind flashed with many times with Salazar.

"Expecto Patronum,"

Something bright white shot from his hands and when Harry opened his

eyes he saw a huge, glowing snake twisting around the room before it

came back to Harry and reared up. Harry studied it and grinned, it

looked exactly like Salazar in his animagus form, he let it dissipate and

nodded to himself.

"That was very impressive," Marvolo said, he was looking at Harry with

an unreadable expression on his face,

"Thanks, I felt how draining it is, but I think I should be able to have it

through intent only within a week."

"I would say that was impossible, but you just produced a Patronus on a

first attempt so I will refrain from saying so."

"Yeah, the impossible doesn't really work for me." Harry shrugged and

Marvolo scoffed.

"You don't say," the sarcasm was obvious and Harry grinned.

"If the dementors are as bad as you say, of which I don't doubt, then there

is a chance that your people are going to be in less than healthy state. It

is pointless working on bringing them from Azkaban if they cannot be

healed, their bodies are going to be emancipated and their minds

unstable at best."

"Yes, which is the main concern for their return, but there are no potions

to correct the damages from dementors and the potions that will heal

individual parts cannot be mixed making the healing process slow even

by magical means." Marvolo sighed and Harry tilted his head.

"No potions yet," Harry corrected, "If you get me a list of all the potions

used to heal, I will see what I can do to create an amalgamation of them

or even just doubling them up."

"I will leave that to you as I plan on infiltrating the prison itself."

"How hard do you estimate?"

"It isn't called Azkaban fortress because you can walk through the door,


"Difficult then,"

"Potentially problematic yes, however I am not worried about getting on

to the island, more over the difficulty of retrieving and returning."

"Do you know where yours are?"

"All of them are bound to be high security, but I shall have Lucius

retrieve their positions for me."

"I can pass that message on today if you wish, to save the wait."

"Yes, that will be much appreciated, I can finalise my plans with that

information, but even with Severus and Lucius with able bodies, it is

going to be difficult getting off the island and I do not wish to call any

other of my followers until my Elite are in perfect condition once more."

"I can get the inmates of the island and back here," Harry said his head

tilted in thought, Marvolo raised a sceptical eyebrow and Harrison


"How long is it going to take before you finally believe I'm not a weak 11

year old?"

"A while,"

"Fine, but seeing as I've thrown most expectations out of the window, will

you give me the benefit of the doubt?"

"Go on,"

"If you can get on to the island, with me, and we can free all of yours, I

can get them off the island undetected."

"And how do you propose you do that?" Marvolo drawled and Harry

rolled his eyes, he got up and walked to the other side of the room.

"You know how I said I still had a few surprises for you?" Harry asked

pleasantly and Marvolo nodded.


"I think this one is definitely one of the best."

And with that Harry burst in to flames and appeared in the opposite side

of the room in the same fashion, Marvolo gaped at the spot Harry was

just in and turned slowly to where he was stood now.

"Questions?" Harry said lightly, he couldn't help the massive smirk on his

face, there was something unusually pleasing about surprising the all

powerful Dark Lord.

"You just burst in to flames." Marvolo stated when he had gotten himself


"Yes, yes I did."

"And moved,"


"You can transport yourself via flames."

"Yup, with others too," Harry told him brightly and Marvolo just blinked,

"You've got nothing to say have you?"

"You know what?" Marvolo said, "I have nothing because that isn't


"I'm not normal, Marvolo, I thought we established that?"

"Sometimes I get sceptical."

"Don't I know it?" Harry muttered.

"What are you, part phoenix?" He demanded and Harry grinned.

"Yes," He answered simply and Marvolo looked at him blankly.

"What do you mean 'yes'?"

"I mean, yes." Harry knew he deserved the stinging hex aimed at his head

eve if he blocked it grinning. "That was mean,"

"I am mean, now explain."

Harry rolled his eyes, but transformed in to his black phoenix and soared

around the room before changing back and sitting back down.

"Ta dah!"

"You take an inordinate amount of pleasure in this, don't you?"

"More than you know," Harry agreed in complete honestly.

"So your animagus is a black phoenix which enables you to move via


"Yes, it took myself and Sal a while to incorporate it in to human form,

but we got there. I'm surprised you didn't work it out though."

"How was I supposed to know that? While I am known for having

superior intelligence, this is something out of my range along with most

things about you."

"I fell over 50ft on to solid ground and did not die, I think that would

have been a big clue." Harry shrugged and Marvolo rolled his eyes.

"Moving back to the topic at hand; this simplifies things. If we can get on

to the island undetected, you can get us back undetected, there would be

know way to alert anyone of any suspicious happenings and Dumbledore

is going to be too busy trying to save face for Potter that he isn't going to

be looking for my activities."

"I shall speak with uncle Lucius and he will have the information to you

ASAP. I need the list of potions and then I can get working on that as

well as correctly dismantling the wolfsbane, without harming myself this

time and then I can prepare for this interview." Harry took a breath and

they groaned, "Damn, that's a lot of stuff."

"Binding vow," Was the only thing Marvolo said and Harry threw him a

withering look.

"Yeah yeah," Harry waved him off, "Potions list if you will?" With two

flicks of his wand, Marvolo had a list of potions needed and handed it to

Harry, who tucked it away.

"Anything else?" Harry questioned

"No, not until I know where they all are." Marvolo replied and Harry


"I'll probably be over here tomorrow after the interview to work in the

library." Harry said, "Au Revoir," He saluted and burst in to flames.

"That child is going to forever surprise me." Marvolo sighed.

Harry landed in the floo room of Malfoy Manor and skipped up to the

lounge, Narcissa was sat there drinking tea and looked up at Harry with a


"Hello, Harrison,"

"Hi, aunt Cissa,"

"Can I help you with anything dear?"

"I have to speak with uncle Lucius, I'm the messenger."

"Oh, well he's currently in his study, an elf will take you."


Harry followed the elf up and knocked on the door he was shown too, he

waited to be called and then stepped in. It was decorated in tones of blue

and soft gold making it quite warm, Lucius looked up with a smile.

"Harrison, I was not expecting to see you again today."

"Hello, Uncle," Harry greeted, "Yes, I'm here with a message."

"Oh, sit down,"

Harry sat in an extremely soft blue chair and made a note to get himself


"I've just come from the castle and Marvolo wants you to find out the

placement of all his Elite in Azkaban."

Lucius blinked at that.

"Their placements?"

"Yes, he wants to know where in the fortress they are and having their

security detail wouldn't go amiss, and he wants them at the quickest

possible time."

"Is he planning on removing them?"

"He's planning a few things, yes,"

"I will have them by tomorrow, the day after at the latest."

"Good, my work here is done. I now have to throw in a lot of hours of


"What are you studying for?"

"Well, I was speaking to Marvolo and we've come to the agreement that

even if we can retrieve his people from Azkaban, the main problem is

going to be healing them because of the potions counteracting each other

so I'm going to be spending a lot of time, and utilising Severus as much as

I can, to create a single potion that practically counteract the effects of

the dementors, hopefully."

"That is a lot to work for, are you sure I can do it?" Lucius asked and

Harry waved him off.

"I've already got ideas, but this is easy compared to what Salazar expects

me to do. If I can get this done soon then the Elite can be taken from


"Very well, is this the only thing your doing?" Lucius asked and Harry

shook his head.

"No, I'm going to be with Marvolo transporting the Elite back to wherever

he's taking them, that way we can remain undetected." Harry told him

and Lucius blinked.

"Harrison, I know you are a remarkable wizard despite your age, but I do

not believe your father will be too accepting of the idea of you

infiltrating Azkaban Island." Lucius said to him and Harry frowned.


"Because you are only 11 and Azkaban is a place that most adults fear to


"Yes, but I'll be fine, besides, I learned the patronus today." Harry waved

him off.

"Be that as it may- wait, you learned the patronus charm today?"

"Yes, Marvolo said it was the only defence against dementors so I thought

I should learn it. Its been a while since I've learned a brand new spell."

"You can't learn the patronus in a day, its just not possible."

"Expecto Patronum," Harry chanted and the same snake shot from his

wand and slithered around the room before he let it fade.

"Ok, you apparently can," Lucius corrected with a shake his head, "That is

irrelevant when it comes to the fact that Sirius will not indulge your

thought to go to Azkaban."

"I don't see why," Harry shook his head bewildered.

"Maybe you should speak to Sirius about that."

"Fine, but I don't think he should be worried, I mean, Marvolo is going to

be there as well as you and Severus probably." Harry got up, "I shall

inform him that you will have the information ASAP."

"Goodbye, Harrison,"

Harry vanished with a wave, he floo'd home after saying goodbye to

Narcissa and skipped off to the dining room where Remus and Sirius

were sat.

"Hey Pup, your back,"

"Yeah, hey dad, Moony,"

"Hello cub, what's up, there's something on your mind." Remus noted and

Harry sighed and sat down.

"Its just something uncle Lucius said." Harry said absently.

"Oh what was that?"

"Well, I was passing on a message from Marvolo, and he was under the

impression that you would be worried about me if I went to Azkaban

with Marvolo."

Both adults spat out their drinks and were overcome with hacking

coughs, Harry wiped his face and cleaned up the mess with a wave of his



"What do you mean go to Azkaban with him, you're not going within

200ft of Azkaban." Sirius exclaimed, once he had recovered the ability to

breathe normally again, and Harry blinked at him slowly.


"You are not going to Azkaban!"

"Why not?" Harry questioned puzzled, both of the adults looked at him as

if he had grown a second head.

"Harrison, you are eleven years old, you are not going to the most feared

place in wizarding Britain." Sirius told him firmly.

"But I have to go, Marvolo was sceptical about me being involved in the

first place, I've only just convinced him to build his plans around me

being there." Harry said indignantly, "I learned the patronus for this and


"Cub, we are not going to allow you to go to Azkaban what so ever, Dark

Lord or not." Remus stated and Harry scowled.

"What if you come with me?"

"Not- wait what?"

"If your not going to let me go alone and as I'm needed there, why don't

you come with me-us?" Harry suggested mentally making a note to speak

with Marvolo again.

"I'll think about it of your so determined, but this idea should be pushed

way way way back in your mind." Sirius warned and Harry grinned.

"Thanks dad,"

Harry was positively bouncing with excitement when he went down for

breakfast, the mere thought of the interview bringing a large grin to his

face and he wasn't surprised to see Sirius and Remus were just the same.

"I'm literally counting down the hours." Harry said, "What's the plan?"

"I was thinking we could allow Rita to see the grounds of Black manor

and take her on the brief tour of the manor itself before settling in the

formal lounge and having drinks while we commence with the

interview." Sirius said pompously and Harrison smirked.

"And of course we shall allow photos in front of the elusive Black Manor,"

"Obviously," Remus drawled and then they all laughed.

"Your new Heir robes have finally been delivered, Harrison, wear them

for this afternoon." Sirius said and Harry nodded.

"Got it,"

"And if you could try and stay in the library because the elves are on a

mission to have this place gleaming by 12."

"I did wonder why Kip came back dusty." Harry mused.

"Have you finished your school work, Cub?"

"Yes Moony, its all done."

"So what are you working on, you always seem to be studying?"

"Well, I'm working on some new potions and I'm trying to get a working

formula before I even think of trying to construct it, and now I have

another one to be working on for Marvolo." Harry told him and Remus

eyebrows went up.

"You're creating two new potions?"

"Well the first one is more of a formula, Salazar set me a challenge and I

only have three months to finish, but if the formula is workable then I

can construct it and work out the variables, so I have high hopes. Then

the second is more of a collaboration of other potions to make a super

potion, I'll be going to see Severus soon to see if we can work together

and get it made faster."

"Do you plan on having a break any time during the holidays?" Remus

asked amused and Harry laughed.

"Of course,"

"Do I get to see all this work?"

"Yes, come on Moony," Harry led him up to the library and snapped his

fingers summoning his work, he laid it out and Remus' eyes widened as

he looked over everything.

"This is amazing, Cub."

"Thanks, they're only ideas at the moment. Because I discovered all the

ingredients that Sal left me I have to go over all of my previous workings

to see if I can still use them, luckily I always keep a copy of my workings

until I've found the correct formula." Harry explained and Remus

whistled impressed.

"Is there any other subjects that you excel at?"

"Nothing as much as potions I guess, but my duelling is up to standard

and my spell creation is much more ahead than most." Harry mused after

a moment of thought.

"We haven't seen you duel yet," Remus pointed out.

"I know, I'm kinda slacking at my training, Salazar would be horrified. I'll

take up my training again, and I may just happen to have one at the

castle, that way I can really shock Marvolo." Harry told him, "And I

haven't truly been able to work on my blades nor my bow."

"You know how to work with both?" Remus said in surprise, and Harry


"Yeah, I was taught well with both. I have customised daggers for my

blades and a customised bow with arrows." Harry told him, "I was

terrible at the bow and arrow first of all, but I'm pretty good now."

"I'd love to see you duel, use your blades and see you shoot." Remus


"You'll probably see me duel by the end of the summer, which means

you'll see my blades. As for my bow, well, I am sure we can set up

targets; I said I would teach Draco anyway."


"No doubt Marvolo wants to see anyway."

"How did your conversation with him go, properly?" Remus questioned

and Harry smirked.

"You should have seen it, Moony, the all-powerful Dark Lord left

speechless on multiple times!" Harry said in excitement, and Remus

couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiasm.

"How much pleasure did you take in that?"

"So much, and he knows it, but its funny because he doesn't know how

much I have or haven't told him. Like today when I showed him my

flaming, he was stunned."

"You know, even though we are technically dark now and we've met the

Dark Lord, it's still strange to not think of him as the big bad monster

from last time. Especially because before we've only see the bad things, I

mean we've heard rumours of how he was as a leader, how he was crazy

and on the battle field he didn't present the image of sanity. But to

actually meet him, to speak to him and to hear you speak about him like

he's an actual human, its surreal." Remus had a distant look in his eye

and shook his head coming back to reality. Harry smiled.

"I don't know what it was like before so I can't comment, but I know what

I do about him now and he is pretty intense. He's always been human

though," Harry added the last point as an afterthought.

"It was hard to see him like an ordinary person because there was

nothing ordinary about him, and on the battlefield, watching and feeling

him wield his power, it was inhuman." Remus said.

"I've felt his magic, and he has it in buckets. I haven't seen him use it

properly yet, but I know it will be something incredible."

"I can't wait to see you duel, we've felt your magic, I want to see you use


Harry grinned at that.

"I know I can duel, I beat Ric,"

"You beat Godric Gryffindor in a duel!" Remus exclaimed and Harry

nodded proudly.

"Yes, took me years, but I eventually did it."

"Now I'm really looking forward to it."

An elf popped in and called them for lunch, Sirius was sat at the table

already and he greeted them with a grin.

"Everything is sorted and in place, Rita will be here in an hour so that

means showers and changing after lunch." He told them and they nodded.

"Yes, dad,"

"Of course, Pads,"


Harry was the first one to finish and he vanished up to his rooms, he had

a quick shower and was surprised when his elf was there to help him

dress; Harry soon understood why. The full Heir robes, ones he had not

worn before, were very intricate and very layered. The first one was his

trousers and a shirt, then a thin, light black inner robe, followed by a thin

but weighty inner robe which was royal blue, that was covered by the

outer robe which was silver and allowed the blue to show through in

certain places giving a stylish look and it was finished with a black open

robe with the Black family crest printed proudly giving it a rich finish.

Harry looked at himself in the mirror and smirked, it was a nice look, but

highly unnecessary in everyday life. Harry walked quickly down to the

formal lounge, casting a spell to settle his hair in to position as he moved.

It was five minutes to one and he shut up his Occlumency shields, he had

to be perfectly composed today. Sirius and Remus were already present,

they looked like the perfect Pureblood couple and Harry stood on in the

doorway with a smirk.

"Well don't we all look fine?" He drawled and Sirius smirked.

"We are of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, of course we look


"I still can't believe I've gotten used to this lifestyle." Remus shook his

head and Sirius smiled.

"I told you you would."

"Yeah yeah,"

The alarm sounded and they made their way to the entrance hall, Harry

took Sirius' right while Remus was on the left and they stood just back as

one of the elves opened the door. All their expressions were blank and

they were stood tall and proud as their guests slowly entered the

building, Rita and her photographer were gazing around with

uncompromised awe, much to the Blacks pride. Sirius cleared his throat.

"Good Afternoon, Rita, I am glad you could make this meeting." He

greeted coolly, Rita's attention snapped to them and Harry could see the

glint enter her eyes.

"Lord Black, I thank you for this amazing opportunity, to be in the elusive

Black Manor is a once in a lifetime chance." She gushed walked forward,

"Your manor is stunning,"

Sirius's expression morphed in to a detached smirk.

"Yes, it does hold a certain charm." Sirius agreed candidly.

"Will you permit a photo as you are now? The image you present is


Harry bit back his smirk as Sirius graciously nodded, they held their

position as the camera snapped a few shots.

"Miss Skeeter, would you care for a small tour of the manor and its

grounds? You may find something else you wish to photograph." Harrison

offered and her eyes lit up.

"I would be honoured,Heir Black,"

Harrison led them out and through the beautiful flower gardens to the

side, Sirius began a small running commentary of the facts about the

grounds and what Black did what. They moved around to see the view it

presented and the photographer snapped up some shots of the stretch of

lake and the mountain views, they brushed passed the greenhouses and

the other gardens before heading in.

"Now the manor itself is still its original structure when it was first

constructed by Cepheus Black II in 1072, however, my grandfather, the

late Arcturus Black III redesigned the inner design and room layouts to

create the piece you see today." Sirius told them and Rita was happily

writing everything down as the man was photographing anything Sirius

gave the ok to. The famous Black library drew an astonished gasp from

both the guests and Rita was hurriedly scribbling down how impressive it

was. Finally they led them back to the formal lounge where they posed

for another picture in front of the crest.

"I am astounded at the beauty of your Manor, Lord Black," Rita said and

Harry knew she was being honest.

"Thank you, Rita," Sirius said, "Would you care for afternoon


"Yes please,"

They all took seats and an elf popped in without so much as a summons

from Sirius with afternoon tea, fresh lemonade and a selection of, no

doubt, hand made biscuits. After a few more pleasantries and questions

about the manor, Sirius brought the topic on to the one they wanted.

"As you know myself and my associates have been pushing for action

against the Potter Heiress, Rosina, after her brutal attack against my son

and Heir." Sirius said and her attention refocused.

"Yes, Headmaster Dumbledore and Lord Potter were adamant that it was

an accident and the ministry was not moving despite the startling


"Yes, it was most unfortunate, however, I was not about to allow

something of such severity go unpunished, so I spoke to the minister

directly. We decided it would be best to pursue a civil case opposed to a

high profile criminal case, and a hearing took place in front of the Head

of Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Madam Amelia Bones."

"It was accepted as a reasonable case then?"

"Yes, it seems that there were others that spoke up also," Remus


"When was the hearing?"

"Yesterday and I am pleased to say that Heiress Rosina Potter was found

guilty of assault against an Heir of a Noble and Most Ancient House. She

was sentenced to a ywo year flying ban and fined 1.5 million galleons.

This was based of the evidence that was collected by an independent

source and the given testimonies and was witnessed by aurors." Sirius

told them lightly and Rita gasped.

"She was found guilty?" Rita repeated in a hushed whisper.


"This is definite, this is proof that they were lying. When this reaches the

public's knowledge, it will cause outrage, the nation's hero is no better

than a common thug." She whispered astounded, and Harry nearly

rubbed his hands together like an evil genius, but he refrained from

doing so because that would have been strange in front of guests.

"I find it disgusting that this was almost covered up just because she was

labelled as a hero." Sirius shook his head and Rita nodded emphatically.

"It is unacceptable behaviour," She agreed before turning to Harrison,

"How do you feel with result?"

Harry looked down shyly,

"I am glad that she's being punished, I don't understand why she would

resort to something so horrible. I know we haven't exactly gotten along,

but I nearly died and it made me lose faith when the apparent leaders of

our world were covering for her." He fiddled with his robes and shifted

for effect, "I am glad that some people within our ministry still believe in

thorough justice."

"Yes, it brings back a sense of hope to know not everyone is corrupt." Rita

said and Harry had to bite his lip, luckily it made him look more nervous.

"Now, we merely have to hope that the House of Potter honours the

sentence." Remus stated with a touch of indifference.

"Surely they would? It would be foolish not to." Rita said in slight

confusion, but Sirius raised a shoulder slightly.

"They claimed that the hearing was 'bought' merely because the evidence

spoke for itself, Lord Potter was nearly charged with harassment of a

government official."

"The disgrace,"

"I have never been more proud to be a Black then at that moment." Harry

said honestly and Rita nodded.

"It is understandable, given the circumstances of the situation; no one

would blame you for that."

Sirius, Remus and Rita went over the final details of the hearing while

Harry sat back and made it so he looked to be listening as he own

thoughts ran wild, he couldn't wait until the article was published, it was

going to be huge just like the ones before – only more. Harry tilted his

head as he felt a rippled in the wards and he saw Sirius' shoulders stiffen

indicating he wasn't the only one. There was a sound of a portkey and

someone landing in the entrance hall, Harry was on his feet running to

the hall as there was only one person who had a portkey to Black manor

and when he slid around to corner he froze in horror.

Harry paid no attention to the hurrying footsteps following him as his

eyes landed on a bloody and beaten Lily Potter. Her robes were ripped

and torn, barely covering her battered form. She was thin, more than

that, her skin looked stretched across her bones and her hair was dull and

lifeless. Layers of bruises littered the sickly pale skin, some looking weeks

old and others looking fresh. Some of her bones were in obviously broken

and there were nasty slashes over her which were bleeding heavily. Hand

shape bruises could just be picked out amongst the mess including one on

her throat and wrists, she was sporting two black eyes and a split lip and

her breathing was clearly laboured.

"Sev'rus," she gasped, "Get Sev'rus, please,"

And then she collapsed.

There you have it, the next chapter and finally the entrance of Lily. I

know people have been waiting and wondering how I'm going to

play this out, but don't worry, I have a few ideas and I hope this

catches your attention to read on! I know there will be a few of you

that are sceptical about the whole Patronus thing, but it will be

explained in a later chapter so just bare with me please guys! Let me

know what you think please,


22. Chapter 22

Hello my wonderful readers! I'm back after that AWFUL cliffy that I

left you on and I hope you don't hate me too much and I know I say

it a lot but I cannot thank you guys enough for the response to this

story! This is going to jump from perspective a bit, but nothing too

major so I hope you enjoy it. This is after Lily's entrance!

I'm uploading because its that time of year again… IT'S MY

BIRTHDAY! I'm officially 18 today! I'm freakin ecstatic! And because

of that, you get an update!

So a few revisions on this chapter, I've straightened up a few scenes

to fit them in to the previous changes – and as a side note, this

chapter was posted over two and a half years ago!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I am not J.K and if I was then Harry

would so be dark!

Warning: Mentions of severe abuse, blood, gore and rape,


Chapter 22:

Harry finally snapped out of his shock as Sirius rushed over and checked

her pulse and cursed.

"I need Narcissa," He barked out and Harry nodded, he ran to the floo

room and vanished to Malfoy Manor. He didn't even wait for the elf to

greet him, he ran up the stairs and along to the sunroom, Harry all but

fell in to the room startling Narcissa.

"Harrison, what's happened?"

"It's Lily, it was worse than we thought." He told her and her eyes

widened in shock before her mask returned and she snapped for her

healing kit.

"She's at the manor, I have to get Severus." Harry said and ran back to the

floo room knowing Narcissa would get her kit and go over.

"Hogwarts, Severus Snape's quarters." He called and stepped through,

Severus wasn't in the living space meaning he was in his lab so Harry

darted down the hall. He knocked quickly and entered, multiple

cauldrons were bubbling and the Potions Master was focussing on a

blood red one.

"Harrison, how can I help you?"

Harry looked at all the potions and identified them easily, he waved his

hand and placed then all under stasis.

"You have to come with me," He said waving his hand to preserve the


"What are you doing?"

"Like I said, you have to come with me." Harry repeated and when the

man merely raised an eyebrow Harry grimaced, "It's Lily."

Severus' dark gaze suddenly became a lot more intense.

"What about Lily? Is she ok?"

Harry blinked and mentally changed small soft spot to massive dent at

the underlining of steel Severus' voice suddenly had.

"Just come with me and make sure your shields are up in full, ok." Harry

sighed, he wasn't dealing with an irate Professor, who was very apt at

duelling and dark arts.

"Do I need anything?"

"Your spare advanced healing kit," Harry reluctantly answered, knowing

he didn't have any back up potions available at the manor, and then he

winced as Snape's eyes flashed dangerously. He hadn't seen such an

expression on the usually stoic man's face, it promised a lot of severe pain

for whoever it was directed at. Harry almost felt sorry for Potter, almost,

especially given the fact that Severus hadn't even seen Lily yet.

This should be delightful, Harry thought sarcastically. The man waved

his wand and a black case filled with the necessary potions, he waved it

again to rectify his appearance and headed for the fire place. Harry floo'd

back to the manor closely followed by Severus and headed up, snapping

his fingers for an elf as he moved.

"Where is my father and aunt Narcissa?"

"They is in the 4th guest room on the Masters' floor, young Master. They

is trying to fix Miss Lily." Harry nodded and picked up speed, he dashed

up to Sirius' room and ran four doors down where the doors was open

and voices could be heard.

"I am running a diagnostic now, try and stem the blood flow." Harry

heard and stepped out of the way for Snape to rush in and begin helping.

Lily was paler than when she arrived, something Harry didn't think was

possible, and laid out on the large bed made it seem all the more worse.

Sirius was stood back, watching as Narcissa moved frantically trying to

stop the blood flow with little success, Severus was administering potions

on command to lessen her burden but his body was wound tighter than a

spring. Narcissa gasped and all eyes turned to her, there were tears in the

crystal blue eyes and that was never a good sign.

"What is it?" Snape demanded and Narcissa shook her head, she began

waving her wand and ordering Severus to spell in the needed potions

while Harry and Sirius stood back. They were working at a furious pace

and slowly, but surely, the cuts and broken bones were healed as much as

could be at that very point. Narcissa rolled her over on to her newly

healed front, hissing as more wounds appeared.


Harry's eyes locked on to Lily's back and his magic spiked. Carved on to

the pale flesh was the word 'Bitch' and underneath was a scar that read

'whore', curses went around and Harry clenched his fist.

"I need you all to leave now," Narcissa said and there was a definite catch

in her voice.

"I'm not leaving her." Snape stated.

"You will listen or so help me Severus Snape,"

They glared at each other until Snape relented and vanished from the

room where the door was closed behind them. Severus immediately

began pacing furiously and Harry knew it would only take one more

thing before the man blew. Remus came running down the corridor with

his eyes flashing amber.

"How is she?"

"Narcissa is still working on her, she told us to leave for some reason."

Remus eyes narrowed before they widened and he shook his head in


"No, he wouldn't," He breathed in horror.

"What do you know wolf?" Severus snarled pinning Remus with a death


"I can only think of one reason why Narcissa would ask 3 males to leave

the room." He said slowly, Harry tilted his head with a frown before his

head snapped up and the air got very think with magic. Harry's eyes

shone with power as his magic leaked beyond his control.

"Sso help him if he hasss," He hissed just as Narcissa stepped out of the

room, Remus and Harry pinned her with a look.

"Tell me he hasn't," Harry said in a controlled voice. Slow tears ran from

Narcissa's eyes and she nodded her head morosely, the ornate, and

probably very expensive, vase exploded and Harry viciously cursed.

"What happened to my Lily?"

No one chose to mention the alteration in that sentence.

"She shows signs of abuse dating years back and," Narcissa choked and by

the growing rage in the dark eyes, Snape knew where this was going.

"And she's be raped multiple times,"

Sirius gathered Narcissa in his arms as she burst in to tears, Remus

released a snarl his eyes bright amber and his long canines on show, but

it was Severus who Harry was watching. The Potions Master was still, not

ever his eyes were moving and he took a deep breath, he turned and

strode purposely away from the room, much to the surprise of everyone.

Harry blinked a few times and then hurried to follow him.

"Where are you going?" Harry questioned slightly confused, he didn't

think Severus would want to leave Lily.

"I am going to kill James Potter." Was the calm and pleasant reply before

he apperated away, Harry blinked before it clicked what he had said.

"Oh shit," He bolted back up the stairs.

"Where's uncle Lucius?"

"He was at the ministry, he should be at home now in his study." Narcissa

said in a thick voice.

"Where's Sev gone and why do you need Lucius?" Sirius questioned.

"I need Lucius because Sev has gone to kill James Potter." Harry

explained and their eyes widened.


"Yeah, just told me and apparated out."

"He can't actually be thinking of killing Potter right now?" Sirius

exclaimed in alarm.

"I have no idea which is why I need uncle Lucius, he knows him better

than the rest of us."

"I'll come with you, cub," Remus decided and the pair of them rushed off.

Remus and Harry floo'd to Malfoy manor and literally ran up to Lucius'

study, Harry knocked hurriedly and the blond aristocrat pulled open the


"What in Merlin's name are you doing?"

"Sorry," Harry apologized, "But we have a problem."

"What is it?"

"Severus has gone to murder James Potter and we need you to help up

stop him." Remus explained quickly and Lucius blinked.

"Excuse me?"

"Long story short, Potter's been abusing Lily, she arrived at Black manor a

mess and it turns out she's been raped multiple times." Harry explained

briefly, "Severus just left to kill James."

Lucius' expression darkened quickly and he snatched his cane up.

"Let's go," They moved swiftly through the manor and Lucius cast an eye

back, "Where are the Potters living?"

"At the manor," Remus answered.

"And Severus, what did he do before he left?" Lucius asked gathering


"Um he was still before he left for the entrance hall and when I asked him

what he was doing he said he was going to kill James Potter." Harry

answered, Lucius frowned before cringing.

"How did he say that to you?"

"He was calm, way too calm and it sounded almost pleasant." Harry said

slowly and Lucius cursed.

"He's forgoing cunning, he's gone straight to Potter Manor,"

"What? He wouldn't do that, surely? He could never get in." Remus

exclaimed and Lucius shook his head.

"There are only 3 times I have seen Severus in the state of what you

described, the people he went after were never seen again. He will get

through the wards if he wants too."

"How would he even know how to get there?" Harry questioned, "Getting

through the wards I can understand, there are ways to do so even if they

are incredibly dangerous. But Potter Manor, like most Pureblood manors,

is unplottable, he would never find it and I can hardly see James ever

letting Severus near his home."

"Normally, I would agree that he would not be able to find it." Lucius told

him, turning to face them now they were in his own entrance hall. "But

you have to understand that Severus and Lily Potter used to be

inseparable, they grew up together, in the same small town. Severus

knows her magic, he could follow any remnants of it even if it was weeks


Harry blinked at that, following a magical trail was difficult enough, but

to do so at such an extent was almost unheard of. They all shared a look

before Remus apperated them to the manor, being that he had been there

quite frequently in the past. The first thing which was clear was that the

wards were close to being pierced, the second thing was the Severus

Snape was a very angry individual.

"Severus, you cannot kill James Potter," Remus said alarmed.

"Oh but I can," it was the same calm and pleasant tone he used with

Harry earlier.

"No, you can't kill him yet and you cannot especially kill him in his own

manor." Harry said to him.

"I really can." He replied and stepped back, he waved his wand and the

wards flashed allowing him to walk through them, Remus and Lucius

went to follow him but they were thrown backwards rather violently.

Harry cursed, torn between making sure the pair were alright and

stopping Severus. When Remus groaned he decided on Severus,

approaching the ward line carefully. He could barely see Severus now but

it was easy enough to burst in to flames and appear right on his heels,

just as James Potter burst through the front doors.

"What the hell are you doing on my property, Snivellus?" Potter snarled,

but Severus didn't even deem him worthy of a verbal answer, instead his

wand slashed his wand through the air sending a sickly red beam at the

Potter Lord. They began to duel instantly, and Harry stayed back so he

didn't get caught in the crossfire. He knew that Severus Snape was very

able with a wand, but Harrison had to admit he was highly impressed

with the man's capabilities as a duellist. Harry took up a stance to defect

the spells that came towards him, he saw Snape was, in fact, going to kill

him and Potter really wasn't helping himself.

"I bet that slut of a wife came running back to your greasy hands." James

spat, "Dirty little whore, I made sure no one would want to look let alone

touch that again."

"You, Potter, are going to die a very painful death." Severus hissed,


Harry's widened at that, that was a very old spell, and a very nasty one

he knew, Salazar had showed him it once, but it was in the category of

spells he wasn't allow to use yet. It manipulated the persons own magic

to shred their insides, and because it was their own magic it couldn't be

countered by an outside source. James barely avoided the spell, throwing

himself to the ground and rolling away with the force, it gave Harry just

enough time to leap at Severus and burst in to flames. They landed where

Remus and Lucius were waiting, they seemed recovered enough, if a little

winded. Severus, unused to traveling through flames, stumbled away

from Harry and shakily sank to his knees to regain his equilibrium. Harry

took the opportunity to stun him while his guard was down so the man

didn't try to kill him.

"What happened?" Remus asked warily, flicking his wand to levitate

Severus and then taking a physical hold of him.

"Well Potter would be dead if it wasn't for his very quick reflexes." Harry

told them, "The stupid fool was taunting him."

"Oh Merlin, is he that dense?" Lucius wondered, shaking his head in



"Let's get back to the manor before Lily wakes."

They all apparated away, Lucius taking Harry with him and Remus

carried Severus, when they arrived in the entrance hall Harry shut down

all apperation in and out temporarily. He cautiously woke Severus up

with a wave of his hand and they all stepped back as the man blinked

before rising gracefully to his feet, he turned towards Harry with a glare

and Harry swallowed.

"Before you yell at me, you need to calm down and get it together." Harry

said quickly.

"Why did you feel the need to forcefully remove me from Potter's

presence?" Snape's voice was deadly soft and quiet showing his anger,

Snape didn't shout when he was angry, the soft almost whisper like tone

was much scarier. Harry didn't say anything knowing it would fall on

deaf ears, Lucius, however, was having none of it and physically whacked

Severus around the head much to the shock of all of them.

"Did you just hit me?" Snape asked the blond, slowly turning to face the

Sr Malfoy.

"I did," He drawled, "And if you do not correct this atrocious behaviour I

will do so again. You are a master Occlumens Severus Tobias Snape and

if you do not begin to act like one I will stun you myself. Strengthen your

shields, control your anger and get it together man." Lucius tone was

clipped and sharp and it seemed to register in the other's mind. After

around a minute Severus released a calm breath and his shoulders

relaxed minimally.

"I apologise, Lucius, I do not know what I was thinking."

"Clearly," the blond snapped, Snape sneered at him and Harry exchanged

a look with Remus who was equally confused.

"Are you going to sit with Lily until she wakes?" Harry asked, "She did

ask for you."

"She did?"

"Yes, I would not have come to you until she was at least healed

otherwise." Harry told him with a quirk of his lips, Severus merely

nodded and walked back up to where Lily was resting. Sirius and

Narcissa were there watching her and the blond rushed to her husband as

soon as he entered, where Lucius hushed her gently. Severus sat on Lily's

right and took her hand, the dark eyes were assessing her entire form,

Narcissa had redressed her carefully and cleaned her up putting her in

soft pyjamas.

"Let's go to the lounge." Sirius murmured motioning for the party to leave

Severus alone, Harry led the way down to the top sitting room where Jip

popped in with much needed drinks.

"What happened?" Sirius asked after a few minutes of silence.

"He nearly killed Potter." Harry said, "The only reason he didn't was

because I grabbed him just before he could cast again."

"Please tell me this wasn't in public."

"No, at the manor," Remus reassured and Sirius sighed in relief.

"Thank Merlin for small miracles. But how did he get in?"

"Broke through the wards somehow," Harry shrugged.

"How is that even possible?" Sirius said confused.

"I have no idea, but when everything settles down you can bet I will be

asking him." Harry said, "I only got through because of my flames, I

disowned myself, didn't I? I am no longer recognised."

"How is she?" Remus asked Narcissa.

"Physically she will be fine; a few days bed rest and then advanced

nutrients potions until she has gained back the weight." Narcissa said

softly, "Mentally I don't know, I can only imagine what happened for her

to get in that state."

Harry winced at that, Potter's words coming back to him, his magic

spiked again before he forcibly got it under control.

"Potter wanted to make sure no one would even look at Lily again." He

told them.

"This is going to throw everything in the air." Sirius sighed, Harry tilted

his head before he cursed.

"What happened to Skeeter?"

"I saw to her, but she saw Lily and snapped a photo before I could lock

her in a room." Remus stated shaking his head.

"Damn it,"

"Yes, she is still in the manor,"

"We will just have to work around it." Lucius said coolly, "As long as the

details are kept under wraps until we are ready for them to be released it

lies with speculation and Rita Skeeter is not stupid enough to go against

the political and magical power we have behind us."

"I hope you are correct."

"She has an interesting enough story at the current time, she is cunning

and she knows what will keep her in favour." Lucius said to them and

Sirius nodded.

"We'll go and speak with her ASAP,"

"We shall take our leave now," Lucius said, "Narcissa will more than

likely be over tomorrow to check on her patient."

Harry released the wards and they apperated away, the three Blacks

collapsed back in to their seats with a groan.

"Nothing is ever simple is it?" Harry asked rhetorically, they all shared a

look that clearly said no.

"Shall we deal with Rita now?"

"Yes, might as well get it over with."

The three of them got up and Remus led them down to the first parlour

where Rita was sat with her photographer talking in hushed whispers,

both of their attentions snapped around when the door opened and Rita

jumped to her feet.

"Lord Black, was that the Lady Potter we witnessed arriving in such a

state?" She asked eagerly and Sirius did some quick thinking before

nodding slowly.

"You saw correctly," He admitted, and she gasped.

"But why was she here, and in such a state?"

"We believed that Lily was in a domestic situation and we decided to offer

her a way out and, as you can see, she took it."

"You mean to say that it was James Potter that did that to her?" Rita

spluttered horrified, Sirius nodded once and she shook her head, "But

they always seemed to be the perfect couple."

"Potter has a lot of nasty secrets it seems." Remus added.

"When this hits the headlines it will be huge." She said gleefully.

"Ah, and that is why we are here, Rita." Sirius interrupted and she looked

at him quickly, "We would appreciate it if you did not have this story

printed just yet."

"But the public need to know, they will feast on this, it will make my

career!" She exclaimed.

"And if you keep it quiet until we are ready for it to be released you can

have the full story." Sirius told her.

"It will be huge anyway." Rita stated and Harry smirked.

"Of course it will, Ms Skeeter, however, can you imagine how far you will

rocket to fame when you have the first ever released interview with the

soon to be ex Lady Potter. All the intricate details of the real House

Potter and the truth behind the façade he shows to the public, you'll have

the necessary injuries, the reasons why and what the Girl-Who-Lived is

really like." Harry said, his voice soft and enticing.


"It will be your entire exclusive with a healthy bonus for keeping it quiet

until we are ready." Sirius agreed.




"All yours,"

"And I can still release the guilty Girl-Who-Lived story as soon as its


"The sooner the better,"

"You have a deal,"

Sirius and Rita shook hands.

"Of course, if you do slip up on your word, Ms Skeeter, you will find that

it will bug me." Harry said innocently and she paled.

"I would be mad to go against it." She reassured and Harry grinned.


"You are free to go, and I apologise for the inconvenience you felt." Sirius

said to them,

"Not at all, Lord Black, it was worth it,"

They were shown out and Harry found himself under two questioning


"Bug you?" Remus repeated and Harry grinned a shark like grin.

"It seems Ms Skeeter is an unregistered animagus in the form of a bug."

He told them and they smirked.

"You scare me sometimes." Sirius commented amused as they walked

back up the stairs."

"Blame Sal and Marvolo," Harry said.

"I'll let them know in the afterlife." Sirius muttered and Harry laughed.

"They're both puppies really."

"I'll remember that the next time I see the Dark Lord." Remus laughed,

"Oh hello my Lord, Harry compared you to a puppy, I can really see it."

"I might tell him myself," Harry said and laughed when they turned their

incredulous eyes on him.

"You have no sense of preservation, do you?"

"Of course I do, but the only time I see the Dark Lord is in Sal's castle and

Sal likes me more than Marvolo so I'll never be maliciously injured while

I'm there because Sal is practically the ward stone." Harry explained.

"Well that is a bit reassuring," Sirius said looking slightly appeased.

"Glad to be of service."

"I think I am going to retire to the library before I head to bed early."

Remus decided, "Its been a long day and tomorrow is going to be just as


"I am going to my study, I have papers that need to go through so I shall

see you later." Sirius pressed a light kiss to Remus' cheek before vanishing

down the corridor.

"I'll join you in the library if you don't mind uncle Moony, it seems I have

potions to make." Harry said and the pair made their way to the library

both wondering what the upcoming days were going to hold.

The first thing that Lily became aware of was that she wasn't in as much

pain as she should have been. After what had happened, James – James

she had never seen in such a rage before and he brought it all down on

her. She couldn't work out what had happened, she remembered

barricading herself in the nearest room as soon as she got away from his

grasp, but that was it. She tried to work out where she was, she was in a

comfortable bed and she could hear a soft voice speaking to her quietly

as they held her hand. It sounded like Severus and she wished it was, but

that was insane because Severus hated her and he had ever right to.

"Why didn't you come to me?" The voice sighed in a frustrated manner

and Lily was sure that her mind had finally snapped because it sounded

exactly like Severus would when he couldn't work out a new potion.

"I would have helped you, you should have known that. You were my

best friend, my Fire Lily, nothing would change that."

Lily nearly stopped breathing at the sound of her old nickname. Severus

had given it to her when they were younger, it was the first time he had

seen her loose her temper and it had stuck with her, but Severus was the

only person who ever called her by it.

"S-Sev," She croaked and then winced, her throat was like sandpaper

from the screaming. The person beside her stilled and for a second she

feared that it was James, but the fear was laid to rest when she heard an

almost frantic Severus Snape.

"Lily, Lily, come on, open your eyes." Severus coaxed and, with a lot of

difficulty, she cracked open her eyes and looked up in to the obsidian

eyes she was only to familiar with.

"Do you have any idea how worried I've been?" Severus demanded and

despite her confusion and pain, Lily couldn't help but smile at the fact

that Severus had not changed.

"What happened? Where am I?" She asked in a hoarse voice. Severus

gently lifted her up in to a sitting position and helped her drink a cool

glass of water, it was laced with a potion that would sooth her raw throat

courtesy of Harrison.

"You are currently at Black Manor." Severus told her softly, "As to what

happened, I do not know exactly as I was summoned after your arrival of

which was two days ago, you were in a state and collapsed."

Lily winced.

"Oh," Lily was silent for a few seconds, "Did you – did you see what-,"

"What Potter did and has done to you? Yes." Severus finished for her. Lily

turned her head away ashamed, if she had been looking at Severus at

that point she would have seen raw fury enter his dark eyes at the


"Don't do that." He said as gently as he could. Lily looked back at him in

confusion. "You turned your head because you are ashamed. Don't do


"I…" She trailed off not knowing what to say. They fell in to a silence, but

it wasn't awkward, there was something about Severus that soothed her

and Lily felt more relaxed than she had in years.

"Why didn't you come to me?" Severus asked her, "Did you truly believe

that I would turn you, of all people, away?"

Lily sighed and looked down at her hands.

"At first, yes," He went to interrupt but she stopped him, "I was so

horrible to you, Severus, and you didn't deserve it. Back then, I was so

sure that my beliefs of right and wrong, good and evil, were correct that I

just didn't understand why you were becoming what I believed were the

bad and evil. And I turned my back on you, cutting you out of my life

because I arrogantly thought I knew what was right and it turned out to

be the biggest mistake of my life. If only I had listened to what you were

trying to tell me, that there was no good and evil, light and dark, but I

didn't and I failed. I failed at being a friend and I believed you hated me

for it, you have every right to hate me…"

"You know I could never hate you." Severus murmured and she looked up

offering a wry smile.

"That's because you are a good person with a good heart, despite what

you like to show the world." She said and smiled properly when Severus

shifted uncomfortably at the compliment; the man never could take one.

"You said at first," He prompted and she sighed again.

"It got worse when Harrison returned, and I honestly don't blame him for

becoming a Black, it was probably the best thing for him. It got too much

and I was scared, scared of what would happen if it escalated more than

it already had. And so I tried to get away, I was out of options and so I

went to the only person I trust with my life; you." She explained and her

emerald green eyes burned with sincerity.

"But what happened?"

"He-he caught me," Her voice shook as she remembered what it had cost

her. Severus took her hand and rubbed soothing circles with his thumb, it

was an action he used to do when they were younger and Lily would be

upset at something Petunia had said to her. When she had calmed

enough she continued, "He was angry, oh he was angry, he knew exactly

where I was going. He broke me that night, Severus, and after that I just

gave up."

Severus took a deep breath and released it slowly through his nose

counting to ten in all the languages he knew until he was calm enough

not to go and try to murder Potter again.

"Why didn't you take the portkey sooner? You could have activated it as

soon as the summer began."

"I didn't want to have abandoned both of my children, I didn't fear for

Rosina because James wouldn't do anything to effect her happiness, but I

had already failed as a mother once and I didn't want to make that

twice." Lily shook her head, "But I should have known that it was too

late, Rose is a daddy's girl and James is the worse person to raise a child."

"What changed?" He asked.

"She's not my daughter, not really. I may have given birth to her, but

what she is now, how she behaves and how she acts does nothing but

disgusts me." Lily released a somewhat hysterical laugh which was mixed

with a sob, "I can't stand the sight of one of my children and the other

isn't even mine anymore."

"Calm down or Narcissa will hurt me." Severus chided gently and Lily

choked out a laugh. "You laugh now, but that woman is vicious."

"I do not like the fact that you are spreading wild rumours about me,

Severus," An amused voice said from the doorway. Lily jumped slightly as

she didn't hear anyone enter, but Severus merely blinked, turning his

head slightly to see a smiling Narcissa in the door way.

"Good afternoon, Narcissa, you are earlier than I expected."

"I came to see if Lily was awake, and then I hear you blackening my

name. I heal people, Severus, not harm." She told him lightly. Severus

snorted as she walked in.

"Tell that to Lucius the next time he breaks or loses some of your

jewellery." He muttered and Narcissa laughed.

"How else am I supposed to make sure he buys me more things?" Narcissa

grinned at Lily who laughed.

"I'm sure."

"Now, why don't you go and eat, Merlin knows you could do with it and

have a shower too, while you are there." Narcissa instructed. Severus

went to argue with her but she pinned him with a look that said argue

and die, Severus sighed and turned to Lily.

"I'll be fine, Sev," Lily told him with a small smile.

"I will not be long." He said and vanished from the room. Lily turned to

focus her attention on Narcissa warily and the Lady Malfoy shot her a

reassuring smile.

"Now, I am going to run a diagnostic on you to see how you are healing

up." Narcissa told her gently and Lily nodded. Narcissa waved her wand

muttering under her breath and nodded to herself as she read over the


"Harrison's potions are really coming along nicely, he seems to have sped

up the normal working time." She muttered and Lily blinked.

"Harrison's potions?" She repeated shocked, and Narcissa nodded with a

bright smile.

"Oh yes, he's truly a marvel at potions. He took all the necessary potions

needed and vanished for a couple of hours before returning with

advanced versions." Narcissa said proudly, "And he created a throat

soother because of the damage done to your inner throat,"

"Created! But he's only eleven, surely he couldn't create a potion." Lily

said stunned.

"Of course he can, he's already created four. Two of which have counters,

and edited loads, he's even created spells."

"So – so when he told me he was working on creating a new potion, he

was telling the truth!?"

"Most definitely, Harrison doesn't lie about potions."

"No wonder he reacted so badly when I didn't believe him." Lily sighed,

"He's only eleven and it seemed so far-fetched… even Severus didn't start

creating potions until third year."

"I can understand that, if I hadn't seen half the things he does myself then

I would never believe."

"I owe him my life," Lily murmured, "And I don't deserve it, I should have

never listened to Dumbledore or him."

"It is not my place to comment, but I know that you do regret your

actions and so does Harrison. He will come to you eventually, but don't

expect much from him." Narcissa warned and Lily shook her head.

"I don't expect anything from him, I just want to thank him."

Narcissa nodded.

"Well, getting back to point: you are healing very well, a few more days

of bed rest and a few potions and you'll be right as rain." Narcissa told

her, "You'll be on nutrients for a while to build your weight back up, but

the elves here are more than capable of overseeing that."


"Now, I've corrected and healed all the damages caused by the sexual

assault so you do not have to worry about complications or permanent

effects." Lily's face burned in shame and she looked away, Narcissa's eyes

softened and she lightly perched on the bed picking up her hand.

"What he did to you was the vilest thing any man could do to a woman

and it is only made worse by the fact he was supposed to love and care

for you. I cannot empathise with you, but I am here in you need me, for

anything, especially as we seem to be surrounded by men." She added in

the last part and was pleased to see Lily crack a smile despite the fact she

was crying.

"Thank you,"

"You are welcome." Narcissa said, "The final thing I wanted to talk to you

about before Severus returns are the scars."

Lily didn't need her to clarify to know what scars she was talking about.

"What – what about them?"

"I was unable to remove them during the healing process." Lily slumped

at that and Narcissa squeezed her hand, "But, and I am sure you do not

want them there," Which Lily nodded her head emphatically, "Then as

soon as your system is clear of any potions, minus the nutrients, we can

see if there are any available balms or salves to remove them."

"I've tried all of the ones I could get my hands on, but they didn't work."

Lily sighed despondently.

"I can imagine, but you are currently in the home of a future Potions

Master and a current Potions Master who hasn't left the manor since you

arrived. I have no doubt they will find something."

"I hope so, I can't stand them, they remind me of – of…" She didn't need

to say anymore, Narcissa understood.

"How about we get you something to eat and then you can rest some

more, it's imperative to your recovery."

"Food sounds wonderful,"

Narcissa called for an elf and asked for a light soup with some bread. The

food popped in quickly and Lily suddenly realised she was starving, after

taking the potion Narcissa instructed she take, she devoured the food

relishing in the taste; she couldn't remember the last time she properly

ate without it tasting like ash.

"I would like you to eat whenever you feel hungry and you will be given

a nutrients three times daily, if you call for Nip he will answer your call."

Narcissa said rising to her feet, "The bathroom is the door to the right

and there is a change of pyjamas laid out if you want a bath."

"Again, thank you."

"It's no problem, most of this was Harrison." Narcissa waved her off. "I

will be back tomorrow. Oh, before I forget, we retrieved shrunken bag

from your clothing."

"Oh thank Merlin," Lily sighed.

"It is in the top drawer of the bedside table." Narcissa informed her, and

with that she swept from the room in all her elegant glory; Lily shook her

head. She finished her meal and carefully set it aside where the same elf

popped in and took it away, Lily noted that she was tired again, but she

needed to use the bathroom so she slowly got up and rose to her feet.

She noticed, with surprise, that she could stand rather well and slowly

made her way to the bathroom, it was beautiful just like the bedroom

and, despite her wishes, she knew she couldn't have a bath just yet for

fear of falling asleep in the soothing water. Instead she washed her face

and was surprised to see the remaining bruises fading, she was expecting

to look in to the mirror and see her face unrecognisable as she had done

before so many times before. Lily walked back to the bedroom wincing as

her ribs started to protest her movements, she gasped when her leg

throbbed and stumbled, she expected to fall but a light, but secure arm

caught her. Lily tensed for a second before she registered the concerned

eyes of Severus, she smiled slightly and Severus raised an eyebrow.

"I needed the bathroom," She explained and Snape frowned slightly but


"You need to be careful, you are healing." Severus reminded her and

aided her back to the bed which had been remade since she had left it.

"I didn't feel too bad." Lily said.

"That is beside the point, you are on bed rest for the next few days for a

reason." Severus stated, "Have you eaten?"

"Yes, Sev, Narcissa told me to eat whenever I am hungry." Lily told him

climbing back in to bed with a wince.

"I have your next potions," Severus said pulling out 3 phials, one was a

pain reliever, one was skele-gro and the final one was one that he had

created himself and it sped up muscle growth. He handed her the potions

and Lily bit back a grimace as she took the vile tasting liquid, she sighed

in relief as the pain vanished from her body and a wave of lethargy hit


"Sleep, Lily," Severus instructed noticing her drooping eyes, "You are

safe," she didn't need telling twice.

Harrison Black was in an extremely tight predicament. He had been at

war with himself about Lily ever since he had heard from James Potter

that she had wanted to collect him after the first month of his

abandonment, and that conflict has only grown since he had been

watching her over the year. Then she had taken his side in an argument

over James and he had witnessed just how low James Potter truly was, it

had spurred him in to action for a reason he still couldn't work out. But

there was something inside him that refused to allow her to be put

through pain when it was him she was fighting for, even though she was

no longer his mother. He had given her the portkey in the hopes that his

mind had been blowing things out of proportion, that James had merely

overreacted after he disowned himself, but in his gut he had a sinking

feeling; the relief and gratitude in her eyes had told him as much and it

had been in the back of his mind since they had begun the holidays.

He should have known that after the hearing had gone so well that there

would be repercussions, but he would freely admit when he saw the

broken and beaten form of Lily Potter in his entrance hall he was more

than stunned and beyond horrified. Narcissa's diagnostic had been like a

punch in the stomach for him, not only had she been beaten for many

years, dating back to the year he had been given up, but she had been

raped. James Potter had raped her on multiple occasions and Harrison

had felt sick, Potter was the lowest, dirtiest form of scum on the earth

and if there was any chance Harry didn't hate the man before he sure as

hell did now. She had been through Hades, but Harry couldn't help but

feel conflicted because despite the fact she had been fighting for him for

a long time, she had originally agreed to give him up.

After the Malfoys had left, Harry had vanished to sort through his

thoughts, but he'd had little success so he had decided to throw himself

in to his studies. He had gotten the list of potions Lily would need and

had added a few tweaks to speed up the process, he wanted her to get

better and he wanted to help her, but he didn't know why. He had never

had anything but contempt for her and he didn't like the fact that all of

his built up beliefs were changing. He threw himself in to his studies

because he knew what he could do with them, he diverted his whirling

mind to what was important and holed himself up in the library reading

through book after book. It didn't take him long before he had created a

potion that worked well for sore throats, he had taken the idea from a

skin salve that healed inflammation and worked from that. Harry didn't

sleep well at all and he was up and in the library at 3am on the second

day of her arrival working on the healing potions for Marvolo's people, it

was something that required his full attention and he had managed to

break down three of the recipes on the potions list.

The easiest ones to mix together without repercussions was the Draught

of Peace and the Dreamless Sleep which would settle a person and allow

them a long uninterrupted sleep that would be highly needed. The third

potion he had was the nutrients which he had enhanced after getting

Severus' notes on it, the man already had the formula, Harry had only

added in an extra ingredient so it would taste better and keep the

stomach settled so the person could eat. They would need Severus' new

muscle enhancer which tied in easily with the Skele-grow to strengthen

their bones and the nutrients to build them back up, on parchment they

worked together but he would have to test it. His mind drifted back to

Lily, she would be needed most of the potions he was working with and

Harrison growled to himself; he didn't want to think about her!

Harrison sighed knowing that his mind had decided that he was done

with his work and packed his things away, he cast a tempus and

shrugged, it would breakfast in about half an hour do he decided to

shower and change. The shower was welcome because it relaxed him, he

didn't know how tense he had become but he was thankful for the hot

water. He threw on a pair of jeans and a top before grabbing a green robe

and leaving for breakfast, it was only Sirius and Remus at the table again

and Harry wasn't surprised as Severus hadn't left Lily's side unless it was

completely necessary.

"Morning cub," Remus greeted,

"Morning," Harry returned absently completely missing the worried looks

they shared.

"Pup," Sirius called shaking Harry out of his reprieve, "Are you ok?"


"Don't bother trying to deny it, we've both seen it, you're conflicted about

Lily and I want to know if your ok."

"I'm fine." He answered with nothing better to say, he didn't know how he

was, he didn't even know what he was thinking let alone the emotions

behind the thoughts.

"I know this is difficult for you," Remus said gently, "But give it time, and

it will come around."

Harry knew he was trying to reassure him but it wasn't helping, he didn't

even know if he wanted anything to 'come around' let alone wait for it.

"I'm going upstairs." Harry said not touching his food; he wasn't very

hungry. Neither adult stopped him knowing he needed to sort through

his thoughts on his own. Harry called for his elf to take him to the

duelling room, he needed to blow off steam and his magic was practically

burning under his skin, he sealed the door with a wave of his hand and

set up the dummy on easy as he wasn't too sure what the standard was in

these times. He was pleased to see that the dummy acted like an actual

person, what he wasn't too happy about what the fact that he had blew it

apart within 30 seconds of the duel starting; it seemed as if the difficultly

ratings hadn't changed much. He cranked it up to the expert for an actual

challenge, he wanted to properly feel his magic at work and for that the

duel needed to last at least 3 minutes.

Harry centred himself and took his position before activating the dummy,

he instantly began moving, twisting and weaving around the barrage of

spells that were directed at him, he started casting and smirked when the

forgotten thrill entered his blood. The dummy gave him a bit of a

challenge but he knew it wasn't quite up to par with the duels he had had

with Ric, so he decided to add another so he was duelling two of them

and that's when Harry really started to enjoy himself. His familiar

graceful movements came back to him automatically; duck, twist, cast,

roll, cast, jump, dodge, cast, cast, shield, blades, cast, drop, roll, cast. His

breathing was quite laboured when he finally downed both of the

dummies and his magic was crackling around him in excitement, he reset

them and added another before going again.

With three it was much more difficult and Harry was actually using his

full ability to hold them back and he took his first hit in the form of a

cutter to the shoulder, he hissed at the feeling and blood flowed from the

wound. He rolled to the floo and shot a bone breaker at one of the

dummies knees overpowering it slightly so it made contact much quicker

than it was supposed to, he had already jumped back to his feet and shot

a stunner at another dummy as the first went down. The stunner missed

like he was expecting, but he wasn't expecting the paralysis spell that

slammed in to his left arm, Harry cursed and sent a maximised Bombarda

to the ground blowing the second dummy back in to the wall, he uttered

the counter curse to free up his arm but it was still stiff so he strapped it

up and only just missed the cutting hex that would have hit his face by

falling to the ground and rolling up instantly to finish the duel with a

heart stopper directly to the chest.

Harry collapsed panting and wincing, his arm was starting to throb and

he was a bit dizzy because of the blood loss so he vanished his blades

before cleaning up. He snapped for Kip to bring him a blood replenisher

which he happily drank after he had activated his phoenix ability to heal

his body, his light head disappeared as did the aches, the only evidence

of his duel was his messy look. Harry was shocked to see he had been in

the room for a few hours and decided he was now hungry enough to get

lunch so he made his way down to the dining room. He blinked when he

saw Severus sat there and raised an eyebrow at his dad in a silent


"Lily has finally woken and Narcissa banished Sev from the room." Sirius

told him and Harry nodded.

"What in Merlin's name have you been doing, cub?" Remus asked slightly

alarmed at the state of him, "And I smell blood!"

"Blood, where?" Sirius demanded.

"I was only duelling, it was a stress reliever." Harry said soothingly

hoping to calm their worry, but it had the opposite affect.

"And you got in to that mess!" Remus exclaimed, "What did you do, cub?

Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, uncle Moony, honestly."

"Well come and eat," Remus said eyeing him warily, Harry fought not to

roll his eyes as he took his seat and began wolfing down food as quickly

as possible without forgetting his manners.

"What's the ability converter on the dummies?" Harry asked.

"I'm not sure exactly," Sirius said after a minute, "I think the average

wizard with some duelling skill should match up to a dummy on hard."

Harry blinked a few times.

"I'm sorry?"

"Why, were you expecting something different?"

"I was hoping people would actually have some duelling talent." Harry

stated in disbelief.

"Not very many people have had the chance to build up their duelling

since Dumbledore took over, he scraped the class."

"Oh dear Merlin," Harry groaned, "Sal's gunna have a fit."

"Many Purebloods teach their children duelling now. I know my parents,

unfortunately, taught me. Actually, all Black children learned duelling

from the age of 8."

"I learned myself and perfected my style over the years with the help of

Sirius and Potter." Remus said.

"Slytherin has a rule that stated all those in second year and above must

learn duelling from the older years," Severus added, "We protect our own

despite any inner differences."

"Thank Magic for small miracles." Harry sighed.

"What Level were duelling against?" Sirius asked.

"Expert, and that was pretty easy." Harry told him shaking his head.


"Yes, it was hardly up to what I was used to."

"Didn't you beat Godric Gryffindor in a duel?" Remus remembered and

Harry nodded with a grin.

"Yeah, when I was 10."

"Sweet Merlin," Sirius murmured shocked, "That's impressive."

"I don't like to brag," Three snorts followed that statement and Harry

pouted before grinning, "But yeah, it's pretty impressive."

"And let me guess… you have yet to inform Him of your ability." Remus

said amused and Harry gasped in mock horror.

"Oh, how silly of me, it must have slipped my mind!" Harry said and

Remus snickered. Just then Narcissa walked in and took a seat, she

looked a little down but no one was expecting anything else given where

she had just come from.

"She's healing very well, Harrison, those potions are working wonders."

Narcissa sent him a small smile to which he returned briefly before

looking back to his plate.

"I'm surprised she's awake." Sirius commented and Narcissa sighed.

"I think its because her body is used to the strain that it's under, she's

been going through this for years and her body has just adapted."

Severus snarled under his breath and Harry was pretty sure he was

planning James Potter's inevitable demise. Unfortunately for the Potions

Master, Harry had already commandeered the position of killing the

bastard if it was possible and, as much as he respected and liked the man,

Harry wasn't willing to give up his spot.

"She told me that's she's tried all of the salves and balms that she could,

but has had little success of removing those awful scars." Narcissa said


"That won't be a problem, if I have to I will create something." Severus

stated and no one was even remotely surprised.

"I said as much," Narcissa agreed, "While she is physically healing, I can

tell that her head is a mess. She's been through so much and she's become

used to holding it all in that I'm afraid its going to consume her."

Harry was growing increasingly uncomfortable with this conversation, he

was still undecided on the whole thing despite the fact that he had asked

for and given her the portkey.

"She wants to thank you, Harrison," Narcissa said gently and Harry


"Why?" His voice sounded cold and detached even to his won ears.

"You saved her life and she knows it, and I think it would be good for you

both to talk." She said and everyone saw how his face just closed off, it

became the perfect emotionless mask and even his eyes voided of


"Your opinion has been noted." He answered in a flat voice.

"Harrison, you have to deal with the sooner or later." Sirius pointed out

softly, "You did give her the portkey."

"I am aware."

"It'll do the both of you good to clear the air-,"

Harry stood abruptly making his chair scrape the floor cutting off Remus'


"I am going to the castle." He stated, "I have things to be doing, I do not

have idle time for needless conversation."

He finish with a sneer spinning on his heel he stalked from the room, he

was aware that he would pay for his rudeness when he returned but at

that point he didn't care. He didn't want to hear another thing about

anything that had happened, he wanted it all to go away, he wanted to

rage and scream at everyone because he didn't know what else to do; he

needed to see Salazar.

So there you have the next chapter, Harrison is conflicted about Lily

and doesn't know what to do! I don't want him to be immediately ok

with her simply because of what has happened and its going to take

a while for him to warn up to her. I would be honoured if you

dropped me a review and tell me what you think! Thanks,


23. Chapter 23

A/N: Hey guys, this chapter is entirely focused on Harrison. He's

dealing with everything that's happened with Lily and he and

Marvolo bond over memories! You get to learn a bit more about

Harry's time with the founders because I know I didn't go in to much

detail about it, but I'll be adding snippets here and there to reveal a

few things about how and why Harrison is how he is so I hope you

like it!

For the revisions, hardly anything done here. Just a bit of

smoothing over really!

Disclaimer: I'm not JK

Warning: Mentions or abuse and rape, but only in conversation.


Chapter 23:

Harrison stormed through Slytherin castle with his magic flaring around

him, he was so mad but at the same time he didn't even know if he

should be mad and that was only adding to his anger. He stalked up the

grand staircase hissing to himself as he went, his feet talking automatic

route to the library where he found Salazar Slytherin sat proudly in his


"What is wrong, Snakelet, your magic is positively wild." Salazar asked

alarmed and Harry hissed.

"That's the problem, I don't know!" Harry growled, "It's ridiculous, my

mind seems to have decided that its not going to make any sense what so

ever and now I'm left like this." Harry began to pace furiously muttering

to himself and pulling at his hair.

"I mean why couldn't things just stay the same, I was perfectly content on

hating Lily, James and Rosina and then Lily just had to go and show that

she tried to be a good person and threw everything up in the air.

According to James, she wanted me back but he stopped her and then

she stood up for me when Dumbledore and Potter decided to try and run

my life which then made me see a whole new side to the situation. I just

had to find that James was abusing her and then I start getting all of

these feelings that only leave me confused and I decided that, as she is

being abused because of me, that I should do something about it because

apparently it's not my moral compass to allow a woman to be abused by

her husband.

"So I decided to give her a portkey in case of emergencies because there

is nothing else I could do, she's wields no power against him and he'd say

she's lying and that would be that. I thought that maybe I could have

been blowing things up, that it was a lapse of control but nooooo, over

pops Lily on the verge of death after Potter decided that she would make

a great human flipping target. And now she's at my manor getting healed

and I have no idea how I'm feeling because everything I've known has

been thrown up in the air. It doesn't help that people are under the belief

that I should 'clear the air' I mean for the love of Lady Magic herself, how

in Hades am I supposed to 'clear the air' with the woman who used to be

my mother who gave me up only to fight for me to come back. That is

not normal circumstances. What am I supposed to do? Should I ignore

her? Should I forgive her? I mean I know I said I didn't hate her anymore

because how can you hate someone who has actually fought for you, but

that was a far as everything else went. This just all needs to go away!"

"Snakelet, sit down." Salazar barked and Harry dropped to the floor

immediately, looking up at the portrait. "Good, now list the ingredients

followed by the process of the blood boiling potion."

Harry ran the potion through his mind before listing the ingredients in

alphabetical order followed by the step by step process of making the


"Then you take it off the heat to cool and it is complete when it settled on

a deep purple with an inky sheen." Harry finished finding himself calmer


"Correct, now imagine yourself going through that process, think about

all the tiny details of potions making as you brew the blood boiling

potion and say it again." Harry went through the process again but this

time he pictured himself doing it clearly in his mind, every cut, every

stir, the heat of the flame and the thickness of the smoke.

"Now watch as the potions simmers," Salazar said quietly, watching as

Harry closed his eyes and breathed deeply. "Think of only the sound, the

bubbles and the crackling of the flame." He instructed his voice not above

a whisper. Harry was listening to the sounds he was so familiar with, it

was soothing, calming and it flowed through his mind easily.

"Let the sound drift in to nothingness." Salazar instructed softly, "And

enter your mindscape."

Harry let everything drift away from him, allowing his mind to go

blissfully blank and embracing nothingness. He enjoyed the peace of it

before sinking further in and entering his mindscape, it had been too long

since he had gone through everything and it was showing. His mindscape

was of Salazar's secret chamber, it wasn't really a secret as all the other

Founders knew it was there seeing as that was basically where the man

lived, but only Salazar, and then Harry, could enter it unless the man

brought them down there. It held Salazar's familiar Aphelia, she was a

basilisk and when Harry had left she was only a baby – in basilisk terms

anyway. After checking his first defences, the ones around his mind, he

made sure his doors were secures and holding firm before continuing

down his first corridor, strengthening his trip wires and reapplying the

Parsel password needed to get in to Salazar's chamber.

He petted Aphelia, Salazar's basilisk, who was the only protection within

the main hall – he thought she was pretty effective being a basilisk and

all. At the bottom of the chamber there was a pool where he had fill it

with lures, the memories that were pushed to cover the front layer of

Occlumency, acting as their own shield as people who dared enter his

mind would see those and be lured in to believing he didn't have any

protection. Off to the side was a hidden door, it was at the base of a

statue of Salazar and he hissed the password to open the door, deciding

to change the brick you had to tap before taking a step and going down

the dark corridor which opened in to Salazar's study.

Harry made a note to visit the chamber to see if Aphelia still lived,

basilisks did have a very long live span. Once in the study, Harry saw

that it was a mess, all of his books were scattered on the floor, the chairs

were overturned and his cabinet was broken. as well as having new

memories filtering about. Harry sighed to himself and got to work fixing

and reordering his mind, all of his knowledge went back in the correct

books, his memory cabinet was resorted and warded again and the room

was cleaned up.

"Better," Harry muttered. He left the study and went further in to the

dark corridor until he came to a final door, it was warded as tight as he

knew how and it held multiple passwords in different languages. The

room was a simple one, it held a bright, swirling ball of pulsing green

magic and Harry couldn't help but smile at the sight of his core, the gift

that Lady Magic had bestowed upon him. He walked towards his core

calmly until he could touch it, he reached out and caressed his magic,

feeling it jolt through him and he carefully walked in to the core until he

was fully submerged in his magic allowing it to run through him at its

own rate.

While Harrison was in his mind, he didn't realise he was being watched

by someone other than Salazar. Marvolo had known when Harrison had

arrived and he had been drawn to the library by the yelling, he had only

caught the end of the rant before Salazar has stepped in. Marvolo

couldn't help be curious at the technique the Slytherin namesake was

going through with Harrison, he marvelled at how well that worked and

he saw the tension melt away from the pre-teen. It was obvious when

Harrison has entered his mindscape and the boy's magic sparked at

sudden intervals until he was suddenly surrounded by an Avada green

glow and he gently levitated from the ground.

Marvolo's eyebrows shot up and he barely stopped his jaw from

dropping, it was seriously unhealthy how many times he had been

surprised by the boy and this was just another to that growing list. He

was very intrigued at the Occlumency steps after seeing them work, they

were quite ingenious really and seemed to work very well in calming the

irate boy down; Marvolo wondered if he could incorporate it in to his

own Occlumency. Marvolo walked further in to the library and took a

seat in front of the Founder, who had his eyes on the levitating boy.

"He's a good child really, even if he let's things get away with him."

Salazar murmured and Marvolo made a sound of agreement.

"He is an astounding child." Marvolo said, "And a walking question."

"My Little Snake was always one for mysteries." Salazar said fondly, "If

there was something to be found out then he would be the one to do it,

and if he could surprise people then even better."

"He definitely seemed to take pleasure in surprising me."

"Ah, but you continue to doubt him and so he will continue to surprise

him," Salazar pointed out.

"How am I not supposed to doubt him, he is but eleven years old."

Marvolo countered.

"And yet, you find yourself in a binding agreement with said eleven year

old because he managed to outwit you." Salazar threw back and Marvolo

scowled at the wall.

"I was temporarily weakened." He grumbled.

"And Snakelet exploited that weakness better than any adult could ever

hope to achieve and in doing so, he secured himself a place at the top of

the food chain and gave you a means to return to your form all within 6

months of returning to his time." Salazar stated, "I taught the boy myself

and I know exactly what he is capable of."

"It is not as though I completely doubt him, I know, now at least, he is

not an ordinary eleven year old, but there are some things that should

just not be possible. He should not be able to conjure a patronus on the

first attempt!" Marvolo exclaimed and Salazar tilted his head.


"It is a spell that repels dementors, it is fuelled on positive emotions and

pure magic, it is one of the most difficult spells to master and he just

conjured one."

"That has a simple explanation." Salazar said, "If it needs to be fuelled by

positive emotions, then that would be simple for Harrison because of how

his Occlumency is built, he can literally go in to his mind and draw

positive energy. He is incredibly advanced at mind magics, but I have

never told him how much. I do like to see him push himself further, he

can do so many things."

Marvolo blinked at that.

"And the magic?"

"Where most wizards of your day are taught with wands and devices,

Harrison, if you have noticed, barely uses his wand. His entire being has

been trained to access magic within a blink of an eye, his core is

completely open to him and his magic can be summoned to him in

whatever quantities he wishes, so drawing on 'pure magic' is something

he does daily."

"He is a true enigma," Marvolo muttered.

"You haven't even scratched the surface of his ability yet," Salazar said

proudly, "Wait until you see him truly use magic, wait until you see him

duel. You will no longer doubt him then."

"He is skilled at duelling?" Marvolo asked interested, Salazar laughed


"Oh Young Snake, Harrison is not merely skilled at duelling; he is well on

his way to becoming a Master."

Marvolo blinked in combination of the new nickname and the fact that

the eleven year old in front of him was set to become a master dueller,

"You cannot be serious…" He said slowly, and Salazar chuckled.

"You would think I was merely exaggerating, but I witnessed him wipe

the floor with Godric in a duel."

"What!" Marvolo said in disbelief, looking at the portrait with wide eyes.

"Oh yes,"

"He beat Godric Gryffindor in a duel." Marvolo repeated astounded.

"Yes, at 10."


"Helped train the boy actually," Salazar said absently and Marvolo

coughed slightly.

"Now I am more than interested to see him duelling."

"I would create a few rules if you want your best to live,"

"Duly noted," Marvolo agreed, "What did Merlin teach him?"

"Elemental magics mainly, which is why his Occlumency is crucial."

"Don't give all my secrets away, Sal." Harry's voice interrupted the pair, "I

do so enjoy shocking the 'all powerful' Dark Lord."

"Have you ordered your thoughts so you are now coherent, Harry?"

Salazar questioned and Harry nodded sheepishly.

"Yes sir, I seemed to have neglected my mindscape, but everything is its

correct order again and I will monitor it regularly."

"As you should, you know what happens when you leave it for too long."

Harry's face flamed.

"That was one time." He complained and Salazar smirked.

"One time I will never let you forget."

"Do I want to know?" Marvolo asked amused and Harry rapidly shook his


"Let's just say my Little Snake saw a bit too much when he blew up the

private dormitories." Salazar said slyly and Harry groaned burying his

face in his hands as Marvolo laughed.

"I want it obliviated."

"Wait until you have to have the talk again, Snakelet, I cannot wait."

"Oh Magic, no!"

"Ah, I suppose you would have had that particular conversation already

given the young age of marriage in that time." Marvolo commented


"Let's stop talking about this now thank you very much." Harry grumbled

standing up and throwing himself in to a chair and sinking in to it.

"Fix your robes, Snakelet, you look a mess." Salazar told him and Harry

waved his hand over himself clearing himself up. "Good,"

"What caused your upset when you arrived?" Marvolo asked him and

Harry huffed.

"Lily Potter." Harry stated.

"Oh, and what has the Lady Potter done now."

"Its not her, it's what has been done to her." Harry sighed.

"Would you care to explain?" Marvolo said and Harry looked at him. The

man would give a complete unbiased view on the situation and that was

exactly what Harry needed.

"Ok, so a few months ago I started to notice there was something going

on with Lily and I was making connections that I didn't like." Harry


"What did you notice?"

"She was wearing heavy glamours and she seemed to have a limp, and

whenever she was around Potter she would either flinch or cringe away."

Harry said and Marvolo blinked suddenly paying much more attention.

"Go on,"

"Right, well I kept an eye on her and the glamours were getting stronger

when I snuck in to Dumbledore's office to finish the prank I was pulling

when they came back sooner than I thought and I hid. I overheard a

conversation in which James said that Lily wanted me back within the

first month which threw everything in my head up in the air." Harry

shook his head, "I didn't know what to do so I kept watching her until I

was ordered to the Headmaster's office again to discuss my summer

placement – Dumbledore was under the impression that we actually gave

a shit about his opinion."

"Language," Salazar interrupted.

"Sorry." Harry said quickly, "Anyway, we were in the office and Lily took

my side in an argument, I was walking back to the dorms when I

overheard voices and, being overly curiously, I followed the sound. It was

Potter who has Lily pinned up against the wall, he was… hurting her and

threatened her because she stuck up for me..." Harry trailed off and

looked at the wall.

"He'd been abusing her." Marvolo confirmed and Harrison nodded.

"Yes, and it was over me. I didn't know what to do, if Potter was speaking

the truth and Lily had actually wanted me back then she had been taking

a lot of crap over it. I went to Narcissa, who had noticed the same things

as myself, and she told me that there was nothing to be done unless she

came forward herself – something that wasn't likely. So I took Cissa's

advice and gave her a portkey in case of emergencies, there was a chance

that I was blowing it up in my mind and Potter merely lost control."

Harry scoffed.

"But you were not." Marvolo said and Harry smiled sardonically.

"No, I wasn't, if anything I underplayed it." He laughed but it was

completely void of humour, "She appeared a few days ago and it was by

sheer force of will that she is still alive. Oh she was a mess, she just

dropped to the ground after begging for Severus, I don't know what

happened while I fetched Sev, but she bled out by the looks of things.

And he raped her, multiple times, carving her up for being a whore."

Harry ran a hand through his hair, "I don't think I've ever seen Severus so

mad, he almost killed Potter,"

"He went oddly calm and pierced the wards?"

"Yes, it was strange."

"I have only seen that happen twice before and the bodies were never

found." Marvolo noted.

"Lucius mentioned it, he snapped him out of it and it was the waiting

game; Severus refused to leave her side."

"No, he has always had a soft spot for Lily Evans, when the Prophecy was

overheard he pleaded with me not to kill her; it's the reason I stunned

instead of killed because it would have looked strange if one lived and

the other didn't." Marvolo told him and Harry blinked shocked.

"Oh, I wouldn't have expected that."

"No, most believe dementors have more of a heart than I." Marvolo said

dryly which gained a snicker from Harrison before he sobered up.

"Well, I haven't been able to work out what I'm supposed to do now or

how I'm supposed too feel and then she went and woke up today and I've

heard all I've heard is that I should 'clear the air' or that I should talk to

her because it would be 'good for both of us'." Harry glared at the wall as

he finished and the room fell in to silence.

"I will not tell you what to do because it is your decision," Marvolo told

him and Harry sighed in relief.

"What do you think?" Harry asked him and Marvolo thought for a few


"I have not seen anything myself, but from what you have explained to

me she seems truly sorry for her actions and, if you suspect, she has been

abused by Potter for the entire time then that is a high punishment." He

said and Harry sighed.

"Part of my mind is saying the same and I gave her the portkey, but the

other part is pointing out that she gave me away anyway and I've hated

her all my life."

"But did you not say you no longer harboured feelings of hate against


"Yes, it's impossible to hate someone who fought for you." Harry said.

"What do you want from her?"

"I want an explanation, I want to know why this happened in the first

place and I want to know exactly what went on." Harry stated firmly.

"How are you going to get an explanation?"

"I'll just have to go and speak to her, won't I? I deserve answers and I

have nothing to lose." Harry said and then be blinked, "Oh…"

"Does that clear a few things up?" Marvolo questioned slightly amused

and Harry nodded.

"Yeah, you're really good at that."

"I am good at many things."

"Ego is still huge though,"

"Yours is not getting any smaller."

"It's the Slytherin way." Harry decided.

"When are you going to speak to her?"

"I don't know, it'll wait until she's at least on her feet again." Harry said

and Marvolo nodded.

"It is approaching dinner, you may want to return to your manor."

"Yeah… that's not going to happen." Harry said cringing slightly at the

memory of him leaving.

"Oh, and why is that?"

"I may have overreacted and lashed out a little bit." Harry told him

sheepishly, "And I really don't fancy going home just to have my ear

bitten off."

"You have your rooms here, Snakelet," Salazar reminded him, "You are an


"Brilliant, I'm going to get acquainted."

"If Black demands an explanation I will unremorsefully blame you both."

Marvolo said as he summoned his book, Harry grinned.

"And I'll just tell him you said it was fine,"

"I did no such thing,"

"But you also didn't say I couldn't stay." With that he got up and ran from

the room before Marvolo could even speak.

"Sly," He muttered without malice much to Salazar's amusement.

"Taught by the best,"

As soon as he was a safe distance from the library, Harrison called for his

elf and asked her to show him to the Heir suit. He followed her up many

flights of stairs and corridors before he came to a corridor with different

wards surrounding it.

"Master Harrison has the entire corridor as he is being the only Heir."

Coco told him, "Master Harrison is being able to do whatever he wants."

"Brilliant," He said pleased, "Which is the bedroom and the study?" he

was shown to the study first and he was highly impressed with the room,

it was a large circular room with the entire back wall and half way

around made up of book shelves partially filled with books. There was an

ebony desk to the side and a black leather sofa in front of the fire, the

floor was ebony wood with a silver rug adorning it. The walls were

different shades of green and the room was bare, lacking a personal

touch that Harry would be only to happy to add. There was a skylight in

the ceiling which lit up the room nicely, allowing him to see the sky and

there were two lamps on the walls.

"I like it," Harry commented, "To the bedroom please,"

"Right this way, Master Harrison." She squeaked and bounced away, he

was led further down the corridor to a set of cherry wood double doors

with sliver handles. Harry pushed them open and froze in the doorway.

"Holy mother of Circe!" He breathed stunned, it seemed Salazar had truly

outdone himself on the Heir rooms. It was a wide rectangular room the

stretched four windows and there was a large, grand cherry sleigh bed,

the elegant headboard reaching high and curling backwards. Even though

the bed was flat on the ground, it was tall and it was dressed in black silk

with a rich, deep green throw folded and draped over the bottom of the

bed and it had green decoration pillows to match. There were a set of

bedside cabinets with glass laps sat upon them made from cherry wood

like all of the furniture in the room.

A low set table sat near the marble fireplace and it was surrounded by

two comfortable looking rich green chairs and a matching sofa, there was

a futon on the opposite side of the room as well as a quilted loveseat. The

floor was a dark wood that offset the cherry furniture nicely and there

was a thick black rug which spread through the most of the room, the

walls were silver and a smoky grey with green tints flowing through it.

The windows were set deeply in to the wall allowing for window seats

which held grey and green cushions, and the drapes were black silk lined

with silver. There was an ornate dresser which has silver handles and a

decoratively carved mirror above it to finish off the room.

Harry walked in amazed and turned in a full circle, the room was lit up

by crystal lamps which were bracketed on the wall and the windows

flooded the room with natural light. Harry walked in and found that

there was walk in wardrobe attached with more clothe space then he

could ever hope for as well as a full length mirror on the back wall. The

other set of doors in the room led to an en suit bathroom that Harry

instantly feel in love with. It was mainly black with low green lighting,

reminding him of the dungeons back at school, it held a pool-like circular

bath with multiple silver taps and a walk in shower with a giant square

shower head embedded in the ceiling. On the other side of the bathroom

there was a huge mirror above marble set sinks with shining silver taps,

there was only one thing that Harry didn't understand.

"Where does the water go?"

In the entire room there were no drains and it would quickly flood.

"The floors is being charmed to deposit the water in the lake Master."

Coco told him and Harry raised his eyebrows impressed.


"Is Master hungry?"

"Yes, I think dinner would be good." Harry agreed. He made his way

down to the dining room where Marvolo was now sat and took his seat

where an elf popped in to serve him.

"Are your rooms to your liking?" Marvolo asked and Harrison nodded.

"Definitely, they are beyond anything I was expecting." Harry said to him,

"And that bathroom!"

"Yes, I found myself in the same frame of mind when I saw my own."

"It's immense," Harry shook his head, "Do you think you will use this

place as your headquarters for the DE's?"

"I am hoping to look in to my other property and see if there is anything

that is more suitable. I do not wish to allow all of my Death Eaters access

to this castle, only my Elite."

"I have yet to go over my property portfolio,"

"If the other founders have as extensive wards and Runes as Slytherin

then you should have pretty impressive castles." Marvolo mused.

"Ravenclaw is a definite, she created most of the ordinary Runes used

here no doubt"

"Ravenclaw castle would be the most interesting for the knowledge


"I am quite interested to see if Morgana has anything left, I came back to

this time before Merlin and Morgana fought. I met her once actually, and

Arthur and Gwen, nice people."

"You met them?"

"Yes, I was on a field trip with Merlin. It was to teach me how to use

magic without allowing others to know, he hadn't told Arthur yet and he

was living in a city which was anti magic. It was rather thrilling."

"What was she like?" Marvolo asked interested.

"Morgana? You would like her, even before she discovered her magic she

had a dark sense of humour and she was inherently beautiful." Harry said

thinking back, "I know I only spoke to her a few times, but she had a

brilliant mind. Gwen was still a serving girl when I was there, and Merlin

was young and working as a man servant."

"But you said Merlin took you when he was old." Marvolo pointed out.

"Yes, but Merlin was odd. He changed his appearance as much as

Dumbledore changes his robes and he could bounce around the times."

Harry said and then he shrugged, "I learned just to go with it."

"It all sounds fascinating," Marvolo said wistfully, "It would be amazing to

witness, to actually see how Merlin truly acted, and how the Founders


Harry tilted his head thinking before he grinned.

"What are you doing after dinner?" He asked and Marvolo raised an


"Building up plans to infiltrate Azkaban, I have the layout and the

security so I merely have to plan it."

"Well before you vanish, come to the library and I may have something

you'll enjoy."

"What are you thinking?"

"That would be telling wouldn't it?" Harry said mysteriously and Marvolo

rolled his eyes.


They ate their meal quietly, discussing the possibilities of a DE

headquarters and the potion Harry was working on.

"I think I have an overall idea, but I do not want to test it on any of your

Death Eaters just in case." He said with a frown and Marvolo nodded.

"We can collect a few prisoners for test subjects, they are in prison for a

reason." Marvolo suggested and Harry's eyes lit up.

"Salazar always used to do that, that's a brilliant idea and I can test my

obliviate potion."

"You have an obliviate potion?"

"Yes, it was for my exam this year. Severus told me to develop a

forgetfulness potion in to something that work like an obliviate, I mapped

out a few ideas on how to make it more permanent and one of them

brewed correctly, but I have yet to test on a human." Harry explained.

"There are dungeons here, I'm sure they will not miss a few prisoners for

educational purposes."

"Wonderful, and I can test my healing potion on one too. I was thinking

of having the potion put the consumer in a healing coma and correct the

damages while they are out cold, and I think I may have something with

it, but its just a plan."

"I am surprised you have gotten that far with everything else you are

working on."

"I pushed this one forward," Harry shrugged. They finished their food and

walked up to the library and Harry took a seat in front of the Dark Lord.

"Now, what were you thinking?" Marvolo questioned and Harry smirked.

"I assume you are well versed in Legilimency?" Harry asked and Marvolo


"Very much so,"

"Good, we're going to take a trip." Harry said and locked eyes with

burning crimson, Marvolo raised an eyebrow but entered his mind. He

was quite shocked to land in a dimly lit corridor and looked around in

interest, Harry came skipping down with a grin.

"Welcome to my mind," He said with a flourish, "You'll have to bare with

me, I don't remember the last time I brought someone in here and my

defences are rather ah dangerous."

"That is not even slightly reassuring." Marvolo told him and Harry


"I don't suppose it is."

He led the way down the corridor mentally keeping an eye on all of his

defences to make sure that they didn't activate to the foreign presence

despite him being there too. Harry hissed the password to the door and

led the way in to the main chamber.

"This is the Chamber of Secrets." Marvolo said amazed and Harry looked

at him shocked.

"You found the Chamber?"

"Yes, in my 6th year." Marvolo confirmed.

"How was Aphelia? I didn't see her last year." Harry asked interested.

"She was quite happy to see me, it seems that as the Heirs slowly drifted

away they forgot about the Slytherin legacy at the school." Marvolo

answered, "She was rather frustrated with Dumbledore and in her haste

to kill him she accidently killed a girl I'm my year, Myrtle I think her

name was."

"I will definitely go and visit her, I remember when she was only a baby;

she grew so fast." Harry remembered fondly. He continued in to the

chamber passing the first pool which Marvolo raised an eyebrow to.

"They're dormant memories that can be pulled up when people try to

enter my mind, a fake past with the muggles which I created. They also

work as lures."

"Good idea," Marvolo said, and then he tilted his head slightly, "Lures?"

"Unimportant and fake memories that have been woven with

compulsions to make the attacker believe there are no defences." Harry

explained, and Marvolo quirked an eyebrow.

"That is a further branch of Occlumency than I have ever heard of,"

Marvolo said and Harry shook his head.

"It's not Occlumency, that's why." Harry told him, "Occlumency is the art

of protecting and controlling ones mind."


Harry hissed to open the next door and went down to the study where

Harry went straight over to the cabinet.

"Have a seat," He invited, "I just have to find the right one."

"Your mindscape is one of the most detailed I have ever seen." Marvolo


"It took me years to build it up, but Sal started me when I was eight. I

had started occluding my mind when I was 5 because it was taught to all

children when they were that young as it was their first crucial

development in magic so I already had the background when I started

straining in actual mind magics." Harry explained,

"Continuing from your earlier explanation of Occlumency and Mind

Magics, was Occlumency not considered a Mind Magic?" Marvolo asked

and Harry shook his head.

"No, it was a necessity. Salazar told me that in order to fully control your

magic you have to have some type of Occlumency shield because magic

us fuelled by emotion and if you cannot control them they you cannot

control your magic."

"So what was mind magic?"

"This is a big part of it." Harry said motioning around the room. "Building

up a mindscape which you can come to and not just order your

memories, I can come in here and read, practice duelling and rest and it

has an effect on my actual body; that's how you know your mindscape is

actually working. It means you are fully connected."

"I have been fixing my own mindscape, it is nearly as I wish, but I have

yet to practice magic within it yet." Marvolo mused, "I believe I shall try


"Legilimency, unlike it's usual counter, is a Mind Magic. The practice is

aided when you have a mindscape, but there are other things that also

branch off from merely invading someone's mind." Harry said to him, "Ah

ha," he pulled out a crystal phial.

"Why the cabinet?"

"My memories are locked securely away, every book you see on the

shelves is a book I have actually read and the black ones in Parsel are my

own working." Marvolo looked around impressed, "This cabinet is like a

connection, it allows me to draw out a specific memory without

submerging in it, but it is also another defence."

Harry brought forward the phial and grinned at Marvolo, "Ready to see

the real life Merlin and Morgana?"

Marvolo's eyes snapped to the memory and a fiery hunger entered his

ruby gaze, Harry motioned him to follow again and he hissed at one of

the bookshelves making it swing forward in to a room with a pool in the

centre; Harry poured the memory in.

"It's a viewing pool, or a pencieve as they are known now."

"It's a lot bigger than an ordinary pencieve," Marvolo noted and Harry


"Yes, because back when they were first recognised, they were this size

and you literally stepped in to it. The device was created as an off branch

of Legilimency."

"Really? Why is that?"

"Because, originally, viewing pools were created for legal purposes. They

allowed a victim to show a traumatic scene without having to personally

relive it, and so all details could be seen, and on the opposite side the

defendant would show either his alibi of his guilt." Harry explained.

"But how would that be definitive? Surely they could just modify the

memory or plant false ones."

"You cannot trick a viewing pool." Harry said, looking at him as if he was


"Of course you can. Pensieve memories testimonies have been discounted

from many court proceedings and when they are accepted they are used

as reference points mainly."

"Then viewing pools and pencieves work differently." Harry stated, "The

reason it is an off branch of Legilimency is because it draws the memory

out of the persons mind, whether they want it to or not. The date and

times would be set and the pool would project whatever memories the

person had of that time."

"That is incredible."

"Yeah, the person who created it was a genius no doubt." Harry agreed,

"The pools were edited back when I first arrived at the Founders time,

changing them to be passive, allowing people to select a memory to put

in to it and then they would submerge themselves in to the pool and

review their memory as a whole."

"That's what a pensieve does," Marvolo told him, "That's why it can be


"Ah right," Harry said, "That makes sense, true viewing pools work

through accessing your memories through your magic, and seeing as you

cannot lie to magic…" He trailed off but Marvolo nodded in


"Back to why we are actually here." Harry remembered, pouring the phial

out in to the pool, "Are you coming?"

Marvolo shot him a look that clearly said he thought Harry was stupid for

asking so Harry dropped in to the pool followed almost instantly by the

Dark Lord. They landed on a dirt path which was lined with stalls that

sold all kinds of things, there were people pulling carts and the

atmosphere was pleasant.

"Welcome to Camelot." Harry said, "I should be around here somewhere."

Marvolo was looking around like it was his first time to Diagon Alley and

it was understandable why, everything was completely different to what

they knew now from the buildings to their clothes; but Camelot was

behind even the Founders time as it was without magic.

"Ah, here I am with Merlin," Harry pointed to a younger version of

himself and a young man who was dressed in black trousers tucked in to

his brown boots with a blue linen V neck shirt which was bound by a

utility belt with a red scarf around his neck, he had a brown jacket to

finish the look and little Harry was dressed similarly.

"That is Merlin!" Marvolo exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Strange right?"

"He is but a teenager!"

"He looks like it, but I think his age, in this time, is around 24. I don't

know his actual age though because of his time travel." Harry said, "We're

heading to the castle." Harrison and Marvolo followed Merlin and little

Harry up the winding path and Harry couldn't help but smile at Marvolo's

excitable behaviour as they went; it was just another point that indicated

the man was actually human despite popular belief. Merlin stopped to

introduce little Harry to a pretty girl carrying a basket and Harrison's

eyes lit up.

"Here we go," He said walking closer with Marvolo, the Dark Lord

stopped short with his eyebrows rising.

"Is that… Guinevere?"

"Yes, amazing right?"

"It truly is."

"It's nice to meet you, Harry,Gwen said pleasantly.

"What are you doing here, Gwen?" Merlin asked.

"Collecting fresh fruits for the Lady Morgana, she prefers them over oats

for her breakfast."

"She was a serving girl for Morgana?" Marvolo said and Harry nodded.

"Yes, that's how she met Arthur."

They listened to the rest of the conversation before Gwen had to hurry

away to return before Morgana wished to dine. They didn't meet anyone

else until they got in to the castle walls where Merlin introduced little

Harry to Gawain who was riding out on his horse.

"This is surreal," Marvolo muttered watching as Gawain rode out.

"It gets worse." Harry warned at they actually entered in to the castle.

Marvolo looked completely amazed as they went through the castle, they

passed Gaius, the physician, and walked up to Arthur's chambers. Little

Harry was told to wait as Merlin went in to the room and Harry being

Harry wandered down the corridor, he was looking as the tapestry that

was hanging on the walls when he literally walked in to someone and

was knocked to the ground. It was a young woman who was dressed in a

rich green dress made from velvet and mesh threaded with gold with

wide flowing sleeves, she had long dark hair that had a natural blue tint

to it and it had styles with two braids that came from her temples to

meld in with the rest. She was tall, with pale skin and high, aristocratic

features offsetting piercing violet eyes that were full of knowledge; her

full bloody lips parted in shock as she looked down at the boy.

"I-I am so s-sorry, My Lady, I was not watching my steps." Little Harry

stuttered out looking up at the woman in fear.

"You ran in to the Lady Morgana!" Marvolo yelped in astonishment, and

Harry pulled his hair sheepishly.

"Yeah, I was terrified."

"Are you not a quaint little thing?" Morgana cooed looking down at him

with a warm smile, "Are you lost, little one?"

"N-no, I came here with Merlin, I am working with him to gain

knowledge for when it is my time to find work." Harry told her, then his

eyes widened and he scrambled to his feet and he gave her a neat bow

which made her smile slightly.

"You are sweet." She said, "What is your name?"

"I am called Harry, My Lady,"

"An unusual name," Morgana commented, "Where is your place of


"Scotland, but we have always travelled, My Lady." Harry told her, and

she nodded.

"Come, I am supposed to be dining with Arthur on this morning and I

cannot allow you to stand in the halls alone. The guards may get the

wrong idea." She held out her hand and little Harry's eyes went as wide

as saucers before he got it together and took it softly, she smiled brightly

and led him back to Arthur's rooms just as the door was opening.

"He's right out here, Arthur." Came Merlin's voice as he stepped out and

came face to face with Morgana, "Morgana!"

"Good morning, Merlin." She greeted, "I believe you brought someone

with you on this day." Merlin noticed Harry by Morgana's side and he


"I apologise, I was longer than anticipated."

"Worry not, he is a delightful creature. But let us not leave him in the

halls for fear of the guard's reaction." Morgana said breezily before

leading him in to the large open chambers. There was a large mahogany

table with two main chairs and benches lining the sides, it was set with

golden plates and goblets and cutlery. Arthur was stood by the table, he

was a broad man with thick blond hair and an aristocratic face, he was

dressed in white lined and tan trousers, he turned to face them with a

somewhat haughty look, but it didn't reach his blue eyes which were

warm and open.

"King Arthur," Marvolo murmured taking in the details.

"He's only Prince at this point." Harry told him, "Unless you want to

watch them eat, then it's the end."

Marvolo nodded and they left the memory and were stood on the outside

of the pool, Harry pulled back the memory in to the phial and walked

back out to the study.

"I can't believe you walking in to Morgana, literally." Marvolo shook his

head and Harry grinned.

"Yeah, I know, I think that is one of my more embarrassing moments." He


"What was Arthur like?"

"Surprisingly, despite the look, he was nice. He was arrogant, then again,

who isn't when they are in a place of power? But he was very fair and

just and he actually cared about the people and their views opposed to

only his own image like his father." Harry said sitting down.

"Morgana had such a presence around her, it is astounding to think she

was unknowing of her magic at that point." Marvolo shook his head and

sat down.

"I know, it was a shame Morgause only taught her dark magic before she

was grounded."

"She was still powerful without it." Marvolo said and Harry nodded.

"Oh no doubt," Harry agreed, "Ready to leave? We can come back, I want

to show you the day when Ric thought it would be a good idea to put me

on a hippogriff and let me fly around the Astronomy tower; Rowena was

not pleased."

"I cannot imagine why," Marvolo drawled amused. They left together,

Harry led him to the nearest exit and they both awoke in their bodies.

Harry groaned slightly and stretched his limbs as Marvolo did the same.

"So, what do you think?"

"That was truly spectacular to see." Marvolo murmured after a few

moments of silence, he had a small, nearly invisible smile on his face,

"Thank you." Harry smiled in return.

"You are welcome."

The Dark Lord rose to his feet and swept from the room with a nod.

Harry snapped his fingers summoning his working and decided to see

what he could get done before calling it a night.

There we have it, Marvolo and Salazar help sort Harry our and a bit

about Harry's past! I've used the TV program Merlin from BBC to

base my extracts on in case anyone is wondering or confused; I hope

you like it and I would love a review.



24. Chapter 24

A/N: Hey guys, I seriously can't even express how amazed I am at

your enthusiasm!

Now, this chapter is a bit of a filler. Some more Harry and Marvolo,

an article and Harrison has a break through; I hope you enjoy it!

Minor changes, though I did cut a few things out of this chapter

because they were just unnecessary.

Warning: Mentions of violence, swearing,

Disclaimer; I am not J.K, and if I was there would be some major



Chapter 24:

"You know, you will have to go home eventually." Marvolo pointed out to

Harry. The boy had eaten breakfast and vanished to the library, he was

practically twitching, much to the endless amusement of the Dark Lord.

"I know, I just have… work to do." Harry said and Marvolo bit back a


"You are merely putting of the inevitable."

"I do not know what you are speaking of." Harry stated.

"Of course not,"

"Fine, I am, but with good reason. I refuse to be grounded again,

especially when it wasn't even my fault." Harry sighed.

"Then tell them that, explain why you were angry with them." Marvolo

said calmly, "It was wrong of them to try and pressurise you in to

something they could not hope to understand."

"I suppose I should go, I have work to be doing anyway and I want to go

and see Draco."

"No doubt little Lucius will be interested in the goings on of Black Manor

currently." Marvolo pointed out and Harry brightened at that.

"I can try out my new broom,"

"Go, fiend, no doubt I will see you soon."

"Secretly you pine for my company." Harry said nimbly dodging the

stinging hex sent at him, "Aressa has been pestering me about seeing

Nagini again, so I'll send her through the floo later."

"I won't be surprised to see another Snake then,"

"Good," Harry pulled himself up and packed his things with a wave of his

hand. "Walking to my doom," He muttered and left. Marvolo shook his


Harry floo'd back home and headed for his rooms, he almost made it

there without being detected, but he ran in to his dad as he opened the

door to his bedroom.

"Harrison Regulus Black! Stop right there." Sirius called and Harry

muttered a few choice curses in Parsel. He put his things in room and

slowly turned to face his father who was, for the first time in Harry's

memory, glaring at him.


"Come with me, immediately." He ordered sharply, he span on his heel

and walked away leaving Harry no choice but to follow him. He was led

in to a room that he had not entered yet, it was a study, like Marvolo's

but it was done up in full Black attire.

"Sit," Sirius pointed to a chair and Harry hastily took a seat while his dad

took the seat behind the desk. The room was silent as Sirius watched his

son, his pride and joy, and Harry fought not to fidget under his gaze.

"Do you know how worried I have been?" Sirius asked eventually, his

voice was calm and even. Harry looked at him in shock, not having

expected that.


"Moony and I have been going out of our minds with worry." He

repeated, and Harry blinked a few times.

"But why? I told you where I was going." Harry said incredulously, Sirius

sighed and sat back.

"Harrison, you told us you were going to the castle, but you never came

back. You vanished to the place where the most powerful, and the most

dangerous, man in the wizarding world resides and you never come back.

There was no word, no message, nothing to tell us what was going on.

For all we knew you had been killed."

"What? That's absurd!" Harry exclaimed, "I thought I'd told you Marvolo

couldn't hurt me. Besides, he wouldn't,"

"Harrison, you don't understand. That man, he is the Dark Lord, he didn't

get his reputation by sitting back and being peaceful. This is the same

person who instilled so much fear to people that they refuse to speak his

name!" Sirius told him seriously, "You just left and there was nothing. I

had no way to contact you, no way to get to you, no way to see if you

were ok."

Harry blinked at the helplessness in his dad's voice, he had not even

thought that his family would be worried for him. He has told them

multiple times that he could not be harmed by Marvolo, not only was

there the vow, but it was the Slytherin clause. He hadn't been lying when

he said that Marvolo physically couldn't harm him, maliciously, within

the castle. Salazar had created a spell, he had tied it to his blood line and

it stopped Slytherin family members from killing each other so they could

protect their blood. The portrait told him about it, when Harry had asked

him how he managed to keep his line, however small, going. He could

see where his dad was coming from though, he often forgot that Marvolo

was the Dark Lord Voldemort because he only saw the man as Marvolo.

"I am… sorry." Harry said quietly, "I didn't realise you would worry. I

needed to let off some steam. I was so angry because of this whole Lily

thing, and then when everyone was telling me that I should speak to her

and everything that it was too much. I was confused as it was, I really

didn't need that."

"And that's fine, Pup, really it is. I get why you are stressed, and I admit

that everyone telling you to speak to the person that used to be your

mother was not the wisest thing and your reaction was completely

warranted. But you cannot just go off like that, if you need space and you

want to stay out for the night you have to tell me, especially if you're

going to the castle." Sirius told him.

"Ok, I won't do it again, I promise. And if I want to stay at the castle then

I'll tell you. It really wasn't my intention to make you worry." Harry said


"Good," Sirius nodded and then smiled slightly, "Who knew having a kid

could make you go grey early?"

"I resent that."

"As for your punishment… I won't ground you this time because of the

extenuating circumstances, but you will be going to face Moony alone."

Harry has slumped in relief at the first part of Sirius' sentence, but then

his eyes widened in horror come the end.

"Oh come on!" He exclaimed, "You know how he worries!"


"You are evil,"

"I have been practicing," Sirius agreed, "Come on, it's lunch time." Harry

followed his dad down to the dining room, bemoaning the fact that he

was going to be smothered to death by an extremely overprotective

werewolf uncle. And he was right. As soon as he stepped in to the room,

Moony had jumped up and was all over him, checking for injures and

making sure he was ok. Harry couldn't get a word in edge ways. He was

steered to a seat and his plate was filled with food, Harry was honestly

surprised that Moony didn't try feeding him the way it was going.

"Are you sure you are ok, Cub,"

"Yes, Moony. I am fine, honestly." He reassured.

"You are never doing anything like that again," The werewolf stated.

"I know," Harry said, "I'll let you know if I am staying out next time."

Moony gave him a shrewd look before starting on his own lunch. Harry

didn't miss how the man kept watching him out of the corner of his eye,

he had to bite back a laugh, but he didn't mention it.

"What are your plans for the day, Pup?" Sirius asked.

"I need to see Draco, I was supposed to see him the day of the article but

that went down hill quickly." Harry said and Sirius snorted.

"Yeah, and that's an understatement."

"You'll be home by dinner," Moony said.

"Definitely, and if I'm not I am sure it will be aunt Cissa's doing which

means you will also be invited." Harry joked.

"You know, she actually terrifies me sometimes." Sirius said shuddering

lightly. "I used to think Bella was the one to be truly feared."

"About Bella," Harry remembered, "I spoke to Marvolo about that, and he

confirmed my theory. Bella was on a mission. See, the Longbottoms held

the other child of the prophecy, their son Neville was also born as the

seventh month dies, and, while Marvolo came after me, he sent his best

after the Longbottoms." He explained.

"So it wasn't a random attack?" Sirius asked with a trace of relief in his


"No, it was definitely not random a random attack." Harry confirmed,

"According to Marvolo, Bella was the one DE that had never failed him,

she was his favourite, still is, and that is why she was sent."

"Thank Merlin," Sirius breathed, "We may not have gotten on while we

were at Hogwarts, but we were family and we had fun growing up."

"She is going to be the first Marvolo goes to when the Azkaban break out

happens, there is absolutely no doubt."

"I will be coming with you." Sirius stated after a moment, Harry looked

up shocked.

"You will?"

"Yes, as will Moony. We are part of the Dark now, and I know you would,

despite the trouble you would get in afterwards, find away to get there

and help anyway so I might as well go. Besides, I want to make sure Bella

is ok, Azkaban would have been tough on her." Sirius explained and

Harry smiled in gratitude.

"Thank you. I will inform Marvolo so he can adjust his plans."

"How are you coming along with your potion?" Moony asked him and

Harry frowned.

"I think I have worked out all the elements of the potions that need to be

combined, I know what I want it to do, but I need a binding agent."

"I am sure you will work it out." Moony said firmly.

"I will, eventually." Harry sighed, "Can I go?"

"Yes, but remember…"

"I'll be back at dinner." Harry repeated, "Thanks dad,"

Sirius waved him from the room, and Harry left for Malfoy Manor. It was

like Draco was waiting for him because Harry was jumped as soon as he

stepped out of the grate.

"Thank Merlin you are here, I am going out of my mind!" Draco

exclaimed, he grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him out and up to his

rooms. Draco's rooms were much like Harry's except they were in the

Malfoy colours and the wood was different, the energetic blond threw

himself down on the bed pulling Harry with him.

"Tell me everything!" Draco demanded.

"What do you know?" Harry asked.

"Nothing, only that mother came home in tears, which, by the way, is

something I have never seen. She is visiting yours more than normal and

my father is in a rage muttering about murdering James Potter." Draco

said with a huff.

"Well sit back, you're in for a story." Harry told him. He got himself

comfortable next to Draco and sighed.

"Remember that I gave Lily that Portkey?"

"Yes, because Potter is an abusive bastard."

"Well, it turns out that what I saw was only the icing on the cake." Harry

ran a hand through his hair, "She used the portkey… it was horrible. The

list of injuries was immense, and she nearly died. Potter – Potter raped

her, Dray, multiple times, and he beat her so bad that she just collapsed

when she arrived."

"He's a monster." Draco breathed horrified, "We've said he's a bastard, and

that he's scum. But he's an actual monster."

"Severus nearly killed him,"

"You stopped him."

It was a statement, not a question.

"I did,"

"You want to do it yourself."

Another statement.

"I do,"

"What's happening now?" Draco asked.

"She's awake, and she wants to talk to me. I was a bit stressed, everything

sort of collapsed around me, I mean, everything I believed in changed so

suddenly so I went to-,"

"The castle," Draco finished for him, amused.

"I talked it out with Marvolo, the man is extremely intelligent."

"He is the Dark Lord, Harry."

"I know, but even for a Dark Lord, he is really smart."

"So do you know what you are going to do?"

"Yeah, but it'll have to wait. I'll speak to her, I want an explanation, but it

won't be until she's up on her feet." Harry said, "I still don't know what to


"I'm sure you will work it out in your own way." Draco said surely.

"I will, eventually,"

"So, as this is completely depressing, let's talk about better things." Draco

suggested, "The upcoming article and flying."

"The article was something I was meant to ask my dad about, I would

have thought it would be out by now. I mean, Rita was there when Lily


"Wait, what!?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Harry mused, "But we got her silent, she

gets the exclusive when the story breaks, but she releases it when we


"And she agreed to that?" Draco said shocked.

"She didn't really have a choice." Harry pointed out.


"But anyway, I did think the article would be out by now."

"No, it'll be tomorrow, the ratings are better for certain days." Draco said

as if it was obvious, "Besides that, it settles Potter in to a state of calm,

because, no doubt, the man approached her to keep things quiet."

"I never thought of it like that." Harry said.

"That's why you need me." Draco stated imperviously. Harry looked at

him an incredulous expression before they both laughed.

"Now, for the really important things; flying." Harry said and Draco


"Let's go!"

Both boys ran down through the manor and out to the pitch, Draco

grabbed his broom from the shed and Harry snapped his fingers for his to

come to him.

"Want to practice so chaser moves?" Harry asked, "I know we already

have but this is a new broom."

"Yes, come on."

Draco kicked off and Harry's eyes lit up at the speed. Harry jumped on

his broom and followed his cousin up in to the air; it was… amazing.

"Holy mother Magic," He breathed. If he thought that the 2000 was

amazing then it was seriously outclassed by the 2001, it was smoother,

quicker and allowed him to turn sharper.

"These are seriously nice." Harry said, swerving up to stop in front of


"The speed…" Draco trailed off.

"I know, think of all the moves we'll be able to do. That captaincy is

within reach."

"Come on, idiot, I have a quaffle." Draco zoomed off and grabbed his

rather beaten quaffle and came back up in to the air, "I really need a new

one of these."

"Yeah yeah,"

Harry shot past him and twisted so he hit the quaffle out of his hands and

over his head, Harry laughed at his shocked face and snatched the ball

out of the air streaking down the pitch with it under his arms.

"Damn you, Black," Draco cursed and shot after him. After a bit of

friendly (dangerous) fighting, they fell in to duo formations and practiced

quickly passing the ball between them while flying at speed. It sounded

easy, but it was extremely difficult getting the momentum going, but

once they did they managed a few passes before one of them dropped it.

"Let's slow it down, see if we can get a full pitch streak and then

gradually speed it up." Draco suggested, as the quaffle, once again,

slipped from Harry's grasp and he had to swing down to grab it.

"Ok, sounds like a plan." Harry agreed, tossing him the quaffle and flying

back to the end. Eventually they managed to do a full streak at speed, but

Harry pointed out that they could still practice all summer, and they

were riding new brooms.

"If the article is out tomorrow you know I will definitely see you." Harry

said as he and Draco walked to the floo room.

"I know, no doubt my father will want to meet with your father to discuss

the political advantage this would be."

"Yeah, that and they have been edging to discuss how they are going to

politically wring Potter for everything he is ever since Lily arrived."

"That too," Draco laughed.

"See you,"

"Bye, Harry!"

True to Draco's guess, when Harry sat down in the morning and the

paper flew in, Sirius released an almighty cheer and laid it out flat for

them to see.

Girl-Who-Lived – Guilty!

Black victorious,

An insight to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black!

Each one of us has been eagerly following the ever growing feud

between the Houses of Black and Potter, ever since the controversial

accusation that Heiress Rosina Potter, the Girl-Who-Lived, maliciously

knocked her ex-brother, Heir Harrison Black, formally Harry Potter,

out of the air and nearly to his death. The debate escalated at a furious

pace. Lord Black, with the backing of Lord Malfoy and Lord Nott, was

vying for the conviction of Rosina Potter for crimes against his son,

while Lord Potter, with the backing of the great Albus Dumbledore, was

firmly stating that the terrible accident was just that; an accident.

We all remember the epic duel resulting in a victory for the House of

Black and the revelation that Lord Potter may not be quite as he seems

with the grave insults he instilled to Harrison Black, but what was left

unspoken was the fight over the Quidditch incident. Just who was

speaking the truth?

Well, ladies and gentlemen, this reporter has been following this story

as eagerly as you and I am happy to be able to deliver news to you. I

was graciously invited to a private interview with the Black family,

including Lord Sirius Black, his bond mate Remus Lupin-Black and Heir

Harrison Black, in their stunning ancestral home (See picture below).

I was given the grand tour and bore witness to the immense, and highly

sought after, Black Library. Lord Black was ever the charming host and

allowed me to photograph the scenic grounds and supplied this iconic

image of he and his family in front of the recognisable Black crest (see

picture 2).

Of course, it wasn't just to view their beautiful home and to see them as

a loving family unit that I was invited to, and I began to wonder what

could warrant a private interview with one of the most prestigious

families within our world.

It was then that Lord Black relented that there had been a low key

hearing against Rosina Potter for the charge of assault against an Heir

to a Noble and Most Ancient House. I was shocked as this meant that,

despite what Lord Potter and Albus Dumbledore had said, this case had

enough evidence to become a hearing in the first place. I didn't want to

believe it, despite growing evidence that Rosina Potter did, in fact, try to

kill her ex-brother, because we don't want a hero who is evil and that is

just what it was; evil. But, I am afraid, that is exactly what we have. I

was stunned to find out that Rosina Potter was found guilty of the

charges, and, in light of that, was sentenced to a 2 year flying ban and

the House Potter was finned 1.5 million galleons in compensation to be

paid towards the Black house. I didn't want to believe it, I wanted to

think that it was malicious rumours, but I discovered the transcripts

within the ministry and had the truth.

Rosina Potter, our hero, attempted to kill Harrison Black in a fit of


I have never been so outraged. Someone who we, as a nation, have

looked to as a beacon of light did something so horrible is

unquestionably horrific. But that is not all we have to think about!

What about Lord Potter and his insistence that this an accident? Or

Albus Dumbledore's assurance that it was a bit 'misunderstanding'?

Were they trying to take the law in to their own hands, or were they

genuine in their beliefs that it was a mere Quidditch accident? I don't

know and, as of yet, I am unable to answer that question, but you can

bet I will be doing everything I can to find out.

Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent to the Daily Prophet,

"This is beautiful." Sirius stated, "This is slamming Albus and the Potters

in a way that most will not even recognise."

"She has done it artfully," Remus agreed pleased, "It will sway the public

in a way where they won't even know that their opinions have been


"Yeah, and when the stuff about Lily breaks the headlines its going to be

ugly." Harry said with a smirk,

"I almost pity him," Sirius sighed happily.

"Key word being 'almost', Pads." Moony said snickering.

"Who wants to bet that the Malfoys will be he-," He was cut off as the

wards flared and Draco came running in to the room with a smirk on his


"You've seen it?" He said and Harry nodded.

"I might pin it on my wall." Harry confirmed.

"It does deserve a special place," Lucius agreed following his son in to the

room with his wife, "I do apologise for the unannounced call, Sirius, but

after this I felt as if it couldn't wait."

"No at all, Lucius, have a seat and help yourself to breakfast,"

"Thank you,"

The Malfoys took seats and the adults shared smirks.

"The next Wizengamot meeting is going to be especially pleasing." Sirius

pointed out slyly and Lucius chuckled lowly.

"This is going to have many people questioning Potter and, by extension,

Dumbledore. It is a massive blow to the light side and could not have

come at a better time, especially with Lord Slytherin on the move."

Lucius stated.

"Ah yes, as if Dumbledore was not already in a foul mood over that. But

he dug his own grave, we will just have the pleasure of helping him in to

it." Sirius said with a rather vicious grin.

"This will mainly affect the neutrals because, after all, the die hard

Dumbledore believers will not be swayed, but we are not interested in

them. Yet, anyway,"

"Those such as Greengrass and Davis will fall over to us, Davis being the

slower of the two because of their children."

"Halfbloods, yes, I had forgotten about that. Both of their children are

powerful," Lucius mused, "But that is where the Dark Lord comes in to

play, he will, no doubt already have plans to push this in his favour."

Harry scoffed at that.

"If that man has not already planned three different ways in which this

article alone could work in his favour at the next session then I am not

the Black Heir."

"It is almost guaranteed that something will happen next." Lucius said,

"But, we still have to be careful. Potter will not have taken this lightly,

and he will lash out."

"Yes, but Uncle, you forget we have the trump card." Harry said with a

malicious smirk.


"Lily Potter," He said and his smirk was mirrored around the table.

"Potter has fallen, he just doesn't know how far yet." Narcissa said.

"More like plummeted," Draco muttered and Harry snickered.

"What do you think he will do?" Sirius asked Lucius, "Surely he would not

be foolish enough to act within the Wizengamot."

"His actions have become more and more unpredictable as this year has

gone by, I could not make a secure guess." The blond Lord said slowly.

"So we have to prepare for everything, you know yourself, Siri, that

Potter will do something that he things will make him seem better and

greater than everyone else." Remus put forward, bringing himself in to

the conversation.

"That is his style, he always used to have to go above and beyond; even

in school." Sirius noted.

"So we look for signs of something… grand?" Lucius questioned.



"Just think, Lucius dear, if he does something so remotely stupid that it

angers you then you are one of the people that is able to tear him to

pieces slowly." Narcissa informed him lightly.

"Ah, of course you are right, my dear. But it is Potter, after all, he leaves

a lot to be desired." Lucius reminded her, "No matter, I have no doubt

that the next session will be highly memorable."

"Do you think, if we continue these articles, that Potter might just have a

heart attack or hole up in his manor so we can just forget about him?"

Draco wondered and Harry snorted.

"Let's not wish for the unreachable, Dray." Harry laughed.

"We must be off, I have things that need my attention." Lucius announced

rising to his feet, "I thank you for the hospitality,"

"Not at all, you are always welcome." Sirius said graciously.

"See you, Harry!"

"Bye, Draco, bye, aunt Cissa, uncle Lucius."

Sirius saw them out and Harry sat back in his chair contemplating.

"What are you thinking about, Cub?" Remus asked gently, Harry looked

up and smiled slightly,

"Thinking about what is going to happen when everything truly comes

out, and when that is going to happen." He replied.

"I think that this is only the beginning, the whole Lily situation is on hold

until she is well again and the rest will come. Dumbledore has this ability

to be born again from the ashes like that phoenix of his." The last bit was

a dark mutter, but Harry wasn't paying attention to that.

"Phoenix, why didn't I think of that earlier?" Harry burst out, "Thanks

uncle Moony, you are brilliant." Harry leaped up and dashed to the

library, running past a surprised Sirius and snapping his fingers for his

things as he went. Harry slammed himself down on to a table and laid all

of his notes out and immediately began scribbling furiously on multiple

different sheets, he was muttering to himself as he wrote and he didn't

even notice his dad and uncle enter the library to watch him work.

"What do you think it is?" Sirius asked lowly.

"Potions, I think," Remus answered straight away, "I mentioned a phoenix

and it was like a light bulb went off."

"No surprises really," Sirius muttered before they turned back to Harry

who had just summoned a book by holding up his hand. He flipped it

open with his eyes running down the pages before his eyes lit up and he


"How could I have missed it?" He asked the air rhetorically, "I am so

stupid!" he made a note of whatever he had discovered, and continued

speaking to himself. "It would need to be kept pure which means all

metal is out of the question. I wonder where I can get a diamond

cauldron, I know they are rare…" He trailed off and made another note.

"It that was crushed in to a paste it would bind that to those, and it

would make it like an induced sleep to make that activate. Of course,

with it so pure then it should quicken the results, and it should correct all

instead of individual. I wonder…." Harry went quiet again and snapped

his finger making a book appear in front of him. "Yes, it would be

essences instead and it would be an elixir not a draught, and would that

work? No, definitely not, that would counteract that and make it

poisonous, but if I put in my own version of that it would round the

whole thing. I'll have to underline crush and grind or the whole thing will

fall apart." Harry shook his head amused and continued writing, the two

adults were amazed to watch him work so thoroughly engrossed in what

he was doing. To see how his mind processes so much was quite


"YES!" Harry's loud exclamation startled them out of their thoughts and

they looked up to see him cheering with his journal in his hands.


"Alright there, Pup?" Sirius called making Harry spin around to see him,

he had the biggest smile on his face as he looked at his family.

"I finally found my missing element, I've been so blind!"

"Is that your healing potion?" Remus tried and Harry nodded.

"Yes, and now I am need of Severus because if I ask you anything potions

related you are just going to send me to him anyway."

"You do know he's with Lily?" Sirius warned and Harry waved him off.

"Not important right now." Harry said brushing him off. He ran out of the

library and up to the room Lily was occupying, he quietly knocked on the

door and poked his head in. Both Lily and Severus looked around at him,

but Harry was feeling too elated to be bothered by the former's presence.

"Where would you buy a solid diamond cauldron?" Harry asked and they

both blinked.

"Why in Merlin's name are you looking for a solid diamond cauldron?"

Severus demanded.

"Uh potions." Harry said in a 'duh' voice,

"Funny, brat," Snape sneered, "What potion have you found that needs a

diamond cauldron? They are only used for the purest of elixirs and are so

rare you are looking at prices very few could afford to pay."

"1, be serious, do you think that I care about money? Because let me

assure you that I am never going to run out of that. 2, I haven't found

one, it's mine. And 3, it is a pure elixir, which is why I need a diamond

cauldron." Harry rolled his eyes like this was obvious.

"You have created another potion?" Snape asked interested.

"Yes, a healing elixir. Want to see?"

"Of course,"

Harry handed him over a copy of his finished product and Severus' eyes

scanned it quickly, his eyebrows slowly rising as he went down.

"Extremely impressed, Harrison, but it won't bind like this." Snape

pointed out,

"Already thought of that, flip the sheet," Harry said and Snape did just

that. He released a chuckle and shook his head.

"Very clever, Harrison, very clever indeed."

"Of course," Harry sniffed, "My intelligence is something unprecedented

at my age, you should expect nothing less." He kept his expression for as

long as he could with the deadpanned look Severus was giving him

before he laughed.

"You can get a diamond cauldron in Celestial Alley, but if they are not to

your standard then there is a dealer in Knockturn that handles everything

in potions."

"Brilliant. Do you need anything restocked from there? I am going now, I

have to try this."

"No, you gave me access to your labs."

"Ok, bye."

And he vanished from the room.

"Wow," Lily said shocked, "He's different."

"You have no idea," Severus shook his head, "Look at this," He handed

over the copy that Harrison had left him and watched as she grew more


"This is…"


"He – he created this?"

"Yes, I believe that this may be his best work to date." Severus said and

Lily blinked.

"I was still sceptical when Lady Malfoy said, but this is in my hands its

undeniable." She whispered amazed.

"You will soon learn that Harrison is in a class of his own, not that he

shall ever hear me say such a thing." He added hastily, Lily gave a small


"How long did this take him?"

"Mere weeks," Severus answered with a touch of pride.

"Are you serious?" She gasped, "But that's-,"

"Impossible?" Severus finished for her. "Yes, you should adjust yourself to


"I doubt I will be around long enough to adjust, Severus," Lily sighed, "I

have no idea what is going to happen after I am healed, but I stand no

chance against a Noble and Most Ancient House. And I have nothing, I-,"

"Lily, stop." Severus' voice was soft but firm, "You are panicking


"It is not needless, Severus. I do not know if I will even be able to get a

divorce! In the eyes of this world, as it is currently, I am bottom of the

food chain and hold no power against him. It's his word against mine,

even if I had evidence, I would have had to have a professional medical

scan and getting someone to go against Potter is impossible because

going against him is going against Dumbledore." She took a deep breath

and suppressed a wince as she felt her ribs protest.

"Narcissa is a fully qualified healer of the highest degree, you have the

memories of Harrison, Sirius and Remus for your arrival, and, as it will

be needed, you will have the backing of at least one Noble and Most

Ancient House. The House of Prince does go back that far, after all."

Severus told her and her bright green eyes misted over.

"Thank you,"

Harry had rushed to his room and changed his clothes to something

suitable to wear out, he then ran to each of the sitting rooms looking for

Sirius or Remus but he came up empty handed. He checked the library

and found nothing and then he remembered the study so he skipped

down and knocked on the door,

"Come in, Pup," Sirius called. Harry pushed open the door and found both

Sirius and Remus sat in the study obviously discussing something.

"What do you need?"

"I need to go to Gringotts, then Celestial or Knockturn alley." Harry said

to them,

"You will not step foot in Knockturn Alley alone." Sirius said immediately

and Harry sighed.

"I thought as much. Well, can you come with me?"

"We have too many things to do today, sorry Cub." Remus said

remorsefully, Harry huffed.

"Fine, I'll go ask Marvolo,"

Sirius choked.

"Excuse me?"

"I said 'fine, I'll go ask Marvolo'." Harry repeated.

"I was well aware of what you said, but you cannot be seriously thinking

of asking the Dark Lord to take you shopping." Sirius exclaimed and

Harry blinked.

"You can believe I am. Besides, he has needed to go to Knockturn and

Gringotts, I'll whine until he concedes to go today." Harry said with a


"You are insane," Sirius muttered shaking his head, "I passed on the Black


"I'm not mad," Harry stated, "You just fail to see things in my


"I'll take your word for it, Cub," Remus said wearily, "Please be careful,"

"I will,"

"Do you want my some banking slips?" Sirius asked and Harry shook his


"No, I'll use one of mine for this. I have heard diamond cauldrons are


"Sweet Merlin, yes they are." Sirius agreed, "Have fun," Harry waved his

hand and disappeared.

"I swear he just keeps getting weirder," Sirius said to Moony.

"You are really are one to talk, aren't you, Padfoot?"


Harry floo'd over to the castle and expanded his magic to feel out

Marvolo, the man was in his study and Harry flamed up there because he

couldn't be bothered with the trek up. He didn't bother to knock on the

door, he just invited himself in, Marvolo didn't even look up because

there was only one other person with access to the castle so he didn't

even have to guess who it was.

"Your influence with Rita Skeeter is extremely pleasing, that article was

particularly delightful to read and I am eagerly awaiting the next

wizengamot session." Marvolo said as a greeting, Harry grinned and

threw himself down in a chair.

"I know, we were pleased with it also. Lucius came over to discuss

Potter's next move, and what is to be expected. The understanding is that

if Potter is going to act it is going to be something grand." Harry


"It makes sense, I have no doubt that Lucius will enjoy ruining the Potter

Lord. My target is much bigger,"

"Dumbledore." Harry acknowledged, "I said that you would have already

planned for at least three outcomes in which this article will work in your


"I have four actually," Marvolo threw in amused and Harry laughed.

"My mistake,"

"What are you doing here?" Marvolo asked and Harry adopted a sweet


"When are you going to Knockturn and Gringotts?" He inquired and

Marvolo raised an eyebrow.

"I have yet to decide, I am in need of visiting the bank for my property as

I said, and I must visit Borgin and Burkes." Marvolo said.

"You wouldn't happen to want to go today, would you?" Harry questioned



"I uh, just wondered?" Harry tied but it sounded more like a question.

"You are not allowed to go to Knockturn Alley on your own, are you?"

Marvolo chucked and Harry pouted.

"No, and I really need to go!"

"So you ask me, of all people."

"Why not, I mean, seriously, who is going to approach me with you

there? And, the only reason I need to go is because I, being the amazing

person that I am, have finished the potion for your people and I am in

need of a particular cauldron." Harry said this as if it was the most logical

conclusion possible.

"You want me to take you shopping." Marvolo confirmed.

"Pretty much, yeah."

"Me?" the incredulity could be heard in his tone.

"Do you see anyone else in the room?"

"This is the most absurd request I think I have ever had." Marvolo sighed.

"Is that a yes?" Harry said happily.

"Fine, but we must go to the bank first because I wish to get my

statements." Marvolo said and Harry nodded easily.

"I can do the same, I need to get some more actual gold. I didn't bother

last time as it seemed unnecessary."

"Yes, our vaults happen to be at the very bottom." Marvolo mused, "What

is it you need in Knockturn?"

"Severus mentioned a potions dealer that can obtain anything potions

related, and I need a diamond cauldron."

"A diamond cauldron." Marvolo repeated as if he had misheard, "Why in

the name of Salazar would you need one of the rarest cauldrons known to


"The potion for your people, it's a pure elixir." Harry told him and

Marvolo blinked twice.

"You've created a pure – you know what? Never mind. Let me get my


Harry grinned as he followed Marvolo out of the study, he went straight

to the entrance hall in wait and it wasn't long before the Dark Lord swept

down with his impressive grace.

"I would keep your hood up unless you wish to be hounded." Marvolo

said to him, and Harry drew up his hood. He took the man's offered arm

and they apperated to the Alley entrance.

"I really have to learn how to do that alone." Harry grumbled.

"Don't you have your own way of travelling?" Marvolo said as they made

their way through the crowds, Harry found as long as he stayed close to

Marvolo he didn't even brush people.

"Yes, but I would like that to remain somewhat secret. Anyway, can you

imaging what the reaction would be if people kept seeing me burst in to

flames every time I went somewhere?" Harry laughed at the thought.

"I can see how that has the potential to be problematic."

"Problematic, it would be a nightmare. Besides, if no one knows, then it

is a serious bonus to get through otherwise impossible wards." Harry

pointed out.

"Valid point,"

"I know,"

The pair walked up the marble steps and in to the halls of Gringotts bank,

Harry willed his rings visible along with Marvolo and it was as if

someone has cast a blanket muffling charm throughout the whole

entrance hall. They approached a teller, who had quite an amusing

reaction to catching sight of Harry's rings, he hurriedly moved them to a

private office where they were regarded by another goblin.

"Good afternoon, Master Goblin," Harry greeted, "I wish to make a large

withdrawal from my vaults."

The goblin pushed a book towards him and Harry wrote down the

amount and stamped Godric's ring, which made the page flash once it

had been verified.

"All is in order, young Heir," The goblin said and Harry nodded.

"Do you have business with Gringotts, Lord Slytherin?"

"I wish to have a full inventory of my accounts." Marvolo answered, and

the goblin withdrew two folders to hand them over to the Dark Lord once

they had confirmed his identity.

"If you lose those copies there is a fee to replace them," The goblin

informed him.

"Very well,"

"It should be noted that, young Heir, any of your activities involving the

Slytherin accounts will now be recorded for the Lord Slytherin as he is

now your House of House."

"That's fine." Harry said, and they turned to Marvolo, "I suppose you can

keep it."

"Thank you, I feel so much better with your approval." Marvolo replied

scathingly, although it had no actual bite.

"I know, I've been told it keeps you warn." Harry threw back without

missing a beat, Marvolo gave him a deadpan look before he turned back

to the goblin.

"I wish for bank slips connected to the Le Fey accounts." He said, "They

are surprisingly full and I wish to preserve the Slytherin vaults."

Once everything was in order, they left the office and Harry walked

directly to the collection counter, flashed his ring, and picked up his gold

in two pouches before they exited the bank with their hoods drawn up.

"Did you even notice that you did not speak a word of English since you

arrived at the bank?" Marvolo queried, half amused, half exasperated.

"I'm sorry?" Harry looked at him shocked, not that he could see because

of the obscuring hood.

"You spoke in fluent Gobbledegook from the moment you stepped in the

building until you left, even to me."

"I didn't even realise." Harry said, quite astounded by the fact.

"I did not think you did."

"It's probably because Rowena made sure that I could fluently speak all of

the languages I learned, and would often switch languages each time she

saw me. At one point she was switching language while in the same

conversation." Harry explained, "I think its just ingrained."

"I am thankful of my previous desire to conquer as many languages as


"How many can you speak?" Harry inquired interested.

"I can speak thirteen human languages fluently, and seven magical."

"Circe, that's impressive." Harry whistled in appreciation.

"How many do you speak?"

"Seven human languages and four magical," Harry replied, "I cut my fairy

language because it irritated me, and we stopped nymph completely

because I nearly offended the visiting colony accidently when I was


"But you have the basics?" Marvolo said.

"Yes, fluent in Gobbledegook, Parsel, Mermish and Elvin." Harry


"Parsel, Gobbeldegook, Mermish, Elvin, Nymph, Fairy and Vampiric,"

"French, Latin, English, Spanish, Italian, Greek and German," Harry told


"English, Latin, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Russian,

Chinese, Japanese, Romanian, Polish and Spanish," Marvolo threw back,

"Can you write in each too?"

"Yes, although I can speak better than I write." Harry said.

"Most do,"

They entered Knockturn alley swiftly and their conversation fell silent,

Harry fell back and followed Marvolo carefully through the shady alley.

They entered Borgin and Burks and Harry decided to browse while

Marvolo scared the man behind the counter in to submission. He found a

book that interested him and took it over so he could buy it, he needn't

have bothered because the man, Borgin, was practically crying and said

he could have the book. Harry had no idea what was going on between

the pair, but Marvolo threw the man a vicious sneer as the exited the


"Not fond of him?" Harry murmured as they went deeper in to the Alley.

"Not particularly," Marvolo grumbled, "I used to work for him."

Harry nearly fell over his feet, and he would have if it wasn't for Marvolo

grabbing him by the scruff of his neck.

"Do watch where you are walking,"

"You used to work there?" Harry hissed stunned, "Why in Magic's name

did you work there? You got perfect OWL and NEWT's."

"I wished to collect rare artefacts." He admitted and Harry blinked.

"Whatever pastime you wish, I guess." Harry muttered shaking his head.

He followed Marvolo deeper in to the alley still, and they entered what

Harry thought to be a shack, but it was much different on the inside. It

was neat, clear, but had the aroma of potions in the air.

"Why are you here?" A voice from the shadows sounded, it was rough

and old, but strong.

"I am I need of equipment." Harry stated, his voice completely


"What kind?"

"A cauldron, a rare one. You were recommended by a Master." Harry said


"Very few would recommend me." The man all but whispered.

"Very few are looking for a diamond cauldron." Harry countered, "If you

do not have it, then I shall take my business elsewhere." He turned to

leave, but smirked when he was called back.

"I have what you seek," the man said, "But at a price,"

"I expected no less," Harry muttered, "Name your price, but be warned, I

do not take kindly to being exploited."

The cauldron was placed on the counter where it glistened in to low

light, it looked perfect.


Harry threw one of his pouches of gold on the counter and grabbed the


"Be warned, if there is a fault with this, you will not live passed its

discovery." Marvolo warned coldly.

"My deals are healthy." The man stated, sounding slightly offended

through his fear. Harry followed Marvolo from the store and the Dark

Lord immediately apperated them back to the Slytherin castle.

"I am going to guess that Salazar taught you that." Marvolo said.

"What, how to negotiate and be a cold bastard? Yes, that was all him."

Harry agreed brightly, he was back to his cheerful attitude again. "He

was teaching me how to negotiate recently, and even sent me to do some

of his business deals in the end."

"Is there anything that Salazar didn't think of when it came to your

education?" Marvolo wondered and Harry grinned.

"Probably not, and if it appears like he has he will just point out some

minor details that he has done to prep me." Harry pointed out and

Marvolo chuckled.

"No doubt,"

"Do you mind if I go and place this in my lab?"

"No, I have to sort through what I collected from Borgin, it seemed that

today was not a bad idea after all." Marvolo told him as he began

climbing the stairs.

"What can I say, it's my natural charm." Harry called after him. He caught

the snort directed at him and grinned, Harry looked at his new cauldron

and his eyes lit up; he had things to do.

I know, a bit different, but I wanted to show the bond between

Harry and Marvolo growing and I the article about Potter. I really

hope you enjoyed it, and if you would be so kind as to drop a

review, you have no idea how grateful I would be!

You guys rock!


25. Chapter 25

A/N: Hello ladies and gentlemen! I am back with the next chapter,

and I hope you all enjoyed the article for Potter and Harry's

breakthrough, it helped set up a few things! So with that, on with

the story!

Massive slow down on the revisions now guys, we're on the home


Warning; Mentions of abuse, and swearing,

Disclaimer; I'm not J.K,


Chapter 25:

Down in his labs, Harry placed his new cauldron down with care and

began to inspect it. It was in perfect condition and was well worth the

money, it would last years, and even if the mix exploded then the

cauldron wouldn't be damaged. Diamond cauldrons were near impossible

to break – according to Salazar anyway. Harry had never worked with

one himself, but he had watched Salazar use it twice before, it was been


Harry placed a copy of his formula on his work station and cast a tempus,

he cursed when he saw it was approaching dinner and hastily left, sealing

the door as he went. He had most of the ingredients in both labs, but he

would need to shed a tail feather and cry in his phoenix form –

sometimes he was extremely thankful he had such an animagus form.

Harry floo'd home and skipped in to the dining room, chirping his

greetings to his family and took he is seat.

"Hey, Pup. Where have you been?" Sirius asked, eyebrows raised at his

bright spirit.

"At the castle," He replied.

"How did your mission of 'whining until he agrees' work in getting the

Dark Lord to take you shopping." Remus inquired, amusement lacing his

tone. Harry looked at him with a grin.

"Moony, it's almost like you have no faith in me." Harry mock gasped and

the werewolf laughed.

"I have faith, but the likelihood of anyone convincing the Dark Lord to be

there shopping partner is nil."

"Well it just proves how wrong you are then, doesn't it?" Harry said slyly,

and took copious amounts of pleasure when both of them choked.

"I'm sorry?" Sirius coughed and Harry outright smirked at them both.

"Marvolo took me shopping." He told them, extremely proud of himself,

"My diamond cauldron is at the castle because I didn't want to bring it

through the floo."

"You're lying!" Remus said stunned, "No way did you actually manage to

convince the Dark Lord to take you shopping."

"Yes, I did. And I got a free book out of it because he scared Borgin in to

submission." Harry said pulling out his book. They both looked at him in

a stunned sort of incredulity and Harry grinned and began on his dinner.

"The Dark Lord took you shopping." Sirius muttered in disbelief,


"We had quite a pleasant conversation as it were," Harry said

thoughtfully, "Did you know that Marvolo can speak twenty different

languages, human and magical?"

"No, I didn't." Remus replied almost absently, "I assume it isn't something

most would know."

"He's fascinating." Harry said.

"Harrison, son, Pup," Sirius began slowly, hesitantly.

"Yes dad?"

"I love you, but you genuinely scare me." He said so seriously that both

Harry and Remus cracked up.

"You just have to look at it from my point of view." Harry said once he

had controlled his laughter, he was wiping his eyes where tears had

escaped, "I was not a witness to the first war, I literally know the man

from my own observations and how he interacts with me and Salazar. I

do not fear him, I respect his power, I would foolish not to, but I do not

fear him."

"I guess it would be different," Remus allowed.

"And didn't you speak to him, with uncle Lucius, in the ministry?" Harry

asked his dad, "What was that like?"

"Pretty intense, but not what you would think. I suppose I see what you

mean, when you don't think of the first war then he's like most other high

end Lords, albeit a much more powerful and intimidating one." Sirius

agreed eventually.


"I still think you're insane." Sirius told him honestly.

"Thought you might,"

They had a nice dinner and Harry followed his dad and Moony up to the

family room, but he kept fidgeting until Sirius shot him an exasperated


"Go and do what you need to do, but be back by ten if you leave the


"I won't leave tonight because if I start brewing then I won't stop, and it

will need constant supervision. Tomorrow on the other hand…"

"You are free to do as you wish. But do remember that you have friends."

Sirius said to him.

"I know, but they're on holiday out of the country anyway at the moment.

I see Draco practically everyday, and the twins can't come over yet

because of… well, everything!" Harry pointed out.

"As long as you socialise, you don't want to turn in to a recluse. We have

Severus for that."

"I'll tell him you said that." Harry warned and Sirius grinned.

"He knows it's the truth. You try and get that man to go out." The Black

Lord said and Harry laughed.

"I'd rather not,"

"Says the boy who asks the Dark Lord to take him shopping," Remus


"Yeah, but that actually worked." Harry waved him off, "Anyway, can one

of you catch my tears in a phial?"

"Sure, Cub,"


Harry summoned a phial and handed it to Moony, he changed in to his

phoenix and flew over to land on his shoulder.

"Wow," Moony breathed stunned.

"That is truly amazing," Sirius agreed, placing down his book and going

over to examine the phoenix closer. Harry preened under the attention,

his bird instincts were pleased with the gentle petting hands.

"Come on then, tear up birdie." Remus said and Harry threw him a look

that was clearly unimpressed. Remus help up the phial for him and Harry

concentrated on producing the tears, it was more difficult than most

would think, but once he had them flowing he was able to fill the phial.

He shook his body and his tail until four feathers fell out, he trilled

happily and flew back to his chair, changing back slumping to the side.

"Ugh, I had forgotten that's pretty tiring." Harry groaned, "The tears take

it out of you."

"Your form is amazing," Remus told him truthfully.

"Thanks," Harry smiled, "I really did catch a break."

"Here," Remus passed him the phial, and the four feathers, "What's the

feathers for?"

"Two for potions, one for Severus which will, no doubt, go on potions and

the other is for Marvolo for a quill. He likes black things." Harry told

them, "What's the time? I really haven't got the effort to check myself."

"8:35, Pup,"

"Ok, I'm going to pack this away for tomorrow and go to bed." Harry said,

getting up stretching.

"You are allowed to have breakfast at the castle if you wish to get up and

go out which, knowing you, you would have wanted to do and done

anyway." Sirius said smiling slightly, Harry grinned and gave him a hug.

"Thanks dad, you're the best."

"I know,"

Harry hugged Moony and left for his room. He packed up his ingredients

in a summoned case, he packed Severus' in a smaller case and boxed

Marvolo's up like a gift before climbing in to bed and falling to sleep.

After rechecking his ingredients three times, Harry flamed to the castle

and headed down to his labs humming a merry tune as he went. He was

excited, he had planned out every detail by isolating what elements

needed what and created the potion like that. It was a harder way, most

came up with the ingredients they needed and then experimented with

the times and recipe, but Harry preferred to do each individually so when

he actually came to making the potion it was almost guaranteed to work.

Harry set up his station almost absently, but he was careful of his

cauldron and made sure he had it placed the correct height above the

flames. Before he began prepping his ingredients, Harry crushed the tail

feather until it resembled a odd mush and then he placed it in his marble

mortar and pestle and allowed three drops of tears before grinding it in

to an inky pulp. He placed it on the shelf on the opposite side of the

room so it could set for him to use later.

"Here goes nothing." Harry muttered to himself. He took a deep breath

before beginning his work. It was the most meticulous potion he had ever

created, even more so than his shield, and it was made worse by the fact

that some of the instructions had to be done within seconds of each other

whilst also prepping things. Harry added two unicorn hairs before

bringing it to the boil, it was an odd brown colour as it boiled but Harry

watched it for three minutes before lowering the heat and allowing the

potion to settle on a dull red. He continued through his instructions, until

it was time to simmer for 30 minutes, Harry was tempted to leave, but he

needed to stir it three times clockwise every 3 minutes.

Instead, he finished preparing the rest of his ingredients, and ran over the

instructions again to make sure he had everything correct. Harry

combined Murtlap essence with one phoenix tear to enhance the healing

qualities and then stirred in the essence of a crushed Sopophorous Bean

and kept at it until it went orange in colour. He remembered to stir his

simmering cauldron when his alarm flashed too. Harry sprinkled in a

single Ashwinder scale to the Murtlap mix, which had been ground to

powder, in to the liquid and watched as it went ivory. He added two

counter clockwise stirs to thicken it before setting it aside to finish

waiting on the main potion. When the potion was ready, Harry took it off

the heat and picked up his secondary mix, using both of his hands, Harry

poured the mix in to the centre of the potion in one steady stream.

He watched as it seemed to form a ball and it in the middle, he raised an

eyebrow and checked his instructions to make sure he hadn't made a

mistake and when he found he hadn't he shrugged and continued. He

replaced it on the heat and brought the heat up 10o at a time until it was

boiling again, Harry watched fascinated as the ivory ball seemed to crack

and split in to the rest of the potion and he saw where the binding agent

was needed. The main potion had settled on a rich red, but in the middle

of it was ivory where the liquids refused to fuse together. Harry took a

deep breath and checked the temperature of the potion, his phoenix

solution needed to be added at exactly 83.5o or it would ruin the whole

thing. Harry grabbed his phoenix solution and grinned when he saw it

had semi solidified, it slid out easily and Harry hovered by the cauldron

watching as the temperature decreased at an agonising pace. As soon as

it hit 83.5, Harry dropped it in to the cauldron and watched as an inky

black sheen covered the entire liquid.

He couldn't tell if it worked out yet, it had to remain simmering

untouched for 2 and a half hours and then it had to sit to cool until it had

developed a mirror sheen before it could be bottled. Harry double

checked the heat of the flames, and cast his alarm to alert him 5 minutes

before the time was up before leaving the room; he was starving. Harry

went to the dining room and asked for a late breakfast/early lunch and

wolfed it down, he didn't remember food tasting so good and ended up

eating nearly double what he usually ate before he was done. Minding

the time, Harry went to find Marvolo who was, yet again, in his study

and he let himself in.

"Just because you are the only other person that has access to this castle,

it does not give you the right to stroll in to any room you wish." Marvolo

drawled, neither looking up from his book nor looking remotely bothered

by Harry's lack of manners.

"If you actually cared you put up wards which would alert me to knock."

Harry countered, sitting down.

"It is polite courtesy," Marvolo said.

"A courtesy I would not get of off you." Harry pointed out.

"Very well, as I am unable to curse you, what do you want?" Marvolo

sighed sitting back and looking at the pre-teen with a bored expression.

"It's nice to see you too." Harry agreed brightly.

"I saw you yesterday,"

"I know,"

"You know, I believe I allow you too much leniency." Marvolo told him

and Harry smirked.

"You would have been in a worse mood if you truly believed that." Harry

said easily, "Besides, you know I am one of the only ones, if not the only

one, to not see you as the terrifying and powerful Dark Lord."

"True, it is rather… refreshing." Marvolo admitted somewhat reluctantly.

"Besides, we are actually related, I'm that annoying nephew like being

that never goes away and happens to be your Heir that you hold a

binding contract with. If you didn't just go with it, you probably would

have been insane by now." Harry said all of this as if it was the most

obvious thing in the world. Marvolo just looked at him for a few

moments before signing heavily through his nose.

"What makes it even more agitating, is that you speak the truth."

"I know, its brilliant, right?"

"What do you want?" Marvolo asked again and Harry pouted.

"Fine, spoil my fun." He grumbled, "And I brought you a gift."


"Yes, look." Harry drew out the box and handed it over, Marvolo raised

an eyebrow but opened it and his eyes widened slightly.

"This is a black phoenix feather,"

"Yes, I thought it would make a lovely quill for you. It has magical

properties and everything,"

"It is appreciated," Marvolo said in a grateful tone, "You were here rather

early this morning. Am I to assume that it was because of your latest


"Yes, I have-," Harry motioned his floating alarm, "Just under an hour

before I can see if it has been a success. I have an estimated colour for a

final project, but I cannot know until I test it on someone which means I

need a specimen."

"All of my people will more than likely be unconscious when we arrive

back, the shock and the strain being too much for their weakened stated.

You can test it on an extra before giving it to one of mine." Marvolo

decided after a moment of thought; Harry grinned.

"Wonderful," Harry said brightly, "Salazar always went to the prisons to

test his potions. These dementors never used to guard them, but the

whole place was warded in blood. All those who were sentenced to

death, or had life sentences were automatically put in the 'human testing'

sections. It was a place where all apprentices could come and test their

new magics and creations."

"Why they do not do anything like that these days is something I do not

understand. I know that the dementors are torturous, but why keep

prisoners in there for life when they could be of use. And any 'ethical'

problem people may raise is ridiculous because the dementors are some

of the foulest creatures to walk this earth." Marvolo said to Harry,

shaking his head.

"Coming from you they must be bad." Harry said looking a little shocked.

"And they were on my side."

"Oh wow," Harry blinked a few times, "Oh, I know what I was supposed

to tell you. Dad and Moony want to come to Azkaban."

"Excuse me?"

"Well, when I mentioned Azkaban to them, they, for some reason, reacted

badly and said there was no chance that I was going. Of course, I was

shocked, I mean, I learned the patronus and everything, and the only way

I could get them to even consider it was me suggesting that they come

with me. And the other day, after I told dad about Bella, he said he and

Moony wanted to come to Azkaban, he wants to make sure she's ok."

Harry explained.

"I can understand why they may have been disagreeable to the thought of

you in Azkaban now that I think about it." Marvolo mused.

"Really? Uncle Lucius said the same thing." Harry shrugged.

"Yes, it is a rather unpleasant place. The agreement of Black and Lupin

will be nothing but beneficial, but he needn't worry about Bella, she is of

my main concern." Marvolo said, he had a curious expression on his face

and Harry tilted his head slightly confused until he blinked.

"You are worried about her." He stated, and Marvolo looked at him


"What makes you say that?" He asked neither confirming nor denying it.

"I can see it in your expression, you hide your emotions better than

anyone I have ever seen, but I also grew up and was mentored by the

person who created the 'Slytherin mask' and I could read Salazar too."

Harry said to him and Marvolo sighed.

"None of my usual behaviours are going to have a single effect on you,

are they?" He asked somewhat rhetorically.

"Honestly? I highly doubt it. Like I said earlier, I'm going to be that

annoying nephew like being that never goes away. I will more than likely

see past all your pretences, read your hidden emotions and genuinely do

all the things everyone else can't." Harry told him brightly, "But that

doesn't matter, I like you." Marvolo gave him a look of disbelief and

blinked a few times as if he was shocked.

"…You like me?" He repeated, his voice oddly flat.

"Of course. You sound surprised, why?"

"People don't like me, Harrison." Marvolo stated and Harry frowned at

the detached tone.

"Well I do." Harry stated firmly, "Besides, I am sure that your… Elite was

it? That your Elite did in fact like you… well if Severus and uncle Lucius'

behaviour are any indication."

"People don't like Dark Lords." Marvolo pointed out.

"Dark Lord's enemies don't like Dark Lords." Harry corrected, "You can't

tell me that you were not closer to your elite than the rest."

"I was," He admitted.

"Exactly, they liked you. And it's pointless arguing with me, I am right. I

know it. Plus, unfortunately for you, because I have/am getting to know

you, we're related and I was not in the first war, you are not a Dark Lord

to me. Just Marvolo." Harry told him and Marvolo looked at him with an

expression that seemed to be confused and thoughtful.

"Just Marvolo," He repeated softly, "You know… I think I like the sound

of that."

"Good," Harry nodded and then looked at his clock, "Nearly there,"

"Ah yes, your potion…"

"Yes, it's a pure elixir and it is my most complex to date! Want to see it?"

"Potions are not my speciality, but I am well versed in the art." Marvolo

agreed. Harry snapped his fingers and passed over the parchment,

"It is a piece of genius." Harry said. Marvolo read and, just like Severus,

his eyebrows rose further and further up his head until he was staring at

the page in shock.

"I only gave you the potions needed a week ago, two at the most."

Marvolo said.

"I know, I was having difficulty finding a binding agent but Moony gave

me the idea yesterday." Harry said, "It should have been faster given the

fact I had other potions to work from."

"You are eleven years old, if this works how you have laid it out to, then

this will be a medical phenomenon." Marvolo told him, "Harrison, this is


"I do not feel as much credit as my shield potion, but it is pretty


"Shied potion?"

"Oh, I created a potion that blocks everything and including two of the

'unforgiveables'," Harry revealed. Marvolo openly looked at him in shock.

"Two of the unforgivables? When was this? Has it been tested?"

"Tried and tested, on myself and others." Harry confirmed, "It was my

first one, Salazar checked it and everything."

"That is… truly something amazing."


"I don't think you will every stop surprising me." Marvolo said with a

light chuckle.

"That would be boring." Harry said with a fake shudder, "Ok, so I know

what I wanted to ask you. You're like… a complete genius, and I know all

of your OWL and NEWT scores, but I never looked to see if you have any


"Ah, yes, I do, and I think I hold a record for the amount." Marvolo said,

"At least, I did."

"Holy Magic! How many did you get?"

"Defence, Offence, Duelling, Charms, and Runes," Marvolo answered, "But

if they were available I could also have Dark Arts and Spell craft which

means that, if I wanted to try, I could also gain Arithmancy."

Harry gaped at him stunned; that was absolutely incredible.

"You are…" Harry trailed of unable to find words.

"I have always taken education seriously. How can you get anywhere if

you are uneducated?" Marvolo said, and Harry shook his head in a

stunned awe.

"But to obtain five masteries is incredible. And I bet that is still a record."

Harry said, "Are they still recorded now you've changed your name?"

"Yes, it was one of the first things I checked. Because I changed my name

magically and fully then the records changed with it, so it reads that

Marvolo Slytherin-Le Fey has the mastery. They made the system like

that because of marriage, adoption and when people discover they have a

magical name like myself." Marvolo explained and Harry nodded.

"That makes sense," He agreed, "Five masteries, that is so cool. And you

could gain another if you wanted Arithmancy."

"I may take the exam to give myself good press when Dumbledore kicks

off, after all, a Lord to the founders with six masteries will look extremely

appealing to the public."

"Are you kidding? You would have people worshiping the ground you

walk on! You're like… a walking brain."

"My intelligence is something I am prideful of. There are very few that

can even scrape the surface of the things I know." Marvolo said

thoughtfully. They both jumped slightly when Harry's alarm went off and

Harry's eyes lit up.

"It's finally time," He said excitedly.

"I wish you luck,"

"Thanks," Harry said getting up and walking to the door, "I still can't

believe you have five masteries."

"It will sink in, eventually."

"When I grow up, I am going to be just as smart as you. Just you wait!"

Harry said determinedly before he was gone. Marvolo looked at the door

oddly, replaying Harry's words in his mind. He had never had someone

want to be like him before, sure he had had sycophants that would spew

anything they had thought he had wanted to hear, but never someone

who had been honestly in awe of his achievements. Granted, most didn't

know truly how intelligent he was, not even Dumbledore knew, but he

wasn't as egotistical about his intelligence for no reason.

Bellatrix had been the closest to awe, but that was tinged with fear, not

hat be blamed her, she had grown up with parents that feared him so it

was natural for her to replicate that. But that had died down, out of all of

his forces she had feared him the least, and he had favoured her the

most. Bellatrix did mean a great deal to him, not that he would ever

admit that to anyone, besides Harrison he mentally added. The boy was a

true enigma. The potions he had created were amazing, and the one he

had seen was one of the complex he had ever read. Marvolo found

himself oddly proud that Harrison wanted to be as intelligent as him, it

was a nice feeling.

Harry jogged down to his lab practically bubbling with excitement and

nervous energy, he knew that, in the back of his mind, the potion was

correct, but it was still a new potion and there was always doubt – even

if it was unreasonable. He had set a five minute timer when he had left

Marvolo's study so he knew the exact time he had to take the cauldron of

the heat to allow it to cool, and he couldn't wait to see what it looked

like. Harry watched the timer like a hawk and when it got down to the

final thirty seconds he walked over to his cauldron and counted down

with the shining numbers. As soon as it hit zero, Harry lifted the cauldron

of the heat and vanished the flames, he placed the cauldron down to cool

and peaked in side.

A grin nearly split his face when he saw the soft pink colour with a

pearly quality, he knew that, if he had calculated correctly, the potion

would development a mirror sheen. It had to set before it could be

bottled up, so while it was developing, Harry cleaned up his stations and

put everything away. He always enjoyed the cleaning afterwards, it was

methodical work that, he found, helped him settle after brewing. He

loved brewing, but unlike most Potioneers, he didn't relax, instead he

found himself more excitable; especially when working on a new one.

Once everything was spotless and packed away, Harry snapped his

fingers for his black book and wrote up the recipe and the process he

had, and what went well.

He would update it once it had been tested, he would need to fill in its

effects so it was possible for them to be edited when they made advances

in potions or new plants. Harry checked his potion again and clapped

happily, he could now clearly see his face reflected back at him and knew

it was finished. He pulled out his crystal phials and began bottling up the

potion, he had enough for twelve vials, but he was unsure of the dosage

needed. He was pretty sure that one, given the potency of the potion,

should be enough, but people tended to be different and some may need

more than others. Once they were all bottled up, he placed them all

under preservation except one which he happily took up to Marvolo, who

had now retreated to the library.

"Tah dah!" He announced rather grandly.

"Your calculations were correct."

"Yes, now it need only be tested." Harry confirmed.

"What have you accomplished, Snakelet?" Salazar asked from his frame

so Harry went over and showed him the potion.

"It's a pure elixir." Harry told him, "Look," He summoned the recipe and

showed it to the Slytherin Founder.

"Very nice, Snakelet, I see you made ample use of other potions."

"Yes, I know it is not as good as my shied on the scale of creation, but in

terms of everything else I'm pretty proud."

"As am I, you make me proud daily."

"Thanks, Sal." Harry said with a smile, "You should talk to Marvolo about

his intelligence, the man's a total genius."

"Are you bragging on my behalf?" Marvolo inquired amused, Harry

nodded solemnly.


"Oh this is marvellous. Speak, Young Snake, and tell me of your

achievements." Salazar commanded, which, in itself, was quite a feat

given the fact that he was a piece of art.

"I'll see you soon, Marvolo, I have to go boast to my dad and uncle

Moony." Harry said and was waved away as Marvolo told Salazar his


When Harry got home, he had just caught the end of lunch as so he went

to the dining room when Moony and his dad were sat talking about Black

family business.

"Hey, cub," Moony greeted, "How did everything go?"

"Brilliantly," Harry replied, "Here, look." He placed the potion on the

table and they looked at in interest.

"It looked extremely strong." Moony said, "I'm not great at Potions, but

one of the first things we were taught is that potions which were mirror-

like were extremely potent."

"I am going to test it as soon as we go Azkaban. Marvolo is happy for you

both to accompany us,"

"You have spoken to the Dark Lord today?" Sirius asked.

"Yes, the potion had to simmer for two and a half hours, so I ate and then

went to talk to Marvolo." Harry explained and then he sighed, "The man

is so amazing."

"He's amazing now?" Sirius repeated with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, when I grow up I am going to be as smart as he is. It's my new

goal." Harry told them, he was well aware that he had developed a

serious admiration to the man in the past couple of hours, but he really

didn't care. If he was that smart when he was older then he would be set

for life.

"What brought that on?" Remus asked.

"I've always known he was smart," Harry began.

"We know, you say it enough," Sirius put in and Harry didn't even bother

to argue the point.

"I mean, his OWL's and NEWT's alone tell you that. Did you know he

outscored Dumbledore on everything except Transfiguration, Herbology

and Astronomy?"

"I didn't know that. Wow, that's impressive."

"Yes, the only person to beat one of his scores was Severus in Potions and

Lily in Charms." Harry added.

"How do you know this?"

"When I was searching for who wanted the stone, I stumbled across his

name and I wanted to know exactly who he was." Harry waved them off.

"Fair enough,"

"Well, the one thing I didn't look in to was masteries and I asked him if

he had any."

"I would hasten to guess he had one in at least Defence, and stretching to

Duelling." Remus said after a moments thought.

"He had both yes." Harry confirmed, "But get this, he also has Charms,

Offence and Runes."

"Wait, he had five masteries?" Sirius said shocked, "Is that even possible?"

"He has five, plus the ability to get one in Dark Arts, one in Arithmancy

and one in Spell Craft." Harry told them and nodded when their jaws


"Holy shit!" Sirius breathed and it was truly a moment because Moony

didn't even tell him off, "That's incredible!"

"I know, its amazing, he's amazing!" Harry gushed, "Five masteries! I'm

going to do that one day, just you wait and see."

"Didn't you say yesterday that he also speaks twenty languages?" Remus

clarified and Harry nodded.

"Yep, that too. And I don't doubt he had created spells and he created his

rebirth ritual using the stone."

"No wonder people couldn't touch him in battle, the man is a certified

genius and ridiculously powerful to boot." Sirius whistled in appreciation.

"Now, aren't you glad that I have an agreement with him?" Harry said.

"Yes, and I'm glad I opened my eyes to Dumbledore and Potter's shit. I

would be dead otherwise." Sirius said shaking his head.

"Lucky break," Remus agreed.

"Now I just have to make sure I never piss him off." Sirius muttered, and

this time Moony hit him.

"Oh, there will, no doubt, be times when you will annoy him. The man is

way to controlling for you not to, but, unless you do it deliberately then I

doubt he will curse you." Harry said, "Besides, I think that when you start

spending time with him and actually get to know him that you'll like

him; he's great."

"Stranger things have happened." Moony said thinking about it and Sirius


"Don't we know it?"

Harry grinned.

Harry had wanted to show his potion off to Severus as soon as possible

because the man would truly understand what had been created, but the

man was working furiously on other potions and Harry knew how

annoying it was when you were interrupted whilst brewing so he left him

be. His dad had informed him that Lily was now mobile which set Harry

on edge slightly, because it meant that their talk that had to happen was

coming closer and that was something he was nervous about. He wanted

answers, but he was afraid of what ones he would get.

Harry sighed and dropped down in the library, he didn't feel like working

on Potions seeing as he had just finished a new one days ago, in actual

fact, he didn't want to do anything academic. Sirius was attending to

Black family matters with Remus, Sirius insisted that, as his mate, Remus

had to suffer with him and so he dragged him along. The Malfoys were

visiting cousins in France for the day, Theo and Blaise were still out of

the country, he couldn't invite the twins over yet and Marvolo was out

doing Dark Lord stuff which left Harry bored. He huffed and headed

down to his lab, he could stock up on potions and that would kill a few

hours. He knew what potions he was going to be using for his Mastery so

he could practice them, he wanted to make sure he knew them

backwards in French before he had to actually attend the exam. On his

way down, he literally ran in to Severus who, by the looks of things, was

pissed off.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, "I thought Lily was getting better."

It was usually why the man looked to be in foul mood lately, with Lily's

gradual healing he was on edge when out of her presence, but no one

said anything to him; they weren't stupid.

"She is, your edited potions have worked miraculously," Severus told him,

Harry had fallen in to step with the man as they made their way through

the manor, "But it's the scars."

"Have you been unable to remove them?" Harry asked surprised.

"I have created four different salves since she awoke for the first time,

and none of them work. Any remaining magic to indicate has long since

gone, I do not know what he has done to them." Severus snarled the last

bit and Harry scowled; Potter was foul.

"I see,"

They entered Lily's room and Harry noted that she was looking a hellava

lot better than when she first arrived, not that that was something hard

to accomplish, but he was surprised that she looked as good. She didn't

even look too thin anymore, Severus' super advanced nutrients worked

wonders and it made Harry wonder why the Potions Master could not get

rid of the scars.

"You should stop berating yourself, Severus." Lily said softly, "This is not

down to you."

"He must have done something to them to prolong the effects!" Severus

hissed agitated, Lily didn't even react to the tone and it made Harry blink

to notice how well she must have known him to not even turn a hair.

When Severus usually used that tone it was enough to make fully grown

men flinch, and it had reduced Hufflepuffs to tears.

"He is malicious, you know this." Lily sighed, "Does it truly surprise you

that he might of?"

"No, but it makes me hate him even more." Severus grumbled, "We will

need a miracle the way this is going."

Harry froze at that and he tilted his head in thought, Severus noticed this

and raised an eyebrow in question.

"I do not know if it will work," Harry began, "But might I suggest miracle

juice?" Severus blinked a few times before a ghost of a smile came to his


"That may just be the thing we are looking for."

"I'll fetch some. Has everything been logged officially?"

"Yes, Narcissa did so originally and she is a fully certified healer so it is

completely official." Severus confirmed.

"Good, I wasn't sure if she had." Harry said, "I'll get the potions, and I

have my newest one brewed."

Harry left the room and darted to his lab where he collected two potions

and his latest one before running back up to Lily's room, he didn't like

summoning potions to him as sometime the magic would react with the

liquid and change its effects. He noted that if he kept running around the

manor that he would be the fittest person at Hogwarts, who decided on

the amount of stairs in these places? Harry knocked before he entered

and handed the needed potions to Severus before standing back.

"Is that them?" Lily asked curiously, and Harry presumed that Severus

told her what he was fetching.

"Yes, but this is not guaranteed to work." Harry said, "It was accidental."

"I am willing to try anything."

"Don't be alarmed." Severus warned as he uncorked the phial.

"I trust you both," She said holding out her hand. Harry was shocked at

that, he had no idea what he had done to gain her trust. Severus dripped

three drops on to the back of her hand and they watched as it sank in and

begin spreading, it worked just as it did with Severus back in the

classroom and once it had covered her hand both Severus and Harrison

cast an overpowered finite. The disillusion sped up and rapidly climbed

up Lily's arm before moving on to the rest of her body.

"This is strange." Lily said watching the potion.

"Yes, it was a rather odd occurrence when it happened the first time."

Severus agreed, amused at the memory.

"Not to mention it was completely odd seeing you as a walking robe."

Harry added with a small grin, "Do you remember how long it took us to

brew the counter?"

"Twenty minutes I believe."

"Ok, so, as we are unsure as to what caused such a reaction, we'll wait

twenty minutes again." Harry decided.

"Yes, but you should take some time to experiment with this." Severus

told him.

"I should be able to some time in the summer," Harry said mentally

making a point to ask Marvolo to take some other prisoners for him.

"Now, you mentioned you brewed your latest potion." Severus said and

Harry nodded.

"Yes, here, look." He handed over the phial and smirked when Snape


"Is that a mirror sheen?" Lily's voice asked astonished.

"Yes," He confirmed.


"Very impressive, Harrison," Snape agreed.

"Thanks, your advanced nutrients opened up a few doors for me." Harry

told him, "The extra components allowed me to combine it extremely

well with Murtlap essence."

"I see you edited the qualities of the Murtlap. That should work alone."

Severus noted and Harry hummed.

"I may test it later on, but I am working on another project next. I don't

think I will take up a new one just yet." Harry decided after a minute.

"Of course. You should also concentrate on practicing your decided

potions thoroughly."

"I will, I was thinking about that earlier. I wanted a break from brewing

for a day, I've been in a lab nearly every day so far." Harry said to him.

"You will be testing this potion too?" Snape asked.

"Yes… Uncle wishes to see it tested before it is confirmed." Harry hoped

Severus picked up on the endearment for Marvolo, it wouldn't be good

for Lily to realise how close they were to Marvolo Slytherin, especially

given the fact that there was no way she didn't know who he was.

"Ah yes, that us understandable." Snape said with understanding in his

eyes and Harry bit back a grin.

"Twenty minutes is up." Harry pointed out. He handed the second phial

over to Severus and watched as he located Lily's hand and dropped some

of the liquid on to the air. Slowly, her hand slowly began to appear and

both Potion Master and student watched on edge as the rest of her body

came in to view. Harry's eyes widened as he saw the results of the potion,

Lily's skin was completely blemish free and she looked positively radiant.

Her pale skin had a soft glow about it, there was not a mark or scar

anywhere in sight and what used to be lifeless dull red hair was now a

rich, thick, fiery auburn that fell over her shoulder and down to rest

above her waist. Severus was also looking at Lily like he had never seen

her before and she looked at the pair of them warily.

"Did it work?" She asked hesitantly. Without moving, Harry conjured up

a mirror to float in front of her and she gasped, she touched her face as if

it wasn't her own.

"How…" She was just as speechless as them, and she span to face

Harrison with an expression of awe and gratitude.

"I don't know how to do this properly, and I know it will never be

enough, but thank you. For everything, you have done so much for me

and you had no reason to, if anything you should have condemned me."

Lily said to him, her voice shaking in an effort to keep it controlled.

Harry looked at her in the eyes and saw nothing but open gratitude and

confusion and internally sighed, he knew it was going to happen and he

knew it had to happen, but that didn't make him prepared for it. That

was no matter. He was of Gryffindor blood, Godric had chosen him as his

Heir for a reason, he was going to channel that fabled Gryffindor bravery.

"I think it is time we talked." He stated, his voice completely even and his

face of a calm façade. Lily nodded, slightly surprised, she had not

expected him to want to speak to her yet, she had not expected anything

from him really and yet he had done so much for her already.

"Ok," She answered.

"I will give you some privacy." Severus murmured, "Do you mind if I

make use of your labs?"

"Go ahead, Sev, you are keyed in." Harry said easily, "And if you look in

the ingredient cupboard there is a box labelled with your name, consider

it a gift." Severus raised an eyebrow at that, but nodded and swept from

the room with his robes billowing behind him. Harry looked at Lily again

and bit back a sigh as he took a seat; this was going to be a long


There we go, a bit of everything in here, things are really picking up

now and its time for Lily's and Harry's talk! I hope you like it, and if

you do, please drop a review!



26. Chapter 26

A/N: Hey guys, back with the next chap and its finally time for the

talk. Now, I can honestly say this was one of the hardest things I've

had to write, I'm not good with emotions or angst in general so I

hope this meets your expectations.

Just a bit of a clean up!

Warning: None for this I don't think, possible language?

Disclaimer: Not J.K


Chapter 26:

There was silence in the room after Severus left. Harrison hadn't moved

from his spot and both he and Lily were looking at each other without

words. It was awkward, the air around them was thick with tension and

neither knew how to break it. Finally, Harrison sighed and move forward

to take a seat, he pulled his Occlumency shields up to the maximum and

drew himself up as if he was in a formal meeting with Slytherin himself.

His gaze was piercing as it travelled over her still form, she had not

moved an inch since Severus had left and even her breathing was


Harrison was taking in her every detail and, astonishingly, he could see

parts of his own face in hers, where all of James Potter's resemblance had

been removed, hers had not been. That was proof that the woman in

front of him was his birth mother, not that he saw her as a mother, but

she did give birth to him and had begun to raise him. She was supposed

to care for him and look after him until he was an adult, wasn't a mothers

love supposed to be the strongest of them all? He was so confused, he

wanted answers and the one who could give them to him was sat right in

front of him, and he couldn't even get anything out of his mouth. What

was wrong with him? He never failed to speak his mind and yet here he

was, sat in silence, trying to formulate words to someone who owed him


"Harrison, I know this must be hard for you. I understand-," Lily began,

but Harry cut her off. Her speaking seemed to push him in to sound.

"You understand nothing." He stated, his voice going colder and more

detached. "You couldn't possibly understand what is going on in my

head." And neither did he at the current time, he had absolutely no idea

what to do in this situation.


"What I want to know is: why?" He demanded, cutting her off again, he

took a moment to mentally wince at his appalling etiquette skills before

he turned back to Lily. He hadn't noticed that had gotten to his feet but

he was pacing at the foot of the bed, he was trying to get his mind to

focus on one of the things currently flying through his brain but it was

exceedingly difficult. "Why did you choose to get rid of me? You were

supposed to be my mother, you were supposed to love me

unconditionally and yet I was tossed away like yesterdays newspaper."

"I did – do – love you, but with everything that happened I didn't know

what to do." Lily tried but Harry snarled at her.

"Don't give me that." He spat, angry at the excuse, "I have an eidetic

memory, as well as being a Master Occlumense, I remember everything;

everything. You didn't fight for me, you just handed me over. Just like

that, like you couldn't care less and to someone you knew hated magic.

You sent me off to someone you knew would despise my very being, and

you did nothing to protect me. Nothing what so ever, you let me go, you

gave me away willingly and didn't care." His voice broke at the end of his

rant and Harry was stunned to realise he was crying, he never cried, and

yet here he was crying. He hadn't realised how much he hurt. He thought

he was over it, he didn't care that Potter had given him up and actively

hated the man and he had thought was over Lily too; but apparently he

was wrong. His mind was flooded with memories of when he was a baby,

he was always closer to his mother, his first word was 'mama' followed by

'Pa'fo'' and yet the very same woman that he used to adore had just

handed him over. Like he was nothing.

"I may have given you up but I did care." Lily told him quietly, and Harry

released a somewhat hysterical laugh.

"And how was I supposed to know that!? I was a year old, I was a baby

that went from having parents that were supposed to love me, that cared

about me and I had a family with caring Godparents and a solid future

and suddenly it was gone. Everything was gone. You vanished to me.

Suddenly you were there and then you were gone, no warning, no

explanation, you just went. And you didn't take me with you. Do you

have any idea how that feels?"

He had never meant to start shouting, he had meant to keep everything

in check but it seemed that his shields could not contain all of his built

up emotion. Harry hadn't even realised he had so much hidden

resentment and pain but now it was flowing through him like lava and it

was directed at the person in front of him. His mother. The one woman

that he was supposed to be able to rely on, and yet she had chucked him


"I didn't know what had happened, how was I supposed to know that it

was for 'my own good'? You abandoned me, you chose Rosina over me

because of one night, one night that was only confirmed by the apparent

omniscient Headmaster. You gave up one of your children, your FIRST

BORN CHILD on the word of a man who is a master manipulator. A man

who considers everyone around him a part of his oversized chest board

and what makes it ever worse is YOU KNOW THIS. You knew exactly

what Dumbledore is like, you know how he works and you always have.

The amount of times you warned James from blindly following the man

were too many to count, and yet when it come down to me, when it

came down to a decision that was possibly the biggest in your life; you

followed like a little lamb." He had dropped to a whisper and his hands

were shaking, he was furiously wrapping his shields around his emotions

so he could bring back some control; he needed to get it together.

"Ten years, I've had ten years to stew in the fact that my own parents

abandoned me. That my twin sister was the better twin, she was the twin

that was wanted because I was thrown away. I've had ten years to grow

accustom to the fact that I was unwanted, that I wasn't good enough to

stay with the family. A family that I adored, the only people I had ever

known, I've had ten years to come to terms that I was ripped away from

me by the people that were supposed to hold it together. The strange

thing is, it was never Potter that got me, I was never as close to him as I

was to you and yet it was you who agreed to let me go.

"Even when you picked me up again, I was still second best. There was a

pathetic excuse of why, but what was that supposed to mean to me? I

hadn't seen my parents in ten years and instead of a reunion, I get a run

down on how amazing and famous my sister is. The same sister I was

given up for, and you all expected me to be happy about this. I was given

up for fear of resentment, but how is getting rid of me going to make me

not resent Rosina and resent my parents for doing it in the first place?"

Harry choked out a laugh and shook his head, memories flashing in his

mind until one settled and it made his chest tighten painfully.

"But do you want to know what hurts the most?" He asked rhetorically,

his voice was cracking in the effort to try and control himself, "I was sat

in your lap when the conversation was happening, I was in your arms

when you all were deciding if I should be kept, and you looked down at

me and agreed that you would give me up. You handed me over to

Dumbledore yourself, you did it! You personally gave me up without a

second thought, you! And you say you care! How can you say you care

when you gave me up. For ten years I've had to deal with the fact that

you handed me over to Dumbledore, you did it.

"You just handed me over, no fight, and no arguments, just passed me

over. And you didn't even say goodbye." and that was what it came down

to, she passed him over and didn't acknowledge him, she just let him go.

It hurt. Oh how it hurt, the tears crashed down his face in floods, he

couldn't control it even if he tried. And she was crying too. Tears

streamed from the bright green eyes that he used to have, and yet it

angered him, she had no right to cry when she was the one who hurt


"You're not allowed to cry." He snapped, "You did this, you hurt me, you

left me. So don't you sit there and cry, don't you dare sit there and

pretend to care when you created this."

"Harrison, please just listen, let me explain, please." She begged, sobbing.

"I am not asking for your forgiveness, nor do I expect it. I am an awful

mother, and I deserve your anger and your hate. I did give you up, I did

all of the things above, but never believe that I didn't care for you. I

loved you with all my being and, as much as it is a poor excuse, I thought

I was doing the right thing at the time."

"How could you have thought I would have been better of away from

you? There had just been an attempt on one of your children's life, your

first instinct should have been to keep me safe not send me away."

"I know, I know it should and I will forever hate myself for not listening

to that instinct. But I panicked. The attack had just happened and news

had spread quickly, people were already on our cases and the child of the

prophecy hadn't even been confirmed. I thought it was a good idea to get

you away from all of that when Dumbledore said that Rose was that

child. As soon as we got home it felt wrong. I tried to get back in to a

normal routine but it was impossible without you there, Sirius and

Remus left too, and I kept myself going by thinking that you were better

off away from the press and the media." Lily shook her head, and looked

down at her hands. They were knotting themselves together repeatedly

and she was shaking nearly as bad as he was.

"I knew after a month that whatever situation we had going on, it could

never be bad enough to warrant you away from me. And I tried. Believe

me when I say I tried to get you back but I was stopped at every turn. I

demanded you were returned to me, you were my son and I should have

been the one raising you, but it was no good, James was too busy

listening to the papers and Dumbledore to care about you and when I

went to get you back he lashed out at me. It was the first time and he

was so remorseful, he had always had a bit of a temper and he seemed

truly sorry so I forgave him. But it didn't stop me from wanting you back,

I tried again and again to get you back, I tried writing to my sister but

the owls couldn't find her, I tried convincing James that you belonged

with us as a family, but that was like talking to a wall.

"I even tried locating Petunia myself but it was like she vanished off the

map and each time he lashed out at me, by the time you were six I had

exhausted every known option to me and yet I didn't give up. I even tried

leaving him, I thought that if I left him and went to get you, I could raise

you myself, in the muggle world and it would be alright. It may not have

been a rich life and I would have been a single parent, but I would have

been your parent and that was what mattered. But he wouldn't let me

leave, in this world, a marriage is practically binding unless there is

reasonable ground for divorce. And even though I had reasonable

grounds, I had no backing, I'm a muggleborn that married in to a Noble

and Most Ancient House, I had nothing.

"I could have walked in to the DMLE covered in bruises and it nothing

would have been done, I would have been made to vanish because I

didn't have financial backing and James was Head Auror. And so I hid. It

was cowardly, I know, but I had no other option at all, I had tried

everything, everything." Lily's face was flushed and she was still crying,

but she was trying to make him understand what she had done. She knew

it was wrong, she knew that it was the biggest mistake of her life, but she

wanted, needed, him to know that she had tried so hard to correct that.

She hated to think that he believed she didn't care, and she knew that she

only had herself to blame, but she still needed to explain.

"I thought that if I hid then it would be ok, that maybe something would

open up for me but it never did. Then the time came for us to come and

get you, I was so happy, so thankful that I could finally see you again

only for it to crash. I knew you would resent us, I didn't blame you, I

don't blame you, and I would too if it had been me but that didn't stop

me from trying. I wanted to get to know you, to try and fix what I had

broken. You were no longer my little boy that I could make laugh by

making bubbles appear, you were grown up, independent and angry; and

it was all my fault. I tried to come and see you, when it became apparent

that everything else would always go back to Rose, but I was forbidden,

and every time I tried he added a new bruise to the collection.

"Then Christmas came and I was so happy for you, you had gotten a new

family that loved you with everything they had and, while I wasn't a part

of it and didn't deserve to be, I was happy that you were happy. I was

happy that you had gotten out, because he had been planning of having

you locked away, in the family manor and using his power as Head of

House to control you. So when you became Harrison Black I was relieved,

happy that you were safe even if that meant you were away from me.

James was so mad, and I tried to get away, you were safe, Rose has him

wrapped around her finger and I was a liability, so I tried to leave. But he

caught me, it was the first time anything beyond the usual happened and

I just gave up. Nothing mattered, you were happy and didn't need me, so

I no longer had to worry, and yet when the Quidditch accident happened

and you dropped to the pitch my heart stopped. I had never been so

terrified in my life.

"It was after the duel that I truly gave up, he knew that I wanted Sirius to

win and he blew up. He no longer cared if he killed me, so I no longer

cared if he did. When he tried to take you away from your family, I

thought it was the least I could do was to make sure he couldn't. I count

more to parental consent than James and he knew it, he was furious but I

didn't care. I had already lost you because of my own actions, the least I

could do was keep you happy and if I could do that by defying him then

so be it. You were worth it, you would always be worth it. The porkey

you gave me was like a lifeline that I clung to, it was hope that one day

the nightmare would be over. I was confused though, I couldn't work out

why you would bother when I had been such a terrible mother. It was

why I stayed for so long, I should have just left the first time he attacked

me during the summer, but I had already gave up one of my children,

what right did I have to do it again?" Lily laughed, it was hysterical and

it was borderline worrying but she kept speaking.

"But I realised that that girl isn't my daughter, not really. I may have

birthed her but that is the extent of the relationship we have, and while I

don't have anything, I refused to die by his hand and that was exactly

what was going to happen. He had found out that I had given evidence

against Rose in secret, Amelia swore oath not to reveal that I had been

there, but I must have been seen and it got back to him. He knew and he

was going to kill me for it, and so I left."

"You really did want me back." Harry murmured, his voice scratchy from

where he had been crying and yelling. He was shocked at her

explanation, he had known from Potter that Lily had supposedly wanted

him back after a month, but to hear it from her view was astonishing.

Especially given how much she suffered for wanting him back, it was odd

to think that the person who gave him up originally was the person that

seemed to have fought for him the most; he didn't know how to take it.

"I did," She confirmed quietly, "While I understand that you hate me,

Merlin knows I hate myself, I needed you to know that I never stopped

trying to get you back. The thought of you believing that I didn't care is

more painful than anything."

"I – I don't hate you." Harry told her, his voice soft even as his expression

was troubled. Lily's head snapped up in shock.

"You don't?"

"No, I cannot hate someone that fought so hard to get me back." Harry

said, "But other than that I don't know."

"That's fine. I never expected anything from you, the fact that you saved

my life when you had every right to let me suffer is enough. I just needed

you to hear my explanation, as poor as it is." She said earnestly, her

entire frame seemed to sag in relief.

"I need to think." Harry muttered, "I don't know what to do."

"You don't have to do anything, you've done enough."

"I still need to think." He said firmly, "Stay and rest, Severus will be mad

if your recovery is stilted." Harry turned on his heel and left the room, his

back was rigidly straight in an effort to keep it together and his hands

were balled in to fists. His ragged composure only lasted until was out

three feet away from her door and then it just shattered, he slid down the

wall and cried. All the pain, the hurt, the resentment, the confusion and

the rejection came pouring out of him in the form of great, heart

wrenching sobs.

He didn't notice he wasn't alone until Moony crouched down in front of

him and Harry just flung himself at the man, clinging to him almost

desperately as he continued to cry. Moony easily lifted him, wrapping a

strong arm around him as he set Harry on his hip, and whispered to him

to calm him down. Harry felt them moving but didn't care, he was passed

over to another set of arms and he registered the scent of his dad and

clung even tighter to the man. Sirius hushed him, allowing him to cry it

out in his arms even as she shared a concerned look with his mate over

his head. Eventually, Harry cried himself out and to sleep, both mentally

and physically exhausted with the day. Sirius, who was followed by

Moony, carried him to his room and gently set him to bed, being careful

to wrap him snugly under the blankets. He pressed a kiss to the dark

head and walked to the doorway where Moony was stood.

"Do you know what happened?" He asked, his voice a mere whisper.

"No, but I think he has just spoken to Lily. I found him crying just down

from her door." Moony told him, his voice equally as soft.

"I have never seen him cry." Sirius said, "That was possibly the most

painful thing I have ever witnessed."

"Do you think that he will ok?" Moony asked worriedly and Sirius was

quiet for a few moments, just watching his son. He noted how the boy's

shoulders seemed lighter, like weight had been lifted and smiled slightly.

"I think he will."

When Harry woke up he became aware to two things, the first was that

he felt lighter, like something that been lifted from his being and it was a

relief. The second was someone was sat on the edge of his bed and they

were running their hand through his hair, it was a very soothing feeling

that Harry enjoyed very much. He cracked an eye open and looked up to

see his father sat there, the man looked peaceful as he continued to

stroke him.

"Dad?" His voice was rough, and sounded like he hadn't had a drink in a


"Good morning, Pup," Sirius greeted, "How are you feeling?"

How was he feeling? Harry wondered, he had thought he knew how he

was feeling before, but yesterday proved him wrong. He realised that it

was yesterday that had him feeling lighter, it was like he had let go of

feelings he didn't even know he held and it was refreshing.

"I feel good," He admitted, "Really good." Sirius breathed in relief.

"I'm glad. You gave Moony and I quite a scare yesterday, Kiddo."

"Sorry," Harry finally sat up and leaned in to the one armed hug he was

being offered, "I didn't even realise that I had felt like that."

"Don't apologise, I'm just glad your ok." Sirius told him, "You've had it for

so long that it became a part of you, buried in your subconscious and

yesterday it just all come out. I'm guessing it was a result of your talk

with Lily."

"Yeah, I guess it did." Harry mused, "And yes, I spoke to her yesterday. I

managed to get rid of her scars and she thanked me. It seemed like the

perfect time for a talk."

"Did you get what you were looking for?" Sirius asked him and Harry

thought for moment. He had wanted answers, he had wanted to know

why she gave him and what was going on in her head to do such a thing,

so yes he did get what he wanted. Was he happy with her reasons? No,

no he wasn't. Did he understand why she did it? Yes, but he wasn't happy

with it. And he had heard enough to know that she regretted her

mistakes, and that she was filled with enough self loathing that he didn't

need to hate her. Not that he did hate her, he had come to the conclusion

that he didn't back when he first gave her that portkey, but he had,

apparently, been holding a lot of resentment against her and that was

gone now. He felt at peace.

"Yes," He answered simply, content with the answer and knowing that it

was over now. Harry could move on from here without hurt or

frustration and he was happy with that.

"So what are you going to do now?"

"I will continue to help her, she will never be my mother, I have uncle

Moony for that, although don't tell him that he's motherly, I think he'll

take offence." Harry added hastily, and Sirius snickered.

"Yeah, the moon does that to him." He agreed, and Harry shared a grin

with his dad.

"She may never be my mother, but that doesn't stop me being friendly

with her and I know both you and uncle Moony miss your old friend. I

know we'd have to work on it, and I can do that, especially as we both

had a mutual hatred of Potter."

"I think the hatred of Potter is a common theme around here, Pup." Sirius

pointed out and Harry snorted.

"Yeah, isn't that the truth? Plus I think Narcissa would enjoy having a

woman around, that and I think Lily would be saying anyway."

"Yeah, Severus is rather attached." Sirius said and Harry looked at him


"Rather attached." He repeated and Sirius grinned, a wry tint to it.

"Ok, he's in love with the woman, has been since school up until fifth


"Why she chose Potter over Sev I'll never know." Harry shook his head in

confusion. "I think that, with time, I could have a good relationship with


"You, my son, are a very good person." Sirius told him, pressing a kiss to

his temple.


"Come on, get dressed, we're going out for the day." Sirius said and Harry

looked up questioningly, "Get dressed and you'll find out."

Harry pouted but did as he was told, Sirius made his way down to the

dining room with a smile on his face. He kissed his mate on the cheek

and took his seat.

"How's Cub?" Moony asked, concerned.

"Better, I think he is a lot better." Sirius said, "He'll be down now."

Moony nodded, pleased. Harry came down and took his usual seat,

flashing a bright smile at Moony and digging in to his breakfast.

"So where are we going?" He questioned, excited.

"I thought we could go to France for the day, we have a summer house

there and I thought we could explore the French magical district." Sirius

suggested, and Harry's eyes light up.

"Oo, its been years since I've been to France." Harry said, excitedly,

"When can we leave?"

"As soon as you finish your breakfast, without rushing," Sirius added as

Harry picked up speed, "I've already had Kip pack an overnight bag, we'll

stay there tonight and come back tomorrow. That way you can relax on

the beach."

"There's a beach?"

"The house has a private beach including a beach house." Sirius



"Later on in the summer, and I'll have to speak with Lucius and Narcissa,

I was thinking we could take a holiday to the Black family Island."

"We have an island?" Harry gasped.

"Yes, somewhere in the Maldives I think, it was an anniversary gift from

my grandfather to his wife, Merlin did he love that woman." Sirius shook

his head, and Harry gaped at him.

"He bought her an island, an entire island!" Harry repeated stunned, "For

an anniversary gift."

"Yes, he had a touch of extravagance when it came to his wife." Sirius

admitted, and Remus snorted.

"At least I know where you get it from." He said, and Sirius looked


"I do not have any extravagance."

"Sirius, you had a solid diamond wolf with amber eyes and a diamond

grim with moonstone eyes made for me for our one year anniversary."

Remus deadpanned and Sirius pouted.

"But you loved it!"

"Of course I did, it was gorgeous and heartfelt. But it was solid diamond

and completely unnecessary." Remus told him, smiling.

"Of course it was necessary," Sirius waved him off, "It was for you,

anything is necessary."

The casual way in which he said that made Moony blush and Harry


"I've never been to a beach before," Harry said, bringing the conversation

back to save Moony.

"I think you'll like it." Sirius said. The three of them finished their

breakfast and Harry rushed towards the floo, he was excited and it was


"Follow me through, Pup." Sirius instructed, "Your blood will allow you


"Got it,"

"Chateau Black," Sirius called, and stepped through the flames. Harry

took a pinch of floo powder and threw it in.

"Chateau Black," He said clearly, he vanished in the nauseating whirl of

flames and was spat out the other side. He managed to step gracefully

out of the grate, only to walk in to his dad.

"Dad!" Harry exclaimed, "What are you…" He trailed off when he saw a

beautiful woman stood in the doorway looking at them. She had pale

skin, aristocratic features and grace that could only belong to a Black, she

was older, but her black hair was absent of any grey. Harry looked from

her to his father and nearly laughed when he saw his dad was gaping at

her. He pushed him out of the way allowing Moony to walk out of the

fire unobstructed, the werewolf raised an eyebrow at Sirius and then his

jaw dropped slightly when he caught sight of the woman. As both adults

seemed incapable of speech and, by her growing amusement, the woman

wasn't going to break the growing silence, Harry put it to himself to

break it. He straightened his robes and stepped forward, he presented a

neat bow and lightly kissed her hand when she extended it.

"I am Harrison Black, Heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.

It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Madam Black." He introduced

himself smoothly, and got a slight smile, which reminded him of Narcissa

slightly, in return.

"The Black charm still flows, I see." She murmured, her English flawless

with a hint of a French accent.

"You're dead." Sirius blurted out, finally finding his voice. That explained

to Harry why the man looked like he had seen a ghost, the woman, who

he still hadn't gotten a name for, raised a cool eyebrow in response to his


"I do believe I would have remembered such an occurrence, Sirius dear."

She said, her humour was dry and Harry smirked.

"But – but you're supposed to be dead." Sirius said again, this time

sounding weaker than before.

"I am sorry to disappoint you," She told him, she turned to Harry and

held out her arm. "Come, young Heir, escort me to the sunroom and tell

me about yourself. I am sure your father and his life mate will collect

themselves in due course."

"Of course, Madam," Harry agreed and held out his arm for her to take,

he was mentally thanking Salazar that he was taller than most his age as

he was led away.

"I must say, I am impressed, your manners are impeccable for one so

young." She commented, leading through the beautiful summer house. It

was more like a small manor, well, small compared to the one in England

anyway, and Harry marvelled at its beauty.

"Thank you. To forget them would be a mockery of my station as Heir to

the House of Black."

"Indeed it would be," She agreed. They stepped in to a large, open, room

which held huge windows, flooding the rooms with light and a stunning

view of the sea. There was a balcony and she took him to sit out there, as

per custom, he only sat after she had done so and he angled himself to

give a politely interested air.

"I should introduce myself, it was rude of me not to, I am Cassiopeia

Black." She told him, "I must admit, I did not expect guests today, but by

Sirius' reaction I can assume he did not expect the summer house to be


"No, he brought me here to see the French Magical sector and to take me

to the beach." Harry said. Sirius and Remus entered the room, each

looking slightly flushed, and walked over.

"Harry!" Sirius breathed in relief,

"Sirius Orion, do not butcher the boys name in such a way. You gave him

such a beautiful name, you've no right to cut it." She snapped at him.

"Yes, Aunt Cassiopeia," Sirius answered automatically.

"Now, tell me of the new Heir. I have heard many things, and I have been

following the news, but there is always much more to the actual story."

She said and looked at them.

"I was hoping to take Harrison out." Sirius tried, and everyone in the

room knew that his words were completely pointless.

"Come now, Sirius, I've not seen you in many years, and you'd deny me

the chance to know the latest Black." She said impervious, and Sirius

slumped with a sigh. "Sit up straight, what an example you set."

"Yes, aunt Cassiopeia,"

Harry looked at Remus for any indication of what the Hades was going

on but Remus looked just as lost as he did, and there were traces of

amusement in his brown eyes.

"Harrison, son, meet my grandfather's niece, Cassiopeia Pyxis Black, my

aunt Cassiopeia. Aunt Cassiopeia, Harrison Regulus Black, my son and


"It is very nice to meet you, Harrison." She nodded regally, and Harry

bowed his head in return.

"May I assume that you wish to know the back story of how Harrison

came to be?" Sirius ventured, and Cassiopeia gave him a look that said it

all. So they sat and they told her nearly everything, they skipped where

Harrison actually grew up and him being the real Boy-Who-Lived. She

didn't interrupt and she showed no emotion to how she was feeling all

through the tale, Sirius, Remus and Harrison had inputs and they finished

up in to the point of the arrival of Lily and the results.

"You will ruin him." Cassiopeia stated, her voice was icy and biting as she

regarded them. Tea had been served by this point and they were politely

drinking in the sun, her expression, scarily enough, reminding Harry of

Marvolo, was set in stoic coldness and there was a look in her eye that

screamed dangerous.

"By the time we're finished with Potter, not only will his reputation be

non-existent, but he will be in the ground." Sirius told her, his eyes

shining with the same glint as hers.


"Marvolo," Harry answered, "The man is going to crush Dumbledore like

a bug, and enjoy it greatly."

"Yes, I would imaging he would." Cassiopeia agreed, amusement lacing

her tone. "How goes the rest of the family, Sirius. I have been out of

contact for much to long. I shall have to re-establish myself."

"Narcissa, her husband and Heir are good, Draco is Harrison's age and

they are extremely close." Sirius said and Cassiopeia nodded.

"Ah yes, a Malfoy now. I must admit I was startled when Cygnus agreed

to such a contract, but it has been highly beneficial and we retain our

higher ground." She mused, "And the Heir, he is well bred?"

"Yes, powerful too. Second in his year, Harrison is first."

"As it should be." She agreed.

"You heard of Bellatrix?"

"Azkaban, the rumours said. For the torture of a Pureblood, no less,"

"It is not as it seems, aunt Cassiopeia." Sirius assured her, sensing a rant



"Harrison found out that the reason behind it was to further the Dark's


"I see. It is good to hear that she has not been consumed by the Black

madness. Her contract was well met, however it is a shame about the

lack of Heir."

"I will have to go over the clauses, to see if there are any consequences

because of that." Sirius remembered.

"As you should," She murmured, "On the topic of contracts, have you yet

to set one up for your Heir?"

Both Sirius and Remus almost choked on their tea at that.


"I have not yet seen someone who I feel could bring respect and prestige

to the House of Black. I wish to spend this year discovering if there is

such a girl, I will not have the future Lady Black embarrassing our Noble

House." Harry said to her, his voice filled with just the right amount of

pride and arrogance to make her smile ever so slightly; Harry ignored the

stunned looks he was getting from Remus and Sirius,.

"You are a very smart child,"

"Thank you," He said with a charming smile.

"Now, I expect an invitation to dinner soon, Sirius. We must have a

longer time to catch up, you have things to be doing today." She stated

and Sirius nodded, "I shall have Toppy see you out."

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Madam," Harry said, giving her a neat


"You too, young Heir," She returned.

"I shall write, aunt," Sirius said.

"A pleasure to see you again, Madam," Remus said and the three of them

left the room, only when they had apperated to what Harry assumed was

the French magical sector did the two adults breathe freely. Sirius

hurried then to a Café and sat down.

"What the HELL!" Sirius exclaimed, and Remus shook his head.

"I have no idea." He said.

"I could have sworn she died." Sirius said shaking his head.

"I think she's alive, dad." Harry said seriously.

"I'll have to tell Cissa, she thought she was dead too."

"I think you may need to check the family ledger," Harry said and Sirius



"You stayed calm when she mentioned you being contracted." Remus

pointed out.

"Yes, so?"

"I would have flipped, actually, when it was first brought up when I was

15 I flipped." Sirius said, "I mean, the only reason I was saved was

because of Moony, I appealed to my grandfather and he granted me my

request because a life mate is as good as a contract. Otherwise, I would

have had to marry Parkinson's sister."

"Dad, uncle Moony, you do remember where I grew up, right?" Harry

asked and Sirius raised an eyebrow.


"I can honestly say I was surprised that I don't already have a contract. I

mean, if I was back with Sal, I would have been contracted at eight,

married by next year and expected to have an Heir by fifteen. Right now,

I'm living the high life." Harry explained and the pair blinked.

"That is…"

"Unbelievable." Moony finished and Harry grinned.

"Honestly, I don't really mind. I mean, I was nearly betrothed when I was

seven, it was only the fact that Sal reminded Godric that they couldn't

keep me there that it was stopped." Harry laughed at the memory.

"So you wouldn't mind a contract?" Remus asked, ignoring the look of

disgust Sirius sent him.

"No, I would prefer it. That way there are escape clauses and, if anything

happens, I don't lose my fortune." Harry said.

"You want to be signed off to some girl?"

"Good Magic no," Harry said, looking aghast at the thought.

"But you just said…"

"No, I said I wouldn't mind a contract. Not that I want to be promised to

some girl, no, if there is to be a contract then I want to choose exactly

who to and the main clauses." Harry said.

"Ah, I get it now." Moony said and Sirius shook his head.

"You're strange," Sirius decided, "Both of you,"

"Of course, but that is why you love us." Harry pointed out.

"You're right. Come on, we can walk through the alley and then head to

the beach." Sirius said. They got up and Sirius led them out, he was the

one with the most experience within France so they were following him.

They walked around and the path opened up to reveal a long sweeping

street, the floors seemed to sparkle within the sun and there were shop

after shop brightly lit up with different colours. People bustling up and

down, children running around laughing and there were trees and shrubs

scattered around giving the place a beautiful finish.

"Welcome to Centre De La Rue Mystique, the central magical shopping

area in France." Sirius told them, Harry looked around impressed.


They walked down and Sirius pointed out some notable shops, Lisse et

élégant the men's formal robe shop which was next to robes

Emblématiques for female dressed. They passed an apothecary and a

menagerie which Harry peered in to before moving on, there was another

café called La Ros and a group of women were sat around the table

talking about the latest fashions.

"This is what I thought you might like." Sirius said, stopping them and

pointing to a huge shop, it has two large windows either side of the door

and a massive sign that read: Le centre commercial de livre.

"Wow, that's a massive book store." Harry said in amazement.

"I thought if you knew where it was, you could come here with your

friends. It was what my grandfather used to do, the Blacks are known

here too so you shouldn't have too much trouble and the Malfoys are

too." Sirius explained.

"Thanks dad,"

"Now, do you want to have a quick look before we go to the beach?"

Sirius asked, looking at Moony just as much as his son, they both


"Of course," they answered and Sirius rolled his eyes good-naturedly.

Harry was impressed as soon as he stepped in, he immediately went to

the potions section and started browsing for titles that he hadn't read or

didn't own, focussing mainly on the ones not in English at all. There was

one that caught his interest, it was from a French author and he had

some interesting techniques.

A few of them raised Harry's eyebrows and he tucked it under his arm

and continued on down the aisle, a couple more books caught his eye

before he moved on to offensive magic. There wasn't much that wasn't in

the Black, Malfoy or the Slytherin libraries, the elves kept all the libraries

pretty updated but he did grab one which has been release a week

previously. He was going to start combing the rest of the shop but was

grabbed by his dad who was also dragged Moony by the arm and pushed

them towards the counter.

"Buy whatever you have in your hands, and that's it." He stated and the

pair pouted.

"Padfoot, I was searching for-,"


"Dad, I was moving to the next section-,"

"Don't care. Pay for the books."


They paid and were hustled out of the shop, Sirius grabbed both their

arms and apperated them away. Harry stumbled slightly on the landing

and threw his father a scathing look, Sirius flashed a grin and made a

flourish with his arms.

"Tah dah!"

They had landed in the middle of a beach and Harry grinned.

"This is amazing!"

"Come on, we can change in the beach house." Sirius said, pointing to the

glass house a few metres away.

"Where's the Château?" Harry asked, Sirius turned around and pointed to

a massive house on the cliff like hill.


"We own all of this?"


"Wow, this family really is excessive." Harry muttered.

"Yeah…" Sirius shrugged, "Come on,"

They walked in to the house and Harry was amazing, the place was very

neat and stylish, the marble floors were white and the walls were a mix

of smoky grey, black and white. The elves has already come and laid

their things out and Harry grabbed his shorts and t-shirt to go and

change, when he came back, Sirius and Remus were dressed similarly

and Harry grinned.

"Run wild, Cub," Remus said, and that was all that Harry needed, he

bolted from the house and down on to the sand. It was warm on his feet

as the sun bathed it in heat, it was an odd feeling and Harry marvelled at

the feel of the sand on his bare feet. He heard a bark behind him and just

dived out of the way as a huge black Grim lunged for him, the dog

skidded on the sand and the force sent him rolled over. Harry laughed at

the stunned look and yelped when someone came up behind him and

grabbed him, the dog barked in a way that was obviously laughing and

he heard Moony laughing.

"That's cheating!" Harry cried, laughing with them. He wiggled out of

Moony's grip and ran off in to the water, he got splashed with water as

Padfoot bounded over and Harry let out a very manly shriek when a

wave washed over him and he was doused with freezing water. Both

adults fell about laughing and Harry pouted, he suddenly got a

mischievous glint in his eyes and leapt at Padfoot, and, with a surprising

amount of strength, which was magically enhanced, threw the dog

deeper in to the ocean. It was Harry and Moony's turn to laugh as the

Grim animagus made a sound reminiscent of a drowning cat. Sirius

changed back looking extremely sorry for himself and Harry grinned as

his dad trudged back out of the deeper water, Harry was stood about

waist deep with Moony and Sirius joined them.

"Not cool, pup," He grumbled, but he was smiling.

"Don't worry, Padfoot, you only sounded like a cat." Moony assured him

and Harry roared with laughter.

"I don't know why you're laughing, Moony." Sirius said, grinning, "It's

your turn." Sirius didn't give him time to react before he threw his mate

in to the water, Remus popped back up spluttering and they all burst out

laughing. They messed about in the water, where Harry conjured a disk

and threw it for Padfoot to catch, until they started to get hungry and

trooped back up the beach. Drying charms were cast in a hast and they

used jets of water to wash off the sand from their feet, the elves had a

nice dinner ready for them when they entered and Harry dived for his

food. After dinner, they spent the evening laying out on the beach

relaxing and bathing in the sun, Moony has conjured up some towels and

they were all sprawled out on them as the sun set.

"So, did you enjoy your first trip to the beach?" Sirius asked Harry,

looking at this son.

"It's been great," Harry said honestly, "I think I needed this."

"Good, I'm glad you had a good time."

So, what do you think? I thought I'd use the rest of the chapter to

have Harry wind down. He has had a load of pent up emotions and

he had to get rid of them, I'm hoping I did it justice and I would be

hugely grateful if you could let me know what you think XD.


27. Chapter 27

Hey everyone! I am so sorry! I have been soooo busy, I've just

started uni and I haven't been able to focus on Twins lately. I know,

it's terrible but I offer this as a peace offering and hope that the next

chapter flows, I do have it mapped out. Yeah, I know it's a bit

shorter than usual but I had to choose a decent cut of point! On with

the show!

Again, small fixes, but then these chapters are more recent anyway!

Warning: Language methinks

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K unfortunately,


Chapter 27:

"Malfoy Manor," Sirius called before he stepped in to the flames, he

caught himself before he was thrown out of the grate and managed to

step out gracefully. An elf popped in to meet him and Sirius requested to

speak with the Lady of the manor, he was led up to the sunroom where

Narcissa was reading as she sipped her tea.

"Oh, hello, Sirius," She greeted, "This is unexpected."

"Yeah, sorry about that," He said sheepishly, "I have news and I didn't

think it could wait."

"Do have a seat," She told him, indicating the chair opposite.


"What is it that cannot wait?" Narcissa asked, interested.

"Remember aunt Cassiopeia?"

"Yes, what about her? She's been dead for years."

"That's the thing… She's not dead." Sirius said, running a hand through

his hair. Narcissa's eyes widened and she looked at him as if he was


"What?" She gasped.

"She's not dead." Sirius repeated.

"But, that's not possible. I mean, it was announced. I attended the


"Well, whatever that was, it certainly wasn't Aunt Cassie." Sirius stated

and Narcissa blinked.

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure,"

"How do you know?"

"I saw her, I had tea with her, and I spoke to her." Sirius told her, "I think

I am very sure."

"Oh my,"

"Yeah," Sirius agreed, "When I stepped out in to the Château she was the

last thing I expected to see."

"I can imagine." Narcissa muttered, "Well, this is a surprise."

"I, of course, had to be the one to fill her in with everything that has been

going on from a first hand view." Sirius said and Narcissa smirked.

"I assume that went extremely well, especially as she, no doubt, wanted

to speak all about Harrison." Narcissa said amused, Sirius scowled at her,

"Did she speak about contracts too?"

"Laugh it up, she wants a dinner and you can bet your fortune that you

are going to be there." Sirius grumbled.

"I may have a full calendar." Narcissa backtracked.

"Oh, it will be such a shame when I tell Aunt Cassie that you were

unfortunately busy, but you will be delighted to have her here for

dinner." Sirius told her cheerfully and she gave him a filthy look.

"We will attend."

"I knew I could count on you, cousin." Sirius said brightly.

"How did Harrison respond to her?" Narcissa asked, changing the topic.

"He had her wrapped around his finger in an instant. The kid knew

exactly what to say, when to say it and how to act in that situation."

Sirius shook his head, "I don't think he will ever stop surprising me."

"He responded well to the mention of a contract?" Narcissa confirmed


"Ha! That's a laugh, it was like he had said it a thousand times before: I

have not yet seen someone who I feel could bring respect and prestige to the

House of Black. I wish to spend this year discovering if there is such a girl, I

will not have the future Lady Black embarrassing our Noble House. Honestly,

you should have seen it."

"I bet she absolutely adored that." Narcissa laughed and Sirius snorted.

"You got that one right. It's obvious she likes him, well… as obvious as

she would allow it." Sirius said rolling his eyes.

"Do you intend to write a contract for Harrison?" Narcissa questioned and

Sirius grimaced.

"He wants one." He answered and Narcissa raised a dainty eyebrow.

"According to Harrison, where he grew up, he would have been in a

contract at eight, married by next year and expected to have had an Heir

by fifteen so it's nothing new to him. He said he wanted a contract so that

he could protect his fortune and so there are escape clauses for him, he

also wants to be the one to choose the girl and to have a hand in what is

put in to the contract."

"That is a very mature outlook." Narcissa noted, "I suppose, given the

time of the founders, marriage happened at a much younger age so his

mindset is understandable."

"That's what Moony said when he was explaining it to me yesterday."

Sirius said with a grin and Narcissa smiled fondly.

"That man was one of the best things to happen to you Sirius Orion


"Of course, it's Moony." Sirius said as if it was obvious.

"I think I may use Harrison's idea for a contract when we tell Draco about

it." Narcissa mused, "It may halt the otherwise guaranteed tantrum

coming our way."

"Good idea," Sirius laughed.

"I am curious, how did you come across Aunt Cassiopeia anyway?"

Narcissa asked.

"Oh, I took Harrison to France." Sirius said, "He finally spoke to Lily and

it was a bit much on him."

"Poor thing, I can't imagine it was easy." Narcissa said sympathetically, "It

is hardly something that can just be forgotten."

"No, and I don't think he realised how much it had actually effected him."

Sirius agreed.

"Is he ok now?"

"I believe he is. He was talking to Severus about something to do with

potions when I left. Harrison managed to remove Lily's scars."

"Oh that is wonderful." Narcissa exclaimed, "I have to go and conduct a

check up again soon. I believe she will be able to leave the room now and

come of off bed rest."

"Thank Merlin, Severus can go back to his normal emotionless self and

stop scaring us all with his feelings." Sirius joked.

"Until Lily is free and clear of James Potter I doubt he will do that."

Narcissa pointed out.

"True, but that should pass through with no problem." Sirius said, "I

mean, I'll back her, I assume you'll have Lucius back her too which is


"Oh you have my word that Lucius will back her." Narcissa stated.

"We could probably get Izar to back us too, and when this hits the

headlines its going to be huge."

"There is no doubt of that. You may also have My Lord's backing, if

Harrison was to speak with him."

"I do not want to ask that of him, I know he has sorted everything but I

don't want it to seem as if I'm pushing him." Sirius said and Narcissa


"That is understandable."

"If he suggests it I will agree, however." Sirius shook his head, "Back to

the reason for my visit. I will be writing to Aunt Cass soon, and I thought

it would be good to warn you. She said it was time to re-establish herself

again and Merlin knows what that means."

Narcissa gave a delicate shudder.

"That woman is like a vulture when she has something to find. Remember

her black book."

"Oh good Merlin, yes," Sirius gasped, before his face lit up in a darkly

amused grin, "And just think of all the things we could accomplish with

such a tool now."

Narcissa mirrored his expression.

"I believe her return shall be gladly received… for us anyway."

They shared a laugh and Sirius rose to his feet.

"I shall inform you of the date of the impending dinner. I must return to

the manor to remind the three of them to eat, hopefully Lily will remind

Severus when she starts to leave her room." Sirius rolled his eyes, he

accepted the kiss to his cheek and left for the floo; he had people to feed.

He also had to look in to the family ledger and Bellatrix' contract to

Rodolphus Lestrange, he had completely forgotten that he had to go

through contracts.

It hadn't crossed his mind because there had not been a problem with

Narcissa and Andromeda had been removed from the family. He hadn't

been Lord to the House for a long time when put in to perspective and

this year had been exceptionally busy so far, he would have to go

through things. He had to schedule a meeting with Andromeda as well as

Tonks, he doubted his younger cousin would have anything against

returning to the family, but if she spoke the truth about her mother then

Andromeda may be a problem. One he would have to get to the bottom

of. Once Tonks was inducted back to the family, he would then have to

meet with the one courting her as per custom and proceed from there.

In regards to Bellatrix, he would have to see her before anything, he

needed to go through the contract thoroughly though, he didn't know too

much about there marriage, hell, he didn't even know if she was happily

married or if she hated it and wanted it annulled. Sirius released a sigh as

he walked through his halls to the library, he would manage, and if he

didn't then Moony would. Speaking of his wolf, he found him absorbed in

a book and walked over with a smile.

"Hey you,"

"Oh, Padfoot, your back."

"Yeah, Narcissa was just as surprised as I was. According to her, she

actually went to her funeral." Sirius said shaking his head.

"Well… that clearly wasn't the right funeral." Moony joked and Sirius


"I'll say." He ran a hand through his hair, "I have to go through the ledger

and the current contracts."

"Would you like me to help you reorganise everything and help you set

up dates for things?" Remus asked and Sirius beamed at him.

"I love you, Moony."

"I know you do." Remus said with a smile. He put his book away and

stood up, he made to leave but Sirius caught his hand, his left hand and

ran his finger over the only ring there.

"We never did get around to changing this, did we?" He asked


"No, we never did." Remus agreed, "So many things got in the way."

"And we said that we wanted our Pup there, but we didn't find him."

Sirius said, "Until now."


"We should change that, Moony." Sirius spoke as if Remus hadn't tried to

interrupt him, "Something small, here at the manor. Just the official

bonding ceremony, then you will be the Lord Consort Black properly. I

know it doesn't mean much, but I think it will be nice."

Remus looked at the earnest expression on his mates face and smiled


"That would be lovely, Sirius, but nothing too big."

"No, nothing big. Just us, the Malfoys, Sev and Lily." Sirius seemed

exceptionally pleased and tugged Moony from the room, "Just you wait,

you'll love it."

"I'll hold you to that."

"What happened to Harry, and Severus for that matter?"

"Oh, well when you left Severus practically assaulted Cub over the

phoenix feather which lead to a lengthy discussion on something to do

with experimental potions. Harry showed Severus something from his

journal and then they both vanished. Haven't seen them since," Remus

explained and Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Nightmare, the pair of them."

"We wouldn't have them any other way."

"True," Sirius agreed, "Who would have thought we would have been

friends with Severus Snape."

"Certainly not me, but look at us now."

"All mature and everything,"

"I wouldn't go that far, Pads."


"Maturity is overrated anyway," Moony soothed him and Sirius nodded.

"I agree, where would the fun be!?"

They arrived at Sirius' office took their seats, Sirius pulled out a few

folders as Remus collected some parchment and some quills.

"Now, the first thing you need to do is arrange things with Tonks." Remus

began, "You've spoken to her and she is agreeable to a meeting, you just

need to meet the formalities now."

"I can do that, and I have to work out what is acceptable for a gift for her

results." Sirius mused.

"You could tie it in with the meeting. I mean, she said she was struggling

living on her own, and if she does wish to be accepted back in to the tree

then you could give her somewhere to live."

"With a house elf and a bank account, as per a daughter of the House of


Remus wrote this down and nodded.

"If she agrees and you bring her in, you will need to discuss her

relationship status."

"Yes, I remember this. Grandfather made me sit in on the one where he

was discussing possible betrothals. I'll have to see how serious it is, meet

with the intended and discuss the situation as befitting to both Houses."

Sirius said, "I'll need to know if it is a proper courting or not."

"That shouldn't bee too difficult."

"I'll also need to learn how much Tonks actually knows about the

pureblood ways,"

"And on that note, you'll need to discuss Andromeda and reaffirm her

behaviour." Remus remembered, jotting it down.

"Ah yes, well remembered," Sirius said, and then he flicked through his

book, "And according to the ledger, she never asked to be put back on to

the family tree and the reason my Grandfather disowned her himself was

because she actually broke a betrothal by running off with the

muggleborn… Huh, I didn't know that."

"Who was it?"

"The Rowle Heir, he's dead now, only the Lord survives, but still. He

would have had to disown her to save face, as well as pay reparations."

Sirius shook her head, "You don't break a contract, even I know that."

"Do you want me to write in a slot for a future meeting with Andromeda?

I know you have not yet spoken to Tonks, but you will still need to see


"Yes, but not concrete,"


"Right, I need to organise a dinner with Aunt Cassie, and it will feature

the Malfoys too."

"I'll put that in for a Wednesday, that way we have a few days to recover

before the weekend." Remus joked and Sirius grinned.

"Good idea, and we have days to prepare too."

"What else is immediate?" Moony asked.

"I am looking to see if there were any clauses in Bella's contract with

Lestrange." Sirius murmured, "They married right out of Hogwarts '79 or

'80. I've found a fidelity clause, an innocence clause and provision clause,

but no Heir clause. That is rather odd."

"Not necessary. Rodolphus has a brother, the Lestrange line can be

continued through him and both he and Bellatrix are very headstrong. I

cannot imagine either taking the time to stop to raise a family." Remus

pointed out.

"True, Bella never wanted to settle. She was always the one who wanted

to make a career, she didn't want to be a Pureblood wife." Sirius agreed.

"I've written in that you'll speak with Bellatrix when she's up and stable."

"Yes, for all I know she hates the marriage. I'd rather make the decision

with her thoughts then make guesses, no need to make her want to kill


"Well, as she does not know of your change in heart she may want to do

that anyway." Remus indicated and Sirius waved him off.

"Technicality," He brushed it off, "Now, Narcissa's contract seems to have

more clauses, Abraxas Malfoy and Cygnus Black rarely saw eye to eye

and I can see where my Grandfather stepped in."

"What are they?"

"Same as Bella's and then the Heir clause and a purity clause, it also

states that Narcissa was to be a Pureblood wife for a time scale of ten

years only. Meaning, if she wanted to, she could get a job now."

"The clauses have been met. Though, thinking of the provision clause, is

ending up in Azkaban breaking that?"

"No, I do not believe so because they are both in there. It may have been

called in to question if only Rodolphus was in there." Sirius told him.

"Ok, you do not need to speak with Narcissa and we know that she is

happily married, so there is no concern." Remus wrote everything down

before looking back up, "May I suggest you check the family tree and

discover who is actually still alive and who is not." Sirius had the decency

to blush and hastily flick through the files.

"I probably should have checked this a while back." He admitted, "But I

swear she was dead, honest."

"Just check to make sure no one else is alive, yes?"

"Well, Grandfather Pollux is definitely dead, he was supposed to have

died the same year as Aunt Cassie. At least he had the decency to be

truthful in death. Aunt Dorea is gone, that was a shame, I liked her,"

"That's Potter's mother, isn't it?" Remus asked and Sirius nodded.

"I think, the only reason that marriage was allowed was because Charlus

Potter was a Pureblood and they are rich." Sirius said, "And the last one

in that line is Marius, he was blasted off because he was a Squib and I

think he died."

"Ok, lets go with Pollux, that is both your and Narcissa's grandfather, and

also your uncle?"

"Yeah, get's a bit confusion to be honest." Sirius sighed. "Pollux had my

delightful mother, uncle Alphard and uncle Cygnus and they are safely

dead and buried. Reg is dead, I'm Lord Black and we've already been

through the three Black sisters."

"What of Pollux' wife?"

"Old Irma? Oh she popped her clogs before he did, I never liked that

woman." Sirius said cheerfully. "Now, Grandfather only had two spawns,

my father and Aunt Lucretia. Aunt Lu didn't have any kids when she

married Prewett and my father only has me left."

"There are not a lot of Black's left, really?"

"No, it's pretty sad seeing as this family used to be huge. I am the only

one, with pup, with the Black name left. The latest generation seems to

have been female." Sirius said.

"At least you know who's alive and who is not. That can only be a bonus."

"Yes, and it's all organised because you are amazing." Sirius said pleased

and Remus grinned.

"What of your finances?"

"We're doing fine, our investments are bringing in much more than we

could even hope to spend."

"That mean's we're done."

"Wonderful, we can go eat. I have a feeling that the dungeon dwellers

won't immerge until they want to."

"Send an elf or we may never see then again," Remus suggested.

"Good idea,"

Down the in Potions labs, both Severus and Harry were hunched over the

tables hastily making notes on their latest discussion. Severus, once he

had discovered what Harry had left for him, had monopolised the boy's

time to discuss exactly what properties the black phoenix had compared

to the fire phoenix. This had brought a whole new discussion when it was

discovered that black phoenixes could harm just as much as they could

heal, and that, if used correctly/incorrectly, their tears and feathers could

create a toxin near the strength of basilisk venom. Once he had

discovered this, Severus had demanded that they use both tears and

feathers and break them down with different methods to see how they

reacted, Harry had shed a few more feathers and cried before taking a

break to build up his strength as Severus prepared them.

Then, the pair of them had boiled, burned, seared, crushed, diced,

chopped, sliced, cut, mashed, simmered, dried, shredded, peeled and

strained the tears and feathers and noted down, with full detailed, the

reaction to each process. They discovered that, in certain circumstanced,

the tears reacted better and their healing propertied seemed to have been

enhanced, and others, straining them for example, made them lethally

toxic and they even burned through a cauldron. The feathers seemed to

vary, they did find out that it was impossible to burn something which

was fire based, and they also found out that if the feather was dried and

then crushed, it created a fine powder that could create flames if jostled

too much. Harry had sprinkled some of the powder on to the desk and it

went up in flames, once he had put them out he discovered it had not

damaged to wood at all and that lined up a whole new set of experiments

for both master and upcoming master.

First, Harry wanted to see if he could manipulate it, as he had found the

flames did not hurt him, and he found that if he focused he could tap in

to the feelings of the flames and lead them. He could also make them

burn if he wished. The next thing they tried was to see if the flames

would burn Severus, Harry thought that maybe he was ok because of his

phoenix and that they were his feathers, but his point turned out to be

void when Severus stuck his hand in the flames and they merely crackled

around him. He tried manipulating them and, while he had a harder job

than Harry, he got it eventually and they found that it was only the

person who had started the fire that could manipulate them.

It was an amazing find and it did only get better. Harry threw a handful

of the powder down and walked in to it, he told Severus, who was noting

everything down, that it felt like the floo flames, and he had jokingly said

that it would be taking him to the library next. Absolutely nothing could

have prepared him for him vanishing and appearing in the library, he

stumbled and landed on the floor and didn't move for at least ten

minutes, absolutely stunned. When he got himself together he bolted

back down to the labs to find Severus all but gaping at the spot he had

been in previously and Harry could not even blame him, they couldn't

work out how or why, but they did test it on Severus and discovered that

you could travel through the flames and through wards.

They wrote it off as a magical phenomenon and Harry had created some

more to enable him to show Marvolo and Salazar, but they reason, with a

side note, that it would be impossible to create on a large scale because

of the rarity of phoenix feathers in general, let alone black phoenixes.

Both Severus and Harry were all up for continuing when an elf popped in

and informed them that food was being served, they were surprised to

see it was dinner time and so they headed up.

"Ah, they are alive." Sirius greeted, "I was beginning to wonder."

"Dad! You would not believe what me and Sev have been doing. We've

found a magical miracle." Harry told him excitedly, throwing himself

down in his seat and helping himself to food.


"Yeah, we've discovered miracle powder!"

"No, absolutely not." Severus stated, "You cannot call it that." Harry


"But that's an awesome name."



"Not happening."

"Fine!" Harry huffed, "Grains of flames."

Severus groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose as Harry sat there


"I'll allow that for sheer creativity."


"Ok, cub," Remus cut in, amused, "What does it do?"

"You know how I can travel in my flames?"


"Well this power does that, but for anyone." Harry told them and they


"Wait, through wards too?" Sirius asked and Harry nodded proudly.



"I know, we were, obviously, stunned, but it's great."

"And let me guess… you are going to the castle after this."

"Oh you know me so well."

"Eat your food and you can go," Sirius allowed and Harry beamed.

"Thanks dad,"

Harry sat and ate his food and listened to the conversation going on

around him, the adults were talking about upcoming plans for the

Wizengamot and Sirius was telling Severus about the surprise of a living

relative. The Potions Master gave the marauder a look of utter

exasperation as Moony snickered besides hi.

"Pray tell me, Black, how in Merlin's name you managed to mistake a

member of your family for being dead?" Snape drawled and Sirius


"It wasn't just me, you know? Cissa thought she was dead too!"

"You say that as if it makes it better." Severus said and Sirius scowled.

"It's the last time I invite you to dinner."

"You didn't invite me, you sent and elf and told both Harrison and I to

come and eat." Severus pointed out and Sirius huffed.

"Last time I do that."

Severus merely rolled his eyes.

"I am going out tomorrow," He said instead of gracing Sirius with a


"I can look in on Lily." Remus offered, knowing immediately why Severus

was telling them, "I haven't spoken to her properly in years."

"Thank you, Remus."

"Shouldn't she be able to come out of her room soon?" Harry asked.

"Narcissa shall be visiting soon, it will depend on the diagnostic report."

Severus said and Harry nodded. He finished his food and excused himself

from the table, he darted upstairs and got in his shower as he had been in

the labs practically all day. Harry threw on his dark blue robes and made

his way back down to the dining room,

"Be back for 9:30 at the latest," Sirius told him.

"Got it," Harry agreed, he floo'd over to the castle and happily skipped up

the library, where he could feel Marvolo.

"Hey Marvolo," Harry greeted cheerfully, dropping down in the chair

opposite the Dark Lord.

"Harrison," The man returned, "Busy?"

"Kinda, I finally spoke to Lily and got my answers."

"To your satisfaction?"

"Yes, I believe so." Harry said, "We went to France and discovered dad's

great Aunt is still alive."


"Yes, both Dad and Aunt Cissa thought she was dead, turns out she

wasn't." Harry shrugged and Marvolo blinked.

"How does one mistake someone for being dead?"

"Excuse me Mr Dead Dark Lord." Harry said with an amused raised

eyebrow; Marvolo rolled his eyes.

"Yes, but my situation was a little different. I lost my body."

"I guess," Harry gave him a sceptical eye to which he received a

deadpanned expression in return, "Though, I don't know how they

mistook her death."

"Which Aunt was it?"


"Of France?"


"That woman strikes fear in to many people's hearts." Marvolo said to him

with a wry smirk, "She had a famous black book, it's said to have secrets

of every political person from France and quite possibly England too."

"Really?" Harry said interested, "Now that would be a helpful little hand,

wouldn't it."

"Oh yes, but she is highly secretive. She doesn't do anything unless it

benefits herself."

"Are we not all the same?" Harry pointed out, "Besides, she is a Black and

I have already began working my charm."

"If anyone would crack her then it would be you." Marvolo muttered and

Harry grinned.

"Of course, I am the most amazing person you know – alive that is."


"Yup, facts right there." Harry said certainly.

"I see."

"She especially liked my response when she brought up contracts. I'm

hoping I can play that angle and boost her opinion by finding a suitable

match, I know she would be delighted with that, and I can courteously go

to her to inform her of the news and go over the contract there." Harry

explained with a smirk, and Marvolo returned the expression.

"Your mind is rather fascinating," He decided and Harry grinned.

"What can I say?" He joked.

"Though, I do wish to have a deciding factor in your contracted match."

Marvolo stated and Harry blinked before nodded.

"Right, your Heir, got it."

"Yes, when it finally gets announced that you are Heir Slytherin your

match cannot put a blemish on our name."

"Of course not, I will take all of my names in to careful consideration

because I refuse to have someone who believes she can whine and bitch

like some of the wives I've had the misfortune to meet. She will remain

composed and cool at all times, she will conform to all of the Pureblood

etiquette and she will be informed that I do not have time for someone

who tries to plot or move against me." Harry stated and Marvolo nodded

in approval.

"Very good." Marvolo murmured, "When do you intend to have a contract

in place?"

"By the end of the next school year and no later," Harry decided, "I

require an innocence clause for sure, and then there is a discussion with

the other Lord to which clauses they require."

"I will have to speak with your father to discuss it also,"

"You may want to speak to Moony instead, he's got much more how shall

I say… finesse than dad."

"Mr Lupin-Black it is,"

"Wonderful, now, I didn't come over here just to discuss the future Lady

Black and other titles, I did actually come to show you something." Harry

said, and Marvolo raised an eyebrow.

"Severus and I have created/discovered the perfect in case of absolute

emergency escape route for our people." Harry told him and Marvolo


"Go on,"

"You know my flame travel?"

"Not likely to forget any time soon."

"Well, we have discovered how to create that effect without the phoenix

animagus. We tried it on Severus earlier and he managed to travel too."

Harry said and Marvolo looked interested.


"Yes, here," Harry handed over the phial of powder and Marvolo

examined it.

"What is this?"

"It is a finely crushed dried black phoenix feather."

"What else does it do?"

"Create fire that can be controlled mentally. We found that only the

person who created the fire can control it and it can be harmful if you

will it too."

"That should not be possible."

"No, I know, but I am not complaining. We also found that my healing

tears could be very dangerous if prepared a certain way."

"Now that is a surprise."

"Yes, their potency was very shocking. Very toxic,"

"What inspired you to experiment?"

"Severus and I got speaking about the properties of the black Phoenix

compared to the fire Phoenix and it went from there."

"I see,"

"So that's me out of interesting things." Marvolo scoffed under his breath

much to Harry's amusement, "What have you been doing?"

"Securing the plans for Azkaban, I have been monitoring the aurors

schedule and I shall continue to watch them to see the pattern."

"The plans are coming together slowly then,"

"Yes, and I have also been looking in to the laws that have been passed in

my absence. The ministry is in dyer need of reshaping, and I do intend to

remove the cancer before it spreads much further."

"That bad?"



"Indeed, and it is going to take a lot of work. The first person who has to

go is Umbridge." Even when just speaking her name, Marvolo's lip curled.

"I agree wholeheartedly, but you are going to need a replacement."

"I have an idea, but I highly doubt it will be well received and I highly

doubt that, given the current Minister, my idea will have the patience

and finesse to cope."

"You surely don't mean who I think you mean?" Harry said in disbelief,

looking at the Dark Lord as if the man had lost his mind.

"Lord Black is a respected figure within our world."

"Lord Black would tell the Minister to take a walk in to a dragon cave.

That and he teaches with Moony, and can barely stand the Wizengamot."

Harry pointed out, "What of Lord Nott, he's been around much longer and

has a neutral/dark status?"

"That idea has merit," Marvolo agreed, "And Izar does have a sharp silver


"That way, when we get rid of Fudge, which we know is going to take a

while at the current time, Izar can step up and I can step up to become

the youngest Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic ever."

"High ambitions?" Marvolo inquired amused and Harry tilted his chin


"Please, when we have the world where we want it, who is going to say

no to the Lord Emrys-Gryffindor-Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw, Heir Black, Heir

Slytherin becoming the Undersecretary?"

"I see your point, but you will be unable to take up the position until at

least 17."

"I know, I shall take the post the September after I graduate, before that

if I leave early. I have decided,"

"Indeed, and anything else you have decided to happen?"

"I shall be the Quidditch captain in my third year after Flint leaves."

"Very well,"

"And obviously, if I don't get Prefect and then Head boy then people have

lost their minds."


"Now, I have potions to work on and you have a very healthy library."

Harry remarked, "Off I go," and with that he vanished in to the shelves.

Marvolo shook his head, that boy was something else.

The entire table in Black Manor fell silent as the Lord and Head of the

household spat out his morning tea and started violently coughing.

Remus concentrated on making sure his mate didn't choke and die and

Harry cleaned up the mess.

"What's wrong, Pads?" Remus asked in concern and Sirius blinked.

"I don't believe it," He muttered, "He really is an idiot."

"Dad, what is it!?"

"Potter, he's gone and put in an application for overruling." Sirius told

them, and their jaws dropped.

"On what grounds?" Moony demanded.

"Insanity by the sounds of it," Harry muttered.

"The application is being called forth today and a decision shall be made

either way." Sirius explained.

"Circe almighty,"

"What time have you got to be there?" Harry asked.

"It's a noon start."

"Shall we clear up and head to the Malfoys then? I can see Draco and

Theo might be there because of his father." Harry suggested.

"Yes, I want to discuss this with Lucius and see his point of view,"

They finished their breakfast and went to get ready for the day, Harry

couldn't believe Potter would be this stupid and he wondered what he

used to be able to call for an overruling. He threw on black robes and

went to wait for the adults in the living room on the ground floor, he

wasn't surmised to see he was the first there, no doubt they were trying

to remain calm before they left for Malfoy Manor.

"Honestly Moony, I really don't see how someone could change that much

since school. Was he always this arrogant?"

"I think so Padfoot, we just didn't see it."

"What thank you eye opener,"

"Ready cub?" Moony asked and Harry nodded. They stepped through the

floo and were led to the dining room of the manor, Harry immediately

spotted the open Wizengamot summons in front of Lucius and he offered

a grimace to the inquiring glance he got. He sat next to Draco who raised

an eyebrow and Harry sighed.

"I take it you are here over the summons." Lucius said and the three

Blacks nodded.

"Yes, do you know what they are over?" Sirius asked and Lucius shook his


"No, the summons was not specific, but then, when are they?"

"You'll love this then." Harry muttered.

"Potter has put in an application for an overruling." Sirius informed then.

"Excuse me?"

"Surely he isn't that stupid." Draco exclaimed and Harry gave him a look

that said really? "Well, yes I know he's stupid, but that stupid."

"Apparently he is." Harry said.

"What grounds?"

"It does not say but I wished to know of your opinion." Sirius said.

"This has to fall through, there is nothing he could possibly have to go

against the ruling." Lucius stated.

"But Dumbledore shall be leading," Remus pointed out and Sirius cursed.

"Dammit, I had forgotten."

"Check in with Marvolo before you go in, if anyone has any inside

information it will be him." Harry said.

"Yes, that is true and no one hates Dumbledore quite like My Lord."

Lucius agreed.

"At least he will be there to take Dumbledore, we have the littler fish to

worry about." Sirius said, "Not that there is a lot we can do."

"No, we are there to merely listen, and you have to abstain from the vote

as it is against you."

"Brilliant," Sirius sighed, "Have you spoken to Izar?"

"No, I intended to floo call him and speak to him. The boys can stay

together while we are at the ministry."

"Good, may I suggest both Moony and Cissa stay at my manor, however?"


"It will enable Cissa to run a diagnostic on her patient and Remus

promised Severus he would look in on Lily."

"Yes, that is fine. Cissa?"

"Yes, that will be fine. I have been meaning to go over and check, I

expect the poor thing needs the female company."

"Right, if that shall be all. I shall call Izar, Sirius?"

"Lead the way, Luc," Sirius said, he pressed a kiss to Remus' cheek and

followed the Malfoy Lord out.

"At least life is never boring," Narcissa commented and they laughed.

"Isn't that the truth!"

So that's all folks. Now, I'll try and get working on the next chapter

ASAP and I hope that there isn't such a wait for that one! I can only

apologise and pray you review and let me know what you think!


28. Chapter 28

A/N: Hey everyone, I'm back with the next chapter and I really do

have to thank you guys so much! I've received 3,000+ followers and

favourites and over 2,000 reviews, guys, this is amazing! Seriously,

all of you are amazing! Ok, this is the new chapter and I hope it

answers some of the questions that were asked in reviews, if not I

shall try and get back to you ASAP!

A few changes in the dialog here, and smoothing a few things out

because of my other changes.

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K

Warnings: Maybe a bit of language,


Chapter 28:

"I almost pity Potter," Harry said after a moment, and the three at the

table looked at him as if he had lost his head.

"Excuse me?"

"Well, think about it, he's so arrogant that he thinks this is going to win.

He's going to have to face dad, uncle Luc, and Lord Nott as they face him

down, but, not only that, Marvolo is going to be there to chew

Dumbledore up and spit him out and so Potter is going to be alone."

Harry was smirking when he finished and Draco laughed.

"I see what you mean."

"He's extremely foolish to take anything against the Blacks to court."

Narcissa mused.

"Especially given his precarious media position." Remus added, "When he

loses he is going to look worse."

"I bet he didn't even consider that." Harry said with a smirk.

"Poor thing." Draco put in convincingly.

"Well, let us not linger. Dragon, go and get ready for the day before

Theodore gets here."

"Yes, Mother." Draco nodded to the guests and left the room.

"Excuse me, Remus, Harry." Narcissa said, rising to her feet, "I shall

return momentarily."

"Of course,"

"You know, I haven't had this much drama in the past ten years."

"It's simply because I am just that amazing." Harry stated, and Remus


"You definitely have something special, Cub."

Harry rolled his eyes. They both looked around when Draco walked back

in and he wasn't alone, Theo walked along next to him and Harry



"Hello, Harrison." The Nott Heir greeted brightly, "I see you haven't

actually taken a holiday yet."

"You know me," Harry joked. Harry went to stand by his friends while

Remus held out his arm for the approaching Narcissa, they headed

towards the floo room and Harry went first to allow Theo in to the Black

Manor. Harry led Draco and Theo out in to the entrance hall and waited

for the adults.

"You three are free to do as you will, as long as you do not leave the

manor or the grounds." Remus stated and they nodded and ran off.

"Shall we go and check on Miss Evans?" Narcissa suggested and Remus


"Yes, lets. I am sure she would welcome the company."

"Where has Severus disappeared to today?" Cissa asked,

"I do not know, he merely informed us that he was leaving." Remus told


"Oh? I would hasten to guess it is something potions related." Narcissa

said thoughtfully, "Though, with Severus, it could be anything."

"He has been thinking of something as of late, but he has not mentioned

anything." Remus remembered, "Maybe it has something to do with that."

"We shall have to wait until he returns. It is a shame he's so mysterious."

"I remember, when we were in school, James got really jealous because

he heard a group of girls in Ravenclaw whispering about how Snape's

mysterious nature made him attractive. He was in a bad mood for


"Oh Merlin," Narcissa released a delicate giggle.

"And, given his recent change in appearance and the rumours that

circulated, Severus has found himself known as the 'dark and mysterious'


"I am sure he loved that."

"It was very funny, I think he wanted to kill Harrison at one point."

"Didn't he attack Sirius?"

"Oh yes, he threw a cauldron at his head." Remus laughed and Narcissa

shook her head chuckling.

"Such children,"

They arrived outside Lily's door and Remus knocked softly, Lily's voice

called them to enter and Cissa stepped in first with a warm smile on her

face. Lily blinked in surprise but returned the smile.

"Hello, Cissa, Remus,"

"Good morning, Lily dear," Cissa returned, "I thought it best for me to run

a few final checks."

"Ok, well I'm feeling better than I have in years." Lily said brightly.

"Wonderful," Cissa said, she waved her wand over the red head and

nodded approvingly, "Well, I am pleased to announce that you are

returned to full health."

"Does that mean I can move around again?" Lily asked, "Sev absolutely

refuses to allow me to do anything without help, he said that until I was

in full health then I would have to receive aid." She rolled her eyes and

Remus grinned.

"I bet that was killing you."

"Oh Merlin, Remus, you just can't argue with that man. He is so

stubborn." Lily wasn't pouting but it was close and Remus laughed.

"I do not even try to argue with Severus. I don't think anyone does."

"I remember why." She grumbled before she sighed, "I suppose now I'm

fully cleared I can't hide here anymore. I'll have to get up and face the


"We'll be here," Cissa pointed out, "Besides, you will be able to stand tall

and proud and work with us, you'll fit right in."

"How? I mean, he forbid anything that even resembled Pureblood

mannerisms." Lily told them sadly.

"Ah, but we have a secret weapon." Remus mock whispered, "We have

our very own Narcissa."

Cissa threw him a rueful look before smiling as Lily laughed.

"Remus is right, I can teach you everything that you need to know. We

won't let you fail, and when you feel ready you can do as you wish."

Narcissa assured.

"Thank you,"

"Now, do you want to go for a small walk to celebrate your clean bill of

health?" Remus asked and Lily looked delighted.

"Yes, please," She went to get up before remembering something, "My


"Top drawer," Narcissa reminded.

"How's my magic?" Lily asked.

"Perfectly fine," Cissa assured and Lily smiled. She waved her hand and

unshrunk her back, reaching in and pulling out the only set of robes she

had in there; the green and gold ones.

"You can do wandless magic?" Remus asked surprised, but Lily shook her


"I wouldn't say so," She denied, "Shrinking and unshrinking is about as far

as it goes. Severus taught me when we were younger so we could have an

easier time with our trunks, being that we lived in the muggle world."

"That makes sense."

Lily vanished in to the bathroom and returned when she was dressed, her

fiery auburn hair flowing in loose waves to her waist. She looked very

pretty and Narcissa smiled, Lily really had nothing to worry about when

it came to fitting in. Remus led her down to the library and Lily was

amazed, she was used to Pureblood manors, but even compared to the

ones she had seen the Black Manor just seemed like more. When she

stepped in to the library she couldn't help her eyes widening in shock, it

was absolutely huge! No wonder there were always rumours circulating

about the Black Family library if this is what they had access to.

"Wow," She whispered, and the others smiled.

"Sirius will be so ashamed that you like it." Remus joked and Lily


"He still has his aversion to books?"

"Grows stronger every day." Remus agreed seriously. Lily wandered in to

the library and she naturally drifted towards Charms, she seemed to have

such a relaxed expression of her face and Remus knew that Charms was

her speciality. Yes Lily was good at almost anything, Potions and Charms

were the ones she excelled at and Charms was her subject. There was no

one he knew that was better at Charms, they just seemed to dance for

her. That made Remus remembered something,

"We will have to get you a new wand." He said and Lily looked around


"Oh yes," She rubbed her wrist where a holster would sit, "I miss my


"Do not worry, there is a hidden little shop in Knockturn that sells wands.

I have been told they are much better quality than Olivanders." Narcissa

informed her, and Lily nodded, not even blinking at the mention of the

supposedly 'dark' alley.

"That would be wonderful,"

"Did you ever get your mastery in Charms?" Remus asked her, picking up

the book he had been reading.

"No, He never allowed it. He said I would not need it." Lily answered and

Remus looked at her in surprise.

"But you teach at Hogwarts, you need a mastery to do that."

"And Hogwarts is run by Dumbledore." Lily pointed out, "If Dumbledore

wants something then Dumbledore usually gets something."

"Well I never."

"I suppose I can go in for my mastery now." Lily mused, and Narcissa

nodded pleased.

"Most definitely, it will be good for you. And no one said anything that

you need to act upon it, I haven't officially." Narcissa pointed out.

"Of course, you have a mastery in healing." Lily remembered, "I could go

in for Charms and maybe Arithmancy, I would have to work on the

second, but I don't know if I can remember my numerical chain." Lily

frowned, "I shall have to ask Sev if he would be willing to pick it out of

my mind. I am sure he will be able to find it."

"Will he be able to access your mind that easily?" Narcissa asked

astonished, to let someone do that showed an astounding amount of trust

in a person. Lily didn't seem to notice the change in the Lady Malfoy's

tone because she answered absently.

"Of course he will, Severus is a genius when it comes to the mind arts and

we used to do it all the time when we were younger. I was his guinea pig

when it came to practicing the intricacies of Legilimency and he was the

one who taught me Occlumency. We used to spend hours running around

in my mind, trying to build the perfect place to hide."

"Did you know that that is practically unheard of? Very few people trust

others to access their mind in such a way, never mind just to practice. It

shows an amazing amount of trust, more so than usual." Narcissa said

and Lily shook her head ruefully.

"Why wouldn't I trust Severus? He has done nothing to remove that trust.

I expect he knows me more than I know myself, I trust him with my life."

"You do know he used to be a Death Eater?" Remus hedged.

"Yes, I know."

"Does it not bother you?" Narcissa questioned, genuinely curious.

"Why should it?"

"Well, the Dark and anything related to it is 'evil'."

Lily rolled her eyes.

"I made the mistake of labelling the darker side of magic evil before, I

won't be making the same mistake again. I know nothing about it truly

and when Severus tried to explain things the first time I was too arrogant

to listen. I have lost everything I am and everything I was when I was on

the supposed 'light' side, I lost friends, family and more with those who

championed good; the dark side cannot be any worse." Lily stated

fiercely, "I will listen this time and only then will I find an opinion, I may

not ever support the dark ideas but I will never again support the light."

Narcissa looked delighted at her answer and Remus surprised but

pleased, it would be much easier for them if Lily remained neutral or

went dark. That way, they didn't lose Severus, for there was no doubt

that Severus would be permanently attached to Lily for the distant future,

and they could protect her. If she went dark then even better, it would let

them drop the secrecy, the biggest one being the Dark Lord himself and

Harry's connection with him.

"Besides, I know the uh Dark Lord has returned." She added offhandedly.

"Why do you believe that?" Narcissa inquired, neither denying nor


"He went on an hour long rant about how Sirius has finally threw himself

in with the 'bad lot' fully as he was seen talking to Lord Slytherin-Le Fey

after Dumbledore came and explained that it was in fact the Dark Lord."

Lily explained, she accepted the cup of tea Remus had called for


"What made you believe that it was actually the Dark Lord though?"

"Well, I remember the rumours back when I was in school, how the Dark

Lord was the only remaining Heir of Slytherin and how he had looks and

Charms that could make the strongest of people follow him." Lily said

with a shrug, "I do not like to believe in coincidences and Dumbledore all

but threw a fit himself after the Lord Slytherin-Le Fey was announced."

"I see,"

"Anyway, I have enough problems of my own to worry about the Dark

Lord's return for now." Lily smiled and turned to her book. Narcissa and

Remus shared a significant look as she read, this was a lot different to

what they were expecting, but not unwelcome.

"I wonder where the children have gotten to." Narcissa mused.

"I have no doubt that we shall be seeing them soon." Remus said with a

small smile, "Harrison cannot help but come to the library and I know Mr

Nott is fond of reading."

"Yes, he is."

"Let's hope they don't break anything major before they get here."

"Where is Sirius today?" Lily asked and Remus shifted.

"There has been a Wizengamot session called today." Remus said, "It

seems Potter has tried to call for an overruling."

Lily blinked twice.


"We know about as much as you at this point. Sirius, Lucius and Izar are

there now and they shall inform us when they return."

"Surely he doesn't think that this will actually work." Lily exclaimed, "Not

only will he be refuting all of the other evidence, it will be subtly saying

he does not believe Madam Bones is capable of leading an investigation.

The repercussions of this will be much bigger when it fails."

"Oh Merlin, I didn't think of that!" Narcissa gasped before she smirked,

"Madam Bones is going to love this."

"Sirius will probably talk to Amelia after, Potter really is thick." Remus

shook his head, and Lily did the same except she had a look of disgust on

her face.

"What was I thinking?" She muttered to herself.

"We will just have to wait and see how it goes." Narcissa decided.

"It does depend on how the wizengamot is feeling and just what little

tricks Dumbledore has pulled." Remus sighed, "Oh I miss the days of


"You wouldn't change it." Narcissa stated and Remus grinned.

"No I wouldn't,"

While the adults had gone to tend to Lily, Harry and led his friends all

through the manor giving Theo the grand tour. They missed the library,

knowing that Theo would be lost to the world if they took him there first

and finished up in Harrison's bedroom.

"Tah dah,"

"Well, I have to say, the Black Manor is a bit excessive." Theo told him

and Harry sniffed.

"You do not know what you speak of." Harry returned primly and Draco


"You know it's true, Harrison."

"Whatever," Harry threw himself down on his bed and kicked his shoes

off, "Have a seat gentlemen, and let us converse."

"You're such a weirdo," Draco muttered, plonking himself down on the

bed and Theo shrugged and did the same.

"So how was the holiday, Theo?" Harry asked and the other snake


"A lot less eventful than staying in England." He joked, and Harry


"That is a definite,"

"But it was nice, the German magical sector is fascinating and we stayed

in the Villa."

"I had forgotten you had a Villa in Germany." Draco said, "We don't have

one in that country, and mother much prefers France."

"I am unsure if we have any property in Germany, I'm honestly not sure if

my Father knows if we have any property in Germany. I'd probably be

better of asking uncle Moony." Harry said with a grin,

"So what has been going on here?" Theo asked, "It seems that everything

has started while I was away." Draco and Harry exchanged looks and


"You have no idea." They said together.

"Ok, has your grandfather spoken to you about anything happening?"

Draco began slowly, "Anything that he was particularly pleased about?"

"Not really, I mean there was one thing, but I am not supposed to

mention it." Theo eyed them. "Has your father said anything?"

"Oh honestly, it's the same thing. Yes, the Dark Lord has returned and yes

it is Lord Marvolo Slytherin-Le Fey." Harry exclaimed in exasperation.

"I can't believe you just blurted that out." Theo said in shock, and Harry

rolled his eyes.

"It doesn't matter, you are not going to say anything and you both

already know." Harry shook his head.

"But the Dark Lord requires discretion, you could get in to trouble." Theo

said and Harry snorted.

"Please, Marvolo wouldn't do anything to me." Harry waved off his


"Marvolo? You call him Marvolo? Wait, have you met him?" Theo


"Of course I met him, so has Draco. I go to his castle at least three times a

week. I'm his Heir." Harry told him, "But that's a secret for now,


"What? How is that possible?"

"Long story, not important right now." Harry brushed that aside, "What is

important is Potter and what he had managed to stir up. And let me tell

you things have been busy."

"What's happened?"

"Well, the hearing for Rosina's Quidditch attack happened and it went in

our favour, Potter went mad and even accused Madam Bones of being

bribed." Harry told him and Theo blinked before smirking.

"He has not grown any smarter since the last time I saw him then."

"No, if anything he has lost brain cells." Draco grumbled.

"We obviously decided to make the most of the situation and Rita wrote a

lovely article covering the wonderful Black family and the results of the

hearing." Harry continued, "And then things really went to Hades."

"What, why?"

"Lily Potter arrived." Draco answered.

"Excuse me?"

"Harrison had been having worrying thoughts about the Lady Potter and

then he saw Potter attack her, physically, so my mother suggested giving

her a portkey and hope she uses it to help herself."

"He was abusing her? His own wife?" Theo exclaimed in outrage.

"Yes, and when she arrived she just collapsed. She was a mess, I actually

thought she was going to die on the spot but Narcissa managed to save

her." Harry frowned, "It was horrible."

"Oh Merlin,"

"The best thing, or worst depending on how you look at it, was that Rita

saw her arrival." Harry said.

"How have you managed to keep that out of the papers?"

"Easily, we're the Blacks. You would have to be stupid to go against us."

Harry said, "That and she has an illegal animagus form of a beetle."

"Very nice,"

"So Lily's arrival sort of threw everything about." Draco said, "Then, this

morning, our fathers get an owl from the Wizengamot and it turns out

that Potter has tried to get an overruling, on what and how exactly we

don't know."

"I think it's about the Quidditch attack, because he would not be able to

get my adoption overturned and he wouldn't want to." Harry stated and

the other boys nodded.

"Mother of Circe, Potter is a whole lot thicker than I thought." Theo

shook his head, "What exactly does he hope to achieve?"

"I have no idea, we have to wait for our fathers and grandfather to

return." Harry shrugged, "I personally think he just wanted another go

with Dumbledore supporting him."

"That's a point, he will have a lot more power with Dumbledore there.

The old man has a lot more people allied to him." Theo agreed.

"Yes, but Potter is not thinking." Draco said, "As you mentioned earlier,

Harrison, while Potter may have Dumbledore, uncle Sirius has father,

Lord Nott and Lord Slytherin-Le Fey."

"I am so jealous that I can't be there to watch." Theo sighed.

"I know, we can't start attending the Wizengamot meetings until thirteen,

and that means I have the latest birthday." Harry frowned.

"My grandfather won't take me until the summer anyway," Theo said,

"Meaning we will probably start together."

"Me too, mother won't allow him to do otherwise."

"Ok, going back to another things you have told me." Theo remembered,

"Lily Potter?"

"Or Lily Evans as she'll be soon."

"Scrap that, I think she'll be a Snape soon enough." Harry muttered with a

grin, Draco snorted and Theo raised his eyebrows.

"Excuse me?"

"Let's just say Sev is a tiny bit fond of Lily Evans." Harry said and Draco


"Yes, and I am a tiny bit blond."


"Oh yes, they used to be best friends at school, like Moony and Dad


"How in Merlin's name did she ends up with Potter?" Theo demanded,

and Harry shrugged.

"I have no idea."

"So what's happening with her?"

"Well, she's healing currently and I think Aunt Cissa will be giving her a

clean bill of health today. Severus won't be letting her out of his sight for

the next ten years, and she hates Potter so I don't know." Harry said

thoughtfully, "It will depend on what's going on in her mind."

"Yes, she was with the light for so long."

"I understand that. But, just for example, she decides to get on bored with

us, what are you going to do?"

"I think my mother has already adopted her." Draco stated.

"Yes, I believe so. That and I think she could fit right it. Just polish her up

with some etiquette training and dress her the part we'll have another

woman in our midst." Harry agreed.

"So not much has happened then?" Theo asked sarcastically.

"Oh no. Not at all."

"Anyone heard from Blaise?" Theo questioned and Harry and Draco shook

their heads.

"No, not a word." Harry answered.

"I'm not that surprised. You know he's vanished to Italy with his mother

so he's practically cut off from the world." Draco pointed out, Harry

raised an eyebrow and the Malfoy heir blinked. "I forget you haven't

grown up with us sometimes."

"What am I missing?" Harry asked.

"Blaise' mother is often known as the Black Widow, because her husbands

have a record of dying and leaving her everything." Draco explained,

"There's no proof, obviously, but everyone knows. I would put money on

Blaise' mother teaching him the same trade."

"Huh, well, that's certainly different." Harry said slowly, "I wouldn't have

thought that."

"What about the pair of menaces?"

"I haven't wrote to them yet, in all honesty I have forgotten." Harry shook

his head.

"We can't exactly have them round at the moment." Draco pointed out,

"My father would probably die if I mentioned having Weaselys stay over,

and you're busy practicing with your Mastery, working with the Dark

Lord and housing Lily Evans."

"I know, but forcing them to stay around Ronald and Rosina is just cruel."

Harry sighed, "I'll write something and see how things are going, then

we'll work out a date."

"Other than the drama with Potter, how have your holidays been?"

"Fine, France was ok and I've completely finished all of my summer work

so I'm free for the rest of the summer." Draco answered, "Harrison and I

have been going through chaser runs."

"You're a seeker," Theo said, looking at Harry in confusion.

"Yes, but I was thinking about switching to chaser so I could play with

Draco. Higgs can have his spot back if it's ok with Flint."

"When he sees our runs he won't have a problem." Draco said confidently.


"Well, I've been practicing my potions mainly in preparation for my

mastery. I've created a few things, my greatest has to be my latest.

Severus and I found that if you dry and crush a black phoenix feather you

can travel with it, of course, a major drawback is that they are extremely

hard to come by and they cannot be magically dried before crushing

them." Harry told him.

"Impressive," Theo complimented, "Have you decided what potions you

are going to use?"

"I think so, I have to speak to Severus to see if he has any suggestions for

me." Harry decided.

"Your vanishing one would be a good one to use." Theo said, "It has many

purposes and seeing as they bound not to reveal any details without your

permission you could create a contract with the ministry; the aurors

would eat it up."

"That's a brilliant idea, actually," Draco agreed, "Most Masters usually

come out with a certain publication to indicate how they became a

Master, but I know from uncle Sev that there are those who don't, and

merely keep their creations amongst the Potions Guild."

"There's a Guild?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I believe each Master or Mistress is granted an automatic place

with the Guild of their Mastery. I know there's a whole bunch of binding

agreements used to secure full confidentiality and allowing open

discussion of projects and plans without secrets or theft." Draco informed


"I will definitely have to speak with Severus about that." Harry said, "That

sounds amazing."

"It does, and when I finally get my Mastery I can join you both." Draco

said and Harry grinned.

"As soon as mine is secure and out of the way, I am your personal Potions

Encyclopaedia." Harry stated.

"I'll have it in no time." Draco said with a grin of his own.

"Will you publicise any potions?" Theo wondered and Harry frowned.

"I'm not sure if any of mine are really publishable," He admitted, "The

only one I might get away with would be my shield potion, and that's

only because very few people would have the means to make it."

"That is true. I would hate to imagine the things that could happen if

others got their hands on your Obliviate potion." Draco agreed.

"Saying that, I am working on a formula currently, and I could use a few

more hours on it."

"Let me guess, we're going to the library." Draco said with a smirk.

"Wait, there's a library here?" Theo exclaimed, looking up excitedly.

"Of course, this is the Black family manor, after all." Harry said, sticking

his nose in the air. The three of them snorted and got up from the bed,

Harry led them down to the library and dramatically opened the doors

for Theo to see.

"Well, there went Theo. We may see him again when he becomes of age."

Draco sighed and Harry laughed.

"Are you sure we'll get him back by that time?" Harry questioned


"Shut up, you two." Theo murmured.

"Come on, Theo, let me show you around." Harry walked in to the library

gently pushing Theo along, Draco walked next to him snickering and

shaking his head. They walked in to the centre of the library and Harry

blinked when he saw Moony, Cissa and Lily sat reading and talking

quietly among themselves; Moony looked up first.

"Hello, Cubs, Theodore." He greeted and they smiled.

"Hey uncle Moony, aunt Cissa, Lily." Harry said, and his greeting was

repeated by the other two boys.

"It is approaching lunch time, sandwiches will be served and you must

eat them before you settle." Narcissa instructed, and gave Harrison a

sharp look when he went to protest. The boy snapped his mouth closed

and pouted.

"Fine," He grumbled, "Come on, let's eat and then come back."

The three adults watched amused as they left muttering between


"Harrison works too hard." Narcissa commented and Remus snorted.

"He loves it, he twitches when he's not working on anything."

"Is Potions the only subject he excels in, or are there others?" Lily

inquired and Remus grinned.

"The kid's a genius." He said proudly, "He's invented a spell or two, and

he can duel."

"He can duel? I would very much like to see that." Lily said, her voice

lined with interest opposed to scepticism.

"So would we, he refused to show us at the moment, something about

him being out of shape and he would be ashamed for anyone to see it."

Remus rolled his eyes, "His expectations of himself are a lot higher than

everyone else."

"What spells has he created?" She asked and Remus thought for a second.

"It's a masking spell, it can hide your presence from sight, sound and

smell, but I don't know the incantation because he always performs it

silently." He caught sight of her surprised expression and grinned,

"Everything you have ever been told or taught about magic and its

possibilities just forget when it comes to Harrison. He doesn't like to

follow the rules, there's no fun in that he says."

"My ears are burning." Said boy said as he came back in to the library

with his friends.

"I was just saying you don't like to follow magical rules."

"Rules pfft, where's the fun in that." Harry waved him off, "No, unless my

magic doesn't allow me to do something after multiple attempts then I

consider it a possibility."

"But what about the actual laws of magic?" Lily questioned and Harry


"Written by humans, not magic itself. Anything is possible until magic

says otherwise." Harry stated.

"I've never heard that way of thinking before." She mused and Harry

flashed a grin.

"It's ok, you've heard the correct way of thinking now."

"Cub," Moony chided lightly, smiling slightly.

"Uncle Moony, I'm merely speaking the truth." Harry defended.

"As you believe." Moony pointed out and Harry frowned slightly.

"Well yeah, but I'm right." Harry pointed out confused, Moony rolled his


"Just be careful how you phrase things, Cub." Moony told him and Harry

nodded. He vanished in to the shelves to find his friends, and found

Draco sat next to Theo rolling his eyes as the Nott Heir pulled out seven

books to read.

"Honestly, Theo." The blond boy was saying, "They will be here when you

come back."

"But what if I never come back and don't have chance to read them?"

Theo pointed out and Draco sighed.

"You could always buy them yourself now that you know about them."

"Oh, I didn't think about that."

"That is obvious."

"Shut up, Malfoy."

"Girls please," Harry interrupted before they could continue, they shot

him dirty looks and he grinned.

"I'm surprised, Harrison." Draco said to him, "Miss Evans looks a lot better

than I expected."

"That's because Severus and I tweaked a lot of the potions she needed and

her outward appearance was corrected by the aptly named 'Miracle

Juice'." Harry told him, "Sev couldn't find anything to remove the scars,

and let me tell you there were scars, and everything he created wouldn't

remove them at all. I suggested it because it removed all the damage

from Severus, which was created magically and by potions, so we

thought we could give it a try. If it didn't work then we would have

continued to look for something." Harry shrugged.

"She is really pretty." Theo noted, "And could easily fit in to Pureblood


"I think Cissa has adopted her anyway." Harry said, "And she is either a

Pureblood or Double-Blessed technically, the Evans line is magical, I just

don't know if her other parent was an Unblessed too."

"Double-Blessed?" Theo asked and Harry looked at him blankly for a

moment before his realised what he had missed.

"A Halfblood," He corrected and Theo raised an eyebrow.

"Why did you call it something different?"

"Because the original names for a Halfblood was Double-Blessed." Harry

answered, "It's different now, but you can read it in The Correct Way:

Customs, Titles, Status' and Traditions, by Hyperion Aragorn."

"I'll see if we have it and if not I'll find it," Theo decided, "It sounds quite


"It is, and it gives the correct was in which we should conduct ourselves

and a proper look in to how our actions reflect and are reflected on Lady


"It is brilliant," Draco confirmed, and then he looked back to Harrison.

"The Evans Lines has been 'extinct' for years, the last magical Evans was

back in 1901."

"I know, but I know she has at least one parent from an unblessed line,

and I'm pretty sure she is from that Evans line. I'll try and convince her to

go to Gringotts and have a line test to see for myself, she could have

merely inherited the name and have a different blood line. Merlin knows

there are plenty that have died off because of the Unblessed. I've been

reading about it in the Pureblood books." Harry said to them


"If she does it would only help her, if we can prove that she has at least

one Pureblood line within her she will be so much more accepted." Draco


"Yes, there is that to it currently. But it would be another big screw you

to Potter."

"Anything to get at him." Theo agreed, "Speaking of which, how do you

think it's going?"

"I honestly have no idea, I expect Marvolo is eating Dumbledore for

lunch, but I don't even know what sort of case Potter has put together."

"A stupid one hopefully." Draco grouched.

"I would like to think so, however, Dumbledore would not have allowed

him to take it to open court, where both their reputations would be on

the line, if he didn't have a decided case." Harry said frowning.

"Yes, there is that. I was thinking about something along the same lines,"

Theo put in. "Then there is the fact that it wouldn't have even been

accepted unless there was something there."

"Ugh, I hate waiting." Draco sighed.

"Tell me about it."

"So where's uncle Severus today?" Draco asked and Harry shrugged.

"I don't know. Usually he doesn't leave Lily's side as I have already said,

but today he's gone out to do something. He didn't say and everyone

knows unless Severus tells you what he's doing then you are not going to

find out." Harry answered and Draco grimaced.

"It's like trying to get blood from a unicorn; practically impossible."

"Yes, but I can't wait to fill him in. He's going to love it." Harry said with

a smirk and they laughed.

"Oh yes."

Severus Snape, unknown to his friends and the brats he thought fondly

of, was on a very important mission. It was something he was supposed

to do years ago but he had been very reluctant to do so, he had been

much too focussed on his Potions Mastery to care much about politics

and the ministry, he didn't need money, being as successful as he was

made plenty on independent potion sells and he had earned an absolute

fortune when he had had his success with the Wolfsbane potion. So

money was not an issue. He was very close friends with Lord Lucius

Malfoy, anything political got practically handed to the slippery Malfoy

Lord and he was also an Elite Death Eater. If he really wanted something,

as long it had just cause, his Lord could usually obtain it for him.

Especially given the fact that he was the only capable potions master, one

that could and would make anything needed.

So his current mission had not been a priory. He didn't have a family, he

didn't have a significant other to look after, it was just him and he was

fine with that. The years had gone by, his Lord had fallen and he was a

teacher, the Wizengamot was no longer solely controlled by those of a

darker nature and things were shifting around him. Now, however,

everything had changed. His Lord had returned and they needed to bring

back the control they once had, they were gaining power within the

Wizengamot, his Lord himself as well as the Black seats, but it wasn't

quite enough and Snape was torn. His Lord didn't necessarily need him to

do this, but it would help. Then Lily Evans had fallen back in to his life.

Her son, or rather, her ex son, had come first, there was something about

Harrison Black that you just liked, and it helped a lot that he had the

same passion for Potions as Severus himself did. But when Lily came back

it was what really sealed his decision. Just thinking about her broken

form shot white hot rage licking through his system and Severus bit back

a growl, Potter would pay for his actions, he would be ruined before his

suffered a most painful death, and Severus would have it no other way.

What he had done to Lily was unforgivable and Severus knew that,

without the proper backing, there was a chance that Lily would have to

suffer being his husband until either of them died; something Severus

couldn't allow.

It was because of that he found himself dressed in his best formal robes

walking up the marble steps of Gringotts bank, very few had recognised

him, which he was thankful for, and he put it down to the fact that not

many had seen him since the incident with the miracle juice. He strode

up to the nearest teller and waited for the goblin to finish before


"I wish to claim my Lordship, as last in line and Heir to the Ancient and

Noble House of Prince." He said clearly and, if he had been a lesser man

he would have flinched at the feral grin that came to the goblin's face.

"About time, Heir Prince. Follow the goblin to the Prince Account


Snape nodded and followed the goblin that had appeared from no-where,

they walked through the marble entrance hall and through a side

corridor that Severus had not been down before. It was every bit as

twisting and turning as the stone passage to the vaults, and finally they

stopped outside a dark wood door. The goblin knocked thrice upon the

door and Snape was instructed to enter the office, he didn't blink at the

elegant décor, Merlin knew he spent enough time around Lucius and his

extravagances, and took the seat he was instructed to sit in.

"Heir Prince, I expected to see you many years ago." The goblin noted, "I

am Ripclaw, the Prince Family Account Manager."

"Greetings Ripclaw, I am aware of my delay and I have come to rectify

this and put the Prince Family Fortune back in to circulation." Severus

said smoothly, and he knew it was the right thing to say when the

goblins eyes lit up.

"Very well, your identity has already been confirmed therefore we shall I

only need the claiming ritual." Ripclaw fetched a white crystal and a

golden dagger, placing them on his desk and retaking his seat. "Put your

bloody palm upon the stone and state your claim, if you are accepted

your Lordship ring shall appear on your hand and the Prince accounts

shall once again be active. If your claim is rejected…" Ripclaw grinned a

dark grin as he trailed off, Severus knew if the claim was rejected there

was a strong possibility he would die, that or seriously injured and in for

a lot of pain.

"Very well," Severus picked up the dagger and slashed it across his palm

without so much as a twitch, he placed his bleeding hand straight on to

the crystal and it slowly turned red.

"I, Severus Tobias Snape, do hereby claim the Lordship to the Noble and

Most Ancient House of Prince as last of line and Heir." He stated clearly.

He felt a rush of magic and a searing pain in his very blood, he thought,

panicking for a moment, his claim has been rejected, when it all stopped

and he was left with a gold ring on his right hand. It was a simple band

with a thestral and two crossed wands on its face covering the letter P,

Severus looked at it without an expression on his face before turning

back to Ripclaw.

"Congratulations, you are now Lord Severus Prince, unless, of course, you

wish to keep your current surname."

"Now at all, Prince is fine." Severus said immediately, if there was one

thing he was happy about it was the removal of his hated father's last

name. "I wish to see the Prince Accounts."

"Of course," Ripclaw drew out a thick folder and handed it over. "This

your copy, the original does not leave these halls. Should you lose it then

you will incur a fee to replace it."

"I see." Severus looked over his finance and blinked a few times, he did

well for himself, his current account was well endowed, however, he

severely underestimated just what financial backing came with a Noble

and Most Ancient House. He then turned to his family investments and

grimaced, they needed work, but he knew that the goblins could handle

that. "I want all the investments that are draining removed, and I am

giving permission to you to invest 20% of the Prince Family fortune in to

worthwhile companies. Should they be well received, you shall get 20%

commission." Snape told Ripclaw.

"It shall be done, Lord Prince." Ripclaw returned, looking delighted and

Severus nodded.

"I also require a banking slip connected to the main vault." Severus said,

"Furthermore, I wish to visit my heirloom vault."

"It shall be done, you're card will be available to collect upon your


"Thank you. May your gold flow and your enemies fall at your feet,

Ripclaw." Severus said as per custom.

"May your gold flow and your magic prosper, Lord Prince."

Severus left the office and followed a different goblin to the stone

passageways to endure the nauseating ride down to his family vault, he

found himself plummeting much further than usual. They came to an

abrupt halt outside a dark gold vault door and Severus approached

slowly, he placed his new Lordship ring in the indentation required and

the door clicked and opened, letting green mist billow out in its wake.

Severus walked in to the vault in shock, there were jewels, furniture,

vases, drapes, shields, daggers, swords, armour, robes and so much more

in this vault.

He was amazed at the sight before him, it was odd to think that it all

belonged to him now, and he ventured over to the jewellery. There was a

reason he was here, after all, and he carefully opened many of the

jewellery cases, the priceless items he saw, and the precious stones now

in his possession were immense; he actually saw a sold ruby stone sat in

a velvet box. He finally found something that was to his tastes, there was

a set of silver black onyx and diamond circular stud earrings, with a

matching silver necklace, that held the onyx and diamond setting as a

centrepiece. He tucked the deep blue velvet case in to his pocket and

picked out a few other pieces, which included a sapphire bracelet,

another set of diamond earrings, this time accompanied by emeralds, and

a simple diamond necklace, before he left the vault, he could come back

but for now he was done.

Severus nodded to the goblin escort and they shot back up to the main

lobby, as promised, his slips were waiting for him and left the bank. He

had a few errands to run before returning to Black Manor and Lily,

Severus headed to the Apothecary and headed straight for the counter, he

waited for the clerk to come to him before speaking.

"I require two altered Master selections." Severus ordered and the clerk

blinked, he looked as if he was about to protest when he caught sight of

Severus' sneer and the Lordship ring on his finger and hurried to comply.

It was the fastest service he had every received at this particular

Apothecary and Severus paid using a slip before leaving. He was about to

head over to Madam Malkins when he remembered that Madam Malkin

had a freakishly good memory so he headed over to Twilfitt and Tattings.

A woman dressed in perfectly pressed robes stepped up to him


"How can I help you today, My Lord?" She asked and Severus noted that

it would take a while for him to get used to that title.

"I require nine sets of female day robes of the highest quality, two in

shades of green, two in black, one in white and gold, one in silver and

green and the final in green and gold." Severus instructed, "These are the

sizes." He handed her over a folded sheet of parchment, which she took

without a word, "I will also require a selection of shoes to accompany the

robes, a variation of flat, heeled and boots will suffice, the required size

is on the parchment."

"I shall begin immediately." She said, "Is there anything else."

"Yes, I shall require a set of Lordship robes commissioned for myself;

Prince colours. You should already have my sizes on record."

"Of course, My Lord. Do you wish for collection or mail order?"

"I shall return to collect in a number of hours," Severus decided.

"It shall be done." She told him and Severus nodded before sweeping

from the store, he had to venture in to Knockturn Alley to meet pick up a

few questionable ingredients for his potions. He had already brought

galleons with him, knowing he would be meeting with the dealer, so he

faded back in to the shadows of the alley and walked swiftly to his

destination. Severus had been in and bought so many things from this

shop that he didn't even need to ask, he merely picked up the waiting

package and dropped the bag of gold on the counter in its place.

He did browse the dark alley for any interesting reads, the shops often

had interchanging stock and he found a text on old potions that caught

his interest, Severus also found a few interesting Charms books that he

bought. He got himself lunch and sat in the corner of the bar, Shadows

Roost, where he wouldn't be bothered and began to read through his

Account information. There were many things that he needed to go

through, and he did note that the folder was self-updating, because he

could already see that the draining investments had been pulled and sold

on. He flicked over to his property portfolio and made a note of

everything he had, some of the buildings had gone in to disarray but the

family manor was still in function and there were house elves in

employment, meaning that the manor was probably in mint condition. It

also meant that he would need to visit the manor soon to make sure the

elf bond was secure and to move his things there, Spinners End could be

burned for all he cared.

He paid for his meal and left the bar, there were a few more shops he

visited in Knockturn before heading back in to Diagon alley. He went in

Potages Cauldron Shop and had a new collection of cauldrons sent to his

quarters at Hogwarts, he replaced all of his quills as well as getting a full

set for Lily and a few blank journals for her to write in. Severus cast a

tempus and blinked, he was surprised at how long he had taken to look

through his account holdings and decided to make his way back to the

robe shop to collect his purchases. The woman he had spoken with

earlier approached him again and led him to the counter, everything was

perfectly wrapped and boxed up and Severus paid before shrinking

everything and leaving. He made his way to the apparation point and

span on the spot, landing in the ostentatious entrance hall of Black

Manor, he made his way up stairs and knew to check the Library for

Remus before anywhere else. He was quite surprised when he found not

only the werewolf but Narcissa, Lily, Harrison, Draco and Theodore Nott.

"Good afternoon," He drawled, walked over.

"Ah Severus, hello." Remus greeted, "Did you have a good day out?"

"Perfectly pleasant thank you," He answered and then he turned to Lily.

"Before you begin lecturing me, and I know that look thank you very

much, I have a clean bill of health and have not moved from this room

besides lunch and bathroom." Lily cut in and Severus continued eyeing

her for a few moments before he looked over at Narcissa for


"Yes, Severus, she is fully healed."

"Very well,"

"I thank you for your faith." Lily grumbled and Severus smirked.

"I have faith, however, I happen to remember a time where you were told

to remain in the hospital wing after a particularly bad potions accident

and I found you out within the hour claiming you had a clean bill of

health." He pointed out and she blushed.

"I was fine, it was only Pomfrey being over cautious."

"Indeed," by Severus' tone it was apparent that he didn't believe a word

she was saying, and Lily huffed.

"So where have you been, Severus?" Harry asked, "You've missed all the


"Oh?" Severus helped himself to a seat and looked at the boy.

"Yes, Potter has called for an overruling. Dad, uncle Luc and Lord Nott

are there now."

"Foolish man, he must have been dropped as a child." Severus sneered

and the children snickered as the adults grinned or smirked.

"Dumbledore is going to be there too." Remus pointed out, and Severus


"At least it will be interesting for the viewers."

"We've come to the conclusion that we are jealous that we cannot attend."

Draco told him.

"It would have been beautiful." Harry sighed.

"In answer to your previous question, I have had a few appointments to

attend and a few errands to run."

"Did you find books that caught your interest?" Lily questioned, already

knowing that 'errands' was Severus for shopping.

"Yes, a few held potential. Which reminds me-," He drew out all the items

he had purchased/collected for Lily and unshrunk them before handing

them over. Her eyes widened at the boxes that now surrounded her, and,

if possible, her eyes got bigger when he handed her the jewellery cases.


"Severus, what in Merlin's name is this?" She demanded.

"If you used your limbs to open each package you would become aware

of what they hold." He stated dryly, as he opened one of his new books,

and she threw him an unimpressed glower.

"Your wit warms me, truly." She muttered, "You know exactly what I


"It is merely a few essentials that Narcissa would have ended up

purchasing for you, I merely saved her the trip."

"Why do I not believe that?" Lily sighed, but she smiled anyway. She

began opening the packaged first, carefully putting the jewellery to the

side, she gasped when she saw the boxed robes and shoes. "Sev, they are

beautiful." Holding up a particularly nice green robe, the seamstress had

mixed a few different shades of green in to the layers of the robes, and

there was a pair of adjoining black heels with a green ruffle on the toe.

She opened all of the boxes, a bright smile on her face as she saw

everything Severus had bought her, and she exclaimed over the books

and journals.

"Thank you, Severus." She said sincerely, not even bothering to point out

that it was too much, Severus would just feign ignorance.

"You are welcome." He replied, and then he motioned to the jewellery


"You know exactly what I am going to say about those." Lily said and,

behind his book, Severus' lips curved in to a smirk.

"And you know what my reply is going to be. So let's not argue." He

returned and she huffed.

"Stubborn man." She grumbled. She did pick up the blue velvet case first,

like a plaster she told herself, she opened it to reveal the diamond and

onyx set and Lily gasped softly.


"Oh do let me see." Narcissa insisted, and Lily happily showed her the

contents of the box, Narcissa released a pleased sound. "Aren't they

pretty." She sighed.

"They are stunning,"

"Open the rest of them," Narcissa instructed and Lily did just that. She

took particular delight in the diamond and emerald earrings, and she had

all the cases open on the table for her and Narcissa to inspect.

"They are perfect." Lily decided, her smile at 100 watts and her cheeks

flushed. Narcissa was looked nearly as delighted before something caught

her attention and she looked closer to the blue case.

"Severus," She called sharply, "Prince jewels?"

"Very much so," He confirmed without pausing in his reading, Lily sucked

in a sharp breath and turned to look at the potions master in shock.

"Does that mean...?" She trailed off and Severus' smirk became more



"What are we missing?" Remus asked, looking at the three adults.

"Severus here just became the Lord Prince."

"Wicked," the three children chimed.

"Are you now Severus Prince then?" Draco asked and Severus nodded.

"Yes, all the records will have changed to match this occurrence."

"Oh this gives me hope for little Severus'," Narcissa sighed happily, and

Severus' attention snapped her in alarm.

"Narcissa!" He protested, as the rest of them laughed at his expense.

"Be reasonable, Severus. You have the opportunity to revive the House of

Prince, it seems only logical that you produce children to continue it. All

that history lost should you pass without one." She told him reasonably.

"The House of Prince will not be lost because, should I pass without a

child, Draco will inherit everything." Severus stated firmly, his focus

going back to his book.

"Really?" Draco said in delight.

"Of course, you are my Godson." Severus answered and Draco smiled


"Thank you, Uncle Severus."

"You'll be joining them in the Wizengamot." Theo noted.

"I really have to get the memory of Potter's face when you are announced

within the Wizengamot." Harry stated looking particularly vindictive, and

Severus' answering grin had too many teeth to be even close to pleasant.

"It will be something I will always remember."

"Jip," Remus called, "Can you place all of Lily's items within her room


"Right away Master Moony,"

"I suppose now all we can do is wait." Harry sighed, turning back to his

own book.

"Yes, we wait."

There we have it, a bit of an inside look at Severus and he's now

going to be rolling with the other Lords. Are you surprised he

treated Lily? I'll get working on the next chapter when I get some

free time, and if you could leave a review then I would be forever


29. Chapter 29

A/N: Ok, so I owe you guys a massive apology, but I wanted to get

this chapter right! That and my internet has been down lately and I

just went back to uni, so yeah, things have been busy! Anyway, I am

sorry and this is this what I'm giving to make up for it. This is the

trial and the after, I hope you like it!

I really like this chapter how it is, so I only did some minor fixes


Warning: Language methinks

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K unfortunately,


Chapter 29:

"Potter's stupidity never ceases to amaze me." Izar stated, shaking his

head. Sirius and Lucius had just told the man what the Wizengamot

meeting was over and the Nott Lord could honestly say he was surprised,

surely he couldn't actually believe that this would be passed?

"You are not the only one," Sirius agreed, "I used to be friends with him."

"Yes, wonders never cease." Lucius muttered and Sirius offered a pained


"Let us leave, I wish to speak with Our Lord before we are required to

enter the chambers." Izar said, "He will have insight we do not."

"From now on am I to just assume that the Dark Lord will know

something the rest of us do not?" Sirius asked as he walked towards the


"Yes, it will save you the headache." Lucius answered, "The Dark Lord

tends to be everywhere, whether it is wanted or not."

"Lovely." Sirius sighed. He threw the powder in to the grate and called for

the ministry, he caught himself before he stumbled out of the grate and

people moved out of the way when they say who it was. Sirius didn't

blink, he was more than used to the behaviour, it came from being born

of Noble birth, as much as he used to hate it. Izar followed him out and

swept the ash from his robes, stepping aside to allow Lucius through. At

the sight of the three powerful Lords, whispers crackled through the busy

atrium but the three did not pay attention, their eyes too busy sweeping

the grand room for a single individual.

"Wow, I did not realise he was that tall." Sirius muttered, being the first

to spot who they were looking for. It wasn't that difficult really, the man

was at least a head taller than everyone else and just had this air that

screamed 'look at me, I am extremely powerful'.

"Yes, it is rather disconcerting when you are not used to it." Lucius

agreed, "However, you soon become accustom to it. Though, it makes

him all the more terrifying when angered."


The three cut their way through the atrium and charmed blue eyes

flashed to them in an instant, the man nodded and span on his heel

leading them to the nearest elevator, easily parting the queue for them to

step in and the doors to shut with just them inside.

"My Lord," Lucius and Izar intoned, and Sirius merely nodded.

"Gentlemen," The Dark Lord greeted, "I assume that you are aware that

Potter has called for an overruling."

"Yes, we are yet wondering if he could be any thicker." Sirius agreed and

Marvolo smirked.

"Oh but he can," The man told them, "You see, Potter, in all his wisdom,

has claimed falsified evidence."

"What?" Sirius exclaimed, "Dear Merlin, what is he thinking?"

"I do believe he isn't." Lucius said in disgust.

"How does he intend to claim such evidence?" Nott asked, and Marvolo's

smirk stretched.

"This is where his stupidity rises to levels even I was surprised at, and it

becomes apparent that Dumbledore is pulling the strings." Marvolo said,

"They intend to use the disappearance of the soon to be ex-Lady Potter."

The three Lords looked at him in utter disbelief, and the Dark Lord's

smirk was shark-like.

"I do believe this Wizengamot session is going to be much more

interesting than we first believed." Nott commented lightly. The Dark

Lord led them out of the elevator and down to the Wizengamot chamber,

they each went through the entrance, their rings flaring slightly as the

ancient wards verified their presence. Lucius and Izar were the first to

reach their seats, Lucius because originally the Malfoy house was from

France and Izar because the Nott house had taken longer to establish

themselves. Sirius was next, the Black house was one of the Founders of

the Wizengamot, and his seat was directly behind and up a tier to Malfoy

and Nott.

Finally, the Dark Lord took his seat at the very height of the Wizengamot,

as a Lord to the Founders he would have been on one of the four in the

outer ring, but he was also privelidged to be of Le Fey blood, seating him

on one of the two top tier seats. The chamber was busy, all the Lords and

Ladies were seating themselves, confused by the abrupt summons.

Dumbledore arrived and he was sat in his spot as Chief Warlock, but he

was looking particularly pleased with himself, he nodded to the Potter

Lord as he entered and took his seat. The Potter house was on the exact

same level as the Nott house due to the money loss that both Charlus and

James had accumulated. The previous Potter Lord was as abrasive as his

son and he had had to pay for it, that wasn't to say that they weren't rich,

but they had some work to do to rise back to their original placement.

"Order," Dumbledore called, "This session is called to order."

The room immediately settled allowing Dumbledore to verbally assess

the date and time of the session before moving on.

"Today we are here for a matter of family law." The Chief Warlock began,

"In regards to the previously established Black v Potter, a fine against the

House of Potter was assessed. We are here to dispute the reputation of

that verdict from the House of Potter. Lord Potter, you have the floor."

Murmurs broke out as the Potter Lord rose and made his way to the

centre of the room. He was dressed in his full Lordship robes and, despite

wishing otherwise, Sirius did have to admit he cut an impressive figure.

"Thank you, Chief Warlock." James acknowledged with a bow of his

head, which was returned by Dumbledore. "I have come before you this

day, in the name of justice. It is my belief that, in regards to the ruling

against the House of Potter, the verdict was given under falsified


More murmuring broke out and people were looking interested, Sirius

cursed, Potter, minus this blow from the House of Black, had a shining

reputation; according to the people anyway.

"Dammit," He muttered, and Lucius and Izar turned their heads a tiny bit

to show they were listening, "Potter's reputation is too good with the

people, if he argues this correctly there's a chance he could get a


Lucius uttered an oath that was extremely unbecoming much to Sirius'


"And with Dumbledore feeding him the words." Izar's voice drifted up to

him, a mere whisper.

"This is not looking good." Lucius agreed, his voice even lower than


"Though, not everyone is looking happy." Sirius noted, "Amelia Bones,"

The other two Lords coveted glances at the head of the DMLE and bit

back smirks, the stern woman was firing curses from her eyes at the

Potter Lord and that was enough to cheer them up.

"After examining the evidence presented in the aforementioned case,

once it was released to record, it came to my attention that there was

falsified evidence in regards to witness and character statements." Potter

said clearly, "I call for immediate dismissal."

"And which statements do you believe to be falsified?" The Chief Warlock

asked, and James put on a show of looking down with a disappointed


"I am shocked and afraid to admit that it was actually my wife's

statements." James admitted quietly and the room gasped.

"Can you clarified for the Wizengamot, Lord Potter, that it was your wife,

Lady Potter, who gave falsified evidence?" Dumbledore said and James


"Yes, it was the Lady Potter." He confirmed, "Which is why, I believe, her

evidence was not disputed originally."

"Why do you believe that Lady Potter has given falsified evidence?"

Dumbledore questioned, "She is you're wife, and the mother to the


"I believe that she used the case as a distraction to hide her true motives."

James began, and he looked the picture of upset. A light lit up from the

opposite side of the room and Lord MacMillan rose to his feet.

"A distraction to hide her true motives? Would you clarify, Lord Potter?"

He asked calmly.

"It pains me to admit this before you, you have to understand, and I

would not be before you if it was anything else than my daughter. She is

my own priority here." James told them all earnestly, and Sirius heard

Lucius scoff under his breath.

"We understand," MacMillan said, not giving anything away.

"I sent Rosie to her friends in the hope they would distract her. Upon my

return, I found the Lady Potter had upped and vanished, taking with her

valuable and treasured Potter heirlooms."

Angry hisses met that statement and Sirius bit back a groan, this was

really not good. Potter, or rather Dumbledore, could not have worded

that better if he had tried. A perceived muggleborn stealing from an

Noble and Most Ancient House, not only stealing, but Heirlooms, items

passed down from the very beginning.

"This is very well played." Nott murmured in disgust.

"Too well played, I smell Dumbledore." Lucius agreed.

"I understand your distress, Lord Potter." Dumbledore said, "I can only

imagine how you felt when you returned home to find such happenings."

"Yes, those years of history missing." Potter said. There was a murmuring

and the three Lords found all eyes on their side of the room.

"Here we go," Lucius muttered, somewhat gleefully. Sirius was about to

ask when a cold, drawing voice spoke from above him.

"Very distressing indeed, Lord Potter." Lord Marvolo Slytherin-Le Fey

agreed, "I can only assume that, given the severity of the crime

committed to you, you immediately went to Gringotts and had your

entire House audited, and you have brought us proof of the missing


Both Potter and Dumbledore seemed to freeze and Sirius had to forcefully

stop a smirk from appearing on his face, he hadn't even began thinking

about the lack of evidence, just the fact that Heirlooms were missing,

despite the lack of truth in his words.

"Proof, Lord Slytherin-Le Fey?" Potter questioned, and unlike the Dark

Lord, he couldn't keep the disgust out of his tone.

"Yes, proof, Lord Potter." Lord Slytherin-Le Fey repeated, somehow

making it sound like he was talking to a child, while not changing his

tone whatsoever.

"I have previously stated that I would not be mentioning this if other than

my daughter." Potter pointed out, and Sirius noted he glanced at

Dumbledore, where the old man nodded slightly.

"I understand, of course, but you must understand that the theft of

Heirlooms is horrific for us, as Lords and Ladies with long lines of our

own." Marvolo said, "Those years of history missing, as you said, is very

distressing. You must have wanted them back and a Gringotts audit, as

we all know, will recover the location of all items, whether missing or


"I do not believe we are here to discuss the other actions of Lady Potter-,"

Dumbledore said but he was cut off by the Dark Lord.

"It is not within your rights, Chief Warlock, to interrupt or redirect the

questioning or the inquiring of the Lords and Ladies within these

chambers." Marvolo stated coldly, his voice cutting.

"I am merely trying to prevent any time wasted." Dumbledore said

amicably, and Marvolo's smile was frosty.

"Matters brought before this esteemed body have already been evaluated

and deemed time worthy. To gain full insight to this sensitive issue, we

must fully explore all circumstances, angles and possibilities, before we

are able to come to a fair and unprejudiced decision." Marvolo said

evenly, "Unless, of course, you wish to hurry us along, which could then

lead us to a formal wrong decision, making this entire seating pointless."

"That was not my intention whatsoever." Dumbledore denied hastily.

"There is the possibility you wish to focus our attentions elsewhere, do

you wish for an unfair trial, Chief Warlock? One that will possibly go in

Lord Potter's favour."

"I would never-,"

"Because, after all, we all know that you are a close, personal friend of

Lord Potter. It wouldn't do to create a shambles out of these chambers

because you were too personally involved with the case." Marvolo said in

concern, or at least it sounded like concern to most of the room. It

sounded like mocking to Dumbledore. The Chief Warlock found himself

in a very precarious position, he had no viable words to dispute the

Slytherin Lord's claim, but he was here to remove the black spot from

Rosina Potter's name; he was stuck. The Lords and Ladies muttered to

themselves, listening to the powerful Lord's words and Sirius looked

down to hide his gleeful expression – but he wasn't the only one.

"I like him," the Black Lord decided, "I think he's great."

"Yes, Our Lord does that usually." Nott agreed, "But even I have to admit

that was beautiful."

"I understand your concern, Lord Slytherin-Le Fey, however, I am quite

sure I will be able to remove personal association." Dumbledore said

genially and Marvolo's smile had added teeth this time.

"You are quite sure?" Marvolo repeated, "I am afraid 'quite' is not good

enough, Chief Warlock. We require absolute objectiveness from a body

such as yourself, you are fully neutral in every way. We already have the

separation of houses within these halls. You are not sat with the houses."

"I know where my position stands, Lord Slytherin-Le Fey." Dumbledore

stated, his voice hardening as took note that people were listening more

and more to the powerful Lord.

"I am merely voicing my concern, Chief Warlock." Marvolo assured, "If

you feel you cannot act objectively, none of us here shall think worse of

you if you dismiss yourself from these chambers."

"That will not be necessary. Thank you for your concern." Dumbledore

said quickly, but other people weren't so assured.

"Very well," Marvolo relented, "Lord Potter, I asked for proof."

"I do not have the necessary proof with me currently, Lord Slytherin-Le

Fey." James admitted and there were disapproving mutterings around the


"I see," Marvolo said, "So we have nothing but your word that the Lady

Potter framed your daughter in the cover to steal these items?"

"Yes, but one does not lie about missing Heirlooms." James stated.

"So it would seem."

It couldn't be more apparent that Marvolo didn't believe him, and Sirius,

Izar and Lucius shook their heads. They felt rather than saw the Dark

Lord take his seat, Lucius was about to flash when someone on the other

side did so, and Lady Longbottom rose to her feet.

"Lord Potter, even if she were to steal these valuable objects, that is

unimportant, why would she frame her daughter in a bid to do so?" She

questioned and James grimaced.

"Lily- Lady Potter, I mean, has never really been that maternal. She got

pregnant at a young age unexpectedly, and she doesn't understand the

connection that those of old blood have with their children." James

explained softly, and it took all of Sirius' self-control not to leap up and

scream at the lying prick.

"I cannot believe he just said that." Nott said in disbelief.

"Oh I can, he's a manipulative little cu-," Sirius cut himself off and took a

deep breath, "I am not surprised, and he's also been spoon fed by


"And it was perfect thing to say to the proper Lady Longbottom." Lucius

pointed out. "This won't do." Nott said and Lord Malfoy flashed his light

before rising to his feet.

"I would like to know why the Lady Potter would do such a thing

anyway." Lucius said firmly and James shot him a look.

"I believe I have just explained the reasons, Lord Malfoy."

"Yes, you have told us that it was a cover for theft, however, you have

failed to explain to us exactly why the Lady Potter stole from you in the

first place." Malfoy persisted and there was murmuring agreement

amongst the other lords and ladies. It was a valid question after all, she

was the Lady Potter and so, more than likely, she had free access to the

Potter belongings anyway. Why would she want to steal them? It didn't

make sense on a fundamental level. James didn't seem to know what to

say, he blinked a few times and looked around as if searching for clues.

"I do not know why she would do this." He said eventually, "I assume

that, not coming from Noble birth, she merely got greedy."

"Be that as it may, if she is Lady Potter, there is no need for greed."

Lucius said and then sat down, Izar took his place.

"This accusation of Lady Potter's theft seems so sudden." Izar began, "You

are, after all, a highly publicised House, yet nothing ever seemed

untoward with you."

"We did not want the world to know we were having problems."

"So many problems that the Lady Potter supposedly vanished with

priceless Heirlooms?" Izar said incredulously, "I think that qualifies as

more than problems."

"We are not here to discuss my marital problems, Lord Nott." James bit

out and the Nott Lord merely gave him a look and sat down.

"No, we are here to discuss your claim of falsified evidence." Lord

Slytherin-Le Fey's voice filtered over again, "And I call for your claim to

be dismissed immediately, on the grounds of misinformation."

"What!" James exclaimed, "You can't do that."

"Oh, and why is that?" Marvolo questioned, "You have claimed falsified

evidence, I say that there has been no evidence falsified, ergo, immediate


"It is not your place to state such things, Lord Slytherin-Le Fey,"

Dumbledore stated and Marvolo merely raised an eyebrow.

"I, as part of this Wizengamot, like to keep up with all current

happenings within our legal system, and so I took the time to analyse the

current case in its beginning." Marvolo told the room, and Sirius was very

happy to see that James and Dumbledore paled at his words.

"What did you find, Lord Slytherin-Le Fey?" Lord Hadrian Greengrass

asked, he was sat in the neutral section as always.

"As it is known, the very competent Madam Bones," Marvolo paused to

nod at the woman in question, and she acknowledged him, without the

death stare she was giving Potter, "Conducted the case and all evidence

was independently collected and analysed under the security laws within

our ministry, this is standard procedure. However, I found a difference in

this case."

"Do go on," Lord Greengrass encouraged.

"The Lady Potter's evidence was given under security meaning it should

only be accessible to the Chief Warlock, the Minister and Madam Bones,

however the access has been changed." Marvolo explained and sounds of

outrange rippled through the chamber, this was unheard off and could

cause terrible repercussions to those hoping to be protected from

dangerous felons.

"This is a disgrace." Lord Abbott exclaimed, "This is a furious breech in


"This needs to be investigated," Lady Selwyn insisted, "This could ruin our

very legal foundations."

"I understand your concern, Lords, Ladies," Marvolo said soothingly, "I

myself was most distressed."

"What has this got to do with the current proceedings?" Dumbledore

inquired, his voice falsely light.

"I will explain," Marvolo assured, "While I was examining the case, I

found an interesting section on the very end of the Lady Potter's

statement. She signed it in blood."

Gasps rang out and James gave the Dark Lord a look that said he wished

his death, Sirius didn't even bother to hide his smirk and Nott was

chuckling to himself.

"The Wizengamot will never again be boring." Lucius decided and Sirius

snorted in to his hand.

"Never truer words spoken."

"Do you have proof?" James demanded, barely concealing a sneer and

Marvolo gave him a smile full of teeth.

"Of course, my evidence is accessible through records, and I am sure

Madam Bones, as interviewer, can confirm my claim." Marvolo said.

"You are, of course, correct, Lord Slytherin-Le Fey. I would have spoken

earlier, however, I was unable due to being the previous case examiner."

Madam Bones stated, a very defined edge to her voice.

"Thank you, Madam Bones. I understand your predicament." Marvolo said

courteously, "In light of this, I vote for the overruling to be dismissed."

"I second that vote." Lucius called.

"And I," Izar followed. Dumbledore was backed in to a corner and he

knew it, he gave James, who looked like he was about to explode, an

apologetic look before speaking.

"Those in favour for an overruling?" Dumbledore questioned and despite

the evidence presented otherwise, many still light up in favour for Rosina

Potter to be let off and James perked up.

"Those in favour for a complete dismissal?" He questioned, and the light

flared brightly. There was a few brief seconds as the Wizengamot magic

worked, calculating the outcome of the vote, before numbers flared

above them.

"Favour goes to complete dismissal of the case, previous sentence upheld.

House Potter has one week to pay the required fine." Dumbledore

announced, and he couldn't quite keep the disappointment.

"Yes," Sirius hissed, "Success,"

"This draws a close to this Wizengamot session at 1:45pm," Dumbledore

announced, "Wizengamot is dismissed."

Sirius all but leaped to his feet in exuberance, he kept himself somewhat

reserved as he made his way from his seat and began his decent,

following Lucius and Izar. There were a few Lords and Ladies drifting in

the centre of the chambers, discussing the outcome of the case and the

things that came to light, the most interesting being whether or not Lady

Potter had actually stolen Heirlooms from the House Potter. The three

Lords were quickly joined by the Dark Lord and they shared smirks.

"I do believe, my Lord, that that was one of your best performances to

date." Lucius commented, his voice low enough not to go further than the

four of them.

"Dumbledore should be careful when he illegally changes things."

Marvolo said in amusement, "He will have to be careful now because the

other Lords and Ladies will not be pleased that there has been such a

large miscarriage in justice in regards to the Lady Potter's statement."

"He is too used to being able to do what he wants with no one even

raising a question." Nott said, "You are a huge thorn in his side, My Lord."

Marvolo's smirk stretched.

"It is a past time of mine." He admitted.

"Speaking of your past time." Sirius butted in, "We're about to have


The four of them turned to see Potter and Dumbledore making their way

towards them, James was looking furious and Dumbledore was doing an

acceptable job of looking amicable.

"This should be interesting," Lucius muttered before pulling on a neutral

mask and facing the approaching company with a disinterested air.

"Gentlemen," Marvolo greeted, ever the polite Lord.

"You're actions here will have greater consequences." Dumbledore told

the Dark Lord, not even putting up the pretence of being polite to them.

"I am sure they will, Dumbledore. But I highly doubt they will be against

me." Marvolo said.

"They may not be directly against you but you are going to pay the

price." James growled and Sirius sneered.

"While we may face some action, it is nothing to the storm that's blowing

around you." Sirius threw at James, his disgust blatant.

"You think you'll stand a chance against me?" James snarled, "The only

reason you got away today was because you were hiding behind his

cloak." James jerked his head towards the Dark Lord when he spoke and

Sirius scoffed.

"Anybody with even a scarp of common sense, or has ever read anything

to do with the Wizengamot, knows that the opposition party/house

cannot participate in an overruling case." Sirius said to him in derision,

"Of course, your lack of common sense has grown increasingly obvious."

"Watch it, Black, you won't have back up forever." James murmured


"My so called back up will last longer than Dumbledore feeding you

words." Sirius countered with a smirk.

"You are making a grave mistake, Sirius." Dumbledore said in

disappointment, "I don't think you understand-,"

"I understand more than you think, Dumbledore." Sirius cut him off and

James laughed without humour.

"Do you really?" James asked, "Do you really know what sort of company

you keep?" Lucius, Izar and Marvolo looked at the Black Lord to see how

he would answer. It was a known fact that Sirius Black had turned his

back on his family in favour of siding with the light, currently he was

considered neutral/dark, and his allegiance had never been verbally

acknowledged by the Lord even with his revival of the Black/Malfoy

alliance, and, while he sat on the dark side of the room, he had never

outright stated he was with them.

Sirius looked at James and Dumbledore and mentally shook his head,

these were people he, at one point in his life, thought the world of. He

had given up everything to actively fight for the light, he had nearly lost

his life on countless times, he had nearly lost Moony when Dumbledore

sent him off on impossible missions. Sirius was honesty baffled. He knew

absolutely nothing about these people. Was it him? Had he changed that

much, or had he just opened his eyes to their true behaviour? The taunts,

the arrogance, the blatant illicit behaviour, and what he did to Lily?

Sirius looked James dead in the eye, not even an ounce of him regretting

what he was about to say.

"Yes. I know exactly the sort of company I keep." Sirius told them lowly,

and to emphasise his point he gave a formal half bow to the Dark Lord,

before spinning on his heel and walking from the room. James watched

Sirius leave with a mix of fury and horror on his face, he looked at

Dumbledore, who was shaking his head in utter disappointment and


"Are you happy now? You finally manipulated the final Black to your

side." James spat at the Dark Lord. "What have you got on him? He

would never go to you, you're nothing but a monster."

The Dark Lord's eyes flashed before a dark smile came to his face.

"What makes the Black Lord's allegiance all the more pleasing, Potter, is

that I didn't manipulate him whatsoever." Marvolo told him gleefully, his

charmed blue eyes glinting dangerously, "It was you that pushed him

over to me, you did it, and I get to reap the wards of your mistakes."

"You have always been so willing to destroy people's lives." Dumbledore

said despondently.

"It's funny, I could say the same thing about you." Marvolo said and

Dumbledore's eyes narrowed for a brief moment before his expression

was clear.

"You will not last here, Tom." Dumbledore told him, making the Dark

Lord's eyes flash crimson for a moment. "It is not in your nature to be

around civilised people."

"We shall see, Dumbledore." Marvolo said, "Gentlemen, let us find Lord

Black. I wish to speak with him."

The three of them turned their backs on the Chief Warlock and Lord

Potter and exited the Wizengamot chamber, they didn't have to wait far

to look for Sirius, he was stood talking to Lord Greengrass and Amelia

Bones and the three shared a nod before Greengrass and Bones walked

away together. Sirius looked back breathed and in relief, he waited for

the others to catch up and offered a somewhat sheepish expression.

"So we don't mention this until I've spoken to Moony." Sirius suggested

lightly, the three of them looked at him with devious expressions and

Sirius groaned. "This is going to cost me, isn't it?"

"Don't sound so disheartened, Sirius," Lucius said pleasantly, "It's a minor

cost, your goblin made cane snake's head is something I've always


Sirius blinked and thought of the one Lucius was on about before


"Done," He turned to Izar, "Well?"

"I've heard the Black cellars have wonderful wine." Nott mused, "Elf


"Done," Then he turned to the Dark Lord, "Dear Merlin, this should be

fun," The Dark Lord smirked.

"Come now, I'm not too unreasonable." Marvolo said charmingly, but that

didn't make Sirius feel any better.

"I'm not reassured." He said.

"Things could be worse."

"I'll sick Harrison on you." Sirius burst out and Marvolo blinked.

"You're eleven year old son." He drawled, and Sirius nodded with a smirk.


"You have not have had a lapse in memory, have you Black?" Marvolo

questioned sardonically and Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"Have you met my son?" He threw back and Marvolo bit back a grimace.

"Very well, keep him and his surprises down to one a week." He muttered

darkly and Sirius chuckled.

"I can make no promises, but I do promise to not deliberately send him

over." Sirius said and Marvolo threw him a look that said he was not even

a little bit impressed.

"That child is the bane of my existence."

"Yeah, he brings that feeling." Sirius agreed brightly. They got in the

elevator and went back to the atrium, it was still quite busy but they had

no trouble getting through the crowds.

"I can only assume that my Theodore is now at Black Manor." Nott said

and Sirius nodded.

"More than likely. Shall we go back to the manor?"

"Is Narcissa not clearing Lady Potter of bed rest?" Lucius pointed out and

Sirius blinked, he looked at the Dark Lord and blinked again.

"Right, Lily," He remembered, "See, this is why I take Moony with me


"It is becoming clearer why," Marvolo agreed dryly. "Gentlemen," he

apparated away with a nod.

"It's going to take a while to get used to him." Sirius decided, "I'll key you

in, Izar. Follow through," Sirius floo'd to the manor and pulled the wards

to allow the Nott Lord entrance, he deposited his cloak to the elf and

waited for the other two Lords to come through.

"Welcome to Black Manor," Sirius said to Izar, "Jip?"

"Yes, Master Sirius,"

"Where's Moony?" He asked.

"Moony is being in the Library with young Master Harrison, Lady Cissa,

Miss Lily, Mister Severus, young Master Draco and young Mister Theo."

Jip answered and Sirius grinned.

"Thank you, have drinks brought up to us." Sirius told the elf. He led the

other two Lords up to the library and, just like his son, Nott Sr was

amazed to actually witness the somewhat infamous Black family library.

Sirius' eyes were automatically drawn to Moony and he grinned, he all

but skipped over to his mate and Moony's head snapped around to his

moving figure.

"Padfoot!" He called, gaining everyone's attention.

"Dad!" Harrison exclaimed, "How did it go?"

"Well, it was close, I'm not going to lie." Sirius told them, taking a seat

and wrapping an arm around Moony.

"What do you mean close?" Harrison demanded, "He shouldn't have had a


"Potter, and Dumbledore, played a very clever game." Lucius stated.

"It was almost perfectly executed." Nott added.

"Almost?" Severus questioned and the three Lords shared a smirk.

"Lord Slytherin-Le Fey." They answered together.

"Oh Merlin, I can't believe we missed it!" Harrison complained, "This is so


"Stop leaving us in suspense." Narcissa ordered, "Tell us what happened."

"Potter's claim was based on falsified evidence." Sirius began.

"Excuse me?" Lily demanded, "Madam Bones collected that evidence

herself, how could they even begin to question the evidence."

The three of them shared a look.

"Potter stated there was a problem with a witness and character

statement." Nott said slowly. Lily looked at the three of them and her

burnished emerald eyes narrowed.

"It was my statement that he called up, wasn't it?" She demanded and

Severus' attention snapped to the three Lords with piercing quality.

"And just how did Potter try and call Lily's statements in to question?" He

questioned coolly, and Sirius bit back a wince; he knew this wasn't going

to be well received.

"Potter claimed that Lily fabricated her statement in an effort to cover up

the fact that she stole Heirlooms from the House of Potter and took off."

Sirius said quickly, hoping to get the blow out like a plaster. Lily's eyes

narrowed in to slits, but it was Severus who held the attention as his

black eyes flashed dangerously and his magic snapped around him before

he gained control.

"He did what?"

"Yes, and it was gaining momentum." Lucius continued, "Until Lord

Slytherin-Le Fey began."

"Oh what did he say?" Harry asked gleefully, "Did he go for Dumbledore?

Please tell me he did!"

"Oh he did," Sirius confirmed, "But not before going to Potter, by the

throat too. Demanded proof of the supposed stolen items and when he

could not produce any he stated losing momentum."


"Then he went for Dumbledore, reminding him of his actual duties and

suggesting he leave as he was too personally involved." Lucius said with a

smirk. "It was beautiful."

"I cannot wait until next summer." Draco said with a groan.

"I know, it's so unfair we can't go." Theo agreed.

"What else happened?" Lily questioned, her voice stiff.

"Potter tried, and failed, to cover himself with half formed excuses."

Sirius said, deciding to forgo the lack of maternal instinct comment, "And

when it came to it the vote went in our favour."

"Ha, suck on that you pretentious pri-,"

"Do not finish that sentence Harrison Regulus." Remus interrupted and

Harry shot him a sheepish expression.

"Sorry uncle Moony." He said and Remus gave him a look.

"Anything else happen?" Moony asked, and Sirius shifted.

"No, nothing of importance really." He said but Moony didn't buy it for a


"What did you do?" He sighed and Sirius pouted.

"Your lack of faith wounds me." Sirius muttered and Moony rolled his


"Fine, but you will be telling me what trouble you've gotten us in to


"Of course." Sirius agreed. The Black Lord's eyes lit up and he turned to

his cousin, "Cissa, I have wonderful news."


"Yes," He grabbed Moony's hand and flashed a near blinding smile. "We're

finally planning the ceremony." Narcissa released a barely concealed

squeal of delight.

"That's wonderful news, Sirius." She exclaimed.

"Yes, congratulations." Lucius agreed, "I was beginning to wonder if you

would ever get around to confirming it officially."

"Well, we always said that we would finally do it when we had our cub

back." Moony said and Harry beamed.

"Do keep us updated with the details." Narcissa said, "It will be quite

delightful to have the ceremony in the summer."

"You know I will." Sirius assured and they shared a smile.

"Dad, guess what Sev did today." Harry said abruptly, remembering what

had happened earlier.

"What did he do? Because if it's something Potions related you know I

will only get confused."

"No, it's not, I promise." Harry said. "Tell them, Severus."

"Honestly brat, they would have found out soon enough." The Potions

Master said with a roll of his eyes.

"Yes, but this is exciting and it will probably be announced after its too

late." Draco pointed out, smirking when Severus shot him a dark look.

"What is it?" Lucius asked and Severus sighed.

"I decided that it would be prudent for me to claim my Lordship and I

shall be joining you in the next Wizengamot session. I am now Lord

Prince." Severus drawled, not even bothering to put his book down until

Lily jabbed him with her finger. He glared at her but she merely gave

him an unimpressed look, forcefully removing the book from him and

giving him a pointed look until he turned to face the other three Lords.

"Indeed, Severus." Nott said surprised, "This is sudden."

"I merely decided that it was a better time to claim it now." Severus said

in disinterest.

"Oh Merlin, can you imagine Potter's face." Sirius exclaimed, "It will be a

picture. Oh the look of disgust mingled with horror, incredulity and utter

rage is something I think I may dream about for weeks." Everyone in the

room, bar Harrison and Moony, shot him an odd look and Sirius grinned.

"Come on, remember what he looked like today when he lost and then

multiply it. You know it's going to be pencieve worthy."

The Black Lord pointed out, and Lucius and Izar grudgingly agreed.

"Why is it we always miss the good parts?" Draco demanded, "Father I

want to start coming to the Wizengamot with you right away."

"Draco, you know the induction age for Heirs is thirteen." Lucius told him

and Draco scowled.

"But we're a Noble and Most Ancient House." He complained, "Why can't I

start coming early."

"Yeah, he's got a point." Harrison put in. "I mean surely, given the fact we

have higher status should allow us discrepancies?"

"We have higher status, yes." Sirius agreed, "But I doubt we have high

enough for that."

"That's not fair," Harry frowned before his eyes light up, he jumped to his

feet and was about to run off when Sirius stopped him.

"Don't even think about it." He said and Harry opened his mouth but was

cut off, "No!"

"Oh come on!" He exclaimed, "I just want to see Potter's face,"


"You know it will work."

"Exactly why I am saying no." Sirius said, and Harry huffed.

"Fine!" He dropped back down next to Draco and crossed his arms, the

blond looked at him confused before he blinked and smirked.

"Nice plan."

"Yeah, too bad my dad hates me." He sighed dramatically and Theo

looked at the pair before his eyes widened.

"You weren't going to do what I think you were going to do, were you?"


"It is getting late," Lucius noted, "Let us return to the manor. Draco, say

your goodbyes."

"Yes father."

"You too, Theodore." Izar said. The two boys got up and did as they were

told, Narcissa imitated them, saying goodbye to Lily and assuring her

that they would begin as soon as she wanted.

"I'll see you to the floo," Sirius said and led them out. Harrison got up and

stretched, he cast a tempus and frowned.

"I have an hour until dinner, I have work to be doing." He said and

Moony looked up.

"What are you working on this time? Haven't you just finished

something?" Moony questioned and Harry nodded.

"Yeah, but I still have a long term project to be working on and I know

I'm missing something. There has to be a connection somewhere, I just

have to find it."

"Is this still involving the w-?"

"Yes," Harry cut Severus off and shot him an apologetic look to the scowl

he got from the Potions Master. "I'm keeping this one close at the

moment, but its killing me. I swear, I have never tried this something

complex before."

"Just how complex are you looking to achieve?" Moony questioned and

Harry grimaced.

"It makes anything I have ever done before look like bubble juice." Harry

groaned, and Severus blinked, having a greater understanding of exactly

what Harry had done before.

"Do you think it might be better for you to take a break?" Severus asked,

"You're latest was exceptional."

"No, this is going to be something that's going to need constant

attention." Harry said, "It's fine, its good practice for my Mastery."

"Mastery?" Lily interrupted surprised, "Isn't that a bit soon?"

"Doubtful," Harry waved her off, "It's in like a month." Lily blinked at

him, turned to Severus with a questioning expression and he nodded.

"Wow," She muttered, "I don't know what to say to that."

"Do not bother, Harrison will give you a headache otherwise." Severus

drawled and Harry pouted.

"I'm not that bad, Sev!" He exclaimed.

"No, you are much worse but I was trying to be nice." Severus muttered

and Harry gaped at him as Lily and Moony tried to muffle their laughter

in to their hand.

"Well I think you're mean." Harry decided, "I am a perfectly lovely

individual, I'll have you know."

"We never said anything against that." Moony said amused, "But you have

the tendency to surprise people, Cub."

Harry sniffed.

"They should not have expectations if they wished not to be surprised."

Harry told them primly, "Now, I have to go." Harry snapped his fingers

and books followed him out, he grinned at his dad, who passed him on

the way, and left the room.

"Don't sit down, Pads. I think we have to talk." Moony said and Sirius


"Are you sure? I mean, I haven't seen Sev in a while and I really think it

would be rude of me not to speak to Lily." Sirius tried.

"We're fine," Both Sev and Lily said together, burying themselves in their

books to emphasis their points. Sirius scowled at them and then turned to

face an unimpressed Moony, he sighed and dropped his head in


"Let's go,"

"That's what I thought." Moony agreed, following his mate out of the


So there we have it, again, I am sorry for the delay but this one

killed me! Let me know what you think, please?

Thanks guys,


30. Chapter 30

A/N: I want to say a massive thank you to all of you guys, you've

stuck by this fic for so long and I always hope not to disappoint.

There's a few things I want to cover before we go on. There have

been a few people saying that the summer is dragging and they

want everyone back at school… sorry, but that's not going to

happen. There are many other summer drama's that need to happen

before they go back to Hogwarts, and, as it is, I've worked out the

actual date and we are only on July 23rd. Sorry, if you don't like

that, but there's nothing I can do about that. This is how I've

planned this fic, this is how its going to go!

Minor edits here guys, but we're nearly at the finish line!

Warning: Language methinks

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K unfortunately,


Chapter 30:

Sirius felt like he was taking the walk of doom as he made his way up to

his study. He knew he was being irrational, Moony was just as much with

the dark as he was, but still, he wasn't used to acting without Moony

being there; he was the very necessary filter. He sat down in front of the

fire and Moony took the chair opposite, the werewolf didn't speak, he just

gave Sirius an even stare that never failed to make him fidget.

"I didn't miss out that much, I swear!" Sirius burst out, not being able to

take that look any longer. Merlin, Moony could sell that expression to the

aurors, they would get confessions instantly!

"What exactly did you miss out?" Moony asked calmly, continuing his

stare even though he wasn't too worried. Lucius, Izar and the Dark Lord

were with Sirius, they wouldn't have let him do anything too mad for the

sake of their own reputations if not for anything else.

"Well, there was more to Potter's argument over Lily." Sirius said with a

sigh, "Augusta Longbottom spoke and James, or rather Dumbledore,

knew exactly what to say to that."

"Was it that obvious Dumbledore was doing the speaking?" Remus

questioned and Sirius nodded.

"Yes, because I've dealt with Dumbledore, I know how he works." Sirius

shook his head, "Potter claimed Lily lacked maternal instincts which is

why she was willing to sell out her daughter to steal Heirlooms."

"What!" Remus exclaimed, "That's ridiculous!"

"Yeah well, it gets worse." Sirius warned, "He then played on her lack of

Pureblood. He claimed that she didn't understand the connection those of

old blood have with their children."

"He what!? That is outrageous! How could he even think about saying

that?" Remus demanded.

"He's gone, Moony. If we didn't already know that there was no hope for

him, then the session would have confirmed it for me." Sirius ran a hand

through his hair, "And when he confronted us, I barely recognised him."

"He confronted you?" Remus repeated, and Sirius grimaced.

"Yeah, about that…" He shot his mate a bright smile but Remus just gave

him a look that said speak now. "Fine. Dumbledore and Potter came up to

us after the trial."


"It was basically a time where they both thought it acceptable to threaten

and insult us, it didn't work all that much and the Dark Lord is really

good with words." Sirius told him. "James claimed I was hiding behind

the Dark Lord's cloak at one point."

"He does realise that the opposition party/house cannot vote during a

hearing, right?" Remus said slowly and Sirius shrugged.

"His lack of sense grows daily."

"What else happened?"

"Dumbledore warned that our actions would have 'greater consequences'

and James was convinced we were going to 'pay the price'." Sirius

smirked at that and Remus rolled his eyes.

"That's nothing compared to the storm heading his way."

"That's what I said!"

"What else?"

"Ah, now, you have to understand, I know it was impulsive and reckless,

but I did know what I was doing." Sirius began and Remus sighed.

"What did you do?"

"Dumbledore tried to state that I didn't understand what I was doing, and

Potter seemed to believe that I didn't know who I was actually around

and well…"

"You declared that you are with the dark, didn't you?" Remus said and

Sirius shifted.

"And basically pledged myself to the Dark Lord in front of Dumbledore

and Potter because I bowed to the man and left." Sirius got it out in one

breath and watched as Remus blinked twice before he pinched the bridge

of his nose.

"Sirius…" He sighed, and the Grim animagus huffed.

"I know I should have thought it through, but come on, Moony! We know

who we're with now, I am basically dark and it's only been my lack of

recognition to the dark sec that's keeping the House of Black within the

neutral zone." Sirius exclaimed, "Besides, Lord Slytherin-Le Fey didn't

have to tear in to Potter and make his words basically useless, he was

only there for Dumbledore. The reason he went for Potter was for

Harrison, there is no doubt in my mind. We might as well acknowledge

that not only politically are we dark, but we are near enough Death


Remus was silent after Sirius' rather passionate speech, his mind turning

over everything that his mate had said and he couldn't dispute it. The

only thing he could see negative of the situation was that now

Dumbledore and Potter knew that there were more involved than they

had been letting on, that and the fact that Sirius had made the pledge

and the declaration impulsively and without him.

"I'm not mad at you, Padfoot." Remus assured him, catching the sulking

puppy expression creeping on to his mate's face, which cleared at his

words. "I just wish you would have waited for me to be there."

"I know, and I knew as soon as I left that I probably should have waited,

but I just wanted Potter to know exactly how against him we are." Sirius

said strongly, "The look on his face was beautiful, and I don't regret it."

"You shouldn't," Remus said, "Don't worry, I'll play catch up just this


Sirius grinned at him.


"You know you are going to have to tell, cub." Remus pointed out with a

grin, "He'll be in the biggest strop if he finds out from the Dark Lord."

"I know. I'll tell him later, he's gone off to do who knows what now."

Sirius said with a chuckle.

"He's working on yet another potion." Remus said, "He's nearly on par

with Severus."

"Speaking of Severus…" Sirius began with a smile, "I can't believe he's

become the Lord Prince. I cannot wait to see him in the Wizengamot, he

can make fully grown men cower anyway."

"I do believe that it will be interesting, I think I'm quite disappointed that

I will not get to witness it first-hand."

"Depending on what oaths are announced during the next session, I shall

see if I can show you the memory of Potter's reaction to Sev's arrival. It's

going to be stunning."

"That I have to agree with." Remus said with a grin.

"We're going to have to speak with Lily soon." Sirius said with a sigh,

"With Potter playing this card, even though he wasn't successful, it is still

going to be in people's minds."

"I know, we'll talk to her tomorrow if we have time,"

"Come on, let's go down to dinner." Sirius said, "I haven't eaten since

breakfast and we'll have to collect the others as we go."

"You're right. I'll get cub and you can get Severus and Lily." Remus said,

smirking at Sirius' horrified look.

"What! Oh come on, Moony! Why have I got to go and get those two?" He

exclaimed, and Moony got to his feet, his smirk stretching.

"Well you did go and pledge to the Dark Lord without me, I think this

makes up for that a little." Remus said and left the room laughing at

Sirius' splutters. He walked down to Harry's bedroom and knocked on the

door, poking his head in when he heard his cub shout.

"Hey uncle Moony," Harry greeted, looking up from the piles of books

and parchment surrounding him.

"Hello cub, how goes the work?" Moony asked, indicating the many

stacks and Harry grimaced.

"It's difficult, I keep thinking I'm on to something and then something

goes wrong. I know I'm missing something, I can feel it but it keeps

evading me." Harry sighed frustrated, "I've got a list of ingredients that

Salazar kept for me which I am playing with currently, some of them

have opened up different avenues for me so I am hoping that I can at

least get a baseline idea."

"Do not stress yourself over it, cub, or it will never come to you." Moony

told him soothingly, "You're Mastery is coming up, you need to keep calm

and focussed."

"I know," Harry got up and stretched, "Is it dinner time yet?"

"Yes, that's actually why I came in here. Sirius has just gone to get Lily

and Severus."

"Oh that's mean!" Harry laughed, he waved his hand to stack his work

and got up. He straightened his robes and followed Moony out.

"I know," Remus agreed, "Nothing less than he deserves."

"So what did dad do that he wouldn't tell you about?" Harry asked and

Remus grinned.

"I'll let him tell you that himself."

"Oh Merlin," Harry muttered, "We don't have to go in to hiding or

anything do we, because I have things to be doing."

"No, nothing like that." Remus assured as they entered the dining room,

he couldn't help but laugh at the disgruntled expression on Sirius' face.

"It went well then." Remus commented and Sirius scowled at him.

"Brilliantly." He muttered, "They'll be right down."

"What did you do?" Harry questioned as he sat down.

"Told them I'd bar them from the library wards. I got two books thrown

at me for my troubles."

"You should be careful who you threaten, Black." Severus drawled as he

walked in with Lily on his arm as if it was the most natural thing in the

world, and it looked as if it was too.

"You would have stayed there rather than coming and eating." Sirius

pointed out.

"We would have ate, Sirius," Lily defended, as she took the seat Severus

pulled out for her, "Just not right now."

"Honestly, I'm surrounded by bibliophiles." He complained.

"I'm surprised you know what that word means." Severus quipped and

Sirius, being as mature as he was, stuck his tongue out.

"I can still ban you from the library." Sirius grumbled and they laughed.

The elves served them a nice meal and Harry took the time to quiz

Severus on his thought process for the wolfsbane as Sirius and Remus

discussed something else in lower tones, he was surprise, and quite

pleased, when Lily offered up a few ideas that were very plausible.

"You are really good at potions," Harry noted to Lily.

"Thanks, it's down to Severus." Lily said with a smile.

"She's stronger at Charms." Severus said and Harry nodded.

"Yes, I noticed that. You outclassed Dumbledore on both OWL and

NEWT's results." Harry remembered and Lily blinked.

"Did I really?" She asked surprised.

"Yes, but I didn't see a Mastery." Harry said and Lily looked down.

"I wasn't allowed to gain one." She told him and Harry's eyes narrowed

along with Severus.

"Well, as soon as we get you a new wand you can practice and put in for

the Yule Mastery exams." Harry said brightly, "It'll be easy."

"You are very optimistic." Lily pointed out and Harry grinned.

"Of course, things always go the way I want them to, and if they don't I

simply make them or change the circumstances to something I prefer."

"How does that work for you?"

"Very well actually," He said and she laughed.

"Have you decided which potions to uses for your mastery?" Snape asked

and Harry shook his head.

"I am still unsure."

"You must remember that they take oaths to not release any details of the

potions you create." Severus told him, "Though, it is custom for new

masters to publish one of their potions."

"See, I haven't been able to test the Obliviate potion as of yet, so I do not

wish to use that one, nor do I want to show the healing elixir.

Discounting those two, that leaves me with the liquid disillusion, the

vanishing potion and my shield potion, plus the two counters."

"Have you, or have you not, created a number of less flashy potions

during the past week and a half?" Severus pointed out and Harry blinked.

"Of course, I have my throat soother and my healing paste, the one that

revitalises the skin and heals abrasions." Harry remembered.

"The throat soother would be a good one to use and publish, especially

for the medical field. There never has been anything created for damages

to the inside of the throat." Lily mused, "I always used muggle throat


"Yes, the throat soother was particularly interesting, I have to say using

the minor laceration salve for the base idea was ingenious. Not only did

it help heal vocal damage, but your use of the key ingredients from the

Swelling Solution helped effect the general inner skin damage." Severus

agreed and Harry grinned.

"Honestly, I didn't really spend time looking all that much for potions

regarding the throat, I got frustrated when I didn't find a suitable one in

the first three books so I just made one. It seemed like the easier thing to

do, if I'm honest." Harry admitted.

"Be that as it may, it is a remarkable potion." Severus stated.

"That one's a given then." Harry decided, "I can use that one for my

publish, and for added effect I can pair it with the healing paste, though

that one hasn't really got a title."

"Yes, producing a double medical release will set you up for later

prospects, even if you have no desire to go in to the medical field."

Severus acknowledged, "Those, plus defensive and practical potions will

make their attentions be on you."

"That's the plan." Harry joked, "Now its just a case of which ones to show

off with."

"I would recommend your vanishing potion over your disillusion, given

the effects it has." Severus told him and Harry nodded.

"Makes sense, I don't want them writing off the potion as incorrect due to

the after effects." Harry said, "I wasn't sure if the skin cleansing, shall we

say, would count as a loss of marks."

"I cannot accurately give an answer, simply due to the fact that I have

never witnessed such results before. Usually, when a potion goes wrong,

it is not a positive outcome." Severus told him slowly and Harry frowned.

"I thought as much."

"You will have to isolate the factors within the potion when you finally

have a break." Severus decided, "That way you could possibly erase the

effects from the disillusion and just have the skin cleansing."

"Yes, eventually I shall have to." Harry agreed.

"Do you know completely if the cleansing has anything to do with the

disillusion?" Lily asked and Harry looked at her in confusion.

"Of course, you both are the examples." Harry pointed out and Lily shook

her head.

"No, you misunderstand me." She said, "I didn't mean to say that it didn't

work as a cleanser, I meant are you sure the cleanser came from the

disillusion itself, and not from the counter potion."

Both Harry and Severus blinked at that, the thought not even crossing

their minds.

"I did not even consider that." Harry said shocked. "I've just put it down

to the disillusion, as that was the first accident."

"Yes, I did the same thing." Severus agreed, "You will have to look in to


"Thank you for pointing that out." Harry said to Lily, "I would have been


"You're welcome, though I don't doubt you would have realised." Lily said

and Harry smiled.

"How do they go about testing them?" Harry questioned, turning back to

Snape, or rather Prince.

"You can either bring a test subject or test them on yourself if needed."

Severus said, "Though that practice is uncommon. Most bring evidence of

past experiments to illustrate their workings and as proof of originality.

There are a string of oaths that have to be taken to verify that you have

not stolen the potions, and there also a set that verify that the potions

have all been tried and tested and successful previously."

"That makes sense." Harry said with a nod, "Are there any papers?"

"Yes, once you have completed your potions, you have a small

examination." Severus confirmed. "Obviously, you have to take your

thesis with you to be completed and handed in at the end of the exam.

You do have a thesis, don't you?"

"Oh yes, and outlines to how experiments have and can be conducted to

prove or disprove it." Harry assured.

"May I ask your theory?" Lily questioned.

"Aconite," Harry answered, "It's a discussion and thesis surrounding the

idea that it may become more/less potent if it's extracted/prepared/used

on a full moon."

"Very formatted," Severus noted, "But indefinitely interesting and


"Its an emphasis on the necessary knowledge of Herbology, but at the

same time examining the difference it could make to brewing." Harry said

to him, "I have the groundings for a second one, however it is a long way


"You are extremely prepared." Lily noted, somewhat amazed, "Severus

prepared for his Mastery for years."

Harry merely grinned.

"I'm actually quite excited." Harry decided. "It's going to be fun."

"I do not believe that you shall struggle." Severus mused, "The paper will

likely serve for some amusement for you."

"That's good. Though, I think I'm going to be looking forward to

surprising the examiners with my age." Harry told him and Severus


"I almost wish I could witness their reaction."

"I'm sure." Harry laughed, he cast a tempus and frowned. "Ok, I have

things to do before I go to be tonight."

"Can I have a word before you go, pup?" Sirius asked his son and Harry

nodded with a curious expression on his face.

"Sure dad," Harry agreed, "See you all tomorrow, more than likely." He

said to the others before he walked with his dad up to the library, "What's


"I have to tell you something before you go over to the castle tomorrow."

Sirius began and Harry raised an eyebrow.

"You haven't managed to annoy Marvolo already, have you?" He asked

with a sigh, "Because I can only keep him from killing you for so long."

"What!? No! Nothing like that." Sirius exclaimed, "No, it's relatively good


"Oh, that's ok then." Harry said relieved, "What's going on?"

"I've openly pledged our House to the Dark, and myself to the Dark Lord."

Sirius told him firmly and Harry blinked in shock. It took a few moments

before it settled in to his mind and then Harry was beaming, he threw

himself at his dad in excitement and Sirius chuckled.

"Dad! This is brilliant," He all but yelled, "Oh Magic, this is so amazing."

"I thought you would like it." Sirius agreed, "We all know what side of the

war I'm on, and it's an open secret that the House of Black is allied with

Malfoy and Nott, and by extension, Slytherin-Le Fey, I might as well

declare it officially. Especially given what's to come."

"This is really brilliant, but what made you do it?" Harry asked, he knew

that his father was ok with their position, and he knew he was a massive

influence on said decision, but he had no idea what pushed him to

publicly acknowledge it.

"Potter, he, well, he showed how far apart we really are." Sirius sighed,

running a hand through his well-groomed hair, "He confronted us and I

couldn't help but think that I wanted to be as far away from what he was

as possible, and it was time everyone knew that we are not even closely


"I don't think I want to know any more of his stupidity." Harry said with a

grimace, "But I am really glad that this has happened. Though, I think I

will have to deal with Marvolo's smug bragging tomorrow, despite the

fact that I told him that it would happen eventually."

"Oh you did, did you?" Sirius muttered with a wry smile and Harry

smirked back unashamed.

"Yeah, the very first time I spoke to him and I agreed to give him the

stone." Harry said and Sirius rolled his eyes.

"You will never fail to surprise me, pup." Sirius told him and Harry

grinned, puffing himself up.

"Of course not, where's the fun in that?"

"Go on, you little Marauder." Sirius lightly pushed him away and Harry

laughed, he mock saluted his dad and went deeper in to the shelves. He

snapped his fingers to collect his research and sighed, this was much

harder than he could have possibly imagined. He knew that there had yet

to be a cure and that great minds had failed to come up with anything

until Severus made the wolfsbane, but he had always been able to do the

impossible and it came as a surprise to him that he was unable to do this.

He had many more tools available to him and he, in his ever so modest

opinion, was a genius at potions, so it was frustrating him that he seemed

to have no leads. Harry knew that he was going to have to make the

wolfsbane, correctly this time, before he even had a hope, but that still

wouldn't help him with the theory behind everything. He had to be

missing something, and Harry tilted his head, maybe he was coming at

this from the wrong way and it wasn't the ingredients he needed to look

more in to, but the wolf itself.

He shut his books and went deeper in to the library, looking for books on

magical creatures, werewolves and the curse. He grabbed a few that

looked interesting, and set them down, turning over a new page to take

notes on his latest strand of research. Harry also made a note at the top

of his page that he would have to speak in-depth with Moony about

werewolves without it becoming apparent what he was doing, he could

possibly spin it to say that Marvolo was considering making the

werewolves his allies again and he wanted to be fully up-to-date on

werewolf mannerisms and customs before he interacted with them – he

would just have to make sure Marvolo backed his story, though it

wouldn't be too difficult seeing as he had allied with the wolves before.

Harry sighed again, he knew he wouldn't get anything else done that

night, with the new direction of his research he cleared up and took his

work and his new books up to be bedroom. There had been a lot of

excitement that day, he needed rest and to do that he had to be calm.

Harry sat and went through his memories and defences, calmly putting

everything in its place and sealing his mind, calming himself to settle in

to a peaceful night sleep.

Double Victory?

No Doubts Allowed!

In a shocking turn of events yesterday, it was released that Lord

James Potter, Lord to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter,

called for a Wizengamot session regarding the guilty verdict on the

recent Black v Potter civil suit. His request was granted and the case

went to hearing. The details of hearing were not released, but the

Wizengamot decision was announced and they ruled in Black

favour, standing by Madam Bones', who past the previous verdict,


Lee Smethwick, Law Correspondent to the Daily Prophet.

It's wasn't as explosive or cut throat as Skeeter's article, just blunt facts

and that somehow made up for the lack of vindictiveness in the words. It

stated that, in no uncertain terms, Rosina Potter was guilty of trying to

kill Harrison and no amount of waffle from Potter was going to dispute

that fact. Sirius smiled. He knew that Potter was going to absolutely love

this, and he knew that some of the sceptical public would be swayed

further away by this announcement.

"This just brightens my day." Harry stated cheerfully, taking a pleased

bite out of his toast.

"It warms me," Sirius agreed with his son, "Simply delightful."

"Short, sweet and straight to the point." Remus mused, "The best things to

prove a point."

"Potter is going to be a delight to be around." Severus noted with a rather

nasty smirk, "I hope it hurts."

"I still find it very disappointing that we don't get to witness Potter's

reactions to all of this." Harrison said with grin, "Just imagine the


"I can almost imagine." Sirius agreed with a happy sigh and the table


"So what are everyone's plans today?" Moony asked and Harry shrugged.

"I'm off to do research, I need to visit Uncles' library and then I'm just

going to be generally annoying." He told his parents.

"Have fun with that cub." Moony said with a chuckle.

"I have decided to escort Lily out for the day." Severus told them, and by

the expression on Lily's face, she had not yet been informed either.

"Where are we going?"

"I thought we could visit the Prince family manor." Severus suggested, "I

will need to decide if there is anything that needs to be done to it, and

you can select a room which meets your requirements."

Lily blinked a few times and looked at him in confusion, an expression

Severus didn't acknowledge as he ate his breakfast.

"My room?" She repeated and Harry had a moment's amused pity at her

naivety; as if Severus would be letting her out of his site for the next fifty

years; bless her.

"Yes, I do believe that rooms are required if one wishes to sleep." Severus

said dryly and Lily gave him a look, which he finally looked up to meet.

"Your wit is astounding." She grumbled and Severus merely raised her

eyebrow, "What am I selecting a room?"

"You are going to want your own space when we move in to the manor,"

Severus said as if was obvious, "And from my many experiences

regarding Narcissa, I have been led to believe that it would be beneficial

if you chose the room and décor yourself."

"When we move in to… I'm moving to the manor with you?" Lily asked


"Yes." Severus answered and Lily blinked a few times in shock.

"Oh," She murmured, "Ok then,"

Harry shared a look with Sirius and Remus, and he was glad to know that

he wasn't the only one who thought that Severus and Lily were odd. The

pair of them were remarkably in sync with each other and it was quite

strange to watch, especially given what Harry had seen of Severus before.

He was still the same snarky Potions Master, but at the same time he was

so much different, and the glint in his eye as he watched Lily was

abundantly clear. Harry shook his head as they left.

"What are you going to be doing?" Harry asked Remus, and the werewolf


"Probably ordering our investments, there is a rumour that I've heard that

there is a new up-and-coming broom company working on a new broom

that is going to make the Nimbus series look like an old Silver Arrow." He

told him, grinned when both Harry and Sirius sat up quickly and started

burning holes in him with the intensity of their stares.

"What? Moony! Since when? What else do you know? How good are their

chances?" Sirius demanded in rapid succession.

"Well, I thought, despite our wealth currently, there is never any harm

gathering more. We do have cub now, and we have his future cubs and

our future to consider, and who knows how much the war effort is going

to cost?" Remus began, "So when I went through the accounts last time, I

thought that, as we have cash to burn, it might pay us to start making

some gables with the investments. We have enough solid incoming to

cover a few failed gambles."

"So? How much do you know? How did you hear about it? Does it show

promise?" Harry fired off, moving to sit on his knees so he could lean

over the table, Moony chuckled as his actions and sipped his drink.

"I checked over the available stocks and none of them caught my eye,

until the very end of the final page. It was a company that was looking

for a start off investment, and it was a high one which is why, I think,

people were overlooking it. I contacted the goblins and inquired for

details on the company so I could research it." Remus explained, "The

owner of the company had a new, unique Master Rune chain, as well as

original custom Charms for the brooms."

"How did you get hold of that information? These are closely guarded

secrets." Sirius pointed out and Remus smirked.

"Have faith, Padfoot. I am a marauder." He chided and Sirius blinked at

him in awe.

"I love you, Remus John Lupin-Black." Sirius stated and Remus smiled.

"From what I have found, these brooms are going to be the best that have

ever been created." Remus continued, "So I was going to work out if it

would best to limit our investment to just the start up, or possibly risk it

and buy more in the hopes these brooms are as good as I think they are

going to be."

Sirius and Harry shared a look before turning back to Moony.

"Risk it." They said together.

"You don't even know how much the start-up was." Remus pointed out

amused and Sirius shrugged.

"We can afford it." Sirius said and Harry nodded.

"That and even if we broke the bank, we have my riches. I could just

refill it to what we have now and earn it back within the next year."

Harry added.

"Oh yes, I forget that you got left a huge inheritance." Sirius mused.

"I don't even know what I actually have." Harry said with a twist of his


"Have you got your account details?" Remus asked, "I could go through

them if you want?"

"Really? That would be great! I swear, when I officially have to deal with

all of this stuff I'm hiring help." Harry stated and Sirius laughed.

"I know what you mean, pup. Without Moony I would be in a hole." He


"Most, when betrothed, allow their betrothal to access their finances.

One, to show that they have selected the best for them and that can look

after them with substantial finances. And two, to have them familiar of

what they are expected to know and be able to manage when they

became Lady or Lord Consort to the House." Remus told him and Harry



"Which reminds me that we shall have to have dinner with Aunt Cassie,"

Sirius groaned, "I'll have to write to her tonight, or she'll consider it


"I'll have details of the female betrothal options for Slytherin house for

the night." Harry said with a nod and Sirius grinned.

"She's going to love you." He said and Harry smirked.

"That is the plan."

"I'll get my accounts for you Moony, and then I'm off." Harry said, he got

up and snapped his fingers, summoning his account folders to him and

quickly flicking them open. "Huh,"

"What's wrong?" Remus asked.

"The accounts seem to need verification to allow those outside the direct

bloodline from reading them." Harrison said, his tone mildly surprised.

"I didn't think any houses used that anymore." Sirius said and Harry


"Founders and Emrys." He pointed out, he opened all the folders to the

first page and conjured up a particularly sharp quill.

"What are you…" Remus trailed off in to a stunned silence as he saw

Harrison stick the quill in to his hand, he pulled it out without so much

as a blink and scribbled something down in each of the folders.

"There." He said with a nod, sliding them down the table to Remus,

"Simple." The cut on his hand was already healed and he vanished the

quill before leaving with a wave.

"He's actually insane." Sirius decided.

"I cannot believe he just stuck a quill in to his hand." Remus exclaimed,

"What was he thinking?"

"There are many times when I believe our son loses the ability to think at

all." Sirius decided.

"You're not the only one."

Harry strolled out of the floo at Slytherin castle and headed up towards

the library, he was flicking through one of the books had taken from the

library at home and he was finding it highly prejudice. It was a rather

modern book, and he had found that people were way more prejudice

against werewolves now-a-days so he wasn't surprised. He dumped all of

his workings on a table and threw the book to the side, it wasn't going to

help him. He needed actual facts about werewolves, not the prejudice of

what people thought was wrong with the wolves.

If he could discover the root of the curse then he would have better time

neutralising the problem. Harry leaned over and spread everything out,

he separated his potions notes to his new wolf notes and went searching

for something to help him understand. He grabbed a couple of books,

ones that seems to have more potential and dropped down in to his seat,

he knew it was going to be a long search, but he hoped that, given there

were nearly a 1000 years-worth of books then his hopes were high. Harry

caught Marvolo entering the library and immediately going to the

shelves, he followed the older man's progress and raised an eyebrow at

the title of his book.

"Disruption runes?" Harry asked curiously.

"Yes, while I have the magical power it takes to tear down the Azkaban

wards, it will set of the alarms and alert the ministry quicker than I

would like." Marvolo told him, "I have hope that using a rune chain that

will disrupt the wards enough to let us pass through or twist would

benefit accessing Azkaban Island."

"That makes sense." Harry mused, "So do you have a plan then?"

"I have the basic outline, but now I know exactly where Black stands it

makes it easier." There was the smug tone Harry was waiting for, and he

rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Yes, dad told me about his actions." Harry said and Marvolo gave him a

pleased smirk.

"It was a most glorious of days." Marvolo agreed.

"So, come on, what happened from your viewpoint?" Harry demanded

when he didn't continue.

"It was apparent that Dumbledore was controlling Potter from the start."

Marvolo told him, "I did enjoy playing with the old man, I made him

sweat but he didn't leave; as I expected he wouldn't."

"No, he would have done just about anything to make sure he stayed

there." Harry said thoughtfully.

"Potter's play on blood purity or lack thereof and stolen Heirlooms was

rather surprising, I was almost impressed." Marvolo continued and Harry


"He really used that?" He asked and Marvolo nodded once.

"Did your father not tell you?"

"I said I didn't want to know about Potter's stupidity." Harry said, "He told

Moony and I separately about the confrontation."

"Ah, that was a thing of beauty." Marvolo sighed, "Dumbledore's face

when he realised he had truly lost the Black House completely was

something I am set to remember."

"I can't believe he even thought he had a chance anyway." Harry said

shaking his head, "I honestly can't believe that man is that blind."

"Dumbledore has always declared that my arrogance and self-belief is one

of my biggest weaknesses, but it is a greater problem for him than it is

for me." Marvolo stated, "He has been in too many positions of power for

too long, it makes him believe he knows what's best for everyone, and he

believes that he knows what moves the other side will make."

"He will fail if he keeps that up." Harry said, "Here's to hope."

"I was most impressed with Lucius and Izar's line of questioning. I must

admit that I am seeing the enjoyment those two get out of the


"I can't start to go until next summer." Harry complained, "I tried to come

over to see if you, with your positions, would be allowed an exception,

but dad said no."

"What has you so eager to join?" Marvolo asked and Harry grinned, it was

wide and full of teeth.

"While you were at the Wizengamot, we received some very very very

delightful news, news that is going to make the next session beautiful for

anyone watching Potter." Harry said pleased and Marvolo raised an


"Go on?"

"Sev went and claimed his Lordship." Harry exclaimed in excitement,

"He's now Lord Prince!"

Marvolo's eyes widened slightly and a vampire-like smile came to his


"Oh I see the appeal." He agreed, "I shall find a way to allow you to watch

the reaction."

"Thank you!"

"I had forgotten that Severus' mother was of the Prince line. Jedidiah

Prince accepted his grandson, despite his mother's disownment, and

made him his Heir apparent when he received his Mastery at such a

young age." Marvolo remembered. "Though, I don't think Severus ever

met the man himself."

"Well, whatever the reason, he's now Lord Prince, which that gives us

four Noble and Most Ancient Houses firmly on our side, with you." Harry

said, "Against Longbottom, Potter, Diggory, Abbott, and Dumbledore,

though there seems to be many light inclined neutrals."

"There are more names that go with the light and dark, they are just the

lesser powers. But yes, the neutrals have more light inclined houses,

though we make up for it with my seats." Marvolo said. "Greengrass,

Davis, Flint and Bulstrode are the darker inclined."

"That's bound to be tipping now though?" Harry asked and Marvolo


"I have noticed that there are more Houses open to listen to the dark

now." Marvolo said slowly, "It is a long process, but when I first entered

the Wizengamot, we were barely breaking even."

"What of those who hold seats due to employment?" Harry questioned.

"Bones is neutral, both her House seat and her Head of the DMLE seat

stay in the grey and even her voting is pretty even. She is notoriously

fair, as is the Head of the Unspeakables. Bode never speaks, and votes for

what he wants, nothing more or less. Fudge plays between Lucius and his

gold, and Dumbledore and his influence, and the final seat belongs to

Dolores Umbridge." Marvolo's lip curled at the final name and Harry

mirrored the expression.

"She leaves a lot to be desired."

"She must go, and I believe it is time for your father to embrace his inner



"Yes, I think he'll enjoy his first mission. I want everything on Umbridge,

from where she grew up to what she ate for dinner yesterday. Everyone

has things in their closet, and she is particularly vile." Marvolo said and

Harry smirked.

"I'll let him know."

"Tell him that he is quite able to ask Mr Lupin-Black for aid, Merlin

forbid he be allowed to do things alone."

"There is a reason why he was sorted in to Gryffindor; he's impulsive."

Harry shrugged, "He'll enjoy this though, I don't think my dad hates

anyone more than he hates Umbridge."

"Even Potter?"

"I think she wins out." Harry said, "Her persecution of werewolves is

notorious, and I do not doubt that there has been more than a few

comments tossed about against uncle Moony."

"Yes, I remember her latest attempt." Marvolo shook his head, "How this

country survived with her in such a position I will never know."

"We did have a Lucius and an Izar." Harry pointed out, "They've done a

marvellous job."

"Yes, they did." Marvolo acknowledged.

"Anyway, back to Azkaban." Harry remembered, "You have a plan?"

"Yes, I believe we shall strike on the day of Lughnasadh, when the magic

is rich from the new harvest." Marvolo said.

"August 1st?"

"Yes," Marvolo confirmed, "With the help of Black and Lupin, we have

enough hands for a covet mission. Black, Lupin and Severus can hold the

patronus', while Lucius and Izar go in and mark the cells we need,

pushing away the dementors, and we shall go and collect the Death

Eaters. Black will stay with us and Lupin will accompany Lucius and Izar,

we shall follow them in and you will remove them from the island."

"I think you should send dad in with Lucius and keep Moony with us."

Harry said, and he expanded, "Dad is notoriously impatient, his

concentration will flicker if he has to wait with us."

"Hm, I see your point." Marvolo mused, "Yes, Mr Lupin's patience extends

further than Lord Black's."

"I assume you have studied the layout?"

"Yes, I'll be sending you back with copies for the others to study, they are

going to need to know where to go and what routes to take." Marvolo

told him, "They'll need to be ready to go in an instant."

"I'll let them know. I'll have to get Severus alone, it'll have to be when

Narcissa is distracting Lily." Harry mused.

"Severus still has a soft spot, I see."

"Ha! Understatement, he informed Lily that she is moving in to Prince

Manor this morning." Harrison told him with a laugh.

"Dear Merlin, that man was always impulsive when it came to Miss

Evans." Marvolo said rolling his eyes.

"Yes, I've noticed." Harry admitted.

"How goes your research?" Marvolo inquired, looking at the scattered


"I've diverged from the potions based search I was doing." Harry informed

him, "I know what the next stage is for the potions side, but I do not

know how to proceed currently. So I decided to get to the route of the

werewolf curse."

"I see, to understand the cure you must first understand the curse."

Marvolo murmured thoughtfully, "Wise decision."

"Thanks. It's difficult, most books are too prejudice." Harry sighed.

Marvolo looked over the books that the boy had in front of him and

frowned, he waved his hand and a book soared towards him.

"Here, try this one." Marvolo suggested, "It's a much more in depth study

of the werewolf curse, and the gene it produces in offspring." Harry

flicked through the book and grinned, this was perfect.

"This is brilliant, where did you even find this book?"

"It was written by a wolf, who wanted others to know what they were

going through." Marvolo explained, "I gained a copy due to my stance for

werewolf rights. I found it in Slytherin's vault, I assume that the vault I

held for Riddle merged with the Slytherin vault once I took my birth


"Did you not take the Slytherin name during the first war?" Harry asked

surprised and Marvolo shook his head.

"No, I didn't. It was unnecessary. Abraxas, Izar, Evan, Remington and

Arcturus were running the Wizengamot, the light barely countered our

movements, even with majority neutral votes for them." Marvolo told

him, "When I fell, it seemed the dark powerhouses fell too. We lost Evan

and Remington first, both had no Heirs to take up the seat, Evan had no

children and both Rodolphus and Rabastan were sent to Azkaban.

Abraxas fell next, dragon pox, but Lucius took his place and surged

straight to the top. Finally, Arcturus left, and your father has come a long

way, sitting comfortably at the top alongside Lucius and Izar."

"So without the Houses that used to run the show, your seats make up for

that?" Harry tried and Marvolo nodded.

"Yes, that is the idea. That, and I have yet to start the outside war, the

political side is more important thus far."

"Makes sense, I guess." Harry allowed, "In a few years we won't need to

worry about political."

"No, but we cannot afford to allow laws to slip out of our grasp in the

meantime." Marvolo pointed out.

"That's true," Harry agreed, "Do you know the wolf that wrote this?"

"It was the werewolf who bit Fenrir Greyback," Marvolo answered and

Harry blinked in shock.

"Really? That is interesting." He said surprised, "I'm counting on this to be

a good read."

"You will have to keep me posted on your progress. You're Mastery is

approaching, is it not?"

"Yes, in thirteen days." Harry confirmed, "I do believe that I know which

potions I shall use, and which ones shall be published."

"Good. What about the betrothal?"

"I haven't begun looking as of yet, but Aunt Cassie is coming for dinner so

I'm going to need to know all the information about the available girls in

Slytherin." Harry said with a small frown.

"You do have a year," Marvolo pointed out, "You do not have to make the

decision just yet."

"No, which is thankful. Though it's going to be a difficult choice." Harry

mused, "I mean, the girl is going to have a whole of a lot of expectations

on her."

"Yes, but you are not looking at the benefits she will receive." Marvolo

told him, "You are accustom to what it's like to be a Black, and where

that name alone gets you, but there are very few that know how much

power the Black name holds. In addition, when you enter the

Wizengamot, I shall announce you as my Heir, there is no reason to wait

now that Dumbledore is aware of the Black standing."

"You are going to announce me?" Harry repeated shocked, he felt oddly

honoured that Marvolo was going to announce him, despite the fact that

he had been the man's heir since the very beginning.

"Of course,"

"Thank you," Harry said with a smile, "But I understand what you mean. I

do take it for granted, I'm a Black so things just usually happen, and if we

can't do it alone we have the Malfoy and the Nott names to back us up,

and if that fails then there's you." He shrugged, "It's very hard to forget."

"Do not forget, when the time comes, you will be taking your own

Lordships." Marvolo added, "You're betrothal will not only be the future

Lady of House names, but the current Lady to Gryffindor, Ravenclaw,

Hufflepuff and Emrys."

"But there lies the problem," Harry argued, "She'll have to be able to

adapt to each House, and be able to run things for each House, as well as

being up to date with the ones I could inherit."

"It does limit the number of eligible contracts," Marvolo agreed, "Only

those of dark or neutral backgrounds would have taught their daughters

exactly what is expected of them."

"I suppose that is a bonus." Harry decided, "I couldn't even begin to

imagine having to teach my future bride to conform to the correct

customs and mannerisms. You'll have to instate a class of that in

Hogwarts when it falls back to us, there used to be one that was quite


"Yes, it will be needed." Marvolo agreed. "You may take that book when

you leave, as long as it returns to the castle."

Harry blinked and looked at the book in his hands, the thing that

originated this conversation and nodded.

"Of course,"

"Are you staying for lunch?" Marvolo asked, rising to his feet.

"Yes, I want to spend more time here and possibly speak with Sal before

returning to the manor." Harry said, followed the older man out of the

library after placing the book on the table.

"Very well. After lunch I shall get you the Azkaban layout for you to take

with you." Marvolo said.


"How goes your progress with Miss Evans?" Marvolo asked as he sat

down at the head of the table.

"She is fully healed, and she is as against Potter as I am. Whether she is

still against the dark ideas remains to be seen, I haven't spoken to her at

great length about that, we tend to stay on neutral topics at the moment."

Harry explained taking his own seat and starting his light lunch.

"That is understandable, I shall have to speak to Severus. Though, his

protectiveness over Miss Evans may inhibit his response."

"Not if you assure him that you are merely inquiring for the benefit of

keeping her safe." Harry suggested, "And its not even lying really. If you

know her thoughts and affiliation, it enables you to work either around

or with her."

"Hm, I may consider it." Marvolo allowed, "Though, if he has any mental

facilities left, he will know it is beneficial for his health if he is just

honest with me."

"Oh right yeah, forgot for a moment; Dark Lord." Harry said in

realisation, "I really have to stop forgetting about that."

"Your father did the same thing yesterday after the hearing, when he

invited me back to your manor." Marvolo said in amusement, and Harry


"That would have been interesting to say the least." He said.

"Yes, I can understand why it is very rare to see him without Mr Lupin-


"Uncle Moony is dad's common sense." Harry agreed, "He's the one that

makes sure that the Black House stays powerful. He's currently looking

over my accounts for me."

"When we gain more power, I think our government would benefit highly

from having Mr Lupin-Black in a high powered position; possibly Head of

the DRCMC."

"Remus Lupin-Black, Head of the Department for the Regulation and

Control of Magical Creatures." Harry tried, "Yes, I like the sound of that,

though that place in itself is going to have to change."

"Yes, but that is neither here nor there right now. The ministry is in need

of gutting, and rebuilding." Marvolo said in distaste and Harry grimaced.

"Oh that's going to be absolutely delightful." Harry said with mock



They finished the rest of their lunch in silence and Harry waved to

Marvolo as they split at the library, knowing he would see the man later.

He shook himself and mentally prepared himself for his research; he had

work to do.

There we have it, the next chapter of twins! Hope you guys like it,

and please let me know what you think!


31. Chapter 31

Ok ok, I know that I completely let you down last month but exams

hit and I was only getting muse for Lies, so this one was got pushed

back and I want to apologise. However, I am back now and the first

thing I want to do is say HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLIE, I hope you have a

great day and the triple update is for you XD.

For the story, things are going to be moving a long now. Lily is back

on her feet completely and Marvolo has his sights set. I won't say

anymore and I'll let you read!

Just a quick touch up before the much awaited next chapter! I

promise I'm working on it!

Warning: Language methinks

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K unfortunately,


Chapter 31:

Marvolo had dropped of the plans for Harry to give to his dad, uncle

Moony and Severus just as Harry was packing up and getting ready to

leave, he couldn't wait to tell his dad about his new assignment from the

Dark Lord. He knew he was going to love it. Harry left earlier than

planned, but he knew that Severus and Lily were going out so he would

be free to speak with dad and Moony without having to worry about Lily.

It wasn't to say that he would have to worry about her anyway, but it

was better to be safe than sorry. He found his parents in the study,

Moony looked to be highly engaged in Harry's accounts and his father

looked like he was writing a particularly painful letter.

"Inviting Aunt Cassie to dinner?" Harry asked cheerfully and Sirius


"Yes. I had forgotten how tedious it was to write in full." He sighed and

Harry laughed.

"Then I bring relief because I have something to run past you both." He

said brightly and Sirius grinned.

"Brilliant, what is it?"

"I bring work from Marvolo." He told them and they both sat up



"Yep, two things." Harry pulled out the plans. "First off, these are the

plans for Azkaban, study them, memorise them, and have it done by July

31st. We're going on the 1st." They took them with interest and Harry

grinned. "Sirius, you'll be with Lucius and Izar picking out the cells we

need and unlocking them for me, Marvolo, Moony and Sev to come up

the rear collecting ours and I'll be taking them in groups of four."

"How are we getting in? There are very few of us, and if we alert the

ministry we're done." Moony pointed out and Harry grinned.

"Never underestimate the Dark Lord." Harry said, "He's in research mode

currently. He's looking in to disruption ruins."

"Ah, so we don't alert anyone until it's much too late." Moony



"This seems simple enough," Sirius noted and Harry nodded.

"Yeah, it should be." Harry agreed, "Though, dad, Marvolo has a second

mission for you, with the aid of Uncle Moony of course."

"Oh really?"

"Yep, and you are going to like this one." He assured.

"Do tell!" Sirius said eagerly.

"Marvolo wishes for you to make use of your marauder legacy." Harry

said, "He wants everything there is to know about Dolores Umbridge, and

when he says everything he means literally everything."

The grin that came to Sirius' face was almost unholy, he rubbed his hands

together like an evil mastermind and Harry swore that the man wanted

to cackle.

"This is going to be delightful." Sirius murmured gleefully, "And, even

better, Aunt Cassie is around."

Harry was much more alarmed over the smile that came over Moony's

face than he was of his father, Moony looked, for lack of a better word,

wolfish, and Harry almost felt sympathy for Umbridge; almost.

"I think the Dark Lord has made his day." Moony laughed and Harry


"Marvolo has plans, he's even got a few baseline ideas for the new

ministry." Harry spoke with enthusiasm and they looked interested.


"Yup, certain people will be getting promotions." Harry hinted, "It's going

to be amazing."

"It sounds it," Moony agreed.

"Now I just have to get Severus without Lily so I can pass on his plan."

"We need to find a way to question Lily without her getting suspicious."

Sirius agreed and Moony blinked.

"Didn't I tell you?" He asked shocked, "Lily said she would be willing to

listen to the true dark agenda, she knows that Severus is a Death Eater

and that the Dark Lord has returned."

Harry blinked shocked.

"When did this happen?"

"The day of the hearing, you were with your friends and we were talking

in the library." Moony answered.

"Huh, that makes things a little easier." Harry said thoughtfully, "But

Marvolo is going to want to speak with Severus soon and he is going to

want answers."

"But Severus has this whole overprotective mother bat going on over

Lily." Sirius pointed out, and Harry shrugged.

"Yeah, that's what I thought for a second but then Marvolo made a very

good point." Harry said.


"Yeah, he's kind of the Dark Lord."

Both Sirius and Remus blinked and Harry grinned with a nod.

"I know. Severus is his Death Eater, if he doesn't want repercussions then

he is going to have to answer questions."

"You make him seem so human, and when he's in the Wizengamot he is

really easy to talk to." Sirius said amazed, "I see what you mean by

forgetting he is the Dark Lord."

"It gets confusing, you hand us these plans but talk about him in such a

way that it is almost like a teacher giving an assignment." Remus said

shaking his head.

"Sorry?" Harry tried and Moony chuckled.

"Don't be silly, cub. It's refreshing." He said and Harry smiled.

"So when are the Lord and Lady Prince returning?" He questioned,

gaining snorts from his parents.

"I'm not sure," Sirius said with a laugh.

"I'll accost Sev as soon as possible." Harry told them, "Other than that, I

have work to be doing."

He waved as he left and headed towards his room, maybe it was time to

memorise his Mastery potions.

"Are you sure you want me to come with you?" Lily asked Severus, as she

straightened her soft, green robe, she didn't see it but Severus rolled his

eyes behind her.

"I will not grace that with an answer," Severus told her, "The diamond

and emerald earrings would match well."

"Thank you," She said as he passed her the case. She put the earrings in

and smiled, her hair was wrapped in a neat bun on the crown of her head

thanks to a silent spell from Severus and she looked and felt better than

she had in nine years. "I'm ready,"

"Let us take the portkey," Severus said, holding out his arm and a cloak,

which Lily took without blinking. Snape muttered his family motto and

they vanished, luckily neither of them fell with the rough landing and

they found themselves looking on a barren stretch of land. Severus' dark

eyes darted around until he saw a pile of rocks with his family crest

carved on to it, he could see it was locked under a notice-me-not charm

and raised an eyebrow. Using his wand to make a shallow cut, he pressed

his hand to the crest and declared himself. There was a pulse and the

magic around the rippled before revealing a sprawling manor,

surrounded by acres of land and a river in the distance.

"Wow," Lily whispered in awe. Severus was impressed himself, and he

tied Lily in to the wards before leading her up to the actual manor

through the large iron cast gates. It was large, standing at an impressive

three stories high and stretching eleven windows long, and its large

double doors, ebony from what could be seen, were in the very centre of

the building. It was made from beige brick and its roof grey sleight, and

it had stone steps that led up to the doors. The lands were in perfect

order, meaning there were house elves in service for which he was

thankful for, obtaining house elves was notoriously frustrating and he

barely had the patience to shop ordinarily.

"This place is beautiful," Lily murmured, looking around with a bright


"It is," Severus agreed. "I find myself quite surprised."

The front doors swung open to admit them and an elf popped in as soon

as they had stepped over the thresh hold.

"Master Prince has returned." She, Severus thought it was a she, squeaked

in excitement. "I is Dittany, the Head elf of the Prince Manor."

"Yes. I wish to see the manor and its contents." Severus told the elf, "I am

Severus Prince and this is Lily, she will be living here also, and is to be

treated as I would."

"Yes Master Severus. Follow me."

The entrance hall was grand, it's high ceiling reaching the very top of the

building showing two inside balconies. There was two identical sets of

curving staircases on either side of the entrance hall leading up to the

first floor, it had gold marble flooring with swirls of the purest gold

throughout giving it a pattern. It was decorated simply, a few expensive

vases and a tapestry on the wall.

The elf ignored the stairs and led them straight ahead underneath the

first balcony and towards a set of intricately carved doors, she pushed

them open and walked down the few steps in to the beginning of the

house, there was a split corridor and another set of doors that opened to

reveal an opulent ball room. In contrast to the pureness of the entrance

hall, the ball room had black marble floors and long royal blue curtains

framing the large windows, the room stretched up to the second floor and

there was a balcony that ran around the entire room like the pillars.

"I love it," Lily declared, walking to the centre of the room and spinning

to face Severus, "You might have to hold your own ball within this room."

"Merlin save me," Severus grumbled and Lily laughed. They left the room

and took the corridor to the left, there were many paintings on the walls,

some were landscape, but every now and then they would catch sight of

one of Severus' ancestors, who nodded as they passed. They were showed

the dining room, a large, rectangular room that held an oak table set,

golden tableware and a huge fireplace opposite the window wall.

It was decorated mainly in shades of blue, with hues of gold and black

running throughout. Once they had finished looking, Dittany led them to

the main sitting room, it was the formal lounge on the opposite side of

the manor from the dining room. It had a cool air surrounding it, the

golden theme giving it a powerful and expensive feeling, the floor was

black marble, as was the fireplace, and the furniture, but there was a

golden Afgan rug, golden curtains in the window and golden patters

within the tapestry on the top half of the walls, the rest of the walls were

a rich navy blue.

"This would intimidate people."

"You should sit in the Black formal lounge, it screams of the Black wealth

and power." Severus said with a smirk.

"Yes, well, the Blacks are the Blacks." Lily said politically.

"Well said,"

They were taken back through the entrance hall and up to the first floor.

There was a library, the informal lounge, which reversed the colours of

the informal lounge almost perfectly, giving it pale wood flooring, blue

seating, pale gold walls and black curtains, two studies and a drawing

room. Lily fell in love with the golden study, and the black one was

practically made for Severus so it was settled easily. The final floor was

made up of bedrooms, and Lily chose the aptly named blue room, which,

as stated, was in different shades of blue.

The walls were a pale blue, there were soft golden curtains covering the

window and the small sofa and chair near the fire matched the curtains.

The fluffy carpet was cobalt blue and all of the wooden furniture was

ebony, contrasting against the pale colours. There were two other doors

within the room, one, a walk in wardrobe and the second held a beautiful

en-suit bathroom, decorated in black and gold marble. Severus' room, by

contract, held ebony flooring with a pale gold rug, ebony furniture, a

black glass table surrounded by two black leather chairs and pale gold

walls. The only touch of blue within the room was the sky blue curtains

and the oxford blue dado rail that ran around the top of the walls where

they met the ceiling. They took tea in the informal lounge and Lily

looked around with a happy sigh.

"I think this place is absolutely stunning." She told him sincerely.

"It is more than I had expected." Severus acknowledged, "And perfectly

acceptable for us to move in immediately."

"Yes, it will be nice." Lily agreed, "With so much to do, it will be better to

have our own space."

"I will need to do something about a lab." Snape mused, "Otherwise it is

rather perfect."

"Ask an elf, it might be hidden." Lily pointed out.

"True, Dittany?"

"Yes Master Severus?"

"Is there a potions lab within the manor?"

"Oh yes, sir." She said nodding her head, "Theres being a large lab in the

basement, with a duelling room and a ritual room."

"Good, how do you access them?"

"There's a fake wall next to the golden vase in the entrance hall." Dittany

said and Severus nodded.

"Thank you." He said and she popped away. "I will have to inspect the lab

and the contents."

"I haven't brewed a potion in so long." Lily sighed, "You will have to

excuse my skills."

"You will not take long to adjust. Once you have brewed a variety of

general hospital potions, it will come back to you." Severus assured.

"I hope so. There is a lot of things I need to catch up on."

"Yes, your Mastery in Charms is one thing." Severus said.

"I am not too worried over that. Charms I was able to use daily, and

many of my creations stem from general spells, so the movements and

the spells are familiar. It is Arithmancy I doubt." Lily said pensively.

"Surely you still have your chains."

"I remember one clearly, I needed it for my study of the Patronus Charm.

However, the second I am unsure, I know it's there but the details I

cannot clearly recall." Lily explained, "I was going to ask if you could find

it for me."

"Of course, we can go through your mindscape and renovate it. We

should be able to get your entire note work on the subject." Severus

suggested and Lily smiled.

"Thanks. I think you will be proud of the progress I've made and how

strong my shields are now. It will also help because I'm going to need all

the Occlumency skills I possess during the upcoming weeks."

"You will." Severus agreed, knowing the truth in her words, "But there are

things you have in your favour."

"I am more worried about the outside effect." Lily admitted, "With

Dumbledore's power and influence, and His Lordship and reputation the

media and the public are going to destroy me. I won't be believed and

there will be nothing I can do about it."

"Ah, I had forgotten you would not be aware." Severus remembered

apologetically and Lily looked at him in question so he continued, "The

Blacks already have the media covered."

"What? How is that possible?"

"Your arrival interrupted their exclusive interview with Rita Skeeter."

Severus began and Lily gasped.

"Oh no!"

"Do not trouble yourself, Harrison has blackmail on Skeeter and Sirius

bribed her with a fully exclusive on the entire story. Which means, as

long as we time it correctly, you will have your side, with full evidence

and Skeeter herself as an eyewitness to coincide with the divorce

announcement and Potter's charges."

"Charges, what charges?"

"Lucius is currently working out how many things James can be charged

with so once we get you an adequate settlement from the divorce,

through his own actions, he can be charged with the very same thing."

"Since when?"

"Have you met Narcissa?" Severus asked instead of answering. "She's out

for blood, we all are."

"But even with evidence, it is no guarantee that it will be accepted for the

divorce." Lily pointed out and Severus gave her a bland look.

"You have the backing of four Noble and Most Ancient Houses, and if that

appears not to be enough, I shall appeal and hopefully gain the backing

of Lord Slytherin-Le Fey."

"Would he back me though, I am muggleborn." Lily questioned sceptically

and Severus released a sigh through his nose.

"The Dark Lord will not care of your blood status," Severus told her

firmly, "His goals have never been to eradicate those of muggle blood."

"Then tell me what he does stand for." Lily implored, "Tell me what I was

too blind to listen to before."

Severus looked her over for a minute before nodding.

"The Dark Lord's basic stance is magic." Severus stated, "He does not

believe in the divide of magic, the dark and the light. He believes that

magic should be embraced wholly, and that includes everything.

Creatures, races, spells, rituals and holidays. He does not hate

muggleborns, he hates that our valued traditions and holidays have been

changed to match the muggle holidays, Samhain for Halloween,

Christmas for Yule; we are not muggles, so why celebrate them?"


"He also highly values the next generation. If there is one thing all Death

Eaters are aware of it's the Dark Lord's hatred of child abuse, and his

opinion of the child welfare system within our world has all but been

memorised. It is a belief of the dark that all magical children, including

races and creatures, are to be cherished, and no magical child should

grow up in the muggle world. Simply because they could never truly

understand their child." Severus explained and held up his hand to stop

the protest he knew was about to come from Lily. "I know your parents

were very accepting, they loved you very much. However, how many

complications did it raise, if only for the times where you had magical flu

or when you came in to your majority? But even then, many muggles are

not like your parents, you merely had to look at my father or your sister

to know that."

Lily slumped and nodded.

"I see what you mean."

"There are too many restrictions on our world and the Dark Lord wishes

to change that."

"What of the violence, the attacks on villages and those things?"

"Wherever there was an attack, there was always a target. Most of the

time, the only reason entire villages got ruined was because resistance

arrived and it turned in to battles." Severus informed her. "There were

never random attacks, some were diversions to the true mission while

others were direct hits, and some were misinformation or leaks and the

target escaped or moved."

"So if he doesn't want to kill muggleborns, what does he want to do?"

"Integrate them in to the world as soon as they so signs of magic, there

are enough muggle orphans to replace the magical child, and with the

creation of magical orphanages and the full legalisation of blood

adoption will enable all magical children to grow up in the correct

environment. Currently, you have to be of Noble House to use blood


"Really? I didn't know that."

"Yes, Lucius is working on a way to remove the law entirely. It is well

known that blood adoption will only work on knowing and willing


"I see,"

"As for magic, despite what it is spewed by the ministry and Dumbledore,

dark magic is not evil and light magic is not good. It is all down to

control and intent. I could kill someone with a first year spell, but I could

also put someone with a terminal illness out of their suffering without

pain with an Unforgivable – it works both ways."

It was a very simple explanation, but to Lily it was astounding. She had

never considered it like that and now that she thought about it she could

think of multiple spells she had used herself that could harm someone,

and the killing curse could be a medical spell. She had a lot to think

about now and it made her feel even more foolish that she didn't listen

all those years ago.

"What about the… Dark Lord?" She questioned, tasting the change of

name on her tongue.

"What of him?"

"Well, Dumbledore believes he's an insane megalomaniac and when I

went up against him he didn't exactly seem human or sane." She pointed

out and Severus smirked.

"The Dark Lord is very sane, but whispers of his prowess in magic spread

and he was the opposition who seemingly attacked at random, it wasn't

long before he became insane. It gave him another edge I believe,

because insane people cannot be predicted so it made him an even more

fearsome opponent." Severus explained simply. "If the Dark Lord is

currently sitting within the Wizengamot, I'd think that would give an

accurate illustration of his sanity."

"Yes, I didn't understand that and Dumbledore merely said that it would

be only a matter of time before he reverted to his old self."

"The man illustrated within the papers is the same man the Elite Death

Eaters saw almost every day."

"What is he like?"

"The Dark Lord is a very charming man, and it is very rare that he will lie

to his Death Eaters, if at all. He can manipulate any situation to work for

him and he is very dangerous, the whispers of his powers were never

exaggerated." Severus said slowly. "He is a hard man to describe unless

you have been before him."

"I think I understand." Lily murmured thoughtfully. "It's a lot different

than I ever thought."

"You have lots to think on." Severus allowed, "Shall we have lunch before

going to collect our things?"

"Yes, though, I think it best if you go to the school alone while I go back

to the Black Manor."

"Yes, else Dumbledore decides to stick his nose in." Severus agreed.

"Shall we invite everyone to dinner this evening, as a welcoming meal?"

Lily suggested and Severus nodded.

"Yes, if you would invite the Blacks, I'll notify Narcissa on the way back

from the school. The floo is simply Prince Manor."

"Ok, I shall see you in around an hour."

"Very well,"

Severus called Dittany to take them to the floo room, it was hidden

behind a fake wall on the opposite side of the entrance hall and Severus

floo'd to Hogwarts as Lily floo'd back to the Black Manor. She was met by

an elf who happily greeted her and offered his services, she asked if he

was able to help pack her belonging as she was preparing to move. The

elf nodded and popped away, leaving Lily to walk up to the room she had

been staying in and order her things, the elf, who identified himself as

Nip, brought in a small case and neatly packed everything and cleaned

up the room for her.

"Thank you very much, Nip." She said gratefully, and the elf squeaked,

"Where are the Masters of the house?"

"Masters Sirius and Remus is being in the study young Master Harrison is

being working in his rooms currently."

"Would you be able to take me to the study please?"

"Of course, Miss Lily,"

The elf led her to Sirius study and she knocked on the door, Sirius called

for her to enter and she walked in. She took a moment to admire the

study before looking at Sirius and Remus, they offered a grin each and a


"Hi Lily," Remus greeted, "Finished with Severus?"

"Not quite, Nip has just finished helping me back my things. The manor is

absolutely gorgeous, and perfectly ready to move in to." Lily told them


"I think the House of Prince is one that the Blacks never married in to, I

am not all familiar with it if I'm honest." Sirius said thoughtfully.

"Severus is very taken with it, I doubt he would ever admit it but he is

glad to have a connection to his ancestors." Lily said.

"I know what you mean, I didn't get on with most of my family but when

I moved in here it just felt right." Sirius acknowledged, "I think it's

because of the latent magic in the buildings."

"It will be good to be there, its like a new start and we have things

planned for my Masteries." Lily said with enthusiasm and the two men

smiled, it was good to see Lily coming back to herself, it showed that

Potter had not managed to stamp out her spirit despite how much he


"I am glad."

"Severus and I are hosting a welcoming dinner this evening and we

would be very happy if you all could attend." Lily informed them.

"That sounds wonderful, Lily." Remus answered, "Of course we will be


"Lovely. The floo address is Prince Manor and I believe we will be serving

dinner at 6pm."

"We wouldn't miss it." Sirius assured and Lily beamed.

"I'll see you later. I want to unpack and get everything settled before

making a note of everything I need to buy. I don't have a vault of my own

so I will have to work something out." Lily frowned for a second before a

bright smile was back on her face. "It'll be fine for now,"

"Don't worry about that, everything will sort itself out in its own time."

Sirius said positively, knowing that if Severus had any say, which he did

because he was Severus, Lily would never want for anything ever again,

and she nodded.

"I'll see you later then," Lily waved goodbye and left the study, Remus

and Sirius shared a pleased grin; Potter wouldn't know what hit him.

Severus packed all of his valued possessions, leaving only basic things he

would need during the school term. When he had been given the Potions

Master job at the school, he had taken everything he owned from

Spinners End and kept it at the school. He didn't want any reminders of

his childhood and he hated the house, so living at the school seemed the

logical thing to do, and Lucius insisted he stay at the manor frequently

due to his being Godfather of Draco and them being friends. It would be

a new experience, living in his own home where he didn't feel the

immediate urge to run as far away as possible.

The bonus, in his own completely unbiased opinion, was that he would

have Lily with him all the time. Now that she was fully healed and her

spirit was brightening up to the fiery girl he grew up with, it allowed his

mind to settle. Severus had never before felt fury like he had when

Harrison came to get him those weeks ago, and until she personally and

firmly and meaningfully told him to leave her alone then she would be

with him forever. He knew her better than anyone and he could look

after her far better than anyone too, and that was exactly what he

intended to do. He would have a set of slips allocated for the Prince vault

and grant her full access when he went back to the bank, then they could

replace her wardrobe fully and get her a new wand. Once he had shrunk

the trunk he put it in his pocket and floo'd to the Malfoy Manor.

Severus knew that Narcissa already liked Lily, and she couldn't wait to

introduce her to the correct life of a 'Pureblood wife', and he also knew

how some of the wives could be which is why he would make sure Lily

had full access to all of the Prince amenities and that she was able to take

her Masteries. His feet had taken him to the sun room which Narcissa

preferred and the Lady of the Manor looked up with a smile.

"Severus, what a surprise." She greeted as she rose to her feet, he

accepted the given kiss to the cheek. "How are you?"

"I am well as ever, Cissa." He replied taking the offered seat, "I have just

finished viewing the manor with Lily, and we are able to move in


"That's wonderful news." Narcissa exclaimed, "Is it as beautiful as the

rumours once said?"

"Rumours, Cissa?" Severus drawled, "You know I am not one to listen to

such trivia."

"Severus Prince, I will have you know that there can be a lot of truth in

rumours." Narcissa sniffed and Severus smirked.

"Of course."

"Well, does it have golden floors and opulent tapestries?" She demanded

and Severus blinked.

"Yes actually," He admitted and she gave him a smug look.

"So the rumours are true." She stated and Severus rolled his eyes.

"We would like to invite you to dinner this evening." Severus told her

instead, distracting her from her gloating with the thought of seeing the

manor herself. Just as he knew, her eyes light up and she was asking

loads of questions about the manor, and Severus couldn't help but think

having another woman in their immediate circle would be good for her.

"Will Sirius, Harrison and Remus be attending?"

"Of course, Lily is inviting them while she packs her things."

"Wonderful." She said, "When are we to shop for her?"

"I shall be adding her to the Prince vaults on my next trip to Gringotts,

once that has been put through we can get her everything she needs."

Severus informed her and Narcissa couldn't help but mentally add and

anything else Lily takes a liking to.

"Then I will let you return to your manor to unpack. We will be there for


"I shall see you this evening. The address is Prince Manor." Severus said

and left the manor, floo'd home and was greeted by Dittany, he asked the

elf to assign Lily a personal elf and see to it that his equipment was

placed in the Potion Lab carefully. He also informed the elf that they

were hosting a dinner this evening for 6pm and that the Malfoy and

Black families were to be in attendance, the elf looked vaguely terrified

before popping away hurriedly. The rest of his things were taken to his

room and put away another elf, he didn't even have to call any much to

his surprise.

All of his working notes were put aside to be taken to the study, along

with his personal collection of books and the framed photograph he had

of himself and Lily when they were thirteen and home for the summer. It

was a muggle shot that had been taken my Lily's mother had taken when

they had gone out to London for the day and they were in Hyde Park, it

had been one of Severus' better days, as all of the time he spent with the

Evans' family. Petunia was as horrible as ever, but she had never been

openly vicious in front of her parents so she didn't openly bother him or


"Times were so much simpler then." Lily's voice floated over to him and

he blinked, he had not heard her come in and he looked up.

"Nothing seemed to matter back then." Severus agreed softly.

"I am so sorry Severus." Lily whispered, "I cannot believe want an awful

friend I have been to you, and you were always so good to me, even after

I pushed you away."

"Do not dwell on it Lily, you are here now, safe with me and that is what

matters." He stated firmly and she nodded. "You will be ok."

"I know. I'm with you." She replied with a smile. And she meant it. She

had never been put in any danger when she was with Severus, and even

when they had fallen out he had made sure some of the more forward

supremacist's actions against her were halted or foiled.

"The Malfoys will be arriving for 5:45pm for dinner this evening." Severus

told her, changing the subject.

"That's good, I told Sirius and Remus that dinner was to be served at


"It seems we have a few hours before they all arrive. I believe it is time to

explore the library."

"That it a fantastic idea." Lily said with a grin and followed him out of the


"Hosting their first dinner together already." Harry commented as he

straightened his robe for the final time. "How long before the

announcement of the wedding?"

"Lily has always adored the autumn, I think it will be an October

wedding." Sirius answered seriously and Remus snickered.

"So far in the future, I had my thoughts set on mid-September." Remus

countered and Harry grinned.

"I wonder how long it will take for Lily to realise that she will never be

out of Severus sight for more than a few hours for the rest of her life."

Harry mused.

"She'll click on eventually, once she's connected to his vaults, being

decked out in all of the Prince finery and running the House of Prince

like Moony and Cissa do for Black and Malfoy." Sirius joked.

"So not long then." Harry laughed. "Ready?"

"Yes, let's go."

"To Prince Manor, yes?"


Harry stepped through the floo first and blinked around at the cool blue

room, there was an elf ready to take their cloaks and lead them through

to where they were supposed to be. Harry blinked around in amazement

as he took in the golden halls of the Prince Manor, he heard his father

whisper his own amazement as they walked through. They were taken to

the informal lounge and Harry was thoroughly impressed, the Malfoys

were already seated and talking to their hosts and Draco flashed him a


"Have you seen that entrance hall?" Draco exclaimed.

"I know! It's insane," Harry agreed, before turning to Severus. "It's

stunning, Sev."

"Thank you, Harrison."

"It is much more beautiful than I could have imagined." Narcissa sighed,

"I think I shall have to renovate soon."

Next to her, Lucius' eyes widened in horror and Draco, Harrison, Sirius

and Remus bit back a snicker.

"The wall tapestries are my favourite." Lily decided, "They are just so


"Oh they are. Both Sirius and I removed our tapestries from our walls, but

I may have to change that."

"I would love to see them," Lily told her and Narcissa gave her a smile,

the pair descended in to conversation while Sirius, Remus, Severus and

Lucius discussed the Wizengamot. Harry and Draco rolled their eyes and

turned back to each other.

"Things are really getting exciting." Draco noted and Harry nodded.

"I have so much to tell you. I went to see my uncle and he said things

should be moving very soon." Harry saw Draco catch the meaning of his

words and smirked.

"Even better,"

"I know, I can't wait. Plus, my Mastery is so soon and I really want to get

the highest possible score."

"You'll be fine with that, you will just have to go through your mind the

night before to make sure everything is clear enough for the perfect

recall." Draco said surely and Harry nodded.

"I'll be brewing them just to make sure too."

"Let us go to dinner." Severus announced and led them to the dining

room, Narcissa was in her element as she inspected the manor and she

and Lily were quite happy discussing it between them. Harry agreed with

the assessment, it was a beautiful place and he took his designated spot

at the oak table. The first course was scallops, something Harry had never

tried and found he quite liked, he and Draco stayed reasonably quiet as

the adults spoke of Lily's masteries and how badly Potter was going to

take Severus' arrival at the Wizengamot. They also discussed the

upcoming school year and the possibilities that could arise over the main

course of duck.

"It isn't going to take much to snap the tension," Sirius pointed out,

"Every meal there is going to be a table filled with us, Potter and

Dumbledore, and whoever else the old man decides to throw in the

Defence spot."

"It could get ugly." Remus agreed, "It doesn't help with your open

association with Slytherin-Le Fey and the court cases, and it will be

worse after the divorce."

"There are too many options for us to reach a safe plan of action." Lucius

mused out, "We are not yet in August and there are a number of things

yet to occur that we need to consider."

"Not to mention the public opinion, if too much public pressure rises then

it will force the ministry and the Board of Governors to acts." Narcissa


"No one is going to be able to make a plan for anything to do with school

until at least mid-August." Harry insisted, "To do so would be foolish and

time wasting."

"You are right, Harrison." Severus agreed.

"We need to focus on removing the influence Dumbledore and Potter

have." Lily observed, "While they are the front runners of this world, we

cannot move forward." Harrison noted that Lily had fallen in to 'we'

instead of I and you and that she was definitely leaning more towards the


"We already have the press, we will just need to schedule." Sirius offered

and Lily nodded.

"Severus said the very same."

"If it is timed right, Potter is going to look like scum." Draco interjected.

"That's the best possible outcome, so we will need to make sure our

timing is perfect and that Dumbledore doesn't pull something out of thin

air." Harrison continued, "And we need to start making more allies."

"Both of you upcoming betrothals could help do that." Narcissa informed

them and the pair shared a resigned look.

"Yes, that is true." Sirius agreed, "And with Aunt Cassie's impending

arrival you both need to have names at the ready."

"She could be an invaluable aid." Narcissa mused, "Her black book…"

"If we can interest her enough to use it." Sirius grumbled and Narcissa

rolled her eyes.

"You know very well that Aunt Cassie has always believed in family first."

She reprimanded and Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, I know." He muttered, digging in to his recently presented

desert of soufflé. They finished the meal with less serious talk, and

Severus invited them all to stay for drinks afterwards. This time they

went to the informal lounge and took seats around the room, the main

topic of conversation was Narcissa's plans for Lily. She had already

invited the woman for tea the next day and had decided that it would be

the perfect time to teach her everything most Pureblood wives already


"It's going to be fun." Narcissa insisted, "And I think you will be a quick


"I hope so,"

"If everything goes to plan, and you fill confident enough to present

yourself to the world and yourself, we can integrate in to circles."

Narcissa explained.

"I don't know if I would fit in." Lily fretted but Narcissa waved off her


"You will be fine, trust me on that."

"She is a miracle worker," Sirius whispered, "She's the secret behind

Lucius' success."

"I would like to say Sirius is exaggerating but that is not the case." Lucius

said, shooting his wife a fond look as the rest of the chuckled.

"I think it's time for us to leave." Remus said looking at the time.

"Yes, I am at the ministry tomorrow and I cannot deal with Fudge

without a fitful rest." Lucius agreed and he gained grimaces of sympathy.

"We thank you for coming," Lily told them all, rising with the guests,

automatically filling the role of Lady of the House. "It was nice to spend

the evening with you all."

"Thank you for a wonderful meal." Sirius said in return.

"You truly have a beautiful home." Narcissa added with a smile.

"Come to the manor tomorrow." Harry told Draco, "I have more things to

tell you and I want to go flying."

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow." Draco said. Each family' floo'd home and Lily

smiled brightly at Severus as they retreated back to the informal lounge.

"That went well."

"Of course it did." He drawled, "There was nothing that could go wrong."

"I know, but I was still a little nervous. It was our first dinner in the new

manor." Lily stated and Severus rolled his eyes. "I saw that."

"Well now you can see that your worries were for naught and you have

an invitation to tea with Narcissa tomorrow."

"I am looking forward to that, it has been a while since I have had nice

female company." Lily said cheerfully. "Its been too long."

"This is a fresh start." Severus decided and Lily nodded.

"A fresh start."

So there it is, a bit of a different chapter and a bit Lily and Severus-

centric! I really hope you liked it and I hope that you are having a

great birthday, Ellie. Let me know what you think guys, thanks!


32. Chapter 32

A/N: The first thing you need to know is that this fic has been

revised, so if you ignored the previous A/N then you may want to go

back and reread – there is about 50k of extra words and details now.

Secondly, I am sorry about the long delay. Life happens, and I

haven't been able to write as much as I want to. Thirdly, there is a

brief mention of abortion in this chapter and I would like everyone

to know before-hand that I do not have an opinion on abortion and

that it is merely used as a plot point. Finally, there are only really

two more main plotlines that need to be covered in the summer

now, so hopefully things will be picking up!


Disclaimer: I'm not J.K unfortunately,


Chapter 32:

25th of July:

If there was one thing Sirius did enjoy about being Lord Black, it was the

ability to afford to buy anonymity in places like Celestial Alley. He had

bought a secluded booth in The Golden Wand and was lightly sipping

sparkling water as he waited for his lunch date to arrive. He liked this

place, because it held a light atmosphere but they still considered

privacy. Sirius looked up when the door opened and grinned. A woman

had walked in dressed in auror robes, looking completely lost and

jumped when the hostess approached her. She was led over to his booth

and slid in with a look of utter bewilderment, much to Sirius' amusement.

"Mother of Circe, Sirius. The floor in this place looks as if it cost more

than my entire flat!" She whisper exclaimed, and Sirius laughed.

"You don't come to Celestial Alley often, do you?" Sirius asked and she

shook her head.

"Not at all. I think I've only ever patrolled here." She was looking around

the place in disbelief. "So this is high society."

"Ah, not exactly." He said and she looked at him with wide eyes.


"No, this is for casual dates or appointments." Sirius said, "You would

never come here for an evening in high society."

"Your world is weird." Tonks stated and Sirius laughed. He tapped the

table with his wand and asked for another sparkling water for Tonks,

who looked at the water that appeared before her in shock. "So weird."

"You are only saying that because you haven't been brought up in it." He

said, "Though you should have."

"My mother thinks differently." Tonks sighed and Sirius frowned.

"I don't understand why, however." He said, "And why her attitude hasn't

changed since I took over."

"I don't know, Sirius. She's been like it for as long as I remember. I mean,

when I was growing up I wasn't allowed to ask about the Blacks, it was

like the Black name didn't exist." Tonks explained with a shrug.

"Did she ever say why?" Sirius asked bewildered and Tonks thought for a

few seconds before starting.

"Yes! Once. We had gotten in to an argument in my seventh year, because

I wanted to know why I couldn't acknowledge that I was part Black. Just

the name is enough to turn heads and I was a half-blood going in to a

ministry with Fudge in charge." Tonks remembered, "She lost it. How she

was thrown out and abandoned because she fell in love, how their

Pureblood mania was more important than their own daughter, and that

they would rather pretend she didn't exist than show kindness to ruin

their reputation. How she and my father raised me with what little they

had and that I was ungrateful to throw that back in her face by wanting

to associate with the Blacks."

"What little they had? Is she insane? Uncle Alphard split his fortune down

the middle and gave half to her, and I know it wasn't something to laugh

about as I got the other half!" Sirius exclaimed and Tonks blinked.

"I don't know anything about that," Tonks said, "It's just, she was kicked

out, wasn't she?"

"Yes, she was, but the situation isn't as cut and dry as she would like

people to believe." Sirius said slowly.

"What do you mean?"

"How much to you know about Pureblood society, and that of the Black

status?" Sirius questioned and Tonks snorted.

"Practically nothing. I know you are a Noble and Most Ancient House,

you are filthy rich and you have a lot of power." Tonks said with a shrug

and Sirius sighed.

"You may not truly understand the significance of this then," He told her.

"Tell me anyway."

"In order to run off with your father, your mother broke a betrothal

contract with an Ancient House openly. Not only did the Black family

have to pay steep reparations for such a slight, but they were backed in

to a corner, nothing but disownment would have been seen as acceptable.

You think the Black name holds power, if Grandfather hadn't of acted we

wouldn't be half of what we are now." Sirius stated and Tonks eyes


"But why? Why does it even matter?"

"Unfortunately, image is everything in our world and we have to keep

face because your reputation is everything you are. If Grandfather would

not have acted the slighted House would have torn us to shreds and we

would have fallen, word would have spread and then all it would have

taken is a rumour of infidelity or impurity and we would all have been

shamed, Narcissa and Bellatrix mostly. There would have been a

possibility that both contracts with Malfoy and Lestrange would have

fallen through."

"Are you for real?"

"Oh yes, very." Sirius sighed, "It sucks but Grandfather had the entire

family to think about not just personal feelings to each individual. Could

he afford to let the entire House drop and ruin both Cissa and Bella's

entire futures because Andy was selfish? Of course not. Yes it sounds

cruel, but it isn't as bad as it sounds. I was nearly forced in to marriage

with Parkinson's sister, however, Grandfather did value bonds and when

it was discovered that Moony had selected me as his mate my

Grandfather blessed us."

"I thought you were thrown out too? Didn't you run away?"

"Yeah, I did, but I was never formally disowned by my Grandfather, the

past Lord to the House. My mother disowned me, and my father followed

her, but my Grandfather gave me permission to go to the Potters." Sirius

explained and Tonks nodded.

"It makes sense. What would have happened if your Grandfather wouldn't

have given permission?"

"I wouldn't have gone." Sirius stated simply and Tonks blinked.

"What?" She gasped, well aware of how much Sirius hated his parents.

Everyone knew how much Sirius hated his parents.

"What you must understand is while yes I hated my parents, I do not hate

all of my family. I do have a strong dislike for quite a few of them, and I

agreed with some of the things they did even less, however, they are still

my family and I was bound by my Head and Lord." Sirius told her, "To

risk getting disowned was not worth it seeing as I only had a year left

before I came of age."

"I don't understand." She admitted.

"Do you know the consequences of getting fully disowned?" Sirius asked

her and Tonks shook her head.

"Not really, I mean I kind of gathered it was a bad thing from mum."

Tonks said with a shrug and Sirius grimaced.

"You cannot have a job in the ministry, Mungos or Hogwarts if you have

been disowned, it is the ultimate sign of dishonour so you become

untrustworthy. You also lose all family magics." Sirius answered bluntly

and Tonks recoiled, her face and hair going pale, Sirius was about to ask

what was wrong but she shook herself and asked her own question.

"So how come I can morph, isn't that a Black trait?"

"You were conceived almost immediately after your parents wedding and

magic recognises every child at the point of conception, which is why

abortions are highly regulated within our world. Magic had already

recognised you as a child of Black before your mother was disowned,

meaning you gained a Black ability because while your mother was

disowned, you were not known about therefore the magics could not be


"Huh, that sounds rather complicated."

"It is, I barely know what I'm talking about."

"So I'm still a Black?" Tonks questioned and Sirius frowned.

"Not quite. While you were not removed, your mother was which means

you have to be accepted in to the House of Black to become an official



"Yes. Do you still happen to be inordinately clumsy?" Sirius asked and she


"Yeah. That's why I lost 3%, it was on stealth. I could track, which is the

only reason I passed, even with my almost perfect scores elsewhere." She


"It's because you are constantly using a Black trait without being fully


"Really?" Tonks exclaimed shocked and Sirius nodded.

"I only found out about all of this magic stuff when I took up the mantle

myself. If it wasn't for Remus I would have drowned." Sirius told her

shaking his head.

"It's insane."

"Now, of course, I would be willing to take you in to the Black House but

you need to know exactly what it means to be a daughter to the House of


"Why do I get the feeling that I am about to enter a whole new world?"

Tonks groaned and Sirius laughed.

"It's not that bad. Besides, you don't have to do it."

Tonks grimaced, she pulled out a very warn sheet of parchment and

handed it over to Sirius.

"This came yesterday." She told him darkly. Sirius unfolded the letter and

his expression darkened more the further he got.


I have received notice that you have now taken a placement within the

ministry, continuing the foolish pursuit of becoming an auror. I cannot tell you

how disappointed I am, and ashamed that you have continued to disobey my

express wishes.

Your father has also received a written request for your hand in pureblood

courtship, telling us that you have allowed this disgraceful relationship to

develop, despite being forbidden to see him.

Your father and I have discussed this and we cannot allow your persistent

defiance. We have decided that you are to be given a final week to heed our

wishes and comply with what we have repeatedly asked of you, or you shall be

formally disowned. It pains me to have to resort to such measures, but I

cannot bare to see you throw your life away as you are.

We hope to hear from you soon,


"Has she lost her fucking mind?" Sirius hissed viciously, so viciously that

Tonks actually flinched, not used to her usually ever cheerful cousin

speaking in such a tone.

"I don't know what to do." Tonks fretted, "She's leaving me with no


"What in the name of Merlin has happened to her?" Sirius exclaimed

furiously, "She knows what it feels like to be disowned and yet she is

threatening to do the same thing to you!"

"I think it was Kyle's request that sent them over the edge," Tonks said

with a sigh, "They were both livid that I would accept a Pureblood

because of what happened to them both."

"First things first, not all Purebloods are bad so that's a load of utter crap.

The second thing, the reason your father got so much hatred was because

he helped break a betrothal contract with an Ancient House." Sirius


"What am I going to do?"

"I will have to meet with Andromeda as soon as possible. She has not yet

replied to my letter." Sirius said and Tonks winced.

"Ah. Yeah. You probably won't get a reply." Tonks said cautiously and

Sirius blinked.

"What? Why? I've never had a problem with Andy before." He pointed


"You're Lord Black." Tonks stated as if it was obvious but Sirius didn't

understand and said as much. "You are underestimating how much she

hates the Blacks, the fact that you are Lord Black makes you a persona

non grata in her book."

"You have got to be kidding me?" Sirius said in outrage, "I have done

absolutely nothing to her whatsoever."

"She doesn't want anything to do with the Black name, you are the Black

name." Tonks explained and Sirius shook his head.

"That's absolutely ridiculous. I will be paying her a visit without the reply

to see exactly what she has to say for herself. I can't even believe this. If I

hadn't had read this letter I don't think I would have believed it." Sirius

sighed heavily through his nose and folded up the letter. "This

relationship of yours, is it serious?"

"Kyle wants to do everything properly, with the courtship and then

possibly a contract, which is another thing I want to talk to you about,

and then get married." Tonks said to him, "And as you can tell, neither of

my parents are pleased."

"Are you interested in the courtship?" Sirius asked and Tonks blushed

lightly, her hair going red to match.

"Very much so,"

"If you were of House Black, I could be the one to hold negotiation of

courtship and contracts for you." Sirius said slowly, "When you are part

of an old Pureblood House, all letters of contracts, courtships or anything

of sorts has to go to the Head of House as well as the Daughter's father.

When it comes down to it, the Head of House can overrule the parental


"Really?" Tonks said surprised and Sirius nodded.

"Oh yes, Grandfather did so when my mother tried to disown me

officially. A full disownment can only be done by the Head or the person

themselves, and Grandfather wouldn't allow it. See, my father had the

Heirship removed when I was six, Grandfather said he saw something in

me that would take our House forward and so I was appointed Heir."

Sirius explained.

"So if I was accepted back in to House Black everything would come to

you?" Tonks confirmed and Sirius nodded, "What happens if I'm not


"It would still come to me because House Black would hold primary."

Sirius said and Tonks raised an eyebrow.


"It means we retain the higher ground, we take primary decision making.

If there were to be any big political issues or family matters where it

involves the entire House, the primary House will make the final decision

and all others Houses have to fall in line. For example, if there were to be

an election and Lucius wanted to choose party A and I wanted party B, he

would have to choose option B if I invoked Primary because it involves

Narcissa's life and what I deem acceptable living conditions for her and

her son."

"Wow, I didn't know that." Tonks muttered surprised, "What would

happen with Kyle?"

"House Black would retain primary." Sirius answered immediately, "It

would be one of the first things offered from House Rosier to marry in to

the House of Black, especially given that you personally hold the

metamorphmagus gene."

"I wouldn't fit in." Tonks groaned, "Look at me! I couldn't play the part of

prim and perfect Daughter to a Pureblood House."

Sirius released a bark-like laugh.

"Don't be an idiot." He waved her off, "The only thing that would change

is that you would possibly have to start attending a few balls, and that

would only depend on the outcome of the courtship/contract."


"Yes, I mean, don't get me wrong, most of the time Pureblood Houses will

primp their Daughters in the hope of marrying them to the Heirs and if

not to the Heir then to the Spare."


"The one who would inherit should anything happen to the Heir, back up

if you will."

"Ah, makes sense."

"Loads of Lords do that, hell, even off branches to that, Uncle Cygnus did

that with all his Daughters and they all got contracts with Heirs, so it

does work. However, you already have an approached courtship with an

Heir, and you would be a Daughter of House Black, most want to marry

in to our line."

"What would change for me if I was accepted in to the House of Black

now?" Tonks questioned and Sirius thought for a moment.

"Your records of communication would change, that is to say all

important notifications parents get would get automatically copied to me.

Officially, all travel and school/job opportunities have to be cleared by

the Head of House, but you can go anywhere you want as long as you let

me know when your back and do what you want in general – unless you

wish to pledge yourself to someone or something, then you are going to

have to run that by me first." Sirius told her, "Your name would change,

depending on if you want it to of course, you would then be

acknowledged as a Daughter of the House Black and granted the courtesy

title of Lady Nymphadora at Pureblood functions."

"I'd have a title?" Tonks asked, when she stopped wrinkling her nose at

her name.

"Yeah, at the functions and official letters would be addressed as Lady

Nymphadora, of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black."


"It's because of the official titles that are barely in use today still stand

when it comes to full scale tradition." Sirius told her, "The Blacks official

title is Lord Marquess, which means all Daughters and Sons get a

courtesy title officially. In everyday life, only the Lord, husband/wife and

Heir/Heiress would get acknowledges as such. If we were all to attend a

ball, it would be Lord Black, Lord Consort Black, Heir Black and Lady

Nymphadora of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black."

"So I wouldn't have to introduce myself as Lady Nymphadora." She

checked and Sirius grinned.

"Thankfully for you, no. The only time you would have to do that is if

you were to meet your intended's parents for the very first time only."

"That's a relief, I don't think I could look someone in the face and

introduce myself as Lady Nymphadora of the Noble and Most Ancient

House of Black. I hate my first name as it is."

"If your parents disown you then you can officially change your name."

Sirius said to her, "Currently, coming in to the House, your name would

simply change to Black-Tonks, as House Black holds primary over all

lesser blood houses – it's just how it goes."

"I have to write back to her tonight, I won't give up being an auror and I

won't break it off with Kyle." Tonks stated firmly, "I worked hard for

both, I don't see why I should give it up."

Sirius pulled out a galleon from his pouch and make a Black Portkey,

handing it over to Tonks.

"Think about what you want to do and wait for a reply, if your parents

disown you then you take this porkey to the Manor immediately because

you'll feel it and I doubt it will be pleasant."

"Will I lose my job?" Tonks questioned worriedly and Sirius tilted his


"It depends."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if you decide not to come back in to the House then yes, you will

lose your job the instant it happens. If you come back to the House, then

no, you won't, because all your records would change to showing an

unmarried daughter from the House of Black. You are in a lucky situation

because your father is the muggleborn, you are being disowned from a

lesser blood and accepted in to a Noble and Most Ancient House. If it was

the other way round, there's a strong possibility that you would still lose

your job. It's twisted and stupid, but that's Pureblood law." Sirius

explained and Tonks shook her head.

"It's kinda sickening that a name can do that much."

"I know, but the world is stuck the way it is. The last time we had any

sort of change was during the war." Sirius sighed.

"I think I will come back to the House." Tonks said, "I have nothing to

lose, and even if my mother does disown me then I won't be on my own."

"When is your next day off?" Sirius inquired.

"Monday, so two days from now."

"Good, we can have everything prepped for there. You'll take the Portkey

to the Manor just before lunch and we'll get everything sorted, though I

warn you ahead of time that you will have to meet Narcissa and she'll

want to know everything about you."

"But I'm a Halfblood."

"Oh so you've been brought up to believe Cissa is a supremacist too,

wonderful." Sirius muttered, "Narcissa is your Aunt, and to her family is

very important. Blood status is not a problem, it's the restriction of our

traditions that she doesn't like. Besides, have you forgotten Remus? He's a

Halfblood werewolf."

"I forgot about that," Tonks noted with a laugh, "I guess lot of things will

be different now."

"You'll be seeing everything from your own point of view instead of

hearing things, you can make your own assumptions." Sirius said with a

shrug, "There are perks too, but you don't get to find out about those

until Monday."

"That's hardly fair," Tonks complained with a pout and Sirius grinned.

"Poor baby," He crooned and she hit his arm as he laughed, "Want

something to eat?"

"Sure, I have to go back to work after this."

"How is the training coming?" Sirius questioned as he passed Tonks a

menu and looked for what he wanted to eat.

"Well, I spent my first year under Mad Eye Moody, so I'm finding working

as a normal trainee auror quite easy." Tonks laughed and Sirius


"Ah Mad-Eye, what a wizard."

"He's retiring soon, I'm his last." Tonks said to Sirius and the man blinked.

"Moody is retiring? Merlin, I thought he would just die in some epic

battle." Sirius said surprised and Tonks laughed.

"I think he wants to keep both his arms." She joked.

"So you're on your second year of training? Patrols, watching and tests."

"Of course, you were an auror once." Tonks remembered, "I wondered

how you know so much."

"Yeah, I had to do it all. The final year it a bit more action packed, you

shadow someone and you are out in the field more often."

"Mad-Eye mentioned something about that, said he'd stick around for

shadowing if I passed."

"You'll have a great time then."

"Who did you train under?" Tonks questioned and Sirius grinned.

"Bones, back before she got made Head of the DMLE. She was promoted

the year I finished training."

"Wow, what was that like?"

"She took a vicious amount of pleasure wiping the floor with me." Sirius

chuckled and Tonks grinned.

"She doesn't take any nonsense and she was at odds with Potter because

she made him step down from the Head Auror spot when he took the

Flying instructors spot at Hogwarts."

"I can imagine."

They finished their lunch and Sirius covered the bill without turning a

hair at the price, while Tonks gaped at the numbers in astonishment.

Sirius led her out, chuckling at her incredulous expression.

"That place is so overpriced." She whisper exclaimed as they got out the

door, and Sirius outright laughed.

"It's one of the cheapest places in the alley, Dora."

"That's outrageous."

"You really need to get used to money." Sirius muttered, "Come on, I'll

walk you to the apparation point."

"Is it me, or does this place seem to sparkle?" Tonks wondered and Sirius


"No, it does actually sparkle. I have no idea why, though."

"It adds to the effect." She stated seriously and he snorted again.

"Hopefully, I won't see you until Monday." Sirius said, accepting the hug

she gave him.

"Fingers crossed."

"See ya, Nymphy." Sirius called, laughing at her displeased glare as she

apparated away. Sirius ran a hand through his hair before spinning and

apparating back to his own Manor. It was only when he was in the

complete privacy of his own home his he let his anger fully show, his

magic cracked around him and he stalked towards floo system, going

directly to Malfoy Manor. He snapped at the elf to take him to Narcissa

immediately and followed it up to the living room, where she was sat

with her family.

"Sirius?" She questioned, rising to her feet when she saw his magic,

"Whatever is the matter?"

"Your sister has lost her mind." He stated, his voice layered with fury.

"Andromeda? What has she done?" Narcissa wondered, somewhat

alarmed by Sirius' reaction. The Black Lord drew out the letter he hadn't

returned to Tonks and handed it over to Narcissa, he saw as her eyes

flashed dangerously and her own magic snapped around her before it


"What a loathsome woman she must have become." Narcissa hissed,

"What is she thinking?"

"I have every intention of finding out." Sirius stated, "Nymphadora's

induction shall be Monday, I wished to inform you of the current

situation in case Andromeda follows through on her word before then."

"I simply must come with you when you speak to her, Sirius." Narcissa

decided, "This… I do not know what to think. How could she have fallen

so far?"

"Honestly, I have no idea. And with some of the other things that Dora

told me about today, there is something hidden there too." Sirius sighed,

"She has cut her ties with me also, she will not respond to my letters and

Dora said that it is because I have taken up the mantle of Lord Black."

"But that is preposterous!" Narcissa gasped, "You did so much for her

after her disownment. How can she disregard that?"

"I cannot say." Sirius shook his head, "I really don't know what I am

supposed to do here."

"You are doing the right thing by bringing Nymphadora in to the family,"

Narcissa assured, "Andromeda's actions are her own."

"You are right, but this is so out of nowhere. I simply do not understand."

"We will get to the bottom of this." She assured and Sirius nodded.

"You can tell Aunt Cassie," Sirius informed her, "She'll be here next week.

Thanks cousin, bye!" Sirius made to run away but Narcissa was faster,

freezing him in place and slowly moving around to face him.

"You really think that was going to work?" She asked incredulously,

looking at him as if he had lost his mind and Sirius had the decency to

look sheepish.

"It was worth a try." He said and she rolled her eyes.

"Not going to happen."

"She's your sister!" Sirius tried, only gaining a completely unimpressed

look. "You know she's going to ask you about it anyway, might as well

give me some sort of relief seeing as I'm going to be getting it in the ear

over Potter and Dumbledore."

"Or…" Narcissa began, a devious expression coming to her face, "We

invite Nymphadora to the meal, and once Aunt Cassie has finished

interrogating the children we'll be saved because she'll want to know all

about our metamorphmagus 96% point average auror, who's approaching

courtship and possible contract with the Rosier heir."

Sirius expression matched his cousin and he rubbed his hands together.

"Oh Cissa, how I love your mind." He murmured gleefully, "We'll do that!"

The Lady Malfoy looked extremely pleased with herself and retook her

seat, daintily sipping her tea and ignoring the looks of alarm she was

getting from her husband and son.

"Do send my best to Remus, Sirius. I shall see you Monday unless a crisis


"I will, goodbye." Sirius left with a wave, snickering to himself when he

heard Lucius ask his wife if she was ok. He floo'd back to his manor and

went to find Moony and his son, who were both, no doubt, in the library,

so he went there and rolled his eyes when he saw the pair of them buried

in their books.

"Dad! How did it go?" Harry asked as soon as he sat down.

"Both good and bad I suppose." He answered.

"How's Nymphadora?" Remus wondered and Sirius shot him a grin.

"Don't let her catch you calling her that." He warned jokingly, "She's ok

given the circumstances."

"What's happened now?"

"Andromeda has threatened to disown her unless she quits the aurors and

breaks off her relationship."

"What?" Both Harry and Remus exclaimed, looking equally shocked and


"Why would she do that?" "What is she thinking?"

"She, from what Nym explained, hates the Blacks, including me, because

of her disownment and believes that Nym is wrong for dating a

Pureblood. She is resorting to disownment because of 'persistent

defiance'." Sirius explained.

"Nym's coming back to the House, right?" Harry said, his expression

saying everything he thought of Andromeda, "She doesn't need parents

like that – that's almost Potter level."

"Yes, she is coming back to the House and we will be performing the

acceptance ritual on Monday unless she gets disowned before that." Sirius

confirmed, "Cissa will be coming too."

"Good," Remus said, "She deserves much better."

"It also reminds me of Aunt Cassie's arrival."

"Oh dear."

"Yes," Sirius agreed, "She's going to want an explanation."

"Can't you make Cissa tell her? It's her sister!" Remus complained and

Sirius laughed.

"I tried that," He assured, "But she's already veto'd that idea."

"You actually bothered to try?" Harry snorted, "Wow. That was brave."

"I had to try something, Aunt Cassie is going to be like a leech for


"What are you going to do?"

"Well…" Sirius looked at them both with a devious grin, "Cissa suggested

that we simply invite Nym to the dinner, as the newest daughter to the

House of Black Aunt Cassie would only be too happy to meet her. And

Nym is starting a proper courtship with the Rosier Heir no less."

"Oh that is beautiful," Remus said admiringly, "Well done, Cissa!"

"I like that idea," Harry agreed with a smirk, "Lessens the pressure for my

own contract, I haven't really thought about it."

"So we are all agreed?"

"I kinda feel bad that we're going to set Cissa and then Aunt Cassie on the

poor girl." Remus said with sage expression before it cleared and he

grinned, "Agreed,"

They all burst out laughing.

Two people walked calmly down a peaceful street at a steady pace. The

lady was wearing a pale blue summer dress with cap sleeves, it fell

modestly to her knee and was paired with matching heels and clutch, and

her blond hair was pinned up. The man wore navy suit trousers with a

crisp white shirt and a dark blue tie, his black shoes perfectly polished

and his hair banded at the nape. They didn't look out of place at all, their

behaviour and attire matching the area, but they couldn't have been more

different from the residence for they were witch and wizard.

They walked confidently to a neat three story town house, a pale cream

in colour with a natural wood door. The lady stepped forward to knock

on the door and they waited patiently for the door to open and a woman

to appear. She was dressed casually, obviously not planning on leaving

the house that day, and her dark curly hair was pulled up. The woman's

eyes widened when she saw who was at her door, stepping back in with

her jaw dropping in shock. Seeing as she didn't seem to be able to speak,

the lady who knocked took it upon herself.

"Good afternoon, Andromeda. It is good to see you after all these years."

"Narcissa! Sirius!" She whispered before collecting herself, "What are you

doing here?"

"We came to visit," Sirius told her, "I did write, but the owl must have

gone astray. When I told Cissa that I was coming to visit, she insisted she


"I simply had to," Cissa agreed, "It has been too long,"

"I don't know what to say," Andromeda began, obviously still thrown by

their sudden appearance.

"Well it is a warm day so lemonade is refreshing and perhaps a snack."

Narcissa suggested in a way which left Andromeda no choice but to step

back and grant them access unless she wished to cause a scene at her

door. Her home was very nice, if only a lot smaller than what they were

both used to – which was another thing Sirius didn't understand, she had

the money to love very comfortably. She invited them in to the kitchen/

dining room to sit and Sirius saw Narcissa freeze slightly and they saw

the obviously muggle room.

"Have a seat," Andromeda offered, coming back over with three glasses of

lemonade with a slice of lemon in each. It was silent in the beginning,

and tense, the three of them sipping on their drinks as they regarded the


"Why are you here?" Andromeda finally asked.

"To see you, of course." Narcissa answered.

"Why now? You have not bothered with me in almost twenty years."

"Things have changed." Narcissa pointed out, "We have a new Head of

House and family bonds are growing once again."

"I fail to see the difference." Andromeda responded coldly, "You all turned

away when I was thrown out and suddenly you're back, I don't buy it."

"Excuse me," Sirius interrupted, "That is not true. I was in full contact

with you until you cut me off two years ago."

"You became Lord Black." She said as if that explained everything.

"So? That mean's nothing! If anything that would have been the perfect

moment to be returned to the family." Sirius stated.

"Why would I want to return to something that cares more about how

good it looks than caring for it's members."

"Andromeda!" Narcissa exclaimed.

"Do not act like it isn't true." She snapped, "I was thrown out barely of

age, not even a hint of compassion simply because I didn't want to marry

a Pureblood."

"That's outrageous!" Narcissa retorted, "Do not think to take the victim

when you were equally at fault."

"At fault?" Andromeda repeated, "How dare you?"

"How dare she?" Sirius wondered, "How dare you have the nerve to lay

blame upon your sister when you were the one who broke a betrothal

with an Ancient House! You know what would have happened if you

were not formally disowned, the House would have dropped and both

your sisters would have had their entire future's ruined simply because of


"So that makes it ok?" She demanded, "It's ok that I was left to barely get

by and raise a child without family support? If it wasn't for


"Son of a bitch," Sirius hissed, "Why am I not surprised?"

"And that's another thing!" Andromeda said, "Ever since you became Lord

Black you have suddenly turned your back on everything you fought for.

You're just like the rest of them?"

"Oh and how are 'the rest of them'?" Narcissa questioned sharply.

"Cold Pureblood supremacist willing to do anything to make sure they

have the best image."

"And yet I wasn't the one who disowned my daughter because she didn't

fit in to my image." Narcissa spat, her whole calm demeanour vanishing.

She had taken a huge liking to Nymphadora since she had met her on the

day of the ritual. It had gone through without a hitch and she was

acknowledged as Nymphadora Ares, daughter of the Noble and Most

Ancient House of Black.

They're timing was brilliant however, because not an hour later Nym had

suddenly gone lightheaded and weak as her magic recognised her

disownment. It had been Narcissa who had comforted her all night as she

cried at the loss of her parents, at the empty feeling that filled her and

the shock over it actually happening. Both Sirius and Narcissa were

stunned that Andromeda had actually gone through it, and Narcissa was

absolutely furious. It took a day for her to recover, the Black family

magic soothing her and filling the gap that was now missing, and Nym

had come out stronger for it, more determined to be the best auror and

go in to a proper courtship with Kyle. She had decided that, since her

parents no longer cared, she needed a clean break and had officially

dropped the Nymphadora from her name and became Ares Black.

Narcissa had taken her for a full day of retail therapy to fill her wardrobe

and her new flat, informing her, quite firmly, that she wouldn't be paying

for a thing even if she had received the custom vault as per her new


Sirius still got amusement out of remembering her reaction to her "perks".

The flat had been his gift to her for her success in her auror training, it

was in one of the most sought after areas in Horizon Alley and it was

penthouse. The vault was what was given to all born to the House of

Black when they came of age, the only ones who got different was the

Heir or Heiress, but that didn't stop her from nearly passing out when she

read it. She spent the next half an hour alternating between thanking him

profusely, saying it was too much and wondering how the hell he could

afford to give her that much money. Sirius honestly didn't understand

what could have possibly made Andromeda disown her only child, and it

wasn't as if Ares was a bad kid – she was a delight! But he was beginning

to, the mention of Dumbledore was enough of a giveaway. He couldn't

believe that foul man had gotten his claws in deep enough to tear Andy

so far away from who she was; if the Potter situation threw him, this

blew his mind.

"How did you-," Andromeda was cut off by Narcissa, who was far from


"I, the 'cold Pureblood supremacist' would never disown, or allow my

husband to disown, my son because he followed his heart. It isn't like

you, you had obligations, you had expectations and commitments that

you broke when you upped and ran off with a Muggleborn, your

daughter simply fell in love, but that isn't good enough for you."

"She went against everything she was brought up with, and I refuse to

watch her get hurt and ruin her life by getting involved with that-that

boy!" Andromeda threw back.

"So instead you try to ruin her life by disowning her and leaving her with

nothing at all!" Narcissa snapped, "You, who resents being disowned then

did the same to her own child. To make her lose her job and her future."

"At least she was out of vile ministry. She had a job lined up, Dumbledore

sorted everything out and she threw it back in our faces. Now she will


"You are out of your mind!" Narcissa yelled, "How could you be so cruel?

She was your daughter and you cast her out."

"She left me with no choice!"

"You had every choice!"

"So this is why you have come?" Andromeda demanded, surging up, "To

oppose my decisions and criticise me yet more?"

"I actually came to find out you have yet to reply to me, and where you

stand, but it appears I have my answer." Sirius said coldly matching her


"I stand with the light, for what is good and pure, like I always have." She

stated, "I stand with Dumbledore."

"Good and pure?" Narcissa scoffed, a look of disgust on her pretty face as

she rose to her feet, "Do not be so foolish. Any pure and good within the

so called light side has long been dead and the idea that Dumbledore is a

representative of those words is positively ludicrous. Should you have

been with the dark your recent actions would have been punishable by

death. Magical children are the greatest blessing the Lady could give and

you threw yours away. You disgust me. To see what you have become…

your daughter is better off without you."

With that she span on her heel and left, Sirius cast one last look as his

cousin and followed Narcissa; he knew a lost cause when he saw one;

Dumbledore was in too deep. He had to walk at speed to catch up with

Narcissa, she was striding away from her sister's house with a single

minded focus and her face was a mask of perfect calm; too perfect. He

didn't say a word when she took his arm and apparated them both to

Malfoy Manor, nor when she silently strode off up the grand staircase,

choosing instead to wisely follow her; he wasn't stupid enough to try

anything else. She walked to Lucius' study and walked in without so

much as a knock, Lucius rose and went to speak but took one look at his

wife's face and thought better of it, instead looking to Sirius for a silent

answer. Sirius just shook his head, his own expression a mix between

anger and disbelief. Narcissa had opened up Lucius' drinks cabinet and

poured herself a glass of firewhiskey, drinking it down in one, only to

turn and violently throw the glass in to the fire.

"That man is by far the most disgusting, vile, loathsome, odious creature

to ever walk this planet." She hissed, her voice layered in hatred. "His

death would be too kind."

"What in Merlin's name had Dumbledore done now?" Lucius asked her, "I

thought you were going to see your sister…" he trailed off and suddenly

stood again, moving swiftly to bring his wife in to his arms, gentry

rubbing her back until she unstiffened. He led her over to the sofa and sat

them both down, looking to Sirius for a full explanation to how

Dumbledore had gotten to Andromeda.

"When she was disowned he swept in and 'saved' her." Sirius said, shaking

his head, "I can't believe I didn't even think of it before, he appeared

more around me when I ran away the only difference was I wasn't

formally disowned so I wasn't reliant."

"I cannot believe she has gone so far." Narcissa said, her voice a lot

calmer than previously, "You use yourself as an example but what did

you do when Dumbledore interfered with Potter?"

"I know, which is why I am so confused." Sirius said, "But did you hear

when she said that Dumbledore had something set up for Ares?"

"I did. I wonder what it was."

"Probably something close to him." Lucius put in, "She is a full

metamorphmagus, isn't she? Someone like that could prove to be


"Dumbledore has fully lost her now." Narcissa said, "And Andromeda is

lost on us."

"We knew it anyway, Cissa," Sirius said gently, "But we had to see for


"I know, Sirius. I just hate that it comes back to Dumbledore again. That

man always appears in our lives when he just isn't wanted."

"That's Dumbledore's way," Lucius said, "He has to be involved so he is in


"I'm just glad we got to Ares in time." Sirius said with a sigh.

"Yes. We have to think positively." Narcissa agreed, "I wish Dumbledore

would pay for his actions."

"There is nothing to be done currently. Our Lord is working on it, we

cannot doubt that, however it will be slow work."

"But what if we could help him?" Sirius wondered suddenly, a glint in his


"What do you suggest?" Lucius asked.

"Well… we are going to be having dinner with someone in particular

very soon." He said slowly and Narcissa's eyes lit up.

"Oh yes." She agreed, "That would give us three major topics to discuss

and save ourselves; Harrison, Ares and Andromeda."

"It is an option. If she feels inclined enough to go further." Sirius said,

"And currently the best option we have."

"I shudder to think what Aunt Cassie will think of Andromeda's actions."

Cissa said and Sirius grimaced.

"I can almost picture the rant that will come."

"It's her lack of remorse that angers me so much." Narcissa mused, "And

how cold she has become yet accuses us of the same thing."

"I know. She wasn't this bad a few years back." Sirius said.

"We have our conformation now, from her own mouth." Narcissa said,

"That is all we can do. She has chosen her path."

"On a happier note…" Sirius decided, "Lucius, have you looked over the

Azkaban plans?"

"Yes. It will be challenging but doable."

"I have to admit I am quite excited. It has been many years since I have

been in the field as such."

"I know how you feel."

"I do hope Bella will be ok." Narcissa murmured.

"I have faith in Harrison's potions and Bella's strength." Sirius said to her.

"So do I, but I still worry."

"The Dark Lord will see to her full recovery." Lucius said surely, "You

know how much he favours Bella."

"Harrison said as much." Sirius remembered.

"He trained her himself," Narcissa said, "It wasn't just a rumour."

"No wonder she was a terror to face." Sirius said with a shake of his head,

"I can't wait until she's around – it'll really liven things up."

"Oh yes there is no doubt."

"On that happy note, I have a mate and a son to get back to." Sirius said,

rising to his feet, "I shall see you both at dinner if not before?"

"Of course, Sirius." Narcissa assured. Sirius nodded and left, going

straight to the floo room to take him home. There was nothing to be done

about Andromeda, he knew that, so he would focus on the other things

going on in his life at the moment; it wasn't as if things were dull.

So there we have it. The meetings with both Tonks and Andromeda

out of the way, leaving the dinner, the mastery and the Azkaban

break out left for the summer. They should be covered in the next

two or three chapters before we're back at school. Hope you like it,

and please let me know what you think!


33. Chapter 33

A/N: I have no excuse for you all for leaving this so long. I guess

real life hit me, and I let Twins slip; I can only say how sorry I am. I

will try my best to not let it happen again.

In other news… IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! So, despite running extremely

late in the day, here is the next chapter of Twins!

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K

Warnings: Maybe a bit of language,


Chapter 33:

Sirius had been on edge since he had received his reply from Aunt Cassie

the day they had the disastrous visit to Andromeda's house. Cassiopeia

Black was the epitome of the Black House, and within the older

generation who had seen her at her height she still struck fear in to them.

Sirius had mentioned her name to Izar Nott and the usually solid man

had shuddered in remembrance, though the smirk that came to his face

when Sirius had said she might be moving back in to action was

positively vicious. He had told everyone who needed to know when she

was coming exactly before heading down to the elves area to speak with

them because Aunt Cassie would expect the very height of Black prestige

when visiting the Lord and Heir.

When he had told them who was attending, only the aged Head elf,

whose only duties were to direct the rest of the elves and tend to one of

the smaller gardens that he loved until the end of his days, understood.

He had swelled up and began barking out orders in his croaky voice like

he was a prime elf once more. If the Black household had thought the

elves had did a good job with the manor when the Malfoys had first

visited then they were soon corrected. The manor gleamed, tapestries had

appeared hung with pride and the Black crest flashed from over the

fireplace; Sirius had almost been afraid to touch anything. And now the

day had arrived. He had warned Severus and Lily what was happening

just in case they had intended to stop by, and found out some interesting

information about Dumbledore from the soon-to-be ex-Lady Potter.

She had mentioned that Dumbledore tended to try and set people up with

work so he could use them later on, and he tried it with both the eldest

Weasleys. He had wanted Charles Weasley to be the replacement Care of

Magical Creatures Professor, but Charlie has turned that down, along

with a position on the English National team to run off to Romania to

work with his precious dragons; he hadn't come back since. Bill had

managed to get his position with the Goblins by chance and refused point

blank to do anything to mess it up. Molly Weasley had alienated both her

eldest because she had pressured them in to following a path that she

wanted, so both remained overseas; Sirius filed that away for future


It was more difficult that he had imagined, waiting for the day to pass so

Aunt Cassie could arrive. It was ok for Harry and Remus, they could

vanish in to their books, but Sirius was never one for recreational

reading, he only went to the books when he was actively looking for

something. Instead he made it his mission to practice his duelling and his

patronus spells for the upcoming Azkaban break out. It was coming

around faster than he thought possible and there was no way Sirius was

going to mess it up. He really wanted to see how Bella had faired and he

hadn't been lying to Narcissa when he had said he was looking forward to

her being around again. Before he had gone to Hogwarts, Bella had been

his favourite cousin, she always had so much ambition and creativity.

She refused to become a typical Pureblood wife, she said she would be a

duelling Mistress and she always came up with the best ideas on how to

fight back against their oppressive parents.

Sirius never found out how she ended up in a contract, it wasn't like her

but there must have been a reason she settled for Lestrange because there

was no way Bella would have just rolled over and did what her father

told her. She had been a favourite of Grandfather's also, her power and

her ambition appealing to him, so she would have had the leg room to

appeal to him about any decisions old Cygnus would have made for her.

Sirius was half terrified of what he was going to find in the dank halls of

Azkaban, scared that he was going to find his cousin, one so full of life

and determination, now broken and lifeless; he didn't know how he

would react.

Everything was much simpler when he had been in Dumbledore's web, he

could hate his family and pretend the good times had never happened,

but now it was much more difficult. He was no longer the disillusioned

21 year old who thought the light was perfect and the dark corrupt, and

it wasn't the first time he cursed himself for not truly listening to what

his Grandfather had tried to warn him about. So he put all of his pent up

energy in to practicing for the day, only coming out for lunch before

vanishing back in. When the clock reached five, Sirius moved to his

chambers to get ready for the evening, greeting his mate on his way

through to the shower. His blue and silver formal robes were hung

waiting for him to change in to and he took his time to carefully groom

his hair. Remus was waiting for him in the main room, dressed in black

and silver, and Sirius grinned, even if it was a bit strained.

"It's going to be fine." Remus assured, and Sirius sighed.

"I know. It's completely unreasonable that I am this worked up, especially

given that I am now Lord Black; I hold all the power here." Sirius

complained, clenching and unclenching his fist in an effort not to run his

hand through his hair.

"You grew up in opposite positions, it's ingrained." Remus reasoned with

him, "Just remember that you have many distractions for her and you

aren't alone."

"Thanks, Moony."

"Now, what have you been up to all day? I haven't seen you, nor has


"Ah, I decided to make use of our duelling room. Azkaban is approaching

and I don't want anything to go wrong."

"I've been focusing on Occlumency. I know I have never really needed it,

but an organised mind helps put up happy memories." Remus told him,

leading the way down to the formal lounge where Harrison was already

sat in wait. The boy was dressed in rich royal blue robes, with a navy

shirt, black trousers and polished black shoes. His hair was, for the first

time Sirius could ever remember, slicked back away from his face but the

scar both adults knew to hide beneath his fringe was missing; he looked

like the perfect Pureblood Heir.

"Well we certainly look the part." Sirius said with a grin, and Harry


"I've picked Draco's brain for information on contracts, and seeing as it is

believed I only started in the magical world in September, only having

Slytherin first and second years should be fine – well, second and third

years." Harry told him, "If even that is necessary."

Sirius nodded.

"Hopefully, given the other topics of conversation, she will be suitably

distracted." Sirius remarked.

"I am reassured as we have Cissa arriving shortly. She can direct any

conversation her way." Remus pointed out.

"That is true," Sirius agreed, "And speak of Cissa…"

The wards had just flared to show the arrival of their first guests and

Harry was relieved to see Draco bounce over to him in formal silver

robes with undertones of pale blue.

"Don't we look great?" The blond said in lieu of greeting him and Harry


"Oh yes, as is our right as Heirs to such prestigious Houses." Harry


"You remember that when Aunt Cassiopeia arrives and you will not much

of an issue with her." Narcissa told them, a slight smile flashing across

her face as she came in and greeted the two adults. The Lady Malfoy was

in a beautiful dark blue evening gown that had a modest round neck and

three quarter sleeves, there was silver pattern emphasising her small

waist that held a spatter of tiny glittering gems. Next to her, Lucius wore

complimentary dark silver robes with lighter silver lapels and a new dark

blue cane in hand.

"We were just voicing our hope you have retained your skill at directing

conversation." Sirius told her with a slight grin, making her laugh lightly.

"With the way things have positioned themselves, it may not be needed."

She replied.

"Yes, given your aversion to her appearance, the current happenings

could not have timed themselves better." Lucius mused and Sirius


"Is it bad that I'm happy about that?"

They all shared a laugh at that before they settled in to light conversation

as they waited for the next of their guests. Harry and Draco were running

over the names that they would give when their contracts were brought

up, Draco was still disgruntled that he would be choosing a wife so soon,

but Harry had been pointing out all the positives and he was slowly

coming around; something both Malfoy parents were grateful for. When

the wards chimed again, a tense air fell about them even if they didn't let

their conversation drop as they waited for their next arrival to be

escorted to the lounge.

Narcissa sucked in a sharp breath when she turned and saw who had

entered the room: dressed in a one shoulder chiffon dress that clenched

in to a modest sized diamond broach on her right hip before flowing

freely to pool lightly at her feet, inky curls were piled on her head

artfully, pinned up with hair clips that matched the broach. Softened

aristocratic features were tense with nerves and bright grey eyes

surveyed them all with worry.

"I'm not late, am I?"

"Ares?" Narcissa breathed, her eyes wide in shock.

"Yeah. I thought, seeing as this is my first family dinner that I should

come as my base form." She explained hesitantly, "Should I not have-,"

"No, it is not that at all. You look beautiful." Narcissa cut in hurriedly,

"It's just…"

"You could be Bella's daughter." Sirius finished for her, his voice equally

surprised, "The resemblance is startling."


"Yes. Bella took the height of the Black traits, the only thing she didn't

take from the Blacks was our Grandmother Carrow's eyes; a strange

purple." Narcissa told her. "The only difference is the sharpness of your


"I don't think I have ever seen a picture of her." Ares admitted. Narcissa's

expression twisted to one of disgust before she regained her composure.

"A mistake we can soon rectify."

"When is she coming?" Ares asked nervously, changing the topic of


"No need to be so nervous." Harrison pipped up brightly, "You look great

and have a list of accomplishments; I bet she'll love you."

"Harrison is right; just take a deep breath and let the House magic fill

you; its soothing." Sirius assured. Ares nodded and gave a slight smile as

she drifted over to Narcissa, the pair struck up light conversation as they

waited for the final guests to arrive. When the wards once again signalled

the arrival of a guest, poor Ares looked as if she was about to

hyperventilate and Narcissa hurried to sooth her. Sirius moved towards a

door just as Cassiopeia Black entered.

"As Lord and Head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, I bid

you, Aunt Cassiopeia, Daughter of our House, welcome." Sirius greeted in

flawless pureblood custom, kissing her extended hand bowing his head.

Her lips curled up in to almost an invisible smile as she neatly curtseyed

in response.

"Thank you for the warm welcome, Lord Head. It is a pleasure to return

once again to our home."

Sirius led her further in to the room and presented her to the others.

"Allow me to introduce Cassiopeia Black."

"Madam Black, so good it is for you to be here." Remus came forward to

greet her, kissing the back of her hand."

"Mr Lupin-Black, you look well."

"I am, thank you."

"Young Heir," She turned her sharp grey eyes to Harry, who bowed


"Aunt Cassiopeia, so glad you could attend."

"Aunt Cassiopeia, it is wonderful to see you once again." Narcissa said to

her warmly, stepping forward.

"Dear Narcissa, you look wonderful." Cassiopeia returned, "You have done

well for yourself?"

"Yes. I believe you have met my husband, but please let me reintroduce

him: Lord Lucius Malfoy."

Lucius stepped up behind his wife and kissed the back of Cassiopeia's

hand with a bow of his head.

"Madam Black, it is a pleasure to see you." Lucius said smoothly.

"Lord Malfoy, your Grandmother speaks very highly of you." Cassiopeia

returned, and if Lucius was surprised he did not allow it to show.

"I do not believe you have had the opportunity to meet our son and Heir,

Draconis." Narcissa spoke once again, leading the conversation as was

custom as blood relative.

"A strong name," Cassiopeia noted approvingly, Draco came to stand in

front of his parents and bowed to Cassiopeia. "Your educational


"I am with comfort in the second position of our year mates as per my

standing as Heir Malfoy and Son of the House Black." Draco responded,

his voice completely even.

"Very good." She said to him pleased, "You do your House proud."

"Finally, Aunt." Sirius cut back in smoothly, bringing Ares forward where

she could curtsey to the older female. "Let me introduce Lady Ares,"

There was a flash of recognition in her eyes as she nodded to the girl.

"It is an honour to meet you, Madam Black." Ares said, her voice

unwavering despite her previous nerves; she was an auror after all.

"The pleasure is mine. I do enjoy meeting new family members."

Cassiopeia returned.

"Ares is here in lieu of a celebratory dinner," Sirius told his aunt,

answering the question she had but would not voice. "For her success

within the aurors."

"That is wonderful. It is a very challenging occupation, congratulations."

She said to Ares, who nodded with a smile.

"Thank you,"

"Did you plan to be an auror?" Cassiopeia asked and Ares nodded.

"Since my fourth year at Hogwarts I decided that I would like to be a hit

wizard or an auror. It was only after I passed by OWL's did I focus my

future path." Ares answered and Harry blinked twice. He had been

around the girl many times and he had never heard her speak like that

before, he cast his eyes at his Aunt Cissa and nearly grinned; she looked

very pleased with herself, and quite proud.

Aunt Cassiopeia seemed to making her way around the entire group,

speaking with Narcissa longer than anyone before Sirius spoke and

directed them towards the dining room. Once the meal had begun, it was

Harry and Draco's time to be the focus of Cassiopeia's attention, though it

was only light conversation as they were at the table now.

"Have you begun to plan your futures?" She inquired and it was all the

boys could do not to share a look.

"Currently, I do not have any guaranteed plans." Draco began calmly, "I

would like to keep all available options open to me giving the best

opportunity of full success."

"I, too, would like to examine my options more before I decide anything."

Harry picked up, "I intend to take my education as far as possible,

allowing me more of a choice as to what I shall do within the future."

"Plus, multiple mastery achievements can only add good things to our

Houses." Draco added and Harry nodded.

"You both intend to go for multiple masteries?" She questioned in mild


"Yes. Having a greater understanding of magic will only benefit us."

Draco confirmed, "Though I fear Harrison's advantage will forever

proceed me."


"I have my first mastery examination in nine days' time." Harry answered

instead, his lips quirking as she looked at him surprise.

"So soon?"

"Harrison is a prodigy in Potions." Sirius said proudly, "Potions Master

Prince recommended him."

"Very well done indeed." She said pleased, "A record, no doubt."

"Yes, youngest, and I hope to add highest scoring to that, too." Harrison


"Are you prepared?"

"I feel as if I have done everything within my power to make sure I pass

this exam. I know my potions and I have had my paper certified by a

master of the art; there is nothing more for me to do." Harrison told her

honestly, "The only thing I could do is make the potions again, and I'll

probably do that two days before so I know it is fully within my mind."

"Good. I wish you well, Harrison."

"Thank you, aunt."

"Draconis, have you set your sights upon a particular branch of magic for

you starting point?"

"I believe that when the time comes I shall complete my Transfiguration

mastery first." He answered and Harry nodded.

"Your Transfiguration grade is very close to mine; we could enter it early.

I think we could be ready in three or four years." Harry mused and Draco


"Do you truly think?" He wondered.

"Oh yes, it'll be a challenge to do it in three, but not at all inconceivable."

Harry agreed.

"We'll start in September." Draco decided.

"Such confidence." Cassiopeia mused, "I trust I shall be informed should

this happen."

"Of course, Aunt Cassiopeia." They said together. Thankfully for the boys,

she turned her attentions back to the adults allowing them a breather,

but they didn't dare settle because there were still many things they

could be questioned on and Magic help them if they didn't have a

suitable answer. The course switched to the deserts, something Harry was

happy for because he knew none of the topics anyone wanted to speak

about were acceptable for table conversation, and Narcissa started to

manipulate the direction of conversation flawlessly.

"96%?" Cassiopeia repeated, "That is an incredible achievement."

"Thank you," Ares said with a blush.

"What did you receive for such an accomplishment; 96% brings us much

pride." Cassiopeia said pleased.

"Sirius presented me with a penthouse apartment in the prime location of

Horizon Alley." Ares said with a smile, "It's truly beautiful."

"A just gift." She agreed. "Your parents?"

The room went silent as they all shared a look, each wondering how they

were going to bring up the current topic of conversation to someone who

was very family orientated.

"I think it is time for us to retire to the informal lounge." Sirius said,

noting the final deserts has vanished. "Aunt Cassiopeia, would you care

for a drink."

Her eyebrow had risen at all of their reactions, but said nothing as she

took his arm and made their way through the manor to the informal


"I did not get the chance to see the original," Sirius admitted, "But I do

like this design very much."

"Previously, the informal lounge was up with the family lounge."

Cassiopeia told them, as they walked in to said room. "Arcturus found it


Sirius handed out glasses of wine to everyone and juices for the children

as they all took seats around the low set coffee table.

"I asked about the gift you received from your parents." Cassiopeia said to

Ares, "Why would it garner such an unsettling feeling from not only

yourself but everyone in attendance on this night?"

"They did not agree with my options despite my success. They decided it

would be the best course of action to…" Ares trailed off and looked at

Sirius beseechingly.

"Ares was disowned for refusing to quit the auror forces, amongst other

things." Sirius told Cassiopeia, who's eyes widened.

"Excuse me?" She whispered, "Who…?"

"Andromeda was my mother, and she felt my continued disobedience

warranted my disownment." Ares said without an expression on her face.

"How dare she?" Cassiopeia fumed, "Such actions should only be used

when there is no other option. What possible reasons could she have?"

"I think it was when Kyle proposed a contract to them that pushed them

over the edge." Ares told her. Cassiopeia looked at her with a mix of

delight and righteous anger on her behalf, settling on delight for the


"A contract you say?" She repeated, "Before or after formal courtship?"

"It was a proposition for both," Area answered with a slight smile.

"The House?"

"Rosier." She replied, "Kyle is the Heir."

"Splendid." Cassiopeia chimed with her first full smile of the evening, "It

will be a wonderful match for you,"

"With Sirius now in control of negotiations, I hope everything else will be

easier." Ares admitted, "I can't see anything else going wrong currently."

"It will benefit us too," Sirius said to his aunt, "We'll easily retain primary,

not only are we House of Black, but Ares skill set is much sought after."

"Oh? And which skill is that?" Cassiopeia asked curiously. Ares flashed a

smile before her face scrunched up slightly and her inky curls suddenly

because Malfoy blond, and she changed her facial structure and skin tone

to make is so she could be Narcissa's daughter.

"A full metamorphmagus?" Cassiopeia gasped in amazement, "The first in

over three hundred years. You are simply full of wonderful surprises, my

dear. An auror and a metamorph with a contract on the way, such pride

you bring us all."

Ares blond hair flashed red in her embarrassed pleasure before she

reverted back to her base form and smiled in thanks.

"I am glad I was able to bring Ares back to the family." Sirius agreed,

"And I will be only happy to handle the proceedings of her contract."

"Have you had any more thoughts on your own contract, Harrison?"

Cassiopeia asked him and Harrison blinked at the switch in her focus

before he nodded.

"Currently, Houses Greengrass, Davis, Farley and Parkinson have eligible

daughters." Harrison said to her, "This is only from Slytherin House, of

course. I shall look in to the other school Houses when I return this


"Very able choices." She noted. "Narcissa, have you decided upon a

contract for your son yet?"

"Not as of yet, we are still in conversations with those who have eligible

daughters." She replied.

"Draconis, do you have any input towards your future wife?" Cassiopeia

questioned him and he nodded.

"As with Harrison, I have noticed the same Houses within Slytherin and

shall be looking throughout the other school House when we return to

the castle. Should they be insufficient, Grandmother has contacts within

France and I will look to her guidance." He replied easily, and Harry

nearly smirked; that was a good answer.

"Wonderful. Our family is expanding once again." She said pleased,

"Though, Andromeda's behaviour is despicable. Whatever could have

resulted in such drastic actions?"

"Narcissa and I went to see her," Sirius told her, "Obviously we were

utterly outraged at her behaviour, and we wanted an explanation."

"I wish I had not gone at all." Narcissa muttered darkly.

"Oh? Has she changed all that much."

"According to Andromeda, we are all cold Pureblood supremacists that go

against what's light and good and pure and Dumbledore." Narcissa

informed her and Cassiopeia's expression darkened.

"That odious man is always in places he does not belong." She hissed.

"Andromeda has by far fallen to his lies." Sirius said, "I would suspect she

may have been under the influence of spells or potions, but she has to be

tested every day she goes to work; the joys of working in magical law."

"Is there no way she can be redeemed?"

"No. She stated she stands with Dumbledore." Narcissa answered.

Cassiopeia pursed her lips in displeasure.

"Very well. She has made her choice, our paths are separate." She

murmured, "Ares has made the correct decision so it is not a complete


"Yes, thankfully."

"Now, the most pressing matter I can see is Dumbledore's continual

interference within our family." Cassiopeia announced, "We cannot

continue to allow that man his discrepancies; he is a fool."

"Currently we are working on his support base." Sirius pointed out, "If we

can break his foundations then he will fall."

"Yes, but how long will that take?" She wondered, "How many of ours

will fall in the process? No, we can no longer play our hands so closely."

"What do you suggest?" Narcissa asked cautiously, "The only one with

active power to oppose Dumbledore is doing so but is a naturally slow

process; Dumbledore is popular."

"Yes, he is popular, but like every politician he has skeletons in his

closet." Cassiopeia stated.

"Yes, but Albus Dumbledore has his hands everywhere. If he doesn't want

things to come out, surely there isn't much we are able to do currently.

He has too much power, too much influence. To counter that, we may

just lose any advantage we could possibly gain." Lucius pointed out


"Not if it wasn't revealed publicly until all of the information has been

collected, or if it is revealed, then within strategically placed moves that

will only benefit us." She returned in the same tone.

"Is that even possible?" Remus asked, "What with how Dumbledore

operates. We were within his inner circle if you will, Dumbledore places

his trust in no one and everyone and that is why after fifty years he is

still the leading wizard within our world."

"You are correct, but even the best secrets come out eventually. It's

politics, it's the silent rule." Cassiopeia told him, "Dumbledore may have

been meticulous, and he may have hidden his skeletons better than

anything else in his life, however he is not me."

"You?" Sirius repeated.

"Yes. I have been absent for much too long. It is time I took back my

rightful place within this family, and family sticks together." She stated

firmly and all of the adults had to control their surprised pleasure at her

declaration. "I am a daughter of the House of Black, the rest of the world

should know I have not disappeared."

"Are you returning to England?" Narcissa questioned, a slight smile on

her face as she looked at her aunt.

"I believe I shall." Cassiopeia decided, "Do we still own the country house

in the Lake District?"

"Yes, it only has two elves, however it is in full working order and can be

occupied immediately." Sirius responded after a moment's thought.

"Wonderful. I believe that will perfect for my residence." She mused, "I

will have to set my French affairs in order, I cannot allow my base there

to diminish."

"You have a base in France?" Lucius said surprised.

"Of course," Cassiopeia said as if it was obvious.

"But surely we would have heard." Sirius pointed out, "We thought you

were dead."

"Yes, I do remember your surprise when we met in the French Chateau."

Cassiopeia told him dryly, "You should know, Sirius, my base is not built

in my name for that would be foolish. My connections would not be half

as profitable should I be well known."

"I don't know, your English ones were very good." Sirius reminded her.

"Yes, you are correct of course." She allowed, "I do hope that many of

them will be able to be reopened once again. Should they not be I will

have a bit more of a challenge, though I do not believe that will be too


"When do you intend to return?" Narcissa asked.

"No later than September." Cassiopeia decided, "I will use August to order

my affairs and then return here. I believe it will be necessary for me to

appear in the Ministry to register my return."

The four adults shared smirks as she smiled benignly at them.

"I can almost picture it." Sirius said with relish, "I wonder how many

people will recognise you?"

"Hopefully many." She replied, "Dumbledore knows my face, and you will

have to be prepared for questioning when I return; he will know we are

planning something."

"Dumbledore thinks we are planning anyway." Sirius pointed out, "With

the Black/Malfoy alliance back in play and the favour of Lord Slytherin

at the last Wizengamot session he believes we have 'fallen'."

"He knows about Him then," Cassiopeia mused, "Yes, I see what you

mean. No matter, Dumbledore, if he is smart, will not make any

movement against me."

"Well, recent actions state otherwise." Remus muttered, and Sirius


"That's disgustingly true." He agreed, "It's hard to predict him, because I

while I knew he was capable of many things, I didn't think he would

stoop as low as he has done."

"It is pointless for us to try and plan for his actions before my arrival. I

have been out of Britain for over twelve years, he will surprised and we

can use that to benefit us." Cassiopeia told them.

"You're right. It's just hard to sit and wait." Sirius sighed.

"Thankfully, you have a very responsible and very patient mate to keep

you from doing anything idiotic." Cassiopeia commented slyly. Sirius

looked sheepish while Remus snickered, and both adult Malfoys rolled

their eyes.

"I wouldn't do anything idiotic!" Sirius exclaimed, his expression going

outraged when everyone laughed at him, "You are all cruel."

"Cruel is a matter of perspective, my dear." Cassiopeia chimed. "Now I do

believe the end of this evening has approached." She rose to her feet and

straightened her dress with a flick of her wand, Sirius, Harry and Remus

mimicked her notion with a smile.

"Aunt Cassiopeia, it has been an honour hosting you this evening." Sirius

said formally, inclining his head.

"It was my utmost pleasure to attend, Sirius." She returned in the same


"Allow me to escort you out." Sirius said and she nodded.

"I hope to see you all again soon." She told the room as a whole, who

answered their agreement before she swept from the room with Sirius.

The room stayed in silence until Sirius walked back in to the room and

dropped down in to his chair with the grace of an elephant.

"Thank Merlin that's over." He said with a groan. Harry, Draco and Ares

snorted while Narcissa and Remus rolled their eyes and Lucius shook his


"She was not as bad as I assumed she would be." Narcissa mused.

"No, but it doesn't stop me from being happy its over." Sirius pointed out.

"Is she always like that?" Ares wondered and Sirius laughed.

"Yeah, but don't worry. You have pretty much became her favourite niece

after today."

"She did seem very interested in me." Area allowed, "Will that stay


"More than likely. Once the courtship starts you'll receive personal

invitations to have lunches and everything." Sirius replied cheerfully, and

Ares looked terrified.

"Do not worry yourself." Narcissa told her, shooting a look at Sirius, "You

have impressed her and she will merely want to make sure you are

settling in to the family well."

"I really hope you are right."

"I usually am." Narcissa replied without a hint of modesty.

"You both remained collected during her questioning." Remus said to the

boys, who flashed him almost identical smirks.

"Of course, Uncle Moony." They chimed, "Did you expect anything else."

"It is not that we expected anything else, merely undergoing questioning

about the future is often trying for the young." Lucius said to them.

"Well, we did come prepared." Draco pointed out.

"And we knew it was coming." Harry added.

"Yes, I do believe she was pleased with all of your answers." Narcissa said

with a smile. "If a bit surprised."

"Surprising though it may be, none of it was an exaggeration." Harry said

and Lucius raised an eyebrow.

"You truly believe Draco could obtain his Mastery in three years?"

"Of course. We can start in September and have his paper done by the

end of the year." Harry said.

"And his school work?" Lucius pointed out, "Failing is not an option."

Harry waved him off.

"Please, Draco and I covered second year and some of third year

curriculum last year. We'll both fly through it."

Both adult Malfoys didn't seem to know what to say to that whereas the

adult Blacks grinned, becoming somewhat use to the odd things Harry,

and by extension, Draco got up to.

"Besides, the main thing we have to look at is that Aunt Cassie is coming

back to England." Sirius cut in, deciding to relieve the Malfoys of their


"Yes, she is. And much easier and much sooner than I had thought she

would." Narcissa agreed, "Not that I am complaining, of course."

"No, that is the last thought on my mind." Sirius mused, "I'll be

accompanying her to the ministry just for the shock factor."

"I cannot wait for Dumbledore to find out Cassiopeia Black has returned

to Britain." Lucius said with a smirk, "His reaction is set to be beautiful."

"I'll be sure to make sure you know when to be in the ministry." Sirius

told Lucius with a grin.

"As nice as this is, I think my brain has been wrung for the night." Ares

said to them, "I think I'm going to head home."

"I'm glad you could come," Sirius said, and Ares grinned.

"Don't think I don't know you all threw me to the wolves." She said. Both

Sirius and Remus made a show of looking offended, Harry and Draco

innocent while Narcissa looked convincingly indignant, but Ares just

raised an eyebrow, not buying it for a second.

"Do you really think we would do that to you?" Sirius asked, sounding


"I have no doubt in my mind that you did exactly that." Area stated,

"Convenient mention of my 'skill set' there, Siri."

Sirius' offended expression melted in to a grin and he shrugged his


"She loved you, and I still have all limbs; I think we can count this one as

a win."

"Yeah yeah, I'll remember that." She joked, "I did have a good time


"I'm glad. I was honest when I invited you, I thought it would be best for

you to meet her with all of us instead of being forced in to a private meal

with her out of the blue."

Ares shuddered.

"Thank Merlin you did, I don't think I would have lived through a private

lunch before having this as preparation."

"You remembered your etiquette and speech perfectly, too." Narcissa told

her proudly, "I told you there would be nothing to worry about."

"I am just happy I can now walk on flat ground without tripping." Ares

said with a snort.

"Well yeah, I can see that being a bonus for you." Harry said seriously.

"Shut it, Squirt." Ares snapped, grinning at his wrinkled nose.

"I do believe Ares has the right idea." Narcissa agreed, casting a look at

the ornate grandfather clock in the corner and rising to her feet, "We

should go, too."

"Bye, it was good to see you." Harry said, "See you again."

"Come on," Draco said, pulling Harry out of the room, "You can see me


The adults shared a fond look as the boys left shoving each other

playfully. Harry and Draco ran down to the floo room where Harry

summoned an elf to get Draco's cloak.

"I think we have Aunt Cassie sold on us both." Harry said with a grin and

Draco smirked.

"Of course, did you hear our answers? We didn't have a word wrong."

"As if we would." Harry replied and they shared a laugh.

"So you'll be studying for your mastery but then you're free for the rest of

the summer, right?" Draco checked, and Harry nodded.

"Yep, well, unless I'm called by Marvolo."

"Yes, but that is the exception." Draco pointed out and Harry nodded.

"Of course,"

"Draco, are you ready to leave?" Lucius asked, sweeping in to the room.

"Yes, Harry got my cloak."

Harry and Sirius waved the Malfoys off as they floo'd home before

making their way up to the family lounge. Perfectly in sync, Harry and

Sirius pulled off the top layer of their robes and dropped them in the

chair they passed and dropped down on the sofa with a sigh.

"She's going to become a regular visitor, isn't she?" Harry wondered,

glancing at his father, whose expression became pained.

"Yeah, she is." He admitted, "It's not even as if I don't like her, she was

definitely one of the more tolerable ones of my family, it's just the strict

regulations she puts on 'correct behaviour'."

"This is another one of those times I am thankful I grew up with Sal,"

Harry said with a slight grin, "I'm used to acting like that."

"I broke the habit." Sirius grumbled. They both looked up when Moony

came in, he had his nose in a book and he had changed in to comfortable


"Ugh you have the right idea, uncle Moony." Harry groaned, and the man

looked up with a sly grin.

"I know."

"I'm going to steal the idea." Harry decided, "And vanish to my room,"

"We'll see you tomorrow, pup." Sirius told him, "And well done with Aunt


"Thanks, dad. See you,"

"You know, those boys and Ares will have that woman around their

fingers in no time." Remus said with a chuckle, and Sirius grinned. He

snapped his fingers to summon drinks for them and handed one to his


"All the more beneficial for when she moves here."

"There is that." Remus agreed, "At least the only thing we have to worry

about now is Cub's birthday before Azkaban."

"That's in three days." Sirius remembered, "Merlin, I'm not looking

forward to seeing what they have all become."

"It's going to be strange, releasing those we fought to put in."

"Yes, but even more so now we know what they were fighting for." Sirius


"It makes you wonder what we were fighting for beforehand, doesn't it?"

Remus mused and Sirius scoffed.

"I've been putting that question through my mind since we received the

plans from the Dark Lord."

"What makes it worse is that I cannot answer it." Remus admitted quietly.

They were both silent for a few moments before Sirius heaved a sigh.

"We have an actual goal this time, I know Narcissa wouldn't lie to me, not

for something like this. And I trust our puppy, he's smart as a whip, sharp

enough to trap the Dark Lord in a binding agreement: if he believes in

the man's cause, then its worth it." Sirius said confidently, "Plus, the man

has helped us out. Like I said before, he didn't need to attack Dumbledore

and James in the appeal hearing."

"I think once Azkaban has been and gone it'll truly sink in," Remus said

thoughtfully, "It'll be real then, we would have actively shown our

loyalties fully; well to the Dark Lord anyway."

Sirius nodded with a slight smile, his mind elsewhere before he looked

back at Moony and raised his glass.

"To the future," He said, "May magic make it glorious."

There we have it, the dinner with Cassiopeia and I hope you like it!

Let me know what you think and I'll get working on the next

chapter for you all.

Thanks guys!


P.S. I've been having some serious thoughts towards the pairing and

I am leaning towards Luna currently. I've got some ideas, so yeah,

thought I'd let you all know!

34. I'M BACK! Chapter 34

A/N: Well, there really isn't anything I can say to make up for the

utter lack of action concerning this fic. I could give a bunch of

excuses, life happened, I was completing university (I graduated

woo!) and I went through jobs like they were going out of fashion,

but the truth this I also had such horrible writers block concerning

this fic that it took four years to get though this chapter. I can only

say I'm very sorry, but I once promised I would never abandon any

of my works and I'm sticking to that.

So yeah, its been four long years, but here I am, returned with a

new chapter!

I cannot begin to express how grateful and appreciative I am that

people are still reading this story, still reviewing and hoping for an

update. Thank you all so so much and I promise, even if I don't

update super regularly (life what can you do) I can promise I will

never give up on a story.

To everyone who PM's about this fic, I'm so sorry if I never got back

to you. It was never anything personal, its just honestly I'm terrible

at communication.

Enough of my rambling – on with the show!

Have a double length chapter as an apology on my behalf

Disclaimer: I'm not J.K

Warnings: Maybe a bit of language,


Chapter 34:


Harry shot up at the sound of two voices shouting at him, he grinned as

he saw his dad and uncle at the foot of his bed with huge smiles on their


"I had almost forgotten," Harry admitted.

"Well we haven't and we have a busy day so up, dressed and down for

breakfast. No robes." Sirius instructed brightly.

"Wicked!" Harry hopped out of bed and rushed off into his bathroom as

the adults shared fond looks and went to set up. It didn't take the Black

Heir long to be ready and run down to the dining room where there was

a pile of presents in the middle of the table waiting for him to open.

"Come on then, cub, open your presents." Remus encouraged. Harry

needed nothing else and happy began tearing in to the brightly wrapped

gifts, exclaiming over what he found, especially the old scrolls from

Zygmund Budge.

"Where did you even get them?" Harry whispered and Sirius grinned


"I have my ways."

"Thank you," Harry told them both, as his elf popped in to take

everything to his room and the table filled with a breakfast feast. The

wards chimed just as they were about to start breakfast and a blond blur,

identified as Harry's best friend Draco, came running in to the room.

"Happy birthday!" He called, jumping in to the seat next to Harry, who


"Thanks! What are you doing here?"

"You didn't think we'd go out on your birthday and not invite the

Malfoys, did you?" Sirius said with a roll of his eyes.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked and Sirius grinned.

"It's a surprise."

Harry pouted but shrugged it off in favour of accepting the gift Narcissa

handed to him when she entered the room with her husband.

"Happy birthday, Harry dear." She said.

"Thank you, aunt Cissa." Harry told her gratefully, once he had opened

his gift. All of the adults watched amused as both Draco and Harry

rushed through their breakfast and were all but bouncing in their seats in

an effort to control their excitement.

"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad," Harry whined, "You can't be mean to me

on my birthday."

"I suppose you have a point." Sirius decided, "Come on then, to the

entrance hall for the portkey."

Harry and Draco were gone before he had finished speaking, much to all

of their amusement.

"Do you think they are looking forward to the day out?" Lucius wondered

and Sirius nearly snorted.

"No, not at all."

Sirius withdrew an envelope for everyone to take hold of and muttered

the activation word, there was the familiar hook behind their navels

before they were thrown in to a world of blue and slammed back on to

the ground. Both Harry and Sirius fell in to the person next to them

leaving Moony and Draco to right them else the four of them ended up

on the floor. They landed inside a simple room that had blue walls, an

open door, and a single window which Harry could see lands for miles

and mountains in the distance.

"Harry, Draco, welcome to the Welsh Dragon Reserve." Sirius announced

grandly. Both of the boys' eyes went huge and they broke out in beaming


"Oh Magic herself." Harry crowed, "This is going to be so cool!"

"I can't believe we get to come here!" Draco exclaimed, "I was ill the time

father managed to get tickets."

"I've never been able to see a real dragon." Harry said excitedly, bouncing

over to the two male attendants who appeared to be waiting for them,

Draco hot on his heels.

"House of Black party?" One of the men asked.

"Yes, that's us." Sirius confirmed, handing over the letter they had used as

a portkey.

"Wonderful. If you would like to follow us, we will collect V.I.P package

and go over everything that needs to be discussed before you enter the


"Thank you."

The two men led the group out of the arrival room and through to a large

room, which was decorated to match the outside views, that held a set of

French doors opening out in to the park.

"Good morning, I'm Jason and this is Matt-," He, Jason, indicated the

other man, who had come back over to the group with a folder of some

sort. "We'll be briefing you on what to expect before taking you out in to

the reserve."

"What you must understand is that the regulations and rules are there for

your safety as much as ours and the dragons. This reserve, and its staff,

will be, in no way, responsible for any injuries, property damage, or loss

of life should any of you deviate from instruction." Matt told them

seriously, looking more at the two younger ones as they were the most


"We understand." Sirius said, "The boys will listen clearly."

Said boys hurried to nod their acceptance.

"Good. Now the unpleasantness is out of the way, we can begin." Jason

said with an easy grin. "The first half of the tour is guided by us; we'll be

taking you through the main terrains of the sixteen fully grown dragons

we have here. At no point will you leave the designated path, nor shall

you enter the next terrain without us. Also, there is to be no use of magic

until you reach the very end of the tour."

"The second half of the tour is self-governed." Matt picked up, "You'll be

able to see the younger orphan dragons that we keep closer to the base.

And you've come at rather a good time as we've recently brought in a

baby Antipodean Opaleye, which is in the nursery at the very end."

"Wicked!" Harry and Draco exclaimed.

"These-," Matt handed over the folder to Sirius, "are the gift certificates

included for V.I.P's as well as the badges for the group so you can be

identifies as guests during the second half of the tour."

"Thank you."

"So are you ready to get going?"


The two dragon handlers grinned at their enthusiasm and led them out to

a court yard where eight brooms were waiting for them.

"Now, we'll fly in two lines with me and Matt leading." Jason told them,

as he passed out the brooms. "We'll be flying for about ten minuets before

reaching the home of the Welsh greens; it is the largest territory we have

as this is the dragons homelands."

"Once we have reached the territory, we will descend to the designated

landed area and commence with the beginning of the tour. We shall

continue in this pattern until we reach the end of first half; as long as you

follow us, you will be perfectly safe." Matt assured them. Harry and

Draco shared excited looks as they mounted their brooms and kicked off

just enough to hover about the ground waiting eagerly for their tour

guides to go.

As soon as they took to the air, Matt and Jason began to tell them the

history of the reserve and there was obviously some magic at work

because they could be heard clearly by all of their party. They regaled

the group with the facts as well as mixing it up with some funny and

scary anecdotes that seemed to come from personal experience. Once

they landed in the Welsh Green enclosure, the talk turned to focus on

that species of dragon as they were led through a heavily warded

pathway through the mountain pass; everything from the habitat they

preferred to their mating habits. Matt was just telling them of the recent

clutch of eggs they had had when there was a great roar and a burst of

flame above them in the mouth of a cave, it was followed by a louder

roar and two dragons burst from the cave grappling at each other as they

soared through the air.


"Ah, that would be Akira once again trying to get at Kamala's eggs." Jason

said while shaking his head, "I don't know why he still tries."

Both Harry and Draco had a million questions after such a display and

both tour guides were happy to answer all of them with great detail

before they moved on to the next territory. They group went through

territories belonging to the Hebridean Black, Ukrainian Iron Belly,

Peruvian Vipertooth and Norwegian Ridgeback and by the end of the first

half Jason and Matt had even Lucius avidly engaged in the discussions of

each of the dragons; Harry and Draco were all but vibrating as they left

the nesting Ridgeback.

"So this is where we leave you." Matt told them, grinning when both the

boys made noises of complaint. They had come to a halt outside what

looked to be a large barn.

"From here on you'll be seeing our babies and you are free to look at

everything at your own pace." Jason said to them, "The further you get in

the smaller the dragons will get and our nursery staff will be happy to

answer your questions."

"Wicked!" The boys chimed together.

"Enjoy the rest of the tour."

"Thank you! And thank you for a brilliant beginning." Sirius said to the

men, shaking their hands.

"Yes, it was incredibly more informative than I thought it would be, and I

had high hopes already." Lucius admitted, also shaking their hands, "You

both are incredibly knowledgeable."

"Thanks, it was our pleasure."

The group said goodbye to their tour guides and entered the barn, which

became very apparent had been magically expanded on the inside.

"Holy Merlin!" Draco exclaimed, eyes wide as he took in the sheer

expanse of the inside. There were a mix of different habitats that were

cleverly blended together on each side of the barn and a path that went

roughly through the middle, though there were a few pathways that

seemed to go further into the habitats and there appeared to be rope

cordoning off the actual dragon enclosures but Harry could feel the sheer

amount of magic stopping anyone not allowed from crossing the ropes.

"Come on, I wanna see the babies." Harry grabbed Draco and pulled him

over to the first path that went further in.

"Boys, don't go to far without us." Narcissa called out in warning.

"We won't." They promised, without stopping. The largest dragons they

got to see inside were the size of horses tumbling about and they only got

smaller, they saw the handlers actually working with the dragons and

they answered all the questions thrown at them with ease. Harry and

Draco were able to feed a toddler Welsh Green much to their delight as

the handler responsible for it explained that the baby had been orphaned

by its mother while still in its egg.

Finally, they got to where the newly hatches dragons were and were

treated to the rare sight of the baby Antipodean Opaleye, they all listened

avidly as the handler told them how they had come to have the little

dragon. It was with great reluctance the boys left the nursery, the adults

smiling indulgently as they ushered the two out into a large gift shop.

Knowing what their children were like, both sets of parents had already

prepared a set amount they were allowed to spend and after Sirius had

cashed in their gift certificates for a beautiful collection of moving, full

colour dragon figurines and some posters for the pair, they were released

into the shop.

Both the boys got a photo album of the dragons while Harry got himself a

dragon bag, a couple of embossed notebook that had a different dragon

watermarked on each page and a dragon claw dagger, Draco got himself

a robe with a dragon spitting flames on the back, a broach and a crystal

that would project dragons on to his ceiling at night. By the time they

had gotten out of the shop it was well into the afternoon and everyone

was ravenous so they were taken to Cildraeth y dewiniaeth, the small

shopping area in the centre of Wales for a delayed but light lunch, where

the boys barely stopped to eat as they discussed everything they had seen

on their trip.

"So you've enjoyed yourselves then?" Sirius asked them amused by their


"Are you kidding? This day has been the best!" Harry cried, "Dragons are

so cool!"

"Right! I'm named after the best animals ever!" Draco agreed vehemently.

"Well how about we have a browse around this area before we go home

and you can prepare to tell everyone how great everything was at Harry's

birthday dinner this evening?" Moony suggested.

"Ooo I get a birthday dinner too?"

"Of course, pup, it is your day after all."

"Wicked! Let's go then, I've never been here before so I want to explore."

Lunch was paid for and then they were off, darting from shop to shop

looking around the small shopping cove and if Sirius indulged Harry's

whims more than usual no one said a thing on his birthday after all. The

cove wasn't that large so it wasn't too long before the Blacks were saying

their goodbyes to the Malfoys and apparating back to their manor.

"That was the best, dad, uncle Moony!" Harry told them, all but beaming,

"Thank you!"

"Happy birthday, Harrison."

"I'm going to have a super long soak in the back after all that walking and

climbing on the mountains." Harry said with a grin, "I'll see you later."

Harry took the stairs two at a time as he rushed up to his room. His

birthday and reserve gifts had been brought to his room by his elf, who

had kindly put a bath on for him, so Harry was quick to organise his

items where he wanted before stripping of his clothes and sinking into

the bath with a happy sigh. It had truly been a great day; he never would

have expected his father to organise such an awesome experience for his

birthday. He must have been planning it for some time because Draco

had mentioned it was hard to get access to the reserves due to the high

demand of dragon parts on both the legal and the illegal markets. Not

only was it an incredible sight to see but it had been a long time since

Harry had learned so many new things, and he had an all new

appreciation and fascination for dragons.

Walking and being on a broom for so long had its downsides and the bath

was doing wonders for his sore limbs. Harry stayed relaxing in the bath

for a good hour, more than happy that magic allowed the water to stay

hot during the whole time, before scrubbing himself over and pulling

himself out to get dry and dressed. He put on something casual as he

knew he would be changing before his birthday dinner even if he didn't

know who would be attending other than the Malfoys, of course. Then he

went to find his dad and uncle. He was surprised not to find them in the

library as that was usually Moony's go-to place and Sirius would

normally follow his other have in eventually, despite all the complaining

he would do about it. Instead they were hunched over a table in the sun

room in a deep animated discussion over what seemed to be a very

complex Rune sequence.

"Shall I leave you to it?" Harry wondered, interrupting them when they

showed no signs of stopping. The pair of them jumped much to Harry's


"Oh, hello Cub." Moony greeted.

"What are you discussing?" He asked, moving over to the table.

"Back in school the Marauders adapted a set of two-way mirrors so all

four of us could communicate when we were separate. We've been trying

to replicate the effects on the grander scale, but the runes we used to

connect four are too unstable to add any more than that." Sirius

explained somewhat frustrated but grinning at the same time. "We

haven't had a challenge like this in years."

"I believe when you charmed your bike to fly and added a bunch of

unnecessary features." Remus reminded him and Sirius barked out a


"It definitely needed the dragon fire accelerant." The Black Lord insisted.

"That sounds concerning." Harry decided and Remus nodded, somewhat

wide eyed in remembrance.

"Oh trust me, it really was."

"You were fine." Sirius waved and Remus scoffed.

"I aged a decade in that half an hour."

Harry snorted at that, dropping down on a nearby chair.

"Wow, almost killing your mate; way to go dad."

"I didn't nearly kill him, he's exaggerating." Sirius huffed, "besides, you're

the biggest speed addict I know so don't tell me you wouldn't want to

ride on something that went faster than any broom available."

"Ok I definitely would it sounds amazing." Harry agreed with a laugh.

"Can I see what you're working on?"

"Of course, kiddo." Sirius pushed over some of the parchment and Harry

couldn't help but blink at the complexity of the runes scrawled over the

pages. He could only read so much before he became completely lost as

they expanded further and further into sequences he couldn't

comprehend let alone balance out. Even the original four mirror idea was

pushing it, and Harry was very impressed by their work, even more so

when considering they did it back when they were fifteen.

"Wow, you've lost me." Harry admitted to them, "I see Runes is a

speciality for you both?"

"Sirius more than me," Remus confirmed, "Arithmancy was my better


"We ended up splitting all the electives between the four of us so we

could take them all. McGonagall's face when we were all there for all the

exams was brilliant, more so when she gave us our timetables the next

year showing that we passed." Sirius reminisced, "we switched up

subjects just to really mess with her.".

"Honestly I'm surprised she didn't kill us during our time at school."

Remus laughed only semi-joking.

"She seems alright. I haven't really interacted with her outside of class."

Harry shrugged. "What time are we expecting the Malfoys back?"

"In about an hour because we can all be certain that Narcissa will arrive

early." Sirius replied and Harry nodded.

"Who else. is coming?"

"It's a surprise."

Harry pouted.

"Not even a hint?"

"Nope." Sirius denied cheerfully.

"Aw dad."

"Play a game of chess with me, cub. It'll distract you until you go and

change." Remus suggested and Harry agreed all the while hufng

dramatically much to the adults amusement. Remus set up the board and

it wasn't long until they were immersed in the game with Sirius chiming

in "helpful" directions every now and then. The game became an absolute

mess thanks to Sirius but Harry ended up curled over laughing so hard he

was almost crying as the chess pieces shouted abuse at the Black Lord.

By the time they had managed to clean up the carnage it was time for

Harry to get changed, he called his elf and asked him to have his

prepared for him before making his way up to his room. He pulled on the

blue and silver robes without any issue, running a comb through his hair

and making sure he was presentable before making his way down to the

ground floor sitting room in wait of their guest. Unsurprisingly, the

Malfoy's arrived first, dressed well in their family colours, Harry went to

greet them before moving to sit off to the side with Draco.

"So do you know who is attending this evening?" The blond questioned

and Harry shook his head.

"No, they've been very quiet on the guest list." Harry replied pouting

slightly, "actually, dad managed to keep me distracted enough that I

forgot to ask."

"Ugh, mother hasn't revealed who is to be in attendance other than

family either. But I'm guessing its more than that given the type of robes

we are both waring."

"I really hope it isn't going to be a political dinner." Harry sighed, "I'm

really not wanting to do that for my birthday just yet, we're going to

have to that when we're older all the time."

"I doubt your father, of all people, would turn your birthday into a

political event given how he was as a child." Draco pointed out and Harry


"Thank Merlin."

Harry felt the wards go again and rose with his father to greet their next

guests, he found himself slightly surprised to see it was Severus and Lily,

the red head being almost unrecognisable done up as a true pureblood

Lady should be; she looked radiant.

"Happy birthday, Harrison." Severus greeted, his words echoed by Lily at

his side. An elf popped in collect the gift that Lily was carrying and Harry

smiled at the pair of them.

"Thank you for coming." He returned, "It's good to see you both. How is

the manor?"

"It has come to suit my tastes." Was Severus' reticent answer much to

Harry's amusement; Lily rolled her eyes next to the Potion's master.

"It's been wonderful. We've just begun some of the redecoration and the

elves have been only too happy to help us."

"Nice! I am sure Severus has been overjoyed with furniture shopping."

Harry joked, grinning at the vicious glare his Head of House shot him

even as Lily laughed.

"Thankfully his tastes have not changed too much over the years so he

had been able to get away with minimal selections." Lily said, and Harry

barely stopped himself from snorting at the irony. Given that the red

head was back by Severus' side he could imagine very much that the

Potions Master's taste hadn't changed much.

He let the two of them move further into the room, easily joining the

conversation between the adults as Harry went back to Draco. The elves

popped into the room to serve drinks as Harry and Draco got into a

heated discussion on the upcoming Quidditch season, Draco

empathetically stating that the English team needed a compete overhaul

if they were ever going to get anywhere in the next world cup. Harry was

sorry to have missed it, but he had still been in the past when it was

being held so there would have been no chance for him to have seen it

even if he had wanted to.

He felt a slight tweak on the wards and it was different than the usual

announcement of someone arriving, he was sure of that because even his

dad looked up in confusion. That quickly turned into wide eyed shock

when, due to his position in the room, he saw who had come through

before Harry did. The pre-teen found himself blinking in surprise when

Marvolo swept into the room without so much as a by your leave and

headed in his direction.

"What are you doing here?" Harry blurted out and Marvolo levelled him

with a flat stare.

"Do you, or do you not, become a year older today?"

"Uh yeah? What's that got to do with anything?"

"Oh for Merlin's sake!" Marvolo looked skyward as if praying for patience

before thrusting a leather bound book in Harry's direction. "Here."

Harry took the book still with an expression of surprise, flipping it open

and distractingly reading it over before his focus suddenly zeroed in on

what he was reading and he jaw dropped.

"Is this what I think it is?"

Marvolo smirked.

"A collection of my personal magical studies in the field of Rune and spell

craft – age appropriate of course." He added the last bit with a nod in

Sirius' direction.

"Sweet merciful Merlin." Harry breathed, holding the book as if it was

pure gold. "Thank you!"

"Happy birthday." He said simply and then he just turned and left. The

entire room sat in silence for a few moments reeling from what had just

occurred and eventually it was Lucius who broke it.

"Did he really just give you his personal works for a gift?" The Malfoy

Lord asked incredulously and Harry nodded slowly.

"He really did." He said amazed.

"That was the Dark Lord, right?" Lily confirmed and got multiple forms of

confirmation from around the room.

"How did he even get in?" Sirius exclaimed.

"You hadn't added him into the wards?" Narcissa questioned shocked and

Sirius looked at her as if she was insane.

"No! He's the Dark Lord!"

"So how did he get in?" Remus repeated. The adults all seemed to pause

as they thought about that before Harry snorted.

"Dark Lord?" He offered, bursting out laughing at the looks on their faces.

He called an elf to take the book to his room determined to read it

through as soon as possible, the only thing stopping him from doing so

now was because he had his dinner and he knew if he started reading he

wouldn't be able to put it down.

"Well that broke up the evening nicely I guess." Sirius muttered, downing

his glass and shaking his head. The rest of the guests slowly trickled in

and Harry was pleased to see Blaise and Theo with their respective family

members followed by Ares and Aunt Cassie. The true surprise for the

evening was the arrival of the Weasley twins, who were staying with

their great Aunt Muriel for the rest of the summer as punishment for

their behaviour and was only two happy to see her great nephews

cultivating strong alliances with the House of Black.

"Honestly, we might spend more time with her from now on." Fred was

telling the four Slytherins.

"She updated our entire wardrobes and allowed us to practice our magic

once she saw the work we put into our prank items." George picked up.

"It's been the best summer we've had in years."

"Are you speaking of Muriel Prewett?" Cassiopeia questioned, looking at

the twins curiously and they nodded.

"Yes ma-am,"

"Hm, she is a good friend of mine; I shall have to write to her and

organise a luncheon. It is pleasing to see that she has two promising

young gentlemen to take over the Prewett name in the future."

"Thank you, Madam Black."

"Your words are too kind."

Watching Fred and George pull out their pureblood manners, obviously

taught to them by Muriel Prewett, was deeply amusing as well as slightly

uncomfortable because it was so unusual for them to be like that. Harry

and Draco, with Theo as a help for the things he was there for, were able

to catch Blaise and the twins up surrounding the drama that had been

happening during the summer. Given that Lily was sitting the other side

of the room next to Severus, it wasn't as if they could hide the fact they

had been in the thick of things even if they wanted to.

They didn't go too in to detail, not wanting to breach Lily's privacy given

the heinous acts committed against her, but it was enough for the others

to know a storm was brewing for Potter and the Light as a whole. Blaise

cursed the fact that he often went out of the country during the summer,

though Harry pointed out that it was bound to continue thought the next

school year so he would be able to witness a lot of it first-hand. The twins

filled them in on all the things they had overheard during their time at

home, their parents having many meetings with Dumbledore and Potter

and Rose had been staying at their house very frequently.

Apparently the old man wasn't pleased to be loosing ground within the

Wizengamot and his move to overturn Rose' conviction had backfired in

a way he hadn't been expecting. There were now, according to their

father, more stringent security measures surrounding items to be used in

trials as well as monitoring charms surrounding the archives so they

could actively watch who looked at what. Why this wasn't already in

place Harry didn't know, but the more he heard about the British

Ministry the less impressed he was. Marvolo often ranted about the

ministries incompetence. Sirius eventually called them to dinner, leading

the party into the newly decorated dining room and to their seats.

"I thank you all for attending here this evening to celebrate my son and

heir's twelfth birthday." Sirius said to the room before turning to

Harrison, "I cannot begin to express how having you in my life has

changed it so fundamentally. Everyone here knows how you came to be,

but the only thing I would change would be to take you as mine sooner."

"Thanks dad."

"Happy birthday, son."

Once Sirius had retaken his seat, the first course came into existence; it

was a goats cheese and watercress tart. Light conversation started up as

they began eating, all of the children has sparkling cider per Harry's

choice as he wasn't fond of wine, and the adults had something from the

Black cellars. The first course was followed by filet mignon with roasted

baby carrots in a red wine roux and for desert they had panna cotta with

a summer berry coolie which was enjoyed by all. After dinner, they

retreated into the sitting room where drinks were passed out and Sirius

called the elves to bring in Harry's cake. It was a huge chocolate

monstrosity that Harry couldn't wait to dig into.

"As you can see, pup, Remus was in charge of the cake." Sirius laughed

and the werewolf rolled his eyes even as he grinned.

"Everyone loves chocolate cake."

"It looks amazing." Harry told them both with a grin, his thoughts echoed

by his friends. As it was his birthday, Harry was allowed to cut the first

slice before the elves took over and handed out pieces. It was a gorgeous

cake and the Black heir was overjoyed to see he had plenty left over for

him to stuff his face on tomorrow. Harry was allowed to take his friend

his friends to the sunroom and open his gifts with them once the pieces

of cake were eaten, leaving the adult to their conversations.

He received a beautiful dagger from Blaise and his mother, a collection of

rare potions ingredients from Severus and Lily, a book on Mayan Runes

from Theodore and his grandfather, an enormous box of Honeydukes

specials chocolate from Ares, a lovely leather bound endless page journal

from Aunt Cassie and finally a collection of their completed prank

products from the twins. Already the six of them were thinking up ideas

on what they could use the twins products for, and Harry had to admit he

was impressed by the potions that the Gryffindors has created already; he

couldn't wait to see how far they would go in the future.

Out of sight from the adults, the six of them relaxed back shaking off the

more strict behaviours they had used earlier and Harry spent the rest of

the evening having and laugh and a joke with his friends. All to soon the

night came to an end and Harry found himself in the floo room saying

goodbye to his guests and thanking them for their wonderful gifts. The

twins told him they were with Muriel until the end of the summer so any

invites would be able to be accepted without issue much to Harry's joy,

and Sirius agreed they'd be happy to host them again later. Once

everyone had left, Sirius pulled Harry to his side in a one armed hug and

led the way back up to the family sitting room where the three of them

proceeded to flop on the sofas with no grace whatsoever.

"So pup, did you enjoy your first birthday with us?" Sirius asked and

Harry beamed at him.

"It's been fantastic, thank you dad, uncle Moony."

"No problem, cub. I think your father had equal amounts of fun planning

it." Remus said with a grin.

"Too right. Shopping for my puppy was great." Sirius agreed without an

ounce of shame.

"I can't believe Marvolo turned up and gave me a gift." Harry said in

disbelief and both Marauders scoffed in unison.

"Please don't remind me of that, Pup. I'm dying to know how he got in."

Sirius groaned. "The Black wards are some of, if not the, most dangerous

in the country. He should have never been able to do that."

"There has to be a reasonable explanation." Remus mused, "like you said,

the wards here are powerful, and even as a Dark Lord he isn't able to just

bypass them or the war would have gone in a much different direction

last time."

Sirius shuddered at the thought.

"That's a horrible thought."

"I'll ask him about it when I see him next." Harry told them, "or you

could, as Azkaban is coming up tomorrow."

"I think I'll leave that to you, cub." Remus said, "we'll focus on Azkaban


"Oh Merlin, he's not that scary."

"Yeah well, until we get used to the man you're our ambassador."

"Wow, Gryffindors ladies and gentlemen." Harry deadpanned.

"Just because we're brave doesn't make us stupid." Remus told him

without shame making Harry laugh. It quickly turned into a yawn much

to the adults amusement and they shared a fond smile.

"You've had a long day, pup. Why don't you get to bed? Sirius suggested

and Harry nodded.

"I think I will."

He got up and hugged them both before bidding them goodnight and

heading to his room, he thanked his elf, who popped into collect his

robes, and then happily climbed into his bed. He was asleep before his

head hit the pillow; it had been a great day.

Magic was rich in the air for the first day of the new harvest as the date

of the Azkaban breakout dawned bright and cheerful. There was an air of

anticipation lingering within the manor, even Moony had been twitchy at

breakfast. Harry found himself in his potions lab preparing a range of

different potions and salves for the Death Eaters they were set to remove

because they would need them during the time he was testing his healing

elixir. He was hoping to have at least a weeks' worth of potions ready to

take with him this evening when they went to Slytherin castle for Cissa to

use as she cared for the Azkaban escapees. Harry also knew that Severus

was also doing the same thing which left them in a good position to make

more without having to worry about running out in the meantime. Of

course, Harry was hugely confident in his elixir, so he doubted they

would need too many, but it was always better to be safe than sorry.

Both his father and uncle were going over the Azkaban plans once more

between them before putting them away until they were with the rest of

their group. He worked through lunch, stopping only to eat some fruits,

and got everything bottled up around an hour before he was due for

dinner. They weren't expected at the Castle until the late evening given

that it was summer and the daylight hours were longer. Of course, they

didn't have to wait as long as the rest of the country for darkness, the

dementors' presence made the sky dark most of the time anyway but they

weren't going to risk it during in the middle of the day. Harry was set to

bring his dad and uncle to the castle where Marvolo would bring them

into the wards once they were there.

Harry wasn't actually sure what the Dark Lord was doing with his

followers, they had discussed the actual break out, but not really the

aftermath other than the fact that they would need to recover from their

stay at the prison. Harry supposed he would have to ask later, if it wasn't

already explained anyway. He also wanted to know what Severus was

going to say to Lily in explanation as to what he was going tonight; she

said she was willing to listen, but that was one thing and helping break

out Death Eaters was another. Harry made his way up through the

manor, he went to his rooms and headed for the shower to have a long

soak under the hot water. When he was done he pulled on all black

clothes and robes in preparation for later, not seeing the point in putting

on something different just for a couple of hours. Both Sirius and Remus

were already at the table and Harry flashed them a smile.

"Hey dad, uncle Moony." He greeted, "You two been busy?"

"Hi, Pup. Not really." Sirius admitted, "Thought it best I settle myself and

review my Occlumency shields in preparation for tonight."

"Good plan. I've been through mine a few times over the past few days."

Harry commented with a nod.

"I practiced my patronus this morning and then had a nap so I'll be fully

rested." Remus answered, "I know my shields are solid, and I don't want

to go too mad on the patronus practice else I be exhausted magically, or,

Merlin forbid, end up failing later."

"Yeah, that would be a massive disaster." Harry agreed, "Actually, that

would be the absolute worst."


"The wait is killing me." Sirius sighed, "I know why we have to wait, but

it's really terrible."

"It does seem as if the time is going slower." Remus allowed, "But then

again, when you're waiting for something it usually works like that."

"It's because we all know that we're going to be doing something really

important later." Harry pointed out.

"I know that, pup, but it doesn't mean I have to like it." Sirius grumbled

and Harry snickered.

"It's not long now, thankfully." Harry said, "We have to be at the Castle at

eight O'clock so by the time we finish dinner it'll only be two hours."

"I think the worst thing is I really don't know what to expect." Sirius

groaned, slumping in his seat. "Azkaban is considered Hades on Earth for

a reason; Merlin only knows what the Death Eaters are going to be like.

Circe, I don't even know if they'll be sane!"

"It is something we'll have to seriously consider." Remus nodded,

"Obviously, physically healing them is going to be the priority, but their

mental states are going to be severely shaken after spending ten years in


"I've been focussing on the physical side of things so I don't know. Surely,

though, that being removed and slowly working themselves back to full

strength will help their mental state. I mean, yeah, I should be able to fix

their bodies, but they've still been inactive for ten years so they're going

to have to work hard to get back to their best."

"I see what you mean. Having a goal to work on might be what they need

to not focus on the horrors no doubt Azkaban would have forced on

them." Sirius said and Harry nodded.

"It's only a guess of course, as I've never been nor have I ever been near a

dementor, but it couldn't hurt." Harry shrugged, "I suppose we'll speak to

Marvolo when we get there."

"There is that." Moony agreed. "Do you know any of the plans regarding

after the break out?"

"Honestly, no." Harry replied, "I was thinking earlier that I would have to

ask Marvolo. I know he said that he didn't want the Slytherin castle to be

for all the Death Eaters, so I guess he intends to set up another base for

meetings and other such things, but apart from that I have no clue."

"I wouldn't want a load of Death Eaters living with me either." Sirius


"He'd have none left within a week." Harry threw back and Sirius released

a bark of laughter.

"I can only imagine."

"Shall we go to the gardens until we have to leave?" Moony suggested, "It

seems like such a waste to remain in the manor on such a lovely day."

"We'll follow you, Moony." Sirius agreed, "The sun is on them at the

moment so we can bask in the sun."

"Sometimes, Pads, you can be such a cat."


"A snake then?" Harry tried, grinning as his dad became even more

outraged. He stalked off leaving Harry and Moony laughing at him as

they went after him.

"He does remember that lions are just big cats, right?" He wondered and

Moony snorted.

"Probably not."

They found the animagus sulking on one of the benches amongst the

flowers much to their amusement. Moony saw fit to mention their

upcoming bonding ceremony offhand when Sirius refused to speak to

either of them and got a foul glare for his troubles. It didn't matter what

was happening, Sirius was too overjoyed to be officially bonding to his

mate that he couldn't stop himself from speaking about it. The Black Lord

had all kinds of ideas even if he intended to keep it small like he

promised Moony, plus he had Narcissa on his side, if he got lost as to

what needed to be done she would be only too happy to come over and

boss him around for hours.

"She would do that, too." Harry agreed with a shudder.

"It's the Black blood." Remus said seriously, "Makes them all crazy."

Sirius opened his mouth to protest before he paused, thought about it and

then nodded in acceptance.

"Yeah, I'll give you that one."

"We're all a little crazy anyway, dad." Harry said with a grin.

"We have to be given what we're going to be doing soon." Sirius pointed


"Nah, its just a bit of fun."

Both adults scoffed.

"Remind me not to ever go with your brand of fun." Moony deadpanned

and Harry laughed.

"Where's your adventurous spirit?" Harry wondered.

"It died."

Sirius and Harry burst out laughing at the bland answer and Moony


"I'll remember that, uncle Moony."

"Be sure that you do or you'll have me grey before I'm forty."

"Such faith you have in me." Harry said proudly and Sirius snorted.

"It's not faith, it's acceptance." He countered, "Given what you managed

to do within just your first year, I think we've resigned ourselves to crazy

town for the next couple of years in the least."

"Well at least you have realistic expectations." Harry said pragmatically,

and then he grinned impishly.

"Brat." Sirius said fondly.

"I don't know what you could possible mean, father dearest."

"Uhuh, and I'll buy that excuse when you state Potter is your best friend."

Harry looked at him in disgust.

"There's a line, dad."

"That's what I thought."

The three of them continued jokingly bickering back and forth up, getting

so invested in their conversation that they were almost late despite their

earlier impatience. Harry took them through the floo once he had

collected his potions and then instantly swore he was never sharing a floo

with more than one person ever again. He was spat out of the grate and

he very nearly faceplanted the floor, he would have done so, too, if it

wasn't for Moony grabbing the back of his robes. Sirius was a bit luckier

than his son, managing to somehow wildly grab the mantle above the

grate to stabilize himself, though he looked a little green around the


"Well I think I can say for all of us that that was awful." Moony said


"I vote we never do that again." Harry put in and got duel nods in his



"Ok, first; welcome to Slytherin Castle." Harry said, leading them out of

the floo room and in to the entrance hall. Sirius gave a low whistle of

appreciation as he took in the décor and Harry grinned proudly; Salazar

had really done a great job. Harry took them to the formal sitting room

where they were going to be meeting for the pre-break out discussion.

Severus wasn't there yet, but the adult Malfoys were as was Marvolo.

"Good evening O Lord of Darkness." Harry greeted him cheerfully,

dropping himself on the seat closest to said Dark Lord, while Sirius and

Remus took the two seats next to him.

"Good evening, Harrison, Black, Lupin." Marvolo returned, used to the

boy's antics by now so he didn't even blink. All four other adults were

looking at him as if he was insane, but Harry only grinned in response.

"I brought potions for you, aunt Cissa." Harry told her, pulling out his

potions case and handing it over. "It doesn't include my elixir as I'll be

dealing with that one myself, but these should help tide you over until

the elixir is administered."

"Wonderful, Harry dear," Cissa said pleased, "Many if not all, of them will

need to be stabilized when they get here before you give them the elixir."

"That makes sense." Harry allowed with a nod. Severus chose that

moment to enter the room with Izar Nott completing their group. The

Potions Master handed his own potions case to Cissa as well, not looking

surprised that there was one already there.

"I took it upon myself to make some strong Giggling Juice to counter the

heavy set despair." He told her, "Chocolate will warm them, but laughing

with make them feel real joy for the first time in ten years."

"Good forethought, Severus." Marvolo said with a nod.

"Yes, thank you, Severus."

"That seems a bit simple if dementors are so foul." Harry said, but his

tone was nothing but curious.

"It hasn't been proven, but Giggling Juice makes the drinker feel genuine

amusement, which is something that's been denied for a decade. It cannot

make anything worse." Severus explained and Harry nodded.

"Thank makes sense."

"It is going to be impossible to guess the state in which the Death Eaters

will be in." Cissa said, and then she frowned, "Both physically and


"Yes. Each of their mental states are going to need to be evaluated."

Marvolo agreed.

"We were discussing earlier that despite what states their minds may be

in it might be beneficial for them each to have a goal." Moony suggested,

"Cub states his elixir will fix them physically but it doesn't counter the

decade of idleness."

"Hm, that is a good idea." Marvolo mused with a slow nod, and then

looked at Sirius, Severus and Remus, "As teachers, work with Cissa to

create a schedule for them to work with to regain their strength and


"That shouldn't be too difficult." Sirius agreed easily and then he flashed a

smirk at Cissa, "We can introduce them to the Black induction in to


The Lady released a delighted laugh.

"That will amuse Bella if nothing else."

"Once they are on the mend it will give insight as to what is available to

work with." Lucius pointed out, "I know for a fact that some went in

injured. We do not know how they have healed over the years."

"And no doubt the ministry left them to rot without a healer." Cissa said

in disgust.

"Of course they would have, they pushed through most of the trials in an

effort to be seen cleaning up since they were mostly useless in the actual

war." Severus sneered.

"Bagnold needed to. She knew her time was coming to a close and the

last thing any minister wants is to be remembered as a failure." Marvolo

said, "It is… displeasing, but altogether unsurprising."

"I wouldn't be surprised if we find some in there that didn't even have a

trial." Remus commented, "The entire ministry was in a shambles during

the clear up; I've seen battles with more organisation."

"That is the cold truth." Lucius agreed.

"The thought had crossed my mind." Marvolo admitted, "I've

accommodated for increased numbers."

"Where are they going though?" Harry asked, "I know you really don't

want all the Eaters here."

"Ah yes, that is why you are here so early. I have secured a location for

all of the Death Eaters to rehabilitate and live in, it will also be the base

of our workings. Many will seek outside locations once they are healed,

but there are some with absolutely nothing to their name who will need

housing. I intend for the Elite to be here once they are more themselves,

but that is for a later date." Marvolo explained, as he withdrew a green

ribbon. "We will be using the House of Morgana Le-Fey."

"You finally went!" Harry exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes. While not as large or grand as Salazar's castle, it has space enough

for my people and room enough for our base." Marvolo confirmed, "I

found a library there and spent time reorganizing it; I have brought all

material that I did not recognise or was written my Le-Fey herself here."

"If it wasn't crucial that we do this tonight I'd already be up there

reading." Harry sighed.

"You are not alone in your thoughts." Marvolo agreed.

"The Le-Fey property still stands strong after all these years?" Izar

exclaimed amazing.

"Yes, and the magic surrounding it will keep our people hidden and safe."

Marvolo told him. "I have also updated the healing hall and expanded it

for your use, Narcissa, however I will be issuing you some house elves to

collect anything that may be missing. I have never once claimed to be a


"Thank you, my Lord. That will be most advantageous."

Marvolo nodded once before holding out the ribbon.

"The portkey will leave on my command."

They all stood and placed a finger on the ribbon, bracing themselves as

Marvolo hissed the command word and they were whirled away in a

swarth of colour. They landed in a gothic styled entrance hall that was

dominated by a grand staircase in the middle of the room. Marvolo didn't

give them much chance to admire the place as he swept up the stairs and

lead them first to the healing hall where Narcissa immediately began

setting things up to her liking and then down to a sitting room. It was

decorated in rich purple which set nicely against the black and silver,

there were multiple sofas and chairs placed neatly throughout the room

and Marvolo indicated for them all to sit. When they got further into the

room, Harry spotted what looked like several miniature dolls on one of

the coffee tables and he looked at the Dark Lord in question.

"I, myself, haven't been idle during the run up to this break out." He told

them all, picking up one of the dolls. "These are golems; they will

activate once they have been resized. They cannot be resized until in the

corresponding cells as they work on the latent ambient magics that

would have been collected during our people's time in the cells. They

should last years and using the ambient magic will mimic the behaviour

of the person in the cell."

"That is an ingenious piece of magic." Remus exclaimed impressed,

eyeing the dolls with much more intrigue.

"It truly is." Izar agreed, "will they appear to die or shall they simply fade


"Fade away." Marvolo replied, "two reasons: first, I do not wish to

compromise the identities of our people. Many of them have Houses they

need to manage and I don't want them to lose more than they already

have in their service for me. Secondly, should we not have control of the

ministry by that point, the amount of fear that will be prevalent will

allow us to push through more things when people are to preoccupied by

the apparent Azkaban break out."

"You want to mess with people." Sirius summed up, half amused half

incredulous and the Dark Lord smirked but said nothing. They went over

the final review of the plan as a group one last time before they were


Marvolo apparated Harry out first. The information they had gotten from

their sources said the wards would alert them of anyone apparating or

disapparating directly to or from the Island, and the winds covering the

ocean were too unpredictable and treacherous to fly over, so the dock

with the boats would normally be the only way in or out and that was

before reaching the wards themselves. However, they had an out. Harry's

flames were able to easily bypass the wards and that ability was pretty

much the only reason his father had relented and allowed him to go.

They arrived at a boat, cautiously climbing aboard and setting forward,

the Dark Lord easily overriding the magic directing the craft and steering

it to a blind spot on the Island.

It was bitingly cold, and only when Marvolo cast warming charms in

Parselmagic did they actually hold, though they didn't combat the bone

chilling cold that seeped in to their bones as they approached the

dementors lair.

"How close do you need to be the first time you go somewhere?" Marvolo

asked the pre-teen, who's eyes were fixed forward.

"I just need to see where I'm going." Harry replied in a murmur, "once

we're free of this fog and you point out where we need to be I should be

able to get us there."

"Very well."

The trip on the boat seemed to take forever and yet no time at all before

the fog cleared enough for Marvolo to indicate where they were going to


"Right, hold on to me and don't let go." Harry told him, preparing to fire


"Remember, the feeling of the dementors will hit you as soon as you land

within the wards. They are there as much to keep the dementors in as

they are for the prisoners." Marvolo reminded Harry, who nodded.

"Got it. Ready?"


Harry took a deep breath and willed his flames to pull them to the

shoreline Marvolo had indicated, they landed seconds later and Harry

was almost brought to his knees by the wave of despair that hit him as

soon as his flames went away. Marvolo didn't seem to be doing much

better, the despair plus the feeling of flame travel seemingly making him

nauseous as he hunched over regaining his equilibrium.

"Well that is deeply unpleasant." He stated and Harry snorted.

"For you may be."

"Come, let us not linger here." Marvolo instructed and Harry nodded,

taking his arm and flaming back to Le-Fey manor. They landed in the

sitting room the rest of their party was waiting in and Harry grimaced as

he landed.

"I think it'll be best if I leave and return from a closer location. The

dementors and the wards really pull on my fire." He told the Dark Lord.

"From the docks maybe?"

"Yes, that shall work just as well." Marvolo agreed, "we shall then

apparate back so not to tax our people too much."


Marvolo looked at Lucius and Sirius.

"Both of you are the only ones who have been to Azkaban docks

previously; can you side-apparate?"

"Easily. I'll take Remus and Harry." Sirius confirmed, and Lucius nodded

in agreement.

"I shall take Severus and Izar."

"Good. Conserve your strength; we shall be apparating many others

back." Marvolo said. "Go now."

They apparated out and landed at a deserted dock, it was thick with mist

and magic, giving it an exaggerated eerie feeling that made them


"Brace yourself and don't move." Harry warned them, going to Lucius and

Severus first. He flamed them to the spot Marvolo had chosen, dropping

them off and flaming back to the dock without pause. He repeated the

process twice more in quick succession, stumbling slightly when he

finally landed with Marvolo and Izar.

"You do not go more than a foot away from him." Sirius ordered Harry,

pointing at the Dark Lord and looking completely serious. "You do not

leave his side."

"I won't." Harry promised, not intending to break his word whatsoever.

Marvolo nodded once at the Black Lord when the man looked at him in

confirmation; he wouldn't let the boy come to harm.

"If things go wrong, send the signal and get yourselves out of here. It is

better that some of us be around to safe guard our world than all of us

fall." Marvolo warned them, before casting a disillusion charm over both

himself and Harry as the others followed suit. It was Severus' doe and

Remus huge dog patronus' that burst forward first, scattering the first

comings of dementors, and they were quickly followed by a werewolf, a

linx, a falcon and a snake from Sirius, Lucius, Izar and Harry as they

moved collectively towards the prison clearing the path. Remus and

Severus cleared the bottom floor of dementors and took up placement to

secure the base perimeter making sure no dementors could enter from the


The first floor was clear of dementors, so they moved swiftly through the

dank halls, paying no heed to the prisoners on the first floor as none were

who they had come for. Lucius' linx shone brightly as they climbed up

towards the higher security wings above them, making the cells for

where the Death Eaters were being kept. He and Izar broke off to manage

the medium security break out and swap and to keep the dementors

away leaving Sirius to lead the way up to the high security cells. While

most of the prison has been hauntingly silent, high security was the

opposite, with loud screams and shouts from the prisoners locked there.

The chill that surrounded the island all but burned into them when they

finally reached the high security wing, and Harry's snake and Sirius'

werewolf was suddenly joined by a huge basilisk as a massive wave of

dementors suddenly swarmed the corridor they were passing through,

pushing the foul creatures back so they could enter the high security


"I'll go ahead and mark the cells as I try and look for Bella. I don't think

these Death Eaters will be appeared by anyone other than you." Sirius

said to the Dark Lord.

"Very well."

Sirius nodded even though he couldn't be seen and moved as quickly as

possible down the grim corridors. He'd been to Azkaban during the last

war as he had worked at an auror and it never got any nicer, he hated to

think of any of his family (except his mother) being locked away in here

but especially Bella. Even back when they had been on opposing sides, it

had always been great to duel Bella.

He spotted Dolohov and the Lestrange brothers first, then Rookwood who

he remembered had been caught due to Karkaroff's betrayal before

stumbling across a rocking Bellatrix near the very end of the final

corridor. He had almost missed her, Azkaban reducing his fearsome

cousin to a waif of her previous self, but her wild hair was impossible to

not recognise and he sighed in relief. Sirius dropped his disillusion

charm, bringing his patronus closer to his cousin as he crouched down in

front to the bars. She blinked at him a few times, a look of confusion

coming across her gaunt face before a spark of recognition lit up her


"Sirius." Her voice was gravely and hoarse with disuse and Sirius had to

bite back a frown, very unhappy at her condition. Instead he pulled up a

careless air and flashed her a rougish grin.

"I bet you never thought you'd see me here."

She glared at him at that, seemingly remembering that the last time they

had met they hadn't been on the same side.

"Come to gloat?" She demanded, "the Dark Lord will rise again and break

me out of this hell hole."

Sirius snorted.

"Oh I don't doubt it." He agreed and then laughed when she opened her

mouth to no doubt argue with him before registering his words.


This time he gave her a real smile, reaching through the bars to grab one

of her hands in his.

"We've come to bust you out."

"What?" Bella repeated, eyes wide before she clenched them shut,

gripping Sirius' hand as tightly as she could in her weakened state. "I


"Just stay calm. He'll be here now, he's coming for you." Sirius assured

her, "You're going to be okay."


"The Dark Lord, of course."

Bella gasped, looking at him as in disbelief and Sirius shot her a grin.

"I've come with him and a few others."

"You wouldn't!" She yelled somewhat hysterically, wrenching her hand

out of his and rising to her knees to grip the bars, "You left us!"

"Hey, calm down, he'll have my hide." Sirius tried to soothe, "so many

things have happened and there isn't enough time now, but they'll be

explained soon. Trust me, as Lord of the House of Black, if nothing else."

She looked at him wide eyes and confused, with a touch of madness

clinging to her even as she calmed down slightly.

"He's here?"

"He is." Sirius assured before raising his voice and shouting down the

corridor. "HERE! She's here, I've found her."

Sirius flinched back as the Dark Lord was suddenly right next to him as if

he had apparated himself there, he ripped the bars clean from the wall

and crouched down in front of Bella within a matter of seconds. Bella

looked up at him as if he was a deity in human form, her breathing

coming in sharp pants as she reached out as if to touch him before

drawing back scared.

"M-My My Lord?" She whispered hardly daring to believe her own eyes.

Marvolo reached out and gently laid a hand on her cheek, his red eyes

incensed as he took in what has been done to her. She leaned into the

touch and clutched his hand reverently, whispering 'you've returned' over

and over again as she gazed at him unblinkingly.

"My beautiful Bella, what have they done to you?" Marvolo's voice was

almost inaudible as he spoke.

"You came for me." Bella breathed.

"And you never doubted I would." Marvolo replied with a raised eyebrow.

Her bloodless lips stretched into a beaming smile that still managed to

transform her whole face even in her condition. The Dark Lord swiftly

picked her up, rising to her feet and moving towards where Sirius had

retreated back with Harry and the other released Death Eaters, Harry

allowed his patronus to face and waved his wand to fix all the broken

bars and doors once he had checked the placement of the golems.

"We leave immediately." The Dark Lord barked, directing his patronus to

circle them as they made their way back down to collected Izar and

Lucius. There was another group of Death Eaters behind the other two

and they all moved, with the patronus' circling, towards where Remus

and Severus held the base perimeter. As soon as they were clear of the

prison, Harry immediately flamed Severus and Izar to the docks before

going back and doing groups of the prisoners in four, leaving just enough

time between jumps to let Izar and Severus to alternate the apparations.

Once he had got most of them out, he took Lucius and Remus to help

direct the Death Eaters at the manor with Narcissa and then came back to

grab the high security prisoners, and finally Marvolo, Sirius and Bella he

took directly to the manor. The apparaters had been smart and went

directly to the healing halls where the Death Eaters were being expertly

managed by Narcissa, who turned and rushed forward to clear a space

when the Dark Lord swept into the room with Bella in his arms.

"Set her here, my Lord." Narcissa instructed, a diagnostic charm rushing

over Bellatrix before she had even touched the bed. Harry had taken a

step back with Sirius and Remus, allowing the others to manage the

Death Eaters as the three of them were either unknown or previously an

enemy. Thankfully, both Lucius and Marvolo remembered Harry needed

testers for his elixir to be safe so he had a two male and two female

prisoner to use, two from each mid and high security.

They had been separated from the Death Eaters so Harry snapped his

finger summoning his notebook and called for an elf for four phials of his

elixir, the soft pink mirror sheen almost glowing in the low light. He

immediately began documenting the day, the time, the gender and did a

basic diagnostic charm to note the condition of the subjects. Once that

was done, he fed them his potion and began noting down the

instantaneous unconsciousness and the flush that came to their faces.

"So what's the plan now with these two?" Remus asked sounding


"I've made note of all the important details and given them the potion;

over the next week or two I'll be monitoring their condition daily to see

how they react to the elixir, if there are differences between male and

female and if the mid or high security makes a difference." Harry

explained, "I'll also have to make some more of the potion but that can be

done easy enough now I have the necessary cauldron and the right


"Why so long the wait?" Remus wondered.

"Precaution mainly." Harry replied, "I've made enough medical potions to

last the two weeks at least, and I'll probably have to make more because

the prediction on how fast or well this will work isn't an exact time due

to the multiple outside factors that are simply impossible to take into


"So better safe than sorry."

"Exactly. Besides, after two weeks the danger is probably gone but I'm not

sure if the potion would have completed its course."

"Well then, there's nothing else we can do here and it looks like Narcissa

is nearly finished. Let's go and have tea ready." Sirius suggested.

"Good idea." Harry agreed, "come on."

Harry led the way back to the sitting room they were in earlier and called

for an elf to set up tea and a small snack for everyone to help replenish

their spent magic. He was particularly feeling it now, having never used

his fire to such a degree before as well as maintaining a patronus for as

long as he had, actually the only reason he hadn't passed out just yet was

because he had taken an Invigoration Draught while Sirius had been

looking for Bellatrix. Harry knew that he was on borrowed time and he

was going to sleep deeply and well as soon as he got home.

"Overall, I think that went rather well." Remus mused, sitting back after

doctoring his tea.

"Other than the fact that it shows a glaring security problem with

Azkaban that's basically a quarter of the whole Island." Sirius scoffed,

"Merlin the Ministry is shit."

"I thought that was obvious when people like Umbridge gained any sort

of power?" Harry pointed out and Remus snorted.

"Thankfully, we're having lots of fun digging into her past."

"Yeah, she's becoming more horrifying the more we look." Sirius agreed

with a shudder.


"The Death Eaters look bad, but somehow not as bad as I was expecting."

Remus picked up, "all but one walked out of that hell hole."

"And I think Bella would have been able to but apparently the terrifying

Dark Lord cared way more for Bella than we realised." Sirius continued,

"after all, we all knew that she was his right hand during the last war, but

we didn't know it was more than that."

"Yeah, he's got a bit of a soft spot for her,"

"I still can't believe I'm saying this, but hopefully between Narcissa, Snape

and you they'll all be fine in a couple of weeks."

"Thankfully, cousin, that shall be the case." Narcissa's voice interrupted as

she came into the room looking drained but pleased.

"It went well?" Harry confirmed and Narcissa grimaced a bit but nodded.

"As well as could be expected." She allowed, "they're damaged, some of

them suffering with injuries that happened long ago and were not treated

and some of them have obviously injured themselves during their tenure

in the prison and also haven't been treated."

"Once the best part of the Ministry is in better condition, Azkaban will

need to be reviewed." Marvolo stated, his lip curling in disgust. "Prison

itself it supposed to be a punishment, inmates are not then supposed to

be harmed while there, nor are they supposed to be denied medical

attention or food."

"Azkaban shouldn't be used as a generic prison anyway." Izar grumbled

causing most people to raise their eyebrows at him.

"What do you mean?" Lucius questioned.

"Azkaban is considered one of the worst, if not the worst prison in the

world and the ICW have brought up many discussions about changing or

destroying the place in its entirety because of its excessive punishment

for minor crimes." Izar explained, "Magical UK boast one of the lowest

crime rates internationally because people would rather die then end up

in Azkaban, and while it works as an excellent deterrent for crime, it also

ruins the lives of people who have only committed petty crimes. Why are

we sending an 18 year old who got too drunk and rowdy to Azkaban for

a couple of weeks and possibly ruining his mind forever? There should be

a different prison made available and leave Azkaban for the true crimes."

"That idea has merit." Marvolo mused, "we might even be able to buy

back some international alliances if we open Azkaban to other countries'

capital criminals while creating a less damaging place for our own

regular criminals."

"It would have the best of both worlds; less damage on those who don't

deserve it but with the deterrent of Azkaban hanging over people's heads

if they go too far." Lucius said thoughtfully.

"That's something for future endeavours." Severus decided, "I will need a

list of potions that need to be kept up while we wait for Harrison's elixir."

"I shall keep you informed, Severus." Narcissa assured him.

"Will you begin testing right away?" Marvolo asked Harry, who nodded.

"Already have. I've estimated a minimum of two weeks so far, which we

have enough potions already made for that time, and I shall begin

making more of my elixir so I have enough for every Death Eater once I

can assess the testers." Harry informed him and then looked at Narcissa,

"if you could leave the four nearest the door alone, I've got monitors up

surrounding them and shall be here daily to asses their conditions. I don't

predict any problems, I know my potion, however, this is the detail

gathering stages and I'd like to collect as much information before giving

it to people we actually want results from."

"I won't touch them." Narcissa told him.

"Bella?" Sirius asked and Narcissa sighed.

"She is strong, she will recover well if she has the patience to listen to


"I shall make sure she does." Marvolo stated firmly, "I won't have her

recovery impeded."

"She'll listen to you if nothing else." Narcissa said relieved.

"Izar and I shall keep an ear on the ministry to make sure there are no

suspicions about an Azkaban breakout." Lucius asserted, "Fudge won't

speak about something like that without informing one of us."

"True enough," Sirius commented, "and if Amelia keeps it internal we

shall hear of it though Ares."

"Good, keep me informed." Marvolo ordered, "Now, the floo is open to

you all here and to Slytherin Manor; you may apparate out tonight but I

shall be altering the wards to block apparation. Go home, rest, there is

nothing else to be done tonight."

There were murmurs of agreement all around before the group dispersed,

heading to the Entrance hall to apparate home for the night. Harry was

only too happy to let Sirius side-apparate him back to Black Manor and it

was lucky he did because a wave of exhaustion hit him causing him to

stumble and he would have fallen if it wasn't for his father. Sirius hoisted

him up into his arms with an amused huff.

"Let's get you to bed, pup. You've outdone yourself tonight."

"Flaming with other people always was worse than on my own." Harry

grumbled into his dad's shoulder.

"I can only imagine."

"You did really well though, cub." Remus told him, waving his wand to

change Harry's robes into pyjamas once Sirius had lowered him down

into bed.

"Thanks. It was worth it though." Harry muttered, his voice starting to

slur. "Just got to wait for the elixir."

"Don't worry about that now." Sirius hushed hum with a fond smile,

pressing a kiss to his dark hair. "Sleep, puppy, you've got a busy schedule

to keep."

He was asleep before Sirius had even finished talking much to the

marauders' amusement. They shared a soft look before quietly leaving the

room and heading to their own room and getting ready for bed.

"Did you ever think a decade ago we'd be helping break out most of the

people we helped put in Azkaban?" Remus wondered, lying down and

curling into Sirius' side. The Black Lord snorted, wrapping an arm around

his mate.

"A decade ago I wouldn't have believed we had been so wrong about

Potter and Dumbledore, let alone a full change in alliance."

"So many things have changed." Remus murmured, "I can't help but

worry sometimes."

"I do to, Moony. But at the same time I can't help but feel excited." Sirius

replied, "we learned the hard way that we were wrong, blinded about the

so called Light side. What worse can we do in the Dark? Where you're

looked at like an actual person, where they care about their children,

where they actually care about their people."

"I think that's what it is. I'm still so used to the lies from the Light that

being with the Dark seems too good to be true." Remus sighed, "tonight

helped. Seeing the Dark Lord so concerned about his people made an

impact. Dumbledore never showed that amount of concern even when we

lost people."

"And isn't that disgusting. We lost so many people during the war, all so

blinding by Dumbledore's words, refusing to return lethal fire simply

because he said it was bad, and then continuing even when he brushed

off death after death." Sirius shook his head. "Looking back, I can't

understand why."

"There's a lot of things I don't understand looking back." Remus agreed,

"let's hope for better this time."

"To a brighter future, eh Moony?"

"To a brighter future."

So here we have it. 12k of birthday and finally the Azkaban break

out – figured if I was going to come back after 4 years then I had

better bring something good to the table. As always, I love to hear

from you guys so please let me know what you think. I'll try and

work on the next chapter as soon as possible. Cheers!


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