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Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: HP Сумасшедший

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HP: Сумасшедший

Книги и литература

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Краткое содержание

Что, если кто-то с уникальным методом мышления попадет в стих

HP после внезапной смерти?

Давай выясним.

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График релизов: Черт побери, я попробую!



Первые несколько глав короткие, потому что я написал их все в один

и тот же день и загрузил «частями», ошибка в ретроспективе, теперь

я делаю более длинные главы.

Синопсис меняется по мере изменения истории или по мере того,

как я становлюсь лучше в писательстве.

О да, присоединяйтесь к моему раздору.


Это AU (альтернативная вселенная).

Я не против обратной связи и даже поощряю ее.

Пожалуйста, уничтожьте мой стиль письма ради его улучшения, а не

просто «FictionOnlyReader пишет лучше вас».

Да, хотя я знаю, что это правда, улучшение не очень полезно.

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

Отказ от ответственности: я, очевидно, не владею Гарри Поттером

или чем-то связанным с ним.

Пожалуйста, обратитесь к Джоан Роулинг, если вы ищете гораздо

более хорошо написанную книгу о Гарри Поттере.

Еще мне нравилось читать романы Перси Джексона и «Героев

Олимпа», когда они были написаны.

Все это хорошие книги, и лично я рекомендую «Героев Олимпа» (не

то чтобы мое слово для вас ничего не значило).

Общая аудитория

Chapter 1 - And so it begins...

A/N: An original title im sure, this story is inherently chaotic, as magic

should be, and I won't be able to explain some things that happen in the

future because... magic. Also, the first part is true, I did laugh for a good

4-5 minutes at the word 'Optus' purely because of how its sounds and

even now it still elicits a chuckle from me. Also, I switched to the first

person after the sudden death due to the fact that I realized I'm a poor

writer who can't understand how to write third person properly :).

Updated A/N: I've been getting a lot of rather incredibly angry comments

recently saying the first few chapters are short. You are correct. I wrote

these all within the same day and uploaded them in parts, and hindsight

says this is a bad idea. My more recent chapters are longer.


2022, September.

Zane was browsing the internet, laughing at obscure memes about secret

esoteric knowledge about networking, then laughing at random words

like 'Optus'. Today was like any other day for a 22-year-old, waking up,

doing uni work, signing up for a gym then going sporadically, coming

back home then going to sleep. One day on the way to the university,

Zane was going his usual route. You see, the way he gets to the university

is through public transport, and on this specific day, someone was

standing behind him as the train was pulling into the station. Feeling a

violent shove from behind as the train was passing, he spun back to see

someone had pushed him off the station...

And... that's all. Zane doesn't remember anything else and doesn't even

have time to regret some of his life choices before it all goes blank.


Feb 1st, 1981.

Loud crying was heard from the delivery room. But this wasn't a parcel

delivery, instead, it was a human delivery. Zane Zanithy Zouglas was

born and was noted to have a "fine set of lungs", something his parents

still bring up from time to time. However, it is not known to Zane's

parents that he was crying because his life ended so fast.

'Damn, did I really die?' He said.

'Just like that?' He started tearing up again.

Remembering all that I had left behind, completely unwillingly, was

quite depressing. I don't even know why I have pushed off that damn

platform! I mean seriously, what have I even done wrong to suddenly get

pushed off of a train platform!?

'Waaaaa!' He started crying.

To Zane, it was very disorientating being on a train platform, inches

away from death. To now being a baby who can't even hear or see

properly due to just being born!

"Aww, Martha, isn't he so cute?" Said an unknown, yet obviously male


"No, he looks like he just was born." Said an equally unknown, yet

probably named Martha's female voice.

Hearing that, I started laughing! I don't think I've ever heard of the

mother saying that before, and by god did it take me by surprise!

"Well, now he is laughing Martha, maybe he understands your humour?"

Said the still unknown male voice.

"Obviously not Cliff, did you understand English when you were just

born?" Martha hissed, probably still exhausted from giving birth.

"Im just saying Marthy, he laughed right after you said no. But your right,

I don't believe he would understand that. Now, let's focus on giving him a

na-" Cliff was cut off.



"His name is now Zane, Zane Zanithy Zouglas." Proclaimed Martha.

'How the hell did they know my name?' I tried to look at them, while

confused. This can't be a coincidence, right? Same name as my past life?

Come on. It must be magic that I have the same first name from my last

life, the odds of it happening are basically too small to even count

because you'd have to be reborn first! I'm also taking this a little too well!

So many things in my past life that I've left behind... so many things that

I've left unfinished... so many things that I said ill do later for years now.

Maybe I can't feel too many emotions since I'm basically now a baby, I'm

not sure. It's not like I can research it.


Time to play the years-long waiting game again. Let's see what this new

life has in store for me.


A/N: You might have noticed that I have no idea what I'm doing, and

you'd be correct. You might have also noticed that he got over suddenly

dying and having new parents, just inhumanly fast. I can't explain that

because honestly... if I was in the same situation... it wouldn't take me

long. Maybe like an hour or two? I have a lot of regrets but if I died and

still remember my past life, well at least I remember the people I spent

my last years with. I, at first, wanted to say something like 'Oh he is a

natural occlumens' or something but frankly... yea it's just my personality

coming into play.


My first proper chapter! Im pretty excited to see where this takes me.

Oh yea join my discord so you can interact with me. I will be taking

suggestions and names for future characters from there before I resort

to my poor naming sense.

Growing up.

(6 Years Later)

"GET BACK HERE ZANE!" I heard a screech.

"NEVER!" I said in a panic.

I ran throughout the house trying to evade my mother's wrath. It was a

one-story house so there isn't much hiding space. I tried the next best

thing called the kitchen pantry, as it's the last place she will expect me.

Maybe it wasn't a good idea to make my own eggs for breakfast. Who

knew that my mother would eat it?

I accidentally ended up dumping a whole jar of salt into the eggs and was

about to throw it out when my mother abruptly ate it. Frankly, this isn't

even my fault, but it looks like my mother is mad for either wasting food,

or pranking her. I don't even know how to explain that this was an

accident without dying first, so running is my best option here.


Ok... So- maybe running wasn't my best option. I forgot that I'm still in a

child's body and ran out of energy pretty fast. The great demon caught

me and has forsaken me to my bedroom for the rest of the day.

Woe is me.

But seriously, after explaining it was a mistake, she understood I didn't

do it on purpose, but I could have hurt myself so I was sent to my room

to 'reflect' on my 'actions' today. It's not like I can explain 'actually I'm

mentally nearly 30.' I don't even want to think of the ramifications of

even trying to explain such a thing.

After 6 years of living in this new world, I think I have adapted pretty

well. I still laugh at the most random things completely unintentionally,

which has gotten me into trouble more than a few times. I don't know

how to control my sense of humour but I'm fine with how it is, if

something is funny to me I'm not going to change it.

6 years with my new parents could be understood as having gone

through a lot of growing pains. Im too mature for my age which has

caused quite a few conflicts. But ultimately we always reconcile, which

has made me appreciate the smaller things a family does. Cooking each

other breakfast, cleaning up the kitchen after someone else cooks, I could

go on.

Though I have realized that I have kept quite a lot of my past life's habits,

I rarely talk to anyone I don't know and even my parents only get a few

lines of conversation out of me. It's not like I want to be distant but I

can't find anything to talk about and just end up observing, waiting for

them to talk, and then realizing it was my cue to talk a few minutes ago...


They both have decent jobs, though refuse to tell me what they are. It's

always just 'we have enough to feed and clothe you, and frankly, that's

enough for us.' I don't want to press further because I feel like they are

purposely not telling me and, well I don't want to make things too

awkward for them.

I've also been attending a normal school for the past two years now,

however, due to the fact that I am, again, nearly mentally 30. I just go,

zone out for the entire day, and ace every test they give me. It was due to

this that I was almost put in an accelerated learning course, however, I

really didn't want to do so as it would eat too much into my free time.

Now about my free time, ill be frank with you. There isn't much to do in

1987, the internet was just conceptualized like 3 years ago and won't be

widely available for quite some time, which has led me into a crippling

book addiction.

Every day after school I walk to the nearest library and ask the librarian

if the books I've asked for have arrived yet, and every day she says soon.

I am beginning to think that she hasn't ordered them but I'm sure my

incessant asking for them will make her budge. I would have asked my

parents to ask the librarian to request them for me but it causes too many

issues like, can I really understand such big words, and so on.

Eventually, I have given up going to the library after realizing that they

probably won't ever get the books I've asked for, and all of the books

there are of low value to me, seems like the real valuable books I'll have

to beg dad for.

While I'm on that line of thought, maybe ill sneak into my dad's study. He

has never let me inside and has told me multiple times not to go in there.

But that won't stop me! Ill wait till everyone is asleep before I execute my


And before then I'll-

"Zane, honey, can you help me hang the clothes?" My mother said.

"Ok." Hanging the clothes is probably my least favourite chore to help

with, I can't even reach the clothesline, how am I meant to hang them?


A/N: Another chapter from yours truly.

I have a discord, maybe join that, or don't.

There was a lot of information in this chapter... because like 6 years

passed. There was a lot to write about and I'm probably missing half of

the context in my head. You might notice how the MC thinks by now and

that he keeps to himself a lot. I didn't actually plan for this. Just as I was

writing it out, it kinda happened but I realized it fits pretty well.

Mentally old, keeping past life habits of only talking to people that

understand humour, or forced to talk to out of circumstance.

Also, what the hell is an infant to do for 6 years that isn't just 'act like

you were just born.' Right now Zane doesn't even know that he is in HP,

nor has encountered anything magical to make him think so.


Writing these chapters is surprisingly hard. There is a lot I wanted to

explain in this chapter, but decided to leave out as ill just show you as

I go along with the novel.

Be Very, Very, Quiet...



Tonight is the night that I sneak into my father's study. I know he has

explicitly told me not to go but come on, that's like begging me to sneak


After a very fulfilling dinner with my parents, I go to help my mum clean

up the kitchen before running off to my room. I don't remember talking

throughout the process as I was in a hurry to go to 'sleep'.

I'm getting antsy thinking about it, I wonder what's in the study that's so

elusive that I've never even seen a glimpse inside in my 6 years of

existence. I've gotten all my preparations are done, which just include me

being away, some socks and being very, very quiet. Certainly a thorough

heist equipment list, I reckon without the socks my parents will hear me

sneak past. Its happened a few times before whilst I was fumbling my

way to the toilet late at night, so socks are a must. On a side note, I must

thank whoever invented socks. I simply could not imagine my life

without those glorious foot puppets, being all comfy and warm even on

the coldest of nights.

[11 PM]

I... am tired. I didn't think staying up to 11 PM would affect me so much,

I did it so much in my past life that I expected to be able to just stay up

to 11. Well whatever, I'm sure ill be in and out quick, just a quick

glimpse... Yea, sure, a quick glimpse. Im sure if there was a narrator right

now he would say something like "He lied as naturally as he breathed,"

but at that point I'm just judging myself.

I quickly got out of bed with my glorious foot puppets tightly bound to

my feetsicles. The floor was ice cold through my socks and it wasn't even

tiled flooring, if it was tiled I'm sure id have hypothermia right now.

After getting out of bed, I tip-toed my way to the door and slowly opened

it, however... it decided to screech at me. I'm not even sure how I forgot

my door likes to make loud noises at 11 PM but here I am silently

panicking. Thankfully i didn't hear any noise from my parents room, so

after waiting five or so minutes, I carried on with my heist.

I silently carried on past my parents' room, dodging all the dodgy

floorboards that would alert my parents to my presence. And just like

that, I was in front of the elusive, most mysterious study door. Frankly, it

was a bit too easy, so many years of being told no made the door seem

like a final-level boss in Dark Souls or something. I digress, time for me

to slowly open the door handle and...



Oh... shit.

I just screamed "FU-" in the dead of night because the stupid doorknob

just shocked me...

Hopefully, my parents didn't wake-

"Zane? Was that you?" I heard a muffled cry from my mother.




Author here!

Some action, at last, you might have noticed Zane has decided to scream

the F word, frankly I'm not sure WebNovel will allow swearing so this is

my test of the swear word. Only 600 words this chapter... first time I've

said 'only 600 words' before...

Also, how has my novel-fanfiction gotten nearly 1k views... Is it all bots?

Say hello if you are a bot so I know to count you out of my statistics. Also

yes, another information dump, I should stop doing that. Im sure this one

is the last one in a while...

"He lied as naturally as he breathed"

C'mon, man.


something stupid, something smart, what am I? I don't know, it

contradicts each other. Maybe nothing? Oh yea, join my discord.

Punishment and Reward

[1130 PM]

"Why would you go into the room we told you so many times not to?!"

my mother harped on.

Oh boy... my mother is really mad this time and I'm not even sure why.

"Why would the doorknob fuc- why would it shock me when I touched

it?" I replied.

"To keep you out!"

"So you resort to electro therapy instead of just telling me why it's so


I heard a sigh in response, I knew I would win this one because I still feel

my hand tingling. Frankly, this whole situation is ridiculous, who

attaches a car battery or electric source to a DOORKNOB to keep people


"Im not even gonna explain that." She replied.



"I said, that's not for you to know." She put it in a different way.

Why wasn't I allowed to know what was behind that door? Is it a family

secret so dark ill excommunicate myself? Just as I'm about to ask I got

cut off by my dad.

"What did you even want in there."

Remembering that I just wanted to read some books I felt like crying. So

much trouble just to open a damn book... though it might be completely

worth it...

"I just wanted to read some books you have in there, the library doesn't

have anything worth reading anymore, and the lady that manages it

won't listen to my requests for new books."

At this point, I'm completely deflated. I can't wait to be asleep so I don't

have to deal with this. Just as I'm about to walk back to my room, I hear

my dad tell me something that nearly made me splooge right then and


"Ok, how about this, you tell me what books you want and ill get them.

On the condition, that you don't ever try to get back into this room."

He is being strangely serious for what this situation is, but whatever,

more books!

"Sure!" I agreed so fast, that I felt like I didn't read the terms and


"Ok, we will continue this in the morning when your mother will decide

your punishment."

I started silently sweating, if I was a pack mule then my mother would

make me walk to china if she had the chance, and there it is, the chance

for her to do so...

Whatever she has in store for tomorrow, I know I'm not gonna enjoy it.



Im tired.


I bet you were expecting the author, but its me, AUTHOR! Hehe.

Anyways, I'm not sure how many words this is, its the 5th? chapter

tonight and I think it ends my little mini-arc quite well. Ive been torn

over what to do for his future money problems and would like your

input. Frankly, I want to make him so poor it gets in the way of a lot

of things and forces him to develop something that generates revenue,

however, I also want to jump strait into the cool shit with no regard

for money. Honestly Im probably gonna do the poor route but would

like your input on whether you'd actually want to see that. Also id like

to put into perspective why you haven't seen any "crazy" moments

yet... because you are looking at the world from Zane's point of view.

From his point of view of course he is normal. But from his parents

point of view? Well, imagine a 6-year-old who is knowledgeable, talks

well but rarely talks at all, watches you when you talk etc. You get the


Worst Punishment Imaginable

[8 AM]

"You're going to follow me while I go shopping today with some friends

of mine," she said while sounding innocent.

Oh sh-

This is it, my friends. I have met my doom and I'm only 6. I was asked by

my mother to accompany her while she goes shopping.

I know I made a joke about being a pack mule but maybe she intends to

use me as one today. I can't think of anything worse than to follow my

mum around holding all her bought goodies whilst she goes and gets

more. I mean, I could be at home daydreaming and that would be more

fun than this.

Even this is a bit extreme for just trying to get into that accursed room,

why was it even electrified too begin with? They still won't tell me.

Honestly, I don't see how this day could get any worse.


[12 PM]

Well, it got worse.

She didn't tell me her mother's friends would be bringing their own satan

spawns as well. Somehow this turned into a giant gathering of mothers to

brag about their kids, it's almost like she planned on dragging me here

tomorrow, even if I didn't mess up last night.

And who said making friends with people your own age is interesting?

Everyone I've spoken to so far is only interested in random toys I've never

even heard of before, thinking about it, I don't think I've ever even asked

for toys to play with! Books have always been way more interesting to

me, even if I have to skip dinner for it.

And none of these kids even read by themselves, they all expect their

parents to read them some story about pigs before they go to bed and

compete with each other to see whose parents love them more. Honestly,

a massive waste of time even talking to them, so I ended up doing exactly

what I said I would this morning. Daydreaming.

Yep, I like to daydream about the wackiest of things even when the

situation calls for my attention. I always get so entertained or amused in

my own thoughts that I end up stupidly smiling when my timing could

not be possibly worse. Here's an example.

"My Grandpa died"


"How dare you"


This has happened to me a few times now, not grandpa dying, but in

similar situations where I was not meant to smile.

God, I can't wait for this day to just be over and go back to the safety of

my books. I don't know what books to ask for my dad, so ill just do the

next best thing and ask for everything. Honestly, I think I deserve it for

putting up with my mom's friend's kids. I've ended up a glorified


"Zane, honey, why don't you talk to the other kids?" My mother asked.

"What's there to talk about?" and just like that, I killed the conversation.

I think she knows that I can't relate to kids my age because they are just

so... simple. Though I don't think I should say that around their parents. I

see my mother struggling to keep up with their conversation as well, and

id rather not ruin the effort she put in to be included into their friend

group by simply saying, 'Their kids are idiots.' I've learned my lesson

from my last life in doing that.

[3 Hours Later]

"Zane, it's time to go home."

'Oh thank god,' I could not be happier at this rate. Hanging out at a mall

that has the smallest playground I've ever seen has not been fun. And

somehow along the way I got made the designated swing pusher, but my

weak 6-year-old body couldn't handle much before I went to sit down

next to my mum and daydream again.

"Dad owes me so many books," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" My mother seemed to have heard me.




I slept for 5 hours today. Personal best if i do say so myself. However,

waking up to like 3k views on my novel is quite... unexpected. Am I a

good writer? Why is no one commenting? Very strange.

700 words this chapter, maybe ill keep it a consistent 1k words per

chapter? I'm not sure. If i continued to write this chapter instead of

breaking out into the next one it would become pretty long. You might

have also noticed he has a fascination with books. Basically, it's his

escape mechanism. *cough*


pray for me so i can sleep another 5 hours tonight. Oh yea join my

discord aswell.

Books My Beloved

The car ride home was silent, aside from the engine. But you shouldn't

count that. I'm still so annoyed at having to deal with people my age that

I just wanna go to bed for the day, but I must persist. I will extort my dad

for all of his goddamn books and more, mark my words.

It was a silent, yet vengeful ride home.

[Arrived at House]

Come to think of it, I still don't know my own house address, it's just

been something that has always escaped my mind.

"Hey mum, what's our house address, I seem to keep forgetting it."

"Oh, OH, Oh right, our house address is 1 Charlotmine Way."

Huh. That isn't too hard to remember, I wonder why I kept forgetting

about it?

She sounded like she forgot something in the first half, maybe she forgot

the address too? I guess I'll look into it later, for now, I have to think

about what kind of books I want. It's easy to say 'I want the most

advanced books you can afford!' but I need to be more targeted. In my

past life, I mostly learnt about computer systems and IT, which reminds

me that the internet was just conceptualized by a few universities 3-4

years ago now. (A/N: The internet was 'Founded' in like 1983 between a

few universities as a research project. The internet has truly only been

around for about 39 years now.) Anything I know from the future is

basically moot because the technologies that I'm familiar with haven't

even been conceptualized yet. (A/N: I'm not counting basic protocols like

TCP/IP and so on, I don't want the MC to become the Tony Stark of HP)

And while I could theoretically re-invent the wheel and essentially

develop the internet faster since I know what the end goal looks like,

why would I re-invent the wheel? The people who actually developed the

systems are all alive as far as I'm aware and right now I'm just a 6-year-

old, no one will take me seriously even if I try to 'revolutionize' the


After seriously deliberating what type of books I wanted to ask for, I

drew a blank. I seriously don't know what type of books to ask for, as

long as they are books. Thinking about it, my end goal last night wasn't

even that well thought out since I didn't have an end goal with the books

or the study to begin with.

Sure, let's say I got in and managed to read a few books, then what? Keep

sneaking in every night to read some more and more books? That's just

an unsustainable method of reading and id wager id have more luck

getting the librarian lady to order the books I want. Oh... that's an idea.

What I've been asking the librarian for is a mixture of fantasy novels and

physics novels and its just occurred to me that I can ask my father to get

as many as he can of each science and whatever fantasy novels he has

read. I trust that he would have the same taste in fantasy novels as I


[That night]

"So, have you thought about what books you want to ask me for?" My

Father started.

To be honest im still nervous, maybe my request is too much? I've

decided to also ask for a place to read and store the books since my room

won't fit all the books I want in it.

"Yes... I want as many books about different types of science as you can

get, as well as any good fantasy novels you've read. Also, a place to read

them." I stared into his eyes.

Maybe my request is a bit too much. My house is a 3 bedroom, one story

house with a study included at the front. They are using the spare room

as a storage room and I sometimes go in there to read or zone out. It's

also the reason why I asked for a place to read my books, im sure they

would catch my meaning that I want to use that room for my own study.

After seeing his face twitch I know I might have asked for too much, and

at this point, im prepared to be told no. It's like that old saying, give a

man an inch and he will take a mile.

"Ok, but remember to never even try to get into the study. If you agree to

that, then the spare room will be yours to read in and decorate as you see

fit." He looked at me with his beady eyes.

Wait, wait, what? Did he just agree?

"Ok, but I want to be able to add more books when I read all my current

ones," I said, truly taking a mile.

He glares at me and leaves, however, I didn't hear no. A wide smile

followed my face for the rest of the night as I thought about my own

little room to decorate as I see fit.



Me again, though I don't know who you are because you aren't

commenting. Webnovel has sent me the daily statistics thing and i gotta

say. Damn. 10k views before I even finished writing this chapter. I feel

like a monkey smiling while watching that number climb, however, I'm

not getting much interaction. There are some things in this novel im

unsure about and would like reader input but... I seem to have no



maybe this is just me making my mark on the world

Do I Look Like an Interior


Standing in a chaotic room, with no sign of a theme or thought anywhere

on its walls I can't help but think to myself.

'Maybe I should just ask my Mum to do this...'

Smiling wryly, I prepare to swallow my pride and ask my mum to

decorate the room for me. It's not that I don't know what I want it to look

like, it's just that when I try to translate my ideas into reality it ends up

looking like a robbery gone wrong.

I approach my Mum sitting in the living room, whilst she is reading a




"Did you decorate the house?"

"Uh, yes, I did, I suppose..."

"Can you... decorate the spare room?"

"Awww... I knew you would ask me! I've been thinking of a few ideas


So that's how my Mother ended up taking over the entire process of

redecorating the spare room into looking somewhat like a study. I offered

to help her move some furniture because two people are better than one,

even if I am a 6-year-old, but she pushed me out of the room and said she

will call me when she is done. I am not one to say no to getting out of

doing work, but I do feel bad letting her do all the work for my new

room. Maybe I'll try to cook her eggs for lunch? Though I feel like if I

went near the stove again she would kill me...

I ultimately decided to just sit in the living room and read the book my

other was reading on the table, maybe it'll be interesting.

'Trolls for Idiots and Wizards Alike'

Well, I'm at least one of them so why not give it a read?

[1 Hour Later]

"Zane! Your room is done!" Finally! I can't wait to see what she did with

the room!

"Thank you so much for your help! I read the book you left on the table

and I didn't know you were into fantasy novels, maybe I can recommend

you a few good ones myself as a thank you."

Seeing her go wide-eyed made me laugh, "Don't worry mum, your secret

is safe with me, I absolutely won't tell dad unless he bribes me with

literally anything." I declared with the most dead-pan face I could


'Sometimes teasing people is fun,' I thought as I gauged her reaction.

Turning my attention to the room I take one gaze at it and silently admit

defeat, you can't compete with mothers and their design sense.

Looking around the room I notice the walls are lined with simple oak

bookshelves, all bare, waiting to be filled up with knowledge. While the

space isn't that big, it fits an oak desk in the centre with a comfortable-

looking chair. Hopefully, it's not like gaming chairs from my past life,

looks comfortable but you feel like you're lying on cement.

Each passing second I looked around the room, the happier I became, it

already had furniture in it, but it could also have been said to be a blank

canvas. The more time I spend in the room, the more time I can

personalize it, and because of that, I've decided to name the room.

I look to my mother, about to ask for a good name to call the room but

she isn't behind me anymore.


No response. How weird, did she go to the shops? I decide to walk to the

living room to see if she has gone back to reading her fantasy novel, but

both she and the book have disappeared. Starting to worry, I look around

the house for her, only to catch a glimpse of the study door open. I

wanted to see what was inside but I didn't want to lose the room I just

gained and the books I just unlocked due to my morbid curiosity. That's

when my mother exited from the study, only to see me staring at her.

"I looked behind me and you were gone, so I went to go find you," I

stated. She can't fault me for looking for her and accidentally seeing a

tiny bit of the study, which has a similar setup to my room, only filled

with books and a nice lush carpet.

"Oh, ok. What did you need?" She asked. Strange how she didn't find

fault with me, maybe she didn't notice I saw.

"Can you name the new room? I want to give it more character."


And thus was named my new hiding and reading spot. If you couldn't

find me in my room, there was a good chance I was in the Nest.

"Thanks, Mum!" I was so close to walking away when I heard one

sentence that killed my enthusiasm.

"Before you go into your new room, go hang the washing."


A/N: So you are real people, fantastic. Now that I can't complain about

not receiving interactions anymore these are gonna be pretty short. I

don't have anything specific to add here except I'm going to be picking up

the pace a bit. By now Zane's humour is starting to show a bit, but still

pretty concealed.

I also just got some subway for lunch, but I'm not hungry! What a sad

time for me.


Whats 1+1= ? window. (A stupid joke from my childhood, google it

if you wanna know what I mean)

The Nest and The Strange


About a year has passed since the Nest was acquired and I have made

some good use of it, juggling normal schooling was rather easy since I

adamantly refused to do any extra-learning courses. I don't want to

graduate from primary school and bring even more attention to myself.

I'd rather use that time to read a new book, or just visit one of my

favourite fiction novels. A good balance between fiction and non-fiction

is crucial to keep your interest in reading. Apart from reading up a storm,

I have also been sightseeing around Britain. So far I didn't even know

what part of Britain I was in because it was never relevant to me, after

asking I found out we are in Fosterhouses, Doncaster.

On my sightseeing walks around the area, I've witnessed quite a lot of

interesting things and observed nature as it is. Usually watching the river

flow, thinking about the power of erosion or at the trees in the forest,

thinking about that paradox. As a result, I've gained a reputation of being

an unreasonably smart airhead. Mostly because some kids in my class

complained to their parents about how I'm always at the top of the class

despite sleeping most of the time, thinking some shady business is going

on. I cant say I didn't expect it but after an investigation by the school

they found that I really was just passing on my own merits, and my

habits at home came out around the same time.

You can imagine I didn't have anyone to talk to due to a combination of

all these events. People in my class would avoid me, on the streets I see

people giving me strange looks and sometimes I even feel like I'm being

watched when I'm alone in the forests. I never chalked myself up as a

paranoid type of person but I could swear to you up and down that I

really did feel like someone was watching me.

On the flip side, because I didn't waste my time with extra activities I had

plenty of time to go through the vast amount of books I extorted from my

dad to read and understand their contents. Every time I walk into the

Nest I think about the day I had to accompany my mum shopping and

can't help but feel it was completely worth it. Even trying to sneak into

my Dad's study I don't regret it at all.

However speaking of my parents, not much has changed. My dad rarely

talks to me and I rarely take the initiative. We have reached a sort of

white peace with each other. With Mum as the neutral nation, we mostly

talk to each other through her. I am happy that they respect my sense of

independence, however on certain things they won't give me any slack at

all, like family dinners.

You didn't hear this from me, but I am happy she forces me and dad to

eat dinner together. It brings a sense of normalcy to my otherwise weird

but fulfilling life. Thinking of this whilst eating dinner with my family, I

smiled. Dying was the best thing to happen to me.

After eating dinner I helped my Mum clean up the kitchen, like usual,

and went to dry the dishes. As soon as I reached out for a plate and tried

to pick it up, it shattered in my hand. Staring at the now shattered plate,

I couldn't help but think to myself that maybe it was just old and had

given into Crazing. Earning a weird look from my Mum, I quickly

apologised and cleaned up the mess.

After dealing with the shattered plate I went to dry another one and yet

again, it shattered in my hand. Before my mum could even say anything I

touched the last plate, and as I had come to expect, it shattered.

"Well, Mum, I'm not sure what's going on here but I think we need new

plates," I said nervously.

"That's ok, they were old anyways," She replied.

Letting out my breath, I sighed in relief. I don't know when I started to

hold it.

"I heard something smashing?" My dad walked in with a serious gait. It

seems he is expecting the worse.

"Just some plates breaking when Zane picked them up, dear." My mother


After giving me a long glare, he huffs and walks back to his study. I still

don't know what's in there...


After that weird encounter with the Dinner Plates, I walked into the Nest

and documented what happened. After some deliberation, I decided to

write my journal in my own sort of Vigenère ciphertext. I doubt my

parents will understand what it is, and I don't want them to read my

journal and think I'm already more strange than I am.


[15th Aug, 1988]

Today, I shattered 3 plates. While not on purpose, after the first plate

broke I felt a weird rush throughout my body. After the second and third

plates, I realized that the plates were not faulty and it was somehow my

fault. The wave seemed to have originated from my heart and matched

my heartbeat. But now that I'm focusing on trying to make the wave

appear again, I am not getting any results.

Will check in with next strange occurance.


I have decided to call my journal Dororthy. Why? Because no one would

expect a journal called Dororthy to hold my strange secrets in it.


A/N: Its'a me. Me.

I decided to have something of a journal so that the MC can keep track of

strange occurrences that happened around him, as well as record any

experiments he does to try and explore those strange occurrences.

I think conducting magical experiments is the heart of any kid's and

adult's magical fantasy, testing the limits of magic to do stupid shi- stuff

like making someone talk backwards for a whole day, stuff like that. You

have to enjoy magic to dedicate your life to it in the same way you enjoy

a subject so much you go to further education to know more about it.


Sometimes i dream about cheese. Oh yea I keep forgetting to tell you

to join my discord. Or don't. Collection is fine too.


Later that night, in the Nest.

Zane sat at his desk, pondering what just happened.

Three times can't be a coincidence, and adding in the fact that I felt some

sort of rush throughout myself when I touched the plates means it can be

replicated. Looking at the notes I took shortly after the plate-splosion, I

shake my head.

'Feels like it came from the heart, and matched my heartbeats...'

I can't get over how strange that feeling was. Looking over at the pen on

my desk, I had a strange thought. What if I try whatever I did on this

pen? Its a smaller target and should be easier to break.

Staring at my pen with immense vigour, I start wishing for my pen to




[30 Seconds Later]

"Ugh... This is getting me nowhere." I exclaimed.

30 Seconds was my limit before I started feeling stupid, I sighed before

looking back at my notes again. It seems intent wasn't the cause of

breaking the plates, and looking back on it, it was completely

unintentional, to begin with. Remembering the rush starting from my

heart, I try to feel it again with no results. It's just an ordinary heart,

beating at an ordinary pace. Sighing, I placed my head in my hands,

looking down at Dororthy. I even noted at the time that forcing the

feeling again had no effect on bringing back the rush.

Sometimes you get tunnel vision when you are so wrapped up in a

certain mindset, that you ignore the obvious signs that any experiment

that you do will fail. After sighing one last time, I pick up my pen to

write in Dororthy about the failed experiment.

Upon immediate content with my pen, it exploded, with ink flying

everywhere. With a stupid grin on my face, I go to grab my pen to write

down the sudden explosion of my pen... to realize it was my pen that

exploded. Looking down at my ink-stained clothes, I grimace at having to

explain how this even happened. Grabbing another pen from my desk, I

began to write in Dororthy, which had also been covered in ink about.


[15th Aug, 1988, Later in the night]

Dear Dororthy,

Today, I had the unfortunate experience of knowing what ink tastes like.

On a more happy note, staring at my pen for 30 seconds wanting it to

break, yielded no results. As I was going to write about my experiment's

failure, I made contact with the pen and it exploded everywhere. I have

no idea how I'm going to explain this to my parents - but I have learnt a

valuable lesson in wearing disposable clothing whilst experimenting.


After writing around the split ink and finishing my journal entry, I tried

to clean up the mess my pen made, however, I failed to notice that it had

stained the desk. After staring at the ink stain for a bit, I started to smile.

Now, this desk is truly mine, for I have ruined it for everyone else.

Looking back down at my clothes my smile dropped.

After a long sigh, I walk out of the Nest, up to my mother and father,

covered in ink. With my face red with shame, I spoke up.

"Mum... Dad... I was playing with my pen and it broke, spilling ink on my

clothes." Although I was embarrassed that this happened, what I got out

of the experiment made it worth it.

"Zane... I'm not even going to ask why you were playing with your pen.

Just be more careful in the future. Go have a shower and give me your

clothes after you're done."

"Thanks, Mum."

Since this was technically true, if you don't mention the strange sudden

breakage of the pen, I felt no guilt slightly lying to them. I know I'm

strange enough as it is, I don't want to alienate myself from my own


Running to my room and getting my pyjamas ready, I scrub my face and

hands in an attempt to get rid of the ink stains. After 10m of scrubbing, I

decided to just get out of the shower and deal with it tomorrow. Handing

in my clothes to my Mum, I said goodnight to both of them and went to

bed, having a dreamless night.


"Do you think it's starting?" Cliff asked.

"I don't see any other explanation," Martha stated.

"But twice in one night?" Cliff was clearly confused.

"Who knows what he is up to, you should know that he isn't exactly the

most normal kid. It wouldn't surprise me if he found a way to force it.

But, if I notice it getting out of control, then i'll talk to him about it."

"Do you think he will try to keep it a secret?"

"Did you?" Martha asked.

"No. I was quite proud when I had my first magical outburst, told my

parents, friends, teachers and anyone that would listen. Caused a major

headache for the ministry." Cliff started chuckling.

"Was it a good idea to keep him away from magic? From the world, we

live in?" Martha wondered.

"It's not your fault Marthy, when he was still in your stomach, he was just

a squib. So we prepared our lives to live like normal people. Im about as

shocked as you are right now."

They both sat in silence for a while, thinking how different their lives

would be if they tested their child again after birth.

"Well, no use thinking about it, maybe it's time we start to reconnect with

our friends?" Cliff broke the silence. Martha just smiled, closing her eyes

to get some rest. Cliff decided to carry Martha to their room, before going

to sleep.


A/N: Ahhh parental love. The lengths one is willing to go to, for a child.

You'd be surprised, or maybe not. You basically got the gist of what's

happening here. And if you didn't, well, stay tuned.

Also, I've been tempted to make another chapter just for Dororthy so

you'll be able to read it at any time you really want. Ill implement it

when dororthy gets more... extensive.

I have to ask, am I going too fast? I feel like Usain Bolt right now.


Ay! Join my discord. or dont. I cant force you.

Another Year Gone

[1st Feb, 1989]

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Za-

ne, Happy birthday to you."

Today was my 8th birthday. It was just me and my parents, just like any

other birthday. But I was happy. And didn't need much to be happy, just

me and my parents. While I don't talk with them much, they know that I

love them too.

"And here is our present!" Ah yes, the favourite time of my birthday. The

usual presents I received usually related to books, whether it's a book I've

asked for before or not published yet. Always a genuinely good surprise

when the latter happens.

I have asked my Dad where he gets all of the books, and he said it's his

secret to keep and my responsibility to enjoy. And I couldn't have put it

better myself. In the past year, I frankly didn't do much. Reading books,

going to school, repressing the urge to do more experiments with

whatever force that resides in my heart. Just the usual year.

As for why I am repressing my experiments, is because I was waiting

until I am 8 years old. After my last experiment regarding the strange

force, I was completely exhausted. I ended up sleeping 20~ hours and

completely missed school that day, ruining my perfect attendance.

Something a lot of school bully wannabe's brought up every time I saw

them, as well as the teachers. Thankfully they didn't see me covered in

ink droplets, so I saved some face that day.

My first experiment since I turned 8 will be something simple. Sense the

'force' that resides in my heart. But that is for later tonight, right now I

will enjoy my birthday with my parents.

"I got you a book you should find especially interesting," My dad said.

Now I have to see what it is. As I start to unwrap it, I notice it is in the

shape of a book, and a big one at that. Tearing off the front wrapping

paper, I read the title. 'Computer Programming in Basic 1986-1988'.

"Thanks, guys, this will make a fine addition to my growing collection!" I

said, resisting the urge to start laughing out of frustration. It's never a

good day when I'm reminded of how backwards the internet is right now,

but I still appreciate my parent's goodwill towards selecting such a

thoughtful book. After unwrapping my gifts my parents sit me down to

tell me some extra news.

"We are going to reconnect with some old friends of ours," My mother


"Ok, let me know what times I need to hide," I replied, not wanting to get

in the way of any friendly reunion of friends, remembering the last time.

"No, silly, I want you to greet them with us when they come to visit."

"Errrr, Ok. But I can't promise to stick around."

I hear a faint sigh before my mother continues,

"That's fine, just say hello with us when they arrive ok?"

"Ok, sure. When is this?"

"Tomorrow, at 8 am."

GAH, And there goes my sleep in.


[Later that night]

OK, time to start the experiment. Since I know the strange energy

originated from my heart, I shall search my heart until it is found,

documenting my process as I go along. Since I can't open my chest and

look inside, ill have to rely on my other senses.


[1st, Feb, 1989]

Experiment Heartsearching - Attempt 1

Today is my birthday, beginning my search for energy source within my


First method details listening for any anomalies within the body with a

stethoscope. The second method involves a visual inspection of the body

in search of any anomalies related to the mysterious energy felt back in

the first two experiments. The third method involves the mind, once the

first two methods fail, why not try the most illogical?

Method 1: Hearing.

No Results

Method 2: Sight.

No Abnormal Inspection Results.

Method 3: Mind.

Using books about meditation that have been thrown into the corner of

the Nest, the first attempt at the Mind Method is meditation.

Pending Results... Postponed


[11 PM]

Looking at my experimental log, and then at the time. I realized that I

don't have enough time to try meditation and will perform it tomorrow.

However, at this rate, I am beginning to suspect that it really was just a

freakish series of coincidences and that I was maybe having heart

palpitations. I should go to bed early so I don't miss this greeting with my

mum's family friend.



Me. Am Tired. head hurt.


MC is logical, maybe too logical? who knows. I'm planning to write some

funny stuff to counteract my current mood.

i don't know what else to say here so thanks for reading. Oh, yea, 10

chapters and 20k views on webnovel. I think I've done pretty well. or

maybe I haven't. who knows.


i want a coffee x2

Old 'Friends'

[The Next Day]

*Knock, Knock*

"Zane! They are almost here! Are you awake?" I heard my mother calling

for me.

"no" I replied. I don't even have to open my eyes to know it's too early for

whatever my mum is planning. Im just gonna keep sleeping-

Wait, someone is coming?

"Zane Zanithy Zouglas, Get up right this instant or you're grounded from

the Nest!"


I ran across the room, threw my shirt off and changed it for a clean one,

did the same process with my pants then ran to the door, taking about 14

seconds to pull off. Opening the door while panting I look at her and ask,

"You didn't really mean that right?"

But she gave me a look that told me that she really would lock the Nest.

Who knew if she would put on a shocking doorknob on it but I can't

afford to delay my experiments anymore.

"Get dressed PROPERLY. In your NICE CLOTHES. We are having old

friends coming over and I don't want them to see you half awake in

casual clothes while I and Cliff all look like this."

It was then I realized my mother has gone all out dressing up. I can't

imagine an old friend would warrant such treatment, especially if you are

reconnecting with them for god knows how long now. But I don't want to

make her even angrier, so I just nod and watch as she walks away.

'Wow, that was close. I can't remember the last time she cared about how

I dressed... like ever.'

Deciding to go on a deep dive into my closet, I try to search for

something remotely presentable. My current closet is just sweatpants and

T-shirts for home wear and a uniform for school. After giving up my

search, I went to open my door and tell my mother that I don't have any

presentable clothes. But before I could grab the door handle, it flung

open with my mother's face on the other end of it. After getting over my

initial shock, I can see she is holding a fancy little black suit with stupid

frills on the end of the sleeves... Oh no.

[1 Very Annoyed Dress Up Later]

God, I can hardly breathe, I can't believe people willingly wear these

types of clothes. Whoever I'm meeting better be worth it.

"Zane! Get ready, they are almost here!" I heard my mother shouting

from the front door.

"Who are we even meeting too begin with?"

"Your Aunty"

Huh? You have relatives? Where are all the family photos? What do you


"Don't give me such a confused look, why do you think we are


Before I could even reply there was a banging at the front door, which

caused me to frown.

'What a horrid way to knock, it's like this person is just punching the


Dad opened the door to see who had knocked when a tall, skinny figure

walked into the door frame. Wearing a fancy black dress and holding a

black umbrella, she surveyed her surroundings before looking at my


"Martha! Why do I have to knock, or even have to take the Knight Bus?

Do you have no Floo Network installed?"

Floo network? Is that some sort of new transportation system? Has this

world always been slightly different than what I expected and just never

looked deeper for convenience? Surely not right?

As if to prove my point my mother immediately snaps back with a,

"What is a Floo Network?"

The figure in the door frame gave my mother a long stare, before opening

her mouth to presumably explain what a Floo Network is before my dad

cuts her off.

"Let's not all stand at the door, come in, come in, I'm sure the journey

here was long."

"It would have been ten times faster if you just opened your damn-!"

My mother cut her off again.

"Abagail, it's been so long, let's not complain within the first few minutes


I shivered instinctively when I heard my mother's quip towards my

presumed aunt, Abagail.

"Whatever! Who is this runt staring at me without introducing himself?"

Is she talking to me? I look around as if to see if there's someone behind

me or I have suddenly gained a sibling. Turning back to Abagail I look at

her with a confused look, as if I'm looking at a confused old lady who has

entered the wrong house. As if she can sense my thoughts, looking at her

forehead vein throbbing. She lashed out at me.


I decided to keep looking at her, hoping she can understand I'm thinking

of her being the runt. But before I could see the results of that, my

mother stepped in.

"How DARE you talk to my son like that, Zane, go to the Nest."

Looking at her with undisguised glee, I simply said "Ciao" and walk to my

room to get this stupid suit off of me. While I was walking away, I heard

my mother start to go off and I somehow felt bad for Abagail. Sounds like

my mother brought up some childhood thing, which resulted in Abagail

screeching, before running away in embarrassment(?), Im not totally

sure, but it was funny to watch from a distance.

Staying in the Nest, I prepare to read a new shipment of books before my

parents walk in with a serious aura. Never a good day to see my Mother

serious, let me tell you. However, before they can even open their


"I don't care."

Looking at them both, gauging their reactions. I know they wanted to tell

me why my mother's sister was such a character but I needed to make it

clear to them that I genuinely don't care because it didn't affect me in the


After a minute of silence, my Mother gets up and walks away. Suddenly

I'm feeling like I didn't explain myself properly and turned to my dad to

try and clear it up.

"I mean, I don't care because it didn't affect me." My Dad gets up as well,

and just nods, before walking out as well. Im not sure why I'm feeling

uneasy about what just happened, but I don't see anything that went

wrong so I'm probably fine.

Hearing the door shut, I tried to turn my attention back to my book, but

it was not as desirable anymore. Thinking this I just start looking at my

desk while zoning out, before realizing I was looking at the now faded

ink stain.


A/N: Hello. Me. Im sure you know me by now.


I took a break, watched some youtube, uh, I don't remember the past 3

hours, wrote another chapter. Did Zane mess up with his parents by

assuming what they were going to talk about? almost certainly. What

were they going to talk about? Guess.

Anyways this is the first misunderstanding and probably the last, I want

to use misunderstandings as a way to teach Zane to communicate more

effectively compared to just trying to have the foresight to see what

people are going to say and thinking about how to respond to what you

think they are going to say. Something I have ended up doing quite often


I have also re--re-redone the synopsis. I think it fits better because I

steered the story away from what it was originally going to be.

If you are reading the novel like 'When does he get crazy' just put some

perspective on things, or you can wait for me to show you in the coming



I cant have another coffee... or can I? I have a discord server, its in my

synopsis. Im going to sleep after this chapter is released and my goal is

6-7 hours this time so don't expect anything for abit.

Meditation and Success

Staring at the ink stain, I realize that I have yet to begin my experiments

tonight. Looking at the time and seeing it's just about 6 PM I decided that

right now is the perfect time to try the third method listed in Dororthy.


Just thinking about it, I feel stupid. According to those books, they

clearly are just meaningless words printed in such a way that it makes a

full sentence but still says nothing of meaning, I start to 'Empty my mind,

and sense the world.' Emptying my mind...

[1 Minute Later]

'This is impossible. How the hell am I mean to empty my mind and then

subsequently try to find whatever makes my heart rush with strange


Opening my eyes, I look at the meditation books for anything else that

might help my current situation. Looking at their described postures, in

something called a lotus position, I head to my room to attempt the lotus


Sitting on my bed, with my legs crossed, I start to calm my breathing.

After calming my breathing, I start to try and empty my mind and at the

same time sense whatever is in my heart.

After a few minutes of trying and getting nothing of interest, I open my

eyes and get ready to try another method of discovery. But what I opened

my eyes to was not my bedroom. Looking around at this new

environment, I see that apart from in front of me, where there is a dim

light, I'm surrounded by what I can only assume is the void.

"Well, this isn't good." Trying to speak, but no sound was heard. I don't

feel like I'm breathing either, nor can I smell anything or taste the roof of

my mouth. Seeing that most of my senses were not working, I return my

gaze to the dim light in front of me.

Upon closer observation, I see that the dim light is constantly changing

colours, however, it remains in a small sphere-like state. Seeing that it

isn't moving either, I attempt to touch it.

Almost immediately after touching it, I felt a visceral pain in my heart.

Wincing while holding my heart I open my eyes to be back in my room.

It was at this moment that I blacked out from the pain. (A/N: I would say

the pain is comparable to flicking one of your nuts on accident, but you

know, in the heart and ten times worse.)


[Next Morning]

"Zane. Zane!" I heard someone calling me.

"Yea?" I mumbled out.

"Are you ok? Your sweating and shaking!"


Regaining consciousness on my bed, I tried to look at who was talking to

me, but my eyes were too blurry. However, I could tell it was my mother.

Trying to look down at where I am I notice a large dark patch beneath

where I lay. Oh my god, no way I wet the bed. After smelling it to make

sure, it didn't have that distinct odour of pee but instead sweat.

Remembering the pain I went through last night, I started sweating

again. Whatever I did, I'm not doing that again.

"Yea, I'm ok. Just a bad dream."

There's no way I'm explaining that I touched a shiny core and then

blacked out from the pain it caused.

"Hmmm, Ok. Go have a shower and I'll clean your bedsheets."


Getting up and almost falling over, I get a change of clothes before I hold

the wall for support for my journey to the shower. While in it, I make the

shower hotter than usual in an attempt to wash out the feeling of pain

from last night with no luck.

After one of the hottest showers of my life, I return back to my room to

see my bed how it was before, just without the sweat patches and smells

pretty good now. Mom magic, I tell you. I don't know where she keeps

duplicates of my bedsheets, or even why, but I am thankful I still don't

have to make my own bed yet.

Walking into the kitchen for breakfast, I say good morning to my parents

before sitting down at the table and start to daydream again. But before I

could start my mother spoke up.

"Now that you are 8, you need to start learning to take care of yourself.

I'll show you how to do your bedsheets and clothes in the washing

machine, but I'm not washing them anymore."

How is it that I always end up jinxing myself?


A/N: Author here. Or is it?

yea. Anyways, I woke up after like 9 hours of sleep. Pretty good in my

books. I saw a notification from webnovel that said ill be recommended

today in the fresh books category. NO idea how but yay regardless. This

chapter was mostly based on my experience as a child going into a

Buddhist temple, attempting to meditate and then sleeping for 4 hours in

their meditation hall. I was assured by the monks there that I was

meditating but I digress.

Sorry for all the dudes that flinched when I wrote my note explaining

what the pain was like.

Progress and Experiments

[1 Week Later, Late at Night]

Sitting on my bed, I start to focus my mind again. My goal for tonight is

to be able to manipulate that light ball that resides in my heart. After

thinking it over, I wanted to try and take some of the light from my heart

and circulate it throughout my body, going back to my heart. But it is

taking all my focus. Manipulating the core took longer than I expected,

and much more effort. At this rate, I'm going to be awake when the sun

rises and have to pretend I just woke up early for my mum.

After imagining a tendril coming out of the core, and diffusing into the

blood in my heart, I start to feel a change. From what I can feel, the core

is rapidly draining of light and after 20 seconds of guiding the energy

into my blood, the core is nearly empty before I stop.

Feeling exhausted I record what happened in Dororothy, before promptly

passing out.


[8th Feb, 1989]

Tried to guide light within my core into my heart and subsequently my

blood. After 20 seconds I felt the core was 'drained' and stopped my


The effects of the experiment have presented themselves as being

exhausted. No noticeable changes otherwise.


[Next Morning]

I can feel my core has replenished itself overnight, but I still feel mentally

tired. On further inspection, I could see that the core has slightly

expanded in size. Since I know the core can expand in size, even if by

accident. I know what my next experiment will be. I draw up an

experiment plan in Dororthy.


[9th Feb, 1989]

After last nights experiment, core has replenished in light, as well as,

slightly increased in size. Since the core can expand, the next experiment

will be an attempt to find and absorb outside energy. Will document

results when experiment is conducted.


After writing in Dororthy, I go outside my room to say good morning to

my parents before heading off to school, where I usually end up

daydreaming or sleeping for most of the day. Due to my antics of not

paying attention in any classes and hiding during PE classes, none of the

teachers like me that much. Something I am completely OK with.

Getting home from school, I greet my parents and then run into my room

eager to start the experiment. I had thought at school. What if I tried to

absorb the sun's heat? After grabbing Dororthy to document what

happens, I go outside and sit down directly in the sun that is on its way

to set soon in the backyard.

I close my eyes, steady my breathing and try to feel the energy on my

skin from the sun. After a while, I begin to feel extremely hot, all over my

exposed skin. Ignoring the heat, for now, I try to guide that hot energy

into my core, using the veins in my body as a means of transport. What

followed was the feeling that liquid magma was going throughout my

body and depositing at my heart. Immediately stopping what I was

doing, I go up to the tap and open it, before diving under the water.

Despite being under running water, my insides still feel hot, but it is still

much more manageable. Thinking over what just happened, I checked

my core for any damage. To my surprise, the core has slightly grown in

size, comparable to last night when I drained it all.

'I want to see how big I can make this core.'

With that thought, I decided to drain my core every night, and try to

absorb the sun's heat every afternoon.

Walking back inside drenched, I go into the Nest and document

everything that happened on Dororthy for future reference.



Time Skip incoming!

I've basically figured out what sets him aside from some random student

that just went here, and you've been reading it this whole time. You

might have noticed that he just doesn't think too much or has no

problems accepting seemingly unrealistic scenarios.

Also, I want to point out that what he absorbed wasn't 'heat' so much as it

was radiation. Im is not sure if radiation has an element like fire or earth,

so I'm going to keep it attributeless.

And lastly, I have decided to implement a core system because it's easier

to keep consistency with spells. That being said, Im gonna try and put my

own little twist on it.


alot i want to do, alot i want to say so i just made a coffee, will try to

get to Hogwarts today or die trying. Was going to write another

chapter but gonna nap.

11 Years Old

(A/N: Ive uploaded the book to scribblehub, same name.)

It's my birthday today, and from the moment I woke up I knew it would

be something special. Over the past two years, I had been doing the

exercise of absorbing the sun in the afternoon and then expending it all

at night before waking up with a slightly bigger core. However, it

eventually became ineffective and the size would refuse to increase any

further. If I had to make a size comparison, at the start it was BB Pellet

and it stopped expanding at about the size of a .50 Cal Paintball.

Today was also such a special day that I was woken up by my mother

with a special surprise for me.

"Zane~! Wake up, your birthday present can't wait that much longer."

This elicited an eyebrow raise from me, I don't think I'm that in love with

books... right?

"Get dressed and come outside soon, ok?"

After nodding, my mother exits my room and I get dressed. I wear some

nicer clothes, but nothing over the top like the forbidden suit that's been

sitting in my wardrobe since my mother's attempt at reconnecting with

her family.

I walk into the kitchen and barely have time to turn the corner before I

am assaulted with confetti and the song that scares even Freddy Kruger

in his dreams.

"Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday dear

Zane... happy birthday to you."

Now red with embarrassment, I hug my parents.

"Thank you for giving birth to me."

"No problem."

I smile and start looking at them expectantly, almost ready to pounce on

them for my present. I hope it's more books, though I don't know whether

it could be anything else. Speaking of books, me and my father have

worked out a system. He gets some books, and I read them and keep the

ones I like, he sells off the ones that I've already read and buys more with

that money. However I have had to get rid of a few books I like to make

room for more, so I'm also hoping for another bookcase.

"Ok, ok, I might not be a mind reader but I know what that look means."

My mother started smiling.

"Introducing... your present!" Saying that, she hands me a cardboard box.

"Thank you, I love it," I reply while thinking of all the things I can use a

cardboard box for.

"Open it silly."

"Oh, there's something in it?"

Opening the cardboard box is a pair of beady eyes looking at me. It's a

kitten, an all-black kitten with amber-like glowing eyes. As it was looking

at me, I was also looking at it. After what felt like forever I decided to

name it.

"Your name is Meowser."

Hearing the name, Meowser started meowing in protest but it was too

late. Meowser is too good of a name to give up considering that I thought

of it. 'The adventures of Zane and Meowser,' yep, the name is staying. As

if Meowser has sensed my determination it gives what I can only guess is

a sigh and stops struggling out of my hands.

"Thank you, but why a pet?" I asked while looking at them.

They give each other knowing looks before my mother goes on to


"We wanted to get you a companion to spend time with."

Looking down at Meowser, and then back to my parents. I let out a

croaky 'thanks' before hugging them again.


[Later that day]

"Well, Meowser, I will show you the Nest where we will be spending

most of our time, of course, ill leave the window open if you wanna go

do your own thing."

Saying that, I walk into the Nest with Meowser in my arms. I let the cat

free to get familiar with the environment and walk up to my desk before

sitting down. Throughout today, my core has been feeling strange and I

intend to find out what's happening on the inside. Calming my breath

and going through my usual routine, I open my eyes to the all-black

space with my core floating in front of me. Knowing better than to touch

it, I simply observe it in an attempt to detect any changes.

After spending quite some time observing, I determine what exactly is

happening, but due to the fact it is happening on my birthday, maybe age

has something to do with it.

With no better ideas, I close my eyes and open them again in reality.

Writing down all that I observed in Dororthy, I get up to leave the Nest,

leaving the door open for Meowser before spending the rest of the day

with my family.


On the cusp of hoggy hoggy hogs breath cafe.


I mean Hogwarts. For my last chapter I made a coffee, and wrote out the

chapter. then immediately went to bed. Also when I was replying to a

comment my keyboard's space key just died. Its back now but boy did it

scare me. Im using it from a good friend of mine and don't wanna be that

guy who breaks shit that's been loaned to him.

join my discord for chapter notifications and announcements ill make

about the book.


i need more coffee and maybe a proper sleep schedule

A Strange Owl and Truths

(A/N: Last reminder about scribblehub.)

[24th, July, 1992]

It was an ordinary day until I heard Meowser going nuts outside. The

thing with Meowser is that she usually doesn't meow, and is generally a

very quiet cat, I guess I rubbed off on her a bit. Looking at the window

where the noise is coming from, I get up to take a look.

Looking outside, I spot Meowser staring at an Owl perched up on a

streetlight. While this wouldn't be completely strange behaviour from

Meowser considering she is a cat, what stands out to me is that the Owl is

holding a letter in its mouth. While I was staring at the owl, the owl was

also staring back at me, as if intelligent.

After the owl had a good look at me, it started to fly towards me,

dropping the letter from its beak at my feet. Looking at the letter it

dropped, I raised my head towards the owl only to see it flying back to

the streetlight, staring back at me. Seeing that it's looking at me again, I

bend down to pick up the letter and read the front.


Mr Zane Zanithy Zouglas,

The Nest,

1 Charlotmine Way,

Fosterhouses, Doncaster,



Well whoever this is, wanted to be certain it reached me with such a

specific address. Taking it back inside, I sit at my desk in the Nest and

open the letter.



Headmaster Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr Zouglas,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all

necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31


Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress.

(A/N: Yea I copy and pasted that, fight me. you'll catch me sleeping

before I manually type that.)


After reading the paper, I check the envelope for the other paper

mentioned. Finding it, I start reading it.



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.

All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

Break with a Banshee by Gildroy Lockheart

Gadding with Ghouls by Gildroy Lockheart

Holidays with Hags by Gildroy Lockheart

Travels with Trolls by Gildroy Lockheart

Voyages with Vampires by Gildroy Lockheart

Wanderings with Werewolves by Gildroy Lockheart

Year with the Yeti by Gildroy Lockheart


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set of glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

1 basic potions ingredients kit




Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.




With such an incomprehensible list presented to me, I can't help but think

it's a joke. Thinking it's funny, I go to show my parents the Hogwarts

Acceptance and Equipment letter.

"Hey Mum, Dad, look at this prank letter I just got."

Handing over the letter to them, they give each other a shocked look

before reading it. They both look at the letter and then sit up on the


"This isn't a joke." My mother looks me in the eyes.

"This is a real letter, for a real school. But I don't think you want to go."

"Wait what? What do you mean this is real, and that I don't want to go?"

"Didn't you say you didn't care about magic when my sister came over?"

Thinking back, I seem to have said something like 'I don't care' before my

parents could even say something.

"No, I was referring to your sister's stuck-up attitude. What are you

talking about when you say magic?"

Seeing her go silent, I start to get nervous. Slowly, I remember all the

strange things that occurred around me but always ignored them. My bed

was magically clean after my mum looked at it, food on the plate always

remained hot even hours after dinner was served, the doorknob shocking

me and many more. Looking at my mother for an explanation, my father

stepped in.

"When Martha was pregnant, we had called upon a medi-witch to test

your potential for magic. And... the results they got back confirmed you

had no potential for magic. A squib is what they called it. When we heard

that you were a squib, we were devastated. Growing up in such a magical

(literally) world, but never being able to do anything with magic would

be too cruel. So we decided to set up our lives in the muggle world, living

normal lives so you can have a good upbringing. And although you are

strange, you grew up happy."

Staring at my father and taking it all in, had a strange thought, realizing

this is the most I have spoken to him in a while. Looking at them and

realizing the sacrifices they made just to let me have a semi-normal life, I

look back at the letter in my mother's hands with confusion.

"If I'm a squib - that is someone without magic, then why do I have a

letter from a school of magic?"

"That's the thing, Zane, this letter proves that you aren't a squib, to begin

with. We suspected as much when you broke 3 plates by accident but we

didn't see any other accidental magic releases, so we assumed it was just

a coincidence. But this letter..." My mother explained.

"So, I have magic?"


Letting a wide smile form on my face, I look at my parents.

"What are we waiting for, let's go get the things the equipment

parchment wants."

"Let's first reply to Hogwarts that you are going, do you know where the

owl went?"

"Oh right, the owl. It's outside on the streetlight."

"Ok, we will send a reply to Hogwarts, you get ready to go shopping."

I smile and nod, walking to my room in search of the most fitting clothes

to wear for my first visit to the magical world.


Authors Corner:

Its me again, this chapter took ages to write because I couldn't write it

how I wanted to. Some of this might read awkwardly, especially the

dialogue. This is because I am an awkward person, and writing emotional

scenes is hard. Its made twice as hard when I don't have such

conversations, to begin with, giving me no experience to go off of.

I know adding all of Lockheart's books is a bit overkill, but Lockheart

teaches the first years too you know. Alot of information is dumped in

between the lines here. One of my readers has guessed that I'm going to

be letting zane and luna interact with little information, I am impressed

with that and it gives me some ideas to be more subtle with information

delivery. Another thing that probably wont get explained is Zane's

parents using the confundus charm on zane to not ask about the magical

things that happen around him, or simply refuse to acknowledge it, a

good example was when his mother decorated the Nest, which was

originally a bare room, into a nice little office in under an hour.

Another thing to note is that the first recorded Hogwarts letter getting

sent in the original books was on the 24th of July. Which was not harry's

birthday. My understanding is that they get sent to people on the 24th of

July regardless of when your birthday is, even if it is later in the year.

Lastly, only 4 chapters today. Ill probably do about the same tomorrow

given my rather free schedule for fridays. However, I will let you know

when I am studying for my uni subjects.

Ciao for now.


i keep getting distracted while writing this, xavier renegade does that

to me I guess.

The Alley and The Wand

Walking into my room and getting dressed, I am hit with a faint feeling

of nostalgia. Unsure as to why I brush it off and finish dressing. Walking

out of my room, I approach my parents who are now waiting for me.

"Are we ready?"

"Yep, we sent the reply to Hogwarts. Are you excited?"

"Yep, where are we going?"

"Diagon Alley."

Instantly, that feeling of nostalgia, or even familiarity, comes back and

hits me in the face. Trying to remember how I know what the alley is, I

flashback to my past life, glancing at harry potter lore instead of reading

the books, though I can barely remember the key points of it.

'Im in Harry Potter.'

For the first time in this life, I had no idea what is going on. Following

my parents without thought, we arrived in front of my father's study.

"Arnt I banned from this room?"

"Because it housed all of our magical books and artifacts." My dad


Nodding, I watch my dad open the study, to a room that looks no

different to the Nest, with the only expectation being a fireplace on the


"I didn't know we had a fireplace?"

"Its not your ordinary fireplace." My dad said, while chuckling.

"Martha, if you wanna show him how to use it."

"Sure, Dear."

Watching my mother step into the fireplace, my eyes widen. After she

grabs a hand full of powder from a container on the side of the fireplace,

she exclaims with a loud and clear voice.

"Leaky Cauldron."


Watching my mother disappear into flames, I snap my head to my dad

for an explanation.

"Don't worry, this is what we call the Floo Network. A super handy

magical means of transport. You have to get into the fireplace, grab some

Floo Powder and clearly state where you want to go. This time it is

'Leaky Cauldron.' Ok?"

'Right, there was something like that in Harry Potter...'

Nodding, I get into the fireplace, grab some powder and state my

destination and throw the powder down.

"Leaky Cauldron."

Watching the dazzling green flames engulf my body, I prepare for the

burns, but the pain I expected did not come. Instead, what greeted me

was a heat-less tube of green fire that I was travelling through. Taking in

the view, I watch the end of the tunnel get closer. Closing my eyes I

brace for impact.

Feeling my feet land on something, I open my eyes to see the sight of my

mother laughing at me, with other people joining in. Observing my

surroundings, I see that it's a small, rickety bar with few patrons. Before I

could get a better look, my mother calms down from laughing at hurries

me out of the fireplace.

"Quickly, Get out before someone lands on you."

Remembering that I'm still in a magical fireplace that can teleport people,

I quickly run out of it, seconds before my dad appears.

'That was close.'

"Next time, don't stand in the fireplace." My dad remarks.

Im not sure how he saw me do it, but I just nod.

"Ok, let's go to Diagon Alley."

Turning around, my dad walks towards an inconspicuous brick wall.

Pulling out a stick, which I can only assume is a wand from his robes,

tapes the bricks in a square pattern. As he completes the square, the

bricks start to part, revealing a bustling street behind it.

"What? How? Why?"

"Well, this is Diagon Alley, all the stores here are of a magical type. It's

where we got Meowser for your 11th birthday. How? Well, magic. It

keeps this entire alley from being discovered, you'll learn more about it

at Hogwarts. Why? To keep us wizards safe from the muggle world. I

think Hogwarts will also teach you about that, however, I will give you a

brief overview. A while ago, a group of important wizards got together to

sign a law called the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. Which

basically hid all of the magical communities from ordinary people to

keep them safe."

Blanking out, I remember that I seem to have read this in my past life.

Nodding as I take in the information, I turn to my dad.

"Where are we going to now that we are here?"

"Our first stop is getting you your own wand!" My mother replied


Looking at my mother's face, I know she is almost as excited to get a

wand as I am. Looking around the Alley whilst walking with my parents,

I notice that the clothes everyone is wearing are strange. Wearing pointed

hats and loose woollen robes, it looks like a recreation event from the

medieval ages. However, the most peculiar thing are the items around

them. Wooden carts that pull themselves, using quills to write on old

parchment, the windows of each store show that the glass is hand made,

or magically made. The buildings around me have a strange sense of

style, not uniform at all and some buildings seem to be held up by the

will of magic itself to not collapse on their occupants.

Seeing my parents stop out the front of such a store, I look at the sign

displayed out front.

'Ollivanders - Makers of fine wands since 382 B.C.'

Widening my eyes at the year it started, I turn to my parents as if to ask

if it's true. Seeing my exaggerated reaction, they just nod and walk in,

with me following. Hearing a bell tingle as the door opened, I look up to

see a bell attached to the door, but no knocker is present inside. Looking

around the store, I notice it is simply filled with bookshelves, but what

the bookshelves house are not books, but tiny rectangle boxes with no

distinct labelling on any of them. Before I can look around the shop any

further, a man pops out from underneath the serving bench and looks at

my parents.

"How can I- Ah, If it isn't Mr and Mrs Douglas, I hope my wands have

served you well." Said the strange man.

'Douglas? But my last name is Zouglas. What is going on here?' Making a

note to ask my parents later, I quickly focus back on their conversation.

"Yes, they have Olivander. We are here today to get our son his own

wand." Cliff stated our purpose.

"When did you two have a son? Where is he?" The strange man named

Olivander looked at my parents before spotting me further back.

"And who might you be?" He asked.


"A wonderful name, let's get you your wand."

Seeing that he is getting straight to the point, I smile and nod. After

nodding he pulls out a bunch of measuring devices and gathers seemingly

irrelevant data.

"What's your dominant hand?" Olivander asked.

"Right," I replied.

After some time, he finished up his measuring antics.

"Perfect, lets start with this one. Cedar wood and a dragon's heartstring."

He pushes a wand towards me.

Picking it up expecting a rush from my heart, I wave it around only to

receive no reaction from the wand. Shooting a look at Olivander, he takes

the wand back before starting to talk again.

"The wand chooses the wizard, Mr Douglas, I'll go try another wand."

"My last name is Zouglas, Mr Olivander," I replied.

"Oh... I see." He looks to my parents, then goes back to his rows of wands.

"Here try this, Mahogany wood with a unicorn's tail hair." He presents me

with another wand.

Picking it up, I wait for the wand to respond to me, but with no luck.

"Well no matter, I have a shop full of wands. We can spend all day if we

have to, to find your perfect wand."

Nodding at his words, my anticipation builds at finding the perfect wand

for me.

[3 Hours Later]

"Well, Mr Zouglas, you are officially the pickiest customer I've ever come


"... sorry." I mumble out.

"This is no fault of your own, I have one last wand to try before I resort

to making you a custom wand."

Nodding meekly, I look at Olivander as he walks away to the very back

of his shop. After some time, he returns with a rather interesting-looking


"This wand was one of the strangest ones I have ever created, purely for

the fact that I forgot what core was in it. You should know I am

proficient in Occlumency, so forgetting isn't something that happens

every day. The only thing I know about this wand is the wood, which is

called Purpleheart. Give it a twirl."

Opening the box, I look at the wand inside. Looking closely at the wand,

I notice it is a captivating deep shade of purple. The engravings on the

grip of the wand, going up the shaft of it also capture my attention.

Picking up the wand, I felt a strange connection to the core of my heart.

Waving the wand around, I heard a low buzzing coming from it. Closing

my eyes and feeling that it is using the energy in my core, I push all of

the light I can muster into where the wand has formed a connection.

Opening my eyes, I see the wand producing a blinding golden light from

its tip. Looking at Olivander, I see his mouth is wide enough to fit an egg

in it. Looking over to my parents, I could probably fit a few more eggs

into their mouths.

As if sensing my thoughts, the wand's light splits into 3 egg-shaped lights,

that fly into each of their mouths before they could even react. Widening

my eyes at what just happened, I started laughing hysterically.

"Mr Zouglas... Can you explain what just happened?" Olivander asks.

Still laughing, I try to explain what I was thinking.

"Eggs- AHahahahaha- Mouth- AHHAHAA."

After laughing, even more, I try to calm myself down and explain again

what happened.

"I felt a connection to this wand, and when I opened my eyes I could see

a light. Then I saw your mouths open and thought I could fit an egg and-


"Well, the wand has chosen you, Mr Zouglas. Treat it well. I recommend

you get a wand holster and a care kit while you are here." Olivander


Looking at my parents, my dad just nods before asking olivander for the

whole works. Seeing my dad pulling out a strange currency to pay for the

wand and care kit, I ask him about it.

"Well, this is a Galleon, used in the wizarding world. It comes from the

bank called Gringotts, you can see it when we exit the shop, but our next

stop is getting you the rest of the equipment, we have spent too long in


Realizing that 3 hours have been spent getting my wand, I urge my

parents to hurry up as we go to our next destination.


Author Corner:

I forgot to mention in the last chapter that the misunderstanding has

been cleared up with his parents and magic, and while subtle, he has

learned to listen first before speaking over someone.

This is also my largest chapter to date. 1.8k words. I couldn't think of a

fitting wand core for Zane, and decided to leave it up to interpretation.

Or maybe i have decided on a core and I will tell you with some hints.

Hehe. Im getting cheeky. Have you seen purpleheart wood before? it's

honestly a pretty good-looking wood.

I have also decided to give Zane some surface-level information about

Harry potter. I don't want Zane to get too caught up in keeping the plot

consistent so he can plan for it, and instead, intend to let him make his

own decisions based on what he sees and observes. He at least knows

who harry is and what type of world this is. Anything more specific like

why wizards hide, floo network, occlumency wont be a thing. Please also

keep in mind it's been 11 years since he last really needed his past life

memories. So far he has been coasting through the lower years of school

and reading to pass his time, waiting till he is 18 to do something


ANother thing while i was researching for this chapter and future ones, I

thought I completely skipped the chamber of secret's. The most important

day happened in like may, and I read the wiki thinking it was may 1992!

But no, re-reading it showed that Im in the correct time (i think).

Was super strange waking up this morning to the queen's death.

Congrats on reading 15.5k words with this chapter!

The Robes and The Books

)A/N: Webnovel seems to have back peddled.)

Walking out of Olivanders, my parents start speed walking towards

another store. My legs shoot out pain from suddenly walking at such a

high pace, after essentially standing still for 3 hours. I can't imagine my

parents are any better off, noticing the occasional limp they made.

After speed-walking for what felt like forever, we arrived in front of what

I presume is a bookstore. Looking at the sign confirms my suspicions.

'Flourish & Blotts Publishers - We have book.'

Looking at the slogan, I can't help but feel whoever wrote that has no

imagination. Seeing my parents walk into the store, I quickly follow

them. Opening the door, I don't hear a bell this time. Instead, I see

someone at the counter staring at me and my parents as we walk in.

"Shoppin' early, are ya?" The man asks.

"Yep, can we get a first-year set for Hogwarts?" My father replies.

"Not a problem, that will be 30 Galleons."

"What? Why is the first year set so expensive?"

"*sigh*, Well, because the books that Lockheart added into the first year

list are worth 20 galleons by themselves."

"Well alright, can you send them to our house?"

"Sure, write your address here."

Hearing my father take care of the books, I prepare to wander the

bookstore in search of anything remotely interesting.

"Oh no, you don't, our stop at Olivanders cost us too much time." My

mother hissed at me.

Hearing that she is probably being serious, I restrain my urge to turn this

bookstore into my new house. Spotting my father walking back to us, he

gives my mother a nod and walked out of the store. My mother pushes

me out of the store, before starting to walk to our next destination.

"What's our next store?" My mother asks.

"Slug & Jiggers." My father responded.

Following them down the alley, we soon stop at the store called Slug &

Jiggers. Before I could walk into the store, my dad stops me.

"Just wait outside with your mother, I'll handle this one."

Giving a slow nod, I try to peer through the door that my dad opened,

only for there to be not enough light to make anything specific out.

"Alright, let's go to another store while we wait for your father." My

mother spoke out.

Looking at her, she started walking off before I could respond. Letting out

a sigh, I started to follow her. For some reason, I'm starting to have a bad

feeling about accompanying her. Stopping outside of another store, I

nearly scream.

[Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions]

'Note to self, trust gut feeling more.'

"I don't need any more clothes, so we can skip this one." Looking at my

mother, with the best puppy eyes I could display.

"Don't be silly, this is where you get your robes for Hogwarts." She said,

not even sparing a glance at me.

Resigned to my fate, I walk into the store with her, preparing for the

biggest fight of my life. Upon walking in, I see a lady behind the counter

reading a book. Hearing us walking in, she raises her head and looks

toward me.

"Oh my! Arnt you a cutie! Here for Hogwarts robes?" She said.

Blushing furiously, I just nod.

"Well, step on up here and let me take your measurements."

Looking towards my mother, she seems to be enjoying this a bit too

much. As if it was payback for what her parents did to her? Im not sure

myself, but it seems like I'll be doing this to any relatives I take shopping,

call it a generational grudge. Looking back towards the Lady, I just nod

and she gets started.

Suddenly, a tape measure flies out of nowhere and starts measuring my

body's proportions, while the Lady watched. After quite some time of

measuring, she speaks back up again.

"Alright, I've got your measurements. You just want the standard

Hogwarts package?" The lady asked.

"Yep, send it to our house as well." It was my mother who spoke up.

"Alright, no problem, the total is 15 galleons." The lady told my mother.

Seeing my mother pay, I start looking around the shop for those magical

tools, wondering if I can take one apart and see how it works. Before I

could look for too long, my father ran in, completely out of breath.

"Did I miss it?"


"Damn it!"

Looking at them in confusion, my mother just smiles.

"Don't worry about it." My dad replies.

Looking at my father, I hear the lady behind the counter start laughing.

Looking at ALL of them in confusion, I try to think about what I've

missed, but return a blank.

"Let's get going, we are almost done shopping." My mother started.

Our next stop was a general goods store, whose name already escapes

me. There we got some quills, ink and the rest of what was on my

shopping list. Looking at the telescope, I can't help but wonder what its

use is in the wizarding world. After the last store, my parents take me

back to The Leaky Cauldron.

"Clearly state our house, which is [Zouglas Family Study], ok? We won't

be coming back immediately, so just do whatever you do at home. And

Zane, don't touch any of the books in the study." Said my dad, very



Grabbing some floo powder, I walk into the fireplace and state where I'm


"Zouglas Family Study."

Seeing the familiar green fire envelop me, I close my eyes out of habit.


Author Corner:

Webnovel seems to have backpedalled on their stupid decision. So yay.

Lockheart made all the students buy his books, which are comically

overpriced. A scummy but smart move.

Sorry for only one chapter yesterday, I wrote it, played some games then

had a nap.

The nap ended up being 13 hours of sleep. Quite impressive.

I wrote the slogan for the bookstore, though probably not necessary.

a LOT more talking in this chapter. I don't know how people can talk so

much. Im in tears.

I had all the items delivered to their house because carrying around all

that is dumb even with magic, just asking to get robbed, and the trunk

was put last so Zane wouldn't be tempted to beg his parents for random



I made a coffee before writing this, it was not enough. Powerstones!

They are a thing. Not sure what they do but its probably needed. So

hand them over, this is a robbery.

A Magical Delivery

Opening my eyes, I am greeted by the sight of my father's study.

Recalling my dad's words, I realize he said nothing about looking around.

Going to The Nest to grab Dororthy, I start to look around the room and

record what I see.

The first thing on my list of things to look at was that accursed door

handle. Looking at the door handle that has caused me so much grief, I

notice that it is covered in strange markings that pulsate from time to

time. Looking at Dororthy, I decide to make a new section called 'To

Research' for these strange markings and anything alike. Looking at the

bookshelves themselves, they also have strange markings all over them.

Recording them down into Dororthy, I look at the ceiling, except there

isn't a roof. Looking up, the sight that greeted me was a vast night sky.

After staring off into the night light that is the ceiling for what felt like

hours, I hear a knocking at the front door. Snapping out of the daze I was

in, I exit the study. Walking through the hallway and up to the door, I

open it, to see a delivery man.

"Here are your packages, have a good day." He says, before running off

into his van and onto the next house.

Opening the packages, I see multiple tags, each with different labels.

'Madam Malkin's Robes.'

'Slug & Jiggers'

'Flourish & Blotts'

'General Goods Store'

Seeing the stores that I visited with my parents inscribed on the tags, I

wonder if this is the delivery. Putting them on the kitchen counter, I take

Dororthy with me into the Nest. Looking at my room I feel a sense of

exhaustion wash over me.

'So many strange and interesting things happened today...'

Sitting down on my chair, I hear a panicked meow. Looking where I have

just sat, I see Meowser lying underneath the cushion.

"What is the big deal, you sit on me all the time."

Seeing Meowser stop meowing, I smile and get up, setting her free. As I

sit down properly she jumps onto my lap and makes herself at home.


Thinking about how silly this cat is, I turn my attention to my wand.

Pulling it out, I can feel that the wand wants to be used, but I'm not sure

how. Waving it around doesn't produce any results, and I don't know any

magical spells. Though I did manage to manipulate it when we first

bonded. Thinking about how I was moving magic into the wand and

thought about fitting eggs into people's mouths, I attempt the same thing.

Except this time, Im just imagining a light bright enough to light up the


Moving magic into the wand, I start to want a light. After some hard

wanting, the wand sputters out some sparks, before slowly forming a

light. However, it is not up to the brightness that I want, so I move more

magic into my wand, which dims the light even further.

Before I could think further about what just happened, I hear a crashing

noise in the kitchen. Walking out of the Nest with my wand ready, I

make my way towards the kitchen. Peaking my head around the corner, I

don't see anyone in the kitchen. Instead, I see that the kitchen counter

has been littered with items, some of which as fallen off the kitchen

counter. Walking up to the pile, I check if anything fragile has been

broken. Thankfully, everything seems to be intact.

Looking closer at the pile, I see it is all the items that my parents wanted

to be delivered. Remembering the tags inscribed with the stores on them,

I try to search for them only to find nothing. What I did find was a bunch

of books, clothes, a weird hat. Deciding to ignore the hat, I pick up a

book and read its title.

'The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk'

Opening it up, I see it is filled with magical spells with explanations on

them, their uses and how to counter them. Looking at the other books,

my eyes widen and my mouth starts drooling. Quickly putting all the

books in a pile, I try to pick them up, only to fall flat on my butt.

'Too many books, too heavy.'

Not wanting to make multiple trips, I attempt to lift up the bottom book

with magic. Pulling out my wand, I close my eyes, push magic into my

wand and begin to want the books to levitate. Opening my eyes, I see the

bottom-most book hovering 5cm off of the floor. Seeing that it worked, I

push the books into the Nest, preparing to read them all by tonight.


Author Corner:

Trunk was in there somewhere, zane doesn't know what it is yet so just

thought it was a normal trunk, though if it shows up in a magical

delivery it must not be normal...

The magical delivery. I took the idea of a port key and made it better?

The way it works is there's a source and destination portkey, the

destination port key is sent to the desired address using an owl or muggle

means, before the source portkey is activated with whatever is attached

to it. Im not sure why this wasn't thought of in the canon, a portkey to

deliver humans is normal but parcels? too much I guess.

Not sure what else I wanted to say, halfway through this chapter I went

to the shops and got some subway as well. I will always love me a good


The magical experiment was a last-minute idea of mine, and I intend to

get more into it next chapter. Some of you might know what happened


You might realize that zane wasn't really explained the magical word that

well, that's because his parents are intending Hogwarts to teach him the

intricacies of the magic world and he is still a normal-ish 11-year-old.

Last names are different, might explain why soon. Its rather normal in my



can i hab da powerstone plz? Also, i have a discord. Join it and ask me

questions. Or dont.

Magical Books and


Pushing the books into the Nest and closing the door, I look at the books

sprawled across my desk with anticipation. From the many options, there

are, I make a plan to start off with 'A History of Magic', then move on to

'Magical Theory' before moving to 'The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1.'

Looking at the time, I see it's starting to get late and wonder where my

parents are but promptly forget. It's not like I haven't been left alone

before, they are usually back by 8 PM, which is when I'm expecting to

finish the books.

Preparing Dororthy, I start to read 'A History of Magic' while taking notes

of the important things. The more I read, the more fascinated with magic

I become. Giants that can talk? Goblins that run our banks? How did

goblins come about, and what's this about house elves? An entire species

that rely on another being's magic? All questions I write down to ask my

parents. Moving on to the next book about magical theory, I read it while

taking notes.

Mentioning something about a Fundamental First Law, I notice that

experimenting with the essence of magic itself is something that needs to

be explored with great due diligence. Reading the rest of the book, I

write down some more questions for my parents like, What is the

limitations of magic, Can magic be converted to electricity and vice

versa, How do we have magic and much more questions.

Moving onto the third book, I open to see a bunch of spells recorded with

their incantations, causes and counterspells. Presented to me were a few

spells, but the one that caught my interest was the locking spell.

Reading further into it, memorising the motions and pronunciation, I

prepare to cast the spell at the Nest's door.

With my wand in my right hand, I wave my wand according to the book

and chant the incantation.


Feeling a wave of magic leave my wand, I walk over to the door and try

to open it. Seeing the door firmly staying in place, I smile with glee.

'Finally, my parents won't randomly walk in without knocking anymore.'

Searching for the counterspell, I memorise the movements and casted it.


Feeling a similar wave of magic leave my wand, I attempt to open the

door with success.

Writing down the attempts in Dororthy, I look for another spell to try out


"Zane! We are here!"

Looking at the time, I see my parents are home at 8 PM on the dot.

Walking from the Nest to the study, I quickly as the questions I had

written down in Dororthy before they see the mess in the kitchen I didn't

clean up.

"Zane... It's better you ask your Hogwarts teachers this. For now, don't

worry about studying magic. You have the rest of your life to do so." My

dad explains.

Before my dad could say any further, there was a scream from the


"What happened here?!?!"

Wincing, I try to sneak off before my dad could catch me and deliver me

to my mother. Before I could break out into a run, a firm hand lands on

my shoulder.

Sighing, I reluctantly walk into the kitchen to explain what I know to my


"Well, when I got home there was a delivery that came in the mail, was

some metal tags, I put it on the kitchen counter, turned into this."

"A Bohon portkey? But we didn't pay for-" Seeing my father stop mid-

sentence, I look towards him to see a grim look on his face.

"Whats a Bohon Portkey?" I ask.

"Its a type of delivery service from Bohon Logistics. It's pretty expensive

and usually used for high-value items or items that have a short half-life

and can't be sent using normal means, instead, this portkey literally

teleports the items to their destination. And we shouldn't have received

one, because we didn't pay the extra fee." My mother explains.

"Zane, was there a letter attached to the delivery?" My father asks with

his still grim look.

"No, was just these metal tags with the store names on them engraved, I

couldn't find them after the items arrived."

"A disposable one..."

Not understanding what's going on, I look to my mother for clarification,

only to see her shake her head.

"You shouldn't worry about this Zane, it's almost your bedtime anyways."

Seeing her trying to distract my attention, I decide not to chase my

parents for answers and instead give her a reminder.

"I haven't had dinner yet."

Hearing this, my mother freezes and gives herself a forehead slap.

"We got this for you while we were out, thank you for reminding me."

Saying this, she hands me a brown bag stained with oil. Opening it, I am

assaulted with spices and almost sneeze into the bag. Looking into it, I

see a strange pastry that isn't on any bakeries menu.

"It's from the wizarding world, give it a try." My mother coming in clutch.

Grabbing the strange pastry, I take a bite out of it and fall in love. So

many strange flavours literally dancing on my tastebuds, I make a mental

note to get more for myself whenever I can.

"What's it called?" I said between mouthfuls.

"Shlorshlank Bread."

"I really like it."

Finishing up the rest of the bread, I say goodnight to my parents before

walking into my room, flopping on my bed and passing out.

It's been a long day.


Authors Corner:

Bohon Logistics' name was decided by one of my readers after they

pointed out how expensive portkey deliveries are.

I wanted to say something else here but I forgot.

Um, experiments, how cool. Magic also, cool.

Ive been reading into the original plot of harry potter and jesus christ, its

a mess and needlessly tragic.

Oh yea, I have no idea why I called it Shlorshlank Bread. I just typed it

out and went yep good enough.

Might do another chapter today.


review le story. and <insert generic discord reminder>

A Scientists Way

Recently, I was introduced to the world of magic and am loving every

second of it. For starters, I stole a pen that writes itself from my dad's

study, which has made documenting my experiments with magic much

easier. Using this magical, self-writing pen, I have started to experiment

with magic based on my intent.

"Attempt number 5,

Using less magic and more focus."

Holding my wand, I start to focus my intent on making my wand light

up. Moving a small amount of magic into my wand, I stare at the wand to

observe any changes. Seeing a small, dim light form, I stop the attempt.


Small, dim light formed, however, it is notably stable than previous


Consolidating the results, I prepare attempt 6.

"Zane! Dinners ready!"

Snapping back to reality, I hear my mother calling me for dinner.

Looking at the time, I can't help but feel like I time-travelled.

'It's already 8 pm? Didn't I start at midday?'

Cleaning up my desk of all the random notes I've made and throwing

them into Dororthy, I leave the Nest to go have dinner.

"So Zane, you excited to go to Hogwarts tomorrow?" My Father asked.

"What's Hogwarts?"

Seeing him freeze, I think back to what he asked and realized I

completely forgot about the school.

"Oh! Err... I am excited to learn more about magic." I forced out.

"Im sure you are! Do you have everything prepared?" My mother asked.

"Uh... maybe?"

"That's no good Zane, you've had an entire month to prepare. Send me an

owl if you have forgotten anything." My mother scolds me.

Thinking to myself, I wonder if it really has been a month since we went

to Diagon Alley. I don't exactly remember the time passing.

"Zane! No zoning out at the table again." My mother says as if used to

saying it.


She gives me a look, before going back to eating. Not understanding what

just happened, I finish up the rest of my plate. Finishing my plate, I am

about to get up before my mother stops me.

"As a little celebration for tomorrow, we have your favourite thing for


She gets up and goes into the kitchen, returning with my favourite food,

Shlorshlank Bread. Eating it with delight, my mother speaks up again.

"We know you might be nervous going to a new school by yourself, but

you shouldn't worry about that. You can take Meowser with you."

'They were worried for me.'

Forming a smile, I thank them for their genius insight. Now I will have

two things that accompany me to Hogwarts. Magic and Meowser.

Thinking about magic, I remember I need to ask my father something.

"Dad, can I have my own self-writing pen?"

"Ah, so that's where that went. I already got a new one after my previous

one suddenly disappeared so you can keep it."


Seeing him nod, I finish up my Shlorshlank before giving them both big


"Go to bed early today, you have a big day prepared tomorrow. Have you

packed your things into the trunk?" My mother asked.

"No, I will go do it now."

"Ok, Ill say goodnight now in case you go to bed after packing your


"Goodnight mum, and dad."

"So I'm the second thought, huh?"

Letting out a laugh, I run to my room avoiding his judgemental gaze.

Closing my door, I look around my room, spotting the trunk pushed away

into the corner with the rest of my Hogwarts items. Opening the trunk, I

start putting the random books into it, starting with Lockheart's books. I

have read them all, and if I had to summarize them, it would be fantastic


I didn't learn anything reading them, and instead enjoyed them as works

of fiction. Maybe the teacher wanted to show us how to spot fake books

on our journey as wizards. It's certainly a dark thing to disguise

disgusting forms of magic as reputable ones. Putting them into the trunk,

the books start to shrink down to 1/5th of it's original size. Picking it

back out of the trunk, the book returns to its original size.

'How fascinating.'

The magical world never ceases to amaze me. Packing in the rest of my

items, I crawl into bed in anticipation for tomorrow.


Author Corner:

a lot to say so I wont say it, only 800? words this chapter. most of the

length is just talking.

I woke up today to 100k views and 500 collections on webnovel. thank

you very much!

sorry for the delay today, I had a lot of things to do today. here's a

summarized list

1. figured out how to replace headlight globe on my car

2. ended up driving for a bit (2 ish hours)

3. came home to a lot of uni work to do

4. coming down from a coffee high.

i want to get on the train today, which means I want another chapter out

today. Guess we will find out how well reality lines up.

I saw a review on scribblehub that thought this novel was a lovecraftian

horror. That sounds awesome and you should write it, because I would

read it. I cant reply because scribblehub doesn't like my VPN.

Cars are insanely complex but also stupidly simple. It's interesting to

think about.


i want another chapter out, but i am expecting to drive another 2

hours soon.

On the Hogwarts Express

"Zane! Wake up!"

Hearing a voice from outside my room, I decide to ignore it, for it is too

early for a Tuesday.

"Zane! I know you are awake, today is when you go to Hogwarts."

Slamming my eyelids open, I jump out of bed and throw on the clothes I

picked out last night. Putting my wand holster on, I open the door in

record time.

"I'm ready."

My mother gives me an amused look, before pointing toward the


"Go wash up, we are leaving soon."

Nodding, I walk to the bathroom and do my hygiene routine, something I

intend to let magic do in the future. Finishing up, I rinse my mouth and

walk out of the bathroom, up to my parents waiting at the front door for


"How will we be getting to Hogwarts?"

"We are taking you to the train station, where you will go by train." My

dad responded.

"Train? To a magical school?" I asked.

"Don't ask." My father sounded defeated.

"Well alright, you two, let's get going. Don't want to be late now, do we?"

My mother reminded us.

"Have you got your trunk, and Meowser is with you?"

"Yes mum, I'll send you an owl if I'm missing anything."

Seeing me reaffirm that I've gotten everything, she leads us out to the

street, before grabbing her wand, and pointing it up into the air.


Looking towards the source of the noise, I see a massive bus pop into

existence and come to a stop before my mother.

"Kings Cross Station."

"11 sickles ma'am."

Seeing her pay for the magical-bus ride, I step on with all my belongings,

accompanied by my dad. Finding a place to sit, I barely have time to

plant myself onto a seat before the bus violently accelerates before

another loud bang resonates in my chest.

Looking out the windows, I don't see much aside from flashing lights.

After some time has passed, the bus stops and my parents get up.

Following their cue, I get up too with my luggage in tow and Meowser on

my head.

Stepping onto the floor, I am hit with a wave of nausea and feel like I am

centimetres away from throwing up. Stabilizing myself, I see my parents

looking at me, one with glee and the other annoyed.

"I won the bet." My mother said.

"Next time..."

Looking at both of them in confusion, I struggle to understand their


"Don't worry about that, let's get you settled into the train." My father


Nodding, I follow them throughout the station, noticing increasingly

weirder families walking in the same direction. Some families are dressed

as if they have walked out of an insane asylum, others are dressed more

modestly yet have wacky displays of magic above their heads. It's a

wonder how ordinary people don't pay attention to them.

Seeing my parents stop at platform 9, I look towards them as if to ask

where the train is. My dad seeing this, hands me a silver ticket.

"Here, hold this and run into the archway there."

Looking at where my dad is pointed, I see another family running into

the archway and suddenly disappearing. Widening my eyes, I start to

walk into the archway.

'It should still work if I don't run, right?'

Only one way to find out. Walking into the archway holding the silver

ticket, I slowly disappear into the wall and come out to the other side to

be greeted by a black and red steam locomotive, with a plate on the front

displaying 'HOGWARTS EXPRESS'. With my mouth open wide, I look

around for my parents, only to see that they didn't follow me through.

Leaving my luggage, I hold the silver ticket again as I prepare to walk

through the archway, before feeling that the silver ticket has a paper

attached underneath it. Opening it, I see it's from my parents.

'Hi Zane,

We decided that your Hogwarts journey starts from the moment you

enter that archway. We didn't follow you because the journey is yours to

make and we don't want to interfere with that. One last thing before we

leave you to your adventures, make sure to owl a letter home each week,

and if you forget a week, ill let you find out what a howler is.

Love, Martha & Cliff.

P.S. Board the last cabin of the train, that's where first years go.'

Reading this, I start to tear up, feeling a great sense of sadness well up in

me. Attending a boarding school is going to be harder than I thought,

even with magic accompanying me. As if sensing my sadness, I hear a

meow from the top of my head, reminding me that I still have Meowser.

Moving my luggage with me, I board the last train carriage and try to

find a compartment to sit in. Opening the first one I can find, I prepare to

throw my stuff in and take a nap, before realizing that the compartment

is taken. Sitting in the compartment by themself is a little girl with gold


"Is this compartment taken?" I asked, only to receive a stare in response.

"No." She responds.

Thinking nothing more, I throw my luggage where the girl has stored

hers, before taking Dororthy out of my trunk and starting to read through

my game plan for Hogwarts. Tilting my head down to read, Meowser falls

off of it and replaces the book in my hands with her instead. Giving

Meowser a smile, I put her in my lap and watch the train's platform

slowly get more chaotic.


Author corner:

holy mother of soldier in tf2, I am tired. its 1am and I have lectures in a

few hours, but I wanted to get this chapter out because I wanted to be at

least ON the train.

there is something I wanted to say again but I forgot again.

yea I introduced luna, but not in the way your expecting, probably.

Oh right, after last chapter was posted I started a fire, will post photo in

comments (webnovel).

So much talking.

I also forgot to name the trunk, if you have suggestions keep them to

names that can be associated with eating immaterial items, and I don't

want voralicious. or anything with vore in it.


its midnight and im tired. join my discord and do other things like

breathe idk man its up to you

A Train Ride and Hogwarts Castle

Staring off into the train platform, I notice there are a variety of families

at the train platform. There is a family of red-heads hugging and saying

goodbye to a smaller redhead, parents who look like they decided that

wearing just black wasn't good enough, and put mascara on their eyes,

staring at their children like they are the bane of their existence. Moving

my hand to pat Meowser, I completely miss and end up patting my thigh.

Looking down, I notice that Meowser has completely disappeared from

my lap and has appeared in the arms of the girl in front of me.

"Betraying me already, Meowser?"



Giving one last look at Meowser, I turn my attention back to the train

platform. Watching families depart from their kids, I realize I forgot to

say goodbye to my parents! Or was it their fault for not following me

through? I'll send them an owl asking if they forgot.

I kept watching when the train's whistle went off. Watching the chaos

that was caused, I smile. Before I could admire the scene more, I hear the

compartment's door open.

"Is this- Oh, never mind."

The boy looks at the woman across from me, before backing out and

closing the door. Looking toward the girl, I raise my eyebrow in


"That was weird."

"Yes." She replies, before playing with Meowser.


'Sorry buddy, deal with it until we get to Hogwarts.'

Looking at Meowser with pity, I return my attention to the platform that

Is slowly moving away. Gazing at the scenery that flashes by the window,

I stare at it in wonder. Some time goes by as I sit in silence reading my

notes in Dororthy, preparing questions in order to ask the Hogwarts

teachers the first chance I get.

"What's its name?"

"Dororthy," I replied automatically.

"Good name."

Looking up at the girl, I nod my head and turn back to Dororthy,

finishing up my worth with Dororthy.

"Can you get Glorf for me?"

"Glorf?" She asked.

"Glorf the Devourer, my trunk," I reply.

Seeing her chance, Meowser escapes from the girl's arms and runs back to

my head. Opening Glorf The Devourer, I place Dororthy on top of all my

stuff, before putting Glorf back to where it was stored. Turning to the girl

in front of me, I ask a question.

"So, what's your name?"

She seemed startled and looks at me with a weird gaze.


"I'm Zane."

Following that, there was no further discussion. Admiring the scenery, I

feel that my head is suddenly lighter.

Looking toward the girl again, I see Meowser is being held captive...

again. Looking at her in confusion, I can't help but ask,

"How are you doing that?"

"Doing what?"

"Taking Meowser off of my head without me noticing?"

"I just walk up and take him."


'So she isn't doing anything particular.'

Thinking to myself, I decided to ignore how she keeps kidnapping

Meowser, it's not like im the one getting kidnapped. Looking back

outside, I lose track of time, completely missing the cart lady that serves

chocolate, something I found out later from Luna and regret heavily.

[Several Hours Later]

Seeing her get up and go to her trunk, I look at what she is doing out of

curiosity. Seeing her grab the Hogwarts Robe, I can't help but speak up.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting dressed for Hogwarts."

"Huh. Ok, let me know when you are done."

Seeing her nod, I walk out of the compartment to see other people within

the train also taking turns changing in the compartment. Hearing a

knocking behind me, I walk back in and open Glorf to grab my own robe.

Struggling to put on the robe, by the time I've put it on correctly I feel

the train starting to slow down.

"Leave your luggage on the train. Leave your luggage on the train." The

PA System announces.

Taking Dororthy out of Glorf, I put it in my robes before closing Glorf

and preparing to leave the train. Looking around for Meowser, I see he is

still being held captive and is staring at me for help. Looking the other

way, I sit back down and look outside the window, seeing the train

coming to a stop at the station called Hogsmeade.

Turning my attention to Luna, I ask her a question.

"Can I have Meowser back?"



'Sorry buddy, I tried!'

Making my way out of the right side of the train, I see Luna following me

with Meowser in her hands. Walking onto the platform, I hear a booming

voice to my right.

"Firs' Years, Over 'ere!"

Looking towards a voice, I see a large, tall man with a violently unkempt

beard in patchy clothes. Staring at the large man, he returns the favour

before looking toward Luna.

"Why didn't you leave your pet on board?" He asked.

"I like my cats free-range," I replied.

Eliciting a chuckle from the man, he turns attention elsewhere, rounding

up all the first years.

"Alrigh', Follow me!" He shouted.

Leading us down a hill and next to a dock, he points to some dingy boats.

"No more than 4 a boat."

Walking into a boat with Luna hot on my tail, I wait for other people to

enter the boat. After all the first years in the boats, I saw it was just me

and Luna sharing a boat. I noticed people were actively avoiding the

boat, and with there being enough boats for other people, we ended up


The man boards a boat of his own before shouting towards the lake.


Feeling a tug beneath my feet, the boats start to move forwards.

Watching the lake slowly disappear behind us, we approach a cliff face,

where the man caution's us.


Seeing the man duck down, I look towards the opening we are being

dragged to, to see that I won't get hit by the cliff face. Coming out of the

other side, I am greeted by a majestic castle, illuminated by warm light

from within. Admiring the view, the man announces where we are.

"Welcome To Hogwarts!"

The boats slowly docked into the boathouse attached to the lake. Leading

us to get off of the boats, the man takes us up a set of stairs and into a

separate room, where a stern lady was waiting for us.

"The first years, Professor."

"Thank you, Hagrid." She says, before turning towards us.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, let's get you ready for your sorting ceremony."

Gulping, I get a bad feeling in my gut.


Authors Corner:

Today was long.

8 Hours of lectures has officially ended my mind. Writing this was

draining. But worth it.

I named the trunk Glorf because it sounds funny, and by the time I saw

the other peoples suggestions, I had written it and I am a lazy person.

Hogwarts! Finally!

Everyone is avoiding Luna, why? i wonder.

um, I keep forgetting things to say.

Oh right, scribblehub doesn't hate me anymore after I complained about

my VPN, that's great, I think?

There probably won't be another chapter today. Uni has begun its death



I REQUIRE POWERSTONES i have no idea what they do, I think its a

ranking thing. Oh yea, did I tell you I have a discord?

Sorting and Houses

After inspecting us, the stern-looking Professor leads us toward a pair of

giant doors.

"You are now standing outside of the Great Hall of Hogwarts, here, you

will be sorted into your houses, where you shall stay for the rest of your

time at Hogwarts! I am the Head of Gryffindor, Professor McGonagall, as

well as the Deputy Mistress of Hogwarts. You should have seen the name

of the letters that Hogwarts sent out. The sorting shall take place in

alphabetical order of your last names, so line up accordingly."

Saying that, Professor McGonagall motioned us to line up. Looking at the

line that was slowly forming, I instinctively go towards the back of the


"What's your last name?" I asked the guy at the back of the line.

"Veritium." Said the young boy.

"Ah ok, I'm behind you then."

Standing behind him, the line slowly formed in front of the Professor.

Seeing the line taking place, she makes one last announcement.

"Perfect, I hope you are all ready, when I call your name, you come up to

me. And one final thing, I hope to see more young Gryffindors."

After saying that, she turns towards the two giant doors, which begin to

open without any movement from the Professor. As the doors opened, I

was assaulted by the cheerful noise of chatter and shouting, as well as the

occasional screams. Seeing the doors open, the chatter in the Great Hall

slowly started to die down as Professor McGonagall walked in. Walking

up next to a chair with a dirty old hat on it. Looking around the hall, I

am surrounded by magical things. Looking at the old-looking man front

and centre, I see Dumbledore smiling at us.

Upon the hall going quiet, the Hat suddenly began to sing.

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

if you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folks use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

Hearing such a dastardly song, I can't help but tear up. Wiping the tears

from my eyes, I return my attention back to the front of the hall.

"Creevy, Colin."

Looking at the front of the line, a young boy with blonde hair walks

towards the Professor, slowly coming to a stop before her. Professor

McGonagall then picks up the dirty hat, and motions Colin to sit on the

chair. Seeing that Colin has sat down, the Professor then puts the dirty,

lacking in singing talent, hat on top of his head.

"Hmmmm, I see. GRYFFINDOR!"


Hearing loud shouting coming from the left-most table, I applaud as well,

acting on auto-pilot. Professor McGonagall announces the next name, but

I am too distracted by the scenery to pay attention. Looking towards the

ceiling, I see a similar, but much more expansive night sky on the ceiling

of the Great Hall. Focusing my attention on the teachers table, I see the

tall, gruff man standing at the end, followed by an egotistical-looking

man, with golden hair that literally sparkles. Wondering what his deal is,

I look towards the next teacher, who can only be described as the

stereotypical nerd, with glasses that magnify the eyes to unrealistic

proportions. Following that, there is a man wearing all black, with an

aura that screams edgy looking toward the new group of students. The

next person is someone I vaguely know due to my past life, Albus

Something Something Dumbledore. Thinking of him, I look at the left-

most table, where I heard all the Gryffindors cheering a new member, to

try and find the infamous Harry Potter. Even with my brief introduction

to the Wizarding World, I have heard of Harry and his infamy. Adding

my past life's very brief knowledge of Harry Potter, I can't help but want

to find him among the other students.

Looking up and down the Gryffindor table, I couldn't find Harry at all.

Trying to think back on my past life, whether he attended Hogwarts, I

heard something that pulls me out of my stupor.

"Zouglas, Zane!"

Opening my eyes wide, I become a bit startled. Looking towards the

source of the voice, I see Professor McGonagall staring at me, the last

student in the group to be sorted, waiting for me to approach the chair.

Walking towards her, I cant help but think of what house I am going to

get sorted in, and then to Luna, who I met on the train. I missed where

she was sorted into, but she still has Meowser, so ill need to find her


"Please Sit, Mr Zouglas."

"Ok, Professor McGonagall."

Sitting down, the Professor puts the mucky-looking hat atop my head.

Closing my eyes, I prepare for the hat to shout the house I will belong


'And what do we have here?' I heard a voice.

'Ah great, voices.'

'What?' The voice continued.

'What?' I replied.

'What do you mean, voice- never mind. Let's see... Books, a lot of them...

Eccentric behaviour and generally unpredictable... Two in one year

doesn't happen often.'

'Ok.' Accepting the voice, I begin to ask it questions.

'Where did you come from, Mr Voice.'

'I am the hat upon your head, young child.'

'What? How? Why?'

'Many questions, huh? I use a form of surface mind reading to get a read

on your character and habits before sorting you into a house where you

will thrive. Why? Good question, I don't even know myself. You'll have to

ask the founders that one.'

'Ok, where are they?'

"Hahahahaha!" Hearing audible laughter, I open my eyes and look around

to see who is laughing. Only to see audible chatter throughout the hall.

'They are long gone, young man. Find the answers yourself.' The voice

continues in my head.

Before I could ask another question, I hear shouting coming from my



Feeling the hat being taken off my head, the Professor points towards a

table dressed in blue and motions for me to join them. Walking up to the

table, I Luna sitting towards the end of the table, holding Meowsers.

Walking up next to her, I sit down and pet Meowsers who seemed to

have missed me.

"How did you make the hat laugh?" Luna asked.

Turning towards her, I think nothing of it before replying.

"I asked it a question."

Getting a light chuckle as a response, I turn towards the ringing sound

coming from the teacher's table. Looking at the source, I see Dumbledore

standing up.

"Another year has begun at Hogwarts and a new beginning for many of

the new students. Before we begin our feast tonight, I will remind the

students of a few things, and update the new students on some ground


The forbidden forest is forbidden for a reason, and any grade of students

is strictly prohibited from entering it. Mr Filch has requested me to

remind you to read the banned item list outside of his front door.

And lastly,

We shall sing the Hogwarts song."

Saying that, text started appearing above him as he started singing. What

followed can only be described as nails on a chalkboard. Muttering out

the last word that appeared above him, I start to tear up again.

'Surely all the songs in the Wizarding World aren't that bad, right?'


Author Corner:

Few Things, Will be quick.

Join the discord, sorry for no chapter yesterday, uni is a time sink and it

will keep happening, the discord is for me to let you know of delays, as

well as discuss any plot points you feel I missed and feedback in general.

I have gotten a comment from a reader that the author's corner (this)

ruins the immersion, let me know what you think. The comment is now

deleted (I think) but I can still see it.

200k Views and 1.1k collections. Thank you!



coffee... i require... mmm... JOIN THE DISCORD, PLEASE????????

Sorry for no chapter yesterday. Uni work is devouring my time like the

time drain it is.

Ravenclaw Common Room

"With the school song being sung, let us begin feasting!" Dumbledore


The moment he finished speaking, food appeared on the long tables of

the four houses with a distinct crack. Looking down at the table, I look at

the food with intrigue. Many of the dishes I've never seen before, and I

don't know where to start.

"Meowser, what looks good?" I asked.


"Right, and you Luna, what do you recommend?"

"The Nargles have not touched these two." She pointed at a dish of

mashed potatoes and a weird mixture of meat presented as a meal.

"What are Nargles?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Mischievous things." She replied with the most serious tone I've heard so


"What do they look like?"

"Little red blobs, you can hear them chuckling from time to time."

"Well, I'll keep an eye out for them then."

Taking a mental note to look into Nargles, I grab the two dishes she

pointed out and put some on my plate. Done with serving myself, I go to

put the dishes back before Luna stops me, grabbing the two dishes and

putting some on her plate as well.

'Right, she would want that too.'

Mentally face-palming, I begin to mix the meat and mashed potatoes

together before taking a bite.

'Damn, this is strangely good.'

Looking at Luna, she has also taken a bite before widening her eyes in

surprise. It seems as though she also didn't expect it to taste as good as it

does. Finishing up the meal, I hear glass being tapped and look towards

the source of the noise, which was Dumbledore again.

"Thank you all for such a good feast. The house prefects shall lead the

first years to their house rooms, everyone else can leave as you like."

After saying that, the great hall burst into loud chatter, with some

prefects shouting for their houses to follow them.

"Ravenclaw first years! Follow me!" Shouted a woman.

Getting up from the table, I look for Meowser, to see if he has escaped

yet. Looking at him trapped in Luna's arms, I sigh and walk towards the

voice shouting for the Ravenclaw's first years.

"Are we all here? Perfect, Follow me."

Saying that she led us outside of the great hall behind the other first-year

groups in the other houses, before breaking off and going up a flight of


"Be careful with these stairs, they move and some of them are fake. You'll

learn to tell the difference pretty fast. The Ravenclaw common room is

located on the fifth floor of Hogwarts before you climb up the staircase

located around this corner."

Leading us to what can only be described as a tube with stairs lining the

walls, she motions us to climb to the top of the stairs. Out of breath, we

come to a stop before a door with an animated bronze eagle mounted on

the front of it.

"This is the Ravenclaw's knocker. It will ask you a question or a riddle

and you must answer it to enter the room."

Walking up to the bronze eagle, she stares at it, waiting for the knocker

to ask a question. As if sensing someone walking up to it, the bronze

eagle asks a question.

"What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?"

Upon hearing the knocker's riddle, the Prefect turns towards us,

encouraging us to answer. Seeing no one walking up to it to answer, I

decided to take my chances and walk up to it. Looking directly at the

Eagle, I say nothing.


The Eagle retracted its wings, letting the door open to show the

Ravenclaw Common Room. The Common room was sparsely populated,

with few students talking to each other. Instead, there was a miniature

library located on the left, where most students are currently either

reading or doing what I presume to be homework. Situated in the centre

of the room is a statue of a woman, with text inscribed at the bottom of

the plaque.

'Lady Rowena Ravenclaw,

One of the four founders of Hogwarts.'

"Alright first years, here are your timetables. The dorms are off to the

right, the boys' dorms are on the right, and the girls are on the left. The

bathrooms are in each of your dorms specifically. Here are your

timetables for the rest of your first year. I recommend going around and

exploring the castle tomorrow morning so you know where your classes

are. If you have any questions come up to me or go to Professor Flitwick,

who is the head of Ravenclaw. Have fun."

After dumping a load of information on us, she runs out of the common

room through the entrance. Looking at the timetable she has given us, I

notice an abundance of free time each day, and breakfast goes from

730am to 9am, which is truly generous.

"Luna, Im going to wake up early tomorrow morning. Breakfast is at

730am, I'll wait for you there until 8."

"Ok, I'll be there."

"Cool, can I have Meowser back?"


"Uh, ok, take good care of her."


'Just accept your fate at this point.'

Looking towards Meowser, I feel no remorse. Saying goodnight to Luna, I

walk towards the boys' dormitories and ask one of the nearby students

how to find my own dorm room.

"Oh, your names are on the nameplate out front of the room."

Looking towards the doors a little more closely, I facepalm.


Walking along the corridor, I find the room with my name on it, along

with two other people's names on it. Opening the door, I am greeted by

two people laying on their beds, reading books. Opening the door seemed

to have disrupted them, as they put their books down and turn their

attention to me.

"So you are the last roommate, huh?" Asked a boy with brown hair and

eyes, dressed in a nightgown.

"Uh, yes, my name is Zane."

"Mine is Klein." Said the boy with brown hair and eyes.

"I'm Palius," said the other person in the room, with black hair and eyes

dressed also in a nightgown.

"Don't worry about Palius, he is a man of few words."

"Fair enough."

"Just some advice since it looks like you are new to the Wizard World,

you might wanna keep a distance from Luna. She has a bit of a bad

reputation for being delirious."

"Delirious? She seemed pretty normal to me."

"...I see. Well, I'm going to go to bed now. Goodnight"

Klein suddenly ended the conversation, while Palius just stared at me

before returning his attention back to the book he is reading. Deciding to

ignore this, I go up to my trunk and take out my pyjamas before putting

them on. Snuggling into the bed, I remark at how soft it is, maybe

perhaps magically fluffed. Eager for what tomorrow holds, I drift off into



Author Corner

The answer to the riddle was silence, and the MC answered with silence

to the knocker.

Sorry about the delay between chapters, I managed to make some free

time today to write out a chapter but please don't expect daily updates

anymore. Maybe in like 6 weeks when my exams are done I can pick up

the pace. Writing a chapter takes like 2-3 hours, which is just mostly me

researching to see if i got any of the facts wrong.

I didn't receive any negative feedback regarding the author corner so it


What I did receive feedback for was how limited the MC's knowledge of

Harry potter is. I really didn't just want to hand over what happens on

the story on a silver platter to the MC. That's boring, however I can find a

way to implement more knowledge of Harry Potter into the MC, so I will

make a poll.

Comment here for keeping the level of HP knowledge limited and to have

zane figure out the plot for himself.

Comment here for Zane to just know whats going to happen. Please note

that this will probably change the story dramatically so think it over

before voting for this option.

For my scribblehub fellows' just comment at the bottom, or ill figure out

how to make a poll.

Of course, If i don't want to change the story I will let you know in the

next chapter. I feel like there are simply too many stories that have their

MC's know it all and dedicate their entire fucking lives to stopping

Voldemort at the cost of literally everything that they have in their lives,

or it barely works out and you are left thinking why the Mc even

bothered since he knows the plot and it will sort itself out even if he has

to flee Britain for abit.

Oh yea, I'm testing swearing in this chapter since a comment said FF's

can swear.


I dont think I've ever seen fan fictions mention how they find their

rooms, so I did my own thing for it. I think nameplates make sense... I

have become a blatant coffee addict, so don't judge me.

A Start To An Adventure


Feeling a familiar poking of my cheek, I go to grab Meowser off my face.

"Meowser, it's too early for this."


Hearing a meow of injustice, I reach towards the source of the meow and

pat Meowsers head. Attempting to scratch behind Meowsers ears, I felt

that they have fallen off.

"Don't worry, you'll get new ears, even if it's the last thing I do."

Muttering that out towards Meowser, I take my hand back into my

blanket, for my hand nearly froze upon contact with the cold

temperatures surrounding me.

*tap tap*

Getting slightly annoyed, I open my eyes and try to find Meowser, so I

can hold him captive within my bedsheets, before I was greeted by a

sight I'll never forget. It was Luna, staring at me with shining eyes,

dressed in Ravenclaw robes.

"Uhhhhhhhh, hi?"

"Are you ready?" She asks me.

Looking down and seeing that I'm still in my pyjamas, I answer Luna.

"In like 5 minutes."

After saying that, I kick the blanket off of my bed with near immediate

regret. Who knew it would be so cold during September in Scotland?

Opening Glorf, I put my Ravenclaw robes over my pyjamas due to a lack

of time and Luna staring at me, however, it ends up being strangely

comfortable. Fastening my wand holster and putting on the pointy wizard

hat we are forced to wear during the first years. Turning towards Luna,

she is giving me a strange look as she approaches me.

"You wore your robes over your pyjamas?" She whispered.

"...Yep." Admitting it, she just nods before walking towards the door of

the dorm.

"How did you get in?" I asked when we were outside.

"Girls can go into the boy's dorms, but not the other way." She answered.

Shivering a little at this knowledge, I nod and follow her towards the

common room. Looking outside the windows along the way I notice that

the sun hasn't risen yet.

"Luna... What time is it?" I asked slowly.

"Um, I don't know." She replied with a small voice.

Looking towards Meowser, who has basically become embedded in her

arms, I can't help but feel sorry for going through an entire night by

herself with Luna.

"Why did you wake me up so early?" I asked, to which she replied.

"To explore the castle together."

Thinking back on it, I did mention something similar last night. Inside

the common room, spot a notice board in the distance. Walking towards

it, I can see the first years time table for the year.

"Luna, we don't have classes till 1 today. Let's see how much we can


Getting a nod in response, I look around the common room to see we are

the only ones who are awake. Making sure I'm not forgetting anything, I

walk with Luna outside of the common room. Walking up to the door, it

opens automatically.

"Since the door opened I think we can explore, right?" Asking my

question at Luna.

"Well, it makes sense." She responded

Giving a small nod, I lead the way outside of the common room, before

hearing a loud thudding behind us. Looking at the door that is now

closed, the animated raven moved its head towards Luna and I, before

asking another question.

"What is the time." The eagle asked.

Hanging my mouth open in disbelief, I am left speechless by the

shamelessness of the raven. Turning around and refusing to deal with it, I

turn to Luna for our next course of action.

"We should try to find the kitchen first, get something to eat to fuel us," I

explained, getting a nod in response. Walking down the spiral of stairs

that is just outside of the entrance of the common room, I pull my wand

out and stand it on the floor, before letting it fall. Looking in the

direction it fell, I see stairs that go up.

"We shall do as the wand says, I guess."

Getting another nod, we continue up the flight of stairs, admiring the

scenery around us. Walking into new areas of the castle, candles sputter

to life, lighting up the previously dark corridors. Aimlessly wandering

around, I turn towards Luna hoping she had a better method of

exploration than my wand trick.

"Luna, what way do we go?"

"Why don't we ask Meowser?"

"Oh... right," I muttered out, mentally facepalming.

"Meowser, do you know where the kitchen is?"

Seeing the cat shoot me a look of, 'I've had even less freedom than you,

what lets you think I know,' I wisely turn my head to face the opposite

direction, avoiding Meowser's harsh and judgemental gaze.

"Doesn't look like she knows," Luna said.

I nod dumbly, returning to my wand falling over method. Letting the

wand go on the floor, it falls towards a painting hanging on the wall,

whose occupants were staring at me and Luna. Seeing my wand fall

towards them, I walk up to them.

"Do you know where the kitchen is?" I asked the painting, getting nothing

in response.

Realizing I'm literally talking to a painting, I cant help but feel like my

experiences at Hogwarts will get consistently more stupid to think about,

luckily the easy fix is to not think about it. Before I could turn around

and consult Luna about what to do next, I hear the painting reply to me.

"Young Ravenclaw, do you know what time it is?" The man on the left


"Nope!" I admitted without shame.

"..." The man on the left stared at me, before sighing. Immediately after

signing, the painting began to move off of the walls, revealing a dark


"The kitchen will be right in front of you when you come out on the other

side." The painting explained.

"Thanks, Mr Painting," I said

"I have a name! It is Wyllt." The man on the left said.

"Ok, Mr Painting," Luna said, while I tried to hide my chuckling.

Waving goodbye to the painting that opened for us, or more specifically,

Wyllt who had opened the painting for us, me and Luna walked into the

dark passage, our eyes slowly growing used to the darkness.

"Would be great if the tunnel had candlelight or something." Immediately

after me finishing my sentence, the dark tunnel lit up with candlelight,

all the way towards our destination. Learning to accept such situations, I

thank the tunnel for its help.

Exiting the tunnel on the other end, the painting we exited from closed,

but on a closer look, it remained empty.

"Maybe it's just an exit?" I thought out loud.

"Perhaps," Luna agreed.

"I realized we didn't ask Mr Painting where the kitchen would be

exactly," I said.

"Where is the fun in exploring, if you know where what you are looking

for is," Luna replied.

"Fair enough."

Luna made a good point, and I search the barrels that now surrounded us

for any hint of where the kitchen could be. Hearing a knocking on some

barrels across the basement, I turn my head over to Luna, before walking

over to her to see what she is knocking on. Before I could ask what she is

doing, I saw the barrel collapse into itself, revealing a hidden passage.

"Nice find."

I volunteer to crawl into the space first, mostly to avoid having to look at

the floor or anywhere else that isn't in front of me. Reaching the other

side of the crawl space, we are greeted by all of the candles lighting

themselves up, revealing a warm room, covered in plants with a seating

area in the middle.

"I think this is another house's common room," I said out loud, getting a

nod in response. Looking around, I spot various types of plants hanging

around the room, with no real order to their decoration, however looking

even better with the seemingly careless placement of the plants. Taking

Dororthy out of my robes, I open a new page and write down everything

I see, the plant types and questions to ask the other students about the

room that we discovered. Seeing that I was taking notes of what

interested me, Luna stood off to the side, staring at some plants that

caught her interest. Finishing up taking notes, I walk up to Luna who is

staring at a curly-looking plant. Deciding to draw what it looked like in

Dororthy, I take down its characteristics and even smell.

"We can find out what plant this is later," I explained.

Walking back towards the entrance, I turn back to see no students in

sight. Seeing this, I really can't help but wonder how early Luna woke me

up, however, I have also lost track of time having too much fun

exploring. Deciding to leave before the students woke up, I started to

crawl out of the house's common room before I spot a noticeboard with

some information attached to it. Reading it, it contained the basic

timetables for the first-year students, as well as the trick to finding the

kitchen, and the Hufflepuffs common room rules.

"Luna, this is the Hufflepuff common room," I said without turning

around, looking at the trick to finding the kitchen, I can't help but smile

at what I read.

'To access the kitchen, find the painting with food and tickle the pear.'

Thinking about it, it made sense that the kitchen would reside behind a

food-themed panting. Writing down the trick in Dororthy, I crawled out

of the Hufflepuff common room, with Luna in tow. Stumbling out of the

barrel, I take a breath of fresh air, before looking toward Luna who is

already standing up and hitting the dust off of her robes.

"The kitchen is behind a painting of food," I said. We began our search for

the food painting, and it didn't take long with it being just around the

corner from the Hufflepuff entrance. Tickling the pear, the painting

opened to a dimly light room, which immediately assaulted my nose with

the smell of good food. However, upon our arrival, all the noise stopped

as hundreds of beady eyes stared at me and Luna.

"A pair of students have found the kitchen!" A pair of eyes screamed.

Looking towards the strange little creatures, they have distinctly long

flappy ears, which vaguely reminded me of the elves from Lord of the

Rings in my past life. They all stare at me and Luna with fear and

intrigue, which is a strange combination of emotions to feel, and I can't

help but think I'm reading them wrong.

"I don't suppose you are elves," I asked directly.

"Sir knows what we are!" They shouted in response.

Completely speechless, I stare at the one who keeps respectfully shouting.

"And what's your name?"

"This lowly one's name is Julis, Sir," The elf named Julis said, and before

I could ask another question, Luna jumped in.

"My name is Luna, and he is Zane," She explained, while I nodded in


"Julis is happy to meet Ms Luna and Sir Zane! Do you want food?" He

asked in a happy tone.

"Yes, thanks Julis," I said, before asking another question.

"Do you know what time it is?" I asked Julis on a whim.

"Yes, Sir Zane! The little hand is pointing at the 4!" Julis responded.

Whipping my head toward Luna, who is looking off to the side,

pretending to be distracted by a stain on the wall, I let out a low sigh.

"Thanks, Julis, can you make us an early breakfast? We are going to

explore Hogwarts today."

"Certainly, Sir Zane. It is all my pleasure." Saying that, the little elf turned

around and started using magic to manipulate some cooking utensils into

whipping up me and Luna a meal. Me and Luna enjoyed watching the

process, of how the elf turned the most basic of materials into a

wonderful breakfast filled with things that I'd never heard of before.

"Sir Zane and Ms Luna can eat at this table!" As he said that, he moved

his hands and used magic to present the food on the table next to us.

"Luna, what ones have the nargles touched?" I asked, which earned me a

gasp in surprise.

"...none," she replied, which shocked me too.

"I wonder when or how the nargles infect the foods?" I thought out aloud,

with no response from Luna.

Digging into the delicious meal that the elf has made for me, I take my

time enjoying it while also eating it at a pace that could be considered

record-setting. Eating the breakfast, I notice a certain part of my old diet

is missing, something I sorely missed.

"Julis, can you make coffee?" I asked with trepidation.

"Sir Zane would like a coffee? No problem!" said the spirited elf, running

off to make the coffee before I could tell him how I like it.

'Maybe he will surprise me.'

"Sir Zane, I made the coffee!" He exclaimed, before setting a jug with a

lid of coffee in front of me.

"So big?"

"Yes, I made enough to last you all day!"

"Thank you, Julis, I'll come back at midday for a refill."

Taking a sip, my eyes dilate as I am greeted by a rich-tasting coffee,

something I have sorely missed. Why not create another coffee addiction

in this life, not like it's a bad thing. Thinking like that, I had no problem

downing coffee to alleviate the pain of eating food too fast and getting


After finishing the breakfast, Julis takes the plates off of us, before

ushering us out of the Kitchen.

"Good luck on your adventures today, Sir Zane, Ms Luna."

Before we could say goodbye, the painting closed up, muting all sounds.

Looking toward each other, we smile before pulling out my wand and

letting it fall in a random direction.


Author Corner:

2.2k words in this chapter, took 3 hours to do it since I'm spending a lot

of time making sure I get some basic facts right, like where the Hufflepuff

room is and what not.

Sorry for my pretty bad lack of updates, please understand that it will get

worse until November when my schedule goes from oh god every hour is

a priceless treasure to oh yea I can spend an entire day doing nothing

with no consequence.

I initially wanted to do the entire day in this chapter but its taken too

long and I'm about to pass out.

The votes are in about giving Zane some more basic knowledge of HP

and it was a resounding 'Do whatever you want' from Webnovel and

'Implement some more basic knowledge, please' from scribblehub.

However I know what I'm doing now, and a certain comment had pretty

much steeled my resolve to write a book I want to see personally, which

is already pretty unique.

Recently i wanted to read in my free time and decided to see what HP

fan fics were updated and good and my novel came up. I was a bit

shocked that i was so high on the scribblehub list, like #30 or something.

So thanks for that.

Lastly i want to experiment with a new writing method, currently i

envision what I see, write it and then move onto the next scene. Next i

want to write out what happens in a chapter and plan it properly and

flesh it out when I'm actually writing it. Ill see how well that goes.

I'm pretty much certain I'm forgetting something else here, but i dont

have a remembrall so i guess ill never know.


I am tired. Im going to try an make this a longer chapter than usual

due to the fact my updates of this novel leave a lot to be desired.

Exploring Hogwarts

Walking up the stairs to the basement, we are greeted with an

intersection with 3 separate yet identical corridors. Seeing that my trusty

wand method hasn't failed me so far, I stand it up on the floor and drop

it. Watching it land pointing to the left-most corridor, I pick it up before

heading in that direction. While walking, I observe how dirty my wand is

getting, giving it a quick rub with my robes before putting it in the


"You are picking the directions now," I say to Luna.

I didn't hear anything in response and merely got a nod. Walking down

the corridor, Luna leads me through a series of corridors before we reach

what I consider an essential room, the Library. Hundreds of years of

knowledge contained within one room are bound to make even the

stupidest of students salivate at the thought, or so I hope. Grabbing the

door handle, I attempt to pull it down before meeting resistance from the

doorknob itself.

"Are there time restrictions?" I thought aloud, before trying the first-year

unlocking spell.


Feeling the magic build up and leave my wand, it hits the doorknob.

Holding my breath, I attempt to open the doorknob again with no luck.

'Figures such an important treasure would be secured with something

more advanced than a first-year locking charm.'

Before I could try anything else, Luna starts to leave and I run over to

keep up with her.

"Where to next?" I asked.

"I do not know." She responded

"Fair enough."

As we kept on wandering Hogwarts, we met many interesting paintings

who mumble about their past when they see me and Luna passing by or

continue sleeping since it should be around 5 am right now. Some

paintings were shocked that we are up so early, but they only expressed

it with their faces and didn't say anything to us.

It wasn't long before we met our first students of the morning, as there

were bound to be some early risers. The weird thing about these students

is that they were all sneaking around underneath a cloak, while not

attempting to be sneaky at all. It was a stark contrast comparing them

with common thieves who hide in the dark.

"What are you three doing?" I asked as Luna stopped with me to look at

them, with Meowser staring at me in what I presume to be confusion.


Seeing the three of them freeze up in shock, I can't help but look at them


"If you're trying to be sneaky at least deafen your footsteps, I'm sure

there's a charm for that."


Getting nothing in response, I shake my head and walk away with Luna

in tow, ignoring them starting to follow us. Following Luna, we end up

walking outside of the castle and towards the forbidden forest. Standing

on the edge of the forest, I hear some interesting sounds that I can only

assume come from some sort of eagle mixed with a horse.

'Only magical creatures can interest me so much.'

Heading towards the source of the sounds, we sneak through the bushes

and glance upon what I can only describe as a giant man and his eagle-

horse hybrid ready to stomp on his enemies.

"Are you here to take over the world?" I asked out of impulse.

Immediately regretting what I just blurted out, I grab Luna's arm and

prepare to run back towards the safety of Hogwarts, before Luna speaks


"He isn't," She said.

Calming down, I took a closer look at the tall man and recognized him as

the one who lead us to the sorting ceremony last night, whose name was


"What ar' you two doin' so early in th' mornin'," Hagrid asked.

"Two?" I repeated.

"Well, I don't see anyone else." He said

Looking behind me at the group huddled underneath the cloak hiding

among the bushes, I stare at the man confused.

'Are they not real?'

"Right, since you two are up so early, why don't you help me with the

paddock," Hagrid said.

Not having any real reason to refuse, I followed him towards a run-down

hut, where he gave us both a bucket of animal feed, made from meat that

I can't identify.

"Secret recipe, that. Now, let's go feed some Hippogriffs." Hagrid smiled.

"When yeh' are approaching them, bow yeh' head an' wait for them to

bow back before approaching. This is very important, yeh' don't want to

get maimed, do yah'?"

Nodding, I pick up the bucket before heading towards one of the

'Hippogriffs'. Maintaining some distance, I get the Hippogriff's attention

before bowing towards it. Waiting a minute for the Hippogriff to bow

back, I pick up the bucket of animal feed before placing it near the


'Come to think of it, he didn't tell us how to feed it.'

Staring at the bucket of feed, I look between the feed and the Hippogriff

before I make my mind up. Picking up some feed and cupping it in my

hands, I bring them towards the Hippogriff who stares at me for a few

seconds, before eating the feed out of my hands. I let out a smile as I

watch the creature eating out of my hands peacefully. While I am doing

this, I hear a gasp from the bushes and turn my head towards one of the

three shaking while pointing in my direction. Sighing, I decide to ignore

my early onset schizophrenia and get more feed for the Hippogriff. While

I am doing this, Luna is following a similar process, but instead of

cupping the feed, she holds the bucket up to a Hippogriff, who started to

eat from the bucket itself.

'Damn, why didn't I think of that.'

Staring at my now dirty hands, I decide to deal with this later and finish

feeding the Hippogriff and move on to the next one. After feeding a

majority of the Hippogriffs, I look at the remaining feed and scan the

field for any Hippogriffs that Luna may have missed. I spot a very skinny

Hippogriff, who is almost completely black with white eyes. I start to

walk up to the black Hippogriff and bow towards it, waiting for a bow

back. Instead, it approaches me and circles me, as if finding something

new to play it. Somewhat used to dealing with Hippogriffs, I let it play

around a bit, before grabbing the feed from the bucket and motioning it

towards the strange Hippogriff. Upon further inspection of the Hippogriff,

it has no feathers and none of the defining characteristics of a normal


It dawns upon me that this isn't a Hippogriff, but followed the same route

in getting fed, so was probably domesticated by Hagrid, and should be of

no danger to me. It seemed as though Luna was done with her last

Hippogriff, as she walked up to me and started to pet the strange animal.

Looking towards the bush, I can see my mental demons looking at me

and Luna in shock. I decide to ignore this and start to pet the creature for

myself. It seemed dissatisfied that I had touched it before I realized my

hands were still dirty from the feed.

"Sorry," I said.

Before I could wipe my hands on my robes, the creature started to lick off

the feed from my hands and did a pretty good job of it as well.

"Thank you," I said in appreciation.

'Now i don't have to dirty my clothes.'

Before long, Hagrid approached us, out of breath.

"Are you two alright?!" He shouted.

His shout startled me and the creature before we looked towards the

source of the sound.

"Why wouldn't we be?" I asked.

"Well... that's a Thestral, I didn't think they would show up so earleh', so I

didn't tell yeh' how to approach them." He explained.

"It's fine, it was pretty easy," I said.

Looking towards the rising sun, I realized it should be about 7 am now.

Remembering that breakfast starts around this time, I look towards

Hagrid who seemed to get my message.

"Right, it's about time for breakfast, of yeh' get."

Handing the bucket back to Hagrid, me and Luna walk off towards

Hogwarts, while I write down my experiences with the Hippogriffs and

the Thestral in Dororthy. Walking back on the pathway towards

Hogwarts, we make our way through some corridors and enter the Great

Hall. Walking through the open doors, I expected to hear the chatter of a

lot of students and the clattering of cutlery against plates but am instead

greeted with subtle whispering and gazes towards me and Luna.

Sitting down at the end of the Ravenclaw table, I look towards the staff

table and see Dumbledore and the Ravenclaw Head talking to each other.

Looking towards the Table, I see an assortment of breakfast items such as

pancakes and porridge. Grabbing some porridge, I fill up my bowl before

mentally face-palming.

"Any nargles?" I asked Luna.

"No." She replied.

Heaving a sigh of relief, I begin to devour the hot porridge. Eating the

porridge, my tastebuds scream with delight as they are greeted with

porridge that has just the right consistency and sweetness, with a good

balance of milk.

"Whoever cooked this deserves a raise," I muttered under my breath,

before hearing a faint scream of delight.

Looking around, I couldn't see where the scream came from and figured

it was my imaginary friends acting up again. However, it wasn't long

before they approached me again, slightly more spaced out and not

underneath a robe.

"How did you see us?" The girl in the centre asked, with a demanding


"Wait, you're real?" I answered back, genuinely shocked.

"What?! Of course we-!" She began to shout before getting cut off by a

ginger-haired boy.

"That's enough Hermoine, lets's just go eat and deal with this later." He

said in a tired tone, before walking towards the Gryffindor table and

sitting down. The two other follow in silence, while the girl shoots me

one last look.

"I just realized they completely ignored you," I said to Luna.

"Meow!" I heard Meowser speak up full of injustice.

"You were ignored on purpose," I said, before stuffing my face full of

food, Luna doing the same.


Author Corner:

Hi, its me, Ganoush. I am almost back. I tried to re-read my novel and

kept on cringing. I have more direction for this novel now and a

somewhat planned-out future, as loose as it is.

Sorry for taking so long between chapters, I am still somewhat busy, but

my schedule has cleared up significantly. Don't expect a chapter for at

least another week, as I have two exams left before I am free.

A side-effect of this break is that I have a lot more ideas to write about. I

also accidentally threw mad shade towards Dumbledore when I said the

library is secure because it's important. I didn't even think about the first

year where the stone was behind an alohomora spell, haha!

Thanks for your support, in the time that I have been super busy with uni

I've watched the novel grow in view counters, collections and comments.

A large part of me wants to rewrite the first half of the novel but I also

just, am fine with how it is. I think its the effect of hearing your own

voice being played back to you if nothing else.

Side-note, I really dislike writing hagrids style of talking!

See you again soon.


tweaking out on some new coffee rn

First Magical Lesson

Sitting at the Ravenclaw table, devouring my pancakes, I notice that my

house's participation in breakfast is lower than I thought. I remember my

roommates reading books as I went to sleep, and I figured it was the

reason they were sleeping in, but the entire house having similar habits

was a bit shocking. Not that I can speak of course, for I did it before it

was cool.

Finishing up our breakfast, I look towards the ceiling and am greeted by

the stars. Wondering why the stars were visible during the day, I stare at

the ceiling to try and understand the constellations that were projected

across its surface. Slowly the noise of students eating and talking starts to

fade away as I become engrossed with star gazing. More and more, I

concentrate on the constellations and the wandering stars. I soon notice

that there were some aspects of a galaxy missing as if what is projected is

through an unfocused lens, unable to capture the minute details of the

universe, such as the pillars of creation.

Before I can continue taking it in, I hear a meow coming from my left.

Waking up out of the daze I was in, I look towards Meowser who seemed

to be looking at me with resignation.

"It happened again, huh?" I said.


Patting Meowsers head, I look towards the pancakes which have now

gone cold and soggy.

'I really need a watch.'

Every time I go into a Daze I lose track of time, but usually I would have

an alarm clock nearby or a clock in general, though it seems most

mechanical things don't work in magical environments, which makes me

think how normal wizards deal with magic affecting everyday items.

"Do the stars interest you, too?" Luna asked.

"They are very interesting."

Earning a stare from Luna, I get up from the table and walk out of the

great hall, not before earning some looks from my fellow students.

"Where too now?" I asked


Before Luna could finish her sentence, a group of three walked towards

us, one noticeably faster than the others.

"How do you know Hagrid? What did you feed that was invisible? How

can you see us under the invis-" The ginger girl had started.

"Hermione!" Shouted the brown-haired boy.

"Oh, right."

Staring at the three, I answer her questions with another question.

"What do you mean invisible? You couldn't see it?"

The moment I asked this, I hear the brown-haired boy look towards the

girl named Hermione with interest.

"Yes, invisible! I thought you were mad feeding the air, and then the food

just disappeared!" She exclaimed.

"Hagrid called it a Thestral, you were there, you should have heard it."

Seeing Hermione go red in the face, I leave before she could ask more


Walking away, I head towards the stairwell that decides to change its

mind on where it leads every so often.

'I'll have to ask someone how they work.'

As we entered the stairwell, they started to move regardless of whether

students were on them or not. Walking up the shifting stairs, we continue

on with our journey to find somewhere interesting in the castle before

our classes started. Walking around the Castle, we end up outside an

ordinary door in a pretty secluded part of the Castle.

Opening the door, my nostrils are assaulted with what feels like years of

dust, and my eyes faired no better. Sneezing into my robes, I retreat and

wait for all the dust to settle down in the room before exploring it

further. After sneezing for a few minutes, my nose calmed down enough

to enter the room.


'It seems Luna faired no better.'

"Wipe your nose on Meowser, she is used to it," I said.

"Ok," she said, and began blowing into Meowser's fur.

"MEOW!" You can guess who's grief-filled meow that is.

Walking into the room, we are greeted by a by-all-means ordinary

classroom that hasn't seen a good clean in presumably years. The floor

was creaky, the wood rotten and the windows were broken. The

chalkboard itself had numerous cracks in it, with a date in the top left of

the chalkboard and numerous random writings across it, with things like

'Adam was here, 22'. I am unsure if that is still within the 1900s at this

point, as the date in the top left is '13-4-1792'.

"You know, it just dawned on me how old Hogwarts is, and this is a good

place for a hideout," I said out loud.

Earning eager nodding from Luna, I fold my sleeves up and start to clean

the dust disaster that is this room. After quite some time had passed, I sit

in the corner of the room with Luna beside me, both sweaty messes.

'Moving all of the furniture was harder than I thought, but the Nest V2 is

almost done!'

Smiling at the room, I go to ask Luna what she thinks before I notice that

the sun isn't shining into the room as much anymore. Getting up and

going to the window, I look outside and observe the sun, only to see it

pass the centre of the sky, and starting to set again!

"Luna… We might be late for our first class," I said.

"Quick, let's go!" I said, before running out the door and towards the

Transfiguration classroom.

Running through the halls, quite a few paintings warned us not to run,

some more vocal than others. We reached the stairwell of change(ing

stairs) before realizing that we had no idea where the Transfiguration

classroom was.

'Whelp, no choice.'

Looking at the stairs, I decided to try something that I had been thinking

of for a while.

"Transfiguration classroom, please," I said while looking directly at the


After waiting a few seconds, I was about to turn around and try to ask

one of the paintings, before the stairs suddenly started to move. One by

one they all moved into place, forming a clear path to the first floor.

Walking down the stairs, we reach a corridor that leads to the middle

courtyard and the great hall. Looking at the walls, I ask the paintings

where the Transfiguration classroom is.

"Down there, laddy," I get a reply from a very Scottish painting.

"Thanks!" I said, before running towards the middle courtyard, and

following some students who looked to be in the same year as me and

Luna. Following them into a room, I am greeted with rows and rows of

desks, and a cat on the teacher's desk looking at the students menacingly.

Feeling a primal urge to pat the cat, I do just that.

Walking up to the cat, I put my hand out and attempt to pet it before the

car jumped away faster than one could sneeze. Looking at the cat, who is

now on guard against me, I figured it wise to walk away and find a seat

amongst the rows of desks. Finding a desk, Luna sits next to me,

something which I am used to at this point.

After looking around the classroom, trying to entertain myself, the doors

to the classroom slammed shut, before all the students start to quiet

down. The cat on the desk looks around the classroom, before jumping

off the desk and morphing into a human seamlessly. The human, or who

I've figured out to be our professor, Ms McGonagall, gives me a death

stare before walking behind her desk.

"Welcome to your very first Transfiguration class, a few rules before I get

into the content. Firstly, if you see a cat and have the desire to pet it,

check if the cat wants them," she said, before giving me a death stare.

Meeting her stare with interest, mainly on her cat form, she continues,

"Secondly, this subject is one that is constantly evolving and new

techniques are coming out every few years. I will only be teaching you

the basics of this subject in your first year, but it is also your most

important year. I will simply not tolerate any misuse of Transfiguration

inside or outside of this classroom. If you are reported to have misused

Transfiguration for any reason, you will be expelled from my classroom,

and depending on the severity of the misuse, from Hogwarts altogether.

Am I clear?"

"Yes." The classroom answers in synchronicity.

"Good. For our first lesson, open up your textbooks and flip to page 5,"

She continued.

Looking towards my desk, I realized both me and Luna had forgotten our

textbooks. Looking towards each other, I let out a wry smile before I hear

the Professor walking towards us.

"You two don't have textbooks?" She asked.

"No, forgot them," I said.

"A Ravenclaw who forgets textbooks, that's minus 5 points to each of you.

How do you expect to learn without even having the textbooks?"

"By listening," Both me and Luna said at the same time. Letting out a

silent chuckle at the exchange, I turn my attention to her reaction.

"Another minus 5 points for talking back to a teacher," She said, before

walking back to her desk and writing out material on the board.

"Listen," she stares at us, "closely, the main idea behind turning an object

into one that you desire, such as a handkerchief into a stool, is

imagination. If you can not visualize what type of stool you want to turn

the handkerchief into, your attempts at Transfiguring it will fail. Let's

start with breaking down the word Transfiguration and explaining the

concepts behind it…"

As Professor McGonagall started to explain the theory behind it, I pull

out Dororthy and start to take notes of what she is saying, with Luna

chiming in to add some additional context to my notes, something that

baffled me. You should understand that writing in the code I had

developed when I was younger had come second nature to me, and I was

unconsciously writing in it when Luna was telling me to add certain

things I had missed.

"… Alright, that's it for the theory. Let's get you to try Transfiguration for

yourselves," Saying that, she started to hand out a box of match sticks to

everyone except for me and Luna.

"I need to see the notes you took during the class to be confident that you

can perform the practical part."

Nodding without thinking, I show her the notes I took, which were still in

the code I had developed.

"You call these notes?" She explained.

"Yes, I wrote them myself, you know," I replied.

"I am not confident you can do this next part, so you two will be sitting

out, as well as minus 5 points for incomprehensible note-taking."

Without giving us any chances to explain, she huffed back to her desk

before going over some key points about transforming matchsticks into

needles. Tuning out the noise at this point, I turn my attention to the

notes I took throughout the class, trying to comprehend something from

the basic theory that the Professor had explained. This lasted a while

before McGonagall clapped her hands and drew attention back to her.

"Good work today, you've all made progress in the art of Transfiguration.

I am interested to see what you end up doing in the future if you decide

to pursue Transfiguration further. You are all dismissed, don't miss your

next class. Mr Zouglas and Mrs Lovegood, please stay behind."

Waiting until everyone left, Professor McGonagall walked up to us before

starting her lecture.

"I've never seen two Ravenclaws forget their textbooks before, one was

something to write home about! And why are the two of you so dirty?

And why are you still wearing your pyjamas underneath your robes Mr

Zouglas? Do you two have something to say for yourselves?"

Hearing an onslaught of questions, my motivation to reply drained until I

couldn't muster a response anymore. Simply shaking my head in

disagreement with her last question, before getting up and leaving the

class, with Luna following me.

"According to the timetable, we have about 10m to get to our next class,

which is potions," I said out loud, for Luna to understand our next


'No textbook for this class either, this is going to be fun.'


Author Corner:


have some free time now before I start job searching because my life is

consistently unstable! I had considered starting a Patr eon like every

other HP fanfic writer a few times but I can not in good faith take the

money and promise chapters 'Sometimes'. I could probably maintain a

chapter a day until I got busy again, I will see how I go.

2k words in this chapter, that's a first. After this day I want to into detail

so much about what the classes are, do, and the theory behind them. In

retrospect, teaching students how to change anything into anything

within reason of that first anything is a pretty dangerous thing to do, and

im not sure why is a first-year course.

I MIGHT do another chapter today, depending on my motivation and

creative juices left over after this chapter.

Potions Class

Having 10 minutes to reach the class, we figured it was enough time to

grab the textbook for the potions class and the potion-making kit that

goes along with it. However, I seem to keep forgetting simply how large

Hogwarts is and end up running late to the class.

After repeatedly asking the paintings and random students along the way

where the potions classroom is, we end up outside of an entrance to the

dungeon, an area we had completely missed exploring earlier. Walking

up to the closed dungeon door, I knock twice and wait for a response.

After waiting for at most a second, the door flies open with a pale and

stern lanky figure standing over us.

"Ravenclaws? That are late? Ten points from each of you," Saying that he

steps aside and lets us into the classroom where we find an empty desk at

the front.

"As I was saying, learning the art of potion making is a subtle and

complex process, and I expect 5 per cent of you to be good enough to

continue studying it in the future. Potions have potential that none of you

even know about, and that is something im going to attempt to teach you

dunderheads about. With the art of potion making, fame, glory, and

wealth. All of this can be yours if you are good enough."

After he finishes his introduction, he turns around and starts to write

some general rules on the board.

"In this class I expect you to follow these simple rules, that even monkeys

can follow. You are not to try and deviate from the recipe given to you at

all, for doing so will have dire consequences. You are not to disagree

with me, may magic forgive you if you do. Lastly, you are to hand in any

potions you made at the end of the class. Am I clear?"

Earning a dreary yes from the rest of the class, he starts to read out the

textbook for potion making, before deciding to target me and Luna for his


"Mr Zouglas, what is the purpose of The Draught of Living Death?"

"To raise the dead," The moment I said it, I saw my fellow Ravenclaw

students wince.

"How are you so violently incorrect? Are you sure you are a Ravenclaw?"


Letting out an angry huff, he targets Luna next.

"And you, Mrs Lovegood, what happens if I mix nyxie tears with

flobberworm mucus?"

"Are there nargles in them?" She asked.

After Luna answered, the class broke out into laughter. Startled by the

response, the professor doesn't even bother replying before walking back

to the front of the class, presumably to continue with the lesson.

"Open your textbooks to page 1," He said.

What followed can only be considered a mind-numbing lecture of content

that was ripped straight from the textbook, with random questions asked

between paragraphs targeted towards Me and Luna. With our knowledge

lacking, we couldn't answer them and earned the ire of our fellow

housemates for being so 'Un-Ravenclaw' like.

After a double period of potions, with various notes and questions

written down in Dororithy, we headed towards the Great Hall for lunch,

as it was around 4 pm. Entering the Great Hall, all of the students at the

Ravenclaw table went silent, giving me and Luna death stares. This was

even including my Roommates, who pretended to not know me.

Reaching our usual spot on the table, there is a good distance between us

and the other Ravenclaw students. Before we could sit down, Luna spoke


"There are Nargles everywhere," She said.

Hearing that, I realize that none of this food is probably safe to eat.

"This morning, there were none in the food directly from the kitchen,

right?" I asked.


"Then we just need to get it from the kitchen directly?" I said.

After saying that, we started walking towards the kitchen, arriving in no

time because we knew the way. Tickling the pear, we were allowed

access to the kitchen where seemingly endless elves were cooking food.

Walking into the kitchen, we were greeted by the elf that met us this


"What can Julis do for Sir Zane and Mrs Luna?" It said.

"Lunch, please," I said.

"There is lunch in the Great Hall, young sirs,"

"They were infested with Nargles." Luna had spoken.

"Oh, that's not good! Julis will cook for young sirs!" Julis said as it

snapped its fingers.

With the snap of its fingers, cookware and ingredients started flying

across the kitchen, getting eventually transforming into two plates of

sandwiches with various fillings. When the sandwiches were finished,

Julis placed them in front of me and Luna before bowing into the back of

the kitchen, going back to whatever it was doing before.

"Well, any nargles?" I asked.

"Nope," She replied.

"Let's dig in, then."

Polishing off half the plate of sandwiches, I leave the rest for Luna and

start to think about the events that happened today. The common factor

was our lack of preparation for each class and the lack of research on

where the classes themselves were. Taking out Dororithy, I draw up a

plan of action for the rest of today, starting with heading towards the

library after lunch.

"Im done." I heard Luna speak up.

"Ok, lets go to the library next."

Getting up from the table, we walk out of the kitchen and into the

corridor, ignoring all of the strange glances we get from the Hufflepuff

students. Making our way to the library, we find the door to it is

unlocked but is being guarded by a front desk with a stern-looking lady

manning it. Walking into the library, she looks at us before starting to


"First time in the library?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Only a few rules, don't write on the books, don't damage the books, take

care of the books as they are magical in nature and finally, no practising

magic inside of the Library for any reason."

"Ok," I replied.

After agreeing, the lady waved us towards the books, where rows upon

rows of books rested.

"Luna… if you can't find me in the future, im probably somewhere here,"

I said, before stumbling towards the first book I could see.


Author Corner:

Short and simple this time, I was going to make this chapter WAY longer

but I decided to break it up into two chapters. One of you commented

that I should try POV changes and you know what? You gave me a really

good idea! The next chapter will be more than one POV, probably.

I wanted to get a chapter out before I become frankly ridiculously busy

over the next few days.

Thanks for reading so far.

Strange Pairing

[POV: Dumbledore]

"Headmaster Dumbledore, two new students have gone exploring earlier

than usual." A painting had spoken into the air, in a dark room. The man

in question slowly got up from his bed, wiping his eyes from the

influence of sleep.

"What are they doing?" Dumbledore said.

"Currently just exploring the halls. They are standing their wands up and

dropping them in a random direction, before following the direction it

landed in," The painting reported.

"How strange…" Dumbledore muttered, before getting out of his bed, and

dressing up in his distinctive robing.

"Where are they now?" Dumbledore asked.

"They have just left the pathway to the Ravenclaw common room," The

painting responded.

Donning his glasses, he grabs his wand and exits his bed chambers before

heading towards the direction of the two students. Turning a corner and

nearing the student's previous location, Dumbledore hears the voices of

the students and eavesdrops on them.

"… Luna, what way do we go?" Said the young boy.

"Why don't we ask Meowser," said a young girl, presumably Luna.

"Meowser, do you know where the kitchen is?" The young boy asked.

Dumbledore hid with silence charms and camouflage charms before

attempting to follow the young pair of students. Before Dumbledore

could step out into the open, his instinct flared up and warned him that

he would be discovered if he stepped into the open. Unable to shake this

feeling off, Dumbledore stays hidden around a corner and decides to

follow the students from afar.

After tailing the pair of students and watching how they interact with

each other, Dumbledore follows them to the kitchen, where he watches

the two students go inside and ask for a meal to eat.

'It doesn't look like they are doing anything else, and are genuinely

curious about the castle. However, such an early time is unreasonable,

and I need to talk with Flitwick about enforcing normal sleeping habits.'

After thinking this, Dumbledore left the two students to their adventures,

wandering into his office and getting an early start to the day.


[Hagrid POV]

*Slurp slurp slurp slurp*

"Fang… stop…" the half-giant muttered, still half asleep.

*Schlop schlop schlop*

"Fang…" Wiping his face with his hands, Hagrid pushed Fang off his

chest and sat up in his bed.

"Another early day, today," Hagrid said.

Going through his morning routine, Hagrid prepared some basic animal

feed for the flock of Hippogriffs that Hogwarts maintains for their Care of

Magical Creatures classes. After preparing the meals for the Hippogriffs

using his secret techniques, Hagrid grabs the buckets before leaving his

modest Hut.

Before walking towards the Hippogriff pens, he patrols through the

Forbidden Forest to check for any students that shouldn't be there, as

well as observing the inhabitant's health and mood. Making a mental

note of things to report to Dumbledore, Hagrid makes his way towards

the area where the Hippogriffs are and starts to groom one. Hearing the

Hippogriff's sounds of delight while brushing his wing feathers, he

prepares to do the other wing until he was interrupted by sudden voices

behind him.

"Are you here to take over the world?" The strange, young voice asks.

Hagrid had to stop and process what was asked of him, and in that time

the young boy who had asked the question had begun to run away.

"He isn't," An equally strange voice replies to the young boy who had

asked the question. Hagrid watches all of this in shock because it was the

first time he had dealt with students who are awake so early and had

asked him such questions. Unable to hold in his curiosity, he asks the two

of them what they are doing so early in the morning.

"Two?" The young boy repeated as if confused.

Looking around, Hagrid didn't see anyone else aside from these two

students. Deciding not to question what he meant, he ask for their help

feeding the Hippogriffs, as he could see they both are interested in

magical animals.

After explaining how to feed a Hippogriff, Hagrid give them the buckets

of feed that he had prepared and started to inspect all the Hippogriffs for

any problems that might have arisen. Once Hagrid was done with

inspecting all the Hippogriffs, he went to check on the two students, only

to find that they were both feeding a Thestral and petting it.

Worried for their safety, Hagrid ran over to the two students and called

out to them, asking if they were alright. After making sure that they

weren't attacked by the Thestral, Hagrid observed them feeding it. After

they had run out of feed, the two students looked towards Hagrid and

stared at him, waiting for Hagrid's next words.

Sensing an unusual pressure, Hagrid started to sweat before trying to

send them off to breakfast. Watching the two students leave, he felt the

need to report to Dumbledore about the two new students who were

difficult to deal with.


[POV Dumbledore, Breakfast Time]

Sitting in the Headmasters position, Dumbledore sat there and ate the

breakfast that the house elves had prepared for him. During his feast, he

was eventually joined by Professor Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw


"Ah! Just the man I want to see," Dumbledore said.

"Hello, Headmaster, early breakfast?" Flitwick said.

"Yes, I was up early because of two students from Ravenclaw who

decided to explore a bit too early and as a result, the paintings warned

me of their adventures,"

"Oh dear, I'll make sure to talk to them this afternoon,"

"Thank you Flitwick, now let us-" Before Dumbledore could continue his

sentence, a pair of students walked through the great hall's entrance.

Their appearance was covered in grass, and you could smell them before

you saw them. The boy was wearing pyjamas underneath his robes and

also giving off an aura of mysteriousness, and the girl had a cat

entrapped in her arms, with an aura of eccentricity and dreaminess. The

two make their way to the Ravenclaw table silently before starting to dig

into their breakfast.

"Well, there they are," Dumbledore said.

"It's those two? I know who Luna Lovegood is and she has a bit of a

reputation within the magical community, but the boy I have no idea


"Don't worry Flitwick, just tell them to maintain healthy sleeping habits,"

Dumbledore explained the behaviour he had seen during the morning to

Flitwick, excluding his instincts that warned him of being discovered.

As Dumbledore was thinking about what to do with the two students, he

saw Harry Potter and his friends walk up to the two. Subtly casting magic

to listen into their conversation, he continued eating his breakfast while


"How did you see us?" Hermione asked.

"Your real?!" The young boy said.

When Dumbledore heard this, he started to choke on the eggs he put into

his mouth.

"Are you ok Headmaster?" Asked Flitwick.

"Yes, just forgot to chew," Dumbledore made an excuse.

Dumbledore ignored the look he earned from Flitwick and continued to

eavesdrop on Harry's conversation with the young boy, however, nothing

of interest was gained aside from Hermione's initial question.

'It seems that I need to keep an eye on the two.' Dumbledore thought.

Dumbledore watched the trio leave them alone and turned his attention

back to Luna and the young boy. It was then that Dumbledore noticed

they had both fallen into a trance staring at the stars in the ceiling, with

the surrounding magic subtly influencing their state of mind. All of this

continued until the cat Luna was holding meowed at them and broke

their trances.

'How interesting,' Dumbledore thought, making a mental note to keep

checking on them. Watching the two of them leave the great hall,

Dumbledore finished up his breakfast before heading back to his office,

where Hagrid was waiting to report to him.

"So, you're telling me two students were up at the crack of dawn and

helped you feed Hippogriffs then met a Thestral and instead of being

scared of it, they both could see it, fed it and pet it?" Dumbledore said.

"I know tha' sounds hard' ta' believe," Hagrid went on to explain, before

getting cut off by Dumbledore.

"No, I believe you, I know who they are, thank you Hagrid."


Author Corner:

Tell me how I went with the POV changes. I was going to do McGonagall

and Snape's POV but I don't think I could add anything I didn't add in the

chapter beforehand. If anything, I am missing the general student body's

reaction to their presence, but I intend to get into that in the next chapter

or so.

Expect to speed up a bit because I've spent 4 chapters on one day! I want

to do a lot with this series and ill get into the thousands before im at year

7 at this rate!

Reminder that you should surrender your soul- power stones, and that I

have a discord server.

I want to do another chapter today, however, I am not 100% on my free

time being a consistent thing in the future, I've started applying to jobs

because I need money like yesterday.

End to the First Adventure

Standing at the entrance of the library, I look around in search of a place

where I can read the books I grabbed in peace. It didn't take too long, as

everywhere I walked, students would actively avoid me. Reaching an

isolated corner of the library, I sit down and place all the books I was

carrying on the desk. Looking at all the books before me, I picked them

all at random and the topics they cover show. Among them are books

about Runes, Potions and Charms, however, I could not find any books

relating specifically to magic itself.

Slowly, I flipped through the first book, occasionally taking notes in

Dororthy. I started reading knowledge about magical runes, as I am

slowly running into a problem with Dororthy. I am running out of space

to write in it, and translating English into my cipher text slows down my

note-taking significantly. What I want to do is have a master page

somewhere at the end of the book, where all the other pages In the book

will be produced by using duplication runes. Along the spine of the book

and the two covers will be more advanced spatial runes to contain all of

the extra pages. To accomplish this, I need to gain some proficiency in

Runes and design a rune diagram that is stable enough for my use.

Time passed as I made my way through the many books about Runes.

Every so often I would draw a rune from the books on Dororthy and

inject my magic into it to test its effects. Since it wasn't from my wand,

the librarian shouldn't get mad at me. I tore a page out of Dororthy and

drew up an absorption rune on it. I didn't need to stimulate it with my

magic since the moment I finished the last line, it slowly started to

absorb the surrounding magic. However, it didn't take too long for the

piece of paper to violently combust, turning into a small pile of ash in

front of me. The loud bang drew the attention of other students, but I

pretended as if nothing happened and continued reading my books in

silence. Unknown to me, the explosion had made my hair stand up on its

ends, somewhat resembling getting shocked by electricity.

Finishing up the first book about runes, I look at Dororthy, who has

numerous notes about Runes and questions that I need to ask someone.

What I found particularly interesting were the runes that could make a

sound. Maybe with enough manipulation of the rune itself, I can try to

play a song.

Moving onto the next few books, I took notes on some basic charms and

potion knowledge. I also decided to fully commit to learning some sort of

cleaning spell, as I can still feel the mess on my hands from this morning.

The spell itself required no wand movements, and simply requires you to

recite 'Per-fec-tus Mund-it-ia.' Pointing my wand towards myself, I try my

spell out.

"Perfectus Munditia," I chanted slowly.

It was then I felt my wand shoot out a refreshing breeze, as I watched the

accumulated grime of today's adventures simply vanish from my robes,

hands, and other less noticeable areas. Looking around for the librarian

to come up and interrogate me, I look towards her desk only to see her

giving me a death stare, but doing nothing about it. I also notice that

Luna and Meowser had disappeared long ago, and I was unsure when

they had left.

(A/N: I am aware of the scrougify charm.)

It wasn't long before I finished the rest of the books on my desk, and got

up to get some more that caught my interest, this is what I wanted to

happen until I saw a shoe-less Luna walk towards me.

"Where did your shoes go? Was it Nargles?" I asked.

"Yes, why is your hair like that?" She asked.

"I was born with it," I replied.

It was a long time before she replied.

"Has anyone told you, you are quite strange?"

"I think you're the first, let's go find your shoes," I replied.

"No need, I have spare shoes in my room,"

"Oh ok, do you know what time it is?" I asked

"You've missed dinner,"

"Guess im going to the kitchen then,"

I started to walk in the direction of the Kitchen, and Luna joined me.

"Don't you want to get your shoes?" I asked.

"It's not urgent," She replied.

Glancing at her, I notice Meowser is missing.

"Where is Meowser?"

"Oh, she ran away,"

'I don't know how you managed it Meowser, but good job!'

We walk down the changing staircases and make our way towards the

painting leading to the kitchen. We open the painting to see Julis

standing in front of the entrance as if waiting for us.

"The young sirs have come to eat?" He asked.

"Yes, we missed dinner," I explained to Julis.

With a literal snap of his fingers, two plates of steak curry flew towards

us and landed at the table next to us.

"Eat up!" Julis said, before disappearing again.

"I think he is expecting us to eat at random times given our recent eating

schedules," I thought out aloud to Luna.

Since food directly from the source hasn't had any Nargle influence, I ate

up without worry. Thinking about the Nargles, I decide to get a better

definition of them from Luna.

"Hey, Luna, what are Nargles exactly?"

"… They are little creatures who evade the physical touch. People or

items can be infected by their influence, and they have varying degrees

of presence. Nargles don't have any specific effects, and are usually up to

whoever gets infected whims, as they only amplify the want to do harm

or mischief."

'Would this be something you can detect with a spell?' I thought to

myself. Making a mental note of what Nargles are specifically, making a

spell to detect them shouldn't be impossible.

We finished up eating at the same time and got up to leave without

saying goodbye to Julis, as he is nowhere to be seen again.

Walking up the stairs towards the Ravenclaw Common room, I start to

think about how I can get answers to my questions, and what books to

read in the common room. It is well known there is a library in it, and

my need for knowledge triumphs over my need for sleep any day.

I was walking through a random hallway silently thinking to myself

when I saw two projectiles heading towards me and Luna. Quickly

pulling out my wand in an attempt to deflect them, I realized I knew very

few defence spells, in fact, I knew none. Silently accepting my fate, I let

the projectile hit me and waited.

"You've just been pranked by the Weasly patrol!" I heard a shout at the

end of the corridor, coming from two redheads.

"Oh, im not dead," I muttered aloud.

"Wha- no, but you smell like dung now. Why would you think you die

from that?" One of the redheads asked.

"Wasn't I meant to?" I asked

"No?" The other redhead replied.

"Oh, ok," I said, before starting to walk away again. I look towards Luna

who reacted similarly and started to walk away with me. It wasn't long

before we ran into the next set of people.

"Oh, it's you two- EUGH, what is that smell??" The redhead of the group


"They have been hit with dungbombs, Ron," Said the bushy brown-haired


"Oh, they are called dungbombs?" I asked.

"Yes, what are you two doing out so late," she asked.

"Walking?" I replied, very confused.

"Remember what we waited here for Hermione, we need to ask them

something," said the black-haired boy.

"Hermione…?" I muttered.

"Ok Harry, I'll keep quiet," Hermione replied.

"Harry…?" I muttered again.

"How did you see us this morning?" He asked, but before he could get a

reply, I remembered why these names were somewhat familiar to me.

'Harry… Potter, where have I heard that before…'

Closing my eyes to focus on remembering why his name is so familiar, I

started tuning out the background noise. After focusing for a while, it hits

me like an isekai truck.

'Harry Potter, the series from my past life. That's why his name is so


I don't remember much about the series itself, but I know that just by

existing I can't rely on the plotlines even if I remember them. Instead, I

can give a vague warning about his future and be done with it. As long as

he gets more powerful enough to deal with what's coming, I don't have to

care too much about it. I opened my eyes with intent and stared at

Harry's eyes. I didn't even think of something to say, and just opened my

mouth and let my magic speak for me.

"Now is the time for you to get stronger to face your destiny. Fate is

watching, and so am I, for I am the one who knows, yet I know not. Your

future can only be decided by your actions now, ha-"

Before I could continue, I felt a wave of drowsiness flood my brain.

Calming down from my previous state, I manage to mutter one final


"Good… luck…"


[POV: Harry]

"Hermione, do we really need to do this?" Harry asked.

"Yes, Harry, what if he snitches to us on Dumbledore that you have the

cloak?" Hermione responded.

"I don't see what the big fuss is, he hasn't said anything yet." Ron chimed


"Not yet, but he will eventually. We at least need to know how he can see

us underneath it," Hermione said.

"So we are waiting for them to go past us on their way to the Ravenclaw

common room?" Ron asked.

"I don't know where else to find them," Hermione responded.

The three of them waited until they saw their targets walking past them.

They didn't have to wait too long, as shortly after Ron complained about

how bored he was for the Nth time, the two of them were spotted.

"Harry! There they are!" Hermione almost screamed.

"I can see that, Hermione," Harry responded.

It wasn't until they were directly in front of Ron that he noticed their


"Oh, it's you two- EUGH, what is that smell??" Ron said.

"They were hit by dungbombs, Ron," Hermione said.

"Remember what we waited here for Hermione, we need to ask them

something," Said Harry.

"Ok Harry, I'll keep quiet," Hermione replied.

"How did you see us this morning?" Harry asked.

Harry then watched Zane close his eyes and scrunch his face as if

focusing on something significant.

"…Hello?" Harry probed Zane.

"Don't disturb him," Luna spoke up.

"Why not?" Hermione asked.

"Because… you will see," Luna replied.

Everyone then watched Zane for around 5 minutes, before his face

started to relax. Before Harry re-ask his question from before, Zane

opened his eyes which were now shining with silver electricity and

opened his mouth.

"Now is the time for you to get stronger to face your destiny. Fate is

watching, and so am I. Your future can only be decided by your actions

now, ha-"

Harry watched as Zane's hair started to wildly flail around, despite there

being no wind passing through the corridor. Zane was talking despite not

moving his mouth, and his voice carried throughout the entire corridor.

As Zane was on his third sentence, he abruptly stopped talking before the

phenomena around him started to calm down. It looked as though Zane

was about to pass out, but before he does so, he said one last thing to


"…Good… Luck…"

Everyone watched as Zane fell to the floor with a heavy thump. Luna

then tried to pick him up to no avail, with everyone else still shell-

shocked at what just happened.

"Harry!" A wisened old voice broke Harry out of his stupor.

"Harry! Are you alright?" Dumbledore asked.

"Uh… yea, just confused at what just happened," Harry said.

"That was a prophecy, Harry. I only noticed when I heard his voice in my

office. It was after that, that I quickly put him to sleep to prevent him

from saying anything else. Tell me, Harry, what did he say?"


Author Corner:

This chapter was… a pain to write, because I kept having a lot of ideas

and none at the same time. It also took quite awhile aswell.

Im going to stop promising chapters soon because so far ive failed to

deliver 'soon' afew times now. Im working on the next one now and itll

be up whenever it is.

The story has also progressed a lot more in this one chapter than in the

past 3.

I also tried to incorporate a POV change I this chapter, tell me how I did

*cough* Maple *cough*.

Thank you all for reading, have any suggestions just join my discord and

talk to me there.

Progress and Explosions

I was walking down a dark alley, with no natural light making its way

into the alley. Looking at the entrance of the alley, I can see people walk

past, however, none of them looked down the alley, as if refusing to

acknowledge that the alley exists. Walking deeper into the alley, I go to

knock on the door but before I could knock, I feel a slap on my face.

Putting my hand on my cheek, I look around for what slapped me, only

to be greeted with another slap. Recoiling from it, the street around me

shatters as I slowly open my eyes. Staring at me was Luna, who was

ready to slap me again despite me opening my eyes.


"… I'm awake, you know," I said.

"Yep, I know," She replied.

"Alright then," I said, moving to sit up straight on my bed.

Looking around the dorm room, I don't see either of my roommates in

their beds, nor is the sun still down. There's no Meowser in sight either. I

was half expecting Luna to be holding Meowser, but it seems Meowser

has evaded her iron clutches once again.

"What's the time?" I asked.

"Around 8 o'clock," She answered.

"8 o'clock? I thought I missed breakfast. Quick, let's go," I said, kicking

my bed covers off.

I look down to see that I am in my pajamas, but I don't remember

changing my clothes from going to bed last night. Actually, I don't

remember going to bed last night. It seems someone found me sleeping in

the library and brought me to my bed.

"Was it you who brought me to bed?" I asked Luna.

"Yep, you passed out," she replied.

"Oh… thanks, it's a bad habit of mine,"

Walking to my trunk placed at the foot of my bed, I open it to grab my

robes and shoes, to find that my robes have been turned pink and my

shoes are missing.

"Nargles, happened to me too," Luna said.

Sure enough, looking at her outfit, I noticed that her shoes were missing


"It seems the Nargles are targeting us specifically," I said.

Luna nodded in agreement.

'It seems I need to deal with this sooner than I thought,'

Putting my now pink robes on, I pull out my funky wizard hat and

contemplate turning it into a set of shoes with transmigration.

"You shouldn't try it, we still haven't gotten Professor McGonagall's

approval," Luna said.

"How do you know what I'm thinking?" I asked

"It's written on your face,"

Deciding not to dig too deeper into that, I put my hat back into my trunk,

Glorf the Devourer, and looked around for my wand and Dororthy. It

didn't take long to find them, and I quickly stored Dororthy in my robes. I

leave the dorm without shoes on, however, I'm not worried about getting

my feet dirty, as I know a cleaning spell now. I also read the rest of the

first-year spells whilst in the library yesterday, however, they didn't

contain anything of real utility. The most useful spell is probably the fire-

making charm. It's very versatile and can be used outside of combat as a

support spell for fireplaces in the wilderness or to burn something like

cobwebs or moss from blocking your way.

Realizing there are many more useful spells for me to learn, I decide to

write in Dororthy a reminder to find some spells or runes to defend

myself against malicious actors, or random unforeseen events, such as

the… I'm sure ill think of something, it's on the tip of my tongue.

By the time I became aware of my surroundings again, we were standing

outside of the kitchen tickling the pear. I noticed some Hufflepuff

students staring at me and Luna, whispering amongst themselves.

Ignoring it, we walk into the kitchen where Julis is waiting for us with

two plates of bacon and eggs.

"Ah! I knew you were coming! Julis has made breakfast for the two

regulars!" Julis shouted.

"Thank you, Julis," I said.

Julis let out a wild smile, before snapping their fingers and disappearing

on the spot. However, as Julis was disappearing, we heard a voice come

from around us.

"You can call for Julis at any time,"

Silently staring at where Julis was, I just nodded and sat down where the

plates were resting. Both plates looked fresh, and you could see the heat

coming off the perfectly cooked bacon.

"Let's dig in then," I said.

Eating breakfast was nothing interesting, we ate in silence and the other

house elves tried not to make too much noise while we were eating.

Some Hufflepuff students would walk into the kitchen, but quickly leave

once they spotted us eating. Finishing up our breakfast, we got up and

walked out of the kitchen before I started to walk towards the library.

"Where are you going?" Luna asked.

"To the Library, I wanted to read some more books on defence runes," I


"We have potions class in 10 minutes,"

"… Oh, I forgot about that,"

With Luna reminding me, we went to go get our potion kit from the room

we cleared out yesterday and made our way to Professor Snape's potion

dungeons. We walked through the door right before the class started and

made our way to the desks we used beforehand. Sitting down, we prepare

our textbook for this class and wait for the Professor to show up. As if he

sensed us waiting, he burst through the door and instantly killed any

chatter that was happening with just his presence. He walked up to his

desk and gave all of us a deep scowl, stopping on me and Luna


After giving us all a stare-down, he starts his lesson.

"Today… you are all going to be brewing the cure for boils. While this

potion is easy to brew… the slightest mistake will cause your face to

break out into boils. Try not to mess it up," As he says this, he is staring

directly at me and Luna. After finishing all his warnings and demeaning

comments about our skill, he writes up the recipe and the process onto

the blackboard behind him before sitting down at his desk.

The lesson went smoothly, and Snape didn't call us for any questions, as

if he was avoiding us. The potion was made easily, and we handed it to

Snape and went back to our desks. We walked out of the potions class,

where Luna suddenly went her own way.

Waving her off, even if she didn't see it, I make my way towards the

library with a slight skip in my step. Navigating my way through the

Hogwarts halls, I ignore all the looks I get for my outfit and make my

way into the library doors.

The moment I walked through the library doors, the surroundings when

quiet. I look around and see all the students who are pointing and

laughing in my general direction, probably at my shoeless outfit. Ignoring

this, I make my way towards the Runes section in search of some new

knowledge to test later today. I already have a general direction for the

types of runes I want to test out this afternoon, mostly defence runes.

Scouring through multiple books, I take down what types of runes I want

to use, the techniques to inscribe them with a wand and various other

notes. Dororthy is slowly getting fuller, and I estimate that ill run out of

pages within the next two days. In some of the books I've read, they

recommend magical natured materials for rune inscribing, since they are

better conductors of magic.

If I want to upgrade Dororthy, I need to replace the cover with something

that can handle some basic absorption runes and duplication runes, and

in the future some space-shrinking runes. The theory behind shrinking

space with runes - or compressing it, is easy to understand but dangerous

to figure out without the proper tools. The more advanced runes require

specialized tools, like a magical carving knife and conductive magical

metals. You could liken it to carving out the runes then filling them with

soldering material then running electricity through them, or in this case,


Drawing up a basic rune design for Dororthy, I pack up the books about

runes and change subjects to defensive spells. The need to protect me

increases, as the Nargles are consistently affecting my surroundings. I

need to figure out how to get magic to define Nargles and exclude them

from my general vicinity with either runes or a spell or go the shotgun

route and set up runes and charms all over my belongings to stifle the

Nargles influence over my life and those around me.

Packing Dororthy into my robes, I try to find a place within the castle to

experiment with Runes and spells with no luck. Most of the castle is

unsuitable for experiments, and Snape has already stolen the dungeon

which is ideal for such experiments. However, searching the castle let me

find my two test subjects for the day. I approached my target from

behind, making a conscious effort to hide my breathing and footsteps.

"Hello, Weasley Patrol," I suddenly spoke.

My targets are what id consider the literal embodiment of Nargles, and

any testing I do on them should translate into being effective on the

Nargles themselves, at least, that is what I'm hoping.

"Crikey!" Weasley Patrol 1 shouted.

"Far out!" Weasley Patrol 2 shouted as well.

"Why are you sneaking up on us like that!" The first one shouted.

"I need your help, follow me," I said, before walking away. Whether they

follow or not is up to them, but I'm betting they will follow out of


"Where are you going?" The second one shouted. I really need to learn

their names, its going to get annoying to keep referring to them as

Weasley Patrol 1 or 2.

Making my way out of the castle, I walk to the edge of the Forbidden

Forrest and search for a smooth enough rock to inscribe some runes onto

it. A few minutes of searching yielded some results, and I found a smooth

enough rock to fit the first version of my rune diagram. Pulling out my

wand and referring to Dororthy whilst drawing it, I complete the rune

diagram and set it on the floor.

The rune is designed to absorb magic from its surroundings and project

an immaterial shield around its wearer, or a specific range depending on

its configuration. The shield is attuned to the loosest definition of Nargles

I could find within the Rune Books themselves. Injecting my magic to

jump-start the absorption runes, I start logging what happens with the


The rock now started to glow slightly and started to slowly project a

transparent shield around itself. It slowly expanded until it could no

longer sustain its expenditure and stopped at around 2m. So far, so good

for a random rock I found in the forbidden forest. I wait two minutes to

establish a baseline of the rock's performance without external factors

influencing it. Writing down the data in Dororthy, I inspect it for any

damage it might have sustained during its operations. Seeing nothing

special, I can use the Weasley patrols for their effectiveness at shielding

against 'Nargles'.

The next part of the test can continue, and I turn towards the Weasley

Patrol who had been watching me the entire time. They seemed

interested in what I was doing and wanted to ask many questions.

"Can you two try to enter the shield?" I asked.

My access to the rock was unimpeded, and the shield didn't react to my

presence at all. When the twins tried to enter the shield, I could feel the

magic around the shield slightly react before they were allowed within

the shield unimpeded as well.

"Did you feel any resistance? Anything changed?" I asked them.

"We didn't feel any resistance," Weasley 1 Spoke, or 2, I can't tell the

difference anymore.

"But we do feel strange," Weasley 2? said. This piqued my interest, as the

shield didn't hinder them from entering, so how did it affect them?

"Ok, get out, I have something else I want to test," I said, and they exited

the shield or dome. I entered the shield again and inspected the rock

again. I could feel that it is slightly heating up and will soon turn into

magma. Noting down this eventual change in Dororthy, I turn my

attention towards the twins again.

"Try to prank me again," I said. I draw my wand and prepare to defend

myself with the 'Protego' spell, something I learned in the library today.

The twins looked as if someone had asked them a question of a lifetime,

and quickly huddled together to decide their game plan. After waiting for

a while, they turned around and didn't say anything.

One twin tried to distract me, as the other pulled something out of his

robes and threw it in my general direction. The object looked familiar,

and I soon realized it was another Dung Bomb. The twin that tried to

distract me also pulled something from his robe and throw it in sync with

the Dung Bomb. I let the Dung Bombs hit the shield, hoping they would

stop it, and it did. The two dung bombs stopped dead in their tracks and

embedded themselves into the shield. Before I could inspect what had

happened closer, I felt the rock's magic below me start to become

volatile. I looked down and saw a white flash before I could feel the

resulting explosion in my chest and throughout my body.


Author Corner:

My first cliff hanger.

The chapters will get longer but slower, lately I have also been playing *a

lot* of EVE Online. My job hunt is also going… alright? I got an

interview so hopefully I get employed. With money I can exist in peace…

Feedback! Gimme!

There were some comments recently that seemed *abit* mad about how

short the first chatpers are. I am not going to rewrite them, so sorry

about that, but its better now. Ive had to go back and add an updated

author's note in chapter 1 so I don't receive more of those comments. :)


i want to scream

Quick Update

Ive started a job on Wendesday!

Ill try to make and upload a chapter on the weekend, and going forwards

the chapters will be released on weekends, depending on my energy


Thanks for existing and reading my book. Its slowed down from the semi-

consistent uploads but I hope you'll stick around.


I regain consciousness, albeit barely, with my ears ringing and my world

spinning. I look around but can't see anything specific. My vision is hazy

and the sounds I hear are muffled and masked by the piercing ringing

that I can feel in my soul.

I close my eyes and attempt to remember what happened, but my

memories are hazy. I can tell my current situation isn't that great, and I'm

feeling pain in places I didn't know I had nerves to feel pain, to begin


Slowly moving, I try to gain some understanding of my surroundings by

moving my head around. I am held down by a hand that seems to be

shaking a bit, and the muffled shouts grew slightly louder.

I stop trying to move around and instead focus on recovering my

distorted hearing, so I can at least understand what is happening. While I

am doing this, I start to remember what I was doing before I ended up in

such a state.

'I was experimenting with the runes against Nargles, before the rock I

used went supernova and detonated,'

This shouldn't have been the case, as the absorption rune I used was only

enough to power the shield and didn't build up a buffer, to avoid exactly

this scenario. I frown and start to think deeper about what happened. The

runes themselves should have been stable, so just by eliminating that I

can assume the rock was the problem.

Using a common rock found around the Forbidden Forest seems like a

bad idea in hindsight, but even a rock around Hogwarts should have

some degree of magical properties to it. I guess there are some more rules

and principles of Runes than I thought.

I didn't have too long to think to myself, as my nose was suddenly

pinched, interrupting my breathing. I wait for them to un-pinch my nose,

as I can still barely move my hands to flick their hands away. The hand

eventually gave up and left my nose and me very confused. Just as I was

breathing normally again, a smaller set of hands landed on my mouth

and attempted to open them.

I understood what they wanted and co-operated by opening my mouth.

As I do that, a glass bottle is shoved in my mouth, and I drink a vile mix

of goop. I want to throw it up, or at least suggest the maker artificially

change its taste.

The effects were immediate though, and my ears and eyes slowly

recovered to a somewhat acceptable state. Opening my eyes, flakes of

dead skin threatened to become hell in my eyelids. I attempt to move my

arms to clear this danger, but they are still unresponsive. I close my eyes

and start shaking my head to get rid of the skin flakes. I open my eyes

again and see most of the flakes have fallen off, with the remaining ones

still hanging onto my still very much alive skin.

During this period of head shaking, my ears slowly recovered, and I

began to hear the conversations around me.

"And how exactly did this happen?" I heard a very angry, female voice


"We don't know Professor, it wasn't us," The receiving end of the angry

professor spoke up.

Judging from the voices, it's probably Professor McGonagall yelling at the

Weasley twins.

"You mean to tell me that a year one student *suddenly* exploded, and it

had nothing to do with you two?"

"…Yes Professor,"

'Ahhh, how messy. I'd rather stay unconscious than deal with this. That's

actually a good idea,' I thought to myself

"You can't pretend to be asleep…" I heard a voice whisper to me.

"How do you keep knowing what I'm thinking?" I asked Luna in a low

croaky voice.

I didn't get a response back, but Professor McGonagall seems to have

realized I'm awake and has walked to be just at my feet. It should be

noted that I feel like I'm in a crater, with both my head and legs

conforming to the curve.

"Student Zanithy, just how did this happen?" Professor McGonagall asked.

'Im not even sure myself, how would I know,'

"He is in no condition to speak, I've only just given him the most

powerful healing potion I currently have," A new voice said. "I am going

to take him to the hospital ward now, I'll call you when he can answer


I resisted the urge to speak because I don't want to deal with this,

however, Id feel guilty leaving the twins to deal with McGonagall. With

all my current strength, I open my mouth.

"Not, their, fault," I said deliberately slow, to prevent any further


"Wingardium Leviosa," Professor McGonagall didn't have a chance to ask

questions, as the new voice chanted a spell at me, or more specifically at

my clothes. With my clothes lifting me, my head was supported by

presumably Luna, and I was floated into the hospital bay.

We eventually reached the Hogwarts Hospital, where I am placed on a

bed that is a mix between concrete and feathers, and become the target

of a few scanning spells, since I can feel the magic spread over my body

and report back to its caster. I am given a few more potions before I

slowly start to lose consciousness and enter a deep sleep.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed before I woke up, but opening

my eyes proved to me it was nighttime. The moon was hanging in the

sky, bright yet somewhat dark at the same time. I stared at the moon,

admiring it for what felt like an eternity before I had an idea.

'What if I went to the moon?'

Such an idea helped me ignore the dull pain that seemed to be coming

from my soul. I began to consider how feasible it was to go to the moon,

considering that humankind has already been to the moon, using

technology. Firstly, you would need a rune or some type of magical

artifact to isolate the effects of space and the absence of an atmosphere to

prevent you from suffocating or dying from asphyxiation.

Letting my thoughts run wild, I remained to stare at the moon, and it felt

like the moon stared back. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath before

sinking back into a semi-awake state. I take stock of my current

condition, which is much better than I expected it to be.

My pink uniform is in shreds, and my feet are charred. I'm sure if I was

wearing shoes they would be gone, which is convenient depending on

how you look at it. My actual limbs are all connected - which is a relief,

but they seem to be somewhat more pink than usual. Did my uniform

blend in with my limbs? I don't know.

Looking at where the pinkness of my limbs abruptly ends, I wonder if I

will get any scars from this. I haven't seen anyone with a scar in my

magical journey so far, so maybe it can be healed with magic. The urge

to pick where it ends is overwhelming, but I know it would probably

cause more problems.

My wand is also nowhere to be seen, and it seems to have been flung off

into the distance from the blast. Since my wand is an extension of me, I'll

be able to find it easily. I just got to get out of the hospital. It was at this

moment that I felt like I was being watched.

I surveyed the room and found hiding behind some curtains were the

three stooges, Hermione, Harry and Ron. Staring right at their feet that

are exposed at the bottom of the curtain, I speak up.

"I can see you, you know," I projected my voice to where they were


Seeing that they were exposed, they slowly came into view and pulled off

a cloak that had been draped over them - yet provided no means of

obfuscation, something that was worthy of study.

"How did you see us?" Harry said, with a tinge of exhaustion in his voice.

"You weren't hidden," I replied. Frankly, I have no idea why I can see

them, but I'm not going to tell them that.

This earned a sign from Hermione, for whatever reason, and Ron just

stared at me in disbelief.

"What happened today?" Harry asked.

'Why does he care?' I thought to myself.

"An experiment that went nuclear," I said in vague terms. I don't know if

experimenting with magical runes is prohibited, and I couldn't find

anything about it, but I want to maintain plausible deniability. Better safe

than sorry.

"Do you know the scene that it caused? All classes were suspended

because it was thought that a rouge wizard had attacked a first year!"

Hermione said, practically shouting the last part.

I smiled, thinking about the chaos that was caused unintentionally.

"I didn't really think about that, to be honest," I said.

'It's just an experiment,' I added internally. If I spoke that out, I'm sure

Hermione would pop a brain vessel.

It wasn't long before they ran out of questions and left me alone. For the

most part, I just stuck to my story of 'just an experiment that went

wrong', because I didn't want to worry them to care too much. The only

thing I'm worried about is how Luna reacted to this whole thing. From

what I remember she seemed to be shaking while holding my head down.


Author Corner:


Here's your chapter. :D

It's somewhat slow but it deals with the aftermath of the explosion,

there's some more I wanted to write but I ran out of time for today, yes

I'm limiting myself to time since Mondays will suck ass and I don't want

to do a Monday on 3 hours sleep.

I started a job recently so it's weekend releases now. The good news

about me getting a job is that I no longer have to worry about my

incredibly unstable situation and - in theory - can survive by myself,

which is great, probably.


i dont want to be an adult anymore

Chaotic Fate?

It wasn't long that I was left to my thoughts, staring at the moon before

the hospital nurse had noticed that I was sitting up. This, however,

seemed to have been a bad idea as what followed was hysterical


"Why are you sitting up!" The Nurse shouted.

"Uhh…" I started.

"Lay back down and don't talk! Don't you know how injured you are?"

'How am I meant to respond if you don't want me to talk…'

I stare at the Nurse who starts flicking her wand at me, muttering spells.

After a round of flashy lighting, the Nurse stares at me with wide eyes.

"How…" She muttered.

'Well somethings gone wrong, but I can't ask what…'

"I'll be back soon, don't go anywhere," she said.

I look down at my body and try to see where the problem is, if it is even

visible. Taking stock, nothing seems to be completely wrong, aside from

some scarring on my limbs that hasn't disappeared yet. I'm not sure if

that's on purpose, and I can't feel any pain internally either, this was

short lived, however. From the ceiling, something falls and lands directly

on the foot of the bed.

"Huh? Luna? From the ceiling?" I blurted out, surprised, for what landed

on the bed was Luna.

I look up at the ceiling, and only see the brick ceilings that are standard

throughout the rest of Hogwarts, and specifically nothing to grab onto or

hang from.

"How-" I tried to ask before she cut me off.

"Hogwarts let me," she said.

"…" I can't even think of anything else to ask. Yes, a magical castle let her

drop from the ceiling seemingly out of nowhere, somehow that makes


"Are you ok?" She asked while I was debating with myself.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I think so. Aside from the scarring on my arms and legs,

I don't even feel any pain," I started to explain.

"So, what happened?" she asked.

"Honestly, I'm not even sure. I'll have to try it again-"

"No!" she shouted at me.


"… Not so soon, recover first,"

Somehow, I felt that this was weird behavior, at least comparing it to

what I was used to.

"Whats wrong?" I asked

"Follow me," She got up and opened the window, then jumped out of it.

"Wait!" I jump out of bed and run towards the window, only to see Luna

standing fine at the bottom.

"Not so nice, is it?" She spoke.


"Come on, this way," she started to walk off towards the forest.


I was honestly a little bit scared at what I had seen and assumed the

worst. However the drop down was about a floor and if you know how to

land, it can be safely done. My actual problem with jumping down

however was with the fact that I am in a hospital gown and not wearing

much underneath. My robes from earlier seem to have been completely

shredded and burnt. Looking back into the room, I see nothing

resembling a set of clothes and silently complain about the lack of


I look out the window again and Luna didn't stop walking during this

period. I hastily grab onto the ledge and try to lower myself as much as

possible, before letting go and landing on the balls of my feet. The shock

of landing was more intense than I thought, and I fell onto my backside. I

quickly get up ignoring the dull pain in my feet and make my way

towards Luna.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Somewhere," she replied.

"Somehow, I was expecting that,"

We walked in silence until we reached the boundary of the Forbidden

Forest. Looking at my hospital robe, I can't help but feel woefully

unequipped to handle the forest right now.

"We aren't going in, right?" I asked


Before I could continue to ask some more questions, I heard some foliage

in the distance shake. Turning my attention to the forest, I see a massive

shadow approach me and Luna.

"Firenze!" Luna shouted.

I looked at her happily shouting for the shadows attention and back

towards the forest, where the shadow seems to have found its target.

'Oh crap,'

The shadow approached fast and gained in size the closer it got, I quickly

stood in front of Luna and turned towards her.

"Run and get help!" I said, before turning my attention towards the


What came out of the forest was a massive Centaur, whose eyes were

filled with stars and bow drawn directly at me.

"Firenze! This is Zane!" Luna shouted.

The centaur stowed his bow and looked at Luna.

"Why have you brought him to me?" Firenze asked.

"Please check him,"

"Check him?" I asked.

Firenze turned his attention back to me, and his eyes started glowing.

Just as fast as his eyes started glowing, they stopped.

"You…" Firenze tried to speak.

"What is it you want to do in the future?" He asked.

Such a question stumped me, as I genuinely hadn't thought about it, I am

only 11 after all.

"I don't know, I haven't planned my future and take each day as it goes," I


Firenze just stared at me, before turning to Luna.

"I must go,"

Saying this, he galloped back into the forest. Apparently this shocked

Luna, who watched him leave with widened eyes.

"Well, that was weird," I said.

She just stared at me before walking back towards Hogwarts.

'What a weird night…'


Author Corner:

Hey Guys, its been awhile.

Honestly the job was a lot more time consuming than I thought. I don't

have much of an explanation of what happened during December and

why I failed to update the novel, December was just an impressively busy

time for me.

I'm still updating the novel, and wont be dropping it.

Re-reading the book im somewhat maddened at some decisions ive made

regarding the plot. I shouldn't have introduced Luna and Zane so early. I

wanted to build up a reputation that both of them individually are pretty

strange but in their own worlds in Hogwarts and would be like year two

before they really talked but I also wanted to use the chamber of secrets

plot for some developments.

Oh well.

See you when I see you.

A Reflection


"… Zane,"

"…" I open my eyes and see a small creature with beady eyes staring

directly at me.

"Jesus Christ!" I shouted and jumped out of bed, hiding behind it.

"It is not Jesus, Master Zane, but Julis," The creature responded.

I poked my head over the beddings and observed the creature in more

detail. It was still dark-out, and I couldn't make out much.

"… Julis? Why did you wake me up so early?" I asked in a groggy


"Julis has prepared a new set of clothes for Master Zane!" He shouted.

'Oh right, I forgot that my old robes were a pink, burnt mess,'

"Thank you, Julis. Do you know where my wand is?"

"Master Zane is missing his wand?"

"Yes, I think it was forced quite some distance due to the explosion,"

"I will keep an eye out Master Zane, have no worries!"

I give a wry smile. Somehow, I am now worried.

"No need, Julis, I'll find it myself,"

"Ok, Master Zane,"


I didn't even get to say goodbye to Julis before he clicked his fingers and

disappeared in front of me.

'I have got to learn how to do that'

I look around my room to see both of my roommates dead asleep, and my

area of the dorms a complete mess. I was sure I didn't cause this, so I'm

not sure how this even happened. I get changed into the new set of Robes

that Julis gave me and instinctively go to grab my wand.

"Oh, right," I said aloud.

Strangely, there was no Luna or Meowser today to wake me up, guess I

became used to it or half expected it from her. I creep out of the room,

trying not to disturb my room mates, but its probably not a problem

considering they didn't wake up when Julis scared me awake.

I walked through the corridors of the dorm area into the common room

of the Ravenclaw house and am greeted by a few night owls who look at

me with a mixture of fear and hesitation.

'I'm not sure what they are scared of, I don't even have my wand right


I ignored their stares and made my way towards the common room door,

which opened automatically for me. I walked outside of the common

room and am greeted by a pitch-black corridor, and ambient

temperatures that are considerably lower compared to the common

room. I take a few steps out of the common room before the corridor

torches ignite themselves, providing lighting towards the end of the


"Thanks," I muttered to no one specifically.

I make my way towards the kitchen and approach the painting, which

opens automatically for me.

'No password?'

Inside were some sleeping house-elves that were littered all over the

floors and wooden tables.

"Uh-" I started to speak before I was cut off by Julis.

"Shhh, Master, they are sleeping. Here is your coffee,"

"How did-"


Julis seemed adamant that I not speak, and simply gave me the coffee

that I wanted before snapping his fingers and popping me out of the

kitchen. It was a nauseating experience, and I had to sit down for a

minute or two.

"Give me a warning next time, man," I muttered again.

I had a sip of the coffee they gave me, and it was good. I wonder what

would happen if I introduced them to coffee machines. Would they freak


I began to wander the halls of Hogwarts while sipping coffee. It was

oddly therapeutic, and I wasn't thinking about anything for most of the

walk. A few times I would reach the end of a corridor and only one side

would be lit up. I took the lit up path considering I could actually see

what lay ahead and was generally more safer for me to take. Who knew

what is lurking in the darkness at Hogwarts, literally.

It wasn't long before I ended up stopping at a window that had an

awesome view of the lake, and prepared to watch the sun rise. During

this period I started to reflect on my actions so far and the situations I

have already experienced just three-ish days into Hogwarts.

First day, my parents didn't even accompany me into the train platform

and left me to my own devices. They didn't even ask that I write home to

them and didn't leave an address for me to write too. I keep forgetting

the address of my own house - something I'm suspecting magic to be the

cause of. Thinking back, this is unusual behavior and I should have

questioned it right then and there. Then I meet a strange but funny girl

who seems to have a bad reputation among the other wizards for no

conceivable reason, Meowser also kept getting stolen by her and now I

haven't seen her in a day or so now.

Then I spaced out completely at the sorting ceremony, missing who else

was in my year apart from Luna and then I had to deal with temporary

schizophrenia from a magical hat who judged me for reading too many

books. Then I learned about Nargles which I need to look more into out

of sheer curiosity and perhaps even safety. My two roommates don't seem

to want to interact with me, then the next day I saw a Thestral, spoke to

Harry Potter, found the kitchen, got up to random things really.

Looking back on my experiences so far, aside from being blown up I've

had fun exploring Hogwarts and magic, and I haven't even gotten into the

meat of it.

I then started to zone out, looking at the reflection of the lake sparkle

under the moonlight, slowly dimming while the sun threatened to rise. It

was then I saw the sun breach the horizon and slowly rise over the lake

of Hogwarts, projecting a feeling of warmth over my face.

Watching the sun rise, I snap out of my daze and look around the

corridor. There was no one around me, and I sigh in relief. Whenever I

zone out a bomb could explode next to me, and I wouldn't even notice.

I make my way towards the outside of Hogwarts, mainly where I did the

experiment yesterday. The crater is completely gone and looked as if

nothing even happened.

"Ahh, magic," I say aloud in a mix of awe and curiosity.

There was no perceivable scars left from the explosion and if it wasn't for

my memory of it happening and the scars on my arms and legs, I would

doubt it ever happened. Back to the task at hand, I need to find my wand.

I search the area round the experiment, occasionally sending out pulses

of magic through my feet and waiting to see if I get any responses. I also

use my eyes since maybe that wouldn't work to begin with. Spending a

good hour or so, I sit exhausted on the floor wondering where my wand

could have possibly gone. It wasn't within any reasonable distance from

the experiment's explosion area, and I had no responses using my feet as


I lay down on the grass and stare into the sky, taking the sky and its

surroundings all in. I closed my eyes and decided to take a nap, but I felt

something come up next to my head. I opened my eyes to look and saw a

Platypus with slightly longer fur looking at me with its strange eyes. Of

course, considering this was a magical school this wasn't a platypus.

It looked at me before reaching into what looked like a very well

concealed pouch and pulling out a stick from it, or more specifically, my


"My wand!" I shouted in surprise.

This startled the strange platypus, who threw my wand out and ran


"… whoops,"

I didn't even get a chance to thank it, or what it had it to begin with, or

how a stick the size of it fit in its pouch, or why it gave my wand to me.

So many questions.

I waved my wand around and it responded to my magic by shooting out

fireworks from its tip, as if happy to be back in my possession.

"That cant be a coincidence," I decided.

Too many coincidences have happened around me for my liking, and the

platypus with a pouch giving me my wand is probably at the top of the

list. I make a mental note to look further into it. Speaking of

coincidences, I see a group of three approaching me from a distance.

"There he is!" I heard Ron shout.

They then start running towards me, who is still laying down in the grass,

intent on bothering me with their strange antics. They stop next to me,

then start catching their breath.

"Where were you this morning?" Hermione asked.

"I…" Thinking back on it, where was I? I kind of just followed Hogwarts

lights before stopping to watch the sunrise.

"… don't know?" I finished.

This earned a very judgmental look from Hermione, who opened her

mouth to continue judging me with words.

"You missed Professor Snapes potions class, and he has given you


"Ah… where does he do detention?"

"His potions class, I have detention too," Harry responded for her.

"And when is it?" I asked.

"In 5 minutes," Hermione cut back into the conversation.

I quickly sit up, which causes the coffee cup from this morning to fall out

of my robe pocket onto the floor. I pick it back up and put it into my

pocket before turning my attention to Harry.

"Why do you-" Harry started.

"Don't worry about that, lets get going," I said, before speed walking

towards the castle.

'Ahh what an eventful day, and it's not even mid-day,' I thought to


[Professor Snapes Potion Dungeon]

Me and Harry walk through the doors, which close behind us and walk

towards the desks.

"I see the Fool and the Star have both arrived," Snape started to speak the

moment we walked into the class room.

"And why didn't you come to this morning's lesson, Mr. Zouglas?" Snape

looked at me with a glare.

"I was watching the sun rise and then finding my wand," I answered


"It seems you value watching the sun rise more than my classes, is this

correct Mr. Zouglas?"

I know there's no correct answer here, so I stay quiet. You can't fool me

that easily.


"Oh… I don't know," I said.

Snape stayed quiet, before motioning us to sit at the desk right in front of


"You will both keep writing the phrase, 'I will not skip potions class,' until

I am satisfied. Do you two understand?"

"Yes," I responded.

"Yes, Professor," Harry also responded.

"Good, I will be back in 30 minutes to check your progress," Snape said,

before leaving me and Harry alone in his potions dungeon.

10 minutes go by, which was sat in awkward silence and scribbles. I can

tell Harry wanted to talk to me about something but kept second

guessing himself.

"So…" Harry starts, which breaks me out of my daze. "About what you

said, with me needing to become stronger, what did you mean by that?"

"… did I ever say that?" I replied, genuinely confused.

"Yea, we spoke in one of Hogwarts corridors, and you told me that I need

to get stronger to face my fate before suddenly passing out,"

"I think I would remember something like that, however recently my

memory has been worse than normal…" I said. "I should have written it

down in Dororthy, Ill take a look later and get back to you."

"Oh, ok… What do you think I should do to get stronger?" He continued.

"I can barely protect myself from my own experiments, and even then, I

failed if you look at the scars on my arms and legs, what makes you think

I'm the person to ask for this?"

Harry didn't respond, and simply sat in silence looking at my battle scars

of versing my own stupidity.

Snape barged into the room shortly after, looking like he wanted to

murder someone.

"Get out, both of you," he demanded.

I took the hint and left the room, with Harry following closely behind


"What do you think happened?" Harry asked.

"I don't care enough to find out, its his business," I said.

"I'll be going to the library, see you around, Harry,"

Author Corner:

Ive decided to clarify how much the MC knows about the HP verse. I

wanted to keep it vague for plot convenience like just knowing where

rowana's diadem is and stealing it but its caused some confusion.

The MC literally only has seen the cover of the books. Yep, that's right, he

only knows that Harry Potter is important, and the world might be

structured around harry potter and some random bits of knowledge that

has already been demonstrated earlier in the novel. Nothing else.

I understand if you don't really like my decision here, but like a year ago

I was in a similar situation and found exploring the world of harry potter

and magic much more interesting than just knowing it from a previous

life and shit like that.

Another thing ive noticed is people arnt really getting the interaction

between Luna and Zane, this is somewhat my fault because I didn't put

the previous chapter through Grammarly and generally didn't put too

much thought into it when they do interact, which might be jarring to

read. Ill try and improve this but don't expect too much to change


As always, thanks for reading my novel. I hope to get better with the

passage of time

Its Raining Books

I walk to the library, going through its wide doors and passing by the

receptionist, who is giving me a long stare. In fact, most of the student

body gives me similar stares. I guess nearly exploding myself isn't great

for my reputation.

I make a beeline straight towards the Runology books, hoping to gain a

better understanding of why my experiment went so wrong and how to

properly avoid it in the future, perhaps even designing runes to mimic

safety precautions such as explosion proof glass and maybe a fire

extinguishing system. Who knows.

Of course, due to my notoriety, this didn't go unnoticed. Most of the

students seeing that I was going towards the rune section decided to

evacuate the library, some even screaming. I have no idea what's being

said behind my back, but this is ridiculous. However, thinking about it,

this means I won't be disturbed whilst I am reading.

Walking through the library, I grab all the books I could find that relate

to Runes. As well as some miscellaneous books that captured my interest.

Among these books is how to make music with magic. I place the books I

had gathered on the nearest desk I found and sat down. I flipped open

the first book and got reading.

--- 5 hours later ---

"It's truly impressive how clueless I actually am…" I muttered out aloud.

I look around at my scattered notes all over the desk and books stacked

up in a formation that mimics the Great Wall of China. I needed

Dororthy, like immediately. I collect my notes that are completely out of

order and stuff them into my robes, before walking up to the Librarian.

"Yo," I say aloud.

She turns around, shocked at what I said and gives me a bewildered


"How do I put the books back that I collected?"

She continues to look at me bewildered for what feels like a lifetime,

before giving me an answer.

"Just ask the books to go back onto the shelves," She muttered, before

turning her attention back to what she was doing.

"Ask the books…"

That sounds stupid enough to almost work.

I walk up to the mess I made, pick up one of the books and ask in a very

polite tone.

"I don't suppose you could go back to your bookshelf?"

Just like that, the book forced its cover open and started to "fly" away out

of my hands. I turn my attention to the rest of the books.

"And the rest of you?"

They all start shaking, as if responding to my question, before flying

away in a similar matter. I stare at the scene of them joining the fray of

the flying books above the library that I never noticed before. Sometimes

the books seem to get lost, and hit each other before falling out of the

"sky" and onto a desk, usually scaring the shit out the student sitting


I give off a light chuckle and walk out of the library towards my next

destination. It doesn't take long for me to get lost as I stare at the ceiling

while walking.

"How come I never noticed the ceilings are all completely different?" I


"So you noticed too," Someone said behind me.

"Fuc-!" I jumped out of fright when I heard the voice.

"Hi Zane," Luna said, shoeless as ever and this time, hatless.

I clutch my chest, calming myself down before replying.

"Nargle ate your shoes?"

She gives a chuckle.

"The ceilings are all different, do you want to find out why?" She asked.

I stop and think.

"Well, to be honest its not that much of a surprise, this castle is old, even

if magic was around back then, standardized material processing would

be a pipe dream. Transfiguring stone blocks was impractical as well,

when you could just use random rocks or pay the non-magical people for

materials and just use that," I started analyzing.

"On top of that, there were only 4 founders at the time, even with their

magic capacity being the, Hogwarts is huge. 4 People working with

materials from a quarry is a lot more feasible than 4 people transfiguring

stone bricks for a year or two."

"What about house elves?" She asked.

"They are a variable, did house elves exist back then? Where did they

come from? Who knows, probably not them. We can go ask them in the

future," I replied.

She gives me a faint smile before walking away.

"What a wonderful theory, Mr. Zouglas,"

"FUC-!" I yelled out of shock.

"Watch your language, young man!" Professor McGonagall reprimanded.

"What is it with everyone sneaking up on me?!" I asked, frustrated.

She seemed to ignore my frustrations and continued with what she had to


"You should submit a paper with your theories, they are very interesting

to listen to,"

What? That sounds like a pain.

"I'd rather not professor," I say, before running away.

--- At the Ravenclaw Tower ---

I reach the Riddler, my nickname for the door, and wait for the question

to let me in.

The bronze knocker comes alive, and asks a question.

"What is 1+1?"

I feel my mind lag.

"Uh, like, 2?" I stumble over my words.

"Well Reasoned." The knocker opens the door.

I walk in dumbfounded, as the other Ravenclaw students briefly look at

me before returning their attention to their books.

"Whatever," I beeline straight to my room.

I let out a sigh while staring at my bed, how tempting it is to take a quick

nap. I check the sun, which seems to still be up, and consider it.

"I should wake up before Dinner atleast…" I mutter, before dolphin

diving into my bed.

I slowly melt both physically and mentally, falling asleep.

--- 6 Hours Later ---

*Poke Poke*

I grab the hand poking me.

"I need to invent a poke shield or something," I grumbled.

"How am I going to poke you then?" A voice asked.

"Good point," I grumbled back and let go of the hand.

*Poke Poke*

Oh, wait.

I open my eyes to see Luna poking me again.

"Do I ask how you got in, what your doing or what time it is first?"

"It's 10pm," Luna replied.

"I guess that's one out of three," I get out of bed and do an inventory


Wand, Check.

Dororthy, Check.

Random rocks I've collected for later experiments, Check.

"Doesn't it hurt to sleep with rocks in your pocket?" Luna asked.

"You know what, not really,"

I walk out of the dorm rooms, making my way towards the kitchen. I

completely missed dinner and am now going to annoy the house elves,

with Luna hot on my heels.

We get about halfway there before I run into a somewhat annoying

reoccurring character in my life, one that I would like to limit my contact

with given that his life will never be "normal."

"Hey… Harry. And others." I said, staring right at the trio who seem to be

shocked at my greeting.

"Oh, are you pretending to be invisible again?" I asked.

The three don't reply, simply staring at me and Luna. I let out a sigh and

continue towards the kitchen, with the three now following me.

"Who were you talking too?" Luna asked.

"You can't see them?"



The conversation stops there, as we arrive at the portrait of the kitchen.

No tickling required as the door swings open, where Julis is waiting for


"Table for two?" Julis joked.

"For 5 actually," I joked back.

Julis's eyes widened abit, before responding.

"Of course, here you go Sirs," Julis leads us towards the table where he

then snaps his fingers, causing 5 plates of food to pop out of thin air. Me

and Luna take one side, the other side has 3 plates but no people.

However, I saw the trio sit down, before they took of their cloak.

"How do you keep doing it?" Ron asked.

I shrug, mouth full of food.

"How do you keep seeing us under the cloak? It's an invisible cloak!

You're not even wearing glasses and you're not crazy enough to enchant

your eyeballs!" Hermione asked.

I give her a thousand yard stare, and swallow my food.

"That's… not a bad idea actually…" I muttered, trying to get a reaction.

"YOU-!" She started.


"Hermione, calm down," Harry started.

"Zane, please don't tell anyone we have this."

"Ok," I said, getting back to my food.

They start to put the cloak back on, but I started speaking again.

"It's rude to leave unfinished food, you know," I said.

Source? I made it up, but I wanted to see what they would do. Harry

looked conflicted, while Ron seemed apathetic, Hermione is just staring,

squinting her eyes at me to see if I am lying or something.

Such a range of characters.

The trio ended up finishing their food, even though they probably had

dinner and left in a hurry.

"Hehehe," I chuckle quietly.

"I see them now," Luna said.

"Yep, help me hide from them in the future," I say.


"They are going to be very troublesome in the future,"

"How do you know?"

"At this point, it's a gut feeling,"

The conversation ends there, as we walk out of the Kitchen.

"I am going to the library, what are you going to do?" I asked.

"Be around," she replied.


I nod and walk off, setting course for the library.

--- Hogwarts Library ---

The door is locked; however, I learnt the unlocking charm today

specifically for this.

I wave my wand, and utter the incantation.



I open the door and felt no resistance. The mix of fresh and old books hit

my nostrils, causing me to take a deep breathe in. Interestingly enough,

the books are still flapping when there are no students around. Do some

just enjoy flying?

I sit down at a desk and try to call out to one.

"Hey! You! Yes, dark brown leather, no not you, the other one, golden

locket, no no, why are there so many golden lockets? Yes, you. Can I read

you?" I somewhat shouted in the library.

It should be fine considering there is no one else here.

The book slowly flapped towards me, and grew in size. Before I knew it a

half a meter tall book was heading straight towards me on a war path.

"Oh… shit,"


The book hit me squarely in the chest, knocking me over and winding my

lungs. I gasp for air whilst laying on the ground recovering.

"… Wont… Be doing that again…"

I get up, still wheezing and place the book on the desk. This time I have

Dororthy and Time, as long as I'm in bed before the sun rises, I'll be fine.


Author Corner:

Hi. I died. But I lived, so here I am. Life, gets in the way of things you

like to do. Sometimes you just gotta do them though.

AN1: I was going to do something kind of morbid here but found out

Harry doesn't even know what the fuck cloak he has until like 1998 so

fuck me, I guess.

Ill try and update this weekly, mainly towards the end of the week. It has

been awhile since I have written something so everything past --- 5 hours

later --- is recent. Let me know if my writing style has unconsciously


Cya next time.

Its Alive!

The book I had "retrieved" was actually a book on the history of Runes

and went over the fundamentals. The book was called "Runes and You,"

and was written by a French wizard. It wasn't important right now, what

was important was taking notes.

With Runes, taking notes is a lot more difficult than you would expect,

because if you use anything that has slight magical properties, the runes

will activate, using the magic stored in whatever material you used,

causing big or small effects.

This could be the reason why my experiment simply exploded. The rock

had been sitting in Hogwarts's boundaries for magic knows how long, it

would have absorbed some magic from the surrounds of Hogwarts


While I am going through "Runes and You," I am constantly thinking how

I would rebuild Dororthy. I don't exactly have the means to acquire

something rare, and even if I did, if my inscribing went wrong, I probably

couldn't handle the backlash. However, I have a general game plan.

Firstly, I have found that even non-magical materials can be inscribed,

although with far less efficiency. This means I can use normal book

covers and paper, which isn't too hard to get. Secondly, expansion runes

aren't especially difficult to understand.

While they touch upon the rules of space, it's not a new field at all. I've

even heard the American Wizard Society or whatever they have called

themselves specialize in spatial magic. As such, the knowledge is

widespread and can also be found in the Hogwarts Library if you ask the

books nicely.

After some time, I drew up a rune chart for Dororthy which included the

expansion runes, a floating rune so I didn't have to hold it all the time,

and a duplication rune to save me fusing more pages in every time I run

out of space.

However, this would not be easy. My last rune experiment ended up

exploding on me and scaring the Professors to kingdom come. This time,

I would run my plan by a professor. With determination in my eyes, I

stuff all my notes my pockets and ask the books to return to the skies.

--- Outside Flitwick's Office ---

I really couldn't think of a better professor. While I haven't interacted

with him much, I have heard his reputation among the other students. I

stand outside the Professors office and knock on the door. It felt like

eternity before I heard some shuffling on the other side of the door, then

a tired half-goblin opening the door.

"… Young Ravenclaw, are you aware of the time?" he asked.

To be honest, no. Before I could reply however, he continued.

"That's a detention for you, Mr. Zane. I hope it is something important

since you woke me up at 430am for it."


"How can you tell?"

"Simple! Tempus! Tells the time, just twirl in a circle lightly when


I pull out my wand and mimic the Professors motions.


Out shot some fog from the tip of my wand, that slowly morphed into

numbers that were somewhat legible.


"Not bad for your first try! Keep practicing, if you can figure out how to

add AM/PM into the output before my charms class, I'll forget about your


"How would I do that?"

"Use your imagination, I hope this wasn't why you woke me up."

"Oh! Professor, I want to build my own Grimoire and drew up a rune

plan. The last time I tried to do runes by myself, I exploded. This time, I

want some advice."

"I see… Leave it with me and I'll have a look over it,"

I make a copy of the rune plans and hand it to the Professor.

"See you around, Professor," I wave while walking off, not wanting to

disturb him more than I already have.

--- Halls of Hogwarts ---

After visiting Professor Flitwick, I have realized a small issue. I am simply

not tired.

I wander the hallways of Hogwarts, admiring the random pieces of art

hung on the wall, noticing a common theme. All the people in the

paintings are pretending to be asleep, some even making fake snoring

sounds, yet sometimes you can catch one slightly opening their eyes to

check if you are still there. It's kind of fun to mess with them, and I spent

a great deal of time doing this.



The fog formed into barely legible characters again.

"I guess it would count as breakfast if I go now," I muttered, making my

way towards the kitchen.

The best part about Hogwarts is that she can tell where you want to go.

Once I figured this out, navigating became much easier, and I reached

the fruit painting in no time. However, there were some unexpected

guests trying to get into the kitchens as well. I snuck up behind them and

got close to their ears.

"Should I ask what you three are doing?" I asked.

"Blimey!" Ron shouted, while the other two jumped from fright.

Hehe. I can see why other people do that to me now.

They must have seen me grin or something since they were not happy.

"There you are!" Hermione was looking straight at me.

"Not for long," I replied.

I walked in front of the fruit painting, which swung open on its own


"How are you doing that?" Hermione asked.

I simply shrug and walk in; not like I know either.

"Julis is happy to see Sir Zane! Would Sir Zane like breakfast?" Julis was

all too happy to see me.

I nod and sit down, with the trio following me. It was strange, Julis didn't

acknowledge them walking in. They had also become a lot more reserved

since the last time I had seen them, which wasn't more than a few hours


Hermione seemed to be giving me a death stare, though.

"Sir Zane, here is your breakfast!"

"Thanks, Julis,"

I look at the plate presented to me and salivate slightly.

Fluffy eggs, fresh toast, and sausages.

Let's be real, I'm not a chef and am easily satisfied. However, I notice that

Julis forgot about the trio.

"Julis, where are their plates?"

"Sir Zane… they have offended the other house elves, no one wants to

cook for them,"

"Huh?" I turn towards them and await their explanation.

"Actually it was just Hermione, we just got dragged along," Ron said,

sounding annoyed as well.

"Why does the Headmaster not pay them? It's unfair! They work so hard

and are brainwashed to enjoy working! Why does no one care? It's

slavery!" She shouted.

I can faintly hear the other elves in the kitchen get agitated. I can't blame

them either, imagine having your work ethic called into question by a

clueless second year. I looked at Harry who seemed to be awkwardly

smiling, seemingly wanting to hide under the table.

"And you! Zane! Why do you make more work from them? Why does

Julis treat you so well? They locked us out of the kitchen until you

came!" She sounded more agitated than before.

Unfortunately, I don't have an answer for that. I don't know either, but I

don't particularly care. I shrug in response, starting to eat my breakfast.

"That's it! I'm going to talk to the Headmaster about this!" She gets up,

and walks out of the kitchen, leaving Harry and Ron behind. I couldn't

help but ask a vital question.

"Does she know where the Headmaster's office even is?"

Judging from their silence, probably not. I sigh and let it be, who asked

them to piss of the house-elves anyways. After finishing my breakfast, I

leave the kitchen with Harry and Ron following me.

"What did you even do tonight?" Ron asked.

"Nothing," As I say this, the notes I took in the library fell out of my

robes, spilling at their feet.

"Something," I pick up my notes, and pretend that just didn't happen.

"Cya later, if fate permits of course," I smile cryptically and speed walk

off. I hear them following me, but after turning a corner into a hallway,

they seemed to have stopped.

No longer my problem. I make my way towards Professor Flitwick to see

if he has gone over my plan. It's a relatively simple rune matrix, if a first

year designed it, it should be no issue. I reached his door and knocked,

seeing that his office was lit up.

"Enter." I heard a somewhat tired voice reply.

"Good morning, Professor,"

"Ah, Mr. Zane, I was wondering when you'd come back, I had a look over

your plan, I didn't see any obvious flaws. However I must remark that

you have an impressive talent in Runes, to be able to design something in

your first week of schooling is an impressive feat."

"Talent? I just like Runes, Professor."

"What a wonderful thing to enjoy. I am sure your eager to get on with

your plan, yes?"

"Very much so, its already getting frustrating managing my notes


"I see, how about you do it under my supervision this time,"

I consider it heavily, on one hand, if I blow up again, I'll have someone

there to stop it. However, I want to figure this out on my own and strictly

speaking, it really shouldn't blow up again.

"No thanks, Professor. I will let you know of my success soon,"

I thanked the Professor for his time and left the office before he could

insist. The next step is to get the materials I need for the new Dororthy.

Regarding this, I have an idea. I walk along the hallways until I am

relatively alone - baring a few paintings that are still pretending to be


"Julis, are you there?" I whispered.


"Sir Zane needs something?" Julis popped right in front of me and did a


"Do you know where I can get a fresh book?"

"Certainly!" Julis then popped away, before immediately coming back.

"Here you go Sir Zane! Do you need anything else?"

"No thanks, Julis," Hearing this, Julis then popped away. I let out a sigh,

thinking how convenient that must be.

The reason why I wanted a fresh book is to test my idea first. I am not

going to risk Dororthy immediately and can even fuse the two books if

the first try succeeds. Now I just needed somewhere quiet.

--- Empty Classroom on the 5th Floor --- (AN1)

After looking around, I found a suitable place for my upgrade to take

place. While dusty, I didn't see a single student on my way here, probably

because it's still like 7am, but still. I lay the fresh book out on the floor

and get started.

According to my plan, first we make the duplication rune, then the

floating rune. Once the expansion rune goes it, it becomes a lot harder to

make changes too. I make the "Master Page" at the back of the book, and

inscribe the rune with my wand.

"Time to test it out, I suppose," I mutter.

I pour my magic into the rune, and see a new page sprout out from the

spine. I pull slightly on the page, but it seems to be firmly in place.

"Next step, floating,"

Next up, I inscribe the floating rune on the outside of the book. The idea

is that when the book is open, the cover will be pointed either down or

angled. Otherwise, the book will lose its hovering features when closed. I

double check the rune plan verses what I have inscribed, and notice some

errors in my linework.

"This can't go wrong,"

Frankly speaking, this shouldn't cause anything other than a lower mana

efficiency. The intent of the rune is still apparent and should function

accordingly. I pour my magic into the floating rune, which causes the

book to slightly hover out of my hands, before immediately falling once

it left my hands.

"Yep, good enough."

I move onto the next stage, and probably the most difficult. Even

following the linework that was refined by Professor Flitwick, it's a

difficult task. I inscribe the base of the Rune all throughout the inside of

the book, going as carefully as I could. All this rune is doing is

compressing the pages, so the book doesn't become an unmanageable

size. Since the use of the rune is relatively simple, it can fit on the inside

of this book.

I finish the rune, and double check my work, while wiping the sweat

from my forehead. Inscribing is hard work, huh? I pour my magic into

the spatial rune, and watch the rune slowly light up. The book slowly

became thinner and thinner, before all that was visible was just the book

cover itself. I didn't expect it to compress the pages already in it, but this

works out in my favour. The thing with spatial runes is once it is set,

unless you change the space in any way, it won't cost magic to upkeep.

This means that while it's not in use, it won't drain any magic.

I am too scared to put magic absorption runes into the book just yet,

considering my explosive mishap last time.

But the book looked stable.

I didn't expect to get it first try, and don't have a name for it.

Oh well, first I will run it by Professor Flitwick to make sure it doesn't

explode in my hands in an hour or so.


Author Corner:

Last chapter was pointed out that Hermione didn't get pissed when she

saw the Elves, this is a good point. Hermione is now fighting for SPEW

earlier than the cannon. I did say this as AU, just didn't think it would be

so soon. Thanks for catching it early!

The new Dororthy is made, and I want a name from my lovely readers.

Try to keep the strange naming sense I have going, or funny enough. Do

your worst :D.

AN1: I literally can't remember If I made a spot for experiments/hang

outs already, It's not in my notes at all. Let me know if this is the

Mandela effect or something.

Pinky Omninsanis

Pinky Omninsanis.

While walking towards Professor Flitwick's office, I thought of a name for

my new "grimoire." Which led me to think of what a grimoire is. Loosely

speaking, it's a book that has spells in it and can guide you into casting

the spells. Which would mean all the books in the library that teach you

what a spell is and how to cast it can be called a Grimoire.

I think there is special meaning in writing your own "Grimoire." It's

essentially a book that grows with you and your magical journey.

Eventually, your book could be more valuable than the spell books you

copied from since it contains your own insights into casting the spell.


I was knocked out of my thoughts, as I had walked into a group of people

who were now staring at me. They seemed to be mad but took one look

at who walked into them before quickly running away. It was strange,

since no words were exchanged, and I didn't even threaten them.

"Th- thanks for the help…"

I heard someone stutter next to me. Turning my head to the source, I see

someone who is up against the wall where the group of three was.

However, he was furiously sweating and seemed a bit scared of me as


"Ok? Why are you scared?" I asked hoping to get an answer.

"I'm sorry!" The strange boy apologized before running away.

"How strange…" I muttered, genuinely confused.

I looked to where the boy ran off too, before choosing to ignore what just

happened. It's not my problem he is scared of me. Luckily, Professor

Flitwick's office was right around the corner. I knocked on the Professors

door but didn't receive any response, indicating that he was either asleep

or not in the office.

"Is Professor Flitwick in?" I asked the painting hanging next to his door.

"No, he has gone to teach his class, young Ravenclaw," The painting


I have always found paintings specifically interesting, as they display

different levels of awareness. I have noticed afew paintings that just

follow you with their eyes, some paintings that appear to be stuck in a

loop and some paintings that can display some level of self-awareness.

The paintings that display self-awareness are rare, and I have only found

the Fat Lady so far.

"Do you have a fast way to reach his class?" I asked the painting.

Instead of an answer, a painting on the opposite wall flung open,

showing a dark crawlspace.

"…Alright," I climbed into the crawlspace and made my way forwards,

before the floor started to smooth out, turning into a slide.

"AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed my way through the slide, rapidly gaining

speed. After what felt like an eternity, I saw a light at the end of the


"Uh oh…" The light was rapidly approaching.

I braced for impact, as I flew through the opening.

[Crash- Clang]

I open my eyes to see that I had landed on a suit of armor, which is now

in pieces around me. I check my body to see if I had broken anything,

which I had lucked out on. Just some minor bruises.

"Mr. Zane, mind telling me what just happened?" I heard a stern voice

speaking to me.

"Err… Nothing. Can you check my rune work?" I held Pinky up to

Professor Flitwick, who audibly gasped when I showed him the book.

"Where did you get this book?" He asked in a grave tone. I heard some

shocked murmuring behind him, and realized he was in the middle of his


"I made Pinky, just now, can you take a look to see if it will explode on


He takes Pinky out of my hands, and uses his wand to put it in a magical

bubble. He then turns towards me.

"Follow me, Mr Zane." He walks me to the back of the classroom and sits

me down.

"Stay here until the class is over,"

I just nod, eager to see if the book will explode or not.

"Zane! Just what did you make!" I heard a hissing whisper next to me. It

seems I had landed, literally, in a second-year class. The person who

asked me this question is predictably, Hermione.

"Pinky Omninsanis, my own grimoire, of sorts. By the way, have you seen

a black cat around?" I asked. It has been a long time since I had seen


"No, I haven't, but what is wrong with your book?" Hermione asked.

Since she hadn't, I didn't feel like responding to her questions. She is very

exhausting for me to talk to, and I had been up all night. Thankfully, my

tiredness was soon dispelled, with Professor Flitwick's class becoming

increasingly interesting.

"As I was saying… There is a spell that will become increasingly useful

throughout your wizarding journey. While it is taught in the second year,

do not underestimate its importance. Does anyone have any guesses as to

what the spell is?"

Out the corner of my eye, I see Hermione's hand shoot up. I looked

around the class and saw most of the Gryffindor students were

disinterested in the lesson, while the Hufflepuffs seemed mildly annoyed.

"Ms. Granger, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but give other students a

chance to engage with the lesson." Professor Flitwick spoke to Hermione

in a delicate tone. However, none of the other students put their hand up,

and actively avoided the Professors gaze.

To be honest, I can guess what spell it is just from the degree of

usefulness that Professor Flitwick described. I put my hand up and

decided to take a guess at what spell he was referring to.

"Ah, Mr. Zane, would you like to tell us what spell it is?" Professor

Flitwick seemed surprised that I had raised my hand.

"There are afew spells that can be considered 'incredibly useful while

being easy to learn,' with the foremost being the cleaning spell, fire-

making spell and finally the general counter spell." I spoke with

confidence. I was certain of the order due to the practicality of each of

the spells.

"Oh? And why in that order?" Professor Flitwick seemed interested with

my logic, as well as the rest of the class.

"Well…" I hesitated to explain why the cleaning spell was first.

"The cleaning spell, Scrougify, is first from a usefulness perspective,

because I hate cleaning up after myself and other people. Since there is

magic to handle it why not let magic do it. Afterwards is the fire-making

spell. If you were stranded in the wilderness, where making a fire is

infeasible or you need light in a dark cave, this is absolutely worth

learning. Finally is the general counter spell due to its wide application."

I spoke in one long breath, now breathing deeply to calm down.

I have noticed my increased passion when talking about magic, and even

thinking about how versatile some magic is gets me agitated. Professor

Flitwick stood there, mouth agape as if he couldn't believe my logic. This

is why I hesitated to explain it to begin with.

He simply nodded and continued with his lesson. I was wrong about the

charm he was going to teach though.

"The spell you will be learning today is the general counter curse," he


The lesson itself was rather interesting, with random bits of knowledge

thrown into his explanation, as well as his unique insight of casting the

spell itself, focusing more on feeling rather than understanding.

[After Class]

"Mr. Zane, please come with me," Professor Flitwick ended his class and

guided me to his office.

"Firstly, congratulations on successfully making an enchanted item!" He

pulled out Pinky and examined it closer. "I really can not believe this is

something you made, simply wonderful." He admired the book more than

I thought.

"Is it… safe?" I asked with some hesitation, after all, what happened last

time gave me scars I can still feel.

"Rest assured, your linework is stable, and I can not feel any significant

magical fluctuations from the book, aside from the book itself. You have

made quite a powerful artifact. You can liken it to something that will

grow with you over time, very impressive for your first attempt.

For future reference, you can find Professor Bathsheda Babbling if you

have more specific questions regarding Runes. After all, I am a charms

teacher, and only have the most basic understanding."

"Thanks Professor!" I was too happy for words.

Something actually worked out, first try, didn't explode. Cant ask for

much else. However, I feel like I have jinxed my future self by thinking

that this worked first try. Regardless, I can now get back to exploring

Hogwarts, and documenting everything that I find.

"Secondly," A now stern Professor Flitwick broke my daydreaming.

"You, Mr. Zane, have accrued a lot of detention skipping classes. I won't

scold you too much since you still seem to be learning at your own pace.

But do not disregard other teachers' classes simply because you think you

can teach yourself."

Actually, he didn't need to tell me this, as I had realized it during his

class on charms. It turns out they are called teachers for a reason.

"You don't seem that angry, Mr. Zane," Professor Flitwick caught my

attention again.

"Nope," It was a simple answer, but it encapsulated how I felt about

getting detention.

"Very Well, here is all the homework you also missed," Saying that, he

dropped a thick stack of parchment on his desk. "Use the desk in the

corner, for the duration of your detention you will be completing all your

homework. Due to the fact that you also skipped these classes, the

teachers have doubled your requirements."

"Damn," I muttered out one word in defeat.


[Author Corner]

Hi, many thing want say, no time to say, am sad.

A big thank you for Maple and Samot for giving Pinky Omninsanis its


Pinky is also a jet black book because it heavily amused me.

I am sorry chapter took ages, I am in a pressure cooker with no release


Thanks for always reading my book, it genuinely makes me happy when I

read all the comments. Even if you drop my book, I still appreciate you

coming this far with me.

To be honest, when I started writing this book I didn't think it would

become as "popular" as it is. 1.5M views on webnovel, 30k views on the

other platform ;). I am shocked I managed to write something so popular,

even if it is using the framework of a successful franchise. Just because

it's a fanfic doesn't mean its good, I have read my fair share of shit HP

novels just because I couldn't find anything I like. That is what spawned

this book to begin with, I wanted to write something I would read with a

fascinated smile.

I got sidetracked, thanks for all your support, even if you are silent


Cya next time.


The homework assigned to me was interesting, but nothing new. It seems

reading ahead at the library had given me a basic understanding of the

classes so far. However, I should still attend the classes just to avoid

having my time spent in Professor Flitwick's office. While I was brooding,

I had subconsciously finished the homework, but noticed a certain class

was missing.

"Professor, did the Defense Against the Dark Arts class not give any


"His class is today, Young Ravenclaw. It would do you well to memorize

your schedule," He started to lecture me on the importance of being

punctual. I instinctively started to tune him out, as he reminded me a bit

of my own mother.

"… Anyways, that's all for today. Don't let me hear that you have been

skipping lessons again," He gave me a stern look.

"Thanks Professor," I got up from the spare student desk he has and saw

myself out.


"Guess it's time to eat," I mumbled to myself.

Nothing eventful happened on the way to the kitchens, as it was a rather

short trip. I ate breakfast, which was a weird request at midday, but the

house elves didn't seem to be bothered with it and instead were rather

happy. Strange little things.

Afterwards, I fumbled around my robe's pockets for the first year's


"Let's see…" I traced the column for Friday. "12:40, Defense Against the

Dark Arts. Hmm, I guess I can use that time charm now,"

I took my wand out, and casually waved it, reciting the time charm.


Grey fog had been emitted from the top of my wand, and in the same

fashion as before, morphed into a somewhat legible time.


"Tremendous," My timing could not have been better, or worse. Not

wasting any more time, I shove the schedule back into one of my pockets

and run towards the DADA classroom. As I turned some corners, I ended

up getting disorientated. It appears the castle was guiding me to where I

needed to go, which had confused my sense of direction. I can guess this

because I now stand before presumably the DADA classroom.

"Thanks, I guess?" I patted the castle walls.

No harm in thanking the magical castle for helping you fast travel,

without the annoying chatter to boot. [1]

I stepped through the open door and entered the silent classroom, finding

myself a seat. I am impressed with the discipline of the students, as they

wait quietly for the Professor to arrive. I close my eyes and wait for the

Professor to arrive.

It didn't take long either. Shortly after I had closed my eyes, I heard the

sound of what I can only guess are tap dancing shoes hitting the stone

floor of Hogwarts, as they approached the classroom. I opened my eyes

just in time to see a man flamboyantly jump through the classroom's


"Heyooo, First Years!" He shouted with vigor, which was strange for a

Professor that is supposed to be well versed in curses and hexes.

"You can call me Professor Handsome, but I will accept Professor

Stunning as well," Was that some sort of subtle joke to the stunning


I let out an awkward laugh to make sure he knows someone got his joke,

although it was somewhat strained.


"And what is so funny?" He immediately askes.

I just smile, knowing this is a test to see if I will explain it to the rest of

the class. Call me selfish, I don't mind.

Seeing that I wasn't answering, he continues.

"Cough… Anyways, I am Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third


I zoned out again. By the time I started paying attention again, he was

past his self-introduction.

"Today, you will all be dealing with the most troublesome of creatures…"

I got a bad feeling.

"Gnomes! Troublesome things. They can cause massive damage to your

gardens, ruining months of cultivation efforts. Of course, this isn't a

problem for someone like myself. Back when I was roaming in Romania, I

encountered a Gnome city. I knew then and there it was my Moral duty

to prevent them from causing more damage to the surroundings…"

The Professor started to go off on a tangent, talking about things that had

no real relevance to the class or the material in general. While this was

happening, I heard a voice from the left of me.

"You know, I was bitten by a Gnome once," Luna said in a very relaxed

tone, but it still caused me to jump in fright. [2]

"How do you keep doing that?" I asked while calming down. She always

seems to just appear next to me. Of course, I just get a smile in response.

"Did the Gnome bite hurt?" I then asked my follow up question.

"Not really, my father said it was a fortunate thing, as it increases your

creativity. He has done a lot of research on things like this, so I trust

him," She said in an unusually long sentence for her.

I nodded and processed the information, it seemed as though her father

was a great researcher. I would love to ask him some questions.

"Can I meet your father?" She gave me a weird smile and nodded.

"Come for Christmas, he will be happy to have you,"

"I'll have to ask my parents first,"


With that conversation over, I noticed the Professor was still carrying on

about his time in the Netherlands.

[2 hours later]

"I think that was the first time I've been glad a class is over…" I muttered

to myself. Luna, who was walking next to me, nodded.

"Oh yea, check this out," I held up Pinky to Luna. "I enchanted it myself!"

I was oddly excited.

"Oh…" She stared at Pinky blankly.

Well, it's not the reaction I wanted, but I'll take it. I put Pinky back into

my robes and turned my attention back to Luna.

"I will send a letter out to my parents tonight, for now I am going to take

a nap." I took off towards the Ravenclaw dorms, not hearing Luna's reply.

Reaching my bed, I collapse on it and fall into a deep sleep.


Author's Pit:

Nice of you to join me here.

Since tomorrow is a public holiday, I'm planning… hoping to release

another chapter then. Otherwise, sorry for the relatively short chapter in

this one. I wanted to mainly get the first DADA lesson out of the way.

With this, the story should quicken in pace. Going day by day is honestly

exhausting. So many small things can tweak your perception of Zane that

I fear writing the wrong thing will ruin the character for you. Regardless

I'll still write what I want.


[1] Yep, this is a subtle reference to the new Hogwarts game.

Unfortunately, my computer couldn't run it that well. A shame because I

wanted to steal some ideas from it for this FF.

[2] Found this bit of information while I was balls deep in the HP Wiki

for this chapter. Thought it was interesting enough to write around.

A Frenzy

I wake up in a daze, feeling a sharp pain across the side of my ribs. It

turns out sleeping with your wand in your robe is uncomfortable. I look

around my room and see my roommates are not present. After our initial

meeting, I don't think I have seen them since.


I wave my wand and out came that time smoke once again.

[17:41] (5:41 PM)

Thankfully, I still had some time before dinner. I take my hair and walk

out of the dorm room. In the common room, there are some students who

are reading books and generally minding their own business. Looking

around, I realize I never bothered to take in the scenery of the Common

Room. All sorts of interesting trinkets and books littered the bookshelves

on the walls, each of them worth studying. There is also the miniature

library that is just down one of the hallways of the Common Room.

There wasn't much time before dinner, but I made a mental note to check

out the library later tonight. I make my way towards the great hall,

trying to guess what would be on the menu tonight. So far, I don't think

the house elves have made the same thing twice. Of course, it might be a

weekly schedule that they follow.

Whilst I was walking towards the great hall, I stopped before something

that had caught my attention. Or rather, someone.

"... OK?" I was baffled with what I saw.

"Hi Zane," Before me was Luna, who had been 'stuck' to one of the ceiling



"Nargles," She smiled as she answered.

Seems like I have got to make more progress on the anti-Nargle

runestones for both my safety and Luna's sake.

"Do you want to come down?" I asked. I don't think the view from up

there would be too bad, if not just a bit boring.

"Yes, please," She kicked her feet while answering.

How do I get her down? The levitation charm doesn't work on people and

using it on someone's clothes is just asking for the wedgie of a lifetime. I

looked at the walls of the castle and got some inspiration. What if I

climbed it like some sort of lizard?

I reached my hand out towards the castle stone and moved magic into

the palm of my hand. Nothing happened though. I kept pressing my palm

onto the walls, wanting my hand to stick.

"Maybe more intent?" I muttered.

This time, I willed the palm of my hand to be "sticky," and pressed it to

the wall. This time, my hand didn't come off the wall when I tried to pull

it off and only let up when I stopped focusing my magic into my palm.

I looked at Luna and judged the distance and figured it should be possible

to climb the walls and then the ceiling. If it was as tall as the great hall,

probably not, but the ceiling could not be 4 to 5 meters off the floor.

*Plop, Rip*

*Plop, Rip*

After some expert maneuvering, I climbed up next to Luna and helped

her get down from the ceiling. I make a mental note to put Nargle

research higher on my list of things to do, as I don't want to find myself

attached to a ceiling in a similar matter.

Whilst I was thinking over the Nargle issue, we made our way towards

the Great Hall just in time for Dinner. The Ravenclaw table was where it

always was, but there didn't seem to be any space for us to sit down.

Upon entry to the Great Hall, I noticed the chatter die down.

"Ahh... Crowds..." I mutter.

I don't do well with a lot of people looking at me. Perhaps I will never be

a public speaker, but I have accepted that. Towards where all the first

years sit at the Ravenclaw table, there was some space for us to sit.

What progressed was a normal enough dinner, floating plates of food

whizzed by, as well as some actual food thrown by other students who

thought they are being discreet. I also spot my roommates chatting with

other groups of students, making an active effort to avoid my gaze.

"... Sorry," Luna apologized for some reason.

"Hm? What for?" I asked, confused.

"You're a crazy, now," She tried to explain, but I wasn't really

understanding what she said.

I give a simple shrug and continue eating the Nargle-free food. Which got

me thinking, what would happen if I ate such food?

"Hey Luna, is this chip narglified?" I held out a chip towards her.

"Yes?" She sounded confused, then her eyes widened.

I ate the chip, not really knowing what to expect.



I opened my mouth and burned the food in front of me.

I picked up the goblet that was next to me and attempted to quench the

flames and evaporated all the liquid out of the goblet.

Before I could frantically run to the toilets to drown myself, the flames

stopped. I looked towards Luna with my eyes wide open, who is now

laughing at my expense. I drop my head in my hands as the hall breaks

out into laughter.

"It seems we outdid ourselves, Fred,"

"Thats right, George,"

I heard the dastardly duo take credit for this from the Gryffindor table. I

will have my revenge, sooner or later.

Dinner progressed somewhat uneventfully. It would have stayed that way

if not for me seeking trouble by eating Nargle-infested food. Dumbledore

didn't have any announcements for us, nor did any of the teachers.

I didn't see Lockhart at the professor table either, maybe he went to bed

for his 'beauty sleep' to take effect?

Doesn't matter, time to write to my parents about my Christmas plans.

I sit down in the Ravenclaw Common Room and pull a piece of paper out

of my robes that hasn't been used yet and get to writing. I detail

everything I have seen so far, and the many magical things that have

caught my attention as well as a general life update, then my request.

"... I would like to spend the Hogwarts break at Mr. Lovegood's abode..." I

didn't really know how to word it. While there is a great sense of freedom

regarding my parents' parenting style, I don't think they can accept me

not being there for Christmas. Hopefully, we can work something out or

even have both of our Christmas's at one house...

I finish writing my letter and look at the time, which seems to be late at

night. I stopped by a student who looks older and ask for directions to

the Owl room. I have heard a few times that there are owls that the

students can use to send out letters which is handy for my situation since

I brought Meowser.

I reached the Owlery, but upon my entry most of the Owl's flew off. This

seemed to freak out some students who were already there, as they gave

me weirdly frightened looks before running off.


"Oh!" I heard a shocked voice behind me. Turning to face them, I see

Harry holding a snow-white owl's feet in place, as the owl tried to escape.

"Zane! What are you doing here?" Harry asked me, while struggling with

the Owl.

"Well, sending a letter, but I guess not," I look to the now vacant perches

the Owl's once resided on.

Yet another thing to research. As I get lost in my thoughts, Harry calmed

down his Owl and started petting its head.

"Do you want to use my Owl?" He offered.


"Do you-"

"Oh, you would do that?" I responded.

"…Yes." He said.

I take him up on his offer, and approach him. I curiously look at the Owl

who seems to be incredibly on edge.

"What's its name?"

"Hedwig!" He seemed excited to show me the Owl.

I reached out my hand to pet Hedwig, something it violently tried to


"Interesting…" I mused.

So far only Meowser and the Thestral's seem to have no problem

interacting with me. Harry was giving me an apologetic look, as if he was

embarrassed by Hedwig's behaviour. I simply smile and hand harry the

letter to my parents.

"This is addressed to my parents," I told him.

"What's it for?" Harry asked, though somewhat gloomily.

"I want to spend Christmas with Luna's Dad…" I said somewhat vaguely.

He gives me a blank stare, before handing my letter to Hedwig. Hedwig

took the letter with its beak and gave me a deep stare. I felt as if I was

being observed by an ancient will, staring deep into my eyes.

I cracked a smile out of intrigue. This magical world really is fascinating,

for even Owls to have such magical attributes. Hedwig looked towards

Harry, who nodded, then flew off into the night sky.

"You better have a treat for Hedwig when she gets back, Zane." Harry let

me know. He seemed serious, so I just nodded and thanked him for the

warning. I made my way down the Owl tower and headed towards the


The trip was relatively short once I figured out the castle can speed up

your trip by knowing exactly where you want to go - or something to that

effect. I haven't exactly figured out how the castle knows. I am willing to

wage galleons that it has something to do with runes.

The fact that such a structuralized method of using magic exists in a

world where magic is chaotic is fascinating. I was reading a book on

runes that had some rather interesting concepts using the fundaments of

what runes are, to manipulate magic at its most fundamental level.

Of course, to do something like this, you would need an accumulation of

knowledge, something I realize I sorely lack every time I observe a new

type of magic that I don't understand.

Once again getting lost in my thoughts, I arrive at the door to the

Library, which was as grand as ever. The paintings next to the door were

pretending to be asleep again, whilst sneaking peaks at me. I couldn't

help but let out a wry smile at their actions.

They are paintings, who cares if they are awake past the curfew…

Oh well, no use thinking about it, into the library I go. The door this time

wasn't locked, though no one was inside when I did a quick check. So

many books, and the smell of the library was filled with what can be

described as 'aged paper' smell. Something that would make for a great


I quickly get lost in the depths of knowledge…


Authors Pit:

Hey Guys, long time no chapter.

I have been mostly consumed by balancing Uni VS a Job life and have

submitted my final assignment last week. Fingers cross I pass and don't

have to redo the course.

Thanks for your feedback during this time of absence and the readers in

my discord who keep thinking I'm dead… I appreciate it.

Regarding him being a reincarnator then using none of this knowledge…

what if it's a plot point? That is all I will leave you with on that front.

Cya next time.


There is something about old books that just smells great. It's as if you

can smell the accumulation of knowledge that is held inside of them.

Even the conditions of the book alter the distinctive smell, whether it's

musty or crispy smell.

Most of the books in the library are surprisingly not well kept. Condition-

wise, they are passable, with no obvious tears in the pages and the books

aren't decomposing upon touch, but their age would make most

historians widen their eyes.

Those books are all in Old English / Shakespearean, which is somewhat

hard to read and extrapolate meaning from when the passage of text is

"thou art no more brain than stone if 't be true thee don't und'rstand this,"

then the referenced text is unintelligible.


Though, I have gotten somewhat used to the method of writing that these

books followed. What stood out to me was that there was no 'updated'

knowledge within the past 10-20 years in the library. In fact, a large

portion of it seemed to be missing, as I find bookshelves with no books

on them, yet there are obvious dust marks where books once were.

The only section of the library I haven't explored yet was the forbidden

section. Much like the Forbidden Forest, it is not open for students and

seems to serve as a benefit for the Professors to access. Though I have

seen students in there, seemingly running errands for the Professors to

get their requested books or to clean the place up.

Getting in doesn't seem especially hard, no obvious barriers beyond a

locked door, probably with magic. Maybe I should attempt a heist to gain

access to the forbidden library and gaze upon the 'forbidden' knowledge.


It was not long before the day broke and I spent another night at the

library. At the rate this is going, I might end up turning the library into

another nest of sorts, something I am not particularly opposed to. I pack

up my workstation and look at my dense notes in Pinky. My effort in

making it is already paying off, as I see myself using Pinky for many

years to come. It might even be my legacy, for future generations to find.

I have breakfast in the Great Hall, not feeling tired despite staying up the

entire night. There was barely anyone in the Great Hall, as it was still

rather early. Breakfast was delivered to you instead of the normal buffet

style that Is set up later in the day. It seems the elves do care about waste

after all.

"What day is it?" I muttered. Lately, I have been losing track of time to a

rather extreme degree.

"Sunday," I got a response from a voice to the left of me. Luna had

somehow managed to sit beside me and have breakfast without me

noticing. I want to ask how she keeps doing that, but I don't think I will

get a proper answer. It's not like I am not aware of my surroundings,

even while in deep reading you can still 'feel' when people walk behind

you. Yet, Luna doesn't trigger this 'feeling'.

"You would be a good spy or something," I comment as she smiled in



It seems that enough time has passed that some more students have

arrived, and the morning's mail was being delivered using the Owls who

had all fled upon seeing me last night. I watch them strategically deliver

their packages as if they were on a bombing run, lining up their targets

and releasing the payload, the newspaper that every wizard seems to



A particular Owl's hoot seemed to grab my attention, as it made a beeline

for me with an envelope in its beak.

It landed in front of me, with a loud thud which seemed to rock the

entire table. It was Hedwig, Harry's owl. It eyed me as if daring me to

reach out and grab the envelope which it hadn't dropped on the table.

I reached out with caution to receive the envelope, and suddenly

daydreamed Hedwig getting hit by a green light whilst in a cage, and

then flopping to the floor like a puppet that has had its strings cut mid-

performance [1]. Quickly withdrawing my hand, I look at Hedwig who is

not in a cage at all, and not on the floor.

"Strange..." I muse.

I reach back out to take the envelope from Hedwig's beak, which it lets

go of and flies away.

"Ah... no snack?" I was confused, Harry said it would want a snack and I

was prepared to give it some bacon from my plate, yet it seemed in a

hurry to get away from me.

I looked to Luna who was smiling at me, as she opened her mouth.

"It was real," she said, then continued eating her breakfast.

'Did she see the daydream as well?' I couldn't help but wonder. I am

getting overwhelmed with how much stuff I suddenly need to do at

Hogwarts. It's barely my first week into the year... Between researching

methods against Nargles, exploring my interest in runes and attending all

of the Professor's classes, I don't think I have the time to explore random


As I was musing to myself, more Owls continued to pour in and deliver

random trinkets to the students, sent to them by their parents. An Owl

flew directly towards me again, holding a thick stack of newspapers.

"Uh oh," The Owl released the papers, targeting me directly. I brace for

impact and attempt to grab the papers, but it landed a direct hit on my

chest and winded me. Out of breath, Luna starts to speak.

"I wrote to my dad that you wanted to know about Nargles so he did a

special column on them in the Quibbler."

I nod, gasping for air. They are rather accurate...

"Tell him I said thanks," I spoke in a raspy voice.

As I slowly recovered from the sudden winding, I open the newspaper

and read the Quibbler. There wasn't much information valuable to me in

it, as I was mainly after the Nargles, however, it introduced several

creatures that were newly discovered in the wizarding world, mostly by a

'Newt S.'. All of them had interesting quirks, and could only be found in

specific environments. There were even creatures that were still not

found yet and Mr. Lovegood was actively looking for them.

It seemed like some sort of weird rivalry on who can discover what first.

Those are usually the best kind, as the outcome can never be bad unless

it was discovering a new breed of basilisk or something.

It was all very interesting to read.

"Do you like it?" Luna asked, somehow a bit worried though her tone

didn't convey it.

"Yes, it is good. It has some rather interesting articles..." I trailed off as I

continued to read.

After I was done reading, I put the newspaper down and organized my

thoughts. The information on Nargles was shockingly bare as if they

haven't been discovered before, and only its environment has been

somewhat documented, which could be summarized into one or two



That is the only way you can properly describe a Nargle, according to the

newspaper. There has been varying degrees of their effects, ranging from

harmless acts of mischievousness, to near-death experiences. They only

seem to affect those with magical prowess, and can't be directly seen.

The most interesting piece of information is that there have been no

recorded deaths that were the direct cause of Nargles, which is to say, it

is not a life-threatening creature. The extent of their influence stops just

before death it seemed.

Of course, I don't want to be number one...

I look back to the table and see the Envelope from my parents, and open

it. However, the contents of the letter were exactly what I had written

the night before, but returned with some scorch marks and dirt on the


Perplexed, I look up to see Professor Flitwick approach me.

"Young Ravenclaw..." He paused.

"Please follow me to see the headmaster..." He seemed sombre, making

me panic at what could have happened to my parents. I look at Luna who

was giving me a reassuring look and left with Professor Flitwick.


"Ah, Zane. Sorry to call you in such unfortunate circumstances..."

Dumbledore seemed remorseful. I was too panicked to say anything and

stayed silent, focusing entirely on what he was about to say.

"I recently got news regarding your parents... They have gone missing,"

He took a pause and pursed his lips as if he was debating with himself.

"It appears their house was subject to a dark wizard attack; however,

your parents were not confirmed dead..." My eyes started tearing up at

the thought of what could have happened. I don't know what they did for

jobs, but they never had people over, the only exception I could think of

was my mother's sister.

I look at Dumbledore, begging for more information.

"This letter was found in amongst the rubble," He handed me a dirty and

scorched letter.

"Rubble?" I asked, with my voice breaking. His face dimmed.

"Yes... your old house was burned to the ground..." He lamented.

My hands were shaking as I took the letter and began to read it through

my tear-filled eyes...

"Dear Zane,

If you are reading this, then the letter we have prepared for the worst

case has been released.

We don't know what the 'worst case' is, but your Mother likes to be

prepared with stuff like this when it comes to the family.

This letter means that all our assets have been transferred to you,

including whatever we have left at Gringotts.

Don't misunderstand, we are not rich but there should be enough there

for you to finish your attendance at Hogwarts (if you end up going.)" [2]

"Why…" I let out a sob.

"You might be asking 'Why?' we had to prepare for a situation like this.

The truth is our family didn't use to be so small, but we ran away when

you were conceived. Your mother was since disinherited from everything

that she was entitled to as the heir to the Douglas family.

We had to hide, as the Douglas family is one of the firm supporters of

Voldemort's ideals, sending 'wizard hitmen' after us every time we

slightly revealed ourselves.

Our last chance we gave the family came when Abagail visited us, but

you know how that turned out.

After Abagail left, she went back to the Douglas family and told them

where the approximate location of our house is, Doncaster.

We have erred on the side of caution ever since this, taking great lengths

to avoid their eyes.

But if you got this letter that means we are either missing or dead."

That is where the letter ended. That was very much like my father,

stopping like that. I could no longer make out the words on the

parchment, as my tears had started to ruin the ink. I held the letter to my

chest, sobbing.

"Zane," Dumbledore started.

"They are only missing, and we are searching for them now. The Douglas

family was also put under surveillance so nothing can escape our eyes."

He said. "Rest assured we will find them, whether its now or in the

future. Hogwarts will always be your second home…"

I got up and left the headmaster's office, leaving my parting words "I

want to be alone," before closing the door. The Castle read my intentions

and took me directly to the Astronomy Tower, where no students were

and actively locked the area off from other students, as I heard the door

latch when I closed it.

I ascended the stairs and made my way to the top, and looked out upon

the distance, calming myself down.


Author Pit:

Hoooo… Didn't see this coming did you?

Or maybe you did.

I am not great at writing emotional scenes, but something similar enough

happened to me and this is about how a handled it…

Also, another chapter with a month?!?!?!?! Crazy… ;)

[1] In the Deathly Hallows book, Hedwig dies in the cage on the back of

Hagrids/Sirus's motorcycle which is infinitely sadder than the movie's


[2] The letter was written at a time when his acceptance to Hogwarts

was unclear.

The Day After

The evening breeze gently blew across my face as I leaned off the edge of

the Astrology Tower, as I gaze off into the forbidden forest's vast lands,

lost in thought.

'Douglas Family...'

I couldn't stop thinking about the Letter that my parents had prepared in

case anything had happened to them. While very paranoid of them, it

unfortunately came handy for when they were attacked. The letter also

made it obvious who they were guarding against, though I have only

vaguely heard of their name mentioned in history books so far. Was it the

Douglas Family? How can I be sure?


I look at my hand and clasp it.

"I want the power to make sure the Nest doesn't get burned down in the


I think back to all my random books I had purposefully kept even though

I had read them. My precious collection, in ashes. I don't remember what

else there was of the house, aside from my parents. Even my own

bedroom I have no recollection of, which is getting frustrating.

Why am I forgetting obvious things all the time? How did I not notice

magic until I got the Hogwarts letter?

There is a lot I must do before I can even taste the power I want.

"Mom... Dad..."

I missed my parents. They might not have taken the spotlight of my early

years, but they were my parents, my cherished life coaches. I regretted

not leaning on them more before I went to Hogwarts.


More tears landed on the ledge of the Astronomy Tower as I silently

mourned my parents' disappearance.


Dinner was bleak, with the food tasting like mush. Oddly, there was no

interference from Nargle's with my food or general safety. Maybe they

decided to give me a break. The chatter of students around me became

white noise and I struggled to make out a word or two. I got up from the

table and fled the Great Hall, the noise overwhelming me. If I am still

hungry, I will raid the kitchen.

I quickly found myself in the makeshift nest that I had set up on the first

day of Hogwarts, though it had received some modifications since the

last time I had been.

There were now beanbag-like chairs that faced the window that

overlooked the lake, with some odd trinkets in the corners of the room,

set up in an organized manner. In one of the chairs, surrounded by the

remains of a plant, was Luna who was working with a silver vine.

She waved at me, not making any noise, and motioned to the chair that

was situated next to her. I obliged and sat down pointing myself towards

the window. Gazing at the lake, I noticed the moon had risen enough to

reflect off the surface of it. Shimmering in the distance, it soothed my

mind with each ripple of the lake.


I unknowingly let out a heavy sigh, and leaned back into the beanchair

that was supporting me. Staring at the roof, I think about what is next.

Do I shut myself in the library, finding a way to save my parents? Do I

trust they can take care of themselves and graduate safely? If they can

take care of themselves why was the letter slightly burnt and not

delivered by owl?

It was only after I had sent Hedwig to deliver a letter to my parents that I

got the scorched letter back, and Hedwig seemed scared for life.

"Wait…" I unconsciously mutter.

Could it be that me sending Hedwig had revealed the location of my

parents? What if I-


"Wha?" I let out a confused groan and held my face where it had been


I was then handed a silver bracelet, with a smile on Luna's face. The

bracelet was unremarkable, but she had a look of expectation in her eyes,

wanting me to try it on. It fit my wrist perfectly, mostly because it

wrapped around my wrist when I put it on, refusing to budge. I shot a

look at Luna to explain what just happened.

"A family secret, its meant to calm your mind," She vaguely explained

what was now latched onto my wrist.

She didn't seem to be malicious, so I let it slide. It's not the strangest

thing that's happened to me so far.

"Thanks," I thanked her, as she seemed to have been working on it for a

while judging from the mess that was now around her beanchair. She

smiled and returned to her chair, whilst I pulled out Pinky and looked

back on my list of things to do, which seems to keep growing every time I


1 - Nargles

2 - Knowledge (Expand)

3 - Mind Magic

4 - Defense Magic

I guess I can add a new entry…

0 - Find Parents, ensure wellbeing

1 - …


I sighed again, thinking about the next few years ahead of me. The long

next few years…


I woke up still in the chair, but covered in grass which was strangely

comfortable. It was as if someone had mowed the lawn and dumped the

clippings all over me, minus the unbearable itch and the smell that would

follow with a regular lawn.

I also woke up not knowing what day it was, and an empty stomach. My

belongings were all in place, so instead of some sort of prank, there is a

good chance Luna dumped grass over me. This is reaching the 'weirdest

thing to happen so far' threshold.



It was still morning, which was reassuring. Maybe I should investigate

upgrading the spell to include what day it is. Let's add it to Pinky for

now. I get up from the beanchair, grass falling off my robes en mass.

Patting myself off, I make my way towards the Great Hall to tame my


After having a good night's sleep, my mood seems to have improved

several fold. This is probably because my parents are not confirmed to be

dead, thus there is hope. Entering the Great Hall was no different from

the usual, except for the sudden quietness that was my arrival.

Everyone in the Great Hall paused to look at me whilst I was entering,

making me freeze in place. Harry immediately stood up and made his

way towards me, whilst the other two fumbled a bit before getting up as

well. When Harry was in front of me, he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry to hear about your parents," he sounded extremely sincere.

"…" I was still frozen in place, unable to speak a word of gratitude for his


"At least you two have something in common now," Ron butted in, with a

distasteful joke.

He seemed to understand that wasn't the right move, has he saw both

mine and Harry's face, immediately frown. This did free me up from the

initial shock of being overwhelmed, so I patted Harry on his arm as a

silent thanks and made my way towards Ravenclaw's Table, ignoring the

ginger completely.

The breakfast seemed especially fancy this morning, with more variety

than usual. This also seemed to be targeted towards the end of the table

where I sat. Maybe it's the house elves trying to make me feel better.

I smile at their kindness, whilst eating the food which also doesn't seem

to have any Nargle influence.

[POV - Harry, Yesterday Morning]

"Did you hear?" Ron started his usual gossip session.

"What?" Harry was disinterested as usual.

"You know that weird kid that's been going around lately?"

"Luna?" Harry guessed.

"The other one,"

"…" Harry had no more guesses.

"Zane! The weird kid who mostly keeps to himself! Rumors going around

how he offended some Slytherin students?" Ron tried to explain.

"Oh, yea? Wait, he offended Slytherin?" Harry was curious. His

perception of Zane didn't see any conflict arising from Slytherin, even if

he isn't a pure-blooded family.

"Yea, he stopped some bullies and they have been out to get him since. its

probably why his parents were targeted by dark wizards." Ron casually


"WHAT?" Harry's eyes blew up, his voice raised unconsciously, making

most of the Gryffindor table look at him.

"Calm down man," Ron was surprised at his outburst.

"It happened before you came to the Great Hall, Hedwig delivered a

letter, then Professor Flitwick took Zane away to the Headmaster's office.

He hasn't been seen all day since!" Ron got agitated.

"Some people are even saying Luna took the letter that Zane left at the

table," He continued to explain before Harry cut him off.

"So? What happened to his parents?"

"Oh, right. Their house was found in ruins, I am not too sure of the

specifics, my Mum had briefly mentioned it in her letter to me this

morning." He started to complain about his mother's nagging afterwards.


"So Zane still hasn't been seen?" Harry asked.

"Nope, which is rather impressive since most of Gryffindor is looking for

him…" Ron trailed off.

"I don't think you should be looking for him and instead should focus on

Professor McGonagall's test coming up soon." Hermione joined the

conversation. "Though it is sad to hear what happened to Zane's


Harry stayed in the Great Hall until it was nearly time for curfew, hoping

to give some reassurance to Zane, who had long since fallen asleep in his

Nest. It wasn't until the next day Harry got to saw Zane, who was looking

alright for someone who's parents just went missing, though it was clear

Zane was in a depressed mood.

Harry immediately walked up to Zane and put his arm on Zane's

shoulder. Harry tried to give reassurance, but immediately found himself

questioning why Zane was covered in a grassy potion ingredient, which

distracted him long enough for Ron to arrive.

"At least you two have something in common now," Ron announced his


Both Harry's and Zane's faces soured, and they separated shortly after.

"Ron! What the hell man!" Harry was mad.

"Sorry!" Ron seemed apologetic, as if it was just an impulsive thing to


"Seriously, you have to apologize to him the next time you see him!"

Hermione seemed more offended than Harry.

They all looked towards Zane, who was lightly smiling at the lavish

breakfast laid out in front of him.

"He doesn't even seem to care though…" Ron tried to defend himself.


Hermione huffed in frustration, focusing back on the breakfast which

seemed decidedly less grand than Zane's.


Author Pit:

Hey… Did you know owls can go through Fidelius charms? ;)

Tried my third POV change this chapter, let me know how it went.

Sorry for the lack of updates, ya boy when to Melbourne to see

Babymetal live and then immediately got sick on my return flight back to

Narnia and is still nursing it.


"C-Can I sit here?" A vaguely familiar boy was standing across from the

table, nervously stroking their wand as he asked to sit down. He was

avoiding eye contact and seemed to be lightly sweating.

I lightly nod, still filling my mouth with the breakfast that the house-

elves took their time preparing. The hashbrowns were perfect, and eggs

heavenly. I don't really want to share, but there is too much for me alone

to eat.

The boy lets out his held breath, maybe out of relief.

"T-Thanks," he thanked me. After he sat down, he mustered up the

courage to speak again.

"Th-thanks for your help," He started.

I was confused as to what he was talking about, I don't remember doing

anything particularly helpful to anyone aside from myself.

"Those Slytherin students have stopped picking on me since you stepped

in..." He continued to explain, telling me about how ever since he came

to Hogwarts, he was a target since he was seemingly smarter than the

Slytherin students.

"They can't accept it, since I am a mud-blood." He continued.

"A what?" I asked.

"Oh, it's what they call students who don't come from the old magic

families. You can think of it as a medieval noble system," He went on to

explain the concept of the ancient families and the history surrounding


'How stupid…' I thought to myself.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I tend to start ranting about things..." He looked downcast,

as if disappointed with himself. He mumbled something to himself before

looking directly at me.

"My name is Harris, thank you for your help!" He said his piece, then got

up from the table and left the Great Hall, leaving me somewhat

dumbfounded at how abrupt this all was.

"He was weird." Luna said, seemingly appearing next to me again. I

couldn't help but agree, as he didn't even have breakfast before leaving. I

turned to Luna, who was happily eating breakfast.

"What classes do we have today?" I asked.

She seemed slightly stunned, and quickly took out a note from her

pockets, flipping it open before showing me Monday's schedule.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms and Magical Theory..." She

trailed off.

"A busy day then," I mutter.

Frankly, I want more time in the library, but have made a promise to

Professor Flitwick to attend my classes. He is someone who helped me

without any questions with Pinky, and I don't want to abuse his goodwill.


The breakfast served was more tasty than usual, I can tell the house elves

took great care in preparing it, though I can notice the rest of the dishes

are the 'normal standard' of what they usually make. It seems the house

elves like me quite a bit.

I attended my first class, Defense Against the Dark Arts, with some

questions prepared for Lockheart. In some of his books, he details the

fights he had with dark wizards. I want to see why he cast specific spells

and chained weird combinations of spells together such as Stupefy and

Lumos after a Bombarda.

Wouldn't the force of Bombarda stun the target anyways? However I was

disappointed when I walked into his class and saw Professor Snape. He

stood there with a cold glare at the front of the classroom, standing

behind a lectern that seemed too small for him.

"Professor Lockhart is sick today and as a result I will be teaching you all

for this lesson," He stated.

I heard some of the Ravenclaw students release a heavy sigh, and

Hufflepuff students let out a whimper.

It seems his reputation isn't the greatest, though I am not sure why.

Disregarding this, I put my hand up to ask him the questions I was going

to ask Professor Lockheart.

"Oh?" Professor Snape seemed surprised.

"What is it, Ravenclaw." I heard directed at me, it seemed as if he was

mad, that I even dared to ask him a question.

"In some of the books Lockheart released, there are some questions I have

regarding why he-"

"You should not take such works of fiction as fact." He coldly cut me off.

'Works of fiction?' I thought.

His words seemed to have affected some Hufflepuff students who almost

seem to have exploded in anger, though the man himself had a smile on

his face.


The lesson itself was uneventful and mostly theory on what types of

creatures were dangerous and how the danger class was rated. Something

most Ravenclaws already knew, as when Snape would call on a

Ravenclaw, he would receive a textbook answer, yet Hufflepuffs

struggled to answer coherently, or only half answered the question.

Interesting that a magical hat can sort people into houses like this and be

somewhat accurate, or maybe the students are influenced by their


The rest of the day's lessons were also uneventful, with Charms revising

the levitation charm and Magical Theory being somewhat boring.

Sometimes I cant help but think of the power these wands hold, and the

fact that they are handed out to literal kids like candy.

One thing out of the ordinary today was Luna. She didn't magically

disappear when I looked away, or surprise me by randomly showing up

without me noticing or attract any weird situations when I turn corners

and find her plastered to the ceiling. We were sitting in the library across

from each other when I decided to ask her a question.

"Have you seen Meowser?"

She gives me a blank stare, before slightly smiling.


At least I know Meowser is around, though I haven't seen her for a while

which was making me slightly worried.

I just need to think about my next steps. The top of my list is to learn

magic that can make me stronger. To protect my treasures. I think it

would be worth it to try to learn Occlumency, since it will be more than

useful in the long run. Being able to catalogue information away like that

is invaluable towards my studies, basically my internal Wikipedia.

However, whilst there are books on the subject, there is anything of

substance that I can work off. I know what Occlumency is but not how it

works if that makes sense. There aren't many references it outside of very

specific books either.

"Hey Luna," I said, and she looked up at me.

"Do you know what Occlumency is?" She gives me a blank, almost

confused stare.

"You don't know it?" She asked, audibly baffled.

"No?" I asked back in the same tone.

She gets closer and looks into my eyes, before leaning back into the chair.

"You can't learn it," she sounded exhausted while speaking.

"Why?" I asked, but she shook her head and didn't explain.

'Huh?' I thought to myself.

For the time being I return my attention to the random book I grabbed

from the shelves. It wasn't a specifically interesting book, but it was

enough for me to immerse myself in knowledge.


By the time I reached the end of my book, the sun was no longer visible.

There was a good chance I missed dinner and Luna was nowhere in sight.

Sometimes I wonder what she ends up doing.



'Ah, great, that's enough time to grab dinner,'

I make my way towards the kitchen, dodging some students here and

there and ignoring the Hufflepuffs weird looks as I enter the kitchen. The

kitchen itself was weirdly empty, however there was a plate of hot food

placed on the table that I usually end up eating at.

'How thoughtful,' I thought to myself as I ate.

The house elves never fail to make good food, this is the conclusion that I

have reached after extensive testing. Finishing my meal, I made my way

back towards the Ravenclaw Common room. It was meant to be

uneventful, but a painting caught my attention, literally.

"Hey, kid!" It shout-whispered at me. I curiously walked up to it, and it

opened to reveal a passage.

"Go through," It didn't offer much explanation, and I looked at it in


"Just trust me, didn't I help you out last time?" It explained, but it felt

increasingly like a trick.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"That's not important," it said.

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion, but ultimately got in. My gut feeling

was that nothing bad would happen, and I decided to trust it this once.

However, once I got in, the ground quickly turned slippery, and I fell to

the floor.

"You F-" I started sliding down a dark passage.

"Good luck," I heard the painting say as I got further away from the well-

lit corridor, my speed increasing.

I grabbed the corners of my robes as the turns got sharper and the speed

increased, bracing myself for impact. The impact came, but not from

where I was expecting. I landed my feet first onto grass and slid until

coming to a complete stop next to the black lake.

"… Wow," I couldn't help but utter. Looking around, I couldn't see where

I was launched from, or how I managed to land like this, or why I am at

the black lake. The moon was lightly reflecting off the lake, creating a

somewhat impressive view of two moons. The lake itself was

undisturbed, and not a lick of wind in sight to disturb it either.

I take a quick check of myself and notice my robes are stuck as if I am

still falling, however everything remained in my pockets throughout the

entire experience. I wasn't sure if I should be thankful or not, but my

thoughts were interrupted by a Thestral approaching me.

Author Corner:

Yo, I'm uhh... not dead surprisingly. About 10 days ago was the

'anniversary' of this book and I genuinely didn't think id get this far. I will

explain why this chapter took so long to finish:

I fell into a logical deadlock. In an attempt to stay somewhat lore-

accurate I kept contradicting my ideas for this book... I wanted to do X

but Y meant that X was not possible, repeat ad Infinium. So I'm just

gonna say, fuck it. This novel is AU and I no longer care for J.K. Rowlings

weird ass rules regarding spells and how they interact with nature.

Anyways. See you next time.

Need (2)

The Thestral approached, directly nuzzling up against me, urging me to

pet it. I indulge it, stroking its boney neck and thin fur much to its

delight. I seem to have an affinity with animals, but the Owl's reaction

towards me suggests otherwise.

"Do you know where I am needed?" I asked the Thestral.

It was a shot in the dark, but worth asking.

The Thestral raised its head and walked off into the forest, looking back

towards me to check if I was following.

With hesitation, I followed.

'It's not every day this happens,' I thought to myself.

Following behind the Thestral proved interesting, as I quickly found

myself being surrounded by a herd of them.

All of this culminated in me finding Luna in a clearing, foraging in some


"Hi Luna!" I greeted her whilst walking over to her.

"Eek!" She was surprised at the sudden greeting.

"Zane? What are you doing here?"

"I don't know. If a painting ever says, 'you are needed' and asks you to

take a secret passage, don't go in." I explained while being completely


She went silent whilst I couldn't help but think about the whole scenario.

Was I meant to meet someone at the great lake? But a Thestral came to

get me, so does Luna need help?

I look towards Luna who has gone back to foraging in the bushes, looking

for something before moving onto the next one.

"Do you need help?" I asked.

Luna was taken aback and pointed towards a bush.

"I am looking for Wurplates," Before I could ask she explained what they


"They are cute, fuzzy creatures that can be found in calm places."

"Any environments they prefer?" I asked.

She stopped and thought about it.

"I don't know." She said with unmatched confidence.

I just nodded my head and went to the bush she pointed at, wanting to

find these fuzzy little things for myself.

It didn't take long before I found such a fuzzy little thing, though Luna

was disappointed.

"That's a Niffler," she poked its head whilst I was holding it. I was sure I

had seen it around, and it clearly knew me by the way it was looking at


"Oh," This was the Niffler that returned my wand.

"Perry P." I named it.

Perry didn't seem thrilled at the name, but it also couldn't escape my


"What does the P. stand for?" Luna asked.

"P." I replied.

She seemed unimpressed at my response and took Perry from my hands.

It squealed as if delighted, clearly playing favourites.

"We should ask Hagrid what they eat when we go back," I said to her

which earned a nod.

She seemed to like hugging cute things and keeping them as pets. The

night went on as we searched for Wurplates with no luck.



"Ah. I think we should go to Hagrid's now if we still want to talk to him."

I spoke to Luna who had dived into a bush.

She popped her head out and nodded, with Perry trying to balance on top

of her head.

We made our way to Hagrid's Hut, using the tried and tested method of

dropping a stick and walking in the direction it lands. It might be worth

learning the surroundings of Hogwarts to avoid such a iffy method in the


We didn't get far before we ran into a Thestral that had been hanging


"Do you know where Hagrid is?" I asked it.

It turned around and walked off, with me and Luna following it.

"How can you see Thestrals?" Luna asked.

I had to think about that, as I had never not been able too.

"I always have been able to see them. I even feel weirdly close with

them," The last part I muttered out, merely thinking as to why this would

be the case. Going through my memories I couldn't remember any

instances where I saw death, even including animals.

My memories were as normal as they came with me having a normal

childhood, normal parents, and a normal upbringing.

My head started throbbing. Something didn't add up in my memories.

They felt normal.

"We're here," Luna broke me out of my state of mind, as she nudged me

when saying it.

"Oh…" I absently acknowledged it, feeling as if my brain was knocking

itself against my skull.

My nose started to drip, but I wiped it with my sleeve as Luna knocked

on Hagrid's door.

"Comin'!" Hagrid's voice boomed back, before the door was opened. I

started feeling lightheaded.

"How can I help you two…" He trailed off as he looked at me. I start to

lose focus in my vision.

"… Niffler…" The voices around me became muffled.

"Ah." I weakly muttered. I could feel light hitting my skin.

The sky with all its stars had appeared in my vision before I registered it,

with it being the last thing I saw before everything faded to black.

I tried looking around me but couldn't see anything.

Couldn't move anything.

Couldn't hear anything.

"Tsk." Something behind me clicked their tongue in annoyance in this

dark void.

I tried looking towards the source but felt as if I was in a frozen state.

Instead, a light figure walked into my peripheral vision, and eventually in

front of me. I could feel its gaze on me.

"I thought it was going to last much longer than that," It spoke at me, but

I didn't know what it meant. I struggled to open my mouth to ask


It looked at me up and down, an uncanny feeling weighing upon me.

"So, you have questions." The figure stopped in front of me, waving its

hand and forming a chair to sit on. I felt my voice come back.

"What happened?" Was the first thing I asked.

"Huh, I thought you would have asked who I was." The figure was clearly


I didn't reply and instead waited for their explanation.

"Well, the problem is you noticed your memories were altered, or as you

put it, 'Too Normal,'" It started.

"I'm going to tell you now, don't look too deeply into it." Its tone got

extremely serious. "Nothing good will come of it, and would undo all of

your parents work,"


"Well, you- Mmm," It started groaning mid-sentence. "Back whe- Arrg," It

stopped to catch its breath.

"It seems I have said too much…" It muttered off.


"Anyways, listen to Luna, don't learn Occlumency," It forcibly cut me off,

before it clicked its fingers.

"Be seeing you, Zane…"

The figure disappeared from my vision, before my surroundings started

getting brighter.


"Oh, he's waking back up," I heard someone say next to me.

"Ye gave me a proper scare, passin' out like that," A booming voice woke

me up properly.

I had a throbbing headache, but nothing reality breaking like my dream

was. I looked around to see 5 sets of eyes all looking at me.

"I'm back," I absentmindedly said.

Luna nodded and went back to weaving some grass together to form a

bracelet. Ron hesitated to say anything before Harry spoke up.

"What happened?" He asked in a concerned voice.

I wasn't sure how to explain what had happened myself, so gave a vague


"Where's Perry?" I asked.

"Perry?" Harry responded.

"Yes, the Niffler,"

"Right over here, been feedin' 'im my special mix," Hagrid responded,

showing me the now asleep Niffler. I nodded and laid back down, to calm

my headache.

"Zane," Luna broke me out of my micro nap. I had managed to tune out

all the other conversations Harry was having with Hagrid and the others

and drifted to sleep.


"Right, you best be going back to Hogwarts, its past curfew." Hagrid

spoke up, ushering us all out.

"What about Perry?" I asked Hagrid. He dropped the Niffler into my arms

and pushed us out of his hut.

"Sorry Guys," Harry started. "There isn't enough room under my cloak for

all of us. Well scout the way ahead so you don't get caught by Filch."

"… Who?" I asked. Hermione and Ron seemed shocked but remained


"The groundskeeper…" Harry trailed off.

"Never met him."

"Lucky." Ron mutters.

I started making my way towards the castle, with Luna in tow leaving the

trio behind.

"What an eventful night…" I muttered.



"My dad said you can spend Christmas with us," she said.

'Did I even ask her?' I thought to myself. But it was greatly appreciated,


"Thanks," I muttered, marching forwards.

"Did you know where I was needed?" I asked on a whim. Luna gave a

shrug and continued walking. Seems I can't trust vague paintings in the



The following morning, I woke up with no one in my dorm room. Despite

it being a 4 bedder, I haven't seen any of my room mates since the first

night. Whether this was on purpose or not was to be seen, hell, I don't

even remember their names anymore.

However, I did have a guest in my room.

"Perry?" On the pillow next to me laid the Niffler from last night. They

are said to possess an amazing ability to sniff out 'treasures' but I am

curious how they determine what the treasure is. Is it the smell of gold or

the smell of concentrated magic on artifacts? Does magic even have a


I am getting side tracked. Right now, I need some method of protection,

and I have just the thing inside of Pinky. I bring Pinky out of my trunk

and flip to the latest page.



Purpose: Passive Protection

Goal: Passive Protection

Method: A floating orb that hovers around the user and reacts to large

fluctuations of magic with a Protego shield.

Side Note: Matched to users magical signature to avoid self-activation

(Bombarda would end poorly)


I was rather proud of my latest 'invention', even if it was just a concept. I

already have the runic schematic figured out for it and just need to

determine a method of storing magic power and releasing it as the shield


Which meant a lot of experimenting, something I'm looking forwards too.

This is just a step in my plan to find and save my parents. If I can't even

protect myself, I am just a burden for my parents.

And there began my experimenting with different materials I found

around Hogwarts.


Author Corner:

I'm progressing the story faster. Theres a lot I want to do and I have shit I

want to do after voldymortus too. Feedback welcome, I still feel awkward

as fuck talking between a bunch of 11/12 year olds and Hagrid.

The feeling light thing was real as I recently passed out at and could feel

the light hitting my skin. It's a rather interesting feeling.

Cya next time.

Внимание! Этот перевод, возможно, ещё не готов.

Его статус: идёт перевод


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