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Готовый перевод One Piece The Ship of Lust / Корабель хтивості: ХП Волшебная жизнь

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Гарри Поттер

ХП: Волшебная жизнь



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Художественная литература K

– Английский – Приключения/Романтика – Гермиона Г., Флер Д.,

Альбус Д., OC – Главы: 54 - Слов: 126 811 - Отзывы:


- Избранное: 661 - Читает: 763 - Обновлено:

08.10.2023, 01:42:49

– Статус: завершено – id: 14143350

02.10.2022, 03:17:02

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1. Chapter 1


"My father told me about it ages ago -," as Malfoy was speaking, a voice

interrupted him.

"Is everything all right there," Malfoy and his goons looked to their side,

checking to see who had spoken. And then Harry observed the change in

Malfoy's behavior. His face changed from his usual haughty to a more

neutral expression.

Then a new student entered the compartment. He was tall and lean. He

was already dressed in his robes. His robes were neat and crisp, and his

hair was set in a fashion that Harry had seen in magazines.

"Yes, everything here is good. I was just telling them about the special

event that Hogwarts is hosting this year." Malfoy spoke, his voice not

carrying his usual spark.

The senior looked at Draco while raising his brows, "Well you should not

spoil the fun Malfoy. The Headmaster will announce it during the feast.

They can enjoy the news along with the rest of the school. Now, off you


Draco looked at the boy for some time, before he turned back and started

walking away. The boy looked at them for the first time and Harry was

quick to spot the badge with 'H' on it. Harry noted that he was also

wearing glasses, though they were in a much better condition than his.

"Hello everyone. I hope there wasn't anything serious going on there?" All

of them looked at each other and shook their heads. Malfoy was just

being a nuisance, and well that was just normal for them at this point.

The boy looked over the compartment until his eyes landed on Hermione.

Hermione was also looking at the boy and had closed her book.

"Ah, Hermione what a coincidence. I was about to look for you. I have

brought all the books and notes you wanted. Do you want them now or I

can give them to you?" before he had finished his sentence Hermione had


"NOW." She said a bit too excited in Harry's opinion. Perhaps she felt that

herself because she coughed and then spoke again, in a much milder

tone. "I mean, could you give them to me now? I could place them with

my luggage."

The boy smiled while shaking his head, probably at Hermione's antics.

"Then come with me, they are at the front. I can help you bring them to

your compartment."

Hermione nodded and stood up leaving all three boys alone in the

compartment. Harry looked at Ron whose mouth was wide open as if he

had seen a ghost or a galleon. He bumped him on the shoulder to break

him out of his perplexed state.

Ron looked at Harry and spoke in a shocked voice, "Man did you look at

his robes?"

"Yes, Ron I did see the Headboy badge," Harry spoke. Ron shook his

head, "No. Not the badge Harry. The color of his robe!"

Harry tried to remember and was shocked for a moment too.

"It was green. He was a Slytherin," Neville spoke from the side. His eyes

were still fixed on the closed door of their compartment.

Harry was also shocked by the revelation. The senior was from Slytherin.

The bigger shock had been Hermione's interaction with the boy. It

seemed that both of them were more than mere acquaintances.

"How do you reckon Hermione knows the bloke?" Ron asked him. "I don't

know. Do you know him Neville?" he asked the plump boy.

If the boy was Slytherin. He would have to be pure blood.

Neville looked at them and shook his head. Well, they would know soon

enough. They just had to wait for their best friend's return.

After some time Hermione returned to their compartment. She opened

the doors and spoke,

"Boys, can you help me place it with my luggage?" she said while

pointing at a bag. Harry and Ron looked at each other and got up to help

their friend.

After they had settled down once more Ron, spoke first unable to control

his curiosity. " Who was that guy, Hermione?"

Hermione looked up from her book, "Oh, him he was a senior, his name

is Edward Wright. Seventh year. Professor McGonagall introduced me."

That was both a shock and assurance for Harry. If McGonagall had

vouched for him, it meant that he was probably not a bigot, but the


"Why would McGonagall do that ?" he asked, stopping Ron from probably

insulting the guy.

"Oh, you know I took all those classes last year. It was taking a toll on

me, so she introduced me to him. He is the only student other than me

who took his OWLs for all those subjects."

"Oh, So he is a nutter," Ron spoke and Hermione's expression changed


"Nutter. He had the highest practical scores in all the wanded subjects, in

over 3 decades. According to Professor McGonagall, he already has job

and apprenticeship opportunities lined up." Her scathing words echoed

through their compartment and he could see Ron turning red from

embarrassment. " I just –"

His words were cut off," And a nutter has been helping you get by in your

exams all these years." And with those scathing remarks, she had walked

out of their compartment.

BANG. ( probably closed the door on her way out)

Ron had turned red from the embarrassment. He just got up and started

stuffing his dress robes back into his luggage.

Harry looked at Neville who just looked very floundered. He looked

outside the window, the storm had gotten worse. The heavy rain and the

strong winds were rattling the window.

Well, there was their fight of the year. It had just come early this year.

As they made their way to the Great Hall, Harry spotted Hermione

walking with some girls from their year. Ron was behind him talking

with Dean about the World Cup and ensuing chaos. From the back, he

saw Peeves carrying a bunch of balloons making his way toward them.

He picked up a balloon and threw it toward the girls, some of them

shrieked and tried to move away.

Just as it was about to land, it stopped mid-air.

"Peeves, I think they are cold enough. Why don't you wait for the

summer, " He looked at us and saw Edward coming towards them, his

wand out and pointing towards the falling balloons. All of whom had

stopped. Behind him, McGonagall was coming with a blonde girl.

"Peeves, the Headmaster will hear about this."McGonagall was annoyed, that

much was evident from that voice. The boy spoke once more,

"No need for that Professor. Why don't you postpone this and we can

make plans for some other time."

Peeves just giggled and made an ok sign. He then made a face at

Professor McGonagall before flying off. McGonagall just shook her head

and moved on towards the incoming first years.

"Hmm, why don't we warm it up here a bit." He said while waving his

wand and Harry could feel the temperature around him rising. The boy

then waved at Hermione and rushed to meet up with Professor


Hermione looked down and he could spot a small red blush covering her

face. Harry could see multiple girls staring dreamily at his retreating


Well, he would have to curb his curiosity for the time being because

hunger came before curiosity or anything else, even if it was curiosity

over a nice Slytherin senior. And there was still that special

announcement that Malfoy had mentioned.

Harry was making his way to the dorms, as he thought about the

announcements. The Triwizard Tournament sounded exciting but the

cancellation of the Quidditch season had been a bummer. Their new

DADA professor was weird, he hoped he was competent. Hermione was

still not talking to them, Ron had again blurted out words before

thinking. he was embarrassed but too pig-headed to apologize. But he

would talk to her tomorrow, hopefully, she would have calmed down by


He changed into his night dress and sat on the bed. Sirius had still not

replied to his letter about his scar. The visions and the pain had been

constantly bugging him, he looked out the window and could see that the

storm had mellowed out, hopefully, tomorrow would be a clear day.

2. Chapter 2



McGonagall had been a teacher for the better part of three decades now

and Deputy Headmistress for over a single one. Over the years she had

taught and tackled a lot of students. From the infamous Marauders to the

rambunctious twins. From careless delinquents to excessively studious. She

had taught them all. A lot of them held a special place in her heart, Lily

Evans for one had been a brilliant student bright and hard working. The

Marauders also had their brilliance. McKinnon remembered the quiet and

hard-working girl. There were many more over the years.

She felt saddened. The war had been cruel, destroying so many futures and

damaging countless others. It had caused a divide in their society. The

destruction and devastation. Hundreds of dreams were destroyed and many

more stifled before taking form. She shuddered.

She had thought that she had seen them all, and this had been the case

for some time. That was until Edward Wright, a muggle-born orphan who

had come to Hogwarts, enchanted and amazed by the Magical castle like

many others. It had started from the sorting and since then he had been

an amazement to watch.

Slytherin, it had shouted after some time. The staff had been shocked, it

had been a long time since a muggle-born had been sorted into the house

of snakes. The boy had been shocked himself, she still remembered the

shift in his features. She had decided to keep an eye on him, to help the

boy settle in. After some time, it was evident that the boy was special.

How special? Well, Very special.

"Professor, you have to help me. I can not do this. I still have my NEWTS

and a plethora of other stuff to complete. I even wrote a letter to you

regarding this. You know I rejected being a prefect last year due to my

special workload. Please, professor, I am sure there are many other

students more worthy and hungry for such an opportunity," from his

tone, she could tell that he was tired and that much was evident from his

unkempt hair and his half-closed eyes.

"SOOO," he said while placing the badge on the table, "You can have it

and I will be on my merry way." And he had immediately taken off, she

did not miss the small fist bump by him on the way. She just shook her

head at his antics and spoke.

"Wright! If you step out of that door, you are getting detention with me,"

he stopped, "for the whole year," and she could hear him groan. He

turned back and made his way back to the seat.

She looked at him, and there was a slight wish in her heart that the

Sorting Hat had shouted, Gryffindor, that day. She had seen many

brilliant students in her time, yet Wright was a different kind of prodigy.

His performance with a wand had left a large portion of the staff baffled,

while there had been some altercations within the House according to

Severus. But, by the end of the year, they had learned not to mess with

him. And according to Severus, most of the purebloods began to adopt a

policy of quiet disregard.

"Now, as I previously remember mentioning in the letter despite noting

your vehement protests the Headmaster was confident, that you were the

best student for the job. So, you are going to take that badge and carry

on with all the duties," She said, while sliding the badge over, he was


She smiled triumphantly, and spoke," If you are still not satisfied, you can

take it up with the Headmaster." She said with a raised brow, her voice

carrying perhaps a hint of amusement. "He will be in his office on


He sighed as he took the badge, pocketing it as he got up. "It seems that I

will have to,"

As he was about to leave, she spoke for the last time, "You should

probably have someone else help you with the makeup. It was quite

poorly done."

She could see her words register, as he left her office with more vigor

than he came in with.


Harry yawned as he made his way towards the Great Hall. Last night's

dream of winning the Triwizard Tournament and the smile of a very

specific girl, still gave him butterflies. He spotted Hermione in front of

her and rushed to join her.

"Hello, Hermione," he spoke testing her temper.

"Hello, Harry." She gave him a short reply.

"I just wanted to apolog –" he was cut off by her. "You don't have to do

that for him. If he wants to he can do that himself." She said, her words

harsher than usual.

This is going to last a while. "Are you excited about the Triwizard

Tournament?" Harry questioned her as they sat down. "Oh-. A little bit.

But according to Edward" he noted the slight smile on her face as she

continued," that there might be some plans to have something a bit more


He connected the name to the face of the Slytherin prefect. Harry was

curious about him as well, so he asked, "Who exactly is he? I don't

remember seeing him over the years?"

At this, Hermione looked at him. Her eyes went over to the slithering

table, the boy in question absent from their tables.

"Well, he is usually at the table at this time." She muttered. "Hermione,"

he had to get her attention once more, once her focus was on him again.

He asked her once more.

"Oh-, it's funny you don't know him." She was laughing as she continued,"

According to him, he was the most popular student at Hogwarts, and

then came another one taking my place."

Harry found himself laughing at the weird tone, "You mentioned exam

scores, was he famous for those." He said while taking a small bite of the

egg, their timetables were getting distributed.

Hermione handed him his timetable while continuing," Well, academics

are a part of it but it is more because of his sorting. He was the first

muggle born to be sorted into Slytherin, in more than three decades."

At this, Harry looked at her. Perhaps, expecting her to say that it was a

joke. He found her looking at his shocked face with a small smile. When

no such rebuttal came he tried to question, " But everyone says-"

"That Slytherin is evil," she finished his words. "According to him, this

has just become popular recently, previously there were many muggle-

born sorted into Slytherin. This division came out more after the war." At

this, he could see her expression becoming grimmer. She then looked up

and said in a small voice," People just started calling everyone from

Slytherin, Evil. He also mentioned that a lot of his followers were from

other Houses."

At this, Harry thought about a certain rat. He had been in Gryffindor, yet

he had betrayed them. They had trusted him, but despite being sorted

into the house of the brave, Wormtail had betrayed them.

Suddenly Hermione got up," Excuse me." And left joining a couple of girls

further up the table. Ron joined him with Dean and Seamus a couple of

moments later, looking at Hermione, he spoke "What is wrong with her?"

Ron questioned him. Harry looked at his friend and saw him piling up

food on his plate. He just shook his head at his antics. He had not

changed at all. The Hall was beginning to fill up, so he focused on his

breakfast ignoring the tattle around him.

He started going over his timetable, yet his mind lingered on the

conversation with Hermione. Herbology, Divination, and Care. It seems

that he will have to wait till tomorrow to get his first lecture with the

new DADA professor.

3. Chapter 3

Chapter 3


Elizabeth felt a little satisfied, watching her friend squirm as all the

prefects left the classroom. It was nice to see his plans fail. She saw him

slouch into the chair.

"Finally, we are done for the day, I can not handle any more of this! I

would rather take Snape's class over this farce!"

At this, he looked at her, his purplish eyes completely visible, as he had

put his glasses on the side.

"I am not forgetting anything, right?"

She looked at him, and he was haggard, his hair was all over the place

and there was weariness on his face. They were only two days into the

year. She decided to have mercy on him.

"No, we still have to submit a schedule to Professor McGonagall. But I

will take care of it," she saw him visibly relax when she said those last


He thanked her and continued sitting in the chair. She also sat down and


"I know the workload is large this year, but the term is just starting. How

can you be this exhausted this early in the term?"

While there was a competition between them, over the years she had

grown to respect him. She was concerned for him. Usually, he would be

like this only near the end of term. That was because 'Mr. Brilliant' had

exam frights.

"Well, it isn't just from all this," he pinched his nose, "I had to leave the

orphanage this year. I had to make arrangements for that too and then

the increased workload from all those electives," he just shook his head,

"It's taken a toll on me."

"You should not have picked up all those electives. Warding and

Enchanting are considered tough enough on their own. And you picked

alchemy as well, that was bound to be a disaster."

She was right, Warding and Enchanting were highly demanding, and

most people don't even take them. She had chosen Warding, but Wright,

in his stubbornness, had taken both and then picked Alchemy in addition

to them. It was no wonder that he was struggling this much!

"Maybe, I will drop one of them. But hopefully, Dumbledore will accept

my resignation," he said, eyeing his badge.

"Do you need my help with the makeup tomorrow?" she asked teasingly.

He put a hand on his face as she tried to stifle her laugh.

"Don't remind me about that. I should have never listened to Cedric about

this. Honestly, I should have known better than to trust him."

She could not stop herself from laughing as she remembered his tale of

the incident. McGonagall had seen right through him. Then, she

remembered the incident during the summer. So, she asked him.

"Did you read about the Quidditch World Cup?"

"Yeah, it was a mess. Fourteen years and there are still so many people

stuck with such idiotic ideals," though he had a neutral expression, one

could still see the anger brimming in his eyes.

Discrimination based on blood purity was a concept that was still

prevalent in major circles of their society. She was aware that her friend

had a very personal view regarding it.

Now that she thought about it, most of them made bets on how long the

muggle-born would survive in Slytherin. How wrong had they been? He

had risen against all odds. Defying all expectations, the ignorant little

mudblood had not only survived but thrived.

"Well, that as well, but I was talking about the match itself. I remember

someone predicting the result and saying they would bet all their savings

on it," she mentioned conspiratorially.

And that was true. At the end of last year, he had predicted the result and

most of them had called it rubbish. Ireland won with Krum catching the

snitch, but he had been right. It was a shame that she had not believed

him. She could have gotten good odds.

"And that someone made quite a killing," a smile came across his face,

"Perhaps you should have listened to that someone?" At this, she pinched

his arm.

"Ouch! Spare me you VIOLENT WOMAN!" he shouted while getting away

from her.

"Come on, tell me a number! Just how much did I miss out on?" she

asked him in a pleading tone.

"Nuh, Ahn. Don't you know the saying 'never ask a woman her age and a

man his salary? Let it remain a mystery."

She narrowed her eyes at him, taking out her wand she leveled it at him.

"Ahh! Hm. I could tell you if you promise to keep it to yourself?"

She acquiesced, pocketing her wand.

"You do know that resorting to violence …" he stopped as she started

taking out her wand once more.

"OK! OK! Sheesh, here this is the slip from Gringotts," he handed her a

small slip. She looked at the number and continued staring at it.

"This cannot be real. This has to be a lie!" She looked at him, but he was

grinning at her.

"That is the real number, my friend. And now you finally understand the

true prowess of Divination!"

She just slumped into her seat, that much money from a single

prediction. Perhaps she should have taken Divination as well.


After she had finished her rounds, she made her way to Hufflepuff

dormitories. She reached the large circular door and knocked on it three

times. The door opened and she entered them, The corridor was

illuminated with the lamps along the walls, providing the much-needed


She made her way to her room, a couple of students were still in the

common room, she shook her head at their antics and made her way

towards them.

"What area are all of you doing this late in the night? Prefect rounds

ended some time ago, you should be in bed?"

It startled both of them. They looked up and smiled upon seeing her.

Cedric Diggory and Amy Leighton were the two Hufflepuff prefects.

Many had expected Cedric to become Headboy after Edward refused to

become a prefect last year. He was handsome, tall and hardworking. An

exemplary Puff if there was one.

Amy Leighton, on the other hand, was the resident gossip queen. She was

a muggle-born, and her parents worked in the fashion industry. She was

still looking at the newspaper in her hand. She was also Elizabeth's best


Elizabeth found it difficult to make friends due to her competitive nature.

Many students had called her a jealous person, and various profanities.

Her housemates had tried to approach her, however her introverted

nature made it quite difficult to connect with other people.

But then Amy came and helped her out, helping her grow out of her

insecurities and self-doubts

"Oh we were just waiting for you, have you heard …" Amy was just about

to continue her tirade when Elizabeth cut her off.

"Is someone dead?"


"Then this can wait till the morning," she said, and turned towards Cedric

as he was about to speak.

He stopped, seeing her raised brow, paused and then got up and made his

way towards the boy's side of the dorm.

She made her way towards her room, Amy following behind trying to

speak to her.

"Wait, Lizzy, you have to listen to this! I heard from Henry that Ed

mentioned …"

"Amy I am too tired to hear anything at this time," Elizabeth said while

yawning. She opened the door to her room and Amy came in behind her.

Amy made Elizabeth turn around, and then continued speaking.

"But, this is about Ed's secret love! And according to Henry …"

"I can assure you, I can wait till the morning to hear about Edward's

alleged relations," Elizabeth said while changing into something more

appropriate for the night.

Amy just huffed and sat on her bed on the other side, her expression was

similar to that of a kicked puppy. After changing Elizabeth went over to

Amy's side and hugged her.

"Come on. You know I don't like seeing you like this."

Amy just huffed and turned her head sideways. When she did not budge

after some time, Elizabeth decided it was time to bring out the big guns.

"Well, you know what? It seems that I was wrong! I can not possibly

sleep without listening to my friend's voice. So, come on tell me what

new scandal you have uncovered this time."

Amy turned towards her and there was a smile on her face. She sat up

and leaned forward in a conspiratorial way.

"Henry was telling me that Ed has been in constant correspondence with

someone abroad. And according to him, that someone is a girl!"

Edward was quite famous in the female circles, and his romantic

escapades, or lack thereof of such escapades, were a source of constant

gossip. Rumors about him swinging the other way, and even rumors

regarding both of them were quite widespread.

Elizabeth usually did not pay much attention to them, and neither did he.

Both of them were just good friends and had no intention of jeopardizing

it in any way.

"You know, Edward did mention a girl once, but I don't remember the

details. It was just a passing comment," she said while trying to

remember the specific combination.

"Hahn, why are you like this? You missed such a juicy story! You must

ask him tomorrow! Do you think he would tell you?"

"Maybe, but I think this is late enough. We have classes tomorrow. Let's

go to bed," Elizabeth said as she moved towards her side of the room.

"Ok, sweet dreams Lizzy!"

Elizabeth used her wand and the lamps were off.

"Good night," as she slid under the covers, she thought about Amy's

words. Perhaps she should ask him about this tomorrow?

On the other side of the castle, an owl landed on a window, it had

journeyed across the country bearing a letter from a certain student. The

window opened and the owl entered the room, finally, ending its




Albus Dumbledore sat in his office in the Headmaster's office. He gazed at

the newspaper in front of him.


It was a ridiculous piece, which would not have passed the editorial

board in any reputable news agency. Yet, the headline was true.

The ministry was in disarray. The appearance of death eaters during the

world cup had been a disaster. Fudge was trying to cover it all up and

blame it all on Sirius Black, probably on the advice of Lucius Malfoy.

The people were panicking, even though the attack had not resulted in

any casualties. The people who had survived the previous war were

getting anxious once more. Could he be back? Was he dead? Would the

peace last?

Dumbledore was also frustrated. That despite the turn of the decade, the

ideas of discrimination were still so strong. People had not changed.

There was a knock on the door. A student entered through the door.

Edward Wright. Seventh year. He recognized the boy. A smile came

across his face. Minerva had mentioned this, he thought.

Fawkes trilled from the perch and scooped towards the boy, pecking him

on the head. The boy tried to avoid it but in vain

"Calm down, you flaming flamingo! The sweets are in my pocket," and

the boy took out some sweets. Fawkes picked at them, before flying out

the window.

"Greedy bird!" The boy muttered. Dumbledore just smiled.

"Haha! It seems it is a bad idea to bribe a phoenix with muggle

confectionaries," Dumbledore reminded the boy, who just looked away. It

wasn't mentioned that it had succeeded in getting a single tear from


And wasn't that a show? Last year in alchemy class, had bribed Fawkes

into giving him a single tear. It was only the second time Fawkes had

cried for anyone.

"Well, why don't you take a seat? I think it is going to take a while," he

told the boy who sat on the chair.

"Thank you, Headmaster. This won't take long, I just wanted to thank you

for the opportunity, but I don't think I can carry on with my duties."

Dumbledore smiled as the boy exaggerated the burden of his studies. He

sang platitudes about the importance of the NEWTS.

Dumbledore patiently listened to all of it, thinking about how long it had

taken to come up with all this.

"So, you can take this badge back and give it to someone more

appropriate," Edward placed the badge on the table.

"I am afraid that I can not accept your resignation, Mr. Wright,"

Dumbledore spoke softly, before continuing, cutting Edward off.

"As you are aware, the Triwizard Tournament is this year. With two other

schools showing their best, I need the Headboy and Headgirl to represent

the very best of Hogwarts, and the best students for the job are you and

Miss Elizabeth," Dumbledore finished.

The boy had a small smile on his face as he was complimented. And it

was true by all stretches. Edward Wright was amongst the most brilliant

students he had ever seen. He was the perfect response to the blood

purity dogma. A muggleborn orphan, who had risen to the top at

Hogwarts leaving all the purebloods in the dust.

"But sir, what about my studies and the lectures?" The boy tried once

more. Dumbledore had prepared for it.

"Ah, well about that. I have talked to the staff about it, and all of them

agreed that they consider you responsible and brilliant enough to

complete your work by yourself. So, you are exempted from the classes as

of today. Though I would recommend you get a copy of their lecture

plans so you could keep up."

All of them agreed easily, the boy was capable of taking the NEWTS

during his fifth year. And that was two years ago. There was little they

could teach him. All of them were aware of his study sessions outside the

regular workload.

He was amazed at the news, and muttered a "thank you."

"So, will that be all, Mr. Wright?" Dumbledore asked the boy.

The boy stared at him for a moment before he spoke once more, his

words quite disturbing.

"Yes, Professor, there was one more thing. I just had a question about our

new DADA professor."

Ah, Alastor. Well, his first lesson had been shocking for Dumbledore as

well, but Dumbledore had still not conversed with his friend. But, the

boy's next words shocked him.

"You know the Weasley twins. They stole his flash and took a swig of it,

both of them transformed into the Professor himself. The flask had

Polyjuice potion in it."

Dumbledore was shaken. Color leaving his face. It couldn't be. He thought.

"When did it happen?" he asked the boy. His voice was very strict, quite

rare for someone like him.

"Just now. I just came from the Hospital Wing," the boy replied, and

Dumbledore nodded at those words. His mind was racing as it thought of

various possibilities, each worse than the next.

"I just have a suspicion, and with Sirius Black infiltrating the castle last

year, I thought…" the boy tried to explain.

"You did well in bringing this to my notice. I am afraid this is all the time

I have for now, I will look into it immediately. You should mention to the

prefects that all lectures of DADA will be canceled for today,"

Dumbledore told the boy.

Edward understood the implication of those words and nodded,

becoming much more serious and his face losing all of the usual cheer it


"Thank you, Headmaster," and the boy left his office.

As soon as the door was closed, Dumbledore closed his eyes and focused

on the corridor of the DADA class. He vanished with a crack, his

expression furious and his wand in his hand.

There was a notice that evening on the school notice board.


Due to some unforeseen circumstances, Professor Alastor Moody will not be

able to take the classes for some time. For now, these lectures will be self-study


Other classes will continue as per schedule.


Canon is out the window. Even if out MC took his time he finally is

ready to tackle life like a real person. As always you can read ahead

on .

Patre0n drkest

If you find the the story is easier to read and quality has improved

then thanks the most generous beta reader. 'A man who may use the

force but he is not a jedi'

Comment, cuz they fuel me

4. Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Edward Wright

The meeting with Dumbledore had gone better than I had anticipated.

The freedom to not take lectures was something I had not expected. Now,

there was ample time for me to focus on my studies. It was my last year

in these magical halls, and I plan to take full advantage of it.

I was walking slowly towards the great hall, recalling the conversation I

had just had. It was a gamble, telling him about Moody. Even in my

fourth year, I had been conflicted about telling him about Quirrell,

ultimately I had chickened out. During that time I was still focused on

firmly avoiding the Golden trio. But, in hindsight, that had been wrong.

When I first met Hermione last year, I had been ashamed of myself. They

were children. Children studying at a boarding school, worried about

acne and tests and all other trivial matters. It was not right to burden

them with the problems of a rotten society because of some misguided

notion about prophecy and the greater good.

So, I decided to act. I was better equipped. For all seven years, I had

focused firmly on the practical side. To the general dismay of some of the

Professors. My written work had always been barely adequate. The essays

I wrote were short and concise. My marks had always suffered because of

it, but after some time, upon seeing my practical work, the detentions

and objurgations had lessened.

Students passed by me as I crossed the hall, and as I was coming down

the stairs, I saw two friends walking towards me. A Hufflepuff and a

Slytherin. Both of them were almost opposites in their appearances.

Cedric Diggory was all prim and proper, with his brown hair brushed

back, buttoned uniform, and crisp robe. Talking to the boy next to him,

in a hushed tone.

The Slytherin boy had a wild appearance. His hair was dyed an unnatural

blue. His shirt, unbuttoned and his cuffs, folded up. Piercings in his ears

and a large grin on his face, as he was busy conversing with the

Hufflepuff heartthrob.

"Yes, I was just coming back," I replied. Both of them looked at each

other, then Henry grinned.

"So, how did it go, did you get rid of 'that wretched badge'?" he asked me

"Well, no but we reached a compromise. The staff gave me a free pass for

the lectures, given my track record they expect me to be able to keep up

on my own?" There was smugness in my tone. Both of them were looking

at me incredulously.

"That can not be true! You are screwing with us," Cedric said from the


We had now reached the Great Hall and moved towards the Hufflepuff

table. Perhaps, I could find Elizabeth here? I did have to inform her

about the DADA class cancellation

"Nah, I have the letter with me. It is signed by the Headmaster himself,"

and I waved the letter in front of them. Henry took it out of my hand and

started reading it immediately. I spotted Elizabeth talking to her friend

Amy at the table and moved toward them. Both Cedric and Henry behind

me were still engrossed in the letter.

Amy saw me first, waving at me.

I waved back.

"Hello, Amy, Elizabeth," I said, taking the seat opposite them.

"Hi," both of them replied. Elizabeth tried to say something but was cut

off by her friend.

"So, how did your resignation go? You do know that several wagers have

been made regarding this, so spill the beans, Eddy," I just shook my head

at her antics. I just shook my head at her antics. But I could see that both

of them had been anxious about it. For completely different reasons of


"It was rejected. But a compromise was reached, and I will continue as

Headboy. Thank you," I could see the slight relief in Elizabeth's eyes.

"No, how could it be?! You were so unwilling! You must be lying to me!"

she spoke.

"No, he isn't. Check this out," Cedric said finally sitting down beside me

with Henry taking the seat opposite him. He handed Amy the letter and

she started reading it. After some time she spoke.

"This has to be a lie! This can not be possible!" I could see that Elizabeth

shared her sentiment.

"As real as the news I am about to give you," I spoke to Elizabeth, "A

special notice will be on the board any second now; all classes for DADA

are dismissed for the day. Professor McGonagall will announce it as well,

but I want you to tell the prefects."

She nodded but from everyone's expressions, I could tell they had


"This is straight from Dumbledore. On a separate note, could you stop

students from approaching Professor Moody's office? Clear the whole

corridor; no student enters," I informed them.

"Why? Has something happened?" Cedric asked, for them all.

"Not yet," Ï shook my head "But I need you all to be extra cautious. It is a

suspicion, but it might be something similar to last year." I said gravely.

All of them nodded their heads.

Last year, the incident with Sirius Black had been a near disaster. Of

course, they did not know that he was innocent. But a terrorist in a

school of children had caused quite the panic.

The gates to the hall opened once more and Professor McGonagall

entered the Great Hall, her face stern and serious. She approached the

dais and spoke, addressing everyone.

"DADA classes will be canceled for the day. Everyone present should

inform the rest of the school. A formal notice has been posted on the

board. The fourth-floor corridor with the DADA professor's office is also

sealed. No student is allowed to enter it. Anyone who tries to enter it will

be punished severely."

There were some 'whoops and hurrahs', but it seems the gossip mill had

gained a new topic to keep them busy.


The Room of Requirement had been my constant companion. Despite the

various theories, the room was much less impressive than expected. It

could not generate copies of materials in the castle, nor did it have any

sophisticated training dummies. The room was just one thing, a place for

the storage of objects lost throughout the castle.

Various objects, that had been lost through the centuries, had been

placed in the room by the house elves tasked with the maintenance of the

castle. This included lost books, letters, manuals, worksheets, money,

jewelry, and many other such things lost by the students.

It was not the time-altering, omnipotent room many theorized it to be,

but was just a never-ending storage room. Over the course of seven years,

I had gone over a large portion of its contents, and I had found a decent

amount of change. A few pieces of jewelry were also found, in an old

wooden box, though most of them were ancient and had fetched me a

small fortune from some rather shady places.

Yet the biggest gain had been the books. Though none of them were like

tomes of ancient and powerful magics, getting those books from the

market would not have been easy or cheap. I looked at the book in front

of me as I tried to study but my thoughts continuously moved on to other


The whole castle had been gossiping about the DADA classes. Notice for

their suspension had gone up some time ago and this had just inflamed

the conspiracy theories. Dumbledore had not addressed the students,

though a few of the students had reported that they had seen the

Headmaster leave the fourth-floor corridor furiously.

I closed the book and got up, picked up the bag from the side, and exited

the room. I started walking towards the first floor. It was time for the

meeting with the prefects again.

As I was walking I heard my name being called out.

"Edward! Edward, wait!"

I stopped and turned to see Elizabeth rushing towards me. She seemed

quite angry.

"Where have you been?! I have been looking for you all over the castle!"

she asked indignantly. Her face flushed and her breaths quick.

"Oh. I am sorry, I was just reading up on something. What happened?

There is still some time in the meeting, right?" I inquired. Had I lost track

of the time?

"Yes, there are still thirty minutes until the meeting. I just wanted to ask

you something." She said as both of us started moving towards our

destination at a slow pace. I nodded my head and gestured for her to ask


"What happened with Professor Moody? No one is telling us anything.

The staff just say that he had to leave for personal reasons. But they

clearly are trying to hide something, right?" she said in a single breath.

"And?" I inquired. This was not something completely new.

"And the last person to see Dumbledore was you. So, the person with the

greatest chance of knowing something is also you. So tell us something,"

she asked me seriously. Her voice was filled with worry and anxiety.

"Hmmm. I cannot give you a definite answer. Let's just say; the issue is

quite similar to the one we had last year. I don't think the staff wants to

announce it; because with the other schools coming, and with the Tri-

Wizard Tournament happening, they don't want things to get out of

hand," I replied and she nodded her head. Her face had gone white, and

she seemed a little shaken.

"But, don't worry. I have already planned. The patrols will be done in

pairs and I will hand these out during the meeting," I said tossing her a

coin from my pocket.

She caught it in her hand and started examining it. Her eyes widened as

she understood the implication of what I had made. Not invented. Made.

"So, you finally completed modifying the protean charm!" she exclaimed.

And yes, I had claimed that this was possible during class in the fifth year

but had been rebuffed by a couple of students. Them believing it to be

impossible. But, I had known that it was possible and when I had been

free for some time during the last term I had made them as a pet project.

Who knew I would have to use them this year?

She tried to hand the coin back but I stopped her.

"You should keep it. This is the master coin. You can program it and send

messages to all the other coins. With you making the roster you should

have it."

She nodded her head and once again started observing the charm and

rune work. It was quite impressive if I say so myself.

I had not needed to disguise it as a galleon. So, I had more room, and

once could send a short text on it. There was space for only about fifty to

eighty words but this was enough. It would be like a text message. And in

case of an emergency, you would just have to break it and it would alert

all the other coins. They would heat up and could also guide a person

towards the specified area. Kind of like an SOS GPS signal. I could see her

struggling to make it work.

"Here let me help you. For writing, you just rotate …"

I have to compensate Hermione for it, I thought to myself.

After all, it was originally her idea. Perhaps a nice rare book from my

collection. Hm, yes that should be enough. After all, I did stop them from

learning defense under a renowned terrorist.


As always read ahead on . It helps a lot.

Comment your thoughts.

And greatest thanks to my beta who 'strives to disturb the balance of

the Force, for he is not a Jedi.'


5. Chapter 5

Chapter 5


"How could this happen? Two years in a row! For the castle to be

infiltrated for two years, how could this happen?" She had been

distraught when Dumbledore had called the emergency staff meeting. For

an imposter to take the place of Alastor and for every one of them to not

notice anything was mind-boggling.

She just shook her head and could see the worried expression on the rest

of the staff as well. Dumbledore himself was quite furious and worried, a

very rare sight from the usually always calm and benevolent behavior he

usually shows.

"I could look over the wards if you permit it, Albus?" Flitwick said from

the side. The aged charms master had a mastery of wards, and his input

could be valuable. She looked at Albus who replied while nodding his


"Well, I checked everything myself, but if you deem it necessary, you

could have a look at them yourself Filius," Filius just nodded his head at

that. If Dumbledore had not found any discrepancy, then there was little

chance they could find any. She just leaned back in her chair and

thanked that the issue was noticed as early as it was. If the other schools

had arrived for the tournament, this would have been a huge disaster.

"Well, it seems you were right in naming Mr. Wright as Headboy. I worry

if the situation had not been reported as early as it was, this could have

turned intoquite a catastrophe," the Hufflepuff head supplied her own

input. Pomona had wished for Cedric to become Headboy though

Dumbledore had made a firm decision and had not been swayed.

Thank the gods, she thought.

"We can discuss the 'what ifs?' and 'whatnots?' but we have a whole new

issue about the DADA classes. We need someone to fill in at that position

now that Moody is at St. Mungo's."


Well, his concern was valid. For students taking their OWLs and NEWTs

this year, time was crucial. They could not afford another debacle like


"We could try and fill in for Alastor, if he takes the post after his return

from 's?" She said to Dumbledore.

"I don't think that is possible, it will take significant time for Alastor to

heal and he has refused to take the post after his recovery. I am afraid we

will have to arrange a replacement," he said while shaking his head.

"I have good news regarding that, despite the short notice I was able to

arrange a replacement. They may lack experience as a teacher, but their

skills and knowledge should not be an issue," a bit of mirth escaping into

his tone.

"That is quite a relief," her colleague said from her side. And she nodded

at that. The staff could assist them with the lessons if they lacked

experience as an educator, that is if they were willing to listen. She just

shook her head remembering a certain golden-haired buffoon.

"Yes. They come highly recommended by Alastor and were an Auror

trainee recently." Albus told them. Auror trainee, she thought. That meant

the person was young. She might even have taught them.

"Oh, how were you able to convince them to come and teach here then?"

the charms master asked in his usually high-pitched voice. And he was

right; if the person was an Auror trainee, then there was little chance that

they would want to become a teacher. For them to leave their training

could be detrimental to their career.

"Well, even in my old age I believe there are several people willing to

listen to the words coming out of this old man's mouth," she could hear a

faint chuckle from their young runes professor, at those words, not

minding the smirk spreading across her lips as well, "I just promised them

I would mention them in some exemplary words, to some of my friends

at a later time."

She just shook her head at that. Bribery. Albus could be quite cunning it

seems when he wishes to be.

"Well, I believe that this is everything we needed to cover. The new

teacher will join us tomorrow. I believe we must all wrap this up," Albus

said while leaning back into his chair, taking off his half-moon glasses

and placing them on the table.

All of them started getting up and vacating the office. All of them except,




Dumbledore could feel the stiffness in his joints. He could feel his age

catching up to him. He had just wanted to be an educator, yet it seems

that the world was not quite done with him just yet.

All of the staff left his office, and now only Severus and he young potion

master sitting in his chair, his face devoid of all emotion. Many times

Dumbledore had contemplated using legilimency on him, to know what

went behind those emotionless eyes. Yet he just couldn't bring himself to

do it, for he had a small suspicion that it would be like looking at a

mirror. Ariana, he lamented for the millionth time.

"So, how is it that two people,both imprisoned in Azkaban were able to

escape and there has been no action from the ministry?" Severus asked

him. And wasn't the answer disappointing? The level of corruption and

deceit had shocked him. Disappointing.

"According to our esteemed minister, it was probably a small mix up and

we should not make a fuss about it with the incoming competition,"Albus

answered, and Severus scoffed at that.

"Then how is it that Bart Crouch Jr, a person who is supposed to be dead,

showed up at Hogwarts, just after we saw the debacle at the World Cup?"

the young man continued, "You can see the pattern, Albus, this is him."

Severus was right. Albus could see Tom's hand behind all the recent

happenings. The show at the World Cup had been a call. A call to his

followers, to remind them of their loyalty. But what was the purpose of

sending Crouch Jr to Hogwarts? Alas, when Albus had tried to confront

he had killed himself. Dumbledore had been unable to recover the body.

Dumbledore felt sad for the loss of a young boy, a young boy who had

lost his way but had such huge potential. Lost to a heinous deception.

"Yes, I can see them, yet we are unable to do anything. Our enemy

remains unseen while we are in the open. All we can do is wait." His

words made the young head of the house react.

"We can prepare. You could teach Lil . ." but he was cut off by Albus.

"NO! No, I will not involve children in this. They are young, ambitious,

and filled with so much potential. I will not have to burden them with

the mistakes of the previous generation."

Severus was about to say something but Albus narrowed his gaze at him

and spoke, his tone brokering no argument.

"Every year at this school, Harry has been forced to go above and beyond

regular students' duties. He has been put in danger continuously at this

school. He doesn't need us adding to his troubles."

Dumbledore finished and immediately, Fawkes appeared in a flash. Its

warm song soothed his agitation. Albus closed his eyes and let himself

soak in the pure magical tune reverberating across his office. After a

while, the music stopped.

"Thank you," Dumbledore said to his cherished companion who took to

the skies through his window. Vanishing into the starry night. He looked

at his young colleague and could see the same blank irises staring at him.

Though his shoulders seemed a little less tense.

At this, the young man nodded and got up to leave his office and made

his way to his chambers.

Dumbledore turned his chair and looked out into the starry sky.

Identifying a small star he chuckled, well it seems he forgot to tell them

the name of the new DADA professor. Well, they are going to arrive

tomorrow. Nothing wrong with a little bit of surprise.



She cursed herself once more for accepting this offer. Professor

Dumbledore had convinced her that taking this job would be good for her

resume, and Madam Bones had also accepted the offer from the

Headmaster. And now here she was, back at the good old Hogwarts. She

was quite nervous as she moved through the corridor.

Her mentor, Moody was at St. Mungo's and had told her everything. She

was quite dumbfounded that someone had gotten the drop on him, many

people called him paranoid but it seems that he was right this time

around. She started going up the stairs, the castle was still quite familiar

to her.

She spotted a couple of students moving in the corridor. One of the girls

looked at her and narrowed her eyes.

"Tonks is that you?" a very familiar voice called out. She smiled and

observed her black-haired junior. Ex-junior, to be more precise. She

hugged her, both of them embracing each other.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out on the streets being a

cool Auror and all that?" Amy Leighton, the black-haired junior asked

her. It seems she was still a gossip.

"What can I say? I missed you lot so much that I decided to come back.

After all, someone has to keep a look on you lot, lest you blow up the

whole place," she teased her friend.

"Ha-ha. Very funny. But seriously, why are you here?" Amy pressed on.

Well, she could be quite focused if she suspects a scoop. And it seems her

scoop senses have only gotten sharper.

"Hmmm, let's just say soon, you are gonna want to kill me because the bitch

assigned so much work?" Tonks said while trying to mimic a specific

person's voice and tone.

She could see the realization dawn on Amy's face. "Damn, you are here to

teach. So, the rumors were right, Dumbledore really killed that Moody

guy!" Amy said in quite a loud voice.

Aha. So there were rumors that Dumbledore had killed Moody. They

were quite imaginative. Now that she thought about it, Crouch Jr had

killed himself after Dumbledore had confronted him and he was using

Polyjuice to appear as Moody. So, they were quite accurate. Technically.

"Yes, I am your new DADA professor. So, I have to be responsible and not

be late on my first day," she said looking at her watch. She had to meet

Dumbledore and the rest of the staff in two minutes. Moody had given

her all the lecture notes he had prepared, but she still had to go over

them all.

"Wait wait. You have to tell me more than that. You can not leave me

hanging . . . ." Amy started going off on her usual tangent. But

Nymphadora started walking towards the seventh floor once more,

hollering back at her future student.

"Gotta go. It was nice seeing you, Amy," she waved back. Her steps

became faster as she rushed to the seventh floor. Well, she is here now.

Let's see if teaching is everything Professor Dumbledore made it out to



Hello. Welcome to one of my favorite characters. Nymphadora

Tonks is the new DADA teacher. I had to decide between her and

Kingsley. But I decided to add her because she is someone I could

play around with, as a character. Plus, I never liked her pairing

with Remus.

Thanks for the 'Fish Eating' person for beta reading

The story is going to continue moving.

As always, support me on .

Patre0n drkest

6. Chapter 6

Chapter 6


"Alchemy is perhaps the most wondrous art of magic. While the various

branches of magic are complex with each of them being governed by

certain rules and principles. Yet alchemy is the simplest in this regard as

it only has a single fundamental rule," Dumbledore spoke as he stared at

the small batch of students in front of him. All of them paid attention to

each of his words.

Dumbledore always felt most at ease with a blackboard at his back,

guiding the bright minds of youth as they stumbled across and discovered

the various wonders of magic. Even with his various other duties he

always tried to make time to teach, for he believed it to be his calling.

"Can anyone of you tell me what that rule is?" he questioned them. This

was the first class and he did not expect them to obtain a correct answer.

Most of the students just looked at each other and after his encouraging

smile, one of them raised his hand. Dumbledore motioned for him to


"The law of singular existence. 'By means of one, we have all, within one, all

things exist.'" The boy from Ravenclaw stated. Dumbledore smiled at the

answer. It was a good answer.

"While that is one of the governing ideologies, my question asks for a

singular law that could explain most, if not all the practices of alchemy.

Though five points for a good answer Mr. Foster," and then everyone

gained the needed confidence. Many began giving out answers. This was

all they needed, a bit of encouragement. After countless wrong answers,

Edward Wright raised his hand. The bow was seated at a desk in the


"Yes, Mr. Wright, what do you believe is the singular fundamental law

that governs the practice of alchemy." He repeated.

"The Law of Equivalent Exchange. To obtain something of equal value must

be lost." The answer made Dumbledore smile.

"Yes. Almost all of the practical alchemy we will study can be governed

by this very law. Yet can you give us an example where such a law can

be declared obsolete?" This question was a bit out of the way. Yet the boy

surprised him with his answer.

"The Philosopher's stone is touted by many as the only exception to this

law as its magical prowess is absolute," the boy replied and the answer

would have been enough but he continued.

"Yet many including myself theorize this notion to be wrong." The boy

continued surprising Dumbledore. And Dumbledore was never one to

discourage students from speaking their minds.

"And why would that be?" Dumbledore questioned.

"Because while it is true that the use of a Philosopher Stone, requires no

such exchange. We can not make such a statement about its creation,

which remains a mystery to this day to all except the Flamels."

Dumbledore did not correct his misconception. For he too was aware of

this mystery, yet had vowed to take it to the grave.

"Twenty points to Slytherin for the right answer. And perhaps Mr.

Edward would be charitable to share it with us once he finds the secret

himself," he jokes lightening, the mood of the class.

The class continued for an hour or so before the students left the

classroom with amazed eyes and ruminating minds.



I was walking in the corridor making my way to the Great Hall when,

suddenly, I heard my name being called out.

"Edward! Edward."

I looked back and saw one of my best friends approaching me. Cedric

was walking towards me briskly. I slowed down, waiting for him to catch

up. He caught up to me and immediately began speaking.

"Do you have any idea who the new DADA professor is?"

Cedric asked, wiggling his brows at me. At his words, I just increased my


"No. I do not. Why?"

I asked, and Cedric could not control himself as he spilled the beans.

"It is an Auror trainee. Supposedly she was Mad-eye's student. And she

was our senior a couple of years ago."

Our senior by a couple of years. And I began thinking of names and faces.

I had not taken the DADA class, because I was preparing for the arrival of

the other schools. A Hufflepuff, and an Auror trainee linked to Moody. It

couldn't be her.

"Is it Tonks? That metamorphmagus from Hufflepuff?" I tried to guess.

And from the look on his face, I was right. I just smirked at him as he

stood there gaping at me and continued walking.

"How did you know? Did Dumbledore tell you? How do you even know

about the metamorphmagus? Back when she was at Hogwarts you were a

recluse!" Cedric spluttered as he caught up to me once more. The

Hufflepuff prefect just huffed when I refused to respond to his


Though he could not stop himself for long, as he started talking after a

while. Though this time there was a very sinister smirk on his face. 'I am

not going to like this I thought.

"Forget about that. You know there is a certain rumor going around in

multiple circles. And I just wanted to ask my friend about the truth of it

all." Cedric asked in an overly sweet voice. That goddamn smile was still

on his face! When I refused to entertain the ruse, he continued:

"There are rumors about 'our friend' having someone very special to him

arriving at Hogwarts this year. Someone so special, that 'our friend' has

been in touch with for years. Now, I would not want the girls in the

castle to be taken by surprise if that 'special' someone really exists.

Honestly, it would break their hearts."

And before he could continue the eulogy, I increased my pace. Not

entertaining him any further. But Cedric did not relent, for he was a true

Puff. And persistence and hard work were their two virtues. Along with

being troublesome gossip!

"But Edward. You have never mentioned any special girl! Like ever! You

live like a saint. And it takes Rowle, reading one of your letters for us to

find out about this. Come on, you have to give me something. What is

she like? Which year is she in? Which country does she live in? How did

the two of you meet? How ...?"

And before he could carry this tirade any further, I intervened. To spare

my ears.

"OK!OK! STOP! Honestly, no wonder Hufflepuff is so united. They behave

like Indian aunties, gossiping all day. And to answer your question, she




Nervous. Fleur Delacour was extremely nervous as she sat in the carriage.

She kept feeling nervous about meeting a certain someone at Hogwarts.

This was quite an odd scenario for Fleur Delacour, the castle's delight, the

dueling champion. For all of Beauxbatons Academy, she was the pinnacle

to beat. The Miss Perfect residing among the plebians.

"Hahaha. Honestly, in all these years I have never seen you this nervous.

You have always been this symbol of excellence. And right now you are

biting your nails. 'Fleur Delacour' biting her nails."

Fleur lowered her hand, sending her friend a glare who just laughed


"But I don't understand why are you fussing so much. You two have

known each other for years. Why are you so stressed about meeting him

at Hogwarts?"

Fay Dunbar asked her friend. Her tone lost the mirth as it got serious. But

before Fleur could reply a boy from the opposite side spoke in a

condescending tone.

"She is probably worried that he would see her true colors. It is about

time he learns about your 'true nature.'"

"SHUT UP NELSON!" Fay shouted, "Honestly, you get rejected by

someone once and you can not accept it and move on. You really have

some deep abandonment issues." Fay said shaking her head at the boy

opposite to her.

Nelson Dupont was a jealous spoilt rich boy who had been rejected by

Fleur a couple of years ago. He had taken it as an insult, and over the

years had tried to slander her image. Fleur just got up from her seat and

moved towards the other room. Her friend Fay followed her but not

before glaring at Dupont.

"FLEUR! FLEUR!" Fay shouted. "STOP! You do not have to pay any

attention to what Dupont says, everyone knows he is a jerk," Fay tried to

assure her friend.

"But what if he does? What if he believes him? You know he has not said

anything over the years, maybe all this is just my imagination, and he

doesn't even like me," Fleur spoke out her thoughts.

"Do you think so little of him?" Fay asked, with a raised brow. Fleur

shook her head at that. And it was true, over the course of their

friendship she had found Edward to be extremely courteous and


"You can not let Dupont get to you. And there is no way that he is not

into you. Just believe me I can tell, when you two get together, it makes

me feel lonely."

Fleur laughed at her friends' words. Punching her lightly on the arm. Fay

rubbed her arm before she continued.

"Have you even read the letters you write to each other? You know if I

was so devoted to writing my homework, I would have aced my OWLs.

They are larger than the essays I wrote for my exams. And you say he

does not like you."

Fay shook her head at her friend. She had seen them at their first meeting

and had predicted their romance. And her predictions were never wrong.

At least when it came to romance.

Fleur laughed lightly at her friend's words. Feeling her nervousness die

down. Fay was right, she was fussing over nothing. She had nothing to be

afraid of. Dupont and his goons were idiots and there was nigh a chance

that he would be ensnared by their slander.

"Ok. Now that you have calmed down. We have to get back to the cabin.

We are going to be at Hogwarts in a little while and then I can hand you

over to your Prince Charming. So, let's go back and sit."

Fleur nodded at that and went back to the sitting area. All traces of

nervousness and anxiety were gone from her face. Her thoughts went

towards a certain bespectacled boy. As she remembered his last letter. He

had mentioned a very special surprise for her.

She started staring out the window and her eyes found the towers of an

ancient castle hidden behind the clouds and her heart began to race


Finally, she was here. She would meet him once more after more than a year.

The carriage tied behind the magical Abraxans slowed down. As they

made their way over the lake. And a voice went through the carriage.




Albus Dumbledore was still on the dais. As the delegation from

Drumstrang settled down. He watched as students mingled with students

and conversations began to stir. Students from different backgrounds and

different schools began talking to each other. His eyes found a certain

group of students. Three students Wright, Leighton, and White sat with a

certain student from Beauxbatons Academy.

Fleur Delacour was the dueling champion for the under-seventeen

category. She had won the tournament this year. Though she had lost for

two years, each time she had lost to the student sitting by her, side.

Edward Wright. Edward himself had won the tournament last year but

had not competed in it this year.

A proposal had been made by both of them for an exhibition match.

Madame Maxime had also given her consent, it would be a nice show for

the students watching perhaps the best of their generation duel.

As the food from the plates vanished. He spoke once more.

"I hope you are all well-fed now. But before we end the night. I have a

new announcement to make."

And the mutterings died down completely, all the students gazing at him

as he spoke his next words.



was completely silent at that.

"A DUELLING EXHIBITION MATCH," he announced, and applause broke

out in the Hall. He raised his hand after a while the commotion died


"Though this will not be your average match. For it will be between two

youth dueling Champions." And the students began to mutter once more.

"This year's champion Miss Fleur Delacour will face last year's champion.

your very own Mister EDWARD WRIGHT." And there was a loud cheer

from the hall. Loudest from the Hufflepuff he noticed.

He then announced the details and the rules. But most of the students

were no longer listening. He smiled as he saw their excited faces as most

of the junior students preened to catch sight of the two competitors.


Alright people. Story is moving on. Your comments motivate me to

write so spare me a moment.

Huge thanks for thepiscivore for correcting my mistakes.

Read ahead and support me on .


7. Chapter 7

Chapter 7


"I can not believe you hid it from us for all this time. That is very uncool

Wright. Very uncool,"

Amy Leighton said to me. Cedric who was sitting by her side nodded at


"Amy is right Edward. How could you keep this from us?" Elizabeth also

teased me.

I just shook my head at that, explaining for the hundredth time.

"As I have explained previously. There was nothing to hide. We met a

couple of years ago at the Dueling Championship. We met and talked and

found our interests to be very similar, so we just kept in touch through

letters. And that is all there is to it. We are just friends."

My word seemed to have the opposite effect on Amy, as her eyes lit up.

She then pointed at me and spoke,

"THERE. Right there. 'Just friends' don't you know there is no such a thing

as 'just friends! There are 'friends'"- at this, she pointed towards our

group- "and then there are the other friends."

And she wiggled her eyes after that. I just made a face at that, like really.

"Then why didn't you tell us about her before? Why is it that this is the

first time we are hearing about this and even now we have to force each

nugget of information out of you."

Elizabeth said from the side.

"And what was I supposed to say? And I did mention her, you just don't

remember it?" I retorted and Elizabeth narrowed her eyes at that.

"You mentioned her once. And after that, there was complete silence."

All of them were ganging up on me. So, I just gave up. I raised my hands

in surrender.

" . What do you want to know? She will be here in a couple of minutes,

so you could just wait."

And Amy was now eyeing me greedily, she had the same expression as a

dog eyeing a rib-eye steak.

"What about her name, height, age, family . . ." she trailed off.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Pump the breaks. Sheesh! You are worse than a


Yet Amy kept staring at me. I tried to get out of the situation but it seems

I was caught. So, I just relented

"Well, her name is Fleur Delacour. She won the Dueling Tournament this

year. She is in her final year at Beauxbaton."

I could see Amy getting excited, and then the doors opened and the

Headmaster went to welcome the students from Beauxbatons. I and

Elizabeth also got up, Amy tried to speak but I cut her off,

"And you can ask her the rest yourself?"

Headmaster Dumbledore lead Madame Maxime to the stage and the

students entered the Hall. I and Elizabeth went forwards to greet them.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. I am Elizabeth and this is Edward," and she

began helping them settle down. While she was doing that my eyes were

searching for a familiar face. I found Fay Dunbar waving at me, and I

smiled and waved back.

Behind her stood probably the most gorgeous blonde I had ever seen.

Fleur Delacour in her blue satin uniform looked as ravishing as a model.

A supermodel to be exact. Were they even a thing yet? I waved at her

and was about to meet her but was stopped by a pinch on the arm by


She gave me a very scary smile and spoke in a quiet voice,

"Guide the boys to their tables. You can ogle your girlfriend later. I will

seat her at our table."

I wanted to retort that, she was not my girlfriend. But Elizabeth white was

still smiling. So, I got back to work.

"All right, as she mentioned I am Edward Wright. If you have any query.

.. " And then I began guiding them to their table.

I saw Elizabeth approach Fay and Fleur greeting them and speaking to

them in a hushed tone. Fay smiled widely as the conversation went on

and then both Fay and Fleur began making their way toward our group.

I gave Fleur a small nod as she walked passed by me. She smiled and

nodded back. Elizabeth 'hummed' and I straightened up once more.

As I turned to help the last batch of students. I saw the predatory eyes of

Amy Leighton staring at me and she had a sinister smile on her face. And

a single thought went through my head.

I am so screwed, then I saw Fay sit beside and alarms began ringing in my


I am very very screwed.



"And he has the nerve to say that they are 'just friends'" Cedric commented

as he had a grin on his face.

Amy was eyeing the girls as well. And damn was she breath-taking. She

saw Edward eyeing the girl, his dazed eyes and that goofy smile told her

everything she needed to know. She just shook her head at that, Damn


Then he went to converse with the boys and Elizabeth went ahead and

greeted the girl. After some time, she was guiding her toward them. They

reached to their side and then Elizabeth introduced them,

"This is Amy Leighton and Cedric Diggory." Both of them got up and

shook hands with the two girls.

"Hi, it is nice to finally meet you." And the girl nodded to her.

"Nice to meet you as well," her English had only a hint of an accent. The

blonde seemed a little flustered at her enthusiasm. She then shook hands

with the brunette beside her,

"Fay Dunbar," she introduced herself, and then they all sat down. After

some light conversation, she asked,

"So how do you find Hogwarts?" she asked the two girls as Dumbledore

began introducing the students from Drumstrang.

The answer came from the silvery blonde's friend.

"Oh. It is very ancient. But in a good way. Just like Edward described it,

the castle is 'gothic'," and Fleur simply nodded at that. Suddenly there

were whispers in the Hall.

'Krum, it is Krum,' Fay turned and saw a familiar face in the Drumstrang

students. The broad-shouldered teen with a crooked nose, who had taken

the Quidditch world by storm stood beside a rather large man. A rather

large man with yellowish teeth.

"He looks much better in the pictures," she heard the brunette say. And

Amy found herself agreeing. Though she was interested in the celebrity

from Drumstrang as well, she was much more interested in the silvery

blonde in front of her. So, she began talking with them once more.

"So, how did you get to know Edwards?" she asked looking straight at the

silvery blonde beauty. She could see many boys in the Hall preening to

catch a glimpse of her. Many of them were drooling. Aghhh, Amy thought.

Though none of them stand a chance.

"Oh. Hum. We just met at a dueling championship a couple of years ago.

We fought against each other in the Quarterfinals and talked a bit after

that. Then we just kept in touch."

Amy nodded at that, but before she could investigate more. The brunette

just rolled her eyes and spoke in a very sinister voice.

"Oh, you removed all the interesting details." And Amy's eyes brightened

at that. She had a gut feeling that she and this brunette, Fay, her brain

supplied the name were going to be particularly good friends.

"Let me tell you," and she could see Fleur trying and failing to stop her


"Both of them were like the youngest competitors there. Two young

prodigies vying for the spot of the champion. It was unfortunate that they

met in the Quarterfinals because their match was riveting. The whole

arena was on its feet."

Fleur rolled her eyes at that and tried to stop her friend yet Amy was

hanging on to each of her words.

"After the match, both of them began talking to each other. But the thing

is they did not just talk for minutes. No, they sat down together for hours

breaking down each of the duels, hunched in the corner of the arena. Oh,

they were just so adorable,"

The silvery blonde's face had a light flush.

"We were just talking about the matches. Both of us just had similar

interests," the silvery blonde added in a small voice, like that explained


Fay nodded at that, and then the food was served. She saw. Edward

moves towards them. Finally done with his duties.

He sat down next to Fleur and the atmosphere around the girl changed


"Hello, Edward." The silvery blonde greeted the Headboy.

"Hi. I am sorry I could not talk earlier. It was just that I had to deal with

this Headboy crap," he said immediately to the girl.

"Oh no, it is fine." And Fleur's voice was melodic as she replied to him.

And then the food was served, and all of them began to eat. Though one

very specific thing Amy noted was that the both not love birds, couldn't

keep themselves away from each other. She just stared at them and then

hers and Fay Dunbar's eyes met and both of them just went. Can you

really believe they are just friends? Beside them, Elizabeth had a similar


After the announcement. Dumbledore took to the dais once more. His

announcement regarding the exhibition duel surprised all of them.

"You won the championship this year!" Amy asked the drop-dead


Fleur seemed a little embarrassed but nodded her head at that. Then she

spoke in a small voice,

"Yes, but Edward won last year, and he did not participate this year." But

the love bird rose to the defense immediately.

"She is downplaying herself. She is just as if not more talented than me.

She won because she deserved it, my participation has little bearing on

her winning." Edward explained from the side.

Fleur preened up at his words. Then Dumbledore began explaining the

rules of the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

All the Hall went silent as the magical Goblet was brought to the front.

Amy considered entering, before discarding the thought immediately.

Then her eyes focused on the two idiots of their group. Both of them

were just busy talking to each other completely ignoring Dumbledore and

everyone around them.


They were in their dorms now, and both she and Elizabeth were

preparing to go to bed. Amy couldn't control herself so she asked


"Sooo, what do you think of Fleur?"

Elizabeth was still preparing her bed when she replied.

"I think that she is very brilliant, she is also very smart and is extremely


"Come on. You know that is not what I am talking about. What do you

think about her and Eddy?" Amy asked her friend once more.

"Well, that is an even simpler question. We have all been duped by

Edwards. Simple."

And Amy nodded at that and then asked in a very serious tone.

"But what about the rumors between you an..."

But she was cut off by Elizabeth who was now lying on the bed.

"As I have mentioned a thousand times, Edward and I are friends, very

good friends and I would not want that to change it in any way. And it

would never have worked between us. You know how my father is!" And

there was sadness in her tone. Elizabeth's father was a businessman. To

him, everything in life was a profit and loss statement. He had been

trying to get Elizabeth to match with one of the rich pureblood heirs for

quite some time. But was being stalled by Elizabeth.

"Well, now I can understand why he wouldn't look at a girl twice here at

Hogwarts," Amy added.

"Hmmm, yeah. You can say whatever you want about Edward, but he

does have some high standards." Elizabeth replied.

"Well, why do you think Edward has not made a move yet? You know

properly ask her out or anything." Fay asked.

"Well, I do not know the exact reason but it probably had something to

do with his living condition. He was an orphan with nothing to his name.

And from what I know Fleur's family is quite famous in France's magical

world. I remember my father mentioned a Delacour once. That he was

planning to run for Minister there." Elizabeth replied. She had been

thinking the same question as Amy. She had seen the way the boys had

turned to look at Fleur and how their eyes gained a special haze around


"But I don't think he will wait anymore," she added. And Amy's head

jerked towards her.

"Why?" Amy asked

"Because I think Edward thinks he is ready now. He told me about the

place he bought and from what I saw of his account balance, he is quite

loaded at the moment. Plus, I saw him getting irritated as the boys were

drooling over Fleur. He will not wait anymore."

Elizabeth knew Edward. He liked to plan things thoroughly. And it

seemed his romance had taken a similar approach. While this may seem

unromantic by some fairytale standards. This was a practical approach.

"Well, I hope he wins her over, because I have never seen him smile like

today. And Fleur seemed into him as well, she will be good for him. He

deserves to be happy."

And Elizabeth nodded her head. Amy was right. Edward had struggled a

lot in his life and had come out of it all without a single complaint. He

deserved any happiness he got.


In another corner of the country in a very decrypt building. A large snake was

coiled around a shriveled-up small body. A plump man, with large front teeth,

was kneeling.

"My Lord, it is done. I can go to Hogwarts and bring you the boy." The plump

man spoke.

"No," a hiss came from the shriveled body settled in the chair. The green snake

hissed at the plump man.

"This time, the boy will come to us." A soft and shriveling hiss was heard once


"How my lord?"

"You do not have to worry about that. You just have to do as I say."

The plump man bowed his head, receiving further instructions. He left the

house hours later. His face had a small smile as he thought over his master's

plan. Truly, he had chosen right all those years ago.


Support me and read ahead on .


8. Chapter 8

Chapter 8


"Have you entered your name?" Fleur asked me as we made our way

toward the Great Hall.

I shook my head at that. Even though I planned to do it, I had not gotten

the chance to do it last night with all the commotion.

"Have you added yours?" I asked fleur,and she nodded her head.

"Headmistress Maxime had us all place them last night."

I nodded at that as both of us took a seat and food appeared in front of


"Have you given any thought to my proposition," she asked suddenly.

I just nodded my head. Fleur had written to me about the charms

professor at Beauxbatons retiring. The school was looking for someone to

take his place. Fleur had mentioned that I should apply for that post. It

was not a bad proposal and there was a high chance that my application

might even get accepted.

"I have, but I have not decided yet. After all, it is a big decision," I said.

Fleur nodded at my answer though I noticed the slight change in her


"I personally think you should accept, in the international community,

Britain has amongst the most archaic laws. You could fulfill your

potential in France," she added once more, a small hint of desperation in

her voice. I just narrowed my eyes at that. Was my suspicion correct


"I am not ruling it out. Plus, I have some time to think about it," I said

once more. And Fleur nodded her head at that.

Fleur finally focused once more on the food. Though her eyes still had

that worried look. She picked up her spoon, and held it tightly, chewing

her lips. I noticed her hesitation and placed my own spoon down. Placing

my hand over her other hand, she looked up at me.

"What is bothering you?" I asked.

Fleur tried to shake her head, smiling weakly.

"It is nothing." She said squeezing my hand and then just as I was about

to ask her once more, someone interrupted us.

"Ah, would you look at that? So, you are her latest prey? You are a pretty

one!" I looked up and saw a boy wearing a blue jacket, the Beauxbaton

insignia shining on his pocket. His face was something I could say was

above average, if not for the heinous glint in those eyes.

"Beside me, I could feel Fleur stiffen slightly, and my eyes immediately

narrowed at the boy.

"I am Nelson Dupont, final year at Beauxbaton." He offered me a hand.

Which I ignored. Still staring at him.

"Well, it seems that you are completely ensnared by that harlot, well I …"

he suddenly stopped. His eyes were wide with fear and amazement. My

hand now right over his shoulder, on his face's side, fire dancing along it.

"You wouldn't want me to burn your pretty face now, would you?" I said

sweetly and he just gulped. As I moved my hand closed to his face, the

fire in it singing his sideburns.

"Now, you are going to simply apologize to her, and then you are never

going to approach either me or her ever again." I finished as I moved

closer to him, our eyes level at each other. He simply nodded and gritted

his teeth and turned towards Fleur who was staring at all this with an

aghast face.

"I apologize!"

Fleur just nodded a little dumbfoundedly. As the flame in my hand

extinguished. I pinched his shoulder making him squirm. And I got up

close to his ear and spoke in an exceedingly small voice.

"Next time, there will be no warning," the kid nodded and started

walking back. His steps hurried as he moved out of the Great Hall.

I looked up and saw several people staring at me. The Hall was staring at

us. I just shook my head and picked up a sandwich and then took Fleur's

hand and started walking out of the Hall. Fleur was following me quietly,

though her eyes were staring at me intensely.



"Now, that was intense," Ron said from the side. The redhead had given

her a small apology and Hermione had accepted it for the sake of their

friendship of three years.

"That was wandless magic. I thought only extraordinarily strong wizards

could do it," Harry said with an amazed tone. The implication behind his

words was clear.

"No, that is not the case," Herminone shook her head, and both Ron and

Harry stared at her.

"What do you mean? I have always heard that wandless magic can only

be performed by powerful wizards," Ron asked.

"That may be true in general, but it is not the only case. With enough

practice, we can use wandless magic, but it requires extreme focus and a

very profound understanding of magic. The rumor that 'only very strong

wizards can use wandless magic' was propagated because it is often these

people that can control their magic without a wand, otherwise, our

underage magic was also wandless," she explained. She had found the

theory in Edward's notes and had looked it up herself consulting even the


"Well, it is the same thing," Ron said, and she just shook his head at that

answer. From Harry's expression, it was evident that he was still trying to

process her words.

"Well, leaving that. Do you have any idea who is placing their name in

the Goblet from Gryffindor?" she asked.

"Angelina's done it from Gryffindor. Though I have heard that Warrington

from Slytherin has done it as well." Ron said.

And Hermione nodded, it was good that someone from Gryffindor was

participating. Though, she had noticed that Ron had not mentioned

Edward's name. Was he not going to participate?

"Well, did they mention anything about that exhibition duel?" Harry

asked her.

She nodded her head at that.

"McGonagall mentioned that it will be before the tournament's first task,

so next week most probably."

Harry nodded and then she saw the Twins walk in along with Dean


"We did it. We did it," they shouted and a cheer went through the whole

hall. Dean approached their table and she asked.

"What are they so excited for?" she asked him.

"We made the aging potion. Now we are going to enter our names and if

we win it we are going to split the money," Dean replied excitedly as he

cheered and whooped with the rest of the table while Hermione just

stared at them like idiots. There was no way that they were going to fool

Dumbledore's age line with an aging potion.

The twins took a small gulp from the two vials they held, and she saw

their features change slightly. At least, the potion was brewed perfectly.

'HOOOOOOOO,' the whole Hall cheered.

Then both walked up to the Goblet of Fire and looked at each other

before jumping over the line. And the line let them pass through.

Hermione was surprised.

This was not going to work, she thought.

"HOOOOOOOO," everyone cheered, and just as the twins were about to

place their names In the Goblet. The age line glowed and a ripple went

through the Hall, and the twins were thrown back.

Their faces had begun to morph, their hair becoming white as frowns and

wrinkles appeared on their face. The Hall was laughing now.

"Honestly, do you guys have a thing for the Hospital Wing? You guys just

got out of it a week ago," a somewhat annoyed and amused voice said

from the entrance. And she saw that the Headgirl was here.

Elizabeth White, the Head girl, was shaking her head at the twins even

though Hermione spotted a small smile on her lips.

"Terrance! Take them to the Hospital Wing and tell Pomfrey what they

did," she shouted, and Hermione saw the tall boy get up and levitate the

twins and take them out of the Hall.

"That was unlucky," Ron said.

"That was stupid, they are idiots if they think they can fool Dumbledore

so easily," she commented and went back to her breakfast.



Elizabeth was just about done with the Weasley twins. Honestly, did they

have any limit? She made her way to the front of the table and sat down

to start her breakfast. She had woken up a little late today. She looked

around the table and noticed the absence of a certain person.

He is usually awake by now, she thought.

She suddenly felt a slight tap on her shoulder and saw Cedric approach

her. She smiled and greeted her year mate.

"Good morning, Cedric," she said.

"Good morning to you as well," and he took the seat by her side. Both of

them were about to begin their breakfast when suddenly she noticed

someone else rushing towards them

"Did you guys see it!" Amy asked impatiently as she took the seat by her

side. Amy had rushed to the Great Hall, her hair was still a mess and she

seemed very excited about a twins prank.

"Yes, I was here when the twins attempted to enter the tournament," she

replied but Amy cut her off.

"NO! I am not talking about that. I am talking about Edward's

confrontation," and Elizabeth's heart dropped. Her head jerked towards


"What happened to Edward?" she asked, trepidation building in her heart.

By her side, she noticed that Cedric had stopped eating as well.

"One of the girls told me about it. Edward was having breakfast with

Fleur and then someone from her school came and began bad-mouthing

Fleur." As soon as those words left Amy's mouth, Elizabeth's heart skipped

a beat.

She had heard rumors from some Slytherin about the retaliation from

Edward. Edward had been vicious to those who insulted or bullied him.

And the way he had treated Fleur, it was clear that she had a certain

place in his heart, and if someone was going to insult her like this. Well,

he was going to retaliate.

"She said that Edward burned the guy's face and made him apologize."

Elizabeth stiffened at that. Burning someone's face. This was going to get him

into trouble, she thought.

"Where is Edward?" Cedric asked, looking around the Hall.

"He is not here. She said that she was Edward with the silvery blonde. He

was making his way towards the basement," Amy replied.

Elizabeth nodded and got up, leaving her breakfast unfinished.

"Where are you going?" Amy asked her.

"I am going to the Hospital wing to check with Pomfrey if someone with

a burned face has come to her," she replied. If Edward had done such a

thing, the injured person would have gone to the Hospital Wing.

Amy also got up, as did Cedric, and joined her. All three of them were

rushed to the Hospital wing. And upon reaching it, Elizabeth asked

Pomfrey about any student coming in with a burned face.

"No one with a burned face came in, but someone did come in and had

singed his sideburns due to some prank spell," Pomfrey replied.

And Elizabeth's heart eased at that. Well, at least he had shown restraint.

This could have become a huge incident.

All three of them left the Hospital wing a lot more relieved.


OK People. The chapter is done. Honestly. This story has been a

challenge to write, against all my expectations. But we tread on,

without stopping at all.

A thank you to the fish loving^devouring^ beta reader.

As always, you can read ahead on . It would be a delight to have

your support.


9. Chapter 9

Chapter 9


Fleur watched as Edward led her through the small round door of the

basement. She had to lower her head to pass through and what she saw

made her eyes widen. There were hundreds of house elves working in the

place, which she identified as the village.

She looked down at her hand and Edward was still holding her hand. She

had never seen this side of him. He had always had this calm look to him.

Yet his reaction to Dupont had been somewhat new to her. It warmed her

heart a bit to see him defend her this way. Even though he did not need

to be this way.

"You did not have to do that, you know?" she spoke lightly, and she saw

him turn towards her. Looking straight into her eyes. The purple in his

eyes reflected her own blue eyes.

"He was being a bully and I know the perfect way to deal with people

like him," he replied with a slight smirk. Though she did not miss the

intensity of his gaze as he mentioned bullies.

"And how would you know that?" She questioned him.

"Well, let us just say that the rumors about Britain are quite accurate in

some cases. The war may have ended yet the tragedies continue." And

understanding dawned on her. She had heard about the war of purity

that had ravaged Britain a little over a decade ago. And then she looked

up at him, once more. And he had faced the remnants of that war. All on

his own.

"Still, you do not need to fight my battles for me." She retorted and she

saw him smirk slightly.

"What if I want to? What if I want to fight all your battles for you?" and

her heart skipped a beat. An emotion not unknown to her erupted in her

heart. She saw his face approaching her, his features getting clearer each

second, she could feel his cool breath on her face. And she heard him

whisper in her ear,

"What if I want to fight them for you for all my life," and her eyes

widened. All her worries and insecurities left her body. She felt her face

warm up, as his arms wrapped around her.

"Do you even have an idea about how much they may be?" she

whispered, as she felt her body melt in his arms. She saw his eyes glow a

bit, Magic thrummed around her.

"No matter what I face,"-he stopped, and his nose touched her nose, his

eyes staring intensely at her. As he finished his words, melting her

heart-"They will be worth it!"

And she did not let him speak any further, pushing off her toes. And her

lips crashed onto his own. His arms tightened around her, and she felt

her mind getting lost as she left all the other worries behind her. To her,

it was just him and her, at that moment that mattered.

She did not know how much time had passed, but both of them only

stopped when she heard a slight pop by their side. Their eyes widened

and their faces separated, her body still in his embrace and she looked to

the side and saw a house-elf staring at them both.

"Master Edward, did you need anything?" the elf asked Edward.

"Yes, just get me the regular stuff," Edward replied and she looked up at

him. He just gave her a slight smile.

The elf vanished and soon there were several ingredients on the table

next to her. She felt Edward brush her hair back slightly as he separated

from her. And then he began rolling up his sleeve.

"What are you doing?" she asked him. He just smiled at her as he picked

up the flour and the eggs.

"I remember a certain someone mention once that they are quite picky

about what they eat," and her face heated up at that. She pinched his arm

at that.

"So I am checking if I would even be able to feed my girlfriend or we are

both going to die of starvation," he continued. And she tried to pinch him

once more. But he just jumped back. She narrowed her eyes at him. And

then she saw the flour and she smiled.

"NO! NO! Come on, it was just a joke." But before he could continue she

had showered him with flour. His whole uniform and face got covered

with a layer of white flour.

"Hahaha," she laughed at his conundrum, missing the slight glint in his

eyes as he began to approach her.

"Two can play at that game!" And she felt hands rub her cheeks and her

eyes widened. But she did not relent as both of them dirtied each other's


Edward took the dish out from the oven and began putting it on a plate.

"Here try it," he said placing it in front of her. And she saw a plate full of

chocolatine glistening slightly. She could tell that he had practiced

making it at least a couple of times.

"How did you know that I liked chocolatine!" she asked. Very few people

knew about that. And Edward did not reply, and she just narrowed her

eyes at him.

"Come on, try it. And tell me how it is." And she picked up a piece and bit

into it. The chocolate melted into her mouth and the outside crunch had

a perfectly fluffy inside. She ate the whole piece looking at Edward with

a surprised expression.

"This is really good. I did not know you could cook!" She exclaimed.

Edward smiled at her, "I couldn't," and her eyes widened at that.

"It is just that"- and now he was sitting in front of her- "I wanted to do

something special for you. So, I learned. And it was Fay who told me that

you liked this."

And Fleur both thanked and cursed her friend in her heart. And then she

felt him hold her hands. She looked up at him and was jolted by his next


"Now, would you like to tell me what has been bothering you?"

And she evaded her eyes. A bit embarrassed.

"Did Fay mention anything?" she asked with a bit of heat in her tone as

she pulled back her hands. But she saw him smile slightly.

"No. I may have bad eyesight, but I am not blind. You have been a bit

tense for some time. So, tell me what has been bothering you." He spoke


She opened her mouth to speak but she could not think up the words.

They had just started their relationship. Was it right to burden him with

such things this early? She was about to lie when she felt his hands wrap

around her face. And then she felt his forehead touch hers. Cold, his

forehead was cold, and it soothed her.

"Whatever it is you can tell me without any hesitation. Didn't I promise to

stand by you for this whole life?"—and he smiled, and she felt her

worries ease up as she the sincerity in his eyes.

She raised her own hands. Touching his face, she felt the cold face and

the smooth skin, on the rivels of her hands. And after a while, she began

to speak.

"It is just that during the summer my father was quite insistent," she

spoke softly, and she felt his body stiffen slightly. His face getting slightly


"Insistent about what?" he asked her to continue.

"Insistent about an engagement." As soon as she completed the sentence,

she felt his hand stiffen slightly and before he could speak any further,

she continued.

"I stopped him. But I had to tell a lie, "This time she pulled her hands

back as she was quite embarrassed about this.

"I told him that I was already seeing someone." And she saw him stiffen

and his face froze for a second.

"Who?" he asked in a small voice after a moment of silence.

She did not reply immediately and then finished with a small smile.

"A certain boy from Britain." And she saw his eyes widen at her words.

Then a huge smile appeared on his lips. And he broke into a small laugh.

"Well, I do not see a problem with that." He said in between laughs. But

she replied in a grave voice.

"It is just that. He wants to meet you." And his laughter stopped

immediately. Now, he was staring at her. And his eyes widened at her

next words.

"This Christmas."



Albus Dumbledore was quite exhausted when he entered his office. He

had to prepare for the selection of the champions in the evening. But as

soon as the door closed, he stopped. His eyes narrowed as he scanned the


He took out his wand and cast several spells to check for any curses or

foreign magics, yet the result was negative. Then his eyes narrowed at

the box laying on his table. He then turned towards the pictures of

various previous Headmasters. He saw one of them awake and spoke to


"Dippet, can you tell me who brought that box to my office?" he asked in

a mild tone. The aged man in the picture turned and smiled at him and

then replied.

"AH! Albus, I think your phoenix brought it some time ago?"

Albus was somewhat eased by the reply. Then he closed his eyes and

called the name of his closest companion.

"Fawkes!" and in a torrent of flame, the magnificent bird appeared on its

perch. The atmosphere in the office changed with the appearance of the

majestic creature. The echo of darkness that had spread out throughout

his office eased up.

"What have you brought me, my friend?" he asked the red-feathered bird.

The bird just cawed lightly, refusing to give Albus any hint, and took

flight. After circling the box, it flew out through the window.

Dumbledore just shook his head at its antics. But phoenixes were

mysterious creatures. So, he approached the box slowly. He began

examining it, and the box was normal, yet its contents seemed not so

normal. There was something sinister about those contents. Something

deeply sinister.

As he looked closer, he saw the combination lock on the box. A muggle

mechanical combination lock. He flicked his wand, using the general

opening charm, yet the lock did not budge. Magic was not working.

Dumbledore could probably break whatever enchantments that were on

it, but he decided against it.

"What secrets are you hiding," he muttered as he spotted an envelope

placed under one of its corners.

Dumbledore picked it up and opened it slowly. Inside was a single piece

of paper. With a single line of text printed on it with what he suspected

was muggle machinery.

'Which year did Tom Riddle enroll at Hogwarts.'

And his eyes widened as he read those words. How could it be? He

placed down the piece of paper and his fingers went over the mechanical



And the lock clicked open. And his eyes widened as he saw the inside of

the box. The sinister feeling, he had been feeling thickened. Inside the

box was a glass container, but what was most interesting was the silvery

shining tiara inside the container.

The Diadem of Ravenclaw. The object of so much consternation and

mystery lay right in front of him. Giving off an awfully familiar ambiance

of darkness and dread.

It could not be he thought. He thought.

He then noticed another piece of paper placed by its side. And with

trembling fingers, he reached for it. And just like before, he noticed the

printed message and his eyes widened as he read through the letter.

Brother of Ariana and Aberforth,

Your fears are right. Riddle still lives and plots for his return. Sustained by the

vilest of the magics. His Soul split into several parts, and he remains immortal

for as long as the pieces remain intact.

I have found tracks of some of them, and from my information, you may have

obtained the means of destroying them.

And Dumbledore's heart stopped at that. The implications behind those

words' eyes go wide. Whomever this person was aware of Voldemort's

identity. He also confirmed one of Dumbledore's theories. Horcruxes. His

heart skipped a beat at that. They were also aware of the diary and its

destruction by Harry Potter. And his eyes lifted to the gleaming sword

hanging on his office wall.

The sword Of Gryffindor. Goblins steel. Coated with basilisk weapon.

Dumbledore shook his head and read further.

Destroy this. And wait for my next letter. I am close to locating another one of

these repositories.

Be careful, he plots in the shadows and grows powerful each second.

Arsene Lupin.

And Dumbledore took his seat with shaking legs. He breathed out a

heavy breath. Then he read through the letter once more. He cast several

magics over it but found no clue about its origin. His eyes then went

toward the gleaming tiara. The words engraved on it shone out to him.

"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."

Under any other circumstances, Dumbledore would have loved to

examine the long-lost artifact. Study the magic of the brightest of the

founders yet he only felt reviled by the darkness surrounding it.

He then closed the box and placed several enchantments and charms over

it placing it in a corner of the room. It was time for the selection by

Triwizard Tournament. He would look into this later in the night.

Dumbledore was beginning to gain a better picture of the scenario. The

person sending the letter had made a small mistake and had given

Dumbledore a lead. But Dumbledore would not probe uselessly. Let them

play the game for as long as they want.

He got up and left the office once more. Outside the window, his fiery

companion vanished in a torrent of flames.


Edward makes a move. A Horcrux has landed in Dumbledore's hand.

Does Dumbledore have the right person in his mind?

Thanks to A piscivore for correcting this piece.

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10. Chapter 10

Chapter 10


Cedric was sitting in the class for DADA. The new professor was young

but had quite a bit of practical knowledge regarding the subject. She

might not have been the best professor they had been taught by, but she

was definitely amongst the better ones.

"Ok, now I want you all to understand that your NEWTs are going to be a

bit different than your OWLs. Your OWLs focus more on the theoretical

portion but you will need a better grip on the practical side to score well

on your NEWTs."

The former Auror trainee spoke. She had allowed even those with

Acceptable to take the class, so the class was quite full. This was the

reason he sat with Amy Leighton, who groaned as she heard those words.

Amy had been somewhat forced by Elizabeth to take the class.

"I suck at that. I never should have taken the class. It is quite hopeless,"

Amy lamented in a hushed tone. Just as he was about to reply the door to

the classroom opened up and he saw someone enter the classroom.

"I am sorry for being late Professor," his friend Edward apologized to the

professor. Though from what it seemed the new professor did not seem to


"Yes, I received the note. But please try to be on time from now onwards.

Take a seat." And she continued speaking.

Edward walked to the empty seat beside him and took it and was

immediately bombarded with questions from Fay.

"Where were you? We searched the whole school for you, McGonagall

was looking for you?" she spoke in a hushed tone.

Edward just hoped that the new professor did not spot them.

"I was busy somewhere. Plus, I just met McGonagall. So, no need to

worry." And then he began to take out a book. But Amy was not finished


"Why did you even attack that French kid? Honestly, they could have

suspended you for that. You were never this careless," she spoke

worriedly, and she was right.

Edward had been behaving a bit differently this year. Not much mind

you, but previously he always tried to maintain a low profile but this

year he had given up on it and was taking the spotlight. Too much

spotlight some could argue. Edward just turned his head to look straight

at Amy and replied with a very telling smile.

"I couldn't let the boy insult my girlfriend now could I?"

And Cedric nodded his head at that. But the words took a moment to

register. But when they did Cedric's head whipped towards his friend,

who was smiling at them. But it seemed that Amy could not control


"I KNEW IT! FINALLY!" she somewhat shouted. And the whole class

quieted down beside them. Everyone was looking at their table and from

what Cedric could see the new professor seemed a little bit annoyed at

her once favorite junior.

"Miss Amy, do you have a question?" the professor was giving her a way

out. Many would have simply chucked her out of the class for this. Amy

realized the conundrum she was in and stood up.

"Yes… yes. I have a question. Umm, I wanted to ask about the difference

between the use of this subject in different fields. Like how its use is

different as an Auror to let us say the use as a duelist."

And he saw Professor Tonks nod at that. It was weird calling her


"That is an incredibly good question. Would anyone like to take a shot

before I give an answer?" everyone kept their hands down. Then he

noticed Edward raise his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Edward." And he was pointed out.

"Well, first it would be the suitability. Duelists would prefer showy spells

as it is basically a sport. While as an Auror you would have to focus on

the effectiveness." Edward began. And he saw the professor nod at him.

"And?" she asked him to continue.

"Second, would be the legality of it. Many sells are banned in the dueling

circles outright while some spells are banned for the Aurors, yet the rules

are much more flexible. And perhaps the greatest difference would be the

skill. While each duelist has his own style. Most Aurors follow a ministry-

designed curriculum and so each Auror would have quite a similar

skillset." Edward finished and the Professor nodded at that.

"That almost covers it all. But I would like to point out that. Many Aurors

are ex-duelists and vice versa. So, If you are aiming for one of these

professions you will have a backup option in the second profession.

Though both of these professions are highly competitive so be careful

when you apply for them."

And the lecture continued. Amy had been staring at Edward throughout

the whole lecture. Well, he had been as well. And as soon as the bell

rang, and the lecture ended. All three of them were joined by Elizabeth

and before words could be spoken Amy pulled out her wand at Edward.

"Details! Now!" she said threateningly. Cedric nodded beside her friend.

"Come on. There is nothing to tell!" but before he could finish the wand

lit up slightly and Amy was now giving Edward a glare.

"Ok but let us get out of the classroom first."

Just then a new voice interrupted them as Cedric felt someone wrap his

arms around his shoulders.

"Hello everyone. What are you guys talking about," it was the cheery

voice of Henry Rowle. And before Cedric could reply Amy spoke up.

"Edward has a girlfriend."

"Woohoo, man. You just won me a hundred galleons. Congratulations




Fay just looked at the shimmering face of her friend as she just kept

smiling. Both of them were in their room. And Fleur had regaled her the

tale about just enough times to satisfy her appetite. Fay was quite happy

for her friend.

"I told you that you were worrying over nothing. Anyone who had seen

you two talk could tell that he was into you," Fay said to her friend who

seemed a little embarrassed initially but counterattacked immediately.

"And why didn't you tell me that he asked you about my favorite food? If

you had told me I wouldn't be so worried about all this?" Fleur said

heatedly. But Fay just shrugged innocently.

"What was I to tell you? I was not aware that he was going to make it for

you himself. Honestly, it is good that he can cook. Because we all know

of your prowess in that regard!" and as soon as the words had left her

mouth a pillow descended upon her.

"I will beat you up Fay," and both friends began to hit each other.

"Maybe I should tell Edward about your temperament. Warn him so that

he could save himself," Fay said teasingly. But Fleur just blushed and


"Perhaps he is already aware of my temperament," Fleur said somewhat


Fay just shook her head and sat on the bed once more. And then she

remembered something particularly important.

"Did you tell him about your father?" she asked her friend.

Fleur nodded her head as she also sat down on the bed once more.

"And what did he say?" she further asked. Fleur looked up at her and


"He said that I should not worry. That he will take care of it."

"Did you tell him about your father's nature? Honestly, I love you Fleur,

but he scares the shit out of me?" Fay said dramatically. And it was true.

The man loved his family but was more of a traditional father. He was a

seasoned politician and would use everything at his disposal.

Fleur just chewed her lips at that and nodded her head at that. Then she

spoke up lightly.

"He did invite me to a date with him next week. He also mentioned that

he had something to show me."

"Oho. A date. He sure moves quickly." Fay said teasingly. Fleur just

blushed lightly.

"Then how about the Triwizard tournament? Will you compete against

each other?" Fay asked once more.

Fleur nodded at that.

"Yeah. He placed his name in the goblet today. So, if we are chosen, we

will compete against each other." Fleur replied.

"Hmm, well we will just have to wait for tomorrow. How about we talk a

bit more about that date you have and what you are going to wear on the


And the two friends would be busy deep into the night talking to each

other. The darkness around the magical carriage would grow and soon

the next day would rise. But in that darkness, several plots were being



Ludo Bagman was walking out of the ministry after a long day at work.

Tomorrow, he had to go to Hogwarts for the selection of champions. A

small part of him was dreading it because he had to face those Wesley


Augh, he really had to get his habit into control. He was carrying a

folder. This had all the tasks of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. He moved

through an alley in Diagon to reach his apartment. Just as he reached the

door of the building. He stopped momentarily to get the key.

But at that moment he felt a presence behind him. He turned around and

before he could get his wand out. A spell hit him.


A stout man said in a gigglish voice. Ludo Bagman was many things but

strong of a character he was not. And a certain haze took over his mind.

"Open the door and enter your apartment." The voice added. And Ludo


The two people reached Ludo's apartment. It was a small place filled with

pictures of his time playing as a beater.

"Give me that folder." Ludo handed over the folder and the small, plump

man began to read through it. And then he waved his wand and a copy of

the papers appeared.

And then the man pointed his wand at Ludo's form once more.

"Solium." And Ludo's eyes began to close.

The man left the apartment and crackled out of existence. They had

finally found a way to plan their master's return.


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11. Chapter 11

Chapter 11


Harry sat in the Great Hall as he partook in the feast that had been

arranged. The whole table was once again filled with exotic and foreign

dishes. Dished that Harry had never seen before. Ron beside him had

again forgotten his manners as he had once more piled his plate with

enough food for ten people. Hermione stared disappointedly at their red-

headed friend as she ate her food.

The whole Hall was buzzing with chit-chat and activity. Today was a

special day, as the three champions were to be selected today. Each

House had several people vying for the spot for Hogwarts. There was

even a small betting pool. Most of those who knew a little bit about the

seniors were rooting for Edward Wright. The Headboy from Slytherin was

the favorite to be nominated with Angelina from Gryffindor a close


Ron suddenly laughed wildly at a joke from Seamus and spilled the

goblet of Pumpkin juice. Some of it getting splashed at Hermione.

"RON!" she huffed as set the jug straight. Ron turned and looked at the

mess he had caused.

"I am sorry!" he said dismissively, still giggling. He could see Hermione's

temper and was expecting her to shout at Ron, yet she just shook her

head and took out her wand. And with a wave, the spill had vanished.

"Honestly, he should at least be quiet while eating!" she spoke up. And

Harry found himself agreeing with his friend.

And Suddenly Dumbledore stood up and the noise lessened. Their aged

Headmaster waved his hand and the food vanished and now the whole

Hall quieted down.

"It is time for the selection. I know that many of you have been waiting

for this moment eagerly. It seems that your wait has come to an end!"

Dumbledore waved his wand and the lights in the whole Hall dimmed.

The ornamental magical Goblet remaining as the biggest source of

illumination. Dumbledore had also come down from the dais as he

walked near the Goblet.

"Now I shall pick three names. One from each school and these three

members will have a chance to win eternal glory and a prize of ten

thousand galleons!"

The whole Hall erupted in cheers. Though Harry might have heard some

boos from the Weasley Twins. The Goblet shined brightly for a second

and the fire in it danced as it changed various colors. Before settling into

a yellowish light hue. It danced around spreading the light yellow hue

around and a small creature of flame flew out of the Goblet circling it

once before landing in Dumbledore's hand, morphing into a piece of


Dumbledore unfolded the piece of paper.

"The champion of Beauxbatons is MISS FLEU DELACOUR!" and the whole

Hall erupted in applause. The biggest came from the Hufflepuff table

from where the girl stood up. Another person stood up beside her as he

hugged her and the dashing blonde made her way to the stage.

Dumbledore shook her hand.

"Congratulations! Please move towards the back room!" Dumbledore said

to the girl while smiling. The Girl walked past him and entered the back

room. Harry remembered something from earlier as he looked toward his

friend. Missing how the fire had changed colors once more. This time

morphing into a raging red color.

"Didn't you place a bet on her Hermione?" he asked their studious friend.

And she nodded a little embarrassingly.

"Yes, I did." She answered.

"How did you know?" he asked once more and now Dumbledore was

opening the second piece of paper.

"Well, I was given an inside tip," she said sheepishly. Harry wanted to ask

her more but Dumbledore had begun to speak up once more.

"The champion from Drumstrang is Mr. VIKTOR KRUM!" and this time

the cheer was much louder. Perhaps because of Krum's celebrity status.

The broad-shouldered boy got up from his seat. His face showed no

emotion as the boy made his way to the stage. And after shaking the

Headmaster's hand vanished from the HALL as well.

The applause died down eventually and the whole Hall became quiet

once more. The silence was much more serious this time. And

Dumbledore smiled as the fire sprang into life once more. And Harry

stared at the magical fire as it went through various colors before it

settled in a very familiar color. The greens flame was much more

captivating than either red or yellow. They danced around and a piece of

Parchment appeared from them once more.

"It seems we have our final participant. Who will be the champion of

Hogwarts?" Dumbledore said with a smile, building up the suspense. The

man unfurled the piece of paper and began to speak once more.

"And the champion from Hogwarts is… Our very own Mr. Edward

Wright!" And the Hall broke into a thundering applause once more. All

the Houses clapped as the boy in question stood with much cheer from

his seat. He walked up to the stage and Dumbledore smiled widely as he

shook the hand of the Headboy, now champion. And then the boy

vanished to the back room as well.

"You got all three of them right Hermione," he said to their friend. And

Hermione was smiling and clapping like several others. Her face flushed

slightly and joy danced across her face. Harry stopped speaking for a

second as he just continued staring at his friend for a moment. Dazed as

he just continued to stare, stopping only when Hermione turned to face

him once more.

"You were saying something Harry," she asked with that same smile

Harry was struck out of his stupor and he just shook his head in a slight

panic. Forgetting what he had wanted to ask her a moment ago.

"Nothing. It was nothing," Harry said hurriedly and Hermione just

nodded her head as the whole Hall became quiet once more.

"This will be all. The first task will take place in two weeks. I know all of

you are excited but I believe we must end the night at this," and with that

students began to walk out of the Hall. The discussion about the Tri-

Wizard once more dominated the Hall.

Harry made his way to the dorm, gossiping talking, and joking with

everyone but that strange emotion was still in the back of his mind. The

same question rang in his head even as he covered himself with blankets

at night.

What was that?



I am demy way down the Hall and saw the striking form of my girlfriend

before anyone else. She had been looking at the stairs and I saw her

expression brighten up as soon as she spotted me. Both of our steps

carried us toward each other and she pulled me into a hug as soon as I

had stepped down from the stairs.

"You are here! We are both in the tournament!" she said excitedly. A little

bounce in her steps. Her body close to mine was like a drug and I had to

control myself so I did not crash my lips on hers because even now I saw

McGonagall staring at me with a huge smirk.

"AKHM!" she coughed slightly making Fleur remember their location

once more. And she hurriedly her face flushed with embarrassment.

"Congratulations Edward. I am glad that you were chosen to represent

Hogwarts," the Transfiguration professor spoke up with a smile.

"Thank you, Professor."

And then I spotted the third person in the room. Viktor Krum stood on a

side of the room quietly conversing with his Headmaster. Our eyes met

and I nodded at the boy.

The door behind us opened once more and Dumbledore came in in the

towering form of Headmaster Maxime. They came down and

congratulated us all once more.

"I believe that members from the Ministry will now brief you about the

rest," And with that, the two people from the ministry joined in on the


"Bravo! Bravo! Such energetic faces. Kind of remind of my days when I

played Quidditch for England…" and before Ludo Bagman could narrate

his whole life story Percy Weasley, the replacement for the deep under

investigation Mr. Crouch interrupted him.

"I believe that it is already late enough. We should not waste any more

time." He added much to my delight.

"Of course. Of course. I was getting to it." Ludo Bagman said while

waving at the red-haired Weasley. The man rubbed his hands as he began

the explanation.

"All right as you probably know, each task has a theme and you will be

provided with a clue regarding it. Now, the clue for the first task is

Courage. You have two weeks to prepare. You can all prepare however

you like. Outside help may be prohibited but..." the man leaned in

conspiratorially and whispered.

"But there are several precedents claiming otherwise." And with that, he

backed up once more.

"And that will be all. Now I will leave you guys with your preparations.

We will see each other in some time," and the man moved out of the

room with due haste.

"I believe that this covers everything. If you have any query, you can

contact me as well as other Headmasters regarding it."

All three of us nodded at Dumbledore and the man smiled as he


"Then I believe that this is goodbye. And all of you have my good wishes

for the tournament."

And we began to walk out of the room. Fleur is still attached to my side.

"So do you want me to go easy on you in the tournament," I asked in a

teasing tone? Fleur flared at me from the side and huffed at my words.

"Watch what are you saying! Keep talking like that and I will pull the rug

from right under you in the duel we have, my dear Eddy!" my head

swirled toward her at her use of my nickname. A nickname that I did not

like at all.

"Where did you hear that name?" I asked, a part of me already aware of

the answer. Fleur just smiled refusing to give me the name.

"Tell me or I will have to find it out forcefully," I said with a small smile.

"Forcefully, Eddy?" she teased me. And as soon as the words had left her

she was in my arms once more. Her body was trapped between me and

the wall. My face inches from her own face.

"Oh, I am liking this. My little Eddy!" she spoke up once more. I just

smiled as I saw the huge smile on her face. I stared straight into her blue

eyes. The light from the lamp made them shine perfectly in the corridor.

"I believe you are going to love what I do next!" and with that my arms

tightened around her. Our faces were conjoining as I felt myself melt in

her arms. Two people joined together in the shadows their heads

inseparable from the other.

That night much to the worry of Fay, Fleur did not return to the carriage.

Yet Fay found solace in the fact that she had a very good idea about

whom her friend was entangled with that night.


As always you can read ahead on and support me.

Thanks to a fish eater as always for his guidance.


12. Chapter 12

Chapter 12


Fleur Delacour shifted in the bed. But her body stopped as she bumped

into another body. Her eyes opened as she shook her head as she tried to

focus on the form lying beside her. Her mind seemed to catch up with

her, as she suddenly recalled all the events from last night. Heat rose up

in her cheeks as she recalled her behavior. Honestly, what had she been


Perhaps it was a blessing that one of them had been quite within his

element as Edward had not given in despite her overreach. Fleur frowned

as she recalled her lack of control yesterday night. She had never felt like

that. What was even going on with her? Her mind was still thinking of

these things when she felt Edward shift as he began to rub his eyes. His

hair was disheveled, shirt loose and wrinkled as it showed his well-toned

form underneath.

She blushed slightly as she saw him put on his glasses. His mouth had a

huge smile as he spotted her form. He smiled and put his arm around her,

and Fleur did not move as she felt him hug her slightly.

"Well, last night was something," he commented and Fleur wanted to

bury her head in a ditch somewhere, her face heated up as Edward just

laughed slightly before he kissed her head.

"Well, it was nice to see a new side of my girlfriend," her heart warmed

up slightly at his words. She punched him slightly as she separated from

him. Trying to straighten her uniform she got out of the bed.

"Well, you are never going to see it again if I don't get back to my

carriage before everyone wakes up." She said as she scanned the room.

The room had a small window to the side that showed the Huge

Hogwarts grounds. While the rest of the room was quite simple and cozy

with a single bed and a couple of chairs. Yet there was no door. No door.

She frowned as she turned to face Edward who had gotten out as well

and was buttoning up his shirt.

"Where is the door? I need to get back!" she asked in a panicky tone.

Edward just smirked at her, irritating her as he made his way toward her.

"Don't worry princess, I will get back to your carriage," and he closed his

eyes. And Fleur felt the room shift. The window closed up and a door

began to appear on one of the walls. She stared at Edward as he just

opened his eyes as if the whole room had not just changed magically. He

was just smirking at her.

"Don't worry, I will tell you all about it some other time," he relented

when she had continued to stare. She nodded as they began to walk

toward the door. She opened it slightly and found herself looking out of

the castle's first-floor corridor. The Beauxbaton carriage was visible

through the window in front of her.

She looked at Edward once more,

"You are telling me everything about this," she said her curiosity erupting

as she thought about the sheer complexity of magic that controlled the

room. Edward nodded and he just raised a brow at her and Fleur looked

to the sides as she walked out of the room, rushing towards the carriage.

She reached the carriage with Edward right behind her, she opened the

door and was immediately greeted by someone waiting for her. Her heart

stopped momentarily, yet relief came back to her once she recognized the

person waiting for her.

"Where were you the whole night, Fleur? I had to make a thousand

excuses for the students and the professors." She said worriedly and guilt

rose in Fleur's heart as she listened to her friend's words.

"I am sorry," Fleur said with a light tone, feeling guilty yet if she had

been looking up she would have caught the huge smirk on her friend's




Hermione was making her way towards the Quidditch stadiums with the

rest of the school. Today was the day of the exhibition match. The whole

school was buzzing with excitement for the match. Fleur Delacour was a

youth champion and Edward's accolades were no less. This promised to

be an exciting matchup, unlike the whole debacle with Professor


She saw their new DADA professor talking with one of the seniors from

Hufflepuff. Hermione had seen her with Edward. Honesty, Professor Tons

as she likes to be called had been quite good. The professor focused more

on the practical side of magic like professor Lupin but she was still better

than the other Professors they had had previously.

She walked towards them.

"Hi professor," she greeted the professor. The professor looked towards

her and smiled. Her purple hair morphs into a lighter shade of pink. The

metamorphmagus ability still retains its fascination with Hermione even

after all this time.

"Ahh, it is a delight to see you, Hermione." She said as she motioned for

Amy Leighton, Hermione remembered the name, to carry on. She then

continued while staring at her.

"By any chance have you seen Susan from Hufflepuff, she and her friends

wanted me to help me guide them through the duel." And Hermione

frowned as she heard those words. But before she could reply.

"Professor Tonks," she heard the voice of one of her classmates. And she

saw the red-haired Susan Bones appear with two other girls. They walked

towards them briskly and the girl apologized as soon as she reached

Professor Tonks.

"We are sorry for being late Professor, but the corridor was blocked by

Peeves so we had to take up the other route," she explained.

"It is ok. Now that all of you are here we can take the seats," but

Hermione spoke up.

"But professor what are you going to be teaching them?" she asked the


"Oh, I am just going to discuss the spells and the tactics used. These

students were interested in dueling so I thought I would tell them about a

couple of things about it," she added and Hermione felt her excitement

rise as she heard those words. Perhaps the professor had seen her eager

expression as she asked her before she could speak up.

"Perhaps you would like to join as well Miss Granger," the Professor

asked and Hermione found herself nodding her head eagerly.

"Sure, I do not think one more person will change anything," and she

began to walk towards the stands. And Hermione joined the group of

girls, greeting them as she recognized them.

"Hi Susan, Hannah, and …" she did not know the name of the girl from

Slytherin. Yet the girl shook her extended hand.

"Daphne, Daphne Greengrass," and Hermione recognized the name. She

was the girl with the highest marks after her.

"It is good to see you!" Hermione spoke up and the girl just nodded her

head. All three of them followed the lead of the professor.

"SO are you interested in dueling Hermione?" Susan asked her. The girl

from Hufflepuff had shared herbology with them for quite some time and

Hermione had often paired up with her in Charms as well.

"A bit. But it is a bit difficult to find out much about it at Hogwarts. The

club in the second year had been quite a disaster." Hermione replied as

she shook her head.

"Well, Professor Lockhart did not know the basics of dueling. The man

was wholly incompetent. I have been a huge fan of it. Me and my aunt

try and watch the finals every year. Honestly, this match is going to be

awesome. Both of them have been crowned as champions once." The

redhead said enthusiastically. Hermione just nodded along.

"You can ignore her, when it comes to dueling Susan is a pure nerd," her

friend, Hannah said from the side with a giggle. Unlike Susan, she had

brown chestnut hair that reached just above her shoulders. Susan huffed

at her friend and Hermione found herself smiling as she saw the two of

them interact.

"She has not stopped talking about this since it began. She initially had

this huge crush on a specific senior,"—and Susan tried to stop her friend

from speaking any further, but in vain—" and she cried for days when she

found out that he was seeing her favorite dueling champion."

Susan was now bright red. As she tried to get strangle Hannah.

"Those are lies. I am telling you. ALL LIES!" she said emphatically. Both

Hermione and daphne broke into laughter as they heard the emphatic

explanation. They reached the seats in front. Professor Tonks, sitting in

the center.

Dumbledore walked to the center of the specially arranged arena. The

goalposts had been removed and the ground had been marked with a

boundary. Hermione also noticed the wards surrounding them all.

"Today all you have gathered for the exhibition match between two

young champions." Dumbledore's voice rippled through the stands.

"But before we move on toward the match, I would like to invite Mr.

Garrick Ollivanders to conduct the Weighing of the Wands for the Tri-

Wizard Tournament," and Hermione saw the shopkeeper from

Ollivanders come out.

"Weighing of the wands?" she questioned the Professor.

"Well, it is a ceremony to check the wands of all the participants to make

sure they comply with the rules and have not been tampered with in any

way," Hermione nodded at the explanations.

"But why did they bring Mr. Ollivanders from Diagon Alley, aren't there

any other experts," Hermione spoke up once more. But this time the

answer did not come from the professor. It was Daphne that spoke up.

"The Ollivanders have been making wands for centuries. They are

amongst the most respected wandmakers in the whole world. While some

may tout Gregorovitch as a generational prodigy, the Ollivanders' name is

famous the world over because of its reliability."

Hermione was impressed by the knowledge the girl had as she saw the

three champions walk out. Each of them handed the old man their wand

which he would spin and hand back with a nod.

"Why isn't this being projected?" Susan spoke up before Hermione could

ask the same question.

"Well, it is said that a wand's composition can tell a lot about a person,

and it is considered etiquette to limit the spread of such intimate

knowledge. While many believe it to be false, there are still many people

who don't like to tell others of their wand's composition." Professor Tonks

explained once more.

"With the ceremony complete, it is time that we begin the event everyone

has been waiting for. We have the honor of witnessing a duel with two

Youth Champions." Dumbledore's voice reverberated across the stands

once more.

"On one side we have this year's champion. Please give it up for, MISS

FLEUR DELACOUR!" Hermione began clapping for the blonde foreign

student that walked out. She was not wearing her uniform, instead, she

was wearing something like a black ornamental shirt with similarly

fashioned trousers. Besides her, she did not miss the shining eyes of


"And on the other side, we have last year's champion. Our very own MR.

EDWARD WRIGHT!" and the stands erupted once more as Edward

walked out once more. HE waved to the students in the stand, clad in

formal robes that completely fitted him. His glasses shone as he made his

way to the center of the stage. When he had turned towards their stand,

she had not missed the dreamy conflicting expression on Susan's face.

"Professor Flitwick, a champion in his own time will be our referee and

now I believe that I must leave the stage for our two contestants."

And with that, Headmaster Dumbledore walked off the stage. And

Hermione was on the edge of her seat as the noise died down. The two

people in the ring stared at each other. Both of them bowed to each other

and took out their wands. And then she heard the voice of her charm's



On the other side of the castle, a rat made its way through the Hogwarts

ground. It reached the edge of a huge lake called the Black Lake. The rat

stopped at the edge for a moment before it disappeared into the lake. And even

after the sun had set, it did not come out.


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13. Chapter 13

Chapter 13


"START!" and as soon as the words reached my ears, my wand hand was

in motion as three orbs went straight for Fleur. And while my sheer speed

would have taken many by surprise, Fleur had faced me before several

times and was quite aware of my moves.

And it was quite indicative in how she had sprung up a shield right in

time. But I did not relent as I continued to wave my hand throwing a

horde of spells at her. All of them silently cast with just minimal wand


Fleur continued to hide behind her shield as she tried to counter my

offensive. But she was struggling. My sheer speed took her up by storm.

"Well, I think this is going to be just like our last two matchups it seems,"

I provoked her. But she did not reply her focus completely drawn to my

attacks. And just as I was about to demolish her with a bunch of shield

breakers. She jumped to the side, dodging the spell instead of blocking

them. Her wand aimed straight at me.

My eyes widen as I put up a shield hastily. But my effort would be in


THUNG. Her Bombarda collided with my Protego, making it crack due to

its weakened state because of my lack of focus. And with the next spell, it

would break, sending me flying to the side.

And Fleur took full advantage of this moment, and as I tried to get up I

saw two huge transfigured rods rushing toward me. And my eyes

widened as I barely avoided them, recognizing that she had just used my

trick against me.

"Now you are just being a copycat. It is like you are accepting that I am a

better duelist than you," I shouted as I began to divert and avoid the

oncoming onslaught of projectiles.

"Well, I don't see you doing anything other than talking at the moment

so-called better duelist," she spoke as she continued her attacks as she

mixed in bone breakers and Reductors in trying to hit me.

I was barely avoiding it all. And I had to stop this wave and when I saw a

projectile headed straight for my chest I neither dodged nor diverted it.

And with a razor-sharp focus slashed my wand, cutting the whole piece

in two and now I had a chance to attack. And I did so with intense

ferocity as the ground around Fleur began to shift and several columns

shot out of it, heading straight for Fleur.

"You have to understand, you can not beat a master at his own game," I

taunted as Fleur tried to avoid them yet they would coil around her and

attack at intricate angles as I continued to control them with my wand.

And suddenly instead of dodging or protecting herself from the earth

columns, she took off in a sprint straight at me, as she shot out a barrage

of spells at me at the cost of getting hit by one of my earth columns.

"AGH!" she grunted, but her effort had not been futile.

BOOM. The ground in front of my feet exploded because of her

Bombarda. And I was struck by the fragments, injuring my left leg. I

hissed in pain as I was pushed to the ground. And Fleur had gotten up

once more by now, holding her ribs with one of her hands as she aimed

her wand at my position.

And she began sending a quick barrage of Expeliarmus, the disarming

charm. I put up a shield to avoid her spells, yet her barrage continued.

My shield weakened due to the amount of pain in my left leg.

"Well, since you used my moves, I will have to honor you with yours,"

and with that three orbs of fire formed at the tip of my wand and were

bombarded straight at Fleur who neither dodge nor put up a defense.

"Fire against me, now you must have learned how disastrous such a thing

is going to be for you," and then she waved her wand in a circle and the

three orbs lost their speed as they began to circle her with a small pace. I

didn't relent as I continued attacking her with swathes of fire spells and

Fleur would just control them, making them her own as she appeared as

if surrounded by a ring of fire like a flame Goddess.

"Well, thank you for the gift. Perhaps, it is time that I return it," and with

the downward slash of her wand, the Flames behind her erupted into

numerous tendrils and began to rush straight at me. Their volume was

larger than what it had been, as Fleur had through her sheer mastery

over fire-related magic made them stronger. I smiled slightly as the

flames rushed towards me.


And I closed my eyes as I raised my wand once more. But this time it was

not the only thing arm I had raised. My other arm went up as well. And I

could for a moment feel my magic rattle as it wrestled control over the

magical flames out of Fleur's magic. My body heated up and I could feel

my face getting drenched with sweat as I waved both my hands through

the hair and the flames coiled around me forming a large dome when I

had wrestled out all of the magical flames out of Fleur's grasp. Only then

did the huge tornado of fire around me settled away revealing what lay




Albus Dumbledore had been quite shaken in the last few minutes as he

watched the duel between the two students. The two of them had been

champions. And rightly so, Dumbledore would say by the sheer mastery

they had shown. And yet, Dumbledore had been truly shocked when his

own student had raised his other hand to use as a conduit for casting.

The technique required finesse and control that few could boast of. Very

few including a certain man imprisoned in a prison of his own making.

Gellert Grindelwald himself had mastered this technique.

And Dumbledore watched in sheer awe, as the huge swathes of fire

surrounding his student settled down to reveal a flaming magical mass.

Surrounding his student, And from the sheer silence in the special booth,

he was not the only one in shock.

"What even is that? I have never seen a spell like that?" Madame Maxime

spoke with sheer surprise, she then looked towards him.

"Do you know what spell that is?" she asked him and Dumbledore

narrowed his eyes at his bespectacled student as the huge firey skeleton

surrounding Edward took the French student's attacks without any

damage. It then began to throw huge fiery arrows at her. And

Dumbledore was very impressed with the youth champion from France as

she tried to maintain her composure even in such a situation. But, he had

gained a much better insight into the spell over this small amount of


"Well, I believe that this is not a spell actually," he spoke up with a

chuckle as the French student began to summon swathes of water to

attack the immobile form of Edward, who was having trouble moving

due to his injured leg.

"If that is not a spell, then what is it?" Madame Maxime asked him and

she was not the only person curious it seems as if everyone in the booth

was now looking at him.

"I believe that this is simply an extremely advanced form of animation

charm and transfiguration. Mr. Edward is using his wand to cast the

animation charm and using his other hand to cast some basic

transfiguration to carry out his attacks," he explained.

"You do know the other person who could cast like that don't you, Albus,"

Igor Krakoff added from the side staring at the match taking place on the


"Yes, I am quite aware," Dumbledore spoke up.

"But Edward Wright has no connection to him. He is a simple muggle-

born orphan who has been an extremely gifted student," Dumbledore

explained smoothly. Yet the tall Headmaster of Drumstrang spoke up

while shaking his head.

"It no longer matters if he is related to him by blood or not. Now, he

shared a much more serious link to Grindelwald. The boy carried his skill

and for that, there will be many that will come for him," the man finished

in a grave tone. And while Dumbledore would like to believe that such

would not happen. He knew that hoping for that was a complete


Dumbledore shook his head as he focused on the match once more. The

flaming skeleton form around the former champion had grown smaller in

size and Dumbledore could see the kid struggling to maintain precise


But in front of him, the French student was not in a much better situation

as she had taken quite some serious damage to her side. But she still had

not given up even as she hissed in pain. He saw the girl break out in a

sprint straight toward her opponent.

The fiery skeletal forms attacked her with his flames which she would

dodge and divert with her magic. But the huge form would stop attacking

and just cover his student completely as it placed his huge burning arms

in front of him. Yet the girl did not relent as she continued to run and

Dumbledore noticed water gathering at her wand's tip. And just as she

was ten feet from the fiery statue's arms she would just bombard it with a

huge stream of water and would continue to run.

And soon after that, the fires would fizzle out, revealing the form of the

girl pointing her empty hand at the form of Edward who had his wand

still in his hands aimed straight at her chest.



spoke up in a thundering voice. And Dumbledore could feel even his

booth shake as the deafening cheer permeated through the whole arena.

And Dumbledore watched as the Hospital Matron rushed to the field site

to take a look at the two contestants. Edwards was resting on a chair as

he motioned for Pomfrey to look after his opponent first. And the boy

would then limp to the lying form of the French girl and Dumbledore

could spot their lips moving, yet the distance made it impossible to guess

what was going on.

"You have my congratulations, Albus. And do give your student my

compliments, I don't believe that many could match what he did. He is a

testament to your school," and Dumbledore shook her hand with good


"Of course, and I believe that the way your student fought almost evenly

against Mr. Edward just shows her great potential. I believe that she has

a bright future in front of her," Dumbledore replied and Lady. Maxime

nodded at the compliment before she began to follow the others out of

the room.

Dumbledore was soon joined on the side by his trusted deputy. Minerva

McGonagall stood by his side and said in a somewhat delighted tone,

"Now, that was quite something, wasn't it!" she commented. And

Dumbledore nodded his head at that.

"Yes, that was quite something indeed," he added with a chuckle, and

then she spoke up once more.

"So have you given my proposal any thought she asked? I believe that

such a change would be very beneficial to both Hogwarts and the

students," she spoke up once more. His mind reminded him of the earlier

unorthodox recommendation from her.

"Maybe, maybe. There is much time to decide. Much time," he said with a

small cheer.


Merry Christmas to all my dear readers. May the holidays bring

heaps of happiness to all of you.

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14. Chapter 14

Chapter 14


"So, you were finally able to complete that idea of yours?" Fleur said as

Madam Pomfrey waved her wand over her. Several burn marks were

visible through her burnt dueling robes. The robes themselves were

singed and burnt in many places.

"Yes, I figured out the trick behind it some time ago, it is still not perfect

but this is the accumulation of five years of effort," I said a bit of pride

leaking into my tone.

My own body ached and I was drenched with sweat, the make-shift

Susanoo had been one of my projects that I had begun as early as I could.

It was something that had just always fascinated me. Five years of

constant effort had led me to this result.

Fleur just shook her head at me.

"And what about that casting with your other hand, where did you learn

that from," she asked with a frown. And I had expected that question.

And hadn't that been a find?

Through some astronomical efforts, I was able to obtain a small memory

of Grindewald. The only man who could stand on the same pedestal as

Dumbledore and Voldemort. Because I realized early on that I could

never become like them for both of them were blessed with

unprecedented talent in their specialized fields. The Dark Arts for

Voldemort and Transfiguration for Dumbledore.

And I lacked that talent, so I searched for an alternative and through my

constant efforts was able to obtain a singular copy of a duel with a man

who singlehandedly brought Europe to its knees.

"Well, I can't tell you all my secrets so easily m dear. I have to keep a bit

of mystery around myself," I commented while wiggling my eyes and

Fleur just narrowed her eyes at me. Speaking up after a moment.

"You do know, who used to cast like that, right?" and I nodded my head.

"You should be careful now that you have shown such a skill, people are

going to compare you to him now," she said worriedly and I just

shrugged. I had thought hard about this, finally deciding that there was

no use in being so secretive.

"Let them, I am doing nothing wrong," now Madam Pomfrey walked up

to him and finally began casting diagnostic charms on him.

"But Edward, this could be detrimental to your future," she said as she sat

up on the side of her bed.

And just as I was about to respond, the tent was invaded by a group of


"Marvelous! Such a marvelous duel!" came the voice of the ex-dueling

champion. And I turned to see several people including Dumbledore,

Madam Maxime, and McGonagall enter the tent.

"It was indeed a splendid duel. I dare say that such skill is rarely seen

even in the main tournament. You both should be proud of yourself,"

Dumbledore said. And it was rare to get such a compliment from the

Merlin of their age.

"Thank you, Professor," I spoke up. Then Madam Maxime spoke up.

"The duel was an electrifying spectacle, I congratulate you on your

victory Mr. Edward that was some impressive spellwork." And I nodded

in thanks, then she looked at Fleur and with a small smile.

"Perhaps, you should visit France in the future, I can assure you that we

will be eager to provide you with an opportunity befitting of your skill."

And I was startled by the sudden recruitment pitch, this was an offer

from one of the most prestigious magical academies in the world. She

nodded at us both and left the tent. Dumbledore and the rest of them

soon followed her back.

Fleur immediately turned to face me. Her face had a huge smile on it.

"That was so impressive, Madam Maxime is said to be highly selective in

her selection process. And she just offered you such an opportunity."

I just nodded my head at that. This was indeed special. Fleur chewed her

lips slightly.

"Perhaps you should give this another thought," she followed up in a

small voice.

I told her about my prospective plans. But maybe I would have to

reconsider them.

"Maybe, but I do have a lot of time to think about them," I said, not

erasing the chances for such a possibility.



Harry Potter sat in the classroom, trying to focus on the lecture being

given by the new DADA professor. It was about the use of basic elemental

magic and how to understand the complexities behind such magic.

But Harry's mind was elsewhere, still transfixed on the duel he had

witnessed yesterday. Such skill. Such magic. Harry had never seen such a

spectacle. And evidently, he was not the only one. As the whole class was

busy buzzing around. Talking to each other in hushed tones, probably

about the duel from yesterday.

"Ok, this is it. Clearly, none of you are focusing on the lecture." The

trainee Auror spoke up in a resigned tone, as she closed the book in her

hand. The class had quieted down.

"Well, you guys are probably talking about that duel from yesterday." She

asked in a resigned voice.

And the whole class just nodded their heads. And Professor Tonks just

nodded her head.

"Then why don't I turn that into the lecture, I believe that will be more

interesting," she said to much of the cheer from the class. And then she

waved her wand and the board was wiped clean.

"Ok, now yesterday your senior showcased something quite impressive.

Something that I had also never seen," and the whole class was quiet.

"And all of you now want to learn how to do that!" and Harry was now

hanging on the edge of their seats.

"Well, let me burst your bubble. For most of you that will be impossible

to achieve. What he used was not a single spell. But it was something far

more advanced." And as she waved her wand once more, a miniature

drawing from the duel appeared on the board.

"It was the use of a skill that has only ever been mastered by less than

five people in history. A skill we call simultaneous casting."

And Harry frowned as he heard those words. Simultaneous casting.

"In this, a wizard can use their hand apart from their wand to cast magic

as well. And up till yesterday, the only person alive who could boast of

doing something similar was Dark Lord Grindelwald."

And he could feel murmuring break out once more. As one of the

students raised their hands.

"Professor then how did he learn it," and their professor just shrugged her


"I don't know. And he is not obligated to release such information. He

could have learnt it from a book or figured it out himself. But I can

assure you, that mastering such a skill requires extreme hard work and

dedication." She finished before adding with a smile.

"That is why all of you are going to read chapter 34 of your Standard

Book of Spells by Friday," Harry groaned, as the bell rang.

"I am not asking for any written homework. But there could be a pop

quiz in the next class. So, you better be prepared."



"I still can not believe how you did that, how could you even try

something so dangerous is beyond me?" days had passed since the duel.

Days. But that duel was still the most discussed topic of the whole school.

"Elizabeth, you are worrying needlessly. I have been training for that for

years, everything was under control. Professor McGonagall just

exaggerated the dangers a bit too much," he said sheepishly from the side

as they patrolled the corridors.

And Elizabeth shook her head. Professor McGonagall had told quite

strictly that if she found any other student trying to replicate Edward's

magic, they were going to have detention with Filch for the rest of the


"And you sat that, like that isn't just worse. You were putting yourself at

such a huge risk. I did not expect this from you."

Simultaneous casting was not just difficult. It was also extremely

dangerous. One wrong move and Edward could have destroyed himself.

Ending his life as a wizard, permanently.

"You don't have to worry so much now. It all worked out in the end." He

spoke up as he looked at her and continued with that smirk on his face.

"Plus, you can not deny that it was extremely cool."

And a part of Elizabeth was indeed impressed by the skill on display. But

the greater part had been worried for him. And then she asked about the

other upcoming event.

"Have you started preparing for the first task?" she asked Edward. He

nodded his head and replied.

"Yes, I have made up a basic plan."

She nodded at that. And then she looked around the corridor before she

spoke up in a hushed tone.

"And, you do know what you will be facing in the first task right? If not

they have arranged for …"

"Dragons," he cut her off. And Elizabeth felt a sense of relief wash over

her. It was good that he knew. Honestly, she had been surprised when

she had heard about it. Arranging for creatures like dragons for a simple

tournament like this seemed quite overkill and dangerous.

"Good. That is good. I really can not believe that they are using dragons

for such a tournament. It all seems so overkill," she gave her opinion.

"Well, they do want to make it monumental. The Tri-wizard tournament

is happening after a long time after all."

"But still dragons! They are classified as a four-star dangerous creature."

She said worriedly.

"You don't have to worry so much. Dumbledore did mention that they

have set up protective mechanisms to make sure that the tournament is

safe. So, it will all be all right probably."

She nodded at that. Dumbledore had made a point in announcing this.

That was somewhat reasonable. And then suddenly she remembered

something else.

"Have you told Fleur about the first task?" she asked with a teasing smile.

And Edward's expression changed, that distinctive smile appearing on his

face, as he nodded his head.

"Yeah, I told her but she knew already. It was probably Madam Maxime

that told her. I did see her visiting the Ground some time ago," and

Elizabeth frowned at that.

"Isn't that cheating? She is helping her student," and Edward just

shrugged his shoulders.

"Cheating has been a part of this tournament for a long time. And

somehow everyone is getting help, one way or another. So, it all balances

out in the end."

And Elizabeth just nodded at that, After all, she had also helped him,

which was also illegal somehow. Then just as they were about to go their

separate ways, Edward called out to her.

"Ahh, Elizabeth I had a small favor to ask of you," and she frowned

slightly as she nodded her head.

"Yeah, what do you need?" she asked. Edward was a bit embarrassed as

he asked in a small voice.

"You will have to take care of the patrols yourself on Saturday, I have a

bit of an errand to run and might not be able to turn up," and she

frowned at that. Saturday was the Hogsmeade visit day.

"All right, but why?" she asked him. She could take care of the patrols,

with their new form of communication. It was all much less hassle,


"I actually have a date planned with Fleur, and her family is coming here

later in the evening. So, I might go to receive them," and Elizabeth shook

her head at his reasons.

Well, she couldn't hamper her friend's love life now, could she?


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patre0n.

A happy new year to all of you.


15. Chapter 15

Chapter 15


It was finally the weekend. I looked up and saw noticed that the Sun had

come out. The break from the cloudy, cold weather was much welcome. I

stood by Hogwart's gates as hoards of students walked past me. Most of

them on their way to the Hogsmeade to enjoy the weekend.

I looked down at the time on my watch and realized that it was now five

minutes past the agreed time. I frowned at this, and Fleur was never

usually late. It was one of the things that I appreciated. And just as I was

about to go to their carriage myself, I heard the sound of some rushed


I looked up and saw Fleur approaching me, walking briskly. She was

dressed in blue black jeans, tight but not too skinny. With black leather

boots. But the most significant change was the huge woolen long-coat she

was wearing. And even with that, she seemed to be shivering.

"I am sorry for being late, but this weather is just too different an…" she

began to apologize when she reached me, but I cut her off. Moving to her

side, wrapping my arms around her.

"You don't have to worry about it. Plus, I can see the effort." I said

mirthfully as I looked at the coat.

"What can I say? The weather here is insane? It is just so cold, even with

the Sun," she complained. And she was right. The weather in France was

much better. At least, according to her.

"Ok, are you ready," I said, and she nodded her head, and we began to

walk towards Hogsmeade. It was the biggest Wizard-exclusive settlement

in all of Britain.

"Is there anything like this in France?" I asked her. She nodded her head.

"Yes, there are a couple, I think. But they are different in the sense that it

isn't just purely wizards that live there." She said cryptically, and I

understood that there were probably some goblins, vampires, or veelas

living there as well. Intelligent living beings that had simply been

classified as creatures by our Ministry.

We finally reached the ancient settlement; students were bustling around,

playing and joking with their friends.

"Ok, the first place that we have to visit has to be Honedukes." And then

we moved towards the famed candy shop. I opened the door, and we

entered the famed sweet shop for someone with a sweet tooth. This was

supposed to be heaven.

"They are the most famous sweet shop in magical Britain," I added as I

saw her eyes light up. We walked up to the counters, looking through the

various items.

"Ahh, Edward! It is nice to see you again," came the sweet voice of . She

ran the shop with her husband, Ambrosius Flumes. I smiled and waved to


"Hi, ," I replied to the kind lady.

"Where have you been, kid? I haven't seen you use that entrance for some

time now," she asked me, and I could see the quizzling expression on

Fleur's face.

"Well, they have actually closed it down this year. After that second

break-in at the school, security has been tightened." I replied.

"Ahh, yes. I did hear about that terrible business. Just terrible," and then

her eyes found Fleur, and they began to glow.

"AHA! Is this the special lady you sneaked out of the castle for?" and I

just gave her a nervous laugh. This was going to require a bit of

explaining to Fleur.

"Kind of," she just smiled as Fleur greeted her, but then she was called by

another group of students.

"All right, kid, pick what you like. I gotta take care of that bunch over at

the counter."—then she turned to Fleur and spoke up—"It is nice to

finally see you after all."

We walked out of the shop with a bag full of every sweet article at the

shop. And as we were walking Fleur asked me with a raised brow.

"Mind explaining what that was about? Sneaking out of school? Special

lady?" and she had a very sweet smile on her face as she interrogated me.

I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly as I explained.

"Well, you do know that Britain does not have any legal dueling

tournaments, right?" and she immediately made the connection. And

with a horrified expression, she turned to me.

"You can not be serious. Illegal dueling tournaments. You sneaked out to

participate in illegal tournaments!" and I nodded my head, making her

stop in her tracks.

"Yes, after I lost in my first year. I knew that I needed practice. So, I

searched and found some less shady places. After all, I did have a certain

someone I wanted to impress," I said with a teasing smile. But Fleur had

still not calmed down.

"Do you know how dangerous they are? Dueling can get dangerous so

easily! What if you got hurt? Or arrested!" she was about to continue, but

I cut her off.

"I know. That is why I did it for only one year." And Fleur just shook her

head at this. It was time to change the subject.

"Ok, why don't we go and get something to eat?" and with that, I took her

hand and began to move in a specific direction.

And I could see her surprise when she stood outside the shop. Madam

Puddifoot's Tea Shop and I could her eversion by her expression. Fleur

just stared at the pinkish-girlish exterior for quite some time, then looked

at me. And I could tell that she was barely controlling her horrified


I couldn't take it anymore and broke out into a small laugh.

"I am joking. We are not going there," and I could see the sigh of relief.

She then turned to face me and asked in a somewhat horrified tone.

"What is even that place? So much Pink?" she asked.

"That, my dear is the premier place for dates in Hogsmeade. It is said that

most Hogwarts romances begin and end in that place," and it was true.

And she looked at the pinkish exterior once more.

"I can understand the ending, but I don't think they can begin here."

"You don't have to worry. I have something much better planned," and I

pushed forward my hand. Fleur placed her own in it.

"I hope you have apparated before. If you haven't, hold on," I said, and

Fleur nodded.

"I have."

And then, with a crack, we both vanished from the village of Hogsmeade.

Appearing in front of a particular restaurant in London.

Fleur covered her face with her as she reoriented herself. Apparation was

not fun. And after a second or so, we entered the place I had picked. A

place that I remembered from a very different time.

Le Gavroche



Fleur Delacour looked at Edward as they both finished their meal. The

day had been quite fun, and with the first task approaching. This had

been a much-needed respite. Moreso, there was something significant

that she needed to tell Edward.

Something which she suspected that he was aware of, but she did not

want it to creep up later. They finished the meal and walked out. There

was still time before her mother and sister were to arrive.

"So, where to now?" she asked, and he just smirked.

"Now, I am going to take you to an extraordinary place," he said as he

put his hand forward once more. Fleur took the offered hand and held

her breath once more as the world around them shifted.

And after a second, she felt her feet touch the ground again. This time

though, it was not concrete. And she opened her eyes and found herself

staring at a house. Not just an ordinary house but an entire villa.

She turned towards Edward, who just smiled and walked toward the


"What is this, Edward?" she questioned as she followed him.

"This, my dear, is the house that I have bought," and her head snapped

toward him at that. And he just nodded his head as he opened the gates

and kept on walking toward the door.

"You bought it, but how?" she did not want to be rude, but she knew that

Edward was an orphan. And he was still at school. Yes, he may have

obtained some prize money from the tournaments he won, but such an

estate was not easy to buy. This must have cost a small fortune.

"Well, I did make some investments both in the magical and mundane

world and had there was a bit of luck involved, but that is irrelevant."

And he pulled her hand.

"You are the first person to see this, so come on," and she felt a bit sad

when she heard the excitement in his voice. It was sometimes easy to

forget how important the smaller things in life can be. She smiled as she

walked behind him as he opened the doors to reveal the main Hall.

With two rows of stairs going to the second floor.

"There are two floors. This floor has the two bedrooms, the dining hall,

and this…" and they went around the whole house talking about it.

Finally, settling down on the two sofas in one of the rooms.

"So, what do you think?" Edward asked her. And Fleur nodded her head

at that.

"It is lovely. You must have spent quite some time designing this all," and

it was. The estate was different, with many elements she had not seen

elsewhere. And she had been to many such places as a guest.

Edward just smiled and spoke up after a long sigh.

"Yeah! It did take me the whole summer to get this ready. It is such a

shame that it will have to remain empty!" Fleur frowned at that. Empty!

And her heart stirred as she heard that.

"Empty? But why?" she asked with a frown.

"Yes, after all, I can not come back here from France every day now, can

I," and her eyes widened at that. It couldn't be, and as if reading her

mind, Edward nodded his head.

"Yeah! Your dueling professor had a long chat with me; he plans to retire

next year and has offered me a place on Beauxbaton staff.".

And she felt her eyes tear up at that. He had taken such care in arranging

his place. But he would be leaving it all. All for her! Because whatever he

may say. There was no way that he wouldn't get a job here.

"Oh, Edward!" and she hugged him. And he hugged her back.

"Thank you!" she muttered as she separated from him, and he waved it

off. And then she began to think of what she had wanted to tell him for

some time. Something that could change everything.

"Edward, I have something I want to tell you as well," He frowned at this.

Nodding for her to continue.

"Umm—you must have heard some rumors about me." And he nodded

once more. Not speaking up.

"Rumors that—Um, that—" Before she could speak up, she felt his arms

wrap around her.

"Rumors that you are a veela!" She nodded at this. However, she had not

expected his following words.

"So? Why does that matter?" and her head snapped up. His face now

inches from her.

"Then you must have also heard about the other rumors and powers that

…" but she was cut off.

"As I said, that doesn't matter. I fell in love with Fleur Delacour, the witty

hard working girl that can demolish anyone twice her age with a wand,

someone who sometimes gets flustered on over the smallest of things, all

that other stuff is irrelevant."

And she felt his face close up on her own.

"It all became irrelevant when she sat down next to me all those years

ago, nerding over the duel we had just had." Her face heated up at that.

The memory of that day is still clear in her head.

"I fell in love with her; the rest is irrelevant."


In the Office of Headmaster Dumbledore, the sword of Godric Gryffindor

was placed by the side of a broken tiara. However, a blackish liquid

oozed out of the tiara. Dumbledore sat on his chair, slightly exhausted

and saddened at the destruction of such a historical artifact.

The Diadem of Ravenclaw. Destroyed.

What a loss! And then suddenly, he looked up and saw a piece of

parchment falling from his office's roof. It drifted down onto his desk.

Dumbledore frowned slightly as the mechanism for such magic was

unknown to him.

He opened the letter and read its contents, his eyes went wide as the

words registered in his brain. After reading it, he placed it back on the

desk. His face changed as if he had aged ten years.

'Regulus!' a name long forgotten was uttered in a muffled tone. And then

he would call on his companion.

"Fawkes!" The phoenix would appear in a ball of flames and, with a

chirp, begin to circle his office.

"My dear friend, can you take me to see Sirius? I believe that I have need

of him." And with a last chirp, the phoenix would descend, and both

would vanish in flames.


A Horcrux was destroyed. Plus, what exactly did the letter reveal?

How will this all affect Sirius Black?

As always, you can read ahead and support me on .

( n) . com (Drkest)

16. Chapter 16

Chapter 16


Me and Fleur stood in front of the Ministry building. Waiting for the

arrival of her mother and sister. I had met Mrs. Delacour previously

though the interaction had been brief; I had found her a doting mother.

The fact was more evident as she had often accompanied Fleur to the


Besides me, Fleur was a bit nervous because of her changed status. She

had told me that she had written to her mother about it previously, yet

there had been no response from her. Only conveying the news of their


I wrapped my arm around her, catching her attention.

"Why are you so nervous? Don't worry, it will be fine?" I spoke


Fleur gave me a smile though she seemed a bit unsure.

"What if it isn't? What if she doesn't like you? With my fath…" and I cut

her off with a scandalized scoff.

"What's not to like!" and she smiled at my accent, but our conversation

was cut short by a bundle of golden locks rocketing towards us.

"FLEUR!" came a shrill voice as the ball of gold collided with Fleur,

almost knocking her off balance. I smiled as I saw the two sisters hug.

I looked up and saw the smiling form of Mrs. Delacour walking towards

us, though her focus was not on her two daughters.

"Mrs. Delacour, it is good to see you. I hope the paperwork wasn't messy,"

I greeted her, and she smiled as she replied.

"Oh. Thank you, dear. I hope you haven't been waiting for long." She said

as she gave me a small hug, and then she turned to Fleur. Who had now

separated from her sister? A sister who was looking at me with narrowed


I met Gabrielle's eyes as I crouched down.

"Hi. I am Edward…." But she cut me off in a strict voice.

"I know who you are." And I raised a brow at that. Though I had not

missed the slightly worried expression on Fleur's face as Gabrielle


"Fleur's told us all loads about you. She said you are stronger than Harry

Potter," she asked with the same narrowed eyes, and I just blinked at


"Well, Harry Potter is my junior, and I haven't dueled him. But I am

confident I could take on him," and evidently, that was the wrong answer

as her eyes widened.

"But he is the Boy Who Lived!" and from the laugh of Mrs. Delacour, I

could tell that this was a very elaborate debate. I just nodded my head as

I leaned in a bit closer and spoke in a snake tone.

"Not only that, but I actually defeated your sister as well quite recently,"

and now Gabrielle's face snapped to Fleur.

"Ok, Gabrielle. That is enough. We can talk about it later. Let us get to

our hotel."

And the conversation broke down, though, throughout the whole time,

Gabrielle was looking at me with narrowed eyes.



Sirius shivered as he entered the cave once more. However, the cold did

not bother him much. Not any longer. Years of desolate and prickling

cold were something that made this slight cold feel like a summer day.

He walked towards the fire that he had set up previously. The warmth

and the light relaxed him as he inched closer to the fire itself. A small

change of clothes was spread to the side, drying out.

"BUCKBEAK!" he called for his companion. But there was no response.

The Hippogriff might have gone hunting.

Sirius had been on the run for more than a year and a half now. The

remnants from his stay at Azkaban still haunted him. He would often

wake up with chills, writhing as he dreamt of those shadowy creatures

creeping up on him once more.

Only to wake up to find out that it was nothing more than a dream.

Though, he could feel himself getting better. He could feel his body

recover its strength, his mind gaining clarity as his memories resurfaced.

Memories of good times and old times give him strength.

Though some of them were not so old, and he smiled as he remembered

his godson's face. Harry reminded him so much of his parents. His face

was a near copy of his father's, with the striking emerald eyes of his

mother. And Sirius cursed the RAT in his heart as he longed to see his

face once more.

Wormtail. They should never have trusted him. That sniveling coward.


Sirus picked up the bag by the side and took out a can of tuna he had

picked from the store. Due to his status, he could not stay in an

established place, but he had been able to traverse the muggle markets

quite easily. Buying up food had not been difficult.

He opened the can up and was about to eat when he heard the sound of

footsteps. His senses went haywire as he immediately picked up his wand

and extinguished the fire. He picked up the bag and tried to apparate but


Wards. He recognized. Showing that the intruder was a wizard.

"Sirius! Are you there?" came a small voice. A voice he recognized quite

easily. Dumbledore walked slowly, with his wand illuminating the cave.

"Sirius!" asked his old Headmaster once more. Sirius frowned as he

moved out of the shadow, though his wand was still held tightly in his


"Dumbledore!" Sirius confirmed.

"It is good to see you, Sirius," came the voice of the Headmaster as he

smiled upon seeing him. Dumbledore waved his wand. The fire lit up

once more, illuminating the whole cave.

"Why are you here, Dumbledore? Have they caught Wormtail? Has the

Ministry budged on a trial?" Sirius asked, and there was a bit of

desperation in his voice. But to his dismay, Dumbledore shook his head.

"I am afraid not. Lucius has been using his influence to stop Fudge in this

regard," and Sirius shook his head in dismay as anger rose in his heart.

Lucious Malfoy was using his influence to prevent his trial as in case such

a trial was to happen. Sirius would be able to name and implicate many

of his friends.

"But I do bear good news. While Fudge could not be convinced, I have

begun making inquiries about a different approach and hope to receive

good news soon. And in that regard, I believe that I have need of you

once more," and Sirius frowned at that. Why would Dumbledore need


"What do you need? I don't believe that I have much to offer. After all, I

am wanted, man?" Sirius spoke up.

"Nothing much, but it seems that we must return to your ancestral home;

I need access to the House of Blacks."

Sirius's eyes went wide as he recognized the name. A name he had not

thought about in a long time. An unplottable place that would be perfect

for him. But why would Dumbledore need such a place?

"But what about the Ministry? Won't they be able to locate me?" he

questioned. And Dumbledore just gave him a smile.

"Why don't you leave it to me?"

Sirius shrugged, ready to leave, but just as he was about to apparate, he

stopped. His mind going towards his companion.

"Why don't you go on ahead! I will meet you there!" Dumbledore frowned

as he heard the sound of flapping wings and clacking hooves before he

saw a very familiar Hippogriff enter the cave.



Albus Dumbledore finished the incantation as he let his wand down.

Immediately he could feel the spell place hold as the memory of the Place

was stamped in his head. Beside him, Sirius began to look around, his

eyes in a daze

"Grimmauld place is the home of Sirius Black." And with those words,

Sirius reoriented himself as he blinked once or twice. His long curly hair

was unruly due to continuous neglect. Dumbledore's heart hurt as he saw

the sunken cheeks, the stick-like figure. Sirius had had such light in his

eyes in his youth though now they seemed hollow and dull and he had to

stare deeply to find a glimmer of the shine they once held.

"I can not believe that I had to return to this place," Sirius spoke up as he

looked around the corridor. However, they would soon be surprised by

the sound of steps. Dumbledore frowned as the sound of steps got louder.

"The wastrel young master has returned! Oh, the mistress will be angry.

She will be angry." Came the grunting voice of a house elf. A very old

house elf with drooped ears and a dirty sack covering his body.

Just the house elf Dumbledore wanted to meet.

"Kreacher! You are alive, you freakin monster!" and Dumbledore frowned

as he heard Sirius's harsh words.



"I hope he dies, that freakin mud-blood!" were the words I heard as I

stepped into the common room. A small group of Slytherin sat near the

fireplace, discussing the first task.

And I saw Uquart's eyes widen as he spotted me coming down. Uquart

Flint, brother to one Marcus Flint was in his sixth year and was a

representation of everything wrong with Slytherin. He had come to

Hogwarts, expecting to enjoy the control his brother held, though that

notion would soon be broken as Marcus would try and get heavy-handed

with me.

And after that, my retaliation would leave Marcus in the Hospital Wing

for a month. A month in which Uquart would join him a week later.

I looked towards him and his friends, who had now gone quiet and were

looking around nervously. After a second or so of thinking, I just shook

my head and walked out of the room. They were not worth it.

Though, as I would step out, I was joined by my best friend, who was just

about to enter the dorms, at such a time.

The crumpled-up state of his clothes showed exactly the kind of

adventures he had been up to.

Henry gave me a wolfish smile when I shook my head at him.

"Hello, Edward," he said as he swung his arm around my head.

"Hello. It is nice of you to show up," I snarked, and he just smiled.

"I wouldn't have come up but had to pick up my assignments for the day,"

his sentence made me look at him with a raised brow.

"You do know what day it is, right," I asked.

"Of course. It is the…," and he would stop mid-sentence as he would

remember the significance of the day.

"There aren't any lectures today. It's the first task of the tournament," I

said as I moved past him.

"Oh," came the whisper, and then a louder one as he ran up to me.



Sirius is a character one can play around with. His death was quite

tragic, not that his life was any less so. But, the Backs are quite an

unfortunate family. They are a house that represents the actual

destruction caused by war.

A divided house, a broken family, and what remains is just a painful

memory of once great legacy.

As always, you can read ahead and support me on .


17. Chapter 17

Chapter 17


Fleur walked towards the tent that had been erected for the champions.

The roar of the crowd could be heard even at such a distance. She had

received information about the task a couple of weeks ago. And suffice to

say, she had been surprised.


Literal dragons. What were they even thinking? It was good that Fleur

had been able to devise a strategy.

"Hello," she heard a very familiar voice. And she turned to see Edward

walking towards her with his usual cheer. His face lacked even a hint of

nervousness. She smiled as she waved to him.

"Hi," she waved as he joined her, and bother of them entered the tent.

"So, how are your preparation?" she asked him.

"Oh. They are just fine. How about you? Do you have a strategy in

place?" She nodded. They had not discussed the task per se but had

bounced strategies off each other over various scenarios.

"Yeah," she replied, though she was pretty nervous. And he probably felt

that as his arm wrapped around her.

"Don't worry. You will be just fine," and he seemed more sure about her

than herself. She felt a bit relieved seeing his confidence in her.

"OK! Everyone gather around. It is time for the first task!" came the voice

as the tent's opening was flung open again. The representative from the

ministry, along with Krum, walked in.

"Good. Good. The first task was about daring, and what speaks of daring

more than FACING A DRAGON!" Mr. Bagman said with a cheer. The lack

of surprise from Krum indicated that he had been informed about the

task as well.

But if Mr. Bagman noted anything. He did not say as he continued.

"For your first task, each of you will have to get a treasure. A golden egg

from a dragon." He explained animatedly.



"Now, before further a due, each of you will pick a dragon from the bag.

And then we can start."

And he put forward the bag in front of Fleur, who put her hand in and

took out a greenish miniature dragon.

"The Chinese Fireball, a feisty little creature they are." He commented as

he put it in front of Krum, who took out a rather pale-colored dragon


"Common Welsh. It seems that you got lucky their, kid," he said as he

placed the bag in front of me. I put my hand in and took out the only

miniature dragon remaining in the bag. I pulled my hand out with a scaly

black dragon in my hand. Its size was more significant than the other

two, as it spews a torrent of fire from its mouth.

"The Hungarian Horntail. One of the deadliest dragons in the world." He

commented ominously. Besides me, Fleur was looking at me a bit


"All right, that is it. When the bell rings, you will go in. First, Miss Fleur,

followed by Krum, and Edward will be the last." He spoke up.

"Now I will leave you as I have to reach the box. Good luck to you all."

He said as he rushed out of the tent.

"That was a bit unlucky. Will you be fine?" Fleur asked me, and I smiled

in return.

"Don't worry about me. Focus. The bell could ring at any moment," I

shrugged off her worry. I looked up at Krum and smiled as I spoke up.

"Good luck to you as well," I said.

"Thank you," he replied in his gruff tone as he also gave Fleur a nod.


The bell rang, and Fleur stood up, ready to leave, as I held her hand.

Stopping her as I whispered lightly into her ears.



Harry watched from the stands as the first contestant walked into a

massive cheer from the crowd. It was the girl from the French school.

Fleur Delacour had already been famous amongst the boys due to her

beauty, but after her duel, she had attained a very acclaimed status

amongst the male population of the boys.


And his attention was drawn to another side of the arena where a Green

dragon bellowed a colossal roar, shaking the whole stadium.

"It's a Chinese Fireball. They are only seen in China. The Ministry must

have spent quite a sum to get one here," spoke up Hermione as she

looked at the giant dragon.

"Would Norberta grow to such a size as well?" he questioned anxiously as

he remembered the small dragon Hagrid had claimed as a pet.

"Of course not,"—Hermione said, and Harry was slightly relieved for

some reason as he heard that.

"The Chinese Fireballs are smaller; she would grow to a much bigger


And the relief vanished into thin air.

'BEGIN.' Came the shout from the commentator box, and Harry saw the

girl raise her wand as she pointed it at the golden egg.

Though nothing happened, Harry frowned.

"What just happened?" he asked Hermione.

"She just tried to summon it. But it seems there is some kind of spell on

it. The egg can not be summoned. She will have to get it herself."

The Dragon while still having that massive chain, had now circled the

Golden egg as it snarled towards the blonde.

The Girl waved her wand in an intricate manner and after some time a

slew of lights began to shine out of her wand. And what followed the

small burst of light was perhaps the most melodius tone Harry had ever


The spell continued and Harry could feel even himself getting drowsy.

And he was sitting quite far away from the arena.

"She is using enchantments and charms. Somehow she is enchanting her

own voice!" Hermione commented in a wondrous tone. And Harry could

see the sheer fascination in her eyes. But unlike that held by the

hundreds of boys around him. This wasn't for the blonde orchestrating

such a tone.

No, this was solely for the new magic Hermione had observed.

'Its fallen asleep. The dragon has fallen asleep!'

And Harry looked down and saw the dragon, whose eyes were now

closed as it took periodic breaths. Though still coiled around the Golden


Though it seems that this was exactly what the girl had planned, and she

began to walk up to the dragon. Her steps were measured as she walked

and Harry saw her scoop the egg.

The dragon had spewed a small flame from its nostrils, which she had

avoided with a shield charm.

'she's got it. She has taken the egg!'

And then she got out of there with small and measured steps before

rushing towards the tent.


The bell rang up once more. And the dragon keepers rushed in even

though Harry thought it useless as the dragon was still slumbering away.

"She did well. She will probably get quite some marks with that

performance." Hermione commented, and Harry could only nod. The

performance had been quite perfect.

"Look. They are about to show her marks." Hermione said as she pointed

towards the judge's booth.



Albus smiled as he sat down once more. Fort-five marks was a good

score. A well-deserved score for an excellent performance.

"That was an outstanding performance, I must say." He praised the

French champion to her headmistress.

"Thank you, but I must say, Dumbledore, Igor is not being fair," she said

with a frown, and Dumbledore just shook his head in dismay.

"I am afraid there is not much I can do about that."

And it was true. All judges were completely independent in making their

decisions. So, while his score of seven from Igor was low. There wasn't

much they could do.

"We shall see," and then he saw the second contestant walk into the

arena. Viktor Krum walked in with his wand in his hand. The Welsh

dragon snarled on the other side of the arena.

And Dumbledore shook his head as he saw Igor Kakaroff shouting

encouragement for his champion.


And the competition had begun. And he saw the boy raise his wand

toward the approaching form of the dragon.

And the dragon would scream in agony and rage as a huge slash would

be aimed at its eye.


And due to the agony it would, the dragon would begin to thrash away as

it let out huge swathes of fire around as its tail crashed into the golden

egg itself. Demolishing it partly.

Dumbledore shook his head in disappointment as the dragon roared in

pain once more. Viktor Krum was making his way toward the egg,

showcasing the agility and senses of a professional seeker as he avoided

the chaos around him.

'He has got the egg! Or at least what's left of it!' came the commentary, and

now the kid was rushing back—running with all his might, without

looking back.

A wrong move. As the dragon sent a ball of flame straight at his

retreating back.

"AHHHHH!" The boy would scream in pain as the fire collided with his

side. But it seemed that the boy had done enough as he crossed into the



'And Viktor Krum has run off with what appears to be crums of the Golden



"AHH! Such a show of courage. A true showing of courage!" Igor shouted

up with mirth as the dragon keepers bombarded the Welsh Green with

stunners to stop its rampage.

"Indeed. Indeed. A good showing from a star!" commented Ludo Bagman,

and Dumbledore did not miss the scoff from Beauxbatons Headmistress at


"I believe that it is time to give out the marks," he cut in before this all

could escalate, as he saw Krum coming back to the arena with Poppy by

his side, casting spells on the burns the kid had received.

Dumbledore would step up first, and taking out his wand; he would send

out a ribbon that would fly away as it would transform into a resounding


A good score. But now he was getting a bit excited to see what Hogwarts

champion would turn up with.

During all this, Harry Potter suddenly left the stands along with

Hermione granger as they walked to a secluded area. However, they had

not been alone and were accompanied by a dog. A black dog. The same

dog who had roamed these grounds about a year ago.


As always you can read ahead and support me on . There are upto

five next chapters available over there.


18. Chapter 18

Chapter 18


Edward could hear the roars and cheers from the arena. With his eyes

closed, he was focusing on his magic. He was the last champion, and

from the huge commotion some time ago accompanied by the bell, his

turn would be coming in just some time.


The bell rang once more, and one of the proctors spoke up.

"Participant Edward, it is time," and Edward opened his eyes finally; his

vision returned as he looked around the camp once more. He got up and,

with a nod at the proctor, began to walk towards the specialized exit.

As, the fabric flicked to the sides, he was blinded momentarily by the

striking Sun. The crowd roared as he entered the arena, the

commentators' voices reaching even his ears.

'And now it is time for the last champion. The champion of Hogwarts. Edward

Wright. The dueling prodigy, who is a former youth champion, reputed as one

of the great talents of his generation. I am excited to see the show he will put


And now Edward was standing right in front of the arena gates, with the

proctors giving him the final instructions.

"The dragon is a nesting mother and will be feral. She is bound by chains,

but you must be careful." One of them explained.

"There is a ward around the arena to shield the audience, you are not

allowed to interfere with that ward. If you do so, it will be a


Edward nodded at that. He had suspected such a thing as well. With that,

the proctors got out of the way, and Edward finally stepped into the

arena. And immediately, he was greeted by a crackling roar as the huge

dragon bellowed out a threatening roar as she narrowed its eyes and

snarled at the intruder.

'The Hungarian Horntail is giving our last contestant quite a welcome, it

seems. It seems that it is not ready to give up its prized egg.'

And as Edward looked at the huge scaly beast in front of him, he finally

understood the extent of the courage of a specific bespectacled boy. The

Hungarian Horntail was huge, and its scales had a bloody tinge to them

as they glistened in the sunlight.

I took out my wand, and a very familiar sensation reached up from the

wand and permeated throughout my body. The aspen wood fitted nicely

in my hand as I raised my wand and aimed it squarely at the dragon.

I could feel my magic resonate as I continued to weave my wand in a

specific pattern. My lips moved in a continuous manner as I recited the

magic spell. However, this was no ordinary spell. It was a highly

complicated spell. A spell that I had found in the Room of Requirement

in an ancient book. The book has a very familiar name scribbled into it.

Gellert Grindelwald

Despite being quite a controversial figure. The genius of the man could

not be denied. Gellert Grindelwald was a man who had brought the

whole magical Europe to its knees singlehandedly. Of all the books and

notes I had recovered from the Room of Requirement, notes, and books

belonging to him had been the most helpful in my studies.

The Hungarian Horntail encircled the egg and bellowed out another huge

roar as it sensed the huge build-up of magic. It opened its huge maw and

spewed out a huge torrent of flame straight at me, but with my left hand,

I swiped, and the ground in front of me erupted up as shielded me from

the torrent of flames.


I could hear the sounds of the metal clacking as the dragon tried to leap

at me, but the chains held as it failed in its movement.

I could feel myself getting fatigued as swathes and swathes of magic

began to gather around me. My control, while impeccable, was unable to

stop some of the magic from leaking out, and I could feel the temperature

drop around me. The spell reached its conclusion, and as the movements

of the and stopped and I aimed it squarely at the hulking form of the

dragon in front of me.

And then, I muttered the name of the spell that I had learned specifically

for this challenge.

"Respond to Hel's calling."

And the world rippled as I let go of my control, and the world rippled in

front of me.




Fleur Delacour stood with her best friend Fay and their charms professor

from Beauxbaton. The aged old man had joined them on the balcony as

he had congratulated Fleur on her brilliant performance. Fleur could feel

herself getting slightly anxious as Edward walked out into the arena,

though the small competitive part of her was quite excited to see his


"So, are you watching this as his competition or as his girlfriend?" Fay

teased her from the side, and Fleur just elbowed her as she gave her the

answer she had thought previously.

"I am watching this as a competitive girlfriend!" and Fay shook her head

at this reply. Edward had now walked out into the arena and was now

standing still as he waved his wand in an intricate pattern.

Fleur narrowed her eyes as she could not recognize the pattern once

more. Though it seems that her professor had.

"Impossible!" her charms Professor spoke out as he looked at Edward

with narrowed eyes. Fleur looked at her Professor Delbren Insole was

quite an aged wizard who was now approaching his hundredth birthday.

He had lived past two wars and had been a renowned dueler in his time.

However, his most famous attribute was his participation in the

liberation of Drumstrang from Grindelwald himself.

"What is impossible?" Fay questioned before Fleur could speak up. And

the man was still looking at the arena with a narrowed gaze.

"Are you sure that his real name is Edward Wright?" he questioned, and

Fleur replied with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, I am quite sure. Why?" she questioned further as Edward blocked

the swathes of flames with a bit of Transfiguration.

"It's just that the boys continue to bring up ancient pieces of magic. Magic

that few could even boast of experiencing, let alone performing."

"Do you know what he is trying to do, professor?" Fleur asked the aged

man, and the man nodded, and he replied in a grave tone.

"Yes, though it has been years, I will never forget such a piece of magic.

This singular spell was able to bring the whole resistance force in the war

to their knees. An elemental magic spell that requires significant control

and power."

And Fleur suddenly felt herself getting assaulted by a sense of cold. Her

head snapped towards the arena once more. And her eyes widened as she

saw the whole arena covered by a white fog. The slight shiver had now

transformed into a frigid chill. The frost penetrated her bones, but

suddenly, the cold eased, and she looked to the side to see that Professor

Delbren had brought out his wand.

"This is Hel's calling itself. The spell Niflheim." She heard her professor

mutter in sheer befuddlement. And Fleur was surprised as well as she

stared at the white smoke covering the entire arena.

'And what a surprise! We can not see a thing. The whole arena has been

covered by a thick layer of frost. The magical broadcast has been interrupted

as well. Even the wards put on by our dearest Professor Dumbledore have

failed to stop the cold. Even in my chair, I can feel the chill.'

'Well, this is our state outside the wards! I can assure you the Hungarian

Horntail will be feeling much worse! Wait, the broadcast is up once more, and

we can see it up. There standing with a yellow hue surrounding him. It is

EDWARD WRIGHT. But what about the dragon?"

And there was a pause, and Fleur watched with perplexity as the

broadcast shifted away from Edward.



And Fleur's eyes went wide as she saw the frozen body of the colossal

beast. And then the frame shifted to Edward once more, who was now

walking towards the Golden Egg. The Hungarian Horntail was coiled

around the whole dragon. The ice melted under Edward's every step.

His wand was still in his hand as he walked leisurely toward the

enormous beast. When he reached the egg, Edward stopped and waved

his wand and the ice around the egg melted. Then the egg levitated

beside him, and with a final look at the dragon, he began to move

towards the tent.

"I had never thought that I would ever see this spell again. But I believe

that this is just one of life's surprises, it seems," Professor Delbren


"The call of Hel itself said to freeze worlds. Niflheim." He finished with

awe. The man then chuckled slightly as he looked towards her.

"I think that he has somehow found a way to outshine you once more,

Miss Delacour. Though I think we will have to see how the judges

respond to such a performance." He added, and Fleur felt the ground

shake as Edward disappeared into the tent once more, finishing the first

part of the task.

Fleur looked at the arena and saw the dragon keepers rush to the ground

as they conjured swathes of fire to melt the ice. Above in the judge's

corner, she could see the judges getting ready to announce the results.

Well, she will just have to see the results, it seems.


Hogwarts: A certain cave

A rat snuggled into a small cave, though the behavior of the water at the

cave's mouth spoke of some special magic. The rat shook off the water

and, with a certain twist, morphed into the body of a plump small man.

His front teeth were longer and gave his face a rather rattish appearance.

He took out a small device out of his pocket and waved his wand, and the

snarling tones coming out of it quieted down. And with that, his eyes

went straight ahead as they focused on the setup in front of him.

Various circles were drawn on the ground with some rather unique and

mysterious materials. In the center of the circles was a alter thing having

a single feather lying on it. Though what was most mysterious were the

three cord-like projections coming out of the cup.

The rat smiled as he glanced at the result of his hard work. And once

more, he realized that he had made a correct decision all those years ago.

Few could think like his master. And soon, the whole world will tremble

at his master's feet once more.

Soon, he thought. Very soon.


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19. Chapter 19

Chapter 19


"That was one hell of a performance. Still, I wonder how the kid got his

hands on such a spell," Sirius spoke from the side.

"Do you know what that was? I have never read about anything like that.

Will we learn about it in Hogwarts in later years?" Hermione immediately

asked the questions that probably had been running through her mind.

Sirius snickered slightly at Hermione's enthusiasm before his smile

stopped suddenly as his face attained a forlorn look.

"Nah, I believe that many of your teachers won't even know any spells

like those. Such spells are extremely difficult to find and even more

difficult to perform. However, if the kid was able to perform them to an

acceptable level as a seventh year, it speaks volumes of his skill."

Hermione nodded at that.

"Then how do you know about them?" the words escaped Harry's mouth

as he stared at the judge while they gave out the marks. The bias of the

Drumstrang's headmaster was visible as a shining seven appeared on the


'He gave Krum a ten, and this was way better than Krum's performance.'

Harry thought.

"Well, let's just say it is one of the perks of being a Black. Our family is

more than four centuries old, and let's just say such a long history and

pedigree has led to the Blacks having amongst the best repositories of

magical knowledge." He spoke up with a smirk, and though it was just a

small moment, Harry was sure that he had noticed a hint of pride in his


"You have your own library!" Hermione spoke with sparkling eyes,

making Sirius chuckle, and for a moment, Harry found himself just

staring at her face. At the moment, it was like he was seeing her for the

first time.

"Yes, we do have a library. Perhaps you can have a look when you visit,"

Sirius replied mirthfully.

"Thank you," Hermione spoke up.

"Forty-four," Harry spoke up as all the judges concluded, giving Edward

his marks. Harry frowned as he tried to recall the marks given to the

Beauxbaton's champion.

"It is one less than the French girl," Hermione added from the side.

"Yeah, though I believe that is probably due to the struggle of the Dragon

keepers. They are still melting the ice off of the arena and the dragon."

Sirius speculated, and it was true.

The Hungarian Horntail was screeching as frost still covered a part of its

body, and the arena still had a layer of frost over it.

'What power,' Harry thought.

"Well, I believe that I must leave now." Sirius suddenly spoke up from

behind. And Harry's head snapped towards his Godfather.

"But why? There is so much I want to talk to you about?" Harry pleaded

though a part of him knew that it was futile.

Sirius smiled ruefully and ruffled his hair. Then, crouching down, he gave

Harry a small hug.

"Soon, I will be done with that accursed trial, and I will be free. Then, I

won't have to meet you in secret. Hopefully, it will be concluded before

the summer. And perhaps you would like to spend the summer with me?"

And the words took Harry by surprise, and for a moment, he was

stunned, tongue-tied, and bamboozled as he found himself unable to

reply. But his arms around Sirius tightened as the implications behind

those words finally registered.

"Yes! Yes, that will be great," Harry muttered.

And as they separated, both of them had huge smiles on their faces.

"And perhaps you would like to visit as well, Hermione. Perhaps take a

look at our library." Sirius spoke to his friend.

And Harry saw a small flush cover Hermione's cheeks as she nodded her


"Thank you for the invitation," she replied with a nod.

Sirius then closed his eyes and took a deep gulp of air.

"All right, kiddos, I will be going now. Take care of yourself." And with

that, the man morphed into a dog right in front of their eyes. A spectacle

that was quite reminiscent of his first Transfiguration class.

And with a small bark, the grim-like dog began to run towards the other

side. Harry watched it vanish behind an erected tent. A part of him was

sad that it had been such a short meeting, but there was a ray of hope

now. Hope that Sirius will get exonerated.



"Congratulations! Congratulations! Such magnificent performances. Such

magnificent performances. It kind of reminds me of some of my own

games as a bea…."

"AKHM! AKHM! " and Dumbledore was thankful to the young for cutting

Ludo's reminiscence short. This was not the time for him to begin one of

his tirades. They had tolerated enough of them back in the judges' box.

Mr. Weasley stepped up, acting in place of his boss Bartemious Crouch.

"That was an exceptional display of courage from each of you. I know

each of you is eager to rest and relax, so I will be quick about this." The

young redhead spoke up, though Dumbledore was no longer focusing on

his words.

His eyes were focused on the young man standing in front of him.

Edward stood straight in front of him with one of his arms wrapped

around the Beauxbaton's champion. The seventh-year student had a small

smile on his face and seemed completely oblivious to the storm he had

just caused.

Dumbledore had thought of his casting technique as a mere coincidence.

But this, this spoke of much more than a simple inspiration.

Nifelheim was not a simple spell. It was an elemental spell. And a very

obscure one at that. Years ago, Dumbledore had removed all of Gellert's

notes and remnants from Drumstrang. He had brought them to Hogwarts

for safekeeping.

And from what he could recall, this spell was only ever mentioned in

those notes apart from a couple of other ancient texts, but those would be

in possession of pureblood families.

'Where had he found this spell? Should I question him about it? Who was

Edward Wright, and why did he only now see the similarities between

him and his old friend?' and many more questions loomed in his head.

Gellert Grindelwald had been hailed as a genius, much like Edward. And

Dumbledore couldn't help but feel that there was a deeper connection

between the two.

'Perhaps I must give an old friend a visit?' he thought.

"The clue for your second task is hidden in the golden egg. The second

task will take place in February, so you will have plenty of time to

prepare. But before it, I must inform you about another tradition."

At this, Dumbledore stepped forward.

"The yule bald has been held as a part of the tri-wizard tournament since

its inception." He spoke up as the three champions looked at him, yet he

found a look of slight surprise on only two of those faces.

"The ball will take place on Christmas Day. It is a tradition for the

champions to open the ball, so I believe that each of you must prepare

accordingly. And I believe if you have any questions, you can ask."

And when they did not speak up, Dumbledore smiled as he ended the


"Then I believe that this is it. Good day to you all."

"Thank you," the three champions chorused together, and with that,

Dumbledore left the tent, planning a visit to a very old friend.



Just as Fleur walked out of the tent, she immediately heard her name

getting called out by a very familiar voice.

"FLEURR!" and she was barely able to catch the blonde bundle. Though

Gabrielle still knocked the air out of her. Besides her, she heard Edward

stifle a laugh at her sister's antics.

"Ooof," she uttered as Gabrielle hugged her, and Fleur wrapped her arms

around her sister as their mother walked towards them while shaking her


"Gabrielle, how many times have I told you to stop being so careless,"

their mother repeated the words that Fleur had heard for over five years,

yet had still not taken any effect on her sister and from the way she was

mocking Edward, they weren't going to take any effect now.

"You lost. I told you, didn't I? My sister is better than you," Gabrielle

teased Edward, who had a huge smile on his face.

"Aha, but this was just the first task. The tournament is still left, and we

will have to wait to see who wins it in the end." And she gave Edward a

small glare. Gabrielle narrowed her eyes at Edward.

"We will see. But still, she did beat you today, so she is better than you

till the next task." Gabrielle said haughtily.

"We shall see, little one. We shall see."

And just as Gabrielle was about to respond, their mother intervened with

a little heat.

"That is enough, Gabrielle," and Gabrielle did not speak though she was

still looking at Edward with narrowed eyes.

"Congratulations on your performance, Edward. It was truly marvelous."

Her mother complimented Edward.

"Thank you for your kind words, but it is true, today's event was won

over by Fleur here," and Fleur flushed slightly at his words. The only

reason she had a higher mark than him was because of Igor Karkaroff.

Otherwise, even Madam Maxime had given him a score higher than her.

Fleur wanted to ask him about his spell, but there had not been any

opportunity for that kind of conversation yet.

"Ahh, Fleur's performance was magnificent as well. But yours was quite a

spectacle in itself," her mother spoke up. Edward just smiled at that. And

then Fleur finally spoke up.

"What are you doing here, mother?" she asked. She knew that they were

watching the performance, and Fleur did plan on joining them, but why

had her mother approached her?

"Oh dear, I just thought that after such a showing, we could have a nice

little celebration." Her mother said with a smile.

"Yippee! mother even promised to buy me that chocolate cake from the

other day," Fleur smiled at the reaction from Gabrielle. Though, after

such an excursion, she believed that a celebration was in order.

"Sure, let me just change my clothes." She replied. Besides her, Edward

spoke up, handing her golden egg back to her.

"OK, I hope you enjoy your outing." And Fleur's mood dropped slightly as

he gave her a small smile and started walking away. From the corner of

her eye, Fleur spotted an elderly couple hugging and laughing with the

third champion.

And she was once more reminded of the fact that he had no one there to

congratulate him. However, before she could speak up, her mother had

called him out.

"Edward!" She saw him stop in his tracks as he turned to face her mother.

"Why don't you join us for the celebration?" She saw his eyes widen at

her words. Fleur felt her lips form a smile at those words.

"It's a family occasion. I wouldn't want to impose…" but she cut him off.

"Nonsense. It will be delightful if you join us, plus you can show us

around London. It will be quite fun."

Fleur ignored her little sisters' minuscule protest at their words.

"Fleur is right, dear. You should join us."

Edward looked toward her, and she gave him a slight nod, and then he

smiled as he looked towards her mother and nodded his head.

"Then I will be there. Thanks for the invite, Mrs. Delacour." And with

that, he began walking towards the castle.

"He is a mysterious kid. Mysterious and smart." Her mother said though

she then looked her straight in the eye and added conspiratorially.

"And charming."

Fleur's cheeks heated up at that. And she slightly coughed at that.

"Let's go to the carriage. I need to change out of these robes." And they

began to walk towards the carriage. If Gabrielle was grumbling about

inviting Fleur's rival, what could they do about that?


BOOOM. Another chapter is done. Sirius is getting a trial, and

Edward is getting a small party.

Dumbledore is planning a visit to an old friend. An old friend who

brought Europe to its knees. An old friend whose shadow looms

over his particular student.

As always, you can read ahead and support me on . Your support

helps me a lot, so if you feel generous, do give it a look.

(Patre on) slash (Drkest)

Thanks for reading this fic!

20. Chapter 20

Chapter 20


Apolline Delacour loved her daughters. They were her pride and joy.

Fleur and Gabrielle were her greatest pride. She still remembered the

days when Fleur was young and would start going to Beauxbatons and

face society for the first time.

How her little princess would slowly lose her smile and confidence when

she faced all the challenges that came with her special heritage. Fleur

had lost her cheeriness and had formed a shell around herself to protect

herself from the harsh world.

So, Apolline had been especially surprised when during her fourth year,

she had come home talking about a boy. AA boy from Britain whom she

had met in a dueling competition. At that moment, Apolline had made a

small prayer for her daughter. And then the mutterings in their home

about this young wizard from Britain had increased.

A young prodigy, much like her daughter, with similar interests. A boy

that her daughter liked and perhaps loved. Yet the world had made her

insecure. It had filled her with doubt.

So, Apolline had been surprised when her daughter had written to her

about her newly confirmed boyfriend. And so Apolline had rushed to

Britain to see this boy for herself. And she was not disappointed.

Edward Wright was smart and studious evident from his reputation and

performance. But the biggest thing for Apolline was that he made Fleur

happy. And Apolline smiled as she saw Fleur's features light up as the

same boy rushed towards them.

The boy had changed from his special robes and was wearing black

trousers with a plain white shirt, topping it all off with a black coat.

"I am sorry for being late, but the whole dorm was quite erratic, and I

had to sort out the situation," he apologized, and before she had spoken

up, Fleur had already shifted to his side.

"It's fine; we just got here anyway," her daughter waved away the boy's

concern. Apolline had noticed the elevation of her daughter's mood since

she had decided to invite the kid. Well, perhaps she would get to know

more about him during this.

"Alright, let's go," she said as she held Gabrielle's hand. Fleur joined in

and held her other hand, and then they all vanished with a crack.

Now, all of them were sitting at a table, and Apolline finally got her


"So, Edward, have you thought about your future? From what I recall, the

seventh year in Hogwarts is the last year, unlike back in Beauxbatons,

right?" and the boy nodded as he placed down his fork.

"Yes, Hogwarts is only seven years. As for what the future holds, I have a

couple of prospects lined up, and we will have to see where it goes," the

boy and Apolline noticed the slight frown on her daughter's face, and

before she could ask any further, Fleur cut in.

"He is being modest, and he even got a job offer from our Headmistress

to become an assistant professor at Beauxbaton. Professor Delbren has

proposed him to be his replacement and offered him an apprenticeship,"

Fleur had a huge smile on her face as she mentioned all this, and

Apolline was impressed.

She had studied under Delbren as well, and the man was amongst the

best duelists from France and for him to nominate the kid and give him

such an offer. It was incredible.

"Is this true? Then will you be moving to France?" she asked, and the boy

nodded as he gave her daughter a smile,

"I have told the Professor about my willingness though the details will be

hashed out after my NEWTS. But yes, moving to France is the plan."

And somehow, Apolline felt relief as she heard that. A great part of her

had been concerned about Fleur, for if she were right, then it would

mean that Fleur would have to move to Britain and while there was

discrimination in France. Things in Britain were much worse.

"So, you are going to become a professor at Fleur's school?" Gabrielle

asked from her seat, and Apolline shook her head as she spotted

chocolate spots on her cheeks.

"Yes, I will be a professor at Beauxbaton," the boy replied to her

daughter. Gabrielle did not seem to appreciate the idea like her eldest

daughter and seemed quite horrified.

"NO! and Apolline could feel a small headache grow as she saw the look

on Gabrielle's face. Fleur also seemed amusedly distraught at Gabrielle's

antics. Though, the boy in question seemed to be having fun as he just

bickered with Gabrielle.



Albus Dumbledore walked through the halls of the ministry once more.

People seemed to part way as he moved past them, looking at him with

awe. Dumbledore just smiled and continued towards the elevator and got

on it.

"Level two," and the door closed, and life moved up. Stopping after


And right in front of him were the offices of the DMLE. Though just as he

had stepped out, he was greeted by an old student.

Kingsley Shacklebolt, one of the best students to come out of Hogwarts,

came to greet him wearing his iconic purple robes. He was now an

established Auror and was a leader of a team, from what he had heard.

"It is nice to see you, Headmaster," the man said, and Dumbledore smiled

as he shook the offered hand.

"It is nice to see you as well, Kingsley, and congratulations on your recent

promotion," Dumbledore said as he congratulated his alumni.

"Thank you,u professor, and how is Tonks doing as a professor," and

Dumbledore smiled as Hogwarts newest professor hire was mentioned.

"Miss Tonks seems to be doing quite well. She has settled quite well in

her role as a professor for DADA," and this was true. While her start had

been a bit rocky, her more practical approach had been quite successful,

and, it seemed that he had made the right call in putting his faith in her.

"Good, good. Any chance she might be looking to extend her stay in that

role," Kingsley asked, and Dumbledore could only shake his head at that.

"I am afraid not. Her heart is still set on becoming an Auror though there

is still time for her view to change," and Kingsley just chuckled at that.

"Well, I don't think that will be happening. Tonks was downright

stubborn, if not dedicated. But still, what brings you here? Aren't you

busy with that Tri-wizard tournament?"

And Dumbledore was quite busy, but today's task was quite important.

More important than the tournament, for it involved the life of a man.

"Well, I am, but I just had to meet your Head of Department for a little


"Oh, you are here to meet Miss Bones. Sure let me take you to her office,"

and then he began to lead him to the office of the head of the DMLE as

they made some small talk. Then they stopped in front of a dark

mahogany wood door with a name engraved on a gold plate.


Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement

"Alright, headmaster, it was good to see you," and then the man left with

a small goodbye, and Dumbledore entered the office of her former


Amelia Bones was pure-blood from an ancient house. The Bones had a

history older than Malfoys but were more open-minded than most of the

other pure-bloods. Her own brother had been a part of his order and had

lost his life in one of the Death Eater raids. Something which weighed

heavily on him.

Amelia had never been a part of the Order, for she considered it an illegal

organization. Dumbledore respected her views and did not hold them

against her. Her office was a representation of her personality. There was

only a single table with a stack of documents on the side. A wooden

frame with a picture of one Susan Bones, her niece, on the other corner,

along with a quill and some other nick knacks.

"Ahh! I have been waiting for you, Professor Dumbledore, and I must say

you have been quite insistent on having a meeting without even giving

me a reason." Came the voice of his former student, and it was as serious

as it had been in her time at Hogwarts. Even at her age, Amelia Bones cut

an authoritative figure with her hawkish gaze and stoic face.

She had risen to this office after Voldemort's disappearance and had

helped settle the chaos that had gripped the Auror department after the


"Well, first of all, I must thank you for accepting this meeting. And I can

assure you that the issue I wish to discuss is of paramount importance

and secrecy," and Amelia simply raised her brow at that as she motioned

for him to sit down.

"We shall see about that."

Dumbledore took the seat with a small smile as a cup of tea appeared in

front of him. Amelia took off her glasses and placed them on the table.

"Ok, now why don't you tell me why you have been almost harassing me

for an urgent meeting? And before you begin, if you need Aurors for the

tri-wizard tournament, I will have to decline. Fudge has been

continuously cutting our funding, and I can not spare even a single Auror

at this moment."

"Well, I can assure you I do need the Aurors for the tournament though I

am in need of your services regarding a very specific case."

Amelia frowned at that.

"My services for a case, but you could have had Fudge take care of that

for you. We all know how he operates," and that would have been the

case if not for Mr. Malfoy. Hence, Dumbledore had to approach her.

"Well, our dear Minister has been very busy and is not interested in this,

so I bring this to you." And Dumbledore took out the legal file that Sirius

had gotten prepared for himself and handed it to her.

Amelia took it and opened it, her eyes going wide immediately as she

read the name.

"SIRIUS BLACK! You bring me a file from a convicted Death eater!" she

almost shouted. And Dumbledore could understand her rage, but he

shook his head as he cut in calmly.

"Amelia! Please read the file, and if you want, you can shout at me after

that. I won't mind," she frowned at that, and Dumbledore could feel her

anger, but she listened to him and began to read the whole document.

And Dumbledore watched the color drain from her face as she turned the

pages, her eyes skimming over all the details that he had put together.

And finally, she looked up from the file, horrified as she questioned him.

"This cannot be true! Thirteen years in Azkaban without a trial! Thirteen

Years!" and she was rightly horrified. Azkaban was a horrible place. A

place which Dumbledore had often petitioned to be banned for its

inhumane practices.

"I am afraid everything in this file is true. Sirius has even agreed to a trial

under veritaserum to prove his innocence," and Amelia simply turned

over the pages once more before she put it on the table and asked him

once more.

"Why haven't you taken this up with Fudge?" and Dumbledore just shook

his head in dismay at that. People really overestimated his influence over

the Minister.

"I am afraid that the Minister has his mind set on the matter. Of course,

you must understand he cannot harm the interests of his biggest donor,"

and Amelia understood the reference as her face adopted a disgusted


"Malfoy, I should have guessed his involvement. He must have some

vested interest in keeping this quiet," and she began to tap her desk with

her finger. Dumbledore could feel her mind racing as she thought of ways

to accomplish this task.

"When can Sirius appear for a trial?" she suddenly questioned him.

"Sirius's appearance can be arranged within hours," and she smirked at


"So, he is in Britain. Good. This makes it easier," and Dumbledore smiled

as she took out a piece of parchment and began writing something on it.

"Well, the Minister is supposed to go on Holiday in a couple of days. I am

afraid it will be quite unfortunate that he will not be present to attend an

emergency trial for a high-profile criminal," and she passed him the piece

of parchment.

Dumbledore smiled as he read over the summons call.

"But I believe he will not be missed. After all, trials are under my purview

as the head of DMLE."

And with a smile, Dumbledore put the summons call in his pocket.

"Indeed they are. Indeed they are."


Alright, Sirius is getting freedom. Hopefully, Apolline got to meet

Edward, and Gabrielle is still angry at him for being better than

Harry Potter.

Amelia Bones is another one of my favorite characters. She was

quite powerful and influential, evident by the fact that Voldemort

himself eliminated her. She is like commissioner Gordon to batman.

Hopefully, you people like this. Love you all.

As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patre 0n. Your

support and patronage help a lot. So, if possible, have a look.

Patre 0n / Drkest

21. Chapter 21

Chapter 21


Fleur was slightly nervous as she trodded down into the lounge of their

apartment. They had come home from the dinner, and the Headmistress

had allowed her to leave with her mother and spend some time with her.

Being a champion obviously had its perks, more so when the

Headmistress was acquainted with their family.

And as Fleur had expected, she found her mother sitting there, reading a

book as she sat in front of the fireplace. Her mother had probably heard

her and looked up at her and smiled at her.

"Ahhh, I was thinking about when you would show up," Fleur was

slightly embarrassed that her motives had been read so quickly. Her

mother laughed as she closed the book and beckoned her over.

Fleur walked towards her and took her usual place below her sofa as she

nested right below her.

"What are you talking about? I am just here to talk to you. It seems like

you didn't miss me at all?" Fleur complained, and her mother ignored her

complaints as Fleur felt her mother's hands brush her hair.

It was somewhat of a ritual at this point. Fleur would often sit with her

mother like this, and they would just simply sit and talk about their lives.

Though, mostly it was just her doing the talking.

"Come on, my little chick, give your mother some credit. I have lived

through these years as well and have a very good idea of what you

wanted to talk to me about?" Fleur blushed at that and rolled her eyes as

her mother just teased her again.

"So, if you are so sure about this, why don't you tell me what I am about

to ask you?" she goated her mother, and it seemed she had also had

enough as her mother finally replied to her unasked question.

"You, my dear, are here to ask me about your little crush?" Fleur flushed

at this and humphed and was about to walk away when she felt her

mother's hand on her shoulder.

"Though, I must say you do have quite a keen eye. I can somewhat

understand what you see in him," and Fleur stopped and turned to face

her mother, who was simply smiling.

"So, what did you think of him?" she finally relented and asked her. Her

mother didn't reply immediately and only spoke up after a couple of


"As I said, he seems like a good boy. He is smart and powerful, obviously,

rich as well, given what you told me," Fleur's heart lit up at for a

moment, but she saw her mother's expression shift slightly as she looked

straight at her.

"But I must say, things aren't as simple as they seem, my dear," Fleur's

heart dropped at that, and she frowned as she asked for clarification.

"What do you mean? What isn't simple?" and she felt her mother's hand

brush her face as it slipped into her hair once more.

"My dear, let me ask you a question. Do you think anyone could do what

Edward has done and the implications behind it all?" and Fleur frowned

as she tried to make sense of this random question.

"What do you mean? Of course," though her mother simply shook her


"Edward is smart, powerful, and rich. Being one of these things before

being twenty would have been a miracle, even if he had a special

pedigree. But doing all three as a no-name orphan raises a couple of

eyebrows," and Fleur thought about her mother's words.

Yes, Edward was powerful, but she did not think that there was much

separation between them. Of course, the spell he had used in the

competition had been a slight surprise.

"What do you mean, mother? I do not understand all these riddles?" Her

mother gave her a resigned smile.

"What I am trying to say is that your little boyfriend is a man of quite

some mysteries, and I just hope you don't get caught up in them with

him," and Fleur held her mother's hand as she ed the question that had

been haunting her for months.

"Do you think father will approve of him?" her mother sighed.

"Your father cares deeply for you, Fleur. He always has your best interest

in mind. He just has his own way of showing it." And Fleur chewed her

bottom lip at that. She did not doubt this, but that was not an answer.

"You do know that he was quite angry when you told him about your

boyfriend so suddenly, more so when he wasn't even from France," Fleur

remembered that day. In order to escape from her father's plans, she told

them all about Edward.

"But I am asking whether he will approve of him or not?" Fleur asked

once more, and her mother appeared as if she was thinking for a moment

before replying with a smile.

"Well, I can not be sure. But it seems your father might finally meet his

match in him. This might even get quite exciting," and Fleur just rolled

her eyes at this, as she settled between her legs once more and rested her

head on her leg.

"Don't worry too much. Everything will be fine."

And Fleur just hoped as well.



Elizabeth sat in the Great Hall as the students began to trickle in. She

looked up and saw that the tables were getting filled up as students

settled down for their breakfast. Most of them were bust talking to each

other, and she could guess the topic of their discussion quite easily.

All the gossip was about the First task of the Tri-Wizard tournament.

Probably more so about the performance of their champion. The

champion who had just entered the Hall.

And immediately, she could sense the change in the behavior of the

students, as students, young and old, immediately began to point fingers

and murmur to their friends. Then, Edward looked around and began

walking towards her as he spotted her.

"Hi Elizabeth, how you holding up?" he asked her as he settled down

opposite her, and she raised an eye at that. He probably should know the

answer to that.

"You are asking me that even after you witnessed the whole mess the

House had made," and he just smiled. Yesterday had been a mess. A

general celebration had been arranged for the performance of the

Hogwart's champion. And for whatever reason, Hufflepuff's dorms had

been chosen.

"Ahh, it was just a bit of fun. Plus, you cannot blame me. I actually asked

them to wrap it up quickly. If anyone, the blame lies with Amy, Cedric,

and the Weasley twins," and she just shook her head. There was plenty of

blame to go around, but it was all done. Speaking of that.

"How did your little date go? Did you also meet Fleur's mother again?"

Edward nodded as he began to butter up his toast.

"Yeah, and thanks again for covering for me, and I did meet her mother

and her little sister again," Edward added with a mischievous smile. Well,

there was definitely a story there. However, he had still not answered her


"So, how did it go?" Edward frowned as he thought about it for a


"It went pretty well, though she was giving me quite some mysterious

looks this time around. I don't know why though," Elizabeth scoffed at

that. He was dating her daughter. of course; she would give you those

looks. Plus, there was a much better reason for those looks.

Elizabeth had always known that her friend was special. Yet what she

had seen yesterday had blown her mind. She had never seen or heard of

the spell that he had used. And though it had left him quite drained, still.

She had gotten wind of some very specific rumors about it. She also had

her question and was about to ask them when they were disturbed by the

hooting of owls. She looked up and saw a flock of owls rush in, each

carrying their parcels.

Her owl circled over her head before she came down and settled on her

shoulder. Elizabeth tickled Iris, but it seemed it was in quite a rush as it

flew away quickly.

"Where's your owl?" she questioned Edward as she began to unfurl the

copy of Daily Prophet.

"Ahh, well he is away on an errand for Hermione," and she nodded, at

that as she opened the Prophet, stopping immediately as she spotted the

Headline on the first page. This was not good.

Edward probably noticed something was off and looked up.

"What happened?" he asked with a slight frown, and she just passed him

the copy of the Daily Prophet.

The first page was covered with a picture of a glowing Edward walking

toward the frozen dragon.


~By Rita Skeeter

"Well, that seems a bit presumptive, doesn't it? I haven't even formed an

army or given a manifesto yet," Edward simply joked, and Elizabeth

frowned at his nonchalance.

"This is not a simple matter, Edward. After your performance yesterday,

people are going to raise questions. It's not a laughing matter," and it

seems that the concern was lost on Edward. He just gave her an

incredulous look.

"Come on, this could honestly be a joke piece," he spoke and then pointed

to a paragraph.

"Look, read here," and Elizabeth leaned forward to read the specific part.

"Edward Wright's record seems to suggest that the boy is perhaps an

incarnation of Europe's most feared Dark Lord, Grindelwald. Perhaps, Edward

Wright is not just an heir but Gellert Grindelwald himself, disguised and

preparing as he waits for an opportunity to bring about his revolution,"besides

her, Edward was laughing at this. And truthfully, Elizabeth couldn't stop

a smile from forming on her face as well.

But that did not mean that she did not have any questions.

"As funny as it may seem, this is not good. Not that your spell work in the

first task was any help," she said with a frown, and Edward just rolled his

eyes at this.

"Oh, come on, just because I admire someone's skills doesn't mean I am

bound to their idealogy as well. It's Reeta Skeeter. You know she just

likes to spice up her stories," and while that may be true. Unfortunately,

this was not good, as evident by the stares of the students.

"Still, ask McGonagall or Dumbledore to approach the Prophet and have

this removed," Edward just nodded his head, ignorant of the storm this

all could bring his way.

"Sheesh, just a single spell, and people are calling me the next dark lord.

Honestly, if they read up what Dumbledore and Grindewald were doing

at this stage, they would shut up in an instant," he complained as he put

away his plate and began to sip his orange juice. His aversion to Pumpkin

juice still remained even after seven years.

And she just raised an eye at that statement and asked him.

"And how would you know what they were pulling off?" and he was

startled for a second. Elizabeth frowned but after a second or so, he


"You know, I have heard about them. There is even some mention of

them in record books…." Elizabeth was about to ask further when they

were disturbed by a very familiar face of Hermione Granger.

"Edward, Professor McGonagall is calling for you," Edward looked at the

intruder and smiled and, after finishing his juice, walked away.

Elizabeth hoped that McGonagall had called him because of this article.

She once more picked up the Daily Prophet and turned the page, and she

as surprised to see that the article continued on.

Well, she might as well read it.


So, Rita Skeeter makes an entry. I have a theory that Rita is

somehow related to messenger birds in One Piece. Like just a hunch

(Which is probably not true)

A small clarification. Edward is not as powerful as Dumbledore,

Gellert, or Voldemort. He is good very good but not to their level.

All three of them had natural talent. Compared to them, he is a

hack. A smart hack, but still a hack.

A new character makes an entry next chapter. Make a guess in the


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patre 0n. Your

support helps me a lot and allows me to write, so if possible, have a

look and give me a patronus-worthy memory by giving your


Patre 0n / Drkest

Thanks for reading! (That pitch was so cringe : )

22. Chapter 22

Chapter 22


"So how have you been?" Edward asked her as they made their way

through the corridor and Hermione nodded as she answered.

"It has been easy, the lighter schedule and fewer classes give me some

free time, plus your notes have also been a great help," and wasn't that

true! Hermione knew that she was smart and had always focused on the

books, yet Edward's old books had little additions and changes that often

went against the author's instructions. But always gave better outcomes.

"Good, good. There is no need to stress about grades too much. Magic is

supposed to be fun and exciting, not a simple regurgitation of mediocrely

written books," he added, and a couple of years ago, Hermione would

have been scandalized by those words, yet now she found them quite


Then suddenly, Edward turned to face her and asked her an unexpected

question, "So have you made any preparations for the Yule Bal? From

what I remember, fourth year are also allowed to participate, right."

Hermione was slightly taken aback by the change in topic though she had

already made her mind about this as she simply shook her head, "Yeah,

fourth year are allowed to partake though I don't plan to attend."

That was only partly true, she did want to attend but she was also quite

self-conscious. Who was going to ask out the resident know it all? Plus,

she had a perfect excuse.

"It's just that I don't know how to dance," Edward just scoffed at that as

he suddenly stopped.

"Do you think anyone except those ponce pure-bloods know how to

dance?" he asked her with a raised brow and though he made a good

point Hermione had a question of her own.

"Do you know how to dance?" she aksed the complaining senior and he

smiled as he nodded.

"I do and I can have my instructor teach you as well, even though I

believe McGonagall is going to arrange a couple of classes for students as

well," and he suddenly poked her forehead with his fingers.

"And I can assure you there are several boys just waiting to ask you out,"

And Hermoine felt her face heat up as she rubbed her forehead while

giving Edward a glare.

"Why do you do that? Plus, how can you be so sure?" she questioned him

and he just laughed as he began to walk forward.

"Ohh, I know! I just know! Plus, don't you want to meet this year's

dueling champion," and Hermione's eyes widened at that.

"You were taught by the Beauxbaton's champion," and he nodded as

Hermione caught up to him.

"Yes, and I can assure you she is as good a dancer as she is a dueler, plus

she also wants to see the so called brightest witch of her age," and

Hermione felt slight dread pool up in her gut as she looked towards


"What have you done?" she asked Edward, dreading his answer and her

hunch was right.

"Nothing much, I just casually mentioned this sister-like junior of mine

who could probably grow up to rival her. Fleur is quite excited to meet

you actually," and Hermione just gave him a blank stare at this as

Edward continued laughing.

Though she could understand that he was doing all this for her. Before

third year Hermione had been very intimidated by the magical world, she

had a small circle of friends but lacked a close guiding hand. Despite the

teacher's efforts they couldn't give her too much time, when Professor

McGonagall had introduced her to Edward, she had finally gotten the

helping hand she needed.

She knew Edward treated her like a younger sister and indulged her and

this made her feel special. While the teachers and the students would

often focus on Harry, given his status as the boy who lived. It felt slightly

good to have someone look after her.

"Thank you for this," she said as she started walking by her side once

more and he just waved it away.

"Don't worry about it, I will tell you about the time in a couple of days,"

and she nodded. However, she suddenly recalled her new circle of

friends. She still remembered how Daphne and Susan were very

interested in dueling. Perhaps, she could help them as well.

"Can I ask you a little favor?" she questioned Edward and he looked at

her, stopping right infront of the Deputy Headmistress's office.

"Sure, ask away," he replied and Hermione spoke out her request.

She would later walk into the Great Hall excited about the affirmation

she had gotten. She rushed past Harry and Ron who were busy arguing

with each other to join Susan Bones on the Hufflepuff table.

During this whole ordeal, she had missed the pair of dark orbs chasing

her form as they followed her from the opposite side of the Hall.



Albus Dumbledore stared at the cave in front of his as he felt the ripples

of the magic. Such dark magic made him feel nauseous. It was like he

was just discovering the depth of depravities of his old student.

'OH! Tom what have you done?' he thought as he raised his wand and

slashed across his hand. Blood gushed out and Dumbeldore stepped

forward as he placed his bloody hand on a part of the wall.

He could feel the ward's click, as he felt magic ripple across the cave. The

same cave Tom had trapped his orphanage bullies in.

Dumbledore had already obtained the Slytherin's locket, yet he had found

a small seedling of hope in Kreacher's story. He had asked Kreacher to

give him a complete description and Dumbledore had a small hope that

his hunch might be correct.

He felt his magic weaken as the sacrifice was accepted and the cave

opened up to reveal a dark archway. For any other wizard, this much loss

in magical strength would have been fatal, but unfortunately for his old

student, he was not an average wizard.

Not by any standards.

He walked in the dark and found himself standing right in front of a

small boat.

"Lumos!" he whispered and the elder wand followed its masters command

as it lit up the whole area.

The water was dark, pitch black and one could barely make out a thing.

In the centre of the cave was a small island surrounded by water on all

sides. Yet, Dumbeldore's purpose was not the island.

He crouched down and slowly placed a finger into the water, and rubbed

the droplets between his fingers before giving it a small sniff.

He was right.

"This was a preservative potion, maintained using some ritual. A dark

ritual that involved human sacrifices given the sheer amount of inferi at

the bottom. But this also gave hope to him. For such a potion should be

very potent. Voldemort had probably designed it to trap any intruder for

eternity. The inferi would pull them down and once down they would go

into a coma like state, their body would refuse to move, yet their minds

would remain awake.

Inflicting such agony and cruelty was Voldemort's modus operandi. So,

Dumbledore got up and closed his eyes and took out a small contraption

from his pocket. It was a pocket lighter.

Dumbledore's very own creation, and he flicked the switch, and several

orbs of light shot out and illuminated the whole cave for a moment

before they slowly descended into the dark waters.

Dumbledore began to scan the waters for his intended target. The inferi

were amongst Voldemort's initial weapons before he had established the

Death eaters as his army.

The rotten flesh on the inferi with their hollow skeletal bodies and

rotting skin, made Dumbledore shake his head in regret and remorse.

How could someone fall to such levels was a mystery to him? Such


Dumbeldore had been in two wars. Fought against two Dark Lords.

Gellert had been a dark lord with ambition, a visionary. A flawed one,

but still, Grindelwald had been relentless and heartless, but Voldemort

was different. Voldemort was no visionary. He was just a power-hungry

person who only sought pleasure through the destruction of the world

around him.

He narrowed his eyes as he spotted what he had been looking for. A body

lay there, entangled with the inferi, dark and frozen, yet unlike the rest

of them, this one had not decayed much. Dumbledore waved his wand,

and the earth around him morphed into several pillars that rose up and

slowly began to approach the frozen body.

The inferi had quite a tangle over it and wouldn't let go. So, this limited

Dumbledore's options as he once more raised his wand and murmured.


And the extended columns lit up with a blazing flame.

"AGHHHH! AHHHHH!" the inferi shrieked as their bodies burned, but

Dumbledore had achieved his purpose by then and had begun walking

out. He flicked his deluminator once more, and the orbs of light returned

to him.

Now, he could finally focus on the body by his side. The inferi had

inflicted quite some damage to the body. There was a chunk of his leg

missing, and Dumbledore could barely make out the classical Black

features in the hollowed face.

Maybe he had been too late. But still, there might be a chance. A small

chance for redemption.

"Let's get you out of here, R.A.B." and Dumbledore vanished with a crack.



The world was changing. It had changed quite a lot since the last time he

had gotten a glimpse of it for himself. Yet the occasional snippets of news

were enough for Grindewald to ascertain the change in the world.

Nurmengard, a place he had built for his adversaries, would probably be

his last resting place. His captors often thought of mocking him when

they brought him various muggle newspapers alongside the occasional

magical ones, thinking that he had ever hated the No-Maj.

How wrong were they? And how wrong had he been? He had never

hated the No-Maj; why would he? He thought them his lesser. Thought

them all to be cattle. The other.

However, he could admit that he had been wrong. Wrong, for they may

have been different, yet they weren't any lesser as evident by the sheer

progress of their advancements. So, Grindelwald had accepted the fault in

his ideals.

"Here's the paper. You might find this one quite interesting. It even has a

mention of you," said one of the female guards as she placed te paper in

the tray and pushed it in. Gellert couldn't see to the other sde, yet had

known that a specific guard had been giving him newspapers and books

much more frequesntly.

"Thank you," he said as he flicked his hand and the paer rushed toward

him. Even without a wand he could do much more, though he did not

have much reason to do so anymore.

He looked at the first page and was surprised to see that the paper was

the Daily Prophet, the British magical newspaper. And on its front page

was his name in aheadline followed by a picture of a student standing

infront of froen dragon.

"Niflheim," he recognized the spell immediately as the image moved and

the kid approached the Dragon with a very similar poise.

"Oh, what have we got here?" he whispered as he began to skim over the

whole article, laughing as he read the wild insinuations. But, overall

impressed by the young wizard who had faced the dragon.

"It seems things might be getting interesting? Perhaps, I will get to see

you again my friend," he spoke up as he placed the paper by the side.

"Maybe I will ask Albus to show me this little competition. It might be

good to see what the next generation is up to these days!"


BOOM. Regulus is alive, though it might be only for a little while.

But why would I introduce him?

Hehehehe. I have plans for Regulus, a very unique plan. Moreover,

a bit of a look into a legend, Grindelwald. Honestly, Rowling

destroyed him the way she wrote his character. He could have been

such a huge character. He just has so much potential.

A part of me even wants to involve him more in this fic, though for

that I will have to drastically change the plot. Perhaps I will run a

poll on this. So, tell me what you think.

As always, you can read ahead and support me on . Your support

helps a lot, so you can visit the page and read ahead up to five

chapters as well as some other surprises.


Thanks for reading!

23. Chapter 23

Chapter 23


After a long time, Sirius was somehwhat excited about something. After

his escape from Azkaban, life had been a rollercoaster. He had escaped

Azkaban to have his revenge, yet he had failed to kill the little rat.

However, he had gotten to meet Harry. And that had been enough for

him. Given the state of the Ministry, he had not hoped for much, yet then

Dumbledore had come calling, arranging for him to come back to Britain.

To his own home.

"Take that, mother!" he joked as he leaned back into the sofa with a

bottle of a muggle beverage he had gotten addicted to. Sirius turned the

bottle to make out the name on the bottle.

"Mountain Dew, that's a weird name. I think he might have been drunk.

Is there even dew on mountains?" he muttered as he simply put the glass

bottle to his lips and took a huge gulp of the bubbly drink.

"Sheeesh! This stuff is good," Sirius had been avoiding alcohol because of

his health. He still had to visit , though Dumbledore had said he might be

bringing a healer here if the trial was interrupted for some reason.

Sirius looked around the house, his family's ancestral home. He didn't

have many fond memories of this place, yet this place had once been his

home. Home to him and his brother.

Regulus, he sighed as he remembered his younger brother. He used to

follow him around when they were little. But then, the war had caused

their relationship to deteriorate. Sirius still remembered how he had been

approached by Regulus sometimes before Voldemort's fall. Yet he had

ignored him, thinking that regulus simply wanted Sirius to give out the

location of the Potters.

"That fucking idiot," he muttered as he wiped his eyes with his cuff,

stopping midway as he spotted the painting on the wall.

It was their family tree. Even from the sofa, he could make out two

scorch marks in the tapestry. Sirius got up from the sofa and walked up

to the tapestry. He stood in front of it and found the name of his brother

alongside one of the burn marks.

A burn mark that had been caused by his very mother. To the side, there

was another one nestled between two names. Bellatrix Lestrange and

Narcissa Malfoy. Between them had been Andromeda Black. Andromeda

Tonks, if he still remembered correctly.

"Perhaps, I should contact her." He considered and was about to walk

away when he suddenly stopped. He looked at the tapestry with

narrowed eyes as he felt something wrong with it.

He stepped back to look at the whole tapestry. There were other names

that had been removed as well across several branches. Though, each

time the branch from the tree would simply stop at them, just like it had

at Andromeda's name.

But there seemed to be something wrong there. Sirius took out his wand

and used a normal explorative spell, and it seemed it was okay. But there

was something wrong. Something wrong besides his name.

He thought about it for a second before remembering something.

"KREACHER!" he screamed for the house-elf and with a very delayed pop.

"What does the disgraceful master want from this old elf," muttered the

aged elf.

"SHUT UP!" Sirius screamed, making him stop immediately. He then

pointed his finger at the tapestry.

"Did someone mess with the tapestry?" and the elf looked away.

"There has been no one…." And Sirius was beginning to lose his patience

with this. So, he picked out a handkerchief from his pocket and waved at

the wide-eyed elf.


CHANGE IT IN ANY WAY!" Sirius screamed at the elf, and Kreacher

stepped back as he replied.

"Yes, yes. Master Regulus. It was master Regulus who came to the house

one day. He put some spell on it. He ordered Kreacher not to tell anyone,

even Mistress." The old elf answered, making Sirius's suspicion right.

"Now get out of my sight!" Sirius screamed, and the aged elf vanished.

Sirius once more turned to face the tapestry and brought up the wand

once more.

"What were you trying to hide, dear brother!" he muttered and began to

recall every counterspell he had ever learned. Sirius began to cycle

through them, and then after quite some time, he would stop.

Stop for the tapestry would finally change, as the Regulus's name would

glow up, and the area after it would begin to show clear movement.

Movement as a branch grew out from Regulus's name and begin to move


Sirius was so surprised that he missed the sound of the floo opening up.

The branch would reach forward and entangle around a blank picture. A

picture that, when the person had given a drop of blood to the tapestry,

would be filled by Regulus's child.

"Sirius! Sirius!" he was broken out of his reverie as his name was called

out by a very familiar voice. Sirius, with heavy breathing, turned and

found Dumbledore standing there. Perhaps seeing the surprise on Sirius's

face, Dumbledore frowned and spoke up.

"What happened, Sirius? Why do you seem so startled?" the headmaster

questioned, and Sirius replied without thinking replied.

"Regulus has a child!" and in his startled state, he missed the widening of

Dumbledore's eyes, followed by the look of extreme sadness on the man's




"He is definitely staring at you," came the small whisper making

Hermione frown as she gave her new study mate a pointed look. Susan

just shrugged, though Hannah came to her friend's defense immediately.

"Hey, don't shoot the messenger. Plus, Susan is right. He has been totally

staring at you for the last couple of days now," and then she pointed her

chin at the aforementioned stalker.

"Look, he hasn't even changed the book. It's the same book from

yesterday," Hannah added, and Hermione just rolled her eyes as she

began focusing on her own work once more.

"He just might be interested in that specific book, and you are just

mista…." But Susan suddenly cut in.

"Yeah, he might be able to read it if it was upright. He is even holding it

upside down," Susan added with a giggle, and Hermione turned her head

slightly to look at the person sitting at the corner table.

This person was not dressed in regular Hogwarts clothing and was

wearing a brownish military-style uniform. His face had that distinctive

wound on his nose, probably from his career.

Viktor perhaps caught her looking his way and suddenly looked down,

and turned the book straight before pretending to read it once more.

Hence confirming Susan and Hannah's insinuations.

Hermione frowned as she turned to face both of them and finally


"But why? Why is he staring at me?" her question made both Susan and

Hannah look at her as if she was an idiot. Hermione was perplexed by


"What?" she asked with a shake of her head, making Hannah sigh.

Hannah and Susan then looked each other in the eye.

"She can not be this dumb, right?" Hannah spoke up, and Susan just

shrugged as she finally looked at her.

"My dear, what was the most recent announcement?" Hermione frowned

as she answered that question.

"It was about the Yul…." And she would stop mid-sentence as the

implication would dawn on her. Hermione would shake her at this.

"This is impossible! He wants to ask m….!" she almost screamed as Susan

muffled her voice as put a hand on her face.

"What are you doing, you idiot!" Susan said as Hermione squirmed as she

struggled to escape from her grip.

"Merlin! She really is dense!" Hermione finally managed to get away from

Susan's grip as she replied to Hannah.

"I will have you know that I am pretty smart, at least smarter than both

of you," she huffed, and Susan just shook her head at this.

"That's why you were going to scream like this. Honestly, you should ask

Edward to give you notes about this stuff as well," Susan said as wriggled

her brows at her. Hermione rolled her eyes at this.

"Very funny. Perhaps I should tell him about your little crush on him and

his girlfriend," Hermione retaliated and Susan flushed at that.

"There is no such thing. I am just a huge fan of his dueling prowess. It's

all lies!" she replied as Hannah beside her laughed.

"Though about that, when are we going to get to meet him and his

girlfriend? Has he contacted you about this?" Hannah questioned, and

Hermione nodded.

"Yeah, it is tomorrow. Plus, you should also tell this to Daphne and Tracy

so they can join if they want to," and her words immediately made

Susan's eyes sparkle.

"Tommorow! Why didn't you tell me about it earlier. Jeez, you don't

know how lucky you are the way he treats you!" Susan muttered and

while many people may have found it offensive, Hermione tended to

agree with Susan.

Having Edward watch out for her was a privilege. A privilege that she

was beginning to realize was equivalent to the pureblood, bourgeois

nonsense often spouted by Malfoy.

Hannah was about to say something though she suddenly stopped

making Hermione frown though the reason would soon reveal itself as a

very unfamiliar voice entered her ears.

"Hi, but can I talk to you for a moment He-mayoone?" Hermione turned

and saw the boy from Drumstrang standing there. Hermione had not

expected his voice to be like this, she had expected a much deeper voice

given his appearance but it was quite normal.

She was broken out of her stance by a pinch by Susan, making her break

out of her stance as she replied.

"Yes. Yes, though my name isn't He-mayoone. Its Hermione, Hermione

Granger," she corrected the Quidditch star. She missed how Hannah and

Susan rolled their eyes at this. Though, it seems the boy did not mind as

he gave her a small smile as he tried to correct himself.

"Hermoney," he butchered it again. So, she spoke up again as she began

to spell it out on a piece of parchment.

"Its Her-mione. Hermione." She said as she indicated with the spellings.



Albus was saddened as he watched Sirius weep by his brother's side. It

seems that he had been to late. Even in rushing to the St. Mungos had

been fruitless for it seemed that he had been too late once more.

Once more, Albus could only watch as another one of his pupils lost his

life. However, the biggest tragedy was the latest discovery made by Sirius

about the secret child of Regulus Black. A child that the man had kept


"What happened to him was very cruel! I wouldn't wish it on my worst

enemies!" came a voice from his side. It was a lawyer, Ted Tonks. The

same man who was to represent Sirius in his trial tomorrow.

"Though, I still believe that you should have waited for the trial." The

man complained, and perhaps he was right. Yet Albus couldn't find it in

him to keep this down after what Sirius had told him.

"Are the preparations for tomorrow complete?" Dumbledore questioned

the man, and he nodded.

'Yeah, I have prepared everything. By this time tomorrow, Sirius Black

will be a free man," he said resolutely, and Dumbledore was somewhat

elated to hear this news. Finally.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Dumbledore had arranged for a

special ward for this as he did not want the news of this to get out. So, he

frowned that someone was knocking on the door.

"Oh, it's probably Andromeda. She might have flooed in," and

Dumbledore nodded, for he was the one who had given Ted the go-ahead

to call for her.

Andromeda Tonks had been the first to turn away from the Black family,

running away even before Sirius. She was a very strong witch, and she

had run away from Hogwarts as she had run away with a muggle-born

wizard named Ted Tonks. Dumbledore had faced quite some criticism for

allowing such an incident to happen on his watch. But what could he do?

Stand in the way of love?

Never. He thought as the unlocked the door. And for a moment, he was

taken back by the incoming witch as he was reminded of a different

Black witch. Andromeda had always resembled her elder sister Bellatrix

and had similar black locks, yet the difference was quite visible, for she

had no cruelty of Bellatrix on her face.

She walked in, and Ted immediately rushed towards her as he began to

speak up.

"What happened? You mentioned something about Regulus?"

Dumbledore heard her whisper as Ted began to explain.


BOOM. Regulus is dead. Albus fails. But he has a child. Now, who is

he? Let me clarify. It's not Edward cuz the age doesn't make sense.

So, take a guess who is it?

As always, you can read ahead and support me on P_A_T_R_E_0_N.

Your support is highly appreciated, so if possible, have a look and

toss me a sub.

P-A-T_R-E_0_n /Drkest

Have a lovely day!

24. Chapter 24

Chapter 24


Fleur sat with Edward as they both ate their lunch. She observed him

while he ate as she thought about her mother's words. Edward still wore

his gold-rimmed glasses and his usual Hogwarts robe. Her mother's words

had been somewhat ominous, and Fleur had thought about them for

quite a while. What was it that had her mother raise those questions?

Perhaps feeling her stare, Edward suddenly looked up and looked at her

with a raised brow.

"What happened? Is the food not good?" he said, and Fleur shook her


"No. No. It's fine, I was just thinking about something," she replied as she

finally picked up her own spoon to taste the food.

"Is everything alright?" he asked once more, and Fleur nodded as she

thought about her other worry and considered that it might be a good

time to tell Edward about it.

"It's just that a letter came from France, and father will be arriving just

after the yule Ball," she was also a little miffed about that. While they did

formalize their relationship, he had still not asked her out for the yule

ball formally.

"Oh!" he seemed a bit surprised by the news though none of the concern

and worry she was expecting appeared.

"Edward! you do know about…." And he cut her off mid-sentence.

"I know. I know. Don't worry about it. Leave it all to me," he said

nonchalantly, and she thought that he was taking this very lightly.

"Edward!" she spoke out with a bit of heat. And he seemed to realize as

his smile was gone, replaced by his serious face as his eyes focused on


"Convincing my father will not be easy. He is…." and she couldn't think

up an appropriate word before he spoke up.

"Stubborn. Rigid. Protective," he spoke up as he gave her a small smirk,

and she frowned slightly.

"I have read about him a bit, don't worry about it. I will handle him." He

said as he squeezed her hand.

"Let me tell you something," he began in his serious tone, and this was

what she called his 'wisdom' tone. Used when he usually wanted to

lecture someone about something.

"In life you don't make a person choose between yes or no. You make

sure that the 'no' never becomes an option."

She saw the huge smirk on his face and rolled her eyes.

"Ok Mister, I leave it all up to you. Now didn't we have to go and meet

those juniors of yours," she said as she glanced at the clock, and he

nodded as well.

"Yeah, it's almost time. I have reserved us a classroom, so there will be

plenty of space, so let's go," he said and she got up from the bench as well

as they began to leave the Great Hall. On their way, he suddenly spoke


"When you reach your carriage, check under your bed." He said, making

her frown.

"What? Why? And more importantly, how do you even know that?" she

questioned him, and he just shrugged as he gave her an enigmatic smile.

"Magic! Literal Magic!" he replied as he opened the door to a classroom,

not answering her questions. Just leaving her in suspense.



"Viktor Krum asked me out for the Yule Ball yesterday!" Hermione

suddenly spoke up from the side as both of them rested from their waltz

practice. Susan, Daphne, and Tracy already knew how to waltz and were

all gathered around Fleur as they quizzed her about details of the dueling


"And how did you reply to this request?" Edward questioned as he turned

to look at the huffing, flushed junior he had more or less taken under his

wing. Hermione seemed to be fidgeting with her hands as she replied.

"I said yes," she replied and Edward nodded as he gave her a huge

thumbs up.

"Good. Good. And you were thinking about skipping the Ball and now

you are attending it with a celebrity. Sheesh, look at you go!" he joked

and she just pinched his arm and he let her.

"It's just that I have never been to something like this. Plus…" and

Edward cut her off.

"Plus, nothing! Nothing! It's just a school ball, and I can tell you eighty

percent of the students have never been to something like this. It will all

be fine, don't worry. Plus, you have already somewhat learned the waltz."

Edward bulldozed the girl's insecurities. Honestly, often he thought how

she had ended up with such a personality. Though, she had been more

social in this year as she had finally expanded her friends' circle.

"So, have you decided on what to wear to the ball?" he asked her as he

picked up the water bottle and took a small gulp to quench his thirst.

Hermione gave him a stare and then nodded.

"Yeah, I have. Though I wanted to ask you a question?" and Edward


"Ask away?" and he noticed how Hermione hesitated for a second before

she spoke up.

"Who exactly was Grindelwald, and why do is the Daily Prophet calling

you the next Grindelwald?" Edward stopped at this. He was not expecting

her to bring up such a topic. So, he thought about what he should tell

her, given she would have already read what was available about the

man, which was not much, given that he had stayed out of Britain for his


"Well, Grindelwald was a Dark Lord that rose up before Voldemort. While

still debatable, some still hold him to be more dangerous than Voldemort

given that he brought more than half of Europe to its knees." Edward


"Was he also a pure-blood supremacist?" Hermione questioned, making

him shake his head.

"No. He had a different idealogy. An idealogy called Magic is might, of

wizards and witches having superiority over the muggles or No-majs as

they are called in America, I presume."

"And he was defeated by Professor Dumbledore," she finished, and he

could see her process this all.

"But how do they relate you to him? You are a muggle-born?" she asked

with a frown making him laugh.

"Well, this has to do with my skill set. The way I duel and the spells I use

are somewhat inspired by the man. And while Gellert Grindelwald did

horrible things, his talent as a wizard was second to only one person. A

person who would eventually defeat him."

"And how did you learn all this? Like, how did you even find out those

spells and techniques?" Edward had always thought about how such a

day would come. A day when he might have to explain his skill set and

knowledge. He looked at Hermione, who was looking at him with a small

frown on her face.

He simply raised his hand and poked her on the forehead.

"And I will tell you if you beat my scores in your NEWTS. But before that,

let's get back to practice and get those final steps corrected."

And he got up from his seat, as Hermione just held her forehead and gave

him a nasty glare.

"WHY DO YOU ALWAYS DO THAT!" she spoke through gnashed teeth,

making me simply laugh.

One day you shall understand. One day.



Life was simply an enigma. An enigma that always surprised her.

Andromeda Tonks sat in the stands as her husband walked up to the head

of the DMLE and handed Amelia Bones a stack of documents.

She had more or less forgotten about her family. The Blacks were ancient

and one of the most historied families in the Wizarding world at a time.

A family which had now been reduced to merely three members. A

runaway witch, a wife to a blood supremacist's wife and a wrongly

convicted murderer.

"Bring out the accused," came the voice of Amelia Bones and she could

spot a couple of Aurors move as they brought Sirius forward. She should

have known better. When she had gotten news about Sirius's betrayal she

had been shocked and disappointed.

Disappointed that he had also become like the very family he had been

standing up against. She had been heartbroken by his sentencing. Yet it

was all a lie. A lie and it seems he was not the only one who had changed


Regulus, she sighed as she remembered her little cousin. He had been the

quieter one, much like her. Both of them silenced and ignored by the

shadow cast over by the larger-than-life elder siblings. Andromeda had

mostly been ignored for her elder sister Bellatrix and then for the

younger and prettier Narcissa. A blessing she could now realize given

how both of them had been doctrine by their mother and aunt's


"And this here says that you wish to give a statement under

Veritaserum?" Amelia Bones spoke from her seat and she could see

Dumbledore's hands over this all. With the Christmas holidays there was

only minimal staff at the ministry. Most of this staff was under his


She looked up and found the headmaster himself sitting on the stands

opposite to her as he looked on at the proceedings quite calmly. She

frowned slightly. She had never understood the man. She still remebred

the different rumors and stories she had heard about the man from his

grandfather. Stories that if even were partly truth would change the

man's image completely. This as one of the reasons she had never

accepted help from the man.

She had also stopped Ted from engaging the man, cutting of his contact

completely when they had vanished from school.

"Objection! Sirius Black is an Occlumens and hence could resist the

effects of the Veritaserum!" spoke up the other lawyer, making Ted stand


"While that is true. The accused stands here without a wand and has

presented an oath not to use any magic during the trial!" and she felt

pride seeing him stand there. Ted Tonks. Named partner at one of the

oldest law firms in magical Britain.

Ogden and Tonks. The Ogdens were pure-bloods, though they did not

believe in the pure-blood bullshit, and when Ted was struggling to find a

job, had hired him. And now, years later, even after receiving several

other lucrative offers Ted had remained at the firm, becoming one of

their biggest attorneys.

"Overruled!" came Amelia's voice as she banged the gavel.

"I have the written declaration right here. Moreover, the Auror Shaclebolt

will be observing the accused during the whole process!" she finished and

gave a nod to Ted, who picked up the Veritaserum bottle and passed it to

Shacklebolt. Another one of Dumbledore's vigilante group members, from

what she recalled.

The whole procedure was carried out. And it was too much of the court's

surprise when Peter Pettigrew was revealed to be the secret keeper. The

whole chamber was filled with murmurs, and she could see the look of

pure surprise on the faces of the porters present.

This was the biggest scoop in years. A major scandal. They were going to

have a field day with this.

"The court declared Mr. Sirius Black free of all charges. And the ministry

shall present him with an apology for his wrongful imprisonment as well

as appropriate compensation!"


And a swarm of reporters rushed to the gate as they raced to report this

to their superiors. She saw Sirius smile as he waved toward her. A smile

dimmed by the loss he had suffered yesterday.

Ted shook hands with the man as Dumbledore also came to join them on

the court's floor. She stood up from her seat and began to walk out. The

trial was over. There will probably be quite a celebration but before that.

There was to be a funeral. A quiet funeral for the ever and now forever

quiet Regulus Arcturus Black.



Sirius is free. Andromeda has the middle-child syndrome. Ted's a

lawyer, not part of Order of the Phoenix.

What's hidden under our dear Fleur's bed?

As always, you can read ahead on Patre 0n and show your support.

If possible, have a look and drop a knut or a sickle or a galleon i.e.,

whatever you can. It helps a lot.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N)/ Drkest

Thanks for reading!

25. Chapter 25

Chapter 25


Fay walked into her room in the carriage and found Fleur crouched down

beside her bed as she was trying to reach for something under it.

"What happened?" she found herself asking. Though it seemed that Fleur

was startled by her voice as she suddenly bumped her head on the bed's

side in trying to look up.

"Ouch!" Fleur screamed as she held the side of her head and gave Fay a

small glare.

"Did you really have to do that?" she complained, making Fay shake her


"Don't blame me for your carelessness. Plus, what are you even doing

down there?" Fay retaliated for she had done nothing wrong. Though it

seems Fleur did not think so, evident from the small glare she was still

receiving. Fay just resigned herself as she raised her hands.

"Alright, alright. I apologize," she said as she walked towards Fleur and

sat beside her, and gave her friend a small hug.

"Though, can you now please tell me what you were doing down there?"

she questioned once more. Fleur suddenly frowned as she looked towards

her with an accusatory gaze.

"Don't play coy with me? I know what you have done?" and Fay was

perplexed by the accusations.

"What are you talking about? What have I done?" Fay questioned. Fleur

simply gave her a stare and simply shook her head.

"Come on, don't play dumb with me. Edward has already told me about

it. You can drop the act now," and all this was still not making any sense

to Fay as she simply got up while shaking her head.

"I don't know what you are talking about, and dear, I haven't talked to

your boyfriend for days," though it seemed that Fleur still did not believe

her and was still looking at her with a narrowed gaze. Fay was getting

tired over this.

"Can you stop being so cryptic and tell me what's wrong?" she asked, and

Fleur simply pointed at her bed.

"Are you sure you don't know what's hidden underneath my bed?" Fleur

asked, and Fay shook her head.

"Of course not, and why would I…." and then suddenly it all made sense.

"Oh, so this what it's all about," she said as she looked at Fleur with a

small smile and added.

"Well, I swear o had nothing to do with your boyfriend's plans, but now

you have got me intrigued, so tell me, what is it?" she asked, and Fleur

leaned on the floor once more as she reached for something under her


"I don't know. I was just trying to get it out when you came in," Fleur

replied as she finally got a hold of it.

"GOT IT!" she said as she slid out a box from underneath it. A very

luxurious box, from what Fay could tell.

"Oh, this is gonna be nice," Fay said as Fleur straightened up and finally

got a hold of the box. Fleur then looked at the leather box and looked

towards her.

"What do you think is in it?" Fleur asked her, and Fay simply shrugged.

"Well, open it up," Fay replied as she got down on the floor to sit beside

Fleur. Fleur opened the lid of the box, her eyes going wide as she spotted

the contents of it. Besides her, Fay's reaction was much more animated.

"DAMN! It seems your little boyfriend is not holding back," Fay said as

she looked up towards her friend's face and could see her surprise as

well, with a single thought running inside her head.

It seems my acting skills are quite good. As she laughed internally for having

fooled her dear little friend.



Sirius Black had often dreamt of this day. Dreamt how he would

celebrate this special day, on how he would spend the whole day

partying and getting drunk and reliving his teenage dream. Yet it was

nothing like this. Sirius simply stood in front of a grave. A newly built

one amongst a myriad of older ones in their family's private graveyard.

"Sirius, it's been enough time," came the voice of his old friend. Lupin had

come to meet him when he had heard the news about his freedom. Yet

even meeting lupin had not elevated Sirius's spirit as he had thought.

Sirius gave the name on the grave a final look before turning to face his



~ The greatest resistance is often

the most silent~

"Yeah, let's go back," Sirius said as he joined Lupin as they began to walk

towards the estate.

"You shouldn't blame yourself this much, Sirius. Those were tough times,"

Lupin said, and Sirius could understand his friend's sentiment, but that

didn't mean he agreed with it. He should have tried. He should have

listened to Regulus that night.

He should have given him a chance.

"Has Andy figured something out about the tapestry?" Sirius suddenly

asked, and Moony simply nodded.

"Yeah, your cousin was still looking at the books when I came out.

Though I don't know whether she has figured something out or not,"

Sirius frowned at this as they both entered the house.

"Andy!" he called out. A reply came from the library.

"In here," Sirius walked towards the library and found Andromeda

looking at a book with a narrowed gaze.

"So, have you figured something out," he asked her, and she gave him a


"Yeah, it seems that your guess was right. There is another way to make

the tapestry work though I believe the results will not be perfect," she

replied as she passed him the book she was reading. Sirius simply gave

her a stare.

"Do you think if I were into reading, I would have asked for your help?"

he joked, making her roll her eyes as she snatched it back from him.

"God! How did you even pass the NEWTS with that attitude," she

complained, and Sirius just smirked as he replied.

"With my dashing looks," and he posed confidently, making Lupin

chuckle behind him as well. Andromeda did not find it funny as he did

and simply got on with her explanation.

"As I was saying, the tapestry can still give an indication as to Regulus's

child though it will only give us a face and the nature of the relationship,

neither the name nor location of the said progeny," and Sirius nodded at

this. At least this was something, a small lead.

"Do we have some of his blood?" he asked her, and Andy gave him a

forlorn nod.

"Yeah, we do," and Sirius then began to walk towards the drawing room

as he spoke.

"Well, then bring it here. Let's do this," he said as he walked up to the

huge family tapestry once more. He passed his hand over the burnt parts

having his and Andromeda's name.

"Perhaps I should have it restored," he muttered.

"Well, you could. After all, everything belongs to you now," said Andy

from behind as she passed Sirius a silver vial. Sirius held it up and

removed the cap, and looked towards his cousin for instructions, who

simply shook her head.

"Three drops on Regulus's face should be enough," and Sirius nodded as

he gingerly placed his mouth over Regulus's face and tilted the vial.

Three drops of blood came out and reddened the tapestry.

Sirius handed the vial back to Andromeda and frowned as he stared at

the unchanging tapestry. The blood began was soaked up by it, yet there

seemed to be no change.

"So did it work?" questioned Moony in what Sirius would call his nerdy

voice. He was probably fascinated by this piece of magic though it seems

it was not working, given he spotted no change whatsoever in the family


"It seems not," Sirius said, a bit miffed about this, and began to walk


"Why, though? The grimoire was quite clear about this?" questioned

Andy as she reopened the book leaving only Lupin to stare at the

unchanging wall.

"Well, it was probably the work of one of our poncy ancestors as he

thought about fooling us all. They might have just put it there to show

th..." but Sirius would stop mid-sentence.

"IT'S CHANGING! SIRIUS! It's CHANGING," Lupin suddenly shouted,

making Sirus rush back towards the ancient tapestry.

And it was. Sirius watched with a quickening pace as Regulus's face

glowed for a second as the branch extending from his face extended and

coiled around a new entity as a new date appeared on the tapestry.

"September 1979! They might be at Hogwarts then!" Sirius exclaimed as

the picture began to clear up. A portrait began to form, and Sirius would

find it quite familiar, and as more and more of the features were detailed

out, his heart beat faster and faster. That frizzy hair and that freckled

face with characteristic dark eyes.

Sirius had seen that face. And he was not the only one, as Lupin would

mutter in disbelief beside him.

"IMPOSSIBLE! This has to be impossible!" yet it seemed highly unlikely.

And Sirius's suspicion was proven right as he stared at the very familiar

face with a thumping heart and a huge smile growing across his face.



Harry was feeling very groggy as he sat at the breakfast table with his

friends. He had been having trouble sleeping once more due to frequent

nightmares once more. However, that was not the only reason though.

Another one of the reasons was the upcoming Yule Ball.

Harry was yet to find a date and was running out of time. A couple of das

ago, he had thought of asking Hermione out, but then the news about her

going with Viktor Krum had come out.

"Hello, Harry," came the familiar voice of Hermione as she took the seat

opposite to her breaking up his thought process.

"Good morning Hermione," he said as she stifled a yawn making her

frown. She narrowed her eyes at this, and Harry could feel the question


"What happened, Harry? It seems that you have not been sleeping well,"

she asked in a voice filled with concern, yet Harry could not tell her the


"Yeah, a bit. It's just that the boy's dorms are quite rowdy this year for

some reason," and that was partly true. For whatever reason, the Twins

had made it their purpose to make the dorms their business center, and

the whole dorm was now filled with joke items.

Harry felt slightly guilty for not telling her about his nightmares but

knew that she would overreact about them and ask him to go to

Dumbledore. Harry knew that this would be futile and had been thinking

of writing a letter to Sirius once more about this.

"Yeah, the twins have been out of control this year. Maybe I should talk

to Edward about this, and he could control them," she humphed as she

began to look ahead and look for the famed senior.

"Hmmm, he is not here," but she was looking in the wrong direction as

harry saw him entering the Hall.

"He has just arrived," he said to Hermione, who then looked toward

where he was pointing. Though, it seems that he was coming for them as

well. And Harry saw how Hermione's expression shifted upon seeing him

though Edward's reaction was a bit abnormal.

"Good morning," Hermione greeted the Headboy as the boy came and

stood by their side.

"Hello, Hermione," and then he turned to face Harry and spoke up once


"Hello, Harry, could both of you come with me for a second," Harry

frowned at this though Hermione seemed equally surprised.

"Why? What happened?" she questioned though she was beginning to get

up, so Harry joined her as well. The boy simply smiled and replied.

"Don't worry, it's just that the Headmaster wants to see you," and they

walked out of the Hall, and Harry was still frowning.

"Why, though? Why would Professor Dumbledore want to see us?" Harry

asked once more as they began to walk up the stairs. However, instead of

giving him a reply, he simply gave both of them a rolled-up newspaper.

"Open the first page," Edward said, and harry would unfurl the Daily

Prophet and would stop as he read the headline on the first page. The

headline under a very familiar face.



As always, you can read ahead and support me on P tr(E) 0n. Your

support helps me out a lot, so if possible, have a look and drop a

dime. I shall be forever grateful

(P)( )(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

26. Chapter 26

Chapter 26


"Are you a hundred percent sure about this?" he found himself asking

once more as he looked at the eager form of Sirius sitting in front of him.

Sirius simply nodded.

"Yes, the tapestry's magic was intact. Remus and Andy inspected it a

couple of times," and Dumbledore sighed as he leaned back into his chair.

This was a surprise. A huge surprise.

These days it seems Dumbledore's life had become filled with such

surprises that all began with the arrival of a single letter. Albus looked

outside the window at his magical companion, Fawkes, who was simply

flying around the castle.

"Do you have any idea about the mother, or how she even got into the

Granger household?" he questioned, and Sirius shook his head.

"No, not yet. As I told you earlier, I just found out about this yesterday

night." Sirius said sadly and continued. Dumbledore nodded at this.

Sirius and Regulus had gotten estranged. However, someone else had

quite a good friendship with Regulus. A very talented potions master that

might have some leads. However, all this would come later.

"What would you like to do with this information?" Dumbledore

questioned the newly exonerated man, and Sirius chewed his lips and

struggled to answer. So, Dumbledore asked a more specific question.

"Do you want to tell Miss Granger, though you could hide this and fo…."

But Sirius cut him off quite emphatically.

"NO! I want her to know. I want to tell her. She is the daughter of my

brother," he said emotionally, and Dumbledore simply nodded as Sirius


"I owe this to him, to Regulus."

Dumbledore could understand the sentiment behind this though there

were a couple of hiccups in going ahead, for they simply knew too little.

Firstly, they had to gather up all of the facts.

"Perhaps it is time me, and my suspicious little messenger had a little

chat," Dumbledore muttered, making Sirius frown.

"What did you say?" Sirius asked, breaking Dumbledore out of his reverie

as he simply waved away Sirius's concern and proposed a further plan.

"Nothing. Though I do have a proposition regarding the situation

regarding Miss Granger?" he told Sirius, who nodded, so Dumbledore


"I believe that we must not tell Miss granger about her heritage,"—and he

could see the retaliation coming, but he continued—"yet." He finished

making Sirius stop.

"At this point, we simply know too little. I will try and look into it and try

and get some more information about her origins before we burden her

with such knowledge. Bombarding her with such information will not be

good for her," and he could see that Sirius was struggling with the wait.

"I will try and hurry it up. I believe that we will not have to wait for too

long. Give me a month," Dumbledore added, and after thinking for a

while, Sirius nodded.

"Ok, a month it is. But no more than that," and Dumbledore simply

nodded. This was sufficient time for him. By then, the second task shall

be finished, and he will also have enough time to arrange a meeting with

his secretive helper.

Suddenly there was the sound of Gorgyle and people moving up the steps

to reach his office. Dumbledore saw the expressions on Sirius's face shift

from indecisiveness to happiness.

"I believe that this is Harry and Hermione," Dumbledore added, and he

was proven right when two students suddenly appeared from the

staircase. Two very familiar and young faces.

"Harry!" Sirius shouted joyfully as he rushed to greet his godson. Harry

Potter also hugged Sirius, and Dumbledore felt his eyes moisten as he

saw this scene. He saw Hermione Granger beside Harry, smiling as Sirius

gave her a similar hug though perhaps only Dumbledore noticed the

forlorn expression on Sirius's face.

Perhaps not, given that the last student, Edward Wright, stood right

behind them smiling as he saw such a scene. A smile of pure satisfaction.

Dumbledore continued to stare at the final-year student as his mind raced

to think up various explanations. Explanations that he often found

inconclusive. For all remained unable to answer a simple question?

'How much do you exactly know, my secret helper?'



"Why didn't you tell me about the trial? You could have written to me?"

Harry found himself complaining as he sat down with Sirius in one of the

abandoned classrooms.

"Yeah, you should have told me. We could have helped," added Hermione

from the side, and Harry found himself agreeing. Sirius simply laughed.

"It was all unnecessary. Dumbledore was able to hash it out with the

Head of the DMLE. The trial was mainly a formality," Sirius replied with

a smile, and Harry still couldn't describe his emotion.

It seemed that this year was finally the year his luck had been quite good.

About half the year was over, and he had not been in any life-threatening

situation. Maybe the Chinese were wrong. Four didn't seem like such an

unlucky number. But then he remembered the biggest hurdle in Sirius's


"But what about The Minister? Didn't he stop the trial from happening?"

Harry saw a huge smile appear on Sirius's face as he replied.

"Fudge wasn't even in Britain. He had gone for a holiday, and he actually

returned today due to this, and from what I have heard, he is facing quite

some backlash at this."

"The Head of the DMLE, isn't that Amelia Bones, Susa's aunt?" Hermione

suddenly added, and Harry recognized the name. Susan was his classmate

from Hufflepuff. He recalled that she had also begun hanging out with

Hermione recently.

"Yeah, it was her. If it weren't for her, I probably wouldn't be here.

Though, she also got quite a bit out of this. Now her reputation is on the

rise and she could probably try and reopen a bunch of old cases," and

Harry didn't understand all this politics. So, he simply nodded.

"So, Dumbledore's given me permission to take you out for a celebration,"

Sirius suddenly said with a huge smile on his face, and Harry looked at

Sirius with a look of surprise.

"Really?" questioned Hermione.

"Yeah, plus I heard about this special ball from Dumbledore, and perhaps

we could get you something a little special for the occasion," Sirius said

as he ruffled Harry's hair, something which mostly annoyed Harry, but

today it had no such effect.

"Ron's mom already got me a dress, so I don't think that will be

necessary," Harry tried to stop this, yet it seemed Sirius was having none

of it.

"Bollocks to that! Whatever Molly has gotten you is probably out of

fashion, and we can not have you tarnishing my legacy, now can I?"

Sirius said haughtily as he brushed back his hair.

"In my time, I was the most handsome student at Hogwarts, so go and get

that redhead friend of yours. I will be waiting for you," Sirius finished,

and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Well, I already have a dress, and there are a couple of class…."

Hermione tried to say but was cut off by Sirius.

"Where do you think you are going, missy? I am sure you won't fail if you

study one less day, so I want you down at the gates in ten minutes. I will

be waiting."

Hermione tried to protest but was cut off as Sirius began to walk away.

"TEN MINUTES! NO EXCUSES!" he screamed as he began to walk away.

Hermione simply shook her head.

"Well, it seems you have no choice," he teased her, and she simply glared

at him.



"So, what do you think of him?" came the question from her husband as

he sat on the chair for breakfast. Apolline did not reply immediately as

she passed him the prepared plate and took a seat.

"Well, he was polite and charming, just like Fleur told us. From what I

could tell, he seems to genuinely care for Fleur," and her husband simply

nodded. He wore his usual black-rimmed glasses and black trousers with

a white shirt. He picked up the newspaper from the side and placed it

before her.

"Quite powerful as well, from what I can see here," and she frowned as

she recognized the newspaper. It was the headline that compared him to


"Yes, he is quite powerful, but I felt no desire for power in him. This news

is a farce." She chose to defend her daughter's choice making Sebastien


"Of course, it is, but that doesn't mean the boy is innocent. I did a

complete history check on him, and the results were quite intriguing,"

Sebastien added as he wiped off his hands and took a piece of paper from

his pocket.

"The boy has a completely clean record. A bit too clean, plus the wealth

he has built up for himself in such a short tenure is also very intriguing,"

he passed her the page, and Apolline skimmed over the contents of the

page. And her eyes widened as well as she saw the huge number.

"This can not be real. He is just turned eighteen, from what I recall," she


"Yes, that was my reaction, but I have confirmed it through various

sources. That number is quite accurate," Sebastien said, and Apolline was

extremely surprised. While the house he had bought was extravagant

enough, this number was a whole other matter.

"But he does care for Fleur. He is even planning to move to Beauxbatons

for her," which surprised him.

"How?" he asked her with a frown as she handed him back the paper.

"He has gotten himself an apprenticeship under Professor Delbren.

Though, after a year, he might become a full-fledged professor, according

to Maxime," she told him what Maxime had told her.

Sebastien seemed to process the news. Leaving his home country like this

was a show of devotion that few could match. Given his acclaim in

Britain, she had heard a couple of rumors about even Dumbledore

considering offering the kid an apprenticeship.

"I still don't think he is right for Fleur; with her personality, he could…"

and she could understand his worries. While Sebastien had a different

way of showing it, he loved their daughters just like her and wanted to

protect them in his own way.

"No, he wouldn't. I don't think he is like that. While yes, I have noticed

some peculiarities, I don't think he will ever harm Fleur intentionally,"

she finished, and Sebastien looked at her.

"Intentionally, you say. So, you also believe that Fleur could get caught

up in something dangerous unintentionally," he argued, and she did not

have an argument against that.

"Only a few wizards work as hard as this to achieve what he has. Either

they are revolutionaries who wish to change the world or those who are

trying to go against such revolutionaries to stop them from changing the

world," Sebastien got to the crux of the matter. And Apolline had reached

a similar conclusion.

"From the recent incident at the World Cup and his heritage, I believe

that he could be the latter," Sebastien gave her his conclusion making her

look up in surprise. And he simply nodded.

"While he is clever, there are enough clues in his investing and spending

habits to conclude that he is either planning to or is planning to move

against the Blood Supremacists. There is no other explanation for


Apolline closed her eyes as he thought about this. This only meant one

thing. War. A war that could potentially harm her daughter. But she then

remembered the smile on Fleur's face when she sat beside him and talked

about him and felt sad for her daughter.

"So, what will you do?" she asked him. And Sebastien leaned back in the

chair as he took off his glasses and sighed.

"Well, firstly, I am going to meet him and see just what Fleur has gotten

herself into," Apolline felt a ray of hope at this.


BOOM. Sebastien Delacour makes his entry. Honestly, as a father, he

should be concerned. Edward's record is working against him in this


Will love prevail or not? Plus, who is Hermione's mother? So many


As always, you can read ahead and support me on P tr € 0n. Your

support helps me out a lot, so if possible, have a look and drop a

dime. I will be extremely grateful.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

27. Chapter 27

Chapter 27


"Champions gather round, gather round. We are about to begin," she said

to the crowd, and there was movement immediately as a very familiar

faces began to make way to the front. Edward Wright was wearing a

classic black and white tuxedo with crisp lapels and a simple white shirt.

It was a classic look, unlike the look of his date.

The Beauxbaton champions romance with Edward had been one of

Hogwarts' biggest scandals. Edward, who had, at least according to

rumors, never dated anyone in Hogwarts, was suddenly found romancing

around with the French champion.

She was wearing a very dark purple dress that shimmered slightly in the

light with amethyst earrings and a necklace, probably to match the boy

in question's unique eye color.

She smiled as she saw them come to the front.

"You dress up quite well, Wright," and the boy smiled as he shrugged.

"Thank you, professor, you look very radiant as well," he said with a

mischievous little smile, making her shake her head.

"You look lovely as well, Miss Delacour," she complimented his date, who

nodded gracefully.

"Thank you for the compliment, professor," and Minerva began to look

for the other couple. Instead of the expected three, there were only two

couples from the champion, given that two of them were going together.

Though despite her efforts, she could find no trace of Drumstrang's

champion. She then turned to face Wright once more.

"Have you seen ?" she asked, a bit worried about his absence though

Edward's reply relieved her.

"Yeah, he was in the back waiting for his date," Edward replied as he

turned to look into the crowd as well. Just as she was about to request

Edward to go and bring the last champion here, he suddenly spoke up.

"There he is!" he said while pointing in a specific direction, and indeed

someone was moving through the gathered crowd.

Viktor Krum walked forward slowly as his date followed him. Hermione

Granger was turning heads everywhere she walked, and McGonagall was

surprised to see the fuzzy-haired student all dolled up and dressed in a

proper dress.

Well, good for her.

"Hi, Professor," the Gryffindor greeted her as the champions finally

gathered at the front. She just smiled and finally spoke up about the


"Now that all three of you are here, we are ready to open the Ball. The

champions will lead the opening and be the first to enter."

Her announcement was answered with nods, and she finally opened up

the door. The sound of the music permeated through the halls as the four

students entered the Hall together, and their feet adapted to the rhythm

of the music.

There were murmurs of excitement as the waltz began, and McGonagall

watched as the two couples began to twirl.



The ballroom was filled with soft strains of the waltz as they twirled and

dipped across the floor. Fleur's almost black dress swirled around her legs

as she turned and dipped in Edward's arms. They were close enough that

she could feel his heartbeat as they moved through the steps.

They were lost in their own little world, almost like it was just the two of

them alone as she taught him how to dance for the first time. However,

those times seemed so long ago now. She looked up and saw him looking

at her with his amethyst eyes. He was not wearing his glasses, and she

could feel the intensity of his gaze.

Their steps began to slow down as the music entered its final symphony,

and the waltz came to an end.

"People would be surprised that a year ago you couldn't dance to save

your life," she joked, and he only leaned in closer and whispered his

response in her ear.

"Well, what can I say? I had a masterful teacher," Fleur blushed at the

compliment. And then she felt the dance floor fill up as they were joined

by the rest of the students. The music began to pick up as well. She

smiled and spoke up again.

"So, want to go again?" she asked, and she felt his arm around her tighten

as he replied in an eager tone.

"With you, is that even a question?" and then they picked up the pace

once more as their feet matched the rising tempo as they were joined by

various other couples.

It was time for the second dance.

Followed by many more. Many more.



Harry adjusted the bowtie once more as he sat down with his date for the

night. Initially, Harry had not thought about going to the Ball and had

not asked anyone. However, he had wanted to ask Hermione, and then

she had been asked by Viktor Krum.

Harry had felt betrayed for a second but later realized that he was the

one to blame. In the end, he decided to go with Parvati from his class.

"What do they even see in him? He looks like such a ponce?" Ron spoke

up in a snide irritated tone from the side as the redhead pointed towards

a very specific Slytherin who was now dancing with Hermione.

Though Harry did not have to reply as the answer came from Padme,

Ron's date.

"Well, he does know how to lead a dance for one," Padme said.

"And he is pretty handsome," finished Parvati.

Harry would agree with them. While Malfoy pruned around like a

peacock, Edward dressed up nicely. He tended to mix things up from the

muggle side from what Harry had observed.

"Well, he might as well be a blood purist at this rate cuz' he sure as hell

behaves like them," Ron complained, making Harry frown.

"That was quite rude, plus why are you so obsessed with him?" Harry

found himself asking. And Ron looked at him as if he had asked a very

dumb question.

"Come on, mate. Look at him. He has always been trying to blend in with

their lot. It looks like he is a frickin pure blood with the way he behaves,"

and Harry simply shook his head.

"No, he doesn't. The dress he and his date were wearing were both

Muggle. I have seen them in a fashion magazine somewhere," commented

Padme in a bit annoyed tone.

"Plus, what's being a muggle-born got to do with his manners," Parvati


Ron just rolled his eyes. And Harry could see their annoyance.

"Well, I have had enough of this. I am going to find out what Lee and the

twins are up to. They were planning something pretty special for the

party," and with that, he was gone leaving him alone with two twins.

"Please don't tell the professors about this," he suddenly turned and

requested to the Patil twins, who looked at each other and shrugged sure.

"Sure," and they settled down into the chairs once more.

"So, Harry, have you met Sirius Black yet? The newspaper mentioned that

he is your relative of some kind," Padme suddenly asked him, and Harry

had been dreading this. He had been bombarded with questions

regarding this after Sirius's trial news.

The Ministry had awarded Sirius a hefty monetary recompense for their

mistake, not that he needed it given the value of the Black family vaults.

Harry had thought that he was rich, though looking at the piles of

Galleons and gold in the Black vaults had given him a new perspective on


"Yeah, we met for a bit though he is still in St. Mungos for treatment,"

this was a story they had drummed up so Sirius could avoid the press for

some time. But the part about him still recovering was true.

"Oh yeah, he was in Azkaban for a lot of years. That must have been

tough," Parvati said sympathetically, and he could only nod.

"Today, I read that the Ministry wants to prosecute him for escaping from

Azkaban, is that true?" Padme suddenly asked, and Harry could only nod.

The Minister, in his all encompassing wisdom, had wanted to try Sirius

for escaping Azkaban though Sirius had told him how his lawyer had

shut that down in a second.

All this was being done at the behest of a single man, and Harry looked

around and found Malfoy glaring at him from a corner. Harry ground his

teeth as he saw the blonde.

Luscious Malfoy. The man who was pulling Fudge's strings. He had

somehow convinced him not to allow any new cases to reopen and had

escaped the law once more.

"Honestly, they must be quite mad, but how did he even escape from

Azkaban? Isn't it supposed to be unescapable," Parvati questioned, and

harry, in his trance, replied without thinking.

"Oh, he turned into a dog and swam through the water," only to realize

seconds later the mistake he had made. He turned to face the two girls

who were now looking at him with wide eyes.

"Can you please keep it to yourself?" and they both nodded.

But what Harry had missed was the little beetle hanging around his table.

And tomorrow's headlines were going to be very intriguing.



Albus walked up the stairs to his office. It was now quite late after the

Ball, which in his mind had been a great success. Dumbledore felt quite

content watching the students enjoy their school life and have some

memorable times. For him, there was nothing more important than

providing a safe and inclusive environment for the bright young minds of

the magical world.

He finally reached his office and found it already occupied. Severus

Snape stood beside the wall with a scowl on his face. The man had not

participated in the Ball despite Dumbleodore's insistence.

"Severus, it is good to see you, though I must say you have missed quite a

party," Dumbledore said with a small chuckle as he walked towards his

chair. Though it seems the cheer was lost on the potions master.

"I am sure I haven't missed much, plus I had more important things to

focus on," the man said as he took a seat as well. Dumbledore simply

sighed. It seems the past would haunt some to their graves.

"So, tell me have you found something about Miss Granger's past?"

Dumbledore had asked Severus about Regulus, given they were quite

close in their time at school, and then had both joined Tom.

Though in the end, both would rebel against him when they would

realize the mistakes they had made, but it would be too late.

Severus nodded at that and gave Dumbledore a file.

"Yes, I was able to track down a lead. Regulus had a friend in the school,

a half-blood witch named, Josephine Presley. She died in the same

hospital as the one in which Miss Granger was born. All this would take

place two days before his alleged disappearance," and Dumbledore

skimmed over the file as the story was beginning to tie up.

"And it seems that she was related to Jane Granger. They were first

cousins. So, perhaps that was the reason she was left in their care,"

Dumbledore reasoned, and Snape nodded.

"Yes, that is the likely explanation, and there was a report of intra-uterine

death on Josephine's records. Perhaps, Regulus simply altered the

memories and made Miss Hermione seem like their own child." Severus

concluded, making Dumbledore lament the fate of the Grangers. Though

it seems that she was indeed related to the Grangers, if that was a


He placed the file back on the table and began to think about all this.

"Are you sure Regulus never mentioned anything to you. After all both of

you were affiliated with the same group at school," Dumbledore

questioned once more much to Severus's annoyance who snapped.

"Never. As I remember answering the last ten times," making Dumbledore

pull back slightly.

"It just intrigues me that he was able to keep all this quiet for so long,"

and it was true. Such a secret had remained hidden for more than a

decade and would have for even more time had things not gone the way

they had.

"You seem to have a misconception about our group. We didn't exactly

hang around as pals. Plus, Regulus was always quite secretive and quiet,

unlike his idiotic brother. Truthfully, he remained a mystery to everyone

till his disappearance," and Dumbledore could feel slight sadness in

Severus's tone at this. However, it was gone as he continued.

"Though, I do believe that I have some rather concerning news regarding

this," Snape suddenly said and began to roll up his sleeve, making

Dumbledore feel concerned.

"The mark is beginning to burn, and I don't need to tell you what this

means," and Dumbledore nodded. It seems Tom was beginning to gain


Though, Dumbledore hadn't exactly been sitting leisurely as well. He had

also been researching Horcruxes and had made quite some progress.

Plus, there was also his secret helper to take into account.

"Hmm, that will be enough, Severus. But if there is any kind of contact, I

want you to inform me immediately," and the potions masters nodded as

he straightened up his sleeve and began to get up.

"And thank you for doing this, Severus," he added, making the man stop

in his tracks. Though with his back turned, he replied in his usual gaunt


"As long as you keep your end of the bargain, I am yours to command."

And with that, he walked out of his office, leaving Dumbledore alone in

his office. He leaned back into the chair as his mind thought about all he

had learned.

After a while, he would pick up his wand and wave it over a drawer on

his desk to reveal a secret drawer. Dumbledore would open it up and take

out a very worn-out book. Its yellowish pages and torn-out look spoke of

its age.

On the cover, a simple title had been embroidered.

Diary of the Soul

~Gellert Grindewald~

Dumbledore would stare at the book for some time before he finally

whispered into the darkened room.

"It seems to me like fate wants us to meet, old friend."


BOOM! Hermione is Regulus' daughter. I am not going too much

into the circumstances of her birth right now.

As always, you can read ahead and support me on P tre 0n. Your

support helps me out a lot, so if possible, have a look and lend your

support. I will be extremely thankful.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / DKrest

Thanks for reading!

28. Chapter 28

Chapter 28


Elizabeth's face paled as she went over the letter once more. Her eyes

went over each of the words once more as she tried to wrap her head

around it all. She was so lost in her little world that she failed to notice

when Amy stepped into the room from her midnight adventures.

Something she would normally berate her friend over.

Amy frowned as she saw the state of her friend and her pale as she read a

letter and finally spoke out, breaking Elizabeth out of her reverie.

"What happened 'Liz? Why do you seem so worried?" Amy said as she

walked up to her friend. Elizabeth immediately looked up, folding up the

letter as she shook her head and tried to lie.

"Ohh, It's nothing? You don't need to worry about it. More importantly,

what were you doing being out for so long, Amy?" she tried to rubbish

Amy's concern, but she knew that her efforts would not work.

Amy simply gave her a look as she sat down on the bed right in front of


"Come on, don't try to change the subject. You have been worried for

some time. You didn't even go to the Yule Ball!"

And Elizabeth did not know how to tell Amy about this. She had been

able to get out of the Yule Ball by using her duties as Headgirl as an

excuse. Plus, the reason was closely related to the source of all her


Seeing no response from her friend, Amy tried to snatch the folded letter


"Here, let me have a look!" but Elizabeth was able to react as she picked

it up and kept it away from her friend as they both struggled to get a

hold of the letter.

"Come on 'Liz! I already know your deepest secrets. This way, we can

drum up a solution just like old times," Amy said, making Elizabeth relent

in the end.

"OK! OK! I will tell you but stop. OK! STOP!" Elizabeth screamed as she

pushed away Amy, shaking her head at the triumphant smile on Amy's


"Honestly, you can be so childish," Elizabeth said, finally handing the

letter from her father to Amy, who was still smiling at getting her way,

like always.

Though Elizabeth saw the smile evaporate as Amy's face paled as her

eyes went over the letter before, finally, she screamed out the biggest

cause of her dread.


Elizabeth rushed to cover her friend's mouth.


still trying to speak up, probably a whole plethora of prophanities.

"Mmmmm…..Mmmfmm!" and then she finally forced her hand off,

looking at her incredulously.

"This is why you have been so worried!" Amy asked, her voice still louder

than necessary but lesser than her previous volume. Elizabeth nodded.

Her father had approached the Flints for a possible match and had been

pushing her into the arrangement.

This was also why she had excused herself from the Ball, as to avoid this

whole issue.

"But everyone knows whom the Flints are associated with! They were

death-eaters! Plus, Marcus, he is an idiot! Gods! He barely got any OWLS,

and your father wants you to marry him!" and Amy had just highlighted

the tip of the problem.

"You should refuse. Absolutely. Gods! he must really have something

wrong with his mind to even suggest something like this!" Elizabeth

pinched Amy's arm for that. That was quite enough!

"Ouch!" Amy squealed, looking at her and continuing her tirade, "Come

on, what does he even see in him?"

And Elizabeth knew the answer to that question. The Flints were one of

the old pure-blood families and hence had quite a chunk of money and,

due to their proximity to the Malfoys, a significant amount of influence

as well.

"You know what he is thinking?" and Amy just gave him a look.

"Money! Bah! How much do they even have? I can bet you can make

more than that within a decade 'Liz? But more importantly, why didn't

you tell us about this? You hid this from me, Cedric, and even Edward!"

and then Elizabeth saw Amy's eyes going wide.

"Edward, we should tell him about this! He will be able to think up a

solution!" But Elizabeth immediately cut Amy off.

"NO! You are going to do no such thing!" she said, taking away the letter,

ignoring the incredulous look from Amy.

"Why? You have been friends with him for years! How do you think he

will react if he hears about it from someone else? Plus, you must

remember about his whole spat with Marcus and his brother!"

And Elizabeth remembered it quite clearly. Marcus had tried to bully the

new mud-blood and had cornered Edward in their early years. And then

Edward had turned the tables and humiliated the senior!

Marcus had then ganged up on Edward with seniors, and a supposedly

huge fight had taken place in Slytherin dorms. Even while being

outnumbered, Edward had beaten them all, but not without

consequences, spending a week in the Hospital Wing. Though, the others

had to be in it for a month, some even more than that.

"Edward has too much on his plate! With the competition and his

girlfriend, I shouldn't disturb him! I can handle this on my own!" she

said, putting down Amy's idea. Amy simply scoffed.

"And what are you going to do? Frick, you don't have time to think up a

solution!" Amy said, looking her straight in the eye.

"Plus, Edward would be more hurt if you don't tell him. Even at the Ball,

he was worried about you! I don't care what you think, and I am telling

him though I will say that it will be better if you tell him yourself!"

Elizabeth looked up as Amy got up from her bed.

"All right! I will tell him, but not now!" she finally relented. Amy stopped

and looked at him, and she sighed as she added.

"Let me try and talk to my father again. If it doesn't work, I will tell him

after the second task! But not before that!"

She said, looking at Amy, who nodded.

"Alright! Try and talk some sense into your father! Then we involve


With that, Elizabeth watched Amy walk towards the bathroom, still

shaking her head in disbelief, muttering in a barely audible tone.

'Marcus F*****g Flint! Madness! F*****g madness!'



Albus walked through the dark and gaunt halls, his heart still as he

walked in the corridors of the famous Nurmengard. The castle was built

by Gellert to imprison his enemies. A prison that now held Gellert


The irony!

But Dumbledore had walked through these halls once before. He had

been there when Gellert had been brought here. Many had advocated for

killing the man, yet despite his atrocities and faults, Albus couldn't find it

in his heart to let them go ahead with the killing.

Sometimes he thought it was because of the embers of friendship they

once shared, but that was a delusion, for the true reason was guilt. Guilt

for Gellert's dreams wasn't completely of his own making. There were

hints of his own ambition in them. Ambition from the idiocies of youth,

but still his ambition.

He walked up to the final pair of Guards guarding a lone corridor. A

single narrow lane leads up to a thick door. One of them stepped

forward, a girl quite young, and gave him a look over.

"You are Albus Dumbledore, here to meet Gellert Grindelwald," she said,

her voice filled with both awe and surprise. Dumbledore smiled as he


"Indeed, and I believe you will have received the papers already…."

"Let him through!" came the voice from what appeared to be a superior

who walked towards her.

This one, much older than the girl, came up to him and faced him.

"Albert Nietzsche, head jailer," the man said, offering him a handshake.

Dumbledore shook the man's hand.

"I don't know how you got the permission, but you have twenty minutes,

so go on ahead!" and then he began they began to walk through the


"You are the first person to visit him in all this time! Hasn't ever caused

trouble, though, but we can never know. Should I have someone

accompany you into the cell?" he questioned, and Dumbledore shook his


"No, I will be fine, and thank you for accommodating me on such short

notice," and the head jailer simply scoffed.

"Well, you got the permission, so there is no need to thank you," he

muttered as he opened up the door and stood aside.

"I am right outside if you …."

"I believe I will be fine," Dumbledore said, and the man shrugged,

understanding his point, and left.

Dumbledore's heart beat faster as he stepped through the door. The room

was dark, with a single window as the source of light. A small bed was in

one corner, along with what seemed to be some muggle books and some


"I have been waiting for you!" came a very aged voice. The voice was

much different from the one he remembered but still distinctive and

recognizable to his ears, even after all these years.

Time slowed its prowess as Albus finally saw Gellert step out of the

corner, his eyes smaller than they used to be and without the madness

Albus had seen decades ago. His face had wrinkles now, much like his

own, as he wore a simple grey gown.

Though, it wasn't only him doing the scrutinizing! Gellert seemed to be

giving him a look over himself as he finally stared him straight in the

eyes. And Dumbledore recognized the look, as the man's lips quirked up

as he finally spoke up once more.

"You've gotten old!" Gellert quipped, and Dumbledore couldn't help but

give him a stare as he gave a simple reply.

"And you've gone bald," and he saw those different colored eyes narrow

before a small smile came out on his face.



Edward had been quite surprised when he had been contacted by the

Beauxbaton's professor of dueling, Professor Delbren, for a chat. He had

written a letter and invited him to a place outside Hogwarts, raising

Edward's suspicion.

Of course, Edward couldn't refuse. He was to have a job under him next

year, so he had joined the man at the mentioned place. The meeting had

been quite regular up till this point. He had asked him about his studies,

grades, interests, and whatnot. Most of the mundane stuff.

Even so, Edward felt something was off. Something was definitely off.

"So, tell me, have you started working on the second task's clue,"

suddenly the man asked him as they sat in a private booth of a very

famous restaurant. Delbren was old and had quite a status amongst

French dueling circuits. A champion himself who had later coached

several rising duelists.

"Yes, since the task is quite close, I have begun preparing for it," he

replied, and the old man with white hair nodded. His eyes were still

sparkling, betraying the aged look given by the wrinkled skin.

"Good, good. I was highly impressed by your performance in the first

task." The man said as Edward noticed his eyes gain a certain sparkle.

"Gosh! Casting like that and that spell! It has been years since I saw

something like that! Years! Of course, you must be aware the last man to

have such a skill…" he trailed off, shaking his head.

"Gellert Grindelwald!" I completed his sentence, and the man began

nodding his head.

"Gellert Grindelwald! Indeed, a genius! Pure Genius! In his youth, he was

perhaps the most prolific duelist in all of Europe! But Gods! He went

down a bad path! Bad, very unfortunate, I say. He could have done great

things. Great Things!" the man finished, and I nodded before he

continued almost innocently.

"Though, I am curious. How did you learn it all? Of course, you don't

have to share, but I am intrigued, for many people don't talk about him,

less so in Britain." The professor questioned me, a question that many

people had asked me previously as well.

"Well, I read about him in a book and found his style to be quite

intriguing, and well, so I tried to learn it. Thankfully, over the years, I

was able to figure it out." Edward answered, and the man nodded. He

had avoided answering about the spell, knowing that the professor would

probably not push on the subject given that it was considered unethical

to ask about such stuff.

"Well, if you achieved so after only reading about it, consider me

impressed. Great feet, indeed. Many have failed in trying to do the same

over the years. For you to pull this off is indeed special, and is there any

truth to the rumors about you being a relative of his? The man was not

known to have a family, but there have been greater secrets whenever

magic is related?" he questioned.

Edward smiled as he shook his head, "I am afraid the media is wrong

about this. For all I know, my parents were simple muggles, or No-Maj as

you would say in France," and the professor nodded with a smile.

"Hmm, yes, I thought so as well. The News has a way of writing fictitious

pieces here in Britain, I have heard. Well, this has been quite a pleasant

evening, but I must apologize, young man, for I had another purpose in

calling you out for this meeting."

And Edward stiffened at that. So, his senses were right. There was indeed

a hidden purpose of this meeting. And then the man continued in an

apologetic voice.

"You see, yesterday I was contacted by a very dear friend of mine who

wanted to meet you, so I decided to call you to arrange this meeting. I

hope you will forgive me for this," and as the aged duelist finished, the

door to our private booth was opened up, and in walked another


His clothing was impeccable, and his spectacle-covered green eyes were

solely focused on me, scrutinizing me. A man whom I had been expecting

to meet for some time.

Sebastien Delcaour.


Finally, we have another one of my favorite characters make his

appearance! Gellert is here!

As always, you can read ahead and support me on P tre 0n. So, if

possible, have a look and consider dropping a dime if you can. It is

extremely helpful. I shall be extremely grateful.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

29. Chapter 29

Chapter 29



"This is a disaster! An absolute disaster! This can not be a fuckin

coincidence!" began Nott Sr. as the three of them sat in his office. Selwyn

sat beside Nott Sr, nodding his head.

"Nott is right. We can no longer ignore this. At this rate, our businesses

will have to close up. You have to do something to stop this, Lucius!

Maybe you could talk to Fud…" but Lucius cut him off with a shake of his


"I am afraid that will not be possible. Fudge has refused to answer my

letters after the whole Sirius Black debacle. I am afraid that avenue will

remain closed for some time!"

Nott Sr. grunted and began to curse the minister; Lucius would have done

the same if not for the guests present.

"That greedy old bastard! Then what are we supposed to do? We are

already bleeding galleons by the day. At this rate, we will have to close

up the business within a month!" Nott Sr. burst out as he slammed his

fists into the arm of the chair.

"What exactly is the issue? Perhaps there can be another way to solve

this," Lucius inquired while he did not have much liking for the Notts.

They were still politically inclined to the same ideals, and if the frequent

burnings of his mark were any indication, more so now than ever.

"It's the same shit as the other times. Someone has been funding those

Greengrasses, and now they are undercutting my prices! Damn, those

bastards are even employing more of those mud-bloods! Blood traitors,

the lot of them! Blood traitors!" Nott Sr. explained, making Lucius frown,

for he was facing similar problems now for some time as well.

"It's the same in my case as well. They are undercutting me and pricing

me out! If you don't intervene, my business might go under as well."

"This is not an isolated incident. Many of us have been facing similar

problems for some time now! Someone has been specifically targeting

us!" Nott Sr. added, and Lucius agreed, but the question was, who? Who

was powerful enough and influential enough to pull this off?

"Could it be Dumbledore? Do you reckon it's him or Black? He just got

out of prison. It might be him?" Selwyn suggested, but Lucius shook his


"No, Dumbledore doesn't do things like this, and Balck doesn't have the

brains to pull this off. This is someone else. Someone new!"

"I say we screw them up! Do it like the old times, round up some of the

old gang and burn down their shops. That will teach them a lesson to

mess with their betters!"

"NO!" Lucius cut him off, finally showcasing the authority that had once

made him You-know-who's right-hand man.

"We are already exposed to the incident at the World Cup and Balck's

trial. Doing stuff like this would be suicidal!" Lucius warned both of

them, shutting down their idiotic plan.

"We need to fight them as we try and figure out who this person is. I will

lend you guys some money, but I want…" but before he could continue,

Lucius gripped his forearm and began to scream, much like the other two

occupants in the room.

Pain, unlike anything he had felt, seared through his body. It felt as if his

whole boy was on fire. He was screaming!

"AGHHH!" much like both Nott and Selwyn, who were gripping their

forearms as well. He felt something rise out of the dark mark, and Lucius

glimpsed and found his hand bloodied as blood gushed out of the dark

mark, dripping onto the ground.


screamed Selwyn, but Lucius couldn't find it in himself to speak up as he

was too busy noticing the pattern that the blood was forming. Distinct


This was a message! A message from their Lord!

With searing pain radiating across his body Lucius watched the blood

morph into letters as it spelled out the message.

~Come seek me~



Albus sat in his office contemplating his meeting with Gellert. And after a

long time, Dumbledore was surprised. The change in Gellert had been

profound, Alas! It had come too late. Too late, indeed.

"Are you even paying attention, Albus?" came the voice of his ever-

helpful deputy, and he wrapped up all those intrusive thoughts.

"Ah, I am sorry, it seems I was caught up somewhere else!" he apologized,

and Minerva just shook her head, sighing as she closed the file she had


"You seem distracted! We can finish this tomorrow, but you have a

meeting with the chief editor of Daily Prophet early in the morning

tomorrow," she reminded him again. Dumbledore had not forgotten that

particular schedule.

"Yes, yes, because of Rita Skeeter's article about Edward." And hadn't that

been a propaganda piece? Minerva had been livid when it had come up,

and the school had stepped in to reign in Ms. Skeeter.

"Yes! Edward wasn't overly concerned because of his plans to move

abroad, but we cannot allow the Daily Prophet to slander students of our

school like this! You need to make that point clear!" she almost ordered

him, and Dumbledore just nodded along. Arguing with Minerva when she

was angry like this would be futile. Not that he disagreed that the piece

would have been very damaging to young 's career.

"I will make sure he understands," Dumbledore affirmed, making Minerva

nod her head before she heaved out a deep sigh.

"It's such a shame. I had hoped that he would have apprenticed under

you. We will be losing such talent to Beauxbatons," she spoke up, and she

was now the second person to recommend this to her after Gellert, who

had also been of the view that he apprenticed the young man.

"I believe he will perform admirably in France as well," and Minerva just


"Of course, he will. The boy's a talent the likes of which we rarely see.

Gods, the last time we saw someone like this was Lily, but she mostly

focused on Charms and Ruins. It has been years since we saw a duelist

like that. Years." She emphasized, and Dumbledore would agree.

While any talented students had graced these Halls, Edward Wright was a

rare specimen. A duelist, with a focus on efficient spell casting. A style

that the boy had told him was inspired by Gellert's early dueling career.

Dumbledore still remembered that class when he had his Alchemy class

about their ideals, and he had been quite surprised by Mr. Wright's paper.

For he had named Dumbledore, but reading that small essay in full, one

would reach the conclusion that, in truth, it wasn't Dumbledore that the

boy idealized but rather the special skills used by his greatest adversary.

"Have you made an offer Dumbledore? Maybe he could turn down the

French if you approach him?" Minerva spoke up, cutting him off his train

of thought. Though, he simply shook his head.

"While I could try and convince him, I don't think he will be tempted,

given his relationship with a certain Miss Delacour."

Minerva nodded at that as she smiled a bit.

"Yes, honestly, they make a remarkable couple. Though, it's still such a

shame that Maxime got to him earlier. Such a shame!"

And Dumbledore could only nod along. For his mind was still processing

the meeting with his old friend and all its implications.



"It seems that you are already aware of me. Good!" said Fleur's father as

he took the seat opposite to me. And right from his tone, Edward could

tell that this meeting would not be as fluffy and easygoing as meeting her


Sebastien Delacour was amongst France's elite and was a close confidant

of the French minister of Magic. The man had leveraged the simple

Delacour businesses to integrate himself into almost every powerful

circle. He had looked into him a bit, and let's just say the results were

quite intriguing.

"Yes, I have, Mr. Delcour," he replied as the man finally sat down. His

greenish eyes ran over me as he examined me from head to toe, not that I

was doing something else.

"From my daughter, most probably. It's good, then. We can get the

pleasantries out of the way quickly and get right to the point."

The man said as he leaned back slightly, his attitude already making me

a bit concerned. He was showing me almost open hostility and disregard,

while my expectations from him had been low This was even worse than

my imagination.

"Hmm, I must say my daughter's infatuation with you was quite a

surprise for me. She had never mentioned seeing anyone previously, so

imagine my surprise when she suddenly mentioned seeing a young

wizard. A young foreign wizard that doesn't even go to Beauxbatons. It

was quite a surpsrise I must say!"

He began as he began to reach into his coat's inside pocket and took out a

folder. He then adjusted his gold-rim glasses and began to take out some


"So, I did some digging into this young wizard, and I must say that I was

quite surprised b what I found. Quite surprised," he finished as he began

to unfurl the paper. The insinuation about the contents of it already clear.

The man had done a full-on background check on me.

A background check. While people in his position were known to be a bit

paranoid, this was entirely excessive. Excessive and insulting, and this

was exactly why Edward's temper was flaring.

"If you were so interested in knowing about me, , you could have just

asked your daughter. I am sure it would have saved you quite some

trouble," Edward spoke up, and perhaps he had sensed the heat in my

voice as he looked at me with a smirk.

"Oh, what's to say I didn't?" he added. Then he slid the paper toward me,

leaning forward.

"I must say you have quite an accomplished life. A dueling champion

with excellent grades and impeccable conduct. As I said, quite an

accomplished life," he spoke slowly as Edward began to skim over the

paper. It was quite a comprehensive report and had quite some details.

Some very special details that had no place being there.

"Some would say even too perfect!" the man finished, his eyes shining as

he tried to intimidate me. Into what? I had no idea. His temper was

flaring now after seeing the information about my investments on the


Edward closed the paper and slid it to the side, looking the man straight

in the eye.

"I would say that those people are uninformed, plus I can assure you

there are several people who have achieved more than what I have in

even lesser time," Edward replied, and he was being truthful.

Albus Dumbledore and Tom Riddle would have had similar records.

Gellert Grindelwald though had his problems with regulations, but the

man's accomplishments, even during his school years, were nothing to

scoff at.

The man nodded.

"Perhaps, but I follow a simple rule in life, young man, that if something

is 'too good to be true, it most definitely is,'" the man spoke up as he

finally got to the point. He leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as he

finished in an intimidating voice.

"So, I am afraid I must be quite direct in my question. Who is behind you,

and what are your intentions behind seeing my daughter?"

And he could feel the man's aura. His magic was bleeding out. A hollow

attempt to intimidate me. An attempt that was not going to work.

This was quite insulting by the man. A small part of me was quite angry

and wanted to let my magic loose. It would have been a fitting reply. Yet

the smiling face of Fleur kept such dark thoughts in check. So, he took a

deep breath, stood up, and picked up his coat from the hook.

"I must say that this was not what I expected when you walked in. Even

though, let me answer your last question, Mr. Delacour," Edward said as

he buttoned up my coat.

"I love Fleur with all my heart, and to insinuate anything else without

any evidence is an insult. For your sake, I will not mention anything

about today to Fleur. Have a Good day, Mr. Delacour," I finished and

began to walk out of the booth without sparing the man another glance.

However, before I could step out, the man spoke out. His words made me

halt my steps as I turned to look at him. Incredulous about the statement

made by him. A statement he had no point making.

"Anyone who has achieved anything similar to what you have has done it

with a singular purpose?" the man began to speak.

"So, tell me, Mr. Wright, why are you preparing for a war?"


Fleur's father tried to intimidate him, but he failed. Before you hate

this development, you must understand that he is a highly

influential figure, and his daughter suddenly mentions an affair

with a wizard. Of course, it will ruffle his feathers. Plus, he is a bit

overprotective of Fleur.

As for his statement about war, it is simply guesswork. Albus,

Gellert, and Tom all follow the same record. Not that he knows

about Tom, but France would have had its own dark lords and


Though, I will expand on it a bit later.

As always, you can read ahead and support me on P tre 0n. Your

support helps me out a lot, so if possible, have a look and drop a

dime. It will be extremely helpful.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

30. Chapter 30

Chapter 30


"So, did you talk with your father?" questioned her friend as she sat down

for breakfast. Elizabeth recalled the visuals from the horrid meeting she

had had with her father, disappointment, and anger rising up in her heart

as she remembered his callous words. She looked up to see the concerned

face of Amy piling up eggs in her plate and gave her a small nod.

"Yes, we met in Hogsmeade yesterday," she confirmed, making Amy stop

and lean forward as she asked for an elaboration.

"So, did he finally see the stupidity of his proposition? Were you able to

knock some sense in him?" Amy asked, and Elizabeth could only shake

her head. Amy uttered some profane words that Elizabeth chose to ignore

and then turned to face her.

"Gods! It seems he is completely gone off the rocker! So, what's the plan

now?" her friend inquired genuinely, and Elizabeth looked to her side at

the empty seat usually occupied by her friend. A friend who would be

busy preparing for the second task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament right


"I haven't had the time to think of any solution, though I plan to tell

Edward about it after the task tomorrow," she replied, and Amy nodded

and reached forward to squeeze her hand reassuringly.

"Don't worry too much. We will find a solution to your little problem."

Amy smiled and felt lucky to have such friends.

"So, do you have any idea about the second task? Have you asked

Edward about his preparation?" Amy asked about the tournament, and

Elizabeth could only shake her head. Unlike the first task, she had no

knowledge about the second task. Though, she did remember Edward

mentioning that he had figured out the clue from the egg a couple of

weeks ago.

"I don't know about the task, but Edward did mention that he had figured

out the clue from the golden egg a couple of weeks ago," Amy nodded as

she heard those words.

"I should have expected that. Well, not much time is left. We will find out

about it tomorrow," Amy added as she forked down a piece of the egg.

"Miss White. Miss White," Elizabeth was broken out of the stance as she

heard her name getting called out. Startled, she followed the voice and

found Professor McGonagall standing there with a small smile on her


Embarrassed, Elizabeth immediately stood up.

"I am sorry, Professor, my mind was occupied elsewhere," the

transfiguration waved away her apology with a smile and spoke up.

"Of it's quite all right, dear! I just needed to talk to you for a bit," the

professor began making her perk up.

"Of course, professor," but the professor simply shook her head and

continued speaking.

"Not here, dear. Would you please follow me to the Headmaster's office,"

Elizabeth frowned as she nodded her head. Her mind raced as she

thought up the reasons for this. Her mind came up blank.

"Is everything all right, professor?" Elizabeth questioned, and the aged

witch simply gave her a nod with a smile.

"Ohh, it's nothing. Don't worry." And then, with a small nod to Amy,

Elizabeth picked up her bag and began to follow the Deputy

Headmistress out of the Hall, her mind still racing as she tried to think up

possible reasons for this.

In the Headmaster's office, she finds out that she isn't the only student to

be called up and is joined by the fourth-year Hermione Granger and a

small blonde bundle that looks eerily similar to Edward's girlfriend.

Well, this seemed interesting.



Apolline watcher, her husband, is sitting at the table going through a

bunch of documents with a frown on his face. She had an inkling of an

idea about his early excursion yet had refrained herself from asking about

it. But her patience had run thin as he had not yet mentioned even a

single thing to her.

So she made her way to the table and simply took the seat right by him,

removing the document from his hand.

"I think that is quite enough," she began lightly as he turned to face her,

his features softening as he saw her. He took off his glasses and relaxed

his shoulder.

"So, will you tell me how your meeting with Edward went? You have

constantly been looking over these pages since you came back?" she got

to the point without any dilly-dallying and immediately saw his face get

a complicated look.

"Hmmm, it's nothing. I am just confirming my suspicion," and his words

made her frown.

"I thought we talked about it. You are being overly cynical," she finished

with a laugh, and Sebastien simply gave her hand a squeeze.

"Maybe, but things in Britain feel off to me. It feels like a powder keg

about to go off, and for some reason, I think Edward stands at the center

of it," and Apolline could only defer to him. Sebastien was a seasoned

politician who prided themselves in feeling the nation's pulse, and for

him to say those things would not be baseless.

"Perhaps you are right, but Britain does not matter. We will be going

back to France in a couple of months, and Edward plans to move there as

well," she began. Sebastien simply leaned back slightly and simply raised

a brow.

"You seem awfully defensive of him," he questioned teasingly, and

Apolline knew that she seemed to be defensive of the orphan boy.

"It's just that I saw him interact with him, Fleur. I could see it in his eyes,

his devotion to her, his care for her. On the other hand, it has been years

since I saw such a genuine smile on Fleur's face."

And perhaps it was the maternal aspect in her that became slightly

protective of the orphan boy. The boy had grown up without any

parental figure and had yet grown up to be a splendid person all on his

own, so she wanted to give him a chance. Give her daughter's happiness

a chance.

Sebastien sighed, making her, his shoulders sagging, revealing the

vulnerability he very rarely showed.

"I can understand what you are saying. Yet my heart worried for Fleur, I

don't want her to get caught up in anything dangerous," Apolline knew

how much he worried. Yes, his way of showing it may be a bit

overhanded, but she never doubted that Sebastien cared for Fleur and


"I think we must just come to terms with the fact that our daughter has

grown up and can take care of herself. Moreover, she will always have

Edward looking out for her. He won't let anything happen to her," she

added, and Sebastien gained a small smile on his lips.

"He better not," Sebastien spoke up threateningly, making her laugh.

"So, have you cleared up your tomorrow? It's the second task of the

tournament. Fleur would be happy to see you there," and Sebastien

simply nodded as he rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah, I did clear it up. It has been some time since I saw Fleur perform

at a competition," and she could feel the hint of regret in his voice.

Sebastien always had been busy with some governmental duties during

Fleur's dueling competitions and had only ever visited once or twice.

Something that had added to the already present communication gap

between him and Fleur.



Sirius sat contemplatively in the library at Grimmauld Place. A thick

ragged book decorated ornately with silver and emerald stones was in

front of him. This was the family grimoire, the book that contained an

amalgamation of his family's efforts over centuries in developing spells

and magics.

A young Sirius had never understood the importance of this, but the

Sirius of today was different from the young teen who hated his family

because of his mother's cruelty.

"Are you sure about what you saw?" he asked the witch sitting in front of

him, and every time he looked at her, he did a double take, for the

witch's features were quite similar to her elder sister, Bellatrix, but the

different shade of hair always calmed his nerves.

Andy gave him a small nod, and if one were to look carefully, there was a

hint of a small smile on her lips.

"Yes, I am sure. She touched the grimoire, and it didn't burn him. This is

a confirmation. She is regulus's daughter," Sirius nodded as he

remembered the young Hermione's enthusiasm for seeing the library. If

anything, Harry's description of the girl's obsession with books was an


Sirius felt a pang of regret for his brother, who never got to see his

daughter, yet he steeled his heart. Sirius would not mess this up. He

would do right by regulus's daughter. It was the least he could do.

"Well, this is just another confirmation. Dumbledore has also given me

some details about this. I plan to visit her parents in a couple of days, I

would like you to accompany me," he asked her cousin, and Andy simply


"I will be there. Do they know that she isn't their daughter," Sirius

remembered what Dumbledore had told him about her family.

"We are not sure, but they are related to her mother so it's a high chance

that they may be aware of the truth," and Sirius passed her file from the

drawer that Dumbledore had given him. Andromeda opened it and began

to skim over it.

"Josephine Presley, I remember her," she spoke up and Sirius berated

himself for not asking Andy about her earlier.

"Do you remember her?" he asked wanting to know a bit more about his

brother's lover. And Andromeda nodded.

"I did know her a bit. She was my junior by about four years. She was

quite a sweet girl, a bit shy but a brilliant witch," Sirius scoffed. Regulus

had also been a brilliant student and wizard.

"Well, along with Regulus, at least now we know where she gets her

smart from," he joked.

"Of course, it's not like you had any to give either way," she remarked

sarcastically, making him shake her head as he laughed.

Well, he did have to visit Hogwarts tomorrow. It was the second task,

and Dumbledore had given him permission to visit. Perhaps, he could

greet her and Harry again.


In a dark village, a small decrypt shack was surrounded by a dozen or so

shadowy figures. All of them wearing black robes and white masks

shaped in the form of a skull. They were anxious as they fiddled around,

waiting for their master.

There was a graveyard extending in front of the building with many

graves, but in a small clearing in front of the graves was a trident stuck to

the ground with runes circled around it.

Suddenly the door to the building creaked open to reveal another

shadowy figure coming out of the building, its face hidden by a veil as it

almost floated out.

And as soon as it opened its mouth, the dozen or so men all kneeled on

the ground with their faces lowered.

'It is time for me to rise once more'


BOOOM! The Game is on! But what is the game? You will have to

wait to find out!

As always, you can read ahead and support me on P tre 0n. Your

support helps me out a lot, so if possible, have a look and drop a

dime. I will be extremely thankful.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

31. Chapter 31

Chapter 31


Fleur could feel her nerves flaring as she made her way toward the

champions' tent. There were rows of stands built around the Black Lake.

She had deciphered the clue from the Golden Egg about a month ago and

had been preparing for the task ever since.

Her small lead from the first task gave her a bit of leeway, but she knew

it did not matter much in the end. Her competition could claw back quite


"Ohh, someone's ready for a swim," came the snark from a very familiar

one, immediately easing her heart. She stopped and let Edward catch up,

his eyes still over her outfit. Given the nature of the trial, she was

wearing swimwear though it was enchanted.

On the other hand, he seemed to be dressed quite casually for the task,

he was wearing rather simple clothes, and from the initial look, they

weren't enchanted either.

"Well, it's better that you wear that robe above it. Otherwise, they would

be missing two contestants for this task," he joked, making her heat up.

She pinched his arm, making him jerk up.

"And you seem so casually dressed. It seems as if you have given up," she

questioned, a hint of worry in her tone. Though, he simply laughed.

"Ohh, you shouldn't worry about me. I have prepared quite enough for

the task," he spoke confidently, making her narrow her eyes.

"We shall see," she added. And just as they reached the face of the tent,

he suddenly stopped. Fleur bumped into him.

"Ohh! Edward!" she admonished lightly as she rubbed her nose but found

him staring at a specific place in the stands.

"What are you look…" but her words were cut mid-way as she recognized

the people he was looking at for right there in the stand were her parents

sitting as they cheered her on. Her mother's presence didn't faze Fleur.

She often accompanied her to such competitions, yet the presence of her

father was a bit of a surprise.

She waved back to her mother and saw Edwardo the same before they

entered the tent. The tent was still empty, with only a few Ministry

personnel present.

"Well, it seems we are early today," Edward began as he sat on an empty

chair. Fleur joined him on a chair by his side.

"Well, it seems your father is here today to cheer you on as well," Edward

spoke and Fleur simply nodded, noticing, and were about to speak up

when the flaps to the tent were flared open, revealing the form of the

Tournament officials and the third competitor.

"Ahh, it seems everyone is here. Now we can finally begin the Second

task without further delay," began Ludo Bagman from the Ministry.

Both of them stood up and lined up for the instructions for the task, not

noticing the weary look on Drumstrang's headmaster's face.

"Well, for the third task, all three of you are to retrieve one of your most

prized people from the Great Lake."

Well, this task just got a lot more complicated



Edward frowned as he looked at the tranquil surface of the Black Lake,

waiting for the bell to ring so he could begin the task. As per the marks,

Fleur had been given a five-minute headstart for winning the last task.

The second task was a task of skill and daring and required one to have

good control over their nerves.

For some reason, Edward felt a sense of unease and anxiety, something

he attributed to the person he was supposed to rescue. Elizabeth White

had been missing conspirationally since the morning, and his guess had

been right when he had seen the names of the people on the list.

He clamped down on his nerves seeing the herald speak up once more,

'With Miss Delacour showcasing a perfect Bubble head charm and chant-less

magic, will our next contestants be able to catch up? Hogwarts Edward Wright

displayed a highly complex piece of magic in the first task. Will he do

something similar, and what will be the response of the Quidditch superstar

Viktor Krum! We shall find out in ten!'

And the countdown began, and beside him, Krum began to get ready,

gearing up for the task. Both of us shared a glance and gave each other a

small nod.


"Best of luck, Viktor," he spoke up, and the Drumstrang champion

nodded, giving me a smile as the whole area reverberated with the

chants of our name.



"Best of luck to you as well, and may the best man win," he added with

the countdown now at four.

"Well, that just means that I would win," I quipped, and he simply

narrowed his eyes at my joke.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that," and then there was a loud bang.


Krum sprang into action as soon as the words were said, his wand tracing

a complex pattern as he muttered the transfiguration spell under his

breath. And Edward noticed how his body began to transform into that of

a shark, taking on a bluish tinge with gills appearing on his neck.





Well, now Edward couldn't just sit back now, could he? He had thought

extensively about how to tackle the task and thought out several

solutions. Ultimately, he decided to go an unorthodox route, so he closed

his eyes as his wand lit up, his magic responding to his command just as

he had expected.

Edward began to step forward just as Krum plunged into the water

though his feet did not sink into the water as he began walking on the

Black Lake's surface.





Edward smiles as his charm worked just as he had intended allowing him

to walk on water. Using a point me spell, he already had a general

location of the hostages. He could have faced the merpeople and the

other aquatic creatures they might have placed in the river, yet this

method was just cleaner.

He continued walking to the lake's center, the water's dark surface not

allowing him to see anything underneath. As he reached the center of the

lake, he stopped. He was now just about above the hostages.



And Edward could hear the stands quiet down as the water began to

ripple around him, rising in a swirl as it formed an encompassing sphere

around him.




The voice died down as the water completely encircled him, and the

sphere slowly lowered into the Black Lake. Edward smirked as he saw a

couple of Merfolk trying to attack the sphere with their spears and claws,

yet the sphere repelled their attacks.

Edward saw them snarl at him as he waved at them from inside the water


"Bye, bye," he said as he focused his senses in search of his friend. It was

time to rescue Elizabeth from this dump, and then he would look into

taking care of her little Flint situation.

There was no way that her life would be destroyed, that xenophobic

bastard. Never as long as he lived.



Sirius watched as Hogwarts champion vanished into the lake, encircled

by a sphere of water.

"He could have simply used the bubble head charm," Harry added from

his side, and Sirius shook his head at Harry's comment.

"Well, that could have worked, but it would not have been as eye-

catching as this," he elaborated, and Harry nodded, processing his words.

"And the theatrics matter in the tournament," Harry added, getting the


"Bingo!" Sirius said as he ruffled Harry's unruly hair annoying him by no

small amount.

"So, Hermione's down there as well," Harry suddenly asked, and Sirius

could hear a hint of jealousy in that tone. James had often had the same

tone upon seeing Lily with Snivellus during his time.

"Yes, she is down there in the lake along with your Headgirl and the

French girl's sister," Harry nodded, still frowning slightly, as he tried to

rework his hair though that would be a failed effort.

"What would happen if they can't reach them in time?" Though

McGonagall had given him a sufficient explanation when Sirius had

posed a similar question.

"The Ministry has placed a portkey down in the lake. Thirty minutes after

the allotted time, the portkey will bring them all back to the grounds,"

which seemed to be a reasonable solution.

"But Portkeys don't work inside Hogwarts," Harry remarked, and Sirius


"Normally, they don't, but Dumbledore gave the Ministry special

permission to install one this time. As Headmaster, he can probably alter

the wards to make an exception like this one," Harry nodded at his

explanation focusing once more on the lake.

"It has been some time since the task began. Shouldn't they be coming

out by now?" Harry questioned him once more, and Sirius just shrugged.

There was still time left for them to make it out. Though, the French girl

could have made it out by now.

"Well, the first task wasn't that easy, so there probably are some hurdles

and challenges that must have been placed down there as well…." But

Sirius stopped suddenly as he saw the lake begin to glow up. Its surface

gained a greenish tinge as suddenly a green ray of lightning crashed out

of it with a thunderous clap, sending shivers through his spine, for he had

seen similar scenes many a times.

"Impossible," he muttered with a shaky voice as darkness began to spread

across the Hogwarts' clear skies. Pandemonium broke out among the

stands, with most people recognizing the huge symbol of tyranny, now

spread across Hogwarts skies.

"It's the dark mark! But how!" Sirius found himself questioning, not

noticing how his hand was shaking slightly, and neither giving any

attention to the hissing voice that was just barely audible and how

Harry's face was turning paler by the second.

Ruckus broke out as some people began to run, only for it to stop when

the thunderous voice of the Greatest Wizard of their time spread out with

a silvery phoenix erupting from the judges' platform.


Though even after that, the ruckus did not die down, with Sirius getting

up and rushing towards the judges' platform, not noticing how his godson

was behind him.

The silvery phoenix broke through the accursed green skull and snake

symbol, breaking up the darkness, and the sky began to clear up once

more. But the pandemonium in the stands indicated that the mark had

achieved its purpose.


In the graveyard of little Hangelton, a dozen or so death eaters stood

with their wands drawn as six unconscious bodies were tied to the

tombstones, their wands taken away from them. In front of the sic

kneeled a short, plump man with crooked teeth.

Peter Pettigrew felt liberated as he had enacted his master's plan, setting

the stage for his grand return.

"Your orders have been completed, master," Pettigrew spoke to the

shadowy figure before him.

'You have done well, my servant. I can feel it. My time to rise approaches once



BOOM! Canon is dead, and now the game is on! Edward and

Dumbledore let down their guard for one second, and now they

must suffer the consequences.

Pettigrew modified the tournament files when he broke into Ludo's

house, and then as he invaded the lake, he set up the whole

apparatus to pull this off. Once the Ministry placed the portkey, he

just had to corrupt it, and poof.

As always, you can read ahead and support me on P tre 0n. Your

support helps me out a lot and allows me to write. So, have a look

and consider subscribing to the P tre 0n. I shall be extremely


(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

32. Chapter 32



Albus Dumbledore was livid. Absolutely livid. And from the way

everyone was looking at Ludo Bagman, he wasn't the only one.

"How could you let this happen? HOW!" screamed the French

participant's father as he conversed with one of the Ministries members

from the department on International Cooperation, berating the man for

their carelessness.

"This is the second time I have seen that mark. You must have tried

looking into it after the debacle at the Quidditch World Cup!" the man

asked incredulously, and the Ministry employee was sweating as he tried

to answer the man.

"Mr. Delacour, I can assure you we had taken eve…."

"Don't give me this bullshit! Gods! I can assure you if a single hair on my

daughter's is harmed, your ministry will have to answer to ICW!" the man

ended up screaming at the ministry employee, who was reduced to a

stammering mess. Maxime approached the man and spoke to him in

French, trying to calm him down.

Though Dumbledore's focus turned towards the stuttering form of one

Ludo Bagman.

"Now, Ludo, I want you to tell me, with whom did you discuss the plans

for the second task?" Dumbledore questioned, and the man simply shook

his head.

"I did not do anything. It was supposed to be a simple portkey and bring

them back here if there was any danger. I don't know anything! Please,

believe me!" the man continued saying, and Dumbledore looked into the

man's eyes tiring of his excuses.

Dumbledore saw Ludo coming out of the Ministry building, a folder tucked in

his arms as he walked towards his apartment, continuously glancing at his

surroundings. And just as the man had reached his home, suddenly, he saw

Ludo turn around in alarm.

'I can get your mone….' And he saw the silhouette of a hooded man who

simply raised his wand.


And the memory ended. Confirming Dumbledore's suspicion.

"Dumbledore! Dumbledore! Amelia Bones is here, and she has brought

Aurors with her!" suddenly, the strained voice of Minerva brought him

out of his thoughts. He gave the deputy Headmistress a nod.

"Bring her here! She needs to see this!" he told her. As much as he would

have liked to keep the Ministry out of it, with the foreign students also

taken hostages, he really couldn't do that

At least he knew that Amelia was not one of Tom's pawns. He saw Sirius

Black rush past the barriers coming up to him, his face marred with


"The Mark! Dumbledore! This is him. This is the second time," and

Dumbledore simply nodded.

"Indeed, this seems to be Voldemort's doing. I am afraid he has caught us

off guard. He was somehow able to modify the portkey's final destination,

though how he was able to do so still remains a question," Dumbledore

told Sirius as the man's pale face turned paler, and he frowned as he saw

young running towards them.

"Why have you brought young Harry here? He should go back to the

dorms with the rest of the students," he asked Sirius, who replied with a


"I did not bring him here." And the young boy stopped right beside him,

huffing as he tried to control his breathing.

"Mr. Potter, this is an extremely dire situation. I believe that you must

leave…" but Dumbledore was cut off as the young man suddenly spoke


"I KNOW WHAT HE WANTS! IT'S BLOOD!" suddenly, the boy spoke up,

making Dumbledore's heart stop. Dumbledore's mind raced as he thought

up the reasons for such a demand.

"Potter, if this is one of your attempts at gaining glor…." Severus

suddenly added from the side, and Dumbledore had not missed how the

man's forearm had been bandaged.

"I heard it myself! It was the same as the second year!" Harry suddenly

added, confirming Dumbledore's suspicion. Sirius, who seemed just about

ready to curse his old Slytherin rival stopped as he heard that and looked

towards Harry.

"Second year! What is going on here!" though Dumbledore did not have

the time to answer the man yet. He saw the Aurors rushing towards him.

He needed to know about this before they arrived.

So, he crouched down and looked the young Potter straight in the eyes,

finding the green similar to Lily Potter, "What exactly did you hear, Mr.


Harry gulped. His hands continued to fidget as he spoke up again.

"He wants my blood. It said that after ten minutes he would start killing

them up one by one, and…" but Dumbledor was not looking at Harry

anymore as he suddenly got a look at the time, his eyes widening as he

saw the time left till this all became a complete disaster.

'Five minutes left.'



The last thing Edward remembered was his body getting compressed and

then a flash of red. And he had known that things had gone wrong.

Horrible wrong. Edward remained quiet as his senses returned to him. He

was on solid ground, and from the way he couldn't open his mouth or

move his hands, he wasn't in friendly company.

"Ohh! One of them is awake!" suddenly, a voice interrupted his racing

thoughts, and he decided to open his eyes, and squinted to make out his

surroundings as his eyes adjusted to the darkness.

A mask. A skull-shaped mask and Edward felt his heart tremble as he

recognized the pattern.

"Oh! It seems he recognizes us! Well, that is good," and suddenly, his face

was lifted up as the man pulled his hair, causing him to wince with pain.

"Oh, so you recognize us, huh! It seems we left quite the impression for a

mud-blood to remember us!" then the death eater yanked his head back,

and it collided with the stone behind him. And Edward groaned in pain,

his vision going black momentarily.

"Ohh! Let me give you a gift!" the man's voice was filled with derision

and ridicule and Edward barely saw him draw out his wand before it was

aimed directly at him.


Pain. Burning. Searing. Ravishing. Pain. Edward felt as if his whole body

was burning. He tried to move and get away, yet his bindings held him in


He couldn't scream, the gag in his mouth stopping him from uttering a

single word. Though, even without it he wouldn't have wanted to give

them the satisfaction of hearing him scream.

"Enough!" the pain stopped, and Edward's senses were assaulted by a

revolting feeling. A sense of wrongness and foulness had taken over the

surroundings coating everything in its taint.

The death eater immediately kneeled down as a shadowy figure appeared

from behind. And for the first time Edward finally realized where he

exactly was, his eyes recognizing the various graves and the people tied

to them.

The rows of death eaters lined up as a plump man mixed up a concoction

in a huge cauldron.

"It is not the time to play around," and Edward saw the hooded figure turn

and focus on the kneeling death eater. And then there was a small



"AGHHHH! AGHHH!" and the grown-up death eater squirmed on the

ground! Screaming! Begging! Crying! Yet he did not stop! And perhaps

after about a minute, he finally stopped! The death eater continued to

shake, his body convulsing from the after-effects of the spell, though he

still tried to kneel.

"Thank you for your generosity, my lord! Thank you!" the man continued

to thank him, his body still shaking. The rest of the Death eaters had

stood in place, none moving even an inch to help their friend.

"Don't forget yourself, Selwyn! After all, if Dumbledore fails to deliver, you

can play with them as much as you want," and with that, the hooded figure

floated away, and Edward felt that he could finally breathe again. He saw

the death eater, Selwyn, and he recognized that name, getting up shakily

as he gave a glare in his direction.

"Don't worry, mud-blood, I will show you your place pretty soon," though

his focus suddenly shifted to the others, and Edward saw the hunger and

glint in those eyes as he saw his eyes land on the unconscious form of


"Ohh! I am gonna have so much fun!" revulsion and anger rose in his gut

as he saw the hunger in those eyes. Edward glanced all around him,

getting a measure of his situation. He saw Elizabeth stir up beside him,

trying to wake up.

"Only five minutes are left, and then I can have all the fun I want," the

man muttered as he walked away, his eyes still focused on the blonde.

Alarm bells rang in Edward's ears as he heard this.

He tried to move his hands, yet they were secured tightly with rope, the

stack of wands placed on a small table away from him.

Edward saw Fleur stir up as well, though Elizabeth was now awake and

was looking around frantically. He saw her look at him, their eyes

meeting, and he immediately pushed his magic, praying for it to work.

Praying that she gets the signal.

And then he saw her give him a small nod as he turned to look at Fleur

whose body was soaked wet and seemed to be flushed with a fever, her

face was distraught and filled with worry as her eyes were focused on the

unconscious form of her sister, he saw her glance at him, and he tried to

do the same, pushing his magic. Looking her straight in the eyes.



The sound of shouting and screaming assaulted her ears as soon as her

senses returned to her. Her whole body was soaked, and the last thing

she remembered was trying to cut the rope and free her sister.

'Maybe she had missed a trap,'she thought as she tried to move though she

found her arms tied up. She tried to speak up and found a gag in her

mouth. And while all this, the sound of screaming continued. She looked

up, and her heart skipped a beat as she saw a man writhing on the

ground with a hooded figure levitating in front of him. And she felt the

revulsion in the air, her magic which was more attuned to nature,

screamed and gushed at the foulness.

The masked man continued to scream and shake on the ground, his

screams grating her ears as the reality of her situation settled down on


'NO! NO!' her mind screamed as she looked around frantically, finally

finding her little sister bound to the gravestone beside her. Gabrielle's

face was scrunched up, and she seemed to be continuously shaking from

the cold.

She looked ahead and saw Viktor and Edward's junior tied down as well,

and after that was Edward and his friend, Elizabeth, he saw the Headgirl

give Edward a small nod, who was staring intensely at her before he

turned to face her.

His face was pale, and his glasses had a crack over them, and even now,

his body was shaking slightly as he stared at her, their eyes connected.

"Calm down! Fleur! I need you to calm down!"

Her eyes widened as she recognized his voice! She tried to speak up, but

the gag made it impossible to utter a single word.

"Do not try to speak. Just think of what you want to say, and I will

understand!" it was his voice. She had not imagined it.

'How?' she thought.

"Legilimency. But we can talk about it later. We need to get out of here! These

people are death eaters!"


"YES! But I need you to focus! We need to get out of here! They have our

wands and are planning something dangerous! We only have five minutes, so

listen closely! There are wards placed that make it impossible to apparate, so

we have to get to the edge of the graveyard to get away!"

'OK!' she thought.

"On my signal! You are going to free Gabrielle. Hopefully, Krum will wake up

by then, take her, and run! Don't look back! Don't stop for anything! Just


'What about you? I don't even know how to apparate!' she thought with a bit

of alarm.

"Elizabeth knows! You are to apparate in Hogsmeade near the Hog's head! Go

to the bar owner, and he will be able to contact the school. Krum is waking

up. Let me try and talk to him! And Fleur just remembers that no matter what

happens, run. Take Gabrielle and run! Just run!"


Dumbledore watched the vial of blood sink into the Black Lake, his mind

filled with worry for the six young students currently held as hostages by

Tom and his death eaters.

"I hope you know what you are doing, Dumbledore," said Amelia Bones

as she joined him on the lake's edge.

"There is no other choice, Amelia. We cannot put those lives in danger.

Just prepare your Aurors to move in as soon as we track down….

And suddenly, the vial vanished. Dumbledore closed his eyes, his magic

thrumming as it tried to estimate the location. And moments later, he

only muttered a single word, 'Fawkes,' before bursting into a sea of



Voldemort's made the first move. What is Edward's plan, and will

Dumbledore make it in time?

As always, you can read ahead and support me on P tre 0n. Your

support helps me out a lot and allows me to write, so if possible,

have a look and drop a dime. I shall be extremely grateful.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

33. Chapter 33

Chapter 33


Lucius Malfoy watched as his master floated towards the run-down shack.

The backstabber Peter Pettigrew continued to stir the huge cauldron

making his heart thump in his chest as he awaited his master's ascension.

He looked at the hostages, his eyes finding the Slytherin student his son

often lamented about. The mud blood who had disgraced the noble house

of Slytherin. A stain on the history of their house.

"You eyeing your pick of the lot," Yaxley commented from the side, and

Lucius was repulsed slightly by the hunger he had in his eyes as he stared

at the blonde girl.

He did not deign to give him a reply as he looked at his watch.

One minute left.

"Well, Dumbledore seems to be running out of tim…."


And suddenly, there were a couple of loud explosions. Lucius

immediately took out his wand, shouting.


And there was the sound of coughing and tumbling as they all inhaled

the smoke.

"NO! It's the Hostages! They are trying to run!" and before he could raise

his wand.

'Zehphrio!'and the area began to clear up as their master raised his wand.

And Lucius watched the six hostages running through the graveyard,

trying to escape.

'Do not let them get away!' came their masters' command, and all of them

were on the move. Rushing to stop them.



Spells flew, and Lucius could see them struggle as they tried to run and

fight off the twelve of them. Moreso, carrying the two unconscious girls.

He saw the Slytherin boy turn and watched him slash his wand.

"Sectumsempra!" Lucius ducked on instinct.

"AGHHH!" Selwyn, behind him, took the full brunt of that spell.

"CRCUIO!" he raised his wand and cast the unforgivable!

"AGHHH!" he saw the spell hit one of them, and watched them fall to the

ground. It was the boy from Drumstrang who seemed to be carrying

another student.


And a small bundle of birds appeared, blocking the barrage in front of

the fallen kid.

"DON'T STOP! JUST RUN!" he heard someone scream as the boy from

Slytherin stopped and raised his wand.


Lucius had to close his eyes as the whole area was dyed in shimmering

bright light. However, he continued to cast spells in their general


"AGHH MY EYES!" he heard some of his companions scream.

Though suddenly, he felt the mark on his hand burn. Burn like the way it

used to years ago, and Lucius squinted his eyes and watched his master

descend into the huge cauldron.

BANG! The cauldron broke immediately. Clouds of darkness formed and

shimmered as they coalesced into a singular entity. It was as if the magic

itself was reeling back, as suddenly the clouds expanded and shockwave

reverberated across the whole graveyard.


Lucius was thrown back and hit a gravestone as a shadow flew past him,

heading straight for the edge of the graveyard.



Hope bubbled in her heart as she saw the edge of the graveyard. They

could finally get out. She continued to run with Fleur, who was also

carrying Gabrielle, right behind her, followed by Krum, carrying


They moved cautiously, trying to avoid the barrage of spells aimed right

at them.

"WE ARE ALMOST THERE!" she screamed as she glanced back, but her

eyes widened as she saw a cloud of darkness rushing towards them. She

barely had enough time to raise her wand.

"PROTEGO!" she shouted as a shimmering shield appeared in front of her.

But it was not enough, for she was thrown back as the wave of darkness

hit her.

"AGHH!" she grunted in pain as she fell on her back. Her vision blurred as

she writhed on the ground in pain. She could see they were at the

graveyard's edge, even with her blurry vision.

But suddenly, her senses screamed at her to run. To get away. The

shouting stopped, and the graveyard quieted down as she saw someone

land at the edge of the graveyard.

"ACCIO!" and suddenly, she felt herself getting pulled back. And then she

felt herself crash into another person's body, and she looked up to find

the pale face of Edward holding her in his arm. His wand was still aimed

straight ahead.

His face was pale, and he seemed to be bleeding from several places

though he still stood tall. Beside him, Fleur and Krum had also taken out

their wands and were huddled around Gabrielle and Hermione.

"It's him. We need to be very careful," he heard him mutter and a feeling

of dread crept over her as she looked at the figure in the black rob

standing in their way.

The death eaters had now regrouped and were kneeling on the ground,

standing right behind them.

His skin seemed to be white and had a scaly sheen to it like that of a

snake. His nose was replaced by what seemed like slits though what

made her tremble were those eyes. Those gaunt red eyes stared at them

with nothing but insignificance. Like they were playthings.

She saw him glance their way, his eyes looking at them, examining them,

and she shuddered as they passed by her, for they felt invasive. It was as if

he was examining her whole being. Dissecting it.

"It seems the next generation has no respect for me," and even his voice

made her hair stand up. It was hoarse and seemed as if he was hissing his

words. The magic in the air was bubbling with foulness. It was reviling

and making her remain on edge.

"Kneel!" and Elizabeth felt herself fall to her knees. Her body obeyed her

words as if she was a puppet. She looked up and found only Edward

standing, blood dripping from his face though he stood.

She saw Voldemort's smile widen as his eyes narrowed as he focused on


"Ohh! It seems I have a challenger." His voice filled with mirth.

"You have already achieved what you wanted! Let us leave!" Edward

shouted, his wands still at the ready. Voldemort licked his lips as his

smile widened.

"And miss the opportunity to test Hogwarts finest! It would be such a

waste! So why don't I make you an offer," and she saw Edward's eyes

narrow before he nodded.

"I offer you the chance to duel me, Lord Voldemort. And in return, I shall

let your friends leave this place," and her eyes widened. Dueling him.

It was suicide.

"Don't take i…."

"I accept, but you let them leave first," Edward spoke up before Fleur

could finish her words. Elizabeth herself was distraught. She pushed

herself to stand up and pulled Edward's arm.

"Have you gone mad? He will kill you!" she whispered.

"Ohh! That I will! But for a mud-blood like him, it will be an honor to die

at the hands of Lord Voldemort!" Voldemort said from the side, Edward

looked at her, and she could see the look in his eyes.

"Just listen to me and leave, and do as told you, please," he said, glancing

at the shivering form of Gabrielle. Fleur was now hugging his arm.

"Don't do this! He will kill you!" she pleaded desperately while her body


"Ahhh! Young love," her head snapped as Voldemort interrupted the

French girl, and she only saw a blur as she heard a snarl.


And the spell was headed straight for Fleur, who couldn't move because

Gabrielle was right behind her, but Edward had been able to react as he

stood in front of her, slashing his wand, making the earth rise up to

intercept the spell.

BOOM! The earthen wall was blasted away from the force of the spell,

and Elizabeth covered her face to stop the dirt from entering her eyes.

"AGHH!" she heard Edward, though he still stood tall, huffing as he

gasped for breath.

"Ahh! Such a display of love, such sincerity." He said with a smile

opening up his arms as he looked towards his death eaters before

suddenly raising his wand blurred again.

"It infuriates me! Crucio!"

"AGHHHH!" she saw Edward grunt once more, collapsing to his knees as

he tried to stop himself from shouting.

Suddenly he stopped, and Elizabeth watched as Fleur aimed a barrage o

spells at him. He swatted them away like they were nothing before

shaking his hand in a disappointed way.

"It seems you must learn to respect your betters, you filthy creature!" and

she saw him slash his wand as fire gushed out, heading straight for Fleur.

Elizabeth saw her whip her own wand as she summoned water, but the

fire was enormous, and the water was not enough to hold it back.

She picked up her wand, summoned water, "Aquario!" and felt people

behind her shuffle.

"NO!" she heard him snarl, "I shall deal with them myself!" Krum joined

them as well, but all three of them were still being pushed back, and the

way he was smiling, easily.

"On my signal! You all run! No matter what happens, you don't stop!

Apparate away as soon as you are out!"

"But Edwa," Fleur tried to say, but he was not listening for he seemed was

busy muttering a spell, though she saw him give Krum a nod.


"TEMPEST!" she heard him scream, watching lightning descend from the

sky. Crashing onto the ground. They let go of their spells and ducked to

avoid the overpowering flames.


It was a big explosion. She felt herself getting pushed from behind as they

ran. The debris was cleared up, and suddenly she heard a scream!


Elizabeth was getting pushed back as the ground shook from his mere

shout, and she found herself tumbling again.

Though she was out of the graveyard! She looked to the side and found

that everyone was out except Edward, who was still running.

"CRUCIO!" she heard Voldemort scream as his wand aimed at Edward,

and for the first time, she heard her friend scream.

"AHHHHH! AHHHHHH!" he screamed, his body convulsing on the

ground. And she noticed his robes were now in flame.

"I tried to give you an honorable death! Yet it seems you mud bloods

aren't even worthy of that!"

Dread pooled in her heart as she saw him raise his hand. Edward's body

continued to convulse! Elizabeth pushed herself to move to reach him.

She saw Krum vanish with a pop as he apparated away.

"Avada Kedavara!" and her heart stopped as she saw the green bolt

rushing towards her friend, a distant shout from of "NOOOOO!" ringing

in her ears.



Albus slashed his wand, and a wall erupted in front of the three

remaining students! Blocking the killing curse! He saw Elizabeth White's

head whip towards her, and his temper rose as he saw the fear and panic

on her face.

"Professor," he heard her mutter as he stepped forward, just as Tom broke

down the wall bringing it down.

And Dumbledore felt his heart tear as he saw the state of Tom, of what

he had become. He smiled as he saw him, and Dumbledore was saddened

as he saw the score of Death Eaters standing behind Tom.

"Dumbledore! How marvelous of you to join us," Tom said grandiosely,

and Dumbledore scanned the surroundings and found no trace of the

other three students. He turned to his Head girl.

"Where are the rest of you?" he questioned her. She stammered a bit

before finally replying.

"Umm! They have apparated to Hogsmeade! The pla…" and he held up

his hand. This was enough as he handed her the portkey he had prepared


"Take this and go!" he said.

"But, Professor," she tried to say, but he shook off his words, slashing his

wand once more to block Tom's barrage.

"You all will be a hindrance! The Aurors will be arriving any second!

GO!" he added and saw her nod as she and the French girl took hold of

young Edward before activating the portkey.

He felt relieved as he saw them vanish with a pop.

Dumbledore finally let go of his temper. He had held himself back for

their sake. His magic erupted, repelling all the foulness that had gathered

in the air.

The ground beside Tom erupted into columns that danced around him,

trapping him, though Tom simply blasted them off before he took to the


"This will not work, TOM! The Aurors will be here any second!"

Dumbledore spoke and saw the death eaters panic at his words, but Tom

merely sneered as he levitated.


LORD VOLDEMORT!" he screamed as he aimed a barrage straight at him.

"But love did!" Dumbledore replied as he swung his own wand making

the ground beneath him lift and intercept Tom's attack before heading

straight toward Tom.

Dumbledore felt the air crack beside him as he felt teams of Auror land

one after the other. His attack was stopped by Tom, who made the matter

disintegrate with his magic.

He felt Amelia Bones walk up, her face pale as she saw Voldemort

levitating in front of her.

"Gods have mercy! He has returned! How?" and it was a question that

intrigued him as well. But this was for later.

"Well! " Everyone seems quite excited about my return," Tom commented,

and Dumbledore's eyes narrowed as Tom suddenly spun his wand!

His eyes widened as he felt the magic shift as he let go of the spell!

"GET BACK!" he screamed at the Aurors, trying to rush towards Tom, as

he slashed his wand, bringing up a barrier to protect everyone from

Tom's attack!

He watched as darkness spread everywhere and heard screams of men!



And watched as death eaters vanished as well, leaving only Tom, who

looked him in the eye.

"Goodbye, Dumbledore!" before he himself vanished with a pop.

Dumbledore swung his wand muttering the incantation, clearing up the

clouds of darkness.

"Good Lord!" Amelia cursed from his side, and several Aurors emptied

their guts as they saw the scene in front of them, for there were bodies

that had disintegrated as if rodents had eaten them and then heated in a


Two bodies that included one Auror, who was now unrecognizable, and

one, even his very own death eater.

"It was Dawlish! It's Dawlish!" someone screamed, and Dumbledore

closed his eyes as he mourned the first innocent soul lost to another war.


BOOM! This needed two rewrites before I could finally pen this


Hope you like this!

If Edward was alone, he would probably have fared a lot better, but

covering for six people alone and facing Voldemort while being

injured is too much.

As always, you can read ahead and support me on P tre 0n. Your

support helps me a lot and allows me to write. So, if possible, have a

look and consider dropping a dime. I shall be extremely grateful.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

34. Chapter 34

Chapter 34


Elizabeth White felt her world twist before she suddenly felt herself land

on hard ground. She landed on the ground and could hear a number of

gasps before she suddenly heard the voice of their Transfiguration

professor loudly.

"Back up! Back up! Let the healers do their work!" the professor said in a

hardened tone. Elizabeth finally looked around and found herself back in

the familiar halls of Hogwarts.

She was safe. She was alive.

A wave of relief swept through her, and suddenly she felt her body

getting lifted and taken to a medical bed. She also looked to the side and

found Edward and Fleur getting taken to beds.

A healer came to her side, someone other than Poppy.

"Miss White? Can you hear me?" he said, and Elizabeth found herself

nodding, her body still trembling. She was still looking at the healers

swarming Edward's bed and casting a number of spells.

"Yes, yes. I can," she replied, not taking her eye off of Edward before

suddenly she recalled something.

She turned to the healer and spoke up.

"The others! The others are in Hogsmeade near the Hog's head!" she told

the healer, whose eyes widened as he gave her a nod. She saw him turn

and rush toward her transfiguration professor and speak to her in a

hushed tone.

She saw McGonagall take a sigh of relief as immediately began to walk

towards what appeared to be Aurors. The healer returned to her side and

began talking to her once more.

"Thank you for this! Now I need you to tell me did you receive any injury

on any part of your body!"

She shook her head and looked to her side towards the person

responsible for her and everyone else's safe return. They had now put

curtains around his bed, making it so she couldn't see a thing.

"I did not. Is my friend going to be fine!" she asked the young healer, who

gave her a warm smile and nodded.

"He is being cared for by the best of the best. He will be fine," and she

nodded, and suddenly she heard the infirmary doors open as. Suddenly a

couple of Aurors walked in and with Viktor Krum, Hermione Granger,

and Gabrielle Delacour.

"GABRIELLE!" she heard someone scream as the little French girl was

suddenly wrapped up by what appeared to be her mother. The little girl

lept to her mother and began sobbing, and Elizabeth knew that the

experience had been harrowing for the young Veela and her parents.


The curtains around Edward's bed were pulled apart, and she saw a much

older man walk toward her. The man had white hair and wore the same

robes as the rest of the healers, but he seemed to be a department head

by the name embossed above his pocket.

"Healer Shafiq, can your patient answer some questions?" the young

healer who had been examining her nodded. But she spoke up before


"Yes! Yes, I can," she almost shouted, and the young healer Shafiq also


"She can! She has no major injuries. We just need to clean out the scrapes

and cuts, and a good rest after that will be enough," the head nodded and

turned to face her, and he gave her a small sympathetic smile before he


"Miss White! I know you have been through something extremely

traumatic, but can I ask you some questions regarding the event!"

Elizabeth took a deep breath as she nodded.

"Thank you! Now can you tell me which spells were used against you and

Mr. Edward?" Elizabeth looked to the side and found Edward still

unconscious, though his face had been wrapped with white dressing.

She nodded as she recalled their escape from the graveyard as replied to

his question.

"One of the Death Eaters first used the Cruciatus on him!" and she heard

the young healer beside her gasp as she continued.

"Then, as we were trying to get away, they were just throwing random

spells at us! After that, Voldemort appeared!" and at this, she heard the

Head healer gasp. She saw his face pale as she interrupted her.

"Are you saying that he's back? That Voldemort is back!" he questioned

her, and she nodded.

The whole room became quiet at that, and she could see a number of

eyes all focused on her. She swallowed before slowly nodding her head.

Immediately she felt the temperature of the room drop. And then she saw

some Ministry employees trying to rush towards her, but Professor

McGonagall stepped forward once more.

"Let the healers do their work! Everyone except the healers and the

Aurors, please move out of the room!" there were some protests to her,

but she just waved her wand, pushing everyone out of the room.

"Please, continue," said the head healer, and she once again focused on

him. Just even recalling being in his presence of him, made her skin


"We were trying to get out, but he stood in our way! He used the

cruciatus curse on him three times, and some flame spell also hit him!"

she concluded hurriedly, not wanting to dwell on the memories too


"Gods, be good! Being under the Dark Lord's torture curse three times!"

the head healer cursed, and her heart dropped as she saw his pale face.

She spoke up once again.

"He will be fine, right?" she questioned the older man, looking at both the

healers, who were now pale as a sheet of paper. The younger one was

simply looking toward the older Head healer, who nodded toward her!

"Thank you for this! As for your friend, we are going to take good care of

him! He will be fine!" The man rushed back towards Edward's bed. She

tried to speak up once more, but the younger healer stopped her.

"You need to rest, Miss White! Please take this Dreamless sleep; you will

be fine after you wake up!"



The last couple of hours had been hell for Apolline Delacour. The

prospect of losing any of her daughters had shocked her to the core,

devastating her and leaving her distraught. She had not been the only

one affected, for she had never seen Sebastien worried like this once.

But in the end, everything worked out. She wiped away her tears as she

hugged her little Gabrielle, who had been lucky to remain unconscious

throughout the ordeal. Though the same could not be said of her eldest

daughter, who was still pale as a sheet.

Sebastien stood by her side, holding her side, as a Ministry official from

France talked to her. She could tell that this was going to become a huge

international issue. The return of someone like Voldemort was something

that would raise questions all over the world.

Suddenly she saw the Healers shift as they suddenly began moving the

bed to her side. She saw Fleur turn towards them as her face grew paler,

and she asked loudly.

"Where are they going? Where are they taking him?" she asked Sebastien,

who hesitated for a second before he walked up to a healer and talked to

him before returning to Fleur's side.

"They are taking him to St. Mungos for further treatment. He needs

further treatment, which is impossible here," and she watched her

daughter's face turn paler as she suddenly sprang to her feet.

"I need to go with them! Tell them to take me with them!" she said as

Sebastien stopped her from falling down.

"Fleur, you are in no shape to go anywhere. You need to rest. The healers

will take care of it," Sebastien tried to calm her down, but Fleur seemed


"NO! NO! I need to be there. Tell them to take me with them!" she

pleaded, and Apolline's heart broke as she saw tears well up in her

daughter's eyes.

"Fleur! They only allow family to accompany a pat…."

"He has no one. I have to go with him!" suddenly, she saw Sebastien

frown as he suddenly cut Fleur off.

"You are not going anywhere! The healers will take care of it! We will be

returning to France by tomorrow!"

"NO!" and Apolline watched as Fleur defied Sebastien. Separating from

him as she glared at the man.

"That is enough, Fle…."

"All of us would have been dead if not for him! All of us! If not for him! I

will not leave him like this," Fleur said to her father as she wiped away

the tears in her eyes, standing tall even as her body shook.

Sebastien seemed to be taken back by her words, but he was about to

retort when Apolline decided to cut in as she suddenly spoke up.

"Sebastien, please. Let her go," she pleaded quietly, and Fleur's eyes

brightened at her words. Sebastien took a moment or so before slowly

nodding and turning to face Fleur.

"All right, but you need to rest first. Take the dreamless sleep and sleep

for a couple of hours, and then you can go to St. Mungos and visit him,"

he finished reluctantly and then motioned for the French Ministry worker

to leave. Fleur nodded at that and immediately drank the potion from the


She then walked up to her and hugged her, and Apolline relished as she

felt Fleur's arms wrap around her reassuringly. Relief rippled through

her. She was here. Fleur was back.

"Thank you for this," Fleur muttered, and Apolline kissed her head, tears

of relief falling down from her eyes once again.

"I am just so thankful that you and Gabrielle are unharmed!" she said as

her daughters wrapped around her, breathing life back into her.



"This is a disaster! I thought he died all those years ago at the Potters!

How the hell does someone return from the dead." Amelia Bones

screamed as she paced back and forth in her office.

Both of them were waiting for the Minister to reach the Ministry so that

further steps could be taken regarding Voldemort's return. Dumbledore's

mind was racing as he thought of an explanation to the question of the

Head of DMLE.

"I do have some hypothesis, but I can not be sure," he said as he thought

of the huge cauldron found in the graveyard and the potion that had

been prepared.

Amelia turned towards him.

"Well, then, do enlighten me," she said as she finally sat. Albus leaned

back in the chair as he compiled his thoughts.

"I believe that Voldemort did not truly die when he tried to kill young

Harry. I believe he was able to survive as a wraith and has now used a

very obscure and strong restorative potion to return to his full life."

"A restorative potion! Aren't those common in Africa," and he nodded.

For the truly were common there. He couldn't tell her about the

Horcruxes, for the fewer people knew about such magics, the better. They

were something no wizard should ever even imagine making.

"Gods be damned! Why couldn't he just die that night!" she said with a

sigh as she leaned back into her seat before suddenly speaking up in a

somber tone.

"You do know how Fudge will react to this, right?" she questioned him,

and he nodded slowly. Cornelius Fudge was many things, but a brave

man he was not. His association with one Lucius Malfoy also

compromised the man, giving Dumbledore quiet a clear idea about how

he would react to this news.

But that had not been the question.

"Do you wish for me to support you to become Minister?" he asked

straightforwardly, and Amelia shrugged.

"It wouldn't really matter. Fudge will not be able to lead us through this

war! He is worse than Bagnold and even more corrupt. He will be made

to quit sooner or later," and everyone knew who would replace him.

There were only two contenders, truly.

Amelia Bones and Rufus Scrimegour. And Scrimegour lacked much of

Amelia's appeal and support, though was a reasonable wizard in his

humble opinion.

"If it truly comes to it. You will have my support!" he said after a moment

of thought. Amelia gave him a nod.

"Thank you," and then suddenly, a Patronus appeared in the room.

Dumbledore felt his mood lighten as the shining eagle did rounds around

him before landing on his shoulder, conveying the message of its caster,


"What is a patronus doing here?" Amelia questioned cautiously as it

dissolved into sparks after finishing its purpose.

"It was here to deliver a message from my charms, professor! He has just

informed me that the healers have taken young Mr. Edwards to St.

Mungos for further treatment for the aftereffects of the Cruciatus curse,"

and he was furious and distraught by the news.

Cruciatus curse, an unforgivable on a seventeen-year-old. Voldemort had

driven several people mad with that curse. Amelia seemed to share his

views as her face paled as she heard his words.

"GODS! Cruciatus by Voldemort on a seventeen-year-old! Will he be

fine?" she questioned him and he nodded.

"They are optimistic, but nothing can be said with surety," and there was

a knock at her door as a young Auror entered the room.

"Madam BONES! MADAM BONES! the Minister has been killed!"



As always, you can read ahead and support me on P tre 0n. Your

support helps me a lot and allows me to write. So, if possible, have a

look and consider dropping a dime. I shall be extremely grateful.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

35. Chapter 35

Chapter 35


The last twenty-four hours had been hell for Minerva McGonagall, and if

Albus was telling her now was true, things were about to get way worse.

"How can they get the Minister like this? Just how?" she questioned him

once more, exasperated and troubled by the news of the death of the

leader of their government. The truth was she was still reeling from the

shock, her consciousness refusing to accept the return of he who shall not

be named.

Albus sighed, looking haggard and tired, with no trace of his usual cheer

and calm behavior as he shook his head.

"I don't know myself. The Aurors just found him dead in his home. I

suspect that Voldemort had been planning for this for quite some time.

It's just that we had all become complacent and careless," the man said,

and McGonagall could sense how this all was taking its toll on the man.

Everyone would now look to him once more for guidance and hope, an

honor it may be, but it was a daunting, extremely large burden to carry,

especially for someone his age.

"Tell me about the injured students. Is everything fine?" he suddenly

asked her about the six unfortunate children that had been caught in

Voldemort's schemes. When the dark mark had gone up on the lake, her

heart had nearly given up, and she had prepared herself never to see

those bright faces again.

Thank god, she had been wrong. Relief had flooded her when she had

seen them all in the hospital, injured, scared, and distraught. But alive

nonetheless. And it was all that mattered.

"Everyone except Edward has been cleared up. They are still a bit tired

and nervous from the experience, but the healers are saying that they can

return to normal activities by tomorrow," she replied to Albus, and she

saw him nod at her words.

"Good! That is good, but what about Edward? Filius told me that they

took him to St. Mungos, has there been any news from there?" he

questioned her, and she sighed heavily as she nodded.

Edward Wright was one of Minerva's favorite students, and from what

the rest of the captive students had told the Aurors, he had faced

Voldemort, shielding them from the Dark Lord, a feat that not many

adult wizards, let alone children, could boast.

"Poppy inquired about him, and the reports are mixed. The damage to his

nerves because of the cruciatus was not extensive and would heal up in a

couple of days." And she could see Albus relax a bit at that. The Cruciatus

curse was classified as Unforgivable because of its long-lasting effects.

The curse was so dangerous that it could drive people mad.

"But his face has received severe burns. They believe them to be caused

by an unknown cursed fire of sorts. According to healer Jack, his face

will be scarred from them, maybe for life," Albus stiffened at that. And it

was only because she had known him for such a long time that she

noticed his fists clench momentarily in anger before he leaned back and

closed his eyes.

"How extensive are the burns?" he questioned, and she shook her head.

"I am not sure," she replied, and he sighed, and silence reigned in the

Headmaster's chambers.

"What will happen to the Tournament, Albus?" she questioned the man.

"It's not sure! My proposal would be to continue it, to send a strong

message, but I believe this will have to be discussed with the ministries

and the rest of the Headmasters." Albus replied, making her remember

another troublesome piece of news.

"Regarding that. I believe that Igor Karkaroff has gone missing and is

nowhere to be seen," she informed him, appalled by the selfishness and

carelessness of the man. Though Albus just sighed.

"That is unfortunate but expected. The man did betray several of his

former colleagues when the last war ended. So, who is in charge of the

Drumstrang students now?"

"It is one of their professors. Though, I have contacted their Governors

and deputy headmaster regarding this. Hopefully, we will receive a

response from them any time tomorrow," and Albus nodded as he saw

him glance at the Great clock on his desk before standing up again.

"Then this will be all. I need to return to the Ministry and see to the

matters over there. If there is any emergency in the Scholl, you can

contact me, but otherwise, I believe you shall have to see to running

Hogwarts for some time," she nodded, and Albus smiled as he added.

"Well, we can consider it a trial run for when you eventually become the

Headmistress," and Minerva smiled at his joke.



Lucius Malfoy kneeled in front of his lord as he gave the lord a report

about the task that had been assigned to him.

"My lord, the Minister is dead," he spoke up, and he could feel several

eyes focus on him as murmurs broke out in the Great Dining hall of the

Malfoy manor. The Manor was already under Fidelius and unplottable

and had been deemed by his lord as the base of operations.

The Dark Lord sat on the chair, a chair that had been designated for the

head of the household, his seat.

"Good! And who have we nominated for the next minister?" the dark Lord

questioned, and Lucius swallowed before finally responding.

"Cornelius's undersecretary is sympathetic to our cause and will oppose

the holding of an election, and we have placed several Ministry

employees under our influence. Though, we are facing some resistance in

our efforts," he finished nervously. The Dark Lord was not one to forgive



And Lucius's breath hitched as he felt like his body was on fire. Pain.

Sheer burning pain.

"AGHHHH! AHHHH!" he screamed as he writhed on the ground,

screaming, shouting, begging.

"Pl… Plea..se! Me…r…me…cy!" he tried to beg.

And then he felt the spell ends as his lord moved away his wand. Lucius

was sweating profusely. His clothes were dirty though he did not care. He

could not care, for he slowly, pain stacking, bowed once more.

"Tha..nk you for sho…wing me.. rcy my lord," Lucius said, and the Dark

Lord stood up, and Lucius felt his cold wand touch his face, beckoning

him to look up. Lucius looked up and shuddered internally as he once

more saw the appearance of the Dark Lord.

Those red orbs stared at him, evaluating his worth, cutting through his

very being.

"Tell me, Lucius. Who is it?" Lucius swallowed again, steadying his

trembling voice before he began again.

"It is Amelia Bones. She has garnered significant support and is a strong

candidate for Minister of Magic. Rumors are that she even has

Dumbledore's support," Lucius reported faithfully.

And he saw the Dark Lord nod before he raised his head, closing his eyes

as he seemed to think.

"Bones. I remember now, though, no matter. It is but a small setback.

And then Lucius felt his Lord's eyes land on him once more.

"Give me your arm, Lucius," and dread pooled in his gut. But nonetheless,

Lucius raised his arm, obeying the command.

The Dark Lord looked at the mark. The dark mark was now back to full

color. And Lucius was sure he could feel it writhing on his very skin.

"It seems many have refused my call or seem to have forgotten their

loyalties. Haven't I been quite merciful in forgiving all your treachery?"

the Dark Lord questioned all those present. He could feel his colleagues

shift in their position as they all replied.

"Indeed, my lord, you have been merciful," came the collective reply.

"Hmm, then I believe it is time I set an example for all those who seemed

to have forgotten their vows," and Lucius's heart raced as his Lord placed

his wand on his dark mark.

"It is time they learn that I am inevitable," and Lucius's senses screamed

at him to run away, yet he did not move as a wave of magic rippled

through the air. And Lucius could feel his arm burning up; the Dark mark

writhed and glowed though he did not move.

"AGHH!" he muffled his scream.

Lucius's face would turn ashen white the next day. The Daily Prophet would

reveal the news of the death of one Igor Karkaroff.

The man had died writhing on the ground, his own body decaying from

withing because of unknown magic. However, Lucius knew exactly what kind

of magic it had been.




by Harvey Spectre

As Great Britain reels from the presumptive return of the infamous He-who-

shall-not-be-named. Our Ministry shows levels of incompetence that allowed

this to happen in the first place.

It has been two days since the Death of the late Minister Fudge and the

subsequent return of the Dark Lord. Yet, our ministry seems rather busy with

infighting and power games rather than providing assurance and hope to the

anxious people of the British Isles.

The Undersecretary of the late minister refuses to give up power and has

refused to comment on the Dark Lord's return, calling it all a 'hoax and ploy

of Albus Dumbledore to gain control of the ministry'.

She has also tried to remove Lady Amelia Bones as the head of the DMLE, a

move which has been stopped by Albus Dumbledore, who exercises his powers

as the Head of Wizengamont.

Unrest, incompetence, and confusion. These words sum up the situation of the

ministry. Many questions that perhaps it is time for the esteemed Headmaster

of the Dumbledore to step up and lead the nation, while others question the

extraordinary power and influence wielded by the man.

And Fleur had had enough as she placed the paper down. The sheer

incompetence of the British Ministry had been mind-boggling. She had

always known about their corruption and incompetence, for Edward

would often comment on it, but she had never thought that things would

be this bad.

She looked to the side at him as he lay unconscious on the bed, his

moving chest the only sign of life as bandages covered half of his face.

And she berated herself once more for causing this and for not being

strong enough. For not being careful enough.

The fire used by Voldemort had not been the regular fire but something

rather obscure. They had tried to make the scars disappear, yet to no

avail. In the end, all they could do was just let it be.

She got off her chair and sat on the side of the bed, her hands brushing

over the bandages.

"Please wake up. Please," she pleaded as she gripped his hand, squeezing

it, trying to make him aware of her presence. Her vision blurred as tears

welled up in her eyes. She brought his hand up to her lips and gave it a

small kiss, hoping that her warmth would reach him. Hoping that he

would finally wake up.

Yet there was no reaction. Suddenly she felt a knock at the door. She

looked at the clock and saw that it was time for visitors, so she wiped her

eyes and walked to the door.

She opened the door and found two very familiar faces standing outside.

Hermione Granger, the young girl whom Edward regarded as a younger

sister, stood there with Edward's headmaster.

The Headmaster gave her a smile.

"It is good to see you, Miss Delacour. May we come in? I wanted to check

on Edward," she nodded and moved out of the way.

"I am better, Headmaster Dumbledore. Please, come in," and the man

entered the room, followed by the young bushy brown-haired girl.

"Thank you. I believe you are already acquainted with Miss Granger?" he

questioned her as he placed, and she nodded.

"Indeed. We have met a couple of times," she said as she gave the young

girl a smile.

"Yes, she taught me how to dance for the Ball," the little girl added as she

placed the fruit basket she had been carrying on the table before sitting

on the bed beside Edward.

"Ahh! The Ball was a magnificent event," the Headmaster said a little

forlornly before he turned to face her.

"Has there been any change?" and she shook her head. And the man

sighed, and before he could speak up, the room lit up. Fleur instinctively

reached for her wand but was stopped as Edward's Headmaster raised his


And suddenly, something lept out of the flames, encircling the room, and

Fleur's eyes widened as she recognized the legendary bird.

"It's a phoenix!" she spluttered as the bird suddenly flew towards her.

"Relax, my dear. This is Fawkes, my companion," the Headmaster assured

her as the bird suddenly landed on her shoulder. And despite its size, it

was light as a feather.

It was looking at her, examining her. And before she could react, it

opened its beak and let out a melodious cry.

Peace and tranquility transcended upon her. And it was like all her

worries had been washed away. She could feel her spirit healing, her

muscles relaxing as it continued to squeak out melodiously.

"It seems that he likes you, not a coincidence, for he was quite fond of

Edward," the Headmaster added from the side.

Fleur felt herself looking over the mythical bird, her body still trying to

process it all, when suddenly the little girl shouted.



As always, you can read ahead and support me on Pa tre 0n. Your

support helps me out a lot so, if possible, have a look and consider

dropping a dime. I shall be extremely thankful.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

36. Chapter 36

Chapter 36


Edward Wright had been wrong. He had also made mistakes previously,

but this time his mistakes had nearly cost him his life. And as he turned

his face to the side to glance at the blonde asleep at his side, he berated

himself once more. Nearly her life as well!

He moved his hand to brush aside the locks covering her face as Fleur

slept with her arms wrapped around him, the exhaustion clear on her


She shifted on the small hospital bed, and her arms tightened around

him, not waking up despite getting disturbed. Edward tried to smile yet

winced as sharp pain radiated over his face, making him hiss lightly.

Suddenly there was a calming caw reverberating across the room, making

his pain go away, and he looked up at the fiery bird chirping light over

his head. He smiled at Fawkes. The bird had been there for some time,

his melodious cry there to reassure him in such difficult, trying times.

"Thank you," he whispered to the bird, and then with what seemed like a

nod, Fawkes burst into flames again, leaving him alone with Fleur in the

room once more.

He felt Fleur shift slightly to his side and watched as her eyes fluttered

lightly before they widened as he smiled at her.

"Hello," he teased her as he poked her nose with his hand and smiled. Her

face turned red, and she tried to separate herself from him. But he

stopped her as he held her close once more.

"Edward! Let me go!" she said exasperatedly as she tried to get away.

"Why?" he teased her back, and she frowned as she looked towards the


"Anyone could walk in! Let me go!" she replied, panicking a bit, and he

finally let go of her as she stepped off the bed, straightening up her

clothes as she stared at the clock on the wall, her eyes widening as she

saw that the whole night had passed.

"Gods! The whole night! You could have woken me up. You need rest

more than me," she complained, finally sitting down on the bed and

looking at all the space she had hogged guiltily. He just shrugged.

"Something told me that you hadn't rested well for some time, so I let you

be," and he noticed how her fists clenched as her face lost its color and

she looked to the side.

"It's nothing. You don't need to worry about it," she replied hurriedly, and

he knew she was trying to hide something. He reached for her hand and

held it, making her look toward him.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me?" he told her, and she just shook his


"It's nothing," she rebuffed with a smile, squeezing his hand again.

"Hmm, then I guess you would simply consider breaking up with me.

After all, which veela would want to go out with a disfigure…."

"NO!" she cut him off immediately, her face inches away from his own as

she stared him right in the eyes, her blue eyes shining with resolve.

"Don't even joke about this, Edward. Don't!" she said seriously as her

hands nestled his face, caressing his bandages lightly, and he saw her

chew her lip and her eyes moisten a bit.

"That night, if it weren't for you, all of us would be dead! You freed us,

planned the escape, and when I froze," he tried to say something, yet she

silenced him with her finger continuing.

"You shielded me! You protected me despite being injured yourself!

When you asked me out, you promised that you would be willing to

protect me for life."

And Edward still remembered that day in the kitchens, and his eyes

widened as he saw Fleur lightly kiss his forehead before she locked head

with him as she added.

"So let me make my own promise to you here. Edward Wright! No matter

what happens in the future. I shall never leave you. No matter what!"

And his eyes widened as he noticed the distance between them close as

her lips crashed onto his with passion, the sudden movement making him

wince in pain a bit, but the pain was a minor concern in that heated


They separated minutes later, eyes and souls locked, and his eyes

widened as he heard her mutter in a small whisper.

"You are mine. And I am yours. From this day to the end of my days!"



The last couple of days had been hellish for Harry Potter. For once, Harry

had hoped that he would have a normal year at Hogwarts, yet it seemed

like his hopes had been dashed once more. The atmosphere in the Great

Hall was tense, and he could see them all staring at him, murmuring as

they talked about Voldemort's return.

Though now it wasn't him alone they stared at. They also stared at his

friend, Hermione, and often pestered her about details of that night.

Hermione had told him how she had only woken up by the end of it all, a

little before she had been apparated alongside Krum to Hog's Head.

The classes had been canceled for the last two days due to administrative

reasons, and Harry had noticed how Dumbledore had been absent from

the Dinners, yet today an assembly had been called and all of them

gathered in the Hall for the announcement.

"What do you reckon it's all about? There are rumors that they might

have to close the school?" Harry noticed how Hermione's head whipped

towards Ron at that.

"Who's saying that?" she questioned sharply, and Ron just shrugged.

"The twins are taking bets on this. They say that many parents are trying

to pull their kids from school," and that was true as Harry scanned the

tables and found many faces missing from across the three tables.

"Why, though? The only person he-who-shall-not-be-named was afraid of is

Professor Dumbledore. With him here, why would they pull the kids out

of the school? What about their studies?" she questioned exasperatedly.

And Ron just shook his head.

"I don't know, but it's what I have heard," Ron finished as he began to

butter the toast. Hermione just huffed and began to look at her own


"How can they close the school? We have our OWLs next year?" she

spoke up, and Harry smiled, seeing her like this, forgetting about the

dangers that lay outside these halls as he began to pile up the omellete on

his own plate. Not noticing how she seemed to be glaring at him, he

frowned when he finally looked up.

"What?" he questioned, seeing her glare.

"Don't tell me you also don't care about our studies!" she reprimanded

him, and just as he was about to reply, Professor Dumbledore stood up,

and he felt the Hall quieten down at that as the man walked up to the


"First of all, I would like to inform all of you that your classes are t

resume as per the regular schedule from today. Despite the flagrant

rumors, the school is not closing down," he finished with a smile, and

there was a groan from some of the students, the biggest one from the

Weasley twins. And Harry watched Hermione's face light up at this.

However, the professor wasn't done yet as he continued.

"However, the same can not be said about the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

The tournament has been canceled," and the Hall became quiet at that

once more as Dumbledore's gaze swept across the Hall.

"As all of you may have heard, during the second task, a security breach

led to the kidnapping of all six participants. While all six escaped, this

could have ended in a great tragedy."

Everyone in the Hall listened attentively to his words, though each for

their own reasons.

"The man behind this had plagued our society a decade ago as he tried to

divide the Wizarding World. Voldemort left devastation in his wake as he

ripped us apart, making wizards turn on their brethren based on a lie.

Make no mistake. He shall try it once more to divide us, to make us turn

on each other."

And murmurs broke out in the Hall as Dumbledore confirmed the news of

Voldemort's news himself, and Harry noticed how, for the first time, he

had seen the man talk about political ideologies. The Professor suddenly

raised his hand, motioning for silence, and the whispers died down.

"If he were to look at you all, he would have you see purebloods, half-

bloods, muggle-born. He would call one better than the other. Let me tell

you, he is wrong!" the Professor's voice reverberated across, surprising

even Harry, for he had never seen Professor Dumbledore speak up like


"I see young witched and wizards, each with limitless potential. Each

with dreams and aspirations of their own. So, let me assure you that you

are the future despite the dark and trying times that lay ahead, despite

the mistakes and choices of the past generations. And it is up to you to

define what you make of it!"

And the whole Hall quieted down at that, and Harry gulped as he felt

magic brush over his senses. Then he saw the professor smile as he


"Let me reaffirm. Help shall always be given at Hogwarts to those who

ask for it!"



"I must say it is a shame that they have decided to end the Tournament,"

began Amelia Bones, and Dumbledore would agree with her. Despite his

insistence, the other two schools had refused to budge, and in the end, it

had been decided that the tournament shall be ended.

"Indeed, but I can understand their point as well," he replied as they sat

in his office. His meetings with Amelia had become a rather regular

occurrence due to the sheer turmoil faced by their society. The Ministry

was still in disarray, with Fudge's undersecretary trying to take control.

Albus had noticed how they had just gained a rather unique ally in the

form of Pius Thicknesse, whom Dumbledore suspected to be under

someone else's control.

"So, when can we finally call the elections?" she asked him, and

Dumbledore glanced at the calendar on his desk as he thought up any

reasonable date.

"I would say in a bit over ten days. I have looked through the relevant

laws, and about a month after a minister's death, Chief Warlock can call

for an election," and since he was Chief Warlock, that power rested with

him. So, all this mess would only last for a month or so.

Amelia nodded at that. "That's good. And they plan to nominate

Thicknesse," and he nodded once more.

"Indeed though, I suspect that he may be under someone else's control,"

Amelia got the hint, for it was pretty obvious to see with the change in

man's behavior.

"Imperius Curse! I had suspected the same," she said before she glanced

at the clock herself and began to stand up.

"All right, I will be leaving. Hopefully, next time we meet, I shall be

getting sworn in as the Minister," and with a nod, moved towards the

floo, which erupted into greenish flames, leaving him alone in his office."

Albus leaned back onto his chair, took out the broken diadem from the

drawer, and began to examine the piece, such a historied object

destroyed on the whims of a madman. He also placed the Slytherin

Locket to its side and lamented its fate.

Dumbledore picked up the letter he had received a day earlier from his

secret helper and began to examine it. This was the third letter, and the

person was willing to meet. A meeting that was now only seconds away.

And then, as soon as the clock struck nine, there was a knock on his door,

and Dumbledore perked up as he spoke up.

"Come in," he spoke as the door to his office opened, revealing to him the

form of his secret helper. He wasn't surprised by the identity, for he had

worked it out after the second letter, and his conjecture had been right as

one of his most prized students walked into the room.

The boy still had bandages on the side of his face and seemed a bit

nervous. He saw the boy's eyes widen slightly as they landed on the two

destroyed Horcruxes on his table. Horcruxes that he had helped Albus

find. Albus decided to break the silence.

"Come in and have a seat, Mr. Wright. I believe it is time that we finally

have a talk," and Albus noticed the boy stiffen slightly before walking

and taking the seat opposite him.

"You don't seem nearly as surprised as I would have thought, professor,"

began the boy lightly, making him chuckle.

"Indeed, though, I must commend your efforts in trying to hide your

secret. Fawkes is a poor secret keeper," and the phoenix burst into the

room and landed on his shoulder, pecking his head as if to protest being

ousted by him.

The boy chuckled as he tried to get Fawkes to leave him alone.

"Well, it seems that phoenixes aren't as loyal as they are made out to be,"

the boy commented and saw Fawkes turn to face the boy as if affronted

by his words. Dumbledore chose to bring out the treats he had procured

for exactly such times and gave them to Fawkes.

"Ohh, they are loyal, not just the best at keeping secrets!" Fawkes was

soon distracted by the bribe he had given him and vanished with it, as it

flew out through the window, leaving him alone with young Edward.

"Now that we have each laid down our cards, I must ask. How did you

become aware of all these secrets, Mr. Edward?" and he saw the boy

stiffen once more at his question.

Dumbledore did not want to appear hostile to him and hence chose to

sound as calm as possible. And so, after a minute or so of silence, he saw

Edward look up and stare him straight in the eye.

"What do you know of dreams, professor?"

And Dumbledore leaned back in his seat as he tried to make sense of that


Dreams! Such a mysterious and fascinating topic! And Dumbledore's

mind reeled back to decades earlier, to a time when he had been nearly

as old as the boy sitting in front of him. And how he had been asked a

similar question.

'What do you know of dreams, Albus?'a young Gellert asked him.

Was it truly a coincidence?


Is it? You tell me?

The reason for Ed's actions will be revealed soon.

As always, you can read ahead and support me on PA tre 0n. Your

support helps me out a lot and allows me to write. So, if possible,

have a look and consider dropping a dime. I shall be extremely


(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

37. Chapter 37

Chapter 37


Albus Dumbledore had learned early on that magic was complicated. The

whole idea of magic defied logic and reason. Many before him had

pondered the questions of why and how as well, though they ultimately

gave up when their search became futile.

Dumbledore was once more pondering that question as he listened to the

seventh-year student in front of him with rapt attention. He was sure that

if anyone else besides him were sitting in his place, they would have

called either Saint Mungos or the Department of Mysteries.

So, it was a good thing it wasn't anyone else.

Dreams, he thought as the boy finished his summary and looked up.

Dumbledore had refrained from interrupting the boy, who was fidgeting

slightly because of the nervousness. Understandable given the absurdity

of what he had just heard.

Had Gellert been nervous too?

He pushed that question out of his mind as he focused on the young man

sitting in front of him again. Dumbledore adjusted his glasses as he

leaned forward a bit.

"So, you saw the future in these dreams?" he questioned, and the boy


"Yes, professor, the future and the past, though it was in fragments," the

boy replied hesitantly. Dumbledore nodded, now understanding how the

boy had gotten the information about his sister.

"I must say that it is quite fascinating. Truly fascinating. As far as I know,

this is the first time I have ever heard of a case like this. Though, I have a

question of my own," he began slowly as he looked Edward in the eye


"Why now? Why did you decide to intervene now? You stayed quiet

about it for all this time, yet you decided to intervene. Why?" he

questioned the boy. Hoping that the boy's answer would give him a

further clue.

Edward chewed his lips and leaned back in his chair, and closed his only

eye as silence reigned in between them.

"Initially, it was all just a mush. All of it only began making sense when I

stepped into these Halls, and it was a huge surprise. A part of me had

wanted to come to you and just tell it all to you. Another part of me

wanted to never speak of it to anyone and just skid past everything,"

began the kid, and the sentiment was understandable.

A bit selfish, perhaps, but understandable. Then the kid opened his sole

unbandaged eye and looked him straight in the eyes as he continued.

"There was another reason, however," and Dumbledore had a suspicion of

what that reason was, and the boy's next words confirmed his suspicion.

"I just couldn't trust you. So, I remained quiet," finished the boy, and

Dumbledore nodded as he spoke up.

"Because of what you had seen?"

The boy nodded, though his main question remained unanswered.

"Then why now? Why send me that message? Why intervene now?" he

asked once more. Edward hesitated for a second before he finally spoke

up in a quiet voice.

"Because they are kids. And they would slaughter each other because of

one madman because this whole war was pointless. Pointless, and it

would have broken them all," Edward finished with a shaking voice, and

Dumbledore let the kid think it through.

"So, I decided to intervene. I decided to change things, small things, small

and important, that would spare them,"

"Yet it changed everything!" he cut in, and his Headboy nodded. Albus

knew he himself would need much time to process everything he had just

heard today. There were so many questions.

Had the boy's mere presence made the changes, or rather his active

participation only? Had the minuscule changes by the boy's presence

rippled into something bigger?

Yet these questions could all be pondered at a later time.

"You said that in your dreams, Voldemort had revived himself during the

last task, yet he chose the second task this time. Is there any specific

reason you can think of?" he decided to ask the more pertinent question.

The boy sighed as he finally began.

"In my dreams, the Tri-Wizard Tournament had four participants," the

boy began, and Dumbledore raised a brow as he gave the kid a smile, and

the Headboy nodded with a faint smile as well.

"Yes, it was quite contradictory. But the fourth participant was Harry

himself. Coruch Jr. would modify the Cup and place it in the maze's

center. Harry and Cedric would touch it simultaneously, and both would

be transported to the Graveyard where Voldemort would use Harry's

blood to revive himself with a ritual," and Dumbledore frowned a bit as

he heard that.

"But Harry isn't seventeen yet. Or was there no age limit in your dreams?

And I believe by Cedric you mean Cedric Diggory, your classmate from

Hufflepuff," he questioned, and the boy nodded.

"There was an age limit. But Crouch Jr. was able to place Harry's name in

somehow. And Cedric was the Hogwarts champion," and the boy gulped

at that before he continued.

"Voldemort killed Cedric when he landed in that graveyard, and the only

reason Harry was even able to make it out of there was because of the

connection of their wands," and Dumbledore was surprised by Edward

knowing that piece of information. However, there was another thing far

more important.

"He killed Mr. Diggory," he confirmed and Edward nodded.

"Yes," and he saw Edward reach into his pocket and place a piece of

paper on his desk. Dumbledore picked it up and opened it to find the

details of a ritual.

"This is the ritual he used. I wasn't able to find anything about it, but you

might be able to find something," and he nodded as he folded it back and

placed it in one of his drawers.

"Thank you for this. I will look into it," he began, and this was new

information that could prove beneficial in taking down Voldemort.

However, it was time to get to the main topic of the discussion.

"Now, I believe we must tackle the biggest issue," he began again, and the

boy nodded.

"Horcruxes," replied Edward, and Dumbledore nodded. Edward sighed as

he leaned forward a bit, and somehow Dumbledore felt a bit of dread

about what he was about to hear.

Hours later, as he sat in his office alone once more, he was proven right as he

looked at the picture of a young couple holding a child in their arms with

moist eyes. He lamented the fate of the young green-eyed child as he thought

about the words he had heard earlier.

Harry Potter was a Horcrux.



The Tri-Wizard tournament had come to an unremarkable stop. They had

decided to cancel it, and now they were set to return to their schools

soon. Many had already left, with their parents coming and taking them

out of Britain, though officially, Beauxbatons was set to leave later that


Her father had also wanted to bring her back, yet she had persisted and

managed to make him allow her to stay the extra half a day. Though

neither the worry over the impending war nor the journey late at night

were on her mind as she sat beside Edward on a hospital bed in St.


"All right, I will take off the bandages now, Mr. Edward. It might be a

little painful, and if you want me to stop at any moment, you can say so,"

spoke the young Healer, and Edward nodded, and she did not miss the

slight clenching of fists as the young healer began to take off the

bandages slowly. She squeezed his hand in hers to reassure him of her


He gave her a weak smile, and if she hadn't known him for as long as she

did, she would have believed it to be genuine. Though, she had begun

identifying his fake smiles and bravado now. He was nervous just like a

week earlier when she had woken up by his side.

"Just a little bit more," said the young healer once more as Edward

grimaced. The healer finally had the complete bandage off, yet she still

hadn't seen his face. She felt him squeeze her hand as the healer gave

Edward a mirror.

"The burn was massive though I must say it has healed up nicely. The

scar will contract and lessen over time though I am afraid it will be

permanent," informed the young healer, and Edward had yet to look in

the mirror.

"There are certain glamor charms and prosthetics that we can use.

However, we will have to wait a couple of weeks before discussing those.

I will be just outside. You can call me when you are ready," said the

healer sympathetically before he left the room, leaving her alone with

Edward in the room.

She saw him hesitate a bit as he held that mirror. She brought up her

hand as she cupped his face gently, trying to avoid the scars, and slowly

turned it towards herself.

The scars were still flushed red as the skin had been burnt off. They

covered one side of his face, from the side of the nose to the edge of his

jaw. Her eyes teared up as she passed her hand over them, as she

internally berated herself once more for her actions that night.

Edward raised his hand as he wiped away her tears before speaking


"I thought chicks dug scars," he joked, and she stifled a laugh as she saw

through his attempt to lighten the mood. She swatted his arm lightly.

"Ouch, so I don't look as hideous as Harvey Dent, I suppose?" and she

frowned as she failed to get the reference.

"Harvey, who?" she questioned, and he waved away her question.

"Nothing!" he said as he finally brought up the mirror to glance at his

face, and she noticed him grimace as he saw his scarred face.

"Well, at least I have one good side remaining," he joked again, and she

pushed down the mirror as she leaned forward and touched their


"I am sorry for this. If only that night I had…." But he stopped her as he

brought his finger to her lips.

"If it kept you safe and healthy, I would have Voldemort burn the other

half as well," he said sincerely, and she did not have any words to relay

what she felt, so she did what felt most natural and crashed her lips onto

his. Their bodies melted into one another as they both forgot where they

were, only to be broken out of their trance by the sound of the door


Her head snapped towards the half-open door with the flushed face of the

young healer staring at them.

"Ohh, I am sorry!" and with that, he backed away and closed the door

behind him, leaving them alone once more. She smiled as she looked at

Edward once more and wrapped her arms around his face before they

were joined at their lips once more.



In the confines of the prison of Nurmengard, Gellert Grindelwald frowned

as he glanced at the newspaper from Britain.

"It seems Voldemort is back, huh? Interesting," he muttered as he

skimmed through the paper again and sighed as he read further. Finally,

he put down the paper and stared at the ceiling with a forlorn look.

"Could this be the war I saw?" he whispered as he levitated the paper to

the stack at the side. And just as he was about to get up, he frowned as

his senses felt an incoming magical signature. A familiar magical


He heard the door to his prison getting unlocked and walked into the

familiar face of his old friend once more. And Gellert smiled as he stared

at his old friend again. Though, he did not miss the complicated

expression on Albus's face.

"Twice in a year. You must really miss me, Albus," he spoke slowly as he

stared at those blue orbs. Yet the smile Albus gave him was strained as

his friend walked into the room and took a seat.

"So, what brought you here, Albus?" he prodded once more when no

response came to his earlier question. Yet during all this time, Albus had

been staring straight at him without uttering a single word. Though he

did speak up, his words sent shivers down his spine.

"What do you know of dreams, Gellert?"

And that question took aback Gellert and an extremely old memory was

stirred in his mind.

'What do you know of dreams, Albus?'


Now the story is taking shape. Gellert and Edward finally have a

connection; this time, Gellert is here to stay.

Thoughts people?

As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patre 0n. Your

support helps me greatly and allows me to pursue my passion. So, if

possible, have a look and consider dropping a dime. I shall be

extremely thankful.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

38. Chapter 38

Chapter 38


Albus Dumbledore had been slightly disturbed by his meeting with young

Edward. The implications behind what the kid had told him were

massive. Albus had reasoned that Edward hadn't told him everything, yet

the kid had also told him more than enough to rattle him slightly.

After that meeting, he hadn't been able to get the memory of Gellert

asking him that question out of his mind and so he had decided to come

and ask him. And Gellert's reaction made all his suspicions come true as

he watched a smile blossom over his lips. Gellert smiled as he stepped

out of the shade, and their eyes met as his once friend spoke up.

"It has been years since I asked you that question, Albus. We were young

then. Young and lost in each other," and Albus couldn't speak up, still

trying to process the implications behind his discovery. Gellert continued,

finally coming to a stop right in front of him as their eyes were level with

each other.

"So, tell me, Albus, who has asked you the same question now?" Albus

seemed a bit taken aback at how Gellert seemed to have inferred young

Edward and his discussion. This also was the final nail in the coffin.

However, Albus sighed and decided to give his old friend a hint.

"I believe you would have seen him in one of the British Newspapers

recently, after all, he was recently compared to you for his spell work,"

and he saw Gellert think before his friend smiled once more as he made

the connection.

"AHH! I see the Hogwarts champion for the tournament, Edward his

name was, I believe?" and Albus nodded, looking straight at Gellert as he

thought of what other secrets the man had hidden from him. What other

things had he and everyone else missed for all this time?

"I must say, I had never thought that there would ever be another one

like me. And what a coincidence that he would be inspired by someone

just like himself. I must say, magic never ceases to amaze me even after

all this time," finished Gellert as he broke out into a brisk laugh.

Albus was surprised as well. He had checked Edward's parents' blood, and

they had been as normal as any other muggle. From what he remembered

he shared no blood relation to any magical bloodline, and yet there was a

connection. A connection between his student and one of the most gifted

wizards of the century.

He watched Gellert stand and there and decided to speak up.

"Why didn't you ever say anything?" he questioned Gellert. Gellert looked

at him, and Albus noticed his expression shift from hurt to grim before he

finally spoke up.

"What was there to tell Albus? You left me, left me all alone, you turned

your back on our vision," and Gellert turned away from him as he walked

towards the only small window in the room before he continued.

"That day, when I asked you that question I was about to do it. Yet in the

last moment, I stopped, feeling that you weren't ready yet. So, I decided

that I would tell it to you one day, the day when we would fulfill our

vision," and Gellert turned to face him once more.

"And that day never came. Yet here we stand, talking about dreams long

forgotten," and Albus nodded as he thought about Gellert's words and

decided to ask the biggest question in his mind.

"What were those dreams, Gellert? What exactly did you see in them?" he

questioned, and Gellert frowned at this before he asked him with a smile.

"So, he didn't tell you everything. Smart and cautious, it seems I must

meet this Edward Wright one day," Gellert commented in an impressed

tone before continuing.

"Though you must have your own suspicions. You must have an idea of

what we saw in those dreams, though," and indeed he did. Yet the whole

idea was mind boggling. So mind-boggling that he didn't want to bring it

to his lips for once he had said it would be a confirmation. A

confirmation that would shake his whole understanding of magic itself.

So, he nodded, "I do. But I want you to confirm it," and Gellert nodded

before he uttered the words that would tumble his worldview.

"Another life, Albus. They showed me a whole other life!"

Albus Dumbledore closed his eyes as his lover-turned-enemy uttered

those words confirming his suspicion.

Change was on the horizon.



The last couple of weeks had been hell for Elizabeth White. While they

had all escaped relatively unscathed from their kidnapping, life after that

had been a whirl of movement and change. With the return of You-know-

who things in magical Britain were. Lines were being drawn everywhere.

There was a power struggle going on in the Ministry though from what

the Daily Prophet was reporting, Dumbledore had managed to force an

election, and now Lady Amelia Bones was on route to becoming the next

Minister. Even in this very Hall, lines had been drawn. The Slytherin and

other groups that sympathized with the idealogy of blood purity were on

one side, and on the other side were the blood traitors and the so-called

half-bloods and mud-bloods.

She looked to the side and found Edward sitting there, half his face

covered by a simple black mask that covered majority of his burns, as he

ate the dinner. In front of him sat Amy, gossiping away with Cedric and

she knew which side she was on. Yet the same couldn't be said of her

family, and she dreaded that thought.

"So, you still planning on leaving for France after the exams?" she asked

Edward. The students from Beauxbatons and Drumstrang had returned a

couple of weeks ago and now their exams were just around the corner.

"Yeah, that's the plan. I do need to get some documents cleared up, but

hopefully it wouldn't be a hassle," Edward replied looking towards her

and once more, her heart broke seeing his injuries. Below his jaw line,

she saw the burns extending below to his chest. She hated herself for not

being strong enough, for not being able enough to stand up with him.

"Elizabeth. Elizabeth!" and she was broken out of her trance by his voice

as she shook herself.

"Yeah, I was just lost in thought there," she spoke as she pushed away her

plate. She was in no mood of eating anymore.

"Ohh! What's going on in your mind?" questioned Edward, still looking at


"Ohh! You know, just our time at Hogwarts. How quickly the seven years

went by. I think I am going to miss being here," she replied, her voice

wistful and small as she looked around the magical Hall. She had so

many memories here. It was the place that had made her what she was.

Given her a family she never had. Then she looked down at Edward,

Amy, and Cedric. And felt saddened as she remembered the latest letter

from her father, though, after a second, she hardened her heart.

These people were her family. And she would never betray them. Never.

"I am going to just miss being together like this," she said, finally noticing

how her vision had become hazy due to her tearing up.

"Ohh! Liz' you are making me tear up," interjected Amy from the side,

and Elizabeth immediately wiped them away as suddenly Edward

wrapped his arm around her shoulder and brought her in.

"Don't worry, Elizabeth. Even after we all leave these Halls, I promise to

remain in touch. All of us are wizards. We can travel thousands of miles

in the blink of an eye. We will keep in touch and meet regularly," and

Amy and Cedric nodded along, voicing their thoughts.

"Of course, where else will I get all the Wizarding World's latest gossip,"

said Cedric, teasing Amy, who simply made a face at him but nodded


"Yeah," though she saw Amy turn towards Edward with a frown question.

"You still haven't told her," and he shook her head as he replied.

"Not yet, though I think this would be a good time for it," and she

frowned as she separated from him and looked at both of them.

"What are both of you talking about? What haven't you told me,

Edward?" she questioned her friend, and Edward sighed as he began


"Well, I believe it's about your little Flint problem," and she immediately

looked toward Amy, who had a guilty look on her face. But before she

could berate her, Edward stopped her.

"And before you start shouting at Amy. She only confirmed it. I heard

about it from within my house. Uquart, Marcus's little brother, was

boasting about it in the common room," and her eyes widened at that as

she thought what that actually meant. This showed that things were

farther along than her father made it seem.

Still, she was embarrassed a bit at involving him in her personal matter.

"Why didn't you tell me, Elizabeth?" Edward asked her, and she just

shrugged after sighing.

"I just didn't want to trouble you. You already had so much on your plate

with Fleur and tournament and everything else," she argued as Edward

shook his head.

"You should have told me. However, that's all in the past. Though I think

with the situation after Voldemort's return," she still shivered a bit when

he simply took his name like that.

"Your situation could have only gotten worse. Thankfully, I have a perfect

solution," she heard the sound of metal clacking and looked up to find

him holding a set of keys. However, she didn't understand what they


"What are those?" and she noticed how Amy was about to joke, yet

Edward stopped her as he continued.

"These are the keys to the house I bought. And as I will be leaving, you

and Amy can move there without any issue at all," and her eyes widened

as she remembered him buying a house. And even though he was moving

to France, giving away his house to her to them was too much.

So, she shook her head, not going along with the idea.

"NO! NO! This is too much. I will manage. You don't need to do this f…."

and Edward cut her off.

"I do. The house has enough room for a whole family, and with the way

things are, Amy also needs a safe and stable place to stay. The house has

the best wards money can buy. There is no reason for you to object to

this," and she tried to protest again. But he simply placed the key in her

hand forcefully.

She looked up and found Amy smiling at her waving her key as her eyes

landed on Edward again. She did not have the words to express her

emotions, so she just hugged him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Thank you. Thank you for this," and she felt his arms going around her,

and her fears about the future's uncertainty washed off as Edward had

taken care of her biggest worry.

"It was nothing a brother wouldn't do for his sister. Tomorrow is the

weekend, and we can all go and visit, and you can look at the place and

see it for yourself," and she nodded though she simply snuggled in closer

as she felt his self-assuring presence calm her down.



Sirius Black landed shakily as he apparated near the address of the

Grangers. There was another crack beside him as an immaculately

dressed Remus Lupin stepped forward.

"Sirius, are you sure about this?" Remus asked him for the hundredth

time, making him shake his head. So, he replied as he had for the last

hundred times as he straightened out his dress.

"Yes, I am sure," he said, and Remus shrugged before he took a piece of

paper out of his pocket.

"All right, let me check their address," and then he saw Remus look up as

he scanned the row of houses in front of them.

"It should be at the end of the lane…" but he noticed Remus's voice

growing quieter before he shouted.

"Sirius! LOOK!" Remus shook him, and he looked at the place his friend

was pointing at, and his eyes widened as he saw the sky above a house

illuminated in green. A green light that took over was shaped in the form

of a skull with a serpent wrapping around it.

It was the Dark Mark.

"It's their house. We need to contact the Order," shouted Lupin as both of

them ran straight toward the Granger house. Sirius took out his wand as

he reached the perimeter.

"There are wards around it. They might be inside," he muttered as Remus

joined him after sending out the signal for the Order. They both looked at

each other, and with a nod, they began working on the wards. It took

over a minute, yet the wards were similar in design to those used in the

last war, so they could dismantle them.

"Let's go!" he said as he tried to rush towards the house, but he felt a

powerful tug as Remus suddenly pulled him back.


"Watch out!" and that was his only warning before the whole house blew

up in a huge explosion. Even with Remus bringing up a shield, both of

them were thrown back violently. His head hit the concrete, and Sirius

felt his vision getting blurred. He writhed in pain on the ground as he

noticed a silhouette walking out of the flames.

"If it isn't the infamous Sirius Black and Dumbledore resident werewolf.

This reminds me of old times," said the person wearing the dark robes,

and Sirius knew that voice was familiar. He had heard it before.

He noticed a wand getting leveled at him. He tried to reach for his own

wand lying away from him, yet the Death Eater swatted it away with his

leg. And just as he felt darkness descend over him, he saw the wand tip

light up green.

"It is time to put you down, mut!"


OK. Tell me your thoughts!

As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patre 0n. Your

support helps me out a lot and allows me to write for you all. So, if

possible, have a look and consider dropping a dime. I shall be

extremely thankful.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

39. Chapter 39

Chapter 39

2 months later.


ANARCHY CONTINUES - Will the new minister be able to bring back


by Harvey Specter

As Magical Britain reels in chaos due to the return of the infamous Dark Lord,

the chaos has spread to the mundane world as well, with continuous attacks

on muggle settlements. Hundreds have been affected, and many have lost their

lives in these attacks, which were emboldened by the infighting at the Ministry

between the two factions of Pius Thicknesse and Lady Amelia Bones.

However, weeks later it seems we have a breakthrough. Yesterday the

Wizengamont elected Lady Amelia Bones as the Minster of Magic. Now, the

question is whether she could bring back the lost trust and how does she plan

to deal with the Dark Lord that had risen again after death?

The good is that she has the support of Albus Dumbledore, the only man who

could hold back the resurrected Dark Lord. But it isn't all good; ICW has

launched an investigation into the Ministry and has shown concern over the

threat to the statute of secrecy.

The future remains unclear. However, the Minster plan to hold a press

conference today to address the nation as everyone ponders the same question,

'What will the former Head of the DMLE do?'

~Continued page six.

There was the sound of footsteps coming downstairs, and Elizabeth White

decided to put down the paper as she looked up and found Edward

coming down from his room, dressed in formal robes, ready to leave. The

mask still covered his face, something which she would never get

accustomed too.

"Good morning, Edward," she said, and he reciprocated as he joined her

in the kitchen. Life after Hogwarts had been quite a surprise to her. All of

them had graduated and had applied for various jobs and

apprenticeships. Living with Amy and Edward had been a blessing as

they had helped her cope with the whole affair with her father.

"Good morning," said Edward before he checked the time on his watch.

"Why are you up so early?" he questioned her as he began to boil water

for his morning coffee. An abomination he somehow preferred over tea.

"Amy has an interview with the Witch's Weekly today, so I came down to

make breakfast. Should I make some for you as well?" she asked him, and

he seemed to think about it before he nodded.

"Why not? Just an omelet with some toast will do," and she nodded as

she picked up another egg to prepare the omelet. She looked around the

house that had become her home for over a month now and smiled as she

saw its liveliness.

"So, you have your appointment with the Department of International

Travel and Communication today?" she questioned. He nodded as he took

a cup from the rack and prepared his drink.

"Yeah, prepared all the documents last night. Got that letter from

Professor Delbren too, now just need to get my approval," and she

nodded, feeling a bit sad at the thought of his departure. If he got the

approval, he would leave for France in a couple of weeks, leaving them

all behind. Not that she disapproved. She had seen just how close he and

Fleur were, and she was happy for them.

But it still hurt to see him go, but she smiled anyway.

"I hope it all goes well. Have you talked to Fleur about this?" and he saw

a silhouette of a smile appear on his mask as his eyes twinkled.

"Yeah, she wants me to come there as soon as possible. But I still have to

take care of some stuff back here before I can leave. Plus, there is still so

much time before the term starts," and she nodded.

"What is Fleur planning on doing? She did not graduate last year, right,"

and Edward shook her head.

"No, she graduated last year. She is thinking of pursuing enchanting or

warding, so she will probably be with me at Beuxbatons for that," and

Elizabeth shook her head.

"What about you? You applied to DMLE, right?" and she nodded, and he

noticed his gaze linger over her as she placed the breakfast on the plate

and passed it to him.

"Yeah, but I am not sure about it. Being an Auror was never a dream of


"Here," she said, and he thanked her as he sat down to eat, not before

speaking again.

"Well, there is no need to rush. You can take your time," and she nodded

though she did not want to take too much time. Living like this,

freeloading did not sit right with her despite Edward's various

reassurances. And there were several opportunities.

"Oh, before I go. I have something for you," said Edward suddenly as he

put down his coffee, reached into his robe pocket, and took out a leather-

bound object.

"This is for you," he said as he handed it to her, and she frowned as she

looked at the wallet-like object.

"Open it," and she did, and her eyes widened as she the mirror inside it,

and she looked up and found him nodding. It was the special enchanted

mirror he used to communicate with Fleur, and Elizabeth had a pretty

good idea of how rare and difficult it was to obtain these.

"I think you already know how this works. But as a reminder, you just

need to say my name, which will connect to mine. I want you to contact

me immediately if there is any emergency. I have one coming in for Amy

as well, so you can communicate with her as well," he told her as he

showed her his own mirror.

"Edward, there is no need. You have done enough for me," she tried to

refuse, but he shook his head as he thrust it back in her hand.

"There is no such thing as enough. Plus, this isn't for you. It is for myself.

This might prove useful in any emergency situation. It would assure me if

you had the means to communicate with me or Amy like this," he spoke

slowly, and she nodded, knowing that arguing with him would be futile.

"Thank you for this," she said as she took the mirror, and he nodded as he

glanced at the time again.

"Well, there are couple of enchantments. You can check them yourself. I

will have to leave, and I think you might have to wrangle Amy out of the

bed if you want her to make it to her interview in time," and she nodded

at this.

"Yeah, I think I might have to do that," and with a final goodbye, he was

off. Leaving her alone as she stared at the mirror he had given her.



The Malfoy manor had been serving as the base of operations for their

movement for over a couple of weeks now. They had been attacking

muggles to draw out the ministry for their grander objective, and today

was the most important day.

Dumbledore had been able to install Amelia Bones as the new minister

thwarting their candidate, Pius Thicknesse and today she had planned to

make her first public address. And they had planned their most extensive

operation yet.

The preparations were almost complete as he watched Death Eaters line

up, all ready for the attack. The lower ranks moved away as they made

way for him as he walked towards the main Hall where the Dark Lord


He reached the large mahogany doors and swallowed before he knocked


"Come in, Lucius," came the reply, and he entered the main Hall of his

own house with the permission of his Lord.

The room was empty, and the Dark Lord sat at the head of the table with

his head leaned back, his snake hissing as it coiled around him. The lights

around the room were as if life was getting sucked out of them, for

despite it being morning, the room exuded a sense of darkness.

He kneeled as he gave his report.

"The Preparations are complete, my lord. Everything is in position,"

Lucius explained. The Dark Lord did not reply, and Lucius felt his heart

thumping nervously before a reply came.

"Will Dumbledore be there at the press conference?" questioned his Lord, and

Lucius nodded.

"Yes, my lord. He will also be there," he replied, not looking up.

"Good. Stand up, Lucius, today is going to be a joyous day," said his Lord,

and Lucius stood up and found the Dark Lord smiling while he played

with his snake.

"Today, we reunite with the real heroes of our struggle. Today we break them

free," continued his Lord, and Lucius nodded though, on the inside, he

wasn't as excited. Several people were rotting inside Azkaban who bore

grudges against him though his biggest concern wasn't them. No, it was


Bellatrix Black. She was her wife's sister and the most unhinged of his

followers. Lucius did not even dare imagine what Azkaban had done to


"My Lord, there is news that the ICW is thinking of getting involved and

moving against us," Lucius spoke slowly as he informed the Dark Lord of

the news circulating in the circles.

The Dark Lord frowned.

"The ICW, those fools are useless. Hmmm, I think it's time I spread my

message once more. People have been led astray for far too long. Perhaps I

shall share the stage with our esteemed Minister," said the Dark Lord with a

smile, and Lucius stood straight, not knowing whether the Dark Lord

really meant that or not.



Edward sat and watched as the Ministry employer rifled through his file

for the tenth time and this was beginning to make him frown. The man

hadn't said a single word to him and had been wasting his time for an

hour. Besides him, he could see wizards lined up, some with their whole

families, as they sought permits to leave magical Britain.

Those wealthy enough were leaving the country to avoid the bloody war

up ahead. Though with all the information in Dumbledore's hands,

hopefully, this would be a much shorter war than the original one. Yet

his patience finally snapped, and he leaned forward and tapped the glass

window of the counter.

"Hey," he spoke to get the attention of the aging ministry clerk. The man

perked up and adjusted his glasses and looked at him.

"Yes?" he questioned with a frown, his temper rising further up. But he

controlled himself as he spoke politely.

"Is there something wrong? I was led to believe that this was to be a

rather simple thing?" that was true, and the man looked down at his file

and finally got his bearings.

"AHH! Yes, I am afraid I won't be able to progress this. There seems to be

some issue on the French side over your permit," and Edward's eyes

widened as he heard those words.

"What do you mean? I have a job offer from Beauxbatons right there,

along with the letter from the Headmistress of the school itself," Edward

pointed at the file once again to emphasize his point, yet the teller simply

shrugged apologetically.

"O have checked thrice. The issue is at the French Ministry. They have

labeled you as a person of interest for some reason. I believe you will

have to write to them to get this sorted out," and the man passed him

back his file. Edward was pissed as he thought of any possible reasons for

this, and in the end, there was only a single one.

More like a single person.

Edward took back the file with gritted teeth as he thanked the teller. His

mind thought up any possible solution to his predicament. However,

there wasn't any direct solution. He would need to talk to someone else.

Two people came to mind

He shook his head as he walked towards the exit door to reach the

ground floor. The New Minister will be giving her address right now. He

might even be able to catch Professor Dumbledore there and talk to him

about this whole issue.

However, he suddenly stopped as he felt the wards over the ministry

strengthen suddenly as alarms began to ring throughout the building.




And ruckus broke out as people began to shout. Many tried to apparate

away, yet the wards blocked their attempts. He immediately made for the

door and found it locked. He took out his wand and then suddenly the

door opened.


His eyes widened as he saw the signature death eater mask, and then,

before he could think, his body reacted as he whirled a series of curses at

the intruder. Blowing him away.


DON'T PANIC; JUST MOVE TO THE SIDE!" Edward shouted as he

transfigured his shoes and clothes into something more appropriate for


Of the crown, only four people stepped forward, ready to fight.

Thankfully one of them recognized him.

"You are that kid. That kid who is the Dueling champion, you were in

that tournament, right!" and Edward nodded. He watched as a sense of

relief passed over the people in the room as his credentials were brought

to light.

"Yeah. Do any of you know what is going on?" and when they shook their

heads, he nodded along as his mind raced in search of a solution.

"Well, from the alarms, we can be sure that the Death eaters are attacking

the Ministry. The wards make it impossible for anyone to apparate in or

out, so we will have to reach the floo network stations," he concluded.

"The floo is on the other side of this floor!" replied one of the employees,

and Edward nodded.

"Well, then I believe I will be moving out to clear the area. I will give the

signal, and then you can all move out and head for the flo!"

"ALONE! These are death eaters, kid! You should wait for the Aurors or at

least bring us with you!" said the employee, and he shook his head.

"NO! The Aurors will be occupied downstairs! And honestly, you would

only slow me down! Just guard the door and wait for my signal!" and

with those words, he stepped out of the room with cautious steps. The

Death Eater he had ambushed earlier was sprawled on the ground. He

scanned the corridor and heard a thrum of steps coming around the

corner. He cracked his neck as he readied his wand.

And his wand was moving as soon as the first Death Eater stepped out of

the corner!

"Well, it's time to let off some steam," and he closed his eyes as he

brought down the wand in a dramatic slash.


And the whole group of death eaters had no time to react as they were

instantly frozen solid. However, he sensed that this wasn't their whole

group, so he got ready again.

It was time for revenge.


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Pa-tre 0n. Your

support helps me out a lot and makes it possible for me to write. So,

if possible, have a look and consider dropping a nickel. I shall be

extremely thankful.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

40. Chapter 40

Chapter 40


The press room of the Ministry was filled with people as the newly

appointed Minister of Magic, Amelia Bones, was about to make her first

address to the nation. A plethora of reporters sat in front of him as he sat

with the rest of the Department Heads of the various departments.

There was Rufus Scrimegour, the new head of the DMLE, Amos Diggory

for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures,

and several other people, including one Arthur Weasley, who seemed a

bit out of place amongst the people with his anxiety-ridden face.

Dumbledore could feel the tension in the air. The last couple of months

had been trying for Magical Britain. Voldemort had shown extreme

ruthlessness and had been attacking Muggles left and right, mostly

targeting families of Muggle-born students.

A pang of regret and sadness made him shake his head in agony as he

thought about the family of the brilliant Miss Hermione Granger. It had

been a devastating blow to the brilliant girl, and she had been distraught.

Sirius had taken her in after he had arrived barely in time to save him

and Remus from the Death Eaters. Both she and Harry were now staying

in Grimmauld Place, which was now also under a Fidelius.

Suddenly all the reporters began to buzz as everyone rose to welcome the

newly appointed walked in, she gave him a nod as she took the dias, and

everyone became quiet. There was only the sound of cameras clicking as

pictures of this momentous presser were taken.

Dumbledore himself had been extremely busy over the last couple of

months, ignoring the implications of the connection between Edward

Wright and Gellert. His talk with Edward had given him quite a clear

view of stopping Tom. Dumbledore had gotten to all Horcruxes except

the snake, the cup, and the most unexpected Harry Potter. They were set

to get to the Cup, as Amelia had used her authority as the Minister to

make the Goblins dispose of it. By tomorrow only two will be left.

"Today, Magical Britain faces a time crisis," began Amelia in a strong tone

as the sound of Quills scratching filled the Hall. Dumbledore sat straight

as he scanned the Hall once more. There were teams of Aurors stationed

for security, though he frowned as he found the number less than his

expectations. But it was understandable, given that their forces were

thinned out due to Voldemort's continuous attacks all over Muggle


"Our whole society is being uprooted by a so-called Dark Lord who

attacks helpless Muggles and takes delight in their suffering. He uses our

gift magic to spread terror and devastation. Voldemort," and there was

shuffling in the crowd as Amelia openly used the forbidden name.

However, Dumbledore smiled as he applauded her courage.

"Voldemort and his Death Eaters are nothing more than terrorists, and as

the Minister, they will get no leniency from me. Hence from today

onwards, the Death Eaters and Voldemort will be officially labeled as a

terrorist organization and will be dealt with with the full force of the

Ministry," murmurs broke out from the reporters, and Dumbledore

adjusted his glasses as he noticed the sheer number of the press personnel

present for the conference.

'When did they get so many news outlets?'

One reporter blurted out, "Does this mean that you will be permitting the

Aurors to use the unforgivable?" They quieted down as they waited for

Amelia's reply. Amelia nodded her head, and Dumbledore sighed at being

unable to convince her not to push things this far.

"Yes, from this moment onwards, the Aurors are permitted to use the

unforgivable. However, I can assure you that we have placed strict

protocol, and any Auror found in their violation will face severe

consequences," and as he expected, the reporters gasped at her words.

"Don't you think this is premature, Minister? The followers of the Dark

Lord are mainly young and misguided members of our own society. Using

such force would just cause needless bloodshed of such youth?" and he

noticed Scrimegour straighten up at this question. Amelia raised her hand

and stopped the new Head of the DMLE from responding as she replied to

the question herself.

"I would like to shift your attention to the various attacks on the Muggle

homes that have been ongoing for the last two months. This decision was

made after much deliberation, yet we cannot let such elements go

without facing the consequences of their actions," and the reporters broke

out into a ruckus as they began shouting their questions.

For some reason, Dumbledore started having an ominous feeling, and he

scanned his surroundings yet found nothing out of the Ordinary. He

closed his eyes as he felt the wards of the Ministry and found them intact

as well.

"But do you understand the consequences of your actions, Minister

Bones?" said one of the reporters, standing taller than the rest, his voice

overpowering everyone else as Dumbledore's eyes narrowed at the man

in question. It wasn't a man but a young boy wearing a brown overcoat

with his hair neatly tucked to the side.

Yet it was his eyes. Those red glowing orbs made him grip his wand in

worry as Dumbledore began to scan the reporters to confirm his


"You will have your Aurors kill wizards, pureblood wizards that have

more or less built this society, and for what? For demanding their rights?"

Dumbledore's heart gave out as he noticed a lot of peculiar faces in the

crowd below.

Amelia hadn't noticed the trap yet and leaned forward.

"If they have any demands, they can use legal and political avenues to

raise their concerns. However, if they break the law of the land and act

as terrorists, they shall be treated as such. There will be no more mercy,"

and Dumbledore watched as the reporter began to step forward, others

parting to give him the way.

"Then let me do it the political way Minister," and Dumbledore watched

as the reporter suddenly had a yew wand in his hand. And then he

suddenly waved it in an arc as his clothes began to morph and contort,

and he watched as the Aurors stiffened at the scene. His skin grew paler,

the brown overcoat transformed into a snake, and his other clothes

morphed into his signature dark robe.

Tom was here.

Behind him, many of the reporters were now in full-blown Death Eater

outfits. The Auros had now raised their wand in panic as they saw

Voldemort and his Death Eaters appear right in front of them.

Amelia also seemed surprised; in a flash, one of the overly anxious Aurors

couldn't hold himself back. Amelia noticed it, too, and immediately


"HOLD YOUR FIRE!" but it was too late.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" and Dumbledore watched as the green bolt of the

Killing Curse headed straight for Voldemort. Voldemort made no move to

dodge the attack as the spell hit him straight in the face.




Edward stood in the center of the corridor with bodies of several Death

eaters lying around him, many frozen and others unconscious, yet all of

them were alive. He was relatively unharmed, if not a little bit tired, but

he hadn't wasted the last two months of his life. However, his situation

wasn't ideal, as over a dozen death eaters surrounded him on both sides.

Most of them were unrecognizable. Most except their leader, with his

excessive facial hair and signature growl. Edward had seen his face in

several wanted posters from the Last War. He was probably the most

hated man in Magical Britain after Voldemort himself for his habit of

infecting children with lycanthropy.

It was none other than Fenrir Greyback, and the man smiled as he made

his way through his group and looked him over, and spoke in a snide


"How pathetic! You let a kid stop you," he addressed his group as he

looked at the two groups that had surrounded him and planned.

Fenrir took out his wand, and Edward raised his other hand as he got

ready for the attack, though he was surprised when instead of a spell

Fenrir chose to throw one of the unconscious bodies of his allies straight

at him. Edward blasted it to the side without any hesitation, only to find

himself getting bombarded by a barrage of spells.

"PROTEGO!" Edward cast quickly as he put up a shield for the spells.

Fenrir had a savage grin on his face as he continued to press on. And

Edward found his channels casting surprisingly fast.

"OHH! I can see why they were having trouble fighting you. But no

matter, you shall make a fine addition to my pack," he said as he wet his

lips, and Edward decided that he had enough. He twisted his other hand

and watched as Fenrir was surprised when a burst of flames suddenly

engulfed him.

"AGHHHHHHH! ATTACK HIM!" and before he could finish Fnerir for

good, the other began to attack him, and Edward was on the move.


There were no rules, and most of their spells were deadly, yet h did not

let a single one hit him as he dodged, used shields, and countered them


"BOMABRADA!" and the ground beneath him exploded.



"RELASHIO!" he shouted, and several of Fenrir's cronies were pushed

back violently as he rushed out of the smoke. His wand moving on


"INFERNIO SOLIOS!" and another burst of flames lit up the whole

corridor on one side as Fenrir cronies began to writhe on the ground,

their bodies aflame.

"AGHHHHH!" they shouted in pain as they tried to stop the fire.

"HELP!" they cried.

"RUN!" they began to back off. Fear is evident in their eyes.

"WE NEED TO GET AWAY!" and just as one of them ran away in panic.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Edward's heart skipped a beat as the green bolt

hissed past his ear and hit the retreating Death Eater straight in the chest,

and the man dropped dead. Everyone else stopped at once, and Edward

looked back and found Fenrir growling, surrounded by fire, his eyes

blazing in madness.

"Anyone coward who takes another step back will suffer the same fate.

You lot are a disappointment. You let mud blood scare you. Let me show

you how it is really done!" and then the most feared werewolf in all of

Britain threw away his wand as he looked straight at him.

"You, I remember now—those burns. You were there that night. You

were one of the hostages," he said with a smile, and Edward suddenly

noticed that his mask had been shredded due to the fighting. He nodded

as he aimed his wand straight at Fenrir as the rest of the lackeys backed


"I was," he replied, and Fenrir nodded, and Edward noticed his eyes

glowing abnormally and his hair thickening.

"Tell me did you feel it when the Dark Lord rose in front of you?" and

Edward understood what the man was talking about.

"NO!" he replied resolutely. Fenrir's smile grew more maniac as he

suddenly dropped onto all fours, and his body began to crack up as he

growled before he entirely transformed.

"OHH! Then you shall feel it tonight!" and with that, Fenrir Greyback was

gone, and in its place was a wolf growling at him hungrily. Despite his

animalistic features, Edward was sure that the rumors of Fenrir having a

semblance of control over his wolf form were true, given the madness in

those eyes.

Many around him transformed as well yet stayed back, cowed by the

gigantic alpha of their pack. Fenrir stepped forward as he snarled at him,

showing off his sharp canines, ready to rip him apart.

Its menacing growl was the only warning before the giant werewolf lept

at him. But Edward had already finished his casting, and the various

flames around him were now coalescing around him.

"IGNIS!" and just as Fenrir was about to reach him, a fiery skeletal arm

slapped him away. Fenrir was sent rolling back as the fire took its final

form. His efforts finally showed their final fruit over all those years as the

fiery skeletal surrounded him.

"GRAAAA!" it growled, making the whole corridor shake. Its imposing

figure made all the werewolves step back in fear. Werewolves were

impervious to many things but had two main weaknesses.

Silver and Fire.

"GRRR," yet it seemed that Fenrir hadn't had enough yet as it got back on

all four once more, ignoring the burns it had just gotten. Edward just

cracked his neck as he readied his wand once more.

"IGNIS DILUVIUM!" the skeletal fiery guardian roared and flooded the

corridor with scalding flames.

"You should have run when you had the chance!" Edward whispered as

the whole corridor was again filled with cries and howls of pain.



In the ancestral residence of House Black, the house that had remained

empty for so many years had been suddenly filled with life once again for

a house that only had a house elf to now, where over four people

occupied it. Harry had stayed for about a month with the Dursley's before

Dumbledore had allowed him to bring him here.

As for Hermione, Dumbledore had rescued her from the Killing Curse;

however, they had been too late to save the Grangers. The Death Eaters

had killed them, leaving the little Gryffindor an orphan. In the end, he

sat with the Girl, told her everything, and offered her a place to stay.

Dumbledore's presence had helped, and Sirius still remembered the girl's

fragility when she hugged him at her parent's funeral.

Sirius Black, a serial bachelor, suddenly had two troubled teenagers to

look after, and truthfully he was out of his depth. A younger Sirius would

have continued on alone, yet he had learned his lesson and couldn't risk

Harry and Hermione's lives. So, he called for help from his only cousin,

who had raised a teenager of her own.

Andromeda walked down the stairs and gave him a glare of disapproval

as she found him nursing a glass of fire whiskey on the couch. She shook

her head in disapproval as she joined him in the room and put away the

bottle before he could pour himself any more of the addictive drink.

"You should really look for some other alternatives to help you sleep?"

she said, and her caring side would always make him doubt just how the

hell she was related to Bellatrix. After his release from Azkaban, he had

been having trouble sleeping, and in the end, after trying a bunch of

potions, he found fire whiskey to be the most helpful drink for his


"You know that I have tried everything else. It's the only thing that

works," he replied as he took another sip of the drink before asking his

own question.

"Is Hermione asleep?" and he noticed her lips thin as she nodded slowly.

"Yeah, she fell asleep without the dreamless sleep today," and Sirius

sighed in relief. Hermione had been having trouble sleeping as well.

Nightmares and mental trauma made it so that she had to use dreamless

sleep to get any sleep at all. Andromeda had been helping her through

these troubled times.

"That is good, that is very good," he commented, and Andromeda nodded

as a small smile appeared on her face.

"Yeah, she is such a bright child. I cannot imagine what she is going

through. Nymphadora is really taken with her. She thinks that the girl

would make an excellent auror," and those words made a smile appear on

his face.

"Well, if that's what she wants, she can be an auror. Maybe I will even

show her a thing or two from the old days. I might have some of those

manuals lying around," he thought out aloud as Andromeda frowned as

she suddenly spoke out.

"You won't stop her. You, of all people, know how dangerous being an

Auror is, especially these days," and he shook his head.

"I have no right to stop her. And I don't want to be like our parents. I will

support whatever decision she makes. God knows she is smart enough to

make them," Andromeda raised her brow at that, seemingly impressed.

"That's rather mature of you," and he smiled. Trutfully, these last words

had truly changed him, and he was finally beginning to understand the

changes in the behavior of James and Lily after Harry's birth.

"Well, at least she will have Harry by her side. He also plans to be an

auror, from what Nymphadora told me. I believe you have also been

training him in the basement," and he nodded.

"Yeah, he asked me for help, so I am showing him some of the more

advanced stuff…." But he felt a familiar heat in his pocket before he

could continue further. He immediately reached for the Order Coin

Dumbledore had given them all.

The Golden Coin had heated up, and a phoenix had lit up on it. This

meant one thing that Dumbledore was calling for assistance. Dumbledore.

He immediately twisted it, and an emergency message from Albus played



and his heart gave out as soon as he heard those words. And he was on

his feet instantly as he picked up his new wand and headed for the floo.

"Where are you going!" asked Andromeda worriedly, the coin was so

designed that only the holder heard the message. He looked back, not

bothering to stop, as he rushed towards the floo.

"Voldemort's attacking the ministry. I need to go. You should stay here

and look after Harry and Hermione until I get back. Don't let them out of

the house under any circumstances." He reminded her, and she nodded,

her face growing paler at his words.

"Be careful," and he nodded as he took a handful of floo powder and

flung it to the ground.




As always, you can read ahead and support me on Pa-tre 0n. Your

support helps me out a lot and makes it possible for me to write. So,

if possible, have a look and consider dropping a knut. I shall be

extremely thankful.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

41. Chapter 41

Chapter 41


Amelia Bones felt time slow down as the green bolt headed straight at

Voldemort. She saw the bolt hit him as the area got covered in smoke.

The Hall became quiet as she wished in her heart for this to be the end.

Yet she knew it could never be this easy.


And her instincts were proven right as a wand slashed through the air

and sucked up all the smoke giving her a clear view of Voldemort once

again. There were hundreds of questions running through her mind.

How the hell had he even gotten through? Who had betrayed her? Who had

assisted him? How had the Death Eaters gotten in? And were there more

Death Eaters in the building at this time?

Yet she couldn't let them slow her down. Dumbledore had stepped up and

stood facing Voldemort The Aurors had come to the side and were

shielding the regular reporters now, with the Death Eaters standing alert

behind Voldemort himself.

"What are you doing here, Voldemort?" spoke Albus solemnly as he stood

there before them all like a guardian. And Amelia Bones stepped forward,

knowing in her heart that this might be her first and last address as the


Voldemort frowned at the question.

"You ask me what am I doing here? I am here to do exactly what the

Minister has told me to do. I have come here to engage in politics," he

said with a sinister smile. Cameras flashed as they captured the pictures

of his movement.

"I wished to congratulate you on your ascension Minister and hoped to

tell you the voice of the people," he spoke grandly as Rufus moved. Yet

she stopped the man from doing anything rash as she spoke up herself.

"You kill thousands, murder them in cold blood, and you think you

deserve to make a speech," she said in a scathing tone, as she felt the

Ministry wards strengthen up as Evacuation protocols got activated. With

this, the only to leave the Ministry was through the floo network.

However, Voldemort simply shook his head as he stepped forward.

The Aurors straightened up, yet they held themselves back as they all

watched him speak into the cameras.

"They were simple sacrifices, noble in the sense that their deaths made it

possible for me to stand here today. I came here in peace, hoping to talk

with the new Minister and present her with my ideas and demands, yet it

seems the society remains resistant to true change as always," he finished

speaking sadly.

Amelia's mind was still racing about his real intentions. However, his

tone suddenly became more hostile.

"I came in peace, yet the Ministry began this bloodshed when they

attacked me. It is the Ministry that continues to defend those who defile

our world with their dirty blood, who refuses to accept the superiority of

blood and heritage," then she suddenly noticed a small smile on his face

as he aimed his wand straight at her.

"Then they leave with no choice!" she saw his wand light up with a green

hue, and before she could react, a green bolt of death was headed toward


"Minister!" came the shouts as pandemonium broke out, Amelia tried to

jump away but there was no time. In the end, she closed her eyes when

suddenly an explosion pushed her back, making her hit the floor as she

rolled on it.

Coughing and in pain. Yet alive.

"You have murdered thousands, yet you refuse to show remorse. The time

for talking is long gone. You made a big mistake coming here today,

Voldemort," came the booming voice of Dumbledore as the man raised

his wand and stood in front of Voldemort.

"We shall see about that old man!" came the response from Voldemort as

his wand blurred through the air and the whole set of furniture around

him morphed into gigantic snakes, which hissed and headed straight for


Dumbledore raised his own wand, and just as the snakes reached near

him, they transformed into a robe that tried to wrap itself around

Voldemort. However, Voldemort wasn't brought down so easily; he

simply burned it off. Their duel continued as she tried to stand up.

"Minister!" came the voice as Scrimegour faced a dozed death eater and

rushed towards her. There was fighting going on all around them as

Aurors and Death Eaters clashed. She watched her Aurors getting pushed

to the side due to the massive duel between Voldemort and Dumbledore

in the center.

"Minister! Do we have permission to retaliate with full force!" questioned

Scrimegour as she picked up her own wand and got ready. She looked

around and noticed the Aurors getting pushed back, and then, with thin

lips, she nodded.

"They are!" she spoke resolutely as she stood up and looked towards

Kingsley, who was now fighting right behind her.

"What's the situation in other departments? Are there death eaters on

other floors?" she questioned him as she faced off against one of the

Death Eaters.

"They are attacking them as well. They have taken over the third floor.

The people there have barricaded themselves in their offices," came the

reply from the senior Auror, and she regretted not having greater security

all over the Ministry, yet there was no time to lament over what could

have been.

She disarmed the death eater attacking her and banished his body away

as she rushed to support Kingsley.

"Take a team and push back, establish control over the floo, and have the

people evacuate," she ordered him as they both easily overpowered the

single Death Eater he was facing.

"But Minister, Voldemort is right here. We can end this by getting to him

right here," argued Kingsley and she looked at the ensuing battle between

Voldemort and Dumbledore, and it was like she was witnessing a clash of

the gods themselves. Spells that she had never seen were being used like

party tricks as the whole area around them had been torn apart.

Dumbledore seemed to be holding his own, yet the man held no edge in

the fight, and as much as she wanted to interfere, she knew they would

only be a hindrance. Moreso, she had to be prepared for the worst.

"If we interfere, we will only weigh Albus down. And I must prepare for

the worst-case scenario as well," she said as she shook her head. She saw

Shacklebolt's eyes tighten at her words as he nodded.

"As you order, Minister," and she nodded as she stood up.

"Take a small team and get everyone at the upper floors that are trapped

out. Any death eaters you find, kill on sight! We cannot let them hold our

people as hostages!" she ordered as she joined Scrimegour. Kingsley

vanished into the ruckus as he left to complete his mission.

"Rufus! Have the Aurors push the Death Eaters to the side. We need to

isolate Voldemort and Dumbledore," she ordered.

"But Minster, we can take him! This is a great opportunity to end all this,"

and she gritted her teeth as she shook her head.

"We would only be hindering Albus if we try to intervene. We need to

isolate the two of them so we can…." But suddenly, alarms began to ring

once more in the Ministry Hall. Her eyes widened as she heard the

announcement being made.



And the words shook her, and her head snapped towards Voldemort, and

she noticed a slight smile on his face.

"This was his plan all along! This all was a distraction to break out his

followers in Azkaban!"



Dumbledore noticed the smile on Voldemort's face as the announcement

about the attack on Azkaban was made. He realized Tom's plan now, and

the events of the last couple of months began to make sense.

Dumbledore's grip tightened around his wand, his knuckles turning

white, as he locked eyes with the embodiment of evil before him.

Voldemort's snake-like features twisted into a cruel smile, his crimson

eyes radiating a malevolent hunger for power. The area around them had

become unrecognizable.

"It is time we bring this to an end, Albus. When you fall tonight, there

will be none left to resist me and then I shall reshape the world in my

image," said Voldemort, and Albus shook his head, for those words only

showed him Tom's depravity.

"And will that satisfy you, Tom? Will you finally feel fulfilled after this?"

and he saw his eyes blaze in anger as he slashed his wand and sent a

torrent of flame straight at him.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" he roared, and Albus gripped his wand tight

and slashed it, summoning water from the fountain to his side as it

encapsulated the incoming flames, putting controlling them.

"I am no longer the child in your precious gilded castle Dumbledore! I am

Lord Voldemort, the Dark Lord, and I shall rule this world after you put

you in the grave old man," said Voldemort as dark clouds erupted from

him and coalesced into shadows, which at the wave of his wand suddenly

rushed towards Albus.

Dumbledore felt pity for the depraved man standing in front of him as he

raised his own wand.

"Isn't it such a pity that I still miss the bright young student that entered

through the gates of Hogwarts all those years ago," Dumbledore brought

down his wand.

"ILUMINOSIS CLENSO!" and light erupted from his wand, dousing the

shadowy attack from Voldemort, which enraged the red-eyed man, and

Dumbledore noticed the man's nostrils flare in anger before he suddenly

brought the wand to his mouth.

Voldemort spewed a huge torrent of flames from his mouth that engulfed

nearly the whole hall, sparing not even his own men. He heard men

shout in pain as they burned and the heat from the flames began melting

the very stone of the Ministry Hall.

Dumbledore took a step back and saw the horrified look on everyone's

faces at the monstrous attack from Voldemort, yet he wasn't done yet as

he closed his eyes and communicated with his old trust companion.

"FAWKES!" he called, and the bird appeared in a burst of flame right in

front of him and, with a calming caw, rushed towards the scathing fire.

"CAW!" and Dumbledore watched in awe as the flames began to coalesce

around the phoenix, wrapping themselves around him as Fawkes fasted

on the magical fire. Voldemort seemed taken aback by Fawkes's presence

and snarled as he sent a killing curse at the bird in question.

Fawkes simply wrapped its wings around itself and vanished into a burst

of fire once more, but all this had given him the opportunity he needed

as Dumbledore flicked the wand in his hand and sent lightning bolts at


Voldemort tried to put up a shield, yet he failed to do so in time.

BOOOM! Voldemort was pushed back when the lightning hit him in the

chest, and Dumbledore did not let go of the opportunity, for Tom might

be immortal at the moment due to his Horcruxes, yet it would still be a

win if he could capture him.

Dumbledore aimed his wand at Tom and unleashed the lighting curse, a

crackling blue bolt headed straight for Tom, who fired a killing curse at

him instead of putting up a shield. The spells met each other with an

explosion, and Tom had made a mistake. Dumbledore had been faster,

and hence Dumbledore twisted his wand and began to push back.

Tom was surprised at his attack getting pushed back and snarled in anger

as he tried to retaliate, yet Dumbledore had the upper hand, Their spells

remained connected, and Dumbledore's eyes narrowed as Tom suddenly

disengaged his spell. His spell rushed at Tom, who twisted his wand and

sent another spell at him, the purple orb caught him by surprise and

Dumbledore could only bring his arm up to protect himself.

"AGHHHH!" the spell hit his other arm, and Dumbledore's screamed in

pain as his arm began to wither. He dropped to his knee and looked

ahead, and saw that Tom hadn't come out of it unscathed as well.

Tom's wand arm had been burn to crisp and the his face snarled in pain

and fury as Tom's wand clattered to the ground.

"PROTECT THE DARK LORD!" came a shout, and before Dumbledore

could throw another spell at the man, a couple of death eaters stood in

front of him protectively.

"ALBUS!" screamed Amelia as she rushed towards him through a barrage

of spells and curses. However, his eyes widened as Tom suddenly stood

up again.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" he screamed, picking up his wand with his

other hand.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" he screamed, uncaring that the spell killed his own

man, the Death Eater scurried out of the way as Dumbledore saw him

level the wand at him.

"IT'S OVER, OLD MAN!" cursed Voldemort as a sharp serpent made of

green flames rushed straight at him. Dumbledore tried to bring up his

wand to defend himself, yet the pain made him falter,

"ALBUS!" he heard Amelia scream as Voldemort smiled triumphantly,

assured of his victory. Dumbledore resigned himself to his fate as he saw

the serpent rush toward him.

"May you find true peace, Tom," he prayed as he closed his eyes,

preparing himself for his demise, yet it seemed fate wasn't done with him

just yet.

"PROTEGO DIABOLICA!" he heard someone instead a familiar shout.


He was pushed back by the force of the clash of the two spells, and he

opened his eyes to find himself surrounded by a ring of fire as it defended

him against Voldemort's attack.


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patre 0n. Your

support helps me a lot and makes it possible for me to write. So, if

possible, have a look and consider dropping a dime if you can. It

would matter a lot.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!(O)(N) / Drkest

42. Chapter 42

Chapter 42


Amelia watched as the greenish fiery serpent rushed towards Albus, who

suddenly faltered because of the spell that had hit him earlier.

"ALBUS!" she shouted as she tried to help him, yet she had to jump to the

side to avoid getting hit by a killing curse headed straight at her. Around

her, the Ministry Hall was a mess, with fighting going on between Aurors

and Death Eaters. There were bodies strewn across the Hall some

howling in pain, some unmoving at all.

She watched Albus close his eyes and her heart nearly gave out, for she

knew what would happen if Albus was to fall today. It would probably be

the end of their society as they knew it.

Yet suddenly a silhouette jumped right in front of Albus, wand in hand as

she heard a huge shout.

"PROTEGO DIABOLICA!" blue flames erupted around them, suddenly.

Rising like a protective wall and she watched as Voldemort's attack hit

the wall and was stopped.

Blue clashed against green, and the fiery serpent hissed, yet the blue

flames overpowered it in the end and stood strong. She struggled to her

feet as she rushed toward Albus, who was grunting in Pain. His whole

arm seemed to be decaying rapidly and the rot seemed to be spreading to

his body.

"Gods!" she cursed as she took out her wand and began to cast all the

counter curses she knew, yet she failed to stop the rot from spreading.

"We need to get you to St. Mungos at once," she said to him, yet Albus

shook his head and took out a vial from his pocket with great difficulty,

it suddenly slipped from his hand, she reached for it and gave it to him.

"What is this?" she asked him as he opened it and drank the clear liquid

from it. Her eyes widened as she saw the rot stopped spreading at once,

and she had an epiphany about what was in that vial.

"Phoenix tears," she gasped and Dumbledore did not need to answer.

Albus was looking straight at their savior. And Amelia finally looked up

as well to see who it was, and her eyes widened as she recognized the

person standing in front of them.

His hair was disheveled and his face and robes were dyed red with dried

blood, there were burn marks visible on his face as they extended to his

neck and below and those amethyst eyes were glowing as the blue flames

surrounded them all.

It was Albus's student, the one that had been taken hostage. Edward, she

recalled his name was. What was he doing here?

"Are you fine Professor Dumbledore?" he spoke up suddenly and Albus

nodded as he tried to stand up. She supported him as he stood up and


"All thanks to you Edward, I must thank you for saving my life," and the

recent graduate nodded, his wand still leveled at Voldemort. Who was

now gripping his lost wand arm as he glared at them with those ominous

red orbs?

"It is over Voldemort, you are done," said Albus wincing in Pain as he

stepped forward. She noticed that while the rot had stopped spreading,

the areas it had affected earlier were not healing yet. Just what kind of

curse had Voldemort used?

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Voldemort broke out into a cackle as he picked up his

wand with his other hand.

"You say I am done. Ohhh, Dumbledore you have no idea just how wrong

you are!" said Voldemort suddenly and Amelia's eyes widened as the floo

network suddenly lit up as a plethora of people entered the Ministry

floor. Many of them with haunted faces and sunken eyes, wearing a

prison uniforms.

Her body shook as she saw all those familiar faces, faces of Voldemort's

devout followers they had been able to catch and imprison in the last

war. Imprison at the impregnable prison of Azkaban.

"Tell me, am I done now Dumbledore!" said Voldemort as his followers

gathered behind him. One of the prisoners stepped forward, her hair grey

and stiff, her face pale as paper but her eyes made her take a step back.

The madness in those eyes was haunting as Bellatrix Lestrange stepped

forward, with all her craziness.

"It is you, my lord, you are here. You have finally come to rescue me!"

she cackled as she kneeled down at Voldemort's feet. It was demeaning

for anyone let alone someone with her power and status.

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps behind her as well. And she

looked back and saw the Aurors regrouping behind her with Kingsley at

the lead, she looked at him and he pointed at the kid standing in front of


"By the time I and my team reached the upper floors, the kid had already

cleared more than half of them. They were littered with bodies of

werewolves," and dread pooled in her gut as she heard that name.

"Greyback," she spoke, and Kingsley nodded.

"Yes, it was his pack. But thankfully he won't be able to turn anyone else

after today," and she frowned at his words as Kingsley finished with a

rather satisfied smile.

"Fenrir Greyback is dead!" and the words made her turn towards the kid

in front of her. She had heard of his of course yet killing Fenrir was a

massive achievement. There was a reason he had always escaped capture.

The man was almost impossible to apprehend. His magic-resistant skin

made it impossible to stun him as spells simply bounced off him, and

when he transformed he was a menace to handle. The man had bit over a

dozen people in one of the raids to capture him.

His agility, and his ability to maintain partial rationality even as a

werewolf set him apart and made him exceptionally dangerous. She

wasn't even sure that she could capture him alone, yet Albus's student

had killed him. She would call him heartless however she would have

done the same if she ever had a chance. The world was safer for children

with that bastard gone.

"I recognize you," spoke Voldemort suddenly looking straight at Albus's

student, as he stepped forward. Waving his wand suddenly a shiny metal

began to appear out of thin air as it morphed into an arm.

"You were among the kids we captured that night. Yes, I remember you.

You were quite distinctive I must say," continued Voldemort. He saw the

kid stiffen up as Voldemort addressed him, there were hisses from the

Death Eaters. Voldemort looked back and they all became silent in an


The tension in the room was suffocating, as the two groups stood

opposite to each other wands leveled and ready.

"They told me of you, of your prowess, and your ability reminds me of

myself. Oh, how similar we are. Even with your tainted blood. So let me

make you an offer," said Voldemort grandly as he spread his arms




"Join me," said Voldemort as the whole Ministry Hall quieted down.

Everyone was shocked by his words.

"Kill Dumbledore, and I will allow you to join me. You could have

anything you want," and the Death Eaters became quiet at that as his

heart raced in his chest. Truth was that Edward was rather tired, he had

faced over three dozen wizards, and that had left him quite drained. And

now he stood here facing Voldemort.

He glanced back and saw Dumbledore standing there serenely, holding

his blackened rotting arm as he stood there rather relaxed. Their eyes

met, and Edward sighed, as he spoke in a hushed.

"You know you might show a little worry, there might be a chance that I

could accept that offer you know," said Edward to the old man who just

shrugged as he gave him a smile.

"I believe I know you better than him Mr. Wright," said Professor

Dumbledore with a small chuckle, his body still relaxed. Edward shook

his head as he looked straight ahead once more. His grip on his wand

tightened as he felt everyone's gaze focused on him.

"I believe I am quite fine where I am, Tom," and he saw Voldemort

glower at that. His eyes narrowed at Dumbledore but before the man

could say anything, Bellatrix Lestrange snarled.

"You dare deny the Dark Lord's offer! You filthy mud-blood. You should

be on your knees thanking the lord for giving a chance to mongrels like

you, yet you defy him," she said in a crazed tone as she stood up. She

suddenly aimed a wand straight at him.

"I will kill you! I will kill…." But before she could finish her crazed rant

someone interrupted her as the doors to the Ministry Hall opened up.

"Well, it's because he has better taste than you, dear cousin," came the

scathing reply as reinforcements finally arrived. Sirius Black stood there

with other members of the Order and a dozen or so Aurors with their

wands at the ready as the Death Eaters bristled at being surrounded so


They began to panic as they got surrounded.

"You Sirius! You traitor, you continue to defy our family's good name.

Aunt Walburga would be cursing in her grace seeing you mingle with

mud-blood and traitors like these," snarled Bellatrix as she looked at

Sirius, who simply shrugged.

"I don't know about the grave. But she is screeching in her portrait," he

taunted her, and Bellatrix Lestrange snarled as she aimed her wand at

him. But before she could cast a spell Voldemort intervened.

"That will be enough Bellatrix!" came the booming voice of Voldemort

and Bellatrix was cowed immediately as she looked at her master like a

dog looks at their master. Her expression sent shivers down his spine as

Voldemort's gaze focused on him.

"You have made a huge mistake by refusing my offer. You could have had

a chance to taste greatness yet now you shall die just like the rest of your

filthy breed," snarled Voldemort. His words shook the whole building and

made Edward's heart beat faster.

Amelia Bones suddenly stepped forward from the side, her wand aimed

at Voldemort.

"I doubt that!" she shouted as the Aurors began to take small steps

forward, following her lead. She came and stood by his side as she


"You aren't leaving this building Voldemort. Surrender yourself, you are

surrounded," she said as Aurors continued to step forward cautiously. The

Death Eaters bristled at her words. They were surrounded, on both sides.

"HAHAHAHA! You think you can hold me, Minister!" said Voldemort as

he broke out into a sinister laugh.

"Let me educate you Minister!" he said suddenly as he suddenly brought

down his wand as his body began to morph into a dark cloud, and it

spread around.

"I am the Dark Lord, carrier of the will of Slytherin himself," he began as

the dark cloud began to expand encircling his death Eaters.

"You cannot stop me. For I am inevitable!" he shouted suddenly and the

cloud of darkness exploded and the Ministry Hall was filled with shouts

and cries.

It expanded instantaneously destroying everything in its path, and

Edward reacted on instinct as he pushed the Minister back and waved his

wand in an upward slash.

The flames in front of him erupted into large columns shielding them

from Voldemort's attack. Edward was pushed back by the power of the

attack, and was forced on his knees yet he did not relent, for he knew

that if the attack got through him and everyone behind him would be


"DON'T MOVE! STAY BEHIND!" ordered the Minster stopping the Aurors

from moving any further.




There were shouts of men writhing in pain but Edward couldn't spare any

effort to look at the source. He lost track of time and perhaps it was

hours or minutes later that the pressure reduced and he finally lowered

his arm, and his wand rolled out of his hand, which was stiff and in pain.

It had taken everything he had just to block Voldemort's attack. Yet he

had succeeded. He finally looked ahead and the scene was haunting. The

Ministry Hall had been destroyed completely. There were many

casualties on the other with many bodies lying there in puddles of blood.

People were shouting and crying as medics and Aurors rushed inside

from the gate, many of them couldn't keep the contents of their stomachs

inside them and vomited at the gruesome sights in front of them.

"GODS!" said the minister as she stepped forward, her face pale and her

body shook at the dozens of dead people laid there in front of her.


Suddenly, they both looked back to find that Dumbledore had fallen onto

his knees. Amelia Bones rushed towards him as she shouted.

"MEDICS! I NEED MIEDICS HERE ASAP!" and the whole Hall watched as

medics rushed towards the Greatest Wizard of their age.


As always, you can read ahead and support me on . Your support

makes it possible for me to write. So, if possible, have a look and

consider dropping a dime. It would mean a lot!

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

43. Chapter 43

Chapter 43


Elizabeth apparated in the Diagon Alley with a crack. There were two

other cracks behind her as Amy and Cedric also appeared in the alley. All

three of their faces pale and anxious as they began to rush towards the

St. Mungos. The whole alley was a flurry of activity, with Aurors

stationed everywhere, people were being searched left and right, and

everyone seemed extremely nervous.

St. Mungos was under lockdown with no apparition allowed in its

vicinity and its connection to the floo network had been cut off due to

security concerns after the major attack. A major attack right where her

best friend was.

She had come to know of the attack from Cedric, and then both of them

had rushed to get to Amy, who had gone out. Thankfully, the only

building to be attacked was the Ministry, and Amy was safe.

She saw the white marble-coated building of the St. Mungos in front of

her. She halted her steps as the three of them came to a stop. Aurors

stood at the entrance as a hoard of people stood outside the gate, many

reporters and the Ministry employees' family members.

"There is such a big crowd! It will take us hours to get through," said

Amy from the side, and just as Elizabeth was about to rush forward,

Cedric held her back.

"Don't worry. Father contacted one of his friends. He is right there," said

Cedric as he pointed at a man, who cut a rather imposing figure dressed

in purple auror robes, he stood out from the rest with his height and

build that seemed to scream authority. They began to walk towards him,

and Cedric came to the front. The man turned to face them, and she saw

his face relax as he saw Cedric.

"Cedric, you are here," the man said, motioning for the Aurors to let them

through. Elizabeth felt a little bad at skipping the line, yet she was far

more concerned about her friend to care about it at this time.

"Mr. Shacklebolt, thank you for this. How is Father?" Cedric questioned

immediately as they shook hands. The badge on his robes showed her

that the man was an Auror Captain.

"Your father's fine. He will be on the second floor, but you should still

confirm it at the desk," and she saw Cedric's shoulders relax as he relaxed

as he heard about his father, then the man's eyes turned towards them,

and he spoke with a shake of his head.

"I believe only family members are allowed to visit at this time," and she

stepped forward as she spoke up.

We are not here for Mr. Amos, we are here to see our friend, Edward,

Edward Wright," she spoke up and noticed how the man's eyes widened

at the mention of her friend's name. Dread pooled in her gut as she spoke

up again.

"Is he fine?" she asked again, and the man nodded as he answered.

"Yes, I believe he is fine, but as I said, only family members are allowed

to visit right now," he said with a shake of his head.

"He has no family. He is an orphan. We are the closest thing he has to

family," intervened Amy, and the man looked them over as he turned to

face Cedric again and nodded finally. She smiled as she thanked the man

as they took their slips and rushed towards the main lobby of the


There was still a massive crowd at the information desk as people tried to

get ahold of any information about their loved ones. Just as Cedric was

about to rush in to obtain Edward's whereabouts, a very familiar voice

stopped them.

"Elizabeth," and her head snapped to the right, and she saw Edward

standing there. She moved on instinct as she saw his familiar face. Her

feet moved on instinct as she rushed towards him and hugged him with

all her might.

"Thank god, you are fine. Thank god," she said, and she saw Amy and

Cedric join her as well. After some time, she separated, and Amy and

Cedric hugged their friend as well. And she finally had the chance to get

a good look at him. He was again wearing his mask, and though his face

was clean, there were hints of blood and debris in his hair. Likewise, his

robes were torn in places with a major portion of them covered in blood.

She gasped as she saw it.

"Elizabeth, it's not mine," he said as he saw her. And she nodded though

his statement hadn't really eased her mind.

"How did you guys get in?" he questioned, and Cedric responded.

"Father had a friend have us skip the line," and she saw Edward nod.

"Yeah, I just met your father. He is fine. He is in the first room to the

right," said Edward as he pointed at the stairs, and Cedric nodded as he

rushed past them and went to meet his father. Edward finally turned to

face them.

"What the hell happened?" questioned Amy as Edward led them to a

stool. The truth was that the only thing made public was that the

Ministry had been attacked by Voldemort, yet everything was still rather

obscure. Edward sighed.

"Voldemort happened. He decided to attack the Ministry during the

Minister's address. Though they believe it wasn't his main objective," and

she frowned at that. Taking over the Ministry wasn't his objective, then

what was?

"A break at Azkaban was orchestrated as well. Azkaban has been

destroyed, and his followers imprisoned there are now free," and the

news startled her. A break at Azkaban. The impregnable Azkaban was no

longer that.

"Gods!" said Amy, her face pale as they sat on the bench nearby. Though

she remembered something else.

"Wasn't Professor Dumbledore present at the Minster's address as well,"

she suddenly questioned, and Edward nodded, his lips thin.

"Yes, he was. They faced each other in the Hall, I cannot imagine what

would have happened had he not been there," and that statement made

her realize the extraordinary nature of the times they were living in. She

swallowed as she decided to ask the biggest question on her mind.

"How did you get so much blood on yourself?" she questioned him

cautiously, and Edward sighed, and just as he was about to answer, they

were interrupted by someone else.

"Mr. Edward Wright," came the intrusion, and she looked up to find an

Auror standing there. She did not miss the special regard with which the

man was looking at Edward. Edward stood up and shook the Auror's


"Yes," he replied.

"I am sorry for disturbing you, but the Minster is calling for you," he said,

and she noticed Edward frown at that.

"The Minster?" Edward questioned. And the young Auror nodded.

"Yes, she is with Headmaster Dumbledore. They are both calling for you,"

and Edward sighed and gave them a nod.

"Well, I will be back," then he turned to face the Auror.

"Lead the way," and with that, he left with the young Auror as they both

sat down on the bench again.

"What does the Minster want from him?" questioned Amy, and truthfully

she was thinking the exact same thing.



"What did you just say?" asked the young man as she sighed and began

once more.

"I repeat, the Ministry would like it if you were to stay in Britain for this

year instead of moving to France," and the boy shook his head.

"No," the boy replied, and she looked at Dumbledore, who simply raised a

brow because the man had told her that Edward would refuse. And he


"Why would you even want me here? I am a nobody," and Dumbledore

scoffed as he leaned back in his seat. His arm had been covered with

bandages, the phoenix tears had stopped the spread of the rot, though the

medics still had no idea on how to reverse it. They were working to

identify the curse, for that would be the first step in the process.

"I believe you underestimate yourself, Edward. I can assure you with all

those reporters present in the Hall, you will find yourself on the cover of

every newspaper in Britain in a couple of hours," finished Dumbledore

chuckling slightly. The kid's eyes shot open, and Amelia sighed. Though

she did not want to do this, the dire situation called for dire steps.

"Yes, and people will be looking for an icon. Someone to give them hope,

and as much as I regret it the Ministry and the Aurors have failed to be so

in these trying times. Moreover, you faced Voldemort twice now. The

number of people who have done that can be counted on one hand," and

the kid sighed.

"You have Dumbledore right here. Why do you need me?" argued the boy

as he pointed at the Headmaster of Hogwarts, whose expression grew

grave at that. They both looked at each other and nodded as she decided

to be open with the boy.

"Professor Dumbledore's arm is damaged. He believes that if Voldemort

strikes again, there is a great chance that he would not be able to face the

man as his equal," and the kid's eyes widened at that as he snapped

towards Dumbledore's bandaged arm.

"But you have Fawkes. You could use his tears," and Dumbledore nodded.

"I have, and they are the reason that I am still alive. We still have not

identified the curse used by him, yet is quite fatal I must say," and the kid

sighed. She decided to pitch in.

"Yes, Dumbledore is also working on plans to kill Voldemort, but we need

time. We cannot have our morale drop at such crucial times. And I

personally assure you, whatever the conclusion may be. I will personally

request Beauxbaton's Headmistress to offer you another apprenticeship

next year," and she saw the gears turning in the kid's head, though in the

end he still shook his head.

"I am afraid my answer is still no. You may not know, Minister, but my

reason for going to France are more personal than professional. And I

don't think my presence in Britain will make much difference. Professor

Dumbledore will recover soon, and if his plans succeed you will be able

to capture or kill Voldemort. There is little I could offer you," finished the

kid, and Amelia sighed. In the end, it was the young man's decision.

"People look for symbols in difficult times," began Dumbledore from his

seat, as he stared straight at his former student, "for Britain, I had been

that symbol for many years. They have looked to me for guidance and

help even in times when I had none to offer. Yesterday when I fell to the

ground many of them lost their hopes and dreams, they saw their symbol

fall. But, in those dark times, they found another one, someone not afraid

to stand up to the forces of evil. Someone younger, someone brighter,

someone they could look to in these dark times," He finished as he looked

the young man straight in the eye.

"You," Dumbledore finished with a smile, and the young man shook his


"But you are alive, professor. And Voldemort is injured as well, you have

time you could finish your plans to eliminate him in this time," retorted

the kid and Dumbledore.

"Indeed, Voldemort is injured, yet he now also has his previous followers.

Azkaban held some of his deadliest followers and now all of them are

loose, we cannot take any risks," began Dumbledore before he held up his


"And as much as it pains me, Amelia is right. In my current state, I

believe I wouldn't be able to face him alone," finished Dumbledore, and

she smiled as she saw Edward chew his lips. Both Edward and

Dumbledore stared each other in the eye, and then he suddenly got up

and began to pace in the room.

"Edward, I know you are an orphan and have a fiancée in France. But I

also know that you have your dear friends here in Britain, including Mr.

Diggory and Miss Elizabeth White," she began as she recalled her earlier

conversation with Dumbledore. Edward's head snapped towards her, and

she was surprised at the glint in those eyes. It seems she had failed to

convey her point.

"What I am trying to say is, don't stay to help me or the Ministry. But stay

to help them. One year, that is all I ask," and Edward sighed as his

shoulders sagged.

"Fleur isn't going to like this at all," said the young man. From what she

recalled, Fleur was the name of his fiancée. Dumbledore chuckled from

the side.

"Ahh, I believe I could offer you something to alleviate some of that

wrath," added Dumbledore from the side. Edward frowned as he

questioned the aged warlock.

"And what is that?" questioned Edward with a frown.

"Ahh! I believe the chance of being the first person to study Hogwarts's

wards under my tutelage would do wonders in alleviating Miss Delacour's




Fleur Delacour had been waiting for a chat with Edward all night

yesterday. She remembered him telling her about his meeting with the

Ministry to get his permit for traveling to France, yet she had not been

able to reach him. This was the first time this had happened since he had

gifted her that special enchanted mirror.

She was alone in the house and, due to this and had trouble sleeping the

whole night, so she decided to make herself something to drink. She got

up from the bed and began to rush downstairs to fix herself a coffee. Her

mother had taken Gabrielle to a gathering, which she had gotten out of

by making an excuse about her sleepless night, and her father was at


She walked to the small kitchen, and just as she was about to pick up her

cup, her eyes widened as she saw the headline in the newspaper.



Below that headline was a picture of Edward, surrounded by fire as he

stood face to face against Voldemort, with his Headmaster and a blonde

woman standing behind him, the one who was supposed to be the New

Minister from her guess. She picked up the newspaper and began to rifle

through the article with haste, instantly forgetting about her exhaustion

and sleep. Dread filled her gut as she rifled through the article. Yet her

eyes focused on the paragraph that mentioned Edward.

Yet just as, the paragon of light, Albus Dumbledore lay there injured, following

his battle with Voldemort. The Dark Lord, who had also been injured, struck

back with a vengeance, and just as all hope seemed lost, a surprising intruder

stepped up in a time of peril. Edward Wright, a recent Hogwarts graduate

famed for his dueling ability, jumped into the foray and faced the Dark Lord.

Their exchange though short, showed that the young man possesses great

courage and has the potential to one day rise to the level of his famed


The reports also show that the man had fought and liberated many Ministry

floors from the control of Death Eaters, even facing and apprehending the

famed Werewolf, Fenrir Greyback. Greyback, famous for biting young

children, has bounties on his head in many countries and has avoided capture

due to his unique prowess. The Ministry of Magic of Britain has yet to give an

official statement about this, though many speculate that the young man could

be awarded an Order of Merlin for his services.

Page 7 for more on the battle at the Ministry.

Page 8 for more on Edward Wright.

Facing Voldemort! She scanned the page again, and it had no mention of

his injuries, yet from the few pictures, she noticed how his clothes were

covered in blood. She dropped the paper and rushed up the stairs again,

hoping to contact Edward again. Perhaps, if not him, she could get one of

his friends.

She ran back to her her room and picked up the enchanted mirror.

"Edward!" she spoke into the mirror, and with each passing second, her

heart dropped as dread pooled in her gut, and just as she was about to try

and contact him through one of his friends, the mirror shimmered and

her heart eased, as the familiar figure of her fiancée popped into the




In his dream, Harry found himself staring at those people again. He felt his

body constricted as he focused on the scene in front of him.

"Tell me, Lucius! Where is it?" came his voice again, and Harry felt repulsed

as he felt as if it was him speaking. Despite his training in Occlumency, dreams

like this still came to him sometimes. Though, their number had dropped by

quite a bit.

One of the masked men stepped forward, his mask covering his face, yet Harry

would recognize that hair anywhere. Malfoy! He had a box in hand, and he

came to stand in front of Harry as he kneeled down. Harry felt an emotion

run through him. It was as If he was proud as he Malfoy Snr. Kneel down.

"We were able to get the prophecy, my Lord. It is here."

Prophecy! What prophecy!

A sense of excitement and elation ran through him as he saw those white

hands reach for that box. And just as the lid opened to reveal a white cloudy




There is going to be another prison break next, chap! Can you guess


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Pa-tre -0n. Your

support makes it possible for me to write. So, if possible, have a

look and consider dropping a couple of sickles for support. It would

mean a lot to me.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

44. Chapter 44

Chapter 44


Albus Dumbledore sat in his office as he stared at the recently procured

Cup of Hufflepuff, and the famed magical artifact reeked of black magic

like all the other Horcruxes. This now left three Horcruxes, the snake,

and the biggest issue, one Harry Potter. The truth was that Dumbledore

had scoured every text he could for a solution yet he had found nothing.

He sighed as he leaned back into his chair, as looked down at his injured

arm. Edward's decision to stay back had taken some burden off of his

shoulder and the as he had suspected, the newspapers and the public had

been focused on his coverage for the last couple of days.

In such times of crisis people often looked for a hero, and magical Britain

had found just one. This helped build up morale, though he knew that he

needed to find a solution to the issue of the Horcrux in Harry quickly.

With his followers at his side, Voldemort could cause a lot more damage

and Magical Britain couldn't afford another prolonged war.

Suddenly he felt the wards of Hogwarts trip, and he frowned as he found

that someone had just walked in through the castle gate. Someone rather

powerful and familiar. He frowned as he recognized the magical

signature. Albus was perplexed as the presence of this signal was more or

less impossible.

"It couldn't be!" he said and with a crack, he vanished from his office and

apparated to the ground in front of the gate. And his eyes widened as he

saw a rather familiar face standing there. And Albus was on guard

immediately as he gripped his wand as stared at the dichromatic eyes of

his friend who had no purpose of being here.

"What are you doing here Gellert?" questioned Dumbledore, and Gellert

simply smiled as he stepped forward as looked around at the castle.

"I was feeling quite cramped in my castle, so I decided that it was time

for an outing," and Nurmengard was his castle. Dumbledore watched as

Gellert's eyes focused on his injured arm.

"And I come bearing gifts!" said Gellert suddenly as he took out a piece of

paper from his pocket and threw it gently. Albus saw it fold itself into a

butterfly and fly towards him, and he had not missed how Gellert had

done such delicate magic without any wand.

The paper landed in his hand and unfurled itself. And Dumbledore

frowned as he skimmed over the contents, and his eyes widened as he

reached the end.

"You told me about your little Horcrux problem. I believe that could be a

viable solution to your little Voldemort problem," Dumbledore did not

reply as he skimmed over the whole page, and then he looked up at his


"Are you sure about this, Gellert?" and his friend shrugged.

"There is no other way Dumbledore. We need the items. We need the

Peverell Treasures!"



"NO!" an exasperated Edward immediately turned her proposal down.

She puffed her cheeks and stared at Edward somewhat defiantly as she

argued again.

"Why? It's the perfect plan, Edward. Studying under Dumbledore for a

year, you don't know how many people would die for such an

opportunity, and moreover, this way, I will be right there with you," she

argued, and Edward shook his head, still defiant.

"Fleur, you do know how dangerous it is out here. You were the one who

wanted me to get out of Britain, and now you are thinking of coming

here yourself," he told her, and she just shrugged.

"But that's the point. You aren't coming here, Edward," and her father's

involvement in this issue had been quite embarrassing for her. Edward

hadn't said anything, yet she could tell that he was quite agitated by it.

"I want to be there with you. Plus, I will be at Hogwarts, and that's

arguably the safest place in all of Britain," she argued, and Edward sighed

as he listened to her arguments. In the end, he shrugged as a resigned

smile appeared on his face.

"Well, I know better than to argue with you when you are like this," and

her heart lept in her chest at his words. However, his tone turned serious

as he continued.

"But will you even be able to make it here?" he asked, and she

understood the implication behind his words, and she chewed her lip as

he nodded slowly.

"I am an adult now and can make my own decisions," she said resolutely,

and Edward nodded. Edward had been forced to stay in Britain for a year

by his grandmaster, and the recent attack at the Ministry would have

already made it difficult for anyone to come to France. And Fleur couldn't

let him be alone in all this mess, and with an opportunity to study under

Albus Dumbledore while being near him, it was the best-case scenario.

Her eyes instinctively went to her scar, and she reaffirmed herself that

she couldn't let him be there alone. She couldn't let such an opportunity

slip by her.

She needed to become stronger, much stronger, so she could stand by his

side. So that something like that night never happens again. Never!

"Ahh, I forgot about something," suddenly said Edward, and she was

broken out of her trance as she looked at him again.

"It has not been publicized yet, but the Ministry will be awarding me an

Order of Merlin Second Class for my efforts in the capture of Fenrir

Greyback," and her eyes widened as she heard those words. An Order of

Merlin at his age.

"What! Why didn't you mention it earlier? An Order of Merlin, that's such

an honor," she said as she congratulated him. Exasperated at his behavior

over achieving such an honor. Edward just shrugged, a small smile

tucked on his lips.

"Well, the truth is that I am just happy to be alive. And with all the

craziness, it just left my mind," and she nodded, understanding his

position. Edward had told her of all that had taken place at the Ministry,

and it had shaken her heart as she had heard him retell the whole

incident, and though she could tell that he had left out quite a bit of

detail, even then the events were nothing short of traumatizing.

"Well, whatever, so are you set on the idea of coming here?" Edward

questioned her once more, and she nodded as she answered emphatically.

"Yes," her voice rigid as she replied in affirmative. And Edward nodded.

"All right, I will make the necessary arrangements here. We will discuss it

more tomorrow," Edward said as he stifled a yawn, and she nodded, they

had been talking for hours, and Edward was still in the Hospital.

"Yeah, you should rest. We can talk later," she said, and Edward nodded

as his face began to fade.

"Goodbye," he said, and she nodded.

"See you later," and with that, his silhouette vanished from the mirror,

leaving her alone in her room once again. Fleur put it to the side as she

thought of all that Edward had told her, more specifically, the

intervention of her father in all this. She clenched her fists as she thought

about it, and suddenly her eyes found an old picture of a young Fleur

with her father.

She picked it up, and her eyes focused on the form of her father as she


"One thing you always seem to forget is that I am as much your daughter

as I am mother's."



"I am coming for you, Potter. You won't get away this time," came the familiar

voice that had left him sleepless for days. And suddenly, his vision shifted, and

he found himself in the broken shack with several bodies strewn across, lying

there lifelessly. Harry calmed himself as he continuously told himself, 'This

isn't real. It's all in your head,'.

"I am coming for you!"

"Harry! Harry!" suddenly, he felt himself falling as he woke up with a

huff. He woke up and looked around, and found himself in his room once

again. Soon, there was another knock at his door.

"Harry, are you fine?" came Hermione's voice, and Harry replied as he

put on his glasses and got up.

"Yeah, it was just a bad dream," said Harry as he decided not to burden

her friend with his issues. He had already confided in Sirius about these

dreams, and the man had upped his Occlumency training though even

that wasn't completely effective.

He reached the door and opened it and found Hermione standing there

outside. And the last couple of months, and changed her friend.

Hermione had lost her usual cheer, and her face had a constant look of

sadness. He could feel that both of them had gotten closer to each other,

both of them having a clear understanding of what the other was going


"I came to call because the meeting is about to begin. If you want to try

and listen to it…" and before she could finish, he cut her off.

"Yes, let's go," he said, and she nodded as they both began to slowly walk

down the stairs, trying not to make a sound. They reached the corridor

and came to a halt outside the main door of the drawing room.

Hermione took out her wand and waved it in a complex manner, and

suddenly, he could hear whispers from inside the room. The voices were

a bit muffled, but he could still make out what was being said.

He heard Tonks suddenly speak up the name 'Elizabeth' in an exasperated

tone. She had been staying with them for some time now and had been a

wealth of knowledge in terms of dueling.

Elizabeth, Harry was sure that he had heard that name. And when Moody

suddenly cut in, he finally realized whom they were talking about.

"It's Edward and Elizabeth, the seniors. They are here to join as well!"

Hermione reached the same conclusion as she spoke up from her side.

Though she suddenly frowned as she whispered to herself.

"But wasn't he going to France?"

And suddenly, he frowned as Dumbledore found them out.

"Shit!" and suddenly, instead of whispers from the inside, their ears were

filled with a slight him of muggle music. Harry shook his head. As soon

as he stepped back from the door, the sound of music vanished.



Sirius sat in his chair as the tension in the room continued to build with

every passing second. The attack at the Ministry had been thwarted, but

things were far more dire than they were previously. Voldemort had

broken out his followers from Azkaban, thought to be impregnable

though Sirius would tend to disagree with that situation.

The dementors were at his side now, and with that, the war was at its

tipping point now. Dumbledore had called for an order meeting, and this

would be the first time Sirius would be seeing the man after his injury.

And that was the biggest issue. The attack at the Ministry had left them

with an injured Dumbledore, the extent of which remained still


"When will he be arriving?" questioned Nymphadora as he sat to his side,

and Sirus shrugged, though before he could say anything, the floo lit up

once again, and Sirius watched as Dumbledore stepped out of the floo, in

his usual obnoxious attire of purple robes and a pointed hat. However,

much like everyone else, Sirius's eyes went straight to the sling tied

around his neck.

"Ahh, everyone's already here. I apologize for being late. I was picking up

our newest members," said Dumbledore, and Sirius watched as the floo lit

up again as two people walked out of it, younger than everyone present.

And he immediately recognized one of the faces, for it had been

splattered across the newspapers for the last couple of days.

Edward Wright walked out of the floo and gave a small greeting to

everyone, flanked t the side by a witch similar to his age. Sirus wasn't

able to recognize the witch, but it seems Nymphadora was able to.

"Elizabeth!" said Nymphadora as she stood up to greet the younger witch.

And he saw both of them exchange pleasantries as Dumbledore took his

seat. Edward joined Kingsley on the other side and stood to the man's

side as everyone gathered.

The Order was assembled now, all except Arthur, who was busy;

everyone else was present, including Snape, much to his dismay as he

hung in the shadow like a bat. Lupin sat at his side and was followed by

Alastor, who was now staring at the new members.

"You! You are the one who killed Greyback, right!" suddenly, Alastor

spoke up, and he saw Remus stiffen up at the mention of the infamous

Werewolf. The young kid didn't seem perturbed as he nodded slowly.

"I did," replied the kid looking straight at Moody, who narrowed his eyes

before he nodded appreciatingly.

"Good! It was time that mutt was put down. You must be quite a wizard

to take down the man singlehandedly," praised Alastor, and the boy

nodded as Dumbledore coughed.

"I believe it is time we begin the meeting," and there were several nods as

Dumbledore took out his wand and waved it around, erupting a privacy

ward with a simple wave of his wand.

"I believe some muggle music should do well in distracting our young

audience outside," said Dumbledore as he chuckled while looking at the

door Sirius shook his head as he realized exactly what he meant.

"All right, now for the first matter, we have some new members amongst

our ranks. Though some of you may be familiar with them, nonetheless I

shall introduce them once more," said Dumbledore as he pointed at the

two new members.

"I believe you should know him by, first, we have Mr. Edward Wright. He

recently fought Fenrir Greyback and saved my life," and he saw how

everyone's eyes focused on the young man. And Sirius's mind went to

what the papers were saying. For the past couple of days, the papers had

been filled with comparisons between him and Albus himself, and the

way everyone, including Dumbledore, were looking at him, they weren't

simple speculations. Or they wouldn't remain speculations for long.

"And then we have Miss Elizabeth White. She has just been hired as

Junior Undersecretary to our dear Minster Bones," and there were

eyebrows raised as everyone looked at the girl. Dumbledore seemed

rather proud of the two of them.

"Both of them are recent graduates and were Head Boy and Head Girl,

respectively, I must say they are amongst the brightest students Hogwarts

has ever had," and looking at the two of them made Sirius think of

another of his departed friends. The similarities were uncanny to an


"We can talk more after the meeting now, I believe Serverus, you have

news for us," said Dumbledore as he turned to face the conniving bastard.

Severus stepped out of his shadow as he drawled out.

"Your battle with the Dark Lord has left him injured as well," and he saw

his eyes shift to Dumbledore's injured arm as he continued.

"Though he hasn't shared his plans yet, he is planning something.

Something big, very big." Finished the Slytherin, and Dumbledore

nodded. And his words rattled Sirius, for it couldn't be a coincidence.

"Thank you for this information Severus," said Dumbledore, and with a

nod, Snivellus stepped back.

"What about you, Dumbledore? What about that sling around your arm,"

Alastor asked the question that was on everyone's mind, and the room

became silent as everyone waited for Dumbledore's response.

"I am afraid, my battle with Voldemort left its scars on me as well. While

it isn't my wand arm, the healers are skeptical about recovery unless we

can identify the curse used by him precisely," said Dumbledore, and

Sirius saw the mood drop at Dumbledore's words. The morale of this

whole resistance was dependent on the man, and Sirius had spent the last

couple of days scoring his family library with Remus and Andromeda to

identify the curse used by Voldemort and had yet to succeed.

"Though I have good news as well," suddenly spoke up Albus, and

everyone perked up at that.

"I have been investigating Voldemort for some time and have found out

that he had used some rather obscure and dark magic to turn himself

immortal," and the whole room gasped at his words. Sirius sat straighter

now, for unlike everyone else he had a certain idea of what Dumbledore

was talking about.

"And recently with the help of an old friend I have made a breakthrough.

Though I cannot share the details with you, I can assure you that we are

much closer to turning him mortal and putting an end to Voldemort," and

he saw everyone hanging at Dumbledore's words.

"Permanently," finished Dumbledore emphatically Albus had never made

such a statement ever before, and hence it made it all the more emphatic.

The meeting then proceeded to the regular issues, with everyone giving

their reports though Sirius couldn't get his mind off of Severus's words.



Hermione found herself sitting with Edward as the meeting ended. Harry

was inside talking with Dumbledore and Sirius and Edward had joined

her outside in the corridor. Both of them stood in the silence which was

broken by him as he spoke slowly.

"How are you Hermione?" and the truth was that Hermione was quite

tired of answering that question. But nonetheless, she nodded.

"I am fine," she said and in some ways, she was. Sirius and Andromeda

truly helped her during these times. The loss of her parents had been a

big blow, and when all hope had seemed lost, Sirius had come up and

told her of how they were related. It had been a ray of hope.

And though they owed her nothing, Sirius and Andromeda had helped

her get through these difficult times. And for that, she was thankful to

them. Edward had also written to her and even visited a couple of times,

but he was busy with his own work.

"So, you aren't going to France then?" she questioned him, trying not to

linger on the dark topics, and he sighed as he nodded.

"Yeah, now I will be staying here for a year. With all that debacle at the

Ministry it was elaborated to me that it would be better for Britain and

for me if I stayed here for a year," said Edward in a resigned tone,

seemingly a bit agitated by the prospect of staying. And with how

enthusiastic he was about going to France, it was understandable.

"Speaking of that, Professor Tonks told me that you have been having her

giving you dueling lessons," and she nodded. Hermione had realized her

limitations and now knew that apart from theory, she needed to excel in

the practical side of things as well.

"Yeah, she has been helping me and Harry a bit in that," she added, not

understanding where this was going.

"Ahh, that's good. That's very good. Then I believe you will be pleased to

know that Hogwarts will be having a dueling class this year once more,"

and she shuddered as she remembered the disaster that such classes were

in her second year.

"Well, I hope Professor Dumbledore finds someone competent, at least

this time. I don't think we can handle another Lockhart," she said with a

smile, and he joined in with a small laugh as well.

"Yeah, I believe you will find him quite adequate. After all, I believe as a

dueling champion, I am quite up to the task," and her eyes widened as

her head snapped to him.

"You! You will be teaching us all dueling!" and he nodded.

"Yeah, this will be part of my apprenticeship. Since I was supposed to

shadow Professor Delbren at Beauxbatons for a year, Dumbledore

proposed that it would be a valuable experience for me to teach for a

year here. You will be getting your letters tomorrow; it will all be

mentioned there," and she nodded as she thought of him teaching a

proper class.

He had taught Daphne, Susan, and her group for a bit last year and had

been excellent, and Hermione was quite excited about attending an

official class mentored by him.


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Pa-tre -0n. Your

support makes it possible for me to write. So, if possible, have a

look and consider dropping a couple of sickles for support. It would

mean a lot to me.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

45. Chapter 45

Chapter 45


The famed Headmaster of Hogwarts sat in his office as he once more

stared at the only possible solution to his Horcrux problem. The solution

was risky. No, it was very risky.

Of all the rules employed by the Ministry over the years, he found several

useless and baseless, yet even Albus Dumbledore understood that the ban

on the exploration of advanced rituals was one of the more reasonable

restrictions placed by the Ministry.

"You don't seem convinced, Albus. Though I can assure you. If you want

to keep the boy alive, there is no other solution apart from this," spoke

Gellert from the side as he rifled through his vast book collection. Today

Gellert had come to his office to meet a certain new Professor, the very

same young professor with whom he shared a mysterious connection.

"I know that, but you must see how dangerous this is, Gellert. The only

time any magician succeeded in summoning Death itself was centuries

ago. Centuries. And even then, little is known on how the Peverells

succeeded in doing so, for all the records of their times have been

purged, and all that's left that single tale," replied Albus with a sigh.

Gellert smiled as he placed the book he had been reading back on the

shelf and looked towards him.

"That was always your problem, Albus," said his old rival as he strode

slowly to the seat before him.

"You have always had a fascinating understanding of magic, yet you fail

to see it for the living mystical being it is," began Gellert, his eyes bright

and glowing, reminding Albus of simpler times, of times when they were

young and ambitious and filled with raw curiosity.

"Magic has always been alive. Your Dark Lord's actions aren't just against

human nature. They go against the very fabric of magic itself," began

Gellert, and Albus's mind went to his recent encounter with Voldemort,

and a part of him agreed with Gellert.

"Magic reviles him, considers its very existence a taint against its majesty.

Yet it cannot act by itself; no, it needs a conduit. And this ritual will

provide us with one. A chance for it to return balance to nature itself and

destroy the taint that is Voldemort" finished Albus with a flourish leaning

back in his chair. And Albus frowned as he looked down at the paper

once more.

A part of him was still skeptical, yet it seemed like he had no choice.

"We shouldn't rush this. Let me look into it a bit more before I decide on

it," said Albus as he folded the pieces of paper and placed them in his

pocket. Gellert's eyes focused on his arm, the injured one at his words

before the man slowly spoke up.

"I don't believe you can afford to wait for much longer, Albus," Albus's

eyes focused on his injured arm again, and the same thoughts ran

through his mind. Gellert was right. At all his might, he could do nothing

except hold Tom back, yet now, with this injury, he wasn't sure he could

do that now.

"If Voldemort attacks again, I am not sure you could face him as an

equal. Perhaps, if I could fi…." But Albus cut him off.

"NO!" and Gellert stopped as Albus's eyes narrowed at Gellert.

"You swore to me, Gellert, and you will not break it. You will not touch a

wand; otherwise, I will have you sent back to Nurmengard even if it's the

last thing I do!" said Albus with finality in his tone, and Gellert's eyes

narrowed at him before the man sighed and nodded slowly.

"Plus, Voldemort himself is injured, which gives us some time. The time

that you will use to train Edward Wright," Albus reminded him of his

other arrangement, and Gellert nodded with a small smile.

"Yes, and where is the intriguing young man? I must say I am quite

excited to see him," spoke Gellert as he glanced at the clock. And the

clock arms had hit twelve, meaning Edward would be here anytime now.

"He will be here any minute now. I believe he has entered the castle

grounds," Albus spoke as he felt the disturbance in the wards. And Gellert

nodded before his eyes focused on him once more.

"You really believe that the boy could step into your shoes? That he could

face Voldemort as an equal," and Albus thought of all he had seen from

the young man and nodded.

"Yes, I do. You can call it a teacher's intuition," and Gellert smirked as

suddenly they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Professor, may I come in," Albus smiled as he saw Gellert vanish into the

shadowy corner of his office as Albus replied.

"Please, do come in, Mr. Wright."



"Please do come in, Mr. Wright." And the door swung open, and Edward

stepped into the Headmaster's office again, though this time he wasn't a


He saw the Headmaster smile at him as he walked towards the chairs.

"I must say, coming here feels a bit different now that I have graduated,"

said Edward as the Headmaster motioned for him to sit.

"I hope you mean that in a good way, for with your new position, I

believe you will be visiting this office quite regularly," and Edward

nodded as he was once more reminded of his new employment as

Hogwart's youngest professor.

"And what do we know, one day you might even be sitting in my chair,"

said Professor Dumbledore with a smile, and he just shook his head.

"I hope not. My plan is to have an early retirement and enjoy life. So,

why did you call for me, Professor? There is still about a month left till

the term starts, so I doubt it is about that," Edward decided to get straight

to the point.

He still had two weeks to prepare the lesson plans, and though he was

done with half of them, he could instinctively tell that this call wasn't

regarding that issue. And the shift in Dumbledore's demeanor all but

confirmed his suspicion.

"Indeed, I have called you here due to some different issues. One of them

is this letter I received from Miss Delacour," and Edward picked up the

letter as Albus smiled.

"She has accepted my offer and will be joining us as my apprentice here

in Hogwarts. Though, I believe you must be already aware of it," and

Edward nodded. Fleur had told him about the letter and was actually set

to arrive within a week.

"Yes, she had told me," he replied as he put the letter back on the table,

and Dumbledore nodded. And suddenly, Edward felt a gaze pouring onto

him. His eyes narrowed, and he glanced back and looked around the

office, yet the feeling didn't go away.

He could feel something wrong, yet as Dumbledore coughed and he

looked forward at the Headmaster once again, though inside his hold on

his wand tightened.

"And I believe the next topic concerns your magical prowess, more

specifically, your ability to face Voldemort," and Edward frowned at

those words.

"What do you mean, Professor?" he questioned as Dumbledore took off

his glasses and began slowly.

"My last duel with Voldemort has left us both injured. And while my

recovery remains hampered by Voldemort regains his strength by the day

and will soon be at his best again," said Dumbledore in a grave voice.

And Edward stiffened at those words.

"And in that sense, I believe we must use this time to utmost effect. You

are the only person apart from me who can stand up to him, yet as strong

and powerful as you are. There still exists a gap between you and

Voldemort," and Edward nodded slowly at those words. Edward knew

that he could probably hold Tom off for an hour at his current level, a

feat few could accomplish.

Yet that also meant that he knew that there was little chance of him

succeeding in killing him at his current level. He was working towards it,

but there was little that he could do by himself. And the way this

conversation was going, it seemed Dumbledore had reached the same


"So, are you going to help me train, Professor," asked Edward trying to

make sense of their conversation, and to his surprise, the Headmaster

shook his head.

"I am afraid the difference in our styles makes it so that my teachings will

do little to benefit you," and Edward frowned at those words. However,

Dumbledore continued.

"However, I believe there is someone more suited than me who could

help you in your journey," and suddenly Edward's senses screamed at

him, and in an instant, he as out of the chair, his wand in his hand as he

aimed it at the shadow from where he had senses that uninvited


"Who are you!" Edward shouted as his wand lit up, and suddenly there

was the sound of chuckling before a shadowy silhouette stepped out of

the shadows, and Edward's frown vanished, and his eyes widened as he

saw those dichromatic eyes focused on him. For as per his knowledge,

there was only ever a single wizard with eyes like that.

"Hahaha, it seems you recognize me," said the man as he completely

stepped out of the shadow, and Edward was lost for words. And then he

turned to look at Dumbledore, who still sat in his chair.

"Edward, meet the person who will train you to face Voldemort. He is

perhaps the best person for the job. The man whose dueling style inspired

your own, Gellert Grindelwald," and many thoughts were going through

his mind, yet the only words that came out of his mouth were.

"What the hell is he doing here!"



The Malfoy manor had been serving as their base of operations for about

a year now. And with each passing day, the seeds of doubt in his heart

grew stronger as he watched Voldemort ravish their lives.

And it was on this day that the straw finally broke, and Lucius would

wholeheartedly admit that he had chosen the wrong side. Yet he could do

nothing about it now. Nothing at all as he watched his son standing there

with several other of his friends, pale and nervous as they waited for

their Lord's summon.

His dear Draco was pale, much like the rest of the kids, and turned to

face him, nervousness and fear clearly visible in those eyes. Lucius's heart

broke as he could do nothing but give his son a fake smile and nod slowly

as dread pooled in his heart for his son's future.

Suddenly he saw Draco's eyes shift to the side, and Lucius turned and

found his wife standing there looking at their son. Her face was cold, and

only their years of marriage allowed him to glimpse at the anger and

pain on her face.

"What does he want with those kids?" she whispered as he held her hand

and felt her nails pushing into his own as she nervously glanced at the

door to their main Hall.

"I don't know, but we must trust the dark lord," spoke Lucius, slowly

trying to reassure her, yet he knew in his heart that he himself didn't

believe in those words. Narcissa scoffed at those words, wrung her hand

out of his, and shook her head.

"You want me to trust him with the life of our son. Our only son!" she

nearly shouted, and Lucius's heart shook at her words. But what choice

did they have? He looked at her.

"There is no other choice Narcissa," he said in a resigned tone, and before

she could reply, the door opened, and his heart nearly gave out as

someone walked out of the room and as he saw those infamous black

locks and that gaunt face, he felt Narcrissa stiffen beside her as Bellatrix's

eyes landed at them.

She smiled, and that smile sent shivers down his spine, and then she

turned towards the assembled Hogwarts students and spoke in her usual

fanatic manner.

"Be honored that the Dark Lord is granting you a chance to serve him. Go

in. He is waiting for you all," and he stiffened at her words. And saw his

son Draco look towards him, yet as before, he could do nothing but give

her son an encouraging nod and pray in her heart as he watched him

vanish behind those haunting pair of doors.

Bellatrix closed the door and walked towards them, smiling fanatically,

and he noticed all emotions vanish from his wife's face as her sister

walked up to her.

"Cissa! It's so good to see you! You have no idea how much I missed you!"

said Bellatrix as she hugged her younger sister. He saw Narcrissa stiffen

as Bellatrix wrapped her arms around her tightly.

"I missed you too, Bella! I am sorry that I couldn't come to meet you

earlier. I was out of the country and just returned today with Draco," and

he saw a crazed look appear in those eyes as Bellatrix separated from


"Ahh! Little Draco has grown up so much since the last time I saw him.

He was such a small thing, always crying for his mommy. You must be so

proud of him that he gets an opportunity to serve our Lord like this!" he

saw her wife's Occlumency shields go up as a mechanical smile appeared

on her face as she replied.

"Indeed I am. I am quite proud of my son!"


Severus Snape stood in Albus's office as the night raged on. Dumbledore had

told him of the special connection between Harry and Voldemort, and the

information had shocked him a bit. And when it seemed like all his sacrifice

and effort would be for naught, Dumbledore had assured him that he was

looking for a solution. And now the thing was that Voldemort was also aware

of the prophecy and seemed to be planning something big. Something very big

that involved Hogwarts itself.

He had assured Narcissa that he would try to look out for her son, yet the

Dark Lord was extremely secretive with his new plan and hadn't shared it with


"Why have you called for me, Albus?" he asked in an annoyed tone. He had

been busy preparing lesson plans for the incoming year. Albus stood there

staring at the castle grounds below. At his question, the man turned to face


"I wanted to inform you that I have found a solution to Harry's problem,"

Severus's eyes widened at that, and relief filled him. Yet he quickly put his

Occlumency shields as he continued.

"And what about Voldemort? With him now aware of the full prophecy, he

will still target Harry," and Albus shook his head.

"The solution will take care of that too, though I believe for it all to a word I

will be in need of something from you," and the Headmaster turned to face

him. And Severus nodded.

"What do you need, Albus," and silence reigned in the office before

Dumbledore uttered the final words.

"Nagini. To save Harry and eliminate Voldemort once and for all, we must

destroy all his Horcruxes first. And the only one that remains is Nagini," and

Severus stiffened at those words.

Nagini never left Voldemort's side. And to kill it meant only one thing for him.

Death. Or at least a very high probability of Death or a fate even worse than

that. Yet it would end it all. It would save Lily's son and end Voldemort once

and for all. The potion master closed his eyes as he thought of all his life's

regrets, thought of those auburn red locks and those bright green eyes, and he

hardened his heart as he looked at Albus and nodded his head.

"I will do it!"


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Pa-tre -0n. Your

support makes it possible for me to write. So, if possible, have a

look and consider dropping a couple of sickles for support. It would

mean a lot to me.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

46. Chapter 46

Chapter 46


"IGNIS!" Edward screamed as the flames roared around him and wrapped

around him, shaping themselves according to his will into a deathly

skeletal guardian. Edward was dripping from sweat as the roar from the

fiery skeletal structure shook the whole area.

His magical reserves were quite depleted from the several hour-long

practice session he had been having for over two weeks now, and yet

there was the sound of metal creaking and bodies moving, and Edward

knew he couldn't relax.

More than a dozen wooden training dummies circled him, each with a

wand or a physical weapon in hand as he stood at the center.

He glanced at them, ready for any attack.


HE heard from behind, and his grip around his wand tightened as the

dance began. Edward ducked as he dodged an arrow, and then before he

could react, he was getting bombarded by a massive stream of water

from half a dozen of those wooden training dummies.

The flames struggled to survive the onslaught from the water, and

Edward was beginning to feel the strain on his magical reserves. It would

have been easier to dodge the attack, yet the rules stated that he couldn't

move more than a couple of steps, so he gritted his teeth as he pushed his

wand up into an arc.

"IGNIS SOLUS!" he screamed, and the massive fiery figure began to glow

before suddenly it dissolved into a jet of flames that spread around him,

destroying over half a dozen of those dolls. Had it been earlier, Edward

could have used Ignis to destroy them all, yet his exhaustion was

beginning to catch up with him.

Yet as the wooden figures walked through the ring of fire, Edward's wand

had already lit up once more. This time in a whitish glow as he brushes

down his wand.

"TEMPEST ENSTORMIUS!" then a lightning bolt shot out of his wand and

hit the ground, and dissipated into his surroundings, destroying all of the

surrounding wooden training dolls.

"HaaaHaaaHaaa," Edward huffed slightly as he wiped the sweat from his

face and looked around at the destroyed wooden dolls. In his mind, he

began going over the battle once again, trying to identify and rectify his



He was broken out of his trance by the sound of claps, and he looked up

to find his unusual train stepping out of the shadows. Gellert

Grindelwald, the Greatest Dark Lord of the century. The man responsible

for genocide and killings, and above all else. An extremely talented


"I must say, you continue to surprise me to this day, young Edward,"

began the man as he walked towards one of the burnt wooden dummies

and crouched down to examine it. The wood was charred and crumbled

at his touch.

"Such power and mastery at such a young age. Your growth over the last

couple of weeks has surprised me quite a lot," said the man as he stood

up once more looking straight at him. And Edward's hair rose as those

mismatched eyes landed on him. Something was unnerving about that

dissecting gaze as Grindelwald looked him up and down again.

"And this room. I must say, I have never seen anything like this ever in

my life," Gellert said as he looked around the magical room once more.

And Edward finally caught his breath and straightened up as the broken

and damaged dummies began to vanish.

"I don't believe something similar exists in either Drumstrang or

Beauxbaton," said the man as he closed his eyes, and Edward watched as

the man's presence filled the Room of Requirement.

For the sake of his training, Edward had told Dumbledore about the

room, and this also had the added benefit of stopping the whole Malfoy

debacle. Dumbledore had been aware of the room, though, though hadn't

bothered to look into it and had been shocked by its capabilities.

In the end, he had decided to let it be as it was, as a refuge to those who

found it.

"Well, I hope you remember your promise to Professor Dumbledore about

not mentioning it to anyone," Edward reminded the old wizard, and the

man nodded with a smile.

"Ahh, don't worry. I will take this secret to the grave with me," finished

the man as the room was swept clean of all the rubble as two comfortable

chairs appeared for both of them.

"Nice," said Grindelwald as he settled into the chair.

"I must say, I was quite surprised by your reaction to my presence in

Professor Dumbledore's office," and Edward shrugged.

"Well, it was Professor Dumbledore's office and he did explain everything.

And I have used your notes and books quite a bit so I think I was quite

prepared," and there was a certain glint in those eyes. And Edward still

felt uneasy under the man's heavy stare.

"Ahh, yes. I saw that news article in the Daily Prophet about a year ago

by one of their reporters. It highlighted quite some similarities between

us," and Edward could only swallow as he replied.

"Well, I wouldn't say I am like you. But I believe our duelling styles are

similar," Edward denied the notion that he was similar to the man sitting

infornt of him. Gellert Grindelwald had butchered people for his ideals,

the man had a desire to enslave the muggles.

He wouldn't really call them similar.

"Ohhh, I know that," began the man as he leaned back into his chair.

"We differ quite a bit in our upbringing and ideals. Yet I do believe we

share another similarity other than our similar duelling abilities," began

the man and for some reason Edward felt shivers run down his spine.

"After all I believe we are the only two people in this world who have

lived tow lives," and Edward's body stilled at those words. And he felt

those mismatched eyes latch onto his form once more.

"Ohh, though I believe we could call it dreaming it another life," said the

man in his casual tone. Oblivious to the tumultuous storm of emotions

and thoughts raging inside him.

"So, why don't you tell me more about those dreams we seem to share

Mr. Edward," and Edward's grip around his wand tightened as he looked

at the Europe's deadliest Dark Lord.

"I can't force you to tell me anything, but I do have an exciting offer for

you," and Edward's eyes narrowed at that.

"What offer?" Edward questioned, and the man smirked as he waved his

arms wide.

"A duel," finished the man with his smirk as Edward's eyes narrowed.

"And why would I duel you?" questioned Edward trying to hide his

eagerness to face the man who had been once called Dumbledore's equal.

The smirk on his face widened.

"Ahh, I believe I answered that question earlier. After all, I can assure you

the world becomes quite interesting in two thousand and fifty-four!"



Power and politics. These were the two things that basically ran the

world. Money, though, could be considered a power. A couple of weeks

ago, she sent her CV and applied for any job she could find.

And now she was a secretary to the Minister of Magic. A junior one, but

still a secretory to one of the highest offices in Magical Britain. The

circumstances of her landing this job were unfortunate since the last

secretary had lost her life in the storming of the Ministry by Voldemort

and his death eaters.

Though she wasn't truly blind to the reasons behind her hiring, she shook

her head to get rid of all those thoughts as she spotted the person she had

been searching for. Fleur stood in the Ministry, looking around nervously,

and Elizabeth walked a bit quicker as she called her name.

"Fleur. Fleur," she called, and the blonde turned around and smiled as she

waved at her.

"Elizabeth!" she said with a smile as they both hugged each other and

exchanged pleasantries.

"Thank you for doing everything. I wouldn't have been able to make it

without your help," said the blonde as she gave her a crushing hug. And

Elizabeth just smiled at the blonde. Elizabeth was the one who had

processed all of Fleur's papers quickly and quietly. Thanks to her newly

acquired position, it had been quite easy to keep it all very hush-hush.

"Don't worry about it. Was everything fine back home," she asked her

lightly given that the whole reason that it was all kept so hush-hush was

because of her father. And the way the smile vanished from her face as

the blonde chewed her lips told her all she needed to know.

"It will be. Never mind, where is Edward? I had thought he would come,"

said her best friend's girlfriend as she looked around to search for that so-

called friend.

"I am afraid he isn't here. He couldn't enter the Ministry with glamor, and

if he had come without any, reporters would have hounded both of you

within a second," she informed Fleur about her friend's newfound

celebrity status.

As Britain's next proclaimed Dumbledore, Edward's face had been

plastered over newspapers for weeks. And given that he was set to

receive his Order of Merlin in a couple of days, it was hard for him to go

into public.

The blue-haired veela nodded, somewhat aware of his circumstances

though a hint of sadness appeared on her face.

"Though, I believe gentlemen has been waiting for you for quite some

time right outside the building," and she saw Fleur light up at that. And

then Elizabeth beckoned her to join her as they began to walk towards

the exit.

A line of people was opposite them, with half a dozen aurors stationed

everywhere. The security wards had been updated, and everyone

entering the Ministry had to be searched by the Aurors.

"That is more much security than the last time I was here," said Fleur

from the side and she nodded. The attack had left everyone queasy and

Minster Bones wasn't willing to take any more risks.

Just as they stepped out, she noticed how Fleur's head snapped to her

right as her eyes focused on a black-haired boy standing against the wall,

staring at them.

"You recognized him despite the Glamour," she spoke out unintentionally.

And as Fleur sprinted towards a disguised Edward.

"Of course I did," was the whispered response as they both crashed into

each other. A smile appeared on her face as she saw their faces light up

as soon as they were in each other's arms.

She decided to hang back and let them enjoy themselves for a bit before

she finally decided to move in.

"Akhm! Akhm!" she coughed as she reached the two love birds who

finally separated at her interruption. Edward was the first one to speak


"Thank you for this, Elizabeth," he said as he gave her a hug.

"Don't worry about it. Though, I think it will be better if you take this

somewhere else. People are staring," and she saw Fleur's face flush

slightly as she saw how people were staring at them. Edward nodded and

picked up Fleur's luggage, and offered her his arm.

"Have a good day, Elizabeth," he said as Felur took his arm as she looked

towards her.

"Thank you."

"No problem!" and after her words the two them vanished with a crack,

leaving her all alone.

"Ahh, let's see how quickly we get bombarded by letters from the French




Draco's heart thumped as he lined up opposite to the Dark Lord. And

even the sheer presence of the Dark Lord was enough to make the very

room feeling saturated with Dark Magic. All of them had their eyes glued

to the ground as they knelt for their Lord.

"Stand up! And let me have a look at your faces," ordered the Lord. His

voice sharp and distorted like a snakes hiss. Draco stood up as well, and

finally gathered enough courage to glance up. And he was shaken by

what he saw.

The Dark Lord's face was ashen white, and his eyes were like red stars

and were glowing in such a way that it sent shivers down his spine. The

way those eyes were shining reminded him of the time he had seen

Edward angry. It was similar to how his eyes had lit up.

He shook his head as he eradicated all comparisons between Edward and

the Dark Lord from her head. From what his father had told her the Dark

Lord could read a person's mind with a smile glance.

"Such young faces. Such hunger and drive. Looking at you reminds me of

the time I first began this revolution against the filth spreading across our

society," began the Dark Lord slowly, as Draco focused on the tiles on the

floor once more.

There was the sound of wood scrapping on the ground as the Dark Lord

stood up and began to walk towards them. With each step he took,

breathing became a struggle as their Lord's presence overwhelmed them.

"I see the same hunger and drive in you," said the man and Draco could

now feel his presence, for the Dark Lord was two steps away from him.

"A hunger and desire that I find lacking in my older followers now,"

snarled the Dark Lord, and there was a promise in that tone. A promise of


"We are ready to serve you in any way your desire, my lord," said one of

the seventh year student. And Malfoy recognized the voice. It was Uquart


"Ohhh, such eagerness! Do you all share such thoughts" said the Dark

Lord and they all chorused together.

"Yes, my lord. We are ready to serve," and Draco felt the pressure around

him lessen a bit as the Dark Lord spoke up.

"Yes. Yes. You say so, but are you really ready to serve. We shall find

out," said the Dark Lord and Draco felt his throat dry up as he felt the air

shift in the room and before he could think the Dark Lord spoke up.

"Look up!" they all straightened their necks, and Draco stilled as he saw

about a dozen people hanging in the air behind their Lord. Bile rose in

his heart as he saw their bodies, littered with scars and cuts. Their were

men, women and even children. And the state of their clothes told Draco

all he needed to know.

"Now, take out your wands, and show me that you are ready to serve!

That you are ready to receive my mark," and Draco's eyes widened as he

heard those words.

The Dark Mark. The Dark Lord was giving them a chance to get the mark.

There were murmurs in the Dining Hall, before suddenly someone from

their line walked out and took out his wand.

It was Uquart Flint, and Draco watched as the man took out his wand

and walked up to a whimpering man. The man's jaw was broken and he

couldn't speak. Though Draco saw the man shake as his eyes began to

tear up.

"Plll…" the man whimpered. Uquart's wand lit up green.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" and a green bolt struck the man whose body went

limp instantly. Draco nearly gasped as he saw that.

"Good. Very good," said the Dark Lord to Uquart before motioning for

him to move back. And suddenly, dread pooled in his gut as he felt those

red orbs land on him.

"Draco, why don't you join me next?"


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Pa-tre -0n. Your

support makes it possible for me to write. So, if possible, have a

look and consider dropping a couple of sickles for support. It would

mean a lot to me.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

47. Chapter 47

Chapter 47


Fleur felt her feet touch the ground once again, and she opened her eyes

to find herself standing in front of a double-story house. A very familiar

double-story house, and she looked to the side and found Edward looking

at her with a huge smile on his face, his glamor gone from his face, and

those eyes had returned to the irregular amethyst eyes she had fallen in

love with all those years ago.

She felt his hand reach for hers as he tilted his head.

"Come on, let's go in," he said and began to lead her in. She smiled as she

followed him. There was a rush to his steps as he opened the door and

led her inside. And the familiar thrum of his magic wrapping around hers

eased her anxiety as she walked through those dark wooden doors.

He was talking slowly, trying to keep the conversation going, but she

hadn't missed how his gaze lingered on her form, how his eyes lit up as

he stared at her. Fleur entered the house, and the dark mahogany doors

closed behind her.

She noticed how the house had changed from the time she had seen it

last. The kitchen was filled with dishes and cups, clean and dirty. And the

disarrayed cushions on the sofa were an indication of a rather chatty

gathering. As her eyes scanned the house, she didn't miss how his eyes

had been scanning her, nearly glued to her as he continued to look at

her. And had it been any other person, she would have found the gaze

annoying, yet it wasn't just anyone.

Her eyes finally landed on him, and her heart raced as their eyes met.

And she found herself getting lost in those purple orbs, missing the words

coming out of his mouth. She felt her magic sift as she glanced into those

eyes, and she could also feel his racing pulse from the way he held her

hand. His heart was racing much like yours as he continued to speak.

"I am on the second floor, but we have an empty room on the ground

floor. I can have your stuff settle…." but she had had enough, and she

took a step forward, closing the distance between them, and she pushed

herself up her toes, and she saw his eyes widen, but before he could say

anything, her lips were on his, her hands tussling with the short black

locks of his head as she felt the very magic in the air rustle at their


It took a moment for him to react, but his wanton desires that he had

kept under control got the better of him in that instant as she felt herself

getting pulled closer to him, his arms dropping her luggage with a thud

as they wrapped themselves around her waist and pulled herself into


She felt a metallic taste in her mouth and noticed how she had bit his lip

in her passion, yet he didn't seem to mind as they just stood there

enveloped in each other's warmth. Their very magic settled into a

majestic harmony.

"Haaa Haaaa…." She huffed for breath as they separated, and instantly

her very self desired to be joined with him again. A streak of blood traced

down his chin, yet it didn't bother them. He seemed oblivious to the pain

as his eyes hungered for her. No words needed to be said, for in that

moment, they had said what even words could not.

And this time, it was he who initiated their conjoining. And she felt

herself getting pulled up in his arms as her toes left the ground as he

gently pulled her towards himself. And then she was pushed up onto the

sofa back, and she didn't miss how her hands were on his coat, taking it


And as his arms landed on her shoulder. Both of them were lost in the

moment when suddenly they were interrupted.



It was the sound of someone falling from a set of stairs. And her eyes

widened as her heart skipped a beat. Edward was the first to react, his

body reacting instinctively as he whipped out his wand and turned away

from her. His back covered her protectively as he looked at the staircase.

"Ouchhhhh!" came the pained shout. In a very familiar voice, she saw the

tension deflate between herself and Edward as a person's heart finally

appeared above the staircase boundary. And the glint in those eyes and

the blush on those rosy cheeks made her look down in embarrassment as

Edward rolled his eyes.

"I am going to kill you, Amy!" he screamed, and despite the anger and

frustration in his voice they, she and the intruder both knew that he

would never do that. The blonde girl had an apologetic look on her face

as she winced in pain.

"I am sorry. But what were you doing, going at it like animals in the

lounge? At least use a room!" Edward's friend complained as she stood

up, her steps still shaky as she stepped into the lounge. Then, she saw

those glinting orbs land on her.

"Hi, Fleur. I am sorry for all this. But I was in a hurry to leave for my

office and was just surprised," Amy apologized to her and thought she

was furious at the girl. She could only nod.

"It's okay. Are you fine? You fell down pretty hard," she asked the girl

and straightened out her dress as she walked towards the girl, who was

still limping.

"Ahh, it's nothing. Just a sprain. It will be fine," replied Amy, and her

eyes then moved to Edward, who had put away his wand and had joined

her. "I have to leave, and I am already late. And then you two can finally

have the house to yourself," she said, winking at her and Edward. And

Fleur felt flush in embarrassment.

"I will always wonder how someone like you managed to get a job. Get

out of here, you minx. You are already late," Edward scolded her as he

pointed at the door. Amy nodded, picked up her bag, and walked towards

the door.

"Ohh! And please don't break the sofa in your passionate reunion!" and

with that, the girl closed the doors behind her, leaving her alone with


"Haaaaa!" Edward huffed as he leaned on the kitchen top.

"I am sorry for all this. I should have known that she would be here…"

but she waved away his apology.

"It's ok," she cut him off as their eyes met again.

"Why don't we continue the rest in your room, just to avoid any other

such interruptions," she teased him and saw his eyes widen. And he broke

out into a small laugh, and then before she could react, she felt herself

getting lifted off of her seat as his arms whipped around her.

"As you command, my lady!"



Albus Dumbledore sat in his chair, thinking about the proposition he had

just heard. He looked at the young man in front of him and saw his

unwavering gaze focused on him.

"Are you sure about this? I still remain hesitant about giving a wand to

Gellert. But may I ask why you want to duel him?" he questioned the

young man in front of him. Edward Wright's time spent with Gellert had

sharpened the boy. Albus had sat in their latest session and had been

blown away.

The results had exceeded his expectation, and seeing the way young

Edward cast and used his magic reminded him of a younger Gellert.

Though, it wasn't a complete replica, for there were times he would see a

shadow of his own self in the boy.

"I think it would be a good test to measure myself against him. After all,

he is perhaps the only person apart from you who could duel Voldemort

to a standstill, and I want to know whether I am ready or not." The man

replied, and Albus knew the young man enough to know that it wasn't

the whole truth, but it was reason enough.

"Well, if this means so much to you, then let me assure you that you are.

I have taught Tom myself and have faced him numerous times, and from

what I saw yesterday, I can assure you that you are," Dumbledore replied

with a smile, and he was right. The Edward sitting in front of him could

duel Tom to a standstill. And if Severus' reports about changes in the

man's behavior were true, then there was even a chance that Edward

might even be able to kill the man.

Edward's lips thinned at his words. And he could see his mind racing.

"You say that, but I don't feel much different than I did previously. I

know I have improved, but how can I be sure? And I don't think I can risk

not being sure of being able to tackle him," and Albus understood what

he meant.

He had been informed of the arrival of his young apprentice, and he

knew that Edward shared a special bond with Miss Delacour. He also

knew how he held himself responsible for their kidnapping by Voldemort

a year ago.

And he smiled as he saw the blossoming of such young love in front of

him, and he was reminded of another young couple. One from his own

Halls and found it ironic that even now, the greatest obstacle in Tom's

path was the very love he had never found or understood.

"Let me tell you something, Mr. Wright," Dumbledore began as he stood

up. And walked up to the window at his back, and the encompassing

Hogwarts grounds eased his senses.

"One can never truly be ready to face someone of Tom's level. It's

impossible. The skills and repertoire of people like you, me, Tom, and

even Gellert are such that when we duel, it is less about the knowledge

and spells we know. But rather about what's in here," he said as he

pointed to the heart. The young man frowned at his words, and he


"Tom wishes for destruction and devastation. He is selfish and wishes to

have the world at his feet. These desires of suppression drive his magic,"

he said, and then he smiled.

"You wish to protect those you love, and as long as your desire remains

purer and stronger than his desire of damnation. You will be able to face

him toe to toe," he replied, and the young man still remained frowning.

"Though, I will grant you your wish as well. I will give Gellert his wand

as long as he agrees to an unbreakable vow," he finished and saw Mr.

Wright's eyes widen before he nodded.

"Thank you for this, professor," and Albus nodded as well.

"Then I believe our business is concluded. I will contact you with the

details about your duel. And I do hope you are ready for the ceremony

tomorrow!" he added, and the young man winced yet still nodded as he

left his seat and left his office, leaving him alone once more.

Though, he was not alone for long as he felt the Gargoyle turn once more

before the doors to his office opened once more as another of his staff

members entered the room.

"I have grave news, Dumbledore," came the voice of the youngest potions

master of Britain. And he sighed as he turned to face Severus.

"What has happened, Severus?" he questioned.

"Before coming here, I met Draco. And it seems the Dark Lord has

granted him and other young students his mark," and Dumbledore's heart

sank as he heard those words.

The Dark Mark. He had studied the mark extensively and was aware of

what Tom demanded to grant that mark. And if these young students had

that mark, then it could only mean one thing.

His emotions were complicated as he heard those words. He felt pity for

those young wizards and witches who had been led astray, and his magic

roared in a fury at Tom for putting such innocent souls through such


"Thank you for bringing this to me, Severus!"





In an elaborate ceremony yesterday, the Minster of Magic awarded MR.

Edward Wright, with his Order of Merlin, Second class, for his services to the

magical community. It is amongst the several awards that young Mr. Wright is

set to achieve for combating and neutralizing the threat of Fenrir Greyback.

The ceremony was attended by the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus

Dumbledore, who made a surprise announcement of having hired the young

wizard as Professor of Duelling for the school. The news isn't surprising given

that Mr. Wright has been to the finals of the International Duelling

championship twice, even lifting the trophy once. Coincidentally, this year's

champion Miss Fleur Delacour was also present in the ceremony, further

fuelling the rumors of her romantic entanglement with Mr. Wright himself.

Our survey of the community showed that most students were excited about

the new elective course. Mr. Wright remained hesitant about commenting on

his appointment and was rather tight-lipped about his plans as an educator,

though his presence in the faculty is a nice addition for…

And Harry stopped reading as he heard the door to the basement getting

open. He put down the paper and looked up, and found Professor Tonks

walking in. The basement had been converted into a training area, and

she had been helping him learn to duel over the Summer. Harry had just

finished a training session, and the room was quite disheveled, with a

bunch of broken wooden dummies lying around and other equipment

streaked everywhere.

"Hi, Professor," Harry said as the DADA professor joined him.

"How many times have I told you not to call me a professor at home," she

replied with a frown. And Harry smiled, knowing that his words would

have made her react like that.

"Sirius was quite clear in his instructions. He said he would not stand any

disrespect to our beloved DADA professor," Harry replied and saw her


"I am gonna kill that mutt," she whispered quietly as she picked up the

newspaper. And saw her expression change.

"Ohh, so he finally made the announcement; well, that's good," she said

as she skimmed through the headlines. Harry frowned as he thought

about his new professor. He had never been close with Edward; that

honor belonged to Hermione. And from what she had told him, he was a

beast, dueling. He had seen the way the papers spoke of him and found it

all quite surprising.

"Can I ask you something Professor?" he began and saw her frown.

"Only if you stop calling me that," she said with a smile motioning for

him to continue.

"Have you dueled Edward?" he questioned and saw her nod excitedly.

"I have many times. Actually. And I am proud to say that I might be the

only person in the world with more wins than losses against him." And

his eyes widened as he heard those words. Tonks had a proud look on her


"Then you are better than him," he asked, part confused, part excited.

"Well, I was in my final year, and he was in his second or third when we

began to duel over the weekends. I was able to beat him a couple of

times, but by the end of the year, it was difficult for me to catch up with

him," she said, surprising him. And Harry was blown away by that. He

was aware of just how good her grades were in Hogwarts and what it

took to become an Auror. And he was beating a seventh year as a second

year. She saw his surprise and nodded.

"Yeah, he was that good. The department even tried to recruit him to

become an Auror, but he refused, saying that he would consider it," she

told him. And Harry gulped, finally realizing the gap between him and


"But don't worry about him. You are pretty good as well. Much better

than I was at your age, but still very good. So, what do you say to a bit of

a practice duel? I have been stuck dealing with course planning all day; it

will be good to loosen up," she said, standing up. Knowing that he will

not say no.

"Ok, then, but first, we have to clean up this mess you have made," she

said, and he saw her deflate as she saw the sheer volume of destruction

in front of her.

"On second thought, we should leave it be. It will be good practice for

dueling in complicated terrain."


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Pa-tre -0n. Your

support makes it possible for me to write. So, if possible, have a

look and consider dropping a couple of sickles for support. It would

mean a lot to me.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

48. Chapter 48

Chapter 48


Edward shifted in his bed, and as he turned and extended his hand to the

other side for the rather common presence beside her, it hit nothing but

air. He opened his eyes and found the other side of the bed empty and

then he looked at his clock, and his heart dropped as he saw that it was

already nine.

"Sharks!" he cursed as he hurried out of his bed and rushed to the

bathroom. Despite it being a Sunday, Fleur had a meeting today with

Dumbledore at eight about her apprenticeship, and he had set the alarm

for seven so they could at least have breakfast together. Yet, for some

reason, he had missed the alarm. He took a hurried shower and put on

clothes, and rushed down the stairs.

"Ohh, so you finally decided to wake up," came the teasing voice of Amy,

who sat there at the table with Elizabeth, both of them in their pajamas

and a piece of toast dripping with syrup in their hands.

"Elizabeth, do you remember the last time h woke up this late?" said

Amy, her eyes sharp as she continued. "Because I don't, though it is

understandable with the extra work he seems to be doing late at night?"

she japed, and he rolled his eyes.

"Haha, very funny," he said in his driest tone possible.

"Have you seen Fleur? She had a meeting today?" he asked, looking

towards Elizabeth, knowing that he wouldn't get any from Amy.

Elizabeth smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I did. And she was the one who turned off your alarm. She said that

you should rest on the weekend with how much you have been working

over the week," and he sighed and shook his head, and slowed down as

he walked into the kitchen.

"Ohh, see, I was right," said Amy with a shout, and he just shook his

head. The training with Gellert left him drained, and then he also had to

make and submit plans for his dueling course, and along with all this, he

had to make time for Fleur. The truth was that it was getting a bit too

much, and it seemed like Fleur had noticed that.

"Amy will you stop being so interested in my life," he said as he poured

himself a cup of coffee. Amy shook her head.

"No, and it's not just me who's interested. All the witches of magical

Britain are devastated by the news that Britain's most eligible bachelor

has his heart already set on a French veela," she said as she pushed

forward a paper, Witch Weekly, to be more precise.

And there on the front page was his smiling face splattered along with a

whole article about his supposed relation with a French veela. He

skimmed over the article quickly, and when he finally read the author's

name, his eyes widened, and he looked up.

"Really, Amy!" he said, scandalized that his friend would write something

like this. And Amy just smiled and raised her cup of tea in triumph.

"Youngest reporter to get an article published in Witch Weekly in its

history, and before you go off. I asked Fleur for her permission before

writing, and she proofread the entire thing," she said hurriedly, and as he

heard that, he sighed and just shrugged his shoulders.

"Ok," he said as he sipped his coffee. And then he saw her tea cup

extended towards her, and he touched it with his coffee mug.

"Congratulations, Amy. I am happy for you," he said, and his friend broke

out into a massive grin.

"You know my editor was super impressed with this. The sale numbers

were through the roof today, all due to my piece," she said and preened

like a needy cat. Thankfully, Elizabeth was there to brush up her fur. And

he decided to turn to his other friend for better conversation; with

everything going on, they hadn't talked much.

"So, Elizabeth, how's your job at the Ministry?" he asked as he thought

about whether he should now have breakfast or go for an early brunch.

Elizabeth nodded.

"It is going good, and speaking of that, I might even get to ride the

Express again this year," she said, seeming excited at the chance of riding

the Hogwarts Express once more. Edward frowned and questioned.

"Why? Is there any specific reason?" he asked?

"Well, the Death Eaters have been quiet for some time, and the Minister

thinks that they may be planning something. So, I will be there with a

couple of Aurors to make sure the students are safe," she told him, and

the protection seemed rather specific. Though Dumbledore had allowed

students to come through the Floo network, more than eight percent of

the students still used the Express to get to the school. It was as much

tradition as Hogwarts itself.

"Won't the presence of Aurors there spook the parents and the students,"

added Amy from the side. And Elizabeth nodded.

"It will. That is why we would be with the driver and in the back

carriage. According to the Minister, Dumbledore was strict in his

instructions that the Aurors don't disturb students on their journey," she

added, and during all this, Edward's mind was focused on why the

Ministry was preparing for such a specific scenario. And that meant only

one thing.

There was intel about an imminent attack.



Once more, Albus Dumbledore found himself sitting in his chair, staring

at the man sitting opposite him as he tried to decipher the reason behind

his actions. Gellert seemed unbothered by his ordeal and smirked.

"If people saw the way you are looking at me right now, it would cause

quite a scandal," japed Gellert like he wasn't the cause of his recent

headache. Albus didn't laugh and continued to look at the man. In the

end, he spoke up, his voice strict and sharp.

"No more games Gellert. Tell me, what do you hope to gain by dueling

Edward?" Albus asked plainly once more. And Gellert just shrugged.

"I have answered that question many times now, Albus. It would be a

good way for the boy to see of the bo…" but Albus decided to cut him off.

"Don't try to cajole me with these false pretenses, Gellert. Tell me the real

reason, and I will consider it. Why do you wish to face him, or is that

only a front so you can get your hands on a wand," said Dumbledore

asked plainly. Gellert frowned, and Albus's fingers curled around his

wand as the magic in the room shifted, and he felt the room tremble as

Gellert's eyes lit up.

"Do you really think that you would be able to stop me from getting my

hands on a wand? Especially in your current state,"said Gellert derisively

as his magic shook the whole room. Albus frowned and was about to let

go of his own magic when the shaking stopped, and Gellert sighed, and

shook his head before getting up from his seat.

"Well, I was not lying earlier, Albus. Dueling me would be a good test for

the boy. But indeed, there is another reason for my wish t duel the boy,"

said Gellert finally as he walked towards one of the pictures hanging on

the wall. It was a photo of a muggle, one of a younger Albus, and his


"We have gotten old, Albus," began Gellert as he picked up the picture.

And Albus saw a somewhat familiar smile appear on Gellert's face.

"Even at best, both of us will not live for more than ten years. Our age is

coming to an end, and soon a new age will begin in a world without

either Albus Dumbledore or Gellert Grindelwald, and I wish to see if I

could entrust him with my own legacy, much like you have chosen to

trust him with yours," said Gellert and Albus frowned not understanding

his words.

"What do you mean, Gellert? And what do you mean by your legacy?"

Albus questioned, asking his old friend for an explanation. Gellert

hesitated momentarily before placing the photo back on the wall and sat

down on his chair once more.

"I believe it is time I tell you what exactly I saw in my visions," said

Gellert. And Albus stilled in his seat because though he had a reasonable

guess, he had no concrete information.

"War, Albus," and his worst fear was proven true with those words.

"I saw war, between the magical and the muggle world, in a future not so

distant from today," elaborated Gellert, making him stiffen up. Albus

watched as Europe's most feared wizard smiled forlornly.

"I saw the annihilation of our kind at their hands. The scenes and the

screams of wizards as they tried to flee the muggles haunted me. And so,

I began to search for meaning behind those dreams, and the only reason I

could deduce was that they were meant to be a signal. A signal to a

chosen one who could change the world," finished Gellert leaving him

pale and quiet.

Albus already had suspicions about his friend's motive, which did not

absolve him of his crimes. It made them all much more explainable. He

took off his glasses and placed them on the desk.

"Why didn't you tell me anything, Gellert?" asked Dumbledore, and

Gellert just shrugged.

"You weren't the one with the dreams, Albus, and I thought I was chosen.

I thought magic had burdened me with those visions so I could bring

change into the world and save the magical kind," explained Gellert, and

the answer made him think of his actions. Hadn't he acted the same way

with the prophecy about Harry?

"But you do know what they say about prophecy Albus. And I do think

that my dreams were a prophecy, and that is why I must duel him," said

Gellert, finally looking up at him with a glinting gaze.

"As I said, we are not long for this world, Albus. I must face him, so I

could rest easy knowing that if there ever were to come a time that the

atrocities of my dreams come to happen, there would be someone there

to save our kind. That there would be a Gellert Grindelwald present just

in case the horrors of my dreams ever become a reality," and Gellert's

voice thundered across the room as he stared at him intensely.

Albus saw the determination in those eyes and opened a drawer on his

desk. Inside were two wands, one made out of cherry wood fourteen

inches with a phoenix feather inside. And the other was darker in color,

bent and made out of ironwood with a dragon heartstring as its core, one

of Gregorovitch's finest wands in his own words.

Albus picked up the ironwood wand and placed it on his table after a

small pause. He saw Gellert's eyes light up as soon as he saw the wand.

The man smirked, "so you did keep it and even got it repaired," said

Gellert as he opened his hand, and the wand flew towards him, straight

into his hand.

A look of pure satisfaction appeared on Gellert's face as he gripped his

old wand.

"Don't make me regret this, Gellert," Albus said, and Gellert shook his


"I won't, Albus. I won't," said Gellert, and Albus prayed in his heart,

desperately, that he did not.



Edward walked into the room of the Requirement for his usual training

session, and as soon as he entered the room, he was surprised by the

presence of an intruder.

"Professor Dumbledore, what are you doing here?" Edward questioned as

he walked up to the Headmaster. Knowing how busy the man was, it

wasn't reasonable for him to waste all these hours watching him beat

training dummies.

"I believe he is here to officiate our little duel," came the answer from the

other side of the room. And Edward's head snapped towards the source of

the voice, and his eyes widened as he found Gellert Grindelwald standing

there, dressed in a rather rustic dueling attire and, most surprisingly,

holding a wand.

Edward's head snapped towards Dumbledore, and the man smiled.

"Indeed, I don't believe there was any other person apart from me who

could officiate this duel, for obvious reasons, of course," said the man as

he looked pointedly at Grindelwald. The man in question just smiled

devilishly at those words.

"Plus, I am quite excited to see your improvements," said Dumbledore as

he began to walk back.

"So, why don't we get this started," said Dumbledore, and Edward nodded

and walked towards the appropriate position. And took off his coat, took

his wand out of the holster, and got in his stance.

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and relax before he turned his

full focus on the man standing opposite him as Dumbledore read the


And he saw the man give both of them a final glance before he backed off

with a shout.


And Edward's wand lit up immediately as he fired off a barrage of spells

at the man and noticed the man getting surprised by his speed. The speed

of casting was perhaps the most important thing in a duel, and being

more than half a century younger than his opponent gave you quite some

advantage in this regard.

Though, his triumph was momentary as he was forced to dodge a barrage

that the man shouldn't have been able to fire unless.

And his guess was proven right, as he watched Grindelwald smiling at

him, his hand glowing up as he used his hand to cast a shield and used

his wand for the barrage.

Two could play at that game!

Edward began to fire off another barrage at the man, his other hand

working meticulously as their spells continuously crashed in the center of

the room and shook the whole room.


Their spells crashed with each other as neither party gave an inch before

suddenly Gellert Grindelwald had to turn back to destroy the transfigured

stone pillar aimed at his back.

"Such fine control, even with your hand! Impressive," said the man, much

to Edward's frustration. As he tried to press his advantage, yet the man

had other plans, and Edward was forced to give up on attacking as the

ground he was standing on began to morph into pointed pillars aimed at

him. As he took care of that, he looked up and found an army of

transfigured soldiers surrounding him from all sides.

Gellert smirked as he twisted his wand, and the soldiers began to rush

towards him. And like that wasn't enough, the man began to use his hand

to send another barrage of spells at him. Edward bit his lip as he

continuously dodged the attacks and chanted the cast for his spell.

The transfigures soldiers attacked relentlessly, and he barely dodged their

attacks. Yet thankfully, he had gotten a lot better at casting this specific

spell. And as he felt the magic in the air respond to his chant, the

temperature around him began to drop rapidly as he shouted.



There was an explosion, and the whole area was covered with a cold

mist. Edward smiled as he watched all of the transfigured soldiers frozen


"BOMBARDA MAXIMA!" he said, and the frozen soldiers crumbled into

pieces, yet he wasn't done yet as he waved his wand around, and the

pieces began to transfigure into cone-shaped projectiles.

And as soon as his eyes landed on Gellert, he brought down his wand,

and the projectiles rushed toward him, though the man didn't move and

raised a thick earthen wall in front of him.

Yet Edward wasn't done, as he twisted his wand, changing the trajectory

and then making the projectiles coalesce towards the man from all



The earthen wall crumbled, yet his eyes widened as there was no trace of

Gellert there. Suddenly he felt an ominous presence behind him, and he

turned barely in time to find him standing behind him with his wand lit

up in a familiar blue glow.



Both of them screamed at once as lightning bolts arched out of their

wands and met each other. It took a moment for him to find his feet, yet

he could hold off the man's attack.

Lightning whizzed past his face as he stood his ground and tried to push

back the man, yet despite his age, Gellert Grindelwald refused to budge,

showing just why he had been Europe's most feared Dark Lord.

But Edward wasn't done, and he brought his hand close to his mouth and

began to breathe, and a massive torrent of flame shot out aimed straight

at Grindelwald.

The man finally cut off his lightning spell and dodged to the right as he

brought up his wand with a smirk.

"PROTEGO DIABOLICA!" said the man, and instead of burning him, the

fire shifted in color and turned a bright blue from the usual red-orange.

Edward felt a drain on his magic and immediately twisted his hand,

making the fire surround him.

Gellert stood there smiling at the center of a ring of blue fire, and with a

twist of his wand, the flames got bigger before they began to take the

form of dragons.

Edward grunted as he waved his own wand making the flames around

him coalesce onto him as well. In the end, he brought down his wand as

he shouted the name of his spell.

"IGNIS!" and the fire formed a skeletal structure around him. Yet this

time, the form was more elaborate and defined with a sword made of

roaring fire in each of the hands of the fiery guardian.


The very room shook as his guardian and Gellert's dragon roared before

the massive dragon took flight and flew straight toward him.


The dragon crashed into his fiery guardian, and the guardian brought

forward its blades to push back the dragon, yet Edward grunted in pain

as he saw the dragon overpowering his guardian. Edward's body was

pushed back as the dragon relentlessly attacked his fiery guardian, who

suffered greatly under due to the magical and hotter nature of the blue

flames of the dragon.

Edward grunted as he saw, himself getting pushed back. In the end, this

left him no choice so, he began to chant once more, his lips moving

quickly as he tried to hold back Grindelwald's beast and just as all hope

seemed lost, and the dragon had completely devoured his fiery guardian.


He shouted, and suddenly, the flames around him roared once more,

their color shifting suddenly from the usual orange-red to pitch black,

and then they began to come together around him once more. As another

guardian surrounded him, this one made of black flames.

"ROARRRR!" his new fiery guardian roared before gripping the dragon's

neck with its hand, pushing it to the ground, and it began to devour it

with its massive jaw.

"ROARRR!" and then suddenly, Edward looked up and found three more

dragons circling him, and his lips thinned, yet he did not relent. And he

steadied his heart as the three dragons rushed at him.

"ROARRR!" the guardian made out of black flames roared as well as it

stomped out the last vestiges of the dragon from earlier as it got ready to

devour another three.



As always, you can read ahead and support me on Pa-tre 0n. Your

support makes it possible for me to write these stories, so it would

help me out a lot if you could go and drop a dime or two over there

on Pa-treo-n.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Have a great time reading!

49. Chapter 49

Chapter 49


The whole room shook as the fiery warrior made out of black flames

roared and stomped Gellert's dragon. Albus could feel the massive strain

of the castle's magic to maintain the room under the heavy stress of such

a fight.

Sweat rolled off his forehead as the three blur dragons began to rush

forward towards Edward as Gellert brought down his wand. Though

hidden behind the circle of flames, he did not miss the massive smile on

Gellert's face despite the obvious hints of exhaustion evident on his face.

"ROAAAAAR!" the dragons rushed towards Edward with a roar as the

warrior eery black eyes narrowed. And just as the first dragon descended

towards the boy, the massive warrior punched it to the side, as before

using its elbow to bring down the second dragon who bit it at its side.

"ARGHHH!" The warrior screeched in pain, yet its troubles were only just

beginning, as the last dragon headed straight for it at massive speed and

hit it straight in the chest.

Edward was pushed back as the black warrior tried to keep away the

massive dragon's maw away from itself. He saw Gellert's eyes glint as his

dragon suddenly opened its maw, as a torrent of flames bubbled in its


Edward's eyes widened, and his student began to weave his own wand in

an intricate manner as the armor around his warrior's face shifted. And

just as the dragon preened its neck, ready to unleash a storm of fire on

the warrior clutching its wings. Edward's warrior opened its mouth as

well, as plumules of fire escaped his lips.




The two manifestations of magical flames spew a torrent of flames

simultaneously. One a striking blue, and the other pitch black. The whole

room shook as two torrents of flames met with a massive explosion as the

two wizards controlling such massive beasts fought to overpower the


Their magics were evenly matched, as was evident, for none managed to

push back the other, and Albus could only watch the eighteen-year-old

Edward in awe as he fought Gellert on equal footing. Albus had fought

with Gellert in the past and could tell that age had done little to hamper

the man's magic, and yet Edward fought the man on equal footing.

The magic in the room shook violently at the clash of their wills. And

that was what those flames were, the will of their casters. And then he

felt the magic in the room burst, and he was forced to close his eyes as

the room exploded due to sheer strain from the collision of their wills.


Albus squinted his eyes as the storm of light dissolved itself, and as the

debris cleared, he watched that the two challengers still stood tall. They

were both injured and with dirt and grime covering their clothes and

faces. Albus was about to step forward to put an end to the duel, yet he

stopped as he saw the smiles on their faces, and he was reminded of

times of his own youth when he and Gellert would duel to test their

mettle against one another.

He smiled as he stopped and watched as Gellert wiped off first from his

face before speaking up.

"Ohh, it seems you have been keeping quite a number of cards hidden,

young Edward," teased Gellert, and Edward just shrugged as his eyes

glinted in excitement as he stood straight himself.

"Ohh, I can say the same to you," replied Edward, and Gellert had a small

laugh before his body shimmered, and Albus saw the man weave his

wand quickly in a very recognizable pattern.

"Then let us continue," and with that, Gellert vanished in a blur, leaving

young Edward perplexed at the spell. The young man scanned his

surroundings, yet there was no sign of Gellert.

Then suddenly, Gellert appeared right behind the man and fired off a

quick couple of spells.

"ARGH!" Edward was too late to react, and one of the spells hit him,

making him grunt as suddenly Gellert appeared above him and fired off

another couple of spells. Once more, Edward could barely react, yet this

time he was able to block the spells. Yet Gellert appeared at his side, and

the routine repeated. Gellert had used this technique in the past as well.

Edward's eyes scanned the room for Gellert, and yet he was failing in

completely blocking Gellert's attacks which were beginning to leave their

damage. And suddenly, the young man clicked his tongue and waved his

wand in a circle.

"Papillions!" Albus heard him mutter and watched as a horde of butterflies

appeared out of thin air and began to circle the young wizard. And just as

Gellert appeared and fired his spells, Edward didn't put up a shield, and

the attacks were stopped as they hit a pair of butterflies who shimmered

out of existence, giving Edward enough time to mount an offensive of his


And then the dance began; Edward's new spell rendered Gellert's attacks

moot, and the young man began to push Gellert back, and then when

once Gellert appeared behind him, Albus watched as Edward brought

down his wand, and the horde of butterflies surrounding him rushed

towards Gellert who was to slow to react and was forced to conjure a

torrent of flames to get rid of the attack.

Albus frowned as he saw Edward muttering a chant, and suddenly magic

circles appeared around Gellert, and chains rushed out of them and

began to wrap themselves around Gellert's body, stopping his


Gellert was quick to react and tried to cut them off, and just as he was

about to free himself, a bolt of lightning whizzed towards him, just as the

chains held him in place, and Gellert was forced to use his hand to

conjure a shield.


The massive bolt hit the hastily conjured shield with a small explosion,

and then, just as Gellert had managed to free himself out of Edward's

magical binds, the duel was decided as Edward held his wand right at

Gellert's neck, its tip lit ready to do its holder's bidding.

"I believe this is it," came the voice of Edward, and there was a sense of

pride in his tone as he saw Gellert's eyes shift towards the wand before he

slowly nodded and raised his hand in surrender.

"Indeed, it is," said Gellert, and then Edward nodded and placed his wand

back in his holster before immediately collapsing to the ground. He

began to huff massive gulps of air.

"Whew! That was quite something," said the young wizard as Albus took

out his own wand and waved it around to repair the damage done to the

room. Despite his injuries, Gellert still stood there and nodded.

"Indeed, it was," replied Gellert as he glanced towards him as he stepped

towards them. Edward still sat there on the ground, huffing as he looked

towards him. And Albus didn't miss the massive smile and sense of

accomplishment on his face.

"That was indeed quite an impressive and singular duel, and I believe

neither of you have any objection to the result," he said as he looked

towards the two of them. And both of them shook their heads, showing

that they considered the duel fair and the result acceptable.

"Then I believe, in the duel between Edward Wright and Gellert

Grindelwald, the winner is Edward Wright," he said, making the official

statement. And the young wizard smiled as Albus turned towards the

young man.

"I must say, I have never seen finer spellwork in my whole life," Albus

complemented the young wizard who finally stood up, though Albus

didn't miss how he winced in pain.

"Thank you for the compliment, Professor," said Edward. And then Albus

turned towards his old friend, who was eyeing Edward with a sharp gaze.

Edward looked towards Gellert, and then Gellert began.

"Then I believe it is time for me to uphold my end of the terms," started

Gellert, yet Edward raised his hands, stopping the man.

"I believe that is no longer needed," said Edward making both him and

Gellert frown. Both of them looked at each other as Edward looked

straight into Gellert's eyes and spoke in an extremely serious.

"I have a pretty good idea about why we had this duel, so you don't need

to explain yourself."

And he saw Gellert smirk at those words before h suddenly nodded.

Edward put forward his hand, and after staring at it for a moment,

Gellert shook his hand.

"Then I can leave this earth in peace knowing that there is someone there

to protect our kind in case my dreams ever become a reality," said

Gellert, and the young Edward nodded.

"And I pray it never comes to that!"



Sirius Black groaned as he watched the two teenagers finish packing their

trunks for their fifth year at Hogwarts. Today was the first day of their

fifth year, and the two were about to leave for school, leaving him with a

massive headache.

"I do not like this, both of you. Dumbledore himself permitted the use of

the floo to reach the school this year. Then why are you so adamant

about taking the train" he groaned in frustration at two teenagers who

continued to defy him.

"Both of us are prefects, Sirius; we cannot just skimp out on our duties.

Plus, I never agreed on using the floo," came the retort from Hermione as

the girl closed off her trunk. Sirius's gaze shifted towards Harry, who

stood by her side and simply shrugged.

"What she said! Plus, going to Hogwarts on the train is like a tradition. If

we use the floo, then we show that he has won," Harry replied

stubbornly, and Sirius could only groan as he sat himself down on the

sofa, frustrated by his two teenage wards.

Andromeda joined him as she sipped her tea as looked towards him with

a cryptic smile. Sirius frowned and raised her arms.

"What?" he asked, perplexed by her gaze, and she simply smiled.

"Well, I believe this is karma. I never thought I would see the wild Sirius

Black struggling with teenagers like this," said Andromeda with a smile,

and he stilled at her words as his eyes narrowed.

"I was never as stubborn as these two!" he retorted, and all three of them

stopped and looked towards him, and Sirius squirmed under their

collective gaze as Andromeda scoffed.

"No, you were worse," she said, making him groan.

"Aghh, it's a simple issue, both of you. Using the floo will be so much

safer and quicker. Why do we have to argue about this," he complained,

and Hermione wasn't in the mood to listen.

"AS I told you, it isn't about quick or easy. It is about principle. Plus,

didn't the Headmaster say that there would be Aurors on the train? So,

there is no need to make such a huge fuss about this all," replied the little

family genius, and Sirius just shook his head as he raised his arms in


"Fine! Fine, but I want both of you to be extremely careful and vigilant.

And I want to hear from you as soon as you reach eh school," he relented,

and both Harry and Hermione nodded with a small smile.

"Come here, you two!" he said, and the two of them came up to him and

hugged him as he ruffled their hair lovingly. Sirius saw Andromeda

smiling at him as she sipped her tea. Then both of them left his side as

they rushed to finish the last of their packing, as Andromeda spoke up.

"I never thought that I would say these words, but you seem to have

grown up Sirius," said Andromeda, and Sirius shrugged as he watched the

two of them put on their Prefect badges as they finished packing their


"I am just worried about them," he said quietly as someone else joined

their discussion. Nymphadora plopped herself on the sofa right beside her


"Ahh, don't worry about it. I will be there with them, and Elizabeth is

bringing four Aurors with her. I will try and keep an eye on these two,"

said the Auror-turned-Professor as she picked up her mother's cup and

began to sip without any remorse.

"Manners! Nympadora!" screamed Andy as she slapped her daughter's

hand, making her put down the cup.

"Mum! It's just tea, and it's just Tonks. TONKS!" retorted the young witch,

and Sirius smiled at their regular banter. Harry and Hermione walked

behind her and spoke up.

"We are ready, Professor Nymphadora. It's time to leave," they said in a

jolly tone making the little metamorphagus's hair turn red in fury as she

stood up angrily.

"ARGH! It's Tonks! Just Tonks!" she screamed as the two broke into a

small giggle at her antics. Then she turned to face her mother, who was

once again sipping her tea peacefully.

"I am never letting you name my child. Never," said the young Tonks

before she bolted out of her room as Andy simply smiled cryptically.

"We will see about that."


In the Malfoy manor, the very air was thick with malice and magic as the

Dark Lord looked at his most loyal servants kneeling in front of him. They

were the most loyal of his servants, and he had handpicked them for this


The doors to the room opened once again as the youngest of his followers

stepped in. Most of them preening with honor at the chance of getting to serve

him. He stood up from his seat as the doors closed once more.

"For years, I have fought to bring true justice to our society. I have fought to

push back the plague that threatens to disrupt the very balance of our world,"

he began. Anger and pain sear through his body as he raises his right arm,

now made of silver due to damage left by Dumbledore.

"Today, our struggle ends! Today the wizarding world shall learn the truth of

that night twelve years ago. They shall learn the truth about the prophecy, and

then I shall finish what I started all those years ago as I strip them of their last

hope!" he said finally.

"Today shall mark the beginning of the next era of Britain's magical world!" he

finished, and the tension in the room was palpable.


Hours later, Britain's magical world would be surprised by a special edition of

their most famous newspaper, the Daily Prophet. And with that single piece of

paper, the wizarding world of Great Britain shall enter the most tumultuous

time of its history.

The paper will have the following headline on its first page.


by Lord Voldemort


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Pa-tre 0n. Your

support makes it possible for them to write these stories, so it would

help me out a lot if you could hop on my page and consider

dropping a dime.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

NOTICE: Right now, you can hop into the Pa-tre 0n and get an early

look at my new Harry Potter fic called "Harry Potter: The Last Trial."

It is a fic with an OC lead, where the OC is the son of Bellatrix

Lestrange. It has four chapters over there right now and will be

getting more during the week.

50. Chapter 50

Chapter 50


Elizabeth watched the scenery begin to move slowly as the Hogwarts

Express began to toil away toward its destination. She was pacing up and

down in the Prefect compartment as she waited for this year's prefects

and Head boy and girl to show up.

Despite the war simmering out in the world, the atmosphere on the

Express remained quite the same as always. The students still laughed

and loitered between the compartments as the Prefects tried to get the

rowdy bunch to settle down. There were the usual laughs and pranks,

and she couldn't help but smile as she saw them enjoying their time

before school began.

"So, tell me how's the new job treating you?" the only other person in the

compartment suddenly spoke up. The auror-turned-professor sat in the

seat opposite to her, sipping a cup of tea as the scenery began to blur in

the windows. Elizabeth looked up and shrugged.

"It's been fine, how about you? I thought you told me that you were only

going to be teaching for a year?" Elizabeth asked with a raised brow, as

she recalled their conversation from last year. Nymphadora Tonks, had a

smile on her face as she nodded.

"Yeah, I had thought so as well but what can I do, I have rather enjoyed

teaching here at the school. What about you, how's Bones treating you,

from what I recall she could be quite a hard ass?" joked Nymphadora,

and Elizabeth smirked and shook her head at the antics of the so-called


"She is quite a witch, and somewhat of a slave river but the pay kind of

makes it all worth it," she replied. With Britain currently at war, the

Minister was swarmed with work, work that usually got delegated to her

two secretaries, one of whom was her. The workload was quite massive,

and their paycheck at the end of the month reflected that. And Elizabeth

didn't really mind the work, it had taken her some time to settle down,

but she could feel herself getting better every day.

"Woohooo, working for the Minster does have its perks…" and then

before the DADA professor could say anything, the compartment doors

opened, and students began to walk in. Lead by the Head boy and girl

with their distinctive batches, this year it was a rather serious-looking

Ravenclaw pair with the signature badges pinned to their shirts. The

Hufflepuff prefects gave her a small wave, and she smiled back

reminiscing about the times she had worn the uniform just a bit over half

a year ago.

"Alright, everyone please form a circle," she said politely and the prefects

and Headboy formed a semicircle around her. She counted the number of

students and found one of them missing, and it was the male prefect from

year five. That was Malfoy from what she recalled? She looked towards

Pansy Parkinson, the female prefect from the same year.

"Where is Malfoy?" she questioned, and she saw the girl's expression shift

before she replied with a shrug.

"He wasn't feeling well, but don't worry I will pass on your message to

him," said the girl, and Elizabeth frowned yet could only nod despite the

sense of unease rippling through her. Her fingers tightened over her

wand, as she looked around at the rather nervous crowd of students

gathered around her.

"OK, then let us begin," she said as Nymphadora Tonks joined her.

"Now, most of you may already know me, but I am Elizabeth White and I

graduated from the school last year and am now working as Junior

Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic," she began and saw the students

shift slightly at her words.

"Now, as most of you are aware, we are facing a war with the violent

terrorist group being led by a Dark Lord, we often call the Death Eaters,"

and she saw a couple of Slytherin growl at her words. Though she didn't

stop and continued.

"And for your safety, the school has decided…." But she stopped mid-

sentence as one of the prefects suddenly hissed in pain while gripping his


"Ssss," a very familiar boy, clad in Gryffindor red wearing round gold-

rimmed glasses, suddenly hissed in pain, making her frown. Hermione

Granger was immediately at Harry's side, face pale and worried as she

spoke slowly.

"What is going on, Harry?" she questioned as Nymphadora Tonks joined

in and led the boy to a seat. Elizabeth herself could feel the air thicken

and had a rather ominous feeling. She reached into her pocket and took

out a gold coin from out of her pocket before she suddenly cracked it,

deciding to trust her instincts.

"There is something wrong here," she whispered into the fake galleon and

was about to speak up again when suddenly a pale Harry Potter spoke up

from the side in a quivering tone.

"He is here," and dread pooled in her heart as the students in front of her

shifted nervously.

"AURORS! CODE RED! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" she shouted through a

modified Snorus charm, informing the four Aurors. And then suddenly,

she felt cloud smoke envelop the train as the view of valleys from the

windows vanished only to be replaced by a thick black smoke.

She gasped as the lights on the train went out. She raised her wand as

Nymphadora spoke up from the side.

"We need to inform the school and evacuate the students!" spoke the

DADA professor as she took out her own wand and joined her.

"I have contacted the Order with the emergency Galleon! We need to

check the compartments!" just as she was about to continue, the door to

their train compartment opened up once again, and a thick black cloud of

smoke infiltrated the room.

"GET BEHIND ME!" she shouted as she pushed herself in front of the

students, not missing the way how they had all paled. Then the sound of

deliberate footsteps broke the rampaging silence.

As the thick cloud of smoke toucher her skin, she felt her magic shift in

anger and disgust, and she felt a rather familiar sense of unease ripple

through her being. The same sense of unease that she had felt about a

year ago.

Though the person who stepped out of the smoke wasn't the Voldemort,

she remembered. No, it was actually Draco Malfoy, or was it? Because

from what she recalled, Draco Malfoy didn't have red eyes.

She felt the train come to a screeching halt as this not-Draco, stepped

into the compartment with an ominous smile on his face.

"Who are you?" the ex-auror questioned from the side. And she stiffened

as she saw a cruel smile appear on the boy's face.

"I am your reckoning," and then, in a blur, she saw him whip out his

wand. And it was only by pure instinct that she slashed her wand

upwards to raise a shield in time to block the spell aimed at her.


Despite the shield, she was pushed back with her feet scrapping the floor.

And Nymphadora was quick to react, as her wand blurred as she fired a

barrage of spells at who she suspected was Voldemort himself.

She tried to reach for the aurors once again, yet there was no reply. She

looked back and saw the Headboy and Headgirl standing in front of the

prefects, their faces pale with fear, yet they both had their wands out.

She gave them a small nod and twisted her own wand.

"Stay behind me!" she shouted as she joined the fray and fired off a

barrage of her own at Voldemort, knowing that the only thing she could

do at this point was to buy time. Time for him to arrive!



Edward Wright saw in the Great Hall, watching the magical spectacle

fold in front of her. He wasn't quite aware of the sheer amount of work it

took to get the school ready to House over half a thousand students for

more than half a year.

The teachers bustled around, giving a final check to the preparations as

the house elves popped in and out, as the whole castle got ready to

welcome the students. Watching the Heads of the Houses titter around

anxiously gave him some relief at being spared that.

"Ah, here you are," a very familiar voice interrupted his thoughts as he

felt a pair of arms wrap around him. He smiled as Fleur gave him a small

peck on the cheek. Edward turned around to face her and gave her a

small kiss.

"Ohh, you should be careful now, Professor, what will the students think

if they saw their new professor like this," she teased him, and Edward


"I believe they will think, what a shame it is that their young and gorgeous

professor has already been ensnared by this French witch," he said, trying to

make the best impression of an infatuated teenage girl. Fleur giggled at

his words and tried to get out of his arms.

"What a shame indeed, though I didn't know you could do impressions

like that. At least we know that you could make it as an actor if this

whole teaching thing falls apart," she said with an actual nod.

And then, before he could say anything, the rather strict tone of his ex-

Transfiguration professor made him stop immediately.

"Mr. Wright! Please try and keep such displays away from the eyes of the

students," and Edward felt his face heat up as he got away from Fleur in

an instant. He didn't miss the massive flush on Fleur's face as they both

shifted nervously as McGonagall joined them, the corner of her lips

turned up despite her tone.

"Good morning, professor," he greeted her with a smile, and she nodded

as well.

"Good morning to you as well, Mr. Edward. Now, why are you sitting

here idle? Don't you have anything to do," she said with raised brow

making him squirm a bit.

"Well, actually, I don't. I have already submitted my lesson plans, set up

my classroom, and posted the circular about the dueling club on the

notice board," he said, counting off the tasks he had been assigned.

McGonagall sighed and gestured for them to follow her.

"Well, then, I believe I can find something for you two to occupy yourself

with," she said before she looked down into the file and then spoke up.

"Ahh, here! You two could go and check the enchantments on the boats,"

she began as she looked up, her eyes focused on Fleur this time.

"I believe Albus told me that you were quite a prodigy at enchantments,"

said McGonagall with a smile, making Fleur preen up.

"She is," Edward cut in when she saw Fleur getting embarrassed.

McGonagall eyes turned to him, lit up with a mischievous grin.

"Then I believe she will be perfect for the task. Why don't you take her to

the lake then, Mr. Wright, and have her check them," Edward nodded,

and just as he was about to lead Fleur out of there. He felt something in

his pocket heat up.

He reached into his trouser pockets immediately and took out the fake

Galleon. After Dumbledore had gotten a look at their creation, he

immediately tasked them to make one for the order as well. And now

each Order member had a fake galleon in their pockets, a way for them

to communicate quickly in case of emergencies.

He saw an engraved 'EW' appear on the galleon first, after which a small

whisper played out.

"He is here!" and he stiffened as soon as those words. Both Fleur and

McGonagall were eyeing him with a worried gaze.

"What happened, Edward?" Fleur broke the silence, and Edward knew

that he couldn't waste any more time.

"Voldemort has attacked the Express," and with those words, he closed

his eyes. Dumbledore would have gotten the message as well and would

be acting immediately.

"What!" exclaimed both of them in a worried tone.

"We need to tell Dumbledore," said McGonagall. Edward was busy trying

to scan the wards, waiting for them to go down.

"He already knows," said Edward as he felt the wards shift, a small

opening forming in them, allowing him to apparate away.



Voldemort scowled as he watched a barrage of spells hit his shield. The

two witches were putting up quite an effort, yet it would all be futile.

His followers had already full control of the train, the four Aurors had

tried to resist, yet they were no match for the best of his followers.

He continued to step forward slowly, watching in delight as the faces of

the students paled. The effect of the potion began to wear off, and he felt

his body shift as he morphed back into his own form.

He smiled as he saw fear lingering in their gazes. His eyes met a pair of

green orbs, and he felt a slight ache in the back of his head before he

pushed it back. The green orbs lacked fear, and that made him furious.

"ENOUGH!" he roared, and his magic rippled, pushing back the two

witches, making them hit the walls of the train compartment.

"AGHH!" they groaned in pain as they hit the ground. He slashed his

wand, burning away their wands before they could reach for their gain.

Yet even without their wands, they refused to give up and pushed

themselves to step in front of the students again.

He found it admiring and it reminded him of that night all those years


"Your courage is admirable," he began but before he could finish, he was

forced to stop as a spell whizzed past his ear. He smiled and looked up to

see the sole survivor from that night had his wand out and lit up.

"Get back, Harry!" one of the witches spoke up, trying to push back the

boy. Yet the boy was fearless, if anything, and pushed past her and faced

him as an equal, his eyes glinting with magic making the very air crackle

as if fate itself was intrigued by this.

"NO, I am done running!" shouted the boy, his voice strong as he

tightened his grip around his wand.

"You are here for me, right? So, here I am," said his destined foe, making

him smile. The boy was talentless and was decades behind him in terms

of skill. Yet Voldemort could commend his courage for stepping up like


"What are you doing Harry? Get back right this instant!" spoke the witch

again, trying to pull him back, but the boy was fearless. Voldemort was

getting tired of the interruption, and in a blur, a spell hit the witch in the

gut, sending her tumbling back.


She hit the wall of the compartment and fell down, unconscious.

"You have courage, boy and for that, I shall grant you a quick death!"

began Voldemort magnanimously.

"And with your death, I shall prove to the world that Lord Voldemort has

no equal!" he snarled and twisted his wand, and his wand lit up in a

green hue, just like that night all those years ago.





The last dance begins!

You can go and read the end of the story on my Patre 0n, and get an

early look at my next HP fic as well, called The Last Trial. Your

support makes it possible for me to write these stories. So, if

possible, consider visiting my Patre 0n and dropping a nickel or two

if you can.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Have a nice day!

51. Chapter 51

Chapter 51


Albus Dumbledore felt the Hogwarts wards shift as he felt someone

apparate from the castle Hall. In all circumstances, he should have joined

Edward, yet something greater was at stake here.

"You cannot wait any longer," came the retort from his oldest friend. And

Albus looked at Gellert who sat opposite to him, looking at Albus with

narrowed eyes.

Albus paced around his office, his mind racing as he thought about those

words. Knowing deep in his heart that Gellert was right.

"But we do not have sufficient evidence yet. I…" yet his argument was

cut off.

"And there never will be," came the quick retort from Gellert as he stood

up himself.

"The ritual I gave you is ancient, older than even your alchemist friend,"

and of course, Gellert knew of his relationship with Nicholas. Yet he was

right. He had scoured through the man's library and had found no

additional information about the ritual.

"The only record that remains of something similar remains in the form

of that children's tale. The Tale of the Three Brothers and even that tale

has been heavily changed. You cannot wait any longer," Gellert spoke up.

And Albus sighed, thinking about those words. He reached for the piece

of parchment on his desk, something which had been occupying his time

for quite some time. The details of the ritual were quite clear.

Dumbledore skimmed through them once more, trying to think of any

other alternative. Yet none came to his mind.

The ritual Gellert had given him was ancient magic. Magic that had been

phased out, deliberately because of the sheer amount of danger it posed

to the very world. The Ritual was supposedly similar to one used by the

Peverells, and it was a plea to summon death itself.

From what he had gathered from various sources, The Three Brothers

had used the ritual to summon death for aid in their fight against the

very first Dark Lord, Herpo the Foul. Albus found it quite ironic that

Herpo and Tom shared quite many similarities. Both were famous

Parselmouth with a high affinity for the Dark arts. Both had tried to cheat

death by making Horcruxes.

"Ok, make the preparations," Albus finally said after a sigh. Tom had

made his choices, and it was time for this whole farce to end. This war

had already cost them hundreds of innocent lives. It was time it all


"It is good that you have made the descion. I will make the preparations

but do you have the Three Gifts," questioned Gellert and Albus stiffened

at that. The Three Gifts, Death's gifts, the Deathly Hallows, they had been

a childhood dream for them at some point. And as Albus looked into his

old friend's eyes he was reminded of times when he had shared that

dream with the man.

Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald, Masters of Death, controller

of the hallows. Gellert had known that he was in possession of the three

items, given that they were the quintescential part of the Ritual, yet had

never questioned him about them previously. Dumbleodre's gaze lingered

on his friend before he slowly nodded.

He saw Gellert's eyes lit up, before he added in a somewhat childish


"Can I have a look?"

Albus stilled at those words, and he had every reason to deny the man

this request. Yet in the end, he couldn't. So, he reached into hi drawer

and took out the two items he had placed there.

The Resurrection Stone, sat there in a box with massive crack running

through it. Despite having the Stone Albus had never had the courage to

use it. The Cloak, he had borrowed from Harry was next and he saw

Gellert eyes widen as he placed them on his table.

And finally, Albus took out his wand and placed it on the table

completing the trifecta.

"Gods! They are magnificent!" said Gellert and Albus could see that it was

only the years of discipling that kept the man opposite to him from

leaping at the three items.

"Looking at them like this, I believe the ritual will work," said Gellert and

Albus nodded knowing that he was right. The three objects placed on his

table were thrumming with ominous magic, magic that felt as cold as the

touch of death itself.

"Ahmm!" Dumbledore coughed, breaking Gellert out of his reverie.

"I believe you need to go and make preparations," Albus said, and Gelert

nodded and left the room after giving the three Hallows a final glance.

Albus himself had his own preparations to make. He walked back and

took out a coin from his pocket. It was the Order's way of


"Severus, it is time!"






And Elizabeth felt the very air rattle as an explosion rocked the whole

compartment. Dust flew up everywhere, and she was forced to cover her

eyes. As the air cleared up, she felt relief run through her as she saw a

translucent dome covering their side of the compartment. And right there

in front stood a figure with his all too familiar back to them, wand in

hand, as he protected them all.

"Edward!" she found herself shouting and saw him glance back, and she

stilled as she saw his eyes. They were lit up, and the very air was thick

with magic.

"I have taken care of the other Death Eaters. Leave him to me and get the

students out of here," said Edward in his voice, and she wanted to

protest. Yet the look in his eyes made him stop. She gritted her teeth as

she saw the scared faces of the students behind him and nodded.

"Ok," she said as she got back to her feet.

"Ho, what do we have here," began Voldemort as he landed on the

ground. The compartment roof had been blown up, and the Sunlight

directly hit his face, making his snake-like features more prominent. She

saw his red orbs narrow onto Edward before they widened slightly, and

he snarled.

"I remember you! You! You are Dumbledore's little pet, aren't you!" began

Voldemort as he began crackling loudly. His nasally laughs sent shivers

down her spine.

"You think you can stop me by yourself! Stop Lord Voldemort!" he

shouted. Suddenly, the air rippled with his voice. Though, it didn't phase

Edward at all, who simply stood there, wand in hand, staring stoically at

the Dark Lord, before he slowly began.

"Your men are dead! Whatever your plan was is dead as well, and by the

time I am done with you, you shall be dead too!" Edward spoke

powerfully, and she saw Voldemort's face contort in fury at those words.

"You think you can kill me! I am Lord Voldemort! I am the one who has

conquered death itself! You are nothing in front of me. NOTHING!" he

shouted, his magic rippling through the air.

Edward looked towards her, their eyes met, and she immediately felt a

probe in her Occlumency shields. She dropped the shields immediately

and heard his familiar voice in her head.

"I am going to engage him, get to the kids, and get them out of here. And no

matter what happens, don't interfere," and she gave him a small nod. She

didn't miss how; Tonks beside her nodded as well.

"They hail you as a savior as well. They think you are my equal! Perhaps

it is time that you learn your place, you mutt!" Voldemort snarled as he

fired a quick spell at Edward.

Edward simply slashed his wand, cutting the purple orb Voldemort had

sent at him into two.

"Don't worry, Tom. I already know where my place is in this world," and

she frowned as she heard that name. Tom. Yet the air stilled at Edward's

words, and she saw Voldemort's face flush with fury and rage. Magic

rippled through the air as his red orbs began to glow ominously.

"You dare! You dare call me by that name! I am VOLDEMORT! THE ONE

WHO CONQUERED DEATH!" he snarled, and Elizabeth saw his wand

blur as the area behind him lit up. Hundreds of purple orbs appeared

behind the man before they began to head straight at Edward.

Much to her horror, Edward didn't move, and she saw his lips move as he

waved his wand. She didn't hear the chant, yet there was no mistake that

the spell had been cast immediately. A blue shield appeared in front of

them all, shaped in the form of a six-petal flower.

Voldemort's orbs didn't even make the shield budge. She saw Voldemort's

face twist in anger. She watched in awe as Edward stood there

nonchalantly, facing the Dark Lord, when suddenly he tilted his face

slightly and spoke up mockingly.

"That all you go?"



Gellert watched in sheer fascination as the ritual circle took shape in

front of him. It wasn't an ordinary ritual, for it was far more dangerous.

This ritual was, in a sense, his family's legacy. This was the Peverell

legacy, and this was how it had all begun. The ritual he had given Albus

had been modeled on the ritual used by the Peverell brothers. A ritual

that would summon death, he watched in fascination and awe as Albus

placed the three Hallows at the corners of the circle.

Death was a deity, a powerful and all-encompassing deity whose

manifestation was woven into the very fabric of magic itself. Voldemort

had dabbled into magics he hadn't truly understood when he had made

those Horcruxes.

The Horcruxes disturbed the very magic of the world. They were a

scourge, an insult to the phenomenon of death itself.

"Will this be enough?" questioned Dumbledore as he joined him, now

everything ready.

"I believe so," Gellert answered.

"Then I believe it is time we begin….." yet even before they could begin

the chant, he felt the magic in the room shift. Gellert watched in awe as

the ritual circle lit and the temperature in the room dropped.

He wanted to take out his wand, yet his instincts stopped him, screaming

at him that if he was to do so, he would be killed. He saw Albus pale at

his side as the torches in the room went out.

The whole room shook as darkness descended upon the room. A black

cloudy substance began to encompass the three Hallows before

expanding out into the whole room.

As the dark, murky substance touched his body, he felt shivers run down

his spine. Fear gripped his heart, and suddenly Gellert found his throat

begin to constrict.

"GELLERT!" Albus shouted as he gripped his throat. He couldn't breathe!

He fell on his knees as he tried to breathe, yet all his efforts were futile as

he felt a shadowy figure appear in the room.

"You dare summon me in the presence of a defiler!"

And Gellert's vision began to blur as he heard those words.

Albus stiffened beside him as he spoke up.

"Defiler?" he questioned.

"Yes indeed. A defiler, and from what I can sense, he isn't the only one in this

world. I can sense the presence of another one!"

And then it all clicked into place. Defiler. For there was only one other

person who shared the same circumstances as Gellert.



Is Gellert's plan going to backfire? Heehee, we will have to see.

This is a bit short, but the next chap is going to be massive!

You can read ahead and support me on Patre 0n. You can also read

my new HP fic, called "The Last Trial" on there as well. Your support

makes it possible for me to write these stories. So, if possible

possible, drop a nickel or two if you can. It would mean a lot to me.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Thanks for reading!

52. Chapter 52

Chapter 52


"That all you got?" Edward taunted Voldemort and smiled internally as he

saw the man lose his patience. He glanced back at the people behind him

and narrowed his eyes.

"GO!" he commanded once more, a bit forceful and angry that they hadn't

left the compartment still.

Finally, Elizabeth and Tonks returned to their senses and began leading

everyone out of the compartment. Harry was the last person left and was

constantly staring at Voldemort before Elizabeth dragged him away by

the collar.

"And where d you think you are going?" Voldemort snarled and Edward

immediately felt the air crackle and immediately twisted his wand, and a

shield appeared in front of him, intercepting Voldemort's attacks.

Yet Voldemort was anything but complacent, and Edward's lips thinned

and watched as the man took flight, a mocking smile on his face as he

ascended from the train floor.

Edward clicked his tongue, for he had still not managed to figure out this

ability. Voldemort was quick to take advantage of his flight and began to

launch barrage after barrage of spells at him from various directions.



The ground beneath his feet shook as their spells clashed, yet Edward

refused to give up any ground. The truth was that he was holding back,

for he couldn't afford to go all out and risk putting the students behind

him in jeopardy. So, his full focus was on keeping Voldemort busy.

"I have had enough!" suddenly, Voldemort snarled, and Edward's eyes

widened as shadows shot out of Voldemort's body and began to morph

into beastly forms behind the man. Edward could barely react as

Voldemort brought down his wand, and the dozen or so conjured

shadowy monsters rushed toward him.

Edward caught Voldemort trying to move past him to attack the students

once more, and Edward's grip on his wand tightened. He could still feel

the presence of students in the compartments behind him, that meant

evacuation was still not complete.

He closed his eyes and began his chant as the water below the massive

train track began to ripple at his command before it shot out and crashed

in the form of a tidal wave into the dozen or so incoming creatures.

"Niflheim!" he whispered, and the water froze instantly, freezing

Voldemort's demons with it.

Edward immediately turned back and spun his wand in a circle above his

head and watched Voldemort rushing past him, and he cursed the bastard

as he closed his eyes, preparing himself for what was to come next.


HE felt his vision twist before he suddenly felt himself falling from the

sky. The air whizzed past his ears as gravity pulled him down. Had it

been any other time, he would have spent a second or two appreciating

eh magical scenery, yet he didn't have that luxury.

His eyes focused on the form of the shadowy figure rushing forward, and

Edward aimed his wand at him and pushed for the magic to follow his


"Tempest!" and he felt a twinge of pain due to the recoil. Voldemort

wasn't quick enough to react, and Edward watched in glee as the massive

bolt of lightning hit the man.

"ARGH!" Voldemort screamed in agony, and Edward closed his eyes once

more and felt his world shift once more, yet this time he felt his feet

touch solid ground and opened his eyes and found himself standing atop

the Express as Voldemort crashed into the lake below.


Edward was quick to react and brought up his wand, and began to chant

quickly as his wand lit up once more. He felt a massive drain on his

magical reserves as he finally shouted the name of the spell.


And in an instant, the temperature of the whole area dropped and it

became nearly freezing. In an instant, the water in the lake below turned

to ice, trapping Voldemort down below.

Edward did not let his guard down and let his magic wash over the

express. Thankfully, the evacuation seemed to be complete, with only a

couple of signatures remaining. He felt a small pop and looked to the side

and found Elizabeth standing there, her face flushed as a small flame

circled around her in an effort to keep her warm.

"Is it over?" she questioned, and as much as Edward wished to say yes to

that question, he knew that it would be a lie.

"No," so he shook his head, his eyes turning once more to the frozen lake

as he scanned it all for any hint of an attack.

"Is the evacuation…." But before he could finish his sentence, he felt the

magic shift in his surroundings as an ominous presence suddenly

surrounded him. Edward tried to move, yet suddenly he felt his body

freeze as he failed to breathe.

His wand fell from his hand as he fell to his knee. He watched as

Elizabeth rushed towards him and was screaming frantically. He tried to

speak again, yet it was as if his body was no longer under his control. He

couldn't utter anything more than a single grunt as his throat closed up.

"Edward! Edward!" he heard her scream as he felt her gently support his

back. His vision began to blur up, and his heart thumped in his chest, and

the last thing he saw before it darkened completely was an ominous dark

specter appear in front of him, his face invisible under the shadowy hood

that covered his face yet its identity pretty evident given the special

scythe it held in its hands.



Albus Dumbledore's heart was hammering in his chest as he watched

Gellert fall to his knees. He lamented his decision to delve into magics he

never understood, as the ominous presence of death made his very being


Yet the mistake had already been made, and there was nothing that could

be done about it. So, he had to make do. He gulped as he stepped

forward and slowly began.

"You called him defiler? Can I ask what a defiler is?" he questioned and

the shadowy figure didn't move, yet Albus felt as if thousands of people

were staring straight at him. No, not at him, but through him. Dissecting

his very being, gauging his value.

"They are beings who have broken the providence of death, souls which were

never cleansed out of their impurities!"

And Albus had a vague idea of what it meant. Yet he had to do


"We had summoned you, hoping to exchange the gits you had once

bestowed upon us mortals so you could return balance to this realm and

remove the scourge that is trying to disrupt your realm!"

Yet as soon as the words left his mouth, he felt the temperature of the

room drop, and he felt as if a knife was placed on his neck.

"Gifts! You dare call my stolen treasures as gifts, you insolent insect!"

"That will be enough, brother!" cut in a feminine voice as he felt the air sift

much like it had earlier when death had descended to the realm.

And suddenly, the pressure was gone, and Albus found himself capable of

breathing again. He looked up and found another shadowy figure

appearing beside the first one, and this one carried a much different

presence than the earlier one.

It was a sense of finality that she carried like a sense of great burden.

"What are you doing here, sister? This matter doesn't concern you, Fate,"

Albus heard Death snarl in anger, and Albus felt the magic in the room

crackle as the magic of the two deities clashed. Beside him, he felt

Gellert's eyes flutter as his friend began to cough as he began to get up


"It does. After all, they have summoned you to change the very threads of fate

I sewed years ago."

"And why would I listen to them? I owe them nothing!"

"You do!" and suddenly, Albus felt the second diety's presence thicken as

the wave of chill was pushed back, replaced by an instant sweltering

warmth. He then finally noticed a pair of orbs shining under the hood of

the second deity.

"Though rash. My brother is half right. Your payment is too little for the

change you wish to enact. You wish to change the very fate of two souls, and

magic demands that you must give us…"

"Something of equal value," Gellert added from the side, and Albus felt as

if the deity nodded.

"Indeed. The trinkets you used to summon my brother are inadequate given

how they were, in fact, stolen by you humans."

And Albus suddenly felt dread pool in his heart as he saw the shiny orbs

shift towards Gellert.

"Two souls in exchange for untangling the threads of fate that bind the two

souls!" Fate spoke in her feminine voice.

"I want the souls of the two defilers!" Death snarled as bluish orbs lit up

under its hood as well.

"I am the adjudicator here, brother," Fate spoke angrily.

"I shall not let these two scourges remain here any longer. They are an affront

to my very existence…" Yet suddenly, Gellert cut off the very entity that

was demanding his and young Edward's soul.

"You can have my soul," and Albus stilled at those words. And suddenly it

all clicked.

By defilers, he meant Edward and Gellert, referring to their unique ability

to see the future.

"Good. Agree to hand over the other one as well, and I shall untangle my

sister's mess and destroy the fissured soul festering in that scar."

Albus gulped as soon as he heard those words. He looked at Gellert, who

stood there in front of him with a serene smile on his face. Should he

accept the offer and sacrifice young Edward's life to put an end to

Voldemort? To sacrifice one for the greater good.

The face of the young man flashed in front of his eyes as he sat amongst

these very Halls surrounded by his friends, so young and full of life. Yet

he could see the other faces as well, the thousands that sat around him,

wizards and witches from all corners of the British isle whose lives

depended on his choice.

Could he do it, condemn one to save thousands? Could he and, more

importantly, should he?

Yet Albus scoffed as he made up his mind. He stepped forward and spoke


"No," he spoke clearly as he stepped right beside Gellert, whose

dichromatic eyes were focused onto him. He felt the icy orbs of Death

land on him, yet Albus ignored them and turned to face the so-called


"The price was two souls, right?" and before Death could speak up the

weaver of fate answered clearly.

"Yes. Two souls, that is the price," and Albus nodded as the deity of Fate

confirmed the exchange prince.

"Then I offer my soul." He said and watched as the icy blue orbs of Death

narrowed in anger as the ground rumbled.

"NO! I want the souls of the two defile…"

"DONE! The exchange is accepted." The feminine voice of Fate cut off the

screaming and Albus began the very magic in the air ripple as the two

shadowy forms began to vanish.

He looked to the side and found Gellert standing there as well. The thick

black smoke around them began to coalesce around them, and Albus felt

the whole castle shift as the magic circle glowed ominously.

"So, this is it, huh," muttered Gellert, and Albus nodded as he closed his

eyes and carried out one final task. He felt his connection with the castle

sever as he let go of the command of the castle wards to his first-ever

apprentice and colleague.

"It seems so," he answered as he glanced at the vanishing form of his

oldest friend.

"You scared about what comes next?" Gellert suddenly questioned, and

Albus didn't miss the slight quiver in his voice, and he shook his head.

"No, after all, what is death but the beginning of the next great

adventure," Albus himself felt his body vanishing, and he heard Gellert


"You always were the optimistic one!"

And those were the last words he heard as he felt the light vanish as

darkness enveloped him. And in that instant two souls departed the

realm, together and hand in hand, in a way fate had never allowed to be

in this realm.

Perhaps in the next.


And as the whole chamber emptied out, the only thing that remained

were two wands. Legacies of perhaps the two most talented wizards ever




Severus Snape slowly walked into the main Hall of the Malfoy Manor as

his grip on his wand tightened. The main Hall had become the Dark

Lord's private room and had been used by the man, and no one was

allowed to enter the room without the Lord's explicit permission.

The atmosphere in the castle was tense, and everyone was anxious about

the so-called secret mission. Though, by now, the whole continent would

hear about it, as their Lord had threatened a worker from Daily Prophet

to publish a special edition in his name.

He rushed past the massive table and walked up to the gilded cage placed

there, a cage in which lay his target. The Dark Lord's snake roused at his

presence and began to slither and uncoil. His eerie red eyes landed on

him, and Severus felt as if it was the Dark Lord himself staring at him

through those red orbs.

Severus didn't react and aimed his wand at the beast. The snake hissed,

and its eyes narrowed, and it began to rattle the cage trying to break free.

"For Lily," he muttered, his voice barely audible as he prepared his heart

to use the most reviled curse of all.

Severus didn't wait and moved his wand into the wretched pattern of the

killing curse.

"Avada Kedavra!" the whole room lit up, a green bolt of lightning hit the

Dark Lord's familiar, and then Severus watched in awe as a thick dark

cloud began to surround the body of the snake and morphed into the face

of the Dark Lord.

"NOOOOOO!" it screeched loudly, shaking the very foundation of the

castle with its shriek before it vanished as the shadowy smoke rippled out

as a blast, breaking the windows of the manor.


The whole castle came alive in an instant and before he could leave the

room, the doors to the room were opened as the most loyal servants of

their lord stepped into the room.

Bellatrix Lestrange's shifted between him and the now-dead Nagini, and

Severus watched the witch snarl in rage as she took out her wand and

sent a barrage of curses toward him.

"YOU TRAIT…." yet the witch suddenly stopped, as her wand fell from

her hand.

"ARGH!" she screamed as her curses whizzed past him. And suddenly,

Severus felt the Dark mark on his arm burn with searing pain, forcing

him to fall onto his knees.



Suddenly the whole manor was filled with shouts of men and women

screaming in pain and agony, with only those of them unmarked

remained unaffected.

Severus collapsed to the ground as his body writhed in agony, his body

began to convulse, and he felt his very soul screaming in agony as the

Dark mark on his arm continued to burn.

Those unaffected were running around in panic as they tried to make

sense of what was going on. And the last thing Severus Snape saw before

darkness enveloped him was the Dark mark expanding as it began to

cover his whole body.



Elizabeth White's heart nearly gave out as she watched her friend

collapse in front of her.

"Edward!" she screamed as she rushed towards him as she watched him

fall to his knees, his face flushed as he struggled to breathe. She saw his

wand fall on the roof of the train as he collapsed with a grunt, his eyes


She reached him and supported his back gently as she cast every

diagnostic spell she knew to find out what was wrong with him. Yet

nothing seemed wrong, yet her friend was dying right there in her arms.

"Edward! Hold on! Please just hold on!" she screamed as she gripped his

hand, and she could feel a haze covering his eyes. He was losing


"NO! NO!" and she knew that she had to get him to St. Mungo's

immediately. So, she held onto him, and just as she was about to close

her eyes for the apparition a massive explosion broke her concentration.


She covered her face as she was showered with shards of broken ice, and

her dread pooled in her heart as she watched the sky get covered by

massive dark clouds, and right there in the center of the clouds was the

most ominous mark of Dark Lord himself.

Carved out of the clouds, a massive skull with eery green eyes, looked

down at them ominously as a shadowy snake slithered out of its mouth

and began to descend towards the lake.

She held onto Edward with shaky hands and closed her eyes as she tried

to apparate away with him, yet she failed. The magic in the air was too

turbulent for the apparition, and suddenly she felt a shiver run through

her spine as a shadowy figure began to ascend out of the lake.

It wasn't human. No, it was too large to be human and was shaped like a

massive snake. She watched it jump out of the frozen lake, and its girth

was nearly twice that of the astronomy tower at Hogwarts.

"Hisss!" the very air trembled as it hissed as it began to coil around itself,

its snake-like slit eyes focused onto her and the unconscious form of her


Fear gripped her heart, making it difficult to even breathe, as she

watched Voldemort appear at its head, his face contorted in fury as his

eyes red eyes blazed in rage.

She saw his eyes shift towards them. No, she was too insignificant for

that gaze. No, they focused on Edward, and Elizabeth knew that she had

to do something. She heard him hiss loudly as the massive shadowy

snake-like creature hissed again, its eyes narrowing onto them as it hissed

loudly before it began to rush towards them.

Elizabeth gently placed down her friend and placed his wand in his

pocket as she stood and walked in front of him. She hardened her heart

as she gripped her own wand tightly and began to chant and wave her


She began to cast every spell she could recall, shields, wards, curses, and

any other spell that came to mind. Yet despite all her efforts, the massive

beast remained unaffected by her spells and continued to rush towards

them as it opened its mouth to reveal its massive fangs.

Yet she couldn't give up. She couldn't, so she continued to cast, even as

her wand heated up, even as she felt her eyes tear up, even as she felt her

very soul scream at her to get away, she continued to cast.

And just as the beast was meters away from her, she hardened her heart

as she resorted to the last spell she hadn't tried, the most reviled and

dangerous curse of all, and hardened her heart as she waved her wand in

a zig-zag fashion as she shouted the ominous words.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" and she felt her very soul scream in agony as a

green bolt of lightning shot out of her wand, aimed straight for the head

of the beast, meters away from devouring her. Yet even the vilest of

curses did nothing as the beast continued to rush towards her.

In the end, she closed her eyes as she resigned herself to her fate.

"I am sorry, Edward," she whispered, and then as she stood there resigned

to her fate, she suddenly felt a small whisper from behind in a very

familiar tone.

"Ignis Darkin!"


Voldy just murdered all his followers to survive. Since he was

already a homunculus and with all of his Horcruxes gone, he would

have died, so he siphoned off all magic of his followers, leaving

them dead to delay his death.

Elizabeth's last stand was inspired by a scene from Pirates of the

Caribbean where the Kraken devours Jack along with the Pearl.

As always, you can read ahead and support me on Pa-tre 0n. Your

support makes it possible for me to write these stories. So, if

possible, consider dropping a nickel if you can. It would help me

out a lot.

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Now, you can get an early look at my new fic, "The Last Trial" on .

Will begin public uploads in a week.

53. Chapter 53

Chapter 53


The Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts paced nervously as the staff in

front of her continuously processed the hoards and hoards of students

that were apparating to the front of the school. She thanked the Gods

that they had planned for this scenario and the staff was primarily aware

of their duties.

Pamona and Filius were there at the gates dealing with the apparating

students, resolving any splinching incidents as well, of which there were

quite a lot due to the nature of the students.

Behind her, Poppy, along with Albus's new apprentice, had tents

prepared to treat anyone who was critically injured, though thankfully,

those tents were majorly empty, with only a handful of students having

sustained any injuries.

And suddenly she found the person she had been looking for, as three

people suddenly appeared at the edge of the gates. Three of them dressed

in her house colors, accompanied by their young colleague.

"Nyphadora! Nypmphaora!" she called out to their DADA professor, who

was huffing and breathing laboriously as Pamona and Filius rushed Harry

and Hermione into the castle grounds.

The young DADA professor looked up, and McGonagall began

questioning her instantly.

"Tell me what happened exactly, and there are still a number of Slytherin

students missing?" she questioned hurriedly and saw the young witch's

face shift as she spoke out quickly.

"We were attacked. They used Polyjuice potion and infiltrated the train,

dressed up as some Slytherin students. He himself led the attack, he was

after Harry for some reason," spoke the young professor and she was

about to continue, they were interrupted by a loud shriek.

"AGHHHHH!" her head snapped towards the source and she found young

Harry Potter there lying on the ground convulsing in pain, as Hermione

Granger stood there by his side frozen and perplexed.

"BACK OFF! EVERYONE BACK OFF!" Poppy was quick to react and was

immediately at the boy's side, and Minerva watched her cast a number of

diagnostic spells on the boy, her face paling with every chant.

"What is going on, Pomfrey?" she questioned as she joined the end witch,

who shook her head.

"I don't know," the matron answered and though Minerva was troubled

by the state of her house student, she had to focus on the larger issue at


"Move him to one of the med tents. Keep an eye on him and contact St.

Mungos," she ordered as she turned and scanned the students in front of

her, ignoring the screams from the young Gryffindor as Poppy carried

him to a tent.

"Is this everyone, Filius?" she questioned the short charms master, who

flipped a number of pages on the paper board he was holding and

nodded slowly.

"Apart from some students from Slytherin and the Aurors stationed on the

bus, everyone else is accounted for," spoke the charms professor.

"Those Slytherin students were never on the train so we can cross them

out," added Professor Tonks from the side as she scanned the pages,

before she looked up at her and shook her head as she mouther Aurors,

her intent clear.

Those Aurors had been killed.

"I need to go back," suddenly the young witch said, as she began to step

out of the school wards, making her frown.

"Why?" she questioned and the young witch turned to answer.

"Elizabeth is still back there, she was supposed to be here by now," added

the witch and Minerva nodded and saw as the DADA professor closed her

eyes, and tried to apparate. Yet her body didn't vanish, it tried to shift yet

the young witch landed back on her feet again.

"I cannot apparate!" remarked the young witch with a pale face, as she

tried again. And again. And again.

"Minerva! You need to come here!" a shout from Poppy interrupted her

making and she rushed towards her, and as she stepped into the tent her

heart nearly gave out as she saw the scene in front of her.

Poppy stood there, with young Miss Granger behind her, wand in hand as

a thick dark mass emanated from Harry Potter's body. No, not his body,

but from the scar on his forehead. The mass shifted and coiled and

writhed as it took the form of a head, a bald head with a disfigured slit-

like nose.

"Voldemort!" she gasped as she recognized that face, and took out her

wand, yet the face was scrunched up in pain and shrieked loudly making

the flaps of the tent shuffle as it caused a storm as it expanded and

dissolved with a massive burst.



The wave of darkness washed over the surroundings as Harry Potter once

more landed on the bed, and Poppy cautiously walked towards the young


"What was that?" she questioned, and then suddenly the wand fell from

her hand as Minerva McGonagall felt her heart shrink, suddenly she felt a

massive burden land on her shoulders as she felt the control of the wards

of the castle shift onto her.

As, the deputy Headmistress she had controlled them previously as well,

yet she had always possessed partial control. However, this time she had

just received complete control over the wards, essentially making her the


Something which was only ever possible in one scenario, a scenario she

didn't even want to imagine.

"Albus!" she gasped as she looked towards the Hogwarts Towers, as she

refused to accept the most likely cause of this change. Continued to

ignore the truth that the wards told her. Continued to ignore the truth,

that Albus Dumbledore was dead.



"Ignis Darkin!" he shouted as he pulled back Elizabeth with his free arm,

making her stumble as she crashed into him.

Dark Flames erupted around him, and as the massive dragon-snake-esque

beast of Voldemort opened its maw to devour them, a massive wall of

dark flames stopped it in its tracks.

The flames roared around him, as they began to take form around him,

forming massive skeleton before the skeleton roared loudly, and flames

began to convalesce around it giving it much more detail, forming armor

around it as the fiery guardian took its final form.

"ROAARRRR!" the massive guardian roared and pushed away the beast,

and Edward finally caught a glimpse of Voldemort once again, and

noticed the change in his appearance.

He still didn't what exactly had happened to him, but he had a pretty

good idea, and one look at Voldemort confirmed his suspicion.

Voldemort was dead. Even at this distance, he could see the man's skill

peeling off as cracks began to form on his face.

Shadowy blobs of darkness continuously began to warp into him making

the cloud of darkness around him grow bigger and bigger, yet Edward's

eyes widened as he saw that they weren't just shadows. No, he

recognized some of those faces, and as he looked closer, he was pretty

sure those faces belonged to Death Eaters. And Edward suspected that

these dark shadowy things were souls. Souls that belonged to Death

Eaters, which he was trying to sue to sustain himself.

"AKHGHHHHHH!" the man screamed as his skin continued to peel off, as

the man writhed there in pain and agony in front of him.

"He is dying," he murmured catching Elizabeth's attention whose head

snapped towards him.

"What?" she questioned, as Edward nodded and watched as Voldemort's

body began to expand suddenly the Dark Snake-esque creature began to

retreat and coil around its creator once more.

"Yes, he is dead. He tried to use his Dark Mark to live on, but it's not

working," and then suddenly he watched as Voldemort's body began to

expand, and suddenly the man exploded, and a massive wave of Darkness

expanded throughout the area.


Edward's fiery guardian protected them by bringing its shield forward,

yet Edward was still forced to close his eyes as the whole area was

basked in a massive cloud of darkness. And when Edward opened his

eyes once again, he stilled at the sight in front of him.

For Voldemort stood in front of him, or at least what remained of him as

a large massive shadowy wraith with four large shadowy snakes

surrounding him. He felt Elizabeth stiffen beside him as Voldemort.

"You thought killing me would be the end!" he snarled loudly as its

shadowy mouth opened, the massive shallow orbs lit with a red hue.


TO RULE THIS WORLD!" he snarled in rage, making the very air shake

with magic as he floated there in front of him in his wraith form.


ME! NOW I SHALL DO THE SAME!" he shouted, and Edward watched

those orbs shift to the side, and suddenly he felt dread pool in his heart

as he understood the implication behind those words.

"NO!" he shouted as he stepped forward and waved his wand, making his

fiery guardian roar, as Voldemort's attention turned towards him.

Edward waved his wand, and watched as his black flame warrior opened

its mouth and spewed a massive jet of flames at Voldemort!

Voldemort simply raised his hand, and two of the massive snakes at his

back rushed forward coiling around each other and clashing with his jet

of fire, making the whole area tremble as their magics clashed


Edward gritted his teeth and twisted his wand as the volume of the fire

increased, yet they were still at a stalemate. Then suddenly the hair on

his neck rose up, and he turned back and found Voldemort standing there

behind him, those gleamy red orbs focused on him.

And he watched as the man, raised his hand, and the other two massive

snakes rushed towards him. Edward knew that he couldn't defend himself

from this attack and tried to apparate away when he suddenly felt his

body jerk back as his attempt at apparition failed.

"PROTEGO!" he heard Elizabeth shout as a golden shield appeared in

front of them, yet it broke instantly as Voldemort's shadowy snakes came

into contact with it.

Edward gritted his teeth and pulled Elizabeth closer and shouted as he

pointed his wand to the ground.

"HOLD ON!" he shouted, and she wrapped her arms around him as his

wand lit up.

"Bombarda!" he shouted and the ground broke underneath them, and

both of them began to fall, as the attack passed right above their heads,

crashing into the form of his fiery guardian, who roared in agony as the

massive snakes began to claw away at it hungrily.

"Roar!" it screamed in agony as the shadowy snake continued to coil

around it, overpowering it, yet Voldemort hadn't missed their little


Voldemort was quick to react and, immediately sent a series of attacks

towards them. Shadow wraiths appeared behind him and rushed towards

them as they were free-falling.

"I really should have cracked that flight spell!" Edward spoke through

gritted teeth as he waved his wand quickly, making the ice below them

reach up it formed a massive slide for them, cushioning their landing,

and as they were sliding down, he began to chant quickly as his wand

began to crackle with lightning.

"Tempest!" he shouted and felt his shoulder scream in pain, as a massive

burst of lightning rushed out of his wand, straight at the shadow wraiths,

turning them to smoke in an instant as it continued towards Voldemort,

who simply swatted it away.

"You puny insect!" he roared in fury, making Edward gulp as the very air

shook due to the massive amount of magic he was gathering, and he

began a chant of his own as he spoke to Elizabeth.

"Run away and apparate to Hogwarts as soon as you can. Warn them!" he

ordered as he aimed a gentle banishing spell at her.

"Wha…" but her words were muffled as she was sent flying back,

allowing him to give his full attention to the monster in front of him.

"Time to come down to earth!" he whispered as the clouds rumbled

loudly, as he spoke once more.

"TEMPESTTT!" and brought down his wand, the clouds shook once more,

rumbling loudly as they lit up before suddenly a massive bolt of lightning

crashed down from them, straight at Voldemort!

"AGHH!" the man screamed as his body crashed into the ice below, with a

massive thud, yet Edward knew that this was far from over.

The dust cleared up, and Edward's eyes narrowed as Voldemort's wraith

stood there, significantly smaller than before, the shadows or souls of the

former death Eaters that formed it dispersing away, showing that this

form wasn't sustainable.

All he had to do was to survive, yet Edward wasn't really at his optimal

condition as well. His clothes were torn at various places, and he bled

from his arm and head, his magical reserves were already at dangerously

low levels. He could barely cast another spell or two, any more would be

impossible so he had to be careful.

"YOUUU!" snarled Voldemort loudly making, causing the wind to storm

away as Edward's grip on his wand tightened, and he raised his wand

once more despite the pain. He watched as his wand lit up with the all-

too-familiar green hue,



And a hoard of conjured butterflies surrounded him as Voldemort's spell

whizzed towards him, hitting one of the conjured butterflies, ending its

short-lived life as it fell to the ground lifelessly.

"YOU! WHY DON'T YOU DIE!" he screamed in rage as he began to fire his

signature curse at him, yet his defensive hoard of butterflies continuously

defended him, stopping each of the killing curses.

Voldemort had lost his body, and was barely clinging on to life. Since he

had no physical body that meant regular spells would be useless against

him. His evolved Ignis was capable of dealing with spiritual attacks, yet

Edward had little energy to use such a massive spell again.

In this case, there was only one spell he could use and he took a deep

breath as Voldemort's body suddenly began to convulse unnaturally as

shadows tried to break free, the wraith collapsed onto his knees as he

roared loudly struggling to maintain his form.

Edward gritted his teeth as he brought his wand up once again, its tip lit

up in a characteristic silvery hue, as closed his eyes, as he slowly


"Expecto Patronum!"



Elizabeth White was sent flying back as Edward's vanishing spell hit her

in the gut, and she watched as his focus turned towards Voldemort's

shadowy form once more she quickly cast a cushioning charm as she

finally hit the ground at the shore, crashing into the shore with a thud.

"ARGHH!" despite the cushioning charm the landing wasn't exactly

comfortable, and she rolled on the ground a number of times and scraped

and grazed her skin, damaging her clothes as she finally came to a halt.

"Ouch!" she grunted in pain as she struggled to get back on her feet, her

eyes once more going to the form of her friend as he fought with the

wraith of Voldemort in the center of the lake, which was now covered

with a thin dust cloud as Voldemort's body crashed into the frozen lake

due to Edaward's spell.

She recalled his last words and closed her eyes, and tried to apparate

away, yet she failed. But she could tell that if she were to move away a

little more, she would be able to push through the disturbing magical

turbulence and apparate to Hogsmeade.

She tried to run away, yet nearly stumbled as her ankle roared in searing

pain. She gritted her teeth and began to stumble away as she tried to get

away, her heart continuously screaming at her to glance back. Yet she

didn't, for she knew that if she did so, she wouldn't be able to move


She had to trust in Edward, and just as she reached the end of the

massive field and felt that she could apparate, the whole air shook once

more. Yet this time it wasn't with vileness or despair. No, this time, she

felt a sense of deep calm and elation envelope her as waves upon waves

of silver mist passed through her.

"AGHHHH!" she looked back, and her eyes widened as she saw Edward

standing there basked in the silvery soothing hue as a massive beast shot

out of his wand, racing towards the kneeling form of Voldemort, which

seemed to be dissolving into nothingness with each passing second.

Even at the distance, she was captivated by the beauty of the avian beast

as it unfurled its wings as it flew towards the shrinking form of

Voldemort, who, in his last attempt to win, opened his mouth as a

massive shadowy snake shot out his mouth, clashing with Edward's


Yet Voldemort's struggle was futile as Edward's spell continued to

overpower his spell, pushing back the creeping darkness as Voldemort

screamed in agony as the light simply enveloped him.

"AGHHHHHH!" and then, with a massive storm of light, she watched as

the man dissolved into nothing right in front of her eyes, ending the reign

of terror and the war that had ravaged Britain's wizarding world for


The massive storm of light forced her to cover her eyes, and when it died

down she opened her eyes and looked ahead, and her heart nearly gave

out as she watched her friend collapse as well, his wand falling from his

hand and Elizabeth felt dread pool in her heart as she rushed towards

him, as she screamed loudly.



A whole year of writing. More than 100k words, and now we reach

the end.

Thank you all for sticking with me throughout this journey, you

have no idea how much this means to me, and how much you all

have helped me.

I don't know what to say, to you all except Thank you. Thank you,

Thank you.

Epilogues come next, before we delve into my next story, which is

going to be a bit strange. The motivation behind my next fic is one

of the first HP fics I ever read ( The Trial ). I am still planning the

story yet I believe it's going to be a banger.

The first chap has been uploaded now for my new fic.

You can support my writings by becoming a patr 0n. Your support

helps me write these stories. So, if possible, have a look and

consider dropping a knut or two if you can. It would help me out a


(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Hope you gave enjoyed the story!

Epilogue comes in 24 hrs.

54. Chapter 54



The wat had taken much from them, yet in the end, they had won. They

had lost much yet had gained quite a bit as well. The war had

highlighted the need for reform in their world, a need for them to bring

meaningful changes in their world so they could avoid the rise of another

Dark Lord in the future. So, that they could leave a better future for their


The war had taken much from them. Voldemort's last spell had killed

nearly all those who bore his mark, only sparing those who had received

the infamous Dark Mark recently. Though they had been hospitalized as

well, but would survive if the reports from the medics were accurate.

This had basically killed all the death eaters and had left the wizarding

world crippled with so many of the pure-blood families becoming extinct.

Now, a year after the end of the war, with normalcy returning to the

magical world, it was the perfect time to enact these changes. An

opportunity that was only possible because of the person sitting in front

of her. Voldemort's second ascension had taken them all by surprise, and

with the Ministry compromised and Dumbledore way past his prime, the

wizarding world had needed someone else to step up to the Dark Lord.

They needed a new symbol.

And the blonde sitting opposite to her had become that symbol, the

young man had let his hair grow, and there were hints of a beard

growing on the young face, his features still marred by the burn marks

that covered a quarter of his face and nearly went down to his neck. He

had a light smile on his face as he sipped his coffee, a bitter drink she

wouldn't ever tolerate in her office.

Edward Wright, born to humble beginnings and raised in a muggle

orphanage, the young man was now a legend in the magical world, often

getting mentioned in the same category as Dumbledore himself. He had

been awarded multiple medals for defeating Voldemort and for his

services during the time after when he had helped the Aurors in bringing

a semblance of order to their world.

"Is there any way I can convince you to stay in Britain?" she questioned

with a smile, and the young man laughed a bit and shook his head.

"I am afraid not, Minister. I have kept my promise and have stayed for

over a year despite the end of the war and have helped you as much as I

could. I believe I must be on my way now," and it was such a shame.

The young man remained adamant about leaving Britain. He had served

as a professor for a year at Hogwarts for the subject of dueling, a

discipline which the new Headmistress planned to reintroduce with old

Professor Flitwick taking over the course as the school looked to hire a

new charms teacher.

"Well, that is a shame, but it is your decision," she said sadly though she

had expected this. The young man's very public relationship with his

fiancée was the constant headline of the Witch's weekly. They were

Europe's most famous couple and would have their faces plastered in the

newspaper nearly every week.

Fleur Delacour, the French Veela, was an exemplary witch in her own

regards and had become stayed in Britain for the past year serving as

Headmistress Minerva's apprentice. The story of their rebellious romance

had somehow gotten leaked, making her somewhat of a celebrity in

Britain's magical world. Though from what she had heard, the Veela

wasn't quite fond of the public attention and wished to return home.

"Then I believe that is all. I will be on my wa…." But as the young man

was about to get up, she cut in quickly as she picked up a folder from the


"Not yet. There is one last thing you need to do," she said, and the young

man sat down once more, a small frown appearing on his face as she

handed him the folder.

"As you are aware, the Wizarding world faces a major crisis given that

quite a number of pure-blood families were wiped out throughout the

two wars," she began as Britain's hero opened up the folder and began to

skim through the documents inside.

"After much deliberation, it has been decided that Wizengamont will be

restructured to hold both elected and inheritable seats, to strike a balance

between the old and the new ways so that we don't have a repeat of this

war again and seek a political solution to our problems," she summarized

the documents and saw his eyes widen as he turned the page.

"Given your contributions to the war effort, the Ministry has decided to

give you a permanent seat on the Wizengamont, one that will be

inherited by your progeny after you and so forth," she informed him.

And the young man seemed perplexed and skimmed through the files.

"But I don't plan to stay in Britain," he answered, and she shrugged.

"It doesn't matter, really. This seat will belong to the Wright family name,

you could let it be empty or more preferably, appoint someone to

represent your interests," she said as she handed him a pen.

"Just sign these documents; I will take care of the rest," she told him, and

the boy nodded and took the pen and, after some deliberation, signed the

two documents with a flourish and handed her back the leather folder.

"Well then, I will be on my way. It was good to see you again, Minster

Bones," said Britain's latest ennobled gentry as he offered her a

handshake. She smiled as she took his hand and shook it.

"It was good to see you. And please know, my office's door is always open

for you. If you need anything, just reach out," she said, and the young

man nodded and left her office, leaving her to deal with the plethora of

paperwork hidden behind her desk.


Britain's Hero marries his long-time French fiancee in a private ceremony in


by Harvey Spectre

Beauxbaton's newest faculty member- Edward Wright- Britain's Hero becomes

a dueling Professor!

by Mike Ross

Couple's Absolute Dominance! The infamous couple of Edward and Fleur

Wright dominate the Duelling World Championship, reach the finals, and will

face each other!

by Harvey Spectre

The return of the Tri-Wizard Tournament!

by Mike Ross



"I cannot believe they brought back the Tri-Wizard tournament," spoke

the young Slytherin from the side as they raced past the clouds.

The truth was that she could hardly believe that they had done so as

well. It had not even been a decade since the last attempt at reviving the

tournament, and she still remembered how that had gone.

Though things were much different now than a decade. A decade ago, it

had been her in those seats by her side, clad in the Hogwarts uniform,

huddled with friends, joking and talking about life.

"Professor White, you were still a student when they held the tournament

the last time, right?" questioned the aforementioned Slytherin student,

and as her eyes glanced past the 'Headboy' badge, a set of fond memories

surfaced in her mind reminding of her another Slytherin who once wore

that badge.

"Yes, I was. But the tournament had to be canceled that time due to some

unfortunate circumstances," she replied, and the students began to gossip

once more, and she heard could still hear them whisper.

'Voldemort' 'War' 'Kidnapping'

She could still vividly remember those days, and how the last tournament

had ended in tragedy. Yet this time things would be different. Firstly the

tournament was being hosted by Beauxbaton this year, with their new

Deputy Headmaster taking charge of the preparations.

She smiled as she thought about the title, something which she shared

given Professor Sprout's recent retirement. Flitwick had decided to give

her the position citing, much to her consternation, and coincidentally her

old friend had been given the same position across the Sea.

"Professor is it true that you were friends with Edward Wright?" the

question broke her out of her trance, and she looked to the side and

found a sixth-year Hufflepuff looking at her with gleaming eyes. The

whole cabin's eyes were focused on her, waiting for her answer.

Had she never mentioned this? Well, maybe she had taken too much after


She nodded, "Yes, we were in the same year, and I was friends with him,"

and she saw the young Hufflepuff's eyes sparkle as she followed up


"Wow! They say he is even stronger than Albus Dumbledore and is the

greatest wizard of the past century!" continued the Puff with sparkling


"That's not true. Dumbledore was his teacher. How could he surpass him,"

came the retort from a Gryffindor, and she knew where this was going.

And knew that she had to put an end to this right now!

"That will be enough!" she cut in sharply, and the young Hufflepuff

student closed her mouth. They all knew better than to disregard her

instructions and quieted down in an instant.

She caught a glimpse of the towers of Beauxbatons and knew that they

had reached their destination.

"We have reached Beauxbatons and will be landing shortly. I want

everyone acting prim and proper, you are representing Hogwarts, and I

will be having words with anyone who makes a fool out of himself. Do I

make myself clear!" she spoke strictly as she let her eyes move across the

room as the students nodded at her instructions.

The Thestral pulled carriage began its descent, and she straightened out

her clothes as a sense of excitement rippled through her. It had been

quite some time since she had met Edward, the last time being nearly

over a year and a half ago when she had visited him and Fleur to

congratulate them on their firstborn child.

Althea Wright would soon be turning two years old, and as her

godparent, she had a duty to look after the said child. Edward had been

besotted with his daughter and doted quite a bit on her, his relationship

with Fleur still a thing of the tabloids, especially after their exclusive

interview with Amy before they had faced each other in the Duelling

World Championship finals.

"We are landing!" she remarked as the carriage slowed down and the

wheels hit the ground. The massive building that could only be the

famous Beauxbaton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, stood in front of


She caught a familiar silhouette standing there alongside a couple of

students through the windows as the carriage came to a complete halt.

She glanced over at the Hogwarts students and saw them brimming with

excitement as their stared at the massive building in front of them.

Beauxbatons had been built quite differently than Hogwarts, whose old

rising towers gave the castle a gothic appearance.

Beauxbatons, in contrast, had fewer towers and more chateau-like

constructions with flower-filled trees and branches arching over their

colorful walls, giving the school a much more warm and welcoming

feeling than her own alma mater.

The doors to the carriage opened, and she saw a welcoming committee

walking towards them, her eyes easily recognizing the person leading the

two students from the school.

His hair had been left to grow and now reached past his ears, yet they

were impeccably styled, most definitely by Fleur, given the attention to

detail, his signature gold-rimmed glasses now replaced by rimless ones,

accentuating his unique amethyst eyes. The scar on his face was visible,

the years and the advancements in healing spells had made it quite

smaller, yet it still reached up his neck, covering a side of his face.

The students behind her were awed at his appearance, his legend had

only ever grown back home in Britain despite his absence, and she could

hear them whisper his name behind her.

"Elizabeth!" he said jovially as he gave her an enthusiastic hug making

the eyes of her students go wide, seeing their usually strict professor

smile. She would deal with them later as they separated and Edward

shook her hand.

"It is so good to see you," he said, and she nodded.

"It is good to see you as well," and then before they could begin getting

lost in conversation, someone coughed slightly from his side, and they

finally realized that they had a job to do. She glanced at the source of the

noise and felt her eyes widen as she saw the all-too-familiar silvery

blonde hair, and blue eyes.

Those features were quite majestic, and she could feel a number of boys

gaping like idiots at the female student in front of them, reminding her of

times the girl's elder sister had stepped into the hall at Hogwarts.

"Though you have already met, for ceremonies sake, let me introduce you

to the head of the student body at Beauxbatons, Gabrielle Delacour,"

remarked Edward from the side as Fleur's younger sister slowly waved

her hand with a smile making all the boys behind her nearly pop out

their eyes.

"Hi, I am Grabrielle Delacour, and welcome to Beauxbaton's. I hope you

have a memorable stay," she finished in accented English, her small

angelic voice making the boys swoon after her. It was a cough from her

and several pinches from the accompanying girls that broke their

Heabdoy of his trance as he put forward his hand with a light blush on

his face as the rest of the boys and some of the girls glared at him with

murder in their eyes.

"Hi, I am Ethan Hunt, head boy at Hogwarts," and the young Veela shook

his hand and spoke with a smile.

"It is good to see you, Ethan. Let me lead you all to the Hall," said the

young Veela as she gave Edward a glance from the side and began to lead

away the students.

"Ahhh, head of the students committee. Do I sense a bit of nepotism

going on," she teased as she joined Edward, who scoffed as he shook his


"As, if. That girl is even more trouble than her sister. She has her eyes set

on my beating my record at the youth Duelling Championship. If she is

selected as the champion from Beauxbatons, she will school your

students," he remarked with pride, and she narrowed her eyes.

"Ohh, is that pride I hear? But do remember that Minerva and Flitwick

spent years rehauling the whole school syllabus. You would be surprised

at how good the students are this year," she remarked, and it was true.

Minerva McGonagall had completely changed Hogwarts in her time as

the Headmistress enacting several fundamental changes in curriculum

and teaching style. And it was because of this reason Hogwarts now

boasted a faculty twice as large as before, along with additional courses

forwarding, enchanting, and dueling, to name a few.

And yes, despite her repeated attempts, the school still had a Divination

course though it was now taught by a certain professor.

"Ohh, then you wouldn't mind a little wager," teased Edward as he

wiggled his eyebrows. And she narrowed her eyes and smirked as she

brought out a galleon and tossed it to him.

"You are on," he caught it as the massive doors to the Hall opened up.

"You are so on!"


20 Years later-2020

Fleur Delacour looked on at the screen infront of her with sadness as the

whole society collapsed around her. With advancements in muggle

technologies, they had reached enough advancement that the statute of

secrecy could no longer stand.

And despite their various tries and negotiations, the world's reaction to

the existence of their community had been as expected.

Fear. And in that fear, they had returned to their most animalistic nature,

launching operations against all such settlements. Initially, all the

wizarding governments tried to deal with the issue separately, but when

an attack was launched against the Beauxbatons school in France, leading

to hundreds of injuries, leaving several dead, they knew that this couldn't

be allowed to go on. The wizarding world needed to act, and it needed to

do it fast.

And though many names were floated around, Harry Potter, Hermione

Black, and even Elizabeth White, in the end, none of them were selected.

For there was truly only one option to lead them all.

And so, as the military forces of Britain laid siege to Hogwarts, the

blockage being broadcasted all over the world, each and every wizard

held their breath as they waited for a response.

"I stand here, on the front lines, as the British Royal army surrounds the

wizarding stronghold, a castle which is thought to be a place for training

wizards and witches. The army has had the place under siege, with

various particle disruptors placed around the building to stop the wizards

and witches inside from leaving the place through their apparitions. This

technique allows them to literally teleport," the young blonde man spoke

into the screens as the camera shifted to show the so-called particle

disruptor. And she gasped as she saw the castle she had visited all those

years ago, the very castle where her better half had studied for more than

half a decade.

Yet now, the castle stood there under siege by an army with tanks and

jets surrounding it, and given the time of the year, she was sure that the

castle was filled with students. Children who were surrounded by an


"The disruptor was developed by the military a month ago and has

proved extremely useful against common magical folk. The Government

has given the magical fold an ultimatum of one hour to declare complete

surrender. Otherwise, the army will be given the permission to conduct

an operation to gain control of the stronghold." The reporter suddenly

stopped as the camera showed one of these disruptors, and she cursed the

very soul of the person who had built those machines.

And then suddenly it happened, as a loud lightning was heard. And she

knew that this was over!


"What the!" the reporter shouted, as the cameras quickly panned towards

the source of the disturbance and found a man standing in front of the

ancient castle,

"Someone has just appeared at the gates of the castle named Hogwarts

and is walking towards the armed forces. These are exclusive live looks

from the ongoing operation 'Hogwarts' taking place in Britain. Now we

have what appears to be an adult wizard walking towards us," the

reporter shouted, and she gasped as she saw an all too familiar face

appear on the screen.

It had been years since she had seen those amethyst eyes filled with rage,

yet those eyes on the screen promised retribution. The years had added a

little grey to his hair, and though he remained thin, his gait and height

made him seem imposing and powerful.


could be seen shouting, yet the man didn't stop. They fired shots at his

feet, yet the man didn't stop, his features becoming clearer and clearer

with each step he took. The right side of his face remained scarred, a

burn mark that reached his neck. The man held an all too familiar aspen

wand in his hands.

"Fire!" the commander shouted, and the men began to fire straight at the

man. Yet the bullets didn't hit the man and kept bouncing off of an

invisible shield that spanned around him.

"The bullets are getting repelled! They are not even making a dent! Is this

the infamous magic that has taken the whole world by storm!"

And then suddenly, the man raised his hand and waved it away, and

suddenly, the fortifications and the barricades turned to rash right infront

of everyone's eyes.

"What Is this? The Guns! They have frozen! Look down!" the men

shouted, and suddenly the camera was turned down, and the whole

world saw as the ground was frozen solid. The lush green fields were now

covered with thick crystalline ice, and the ice reached up and covered the

lower half of their body, making it impossible to move! Suddenly,

helicopters and jets began to surround the man and started firing, yet he

simply stood there.

Suddenly, the camera panned to the man responsible for dismantling an

entire battalion singlehandedly,

"My name is Edward Wright, and I am a wizard! And this ends now!" she

heard Edward shout and closed her eyes as she heard those fated words.


And then the chaos began, and the feed was cut as tears dripped down

from her eyes. For what the world didn't know was that as the statue

broke, a single man had been holding back the wizards from resorting to

extreme measures, trying to establish a peaceful resolution to the whole


Yet for his efforts, he was paid back in betrayal, a betrayal that led to the

death of someone he loved more than himself. Someone she loved more

than herself, and tears fell down her eyes onto a small picture that she

held in her hands.

A picture of a much younger her, lying in a hospital bed, forehead

covered in sweat, as Edward stood by her side, his eyes glinting even

through the picture, his eyes filled with tears, as he smiled lovingly at the

small bundle of love in his hands.

"Lilliane Fleur Wright" ~ A blessing gone too soon.


And so, it all comes to an end. Thanks for reading the story. This is

the epilogue. My next story has been uploaded as well.

You can support me on Patre 0n

(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Do tell me your thoughts about the story!


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